IIOSPITAI., WITH TAKING FOOD & WHAT FOOD, BY i FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE. J. W. BANDOLPH, Bichmond, Va. I-- THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF DR. AND MRS. ELMER BELT DIRECTIONS FOR COOKl'iNG BY TROOPS, IN CAMP AND HOSPITAL, PREPAKED FOR THE ARMY OF VIRGINIA, AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SURGEON GENERAL: WITH ESSAYS ON 'TAKING FOOD," AND "WHAT FOOD/ BY FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE. J. W. RANDOLPH: 121 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA, 1861. Ac I? Directions for Cooking in Camp. No. 1. COFFEE FOR ONE HUNDRED MEN, ONE PINT EACH. Put 12 gallons water into a suitable vessel (or divide if necessary), on the fire ; when boiling, add 3 lbs. ground coffee . mix well with a spoon ; leave on the fivt a few minutes longer; take it off, and pour in ^ a gal- lon cold water ; let it stand till the dregs subside, say from 5 to 10 minutes : then pour off, and add 6 lbs. sugar. If milk is used, put in 12 pints, and diminish the water by that amount. No. 2. FRESH BEEF SOUP FOR ONE HUNDRED MEN. Take 75 lbs. beef; cut into pieces of about ^ lb. each ; 15 gallons water ; 8 lbs. mixed vegetables ; 10 ^mall tablespoonfuls salt ; 2 small tablespoonfuls gi-ound pepper ; some cold bread, ci'ackers, or 3 lbs. rice, to thicken ; place on the fire : let it come to aboil ; then -immer for 3 hours. Skim off the fat and serve. 4 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING. No. 3. soter's stew for owe hundred men. Cut 50 lbs. fresh beef in piece.s of about ^ lb. each, and with 18 quarts of water put into the boiler; add 10 tabiespoonfuls of salt, two of pepper, 7 lbs. onions, cut in slices, and 20 lbs. potatoes peeled and sliced ; stir well, and let it boil for 20 or 30 minutes ; then add 1| lbs. flour previously mixed with water; mix well to- gether, and with a moderate heat simmer for about two hours. Mutton, veal or pork can be stewed in a similar n-anner, but will take half an hour less cooking. A pound of lice or plain dumplings may be added with sreat advanta2:e. No. 4. suet dumplings. Take 10 lbs. flour, 15 teaspoonfuls of salt, 7 of ground pepper, 7 lbs. chopped fat pork or suet, 5 pints water ; mix v.ell together ; divide into about 150 pieces ; which roll in flour, and boil with meat for 20 or 30 minutes. — • Jf no fat or suet can be obtained, take the same ingre- dients, adding a little more water, and boil about 10 iTiinute.?. Serve with the meat. No. 5. TO FRY MEAT. pan on the fire for a minute or so: wipe it clean ; when t!ie pan is hot, put in either fat or butter DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING. 5 (fat from salt meat is preferable) ; then add the meat yoLi are going to cook; turn it several times, to have it equally done ; season to each pound a small teaspoon- ful of salt and a quarter of pepper. A few onions in the remaining fat, with the addition of a little flour, a quarter pint of water, two tablespoonfuls of vinegar, o;- a few chopped pickles, will be very relishing. No. 6. TO COOK SALT BEEF OR PORK. Put the meat, cut in pieces of from 3 to 4 lbs., to soak the night before ; in the morning wash in fresh water, and squeeze well with the hands to extract the salt; after which, put in your kettle with a pint of v.a- ter to each pound, and boil from 2 to 3 hours. No. 7. SALT BEEF OR PORK, WITH MASHED BEAXS. FOR 0:\E HUNDRED MEN. Put in two vessels 37^ lbs. meat each ; divide 24 lb.-:, oeans in four pudding cloths, loosely tied ; putting to boil at the same time as your meat, in sufficient water : let all boil gently for two hours ; take out the meat and beans ; put all the meat into one boiler, and remove the liquor from the other; into which turn out the beans; add to them two teaspoonfuls of pepper, a pound of fat, and with the wooden spatular mash the beans, and serve with the meat. Six sliced onions fried and added im.