ma -, MOHAMMED. "The Koran." * THE KORAN * COMMONLY CALLED THE ALKORAN OF MOHAMMED TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH FROM THE ORIGINAL ARABIC By GEORGE SALE With Explanatory Notes selected by Frederic Mynon Cooper to which is prefixed A LIFE OF MOHAMMED A. L. BURT COMPANY, * * <* * * j* * * * PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK THE GENUINE KORAN. THE Arabian Bible, to which this Life is prefixed, ia the genuine Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mo- bammed, and which was translated into English immedi- ately from the original Arabic; and inscribed to the Right Honorable Lord John Carteret, one of the Lords of His Britannic Majesty's most Honorable Privy Council, in 1734, by George Sale, a gentleman of extraordinary learning, and a perfect master of the languages, customs, habits, manners, laws, and traditions of the Eastern Nations. It is the only true and legitimate version of the Mo- hammedan Bible ; and could not, perhaps, be published in a popular form, more opportunely than at the present time, when the great Mohammedan Governments are all tottering to their very foundations ; and their subjects are beginning, in the fulfilment of the prophecies of the Holy Scriptures, to yield up their faith in Islamism and become converts to the Christian Religion. BEAUTIFUL LANGUAGE OF THE KORAN. THE Koran is universally allowed to be written with the utmost elegance and purity of language. It is confes- sedly the standard of the Arabian tongue. The Moslems or more orthodox believe, and are taught by the book itself, that it is inimitable by human pen ; and, therefore, insisted upon as a permanent miracle, greater than the raising of the dead to life, and alone sufficient to convinc* the world of its heavenly origin. 2234757 THE LIFE OF MOHAMMED. WE are informed by historians, that many famous cities, distin- guished above others for literature and commerce, contended which of them should have the honor of being the birthplace of Homer. He was the prince and father of poets, and has acquired the just admiration and astonishment of the world. Such a contest was, therefore, commendable, as it evinced the high opinion which men at that period had of unexampled merit. But when the charac- ter of Mohammed is attentively surveyed, whether delineated by friends or enemies, the picture is so shocking, that it is a wonder the place of his nativity has not been buried in oblivion. Anj country might blush to have produced such a monster. So great, however, has the veneration of the Arabians for this arch deceiver always been, that they have not left it problematical where he first drew his breath. Everything concerning him was deemed of tor much importance not to be made public, when even his remark in the course of conversation, were considered as oracles. He- was born at Mecca, a city of Arabia, famous for nothing so much as for the pilgrimages made to it, both before and after the estab- lishment of his religion, if it be not a prostitution of the word to give it such a name. He was descended from a tribe called the Korashites, said to be the most considerable in point of influence and wealth, the two great idols of human ambition. The origin of this tribe was one Pher Koraish, who had no doubt acquired his importance by rapine and plunder, which appears to have been the chief trade of that unhappy country. This being the true descent of Mohammed according to the testimony of the most reputed authors, he was not a man of that obscure, mean, and des- picable origin which many have asserted. Those who read little and think less, are ever apt to be led away by those accounts of a person they dislike, which they imagine will degrade him in the estimation of the world. This has often been the unjustifiable 6 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. conduct of too many Christians, forgetting that it would not hae diminished the sterling worth of Mohammed, had he been possessed of any, though he had been brought forth by a beggar, at the root of a hedge ; nor will it ever detract from that just infamy which he has brought upon himself in the eye of true discernment, that he was the hated spawn of opulence and power. The nature and circumstances of a man's birth being wholly independent of him- self, make no part of the value or insignificance of his character But as to Mohammed, it is not true that his parentage was mean and obscure. It is indeed a popular blunder, which passes with the ignorant as a matter of fact, and which Paine has adopted in his " Age of Reason," owing to the circumscribed nature of his educa- tion. " Moses." says he, " was a foundling, Jesus Christ was born in a stable, and Mohammed was a mule-driver." The design of this sentence is too obvious to require a comment ; for at any time he would barter his reputation ; we had almost said, his soul, for a stroke at Christianity. But to proceed with our narrative : Mohammed's father died when he was only two years of age, which involved his mother Amena and himself in poverty and dis- tress. All the wealth of which his father was possessed devolved to his uncles ; the principal share of which became the property of Abu Taleb, that uncle who supported him so powerfully in the propagating of his imposture, and preserved him on many occa- sions from being cut off by his enemies. Six years after the death of his father, his mother died also, and thus he became an almost destitute orphan at an early period of life. His grandfather, in- deed, whose name was Abd' almotalleb, took him home to his house ; but to enjoy the benefit of his generosity only a short time, for Abd' almotalleb died the following year. Then Abu Taleb, his uncle, took him under his protection, and in the language of Oriental historians, maintained him out of charity. With Abu Taleb he lived sixteen years, being trained up by him to the em- ployment of a merchant, the chief source of wealth among the great men of that country. They traded to Syria, Persia, and Egypt, carrying thither such articles of commerce as they received from India, Ethiopia, and other southern regions of the globe. Mohammed served his uncle with fidelity and advantage, and he left him of his own accord. At this period, being now twenty-five years of age, a circum- stance happened in Mecca, peculiarly favorable to the advance- dent of his projected scheme. A merchant of considerable wealth and influence dying in the city, his widow, to whom he left the whole of his possessions and stock in trade, resolved to carry ou the traffic of her husband, by which he had acquired his eminence. But being destitute of a person properly qualified for an agent or factor to foreign countries, she applied to Mohammed. W hethei BU. knew him to be fit for this office, or depended on the attesta- tions of such as were well acquainted with him, is not certain, but LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 7 the made him such eligible and inviting offers, as he did not deem it prudent to reject. Being taken into her service in the above capacity, he discharged the duties of his office to her entire satis- faction for the space of three years, travelling with her goods into Syria, Persia, and Egypt, and bringing back such advantageous returns as did not fail to please. In the course of his mercantile travels, he became acquainted both with Jews and Christians, whose religious opinions he would examine with as much attention as privacy would allow, or opportunity afford. He found both parties, wherever he went, miserably divided among themselves, which he no doubt considered as a favorable symptom, and a pow- erful encouragement to expect their speedy^ acceptance of the imposture which he was soon to make public. When religious controversy rises to such a height as to extinguish every spark of love, confidence, and respect, and kindle a spirit of jealousy and persecution, men are almost prepared for the reception of any- tl ing, however absurd, if it promises a removal of their present MI i ties. The want of unanimity has been the destruction of ."- nmunities, civil and religious, in every age of the world. I med understood this ; and it will appear, from the subse- q history of his life, that he made his own use of it. His countrymen also were devoted to the belief of those tenets which were known by the name of Zendicism, having a strong resem- blance to the opinions of the Sadducees among the Jews, for they denied a providence, the immortality of the soul, and the resur- rection from the dead. This being almost equivalent to atheism, or no religion whatever, they were in a state very favorable to his designs, and the more easily wrought upon by his artifice and cun- ning. Like a piece of clean paper, they were ready to receive the first impressions that offered, and those made by Mohammed had the desired effect ; for nothing almost was proof against his insinuations and address. He was now twenty-eight years of age, enjoying the advan- tages of a good exterior figure, as all historians allow, which being rnited to that winning mode of address he so eminently inherited from nature, and which he could, no doubt, successfully employ in the management of love affairs, as well as of delusion ; he gained an entire victory over the widow's heart. Khadijah, for that was her name, could no longer resist the artillery of Mohammed's accomplishments, but gave him her heart and her hand, in the for- tieth year of her age. Had not the Impostor's ambitious views been to him instead of everything else, it is not probable that he would have married a woman twelve years older than himself; but her extensive fortune opened to him the delightful prospect of reaching the completion of his fondest wishes. We draw this inference from the practice afterwards adopted by him, always selecting such women as were younger than himself. He wa* espoused to bis beloved Ayesha, when she was only six years of 6 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. age, and the marriage was consummated when she was no more than eight. As females in most parts of the globe within the tor- rid zone arrive at womanhood at the age o*" nine or ten, a woman of forty in Arabia must be as constitutionally old as one of sixtj in Britain. Nor is it likely that Khadijah would have married her servant had not he been possessed of a something which is always captivating in the eyes of those females who pay little respect to the more sublime accomplishments of the mind, and more esj.e- uially if he had not been much younger than herself. Mohammed's ambitious views being thus highly gratified, and his extensive influence, arising from the fortune which this union brought him, conspiring to favor his design, he began seriously to think of the most proper method of divulging his imposture. It cannot be determined whether he considered himself as injured by the revolution which took place in his affairs upon the death of his father ; but certain it ra, that he made every action of his life subservient to the obtaining the sovereign authority over the city of Mecca, which his ancestors had so long enjoyed. But as he rightly judged that his well-known profligacy and wickedness would form insurmountable barriers in the way of his success, he resolved to lead a life of seeming sanctity and actual retirement for the space of two years. He could not be ignorant that the venerable and interesting title of Apostle of God, or messenger from heaven, was totally incompatible with a licentious course. Voluptuous and depraved as his countrymen were, the shrewdness and sagacity which they possessed in a considerable degree could not fan to dictate to them the incongruity between his wonted mode of living and a claim to inspiration. About the age of thirty-eight, he took up his almost daily residence in a solitary cave, nigh to the city of Mecca, where he pretended to be favored with visions from the Almighty. When he returned home at night, he endeavored to persuade his wife of the truth of those wonderful relations, but it seems her incredulity was at first too great to be shaken by such assertions. She could not consider them in any other light than as the result of a disposition to play the wag; but when he persisted with the utmost solemnity to vouch for their truth, she concluded him to be deranged. He next told her, that in the forementioned cave, sacred to the com- munication of important discoveries from on high, he had repeated conferences with the angel Gabriel, employed by Jehovah to bring him down the Koran, which was to contain the religious system of doctrines and precepts that heaven designed for his country- men. But here again he met with his wonted opposition, for hia unbelieving spouse was determined to give credit, neither to the one nor the other. She treated both as the production of a dis- tempered brain, not apprehending the abominable purpose for which they were fabricated. At this time there was a monk residing in his house, who being LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 9 privy to the Impostor's design, and greatly assisting him in bring- ing it to maturity, came opportunely in with his asseverations, jus- tiffed Mohammed in all he advanced, and finally made a convert of the once incredulous Khadijah. What will not patience and perseverance accomplish ? They ought to be his companions, who is concerned in any laudable undertaking which is the work of time, but in the support of a bad, they are eminently useful They who embark in the defence of error and delusion require a command of temper, and an astonishing presence of mind, as they must expect to meet with much irony and ridicule, and have to grapple with a multitude of objections for which they cannot always be prepared. This was the case with Mohammed, in prop- agating his imposture, who, from his first attempt to convince his wife of the divinity of his mission, to the time at which he took up the sword in its defence, a period of no less than thirteen years, was continually exposed to scoffing and ridicule, to laughter and contempt. Yet he never once appeared to be angry, bearing all the indignities that were offered him, without seeming to repine. As ungovernable sallies of passion in support of truth never fail to injure its reception in the world, so it is no less certain, that even error itself loses its native deformity by degrees, when sup- ported with mildness, composure, and diffidence. We are not warranted in saying, from any historical information to which we have had access, that he inherited from nature this government of himself. From the most minute attention to his life, considered as a connected whole, we are led to believe that he was either of a morose and sullen, or of a hasty, passionate temper ; for the propagation of his religion by the sword has nearly as much the air of rancor and revenge, as a determined resolution to push the advantages he had obtained. But before he sounded the mindl of his countrymen, on which depended the probability of his suc- cess, his cunning and ready wit no doubt pointed out the necessity of disguising his temper. Men of an ominous disposition, who are fond of allusion and allegory, think they discover some portentous event in every acci- dental circumstance. To people of this turn of mind it will be a rich treat to understand, that Mohammed withdrew to the cave near Mecca, the very year in which the tyrant Phocas granted liberty to the Bishop of Rome, to assume the title of universal pastor. At the time when Antichrist was climbing to the summit of his impious dignity in the northern, a monster was forging the chains of delusion for the southern hemisphere. Whether such things are brought about by the immediate interference of God, or happen according to the established laws of nature, it is not our design at present fully to investigate. The Supreme Being, we should humbly apprehend, is as much concerned in them, as in other works of his hands, when by the wonderful law of vegetation, oe makes a tree to germinate, blossom, and bear fruit. If Moham 10 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. med went to the nave in the very year in which the grant of Pho cas was obtained, we do not see that it proves anything more than uch an assertion as this : that some person or other was born in the very year, the very month, and perhaps on the very day on which the author of these pages was born. Unfortunately, how ever, for those who wish to make more of this story than a natu- ral occurrence, the dates affixed to the two events will not bring them together. Mohammed was born in the year of our Lord five hundred and seventy-one ; the grant of Phocas is dated six hun- dred and six, and the Impostor took up his residence in the cave at the age of thirty-eight. Now, 38-f-5 71=609, which carries the one thres years beyond the other. If he was born in the begin- ning of 571, the odd year will make one year of his age; and then it will be 571+37, or 570+38=608, two years al'tei the grant of Phocas. Finally, as the Arabs computed by lunar years, Slohammed was only 36 years old, and something more than ten ivmths at the time of his retirement; that is, almost 37. If then you add this to 570 or 571, it will give 607 or 608 nearly, none of which periods will agree with the other. If these two events must be made to coincide exactly in point of time, one of three conclu- sions must be admitted ; either that Mohammed was not born in 571, or that the grant of Phocas was not obtained in 606, or that ihe Impostor did not retire to the cave at the age of thirty-eight. But as all the above dates have the concurring testimony of the most reputed authors extant, it is the fairest and most rational conclusion, that the two events did not happen at the same time. Mohammed, at the age of forty, after completing the period of his probation in the cell, assumed the title of Apostle of God, with none but Khadijah -as the fruit of his exertions, only venturing, however, to practise on the credulity of his domestics and very near relations, since their influence, if it could be obtained, would give him additional encouragement to try his success with the pub- uc. For the space of four years, the converts to his new religion were only nine in number. This gloomy prospect required a degree of patience too big for the shock of disappointment. And here we beseech all zealous, hot-headed Christians to remember, that his having obtained so few proselytes for such a length of time, can be no proof, abstractly considered, of the badness of his cause ; for even truth itself when it is entirely new, will be re- ceived at first with shyness and suspicion. We speak thus, be- cause we never wish to refute error but by solid arguments, unde- niably rational, and not by the spawn of fancy, whim, or ill-nature. We shall presently find him abundantly wicked, without the piti- ful subterfuge of shift or evasion. Recollecting the recluse and austere life he had led in the cave, and expecting to feel the good effects of it, from the reputation for lanctity which it had probably acquired him, he opened his im- posture to the people, at the age of forty-four. The leading ideas LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 11 of all his discourses were, that God is one ; that ho him- lelf was the prophet of God, sent to declare his will to men; and that they who affirm the Almighty to have sons or daughters, are chargeable with impiety, and ought to be de- tested. It was unquestionably his design to inveigh against the doctrine of the Trinity by one part of this assertion, ana to condemn the idolatry of his countrymen by the other. They were strongly addicted to the worship of three female deities, known by the names of Allat, Menat, and Al Uzza, whom they impiously denominated the daughters of God. As was to be expected, the ridicule and opposition he met with from hit hearers put his counterfeit patience to many severe trials. People iid not hesitate to pronounce him a sorcerer. They openly called turn a liar, and viewed everything he uttered as impertinent and fabulous. It is almost impossible to conceive how mortifying it nust have been to his native pride and ambition, to be treated with less ceremony than a ballad-singer. As the fictitious mild- ness of his temper prevented him from betraying the wickedness of his intentions, or giving ground to suspect him as the author of a forgery, by flying out into gusts of passion ; so his ready wit, of which he must be acknowledged to have had a very large share, seldom deserted him altogether on any critical emergency. Yet, amidst the innumerable objections he had to encounter on all hands, many of which he could not always be in readiness to ob- viate, he was sometimes left in absolute silence, to the no small diversion of those who opposed him. The cause he had espoused being so desperately wicked, and so utterly incapable of being supported by argument, we cannot wonder if he was sometimes at a loss for a fetch of cunning, to ward off the rational objections that fell so thick upon him from every quarter, on his first appear- ance in public. When a man undertakes the talk of a Moham- med, it would require the artifice of the devil himself to bear him always through. Yet astonishing to relate, he did go through with it, and for the space of thirteen years, employed nothing like com- pulsion. His wonderful patience under persecution, and his for- bearing to revenge any insult, though he could certainly have wished to do it, had a very considerable share in blunting the edge of opposition. Add to this, that he had a peculiar talent of flat- tery, which he levelled against the weak side of the great and opulent with such a masterly hand, that he procured their protec- tion, and made many of them converts. It is so extremely natural for mankind to love commendation, that few are always proof against its most formidable attacks. If any are so, it must be the man who has not only an extensive education, but a penetrating judgment, and an enlarged understanding. To such a man flat- tery always appears either as the disguise of wickedness, or a design to ridicule. The nartition between flattery and honest 12 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. praise is so very thin, that a wise man will reject all commenda tion bestowed upon him to his face, that he may not run the hazard of being imposed on, nor carried out of himself by the sugges- tions of vanity. But those with whom Mohammed was concerned, were not proof against flattery under his artful management. He gained the ascendancy over many of the first rank in life, which ne no doubt considered as a favorable prelude to the surrender of the poor Although he labored four years for four converts to hia cause, yet the next year of his pretended mission added thirty to their number. The influence of example is always very power- ful, but that of the opulent over their dependents and inferiors can seldom be resisted. His affluent circumstances put it also In his power to bribe the needy, which he brought in to assist th example of the great ; and the united force of these two accom plished his design. It has often been said that poverty is a foe to honesty, and per- haps it is capable of doing as much mischief to a man's religious creed. The offer of plenty to him who is plunged into the ex- tremity of want, is a strong temptation to make a sacrifice of con- science. This effect it produced in the deserts of Arabia, where men of little religion had the less sacrifice to make. A craving stomach spoke louder than reason, and the loaves and fishes wrought wonders in his favor. In addition to all the arts we have ak-eady mentioned, he incessantly applied to those passions of the human mind in his promises and threatenings, which were chiefly consulted in the regulation of their conduct. Their hopes and fears felt his heaviest artillery, as the heaven and hell of his own manufacturing will abundantly evince. In his paradise, he said there were many rivers and curious fountains, continually sending forth pleasing streams. Near these, he told his followers, they should repose themselves on most delicate and sumptuous beds, adorned with gold and precious stones, under the shadow of the trees of paradise, yielding them all manner of pleasant fruits ; and that there they should enjoy most beautiful women, who would not cast an eye on any but themselves. He Kkewise assured them of receiving most delicious liquors and pleasant wines, without having their enjoyment interrupted by intervals of intoxication. This fulsome stuff was a tidbit for the stomach of an Arabian, consti- tutionally addicted to the love of pleasure, and entirely suited to \,he palate of its voluptuous author. It is not difficult to make men believe what they wish to be true, and of consequence m picture of human happiness to be enjoyed in futurity could have been drawn, so completely capable of subduing their opposition, inflaming their desires, and of triumphing over the dictates of rea- son and conscience. In the barren, parched sands of Arabia, what could be so much an object of desire as a cooling shade from die almost vertical rays of the meridian sun, or copious draught* LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 13 of refreshing, cooling liquors, to men burning with thirst ? Such images increased the native impetuosity of their passions, and hur- ried them into the vortex of his impious delusion. But if his description of heaven was peculiarly enchanting '.o those whom he aimed to deceive, his hell was no less terrible to the same description of men. He affirmed that such as would not receive his divine message, should drink boiling and stinking water, breathe nothing but hot winds, dwell forever in continual fire, and be surrounded with a black, salt smoke ; eat briers and thorns, and the fruit of the tree zacon, which would be in their bellies like burning pitch. It is astonishing with what artifice and cun- ning these portraits are delineated. How terrible must it have been to a native of the torrid zone, visited with the intolerable heat of the sun, reflected from the burning sands, as from the mouth of an oven, and whose very zephyrs were fire, to think that such would be his state through everlasting ages, if he should con- tinue to reject the inspiration of the Koran ! By the perpetual sounding of such rewards and punishments in the ears of his countrymen, Mohammed terrified some and allured others into the belief of his mission. But he had still another engine for batter- ing down opposition, and that was, his threatening the most dread- ful judgments here upon earth, in case of non-compliance with his favorite scheme. He gave them to understand, that the old world was destroyed by a deluge, for their disobedience to Noah ; that Sodom was consumed by fire and brimstone from heaven, for it? treatment of Lot, and the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea, for rejecting the mission of Moses. To those and such like instances of the divine displeasure against the workers of iniquity, he added a fiction of his own, about the destruction of Ad and Thamod, totally destroyed for similar reasons. Now, if land be an object of desire to the shipwrecked mariner, drink to the parched tongue, or ease to such aa are tormented with the gout, all the promises and threatenings of Mohammed must have been equally the ob- jects of desire and aversion. And here it is obvious to remark, that there was no sort of analogy between the above judgments, which reason would soon have pointed out to the Arabs, had not their hopes and fears been their principles of action. It was a sophistical inference, that because the Egyptians and Sodomites were made the visible monuments of the wrath of insulted Heaven, therefore all those who rejected his claim to a divine commission would also be punished ; for they were rendered inexcusable by their open contempt of the warnings of Jehovah, or the miracles which were performed to subdue their unbelief; whereas the Ara- bians rejected the lunatic pretences of a man who could only aa- ert, without a single evidence of the truth of his assertion. In the above manner he continued to propagate his imposture, which acquired additional strength so fast, that many, whom no promises could as yet allure, nor threatenings intimidate, began tc 14 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. be alarmed. Such as were supremely ignorant, and excessive!) addicted to idolatrous worship, could not hear his invectives against such a practice without fear or indignation. To have pulled th meat from their mouths under the most pungent stings of hunger, would not have been considered as greater injustice and barbarity, than the exclaiming against their deities. But men of penetra- tion and discernment were alarmed for another reason. Thej saw a system of tyranny and oppression making rapid strides tow ards maturity, which, if not finally suppressed in a state of in- fancy, might soon divest them of all their possessions. This made them resolve to cut off the object of their terror and disgust, let the consequences be what they would, as they rightly judged, that of two evils the least should be chosen. Humanity itself can scarcely help lamenting that they did not succeed ; but by the timely interference and vigorous exertions of Abu Taleb, his uncle, he was delivered from premeditated massacre, to be a scourge to the world. It does not appear that this man ever espoused the religion of his nephew, but such was his affection for him, far ex- ceeding what is commonly found in that degree of consanguinity, that all his power and influence became devoted to his service when in danger from his enemies. Mohammed being constantly urged to work miracles in confir- mation of his pretended mission, by all those who continued proof against his arts of seduction, he was galled to the very soul, and greatly at a loss what answer to return. But being now so accus- tomed to the sneers of waggery, or the terrible blows of reason and argument, he received them as things of course, and his pres- ence of mind cooperating with his ready wit, seldom left him for any length of time in total stupefaction. He therefore told them, without seeming to be much disconcerted, that the working of miracles formed no part of his apostleship, being entirely limited by God to preach the rewards of paradise, and the punishments of hell ; the dignity of his own character, and the submission which all men were required to pay to him as the prophet of God. Soon, however, did he perceive the impotency of this argument. They considered it as reasoning in a circle, to prove his mission by itself. If you are divinely inspired, let us see your credentials, for God will send no man upon such an errand as you assert you are come on, without such undeniable tokens of the veracity of the messen- ger, as all men must believe, if not resolutely blind. Finding the people more than a match for him in canvassing the merits of this excuse, he had recourse to another which he deemed more con- clusive. He said that their predecessors had treated the miracles of Saleh and other prophets of their own country with such ridi- cule and contempt, that God was determined they should never have an opportunity of behaving so again. If we suppose that this nonsensical story was an object of general belief among the Arabs, as we think it was, it behooved to have greater weight wHb LIFE OP MOHAMMED. 15 hif hearers, than bis former apology. If it was a legend of hit own fabrication, he would take care to lay the supposed scene of those miracles at such a distance from Mecca, as to put it out ol the power of the objectors to contradict him to his face. But be ing afraid that even this might fail to produce the intended effect, he said that all those whom God had from eternity ordained to believe, would do so, without the aid of miracles, while those whom he determined should not believe, could not be converted by tec thousand miracles. This was the justly exploded doctrine of fate and destiny, which many of the ancients considered as above the Almighty ; as a blasphemous inexpressible something to which God himself was subject. Yet even this, which is no more like the Scripture doctrine of predestination than the east is like the west, or the light of a glow-worm like that of the sun, would not answer his purpose. He therefore observed that Moses and Joshua were frequemtly disobeyed, and rejected by wickedness and unb<- l> , which made God send him last of all to compel them by the sword. It may here be remarked, that although Mohammed disclaims, in his Koran, the power of working miracles, for the reasons al- ready mentioned, yet some of his admirers have ascribed many to him which are miracles with a vengeance. It seems he was capa- ble of cleaving the moon in two, which no doubt required a very desperate stroke, even from a prophet's arm ! They tell us also that trees went out to meet him ; that water flowed from between his fingers ; a beam groaned at him ; a camel, poor creature, com- plained to him ; possibly knowing him to be a prophet, sent to re- dress all grievances ; and a shoulder of mutton informed him that it was poisoned. Stories have often been invented by wicked men, with a design to depreciate Christianity in the world ; but we dare not say that this bundle of absurdities was the production of any wag for a similar purpose, since Arabian writers relate them, who were superstitiously attached to everything Mohammed either said or did, and who would not have uttered a syllable to his prejudice, had they viewed it in such a light. Perceiving that there was little probability of augmenting the umber of his proselytes by the various arts he had hitherto em- Sloyed, but that a cause so interesting to him was rather on the ecline, he resolved to effectuate by violence, what he could not accomplish by dint of argument. The number of his adherents must, however, have been very considerable, before he could ven- ture to undertake such a hazardous enterprise, since his ambitious views were blasted forever, and his very life at stake, if he did not succeed. Those who say the fewest, allow him to have had five hundred, others a thousand, and others more. Finding that hia cause would flourish no longer at Mecca for the present, and that every moment's delay only increased his danger, by strengthening ihe rage and fury of his opposers, he fled to Mediu a, with as many M would follow him This city is about two hundred and seventy 16 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. miles distant from Mecca, to which he Certainly fled in consequent of an invitation. This favorable turn of fortune he improved in the best manner to his advantage, and the number of his followers in- creasing so fast, he resolved on the reduction of Mecca, with all convenient speed. The genuine dispositions of the man now began to show themselves in all their native deformity, and to evince that rapine and murder were the darlings of his soul. When his cruelty or injustice offended any of his disciples, a chapter of the Koran put everything to rights. It was a plump argument, that God author- ized and countenanced him, and to gain the belief of his follower! to such a daring assertion, was to magnify his villany into some- thing meritorious. Soon after his arrival at Medina, he built a house for his own accommodation, depriving some poor orphans of the ground upon which it was erected. Such a barbarous deed excites pity in the bare relation of it, but this great prophet of God could perform it without any compunction 1 It is matter of lamen- tation to the good man, and of triumph to the infidel, that religion has been so frequently made the imp of wickedness in every age of the world. It is a melancholy proof that no degrees of impiety will shock some men, and an evidence of the stupidity of the mul- titude, in believing that the very worst of crimes can be the off- Bpring of religion. As all authors are agreed that Mohammed lived thirteen years at Mecca, and ten at Medina, at which place he died, and as hia famous trip to heaven is placed in the twelfth year of his pretended mission, it will be proper to take some notice of it here. Being in bed one night with his best beloved wife Ayesha, he had a very familiar visit paid to him by the angel Gabriel. On examining the performances of Raphael, Titian or Van Dyke, we do not find that they ever painted an angel with more than two pinions. It follows, therefore, that they have never favored the world with a picture of Gabriel, since Mohammed, who behooved to know the true state of the matter, informs us that he had seventy brace of wings ! It seems too, that he is as much master of etiquette as any teacher of manners whatever, for he very politely rapped at Mo- hammed's door. On gaining admittance, he shook the good old prophet most lovingly by the hand, telling him that he was sent to jonduct him to the divine presence, to receive the finishing touches of hia glorious mission. A galloway called Alborak, as white as milk, was ready to carry him, a beast on which the prophets had ridden some thousand years before. But while Gabriel held the bridle till Mohammed should mount, the creature began to kick and plunge with such fury and desperation, that he could not get up. Had the stupid animal known the honor that was intended Lim, in being employed to carry such a load of holiness on such an important errand, instead of exhibiting ao much rusticity and want of breeding, he would have neighed with transport. However, a lucky thought came into the good man's head at this critical June- LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 17 ture, which accomplished his aim. He faithfully promised to Albo rak, that if he would let him mount, without any more ado, he should be rewarded in the end with a seat in paradise. And to say the truth, the paradise of Mohammed is fitter for quadruped* than for rational beings. This had its intended effect, when awaj they set for Jerusalem much quicker than lightning. Alborak be- ing fastened to the iTxit of a rock, they instantly reached the first of the seven heavens, composed entirely of solid silver. Here was an old decrepit man, who turned out to be Adam, the father of \aa all, and who, embracing the prophet with great tenderness, thanked God for giving him such a son, as well he might ; for certainly he was a most hopeful and promising child ! Here too he saw the stars hanging by golden chains suspended from the roof, which is a hint to you, ye advocates for the Copernican system, who absurdly believe that the planets roll round the sun ! At the distance of five hundred years' journey, according to the usual rate of travel- ling upon earth, they reached the second heaven, which was all of pure gold. In it he met with Noah, who, from a deep conviction of his inferiority, recommended himself to his prayers. The third heaven was of precious stones, in which Abraham resided ; but a sight of him was a trifle, compared to an angel, on whom he gazed with astonishment. The distance between his eyes was seventy thousand days' journey, and consequently his whole height was five millions forty thousand, or four times as high as all his heavens put together, since each was distant from the other five hundred years' journey. You must not be surprised if he stood right up between the third and fourth, although higher than all the seven ; for if you cannot give it your reason, an Arabian can give it his faith. You may say indeed, that it requires pretty strong faith ; but surely it calls for no stronger belief than the Roman Catholic pos- sessed, when he exclaimed, on his being fairly conquered by argu- ment, " credo quod impossibile est I " The fourth heaven was made of emerald, in which Joseph dwelt : The fifth was of adamant, the residence of Moses, with whom he had a conference : The sixth was of carbuncle, the aliode of John the Baptist ; and the seventh of divine light, where he found Jesus Christ. It is worthy of observation, that all whom he saw in each heaven, recommended themselves to the efficacy of his prayers ; but he confesses that he himself requested the prayers of Christ. We do not suppose that this humility was genuine, but that he paid him this compliment to flatter the Christians, who had always greater indulgences from him than the Jews, and whose favor and friendship he studiously courted. There was also a very remarkable angel in this highest heaven, for he had no 'ewer than seventy thousand heads, (Mohammed you see, did not deal in trifles,) in each head seventy thousand tongues, and each tongue tittered seventy thousand distinct voices at once. That is, he spoke audibly three hundred forty three millions of millions of 18 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. words in an instant, and therefore if he could write with the sam expedition, he must have been able to compose eighty- five millions, even hundred and fifty thousand folio volumes almost in the twink- ling of an eye, though we allow four millions of words to each ! ! On Mohammed's arriving within two bow-shots of the throne of God, he perceived his face covered with 70,000 veils, but when he came near it through water and snow, the hand of the Almighty was se cold, when laid upon his back, that it penetrated to the very mar- row. Having obtained important secrets, which it was not lawful to utter, and having been informed that he should be (which was the very cream of the journey) the greatest man upon earth, he was conducted back again by Gabriel to the foot of the rock, where mounting Alborak, he was presently at home. The Arabians themselves could not help laughing at this great story, when it was related by him the next day. Some of his converts were perfectly ashamed, and it occasioned a considerable diminution of his influence for a little time ; but by the timely and artful interference of Abu Bekr, another of his uncles, the defec- tion was prevented from increasing. This man was a convert to the truth of his pretended mission, and succeeded him in the regal and pontifical dignity. It became next a subject for discussion, whether it was a real journey or a vision, which gave rise to much altercation among his followers. The more rational part of them would have had it only a vision or a dream, since they found it by no means safe to give the prophet the lie by declaring it a fabrica- tion ; but that it was a real journey was the opinion which gained the victory, as it had Mohammed and Abu Bekr on its side. The Impostor himself having now had considerable experience of the success of his Koran, when viewed as a revelation, determined tc give currency to this journey of his, by another chapter, in which he brings in God himself as vouching for the truth of every par- ticular. The contemplative mind stands astonished at this stu- pendous wickedness, and wonders how human nature could per petrate such deliberate villany. But indeed, when the stings of conscience are so blunted as to permit a man with impunity to commence an impostor, there is nothing in the whole compass of human depravity at which he will startle. Being now at Medina, and enjoying the attachment of a con- siderable body oi men, he made frequent attacks upon the adja- cent towns and villages, distributing the booty taken from the vanquished among his soldiers, and reducing the inhabitants to slavery, who procured their emancipation by the acceptance of hi religion. In short, after he had subdued Mecca, which he was not long in accomplishing after his flight from it, he carried his victo- rious arms through the greater part of Arabia, and even into Syria ; and till he put his cause out of the reach of danger, it continued to be supported in the same bloody manner. Such was '.be terror and consternation which his victories occasioned every- LIFE OF MOHAMMED. li where, that many places surrendered to kirn which luj tad not actually visited in person, whose inhabitants procured their liberty on the common terms of bartering their consciences. Having reduced Mecca, the place of his nativity, which he marched against with about ten thousand men, he put. to death all those whom he suspected to be his most inveterate enemies, giving pardon to the rest on a formal recantation ; and having committed the government of the city to a confidential deputy, he returned to Medina, for he did not deem it safe to dwell any longer in a jlace where he might every moment run the risk of being secretly despatched. The Arabs compute their time from the period at which Moham- med fled from Mecca, which they call the Hegira, a word that in their language signifies flight. This is similar to the Grecian method of computing from the first institution of the Olympic games, and the Roman practice of dating from the foundation of the city. Formerly the Mohammedans computed from the last war in which they had been engaged. Mohammed having a deep rooted enmity against the Jews, made war upon all those adjacent tribes who professed that religion. It is perhaps difficult to assign a reason why his animosity had neither limits to its rage, nor termination to its existence ; but we find one circumstance mentioned by some authors, which the Impostor might view as a vindication of its occasional sallies. A certain Jew, named Caab, having a brother who had espoused the religion of Mohammed, he composed on the occasion a ludicrous poem, in which he exhibited the fooleries and nonsense of that religion in such a satirical light, that the prophet determined to take ven- geance on every tribe professing Judaism on his account. Such is the tendency of satirical compositions, if well written, that they unavoidably exasperate the persons against whom they are lev- elled, if they do not reclaim them. Rage being the effect which Caab's poem produced, Mohammed gave strict orders to appre- hend, and bring him to condign punishment. And in order the better to secure the performance of his command, he offered a reward to the person who should seize him. On his being appre- hended and brought before him, the poem was recited by the au- ihor in his hearing ; after inserting the name of Abu Bekr instead of Mohammed, which it seems occurred very often, expecting thereby to mitigate his fury. But finding him by no means in- clined to the side of clemency for this alteration, Caab had re- course to an expedient, which answered his purpose, rescued him from impending destruction, and even obtained him the intimacy md patronage of the prophet. The Impostor having received a new mistress by way of present, an object it seems, who was the very darling of his soul, Caab wrote a poem in commendation of her charms, so exactly suited to the palate of the pretended prophet, that he buried bis resentment m an excess of kindnesa 20 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. Presence of mind, if it be not a virtue, is nevertheless of such inv portance to its possessor, that it frequently delivers him from greater trials, difficulties, and embarrassments, than any of the lour which are denominated cardinal. The whole life of Mohammed after his flight to Medina, was one continued scene of butchery and rapine. He, with his associates and followers, plundered every caravan of its valuable commodi- ties, if not guarded by a force superior to his own, in which case he was obliged to make a precipitate retreat in order to save his life. It often happened, however, that there arose much disputa- tion among his followers, how the booty should be divided, to which he put a final period by the eighth chapter of his Koran. He there assigned one fifth part to himself, and ordered the rest to be divided among his soldiers. Strict discipline and subordination are not easily \ept up among freebooters and thieves, for even the captain of such a gang will soon dwindle into contempt, and per- haps be in danger of losing his life, if he discovers a determined resolution to have an immoderate share. Such is the nature of his employment, that he must rather make his portion the result of their concessions, than of his own stern authority. With this fact Mohammed seems to have been perfectly acquainted, and therefore as he had small hopes of composing their differences or silencing their murmurs by his exertions as a man, he had recourse to his old trade of fetching authority from heaven, and made God the umpire between him and his followers. He was very fortunate in his battles, if success in a desperately wicked cause deserves the appellation ; but amidst the wonderful and mysterious vicissitudes of human affairs, it was not to be expected that he would always be victorious. The most distinguished favorites of fortune, whether in the senate or the field, never experienced sninterrupted suc- cess. At the battle of Ohud he was obliged to retreat, having lost a considerable number of his men, whom he left dead on the field. As many of his adherents concluded that the prophet of God would be invulnerable, and his army crowned with universal triumph, they could not help murmuring against him on the loss af their relations, which, as it betrayed a spirit of disaffection, he prepared himself to suppress. He attempted to persuade them that their defeat was to be ascribed to the wickedness of some who followed him, against whom it thus pleased the Almighty to testify his displeasure. It is no doubt true, that the Supreme Being haa sometimes shown his hatred of vice by the complete discomfiture of the vicious ; but Mohammed very artfully attributed the wick- edness in this case to an improper source. If, instead of consider- ing it as a punishment for the sins of his followers, he had honestly confessed that it was for the crimes of their leader, we should have given him credit for the acknowledgment, and considered it aa pretty near the truth. In addition to this he made use of an old xpedient which had frequently served bis turn upon former occ* LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 21 lions his beloved doctrine of fate and destiny. He observed that the very moment of every man's death is fixed, beyond which no caution can ever carry him, nor the greatest negligence or danger prevent him from reaching. That it is all one as to th time of his departure whether he is at home or in the field of bat- tle. But he gave the finishing stroke to his sophistry upon thii subject by affirming that such as expired in battle, in defence of religion, would unquestionably be rewarded with a seat in para- dise. Nothing equal to this could have been invented, to make men fight with ungovernable fury and .desperation, which the very certainty of perishing behooved to strengthen. As the prospect of death increased, their brutal ferocity would rise higher and higher, since the point of the sword was their passport to heaven. A man of an enlarged understanding may be astonished how such non- sense could become a subject of belief; but let the fact be admit- ted that it was believed, and then the consequences which we have stated must follow. It would be an almost endless task to give even a catalogue of his numerous wars, and therefore we shall confine ourselves to those which more or less affected his circumstances in the world, promoted or retarded the completion of his fondest wishes, or were in any way instrumental in accelerating his death. When he com- pelled the city Khaibar to surrender, he took up his lodgings in the house of a principal inhabitant, being accompanied by an officer, whose name was Bashar. Sitting down to supper, very likely with a pretty sharp appetite, they fell upon a shoulder of mutton, which had been prepared for their entertainment. It is said by different authors, that the landlord's daughter took care to give it such a seasoning as might have made it their last meal upon earth. In plain English, we are told she poisoned it, and that it proved in- stantly fatal to Bashar, who died upon the spot. Mohammed him- self not relishing the taste of it, ate very sparingly, and beholding the tragical end of his officer and companion, spat out the morse) tr at was then in his mouth. It seems, however, that he had pre viously swallowed so much as was sufficient to shatter his robust constitution, and lay it in ruins in the space of three years. Few vegetable or mineral poisons, we believe, are known to the learned of this country, but such as accomplish the dissolution of the body in a very few hours, if not dislodged from the stomach by power- ful emetics. Yet we have read of poisons which did not accom- plish their object till the end of many years, operating as slowly as a chronical distemper, and bringing down to the grave with the lame gradual diminution of health and strength, as if the person poisoned had been in a consumption. Those who ascribe miracles to Mohammed, contrary to his own acknowledgments, probably allude to this piece of flesh when they say, that a shoulder of mutton told him it was poisoned. If this was the case, it had whispered to him in so low a tone as not to be heard, or else it had f2 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. only vociferated when it was too late. Be that as it may, th whole contexture of this story renders it extremely suspicious. The Impostor had reduced this city to obedience by his victo- rious arms, and therefore we may conclude that its inhabitants would show him all possible respect, however much strained and contrary to their real sentiments that respect might be. since he had it in his power to add butchery to conquest. True, indeed, some individuals have been found among men, who could make the most desperate attempt to recover the independence of their fellow- citizens, and lose all sense of self-preservation in the magnitude of the idea. Brutus could despatch his beloved Caesar, to preserve the liberty of his country from the assaults of despotism ; but we find nothing in the character of Mohammed's landlord which can rank him with a Brutus. He must have been either an innkeeper or a private person of property. If he was the former, it certainly would not strike him to take such a step, since the prophet's money to be paid for the entertainment was as good as another's. If the latter, his invitation was the result of hospitality, and the farthest in the world from a design to murder. It will be to little purpose to say, that the perpetrators of this deed would reason with themselves thus : If their prophet and general could once be cut off, his soldiers will become so entirely dispirited and in- capable of resistance, as either to surrender to the mercy of the town or betake themselves to a precipitate flight, and hide their shame and disappointment in the shades of obscurity. This would have been a desperate supposition, in which the odds were twenty to one against them. Besides, the whole of this transaction is as- cribed to a giddy girl, to which her father is not once supposed to have been privy ; and therefore to make her reason in such a man- ner, to draw remote and dubious consequences from premises beyond the reach of a childish understanding, exceeds all power of belief. When interrogated why she ventured to commit such a horrible crime, she is made to reason with the acuteness of an Aristotle. She said, that if he really was a prophet, he would certainly know that the meat was poisoned, but if ne was not, she considered it as highly meritorious to rid the world of such an in- famous wretch. Here we have a view of things ascribed to a girl, perhaps not fifteen years of age, who discovered a degree of sagac- ity and discernment not always to be met with, even in a man of fifty. But to crown the whole, we hear nothing of any signal pun- ishment inflicted on the offender by Mohammed, who was left in a situation to avenge himself of his adversaries, nor is it said that his euccessor took the smallest notice of it in a vindictive manner. As to the single circumstance of his dying by poison, there must be some other way of accounting for it than that which passes cur- rent with the public. The persons who poisoned him, if they did t through design, would undoubtedly have kept their own secret, nee the making it known was their speedy destruction. If it LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 23 was the result of accident, we should not have heard the girl reasoning like a philosopher on the merit of her conduct. In a word, it seems to be involved in impenetrable darkness how, or by whom, he was poisoned, without admitting a number of absurdities, at which reason recoils. Poisoned, however, he was, as he ac- knowledged on his death-bed, and therefore all that can be said with certainty is this : Mohammed having experienced the snare laid for him, either by mere accident or the superior sensi- bility of his palate, might perhaps think of turning this circum- stance to his advantage, or of allowing his followers to make at much of it as they could, in heightening his prophetic greatness. As there was probably none present but Bashar to witness what quantity he devoured, he might ascribe his escape to the immediate hand of God, whose prophet he pretended to be, and that he was placed beyond the reach of danger by his heavenly constituent. This idea might suppress his resentment, and induce him to make no minute inquiry after the cause of this calamity, having escaped himself. His followers having now a leader who was proof against poison, they would be still further persuaded of the truth of his mission. Had Mohammed stopped here, and observed the same cunning and privacy in his last moments, which distinguished him through life, iiis prophetic reputation would have been much augmented. If, instead of complaining bitterly to the mother of Bashar, that ne felt the effects of the bit he had eaten at Khaibar, then corroding his very vitals, and hastening his dissolution, he had given out that his approaching death was the result of age and fatigue, bringing on that momentous period which is the common lot of humanity, his whole life would have been one consistent scheme of wickedness. From the reduction of Khaibar to his final dissolution, a period of about three years, frequently feeling (as he thought) from oc- casional twitches and pains in his bowels, that he was not so invul- nciable as he a>ad his followers pretended, he became, if possible, more bloody and merciless than before, while he could stand upon his legs, confessing that to be the sole cause of his death in the extremity of his torture, which at first he wished the world to be- lieve had done him no injury. Before his departure he nominated Abu Bekr his successor, to whose particular care and protection be recommended his beloved wife, Ayesha. He gave up the ghost in the sixty-third year of his age, according to the Arabian com- putation, or in the sixty-first according to ours. His death was matter of astonishment to many of his adherents, who considered it as incompatible with the nature and design of his mission. They concluded, therefore, that he was only asleep, and would assuredly return in the space of a few days. Finding him not at all disposed to return, they gave him a thousand years to finish his journey, which brought it down to 1632. As there was still no appearance J4 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. of the good prophet's coming back, they gave him a thousand yean more. Abu Bekr put a period to the controversy respecting his exit, by proving out of the Koran, that the prophet of God behooved to die. They were also divided in opinion as to the manner and place of his interment; whether his remains should be conducted to Mecca, and there deposited with his ancestors in the place of his nativity. This was likewise managed by the influence and ad- dre, of his uncle, who commanded a grave to be dug in the place where Ayesha's bed stood. Here was Mohammed buried, and 01 er his grave a mosque or place of worship was afterwards erected. It is not true the the Arabs were required to pay divine honors to him in the grave, for the pilgrimages of his followers were directed to be made to Mecca, whereas his tomb is at Medina, two hundred and seventy miles from it. We must also reject those ridiculous accounts which have been circulated, probably by Christians, of his being suspended between heaven and earth in an iron coffin, by the power of magnets, since the Mohammedans themselves never attempt to prove any such thing. Thus have we endeavored to draw the character of Mohammed, and the various methods adopted by him to establish his imposture in the world, from the period at which he assumed the title of the Prophet of God, to the time of his decease. Lust and ambition were the two powerful motives by which he was actuated, and he reckoned no sacrifice too expensive to accomplish his aim. We have seen the various arts by which he insinuated himself into the good opinion of many, making them converts to his cause, and how respectable he became in their estimation, by the help of his wit, presence of mind, and consummate address, before he had re- course to his last expedient of giving mankind his religion at the point of the sword. For ten years his life exhibited nothing but highway robbery, plunder, and bloodshed, in which, considering the number of his forces, and the extent of the theatre upon which he acted, he exceeded in atrocity even Alexander the Great. To undertake such a task as that of the Arabian Impostor, required a mind an almost utter stranger to fear, in addition to those quali- ties of which we have already found him possessed. A palpable discovery of his perfidious designs would be the forerunner of an ignominious death, and even to be vanquished before the comple- tion of his wishes, no less hazardous. Yet, in spite of every dis- couragement which deliberation must have suggested, without a rational argument, or the shadow of a miracle to support his im- pious claim, he subjugated a larger portion of the globe, than the heavenly and philanthropic religion of the Lord Jesus Christ has yet enlightened. This is a phenomenon in the history of moral revolutions, which will beggar the whole world to produce such another. It is not, however, so astonishing, that his imposture ihould have gained a footing in the seventh century, among igno- LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 25 rant barbarians, to whose lusts it promised to administei everlast- ing fiiel, as that the progressive improvements of reason have not long since been its grave. The free exercise of reason will be ita destruction at last ; but while it continues to be crammed down the throats of mankind, it will not on a sudden give its dying groan. It is the religion of India, Persia. Turkey in Asia, Turkey in Europe, Arabia, Little Tartary, Little Bokharia, and various other countries. India is two thousand three hundred and twen- ty-two miles long, and two thousand one hundred broad. Long. Broad. Persia, 1225 900 mile*. Turkey in Asia, 1200 900 Turkey in Europe, 540 540 Arabia, 1830 1260 Little Tartary, 450 15R Little Bokharia, 1560 570 Russia alone, only one empire of Europe, is more than twenty- five times as large as England ; yet the religion of Mohammed in fects and enslaves more of the globe than six times the whole o* Europe taken together ! That the unbounded gratification of his lusts was one primary object to be gained by his perilous undertaking, is clearly evinced by the multitude of his wives. Such as appear desirous to lessen their number, admit that he had no fewer than fifteen, while others (which appears nearer the truth) inform us that he had twenty-one. Five of the number died before him, among whom was Khadijah, whose fortune enabled him to begin his projected plan ; other six, it seems, he divorced, either from unaccountable caprice, or because of incontinency, and ten of them were living at the time of his decease. Besides these he had many concubines. Ugly and deformed as this picture is, and consummately wicked as it represents him to have been, it were well if we had no au- thentic documents for making him still worse. But Mohammad not only gives the reins to his appetites, and breaks down every barrier which nature itself has erected, but lays claim in his Koran to the divine approbation, and represents a holy God as chiding him for his diffidence in being afraid to avow any passion, which be had commanded him to gratify. Let us hear no more of the crimes of Francis Spira, Julian the Apostate, or Judas Iscariot ; of the bloody temper of Nero, or the sullen barbarity of a Caligula or a Domitian ; for all these were pious saints or immaculate an- gels, in comparison with Mohammed, and must be ashamed to as- sociate with him, even in the regions of the damned. 