MEDICAL SCHOOL The Lucy M. w a nzer Library With the Respects of A. L. BANCROFT & COMPANY, San Francisco, Cal. A TEEATISE- 6- HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY; DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS OF MEDICINE. BY JOHN C. DALTON, M.D., PROFESSOR OP PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE IN THE COLLEGE OP PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, NEW YORK; MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE ; OF THE NEW YORK PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY ; OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. BOSTON; OF THE BIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA; AND OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SIXTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. WITH THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN ILLUSTRATIONS. PHILADELPHIA: HE^EY 0. LEA 1875. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by HENRY C. LEA, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. All rights reserved. PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 70f> Jayne Street. TO MY FATHER, JOHN C. DALTON, M.D., IN HOMAGE OF HIS LONG AND SUCCESSFUL DEVOTION TO THE SCIENCE AND AET OF MEDICINE, AND IN GRATEFDL RECOLLECTION OP HIS PROFESSIONAL PRECEPTS AND EXAMPLE, n 9 aim* IS RESPECTFULLY AND AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED. 271". PREFACE. IN the present edition of this book, while every part has received a careful revision, the original plan of arrangement has been changed only so far as was necessary for the introduction of new material. Al- though the whole field of physiology has been cultivated, of late years, with unusual industry and success, perhaps the most important advances have been made in the two departments of Physiological Chemistry and the Nervous System. The number and classification of the proximate principles, more especially, and their relation to each other in the pro- cess of nutrition, have become, in many respects, better understood than formerly ; though it is evident that this fundamental part of physiology is to receive, in the future, modifications and additions of the most valuable kind. In nearly every division of physiological study, a prominent feature of recent progress has been the increased attention paid to quantitative investigation. The conviction has apparently become general that, in physiology as well as in other natural sciences, the knowledge gained by any method of study is essentially imperfect until its re- sults can be stated in figures. The chemical characters of an ingre- dient or product of the animal system are hardly more important than its quantity; and for determining its physiological relation to other substances, of similar or different kinds, the knowledge of its quantity is absolutely indispensable. Investigations of this sort, in respect to the living body, are surrounded with difficulties ; but the results ob- tained are steadily increasing in precision and extent, and already foiun a most important element in the study of physiology. In a text-book like the present, it is desirable that the reader should not be misled by having all the frequent changes of opinion, or sub- stitutions of theory, presented as discoveries in physiological science. Any faithfully observed facts, however unexpected or peculiar, are of course at once invested with a permanent value. But the theoretical explanations, by which they are sometimes accompanied, are not of the same importance. They often represent only a scheme of probabilities (v) VI , PKEFACE. existing in the mind of the author, and may be altered at any time to suit the requirements of more extended observation. In rendering an account, therefore, of the state of knowledge upon any physiological subject, the student should be informed, not only of the results now in our possession, but also of the means of investigation by which they have been attained. He is thus enabled to distinguish between what is positive in physiological doctrines, and what is hypothetical ; and when further discoveries are made, which lead to changes of opinion, he is not confused or disappointed at apparent contradictions between the new views and the old. This method requires a certain amount of detail in the statement of facts; but its advantages are ample compen- sation for the necessary expenditure of time and space. The additions and alterations in the text, requisite to present con- cisely the growth of positive physiological knowledge, have resulted, in spite of the author's earnest efforts at condensation, in an increase of fully fifty per cent, in the matter of the work. A change, however, in the typographical arrangement has accommodated these additions without undue enlargement in the bulk of the volume. The new chemical notation and nomenclature are introduced into the present edition, as having now so generally taken the place of the old, that no confusion need result from the change. The centigrade system of measurements for length, volume, and weight, is also adopted, these measurements being at present almost universally employed in original physiological investigations and their published accounts. Tempera- tures are given in degrees of the centigrade scale, usually accompanied by the corresponding degrees of Fahrenheit's scale, inclosed in brackets. NEW YOKK, September, 1875. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. PAGE Definition of Physiology Organization of living bodies Functions Mode of study in physiology Experiments Their results, direct and indirect Vital phenomena Their various kinds Division of the subject . 25-32 SECTION I. NUTEITION. CHAPTER I. PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES IN GENERAL. Definition of proximate principles Their mode of extraction Their propor- tions in the animal tissues and fluids Their classification . . 33-39 CHAPTER II. INORGANIC PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. Nature and source of the inorganic proximate principles Water Lime phosphate Lime carbonate Magnesium phosphate Sodium chloride Potassium chloride Sodium and potassium phosphates Sodium and po- tassium carbonates Sodium and potassium sulphates Use and final dis- charge of the inorganic proximate principles 40-54 CHAPTER III. HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. Source and general character of the hydrocarbonaceous proximate principles Starch Its reactions Its production in vegetables Its transformation in the digestive process Glycogen Sugar Glucose Its reactions Fer- mentation Lactose Saccharose The Fats Their reactions Stearine Palmitine Oleine Condition of the fats in organized tissues and fluids Their production in vegetables Their decomposition in the body Choles- terine Origin and destination of the hydrocarbonaceous proximate princi- ples 55-78 ( vii } Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. PAOK Composition and general characters of the albuminous matters Hygrosco- picity Coagulation Catalysis Putrefaction Production of albuminous matters Fibrine Albumen Albuminose Gascine Ptyaline Pepsine Pancreatine Mucosine Myosine Collagen Chondrine Elasticine Keratine Alteration and discharge of the albuminous matters . 79-93 CHAPTER V. COLORING MATTERS. General characters of the coloring matters Hemoglobine Melanine Bili- rubine Biliverdine Urochrome Luteine Chlorophylle . . 94-101 CHAPTER VI. CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. General characters of the crystallizable nitrogenous matters Lecithine Cerebrinc Leucine Sodium glycocholate Sodium taurocholate Crca- tine Creatinine Urea Sodium urate Sodium hippurate . . 102-112 CHAPTER VII. FOOD. Inorganic ingredients of the food Non-nitrogenous organic ingredients of the food Nitrogenous ingredients of the food Composition of different articles of food Milk Bread Meat Eggs Vegetables Eequisite quantity of food and of its different ingredients Results of the assimilation and metamorphosis of the food 113-130 CHAPTER VIII. DIGESTION. Nature of the digestive process Digestive apparatus Mastication The ^ saliva Salivary glands Physical properties and composition of the saliva Its modes of secretion Its daily quantity Its physiological action The gastric juice and stomach digestion Mucous membrane of the sto- mach Physical qualities and composition of the gastric juice Its mode of secretion Its daily quantity Its physiological action The pancreatic juice Structure of the pancreas Physical character and composition of the pancreatic juice Its physiological properties The intestinal juice Brunner's glands Follicles of Lieberkiihn Mode of obtaining the intes- tinal juice Its composition and properties The large intestine and its contents Excretine Stercorine ....... 131-188 CHAPTER IX. ABSORPTION. Intestinal villi Closed follicles of the small intestine Absorption by the villi Absorption by the bloodvessels Absorption by the lacteals Pas- sage of absorbed materials into the circulation Renovation of the blood by digestion and absorption ........ 189-200 CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER X. THE BILE. FAG 1C Structure of the liver Physical and chemical characters of the bile Its fluorescence Its spectrum Its composition Pettenkofer's test for the biliary salts Mode of secretion of the bile Its daily quantity Decompo- sition of the biliary matters in the intesjtine Physiological function and destination of the bile . 201-227 CHAPTER XI. PRODUCTION OF GLYCOGEN AND GLUCOSE IN THE LIVER. Glycogen Its origin and mode of formation Its transformation into sugar Rapidity of formation of sugar in the liver Its accumulation after death Its proportion in the liver-tissue during life Absorption and final disap- pearance of the liver-sugar Its discharge by the urine Diabetes Va- rious causes of diabetes ......... 228-242 CHAPTER XII. THE BLOOD. Physical characters of the blood Red globules Their size, form, and reac- tions Their composition Spectrum of blood Yarieties of the red glo- bules in different classes of animals Diagnosis of blood, and distinction between that of man and animals White globules of the blood Amoeboid movements of the white globules Plasma of the blood Coagulation of the blood Quantity of blood in the body 243-269 CHA PTER XIII. RESPIRATION. Nature of respiration Respiration in vegetables Organs of respiration Movements of respiration Inspiration Expiration Respiratory move- ments of the glottis Frequency of respiration Quantity of air used in respiration Changes of the air in respiration Diminution of oxygen In- crease of carbonic acid Relation between the oxygen absorbed and the carbonic acid given off Exhalation of watery vapor Exhalation of or- ganic matter Vitiation of the air by respiration Changes in the blood by respiration Absorption of oxygen Discharge of carbonic acid Source of the carbonic acid of the blood 270-299 CHAPTER XIV. ANIMAL HEAT. Temperature of the animal body Differences of temperature in different classes Quantity of heat produced in the body Normal variations of temperature during life Mode of production of animal heat Local pro- duction of heat in the different organs Equalization of temperature by the circulation Regulation of the animal temperature Resistance of the body to cold Resistance of the body to heat The perspiration . 300-317 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER XV. THE CIRCULATION. PAGE Apparatus of circulation The heart Sounds, movement, and impulse of the heart Rhythm of the heart's action The arteries Distension of the arte- ries by the heart's action Arterial pulse The sphygmograph Dicrotic pulse The arterial pressure Rapidity of the arterial current The veins Movement of the blood through the veins Rapidity of the venous circu- lation The capillaries Movement of the blood through the capillaries Physical cause of the capillary circulation General rapidity of the circu- lation Local variations in the capillary circulation . . . 318-353 CHAPTER XYI. THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. Structure and arrangement of the lymphatic system Origin and course of* the lymphatic vessels -The lymphatic glands Transudation and absorp- tion by animal tissues Endosmosis and exosmosis Absorption and transu- dation in the living body Lymph and chyle Composition of the lymph The lymph globules Movement of fluids in the lymphatic system Daily quantity of lymph and chyle Internal renovation of the animal fluids 354-373 CHAPTER XVII. THE URINE. General character of the urine Its physical properties Variations in quan- tity, density, and acidity Ingredients of the urine Urea Creatinine Sodium and potassium urates Sodium biphosphate Alkaline phosphates Earthy phosphates Sodium and potassium chlorides Sodium and po- tassium sulphates Reactions of the urine Heat Acids Alkalies Mine- ral salts Abnormal ingredients of the urine Glucose Biliary matters Medicinal substances Albumen Deposits in the urine Deposits of the urates Uric acid Blood Mucus Pus Decomposition of the urine Acid fermentation Alkaline fermentation Renovation of the body in the nutritive process 374-397 SECTION II. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER I. GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Mode of action of the nervous system Its structure Nerve fibres Tubular sheath Medullary layer Axis cylinder Course and relation of the nerve fibres Their peripheral termination Physiological properties of the nerve fibres Nerve cells Their relation with nerve fibres Their physio- logical properties Reflex action of the nervous system . . . 399-416 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER II. NERVOUS IRRITABILITY, AND ITS MODE OF ACTION. PAGE Nature of nervous irritability Irritability of sensitive fibres Irritability of motor fibres Identity of action in sensitive and motor nerve fibres Ra- pidity of transmission of the nerve force Methods of determining its rate of transmission Rate of transmission in the motor nerves In the sensitive nerves In the spinal cord Rapidity of nervous action in the brain Va- riation of nervous rapidity in different individuals .... 417-431 CHAPTER III. GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE VARIOUS PARTS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Two divisions of the nervous system Ganglionic system Cerebro-spinal system Spinal cord Brain Brain of fish Of reptiles Of birds Of quadrupeds Of man Medulla oblongata Olivary bodies Tuber annu- lare Crura cerebri Cerebral ganglia Connection of the different parts of the cerebro-spinal system 432-442 CHAPTER IV. THE SPINAL CORD. General structure of the spinal cord Arrangement of its gray and white sub- stanceGray substance of the cord White substance of the cord Con- nection of the spinal nerve roots with the spinal cord Transmission of motor and sensitive impulses in the spinal nerves and nerve roots In the spinal cord Sensitive and excitable parts of the spinal cord Channels for sensation and motion in the spinal cord Crossed action of the spinal cord Decussation of the motor tracts Decussation of the sensitive tracts Various forms of paralysis from lesions of the cerebro-spinal axis Para- plegia Hemiplegia Reflex action of the spinal cord . . . 443-470 CHAPTER V. THE BRAIN. General structure of the brain The hemispheres Cerebral convolutions Physiological properties of the hemispheres Intellectual faculties Special seat of articulate and written language Special centres of motion in the hemispheres The cerebral ganglia The cerebellum Physiological pro- perties of the cerebellum The tuber annulare Physiological properties of the tuber annulare Medulla oblongata Physiological properties of the medulla Its action as a nervous centre Its influence on respiration On deglutition On phonation On articulation ..... 471-510 CHAPTER VI. THE CRANIAL NERVES. Classification of the cranial nerves Olfactory nerves Optic Oculomo- torius Patheticus Trigeminus Abducens Facial Auditory Glosso- pharyngeal Pneumogastric Spinal accessory Hypoglossal General arrangement and mode of origin of the cranial nerves . . . 511-581 Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. PAGE Nerves and ganglia of the sympathetic system Their anatomical arrange- ment Their physiological properties Their influence on motion and sensibility Their connection with the special senses With the circula- tionWith reflex action 582-592 CHAPTER VIII. THE SENSES. General sensibility Sensations of touch Of temperature Of pain Sense of taste Its necessary conditions Sense of smell Its necessary conditions Sense of sight Organ of vision Physiological conditions of the sense of sight Field of vision Line of direct vision Point of distinct vision Accommodation of the eye for vision at different distances Apparent posi- tion of objects and binocular vision Point of fixation Appreciation of solidity and projection General laws of visual perception Persistence of luminous impressions Negative images Sense of hearing Organ of hear- ing Tympanum and chain of bones Their physiological action Labyrinth Its physiological action Office of the semicircular canals Cochlea Organ of Corti Physiological action of the cochlea Production and per- ception of musical notes 593-666 SECTION III. REPRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. THE NATURE OF REPRODUCTION, AND THE ORIGIN OP PLANTS AND ANIMALS. Changes of structure and function in living organisms Their disappearance Their reproduction Reproduction by generation Spontaneous genera- tion Entozoa Infusoria Bacteria Influence of heat on the production of bacteria . . . ' 667-681 CHAPTER II. SEXUAL GENERATION AND THE MODE OF ITS ACCOMPLISHMENT. Male and female sexes Generative apparatus of flowering plants Genera- tive apparatus of animals Ovaries and testicles Distinction between the sexes Accessory organs of generation ...... 682-684 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER III. THE EGG AND THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. PAGE Constitution of the egg Yitelline membrane Vitellus Ovaries and Ovi- ducts Action of the oviducts and female generative passages In the frog In the fowl Uterus and Fallopian tubes in quadrupeds In the human species 685-694 CHAPTER IV. THE SEMINAL FLUID AND THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. The spermatozoa Their anatomical characters Their movement Forma- tion of the spermatozoa Accessory male organs of generation Necessary conditions of fecundation by the seminal fluid Union of the sexes . 695-702 CHAPTER V. PERIODICAL OVULATION AND THE FUNCTION OF MENSTRUATION. Periodical ovulation Original existence of eggs In ovipara In vivipara Complete development of the ovarian egg Condition of puberty Ripen- ing and discharge of the ovarian egg OEstruation Menstruation Its appearance and periodicity Phenomena of menstruation Ovulation at the menstrual period 703-712 CHAPTER YI. THE CORPUS LUTEUM, AND ITS CONNECTION WITH MENSTRUATION AND PREGNANCY. Origin of the corpus luteum Corpus luteum of menstruation Hemorrhage into the Graafian follicle Hypertrophy of the vesicular membrane De- colorization of the clot Yellow coloration of the convoluted wall Atrophy and disappearance of the corpus luteum of menstruation Corpus luteum of pregnancy Its growth and duration Its disappearance after delivery Distinguishing marks of the corpus luteum, in menstruation and pregnancy 713-720 CHAPTER VII. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. Changes in the egg before leaving the ovary Deposit of albuminous layers in the Fallopian tube Segmentation of the vitellus Blastoderm, or ger- minal membrane External and internal blastodermic layers Formation of organs in the embryo Embryonic spot Area pellucida Primitive trace Medullary groove Medullary canal Dorsal plates Abdominal plates Chorda dorsalis Changes of form in the frog's embryo Growth of the limbs Disappearance of the tail Transformation of the tadpole into the frog 721-728 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO IN THE FOWL'S EGG. PAGE Development of the chick The yolk and the cicatricula Formation of the blastoderm Folds of the blastoderm Position of the embryo in the egg Division of the blastodermic layers Outer and inner lamina} of the blasto- derm Primitive vertebrae Formation of the spinal column and its mus- cles 729-737 CHAPTER IX. DEVELOPMENT OF ACCESSORY ORGANS IN THE IMPREGNATED EGG. UMBILICAL VESICLE, AMNION, AND ALLANTOIS. Nature and function of the accessory embryonic organs Umbilical vesicle Amnion Allantois Physiological action of the allantois Exhalation of water in the fowl's egg Respiration and absorption of nourishment by the allantois Escape of the chick at maturity from the egg-shell . . 738-744 CHAPTER X. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG AND ITS MEMBRANES IN THE HUMAN SPECIES. AMNION AND CHORION. Membranous envelopes of the human foetus Amnion Its enlargement Amniotic fluid Chorion Early formation of the chorion Villosities of the chorion Development of bloodvessels of the chorion Partial disappear- ance of its villosities Their further development at the situation of the placenta 745.749 CHAPTER XI. DEVELOPMENT OF THE DECIDUAL MEMBRANE, AND ATTACHMENT OF THE EGG TO THE UTERUS. Mucous membrane of the unimpregnated uterus Uterine tubules Decidua vera Hypertrophy of the uterine mucous membrane after impregnation Decidua reflexa Enclosure of egg by the decidua reflexa Attachment of the egg to the uterine mucous membrane Corresponding development of the chorion and decidua 750-754 CHAPTER XII. THE PLACENTA. Source of nourishment for the foetus in man and mammalians Relations of the allantois and uterine mucous membrane In the pig In ruminating animals In carnivora In man Vascular tufts of the placenta Vascular sinuses of the decidua Relation between the two Physiological action of the placenta 755-762 CONTENTS. XV CHAPTER XIII. DISCHARGE OP THE FCETUS AND PLACENTA. REGENERATION OF THE UTERINE TISSUES. PAGE Enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy Formation of the umbilical cord Its elongation and twisting Disappearance of the umbilical vesicle Contact of the decidua vera and reflexa Separation and discharge of the foetus and placenta Hemorrhage at the time of delivery Its arrest by contraction of the uterus Regeneration of the uterine tissues after de- livery 763-768 CHAPTER XIY. DEVELOPMENT OP THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, ORGANS OP SENSE, SKELETON, AND LIMBS. Cerebro-spinal axis Cerebral vesicles Their division Hemispheres Optic thalami Tubercula quadrigemina Cerebellum Medulla oblongata Organs of special sense Ossification of the skeleton Formation of the limbs The integument . 769774 CHAPTER X Y. DEVELOPMENT OP THE ALIMENTARY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES, Formation of the intestinal canal Stomach Small intestine Large intes- tine Convolutions of the intestine Anus Imperforate anus Caput coli Appendix vermiformis Congenital umbilical hernia Meconium Liver Lungs, thoracic cavity and diaphragm Urinary bladder and urethra De- velopment of the mouth and face 775-783 CHAPTER XYI. DEVELOPMENT OP THE WOLFFIAN BODIES, KIDNEYS, AND INTERNAL ORGANS OF GENERATION. Embryonic urinary apparatus Wolffian bodies Their structure The kid- neys Internal organs of generation Fallopian tubes and vasa deferentia Descent of the testicles Tunica vaginalis testis Congenital inguinal hernia Female organs of generation Descent of the ovaries Formation of the uterus, round ligaments and broad ligaments Condition of the uterus and ovaries at birth 784-790 CHAPTER XYII. DEVELOPMENT OP THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. Successive forms of the circulatory system Yitelline circulation Omphalo- mesenteric vessels Placental circulation Umbilical arteries and vein Adult circulation Development of the arterial system Development of the venous system The hepatic circulation and ductus venosus The heart and ductus arteriosus Foramen ovale Eustachian valve Crossing of blood-currents in the foetal heart Changes in the circulation at birth 791-808 XVi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XVIII, DEVELOPMENT OF THE BODY AFTER BIRTH. PAGB Condition of the newly-born infant Its weight Establishment of respira- tion Condition of the nervous system Relative weight of the internal organs in the foetus at term and the adult Separation of the umbilical cord and cicatrization of the umbilicus Exfoliation of the cuticle and hairs Appearance of the first set of teeth Appearance of the second or per- manent set Period of puberty, and complete ossification of the skeleton 809-811 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1. Fibula tied in a knot, after maceration in dilute acid . . .45 2. Grains of potato starch ..... ,56 3. Starch grains of Bermuda arrowroot . . . . .57 4. Starch grains of wheat flour . . ... . .57 - 5. Starch grains of Indian corn ...... 58 6. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in its quiescent condition . . 65 7. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, during active germination . . .66 8. Stearine, crystallized from a warm solution in oleine . . .70 9. Oleaginous principles of human fat . 71 10. Human adipose tissue . . . 72 11. Chyle, from thoracic duct of the dog . 73 12. Globules of cow's milk .... ... 73 13. Cells of costal cartilages, human ..... 74 14. Hepatic cells, human ....... 74 15. Uriniferous tubules of the dog ...... 75 16. Muscular fibres of human uterus, three weeks after parturition . 75 17. Cholesterine, from an encysted tumor ..... 77 18. Cells of Bacterium termo ....... 83 19. Hemoglobine crystals, from human blood . . (Funke) 95 20. Hemoglobine crystals, from dog-faced baboon . . (Preyer) 96 21. Sodium glycocholate, from ox-bile . . . . 105 22. Sodium taurocholate, from alcoholic extract of dog's bile . .106 23. Creatine, crystallized from hot water . . . (Lehmann) 107 24. Creatinine, crystallized from hot water . . . (Lehmann) 107 25. Urea, crystallized by slow evaporation . . . (Lehmann) 109 26. Alimentary canal of fowl ...... 132 27. Compound stomach of ox . . . . . . 133 28. Human alimentary canal ...... 134 29. Skull of rattlesnake ... . (Eichard) 136 30. Skull of polar bear . .... 137 31. Skull of the horse ....... 137 32. Molar tooth of the horse ; grinding surface .... 137 33. Human teeth ........ 138 34. Lobule of parotid gland ..... (Wagner) 139 35. Salivary tubes ; from a muciparous gland . . (Kolliker) 139 36. Glandular follicles and cells ; from submaxillary gland . (Heidenhain) 140 37. Section of submaxillary gland ; from the dog . . (Kolliker) 140 38. Buccal and glandular epithelium ; deposited from saliva . . 141 39. Gastric mucous membrane ; viewed from above . . . . 152 40. Gastric mucous membrane ; in vertical section .... 152 2 ( xvii ) XV111 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PIG. 41. Mucous membrane of pig's stomach ; vertical section 42. Gastric follicles, from pig's stomach ; pyloric portion 43. Gastric follicles, from pig's stomach ; cardiac portion . 44. Gastric follicles, from pig's stomach ; middle portion 45. Gastric follicle, from human stomach ; cardiac portion , 46. Portion of human pancreas and duodenum 47. Longitudinal section of wall of duodenum 48. Entire Brunner's gland ..... 49. Portion of one of Brunner's glands 50. Follicles of Lieberkuhn .... 51. Loop of small intestine, isolated by compressors 52. Contents of stomach, during digestion of meat . 53. Contents of duodenum, during digestion of meat 54. Contents of middle portion of small intestine 55. Contents of last quarter of small intestine 56. An intestinal villus . . . 57. Peyer's patch, from the ileum .... 58. A closed follicle of Peyer's patch ; from the pig 59. Chyle, from thoracic duct of the dog 60. Intestinal epithelium ; from the dog, fasting 61. Intestinal epithelium ; from the dog, during digestion . 62. Capillary bloodvessels of the intestinal villi 63. Panizza's experiment, on absorption from the intestine . 64. Lacteals and lymphatics, during digestion 65. Hepatic lobule, in transverse section 66. Glandular hepatic cells ..... 67. Biliary canals and ducts ; from the frog's liver . 68. Hepatic lobule, transverse section ; from rabbit's liver , 69. Spectrum of green bile . . . . . 70. Spectrum of chlorophylle .... 71. Spectrum of Pettenkofer's test, with biliary salts, in watery solution 72. Spectrum of Pettenkofer's test, with biliary salts, in alcoholic solution 73. Spectrum of Pettenkofer's test, with albumen . 74. Crystalline and resinous biliary substances 75. Duodenal fistula ...... 76. Human blood-globules ..... 77. Red globules of the blood, seen beyond the focus 78. Red globules of the blood, seen within the focus 79. Red globules of the blood, adhering together 80. Red globules of the blood, shrunken and crenated 81. Red globules of the blood, swollen by imbibition 82. Spectrum of hemoglobine, in aerated blood 83. Spectrum of reduced hemoglobine 84. Blood-globules of the frog .... 85. White globules of the blood, altered by acetic acid 86. Changes in form of a white globule of the blood 87. Coagulated fibrine .... 88. Bowl of recently coagulated blood . . 89. Bowl of coagulated blood, after twelve hours 90. Head and gills of Menobranchus 91. Lung of frog . . . . . 92. Human larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs PAGE 153 153 . . 154 . . 154 (Kolliker) 155 (Bernard) 172 (Bernard) 180 - (Frey) 180 . 180 181 . (Colin) 182 185 . 186 t 186 186 (Leydig) 189 (Boehm) 190. . 190 . 192 . 193 f 193 (Kolliker) 194 . 195 198 202 . 202 (Eberth) 203 (Genth) 204 . 208 210 >lution 213 c solution 214 . 215 217 . 217 . 244 244 245 .. 245 . 246 . 247 . 248 250 252 255 256 258 , 261 261 272 272 . 273 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XIX FIG- PAGE 93. Single lobule of human lung ...... 274 94. Capillary bloodvessels in the pulmonary vesicles . . (Frey) 274 95. Diagram illustrating the movements of respiration . . . 275 96. Human larynx, in its post-mortem condition . . . .278 97. Human larynx, with the glottis opened .... 278 98. Human larynx, posterior view ...... 278 99. Diagram of the circulation in mammalians . . . .319 100. Human heart, anterior view . . . . . .319 101. Human heart, posterior view ...... 319 102. Eight auricle and ventricle ; ventricular valves open, arterial valves closed ......... 320 103. Bight auricle and ventricle ; ventricular valves closed, arterial valves open ......... 321 104. Course of the blood through the heart . . . . .321 105. Production of valvular sound by fibrous tension . . . 323 106. Bullock's heart, anterior view ; showing superficial fibres . . 325 107. Converging spiral fibres at the heart's apex . . . .325 108. Transverse section of the bullock's heart in cadaveric rigidity . 328 109. Left ventricle of bullock's heart ; showing deep fibres . . 328 110. Curvatures of an artery in pulsation . . . . .332 111. Curves of pulsation, in an elastic tube ..... 333 112. Trace of the radial pulse, taken by sphygmograph . . . 334 113. ) jj^ f Variations of the radial pulse, under the influence of temperature 115] ) (Marey) 335 116. Dicrotic pulse, in typhoid pneumonia . . . (Marey) 336 117. Dicrotic pulse, in typhoid fever . . . (Marey) 336 118. Chaveau's instrument, for measuring rapidity of arterial current . 339 119. Vein, with valves open ...... 342 120. Vein, with valves closed ...... 342 121. Small artery, breaking up into capillaries .... 344 122. Capillary bloodvessel ..... (Kolliker) 345 123. Capillary plexus, from web of frog's foot .... 346 124. Capillary circulation, in web of frog's foot .... 347 125. Diagram of the circulation ...... 353 126. Lymphatic vessels and glands, of the head, neck, and thorax (Mascagni) 357 127. Section of a lymphatic gland .... (Kolliker) 358 128. Longitudinal section through a mesenteric gland . (Kolliker) 358 129. Crystals of uric acid ; deposited from urine .... 385 130. Ferment-apparatus, for saccharine urine . . . .387 131. Crystalline masses of sodium urate ; deposited from urine . . 391 132. Crystals of lime oxalate ; deposited from urine . . . 394 133. Crystals of ammonio-magnesian phosphate ; deposited from urine . 396 134. Nerve fibres, from the sciatic nerve ..... 401 135. Nerve fibres, from white substance of the brain . . . 402 136. Division of a nervous branch into fibres .... 405 137. Inosculation of nerves ....... 405 138. Division of nerve fibres .... (Kolliker) 407 139. Terminal bulb of a sensitive nerve .... (Frey) 408 140. Tactile corpuscles, from tongue of the sparrow . . (Ihlder) 408 141. Termination of a nerve fibre, in muscle . . . (Rouget) 409 142. Nerve cells, from the medulla oblongata . . (Dean) 413 XX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 143. Frog's leg, showing galvanization of the muscles .. . . 419 144. Frog's leg, showing galvanization of the nerve . . . 419 145. Frog's legs connected, showing action of direct and inverse currents . 421 146. Diagram of registering apparatus ..... 427 147. The brain and spinal cord, in profile ..... 433 148. Transverse section of the spinal cord ..... 434 149. Brain of alligator . . . . . . .436 150. Brain of pigeon ........ 437 151. Brain of rabbit . . . . . . .437 152. Medulla oblongata and base of the brain . . (Hirschfeld) 439 153. Medulla oblongata, tuber annulare, and crura cerebri (Hirschfeld) 440 154. Diagrammatic section of the human brain . . . . 441 155. Transverse section of the spinal cord ..... 444 156. Fissures and convolutions of the human brain .... 472 157. Horizontal section of the human brain .... 476 158. Vertical section of a cerebral convolution . . (Henle) 478 159. Portraits of idiotic children ...... 482 160. Pigeon, after removal of the cerebral hemispheres . .. . 483 161. Brain of the dog ; viewed from above . . . . . 489 162. Brain of the dog ; viewed in profile ..... 489 163. Section of the cerebellum and medulla oblongata . (Henle) 493 164. Brain of healthy pigeon, profile view ..... 497 165. Brain of operated pigeon, profile view .... 497 166. Brain of healthy pigeon, posterior view .... 497 167. Brain of operated pigeon, posterior view .... 497 168. Transverse section of medulla oblongata . . (Henle) 504 169. Section of cerebral hemisphere, showing olfactory tubercle (Henle) 514 170. Brain of the cod, showing optic nerves .... 519 171. Brain of the fowl, showing optic nerves .... 519 172. Course of the optic nerves, in man ..... 520 173. Nucleus of the trigerninus nerve . . . (Henle) 527 174. Diagram of the fifth nerve, and its distribution . . . 528 175. Nucleus of the abducens and facial nerves . . (Henle) 538 176. Diagram of the facial nerve, and its distribution . . . 541 177. Portrait of facial paralysis ...... 544 178. Facial nerve and connections, in the aqueduct of Fallopius . . 548 179. Ninth, tenth, and eleventh cranial nerves . . (Hirschfeld) 558 180. Section of medulla oblongata, through lower part of olivary body (Henle) 575 181. Section of medulla oblongata, through middle root of olivary body (Henle) 576 182. Section of medulla oblongata, through hypoglossal nerve root (Henle) 577 183. Sections of tuber annulare, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord . 580 184. Ganglia and nerves of the sympathetic system . . . 584 185. Cat, after section of the right sympathetic .... 588 186. Tactile corpuscle of the human skin . . . (Kolliker) 594 187. Diagram of tongue, with nerves and papillae .... 601 188. Distribution of nerves in the nasal passages . . ... 605 189. Horizontal section of the right eyeball . . . .608 190. Vision without a lens ....... 614 191. Vision with a lens ....... 614 192. Indistinct image, from excessive refraction .... 615 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XXI PIG. PAGE 193. Indistinct image, from deficient refraction . . . 615 194. Rods and cones, of human retina . . . (Schultze) 618 195. Surface of the retina, showing ends of rods and cones (Helmholtz) 619 196. Diagram, for showing blind spot of the retina . . (Helmholtz) 621 197. Section of the retina, through macula lutea and fovea . (Schultze) 624 198. Section of the eyeball, showing direct and indirect vision . . 629 199. Catoptric images in the eye .... (Helmholtz) 632 200. Change of position in catoptric images during accommodation (Helmholtz) 633 201. Vision for distant objects . . . . . .633 202. Yision for near objects ....... 633 203. Emmetropic eye, in vision at long distances . . (Wundt) 636 204. Myopic eye, in vision at long distances . . (Wundt) 636 205. Single and double vision, at different distances . . . 639 206. Skull, as seen by the left eye . . . . . .641 207. Skull, as seen by the right eye ...... 641 208. Eood's apparatus, for measuring duration of electric spark . . 644 209. Ossicles of the human ear .... (Rudinger) 650 210. Ossicles of the ear, in situ .... (Rudinger) 651 211. Bony labyrinth of the human ear ..... 655 212. Bony cochlea of the human ear . . . (Cruveilhier) 660 213. Organ of Corti . . . . . . .662 214. Cysticercus cellulosae ..... (Davaine) 673 215. Taenia solium ........ 674 216. Trichina spiralis ; encysted ...... 675 217. Infusoria, of various kinds . . (Ehrenberg and Stein) 676 218. Stylonychia mytilus ; unimpregnated and impregnated (Stein) 679 219. Cells of Bacterium termo ...... 680 220. Blossom of Ipomoea purpurea ; showing sexual apparatus . . 682 221. Single articulation of Taenia crassicollis .... 683 222. Human ovum ........ 685 223. Human ovum, ruptured by pressure ..... 686 224. Female generative organs of frog . . . . 687 225. Mature frog's eggs ...... . 688 226. Female generative organs of fowl ..... 690 227. Diagram of the fowl's egg ...... 691 228. Uterus and ovaries of the sow .... . 692 229. Generative organs of the human female .... 693 230. Spermatozoa ........ 696 231. Graafian follicle, near the period of rupture .... 707 232. Ovary with Graafian follicle ruptured ..... 707 233. Human Graafian follicle, ruptured during menstruation . 714 234. Corpus luteum of menstruation, three weeks old . . 715 235. Corpus luteum of menstruation, four weeks old . . . 716 236. Corpus luteum of menstruation, nine weeks old ... 716 237. Corpus luteum of pregnancy, two months old . . . . 718 238. Corpus luteum of pregnancy, four months old . . . . 718 239. Corpus luteum of pregnancy, at term ..... 719 240. Segmentation of the vitellus . . . . . . 722 241. Impregnated egg, with embryonic spot .... 724 242. Impregnated egg, in an early stage of development . . . 725 243. Impregnated egg, at a more advanced period .... 725 XX11 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 244. Frog's egg, in an early stage of development .... 726 245. Frog's egg, in process of development . . . . . 726 246. Frog's egg, farther advanced ...... 726 247. Tadpole, fully developed . 727 248. Tadpole, with limbs beginning to be formed . . . .728 249. Perfect frog ....... 728 250. Section of the blastoderm . . . (Foster and Balfour) 730 251. Blastoderm, separating into laminae .... (His) 735 252. Chick-embryo, in different stages of development . . (His) 736 253. Egg of fish, with umbilical vesicle ..... 738 254. Human embryo, with umbilical vesicle ..... 739 255. Fecundated egg, showing formation of the amnion . . . 740 256. Fecundated egg, farther advanced ..... 741 257. Fecundated egg, with allantois nearly complete . . . 741 258. Fecundated egg, with allantois fully formed .... 742 259. Human embryo and envelopes ; end of first month . . . 745 260. Human embryo and envelopes ; end of third month . . . 745 261. Compound villosity of the chorion ..... 747 262. Extremity of a villosity of the chorion ..... 748 263. Uterine mucous membrane ; unimpregnated uterus . . . 750 264. Uterine tubules ; unimpregnated uterus .... 750 265. Impregnated uterus ; formation of decidua vera . . . 752 266. Impregnated uterus ; formation of decidua reflexa . . . 752 267. Impregnated uterus; egg inclosed by decidua rcflexa . . . 752 268. Impregnated uterus ; connection of egg and decidua . . . 753 269-. Pregnant uterus ; formation of the placenta .... 754 270. FcEtal pig, with its membranes ...... 755 271. Cotyledon, from pregnant cow's uterus . . . . 756 272. Extremity of a fcetal tuft, from human placenta . . . 757 273. Extremity of a fcetal tuft, injected . . . . .758 274. Diagram of the placenta, in vertical section .... 759 275. Human embryo and its membranes ..... 763 276. Pregnant human uterus, at the seventh month . . . 764 277. Muscular fibres of the unimpregnated uterus . . 767 278. Muscular fibres of the uterus, ten days after parturition . . 767 279. Muscular fibres of the uterus, three weeks after parturition . . 768 280. Formation of the cerebro-spinal axis . . . . . 769 281. Formation of the cerebral vesicles ..... 770 282. Foetal pig, showing brain and spinal cord .... 770 283. Fcetal pig, farther advanced . . . . . .770 284. Head of foetal pig, showing hemispheres, cerebellum, and medulla oblon- gata ......... 770 285. Brain of adult pig . . . . . . .771 286. Human embryo, one month old . . . . . . 774 287. Formation of the alimentary canal ..... 775 288. Foetal pig, showing umbilical hernia ..... 777 289. Human embryo, showing development of the face . . . 781 290. Head of human embryo, about the sixth week . . . 782 291. Head of human embryo, at end of second month . . , 782 292. Fcetal pig, showing Wolffian bodies ..... 784 293. Fcetal pig, showing Wolffian bodies and kidneys . . . 785 294. Internal organs of generation, in the fcetal pig . . . 786 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XX111 295. Internal organs of generation, in the total pig, farther advanced . 787 296. Formation of tunica vaginalis testis . . . . 788 297. Congenital inguinal hernia ...... 788 298. Egg of fish, showing vitelline circulation .... 791 299. Diagram of the embryo, with umbilical vesicle and allantois . . 793 300. Diagram of the embryo, showing the placental circulation . .794 301. Venous system, in its earliest condition .... 797 302. Venous system, farther advanced ..... 798 303. Venous system, more fully developed ..... 798 304. Venous system, adult condition . . ... . 799 305. Early form of the hepatic circulation ..... 799 306. Hepatic circulation, farther advanced ..... 800 307. Hepatic circulation, in latter part of foetal life . . .801 308. Hepatic circulation, adult condition ..... 801 309. Foetal heart, earliest form ...... 802 310. Fcetal heart, bent upon itself ...... 802 311. Foetal heart, divided into right and left cavities . . . 802 312. Foetal heart, farther advanced ... 802 313. Heart of infant ..... .803 314. Heart of human foetus, at sixth month . . . 804 315. Diagram of foetal circulation through the heart . , . 805 316. Diagram of adult circulation through the heart . . . 808 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. INTEODUCTIOlSr. THE study of Physiology* embraces all the active phenomena pre- sented by living beings such as growth, reproduction, movement, sensation, the chemical changes manifested in the body during life, as well as its action upon external substances and its dependence upon external conditions. Living bodies are distinguished, as regards their structure, from those of the inorganic world mainly by the fact that they are organized ; that is, they are composed of a number of different parts, or organs, connected with each other and mutually dependent. In all the higher orders, both of animals and plants, these various organs belonging to the same body are quite numerous, and are very different from each other both in their structure and properties. In an animal, for example, there is an external integument covering the surface of the body, bones which form a framework for the protection and attachment of other parts, muscles by which the limbs are put in motion, an alimentary canal for the digestion of the food, and various glands for the secretion of the animal fluids. In a plant there are roots which absorb the ingredients of the soil, leaves which elaborate the vegetable juices, and the various parts of the blossom which are con- cerned in the production of the fruit. Thus each different organ has a special structure, and plays a distinct part in the living organism. The peculiar action or result accomplished in this way l>y a particular organ is called its function. There are, therefore, a variety of functions going on in the living body, each one as distinct as the organ by which it is performed. But no one of them is entirely independent of the rest. The circulation of the blood, which is carried on by the organs of the vascular system, requires that the blood should be incessantly renovated by the process of respiration in order that it may continue undisturbed ; and the circulation is in its turn necessary to the functions of secretion and nutrition, for which it supplies the necessary material to all parts of the body. Thus all the different functions are in a state of mutual dependence, and the life of the whole body is a result of the simultaneous and harmonious action of its different parts. 3 ( 25 ) 26 INTRODUCTION. The only method by which physiology can be studied is the observa- tion of nature. The phenomena presented by living creatures are only to be learned by direct examination, and cannot be inferred, by any process of reasoning, from any other facts of a different character. Even a knowledge of the minute structure of a part, however exact, cannot furnish any information as to its active properties or function ; and these properties can be learned only by examining the organ when it is in a state of activity. Thus the muscular fibre and the nervous fibre present certain well-defined characters of minute structure which are easily distinguished by anatomical examination, but which could not teach us anything of their physiological properties ; while direct experiment shows that the muscular fibre is contractile and the nervous fibre excitable or sensitive. Since the vital phenomena of the entire body result from the com- bined activity of its different parts, thse different parts should be studied by themselves in order to ascertain their particular properties. This can be done by examination and experiment for each part while it still retains its vital powers. Experience shows that after the circula- tion has ceased, and consciousness and volition have disappeared, many minute portions of the body continue for a time capable of manifesting their physiological action. Thus a muscular fibre, separated from the remaining tissues, may still be made to contract under the appropriate stimulus; and a nerve, though cut off from its connection with the brain, may also be called into activity by mechanical or electrical irritation. This is because each part retains its physiological powers so long as it retains its peculiar structure and constitution. The general functions of the body, such as the circulation, digestion, and respiration, have for their object to provide for the nutrition of the tissues and organs, and thus maintain their natural constitution unim- paired. Their cessation, accordingly, does not instantly destroy the vitality of particular parts, but only after a sufficient time has elapsed to alter or impair their natural constitution. The time during which the vital powers may thus be retained varies* for different parts. Thus the muscular fibre is capable of manifesting its excitability, as a general rule, longer than the nervous fibre, and the nervous fibre longer than the gray matter of a nervous ganglion. There is, also, a difference in the same part shown by different kinds of animals. The excitability of both nervous and muscular tissues continues longer in the cold-blooded than in the warm-blooded animals, and in the quadrupeds longer than in birds. In every instance, of course, the examination of such an isolated part of the body should be made while it still preserves its physiological properties. On the other hand, the functions of entire organs, or the general functions of the body as a whole, can only be studied with success while life is going on. The anatomical relations of the various organs may be learned by dissection after death ; but their vital actions are not to be ascertained in this way, because they have ceased and cannot INTRODUCTION. 27 again be put in operation. The most important facts have often remained long unknown or misunderstood for this reason. The earlier anatomists supposed that, the arteries were tubes for the circulation of air, because they appeared empty when opened after death. It was only when Galen exposed the artery of a living animal, and, opening it between two ligatures, showed it to be full of blood, that the true func- tion of these vessels was ascertained. The lacteal and lymphatic vessels were discovered in the seventeenth century ; but from their small size, and the small amount of fluid contained in them, the circulation in the lymphatic system was thought to be very limited in quantity. Two hundred years afterward, when the experiment was performed of introducing a canula into the thoracic duct of the living animal and continuing the observation while digestion and absorption were going on, the experimenters obtained, in horses and oxen, from fifty to one hundred pounds of lymph and chyle during twenty-four hours ; thus demonstrating the existence of a vital activity much greater than could have been suspected from any examination of the dead bod}^. The observation of the physiological actions during life usually re- quires the employment of certain contrivances and manipulations in order to arrive at accurate results. Even the more superficial phe- nomena, such as the changes in the air produced by respiration, can only be studied with precision *by the aid of artificial means for meas- uring and examining the various gases absorbed or discharged. The processes going on in the internal organs are more especially concealed from view, and, therefore, need for their study the use of instruments and operations in order to bring them under observation. It is accord- ingly necessary, in the large majority of cases, to resort to experiment* upon animals in the study of physiology, and all the important knowledge thus far gained has been acquired in this way. But as the physiology of the human species is the main object of our study, and as each different species of animals presents certain peculiarities which distinguish it from others, it becomes essential to know how far we can apply the results derived from experiment upon one species to the physiology of the others, or to that of the human body itself. All animals present certain general phenomena in common, namely, those of nutrition, secretion, absorption, movement, and reproduc- tion. The vertebrate animals, to which class man belongs,, are fur- thermore constructed upon the same general plan of organization, and their corresponding organs are evidently the same in character. The different parts of their nervous and vascular systems, their digestive apparatus, their organs of locomotion, of secretion, excretion, and reproduction, have the same relative position, and can be easily recog- nized and compared with each other. The ingredients of their solids and fluids have the same or a similar chemical constitution, and play a corresponding part in the vital processes. The coloring matter of the blood is identical in all of them ; they all absorb oxygen and exhale carbonic acid with more or less activity ; and many or most of their 28 INTRODUCTION. secretions and excretions have the same physiological character. The whole value of physiological experiment, as applied to different species, depends upon this general resemblance between them, both of structure and function. On the other hand, the differences between species of vertebrate ani- mals consist only in the relative size and development of particular parts, and consequently in the relative importance of particular func- tions. The intestine, for example, is longer and more complicated in the herbivorous animals, shorter and simpler in the carnivora. The muscles of the external ear are slightly developed and powerless in the human subject, large and active in many of the inferior species. Fish and reptiles produce but little animal heat, and are, therefore, called cold-blooded animals ; birds and quadrupeds generate it in abundance, and are therefore called warm-blooded. The differences between them are, therefore, almost invariably differences in degree and not in kind. Consequently the simple and direct result of an experiment in different animals is the same, or varies only in degree. If we deprive an animal of oxygen, whatever the species may be, it produces death invariably and in the same way, because in all this element is essential to the nourish- ment of the tissues. But death will take place rapidly in birds or quadrupeds, more slowly in reptiles, because the vital changes are more active in the former than in the latter. Division of the spinal cord in all cases produces immediate paralysis of sensation and voluntary motion in the parts below, showing that the sensitive and motor fibres follow in all the same route and possess the same nervous endowments. Experiments accordingly of the same kind, performed upon different animals, have a direct result which is the same in character. But experiments have often also certain indirect or secondary results, dependent upon the relative importance of associated organs, and these vary considerably in different kinds of animals. Thus division or dis- ease of the facial nerve in all instances causes a direct paralysis of the muscles of the face. In the human subject this produces only a loss of expression, with some inconvenience in the retention of fluids by the mouth. But in the horse it is followed by a partial suffocation, because in him the expansion of the nostrils is an important part of the move- ments of respiration. While the direct effect of an experiment, there- fore, is always the same, its indirect effect varies with the comparative development of different parts. It is evident, however, that this varia- tion does not impair the value of experiment as a means of study, but, on the contrary, enlarges its usefulness and leads to the acquisition of greater knowledge by its means. The physiological actions of living beings are, of course, dependent upon natural causes, and are to be studied in a similar manner with other natural phenomena, such as those of magnetism, gravitation, chemical affinity, and the like. In all these cases, we observe the character of the phenomenon, the conditions upon which it depends, the mechanism of its production, and the quantities of force or material INTRODUCTION. 29 expended in its manifestation. The study of physiology, therefore, requires a certain knowledge of the chemical and physical reactions presented in the outer world, in order that the observer may be able to appreciate the peculiarities of similar phenomena as they occur in the living body. As all animated beings are closely dependent on external conditions for the maintenance of their vitality, it is evident that the study of their vital actions cannot be disconnected from that of external natural phenomena. The pressure and tension of the atmosphere, for example, as well as its chemical constitution, are directly connected with the process of respiration ; and the circulation of the blood through the vessels exhibits the physical phenomena of an incompressible fluid flow- ing through elastic tubes. By the term vital phenomena, accordingly, we mean those phenomena which are manifested in the living body, and which are characteristic of its functions. At the same time many of them do not differ in character from those of the outside world, but only in the peculiarity of their conditions and their results. Some of these phenomena are physical or mechanical in their charac- ter ; as, for example, the play of the articulating surfaces upon each other, the balancing of the spinal column with its appendages, the action of the elastic ligaments. Nevertheless, these phenomena, though strictly physical in character, are often entirely peculiar and different from those seen elsewhere, because the mechanism of their production is peculiar in its details. Thus the human Voice and its modulations are produced in the larynx, in accordance with the general physical laws of sound ; but the arrangement of the elastic and movable vocal chords, and their relations with the columns of air above and below, the moist and flexi- ble mucous membrane, and the contractile muscles outside, are of such a special character that the entire apparatus, as well as the sounds pro- duced by it, is peculiar ; and its action cannot be properly compared with that of any other known musical instrument. In the same manner, the movements of the heart are so complicated and remarkable that they cannot be comprehended, even by one who is acquainted with the anatoniy of the organ, without a direct examination. This is not because there is anything essentially obscure or mysterious in their nature, for they are purely mechanical in character ; but because their conditions are so peculiar, owing to the tortuous course of the muscular fibres, their arrangement in interlacing layers, their attach- ments and relations, that their combined action produces an effect alto- gether peculiar, and one which is not similar to anything outside the living body. A very large and important class of the vital phenomena are those of a chemical character. It is one of the characteristics of living bodies that a succession of chemical actions, combinations, and decompositions, is constantly going on in their interior. It is one of the necessary con- ditions of the existence of every animal and every vegetable, that it should constantly absorb various substances from without, which under- 30 INTRODUCTION. go different chemical alterations in its interior, and are finally discharged from it under other forms. If these changes be prevented from taking place, life is immediately extinguished. Thus animals constantly absorb, on the one hand, water, oxygen, salts, albumen, oil, sugar, etc., and give up, on the other hand, to the surrounding media, carbonic acid, water, creatine, the urates, urea, and the like ; while between these two extreme points, of absorption and exhalation, there take place a multitude of different transformations which are essential to the continuance of life. Some of these chemical actions are the same with those which are seen outside the body ; but most of them are peculiar, and do not take place anywhere else. This, again, is not because there is anything excep- tional in their nature, but because the conditions necessary for their accomplishment exist in the body, and do not exist elsewhere. All chemical phenomena are liable to be modified by surrounding conditions. Many reactions which will take place at a high temperature will not take place at a low temperature, and vice versa. Some will take place in the light, but not in the dark ; others will take place in the dark, but not in the light. Because a chemical reaction, therefore, takes place under one set of conditions, we cannot be at all sure that it will take place under others which are different. The chemical conditions of the living body are exceedingly compli- cated. In the animal solids and fluids, there are many substances mingled together in varying quantities, which modify or interfere with each other's reactions. New substances are constantly entering by absorption, and old ones leaving by exhalation; while the circulating fluids are incessantly passing from one part of the body to another, and coming in contact with different organs of different texture and composition. All these conditions are peculiar, and so modif}^ the chemical actions taking place in the body that they are often unlike those met with elsewhere. If starch and iodine be mingled together in a watery solution, they unite with each other, and strike a deep blue color; but if they be mingled in the blood, no such reaction takes place, because it is pre- vented by the presence of certain organic substances which interfere with it. If dead animal matter be exposed to warmth, air, and moisture, it putrefies; but if introduced into the living stomach, this process is pre- vented, because the fluids of the stomach cause the animal substance to undergo a peculiar transformation (digestion), after which the blood- vessels immediately remove it by absorption. There are also certain substances which make their appearance in the living body of animals or vegetables, and which are not found elsewhere ; such as fibrine, albu- men, caseine, the biliary salts, hemoglobine, chlorophyll, morphine, etc. These substances cannot be manufactured artificially, simply because we are unable to imitate the necessary conditions. They require for their production the presence of a living organism. The chemical phenomena of the living body are, therefore, not different INTRODUCTION. 31 in their nature from any other chemical phenomena; but they are often different in their conditions and in their results, and are consequently peculiar and characteristic. Another set of vital phenomena are those whiph are manifested in the processes of reproduction and development. They are entirely distinct from any phenomena which are exhibited by matter not endowed with life. An inorganic substance, even when it has a definite form, as, for example, a crystal of fluor spar, has no particular relation to any similar form which has preceded, or any other which is to follow it. On the other hand, every animal and every vegetable owes its origin to pre- ceding animals or vegetables of the same kind; and the manner in which this production takes place, and the different forms through which the new body successively passes in the course of its develop- ment, constitute the phenomena of reproduction. These phenomena are mostly dependent on the chemical processes of nutrition and growth, which take place in a particular direction and in a particular manner ; but their results, namely, the production of a connected series of different forms, constitute a separate class of phenomena, which cannot be ex- plained in any manner by the preceding, and require, therefore, to be studied by themselves. Another set of vital phenomena are those which belong to the nervous system. These, like the processes of reproduction and development, depend on the chemical changes of nutrition and growth. That is to say, if the nutritive processes did not go on in a healthy manner and maintain the nervous system in a healthy condition, the peculiar phe- nomena which are characteristic of it could not take place. The nutri- tive processes are necessary conditions of the nervous phenomena. But there is no other connection between them ; and the nervous phenomena themselves are distinct from all others, both in their nature and in the mode in which they are to be studied. The study of Physiology is naturally divided into three distinct Sec- tions : I. The first of these includes everything which relates to the NUTRI- TION of the body in its widest sense. It comprises the history of the proximate principles, their source, the manner of their production, the proportions in which they exist in different kinds of food and drink, the processes of digestion and absorption, and the constitution of the circu- lating fluids ; then, the physical phenomena of the circulation and the forces by which it is accomplished ; the changes which the blood under- goes in different parts of the body ; all the phenomena, both physical and chemical, of respiration; those of secretion and excretion, and the character and destination of the secreted and excreted fluids. All these processes have reference to a common object, namely, the preservation of the normal structure and organization of the individual. Their results cprnprise the phenomena of internal growth and nutrition, which are common to the animal and vegetable kingdoms; and they are accord- ingly known by the name of the vegetative functions. 32 INTRODUCTION. II. The second Section, in the natural order of study, is devoted to the phenomena of the NERVOUS SYSTEM. These phenomena are not exhibited by vegetables, but belong exclusively to animal organizations. They bring the animal body into relation with the external world, and preserve it from external dangers, by means of sensation, movement, consciousness, and volition. They are more particularly distinguished by the name of the animal functions. III. Lastly comes the study of the entire process of REPRODUCTION. Its phenomena, again, with certain modifications, are met with in both animals and vegetables ; and might, therefore, with some propriety, be included under the head of vegetative functions. But their distinguish- ing peculiarity is, that they have for their object the production of new organisms, which take the place of the old and remain after they have disappeared. These phenomena do not, therefore, relate to the preserva- tion of the individual, but to that of the species ; and any study which concerns the species comes properly after we have finished everything relating to the individual. SECTION I. NUTRITION. CHAPTEE I. PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES IN GENERAL. THE study of NUTRITION begins naturally with that of the proximate principles, or the substances entering into the composition of the dif- ferent parts of the body, and the different kinds of food. In examining the body, the anatomist finds that it is composed, first, of various parts, which are easily recognized by the eye, and which occupy distinct situa- tions. In the case of the human body, for example, a division is easily made of the entire frame into the head, neck, trunk, and extremities. Each of these regions, again, is found, on examination, to contain several distinct parts, or "organs," which require to be separated from each other by dissection, and which are distinguished by their form, color, texture, and consistency. In a single limb, for example, every bone and every muscle constitutes a distinct organ. In the trunk, we have the heart, the lungs, the liver, spleen, kidneys, spinal cord, etc., each of which is also a distinct organ. When a number of organs, differing in size and form, but similar in texture, are found scattered throughout the entire frame, or a large portion of it, they form a connected set or order of parts, which is called a " system." Thus, all the muscles taken together constitute' the muscular system ; all the bones, the osseous system ; all the arteries, the arterial system. Several entirely different organs may also be connected with each other, so that their associated actions tend to accomplish a single object, and they then form an " apparatus." Thus the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins, together, form the circulatory apparatus ; the stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, etc., the digestive apparatus. Every organ, again, on microscopic ex- amination, is seen to be made up of minute bodies, of definite size and figure, which are so small as to be invisible to the naked eye, and which, after separation from each other, cannot be further subdivided without destroying their organization. They are, therefore, called " anatomical elements." Thus, in the liver, there are hepatic cells, capillary blood- vessels, the fibres of Glisson's capsule, and the ultimate filaments of the (33) 34 PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES IN GENERAL. hepatic nerves. Lastly, two or more kinds of anatomical elements interwoven with each other in a particular manner form a "tissue." Adipose vesicles, with capillaries and nerve filaments, form adipose tissue. White fibres, elastic fibres, and connective-tissue cells, with capillary bloodvessels and nerve filaments, form connective tissue. Thus the solid parts of the entire body are made up of anatomical elements, tissues, organs, systems, and apparatuses. Every organized frame, and even every apparatus, every organ, and every tissue, is made up of dif- ferent parts, variously interwoven and connected with each other, and it is this character which constitutes its organization. But beside the above solid forms, there are also certain fluids, which are constantly present in various parts of the body, and which, from their peculiar constitution, are termed " animal fluids." These fluids are just as much an essential part of the body as the solids. The blood and the lymph, for example, the pericardial and synovial fluids, the saliva, which always exists more or less abundantly in the ducts of the parotid gland, the bile in the biliary ducts and the gall-bladder : all these go to make up the entire body, and are quite as necessary to its physiological structure as the muscles or the nerves. Now, if these fluids be examined, they are found to be made up of many different sub- stances, which are mingled together in certain proportions ; these pro- portions being constantly maintained at or about the same standard by the natural processes of nutrition. Such a fluid is termed an organized fluid. It is organized by virtue of the numerous ingredients which enter into its composition, and the regular proportions in which these ingredients are maintained. Thus in the plasma of the blood, we have albumen, fibrine, water, chlorides, carbonates, and phosphates. In the urine, we find water, urea, sodium urate, creatinine, coloring matter, and salts. These substances, which are mingled together so as to make up, in each instance, by their intimate union, a homogeneous liquid, are called the PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES of the animal fluid. In the solids, furthermore, even in those parts which are apparently homogeneous, there is a similar mixture of various ingredients. In the hard' substance of bone, for example, there is, first water, which may be expelled by evaporation ; second, lime phosphate and carbonate, which may be extracted by the proper solvents ; third, a peculiar animal matter, with which these calcareous salts are in union ; and fourth, various other saline substances, in special proportions. The muscular tissue contains water, sodium and potassium chlorides, lime phosphate, creatine, vari- ous forms of albumen, and an animal matter termed myosine. The difference in consistency between the solids and fluids does not, there- fore, indicate any radical difference in their constitution. Both are equally made up of proximate principles, mingled together in various proportions. It is important to understand, however, exactly what are proximate principles, and what are not such; for since these principles are ex- tracted from the animal solids and fluids, and separated from each PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES IN GENERAL. 35 other by the help of certain chemical manipulations, such as evapora- tion, solution, crystallization, and the like, it might be supposed that every substance which could be extracted from an organized solid or fluid, by chemical means, should be considered as a proximate princi- ple. That, however, is not the case. A proximate principle is properly defined to be any substance, whether simple or compound, chemically speaking, which exists, under its own form, in the animal solid or fluid, and which can be extracted by means which do not alter or destroy its chemical properties. Lime phosphate, for example, is a proximate principle of bone, but phosphoric acid is not so, since it does not exist as such in the bony tissue, but is produced only by the decomposition of the calcareous matter ; still less phosphorus, which is obtained only by the decomposition of the phosphoric acid. Proximate principles may, in fact, be said to exist in all solids or fluids of mixed composition, and may be extracted from them by the same means as in the case of the animal tissues or secretions. Thus, in a watery solution of sugar, we have two proximate principles, namely: first, the water, and secondly, the sugar. The water may be separated by evaporation and condensation, after which the sugar remains behind, in a crystalline form. These two substances have, therefore, been sim- ply separated from each other by the process of evaporation. They have not been decomposed, nor their chemical properties altered. On the other hand, the hydrogen and oxygen of the water were not proxi- mate principles of the original solution, and did not exist in it under their own forms, but only in a state of combination; forming, in this condition, a fluid substance (water), endowed with sensible properties entirely different from theirs. If we wish to ascertain, accordingly, the nature and properties of a saccharine solution, it will afford us but little satisfaction to extract its ultimate chemical elements; for its nature and properties depend not so much on the presence in it of the ultimate elements, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, as on the particular forms of combination, namely, water and sugar, under which they are present. It is very essential, therefore, that in extracting the proximate prin- ciples from the animal body, only such means should be adopted as will isolate the substances already existing in the tissues and fluids, without decomposing them, or altering their nature. A neglect of this rule would lead to erroneous results in the pursuit of physiological chemis- try; for by subjecting the animal tissues to the action of acids and alkalies, of prolonged boiling, or of too intense heat, we might obtain, at the end of the analysis, substances which would not be, properly speaking, proximate principles, but only the remains of an altered and disorganized material. Thus, the fibrous tissues, if boiled steadily for thirty-six hours, dissolve, for the most part, at the end of that time, in the boiling water; and on cooling the whole solution solidifies into a homogeneous, jelly-like substance, which has received the name of gelatine. But this gelatine does not really exist in the body as a 36 PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES IN GENERAL. proximate principle, since the fibrous tissue which produces it is not at first soluble, even in boiling water, and its ingredients become altered and converted into a gelatinous matter only by prolonged ebullition. So, again, an animal substance containing the alkaline acetates or lac- tates will, upon incineration in the air, yield carbonates of the same bases, the original acid having been destroyed, and replaced by car- bonic acid. In either case, the analysis of the tissue, so conducted, would be a deceptive one, and useless for anatomical and physiological purposes, because its real ingredients have been decomposed, and re- placed by others, in the process of manipulation. It should, therefore, be kept constantly in view, in the examination of an animal tissue or fluid, that the object of the operation is simply the separation of its ingredients from each other, and not their decom- position or ultimate analysis. Only the simplest forms of chemical manipulation, if possible, should be employed. The substance to be examined should first be subjected to evaporation, in order to extract and estimate its water. This evaporation must be conducted at a heat not above 100 (212 p.), since a higher temperature would destroy or alter some of the animal ingredients. Then, from the dried residue, sodium chloride, alkaline sulphates, carbonates, and phosphates may be extracted with water. Coloring matters may be separated by alcohol, and oils may be dissolved out by ether. When a chemical decomposi- tion is unavoidable, it must be kept in sight and afterward corrected. Thus the sodium glyko-cholate of the bile is separated from certain other ingredients by precipitating it with plumbic acetate, forming lead glyko-cholate; but this is afterwards decomposed, in its turn, by sodium carbonate, reproducing the original sodium glyko-cholate. Sometimes it is impossible to extract a proximate principle in an entirely unaltered form. Thus the fibrine of the blood can be separated only by allowing it to coagulate ; and once coagulated, it is permanently altered, and no longer presents its original characters as an ingredient of the blood. In such instances as this, we can only make allowance for an unavoid- able difficulty, and endeavor by other means to ascertain under what form the substance originally existed in the animal fluids, being careful that the substance suffers no further alteration. By bearing in mind the above considerations, we may form a tolerably correct estimate of the nature and quantity of all the proximate principles in the tissue or fluid under examination. The manner in which the proximate principles are associated to- gether is also deserving of notice. In every animal solid and fluid, there is a considerable number of proximate principles which are present in certain proportions, and which are so united with each other that the mixture presents a homogeneous appearance. But this union is of a complicated character ; and the presence of each ingredient de- pends, to a certain extent, upon that of the others. Some- of them, such as the alkaline carbonates and phosphates, are in solution directly in the water. Some, which are insoluble in water, are retained in solu- PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES IN GENERAL. 37 tion by the presence of other soluble substances. Thus, the insoluble lime phosphate of the urine is held in solution by the acid reaction of the sodium biphosphate, which is also present as an ingredient. In the alkaline blood-plasma, on the other hand, the lime phosphate is lique- fied by union with the albumen, which is itself soluble in the water of the plasma. The same substance may be fluid in one part of the body, and solid in another part. Thus in the blood and secretions the water is fluid, and holds in solution other substances, both animal and mine- ral, while in the, bones and cartilages it is solid not crystallized, as in ice, but amorphous and solid, by the fact of its intimate union with the animal and saline ingredients, which are abundant in quantity, and which are themselves present in the solid form. Again, the lime phos- phate of the blood is fluid by solution in the albumen; but in the bones it forms a solid substance with the animal matter of the osseous tissue ; and yet the union of the two is as intimate and homogeneous in the bones as in the blood. A proximate principle, therefore, never exists alone in any part of the body, but is always intimately associated with a number of others, by a kind of homogeneous mixture or mutual solu- tion. Every animal tissue and fluid contains a number of proximate prin- ciples which are present, as we have already mentioned, in certain characteristic proportions. Thus, water is present in very large quan- tity in the perspiration and the saliva, but in very small quantity in the bones and teeth. Sodium chloride is comparatively abundant in the blood and deficient in the muscles. On the other hand, potassium chloride is more abundant in the muscles, less so in the blood. But these proportions are nowhere absolute or invariable. There is a great difference, in this respect, between the chemical composition of an inor- ganic substance and the physiological constitution of an animal fluid. The former is always constant and definite ; the latter always presents certain variations. Thus, water is always composed of exactly the same relative quantities of hydrogen and oxygen ; and if these propor- tions be altered in the least, it thereby ceases to be water, and is con- verted into some other substance. But in the urine, the proportions of water, urea, urates, phosphates, etc., vary within certain limits in different individuals, and even in the same individual, from one hour to another. This variation, which is almost constantly taking place, within the limits of health, is presented by all the animal solids and fluids. It is even a necessary accompaniment of the actions of life, and one of the characteristic phenomena of living beings. For all parts of the body are composed of different ingredients which are supplied by absorption or formed in the interior, and which are constantly given up again, under the same or different forms, to the surrounding media by the unceasing activity of the vital processes. Every variation, then, in the general condition of the body, as a whole, is accompanied by a corresponding variation, more or less pronounced, in the constitution of its different parts. This constitution is consequently of a very dif- 38 PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES IN GENERAL. ferent character from the chemical constitution of an oxide or a salt. Whenever, therefore, we meet with the analysis of an animal fluid, in which the relative quantity of its different ingredients is expressed in numbers, we must understand that such an analysis is always approxi- mative, and not absolute. The proximate principles are naturally divided into five different The first of these classes comprises all the proximate principles which are purely INORGANIC in their nature. These principles are derived mostly from the exterior. They are found everywhere, in the inorganic world as well as in organized bodies ; and they present themselves under the same forms and with the same properties in the interior of the animal frame as elsewhere. They are crystallizable, and they present very definite chemical characters and have a comparatively simple chemi- cal constitution. They are compounds, in simple proportions, of the ultimate chemical elements, hydrogen and oxygen, the metals of the alkaline and earthy salts, sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, and, in general terms, of the ingredients of mineral substances. They comprise water, which is the most abundant of its class in the animal frame, sodium and potassium chlorides, phosphates, and sulphates, alkaline carbonates, the salts of lime and magnesia, together with combinations of a few other of the metallic elements in minute quantity. The second class of proximate principles consists of the HYDROCAR- BONACEOUS SUBSTANCES of organic origin. They are distinguished from inorganic matters first by the fact of their containing carbon in large proportion as one of their immediate constituents, associated always with hydrogen and oxygen, but with no other chemical element. They are always either crystallizable, or else readily convertible into other crystallizable members of the same group. Their chemical composition is less simple than that of inorganic substances, but it is still sufficiently definite, and their chemical characters are well marked and easily recog- nizable. They first make their appearance in the interior of organized bodies, and are not found in the inorganic world, excepting as the remains or products of animal or vegetable life. To this group belong the several varieties of starch, sugar, and oil. The third class comprises the ALBUMINOUS, or nitrogenized proximate principles. These substances derive their name from the albumen or white of egg, which was one of the earliest to be studied, and which was long considered as a kind of representative of the whole class. They differ from the substances of the two preceding groups, especially in the fact that they contain nitrogen as an ingredient, in addition to the three elements of the hydrocarbonaceous matters. They are exclu- sively of organic origin, appearing only as ingredients of the living bod} T . Their chemical constitution, furthermore, is a complicated one that is, their four elements are united with each other in such a way as to form compounds of a very high atomic weight. Their chemical characters PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES IN GENERAL. 39 are not well defined, as compared with those of inorganic substances, and their most striking properties are not such as can be accounted for by ordinary chemical reactions or expressed in the usual chemical phraseology. Nevertheless, they are of the first importance as ingredi- ents of the organized frame, since they form a large proportion of its mass, and contribute, by their peculiar properties, to its most essential and characteristic active phenomena. They include such substances as albumen, fibrine, caseine, and myosine. The fourth class is formed by the COLORING MATTERS. These sub- stances, upon which the different tints of the solids and fluids depend, are present, for the most part, in small quantity, the most abundant being the red coloring matter of the blood. Lastly, in the fifth class are comprised a group of CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS, many, if not all, of which are derived from the physiological metamorphosis of albuminous principles. They are found in some of the solid tissues, as the brain and nerves, in the secretions of the liver, and especially in the urine, where they represent the pro- ducts of excretion. CHAPTEE II. INORGANIC PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. THE inorganic substances are present in the animal body in great variety. Some of them, such as water arid the salts of lime, constitute also a large proportion of the mass of the tissues and fluids in which they are found ; others present themselves in comparatively small quantity. Some of them are found universally in all regions of the body, while others are met with only in particular tissues or fluids ; but there are hardly any which do not appear at the same time as con- stituents of several different parts. As their name indicates, these substances are met with extensively in the inorganic world, and form a large part of the crust of the earth. Notwithstanding, however, their inorganic nature, they are also essential constituents of the animal frame. They are accordingly necessary ingredients of the food and drink, and no regimen would be capable of supporting life indefinitely which did not contain these materials in due proportion. The group of inorganic proximate principles includes the following substances : Water ; Potassium phosphate ; Sodium chloride ; Potassium sulphate ; Sodium phosphate ; Potassium carbonate ; Sodium biphosphate ; Lime phosphate ; Sodium sulphate ; Lime carbonate ; Sodium carbonate ; Magnesium phosphate ; Potassium chloride ; Magnesium carbonate. Beside the above-named proximate principles there are found, as constant ingredients of the incombustible residue of various parts of the human body, iron, silica, and fluorine ; but it is not certainly known in what form of combination these substances originally existed in the animal solids and fluids. Sometimes, but not always, there are indica- tions of the presence, in minute quantity, of copper, manganese, and lead, also in some unknown forms of combination. The most important of the inorganic proximate principles, considered in regard to their quantity or the part which they play in the vital actions, are the following : 1. Water, H 2 0. Water is universally present in all the tissues and fluids of the body. It is abundant in the blood and secretions, where its presence is indis- (40) WATER. 41 pen sable in order to give them the fluidity which is necessary to the performance of their functions ; for it is by the blood and secretions that new substances are introduced into the body, and old ingredients discharged. And it is a necessary condition both of the introduction and discharge of substances naturally solid, that they assume, for the time being, a fluid form ; water is therefore an essential ingredient of the fluids, for it holds their solid materials in solution, and enables them to pass and repass through the animal frame. But water is an ingredient also of the solids. For if we take a muscle or a cartilage, and expose it to a gentle heat in dry air, it loses water by evaporation, diminishes in size and weight, and becomes dense and stiff. Even the bones and teeth lose water by evaporation in this way, though in smaller quantity. In all these solid and semi-solid tissues, the water which they contain is useful by giving them the special con- sistency which is characteristic of them, and which would be lost without it. Thus a tendon, in its natural condition, is white, glistening, and opaque ; and though very strong, perfectly flexible. If its water be expelled by evaporation it becomes yellowish in color, shrivelled, semi- transparent, inflexible, and unfit for performing its mechanical functions. The same thing is true of the other tissues, such as that of the skin, the muscles, the cartilages, and the glands. The following is a list, compiled by Robin and Yerdeil from various observers, showing the proportion of water per thousand parts, in dif- ferent solids and fluids : QUANTITY OF WATER IN 1000 PARTS IN Teeth . . . .100 Bile. . .880 Bones . . . .130 Milk . . . . 887 Cartilage . . . 550 Pancreatic juice . . 900 Muscles . . . .750 Urine . . . .936 Ligaments . . . 768 Lymph .... 960 Brain .... 789 Gastric juice . . . 975 Blood . . . .795 Perspiration . . .986 Synovial fluid . . . 805 Saliva .... 995 According to the best calculations, water constitutes, in the human subject, about seventy per cent, of the entire weight of the body. The water which thus forms a part of the animal frame is derived mainly from without. It is taken in the different kinds of drink, and also forms an abundant ingredient in the various articles of food. For no articles of food are taken in an absolutely dry state, but all contain a larger or smaller quantity of water, which may readily be expelled by evaporation. The quantity of water, therefore, which is daily taken into the system, cannot be ascertained in any case by simply measuring the quantity of drink, but its proportion in the solid food, taken at the same -time, must also be determined by experiment, and this ascertained quantity added to that which is taken in with the fluids. By measuring the quantity of fluid taken with the drink, and calculating in addition 4 42 INORGANIC PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. the proportion existing in the solid food, we have found, in common with the results formerly obtained by Barral, that, for a healthy adult man, the average quantity of water introduced into the system is about 2000 grammes per day. There is every reason to believe that a certain quantity of water also makes its appearance within the body by the liberation of its elements from various organic combinations. This is shown by the fact that a considerable quantity of hydrogen is daily introduced into the system as a constituent element of the organic substances of the food, while only a small part of this quantity reappears, under similar forms of combination, in the excretions. The most reliable estimates, in this respect, are as follows : AVERAGE DAILY QUANTITY OF HYDROGEN Introduced in organic combinations with the food . . . .40 grammes. Discharged " " " excretions . . .6 Eesidue unaccounted for 34 " Thus not more than fifteen per cent, of the quantity introduced is discharged in the organic ingredients of the excretions. But no hydro- gen is exhaled from the body in a free state, nor in notable quantity in any other form of inorganic combination except water. The surplus must, therefore, pass out as part of the water or watery vapor which is constantly being discharged from various organs. The estimates given above indicate that a little over 300 grammes of water are daily pro- duced in the body in this way. As we shall hereafter see, an important class of the organic ingredients of the food already contain hydrogen and oxygen in the relative quantities necessary to form water; and, when decomposed in the system, may readily yield these elements in the required proportions. Furthermore, although it has not yet been proved, in any particular case, that more water is discharged from the system than can be ac- counted for by that introduced, yet a comparison of the average results obtained by different observers, always tends to show a surplus of water in the entire excretions, varying from 200 to 500 grammes over and above that introduced with the food and drink. The quantity of water, however, thus produced in the body is small in comparison with that which is introduced and discharged under its own form. While in the interior of the living body, water takes part in the vital functions principally by its physical properties. It is the universal solvent for all the ingredients of the animal fluids, holding them in solu- tion either by its direct liquefying power, or by the aid of other sub- stances which are themselves soluble. It thus enables the nutritious elements of the food to find their way into the circulating fluid, and to penetrate the substance of the solid organs. It permeates the organized membranes of the body and brings into contact with each other the in- organic and organic materials of various parts, and enables them to LIME PHOSPHATE. 43 assume new forms by their mutual reactions. In this way it is subser- vient to all the phenomena of absorption, transudation, exhalation, and even of chemical union and decomposition, which make up the internal nutritive functions of the animal frame. After forming part of the animal solids and fluids, and playing its part in the vital processes of the interior, the water is again discharged ; for its presence in the body, like that of all the other proximate princi- ples, is not permanent, but only temporary. It makes its exit from the body by four different passages : namely, in a liquid form with the urine and feces, and in the form of vapor by the lungs and skin. The actual quantity which is expelled in each case is not uniform, but varies accord- ing to circumstances. Thus, if the kidneys be unusually active, the watery ingredients of the urine will be temporarily increased in quantity, while the cutaneous perspiration will be diminished ; and the state of the atmosphere and the rapidity of respiration will influence for the time the amount of watery vapor exhaled by the lungs and skin. Still there is a well-marked average relation between the functional activity of the various organs and the daily quantity of their excreted fluids. It appears from a comparison of the researches of Lavoisier and Seguin, Valentin, and other observers, that the water which is thus discharged from the system finds its way out by these different routes nearly in the following proportions : By exhalation from the lungs 20 per cent. By the cutaneous perspiration . .... 30 " By the urine and feces 50 " While only four per cent, of the water is expelled with the feces, ninety-six per cent, passes out by the lungs, the skin, and the kidneys. It is evident, therefore, that at least the main bulk of the water taken in with the food does not simply pass through the alimentary canal, but is taken up by the mucous membranes, enters the circulating fluid, and forms a temporary constituent of the solid tissues of the body. As it appears in the secretions it also brings with it various ingredients which it has absorbed from the substance of the glandular organs; and when finally discharged it is mingled in the urine and feces with salts and excrementitious matters, which it holds in solution, and in the cutaneous and pulmonary exhalations, with animal vapors and odoriferous materials of various kinds. In the perspiration it also con- tains mineral sulphates and chlorides, which it leaves behind on evapo- ration. 2. Lime Phosphate, Ca 3 P 4 8 . This substance exists as an ingredient of all the animal solids and fluids without exception. So far as regards its mass, it is, next to water, the most important of the inorganic constituents of the body, as its entire quantity is far greater than that of any other of the mineral salts. For, although it is not especially abundant in the fluids and 44 INORGANIC PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. the softer tissues, it forms more than one-half the substance of the bones. It is estimated by Barral, that the osseous tissues constitute 6.4 per cent, of the entire mass of the body ; and the lime phosphate forms on the average from 51 to 58 per cent, of the substance of the bones. This would give, for a man weighing 65 kilogrammes, or 143 pounds avoir- dupois, 2400 grammes of the calcareous salt in the whole body. Its proportion in various tissues and fluids of the human system is as follows: QUANTITY OF LIME PHOSPHATE IN 1000 PARTS IN THE Enamel of the teeth . 885 Milk .... 2.72 Dentine . . . .643 Blood .... 0.30 Bones . . . 576 Bile .... 0.92 Cartilages ... 40 Urine . . . .0,75 Notwithstanding, therefore, the large quantity of lime phosphate in the body as a whole, it is evident, from an inspection of the preceding list, that nearly all of it is deposited in the more solid tissues ; while it is present in but slender proportion in the animal fluids. Of these fluids it is the milk alone which contains lime phosphate in notable quantity, and here it is plainly subservient to the ossification of the growing bones of the young infant, for whom the milk is used as food. In the circulating fluids, the internal secretions, and the urine, on the other hand, the calcareous salt is in small amount. Its importance in the body depends mainly upon its simple physical property of impart- ing rigidity to the solid tissues, rather than upon its active qualities in the general phenomena of nutrition. In the solid tissues it is associated with other earthy and alkaline salts, but preponderates largely over them in amount. In the bones, the quantity of lime phosphate is from 5 to 6 times greater than that of all the other mineral ingredients taken together. In the bones, teeth, and cartilages, the lime phosphate exists in a solid form ; not, however, deposited mechanically in the osseous or cartilaginous substance as a granular powder, but intimately united with the animal matter of the tissues, like coloring matter in colored glass, the union of the two forming a homogeneous material. It is not, on the other hand, so combined with the animal matter as to lose its identity and constitute a new chemical substance, as where hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water ; but rather as salt unites with water in a saline solution, both substances retaining their original charac- ter and composition, though so intimately associated that they cannot be separated by mechanical means. The lime phosphate, therefore, may be extracted from a bone by maceration in dilute muriatic acid, leaving behind the animal substance, which still retains the original form of the bone or cartilage. In all the solid tissues the lime phosphate is useful by giving to them their proper consistence and solidity. For example, in the ena- mel of the teeth, the hardest tissue of the body, it predominates very LIME PHOSPHATE. 45 Fig. 1. much over the animal matter, and is present in greater abundance there than in any other part of the frame. In the dentine, a softer tissue, it is in somewhat smaller quantity, and in the bones smaller still ; though in the bones it continues to form more than one-half the entire mass of the osseous tissue. The importance of this substance, in com- municating to bones their natural stiffness and consistency, may be readily shown by the alteration which they suffer from its removal. If a long bone be macerated in dilute muriatic acid, the earthy salt, as already mentioned, is dissolved out, after which the bone loses its rigidity, and may be bent or twisted in any direction without breaking. (Fig. 1.) In the formation of the bony skeleton, during foetal life, infancy, and childhood, the cartilaginous sub- stance previously existing is replaced by osseous matter, which contains a larger proportion of calcare- ous salts ; while the anatomical texture of the parts is also changed, giving rise to the characteristic forms of bony tissue. This progressive consolidation of the framework of the body is known as the process of "ossification." In some instances this process is defective, owing to partial failure in the powers of assimilation; and as the rigidity of the skeleton, ac- cordingly, does not increase as it should do in propor- tion to the weight of the body and to muscular action, the bones become gradually bent and deformed, some- times to an extraordinary degree. This affection has received the name of Rachitis. A somewhat similar result is produced by a morbid softening of the bones, which sometimes comes on in adult life, known as Osteomalakia. In this disease the bony fabric, after its formation, becomes altered in texture and composition ; and, the new substance which takes its place being deficient in calcareous matter, a progressive yielding and deformity of the skeleton takes place, like that which happens in cases of rachitis. In the plasma of the blood the lime phosphate, though insoluble in simple alkaline watery liquids, is held in solution by its union with the albuminous ingredients. It has been shown by Fokker that the earthy phosphates added to white of egg unite with the albuminous matter and become soluble in considerable proportion. This explains the presence of lime phosphate in a liquid form both in the blood and in the milk, both fluids which have an alkaline reaction. In the urine, on the other hand, it is held in solution by the presence of the acid sodium biphos- phate. Accordingly, whenever the urine is rendered alkaline by the addition of soda or potassa, the earthy phosphates are precipitated in the form of a white turbidity. FIBULA TIED IN A KNOT, after maceration in a di- lute acid. (From a specimen in the mu- seum of the College of Physicians and Surgeons.) 4(5 INOKGANIC PKOXIMATE PRINCIPLES. The source of the lime phosphate of the animal solids and fluids is in the food. This substance exists in nearly every animal and vegetable alimentary matter in common use. It is found not only in muscular flesh, eggs, and milk, and in all the cereal grains, as wheat, rye, oats, barley, maize, and rice, but also in peas and beans, the nutritive tubers and roots, as potatoes, beets, turnips, and carrots, and even in the juicy fruits, such as the apple, pear, plum, and cherry. After forming for a time a constituent part of the body, the lime phosphate is again discharged with the excretions, but very slowly and in small amount. According to the observations of Neubauer and Beneke about 0.4 gramme, on the average, is daily expelled with the urine. A slightly larger quantity is also found in the feces, but this may be only the residue derived from the undigested portion of the food. Only traces of it are to be detected in the perspiration. As so large a quantity of this salt, therefore, is contained in the body, while so small a proportion is expelled daily with the excretions, it is evidently to be regarded as one of the more permanent constituents of the frame ; being comparatively inactive in the process of internal metamorphosis, and serving for the most part as a physical ingredient of the solid tissues. 3. Lime Carbonate, CaC0 3 . Lime carbonate is to be found in the bones, the teeth, the blood, the lymph and chyle, the saliva, and sometimes in the urine. In all these situations it is normally in much smaller proportion than the calcareous phosphate with which it is associated. In the bones, however, it is next in importance to the lime phosphate, being on the average one-seventh as abundant as that salt, and much more so than any of the remaining mineral ingredients. In the animal fluids its solubility is accounted for by the presence of the alkaline chlorides or by that of free carbonic acid. 4. Magnesium Phosphate, MgHP0 4 . Magnesium phosphate was formerly associated with the corresponding lime salt under the name of the earthy phosphates, owing to certain resemblances in their chemical relations. Like the lime phosphate, which it everywhere accompanies, it is present in all the tissues and fluids of the body, though this substance is for the most part in the smaller quantity of the two. Thus in the bones the lime phosphate is in the proportion of 516 parts per thousand, while the magnesium phosphate forms only 12.5 parts. In the blood the calcareous salt amounts to 0.30 part per thousand, the magnesium salt to 0.22 part ; and in the milk there are 2.72 parts of lime phosphate to 0.53 part of magnesium phos- phate. On the other hand, the salts of magnesium have been found to be in larger quantity than those of lime in the muscles, and nearly twice as abundant in the substance of the brain. The magnesium phosphate is discharged, by the urine, in the average daily quantity of 0.6 gramme. The average amount of both the earthy SODIUM CHLORIDE. 47 phosphates, taken together, is accordingly about 1 gramme per da}^ ; the magnesian salt being rather the more abundant of the two. Both the magnesium phosphate and carbonate, of which latter salt traces occur in the blood, appear to have similar physiological relations with the corresponding salts of lime, and almost the same things may be said in regard to their union with the substance of the more solid tissues and their mode of solubility in the animal fluids. 5, Sodium Chloride, NaCl. This is undoubtedly the most important of the mineral constituents of the body, so far as regards its general distribution and the active part which it takes in the internal phenomena of nutrition. It is the most abundant of all, next to the lime phosphate, and it is universally pre- sent in all the animal tissues and fluids. Its entire quantity in the human body is estimated by Dr. Lankester at 110 grammes, or nearly one-quarter of a pound avoirdupois. In the blood it is rather more abundant than all the other mineral ingredients taken together. Its proportion in the various parts of the body is as follows : QUANTITY OF SODIUM CHLORIDE IN 1000 PARTS IN THE Bones .... 7.02 Saliva .... 1.53 Blood .... 3.36 Milk .... 0.30 Bile .... 3.18 Lymph .... 5.00 Gastric juice . . . 1.70 Sebaceous matter . * . 5.00 Perspiration . . . 2.23 Urine .... 5.50 One of the most important characters of this suit in the living body is undoubted!}' its property of regulating the phenomena of endosmosis and exosmosis, or the transudation of nutritive fluids through the organic membranes. This property is shared more or less by the other mineral ingredients of the blood, but is more important in the case of sodium chloride, owing to its preponderance in quantity as compared with the rest. Since this substance is present in all parts of the body, it is also an important ingredient of the food. It occurs, of course, in all animal food, as a natural ingredient of the corresponding tissues. In muscular flesh, however, it is very much less abundant than potassium chloride, while, on the other hand, it is more abundant in the blood. It is present also in various articles of vegetable food. According to Boussingault, it exists in the following proportions in certain vegetable substances: PROPORTION OF SODIUM CHLORIDE IN 1000 PARTS IN Potatoes . . . 0.43 Oats .... 0.11 Beets .... 0.66 Peas .... 0.09 Turnips .... 0.28 Beans .... 0.06 Cabbage . . . 0.40 Meadow hay . . . 3.28 The relative quantity of sodium chloride taken in animal and vegetable food has not been determined. In regard to the demand for this salt, 48 INORGANIC PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. however, there is a striking difference between the carnivorous and many herbivorous animals. The carnivora receive a fully sufficient supply with their natural food, and invariably show a repugnance to salt itself, as well as to salted meats. On the other hand, the horse, and more especially the ruminating animals, have an instinctive desire for salt, and greedily devour it, wh.en offered to them, in addition to that naturally contained in the vegetable matters of their food. It is well known with what avidity the cattle, sheep, and all kinds of deer frequent the saline springs or " salt licks" of the United States ; and it is shown by common experience that a liberal supply of salt is important for the healthy nutrition and development of these animals in the domesticated condition. The same fact has been demonstrated in a more exact manner by the experiments of Boussingault on the ox. 1 This observer made a series of comparative investigations upon the growth of two sets of bullocks selected from animals of the same age and vigor, and supplied equally with an abundance of ordinary nutritious food, those of one set, how- ever, receiving in addition each 34 grammes of salt per day. At the end of six months the difference in the aspect of the animals of the two sets began to be distinctly evident, and became more marked as time went on. The experiment lasted for a year, and at the end of that time both sets of animals had on the average equally increased in weight ; but those fed with ordinary food alone presented a rough and tangled hide and a dull, inexcitable disposition, while in those which had re- ceived the additional ration of salt the hide was smooth and glistening and the general appearance was vigorous and animated. While these animals, therefore, may subsist for a time without inconvenience upon the salt naturally contained in their food, an additional quantity is required to maintain the system in good condition for an indefinite period. There is a similar necessity for salt as an addition to the food of the human species. No other substance is so universally used as a condi- ment by all races and conditions of men. This custom does not depend simply on a fancy for gratifying the palate, but is based upon an in- stinctive demand of the system for a substance which is necessarj^ for the full performance of its functions. Beside its other properties, it no doubt acts in a favorable manner by exciting the digestive fluids, and assisting in this way the solution of the food. For food which is taste- less, however nutritious it may be in other respects, is taken with reluctance and digested with difficulty ; while the attractive flavor which is developed by cooking, and by the addition of salt and other condiments in proper proportion, excites the secretion of the saliva and gastric juice, and facilitates consequently the whole process of digestion. The sodium chloride is then taken up by absorption from the intestine, and is de- posited in various quantities m different parts of the body. 1 Cliimie Agricole. Paris, 1854, p. 251. SODIUM AND POTASSIUM PHOSPHATES. 49 Notwithstanding various surmises which have been presented from time to time with regard to its possible decomposition and the re-com- bination of its elements in the body, we have no certain knowledge of such changes taking place in the sodium chloride while forming a con- stituent of the animal frame. It passes from the alimentary canal to the blood, from the blood to the tissues, and is finally discharged with the urine, mucus, and cutaneous perspiration, in solution in the water of these fluids. Under ordinary circumstances, by far the largest pro- portion passes out by the kidneys. The quantity of sodium chloride thus discharged with the excretions by an adult man is about 15 grammes per day j 1 of which 13 grammes are contained in the urine, and 2 grammes in the perspiration. Thus, of all the sodium chloride con- tained in the body, considerably more than ten per cent, passes through the system in twenty-four hours. This fact plainly indicates the activity and importance of this salt in the daily internal changes of nutrition. 6, Potassium Chloride, KC1. This substance is found in very many if not all of the animal tissues and fluids, accompanying the sodium chloride, many of the properties of which it shares, and with which it is closely related in its physiological characters. It is especially abundant, as compared with the sodium chloride, in the muscles and in the milk, less so in the blood, the gastric juice, the urine, and the perspiration. Both salts are neutral in reaction, and are retained in the liquid form in the blood and secretions by solution in the water of these fluids. The potassium chloride is introduced as an ingredient of both animal and vegetable food, and is discharged with the mucus, the urine, and the perspiration. 7. Sodium and Potassium Phosphates, Na 2 HP0 4 and K 2 HP0 4 . These substances, associated under the name of the alkaline phos- phates, are of the greatest importance as ingredients of the animal body. They exist universally in all its solids and fluids, and in the latter are present in the liquid form by means of their ready solubility in water. No doubt they are useful in a variety of ways, but at least one of their most important characters is their property of exhibiting an alkaline reaction. This reaction is essential to a large number of the vital pro- cesses taking place in the interior, and is present, without exception, in all the animal fluids which are actually contained in the circulatory system, or in the closed cavities of the body. An acid reaction, on the other hand, is found only in a very few of the organic fluids which are either employed in the process of digestion or are discharged externally. The following list shows the comparative frequency of alkaline and acid reactions in the animal fluids : 1 Neubauer und Vogel-, Analyse des Hams, Wiesbaden, 1872, p. 54. Beneke, Pathologic des Stoffwechsels, Berlin, 1874, p. 322. 50 INORGANIC PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. FLUIDS WITH AN ALKALINE REACTION. FLUIDS WITH AN ACID REACTION. 1. Blood-plasma. 1. Gastric juice. 2. Lymph. 2. Perspiration. 3. Aqueous humor. 3. Mucus of the vagina. 4. Cephalo-rachidian fluid. 4. Urine. 5. Pericardial fluid. 6. Synovia. 7. Fluids of the living muscular tissue. 8. Mucus in general. 9. Milk. 10. Spermatic fluid. 11. Tears. 12. Saliva. 13. Pancreatic juice. 14. Intestinal juice. If we take into account the carbonic acid exhaled with the breath, we see therefore that, while in general an alkaline condition is charac- teristic of the internal fluids, the products of excretion, on the contrary, present universally an acid reaction. Of all the internal fluids the most essential is the plasma of the blood, since it affords the materials of nutrition to the entire system ; and its alkaline reaction, which is distinctly marked, has been found to be in- variably present, not only in the human subject, but also in every species of animal in which it has been examined. This reaction of the blood is moreover necessary to life, since Bernard has shown 1 that if an injection of dilute acetic or lactic acid be made into the veins of the living animal death always results before the point of neutralization has been reached. The alkaline reaction of the blood-plasma gives to this fluid its extra- ordinary capacity for dissolving carbonic acid. According to Liebig, water which holds in solution one per cent, of sodium phosphate is enabled to absorb and retain twice its usual proportion of carbonic acid; and the other alkaline salts, as is well known, have a similar dissolving action upon this gas. Consequently the blood as it circulates among the tissues rapidly absorbs from them the carbonic acid which has been formed in their substance, and incessantly carries it away to be elimi- nated by the lungs. This important property of the circulating fluid depends upon its alkaline reaction. The alkalescence of the blood is due in great measure to the alkaline phosphates, which are present in human blood in the proportion of 0.6 T per thousand parts. A peculiar relation, however, exists in this respect, for different classes of animals, between the alkaline phosphates and the alkaline carbonates, which are to be mentioned hereafter. Both these groups of salts have, when in solution, an alkaline reaction ; and both contribute to the alkalescence of the blood in man and animals. But in the carnivorous animals it is the phosphates which preponderate, while 1 Liquides de 1'Organisme. Paris, 1859, tome i. p. 412. SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CARBONATES. 51 in the herbivora the carbonates are the more abundant of the two. In animals fed at the same time upon both animal and vegetable food the two kinds of salts are found to be present in nearly equal proportion, and in the same animal either the phosphates or the carbonates may be made to predominate by increasing the relative quantity of animal or vegetable food respectively. This is readily understood when we remember that muscular flesh and the animal tissues generally are com- paratively abundant in phosphates, while vegetable matters, as we shall hereafter see, abound also in salts of the organic acids, which give rise by their decomposition in the system to carbonates of the same bases. The alkaline phosphates are taken in with the food, as they exist widely in both animal and vegetable matters. They circulate with the animal fluids, and are finally excreted with the perspiration, the mucus, and the urine. In the urine a portion of the alkaline sodium phosphate is replaced by the acid sodium biphosphate, which gives to this fluid its property of reddening blue litmus paper, although it contains no free acid. The manner in which this change is supposed to take place is the following. A nitrogenous organic acid of new formation, namely, uric acid, makes its appearance in the system, and is excreted by the urine. It exists, however, in this fluid only in the form of combination, as sodium urate. It is, therefore, believed to combine, at the time of its formation, with a portion of the sodium which forms the base of the sodium phosphate; and the remainder of this salt, converted into a biphosphate, is then eliminated by the urine, which thus acquires an acid reaction. There is evidence that phosphoric acid is also generated in the inte- rior of the body by oxidation. A substance to be described hereafter, containing phosphorus in the form of organic combination, exists in various parts of the system, especially in the blood and in the tissue of the brain and nerves, and is taken with certain kinds of food ; but no such substance is to be met with in the excretions. In the fluids dis- charged from the body phosphorus exists only in the form of the phos- phatic salts. It is, therefore, without doubt oxidized in the internal transformation of the organic substances, thus becoming phosphoric acid, which in turn unites with the alkaline bases to form neutral or acid phosphates. In this way a certain portion of the superabundant acid is produced, which gives rise to the acid reaction of the excreted fluids. The sodium and potassium phosphates, including the acid biphosphate, are discharged with the urine to the amount of about 4.5 grammes per day. 8. Sodium and Potassium Carbonates, Na 2 C0 3 and E^CO.,. The alkaline carbonates, as mentioned above, are associated with the phosphates in all the more important fluids of the body. They are readily soluble, and assist in producing the necessary alkalescence of the blood and secretions. 52 INORGANIC PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. The alkaline carbonates are partly introduced as such with the food, but are to a great extent formed within the body by the decomposition of other salts contained in the substance of certain fruits and vegetables. Various of these fruits and vegetables, such as apples, cherries, grapes, potatoes, carrots, and the like, contain malates, tartrates, and citrates of the alkaline bases. It has, furthermore, been often observed that after the use of acescent fruits and vegetables containing the above salts, the urine becomes alkaline in reaction from the presence of the alkaline carbonates. Lehmann 1 found, by experiments upon his own person, that within thirteen minutes after taking 15.5 grammes of sodium lactate, the urine had an alkaline reaction. He also observed that, if a solution of this substance were injected into the jugular vein of a dog, the urine became alkaline at the end of five, or, at the latest, of twelve minutes. The conversion of these salts into carbonates takes place, therefore, not in the intestine, but in the blood. The same observer found that, in many persons living on a mixed diet, the urine became alkaline in two or three hours after swallowing 0.65 gramme of sodium acetate. The organic acid in these cases is decomposed and oxidized with the production of carbonic acid and water ; and the original salts are thus replaced by the alkaline carbonates, which appear in the urine and tem- porarily modify its reaction in the manner above described. A preponderance of vegetable food, accordingly, influences the quan- tity of the alkaline carbonates in the system, and consequently the reac- tion of the excretions. As a rule, the urine of man and of the carnivo- rous animals is clear and acid, while that of the herbivora is alkaline and turbid with calcareous deposits. This turbid and alkaline urine will often effervesce with acids, showing the presence of carbonates in considerable quantity. Bernard has shown that this difference depends upon the alimentation of the animal, and that although in carnivorous and herbivorous animals under ordinary conditions the urine is respec- tively acid and alkaline, if they be both deprived of food for a few days the urine becomes acid in both, since they are then, in each instance, living upon their own tissues. Furthermore, a rabbit, whose urine is turbid and alkaline while feeding on fresh vegetables, if kept upon a diet of animal food, soon produces an excretion which is clear and acid. The reverse effect is produced upon a dog by changing his food from meat to vegetable matters. Finally, it is also shown 2 that the urine of the young calf while living on the milk of the mother is clear and acid ; but after the animal has been weaned and feeds upon vegetable matter, its urine becomes alkaline and turbid, like that of the adult animal. 9. Sodium and Potassium Sulphates, S0 4 Na 2 and S0 4 K 2 . The sulphates are also to be regarded as constant ingredients of the body, as they are found in several of the animal fluids, including the 1 Physiological Chemistry. Cavendish edition. London, 1851, vol. i. p. 97. 2 Milne Edwards, Legons sur la Physiologie. Paris, 1862, tome vii. p. 471. SODIUM AND POTASSIUM SULPHATES. 53 blood, the lymph, the aqueous humor, milk, saliva, mucus, the perspira- tion, and the urine. They are usually, however, in small quantity, as compared with other saline matters. In the blood and the lymph, they are much less abundant than either the chlorides, phosphates, or car- bonates. In the milk and the saliva, there is hardly more than a trace of them ; and they have not been found at all in the bones, the gastric juice, the bile, or the pancreatic juice. They are most abundant in the urine, where they amount to rather more than one-half the quantity of the phosphates, and they are found also, in small proportion, in the feces. The sulphates are introduced into the body, to some extent, with the food and drink. They are to be found, in minute quantity, in muscular flesh and in the yolk of egg. They exist also in certain vegetable pro- ducts, such as the cereal grains, fruits, and tuberous roots, where they are much less abundant than the phosphates, though often more so than the chlorides. Spring and river water, as used for drink, usually contains sulphates, including sulphate of lime, varying in amount, according to the tables given by Payen, 1 from .003 to .06 per thousand parts. In the water of the Croton River, with which the city of New York is sup- plied, they amount, as shown by the analyses of Prof. Chandler, 2 to a little more than .007 per thousand parts. Beside the sulphates, however, introduced with the food and drink, a certain amount of sulphuric acid originates within the body by oxida- tion, in a mode analogous to that already described for phosphoric acid. The albuminous substances, which form so important a part of the solid food, contain sulphur as one of their constituent elements, and a con- siderable quantity of this substance is accordingly introduced daily into the system in the form of organic combination. The entire quantity of sulphur, thus forming part of the organic matters of the body of a man of medium size, amounts, according to Payen, 3 to about 110 grammes ; and at least 1 gramme must be taken daity with the albuminous ingre- dients of the food. A portion of these substances is expelled by the daily exfoliation of the hair, nails, and epidermis; but no such sul- phurous organic compound is discharged by the urine and feces except in insignificant quantity. On the other hand, the sulphates are compar- atively abundant in the excretions. While they are to be found in the blood only in the proportion of 0.28 per thousand, they exist in the urine in the proportion of from 3.00 to 7.00 parts per thousand, 4 and are discharged by this channel to the amount of about 4 grammes per day. These facts indicate that a notable quantity of sulphuric acid is con- stantly formed in the body, during the decomposition of albuminous matters, by oxidation of their sulphur. This is confirmed by the fact that the quantity of sulphuric acid in the sulphates eliminated by the kidneys is perceptibly increased by the use of a flesh diet, and also by 1 Substances Alimentaires. Paris, 1865, p. 436. 2 Lecture on Water. Transactions of the American Institute for 1870-71. 8 Substances Alimentaires. Paris, 1865, p. 68. 4 Robin, LeQons sur les Humeurs. Paris, 1874, p. 770. 54 INORGANIC PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. the administration of sulphur or a sulphuret. 1 Dr. Parkes estimates the quantity of sulphuric acid thus produced in the system as about double that taken in the form of sulphates with the food and drink. It unites at once with the alkaline bases, displacing the weaker acids with which they were previously combined, and thus contributes indirectly to the general acid reaction of the excreted fluids. The foregoing substances constitute the most important of the in- organic proximate principles of the animal body. They are distin- guished, as a class, by their comparatively simple chemical composition, by their external origin, and by the part which they take in the constitu- tion and nourishment of the animal frame They are derived for the most part from without, being taken directly from the materials of the inorganic world. There are some exceptions to this rule; as in the case of the alkaline carbonates formed in the body by decomposition of the salts of the vegetable acids ; and of the sodium biphosphate pro- duced from the neutral phosphate, by the action of an organic acid of internal origin. The greater part, however, of the proximate principles belonging to this class are introduced with the food, and taken up by the animal tissues and fluids, in the form under which they exist in external nature. The lime carbonate of the bones, for example, and the sodium chloride of the blood and the tissues, are the same sub- stances as those met with in calcareous rocks, or in solution in sea water. In the process of internal nutrition they are also exempt, as a general rule, from any marked chemical changes. Some of them, such as the lime and magnesium phosphates, are mostly deposited in the solid parts, and are renewed very slowly, contributing principally to the physical properties of the tissues, and taking a comparatively small share in the actions of repair and waste. Others, such as water and the alkaline chlorides, are introduced and discharged daily in considerable abund- ance, passing rapidly through the system, and playing an important part in the phenomena of solution and transudation. Others still, such as the alkaline phosphates and sulphates, are partly formed in the body by the process of oxidation, and appear in the urine as a residue from the decomposition of other proximate principles. Principally, however, the inorganic substances are reabsorbed by the blood from the tissues in which they were deposited, and discharged unchanged with the excretions. The importance of this character will become fully manifest when we see how different are the relations exhibited by the proximate principles of other groups. The inorganic substances do not, for the most part, participate directly in the chemical changes going on in the body ; but rather serve by their presence to enable those changes to be accomplished, in the other ingredients of the animal frame, which are necessary to the process of nutrition. 1 Neubauer und Vogel, Analyse des Hams. Wiesbaden, 1872, pp. 356, 357. CHAPTBE III. HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. THE proximate principles belonging to this class are distinguished from the preceding by their organic origin. They appear as products of the nutritive actions of organized beings, and are not introduced ready formed from the inorganic world. They exist both in vegetables and in animals. In the former they are produced entirely as new com- binations, under the influence of the vegetative process ; and even in animals, which feed upon vegetables or upon other animals, they are so modified by digestion and assimilation that they present themselves, as final constituents of the body, under new and specific forms. They all consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, of which carbon is present by weight in especially large proportion, forming from 44 to 84 per cent, of the entire substance. Owing to the absence of nitrogen, which is an important element in organic substances of the following class, they are sometimes known as the "non-nitrogenous" proximate principles. They are naturally divided into two principal groups, namely: the carbo- hydrates, or substances containing carbon, together with hydrogen and oxygen in the proportions to form water ; and the fatty matters, in which the proportions of carbon and hydrogen are both increased, while that of oxygen is considerably diminished. The group of the carbo- hydrates includes starch, glycogen, and sugar. I. Starch, C 6 H 10 5 . Starch is most abundantly diffused throughout the vegetable kingdom, and exists, for at least a certain period of vegetative life, in every plant which has yet been examined for it. It occurs especially in seeds, in the cot3'ledons of the young plant, in roots, tubers, and bulbs, in the pith of stems, and sometimes in the bark. It is very abundant in corn, wheat, rye, oats, and rice, in the parenchyma of the potato, in peas and beans, and in most vegetable substances used as food. It constitutes almost entirely the different preparations known as sago, tapioca, arrow- root, and maizena, which are nothing more than varieties of starch, extracted from different species of plants. The following list, compiled mainly from the tables of Payen, 1 shows the percentage of starch occurring in various kinds of food : 1 Substances Alimentaires. Paris, 1865. (55) 56 HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. QUANTITY OF STARCH IN 100 PARTS IN Wheat . Rye Oats . Barley . Indian corn Rice 57.88 64.65 60.59 66.43 67.55 88.65 Potatoes Sweet potatoes Peas Beans . Flaxseed Chocolate nut 20.00 16.05 37.30 33.00 23.40 11.00 When purified from foreign substances starch is a white, glistening powder, which gives rise to a peculiar crackling sensation if rubbed between the fingers. It consists of minute granules of very firm con- sistency and definite shape, presenting certain peculiarities, of both form and size, by which its varieties, derived from different sources, may be distinguished from each other. The young starch granules, when first produced in the tissues of the plant, are exceedingly small, round, and perfectly homogeneous ; but they afterward increase in size, and, as their growth is irregular, they become ovoid, pear-shaped, lenticular, or polygonal in form. They also show under the microscope a definite structure, each granule being composed of a series of layers, disposed one over the other, giving rise to the appearance of concentric markings, which are very characteristic of most varieties of starch grains, after they have attained a certain size. The markings are arranged round a single point, usually more or less eccentric in position, which is called the hilum. The successive layers of which the starch granule is composed differ from each other mainly in their consistency, being alternately harder and softer in comparison with each other; and this difference in density produces a corres- ponding difference in the refrac- tive power of the layers, and consequently an appearance of concentric striation. Each starch granule, further- more, consists of two sub- stances, intimately mingled in every part of its mass, which re- semble each other completely in chemicalcomposition, but differ greatly in solubility. These two substances are, 1st, granu- lose, which may be extracted GRAINS OP POTATO STABCH. f m the starch S ^ b U - ing water ; and 2d, cellulose, which remains undissolved. The granulose is usually much the more abundant of the two, but the cellulose has so marked a consistency that it retains the form and apparent laminated structure of the starch grain. STARCH. 57 Fig. 3. STARCH GRAIUS OF BERMUDA ARROW- ROOT. after extraction of the granulose, though it may be reduced to five or six per cent, of its original weight. The starch grains of the potato (Fig. 2) vary considerabl} 7 in size. The smallest have a diameter of 2.5 inmm., 1 the largest 62.5 mmm. They are irregularly pear-shaped in form, and their concentric markings are very distinct. The starch obtained from the potato, however carefully prepared, re- tains in connection with it traces of an odoriferous principle which makes it less valuable for culi- nary purposes than many other varieties. The starch granules of arrow- root (Fig. 3) are generally smaller and more uniform in size, than those of the potato. They vary from 12.5 mmm. to 50 mmm. in diameter. They are elongated and cylindrical in form, and the concentric mark- ings are less distinct than in the preceding variety. The hilum has here sometimes the form of a circular pore, and sometimes that of a trans- verse fissure or slit. The grains of wheat starch (Fig. 4) are still smaller than those of arrowroot. They vary from 2.5 mmm. to 35 mmm. in diameter. They are nearly circular in form, with a round or transverse hilum, but with- out any distinct appearance of lamination. Many of them are flattened or compressed later- ally, so that they present a broad surface in one position, and a narrow edge when viewed in the opposite direction. The starch grains of Indian corn (Fig. 5) are of nearly the same size with those of wheat flour. They are somewhat more irregular and angular in shape ; and 1 The sign mmm. stands for micro-millimetre ; that is, the one-thousandth part of a millimetre. A millimetre is very nearly equivalent to one twenty-fifth of an Fig. 4. STARCH GRAINS OP WHEAT FLOTTR. inch ; and a micro-millimetre, accordingly, is about 5 of an inch. HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. Fig. 5. STARCH GRAINS OF INDIAN CORN. are often marked with crossed or radiating lines, as if from partial fracture. Starch derived from all these different sources has essentially the same chemical composition, and may be recognized b}" the same tests. It is insoluble in cold water, but if it be treated with about twenty times its weight of boil- ing water its granules swell, become gelatinous and amor- phous, combine with a certain proportion of water, and fuse into a thick opaline liquid, which is thinner or thicker according to the quantity of water present. After that they cannot be made to resume their original form, but on cooling they solidify into a nearly homogeneous paste, retaining the water in union with the starchy matter. The starch is then said to be amorphous or *' hydrated." By this process it is not essentially altered in its chemical properties, but only in its physical condition. If starch be treated with 100 or 150 parts of boiling water, it makes an opaline liquid which does not gelatinize ; but on standing, the imperfectly liquefied portions, containing the insoluble cellulose, subside to the bottom as a turbid deposit, while the soluble starch remains above, forming a clear, colorless, and perfectly fluid solu- tion. Starch is especially distinguished by its property of striking a blue color by contact with iodine. This reaction will take place even when the starch is in the raw condition, and starch granules may be readily recognized under the microscope by this means. It is still more prompt when the starch is hydrated and especially when it is in solution. A very minute quantity of tincture of iodine added to a solution of starch will cause the whole to assume at once a very deep and rich blue color, which may be largely diluted without losing its characteristic tinge. The mixture of the two substances, however, must, in the first place, be made at a moderate temperature. If the solution be hot, no visible reaction will occur ; and even after it has taken place if heat be applied the blue color will disappear, to return again after cooling down to the original temperature. Secondly, the iodine must be in a free state. If it be used in the form of a soluble iodide, it will produce no effect, since the starch has not sufficient affinity for it to withdraw it from its union with other matters. No third substance, furthermore, must be present in the mixture, which would be capable of combining with the iodine and thus preventing its action upon the starch. All the STARCH. 59 animal fluids more especially, such as the serum of blood, saliva, mucus, urine, contain ingredients which prevent the reaction of starch with iodine, and may even dissipate the blue color after it has been once pro- duced. These substances, therefore, must be removed from the fluid before the application of the test, or else the iodine must be added in sufficient excess to allow a surplus for action upon the starch. With these precautions it forms a striking and valuable test. Starch has the property of being changed, under certain conditions, into two other substances. 1. If subjected to torrefaction, that is, a dry heat of about 210 (about 4000 F.), it is converted into Dextrine, a gummy substance freely solu- ble in water, so called from the fact that in solution it rotates the plane of the polarized ray toward the right. 1 Dextrine has the same chemical composition with starch, namely C 6 H 10 5 , but its properties are changed, and it will no longer produce a blue color with iodine. The same transformation is very quickly accomplished by boiling starch with a dilute acid; the opaline arid gelatinous solution becoming in a few minutes clear and liquid, and losing at the same time its power of reaction with iodine. Finalty, in the germination of starchy seeds, like the cereal grains, a nitrogenous substance is produced termed " diastase ;" and this has the power, when supplied with moisture at a moderate temperature, of effecting the transformation of the starch into soluble dextrine. 2. Starch may be converted into Sugar. When a starch solution or a thin starch paste is boiled with a dilute acid, it is rapidly changed, as already mentioned, into dextrine. If the boiling be continued for several hours it is still further transformed into sugar ; and at last the whole of it passes over into the saccharine condition. This also hap- pens in the process of germination and growth in plants, where sugar makes its appearance under influence of the diastase, and at the expense of the starch, as soon as moisture and warmth are supplied in the requisite degree. This is the usual source' of sugar in vegetable 1 A ray of light which has passer! through certain crystalline bodies, such as a " Nicol's prism" of Iceland spar, is found to be polarized ; that is, it has acquired opposite and complementary properties in two different directions. For if it be received by a second similar prism, which is equally transparent in all positions to ordinary light, the polarized ray will pass through it only when the prin- cipal section of the second prism is parallel with that of the first ; but when the second prism is turned round 90, the light is entirely arrested. Now if certain organic substances in solution be placed between the two prisms, it is found that they have the effect of changing the angle at which the second prism must stand in order to arrest or transmit the light from the first. In other words, the plane of polarization of the polarized ray has been deviated or rotated by passing through the organic liquid. Some substances deviate in this way the plane of polarization toward the right, others toward the left. The specific rotatory power of each is estimated for a solution of standard strength and quantity, for yellow light, and is indicated in degrees of the circle. The specific rotatory power of dextrine is 118. 60 HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. juices, the starch previously stored up being at some period of growth changed into sugar by the molecular actions going on in the vegetable fabric. Finally, various nitrogenous animal substances produce the same effect. The contact of human saliva or the intestinal juices at a temperature of 37.5 (10(P F.) rapidly transforms hydrated starch into sugar. A special interest attaches to starch from the fact that it is the first organic substance produced, in the process of vegetation, from inor- ganic materials. The animal body is incapable of forming organic matter, and must therefore be supplied with these substances in the food. But vegetables have the power of combining inorganic ele- ments in such a way as to produce a new class of bodies, peculiar to the organic world, and capable of serving for the nutrition of animals. This is shown by numerous experiments, in which seeds or young plants, artificially cultivated in a soil of clean sand, and moistened only with solutions of various mineral salts, 1 have germinated, grown, and fructified, increasing, many times over, the quantity of organic material which they contained at the beginning. This production of organic matter takes place in the green tissues, principally in the leaves, of growing plants, under the influence of the solar light ; and the first substance which makes its appearance under these conditions is nearly always starch. It is produced from two inorganic matters absorbed from without, namely, carbonic acid and water, which are deoxidized by the green vegetable tissues, their elements being re-combined, to form a carbo-hydrate. This is proved by the fact that oxygen is exhaled, during the vegetative process, in the same or nearly the same proportion as that in which it existed originally in the carbonic acid ; and the new substance produced con- tains hydrogen and oxygen in the relative proportions to form water. The production of starch in growing vegetables is therefore repre- sented by the following formula : Carbonic acid. Water. Starch. (C 6 12 + H 10 5 ) - 12 = C C H 10 5 . The starch thus formed in the leaves of plants is afterward trans- formed into other vegetable substances belonging to the group of the carbo-hydrates, such as dextrine, sugar, and cellulose, and used for the further nutrition of the plant. When abundantly deposited in special organs, such as the starchy seeds of wheat or Indian corn, or the tubers of the potato, it constitutes a reserve material of nutrition, to be after- ward dissolved and employed for the purposes of germination and growth. It is from such natural deposits of reserve, in the vegetable fabric, that starch is obtained in quantity to serve as food for animals or man. 1 Mayer, Lehrbuch der Agrikultur-Chemie. Heidelberg, 1871, Band i. p. 10. GLYCOGEN. SUGAR. 61 When taken into the alimentary canal, starch is rapidly transformed into sugar by the action of the digestive fluids ; and in this form is absorbed into the circulation. II. Glycogen, C 6 H 10 5 . This is an amylaceous substance of animal origin, corresponding in character with starch derived from the vegetable world. It is found in the livers of all vertebrate animals in the healthy condition, and in the muscles and integument of the embryo of mammalia at an early period of development. It has also been discovered in the oyster and the cockle-shell. Glycogen, so called from its property of producing sugar or glucose, has the same chemical composition as starch, and agrees with it in all its essential characters, except that it is readily soluble in water, and, when treated with iodine, yields a violet-red instead of a blue color. Its watery solution is opalescent, and deviates the plane of polarization strongly to the right, its specific power of rotation for yellow light being about 130. By boiling with a dilute acid it is changed first into dextrine and afterward into sugar. It also under- goes the saccharine transformation when in solution at the temperature of the living body by contact with saliva, the intestinal juices, the sub- stance of the liver, or the serum of the blood. It is the source of the sugar produced in the animal body, as starch is the source of that formed in vegetables. Both starch and glycogen, accordingly, are to be regarded as tempo- rary products, destined to undergo further transformation before being used for the purposes of nutrition. In vegetables, the starch which. is abundantly stored up at one period in the cellular tissues is after- ward liquefied and altered into other substances; and although it enters so largely into the composition of the vegetable food of ani- malSj it is converted into sugar during digestion in the alimentary canal. III. Sugar. The proximate principles designated under this name include a va- riety of substances which have certain well-marked characters, and are of frequent occurrence in both animal and vegetable juices. They are crystallizable and soluble in water, and have, when in solution, a distinctly sweet taste, which, in some varieties, is very highly de- veloped. They are all decomposed by being heated with sulphuric acid; their hydrogen and oxygen being driven off, while the carbon remains behind as a jet-black deposit. In this condition they are said to be carbonized. The proportions in which they occur in various arti- cles of food, according to the tables of Pay en,. Yon Bibra, and a few other observers, are as follows:. 62 HYDROOARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. QUANTITY OF SUGAR IN 100 PARTS IN Cherries . . . 18.12 Wheat flour . . . 2.33 Apricots . . . 16.48 Rye flour . . . 3.46 Peaches . . . 11.61 Barley meal . . . 3.04 Pears .... 11.52 Oatmeal . . . 2.19 Juices of sugar-cane . 18.00 Indian corn meal . . 3.71 Sweet potatoes . . 10.20 Cow's milk . . . 5.20 Beet roofs . . . 8.00 Goat's milk . . .5.80 Parsnips . . . 4.50 Beefs liver . . . 1.79 The three principal varieties of this substance which are most impor- tant in a physiological point of view are glucose, cane sugar, and milk sugar. Glucose, C G H 12 6 . Glucose, also called grape sugar from its abundance in the juices of the ripe grape, may be considered as the most marked and representa- tive variety of the saccharine substances. It occurs more frequently than any other in the animal fluids, being found in the juices of the liver, in the chyle, the blood, and the lymph. In diabetes it is abund- antly excreted with the urine. It is also found in the juices of many plants, in various sweet fruits, and in honey, where it is associated with certain other varieties. It is freely soluble in water. Its solution has a moderately sweet taste, and deviates the plane of polarization toward the right 53.5. It is this form of sugar which is produced from starch by boiling with dilute acids, by the action of the digestive fluids of the alimentary canal, and in the plant during the process of vegetation. The change consists in the assumption by starch of the elements of water in due proportion, the new substance thus produced being still a carbo-hydrate. The transformation of starch into glucose is therefore represented as follows : Starch. Water. Glucose. C 6 H 10 5 + H 2 = C 6 H W 6 - Glucose may be recognized in solution by various well-marked tests. First, the action of alkalies at a boiling temperature. If a solution of glucose be treated with a solution of potassium hydrate and heat applied, the sugar is decomposed and the liquid assumes, first, a yellowish and then a brown color, which becomes deeper in proportion to the amount of glucose and alkali existing in the solution. This is not a certain test for the presence of glucose, as some other organic matters are discolored in a similar way by the strong alkalies ; but it will serve to distinguish it from certain varieties of sugar, which do not possess this property. Secondly, the test most commonly employed for detecting glucose depends upon its power of reducing the salts of copper in a boiling alkaline solution. This test, which is known as " Trommer's test," is applied in the following manner: A very small quantity of copper sulphate in solution should be added to the suspected liquid, and the SUGAR. 63 mixture then rendered distinctly alkaline by the addition of potassium hydrate. The whole solution then takes a deep-blue color. On boiling the mixture, if sugar be present, the copper suboxide is thrown down as an opaque red, j^ellow, or orange-colored deposit ; otherwise no change of color takes place. In this reaction the sugar, which is oxidized at a high temperature under the influence of the alkali, takes a portion of its oxygen from the copper in the copper salt, and thus reduces it to the form of an insoluble suboxide. Some precautions are necessary in the use of this test. As a general rule, only a small quantity of the copper sulphate should be added to the liquid under examination, just sufficient to give to the whole a dis- tinct blue tinge after the addition of the alkali. If the copper salt be used in excess, the sugar in solution may not be sufficient to reduce the whole of it ; and that which remains as a blue sulphate may mask the yellow color of that which is thrown down as a deposit. This diffi- culty may be removed by due care in the proportion of the ingre- dients. Furthermore, there are some albuminous substances which have the power of interfering with Trommer's test, and prevent the reduction of the copper even when sugar is present. Certain animal matters, to be more particularly described hereafter, which are liable to be held in solu- tion in the gastric juice and in the blood, have this effect. The ordinary ingredients of the urine also interfere with the complete reaction of Trommer's test, by holding the copper oxide in solution, so that no precipitate takes place when glucose is present, although the liquid turns yellow on boiling. A very large proportion of glucose may be added to fresh urine without giving rise to a pulverulent precipitate on the application of Trommer's test; notwithstanding that, if dis- solved in water, it will react in the proportion of one part in 10,000. That the interference of urine with Trommer's test depends on its retaining in solution the reduced copper oxide, and not upon its pre- venting deoxidation, is indicated by the fact that the color of the mixture changes, as usual, from blue to yellow although no precipitate takes place ; and also by the experiments of Dr. Fowler, 1 who has shown that if the precipitate resulting from Trommer's test with a watery solu- tion of glucose be added to boiling urine, it is at once redissolved. The same observer has devised a method of applying the test successfully notwithstanding the interference of the urine. A certain quantity of urine can, of course, only dissolve a certain amount of copper oxide ; and if the copper sulphate solution be added to a specimen of saccharine urine in large proportion, the excess will be precipitated and show itself as a deposit. A copper sulphate solution, made in the proportion of 1 part copper sulphate to T.5 parts of water, and added to saccharine urine to the amount of one-half or one-third its bulk will generally be suffi- cient to produce a satisfactory reaction. 1 New York Medical Journal, June, 1874, p. 632. 6i HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. All sources of error of this kind, due to the presence of extraneous substances, may be avoided in delicate examinations, by treating the suspected fluid with animal charcoal, or by evaporating it to dryness, extracting the dry residue with alcohol, and then dissolving the dried alcoholic extract in water, before the application of the test. Either of these processes will remove the substances which interfere with the action of Trommer's test, and will leave the glucose by itself in the watery solution. A more delicate form of the copper test for glucose is in the employ- ment of " Fehling's liquor," which is an alkaline solution of a double copper and potassium tartrate. It is made as follows : Take Pure crystallized copper sulphate 40 grammes. Neutral potassium tartrate 160 " A solution of sodium hydrate of the specific gravity 1.12 . 650 " The neutral potassium tartrate, dissolved in a little water, is first mixed with the solution of sodium hydrate. Then the copper sulphate, dissolved in 160 cubic centimetres of water, is gradually added to the alkaline liquor, which assumes a clear, deep blue color. The whole is finally diluted with water to the volume of 1154.4 cubic centimetres. If one drop of this liquid be added to one cubic centimetre of a saccha- rine solution and heat applied, it will detect one-fifteenth of a milli- gramme of glucose by the reduction o the copper oxide. One advan- tage of Fehling's liquor as a test is that the quantity of copper salt contained in a given volume is accurately known, and consequently not only the presence but alsd the amount of glucose in any solution may be determined by the quantity of test liquid which it decomposes at a boiling temperature. One cubic centimetre of Fehling's liquor is exactly decolorized by % J^th of a gramme of glucose. One inconvenience connected with this test is that Fehling's liquor by exposure to the air and light undergoes an alteration, in which some of its tartaric acid disappears and is replaced by carbonic acid. In this condition it will partially precipitate on boiling, even without the pres- ence of sugar. To guard against this, it should be kept in bottles which are quite full and protected from the light ; and, in every case where a suspected fluid is to be examined for sugar, a small portion' of the test- liquor should be previously boiled by itself, in order to be sure that it has not undergone spontaneous decomposition. Although by exposure to the air and light at a summer temperature, Fehling's liquor may become altered at the end of a week, yet if protected from the light, in carefully closed and full bottles, it can be kept unchanged for two or three years. Thirdly, the most marked and distinctive property of glucose, in a physiological sense, is its capacity for fermentation. If a watery solu- tion of pure glucose be left to itself, even exposed to the air, no remark- able change takes place in it. But if a small quantity of beer-yeast be added and the mixture kept at a temperature of about 25 (77 F.), after a short time it becomes turbid. It then develops an abundance of SUGAR. 65 carbonic acid, which is partly dissolved in the liquid and partly rises in the form of gas bubbles to its surface. It is this circumstance which has given to the process the name of " fermentation" or boiling. At the same time the sugar is gradually destroyed and alcohol appears in its place. Finally the whole of the glucose is decomposed, having been converted principally into alcohol, C 2 H 6 0, and carbonic acid, CO.,. Then the fermentation stops and the liquid becomes clear, its turbid con- tents subsiding to the bottom as a whitish layer. This layer is itself found to consist of yeast, which has increased in quantity over that originally added, and is itself capable of exciting fermentation in another saccharine liquid. If, instead of a solution of pure glucose, we employ the expressed juices of certain fruits, like those of the grape, which contain nitro- genous albuminoid matters in addition to glucose, fermentation begins after a certain period of exposure to the air, and goes on with the same phenomena and results as before. This is the natural source of all the vinous and alcoholic fluids used by man ; namely, the fermentation of some fluid containing glucose or a similar saccharine substance. The alcoholic fermentation of glucose is due to the vegetative action of a microscopic fungus, known as Saccharomyces. This plant consists entirely of cells which multiply by a process of bud- Fig. 6. ding, but do not produce fila- ments, nor any compound ve- getable fabric. The species which is present in beer-yeast is the " Saccharomyces cerevi- sise." Its cells are usually rounded in form, sometimes oval (Fig. 6). They vary in size, but the greater number have an average diameter of 10 mmm. They have a very thin investing integument, which incloses a finely granular semi- solid substance, often with one or two rounded cavities or vacuoles filled with fluid. The cells are mostly isolated, but occasionally two of them may be seen adhering to each other. There is also a small amount of inter- cellular liquid, containing albuminous matter and various mineral salts. When a little of the yeast is added to a solution containing glucose, the cells of the yeast-plant after a short time begin to multiply by bud- ding. The buds increase rapidly in size, and, when the young cell has nearly attained the size of its parent, it usually separates and begins an SACCHAROMYCES OEREVISI^E, in its quiescent condition ; from deposit of beer- yeast, after fermentation. 66 HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. SACCHAEOMYCES OBRKVISI^E during active germination. From fermenting saccharine solu- tion. Fig. 7. independent existence. While in this active condition the cells are mostly oval in form, and have an average diameter of only a little more than 8 mmm. Often two and three are seen connected together, forming moniliform chains. It is by the active growth and develop- ment of the cells during this process that the glucose of the solution is decomposed, and alcohol and carbonic acid pro- duced in its place. Another species of saccharomyces forms the fungus of bread-yeast, and a third the ferment of grape- juice by which it is made to un- dergo the vinous fermentation. When fermentation is used as a test, a little beer-yeast is added to the supposed saccharine fluid, and the mixture kept at the temperature of about 25 (77 P.). The gas which is given off during the process is collected and examined, and the remaining fluid is purified by distil- lation. If the gas be found to be carbonic acid, and if the distilled liquid contain alcohol, there can be no doubt that a fermentable sugar was originally present in the solution. Glucose undergoes fermenta- tion more readily and completely than most other varieties of sugar. Lactose, C 12 H 24 12 , or Sugar of Milk. This is the variety of sugar which is found in milk, the only fluid in which it is known to occur. It is less freely soluble than glucose, and its sweet taste is less marked. In watery solution it rotates the plane of polarization to the right 58.20. In chemical composition it is isomeric with glucose, which it resembles in several of its reactions, namely, in being decomposed and turned brown by boiling alkalies, in readily reducing the copper-oxide in Trommer's and Fehling's tests, and in undergoing the alcoholic fermentation under the influence of yeast. It enters into fermentation, however, very slowly, as compared with glucose, and the process is usually incomplete. If fermentation go on in the milk itself, or in the presence of other ingredients of the milk, a part of the sugar is converted into lactic acid, C 3 H 6 3 , also a carbo-hydrate. By boiling for ^ome time with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, lactose becomes readily and completely fermentable. This sugar forms an important element in the food of the young infant, being a constant ingredient of the milk. It is not known from what substance it is formed in the tissues of the mammary gland ; SUGAR. 67 but it is evidently a reserve material, intended for the nutrition of the infant, and not for consumption in the body of the parent. Saccharose, 12 H 22 U , or Cane Sugar. This variety, the oldest known species of sugar, is derived from the juices of the sugar cane, where it exists in great abundance. It solidifies on cooling from a hot concentrated solution in the well- known white granular crystalline masses, the form in which it is generally used for culinary purposes. If crystallized more slowly, it furnishes large, colorless, prismatic crystals, in which form it is known as " rock candy" or ki sugar candy." This sugar is also manufactured from the juices of the beet-root, and, imperfectly purified, from those of the sorghum and the sugar-maple. It exists to some extent in the green stems of Indian corn, in sweet potatoes, in parsnips, turnips, and carrots, and in the spring juices of the birch and walnut trees. Honey is a mixture. of glucose and saccharose, together with various other substances. Cane sugar originates from glucose, in the process of vegetation, by a change the reverse of that by which glucose itself is formed from starch, that is, by the loss of oxygen and hydrogen in the proportions to form water. A comparison of the chemical composition of the two substances will show the manner in which the transformation takes place, namely : Glucose. "Water. Cane sugar. 2(C 6 H 12 6 ) - H 2 = C 12 H 22 O n . Saccharose is the most soluble of all the sugars, and has the strongest sweet taste. It rotates the plane of polarization to the right 73. 8 4. It differs in its reactions from glucose by the fact that it is not turned brown by boiling with an alkali, and does not reduce the copper-oxide in Trommer's test, or does so very slowly and imperfectly. It may be converted into glucose, however, by a few seconds' boiling with a trace of dilute mineral acid, and will then react promptly both with boiling alkalies and with Trommer's test. Cane sugar is not immediately fermentable, but by contact with yeast it is after a time changed into glucose, and finally enters into fermentation. As it occurs in the tissues of the living vegetable, it is regarded as a reserve material, which is subsequently reconverted into glucose for the purposes of nutrition. 1 When taken as food, it is transformed into glucose by the intestinal fluids in the digestive process. Sugar and starch, accordingly, in all their varieties, are closely allied to each other, both in their chemical and physiological relations. Their proportions of hydrogen and oxygen are such as to have given them, as a class, a distinct name, and their mutual convertibility in the process of vegetation has been shown by abundant investigations. Starch and sugar, in the living plant, represent the same nutritive material under 1 Mayer, Agrikultur-Chemie, Band i. p. 122. 63 HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. two different conditions ; starch being the substance in the form of a solid deposit, and glucose in the form of solution and activity. 1 In the animal body, the glycogen of the liver is converted into soluble glucose, and thus enters the circulation before it takes an active part in the nutritive operations; and vegetable starch, when taken as food, undergoes the same transformation in the intestinal canal. Finally these substances, from whatever source they may be derived, are com- pletely decomposed in the interior of the system, and do not reappear, in any notable quantity, in the excreted fluids of the body. IV. Fats. The fatty matters, or fixed oils, are distinguished from the preceding group, so far as regards their chemical composition, by the fact that they do not contain hydrogen and oxygen in the proportions to form water, the oxygen being present in smaller quantity ; and also by their large proportion of carbon, which preponderates much, by weight, over the other two elements. This fact is probably connected with the strongly marked inflammability which constitutes one of their most useful pro- perties, the oils being decomposed at a temperature of 300 (570 F.), and burning with a bright flame. The peculiarly smooth consistency of the oleaginous matters is also one of their distinguishing features, and enables them to be employed as lubricating substances, to diminish the friction between opposite surfaces. The fats are all insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol, and freely soluble in ether, which is accordingly used with advantage in extracting them from their admixture with other organic matters. They are also readily soluble in each other. They exhibit no rotatory action upon polarized light. They are all fluid at a high temperature, and crystallize on being cooled down to the requisite point ; the precise degree at which crystallization takes place varying for the different kinds of fats. The fats are not only insoluble in water, but they refuse to mix with it, even after prolonged mechanical agitation ; and as soon as the two fluids are left at rest they separate from each other, the water remain- ing below, and the oil rising to the surface, where it collects as a dis- tinct layer. But if the watery fluid contain a trace of free alkali, the oil is broken up into minute particles, which are disseminated uni- formly throughout the fluid and held in permanent suspension. Such a fluid is called an emulsion, and presents an opaque white color, owing to the intimate mixture of watery and oleaginous particles having different refractive powers. In an emulsion, the oil does not suffer any chemical modification, but is simply broken up into a state of minute dissemination. It can be recovered, with all its original characters, by evaporating the watery fluid and extracting the oil from the dry residue by means of ether. Oil may also be emulsioned by contact 1 Sachs, Trait do Botauique. Puris, 1874, p. 840. FATS. 69 with certain nitrogenous organic matters of an albuminous nature. White of egg, or the serum of blood, exerts this effect in an energetic manner, and the fatty substances of milk are held in suspension by its liquid albuminous ingredients. Another characteristic of the true fatty substances is their property of saponification, that is, of forming soaps when subjected to certain chemical influences. If either of the natural fats be boiled for a con- siderable time in the watery solution of a free alkali, it is decomposed, with the production of two new bodiesfirst, glycerine (C 3 H 8 3 ), a neu- tral fluid substance which is soluble in water; and secondly, a fatty acid which combines with the alkali and forms a soap. An analogous change is thought to take place with a portion of the fatty matters in the animal fluids. The fats are derived from both the animal and the vegetable world. They are present in many of the solids and fluids of the living body, and are found also in many varieties of vegetable food. The following list gives the proportion of fat in various alimentary substances, accord- ing to the tables of Payen : QUANTITY OF FAT IN 100 PARTS IN Wheat . . . 2.10 Beef's flesh (average) . 5.19 Indian corn . . . 8.80 Calf's liver . . . 5.58 Potatoes . . . 0.11 Mackerel . . . 6.76 Beans .... 2.50 Salmon . . . 4.85 Peas .... 2.10 Oysters . . . 1.51 Sweet almonds . 24.28 Cow's milk . . . 3.70 Chocolate nut . . 49.00 Fowl's egg . . . 7.00 Beside entering as an ingredient into the above articles, fat is often taken with the food in a pure, or nearly pure form, as butter, olive oil, or the various kinds of adipose tissue. Fat is produced in the vegetable tissues, perhaps to some extent directly from carbonic acid and water, but certainly in considerable quantity by transformation of the starch originally formed. 1 It is from this source that the fat so abundantly stored up in oily seeds and fruits is mainly derived; and in this situation it is retained until required for the purposes of germination and growth. It is accumulated in some seeds and fruits in remarkable quantity, particularly in those of the sweet and bitter almond, the chocolate tree, hemp, flax, ricinus com- munis, and Croton tiglium, where it exists in the proportions of from 24 to 60 per cent. The three most important varieties of fat are those known as Stearins, Palmitine, and Oleine. They resemble each other in their general characters, and differ mainly in their degree of fluidity at correspond- ing temperatures ; stearine solidifying the most readily of the three, while oleine remains fluid at a lower temperature than either of the others. 1 Mayer, Agrikultur-Chemie, Band i. pp. 84, 85. TO HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. Stearine, C 57 H 110 C , So called from the readiness with which it assumes the solid form, is a main ingredient of the more consistent fats. It liquefies, when pure, at about 60 (1400 p.^ an( j a g a i n solidifies when the temperature falls to or a little below this point. It Fig- 8- crystallizes, on cooling from a warm solution in oleine, in fine radiating needles which often follow a wavy or curvilinear direction. It is rather less freely soluble in alcohol and ether than the other fatty sub- stances. Palmitine, C 51 H 98 6 , Was first recognized as an in- gredient of palm oil, a semi- solid fat obtained from the seed of an African palm. It crystallizes, on cooling from its concentrated alcoholic or ethe- STEABiNE,cryBtallizedJrom a warm solution in real so l u tion, in the form of slender needles. It liquefies about the temperature of 46 (115 F.). It is found in considerable abundance in a variety of animal and vegetable fats. Oleine, C 57 H 104 6 . As its name indicates, this is the representative ingredient of the oils, or liquid fatty substances. When pure it is transparent and colorless. It retains its fluidity at all ordinary temperatures, and even below the freezing point of water. It readily dissolves both stearine and palmi- tine, its solvent power for these substances increasing w r ith the elevation of the temperature. None of these oleaginous substances occur naturally in an isolated form, but they are mingled together in varying proportions in all the ordinary animal and vegetable fats and oils. The consistency of the mixtures varies with the relative quantity of their different fatty ingre- dients. Thus the more solid fats, such as suet and tallow, consist largely of stearine ; the softer fats, as lard, butter, and the ingredients of human adipose tissue, contain a greater abundance of palmitine; while the liquid fats, like the fish oils, olive oil, and nut oil, are composed mainly of oleine. As a general rule, in the bodies of the warm-blooded animals these mixtures are fluid, or very nearly so, in consistency ; for, although both stearine and palmitine, when pure, are solid at the ordinary temperature of the body, they are held in solu- tion during life by the oleine with which they are associated. After FATS. 71 OLEAGINOUS PBINCIPLES OP HUMAN FAT. Steariiie and Palmitine crystallized ; Ole- ine fluid. death, as the body cools, the Fig. 9. stearine and pafmitine some- times separate in a crystalline form, since the oleine can no longer hold in solution so large a quantity as it had dissolved at a higher temperature. (Fig. 9.) When in a fluid state, the fatty substances present themselves in the form of drops or globules, which vary greatly in size, but which may be readily recog- nized by their optical proper- ties. They are circular in shape, with a sharp well-defined out- line. They often have a faint amber color, which is distinctly marked in the larger globules, less so in the smaller. As they have a higher refractive power than the watery fluids in which they are immersed, they act under the microscope as double convex lenses, and concentrate the light transmitted through them, at a point above the level of the liquid. Consequently, they present the appearance of a bright centre surrounded by a dark border. If the lens of the micro- scope be lifted farther away, the centre of the globule becomes brighter, and its borders darker. These characters will usually be sufficient to distinguish them from other fluid globules of less refractive power. The oleaginous matters present a striking peculiarity in regard to the form under which they occur in the living body, and one which distin- guishes them from other ingredients of the animal solids and fluids. The remaining proximate principles of different groups are intimately associated together by molecular union, so as to form either clear solu- tions or homogeneous solids. Thus the saccharine matters of the blood or the milk are in solution in water, in company with the albumen, the lime phosphate, sodium chloride, and the like ; all of them equally dis- tributed throughout the general mass of the fluid. In the bones and cartilages, the animal matters and the calcareous salts are in similarly intimate union with each other ; and in every other part of the body the animal and inorganic ingredients are united in a similar way. But it is different with the fats. For, while the three principal varieties of oleaginous matter are united with each other, they are not united, as a general rule, with proximate principles of other kinds ; that is, with water, saline substances, sugar, or albumen. The fats are soluble to a certain extent in the ingredients of the bile, and they are found in small quantity, in the saponified condition, in the plasma of the blood, as sodium stearate, palmitate, or oleate. But in by far the larger propor- 72 HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. tion of cases, instead of forming a homogeneous solid or fluid with the other proximate principles, the oleaginous matters are* found in distinct masses or globules, suspended in the serous fluids, interposed in the interstices between the anatomical elements, included in the interior of cells, or deposited in the substance of fibres or membranes. Even in the vegetable tissues, oil is always deposited in distinct drops or granules. Owing to this fact, the oils can be easily extracted from the organized tissues by the employment of mechanical processes. The tissues, animal or vegetable, are cut into small pieces and subjected to pressure, by which the oil is forced out from the parts in which it was entangled, and separated, sometimes without further manipulation, in a state of comparative purity. A moderately elevated temperature facilitates the operation by increasing the fluidity of the oleaginous matter ; but no chemical agency is required for its separation. Under the microscope, oil-drops and granules can be readily distinguished from the remaining parts of a tissue, and may also be recognized by the dissolving action of ether, which acts upon them, for the most part, without attacking the other proximate principles. Oils are found, in the animal body, most abundantly in the adipose tissue. Here they are contained in the interior of the adipose vesicles, the cavities of which they completely fill, in a state of health. These vesicles are transparent, and have a partly angular form, owing to their mutual compression. (Fig. 10.) They vary in diameter, in the human sub- ject, from 28 mmm. to 125 mmm., and are composed of a thin, structure- less animal membrane, forming Fig- 10. a closed sac. in the interior of which the oily matter is con- tained. The oil, accordingly, is simply included mechani- cally in the interior of the vesicles. Sometimes, when emaciation is going on, the oil partially disappears from the cavity of the adipose vesicle, and its place is taken by a watery serum ; but the serous and oily fluids remain distinct, and occupy different parts of the cavity of the vesicle. In the chyle, the oleaginous matter is in a state of emul- sion or suspension in the form of minute particles in a serous fluid. Its subdivision is here more com- plete, and its molecules more minute, than anywhere else in the body. It presents the appearance of a fine granular dust, which has been known by the name of the " molecular base of the chyle." A few of these HUMAN ADIPOSK TISSUE. FATS. 73 CHYLE, from commencement of Thoracic Duct, from the Dog. granules are to be seen which Fig. H- measure 2.5 mmm. in diameter ; but they are generally much less than this, and the greater part are so small that they can- not be accurately measured. (Fig. 11.) For the same reason they do not present the bril- liant centre and dark border of the larger oil-globules ; but ap- pear by transmitted light only as minute dark granules. The white color and opacity of the chyle, as of all other fatty emul- sions, depend upon this mole- cular condition of the oily in- oredients. The albumen and O salts, which are in intimate union with each other, and dissolved in the water, would alone make a colorless and transparent fluid; but the oily matters, suspended in distinct particles, with a different refractive power from that of the serous fluid, interfere" with its transparency, and give to the mixture the white color and opaque appearance which are characteristic of emul- sions. The oleaginous nature of these particles is readily shown by their solubility in ether. In the milk, the oily matter occurs in larger masses than in the chyle. In cow's milk (Fig. 12), the oil-drops, or "milk- globules," are not quite fluid, but have a pasty consistency, owing to the large quantity of palmitine which they contain, in proportion to the oleine. When forcibly amalgamated with each other and collected into a mass by prolonged beating or churn- ing, they constitute butter. In cow's milk, the globules vary somewhat in size, but their average diameter is 6 mmm. They are suspended in the serous fluid of the milk, and by heating may be more perfectly liquefied, and made to assume a circular form. In the cells of the laryngeal, tracheal, and costal cartilages (Fig. 13) there is always more or less fat deposited in the form of rounded glo- bules, somewhat similar to those of the milk. 6 Fig. 12. GLOBULES Cow's MILK. 74 HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. Fig. 13. CELLS OF COSTAL CARTILAGES, containing oil-globules. Human. Fig. 14. In the glandular cells of the liver, oil occurs constantly, in a slate of health. It is here deposited in the substance of the cell (Fig. 14), generally in smaller globules than the preceding. In some cases of disease, it accumulates in excessive quantity, and pro- duces the state known as fatty degeneration of the liver. This is consequently only an exag- gerated condition of that which normally exists in health. In the carnivorous animals oil exists in considerable quan- tity in the convoluted portion of the uriniferous tubules. (Fig. 15.) It is here in the form of granules and rounded drops, which sometimes appear to fill nearly the whole calibre of the tubules. It is found also in the secret- ing cells of the sebaceous and other glandules, deposited in the same manner as in those of the liver, but in smaller quan- tity. It exists, beside, in large proportion, in a granular form, in the secretion of the seba- ceous glandules. It occurs abundantly in the marrow of the bones, both un- der the form of free oil-globules and inclosed in the vesicles of adipose tissue, and is found in considerable quantity in the substance of the yellow wall of the corpus luteum. It occurs also in the form of granules and oil-drops in the muscular fibres of the uterus (Fig. 16), in which it begins to be deposited soon after delivery, and where it continues to be present during the whole period of the resorption or involution of this organ. In all these instances^ the oleaginous matters remain distinct in form and situation from the other ingredients of the tissues, and are only mechanically entangled among the fibres and cells, or imbedded in their interior. HEPATIC CELLS. Human. FATS. 75 Fig. 15. TJRTNIFEROUS TUBULES OF DOG, from COr- tical portion of kidney. Fig. 16. A large part of the fat which is found in the animal body may be accounted for by that which is taken in with the food, since oily matter occurs in both animal and vege- table substances. Fat is, how- ever, formed in the body from other organic substances, inde- pendently of what is intro- duced with the food. This important fact has been defi- nitely ascertained by the ex- periments of MM. Dumas and Milne-Edwards on bees, 1 M. Persoz on geese, 3 and finally by those of M. Boussingault on geese, ducks, and pigs. 3 The observers first ascertained the quantity of fat existing in the whole body at the commence- ment of the experiment. The animals were then subjected to a definite nutritious regimen, in which the quantity of fatty matter was duly ascertained by analysis. The experiments lasted for a period varying, in different instances, from thirty- one days to eight months; after which the animals were killed and all their tissues ex- amined. The result of these investigations showed that con- siderably more fat had been accumulated by the animal during the course of the expe- riment than could be accounted for by that which existed in the food ; and placed it beyond a doubt that oleaginous sub- stances may be, and actually are, formed in the interior of the animal body by the decomposition or metamorphosis of other proximate principles. There is reason to believe that fat is produced in this way, under the influence of the vital process, from the transformation of starchy and saccharine substances. In the first place, as we have already seen, there MUSCULAR FIBRES OF HUMAN UTERUS three weeks after parturition. 1 Annales de Chira. et de Phys., 3d series, vol. xiv. p. 400. 2 Ibid., p. 408. 3 Chimie Agricole. Paris, 1854. 76 HYDROCARBONACEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. is no clonbt that fat is produced from starch and glucose in vegetables during a certain period of their growth. The oily seeds of certain plants while still immature contain starch ; but as they ripen, the starch diminishes or disappears and oil takes its place. 1 It is also a matter of common observation that articles of food, con- sisting largely of starch or sugar, or of both, are especially apt to be fattening, both for man and animals and in sugar growing countries, during the short season occupied in extracting and preparing the sugar, the horses and cattle, as well as the laborers emplo3 r ed on the plantation, all of whom partake freely of the saccharine juices, grow remarkably fat, and again lose their superabundant flesh when the season is past. It is not known, however, whether the saccharine matters in these in- stances are directly converted into fat, or whether they pass through a series of intermediate changes which furnish the materials for its forma- tion. The abundant accumulation of fat in certain regions of the body and its absence in others, and more particularly its constant occurrence in situations to which it could not have been transported by the blood, as the interior of the cells of the costal cartilages, make it probable that oily matter is often formed from the metamorphosis of other proximate principles, upon the very spot where it makes its appearance in the solid tissues. Cases of hereditary obesity, and of obesity occurring only after a definite period of life, indicate also that the excessive depo- sition of fat may be due to internal causes dependent on the special condition of the bodily system. In the female during lactation, a large part of the oily matter intro- duced with the food, or formed in the body, is discharged with the milk, and goes to the support of the infant. But in the female in the inter- vals of lactation, and in the male at all times, the oily matters almost entirely disappear by decomposition in the interior of the body ; since the small quantity which is discharged with the sebaceous matter by the skin bears only an insignificant proportion to that which is intro- duced daily with the food. Beside the fats proper there is also contained in the body the fol- lowing substance, which resembles fat in the general features of its chemical composition, and in some of its reactions, but differs from them in three important particulars, namely : 1st, in being volatile at a high temperature ; 2d, in exerting a rotatory action on polarized light ; and 3d, in the fact that it cannot be transformed, by the action of alka- line solutions, into glycerine and a fatty acid that is, it is not saponi- fiable. Cholesterine, C 26 H 44 0, So called from its being often precipitated as a solid deposit from the bile, in which form it was first discovered. Cholesterine is an ingredient in the blood-plasma and the blood-globules, in the bile, in the sebaceous 1 Prof. S. W. Johnson, How Crops Grow. New York, p. 94. CHOLESTERINE. 77 Fig. 17. matter of the skin, the liver, the spleen, the crystalline lens, and espe- cially in the nerves, spinal cord, and brain, in which last it has been found by Flint 1 in the proportion on the average of about one part per thousand. Recent observations have shown that it is also a constituent / of various articles of food, such as the yolk of egg, and even of many 1 vegetable products, as peas, beans, 3 olives, almonds, and Indian corn. 3 J Cholesterine is a cry stalliz able substance, insoluble in water, freely soluble in ether, chloroform, boiling alcohol, and the volatile and fatty oils. It is partially soluble in watery solutions of the biliary salts and of the saponified fats. It is deposited from its alco- holic or ethereal solution in the form of very thin, color- less, transparent, rhomboidal plates, portions of which are often cut out by lines of cleav- age parallel to the edges of the crystal. They frequently occur deposited in layers, in which the outlines of the subjacent crystals show very distinctly through the substance of those placed above. It is often found, in a crystalline form, in the fluid of hydrocele and other morbid exudations, in the contents of encysted tumors, and in biliary calculi. Crystallized cholesterine melts at 145 (293 F.) ? and distils unchanged in vacuo at about 360 (680 F.). Its solutions rotate the plane of polarization to the left 32. If cholesterine be triturated with strong sulphuric acid, and chloro- form added to the mixture, a blood-red color is produced, which after- ward disappears by exposure to the air, passing gradually from red to violet, blue, and green, the solution finally becoming colorless. Our knowledge with regard to the physiological relations of choleste- rine is less definite than as to those of the true fatty substances. Its abundant proportion in the brain and nerves, and its association in these tissues with other important constituents, have led to the opinion that it is an essential ingredient of the nerve substance. Whatever may be its source in these organs, it is no doubt absorbed from the nervous system by the blood, carried to the liver, and thence discharged with 1 American Journal of the Medical Sciences, October, 1862. Hoppe-Seyler, Handbuch der Physiologisch- und Pathologisch-Chemischen, Analyse. Berlin, 1870, p. 98. 3 Hardy, Principes de Chimie Biologique. Paris, 1871, p. 123. GHOLBSTERINE, from an Encysted Tumor. 78 HYDROCARBONAOEOUS PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. the bile. According to the observations of Prof. Flint, Jr., on the dog, 1 its quantity in the blood increases, while passing through the brain, from 0.52 to 1.09 parts per thousand. Authorities differ as to whether it is discharged with the feces, or is transformed in the interior of the body. The most important characteristic, in a physiological point of view, of all the proximate principles of the second class, including the amyla- ceous, saccharine, and oily substances, relates to their source and their final destination. Not only are they of organic origin, making their appearance first in the interior of vegetables ; but they are all produced also, to a certain extent, from other organic materials, in the bodies of animals ; continuing to be formed when no similar substances, or only an insufficient quantity of them, have been taken with the food. Fur- thermore, when introduced with the food, or formed in the body and deposited in the tissues, these substances are not found in the secretions. They, therefore, for the most part, disappear by decomposition in the interior of the body. They pass through a series of changes by which their essential characters are destroyed ; and they are finally replaced in the circulation by other substances, which are discharged with the excreted fluids. 1 Physiology of Man, vol. iii. New York, 1870, pp. 281, 282 CHAPTEE IV. ALBUMINOUS MATTEES. THE proximate principles belonging to this class are very important, not only from their peculiar physiological properties, but also from their comparatively abundant quantity in the animal body. They are derived both from animal and vegetable sources. But in plants, as a general rule, the albuminous matters, though constantly present, and essential to the activity of vegetative life, are in small quantity as com- pared with other ingredients of the fully developed tissues. In man and animals, on the other hand, they constitute by far the larger part of all the solid constituents of the body. Everywhere their chemical consti- tution, their physical characters, and the distinctive properties which belong to them, show that they have an intimate connection with the more active phenomena of living beings. The first peculiarity by which they are distinguished from the proxi- mate principles of the preceding class, is that they contain nitrogen, in addition to the three elements belonging to other organic bodies, namely, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are, therefore, sometimes called the "nitrogenous" proximate principles. But, as we shall hereafter see, there are various other substances, of a crystallizable nature, also containing nitrogen, which are produced in the body, and which are of a different character from the albuminous matters. The albuminous matters are not crystallizable. They always, when pure, assume an amorphous condition, in which they are sometimes solid, as in the bones ; sometimes fluid, as in the plasma of the blood ; and sometimes semi-solid in consistency, or midway between the solid and fluid condition, as in the muscles and the substance of the glandular organs. Even in the fluids, the albuminous matters, when present in considerable quantity, as in the blood-plasma, the pancreatic juice, or the subrnaxillary saliva, give to the solution a peculiar viscid or mucilaginous consistency. This consistency is more marked, in proportion to the abundance of the organic ingredients. The albuminous matters, in solution, all rotate the plane of polarization toward the left. The precise chemical constitution of these substances has not been in all cases determined. The apparent variation in the exact proportion of their ultimate elements in different instances is probably due to the readiness with which they become modified in the processes of nutrition, many of them passing into each other under the influence of digestion and assimilation. There are, no doubt, a great variety of these matters existing in the body, only a certain number of 80 ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. which have as yet been so distinctly recognized as to receive specific names. Many of them, perhaps all, contain a small amount of sulphur in addition to their carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Their chemical relation to other substances has not been found sufficiently definite, in any case, to establish the formula for their atomic constitu- tion. The average proportion, however, by weight, of their constituent elements, according to the tables of Hoppe-Seyler 1 and Fremy, is as follows : AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. Carbon 52.0 Hydrogen ...... 6.9 Nitrogen 15.6 Oxygen 24.0 Sulphur ....... 1.5 100.0 One of the simpler physical characters of the albuminous substances is that they are hygroscopic. ' As met with in different parts of the body, they present different degrees of consistency ; some being nearly solid, others more or less fluid. But on being subjected to evaporation they all lose water, and may finally be reduced to the perfectly solid form. If after this desiccation they be exposed to the contact of moisture, they again absorb water, swell, and regain their original mass and con- sistency. This phenomenon is different from that of capillary attrac- tion, by which some inorganic substances or tissues become moistened when exposed to the contact of water ; for in the latter case the water is simply entangled mechanically in the meshes and pores of the inorganic body, while that which is absorbed by the albuminous matter is actually united with its substance, and diffused equally throughout its entire mass. Every albuminous matter is naturally united in this way with a certain quantity of water, some with more, some with less. Thus the albumen of the blood is in union with so much water that it has the fluid form, while the corresponding substance of cartilage contains less and is of a firmer consistency. The quantity of water contained in each albuminous substance may be diminished by artificial desiccation, or by a deficient supply ; but it cannot be increased beyond a certain amount. Thus, if the albumen of the blood and the albuminous matter of carti- lage be both reduced by evaporation to a similar degree of dryness, and then placed in water, the albumen will absorb so much as again to be- come fluid, but the cartilaginous substance only so much as to regain its usual nearly solid consistency. Even where the organic substance, therefore, as in the case of albumen, becomes fluid under these cir- cumstances, it is not precisely by its solution in water, but only by its reabsorption of that quantity of fluid with which it was naturally associated. 1 Handbuch der Physiologisch- und Pathologisch-Chemischen Analyse. Berlin, 1870. ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. 81 Another characteristic feature of the proximate principles of this group is their property of coagulation. Those which are naturally fluid suddenly assume, under certain conditions, a solid or semi-solid consist- ency. They are then said to be coagulated ; and, when once coagulated, they cannot usually be made to resume their original condition. This property of coagulability is not only a marked quality of the albu- minous matters as a class, but it often serves to distinguish them from each other by the different special conditions under which it is manifested by each one. Thus the substance producing fibrine coagulates spontaneously on being withdrawn from the bloodvessels ; albumen, on being subjected to the temperature of boiling water ; caseine, on being placed in contact with an acid. When an albuminous substance thus coagulates, the change which takes place is a peculiar one, and differs from that by which a mineral salt is precipitated from its watery solu- tion. The albuminous matter, in coagulating, appears to assume a special condition, and to permanently change its properties; but, in passing into the solid form, it still retains ^all the water with which it was previously united. Albumen, when coagulated, retains the same quantity of water in union with it which it held before. After coagu- lation, this water may be driven off by evaporation, in the same manner as previously ; and on being once more exposed to moisture, the organic matter will again absorb the same quantity, though it will not assume the liquid form. The coagulated substance may sometimes be dissolved by certain chemical agents, as the caustic alkalies ; but it is not by this means restored to its original condition. It rather suffers a still further alteration. In many instances we are obliged to resort to coagulation in order to separate an albuminous substance from the other proximate princi- ples with which it is associated. This is the case, for example, with the fibrine of the blood, which is obtained in the form of flocculi, by beating freshly-drawn blood with a bundle of rods. But when separated in this way, it is already in an unnatural condition, and no longer represents exactly the original fluid fibrine as it existed in the circulating blood. Nevertheless, this is the only mode in which it can be examined, as there are no means of bringing it back to its previous condition. Another important property of the albuminous matters is that they excite, in other proximate principles and in each other, those peculiar indirect chemical changes which have been termed catalyses or catalytic transformations. That is to say, they produce the changes referred to, not directly, by combining with the substance which suffers alteration, or with any of its ingredients ; but simply by their presence, which induces the chemical change in an indirect manner. We do not under- stand the manner in which these changes are accomplished, but the influence thus exerted by the albuminous matters is a very marked one, and is of great importance in many of the acts of animal and vegetable nutrition. A comparatively small quantity of the catalytic body is often capable of inducing a palpable change in a large quantity of 82 ALBUMINOUS MATTEKS. another substance. The action of vegetable diastase in converting starch into dextrine and glucose is a process of this nature ; and it is found that one part of diastase is capable of effecting the transformation of 2000 parts of starch. The albuminous ingredients of the saliva, of the pancreatic and intestinal juices, exert a similar action on hyd rated starch. The whole process of digestion and assimilation is in great part made up of a series of such catalytic changes, in which the nutritious matters undergo their requisite transformations, by contact with special albuminous ingredients of the blood, the tissues, or the secretions. At a temperature of 300 (570 F.) or over, the albuminous matters, like other organic substances, are destroyed and decomposed into gaseous products. But if subjected for a certain time to a temperature of about 125 (257 F.) ? they undergo a change in addition to their coagulation, by which a distinct and agreeable flavor is developed, and by which they become suitable for use as human food. It is this change which is produced in the process of cooking, and the peculiar flavor which results always depends upon the presence of a certain quantity of albuminous matter in the substance employed. If the temperature at which the cooking process is carried on be too low, the characteristic flavors are not developed; if it be too high, they are destroyed and replaced by empyreumatic odors, from the combustion or decomposition of the ingredients of the food. Lastly, the albuminous matters are distinguished by the property of putrefaction. This is a process by which dead animal substances, when exposed to the atmosphere at a moderately warm temperature, gradually soften and liquefy and are finally decomposed, with the pro- duction of certain fetid and unwholesome gases, among which are hydrogen sulphide and carbide, usually with more or less carbonic acid, nitrogen, and ammoniacal vapors. The mixture of these emanations causes an odor which is easily recognized as a "putrefactive odor;" and wherever such emanations are perceived, it is an indication that some substance containing albuminous matters is undergoing decom- position. As these albuminous matters are more abundant in the tissues and fluids of animals than in those of vegetables, the phenomena of putrefaction are also most distinctly marked in the decay of animal substances. But they will take place in both, under the requisite con- ditions. A solution of nitrogenous vegetable matters will present all the essential characters of putrefaction, though not developed with the same degree of intensity as in fluids of animal origin. In order that putrefaction may take place certain special conditions are necessary. In the first place it requires the access of atmospheric air, or of some fluid containing oxygen. If the putrescible substance be first boiled so as to expel all the free oxygen contained in its fluids, and if then, while the boiling is going on, it be inclosed in a hermetically sealed vessel, no putrefaction takes place, but the substance remains unaltered for an indefinite time. It is by this means that cooked meats ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. 83 are preserved in sealed cans, for use upon long voyages or expeditions at a distance from the usual base of supplies. So long as the cans are kept perfectly closed, their contents remain sound. After they are opened and the air admitted to their interior, the food must be used at once, otherwise it will begin to putrefy after the usual interval of time. Another essential condition for putrefaction is the presence of moisture. Albuminous substances which are reduced to a perfectly dry state do not undergo decomposition ; and in some regions, where a high temperature and a dry atmosphere favor the rapid desiccation of organic substances, this fact is also utilized for the preservation of meats. Immediately after the animal is killed, the flesh is cut into thin strips and hung up to dry in the air, and, desiccation being completed before putrefaction has commenced, the food thus prepared is preserved for an indefinite time. The third requisite for putrefaction is a moderately elevated tempe- rature. It goes on most rapidly between 25 and 35 (^7 to 95 F.). Below 25 it gradually diminishes in activity, and ceases altogether about the freezing point of water. Meats, therefore, which are kept frozen or closely packed in ice do not putrefy. The process is also suspended in all albuminous matters exposed to winter weather at the freezing point. The carcass of an extinct mammoth has even been found imbedded in ice in Northern Siberia, which was in such a state of preservation that its flesh was used for food by dogs and other animals. 1 A temperature much above 35 is also unfavorable to the putrefactive change, and it is completely arrested by a heat approaching that of boiling water. The process of putrefaction is accompl ished by the growth and multiplication of a micro- scopic vegetable organism, somewhat analogous to that by which fermentation is ex- cited in saccharine fluids. If any clear solution con- taining animal or vegeta- ble albuminous matters be exposed to the air at a moderate temperature, after a short time it becomes tur- bid. This turbidity is due to the development of minute vegetable cells, of very sim- ple organization, which mul- tiply with great rapidity in Fig. 18. CELLS OF BACTERIUM TEBMO; from a putrefying infusion. 1 M6moires de 1' Academic Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, tome 5, p. 440. 84 ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. the decomposing liquid, and produce in it, by their vegetative activity, the changes of putrefaction. These cells belong to the genus " Bacteri- um," so called from their simple rod-like form ; and the species which is invariably to be found in putrefying infusions is known by the name of Bacterium termo. The cells are of an oblong form, and average 3 mmm. in length by 0.6 mmm. in thickness. They are usually double, consisting of two single cells placed end to end. While actively growing in a putrefying infusion, they are in constant process of mul- tiplication, by which their numbers are rapidly increased. The multi- plication takes place by spontaneous division of the cell, by a trans- verse partition which grows across its middle. After a time the two cells, thus formed out of a single one, separate from each other, and each repeats the process for itself. One of the most remarkable characters of the bacterium cells is their active spontaneous movement. During a certain period of their development they are in incessant and rapid motion by means of a conical rotation about their longitudinal axis, by which they are trans- ported in various directions through the fluid in which they are contained. This motion is often so rapid that it can hardly be followed by the eye ; in other instances it is so slow that its mechanism may be distinguished by careful examination. The movement and mutiplication of the bac- terium cells go on while putrefaction continues. After all the albumin- ous ingredients of the infusion have been decomposed, the liquid again becomes clear, and the bacterium cells subside to the bottom in a quies- cent whitish layer. A small portion of this layer will readily excite putrefaction, if added to another albuminous liquid. As the bacterium cells effect the decomposition of albuminous matters by their own vegetative activity, it is for this reason that putrefaction is limited by certain special conditions, already mentioned. Bacteria belong to the group of colorless cryptogamic vegetables. Like other plants of this kind, they assimilate directly organic substances ready formed, and at the same time absorb oxygen and exhale carbonic acid, after the manner of animals. Consequently oxygen is one of the substances essential to their growth ; and, as putrefaction takes place only by means of their vital activit} r , ox}^gen or atmospheric air must be present in order to allow putrefaction to go on. Furthermore the presence of moisture is necessary to their growth, as it is to that of all other plants ; and a substance thoroughly dried cannot putrefy, since no vegetative development is possible in the total absence of moisture. A certain degree of warmth is also essential to the continued growth of these bodies. Their development is suspended by a freezing tempera- ture, and their vitality is destroyed by prolonged contact with boiling water. Lastly, a certain amount of albuminous matter is necessary for the nutrition of bacteria. Their cells may remain indefinitely, in a quies- cent condition, suspended in other fluids or even in pure water; but for their active development and multiplication they require the pre- FIBRINE. 85 sence of albuminous matters, which appear to supply the necessary material for their growth. They decompose these substances therefore by assimilating their ingredients in the process of vegetable nutrition, and the putrefactive gases are the final result of the changes thus taking place, just as alcohol and carbonic acid are produced in the fermenta- tion of saccharine liquids. Fermentation and putrefaction, accordingly, are analogous processes, in which certain materials are decomposed under the influence of micro- scopic vegetation. The former takes place in saccharine fluids, the latter in those containing albuminous matter; since the yeast-plant requires for its growth a preponderance of non-nitrogenized hydrocar- bonaceous matter, while bacterium cells are nourished mainly by the absorption of nitrogenous substances. The following table shows the proportion of albuminous matter, according to Payen, in different substances used as food : QUANTITY OF ALBUMINOUS MATTER IN 100 PARTS IN Beef flesh . . . 19.50 Wheat grains . . 18.03 Fowl's eggs . . 12.35 Rye .... 12.50 Mackerel . . . 24.31 Oats .... 14.39 Salmon . . . 13.58 Indian corn . . 12.50 Oysters . . . 14.01 Rice .... 7.55 Beans (dry) . . 24.40 Potatoes . . . 2.50 Peas " . . . 23.80 Sweet potatoes . . 1.50 The first formation of albuminous matter takes place in vegetables, subsequent to the production of the non-nitrogenous organic substances, starch and glucose, by the union of these last with nitrogen derived from the inorganic salts. Green plants, which have the power of gene- rating the carbohydrates from carbonic acid and water, if supplied with moisture containing nitrates or ammonium salts in solution, are known to grow vigorously and increase many fold their contents of albuminous matter. 1 These salts must therefore have supplied the nitrogen requisite for the formation of the nitrogenous substances. The sulphur, which also enters into the composition of these substances, is derived by the plants from a reduction of the soluble sulphates contained in the soil. Notwithstanding the very marked and important peculiarities which distinguish the albuminous matters as a group, there are many of these substances which differ from each other by a variety of secondary char- acters. It is possible that some of those now designated by specific names may really be mixtures of two or more distinct substances ; but the classification at present in use expresses the distinguishing marks of the more important varieties, so far as they are yet known. Fibrine. Fibrine is found in the plasma of the blood, where it exists in the proportion, on the average, of three parts per thousand. It is also 1 Mayer, Lehrbuch der Agrikultur-Chemie, Band i. pp. 145, 150. bb ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. present in small quantity in the lymph and in the chyle. It is this sub- stance which is distinguished by its property of " spontaneous coagula- tion ;" that is, it coagulates on being withdrawn from the vascular system, without the addition of any physical or chemical reagent. It is the coagulating element of the blood ; and the power of freshly drawn blood to form a clot depends upon its presence as an ingredient of the circulating fluid. The term fibrine properly represents, hot the solid clot obtained by coagulation, but the fluid substance existing before- hand in the blood, and which becomes solidified after its withdrawal. It is regarded by some as generated by the union of two pre-existing substances ; by others, as produced from the decomposition of one. As we have, however, but little opportunity of studying it while still forming a part of the fluid plasma, our knowledge is mainly confined to its pro- perties in the solidified form. It is obtained by stirring the freshly drawn blood with glass rods or a bundle of twigs, and afterward washing the deposited clots with distilled water until the adherent coloring matter is removed. Coagulated fibrine is a colorless, tolerably firm, extensible, and elastic substance, which has, under the microscope, a finely fibrillated texture. It is insoluble in water, but in solutions of the caustic alkalies or the alkaline carbonates it becomes gelatinous, and is after a time, by the aid of warmth, partially dissolved. Some of the free acids, as hydro- chloric, acetic, lactic, or phosphoric acid, have a similar effect. If it be heated in water or in a neutral liquid to 72 (162 F.), it becomes con- tracted, white, and opaque, and less extensible than before. An albuminous matter very similar in its physical properties to animal fibrine, exists in certain vegetable substances, especially in wheat flour, where it is known as gluten. When freed from the admixture of other ingredients, it is tenacious, extensible, elastic, insoluble in water, and slowly soluble in dilute alkalies. Its property of tenacity and its nitrogenous character make it an important constituent of wheat flour in the manufacture of bread. Albumen. Albumen is found abundantly in the plasma of the blood, also in the lymph, the pericardial and cephalo-rachidian fluids, and in very small quantity in the saliva and in the milk. It is not spontaneously coagu- lable, but coagulates promptly when heated in its liquid form to a temperature of 72 (162 F.), and its coagulum is again soluble in the caustic alkalies. It is also coagulated by contact with nitric or sul- phuric acid, alcohol, or the metallic salts. The organic acids, as acetic, lactic, or tartaric acid, do not affect it ; but if it be first slightly acidu- lated by dilute acetic acid, it may be precipitated by a solution of potassium ferrocyanide. This is one of the most delicate tests for the presence of albumen, but it is usually recognized from its coagulability by heat and nitric acid. When dissolved in a fluid of neutral reaction, it rotates the plane of polarization to the left 56. ALBUMINOSE. 87 The white of the fowl's egg is mainly composed of a substance also called albumen, and which corresponds with the albumen of blood in its coagulability by heat, nitric acid, alcohol, and the metallic salts. It is distinguished from the preceding mainly by its coagulability by ether, which has no effect on the albumen of blood. It rotates the plane of polarization to the left 35.5. The fresh juices of nearly all vegetables, and especially the succulent plants, contain a substance coagulable by heat, which has been called vegetable albumen. It may also be obtained from the cereal grains by extraction with water, and resembles in its principal chemical reactions the albumen derived from animal sources. Albuminose. This substance is closely related to albumen by its chemical composi- tion and its general characters. It is not coagulated, however, by either heat, nitric acid, or acidulated potassium ferrocyanide, but only by the metallic salts and alcohol in excess. It is also distinguished by its ready diffusibility through animal membranes or parchment paper ; while albumen, and all other liquid albuminous matters, pass through these membranes either not at all or only with great difficulty. Coagulated albumen and all other digestible albuminous matters are converted into albuminose by the action of gastric juice. They thus become liquefied and incapable of coagulation by heat. Owing to the origin of these products from the digestive act they are designated by several writers under the name of peptones; and a variety of them are enume- rated, but their distinctive' characters are not very sharply denned. Albuminose is found in the fluids of the stomach and small intestine during digestion, and exists also in the blood in the proportion of two to three parts per thousand. Albuminose in solution has the property of modifying certain well- known chemical reactions. It interferes especially with the reduction of the copper oxide in Trommer's test. If a small quantity of glucose be dissolved in gastric juice containing albuminose, and Trommer's test applied, no peculiarity is observed on first dropping in the copper sulphate ; but on the addition of potassium hydrate, the mixture takes a rich purple hue, instead of the clear blue tinge which is presented under ordinary circumstances. On boiling, the color changes to claret, cherry red, and finally to a light yellow ; but no copper oxide is deposited, and the fluid remains clear. If albuminose be present only in small quantity, an incomplete reduction of the copper takes place, so that the mixture becomes opaline and cloudy, but still without any well marked deposit. This interference will take place when sugar is present in very large proportion. We have found that gastric juice, drawn from the dog's stomach during digestion, may sometimes be mixed with an equal volume of honey without giving any deposit of copper on the application of Trommer's test. If such a mixture, how- ever, be previously diluted with water, it will often fail to prevent the 88 ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. reduction and deposit of the copper oxide. The peculiar action above described depends upon the presence of albuminose, and not upon that of any original ingredient of the gastric juice ; since it is not exhibited by the perfectly clear and colorless juice, obtained from the empty stomach of the fasting animal by irritation of the mucous membrane with a glass rod or metallic catheter ; while the same fluid, if macerated for a time with finely chopped meat at a temperature of 38 (lOQo F.), will be found to have acquired the property in a marked degree. Gas- tric juice, furthermore, drawn from the stomach after digestion has been going on for half an hour or more, always contains a certain quantity of albuminose, and consequently interferes, as above described, with Trommer's test. Albuminose, if present in notable quantity, will also interfere with the mutual reaction of starch and iodine. If gastric juice, containing albu- minose, be mingled with an equal volume of iodine water, and a solution of starch be subsequently added, no blue color is produced ; though if the iodine water be added in excess, or if the tincture of iodine be used instead of its aqueous solution, the superabundant iodine then com- bines with the starch, and produces the ordinary blue color. This property, like that described above, is not possessed by pure, colorless gastric juice, taken from the empty stomach, but is acquired by it on being digested with albuminoid substances. Accordingly, in testing for the presence of glucose in fluids which are liable to contain albuminose or other organic substances of similar character, the precaution must always be adopted of first eliminating the albuminous matters which might interfere with the test. This may be done in either of two ways : first, by evaporating the fluid to dryness over the water bath, and extracting the dry residue with alcohol, which takes up the sugar, but leaves behind the albuminous matters. The alcoholic solution may then be filtered and evaporated, and the evapo- rated residue dissolved in water, when it will respond to Trommer's test if glucose be present. Or, secondly, the fluid may be treated with ani- mal charcoal, which retains the albuminous matters, and allows the glucose to pass through in watery solution. Caseine, This is the principal albuminous ingredient of milk, the only animal fluid in which it is certainly known to exist. It is called caseine, be- cause, when solidified, it forms the substance of cheese. It is not affected by a boiling temperature, but coagulates on the addition of any of the dilute acids, organic as well as mineral, and of magnesium sul- phate. These characters are sufficient to distinguish it from albumen. It is also coagulated by a temperature of 30 (860F.),'by contact with gastric juice, or an infusion of rennet, the mucous membrane of the fourth stomach of the calf. In solution in neutral fluids it rotates the plane of polarization to the left 80. Caseine is an important article of food, being the principal nutritious ingredient in preparations of milk. PTYALINE. PANCREATINE. 89 A nitrogenous substance, termed vegetable caseine, exists abundantly in peas and beans, where it is known as " legumine." It is found also in small quantity in oats, in the potato, and in the juices of many plants. It resembles the caseine of milk in not being affected by a boiling temperature, and in its coagulability by the organic acids and magnesium sulphate. Ptyaline Is an ingredient of the saliva, to which it communicates the property of converting hydrated starch into glucose. From this circumstance it has sometimes been called "animal diastase." It differs from albumen in many of its characters, and is not coagulated by nitric acid nor by potassium ferrocyanide in an acidulated solution. On the other hand, it is precipitated by alcohol in excess, and by a boiling temperature ; but while, after precipitation by alcohol, it may be redissolved in water with all its original properties, the action of heat produces in it a per- manent alteration, and saliva which has once been boiled and allowed to cool is found to have lost its power of converting starch. Ptyaline can also be thrown down by adding to the saliva dilute phosphoric acid, and afterward neutralizing the solution with lime water. The precipi- tate of lime phosphate thus produced brings down with it the ptyaline, which may afterward be redissolved in water, and again separately precipitated by alcohol. Ptyaline does not constitute the whole of the organic ingredients of the saliva, but is mingled in the secretion with other albuminous substances. Fepsine Is the albuminous matter of the gastric juice, where it is found in the pro- portion of fifteen parts per thousand. It is this substance which effects the conversion of nitrogenous matters into albuminose in the digestive process. It requires, however, in order to exert this action, to be dis- solved in an acidulated liquid. It also causes the coagulation of caseine, when first brought in contact with that substance. It is coagulated by a boiling temperature, and when once subjected to the action of heat loses permanently its digestive power. It is also thrown down by alco- hol in excess, but may be redissolved in water after removal of the alcohol. Pepsine is produced in the glandular follicles of the stomach, and there mingled with the other ingredients of the gastric juice. Pancreatine. This is the characteristic ingredient of the pancreatic juice, where it is very abundant ; being present in the proportion of a little over ninety parts per thousand. It is coagulable by heat, nitric acid, alcohol, and the metallic salts ; in these respects resembling albumen. But it is also coagulated by magnesium sulphate, which has no effect on albumen. It is further distinguished by the fact that, after precipitation by alcohol, it may be again dissolved in water, and its solution exhibits the same t 90 ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. albuminous consistency which belongs to fresh pancreatic juice. It has the power of emulsifying fatty matters with great rapidity at the tem- perature of the living body, and also of saponifying a certain portion of them by the production of a fatty acid. It is believed by some observers that the pancreatine of pancreatic juice is a mixture of several sub- stances ; one of which, like ptyaline, is active in the conversion of starch, while another aids in the liquefaction of albuminous matters, and a third has the property of acting upon fats. Mucosine. There are a variety of secretions in the body which are designated by the common name of " mucus," and which are distinguished by a peculiar physical character of viscidity. This viscid consistency is given to them by the presence of a substance termed " mucosine," or, as it is called by some writers, " mucine." It exists in all the varieties of mucus, some of which, like those of the bronchial tubes and intestine, are nearly fluid, while others, like that of the cervix uteri during preg- nancy, are gelatinous and semi-solid. It is also present in abundant proportion in the synovia, the bile, and the saliva of the submaxillary and sublingual glands. The secretion of the mucous follicles of the mouth consists almost entirely of it. Mucosine is not coagulated by heat, but is thrown down by alcohol and by the acids, both mineral and organic. It is remarkably unaffected by the metallic salts, lead sub- acetate being the only one that produces a distinct coagulation. In some cases, as in the bile, it is dissolved in the fluid ingredients of the secretion, from which it may be separated by the action of alcohol. In others, as in the urine, it is only mechanically suspended, and subsides as a light deposit after a few hours' repose. Myosine. The contractile substance of the striped muscular fibres contains an albuminous matter which after death coagulates, like the fibrine of the blood-plasma ; at the same time the muscles lose their contractility and assume the condition of cadaveric rigidity. The coagulation of this substance is retarded by the action of cold ; and it has been extracted by Kiihne, from the muscular tissue of frogs, by the following process : The vascular system is first deprived of blood by an injection of a ^ per cent, solution of sodium chloride. The muscles, thoroughly washed, are then subjected for two hours to a temperature of 7 to 10 below (17OF.) ? reduced to a pulp in a cold mortar, and then allowed gradually to thaw upon a filter. The filtered liquid coagulates spon- taneously at ordinary temperatures. Coagulated myosine is gelatinous, and without fibrillated texture. It is insoluble in water and in concentrated solutions of common salt ; but is dissolved by a watery solution of salt, made in the proportion of ten per cent, or less. It is extracted from the muscles after death by bruising the muscular tissue to a pulp in a ten per cent, solution of COLLAGEN. CHONDRINE. 91 sodium chloride, filtering the expressed liquid, and then precipitating the dissolved myosine by dropping the clear solution into distilled water. It may also be precipitated by adding sodium chloride in sub- stance, and thus increasing the strength of .the solution. Myosine is, distinguished from the fibrine of the blood by its complete solubility in saline solutions of a certain strength, as well as in dilute acids and alkalies. When dissolved in a neutral saline fluid it is coagulable by heat, like the albumen of blood. The preceding substances are all naturally liquid, or nearly so, in con- sistency, and form constituent parts of the various animal fluids and juices. The following are ingredients of the solid tissues. Collagen. This substance is very widely diffused in the animal body, forming the more or less homogeneous interstitial mass of the bones, perios- teum, tendons, ligaments, fasciae, and connective tissues generally. All these tissues, although at first insoluble, after long ebullition dissolve in the boiling water ; and the substance thus dissolved solidifies on cool- ing into a jelly-like mass. This substance is gelatine, or the animal principle of glue. Gelatine, however, does not exist as such in the osseous and fibrous tissues in their natural condition, but is evidently the result of a transformation produced by long boiling. The original body of which these tissues are mainly composed is termed "collagen ;" that is, a substance which produces gelatine or glue. The conversion of collagen into gelatine is a simple transformation, and neither a decom- position nor combination, since it is not accompanied by any increase or diminution of weight. The gelatine produced by the action of boiling water on collagen, when present in the proportion of ten parts per thousand, solidifies on cooling ; below this proportion, or if the boiling be repeated, it may remain liquid. Its solution rotates the plane of polarization to the left 130. It is precipitated by alcohol and by tannic acid. The last, which is the only acid by which this substance is precipitated, is a very sensitive test of its presence ; and, according to Hardy, 1 will de- tect one part of gelatine in 5000 parts of water. A similar combination no doubt takes place, in the process of tanning, between tannic acid and the original collagen of the fibrous tissues, by which they are ren- dered harder, more impermeable to water, and incapable of putrefac- tion. Gelatine is not affected by potassium ferrocyanide with acetic acid, nor by lead subacetate. Chondrine. The amorphous intercellular substance of cartilage resembles that of the bones and the fibrous tissues in being changed by prolonged boil- ing with water into a substance which will gelatinize on cooling. In 1 Chimie Biologique. Paris, 1871, p. 282. 92 ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. the case of the cartilages, however, this substance is termed chondrine, from the source from which it is derived. Chondrine corresponds with gelatine in most of its characters, but differs from it in being precipitated from its watery solution by both acetic acid and lead subacetate. It rotates the plane of polarization to the left 213.5. Elasticine. The fibres of all the yellow elastic tissues, as that in the middle coat of the larger arteries, the elastic ligaments of the spinal column, and the ligamentum nucha3, mainly consist of a homogeneous substance which possesses all the physical properties of the fibre itself, and is furthermore distinguished by its extremely refractory nature toward most chemical reagents. It is obtained by boiling the elastic fibres successively with alcohol, ether, water, acetic acid, dilute soda solution, and dilute hydro- chloric acid. The elasticine is thus purified from other ingredients, but is not itself soluble in either of the above reagents. It is not converted into gelatine even by long boiling ; and it is dissolved, but, at the same time, decomposed, only by the concentrated acids and alkalies. The slender elastic fibres mingled with connective tissue, and the sarco- lemma of the striped muscular fibres, are probably composed of the same substance. Keratine. Under this name is known the exceedingly resisting and indestruc- tible substance of the hair, nails, epidermis, feathers, and all horny tissues. It is unaffected by boiling with alcohol, ether, water, and the dilute acids. By continuous boiling in a Papin's digester at 150 (302 F.) it is liquefied and partly decomposed. It is distinguished from the preceding substance by containing sulphur as an ingredient, which is not present in elasticine. Keratine, accordingly, when decomposed by boiling under pressure or with concentrated alkalies, gives rise to hydro- gen sulphide vapors. It is evident that the albuminous substances, under different forms, constitute a large and important part of the mass of the body ; and as they are during life in a constant state of active alteration, they require for their maintenance an abundant supply of similar ingredients in the food. All highly nutritious articles of diet contain more or less of these substances. According to the estimates of Payen, which corre- spond very closely in their gross results with our own observations, an adult man requires a daily supply of about 130 grammes of albuminous matter to provide for the wants of the system ; and this quantity is actually contained in the food consumed. But although nitrogenous matter is thus abundantly supplied to the system from without, yet the particular kinds of albuminous substances characteristic of the various tissues and fluids are formed within the body in the process of digestion and assimilation, by transformation of ALBUMINOUS MATTERS. 93 those which are introduced with the food. A large part of the albu- minous matters of the food are derived from vegetables, and, though closely related to the corresponding animal substances, are not pre- cisely identical with them. Even the animal albuminous matters used for food, as the albumen of eggs, the caseine of milk, and the sub- stance of muscular flesh, are usually taken in the coagulated form, and suffer still further changes before they become converted into the albu- men of the blood. From their subsequent metamorphoses in the act of nutrition they are transformed into the many specific varieties of albuminous matter peculiar to the different tissues and fluids. Only a very small proportion of these substances is discharged with the excretions. The albuminous ingredients of the perspiration and sebaceous matter, and the mucus of the urinary bladder and large intes- tine are almost the only ones which find an exit from the body in this way. A minute quantity of albuminous matter is exhaled in a vola- tile form with the breath, and a little also, in all probability, from the cutaneous surface. But the entire quantity so discharged bears an insignificant proportion to that which is daily introduced with the food. The albuminous substances, accordingly, are decomposed in the interior of the body. They are transformed by the process of destructive assi- milation, and their elements are finally eliminated and discharged under other forms of combination. CHAPTER Y. COLORING MATTERS. THERE are found, in various parts of the animal body, a number of substances which are distinguished by imparting to the tissues and fluids a distinct and characteristic coloration. Notwithstanding the evident physiological importance of these substances, and the striking character of their optical properties, they have proved in many re- spects more difficult of study than the other proximate principles ; and with regard to several of them our knowledge is still very imper- fect. In some instances this is partly due to the comparatively small quantity in which they occur, in others to the extreme readiness with which they are decomposed or altered in the process of separation. In some cases it has been found difficult to decide whether a variation of tint be due to the different proportions of one or more different color- ing matters or to the varying degrees of concentration of a single one. The coloring matters are all nitrogenous compounds, but differ in essential particulars from the albuminous substances. Those which have been most fully examined are known to be crystallizable ; and it is possible that all of them might be obtained in a crystalline form, could they be completely separated without decomposition. The most abun- dant of all, and that which possesses the most important physiological properties, is the red coloring matter of the blood. It appears to be analogous in many respects to the green matter of the leaves and leaf- like organs in the vegetable world. Each of these two coloring matters is the most abundant and widely diffused in its own kingdom, and is distinguished by the identity of its characters in many different species of animals and plants respectively ; and while the red coloring matter of the blood, on the one hand, is the agent by which oxygen is absorbed and distributed in the animal body, on the other, it is the green coloring matter of plants by which carbonic acid and water are decomposed and oxygen set free in the act of vegetation. It is believed by many ob- servers that all the coloring matters of the animal body, at least in man and the vertebrate animals, are derived by transformation from the coloring matter of the blood ; and although we have no complete experi- mental evidence that this is true in all cases, yet it is evident that these substances have a close physiological relation with each other, perhaps as distinct and real as that which exists between the various members of the albuminous or saccharine groups. The organic coloring matters may be conveniently removed from liquids containing them by the action of animal charcoal; that is, (94) HEMOGLOBINE. 95 Fig. 19. carbon derived from the imperfect combustion of animal substances. Burned bones are generally employed for this purpose, their combustion having been carried on with a scanty supply of air, so that while the hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen are driven off in the form of gaseous combinations, the carbon remains behind. If a fluid containing either of the coloring matters be mixed with a sufficient quantity of this char- coal and filtered, the filtered fluid will pass through colorless. Albu- minous substances are also retained upon the filter when treated with animal charcoal ; while glucose and other crystallizable and saline mat- ters pass through freely in solution. The animal coloring matters most distinctly recognized are those of the blood, the blackish-brown solid tissues, the bile, and the urine. Hemoglobine, C 900 H 960 N 154 Fe,S 3 179 . This is the coloring matter of the red globules of the blood, the most abundant and important of all the substances belonging to this group. It constitutes much the largest proportion of the solid ingredients of the blood-globules, amounting in all probability to from 25 to 30 per cent, of their weight in the fresh condition. It is also found, in much smaller quan- tity, in the substance of the muscular tissue, of which it forms the coloring principle. It crystallizes in well marked forms, which vary somewhat in different species of ani- mals; but are all, so far as accurately known, either rhombic or hexagonal tables or prisms. It is soluble in water, in very dilute alcohol, and in dilute solutions of albumen, of the alkalies and their carbonates, and of so- dium and ammonium phos- phates. It is insoluble in strong alcohol, in ether, and in the volatile and fatty oils. In almost every condition it is readily decomposed. According to Preyer, 1 crystals which have been thoroughly dried at a temperature below the freezing point become, after a time, decomposed, and lose their color and solubility, even at ordinary tem- peratures. A watery solution of hemoglobine kept at any temperature above (32 F.) becomes altered in the course of twenty-four hours, and if heated to 64 (147 F.) it is at once decomposed. HEMOGLOBINE CRYSTALS; from human blood. (Funke.) 1 Die Blutkrystalle. Jena, 1871, p. 58. 96 COLORING MATTERS. HEMOGLOBINE CRYSTALS; from dog-faced baboon. (Preyer.) Hemoglobine, both crystallized and in watery solution, has the clear bright red color of arterial blood. It is distinguished beyond all other known ingredients of the Fig. 20. body, by its capacity for ab- sorbing oxygen, which it retains in the form of a loose combination. According to the average result of various experiments one gramme of hemoglobine in watery solu- tion will absorb 1.27 cubic centimetres of oxygen. The oxygen thus absorbed is again given off under the in- fluence of diminished pres- sure, heat, or the continued displacing action of hydro- gen or nitrogen' gas. The coloring matter is accord- ingly known under two dif- ferent forms, namely, that of " oxidized" hemoglobine, containing an excess of loosely combined oxygen, and that of " reduced" hemoglobine, in which the surplus oxygen has been removed. The color of hemoglobine varies according to these two conditions, being bright red in the oxidized form, and dark purple when deoxidized. The presence of hemoglobine in either one of these two conditions is the cause of the color of arterial and venous blood. A marked feature in the chemical constitution of hemoglobine is that it contains iron. This fact is the more important because it is the only ' substance in the animal body, excepting hair, which contains iron in any considerable amount, and because iron is also an indispensable requisite for the formation of the green coloring matter of plants. Experiment has shown that without the presence of iron vegetation cannot go on ; and there is every reason to believe that iron is equally essential to the constitution of the animal coloring matter, and thus indirectly to the general nutrition of the animal body. It is present in hemoglobine, in all probability, not in the form of a distinct oxide, but directly combined, like sulphur, with the carbon, hydrogen, nitro- gen, and oxygen which form the remainder of its substance. One thousand parts of hemoglobine contain 4.2 parts of iron ; and, according to the average results obtained by different observers, healthy human blood contains, per thousand parts, 123.4 parts of hemoglobine, and 0.52 part of iron. This would give, for a man weighing 65 kilo- j grammes, 2.82 grammes of iron, as contained in the blood of the whole body. The iron of the hemoglobine passes out of the body by the bile and MELANINE. 97 the urine, both of which contain slight traces of its presence. It is also contained in the hair, where it forms sometimes as much as 7 per cent, of the incombustible ingredients. It is supplied to the body in ample abundance by ordinary food, in which it is always present in appre- ciable amount. Green vegetables of course contain it, as an ingre- dient of their coloring matter. Since hemoglobine exists to some extent in muscular tissue, it will be present in a more or less altered form, but still containing iron, in most kinds of animal food. Accord- ing to the analyses of Moleschott, 500 grammes of beef (about one pound avoirdupois) will contain 0.035 gramme of iron; and iron is also found in even larger proportion in rye, barley, oats, wheat, peas, and especially in strawberries. As the quantity of this substance daily discharged in the urine and with the bile is so small, we must regard the greater portion of that which passes through the system as used in the growth of the hair ; and a very moderate amount contained in the food must be sufficient for the daily requirements of nutrition. Melanine. In all the dark-colored tissues of the body, in the choroid coat of the eyeball, the rete Malpighi of the skin in the black and brown races and in all individuals of dark complexion, in the hair, and in the substance of melanotic tumors, there exists a coloring matter known as melanine. When isolated or when collected in compact masses, it is of a very dark blackish-brown color ; but by its mixture, in different proportions, with other colorless or ruddy semitransparent elements of the tissues, it may produce all the varying grades of hue, from light yellowish-brown to an almost absolute black. It is deposited in the substance of the animal cells in the form of minute granules, and is usually more abundant in the immediate neighborhood of the nucleus, when one is present, than near the edges of the cell. Melanine has not yet been obtained in a perfect crystalline form, and its chemical characters are not completely determined. It is known, however, to be a nitrogenous substance. As the average result of vari- ous analyses collected by Hoppe-Seyler, 1 it contains, freed from ashes, the following proportions, by weight, of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. COMPOSITION OF MELANINE. Carbon 54.39 Hydrogen " 5.08 Nitrogen 11.17 Oxygen 29.36 100.00 According to Kiiline 2 repeated observations show that it also con- 1 Handbuch der Physiologisch- und Pathologisch-Chemischen Analyse. Berlin, 1870, p. 177. 2 Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie. Leipzig, 1868, pp. 365, 442. 98 COLORING MATTERS. tains iron, which has been found in the proportion of 2.5 parts per thousand in the incombustible residue. Melanine is insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, and solutions of the organic and mineral acids. Boiling solutions of potassium hydrate dissolve it without change of color, but its color is destroyed by chlo- rine. It is regarded as derived from the coloring matter of the blood, but there is no positive evidence of this, further than the fact that it contains iron, and that it forms the coloring matter of the hair, in which most of the iron of the blood-globules is probably deposited. Bilirubine, C 16 H I8 N 2 3 , The red or orange-red coloring matter of the bile. This substance has been designated, by different writers, under the various names of Biliphaein, Bilifulvine, Hematoidine, and Cholepyrrhine. It is formed in the substance of the liver, and may be extracted from the liver- cells in a pure form. From these it is taken up by the biliary ducts and mingled with the other ingredients of the bile. It is crystal- lizable, soluble in chloroform, less so in alcohol, and slightly soluble in ether. It is readily soluble also in alkaline liquids, but quite insolu- ble in pure water. In the crystallized form its color is red; in the amorphous condition, orange ; and in solution, reddish-brown or yellow, according to the degree of concentration. According to Hoppe-Seyler, it gives a perceptible yellow color when viewed in a layer of 1.5 centi- metre's thickness, even if dissolved in 500,000 times its weight of fluid. Solutions of bilirubine exhibit a well-marked reaction with nitroso- nitric acid, which is known as " Gmelin's bile test." If to such a solu- tion we add a small quantity of nitric acid, in which nitrous acid is also present, a series of colors is produced in the following order : green, blue, violet, red, and finally a dingy yellow. These colors are produced by transformation of the bilirubine, and represent successive degrees of its oxidation by nitric acid. The reaction is a very sensitive one, and, according to Hoppe-Seyler, will produce a visible result in solu- tions containing only one part in 70,000. Bilirubine is generally regarded as derived from hemoglobine. The reasons for this opinion are: First, its reddish color, similar, in some degree, to that of diluted blood. Secondly, it has been found in various parts of the body, in old bloody extravasations, evidently produced from an alteration of the blood upon the spot. When found under these circumstances, it was formerly known as hematoidine. Thirdly, if hemoglobine, in the living animal, be withdrawn from the blood- globules, and made to assume a liquid form by alternately freezing and thawing a portion of freshly drawn blood, and then re-injected into the bloodvessels, this operation is followed by a discharge of bili- rubine with the urine. If hemoglobine, however, be normally trans- formed into bilirubine, its iron and sulphur must enter into some other combination, as neither of these substances exists in the coloring matter BILIVERDINE. UROCHROME. 99 of the bile. Bilirubine, if exposed to the atmospheric air in alkaline solution, becomes oxidized and assumes a green color, being converted into another closely related substance, namely, biliverdine. Biliverdine, C 16 H 20 N 2 5 . In addition to bilirubine, the bile contains also a green coloring matter, namely, biliverdine; and its varying tint in different specimens depends on the different proportions in which the two substances are present. In many species of animals, as in the ox, sheep, rabbit, and vegetable feeders generally, the bile presents a strong green or greenish color, due to the comparative abundance of biliverdine. Biliverdine is insoluble in water, ether, and chloroform, readily soluble in dilute alkaline solutions and in alcohol. It is also soluble in glacial acetic acid, and is deposited from the evaporated solution in the form of an imperfect crystallization. It is often found in human gall-stones, and in the dog is abundantly deposited along the edges of the placenta. There is every reason to believe that biliverdine is formed from bili- rubine by a process of oxidation, the elements of water entering at the same time into combination. The nature of this change is shown by the following formula: Bilirubine. Biliverdine. C 16 H 18 N 2 3 + H 2 + = C 16 H. 20 N 2 5 . The prompt conversion of the color of ruddy or reddish-brown bile into green by the action of various oxidizing agents, or even by ex- posure to the air, and the evident chemical relationship between the two substances, leave no doubt that this is the mode in which bili- verdine originates in the animal body. Both bilirubine and biliverdine are discharged with the bile into the alimentary canal, but they become undistinguishable toward the lower end of the small intestine. Beyond that point they are replaced by the brown coloring matter of the feces, and are finally discharged from the body under this form. Urochrome. The coloring matter of the urine has been repeatedly studied by competent and laborious observers, but thus far with only partial suc- cess. The substances which have been extracted from the urine by various methods, and which have been regarded as representing, more or less exactly, its natural coloring principle, are known by the dif- ferent names of Urochrome, Urosine, Urosacine, Hemaphaeine, Uro- hematine, Uroxanthine, Urobiline, and Hydrobilirubine. They are all probably modifications of the same substance, variously altered by dif- ferent methods of extraction, or obtained in different grades of purity- The fresh, normal urine has a light yellowish or amber color, while specimens of unusually high specific gravity, and particularly specimens of febrile urine, often exhibit a distinct reddish hue. Normal urine, which, when fresh, is only amber-colored, will often, by exposure to the air, acquire a jiftge? tff iec^ The substance obtained by Thudi- 100 COLORING MATTERS. chum, 1 and called by him urochrome, is precipitable from the urine by various metallic salts. It has not yet been produced in a crystalline form. It is soluble in water and in ether, but only slightly soluble in alcohol. Its watery solution has a yellowish color, which, on stand- ing, becomes red. Urohematine (Harley) is nitrogenous in composition, and contains iron. 2 It is insoluble in pure water, but soluble in the fresh urine, as well as in ether, chloroform, and alcohol. The sub- stance termed Urobiline (Jaffe) was so named because supposed to be derived from the coloring matters of the bile. It is soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform. Its solutions have a brownish-yellow color, and, by dilution, become first yellow, and lastly faint rosy-red. It was found by Jaffe 5 to be present in nearly every instance (45 cases) in healthy human urine, where it was recognized, after partial extraction and purification, by its peculiar optical (spectroscopic) properties. The same observer, however, found that fresh urine, not subjected to chemical manipulation, would often present no indication of urobiline. Such urine, if secluded from the atmosphere, would remain light- colored, and free from this substance ; but if exposed to the air for from two to twelve hours, would become darker in hue, and at the same time would show, by the spectroscope, signs of the presence of urobiline. It is evident, therefore, that the urine contains a coloring matter which gives to it in the fresh condition its well known amber tint. This substance is liable to be changed under the influence of oxidation, and to assume in that condition a more or less distinct red color. Such a modification certainly takes place outside the body, and it is possible that it may also occur within the system, giving rise to the varying proportions of red in the color of the urine in different healthy and diseased conditions. Beside the above named substances, there are two other bodies of suf- ficient interest in general physiology to be enumerated in connection with those already described. Lnteine. This substance, as its name indicates, is of a strongly marked yellow color. It is extracted from the yolk of eggs, and from the tissue of the corpus luteum. It exists also, according to Thudichum, 4 in the grains of Indian corn, in certain berries and roots, and in the yellow stamens and petals of a large number of flowering plants. It is crystallizable, soluble in alcohol, ether, .chloroform, and the fatty oils, but insoluble in water. It is readily decomposed and decolorized by sunshine ; and by the action of nitric acid it is first turned blue, and afterward decolorized. 1 British Medical Journal, London, Nov. 5, 1864. 2 Harley, The Urine and its Derangements. Philadelphia, 1872, p. 97. 3 Archiv fur Pathologische Anatomic und Physiologic, 1869, vol. xlvii. p. 405. 4 Centralblatt fur'die'Me.lictnische W'hsFfosch'afttfn', 78f&; JK 2. CHLOROPHYLLS. 101 Its color is also changed to blue or green by other strong acids, but it is not affected by dilute solutions of the alkalies. It has not yet been obtained in sufficient quantity for complete analysis. Chlorophylle, This is the green coloring matter of plants. It is more widely dif- fused than any other coloring matter in the vegetable world, and it apparently constitutes exclusively the coloring principle of all the green parts of the higher plants without exception. Its exact chemical con- stitution has not been fully determined, but it is considered to be a nitrogenous substance, and Mulder has given it the formula C 9 H (J N0 4 . It is certain that iron is essential to its production, as plants artificially cultivated without the access of this substance, grow up in a blanched or chlorotic condition ; and their green color may afterward be restored by the supply of moisture containing a ferruginous salt. 1 Chlorophylle is of the first importance in vegetable physiology, as it is under the influence of this substance, together with that of the solar light, that the inorganic ingredients of the soil and the atmosphere are deoxidized and combined in the form of an organic carbo-hydrate. The process of vegetation proper, that is, the production and accumula- tion of organic material in the form of starch, sugar, cellulose, woody fibre, and the substance of various vegetable tissues, is inseparably dependent on the presence and action of Chlorophylle. At the same time, in order to produce this effect, the Chlorophylle must constitute a part of the living vegetable cell ; for the coloring matter alone, if ex- tracted from the chlorophylle-holding cells, and placed under all other conditions, such as the access of air, sunlight, warmth, and moisture, known to be essential to the work of production, is found to be incapable of forming organic matter out of water and carbonic acid. Its func- tion, therefore, is not that of a simple chemical reagent, but that of an active constituent of the living vegetable organism. Chlorophylle is produced, in the interior of the vegetable cell, some- times as a uniformly diffused mass. Usually, however, it is deposited in the form of distinct rounded grains, frequently arranged in definite figures or patterns in the cavity of the cell. It may be extracted by the action of alcohol or of ether, and retains its green color in solutions of these substances. It disappears previously to the shedding of the leaves, when they cease to perform the act of vegetation, and is usually replaced by a few grains of red or yellowish color. 1 Mayer, Lehrbuch der Agrikultur-Chemie, Band i. pp. 51, 265. CHAPTER VI. CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. THE fifth and last group of proximate principles consists of a number of colorless substances which, like the albuminous matters, contain nitrogen, but which differ from them in being readily crystal- lizable. Many of them are evidently derived from the albuminous ingredients of the body by retrograde metamorphosis, being dis- charged from the system as products of excretion. Others do not exhibit this character, and are found only in the permanent tissues or the internal fluids of the body. Several of them are of comparatively recent discovery, and, although undoubtedly of importance in the con- stitution of the body, are still somewhat obscure in their physiological relations. Lecithine, C 44 H 90 NP0 9 , From Af'xt^oj, the yolk of egg, in which substance it was first discovered. Lecithine was for some time described under the name of phosphorized fat, owing to the circumstance that one of the products of its de- composition is phosphoglyceric acid (C 3 H 9 P0 6 ). It is not, however, a fatty substance, since it contains nitrogen, and in other respects differs from the fats. As mingled or combined with other animal mat- ters, it has also been known by the name of " protagon." Lecithine is of very wide distribution in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms, occurring in the cereal grains and the leguminous seeds, and, according to Hoppe-Seyler, in the cellular juices of a variety of plants. It is found in the blood, both in the plasma and the globules, in the bile, the spermatic fluid, the yolk of egg, and particularly in the tissues of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. In the plasma of the blood, it is in the proportion of 0.4 part per thousand, and in the fresh substance of the calf's brain, according to the analyses of Petrowsky, 1 in the proportion of 31 parts per thousand. Taking into account the watery ingredients of the brain, lecithine is about equally abundant in the white and gray substance ; but of the solid matters alone, it constitutes a little less than 10 per cent, in the white substance, and rather more than It per cent, in the gray substance. Lecithine obtained from either of these sources, if treated with water, swells up into a pasty mass and gives origin to the remarkable appearances under the microscope known as "myeline forms;" that is, a great 1 Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie, 1873, Band vii. p. 101. (102) CRYSTALL1ZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. 103 variety of mucilaginous or oily looking drops and filaments, of double contour, which exude from the edges of the mass, and remain separate and insoluble ; resembling the microscopic forms produced under simi- lar circumstances from the "myeline," or medullary layer of nerve fibres. It is readily soluble in alcohol, less so in ether, and is also solu- ble to some extent in chloroform and the fatty oils. It is readily decomposed on standing, either in solution or in a state of watery imbibition, acquiring an acid reaction. Decomposition is also effected by the action of acids or alkalies. By boiling with baryta water it suffers a characteristic alteration, giving rise to the production of two new bodies; namely, a nitrogenous alkaline substance and phospho- gly eerie acid. Lecithine has a special importance, not only as an abundant ingre- dient of the nervous tissue, but also as being the only organic combina- tion in the body containing phosphorus. Considering the number of vegetable and animal articles of food in which it is an ingredient, it is evident that a considerable quantity must be introduced with the nutri- ment into the system and assimilated by the tissues, particularly by those of the nerves and nervous centres. But as no known organic combination of phosphorus is discharged with the excretions, this sub- stance must pass out of the body as part of the phosphates which appear in the urine and the perspiration. On this account, together with the known fact of the constant consumption of oxygen by the animal body, it is believed that the phosphorus, introduced as an ingre- dient of organic materials, is converted by oxidation in the system into phosphoric acid, and thus appears finally under the form of phos- phatic salts. Cerebrine, C 17 H 33 N0 3 . As its name indicates, this is an ingredient of the brain and nerves, the only healthy constituents of the body in which it is known to exist. Although this substance has not been obtained in a crystalline form, it is placed among the members of this group because it resembles them in the general features of its chemical composition, particularly in its small proportion of nitrogen, and also in certain of its reactions, which are entirely dissimilar to those of an albuminous matter. Cerebrine is insoluble in water, but if moistened swells up slowly into a pasty mass. It is insoluble in ether and in cold alcohol. It is readily soluble in boiling absolute alcohol, from which it is again deposited on cooling. Boiling with baryta water decomposes it very slowly and incompletely, and does not produce phosphoglyceric acid, by which means it may be distinguished from lecithine. If strongly heated in the air, it turns brown, melts, and finally burns with a bright flame. It is much more abundant in the white than in the gray substance of the brain, forming, according to Petrowsky, in the solid ingredients of the white substance 9.5 per cent., in those of the gray substance but 104: CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. little more than 0.5 per cent. It is, therefore, undoubtedly a constitu- ent of the medullary layer of nerve fibres. Leucine, C 6 H 13 N0. 2 , So called from the glistening white color of its crystals. It is found in the tissue of the spleen, the thymus, thyroid, lymphatic, submaxillary, and parotid glands, the pancreas and pancreatic juice, the brain, liver, kidneys, and supra-renal capsules. In all these situations it exists in comparatively small quantity, but its exact proportions have not been determined. ' It has not yet been found in the blood in a state of health, and has only been met with in the urine in certain cases of disease. According to Hoppe-Seyler it is one of the products of putrefactive decomposition of albuminous and gelatinous substances. When pure, it crystallizes in thin white laminae, in which form it is readily solu- ble in water, less so in alcohol, and insoluble in ether. Heated slowly to 170 (338 F.) it volatilizes unchanged; above this point it is decomposed ; two of the products of its decomposition being carbonic acid and ammonia. But little is known with regard to the normal origin or physiological destination of this substance, its importance being only indicated by the number and variety of the situations in which it is found. Sodium Glycocholate, C 26 H 42 N0 6 Na. This is one of the characteristic ingredients of the bile, where it sometimes forms, according to the observations of Jacobsen, nearly 49 per cent, of the dry residue. It is also found in the tissue of the liver and in the fluids of the upper part of the intestinal canal, into which it is discharged with the bile ; but it does not exist in the blood or in the other animal fluids. It is a saHne body, consisting of a nitrogenous organic acid, glyco- cholic acid (C 26 H 43 N0 6 ) in combination with sodium. Glycocholic acid is so called because by boiling with solutions of potassium hydrate or baryta water, or by continued boiling with dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acids, it is decomposed with the production of two new bodies, namely, glycine (C 2 H 6 N0 2 ), a nitrogenous neutral substance, and cholic acid (C 24 H 40 5 ), a non-nitrogenous organic acid, so called because peculiar to the bile. This change takes place with the assump- tion, by the glycocholic acid, of the elements of water, as follows : Glycocholic acid. Glycine. Cholic acid. C 26 H 43 N0 6 + H 2 = C 2 H 5 N0 2 + C 24 H 40 5 . The two bodies thus formed do not, therefore, pre-exist in the organic acid of the bile, but are produced, by the addition of other elements, at the time of its decomposition. Sodium glycocholate is a neutral, crystallizable substance, very soluble in water and in alcohol, and insoluble in ether. It is accord- ingly extracted from the bile by the following process : The bile is first evaporated to dry ness over the water-bath, the dry residue extracted CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. 105 Fig. 21. SODIUM GLYOOOHOI.ATI! FROM OX-BILB, after two days' crystallization. At the lower part of the figure the crystals are melting into drops, from evaporation of the ether and absorp- tion of moisture. with absolute alcohol, the alcoholic solution decolorized with animal charcoal, and then mixed with from 8 to 10 times its volume of ether. A whitish precipitate is thrown down which soon collects into little drops and masses, of a consistency like that of Canada balsam, whence the biliary salts have been sometimes termed the " resinous" matters of the bile. In the course of 24 hours, sometimes only after four or five days, the sodium glyco- cholate crystallizes abundantly in the form of hemispherical or star-shaped masses of fine ra- diating acicular crystals. These crystals may be preserved in- definitely in the mixture of al- cohol and ether ; but if the mix- ture be poured off, the cold produced by evaporation causes a condensation of atmospheric moisture and a rapid melting and solution of the crystals, which may be seen under the microscope liquefying into transparent, rounded,, oleaginous-looking drops. The solubility of these drops in water and their insolubility in ether will readily distinguish them from oil globules, which they closely resemble in their optical properties. Sodium glycocholate may be precipitated from its watery solution by both the neutral and tribasic lead acetates. Its alcoholic solution rotates the plane of polarization toward the right 25.T. Sodium Taurocholate, C 26 H 44 NS0 7 Na. This is a substance similar in many of its properties to the last, and, like it, a peculiar ingredient of the bile. Its organic acid, taurocholic acid (C 26 H 43 NS0 7 ), is distinguished by containing an atom of sul- phur, owing perhaps to its having been derived from the albuminous matters. If so, glycocholic acid will represent a product of further oxidation, under which sulphur, hydrogen, and oxygen are given up in such proportions that the products of elimination are sulphuric acid and water, as follows : Taurocholic acid. Glycocholic acid. C 26 H 45 NS0 7 - S(H a O) = C 26 H 43 N0 6 . By boiling with dilute acids or alkalies, or even in water, taurocholic acid is decomposed with the formation of two other bodies, namely, taurine (C 2 H.NSO. S ), a neutral nitrogenous substance, containing all the sulphur, so called because first discovered in bullock's bile, and cholic acid 8 106 CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. Fig. 22. (C 24 H 40 5 ), the same body produced by a similar process from glyco- cholic acid. The change here also takes place with the assumption of the elements of water, as follows : Taurocholic acid. Taurine. Cholic acid. C 26 H 45 NS0 7 + H 2 = C 2 H 7 NS0 3 + C 24 H 40 5 - Sodium taurocholate, like the preceding biliary salt, is soluble in water and in alcohol, and insoluble in ether. It is extracted from the bile by a similar process to that already described, and, after precipita- tion by ether, crystallizes in slender needles, much like those of the glycocholate. It may be distin- guished, however, and separated from the last-named substance, when in company with it, by its reaction toward the salts of lead. It is not precipitated from its watery solution by the neutral, but only by the tribasic acetate. If a watery solution, therefore, con- taining both salts be precipitated by neutral lead ace- tate, the filtered fluid will contain the sodium tauro- cholate alone. In alcoholic solution it rotates the plane of polarization toward the right 24.5. The two biliary salts are associated in the bile in varying proportions. Generally the glycocholate may be said to preponderate in the bile of the ruminant animals, taurocholate in that of the carmvora. In dog's and cat's bile, the taurocholate exists alone. In human bile it appears that both substances may be present, sometimes one of them being the more abun- dant, sometimes the other ; according to some writers the taurocholate existing alone or in larger proportion (Gorup-Besanez, Hoppe-Seyler, Robin, Hardy), according to others the gtycocholate (Bischoff, Lossen, RankeJ. In the observations of Jacobsen, 1 on a case of biliary fistula in man, the glycocholate was shown to be a constant ingredient, while the taurocholate was either absent, or, if present, varied in quantity. We have also found human bile to contain the glycocholate without the presence of taurocholate. The biliary salts are formed in the glandular tissue of the liver and discharged with the bile. According to the observations of Ranke on a man with biliary fistula, the average quantity of the organic acids of the bile thus produced, by a man weighing 65 kilogrammes, would be a little over 15 grammes per day. They are not discharged with the feces, but are changed in the intestine, and, probably, reabsorbed under another form by the blood. Creatine, C 4 H 9 N 3 2 , from x^, flesh. This is a neutral crystallizable substance, which exists very generally in the muscular tissue, both voluntary and involuntary, of man and SODIUM TAU- ROCHOLATE, from alcoholic extract of dog's bile, crystalliz- ing at the bottom of a test-tube. Kevue des Sciences Medicales, 1874, vol. iii. p. 85. CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. 107 CREATINE, crystallized from hot water. (Lehmann.) animals; its proportion in the human muscles being, according to Neubauer, 1 about two parts per thousand. It has also been found in minute quantity in the blood, the brain, and the kidneys. It is soluble in cold, very readily in hot water, slightly soluble in alcohol, insoluble in ether. From its watery solution it crystallizes in the form of transparent, colorless, rhombic prisms of firm consistency. It is decomposed by a temperature of 100 (2120 p.). By boiling in acid solutions, or by long-continued boiling in water, it is transformed into another closely related sub- stance, namely, creatinine. If boil- ed with baryta water it produces, among other substances, urea, car- bonic acid, and ammonia. Creatine is regarded as a product of metamorphosis of the albuminous matters, especially of those existing in muscular tissue. It does not appear in the urine, but undergoes further transformation in the interior of the body, probably into the following substance. Creatinine, C 4 H.N 3 0, Is known to exist, with certainty, only in the urine. Although it has been occasionally found by some observers in the muscles, according to Neubauer it is not a normal ingredient of the tissue, but is produced during the process of extraction, under the continued influence of heat and moisture, from the previ- ously existing creatine. C reatinine is soluble in water and in alcohol, but only slightly soluble in ether. It crystallizes in colorless glitter- ing prisms. In solutions it has a strong alkaline reaction, decom- poses the combinations of am- monia, and forms with various acids neutral salts. The relation between these two bodies is such that by different chemical processes they may be artificially converted into each ,, T J.U A. * it i -i CREATININE, crystallized from hot water. other. In the interior of the body (Lehmann.) Fig. 24. 1 Neubauer und Vogel, Analyze des Harns, 1872, p. 20. 108 CKYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. the change which takes place is undoubtedly the conversion of creatine into creatinine, since the former is that which exists normally in the muscles, while the latter is an ingredient of the urine. In this change the elements of water are eliminated as follows : Creatine. Creatinine. C 4 H 9 N 3 2 H 2 = C 4 H 7 N 3 0. Thus creatine represents an intermediate stage of the products of meta- morphosis, which finally appear in the urine under the form of creatinine. According to the observations of Neubauer, the quantity of creatinine discharged by a healthy man, under ordinary diet, is about 1 gramme per day. Urea, CH 4 N 2 0. This is one of the most important and well known substances of its class, as it is the principal solid ingredient of the urine, and the main product of the decomposition of nitrogenous matters in the body. It is most abundantly found in the urine, where it is present on the average, in man, in the proportion of 26 parts per thousand ; while in the blood it is only in the proportion of 0.16 part per thousand. As it makes its appearance in the blood, it is constantly drained away by the kidneys, and thus accumulates in larger proportion in the urine. This is further shown by the comparative analyses of Picard, who found, in the dog, the proportion of urea in the blood of the renal arteries to be 0.36 per thousand, in the renal veins 0.18 per thousand. Urea has also been found in minute quantity in the lymph, the aqueous and vitreous humors of the eye, the crystalline lens, and the perspiration. Urea is a colorless, neutral substance, abundantly soluble in water and in boiling alcohol, less so in cold alcohol, nearly insoluble in ether. It crystallizes in four-sided prisms, often with blunt pyramidal ends, which are decomposed on being heated above 120 (248 F.). Its pure watery solution may be kept without change at ordinary temperatures ; but by long continued boiling, or by a short boiling in the presence of alkalies, it is decomposed with the production of ammonium carbonate. If heated with water in an hermetically sealed tube to 180 (356 F.), it undergoes the same alteration. This change takes place with the assumption of the elements of water, as follows : Urea. Ammonium carbonate. CH 4 N 2 + HA (NH 4 ) 2 C0 3 . Urea has been produced artificially from albuminous matter, by placing the latter in contact with potassium permanganate in watery solution, and subjecting it to a heat of 60 to 80 (14(P to 176Q F.). This reaction, first established by Bdchamp, 1 has been confirmed by Hitter, 2 in whose experiments 30 grammes of albumen furnished 0.09 gramme of urea, and the same quantity of fibrine, 0.0 T gramme; 1 Coraptes Kendus de I'AcadSmie des Sciences, Paris, 1870, tome Ixx. p. 866. 2 Comptes Rendus, 1871, Ixxiii. p. 1219. CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS, 109 while from 30 grammes of gluten, in an average of three experiments, there was obtained 0.21 gramme of urea. According to Bechamp, this Fig. 25. UREA, prepared from urine, and crystallized by slow evaporation. (Lehmann.) is not a process of simple oxidation, but an oxidation with decomposition, in which various other substances are produced from the albuminous matter at the same time with urea. The quantity of urea excreted by a healthy man is about 35 grammes per day. This amount varies, of course, with the size of the body, the average daily proportion of urea to the weight of the whole body being 0.5 per thousand parts. Lehmann, in ex- periments on his own person, found the average daily quantity to be 32.5 grammes. Bischoff, by simi- lar experiments, found it to be 35 grammes. Prof. William A. Ham- mond, whose weight was 90 kilogrammes, found it to be 43 grammes. Prof. John C. Draper, whose weight was 66 kilogrammes, found it 26.5 grammes. It has been shown by Prof. John C. Draper, 1 and confirmed by other observers, that there is a diurnal variation in the normal quantity of urea. A smaller quantity is produced during the night than during the day ; and this difference exists even in patients who are confined to the bed during the whole twenty-four hours, as in the case of a man under treatment for fracture of the leg. This is probably owing to the greater activity, during the waking hours, of both the mental and di- gestive functions. More urea is produced in the latter half than in the earlier half of the day ; and the greatest quantity is discharged during the four hours from 6j to 10^ P. M. The quantity of excreted urea represents almost completely the amount of decomposition in the nitrogenous organic ingredients of the body ; since it is the only nitrogenous substance discharged in consider- able quantity by the excretions. A comparison of the entire amount of nitrogen contained in the daily food with that discharged from the body in various forms shows that fully 85 per cent, of that introduced reappears as an ingredient of the urea ; the remaining 15 per cent, being contained in the uric and hippuric acids and creatinine of the urine, and in the nitrogenous matters of the feces. All observers are agreed that the quantity of urea excreted varies in proportion to the amount of nitrogenous matters contained in the food. 1 New York Journal of Medicine, March, 1856. 110 CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. Lehmann found, 1 in experiments on his own person, that the daily amount of urea was increased by a diet of animal food, diminished by one of vegetable food, and reduced to its minimum by a diet consisting exclusively of non-nitrogenous matters, such as starch, sugar, and fat. The comparative results were as follows : Kind of diet. Daily quantity of urea. Mixed 32.5 grammes. Animal 53.2 " Vegetable 22.5 " Non-nitrogenous ....... 15.4 " It also appears from the observations of Mahomed 2 that the influence of a change of diet in this respect is manifested very rapidly ; twenty- four hours of a non-nitrogenous diet being sufficient to reduce the excre- tion of urea 50 per cent., while it is again restored to its ordinary standard within three or four hours after the use of animal food. Urea, however, does not depend exclusively upon the direct trans- formation of the nitrogenous matters of the daily food, but is also, in part at least, derived from the metamorphosis of the more permanent constituents of the body ; since it continues to be discharged, though in diminished quantity, when no food is taken. Lehmann found as much urea in the urine after twenty -four hours of abstinence from all food, as after a diet of non-nitrogenous matters. In the dog, when subjected to entire abstinence, the urea is reduced in three or four days to nearly one-third its former quantity, but is still present in about the same proportion at the end of seven days. In the experiments of Dr. Parkes on a man subjected to a purely non-nitrogenous diet, the daily excretion of urea fell on the second day to 12 grammes, but afterward remained nearly uniform, at rather more .than half that quantity, and on the fifth day still amounted to 7 grammes. Urea has also been found by Lassaigne in the urine of man after continued abstinence from food for fourteen days. The quantity of urea has been found by Lehmann, 3 Prof. A. Flint, Jr., 4 Parkes, 5 and Yogel 6 to be increased during or after unusual muscular exertion. Other observers (Fick and Wislicenus, Yoit, Ranke) have found no perceptible variation owing to this cause. The same discrep- ancy exists between different writers in regard to creatinine. It is possible that the details of the process by which the albuminous matters during decomposition give rise to the formation of urea are not }^et fully known to us. But it is a matter of common experience, both for man and animals, that continued and laborious muscular activity 1 Physiological Chemistry. Sydenham edition. London, 1853, vol. ii. p. 450. 2 Pavy on Food and Dietetics. Philadelphia edition, 1874, pp. 79-81. 3 Physiological Chemistry. Sydenham edition, vol. ii. p. 452. 4 New York Medical Journal, June, 1871. 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society, March 2d, 1871, p. 357. 6 Neubauer und Yogel, Analyse des "Earns,, 1872, p. 338. CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. Ill requires a corresponding supply of nitrogenous food ; and the final result of the internal metamorphosis of such substances is mainly repre- sented by the excretion of urea. Sodium Urate, C 5 H 3 N 4 3 Na. As its name indicates, this is a saline body, consisting of a nitro- genous organic acid, namety, uric acid (C 5 H 4 N 4 3 ), in union with so- dium. A portion of it is also in combination with potassium, but the sodium salt is in much the greater quantity of the two. The urates are found normally only in the urine, where they exist in the proportion of about 1.45 parts per thousand. The entire quantity of uric acid excreted by a healthy, full-grown man, is about 0.1 gramme per day. It is, therefore, very much less abundant than urea; and, according to the researches of J. Ranke, the proportion between them is very con- stant, the relative daily quantity of the two substances in the same individual being nearly always Uric acid . . . . . 1 part. Urea 45 parts. Uric acid is a colorless, crystallizable substance, only very slightly soluble in either cold or hot water, quite insoluble in alcohol and in ether. It is much less easily decomposed than urea, remaining for a long time unchanged under all ordinary conditions. If treated with concentrated sulphuric acid it is decomposed, with the production of ammonia and carbonic acid. If boiled with dilute nitric acid, it dis- solves with a yellow color and abundant liberation of gas-bubbles; and, on evaporation, the solution leaves a brilliant red stain, which is changed to purple by the addition of a drop of ammonia water. This is known as the " murexide test" for uric acid or the urates. Uric acid, like urea, is formed within the body by the metamorphosis of nitrogenous organic substances. It is most abundant under the use of animal food, and diminished by a vegetable diet, and is reduced to a minimum, though it does not entirely disappear, during complete absti- nence. It is this substance which indirectly, in great measure, causes the acid reaction of the urine. It is nowhere present normally in a free form, being by itself exceedingly insoluble ; but simultaneously with its production it unites with part of the alkaline bases of the phosphates, thus becoming mainly sodium urate, which is soluble and neutral in reaction, and giving rise to sodium biphosphate, which communicates to the urine its acid reaction. Sodium Hippurate, C 9 H 8 N0 3 Na. This is also a saline body, formed by the union of sodium with a nitrogenous organic acid, namely, hippuric acid, C 9 H 9 N0 3 , so called because it was first discovered in the urine of the horse. It is com- paratively abundant in the urine of most herbivorous animals, especially the horse, ox, sheep, goat, elephant, camel, and rabbit; while it is 112 CRYSTALLIZABLE NITROGENOUS MATTERS. absent, or nearly so, in that of the carnivorous animals. In human urine, under an ordinary mixed diet, it is constantly present, amount- ing to about 0.35 gramme per day, or about one-half the quantity of uric acid. It increases, however, perceptibly under a vegetable diet, and diminishes or disappears altogether under the exclusive use of ani- mal food. It thus alternates in quantity, under these circumstances, with uric acid. In the urine of the horse, which normally contains hippuric acid, after continued abstinence from food, this substance ceases to appear, and uric acid takes its place. Herbivorous animals, when deprived of food, are placed in the condition of carnivora, since the ingredients of the urine must then be derived from the metamor- phosis of their own substance. In the calf, while living upon the milk of its dam, the urine contains uric acid ; after the animal is weaned and begins to live upon vegetable food, the uric acid disappears, and the urine contains salts of hippuric acid. CHAPTEE VII. FOOD. UNDER the term " food" are included all substances, both solid and liquid, necessary to sustain the process of nutrition. The first act of this process is the appropriation from without of the materials which enter into the composition of the living frame, or of others which may be converted into them in the interior of the body. Like the tissues and the fluids, therefore, the food contains various ingredients, both organic and inorganic ; and the first important fact to be noted with regard to them is that no single class of substances, by itself, is suffi- cient to sustain life, but that several must be supplied, in due propor- tion, in order to maintain the body in a healthy condition. Inorganic Ingredients of the Food. It is well known that inorganic substances, although they afford the necessary materials for vegetation, are not sufficient for the nourish- ment of animals, which depend for their support upon elements already combined in the organic form. Nevertheless, it is equally true that the inorganic matters are also essential to animal life, and require to be sup- plied in sufficient quantity to keep up the natural proportion in which they exist in the various solids and fluids. As we have found it to be a general characteristic of these substances, that they are exempt from alteration in the interior of the body, but are absorbed, deposited, and expelled unchanged, each one, as a rule, requires to be present under its own form, and in sufficient quantity in the food. This is especially true of water and sodium chloride, both of which enter and leave the system in abundant daily quantity; and of the calcareous salts, which during the growth and ossification of the skeleton are deposited in large proportion in the osseous tissue. The alkaline car- bonates, phosphates, and sulphates are partly formed within the system during the metamorphosis or decomposition of organic substances ; but the elements of which they are composed must of course enter the body in some form, in order to enable these changes to be accomplished. Since water enters into the composition of every part of the body, it is important as an ingredient of the food. In man, it is probably the most important substance to be supplied with constancy and regularity, and the system suffers more rapidly when entirely deprived of fluids, than when the supply of solid food only is withdrawn. A man may pass eight or ten hours without solid food, and suffer little or no inconvenience ; but if deprived of water for the same length of time, (113) 114 FOOD. he becomes exhausted, and feels the deficiency in a marked degree. Magendie found, in his experiments on dogs subjected to inanition, 1 that if the animals were supplied with water alone they lived six, eight, and even ten days longer than if deprived at the same time of both solid and liquid food. Sodium chloride, also, is usually added to the food in considerable quantity, and requires to be supplied as a condi- ment with tolerable regularity ; while the remaining inorganic materials, such as the calcareous salts, and the alkaline phosphates and sulphates, occur naturally in sufficient quantity in most of the articles used as food. The entire quantity of mineral substances discharged daily by a healthy adult, by both the urine and perspiration, averages as follows : QUANTITY OF MINERAL MATTERS DISCHARGED PER DAY. Sodium and potassium chlorides 15.0 grammes. Calcareous and magnesian phosphates .... 1.0 " Sodium and potassium phosphates . , . 4.5 " Sodium and potassium sulphates 4.0 " 24.5 " According to the average dietaries for adults in full health collected by Dr. Playfair 2 about 20 grammes of mineral matter are daily intro- duced with the food. The remainder is to be accounted for by the phosphates and sulphates formed within the system as above described. Non-Nitrogenous Organic Ingredients of the Pood. These substances, so far as they enter into the composition of the food, are divided into the two natural groups already mentioned namely, the carbohydrates, including starch and sugar, and the fats, including all the varieties of oleaginous matter. Since starch is always converted into glucose in the digestive process, these two substances have the same value and significance as nutritive materials. As the carbohydrates are to be found as a general rule only in vegetable pro- ducts, they do not constitute a part of the food of carnivorous animals. It is true that glucose exists in the milk even of the carnivora during lactation, and is consequently supplied as a nutritive material to the young animal during the early portion of its growth. But this supply ceases as soon as the period of lactation is finished ; and the fact of the secretion of sugar by the mammary gland, as well as that of its produc- tion in the liver, shows that in the carnivorous animal the carbohydrates requisite for the process of nutrition may originate within the body from other organic substances. This does not apply, however, to the vege- table feeders or to man. The carnivora have no desire for vegetable food, while the herbivora live upon it exclusively, and in man there is a natural craving for it, which is almost universal. It may be dis- 1 Comptes Rendus de l'Acadmie des Sciences. Paris, tome xiii. p. 256. 2 London Chemical News, May 12, 1865. FOOD. 115 pensed with for a few days, but not indefinitely. The experiment has often been tried, in the treatment of diabetes, of confining the patient to a strictly animal diet. It has been invariably found that, if this regi- men be continued for some weeks, the desire for vegetable food becomes so imperative that the plan of treatment is unavoidably abandoned. A similar question has arisen with regard to the oleaginous matters. Are these substances indispensable as ingredients of the food, or may they be replaced by other proximate principles, such as starch or sugar ? It has already been seen, from the experiments of Boussingault and others, that a certain amount of fat is produced in the body over and above that which is taken with the food ; and it appears also that a regimen abounding in saccharine substances is favorable to the produc- tion of fat. It is altogether probable, therefore, that the materials for the production of fat may be derived, under these circumstances, either directly or indirectly from saccharine matters. But saccharine matters alone are not sufficient. Dumas and Milne-Edwards 1 found that bees, fed on pure sugar, soon cease to work, and sometimes perish in con- siderable numbers ; but if fed with honey, which contains some waxy and other matters beside the sugar, the} r thrive upon it ; and produce, in a given time, a much larger quantity of fat than was contained in the whole supply of food. The same thing was established by Boussingault with regard to starchy matters. He found that in fattening pigs, though the quantity of fat accumulated by the animal considerably exceeded that contained in the food, yet fat must enter to some extent into the composition of the food in order to maintain the animal in good condition ; for pigs, fed on boiled potatoes alone (an article abounding in starch but nearly destitute of oily matter), fattened slowly and with difficulty ; while those fed on potatoes mixed with a greasy fluid fattened readily, and accumulated much more fat than was contained in the food. The apparent discrepancy between these facts may be easily explained, when we recollect that, in order that an animal become fattened, it must be supplied not only with the materials of the fat itself, but also with everything else necessary to maintain the body in a healthy condition. Oleaginous matter is one of these necessary substances. The fats taken in with the food are not simply introduced into the body and deposited unchanged. On the contrary, they are altered and used up in the pro- cess of digestion and nutrition ; while the fats which appear as con- stituents of the tissues are, in great part, of new formation, and are produced from materials derived, perhaps, from a variety of sources. It is certain, then, that either one or the other of these two groups of substances, saccharine or oleaginous, must enter into the composition of the food ; and furthermore, that, though oily matter may sometimes be produced in the body from the sugars, it is also necessary for perfect nutrition that fat be supplied, under its own form, with the food. For 1 Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 3d series, tome xiv. p. 400. 116 FOOD. man it is natural to have them both associated in the alimentary ma- terials. They occur together in most vegetable substances, and there is a natural desire for them both, as elements of the food. They are not, however, when alone, or even associated with each other, sufficient for the nutrition of the animal body. Magendie found that dogs, fed exclusively on starch or sugar, perished after a short time with symptoms of profound disturbance of the nutritive functions. An exclusive diet of butter or lard had a similar effect. The animal became exceedingly debilitated, though without much emaciation; and after death, all the internal organs and tissues were found infiltrated with oil. Boussingault 1 performed a similar experiment, with a like result, upon a duck, which was kept upon an exclusive regimen of butter. "The duck received 90 to 100 grammes of butter every day. At the end of three weeks it died of inanition. The butter oozed from every part of its body. The feathers looked as though they had been steeped in melted butter, and the body exhaled an unwholesome odor like that of butyric acid." Lehinann was led to the same result by experiments performed upon himself for the purpose of ascertaining the effect produced on the urine by different kinds of food. 2 This observer confined himself first to a purely animal diet for three weeks, afterward to a purely vegetable one for sixteen days, without any marked inconvenience. He then put him- self upon a regimen consisting entirely of non-nitrogenous substances, starch, sugar, gum, and oil, but was only able to continue this diet for two, or at most for three days, owing to the disturbance of the general health which supervened. The unpleasant symptoms, however, imme- diately disappeared on his return to an ordinary mixed diet. In some instances a restricted diet of this kind can be borne for a longer time. Dr. Parkes 3 kept two soldiers upon non-nitrogenous food alone for five consecutive days without their exhibiting serious signs of physical ex- haustion. Prof. Wm. A. Hammond, 4 in experiments performed upon himself, was enabled to live for ten days on a diet of boiled starch and water. After the third day, however, the general health began to deteriorate, and became much disturbed before the termination of the experiment. The prominent symptoms were debility, headache, pyrosis, and palpitation. After the starchy diet was abandoned, it required some days to restore the health to its usual condition. Nitrogenous Ingredients of the Food. The nitrogenous or albuminous nutritive principles enter so largely into the constitution of the animal tissues and fluids, that their import- ance, as elements of the food, is easily understood. No food can be 1 Chimie Agricole. Paris, 1854, p. 166. 2 Journal fur praktische Chemie, Band xxvii. p. 257. 3 Proceedings of the Koyal Society of London, March 2d, 1871. 4 Experimental Eesearches, being the Prize Essay of the American Medical Association for 1857. FOOD. 117 long nutritious, unless a certain proportion of these substances be present in it. Since they are so abundant as ingredients of the body, their absence from the food is felt more speedily than that of any other substance except water. They have, therefore, sometimes received the name of " nutritious substances," in contradistinction to those of the second class, which contain no nitrogen, and which are found to be insufficient for the support of life. The albuminous substances, however, when taken alone, are no more capable of supporting life indefinitely than the others. It was found in the experiments of the French " Gelatine Commission" 1 that animals fed on pure fibrine and albumen, as well as those fed on gelatine, become, after a short time, much enfeebled, refuse the food offered to them, or take it with reluctance, and finally die of inanition. This result has been explained by sup- posing that these substances, when taken alone, excite after a time such disgust that they are either no longer taken, or if taken are not digested. But this disgust is simply an indication that the substances used are insufficient and finally useless as articles of food, and that the system demands other materials for its nourishment. It is well de- scribed by Magendie, in the report of the commission above alluded to, while detailing his investigations on the nutritive qualities of gela- tine. " The result," he says, " of these first trials was that pure gelatine was not to the taste of the dogs experimented on. Some of them suf- fered the pangs of hunger with the gelatine within their reach, and would not touch it ; others tasted of it, but would not eat ; others still de- voured a certain quantity once or twice, and then obstinately refused to make any further use of it." In one instance, Magendie succeeded in inducing a dog to take a considerable quantity of pure fibrine daily throughout the whole course of the experiment ; but notwithstanding this, the animal became ema- ciated, and died at last with the symptoms of inanition. It is evident, therefore, that no single proximate principle, nor even any one class alone, can be sufficient for nutrition. The albuminous substances are first in importance because they constitute the largest part of the mass of the body ; and exhaustion follows more rapidly when they are withheld than when the animal is deprived of other kinds of alimentary matter. But starchy and oleaginous substances are also requisite ; and the body feels the want of them sooner or later, though it may be plentifully supplied with albuminous food. Finally, the inor- ganic saline matters, though in smaller quantity, are also necessary to the continued maintenance of life. In order that the animal tissues and fluids remain healthy, and take their proper part in the functions of life, they must be supplied with all the ingredients necessary to their constitution ; and a man may be starved to death at last by depriving him of sodium chloride or lime phosphate as surely, though not so rapidly, as if he were deprived of albumen or oil. 1 Comptes Rendus de l'Acad6mie des Sciences. Paris, 1841, torn. xiii. p. 267. 118 FOOD. Composition of Different Articles of Food. In the most valuable and nutritious kinds of food, which have been adopted by the universal and instinctive choice of man, the first three classes of proximate principles are all more or less abundantly repre- sented. In all there exists naturally a certain proportion of saline matter; and water and sodium chloride are generally taken in addition. Milk. In milk, the first food supplied to the infant, and largely employed in various culinary preparations, all the important groups of nutritive substances are present. It is a white, opaque fluid, consisting, 1st, of a serous portion, which contains albuminous matters, sugar, and mineral salts in solution, and, 2d, of fatty globules suspended in the watery liquid. It is this mixture of oleaginous particles with a serous fluid which gives to the milk its opacity and its white color. Its rich- ness in fatty matter may therefore be estimated from these physical qualities. The ingredients in cow's milk are present in the following proportions, according to Payen : COMPOSITION OF Cow's MILK IN 1000 PARTS. Water 864 Nitrogenous matter (caseine and albumen) .... 43 Sugar of milk . 52 Fat 37 Mineral salts 4 1000 Cow's milk resembles human milk in its general characters, but con- tains a larger proportion of solid ingredients, especially of the nitro- genous and saccharine matters, fat being present in nearly the same amount in each. Sheep and goat's milk is richer in both nitrogenous and fatty matters ; while the milk of the ass and the mare contains a greater abundance of sugar, but is comparatively poor in nitrogenous matter and fat. The nitrogenous matter of milk consists almost entirely of caseine, associated with a very small proportion of albumen. Owing to the relative quantity of these two substances, milk does not solidify on boiling, but merely covers itself with a thin pellicle of coagulated albumen, the caseine remaining liquid. The addition of any acid, how- ever, such as acetic or tartaric acid, will precipitate the caseine and curdle the milk. If milk be allowed to remain exposed to the air at a moderately warm temperature, it curdles spontaneously, owing to the development of lactic acid, due to a transformation of its sugar ; and the same change will sometimes occur instantaneously from electric disturbance, during a thunder storm. The caseine of milk, artificially coagulated by the action of rennet, constitutes cheese. Rennet is the dried contents and mucous membrane of the stomach of the calf, the animal being killed and the stomach taken out while digestion is in full activity and the gastric fluids abun- dantly secreted. A faintly acidulated infusion of this substance even in small quantity, added to fresh milk at the temperature of 30 (86 F.) FOOD. 119 produces complete coagulation in fifteen or twenty minutes. The coagu- lum is drained from the watery serum or " whey," and afterward pressed into the form of cheese. The variety in consistency and flavor of differ- ent cheeses depends mainly on the proportion of fatty matter retained in the coagulum, and upon certain slow changes, in the nature of fermen- tations, which go on in it subsequently. The fatty matter of milk is suspended in the serous portion under the form of minute spheroidal masses. These little masses or " milk-glob- ules" are not quite fluid at ordinary temperatures, but have a semi-solid consistency owing to their containing a considerable proportion of pal- mitine. The fat globules, separated by churning from the other ingre- dients of the milk, and made to unite into a coherent mass, constitute butter. This substance, accordingly, represents simply the oleaginous ingredients of the milk ; and when purified from the watery portions entangled with it, consists mainly of palmitine and oleine, together with a small proportion of peculiar odoriferous and flavoring ingredi- ents, the principal of which has received the name of " butyrine." These substances are usually mingled in the following proportions : Palmitine 68 parts. Oleine 30 " Butyrine and other flavoring matters . . . 2 " 100 When well prepared and in good condition, butter constitutes one of the most valuable and easily assimilated forms of oleaginous food. If contaminated with the remains of the nitrogenous matter of the milk, its fatty ingredients after a time become decomposed with the develop- ment of volatile fatty acids ; in which condition the butter is said to be " rancid," and is no longer fit for food. Bread. The cereal grains resemble each other more or less in their constitution, all of them containing starch, nitrogenous matter, dextrine or sugar, fat, and mineral salts in various proportions. Wheat is dis- tinguished from the remainder in containing a considerably larger quan- tity of nitrogenous matter as compared with the other ingredients, and in the peculiarly adhesive or fibrinous quality of this substance, which has received accordingly the name of " gluten." The different grains in common use for food have when dry the following average compo- sition, according to Payen. COMPOSITION OF THE CEREAL GRAINS. Nitrogenous matter. Starch. Dextrine, etc. Fat. Cellulose. Mineral salts. Wheat .... 18.00 66.80 7.50 2.10 3.10 2.50 Eye 12 50 64 65 Udfl O OK 310 o n Barley .... 12.96 66.43 10.00 2.76 4.75 3.10 Oats .... 14.39 60.59 9.25 5.50 7.06 3.25 Indian corn . . 12.50 67.55 4.00 8.80 5.90 1.25 Rice .... 7.55 88.65 1.00 0.80 1.10 0.90 120 FOOD. Thus, of the different grains, that of oats contains, next to wheat, the largest proportion of nitrogenous matters ; but it also contains a con- siderable abundance of cellulose, or indigestible vegetable tissue, which interferes with its nutritive quality as human food. Indian corn is especially rich in fatty ingredients, while rice consists mainly of starch, and is the poorest of all in both nitrogenous and fatty ingredients. Wheat is more valuable than the other cereal grains for the purpose of making bread, not only on account of its larger proportion of albu- minous matter, but also on account of the peculiar glutinous quality of this ingredient, already mentioned. In preparing the wheat, the grains are first cleansed from husks and adherent foreign material, ground into meal, and the finer and whiter portions derived from the interior of the grain separated by sifting and bolting from the coarser external parts, or bran. Thus purified, the flour consists of starch, gluten, diastase, dextrine, a little fat, sometimes a trace of sugar, mineral salts, and about 15 per cent, of water, which is never fully expelled by ordinary drying. For making into bread, the flour is mixed with about one-half its weight of water, and kneaded into a flexible dough of uniform consistency. The next process is the fer- mentation of the dough. For this purpose a little yeast is incorporated with it, and the mixture allowed to remain for a few hours at a tem- perature of about 25 (77 F.). During this time the sugar originally present in the flour, and that produced from the starch and dextrine by the action of the diastase, passes into fermentation under the influence of the yeast, and is transformed into alcohol and carbonic acid. The alcohol is dissipated by evaporation ; but the carbonic acid, which is generated in small gas-bubbles, is entangled by the tenacious gluten of the flour, and the dough is thus puffed up into a spongy, reticulated mass. When the fermentation of the dough is completed, it is placed in ovens, and baked at a temperature of 210 (about 40(PF.). The effect of this heat is to cook the glutinous part of the dough, communicating to it an agreeable flavor, and at the same time solidifying it ; so that the substance of the baked loaf, when cut open, retains its spongy and reticulated texture. It is thus made easy of mastication, and readily permeable by the saliva and other digestive fluids. The spongy texture acquired by bread is the main object of its fermentation, although an agreeable flavor is also developed by the process, which does not exist in unfermented bread. The interior of the loaf, in baking, does not rise above 100 (212 F.); the exterior, which is subjected to a higher tem- perature, becomes covered with a crust formed of partially torrefied starch or dextrine, and caramelized sugar. The interior of the loaf also usually retains a little glucose, which is not all destroyed in the process of fermentation. A considerable portion of the water which was mixed with the flour remains permanently united with its organic ingredients ; so that 100 parts of flour will usually yield, after baking, 130 parts, by weight, of bread. FOOD. 121 Wheaten bread, prepared in this way, has the following average com- position : COMPOSITION OF WHEATEN BREAD. Starchy matters (starch, dextrine, glucose) . ... 56.7 Albuminous matter (gluten, etc.) 7.0 Fatty matter . . 1.3 Mineral matter (calcareous, magnesian, and alkaline salts) . . 1.0 Water 340 100.0 Thus, while bread contains an abundance of albuminous and starchy matter, it is deficient in fat ; and instinct accordingy leads us to take with it butter, fat bacon, or some other form of oleaginous food. The good quality of bread, aside from that of the flour of which it is made, depends mainly on the success of the process of fermentation. If this be incomplete, the bread is heavy, and not sufficiently reticulated in texture. If it be allowed to go on beyond the proper time, it passes into an acid fermentation, and develops a sour taste. If properly conducted, the bread is uniformly light and spongy, and has no -acid reaction. Meat. The muscular flesh of various animals affords an exceedingly valuable and nutritious food, of which beef, mutton, and venison hold the highest place. The muscular fibre itself consists almost exclusively^ of nitrogenous matters, but in point of fact the flesh used for food is always accompanied with more or less adipose tissue, and even when freed from visible fat, there is always, according to Payen and Pavy, more or less oleaginous matter entangled with the muscular fibres. In various kinds of meat, and even in meat from different parts of the same animal, the proportion of fat will vary considerably ; but it was found by Pavy, in one of the best and most commonly used portions of beef, to amount to about 5 per cent, of the whole. COMPOSITION OF BEEF FLESH. Water 77.5 Albuminous matter 16.0 Fat 5.0 Mineral salts .......... 1.5 100.0 The mineral matters consist of alkaline chlorides and phosphates, with phosphates of lime and magnesia. In the cooking of meat by roasting or broiling, the external parts are exposed to a rapid heat of 120 or 130 (260 F.) by which their albu- minous parts are coagulated, their coloring matter turned brown, and a characteristic flavor developed. The interior, which does not rise above 65 (1500 F.) remains red and juicy, its fluids being protected from, evaporation by the coagulation of the outer portions. In boiling, where the meat is cooked by contact with the boiling water, none of it rises. 9 122 FOOD above the temperature of 100 (212 F.) ; but this may penetrate throughout the whole substance of the meat, producing a uniform decolorization. Notwithstanding the coagulation of the albuminous liquids by boiling, the fibrous connective tissues are gelatinized, and the muscular flesh thus partially softened and disintegrated. On the whole, the effect of cooking upon meat is to increase the consistency of its albuminous ingredients, its principal benefit being the attractive flavor which is developed by the aid of heat, and no doubt an increased digestibility from the same cause. By either method, meat loses in cooking from 25 to 30 per cent, of its weight, principally by the escape of water and liquefied fat. Eggs. The eggs of various animals are used for food, as those of the common fowl, the duck, goose, turkey, seafowl, turtles, and the roe of many kinds of fish. Those of the common fowl, which are the most abundantly used, may be considered as representing the general quali- ties of this article of nourishment. They consist of the globular " yolk," surrounded by a layer of albumen or " white." The composition of these two portions is nearly the same, excepting that the yolk contains a larger proportion of solids and particularly of fatty matter which gives to it its yellow color and rich flavor. A comparative analysis of the yolk and white is as follows : COMPOSITION OF THE FOWL'S EGG. Yolk. White. Albuminous matter 16.0 20.4 Fat 30.7 Mineral salts 1.3 1.6 Water 52.0 78.0 100.0 100.0 The mineral matters consist mainly of the sodium and potassium chlorides, potassium sulphate, and lime and magnesium phosphates. Of the entire contents of the egg, exclusive of the shell, the yolk consti- tutes one-third, and the white two-thirds. Cooking produces but little effect upon eggs except to coagulate their albuminous matters, since these are comparatively but little susceptible of developing any marked flavor by the action of heat. Vegetables. Of the different vegetables used as food, some are valu- able for their solid starchy and albuminous ingredients, others mainly for their saccharine and watery juices. The former are nutritious in the ordinary sense of the word, though much less so than bread or ani- mal food ; the latter are useful for supplying certain materials contained in the fresh vegetable juices which are essential to the continued main- tenance of health. The most important of the first group are repre- sented by the potato and the leguminous seeds. The tuber of the potato abounds in starch, but is poor in other nutritive ingredients. FOOD. 123 COMPOSITION OF THE POTATO. Starch ......... 20.0 Albuminous matter ....... 2.5 Sugar and gum . . . .1.1 Fatty matter ..... . - .0.1 Cellulose ......... 1-0 Mineral and vegetable salts ..... 1-3 Water ......... 100.0 The leguminous seeds, on the other hand, contain an abundance of albuminous matter, similar in character to the caseine of milk, and called u legumine." COMPOSITION OF WHITE BEANS. Starch ......... 55.7 Albuminous matter ....... 25.5 Fatty matter . . . . . . .2.8 Cellulose ...... ... 2.9 Mineral salts ...... . .3.2 Water ......... 9-9 100.0 The composition of dried peas is very similar to the above, the starchy matters only being present in rather larger, the albuminous ingredients in rather smaller proportion. Notwithstanding the abund- ance of nitrogenous matter in leguminous seeds, its quality is inferior to that contained in the cereal grains. Peas and beans also have a texture which renders them comparatively difficult of digestion, and requires long boiling to fit them for use as food. The same is true of many juicy and saccharine roots, such as beets and parsnips, which appear to have a comparatively soft consistency, but which nevertheless need prolonged boiling. The object and effect of the cooking process in vegetables generally is to disintegrate and soften their texture, and particularly, by the aid of heat and moisture, to bring their starchy ingredients into the hydrated condition. Raw starch is nearly or quite indigestible by man, and if taken into the stomach under that form will often pass unchanged from the bowels ; but when thoroughly hydrated it is easily acted on and transformed into glucose by the digestive fluids. It is for this reason that starchy vegetables require more thorough cook- ing to render them digestible than most kinds of animal food. Beside the more solid kinds of vegetable food, many of the pulpy and succulent fruits and herbaceous substances are valuable as an addition to the nutritive regimen celery, lettuce, parsley, spinach, with all the sweet fruits and melons, are used with advantage either in the raw or cooked form. They introduce into the system a large number of salts of the vegetable acids, such as malates, tartrates, and citrates, the privation of which for a long time is one of the inducing causes of 124 FOOD. scurvy. The green parts of vegetables are no doubt also useful by furnishing to the system a supply of iron contained in their chlorophylle. From what has been said above, it will be seen that the nutritious character of any substance, or its value as an article of food, does not depend simply upon its containing either one of the alimentary substances in large quantity; but upon its containing them mingled together in such proportion as is requisite for the healthy nutrition of the body. What these proportions are cannot be determined from simple chemical analysis, nor from any other data than those derived from observation and experiment. Requisite Quantity of Food and of its Different Ingredients, The entire quantity of food required per day varies with the circum- stances of the individual, such as the size and weight of the body, the comparative development of the muscular and other systems, the tem- perature, and especially the amount of physical activity. More food is required, on the average, in cold than in warm weather, more by persons of a muscular than by those of an adipose or phlegmatic constitution, more in a condition of active exertion than in one of comparative repose. Even the proportion of different classes of proximate principles required for nutrition varies to a considerable extent according to special condi- tions. When the individual is in a perfectly healthy condition, and so situated that he can supply himself at will with any kind of nourishment desired, the natural demands of the appetite afford the surest criterion for both the quantity and quality of the food to be used. But not infrequently provision must be made in advance for supplies destined to last over a considerable period, as in the case of military or exploring expeditions, or for the inmates of hospitals or asylums where the diet must be regulated to a great extent upon a uniform plan. It therefore becomes important to know both the quantity and kind of food necessary for the support of life. The standard adopted for this estimate is that of a healthy adult man, employed in active but not exhausting occupation. The amount requisite will be found to vary in either direction from this standard, according to the circumstances above mentioned. The average require- ments as given by different authors do not vary materially from each other in any essential particular. According to our own observations, a man in full health, taking active exercise in the open air, and restricted to a diet of bread, fresh meat, and butter, with water and coffee for drink, consumes the following quantities per day : QUANTITY OF FOOD REQUIRED PER DAT. Meat 453 grammes. Bread 540 Butter or fat 100 " Water . 1530 This represents the requisite daily quantity of food and the propor- tions of its different kinds, when composed of such articles as are most FOOD. 125 completely nutritious, and of the most uniform composition. For the continued maintenance of health and strength in a working condition, other articles, such as fresh vegetables, sugar, milk, fruit, etc., should be mingled with the above, in a variety of proportions ; but there is no doubt that bread and fresh meat, with a certain quantity of fat, will prove sufficient for the wants of the system, for a longer time than any other single articles of food. Such a diet also affords the best means of ascertaining the absolute and relative quantities of the different proximate principles required for food. If we take the average composition of meat and bread, and esti- mate the quantities of their solid albuminous, starchy, and saline ingre- dients, together with the water contained in both solid and liquid food, we find that the daily ration is composed nearly as follows : Albuminous matter 130 grammes. Starch and sugar 300 " Fat 100 " Mineral salts 20 " Water . .' 2000 " Of the mineral salts, nearly eight grammes are naturally contained in the substances used for food and drink ; the remainder consists of sodium chloride, artificially added to the food, or used in its preparation. The proportion in which the albuminous and the non-nitrogenous principles should be mingled in the food is of considerable importance, and this proportion has been determined within very accurate limits. In making such an estimate it is necessary to include the carbohydrates (starch and sugar) and the fats under the same head ; but the fats are properly regarded by all writers as having a different alimentary value from the carbohydrates. This depends upon the well-known fact that the final result of the transformation in the living body of all the non- nitrogenous substances is carbonic acid and water, thus representing a process of oxidation, the necessary oxygen being introduced with the inspired air. But the capacity for oxidation of the fats is greater than that of the carbohydrates, as shown by the relative proportion by weight of their constituent elements. . . . f C 72 C 44.47 The composition, by weight, 1 , . ** TT / of starch (C 6 H 10 5 ) is } * 80 "' " P ' 04936 162 100.00 Here the oxygen is already present in sufficient proportion to saturate all the hydrogen by the formation of water; while the 44.47 parts of carbon will unite with 118.58 parts of oxygen to form carbonic acid. On the other hand, if we take palmitine as representing the average constitution of the fats, we have The composition, by weight, ( 612 C 75 ' 93 offat(C 51 H 98 6 )is {* 9 9 * -, in 100 parts, H 12.15 806 100.00 126 FOOD. Here the oxygen is present in much diminished proportion ; and, for complete oxidation of the fat, to form carbonic acid and water, the 75.93 parts of carbon will require 202.48 parts of oxygen, and the 12.15 parts of hydrogen will need 85.28 additional, over and above the 11.92 parts of oxygen already present. Thus the quantities of oxygen appropriated during complete oxidation, by starch and fat respectively, are as follows : QUANTITY OP OXYGEN REQUIRED FOR THE COMPLETE OXIDATION OF 100 parts of starch 118.58 " " " fat 287.76 A fatty substance, therefore, has a capacity for the production of car- bonic acid and water, by oxidation, about 2.4 times greater than that of starch. In estimating, accordingly, the requisite quantity of all the non- nitrogenous matters taken together, the fat is calculated as starch upon this basis ; one part of fat, by weight, being reckoned as equal to 2.4 parts of starch. This quantity, added to that of the carbohydrates in the food, is sometimes called the " starch-equivalent" of the non-nitro- genous matters. If we ascertain the amount of solid albuminous and non-nitrogenous matter contained in the daily food of an ordinary nutritious diet of mixed quality, we find that the non-nitrogenous matters, reckoned as starch, amount to four or five times as much as the albuminous ingredi- ents. A comparison of our own observations with the estimates and diet tables of Moleschott, Payen, and Playfair, all of which correspond in the main with each other, gives the following as the average daily quantity of these two classes of proximate principles in the food. Albuminous matter ...... 130 grammes. Non-nitrogenous matter, as starch .... 600 " Thus albuminous matter constitutes rather less than one-fifth of the entire food, for a healthy adult in active occupation ; and its quantity is to that of the non-nitrogenous matters as 1 to 4.62. This proportion varies to some extent with the age and condition of the individual. In human milk, which at first forms the exclusive food of the young infant, according to the average analyses of Simon, Yernois, and Becquerel, as given by Milne Edwards, the albuminous ingredients are to the non-nitrogenous matters reckoned as carbohydrates in the proportion of 1 to 2.95. In cow's milk, upon which the young calf is sustained, the proportion is as 1 to 3.27 ; while in green grass and hay, upon which the adult animal feeds, it is as 1 to 11.70 and 1 to 9.28 re- spectively. The larger proportion of albuminous matter in the food at this early age is evidently connected with the growth which is then taking place. As the nitrogenous principles constitute much the larger part of the solid organic matters contained in the body, the steady in- crease in weight during the growing period demands a corresponding supply of these substances in the food. There is also evidence that the requisite proportion of nitrogenous FOOD. 127 principles varies in the adult with the amount of physical activity. A condition of bare subsistence may be maintained upon a diet in which the albuminous substances are in smaller, and the non-nitrogenous matters in larger proportion ; but when the system is habitually called upon for a greater amount of muscular exertion, the proportion of albuminous matters in the food must be increased. This is a well-known fact in regard to horses and working cattle generally. In a state of comparative inactivity they may be supported mainly upon grass or hay, in which the proportion of nitrogenous to non-nitrogenous matter is not more than 1 to 9.28 ; but when employed in active labor they require a liberal supply of oats, in which the proportion is as 1 to 1.13. In Dr. Play fair's diet tables, which were collected with great care from a variety of sources, including those of prisons and infirmaries, those of the American and European armies during peace and in active service, and of certain hard-working laborers, the increase of albuminous matter with increased labor is a marked feature. While in a bare subsistence diet the proportion of albuminous to non-nitrogenous matter is as 1 to 5.87, in that of active laborers it is as 1 to 4.34. The following table will show the relative increase of the two kinds of food under different conditions of exercise, as calculated from Dr. Play fair's data. KELATIVE INCREASE, UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS, OF ALBUMINOUS AND NON- NITROGENOUS MATTERS IN THE FOOD. Albuminous Non-nitrogenous matter. matter. Bare subsistence diet . . . .100 100 Full diet with moderate exercise . . 180 161 Diet of active laborer .... 232 171 Diet of hard-worked laborer . . .242 189 As these diet tables were adopted by the various civil and military authorities as the result of long experience in the practical adaptation of food to the amount of work performed, they may be regarded as expressing with great approximation to certainty the physiological re- quirements under different conditions. They are corroborated by the variation in diet adopted in the convict establishments of Great Britain, as given by Pavy. 1 In the change from " Light-labor Diet" to " Hard- labor Diet," while the non-nitrogenous food is increased only 13.37 per cent., the albuminous food is increased 16.15 per cent. It is evident, therefore, that increased physical exertion requires a greater proportional increase in the albuminous than in the non-nitro- genous ingredients of the food. It is also a matter of interest to determine the quantity, source, and destination of the different chemical elements entering into the composi- tion of the food. Taking the average chemical composition of albumin- ous matters and fat, and that of the carbohydrates, we find that a man under ordinary full diet takes into his system daily the constituents of the food, in round numbers, as follows : 1 On Food and Dietetics. Philadelphia edition, 1874, p. 433. 128 FOOD. DAILY CONSUMPTION IN THE FOOD. O H O N S Albuminous matter, 130 grammes, containing 70 10 29 20 1 Starch . . 300 " 134 18 144 Fat . . . 100 " " 76 12 12 280 40 185 Of these elementary bodies, carbon and nitrogen are considered especially important as constituents of the food, carbon as forming the most abundant and characteristic ingredient of all organic combi- nations, and nitrogen, as the distinguishing element of albuminous substances. Of these two, accordingly, the system requires daily, to be supported in an active condition, about 20 grammes of nitrogen and about 280 grammes of carbon. This fact alone makes it evident that a mixed diet of animal and vegetable food is the most available for man. Meat contains, according to the analyses of Pay en, 3 per cent, of nitrogen and 11 per cent, of carbon. Consequently, if the diet were composed exclusively of this food, the necessary quantity of nitrogen would be supplied by 666 grammes of meat ; but in order to obtain the required carbon, 2545 grammes would need to be consumed, thus involving a great waste of its nitrogenous matter. On the other hand, bread, the most nutritious of all vegetable substances, contains only 1 per cent, of nitrogen and 30 per cent, of carbon. Therefore, if this were the only food used, 933 grammes would be sufficient to supply all the carbon ; but, in order to obtain the due amount of nitrogen, it would be neces- sary to consume 2000 grammes. A mixture, accordingly, of the two kinds of food, in which nitrogenous and hydrocarbonaceous matters respectively preponderate, is best adapted to supply the wants of the system without unnecessary expenditure of material. The changes undergone in the body, and the final destination of the ingredients of the food, vary for different kinds. The carbohydrates no doubt, after serving the purposes for which they are intended in the animal economy, are finally expelled under the form of carbonic acid and water. The action of the oxygen, introduced with the inspired air, produces this result by uniting with the carbon of the organic body, while its own hydrogen and oxygen, already present in the relative quantities to produce water, are liberated under that form. This result is expressed by the following formula : Starch. Carbonic acid. Water. C 6 H 10 5 + 12 = C 6 12 + H 10 5 . Thus the change undergone by starch and allied substances in the animal body, where they are consumed, is precisely the reverse of that taking place in plants during the act of vegetation, by which they are produced. For the fats the change is a similar one, their only final products, so far as we know, being carbonic acid and water. In this process, how- ever, the fats require, as already mentioned, a greater supply of extra- FOOD. 129 neous oxygen, since, beside their larger proportion of carbon, they also contain hydrogen which requires further oxidation, in order to form water. The change thus undergone by fatty substances may be ex- pressed as follows : Fat. Carbonic acid. "Water. C 5 iH 98 6 + 145 = C 51 102 + H 98 0, 9 . In the case of the albuminous matters the process is a different one. These substances contain an element, namely, nitrogen, which does not appear in the carbonic acid and watery vapor of the expired breath, but forms a distinguishing constituent of the crystallizable matters of the urine. Of these matters, urea is by far the most abundant, and, as already mentioned, fully five-sixths of the nitrogen taken in with the food reappears as an ingredient of urea, while the remainder is included in the creatinine and uric and hippuric acids of the urine, and in the excrementitious substance of the feces. There is evidence, however, that the nitrogenous matters also take part in the formation of carbonic acid ; that is, although all their nitro- gen is discharged under the form of urea and other similar combina- tions in the urine and feces, all their carbon does not appear in these excretions, and must pass out by some other channel. While, as we have seen, 130 grammes of albuminous matter are taken daily with the food, containing 70 grammes of carbon, only 35 grammes of urea are discharged during the same time, containing 7 grammes of carbon ; and, according to the most accurate analyses, 1 not more than 23 grammes are discharged daily by both the urine and feces together. This leaves unaccounted for about 47 grammes of carbon, or two-thirds of the original quantity, which must pass out from the body under some other form of combination. The same thing is true, to a considerable extent, of the hydrogen of these substances, of which 10 grammes are intro- duced daily as an ingredient of the albuminous matters of the food, while not more than 5 or 6 grammes are discharged in organic combi- nations with the urine and feces. The albuminous matters, therefore, not only give rise to the elimination of urea, but also contribute to the production of carbonic acid and water. The manner in which this takes place is probably by the separation of some of the elements of albumen combined as urea, after which the remainder are left behind as a non-nitrogenous substance. If we adopt, for the constitution of an albuminous body, exclusive of its sulphur, the formula C 72 H 112 N 18 O 23 , and take away from it all the nitrogen in the form of urea, a substance will remain analogous in composition to a fat, th us- Albumen ..... C- 2 H 112 N 18 23 9 Urea (CH 4 N 2 0) . . . . C H 36 N 18 9 1 Kanke, Grundziige der Physiologic des Menschen. Leipzig, 1872, p. 298. 130 FOOD. The remaining substance nuiy then undergo complete oxidation without the further production of any nitrogenous compound. This double result of the decomposition of the albuminous substances, to- gether with the fact that we take habitually between four and five times as much non-nitrogenous as nitrogenous matter in the food, will explain the great preponderance in quantity of carbonic acid as an excretion over urea. For while the average daily quantity of urea discharged is only 35 grammes, the carbonic acid exhaled with the breath amounts to from 700 to 800 grammes per day ; the entire quan- tity of the carbonic acid produced being, by weight, fully twenty times as great as that of the urea. Urea is a nitrogenous substance sepa- rated by decomposition from the albuminous ingredients of the system ; while carbonic acid represents the combination of its remaining elements with the abundant oxygen introduced by the breath. The quantities of the various substances taken in with the food and discharged with the excretions are liable to many variations from the changing condition of the individual. If the body be increasing in weight, the substances introduced will be greater in quantity than those discharged ; if it be diminishing, the material discharged will be more than that introduced. Even in the healthy adult, where the body does not sensibly gain or lose weight for long intervals, observation has shown that there are frequent fluctuations of small extent, and that the income for any single day rarely counterbalances exactly the outgo for the same period. Consequently the quantities given in the preceding tables cannot be taken as furnishing, in any case, a uniform and invariable standard, but only as showing what, upon the whole, are the relative proportions of the different ingredients entering into the com- position of the food and of the bodily frame. And although for many of them we are not yet able to ascertain their quantities with sufficient accuracy for determining all the changes which they undergo in the system, yet there is no doubt of the main result produced by the internal transformation of the ingredients of the food. We have certain nutri- tious substances introduced on the one hand, and certain excrementitious products discharged on the other, which may be expressed as follows : INTRODUCED WITH THE FOOD. DISCHARGED WITH THE EXCRETIONS. Albuminous matter. Urea. Fat. Carbonic acid. Carbohydrates. Water. This represents the decomposition and metamorphosis of the organic substances proper ; while the mineral ingredients of the food, as a rule, pass through the system unchanged. CHAPTEE VIII. DIGESTION. DIGESTION is the process by which the food is reduced to a form in which it can be absorbed from the intestinal canal, and taken up by the bloodvessels. This process does not occur in vegetables, which are dependent for their nutrition upon materials which are supplied to them in a form already fitted for absorption. Carbonic acid, ammonium carbonate, and ammonium nitrate exist in a gaseous form in the atmosphere, or are brought down in solution by the rain, and penetrate the soil to the roots of the growing plants ; while many of the mineral salts, as sulphates, nitrates, and carbonates, are also present in the soil in a soluble condition. Thus they require no alteration before being taken up by the tissues of the plant. The only known exception to this is in the case of materials composed of the earthy carbonates and phosphates, which are insoluble or nearly so in water, but which are known to be corroded and rendered soluble by the acid juices of the plant-roots in contact with them. As a general rule, the substances requisite for vegetation are directly absorbed from the exterior in their original condition. But with animals and man the case is different. They cannot subsist upon inorganic substances only, but require for their support materials which have already been organ- ized, and which have previously constituted a part of animal or vegetable bodies. Their food is almost invariably solid or semi-solid when taken, and insoluble in water. Meat, bread, fruits, vegetables, and the like, are all taken into the stomach in a solid and insoluble condition ; and even substances naturally fluid, such as milk, albumen, white of egg, are nearly always, in the human species, more or less solidified by the process of cooking, before being taken into the stomach. In animals, accordingly, the food requires to undergo a process of digestion or liquefaction, before it can be absorbed. In all cases, the general characters of this process are the same. It consists essentially in the food being received into a canal, running through the body from mouth to anus, called the " alimentary canal," in which it comes in con- tact with certain digestive fluids, which act upon it in such a way as to liquefy and dissolve it. These fluids are secreted by the mucous mem- brane of the alimentary canal, and by certain glandular organs situated in its neighborhood. The food consists, as we have seen, of a mixture of various substances, having different physical and chemical properties ; and the several digestive fluids are also different from each other, each (131 ) 132 DIGESTION. Fig. 26. one of them exerting a peculiar action, which is more or less confined to particular species of food. As the food passes through the alimentary canal from above downward, those parts of it which become liquefied are successively removed by absorption, and taken up by the vessels ; while the remaining portions, consisting of the indigestible matter, to- gether with the refuse of the intestinal secretions, gradually acquire a firmer consistency owing to the absorption of the fluids, and are finally discharged from the intestine under the form of feces. In different species of animals, the differ- ence in their habits, in the constitution of their tissues, and in the character of their food, is accompanied with a corresponding variation in the anatomy of the digestive apparatus, and the character of the secreted fluids. As a general rule, the digestive apparatus of herb- ivorous animals is more complex than that of the carnivora ; since, in vegetable substances, the nutritious matters are often present in a comparatively solid and unmanageable form, as, for example, in raw starch and the cereal grains, and are nearly always entangled among vege- table cells and fibres of an indigestible character. In those instances 'where the nutriment consists mostly of grass, leaves, twigs, and roots, the digestible matters bear only a small proportion to the entire quantity ; and a large mass of food must therefore be taken, in order that the re- quisite amount of nutritious material may be extracted from it. In such cases, accordingly, the alimentary canal is large and long ; and is divided into many compartments, in which dif- ferent processes of disintegration, transforma- tion, and solution are carried on. In the common fowl, for instance (Fig. 26), the food, consisting mostly of grains, or of in- sects with hard, coriaceous integument, first passes down the oesophagus (a) into a diverti- culum or pouch (6) termed the crop. Here it remains for a time mingled with a watery secre- tion in which the grains are macerated and softened. The food is then carried farther down until it reaches a second dilatation (c)^ the pro- ventriculus, or secreting stomach. The mucous membrane here is thick and glandular, and is provided with numerous secreting follicles. From them an acid fluid is poured out, by which the food is subjected to further changes. It next passes into the gizzard (d), or triturating ALIMENTARY CANAL OF FOWL. a. (Esophagus. b. Crop. c. Proventriculus, or secreting stomach, d. Giz- zard, or triturating stomach. e. Intestine. /. Two long caecal tubes which open into the intestine a short distance ahove its termination. DIGESTION. 133 stomach, a cavity inclosed by thick muscular walls, and lined with a tough and horny epithelium. Here it is subjected to the crushing and grinding action of the muscular parietes, assisted by grains of sand and gravel, which the fowl instinctively swallows with the food, by which it is so triturated and disintegrated, that it is reduced to a uniform pulp, upon which the digestive fluids can effectually operate. The mass then passes into the intestine (og . 7.30 Sheep .... 5.00 Wolf .... 6.94 Red deer . . . 5.00 Rabbit . . . 6.90 Goat .... 4.10 Cat .... 6.50 Elephant . . . 9.20 Fox .... 6.10 Two-toed sloth . . 8.93 Ox .... 5.95 Java musk deer . 2.50 252 THE BLOOD In animals where the red globules are of comparatively smaller size they are proportionally more numerous. It is estimated by Kolliker that the entire volume or mass of all the red globules together, in any deter- minate quantity of blood, does not vary much in different species ; and that accordingly, in blood containing the smaller and more abundant globules, the extent of their surface, and probably their functional activity, is greater than where they are larger and less numerous. This will apply also to the inferior groups of vertebrate animals, in which the globules are often very much larger and at the same time less abundant than in man. In the birds, reptiles, and fish, comprising all the oviparous verte- brata, as well as some which are viviparous, the red globules are distin- guished by two very marked characters of shape and structure : namely, an oval form and the presence of a granular, colorless nucleus. The only known exception is in two species of fish belonging to the family of the Lampreys, in which the globules have a circular outline; but here also they are provided with a nucleus, and accordingly readily distin- guishable from the circular globules of mammalia. It is among the Batrachians, or naked reptiles, that the red globules present the largest size and exhibit most distinctly their structural character. They are of a regularly oval form, their short diameter being between one-half and three-quarters the long one, a little thicker toward the edges and thinner in the middle ; the round or oval nucleus project- ing slightly from the lateral surface at its central portion In their reactions toward dif- ferent physical and chemical agents, they resemble the red blood-globules of mammalians. In the frog, the red globules have a long diameter of 22 mmm., or nearly three times that of the human globules ; in Proteus anguinus, the blind water-lizard of the Carniola grottoes, 58 mmm. ; in Meno- branchns, an allied species inhabiting the northern lakes of the United States, 62.5 mmm. ; and in Amphiuma tridactylum, the great water- lizard of Louisiana, according to Dr. Riddell, the red globules are one- third larger than in Proteus, or about 77 mmm. The following list gives the size of different globules of the oval form. BLOOD-OLOBULKS OF FROG. a. Blood-glo bule seen edgewise, b. White globule. BED GLOBULES OF THE BLOOD. 253 LONG DlAMKTEK OF THE OVAL RED GLOBULES OF BlRDS, REPTILES, AND FlSH, in micro-millimetres. Pigeon .... 147 Frog ...... 22.0 Fowl . . . . . 12.1 Triton 29.3 Duck 12.9 Menobranchus . . . 62.5 Tortoise .... 20.0 Carp 13.1 Lizard .... 16.4 Sturgeon .... 13.4 Alligator 19.2 Perch 12.0 Diagnosis of Blood, and the distinction between Human Blood and that of Animals. It is often of consequence to recognize the existence of blood in various animal fluids in physiological experiments, and it some- times becomes important in medico-legal investigations. For this purpose, in the fresh fluids, nothing can be more satisfactory than spectroscopic examination ; a very small quantity of hemoglobine, as already shown, being sufficient to yield a spectrum with the character- istic absorption bands. There is a further advantage in this method, namely, that it will enable us to detect the presence of blood in fluids where the red globules have been dissolved and the coloring matter reduced to a fluid condition. The washings of a blood spot or stain may therefore show the spectrum of hemoglobine, although they may not contain any red globules perceptible by the microscope. This, how- ever, only shows the presence of the coloring matter of blood, and thus allows us to distinguish blood from other colored fluids ; it does not enable us to make a distinction between the blood of man and that of animals, since the hemoglobine is the same in all. But by microscopic examination of the red globules, either when fresh or after having been dried and again moistened, we can often dis- tinguish the blood of an inferior animal from that of the human subject. According to the observations of Prof. J. G, Richardson, 1 a fragment of a blood spot, weighing less than r -|^ of a milligramme, which had been kept in the dried condition for five years, when decolorized with a weak watery solution (0.15 per cent.) of sodium chloride, and afterward tinted with a solution of aniline, exhibited the blood-globules in such a condi- tion that their size could be accurately measured. If a blood stain, accordingly, which in a watery solution gives the common spectrum of hemoglobine, be found to contain oval nucleated globules, this would show it to be the blood of a bird, reptile, or fish ; and the oval form alone would show that it is not human blood. The question, therefore, whether a particular specimen be composed of human blood may often be. decided with certainty in the negative by microscopic examination. But if the specimen contain circular globules, without nuclei, it will be impossible to say positively, in any instance, that they belong to human blood, and not to that of some animal, such as the ape or the dog, whose red globules nearly approach the human in size. In most of the domesticated quadrupeds, the globules are smaller than in 1 Monthly Microscopical Journal. London, September 1, 1874, p. 140. THE BLOOD. human blood; but in both the sloth and the elephant, they are larger. If it were only required to decide whether a given specimen of fresh blood belonged to man or to the musk deer, for example, or even to the goat, no doubt the difference in size of the globules would be sufficient to determine the question. But within nearer limits of resemblance it would be doubtful, because the size of the red globules varies to some extent in each kind of blood ; and in order to be certain that a particular specimen were human blood, it would be necessary to show that the smallest of its globules were larger than the largest of those belonging to the animal in question, or vice versa. The limits of this variation have been tolerably well defined for human blood, but not sufficiently so for many of the lower animals to make an absolute distinction possible. In the examination of stains or blood spots, the difficulty is increased by the fact that the drying and subsequent moistening of the globules introduces another element of uncertainty as to their exact original size. Physiological Function of the Bed Globules. There is no doubt that the red globules of blood serve mainly as the carriers of oxygen. The extreme readiness with which they absorb this substance from the atmosphere or from any other gaseous mixture containing it, their im- mediate change of color depending upon the supply or withdrawal of oxygen, corresponding with the change of color in the blood as it tra- verses the lungs or the capillaries of the general circulation, all indicate that they have a special relation to the introduction and distribution of oxygen in the living body. As a general rule, in those animals where the red globules are of large size and few in number, the activity of the vital functions is below the average ; while in the species where they are smaller and more numerous, the processes of respiration, circulation, nutrition, and movement are increased in rapidity to a similar degree. The strongly marked physical and chemical characters of the red glo- bules correspond with their importance in the functions of vitality. White Globules of the Blood. Beside the red globules above described, the blood contains a certain number of other cellular bodies, which differ from the former in several important particulars. These are the white or colorless corpuscles. As their name implies, they are destitute of red or other coloring matter, but under many circumstances present under the microscope a glistening appearance, and when collected in large quantity may give to the fluid or clot which contains them a whitish hue. They are much less abun- dant than the red globules, the average proportion in healthy human blood being one white globule to 300 red. They are nearly spherical in form, and measure, on the average, 11 mmm. in diameter. They are accordingly, in human blood, distinctly larger than the red globules. (Fig. 76, c.) As regards their structure, they consist of a soft, some- what viscid, colorless, finely granular substance, containing in its interior one, two, or three ovoid nuclei. They are less yielding and WHITE GLOBULES OF THE BLOOD. 255 Fig. 85. slippery than the red globules, and have a tendency to adhere more readily to the surfaces with which they are in contact ; so that if a small quantity of a watery fluid be added to the drop of blood under examination, the red globules will be hurried away by the currents pro- duced, while the white globules lag behind, and, if the irrigation be con- tinued, may finally be left alone in the field of the microscope. Their transparency is such that, when slowly rolling over with the current, the granules in their interior may often be perceived to rotate past each other, above and below, with the motion of the globule. The nuclei are sometimes visible in the perfectly fresh globule, but may always be brought into view by the addition of pure water or of dilute acetic acid. The action of these fluids is to cause a slight swelling of the globule and to increase the transparency of its substance, by which the nuclei become perceptible as sharply defined ovoid or vesicular bodies in or near the central part of the mass. By the prolonged ac- tion of acetic acid, a portion of the cell substance becomes condensed about the nuclei in various irregular forms, while the remainder appears as a per- fectly transparent and homo- geneous material, surrounded by a very delicate circular out- line. The final effect of both water and acetic acid is to dis- integrate the white globules and cause their disappearance. Dilute alkalies dissolve them with great readiness. Amoeboid Movements of the White #Zo6u/es. These movements are so called from their resemblance to the motions of Amoeba, a minute gelatinous creature, of very simple organization, living in fresh-water pools and ditches. They are never to be seen while the blood is circu- lating in a normal manner within the bloodvessels, where the white globules always present their natural rounded form and uniformly granular appearance. But within a short time after the blood has been withdrawn from the vessels, provided it be maintained at or near the normal temperature of the animal, the white globules may be seen to alter their shape in a very remarkable way. The first indication of the change is that a certain portion of the rounded outline of the globule becomes faint and irregular, its substance at this point flattening out and extending itself into one or more transparent and homogeneous looking prolongations. These prolongations are alternately protruded and retracted, sometimes extending into long filamentous processes, WHITK GLOBULES OP THE BLOOD; altered by dilute acetic acid. 256 THE BLOOD. sometimes into shorter expansions with rounded ends. Variations in the form of the globule are thus produced which succeed each other with different degrees of rapidity according to circumstances. In man and the warm-blooded animals, the blood under examination requires to be kept at about the normal temperature of the body, in order that these appearances may be exhibited; but in the cold-blooded animals they may be shown at the ordinary temperature of the air. Fig. 86. CHANGES IN FORM OF A SINGLE WHITE GLOBULE of the blood of the Newt (Triton millepunctatus) occurring in an interval of seven minutes, and within half an hour after its extraction from the living body. Besides showing these changes of form, the white globules of the blood may sometimes be seen, by a similar mechanism, to move from place to place. In these cases, the globule first sends out the pale pro- longations of its substance as above described. The granulations of the remaining portion are then propelled, by a kind of flowing movement, into the prolongations, which thus become granular, and at the same time assume a more rounded form. The remaining portion is subse- quently drawn after and into the part previously expanded ; and by a continuance of this process the whole mass makes a slow progression from one point to another in the field of the microscope. These movements are accomplished, like those of the amoeba, by alter- nate local contractions and relaxations of the substance of the globule. In Amoeba princeps the movement of progression may take place at the rate of 73 micro-millimetres per minute, and in some forms of gelatinous animalcules is occasionally so active that it may be followed continuously by the eye. But in the white globules of the blood it is much more slowly performed, and, like that of the hour hand of a clock, is to be distinguished only by noting their change of position after a certain interval of time. The white globules of the frog, when upon the free surface of the mesentery, may be seen to move at a rate, as measured by the micrometer, of 13 micro-millimetres per minute ; and similar granular corpuscles, in the meshes of the connective tissue of the mesen- tery itself, may progress at the rate of 3.5 micro-millimetres in the same time. Certain changeable cells in the tissue of the frog's cornea, which are regarded by some observers as identical in character with the white globules of the blood, may change their position in the substance of the cornea at the rate of 2.5 micro-millimetres per minute. The amoeboid movements of the white globules of the blood are also sometimes to be seen in the interior of the capillary bloodvessels or PLASMA OF THE BLOOD. 257 small veins, when imprisoned in a stagnant portion of the blood-plasma. But if the circulation be re-established, and the globules again move with the blood current, they cease to be distorted, and resume their original rounded form. The precise physiological properties and functions of the white cor- puscles cannot be determined so distinctly as in the case of the red globules. Their great inferiority in number shows that they are less important for the immediate continuance of the vital operations ; and the same thing may be inferred from their want of strongly marked spe- cific characters. For while the red globules of the blood vary in ap- pearance to a marked degree in different classes and orders of animals, the white globules present nearly the same general features of size, form, and structure throughout the series of vertebrate animals. Plasma of the Blood. The plasma of the blood is the transparent, colorless, homogeneous liquid, in which the blood-globules are held in suspension. It consists of water, holding in solution various mineral salts, and of certain albu- minous matters, which are distinguished by their modes of coagulation, the principal of which are known as fibrine and albumen. Ths plasma of the blood, according to the estimates of Lehmann and Robin, has, on the average, the following constitution : COMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD-PLASMA. Water 902.00 Albumen .......... 75.00 Fibrine 3.00 Fatty matters 2.50 Crystallizable nitrogenous matters 4.00 Other organic ingredients . 5.00 Sodium chloride Potassium chloride Sodium carbonate Sodium and potassium sulphates Sodium and potassium phosphates Lime and magnesium phosphates j Mineral salts 8.50 1000.00 The above ingredients are all intimately mingled in the blood-plasma, in a fluid form, by mutual solution ; but they may be separated from each other for examination by appropriate means. The two ingredients which on account of their nature and properties have received the greatest attention, are the fibrine and the albumen. The fibrine cannot be obtained for examination under the form in which it naturally exists in the blood, since it is only to be separated from the other albuminous ingredients by undergoing the process of coagulation. Notwithstanding that this substance, or the material from which it is derived, is present in the blood in so small a quantity as three parts per thousand, it is evidently an important element in the 258 THE BLOOD. Fig. 87. constitution of the circulating fluid, since it is upon its power of spon- taneous solidification that the coagulability of the entire blood depends. This process takes place, under all ordinary conditions, soon after the blood has been withdrawn from the circulation ; and the fibrine may be obtained in a state of tolerable purity by continuously stirring freshly- drawn blood with glass rods or a bundle of twigs. When coagulation occurs, the fibrine solidifies in the form of thin layers adherent to the surface of the rods or twigs. It at first contains, entangled with' it, some of the red globules of the blood with their coloring matter ; but these, as well as other foreign substances, may be removed by subjecting the mass for a few hours to the action of running water. The fibrine then presents itself under the form of nearly white threads and flakes, having a semi-solid consistency and a considerable degree of elasticity. Coagulated fibrine, if examined in thin layers, is seen to have a fibroid or filamentous texture. The filaments of which it is composed are colorless and elastic, and when isolated are seen to be exceed- ingly minute, being not more than 0.5 mmm. in diameter. They are partly so placed as to lie parallel with each other, and this is probably their arrange- ment throughout the undis- turbed fibrinous laj^er; but when torn up for microscopic examination, its filaments are seen to be in many spots inter- laced with each other in a kind of irregular network. On the addition of dilute acetic acid the filaments become swollen, transparent, and fused into a homogeneous mass, but do not dissolve. They are often in- terspersed with minute granules, which render their outlines more or less obscure. Once coagulated, fibrine is insoluble in water and can only be again liquefied by the action of an alkaline or strongly saline solution, by pro- longed boiling at a very high temperature, or by digesting with gastric juice or an acidulated solution of pepsine. These agents, however, pro- duce a permanent alteration in the properties of the fibrine, and after being subjected to their influence it is no longer the same substance as before. The quantity of fibrine which may be extracted from the blood varies in different parts of the body. According to most observers, venous blood in general yields less fibrine than arterial blood. A portion of it therefore disappears in passing through the capillary circulation. In COAGULATED FIBRINE, showing its flbrillatod condition. PLASMA OF THE BLOOD. 259 the liver and the kidneys this disappearance is so complete that no fibrine is to be obtained, as a general rule, from the blood of the renal or the hepatic veins. On this account, also, the blood in the large veins near the heart is more deficient in fibrine than in those at a distance ; since the venous blood coming from the general circulation, and con- taining a moderate quantity of fibrine, is mingled, on approaching the heart, with that of the renal and hepatic veins, in which the coagulating material is entirely absent. The albumen of the plasma is undoubtedly the most important of its ingredients in regard to the process of nutrition, since it is by far the most abundant of the albuminous matters present. It coagulates at once on being heated to 72 (162 F.), or by contact with alcohol, the mineral acids, or their metallic salts, or with potassium ferrocyanide in an acidulated solution. It exists naturally in the plasma in a fluid form by reason of its union with the water. The greater part of the water of the plasma being united with the albumen, when this latter substance coagulates, the water remains in combination with it, and assumes at the same time the solid form. If the plasma of the blood, accordingly, after removal of the fibrine, be exposed to a boiling temperature, it solidifies almost completely, so that only a few drops of water can be drained away from the coagulated mass. The earthy phosphates are also retained by the solidified albuminous mass. The substance existing in the blood plasma, however, and designated as albumen, appears to consist really of two different ingredients, of which one is about double the quantity of the other. Both of them are coagulable by heat ; and on this account the whole albuminous ingredient of the plasma solidifies when exposed to a boiling temperature. But one of them is coagulable also by magnesium sulphate added in excess. This substance is termed metalbumen, and is present in the plasma in the proportion of about 22 parts per thousand. It may be separated from the remainder by filtering the plasma through magnesium sulphate, which retains the metalbumen in a coagulated form and allows the remaining liquid to pass through. The second substance, which has passed through the filter, and which is coagulable by heat but not by magnesium sulphate, is albumen proper. It has been called " serine" by Denis and Robin, to indicate that it is the kind of albumen present in blood-serum. It exists in the plasma in the proportion of about 53 parts per thousand, being accordingly rather more than twice as abun- dant as the metalbumen. It is not known whether these two substances are mutually convertible, or if so, which of them is produced by trans- formation of the other. A certain quantity of albuminose is also to be found in the blood, probably derived from the products of digestion. Its quantity, accord- ing to Robin, varies from 1 to 4 parts per thousand. As it is absorbed from the intestine during digestion, and neither accumulates in the blood nor appears in any of the excretions, it is no cloubt transformed into some other substance after being taken into the blood. 260 THE BLOOD. ThQ fatty matters exist in the blood mostly in a saponified form, ex- cepting soon after the digestion of food rich in fat. At that period, the emulsioned fat finds its way into the blood, and circulates for a time unchanged. Afterward it disappears as free fat, but remains partly in the saponified condition. The saline substances of the plasma are principally sodium and potas- sium chlorides, phosphates, and sulphates, together with lime and mag- nesium phosphates. Of these the sodium chloride is the most abundant, constituting nearly 40 per cent, of all the mineral ingredients. The sodium and potassium phosphates are of great importance in providing for the alkalescence of the blood plasma, a property which is essential to the performance of the functions of nutrition and even to the im- mediate continuance of life ; since it is the alkaline condition of the plasma which enables it to absorb from the various tissues the car- bonic acid produced in their substance and return it to the centre of the circulation, for elimination by the lungs. The sodium and potassium carbonates also take part in the production of this alkalescence, and in the herbivorous animals are its principal cause; while in the carnivora the alkaline phosphates alone are to be found in the plasma in appre- ciable quantity. In the human subject, under the use of an ordinary mixed animal and vegetable diet, both the alkaline phosphates and car- bonates are present in varying proportions. The earthy phosphates of the plasma, which are by themselves in- soluble in alkaline or neutral fluids, are held in solution in the blood by union with its albuminous ingredients. Coagulation of the Blood. A few moments after the blood has been withdrawn from the vessels, a remarkable phenomenon presents itself, namely, its coagulation or clotting. This process commences at nearly the same time throughout the whole mass of the blood, which becomes first somewhat diminished in fluidity, so that it will not run over the edge of the vessel, when slightly inclined ; while its surface may be gently depressed with the end of the finger or a glass rod. It then becomes rapidly thicker, and at last solidifies into a uniformly red, opaque, consistent, gelatinous mass, which takes the form of the vessel in which the blood was received. The process usually commences, in man, in about fifteen minutes after the blood has been drawn, and is completed in about twenty minutes. The coagulation of the blood is dependent upon the presence of its fibrine. This fact may be demonstrated in various ways. In the first place, if freshly drawn frog's blood be mixed with a solution of sugar, of the strength of one-half per cent., and placed upon a filter, the blood- globules will be retained upon the filter, while a transparent colorless liquid passes through, which after a time coagulates like fresh blood. Secondly, if horse's blood, which coagulates more slowly than that of most other warm-blooded animals, be drawn from the veins into a cylin- drical glass vessel and allowed to remain at rest, by the time coagulation COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 261 Fig. 88. takes place the blood-globules have subsided from the upper part of the fluid, leaving a layer at the surface which is colorless and partly trans- parent, but which is as firmly coagulated as the rest. Thirdty, if horse's blood be freshly drawn into such a vessel, surrounded by a freezing mixture and kept at the temperature of (32 F.), coagulation is for the time altogether suspended, and the globules sink toward the bottom, leaving a transparent colorless fluid above. If this colorless fluid be removed by decantation, and allowed to rise in temperature a few de- grees, it coagulates firmly like fresh blood. These facts show that the blood-globules take no direct part in the process of coagulation; and that, when present, they are simply en- tangled mechanically in the solidifying clot. Finally, if the freshly drawn blood of man, or of any of the warm- blooded animals, be briskly stirred with a bundle of twigs or glass rods, the fibrine coagulates in comparatively small mass upon the surface of the foreign bodies ; and the red globules which it entangles may be removed by washing, without changing in any way its essential characters. It is the fibrine, therefore, which, by its own coagulation, induces the solidification of the entire blood. As it is uniformly distributed before- hand throughout the blood, when coagulation takes place the minute filaments which make their appearance in it entangle in their meshes the globules and the albuminous fluids of the plasma. A very small quantity of fibrine, therefore, is sufficient to include in its solidifi- cation all the fluid and semi-fluid ingredients which were before mingled with it, and to convert the whole into a voluminous, trem- bling, jelly-like mass of coagulated blood. As soon as the coagulum has fairly formed, it begins to contract, increasing somewhat in consistency as it diminishes in size. By means of this contraction the albuminous liquids begin to be pressed out from th^e meshes in which they were entangled. A few isolated drops first appear on the surface of the clot, which soon increase in size and also become more numerous. After a time they enlarge so much as to come in contact with each other at various points, when they coalesce, extend- ing in all directions as the exudation increases, until the whole surface of the clot is covered with a thin layer of fluid. The clot at first ad- heres pretty strongly to the sides of the vessel into which the blood was drawn; but as its contraction goes on, its edges are separated, and the fluid continues to exude between it and showing the clot contracted the sides of the vessel. This process continues Bowl of recently OOAGTT- LATKD BLOOD, showing the whole mass uniformly solidi- fied. Fig. 89. 262 THE BLOOD.. for ten or twelve hours ; the clot growing constantly smaller and firmer, and the expressed fluid more abundant The globules, owing to their greater consistency, do not escape with the albuminous fluids, but remain entangled in the fibrinous coagulum. At the end of ten or twelve hours the whole of the blood has usually separated into two parts, namely, the clot, which is a red, opaque, semi- solid mass, consisting of the fibrine and the blood-globules ; and the serum, which is a transparent, nearly colorless fluid, containing the water, albumen, and saline matters of the plasma. The change of the blood in coagulation may be expressed as follows : Before coagulation the blood consists of f Fibrine, 1st. GLOBULES ; and 2d. PLASMA containing . . \ en ' I Salts. After coagulation it is separated into 1st. CLOT, containing \ . f an and 2d. SERUM, containing j Water lW buleS; ' Salts. Conditions favoring or retarding Coagulation. The coagulation of the blood is influenced by various physical conditions. In the first place it is suspended by a freezing temperature. If the blood be drawn into a narrow vessel surrounded by a freezing mixture, so that the whole of it is rapidly cooled down to (32QF.) t coagulation does not occur, and the blood remains fluid indefinitely, so long as the temperature is not allowed to rise above this point. A variety of other changes, such as fermentation, putrefaction, and many chemical combinations or de- compositions, are also prevented, as it is well known, by special condi- tions of temperature. Secondly, the coagulation of the blood is prevented by certain of the neutral salts. If fresh blood be allowed to mingle with a concentrated watery solution of sodium sulphate, no coagulation takes place. This is not because the coagulable material has been decomposed or chemi- cally altered ; because if the mixture be diluted with six or seven times its volume of water, so as to reduce the concentration of the saline solu- tion, the fibrine solidifies in a few moments in the usual manner. Coagulation of the blood may also be hastened or retarded by varia- tions in the manner of its withdrawal from the veins, or in the surfaces with which it afterward comes in contact. If drawn rapidly from a large orifice, it remains fluid for a comparatively long time ; if slowly, from a narrow orifice, it coagulates quickly. The shape of the vessel into which the blood is received, and the condition of its internal sur- face, also exert an influence. The greater the extent of surface over which the blood comes in contact with the vessel, the more is its coagu- lation hastened. If the blood be allowed to flow into a tall, narrow, cylindrical vessel, or into a shallow plate, it coagulates more rapidly COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 263 than if received into a hemispherical bowl, in which the extent of sur- face is less, in proportion to the quantity of blood which it contains. For the same reason, coagulation takes place more rapidly in a vessel with a roughened internal surface than in one which is smooth ; and blood coagulates most rapidly when spread out in thin layers, or entan- gled among the fibres of cloth or sponges. Hemorrhage, accordingly, continues longer from an incised wound than from a lacerated one ; be- cause the blood, in flowing over the ragged edges of lacerated tissues, solidifies upon them, and thus blocks up the wound. In all cases there is an inverse relation between the rapidity of coagu- lation and the firmness of the clot. When coagulation takes place slowly, the clot afterward becomes small and dense, and the serum is abundant- When it is rapid, there is but little contraction of the coagulum, an im- perfect separation of the serum, and the clot remains large, soft, and gelatinous. The blood coagulates also in the interior of the vessels after stoppage of the circulation. Under these circumstances coagulation takes place less rapidly than if the blood were wholly withdrawn from the body. In man, as a general rule, the blood is found coagulated in the cavities of the heart and large vessels in from twelve to twenty -four hours after death. In the lower animals, coagulation occurs earlier than this, namely, from four to ten hours after death. Coagulation of the blood takes place also in the interior of the body, during life, from local arrest or impediment of the circulation. Thus, if blood be accidentally extravasated into the connective tissue, the sub- stance of the brain or spinal cord, or a serous cavity, it coagulates after a short time, and forms a clot which takes the shape of the cavity occu- pied by it. If a ligature be placed upon an artery in the living subject, the blood which stagnates above the ligatured spot coagulates as it would do if removed from the circulation. The clot extends from the ligature backward to the situation of the next collateral branch, that is, to the point at which the movement of the circulation still continues. In an Arterial aneurism, during life, the blood in the dilated portion of the artery, which is sufficiently removed from the centre of the current, gradually coagulates upon the inner surface of the sac. In these cases, as well within as outside the body, and during life as well as after death, the stoppage or retardation of the circulatory movement induces, after a time, the coagulation of the blood. It is asserted, however, by some observers, that simple stoppage of the circulation during life will not induce coagulation, unless the inner membrane of the bloodvessels be wounded or irritated. According to Burdon Sanderson, if blood be imprisoned in the jugular vein of the living rabbit by carefully compressing the vessel at two points between transverse needles, so arranged as not to wound or bruise the vascular coats, it will remain fluid in this situation for two clays ; while if ordi- nary ligatures be placed immediately around the vessel, a coagulum is formed in the isolated portion of the vein. 264: THE BLOOD. The coagulation of fibrine is not a commencement of -organization. It is simply the passage of an albuminous ingredient of the blood from its normal fluid condition to a state of solidity. The coagulable ingre- dient of the blood, when solidified, has lost its natural properties as a constituent of the liquid plasma, and cannot afterward be restored to its original condition. The clot, therefore, when once formed, even in the interior of the system, as in cases of ligature, apoplexy, or extrava- sation, becomes a foreign body, and is reabsorbed by the neighboring parts during convalescence. At first the clot is comparatively volumi- nous, soft, and of a deep red color. Its more fluid parts are then reab- sorbed, and the clot becomes smaller and denser. The red coloring matter gradually diminishes as absorption goes on, and finally altogether disappears. The time required for complete reabsorption varies from a few days to several months, according to the size of the clot and the situation in which extravasation has taken place. Nature of the Process of Coagulation. The difficulty in fully under- standing the nature of coagulation depends upon the fact that the blood naturally continues fluid under all ordinary conditions while circulating in the vessels, but coagulates inevitably within a few minutes after its removal. Properly speaking, the fibrine which we obtain at the time of coagulation, either by itself or as forming a part of the clot, does not pre-exist in the blood with the same constitution and properties, other- wise it would coagulate within the vessels during life. It must be de- rived from some ingredient of the blood, which, on being withdrawn from the current of the circulation, suffers a change by which it becomes spontaneously coagulable. It is not easy to understand what this change may be, or what are the immediate influences which produce it. There are two theories in existence as to the nature of coagulation. According to one of them (Denis), the coagulable fibrine is produced by the spontaneous decomposition of a liquid substance pre-existing in the blood. This substance is termed plasmine, and is thought to be present in the plasma of the blood in the proportion of 25 parts per thousand. When withdrawn from the circulation it decomposes or separates into two new substances. One of these is fibrine (3 parts per thousand), which immediately coagulates ; the other is metalbumen (22 parts per thousand), which remains fluid. The basis of this theory is, that if fresh blood be drawn into a concentrated solution of sodium sulphate, as above stated, no coagulation takes place. But if sodium chloride in powder be added to this mixture in the proportion of ten per cent., it precipitates a white pasty substance, which is thrown down because it is insoluble in a sodium chloride solution of that strength. This sub- stance, the so-called " plasmine," represents 25 parts per thousand of the original plasma. After its separation it may be readily dissolved again by the addition of water; but in a few moments its solution coagu- lates, yielding 3 parts of a solid matter like ordinary fibrine, and 22 parts of a liquid substance having the properties of metalbumen. The albumen proper of the blood remains behind in the sodium sulphate COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 265 solution, not having been precipitated by the addition of sodium chlo- ride. According to the other theory (Schmidt), the coagulable fibrine is produced by the union of two previously existing substances, neither of which is coagulable by itself. One of these is termed fibrino-plastic matter, because it has the property of inducing coagulation in a liquid containing the other material. This second material is named fibri- nogen, being considered as more directly the generator of the coagulable fibrine. The plasma of the blood is supposed to contain both these substances, but in very different quantities ; the fibrino-plastic matter being abundant, the fibrinogen comparatively scanty. When the fibri- nogen, accordingly, has all been converted into fibrine and has coag- ulated, a surplus of fibrino-plastic matter still remains in the serum, and may be used to induce coagulation in other liquids which would not coagulate of themselves. This last fact forms the basis of the theory. If the clear serum from coagulated blood be added, at the temperature of the living body, to filtered hydrocele fluid, after some minutes the mixture coagulates into a transparent gelatinous mass, which afterward exudes a colorless serum. Both fibrino-plastic matter and fibrinogen are obtained from the liquids containing them, by dilution with water and by passing though them for a considerable time a continuous stream of carbonic acid. Fibrinogen is also precipitable by the addition of sodium chloride to the point of saturation. This theory not having been found sufficient to account for all the phenomena of coagulation, its author has modified it 1 by supposing that, while fibrino-plastic matter and fibrinogen by their combination furnish the material of the coagulable fibrine, they need, in order to effect their union, the influence of a third substance, which does not itself form any part of the fibrine, but which acts as a ferment to excite the combina- tion of the two others. A fluid accordingly may contain both fibrino- plastic matter and fibrinogen, and yet will not coagulate unless the ferment be also present. The ferment is supposed to be generated in the blood only after its withdrawal from the vessels ; and this accounts for its fluid condition while the circulation is going on. Neither of the foregoing explanations rests upon complete demonstra- tion. The plasmine of Denis may be, from the first, a mixture of two different substances, both of which are precipitable by sodium chloride from the sodium sulphate solution ; and the union of the tw r o fibrine generators of Schmidt, under the influence of a " ferment," still leaves it quite unknown how or by what causes this ferment is generated when the blood coagulates after removal from the vessels. The only thing which seems absolutely certain is that a substance exists in the blood in small quantity which becomes coagulable by a spontaneous change soon after it is withdrawn from the influences of the circulation. If we endeavor to explain why this change and the consequent coagu- 1 Archiv fur die Gesammte Physiologic, 1872, Band vi. p 413. 18 266 THE BLOOD. lation of the blood do not occur normally in the bloodvessels during life, the most important facts bearing on this point are that the blood of the renal and hepatic veins yields no fibrine, or much less than arterial blood. The substance which causes coagulation, therefore, is decomposed and disappears from the blood while passing through the liver and the kidneys. This is established by the observations of Simon, Lehmann, and Brown- Sequard. While an abundance of fibrine may be obtained from either arterial or portal blood, none or only feeble traces of it are to be found in that of the hepatic or the renal veins. This substance, being con- stantly eliminated from the blood in this way by the liver and kidneys, is necessarily produced afresh elsewhere at the same time, since its quan- tity in the blood remains unchanged ; and the new material thus formed is also rapidly altered by a continuation of the same process. -By calculating approximately the quantity of blood contained in the whole body and that passing daily through the liver and kidneys, it appears that a quantity of fibrine equal to that in the entire blood must be de- stroyed and reproduced several times over in the course of a single day. Thus the fibrine which appears in a specimen of blood drawn from the vessels at any one time, and which causes its coagulation, is derived from a substance of very recent formation ; and, if allowed to remain in the bloodvessels, it would have disappeared by metamorphosis before arriving at the stage of coagulation. Usefulness of Fibrine and of its property of Coagulation. Although the fibrine of the blood, from its small quantity and the general charac- t ter of its properties, does not seem to take a direct part in the more essential phenomena of nutrition, it is still a very important ingredient of the circulating fluid. Upon the presence of this substance depends the process by which nature effects the arrest of hemorrhage from divided or ruptured bloodvessels. Whenever a wound is accidentally made in vascular tissues, the blood at first flows freely from the external orifice. But a portion of the blood coagulates upon the edges of the wound, and after a time the successive deposits of cogulated fibrine become sufficient to effectually close the opening and prevent further loss of blood. The proper treatment for wounds of moderate size, in which only the veins and capillaries, or small arteries, have been divided, is simply to apply compression and to keep the edges of the wound in contact continuously for fifteen or twenty minutes. By this time the thin layer of blood between the wounded surfaces, thus kept at rest, has coagulated, and the hemorrhage does not reappear when the artificial compression is removed. If a larger artery be opened, the force with which the blood is expelled prevents local coagulation, or is sufficient to detach the coagula after they are formed. In such cases accordingly the surgeon places a ligature upon the wounded artery itself, and in this way effectually controls the hemorrhage. But even in this instance the ligature is only a means of applying compression for a longer time, and is still temporary, as it must come away again when it ulcerates through the coats of the vessel. The immediate and essential means of stopping COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 267 the flow of blood, even in a ligatured artery, is the coagulum which forms within the vessel behind the ligature; and which, by the time the ligature is detached by ulceration, has become sufficiently firm and adhe- rent to resist the impulse of the blood. The importance of fibrine in this respect is shown by the difficulties which follow in cases where it is deficient. In some instances of the ligature of large arteries, in patients much exhausted by injury or by previous loss of blood, the surgeon finds that when the ligature comes awajr the bleeding begins again, no internal clot having been formed ; and a second ligature, applied above the situation of the former one, is again followed by secondary hemorrhage. In certain persons also there appears to be a congenital deficiency of the coagulating ingredient of the blood, a peculiarity sometimes observed in several members of the same family ; and in these cases, any slight accidental wound, or tri- vial surgical operation, may be followed by long-continued or even fatal hemorrhage. Entire Quantity of Blood in the Body. The estimation of the whole mass of the blood in the living body is surrounded with many difficul- ties. The first and simplest method adopted for this purpose was by suddenly dividing all the vessels of the neck in the living animal and collecting all the blood which escaped. This method, however, was found to be quite faulty, since the flow of blood ceases, in such an experiment, not because the whole of it has been discharged, but because coagula have formed about the orifices of the divided vessels and because the force of the heart's action is no longer sufficient to overcome the obstruction. A certain quantity of blood, therefore, always remains in the body after death by hemorrhage ; and this quantity, as shown by subsequent experiments, may even amount to over 25 per cent, of the whole mass of blood. The animal therefore dies before he has lost quite three-fourths of the circulating fluid. -Other methods have been adopted by various experimenters, none of which are absolutely free from all possible sources of error. The best is that by which, after all the blood is discharged which can be made to escape spontaneously from divided vessels, the circulatory system is immediately injected with water or a weak saline solution, until the fluid of injection, after traversing the vascular channels, returns nearly or quite colorless. The quantity of blood which it has thus washed out of the vessels is then ascertained, either by a comparison of its color with that of a watery dilution of blood of known strength, or by com- paring the quantity of its solid ingredients with that of a similar watery dilution. The most accurate of these processes is that employed by Steinberg, 1 who, after bleeding the animal to death, injected the aorta with a watery solution of sodium chloride, of the strength of one-half per cent., until the fluid of injection returned colorless. The whole of the fluid which 1 Archiv fur die Gesammte Physiologic, 1873, Band vii. p. 101. 268 THE BLOOD. had been used for injection being then mingled, a small quantity of it was taken, and the proportion of hemoglobine contained in it determined by the spectroscopic test as follows : Equal quantities of pure blood were placed in two similar test-tubes, and diluted, one of them with pure water, the other with the fluid of injection, until each of them, placed before the slit of the spectroscope, just allowed the green light of the spectrum to become visible. From the relative quantities of the two liquids which must be added to produce this result, the amount of hemoglobine, and consequently of blood, extracted by the injection could be readily calculated. This quantity, added to that which had escaped spontaneously from the vessels, gave the entire amount of blood, as follows : QUANTITY OF BLOOD, IN VARIOUS ANIMALS, AS COMPARED WITH THE WEIGHT OF THE WHOLE BODY. In Dogs, from 8.00 to 8.93 per cent. " Cats, " 8.40 " 9.61 " Guinea-pigs, " 8.13 " 8.33 " Babbits, " 7.50 " 8.13 There is evidence, however, that the quantity of blood varies naturally, in the same animal^ according to the condition of the system at large, and especially according to that of the digestive process. Steinberg found that in the cat, while fasting, the percentage of blood was reduced from 8.40 to 5.61 per cent. Bernard 1 has observed that if two animals of the same weight, one of which is in full digestion while the other is fasting, be suddenly decapitated, the quantity of blood discharged from the former is much greater than that from the latter. He has also shown that, in a rabbit during digestion, twice as much blood can be withdrawn without causing death, as in one of the same weight but in the fasting condition. The volume of the blood, therefore, contained in the body, fluctuates, within certain limits, with the alternate intro- duction of nutritious matter by digestion and its expenditure during the interval of fasting. The most satisfactory determination of the quantity of blood in the human subject is that by Weber and Lehmann. 2 These observers operated upon two criminals who suffered death by decapitation ; the methods and results being essentially the same in both cases. In one of them the body weighed before decapitation 60.14 kilogrammes ; and the blood which escaped from the vessels at the time of decapitation amounted to 5540 grammes. In order to estimate the quantity of blood which remained in the vessels, the experimenters injected the arteries of the head and trunk with water until it returned from the veins of a pale red or yellow color, collected the fluid thus returned, and ascer- tained how much solid matter it held in solution. This, amounted to 1 LeQons sur les Liquides de TOrganisme. Paris, 1859, tome i. p. 419. 2 Physiological Chemistry, Cavendish edition. London, 1853, vol. ii. p. 269. COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 269 37.24 grammes, corresponding to 1980 grammes of blood. The result of the experiment is therefore as follows : Blood which escaped from the vessels .... 5540 grammes, remained in the body .... 1980 '' Whole quantity of blood in the living body, 7520 " The blood, accordingly, in these cases amounted .to 12.54 percent, of the entire bodily weight ; and the body of a healthy man, weighing 65 kilogrammes (143 pounds avoirdupois) will contain on the average 8127 grammes (18 pounds) of blood. CHAPTEE XIII. RESPIRATION. THE most constant and striking phenomenon presented by living organisms, both animal and vegetable, is the absorption of oxygen. A supply of this substance, either in the gaseous form as a constituent part of the atmospheric air, or dissolved in water or other liquids, is indispensably requisite for the maintenance of life and the manifestation of vital phenomena. Oxygen exists diffused everywhere over the sur- face of the earth, forming rather more than one-fifth part of the volume of the atmosphere, and it is dissolved in greater or less abundance in the water of springs, rivers, lakes, and seas. Animals and plants, ac- cordingly, whether living in the air or in the water, are surrounded by media in which this substance is constantly present. Even parasitic organisms, inhabiting the interior of other living bodies, and the foetus during the period of its intra-uterine development, though not imme- diately in contact with oxygen, are supplied with nutritious fluids which have themselves been exposed to its influence. The function of respi- ration consists in the process by which oxygen penetrates the substance of living organisms, together with the changes which accompany and follow its introduction. Respiration in Vegetables. In regard to the phenomena of respira- tion in vegetables, a distinction is to be made between respiration proper and the absorption of gaseous matter for the production of organic material. It is well known that all green plants, under the influence of the solar light, have the power of absorbing carbonic acid and water, and of partially deoxidizing these substances, to form, with their re- maining elements, starch, cellulose, and fat. The oxygen thus sepa- rated from its inorganic combinations is exhaled by the plant in a free form ; while, as a result of the process, an accumulation of organic ma- terial takes place in the vegetable fabric, which increases in substance, and may afterward serve for the nutrition of animal bodies. This ac- cordingly is not a process of respiration, but one of organic production. It is peculiar to vegetables, animals having no power to produce organic material, and therefore depending upon vegetables for their supply of food. Animals, on the other hand, consume the organic material thus pro- duced, at the same time absorbing oxygen and exhaling carbonic acid and water. In this respect there is an opposition between the actions of animal and vegetable life, by which they stand in a complementary relation to each other. Vegetables produce organic matter by a process of deoxidation ; animals consume it with the phenomena of oxidation. (270) ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 27i But this apparent opposition between the phenomena of animal and vegetable life only exists because plants have the special power of pro- ducing organic matter, by which they become the source of nourish- ment for the entire living creation. The organic substances so pro- duced do not immediately take part in the more active phenomena even of vegetable life. They are, on the contrary, deposited in a more or less quiescent form, and constitute a reserve material, to be afterward trans- formed and assimilated by the plant, or consumed by herbivorous ani- mals. In vegetables, as well as in animals, a true respiration also takes place, which is marked in both instances by the absorption of oxygen. The deoxidizing process, by which organic matter is produced, occurs only in green vegetables, and under the influence of the solar light ; while the absorption of oxygen is a constant phenomenon, taking place in both green and colorless plants, and in darkness as well as in the light. The more active phenomena of vegetation, moreover, are immediately dependent upon the absorption of oxygen, and cannot go on without it. When the starch which has been stored up in the seed becomes liquefied and converted into sugar, and the process of germination and growth begins, the absorption of oxygen is necessary to its continuance. This is seen not only in germinating seeds, but also in expanding leaf and flower buds, all of which organs consume in a short period several times their volume of oxygen. The processes of germination, growth, and flowering, as well as the intra-cellular movement of the vegetable plasma, the motions of the sensitive-plant in response to stimulus, and the pe- riodical movements of the leaves in certain other vegetable species, all cease in an atmosphere deprived of oxygen. 1 The function of respira- tion is accordingly a universal one, and essential to all forms of vital activity. Organs of Respiration. The process of respiration takes place very actively in the mamma- lians and birds, less so in reptiles and fishes ; and in these different classes the organs by which it is accomplished vary in size and struc- ture according to the activity of the function itself. Its necessary con- ditions everywhere are that the circulating fluid should be exposed in some way to the influence of the atmospheric air or of an aerated fluid. The respiratory apparatus, accordingly, consists essentially of a moist and permeable animal membrane, termed the respiratory membrane, with bloodvessels on one side of it, and air or an aerated fluid on the other. The blood and the air, consequently, do not come in direct con- tact with each other, but absorption and exhalation take place through the respiratory membrane which lies between. 1 Mayer, Lehrbuch der Agrikultur-Chemie. Heidelberg, 1871, Band i. pp. 91-95. 272 RESPIRATION. 90 - In most aquatic animals, the respiratory organs have the form of gills or branchiae; that is, filamentous prolongations of some part of the integument or mucous membranes, which contain an abundant supply of bloodvessels, and which hang out freely into the surrounding water. In many kinds of amphibious reptiles, as, for example, in Menobranchus (Fig. 90), there are upon each side of the neck feathery tufts or prolongations from the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which pass out through lateral fissures in the neck. Each filament con- sists of a thin fold of mucous membrane, containing in its in- terior a network of minute blood- vessels. The venous blood, as it enters the filament, is exposed to HEAD AND G-ILLS OF MENOBRANCHUS. the influence of the surrounding water, and is thus converted into arterial blood. The apparatus is further supplied with a cartilaginous framework and a set of muscles, by which the gills are kept in motion, and constantly brought into con- tact with fresh portions of the aerated fluid. In terrestrial and air-breathing animals, the respiratory apparatus is situated internally. In salamanders and newts, for example, which, though partly aquatic in their habits, are air-breathing animals, the lungs are cylindrical sacs, running nearly the entire length of the body, commencing anteriorly by a communication with the pharynx, and ter- minating by rounded extremities at the posterior part of the abdomen. These air-sacs have a smooth internal surface ; and the blood which circulates through their vessels is arterialized by exposure to the air contained in their cavities. The air is forced into the lungs by a kind of swallowing movement, and is after a time regur- gitated and discharged, to make room for a fresh supply. In frogs, turtles, and serpents, the cavity of the lung, instead of being simple, is divided by incom- plete partitions into a number of smaller cavities or " cells." The cells all communicate with the central pulmonary cavity ; and the partitions, which join each other at various angles, are composed of thin, projecting vascular folds of the lining membrane. (Fig. 91.) By this arrangement, the extent of sur- face presented to the air by the pulmonary membrane is increased, and the arterialization of the blood takes place with a corresponding degree of rapidity. In man, and in the warm-blooded quadrupeds, the lungs are constructed on a plan essentially similar to the above, but which differs from it in Fig. 91. Li TING OF FROG, cut open, showing its internal surface. ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 273 the greater extent to which the pulmonary cavity is subdivided. The respiratory apparatus in man (Fig. 92) commences with the larynx, which communicates with the pharynx at the upper part of the neck. Fig. 92. HUMAN LARYNX, TRACHEA, BRONCHI, AND LUNGS; showing the ramification of the bronchi, and the division of the lungs into lobules. Then follows the trachea, a membranous tube with cartilaginous rings, which, upon its entrance into the chest, divides into the right and left bronchi. These divide successively into secondary and tertiary bronchi ; the subdivision continuing, while the bronchial tubes grow smaller and more numerous, and separate constantly from each other. As they diminish in size, the tubes grow more delicate in structure, and the car- tilaginous rings and plates disappear from their walls. They are finally reduced, according to Kolliker, to the size of 0.3 millimetre in diameter ; and are composed only of a thin mucous membrane, lined with pave- ment epithelium, resting upon an elastic fibrous layer. They are then known as the " ultimate bronchial tubes." Each ultimate bronchial tube terminates in a pyramidal division or islet of the pulmonary tissue, about 2 millimetres in diameter, which is termed a " pulmonary lobule." Each lobule may be considered as rep- resenting the entire frog's lung in miniature. It consists of a vascular membrane in the form of a pyramidal sac, the cavity of which is divided into secondary compartments by thin septa or partitions which project from its internal surface. These secondary cavities are the " pulmonary 274 RESPIRATION. vesicles." They have, according to Kolliker, an average diameter of about 0.25 millimetre ; but owing to the elasticity of their walls, each vesicle is capable of dilating to double or triple its former size, and returning to its original dimensions when the distending force is re- moved. There is every reason to believe that during life they are alter- nately enlarged and diminished in size, as the lungs are filled and emptied with the movements of respiration. Fig. 93. Fig. 94. SINGLE LOBULE OF HUMVN LUNO. NKTWOKK OF CAPILLARY BLOOD- a. Ultimate bronchial tube. b. Cavity of VESSELS in the Pulmonary Vesicles of the lobule. c,c,c. Pulmonary vesicles. Horse. (Frey.) Each pulmonary vesicle is covered upon its exterior with a 'close net- work of capillary bloodvessels, which penetrate into the septa between it and the adjacent cavities, and which are thus exposed on both sides to the influence of the atmospheric air. In the walls of the vesicles, and also in the interspaces between the lobules, there is an abundance of elastic tissue, which gives to the pulmonary structure its property of resiliency. The thin layer of pavement epithelium lining the ultimate bronchial tubes extends into the cavities of the lobules and vesicles, forming, according to the observations of Kolliker, a continuous invest- ment of their internal surface. The abundant involution of the respiratory membrane, effected by the subdivision of the bronchial tubes and the multiplication of the vascular septa between the vesicles, existing in the lungs of man and the mam- malians, evidently increases to an extraordinary degree the functional activity of the organs of respiration. The entire extent of the respira- tory surface in the human lungs has been estimated at 130 square metres, which is probably not an exaggeration. The blood, accordingly, in the pulmonary capillaries, distributed in thin layers over so large a surface, in immediate proximity to the air in the cavity of the vesicles, is placed under the most favorable conditions for its rapid and complete arterialization. MOVEMENTS OF KESP1RATION. 275 Movements of Respiration. The air which is contained in the pulmonary lobules and vesicles, being used for the purpose of arterializing the blood, becomes rapidly vitiated in the process of respiration, and requires accordingly to be as rapidly expelled and replaced by a fresh supply. This exchange or renovation of the air is effected by alternate movements of the chest, of expansion and collapse, which follow each other in regular succession, and which are known as the " movement of inspiration," and the " move- ment of expiration." Movement of Inspiration. The expansion of the chest is effected by two sets of muscles, namely, the diaphragm and the intercostals. While the diaphragm is relaxed, it has the form of a vaulted partition, the edges of which are attached to the inferior extremity of the sternum, the inferior costal cartilages, the borders of the lower ribs and the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae, while its convexity rises into the cavity of the chest, as high as the level of the fifth rib. When the fibres of the dia- phragm contract, their curvature is neces- sarily diminished; and they approximate a straight line, in proportion to the extent of their contraction. Consequently, the entire convexity of the diaphragm is diminished in the same proportion, and it descends to- ward the abdomen, enlarging the cavity of the chest from above downward. At the same time the intercostal muscles enlarge it in a lateral direction. For the ribs, articu- lated behind with the bodies of the vertebrae, and attached to the sternum by the flexible and elastic costal cartilages, are so arranged that, in a position of rest, their convexities look obliquely outward and downward. When the movement of inspiration is about to commence, the first rib is fixed by the contraction of the scaleni muscles, and, the intercostal muscles then contracting simul- taneously, the ribs are drawn upward. In this movement, as each rib rotates upon its articulations with the spinal column at one extremity and with the sternum at the other, its convexity is necessarily carried outward at the same time that it is drawn upward, and the parietes of the chest are expanded laterally. The sternum rises slightly with the same move- ment, and enlarges to some extent the antero-posterior diameter of the DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE RESPIRATORY MOVE- MENTS. a. Cavity of the chest. 6. Diaphragm. The dark out- lines show the figure of the chest when, collapsed ; the dotted lines show the same when expanded. 276 RESPIRATION. thorax. By the simultaneous action of the diaphragm which descends, and of the intercostal muscles which lift the ribs and the sternum, the cavity of the chest is expanded in every direction, and the air passes inward, through the trachea and bronchial tubes, by the force of aspira- tion. The action of these two sets of respiratory muscles is indicated exter- nally by two different motions, visible to the eye; namely, an expansion of the chest, due to the action of the intercostals, and a protrusion of the abdomen, caused by the descent of the diaphragm. In children, as well as in the adult male, in the ordinary quiescent condition, the dia- phragm performs most of the work in the act of inspiration ; and the movements of the abdomen are the only ones which are especially marked. Any muscular exertion, however, produces an increased expan- sion of the chest ; and the movement of the ribs, accordingly, becomes more plainly visible after walking or running. In the female the move- ments of the chest, and particularly of its upper half, are habitually more prominent than those caused by the action of the diaphragm; and this difference in the mechanism of respiration is a characteristic mark of the two sexes. In certain abnormal conditions the activity of either the intercostal muscles or the diaphragm may be separately suspended, leaving the entire work of respiration to be performed by the remaining set of muscles. If the intercostal muscles be paralyzed, by disease or injury of the spinal cord in the lower cervical or upper dorsal region, the thorax remains quiescent in respiration, while the protrusion of the abdomen is increased in extent to a corresponding degree. This mode of breathing is called abdominal respiration. In cases of peritonitis, on the other hand, or any local inflammation within the abdominal cavity, the movements of the diaphragm are some- times restrained, owing to the pain which they excite in the inflamed sur- faces. This is known as thoracic respiration ; since the expansion of the chest becomes more active than usual, and is the only visible move- ment performed. Movement of Expiration. After the movement of inspiration is accomplished and the lungs have been filled with air, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, and a movement of expiration takes place, by which the chest is partially emptied, and a portion of the air con- tained in the pulmonar}'' cavity is expelled. While the movement of inspiration, however, is an active one, accomplished by means of mus- cular contraction, that of expiration is a passive one, resulting from a combination of several forces. The principal one of these forces is the elastic reaction of the lungs themselves, due to the numerous fibres of elastic tissue which enter into the structure of the walls of the pul- monary vesicles and smaller bronchial tubes, and are disseminated gene- rally between the lobules. The existence of this elastic force in the pulmonary tissue is readily demonstrated by removing the lungs from the chest of a recently killed animal, distending them by artificial MOVEMENTS OF RESPIRATION. 277 insufflation through a tube inserted into the trachea, and then relieving them from pressure. They at once react with sufficient power to expel the larger portion of the air which had been forced into their cavities. The same elasticity being constantly present during life, the air is sub- jected to its pressure, and is consequently expelled as soon as the mus- cles of inspiration cease to act. Other organs, however, aid in the same process. The costal cartilages, which are also elastic, having been twisted slightly out of position by the elevation of the ribs, resume their original form, and, drawing the ribs down again, thus serve to com- press the sides of the chest. Lastly, the abdominal organs, which have been displaced by the descent of the diaphragm, are forced backward by the elasticity of the abdominal walls and of their own fibrous attach- ments, carrying the relaxed diaphragm before them. By the constant recurrence of these alternating movements of inspiration and expiration, fresh portions of air are incessantly introduced into and expelled from the chest. All the air, however, contained in the lungs, is not changed at each movement of respiration. On the contrary, a considerable quantity remains in the pulmonary cavity after the most complete expiration ; and even when the lungs have been removed from the chest, they still contain a certain amount of air, which cannot be entirely displaced by any violence short of disintegrating the pulmonary tissue. It is evi- dent, therefore, that only a comparatively small portion of the air in the lungs passes in and out with each respiratory movement ; and it will require several successive respirations before it can be entirely changed. The proportion existing between the air which is changed at each respiration and the entire quantity contained in the chest varies considerably with the different conditions of the respiratory function ; but the average results obtained by different observers show that, in general, the volume of the inspired and expired air is from 10 to 13 per cent, of that contained in the whole of the pulmonary cavity. Thus it will require from eight to ten respirations to renovate completely the air in the lungs. Respiratory Movements of the Glottis. Beside the movements of expansion and collapse already described, belonging to the chest, there are similar movements of respiration which take place in the larynx. If the respiratory passages be examined in the state of collapse in which they are usually found after death, it will be observed that the opening of the glottis is smaller in calibre than the cavity of the trachea below. The glottis presents the appearance of a narrow chink, while the passage for the inspired air widens in the lower part of the larynx, and in the trachea constitutes a spacious tube, nearly cylindrical in shape, and over 12 millimetres in diameter. We have found that in the human subject the space included between the vocal chords has an area, on the aver- age, of only one square centimetre ; while the calibre of the trachea in the middle of its length is 2.81 square centimetres. This disproportion, which is so evident after death, does not exist during life. While 278 RESPIKATION. respiration is going on, there is a regular movement of the vocal chords, synchronous with the inspiratory and expiratory movements of the chest, by which the size of the glottis is alternately enlarged and dimin- ished. At inspiration, the glottis opens and allows the air to pass freely Fig. 96. HUMAN LARVNX, viewed from above in its ordinary post-mortem condition. a. Vocal chords, b. Thyroid cartilage, c, c. Arytenoid cartilages. o. Opening of the glottis. The same, with the glottis opened by sepa- ration of the vocal chords. a. Vocal chords. b. Thyroid cartilage, c, c. Arytenoid carti- lages, o. Opening of the glottis. Fig. 98. into the trachea ; at expiration it collapses, and the air is driven out from below. These movements are the " respiratory movements of the glottis." They correspond in every respect with those of the chest, and are excited or retarded by similar causes. Whenever the general move- ments of respiration are hurried, those of the glottis become accelerated at the same time ; and when the movements of the chest are slower or fainter than usual, those of the glottis are diminished in the same proportion. In the respiratory motions of the glottis, as in those of the chest, the movement of inspiration is an active one, and that of ex- piration passive. In inspiration, the glottis is opened by contraction of the posterior crico-arytenoid muscles. These muscles originate from the posterior surface of the cricoid cartilage, near the median line ; and their fibres, running upward and outward, are inserted into the external angles of the arytenoid cartilages. By the contraction of these muscles, during the movement of HUMAN LARYNX, POSTERIOR inspiration, the arytenoid cartilages are VIEW. a. Thyroid cartilage, b. ,. . * .. . ,. Epiglottis, c, c. Arytenoid carti- rotated upon their articulations, so that lages. d. Cricoid cartilage, e, e. their anterior extremities are carried out- Posterior crico-arytenoid muscles. , . , . t , i /. Trachea, ward, and the vocal chords stretched and MOVEMENTS OF RESPIRATION. 279 separated from each other. In this way, the orifice of the glottis may be nearly doubled in size, being increased from 0.94 to 1.69 square cen- timetre. At the time of expiration, the posterior crico-arytenoid muscles are relaxed, and the elasticity of the vocal chords brings them back to their former position. The motions of respiration consist, therefore, of two sets of move- ments, namely, those of the chest and those of the glottis. These move- ments, in the natural condition, correspond with each other both in time and intensity. It is at the same time and by the same nervous influence, that the chest expands to inhale the air, while the glottis opens to admit it ; and in expiration, the muscles of both chest and glottis are relaxed, while the elasticity of the tissues restores the parts to their original condition. Rapidity of the Movements of Respiration. The movements of res- piration in the human subject follow each other in general with great regularity, and, according to the results obtained from the most exten- sive and varied observations, are performed on the average with a rapidity of 20 inspirations per minute. This rate varies considerably under the influence of different conditions, one of the most important of which is age. It is well known that respiration, as a rule, is more rapid in young children than in the adult, and Quetelet has found, as the average of a large number of observations, that in the newly born infant the rate is 44 per minute, and at the age of 5 years 26 per minute ; be- coming reduced to the standard rapidity of 20 per minute between the ages of fifteen and twenty years. Even in the adult, a condition of rest or activity readily influences the number of respirations ; as, according to the same observer, they are less frequent during sleep than in the waking condition. Even a difference in position has been found to have a perceptible effect, the number of respirations being, in the same indi- vidual, 19 per minute while lying down, and 22 per minute when standing up. 1 Any especial muscular activity, as the rapid motion of walking or running, at once increases the frequency of respiration, which returns to its ordinary regularity soon after the exertion has ceased. In all cases the movements of respiration are involuntary in character, and even their acceleration or diminution is regulated by influences beyond our control. It is possible for a short time to increase or retard the rate of respiration, within certain limits, by voluntary effort ; but this cannot be done continuously. If we intentionally arrest or diminish the respiratory movements, after a short interval the nervous impulse becomes too strong to be controlled, and the movements necessarily resume their regular frequency. If on the other hand we endeavor to breathe much more rapidly than twenty times per minute, the exertion soon becomes too fatiguing to be continued, and the rate of movement returns to its normal standard. The movements of respiration, accord- 1 Milne-Edwards, Legons sur la Physiologic. Paris, 1857, tome ii. p. 483. 280 RESPIRATION. ingly, as they are actually performed, in infancy and childhood, during sleep, and for the greater part of the waking condition, when the atten- tion is not directed to them, are purely automatic in character, like the pulsations of the heart, and do not require the expenditure of an} T voluntary exertion. Quantity of Air used in Respiration. Like all the quantitative esti- mates connected with respiration, that of the volume of air habitually inspired and expired with the breath, varies considerably as given by different observers. The differences incident to the different individuals subjected to observation, and to the conditions of rest or activity, pre- vent our arriving at an absolutely invariable standard. The average result, however, which most nearly conforms to the truth, as derived from several of the most trustworthy experimenters, as well as from our own observations, is that which gives the amount of air taken into and expelled from the lungs with each inspiration and expiration as 320 cubic centimetres. It is certain that this estimate is not above the reality. If we take, accordingly, eighteen respirations per minute as the mean rapidity between the sleeping and waking hours, this would amount to 5760 cubic centimetres of inspired air per minute, 345,600 per hour, and 8,294,400 cubic centimetres, or 8294.4 litres per day. But as the breathing is increased, both in rapidity and extent, by every muscular exertion, the entire quantity of air daily used in respiration is not less than 10,000 litres, or a little over 350 cubic feet. The quantity of air daily used in respiration is sometimes employed as a basis for calculating the air-space necessary to allow for each in- mate of a hospital or school-room. This estimate alone, however, can never give sufficient data for the purpose. The successful ventilation of a room depends not so much on the quantity of air which it contains at any one time as upon the quantity of fresh air introduced, and of vitiated air expelled, within a certain period. The air of a small room which is thoroughly ventilated may be amply sufficient for respiration, while that of a large room, if allowed to remain stagnant, will gradually become unfit for use. A large air-space, in any occupied apartment, will render ventilation more easy of accomplishment by ordinarj- methods, because the air will not be so rapidly vitiated by the same number of persons as if it were in smaller volume ; but the air must still be changed with a rapidity proportionate to that of its contamina- tion, in order to maintain the apartment in a wholesome condition. Changes in the Air by Respiration. The atmospheric air, as it is drawn into the cavity of the lungs, is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen in the proportion, by volume, of about 21 parts of oxj^gen to 79 parts of nitrogen. It also contains about .05 per cent, of carbonic acid, a varying quantity of watery vapor, and some traces of ammonia. The last named ingredients, so far as animal respiration is concerned, are quite insignificant in comparison with the oxygen and nitrogen which form the principal part of its mass. CHANGES IN THE AIR BY RESPIRATION. 281 If collected and examined, after passing through the lungs, the air is found to have become altered in the following particulars: first, it has lost oxygen; secondly, it has gained carbonic acid; and thirdly, it has absorbed the vapor of water. The most important of these changes are its diminution in oxygen and its increase in carbonic acid. Diminution of Oxygen. According to the researches of Valentin, Yierordt, Regnault, and Reiset, the air loses during respiration, on an average, five per cent, of its volume of oxygen. At each inspiration, therefore, about 16 cubic centimetres of oxygen are removed from the air and absorbed by the blood ; and, as we have seen that the daily quantity of air used in respiration is about 10,000 litres, the entire quan- tity of oxygen thus consumed in twenty-four hours is not less than 500 litres. This is, by weight, 715 grammes, or rather more than one pound and a half avoirdupois. In consequence of this diminution in oxygen, air which has once been breathed is less capable, both of supporting combustion and of serving for respiration, than before. If an animal be confined in a limited space, the air becomes poorer in oxygen as respiration goes on ; and when its proportion has been reduced to a certain point, the animal dies by suf- focation, because the substance which is essential to life is no longer present in sufficient quantity. Different kinds of animals are affected in different degrees of intensity by a given diminution in the proportion of atmospheric oxygen. Cold-blooded animals, in which respiration is naturally a comparatively slow process, may continue to breathe when only a very small quantity of oxygen is present ; and it has been found that electrical fishes, as well as slugs and snails, may continue respira- tion until they have completely exhausted the oxygen in the water or the air in which they are confined. But in species where the respira- tion and circulation are carried on with activity, as in birds, in quad- rupeds, and in man, a partial reduction of the oxygen is sufficient to cause death. If the carbonic acid exhaled be absorbed by an alkaline solution, so that the purity of the air be maintained, it is found that a sparrow dies in an hour when its proportion of oxygen has been gradually reduced to 15 per cent. ; and a mouse dies in five minutes when the oxygen is reduced to 10 per cent.; 1 the remainder of the air in both cases consisting of nitrogen. In man, also, asphyxia is almost immediately produced when the proportion of oxygen has fallen to 10 per cent. As a candle flame is also extinguished in an atmosphere deprived of oxygen, this is sometimes employed as a test to determine whether it be safe to enter an atmosphere the composition of which is doubtful. In bread-rooms and beer-vats, where the process of fermentation has been going on, in old wells which have been for a long time closed, or in any newly opened underground cavity or passage, the atmosphere is frequently so poor in oxygen that suffocation would at once follow if 1 Milne-Edwards, Lec.ons sur la Physiologie. Paris, 1857, tome ii. p, 638. 19 282 RESPIRATION. they were to be entered without precaution. A lighted candle is accord- ingly first let down into the suspected cavity, and if a sufficient quantity of oxygen be present, it continues to burn ; if not, it is immediately extinguished. This test is the more valuable, because it is found that the proportion of oxygen necessary to support the combustion of a candle is a little greater than that required for the immediate continuance of respiration. A candle is extinguished when the air contains only It per cent, of its volume of oxygen, while a little less than this may still serve a short time for respiration. According to Milne-Edwards, a man may still keep up respiration in an atmosphere which is insufficient to support combustion ; and we have repeatedly seen pigeons continue to breathe, though with difficulty, in air in which a candle flame was immediately extinguished. Although, however, an atmosphere containing from 10 to IT per cent, of oxygen is not immediately fatal to man by suffocation, it is still unfit for continued breathing. The deficiency is not sufficient to stop respira- tion at once, but after a time its deleterious effects become manifest, and increase in intensity with each repetition. A complete renewal of the deteriorated atmosphere is essential to the perfect performance of the respiratory process. The absorption of oxygen by different species of animals varies according to their general state of functional activity ; and this differ- ence may be manifested even between species belonging to the same class. Thus it has been found that in the sparrow the amount of oxygen absorbed, in proportion to the weight of the body, is ten times as great as in the common fowl ; and in a carp the quantity consumed in the course of an hour would hardly be sufficient for the respiration of a pigeon for a single minute. In the same individual, also, a temporary increase of muscular activity augments in a marked degree the absorption of oxygen by the lungs. In the human subject it was found by Lavoisier and Seguin that a man, who in the ordinary quiescent condition absorbed a little over 19,000 cubic centimetres of oxygen per hour, consumed nearly 13,000 cubic centimetres of the same gas during fifteen minutes of active muscular exercise ; the rapidity of absorption being thus increased to more than 2J times its former rate. On the other hand, the same process is dimin- ished in activity during sleep ; and in the hibernating animals, and in insects which undergo transformation, at the time of their most pro- found lethargy is reduced to a mere vestige as compared with its usual activity. Spallanzani observed that in insects the amount of oxygen consumed in a given time by the chrysalis was far less than that ab- sorbed before or afterward by the caterpillar or the butterfly ; and in the experiments of Kegnault and Reiset upon the marmot, at the com- mencement of the cold season, the consumption of oxygen by this animal was about 500 cubic centimetres per hour for every kilogramme CHANGES IN THE AIR BY RESPIRATION. 283 of bodily weight, while after hibernation was fully established it was reduced to 26 cubic centimetres per kilogramme per hour. The absorption of oxygen, accordingly, in the process of respiration, is directly associated, so far as regards its rapidity and amount, with the physiological activity of the living organism. Increase of Carbonic Acid. The expired air usually contains, in man, about 4 per cent, of its volume of carbonic acid, which it has ab- sorbed in its passage through the lungs. Rather less than 13 cubic centimetres of this gas are accordingly given off with each ordinary expiration ; and as we have found that 10,000 litres of air are habitually inhaled and discharged during twenty-four hours, this will give 400 litres of carbonic acid as the amount expired per day. This quantity is, by weight, 186 grammes, or rather less than one pound and three- quarters avoirdupois. The rate of exhalation of carbonic acid by respiration varies in the same manner and according to the same conditions as the absorption of oxygen. In a general way it may be said, as the result of many trustworthy observations, both in animals and man, that the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled during a given time, in proportion to the weight of the body, is increased by muscular exertion or by any physiological activity of the system, and is diminished by quietude, during sleep, and in a state of inanition. These facts have been established more particularly for the human subject, in a special series of investigations by Prof. Scharling, 1 who found that the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled was greater during digestion than in the fasting condition. It was greater in the waking state than during sleep ; and in a state of activity than in one of repose. It was diminished by fatigue, and ~by most conditions which interfere with perfect health. It is also known that in man the habitual rate of exhalation varies according to age, sex, constitution, and development. These variations were very fully investigated by Andral and Gavarret, who found them to be very marked in different individuals, notwithstanding that the experiments were made at the same period of the day, and with the subject as nearly as possible in the same condition. Thus they found that the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled per hour in five different per- sons was as follows : QUANTITY OP CARBONIC ACID PER HOUR. In subject No. 1 ...... 19,770 cubic centimetres. " 2 15,888 " " 3 , . . . . . 20,475 " " 4 20,475 " 11 5 26,060 " With regard to the difference produced by age, it was found that from the period of eight years up to puberty the quantity of carbonic acid 1 Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Paris, 1843, tome viii. p. 490. 284 KESPIRATION. increases constantly with the age. Thus a boy of eight years exhales, on the average, 9238 cubic centimetres per hour ; while a boy of fifteen years exhales 16,168 cubic centimetres in the same time. Boys exhale during this period more carbonic acid than girls of the same age. In males this augmentation of the quantity of carbonic acid continues till the twenty-fifth or thirtieth year, when it reaches, on the average, 22,899 cubic centimetres per hour. Its quantity then remains stationary for ten or fifteen years ; then diminishes slightly from the fortieth to the sixtieth year ; and after sixty years diminishes in a marked degree, so that it may fall as low as IT, 000 cubic centimetres. In one superan- nuated person, 102 years of age, Andral and Gavarret found the hourly quantity of carbonic acid to be less than 11,000 cubic centimetres. In women, the increase of carbonic acid 'ceases at the period of puberty; and its production then remains constant until the cessation of menstruation, about the fortieth or forty-fifth year. At that time it increases again until after fifty years, when it subsequently diminishes with the approach of old age, as in men. Pregnancy, occurring at any time in the above period, produces a temporary increase in the quantity of carbonic acid. The strength of the constitution, and particularly the development of the muscular system, was found to have a great influence in this respect. The largest production of carbonic acid observed was in a young man, 26 years of age, whose frame presented a remarkably vigorous and athletic development, and who exhaled 26,060 cubic centimetres per hour. On the other hand, an unusually large skeleton, or an abundant deposit of adipose tissue, is not accompanied by any similar increase of the carbonic acid. Andral and Gavarret sum up the results of their investigation as follows : 1. The quantity of carbonic acid exhaled from the lungs in a given time varies with the age, the sex, and the constitution of the subject. 2. In the male, as well as in the female, the quantity of carbonic acid varies according to age. 3. During all periods of life, the male and female may be distinguished by the different quantities of carbonic acid exhaled in a given time. Other things being equal, the male exhales a larger quantity than the female. This difference is particularly marked between the ages of 16 and 40 years, during which period the male usually exhales twice as much carbonic acid as the female. 4. In the male, the quantity of carbonic acid increases constantly from eight to thirty years ; and the rate of this increase undergoes a rapid augmentation at the period of puberty. Beyond forty years the exha- lation of carbonic acid begins to decrease, and its diminution is more marked as the individual approaches extreme old age, so that near the termination of life, the quantity of carbonic acid produced may be no greater than at the age of ten years. 5. In the female, the exhalation of carbonic acid increases according CHANGES IN THE AIR BY RESPIRATION. 285 to the same law as in the male, from the age of eight years until puberty. But at the period of puberty, at the appearance of menstruation, the exhalation ceases to increase ; and it afterward remains stationary so long as the menstrual periods recur with regularity. At the cessation of the menses, the quantity of carbonic acid increases in a notable manner ; then it decreases again, as in the male, toward old age. 6. During the whole period of pregnancy, the exhalation of carbonic acid rises, for the time, to the same standard as in women whose menses have ceased. 7. In both sexes, and at all ages, the quantity of carbonic acid is greater, as the constitution is stronger and the muscular system more fully developed. The process of respiration is not altogether confined to the lungs, but the discharge of carbonic acid takes place also, to a slight extent, both by the urine and the perspiration. Morin 1 has found that the urine always contains gases in solution, of which carbonic acid is con- siderably the most abundant. The mean result of fifteen observations showed that urine excreted during the night contains about 1.96 per cent, of its volume of carbonic acid. During the day the quantity of this gas contained in the urine varied considerably, according to the condition of muscular repose or activity.; since after remaining quiet for an hour or two, it was only 1.19 per cent, of the volume of the urine, while after continued exertion for the same space of time, not only was the urine augmented in quantity, but the proportion of carbonic acid contained in it was nearly doubled, amounting to 2.29 per cent, of its volume. An equal or even greater activity of gaseous exhalation takes place by the skin. It has been found, by inclosing one of the limbs in an air- tight case, that the air in which it is confined loses oxygen and gains carbonic acid. From an experiment of this sort, Prof. Scharling esti- mated that the carbonic acid given off from the whole cutaneous surface, in man, is from one-sixtieth to one-thirtieth of that discharged during the same period from the lungs. In the more recent and complete obser- vations of Aubert upon this subject, the whole body without clothing was confined in an air-tight case, leaving only the head exposed. A continuous ventilation of the space was kept up during the course of the experiment with air free from carbonic acid, while the carbonic acid exhaled from the surface of the body was absorbed by baryta- water. Each observation lasted for two hours, and the average result obtained was that, for the entire day of twenty-four hours, 198 cubic centimetres of carbonic acid were exhaled from the skin ; a quantity representing rather less than 0.5 per cent, of that given off by the lungs in the same time. In the amphibious reptiles, as frogs, newts, and salamanders, which 1 Recherches sur les Gaz libres de 1'Uriue. Journal de Pbarmacie et de Chinrie. Paris, 1864, tome xlv. p. 396. 286 RESPIRATION. breathe by lungs, and yet can remain under water for a considerable time, the thin, moist, and flexible integument takes a still more active part in the process of respiration. The skin in these animals is covered, not with dry cuticle, but with a delicate layer of epithelium. It accord- ingly presents all the conditions necessary for the accomplishment of respiration ; and while the animal remains beneath the surface of the water, though the lungs are in a state of comparative inactivity, the exhalation and absorption of gases continue to take place through the skin, and respiration goes on without interruption. Relation between the Oxygen absorbed in respiration and the Car- bonic Acid given off. It has been seen that, in the human subject, with each respiration, on the average, 16 cubic centimetres of oxygen are taken into the system by absorption, and 13 cubic centimetres of car- bonic acid given off. As the oxygen thus taken in weighs rather less than .023 gramme, while the carbonic acid discharged weighs .025 gramme, it is evident that the gross result of the process is a loss of weight to the system, and this loss of substance by continued respira- tion amounts on the average to a little over 70 grammes per day. This is one of the most important facts connected with the plvysiology of respiration. It shows that this function is carried on at the expense of the substance of the animal body, since the oxygen and carbon dis- charged under the form of carbonic acid, weigh more than the oxygen which is absorbed in a free state. This difference in quantity must accordingly be supplied in some way by the ingredients of the food; and if this be withheld, the progress of respiration alone will be suffi- cient to diminish gradually the weight of the body, and to bring it to a state of more or less complete emaciation. If we endeavor to ascertain what becomes of the oxygen itself, it is found that the quantity of this gas which disappears from the inspired air is not entirely replaced in the carbonic acid exhaled ; that is, there is less oxygen in the carbonic acid which is returned to the air by expi- ration than has been lost by it during inspiration. The proportion of ox}-gen which disappears in the interior of the body, over and above that returned in the breath under the form of carbonic acid, varies in different kinds of animals. In the herbivora it is about 10 per cent, of the whole amount of oxygen inspired; in the carnivora, 20 or 25 per cent.; and even in the same animal, the propor- tion of oxygen absorbed, to that of carbonic acid exhaled, varies accord- ing to the kind of food upon which he subsists. In clogs, while fed on meat, according to the experiments of Regnault and Reiset, 1 25 per cent, of the inspired oxygen disappeared in the body of the animal ; but when fed on starchy substances, all but 8 per cent, reappeared in the expired carbonic acid. Under some circumstances, a difference may show itself in the opposite direction ; that is, more oxygen may be con- tained in the carbonic acid exhaled than is absorbed in a free state from 1 Annales de Chimie et de Physique, tome xxvi. p. 428. CHANGES IN THE AIR BY RESPIRATION. 287 the atmosphere. In some of the experiments of Regnault and Reiset, 1 where rabbits and fowls had been led exclusively upon bread and grain, the proportion of oxygen in the expired carbonic acid was 101 or 102 per cent, of that taken in by respiration ; and even in the human sub- ject, according to the observations of Doyere, the quantity of oxygen eliminated by the breath as carbonic acid, may be considerably greater than that absorbed. But, as a general rule, it is the reverse ; the quan- tity of oxygen which is not to be accounted for in the expired carbonic acid being habitually greater in the carnivorous animals than in the Jierbivora. These facts have been established by direct observation, and without any reference to the supposed manner in which the internal changes of respiration take place. Nevertheless, they are susceptible of so ready an explanation that there can be little doubt as to their significance. The simplest case for examination would be that of an herbivorous ani- mal living exclusively upon the carbo-hydrates, as starch or sugar. Since these substances, as their name implies, already contain hydrogen and oxygen in the proportions to form water, any further oxidation which they undergo must result in the production of carbonic acid ; and in this case exactly the same quantity of oxygen as that taken in must necessarily be returned to the atmosphere as a constituent of the carbonic acid exhaled ; the remainder of the substance being separated from its combinations in the form of water. This process is represented in the following formula : Starch. Carbonic acid. Water. C 6 H 10 0- + 12 = C G 12 + H 10 5 . In an animal supported upon this food, therefore, the whole of the oxygen taken in by respiration would reappear in the expired carbonic acid. But in an animal feeding also upon fatty substances, the propor- tions would be changed. As these matters no longer contain oxj^gen in the requisite quantity to form water with the hydrogen present, more oxygen must be taken in with the breath than is sufficient to unite with the carbon under the form of carbonic acid ; and consequently a portion of it will disappear from the gaseous products of respiration. The change in this instance is as follows : Oleine. Carbonic acid. Water. Cor^oA H- 160 = C 37 1U + H 104 52 . In effecting, therefore, the complete disappearance of a fatty sub- stance, 160 parts of oxygen will be absorbed, and only 114 parts re- turned in the form of carbonic acid. This will also take place where albuminous matters are used as food, since it is known that all the nitrogen of these substances is expelled from the body under the form of urea ; and after the separation of urea from albumen, a body must be left which is analogous in composition to fat ; that is, which contains 1 Annales de Chimie et de Physique, tome xxvi. pp. 409-451. 288 RESPIRATION. less oxjrgen than would be required to convert all its hydrogen into water. It is no doubt for these reasons that, in herbivorous animals, feeding largely on the carbohydrates, the quantity of oxygen exhaled in the carbonic acid should be nearly equal to that taken in with the breath ; while in the carnivora, which consume only fats and albuminous matters, a larger proportion of oxygen should disappear from the products of respiration. Finally, some kinds of vegetable food, as fruits and green tissues, contain certain substances in which the oxygen is more than sufficient to form water with the hydrogen present. Such are the salts of vegeta- ble acids, like oxalic, citric, gallic, malic, and tartaric acid. The result of the internal consumption of tartaric acid, for example, would be as follows Tartaric acid. Carbonic acid. = c,o 8 4- Water. H 6 3 . In this instance more oxygen will be exhaled, in the carbonic acid produced, than was absorbed from the atmosphere; because a super- abundance already existed in the material used as food. The relative proportions of oxygen and carbonic acid, absorbed and expired in respiration, will therefore vary, as has been well shown by Mayer, 1 not only with the nature of the food, but also according to the transformations, in the interior of the living organism, of one nutritive substance into another, as of a carbohydrate into a fat, or of either into an organic acid. In the fermentation of a saccharine solution there is even an elimination of carbonic acid without the absorption of any oxygen whatever ; this process being one, not of direct oxidation, but of the rearrangement of the elements already present in the sugar, a portion of them being exhaled as carbonic acid, while the rest remain behind in the form of alcohol. In the animal body the function of respiration consists, first in the absorption of oxygen, and secondly in the exhalation of carbonic acid. It is evidently, therefore, so far as its consequences are concerned, an act of oxidation. But the elements of the food are in no case subjected to immediate oxidation. They are digested in the alimentary canal and taken up into the circulating fluid under other forms of organic com- bination. These undergo still further transformations, both in the blood and in the tissues, passing through a series of successive metamorphoses, until they finally leave the body, principally under the forms of urea, carbonic acid, and water. Oxidation, accordingly ? as it occurs in the living body, is not so much the immediate process as the result of the vital operations, and is very different from the direct combustion of hydrocarbonaceous matters in the atmosphere. Exhalation of Watery Vapor in Respiration. The watery vapor, exhaled with the breath, is given off by the pulmonary mucous mem- 1 Lehrbuch der Agrikultur-Chemie. Heidelberg, 1871, p. 101. CHANGES IN THE AIR BY RESPIRATION. 289 brane, by which it is absorbed from the blood. At ordinary tempera- tures it is transparent and invisible ; but in cold weather it becomes partly condensed on leaving the lungs, and appears under the form of a cloudy vapor in the breath. According to the researches of Valentin, the average quantity of water exhaled from the lungs is about 500 grammes per day. The exhalation of watery vapor by the lungs is a purely physical process, dependent upon the moist and permeable structure of the pul- monary mucous membrane and the volatility of the watery fluid, by which it necessarily becomes vaporized under the requisite conditions of temperature at the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere. Any moist animal membrane, after death as well as during life, loses water by evaporation and thus becomes gradually desiccated. Experiments upon recently killed frogs have shown that the spontaneous desiccation goes on rapidly at first, and afterward more slowly, as the proportion of water contained in the tissues becomes diminished. In the lungs of a warm- blooded animal during life all the requisite conditions are present for rapid and continuous evaporation, namely, a moderately elevated tem- perature, a constant renewal of atmospheric air by the movements of respiration, and a continuous supply of fresh moisture to the pulmonary membrane by the blood circulating in its vessels. The quantity of watery vapor exhaled by the lungs in a given time is therefore increased or diminished by corresponding changes in the rapidity of respiration, by greater dryness or humidity of the atmosphere, and by increase or diminution of the pulmonary circulation. In some species of animals, as in the dog, where the integument is comparatively destitute of perspiratory glands, the pulmonary trans- piration becomes much more active ; and it is not uncommon to see these animals, in hot weather, lying at rest with their tongues protruded, and the movements of respiration doubled or trebled in frequency, for the purpose of increasing the watery exhalation from the lungs. In the human subject the precise physiological value of the pulmonary transpiration is not known. Though subject to fluctuations according to variation in the physical conditions above mentioned, it is a continu- ous process, and even at ordinary temperatures the expired breath directed upon a polished glass or metallic surface will always produce an immediate dimness by the condensation of its watery vapor. It is very possible that the vapor thus exhaled, beside being complementary to the perspiration by the skin, may serve as a vehicle for the discharge of certain other substances from the pulmonary cavity. Exhalation of Organic Matter by the Breath. Beside carbonic acid and water, the expired air also contains a small amount of an organic ingredient, which communicates a faint but perceptible odor to the breath. This substance is discharged in the vaporous form, probably entangled in the watery vapor exhaled by respiration. Under ordinary circumstances it is present in so small a quantity as to be hardly notice- able ; but if a large number of persons be confined in a small apartment 290 RESPIRATION. x with insufficient ventilation, the organic matter accumulates in the atmosphere, and after a few hours its odor becomes exceedingly offen- sive. According to Carpenter, if the fluid condensed from the expired air be kept in a closed vessel at ordinary temperatures, a putrescent odor is after a time exhaled, which could only come from some organic substance in a state of decomposition. When perfectly fresh and in the healthy condition, the organic in- gredient of the expired breath is not offensive and appears to have no unwholesome qualities. It is only when accumulated in undue quantity, and allowed to stagnate in the atmosphere, that its disagreeable properties become manifest. It appears to be distinct in character for each species of animal, and it is liable to be absorbed and retained for a time by any porous material, as wood, rough plaster, or woven fabrics. It is easy to distinguish by its odor the breath of cattle from that of sheep or swine, and the odor remains perceptible in any small inclosure or trans- portation-car in which these animals have been recently confined. The organic ingredient of the expired air which communicates these quali- ties to the breath has not been isolated in sufficient quantity to deter- mine its exact composition. Vitiation of the Air by Continued Respiration. From what has pre- ceded it is seen that the air, after being exhaled from the lungs, has become altered in its constitution by diminution of its oxygen and the addition of certain other materials derived from the breath. Under ordinary conditions, this deteriorated air is at once diffused in the sur- rounding atmosphere, rising to a higher level on account of its increased temperature, and being readily dispersed by the aerial currents which are always more or less in motion ; so that a fresh supply of air, with its normal constitution, is taken into the lungs with each successive inspiration. But when breathing is carried on in a confined space, the air necessarily becomes vitiated ; and this effect is produced with rapidity in proportion to the small extent of the air space and the number of men or animals confined in it. This vitiation of the atmosphere by respiration is accordingly the result of several different changes taking place at the same time, and its effects are a combination of those due to all these alterations. So far as regards immediate danger to life, the diminution of oxygen is no doubt the most important change in the vitiated air, when carried to a sufficient extent. We have already seen that for man and the mammalians, the air is completely irrespirable when its proportion of oxygen is diminished to 10 per cent. In these experiments, however, the carbonic acid exhaled was removed, as fast as produced, by the action of an alkaline solution, so that the air was retained in a state of purity except for its loss of oxygen. In the experiments of Leblanc, a dog and a pigeon, breathing in a confined space, were both reduced to extremities when the air still contained 16 per cent, of oxygen but was also contaminated with 30 per cent, of carbonic acid. The different CHANGES IN THE AIR BY RESPIRATION. 291 modifications of the atmosphere in respiration, therefore, react upon each other and combine to produce a common result. The second element in the vitiation of the respired air is that due to the presence of carbonic acid. The effect of this gas, as produced by respiration, cannot be ascertained from that of an atmosphere consisting of carbonic acid alone. A man or an animal, introduced suddenly into an atmosphere of pure carbonic acid, as sometimes happens in beer-vats and old wells, dies at once by suffocation. But this result is not due to the influence of carbonic acid. It is simply the consequence of the absence of oxygen ; and death would take place as promptly, in the warm-blooded animals, by exposure to an atmosphere of pure nitrogen or any other indifferent gas. It may be said that, as a general rule, for birds and small mammalians, the atmosphere becomes incapable of supporting life when, in addition to its normal proportion of oxygen, it contains 20 per cent, of its volume of carbonic acid ; that is, five times as much as is present, in man, in the expired breath. But Regnault and Reiset found that dogs and rabbits could continue to breathe with- out difficulty in an atmosphere containing even 23 per cent of carbonic acid, provided its proportion of oxygen were at the same time increased to 30 or 40 per cent. Thus a part at least of the influence of carbonic acid, when present exclusively or in large quantity in the atmosphere, is evidently due to its physical action in excluding or interfering with the absorption of oxygen. When pure carbonic acid is gradually mingled with atmospheric air, its immediate effects are not so fatal as they have sometimes been represented. If a pigeon be confined in a glass receiver with a wide open mouth, and carbonic acid be introduced through a tube placed just within the edge of the vessel, so that it will not completely displace the air but gradually mingle with it, its effect is to produce a rapid and laborious respiration, gradually increasing in intensity ; and in a few moments the pigeon falls in a state of complete insensibility. But if the glass receiver be removed and fresh air allowed access, the insen- sibility rapidly passes off, and in a few moments longer the animal is again breathing in a natural manner, without having suffered any per- ceptible permanent injury. The effect of carbonic acid alone, thus mingled with the atmosphere, is very similar to that of an anaesthetic vapor, like ether or chloroform, with the addition of strong symptoms of dyspnoea. There is evidence that in man the immediate effects of carbonic acid in respiration are of a similar nature. From personal experiments upon this subject we have found that the inhalation of pure carbonic acid from a gasometer is at first extremely difficult, owing to the stimulant effect of the gas upon the mucous membrane of the larynx, which pro- duces a spasmodic stricture of the glottis. If the gas, however, be allowed to remain in contact with the mucous membrane for a short time, this effect passes off, the glottis may be gently opened, and the carbonic acid drawn into the lungs, by a full, deep inspiration, to the 292 RESPIRATION. amount of from 800 to 1200 cubic centimetres. At first it produces in the chest only a sensation of warmth and moderate stimulus. But at the end of two or three seconds there comes on very suddenly a sense of extreme dyspnoea, with rapid and laborious respiration, accompanied immediately by dimness of vision, slight confusion of mind, and partial insensibility, all of which are soon terminated, as respiration returns to its normal condition, leaving only a feeling of quietude and tendency to sleep. Notwithstanding, however, the intense feeling of dyspnoea produced by such an inhalation of pure carbonic acid, the external signs of actual suffocation are very slight, and bear no proportion to the severity of the sensations. They are confined to a little suffusion of the face with partial lividity of the lips ; and the pulse is but little if at all affected. A mixture of carbonic acid and atmospheric air in equal volumes pro- duces a perceptible feeling of warmth and pungency at the glottis, but may still be readily drawn into the lungs. After two or three deep inspirations, the strong sense of want of air, and the access of rapid and laborious respiration, come on as before. The dyspnoea, suffusion of the face, and lividity are all less marked than after breathing pure carbonic acid, but the subsequent condition of quiescence and partial anaesthesia is more decided and of longer continuance. A mixture of one volume of carbonic acid with three volumes of atmospheric air may be inspired without difficulty, producing a rather agreeable sensation by contact with the lungs. After about 3000 cubic centimetres have been inhaled in successive inspirations, a sense of dyspnoea comes on, which however is not particularly increased by con- tinuing the inspiration of the mixture to 6000 cubic centimetres. The nervous symptoms produced are moderate in degree, but similar to the preceding. On the other hand, pure nitrogen has no taste or odor, nor does it have any stimulating effect on the mucous membrane. It may be inspired from the gasometer to the amount of 6000 cubic centimetres, without producing any sense of dyspnoea, or any perceptible effect on the nervous system. These results indicate that the presence of carbonic acid in the lungs acts as a stimulus to respiration by causing a sense of the want of air ; and that furthermore its principal toxic effect, when in abnormal quan- tity, is that of producing more or less insensibility or anaesthesia. The sense of drowsiness and inattention experienced by an audience in an imperfectly ventilated lecture-room or theatre is probabry due to this cause, especially as the burning gas-lights are at the same time contribu- ting to the formation of carbonic acid. The temporary nature of these sensations, and their immediate relief on coming into the open air, are matters of common observation. The third element in the vitiation of air by the breath is the accumu- lation of its organic vapor. This is the least understood, but probably the most deleterious ingredient of the atmosphere produced by respira- CHANGES IN THE BLOOD BY RESPIRATION. 293 tion in a crowded and ill-ventilated apartment. It is this which causes the offensive odor and the sense of oppression on entering any confined space, where too great a number of persons have remained for a time without sufficient renewal of the air. It is most marked when such con- tinued respiration and neglect of ventilation have been going on over night, as in a crowded dormitory or sleeping-car; since the organic emanations have then had time not only to accumulate but also to pass into a state of incipient decomposition. They are then in the condition in which they belong to the class of animal poisons ; and there is reason to believe that, once introduced into the system, they may cause dis- turbances which last for a considerable time. It is certain that the con- tagion of many febrile diseases, as scarlatina, meases, and smallpox, is communicated through the air by the products of respiration ; and the normal organic exhalations of the pulmonary mucous membrane, when altered by concentration, the accumulation of moisture, and an elevated temperature, are undoubtedly capable of producing morbid effects of an analogous kind. All the above causes of vitiation of the atmosphere in respiration, notwithstanding the differences in their nature and effects, are to be obviated by the same means ; that is, a sufficient renewal of the air by ventilation. Changes in the Blood by Respiration. The blood as it circulates in the arterial system has a bright scarlet color; but as it passes through the capillaries it gradually becomes darker, and on arriving in the veins it is deep purple, or in some situ- ations nearly black. There are, therefore, two kinds of blood in the body ; arterial blood, which is of a bright color, and venous blood, which is dark. The dark-colored venous blood, which has been thus altered by passing through the capillaries, is incapable, in this state, of supply- ing the organs with their healthy stimulus and nutrition, and has lost its^ value as a circulating fluid. It is accordingly returned to the heart by the veins, and is thence sent, through the pulmonary artery, to the lungs. In passing through the pulmonary circulation it reassumes its scarlet hue, and is again converted into arterial blood. Thus the most striking physical effect produced upon the blood by respiration is its change of color from venous to arterial. This change is accomplished by the influence of the air in the pulmo- nary cavities. For if defibrinated venous blood, recently drawn from the veins of the living animal, be shaken up in a glass vessel with atmospheric air, it at once changes its color and acquires the bright hue of arterial blood. If injected through the vessels of the lungs them- selves after removal from the body, the lungs being filled with air, the same change takes place. If a dog be rendered insensible by a narcotic injection or other similar means, the thorax opened, and artificial re- spiration kept up by the nozzle of a bellows inserted into the trachea, the dark venous blood can be seen in the great veins and in the right 294 EESPIRATION. auricle of the heart, while that returning from the lungs to the left auricle is bright red. But if artificial respiration be stopped, the circu- lation through the lungs continuing, the blood soon ceases to be arteri- alized in the pulmonary capillaries, and returns to the left auricle of a dark venous hue. On recommencing artificial respiration, arterialization of the blood is again produced, and its red color is restored in the pul- monary yeins and the left cavities of the heart. At the same time, in passing through the pulmonary circulation, the blood undergoes a change in its gaseous constituents, the converse of that which is produced in the air ; that is, it absorbs oxygen and exhales carbonic acid. Passage of Oxygen into the Blood in Respiration. The oxygen which is absorbed from the air in the lungs is taken up by the blood circulating in the pulmonary capillaries. It does not at once enter into intimate chemical union with other elementary substances, but is still in the form of solution or of such loose combination that it may be removed from the blood by means of the air-pump, by a current of hydrogen or nitro- gen, and especially by the action of carbonic oxide (CO), which expels it completely. According to a large number of observations which have been made on this point, its quantity, in the fresh arterial blood of the dog, may vary from a little over 10 per cent, to 22 per cent, of the volume of the blood ; the average in the experiments of Schoeffer and Ludwig 1 being about 15 per cent. Nearly the whole of the oxygen is taken up by the blood-globules; the hemogiobine of which has been shown to possess so remarkable a power of absorption for this gas that one gramme of hemogiobine in solution will absorb more than one cubic centimetre of oxygen. Ac- cording to the experiments of Magnus, while the blood contains more than twice as much oxygen as water could hold in solution at the same temperature, the serum alone has no more solvent power for this gas 'than pure water ; and on the other hand, defibrinated blood, that is, the serum and globules mingled, dissolves as much oxygen as the fresh blood itself. Pfliiger also found, as the average of six observations on the arte- rial blood of the dog, that the oxygen contained in the entire blood was, by volume, 15.6 per cent., while in the serum alone he found only 0.2 per cent. According to the same observer, the arterial blood in the carotids contains nearly though not quite all the oxygen it is capable of holding in solution ; since a specimen of dog's blood drawn directly from the artery already contained 18.8 per cent, of oxygen, and after being shaken up with atmospheric air contained rather less than 20 per cent. The blood, therefore, either does not become fully saturated with oxygen in passing through the lungs, or else a little of this gas has already passed into some other form of combination on reaching the carotid arteries. The color of the blood depends solely on the presence or absence of oxygen, not on that of carbonic acid. Yenous blood, shaken up with 1 Archiv fur die Gesammte Physiologic, 1868, Band 1, p. 279. CHANGES IN THE BLOOD BY RESPIRATION. 295 oxygen or atmospheric air, at once assumes the arterial tint, although its carbonic acid may remain. According to Pfliiger's experiments, if defibrinated dog's blood be placed in two flasks, and shaken up, one with pure oxygen, the other with a mixture of oxygen and carbonic acid, both specimens will present the same bright color ; both of them being found on analysis to contain nearly the same quantities of oxygen, while their proportions of carbonic acid are very different. Also the recently drawn blood of these animals, after they have been made to breathe either pure oxygen, or oxygen and carbonic acid mingled, is of the same color in each instance ; the percentage of oxygen which it contains being the same, but that of carbonic acid being different in the two cases. It is the oxygen, therefore, which, on being taken up by the blood- globules, changes their color from dark purple to bright red. It passes off with the arterial blood in this condition, and is then distributed to the capillary circulation. Here, as the blood comes in contact with the tissues, its oxygen in great measure disappears, and its color is again changed from arterial to venous. The loss of oxj^gen by the blood, in traversing the capillaries, is due to its transfer from the blood-globules to the substance of the tissues. Nearly all the tissues, in fact, exert an absorbent power upon oxygen, when exposed to this gas or to atmospheric air containing it. The ex- periments of Paul Bert 1 have shown that the following tissues, extracted from the body of the recently killed dog and exposed to the contact of atmospheric air in closed vessels, absorb oxygen, with different degrees of intensity, in the following order, namely : muscles, brain, kidneys, spleen, testicle, and pounded bones. Of these the muscles are the most active, absorbing 50 cubic centimetres of oxygen for every 100 grammes of muscular tissue; while the bones absorb only a little over Jt cubic centimetres for the same weight of substance. The tissues have even a greater absorbent power for oxygen than the blood-globules themselves. This is shown by the experiments of Spal- lanzani, and still more completely by those of Bert. In these experi- ments, three equal portions of recently drawn defibrinated dog's blood are placed in test-tubes, a piece of fresh muscular tissue from the same animal being introduced into one of them, a portion of the spleen-tissue into another, while the third is left to itself. After a time it is found that the solid tissues have abstracted oxygen from the blood with which they are in contact, so that in these two specimens the blood, on analysis, contains less oxygen than in the third specimen, which has remained by itself. The result obtained by Bert was as follows : QUANTITY OF OXYGEN BY VOLUME REMAINING IN Blood left to itself 18 per cent. Blood containing spleen tissue . . 12 " Blood containing muscular tissue 6 " 1 Lecjons sur la Physiologic compare de la Respiration. Paris, 1870, p. 46. 296 RESPIKATION. Finally, successive analyses of the blood, as it passes from the arte- rial into the venous system, shows that it loses oxygen in proportion as it has been subjected to the influence of the capillary circulation. Ber- nard 1 found that the blood of the same dog, from different parts of the circulatory system, 3delded, by the action of carbonic oxide, the follow- ing quantities of oxygen : QUANTITY OP OXYGEN BY VOLUME IN Arterial blood 18.93 per cent. Yenous blood from right side of heart . . . 9.93 ' ; Yenous blood from hepatic veins .... 2.80 " The average quantity of oxygen existing in venous blood generally is 8 per cent. ; that is, it is reduced about one-half from its proportion in arterial blood. Thus the blood-globules serve as carriers of oxygen from the lungs where it is absorbed, to the tissues where it is consumed ; and the first object of respiration is to supply oxygen to the blood, in order that the blood may supply it to the tissues. Exhalation of Carbonic Acid by the Blood. The venous blood, as it returns to the right side of the heart, is already charged with carbonic acid to such an extent that a portion of this gas is exhaled through the pulmonary membrane, and discharged with the breath. Its absolute quantity in the blood has not been determined with the same accuracy as that of the oxygen. Carbonic oxide, which is so efficient for the extraction of oxygen from the blood, displaces only a portion of its carbonic acid ; and in the experiments of Bernard, the maximum quan- tity of carbonic acid obtained from venous blood by this means was only about 6.5 per cent, by volume. A much larger proportion may be extracted by the mercurial air-pump, amounting on the average, in the experiments of Ludwig, to about 28 per cent, for arterial blood, and about 31 per cent, for venous blood. But a large part of the carbonic- acid obtainable in this way does not exist in a free form in the blood, but in a state of combination with the alkaline phosphates and carbon- ates of the plasma; since it is known that a w r atery solution of sodium bicarbonate will lose a portion of its carbonic acid, and become reduced to the condition of a carbonate by being subjected to the influence of a vacuum, or even by agitation with pure hydrogen at the temperature of the ~body. Lehmann found 2 that after the expulsion from ox's blood of all the carbonic acid removable by the air-pump and a current of hydrogen, there still remained 0.1628 per cent, of sodium carbonate, with w T hich a certain quantity of the carbonic acid previously given off must have been united in the form of bicarbonate. It is estimated by Bert, according to the experiments of Fernet, that a portion of the carbonic acid of the blood is in simple solution and a 1 Liquides de 1'Organisme. Paris, 1859, tome i. p. 394. 2 Physiological Chemistry, Cavendish edition. London, 1854, vol. i. p. 438. CHANGES IN THE BLOOD BY RESPIRATION. 297 portion combined with the alkaline salts ; the blood, when artificially saturated with this gas, containing about three-fifths in a state of solu- tion and about two-fifths in a state of combination. We do not know, however, what this proportion is in the venous blood as it exists in the living body ; and the large amount of carbonic acid removable by the action of a vacuum does not represent that which is capable of being exhaled from the blood through the pulmonary membrane. This quan- tity is very much smaller. We know that, on the average, 13 cubic ceniirnetres of carbonic acid are discharged from the lungs in man with each expiration ; and during this interval, judging from the capacity of the left auricle and the frequency of its pulsations, there can hardly be less than 400 cubic centimetres of blood passing through the pulmo- nary circulation. This would give only a little over 3 per cent, as the volume of carbonic acid discharged from a given quantity of blood in respiration. The average results obtained by extraction with the mer- curial air-pump, in the experiments of Ludwig, give this quantity as the actual difference between venous and arterial blood, as follows : AVERAGE QUANTITY OF CARBONIC ACID REMOVABLE BY THE AIR-PUMP, FROM Venous blood 31.27 per cent. Arterial blood 27.99 " Difference 3.28 All the different modes of analysis, whether by carbonic oxide, other indifferent gases, or the air-pump, though differing in the quantity of gas extracted, show that there is less carbonic acid in arterial than in venous blood, and accordingly that this gas is exhaled from the circu- lating fluid during its passage through the lungs. Unlike the oxygen, the carbonic acid of the blood is principally con- tained in the plasma^ and not in the blood globules ; since the capacity of absorption for this gas is not essentially different for the serum and for the entire blood. Source of the Carbonic Acid of the Blood The source of the car- bonic acid of the blood, as well as the destination of its oxygen, is in the tissues themselves. From the experiments of various observers it is found that every organized tissue, in the recent condition, has the power of absorbing oxygen and exhaling carbonic acid. G. Liebig, for example, showed that frogs' muscles, recently prepared and com- pletely freed from blood, will continue to absorb oxygen and discharge carbonic acid. Similar experiments with other tissues have led to the same result. It is in the substance of the tissues, accordingly, that the oxygen becomes fixed and assimilated, and that the carbonic acid takes its origin. These two phenomena, however, are not immediately de- pendent upon each other. This is shown by the fact that animals and fresh animal tissues will continue to exhale carbonic acid in an atmo- sphere of hydrogen or of nitrogen, or even when placed in a vacuum. Marchand found that frogs would live for from half an hour to an hour 20 298 RESPIRATION. in pure hydrogen gas ; and that during this time they exhaled even more carbonic acid than in atmospheric air, owing probably to the superior displacing power of hydrogen for carbonic acid. For while 1000 grammes' weight of frogs exhaled about 0.071 gramme of carbonic acid per hour in atmospheric air, they exhaled during the same time in pure hydrogen as much as 0.263 gramme. The same observer found that frogs would recover on the admission of air after remaining for about half an hour in a nearly complete vacuum ; and that if they were killed by total abstraction of the air, 1000 grammes' weight of the ani- mals were found to have eliminated 0.600 gramme of carbonic acid. Similar facts were previously observed by Spallanzani ; and Paul Bert found that while a certain quantity of fresh muscular tissue, in atmo- spheric air, exhaled in a given time 30 cubic centimetres of carbonic acid, the same quantity, in pure hydrogen, exhaled 23 cubic centimetres during the same time. He even found that the exhalation of carbonic acid would continue to go on, in an atmosphere of nitrogen, from muscular tissue which had previously been subjected for a quarter of an hour to the action of a vacuum. 1 It is furthermore evident that in this process of internal respiration by the tissues, as in the external phenomena of respiration by the lungs, the quantities of oxygen absorbed and of carbonic acid exhaled do not always bear the same relation to each other. This is shown by the ex- periments of Paul Bert on the gases absorbed and discharged by the different tissues of the dog in contact with atmospheric air, where in some instances the volume of carbonic acid produced was greater, and in others less than that of the oxygen consumed ; the proportions of the two varying considerably in each case. The following list gives the result of a series of these experiments : QUANTITY OP AND C0 a ABSORBED AND EXHALED DURING 24 HOURS, IN CUBIC CENTIMETRES. By 100 grammes of Oxygen absorbed. Carbonic acid exhaled. Muscle 50.8 56.8 Brain 45.8 42.8 Kidneys 37.0 15.6 Spleen 27.3 15.4 Testicles 18.3 27.5 Pounded bones .... 17.2 8.1 The production of carbonic acid by the tissues is not, therefore, di- rectly connected with the absorption of oxygen. The precise chemical action by which carbonic acid originates in the solid organs is unknown ; but it is probably by some mode of decomposition in which a portion of the carbon and oxygen present in the tissues separate from their previous combinations in this form, while the remaining elements at the same time unite to produce other substances of different composition. The process of respiration consists, accordingly, in an interchange of 1 LeQons sur la Physiologic comparee de la Kespiration. Paris, 1870, p. 49. CHANGES IN THE BLOOD BY RESPIRATION. 299 gases between the blood and the lungs. The blood coming to the lungs comparatively poor in oxygen and charged with carbonic acid, the for- mer gas is absorbed from the air in the pulmonary vesicles, while the latter is discharged at the same time, to be exhaled with the breath. These changes, however, are neither of them complete, but only partial, both for the air and for the blood. The expired air is never deprived of the whole of its oxygen, and contains only about 4 per cent, of its volume of carbonic acid. On the other hand, the venous blood coming to the lungs still contains a moderate percentage of oxygen ; and a cer- tain quantity of carbonic acid is also present in arterial blood. It is only the proportion of -these gases which is changed in respiration, the carbonic acid of the blood being diminished, and its oxygen increased, by its passage through the pulmonary circulation. The office of the respiratory apparatus is therefore to afford ingress and egress to the two substances which enter and leave the body in the gaseous form. These two substances have no immediate relation with each other, excepting as to the organ by which they are absorbed and exhaled. They represent the beginning and the end of a series of internal combinations and decompositions, which are among the most essential of the changes contributing to the maintenance of life. CHAPTER XIV. ANIMAL HEAT. ONE of the characteristic properties of living creatures is that of maintaining, more or less constantly, a standard temperature, notwith- standing the external changes of heat or cold to which they are sub- jected. If a bar of iron or a vessel of water be heated to a temperature above that of the external air, and then left to itself, it will at once begin to lose heat by radiation and conduction ; and this loss of heat will continue until, after a certain time, the temperature of the heated body has been reduced to that of the surrounding atmosphere. It then remains stationary at this point, unless the atmosphere should become warmer or cooler ; in which case a similar change takes place in the inorganic body, its temperature remaining constant or varying with that of the surrounding medium. With man and many animals the case is strikingly different. If a thermometer be introduced into the stomach or rectum of a dog, or placed under the tongue of the human subject, it will indicate a tem- perature of from 37 to 38 (about 100 F.), 1 whether the surrounding atmosphere at the time be warm or cool. This internal temperature of the body is sensibly the same in summer and in winter. Although the external air may be at the freezing point, the internal parts of the body, in a condition of health, will indicate their usual standard of warmth when examined by the thermometer; and even in ordinary summer weather the temperature of the air is, for the most part, many degrees below that of the living body. As the body, however, by exposure to such an atmosphere must be constantly losing heat by radiation and conduction, like any inorganic mass, and yet maintains a standard tem- perature, it is plain that a certain amount of heat must be generated in its interior, sufficient to compensate for the external loss. The internal -heat, so produced, is known by the name of vital or animal heat. Thus it is by its own internal heat that the body is warmed. The clothing used by man, and the fur, wool, or feathers by which the bodies of animals are protected, have, of course, no warmth in them- selves ; they simply prevent the body from losing heat too rapidly and thus becoming cooled down below its normal standard. Even the fur- naces and fires of a dwelling house only serve in a similar way to moderate the cooling influence of the air ; for the atmosphere, even in 1 To convert any given number of degrees of the Centigrade scale into the corresponding value for the Fahrenheit scale, multiply by 1.8 and add 32 to the product. (300) ANIMAL HEAT. 301 the warmest apartment, never rises to the heat of the living body, which is still the only source of its own vital temperature. Differences of Temperature in Different Classes of Animals. The intensity of the production of internal heat varies in different classes of animals. As a rule, it is most active in birds, whose temperature is in general 45. In the mammalians it is 37 to 40; in man about ST. 5. As in these two classes the internal organs and the blood are nearly always much above the temperature of the air or of the surface of the skin, and accordingly feel warm to the touch, they are called the "warm-blooded animals." In reptiles and fish, on the other hand, the production of heat is much less rapid, and preponderates so little over that of the air or water which they inhabit, that no marked difference is perceptible on cursory examination ; and as their internal organs have a lower temperature than our own integument, and consequently feel cool to the touch, they are called the "cold-blooded animals." This difference, however, is only one in degree and not in kind. Reptiles and fish also generate heat within their bodies, which may be measured by the thermometer. The temperature of frogs, serpents, tortoises, water-lizards, and fish has thus been found to be from 1.7 to 4.5 above that of the surrounding air or water. In the invertebrate animals, as insects and the like, the heat produced is still less easily perceptible because, from the great extent of the sur- face presented by their bodies in proportion to their mass, the warmth is more rapidly dissipated. But when many of them are collected in a small air-space, or when they are in a state of activity, it is still distin- guishable by thermometric measurement. The temperature of the butter- fly after active motion has been found to be from 2.77 to 5 above that of the air; that of the humble-bee from 1.5 to 5.5 higher than the exterior. According to the experiments of Newport, the interior of a hive of bees may have a temperature of 9 when the external atmos- phere is at 1.4, even while the insects are quiet ; but if they be excited to activity by tapping on the outside of the hive, it may rise to 38.8. Thus, while the insects are at rest, the thermometer indicates a very moderate temperature ; but if kept in rapid motion in a confined space, they may generate a sufficient amount of heat to produce a sensible elevation in the course of a few minutes. The production of heat is not confined to animal organisms, but takes place also in vegetables. Here, however, it is still more rapidly dissi- pated than in insects, owing to the great extent of surface presented by the ramifications and foliage, and to the abundant evaporation of moisture from the leaves, by which the heat generated is in great measure consumed without becoming perceptible by the ordinary ther- mometer. If this loss of heat from the plant be diminished by keeping the air charged with watery vapor and thus preventing evaporation, the elevation of temperature becomes sensible and may be measured. Du- trochet 1 first demonstrated, by the use of the thermo-electric needle, that 1 Annales des Sciences naturelles. Paris, 2me S6rie, tome xii. p. 277. 302 ANIMAL HEAT. nearly all parts of a living plant, such as the green stems, the leaves, the buds, and even the roots and fruit, generate a certain amount of heat; the maximum temperature thus detected being about 0.28 above that of the surrounding atmosphere. Subsequent observations have shown that in certain periods of vegetative activity, as in the processes of germination and flowering, the development of heat is much more rapid. In the malting of barley, when a considerable quantity of the germinating grain is piled in a mass, its elevation of temperature may be readily distinguished, both by the hand and the thermometer. The most striking example of heat-production in flowers is presented by those of the Aracese (Calla, Indian turnip, Sweet flag) at the time of fecundation, 1 which in warm weather ma}^ show a temperature of 4, 5, or even 10 above that of the surrounding air. The generation of heat is accordingly a phenomenon common to all living organisms, whether animal or vegetable. When the mass of the organized body is large in proportion to its extent of surface, the heat thus produced is readily distinguishable both by the touch and by the thermometer. When rapidly dissipated by increased extent of surface, and especially by the evaporation of moisture, it is less easily detected, but it exists in each case. In birds and mammalians it is more active than in reptiles and fish ; and even in different species of animals belong- ing to the same class, it is usually found that the normal temperature of the body, like the other physiological phenomena, differs slightly, according to the special organization of the animal and the general activity of its functions. Quantity of Heat in the Living Body. The quantity of heat produced in the body within a given time is best measured by the increase of temperature which it will produce in a certain volume of water. Prof. John C. Draper 2 found that the human body, having a volume of about 85 litres (3 cubic feet) and a weight of 81.65 kilogrammes (180 pounds avoirdupois), by remaining at rest in the bath for one hour, could raise the temperature of 212 kilogrammes of water 1.1 1 ; which he estimates, assuming the specific heat of the body to be about the same with that of water, would be capable of warming the body itself 2.11. But as the temperature of the body, in the observation quoted, was lowered 0.55 while in the bath, the heat actually generated would be capable of warming the body itself, or an equal volume of water, 2.22. This would be equivalent to 188.7 heat units, 3 produced by the human body in the course of one hour, or 2.31 heat units for every kilogramme of bodily weight. The experiments of Senator 4 on the heat-producing power in dogs 1 Sachs, Traite de Botanique. Paris, 1874, p. 847. 2 American Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven, 1872, vol. ii. p. 445. 3 A heat unit is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one kilogramme of water from to 1 of the centigrade scale. 4 Archiv fur Anatomic, Physiologic, und Wissenschaftliche Medicin. Leipzig, 1872. ANIMAL HEAT. 303 were performed with much accuracy. The animals were inclosed in a copper cage, through which ventilation was kept up at a known rate, the temperature of the incoming and outgoing volumes of air being noted at intervals of ten minutes. The cage containing the animal was sur- rounded by a known volume of water, at from 26.5 to 29, and the whole apparatus inclosed in an outer case made as nonconducting as possible ; the quantity of heat actually lost from it by external cooling being determined by preliminary observations. The internal tempera- ture of the animal having been taken, he was introduced into the cage and allowed to remain there a certain time. The heat produced within this time was mainly ascertained by the increase of temperature in the water surrounding the cage, the result being corrected by that of the air used for ventilation, as well as by the variation in temperature of the animal himself, and the loss from the apparatus by external cooling. By this method the experimenter found, as the average result of five observations, that a dog of 5.392 kilogrammes' weight, at rest and in the fasting condition, produced in one hour 12.63 heat units; that is, 2.34 heat units for every kilogramme of bodily weight. According to these experiments, the heat-producing power in the dog and that in the human subject are nearly the same; while that of the dog is rather the more active of the two. Normal Variations of Temperature in the Living Body. The tem- perature of the body is not the same in its different regions, but increases for a certain distance, from the exterior toward the central parts. This is because the living body is subjected to a constant loss of heat from the surface, like any other solid substance of higher temperature than the surrounding air. Consequently the integument and the parts im- mediately subjacent to it, being more exposed to this cooling influence than the internal organs, have habitually a temperature slightly below that of the body in general. Accordingly, whenever the external air rises to the neighborhood of 3t or 3f.5 it feels uncomfortably warm ; because, although this is exactly the normal temperature of the blood and the internal organs, it is considerably above that of the skin, which is readily sensitive to variations of cold or warmth. The cooling influ- ence of the external atmosphere upon the skin is considerably moderated by the movement of the circulation ; since the warmer blood coming from the internal parts constantly supplies the integument with fresh quantities of heat and thus tends to compensate for its external loss. Notwithstanding this compensation, however, the difference in tem- perature between the external and internal parts of the body is always perceptible during health. If the bulb of a thermometer be held for some minutes between the folds of skin in the palm of the hand, it will stand at 36.4 ; in the axilla, at 36.6 ; under the tongue, it will reach 37.2; in the rectum, 31.5; and Dr. Beaumont found, in the case of Alexis St. Martin, that the thermometer, introduced into the stomach through the gastric fistula, often indicated a temperature of 31.8. It is evident therefore that, in order to ascertain the real internal tempera- 304 ANIMAL HEAT. ture of the body, the bulb of the thermometer should be inserted so deeply as to pass beyond the superficial zone affected by the process of external cooling. Even when placed beneath the tongue it is in contact with parts which are themselves slightly cooled by the passage of the air in inspiration and expiration, and accordingly does not reach the maximum temperature of the body. To accomplish this, it must be in- serted into the abdominal cavity or the rectum, so deeply that a further introduction produces no increase in the indicated temperature. This is the method usually adopted in physiological observations. Beside the differences observable from the above cause between the superficial and the deep-seated parts, there is a real variation within narrow limits of the internal temperature of the body, according to dif- ferent physiological conditions. Jiirgensen has shown 1 that in the human subject there is a diurnal variation, the temperature during the day being a little higher than at night, even when both periods are passed in complete repose. A series of observations upon the same individual in a state of rest gave the following averages : TEMPEKATURE OF THE HUMAN BODY WHEN AT REST. By day. By night. 37.34 36.91 The difference between the two averages amounts to 0.43. There are also temporary variations of small extent during each of the above periods ; the greatest variation during the day being 0.21 ; that during the night 0.15. The temperature of the body is also increased by muscular activity. It is a matter of common observation, both in man and animals, that temporary exertion produces an increase of bodily warmth. Jurgensen observed in the same individual that while during a day of absolute rest the maximum temperature attained was 37.7, under the influence of exercise it reached 38.8. A much more striking difference, corre- sponding with muscular repose or activity, has already been mentioned as observable in insects. The animal temperature is furthermore increased or diminished by a condition of digestion or abstinence. This was indicated in several instances by the observations of Jurgensen upon man, but is shown in a very marked degree by those of Senator upon the dog, in which the average production of heat was sensibly diminished by continued fast- ing and increased by the digestion of food. The following table shows the quantity of heat produced by the same animal, in the conditions of abstinence and digestion. QUANTITY OF HEAT PRODUCED BY THE DOG IN ONE HOUR. After two days' fasting .... 10.90 heat units. After one day's fasting .... 12.63 Fed one hour previously .... 18.87 1 Die Korperwarme des gesundcn Menscben. Leipzig, 1873. MODE OF PRODUCTION OF ANIMAL HEAT. 305 As the production of heat in the body can only take place by the con- sumption or change of combination of its ingredients, it is evident that in continued abstinence from food, the materials susceptible of this change must be constantly diminishing in quantity ; and the animal temperature accordingly, like other vital phenomena, becomes depressed from a deficiency in the sources of its supply. Mode of Production of Animal Heat. In all instances, so far as observation has gone, the production of heat in living organisms is in proportion to the activity of the internal changes going on in the body. These changes are more especially and constantly indicated by the absorption of oxygen and the exhalation of carbonic acid in respiration. Even in the vegetable kingdom, it is demonstrated by the researches of physiological botanists that the ab- sorption of oxygen in plants is always accompanied both by the pro- duction of carbonic acid and by the evolution of heat ; and the quantity of heat produced is greatest at the time when those processes are going on which, like germination and flowering, are accompanied by the most active absorption and exhalation of oxygen and carbonic acid respec- tively. The same thing is manifest in the different classes of the animal king- dom. Birds and mammalians, where respiration is most active, have also the highest temperature; while in reptiles and fish the respiratory process is more sluggish, and the production of heat at the same time less abundant. A very close connection between the two phenomena is observable in hibernating animals, in which, during the winter sleep, respiration becomes comparatively inactive and the bodily temperature is also reduced to a very low standard. In the observations of Horvath 1 on the respiration of marmots, he found that these animals during cold weather are plunged in a profound stupor in which the movements of respiration are exceedingly infrequent and sometimes hardly perceptible. At certain intervals the animals awake for a short time, after which they again return to the state of insensibility. Horvath found that the internal temperature of the marmot, when awake, was from 35 to 37; while, in the hibernating condition, it was reduced to 10, 9, or even to 2, according to that of the surrounding air. On awakening, the tem- perature of the body rapidly rises. In one animal, the internal tempera- ture during sleep was from 9 to 10 ; but on awakening it rose at the end of an hour to 12, in two hours to 17, and in two hours and a half to 32. Respiration also becomes increased in activity to a similar degree. A marmot weighing 153 grammes produced, while in the comatose condition, 0.015 gramme of carbonic acid per hour; and two days afterward, when awake, produced 0.513 gramme in the same time, that is, more than thirty times as much as when in the state of hiberna- tion. 1 Revue des Sciences Medicales. Paris, 1873, tome i. p. 59. 306 ANIMAL HEAT. These and similar facts point to so close a relation between the intensity of respiration and that of heat-production, that the one of these processes may be taken, in general terms, as the measure of the other ; particularly as respiration consists in the absorption of oxygen and the exhalation of carbonic acid, and as we know that the oxidation of carbonaceous matters, outside the body, is one of the readiest means for the production of heat. This connection, however, is not an immediate one, nor can we con- sider the production of heat in the living body as a result of simple oxidation. We have already seen in the preceding chapter that the formation of carbonic acid is not due to direct oxidation, since it will go on in the tissues without the immediate presence of oxygen. Re- spiration is essential to all the phenomena of animal life, and may be taken as the criterion of vital activity in general. The production of heat is one of these phenomena, and, like the rest, increases or dimin- ishes in intensity with that of respiration ; but it cannot be said to depend upon respiration in any peculiar or exclusive manner. The Evolution of Heat and the Products of Eespiration not strictly proportional. Furthermore, notwithstanding the general relation in activity between the two functions, if an accurate comparison be made between the quantity of heat produced, under different circumstances, and that of oxygen absorbed or of carbonic acid exhaled, they are found not to correspond exactly with each other. In the experiments of Senator on the bodily temperature in dogs, it was shown that the evolution of heat and the production of carbonic acid do not follow the same rate of increase. They are both augmented during digestion, but the production of carbonic acid never in the same degree with that of heat. An examination of the averages obtained in three series of obser- tions gives the following result : XT , ( Fasting . Dog No. 1 { In d]gestioi QUANTITIES OF HEAT AND OF CARBONIC ACID PRODUCED BY THE DOG IN ONE HOUR. Condition Carbonic acid in Proportion of the animal. grammes. Heat units. between the two. . . 3.455 12.630 1 to 3.65 ion . . . 5.013 18.875 1 to 3.76 ( Fasting .... 4405 16.500 1 to 3.72 Dog No. 2 j In digestion m t m 4837 19 390 1 to 4.01 f Fasting .... 3.154 16.880 1 to 5.35 Dog No. 3 1 In digestion , m 3, 846 2 1.960 1 to 5.71 Thus the proportion of carbonic acid formed to the heat produced is different in the three animals when compared with each other in the same condition ; and it also varies in each animal under the different conditions of fasting and digestion. In the experiments of the same observer on the effect exerted by arti- ficial cooling on the animal body, he found that under the influence of a low temperature the actual production of heat in dogs was never in- creased, but was usually perceptibly diminished; while that of carbonic acid was generally somewhat increased and never diminished. MODE OF PRODUCTION OF ANIMAL HEAT. 307 It is evident, accordingly, that the evolution of heat in the living animal is due to other causes than those which result in the immediate production of carbonic acid. Even outside the body a notable elevation of temperature may be produced by the hydration of quicklime, the mixture of alcohol and water, or of sulphuric acid and water, as well as other chemical or physical actions in which direct oxidation does not take part. Many analogous changes may take place in the process of internal nutrition, from which a part, at least, of the animal heat origin- ates in the living body. Local Production of Heat in the Organs and Tissues Although the living body, as a whole, presents a certain standard temperature, the production of heat takes place separately in each organ and tissue by the changes of nutrition which go on in its substance. This is shown by the fact that each separate organ has a special temperature of its own, which increases or diminishes according to its condition of activity or repose. A very considerable quantity of heat is thus pro- duced in the substance of the muscles. The experiments of Becquerel and Breschet on the brachialis, in man, showed the temperature of this muscle in repose to be 36.5 ; while, after repeated and energetic flexion, it was from 37 to 37.5. Bernard, 1 by placing thermo-electric needles in the two gastrocnemii muscles of the dog, after section of the spinal cord to prevent voluntary movements, found the temperature of the muscles on the two sides to be sensibly equal ; but on producing con- traction by galvanizing one of the sciatic nerves, the temperature of the muscle on that side rose from 0.1 to 0.2, at the same time that the venous blood of the muscle became darker in hue. Since the muscles constitute so large a part of the mass of the body, it is easy to understand how continuous muscular exertion should, after a time, produce a general elevation of temperature. In the muscles, during contraction, the increase in warmth is always accompanied by a greater consumption of oxygen, and consequently by a darker color of the venous blood. Heat is also produced in the glandular organs when in active secre- tion, as shown by comparing the temperature of the arterial blood enter- ing with that of the venous blood leaving the glandular tissue. Under these circumstances the venous blood coming from the gland is warmer than the arterial blood with which it is supplied. According to the observations of Bernard upon the submaxillary gland of the dog, while the gland is in repose, the circulation through its tissue is slow, its venous blood scanty and very dark-colored, and the oxygen of the arte- rial blood is reduced, in traversing the organ, to 40 per cent, of its original quantity ; but when the gland is excited to active secretion, its circulation is increased in rapidity, its venous blood is more abundant and of a brighter color, its oxygen being only reduced to 61 per cent, of that contained in the arteries. At the same time its temperature 1 Revue Scientifique. Paris, 1871, No. I., p. 1064. 308 ANIMAL HEAT. rises, notwithstanding the consumption of oxy gen is less than in the condition of glandular repose. A similar elevation of temperature is shown by the blood while tra- versing the capillary circulation of the intestine and of the liver. The following tables give the results of two series of observations by Ber-, nard on the temperature of the blood entering and leaving these two organs in the dog: TEMPERATURE OF THE BLOOD IN THE Aorta. Portal Vein. 36.8 38.8 40.3 40.7 39.40 39.5 Portal Vein. Hepatic Vein. 40.2 40.6 40.6 40.9 40.7 40.9 Thus the blood of the hepatic vein, after traversing two successive capillary circulations, is warmer than that drawn from any other part of the body. Even in the kidneys, when the secretion of urine is actively going on, there is a rise of temperature in the blood of the renal veins. At the same time, as in the submaxillary glands, the circulation is increased in activitjr, the venous blood leaves the organ of a bright red color, and its proportion of oxygen, according to Bernard, is only reduced to 88 per cent, of that contained in the arteries, while in the condition of glandular repose it is reduced to 33 per cent. The production of heat, therefore, is accomplished in the different organs of the body with different degrees of intensity according to the special nature of the act of nutrition in each one. In the muscles it is accompanied by an increased consumption of oxygen and a deeper coloration of the venous blood ; in the salivary glands and the kidneys by a diminished consumption of oxygen and a less complete change in the color of the blood. The blood coming from each organ has a higher temperature in proportion to the activity of heat-production in the organ itself; and thus the temperature of the venous blood varies in different parts of the circulatory system, while that of the arterial blood is everywhere sensibly the same. Cooling of the Blood in its Passage through the Lungs and Skin. While in the other internal organs the blood is warmed during its pass- age through the capillary vessels, in the lungs its temperature is slightly diminished. This fact, which has been alternately asserted and denied, owing to the difficulties of exact observation without introducing other causes of a change of temperature, has been abundantly confirmed by the more recent observations of Bering, Bernard, Heidenhain and Korner, and Strieker and Albert. That of Hering was made upon a young calf, otherwise in good condition, but presenting the malformation of ectopia MODE OF PRODUCTION OF ANIMAL HEAT. 309 eorclis, by which the heart was withdrawn from the immediate contact of other organs, and in which case the blood of the right ventricle had a temperature of 39.37, that of the left ventricle 38.75. Heidenhain and Korner, 1 in 94 observations on the dog, partly with the use of thermo- electric needles and partly with the mercurial thermometer, found the temperature of the blood on the two sides of the heart equal in only one instance. In all the others, it was higher on the right side than on the left, by 0.1 to 0.6. Bernard, 2 who first demonstrated this differ- ence by the mercurial thermometer, has shown it also by the use of thermo-electric needles, introduced into the right and left ventricles of the dog's heart, through the jugular vein and carotid artery respectively ; always finding the blood in the right ventricle warmer than that in the left. According to these observations, the difference in temperature may amount in the fasting animal to 0.174, during digestion to 0.232. Although during digestion the temperature of the blood generally is higher than in the fasting condition, the difference between the two sides of the heart continues to show itself in the same direction. The diminution in temperature of the blood while passing through the lungs is usually attributed to the physical influence of the cooler air in the pulmonary cavities and to that of the vaporization of watery fluid. As the air expelled by respiration is warmer than when introduced into the lungs, it must withdraw a certain amount of heat from the internal parts ; and as it contains, furthermore, watery vapor disengaged from the lungs, the vaporization of this fluid must also reduce the temperature of the respiratory organs. Whether the cooling influence of these causes is more or less than sufficient to account fully for the difference in the blood on the two sides of the heart has not been determined. It is pos- sible that heat is also produced in the lungs, as in the other internal organs ; but that the w r hole of it, and a little more, is consumed by the influence of the air upon the pulmonary membrane. It is evident, how- ever, that physical conditions exist in the lungs which must cause the disappearance of more or less sensible heat ; and it is certain that the blood, in point of fact, diminishes slightly in temperature while passing through the pulmonary circulation. In the cutaneous circulation the same physical causes exist for a cool- ing effect on the blood as in the lungs ; namely, the contact of the skin with the cooler air, and the vaporization of the watery fluid supplied by perspiration. It is for this reason, as already mentioned, that the super- ficial parts of the body have a normal temperature somewhat below that of the interior ; and accordingly the blood, after passing through the vessels of the integument, returns to the centre with its temperature slightly diminished. There is every reason to believe that the tissues of the skin and subjacent parts evolve a certain amount of heat by their own nutritive changes ; but the heat thus produced, as in the case of the 1 Archiv fur die Gesammte Physiologie. Bonn, 1871, Band iv. p. 558. 2 Eevue Scientifique. Paris, 1871, No. 1, p. 946. 310 ANIMAL HEAT. lungs, being rather more than counterbalanced by that lost from the surface, the total effect upon the circulating fluid is a lowering of its temperature. The amount of warmth thus lost will vary with the degree of external cold and other conditions of the atmosphere which influence the rapidity of the abstraction of heat. Local Elevation of Temperature by increased Circulation. If the circulation be increased in any part of the external integument, the immediate effect produced is a local rise of temperature. This was first shown by Bernard in his experiments upon division of the sympathetic nerve on one side of the neck. If this operation be performed upon the rabbit, the consequence is a relaxation of the bloodvessels in the cor- responding side of the head, an increased vascularity of the parts, most readily seen in the semi-transparent tissues of the ear, and a higher temperature, readily perceptible both by the touch and the thermometer. In a rabbit, after section of the sympathetic nerve upon the right side of the neck, the temperature of the corresponding ear, as indicated by the thermometer, was increased from 25 to 32; and the difference between the two sides is usually more marked as the external air is colder. Since the superficial parts of the body are habitually cooler than the internal on account of their exposure to the air, and as they are constantly supplied with warm blood from the interior, their actual temperature will be increased in proportion to the amount of blood cir- culating through their vessels. The local rise of temperature in these instances is a passive one, the exposed tissues being warmed at the expense of the blood coming from the internal organs. No more heat is actually produced in the body than usual, and the cooling effect of the air upon the whole system is unchanged ; but it is less perceptible in the part subjected to experiment, because it receives a larger quantity of heat from the interior owing to the increased volume of blood passing through it in a given time. This influence of the circulation upon the temperature of the external parts has been shown by Dr. Wier Mitchell 1 by observations upon the human subject. If the hand and arm be held for some moments above the head, emptied as fully as possible of blood, and a tourniquet then applied to the arm in such a way as to check the circulation, the tem- perature of the hand falls 0.55. If, on the contrary, the circulation be left unimpeded, and a freezing mixture applied to the elbow, sufficient to chill the ulnar nerve, when sensation has become entirely abolished the temperature of the corresponding hand rises from 1.10 to 2.20. But if the arm be first emptied of blood as before, the tourniquet applied, and the ulnar nerve then chilled to insensibility, the temperature of the hand no longer rises, but falls, as in the former experiment, 0.55. In the internal or glandular organs, on the other hand, when ex- cited to functional activity, the rise of temperature is an active one, taking place in the substance of the gland itself; since the blood 1 Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine. New York, 1873, vol. i. p. 354. REGULATION OF THE ANIMAL TEMPERATURE. 311 passing through these organs becomes warmer instead of cooler, and receives heat from the changes taking place in the glandular tissue. Equalization of Temperature by the Circulation. As the production of heat is a local process in each separate organ or tissue, varying in intensity with the nature of the nutritive changes in different parts, the blood, as we have seen, acquires a higher temperature in some organs than in others ; and in the lungs and skin its heat actually diminishes instead of increasing. If it remained at rest, these differences of tem- perature would no doubt be more marked than they are at present. But as the blood is in constant motion, passing from the circumference to the centre, and being again distributed from the centre to the circum- ference, the effect of this movement of circulation is to equalize to a considerable degree the temperature of different parts of the body. The venous blood coming from the general integument with a diminished temperature is mingled with that of the muscular system, which has become warmed during its capillary circulation. The blood of the hepatic veins, which is the warmest of all, joins the current of the inferior vena cava, returning from the pelvic organs and the inferior extremities. This is again mingled, at its entrance into the right cavities of the heart, with the slightly cooler column of blood descending from the head and upper extremities by the superior vena cava. The whole volume of the blood then passes through the lungs, with the effect of still further moderating its temperature ; and the arterial blood is then distributed to the various parts of the body, to gain warmth in some of them and to lose it in others, and again mingled after a few seconds at the centre of the circulation. Thus the superabundant heat of certain organs, where its production is most active, is constantly transferred to others by the moving column of the blood ; and a certain equilibrium or standard of temperature is thus established for the body as a whole. It is found, by the observations of Jurgensen, that this standard temperature for the human body, as measured in the rectum, varies within very narrow limits, from day to night, and even at successive periods of each division of the twenty-four hours. These normal fluctuations are no doubt owing to the greater or less activity, at different times, of different internal organs ; the total amount of heat produced being increased or dimin- ished with the preponderating influence of organs in which it is more or less rapidly generated. Regulation of the Animal Temperature. A certain temperature is .not only the result of the vital actions; it is also necessary to their accomplishment. Even in the vegetable king- dom this temperature, which varies within moderate limits in different kinds of plants, is requisite for all the phenomena of growth and vitality. A seed sown in the most productive soil does not germinate until it feels the influence of the necessary warmth ; and its germination is also impossible if it be exposed to a heat which is too intense. The degrees both of heat and cold which favor or arrest the functions of vegetation 312 ANIMAL HEAT. have been in many instances accurately determined. According to the experiments of Sachs, the limits of germination for wheat and barley are between 5 and 38, and for Indian corn between 9 and 42. The irritability and periodic movements of the sensitive-plant do not show themselves unless the temperature of the surrounding air be above 15. In air at 48 to 50, on the other hand, the leaflets become rigid in a few moments, though they may afterward recover if the temperature be moderated; while a heat of 52 permanently destroys their vitality. Thus no vegetative function can come into activity, unless the tempera-, ture of the plant reaches a certain degree above the freezing point ; and it ceases, furthermore, if the temperature rise above another determinate degree, which cannot for any considerable time exceed 50. Within these two limits, also, every vegetable function has a special tempera- ture at which it is most active; diminishing in intensity both above and below this point. Observation shows that the same is true of the animal functions. Each species of animal has a definite bodily temperature, and this tem- perature cannot be raised or lowered beyond certain limits without arresting the phenomena of life. Mammalians, whose normal tempera- ture is from 37 to 40, become insensible and soon die, when cooled down to 18 or 20, which is the natural standard for reptiles and fish; while a frog is soon killed by being kept in water at 38. On the other hand, mammalians die when their blood and internal organs are heated up to 45, which is precisely the normal temperature of birds; and birds themselves are fatally affected when their internal temperature is raised to 48 or 50. In every case the vital functions are seriously disturbed by a very moderate change in the actual temperature of the bodily organs ; and in the mammalians, as a general rule, death follows when this change amounts to an elevation of 6 or 7, or to a depres- sion of 20. In the human subject, in febrile affections, the rise of temperature, as measured in the axilla, yields a very accurate criterion of the gravity of the disease. An increase of this temperature from 36.6 to 37.5 or 38 indicates a mild form of the malady; but an increase to 40 or 40.5 shows that the attack is severe. Above 40.5 it is a symptom of great danger; and when the temperature rises to 42.5 or 43 a fatal result is almost inevitable. 1 Effects of Lowering the Temperature of the Animal Body. If a warm-blooded animal be exposed to cold in such a way as to abstract the internal heat faster than it can be produced, the effect is a general and continuous depression of the vital functions. After a short period of pain in the more exposed and sensitive parts, the skin becomes insensible, the muscles lose their contractile energy, the movements of respiration diminish in frequency, and the nervous system becomes more and more inactive. In the human subject a marked sluggishness of 1 Flint, Principles and Practice of Medicine. Philadelphia, 1868, p. 109. REGULATION OF THE ANIMAL TEMPERATURE. 313 mind and a disposition to sleep have been observed as among the symp- toms of long continued and dangerous exposure to unusually low tem- peratures. The local effects of cold upon the nervous tissues in man have been shown by the experiments of Dr. Weir Mitchell, 1 in chilling the ulnar nerve at the elbow by the application of a freezing mixture. This at first produces pain in the hand, subsequently followed by loss of sensi- bility and motive power in the parts corresponding with the distribu- tion of the nerve. The general effects of a lowered temperature result from its combined influence upon all the separate organs and tissues. According to the observations of Bernard, if the body of a rabbit or a guinea-pig be sur- rounded by snow or ice so as to prevent spontaneous motion and to cause a continuous abstraction of heat, the temperature, as taken in the rectum, gradually falls from 38 to 30, 25, 20, and 18. When the depression of the bodily temperature has reached this point, the animal is insensible and paralyzed, and the respiration feeble and infre- quent. The heat-producing power is also lost, so that if the animal be withdrawn from the cooling mixture and kept in the air at 10 or 12, the temperature of the body continues steadily to diminish, and death takes place after a short time. But when in this condition of depression and insensibility, although most of the vital actions are suspended, and the animal has lost the power of maintaining his own temperature, if he be supplied with arti- ficial warmth up to a certain point, he may regain his vitality, and the processes of life be again put in operation. The respiration, which was reduced to a minimum by the continued action of cold, becomes increased in rapidity as the body is artificially warmed, and the func- tions of the nervous and muscular systems are also finally restored. A striking example of the temporary suspension of the bodily func- tions by cold is presented by the hibernating animals, as marmots and some species of squirrels, which pass into a condition of torpor during the winter, becoming insensible, unconscious, and immovable, while at the same time respiration is nearly imperceptible, and the bodily temperature sinks to 10, 8, or even 2. Life, however, is not abol- ished but only held in abeyance ; and with the return of spring all the functions resume their activity. A hibernating animal is accordingly somewhat in the condition of a seed, which remains in the ground over winter, with its vitality dormant, but ready to come into action when supplied with the requisite degree of warmth. Effects of Elevating the Temperature of the Animal Body. If the temperature of the body, in a living animal, be artificially raised some degrees above the normal standard, the effects are quite different from those produced by cold. In the experiments of Bernard, the animals, both birds and mammalians, were inclosed in a cage with heated air ; 1 Injuries of Nerves and their Consequences. Philadelphia, 1872, p. 59. 21 314 ANIMAL HEAT. the air being sometimes dry and sometimes loaded with moisture, but renewed by due ventilation. The primary effects were increased fre- quencjr of respiration and an appearance of discomfort and agitation ; and finally death took place usually with convulsive movements, some- times accompanied by an audible cry. The fatal result was more rapidly produced in birds than in mammalia. Thus, a rabbit placed in the cage with dry air at 65, died in twenty minutes; and a bird, in air at the same temperature, died in four minutes. This difference is no doubt partly due to the greater activity of the circulation in birds, by which external heat is more rapidly transferred to the internal organs ; since the same observer found that of two rabbits, one living and one dead, placed in the warm cage at 100, the internal temperature of the living animal became sensibly raised sooner than that of the dead one. In a medium of high temperature, therefore, a fatal amount of heat reaches the internal organs more rapidly by means of the circulation than by simple conduction through the solid tissues. After death from exposure to too warm an atmosphere, the internal temperature is found to be 5 or 6 above the normal standard; the heart is motionless ; both the muscles and the nerves are insensible to the stimulus of galvanism ; and lastly, cadaveric rigidity is established with unusual promptitude. In many instances the blood is found dark- colored in the arterial as well as in the venous system ; but this is a post-mortem change, since observation shows that the arterial blood continues red so long as life lasts, while its oxygen disappears and its color darkens with great rapidity after the stoppage of respiration. The appearances indicate that an unnaturally high temperature produces death by hastening, in an undue degree, the chemical changes taking place in the tissues and fluids, in such a manner that their vitality is rapidly exhausted and can no longer be maintained by the usual pro- cesses of nutrition. Resistance of the Living Body to Low External Temperature. Since an actual depression of the temperature of the body is followed by such serious results, and as, in point of fact, its temperature is maintained in health at the normal standard, notwithstanding exposure to varying degrees of cold, it is evident that the living organism possesses the power of increased production of internal heat, to compensate for the greater loss without. In the experiments of Senator on the abstraction of warmth, by confining dogs in close cages surrounded by a cold me- dium, it was found that the total amount of heat produced by the ani- mal was not increased. But in these cases the animals were placed under conditions by which their natural movements were prevented, and the results obtained were due to simple cooling of the body, with- out the action of compensating causes. In the natural, unconfined con- dition, the effect is different. It is a matter of common observation, that the influence of moderate external cold, if not too long continued, produces a sense of warmth and increased vigor, instead of depression. The atmosphere of a winter's day, or a cold shower bath, acts as a REGULATION OF THE ANIMAL TEMPERATURE. 815 stimulant to vital processes ; and, even although the exposed parts of the skin may be reduced considerably below their normal temperature, the body, as a whole, does not experience a loss of warmth, but main- tains its natural condition of vitality. It is certain that under these circumstances more heat than usual must be produced from the influ- ence of external cold. The mode in which this result is accomplished has not been deter- mined with precision by experimental means. It is plain that the nervous system has its share in the mechanism of the process, perhaps by directly stimulating the molecular changes which produce the evolu- tion of animal heat. There are, however, two sources of heat supply, which evidently play an important part in maintaining the temperature of the body when exposed to cold. The first of these is muscular activity. It has been shown that the muscles produce a considerable quantity of heat in their own tissue, and that this quantity is increased by the contraction of the muscular fibres. The total production of heat, therefore, for the whole body, must be considerably augmented when all the voluntary muscles are thrown into a condition of unusual functional activity. Experience shows that this is, in fact, one of the requisite conditions of resistance to cold. The stimulus of the cool air upon the skin excites the desire for active move- ment, and muscular exercise produces a compensating quantity of internal heat. But if the body be exposed to even moderate winter weather without voluntary motion, it must either be protected by an unusual quantity of clothing, or it will soon feel the depressing effect of a loss of its animal heat. Secondly, the increased production of warmth, when required, is pro- vided for by an increased supply of food. The materials for the chemical changes requisite for heat-production are supplied directly by the tissues or the blood, but primarily, of course, from the ingredients of the food. Even a recent ingestion of food, as shown in the experiments of Senator, increases perceptibly the amount of heat generated, in the dog, within a given time ; and for longer periods, the influence of an ample or a scanty supply is abundantly manifest. In animals which are scantily fed or ill nourished, the capacity for resistance to cold is much less than in those which are in good condition and which have received a suffi- cient quantity of food. The immediate effect of a moderate exposure to cold in the healthy condition, is to increase the appetite. A larger quantity of food is habitually taken during the winter than during the summer season; and among the inhabitants of northern and arctic regions, the daily consumption of food is much greater than in the temperate and tropical climates. It is not necessary to assume that the food, thus required for main- taining a greater heat-production, is directly employed to furnish the necessary warmth by its consumption. The heat is no doubt generated from the activity of all the nutritive changes in the different tissues of the body, and these changes are enabled to continue indefinitely only by 316 ANIMAL HEAT. a supply of food sufficiently ample to provide for the material demands of the animal system. Resistance of the Living Body to High External Temperature. It has been seen that, in the human subject and the warm-blooded animals generally, an actual rise in the bodily temperature of 6 or 7 is certainly fatal ; and yet the body may be exposed, as shown by repeated observa- tions, to much higher degrees of heat without any injurious result. According to Dr. Carpenter, the temperature of the air, in many parts of the tropical zone, often rises, during a large portion of the year, to 43.3, and in some regions of India is occasionally above 50; while it is well known that the air of manufactory dr3 r ing-rooms and of the Turkish bath may be easily endured at a heat of considerably more than 45. Either of these temperatures would be fatal to man, if they indi- cated the actual warmth of the internal organs. The body therefore must either possess some means of diminishing its own production of heat, or else of neutralizing, to a certain extent, temperatures which are higher than that of the normal standard. The most direct and simplest means of moderating the temperature of the body is that by the cutaneous perspiration. This fluid, derived from the perspiratory glands of the skin, is a clear, colorless, watery secretion, with a distinctly acid reaction, and a specific gravity of 1003 or 1004. Its constitution is as follows : COMPOSITION OF THE CUTANEOUS PERSPIRATION. Water Sodium chloride Potassium chloride ........ Sodium and potassium sulphates ..... Salts of organic acids 1000.00 It is accordingly a fluid of very simple composition, containing more than 99^ per cent, of water, and more than half its solid ingredients consisting of the inorganic alkaline chlorides. There are also present in the perspiration traces of an organic substance similar to albumen, and a free volatile acid, which gives to the fluid its acid reaction and odor. The perspiration is a constant secretion. In a condition of repose or of moderate bodily activity, it is exuded in so gradual a manner that it is at once carried off by evaporation, and has received the name, under these circumstances, of the insensible transpiration. The entire quantity of fluid discharged in this way, according to the observations of Lavoi- sier and Seguin, amounts on the average to 900 grammes per day. In addition to this, about 500 grammes are discharged from the lungs, making 1400 grammes of daily exhalation from the whole body. The vaporization of this quantity of water will consume 750 heat units; or REGULATION OF THE ANIMAL TEMPERATURE. 317 about one-fifth of all the heat produced in the body during twenty-four hours. The cutaneous secretion may be greatly increased by temporary causes. An elevated temperature or unusual muscular exertion, will increase the circulation through the skin and largely augment the amount of fluid discharged. It then exudes more rapidly than it can be carried off by evaporation, and collects upon the skin as a visible moisture, whence it is known as the sensible perspiration. The amount of perspiration dis- charged during violent exercise has been known to rise as high as 350 or 380 grammes per hour ; and Dr. Southwood Smith 1 found that the laborers employed in heated gas-works sometimes lost, by both cutane- ous and pulmonary exhalation, nearly 1600 grammes in the course of an hour. The evaporation of this increased quantity of fluid consumes a large portion of the caloric derived from the heated atmosphere, and thus prevents an undue rise in the temperature of the bodily organs. It is possible that certain influences transmitted through the nerves may also have the power of controlling directly the molecular activity of the tissues, and may thus diminish the amount of internal heat at the source of its production ; but the experimental evidence of this action is yet incomplete, and its mode of operation comparatively obscure. The production of heat in the animal body and the regulation of its temperature, by which it is maintained at or near a normal standard, are two of the most important phenomena presented by the living organ- ism. They are the result of an associated series of vital actions, and at the same time essential conditions for the continuance of life. 1 Philosophy of Health. London, 1838, chap. xiii. CHAPTER XV. THE CIRCULATION. THE blood is a nutritious fluid, holding in solution the ingredients necessary for the formation of the tissues. In all the higher animals and in man, the structure of the body is compound, consisting of various organs, with widely different functions, situated in different parts of the frame. In the intestine the process of digestion is accomplished, and the prepared ingredients of the food are thence absorbed into the blood- vessels, by which they are transported to distant parts. In the lungs the blood absorbs oxygen, which is afterward appropriated by the tissues ; and the carbonic acid produced in the tissues is finally exhaled from the lungs. In the liver, the kidneys, and the skin, other substances are produced or eliminated, and these local processes are all necessary to the preservation of the general organization. The circulating fluid is therefore a means of transportation, by which substances produced in particular organs are dispersed throughout the body, or by which sub- stances produced in the tissues generally are conveyed to particular organs, in order to be eliminated. The circulatory apparatus consists of four different parts, namely, 1st. The heart ; a hollow, muscular organ, which propels the blood. 2d. The arteries ; a series of branching tubes, which convey it from the heart to different parts of the body. 3d. The capillaries ; a network of inoscu- lating tubules, interwoven with the substance of the tissues, which bring the blood into intimate contact with their component parts ; and 4th. The veins ; a set of converging vessels, destined to collect the blood from the capillaries, and return it to the heart. In each of these different parts of the circulatory apparatus, the movement of the blood is peculiar and dependent on special conditions. The Heart. The structure of the heart and of the adjacent vessels varies in dif- ferent classes of animals, owing to the different arrangement of the respiratory organs. In man and the mammalians the process of respiration is not only much more active than in cold-blooded animals, but the lungs are also the only special organs of aeration. The whole of the blood, accord- ingly, after returning from the general system, passes through the lungs before it is again distributed to the system. It thus traverses in succession the general circulation for the whole body, and the special circulation for the lungs. The mammalian heart (Fig. 99), consists of (318) THE HEART. 319 Fig. 99. a right auricle and ventricle (a, 6), receiving the blood from the vena cava (i), and driving it to the lungs; and a left auricle and ventricle (/, g) receiving the blood from the lungs and propelling it out- ward through the arterial sys- tem. In the mammalian heart, the different parts of the organ pre- sent certain peculiarities and bear certain relations to each other, which influence its action and movements. The heart itself is suspended somewhat freely in the cavity of the chest, attached to the spinal column mainly by the great bloodvessels passing through the superior and pos- terior mediastinum. It is of a more or less conical form ; its base, situated upon the median line, being directed upward and back- ,,.,., . , , Ward, While its apex points down- ward, forward, and to the left, , , , ,, . ,. surrounded by the pericardium, but capable of a certain degree of lateral and rotatory motion. The auricles, which have a smaller capacity and thinner walls than the ventricles, are situated at the upper and posterior part of the organ (Figs. 100 and 101); while the ventri- CIRCULATION IN MAMMALIANS. a. Right auricle . b . Right ventricle, c. Pulmon- ary artery, d. Lungs, e. Pulmonary vein. /. Left auricle, cr. Left ventricle, h. Aorta. < Vena cava> Fig. 100. Fig. 101. HUMAN HEART, anterior view. a. Right ventricle. 6. Left ventricle. c. Right auricle, d. Left auricle, e. Pulmonary artery, /. Aorta. HUMAN HEART, posterior view. a. Right ventricle. 6. Left ventricle. c. Right auricle, d. Left auricle. cles occupy its anterior and lower portions. The two ventricles, more- over, are not situated on the same plane. The right ventricle occupies 320 THE CIRCULATION. a position somewhat in front and above that of the left ; so that in an anterior view of the heart the greater portion of the left ventricle is con- cealed by the right (Fig. 100), and in a posterior view the greater por- tion of the right ventricle is concealed by the left (Fig. 101) ; while in both positions the apex of the heart is constituted altogether by the point of the left ventricle. The different cavities of the heart and of the adjacent bloodvessels on each side, though continuous with each other, are partially separated by certain constrictions. The orifices by which they communicate are known by the names of the auricular, auriculo-ventricular, and aortic and pulmonary orifices ; the auricular orifices being the passages from the venae eavse and pulmonary veins into the right and left auricles ; the auriculo-ventricular orifices leading from the auricles into the ventricles ; and the aortic and pulmonary orifices leading from the ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary artery respectively. The auriculo-ventricular, aortic, and pulmonary orifices are furnished with valves, which allow the blood to pass readily from the auricles to the ventricles, and from the ventricles to the arteries, but shut back in such a manner as to prevent its return in the opposite direction. The course of the blood through the heart is, therefore, as follows (Fig. 102) : Fig. 102. RIGHT AURICLE AND VENTRICLE; Auriculo-ventricular Valves open, Arterial Valves closed. From the vena cava it passes into the right auricle ; and from the right auricle into the right ventricle. On the contraction of the right ventri- cle, the tricuspid valves shut back, preventing its return into the auricle (Fig. 103) ; and it is thus driven through the pulmonary artery to the lungs. Returning from the lungs, it enters the left auricle, thence passes into the left ventricle, from which it is finally delivered into the aorta, and distributed throughout the body. The two streams of blood, THE HEART. 321 arterial and venous, in their passage through the heart, follow a course which is, in each case, curvilinear and more or less spiral in direction ; Fig. 103. RIGHT AURICLE AND VENTRICLE; Auriculo-ventricular Valves closed, Arterial Valves open. the axes of the currents crossing each other in the right and left cavi- ties of the organ respectively (Fig. 104). The venous blood, received Fig. 104. COURSE OP BLOOD THROUGH THE HEAKT. a, a. Vena cava, superior and inferior. b. Right ventricle, c. Pulmonary artery, d. Pulmonary vein. e. Left ventricle. /.Aorta. by the right auricle from the two venae cavae, passes downward and forward from the auricle into the ventricle. In the body of the right 322 THE CIRCULATION. ventricle it turns upon itself and then follows a direction from below upward, from right to left and from before backward, through that part of the right ventricle tying in front of the heart and termed the " conus arteriosus," to the commencement of the pulmonary artery. On return- ing from the lungs to the left auricle, it passes from above downward into the cavity of the left ventricle, when it makes a turn like that upon the right side and is directed again from below upward and from left to right, behind the situation of the conus arteriosus, and crossing it at an acute angle, to the commencement of the aorta. The aorta itself, though its point of origin is placed somewhat posteriorly to that of the pulmo- nary artery, soon comes more to the front in its arched portion, while the pulmonary artery runs almost directly backward. Thus the two blood-currents may be said to twist spirally round each other in their course through the corresponding auricles and ventricles. The movement of the blood through the cardiac cavities is not a con- < tinuous and steady flow, but is accomplished by alternate contractions ' and relaxations of the muscular walls of the heart ; by which successive portions of blood are delivered from the auricles into the ventricles, and thence discharged into the arteries. Each one of these successive actions is called a beat or pulsation of the heart. The cardiac pulsations are accompanied by certain physical phenomena dependent upon the struc- ture of the heart and its mode of action. Sourtds, Movements, and Impulse of the Heart. The sounds of the heart are two in number. They can be heard by applying the ear over the cardiac region, when they are found to be quite different from each other in position, tone, and duration. They are distinguished as the first and second sounds of the heart. The first sound is heard with the greatest intensity over the anterior surface of the heart, and particularly at the situation of the apex beat, over the fifth rib and the fifth inter- costal space. It is comparatively long, dull, and smothered in tone, and occupies one-half the entire duration of a beat. It corresponds in time with the impulse of the heart in the precordial region, and with the stroke of the large arteries in the immediate vicinity of the chest. The second sound follows almost immediately upon the first. It is heard most distinctly at the situation of the aortic and pulmonary valves, namely, over the sternum at the level of the third costal cartilage. It is short and distinct, and occupies only about one-quarter of the whole time of a pulsation. It is followed by an equal interval of silence ; after which the first sound again recurs. The whole time of a cardiac pulsa- tion may be divided into four quarters, of which the first two are occu- pied by the first sound, the third by the second sound, and the fourth by an interval of silence, as follows : KELATIVE TIME AND DURATION OF THE HEART-SOUNDS. r 1st quarter ) I 2d j First sound. Cardiac pulsation \ _ 3d Second sound. 1 4th " Interval of silence. THE HEART. 323 The cause of the second sound is universally admitted to be the sudden closure and tension of the aortic and pulmonary valves. This fact is established by the following proofs : 1st. The sound is heard with per- fect distinctness, as mentioned above, directly over the situation of these valves at the base of the heart ; 2d. The further we recede in any direc- tion from this point, the fainter becomes the sound ; and 3d, in experi- ments upon the living animal, b}' different observers, it has been found that if a curved needle be introduced into the base of the large vessels, so as to hook back the semilunar valves, the second sound disappears, and remains absent until the valve is again liberated. The valves con- sist of fibrous sheets, covered with a layer of endocardial epithelium. They have the form of semilunar festoons, the free edge of which is directed from the cavity of the ventricle, while the attached edge is fastened to the inner surface of the base of the artery. While the blood is passing from the ventricle to the artery, the valves are thrown for- ward and relaxed ; but when the artery reacts upon its contents they shut back, and their fibres, becoming suddenly tense, yield a clear, characteristic, snapping sound. The character of this valvular sound may be closely imitated by snapping a piece of tape or ribbon (Fig. 105), Fig. 105. alternately loosening and extending it, while firmly held between the fingers of the two hands. A short piece of ribbon by this sudden tension will give out a sharp and distinct sound ; a longer one will yield a sound which is more dull and prolonged. The first sound of the heart contains two elements, which are mingled in different proportions according to the point at which it is heard. One of these elements is comparatively dull in tone, and when heard over the apex or front of the heart communicates its character to the whole of the first sound. It is variously attributed to the muscular contrac- tion of the cardiac fibres and to the movement of the surface of the heart against the inner walls of the chest. The remaining element of the first sound is valvular in character, and is caused by the tension of the auriclo-ventricular valves at the time of the ventricular pulsation. It gradually predominates over the other, at points further removed from the apex of the heart, toward the left border of the organ and the 324 THE CIRCULATION. left nipple ; and still further to the left it is heard alone, the first sound at this situation being purely valvular, like the second. 1 The movements of the heart ma}' be observed in the dog, or other warm-blooded quadruped, by opening the cavity of the chest by a longi- tudinal incision through the sternum, and separating the costal cartilages, on each side, at their junction with the ribs; artificial respiration being maintained by the nozzle of a bellows inserted in the trachea. The animal may be partially narcotized by a preliminary subcutaneous in- jection of morphine, after which complete etherization is produced and continued with great facility. The operation of opening the chest and exposing the thoracic organs increases the rapidity of the heart's move- ments and diminishes their force ; but its action is not otherwise changed, and the circulation will continue for several hours, provided artificial respiration be maintained with regularity. When exposed to view under these conditions, the movements of the mammalian heart are at once seen to be complicated to such a degree that close examination is requisite to distinguish their different elements. The most obvious appearance at first presented is the rapid succession of two alternating conditions, namely a condition of rest and a condi- tion of movement. Furthermore, if the heart be touched or gently grasped between the fingers, it becomes evident that the two states of rest and movement are accompanied by corresponding changes in the consistency of the organ. At the time of rest it is comparatively soft and yielding to the touch ; at the time of its movement, it becomes x hard and tense. Inspection alone cannot determine which of these two states corresponds with the entrance of the blood into the ventricles and which with its exit ; in other words, which represents muscular relaxation and which the contraction of the heart. Different observers, while watching the movements of the same heart in the living animal, will often be led to opposite conclusions in this respect. The only method of directly determining the point is that first adopted by Harvey, in his observa- tions upon the heart, which formed the basis of the discovery of the circulation of the blood. If we insert through the walls of the left ventricle a silver canula from one to two millimetres in diameter, so as to pierce its cavity, the blood is forcibly projected from its orifice at the time of the tension of the cardiac walls, while its flow is suspended in the intervals of repose. Thus the two states of relaxation and tension of the heart correspond with the relaxation and contraction of its muscular fibres. Like mus- cular tissue elsewhere, that of the heart during relaxation is compara- tively soft to the touch ; when the ventricles contract upon their contents and forcibly expel the blood, they become tense and firm, by the sudden rigidity of their fibres. By this means the two opposite conditions of the diastole and systole of the ventricles may be recognized with cer- tainty, and connected with the other corresponding phenomena of the 1 Flint, Treatise on Diseases of the Heart. Philadelphia, 1870, pp. 61-62. THE HEART. 325 heart's action. At the time of their diastole, the blood enters the cavity of the ventricles through the auricular orifice ; at the time of their systole it is expelled into the arterial trunks. Simultaneously with the hardening and contraction of the ventricles the apex of the heart moves slighly from left to right, and rotates at the same time upon its own axis in a similar direction. This movement was also observed by Harvey, who describes it as follows: 1 " And if any one," he says, u bearing these things in mind, will care- fully watch the motions of the heart in the body of the living animal, he will perceive not only all the particulars I have mentioned, namely, the heart becoming erect and making one continuous motion with its auricles ; but, further, a certain obscure undulation and lateral inclina- tion in the direction of the axis of the right ventricle, the organ twisting itself slightly in performing its work." Both these movements, of lateral inclination and rotation, result from the spiral arrangement of the muscular fibres on the exterior of the heart. The most superficial of these fibres Fig. 106. start from the base of the organ and pass toward its apex, following an obliquely spiral course over its anterior surface, from above downward and from right to left. The contraction of this superficial portion Fig. 107. BULLOCK'S HEAKT, anterior view, showing the superficial mus- cular fibres. CONVERGING SPIRAL FIBRES AT THE APKX OP THE HEART. The direction of the arrows indi- cates that of the rotating movement of the heart at the time of the ventricular systole. of the muscular fibres accordingly tilts the apex of the heart in a slight degree bodily from left to right. As the fibres, however, reach the point of the heart they curl round its axis, change their direction, and disap- pear from sight, becoming deep seated and passing upward along the septum and internal surface of the ventricle, to a termination finally in the columnse carneae and the fibrous border of the auriculo-ventricular ring. They thus form, exactly at the apex of the heart, a kind of whorl or vortex, of spiral muscular fibres easily distinguishable when the organ is in active motion. Any muscular fibre arranged in this direction Works of William Harvey, M.D., Sydenham Edition. London, 1847, p. 32. THE CIRCULATION. necessarily tends, at the moment of its contraction, to straighten or untwist the spiral. At the time of the ventricular contraction, there- fore, the apex of the heart rotates upon its axis, from left to right ante- riorly and from right to left posteriorly. This twisting movement at the apex is very perceptible at each pulsation of the heart when exposed in the living animal. The impulse of the heart is a stroke, more or less forcible, of the apex of the organ against the walls of the chest, taking place at the time of the ventricular systole. This impulse is readily perceptible externally, as a general rule, both to the eye and to the touch. In the human subject, when in the erect position, it is located in the fifth inter- costal space, midway between the left edge of the sternum and a line drawn perpendicularly through the left nipple ; while in the supine posi- tion of the body, the heart subsides, in a measure, from the anterior part of the chest, so that its external impulse may become for the time very faint, or may even disappear altogether. This alternate recession and advance of the apex of the heart, corre- sponding with its relaxation and contraction, is visible in the organ when exposed by opening the walls of the chest. According to the descrip- tion given by Harvey, at the time of its motion " the heart is erected, and rises upward to a point, so that at this time it strikes against the breast and the pulse is felt externally." If we allow the end of the finger to rest lightly upon the apex of the exposed heart, the protrusion of this part of the organ at the time of the ventricular systole is dis- tinctly felt, lifting the finger at each beat with a somewhat forcible impulse ; and if a light rider of white paper be placed upon the apex, it is also seen to be thrown forward and backward at each alternate con- traction and relaxation of the heart. The immediate cause of the protrusion of the heart's apex at the time of the ventricular systole has been variously regarded, first as an actual elongation of the ventricle, and secondly, as a forward movement of the whole heart, due to a recoil from the blood expelled from it under pres- sure, or to a reaction of the distended arteries at its base. Galen, who was the first to study the action of the heart by inspection in the living animal, found the transverse diameter of the organ increased during relaxation and its length diminished, while during the systole its width was diminished and its length increased. 1 Of subsequent observers, some believed the heart to be lengthened, others that it was shortened at the time of the ventricular systole. Nearly all the more recent physio- logical writers of eminence (Longet, Carpenter, Flint, Ranke, Burdon- