PK 481 I c WHITNEY CONTRIBUTIONS FROI THE ATHARVA-VEDA o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 1 i : : 7ho UVvUfci^ k ■■.-- I! I' • J J • • fc I • « .♦,....•.. - » 4 • * * • I _ • • • 9 . •. c . « « • ••0 •••«,.* • " 1 . « i « A CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ATHARVA-VEDA TO THE THEORY OF SANSKRIT VERBAL ACCENT. At a former meeting of the Society, I had the honor to lay before it, in connection with a review of a late work by Prof. Bopp, of Berlin, an attempt to state in a new and improved form the rules respecting the accentuation of the finite verb in the Sanskrit sentence.* That such an attempt was called for, will be evident enough to any one who will refer to the statement of these rules which is given in Ben- fey 's larger Sanskrit grammar,! the latest and most elaborate work of its class, and the only one which professes to treat the subject in an exhaustive manner. It is not too much to say that the account of the phenomena of verbal accen- tuation which is there presented is entirely unsatisfactory, or even unintelligible ; that it is plainly wanting in true method ; that it is no orderly development from a central principle, subordinating the more particular to the more gen- eral, and giving each special rule its due proportion in the sum of the whole, but, on the contrary, a chaos of rules and exceptions, empirically stated and confusedly thrown to- gether. That this is so, is not so much the fault of Prof. Benfey, as of the Indian grammarians, from whom, and not from the Sanskrit literature itself, he has drawn the materi- als out of which he has constructed his grammar : doubtless his statement is the best that could be derived from such sources ; its imperfections only prove that the native gram- f Vollstandige Grammatik der Sanskritsprache, § 127, etc. * See this Journal, vol. v, p. 21 3, etc. 1 1611. marians occupy with reference to this department of gram- mar the same position as to other departments also ; that while they are laborious and ingenious assemblers and ar- rangers of particular facts, their shallow philosophy, and laboriously unnatural and arbitrary method, render them utterly unreliable guides for us to a true knowledge of the Sanskrit language, since their rules require to be explained, and limited, and re-arranged, by the light of the very facts which they attempt to classify and account for. I referred, at the close of my former remarks upon the subject, to this un trustworthiness of those who had been our chief au- thorities with reference to it, and expressed my opinion, that a rational and exhaustive theory of the principles producing the phenomena of verbal accentuation in Sanskrit, could only be arrived at by a careful study of the phenomena themselves, as laid before us in the various accented Vedic texts. I was then already engaged in assembling from the text of the Atharva-Veda all the material which could aid in elucidating the matter, all the passages in which the ac- cent was not determined by, or in accordance with, the most general rules of accentuation, and which accordingly sug- gested more special rules, or appeared to be anomalous and exceptional cases ; and as I have now completed the collec- tion, I take this opportunity of presenting it to the Society, hoping that it will be found not without value as a contribu- tion to the theory of Sanskrit accent. So far as was in my power, I have classified and explained the facts collected, presenting them in connection with the rules which they illustrate, and have thus been compelled to go over in part the same ground which I formerly traversed ; if of a portion of them I am unable to give a satisfactory account, their statement here will at any rate tend to render possible their future explanation, by facilitating their examination by oth- ers, and their farther comparison with kindred facts, to be derived from the other accented texts. The first and most general rule for the accentuation of the verb in the Sanskrit sentence is this. In a direct or inde- pendent sentence, or clause of a sentence, the finite verb is made enclitic upon any word preceding it which is directly connected with it in construction. It matters not what part of the sentence that word may be which stands before the verb; whether subject or predicate, whether direct or indi- rect object, or other limiting circumstance, it takes away the accent from the verb itself. Take as instances the fol- lowing clauses. ambdyo yanty ddhvabhih (i. 4. 1) ; givd' bhava (iii. 28. 3) ; rTFWfr 5T^T FTFT HlsWH<£ ^ tdt krnmo brdhma (iii. 30. 4); tdsya bhdjayate 'hdnah(i. 5. 2); abhi hrandaprd trdsaya (v. 21. 4) ; d' viro ■strajdyatdm (iii. 23. 2). Even if other unaccented words intervene between the accent and the verb, the effect upon the latter remains the same : thus o \ t mddhund tvd Jchandmasi (i. 34. 1) ; ndmas te rudra Tcrnmah (xi. 2. 3). It is well known that, bj the operation of this rule, the Sanskrit verb is in a large majority of cases deprived of its accent. Thus verbal forms of the root ZRJ, Jcar, which are perhaps found in the Yedic texts with greater frequency and in greater variety than those of any other root, occur in the Atharvan four hundred and ninety-eight times ; but only one hundred and forty-six times do they maintain their own proper accent; in the remaining three hundred and fifty-two instances they are accentless or enclitic. If, however, the verb stands at the head of the sentence, it cannot, of course, be encliticized, but retains its accent ; thus ^ftf *TT dlrjMIHM ^TSTTfr Jtfftrrf ^T^T darqdya md ydtudhd'ndn (iv. 20. 6); vrccd'mi gdtrundm bdhti'n (vi. 65. 2). ' This is in accordance with Greek usage, by which a word usually enclitic remains orthotone, if it stands first in the itence. As the Sanskrit has no proclitics, its sentences always commence with an accented word. As regards the working of this rule, it is to be remarked that in poetry each pdda, or ultimate subdivision of the verse, is treated as if it constituted an independent clause, and a verb standing at the head of it remains orthotone, even though preceded in another pdda by words directly depend- ent upon it. The following is an instance : Nlrj ^> ne ^ anc ^- f%> ^*> illustrate in an interesting manner each other's history. Neither of them has etymologically any relative or subordinating qual- ity ; they mean originally simply " and surely," " not surely," " surely ;" but each has in the usage of the language devel- oped out of this plain asseverative signification another which gives it the power to render the clause in which it is found dependent; and as "if," "lest," and "since," they make orthotone the verb with which they are construed. The particle 1%jt , kim, nowhere in the Atharvan exercises an influence upon the accent of the verb in its clause, even where, as in vii. 56. 6, 8. viii. 4. 14(?). xviii. 1. 12, 33, it appears to ask a direct question. In v. 11. 5, pdda c, a part of the manuscripts do indeed accent the verb, yet the weight of authority is in favor of the text as printed. When the particle means "what?", "why?", or "how!", as in v. 13. 7. vi. 45. 1. ix. 10. 18, etc., etc., of course no effect upon the accent would be expected from it. We have thus seen that the direct subordination of one clause of a sentence to another has an effect to render ortho- tone the verb of the subordinated clause. We have also remarked, when treating of the particle f|;, hi, that the sub- ordination does not always require to be absolute, but that a distinctly defined relation of two of the clauses of a sen- tence to one another as protasis and apodosis was sufficient to r 14 preserve the accent of the verb in the former clause. We have now farther to notice, that this principle has in the usage of the language received a somewhat inorganic exten- sion ; that it has been stretched to cover cases to which it did not in strictness apply. Such I conceive, namely, to be the explanation of the accent of the verb in a very considerable number of passages, where two clauses stand as correlatives to one another, or even where there is such a parallelism between them that they may be regarded as in a manner correlative. The coordination is treated as if it were a sub- ordination ; the first of the coordinate clauses is looked upon as a protasis, to which the other constitutes an apodosis, and the verb of the former is allowed to remain orthotone. Thus, for instance, when =gr?i — wu, anya-anya, "the one • — the other," stand opposed to one another, as subject or as object, in two like clauses, the verb of the first clause re- tains its accent. Take as examples ^T FT 3RT SJWFT SI'Nt ^TFT ffOT ddksham te anyd dvd'tu* vy dnyo vdtu ydd rdpah (iv. 13. 