1 1 Some people lay claim to such an excessive degree of benevolence, that in order to represent the Deity as merciful in their opinion, they make him unjust. To such it will perhaps sound har^h to call Mohammed a more wricked wretch than Judas Iscariot, Nero, Caligula or Domitian; but the 26 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. It will not bear dispute, that his ambition was ungovernable, ince every action of his life tended, either directly or indirectly, to the acquisition of supreme authority. No man ever hazarded o much to obtain fuel for his appetites, and absolute doirinion over his fellow-creatures; and he shines conspicuous above the whole human race for unmingled wickedness, as to the means he adopted. He haa both men and devils fairly outdone; for al- though some may have been almost as wicked, yet he is the sin- gular individual who could venture to make Almighty God the partner of his crimes, and give currency to all manner of vice by a patent from heaven. These things duly considered, we shall not wonder to find many of his followers entering the lists in his de- fence, and writing treatise after treatise to free him from censure ; for although the Koran is sufficient to satisfy the faithful, yet in- fidels will always be finding fault, even with such a spotless life as that of Mohammed ! If you ask his deluded followers why their prophet co'Uu be guilty of such an horrid act of injustice, (besides the impiety of it in making God commend his conduct,) in marry- ing such a number of wives, be not afraid that you shall go without an answer. It was that he might beget a multitude of young prophets, it being a thousand pities that the genuine breed of such a man should ever become extinct I But, oh, what an unluoky re- ply, when it is well known that not a woman in his whole seraglio had a child to him but Khadijah, his first wife ! She bare him MX, and they all died before him, except Fatima, his daughter, who was married to his cousin AH ; and it does not appear that she was any way remarkable for a prophetic spirit. Setting aside altogether the impiety of calling God in to justify Buch conduct, there are very few men to be found who will at- tempt a vindication of polygamy, even upon rational principles. The primary design of marriage, with all the duties consequent on the union of the sexes, plead for monogamy in the strongest terms, which is further strengthened by the almost perfect equality in the number of males and females up and down the earth. The proportion taken in many places with the greatest accuracy, is as IS to 12, or 26 to 24. The God of nature seems wisely to have in- tended this surplus in the number of males, to provide for those accidents and dangers to which their more active and enterprising life exposes them. The man, therefore, who is guilty of polygamy, nay, even of bigamy itself, commits as glaring an act of injustice against the whole human race, as if he spent his lifetime in acts u robbery and theft. It is of consequence impossible to vindicate the conduct of Mohammed in this respect, even admitting that his polygamy had not been rendered more shocking by his own dreadful tingle circumstance of making Jehovah support his debauchery will justify the charge. Even Judas repented, but Mohammed went to the grave, in o tar as we know, without a pang of remorse, although he had been th Bstrument of damning myriads. LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 27 blasphemy ; and to crown all, the supposed object of such deport ment never was obtained. I say the supposed object, for notwith- standing his adherents endeavor to extenuate his guilt on the fore- mentioned grounds, it does not appear that the Impostor looked any farther than the glutting of his appetites. Young prophets or no prophets he considered as of little consequence ; and indeed his voluptuous course of life was inimical to procreation. His votaries have likewise been much perplexed how to defend liis conduct in propagating his religion by the sword. To gain the assent of mankind to the truth of any proposition, it is necessary that it be supported by convincing arguments, since the human mind has it not in its power to believe without evidence, no more than it can reject what is matter of fact, and demonstrated to be so, whatever it may pretend. Hence every species of persecution for conscience' sake is the most flagrant injustice, the highest insult which can be offered to the Almighty, and a tacit acknowledgment that the cause thus supported will not bear examination. For if it will, why are not men permitted to examine it with the utmost attention, since the native beauty of truth is such, that to see and admire it are inseparably connected. Jesus Christ was so diamet- rically opposite to Mohammed in this, as well as in everything else, that he seemed afraid lest mankind should believe him with too much precipitation. " If I do not the works of my Father, be- lieve me not." That is, if raising the dead, giving sight to such as were born blind, and feeding thousands with the food of a few in- dividuals, do not demonstrate the power of Jehovah, and exclude the possibility of fraud and deception, T beseech you to turn your backs upon me, as in duty bound, and reject me as an impostor. But as Mohammed had nothing to offer which would bear inspec- tion, he considered it as the most effectual method to make an appeal to the heart ; and surely nothing can touch the heart so feelingly as the point of a sword ! The learned amongst his fol- lowers, (for learned men are not always proof against delusion,) have undertaken a defence of him in a very singular manner They observe that as there are a variety of attributes in the divin essence, God has sent different personages in different periods of Lhe world, to manifest, sometimes one attribute, and sometimes an other. Accordingly they say that Jesus Christ was sent to manifest the righteousness of God; Solomon to exhibit his wisdom, glory, and majesty ; Moses his wonderful providence and amazing clem- ency ; but that it was reserved for Mohammed to show forth bis fortitude by the power of the sword. That is to say, God appointed him to unman the human race, to reduce them from rational beings to necessary agents, to render them no longer accountable to their Maker, and compel them to do evil. The divine attributes are no doubt many and various, but it is utterly impossible that any one of them can ever be magnified at the expense of the rest. God \a tssentially consistent with himself, and the manifestation of one j>8 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. attribute can never be the destruction of another. He who sayi that Jehovah is so merciful as not to punish the workers of iniquity, exhibits him as unjust; and to affirm that he is so just as not to pardon the sincere penitent, m his own terms, is to charge hin with tyranny. In like manner to assert that God will ever force man to believe anything by external violence, is in effect maintain ing that he is sorry he has given him such faculties, by which alon 4e is capable of discriminating between the operations of his ow hands and the shifts of a deceiver. This hint of forcing men to believe has been borrowed from Mohammed by the Church of Rome, and to do her justice she has faithfully improved it. It may be proper to observe, for the information of those who are not qualified for abstruse speculations, that the criminality of compel- ling men to believe, does not entirely depend on the falsity or wickedness of the proposition to which their assent is demanded. It is cruel and unjust to say to any person, you shall believe that it is proper to worship the devil, or that his ghostly holiness can pardon iniquity. But it is equally base and tyrannical to force a man to believe with a dagger at his breast, that the providence of (iod extends over all ; that the soul is immortal, or that the three angles of any triangle whatever are equal to two right angles ; for rill the understanding is enlightened, and the conscience persuaded ol the propriety of a man's conduct, his reception of truth itself is, under such circumstances, morally evil as it relates to him, although it be not so in the abstract. If, then, it be unjust to compel a man to believe truth, since he thereby for the present flies in the face 'tf conscience, it must be infinitely more so to force him to believe 4 lie, especially if that lie assumes the venerable garb of religion, l-iet it not be imagined, however, that this will justify any man in remaining ignorant of such truths as nearly concern his present and future happiness, when he enjoys the rational means of being better informed ; for God will only consider that ignorance as in- uocent which is clearly invincible. Neither will the above reason- ing justify the inference, that it is cruel in any Protestant govern ment to impose certain restraints ; for example, on Roman Catholics, because such a step is not designed to make them believe anything, but only to prevent that moral, and especially that political mis- chief which would unavoidably follow from their uncontrolled ac- tion upon the principles they believe already. God forbid that Protestants should ever persecute, and thereby make a formal renunciation of the spirit of Christianity ; but we trust they will ever discover the vigilance for which they have hitherto been so famous, in guarding their native land from the worst of all tyranny. It being agreed on all hands that Mohammed was extremely 'gnorant, in so far as that expression is opposed to education, could he accomplish his designs without any assistance ? This is an im- portant inquiry, because he could neither read nor write, the com- LIFE OF MOHAMMED. J9 mon fate of every person in Mecca, except a single individual, who was a relation of Khadijah's, and who had been both a Christian nd a Jew. He was likewise brought up to a reverence for idolatry and unacquainted with the principles of Judaism and Christianity both of which his Koran plainly shows that its authors certainly understood. How he acquired this knowledge deserves some con- sideration. He travelled, it is true, into Syria, Persia, and Egypt- while factor or agent for her who became his first wife, in all whici countries he would find many disciples both of Moses and of Christ . but such a minute inquiry into their principles, if made in public, while he discovered no inclination to become a convert to either, would have excited general curiosity to find out his reason, and this again would have left no uncertainty as to the source of his infor- mation. A man, ignorant of both, must have required considerable time and attention to become so well versed in their tenets, as the author of the Koran must be allowed to have been. We should suppose that all the knowledge he could acquire in the course of travelling would be very trifling, as it would come accidentally in his way ; for a man whose success depended on privacy would not be very inquisitive. Besides, when men are engaged in traffic, and have their ideas engrossed with the disposal of their commodities, they are not in a humor to talk much about religion. Yet no man can read the Koran without being assured that he did receive assistance from some quarter, but there are two circumstances which increase our difficulty in coming at the truth. Christians who were filled with indignation at the wickedness of Mohammed might perhaps be disposed to exaggerate in this as well as in some 3ther things relating to the Impostor ; and his followers berag de- termined to support the divinity of its origin, would not make any circumstance public which would injure this opinion, if able to keep it a secret, however well acquainted they might be with the truth. Taking therefore the testimony of those authors who can be least suspected of having any such despicable end to serve ae that of indulging in a spirit of malevolence, we may rest assured of this truth, that Mohammed was aided in the composition of nil Koran by a Jew and a Christian. The Jew's name was Abdia Ben Salon, whom the Impostor called Abd'allah, according to the Arabian method of terminating Hebrew words. The name of the Christian monk was Sergius or Bahira, the first given him by the Western, and the second by the Eastern churches. That the man is one and the same, appears from the uniformity of the descrip- tions given of him ; and the reason why he is called Sergius in the West and Bahira in the East, may have been owing to a change of opinions, and subsequent change of name, the Western churches continuing to call him Sergius from their ignorance of the change, and the same cause inducing the Eastern churches to call him tlways Bahira. All I find related of Abdia or Abd'allah worthy of notic* IK 80 LIFE OF MOHAJMMED. that he was a man of amazing artifice and cunning, probably i native of Persia, and so absolute a stranger to remorse of con- science on the commission of evil, that he was a match for any thing, however desperately wicked. He was a man of profound erudition, skilled in all the abstruse learning of the seed of Abra- ham, and even promoted to the literary dignity of a Rabbi. A respectable author called Johannes Andreas, who, from being a Mohammedan turned Christian, avers that Abd'allah wrote all Mohammed's pretended revelations for the space of ten years. This instantly lets the cat out of the bag, for however much his employer might insist that he was only his amanuensis, we who have an opportunity of investigating the matter with calmness and attention, must dispute his veracity. A regard to truth was none f Mohammed's failings, and therefore all he could say upon the subject, will not free him from the imputation of having this fellow for an accomplice. Being as little disposed to boggle at immorality as he could possibly be himself, he could not have found a person in the world better qualified for his purpose. But as Bahira could just as easily have betrayed Mohammed as he had deserted his former principles, the Impostor, who no doubt perceived this, sent him quietly to the other world, when he had no further use for him. Two may perhaps keep a secret, however wicked, but it is extremely dangerous to trust any more. Iniquitous designs have uch a tendency to beget a spirit of jealousy, even in the project- ors, and to excite a competition for fame or emolument, that they perpetually cherish the seeds of their own destruction. Without honesty a community of thieves cannot long exist, and without a degree of confidence in an accomplice which it is almost impossible to call forth, an Impostor is in perpetual danger of having those for his greatest enemies who are privy to his scheme. If they are chiefly concerned in its fabrication, and in giving it some shadow of consistency and plausibility, the least air of superiority on hia part may shake it to its very basis, and neglecting to reward them in such an ample manner as they expect, may lay it in ruins. Of all these circumstances Mohammed seems to have been perfectly aware, and therefore he deemed it the safest and most prudent method to dispatch Bahira, since this would render it impossible for him to tell any tidings. It would be absurd to expect a par- ticular account of this murder in any historian, but the inquisitive mind can discover sufficient premises from which to infer this ecu- elusion. If it was ever known to any that Mohammed was the personal perpetrator of the deed, it would naturally be ascribed to any cause rather than the just one. But from the observations already made, the true reason can hardly be controverted by a reflecting mind. And while the horrid wickedness of Bahira must be execrated by every pious soul, this diminishes not the guilt of Mohammed in imbruing his hands in his blood. They were both Boosters, but the employer of the monk was infinitely the greatei LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 81 villain, since he added murder to delusion, united a wish to deceive the world with a breach of trust, and basely violated the confi- dence which he had induced Bahira to repose in him. Indeed we deem the receiver of stolen goods as bad at least as the thief, and therefore the countenancer of a scheme so wicked in its nature, and so dangerous in its tendency, met, in a premature death, the (ate he deserved. As we wish to omit nothing of importance which can either exhibit the folly and superstition of the Mohammedans, or the extreme wickedness of their prophet, disdaining at the same time to father anything upon him for which we can discover no authen- tic documents ; it will be proper to present the reader in this place with the ridiculous stories concerning this monk, which are firmly believed by the disciples of the Impostor. We are told that Bahira meeting Mohammed in a city called Bostra, on the confines of Syria, instantly knew him to be the great prophet that waa to come into the world, to make a clearer revelation of the will of God to men. The mark by which he recognized him was a light shining from his face, and which at the creation of the world was stamped upon Adam. The unity of this luminous appearance was preserved from the days of Adam to the time of Abraham, when it was converted into two, one resting upon Isaac, and the other on Ismael. The light of Isaac, they observe, was soon manifested in the many prophets who descended from him, but the light oi Ismael was veiled till the time of Mohammed, in whom it shone forth with such brilliancy, that Bahira knew him in a moment ! This is a clumsy, ill-made allusion to the shining of Moses' face, when he came down from the mount, which rendered it extremely difficult for the Israelites to look upon him. They all saw the light, which must always be perceived by persons who have the use of their eyes ; but the light on Mohammed's face could only touch the optics of Bahira. Everybody else in the public market must have been blind, while the apostate monk wa as quick-sighted as a cat. It is said by others, that he knew Mo- hammed by the seal of his prophetic mission stamped between hii shoulders. It is a pity they have not condescended to tell us whether this mark was on the bare buff, or on his outer doublet. If on his upper garment, hundreds must have seen it as well at Bahira, and if he instantly stript to the skin to make the wonder- ful discovery, how came it to pass that all this hurry and bustle 33 'aped the observation of the multitude V If it is pretended that he took him aside to examine it privately, how came he to know that such a mark was there ? It is manifest that he would not, tliat he could not have taken such a step without some previous conviction or suspicion of its existence ; but how he acquired this, is the question. It is extremely curious that he should know him by a certain mark, which he did not know was there prior to an examination. Had he known it by a supernatural impulse, h 32 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. would have told the public that this -was the prophet of God, th messenger of the great Allah, and that there was a particular mark between his shoulders, which they might examine if they pleased. Nothing of this, however, was attempted, for it seems it was enough that Bahira knew such a mark to be there, and what it signified, without permitting the people to act the absurd part of judging for themselves. Those who would not wish to have their conduct touched by the dirty hand of inspection, should prevent mankind, if possible, from the horrid crime of thinking. This was the pru- dent, cautious conduct of Mohammed and Bahira ; but the passive obedience of the multitude in giving credit to the existence of a ght which they did not see, and of a mark they were never re- quired to examine, remains to be accounted for, and perhaps alwat will. Truth is always consistent with itself, but falsehood is so disjointed and incoherent in all its parts, that eagle-eyed investi- gation must discover its cloven foot. The deluded votaries of Mohammed being determined to reject every idea of his having received assistance in the composition of his Koran, convert his very ignorance into an argument for its divinity. They allow him to have been destitute of the first prin- ciples of any art or science, challenging the world to produce such a work under similar circumstances. It is as capable of demon- stration as any problem of Euclid, that he had it not from God, because his design in fabricating his imposture, and the means htf employed to insure its success in the world, are absolutely repug- nant to every notion of the Almighty, which the lowest and most degraded state of the human understanding can possibly form. It succeeded by humoring the darling passions of corrupt nature, and durst never make an appeal to the common sense of mankind. Thus much will be granted, that the Koran, after de- ducting the blasphemy, absurdity, and contradiction with which it abounds, is the very standard of elegance in the original, discover ing beauties as a composition in the Arabic tongue, which no igno- rant man could ever have exhibited. But this can be no argument in favor of its divine origin, while it carries in its bosom the insignia of the devil, and abounds in obscenity and profligacy. 1 It is noth ing in its favor, that it sets out with supporting the unity of the divine nature, and so repeatedly asserts that God is one. Thu only betrays the cloven foot of Abd'allah his Jewish confederate- who, in spite of all his Rabbinical ingenuity, artifice, and caution, aould not wholly conceal the faith which he formerly professed, not 1 But were it even possible to obtain a miraculous power in order to dindicate a lie, that power would not make a rational being credit any voctrine or precept which dishonors God. For instance, a miracle coulo not make men believe that the Almighty is the author of sin, much leii will the language of the Koran, however elegant, support his divinity while every sentence of it almost is an open insult to the Majesty of heaven LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 33 nly in one, but in many places of the Arabian Bible. But the truth is, he did not wish to conceal it, since a part of it, at least, was to compose the part of the Koran, no doubt with Mohammed'* consent and approbation, after he came to understand it. When ever any mention is made of rites and ceremonies, whethe- to be espoused or rejected, the mysterious jargon of the Talmuci dis- covers to the discerning mind who was his principal coadjuu*. Without the aid of some who better understood the Supreme Being than an egregiously ignorant man, born and brought up in an idolatrous country, the Koran could not have had even the de- spicable merit of mingling this doctrine with so much wickedness. It is a systematical vindication of robbery, debauchery, and mur- der, not only sanctioned by the life of its author, but blasphemously supported by the authority of God himself, which the Impostor says he received from the angel Gabriel. We do not suppose that it was material to Mohammed what he taught, provided his countrymen could be brought to believe it* divine origin, whether from God or from the gods ; the legality oi the means by which he proposed to enforce its observance, and the undoubted equity of his claim to supreme dominion, both in things secular and religious. True, indeed, he had much opposition tc expect from Jews and Christians, in the infancy of his scheme, cA which we have already taken notice, and therefore it was a piece of consummate policy, for which he was certainly indebted to the plotting head of Abd'allah, to admit into his system some peculiar leading doctrine, which both parties believed. We cannot allow that Arabian divinity taught men such ideas of God, as a Jew could communicate, and which, it must be confessed, abound in the Koran, notwithstanding the wickedness it makes the Almighty to countenance. Idolatry is incompatible with such ideas, tor when worship is divided among a thousand deities, the mind can have no such exalted conceptions of any individual. This wa* ttoe case with the Greeks and Romans. Under the fictitious character of Jupiter, the greatest authors would have us to perceive Almighty God, the independent ruler of the universe ; but as Jupiter vrat- fc thief, a whoremonger and adulterer ; a scandal even to mankind, and as he died, and was buried, we should as soon credit the Koran as adopt such a sentiment. Mohammed, then, by giving the unity of God a place in his Bible, took off a considerable part of that horror at his religion, which must otherwise have been felt by Christians and Jews. It was thus the easier for him to make proselytes of people so torn to pieces by dissension as the Eastern churches of the Christians then were, many of whose members chimed in with his delusions ; and his own countrymen being with- out any religion, properly so called, were the more likely to es- pouse opinions which offered no violence to their passions. It was also a grand manoeuvre for making converts of the Jews, who could ftv no means stomach the doctrine of the Trinity. If any system 3 34 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. io completely wicked could bid fair to suit the palates of every de- cription of men at the period when, and in the country where the scene was laid, that of Mohammed was undoubtedly the system. Yet we have seen that the first thirteen years of his pretended mission were spent to little purpose, considering how he labored, and the arts he employed, for it could not bear the touchstone of reason and argument. This made him finally resolve to adopt th method already taken notice of, and which he so faithfully used for the last ten years of his life to give speedy and extensive circu- lation to his opinions by the invincible logic of the sword. Nay, it is still customary with Mohammedan preachers to deliver their discourses to the people with a sword by their side, not only as ex- pressive of the sublime manner in which that religion was first propagated, but as evincing also what every man has to expect, it he ventures to dispute its divinity, or recede from its defence. This accounts for its extensive spread, and the long duration of its existence, since no man dares venture to renounce it, without (he certain prospect of making his escape to some land of liberty, or of meeting death in its most dreadful forms. Mohammed, whose time-serving disposition made him readily humor every whim, caprice, or superstitious attachment of his countrymen, if calculated to accelerate the accomplishment of his designs, changed his first resolution of making his disciples turn towards Jerusalem in performing their mummery worship, and gratified their wishes to give Mecca the honor. At this place there was a temple long before the time of Mohammed, consecrated to idolatry, and converted by him to purposes not less wicked and impious. It is said by the Arabians, that it was originally built in the celestial regions, sacred to the devotional exercises of angelic spirits. According to them, paradise was situated in heaven, and Adam also worshipped in this temple before his fall. Even in his lapsed condition, it seems he retained a very high veneration foi it, and therefore humbly entreated the Almighty to let him have one like it upon earth. In compliance with his importunity, the Supreme Being sent him down one in a curtain of light, which fell in the beloved city of Mecca, the place of the prophet's nativity. But the third son of Adam, called Seth, wishing to have a building something more substantial, erected one upon the spot, composed of stones and clay, retaining, however, the exact model of the visionary fabric. It is deeply affecting to a philanthropic heart, to consider how many millions of rational beings are degraded to the rank of brutes by the consummate artifice and wickedness of a single individual. They gc about their religious farrago, as if they worshipped God m the best possible manner, resulting from a well-informed judg- ment, and an explicit, indubitable revelation of his mind and will Superstitious to a most extravagant height, they are often employed iu sobbing and sighing, entreating Allah to * , . . , f .'. to forgive their iniquities, LIFE OF MOHAMMED. ft* nd all on a sudden they are as merry as pipers, feasting and rev- elling like an assembly of Bacchanalians. Every year they retire to a nill, called in their language, Gibbel el orphat, or the mountain of knowledge, two months and nine days after the fast of Ramadan, to receive from the Iman or priest the supposed honorable title of Hadgee. On their way to Mecca from this mountain, each gathers forty-nine small stones, which they throw by sevens at a time at three pillars in the vicinity of the mountain, calling out, ston the devil and them that please him. Within the temple of Mecca, said to be about ten times as large m circumference as the Royal Exchange of London, stands a solid square edifice, called the Beat Allah, to which the Arab? pay such an enthusiastic regard, that they deem it unspeakable happiness to be soaked with the rain which comes from the roof of it. The temple is without any ornaments or images, as they abhor idolatry, at least in profession ; it is destitute of pews or seats, and the floor is covered with mats. They believe that the patriarch Abraham or Ibrahim built the Beat at the divine command, and his own sepulchre, according to them, is but a few paces from it. The city of Mecca is but a mean place, without any walls as a defence, and the houses are despicable. It is situated in one of the most barren spots of Arabia,'about a day's journey from the Red Sea. Having formerly mentioned the journey of Mohammed to heaven, and commented upon it as it deserved, it may here be necessary to assign his reason for the fabrication of such an absurd story. He found that many of his assertions were deemed ridiculous, and that it would be an endless task to compose a chapter for the confirma- tion of everything he might have occasion to advance. He there- fore tried how his trip to heaven would take with the multitude, to the belief of which he found means to gain their assent, by bringing in Almighty God to vouch for its truth. To have invented this story sooner than he did, would have spoiled all, but after it was believed that he was divinely inspired, it was easy to give it currency by the composition of a chapter. This made oral tradi- tion as much respected among the Arabs as it was among the Jews, who often raised it to a level with the Scriptures, and thui Mohammed gained the object which he certainly had in view. The volumes of tradition, made up of his sayings and remarks, are called the Sonnah. As Mohammed always admitted the inspiration of the Old and New Testament, or the divine mission of Mosea and Jesus Christ, he thereby stole insensibly on the affections of Jews and Christians. To have considered them as impostors, and publicly to have avow- ed that these were his sentiments, might have procured him their warmest opposition ; but to insinuate that God only designed his mission to be more effectual than theirs, and finally to accomplish what they had not brought about, was a masterly snare, which they could not well avoid. To combat the preconceived opinion! 86 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. of mankind with success, can only be done by a real rnessengei from heaven, while artful villany may delude the most penetrat- ing by granting all they desire. But this acknowledgment of Mo- hammed pointed still farther, and was designed to establish the belief of a proposition more interesting to him that these very Scriptures predicted his coming as prophet from on high. If the Impostor himself pretended that he was the subject of prophecy, the idea must have been suggested to him by the united cunning of Abd'allah and Bahira, although we do not find it very explicitly laid to his charge ; but it has not wanted advocates among his ablest adherents. We are assured that God cannot predict the coming of a deceiver, as a prophet sent by him. consistently witl the honor of his glorious attributes, which he must ever defend, because he would thereby confound the distinction between good and evil, and render it impossible for his rational creatures to dis- criminate between truth and falsehood. While acquainted with the character and doctrines of Mohammed, it would be impossible to believe a revelation as coming from heaven, should it contain the most distant hint that he was a prophet of God. Such an idea would destroy every mark of divine originality, except we could demonstrate that it was a wicked interpolation. But as both the Old and New Testaments have been quoted in proof of the justice of his claim, it will not be deemed impertinent to examine such quotations. When Moses was about to bless the children of Israel a little before his death, he thus spoke, Deut. xxxiii. 2 : " The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them ; he sinned forth from Mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints ; from his right hand went a fiery law for them." It is nc doubt an unques- tionable fact, that the Lord's coming from Sinai is descriptive of the giving of the law to the children of Israel, when in terrific majesty he descended to its burning top, and when the mountain, enveloped with smoke, seemed a magazine of fire. It may also be allowed that Seir is a mountain in the vicinity of ancient Salem, and thus Moses and Christ may be represented. But when the advocates for the mission of Mohammed indulge in their sophistry, and wish to consider Mecca as the place intended by Paran, they either show their ignorance of its geographical situation, or expect that it is a very easy matter to impose upon mankind. Paran be- ing situated on the confines of Palestine, in Arabia Petraea, no less than five hundred miles from Mecca, the undoubted birthplace of the Impostor, makes it a very unlucky circumstance for the credit of his religion. As well might we prove that Euclid was buried in Ireland, from the first chapter of Genesis, as that Mohammed, who was born at Mecca, drew his first breath at Paran. But the abet- tors of a desperate cause are often obliged to hazard a desperate proof of its goodness. IB Psalm 1. 2, it is thus written : " Out of Zion, the perfection LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 87 of beauty, God hath shined." In one particular version of th book of Psalms, it runs thus : " Out of Zion God hath showed a glorious crown ; " which last words are by some translators turned into Arabic by eclilan mahmudan, an honorable crown, and last of all by a most wonderful metempsychosis, it is made the crown of Mohammed ! When or how God showed the crown of the Im- postor out of Zion, is a nice speculation, except with the touch of a magician's wand, we could convert Zion into Mecca, which, by the way, would be no more difficult or impracticable, than to change Mecca into Paran. In the book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter xxi. verse 7, we find the following declaration : " He saw a chariot with a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, and a chariot of camels." In some eld versions it is, a rider upon an ass, and a rider upon a cameL From the manner of Christ's triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, Arabic writers conceive him to be intended by the rider on an ass, and as their countrymen use camels for beasts of burden, to be sure Mohammed is the champion, which here rode upon a camel ! According to this mode of interpreting Scripture, there is no ab- surdity which it may not be made to prove. You have only to change the primary signification into a second diametrically oppo- site, this second into a third, and so on through a thousand stages, if need be, till you bring it to the meaning required. Thus you may prove that the angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal to each other, by the music of the spheres, or the eternity of the world from the nature of cause and effect. Once more, our Saviour informs his disciples, in his valedictory discourse : " If I go not away, the comforter will not come unto you;" John xvi. 7. The deluded votaries of Mohammed, wishing to make the world believe that their beloved prophet is here in- tended, have taken care to call him Paraclete, which is derived from a Greek word, signifying the comforter, a most easy and ex- peditious method of applying the whole Bible to him. So it seems Jesus said, that if he did not go away, the holy, the just, the mer- ciful and benevolent Mohammed would not make his appearance, to have his chaste ears grated by the filthy conversation of the wicked, which would have been a loss to mankind not easily made up. Although it is almost impossible to abstain from the indul- gence of irony upon such a subject, yet as some may deem it in- consistent with the dignified gravity of historical diction, we shall vet it wholly aside, and challenge the sober reason of the whole human race to point out the comfort arising from the religion of Mohammed to a single individual. Could it originate from his rapine and plunder, or the rivers of blood which he has been the instrument of shedding ? Did it flow from the conduct which he allowed men to exhibit here upon earth, from the tremendoua punishments of his new invented hell, or the fulsome enjoyment* of bis fool's paradise ? All this was incompatible with substantial 38 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. comfoit, incapable of yielding satisfaction to a reflecting mind, and fit only to be imparted by an Arabian Paraclete. There are nc doubt seasons, especially among ignorant barbarians, when the ver- iest phantom may have the power to terrify, and every silly, sinful gratification possess charms to allure ; but when the soul is once thoroughly alive to a sense of its danger, or inspired with just notions of its original dignity, it must be something more thar burning pitch that can make it truly alarmed, and more refined fruition than a bacchanalian heaven can present, that will b; found sufficient to gratify its desires. The blasphemy and ab gurdity of Mohammed's claim to a share in the predictions of th? sacred prophets, can only be surpassed by the stupidity of tie people who can set their seal to its truth and justice. As we are now treating of the cunning and artifice of Moham- med, the above instances of which must have originated from Abd"- allah and Bahira, we shall here take occasion to mention another which was purely his own. Being afflicted with that incurable malady, the epilepsy or falling sickness, he made even this subser- vient to the promotion of his designs, with the most consummate address. When the convulsions came upon him, of which it is probable he had previous information, he declared that he was then so much overpowered by the abundance of the revelations imparted to him, that he could not contain himself. The efful- gence of the Angel Gabriel agitated him in a manner delightfully violent, by the celestial visions he was commanded to bring him from heaven. This was every way similar to the numine affla- tus of some of the ancient oracles, and both were most eminently the work of the devil. They equally imposed on the credulity of mankind, and were leagued against the salvation of their immortal souls, though unacquainted with each other. We formerly mentioned the undoubted evidence we have that Mohammed had wicked men to assist him in the composition of his Koran, but we omitted a circumstance which is a further cor- roboration of the same fact. In his journey to heaven, he saw a cock of a most stupendous size, whose very wings covered the surface of the sun, and caused an eclipse of that glorious luminary. He is, it deems, the angel of the cocks, who intercedes with Heaven in behalf of the whole tribe, and when the Almighty sings a morning hymn, he harmoniously joins in concert, so very loud and shrill, that all creatures in the universe hear it, except men and fairies. But on the day of judgment he will crow no more, which will be a warn- ing to every creature, except the two forementioned classes. Mo hammedans reckon three voices which God always delights tc hear : the first is the voice of him who is constantly employed in reading the Koran ; the second, the voice of that man who gets up early to pray ; and the third the voice of this huge cock. It was a capital stroke of policy to exclude all men from hearing this creature's crowing, since no other animal or insect could cafl LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 39 him a liar, lo be employed in singing hymns is incompatible with absolute perfection and eternal independence, and therefor^ to ascribe such an exercise to God, is no better than blasphemy All this nonsense about the cock was not the result of Moham- med's own prolific invention, but entirely manufactured by Abd'allah, from the Babylonish Talmud, in which there is a similar story, a particular account whereof may be seen in Bux- torf's Hebrew Lexicon. From all that has been said, it is manifest that the issue of the dispute between us and the enemies of Christianity, must termi- nate in this having asserted that an impostor must be supremely wicked, assisted only by wicked men, have secular interest entirely in view, and being capable of carrying his point, without terror and compulsion ; it remains for the votaries of deism to prove, that these are not essential prerequisites of every deceiver. If they cannot do this, let them try to fix any one of them upon the system of doctrines and opinions given to the world by Christ, and we shall not hesitate to renounce it as an impious cheat. But if light and darkness ; nay, if good and evil differ not more essentially than Jesus and Mohammed, the divine mission of one cf them is from thence fully established. The religion of Moham- med is a religion of war and bloodshed, but that of Christ recom- mends peace and benevolence. The one cannot exist without rapine and plunder, while the same horrid actions are an eternal disgrace to the other, prevent its rapid spreading through all na- tions of the earth, and often draw down the vengeance of heaven on its unworthy professors. Peace is its darling theme, and peace it shall yet spread from pole to pole, in spite of all the tyrants and plunderers upon earth. When it goes forth triumphant, tramp- ling on every opposition, and repairing the ruins of Mohammedan butchery, " then shall the wolf dwell with the lamb, and the leop- ard lie down with the kid ; and the calf, and the young lion, and the failing together, and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall feed, their young ones shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The sucking child shall play upon the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put hia hand on the cockatrice's den." Here is a plain intimation that men would not devour each other in the ferocious manner they do, were th* gospel universally felt in its renovating power, and firmly believed. Every \war. except that which is purely defen- sive, represents man in a more odious light than the beasts of prey, who never worry or destroy their own species. We may, iherefore, learn humanity from the very tiger, and blush and be ashamed at the deportment of the lion. Tilings morally and eter- nally wrong are not changed in their nature by refinement and polish. It is indeed possible to give butchery such an outward glitter as to deceive the unwary ; out the philosophical eye sees i< rutchury still. 40 LIFE OF MOHAMMED- We have much need to recommend the benevolent spirit of Christianity to the notice of each other, as well as transport it it the Pacific Ocean ; for the civilized European who murders man- kind with a gilded bauble called a sword, the Indian who scalps, and the cannibal who eats his fellow-creature, are alike unac- quainted with the gospel of Jesus. Nation shall not always rise against nation, nor kingdom against kingdom ; for when the ram of Jesus is universally revered, men shall not learn the destructive art of war any more. The earth is large enough to contain us all, and God intends that we should live upon it in peace, harmony, and comfort. The gospel shall annihilate those furious passions which gave war birth, and still administer fuel to its devastations> and the whole world shall yet consider the exploits of Alexander, Miltiades, or Julius Caesar as the deadly tricks of a madman. The celestial hierarchy proclaimed peace on earth, and good-will to- wards men at the nativity of Ckrist, and therefore those blessings shall be enjoyed in their utmost extent, when the knowledge of him pervades the globe. Then our ears will no more be stunned by recitals of mad crusades in support of a thing falsely called re- ligion, nor of empires courting disgrace by conquest and murder. Powder, bullets, cannon, bombs, howitzers, and grenades will be no more known, except the benevolent heart may think proper to preserve them as monuments of human folly, and pointing to them with pity and astonishment, exclaim Lo ! these are the things which were held in estimation by our progenitors when mankind were lunatics. Let it not, however, be imagined, that the Chris- tian religion disclaims self-defence. No I Such indeed have been the ideas of enthusiasm, cant, and hypocrisy, in order to gain converts ; but the man who will not defend himself, his family, or his country, is an enemy to God. The militia, therefore, of every nation under heaven should be spoken of in terms of the highest respect, because they never unsheath the glittering sword but in defence of their country. Yet, at the arrival of the glorious period which is to behold Christianity universally established in the world, even the militia will be no more required ; for when none upon earth are disposed to attack, defence must be useless. Delightful era in the annals of the world I Not a single individual bearing the name of man can be such a monster as not to long for it Is it not a desirable thing that man should become the friend in stead of the greatest enemy of man ; glory in the felicity and not in the destruction of his neighbor ; do everything in his power to make his life comfortable, and convert all instruments of murder into laboring utensils ? Drive on, O Time, thy chariot wheels, and bring the ever memorable epoch when men shall gain the use of their faculties when there shall be nothing to hurt or destroy, no garments rolled in blood, nor groans of expiring myriads tc harrow up the soul of pity. These being the happy effects which khe universal spread of Christianity must produce, in spite of it* LIFE 01- MOHAMMED. 41 enemies and mongrel professors, the monstrous blasphemy and ab urdities of Mohammed must fall before it like Dagon before th ark. The contest is between barbarity and benevolenc e, between Jehovah and a monster in the shape of a man, and therefore judge who shall gain the victory. But after we have an impartial delineation of Mohammed'g life, it is extremely natural to ask, what is the use of it in the library of a Christian ? It can be no more agreeable to the be- nevolent heart of a disciple of Jesus than the life of that licensed thief and butcher of the human race, Alexander the Great, con- sidered in itself, but it may be made interesting in another point of view. He who has the honor of being an advocate for the New Testament, has no doubt been often told that it is an imposition upon the public, a system calculated to deceive the world, and aa much an imposture as the Arabian Koran. To show, either how far this is founded in fact, or how clearly it demonstrates the igno- rance as well as the wickedness of those who make the assertion, we shall now attempt a comparison of the lives and systems of the two. We hope to demonstrate as clearly as the divine existence, or any axiom in mathematics, that if Jesus Christ was an impos- tor, Mohammed was unquestionably a prophet sent from God. We shall prove that there is no other alternative, and therefore if Mo- hammed was a deceiver, the divinity of the mission of Christ fol- lows of consequence. In drawing this contrast we shall do what we believe was never done before in a controversy of a religious nature. We shall appeal to none but the enemies of Christ, and none shall be permitted to speak for Mohammed but his deter- mined friends. This is more than any deist could reasonably ex- pect, and more, we presume, than he would venture to demand. But as men of the most abandoned principles and dejtortment uever have stained the character of Christ with anything immoral or ambitious, and as the greatest advocates for the mission of Mo- hammed have never been able to deny that he was extremely wicked, this concession will do no injury, uncommon and unpre- cedented as it is. The very circumstance which proves that Mohammed was a most infamous impostor, demonstrates that Jesus was a prophet eent from God. No two personages ever appeared in the world more perfect and absolute contrasts to each other than the founders of the Turkish and Christian religion. Christ was pure and un- spotted in the whole of his deportment, even confining ourselves to the attestations of his enemies; but Mohammed was a sink of iniquity, lust, and ambition, if we listen to his friends. Jesus em- ployed no weapons in defence of his mission but the artillery of reason and argument, joined to the impetuous influence of stupen- dous miracles, while Mohammed could do nothing without the tnergy of the sword. Christ gave the world a system of doctrine! Mid precepts, the belief and practice of which must make men 42 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. supremely happy, although they should be reduced to nothing at death ; while the doctrines of Mohammed and his various in- junctions can yield no solid comfort to a rational mind, even in this life, but must unquestionably bring them to everlasting tor tnent, if there is a state of being beyond the present. Ignorant and uncultivated as the Arabs might be in the days of this arch- deceiver, they could never be so completely stupid and unac- quainted with everything which a God must require from hk creatures, whether relating to faith or manners, as their acceptance of his system plainly indicated, had they not been forced. But it is impossible to conceive how men should refuse to be pious, benev- olent, and just. These three words contain an epitome of the gospel, and therefore to embrace it with the sword brandishing defiance, would not be half so astonishing as to reject it without any restraint. But this contrast is too laconic to reach conviction to every mind, which renders it necessary to spread out the lead- in^ ideas in the subsequent paragraphs. Before a man can deliberately undertake to be an impostor, he must be supremely wicked, entirely .incapable of remorse of con- science, and the determined enemy of everything that is good. He must take no thought of the provocation given to the Almighty by such a step, nor of the probability that he may be made a standing monument of the divine indignation. The truth of this assertion requires little proof. To cheat a man out of a sum of money, or of anything else to which he has a legal title, is, by the general consent of mankind, allowed to be criminal. To extend the scale, and attempt to cheat thousands in a similar manner, is a still higher degree of guilt; 'but to endeavor to impose upon the whole human race, and cheat them out of the everlasting happi- ness of their precious souls, is a species of iniquity for which no language has a name. It is a thousand times worse than all the murders ever committed, and a forger)- upon Heaven to an infinite amount. Such a monster was Mohammed, his friends being judges, for their numerous apologies for his insatiable lust and ungovern- able ambition are demonstrations of his wickedness. But the character of Christ was holy and unspotted, free from every tinc- ture of pride or ambition, for all attempts to raise him to regal magnificence were rejected with disdain. He went about contin- ually doing good, and his life was a beautiful transcript of that sublime piety and virtue which he inculcated upon others. This all his first enemies have allowed, who examined his life with un- common attention, and the microscopic eye of deism has not yet found a blot in it. Vaninus, who died a martyr for atheism, hav ing spent much time in the investigation of the character of Chris 1 to see if he could discover in it any symptoms of an ambition spirit, or a thirst for secular authority, at last gave up the search as altogether hopeless. Reader, whether of these two, think you, wafl the prophet of God ? We leave you to answer the question LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 43 for we would not insult your understanding bj answering it for you. The whole system of an impostor must be a bundle of contradic- tions, for what he commands at one time, he will find it necessary to countermand at another. Personal ease, safety, and grandeur being the only motives by which he can be actuated, the current of popiilar opinion must frequently be humored, and the stern mandate of to-day, become the humble recantation of to-morrow. Thus it fared with the Koran of Mohammed, in which he was often under the necessity of contradicting himself, either to obtain something which he deemed good, or to avoid some serious danger. It is a motley jumble of inconsistencies, for what is a crime in one chap- ter is a commendable action in another. His admirers have laid their heads together in order to account for this, while a person with half an eye must perceive it to be unaccountable. That God should inspire a man to call vice virtue, and virtue vice, is the most horrid blasphemy that can be conceived. But the system of the Lord Jesus, how consistent throughout ! All its doctrines and pre- cepts, its promises, threatenings, and encouragements bear upon one point the manifestation of the divine glory, and the substantial happiness of the human race. While the Koran makes God the author of sin, and exhibits him as highly pleased with every species >f debauchery, the New Testament affirms that he is the enemy of all unrighteousness, and must be angry with the wicked every lay. Mohammed says, you cannot displease Allah by vice and wickedness ; but Christ says, there is no possibility of obtaining the divine favor and friendship in a course of impiety. Finally, Mo- hammed says, men shall be brutes even in paradise, where wine and sensuality will constitute their happiness; but Christ says, nothing but absolute purity shall dwell in heaven, where men will be delivered from all manner of corruption, pollution, or defilement, and swallowed up, if we may so express it, in the boundless ecsta- sies of beatific vision. An impostor must be incapable of producing any evidence of his pretended mission, sufficient to satisfy a rational being, because he is not a messenger from that God who has all nature at his com- mand. He will not venture to make the experiment of working a miracle, being conscious to himself that he has not the power. Mohammed of consequence never attempted to work any, but labored to remove the importunity of the multitude upon that subject by the shifts and evasions which have been already men- tioned. But Christ made no shifts or evasions, for in open day, with- out previous preparation, and before numbers who were prejudiced gainst him, he performed the most stupendous miracles. He gave sight to those who were born blind, raised the dead, and fed five thousand men with food sufficient for fifty. We will not ask the apostles, we will not ask a single Christian upon earth whether Jesus ever wrought any miracles; but we will ask Celsus, For 44 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. phyry, Tacitus, or Tryphon, all sworn enemies to Christ, and they wiB acknowledge he did. Celsus, it is true, ascribed them to the power of magic, but the facts themselves he never presumed to controvert. It waf reserved for Celsus to discover that legerdemain could fill a man's belly, and is an assertion which must make a deiot blush, a thing not very easily accomplished. But it is said that miracles are not capable of proof from human testimony, and therefore they cannot be believed. As unalterable experience, says Hume, has established the laws of nature, the proof against a miracle from the very nature of the fact, is aa entire as any argument from experience can possibly be imagined. That may readily be admitted, and yet it is no argument at ail against the truth of a miracle. Facts are immutably the same independent of our conceptions respecting them. A miracle is an object of sense, and therefore can be fully attested by credible witnesses, as the assassination of Julius Caesar. Whatever is pos- sible can be proved, but a miracle, says Hume, admits of none, and is rather a subject of derision than of argument; therefore, in opposition to his own premises, it is a fact in the nature of thinga impossible. Perhaps it may be said that it admits of proof from the testimony of sense ; but this makes nothing for the cause of infidelity. All mankind have as good a right as Hume had to de- mand satisfactory evidence. If that evidence be the report of the senses, it is easy to see that in all ages and nations miracles must be wrought to gain the assent of men ; there must be an uniform suspension of the laws of nature, to support the claim of any revelation. But according to his own account, that which we see happen in an uniform and regular manner, is not miraculous ; and here again the possibility of such events is denied. The whole force of Hume's artillery against miracles is included in the follow- ing sentence, which, as he terms it himself, is a maxim worthy of our attention. He affirms that " no testimony is sufficient to estab- lish a miracle, unless the testimony be of such a nature, that its false- hood would be more miraculous than the fact which it endeavors to establish. Then, and not till then, can it pretend to command my belief or opinion." Although we hope to make it appear that such evidence can never be obtained, and would, upon his hypoth- esis, destroy itself; yet it was at least candid to tell us what kind of evidence he would have deemed sufficient. To say that any event can be more miraculous than a miracle, is not the language of philosophy ; for although every miracle requires an exertion of power above human, yet we cannot say that one miracle isjnore miraculous than another miracle, because it may require a superior degree of power. That the testimony of any person or persons can be miraculous, is physically impossible. The supposition of false- hood, in their relation of facts, maybe truly astonishing; but it can never be called a suspension of the laws of nature. When he laid down this favorite maxim with such an air of triumph, he cer- LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 44 tainly was not aware that it would destroy itself. The force of th evidence which he allows sufficient to establish the truth of a relig- ious miracle, IB (I e only circumstance that must have rendered hu assent impossible. If the testimony be more miraculous than th fact which it is brought to support, it follows from his own con- cession that a miracle must be believed. But were that testimony to assume a miraculous nature, it would not only disprove the miracle it designed to establish, according to another beloved position of his, but necessarily destroy its own authority, abstractly considered. The whole amount, therefore, of this wonderful maxim is, to demand an impossibility in proof of what is possible, and which, though it could be granted, would be an everlasting barrier against the belief of miracles, even upon his own hypothesis. It would be to make one miracle prove another, while all such events, according to him, are subjects of derision, not of argument. Nay, it would be to prove a lesser miracle by a greater, or to establish the truth of what is highly incredible, by something that is more BO. Admirable logic indeed ! We cannot help being grieved, that the man who could write the matchless history of England should have been betrayed into the vindication of such ineffable stupidity, merely from a spirit of opposition to the Christian religion. Mohammed declares he could work no miracles, but Christ wrought many, his enemies being judges. They are objects of sense, and consequently as capable of proof as any matter of fact The only circumstance which can affect their credibility is the suspicious character of eye-witnesses ; but when it is impossible that they could be deceived themselves, and when no reason car be assigned by which it may appear that they meant to deceive others, no sophistry upon earth can prove why they should not be credited. Finally, no man who resolves to commence impostor must ven- ture to exclaim against the peculiar foibles, nor even the daring vices of those whom he means to delude. This would be to rouse their indignation against him, to pave the way to innumerable sufferings, perhaps to death itself, and give the finishing stroke to his system as soon as it is formed. Sensual happiness, grandeur, and dominion, being the only objects he can possibly have in view by endeavoring to delude mankind, and thus to rob God of his nght ; he will study their humors with as much care and indefati- gable industry as men can study the sciences. Poverty and con- tempt, persecution and death, being the chief objects of his horror and aversion, he will shun them with as much assiduity as the jaw? of a lion. As he designs to attain the unmolested, the unlimited gratification of his appetites and passions by such a dreadful step, he will be extremely cautious how he censures. All these things must be foreseen by a deceiver, in the above manner he will find it necessary to act, and all the forementioned dangers he must labor to avoid. What avails his scheme, if he is imprisoned for 46 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. life or put to death ? To what purpose is it to aim at supreme authority, if any step of his conduct should exclude him from it forever ? These things were well understood, and artfully man- aged by Mohammed, who yielded to the darling passions of his countrymen, and denied them the gratification of no appetite which they were determined to indulge. Not contented with allowing them to sin here, and encourage them in vices to which they were probably strangers before, he allowed them to hope for all manner of sensuality through everlasting ages. But Christ waged perpetual war with every species of iniquity, and reproba- ted the most favorite vices of the greatest personages upon earth. In proportion as error and wickedness became popular, and con- equently when it was dangerous for a deceiver to meddle with them, he increased in the thunder of his eloquence and force of his reasoning against them, making no secret of the terrible ven- geance of Almighty God, which the wretched abettors of such a cause had to expect. Amidst innumerable trials, afflictions, and persecutions, he pursued impiety with a steady pace, and even in the certain prospect of death itself, he maintained his opposition to the commission of wickedness. Instead of compromising the matters between men's preconceived opinions and his system, he combated every argument in support of error and absurdity, with a resolute firmness which nothing could intimidate. By a candid examination of this concise contrast, it will appear manifest that Christ and Mohammed are antipodes to each other, and that if the one of them be a deceiver, it is absolutely impossible that the other can. It is extremely difficult in some cases to hate wickedness, with- out at the same time abhorring its perpetrator ; but if an historian is not capable of doing so, it is not to be expected that he will always speak the truth. To admit everything against Mohammed which ignorance or malice may deem it proper to advance, is to deprive ourselves of the power of refuting the most consummate nonsense against Christianity. For example, Celsus wishes the world to believe that Christ wrought miracles by the power of magic ; but who in his senses will take the infidel's word for this V While reason declares it physically impossible to fill a man's belly by legerdemain, ten thousand ship-loads of such a man as Celsus may affirm it, without running the hazard of being believed by any. In contemplating the wonderful revolution accomplished by Mohammed, the inquisitive mind seems not altogether satisfied with its ostensible reasons. If capable of bringing about the sub- jugation of souls, it may be said that they do not appear adequate to the task of continuing it in existence, and encouraging its tpread. It must be granted that his flattering the great, and brib- ing the poor ; his indulgence of sensuality upon earth, and volup- tuous paradise beyond the grave, joined to the irresistible argument LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 47 of compulsion or force, could not fail to overpower for a little ; but how Las even the energy of the sword kept it so long in be- ing ? An eminent personage once said of Christianity, If this work be of men, it will come to nothing, but if it be of God, ye cann n overthrow it. No man, I trust, for the honor of his own anden^nding, will ever apply this to the religion of Mohammed, and iulur that it must be from heaven, as it has continued above a thousand years. Such an inference would be sophistical and ab- surd, li. is wholly destitute of external evidence, as we have formerly evinced, and it contains innumerable internal marks of forgery and deception. If this inference will not hold good, perhaps it may be said that its existence upon earth for so long a period is totally inexplica- ble. Men have been as securely fettered by the manacles of des- potism in a political, as the Arabs ever were in a spiritual sense by the imposture of Mohammed, and yet they have brought about their own emancipation in defiance of opposition. From being the abject slaves of unlimited power, they have passed to a state of independence like a shock of electricity. Such phenomena, it must be granted, have been beheld in the political world, and con- sequently it is logical enough to conclude that a similar escape might be made from the fangs of spiritual despotism. It ought, uowever, to be remembered, that men are seldom so much con- cerned about their souls as their bodies, nor so much taken up with how they shall be in a future state, as how they shall acquire ease, honor, and independence while they sojourn upon earth. Add to this, that if conscience can be kept quiet, and an unlimi- ted toleration given to the indulgence of their favorite passions ; it is not such a difficult matter as at first sight we might imagine, to continue them in chains. Give most men those things for which corrupt nature has a strong predilection, and you may make them accede to any religious absurdity you think proper to propose. The cause of this easy credulity in religious matters is very obvi- ous, for Gallic like, they care for none of these things. While it is beyond the limits of the human understanding to say at present, whether an invasion or a mental revolution will ultimately prove the overthrow of the fooleries of Mohammed, we would add to the above speculations, that it is allowed to flourish in the course of divine providence, for the following reasons. The Supreme Being often permits men to have their conscien- ces enslaved by spiritual tyranny, as a scourge for the stupendous height of wickedness at which they have arrived, or for the glaring abuse of favorable opportunities of escaping from ignorance. In- gratitude, negligence, self-conceit, and profligacy of manners forged Ihe chains of delusion by which the Church of Rome has been fet- tered for so many centuries. Had Christians highly valued and suitably improved the blessings of the everlasting gospel, we had never heard of that many-headed monster who usurped tlie place oi 48 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. God, but whose horrid dominion, we trust, is now drawing to ita end In like manner, if the Arabs and others had consulted reason mow than lust and a desire to plunder, the dictates of conscience rather than the hope of present and everlasting sensuality, their abandoned prophet would have fallen the unpitied victim of hi own impiety. But when the ignorance of mankind is not purely invincible ; when they continue in rebellion against God, and in the indulgence of their appetites, contrary to the light, even of reason itself; it is only just that they should be made the dupes of the greatest villain. This accounts for the present ignorance and barbarism of the Africans, as well as the infatuation of the soni of Ishmael. But we also conceive that so large a portion of the globe ii allowed to be subjugated by the forgery of Mohammed, to be a standing monument of the divine goodness to us, and of the terri- ble judgments we may reasonably dread, if we do not improve our blessings. Thousands among us are almost as capable of being made the dupes of imposition as the Arabians were, and surely their abuse of the light of nature was not so ordinal in the sight of God, as our total indifference about the gospel of hia Son. We may therefore be left to be cheated out of our reason by some dexterous impostor, while others growing wise by the consequences of our folly, may read our horrid crimes in their tremendous punishment. It is needless to dissemble, that we do not deserve the divine favors we enjoy, which are equalled by nothing but our ingratitude, and of consequence they may be speedily withdrawn. Where is now the celestial knowledge once enjoyed by the sable natives of Africa's burning climes, when the immortal Origen preached to them the merits of a Saviour ? Is it fled, without leaving a trace behind that it once was there, except in the faithful page of history, and shall not we tremble ? If we are at present as enlightened as we are wicked, let us not forget that we were barbarians in the days of Julius Caesar. What has been our fate already may be so again, which ought to rouse us to a sense of our danger. Let the miserable condition of all Mo- hammedan countries inspire us with gratitude to the Almighty for his distinguishing love, and make us study to avert his judgments oy universal reformation. The divine permission of such a cheat speaks a bold and animated language, full of instruction and re- proof. If we have such a lofty opinion of our own penetration, and the wonderful acuteness of our reasoning powers, as to be persuaded that we could never become the willing supporters of absurdity and fraud, let us recollect what the power of the sword has accomplished already. If a mental revolution in Mohammedan countries will never be able to accomplish its objects, as it has to contend with the supe- rior power of tyranny in arms, we may safely conclude that a formidable invasion will bury in oblivion the blasphemy of th LIFE OF MOHAMMED. 41 Koran, and give millions the opportunity of thinking for them- lelves. Although we had never heard of the character of Mohammed ; of his debauchery, injustice, cruelty, and cunning, it would be no difficult matter to demonstrate the Koran to be a forgery from its internal structure. Could we suppose it possible that he ever wrought any miracles, at least what might pass for such in the judgment 01 an ignorant rabble, they behooved it to be considered as absolute delusion, arising from the agency of the devil, or the power of magic. When reason analyzes the Arabian Bible, and examines its contents chapter by chapter, with the impartiality of an independent judge, she needs not the want of miracles to pro- nounce it a fabrication. By this noble faculty alone are we quali- fied to discriminate between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, or what is agreeable to, or incompatible with, the eternal reason and fitness of things. The book, therefore, which justifies a plu- rality of wives, breaks down the barriers that separate virtue and vice, sanctions robbery and plunder, and offers an apology for every species of murder, cannot be from God, and neither angel, man nor devil, could convince us of the reverse. But independent of all external evidence, whether arising from miracles, or the accomplishment of prophecy, it is easy to demon- strate the divine origin of the New Testament from its internal structure. It contains, in addition to anything mentioned before, some doctrines which are said to be beyond the reach of the hu- man understanding, and therefore the conclusion of infidelity is, that it cannot be from God. The very opposite is the fair and rational inference, for how in the name of wonder can it be a for- gery, when it is allowed in some respects to be beyond our reach, even after it is given to the world ? Had it been in all respects as plain as the relation of two and two to four, we should nave more easily believed that God was not its author, for in all his other works of creation and providence we find mysteries in abundance. Mysteries in the gospel, therefore, are only consistent with analogy, and proclaim their author to be the omnipotent Jehovah. But it is affirmed that our future happiness is not affected by the mysteries of creation, since we may enjoy the favor of God forever, though we should not comprehend even one among a thousand. So do we assert of the gospel, that such things as transcend the grasp of all human research are never made the conditions of eternal life, for a man may be happy through everlasting ages, according to the solemn declarations of the word of God, without comprehending such doctrines as are professedly mysterious. Faith and repentance are the condition* on which it offers mankind the pardon of sin, the protection of the Almighty through the whole career of life, and never-ending felicity beyond death and the grave. It contains nothing degrad ing to the author of our being, incompatible with historical facts, 50 LIFE OF MOHAMMED. or the peace, good order, and happiness of society ; but recom> mends and enforces the idea of subordination, which is the deter- mined enemy of anarchy and confusion. In short, it proposes to make man in all respects what dispassionate reason declares he ought to be, and would, were its dictates and precepts universally obeyed, make this sublunary state a lively emblem of heaven. Paradise would then be restored, and every fabulous description of the golden age by the poets of antiquity, be completely verified. We admire the blessings we enjoy, and perhaps we do not ad- mire in vain, but can you call the best of them any other than per- petual remembrancers of human folly and wickedness ? Even the grand palladium of English liberty, trial by jury, reminds us that we are sinners, whereas if the gospel were universally believed, such trials would be a palpable absurdity, and there would soon be no words for judge, advocate, or witness, in the whole compass of hu- man language. It is man's ignorance of the gospel, and contempt of its moral requisition, that have multiplied the crimes in the catalogue of human wickedness. Men who deny this deduce their ideas from the superstition, blasphemy, and nonsense, which priestcraft has attached to Christianity, and which have made it assume the appearance of a monster, as unlike the religion of the gospel, as light is to darkness. Is it then possible that the religion of Mohammed can continue much longer, as it is in every partic- ular the very reverse of Christianity ; or can the glorious gospel of the Son of God be always confined to a small portion of the *lobe ! No individual nor combination of monsters, however formidable, shall be able to preserve the imposture of Mohammed from everlasting destruction, nor all the infidels in the universe, et boundaries to the kingdom of the great Messiah, THB KORAN; OOMMOSLT CAUSED THE ALCORAN OF MOHAMMED; fRANSLATFD IXTO ENGLISH IMMEDIATELY FROM THE OKIOt NAL ARABIC; BY GEORGE SALE, GENT. 1784. " B*ll* MM doetrtn* art. qnjB non allquid Teri permlaeeat." Auaosrw. QiMtf Swtmg. 