LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF THE BANCROFT LIBRARY. Class (J j BY ALICE M. LONG, D. P. AUTHOR OF TRIUNE LIFE CULTURE, APPLES OF GOLD, ETC. REVISED EDITION CHICAGO, ILL. M. A. LONG BOOK AND PUBLISHING HOUSE LONDON, ENGLAND L. N. FOWLER & CO. 1906 COPYRIGHT, 1904 COPYRIGHT, 1906 BY ALICE M. LONG "That which befits us, embosomed in beauty and wonder as we are, is cheerfulness and courage, and the endeavor to realize our aspirations." Emerson. 229506 To my dear mother whose courage, cheerfulness and sympathy have always been a never-failing source of inspiration, and to the thousands of women, wed or unwed, whether social devotees or housewives; whether pursuing a business or professional career, and who feel the awaken- ing of a desire to enter into the realm of nobler purpose, perfect health, and higher and more uniform development, this little book is lovingly dedicated. CONTENTS. Page INTRODUCTION 19 THE IRRESISTIBLE SMILE 25 How to have a beautiful, youthful mouth. BEAUTIFUL, LAUGHING EYES 26 The eyes telltales. A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL FACE 30 CHASING AWAY TROUBLES 32 Disagreeable guests The corresponding nerve centers of brain and stomach, bowels, etc. THE NEW WOMAN SWEET, WHOLESOME, FASCI- NATING 36 The woman whom everybody loves The new facial expression. TABLE CHEER 41 The effect of mind upon digestion and assimilation The best appetizer ever de- vised The sleep producer Getting your- self right inside Your influence over others. TH HUSH OF NIGHT THE INBREATHING OF HEALTH, LOVE AND BEAUTY WHILE SLEEPING. 44 The silent hour The mirror smile What happens during sleep The evening relaxa- ation Vibration of thought from one mind to another The world, bright and beautiful. THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY 53 i o Contents Page THE SUNSHINE LABORATORY 54 NATURE'S ROSES FOR THE CHEEKS AND OTHER BEAUTY CHARMS 54 The pure delight of a child is yours Thought breathing Healing forces. MRS. SUNSHINE, THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL 58 The daily outing Cobwebs brushed away The mountain top Mrs. Riches. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CLEANLINESS 62 The bath Sponge, vapor and tub Delight- ful accessories to the bath A bath for blues and wakefulness The bowels Symptoms ?nd diseases Cause The heal- ing power within Dr. Charles Gilbert Davis and Dr. Rush on mind therapy. LIFE ESSENTIALS 69 The healthy plant and its care Fresh air, sunshine, water and food The healthy woman your model The tree Headaches, disordered stomach, and constipation. THE ENCHANTED ROAD 75 Bright goals High ideals. THE TRANSFORMATION OF A WOMAN 75 Quality of food required Coffee and tea habit The development of happiness Husband and wife harmonious. EATING: How, MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT.. 78 Mastication Digestion Assimilation The Man and the Doughnuts Women and Luncheon Large eaters in a state of starvation Light eaters starving body Contents 1 1 Page and brain Your fire-box Quality of food Dainty service Meat Position at table How to create an appetite. THE DAILY REJUVENATION 85 The effect of a smile New elasticity of muscles The daily treatment. How TO DRINK WATER: A CURE FOR CONSTIPA- TION 87 Iced drinks Thoughts become deeds How to make new, rich blood. MANIPULATION or THE BOWELS 90 The house-cleaning process. How TO INCREASE OR REDUCE FLESH 91 A FEW REMARKS REGARDING SLEEPLESSNESS 93 Hunger and wakefulhess Relaxation. How TO MASTER THE EMOTIONS MAGIC WORDS FOR THE COMPLEXION 94 Fear, worry, anger Rapid transformation of character Mental, moral, physical and spiritual tonic. How TO OVERCOME FACIAL CONTORTIONS 96 The Squint Bunny Inhalation Relaxation Repose of the muscles The develop- ment of grace, beauty and youth. THE SWEETEST FACE IMAGINABLE 98 Rounded cheeks, tenderly curved lips and beautifully expressive eyes. THE CURE EOR PAINFUL AND IRREGULAR PERIODS. 99 Regulation of the bowels Daily treatment Surprising results in a comparatively short 1 2 Contents Page time Never a headache, backache nor pain. THE JOY OF LIVING 102 Your beauty and powers of fascination. DEEP BREATHING AND MENTI-PHYSICAL CULTURE 102 Many and elaborate exercises not necessary How to make all tasks lighter Re- newal of life, strength and beauty The new-born infant's first act Fresh air and sunshine the essence of life Breathing with a purpose. LUNG GYMNASTICS 109 Breathing second-hand air Nature's great- est tonic. THE LUNG BATH in New life springs into action. PACKING THE LUNGS 113 Every portion of the living tissues of the lungs aroused to healthful activity. THE UPPER RIGHT AND LEFT EXPANSION 114 Brighter eyes, better complexion, etc. BRACE UP, SIT UP, STAND UP. 1 16 Pressure upon the internal organs Corsets, and paralysis of muscles Ill-health and deformity of children. PHYSICAL EXERCISES , 1 18 Uniform development The cultivation of all that is highest Mind, the leader Pressure and lesions Mind and move- ments in harmony Desire; attention and expectation, Contents 1 3 Page THE SARA BERNHARDT EXERCISES 126 Relieving pressures Relaxation of muscles Development of bust. You FEEL LIKE A GIRL AGAIN 132 LANGTRY'S RECIPE FOR REMAINING YOUNG 132 Shapely hips Leg development Ankles. EXERCISES FOR CONSTIPATION 138 Relaxing the abdominal muscles. WAIST-LINE GYMNASTICS 138 Normal development of waist and hips. CHAIR EXERCISE 149 Action upon the eliminative organs. HORIZONTAL CHINNING 149 LEG GYMNASTICS 150 THE DOOR- WAY EXERCISES 150 Exercise of all muscles Bust development. LEG AND BACK DEVELOPMENT 155 SITTING AND RISING 156 THE ELEVATOR 156 Normal development of hips and reduction of abdomen. THE KNEE-BEND 161 Strengthening back and legs Decreasing obesity. SHOULDER MOVEMENTS , 161 Development of chest Remedy for round shoulders. 1 4 Contents Page THE FINGER GRIP 162 ARM MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT 162 Lifting ribs Strengthening thorax. THE STRETCHING PROCESS : INCREASING THE HEIGHT 165 THE RUBBER BALL FOR SLUGGISH LIVER 166 THE BUST : How TO DEVELOP IT 167 The well-sexed woman and a beautiful bust Effect of the emotions upon the female organs Special exercises and treatment. NECK DEVELOPMENT 168 A beautiful, round, firm neck. THE BALL EXERCISE FOR THE FACE 169 You are becoming beautiful and fascinating. DEVELOPING EXERCISES FOR USE IN OFFICE AND HOUSE 169 The most arduous tasks become easy and pleasant Deliberation, calmness and pa- tience are yours Household duties con- verted into fascinating physical culture exercises. THE POWER OF A SWEETLY MODULATED VOICE: How TO CULTIVATE IT 171 A lesson from nature's sweet music One of the most important things a pleasing voice The caressing voice in man Its danger The wonderful powers of fascination in a woman's voice Voice indicative of char- acterSpecial voice culture. Contents 1 5 Page PEARLS AND DIAMONDS OF SPEECH 179 Sweet, pure tones shall be as music. THE TOILET 180 Beauty from within, out. How TO DRESS COMFORTABLY AND BECOMINGLY.. 181 Winter underwear Tight clothing Pres- sure upon nerves, muscles and internal organs Comfortable footwear The gown, cut, color Harmony of dress with com- plexion and form Your own style and color. MAN'S FAVORITE COLOR 183 The color that will make you look younger -T-How to dress when making a business call Gloves and shoes The cost of being untidy The gain in being neat. THE TEETH 186 A few reminders The dentist How to clean the teeth. CARE OF THE HANDS AND NAILS 187 The hands are an index to character Good, strong, clean and helpful Nour- ishing food and improvement to the nails Local application for hands and nails How to learn to be your own manicure. THE HATR 190 Cleanliness The best shampoo How to prevent the hair from falling out- How to promote its growth Treat- ment for hair turning gray A harmless naturalizer Dressing the hair a study 1 6 Contents Page How to make a pompadour with your own hair A recipe for keeping the hair in curl. THE FACE 196 An outward expression of inner calm Soaps Local applications and massage The ball manipulation How to wipe out lines Pure, cold creme How to dry the face The morning milk bath for the face A remedy for making the complexion clear and the skin velvety Substitute for soap. PRESCRIPTIONS FROM THE SUNSHINE DISPENSARY, 201 Nature's tonics. THE ABSORPTION LIGHT CURE 201 Something better than Radium or X-Ray Almost a cure-all. THE INTERNAL TONIC 203 The more frequent the doses the more bene- ficial the results. THE MID-DAY PRESCRIPTION 204 A renewal of the mental and physical ener- gies. THE DEVELOPMENT TONIC 204 A wonderful cure for distracted mind Soothing to the nerves Sleep promoter An introduction to yourself. A BEAUTIFUL FACE THE EXPRESSION OF NOBLE THOUGHT 205 Your remarkable improvement New life My Lady Beautiful. ILLUSTRATIONS. Page THE IRRESISTIBLE SMILE 23 LAUGHING EYES 27 WINSOME WOMAN 37 MEDITATION 45 THE MIRROR SMILE 49 THE FORM SUPERB 55 THE ENCHANTED ROAD 73 CORRECT POSITION 103 BERNHARDT EXERCISE Ai 119 BERNHARDT EXERCISE Aa 121 BERNHARDT EXERCISE A3 123 BERNHARDT EXERCISE B 127 BERNHARDT EXERCISE Ci 129 BERNHARDT EXERCISE 2 133 BERNHARDT EXERCISE 3 135 WAIST-LINE EXERCISE i 139 WAIST-LINE EXERCISE 2 141 WAIST-LINE EXERCISE 3 143 HORIZONTAL CHINNING i 145 HORIZONTAL CHINNING 2 147 LEG GYMNASTICS 151 B 1 8 Illustrations Page LEG AND BACK DEVELOPMENT 153 SITTING AND RISING : 157 THE ELEVATOR 159 THE KNEE-BEND 163 CROWN OF GLORY 191 INTRODUCTION. There came to the author several years ago, as a burst of sunshine, an inspiration born of the Spirit of All Good, that which resolved itself into a steady, glowing light which flooded her whole being, leading her into the way of love, peace, health and suc- cess. Feeling that this radiance should not be hid "under a bushel/' but should be set out in such manner as to make it a guiding star for those who are seeking something better, higher and of a more satisfying and perma- nent character than neighborhood gossip, worry, ill health, etc., she has offered a mes- sage which she believes w r ill be helpful to every woman into whose hands this little book may chance to come. In every phase of society, from the highest to the lowest, there are those who are ever groping and reaching upward toward the 2O Introduction light, like the little seed in the darkness of the soil, needing only to come forth where it may drink the dewdrops, bathe in the re- freshing showers, feel the caressing touch of the breeze and receive the kiss of the life-giv- ing sun to make it blossom into a thing of marvelous beauty. Society women, women of culture and re- finement, business and professional women, housewives, clerks, stenographers and sales- women have alike felt the thrill of the new life as it struggles to break the bonds of weariness, despondency and ill health, and come forth into the sunshine; but there is needed a little stirring of the soil, a gentle rainfall, a little more warmth to loose it from its prison and develop it into a glow- ing, radiant, dazzling, wholesome, helpful personality. This message, thrilling with love, joy and thankfulness for the revelation of the more beautiful and spiritual in life, is written to the ill, the weary, the despondent and all Introduction 2 1 those in sorrow and pain, each word being fraught with the warmest desire that it may do for others what it has done for the writer. To read the lessons on higher develop- ment, to practice the new menti-physical cul- ture and to observe the hints for the toilet is to restore health, renew youth, to make the woman of forty far more fascinating than the girl of sixteen, and to give constant ex- pression to life as it really should be. It is plain, right to the point in every par- ticular, practical in the highest degree, equal- ly helpful to maid and matron, to her who contemplates marriage, to the mother and grandmother, every line sparkling with rich gems of truth and helpful suggestions. THE IRRESISTIBLE SMILE MY LADY BEAUTIFUL. THE IRRESISTIBLE SMILE. Now, I want you to smile. O, that isn't enough. Smile again. Smile until you laugh. Continue to smile for just two min- utes. Perhaps this is tHe first time in months that you have relaxed the muscles of your face by looking pleasant, but I'm sure you feel better already; and allow me to whisper in your ear that this is one of the principal secrets of being beautiful and fascinating. Why, do you know, a woman's genuine, healthy smile, or a genuine woman's healthy smile any way you choose to have it is simply irresistible to the man who is a man ? Now that you've smiled a while, I venture to say that you've called up a cheerful men- tal picture. Why, you simply can't help it when you're wearing this cheerful expres- sion. 26 My Lady Beautiful Go to the mirror at once and smile your very sweetest at yourself. There, now, be honest; don't you already look well, at least several months younger than you did about fifteen minutes ago? I know you do because O, well, if you'll just stop to think a moment your reason will tell you that while you're smiling, or even just looking pleasant, the corners of your mouth curve upward, the only way to have a beautiful, youthful looking mouth; and that horrid, disfiguring frown will disappear, for a frown never can keep company with a smile. Somehow it never seems to feel just at home on a facial map where a smile is flit- ting more than occasionally. And would you believe it? When the lips curve up- ward the eyes become brighter, softer and far more expressive. BEAUTIFUL, LAUGHING EYES. You've doubtless heard of laughing eyes. Well, they are just about the most beautiful LAUGHING EYES My Lady Beautiful 29 you'll find, and you can have them just as well as Mrs. Van Scott, whom, you know, everybody loves because of her genuine cheerfulness. She may hide her face, with the exception of her eyes, behind her fan and yet you know she's smiling. However, if you want your eyes to laugh you've got to start the good feeling away down inside, and somehow it always bubbles up and makes itself felt and heard and gets up into the windows where it may be seen. Have you ever thought what telltales the eyes are anyway? If you're sad, or glad, or if you feel ugly towards someone, or if you're telling a fib, they'll divulge the se- cret every time, it makes no difference how hard you try to keep it under cover. So the only sure way to have beautifully expressive eyes is to be honest and happy inside. Now, just smile again, please. I'm not taking your picture, nor am I a photog- rapher, but I want you to be your own pho- tographer and practice on yourself so that 30 My Lady Beautiful you may become naturally and constantly pleasant. To be a good musician or artist, or, to be- come proficient in any particular line, disci- pline and practice are necessary. The dra- matic reader thinks nothing of practicing for hours, weeks and months to attain the cor- rect facial expression for a particular part or parts ; and I am sure you will be willing to do that by which you may attain beauty, happiness and success ; nor will you find it a difficult task. Neither are the methods mechanical as in music, dramatic art, etc., though even these should not be to such an extent as they are today but with music and art we need not here concern ourselves. A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL FACE. If you have compared your old, every-day face with the new, smiling one you will, of course, no longer care to wear that horrid scowl. You know it is not becoming, so you are going to begin at once the attain- My Lady Beautiful 31 ment of a beautiful new face that will pos- sess a permanent charm. Of course, the change may now seem to you a little dif- ficult, but it is much easier than you would imagine ; and, besides, to follow up the mat- ter will be one of the most fascinating things of which you have ever dreamed. Why, to watch the development of this new face is like watching the growth of a beautiful plant. But you will understand there must be a good foundation laid for this facial de- velopment, without which there can be no permanency in the change. This is the rea- son why the woman who patronizes the beauty doctors, and receives simply local treatment and makes local applications of cosmetics, does not derive benefit of a more permanent character. O, there are so very many important things to tell you I scarcely know where to begin. Of course, you have been thinking all 32 My Lady Beautiful the while Of the smile and how much prettier and sweeter you are going to be with it, but you must think of nice, pure and pleas- ant things in order to make it natural. CHASING AWAY TROUBLES. O, yes, I know you have your troubles and some of them are genuine, but, then, what a lot