2) ; ny dnydm cikyur nd ni cikyur anydm (ix. 10. 16). The other instances are vii. 81. 1. ix. 9. 20 ; i#r2T3. x. 7. 42. xiii. 2. 11. Also the passage vii. 35. la, b, may properly be regarded as coming under this rule, although only one 5^r, anya, that of the first clause, is there expressed; the other is contained in idea in the second clause. t* \ cakre; and xii. 4. 28, ^^t zpzfo, devd' vrgcanti, in place of which the manuscripts unanimously read d^Pn , vr'gcanti, although only the accentuation srsrPfT, vrgcanti, could be tol- erated. It is sufficiently clear that, in both these cases, the errors are due to a slip of the pen of the scribe who copied the original manuscript from which all ours are descended, the mark of the accent being set over the wrong syllable. In the light of these facts, which indicate clearly what allowance is to be made for inaccuracies and errors in the text, we may now proceed to examine the remaining instan- ces of accented verbs which it presents. In iii. 23. 5, we have yds tubhyarh gam dsac clidm u tdsmdi tvdm bhdva. The most natural ending to the verse would seem to be o gam u ydsmdi tvdm bhdvah, "and to whom thou in turn mayest be propitious;" and it is perhaps not impossible that this is felt to be virtually present in the reading as given, and that therefore the im- perative is accented ; yet there is room to suspect nsr, bhdva, to be a mere slip of the pen for irsr, bhava. Again, in iv. 1. 4c, rnahd'n mahi' dskabhdyad vijdt&h, 21 it is very hard to see why the verb should have in this pdda an accent which it lacks in the preceding one, where the con- struction seems to be the same. Probably we have to amend to ^W 3 , askabhdyad. In verse 7 of the same hymn, in the last pdda, kavir devo nd ddbhdyat svadhd'vdn, we seem, indeed, to have an accented verbal form ; but it is only in seeming; for stttcht, ddbhdyat, is unquestionably to be amended to sottct, ddbhdya, dative of ^ir, dabha ; and the pas- sage means, he "is not for a harming," i. e. "is not one who can be harmed." This construction, frequent enough in the Rik, is quite rare in the Atharvan, and in one or two other instances has been badly blundered over by the establishes of the text. If we had here, it may be remarked, a verbal form requiring accent, it would have to be accented 5>rra7T , dabhdydt. Again, in iv. 19. 2, nd tdtra bhaydm dsti ydtra prdpnoshy oshadhe, I am inclined to attribute the hardly otherwise explainable accent of the first verb to an original error of transcription, and to amend to Witf^rT, bhaydm asti. Again, in v. 18. 4, nir vd'i Jcshairdm ndyati hdntl vdrcah, we might suspect ^tifn, ndyati, to be an error for ^zrfTT, nayati; yet it seems better here to assume an antithesis between the two clauses, of force enough to render orthotone the verb of the first. Again, in vi. 21. 3, we have utd sthd ke^adr'nhanir dtho ha TcecavdrdhaniJu 22 Here, too, it may be made a question whether we are to find a sufficient antithesis to account for the accent of the verb, or whether we are to suppose that the accent-sign has been slipped away from the m, stha, to the succeeding syllable. I incline to prefer the former. Again, in vi. 32. 1, the printed text gives antarddve juliutd sv etdt, but it is by an error of the press, for sif/iT, juhidd', which is the reading of the manuscripts. But I conceive this to be a reversal of the original error by which the verb got its accent in the manuscripts, as I am unable to find any reason why it should be left orthotone. In the passage vi. 60. 2, 93ft ^WT^WT 5FTT: TOW ango nv dryamann asyd' anyd'h sdmanam d'yati, the pada-text divides the last word ^T-s^iifwi, d-dyati, thus giving the verb an accent. But I do not see how the form, which is elsewhere always singular, can be borne as a plural ; it may, perhaps, be amended to ^raf^r, that is, ^TiwPrTi, d' ayanti. A similar case is vi. 131. 3, tdtas tvdm punar d'yasi, which the ^aofa-text understands to be ar>s^n%i , d-dyasi, whereas it is rather ?3Ti^t%i , d' ayasi. Again, in vi. 78. 2, rayyd' sahdsravarcase 'md'u std'm dnupakshitdu, I can discover no ground for preserving to the verb its ac- cent, and believe the accent-sign to have become lost from under it. I would read shit , stdm, etc. 23 Again, in vi. 128. 1, iddrh rashtram dsdd iti, we are perhaps to assume that an accent-sign has been omit- ted under the syllable it, ma, the restoration of which would leave the verb unaccented. Again, in viii. 10. 1, iydm eve 'dam bhavishydti' 'ti, it may be that the last horizontal accent-sign has been slipped away from its place, and that we have to amend to ir feu/mf^ f bhavishyati' Hi. Had we these two instances only, of clauses cited by means of the particle of quotation ^fr, iti, we should be inclined to regard them as cases of the accenting of the verb in a de- pendent clause ; since a quoted sentence is in fact a kind of dependent sentence, and is so treated in some languages, being distinguished in German, for instance, by the use of the subjunctive instead of the indicative mood. And per- haps we may be allowed to explain thus the accent of the two clauses under consideration, even though no other analo- gous passages can be adduced to support this explanation. For, of all the numerous cases in the text (more than thirty), where a clause containing a verb is cited by the particle ^fo, iti, these two are the only ones in which the verb re- ceives an accent. Elsewhere, the quotation is made in the form of an independent sentence, just as it would be spoken ; and that, whether it be the direct object of a verb of speak- ing, as in i. 7. 4, or whether it indicate the "reason why," or the " end for which" (which was its use in the two pas- sages last quoted), as in x. 2. 5. Other instances are iv. 17. 4 ; 20. 6. v. 19. 9 ; 23. 1, etc., etc. Again, in xiv. 1. 32, f^raf "^rr: a^ sft wrcr vicve devd'h krdnn Hid vo mdndnsi, I can discover no reason why the verb should be accented, 24 and suspect the true reading to be aif~^ , krann ihd, a sign of accent having been lost in the manuscripts. Again, in xix. 31. 6, _ SN — _ o o _ ^ O aham pafiin&'m adhipd' dsdni mdyi pushtam pushtapdtir dadhdtu, it seems very uncertain whether the antithesis can be re- garded as being distinct enough to warrant the accenting of the verb in the first pdda. And it is moreover to be noticed, that in the nineteenth book of the text the manuscripts are most especially faulty, so that their authority in doubtful and difficult cases is of almost no weight whatever. I have not pretended to give above all the instances in which we have amended in this book the accentuation of verbs : a record of them may be found among the foot-notes to each page. We need not, then, hesitate to amend to wrf^", asdni, if it shall seem desirable, in the passage now under consid- eration. In the passages thus far treated, we have been inclined to suspect an error in the tradition of the text, where the verbal accent has not appeared to be explainable by ordinary rules and analogies. But there are others in which we seem to discover irregular and anomalous applications of some of the rules previously stated ; which we can hardly regard as errors of transcription, but which may possibly be, at least in part, errors of apprehension on the part of those who es- tablished the text. Whether they are to be understood in this way, or whether they are true and faithfully recorded phenomena of the Vedic language, only of a sporadic char- acter, and not reducible to strict rule, may be better deter- mined when we have before us cases of a like character from the other accented texts also. We have, in i. 20. 1, asmtn yajne maruto mrddtd nah. Here the verb is accented as immediately following a voca- tive, although the latter does not stand at the head of a pdda, and has not itself an accent, as ought to be the case, if the verb is to remain orthotone. A similar case is found in i. 32. 1 ; 25 tcMm jandso viddtha method brdhma vadishyati. The reading fsr^r, viddtha, may be looked upon as somewhat suspicious here, since the sense requires rather an imperative form than an indicative, and since the Atharvan offers no other instance of a form in the present tense of either mood from this root, as conjugated after the manner of the sixth Conjugation-class. But neither consideration is conclusive against the genuineness of the reading, for analogous forms occur in the Rik, and the substitution in the Veda of indica- tive for imperative is by no means unknown. And the passage is so closely analogous to xx. 127. 