1. t. 10 THE KORANJ Ohmp Pag* 1. Intitled, The Preface, or Introduction; containing 7 verses, 57 2. Intitled, The Cow ; containing 286 verses, 57 8. Intitled, The Family of Imran ; containing 200 (199) verses, 86 4. Intitled, Women ; containing 175 verses, 102 6. Intitled, The Table ; containing 120 verses, 119 8. Intitled, Cattle (Flocks) ; containing 166 verses, . . . 183 7. Intitled, Al Araf ; containing 206 (205) verses, .... 148 8. Intitled, The Spoils ; containing 76 verses, 165 9. Intitled, The Declaration of Immunity ( Conversion) ; con- taining 139 (130) verses, 171 19. Intitled. Jonas ; containing 109 verses, 183 11. Intitled, Hud ; containing 123 verses, 192 12. Intitled, Joseph ; containing 111 verses, 202 18. Intitled, Thunder; containing 43 verses, 211 14. Intitled, Abraham ; containing 52 verses, 215 16. Intitled, Al Hejr; containing 99 (100) verses, 220 16. Intitled, The Bee (The Bees) ; containing 128 verses, . . 224 17. Intitled, The Night Journey; containing 110 (111) verses, 284 18. Intitled, The Cave; containing 111 (110) verses, .... 242 19. Intitled, Mary ; containing 80 (98) verses, 250 20. Intitled, T. H.; containing 134 (185) verses, 255 21. Intitled, The Prophets; containing 112 verses, .... 268 22. Intitled, The Pilgrimage ; containing 78 verses, .... 270 23. Intitled, The True Believers ; containing 118 verses, . . 276 1 The titles ami flgnrM within pareathaMi art thoM which arc given in tb* tttion by SATAT. 54 CONTENTS. Jhtp. P* 24. In titled, Light ; containing 74 (64) vc-rses, 282 25. Intitled, Al Forkan ( The Koran) ; containing 77 Tenet, . 288 26. Intitled, The Poets; containing 227 (228) verses, . . . . 298 27. Intitled, The Ant; containing 93 (95) yerses, 800 28. Intitled, The Story (The History); containing 87 (88, v verses, 806 29. Intitled, The Spider ; containing 69 verses, 818 80. Intitled, The Greeks ; containing 60 verses, 818 81 , Intitled, Lokman ; containing 34 verses, 828 62. Intitled, Adoration ; containing 29 (30) verses, 326 88 Intitled, The Confederates ( The Conspirators) ; containing 78 verses, 828 94. Intitled, Saba ; containing 54 verses, 834 85. Intitled, The Creator ( The Angels) ; containing 46 verses, 839 86. Intitled, Y. S. (I. S.); containing 83 verses, 343 87. Intitled, Those who rank themselves in Order ( The Classes} ; containing 182 verses, 847 88. Intitled, S. ; containing 86 (88) verses, 362 89. Intitled, The Troops ; containing 76 verses, 866 40. Intitled, The True Believer ; containing 85 verses, . . . 362 41. Intitled, Are distinctly explained (The Explanation); con- taining 54 (55) verses, 369 42. Intitled, Consultation ( T7ie Council) ; containing 63 verses, 378 48. Intitled, The Ornaments of Gold (Dress) ; containing 89 verses, 877 44. Intitled, Smoke ; containing 57 (59) verses, 382 45. Intitled, The Kneeling; containing 36 verses, 384 46. Intitled, Al Ahkaf ; containing 35 verses, 887 47. Intitled, Mohammed (The Battle) ; containing 38 (40) verses, 390 48. Intitled, The Victory ; containing 29 verses, 893 49. Intitled, The Inner Apartments (The Sanctuary); contain- ing 18 verses, 896 60. Intitled, K. ; containing 45 verses, 898 61. Intitled, The Dispersing (The Breath of the Wind*) ; con- taining 60 verses, 400 62. Intitled, The Mountain ; containing 48 (49) verses, . . . 408 68. Intitled, The Star ; containing 61 verses, 405 64. Intitled, The Moon ; containing 55 verses, 407 55. Intitled, The Merciful ; containing 78 verses, 409 66. Intitled, The Inevitable ( The Judgment) ; containing 99 (96) verses, . . 412 57 Intitled, Iron ; containing 29 verses, .,,..,.. 414 CONTENTS. 55 (8. Intitled, She who disputed (The Complaint) ; containing 22 verses, 417 59 Intitled, The Emigration (The Assembly); containing 24 (25) yerses, 420 (JO, Intitled, She who is tried (The Proof); containing 18 Yerses, 422 11. Intitled, Battle Array (The Array) ; containing 14 verses, 424 62. Intitled, The Assembly (Friday) ; containing 11 verses, . 426 68. Intitled, The Hypocrites (The Impious); containing 11 verses, 427 64. Intitled, Mutual Deceit (Knavery) ; containing 18 verse*, 428 66. Intitled, Divorce ; containing 12 verses, 429 66. Intitled, Prohibition ; containing 12 verses, 481 67. Intitled, The Kingdom ; containing 30 verses, .... 488 68. Intitled, The Pen ; containing 52 verses, 486 69. Intitled, The Infallible ( The Inevitable Day) ; containing 52 verses, 487 70. Intitled, The Steps ( The Classes or The Orders) ; containing 44 verses, 438 71. Intitled, Noah ; containing 28 verses, 440 72. Intitled, The Genii ; containing 28 verses, 441 78. Intitled, The Wrapped up ( The Prophet dothed in his Dress) ; containing 19 V 20) verses, 448 74. Intitled, The Covered (The Mantle) ; containing 65 verses, 444 76. Intitled, The Resurrection ; containing 40 verses, .... 446 76. Intitled, Man ; containing 31 (80) verses, 447 77. Intitled, Those which are sent (The Messengers) ; contain- ing 50 verses, ... 448 78. Intitled, The News ( The Important News) ; containing 40 (41) verses, 460 79 Intitled, Those who tear forth (The Ministers of Vengeance) ; containing 46 (47) verses, 461 80 Intitled, He Frowned ( The Frowning Brow) ; containing 43 verses. 468 81. Intitled, The Folding up (The Darkness); containing 29 (28) ver*^, 464 82. Intitled, The Cleaving asunder (The Breaking) ; containing 19 verses, 464 88. Intitled, Those who give short Measure or Weight (The Unjust Measure) ; containing 86 verses, 461 14 Intitled, The Rending in sunder ( Tht Opening) ; contain- ing 28 (26) verses, .... 454 56 CONTENTS. Ohp Pat 85. Intitled, The Celestial Signs ; containing 22 verses, . 457 86. Intitled, The Star which appeareth by Night (The Aoctur- nal Star) ; containing 17 verses, 468 87. Intitled, The Most High ; containing 19 verses, .... 469 88. Intitled, The Overwhelming ( The Gloomy Veil) ; contain- ing 26 (27) verses, 469 89. Intitled, The Daybreak ; containing 80 verses, .... 460 90. Intitled, The Territory (The City) ; containing 20 verses, 461 91 Intitled, The Sun; containing 16 (16) verses, .... 462 92, Intitled, The Night ; containing 21 verses, 462 98. Intitled, The Brightness ( The Sun in his Meridian) ; con- taining 11 verses, 468 94. Intitled, Have we not Opened ( The Expanding) ; contain- 8 verses, 464 96. Intitled, The Fig ( The Fig-tree) ; containing 8 verses . . 464 96. Intitled, Congealed Blood (The Union of the Sexes); con- taining 19 verses, 464 97. Intitled, Al Kadr ( The Celebrated Night) ; containing 6 verses, 465 98. Intitled, The Evidence ; containing 8 verses, 465 99. Intitled, The Earthquake ; containing 8 verses .... 466 100. Intitled, The War Horses which run swiftly (The Cours- ers) ; containing 11 verses, 467 101. Intitled, The Striking (The Day of Calamities) ; containing 10 (8) verses, 467 102. Intitled, The Emulous Desire of Multiplying (The Love of Gain) ; containing 8 verses, 468 108. Intitled, The Afternoon ; containing 8 verses, .... 468 104. Intitled, The Slanderer ; containing 9 verses, 468 105. Intitled, The Elephant ; containing 6 verses, .... 469 106. Intitled, Koreish ( The Koreishites) ; containing 4 verses, . 469 107. Intitled, Necessaries (The Succoring Hand) ; containing 7 verses, 470 108. Intitled, Al Cawthar ; containing 8 verses, ...... 470 109. Intitled, The Unbelievers ; containing 6 verses, . . . 470 110. Intitled, Assistance ; containing 8 verses, 471 111. Intitled, Abu Laheb ; containing 6 versea, 471 112. Intitled, The Declaration of God's Unity ( Unity) ; con- taining 4 verses, 471 118. Intitled, The Daybreak (The God of Morning) ; containing 5 verses, 472 1 14. Intitled, Men ; containing 6 verses, 473 Selected Notes, 473 Index, . .,,,,,,,,, 537 AL KORAN. CHAPTER L IMTITLED, THE PREFACE, OB INTRODUCTION ; KEVKALM AT MECCA. IV THE NAME OF THE HOST MERCIFUL GOD PRAISE be to GOD, the LORD of all creatures ; the most merciful, the king of the day of judgment. Thee do we worship, and of thee do we beg assistance. Direct us in the right way, in the way of those to whom thou hast been gracious ; not of those against whom thou art incensed, nor of those who go astray. CHAPTER H. DTTITLED, THE COW ; REVEALED PARTLY AT MECCA, AJTD PARTLY AT MEDINA. IK THE NAME OF THE MOST MEHCIFUL GOD. A. L. M. 1 There is no doubt in this book ; it it a di- rection to the pious, who believe in the mysteries of faith, 1 There are twenty-nine chapters in the Koran, which have this peculiar- ity that they begin with certain letters of the alphabet. Some with a single one, others with more. These letters the Mohammedans believe to De peculiar marks of the Koran, and to conceal several profound mysteries the certain understanding of which, the more intelligent confess, has nol oeen communicated to any mortal, the prophet only excepted. ' * For all explanatory notes see Appendix, page 473. SB AL KORAJ*. M whoohj^fi^yg thp appointed times of prayer, and distribute it out of what we have bestowed on them, and who be- ;e in that revelation which hath been sent down unto thee / and that which hath been sent down unto the prophett 4+ before thee, and have firm assurance ** j||(' Ufo tft rnmr : * these are directed by their LORD, and they shall prosper. As for the unbelievers, it will be equal to them whether thou admonish them, or do not admonish them ; they will not believe. GOD hath sealed up their hearts and their hearing ; a dimness covereth their sight, and they shall suf- fer a grievous punishment. There are some who say, We believe in GOD, and the last day ; but are not really be- lievers : they seek to deceive GOD, and those who do be- lieve, but they deceive themselves only, and are not sensible thereof. There is an infirmity in their hearts, and GOD hath increased that infirmity ; and they shall suffer a most painful punishment, because they have disbelieved. When one saith unto them, Act not corruptly in the earth ; they reply, Verily we are men of integrity. Are not they them- selves corrupt doers ? but they are not sensible thereof. And when one saith unto them, Believe ye as others be lieve ; they answer, Shall we believe as fools believe ? Are not they themselves fools? but they know it not. When they meet those who believe, they say, We do believe : but when they retire privately to their devils, they say, We really hold with you, and only mock at those people : GOD shall mock at them, and continue them in their impiety they shall wander in confusion. There are the men who have purchased error at the price of true direction : but their traffic hath not been gainful, neither have they been rightly directed. They are like unto one who kindleth a fire, and when it hath enlightened all around him, GOD taketh away their light and leaveth them in darkness, they shall not see ; they are deaf, dumb, and blind, therefore will they not repent. 1 Or like a stormy cloud from heaven, fraught with darkness, thunder, and lightning, they put their fingers in their ears because of the noise of the thunder, for fear of death ; GOD encompasseth the infidels : the lightning wanteth but little of taking away their sight ; so flften as it enlighteneth them, they walk therein, but when darkness cometh on them, they stand still ; and if GOD o pleased, he would certainly deprive them of their hearing AL KORAN. 59 and their sight, for GOD is almighty. 1 O men of Mecca, serve your LORD who hath created you, and those who have been before you : perad venture ye will fear him ; who hath spread the earth as a bed for you, and the heaven as a covering, and hath caused water to descend from heaven, and thereby produced fruits for your sustenance. Set not up therefore any equals unto GOD, against your own knowledge. If ye be in doubt concerning that revela- tion which we have sent down unto our servant, produce a chapter like unto it, and call upon your witnesses besides GOD, if ye say truth. But if ye do it not, nor shall ever be able to do it ; justly fear the fire whose fuel is men and tones, prepared for the unbelievers. But bear good tidings unto those who believe, and do good works, that they shall have gardens watered by rivers ; so often as they eat of the fruit thereof for sustenance, they shall say, this is what we have formerly eaten of; and they shall be supplied with several sorts of fruit having a mutual resemblance to one another. There shall they enjoy wives subject to no impurity, and there shall they continue forever. More- over, GOD will not be ashamed to propound in a parable a gnat, or even a more despicable thing : for they who be- lieve will know it to be the truth from their LORD ; but the unbelivers will say, What meaneth GOD by this parable ? he will thereby mislead many, and will direct many thereby : but he will not mislead any thereby, except the transgressors, who make void the covenant of GOD after the establishing thereof, and cut in sunder that which GOD hath commanded to be joined, and act corruptly in the earth ; they shall perish. How is it that ye believe not in GOD ? Since ye were dead, and he gave you life ; he will hereafter cause you to die, and will again restore you to life ; then shall ye return unto him. It is he who hath created for you whatsoever is on earth, and then set his mind to the cre- ation of heaven, and formed it into seven heavens ; he knoweth all things. When thy LORD said unto the angels, I am going to place a substitute on earth ; they said, Wilt tiiou place there one who will do evil therein, and shed blood ? but we celebrate thy praise, and sanctify thee. 3 GOD answered, Verily I know that which ye know not ; and he taught Adam the names of all things, and then proposed them to the angels, and said, Declare unto me the names 60 AL KORAN. of these things if ye say truth. They answered, Praise be unto thee; we have no knowledge but what thou teachest us, for thou art knowing and wise. GOD said, Adam, tell them their names. And when he had told them their names, GOD said, Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and know that which ye discover, and that which ye conceal P 1 And when we said unto the angels, Worship Adam ; they all worshipped him, except Eblis, who refused, and was puffed up with pride, and became of the number of unbelievers. And we said, O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in the garden, and eat of the fruit thereof plentifully wherever ye will ; but approach not this tree, lest ye become of the number of the transgressors. But Satan caused them to forfeit paradise, and turned them out of the state of happiness wherein they had been ; where- upon we said, Get ye down, the one of you an enemy unto the other; and there shall be a dwelling-place for you on earth, and a provision for a season. 2 And Adam learned words of prayer from his LORD, and GOD turned unto him, for he is easy to be reconciled and merciful. We said, Get ye all down from hence ; hereafter shall there come unto you a direction from me, and whoever shall follow my direc- tion, on them shall no fear come, neither shall they be griev- ed ; but they who shall be unbelievers, and accuse our signs of falsehood, they shall be the companions of hell fire, therein shall they remain forever. O children of Israel, remember my favor wherewith I have favored you ; and psrform your covenant with me, and I will perform my cov- enant with you ; and revere me : and believe in the revela- tion which I have sent down, confirming that which is with you, and be not the first who believe not therein, neither exchange my signs for a small price ; and fear me. Clothe not the truth with vanity, neither conceal the truth against your own knowledge ; observe the stated times of prayer, and pay your legal alms, and bow down yourselves with those who bow down. Will ye command men to do jus- tice, and forget your own souls ? yet ye read the book of the law : do ye not therefore understand ? Ask help with perseverance and prayer; this indeed is grievous unless to the humble, who seriously think they shall meet their LORD ; and that to him they shall return. O children of Israel, re- member my favor wherewith I have favored you, and that AL KORAN. 61 I have preferred you above all nations ; dread the day wherein one soul shall not make satisfaction for another soul, neither shall any intercession be accepted from them, nor shall any compensation be received, neither shall they be helped. Remember when we delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who grievously oppressed you, they slew your male children, and let your females live : therein was a great trial from your LORD. And when we divided the sea for you and delivered you, and drowned Pharaoh's people while ye looked on. And when we treated with Moses forty nights ; then ye took the calf for your God, and did evil ; yet afterwards we forgave you, that peradventure ye might give thanks. And when we gave Moses the book of the law, and the distinction between good and evil, that perad- venture ye might be directed. And when Moses said unto his people, O my people, verily ye have injured your own souls, by your taking the calf for your God; therefore be turned unto your Creator, and slay those among you who have been guilty of that crime ; this will be better for you in the sight of your Creator: and thereupon he turned unto you, for he is easy to be reconciled, and merciful. And when ye said, O Moses, we will not believe thee, until we see GOD manifestly ; therefore a punishment came upot you, while ye looked on ; then we raised you to life after ye had been dead, that peradventure ye might give thanks. And we caused clouds to overshadow you, and manna and quails to descend upon you, saying, Eat of the good things which we have given you for food : and they injured not us, but injured their own souls. And when we said, Enter into this city, and eat of the provisions thereof plentifully as ye will ; and enter the gate worshipping, and say, Forgiveness I we will pardon you your sins, and give increase unto the well-doers. But the ungodly changed the expression into an- other, different from what had been spoken unto them; and we sent down upon the ungodly indignation from heaven, because they had transgressed. And when Moses asked drink for his people, we said, Strike the rock with thy rod ; and there gushed thereout twelve fountains according to the number of the tribes, and all men knew their respective drink- ing-place. 1 Eat and drink of the bounty of GOD, and com- mit not evil on the earth, acting unjustly. And when y aid, Moses, we will by no means be satisfied with one 62 AL KORAN. kind of food ; pray unto thy LORD therefore for us, that he would produce for us of that which the earth bringeth forth, herbs and cucumbers, and garlic, and lentils, and onions ; Moses answered, Will ye exchange that which ia better, for that which is worse ? Get ye down into Egypt, for there shall ye find what ye desire : and they were smitten with vileness and misery, and drew on themselves indigna- tion from GOD. This they suffered, because they believed not in the signs of GOD, and killed the prophets unjustly ; this, because they rebelled and transgressed. Surely those who believe, and those who Judaize, and Christians, and Sa- bians, whoever believeth in GOD, and the last day, and doth that which is right, they shall have their reward with their LORD ; there shatt come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved. Gall to mind also when we accepted your cov- enant, and lifted up the mountain of Sinai over you, saying, Receive the law which we have given you, with a resolution to keep it, and remember that which is contained therein, that ye may beware. After this ye again turned back, so that if it had not been for GOD'S indulgence and mercy towards you, ye had certainly been destroyed. Moreover ye know what befell those of your nation who transgressed on the Sab- bath day ; We said unto them, Be ye changed into apes, driven away from the society of men. 1 And we made them an example unto those who were contemporary with them, and unto those who came after them, and a warning to the pious. And when Moses said unto his people, Verily GOD commandeth you to sacrifice a cow ; they answered, Dost thou make a jest of us ! 2 Moses said, GOD forbid that I should be one of the foolish. They said, Pray for us unto thy LORD, that he would show us what cow it is. Moses answered, He saith, She is neither an old cow, nor a young heifer, but of a middle age between both : do ye therefore that which ye are commanded. They said, Pray for us unto thy LORD, that he would show us what color she is of. Moses answered, He saith, She is a red cow, intensely red, her color rejoiceth the beholders. They said, Pray for us nnto thy LORD, that he would further show us what cow it is, for several cows with us are like one another, and we, if GOD please, will be directed. Moses answered, He saith, She is a cow not broken to plough the earth, or water the field, a sound one, there is no blemish in her. They said AL KORAN. H3 Now hast thou brought the truth. Then they sacrificed her ; yet they wanted but little of leaving it undone. And when ye slew a man, and contended among yourselves concerning him, GOD brought forth to light that which ye concealed. For we said, Strike the dead body with part of the sacrificed cow : so GOD raiseth the dead to life, and showeth you his signs, that peradventure ye may understand. Then were your hearts hardened after this, even as stones, or exceeding them in hardness : for from some stones have rivers bursted forth, others have been rent in sunder, and water hath issued from them, and others have fallen down for fear of GOD. But GOD is not regardless of that which ye do. Do ye there- fore desire that the Jews should believe you ? yet a part of them heard the word of GOD, and then perverted it, after they had understood it, against their own conscience. And when they meet the true believers, they say, We believe: but when they are privately assembled together, they say, Will ye acquaint them with what GOD hath revealed unto you, that they may dispute with you concerning it in the presence of your LORD? Do ye not therefore understand? Do not they know that GOD knoweth that which they con- ceal as well as that which they publish ? But there are illiterate men among them, who know not the book of the law, but only lying stories, although they think otherwise. And woe unto them, who transcribe corruptly the book of the law with their hands, and then say, This is from GOD : that they may sell it for a small price. Therefore woe unto them because of that which their hands have written ; and woe unto them for that which they have gained. They nay, The fire of hett shall not touch us but for a certain number of days. Answer, Have ye received any promise from GOD to that purpose ? for GOD will not act contrary to his promise : or do ye speak concerning GOD that which ye know not ? Verily whoso doth evil, and is encompassed by his iniquity, they shall be the companions of hell fire, they shall remain therein forever: but they who believe and do good works, they shall be the companions of paradise, they shall continue therein forever. Remember also, when we accepted the covenant of the children of Israel, saying, Ye shall not wor- ship any other except GOD, and ye shall show kindness to your parents and kindred, and to orphans, and to the poor, and speak that which is good unto men, and be constant at 84 AL KORAN. prayer, and give alms. Afterwards ye turned back, except a few of you, and retired afar off. And when we accepted your covenant, saying, Ye shall not shed your brother's blood. nor dispossess one another of your habitations ; then ye con firmed it, and were witnesses thereto. Afterwards ye wer they who slew one another, and turned several of your breth- ren out of their houses, mutually assisting each other against them with injustice and enmity ; but if they come captives unto you, ye redeem them : yet it is equally unlawful for you to dispossess them. Do ye therefore believe in part of the book of the law, and reject other part thereof? But whoso among you doth this, shall have no other reward ihan shame in this life, and on the day of resurrection they shall be sent to a most grievous punishment ; for GOD is not regardless of that which ye do. These are they who have purchased this present life, at the price of that which is to come ; wherefore their punishment shall not be mitigated, neither shall they be helped. We formerly delivered the book of the law unto Moses, and caused apostles to succeed him, and gave evident miracles to Jesus the son of Mary, and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Do ye there- fore, whenever an apostle cometh unto you with that which your souls desire not, proudly reject him, and accuse some of imposture, and slay others ? The Jews say, Our hearts are uncircumcised : but GOD hath cursed them with their infidelity ; therefore few shall believe. And when a book came unto them from GOD, confirming the scriptures which were with then, although they had before prayed for assist- ance against those who believed not, yet when that came unto them which they knew to be from God, they would not believe therein : therefore the curse of GOD shall be on the infidels. For a vile price have they sold their souls, that they should not believe in that which GOD hath sent down ; out of envy, because GOD sendeth down his favors to such of his servants as he pleaseth : therefore they brought on themselves indignation on indignation ; and the unbelievers shall suffer an ignominious punishment. When one saith unto them, Believe in that which GOD hath sent down ; they answer, We believe in that which hath been sent down unto us : and they reject what hath been revealed since, although it be the truth, confirming that which is with them. Say, Why therefore have ye slain the prophets of GOD in timei AL KORAN. 65 past, if ys be true believers? Moses formerly came unto you with evident signs, but ye afterwards took the calf for your god and did wickedly. And when we accepted your covenant, and lifted the mountain of Sinai over you, saying Receive the law which we have given you, with a resolution to perform it, and hear ; they said, We have heard, and have rebelled : and they were made to drink down the calf into their hearts for their unbelief. Say, A grievous thing hath your faith commanded you, if ye be true believers ? Say, if the future mansion with GOD be prepared peculiarly for you, exclusive of the rest of mankind, wish for death, if ye say truth ; but they will never wish for it, because of that which their hands have sent before them ; GOD knoweth the wicked-doers ; and thou shalt surely find them of all men the most covetous of life, even more than the idolaters : one of them would desire his life to be prolonged a thousand years, but none shall reprieve himself from punishment, that his life may be prolonged : GOD seeth that which they do. Say, Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel (for he hath caused the Koran to descend on thy heart, by the permission of GOD, confirming that which was before revealed, a direc- tion, and good tidings to the faithful) ; whosoever is an enemy to GOD, or his angels, or his apostles, or to Gabriel, or Michael, verily GOD is an enemy to the unbelievers. And now we have sent down unto thee evident signs, and none will disbelieve them but the evil-doers. Whenever they make a covenant, will some of them reject it ? yea, the greater part of them do not believe. And when there came unto them an apostle from GOD, confirming that scripture which was with them, some of those to whom the scriptures were given cast the book of GOD behind their backs, as if they knew it not: and they followed the device which the devils devised against the kingdom of Solomon ; and Solomon was not an unbeliever ; but the devils believed not, they taught men sorcery, and that which was sent down to the two angels at Babel, Harut and Marut: yet those two taught no man until they had said, Verily we are a temptation, there- fore be not an unbeliever. So men learned from those two a charm by which they might cause division between a man and his wife ; but they hurt none thereby, unless by GOD'S permission, and they learned that which would hurt them, and not profit them ; and yet they knew that he who bought 58 AL KORAN. that art should have no part in the life to come, and woful is the price for which they have sold their souls, if they knew it. But if they had believed, and feared GOD, verily the reward they would have had from GOD would have been better, if they had known it. O true believers, say not to our apostle, Raina ; but say Ondhorna ; and hearken : the infidels shall suffer a grievous punishment. It is not ^e desire of the unbelievers, either among those unto whom the scriptures have been given, or among the idolaters, that any good should be sent down unto you from your LORD . but GOD will appropriate his mercy unto whom he pleaseth ; for GOD is exceeding beneficent. Whatever verse we shall abrogate, or cause thee to forget, we will bring a better than it, or one like unto it. Dost thou not know that God is almighty? Dost thou not know that unto GOD belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth ? neither have ye any protector or helper except GOD. Will ye require of your apostle according to that which was formerly required of Moses ? but he that hath exchanged faith for infidelity, hath already erred from the straight way. Many of those unto whom the scriptures have been given, desire to render you again unbelievers, after ye have believed ; out of envy from their souls, even after the truth is become manifest unto them ; but forgive them, and avoid them, till GOD shall send his command ; for GOD is omnipotent. Be constant in prayer, and give alms ; and what good ye have sent before for your souls, ye shall find it with GOD ; surely GOD seeth that which ye do. They say, Verily none shall enter paradise, except they who are Jews or Chris- tians : this is their wish. Say, Produce your proof of thig, if ye speak truth. Nay, but he who resigneth himself to GOD, and doth that which is right, he shall have his reward with his LORD : there shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved. The Jews say, The Christians are grounded on nothing ; and the Christians say, The Jews are grounded on nothing ; yet they both read the scriptures. So likewise say they who know not the scripture, accord- ing to their saying. But GOD shall judge between them on the day of the resurrection, concerning that about which they now disagree. Who is more unjust than he who pro- hibiteth the temples of GOD, that his name should be re- membered therein, and who hasteth to destroy them ? Those AL KORAN. VI own cannot enter therein, but with fear: they shall have shame in this world, and in the next a grievous punish- ment To GOD belongeth the east and the west ; there- fore whithersoever ye turn yourselves to pray, there is th face of GOD ; for GOD is omnipresent and omniscient. They say, GOD hath begotten children : GOD forbid ! To him belongeth whatever is in heaven, and on earth ; all ia possessed by him, the Creator of heaven and earth ; and when he decreeth a thing, he only saith unto it, Be, and it is. And they who know not the scriptures say, Unless GOD speak unto us, or thou show us a sign, we will not believe. So said those before them, according to their say- ing: their hearts resemble each other. We have already shown manifest signs unto people who firmly believe ; we have sent thee in truth, a bearer of good tidings and a preacher ; and thou shalt not be questioned concerning the companions of hell. But the Jews will not be pleased with thee, neither the Christians, until thou follow their religion ; say, The direction of GOD is the true direction. And verily if thou follow their desires, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, thou shalt find no patron or protector against GOD. They to whom we have given the book of the Koran, and who read it with its true reading, they be- lieve therein ; and whoever believeth not therein, they shall perish. children of Israel, remember my favor where- with I have favored you, and that I have preferred you before all nations; and dread the day wherein one soul shall not make satisfaction for another soul, neither shall any compensation be accepted from them, nor shall any in- tercession avail, neither shall they be helped. Remember when the LORD tried Abraham by certain words, which h* fulfilled : GOD said, Verily I will constitute thee a model of religion unto mankind; he answered, And also of my posterity ; GOD said, My covenant doth not comprehend tLe ungodly. And when we appointed the holy house of Mecca to be a place of resort for mankind, and a place of security ; and said, Take the station of Abraham for a place of prayer ; and we covenanted with Abraham and Ismael, that they should cleanse my house for those who should compass it, and those who should be devoutly assiduous there, and those who should bow down and worship. And when Abra- ham said, LOED make this a territory of security, and boun- 68 AL KORAN. teously bestow fruits on its inhabitants, such of them as believe in GOD and the last day ; GOD answered, And whoever believeth not, I will bestow on him little ; after wards I will drive him to the punishment of hell fire ; an ill journey shall it be ! And when Abraham and Ismael raised the foundations of the house, saying, LORD, accept it from us, for thou art he who heareth and knoweth : LORD, make us also resigned unto thee, and of our pos- terity a people resigned unto thee, and show us our holy ceremonies, and be turned unto us, for thou art easy to be reconciled, and merciful : LORD, send them likewise an apostle from among them, who may declare thy signs unto them, and teach them the book of the Koran and wisdom, and may purify them ; for thou art mighty and wise . Who will be averse to the religion of Abraham, but he whose mind is infatuated ? Surely we have chosen him in this world, and in that which is to come he shall be one of the righteous. When his LORD said unto him, Resign thyself unto me ; he answered, I have resigned myself unto the LORD of all creatures. And Abraham bequeathed this re- ligion to his children, and Jacob did the same, saying, My children, verily GOD hath chosen this religion for you, therefore die not, unless ye also be resigned. Were ye present when Jacob was at the point of death ? when he said to his sons, Whom will ye worship after me? They answered, We will worship thy GOD, and the GOD of thy fathers Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, one GOD, and to him will we be resigned. That people are now passed away, they have what they have gained, and ye shall have what ye gain ; and ye shall not be questioned concerning that which they have done. They say, Become Jews or Christians that ye may be directed. Say, Nay, we follow the religion of Abra- ham the orthodox, who was no idolater. Say, We believe in GOD, and that which hath been sent down unto us, and that which hath been sent down unto Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which was delivered unto Moses, and Jesus, and that which was de- livered unto the prophets from their LORD : We make no distinction between any of them, and to GOD are we re- signed. Now if they believe according to what ye believe, they are surely directed, but if they turn back, they are m schism. GOD shall support thee against them, for he u JLL KORAN. 69 in the hearer, the wise. The baptism of GOD have we * ceived, and who is better than GOD to baptize ? him do we worship. Say, Will ye dispute with us concerning GOD, who is our LORD, and your LORD? we have our works, and ye have your works, and unto him are we sincerely devoted Will ye say, truly Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Ja- cob, and the tribes were Jews or Christians ? Say, ar ye wiser, or GOD ? And who is more unjust than he who hideth the testimony which he hath received from GOD ? But GOD is not regardless of that which ye do. That people are passed away, they have what they have gained, and ye shall have what ye gain, nor shall ye be questioned concern- ing that which they have done. The foolish men will say, What hath turned them from their Keblah, towards which they formerly prayed f 1 Say unto GOD belongeth the east and the west : he directeth whom he pleaseth into the right way. Thus have we placed you, Arabians, an inter- mediate nation, that ye may be witness against the rest of mankind, and that the apostle may be a witness against you. We appointed the Keblah, towards which thou didst for- merly pray, only that we might know him who followeth the apostle, from him who turneth back on the heels ; though this change seem a great matter, unless unto those whom GOD hath directed. But GOD will not render your faith of none effect ; for GOD is gracious and merciful unto man. We have seen thee turn about thy face towards heaven vrith uncertainty, but we will cause thee to turn thyself towards a Keblah that will please thee. Turn, therefore, thy face towards the holy temple of Mecca ; and wherever ye be, turn your faces towards that place. They to whom the scripture hath been given, know this to be truth from their LORD. GOD is not regardless of that which ye do. Verily although thou shouldest show unto those to whom the scripture hath been given all kinds of signs, yet they will not follow thy Keblah, neither shalt thou follow their Keblah ; nor will one part of them follow the Keblah of the other. And if thou follow their desires, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, verily thou wilt become one of the ungodly. They to whom we have given the scripture know our apostle, even as they know their own children ; but some of them hide the truth, against their own knowledge* Truth is from thy LORD, therefore thou shalt not doubt 70 AL KORAN. Every sect hath a certain tract of heaven to which they turn themselves in prayer ; but do ye strive to run after good things; wherever ye be, GOD will bring you all backal the resurrection, for GOD is almighty. And from what place soever thou comest forth, turn thy face towards the holy temple ; for this is truth from thy LORD ; neither is GOD regardless of that which ye do. From what place soever thou comest forth, turn thy face towards the holy temple ; and wherever ye be, thitherward turn your faces, lest men have matter of dispute against you ; but as for those among them who are unjust doers, fear them not, but fear me, that E may accomplish my grace upon you, and that ye may be directed. As we have sent unto you an apostle from among you, to rehearse our signs unto you, and to purify you, and to teach you the book of the Koran and wisdom, and to teach you that which ye knew not: therefore remember me, and I will remember you, and give thanks unto me, and be not unbelievers. true believers, beg assistance with patience and prayer, for GOD is with the patient. And say not of those who are slain in fight for the religion of GOD, that they are dead; yea, they are living: but ye do not understand. We will surely prove you by afflicting you in some measure with fear, and hunger, and decrease of wealth, and loss of lives, and scarcity of fruits : but bear good tidings unto the patient, who, when a misfortune befall- eth them, say, We are GOD'S and unto him shall we surely return. Upon them shall be blessings from their LORD and mercy, and they are the rightly directed. Moreover Safa and Merwah are two of the monuments of God : who- ever therefore goeth on pilgrimage to the temple of Mecca or visiteth it, it shall be no crime in him, if he compass them both. 1 And as for him who voluntarily performeth a good work ; verily GOD is grateful and knowing. They who con- ceal any of the evident signs, or the direction which we have sent down, after what we have manifested unto men in the scripture, GOD shall curse them ; and they who curse shall curse them. But as for those who repent" and amend, and make known what they concealed, I will be turned unto them, for I am easy to be reconciled and merciful. Surely they who believe not, and die in their unbelief, upon them ihall be the curse of GOD, and of the angels, and of all men ; they shall remain under it forever, their punishment AL, KORAN. . 71 hall not be alleviated, neither shall they be regarded. Youi GOD is one Gor> ; there is no GOD but He, the most merci fill. Now in the creation of heaven and earth, and the vi- cissitude of night and day, and in the ship which saileth in the sea, loaden with what is profitable for mankind, and in the rain water which GOD sendeth from heaven, quicken- ing thereby the dead earth, and replenishing the same with all sorts of cattle, and in the change of winds, and the clouds that are compelled to do service between heaven and earth, are signs to people of understanding : yet some men take idols beside GOD, and love them as with the love due to GOD ; but the true believers are more fervent in love to- wards GOD. Oh that they who act unjustly did perceive, when they behold their punishment, that all power belongeth unto GOD, and that he is severe in punishing ! When those who have been followed shall separate themselves from their followers, and shall see the punishment, and the cords oj relation between them shall be cut in sunder; the followers shall say, If we could return to life, we would separate our- selves from them, as they have now separated themselves from us. So GOD will show them their works ; they shall sigh grievously, and shall not come forth from the fire of hett. O men, eat of that which is lawful and good on the earth ; and tread not in the steps of the devil, for he is your open enemy. Verily he commandeth you evil and wicked- ness, and that ye should say that of GOD which ye know not. And when it is said unto them who believe not, Fol- low that which GOD hath sent down ; they answer, Nay, but we will follow that which we found our fathers practise. What ? though their fathers knew nothing, and were not rightly directed ? The unbelievers are like unto one who crieth alo id to that which heareth not so much as his call- ing, or the sound of his voice. They are deaf, dumb, and blind, therefore do they not understand. O true believers, eat of the good things which we have bestowed on you for food, and return thanks unto GOD, if ye serve him. Verily he hath forbidden you to eat that which dieth of itself, and blood and swine's flesh, and that on which any other name but GOD'S hath been invocated. But he who is forced by necessity, not lusting, ncr returning to transgress, it shall be no crime in him if he eat of those thing*, for GOD is gracious and merciful. Moreover they who conceal any part of th 72 AL KORAN. ecripture which GOD hath sent down unto them, and sell It for a small price, they shall swallow into their bellies nothing but fire; GOD shall not speak unto them on the day of resurrection, neither shall he purify them, and they shall Buffer a grievous punishment. These are they who hare eold direction for error, and pardon for punishment : but how great will their suffering be in the fire ! This they shall endure, because GOD sent down the book of the Koran with truth, and they who disagree concerning that book are cer- tainly in a wide mistake. It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces in prayer towards the east and the west, but righteousness is of him who believeth in GOD and the last day, and the angels, and the scriptures, and the prophets ; who giveth money for GOD'S sake unto his kindred, and unto orphans, and the needy, and the stranger, and those who ask, and for redemption of captives ; who is constant at prayer, and giveth alms ; and of those who perform their covenant, when they have covenanted, and who behave them- selves patiently in adversity, and hardships, and in time of violence ; these are they who are true, and these are they who fear GOD. O true believers, the law of retaliation is ordained you for the slain : the free shall die for the free, and the ser- vant for the servant, and a woman for a woman : but he whom his brother shall forgive may be prosecuted, and obliged to make satisfaction according to what is just, and a fine shall be set on him with humanity. This is indulgence from your LORD, and mercy. And he who shall transgress after this, by kitting the murderer, shall suffer a grievous punishment And in this law of retaliation ye have life, O ye of understanding, that peradventure ye may fear. It is ordained you, when any of you is at the point of death, if he leave any goods, that he bequeath a legacy to his parents, and kindred, ac- cording to what shall be reasonable. This is a duty incum- bent on those who fear GOD. But he who shall change tht legacy, after he hath heard it bequeathed by the dying person, surely the sin thereof shall be on those who change it, for GOD is he who heareth and knoweth. Howbeit he whc apprehendeth from the testator any mistake or injustice, and shall compose the matter between them, that shall be nc crime in him, for GOD is gracious and merciful. O true believers, a fast is ordained you, as it was ordained unto those before you, that ye may fear GOD. A certain num- A.L K.ORAN. 73 ber of days shall ye fast : but he among you who shall be sick, or on a journey, shall fast an equal number of other days. And those who can keep it, and do not, must redeem their neglect by maintaining of a poor man. And he who vo'untarily dealeth better with the poor man than he it obliged, this shall be better for him. But if ye fast, it will be better for you, if ye knew it. The month of Ramadan thall ye fast, in which the Koran was sent down from heaven, a direction unto men, and declarations of direction, and the distinction between good and evil. Therefore, let him among you who shall be present in this month, fast the same month ; but he who shall be sick, or on a journey, shall fast the like number of other days. GOD would make this an ease unto you, and would not make it a difficulty unto you ; that ye may fulfil the number of days, and glorify GOD, for that he hath directed you, and that ye may give thanks. When my servants ask thee concerning me, Verily I am near ; I will hear the prayer of him that prayeth, when he prayeth unto me : but let them hearken unto me, and believe in me, that they may be rightly directed. It is lawful for you, on the night of the fast, to go in unto your wives ; they are a garment unto you, and ye are a garment unto them. GOD knoweth that ye defraud yourselves therein, wherefore he turneth unto you, and forgiveth you. Now, therefore, go in unto them ; and earnestly desire that which GOD ordaineth you, and eat and drink, until ye can plainly distinguish a white thread from a black thread by the daybreak : then keep the fast until night, and go not in unto them, but be constantly present in the places of worship. These are the prescribed bounds of GOD, therefore draw not near them to transgress them. Thus GOD declareth his signs unto men, that ye may fear him. Consume not your wealth among yourselves in vain ; nor present it unto judges, that ye may devour part of men's substance unjustly, against your own consciences. They will ask thee concerning the phases of the moon : Answer, They are times appointed unto men, and to show the season of the pilgrimage to Mecca. It is not righteousness that ye enter your houses by the back parts thereof, but righteousness is of him who feareth GOD^ Therefore enter your houses by their doors ; and fear GOD, that ye may be happy. And fight for the religion of GOD against those who fight against you ; but transgress not by 74 AL KORAN. attacking them first, for GOD loveth not the transgressor* And kill them wherever ye find them, and turn them out of that whereof they have dispossessed you ; for temptation to idolatry is more grievous than slaughter; yet fight not against them in the holy temple, until they attack you there- in ; but if they attack you, slay them there. This shall be the reward of infidels. But if they desist, GOD is gracious and merciful. Fight therefore against them, until there be no temptation to idolatry, and the religion be GOD'S ; but if they desist, then let there be no hostility, except against the ungodly. A sacred month for a sacred month, and the holy limits of Mecca, if they attack you therein, do ye also attack them therein in retaliation ; and whoever transgresseth against you by so doing, do ye transgress against him in like manner as he hath transgressed against you, and fear GOD, and know that GOD is with those who fear him. Contribute out of your substance toward the defence of the religion of GOD, and throw not yourselves with you*' own hands into perdition ; and do good, for GOD loveth those who do good. Perform the pilgrimage of Mecca, and the visitation of GOD; and, if ye be besieged, send that offering which shall be the easiest ; and shave not your heads, until your offering reacheth the place of sacrifice. But, whoever among you is sick, or is troubled with any distemper of the head, must redeem the shaving his head, by fasting, or alms, or some offering. When ye are secure from enemies, he who tar- rieth in the visitation of the temple of Mecca until the pil- grimage, shall bring that offering which shall be the easiest. But he who findeth not anything to offer, shall fast three days in the pilgrimage, and seven when ye are returned: they shall be ten days complete. This is incumbent on him whose family shall not be present at the holy temple. And fear GOD, and know that GOD is severe in punishing. The pilgrimage must be performed in the known months : who- soever therefore purposeth to go on pilgrimage therein, let him not know a woman, nor transgress, nor quarrel in the pilgrimage. The good which ye do, GOD knoweth it. Make provision for your journey ; but the best provision is piety and fear me, ye of understanding. It shall be no crime in you, if ye seek an increase from your LORD, by trading dur- ing the pilgrimage. And when ye go in procession from Ara- fat remember GOD near the holy monument; 1 and remem- AL KORAN. 71 ber him for that he hath directed you, although ye were before this of the number of those who go astray. There- fore go in procession from whence the people go in pio- cession, and ask pardoa of GOD, for GOD is gracious and merciful. And when ye have finished your holy ceremonies, remember GOD, according as ye remember your fathers, or with a more reverent commemoration. There are some men who say, O LORD, give us our portion in this world ; but such shall have no portion in the next life : and there are others who say, O LORD, give us good in this world and also good in the next world, and deliver us from the torment of hett fire. They shall have a portion of that which they have gained : GOD is swift in taking an account. Remem- ber GOD the appointed number of days ; but if any haste to depart from the valley of Mina in two days, it shall be no crime in him. And if any tarry longer, it shall be no crime in him, in him who feareth GOD. Therefore fear GOD, and fcnow that unto him ye shall be gathered. There is a man who causeth thee to' marvel by his speech concerning thi present life, and calleth God to witness that which is in hia heart, yet he is most intent in opposing thee ; and when he turneth away from thee, he hasteth to act corruptly in the earth, and to destroy that which is sown, and springeth up : but GOD loveth not corrupt doing. And if one say unto him, Fear GOD ; pride seizeth him, together with wickedness ; but hell shall be his reward, and an unhappy couch shall it be. There is also a man who selleth his soul for the sake of those things which are pleasing unto God ; and GOD is gracious unto his servants. O true believers, enter into the true religion wholly, and follow not the steps of Satan, for he is your open enemy. If ye have slipped after the declarations of our will have come unto you, know that GOD is mighty and wise. Do the infidels ex- pect less than that GOD should come down to them over- shadowed with clouds, and the angels also ? but the thing is decreed, and to GOD shall all things return. Ask the children of Israel how many evident signs we have showed them ; and whoever shall change the grace of GOD after it shall have come unto him, verily GOD will be severe in punishing him. The present life was ordained for those who believe not, and they laugh the faithful to scorn ; but they who fear GOD shall be above them, on the day T6 AL KORAN. of the resurrection : for GOD is bountiful unto whom h pleaseth without measure. Mankind was of one faith, and GOD sent prophets bearing good tidings, and denounc ng threats and sent down with them the scripture in tri th, that it might judge between men of that concerning wb. <:h they disagreed: and none disagreed concerning it, except those to whom the same scriptures were delivered, after the declarations of GOD'S will had come unto them, out of envy among themselves. And GOD directed those who believed, to that truth concerning which they disagreed, by his will : for GOD directeth whom he pleaseth into the right way. Did ye think ye should enter paradise, when as yet no such thing had happened unto you, as hath hap- pened unto those who have been before you ? They suf- fered calamity, and tribulation, and were afflicted ; so that the apostle, and they who believed with him, said : When will the help of GOD come ? Is not the help of GOD nigh ? They will ask thee what they shall bestow in alms : Answer, The good which ye bestow, let it be given to parents, and kindred, and orphans, and the poor and the stranger. Whatsoever good ye do, GOD knoweth it. War is en- joined you against the Infidels ; but this is hateful unto you: yet perchance ye hate a thing which is better for you, and perchance ye love a thing which is worse for you : but GOD knoweth and ye know not. They will ask thee con- cerning the sacred month, whether they may war therein : Answer, To war therein is grievous ; but to obstruct the way of GOD, and infidelity towards him, and to keep men from the holy temple, and to drive out his people from thence, is more grievous in the sight of GOD, and the temp- tation to idolatry is more grievous than to kill in the sacred months. They will not cease to war against you, until they turn you from your religion, if they be able : but who- ever among you shall turn back from his religion, and die an infidel, their works shall be vain in this world, and the next ; they shall be the companions of hell fire, they shall remain therein forever. But they who believe, and who fly for the sake of religion, and fight in GOD'S cause, they shall hope for the mercy of GOD ; for GOD is gracious and merciful. They will ask thee concerning wine and lots Answer, In both there is great sin, and oho some things of use unto men; but their sinfulness is greater than theii AL KORAN. 77 use. They will ask. thee also what they shall bestow in alms : Answer, What ye have to spare. Thus GOD showeth hit signs unto you, that peradventure ye might seriously think of this present world, and of the next. They will also ask thee concerning orphans: Answer, To deal righteously with them is best ; and if ye intermeddle with the manage- ment of what belongs to them, do them no wrong ; they are your brethren: GOD knoweth the corrupt dealer from the righteous ; and if GOD please, he will surely distress you, for GOD is mighty and wise. Marry not women who are idolaters, until they believe : verily a maid-servant who believeth, is better than an idolatress, although *>he please you more. And give not women who believe in marriage to the idolaters, until they believe : for verily a servant who is a true believer, is better than an idolater, though he please you more. They invite unto hell fire, but GOD inviteth unto paradise and pardon through his will, and de- clareth his signs unto men, that they may remember. They will ask thee also concerning the courses of women : An- swer, They are a pollution : therefore separate yourselves from women in their courses, and go not near them, until they be cleansed. But when they are cleansed, go in unto them as GOD hath c6mmanded you, for GOD loveth those who repent, and loveth those who are clean. Your wives are your tillage ; go in therefore unto your tillage in what manner soever ye will : and do first some act that may be profitable unto your souls; and fear GOD, and know that ye must meet him ; and bear good tidings unto the faithful. Make not GOD the object of your oaths, that ye will deal justly, and be devout, and make peace among men ; for God is he who heareth and knoweth. GOD will not punish you for an inconsiderate word in. your oaths ; but he will punish you for that which your hearts have assented unto : GOD is merciful and gracious. They who vow to abstain from their wives, are allowed to wait four months : but if they go back from their vow, verily GOD is gracious and merciful ; and if they resolve on a divorce, GOD is he whc heareth and knoweth. The women who are divorced chali wait concerning themselves until they have their courses thrice, and it shall not be lawful for them to con- eal that which GOD hath created in their wornbs, if they believe in GOD and the last day ; and their husbands wii 78 AL KORAN. ct more justly to bring them back at this ft'me, if they de- sire a reconciliation. The women ought also to behaw towards their husbands in* like manner as their husbandt should behave towards them, according to what is just : but the men ought to have a superiority over them. GOD is mighty and wise. Ye may divorce your wives twice ; and then either retain them with humanity, or dismiss them with kindness. But it is not lawful for you to take away any- thing of what ye have given them, unless both fear that they cannot observe the ordinance of GOD. And if ye fear that they cannot observe the ordinance of GOD, it shall be no crime in either of them on account of that for which the wife shall redeem herself. These are the ordinances of GOD ; therefore transgress them not ; for whoever trans- gresseth the ordinances of GOD, they are unjust doers. But if the husband divorce her a third time, she shall not be law ful for him again, until she marry another husband. But if he also divorce her, it shall be no crime in them if they re- turn to each other, if they think they can observe the ordi- nances of GOD, and these are the ordinances of GOD, he declareth them to people of understanding. But when y divorce women, and they have fulfilled their prescribed time, either retain them with humanity, or dismiss them with kind- ness ; and retain them not by violence, so that ye transgress ; for he who doth this surely injureth his own soul. And make not the signs of GOD a jest : but remember GOD'S favor towards you, and that he hath sent down unto you the book of the Koran, and wisdom admonishing you thereby ; and fear GOD, and know that GOD is omniscient. But when ye have divorced your wives, and they have fulfilled their prescribed time, hinder them not from marrying their hus- bands, when they have agreed among themselves according to what is honorable. This is given in admonition unto him among you who believeth in GOD, and the last day. This is most righteous for you, and most pure. GOD knoweth, but ye know not. Mothers after they are divorced shall give suck unto their children two full years, to him who desireth the time of giving suck to be completed ; and the father shall be obliged to maintain them and clothe them in the mean time, according to that which shall be reasonable. No per- lon shall be obliged beyond his ability A mother shall not be compelled to what is unreasonable on account of her child 1L KORAN. 79 or a father on account of his child. And the heir of the father shall be obliged to do in like manner. But if they choose to wean the child before the end of two yeat t, by com- mon consent, and on mutual consideration, it shall be no crime in them. And if ye have a mind to provide a nurse for your children, it shall be no crime in you, in case ye fully pay what ye offer her, according to that which is just. And fear GOD, and know that GOD seeth whatsoever ye do. Such of you as die, and leave wives, their wives must wait concerning themselves four months and ten days, and when they shall have fulfilled their term, it shall be no crime in you, for that which they shall do with themselves, according to what is reasonable. GOD well knoweth that which ye do. And it shall be no crime in you, whether ye make public overtures of marriage unto such women, within the said four months and ten days, or whether ye conceal such your de- signs in your minds : GOD knoweth that ye will remember them. But make no promises unto them privately, unless ye speak honorable words ; and resolve not on the knot of marriage until the prescribed time be accomplished ; and know that GOD knoweth that which is in your minds, there- fore beware of him and know that GOD is gracious and merciful. It shall be no crime in you, if ye divorce your wives, so long as ye have not touched them, nor settled any dowry on them. And provide for them (he who is at his ease must provide according to his circumstances, and he who is straitened according to his circumstances) necessaries, according to what shall be reasonable. This is a duty in- cumbent on the righteous. But if ye divorce them before ye have touched them, and have already settled a dowry on them, ye shall give them half of what ye have settled, unless they release any part, or he release part in whose hand the knot of marriage is ; and if ye release the whole, it will ap- proach nearer unto piety. And not forget liberality among you, for GOD seeth that which ye do. Carefully observe the appointed prayers, and the middle prayer, and be assidu- ous therein, with devotion towards GOD. But if ye fear any danger, pray on foot or on horseback ; and when ye are safe remember GOD, how he hath taught you what as yet ye knew not. And such of you as shall die and leave wives, eught to bequeath their wives a year's maintenance, without putting them out of their houses : but if they go out volun- 80 AL KORAN. tarily, it shall be no crime in you, for that which they shall do with themselves, according to what shall be reasonable ; GOD is mighty and wise. And unto those who are divorced, a reasonable provision is also due; this is a duty incumbent on those who fear GOD. Thus GOD declareth his signs unto you, that ye may understand. Hast thou not considered those, who left their habitations, (and they were thousands,) for fear of death? 1 And GOD said unto them, 'Die; then he restored them to life, for GOD is gracious towards man- kind ; but the greater part of men do not give thanks. Fight for the religion of GOD, and know that GOD is he who heareth and knoweth. Who is he that will lend unto GOD on good usury ? verily he will double it unto him manifold ; for GOD contracteth and extendeth his hand as he pleaseth, and to him shall ye return. Hast thou not considered the assembly of the children of Israel, after the time of Moses ; when they said unto their prophet Samuel, Set a king over us, that we may fight for the religion of GOD. The prophet answered, If ye are enjoined to go to war, will ye be near refusing to fight ? They answered, And what should ail us that we should not fight for the religion of GOD, seeing we are dispossessed of our habitations, and deprived of our children ? But when they were enjoined to go to war, they turned back, except a few of them : and GOD knew the un- godly. And their prophet said unto them, Verily GOD hath set Talut, king over you : they answered, How shall he reign over us, seeing we are more worthy of the kingdom than he, neither is he possessed of great riches ? Samuel said, Verily GOD hath chosen him before you, and hath caused him to increase in knowledge arid stature, for GOD giveth his king- dom unto whom he pleaseth; GOD is bounteous and wise. And their prophet said unto them, Verily the sign of hia kingdom shall be, that the ark shall come unto you : therein shall be tranquillity from your LORD, and the relics which have been left by the family of Moses and the family of A.aron ; the angels shall bring it. 2 Verily this shall be a qgn unto you, if ye believe. And when Talut departed with iiis soldiers he said, Verily GOD will prove you by the river: tor he who drinketh thereof, shall not be on my side (but he who shall not taste thereof he shall be on my side), except he vho drinketh a draught out of his hand. And they drank (hereof, except a few of them. And when they had passed AL KORAN. 