of them are counterfeit, actually without foundation, when you come to think of it. Even so; they will stay with you as long as they are tolerated. Suppose, how- ever, a lot of rude children should come into your house, run up stairs and down, break your valuable vases, jump on your furniture, scratch your costly library table, tear your choice books, and rack your nerves. "O, I wouldn't allow it," you say. "I'd send them out and not admit them again." Of course you would, and this would be the proper step. Now, that is just what you must do with the rioters which have, some- how, been admitted into your mind and are My Lady Beautiful 33 playing havoc, with not only your mental faculties, but with every part of your anat- omy; and especially with the digestive, as- similative and generative organs. They have disorganized the working chemical forces of the body, have produced pressure here and there upon the sensitive nerves, clogged the circulation, contracted muscles, and are con- stantly causing the most dreadful pains and, sometimes, serious illness, and yet you allow them to remain. Yes, I know you have never realized that such a thing as a "little trouble" could do so much harm, but I shall give you just one illustration to convince you of this fact and then I'm going to tell you how you need no longer be hostess for such disagreeable guests. Suppose you've been out for a delightful walk or drive, or have been working for pleasure in that charming little flower gar- den, or in some other way have created a good, healthy appetite so that you feel as 34 My Lady Beautiful if you could eat a farmer's dinner, and then, just as you are about to sit down to the table, a messenger boy comes, bringing- bad news. Xow, what happens? Why, you can't eat a mouthful. In a moment this change has been wrought. When you tell Mrs. Smith, who lives next door, does it affect her in this manner? Not at all. She expresses sympa- thy for you, of course, but at the same time does justice to the leg of mutton, the Eng- lish pudding, etc., that are before her. "Why is this so?" you ask. Well, the news does not particularly impress- itself upon the mind of Mrs. Smith, as your fam- ily affairs are of no direct interest to her. It does make a deep impression upon your mind, sufficient, perhaps, to even cause a shock; but, be that as it may, there are nerve centers for stomach, bowels and the other functioning organs of the body, which nerve centers all have connection with the brain. Every impression upon the mind af- fects in a proportionate degree the nerve My Lady Beautiful 35 centers and these in turn increase or decrease the working capacity of the various organs with which they are connected. You may readily understand, then, how dependent is the body upon the mental condition ; and as it may be affected to illness by adverse thoughts, so may it become healthy by bright, cheerful and happy thoughts, pro- vided hygienic laws are also observed. You should realize, too, that if bad news pro- duces the effect just mentioned, the truth of which our most prominent physicians are agreed upon, the adverse impression indulged in for a prolonged period will produce a chronic physical condition, and thus is brought on constipation (the cause of the majority of ills), dyspepsia, sleeplessness and yes, I do not hesitate to say it female trouble, and a vast number of other ills. You don't want to be tormented daily with these horrid things? Of course not. They spoil your temper, your complexion and your form and, if unmarried, your chances for 36 My Lady Beautiful getting a husband. Worse than all, if you are wedded and a mother, they drive your husband to the club, if not to worse places, cause your children to become disrespectful, unruly, and produce in them an extreme dis- like for home. So, now, for the recipe. Bear in mind, the secrets I am telling you are going to make you O, I can't say how much younger and more beautiful if you'll only faithfully practice the instructions. They are just as easy well, much easier than practicing fear, anger and worry and a lot of other things that are extremely harmful ; and what is still better, you can do a great deal nearly all of your practicing while going about your duties. THE NEW WOMAN SWEET, WHOLESOME AND FASCINATING. I'm sure you're smiling now .just for the joy of knowing that you have at last found something that is going to make you a new woman; not the mannish new woman about whom we have heard so much, nor the new WINSOME WOMAN My Lady Beautiful 39 woman with all the sweetness crushed out ; but the sweet, pure, healthy, wholesome and fascinating woman with more of love and sympathy the dainty woman whom every- body loves. I want you to begin at once this very evening to attain the innocent charms so dear to the true, womanly woman. First, see that before the setting of the sun, your mind is in a calm and peaceful state. If you have spoken unjustly or in an- ger to anyone during the day make your peace with that person. I have heard persons say that their pride would not allow them to make an apology even when it seemed due. This feeling is not pride but cowardice or malice. You should be so proud of your womanliness, should have so much self- respect, that, should you at any time so far forget your dignity as to conduct yourself in an unwomanly manner, either by word or deed, you would make every effort in the least possible time 40 My Lady Beautiful to express your regret for your unkindness. But I shall not dwell on this point, for the time will come to you, and soon, when these things which now vex you will seem very insignificant and you will wonder how you could have been so foolish as to be annoyed by them. Soon, too, you will be careful to avoid saying or doing anything that will hurt another. My dear, many are the ways in which true womanliness expresses itself. Since you have been practicing the smile, you will greet every member of the family this evening as they come in from their re- spective duties with this new facial expres- sion. True, if you have not been accustomed to it, it will seem a little awkward at first ;but never mind; smile will answer smile, and you will not be long alone in this upward curving of the lips. The others may look at you the first, and perhaps the second and third, evening in a wondering manner, but they will fall in line without a doubt, and My Lady Beautiful 41 then the next thing in order will be a cheer- ful circle about the dinner table. TABLE CHEER. I'm glad I spoke of dinner, because if there is a time or place above all others .where pleasant thoughts and cheerful con- versation should be indulged in, it is at the table. The old proverb says, "Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith than a house full of sacrifices with strife." Again, "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is. than a stalled ox and hatred therewith." This old writer doubtless well understood the effect of the mind upon the assimilation of food. Indeed, it is better not to eat at all than to eat while angry or adversely ex- cited, for every mouthful taken under such conditions is a tax upon the di- gestive organs, an effect similar to that just described in connection with bad news being the result. Nor should one eat while greatly fatigued mentally or physically. 42 My Lady Beautiful Again, if you have had any petty trifles during the day of a worrying nature, don't, and I emphasize it, rehearse them either mentally or to any member or members of the family. By doing so you unconsciously exaggerate them to yourself, without benefit- ing in the slightest degree any person or per- sons. On the other hand, if something of a pleasant character has been brought to your attention, tell it when you are all together and add as many furbelows and frills as you like, keeping inside the boundaries of truth. I am confident something pleasing to you has occurred, but suppose you didn't just happen to catch it today; then spend a moment in reading a funny anecdote and create an atmosphere of pleasantry by reciting that. The others will fall in line and you'll have a compound of cheer and good will, a better tonic and appetizer than anything ever de- vised by chemist. You've made a splendid start and it has worked like a charm, hasn't it ? Now, after My Lady Beautiful 43 the evening meal, just forget all about your- self for a while and do some little kind act for, or speak an encouraging word to some- one. Don't you know that you and the other person will sleep the better for it? Of course, you needn't go out on the street corners and tell everyone you see that you've turned over a new leaf and that you are going to do this thing and the other to bring happiness to the world. It is all right to be earnest and enthusiastic, but the best and surest way to accomplish results along this line is to go about it quietly, getting yourself right inside, clearing your own house of all rubbish, as it were; you should cease complaining; don't speak at all of your ills; but never miss an opportunity of saying how well you are feeling; and don't, please don't, allow people to tell you that you are not looking well. Pursue this course, and, believe me, your friends will soon be talking of your wonderfully improved condi- tion, and with good reason, too. 44 My Lady Beautiful The time will come, also, when you will be amazed at the number of delightful per- sons you meet, the influence you have over others and the vast amount of good you are doing in a quiet, unostentatious manner. When this time does come, and even long before, you need not question yourself as to what steps should be taken in order to be helpful. Innumerable opportunities for con- tributing to the happiness of others will pre- sent themselves and you will avail yourself of them without question or debate, taking them simply as a matter of course. THE HUSH OF NIGHT: THE INBREATH- ING OF HEALTH, LOVE AND BEAUTY WHILE SLEEPING. Now comes, probably, the most important time to you. The hush of night is over all. You have retired to your room. It is a time for meditation. This is your silent hour. During this period do not allow yourself to be disturbed by the entrance of another. Have your room thoroughly ventilated. MEDITATION My Lady Beautiful 47 Now, stand for a moment before the mirror and try again the effect of the smile. Then comfortably seat yourself, relax, and men- tally pass over all the pleasant events of the day, summing up every incident that has been helpful to you as well as all that you have done to make life brighter for others. Study yourself during this time of medita- tion that you may better understand how to gain strength of character. -After retiring and when the lights are out, then it is as if you were in the very presence of the Di- vine Power, the Holy Spirit, who is ready to guide, to uplift and strengthen you at the very moment you are willing to receive. None of us know what sleep is. We know that the physical part of our being obtains its needed rest, but we do not know where the soul, the mind or spirit are, nor what they are doing. I do know this, however: that, after reaching a certain stage of devel- opment, which you, too, may attain by the observance of these teachings, great benefit 48 My Lady Beautiful during the sleeping hours, more than you have ever dreamed of, will result. Of course, you will have only pleasant thoughts as you recline on your bed or couch, lying comfortably at full length on your back for a few minutes ; and it is best, by all means, to thoroughly relax yourself. In- deed, this is necessary if you would be in a receptive state, which condition is certainly conducive to greater results. It is quite easy to relax after a little prac- tice, if you will simply let go of yourself. Close your eyes easily, as if going to sleep; allow the arms to lie at the sides parallel with the body. Inhale gently, but deeply once exhale slowly repeat twice, thrice, mentally saying : "I am quiet and easy all over. Every muscle is relaxed, mind and body are in har- mony and I am resting quietly from my head to my feet." O, what a delicious sense of comfort and restfulness now steals over you. You raise TIIIv MIRROR SM1LD My Lady Beautiful 51 your arms and they fall again to the sides as would those of a sleeping infant if you were to lift and then let go of them. O, the delightful calmness of it all ! Now you will say : "The world is bright and beautiful. I love it. I am growing stronger, happier, better even now I feel what a delight it is to live and what a joy it is to be helpful. Tonight, while my physical being rests in slumber, the real I will gain in strength, patience, grace and purity. Lessons of love and helpfulness will be given me and when the morning comes I will feel myself greatly strengthened for the day's duties. Before slumber comes upon me I desire, too, that the thoughts of love and comfort which I am now thinking may go out during the hours of sleep to those whom I would help." (These persons you may particularize, if you wish, and it is even better so.) If there is one whom, for any reason, you cannot easily approach during your waking hours, and yet whom you wish 52 My Lady Beautiful to help, the name of this person may be spoken with the others. "How do you know this is effectual?" you ask. My answer is, / have demon- strated it many, many times, and though I may not be able to explain it as clearly to you as I would like, it is to me a fact which needs no other proof than my greater ability to help others and the far greater degree of sweetness and fullness of life. Why should not the vibrations of thought in one mind pass to another mind to which they are di- rected, as do the vibrations from one station to another in the wireless system of teleg- raphy? It is not at all unreasonable, no more so than the traveling of heat and sound vibrations. Be this as it may, this practice has brought me more and more closely to the Divine, as it will you, dear one, until the inbreathing becomes a prayer to God and the outbreath- ing a grateful recognition of life with all its blessings. My Lady Beautiful 53 THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY. When you awake in the morning it will be with such a lightness of heart, such joy in the realization of renewed health and strength that you will smile and smile spon- taneously. Then, before rising, and while resting quietly, you may say : "I shall go today into the presence of friends and loved ones knowing that I have greater strength and courage; knowing that I shall take advantage of the many opportu- nities to create a brighter atmosphere about me. I shall have a smile, a word of cheer, for those whom I know. The dumb brute shall have my sympathy and wherever pos- sible my help. I shall seek the beautiful and good today; I know I shall find them in the people whom I meet, in the sky, the trees, the water, and all about me. From all these I shall gather strength and courage." After rising you may say : 54 My Lady Beautiful "As I stand before the open window I am breathing love, health and happiness." THE SUNSHINE LABORATORY. What a delightful day it will be. Suppose the sky is overcast with clouds. You know the sun is still shining as brightly as ever and will soon reappear in all its great blaze of glory. Even should it hide its face for sev- eral days, you are now becoming independent of it to a certain extent, for you know you have a little sunshine laboratory within, all your very own, that will enable you to turn out at will scintillations that will lighten ev- erything about you; yes, a steady glow, such as will never fail to cheer your friends and dear ones and to attract also to you those who are bright and happy. NATURE'S ROSES FOR THE CHEEKS AND OTHER BEAUTY CHARMS. To partake of the beauties of nature, to hear the songs of the birds, the ripple of the THE FORM SUPERB My Lady Beautiful 57 water, the rustling of the leaves, to watch the ever- varying tints of the sky; or, when winter claims his own, to enjoy the crisp, invigorating air, to look upon the. snow-clad trees a picture to which even the hand of a master could do slight justice to bring the color to your lips, the roses to your cheeks ; to study your fellow beings, to lift your heart to the Divine Creator of all, you must leave for a time the walls of your dwelling. Now that you are out, you feel again the pure delight that was yours when a child. O, the joy of it! You want to skip and dance and run and shout, perhaps. And why shouldn't you in some such manner give ex- pression to the happiness, the new life that is now yours ? Your lips are unconsciously curving up- ward, and no mistake. Your eyes are spark- ling