- proves the dish. 6 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKINO. [Note. — -In cooking all kinds of meat, be careful to preserve the grease, which can be easily done by put- ting the liquor in which it is boiled, by till it cools ; then skim off and place in a clean covered vessel. It is an excellent substitute for butter; is useful for cook- ing purposes, and will burn in a common lamp or tin plate with a piece of old cotton twisted up for a wick.1 Directions for Cooliing in Hospital. No. 1. MUTTON STEWED AND SOUP FOR ONE HUNDRED MEN. Put in a convenient sized vessel 16 gallons water, 60 ■lbs. meat, 12 lbs. plain mixed vegetables, 9 lbs. pearl barley or rice (or 4| lbs. each), 1| lbs. salt, 1^ lbs. flour, 1 oz. pepper. Put all the ingiedients, except the flour, into the pan ; set it on the fire, and when begin- ning to boil, diminish the beat, and simmer gently for two hours and a half,-^ take the meat out and keep warm ; add to the soup your flour, which you have mixed with enough water to form a light batter; stir well together with a large spoon ; boil another half hour; skim off* the fat, and serve the meat and soup separate. The soup should be stirred occar:ionallv while making, to prevent burning or sticking. No. 2. BEEF SOUP. Proceed the same as for mutton, only leave the meat in till servino;, as it takes longer to cook than mutton. The pieces are not to be above 4 or 5 lbs, weight each. 8 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING. No. 3. BEEF TEA, SIX PINTS. Cut three pounds lean beef into pieces the size of walnuts, and break up the bones (if any) ; put it into a convenient sized kettle, with ^ lb. mixed vegetables (onions, celery, turnips, carrots, or one or two of these, if all are not to be obtained), 1 oz. salt, a little pepper, 2 oz. butter, | pint of water. Set it on a sharp fire for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, till it forms a rather thick gravy at the bottom, but not brown ; then add 7 pints of hot water; simmer gently for'an hour. Skim off all the fat, strain through a sieve and serve. No. 4. THICK BEEF TEA. Dissolve a teaspoonful of arrow-root in a gill of water, and pour it into the beef tea twenty minutes before passing through the seive, or add ^ oz. gelatine to the above quantity of beef tea, when cooking. Mutton and veal will make good tea, by proceeding the same as above. No. 5. ESSENCE OF BEEF. Take 1 lb. lean beef, cut fine; put it into a porter bottle with a tea cup of water, ^ teaspoonful of salt, a little pepper, and 6 grains allspice ; tork loosely, and place in a saucepan of cold water ; then with a gentle heat let it simmer till sufficient quantity of the essence is obtained. Serve either warm or cold. DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING. y No. 6. CHICKEN BROTH. Put in a stew-pan a fowl, .3 pints water, 2 teaspoon- fuls of rice, 1 of salt, a little pepper and a small onion, or two ounces of mixed vegetables ; boil the whole gent- ly for one hour (if an old fowl, simmer for two hours, adding one pint more water.) Skim off the fat and serve. A light mutton broth may be made in the same way, taking 1^ pounds mutton — neck if convenient. No. 7. PLAIN BOILED RICE. Put 2 quarts water in a steW' pan with a teaspoonful of salt ; when boiling, add to it | pound rice, well washed ; boil for ten minutes; drain off the water and slightly grease the pan with butter; put the rice back, and let it swell slowly for about twenty minutes, near the fire. Each grain will then swell up, and be well separated. Flavor with nutmeg or cinnamon, and sweeten to taste. No. 8. SAGO JELLY. Put in a pan with 3 pints water, 3 oz. sago, 1^ oz. sugar, half a lemon peel, cut very thin, ^ teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, or a small stick of the same, and a little salt; boil about 15 minutes, stirring constantly, then add a little port, sherry or madeira wine, as the case will admit. 10 DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING. No. 9. ARROW-ROOT MILK. Put in a pan 4 oz. arrow-root, 3 oz. sugar, the peel of half a lemon, ^ teaspoonful of >salt, 2^ pints of milk; set it on the fire ; stir gently ; boil for ten minutes, and serve. If no lemons at hand, a little essence of any kind will do. When short of milk, use half water — -half an ounce of butter is an improvement. No. 10. ARROW-ROOT WATER. Put in a pan 3 oz. arrow-root. 2 oz. white sugar, the peel of a lemon, ^ teaspoonful of salt, and 4 pints water; mix well, set on the fire, and boil for ten minutes. Serve hot or cold. No. 11. RICE WATER. Put 7 pints water to boil ; add 2 oz. rice, washed, 2 oz. sugar, the