81 the river, he and those who believed with him, they said, W have no strength to-day, against Jalut and his forces. But they who considered that they should meet GOD at the resur- rection, said, How often hath a small army discomfited a great one, by the will of GOD ! and GOD is with those who patiently persevere. And when they went forth to battle against Jalut and his forces, they said, LORD, pour on us patience, and confirm our feet, and help us against the unbe- lieving people. Therefore they discomfited them, by the will of GOD, and David slew Jalut. And GOD gave him the kingdom and wisdom, and taught him his will ; and if GOD Lad not prevented men, the one by the other, verily the earth had been corrupted : but GOD is beneficent towards kit creatures. These are the signs of GOD : we rehearse them unto thee with truth, and thou art surely one of those who have been sent by GOD. These are the apostles; we have preferred some of them before others ; some of them hath GOD spoken unto, and hath exalted the degree of others of them. And we gave unto Jesus the son of Mary manifest signs, and strengthened him with the holy spirit. And if GOD had pleased, they who came after those apostles would not have contended among themselves, after manifest signs had been shown unto them. But they fell to variance ; there- fore some of them believed, and some of them believed not ; and if GOD had so pleased, they would not have contended among themselves ; but GOD doth what he will. O true be- lievers, give alms of that which we have bestowed unto you, before the day cometh wherein there shall be no merchan- dizing, nor friendship, nor intercession. The infidels are un- just doers. GOD ! there is no GOD but he ; the living, the self-subsisting : neither slumber nor sleep seizeth him ; to him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven, and on earth. Who is he that can intercede with him, but through his good pleasure ? He knoweth that which is past, and that which is to come unto them, and they shall not comprehend any- thing of his knowledge, but so far as he pleaseth. His throne is extended over heaven and earth, and the preservation of both is no burden unto him. 1 He is the high, the mighty. Let there be no violence in religion. Now is right direction manifestly distinguished from deceit : whoever therefore shall deny Tagut, and believe in GOD, he shall surely take hold ga a strong handle, which shall not be broken ; GOD i*> h 82 AL KORAN. who heareth and seeth. GOD ia the patron of those wh believe ; he shall lead them out of darkness into light : but as to those who believe not, their patrons are Tagut ; they hall lead them from the light into darkness; they shall be the companions of hell fire, they shall remain therein for- ever. Hast thou not considered him who disputed with Abraham concerning his LORD, because GOD had given him the kingdom ? When Abraham said, My LORD is he who giveth life, and killeth : he answered, I give life, and I kilL Abraham said, Verily GOD bringeth the sun from the east. now do thou bring it from the west. Whereupon the infidel was confounded ; for GOD directeth not the ungodly people. Or hast thou not considered how he behaved who passed by a city which had been destroyed, even to her foundations P 1 He Baid, How shall GOD quicken this city, after she hath been dead? And GOD caused him to die for an hundred yeais, and afterwards raised him to life. And GOD said, how long hast thou tarried here ? He answered, A day, or part of a lay. GOD said, Nay, thou hast tarried here a hundred years. Now look on thy food and thy drink, they are not yet corrupted ; and look on thine ass : and this have we done that we might make thee a sign unto men. And look on the bones of thine ass, how we raise them, and afterwards clothe them with flesh. And when this was shown unto him, he said, I know that GOD is able to do all things. And when Abraham said, O LORD, show me how thou wilt raise the dead ; GOD said, Dost thou not yet believe ? He answered, Yea, but / ask this that my heart may rest at ease. GOD said, take therefore four birds, and divide them ; then lay a part of them on every mountain ; then call them, and they shall come swiftly unto thee : and know that GOD is mighty and wise. 2 The similitude of those who lay out their sub- stance, for advancing the religion of GOD, is as a grain of corn which produceth seven ears, and in every ear an hun- dred grains ; for GOD giveth twofold unto whom he pleaseth . GOD is bounteous and wise. They who lay out their sub- stance for the religion of GOD, and afterwards follow not what they have so laid out by reproaches or mischief, they hall have their reward with their LORD ; upon them shall DO fear come, neither shall they be grieved. A fair speech and to forgive, is better than alms followed by mischief GOD is ric^ and merciful. O irue believers, make not youi AL KORAN. 83 alms of none effect by reproaching, or mischief, as he wh layeth out what he hath to appear unto men to give alms, and believeth not in GOD and the last day. The likeness of such a one is as a flint covered with earth, on which violent rain falleth, and leaveth it hard. They cannot prosper in anything which they have gained, for GOD direcUith not the unbelieving people. And the likeness of those who lay out their substance from a desire to pleaae GOD, and for an establishment for their souls, is as a garden on a hill, on which a violent rain falleth, and it bringeth forth its fruits twofold ; and if a violent rain falleth not on it, yet the dew falleth thereon : and GOD seeth that which ye do. Doth any of you desire to have a garden of palm- trees and vines, through which rivers flow, wherein ye may have all kinds of fruits, and that he may attain to old age, and have a weak offspring ? then a violent fiery wind shall strike it, so that it shall be burned. Thus GOD declareth his signs unto you, that ye may consider. O true believers, bestow alms of the good things which ye have gained, and of that which we have produced for you out of the earth, and choose not the bad tliereof, to give it in alms, such as ye would not accept yourselves, otherwise than by connivance: and know that GOD is rich and worthy to be praised. The devil threateneth you with poverty, and commandeth you filthy covetousness ; but GOD promiseth you pardon from himself and abundance : GOD is bounteous and wise. He giveth wisdom unto whom he pleaseth ; and he unto whom wisdom is given hath received much good : but none will consider, except the wise of heart. And whatever alms ye shall give, or whatever vow ye shall vow, verily GOD know- 3th it ; but the ungodly shall have none to help them. If ye make your alms to appear, it is well ; but if ye conceal them, and give them unto the poor, this will be better for jou, and will atone for your sins ; and GOD is well informed of that which ye do. The direction of them belongeth not unto thee ; but GOD directeth whom he pleaseth. The good that ye shall give in alms shatt redound unto yourselves ; and ye shall not give unless out of desire of seeing the face of GOD. And what good thing ye shall give in alms, it shall be repaid you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly ; unto the poor who are wholly employed in fighting for the religion of GOD, and cannot go to and fro on the earth ; whom th 64 AL KORAN. ignorant man thinketh rich, because of their modesty : thoo ghalt know them by this mark, they ask not men with im- portunity ; and what good ye shall give in alms, verily GOD knoweth it. They who distribute alms of their substance night and day, in private and in public, shall have their re- ward with the LORD ; on them shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved. They who devour usury shall not arise from the dead, but as he ariseth whom Satan hath infected by a touch : this shall happen to them because they say, Truly selling is but as usury : and yet GOD hath permitted selling and forbidden usury. He therefore who when there cometh unto him an admonition from his LORD abstainetb from usury for the future, shall have what is past forgiven him, and his affair belongeth unto GOD. But whoever re- turneth to usury, they the companions of hell fire, they shall continue therein forever. GOD shall take his blessing from usury, and shall increase alms : for GOD loveth no infidel, or ungodly person. But they who believe and do that which is right, and observe the stated times of prayer, and pay their legal alms, they shall have their reward with their LORD : there shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved. O true believers, fear GOD, and remit that which remaineth of usury, if ye really believe ; but if ye do it not, hearken unto war, which is declared against you from GOD and his apostle : yet if ye repent, ye shall have the capital of your money. Deal not unjustly with others, and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly. If there be any debtor under a difficulty of paying his debt, let his creditor wait till it be easy for him to do it ; but if ye remit it as alms, it will be better for you, if ye knew it. And fear the day wherein ye shall return unto GOD ; then shall every soul be paid what it hath gained, and they shall not be treated un- justly. O true believers, when ye bind yourselves one to the other in a debt for a certain time, write it down ; and let a writer write between you according to justice, and let not the writer refuse writing according to what GOD hath taught him ; but let him write, and let him who oweth the debt dic- tate, and let him fear GOD his LORD, and not diminish aught thereof. But if he who oweth the debt be foolish, or weak, or be not able to dictate himself, let his agent dictate accord- ing tc equity ; and call to witness two witnesses of your neighboring men ; but if there be not two men, let there be AL KORAN. 85 man and two women of those whom ye shall choose for wit- nesses : if one of those women should mistake, the other of them will cause her to recollect. And the witnesses shall not refuse, whensoever they shall be called. And disdain not to write it down, be it a large debt, or be it a small one, antil its time of payment : this will be more just in the sight of GOD, and more right for bearing witness, and more easy, that ye may not doubt. But if it be a present bargain which ye transact between yourselves, it shall be no crime in you, if ye write it not down. And take witnesses when ye sell one to the other, and let no harm be done to the writer, nor to the witness ; which if ye do, it will surely be injustice in you: and fear GOD, and GOD will instruct you, for GOD knoweth all things. And if ye be on a journey, and find no writer, let pledges be taken : but if one of you trust the other, let him who is trusted return what he is trusted with, and fear GOD his LORD. And conceal not the testimony, for he who concealeth it hath surely a wicked heart : GOD knoweth that which ye do. Whatever is in heaven and on earth is GOD'S : and whether ye manifest that which is in your minds, or con- ceal it, GOD will call you to account for it, and will forgive whom he pleaseth, and will punish whom he pleaseth, for GOD is almighty. The apostle believeth in that which hath been sent down unto him from his LORD, and the faithful also. Every one of them believeth in GOD, and his angels, and his scriptures, and his apostles : we make no distinction at all between his apostles. And they say, We have heard, and do obey : we implore thy mercy, LORD, for unto thea must we return. GOD will not force any one beyond its capacity : it shall have the good which it gaineth, and it shall suffer the evil which it gaineth. O LORD, punish us not, if we forget, or act sinfully : O LORD, lay not on us a burden hike that which thou hast laid on those who have been before us ; neither make us, O LORD, to bear what we have not strength to bear, but be favorable unto us, and spare us, and be merciful unto us. Thou art our patron, help us therefore against the unbelieving nations. 86 AX KORAJST. CHAPTER IIL DrriTLBD, THE FAMILY OF IMRAN ; REVEALED AT MED Of X IN THE NAME OF THE HOST MERCIFUL GOD. AL. M. There is no GOD but GOD, the living, the self- subsisting: he hath sent down unto thee the book of tht Koran with truth, confirming that which was revealed before it ; for he had formerly sent down the law, and the gospel a direction unto men ; and he had also sent down the distinc- tion between good and evil. Verily those who believe not the signs of GOD shall suffer a grievous punishment ; for GOD is mighty, able to revenge. Surely nothing is hidden from GOD, of that which is on earth, or in heaven : it is he who fbrmeth you in the wombs, as he pleaseth ; there is no GOD but he. the mighty, the wise. It is he who hath sent down unto thee the book, wherein are some verses clear to be understood, they are the foundation of the book ; and others are parabolical. But they whose hearts are perverse will follow that which is parabolical therein, out of love of schism, and a desire of the interpretation thereof; yet none knoweth the interpretation thereof, except God. But they who are well grounded in the knowledge say, We believe therein, the whole is from our LORD ; and none will con- sider except the prudent. O LORD, cause not our hearts to swerve from truth, after thou hast directed us : and give us from thee mercy, for thou art he who giveth. O LORD, thou shalt surely gather mankind together, unto a day of resurrection : there is no doubt of it, for GOD will not be contrary to the promise. As for the infidels, their wealth shall not profit them anything, nor their children, against GOD : they shall be the fuel of hell fire. According to the wont of the people of Pharaoh, and of those who went before them, they charged our signs with a lie; but GOD caught them in their wickedness, and GOD is severe in punishing. Say unto those who believe not, Ye shall be overcome, and thrown together into hell ; and an unhappy couch shall it be. Ye have already had a miracle shown you in two armies, which attacked each other : one army fought for GOD'S true religion, but the other were infidels ; they saw the faithful AL KORAN. 87 twice as many as themselves in their eyesight ; for Goi strengthened with his help whom he pleaseth. Surely herein was an example unto men of understanding. 1 The love and eager desire of wives, and children, and sums heaped up of gold and silver, and excellent horses, and cattle, and land, is prepared for men : this is the provision of the present life ; but unto GOD shall be the most excellent return. Say, Shall I declare unto you better things than this ? For those who are devout are prepared with their LORD gardens through which rivers flow ; therein shall they continue forever : and they shall enjoy wives free from impurity, and the favor of GOD ; for GOD regardeth his servants who say, LORD, we do sincerely believe ; forgive us therefore our sins, and deliver us from the pain of hell fire : the patient, and the lovers of truth, and the devout, and the almsgivers, and those who ask pardon early in the morning. GOD hath borne wit- ness that there is no GOD but he ; and the angels, and those who are endowed with wisdom, profess the same ; who exe- cuteth righteousness ; there is no GOD but he ; the mighty, the wise. Verily the true religion in the sight of GOD is Islam ; and they who had received the scriptures dissented not therefrom, until after the knowledge of God's unity had come unto them, out of envy among themselves ; but whoso- ever believeth not in the signs of GOD, verily GOD will be swift in bringing him to account. If they dispute with thee, say, I have resigned myself unto GOD, and he who followeth me doth the same ; and say unto them who have received the scriptures, and to the ignorant, Do ye profess the religion of Islam ? now if they embrace Islam, they are surely directed ; but if they turn their backs, verily unto thee belongeth preach- ing only ; for GOD regardeth his servants. And unto those who believe not in the signs of GOD, and slay the prophet! without a cause, and put those men to death who teach jus- tice ; denounce unto them a painful punishment. These are they whose works perish in this world, and in that which is to come ; and they shall have none to help them. Hast thou not observed those unto whom part of the scripture was given ? They were called unto the book of GOD, that it might judge between them ; then some of them turned their backs, and retired afar off. This they did because they said, the fire of hell shall by no means touch us, but for a certain number of days ; and that which they had falsely devised 88 AL KORAN. bath deceived them in their religion. How then vnfl ii 6t with them, when we shall gather them together at the day of judgment, of which there is no doubt ; and every soul shali be paid that which it hath gained, neither shall they be treated unjustly? Say, O GOD, who possesses! the king- dom ; thou givest the kingdom unto whom thou wilt, and thou takest away the kingdom from whom thou wilt : thou txaltest whom thou wilt, and thou humblest whom thou wilt : in thy hand is good, for thou art almighty. Thou makest the night to succeed the day : thou bringest forth the living out of the dead, and thou bringest forth the dead out of the living ; and providest food for whom thou wilt without measure. Let not the faithful take the infidels for their pro- tectors, rather than the faithful : he who doth this shall not be protected of GOD at all ; unless ye fear any danger from them : but GOD warneth you to beware of himself; for unto GOD must ye return. Say, Whether ye conceal that which is in your breasts, or whether ye declare it, GOD knoweth it ; for he knoweth whatever is in heaven, and whatever is on earth : GOD is almighty. On the last day every soul shall find the good which it hath wrought, present ; and the evil which it hath wrought, it shall wish that between itself and that were a wide distance : but GOD warneth you to beware of himself; for GOD is gracious unto his servants. Say, If ye love GOD, follow me : then GOD shall love you, and forgive you your sins ; for GOD is gracious and merci- ful. Say, Obey GOD, and his apostle ; but if ye go back, verily GOD loveth not the unbelievers. GOD hath surely chosen Adam, and Noah, and the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran above the rest of the world; a race descending the one from the other : GOD is he who heareth and knoweth. Remember when the wife of Imran said, LORD, verily I have vowed unto thee that which is in my womb, to be dedicated to thy service ; accept it therefore of me ; for thou art he who heareth and knoweth. And when she was delivered of it, she said, LORD, verily I have brought forth a female (and GOD well knew what she had brought forth), and a male is not as a female. I have called her MART ; and I commend her to thy protection, and also her issue, against Satan driven away with stones. 1 Therefore the LORD accepted her with a gracious acceptance, and caused her to bear an excellent offspring. And Zacharias took care AL KORAN. 89 of the child ; whenever Zacharias went into the chamber to her, he found provisions with her: and he said, O Mary, whence hadst thou this ? she answered, This is from GOD . for GOD provideth for whom he pleaseth without measure. There Zacharias called on his LORD, and said, LORD, give me from thee a good offspring, for thou art the hearer of prayer. And the angels called to him, while he stood praying in the chamber, saying, Verily GOD promiseth thee a son named John, who shall bear witness to the Word which cometh from GOD ; an honorable person, chaste, and one of the righteous rophets. He answered, LORD, how shall I have a son, when old age hath overtaken me, and my wife is barren ? The angel said, So GOD doth that which he pleaseth. Zach- arias answered, LORD, give me a sign. The angel said, Thy sign shall be, that thou shalt speak unto no man for three days, otherwise than by gesture : remember thy LORD often, and praise him evening and morning. And when the angels said, O Mary, verily GOD hath chosen thee, and hath purified thee and hath chosen thee above all the women of the world : O Mary, be devout towards thy LORD, and wor- ship, and bow down with those who bow down. This is a secret history : we reveal it unto thee, although thou wast not present with them when they threw in their rods to cast lots which of them should have the education of Mary ;. nei- ther wast thou with them, when they strove among them- selves. When the angels said ; Mary, verily GOD sendeth thee good tidings, that ihou shah bear the Word proceeding from himself; his name shall be CHRIST JESUS the son of Mary, honorable in this world and in the world to come, and one of those who approach near to the presence of GOD and he shall speak unto men in the cradle^and when he is grown up ; and he shall be one of the righteous : she an- swered, LORD, how shall I have a son, since a man hath not touched me ? the angel said, So GOD createth that which he pleaseth : when he decreeth a thing, he only saith unto it, Be, and it is : GOD shall teach him the scripture, and wis- dom, and the law, and the gospel ; and shall appoint him hit apostle to the children of Israel ; and he shall say, Verily I come unto you with a sign from your LORD ; for I will make before you, of clay, as it were the figure of a bird ; iien I will breathe thereon, and it shall become a bird, by the permission of GOD ; and I will beal him that Lath been 90 AL KORAN. blind from his birth ; and the leper : and I will raise th dead by the permission of GOD : and I will prophesy untc you what ye eat, and what ye lay up for store in your houses. Verily herein will be a sign unto you, if ye believe. l And 1 come to confirm the law which was revealed before me and to allow unto you as lawful part of that which hath been for- bidden you : and I come unto you with a sign from ycur LORD ; therefore fear GOD, and obey me. Verily GOD is my LORD, and your LORD ; therefore serve him. This is the right way. But when Jesus perceived their unbelief, he said, Who will be my helpers towards GOD ? The apostles answered, We witt be the helpers of GOD ; we believe in GOD, and do thou bear witness that we are true believers. O LORD, we believe in that which thou hast sent down, and we have followed thy apostle ; write us down therefore with those who bear witness of him. And the Jews devised a stratagem against him ; but GOD devised a stratagem against them ; and GOD is the best deviser of stratagems. 2 When GOD said, O Jesus, verily I will cause thee to die, and I will take thee up unto me, and I will deliver thee from the un- believers ; and I will place those who follow thee above th* unbelievers, until the day of resurrection : then unto me shall ye return, and I will judge between you of that concerning which ye disagree. Moreover, as for the infidels, I will punish them with a grievous punishment in this world, and in that which is to come ; and there shall be none to help them. But they who believe, and do that which is right, he shall give them their reward : for GOD loveth not the wicked doers. These signs and this prudent admonition do we re- hearse unto thee. Verily the likeness of Jesus in the sight of GOD is as the likeness of Adam ; he created him out of the dust, and then said unto him, Be ; and he was. This is the truth from thy LORD ; be not therefore one of those who doubt ; and whoever shall dispute with thee, concerning him, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, say unto them, Come, let us call together our sons and your sons, and our wives and your wives, and ourselves and yourselves ; then let us make imprecations, and lay the curse of GOD on those who lie. Verily this is a true history : and there is no GOD, but GOD ; and GOD is most mighty and wise. If they turn back, GOD well knoweth the evil doers. Say, O ye who have received the scripture, come to a just determi- AL KORAN. 91 nation between us and you ; that we worship not any except GOD, and associate no creature with him ; and that the one of us take not the other for lords, beside GOD. But if thej turn back, say, Bear witness that we are true believers. ye to whom the scriptures have been given, why do ye dis- pute concerning Abraham, since the Law and ne Gospel were not sent down until after him ? Do ye not therefore understand ? Behold ye are they who dispute concerning that which ye have some knowledge in ; why therefore do you dispute concerning that which ye have no knowledge of? GOD knoweth, but ye know not. Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian ; but he was of the true religion, one resigned unto God, and was not of the number of the idolaters. Verily the men who are the nearest of kin unto Abraham are they who follow him ; and this prophet, and they who believed on him : GOD is the patron of the faithful. Some of those who have received the scriptures desire to seduce you ; but they seduce themselves only, and they perceive it not. O ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye not believe in the signs of GOD, since ye are witnesses of them ? O ye who have received the scriptures, why do you clothe truth with vanity, and knowingly hide the truth ? And some of those to whom the scriptures were given say, Believe in that which hath been sent down unto those who believe, in the beginning of the day ; and deny it in the end thereof; that they may go back from their faith ; and believe him only who followeth your religion. Say, Verily the true direction is the direction of GOD, that there may be given unto some other a revelation like unto what hath been given unto you. Will they dispute with you before your Lord? Say, Surely excellence is in the hand of GOD, he giveth it unto whom he pleaseth ; GOD is bounteous and wise : he will confer pecul- iar mercy on whom he pleaseth ; for GOD is endued with great beneficence. There is of those who have received the scriptures, unto whom if thou trust a talent he will restore it unto thee ; and there is also of them, unto whom if thou trust a dinar, he will not restore it unto thee, unless thou stand over him continually with great urgency. This they do, be- cause they say, We are not obliged to observe justice with the heathen : but they utter a lie against GOD, knowingly. Yea, whoso keepeth his covenant, and feareth God, GOD urely loveth those who fear him. But they who make mer- 92 AL KORAN. chandLse of GOD'S covenant, and of their oaths, for a small price, shall have no portion in the next life, neither shall GOD speak to them or regard them on the day of resur- rection, nor shall he cleanse them ; but they shall suffer a grievous punishment. And there are certainly some of them who read the scriptures perversely, that ye may think what they read to be really in the scriptures, yet it is not in the scripture ; and they say, This is from GOD ; but it is not from GOD : and they speak that which is false concerning GOD, against their own knowledge. It is not jit for a man, that GOD should give him a book of revelations, and wisdom, and prophecy ; and then he should say unto men, Be ye worshippers of me, besides GOD ; but he ought to say, Be ye perfect in knowledge and in works, since ye know the scrip- tures, and exercise yourselves therein. GOD hath not com- manded you to take the angels and the prophets for your lords : Will he command you to become infidels, after ye have been true believers ? And remember when GOD ac- cepted the covenant of the prophets, saying, TJiis verily is the scripture and the wisdom which I have given you : here- after shall an apostle come unto you, confirming the truth of that scripture which is with you ; ye shall surely believe in him, and ye shall assist him. GOD said, Are ye firmly re- solved, and do ye accept my covenant on this condition ? They answered, We are firmly resolved : God said, Be ye therefore witnesses ; and I also bear witness with you : and whosoever turneth back after this, they are surely the trans- gressors. Do they therefore seek any other religion but GOD'S ? since to him is resigned whosoever is in heaven or on earth, voluntarily or of force : and to him shall they re- turn. Say, We believe in GOD, and that which hath been sent down unto us, and that which was sent down unto Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which was delivered to Moses, and Jesus, and the prophets from their LORD ; we make no distinction between any of them ; and to him are we resigned. Whoever fol- loweth any other religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him : and in the next life he shall be of those who perish. How shall GOD direct men who have become infidels after they had believed, and borne witness that the apostle wa* true, and manifV-t declarations of the divine will had come unto them? for (ioo directeth not the ungodly people. Theu AL KORAN. 93 reward shall be, that on them shall foil the curse of GOD and of angels, and of all mankind : they shall remain under the same forever ; their torment shall not be mitigated, neither shall they be regarded ; except those who repent after this, and amend ; for GOD is gracious and merciful Moreover they who become infidels after they have believed, and yet increase in infidelity, their repentance shall in no wise be accepted, and they are those who go astray. Vorily they who believe not, and die in their unbelief, the world full of gold shall in nowise be accepted from any of them, even though he should give it for his ransom ; they shall suffer a grievous punishment, and they shall have none to help them Ye will never attain unto righteousness until ye give in alms of that which ye love : and whatever ye give, GOD knoweth it. All food was permitted unto the children of Israel, except what Israel forbade unto himself, before the Pentateuch was sent down. Say unto the Jews, Bring hither the Pentateuch and read it, if ye speak truth. Whoever therefore contriveth a lie against GOD after this, they will be evil doers. Say, GOD is true : follow ye therefore the religion of Abraham the orthodox ; for he was no idolater. Verily the first house appointed unto men to worship in was that which was in Becca ; blessed, and a direction to all creatures. Therein are manifest signs : the place where Abraham stood ; and whoever entereth therein, shall be safe. And it is a duty towards GOD, incumbent on those who are able to go thither, to visit this house ; but whosoever disbe- lieveth, verily GOD needeth not the service of any creature. Say, ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye not believe in the signs of GOD ? Say, O ye who have received the scriptures, why do ye keep back from the way of GOD, him who believeth ? Ye seek to make it crooked, and yet are witnesses that it is the right: but GOD will not be un- mindful of what ye do. O true believers, if ye obey some of those who have received the scripiure, they will render you infidels, after ye have believed ; *nd how can ye be in- fidels, when the signs of GOD are read unto you, and hia apostle is among you ? But he who cleaveth firmly unto GOD, is already directed in the right way. O believers, fear GOD with his true fear ; and die not unless ye also be true oelievers. And cleave all of you unto the covenant of GOD, nd depart not from it, and remember the favor of GOD 94 AL KORAJS. towards you : since ye were enemies, and he reconciled youi hearts, and ye became companions and brethren by his fa- vor : and ye were on the brink of a pit of fire, and he de- livered you thence. Thus GOD declareth unto you his signs, that ye may be directed. Let there be people among you who invite to the best religion ; and command that which ia just, and forbid that which is evil ; and they shall be happy. And be not as they who are divided, and disagree in mattert of religion, after manifest proofs have been brought unto them : they shall suffer a great torment. On the day of res- urrection some faces shall become white, and other faces shall become black. And unto them whose faces shall become black, GOD will say, Have ye returned unto your unbelief, after ye had believed ? therefore taste the punishment, for that ye have been unbelievers : but they whose faces shall become white shall be in the mercy of GOD, therein shall they remain forever. These are the signs of GOD : we recite them unto thee with truth. GOD will not deal un- justly with his creatures. And to GOD belongeth whatever is in heaven and on earth ; and to GOD shall all things re- turn. Ye are the best nation that hath been raised up unto mankind : ye command that which is just, and ye forbid that which is unjust, and ye believe in GOD. And if they who have received the scriptures had believed, it had surely been the better for them : there are believers among them, but the greater part of them are transgressors. They shall not hurt you, unless with a slight hurt ; and if they fight against you, they shall turn their backs to you ; and they shall not be helped. They are smitten with vileness wheresoever they are found ; unless they obtain security by entering into a treaty with GOD, and a treaty with men : and they draw on themselves indignation from GOD, and they are afflicted with poverty. This they suffer, because they disbelieved the signs of GOD, and slew the prophets unjustly ; this, because they were rebellious, and transgressed. Yet they are not att alike : there are of those who have received the scriptures, upright people ; they meditate on the signs of GOD in the aight season, and worship; they believe in GOD, and the ast day ; and command that which is just, and forbid that which is unjust, and zealously strive to excel in good works ; these are of the righteous. And ye shall not be denied the reward of the good which ye do; for GOD knoweth the AL KORAN. 9i pious. As for the unbelievers, their wealth shall not profit them at all, neither their children, against GOD : they shall be the companions of hell fire ; they shall continue therein for- ever. The likeness of that which they lay out in this pres- ent life, is as a wind wherein there is a scorching cold : it falleth on the standing corn of those men who have injured their own souls, and destroyeth it. And GOD dealeth not unjustly with them ; but they injure their own souls. O true believers, contract not an intimate friendship with any besides yourselves ; they will not fail to corrupt you. They wish for that which may cause you to perish : their hatred hath already appeared from out of their mouths ; but what their breasts conceal is yet more inveterate. We have already shown you signs of their ill will towards you, if ye understand. Behold, ye love them, and they do not love you : ye believe in all the scriptures, and when they meet you, they say, We believe; but when they assemble pri- vately together, they bite their fingers' ends out of wrath against you. Say unto them, Die in your wrath: verily GOD knoweth the innermost part of your breasts. If good happen unto you, it grieveth them; and if evil befall you, they rejoice at it. But if ye be patient, and fear God, their subtlety shall not hurt you at all ; for GOD comprehendeth whatever they do. Call to mind when thou wentest forth early from thy family, that thou mightest prepare the faith- ful a camp for war; and GOD heard and knew it; when two companies of you were anxiously thoughtful, so that ye became faint-hearted ; but GOD was the supporter of them both; and in GOD let the faithful trust. And GOD had already given you the victory at Bedr, when ye were in- ferior in number ; therefore fear GOD, that ye may be thank- ful. When thou saidst unto the faithful, Is it not enough for you, that your LOBD should assist you with three thousand angels sent down from heaven ? Verily if ye persevere, and fear God, and your enemies come upon you suddenly, your LORD will assist you with five thousand angels, distinguished by their horses and attire. And this GOD designed only as good tidings for you that your hearts might rest secure ; for victory is from GOD alone, the mighty, the wise. That he should cut off the uttermost part of the unbelievers, or cast them down, or that they should be overthrown and unsuc- oessful, is nothing to thee. It is no business of thine ; whether 96 AL KORAN. God be turned unto them, or whether he punish them ; they are surely unjust doers. To GOD belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth: he spareth whom he pleaseth, and he punisheth whom he pleaseth ; for GOD is merciful. O true believers, devour not usury, doubling it twofold ; but fear GOD, that ye may prosper : and fear the fire which is prepared for the unbelievers ; and obey GOD, and kis apostle that ye may obtain mercy. And run with emulation to ob- tain remission from your LORD, and paradise, whose breath equaUeth the heavens and the earth, which is prepared for the godly ; who give alms in prosperity and adversity ; who bridle their anger, and forgive men ; for GOD loveth the beneficent. 1 And who, after they have committed a crime, or dealt unjustly with their own souls, remember GOD, and ask pardon for their sins, (for who forgiveth sins except GOD ?) and persevere not in what they have done knowing- ly ; their reward shall be pardon from iheir LORD, and gar- dens wherein rivers flow, they shall remain therein forever: and how excellent is the reward of those who labor ! There have already been before you examples of punishment of in- fidels, therefore go through the earth, and behold what hath been the end of those who accuse God's apostles of imposture. This book is a declaration unto men, and a direction and an admonition to the pious. And be not dismayed, neither be ye grieved ; for ye shall be superior to the unbelievers if ye believe. If a wound hath happened unto you in war, a like wound hath already happened unto the unbelieving people : and we cause these days of different success interchangeably to succeed each other among men ; that GOD may know those who believe, and may have martyrs from among you : (Goo loveth not the workers of iniquity ;) and that GOD might prove those who believe, and destroy the infidels. Did ye imagine that ye should enter paradise, when as yet GOD knew not those among you who fought strenuously in hit cause ; nor knew those who persevered with patience ? Moreover ye did sometimes wish for death before that ye met it ; but ye have now seen it, and ye looked on, but re- treated from it. Mohammed is no more than an apostle ; the other apostles have already deceased before him : if he die, therefore, or be slain, will ye turn back on your heels ? but he who turneth back on his heels will not hurt God at all ; and Gop will surely reward the thankful. No soul can AL KORAN. 97 die unless by the permission of GOD, according to what it written in the book containing the determinations of things. And whoso chooseth the reward of this world, we will give him thereof: but whoso chooseth the reward of the world to come, we will give him thereof: and we will surely reward the thankful. How many prophets have encountered those who had many myriads of troops : and yet they desponded not in their mind tor what had befallen them in fighting for the religion of GOD ; and were not weakened, neither be- haved themselves in an abject manner ? GOD loveth those who persevere patiently. And their speech was no other than what they said, Our LORD forgive us our offences, and our transgressions in our business ; and confirm our feet, and help us against the unbelieving people. And GOD gave them the reward of this world, and a glorious reward in the life to come ; for GOD loveth the well-doers. O ye who believe, if you obey the infidels, they will cause you to turn back on your heels, and ye will be turned back and perish : but GOD is your LORD ; and he is the best helper. We will surely cast a dread into the hearts of the unbelievers, because they have associated with GOD that concerning which he sent them down no power : their dwelling shall be the fire of hett ; and the receptacle of the wicked shall be miserable. GOD had already made good unto you his prom- ise, when ye destroyed them by his permission, until ye be- came faint-hearted, and disputed concerning the command of the apostle, and were rebellious ; after God had shown you what ye desired. Some of you chose this present world, and others of you chose the world to come. Then he turned you 10 flight from before them, that he might make trial of you : (but he hath now pardoned you : for GOD is endued with beneficence towards the faithful ;) when ye went up as ye fled, and looked not back on any : while the apostle called you, in the uttermost part of you. Therefore God rewarded you with affliction on affliction, that ye be not grieved here- after for the spoils which ye fail of, nor for that which be- falleth you, for GOD is well acquainted with whatever ye io. Then he sent down upon you after affliction security; a soft sleep which fell on some part of you ; but other part were troubled by their own souls ; falsely thinking of GOD, a foolish imagination saying, Will anything of the matter happen unto us ? Say, Verily, the matter belonyelh wholly 98 AL KORAN. unto GOD. They concealed in their minds what they de- clared not unto thee ; saying, If anything of the matter had happened unto us, we had not been slain here. Answer, If ye had been in your houses, verily they would have gone forth to fight, whose slaughter was decreed, to the places where they died, and this came to pass that GOD might try what was in your breasts, and might discern what was in your hearts ; for GOD knoweth the innermost parts of the breasts of men. Verily they among you who turned their backs on the day whereon the two armies met each other at Ohod, Satan caused them to slip for some crime which they had committed : but now hath GOD forgiven them ; for GOD is gracious and merciful. O true believers, be not as they who believed not, and said of their brethren when they had journeyed in the land or had been at war, If they had been with us, those had not died, nor had these been slain : whereas what befell them was so ordained that GOD might take it matter of sighing in their hearts. GOD giveth life, and causeth to die : and GOD seeth that which ye do. Moreover if ye be slain, or die in defence of the religion of GOD ; verily pardon from GOD, and mercy, is better than what they heap together of worldly riches. And if ye die, or be slain, verily unto GOD shall ye be gathered. And as to the mercy granted unto the disobedient from GOD, thou Mohammed, hast been mild towards them ; but if thou hadst been severe, and hard- hearted, they had surely separated themselves from about thee. Therefore forgive them, and ask pardon for them: and consult them in the affair of war ; and after thou hast deliberated, trust in GOD ; for GOD loveth those who trust in him. If GOD help you, none shall conquer you ; but if he desert you, who is it that will help you after him ? There- fore in GOD let the faithful trust. It is not the part of a prophet to defraud, for he who defraudeth shall bring with him what he hath defrauded any one of, on the day of the resurrection. Then shall every soul be paid what he hath gained; and they shall not be treated unjustly. Shall he therefore who followeth that which is well-pleasing unto GOD be as he who bringeth on himself wrath frcm GOD, and whose receptacle is hell ? an evil journey shall it be thither. There shall be degrees of rewards and punishments with GOD, for GOD seeth what they do. Now hath GOD been gracious v\to the believers when he raised up among them an apostle AL KORAN. 99 of their own nation, who should recite his signs unto them, and purify them, and teach them the book of the Koran and wisdom ; whereas they were before in manifest error. After a misfortune had befallen you at Ohod, (ye had already ob tained two equal advantages) do ye say, Whence cometh this ? Answer, This is from yourselves : for GOD is al- mighty. And what happened unto you, on the day whereon the two armies met, was certainly by the permission of GOD ; and that he might know the ungodly. It was said unto them, Come, fight for the religion of GOD, or drive back the enemy: they answered, if we had known ye went out to fight, we had certainly followed you. They were on that day nearer unto unbelief, than they were to faith ; they spake with their mouths, what was not in their hearts : but GOD perfectly knew what they concealed ; who said of their brethren, whik themselves stayed at home, if they had obeyed us, they had not been slain. Say, Then keep back death from your- selves, if ye say truth. Thou shalt in nowise reckon those who have been slain at Ohod, in the cause of GOD, dead ; nay, they are sustained alive with their LORD, rejoicing for what GOD of his favor hath granted them ; and being glad for those who, coming after them, have not as yet overtaker. them ; because there shall no fear come on them, neither shall they be grieved. They are filled with joy for the favor which they have received from GOD and his bounty ; and for that GOD suffereth not the reward of the faithful to perish. They who hearkened unto GOD and his apostle, after a wound had befallen them at Ohod, such of them as do good works, and fear God, shall have a great reward ; unto whom certain men said, Verily the men of Mecca have al- ready gathered forces against you, be ye therefore afraid of them : but this increased their faith, and they said, GOD is our support, and the most excellent patron. Wherefore they returned with favor from GOD, and advantage : no evil be- fell them : and they followed what was well pleasing unto GOD : for GOD is endowed with great liberality. Verily that devil would cause you to fear his friends : but be ye not afraid of them : but fear me, if ye be true believers. Tlir-y shall not grieve thee, who emulously hasten unto infidelity ; for they shall never hurt GOD at all. GOD will not jriv them a part in the next life, and they shall suffer a great punishment. Surely those who purchase infidelity with 100 AL KORAN. faith shall by no means hurt GOD at all, but they shall suf- fer a grievous punishment. And let not the unbelievers think, because we grant them lives long and prosperous, that it is better for their souls : we grant them long and prosper- ous lives only that their iniquity may be increased ; and they ihall suffer an ignominious punishment. GOD is not disposed to leave the faithful in the condition which ye are now in. until he sever the wicked from the good ; nor is GOD dis- posed to make you acquainted with what is a hidden secret, but GOD chooseth such of his apostles as he pleaseth, to re- veal his mind unto : believe therefore in GOD, and his apos- tles ; and if ye believe, and fear God, ye shall receive a great reward. And let not those who are covetous of what GOD of his bounty hath granted them imagine that their avarice is better for them : nay, rather it is worse for them. That which they have covetously reserved shall be bound as a collar about their neck, on the day of the resurrection : unto GOD belongeth the inheritance of heaven and earth ; and GOD is well acquainted with what ye do. GOD hath already heard the saying of those who said, Verily GOD is poor, and we are rich : we will surely write down what they have said, and the slaughter which they have made of the prophets without a cause ; and we will say unto them, Taste ye the pain of burning. This shall they suffer for the evil which their hands have sent before them, and because GOD is not unjust towards mankind; who also say, Surely GOD hath commanded us, that we should not give credit to any apostle, until one should come unto us with a sacrifice, which should be consumed by fire. Say, Apostles have already come unto you before me, with plain proofs, and with the miracle which ye mention : why therefore have ye slain them, if ye speak truth ? If they accuse thee of imposture, the apostles before thee have also been accounted impostors, who brought evi- dent demonstrations, and the scriptures, and the book which enlighteneth the understanding. Every soul shall taste of drath, and ye shall have your reward on the day of resur- rection ; and he who shall be far removed from hell fire, and shall be admitted into paradise, shall be happy : but the present life is only a deceitful provision. Ye shall surely be proved in your possessions, and in your persons ; and ye shall bear from those unto whom the scripture was delivered before you, and from the idolaters, much hurt : but if ye b AL KORAN. 101 patient and fear God, this is a matter that is absolutely de* termined. And when GOD accepted the covenant of those to whom the book of the law was given, saying, Ye shall surely publish it unto mankind, ye shall not hide it : yet they threw it behind their backs, and sold it for a small price : but woful is the price for which they have sold it. Think not that they who rejoice at what they have done, and expect to be praised for what they have not done ; think not, prophet, that they shall escape from punishment, for they shall suffer a painful punishment ; and unto GOD belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth : GOD is almighty. Now in the crea- tion of heaven and earth, and the vicissitude of night and day, are signs unto those who are endued with understand- ing ; who remember GOD standing, and sitting, and lying on their sides ; and meditate on the creation of heaven and earth, faying, LORD, thou hast not created this in vain ; far be it from thee : therefore deliver us from the torment of hell fire : O LORD, surely whom thou shalt throw into the fire, thou wilt also cover with shame : nor shall the ungodly have any to help them. O LORD, we have heard a preacher inviting us to the faith and saying, Believe in your LORD and we believed. LORD, forgive us therefore our sins, and expiate our evil deeds from us, and make us to die with the righteous. LORD, give us also the reward which thou hast promised by thy apostles ; and cover us not with shame on the day of resurrection ; for thou art not contrary to the promise. Their LORD therefore answered them, saying, I will not suffer the work of him among you who worketh to be lost, whether he be male, or female : the one of you is from the other. They therefore who have left their country, and have been turned out of their houses, and have suffered for my sake, and have been slain in battle ; verily I will ex- piate their evil deeds from them, and I will surely bring them into gardens watered by rivers ; a reward from GOD ; and with GOD is the most excellent reward. Let not the prosperous dealing of the unbelievers in the land deceive thee ; it is but a slender provision ; and then their receptacle shall be hell ; an unhappy couch shall it be. But they who fear the LORD shall have gardens through which rivers flow, Jiey shall continue therein forever : this is the gift of GOD for what is with GOD shall be better for the righteous than thort-lived worldly prosperity. There are some of those wh 102 AL KORAN. have received the scriptures, who believe in GOD, and thai which hath been sent down unto you, and that which hath been sent down to them, submitting themselves unto GOD they sell not the signs of GOD for a small price : these shall have their reward with their LORD ; for GOD is swift in tak- ing an account. O true believers, be patient and strive to ex- cel in patience, and be constant-minded, and fear GOD, ttal ye may be happy. CHAPTER IV. IHTITLED, WOMEN; REVEALED AT MEDINA. IV THE NAMK OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD O MEN, fear your LORD, who hath created you out of one man, and out of him created his wife, and from them two hath multiplied many men, and women : and fear GOD by whom ye beseech one another; and respect women who have borne you, for GOD is watching over you. And give the orphans when they come to age their substance ; and render them not in exchange bad for good : and devour not their substance, by adding it to your own substance ; for this is a great sin. And if ye fear that ye shall not act with equity towards orphans of the female sex, take in marriage of such other women as please you, two, or three, or four, and not more. But if ye fear that ye cannot act equitably towards so many, marry one only, or the slaves which ye shall have acquired. This will be easier, that ye swerve not from righteotisness. And give women their dowry freely ; but if they voluntarily remit unto you any part of it, enjoy it with satisfaction and advantage. And give not unto those who are weak of understanding the substance which GOD hath appointed you to preserve for them ; but maintain them thereout, and clothe them, and speak kindly unto them. And examine the orphans until they attaij the age of marriage : but if ye perceive they are able to manage their affairs well, deliver their substance unto them ; and waste t not extravagantly, or hastily, because they up. Let him who is rich abstain entirely from the AL KORAN. 103 orphans' estates; and let him who is poor take thereof ac- cording to what shall be reasonable. And when ye deliver their substance unto them, call witnesses thereof in their presence : GOD taketh sufficient account of your actions. Men ought to have a part of what their parents and kin- dred leave behind them when they die : and women also ought to have a part of what their parents and kindred leave, whether it be little, or whether it be much ; a de- terminate part it due to them. And when they who are of kin are present at the dividing of what is left, and also the orphans, and the poor ; distribute unto them some part thereof'; and if the estate be too small, at least speak com- fortably unto them. And let those fear to abuse orphans, who if they leave behind them a weak offspring, are solic- itous for them ; let them therefore fear GOD, and speak that which is convenient. Surely they who devour the possessions of orphans unjustly shall swallow down nothing but fire into their bellies, and shall broil in raging flames. GOD hath thus commanded you concerning your children. A male shall have as much as the share of two females ; but if they be females only, and above two in number, they shall have two third parts of what the deceased shall leave ; and if there be but one, she shall have the half. And the parents of the deceased shall have each of them a sixth part of what he shall leave, if he have a child ; but if he have no child, and his parents be his heirs, then his mother shall have the third part. And if he have brethren, his mother shall have a sixth part, after the legacies which he shall bequeath, and his debts be paid. Ye know not whether your parents or your children be of greater use unto you. TJiis is an ordinance from GOD, and GOD is knowing and wise. Moreover ye may claim half of what your wives shall leave, if they have no issue; but if they have issue, then ye shall have the fourth part of what they shall leave, after the legacies which they shall bequeath, and the debts be paid. They also shall have the fourth part of what ye shall leave, in case ye have no issue ; but if ye have issue, then they shall have the eighth part of what ye shall leave, after the legacies which ye shall be- queath, and your debts be paid. And if a man or woman's tubttance be inherited by a distant relation, and he or she have a brother or sister; each of them two shall have* 104 AL KORAN. nixth part of the estate. But if there be more than Urn number, they shall be equal sharers in a third part, after payment of the legacies which shall be bequeathed, and he debts, without prejudice to the heirs. This is an ordi- nance from GOD : and GOD is knowing and gracious. These are the statutes of GOD. And whoso obeyeth GOD and his apostle, God shall lead him into gardens wherein rivers flow, they shall continue therein forever ; and thi* shall be great happiness. But whoso disobeyeth GOD, and his apostle, and transgresseth his statutes, God shall cast him into hett fire ; he shall remain therein forever, and he shall suffer a shameful punishment. If any of your women be guilty of whoredom, produce four witnesses from Among you against them, and if they bear witness against them, imprison them in separate apartments until death re- lease them, or GOD affordeth them a way to escape. And if two of you commit the like wickedness, punish them both : but if they repent and amend, let them both alone ; for GOD is easy to be reconciled and merciful. Verily repent- ance Witt be accepted with GOD, from those who do evil ignorantly, and then repent speedily ; unto them will GOD be turned : for GOD is knowing and wise. But no repent- ance shall be accepted from those who do evil until the time when death presenteth itself unto one of them, and he saith, Verily I repent now ; nor unto those who die unbe- lievers ; for them have we prepared a grievous punishment. O true believers, it is not lawful for you to be heirs of women against their will, nor to hinder them from mar- rying others, that ye may take away part of what ye have given them in dowry; unless they have been guilty of a manifest crime: but converse kindly with them. 1 And if ye hate them, it may happen that ye may hate a thing wherein GOD hath placed much good. If ye be desirous to exchange a wife for another wife, and ye have already given one of them a talent, take not away anything there- from : will ye take it by slandering her, and doing her mani- fest injustice ? And how can ye take it, since the one of you hath gone in unto the other, and they have received from you a firm covenant ? Marry not women whom your fathers have had to wife ; (except what is already past :) for this is uncleanness, and an abomination, and an evil way. Ye are forbidden to marry your mothers, and your AL KORAN. 104 daughters, and your sisters, and your aunts both on th father's and on the mother's side, and your brothers' daugh- ters, and your sisters' daughters, and your mothers who have given you suck, and your foster-sisters, and your wives' mothers, and your daughters-in-law which are under your tuition, born of your wives unto whom ye have goue in, (but if ye have not gone in uYito them, it shall be no sin in you to marry them,) and the wives of your sons who proceed out of your loins; and ye are also forbidden to take to wife two sisters, except what is already past : for Goi> is gracious and merciful. Te are also forbidden to take to wife free women who are married, except those women whom your right hands shall possess as slaves. This is ordained you from GOD. Whatever is beside this is allowed you; that ye may with your substance provide wives for yourselves, acting that which is right, and avoid- ing whoredom. And for the advantage which ye receive from them, give them their reward, according to what is ordained : but it shall be no crime in you to make any other agreement among yourselves, after the ordinance shall be complied with ; for GOD is knowing and wise. Whoso among you hath not means sufficient that he may marry free women, who are believers, let him marry with such of your maid-servants whom your right hands possess, 'as are true believers ; for GOD well knoweth your faith. Ye are the one from the other : therefore marry them with the consent of their masters ; and give them their dower according to justice ; such as are modest, not guilty of whoredom, nor entertaining lovers. And when they are married, if they be guilty of adultery, they shall suf- fer half the punishment which is appointed for the free women. This is allowed unto him among you, who feareth to sin by marrying free women ; but if ye abstain from marrying slaves, it wiU be better for you ; GOD is gracious and merciful. GOD is willing to declare these things unto you, and to direct you according to the ordinances of those who have gone before you, and to be merciful unto you. GOD is knowing and wise. GOD desireth to be gracious unto you ; but they who follow their lusts, desire that ye ahould turn aside from the truth with great deviation. GOD is minded to make his religion light unto you : for man was created weak. O true believers, consume not your wealth 106 AL KORAN. among yourselves in vanity ; unless there be merchandising among you by mutual consent : neither slay yourselves ; for GOD is merciful towards you : and whoever doth this maliciously and wickedly, he will surely cast him to be broiled in hell fire ; and this is easy with GOD. If ye turn aside from the grievous sins, of those which ye are forbidden to commit, we will cleanse you from your smaller faults ; and will introduce you into paradise with an honor- able entry. 1 Covet not that which GOD hath bestowed on some of you preferably to others. Unto the men shall b* given a portion of what they shall have gained, and unto the women shall be given a portion of what they shall have gained: therefore ask GOD of his bounty: for GOD is omniscient. 2 We have appointed unto every one kindred, to inherit part of what their parents and relations shall leave at their deaths. And unto those with whom your right hands have made an alliance, give their part of the inheritance; for GOD is witness of all things. Men shall have the preeminence above women, because of those ad- vantages wherein GOD hath caused the one of them to excel the other, and for that which they expend of their substance in maintaining their wives. The honest women are obedient, careful in the absence of their husbands, for that GOD preserveth them, by committing them to the care and protection of the men. But those, whose perverseness ye shall be apprehensive of, rebuke ; and remove them into separate apartments, and chastise them. But if they shall be obedient unto you, seek not an occasion of quarrel against them : for GOD is high and great. And if ye fear a breach between the husband and wife, send a judge out of his family, and a judge out of her family : if they shall desire a reconciliation, GOD will cause them to agree ; for GOD is knowing and wise. Serve GOD, and associate no creature with him ; and show kindness unto parents, and relations, and orphans, and the poor, and your neighbor who is of kin to you, and also your neighbor who is a stranger, and to your familiar companion, and die traveller, and the captives whom your right hands shall pos- sess ; for GOD loveth not the proud or vain-glorious, who are covetous, and recommend covetousness unto men, and con- ceal that which GOD of his bounty hath given them ; (we have prepared a shameful punishment for the unbelievers ;) and who bestow their wealth' in charity to be observed AL KORAN. 107 of men, and believe not in GOD, nor in the last day ; and whoever haih Satan for a companion, an evil companion hath he ! And what harm would befall them if they should be- lieve in GOD, and the last day, and give alms out of that which GOD hath bestowed on them ? since GOD knoweth them who do thig. Verily GOD will not wrong any one even the weight of an ant : and if it be a good action, he will double it, and will recompense it in his sight with a great reward. How wiU it be with the unbelievers when we lhall bring a witness out of each nation against itself, and ahall bring thee, Mohammed, a witness against these people ? In that day they who have not believed, and have rebelled against the apostle of God, shall wish the earth was levelled with them ; and they shall not be able to hide any matter from GOD. O true believers, come not to prayers when ye are drunk, until ye understand what ye say ; nor when ye are polluted by emission of seed, unless ye be travelling on the road, until ye wash yourselves. But if ye be sick, or on a journey, or any of you come from easing nature, or have touched women, and find no water ; take fine clean sand and rub your faces and your hands therewith ; for GOD is merciful and inclined to forgive. Hast thou not observed those unto whom part of the scrip- ture was delivered ? they sell error, and desire that ye may wander from the right way ; but GOD well knoweth your enemies. GOD is a sufficient patron ; and GOD is a suf- ficient helper. Of the Jews there are some who pervert words from their places ; and say, We have heard, and have disobeyed ; and do thou hear without understanding our meaning, and look upon us : perplexing with their tongues, and reviling the true religion. But if they had said, We have heard, and do obey ; and do thou hear, and regard us ; certainly it were better for them, and more right. But GOD hath cursed them by reason of their infidelity ; therefore a few of them only shall believe. Oye to whom the scriptures have been given, believe in the revelation which we have sent down, confirming that which is with you ; before we de- face your countenances, and render them as the back parts thereof; or curse them, as we cursed those who transgressed on the Sabbath-day ; and the command of GOD was fulfilled. Surely GOD will not pardon the giving hirn an equal ; bui will pardon any other sin except that, to whom he pleaseth 108 AL KORAN. and whoso giveth a companion unto GOD, hath devised a great wickedness. Hast thou not observed those who justify themselves ? But GOD justifieth whomsoever he pleaseth, nor shall they he wronged a hair. Behold, how they imagine a lie against GOD ; and therein is iniquity sufficiently mani- fest. Hast thou not considered those to whom part cf the scripture hath been given ? They believe in false gods and idols, and say of those who believe not, These are more rightly directed in the way of truth, than they who believe on Mohammed. Those are the men whom God hath cursed and unto him whom GOD shall curse, thou shalt surely find no helper. Shall they have a part of the kingdom, since even then they would not bestow the smallest matter on men ? Do they envy other men that which GOD of his bounty hath given them ? We formerly gave unto the family of Abraham a book of revelations and wisdom ; and we gave them a great kingdom. There is of them who be- lieveth on him ; and there is of them who turneth aside from him : but the raging fire of hell is a sufficient punishment. Verily those who disbelieve our signs, we will surely cast to be broiled in hell fire ; so often as their skins shall be well burned, we will give them other skins in exchange, that they may taste the sharper torment ; for GOD is mighty and wise. But those who believe and do that which is right, we will bring into gardens watered by rivers, therein shall they remain forever, and there shall they enjoy wives free from all impurity ; and we will lead them into perpetual shades. Moreover GOD commandeth you to restore what ye are trusted with, to the owners ; and when ye judge between men, that ye judge according to equity: and surely an ex- cellent virtue it is to which GOD exhorteth you ; for GOD both heareth and seeth. O true believers, obey GOD, and obey the apostle ; and those who are in authority among you : and if ye differ, in anything, refer it unto GOD and the apostle, if ye believe in GOD, and the last day : this is better, and a fairer method of determination. Hast tho; i not observed those who pretend they believe in what hath been revealed unto thee, and what hath been revealed before thee? They desire to go to judgment before Taghut, al- though they have been commanded not to believe in him ; and Satan desireth to seduce them into a wide error. 1 And when it is said unto them, Come unto the book which Goj> AL KORAN. 109 hath sent down, and to the apostle ; thou seest the ungodly turn aside from thee, with great aversion. But how wiU they behave when a misfortune shall befall them, for that which their hands have sent before them ? Then will they come unto thee, and swear by GOD, saying, If we intended any other than to do good, and to reconcile the parties. GOD knoweth what is in the hearts of these met ; therefore let them alone, and admonish them, and v-peak unto them a word which may affect their souls. We have not sent any apostle, but that he might be obeyed by the permission of GOD : but if they, after they have injured their own souls, come unto thee, and ask pardon of GOD, and the apostle ask pardon for them, they shall surely find GOD easy to be rec- onciled and merciful. And by thy LORD they will not per- fectly believe, until they make thee judge of their controver- sies ; and shall not afterwards find in their own minds any hardship in what thou shalt determine, but shall acquiesce therein with entire submission. And if we had commanded them, saying, Slay yourselves, or depart from your houses ; they would not have done it except a few of them. And if they had done what they were admonished, it would certainly have been better for them, and more efficacious for confirm- ing their faith ; and we should then have surely given them in our sight an exceeding great reward, and we should have directed them in the right way. Whoever obeyeth GOD and the apostle, they shall be with those unto whom GOD hath been gracious, of the prophets, and the sincere, and the mar- tyrs, and the righteous ; and these are the most excellent company. This is bounty from GOD ; and GOD is suffi- ciently knowing. true believers, take your necessary pre- caution against your enemies, and either go forth io war in separate parties, or go forth all together in a body. There is of you who tarrieth behind ; and if a misfortune befall you, he saith, Verily GOD hath been gracious unto me, that I was not present with them : but if success attend you from GOD, he will say (as if there was no friendship between you and him), Would to GOD I had been with them, for I should have acquired great merit. Let them therefore fight for the religion of GOD, who part with the present life in exchange for that which is to coroe ; for whosoever fighteth for the re- ligion of GOD, whether he be slain, or be victorious, we will lurely give him a great reward. And what ails you, that ye 110 AL KORAN. fight not for GOD'S true religion, and in defence of the weak among men, women, and children, who say, O LORD, bring os forth from this city, whose inhabitants are wicked ; gram us from before thee a protector, and grant us from before thee a defender. They who believe fight for the religion of GOD ; but they who believe not fight for the religion of Taghut. Fight therefore against the friends of Satan, foi the stratagem of Satan is weak. Hast thou not observed those unto whom it was said, Withhold your hands from war, and be constant at prayers, and pay the legal alms ? Bui when war is commanded them, behold a part of them feai men as they should fear GOD, or with a great fear, and say, LORD, wherefore hast thou commanded us to go to war, ar.d hast not suffered us to wait our approaching end ? Say unto them, The provision of this life is but small ; but the future shall be better for him who feareth God ; and ye shall not be in the least injured at the day of judgment. Whereso- ever ye be, death will overtake you, although ye be in lofty towers. If good befall them, they say, This is from GOD ; but if evil befall them, they say, This is from thee, Moham- med: say, All is from GOD; and what aileth these people, that they are so far from understanding what is said unto 'tern? Whatever good befalleth thee, man, it is from GOD ; and whatever evil befalleth thee, it is from thyself. We have sent thee an apostle unto men, and GOD is a suf- ficient witness thereof. Whoever obeyeth the apostle, obey eth GOD ; and whoever turneth back, we have not sent thee to be a keeper over them. They say, Obedience : yet when they go forth from thee, part of them meditate by night a matter different from what thou speakest ; but GOD shall write down what they meditate by night : therefore let them alone, and trust in GOD, for GOD is a sufficient protector. Do they not attentively consider the Koran ? if it had been from any besides GOD, they would certainly have found therein many contradictions. When any news cometh unto them, either of security or fear, they immediately divulge it; but if they told it to the apostle and to those who are iu authority among them, such of them would understand the truth of the matter, as inform themselves thereof from the apostle and his chiefs. And if the favor of GOD and his murcy had not been upon you, ye had followed the devil, except a few of you. Fight therefore for the religion of AL KORAN. Ill GOD, and oblige not any to what is difficult, except thyself; however excite the faithful to tear, perhaps GOD will restrain the courage of the unbelievers ; for GOD is stronger than they, and more able to punish. He who intercedeth between men with a good intercession shall have a portion thereof; and he who intercedeth with an evil intercession shall hava a portion thereof; for GOD overlooketh all things. When ye are saluted with a salutation, salute the person with a bet- ter salutation, or at least return the same ; for GOD taketh an account of all things. GOD ! there is no GOD but he ; he will surely gather you together on the day of resurrec- tion ; there is no doubt of it : and who is more true than GOD in what he saith ? Why are ye divided concerning the ungodly into two parties ; since GOD hath overturned them for what they have committed ? Will ye direct him whom GOD hath led astray ; since for him whom GOD shall lead astray, thou shalt find no true path ? They desire that ye should become infidels, as they are infidels, and that ye should be equally wicked with themselves. Therefore take not friends from among them, until they fly their country for the religion of GOD ; and if they turn back from the faith, take them, and kill them wherever ye find them ; and take no friend from among them, nor any helper, except those who go unto a people who are in alliance with you, or those who come unto you, their hearts forbidding them either to fight against you, or to fight against their own people. And if GOD pleased he would have permitted them to have pre- vailed against you, and they would have fought against you. But if they depart from you, and fight not against you, and offer you peace, GOD doth not allow you to take or kill them* Ye shall find others who are desirous to enter into confi- lence with you, and dt the same time to preserve a confidence with their own people so often as they return to sedition, they shall be subverted therein ; and if they depart not from you, and offer you paee, and restrain their hands from war- ring against you, tnke them and kill them wheresoever yc find them ; over these have we granted you a manifest power, It is not lawful for a believer to kill a believer, miles* it happen by mistake ; and whoso killeth a believer by mistake, the penalty shall be the freeing of a believer from slavery, and a fine to be paid to the family of the deceased* tale&s they remit it as alms : and if the slain person be of a 112 AL KORAN. people at enmity with you, and be a true believer, the penalty shall be the freeing of a believer ; but if he be of a people in confederacy with you, a fine to be paid to his family, and the freeing of a believer. And he who findeth not wherewith to do this shall fast two months consecutively as a penance enjoined from GOD ; and GOD is knowing and wise. But whoso killeth a believer designedly, his reward shall be hell ; he shall remain therein forever ; and GOD shall be angry with him, and shall curse him, and shall prepare for him a great punishment. O true believers, when ye are on a march in defence of the true religion, justly discern such as ye shall happen to meet, and say not unto him who saluteth you, thou art not a true believer ; seeking the accidental goods of the present life ; for with GOD is much spoil. Such have ye formerly been ; but GOD hath been gracious unto you ; therefore make a just discernment, for GOD is well acquainted with that which ye do. Those believers who sit still at home, not having any hurt, and those who employ their fortunes and their persons for the religion of GOD, shall not be held equal. GOD hath preferred those who employ their fortunes and their persons in that cause to a degree of honor above those who sit at home ; GOD hath indeed promised every one paradise, but GOD hath preferred those who fight for the faith before those who sit still, by adding unto them a great reward, by degrees of honor conferred on them from him, and by granting them forgiveness and mercy ; for GOD is indulgent and merciful. Moreover unto those whom the angels put to death, having injured their own souls, the angels said, Of what religion were ye ? they answered, We were weak in the earth. The angels replied, Was not GOD'S earth wide enough, that ye might fly therein to a place of refuge ? Therefore their habitation shall be hell ; and an evil journey shall it be hithtr: except the weak among men, and women, and children, who were not able to find means, and were not directed in the way ; these peradventure GOD will pardon, for GOD is ready to forgive, and gracious. Whosoever flieth from his country for the sake of GOD'S true religion, shall tind in the earth many forced to do the same, and plenty f provisions. And whoever departeth from his house, and rtieth unto GOD and his apostle, if death overtake him in the way, GOD will be obliged to reward him, for GOD is gra- AL KORAN. 113 cious and merciful. When ye march to war in the eartn, it shall be no crime in you if ye shorten your prayers, in case ye fear the infidels may attack you ; for the infidels are your open enemy. But when thou, prophet, shall be among them, and shalt pray with them, let a party of them arise to prayer with thee, and let then? take their arms ; and when they shall have worshipped, let them stand behind you, and let another party come that hath not prayed, and let them pray with thee, and let them be cautious and take their arms. The unbelievers would that ye should neglect your arms and your baggage while ye pray, that they might turn upon you at once. It shall be no crime in you, if ye be in- commoded by rain, or be sick, that ye lay down your arms ; but take your necessary precaution : GOD hath prepared for the unbelievers an ignominious punishment. And when ye sh^ll have fnded your prayer, remember GOD, standing, and pitting, and lying on your sides. But when ye are secure from danger, complete your prayers: for prayer is com- manded the faithful, and appointed to be said at the stated times. Be not negligent in seeking out the unbelieving people, though ye suffer some inconvenience; for they also shall suffer as ye suffer, and ye hope for a reward from GOD which they cannot hope for ; and GOD is knowing and wise. We have sent down unto thee the book of the Koran with truth, that thou mayest judge between men through that wisdom which GOD showeth thee therein; and be not an advocate for the fraudulent ; but ask pardon of GOD for thy wrong intention, since GOD is indulgent and merciful. 1 Dis- puto not for those who deceive one another, for GOD loveth not him who is a deceiver or unjust. Such conceal them- selves from men, but they conceal not themselves from GOD : for he is with them when they imagine by night a saying which pleaseth him not, and GOD comprehendeth what they do. Behold, ye are they who have disputed for them in this present life ; but who shall dispute with GOD for them on the day of resurrection, or who will become their patron ? yet he who doth evil, or injureth his own soul, and after- wards asketh pardon of God, shall find God gracious and merciful. Whoso committeth wickedness, committeth it Against his own soul : GOD is knowing and wise. And who- BO committeth a sin or iniquity, and afterwards layeth it on the innocent, he shall surely bear the guilt of calumny and 114 AL KORAN. manifest injustice. If the indulgence and mercy of GOD had not been upon thee, surely a part of them had studied to se- duce thee ; but they shall seduce themselves only, and shall not hurt thee at all. GOD hath sent down unto thee the book of the Koran and wisdom, and hath taught thee that which thou knewest not ; for the favor of GOD hath been great towards thee. There is no good in the multitude of their private discourses, unless in the discourse of him who recommendeth alms, or that which is right, or agreement amongst men : whoever doth this out of a desire to please GOD, we will surely give him a great reward. But whoso separateth himself from the apostle, after true direction hath been manifested unto him, and followeth any other way than that of the true believers, we will cause him to obtain that to which he is inclined, and will cast him to be burned in hell ; and an unhappy journey shall it be thither. Verily GOD will not pardon the giving him a companion, but he will pardon any crime besides that, unto whom he pleaseth : and he who giveth a companion unto GOD is surely led aside into a wide mistake ; the infidels invoke beside him only female deities ; and only invoke rebellious Satan. GOD cursed him ; and he said, Verily I will take of thy servants a part cut off from the rest, and I will seduce them, and will insinu- ate vain desires into them, and I will command them and they shall cut off the ears of cattle ; and I will command them and they shall change GOD'S creature. But whoever taketh Satan for his patron, besides GOD, shall surely perish with a manifest destruction. He maketh them promises, and insinuateth into them vain desires ; yet Satan maketh them only deceitful promises. The receptacle of these shall be hell, they shall find no refuge from it. But they who be- lieve, and do good works, we will surely lead them into gar- dens, through which rivers flow, they shall continue therein forever, according to the true promise of GOD ; and who is more true than GOD in what he saith ? It shall not be ac- cording to your desires, nor according to the desires of those who have received the scriptures. 1 Whoso doth evil shall be rewarded for it ; and shall not find any patron or helper, be- side GOD ; but whoso doth good works, whether he be mala or female, and is a true believer, they shall be admitted in- to paradise, and shall not in the least be unjustly dealt with. Who is better in point of religion than he who resigneth him AL KORAN. 115 elf unto GOD, and is a worker of righteousness, and follow efh the law of Abraham the orthodox ? since God took Abra- ham for his friend : and to God belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth ; GOD comprehendeth all things. 1 They will consult thee concerning women ; Answer, GOD instruct- eth you concerning them, and that which is read unto you in the book of the Koran concerning female orphans, to whom ye give not that which is ordained them, neither will ye marry them, and concerning weak infants, and that ye observe jus- tice towards orphans : whatever good ye do, GOD knoweth it. If a woman fear ill usage, or aversion from her husband, it shall be no crime in them if they agree the matter amicably between themselves ; for a reconciliation is better than a sep- aration. Men's souls are naturally inclined tc covetousness : but if ye be kind towards women, and fear to wrong them, GOD is well acquainted with what ye do. Ye can by no means carry yourselves equally between women in all re- spects, although ye study to do it ; therefore turn not from a wife with all manner of aversion, nor leave her like one in suspense : if ye agree, and fear to abuse your wives, GOD is gracious and merciful ; but if they separate, GOD will satisfy them both of his abundance ; for GOD is extensive and wise, and unto GOD belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth. We have already commanded those unto whom the scriptures were given before you, and we command you also, saying, Fear GOD ; but if ye disbelieve, unto GOD belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth ; and GOD is self-suf- ficient, and to be praised ; for unto GOD belongeth whatso- ever is in heaven and on earth, and GOD is a sufficient pro- tector. If he pleaseth he will take you away, O men, and will produce others in your stead; for GOD is able to do this. Whoso desireth the reward of this world, verily with GOD is the reward of this world, and also of that which is to come; GOD both heareth and seeth. O true believers, observe jus- tice when ye bear witness before GOD, although it be against yourselves, or your parents, or relations ; whether the party be rich, or whether he be poor ; for GOD is more worthy than them both: therefore follow not your own lust in bearing testimony so that ye swerve from justice. And whether y wrest your evidence, or decline giving it, GOD is well ac- quainted with that which ye do. O true believers, believe in GOD and his apostle, and the book which he hath caused 116 AL KORAN. to descend unto his apostle, and the book which he hath for merly sent down. And whosoever belie veth not in Gou and his angels, and his scriptures, and his apostles, and the last day, he surely erreth in a wide mistake. Moreover they who believed, and afterwards became infidels, and then be- lieved again, and after that disbelieved, and increased in infidelity, GOD will by no means forgive them, nor direct them into the right way. 1 Declare unto the ungodly that they shall suffer a painful punishment. They who take the unbelievers for their protectors, besides the faithful, do they seek for power with them ? since all power belongeth unto GOD. And he hath already revealed unto you, in the book of the Koran, the following passage When ye shall hear the signs of GOD, they shall not be believed, but they shall be laughed to scorn. Therafore sit not with them who be- lieve not, until they engage in different discourse ; for if ye do i ye will certainly become like unto them. GOD will surely gather the ungodly and the unbelievers together in hell. They who wait to observe what befalletk you, if victory be granted you from GOD, say, Were we not with you ? But if any advantage happen to the infidels, they say unto them, Were we not superior to you, and have we not defended you against the believers ? GOD shall judge between you on the day of resurrection : and GOD will not grant the un- believers means to prevail over the faithful. The hypocrites act deceitfully with GOD, but he will deceive them; and when they stand up to pray, they stand carelessly, affecting to be seen of men, and remember not GOD, unless a little, wavering between faith and infidelity, and adhering neither unto these nor unto those : and for him whom GOD shall lead astray thou shalt find no true path. O true believer?, take not the unbelievers for your protectors besides the faith- ful. Will ye furnish GOD with an evident argument of im- piety against you ? Moreover the hypocrites shall be in the lowest bottom of heU fire, and thou shalt not find any to help them thence. But they who repent and amend, and adhere firmly unto GOD, and approve the sincerity of their religion to GOD, they shall be numbered with the faithful ; and GOD will surely give the faithful a great reward. And how should GOD go about to punish you, if ye be thankful and believe ? for GOD is grateful and wise. GOD loveth not the speak- ing ill of any one in public, unless he who is injured call fv> AL KORAN. 117 assistance ; and GOD heareth and knoweth : whether ye pub* lish a good action, or conceal it, or forgive evil, verily GOD is gracious and powerful. They who believe not in GOD, and his apo-tles, and would make a distinction between GOD and his apostles, and say, We believe in some of the prophets and reject others of them, and seek to take a middle way in this matter ; these are really unbelievers : and we have prepared for the unbelievers an ignominious punish- ment. But they who believe in GOD and his apostles, and make no distinction between any of them, unto those will we surely give their reward ; and GOD is gracious and merciful. They who have received the scriptures will demand of thee, that thou cause a book to descend unto them from heaven : they formerly asked of Moses a greater thing than this : for they said, Show us GOD visibly. Wherefore a storm of fire from heaven destroyed them, because of their iniquity. Then they took the calf for their God, after that evident proofs of the divine unity had come unto them : but we forgave them that, and gave Moses a manifest power to punish them. And we lifted the mountain of Sinai over them, when we exacted from them their covenant; and said unto them, Enter the gate of the city worshipping. We also said unto them, Trans- gress not on the Sabbath-day. And we received from them a firm covenant, that they would observe these things. There- fore for that they have made void their covenant, and have not believed in the signs of GOD, and have slain the proph- ets unjustly, and have said, Our hearts are circumcised ; (but GOD hath sealed them up, because of their unbelief; therefore they shall not believe, except a few of them:) and for that they have not believed in Jesus, and have spoken Against Mary a grievous calumny ; and have said, Verily we have slain Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the apostle of GOD ; yet they slew him not, neither crucified him, but he was represented by one in his likeness ; and verily they who dis- agreed concerning him were in a doubt as to this matter, and had no sure knowledge thereof, but followed only an uncertain opinion. They did not really kill him ; but GOD took him up unto himself : and GOD is mighty and wise. And there shall not be one of those who have received the scriptures, who shall not believe in him, before his death ; and on the day of resurrection he shall be a witness against them. 1 Be cause of the iniquity of those who Judaize, we have forbid- 118 *L KORAN. den them good things, which had been formerly allowed them ; and because they shut out many from the way of GOD, and have taken usury, which was forbidden them by the law, and devoured men's substance vainly : we have pre- pared for such of them as are unbelievers a painful punish- ment. But those among them who are well grounded in knowledge, and the faithful, who believe in that which hath been sent down unto thee, and that which hath been sent down unto the prophets before thee, and who observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms, and believe in GOD and the last day unto these will we give a great reward. Verily we have revealed our will unto thee, as we have re- vealed it unto Noah and the prophets who succeeded him ; and as we revealed it unto Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and unto Jesus, and Job, and Jonas, and Aaron, and Solomon ; and we have given thee the Koran, as we gave the psalms unto David : some apostles have we sent, whom we have formerly mentioned unto thee ; and other apostles have we sent, whom we have not mentioned unto thee ; and GOD spake unto Moses, discoursing with him ; apostles declaring good tidings, and denouncing threats, lest men should have an argument of excuse against GOD, after the apostles had been sent unto them; GOD is mighty and wise. GOD is witness of that revelation which he hath sent down unto thee ; he sent it down with his special knowledge : the angels also are witnesses thereof; but GOD is a sufficient witness. They who believe not, and turn aside others from the way of GOD, have erred in a wide mistake. Verily those who believe not, and act unjustly, GOD will by no means for- give, neither will he direct them into any other way, than the way of hell ; they shall remain therein forever : and this is easy with GOD. O men, now is the apostle come unto you, with truth from your LORD ; believe therefore, it witt be better for you. But if ye disbelieve, verily unto GOD be- longeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth ; and GOD is knowing and wise. O ye who have received the scriptures, exceed not the just bounds in your religion, neither say of GOD any other than the truth. Verily Christ Jesus the son of Mary is the apostle of GOD, and his Word, which he con- veyed into Mary, and a spirit proceeding from him. Believe therefore in GOD, and his apostles, and say not, There art three Gods ; forbear this ; it will be better for you. GOD is AL KORAN. 119 but one GOD. Far be it from him that he should have a SOD ; unto him belongeth whatever t* in heaven and on earth ; and GOD is a sufficient protector. Christ doth not proudly disdain to be a servant unto GOD ; neither the angels who approach near to his presence : and whoso disdaineth his service, and is puffed up with pride, God will gather them all to himself, on the last day. Unto those who believe, and do that which is right, he shall give their rewards, and shall superabun- dantly add unto them of his liberality : but those who are disdainful and proud, he will punish with a grievous punish- ment ; and they shall not find any to protect or to help them, besides GOD. O men, now is an evident proof come unto you from your LORD, and we have sent down unto you man- ifest light. They who believe in GOD and firmly adhere to him, he will lead them into mercy from him, and abun- dance ; and he will direct them in the right way to himself. They will consult thee for thy decision in certain cases ; say unto them, GOD giveth you these determinations, concerning the more remote degrees of kindred. If a man die without issue, and have a sister, she shall have the half of what he shall leave : and he shall be heir to her, in case she have no issue. But if there be two sisters they shall have between them two third parts of what he shall leave ; and if there be several, both brothers and sisters, a male shall have as much as the portion of two females. GOD declareth unto you these precepts, lest ye err : and GOD knoweth all things. CHAPTER V. DffTITLED, THE TABLE; REVEALED AT MEDDTA. IV THB VAJCB OV THE MOST MEBCIFUL GOD. O TRUE believers, perform your contracts. Ye are allowed to eat the brute cattle, other than what ye are commanded to Abstain from ; except the game which ye are allowed at othet times, but not while ye are on pilgrimage to Mecca ; GOD trdaineth that which he p lease th. O true believers, violate not the holy rites of GOD, nor the sacred month, nor the of- 120 AL KORAN. fering, nor the ornaments hung thereon, nor those who are travelling to the holy house, seeking favor from their LORD, and to please him. But when ye shall have finished yuut pilgrimage ; then hunt And let not the malice of some, in that they hindered you from entering the sacred temple, provoke you to transgress, by taking revenge on them in the tacred months. Assist one another according to justice and piety, but assist not one another in injustice and malice : therefore fear GOD ; for GOD is severe in punishing. Ye are forbidden to eat that which dieth of itself, and blood, and swine's flesh, and that on whi ii the name of any besides GOD hath been invocated ; and Aat which hath been stran- gled, or killed by a blow, or by a fall, or by the horns of another beast, and that which hath been eaten by a wild beast, except what ye shall kill yourselves ; and that which hath been sacrificed unto idols. It is likewise unlawful for you to make division by casting lots with arrows. This is an impiety. On this day, woe be unto those who have apos- tatized from their religion ; therefore fear not them, but fear me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, and have completed my mercy upon you ; and I have chosen for you Islam, to be your religion. But whosoever shall be driven by necessity through hunger, to eat of what we have forbidden, not designing to sin, surely GOD will be indulgent and merciful unto him. They will ask thee what is allowed them as lawful to eat ? Answer, such things as are good are allowed you ; and what ye shall teach animals of prey to catch, training them up for hunting after the manner of dogs, and teaching them according to the skill which GOD bath taught you. Eat therefore of that which they shall catch for you ; and commemorate the name of GOD thereon ; and fear GOD, for GOD is swift in taking an account. This day are ye allowed to eat such things as are good, and the food of those to whom the scriptures were given is also allowed as lawful unto you ; and your food is allowed as lawful unto them. And ye are also allowed to marry free women that are believers, and also free women of those who have received the scriptures before you, when ye shall have assigned them their dower ; living chastely with them, neither committing fornication, nor taking them for concubines. Whoever shall renounce the faith, his work shall be vain, and in the next life he shall be of those who perish. O true believers, when AL KORAN. 121 ye prepare yourselves to pray, wash your faces, and youi hands unto the elbows ; and rub your heads, and your feet unto the ankles ; and if ye be polluted by having lain with a woman, wash yourselves all over. But if ye be sick, or on a journey, or any of you cometh from the privy, or if ye have touched women, and ye find no water, take fine clean sand, and rub your faces and your hands therewith ; GOD would not put a difficulty upon you ; but he desireth to purify you, and to complete his favor upon you, that ye may give thanks. Remember the favor of GOD towards you, and his covenant which he hath made with you, when ye said, We have heard, and will obey. Therefore fear God, for God knoweth the innermost parts of the breasts of men. O true believers, observe justice when ye appear as witnesses before GOD, and let not hatred towards any induce you to do wrong : but act justly ; this will approach nearer unto piety ; and fear GOD, for GOD is fully acquainted with what ye do. GOD hath promised unto those who believe, and do that which is right, that they shall receive pardon and a great reward. But they who believe not, and accuse our signs of falsehood, they shall be the companions of hell. O true believers, remember God's favor towards you, when certain men designed to stretch forth their hands against you, but he restrained their hands from hurting you ; therefore fear GOD and in GOD let the faithful trust. GOD formerly accepted the covenant of the children of Israel, and we appointed out of them twelve leaders : and GOD said, Verily I am with you : if ye observe prayer, and give alms, and believe in my apos- tles, and assist them, and lend unto GOD on good usury, I will surely expiate your evil deeds from you, and I will lead yon into gardens, wherein rivers flow: but he among you who disbelieveth after this, erreth from the straight path. Where- fore because they have broken their covenant, we have cursed them, and hardened their hearts ; they dislocate the words of the Pentateuch from their places, and have forgotten part of what they were admonished ; and thou wilt not cease to dis- cover deceitful practices among them, except a few of them. But forgive them, and pardon them, for GOD loveth the beneficent. And from those who say, We are Christians, we have received their covenant ; but they have forgotten part of what they were admonished ; wherefore we have raised up enmity and hatred among them, till the day of resurrection , 122 AL KOBAN. and GOD will then surely declare unto them what they hav been doing. ye who have received the scriptures, now is our apostle come unto you, to make manifest unto you many things which ye concealed in the scriptures ; and to pass over many things. Now is light and a perspicuous book of revelations come unto you from God. Thereby will GOD direct him who shall follow his good pleasure, into the paths of peace; and shall lead them out of darkness into light, by his will, and shall direct them in the right way. They are infidels, who say, Verily GOD is Christ the son of Mary. Say unto them, And who could obtain anything from GOD to the contrary, if he pleased to destroy Christ the son of Mary, and his mother, and all those who are on the earth ? For unto GOD belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth, and whatsoever is contained between them ; he createth what he pleaseth, and GOD is almighty. The Jews and the Christians say, We are the children of GOD and his beloved. Answer, Why therefore doth he punish you for your sins ? Nay, but ye are men, of those whom he hath created. He forgiveth whom he pleaseth, and punisheth whom he pleas- eth; and unto GOD belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth, and of what is contained between them both ; and unto him shall all things return. O ye who have received the scriptures, now is our apostle come unto you, declaring unto you the true religion, during the cessation of apostles, lest ye should say, There came unto us no bearer of good tidings, nor any warner : but now is a bearer of good tidings, and a warner come unto you ; for GOD is almighty. Gall to mind when Moses said unto his people, O my people, remember the favor of GOD towards you, since he hath appointed prophets among you, and constituted you kings, and be- stowed on you what he hath given to no other nation in the world. O my people, enter the holy land, which GOD hath decreed you, and turn not your backs, lest ye be sub- verted and perish. They answered, Moses, verily there are a gigantic people in the land ; and we will by no means enter it, until they depart thence ; but if they depart thence, then will we enter therein. And two men of those who feared GOD, unto whom GOD had been gracious, said, Enter ye upon them suddenly by the gate of the city ; and when ye shall have entered the same, ye shall surely be victorious : therefore trust in GOD, if ye are true believers. They re- AL KORAN. 123 4ied, Moses, we will never enter the land, while they remain therein : go therefore thou, and thy LORD, and fight ; for we will sit here. Moses said, O LORD, surely I am not master of any except myself, and my brother ; therefore make a distinction between us and the ungodly people. GOD answered, Verily the land shall be forbidden them forty years ; during which time they shall wander like men astonished on the earth ; therefore be not thou solicitous fo? the ungodly people. Relate unto them also the history cf the two sons of Adam, with truth. When they offered theit offering, and it was accepted from one of them, and was n accepted from the other, Cain said to his brother, I will cer- tainly kifl thee. 1 Abel answered, GOD only accepteth the offering of the pious ; if thou stretchest forth thy hand against me, to slay me, I will not stretch forth my hand against thee, to slay thee ; for I fear GOD, the LORD of all creatures. I choose that thou shouldest bear my iniquity and thine own iniquity ; and that thou become a companion of heU fire ; for that is the reward of the unjust. But hi? soul suffered him to slay his brother, and he slew him ; wherefore he became of the number of those who perish. And GOD sent a raven, which scratched the earth, to show him how he should hide the shame of his brother, and he said, Woe is me ! am I unable to be like this raven, that I may hide my brother's shame ? and he became one of those who repent. 2 Wherefore we commanded the children of Is- rael, that he who slayeth a soul, without having slain a soul, or committed wickedness in the earth, shall be as if he had slain all mankind : but he who saveth a soul alive, shall be as if he had saved the lives of all mankind. Our apostles formerly came unto them, with evident miracles ; then were many of them after this, transgressors on the earth. But the recompense of those who fight against GOD and his apostle, and study to act corruptly in the earth, shall be, that they shall be slain, or crucified, or have their hands and their feet cut off on the opposite sides, or be banished the land. This shall be their disgrace in this world, and in the next world they shall suffer a grievous punishment ; except those who shall repent, before ye prevail against them ; for know that GOD is inclined to forgive, and merciful. O true believers, tear GOD, and earnestly desire a near conjunction with him, nd fight for his religion, that ye may be happy. Moreovei 124 AL KORAN. they who believe not, although they had whatever it in th earth, and as much more withal, that they might therewith redeem themselves from punishment on the day of resurrec- tion ; it shall not be accepted from them, but they shall suffer a painful punishment. They shall desire to go forth from the fire, but they shall not go forth from it, and their punish- shall be permanent. If a man or a woman steal, cut off their hands, in retribution for that which they have com- mitted ; this is an exemplary punishment appointed by GOD ; and GOD is mighty and wise. But whoever >liall repent after his iniquity, and amend, verily GOD will be turned unto him, for GOD is inclined to forgive, and merciful. Dost thou not know that the kingdom of heaven and earth is GOD'S ? He punisheth whom he pleaseth, and he par- doneth whom he pleaseth ; for GOD is almighty. O apostle, let not them grieve thee, who hasten to infidelity, either of those who say, We believe, with their mouths, but whose hearts believe not ; or of the Jews, who hearken to a lie, and hearken to other people ; who come unto thee : they pervert the words of the law from their true plaices, and say, If this be brought unto you, receive it; but if it be not brought unto you, beware of receiving aught else; and in behalf of him whom GOD shall resolve to seduce, thou shalt not prevail with GOD at all. They whose hearts GOD shall not please to cleanse shall suffer shame in this world, and a grievous punishment in the next : who hearken to a lie, and cat that which is forbidden. But if they come unto thee for judg- ment, either judge between them, or leave them ; and if thou leave them, they shall not hurt thee at all. But if thou un- dertake to judge, judge between them with equity ; for GOD loveth those who observe justice. And how will they submit to thy decision, since they have the law, containing the judg- ment of GOD ? Then will they turn their backs, after this ; but those are not true believers. We have surely sent down the law, containing direction, and light : thereby did the prophets, who professed the true religion, judge those who judaized ; and the doctors and priests also judged by the book of GOD, which had been committed to their custody ; and they were witnesses thereof. Therefore fear not men, but fear me ; neither sell my signs for a small price. And who- so judgeth not according to what GOD hath revealed, they are infidels. We have therein commanded them, that the$ AL KORAN. 125 ihotild (five life for life, and eye for eye, and nose for nose, and ear for ear, and tooth for tooth ; and that wounds thoidd also be punished by retaliation : but whoever shoulc 1 remit it as alms, it should be accepted as an atonement for him. And whoso judgeth not according to what GOD hath revealed, they are unjust. We also caused Jesus the son of Mary to follow the footsteps of the prophets, confirming the law which was sent down before him ; and we gave him the gospel, containing direction and light ; confirming also the law which was given before it, and a direction and admoni- tion tinto those who fear God : that they who have received the gospel might judge according to what GOD hath revealed therein: and whoso judgeth not according to what GOD hath revealed, they are transgressors. We have also sent down unto thee the book of the Koran with truth, confirming that scripture which was revealed before it; and preserving the same safe from corruption. Judge therefore between them according to that which GOD hath revealed ; and follow not their desires, by swerving from the truth which hath come unto thee. Unto every of you have we given a law, and an open path ; and if GOD had pleased, he had surely made you one people ; but he hath thought jit to give you different laws, that he might try you in that which he hath given you respectively. Therefore strive to excel each other in good works : unto GOD shall ye all return, and then will he declare unto you that concerning which ye have disagreed. Wherefore do thou, prophet, judge between them accord- ing to that which GOD hath revealed, and follow not their desires ; but beware of them, lest they cause thee to err from part of those precepts which GOD hath sent down unto thee ; and if they turn back, know that GOD is pleased to punish them for some of their crimes ; for a great number of men are transgressors. Do they therefore desire the judg- ment of the time of ignorance ? but who is better than GOD, to judge between people who reason aright ? O true believ- ers, take not the Jews or Christians for your friends ; they are friends the one to the other ; but whoso among you taketh them for his friends, he is surely one of them : verily GOD directeth not unjust people. Thou shalt see those in whose hearts there is an infirmity, to hasten unto them, gaying, We fear lest some adversity befall us; but it it easy for GOD to give victory, or a command from him, thai 126 AL KORAN. they may repent of that which they concealed in their minds. And they who believe will say, Are these the men who have eworn by GOD, with a most firm oath, that they surely held with you? their works are become vain, and they are of those who perish. O true believers, whoever of you aposta- tizeth from his religion, GOD will certainly bring other people to supply his place, whom he will love, and who will love him ; who shall be humble towards the believers ; but severe to the .unbelievers : they shall fight for the religion of GOD, and shall not fear the obloquy of the detractor. 1 This is the bounty of GOD, he bestoweth it on whom he pleaseth : GOD I* extensive and wise. Verily your protector is GOD, and his apostle, and those who believe, who observe the stated times of prayer, and give aims, and who bow down to wor- thip. And whoso taketh GOD, and his apostle, and the be- lievers for his friends, they are the party of GOD, and they shall be victorious. O true believers, take not such of those to whom the scriptures were delivered before you, or of the infidels, for your friends, who make a laughing-stock, and a jest of your religion ; but fear GOD, if ye be true believers ; nor those who when ye call to prayer, make a laughing-stock and a jest of it ; this they do, because they are people who do not understand. Say, O ye who have received the scrip- tures, do ye reject us for any other reason than because we believe in GOD, and that revelation which hath been sent down unto us, and that which was formerly seat down, and for that the greater part of you are transgressor? ? Say, Shall I denounce unto you a worse thing than this, as to the reward which ye are to expect with GOD ? He whom GOD hath cursed, and with whom he hath been angry, having changed some of them into apes and swine, and who worship Taghut, they are in the worse condition, and err more widely from the straightness of the path. When they came unto you, they said, We believe : yet they entered into your com- pany with infidelity, and went forth from you with the same; but GOD well knew what they concealed. Thou shalt see raany of them hastening unto iniquity and malice, and to eat firings forbidden ; and woe unto them for what they have done. Unless their doctors and priests forbid them uttering wicked- ness, and eating things forbidden ; woe unto them for what they shall have committed. The Jews say, The hand of GOD if tied up. 2 Their hands shall be tied up, and they shall b AL KORAN. 187 cursed for that which they have said. Nay his hands are both stretched forth ; he bestoweth as he pleaseth : that whicL hath been sent down unto thee from thy LORD shall increase the transgression and infidelity of many of them ; and we have put enmity and hatred between them, until the day of resurrection. So often as they shall kindle a fire for war GOD shall extinguish it ; and they shall set their minds to act corruptly in the earth, but GOD loveth not the corrupt doers. Moreover if they who have received the scriptures believe, and fear God, we will surely expiate their sins from them, and we will lead them into gardens of pleasure ; and if they observe the law, and the gospel, and the other scrip- tures which have been sent down unto them from their LORD, they shall surely eat of good things both from above them, and from under their feet. Among them there are people who act uprightly ; but how evil is that which many of them do work ! O apostle, publish the whole of that which hath been sent down unto thee from thy LORD : for if thou do not, thou dost not in effect publish any part thereof; and GOD will defend thee against wicked men ; for GOD direct- eth not the unbelieving people. Say, O ye who have re- ceived the scriptures, ye are not grounded on anything, until ye observe the law and the gospel and that which hath been sent down unto you from your LORD. That which hath been sent down unto thee from thy LORD will surely in- crease the transgression and infidelity of many of them : but be not thou solicitous for the unbelieving people. Verily they who believe, and those who Judaize, and the Sabians, and the Christians, whoever of them believeth in GOD and the last day, and doth that which is right, there shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved. We formerly accepted the covenant of the children of Israel, and sent apos- tles unto them. So often as an apostle came unto them with that which their souls desired not, they accused some of them of imposture, and some of them they killed : and they im- agined that there should be no punishment for those crimes, and they became blind, and deaf. Then was GOD turned unto them ; afterwards many of them again became blind and deaf; but GOD saw what they did. They are surely mfidels, who say, Verily GOD is Christ the son of Mary ; lince Christ said, O children of Israel, serve GOD, my LORD and your LORD ; whoever shall give a companion unto GOD, 128 AL KORAN. GOD shall exclude him from paradise, and his habitatioi Bhall be hett fire ; and the ungodly shall have none to help them. They are certainly infidels, who say, GOD is the third of three : for there is no GOD, besides one GOD ; and if they refrain not from what they say, a painful torment shall surely be inflicted on such of them as are unbelievers. Will they not therefore be turned unto GOD, and ask pardon of him ? since GOD is gracious and merciful. Christ the son of Mary is no more than an apostle; other apostles have preceded him ; and his mother was a woman of veracity : they both ate food. Behold, how we declare unto them the si ever is public ; he is the wise, the knowing. Call to mina when Abraham said unto his father Azer, Dost thou take images for gods P 1 Verily I perceive that thou and thy people are in a manifest error. And thus did we show unto Abraham the kingdom of heaven and earth, that he might become one of those who firmly believe. And when the night overshadowed him, he saw a star, and he said, This ia my LORD ; but when it set, he said, I like not gods which set. 8 And when he saw the moon rising, he said, This is my LORD ; but when he saw it set, he said, Verily if my LORD direct me not, I shall become one of the people who go astray. And when he saw the sun rising, he said, This is my LORD, this is the greatest ; but when it set, he said, O my people, verily I am clear of that which ye associate with God: I direct my face unto him who hath created the heav- ens and the earth ; / am orthodox, and am not one of the idolaters. And his people disputed with him : and he said, Will ye dispute with me concerning GOD ? since he hath now directed me, and I fear not that which ye associate with him, unless that my LORD willeth a thing ; for my LORI comprehendeth all things by his knowledge : will ye not therefore consider ? And how should I fear that which ye associate with God, since ye fear not to have associated with GOD that concerning which he hath sent down unto you no authority ? which therefore of the two parties is the more safe, if ye understand aright f They who believe, and clothe not their faith with injustice, they shall enjoy secu- rity, and they are rightly directed. And this is our argu- ment wherewith we furnished Abraham that he might make use of it against his people : we exalt unto degrees of wis- dom and knowledge whom we please ; for thy LORD is wise and knowing. And we gave unto them Jsaac and Jacob ; we directed them both : and Noah had we before directed, and f his posterity David and Solomon ; and Job, and Joseph, 140 AL KORAN. and Moses, and Aaron : thus do we reward the righteous and Zacharias, and John, and Jesus, and Elias ; all of them were upright men : and Ismael, and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot ; all these have we favored above the rest of the world ; and also divers of their fathers, and their issue, and their brethren; and we chose them, and directed them into thft right way. This is the direction of GOD, he directeth thereby such of his servants as he pleaseth ; but if they Lad been guilty of idolatry, that which they wrought would have become utterly fruitless unto them. Those were the person* unto whom we gave the scripture, and wisdom, and proph- ecy ; but if these believe not therein, we will commit the care of them to a people who shall not disbelieve the same. Those were the persons whom GOD hath directed, therefore follow their direction. Say unto the inhabitants of Mecca, I ask of you no recompense for preaching the Koran ; it is no other than an admonition unto all creatures. They make not a due estimation of GOD, when they say, GOD hath not sent down unto man anything at all : Say, Who sent down the book which Moses brought, a light and a direction unto men; which ye transcribe on papers, whereof ye publish tome part, and great part whereof ye conceal ? and ye have been taught by Mohammed what ye knew not, neither your fathers. Say, GOD sent it down : then leave them to amuse themselves with their vain discourse. This book which wa have sent down it blessed ; confirming that which was re- vealed before it ; and it delivered unto thee that thou preach it unto the metropolis of Mecca and to those who are round about it And they who believe in the next life will believe therein, and they will diligently observe their times of prayer. Who is more wicked than he who forgeth a lie concerning GOD ? or saith Tliis was revealed unto me ; when nothing hath been revealed unto him ? and who saith, I will produce a revelation like unto that which GOD hath sent down ? If thou didst see when the ungodly are in the pangs of death, and the angels reach out their hands saying, Cast forth your souls ; this day shall ye receive an ignominious punishment for that which ye have falsely spoken concern- ing GOD ; and because ye have proudly rejected his signs. And now are ye come unto us alone, as we created you at first, and ye have left that which we had bestowed on you, behiud your backs ; neither do we Bee with you your inter* AL KORAN. 141 cessors, whom ye thought to have been partners with Got among you : now is the relation between you cut off, and what ye imagined hath deceived you. GOD causeth the grain and the date-stone to put forth : he bringeth forth the living from the dead, and he bringeth forth the dead from the living. This is GOD. Why therefore are ye turned away from him f He causeth the morning to appear ; and hath ordained the night for rest, and the sun and the moon for the computing of time. This is the disposition of the mighty, the wise God. It is he who hath ordained the stars for you, that ye may be directed thereby in the darkness of the land and of the sea, We have clearly shown forth our signs, unto people wb.3 understand. It is he who hath produced you from one soul ; and hath provided for you a sure receptacle and a repository. We have clearly shown forth our signs, unto people who are wise. It is he who sendeth down water from heaven, and we have thereby produced the springing buds of all things, and have thereout produced the green thing, from which we pro- duce the grain growing in rows, and palm-trees from whose branches proceed clusters of dates hanging close together ; and gardens of grapes, and olives, and pomegranates, both like and unlike to one another. Look on their fruits, when they bear fruit, and their growing to maturity. Verily herein are signs, unto people who believe. Tet they have set up the genii as partners with GOD, although he created them : and they have falsely attributed unto him sons and daughters, without knowledge. Praise be unto him ; and far be that from him which they attribute unto him ! He it the maker of heaven and earth : how should he have issue since he hath no consort ? he hath created all things, and he is omniscient. This is GOD your LORD ; there is no GOD but he, the creator of all things ; therefore serve him : for he taketh care of all things. The sight comprehendeth him not, but he comprehendeth the sight ; he is the gracious, the wise. Now have evident demonstrations come unto you from your LORD ; whoso seeth them, the advantage thereof will redound to his own soul : and whoso is wilfully blind, the consequence will be to himself. I am not a keeper over you. Thus do we variously explain our signs ; that they may say, Thou hast studied diligently ; and that we may declare them unto people of understanding. Follow that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy LORD ; ther 142 AL KORAN. is no GOD but he : retire therefore from the idolaters. II Gor> had so pleased, they had not been guilty of idolatry We have not appointed thee a keeper over them ; neithei art thou a guardian over them. Revile not the idols which they invoke besides GOD, lest they maliciously revile GOD, without knowledge. Thus have we prepared for every nation their works: hereafter unto GOD shall they return, and he shall declare unto them that which they have done. They have sworn by GOD, by the most solemn oath, that if a *ign came unto them, they would certainly believe therein Say, Verily signs are in the power of GOD alone ; and he permitteth you not to understand, that when they come, they will not believe. And we will turn aside their hearts and their sight from the truth, as they believed not therein the first time ; and we will leave them to wander in their error. And though we had sent down angels unto them, and the dead had spoken unto them, and we had gathered together before them all things in one view ; they would not have believed, unless GOD had so pleased : but the greater part of them know it not. Thus have we ap- pointed unto every prophet an enemy ; the devils of men, and of genii : who privately suggest the one to the other spe- cious discourses to deceive ; but if thy LORD pleased, they would not have done it. Therefore leave them, and that which they have falsely imagined ; and let the hearts of those be inclined thereto, who believe not in the life to come . and let them please themselves therein, and let them gain that which they are gaining. Shall I seek after any other judge besides GOD to judge between us ? It is he who hath sent down unto you the book of the Koran distinguishing between good and evil; and they to whom we gave the scripture know that it is sent down from thy LORD, with truth. Be not therefore one of those who doubt thereof. The words of thy LORD are perfect, in truth and justice ; there is none who can change his words : he both heareth and knoweth. But if thou obey the greater part of them who are in the earth, they will lead thee aside from the path of GOD : they fol- low an uncertain opinion only, and speak nothing but lies ; verily thy LORD well knoweth those who go astray from his path, and well knoweth those who are rightly directed. Eat of that whereon the name of GOD hath been commemorated, u ye believe in his signs : and why do ye not eat of that AL KORAN. 143 thereon the name of GOB hath been commemorated ? sine* he hath plainly declared unto you what he hath forbidden you ; except that which ye be compelled to eat of by neces- sity ; many lead others into error, because of their appetites, being void of knowledge ; but thy LORD well knoweth who are the transgressors. Leave both the outside of iniquity and the inside thereof: for they who commit iniquity shall receive the reward of that which they shall have gained. Eat not therefore of that whereon the name of GOD hath not been commemorated ; for this is certainly wickedness : but the devils will suggest unto their friends, that they dispute with you concerning this precept ; but if ye obey them, ye are surely idolaters. Shall he who hath been dead, and whom we have restored unto life, and unto whom we have ordained a light, whereby he may walk among men, be as he whose similitude is in darkness, from whence he shall not come forth ? Thus was that which the infidels are doing prepared for them. And thus have we placed in every city chief leaders of the wicked men thereof, that they may act deceitfully therein ; but they shall act deceitfully against their own souls only ; and they know it not. And when a sign coraeth unto them, they say, We will by no means believe until a revelation be brought unto us, like unto that which hath been delivered unto the messengers of GOD. GOD best knoweth whom he will appoint for his messenger. Vileness in the sight of God shall fall upon those who deal wickedly, and a grievous punishment, for that they have dealt deceit- fully. And whomsoever GOD shall please to direct, he will open his breast to receive the faith of Islam : but whomsoever he shall please to lead into error, he will render his breast straight and narrow, as though he were climbing up to heaven. Thus doth GOD inflict a terrible punishment on those who believe not. This is the right way of thy LORD. Now have we plainly declared our signs unto those people who will con- aider. They shall have a dwelling of peace with their LORD, and he shall be their patron, because of that which they have wrought. Think on the day whereon God shall gather them all together, and shall say, O company of genii, ye have been much concerned with mankind ; and their friends from among mankind shall say, LORD, the one of us hath received ad- vantage from the other, and we are arrived at our limited term which thou hast appointed us. God will say, Hett fire thaU 144 A.L KORAW. be your habitation, therein shall ye remain forever ; unlest aa GOD shall please to mitigate your pains, for thy LORD it wise and knowing. 1 Thus do we set some of the unjust over others of them, because of that which they have deserved. company of genii and men, did not messengers from among yourselves come unto you, rehearsing my signs unto you, and forewarning you of the meeting of this your day ? They shall answer, We bear witness against ourselves : the present life deceived them : and they shall bear witness against them- selves that they were unbelievers. This hath been the method of God's dealing with his creatures, because thy LORD would not destroy the cities in their iniquity, while their inhabitants were careless. Every one shall have degrees of recompense of that which they shall do ; for thy LORD is not regard- less of that which they do, and thy LORD is self-sufficient ind endued with mercy. If he pleaseth he can destroy you, and cause such as he pleaseth to succeed you, in like manner as he produced you from the posterity of other people. Verily that which is threatened you, shall surely come to pass ; neither shall ye cause it to fail. Say unto those of Mecca, my people, act according to your power ; verily I will act according to my duty : and hereafter shall ye know whose will be the reward of paradise. The ungodly shall not prosper. Those of Mecca set apart unto GOD a portion of that which he hath produced of the fruits of the earth, and of cattle ; and say, This belongeth unto GOD (ac- cording to their imagination), and this unto our companions. And that which is destined for their companions cometh not unto GOD ; yet that which is set apart unto GOD cometh unto their companions. How ill do they judge ! In like manner have their companions induced many of the idolaters to slay their children, that they might bring them to perdi- tion, and that they might render their religion obscure and confuEed unto them. 2 But if GOD had pleased, they had not done this : therefore leave them and that which they falsely imagine. They also say, These cattle and fruits of the earth are sacred ; none shall eat thereof but who we please (accord- ing to their imagination); and there are cattle whose backs are forbidden to be rode on, or laden with burdens ; and there are cattle on which they commemorate not the name of GOD w/im they slay them ; devising a lie against him ; God shall eward them for that which they falsely devise. And they AL KORAN. 145 say, That which is in the bellies of these cattle it allowed to our males to eat, and is forbidden to our wives : but if it prove abortive, then they are both partakers thereof. God shall give them the reward of their attributing these things to him : he is knowing and wise. They are utterly lost who have slain their children foolishly, without knowledge ; and have forbidden that which GOD hath given them for food, devising a lie against GOD. They have erred, and were not rightly directed. He it is who produceth gardens of vines, both those which are supported on trails of wood, and those which are not supported, and palm-trees, and the corn afford- ing various food, and olives, and pomegranates, alike and un- like unto one another. Eat of their fruit, when they bear fruit, and pay the due thereof on the day whereon ye shall gather it ; but be not profuse, for God loveth not those who are too profuse. And God hath given you some cattle fit for bearing jf burdens, and some fit for slaughter only. Eat of what GOD auth given you for food ; and follow not the steps of Satan, ;br he is your declared enemy. Four pair of cattle hath God given you; of sheep one pair, and of goats one pair. Say unto them, Hath God forbidden the two males, of sheep and of goats, or the two females ; or that which the wombs of the two females contain? Tell me with certainty, if ye speak truth. And of camels hath God given you one pair, and of oxen one pair. Say, Hath he forbiddden the two males of these, or the two females ; or that which the wombs of the two females contain ? Were ye present when GOD com- manded you this ? And who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie against GOD, that he may seduce men without understanding ? Verily GOD directed not unjust people. Say, I find not in that which hath been revealed unto me anything forbidden unto the eater, that he eat it not, except it be that which dieth of itself, or blood poured forth, or swine's flesh : for this is an abomination : or that which is profane, having been slain in the name of some other than of GOD. But whoso shall be compelled by necessity to eat of these things, not lusting, nor wilfully transgressing, verily thy LORD will be gracious unto him and merciful. Unto the Jews did we forbid every beast having an undivided hoof; and of bullocks and sheep, we forbade them the fat of both ; except that which should be on their backs, or their inwards, or which should be intermixed with the bone. This have we 10 146 AL KORAN. rewarded them with, because of their iniquity ; and we ar* Burely speakers of truth. If they accuse thee of imposture, Bay, Tour LORD is endued with extensive mercy; but his severity shall not be averted from wicked people. The idol- aters will say, If GOD had pleased, we had not been guilty of idolatry, neither our fathers ; and pretend that we have not forbidden them anything. Thus did they who were before them accuse the prophets of imposture, until they tasted our severe punishment. Say, Is there with you any certain knowledge of what ye allege, that ye may produce it unto us ? Ye follow only a false imagination ; and ye utter only lies. Say, therefore, Unto GOD belongeth the most evident demonstration ; for if he had pleased, he had directed you all. Say, Produce your witnesses, who can bear testimony that GOD hath forbidden this. But if they bear testimony of this, do not thou bear testimony with them, nor do thou follow the desires of those who accuse our signs of falsehood, and who believe not in the life to come, and equalize idols with their LORD. Say, Come ; I will rehearse that which your LORD hath forbidden you ; that is to say, that ye be not guilty of idolatry, and that ye show kindness to your parents, and that ye murder not your children for fear lest ye be reduced to poverty ; we will provide for you and them ; and draw not near unto heinous crimes, neither openly nor in secret ; and slay not the soul which God hath forbidden you to slay, unless for a just cause. This hath he enjoined you that ye may understand. And meddle not with the substance of the orphan, otherwise than for the improving thereof, until he attain his age of strength : and use a full measure, and a just balance. We will not impose a task on any soul beyond its ability. And when ye pronounce judgment observe justice, although it be for or against one who is near of kin, and fulfil the covenant of GOD. This hath God commanded you, that ye may be admonished ; and that ye may know that this is my right way : therefore follow it, and follow not the path of others, lest ye be scattered from the path of God. This hath he commanded you that ye may take heed. We gave also unto Moses the book of the law ; a perfect rule unto him who should do right, and a determination concerning all ihmgs needful, and a direction, and mercy ; that the children Israel might believe the meeting of their LORD. And this book which we have now sent down is blessed; therefor* AL KORAN. 147 follow it, and fear God that ye may obtain mercy : lest y should say, The scriptures were only sent down unto two people before us ; and we neglected to peruse them with attention : or lest ye should say, If a book of divine revela- tions had been sent down unto us, we would surely have been better directed than they. And now hath a manifest declara- tion come unto you from your LORD, and a direction and mercy: and who is more unjust than he who deviseth liea agairst the signs of GOD, and turneth aside from them ? We will reward those who turn aside from our signs with a grievous punishment, because they have turned aside. Do they wait for any other than that the angels should come unto them, to part their souls from their bodies ; or that thy LOR should come to punish them ; or that some of the signs 01 thy LORD should come to pass, showing the day of judgment to be at hand ? l On the day whereon some of thy LORD'S signs shall come to pass, its faith shall not profit a soul which believed not before, or wrought not good in its faith. Say, Wait ye for this day ; we surely do wait^/br it. They who make a division in their religion, and become sectaries, have thou nothing to do with them ; their affair belongeth only unto GOD. Hereafter shall he declare unto them that which they have done. He who shall appear with good works, shall receive a tenfold recompense for the same ; but he who shall appear with evil works, shall receive only an equal punish- ment for the same ; and they shall not be treated unjustly. Say, Verily my LORD hath directed me into a right way, a true religion, the sect of Abraham the orthodox ; and he was no idolater. Say, Verily my prayers, and my worship, and my life, and my death are dedicated unto GOD, the LORD of all creatures : he hath no companion. This have I been commanded : I am the first Moslem. Say, shall I desire any other LORD besides GOD ? since he is the LORD of all things ; and no soul shall acquire any merits or demerits but for itself; and no burdened soul shall bear the burden of another. More- over unto your LORD shall ye return ; and he shall declare unto you that concerning which ye now dispute. It is he who hath appointed you to succeed your predecessors in the earth, and hath raised some of you above others by various degrees of worldly advantages, that he might prove you by that which *e hath bestowed on you. Thy LORD is swift in punishing j tnd he is also gracious and merciful. 148 AL KORAff. CHAPTER VIL HI TITLED, AL ABAF ; BEVEALED AT MECCA. nr THE SAME or THB MOST MEHCIFUL GOD. AL. M. S. A book hath been sent down unto thee : and therefore let there be no doubt in thy breast concerning it ; that thou mayest preach the same, and that it may be an ad- monition unto the faithful. Follow that which hath been gent down unto you from your LORD ; and follow no guides besides him : how little will ye be warned ! How many cities have we destroyed ; which our vengeance overtook by night, or while they were reposing themselves at noon-day ! And their supplication, when our punishment came upon them, was no other than that they said, Verily we have been unjust. We will surely call those to an account, unto whom ,a prophet hath been sent ; and we will also call those to ac- count who have been sent unto them. And we will declare their actions unto them with knowledge ; for we are not ab- sent from them. The weighing of men's actions on that day shall be just ; and they whose balances laden with their good works shall be heavy, are those who shall be happy ; but they whose balances shall be light, are those who have lost their souls, because they injured our signs. And now have we placed you on the earth, and have provided you food therein : but how little are ye thankful ! We created you, and after- wards formed you ; and then said unto the angels, Worship Adam ; and they all worshipped him, except Eblis, who was not one of those who worshipped. God said unto him, What hindered thee from worshipping Adam, since I had com- manded thee ? He answered, I am more excellent than he : thou hast created me of fire, and hast created him of clay God said, Get thee down therefore from paradise ; for it is not jit that thou behave thyself proudly therein : get thee hence ; thou shalt be one of the contemptible. He answered, Give me respite until the day of resurrection. God said, Verily thou shalt be one of those who are respited. The devil said, Because thou hast depraved me, I will lay wait for men in thy strait way ; then will I come upon them from AL KORAN. 149 before, and from behind, and from their right hands, and from their left ; and thou shalt not find the greater part of them thankful. God said unto him, Get thee hence, despised, and driven far away: verily whoever of them shall follow thee, I will surely fill hell with you all : but as for thee, Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in paradise; and eat of ths fruit thereof wherever ye will ; but approach not this tree, lest ye become of the number of the unjust. And Satan sug- gested to them both, that he would discover unto them their nakedness, which was hidden from them ; and he said, Your LORD hath not forbidden you this tree, for any other reason but lest ye should become angels, or lest ye become im- mortal. And he sware unto them, saying, Verily I am one of those who counsel you aright. And he caused them to fall through deceit. 