1, iddm jana upa gruta ndrdgahsd stav ishyate, that it seems better to retain the word in question unchanged, and not to amend it to f^3?f, viddtham, as it would be very easy to do, making a fair sense. The accenting of the form would be, as in the preceding case, an irregular extension of the rule for accenting after a vocative. We might possibly understand ■&, idam, as a mere exclamation, translating " See here, ye people ! hear !" which would account for the accent; but the analogy of ii. 12. 2, zttzd'- sjnjrT, iddin devdh crnuta, is against it, nor do I know any other instance of such a use of jzjj , idem. Again, in i. 30. 1, j^raT^r sfHt f^rwiiR'FTT smjtr ^fttfr vigve devd vdsavo rdkshate 'mdm utd! "dilydjdgrtd yuydm asmin, the accenting of the verb in the second clause may be looked upon as of kindred character with that in the two passages last treated of. Yet the sentence may be also so divided as to make the verb virtually the first word in its clause ; if, namely, we translate "All ye gods, ye Vasus, guard this person ; and ye Adityas likewise, watch ye over him." Again, in xiv. 2. 42, we have vol. v. 53 26 yuvdm brahmdne s mimanyamanau br'hasjpate sdhdm indrag ca dattdni. Here the structure of the sentence appears to be understood as if the words between the vocative and the verb in the second pdda were a kind of parenthesis merely, so that the latter is accented as if it immediately followed the former. " Do ye two . . . . O Brhaspati, Indra also along with you, grant." Again, in xi. 2. 2, cune Tcrosht/e md' qdrirdni kdrtam aliklavebhyah, etc., we have the verb accented, as it seems to me, by an irregu- lar application of the rule allowing the verb to be treated as if directly construed with the following, instead of with the preceding object. The first two words of this passage do indeed stand in the same relation to the verb as the last one, and, so far as they alone were concerned, the verb would be entitled to remain accented : but the introduction of the other two limiting words alters the case, and should render it enclitic again : this, however, appears to have been overlooked, or else deliberately neglected. I do not see any other way of accounting for the accent of the verb here. Again, in xviii. 4. 54, we have ^TT Wit ^ ^f sIsllHI^HWHHTR^t sRTFT urjo bhdgo yd imdmjajd'nd' 'gmd' 'nndndmd'dhipatyariijagd'ma. The meaning and connection of this passage are very ob- scure ; I do not understand them sufnicently to be able to say whether the last verb is correctly accented, as being of the same construction with the first, or whether it should rather be made enclitic, as belonging to an independent clause, or whether its accentuation is to be accounted for in some other manner. Again, in i. 17. 2c, d, is read kanishthika' ca tishthati tishthdd 'id dhamdnir main'. This seems to be an incomplete construction of the kind noted above, where an antithesis sufficient to accent the verb of the former clause is produced by the particles g-^g-, ca-ca, " both — and." In this case the second clause con- tains, instead of g, ca, t^, it, but the effect may be looked upon as being virtually the same. A similar case, perhaps, in found in v. 12. 1, d' ca vaha mitramahac cikitvd'n tvdrn dutdh Jcavir asi prdcetdh. Here the accent; of the first verb is at any rate assured to it by the fact that the corresponding Rik passage (x. 110. 1) has the same reading. We might possibly conjecture, as the cause of it, such an incomplete antithesis as was sup- posed in the last case, the completion of the construction being broken off by an anacoloulhon. Or we may assign to the particle g\ ca, such an office as f=r, hi, would fill, if used in place of it (compare vi. 27. 2. viii. 1. 6.) ; " bring hither, etc. ; [in that case, or if thou so dost] thou art our messen- ger, etc." Again, in vii. 35. lc, d, iddm rdshtrdm piprhi sd'ubhagdya vicva enam dnu madantu devd'h, the accenting of the verb in the first pdda seems to be the effect of the assumption of an antithesis between the two clauses, which is facilitated, perhaps, by the more distinct antithetical construction of the preceding line of the couplet. In viii. 7. 21, we find uj ji.hidhve standyaty abhihrdndaty oshadhih, while srfiT cF^-fH, abln krandati, would seem to be the easier and more natural reading. We cannot well assume here an error of transcription, nor can we plausibly regard the two verbal forms as locatives of the present participle. I do not understand the reason of the accent as it stands. In xl 9. 9, 11, 25, we have, three times repeated, the words ^ 28 amitreshu sa nulcshdyan, which can hardly be translated otherwise than "may they show themselves among our enemies ;" so that the accent should be, according to general analogies, ^rf [ Trt*H , s & m iksha- yan. But there is something especial and unusual about this phrase, inserted each time, as it is, where it seems not par- ticularly in place ; and it may have some relation or signifi- cance which I have not discovered. At present I am com- pelled to pass by the accent as problematical. There are three passages in which the word srnoT, babhuva, is accented, at the end of the line, in a manner which is not accounted for by any general rule. They are as follows : svdsa r'shindm bhutakr'tdm babhu'va (vi. 133. 4) ; mddhuman mddhyam virudhdm babhu'va (viii. 7. 12) ; dddbdhacakshuh pari vicvam babhu'va (xiii. 2. 44). In neither of these cases is the clause a dependent one, or a member of an antithesis, nor am I able to discover any spe- cial ground for the accent of the verbs. It is to be noted, however, that the verbal form here in question stands in the Atharvan very often, indeed, in almost every case in which it occurs at all, at the end of a pdda ; and. that in numerous instances (seventeen in all) it receives an accent in that posi- tion ; not without a distinct reason, it is true, in each case, such as is wanting in the three passages now under consid- eration ; yet it may be that the frequent occurrence of that ending led to the transference of its accentuation to these three passages : the tonic cadence was familiar to the ear, and was accordingly intruded upon a few lines to which it did not properly belong. This explanation, however, I do not regard as very satisfactory, especially as there are also in the "text nineteen cases of the same word standing unac- 29 cented at the end of a pdda; I only offer it as the most plausible one which I am able to suggest. It will be noticed that no other general principle of verbal accentuation than that first enunciated has been regarded as established, or even suggested, by the passages which we have cited. Some, indeed,* have been inclined to assume that the verb was occasionally suffered to retain its accent when it was sought to give especial force to the expression, or else when a peculiar emphasis, or distinctive stress of voice, was by the sense required to be laid upon the verb itself. But although it seems highly plausible that such causes should sometimes produce such an effect, there is almost no distinct evidence to be derived from the text of the Atharvan that they do produce it. It might not be quite impossible to force such a explanation upon some of the cases which we have looked upon above as problemati- cal, while yet it would be hard to find in them any reason for accenting the verb which would not equally apply to a great many passages in the text which are actually left to be accented according to the general rules. And it is rea- sonable to require that such a principle be established upon the evidence of a sufficient number of unambiguous passages, before we make use of it to explain doubtful and difficult cases. But there are a few passages in the Atharvan, for whose explanation we are tempted to suppose the existence and efficiency in the language of this principle of energetic or emphatic accentuation. Thus we have, in the first place, four verses, in which the asseverative particles ^r, aha, ?tt it, and f^-, hila, appear to accent the verbs in connection with which they are taken. They are the following: mdme 'd aha hrdtdv dso mama ciitdm upd'yasi (i. e. upa-d'- ayasi) (i. 34. 2) ; ahdm vaddmi net tvdm sabhd'ydm aha tvdm vdda (vii. 38. 4) ; * So Beufey, Vullst. Sanskr. Gr., §129. 30 mdme 'ddsas tvdm Jcevalo nd' 'nyd'sdm kirtdydg cand (vii. 38. 4) ; md'm it Jala tvdm vdndh cd'hhdtn mddhumatvn iva (i. 34. 4). With regard to w^, aha, it is to be remarked, that it nowhere else in the Atharvan occurs in such connection as to show whether it possesses a general power to accent the verb. But, of six passages in which it is found in the first Ashtaka of the Rik, there is but one in which it exercises such a power. As for the first line given, there is room for suspecting an antithesis (certainly not less than in xix. 31. 6, cited above) ; or the partial analogies of iii. 25. 5. vi. 42. 3 may have had some influence upon its accentuation. In the second in- stance, a very slight change of place of the last accent-sign would rob the verb of its accent.* The particle thj it, is of very frequent occurrence in the text, but nowhere else influ- ences the accent of a verb, unless when in composition with g-, ca, and q-, na, as before explained. And for the third passage also, the analogy of the parallel passage vii. 37. 1 may not have been without effect. The particle fij^r, kila, ' occurs in two other places in the Atharvan, viz. in iv. 7. 3. xviii. 1. 15, as also in Rik i. 32. 4, without rendering the verb orthotone : I am not able at present to refer to any other passages illustrating its use. In these four instances, the accent of the verbs certainly is not of the nature of what we call emphasis ; there ex- ists nQ reason why a distinguishing stress of voice should be laid upon them ; in each case, some other word than the verb is the emphatic one. If the verbs are indeed accented in them in virtue of the influence of the asseverative parti- cles, it must be as the utterance of the whole clause takes place with so much additional force, that the verb also shares in it, to the extent of having its lost accent restored to it. And yet it would seem as if this effect of increased energy of enunciation would better express itself by laying a stronger stress upon the already accented syllables, than * And this change has actually been made in the published text. SI by giving it to others which were not property entitled to it. There are, however, two or three passages, in Avhich signs of a real emphasis are perhaps discoverable. Thus, in ii. 7. 4, SrtTTFFfT *TT FTlfT^TT ^^nft^TmFTT: drdtir no ma' tdrin md' nas tdrishur abhimdtayah, the second verb may be accented because the difference of its form from that of the first struck the sense, and seemed to call for a special notice. Yet this is quite doubtful, since Ave have seen hitherto that, in the case of two correlative and contrasted Sentences, the tendency of the language was to accent the verb of the first, and not of the second. We have, again, in iv. 18. 6, and repeated in v. 31. 11, _ _ _ o *\ ydc cakd'ra nd cacd'ka kdrtum, "He who hath done, hath not been able to do;" i. e., "He who hath attempted, hath not been able to accomplish." Here we may plausibly suppose the accent laid upon the second verb to be an emphatic one. Once more, in xii. 3. 26, Ave read ST^T: FTFftFTT 3 ST^rT V^ quddhd'h sail's id' u gurribhanta evd. In this passage, as in the last but one, the verb is perhaps marked Avith its independent accent in order to indicate more strongly its distinction from the preceding participle. Whether the evidence of these few passages, themselves in part doubtful, and capable of a different explanation, will be considered of so much Aveight that we may found upon it the assertion, that the Sanskrit tends to accent the verb in a sentence Avhich is meant to be expressed Avith pe- culiar energy, or where the sense lays a peculiar force upon it, is A^ery questionable. The existence of such a tendency must remain doubtful until neAV support shall be found for it from the other accented texts. It is not unlikely that these, will furnish parallel passages Avhich shall explain many of those which have occasioned us difficulty, by showing them to be referable to new principles, or to new modes of action 32 of the principles already laid down, which, by the aid of the material furnished by the Atharvan alone, we have not dis« covered. We have thus passed in review all the cases occurring in the first nineteen books of the Atharvan, in which the ac- cent of the verb was determined by other than the most general rules, and which accordingly either threw light upon the theory of verbal accentuation, or required especial treat- ment, as being of an exceptional and anomalous character. I have not included with them the instances derivable from the twentieth and concluding book, because the more proper occasion for presenting these would seem to be a discussion of the accentual rules as illustrated by the Rig- Veda; since the book in question forms really no part of the Atharvan, and is only a collection of extracts from the Rik.* For the sake of completeness, however, I append here a brief state- ment of the passages in it which are of like character with those already given for the other books. Instances of a verb accented because standing at the head of its own clause, the division of the sentence taking place / .'^.„ within the limits of a ]^da, are xx. 3. 1 ; 8. la, b ; 11. 10 ; 16. lid; 27, 2; 3A_2j 46.3; 54.1; 65. 1; 67.5; 91.12; 92. 8, 16; 95. 3; 117. 1; 137. 8. In xx. 16. lie, we have a case of accentuation of the verb regarded as directly construed with the following, in- stead of with the preceding object. In xx. 20. 6, the particle =5r, ca, indicates the conditionality of the clause, whose verb accordingly remains orthotone. fl"'*' In 113. lj we either have another similar case, or the word ■jmi, ubhayam, with which the verse begins, is a general in- troduction to it, and not specialty connected with the follow- ing verb, which is then left accented in virtue of its initial position: as, "Both these two things — let Indra hear our voice .... and let him come hither," etc. The particle grfsirT, kuvit, accents the verb in xx. 24. 2, 4, the only instances of its occurrence. * From this statement should be excepted, of course, the few peculiar pas- sages found in connection with those extracts: yet they also were not to be made use of in an investigation like the present ; their accentuation in the manuscripts is too corrupt to be of any authority ; the editors have had to -accent them anew in accordance with rules and analogies elsewhere established. 33 In xx. 70. 6 is a case of an antithesis with on-crr, vd-vd, which, as in xviii. 1. 16, cited above (p. 15), is incomplete, the second verb being left to be supplied. , f The passage xx. 55. I* appears to be another instance of >'■" J an incompletely stated antithesis, only the former of the two particles g-, ca, being expressed. It may be compared with i. 17. 2c, d, and v. 12. 1 (cited on pages 26 and 27). A distinct antithesis is exhibited in xx. 56. 3d ; " Whom, on the one hand, wilt thou slay? whom, on the other, set in the midst of wealth?" and the usual effect of such a con- struction is seen in the accenting of the former verb. , In xx. 16. lid,/ the former of the two verbs is accented fa- -' • ^ ■'' by the action of the same principle. In xx. 8. 1 c ; 89. 5] we 1 /L x. 9 1 , r have two cases closely akin with v. 18. 4 (see above, p. 21), the correctness of the accentuation in which passage may be looked upon as clearly established by their analogy. In xx. 67. 7d, we have a case of the irregular accenting of a verb after a vocative, in a like situation as in i. 20. 1 (cited above, p. 24). In the passage xx. 5. 5, e 'A? "m asyd drdvd piba. "Come hither now, of this [Soma], run, drink," the intro- duction of £oT, drava, in parenthesis, between fq^r, piba, and its object, has so broken the continuity of the sentence that the latter verb can no longer be made enclitic, but is suffered to retain an independent accent. It thus appears that in that portion of the Rik text (about a thirteenth part of the whole) of which the concluding book of the Atharvan is composed, there are no phenomena of verbal accentuation inconsistent with the rules which have been given above, nor any that require other principles for their explanation. Whether, in the whole body of the Rik, phenomena of a different character may be found, must re- main to be decided by examination. Considering the greater amount of material which the older Veda presents, as well as the superior accuracy of its text as fixed by tradition, its speedy examination with a view to this subject is greatly to be desired, in order to the full elucidation of the latter. 5 1611 V 10 UNIVERSITY OF r.AIJWWU*" University ol California „ SOUTHERN REG.ONAL ^^gEis from w hichitwas^orrowed_ ITE « SEP 1 199&| SRLF 2 WEEK LOAN ' For J PAMPHLET BINDER . Syracuse, N. Y. Z^^ Stockton, Calif. PK 481. W61 58 01239 743 uc SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 356 514 o 1 I University Southeri Librarj