peel of two-thirds of a lemon, boil gently for three quarters of an hour, or til! reduced to 5 pints. Strain and serve — use as a beverage. No. i2. BARLEY WATER. Put in a saucepan 7 pints water, 2 oz. pearl barley ; stir now and then w^hen boiling: add 2 oz. white sugar, DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING. 11 the rind of half a lemon, thinly peeled ; boil gently for two hours, and serve, either strained or with the barley left in. No. 13. CRIMEAN LEMONADE. Put in a basin 2 tablespoon fu Is of white or brown sugar, ^ a tablespoonful of lime juice, nnix well together. and add one pint of water. No. 14. CITRIC ACID LEMONADE, Dissolve 1 oz. citric acid in one pint of cold water ;^ add 1 lb. 9 oz. white sugar, mix well to form a thick syrup; then put in 19 pints cold water, slowly mixing well. No. 15. TOAST AND WATER. Cut a piece of crusty bread about ^ lb. ; toast gently and uniformly to a light yellow color; then place near the fire, and when of a good brown chocolate, put in a pitcher; pour on it 3 pii.ts boiling water; cover the pitcher, and when cold, strain — it is then ready for use. Neverleave the toast in, as it causes fermentation in a short time. A piece of apple, slowly toasted till it gets quite black. and added to the above, makes a very refreshing drink. ii T^KliSra FOOD." quite irreplaceable by any other article whatevtT. It seems to act in the same manner as beef tea. and to most it is much easier of digestion than milk. In fact, it seldom disagrees. Cheese is not usu- ally digestible by the sick, but it is pure nourishment for repairing waste ; and I have seen sick, and not a fevjr either, whose craving for cheese showed how much it was needed by them.f ■••'■ " Groats," or grits, a coarse gronnd corn meal, or very small hominy, fanned and sifted. Tliis can be prepared at any country corn mill, is a cheap and valuable article of diet for the sick. It can be boiled or baked. In the latter form, a sauce made with a little sugar, butter and lemon juice, or vinegar, renders it very palata ble. When boiled it is usually eaten with a little butter and salt, tin the diseases produced by bad food, such as scorbutic dysentery and diarrhoea, the patient's stomach often craves for and digests things, some of which certainly would be laid down WHAT FOOD ? '.2t But, if fre^h milk is so valuable a food for the sick, the least ch mge or sourness in it, makes it of all arti- cles, perhaps, the most injurious ; diarrhcea is a commoQ result of fresh milk allowed to become at all sour. The nurse therefore ought to exercise her utmost care in this. In large institutions for the sick, even the poorest, the utmost care is exercised. Wenham Lake ice is used for this express purpose every summer, while the private patient, perhaps, never tastes a drop of iTiilk that is not sour, all through the hot weather, so little does the pri- vate nurse understand the necessity of such care. Yet, if you consider that the only drop of real nourishment in your patient's tea is the drop of milk, and how much almost all En^^lish patients depend upon their tea, you will see the great importance of not depriving your pa- tient of this drop of milk. Buttermilk, a totally differ- ent thing, is often very useful, especially in fevers. In laying down rules of diet, by the amounts of " solid nutriment " in different kinds of food, it is con- stantly lost sight of what the patient requires to repair his waste, what he can take and what he can't. You cannot diet a patient from a book, you cannot make up the human body as you would make up a prescription, — so many parts "carboniferous," so many parts " nitro- geneous" will constitute a perfect diet for the patient. The nurse's observation hei-e will materially assist the in no dietary that ever was invented for sick, and especially not for such sick These are fruit, pickles, jams, gingerbread, fat of ham or bacon, suei, cheese, butter, milk. These cases I have seen not by ones, nor by tens, but by hundreds. And the patient's stomach was right and the book was wrong. The articles craved for, in these cases, might have been principally*arranged under the two heads of fiit and vegetable acids. There is often a marked difference between im?n and women in this matter ot sick feeling. Women's digestion is genei'aUy slower. 