1 And when they had tasted of the tree, their nakedness appeared unto them ; and they began to join together the leaves of paradise, to cover themselves. And their LORD called to them, saying, Did I not forbid you this tree : and did I not say unto you, Verily Satan is your declared enemy ? They answered, O LORD, we have dealt unjustly with our own souls ; and if thou forgive us not, and be not merciful unto us, we shall surely be of those who perish. God said, Get ye down, the one of you an enemy unto the other ; and ye shall have a dwelling-place upon the earth, and a provision for a season. He said, Therein shall ye live, and therein shall ye die, and from thence shall ye be taken forth at the resurrection. O children of Adam, we have sent down unto you apparel, to conceal your naked- ness, and fair garments ; but the clothing of piety is better. This M one of the signs of God ; that peradventure ye may consider. O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce you, as he expelled your parents out of paradise, by stripping them )f their clothing, that he might show them their nakedness : verily he seeth you, both he and his companions, whereas ye see not them. We have appointed the devils to be patrons of those who believe not : and when they commit a filthy action, they say, We found our fathers practising the same ; \nd GOD hath commanded us to do it. Say, Verily GOD commaudeth not filthy actions. Do ye speak concerning GOD that which ye know not? Say, My LORD hath com- manded me to observe justice; therefore set your faces to prey at every place of worship, and call upon him, approv- 150 AL KORAN. ing unto him the sincerity of your religion. As he produced you at first, so unto him shall ye return. A part of mankind hath he directed ; and a part hath been justly led into error, because they have taken the devils for their patrons besides GOD, and imagine they are rightly directed. O children of Adam, take your decent apparel at every place of worship, and eat and drink, but be not guilty of excess ; for he loveth not those who are guilty of excess. Say, Who hath forbid- den the decent apparel of GOD, which he hath produced for his servants, and the good things which he hath provided for food ? Say, these things are for those who believe, in thia present life, but peculiarly on the day of resurrection. Thua do we distinctly explain our signs unto people who under- stand. Say, Verily my LORD hath forbidden filthy actions, both that which is discovered thereof, and that which is con- cealed, and also iniquity, and unjust violence ; and hath for- bidden you to associate with GOD that concerning which he hath sent you down no authority, or to speak of GOD that which ye know not. Unto every nation there is a prefixed term ; therefore when their term is expired, they shall not have respite for an hour, neither shall they be anticipated. children of Adam, verily apostles from among you shall come unto you, who shall expound my signs unto you : who- soever therefore shall fear God and amend, there shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved. But they who shall accuse our signs of falsehood, and shall proudly reject them, they shall be the companious of hell fire ; they shall remain therein forever. And who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie concerning GOD, or accuseth his signs of imposture ? Unto these shall be given their portion of worldly happiness, according to what is written in the book of God's decrees, until our messengers come unto them, and shall cause them to die ; saying, Where are the idolt which ye called upon, besides GOD ? They shall answer, They have disappeared from us. And they shall bear witness against them selves that they were unbelievers. God shall say unto them at the resurrection, Enter ye with the nations which have preceded you, of genii and of men, into hell fire ; so [ten as one nation shall enter, it shall curse its sister, until they shall all have successively entered therein. The latter them shall say of the former of them : O LORD, these have seduced us therefore inflict on them a double punish AL KORAN. 151 naent of the fh of helL God shall answer, It thall b doubled unto all : but ye know it not : and the former of them shall say unto the latter of them, Ye have not there- fore any favor above us ; taste the punishment for that which ye have gained. Verily they who shall charge our signs with falsehood, and shall proudly reject them, the gates of heaven shall not be opened unto them, neither shall they enter into paradise, until a camel pass through the eye of a needle, and thus will we reward the wicked doers. Their couch shall be in hell, and over them shall be coverings of fire ; and thus wih 1 we reward the unjust. But they who believe, and do that which is right (we will not load any soul but according to its ability,) they shall be the companions of paradise; they shall remain therein forever. And we will remove all grudges from their minds ; rivers shall run at their feet, and they shall say, Praised be GOD, who hath directed us unto this felicity, for we should not have been rightly directed, if GOD had not directed us; now are we convinced by demonstration that the Apostles of our LORD came unto us with truth. And it shall be proclaimed unto them, This is paradise, whereof ye are made heirs, as a re- ward for that which ye have wrought. And the inhabi- tants of paradise shall call out to the inhabitants of heU fire, saying, Now have we found that which our LORD promised us to be true : have ye also found that which your LORD promised you to be true ? They shall answer, Yea. And a crier shall proclaim between them, The curse of GOD shall be on the wicked ; who turn men aside from the way of GOD, and seek to render it crooked, and who deny the life to come. And between the blessed and the damned there shall be a veil ; and men shall stand on Al Araf who shall know every one of them by their marks ; and shall call unto the inhabitants of paradise, saying, Peace be upon you : yet they shall not enter therein, although they earnestly desire it. 1 And when they shall turn their eyes towards the companions of hett fire, they say, LORD, place us not with the ungodly people ! And those who stand on Al Araf shall call unto certain men, whom they shall know by their marks, and shall say, What toath your gathering of riches availed you, and that y were puffed up with pride ? Are these the men 011 whom fe sware that GOD would not bestow mercy ? Enter y 152 AL KORAN. into paradise ; there shall come no fear on you, neither shall ye be grieved. And the inhabitants of hell fire shall call unto the inhabitants of paradise, saying, Pour upon us gome water, or of those refreshments which GOD hath be- stowed on you. They shall answer, Verily GOD hath for- bidden them unto the unbelievers; who made a laughing- stock and a sport of their religion, and whom the life of the world hath deceived : therefore this day will we forget them, as they did forget the meeting of this day, and for that they denied our signs to be from God. And now have we brought unto those of Mecca a book of divint revelations: we have explained it with knowledge; a di- rection and mercy unto people who shall believe. Do they wait for any other than the interpretation thereof? On the day whereon the interpretation thereof shall come, they who had forgotten the same before shall say, Now are we convinced ly demonstration that the messengers of our LORD came unto us with truth : shall we therefore have any intercessors, who will intercede for us ? or shall we be sent back into the world, that we may do other works than what we did in our life-time? But now have they lost their souls; and that which they impiously imagined hath fled from them. Verily, your LORD is GOD, who created the heavens and the earth in six days ; and then ascended hit throne : he causeth the night to cover the day ; it suc- ceedeth the same swiftly : he also created the sun and the moon, and the stars, which are absolutely subject unto his command. Is not the whole creation, and the empire thereof, his ? Blessed be GOD, the LORD of all creatures ! Call unto your LORD humbly and in secret ; for he loveth not those who transgress. And act not corruptly in the earth, after its reformation ; and call upon him with fear and desire : for the mercy of GOD is near unto the right- eous. It is he who sendeth the winds, spread abroad be- fore his mercy, until they bring a cloud heavy with rain, which we drive into a dead country; and we cause water to descend thereon, by which we cause all sorts of fruits to spring forth. Thus will we bring forth the dead from their fraves ; that peradventure ye may consider. From a good country shall its fruit spring forth abundantly, by the per- mission of its LORD ; but from the land which is bad, it hall not spring forth otherwise than scarcely. Thus do AL KOBAN. 153 we explain the signs of divine providence unto people wh are thankful. We formerly sent Noah unto his people: and he said, my people, worship GOD : ye have no other GOD than him. 1 Verily I fear for you the punishment of the great day. The chiefs of his people answered him, We surely perceive thee to be in a manifest error. He replied, O my people, there is no error in me ; but I am a messenger from the LORD of all creatures. I bring unto you the messages of my LORD ; and I counsel you aright : for I know from GOD, that which ye know not. Do ye wonder that an admonition hath come unto you from your LORD by a man from among you, to warn you, that ye may take heed to yourselves, and that peradventure ye may ob- tain mercy ? And they accused him of imposture : but we delivered him and those who were with him in the ark, and we drowned those who charged our signs with falsehood ; for they were a blind people. 2 And unto the tribe of Ad we sent their brother Hud. 3 He said, O my people, worship GOD : ye have no other GOD than him ; will ye not fear him ? The chiefs of those among his people who believed not, answered, Verily we perceive that thou art guided by folly ; and we certainly esteem thee to be one of the liars. He re- plied, O my people, / am not guided by folly ; but I am a messenger unto you from the LORD of all creatures : I bring unto you the messages of my LORD ; and I am a faithful counsellor unto you. Do ye wonder that an admonition hath come unto you from your LORD, by a man from among you, that he may warn you ? Call to mind how he hath appointed you successors unto the people of Noah, and hath added unto you in stature largely. Remember the benefits of GOD, that ye may prosper. They said, Art thou come unto us, that we should worship GOD alone, and leave the deities which our fathers worshipped ? Now bring down that judgment upon us, with which thou threatenest us, if thou speakest truth. Hud answered, Now shall there sud- denly fall upon you from your LORD vengeance and indig- nation. Will ye dispute with me concerning the names which ye have named, and your fathers ; as to which GOD bath not revealed unto you any authority ? Do ye wait therefore, and I will be one of those who wait with you. And we delivered him, and them who believed with him by our mercy ; and we cut off the uttermost part of thow 154 AL KORAN. who charged our signs with falsehood, and were not be- lievers. 1 And unto the tribe o/Thamud we sent their brothei Saleh. He said, my people, worship GOD : ye have no GOD besides him. Now hath a manifest proof coine unto you from your LORD. This she-camel of GOD is a sign unto you : therefore dismiss her freely, that she may feed in GOD'S earth; and do her no hurt, lest a painful punish- ment seize you. 2 And call to mind how he hath appointed you successors unto the tribe of Ad, and hath given you a habitation on earth ; ye build yourselves castles on the plains thereof, and cut out the mountains into houses. Remember therefore the benefits of GOD, and commit not violence in the earth, acting corruptly. The chiefs among his people who were puffed up with pride, said unto those who were esteemed weak, namely unto those who believed among them, Do ye know that Saleh hath been sent from his LORD ? They answered, We do surely believe in that wherewith he hath been sent. Those who were elated with pride replied, Verily we believe not in that wherein ye believe. And they cut off the feet of the camel, and insolently transgressed the command of their LORD, and said, O Saleh, cause that to come upon us which thou hast threatened us, if thou art one of those who have been sent by God. Whereupon a terrible noise from heaven assailed them ; and in the morning they were found in their dwellings prostrate on their breasts and dead. And Saleh departed from them, and said, my people, now have I delivered unto you the message of my LORD and I advised you well, but ye love not those who advise you well. And remember Lot, when he said unto his people, Do ye commit a wicked- ness, wherein no creature hath set you an example ? Do ye approach lustfully unto men, leaving the women ? Cer- tainly ye are people who transgress all modesty. But the answer of his people was no other than that they said the one to the other, Expel them your city ; for they are men who preserve themselves pure from the crimes which |f commit. Therefore we delivered him and his family, except his wife ; she was one of those who stayed behind : and we rained a shower of stones upon them. Behold therefore what was the end of the wicked. And unto Madian tr sent their brother Shoaib. He said unto them, my people, worship GOD ; ye have no GOD besides him. AL KORAN. 155 Now hath an evident demonstration come unto you from your LORD. Therefore give full measure and just weight, and diminish not unto men aught of their matters : neither act corruptly in the earth, after its reformation. This wih be better for you, if ye believe. And beset not every way, thi eatening the passenger ; and turning aside from the path of GOD him who believeth in him, and seeking to make it crooked. And remember, when ye were few, and God multiplied you: and behold, what hath been the end of those who acted corruptly. And if part of you believe in that wherewith I am sent, and part believe not, wait patiently until GOD judge between us ; for he is the best judge. The chiefs of his people, who were elated with pride, answered, We will surely cast thee, O Shoaib, and those who believe with thee, oat of our city : or else thou shalt certainly return unto our religion. He said, What, though we be averse thereto ? We shall surely imagine a lie against GOD, if we return unto your reli- gion, after that GOD hath delivered us from the same: and we have no reason to return unto it, unless GOD our LORD shall please to abandon its. Our LORD comprehendeth every thing by his knowledge. In GOD do we put our trust. O LORD do thou judge between us and our nation with truth ; for thou art the best judge. And the chiefs of his people who believed not said, If ye follow Shoaib, ye shall surely perish. Therefore a storm from heaven assailed them, and in the morning they were found in their dwellings dead and prostrate. They who accused Shoaib of imposture be- came as though they had never dwelt therein ; they who accused Shoaib of imposture perished themselves. And he departed from them, and said, O my people, now have I performed unto you the messages of my LORD ; and I advised you aright : but why should I be grieved for an unbelieving people. We have never sent any prophet unto a city, but we afflicted the inhabitants thereof with calamity and adversity, that they might humble themselves. Then we gave them in exchange good in lieu of evil, until they Abounded, and said, Adversity and prosperity formerly hap- pened unto our fathers, as unto us. Therefore we took vengeance on them suddenly, and they perceived it not beforehand. But if the inhabitants of those cities had be- lieved and feared God, we would surely have opened to them 156 AL KORAN. blessings both from heaven and earth. But they charged our apostles with falsehood, wherefore we took vengeance on them, for that which they had been guilty of. Were the inhabitants therefore of those cities secure that our punish, ment should not fall on them by night, while they slept ? Or were the inhabitants of those cities secure that our pun- ishment should not fall on them by day, while they sported ? Wer? they therefore secure from the stratagem of GOD ? But none will think himself secure from the stratagem of GOD, except the people who perish. And hath it not mani festly appeared unto those who have inherited the earth after the former inhabitants thereof, that if we please, we can afflict them for their sins ? But we will seal up their hearts ; and they shall not hearken. We will relate unto thee some stories of these cities. Their apostles had come unto them with evident miracles, but they were not disposed to believe in that which they had before gainsaid. Thus will GOD seal up the hearts of the unbelievers. And we found not in the greater part of them any observance of their covenant ; but we found the greater part of them wicked doers. Then we sent after the above named apostles, Moses with our signs unto Pharaoh and his princes ; who treated them unjustly : but behold what was the end of the corrupt doers. l And Moses said, O Pharaoh, verily I am an apostle sent from the LORD of all creatures. It is just that I should not speak of GOD other than the truth. Now am I come unto you with an evident sign from your LORD : send therefore the children of Israel away with me. Pharaoh answered, If thou comest with a sign, produce it, if thou speakest truth. Wherefore he cast down his rod ; and behold, it became a visible serpent. 2 And he drew forth his hand out of hit' fosom ; and behold, it appeared white unto the spectators.*/ The chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said, This man is cer-' tainly an expert magician : he seeketh to dispossess you of your land ; what therefore do ye direct ? They answered, Put off him and his brother by fair promises for some time, and in the mean while send unto the cities persons who may assemble and bring unto thee every expert magician. So the magicians came unto Pharaoh ; and they said, Shall we Burely receive a reward, if we do overcome ? He answered, Yea ; and ye shall certainly be of those who approach near unto my throne. They said, O Moses, either do thou cast AL KOKAN. 157 down thy rod first, or we will cast down ours. Moses an- swered, Do ye cast down your rods first. And when they had cast them down, they enchanted the eyes of the men who were present, and terrified them : and they performed a great enchantment. And we spake by revelation unto Moses, saying, Throw down thy rod. And behold, it swallowed up the rods which they had caused falsely to appear changed into serpents. Wherefore the truth was confirmed, and that which they had wrought vanished. And Pharaoh and his magicians were overcome there, and were rendered con- temptible. And the magicians prostrated themselves, wor- shipping ; and they said, We believe in the LORD of all creatures, the LORD of Moses and Aaron. 1 Pharaoh said, Have ye believed on him, before I have given you permis- sion ? Verily this is a plot which ye have contrived in the city, that ye might cast forth from thence the inhabitants thereof. But ye shall surely know that I am your master ; for I will cause your hands and your feet to be cut off on the opposite sides, then will I cause you all to be crucified. The magicians answered, We shall certainly return unto our LORD, in the next life ; for thou takest vengeance on us only because we have believed in the signs of our LORD, when they have come unto us. O LORD, pour on us patience ; and cause us to die Moslems. And the chiefs of Pharaoh's people said, Wilt thou let Moses and his people go, that they may act corruptly in the earth, and leave thee and thy gods ? Pharaoh answered, We will cause their male children to be slain, and we will suffer their females to live ; and by that means we shall prevail over them. Moses said unto his people, Ask assistance of GOD, and suffer patiently : for the earth is God's, he giveth it for an inheritance unto such of his servants as he pleaseth ; and the prosperous end shall be unto those who fear him. They answered, We have been afflicted by having our male children slain, before thou earnest unto us, and also since thou hast come unto us. Moses said, Perad- venture it may happen that our LORD will destroy your enemy, and will cause you to succeed him in the earth, that he may see how ye will act therein. And we formerly pun- ished the people of Pharaoh with dearth and scarcity of uruits, that they might be warned. Yet when good happened unto them, they said, This is owing unto us : but if evil befell them, they attributed the same to the ill luck of Moses, and 158 AL KORAN. those who were with him. Was not their ill luck with GOD ? But most of them knew it not. And they said unto Muses, Whatever sign thou show unto us, to enchant us therewith, we will not believe on thee. Wherefore we sent upon them a flood and locusts, and lice, and frogs, and blood ; distinct miracles : but they behaved proudly, and became a wicked people. 1 And when the plague fell on them, they said, O Moses, entreat thy LORD for us, according to that which he hath covenanted with thee ; verily if thou take the plague from off us, we will surely believe thee, and we will let the children of Israel go with 'thee. But when we had taken the plague from off them until the term which God had granted them was expired, be- hold they broke their promise. Wherefore we took vengeance on them, and drowned them in the Red Sea ; because they charged our signs with falsehood, and neglected them. And we caused the people who had been rendered weak to inherit the eastern parts of the earth and the western parts thereof, which we blessed with fertility ; and the gracious word of thy LORD was fulfilled on the children of Israel, for that they had endured with patience : and we destroyed the structures which Pharaoh and his people had made, and that which they had erected. And we caused the children of Israel to pass through the sea, and they came unto a people who gave them- selves up to the worship of their idols, and they said, O Moses, make us a god, in like' manner as these people have gods. Moses answered, Verily ye are an ignorant people: for the religion which these follow will be destroyed, and that which they do is vain. He said, Shall I seek for you any other god than GOD ; since he hath preferred you to the rest of the world ? And remember when we delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who grievously oppressed you ; they slew your male children, and let your females live : therein was a great trial from your LORD. And we appointed unto Mcses a fast of thirty nights before we gave him the law, and we completed them by adding of ten more ; and the stated time of his LORD was fulfilled in forty nights. And Moses said unto his brother Aaron, Be thou my deputy among my people during my absence ; and behave uprightly, and follow not the way of the corrupt doers. And when Moses came at our appointed time, and his LORD spake unto him, he said, LORD, show me thy glory, that I may behold thee. God inswereth, Thou shalt in no wise behold me ; but look tow- AL KORAN. 159 &rds the mountain, and if it stand firm in its place, then thou shalt see me. But when his LORD appeared with glory in the mount, he reduced it to dust. And Moses fell down in a swoon. And when he came to himself, he said, Praise be unto thee ! I turn unto thee with repentence, and I am the first of true believers. God said unto him, O Moses, I have chosen thee above all men, by honoring thee with my com- missions, and by ray speaking unto thee: receive therefore that which I have brought thee, and be one of those who give thanks. And we wrote for him on the tables an admonition concerning every matter, and a decision in every case, and. said, Receive this with reverence ; and command thy people that they live according to the most excellent precepts thereof. 1 I will show you the dwelling of the wicked. I will turn aside from my signs those who behave themselves proudly in the earth, without justice : and although they see every sign, yet they shall not believe therein ; and although they see the way of righteousness, yet they shall not take that way ; but if they see the way of error, they shall take that way. This thall come to pass because they accuse our signs of imposture, and neglect the same. But as for them who deny the truth of our signs and the meeting of the life to come, their works shall be vain : shall they be rewarded otherwise than accord- ing to what they shall have wrought ? And the people of Moses, after his departure, took a corporeal calf, made of their ornaments, which lowed. Did they not see that it spake not unto them, neither directed them in the way ? yet they took it for their god, and acted wickedly. But when they repented with sorrow, and saw that they had gone astray, they said, Verily if our LORD have not mercy upon us, and forgive us not, we shall certainly become of the number of those who perish. And when Moses returned unto his people, full of wrath and indignation, he said, An evil thing is it that ye have committed after my departure ; have ye hastened the command of your LORD ? And he threw down the tables, and took his brother by the hair of the head, and dragged him unto him. And Aaron said unto him, Son of my mother, verily the people prevailed against me, and it wanted little but they had slain me : make not my enemies 'herefore to rejoice over me, neither place me with the wicked people. Moses said, O LORD, forgive me and my brother, uid receive us into thy mercy ; for thou art the most merci- 160 AL KORAN. ful of those who exercise mercy. Verily as for them wh took the calf for their god, indignation shall overtake them from their LORD, and ignominy in this life : thus will we reward those who imagine falsehood. But unto them who do evil, and afterwards repent, and believe in God, verily thy LORD witt thereafter be clement and merciful. And when the anger of Moses was appeased, he took the tables ; and in what was written thereon was a direction and mercy, unto those who feared their LORD. And Moses chose out of his people seventy men, to go up with him to the mountain at the time appointed by us : and when a storm of thunder and lightning had taken them away, he said, O LORD, if thou hadst pleased, thou hadst destroyed them before, and me also ; wilt thou destroy us for that which the foolish men among us have committed ? This is only thy trial ; thou wilt thereby lead into error whom thou pleasest, and thou wilt direct whom thou pleasest. Thou art our protector, therefore for- give us, and be merciful unto us ; for thou art the best of those who forgive. And write down for us good in this world, and in the life to come ; for unto thee are we directed. God answered, I will inflict my punishment on whom I please ; and my mercy extendeth over all things ; and I will write down good unto those who shall fear me, and give alms, and who shall believe in our signs ; who shall follow the apostle, the illiterate prophet, whom they shall find written down with them in the law and the gospel : he will command them that which is just, and will forbid them that which is evil ; and will allow them as lawful the good things which were before forbidden, and will prohibit those which are bad ; and he will ease them of their heavy burden, and of the yokes which were upon them. And those who believe in him, and honor him, and assist him, and follow the light, which hath been sent down with him, shatt be happy. Say, men, Verily I am the messenger of GOD unto you all : unto him belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth ; there is no GOD but he : he giveth life, and he causeth to die. Believe there- fore in GOD and his apostle, the illiterate prophet, who be- lieveth in GOD and his word ; and follow him, that ye may be rightly directed. Of the people of Moses there is a party who direct others with truth, and act justly according to the same. And we divided them into twelve tribes, as into so many nations. And we spake by revelation unto Mases, AL KORAN. 161 when his people asked drink of him, and we said, Strike the rock with thy rod ; and there gushed thereout twelve foun- tains, and men knew their respective drfaking-place. And we caused clouds to overshadow them, and manna and quails to descend upon them, saying, Eat of the good things which we have given you for food : and they injured not us, but they injured their own souls. And call to mind when it was said unto them, Dwell in this city, and eat of the provision* thereof wherever ye will, and say, Forgiveness ; and enter the gate worshipping : we will pardon you your sins, and will give increase unto the well-doers. But they who were un- godly among them changed the expression into another, which had not been spoken unto them. Wherefore we sent down upon them indignation from heaven, because they trans- gressed. And ask them concerning the city, which was situate on the sea, when they transgressed on the Sabbath- day : when their fish came unto them on their Sabbath-day, appearing openly on the water : but on the day whereon they celebrated no Sabbath, they came not unto them. Thus did we prove them, because they were wicked-doers. And when a party of them said unto the others, Why do ye warn a people whom GOD will destroy, or will punish with a grievous punishment ? They answered, This is an excuse for tis unto your LORD, and peradventure they will beware. But when they had forgotten the admonitions which had been given them, we delivered those who forbade them to do evil ; and we inflicted on those who had transgressed a severe punishment, because they had acted wickedly. And when they proudly refused to desist from what had been forbidden them, we said unto them, Be ye transformed into apes, driven away from the society of men. And remember when thy LORD declared that he would surely send against the Jews until the day of resurrection, some nation who should afflict them with a grievous oppression : for thy LORD is swift in punishing, and he is also ready to forgive, and merciful : and we dispersed them among the nations in the earth. Some of them are up- right persons, and some of them are otherwise. And we proved them with prosperity and with adversity, that they night return from their disobedience ; and a succession of their posterity hath succeeded after them, who have inherited the book of the law, who receive the temporal goods of thi world, and say, It will surely be forgiven us : and if a tern 11 1(12 AJL KORAN. poral advantage like the former be offered them, they accept ; t oho. Is it not the covenant of the book of the law estab- lished with them, that they should not speak of GOD aught but the truth ? Yet they diligently read that which is therein. But the enjoyment of the next life will be better for those who fear God than the wicked gains of these people : (Do ye not therefore understand ?) and for those who hold fast the book of the law, and are constant at prayer : for we will by no means suffer the reward of the righteous to perish. And when we shook the mountain of Sinai over them, as though it had been a covering, and they imagined, that it was falling upon them ; and we said, Receive the law which we have brought you with reverence ; and remember that which is contained therein, that ye may take heed. And when thy LORD drew forth their posterity from the loins of the sons of Adam, and took them to witness against themselves, saying, Am not I your LORD F 1 They answered, Yea : we do bear witness. This was done lest ye should say, at the day of resurrection, Verily we were negligent as to this matter, be- cause we were not apprised thereof : or lest ye should say, Verily our fathers were formerly guilty of idolatry, and we are their posterity who have succeeded them ; wilt thou there- fore destroy us for that which vain men have committed? Thus do we explain- our signs, that they may return from their vanities. And relate unto the Jews the history of him unto whom we brought our signs, and the departed from them ; wherefore Satan followed him, and he became one of those who were seduced. And if we had pleased, we had surely raised .him thereby unto wisdom ; but he inclined unto the earth, and followed his own desire. "Wherefore his likeness as the likeness of a dog, which, if thou drive him away, putteth forth his tongue, or, if thou let him alone, putteth forth his tongue also. This is the likeness of the people, who accuse our signs of falsehood. Rehearse there- fore this history unto them, that they may consider. Evil is the similitude of those people who accuse our signs of false- hood, and injure their own souls. Whomsoever GOD shall direct, he will be rightly directed ; and whomsoever he shall lead astray, they shall perish. Moreover we have created for hell many of the genii and of men ; they have hearts by which they understand not, and they have eyes by which they see not : and they have ears by which they hear not, AL KORAN. 163 These are like the brute beasts ; yea they go mare astray these are the negligent. GOD hath most excellent names therefore call on him by the same ; and withdraw from those who use his name perversely : they shall be rewarded for that which they shall have wrought And of those whom we have created there are a people who direct others with truth, and act justly according thereto. But those who devise lies against our signs, we will suffer them to fall gradually into ruin, by a method which they knew not : and I will grant them to enjoy a long and prosperous life ; for my stratagem is effectual. Do they not consider that there is no devil in their companion ? He is no other than a public preacher. Or do they not contemplate the kingdom of heaven and earth, and the things which GOD hath created ; and consider that perad venture it may be that their end draweth nigh ? And in what new declaration will they believe, after this? He whom GOD shall cause to err, shall have no director ; and he shall leave them in their impiety, wandering in confusion. They will ask thee concerning the last hour ; at what time its coming is fixed ? Answer, Verily the knowledge thereof ia with my LORD ; none shall declare the fixed time thereof, except he. The expectation thereof is grievous in heaven and on earth : it shall come upon you no otherwise than suddenly. They will ask thee, as though thou wast well acquitted therewith. Answer, Verily the knowledge there- of is with GOD alone : but the greater part of men know it not. Say, I am able neither to procure advantage unto my- seK, aor to avert mischiefs/Tom me, but as GOD pleaseth. If f knew the secrets of God, I should surely enjoy abundance of good, neither should evil befall me. Verily I am no other than a denouncer of threats, and a messenger of good tidings unto people who believe. It is he who hath created you from one person, and out of him produced his wife, that he might dwell with her : and when he had known her, she carried a light burden for a time, wherefore she walked easily therewith. But when it became more heavy, shj called upon GOD their LORD, saying, If thou give us a child rightly shaped, we will surely be thankful. 1 Yet when he had given them a child rightly shaped, they attributed com- panions unto him, for that which he had given them. But far be that from GOD, which they associated with him! Will they associate with him false gods which create nothing 164 AL KORAN. but are themselves created ; and can neither give them assis- tance, nor help themselves ? And if ye invite them to the true direction, they will not follow you : it will be equal unto you, whether ye invite them, or whether ye hold your peace. Verily the false deities whom ye invoke besides GOD are servants like unto you. Call therefore upon them, and let them give you an answer, if ye speak truth. Have they feet, to walk with ? Or have they hands, to lay hold with ? Or have they eyes, to see with ? Or have they ears, to hear with)' Say, Call upon your companions, and then lay a snare for me, and defer it not ; for GOD is my protector who sent down the book of the Koran ; and he protectetL the righteous. But they whom ye invoke besides him cannot assist you, neither do they help themselves ; and if ye call on them to direct you, they will not hear. Thou seest them look towards thee, but they see not. Use indulgence, and command that which is just, and withdraw far from the igno- rant. And if an evil suggestion from Satan be suggested unto thee, to divert thee from thy duty, have recourse unto GOD : for he heareth and knoweth. Verily they who fear God, when a temptation from Satan assaileth them, remember the divine commands, and behold, they clearly see the danger of sin and the wiles of the devil. But as for the brethren of thi devils, they shall continue them in error; and afterwards they shall not preserve themselves therefrom. And when thou bringest not a verse of the Koran unto them, they say, Hast thou not put it together ? Answer, I follow that only which is revealed unto me from my LORD. This book con- taineth evident proofs from your LORD, and is a direction and mercy unto people who believe. And when the Koran is read, attend thereto, and keep silence ; that ye may obtain mercy. And meditate on thy LORD in thine own mind, with humility and fear, and without loud speaking, evening and morning; and be not one of the negligent. Moreover the angels who are with my LORD do not proudly disdain his service, but they celebrate his praise and worship him. AL KORAN. 165 CHAPTEB VUL THE SPOILS J REVEALED AT MEDINA. Ilf THE JTAMK OF THB MOST MBRCIJCL GOD. THEY will ask thee concerning the spoils : Answer, The division of the spoils behngeth unto GOD and the apostle. Therefore fear GOD, and compose the matter amicably among you : and obey GOD and his apostle, if ye are true believers. Verily the true believers are those whose hearts fear when GOD is mentioned, and whose faith increaseth when his signs are rehearsed unto them, and who trust in their LORD ; who observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms out of that which we have bestowed on them. These are really be- lievers : they shall have superior degrees of felicity with their LORD, and forgiveness, and an honorable provision. As thy LORD brought thee forth from thy house, with truth ; and part of the believers were averse to thy directions : they dis- puted with thee concerning the truth, after it had been made known unto them ; no otherwise than as if they had been led forth to death, and had seen it with their eyes. And call to mind when GOD promised you one of the two parties, that it should be delivered unto you, and ye desired that the party which was not furnished with arms should be delivered unto you : but GOD purposed to make known the truth in his words, and to cut off the uttermost part of the unbelievers ; that he might verify the truth, and destroy falsehood, although the wicked were averse thereto. When ye asked assistance of your LORD, and he answered you, Verily I will assist you with a thousand angels, following one another in order. And this GOD designed only as good tidings for you, and that yo'.-r hearts might thereby rest secure : for victory is from GOD alone; and GOD is mighty and wise. When a sleep fell on you as a security from him, and he sent down upon you water from heaven, that he might thereby purify you, and take from you the abomination of Satan, and that he might confirm your hearts, and establish your feet thereby. 1 Also when thy LORD spake unto the angels, saying, Verily I am with you ; wherefore confirm those who believe. I will cast A dr ;ad into the hearts of the unbelievers. Therefore strike 168 AL KORAN. off their heads, and strike off all the ends of their This shall they suffer, because they have resisted GOD and his apostle : and whosoever shall oppose GOD and his apostle, verily GOD will be severe in punishing him. This shall be your punishment ; taste it therefore : and the infidels shall also suffer the torment of hell fire. O true believers, when ye meet the unbelievers marching in great numbers agaimt you, turn not your backs unto them : for whoso shall turn his back unto them in that day, unless he turneth aside to fight, or retreateth to another party of the faithful, shall draw on himself the indignation of GOD, and his abode shall be in hell ; an ill journey shall it be thither ! And ye slew not those who were slain at Bedr yourselves, but GOD slew them. Neither didst thou, Mohammed cast the gravel into their eyes, when thou didst seem to cast it ; but GOD cast it, that he might prove the true believers by a gracious trial from himself ', for GOD heareth and knoweth. This was done that GOD might also weaken the crafty devices of the unbelievers. If ye desire a decision of the matter between us, now hath a decision come unto you : and if ye desist from opposing the apostle, it will be better for you. But if ye return to attack him, we will also return to his assistance ; and your forces shall not be of advantage unto you at all, although they be numerous ; for GOD is with the faithful. O true believers, obey GOD and his apostle, and turn not back from him, since ye hear the admonitions of the Koran. And be not as those who say, We hear, when they do not hear. Verily the worst tort of beasts in the sight of GOD are the deaf and the dumb, who understand not If GOD had known any good in them, ha would certainly have caused them to hear: and if he had caused them to hear, they would surely have turned back, and have retired afar off. O true believ- ers, answer GOD and his apostle, when he inviteth you unto that which giveth you life ; and know that GOD goeth between a man and his heart, and that before him ye shall be assembled. Beware of sedition ; it will not affect those who are ungodly among you particularly, but all of you in general; and know that GOD is severe in punishing. And remember when ye were few, and reputed weak in the land ; ye feared lest men should snatch you away : but God provided you a place of refuge, and he strengthened you with his assis- tance, and bestowed on you good things, that ye might give A.L KORAN. 167 thanks. O true believers, deceive not GOD and his apostle neither violate your faith against your own knowledge. And know that your wealth and your children are a temptation unto you ; and that with GOD is a great reward. O true be- lievers, if ye fear GOD, he will grant you a distinction, and will expiate your sins from you, and will forgive you ; for GOD is endued with great liberality. And call to mind when the unbelievers plotted against thee, that they might either detain thee in bonds, or put to death, or expel thee the city ; and they plotted against thee : but GOD laid a plot against them ; and GOD is the best layer of plots. And when our signs are repeated unto them, they say, We have heard ; if we pleased we could certainly pronounce a composition like unto this : this is nothing but fables of the ancients. And when they Baid, GOD, if this be the truth from thee, rain down stones upon us from heaven, or inflict on us some other grievous punishment. But GOD was not disposed to punish them, while thou wast with them : nor was GOD disposed to punish them when they asked pardon. But they have nothing to offer in excuse why GOD should not punish them, since they hindered the believers from visiting the holy temple, although they are not the guardians thereof. The guardians thereof are those only who fear God ; but the greater part of them know it not. And their prayer at the house of God is no other than whistling and clapping of the hands. Taste there- fore the punishment, for that ye have been unbelievers. They who believe not expend their wealth to obstruct the way of GOD : they shall expend it, but afterwards it shall become matter of sighing and regret unto them, and at length they shall be overcome ; and the unbelievers shall be gathered to- gether into hell ; that GOD may distinguish the wicked from the good, and may throw the wicked one upon the other, and may gather them all in a heap, and cast them into hell. These are they who shall perish. Say unto the unbelievers, that if they desist from opposing thee, what is already past shall be forgiven them ; but if they return to attack thee, the exemplary punishment of the former opposers of the prophett s already past, and the like shall be inflicted on them. There- fore fight against them until there be no opposition in favor 9f idolatry, and the religion be wholly GOD'S. If they de- ist, verily GOD seeth that which they do ; but if they turn back, know that GOD is your patron ; he it the best patron, 168 AL KORAN. nd the beat helper. And know that whenever ye gain any gpoils, a fifth part thereof belongeth unto GOD, and to the apostle, and his kindred, and the orphans, and the poor, and the traveller ; if ye believe in GOD, and that which we have sent down unto our servant on the day of distinction, on the day whereon the two armies met: and GOD is almighty. When ye were encamped on Ihe hithermost side of the valley, and they were encamped on the farther side, and the caravan was below you ; and if ye had mutually appointed to come to a battle ye would certainly have declined the appointment ; but ye were brought to an engagement without any previout appointment, that GOD might accomplish the thing which was decreed to be done ; that he who perisheth hereafter may perish after demonstrative evidence, and that he who liveth may live by the same evidence ; GOD both heareth and knoweth. When thy LORD caused the enemy to appear unto thee in thy sleep few in number ; and if he had caused them to appear numerous unto thee, ye would have been disheart- ened, and would have disputed concerning the matter : but GOD preserved you from this; for he knoweth the inner- most parts of the breasts of men. And when he caused them to appear unto you when ye met, to be few in your eyes ; and diminished your numbers in their eyes ; that GOD might ac- complish the thing which was decreed to be done ; and unto GOD shall all things return. O true believers, when ye meet a party of the infidels, stand firm, and remember GOD fre- quently, that ye may prosper : and obey GOD and his apostle, and be not refractory, lest ye be discouraged, and your suc- cess depart from you ; but persevere with patience, for GOD it with those who persevere. And be not as those who went out of their houses in an insolent manner, and to appear with ostentation unto men, and turned aside from the way of GOD ; for GOD comprehendeth that which they do. And remember when Satan prepared their works for them, and said, No man shall prevail against you to-day ; and I will surely be near to assist you. But when the two armies appeared in sight of each other, he turned back on his heels, and said, Verily I am clear of you : I certainly see that which ye see not ; I fear GOD, for GOD is severe in punishing. When the hypo- crites, and those in whose hearts there was an infirmity, said, Their religion hath deceived these men : but whosoever con- Ideth in GOD cannot be deceived ; for GOD is mighty and AL KORAN. 169 wise. And if thou didst behold when the angels caused th unbelievers to die : they strike their faces and their backs, and lay unto them, Taste ye the pain of burning : this shaft ye suffer for that which your hands have sent before you ; and because GOD is not unjust to wards -his servants. These have acted according to the wont of the people of Pharaoh, and of those before them, who disbelieved in the signs of GOD : therefore ' GOD took them away in their iniquity ; for GOD is mighty and severe in punishing. This hath come to pass because GOD changeth not his grace, where- with he hath favored any people, until they change that which is in their souls ; and for that GOD both heareth and seeth. According to the wont of the people of Pharaoh, and of those before them, who charged the signs of their LORD with imposture, have they acted: wherefore we de- stroyed them in their sins, and we drowned the people of Pharaoh ; for they were all unjust persons. Verily the worst cattle in the sight of GOD are those who are obstinate infi- dels, and will not believe. As to those who enter into a league with thee, and afterwards violate their league at every convenient opportunity, and fear not God ; if thou take them in war, disperse, by making them an example, those who shatt come after them, that they may be warned ; or if thou appre- hend treachery from any people, throw back their league unto them with like treatment ; for GOD loveth not the treacherous. And think not that the unbelievers have escaped God's ven- geance, for they shall not weaken the power of God. There- fore prepare against them what force ye are able, and troops of horse, whereby ye may strike a terror into the enemy of GOD, and your enemy, and into other infidels besides them, whom ye know not, but GOD knoweth them. And whatsoever ye shall expend in the defence of the religion of GOD, it shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. And if they incline unto peace, do thou also incline thereto ; and put thy confidence in GOD, for it is he who heareth and knoweth. But if they seek to deceive thee, verily GOD will be thy support. It is he who hath strengthened thee with his help, and with that of the faithful ; and hath united their hearts. If thou hadst expended whatever riches are in the earth, thou couldst not have united their hearts, but GOD united them ; for he is mighty and wise. prophet, GOD ia thy support, and such of the true believers who foUoweth 170 AL KORAN. thee. prophet stir up the faithful to war : if twenty of you persevere with constancy, they shall overcome two hun- dred, and if there be one hundred of you, they shall overcom* a thousand of those who believe not ; because they are a people which do not understand. Now hath GOD eased you, for he knew that ye were weak. If there be an hundred of you who persevere with constancy, they shall overcome two hundred ; and if there be a thousand of you, they shall over- come two thousand, by the permission of GOD ; for GOD is with those who persevere. It hath not been granted unto any prophet, that he should possess captives, until he hath made a great slaughter of the infidels in the earth. Ye seek the accidental goods of this world, but GOD regardeth the life to come ; and GOD is mighty and wise. Unless a revelation had been previously delivered from GOD, verily a severe punishment had been inflicted on you, for the ransom which ye took from the captives at Bedr. Eat therefore of what ye have acquired, that which is lawful and good ; for GOD is gracious and merciful. O prophet, say unto the captives who are in your hands, If GOD shall know any good to be in your hearts, he will give you better than what hath been taken from you ; and he will forgive you, for GOD is gracious and merciful. But if they seek to deceive thee, verily they have deceived GOD ; wherefore he hath given thee power over them : and GOD is knowing and wise. Moreover, they who have believed, and have fled their country, and employed their substance and their persons in fighting for the religion of GOD, and they who have given the prophet a refuge among them, and have assisted him, these shall be deemed the one nearest of kin to the other. But they who have believed, but have not fled their country, shall have no right of kindred at all with you, until they also fly. Yet if they ask assistance of you on account of religion, it belongeth unto you to give them assistance ; except against a people between whom and yourselves there shall be a league subsisting : and GOD seeth that which ye do. And as to the infidels let them be deemed of kin the one to the other. Unless ye do this, there will be a sedition in the earth, and grievous corruption. But as for them who have believed, and left their country, and have fought for GOD'S true religion, and who have allowed tht prophet a retreat among them, and have assisted him, these we really believers ; they shall receive mercy, and an hon AL KORAN. 171 orable provision. And they who have believed since, and have fled their country, and have fought with you, these also are of you. And those who are related by consanguinity thall be deemed the nearest of kin to each other preferably to strangers according to the book of GOD ; GOD knoweth all things. CHAPTER IX. IVTITLED, THE DECLARATION OF IMMUNITY; KEVEALED AT MEDINA. A DECLARATION of immunity from GOD and his apostle, unto the idolaters, with whom ye have entered into league. Go to and fro in the earth securely four months ; and know that ye shall not weaken GOD, and that GOD will disgrace the unbelievers. And a declaration from GOD and his apostle unto the people, on the day of the greater pilgrimage, that GOD is clear of the idolaters, and his apostle also. Where- fore if ye repent, this will be better for you ; but if ye turn back, know that ye shall not weaken GOD : and denounce unto those who believe not, a painful punishment. Except, such of the idolaters with whom ye shall have entered into a league, and who afterwards shall not fail you in any instance, nor assist any other against you. Wherefore perform the covenant which ye shall have made with them, until their time $haU be elapsed ; for GOD loveth those who fear him. And when the months wherein ye are not allowed to attack them shall be past, kill the idolaters wheresoever ye shall find them, and take them prisoners, and besiege them, and lay wait for them in every convenient place. But if they shall repent, and observe the appointed times of prayer, and pay the legal alms, dismiss them freely : for GOD is gracious and mercif uL And if any of the idolaters shall demand protection of thee, grant him protection, that he may hear the word of GOD : and afterwards let him reach the place of his security. Thia thaU thou do, because they are people which know not the excellency of the religion thou preachest. How shall the idolaters be admitted into a league with GOD and with his apostle ; except those with whom ye entered into a league at the holy temple. So long as they behave with fidelity 178 AL KORAN. towards you, do ye alto behave with fidelity towards them f for GOD loveth those who fear him. How can they fa admitted into a league with you, since, if they prevail against you, they will not regard in you either consanguinity or faith ? They will please you with their mouths, but their hearts will be averse from you ; for the greater part of them are wicked doers. They sell the signs of GOD for a small price, and obstruct his way ; it is certainly evil which they do. They regard not in a believer either consanguinity or faith ; and these are the transgressors. Yet if they repent, and observe the appointed times of prayer, and give alms, they shall be deemed your brethren in religion. We distinctly propound our signs unto people who understand. But if they violate their oaths, after their league, and revile your religion, oppose the leaders of infidelity (for there is no trust in them), that they may desist from their treachery. Will ye not fight against people who have violated their oaths, and conspired to expel the apostle of God ; and who of their own accord as- saulted you the first time ? Will ye fear them ? But it is more just that ye should fear GOD, if ye are true believers. Attack them therefore ; GOD shall punish them by your hand:?, and will cover them with shame, and will give you the victory over them ; and he will heal the breasts of the people who believe, and will take away the indignation of their hearts : for GOD will be turned unto whom he pleaseth ; and GOD w knowing and wise. Did ye imagine that ye should be abandoned, whereas GOD did not yet know those among you who fought for his religion, and took not any besides Gou, and his apostle, and the faithful for their friends ? GOD is well acquainted with that which ye do. It is not fitting that the idolaters should visit the temples of GOD, being witnesses against their own souls of their infidelity. The works of these men are vain: and they shall remain in hell fire forever. But he only shall visit the temples of GOD, who believeth in GOD and the last day, and is constant at prayer, and payeth he legal alms, and feareth GOD alone. These perhaps may become of the number of those who are rightly directed. Do ye reckon the giving drink to the pilgrims, and the visiting of the holy temple, to be actions as meritorious as those per- formed by him who believeth in GOD and the last day, and Bghteth for the religion of GOD ? They shall not be held equal with GOD : for GOD directeth not the unrighteous AL KORAN. 173 people. They who have believed, and fled their country and employed their substance and their persons in the defence of GOD'S true religion, shall be in the highest degree of honour with GOD ; and these are they who shall be happy. Their LORD sendeth them good tidings of mercy from him, and good will, and of gardens wherein they shall enjoy lasting pleasure : they shall continue therein forever ; for with GOD is a great reward. O true believers, take not your fathers or your brethren for friends, if they love infidelity above faith ; and whosoever among you shall take them for his friends, they will be unjust doers. Say, if your fathers, and your sons, and your brethren, and your wives, and your relations, and your substance which ye have acquired, and your mer- chandise which ye apprehend may not be sold off, and you? dwellings wherein ye delight, be more dear unto you than GOD, and his apostle, and the advancement of his religion ; wait until GOD shall send his command, for GOD directeth not the ungodly people. Now hath GOD assisted you in many engagements, and particularly at the battle of Honein, when ye pleased yourselves in your multitude, but it was no manner of advantage unto you, and the earth became too strait for you, notwithstanding it was spacious ; then did ye retreat, and turn your backs. Afterwards GOD sent down his security upon his apostle and upon the faithful, and .sent down troops of angeh, which ye saw not ; and he punished those who disbelieved ; and this was the reward of the unbe- lievers. Nevertheless GOD will hereafter be turned unto whom he pleaseth ; for GOD is gracious and merciful. true believers, verily the idolaters are unclean ; let them not therefore come near unto the holy temple after this year. And if ye fear want, by the cutting off trade and communica- tion with them, GOD will enrich you of his abundance, if be pleaseth ; for GOD is knowing and wise. Fight against them who believe not in GOD, nor the last day, and forbid not that which GOD and his apostle have forbidden, and profess not the true religion, of those unto whom the scriptures have been delivered, until they pay tribute by right of subjection, and they be reduced low. The Jews say, Ezra is the son of GOD : and the Christians say, Christ is the Son of GoD. 1 This is their saying in their mouths ; they imitate the saying of those who were unbelievers in former times. May GOD wist them. How are they infatuated! They take their 174 AL KORAN. priests and their monks for their lords, besides Goi>, and Christ the son of Mary; although they are commanded to worship one GOD only : there is no GOD but he ; far be that from him which they associate with him ! They seek to ex- tinguish the light of GOD with their mouths ; but GOD willetb norther than to perfect his light, although the infidels be averse thereto. It is he who hath sent his apostle with the direction, and true religion : that he may cause it to appeal superior to every other religion ; although the idolaters be averse thereto. O true believers, verily many of the priest and monks devour the substance of men in vanity, and ob struct the way of GOD. But unto those who treasure up gold and silver, and employ it not for the advancement of GOD'S true religion, denounce a grievous punishment. On the day of judgment their treasures shall be intensely heated in the fire of hell, and their foreheads, and their sides, and their backs shall be stigmatized therewith ; and their tormen- tors shall say, This is what ye have treasured up for your souls ; taste therefore that which ye have treasured up. More- over, the complete number of months with GOD, is twelve months, which were ordained in the book of GOD, on the day whereon he created the heavens and the earth : of these, four are sacred. This is the right religion : therefore deal not unjustly with yourselves therein. But attack the idolaters in all the months, as they attack you in all ; and know that GOD is with those who fear him. Verily the transferring of u tacred month to another month, is an additional infidelity. The unbelievers are led into an error thereby : they allow a month to be violated one year, and declare it sacred another year, that they may agree in the number of months which GOD hath commanded to be kept sacred ; and they allow that which GOD hath forbidden. The evil of their actions hath been prepared for them : for GOD directeth not the unbeliev - ing people. O true believers, what ailed you, that when it was said unto you, Go forth to fight for the religion of GOD, ye inclined heavily towards the earth ? Do ye prefer the present life to that which is to come ? But the provision of this life, in respect of that which is to come, is but slender. Unless ye go forth when ye are summoned to war, God will punish you with a grievous punishment ; and he will place tnother people in your stead, and ye shall not hurt him at all ; for GOD is almighty. If ye assist not the prophet, verily A.L KORAN. 175 GOD witt assist him, as he assisted him formerly, when the unbelieveis drove him out of Mecca, the second of two when they were both in the cave : when he said unto his com- panion, Be not grieved, for GOD is with us. And GOD sent down his security upon him, and strengthened him with armies of angels, whom ye saw not. And he made the word of those who believed not to be abased, and the word of GOD was exalted : for GOD is mighty and wise. Go forth to battle, both light and heavy, and employ your substance and your persons for the advancement of GOD'S religion. This will be better for you, if ye know it. If it had been a near advantage, and a moderate journey, they had surely followed thee ; but the way seemed tedious unto them : and yet they will swear by GOD, saying, If we had been able, we had surely gone forth with you. They destroy their own souls ; for GOD knoweth that they are liars. GOD forgive thee ! why didst thou give them leave to stay at home, until they who speak the truth, when they excuse themselves, had become manifested unto thee, and thou hadst known the liars ? They who believe in GOD and the last day, will not ask leave of thee to be excused from employing their substance and their persons for the advancement of GOD'S true religion ; and GOD knoweth those who fear him. Verily they only will ask leave of thee to stay behind, who believe not in GOD and the last day, and whose hearts doubt concerning the faith : wherefore they are tossed to and fro in their doubting. If they had been willing to go forth with thee, they had certainly prepared for that purpose a provision of arms and necessaries^ but GOD was averse to their going forth ; wherefore he ren- dered them slothful, and it was said unto them, Sit ye still with those who sit still. If they had gone forth with you. they had only been a burden unto you, and had run to and fro between you, stirring you up to sedition ; and there would have been some among you, who would have given ear unto them : and GOD knoweth the wicked. They formerly sought to raise a sedition, and they disturbed thy affairs, until the truth came, and the decree of GOD was made manifest , although they were adverse thereto. There is of them who saith unto thee, Give me leave to stay behind, and expose me not to temptation. Have they not fallen into temptation at home ? But hell will surely encompass the unbelievers. If good happen unto thee, it grieveth them : but if a mis- 176 AL KORAN. fortune befall thee, they say, We ordered our business before and they turn their backs, and rejoice at thy mishap. Say, Nothing shall befall us, but what GOD hath decreed for ua , he is our patron ; and on GOD let the faithful trust. Say, Do ye expect any other should befall us, than one of the two most excellent things ; either victory or martyrdom ? But we expect concerning you, that GOD inflict a punishment on you, either from himself, or by our hands. Wait, therefore, to see what mil be the end of both ; for we will wait for you. Say, Expend your money in pious uses, either voluntarily, or by constraint, it shall not be accepted of you ; because ye are wicked people. And nothing hindereth their contributions from being accepted of them, but that they believe not in GOD and his apostle, and perform not the duty of prayer, otherwise than sluggishly; and expend not their money for God 9 ! tervice, otherwise than unwillingly. Let not therefore their riches, or their children cause thee to marvel. Verily GOD intendeth only to punish them by these things in this world ; and that their souls may depart while they are unbelievers. They swear by GOD that they are of you ; yet they are not of you, but are people who stand in fear. If they find a place of refuge, or caves, or a retreating hole, they surely turn tow- ards the same, and in a headstrong manner, haste thereto. There is of them also who spreadeth ill reports of thee, in relation to thy distribution of the alms : yet if they receive part thereof, they are well pleased ; but if they receive not a part thereof, behold, they are angry. But if they had been pleased with that which GOD and his apostle had given them, and had said, GOD is our support ; GOD will give unto us of his abundance, and his prophet also ; verily unto GOD do we make our supplications : it would have been more decent. Alms are to be distributed only unto the poor, and the needy, and those who are employed in collecting and distributing the same, and unto those whose hearts are reconciled, and for the redemption of captives, and unto those who are in debt and insolvent, and for the advancement of GOD'S religion, and unto the traveller. This is an ordinance from GOD : and GOD is knowing and wise. There are some of them who injure the prophet, and say, He is an ear. Answer, He is an ear of good unto you, he believeth in GOD, and giveth credit to the faithful, and is a mercy unto such of you who believe. Bat they who injure the apostle of GOD, shall suffer a pain- AL KORAN. 177 ful punishment. They swear unto you by GOD, that they may please you ; but it is more just that they should please GOD and his apostle, if they are true believers. Do they not know that he who opposeth GOD and his apostle, shall with- out doubt be punished with the fire of hell ; and shall remain therein forever ? This will be great ignominy. The hyp- ocrites are apprehensive lest a Sura should be revealed concerning them, to declare unto them that which is in their hearts. Say unto them, Scoff ye ; but GOD will surely bring to light that which ye fear should be discovered. And if thou ask them the reason of this scoffing, they say, Verily we were only engaged in discourse ; and jesting among ourselves. Say, Do ye scoff at GOD and his signs, and at his apostle ? offer not an excuse : now are ye become infidels, after your faith. If we forgive a part of you, we will punish a part, for that they have been wicked doers. Hypocritical men and women are the one of them of the other : they command that which is evil, and forbid that which is just, and shut their hands from giving alms. They have forgotten GOD ; wherefore he hath forgotten them : verily the hypocrites are those who act wickedly. GOD denounceth unto the hypocrites, both men and women, and to the unbelievers, the fire of hell ; they shaii remain therein forever : this will be their sufficient reward; GOD hath cursed them, and they shall endure a lasting tor- ment. As they who have been before you, so are ye. They were superior to you in strength, and had more abundance of wealth and of children ; and they enjoyed their portion in this world,- and ye also enjoy your portion here, as they who have preceded you enjoyed their portion. And ye engage yourselves in vain discourses, like unto those wherein they engaged themselves. The works of these are vain both in this world and in that which is to come ; and these are they who perish. Have they not been acquainted with the history of those who have been before them ? of the people of Noah, and of Ad, and of Thamud, and of the people of Abraham, and of the inhabitants of Madian, and of the cities which were overthrown? Their apostles came unto them with evident demonstrations : and GOD was not disposed to treat them un- justly ; but they dealt unjustly with their own souls. And the faithful men, and the faithful women, are friends one to another : they command that which is just, and they forbid hat which is evil ; and they are constant at prayer, and pay 12 178 AL KORAN. their appointed alms ; and they obey GOD and his apostle unto these will GOD be merciful; for he is mighty and wise. GOD promiseth unto the true believers, both men and women, gardens through which rivers flow, wherein they shall remain forever ; and delicious dwellings in the gardens of perpetual abode : but good-will from GOD shall be their most excellent reward. This will be great felicity. prophet, wage war against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be severe unto them : for their dwelling shall be hell ; an unhappy journey shall it be thither! They swear by GOD that they said not what they are charged with : yet they spake the word of infidelity, and became unbelievers after they had embraced Islam. And they designed that which they could not effect ; and they did not disapprove the design for any other reason than because GOD and bis apostle had enriched them of his bounty. If they repent, it will be better for them ; but if they relapse, GOD will punish them with a grievous torment, in this world and in the next ; and they shall have no portion on earth, nor any protector. There are some of them who made a covenant with GOD, saying, Verily if he give us of hia abundance, we will give alms, and become righteous people. Yet when they had given unto him of his abundance, they became covetous thereof, and turned back, and retired afar off. Wherefore he hath caused hypocrisy to succeed in their hearts, until the day whereon they shall meet him ; for that they failed to perform unto GOD that which they had prom- ised him, and for that they prevaricated. Do they not know that GOD knoweth whatever they conceal, and their private discourses ; and that GOD is the knower of secrets ? They who traduce such of the believers as are liberal in giving alms beyond what they are obliged, and those who find nothing to give, but what they gain by their industry ; and therefore scoff at them: GOD shall scoff at them, and they shall suffer a grievous punishment. Ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them; it will be equal. If thou ask forgiveness for them seventy times, GOD will by no means forgive them. This is the divine pleasure, for that they believe not in' GOD, and his apostle ; and GOD directeth not the ungodly people. They who were left at home in the expedition of Tabuc, were glad of their staying behind the apostle of GOD, and were unwilling to employ their substance and their persons for the advancement AL KORAN. 179 of GOD'S true religion ; and they said, Go not forth in the heat Say, the fire of hell will be hotter ; if they understood this Wherefore let them laugh little, and weep much, as a reward for that which they have done. If GOD bring thee back unto some of them, and they ask thee leave to go forth to war with thee, say, Ye shall not go forth with me for the future, neither ehall ye fight an enemy with me ; ye were pleased with sitting at home the first time ; sit ye at home therefore with those who stay behind. Neither do thou ever pray over any of them who shall die, neither stand at his grave for that they believed not in GOD and his apostle, and die in their wicked- ness. Let not their riches or their children cause thee to marvel : for GOD intendeth only to punish them therewith in this world, and that their souls may depart, while they are infidels. When a Sura is sent down, wherein it is said, Be- lieve in GOD, and go forth to war with his apostle ; those who are in plentiful circumstances among them ask leave of thee to stay behind, and say, Suffer us to be of the number of those who sit at home. They are well pleased to be with those who stay behind, and their hearts are sealed up ; wherefore they do not understand. But the apostle, and those who have be- lieved with him, expose their fortunes and their lives for God s service ; they shall enjoy the good things of either life, and they shall be happy. GOD hath prepared for them gardens through which rivers flow ; they shall remain therein forever. This will be great felicity. And certain Arabs of ',he desert came to excuse themselves, praying that they might be permitted to stay behind ; and they sat at home who had renounced GOD and his apostle. But a painful punishment shall be inflicted on such of them as believe not. In those who are weak, or are afflicted with sickness, or in those who find not wherewith to contribute to the war, it shall be no crime if they stay at home ; provided they behave themselves faithfully towards GOD and his apostle. There is no room to lay blame on the righteous ; for GOD is gracious and merciful : nor on those, unto whom, when they came unto thee, request- ing that thou wouldest supply them with necessaries for travelling, thou didst answer, I find not wherewith to supply you, returned, their eyes shedding tears for grief, that they found not wherewith to contribute to the expedition. But there' is reason to blame those who ask leave of thee to sit at home, when they are rich. They are pleased to be with those 180 AL KORA3T. who stay behind, and GOD hath sealed up their hearts wherefore they do not understand. They will excuse them- selves unto you, when ye are returned unto them. Say, Ex- cuse not yourselves ; we will by no means believe you : GOD hath acquainted us with your behavior; and GOD will ob- serve his actions, and his apostle also : and hereafter shall ye be brought before him who knoweth that which is hidden, and that which is manifest ; and he will declare unto you that which ye have done. They will swear unto you by GOD, when ye are returned unto them, that ye may let them alone. Let them alone, therefore, for they are an abomination, and their dwelling shall be hell, a reward for that which they have deserved. They will swear unto you, that ye may be well pleased with them ; but if ye be well pleased with them, verily GOD will not be well pleased with peo- ple who prevaricate. The Arabs of the desert are more obstinate in their unbelief and hypocrisy ; and it is easier for them to be ignorant of the ordinances of that which GOD hath sent down unto his apostle ; and GOD is knowing and wise. Of the Arabs of the desert there is who reckoneth that which he expendeth for the service of God, to be as tribute, and waiteth that some change of fortune may befall you. A change for evil shall happen unto them ; for GOD both heareth and knoweth. And of the Arabs of the desert there is who belie veth in GOD, and in the last day ; and esteemeth that which he layeth out for the service of God to be the means of bringing him near unto GOD, and the prayers of the aposile. Is it not unto them the means of a near ap- proach ? GOD shall lead them into his mercy ; for GOD is gracious and merciful. As for the leaders and the first of the Mohajerin, and the Ansars, and those who have followed them in well doing ; GOD is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased in him: and he hath prepared for them gardens watered by rivers ; they shall remain therein forever. This shall be great felicity. And of the Arabs of the desert who dwell round about you, there are hypocritical persons : and of the inhabitants of Medina there are some who are obstinate in hypocrisy. Thou knowest them not, prophet, but we know them : we will surely punish them twice : after- wards shall they be sent to a grievous torment And others have acknowledged their crimes. They have mixed a good action with another which is bad : peradventure GOD will AL KORAN. Iftl be turned unto them; for GOD is gracious and merciful Take alms of their substance, that thou mayest cleanse them, and purify them thereby ; and pray for them : for thy prayeri shall be a security of mind unto them ; and GOD both heareth and knoweth. Do they not know that GOD accepteth repen- tance from his servants, and accepteth alms ; and that GOD is easy to be reconciled, and merciful ? Say unto them, "Work as ye will ; but GOD will behold your work, and his apostle also, and the true believers : and ye shall be brought before him who knoweth that which is kept secret, and that which is made public : and he will declare unto you whatever ye have done. And there are others who wait with suspense the de- cree of GOD : whether he will punish them, or whether he will be turned unto them : but GOD is knowing and wise, There are some who have built a temple to hurt -the faithful, and to propagate infidelity, and to foment division among the true believers, and for a lurking place for him who hath fought against GOD and his apostle in time past; and they swear, saying, Verily we intended no other than to do for the best : but GOD is witness that they do certainly lie. Stand not up to pray therein forever. There is a temple founded on piety, from the first day of its building. It is more just that thou stand up to pray therein : therein are men who love to be purified ; for GOD loveth the clean. Whether therefore is he better, who hath founded his building on the fear of GOD and his good will ; or he who hath founded his building on the brink of a bank of earth which is washed away by waters, so that it falleth with him into the fire of hell ? God directeth not the ungodly people. Their building which they have built will not cease to be an occasion of doubting in their hearts, until their hearts be cut in pieces ; and GOD is knowing and wise. Verily GOD hath purchased of the true believers their souls, and their substance, promising them the enjoyment of paradise ; on condition that they fight for the cause of GOD whether they slay or be slain, the promise for the same is as- suredly due by the law, and the gospel, and the Koran. And who performeth his contract more faithfully than GOD ? Re- jo\ce therefore in the contract which ye have made. This shall be great happiness. The penitent, and those who serve God, and praise him, and who fast, and bow down, and wor- ship ; and who command that which is juat, and forbid that which is evil, and keep the ordinances of GOD, shall likewise 182 AL KORAN. W rewarded with paradise : wherefore bear good tidings unto he faithful. It is not allowed unto the prophet, nor those rho are true believers, that they pray for idolaters, although they be of kin, after it is become known unto them, that they we inhabitants of hell. Neither did Abraham ask forgive- ness for his father, otherwise than in pursuance of a promise which he had promised unto him : but when it became known unto him, that he was an enemy unto GOD, he declared him self clear of him. Verily Abraham was pitiful and compas- sionate. Nor is GOD disposed to lead people into error, after lhat he hath directed them, until that which they ought to avoid is become known unto them ; for GOD knoweth all things. Verily unto GOD belongeth the kingdom of heaven and of earth ; he giveth life, and he causeth to die ; and ye have no patron or helper besides GOD. GOD is reconciled unto the prophet, and unto the Mohajerin and the Ansars, who followed him in the hour of distress, after that it had wanted little but that the hearts of a part of them had swerved from their duty : afterwards was he turned unto them : for he was compassionate and merciful towards them. And he it also reconciled unto the three who were left behind, so that the earth became too straight for them, notwithstanding its spaciousness, and their souls became straightened within them, and they considered that there was no refuge from GOD, otherwise than by having recourse unto him. Then was he turned unto them, that they might repent ; for GOD is easy to be reconciled and merciful. O true believers, fear GOD and be with the sincere. There was no reason why the in- habitants of Medina, and the Arabs of the desert who dwell around them, should stay behind the apostle of GOD, or should prefer themselves before him. This is unreasonable: be- cause they are not distressed either by thirst, or labor, or hunger, for the defence of GOD'S true religion ; neither do they stir a step, which may irritate the unbelievers ; neither do they receive from the enemy any damage, but a good work is written down unto them for the same ; for GOD suffereth not the reward of the righteous to perish. And they contrib- ute not any sum either small or great, nor do they pass a valley ; but it is written down unto them that GOD may re- gard them with a recompense exceeding that which they have wrought. The believers are not obliged to go forth to war altogether : if a part of every band of them go not forth, it AL KORAN. 188 it that they may diligently instruct themselves in their relig- ion ; and may admonish their people, when they return unto them, that they may take heed to themselves. true be- lievers, wage war against such of the infidels as are near you ; and let them find severity in you : and know that GOD is with those who fear him. Whenevej a Sura is sent down, there are some of them who say, Which of you hath this caused to increase in faith ? It will increase the faith of those who believe, and they shall rejoice : but unto those in whose hearts there is an infirmity, it will add further doubt unto their present doubt ; and they shall die in their infidelity. Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice ? yet they repent not, neither are they warned. And when- ever a Sura is sent down, they look at one another, saytng, Doth any one see you ? then do they turn aside. GOD shall turn aside their hearts from the truth ; because they are a people who do not understand. Now hath an apostle come unto you of our own nation, an excellent person : it is griev- ous unto him that ye commit wickedness ; he is careful over you, and compassionate and merciful- towards the believers. If they turn back, say, GOD is my support : there is no GOD but he. On him do I trust ; and he is the LORD of the mag- nificent throne. CHAPTER X. . INTITLED, JONAS; REVEALED AT MECCA. IK THB NAME Or THB MOST MERCIFUL GOD. AL. R. These are the signs of the wise book. la It a strange thing unto the men of Mecca, that we have revealed om will unto a man from among them, saying, Denounce threats unto men if they believe not ; and bear good tidings unto those who believe, that on the merit of their sincerity they have an interest with their LORD ? The unbelievers say, This is manifest sorcery. Verily your LORD is GOD, who hath created the heavens and the earth in six days ; and .hen ascended his throne, to take on himself the government tf aU things. There is no intercessor, but by his permission. This Is GOD, your LORD ; therefore serve him. Will ye not con- sider ? Unto him shall ye all return according to the certain 184 AX KORAN. promise of GOD ; for he produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return again ; that he may reward those who believe and do that which is right, with equity. But as for the unbelievers, they shall drink boiling water, and they shall suffer a grievous punishment, for that they have disbelieved. It is he who hath ordained the sun to shine by day, and the moon for a light by night ; and had appointed her stations, that ye might know the number of years, and the computa- tion of time. GOD hath not created this, but with truth. He explaineth his signs unto people who understand. Moreover in the vicissitudes of night and day, and whatever GOD hath created in heaven and earth, are surely signs unto men who fear him. Verily they who hope not to meet us at the last day, and delight in this present life, and rest securely in the same, and who are negligent of our signs ; their dwelling shall be hell fire, for that which they have deserved. But as to those who believe, and work righteousness, their LORD will direct them because of their faith ; they shall have rivers flowing through gardens of pleasure. Their prayer therein shall be Praise be unto thee GOD ! and their salutation there- in shall be Peace I and the end of their prayer shall be, Praise be unto GOD, the LORD of all creatures ! If GOD should cause evil to hasten unto men, according to their desire of hastening good, verily their end had been decreed. Where- fore we suffer those who hope not to meet us at the resurrec- tion, to wander amazedly in their error. When evil befalleth a man, he prayeth unto us lying on his side, or sitting, or standing : but when we deliver him from his affliction, he con- tinueth his former course of life, as though he had not called upon us to defend him against the evil which had befallen him. Thus was that which the transgressors committed pre- pared for them. We have formerly destroyed the genera- tions who were before you, men of Mecca, when they had acted unjustly, and our apostles had come unto them with evident miracles and they would not believe. Thus do we reward the wicked people. Afterwards did we cause you to succeed them in the earth ; that we might see how ye would net When our evident signs are recited unto them, they who hope not to meet us at the resurrection, say, Bring a different Koran from this ; or make some change therein. Answer. It is not Jit for me, that I should change it at my pleasure I follow that only which is revealed unto me. Verily I fear AL KORAN. 185 If I should be disobedient unto my LORD, the punishment of the great day. Say, If GOD had so pleased, I had not read it unto you, neither had I taught you the same. I have already dwelt among you to the age of forty years, before 1 received it. Do ye not therefore understand ? And who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie against GOD. or ac- cuseth his signs of falsehood ? Surely the wicked shall not prosper. They worship besides GOD, that which can neither hurt them or profit them, and they say, These are our inter- cessors with GOD. Answer, Will ye tell GOD that which he knoweth not, neither in heaven nor in earth ? Praise be unto him ! and far be that from him, which they associate with him ! Men were professors of one religion only, but they dissented therefrom ; and if a decree had not previously issued from thy LOKD, deferring their punishment, verily the natter had been decided between them, concerning which they disagreed. They say, Unless a sign be sent down unto him from his LORD, we will not believe. Answer, Verily that which is hidden is known only unto GOD : wait, therefore, the pleasure of God; and I also will wait with you. And when we caused the men of Mecca to taste mercy, after an affliction which had befallen them, behold, they devised a stratagem against our signs. Say unto them, GOD is more swift in executing a stratagem, than ye. Verily our messengers write down that which ye deceitfully devise. It is he who hath given you conveniences for travelling by land and by sea ; so that ye be in ships, which sail with them, with a fa- vorable wind, and they rejoice therein. And when a tem- pestuous wind overtaketh them, and waves come upon them from every side, and they think themselves encompassed with inevitable dangers ; they call upon GOD, exhibiting the pure religion unto him, and saying, Verily if thou deliver us from this peril, we will be of those who give thanks. But when he hath delivered them, behold, they behave themselves in- solently in the earth, without justice. O men, verily the violence which ye commit against your own souls, is for the enjoyment of this present life only ; afterwards unto us shall ye return, and we will declare unto you that which ye have done. Verily the likeness of this present life is no other than as water, which we send down from heaven, and wherewith the productions of the earth are mixed, of which men eat, nd cattle also, until the earth receive its vesture, and be 186 AL KORAN. adorned with various plants : the inhabitants thereof imagine that they have power over the same ; but our command cometh unto it by night, or by day, and we render it as though it had been mowen, as though it had not yesterday abounded with fruits. Thus do we explain our signs unto people who con- sider. GOD inviteth unto the dwelling of peace, and directelh whom he pleaseth into the right way. They who do right shall receive a most excellent reward, and a superabundant addition ; neither blackness nor shame shall cover their faces. These shall be the inhabitants of paradise ; they shall con- tinue therein forever. But they who commit evil shall re- ceive the reward of evil, equal thereunto, and they shall be covered with shame, (for they shall have no protector against GOD) ; as though their faces were covered with the profound darkness of the night. These shall be the inhabitants of hett fire : they shall remain therein forever. On the day of the resurrection we will gather them altogether ; then will we say unto the idolaters, Get ye to your place, ye and your cojn- panions : and we will separate them from one another ; and their companions will say unto them, Ye do not worship us ; and GOD is a sufficient witness between us and you ; neither did we mind your worshipping of us. There shall every soul experience that which it shall have sent before it ; and they shall be brought before GOD their true LORD ; and the false deities which they vainly imagined, shall disappear from before them. Say, Who provideth you food from heaven and earth ? or who hath the absolute power over the hearing and the sight ? and who bringeth forth the living from the dead, and bringeth ibrth the dead from the living ? and who governeth all things ? They will surely answer, GOD. Say, Will ye not therefore fear him ? This is therefore Gou your true LOED : and what remaineth there after truth, except error ? How therefore are ye turned aside from the truth f Thus is the word of thy LORD verified upon them who do wickedly ; that they believe not. Say, Is there any of your companions who produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return unto himself ? Say, GOD produceth a creature, and then causeth it to return unto himself. How therefore are ye turned aside from his worship ? Say, Is there any of your companions who directeth unto the truth. Say, GOD directeth unto the truth. Whether is he, therefore, who directeth unto the truth, more worthy to be followed , AL KORAN. 187 or he who directeth not, unless he be directed ? What aileth you therefore, that ye judge as ye do? And the greater part of them follow an uncertain opinion only ; but a mere opinion attaineth not unto any truth. Verily GOD knoweth that which they do. This Koran could not have been composed by any except GOD ; but it is a confirmation of that which was revealed before it, and an explanation of the scripture ; there is no doubt thereof ; sent down from the LORD of all creatures. Will they say, Mohammed hath forged it? Answer, Bring therefore a chapter like unto it ; and call whom you may to your assistance, besides GOD, if ye speak truth. But they have charged that with falsehood, the knowledge whereof they do not comprehend, neither hath the interpretation thereof come unto them. In the same manner did those who were before them accuse their prophets of im- posture ; but behold, what was the end of the unjust ! There are some of them who believe therein ; 'and there are some of them who believe not therein : and thy LORD well knoweth the corrupt doers. If they accuse thee of im- posture, say, I have my work, and ye have your work ; ye shall be clear of that which I do, and I will be clear of that which ye do. There are some of them who hearken unto thee ; but wilt thou make the deaf to hear, although they do not understand? And there are some of them who look at thee ; but wilt thou direct the blind, although they see not? Verily GOD will not deal unjustly with men in any respect : but men deal unjustly with their own souls. On a certain day he will gather them together, as though they had not tarried above an hour of a day : they shall know one another. Then shal". they perish who have denied the meeting of GOD ; and were :iot rightly directed. Whether we cause thee to eee a part >f the punishment wherewith we have threatened then, or whether we cause thee to die before thou see it ; unto us shall they return : then shall GOD be witness of that which they do. Unto every nation hath an apostle been sent ; and when their apostle came, the matter was decided between them with equity ; and they were not treated unjustly. The unbelievers say, When will this threatening be made good, if ye speak truth ? Answer, I am able neither to procure ad vantage unto myself, nor to avert mischief from me, but a* GOD pleaseth. Unto every nation is a fixed term decreed when their term therefore is expired, they shall not Uv- 188 AL KOIUN. respite for an hour, neither shall their punishment be antici- pated. Say, Tell me, if the punishment of GOD overtak* you by night, or by day, what part thereof will the ungodly wish to be hastened ? When it falleth on you, do ye then Believe it ? Now do ye believe, and wish it far from^ you, when as ye formerly desired it should be hastened ? Then shall it be said unto the wicked, Taste the punishment of eternity; would ye receive other than the reward of that whi ;h ye have wrought ? They will desire to know of thee, whether this be true. Answer, Yea, by my LORD, it is cer- tainly true ; neither shall ye weaken God's power so as to escape it. Verily, if every soul which hath acted wickedly had whatever is on the earth, it would willingly redeem itself therewith at the last day. Yet they will conceal their repent- ance, after they shall have seen the punishment ; and the matter shall be decided betwen them with equity, and they shall not be unjustly treated. Doth not whatsoever is in heaven and on earth belong unto GOD ? Is not the promise of GOD true ? But the greater part of them know it not. He giveth life, and he causeth to die : and unto him shall ye all return. O men, now hath an admonition come unto you from your LORD, and a remedy for the doubts which are in your breasts ; and a direction, and mercy unto the true believ- ers. Say, Through the grace of GOD, and his mercy ; therein therefore let them rejoice ; this will be better than what they heap together of worldly riches. Say, Tell me ; of that which GOD hath sent down unto you for food, have ye declared part to be lawful, and other part to be unlawful ? Say, Hath GOD permitted you to make this distinction? or do ye devise a lie concerning GOD ? But what will be the opinion of those who devise a lie concerning GOD, on the day of the resurrection ? Verily GOD is endued with beneficence tow- ards mankind ; but the greater part of them do not give thanks. Thou shalt be engaged in no business, neither shalt thou be employed in meditating on any passage of the Koran ; nor shall ye do any action, but we will be witnesses over you, when ye are employed therein. Nor is so much as the weight of an ant hidden from thy LORD, in earth or in heaven : neither is there anything lesser than that, or g'reater, but it is written in the perspicuous book. Are not the friends of GOD the persons on whom no fear shall come, and who ihall not be grieved? They whc believe and fear God shal] AL KORAN. 189 receive good tidings in this life, and in that which is to come. There is no change in the words of GOD. This shall be great felicity. Let not their discourse grieve thee ; for all might belongeth unto GOD : he both heareth and knoweth. Is not whoever dwelleth in heaven and on earth subject unto GOD ? What therefore do they follow, who invoke idols, besides GOD ? They follow nothing but a vain opinion ; and they only utter lies. It is he who hath ordained the night for you, that ye may take your rest therein, and the clear day for labor: verily herein are signs unto people who hearken. They say, GOD hath begotten children ; GOD forbid ! He is self-sufficient. Unto him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth : ye have no demonstrative proof of this. Do ye speak of GOD that which ye know not ? Say, Verily they who imagine a lie concerning GOD shall not prosper. They may enjoy a provision in this world ; but afterwards unto us shall they return, and we will then cause them to taste a grievous punishment, for that they were unbelievers. Rehearse unto them the history of Noah : when he said unto his people, O my people, if my standing forth among you, and my warning you of the signs of GOD, be grievous unto you ; in GOD do I put my trust. Therefore lay your design against me, and assemble your false gods ; but let not your de- sign be carried on by you in the dark : then come forth against me, and delay not. And if ye turn aside from my admoni- tions, I ask not any reward of you for the same ; I expect my reward from GOD alone, and I am commanded to be one of those who are resigned unto him. But they accused him of imposture, wherefore we delivered him, and those who wert with him in the ark, and we caused them to survive the flood, but we drowned those who charged our signs with falsehood. Behold therefore, what was the end of those who were warned by Noah. Then did we send, after him, apostles unto theii respective people, and they came unto them with evident dem- onstrations : yet they were not disposed to believe in that which they had before rejected as false. Thus do we seal up the hearts of the transgressors. Then did we send, after them, Moses and Aaron unto Pharaoh and his princes with our signs : but they behaved proudly, and were a wicked people. And when the truth from us had come unto them, they said, Verily this is manifest sorcery. Moses said unto them, Do ye speak this of the truth, after it hath come unto you ? la 190 Ai KORAN. this sorcery? but sorcerers shall not prosper. They said, Art thou coine unto us to turn us aside from that religion, which we found our fathers practise ; and that ye two may have the command in the land ? But we do not believe you. And Pharaoh said, Bring unto me every expert magician. And when the magicians were come, Moses said unto them, Cast down that which ye are about to cast down. And when they had cast down their rods and cords, Moses said unto them, The enchantment which ye have performed shall GOD surely render vain ; for GOD prospereth not the work of th wicked doers, and GOD will verify the truth of his words, although the wicked be adverse thereto. And there believed not any on Mases, except a generation of his people, for fear of Pharaoh and of his princes, lest he should afflict them. And Pharaoh was lifted up with pride in the earth, and was surely one of the transgressors. And Moses said, O my peo- ple, if ye believe in GOD, put your trust in him, if ye be resigned to his will. They answered, We put our trust in GOD : O LORD, suffer us not, to be afflicted by unjust people ; but deliver us, through thy mercy, from the unbelieving people. And we spake by inspiration unto Moses and his brother, saying, Provide habitations for your people in Egypt, and make your houses a place of worship, and be constant at prayer : and bear good news unto the true believers. l And Moses said, LORD, verily thou hast given unto Pharaoh and his people pompous ornaments, and riches in this present life, LOKD, that they may be seduced from thy way : LORD, bring their riches to nought, and harden their hearts ; that they may not believe, until they see their grievous punish- ment. God said, Your petition is heard ; be ye upright therefore, and follow not the way of those who are ignorant. And we caused the children of Israel to pass through the sea ; and Pharaoh and his army followed them in a violent and hostile manner ; until, when he was drowning, he said, I believe that there is no GOD but he, on whom the children of Israel believe ; and I am one of the resigned. 2 Now dost thou believe ; when thou hast been hitherto rebellious, and one of the wicked doers ? This day will we raise thy body from thi bottom of the sea, that thou mayest be a sign unto those who shall be after thee ; and verily a great number of men are negligent of our signs. 3 And we prepared for the children of Israel an established dwelling in the land of Canaan, and w AL KORAN. 191 provided good things for their sustenance ; and they differed not in point of religion, until knowledge had come unto them ; rerily thy LORD will judge between them on the day of res- urrection, concerning that wherein they disagreed. If thou art in a doubt concerning any part of that which we have sent down unto thee, ask them who have read the book of the law before thee. Now hath the truth come unto thee from thy LORD ; be not therefore one of those who doubt ; neither be thou one of those who charge the signs of GOD with falsehood, lest thou become one of those who perish. Verily those against whom the word of thy LORD is decreed, shall not believe, although there come unto them every kind of miracle, until they see the grievous punishment prepared for them. And if it were not so, some city, among the many which have been destroyed, would have believed ; and the faith of its inhabitants would have been of advantage unto them ; but none of them believed, before the execution of their sentence., except the people of Jonas. 1 When they believed, we de- livered them from the punishment of shame in this world, and suffered them to enjoy their lives and possessions for a time. But if thy LORD had pleased, verily all who are in the earth would have believed in general. Wilt thou therefore forcibly compel men to be true believers? No soul can believe, but by the permission of GOD : and he shall pour out his indig- nation on those who will not understand. Say, Consider whatever is in heaven and on earth : but signs are of no avail, neither preachers, unto people who will not believe. Do they therefore expect any other than some terrible judgment, like unto the judgments which have fallen on those who have gone before them ? Say, Wait ye the issue ; and I also will wait with you ; then will we deliver our apostles and those who believe. Thus is it a justice due from us, that we should deliver the true believers. Say, men of Mecca, if ye be in doubt concerning my religion, verily I worship not the idolt which ye worship, besides GOD ; but I worship GOD, who will cause you to die : and I am commanded to be one of the true believers. And it was said unto me, Set thy face tow- ards the true religion, and be orthodox ; and by no meana be one of those who attribute companions unto God ; neither invoke, besides GOD, that which can neither profit thee nor hurt thee : for if thou do, thou wilt then certainly become on 9f the unjust If GOD afflict thee with hurt, there is none 192 AL KORAN. who can relieve thee from it, except he ; and if he willeth thee any good, there is none who can keep back his bounty : he will confer it on such of his servants as he pleas eth ; and he is gracious and merciful. Say, men, now hath the truth come unto you from your LORD. He therefore who shall ba directed, will be directed to the advantage of his own soul : but he who shall err, will err only against the same. I am no guardian over you. Do thou, prophet, follow that which is revealed unto thee: and persevere with patience until GOD shall judge ; for he is the best judge. CHAPTER XL nrriTLED, HUD ; BEVEAXED AT MKCCA. OF THE NAMB OF THE MOST MERCIFUL GOD. AL. R. THIS book, the verses whereof are guarded against corruption, and are also distinctly explained, is a rev- elation from the wise, the knowing God: that ye serve not any other GOD ; (verily I am a denouncer of threats, and a bearer of good tidings unto you from him ;) and that ye ask pardon of your LORD, and then be turned unto him. He will cause you to enjoy a plentiful provision, until a prefixed time : and unto every one that hath merit by good works will he gire his abundant reward. But if ye turn back, verily I fear for you the punishment of the great day : unto GOD shall ye return ; and he ib almighty. Do they not double the fold* of their breasts, that they may conceal their designs from him? When they cover themselves with their garments, doth not he know that which they conceal, and that which they discover ? For he knowelh the innermost parts of the breadts of men. There is no creature which creepeth on the earth, but GOD provideth its food ; and he knoweth the place of its retreat, and where it is laid up. The whole is written in the perspicuous book of his decrees. It is he who hath created the heavens and the earth in six days, (but his throne was above the waters before the creation thereof,) that he might prove you, and see which of you would excel in works. 1 * If thou say, Ye shall surely be raised again, after death ; the AL KORAN. 193 unbelievers will say, This is nothing but manifest sorcery. And verily if we defer their punishment unto a determined season, they will say, What hindereth it from falling on its? Will it not come upon them on a day, wherein there shall be none to avert it from them ; and that which they scoffed at shall encompass them ? Verily, if we cause man to taste mercy from us, and afterwards take it away from him ; he will surely become desperate, and ungrateful. And if we cause him to taste favor, after an affliction hath befallen him, he will surely say, The evils which I suffered are passed from me, and he witt become joyful and insolent : except those who persevere with patience, and do that which is right ; they shall receive pardon, and a great reward. Peradventure thou wilt omit to publish part of that which hath been re- vealed unto thee, and thy breast will become straitened, lest they say, Unless a treasure be sent down unto him, or an angel come with him, to bear witness unto him, we Witt not believe. Verily thou art a preacher only ; and GOD is the governor of all things. Will they say, He hath forged the Koran ? Answer, Bring therefore ten chapters like unto it, forged by yourselves : and call on whomsoever ye may to assist you, except GOD, if ye speak truth. But if they whom ye call to your assistance hear you not ; know that thit book hath been revealed by the knowledge of GOD only, and that there is no GOD but he. Will ye therefore become Moslems ? Whoso chooseth the present life, and the pomp thereof, unto them will we give the recompense of their works therein, and the same shall not be diminished unto them. These are they for whom no other reward is prepared in the next life, except the fire of hell: that which they have done in this life shall perish ; and that which they have wrought s-hall be vain. Shall he therefore be compared with them, who followeth the evident declaration of his LORD, and whom a witness from him attendeth, preceded by the book of Moses, which was revealed for a guide, and out of mercy to man- kind ? These believe in the Koran : but whosoever of the confederate infidel* believetb not therein, is threatened the fire of hell, which threat shall certainly be executed : be not therefore in a doubt concerning it ; for it is the truth from thy LORD : but the greater part of men will not believe. Who is more unjust than he who imagineth a lie concerning Gon ? They shall be set before the LORD, at the day of Judy- la 194 AL KORAN. ment, and the witnesses shall say, These are they who devised lies against their LORD. Shall not the curse of GOD fall on the unjust ; who turn men aside from the way of GOD, and eek to render it crooked, and who believe not in the life to come ? These were not able to prevail against God on earth, to as to escape punishment; neither had they any protectors besides GOD : their punishment shall be doubled unto them. They could not hear, neither did they see. These are they who have lost their souls ; and the idols which they falsely imagined have abandoned them. There is no doubt but they shall be most miserable in the world to come. But as for those who believe and do good works, and humble themselves before their LORD, they shall be the inhabitants of paradise ; they shall remain therein forever. The similitude of the two parties is as the blind and the deaf, and as he who seeth and heareth : shall they be compared as equal ? Will ye not therefore consider? We formerly sent Noah unto his people ; and he said, Verily I am a public preacher unto you ; that ye worship GOD alone ; verily I fear for you the punish- ment of the terrible day. But the chiefs of the people, who believed not, answered, We see thee to be no other than a man, like unto us ; and we do not see that any follow thee, except those who are the most abject among us, who have believed on thee by a rash judgment ; neither do we perceive any excel- lence in you above us : but we esteem you to be liars. Noah said, my people, tell me ; if I have received an evident dec- laration from my LORD, and he hath bestowed on me mercy from himself, which is hidden from you, do we compel you to receive the same, in case ye be averse thereto ? O my peo- ple, I ask not of you riches, for my preaching unto you : my reward is with GOD alone. I will not drive away those who have believed : verily they shall meet their LORD, at the res> urrection ; but I perceive that ye are ignorant men. my people, who shall assist me against GOD, if I drive them away? Will ye not therefore consider? I say not unto you, The treasures of GOD are in my power ; neither do 1 toy, I know the secrets of God: neither do I say, Verily I am an angel ; neither do I say of those whom your eyes do contemn, GOD will by no means bestow good on them: (Goo best knoweth that which is in their souls ;) for then should I certainly be one of the unjust. They answered, O Noah, thou hast already disputed with us, and hast multiplied di* AL KORAN. 195 putes with us ; now therefore do thou bring that punishment upon us wherewith thou hast threatened us, if thou speakest truth. Noah said, Verily GOD alone shall bring it upon you, if he pleaseth ; and ye shall not prevail against him, so as to escape the same. Neither shall my counsel profit you, al- Ihough I endeavor to counsel you aright, if GOD shall please Jo lead you into error. He is your LORD, and unto him *hall ye return. Will the Meccans say, Mohammed hath forged the Koran f Answer, If I have forged it, on me be my guilt : and let me be clear of that which ye are guilty of. And it was revealed unto Noah, saying, Verily none of thy people shall believe, except he who hath already believed : be not therefore grieved, for that which they are doing. But make an ark in our presence, according to the form and dimensions which we have revealed unto thee : and speak not unto me in behalf of those who have acted unjustly ; for they are doomed to be drowned. And he built the ark ; and so often as a company of his people passed by him, they de- rided him:^but he said, Though ye scoff at us now, we will scoff at you hereafter, as ye scoff at us ; and ye shall surely know on whom a punishment shall be inflicted, which shaft cover him with shame, and on whom a lasting punishment shall fall. Thus were they employed until our sentence was put in execution, and the oven poured forth water. 1 And we said unto Noah, Carry into the ark of every species of ani- mah one pair ; 2 and thy family, (except him on whom a pre- vious sentence of destruction hath passed,) and those who be- lieve. 3 But there believed not with him except a few. And Noah said, Embark thereon, in the name of GOD ; while it moveth forward, and while it standeth still ; for my LOBD it gracious and merciful. 4 And the ark swam with them be- tween waves like mountains : and Noah called unto his son, who was separated from him, saying, Embark with us, my son, and stay not with the unbelievers. He answered, I will get on a mountain, which will secure me from the water. Noah replied, There is no security this day from the decree of GOD, except for him on whom he shall have mercy. And a wave passed between them, and he became one, of those who were drowned. And it was said, O earth, swallow up thy waters, and thou, O heaven, withhold thy rain. And immediately the water abated, and the decree was fulfilled, and the ark rested on the mountain Al Judi ; and it was .said, 196 AL KORAN. Away with the ungodly people ! l And Noah called upon hia LORD, and said, LORD, verily my son is of my family, and thy promise is true ; for thou art the most just of those who exercise judgment. God answered, O Noah, verily he is not of thy family ; this intercession of thine for him is not a righteous work. Ask not of me therefore that wherein thou hast no knowledge : I admonish thee that thou become not one of the ignorant. Noah said, O LORD, I have re- course unto thee for the assistance of thy grace, that I ask not of thee that wherein I have no knowledge ; and unless thou forgive me, and be merciful unto me, I shall be one of those who perish. It was said unto him, O Noah, come down from the ark, with peace from us, and blessings upon thoe, and upon a part of those who are with thee ; but as for a part of them, we will suffer them to enjoy the provision of thit world ; and afterwards shall a grievous punishment from us be inflicted on them, in the life to corned This is a secret history, which we reveal unto thee : thou didst not know it, neither did thy people, before this. Wherefore persevere with patience : for the prosperous issue shall attend the pious. And unto the tribe of Ad we sent their brother Hud. He said, O my people, worship GOD ; ye have no GOD besides him ; ye only imagine falsehood, in setting up idols and in- tercessors of your own making. O my people, I ask not of you for this my preaching, any recompense : my recompense do I expect from him only who hath created me. Will ye not therefore understand ? O my people, ask pardon of your LORD ; and be turned unto him : he will send the heaven to pour forth rain plentifully upon you, and he will increase your strength by giving unto you farther strength : therefore turn not aside, to commit evil. They answered, O Hud, thou hast brought us no proof of what thou sayest ; therefore we will not leave our gods for thy saying, neither do we believe thee. We say no other than that some of our gods have afflicted thee with evil. He replied, Verily I call GOD to witness, and do ye also bear witness that I am clear of that which ye associate with God, besides him. Do ye all therefore join to devise a plot against me, and tarry uot ; for I put my confidence in GOD, my LORD and your LORD. There is no beast, but he holdeth it by its fore- jock : verily my LORD proceedeth in the right way. But if ye turn back, I have already declared unto you that with AL KORAN. 197 which I was sent unto you ; and my LORD shall substitute another nation in your stead ; and ye shall not hurt him at all : for my LORD is guardian over all things. And when our sentence came to be put in execution, we delivered Hud, and those who had believed with him, through our mercy ; and we delivered them from a grievous punishment. And this tribe of Ad wittingly rejected the signs of their LORD, and were disobedient unto his messengers, and they followed the command of every rebellious perverse person. Where- fore they were followed hi this world by a curse, and they shall be followed by the same on the day of resurrection. Did not Ad disbelieve in their LORD ? Was it not said, Away with Ad, the people of Hud ? And unto the tribe of Thamud we sent their brother Saleh. He said unto them, my peo- ple, worship GOD ; ye have no GOD besides him. It is he who hath produced you out of the earth, and hath given you an habitation therein. Ask pardon of him therefore, and be turned unto him ; for my LORD is near, and ready to answer They answered, O Saleh, thou wast a person on whom we placed our hopes before this. Dost thou forbid us to worship that which our fathers worshipped ? But we are certainly in doubt concerning the religion to which thou dost invite us, as justly to be suspected. Saleh said, my people, tell me ; if I have received an evident declaration from my LORD, and he hath bestowed on me mercy from himself ; who will protect me from the vengeance of GOD, if I be disobedient unto him ? For ye shall not add unto me, other than loss. And he said, O my people, this she-camel of GOD is a sign unto you ; therefore dismiss her freely, that she may feed in GOD'S earth, and do her no harm, lest a swift punishment seize you. Yet they killed her ; and Saleh said, Enjoy your- selves in your dwellings for three days : after which ye shall be destroyed. This is an infallible prediction. And when 'our decree came to be executed, we delivered Saleh and those who believed with him, through our mercy, from the disgrace of that day ; for thy LORD is the strong, the mighty God. But a terrible noise from heaven assailed those who had acted un- justly ; and in the morning they were found in their houses, tying dead and prostrate : as though they had never dwell therein. Did not Thamud disbelieve in their LORD ? Was not Thamud cast far away ? Our messengers also came formerly unto Abraham, with good tidings : they said, Peaot 198 AL KORAN. be upon thee. 1 And he answered, and on you be Peace And he tarried not, but brought a roasted calf. And when he saw that their hands did not touch the meat, he mis- liked them, and entertained a fear of them. But they eaid, Fear not : for we are sent unto the people of Lot. And his wife Sarah was standing by, and she laughed ; and we promised her Isaac, and after Isaac, Jacob. She said, Alas ! shall I bear a son, who am old ; this my husband also being advanced in years ? Verily this would be a wonderful thing. The angels answered, Dost thou wonder at the effect of th command of GOD ? The mercy of God and his blessings be upon you, the family of the house : for he is praiseworthy, and to be glorified. And when his apprehension had de- parted from Abraham, and the good tidings of Isaac's birth had come unto him, he disputed with us concerning the peo- ple of Lot ; for Abraham was a pitiful, compassionate, and devout person. The angels said unto him, Abraham, ab- stain from this ; for now is the command of thy LORD come, to put their sentence in execution, and an inevitable punishment is ready to fall upon them. And when our messengers came unto Lot, he was troubled for them, and his arm was straight- ened concerning them ; and he said, This is a grievous day. And his people came unto him, rushing upon him, and they had formerly been guilty of wickedness. Lot said unto them, O my people, these my daughters are more lawi'ul for you : therefore fear GOD, and put me not to shame by wronging my guests. Is there not a man of prudence among you ? They answered, Thou knowest that we have no need of thy daugh- ters ; and thou well knowest what we would have. He said, If I had strength sufficient to oppose you, or I could have recourse unto a powerful support, / would certainly do it. The angels said, O Lot, verily we are the messengers of thy LORD ; they shall by no means come in unto thee. Go forth, therefore, with thy family, in some part of the night, and let not any of you turn back : but as for thy wife, that shall happen unto her, which shall happen unto them. 2 Verily the prediction of their punishment shall be fulfilled in the morn- ing: is not the morning near? And when our command came, we turned those cities upside down, and we rained upon them stones of baked clay, one following another, and being marked from thy LORD ; and they are not far distant from those who act unjustly. And unto Madian we sent theif AL KORAN. 199 brother Shoaib : he said, my people, worship GOD : y have no GOD but him : and diminish not measure and weight Verily I see you to be in a happy condition : but I fear for you the punishment of the day which will encompass the un- godly. O my people, give full measure and just weight; and diminish not unto men aught of their matters ; neither commit injustice in the earth, acting corruptly. The residue which shall remain unto you as the gift of GOD, after ye shall have done justice to others, will be better for you, than wealth gotten by fraud, if ye be true believers. I am no guardian over you. They answered, Shoaib, do thy prayers enjoin thee, that we should leave the gods which our fathers wor- shipped ; or that we should not do what we please with our substance. Thou only, it seems, art the wise person, and fit to direct. He said, my people, tell me : if I have received an evident declaration from my LORD, and he hath bestowed on me an excellent provision, and I will not consent unto you in that which I forbid you ; do I seek any other than your reformation, to the utmost of my power? My support is from GOD alone : on him do I trust, and unto him do I turn me. O my people, let not your opposing of me draw on you a vengeance like unto that which fell on the people of Noah, or the people of Hud, or the people of Saleh : neither was the people of Lot far distant from you. Ask pardon, there- fore, of your LORD ; and be turned unto him : for my LORP is merciful and loving. They answered, O Shoaib, we under- stand not much of what thou sayest ; and we see thee to be a man of no power among us : if it had not beenybr the sake of thy family, we had surely stoned thee, neither couldst thou have prevailed against us. Shoaib said, O my people, is my family more worthy in your opinion than GOD ? and do ye cast him behind you with neglect? Verily my LORD comprehendeth that which ye do. O my people, do ye work according to your condition ; I will surely work according to my duty. And ye shall certainly know on whom will be in- flicted a punishment which shall cover him with shame, and who is a liar. Wait, therefore, the event ; for I also will wait it with you. Wherefore, when our decree came to be exe- cuted, we delivered Shoaib and those who believed with him, .hrough our mercy : and a terrible noise from Heaven assailed those who had acted unjustly ; and in the morning they were Found in their houses lying dead and prostrate, as though they 200 AL KORAK. had never dwelt therein. Was not Madian removed ft cm off the earth, as Thamud had been removed? And we formerly sent Moses with our signs, and manifest power unto Pharoah and his princes ; but they followed the command of Pharaoh ; although the command of Pharaoh did not direct them aright. Pharaoh shall precede his on the day of resur- rection, and he shall lead them into hett fire; an unhappy way shall it be which they shall be led. They were followed in this life by a curse, and on the day of resurrection mis- erable shall be the gift which shall be given them. This is a part of tte histories of the cities, which we rehearse unto thee. Of them there are some standing ; and others which are utterly demolished. And we treated them not unjustly, but they dealt unjustly with their own souls : and their gods which they invoked, besides GOD, were of no advantage unto them at all, when the decree of thy LORD came to be executed on them, neither were they any other than a detriment unto them. And thus was the punishment of thy LORD inflicted, when he punished the cities which were unjust ; for his pun- ishment is grievous and severe. Verily herein is a sign unto him who feareth the punishment of the last day : that shall be a day, whereon all men shall be assembled, and that shall be a day whereon witness shall be borne ; we defer it not, but to a determined time. When that day shall come, no soul shall speak to excuse itself, or to intercede for another, but by the permission of God. Of them, one thatt be miserable, and another shall be happy. And they who shall be miserable, shall be thrown into hell fire ; there shall they wail and bemoan themselves : they shall re- main therein so long as the heavens and the earth shall endure ; except what thy LORD shall please to remit of theii tentence ; for thy LORD effecteth that which he pleaseth. But they who shall be happy, shatt be admitted into paradise , they shall remain therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure : besides what thy LORD shall please to add unto their bliss ; a bounty which shall not be interrupted. Be not therefore in doubt concerning that which these men worship : they worship no other than what their fathers worshipped Defore them ; and we will surely give them their full portion, not in the least diminished. We formerly gave unto Moseg the book of the law ; and disputes arose among his people concerning it : and unless a previous decree had proceeded AL KORAH. SOI from thy LORD, to beat Kith them during this life, the matter had .been surely decided between them. And thy people are oho jealous and in doubt concerning the Koran. But unto every one of them will thy LORD render the reward of their works ; for he well knoweth that which they do. Be thou steadfast, therefore, as thou hast been commanded ; and let him also be steadfast who shall be converted with thet ; and trans- gress not ; for he seeth that which ye do. And incline not unto those who act unjustly, lest the fire of hell touch you : for ye have no protectors, except GOD ; neither shall ye be assisted against him. Pray regularly morning and evening ; and in the former part of the night, for good works drive away evils. This is an admonition unto those who consider : wherefore persevere with patience ; for GOD suffereth not the reward of the righteous to perish. Were such of the generations before you, endued with understanding and virtue, who forbade the acting corruptly in the earth, any more than a few only of those whom we delivered ; but they who were unjust followed the delights which they enjoyed in this world, and were wicked doers : and thy LORD was not of such a disposition as to destroy the cities unjustly, while their in- habitants behaved themselves uprightly. And if thy LORD pleased, he would have made all men of one religion : but they shall not cease to differ among themselves, unless those on whom thy LORD shall have mercy : and unto this hath he created them ; for the word of thy LORD shall be fulfilled, when he said, Verily I will fill hell altogether with genii and men. The whole which we have related of the histories of our apostles do we relate unto thee, that we may confirm thy heart thereby ; and herein is the truth come unto thee, and an admonition, and a warning unto the true believers. Say unto those who believe not, Act ye according to your con- dition ; we surely will act according to our duty: and wait the issue ; for we certainly wait it also. Unto GOD is known that which is secret in heaven and earth ; and unto him shall the whole matter be referred. Therefore worship him, and put thy trust in him ; for thy LOBD is not regardless of that which ye do. 202 AL KORAN. CHAPTER XIL uniTLED, JOSEPH; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE KASIB OF THE MOST MEHCIFOL GOD. AL. E. These are the signs of the perspicuous book which we have sent down in the Arabic tongue, that, perad venture, ye might understand. We relate unto thee a most excellent history, by revealing unto thee this Koran, whereas thou wast before one of the negligent. When Joseph said unto his father, my father, verily I saw in my dream eleven stars, and the sun and the moon ; I saw them make obeisance unto me : Jacob said, O my child, tell not thy vis- ion to thy brethren, lest they devise some plot against thee ; for the devil is a professed enemy unto man ; and thus, ac- cording to thy dream, shall thy LORD choose thee, and teach thee the interpretation of dark sayings, and he shall accom- plish his favor upon thee and upon the family of Jacob, as he hath formerly accomplished it upon thy fathers Abraham and Isaac ; for thy LORD is knowing and wise. Surely in the history of Joseph and his brethren there are signs of God's providence to the inquisitive ; when they said to one another, Joseph and his brother are dearer to our father than we, who are the greater number : our father certainly maketh a wrong judgment Wherefore slay Joseph, or drive him into some distant or desert part of the earth, and the face of your father shall be cleared towards you ; and ye shall afterwards be people of integrity. One of them spoke and said ; Slay not Joseph, but throw him to the bottom of the well ; and some travellers will take him up, if ye do this. They said unto Jacob, father, why dost thou not intrust Joseph with us, since we are sincere well-wishers unto him ? Send him with us to-morrow, into the jield, that he may divert him- self, and sport, and we will be his guardians. Jacob answered, It grieveth me that ye take him away ; and I fear lest the wolf devour him, while ye are negligent of him. They said, Surely if the wolf devour him, when there are so many of as, we shall be weak indeed. And when they had carried him with them, and agreed to set him at the bottom of the AL KORAN. 203 well, they executed their design: and we sent a revelation unto him, saying, Thou shalt hereafter declare this their action uuto them ; and they shall not perceive thee to be Joseph. 1 And they came to their father at even, weeping, and said, Father, we went and ran races with one another, and we left Joseph with our baggage, and the wolf hath devoured him ; but thou wilt not believe us, although we speak the truth. And they produced his inner garment stained with false blood. Jacob answered, Nay, but ye yourselves have contrived the thing for your own sakes : however patience is most becoming, and GOD'S assistance is to be implored to enable me to support the misfortune which ye relate. And certain travellers came, and sent one to draw water for them ; and he let down his bucket, and said, Good news ! this is a youth. And they concealed him, that they might sett him as a piece of merchandise : but GOD knew that which they did. And they sold him for a mean price, for a few pence, and valued him lightly. And the Egyptian who bought him said to his wife, use him honorably ; peradventure he may be ser- viceable to us, or we may adopt him for our son. 2 Thus did we prepare an establishment for Joseph in the earth, and we taught him the interpretation of dark sayings : for GOD is well able to effect his purpose ; but the greater part of men do not understand. And when he had attained his age of strength, we bestowed on him wisdom, and knowledge; for thus do we recompense the righteous. And she, in whose house he was, desired him to lie with her ; and she shut the doors and said, Come hither. He answered, GOD forbid ! verily my lord hath made my dwelling with him easy ; and the ungrateful shall not prosper. But she resolved within herself to enjoy him, and he would have resolved to enjoy her, had he not seen the evident demonstration of his LORD. So we turned away evil and filthiness from him, because he waj one of our sincere servants. And they ran to get one before the other to the door ; and she rent his inner garment behind. And they met her lord at the door. She said, What shall le the reward of him who seeketh to commit evil in thy family, but imprisonment, and a painful punishment ? And Joseph said, She asked me to lie with her. And a witness of hei family bore witness, saying, If his garment be rent before, he speaketh truth, and he is a liar : but if his garment be ent behind, she lieth, and he is a speaker of truth. And 204 AL KORAN. when her husband saw that his garment was torn behind, h said, This is a cunning contrivance of your sex ; for surely your cunning is great. O Joseph, take no farther notice of this affair : and thou, woman, ask pardon for thy crime ; ibr thou art a guilty person. And certain women said pub licly in the city, The nobleman's wife asked her servant t< lie with her ; he hath inflamed her breast with his love ; anc we perceive her to be in manifest error. And when she heard of their subtle behavior, she sent unto them, and pre- pared a banquet for them, and she gave to each of them a knife ; and she said unto Joseph, Come forth unto them. And when they saw him, they praised him greatly ; and they cut their own hands, and said, O GOD ! this is not a mortal ; he is no other, than an angel, deserving the highest respect. And his mistress said, This is he, for whose sake ye blamed 1 me: I asked him to lie with me, but he constantly refused. But if he do not perform that which I command him, lie shall surely be cast into prison, and he shall be made one of the contemptible. Joseph said, O LORD, a prison is more eligible unto me than the crime to which they invite me ; but unless thou turn aside their snares from me, I shall youthfully incline unto them, and I shall become one of the foolish. Wherefore his LORD heard him, and turned aside their snare from him ; for he both heareth and knoweth. And it seemed good unto them even after they had seen the signs of inno- cency, to imprison him for a time. And there entered into the prison with him two of the king's servants. One of them said, it seemed to me in my dream that I pressed wine out of grapes. And the other said, It seemed unto me in my dream that I carried bread on my head, whereof the birds did eat. Declare unto us the interpretation of our dreams, for we perceive that thou art a beneficent person. Joseph answered, No food, wherewith ye may be nourished, shall come unto you, but I will declare unto you the interpreta- tion thereof, before it come unto you, This knowledge is a part of that which my LORD hath taught me : for I have left the religion of people who believe not in GOD, and who deny the life to come ; and I follow the religion of my fathers, Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. It is not lawful for us to associate anything with GOD. This knowledge of the divint unity hath been given us of the bounty of GOD towards us. %nd towards mankind ; but the greater part of men are not AL KORAN. 205 thankful. my fellow-prisoners, are sundry lords better, or the only true and mighty GOD ? Ye worship not, besides him other than the names which ye have named, ye and your fathers, concerning which GOD hath sent down no authori- tative proof: yet judgment belongeth unto GOD alone; who hath commanded that ye worship none besides him. This is the right religion ; but the greater part of men know it not. O my fellow-prisoners, verily the one of you shall serve wine unto his lord, as formerly ; but the other shall be cru eified, and the birds shall eat from off his head. The matter is decreed, concerning which ye seek to be informed. And Joseph said unto him whom he judged to be the person who should escape of the two, Remember me in the presence of thy lord. But the devil caused him to forget to make men- tion of Joseph unto his lord ; wherefore he remained in the prison some years. And the king of Egypt said, Verily, I saw in my dream seven fat kine, which seven lean kine de- voured, and seven green ears of com, and other seven with- ered ears. nobles, expound my vision unto me, if ye be able to interpret a vision. They answered, They are con- fused dreams, neither are we skilled in the interpretation of such kind of dreams. And Joseph's fellow-prisoner who had been delivered, said, (for he remembered Joseph after a cer- tain space of time,) I will declare unto you the interpreta- tion thereof; wherefore let me go unto the person who will interpret it unto me. And he went to the prison, and said, O Joseph, thou man of veracity, teach us the interpretation of seven fat kine, which seven lean kine devoured ; and of seven green ears of corn, and other seven withered ears, which the king saw in his dream ; that I may return unto the men who have sent me, that peradventure they may under- stand the same. Joseph answered, Ye shall sow seven years as usual : and the corn which ye shall reap, do ye leave in its ear, except a little whereof ye may eat. Then shall there come, after this, seven grievous years of famine, which shall consume what ye shall have laid up as a provision for the same, except a little which ye shall have kept. Then shall there come, after this, a year wherein men shall have plenty of rain, and wherein they shall press wine and oil. 1 And when the chief butler had reported this, the king said, Bring him unto me. And when the messenger came unto Joseph, he said, Return unto thy lord, and ask of him, what was the 206 AL KORAN. intent of the women who cut their hands; for ray LORD well knoweth the snare which they laid for me. And when the women were assembled before the king, he said unto them, What was your design, when ye solicited Joseph to unlawful love ? They answered, GOD be praised ! we know not any ill of him. The nobleman's wife said, Now is the truth be- come manifest : I solicited him to lie with me ; and he is one of those who speak truth. And when Joseph was acquainted therewith, he said, This discovery hath been made, that my lord might know that I was not unfaithful unto him in his absence, and that God directeth not the plot of the deceivers. Neither do I absolutely justify myself: since every scrul is prone unto evil, except those on whom my LORD shall show mercy ; for my LORD is gracious and merciful. And the king said, Bring him unto me : I will take him into my own peculiar service. And when Joseph was brought unto the king, and he had discoursed with him, he said, Thou art this day firmly established with us, and shah be intrusted with our affair^ Joseph answered, Set me over the storehouses of the land ; for I will be a skilful keeper thereof. Thus did we establish Joseph in the land, that he might provide himself a dwelling therein, where he pleased. We bestow our mercy on whom we please, and we suffer not the reward of the righteous to perish : and certainly the reward of the next life is better, for those who believe, and fear God. Moreover, Joseph's brethren came, and went in unto him ; and he knew them, but they knew not him. And when he had furnished them with their provisions, he said, Bring unto me your brother, the son of your father ; do ye not see that I give full measure, and that I am the most hospitable receiver of guests ? But if ye bring him not unto me, there shall be no corn measured unto you from me, neither shall ye approach my presence, They answered, We will endeavor to obtain him of his father, and we will certainly perform what thou requirest. And Joseph said to his servants, Put their money, which they have ^aid/or their corn, into their sacks, that they may perceive t, when they shall be returned to their family : peradventure they will come back unto us. And when they were returned onto their father, they said, father, it is forbidden to meas- ure out corn unto us any more, unless we carry our brother Benjamin with us : wherefore send our brother with us, and we shall have corn measured unto us ; and we will certainly AL KORAN. 