and laughing, and as you inhale deeply and slowly you are saying to yourself : "As I inbreathe the pure, fresh air the gift of the Father I am taking into my be- 58 My Lady Beautiful ing renewed energy, new life, and all is ease and harmony." (Breathe with this thought whenever opportunity affords.) Of course you are better after this for the circulation of the blood is becoming normal ; the little cells are stirred to proper activity; the muscles have become more elastic, cheer- ful thoughts are directed to all parts of the body and you are coming into touch with nature, all of which healing forces no chem- ist in the land, with all his research and ex- periments, can surpass or nearly approach, and, what is of vastly greater importance, these natural remedial agents are ever at your command. MRS. SUNSHINE, THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL. You are feeling better, much better, after your little visit to the outer world, aren't you? And I want you to say this to your- self, over and over: "I am better, better, brighter and stronger. Brightness and hap- piness are mine." My Lady Beautiful 59 You must get out every day, if only for ten minutes. If this one outing has so greatly benefited you, a daily jaunt will have a most marked effect. Yes, you have time. You must take it. Why, don't you know that you have accom- plished far more today than you did yester- day, and is it not because the cobwebs have been brushed away, as- it were ? Your mind is clear and you are enabled to perform your duties more quickly, intelligently and sys- tematically. You become selfish, too, when you con- stantly shut yourself in from the world. To see how others live, to become interested in your fellow-beings with the desire to be help- ful, will not only better your life, but broad- en as well the home life, bringing into it joys heretofore undreamed of. Your little, nar- row circle isn't the only one in the world. Go to the mountain top or around the moun- tain and you will learn that your little valley, beautiful though it may seem to you, does 60 My Lady Beautiful not contain all there is of life. Go back to it, then, if you desire, but after once partak- ing of the good that other and more produc- tive fields have to offer, you will return richer, wiser, and better in every way. Yes, even in this one little trip you have come back with a bit of sunshine, new and pleasant thoughts, and an uplifting of the mental, moral and spiritual nature. While out, you doubtless observed a cer- tain woman of beautifully proportioned form, wonderful grace of movement, spark- ling eyes, glowing expression; in short, one who was the embodiment of perfect woman- hood. As you 'looked upon this lovely crea- ture, you compared her with Mrs. Riches, thin, stooped, with dragging steps, dull eyes, muddy complexion, ugly blotches on the skin, and a general air of utter weariness. You know she is constantly complaining, sees always the dark side of things, takes little or no interest in her husband's busi- ness, invariably uses car or carriage, though My Lady Beautiful 61 the distance she wishes to be conveyed may not be over a quarter of a mile, fears fresh air, drafts and exercise as she would death itself. Happy ! she does not know the mean- ing of the word. You know her well, do you not? Now, answer truthfully, which one of these women would you rather be like; Mrs. Riches with her millions, or Mrs. Sunshine, full of life, beauty, happiness? Of course, you would prefer to be like the latter; especially is this true since you know something of the new life, and it may be as you wish. You have made a splendid beginning; but you must each day renew your thoughts, your desires, your expecta- tions and your energies, that you may be- come a healthy, well developed, happy woman. 62 My Lady Beautiful INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CLEANLINESS. THE BATH. You must be clean! It seems scarcely necessary to speak of the bath, yet many overlook the importance of bathing and frequent change of clothing. A warm tub bath should be taken at the very least once or twice a week during the winter, and more frequently during the summer, while a sponge bath should be taken every day in the year. Once you have become accustomed to it, you feel you cannot do without it. Now and then a hot-air or vapor bath, except where there is heart trouble, is exceedingly beneficial, as it opens the clogged pores of the body and allows the poisonous accumulations to escape. A tub bath should never be taken just before or after a meal. An hour, at least, should intervene. The sponge bath should be taken upon My Lady Beautiful 63 arising immediately after the morning physi- cal culture exercises and with the window still open, though you should not stand di- rectly in a draft. The time necessary for a bath of this kind should not exceed three minutes. If you have not tried the "sponge," you cannot imagine how refreshing and in- vigorating it is. When I speak of the sponge or hand bath, reference is had to the bath taken by dipping the hands into a bowl of cold water and rubbing the body quickly and vigor- ously until every portion has been gone over. If your vitality is low, commence with a good rubbing with hands or Turkish towel, keeping this up every morning for a week or more until your body shall have become accustomed to the air, the system "toned up" and the vitality increased, when you will be in condition to use tepid water, after which the cold bath may be taken without shocking the nervous system. There are many delightful accessories to 64 My Lady Beautiful the bath which are both cleansing and re- freshing and which may be varied to suit your desire and convenience. A good handful of salt added to the water now and then acts as a tonic. The juice of one or two lemons cleanses the pores and imparts renewed strength to the body. Lit- tle bags of bran or oatmeal in the bath water will make the skin velvety and fresh- en you wonderfully. I cannot refrain from giving the follow- ing prescription, said to be given by an old physician and which is claimed to be a sure remedy for the "blues" and wakefulness: "Take of sea salt four ounces, spirits of ammonia two ounces, spirits of camphor two ounces, of pure alcohol eight ounces, and sufficient hot water to make a full quart of the liquid. Dissolve the sea salt in the hot water and let stand until cool. Pour into the alcohol the spirits of ammonia and camphor. Add the salt water, shake well, and bottle for use. With a soft sponge My Lady Beautiful 65 dipped in this mixture wet over the surface of the whole body. Rub vigorously until the skin glows." THE BOWELS. And now, what of the inside, the stomach, the bowels, are they clean? Are they per- forming properly their respective functions ? If not, you are unclean internally and you need seek no further for the cause of many of your ills, such as headache, catarrh, rheu- matism, poor appetite, sleeplessness, painful periods, and other ills too numerous to men- tion; and instead of taking this and that drug for these symptoms, you should do something to remove the cause of your trouble. You cannot be beautiful and fascinating if you are not healthy. You cannot be healthy if the organs of assimilation and elimination are not properly performing their functions. Any piece of machinery of which you may 66 My Lady Beautiful be the possessor is oiled and well taken care of. Your rooms and closets are thor- oughly cleansed; the ashes and cinders re- moved from the furnace or stove; but you abuse your stomach by almost literally throwing into it great unmasticated pieces of meat and other foods, and numerous irri- tating condiments, thus daily taxing it be- yond its normal capacity. Your bowels are allowed to become clogged and to remain uncleansed for days, weeks, yes, and even years, until they are forced to cease func- tioning at all, death being the result ; or, in their effort to properly perform their duties, pain is produced, though you seldom heed the warning, and when you do, it is in such a manner as to make it all the more difficult to obtain permanent relief. The strong and patent medicines which you take act in most instances only as opiates, deadening or paralyzing the nerves of sensation to such an extent that you flatter yourself for a time you are cured. Then what happens ? Why, My Lady Beautiful 67 the same trouble returns in a more exagger- ated form, or a new symptom or so-called disease makes its presence felt, while the cause of all your suffering still exists. Nature asks many times only for an op- portunity to readjust matters, to have a thor- ough housecleaning, as it were, while you aggravate the trouble by forcing upon the already over-burdened stomach and bowels foods and drugs. As to the latter, it stands to reason, does it not, that, if you are suffering from rheumatism, we will say, and the cause of the rheumatism is an abnormal or clogged condition of the bowels, a prescription for this symptom, or disease if you so choose to call it, does not remove the cause, as thousands of people who have suffered from this trouble for several months or even twenty-five or thirty years, will testify. I do not say that the services of physicians are never needed, for this would not be true, but I do say that many, many people form 68 My Lady Beautiful a habit of taking medicines, patent and oth- erwise, without giving nature a fair chance to act and making absolutely no effort on their own part to restore or maintain health. When you shall have realized that there is that within you which will, with the ob- servance of hygiene, in the majority of cases, restore you to a normal condition, you will find it much easier to maintain health. Dr. Charles Gilbert Davis, a well-known physician of Chicago, made this statement in a magazine article : "Digestion, appetite, cir- culation of the blood, secretion, excretion, strength, nutrition, all, everyone of these, are influenced by what we think." Dr. Rush, founder of the first dispensary in the United States, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and a noted author of medical works, even in his time, recognized the wonderful effect of the mind over the physical condition. He said : "In neglecting the systematic and scientific em- ployment of mental influence in the course of My Lady Beautiful 69 disease, medical practitioners throw aside a weapon for combating it, more powerful than all the drugs in the Pharmacopoeia." Thus you will realize that it is of the utmost importance to maintain at all times a cheer- ful and healthy mental poise. LIFE ESSENTIALS. That is a beautiful plant you have in the window; so healthy and such a rich green. You must have seen to it that it was placed in an environment adapted to its needs and that it receives its daily portion of water. Of course, you would think me very foolish should I insinuate that your plant would flou^Pf without proper attention. Why, just think of it for a moment. This little plant surely requires at least a half pint of water each day, besides the nourishment it receives from the soil, and it must also have sunshine and fresh air. Suppose you neglect to supply it with water for a week or two; what happens? Well, it wouldn't 70 My Lady Beautiful make much of a showing even should it sur- vive. Now, your own requirements are similar to those of the plant. You, too, need fresh air, sunshine, and nourishment in the way of pure water and substantial food. These are the absolute essentials of life, and if you restrict yourself in the use of any one of them short of the demands of the body in just that proportion do you cut off life. If you go out at all, you will of necessity breathe some fresh air, get some exercise, and, as the sun shines on the just and unjust alike, you cannot altogether fail to receive its life-giving qualities, but you may de- prive yourself of water, with the exception of the small proportion in the various articles of food, and that would indeed be small if you were eating for the most part those of a starchy character, from which lack of fluids you will greatly suffer. The point I wish to make is this : If you want to be a healthy woman you must eat My Lady Beautiful 71 and drink as a healthy woman does. If you would become like Mrs. Sunshine you must live as she does. You have doubtless noticed a certain tree, the topmost branches of which are dying. Now, don't jump to the conclusion that the trouble lies in that particular part of the tree, unless you know there are in- sects or caterpillars at that point. The cause of this withering is at the roots, through which the fluids and the nourish- ment from the soil are taken up. The tree, however, is located where the soil does not retain .moisture and it is dying for want of water, and, naturally, the more tender part or the parts most remote from the source of supply are the ones to earliest succumb. Headaches are most frequently caused from disordered stomach or irregularity of the bowels, and these troubles, particularly the latter, are the result generally of insuffi- cient fluids. You would consider it very absurd should 72 My Lady Beautiful some one suggest that you give your plant a thimbleful of water, and yet you think nothing of allowing yourself a less quantity in proportion to your size. This lack of fluids, too, in the system, produces in time a horrid greenish-yellow complexion or a lack of color, and a dry, parchment-like skin. So, to overcome these troubles, you must get more water into your system. "Don't like it," you say? O, but you will, for this dislike is but the result of an ab- normal condition and you are going to prac- tice just what I shall tell you, now that you understand the situation, because you have quite decided to become healthy, charming and beautiful. What I shall ask of you is just as easy as well, the easiest thing you may have to do and you will find it as you grow healthier, stronger and brighter becoming more and more fascinating each day. THE ENCHANTED ROAD My Lady Beautiful 75 THE ENCHANTED ROAD. I'm sure you can scarcely imagine what delights will be revealed to you, but I know. I started on this same route some time ago and there hasn't been a day since that I haven't found it simply enchanting. Why, you will want to keep on and on, once you get in the right path, and you'll never tire of it because you know there's always some- thing just ahead that may be yours for an- other higher thought, one more step, a put- ting forth of the hand. But for these bright goals ahead, these high ideals, we never should advance and could not possibly realize the true joy of living. THE TRANSFORMATION OF A WOMAN. Now, the quantity of water or fluids re- quired by the human being depends some- what upon the age and weight, the child, of course, needing less than the adult; but the My Lady Beautiful average adult should drink from eight to twelve glasses full every twenty-four hours. Yes, I know you have not been drinking more than one glass a day, and sometimes only one in several days. Your 'complexion and the texture of the skin reveal that much ; but you must remember the plant, the tree and Mrs. Sunshine. I know, too, that you have been drinking several cups of coffee or tea each meal. Would you believe it, one of the most com- plicated cases I have ever had was a woman who, when she came to me for treatment, had been drinking, on an average, eleven cups of coffee daily and scarcely any water. I was not surprised that she was suffering from indigestion, constipation, headache, backache, bloating of the stomach, extreme nervousness, painful periods, insomnia, fear and melancholia and such a muddy com- plexion, coarse skin and hanging chin had she that I'm sure you wouldn't wonder at her Expression of mingled worry, irritabil- My Lady Beautiful 77 ity and cynicism had you seen her. It was not long, however, after commencing the course of treatments, that her friends began to comment on her improved appearance and before she had completed the course some of her acquaintances who had not seen her for several months scarcely recognized her, so great was the change. Even I, who saw her three times each week, almost marveled at the rapid transformation. From a complain- ing, pessimistic, rather gross woman, she be- came gentle, patient, bright and entirely well. She lost her surplus flesh, her form be- coming normally and beautifully propor- tioned, the triple chin disappeared, the pores of the skin contracted to the proper de- gree, the complexion became clear and rosy and the general expression of her face was that of a woman of much refinement. I shall not soon forget how, after several treatments, she would come into the office saying, "O, you don't know how happy I am now and my home life is so much pleasanter. 