28 WHAT FOOD? Doctor — the patient's "fancies " will nnaterially assist the nurse. For instance, sugar is one of the nnost nutritive of all articles, being pure carbon, and is particularly re- commended in some books. But the vast majority of all patients in England, young and old, male and female, rich and poor, hospital and private, dislike sweet things, — and wMiile I have never known a person take to sweets when he was ill who disliked them when he was well, I have known many fond of them when in health who in sickness would leave off anything sweet, even to sugar in tea, — sweet puddings, sweet drinks, are their aversion ; the furred tongue almost always likes what is sharp or pungent. Scorbutic patients are an ex- ception. They often crave for sweetmeats and jams. Jelly is another article of diet in great favor with nurses and friends of the sick ; even if it could be eaten solid, it would not nourish; but it is simpl}^ the heightof folly to take ^ oz. of gelatine and make it into a certain bulk by dissolving it in water and then to give it to the sick, as if the mere bulk represented nourishment. It is now known that jelly does not nourish, that it has a ten- dency to produce diarrhoea,— and to trust to it to repair the waste of a diseased constitution is simply to starve the sick under the guise of feeding them. If 100 spoon- fuls of jelly were given in the course of the day, you would have given one spoonful of gelatine, which spoon- ful has no nutritive power whatever. And, nevertheless, gelatine contains a large quantity of nitrogen, which is one of the most powerful elements in nutrition ; on the other hand, beef tea may be chosen as an illustration of great nutrient power in sickness, co- existing with'a very small amount of solid nitrogenous matter. Dr. Christison says that •' every one will be struck WHAT POOD? 29 with the readiness with which" certain classes of " pa- tients will often take diluted meat juice or beef tea re- peatedly, when they refuse all other kinds of food." This is particularly remarkable in " cases of gastric fever in which," he says, "little or nothing else besides beef tea or diluted meat juice" has been taken for weeks or even months, " and yet a pint of beef tea contains scarcely ^ oz. of anything but water," — the result is so striking that he asks what is its mode of action ? " Not simply nutrient — ^ oz. of the most nutritive material cannot nearly replace the daily wear and tear of the tis- sues in any circumstances. Possibly,'' he says, " it be- longs to a new denomination of remedies."* It has been observed that a small quantity of beef tea added to other articles of nutrition augments their power out of all proportion to the additional amount of solid matter. The reason why jellyt should be innutritious and leef too nutritious to the sick, is a secret yet undiscovered, but it clearly shows that careful observation of the sick is the only clue to the best dietary. Chemistry has as yet afforded little insight into the dieting of sick. All that chemistry can tell us is the * Chicken broth, with the fat well skimme.d off, is, to most pa- tients, more palatable than beef tea. t Another most excellent dietetic article is biscuit jelly, made according to the following formula : Biscuit Jelly. — Biscuit^ crushed, 4 oz. — cold water, 2 quarts; soak for some hours ; boil to one ha!f ; strain ; evaporate to one pint ; then flavor with sugar, red wine and cinnamon. Parched Corn, powdered and sweetened to suit the taste, is re- commended as a pleasant and nutritious diet for invalids. In a Southern convalescent, one of the most desirable things that can be given them is thin corn meal,-ground, well boiled, seasoned with salt, and presented while hot. 30 WHAT FOOD ? amount of " carboniferous" or " nitrogenous " elements discoverable in different dietetic articles. It has given us li?ts of dietetic substances, arranged in the order of their richness in one or other of these principles ; but that is all. In the great majority of cases, the stomach of the patient is guided by other principles of selection than merely the amount of carbon or nitrogen in the diet. No doubt, in this as in other things, nature has very definite rules for her guidance, but these rules can only be ascertained by the most careful observation at the b?d-side. She there teaches us that living chemistry, the chemistry of reparation, is something different from the chemistry of the laboratory. Organic chemistry is useful, as all knowledge is, when we cotne face to face with nature; but it by no meaiis follows that we should learn in the laboratory any one of the reparative pro- cesses going on in disease. Again, the nutritive power of milk and of the prepa- rations fiom milk, is veiy much undervalued ; there is nearly as much nourishment in half a pint of milk as there is in a quarter of a lb. of meat. But this is not the whole question or nearly the whole. The main question is what the patient's stomach can assimilate or derive nourishment from, and of this the patient's stomach is the sole judge. Chemistry cannot tell this. The patients stomach must be its own chemist. The diet which will keep the healthy man healthy, will kill the sick one. The same beef which is the most nutritive of all meat and which nourishes the healthy man, is the least nourishing of all food to the sick man, whose half-dead stomach can assimilaie no part of it, that is, make no food out of it. On a diet of beef tea healthy men on the other hand speedily lose their strength. I have known patients live for many months without WHAT FOOD ? 31 touching bread, because they could not eat bakers' bread. Theee were mostly country patients, but not all. Homemade bread or brown bread is a most im- portant article of diet for many patients. The use of apeiients may be entirely superseded by it. Oat cake is another. To watch for the opinions, then, which the patient's stomach gives, rather than to read "analyses of foods," is the business of all those who have to settle what the patient is to eat — perhaps the most important thing to be provided for him after the air he is to breathe. Now the medical man who sees the patient only once a day, or even only once or twice a week, cantiot possibly tell this without the assistance of the patient himself, or of those who are in con>tant observation on the patient. The utmost the medical man can tell is whether the patient is weaker or stronger at this visit than he was at the last visit. [ should, therefore, say that incomparably the most important office of the nurse after she has taken care of the patient's air, is to take care to observe the effect of his food, and report it to the medical attendant. It is quite incalculable the good that would certainly come fiom such sound and close observation in this almost neglected branch of nursing, or the help it W'ould give to the medical man. A great deal too much against tea* is said b}' wise * It is made a frequfcnt recommendation to persons about to incur great exhaustion, either from the nature of the service, or from their being not in a state fit for it, to eat a fjiece of Inead before they go. 1 wish the recommenders would themseFves try the experiment of substituting a piece of bread for a cup of tea or coffee, or beef tea, as a refresher. They would find it a very 32 WHAT FOOD? people, and a great deal too much of tea is given to the sick by foolish people. When you see the natural and almost universal craving in English sick for their "tea," you cannot but feel that nature knows what she is about. But a little tea or coffee restores them quite as much as a gieat deal, and a great deal of tea, and especially of coffee, impairs the little power of diges- tion they have. Yet a nurse, because she sees how one or two cups of tea or coffee restores her patient, thinks that three or four cups will do twice as much. This is not the case at all; it is, however, certain that there is nothing yet discovered which is a substi- tute to the English patient for his cup of tea ; he can take it when he can take nothing else, and he often can't take anything else if he has it not. I should be very glad if any of the abusers of tea would point out what to give to an English patient after a sleepless poor comfort. Wheti soldiers have to set out fasting on fatiguing duty, when nurses have to go tasting in to their patients, it is a hot rest-orative they want, and ought to have, before they go, not a cold bit of bread. And dreadful have been the consequences of neglecting this. If they can take a bit of bread tvith the hot cup of tea, so much the better, but not inslead of it. The fact that their is more nourishment in bread than in almost anything -elSe has probably induced th« mistake. That it is a fatal mistake there is no doubt. It seems, though very little is known on the subject, that what ''assimilates" itself directly, and with the least trouble of digestion with the human body, is the best for the above circumstances. Bread requires two or three processes of assimila- tion, before it becomes like the human body. The almost universal testimony of English men and women who liave undergone great fatigue, such as riding long journeys without stopping or sitting up for several nights in succession, is that they could do it best upon an occasional cup of tea — and nothing else. Let experience, not theory, decide upon this as upon all other things. WHAT FOOD? 33 night, instead of tea. If you give it at 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning, he may even sometimes fall asleep af- ter it, and get perhaps his only two or three hours' sleep during the twenty-four. At the same time you never should give tea or coffee to the siok, as a rule, after 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Sleeplessness in the early night is from excitement generally, and is in- creased by tea or coffee ; sleeplessness which contin- ues to the early morning is fiom exhaustion often, and is relieved by tea. The only English patients I have ever known refuse tea, have been typhus cases, and the first sigii of their getting better was their cra- ving ao:ain for tea. In general, the dry and dirty tongue always prefers tea to coffee, and will quite decline milk, unless with tea. Coffee is a better re- storative than tea, but a greater impairer of the diges- tion. Let the patient's taste decide. You will say that, in cases of great thirst, the patient's craving de- cides that it will drink a great deal of tea, and that you cannot help it. But in these cases be sure that the patient require? diluents for quite other purposes than quenching the thirst ; he wants a great deal of some drink, not only of tea, and tiie doctor will order what he is to have, barley water or lemonade, or soda water and milk, as the case may be. Le;iman, quoted by Dr. Christison, says that, among the well and active, "the infusion of 1 oz. of roasted coffee daily will diminish the waste going on in the body by one-fourth," -and Dr. Christison adds that tea has the same property. Now this is actual experi- ment. Lehmaa weighs the man and finds the fact fiom his weight. It is not deduced from any "analy- 34 WHAT FOOD? sis" of food. All experience among the sick shows the same thing.* Cocoa is often reconimended to the sick in lieu of tea or coffee. But independently of the fact that Eng- lish sick very generally dislike cocoa, it has quite a different effect from tea or coffee. It is an oily starchy nut, having no restoritive at all, but simply increasing fat. It is pure mockery of the sick, therefore, to call it a substitute for tea. For any renovating stimulus it has, you might just as well offer them chestnuts instead of tea. An almost universal error among nurses is in the bulk of the food, and especially the drinks they offer totheir patients. Suppose a patient ordered 4 oz. . brandy du- ring the day, how is he to take this if you make it into four pints with diluting it? The same with tea and beef tea, with arrowroot, milk, &c. You have not in- * 111 making coffee, it is absolulel y iiecessary to buy it in the berry and grind it at home. Otherwise you may reckon upon its containing a certain amount of chicory, at least. This is not a question of the taste, or of the wholesoraeness of chicory. It is that chicory has nothing at all of the properiies for which you give coffee. And therefore you may as well not give it. Again, all laundresses, mistresses of dairy-farms, head nurses, (I speak of the good old sort only — women who unite a good deal of hard man-ual labor with the head-work necessary for arrang- ing the day's business, so that none of it shall tread upon the heels of something else,) set great value, I have observed, upon liaving a high-priced tea. This is called