207 guard him from any mischance. Jacob answered, Shall I trust him with you with any better success than I trusted your brother Joseph with you heretofore ? But GOD is the best guardian ; and he is the most merciful of those that show mercy. And when they opened their provision, they found their money had been returned unto them ; and they said, father, what do we desire farther f this our money hath been returned unto us ; we will therefore return, and provide corn for our family : we will take care of our brother ; and we shall receive a camel's burden more than toe did the last time. This is a small quantity. Jacob said, I will by no means send him with you, until ye give me a solemn prom- ise, and swear by GOD that ye will certainly bring him back unto me, unless ye be encompassed by some inevitable impedi- ment. And when they had given him their solemn promise, he said, GOD is witness of what we say. And he said, My sons, enter not into the city by one and the same gate ; but enter by different gates. But this precaution will be of no advantage unto you against the decree of GOD ; for judgment belongeth unto GOD alone : in him do I put my trust, and in him let those confide who seek in whom to put their trust. And when they entered the city, as their father had com- manded them, it was of no advantage unto them against the decree of GOD ; and the same served only to satisfy the desire of Jacob's soul, which he had charged them to perform : for he was endued with knowledge of that which we had taught him ; but the greater part of men do not understand. And when they entered into the presence of Joseph, he received his brother Benjamin as his guest, and said, Verily I am thy brother, be not therefore afflicted for that which they have committed against us. And when he had furnished them with their provisions, he put his cup in his brother Benja- min's sack. Then a crier cried after them, saying, O com- pany of travellers, ye are surely thieves. They said, (and turned back unto them,) What is it that ye miss ? They answered, We miss the prince's cup : and unto him who shall produce it, shall be given a camel's load of corn, and I will b surety for the same. Joseph's brethren replied, By GOD, ye do well know, that we come not to act corruptly in the land, neither are we thieves. The Egyptians said, What shall be the reward of him, who shall appear to have stolen the cup, if ye be found liars ? Joseph's brethren answered, As to the 208 AL KORAN. reward of him, in whose sack it shall be found, let him be- come a bondman in satisfaction of the same : thus do we re- ward the unjust, who are guilty of theft. Then he began by their sacks, before he searched the sack of his brother ; and ho drew out the cup from his brother's sack. Thus did we furnish Joseph with a stratagem. It was not lawful for him to take his brother for a bondman, by the law of the king of Egypt, had not GOD pleased to allow it, according to the offer of his brethren. We exalt to degrees of knowledge and honor whom we please : and there is one who is knowing above all those who are endued with knowledge, fits brethren said, If Benjamin be guilty of theft, his brother Joseph hath been also guilty of theft heretofore. l But Joseph concealed these things in his mind, and did not discover them unto them : and he said within himself. Ye are in a worse condition than us two; and GOD best knoweth what ye discourse about They said unto Joseph, Noble lord, verily this lad hath an aged father ; wherefore take one of us in his stead ; for we perceive that thou art a beneficent person. Joseph answered, GOD forbid that we should take any other than him with whom we found our goods ; for then should we certainly be unjust. And when they despaired of obtaining Benjamin, they retired to confer privately together. And the elder of them said, Do ye not know that your father hath received a solemn promise from you, in the name of GOD, and how perfidiously ye behaved heretofore towards Joseph ? Where- fore I will by no means depart the land of Egypt, until my father give me leave to return unto him, or GOD maketh known his will to me ; for he is the best judge. Return ye to your father, and say, father, verily thy son hath com- mitted theft; we bear witness of no more than what we knew, and we could not guard against what we did not fore- see : and do thou inquire in the city, where we have been, and of the company of merchants, with whom we are arrived, and thou wilt find that we speak the truth. And when they were returned, and had spoken thus to their father, he said, Nay, but rather ye yourselves have contrived the thing for your own sakes, but patience is most proper for me ; perad- venture GOD will restore them all unto me ; for he is know- ing and wise. And he turned from them and said, Oh how I am grieved for Joseph ! And his eyes became white with mourning, he being oppressed with deep sorrow. His sont AL KORAN. 209 said, By GOD, thou wilt not cease to remember Joseph until thou be brought to death's door, or thou be actually destroyed by excessive affliction. He answered, I only represent my grief, which I am not able to contain, and my sorrow unto GOD ; but I know by revelation from GOD that which ye know not. O my sons, go and make inquiry after Joseph and his brother ; and despair not of the mercy of GOD ; for none despaireth of GOD'S mercy, except the unbelieving people. Wherefore Joseph's brethren returned into Egypt: and when they came into his presence, they said, Noble lord, the famine is felt by us and our family, and we are come with a small sum of money : yet give unto us full measure, and bestow corn upon us as alms ; for GOD rewardeth the almsgivers. Joseph said unto them, Do ye know what ye did unto Joseph and his brother, when ye were ignorant of the consequences thereof? They answered, Art thou really Jo- seph ? He replied, I am Joseph ; and this is my brother. Now hath GOD been gracious unto us. For whoso feareth God, and persevereth with patience, shatt at length find re- lief; since GOD will not suffer the reward of the righteous to perish. They said, By GOD, now hath GOD chosen thee above us ; and we have surely been sinners. Joseph an- swered, Let there be no reproach cast on you this day. GOD forgiveth you ; for he is the most merciful of those who show mercy. Depart ye with this my inner garment, and throw it on my father's face ; and he shall recover his sight : and then come unto me with all your family. And when the company of travellers was departed from Egypt on their journey towards Canaan, their father said, unto those who were about him, Verily I perceive the smell of Joseph ; al- though ye think that I dote. They answered, By GOD, thou art in thy old mistake. But when the messenger of good tidings was come with Joseph's inner garment, he threw it ovsr his face; and he recovered his eyesight. And Jacob said, Did I not tell you that I knew from GOD, that which ye knew not ? They answered, father, ask pardon of our sins for us, for we have surely been sinners. He replied, I will surely ask pardon for you of my LORD ; for he is gra- cious and merciful. And when Jacob and his family arrived \n Egypt, and were introduced unto Joseph, he received his parents unto him, and said, Enter ye into Egypt, by GOD'S favor, in full security. 1 And he raised his parents to the 14 210 AL KORAN. seat of state, and they, together with his brethren, fell down and did obeisance unto him. And he said, my father, this is the interpretation of my vision, which 1 saw heretofore : now hath my LORD rendered it true. And he hath surely been gracious unto me, since he took me forth from the prison, and hath brought you hither from the desert ; after that the devil had sown discord between me and my brethren : for my LORD is gracious unto whom he pleaseth ;- and he it the knowing, the wise God. LORD, thou hast given me a part of the kingdom, and hast taught me the interpretation of dark sayings. The Creator of heaven and earth ! thou art my protector in this world, and hi that which is to come : make me to die a Moslem, and join me with the righteous. This is a secret history which we reveal unto thee, Mo- hammed, although thou wast not present with the brethren of Joseph, when they concerted their design, and contrived a plot against him. But the greater part of men, although they earnestly desire it, will not believe. Thou shalt not demand of them any reward for thy publishing the Koran ; it is no other than an admonition unto all creatures. And how many signs soever there be of the being, unity, and provi- dence of God, in the heavens and the earth ; they will pasa by them, and will retire afar off from them. And the greater part of them believe not in GOD, without being also guilty of idolatry. Do they not believe that some overwhelming afflic- tion shall fall on them, as a punishment from GOD ; or that the hour of judgment shall overtake them suddenly, when they consider not its approach ? Say unto those of Mecca, This is my way: I invite you unto GOD, by an evident demonstration ; both I and he who followeth me ; and, praise be unto GOD ! I am not an idolater. We sent not any apos- tles before thee, except men, unto whom we revealed our will, and whom we chose out of those who dwelt in cities. Will they not go through the earth, and see what hath been the end of those who have preceded them ? But the dwelling of the next life shall surely be better for those who fear God. Will they not therefore understand ? Their predecessors were lorne with for a time, until, when our apostles despaired of their conversion, and they thought that they were liars, our help came unto them, and we delivered whom we pleased ; but our vengeance was not turned away from the wicked people. Verily in the histories of the prophets and their AL KORAN. Sll people, there is an instructive example unto those who arc endued with understanding. The Koran is not a new in- vented fiction : but a confirmation of those scripture* which have been revealed before it, and a distinct explication of everything necessary in respect either to faith or practice, and a direction and mercy unto people who believe. CHAPTER XHL Of TITLED, THUNDER ; REVEALED AT MECCA. IJT THB WAMK OF THE MOST MERCIFUL SOD. AL. M. R. These are the signs of the book of the Koran: and that which hath been sent down unto thee from thy LORD is the truth ; but the greater part of men will not believe. It it GOD who hath raised the heavens without visible pillars ; and then ascended his throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to perform their services ; every of the heavenly bodies runneth an appointed course. He ordereth att things. He showeth his signs distinctly, that ye may be assured ye must meet your LORD at the last day. It is he who hath stretched forth the earth, and placed therein steadfast mountains, and rivers ; and hath ordained therein of every fruit two different kinds. He causeth the night to cover the day. Herein are certain signs unto people who consider. And in the earth are tracts of land of different natures, though bordering on each other ; and also vineyards, and seeds, and palm-trees springing several from the same root, and singly from distinct roots. They are watered with the same water, yet we render some of them more excellent than others to eat. Herein are surely signs unto people who understand. If thou dost wonder at the infidels denying the resurrection, surely won- derful is their saying, After we shall have been reduced to dust, shall we be restored in a new creature ? These are they who believe not in their LORD ; these shall have collars on their necks, and these shall be the inhabitants of hell fire therein shall they abide forever. 1 They will ask of thee to hasten evil rather than good: although there have already 212 AL KORAN. been examples of the divine vengeance before them. Thj LORD is surely endued with indulgence towards men, not- withstanding their iniquity; but thy LORD is also severe in punishing. The infidels say, Unless a sign be sent down unto him from his LOUD, we will not believe. Thou art com- missioned to be a. preacher only, and not a worker of mira- ties : and unto every people hath a director been appointed GOD knoweth what every female beareth in her womb ; and what the wombs want or exceed of their due time, or number oj young. With him is everything regulated according to a determined measure. He knoweth that which is hidden, and that which is revealed. He is the great, the most high. He among you who concealeth his words, and he who proclaim- eth them in public ; he also who seeketh to hide himself in the night, and he who goeth forth openly in the day, is equal in respect to the knowledge of God. Each of them hath angels mutually succeeding each other, before him, and behind him ; they watch him by the command of GOD. Verily GOD will not change his grace which is in men, until they change the disposition in their souls by sin. When GOD willeth evil on a people there shall be none to avert it ; neither shall they have any protector beside him. It is he who causeth the lightning to appear unto you, to strike fear, and to raise hope, and who formeth the pregnant clouds. The thunder celebrateth his praise, and the angels also, for fear of him. He sendeth his thunderbolts, and striketh therewith whom he pleaseth, while they dispute concerning GOD ; for he is mighty in power. 1 It is he who ought of right to be invoked ; and the idols, which they invoke besides him, shall not hear them at all ; otherwise than as he is heard, who stretcheth forth his hands to the water that it may as- tend to his mouth, when it cannot ascend thither : the suppli- cation of the unbelievers is utterly erroneous. Whatsoever is in heaven and on earth worshippeth GOD, voluntarily or of force ; and their shadows also, morning and evening. Say, Who is the LORD of heaven and earth ? Answer, GOD. Say, Have ye, therefore, taken unto yourselves protectors beside him, who are unable either to help, or to defend them- selves from hurt ? Say, Shall the blind and the seeing be esteemed equal? or shall darkness and light be accounted khe same ? or have they attributed companions unto GOD who have created as he hath created, so that their creation AL KORAN. 218 bear any resemblance unto his ? Say, GOD is the creatoi of all things ; he is the one, the victorious God. He causeth water to descend from heaven, and the brooks flow according to their respective measure, and the floods bear the floating froth : and from the metals which they melt in the fire, seek- ing to cast ornaments or vessels for use, there ariseth a scum like unto it. Thus GOD setteth forth truth and vanity. But the scum is thrown off, and that which is useful to mankind remaineth on the earth. Thus doth GOD put forth parables. Unto those who obey their LORD shall be given the most ex- cellent reward: but those who obey him not, although they were possessed of whatever is in the whole earth and as much more, they would give it all for their ransom. These will be brought to a terrible account : their abode shall be hell ; an unhappy couch shall it be ! Shall he, therefore, who knoweth that what hath been sent down unto thee from thy LORD, is truth, be rewarded as he who is blind ? The prudent only will consider ; who fulfil the covenant of GOD, and break not their contract ; and who join that which GOD hath commanded to be joined, and who fear their LORD, and dread an ill account ; and who persevere out of a sincere desire to please their LORD, and observe the stated times of prayer, and give alms out of what we have bestowed on them, in secret and openly, and who turn away evil with good : the reward of these shall be paradise, gardens of eternal abode, which they shall enter, and also whoever shall have acted uprightly, of their fathers, and their wives, and their pos- terity : and the angels shall go in unto them by every gate, taying, Peace be upon you, because ye have endured with patience ; how excellent a reward is paradise ! But as for those who violate the covenant of GOD, after the establishment thereof, and who cut in sunder that which GOD hath com- manded to be joined, and act corruptly in the earth, on them shall a curse fatt, and they shall have a miserable dwelling en hell. GOD giveth provision in abundance unto whom he pleaseth, and is sparing unto whom he pleaseth. Those of Mecca rejoice in the present life ; although the present life, in respect of the future, is but a precarious provision. The infidels say, Unless a sign be sent down unto him from his LORD, we will not believe. Answer, Verily, GOD will lead into error whom he pleaseth, and will direct unto himself him who repenteth, and those who believe, and whose 214 AL KORAN. hearts rest securely in the meditation of GOD ; shall not men's hearts rest securely in the meditation of GOE ? They who believe and do that which is right shall enjoy blessed- ness, and partake of a happy resurrection. Thus have we gent thee to a nation which other nations have preceded unte whom prophets have likewise been sent, that thou mayest re hearse unto them that which we have revealed unto thee even while they believe not in the merciful God. Say unto them, He is my LORD ; there is no GOD but he : in him do I trust, and unto him must I return. Though a Koran were revealed by which mountains should be removed, or the earth cleaved in sunder, or the dead be caused to speak, it would be in vain. 1 But the matter belongeth wholly unto GOD. Do not, therefore, the believers know, that if GOD pleased, he would certainly direct all men ? Adversity shall not cease to afflict the unbelievers for that which they have committed, or to sit down near their habitations, until GOD'S promise come ; for GOD is not contrary to the promise. Apostles before thee have been laughed to scorn ; and I permitted the infidels to enjoy a long and happy life : but afterwards I punished them ; and how severe was the punishment which I inflicted on them f Who is it, therefore, that standeth over every soul, to observe that which it committeth ? They attrib- ute companions unto GOD. Say, Name them : will ye de- clare unto him that which he knoweth not in the earth ? or uritt ye name them in outward speech only ? But the deceitful procedure of the infidels was prepared for them ; and they are turned aside from the right path : for he whom GOD shall cause to err, shall have no director. They shall suffer a punishment in this life; but the punishment of the next shall be more grievous : and there shall be none to protect them against GOD. This is the description of paradise, which is promised to the pious. It is watered by rivers ; its food is perpetual, and its shade also: this shall be the reward of those who fear God. But the reward of the infidels shall be hell fire. Those to whom we have given the scriptures, rejoice at what hath been revealed unto thee. Yet there are some of the confederates who deny part thereof. Say unto them, Verily I am commanded to worship GOD alone ; and to give him no companion : upon him do I call, and unto him shall I return. To this purpose have we sent down the Koran a ruU of judgment, in the Arabic language. And AL KORAN. 215 rerily, if thou follow their desires, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, there shall be none to defend or pro- tect thee against GOD. We have formerly sent apostles before thee, and bestowed on them wives and children ; and no apostle had the power to come with a sign, unless by the permission of GOD. Every age hath its book of reveler tion : GOD shall abolish and shall confirm what he pleaseth. With him is the original of the book. 1 Moreover, whether we cause thee to see any part of that punishment wherewith we have threatened them, or whether we cause thee to die before it be inflicted on them, verily unto thee belongeth preach- ing only, but unto us inquisition. Do they not see that we come into their land, and straighten the borders thereof, by the conquests of the true believers ? When GOD judgeth, there is none to reverse his judgment : and he will be swift in taking an account. Their predecessors formerly devised subtle plots against their prophets; but GOD is master of every subtle device. He knoweth that which every soul de- serveth : and the infidels shall surely know, whose will be the reward of paradise. The unbelievers will say, Thou art not sent of God. Answer, GOD is a sufficient witness between me and you, and he who understandeth the scriptures. CHAPTER XIV. IHTITLED, ABRAHAM; REVEALED AT MKOCA, IX THE NAME OF THK MOST MEHCIFDL GOD. AL. R. This book have we sent down unto thee, tlat hou mayest lead men forth from darkness into light, by the permission of their LORD, into the glorious and laudable way. GOD is he unto whom belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth : and woe be to the infidels, because a grievous pun- ishment waiteth them ; who love the present life above that which is to come, and turn men aside from the way of GOD, and seek to render it crooked : these are in an error far dis- tant/ram the truth. We have sent no apostle but with the 216 AL KORAN. language of his people, that he might declare their duty plainly unto them; for GOD causeth to err whom he pleaseth, and directeth whom he pleaseth ; and he is the mighty, the wise. We formerly sent Moses with our signs, and commanded him saying, Lead forth thy people from darkness into light, and remind them of the favors of GOD : verily therein are signs unto every patient and grateful per- son. And call to mind when Moses said unto his people, Remember the favor of GOD towards you, when he delivered you from the people of Pharaoh : they grievously oppressed you ; and they slew your male children, but let your femalei live : therein was a great trial from your LORD. And when your LORD declared by the mouth of Moses, saying, If ye be thankful, I will surely increase my favors towards you ; but if ye be ungrateful, verily my punishment shall be severe. And said, If ye be ungrateful, and all who are in the earth likewise ; verily GOD needeth not your thanks, though he deserveth the highest praise. Hath not the history of the nations your predecessors reached you ; namely, of the people of Noah, and of Ad, and of Thamud, and of those who suc- ceeded them ; whose number none knoweth except GOD ? Their apostles came unto them with evident miracles ; but they clapped their hands to their mouths out of indignation, and said, We do not believe the message with which ye pre- tend to be sent ; and we are in a doubt concerning the religion to which ye invite us, as justly to be suspected. Their apostles answered, Is there any doubt concerning GOD, the creator of heaven and earth ? He inviteth you to the true faith that he may forgive you part of your sins, and may respite your punishment, by granting you space to repent, until an ap- pointed time. They answered, Ye are but men, like unto us : ye seek to turn us aside from the gods which our fathers worshipped : wherefore bring us an evident demonstration by some miracle, that ye speak truth. Their apostles replied unto them, We are no other than men like unto you ; but GOD is bountiful unto such of his servants as he pleaseth : and it is not in our power to give you a miraculous demon- stration of our mission, unless by the permission of GOD ; in GOD therefore let the faithful trust. And what excuse have we to allege, that we should not put our trust in GOD ; since he hath directed us our paths ? Wherefore we will certainly suffer with patience the persecution wherewith y AL KORAN. 317 ihall afflict us : in GOD therefore let those put their con fidence who seek in whom to put their trust And those who believed not said unto their apostles, We will surely expel you out of our land ; or ye shall return unto our religion. And their LORD spake unto them by revelation, saying, We will surely destroy the wicked doers ; and we will cause you to dwell in the earth, after them. This shaU be granted unto him who shall dread the appearance at my tribunal, and shall fear my threatening. And they asked assistance of God, and every rebellious perverse person failed of success. Hell lieth unseen before him, and he shall have filthy water given him to drink : he shall sup it up by little and little, and he shall not easily let it pass his throat because of its nauseout- ness ; death also shall come upon him from every quarter, yet he shall not die ; and before him shall there stand pre- pared a grievous torment. This is the likeness of those who believe not in their LORD. Their works are as ashes, which the wind violently scattereth in a stormy day : they shall not be able to obtain any solid advantage from that which they have wrought. This is an error most distant from truth. Dost thou not see that GOD hath created the heavens and the earth in wisdom ? If he please, he can destroy you, and produce a new creature in your stead: neither will this be difficult with GOD. And they shall all come forth into the presence of GOD at the last day : and the weak among them shall say unto those who behaved themselves arrogantly, Verily we were your followers on earth ; will ye not there- fore avert from us some part of the divine vengeance ? They thatt answer, If GOD had directed us aright, we had certainly directed you. It is equal unto us whether we bear our tor. inents impatiently, or whether we endure them with patience for we have no way to escape. And Satan shall say, after judgment shall have been given, Verily GOD promised you a promise of truth : and I also made you a promise ; but I deceived you. Yet I had not any power over you to compel you ; but I called you only, and ye answered me : wherefore accuse not me, but accuse yourselves. I cannot assist you ; neither can ye assist me. Verily I do now renounce your having associated me with God heretofore. A grievous pun- ishment is prepared for the unjust. But they who shall have believed and wrought righteousness shall be introduced into gardens, wherein rivers flow, they shall remain therein for- 218 AL KORAN. rrtr, by the permission of their LORD ; and their salutatioi therein shall be, Peace ! Dost thou not see how GOD putteth forth a parable ; representing a good word, as a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed in the earth, and whose branches reach unto heaven ; which bringeth forth its fruit in all sea- sons, by the will of its LORD ? GOD propoundeth parables unto men, that they may be instructed. And the likeness of an evil word is as an evil tree ; which is torn up from the face of the earth, and hath no stability. 1 GOD shall confirm them who believe, by the steadfast word of faith, both in this life and in that which is to come : but GOD shall lead the wicked into error; for GOD doth that which he pleaseth. Hast thou not considered those who have changed the grace of GOD to infidelity, and cause their people to descend into the house of perdition, namely, into hell ? They shall be thrown to burn therein ; and an unhappy dwelling shatt it be. They also set up idols as co-partners with GOD, that they might cause men to stray from his path. Say, unto them, Enjoy the pleasures of this life for a time; but your depar- ture hence shall be into hett fire. Speak unto my servants who have believed, that they be assiduous at prayer, and gi^e alms out of that which we have bestowed on them, both privately and in public; before the day cometh, wherein there shall be no buying nor selling, neither any friendship. It is GOD who hath created the heavens and the earth ; and causeth water to descend from heaven, and by means thereof produceth fruits for your sustenance : and by his command he obligeth the ships to sail in the sea for your service ; and he also forceth the rivers to supply your uses : he likewise compelleth the sun and the moon, which diligently perform their courses, to serve you ; and hath subjected the day and the night to your service. He giveth you of everything which ye ask him ; and if ye attempt to reckon up the favors of GOD, ye shall not be able to compute the same. Surely man is unjust and ungrateful. Remember when Abraham said, O LORD, make this land a place of security ; and grant that I and ray children may avoid the worship of idols ; for they, LORD, have seduced a great number of men. Who- ever therefore shall follow me, he shall be of me ; and who- soever shall disobey me, verily thou wilt be gracious and merciful. LORD, I have caused some of my offspring to ettle in an unfruitful valley, near thy holy housfc, O LORD, AL KORAN. 219 that they may be constant at prayer. l Grant, therefore, thai the hearts of some men may be affected with kindness tow- ard them ; and do thou bestow on them all sorts of fruits, that they may give thanks. LORD, thou knowest what- soever we conceal, and whatsoever we publish ; for nothing is hidden from GOD, either on earth or in heaven. Praise be unto GOD, who hath given me, in my old age, Israel and Isaac : for my LORD is the hearer of supplication. O LORD, grant that I may be an observer of prayer, and a part of my posterity also, LORD, and receive my supplication. O LORD, forgive me, and my parents, and the faithful, on the day whereon an account shall be taken. 2 Think not, prophet, that GOD is regardless of what the ungodly do. He only deferreth their punishment unto the day whereon men's eyes shall be fixed : they shall hasten forward, at the voice of the angel calling to judgment, and shall lift up their heads ; they shall not be able to turn their sight from the object whereon it shall be faced, and their hearts shall be void of sense, through excessive terror. Wherefore do thou threaten men with the day, whereon their punishment shall be inflicted on them, and whereon those who have acted unjustly shall say, O LORD, give us respite unto a term near at hand ; and we will obey thy call, and we will follow thy apostles. But it shall be answered unto them, Did ye not swear heretofore, that no reverse should befall you ? yet ye dwelt in the dwellings of those who had treated their own souls unjustly ; and it appeared plainly unto you how we had dealt with them ; and we propounded their destruction as exam- ples unto you. They employ their utmost subtlety to oppose the truth ; but their subtlety is apparent unto GOD, who it able to frustrate their designs ; although their subtlety were so great, that the mountains might be moved thereby. Think not, therefore, prophet, that GOD will be contrary to his promise of assistance, made unto his apostles ; for GOD it mighty, able to avenge. The day will come, when the earth shall be changed into another earth, and the heavens into other heavens ; and men shall come forth from their graves to appear before the only, the mighty Goo. 3 And thou shall see the wicked on that day bound together in fetters : their inner garments shall be of pitch, and fire shall cover their faces ; that GOD may reward every soul according to what it shall have deserved ; for GOD is swift in taking an account 120 AL KORAN. This is a sufficient admonition unto men, that they may b warned thereby, and that they may know that there is but one GOD ; and that those who are endued with understanding may consider. CHAPTER XV. INTITLED, AL HEJR ; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THB NAMB OF THE MOST MKROIFUL GOD. AL. R. These are the signs of the book, and of the per- picuous Koran. The time may come when the unbelievers shall wish that they had been Moslems. Suffer them to eat, and to enjoy themselves in this t world; and let hope entertain them, but they shall hereafter know their folly. We have not destroyed any city, but a fixed term of repentance was appointed them. No nation shall be punished before their time shall be come; neither shall they be respited after. The Meccans say, O thou to whom the admonition hath been .-flit down, thou art certainly possessed with a devil: wouldest thou not have come unto us with an attendance of angels, if thou hadst spoken truth ? Answer, We send not down the angels, unless on a just occasion ; nor should they be then respited any longer. We have surely sent down the Koran ; and we will certainly preserve the same from corruption. We have heretofore sent apostles before thee among the an- cient sects : and there came no apostle unto them, but they laughed him to scorn. In the same manner will we put it into the hearts of the wicked Meccans to scoff" at their prophet: they shall not believe on him; and the sentence of the nations of old hath been executed heretofore. If we should open a gate in the heaven above them, and they should ascend thereto all the day long, they should rather say, Our eyes are only dazzled ; or rather we are a people deluded by enchantments. We have placed the twelve signs in the heaven, and have set them out in various figures, for the observation of .spectators : and we guard them from every devil driven away with stones, except him who listeneth bj tealth, at whom a visible flame is darted. 1 We have alsc AL KORAN. 221 pread forth the earth, and thrown thereon stable mountains , and we have caused every kind of vegetable to spring forth in the same, according to a determinate weight : and we have provided therein necessaries of life for you, and for him whom ye do not sustain. There is no one thing but the storehouses thereof are in our hands ; and we distribute net the same otherwise than in a determinate measure. We also gend the winds driving the pregnant clouds, and we send down from heaven water, whereof we give you to drink, and which ye keep not in store. Verily we give life, and we put to death : and we are the heirs of all things. We know those among you who go before ; and we know those who stay behind. And thy LORD shall gather them together at the last day : for he is knowing and wise. We created man of dried clay, of black mud, formed into shape : and we had before created the devil of subtle fire. And remember when thy LORD said unto the angels, Verily I am about to create man of dried clay, of black mud, wrought into shape ; when, therefore, I shall have completely formed him, and shall have breathed of my spirit into him ; do ye fall down and worship him. And all the angels worshipped Adam together, except Eblis, who refused to be with those who worshipped him. And God said unto him, Eblis, what hindered thee from being with those who worshipped Adam? He answered, It is not fit that I should worship man, whom thou hast created of dried clay, of black mud, wrought into shape. God said, Get thee therefore hence : for thou shalt be driven away with stones : and a curse shall be on thee, until the day of judgment. The devil said, O LORD, Give me respite until the day of resurrection: God answered, Verily thou shalt be one of those who are respited until the day of the ap- pointed time. The devil replied, LORD, because thou hast seduced me, I will surely tempt them to disobedience in the earth ; and I will seduce such of them as shall be thy chosen servants. God said, This is the right way with me. Verily at to my servants, thou shalt have no power over them ; but over those only who shall be seduced, and who shall follow thee. And hell is surely denounced unto them all : it hath icven gates ; unto every gate a distinct company of them thai/ be assigned. But those who fear God shall dwell in gardens, amidst fountains. The angels shall say unto them, Enter ye therein in peace and security, and we will remove 222 A.L KORAN. til grudges from their breasts ; they shall be as brethren, sit- ting over against one another on couches; weariness shall not affect them therein, neither shall they be cast out thence forever. Declare unto my servants that I am the gracious, the merciful God; and that my punishment is a grievous punishment And relate unto them the history of Abraham's guests. When they went in unto him, and said, Peace be unto thee, he answered, Verily we are afraid of you : and they replied, Fear not ; we bring thee the promise of a wise son. He said, Do ye bring me the promise of a son now old age hath overtaken me ? what is it therefore that ye tell me ? They said, We have told thee the truth ; be not therefore one of those who despair. He answered, And who de- spaireth of the mercy of GOD, except those who err ? And he said, What is your errand, therefore, messengers of God? They answered, Verily we are sent to destroy a wicked people ; but at for the family of Lot, we will save them all, except his wife ; we have decreed that she shall be one of those who remain behind to be destroyed with the infi- dels. And when the messengers came to the family of Lot, he said unto them, Verily ye are a people who are unknown to me. They answered, But we are come unto thee to execute that sentence, concerning which your fellow-citizens doubted : we tell thee a certain truth ; and we are messengers of vera- city. Therefore lead forth thy family, in some time of the night ; and do thou follow behind them, and let none of you turn back ; but go whither ye are commanded. And we gave him this command ; because the utmost remnant of those people was to be cut off in the morning. And the in- habitants of the city came unto Lot, rejoicing at the news of the arrival of some slrangert. And he said unto them, Verily these are my guests : wherefore do not disgrace me by abus- ing them ; but fear GOD, and put me not to shame. They Answered, Have we not forbidderl thee from entertaining or protecting any man ? Lot replied, These are my daughters : 'herefore rather make use of them, if ye be resolved to do what ye purpose. As thou livest they wander in their folly. Wherefore a terrible storm from heaven assailed them at sunrise, and we turned the city upside down : and we rained on them stones of baked clay. Verily herein are signs unto men of sagacity : and those cities were punished, to point out t right way for men to walk in. Verily herein is a sign AL KORAN. 223 onto the true believers. The inhabitants of tbe wood near Midian were also ungodly. Wherefore we took vengeance on them. And both of them were destroyed, to serve as a manifest rule for men to direct their actions by. And the inhabitants of Al Hejr likewise heretofore accused the mes- sengers of God of imposture : and we produced our signs unto them, but they retired afar off from the same. And they hewed houses out of the mountains, to secure them- selves. But a terrible noise from heaven assailed them in the morning ; neither was what they had wrought of any ad vantage unto them. We have not created the heavens and the earth, and whatever is contained between them, other- wise than in justice: and the hour of judgment shall surely come. Wherefore O Mohammed, forgive thy people with a gracious forgiveness. Verily thy LORD is the creator ofthee and of them, and knoweth what is most expedient. We have already brought unto thee seven verses which are frequently to be repeated, and the glorious Koran. Cast not thine eyes on the good things which we have bestowed on several of the unbelievers, so as to covet the same : neither be thou grieved on their account. Behave thyself with meekness towards the true believers ; and say, I am a public preacher. If they believe not, we witt inflict a like punishment on them, as we have inflicted on the dividers, who distinguished the Koran into different parts, for by thy LORD, we will demand an account from them all of that which they have wrought. Wherefore publish that which thou hast been commanded, and withdraw from the idolaters. We will surely take thy part against the scoffers, who associate with GOD another god ; they shall surely know their folly. And now we well know that thou art deeply concerned on account of that which they say ; but do thou celebrate the praise of thy LORD ; and be one of those who worship ; and serve thy LOED until death shall overtake thee. 184 AL KORAJS. CHAPTER XVI. IHT1TLKD, THE BEE ; REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE If A ME OF THK MOST MERCIFUL GOD. THE sentence of GOD will surely come to be executed wherefore do not hasten it. Praise be unto him! and fai be that from him which they associate with him! He shall cause the angels to descend with a revelation by his command, unto such of his servants as he pleaseth, saying, Preach that there is no GOD, except myself ; therefore fear me. He hath created the heavens and the earth, to mani- fest his justice : far be that from him which they associate with him ! He hath created man of seed ; and yet behold he is a professed disputer against the resurrection. He hath likewise created the cattle for you ; from them ye have wherewith to keep yourselves warm, and other advantages ; and of them do ye also eat. And they are likewise a credit unto you, when ye drive them home in the evening, and when ye lead them forth to feed in the morning: and they carry your burdens to a distant country, at which ye could not otherwise arrive, unless with great difficulty to your- selves ; for your LORD is compassionate and merciful. And he hath also created horses, and mules, and asses, that ye may ride thereon, and for an ornament unto you; and he likewise created other things which ye know not. It apper- taineth unto GOD to instruct men in the right way ; and there is who turneth aside from the same : but if he had pleased, he would certainly have directed you all. It is he who sendeth down from heaven rain water, whereof ye have to drink, and from which plants, whereon ye feed your cattle, receive their nourishment. And by means there- of he causeth corn, and olives, and palm-trees, and grapes, and all kinds of' fruits, to spring forth for you. Surely herein is a sign of the divine power and wisdom unto people who consider. And he hath subjected the night and the day to your service ; and the sun, and the moon, and the stare, which are compelled to serve by his command. Verily herein are signs unto people of understanding. And he AL KORAN. 225 kath also given you dominion over whatever he hath created for you in the earth, distinguished by its different color. Surely herein is a sign unto people who reflect It is he who hath subjected the sea unto you, that ye might eat fish thereout, and take from thence ornaments for you to wear ; and thou seest the ships ploughing the waves thereof, that ye may seek to enrich yourselves of his abundance, by com- merce ; and that ye might give thanks. And he hath thrown upon the earth mountains firmly rooted, lest it should move with you, and also rivers, and paths, that ye might be directed : and he hath likewise ordained marks whereby men may know their way ; and they are directed by the stars. 1 Shall God therefore, who createth, be as he who createth not ? Do ye not therefore consider ? If ye attempt to reckon up the favors of GOD, ye shall not be able to compute their number ; GOD is surely gracious and mer- ciful; and GOD knoweth that which ye conceal, and that which ye publish. But the idols which ye invoke, besides GOD, create nothing, but are themselves created. They are dead, and not living ; neither do they understand when they shall be raised. Your GOD is one GOD. As to those who believe not in the life to come, their hearts deny the plainest evidence, and they proudly reject the truth. There is no doubt but GOD knoweth that which they conceal and that which they discover. Verily he loveth not the proud. And when it is said unto them, What hath your LORD sent down unto Mohammed ? they answer, Fables of ancient times. Thus are they given up to error, that they may bear their own burdens without diminution on the day of resur- rection, and also a part of the burdens of those whom they caused to err, without knowledge. WiU it not be an evil \nirden which they shall bear ? Their predecessors devised plots heretofore : but GOD came into their building, to over- throw it from the foundations; and the roof fell on them from above, and a punishment came upon them, from whence they did not expect.* Also on the day of resurrection he will cover them with shame ; and will say, Where are my companions, concerning whom ye disputed ? Those unto whom knowledge shall have been given shall answer, This day shall shame and misery fall upon the unbelievers. They whom the angels shall cause to die, having dealt unjustly with their own souls, shall offer to make their peace t 16 ZZO AL KORAN. the article of death, laying, We have done no evil. But tht angels shall reply, Yea; verily GOD well knoweth that which ye have wrought : wherefore enter the gates of hell, therein to remain forever; and miserable shall be the abode of the proud. And it shall be said unto those who shall fear God, What hath your LORD sent down ? They shall answer, Good ; unto those who do right shall be given An excellent reward in this world ; but the dwelling of the next life shall be better; and happy shall be the dwelling of the pious ! namely gardens of eternal abode, into which they shall enter ; rivers shall flow beneath the same ; there- in shall they enjoy whatever they wish. Thus will GOD recompense the pious. Unto the righteous, whom the angels shall cause to die, they shall say, Peace be upon you ; enter ye into paradise, as a reward for that which ye have wrought. Do the unbelievers expect any other than that the angels come unto them, to part their souls from their bodies,' or that the sentence of thy LORD come to be executed on them ? So did they act who were before them ; and GOD was not unjust towards them in that he destroyed them ; but they dealt unjustly with their own souls : the evils of that which they committed reached them ; and the divine judgment which they scoffed at fell upon them. The idola- ters say, If GOD had pleased, we had not worshipped any- thing besides him, neither had our fathers : neither had we forbidden anything, without him. So did they who were before them. But is the duty of the apostles any other than public preaching? We have heretofore raised up in every nation an apostle to admonish them, saying, Worship GOD, and avoid Taghut. And of them there were some whom GOD directed, and there were others of them who were decreed to go astray. Wherefore go through the earth, tribe of Koreish, and see what hath been the end of those who accused their apostles of imposture. If thou, prophet, dost earnestly wish for their direction ; verily GOD will not direct him whom he hath resolved to lead into error; neither shall they have any helpers. And they wear most solemnly by GOD, saying, GOD will not raise the dead. Yea; the promise thereof is true :- but the greater part of men know it not. He will raise them that he may clearly show them the truth concerning which they now disagree, and that the unbelievers may know that they are AL KORAN. 227 liars. Verily our speech unto anything, when we will the same, it, that we only say unto it, Be ; and it is As for those who have fled their country for the sake of Gor, after they had been unjustly persecuted ; we will surely provide them an excellent habitation in this world, but the reward of the next life shall be greater; if they knew it. They who persevere patiently, and put their trust in their LORD, shall not fail of happiness in this life and in that which is to come. We have not sent any before thee, as our apostles, other than men, unto whom we spake by revelation. Inquire therefore of those who have the custody of the scriptures, if ye know not this to be truth. We sent them with evident miracles, and written revelations ; and we have sent down unto thee this Koran, that thou mayest declare unto mankind that which hath been sent down unto them, and that they may consider. Are they who have plotted evil against their prophet secure that GOD will not cause the earth to cleave under them, or that a punishment will not come upon them, from whence they do not expect ; or that he will not chastise them while they are busied in travelling from one place to another, and in traffic ? (for they shall not be able to elude the power of God,) or that he will not chastise them by a gradual destruction ? But your LORD is truly gracious and merci- ful in granting you respite. Do they not consider the things which GOD hath created ; whose shadows are cast on the right hand and on the left, worshipping GOD, and become contracted*? Whatever moveth both in heaven and on earth worshippeth GOD, and the angels also ; and they are not elated with pride, so as to disdain his service: they fear their LORD, who is exalted above them, and perform that which they are commanded. GOD said, Take not unto yourselves two gods ; for there is but one GOD : and revere me. Unto him belongeth whatsoever is in heaven and on earth ; and unto him is obedience eternally due. Will ye therefore fear any besides GOD ? Whatever favors ye have received are certainly from GOD ; and when evil afflicteth you, unto him do ye make your supplication ; yet when he taketh the evil from off you, behold, a part of you give a companion untc their LORD, to show their ingratitude for the favors we have bestowed on them. Delight yourselves in the enjoyments of this life : but hereafter shall ye know? f28 AL KORAN. that ye cannot escape the divine vengeance. And they set apart unto idols which have no knowledge a part of the food which we have provided for them. By GOD, ye shall eurely be called to account for that which ye have falsely devised. They attribute daughters unto GOD (far be it from him !) but unto themselves children of the sex which they desire. And when any of them is told the news of the Irirth of a female, his face becometh black, and he is deeply afflicted : he hideth himself from the people, because of the ill tidings which have been told him ; considering within himself whether he shall keep it with disgrace, or whether he shall bury it in the dust. Do they not make an ill judgment? Unto those who believe not in the next life, [he similitude of evil ought to be applied, and unto GOD the most sublime similitude : for he is mighty and wise. If GOD should punish men for their iniquity, he would not leave on the earth any moving thing : but he giveth them respite unto an appointed time ; and when their time shall come, they shall not be respited an hour, neither shall their punishment be anticipated. They attribute unto GOD that which they dislike themselves, and their tongues utter a lie ; namely, that the reward of paradise is for them. There is no doubt but that the fire of hell is prepared for them, and that they shall be sent thither before the rest of the wicked. By GOD, we have heretofore sent messengers unto the nations before thee : but Satan prepared their works for them ; he was their patron in this world, and in that which is to come they shall suffer a grievous torment. We have not sent down the book of the Koran unto thee, for any other purpose, than that thou shouldest declare unto them that truth concerning which they disagree ; and for a direction and mercy unto people who believe. GOD sendeth down water from heaven, and causeth the earth to revive after it hath been dead. Verily herein is a sign of the resurrection unto people who hearken. Ye have also in cat- tle an example of instruction : we give you to drink of that which is in their bellies ; a liquor between digested dregs, and blood ; namely, pure milk, which is swallowed with pleasure by those who drink it. And of the fruits of palm-trees, and of grapes, ye obtain an inebriating liquor, and also good nourishment. Verily herein is a sign unto people who understand. Thy LORD spake by inspiration AL KORAN. 229 unto the bee, faying, Provide thee houses in the mountains, and iu the trees, and of those materials wherewith men build hives for thee : then eat of every kind of fruit, and walk in the beaten paths of thy LORD. There proceedeth from their bellies a liquor of various color, wherein it a medicine for men. Verily herein is a sign unto people who consider. GOD hath created you, and he will hereafter cause you to die : and some of you shall have his life prolonged to a decrepit age, so that he shall forget whatever he knew ; for GOD is wise and powerful. GOD causeth some of you to excel others in worldly possessions : yet they who are caused to excel do not give their wealth unto the slaves whom their right hands possess, that they may become equal sharers therein. Do they therefore deny the beneficence of GOD ? GOD hath ordained you wives from among your- selves, and of your wives hath granted you children and grand-children ; and hath bestowed on you good things for food. Will they therefore believe in that which is vain, and ungratefully deny the goodness of GOD ? They worship, besides GOD, idols which possess nothing wherewith to sus- tain them, either in heaven, or on earth ; and have no power. Wherefore liken not anything unto GOD : for GOD knoweth, but ye know not. GOD propoundeth as a parable a pos- sessed slave, who hath power over nothing, and him on whom we have bestowed a good provision from us, and who giveth alms thereout both secretly and openly: shall these two be esteemed equal ? GOD forbid ! But the greater part of men know it not. GOD also propoundeth as a par- able two men ; one of them born dumb, who is unable to do w understand anything, but is a burden unto his master whithersoever he shall send him, he shall not return with any good success : shall this man, and he who hath his speech and understanding, and who commandeth that which is just, and followeth the right way, be esteemed equal ? Unto GOD alone is the secret of heaven and earth known. And ehe business of the last hour shall be only as the twinkling of an eye, or even more quick : for GOD is almighty. GOD hath brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers ; ye knew nothing, and he gave you the senses of hearing and leeing, and understandings, that ye might give thanks. Do they not behold the fowls which are enabled to fly in the pen firmament of heaven ? none supporteth them except 230 AL KORAff. GOD. Venly herein are signs unto people who believe, GOD hath also provided you houses for habitations for you ; and hath also provided you tents of the skins of cattle, which ye find light to be removed on the day of your depar- ture to new quarters, and easy to be pitched on the day of your sitting down therein: and of their wool, and their fur, and their hair, hath he supplied you with furniture and house- hold-stuff for a season. And GOD hath provided for you, of that which he hath created, conveniences to shade you from the sun, and he hath also provided you places of retreat in the mountains, and he hath given you garments to defend you from the heat, and coats of mail to defend you in your wars. Thus doth he accomplish his favor towards you, that ye may resign yourselves unto him. But if they turn back, verily thy duty is public preaching only. They acknowl- edge the goodness of GOD, and afterwards they deny the same ; but the greater part of them are unbelievers. On a certain day we will raise a witness out of every nation : then they who shall have been unbelievers shall not be suf- fered to excuse themselves, neither shall they be received into favor. And when they who shall have acted unjustly shall see the torment prepared for them ; (it shall not be mitigated unto them, neither shall they be respited) : and when those who shall have been guilty of idolatry shall see their false gods, they shall say, O LORD, these are our idols which we invoked, besides thee. But they shall return an answer unto them, saying, Verily ye are liars. And on that day shall the wicked offer submission unto GOD ; &nd the false deities which they imagined shall abandon them. As for those who shall have been infidels, and shall have turned aside others from the way of GOD, we will add unto them punishment upon punishment because they have cor- rupted others. On a certain day we will raise up in every na- tion a witness against them, from among themselves ; and we will bring thee, Mohammed, as a witness against these Ara- bians. We have sent down unto thee the book of the Koran, for an explication of everything necessary both as to faith and vractice, and a direction, and mercy, and good tidings unto the Moslems. Verily GOD cominandeth justice, and the doing of good, and the giving unto kindred what shall be necessary ; and he forbiddeth wickedness, and iniquity, and oppression: he admooisheth you that ye may remembo.r. 1 AL KORAN. 231 Perform yout .xmvenant with GOD, when ye enter into cov enant with him ; and violate not your oaths, after the rati fication thereof; since ye have made GOD a witness over you. Verily GOD knoweth that which ye do. And be not like unto her who undoeth that which she hath spun, un- twisting it after she hath twisted it strongly ; taking your oaths between you deceitfully, because one party is more numerous than another party. Verily GOD only tempteth you therein ; and he will make that manifest unto you, on the day of resurrection, concerning which ye now disagree. If GOD had pleased, he would surely have made you one people : but he will lead into error whom he pleaseth, and he will direct whom he pleaseth ; and ye shall surely give an account of that which ye have done. Therefore take not your oaths between you deceitfully lest your foot slip, after it hath been steadfastly fixed, and ye taste evil in thit life, for that ye have turned aside from the way of GOD -. and ye suffer a grievous punishment in the life to come. And sell not the covenant of GOD for a small price ; for with GOD is a better recompense prepared for you, if ye be men of understanding. That which is with you will fail ; but that which it with GOD it permanent : and we will surely reward those who shall persevere, according to the utmost merit of their actions. Whoso worketh right- eousness, whether he be male or female, and is a true be- liever, we will surely raise him to a happy life ; and we will give them their reward, according to the utmost merit of their actions. When thou readest the Koran, have recourse unto GOD, that he may preserve thee from Satan driven away with stones ; he hath no power over those who believe, and who put confidence in their LORD ; but his power is over those only who take him for their patron, and who give com- panions unto God. When we substitute in the Koran an abrogating verse in lieu of a verse abrogated (and GOD best knoweth the fitness of that which he revealeth), the infideU say, Thou art only a forger of these verses : but the greater part of them know not truth from falsehood. Say, The holy spirit hath brought the same down from thy LORD with truth ; that he may confirm those who believe, and for a direction and good tidings unto the Moslems. We also know that they say, Verily, a certain man teacheth him to compote (Ac Koran. The tongue of the person unto whom they incline 232 AL KORAN. b a foreign tongue ; but this, wherein the Koran is written, is the perspicuous Arabic tongue. 1 Moreover as for those who believe not the signs of GOD, GOD will not direct them, and they shall suffer a painful torment: verily they imagine a falsehood who believe not in the signs of GOD, and they are really the liars. Whoever denieth GOD, after he hath be- lieved, except him who shall be compelled against his will, and whose heart continueth steadfast in the faith, shall be teverely chastised: but whoever shall voluntarily profess in- fidelity, on those shall the indignation of GOD fall, and they shall suffer a grievous punishment. 2 This shall be theii sen- tence, because they have loved the present life above that which is to come, and for that GOD directeth not the unbe- lieving people. These are they whose hearts, and hearing, and sight, GOD hath sealed up ; and these are the negligent : there is no doubt but that in the next life they shall perish. Moreover thy LORD will be favorable unto those who have fled their country, after having suffered persecution, and had been compelled to deny the faith by violence, and who have since fought in defence of the true religion, and have per- severed with patience; verily unto these will thy LORD be gracious and merciful, after they shall have shown their sin- cerity. On a certain day shall every soul come to plead for itself, and every soul shall be repaid that which it shall have wrought ; and they shall not be treated unjustly. GOD pro- poundeth as a parable a city which was secure and quiet, unto which her provisions came in abundance from every side ; but she ungratefully denied the favor of GOD : wherefore GOD caused her to taste the extreme famine, and fear, because of that which they had done. And now is an apostle come unto the inhabitants of Mecca from among themselves; and they ccuse him of imposture : wherefore a punishment shall be inflicted on them, while they are acting unjustly. Eat of what GOD hath given you for food, that which is lawful and good ; and be thankful for the favors of GOD, if ye serve him. He hath only forbidden you that which dieth of itself, and blood, and swine's flesh, and that which hath been slain in the name of any, besides God. But unto him who shall be compelled by necessity to eat of these things, not lusting nor wilfully transgressing, GOD will surely be gracious and merciful. And say not that wherein your tongues utter a lie ; This is lawful, and this is unlawful ; that ye may devise A I. KORAN. 288 a lie concerning GOD : for they who devise concerning GOD shall not prosper. They shall have small enjoyment in thit world, and in that which is to come they shall suffer a griev- ous torment. Unto the Jews did we forbid that which we have told thee formerly: and we did them no injury in that respect; but they injured their own souls. Moreover thy LORD will be favorable unto those who do evil through igno- rance, and afterwards repent and amend : verily unto these will thy LORD be gracious and merciful, after their repent- ance. Abraham was a model of true religion, obedient unto GOD, orthodox, and was not an idolater : he was also grateful for his benefits : wherefore God chose him, and directed him into the right way. And we bestowed on him good in this world ; and in the next he shall surely be one of the right- eous. We have also spoken unto thee, Mohammed, by revelation, saying, Follow the religion of Abraham, who was orthodox, and was no idolater. The sabbath was only ap- pointed unto those who differed with their prophet concerning it ; and thy LORD will surely judge between them, on the day of resurrection, as to that concerning which they differed. Invite men unto the way of thy LORD, by wisdom, and mild exhortation ; and dispute with them in the most condescend- ing manner : for thy LORD well knoweth him who strayeth from his path, and he well knoweth those who are rightly directed. If ye take vengeance on any, take a vengeance proportionable to the wrong which hath been done you ; but if ye suffer wrong patiently, verily this will be better for the patient. Wherefore, do thou bear opposition with patience ; but thy patience shall not be practicable, unless with GOD'S assistance. And be thou not grieved on account of the unbe- liever* ; neither be thou troubled for that which they sub tilely devise ; for GOD is with those who fear him, and ar* pright. 234 AL KORAN. CHAPTER XVH. WTITLKD, THE NIGHT JOURNEY;, REVEALED AT MECCA. IN THE NAME OF THE MOST MBBCIFDL GOD. PRAISE be unto him who transported his servant by night, from the sacred temple of Mecca to the farther temple of Jerusalem, the circuit of which we have blessed, that we might show some of our signs ; for God is he who heareth, and seeth. And we gave unto Moses the book of the law, and appointed the same to be a direction unto the children of Israel, commanding them, saying, Beware that ye take not any other patron besides me. O posterity of those whom we carried in the ark with Noah : verily he was a grateful servant. And we expressly declared unto the chil- dren of Israel in the book of the law, saying, Ye will surely commit evil in the earth twice, and ye will be elated with great insolence. 1 And when the punishment threatened for the first of those transgressions came to be executed, we sent against you our servants, endued with exceeding strength in war, and they searched the inner apartments of your houses ; and the prediction became accomplished. Afterwards we gave you the victory over them, in your turn, and we granted you increase of wealth and children, and we made you a more numerous people, saying, If ye do well, ye will do well to your own souls ; and if ye do evil, ye will do it unto the same. And when the punishment threatened for your latter transgression came to be executed, we sent enemies against you to afflict you, and to enter the temple, as they entered it the first time, and utterly to destroy that which they had conquered. 2 Perad venture your LORD will have mercy on you hereafter : but if ye return to transgress a third time, we also will return to chastise you ; and we have appointed hell to be the prison of the unbelievers. Verily this Koran direct- eth unto the way which is most right, and declareth unto the faithful, who do good works, that they shall receive a great reward ; and that for those who believe not in the life to come, we have prepared a grievous punishment. Man pray- eth for evil, as he prayeth for good ; for man is hasty. 3 We AL KORAN. 285 have ordained the night and the day for two signs of our power: afterwards we blot out the sign of the night, and we cause the sign of the day to shine forth, that ye may endeavor to obtain plenty from your LORD by doing yow business therein, and that ye may know the number of years, and the computation of time ; and everything necessary have we explained by a perspicuous explication. The fate of every man have we bound about his neck ; and we will pro- duce unto him, on the day of resurrection, a book wherein hit actions shall be recorded: it shall be offered him open, and the angels shall say unto him, Read thy book ; thine own soul will be a sufficient accountant against" thee, this day. 1 He who shall be rightly directed, shall be directed to the advan- tage only of his own soul ; and he who shall err shall err only against the same : neither shall any laden soul be charged with the burden of another. We did not punish any people, until we had first sent an apostle to warn them. And when we resolved to destroy a city, we commanded the inhabitants thereof, who lived in affluence, to obey our apostle ; but they acted corruptly therein : wherefore the sentence was justly pronounced against that city ; and we destroyed it with an utter destruction. And how many generations have we con- sumed since Noah ? for thy LORD sufficiently knoweth and seeth the sins of his servants. Whosoever chooseth this tran- sitory life, we will bestow on him therein beforehand that which we please ; on him, namely, whom we please : after- wards will we appoint him hell for his abode ; he shall be thrown into the same to be scorched, covered with ignominy, and utterly rejected from mercy. But whosoever chooseth the life to come, and directeth his endeavor towards the same, being also a true believer ; the endeavor of these shall be acceptable unto God. On all will we bestow the blessing* of this life, both on these and on those, of the gift of thy LORD ; for the gift of thy LORD shall not be denied unto any. Behold, how we have caused some of them to surpass others in wealth and dignity : but the next life shall be more considerable in degrees of honor, and greater in excellence. Set not up another god with the true GOD, lest thou sit down in disgrace, and destitute. Thy LORD hath commanded that ye worship none besides him; andthat ye show kindness unto your parentsj whether the one of them, or both of them attain to old age with thee. Wherefore, say not unto them, Fie on 236 AL KORAN. you! neither reproach them, but speak respectfully unto them and submit to behave humbly towards them, out of tender af- fection and say, LORD, have mercy on them both, at they nursed me when I was little. Your LORD well know- eth that which is in your souls ; whether ye be men of in- tegrity : and he will be gracious unto those who sincerely re- turn unto him. And give unto him who is of kin to you his due, and also unto the poor, and the traveller. And waste not thy substance profusely : for the profuse are brethren of the devils : and the devil was ungrateful unto his LORD , But if thou turn from them, in expectation of the mercy which thou hopest from thy LORD ; at least, speak kindly unto them. And let not thy hand be tied up to thy neck ; neither open it with an unbounded expansion, lest thou be-- corne worthy of reprehension, and be reduced to poverty Verily thy LORD will enlarge the store of whom he pleaseth, and will be sparing unto whom he pleaseth ; for he knoweth and regardeth his servants. Kill not your children for fear of being brought to want ; we will provide for then? and for you ; verily the killing them is a great sin. Draw not near unto fornication ; for it is wickedness, and an evil way. Neither slay the soul which GOD hath forbidden you to slay, unless for a just cause ; and whosoever shall be slain un- justly, we have given his heir power to demand satisfaction; but let him not exceed the bounds of moderation in putting to death the murderer in too cruel a manner, or by revenging his friend's blood on any other than the person who killed him; since he is assisted by this law. And meddle not with the substance of the orphan, unless it be to improve it, until he attain his age of strength : and perform your covenant ; for the performance of your covenant shall be inquired into here- after. And give full measure, when you measure aught; and weigh with a just balance. This will be better, and more easy for determining every man's due. And follow not that whereof thou hast no knowledge ; for the hearing, and the sight, and the heart, every of these shall be examined at the last day. Walk not proudly in the land, for thou canst not cleave the earth, neither shalt thou equal the mountains in stature. All this is evil, and abominable in the sight of thy LORD. These precepts are a part of the wisdom which thy LORD hath revealed unto thee. Set not up any other god