7 8 My Lady Beautiful My husband and I are getting along more harmoniously than ever before, and my music teacher cannot understand why it is that I am doing so much better in my work. She says there is a wonderful improvement in self-confidence and concentration." Again she would come in like a sudden burst of sunshine, her eyes sparkling, her face wreathed with smiles, and exclaim, "If you continue to make me happier I don't know what's going to become of me." To be sure, this woman had to "cut down" on coffee and tea. At first, the limit was three cups daily, then one, with a propor- tionate increase of water. EATING: HOW, MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT. There are four things regarding the mat- ter of eating which cannot be overlooked if you are seeking health, namely; the quality of the food, its thorough mastication, diges- tion and assimilation. My Lady Beautiful 79 The manner in which the majority of per- sons eat and I hope you are not of the num- ber especially in the large cities, is appall- ing. Men are more subject to criticism on this point than are women. They rush to a lunch counter, call for a roll or a piece of bakery pie and a cup of coffee and one would scarcely realize that they had been served before they are on their way out, almost on a run. A gentleman acquaintance was one day complaining of great distress of the stomach and incidentally remarked that as his time was limited he ate for luncheon three dough- nuts (bakery goods) and drank a cup of cof- fee. When asked why he had not eaten rolls instead of "greasy" doughnuts he replied that he did not have time to butter them. Like hundreds of others, this man had the mistaken idea that it was better to actually throw something into the stomach, regard- less of mastication, simply because it was the usual luncheon hour. He did not even con- 8o My Lady Beautiful sider that it would have been far better to eat one doughnut and masticate it thoroughly than to send three down in great pieces to the poor, abused stomach. Doubtless you have known persons to get up several hours before their regular time in order to catch a train and, though not at all hungry, eat a large breakfast, be- cause they might not have another opportu- nity to eat before midday. I have seen women clerks and stenogra- phers sit down to a luncheon consisting of meat, potatoes, bread, pickles, cake, pie, cof- fee and salad, perhaps adding to this a dish of ice cream, and eat it all in the time re- quired by another to dispose of only a side dish of vegetables, a slice of good entire wheat bread and a serving of fruit. The former were eating an outdoor laborer's por- tion of food, not taking into consideration that, improperly masticated as it was, and leading a sedentary life as they were, this placing upon the stomach such a task was My Lady Beautiful 81 one against which, sooner or later, it would rebel. The rapid eater almost invariably partakes of an over supply of food, taxing the stom- ach to such an extent that it cannot supply the necessary fluids for the proper care of this abnormal quantity. Thus it is that many large eaters are in a constant state of starvation, and so it is that indigestion and constipation, with all their train of evils, are frequently produced. However, I cannot refrain from saying that thous- ands are starving both body and brain by eating too little. The engine will serve to illustrate the point. The machinery may be in perfect condition, clean, and well oiled. The valves and various other parts may be adjusted and yet it does not move. Why? Because there is no steam. And why is this ? Well, the fireman failed to supply the firebox with coal, without which there is no motive power. Now, if you do not supply your fire- 82 My Lady Beautiful box the stomach with a sufficient quan- tity of fuel of the proper kind food and water that which will furnish to the body blood and tissue, life, energy and motive power, it cannot carry on its necessary func- tions. The tree, again, will serve as another illustration. Deprived of water and the nu- trition which it ordinarily receives from the soil it soon dies. So it is clear that, in order to maintain life and health, you must eat and thoroughly masticate a reasonable quan- tity of nutritious food. As to quality, it is important that you should eat plain, substantial food, served in a dainty and appetizing manner. As to whether it be a meat, vegetable or fruit diet, you must, to a great extent, be your own judge. The occupation and daily habits have much to do with this. In my opinion, entirely too much meat is eaten. In fact, I believe the majority of persons would be healthier without it, providing nutritious vegetables, fruits, and nuts in moderation, My Lady Beautiful 83 were substituted. If you are on the farm, pursuing the ordinary duties of the farmer's wife, meat may be indulged in several times a week and thoroughly digested, but, if your occupation confines you to the house or office, it may well be omitted. If you are an early riser and your tasks begin soon after getting up, continuing throughout the day, you should not do with- out breakfast. Your physical range must be supplied every morning with fuel before it can be of service. Even the animals are begging for their portion before you are up, and it is cruelty to deprive your body of that which it requires for its healthful mainten- ance. To be sure, if your daily tasks are very light, if you arise late, say ten o'clock, then the luncheon may easily serve for two meals, the heavier meal coming at the close of the day. Never eat, as before stated, while in a state of undue mental excitement or when bodily or mentally fatigued. It is impos- 84 My Lady Beautiful sible for the food to digest under such con- ditions, as there is a decrease of the saliva and other fluids necessary to this important function. As has already been said, cheerful thoughts and cheerful conversation should accompany the eating, and I am confident you will put this in practice every day and every meal, now, that you understand the beneficial results to the functioning organs. Sit erect at table, as your stomach cannot perform its duty while that portion of the body above it drops down and presses upon it. The digestive organs must have the space allowed by nature in which to properly carry on their work. Eat slowly and masticate every mouthful of food to a fluid. If you will follow these two rules there is little danger of overeating. As the mind plays a most important part in the work of the digestive and assimila- tive functions, it is helpful to mentally say when eating (until a normal condition has My Lady Beautiful 85 been produced), "This food will agree with me. It will make new, rich blood, generate strength and make me healthy. I will mas- ticate every mouthful to a pulp that it may pass to the stomach in a condition to be properly cared for. By masticating thor- oughly, the saliva is increased, thus assisting in the digestion and assimilation. I know, too, that I must eat a sufficient quantity of food of a nourishing character to make me strong and healthy. I am hungry and enjoy every mouthful because I know it will not only strengthen the body, but the brain as well, and will produce hope, ambition and high aspirations." THE DAILY REJUVENATION. You have an intimation of the wonder- fully rejuvenating effect of the smile which last night and this morning you experiment- ed upon; you realize in a slight degree the helpfulness of the pleasant thoughts and the invocation for self and others as indulged in 86 My Lady Beautiful before sleep came to you. You feel a new elasticity of the muscles since your walk in God's pure, health-giving air your air and you are now more than willing to spend five or ten minutes this afternoon, providing you are not employed in some business or profession taking you away from home, in the manner hereafter indicated. Should your time not be your own during the day, take some time in the evening. De- cide upon an hour most convenient for you, a period when least likely to be disturbed, and under no circumstances allow anything to turn you from this part of your daily pro- gram. Hold these five or ten minutes as sa- cred to the cause to which you have assigned them. Go to your room, place yourself in a re- cumbent position, close the eyes and relax as you did last night. Say, as you did then, "I am quiet and easy, easy, easy and calm. Mind and body are in perfect harmony. I am growing bet- My Lady Beautiful 87 ter, brighter, stronger and happier. New and beautiful things in life are being re- vealed to me and as I live in harmony with the laws of nature, health will be restored entirely and happiness and success will be mine in full measure. I realize that, to at- tain the highest and best m life mentally, morally and spiritually, the foundation must be a strong and healthy body, for it is that through which the real I must function. To attain health I must partake of the life essen- tials air, sunshine, food and water, in pro- portion to the needs of the body. Every day I shall exercise in the fresh air and sunshine ; I shall eat nourishing food and drink an abundance (at least two quarts) of good, pure water." HOW TO DRINK WATER: A CURE FOR CONSTIPATION. At this point a little explanation is nec- essary. Don't, at first, drink a glassful of water at once, but sip it slowly, sipping 88 My Lady Beautiful many, many times during the day. Neither should you drink iced water, iced tea nor other excessively cold fluids, as sudden changes of temperature cause a benumbing effect upon the walls of the stomach, render- ing- it unfit for efficient service. Whatever you may be doing in the house or office, you can, in all probability, have a glass of water at your side, from which you may sip at frequent intervals, mentally suggesting the result desired. That "thoughts become deeds" is a fact as true as life itself; and that which you suggest or repeat again and again to your- self, with the desire and expectation of ful- fillment, will surely come to pass. Thus, you may readily understand w T hy it is of value in sipping the water to accompany the act with the thought or auto-suggestion of the physical condition which you are desirous of producing; so in this daily self -treatment you should continue in this manner : "Every sip that I take will increase assim- My Lady Beautiful 89 ilation and elimination. Every time I sip I shall say to myself, this will give me a good, healthy appetite and I shall be hungry, hungry, hungry for each meal and every mouthful of food I eat will taste good and digest thoroughly." (Greater emphasis will be given the suggestion by placing the hand on the stomach when speaking of the di- gestion.) "Every sip of water I take will increase the power of assimilation by cre- ating a greater supply of gastric juice." (Commence with the water before breakfast by having a. glassful on your dresser, sipping it as you dress. If you desire, you may drink a cup of chocolate or milk at breakfast. These, and soup at dinner, are counted as a part of the two quarts of fluids for the day. A portion of the water you will drink be- tween breakfast and luncheon, between luncheon and dinner, before going to bed and a little at meal time.) "While eating I shall say to myself, this food will make new, rich blood and give 90 My Lady Beautiful me greater strength and endurance. I shall feel hungry, hungry, hungry every morning ; for the body must be supplied with nour- ishment, as the engine is supplied with coal, that the machinery may be kept in working order. "With every sip of water I drink I shall think, this is to increase the action of the bowels (place your hand over the bowels). Tomorrow morning at (select a convenient time and keep every engagement with your- self) they will move freely, freely and nat- urally." Soon the bowels will obey the di- rection of the mind and properly perform their function. MANIPULATION OF THE BOWELS. To further increase the action, each day while taking the general treatment and while in the relaxed state, flex the knees (draw them up towards the body, letting the soles of the feet rest on the couch) and, commenc- ing at the lower right hand side of the bow- My Lady Beautiful 91 els, close to the ilium, gently, but deeply, manipulate upward until about on a line with the navel; then move transversely in the same manner and down on the left side to the lower pafrt of the bowels. Repeat this several times. Then, placing the palm over the bowels, press gently, moving the hand without raising it so as to describe a circle, from right to left, over the entire bowel re- gion. You, need not be surprised nor alarmed if, after several treatments, your bowels should move a number of times in one day. This is frequently the case, but it will be a cause for rejoicing as the "house- cleaning" process will be only the more quickly performed. HOW TO INCREASE OR REDUCE FLESH. It may seem somewhat strange to you that the process, in part, for gaining in weight may be employed also for the reduc- tion of obesity, but it is logical and in ac- 92 My Lady Beautiful cordance with natural laws, it being neces- sary in either case to attain a normal condi- tion of the functioning organs and of the circulation of the blood. There is in obesity, as well as in leanness, a lack of assimilation and proper elimina- tion. So, while sipping the water, the sug- gestions for these two conditions are the same, except when it is desired to increase the weight you should say, "I shall daily gain in weight. Each week I expect to gain two pounds (or any reasonable gain). Every mouthful of food properly assimilated, in- creases the rich, pure blood and adds to my strength and weight." For overcoming obesity you will say, "As the organs of assimilation and elimination are now properly performing their respect- ive duties, the blood is circulating normally, all waste is being carried away and my weight is decreasing. I am growing lighter and lighter each day. Each week I shall lose two 'pounds. My food is assimilating My Lady Beautiful 93 properly, all waste is being carried off and I am growing better in every way." I have known two persons to use this method at the same time, one for the in- crease, the other for the decrease in weight, the former gaining two and one-half pounds in two weeks, the latter losing three pounds, and this without any special change in the diet, with the possible exception of food of a more nourishing character in the case of the thin person. In connection with the treatment for obe- sity you may, if you desire, use some of the physical exercises hereinafter given, though in many cases this is unnecessary. A FEW REMARKS REGARDING SLEEP- LESSNESS. You are certainly making splendid prog- ress. You already feel wonderfully uplifted and the second morning after beginning the new life finds you surprisingly refreshed mentally, physically and spiritually. You 94 My Lady Beautiful have even slept better. By the way, I want to say that you must never go to bed hungry. You will not be able to sleep well if you do, for the stomach, having nothing to do, will have need of but a small supply of blood and this will cause an increased flow to the brain and you simply can't sleep under such condi- tions. A cracker or bit of bread will doubt- less be sufficient to keep the stomach at work long enough to get the blood away from the brain and allow sweet sleep to overcome you. Of course, you must be in a relaxed and easy condition and the instructions already given for relaxation and composure will doubtless be all that are necessary if you have taken sufficient food and exercise dur- ing the day. HOW TO MASTER THE EMOTIONS: MAGIC WORDS FOR THE COMPLEXION. I am confident you are going to overcome fear, worry, anger, and all those other hor- rid things that have troubled you so much My Lady Beautiful 95 and have so largely controlled your physical condition, and the effort to master these is so much less when you go about it scientific- ally, quietly, sensibly and in accordance with the Divine plan, that you will doubtless be amazed at the rapid transformation of your character. These abnormal conditions of the emo- tions may be overcome just as easily as the physical troubles and in the same manner, by substituting a few words for some of those used in the preceding treatment. For instance, you will say, "I am growing strong and courageous; I am gaining con- trol over myself ; I am gaining the mastery ; peace, love and harmony shall be mine every day and at all times; daily I am growing brighter and happier; each day gives me greater cause for rejoicing; brighter, bright- er, happier, happier, braver, braver, calmer all the time." Dear one, magic is in these words. Say them again and again, not only while treat- 96 My Lady Beautiful ing yourself, but many, many times during every hour of the day. You will find them, together with the cleansing process, better for the complexion than any cosmetic ever compounded. They will make your eyes sparkle, too ; will bring those pleasing curves about the lips and a sweet and refined expres- sion to the face. They are a tonic to the mental, moral, physical and spiritual attri- butes, greater than which human invention cannot offer. HOW TO OVERCOME NAUGHTY FACIAL CONTORTIONS. By the way, I wonder if you squint just a wee bit, especially when you are facing the bright sunlight ; and, I wonder, too, if you curl up your nose something like a cun- ning little rabbit. Of course, it looks just "too cute for anything" when bunny does it, but, oh, dear, you are not a rabbit and that makes all the difference in the world. I wouldn't do it if I were you for it will make My Lady Beautiful 97 permanent lines after a while and I am sure you wouldn't like that. Squinting is a horrid habit, and so is any other facial contortion, such as drawing the mouth to one side or biting the lips. I have known some otherwise really fine looking women, make themselves disagreeable by do- ing these things. I believe you do none of them, or, if so, they are habits formed when you were too young to realize that your beauty was marred thereby and you just haven't thought of it. You may overcome them, however. Aren't you glad? Why, all you have to do is well, suppose you catch yourself in the very act. Go to your mirror at the first opportunity and make the same naughty face at yourself, squinting or what- ever it may be, just to see how you look. It isn't at all nice, is it? If you do it again, and I wouldn't be surprised if you do, for it has grown on you, or if you make con- tortions with your lips, or your nose, go at once where you may inhale slowly and deep- 98 My Lady Beautiful ly the fresh air several times. The muscles become relaxed and you feel calm and quiet. Now say to yourself : "My face is in perfect repose; my eyes are steady and strong; I can see well ; I know that, in order to retain my youthful appearance, eyes, nose and mouth must remain in a natural position ; the muscles of my face are easy and relaxed; I have perfect control over them and I shall grow in grace, beauty and youth fulness each day." THE SWEETEST FACE IMAGINABLE. You are looking much better already. Just keep on trying every day for a while and you'll have the sweetest face imaginable, for not only will you overcome the old hab- its, but, more than all else, the new love and light are going to make rounded cheeks, ten- derly curved lips and beautifully expressive eyes. Sweetness and purity go with modesty, and the face will always reveal these lovely My Lady Beautiful 99 traits. They just simply shine through, and though a woman be born beautiful these make her far more radiant, charming and fascinating. THE CURE FOR PAINFUL AND IRREGULAR PERIODS. In the preceding pages mention is made of painful periods, with constipation as the probable cause of this, as well as many other troubles. Such being the case, relief will almost invariably come with the regulation of the bowels ; however, serious cases of pain and irregularity sometimes require a little special attention, and to this end I shall give explicit suggestions for this particular afflic- tion. If it is pain alone from which you are suf- fering, begin at least two weeks before the time of your sickness and auto-suggest dur- ing your daily treatment : "All will be easy and well with me. Easy, easy and natural, easy and quiet; strength ioo My Lady Beautiful and vigor are increasing every day and dur- ing this period I shall be well, bright and happy." When the time comes, say, as you place your hand over the lower part of the abdo- men, "all is easy and well; as I place my hand here and concentrate upon this part of my body, I realize that the circulation becomes normal,, and, as the mind and blood are the great healing mediums of the body, all will be easy and natural in perfect ac- cord with nature." Repeat this several times with the full ex- pectation that your desire will be fulfilled. If you have been irregular, this trouble also may be readily overcome. Bear in mind, however, that the observance of hygienic rules, as already given, are of no less im- portance in the restoration and maintenance of health than is proper thinking. For the regulation of the periods add to your auto-suggestions the following: "Menstruation will begin on the (mention My Lady Beautiful 101 a date twenty-eight days from the last time) and will be perfectly easy and natural." Re- peat this daily during your regular relaxa- tion periods with the full expectation that such will be the case. Also mark on your calendar the special day and look at it many, many times, mentally suggesting that this is the day when the periods will begin. If the first month brings no perceptible change, either as to regularity or the cessation of pain, do not give up, but continue the treat- ment, and surprising results will be produced in a comparatively short time. Some wo- men have even set the hour and have not been disappointed. What a glorious thing it is to pass over this period with never a headache, backache nor pain, and scarcely a knowledge of its existence. How happy you are to be strong and well, enjoying your walks every day in the month and every month in the year. 102 My Lady Beautiful THE JOY OF LIVING. What a positive delight is it to live when the rich, red blood is coursing through the veins ; when you feel not an ache nor a pain ; when your step is buoyant; when mind and body are in perfect harmony. Then it is that you think more and more of the beauti- ful in nature, art and literature; then it is that your spirituality develops; your sym- pathies are broadened and every living crea- ture, whether man or beast, is the object of your justice, your kindness and love. Every unselfish thought, word and deed add to your beauty and powers of fascination. DEEP BREATHING AND MENTI-PHYSICAL CULTURE. With the daily walk it is not necessary to go into the physical culture exercises to a great extent, except where office duties, sew- ing or other sedentary work keep you close- ly confined, and even then it is not necessary CORRECT POSITION My Lady Beautiful 105 to take up an elaborate course. A few sim- ple exercises, bringing into play every mus- cle of the body I have found to be far more beneficial than a great number. The exercises should be taken preferably a few light ones before breakfast and gone into more extensively before retiring. Correct breathing, however, is one of the most important factors for the restoration and maintenance of health, and should be practiced whenever it is possible to inhale the fresh air. There is nothing equal to it for producing normal circulation of the blood, for expansion of the chest and for toning up and strengthening the system gen- erally. The physical exercises should always be preceded by slow, deep inhalations in a thoroughly ventilated room. Dress in only the loosest and lightest of clothing, preferably a union suit, if in your room, as it conforms to every movement of the body, with no tight bands about the neck or waist. Now you are ready to begin. 106 My Lady Beautiful Think of it! What you are about to do will not only make you very much brighter and stronger for the day, but will be of per- manent help in the uniform development of the body. Of course, you will impress your mind with the object of each movement, for every one is intended for a special purpose. Your window is open and the never-fail- ing God's air His gift to you is pouring into your room, penetrating every corner, making the atmosphere pure and sweet. Don't forget to smile at this time. Re- member that the day will be for you one of calmness, hopefulness and cheerfulness. You will from this time on proceed with all things deliberately and easily, all tasks will be light- er for thinking of them as cheerfully as possible and to this end it will be necessary for you to begin the day aright. DEEP BREATHING. As you stand erect, heels together, chest thrown forward, hips back, you will inhale My Lady Beautiful 107 and exhale deeply and slowly this morning three times before beginning the exercises. Every inhalation means a renewal of life, strength and beauty. You are saying as you stand, breathing this elixir, "With every breath I am partak- ing of life joyous life I am daily renew- ing my youth ; I am growing brighter, more patient and courageous. Today I shall be master of all my emotions." Have you ever thought of the fact that the new-born infant's first act after entering upon the arena of life is to get into its lungs a supply of air ? It is then that it has its first exercise in breathing and every minute of its life thereafter it breathes, of course, and it is only after growing up, putting on close fit- ting garments, tight collars and living in poorly ventilated rooms that one ceases to breathe properly. You might abstain from food for some days ; live without water for a short time and exist for an indefinite period without sun- io8 My Lady Beautiful shine, but you cannot live long without fresh air. So, of all the life essentials, this is the most important and to get all of it possible, sufficient to meet the requirements of the system, deep breathing should have special attention. It is not necessary to limit this special deep breathing to the times when taking physical exercises, for it may be indulged in as before stated, anywhere and at any time on open cars, while walking, wheeling, driv- ing, etc. It is by means of this manner of breathing that you fill your body with re- newed energy and life, for pure, fresh air and sunshine contain the very essence of life. The lungs require oxygen, just as the stomach requires its special nourishment, for distribution to the various parts of the body, and this cannot be obtained in suffi- cient quantities to meet the demands if only shallow breathing is indulged in, nor can it be had in poorly ventilated rooms. My Lady Beautiful 109 Have you ever taken into consideration the fact that you may breathe with a pur- pose; that is, that you may breathe for the benefit of certain ailments of lungs, throat, bronchial tubes*, and really for any part of the thorax, and indirectly for the entire body, as the latter depends upon the vital organs for its supplies? I would have you keep this specially in mind while taking breathing exercises. LUNG GYMNASTICS. Now, I am going to tell you something about lung gymnastics. The first will be the Lung Bath. Have you ever realized that the lungs are abused probably more than any other organ of the body ? Now and 'then the stomach re- bels to such an extent that it gets a little rest and there are times, even in the case of the heartiest eaters, between meals and during sleeping hours, when there is a slight respite for this overworked organ but the lungs 1 1 o My Lady Beautiful get only the little air they may during your short periods out of doors, unless you are wise enough to keep your window open dur- ing sleeping hours, which the majority of people fail to do. As a busy housewife or an office employee, your lungs often fare badly as you are likely to remain indoors for days in succession, especially during the winter months, with all means of ventilation closed day and night. Do you know it would be a dreadful thing, too disgusting to mention ordinarily, to be compelled to eat food which has been ex- pelled from the mouth ? And yet, you prob- ably think absolutely nothing of breathing air exhaled again and again from the lungs of others and, in many cases, diseased lungs at that. You have done it thousands of times and are doing it every day while you remain in an unventilated room. Now, if you want a good, clear complex- ion, an active brain and a healthy body you must take a daily lung bath. My Lady Beautiful 1 1 1 Perhaps you have never heard of such a proceeding, but it is certainly time that you should become acquainted with this wonder- ful cleansing process. During the day you have probably taken in a great quantity of stale air while in your badly ventilated rooms. Of course, you should have good ventilation, if at all pos- sible, but many persons fear a little fresh air as they would a venomous snake. If you are associated with this class you must do the best you can under the circumstances and at every possible opportunity get out of doors and inhale all you can of nature's greatest tonic this very elixir of life, though you may greet the morning and pre- pare for the day in your own room by a little physical culture. THE LUNG BATH. In taking the lung bath, begin by inhal- ing slowly and deeply through the nose once, twice, three times, expelling the breath after each inhalation with one quick exhalation 1 1 2 My Lady Beautiful through the mouth. Your lungs are now ready to inhale and exhale slowly and deep- ly in the natural way; that is, through the nostrils, which should be done three times until the lungs become accustomed to the renovation, when you may gradually work up to nine times. When you can feel the inhalation reaching to the pit of the stomach you may be assured that your lungs are do- ing good work. It is just as well to take this lung bath twice a day and I know of no other better time than the morning, this time out of doors. This may be done while walking, but you will find it more beneficial at first to go out for this special purpose and stand quietly while taking the exercise. It has already been stated that the mind, properly directed, will produce wonderful results. This is one of the exercises in which it should have full opportunity to do its work. As you breathe keep to the pur- pose, mentally saying, "I am thoroughly My Lady Beautiful 1 1 3 cleansing all the air passages and the lungs. By this bath this cleansing process my lungs expand and become stronger ; the cir- culation throughout the body becomes quickened and new life springs into action." PACKING THE LUNGS. It is necessary for the proper development of the lungs and chest expansion to breathe frequently from the diaphragm to the upper portion of the lungs. As you inhale slowly and easily, the abdomen contracts while the chest expands. When exhaling, the abdo- men expands while the chest contracts. Practice this exercise several times daily while out of doors or in your room before the open window, repeating the exercise at first three times, gradually increasing to six. Continue this for a week, at the end of which period you will have strengthened the lungs so that you may pack them. This is done by inhaling in the manner just described, and while still holding the inhalation, taking ii4 My Lady Beautiful three shorter inhalations, in turn holding these for a moment before slowly exhaling. In other words, you take one inhalation on top of another, or several in succession, be- fore exhaling. This exercise may also be practiced while walking, holding the freshly inhaled air while covering a distance of at least three yards. You may in a short time, by means of this method, arouse every portion of the living tissue of the lungs to healthful activity. THE UPPER RIGHT AND LEFT EXPANSION. Now, I want you to direct your thought to the upper part of the right lung. Have you ever tried to train any particular por- tions of the lungs by inhaling to any particu- lar part or parts? Probably not, but I am sure you will be glad to do so, if there is need of it. At times there may be a little pain somewhere in the chest which you desire to relieve and this exercise is most helpful in such instances. My Lady Beautiful 115 Place your right hand over the upper part of the right lung (this assists in fixing the attention to this portion, thereby increasing the circulation to this point) and with a slow, deep inhalation expand the chest im- mediately under the hand. Repeat three times. Exercise in the same way the upper left lung, placing over it the left hand. Do you know why you are doing this? It is to cleanse, nourish and strengthen the lungs and to invigorate every part of the body; again you must put the menti-sug- gestion to work, telling yourself all about it, and that deeper self, that something ivithin, will feel encouraged and send the news to every part of your being that you are growing healthier, stronger and better every day. Each time you stand before the mirror