extravagant. But these women are '^extravagant" in nothing else. And they ate right in this. Real tea-leaf tea alone contains'the restorative they want ; which is not to be found in sloe-leaf tea. The mistresses of houses, who cannot even go over their own house once a day, are incapable of judging for these women. For they are incapable themselves, to all appearance, of the spirit of arrangement (no small task) necessary for managing a large waro or dairv. WHAT FOOD? 35 creased the nourishment, you have not increased the renovating power of these articles, by increasina: their bulk', you have very likely diminished both by giving the patient's digestion more to do, and most likely of all, the patient will leave half of what he has been or- dered to take, because he cannot swallow the bulk with which you have been pleased to invest it. It requires very nice observation and care (and meets with hardly any) to determine what will not be too thick or strong for the patient to take, while giving him no more than ^he bulk which he is able to swallow,- SCIENCE OF WAR! TA.CTICS FOR OFFICERS OF INFANTRY, CAVALRY AND ARTILLERY. ARRANGED AND COMPILED BY I. V. BTJCKHOLTZ. Oue Volume, 12mo, Price 75 cts. by mail, post paid. ARMORY, RICf^MOND, VA., Jan'y 8, 1861. J. W. Bandolph — Dear Sir: — I have only had time to look over the Military work of Capt. Jjuckholiz, hecsiuse of my pressing duties, yet I am satisfied that, if printed, much valuable informa* tion to our citizen soldiery will be furnished. The popular works upon military matters, now before the pub- lic, are confined to ordinary drills and parades. What is now wanted, is a treatise going to show when the various movements of Artillery, Cavalry, Infantry and Rifle, as taught in their respec- tive drills, should be used in presence of an enem}', — what grounds should be selected for battle and encampment — what precautions to be taken when advancing or retreating-^when to act in column-^ when in line, how to post the different arms to act most favorabl}^ — information most essential to success, and without which, no matter how personally brave troops may be, they are exposed to almost certain disaster in prc^sence of an equal number of well drilled and well manoeuvered troops, and this information Capt. Buckholtz furnishes in his work. I have no hesitation in recommending it. Very respectfully yours, CHARLES DIMMOCK, Capt., ^'c, cj'c. Published and for sale by J. W. RANDOLPH, Richmond, Va. Also for sale by Booksellers generally. SOUTHERN BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE, ESTABLISHSD 1833. J. W. RANDOLPH, Boohseller, Publisher^ Stationer AND MUSIC DEALER, OflTers on the best terms for cash or approved credit, the largest assort ment of goods in his line to be found south of Philadelphia. THE STOCK EMBRACES LAW, MEDICINE, THEOLOGY, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, POLI- TICS, SCHOOL, CLASSICS, JUVENILE, NOVELS, POETRY, and MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, in English and other languages. Particular attention given to the collection of Rare "Works. Books im- jjorted to order. AMERICAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH STATIONERY Of the best quality, A large stock of STANDARD MUSIC, and all the New Popular Pieces are for sale soon as published. BLANK BOOKS made to order, and all kinds of BOOK-BINDING ex- ecuted in good style. Catalogues will be mail-^d to all who send a stamp to pay the postage. OLD BOOKS Taken in Exchange for New "Works. J. W. RANDOLPH, 121 MAIN STREET, Richmond, Va. NEW MILITARY WORK INFANTRY CAMP DUTY, FIELD FORTIFICATION, AND COAST DEFENSE. Prepared and arranged by Capt. L. v. Buckholtz, with plates, 16mo, muslin. Price 50 cts. by mail, post paid. RECOMMENDATIONS. '' This is a mere pocket-book in size, but it is crowded with instruc- tion for military men — instruction gathered and condensed from the great bulk of works on military science. It encloses grains of wheat, threshed, as it were, out of the great stack — is simple, convenient and comprehensive. It is from the pen of Captain Buck' oltz, of this city, a gentleman who has seen service on the continent of Europe, and who is an accomplished officer." — Richmond Dispatch. 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