you will see brighter eyes, better complexion and more rounded cheeks. There is no greater joy than the attain- 1 1 6 My Lady Beautiful ment of mental and physical health, for to these is added the uplifting of the moral and spiritual elements. BRACE UP, SIT UP, STAND UP! Now that you realize the importance of correct breathing this is a good time to speak of your position while standing or sitting, for you cannot breathe well if you allow yourself to drop down all in a heap, and then, too, the internal organs are pressed out of place, depriving them of the power to properly perform their functions. Nothing will age you more rapidly than this. If your spinal column and the muscles about your waist are not sufficiently strong to support the body, then there is something radically wrong. I should not be at all surprised if you had worn a horrible corset and had it much too tight, in the bargain, thereby de- creasing the circulation and free play of the muscles to such an extent that they have be- My Lady Beautiful 1 1 7 come paralyzed, as it were, and almost use- less, just as your arm or leg would become if you had it encased in a cast for some time. After the corset is worn for a considerable time, and especially when too tight, and is then taken off, you complain of backache and say, "Oh, I can't get along without it because my back is so weak." When you feel this weakness and pain it is only dear old nature trying to readjust your interference with the Creator's work, and if you will but give her an opportunity and help her along a bit by special exercises, you will soon find yourself very much better. Perhaps you are "fat ;" but the corset does not remove flesh. It simply pushes it down and up and horribly disfigures you, while, if you will follow earnestly the instructions given in this little book your form will attain its natural proportions and you will have no further need of that fearful instru- ment of torture, that health-killing device, that piece of wearing apparel which is ac- n8 My Lady Beautiful countable for the ill health and deformity of so many innocent children. So "brace up," "sit up," "stand up" and be every inch a woman. When walking, assume the position as described for the first breathing exercise and quit making a bow of yourself. PHYSICAL EXERCISES. I wish to impress upon you the fact that you cannot build too broadly your foundation for uniform development, which means the cultivation of all that is highest mentally, morally, physically and spiritually, and for this reason I have placed MIND first, as the leader, then the strengthening and building up of all the vital organs, in this developing process. You cannot be very optimistic with com- pressed lungs, a sluggish liver, disordered stomach and clogged bowels. The system at large being dependent upon the vital organs, the occasion for keeping them in normal condition is doubly import- 'iiiiintF-TTTM- J EARNHARDT EXERCISE Ax BERNHARDT EXERCISE A 2 BERNHARDT EXERCISE A 3 My Lady Beautiful 125 ant and so it is that, in connection with the applied thought special exercises are given for the strengthening of these functions. In many instances where pressures and lesions exist it is well to consult a first-class osteopath. Frequently, however, where there is pressure upon some nerve or nerves, or where there is a depression of the lower ribs, causing congestion or sluggishness of the several organs con- trolling digestion, assimilation and elimina- tion, these conditions may be entirely re- lieved by special physical exercises. Do not forget, however, when perform- ing these exercises, that the mind should work in harmony with the movements; that is, the thought should accompany the exer- cise and its purpose. In performing any exercise, remember that desire, attention to the part to be benefited and the expectation to attain the best results should not be lost sight of for a moment. 126 My Lady Beautiful I shall tell you the purpose of each exer- cise and you must supply the menti-sugges- tion. THE SARA BERNHARDT EXERCISES. Now, let us proceed. If you haven't a dainty bamboo cane or wand, such as the graceful Bernhardt uses, you may provide yourself with a broomstick. Stand correctly, hold the wand in a horizontal position, clasp- ing it at the ends with the palms downward as far from the body as your arms will per- mit and on a line with the shoulders. Then raise it above the head, bringing it down- ward nearly to the waist line and as close to the back as possible. Repeat six times, in- haling with the back ward -movement, exhal- ing as you bring the arms forward to their first position. This is 'for chest expansion, as you doubtless have conjectured; also for relaxation of the muscles of the shoulders and back and for development of the upper part of the arms. EARNHARDT EXERCISE B EARNHARDT EXERCISE Ci My Lady Beautiful 131 Next, hold the wand to the front and close to the body, in an oblique position, palms outward, the higher end of the cane with the right and the lower with the left hand. Keeping the body firm, swing the wand up- ward to the right as high as possible; then to the left, repeating six times. While doing this you will keep in mind its purposes, which are three- fold : first, and most import- ant, the lifting of the lower ribs from the liver and spleen where your corset has probably got in some deadly work reliev- ing any possible pressure which interferes with the normal duties of these organs; second, further relaxation of the muscles of the back and shoulders, and third, the nor- mal development of the bust. Again, use the wand in the same manner, though at the back instead of the front. This exercise is a most remarkable chest de- veloper and shoulder flattener, as well as a genuine tonic for the upper part of the body. Now, I'm sure you are feeling at least 132 My Lady Beautiful fifty per cent, better, but I don't want you to stop yet. The abdominal region and the legs are in need of exercise and, besides, you want to equalize the circulation. YOU wiu, FEEL LIKE A GIRL AGAIN. This next exercise is simply delightful. It makes you feel like a girl again, and you are tempted to run out somewhere and skip the rope with some of the youngsters in the neighborhood. It wouldn't be half bad, either, if you should romp with them occa- sionally. The only way to keep young is to think and act young. LANGTRY'S RECIPE FOR REMAINING YOUNG. Lillie lyangtry, in an interview for the 'World/' is quoted as saying: "The pro- foundest secret for keeping young is that I have learned to keep my thoughts young." So, with each exercise, with each walk, each inhalation, at night when retiring, when you awaken in the morning, while eating, and at all times, keep your "thoughts young." BERNHARDT EXERCISE BERNHARDT . EXERCISE C 3 My Lady Beautiful 137 Well, take up your little stick again, hold it horizontally across the front, palms in, letting the arms fall full length at the sides. Now step over this with the right foot, keeping the body erect and raising the knee as high and as close to the body as possi- ble, letting only the toes touch the floor as the foot is lowered. Repeat six times with the right, then with the left. Perhaps this is just a trifle difficult for you this time, but keep trying and you'll soon have no trouble, as each day the limbs will acquire more flexibility. I suppose you'll wonder what this is for, apart from producing flexibility. Well, several very important things. If you are troubled with indigestion it causes an in- creased activity of the assimilating organs; it quickens the bowel action ; produces more shapely hips, develops the legs, reduces the ankles. You really could get along very nicely with only this set of exercises, but perhaps 138 My Lady Beautiful you may feel sometimes like doing some- thing of a more strenuous character, and for this reason I give others, allowing you to choose such as are required for your par- ticular needs ; for they bring into play every muscle of the body. EXERCISES FOR CONSTIPATION. RELAXING THE ABDOMINAL MUSCLES. Take correct position, inhale deeply and slowly and while holding the breath con- tract and expand the abdomen three times, increasing to six. This produces activity of the bowels and at the same time strengthens the lungs. WAIST-LINE GYMNASTICS. These are excellent exercises for relieving constipation and will at the same time reduce obesity, though they may be used, too, with equal advantage for the normal development of the waist and hips by those who are not fleshy : WAIST-UNE WAIST-UNE EXERCISE; 2 WAIST-UNE EXERCISE; 3 K My Lady Beautiful 149 Stand firmly, leaning back from the waist line as far as possible, without straining. Repeat three times. Raise -the left arm perpendicularly above the head and lean to the right as far as possible three times. Repeat this exercise with the right arm, while leaning to the left. Next, bend forward from the waist line, without bending the knees, and endeavor to touch the floor with the tips of the fingers. NOTE In case of female trouble, use only the forward movement. CHAIR EXERCISE. Sitting on a chair, lean forward and slightly to the right until the abdomen presses the thigh. Repeat six times. Then bend in the same manner to the left. This acts directly upon the eliminative organs . HORIZONTAL CHINNING. Lie face downward; raise the body "by placing the palms of the hands on the floor 150 My Lady Beautiful about on a line with the shoulders, then lower until the chin touches the floor. Re- peat three times, increasing to nine as you gain strength. LEG GYMNASTICS. Stand on one foot, raising the other and holding it as far to the front as possible hori- zontally, without bending the knee. Now, let yourself down as far as possible, as if to sit. Repeat three times. Alternate with the other leg and proceed in like manner. Continue this exercise from day to day, try- ing to seat yourself on the floor and arise without assistance. THE DOOR-WAY EXERCISE. Stand about twelve inches from the thresh- old of the door with feet firmly on the floor. Place the hands on each side of the door frame about a foot above the head, leaning forward as far as possible, inhaling as you do so, while mentally counting six; GYMNASTICS 11F My Lady Beautiful 155 then push yourself back with your hands, not allowing the body to assist, counting six as you do so, and exhaling. Repeat six times; then lower the hands about three inches and repeat. Continue in this manner until the hands are about on a level with the waist line. This exercise brings into action nearly, if not all, the muscles of the body, particularly those of the arms and chest. It is an es- pecially good exercise for bust development. - LEG AND BACK DEVELOPMENT. Bend forward until you can reach the floor with the tips of the fingers of the left hand while extending the right leg on a hori- zontal line with the back. Repeat from three to six times. Then lean forward, touching the floor with the right hand and extend the left leg, repeating also from three to six times. 156 My Lady Beautiful SITTING AND RISING. While this is an excellent exercise for re- ducing flesh, it is effective as a normal de- veloper for waist and hips and greatly strengthens the muscles of the entire leg. If you are using this for obesity, concen- trate your mind upon the fact that you are going to get rid of your superfluous flesh. Stand with heels together, arms at sides. While inhaling slowly and deeply let your- self down without bending forward, until the body rests on the heels. Exhale while rising. Repeat three times, increasing to six. THE ELEVATOR. This is a splendid exercise for strengthen- ing the back, reducing the hips and abdomen, if too large, or, assisting in their normal development, if too small. Lie flat on the back ; then rise to a sitting position, keeping the heels on the floor all SITTING AND RISING My Lady Beautiful 161 the time. It may be necessary to use the elbows during several exercises in getting up, but as you gain strength rise independ- ently of any assistance. Repeat three times, increasing to six. THE KNEE-BEND. This is an excellent exercise for both back and legs and for decrease of obesity about the abdominal region : While standing on the left foot, flex the right leg, bringing the knee as close to the body as possible by drawing it up with the hands, at the same time keeping the body erect. Do this three times, increasing to nine. Repeat with the left leg. Later, do this same exercise without the assistance of the hands. SHOULDER MOVEMENTS. Take position. Place the hands at the back, interlacing the fingers. Throw the shoulders slightly forward, then move them 1 62 My Lady Beautiful back as strongly as possible so that the shoulder blades will come together. This exercise will not only develop the chest, but is a remedy for round shoulders. THE FINGER GRIP. Stand erect, raise the arms on a line with the shoulders, hook the forefingers together and endeavor to pull them apart as you slowly raise the arms up and over the head, and as far down the back as possible, ex- panding below the waist line by inhaling as the arms ascend and exhaling with their descent. Repeat three times for each pair of fingers. ARM MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT. Hold the arms at right angles and lift, as if you were trying to pull the body from the waist line up. Do this at first three times, increasing to nine. This will also lift the ribs and strengthen the thorax. Extend the arms horizontally with the body, so that the elbows may be on a line THE; KNEE-BEND My Lady Beautiful 165 with the shoulders and draw the closed hands, with all the resistance you can bring to bear, back to and on a line with the shoulders. Repeat three times, increasing to six. Next, clasp the hands midway of the chest, and with one arm higher than the other, try to push down the hand underneath while at the same time trying to push the other up. Then alternate. Repeat three times, increasing to six. THE STRETCHING PROCESS: INCREASING THE HEIGHT. If you have acquired the habit of letting yourself fall together, both while sitting and standing, you should practice this exercise every day with the thought that you are growing straight and well formed. This will stretch, as it were, and make elastic the spinal cord and the various muscles of the body, will add to your height, and also strengthen the ankles : 1 66 My Lady Beautiful Have an object above and just beyond your reach. Stand with heels together, poising on balls of feet. Inhale slowly while rising on the toes and reach as high as possible with the right arm in an endeavor to touch the object. Then exhale while slowly coming back to former position, letting the arm descend to the side. Re- peat three times. Exercise with the left arm in the saine manner. Then with both arms, increasing the latter exercise to six times. THE RUBBER BALL FOR SLUGGISH LIVER. Suspend a ball from the ceiling, chandelier or doorway, and holding the arms at right angles with the body, strike it first with one elbow and then the other. with an upward movement. Continue this until slightly fatigued. NOTE This exercise should be indulged in gently at first if you are suffering from any of the troubles peculiar to women. My Lady Beautiful 16,7 THE BUST: HOW TO DEVELOP IT. Every well sexed woman desires a beauti- ful, well rounded bust, and I am sure you are not an exception, so I am giving you this little special exercise, which, I am certain you will find exceedingly helpful : As the emotions affect to a very great extent the female organs, and as these in turn affect the bust, it is essential, as you doubtless already understand, to refrain from indulgence in anger, grief, worry, jeal- ousy, etc., if you desire the best results from this or any other exercise. Also, the atten- tion (concentration) should be specially di- rected to the object in view. Lie down with the head slightly lower than the body; raise the arms and inhale deeply; lower the arms and exhale slowly, at the same time closing the hands and bringing them to the point immediately in front of the armpits. Repeat six times. 1 68 My Lady Beautiful While yet lying in this position, raise the arms to the highest point, then move them back over the head, keeping the elbows as straight as possible, clasp the hands, inhal- ing while doing so and exhaling as they are brought back. Repeat six times. Three times a week, before retiring, and after bathing the bust with warm water, apply a little pure olive oil or cocoa butter, rubbing it in thoroughly, manipulating toward the center 'of the chest and upward. In the morning bathe the bust with water slightly warm and rinse with a dash of cold water, after which rub vigorously, but not harshly, with a towel, until you set up a glow. NECK DEVELOPMENT. Without moving the body, turn the head to the right as far as possible, then to the left, nine times. This tones up the muscles, making the neck firm and well rounded. Now, drop the head backward slowly and My Lady Beautiful 169 as far as possible, bringing it forward again and drawing in the chin. Repeat nine times. THE BALL EXERCISE FOR THE FACE. If you want to give more firmness to the muscles of the face, get an ordinary little, soft rubber ball and placing it in the hollow of the hand, roll it gently over the face upward and outward. You will not so much feel the need of this, however, if you follow the other instructions, as, of course, you will, for by so doing you are even now becoming healthy, happy, beautiful, fascinating and successful. DEVELOPING EXERCISES FOR USE IN OF- FICE AND HOUSE. Whatever your occupation, you may practice daily everything given herein. If in an office or store, you can at all times use the mental suggestions, and surely there are many times during the day when you may relax, bringing mind and body into a com- 170 My Lady Beautiful plete state of composure without taking from your time; and how much easier will it make the most arduous task. Even though your work may have seemed to you obnox- ious, it is not so now, and doing it to the best of your ability, you will in time reach the height "to which you at present aspire. Hurry, w^orry and impatience are no longer a part of your character. Delibera- tion, calmness and patience are the substi- tutes. When you are attending to household duties you will marvel at the many ways in which you can turn them into physical cul- ture exercises, and how delightful they be- come as through them you attain health, youth and beauty. Sweeping is an all-over exercise (always open wide the windows while sweeping) ; dusting in high places in- creases the action of the liver by lifting the ribs, while dusting in low places strengthens the lower part of the back and produces grace of movement. My Lady Beautiful 171 But I want you to study these out for yourself. With each task no, it is a task no longer, but a pleasure note the muscles brought into use and concentrate the mind upon the benefits to be derived by its per- formance. THE POWER OF A SWEETLY MODULATED SPEAKING VOICE: HOW TO CUL- TIVATE IT. There is so much to say to you .that is bright and helpful that I feel much like the little brook that was made to say something about going on forever; but I will tell you just a wee bit more and then I must stop to give you an opportunity to practice all that has already been said. You have no doubt been in the country on a delightful summer day, swinging in a hammock or lying at full length on the long, cool grass in the woods, your eyes half- closed, listening to the low buzzing of the bees and other insects ; to the quiet rippling 172 My Lady Beautiful of the little stream, the rustling of the leaves, the warbling of the birds, until finally soothed to slumber. You may learn a lesson from nature's sweet music, so grateful to the fatigued body and wearied brain, and you may ask yourself if the human voice may not have its share in making* or .marring the world's happiness. Is your own voice tender, gentle and low, and is it always well modulated while con- versing? Does it fall upon the ear softly and without shock or jar? One of the most important things in life is a pleasing voice, and yet how slight the attention given it. In men, it may resolve it- self into a power over both the individual and the multitude. Have you not heard the low, resonant, coaxing and caressing tones of some par- ticular man ? Used in oratory, how the crowd hangs eagerly, wonderingly, breath- lessly on every word; how it sobs as the pathos penetrates the remotest corner of the My Lady Beautiful 173 vast hall ; how it laughs as mirth rings out.; and how it rises as if one body, one mind, in protest when indignation makes itself felt in the voice. And with yourself, have a care if you would not allow this voice to conquer you. Tender, thrilling, caressing, it sometimes asks of you far more than the spoken words themselves. It is at times almost irresistible. Wise is he who knows how to use his voice well and to the benefit of others. But it is of woman's voice your very own that I now concern myself. Sweet, tender, full and soothing, it will enhance your charms and power of fascination a hundred-fold. There are women, beautiful of feature and form, graceful of carriage, who yet have few or no admirers, because, when they speak, the charm is dispelled by a harsh, disagreeable voice. On the other hand, a commonplace little woman, to all appear- ances, may possess powers of fascination 174 My Lady Beautiful almost unlimited because of the low, sweet melody that pours from her lips, soothing to the wearied one, a tonic to the ill and sorrowing, sweetest music to husband and children and an uplifting power to all who come within its sound. It has been said that the voice is indic- ative of character. We certainly hear the querulous tone of the invalid, the fretting, complaining and nagging voice where one is lacking in self-control; coarseness usually betrays itself in the harsh, shrill voice; the mother-tone expresses itself in low, tender, caressing sounds; the voice of the loving wife or sweetheart in a cadence thrilling, vibrant and far-reaching. The harsh, shrill voice never carries with it the power to control others ; while, on the other hand, the low, melodious, far-carry- ing voice holds under its sway all who come within its sound. The abnormal voice be- longs to the abnormal mind and body; the My Lady Beautiful 175 rich, but low and vibrant tones bespeak influ- ence, power, health and self-poise. By the way, self-poise means to walk, stand and sit gracefully, unconscious of your surroundings, and of the fact that others may be silently studying you. One of weak character or weak body can- not be well poised nor the possessor of a normal and pure quality of voice; neither can one be beautiful, however regular the features, who is wanting in mental, moral, physical and spiritual, or uniform develop- ment, so I am confident you are anxious to carry out in every detail all that I have planned for you, the culture of the voice, as already stated, being none the less import- ant as an element of beauty and charm than the other points already mentioned. Of course, with the improvement of the health, your voice is already much better than it was when you began to think the new, health-giving thoughts and to live the new 176 My Lady Beautiful life, for by so doing you have strengthened the body, thus giving new quality and tone to the vocal organs. Just as special exercises and practice will enhance the beauty of the singing voice, so will they add to the purity of the speaking voice, and with the assurance that you are desirous of obtaining and putting into prac- tice all practical information possible on this subject, I shall now proceed to tell you how to acquire all that which I have already claimed for it and will ask you while striv- ing for this charm to keep in mind the fact that one of the strongest indications of re- finement is a sweet, womanly voice. As in the attainment of the restoration of health, deep breathing is one of the first essentials, but this you have been practicing daily with results far beyond your expecta- tions. Many voices are pitched too high, while fewer are too low, the former being harsh and extremely disagreeable to the listener, My Lady Beautiful 177 the latter being difficult to distinctly hear. Again, some are loud, without volume, and others are thin, rasping, high or nasal to a painful degree. Now, the important thing is to place the voice correctly. If it is too high, too thin, practice to get it where a greater degree of roundness and fullness may be developed. It is seldom that the voice is placed too low,, though one may fail to throw it out suffi- ciently to render it audible for any practical distance; so I shall tell you only in a general way that it should not be thrown back against the palate and up against the roof of the mouth, but rather midway be- tween the two. If your voice is not suf- ficiently far-reaching, practice throwing it forward by taking, to begin with, the posi- tion as given for deep breathing. Now in- hale easily and deeply once, then exhale, while the mouth is open to its utmost capa- city, giving the broad sound of "ah." Re- peat six times. Next, close the mouth one- 178 My Lady Beautiful fourth, repeating the sound as before. Then close one-half, repeating the same exercise, though you will note that, as the mouth is more nearly closed the pronunciation of the vowel sound grows broader, and as it, the mouth, finally forms an oval, you may prac- tice on the long sound of O. I might go into more elaborate details, but I am sure you will soon catch the idea and the simpler the instructions the less com- plicated the execution and the speedier the results. After several days' practice of this exer- cise in your room, you may take it up at any time that you find yourself alone. Soon you will notice a wonderful development in the purity and volume of your voice. . Suppose, however, you have been talking in a tone entirely too loud and shrill or otherwise unmusical. One good way to modify it is to observe and try to imitate to a certain extent the well modulated voice of your friend, Mrs. Van Scott. While she My Lady Beautiful 179 is vivacious, sparkling and witty, she never is guilty of pitching her voice above the ordinary conversational key, though she may be heard distinctly by anyone across the room to whom she may be directing her remarks, and herein lies one of her greatest charms, though among her other good points are health, the desire to please, the tact never to offend and her sweet wholesomeness in general. PEARLS AND DIAMONDS OF SPEECH. In addition to the regular morning physi- cal exercise and the little vocal exercise just given, whisper the word, "hush" again and again slowly and distinctly. Then repeat several times in the same manner these sen- tences: "Softly, softly whisper the words of love. Silence is over all. The night is hushed and still." Again repeat the same in a low and quiet undertone. Now repeat several times in the purest, tenderest voice that you can command, "I shall speak softly 180 My Lady Beautiful and sweetly today beautiful words of love. Pearls and diamonds of speech only shall issue from my lips. Sweet, pure tones shall make me better and they shall be as music to my friends and loved ones." . THE TOILET. While the purpose of presenting this book is to guide you in the care of the physical organism, to teach you that only with in- ternal health and cleanliness can there be beauty and wholesomeness, to direct your thoughts to things of a bright and uplifting character, yet I would not have you over- look the little, harmless external aids to fur- ther enhance your charms. Some one once said, certainly without giv- ing the subject much thought, that "Beauty is only skin deep." The author of this much quoted sentence undoubtedly viewed the matter largely from an artificial standpoint. To be sure, so-called beauty, produced by lotions of various kinds, is only "skin deep," My Lady Beautiful 181 but that is not real beauty. Beauty, as has already been stated, is from within, out. It proceeds from the mind, the stomach, the bowels, the generative organs and the nor- mal circulation of the blood; but, as the painter perfects his masterpiece by an added touch here and another there, so may you, though beautiful with the glow of health, add to this sweet, womanly beauty by giving careful attention to the details of dress, the care of the hair, skin, teeth and nails, and though your features may be irregular and your form not the best, yet, if you are healthy, cheerful, self-poised, unselfish and mindful of the things just mentioned, you will be counted charming. HOW TO DRESS COMFORTABLY AND BE- COMINGLY. To be self -poised and at perfect ease, you should, first of all, be comfortably clothed. Underwear of loose texture and not too heavy, should be worn through the winter. 1 82 My Lady Beautiful Heavy, stiff, closely woven woolen garments do not keep the body as warm as those of lighter weight and of loose weave be- cause of the fact that the former admit of very little ventilation, without which the pores of the body become clogged, the skin becomes unhealthy and the circulation of the blood sluggish. Tight clothing should never be worn for the same reason ; also on account of undue pressure upon the nerves, muscles and inter- nal organs. The footwear in particular should be as comfortable as may be pro- cured. Painful feet, cheerfulness and quick wit seldom go together. The apparel should always be clean, espec- ially that worn next to the body. As to the outer garment the gown it should be of good material and as to cut and color, in harmony with your figure and com- plexion. You are best gowned when there is an individuality about your dress when it seems a part of v you. My Lady Beautiful 183 If you are below medium stature, do not think of copying Mrs. Andrews' gown, as she, you know, is tall and slender, and what is becoming to her will make you look even shorter than you are. Suppose, too, you are dark. Do not for a moment imagine you can wear that olive green which is so be- coming to the pink and white complexion of Miss Fair. Have a care, too, in the combi- nation of colors worn. You don't wish to look like a variegated flower garden, I'm sure. Plain colors are always in better taste and bespeak refinement. The safest method is to study your face, hair, eyes, complexion and form, and, find- ing something that will harmonize with them, adopt this particular color and style as your own. MAN'S FAVORITE COLOR. Almost every woman may find some shade of blue which is becoming to her and there is something peculiarly brightening in its 184 My Lady Beautiful effect upon even the dullest face. You will find that you look younger in this color (providing you are careful in the selection of the shade) than perhaps any other. It has been said, too, that men some of them consciously and others unconsciously have a strong preference for blue and that it has a peculiar fascination for them. Be that as it may, you can make no mistake in wearing it. Most women look well in white or cream, while only the best complexion can wear black, as it exaggerates all defects of the skin. Many persons do not seem to realize that personal appearance counts for anything, but the modestly dressed man or woman, par- ticular as to personal details of neatness and cleanliness, stands a better chance to obtain a personal interview with the business or professional man and in the end generally accomplishes his or her object. So, above all things, if you are going to make a busi- ness or social call and desire especially to My Lady Beautiful 185 make a good impression, do not neglect the slightest detail that will improve your per- sonal appearance. If you are a business woman, or if you are a woman seeking a position in a business house or office and it is necessary to make a personal applica- tion, do not dress as if you were going to a party. Nothing so disgusts a business man as a gorgeous display of ruffles, flowers and jewelry and a mass of "frizzy" hair upon such an occasion. Cleanliness, neatness, simplicity and quiet manners are always passports to any legitimate business house or office. Remember, too, that however well you may be dressed otherwise, shabby shoes and gloves will mar the effect and detract from the charm. It costs little to be neat, clean and sweet. It may cost much to be the opposite. For your own self-respect, your own comfort, allow no fleck nor flaw to detract from the dignity and fascination of your womanhood. 1 86 My Lady Beautiful THE TEETH. Certainly elaborate instructions need not be given for the care of the teeth as it is a very simple matter to keep them clean. However, a few reminders may not be out of place. A visit to the dentist should be made at at least once in six months in order that all stains, tartar, calci and other foreign sub- stances may be removed and that any cavities may be filled before the process of decay has attained great proportions. Clean, white and even teeth are very at- tractive and to neglect them means to invite that which will most surely detract from your charms. These pearls should be cleansed after each meal with a firm but soft brush, warm water and a good tooth powder, rubbing up and down, inside and out, after which with a small rubber band or heavy silk thread My Lady Beautiful 187 drawn between them, every particle of food should be removed. Never use charcoal for cleansing purposes as this finds its way under the gums, de- stroying their rosy color and at the same time having an injurious effect. To cleanse and sweeten the mouth rinse now and then with warm water to which has been added a drop of camphor. CARE OF THE HANDS AND NAILS. Do not lose any sleep over it if your hands are not quite as soft and white as those of Mrs. Proudfair. Perhaps her dainty palms have never clasped a broom-handle nor so much as flirted with a dust-cloth; and maybe, too, those hands are like many faces,- which are made up of regular features but possess no strength of character. Have you ever thought of it ? The hands are a great index to the character, and to have them good, strong, clean and helpful is more to be de- sired than the softest and whitest that have 1 88 My Lady Beautiful done no service for self nor mankind. Nevertheless, it is your prerogative and duty, I might say, to give to your hands the same careful attention that you do to your hair, face and teeth. Well-cared-for hands and ringer nails are one of the signs of refinement. The same judgment should be exercised in procuring good soap for the hands as for the face and they should never be allowed to remain soiled over night. After washing and drying them thoroughly at night, olive oilj cold cream, or a preparation composed of glycerine, boric acid, and rose-water may be applied and rubbed in thoroughly. Glycer- ine is irritating to some skins. When such is the case it should be well diluted or, in- deed, it need not be used at all if not desir- able. However, the compound just men- tioned is in most instances quite soothing and any druggist will put it up for you. The nails should be kept in the best con- dition possible. When eating good, nourish- My Lady Beautiful 189 ing food, when the blood is circulating prop- erly and when worry and nervousness have ceased to master you, a remarkable improve- ment of the nails and the flesh and cuticle surrounding them will be noticeable, the rea- sons for which I cannot here go into detail ; if you desire beautiful nails see to it first of all that your body is well nourished and that your mind is wholly free from anxiety. In the local treatment for the nails, use a little lemon juice once or twice a week. This is also excellent for removing stains from the hands. After the application of the juice to the nails, use a little olive oil, rubbing it over each nail and well down on the cuticle. This may and sV'onld precede the manicuring before which, also, the hands should be held for a moment in soft warm water in which a little vegetable soap has been dissolved. Use an orangewood stick for removing the dirt from under the nails, as a knife or other sharp metal instrument scratches 190 My Lady Beautiful them, producing a lodging place for foreign accumulations. If, for any reason, you prefer to do your own manicuring, and do not understand the method, the best and quickest way of learn-- ing the process is to go to a good manicure two or three times and watch closely the manner of procedure, which you may, by a little practice successfully imitate. THE HAIR. The care of the hair is a most important matter and you doubtless know that your "crown of glory" should .be kept scrupu- lously clean. Dusty and extremely oily hair will cause many to turn away in disgust from an otherwise attractive woman. However well you may be gowned, if "your hair is soiled and carelessly dressed, you cannot pre- sent a neat appearance. If you live in the city and ride daily on the train or cars you should carefully brush your tresses every nigtit before retiring. At CROWN OF GLORY My Lady Beautiful 193 least once a month the hair should have a thorough shampoo and no better cleanser can be found than an egg white and yolk beaten together applied to ' the scalp by means of the tips of the fingers or a fairly stiff, clean brush. Before making the appli- cation the hair should be taken down, combed and parted from the front to the back of the neck and braided in two parts to prevent undue tangling. After scrubbing thoroughly, though not harshly, using water slightly warmed (soft water if procurable), rinse several times in water of the same temperature until every trace of the egg is removed. Wipe with a towel, taking only a portion of the hair at a time, pressing and rubbing until dry. If convenient, you should sit in the sunshine, allowing the hair to hang until all trace of dampness is gone. Never dress it until thoroughly dry. If the hair is thin and falling out, about three times a week with your hands on each M 194 My Lady Beautiful side of the head, move the scalp with a sort of rotary motion; then catch the hair in front, on the sides and at the back, in turn, and pull it firmly and steadily; also massage every part of the head with the tips of the fingers. Should the hair be turning gray this treat- ment should not be neglected as it restores the circulation to the scalp and gives to the follicles the much-needed nourishment to restore it to its original condition. Have a care how you use restoratives as many of them contain minerals which are very harmful. Also, do not use alcohol on the hair as it causes it to become harsh and dry and produces grayness. Of the many tonics and restoratives I would prefer to recommend The Elbion Hair Naturalizer. It is composed entirely of herbs, makes the hair soft and restores it to its natural color where it has not been too long gray. It is perfectly harmless. In dressing the hair, you should, of My Lady Beautiful 195 course, adopt the style becoming to yourself and not that which is suitable for some other and entirely different looking woman. Study your nose, ears, chin and the general contour of your face and head and then dress the hair in a manner that will tone down any defects or exaggerations of the features and bring out to the best advantage your good points. Keep the head uncovered as much as pos- sible while out of doors, as it needs the air and some sunshine just as the body does. Do not wear a "rat" if you desire to avoid a very unsightly and unhealthy article. If you wish to build the hair up in front (and this style is becoming to the majority of women when not carried to extremes) part it transversely about on a line with the ears ; then, holding it out straight to the front, comb or brush back on top until sufficiently " fluffed" to form a pompadour. It is best never to use a curling iron as this destroys the oil in the hair, soon render- 196 My Lady Beautiful ing it lifeless. Following is a recipe for a good fluid for keeping the hair in curl : To one pint of hot water add one-half ounce of refined borax and one drachm of gum arabic. When the ingredients are dis- solved add two tablespoonsfuls of spirits of camphor. Strain through fine muslin and bottle for use. Moisten the hair with the fluid and roll up each lock on kid or paper curlers and leave until perfectly dry. THE FACE. After you shall have learned how to con- trol the emotions and how to be cheerful, you really need not give yourself much, if any, concern about the face, because, when the mental attitude is what it should be and health fully restored, the face will become an outward expression of the inner calm and will gradually take upon itself a sweet youth- ful appearance. But suppose you are al- ready by reason of past fretting, uncon- trolled emotions, and irregular habits, wear- My Lady Beautiful 197 ing the undesirable telltale lines, which are now doubly unwelcome; if, by any direct or local aids they may be banished more speed- ily, surely you need not hesitate to use them. I have already told you how to overcome squinting and other facial contortions by. re- laxing the muscles of the face, becoming calm and directing the thoughts to the end desired, all of which are of the greatest im- portance in the accomplishment of the best results. But this does not mean that you should be careless as to the details of the facial bath, massage, etc. Some women attack the face as if it were a kitchen floor, soaping, scrubbing and rub- bing until the tender cuticle is broken and roughened. Some skins may endure this harsh treatment, but the majority cannot. Use only the best vegetable soaps, contain- ing little or no alkali. I cannot recommend any special kind unless it be a good quality of castile. as what would agree with 198 My Lady Beautiful one woman's skin might irritate yours. Some persons use only Pear's soap; others, Woodbury's and still others Cuticura. I have tfied all and found them excellent, yet my preference is Meloderma. Soap should not be used on the face oftener than once a day, and many ladies seem to get along very nicely without it for several days in succession. However, if you are living in the city where smoke and soot are plentiful I would advise its. application nightly before retiring, using slightly warmed soft water, rinsing and drying thoroughly thereafter. Use a soft cloth for washing and a fine linen towel for drying, rubbing gently over the face upward and outward. At least once a week apply pure olive oil as a cream for massaging, performing the operation with the tips of the fingers or a soft rubber ball in the same manner as here- tofore recommended. If the fingers vare My Lady Beautiful 199 used, catch the skin very lightly between the thumb and first finger, working all over the face. To wipe out lines, press gently above and below in turn those about the corners of the eyes with the tips of the fingers of one hand while smoothing them out in the opposite direction with the other. Lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth are best manipulated by placing the thumb just in front of the ear and with the tips of the fingers gently rubbing backward. For the lines between the eyes, place the thumbs on the temples, letting the fingers meet just over the nose between the eyebrows, and with a gentle, stroking motion, manipulate outward. A good cream applied twice a week for the massage, in addition to the olive oil (not used the same night), will be found to be very helpful. Any pure creme is most excellent for this purpose. After the massage, wipe the face gently 2oo My Lady Beautiful with a soft cloth. In the morning bathe with sweet, hot milk. A tablespoonful is sufficient for the purpose. Occasionally, say once a month, a tea- spoonful of milk with about one-third the quantity of salt applied to the face just before retiring is a splendid remedy for rough or blotched skin. This may smart a trifle at first, but the face*will have a delight- ful, velvety feeling in the morning. Should the oil and cold creme cause en- largement of the pores, bathe the face now and then with water to which a little lemon juice has been added. A good substitute for soap, to be used occasionally, is the best quality of almond meal. You should be your own judge as to how long you should continue the special facial treatment or as to whether you need it at all. You certainly may dispense with it entirely when the blood is in good condition and your health fully restored. My Lady Beautiful 201 PRESCRIPTIONS FROM THE SUNSHINE DISPENSARY. Before concluding, I cannot refrain from giving you a few short prescriptions. Per- haps they have been given you before in different words, but you cannot be reminded too often of that which will lift you to the plane where dwell love, peace, hope, and cheer. I am a firm believer in tonics. You can- not take too many of them provided they are the proper kind and these I am about to prescribe are nature's own and have no superior. THE ABSORPTION LIGHT CURE. It has been conceded by the leading phy- sicians of the day that light is a great heal- ing agent. Now, however limited may be your means, you can afford to take the Light Treatment. Of course, the physicians do not refer so much to sunshine as to radium 202 My Lady Beautiful and X-Ray, but the light which I have in mind is that which emanates from that great golden ball, without which there would be no plant nor animal life, and whose mystic glow in the dawn dispels the mists; whose yellow bars pierce nook and crevice, destroying poisonous growths and bringing into life plants, trees and flowers to brighten your pathway and mine. It is this light of which I wish you to partake; this blessed tonic that is yours without the asking. It is to be taken by absorption through the myriads of tiny pores of your body. If your sleeping room does not admit this invigorator, then, instead of standing in its blaze of glory before your open window clothed in but the lightest and loosest gar- ment, you must content yourself by don- ning a little more clothing and going into some other room or out of doors. In addition to this morning light absorption, get all of the sunshine you can during the day, except in extremely warm weather. My Lady Beautiful 203 You will find this treatment almost a cure- all and one that should never be neglected. Suppose, now and then, a cloud obscures your good "physician" with his far-reaching beneficial rays. Well, do the next best thing by using the creative power, about which I have spoken, and compound in your own little laboratory within, with the ingred- ients of love and cheer, some sunshine for others, and you will be delightfully sur- prised at the benefit you derive from this procedure. THE INTERNAL TONIC. While you are taking the Light cure do not forget that all the air passages are in constant need of a renewal of pure air for cleansing and invigorating purposes. As you have already been fully instructed as to how to take this medicine, further detail is unnecessary ; but I would have you remem- ber that the more frequent the doses the more beneficial the results. 204 My Lady Beautiful THE MID-DAY PRESCRIPTION. Rest rest for at least a half hour an hour, if possible, after eating. No, I would not sleep. Should you desire a nap during the day you will feel more greatly refreshed if it is taken in the forenoon. But rest rest mind and body and you will take up your afternoon duties with physical energies renewed, keener mental forces and a zest that will make the ordinary routine a pos- itive pleasure. THE DEVELOPMENT TONIC. After retiring at night, take a generous dose of calmness, love for mankind in gen- eral and for those with whom you come in daily contact in particular, mixed with pleas- ant thoughts and hope for the morrow. You will find this to be a most wonderful cure for distracted mind, remarkably soothing to the nerves and it has no superior as a sleep pro- My Lady Beautiful 205 ducer. In addition to this it will get in some good work during the night which will count with you for much, and it may be necessary to have an introduction to your- self in the morning so great will be the gen- eral improvement. A BEAUTIFUL FACE THE EXPRESSION OF NOBLE THOUGHT. Now, my dear, do you not see how de- lightfully it is all working out? How well you are looking. Filled and thrilled with clean, new thoughts, pure as- pirations, clearly defined expectations, prac- ticing the thought, the aspiration, the ex- pectation, these have found expression in the -smooth brow, the sparkling eye, the upward curve of the lips, the satiny skin, the clear complexion, the rounded, rosy cheeks, the beautifully firm throat and neck, the graceful poise of the head, the rapidly developing form, the elastic step, the pleasure of participating in health- 206 My Lady Beautiful ful and innocent games and amusements, the sympathy that produces strength, courage and cheer, the utter unselfishness of your dear self, the exquisite joy of living. Why, I could go on and on, like the little brook before mentioned, enumerating what these lessons have done, are doing and will do for you, but you realize this quite as well as I do. You know that you are an entirely new woman, that you feel as if your feet scarcely touch the ground while walking, that your head is lifted upward where the sunshine may always be seen and felt, since you have been living the new life. To obey the laws of love, hygiene, health, sympathy, morality and spirituality means the highest development of charm, fascina- tion and beauty, which produces in you, my Lady Beautiful, the perfection of woman- hood. RETURN TO: CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 198 Main Stacks LOAN PERIOD 1 Home Use 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS. Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW. JUN u 4 ZOO/ FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 50 M 1 -06 Berkeley, California 94720-6000 LIBRARY -U.C- BERKELEY / 229506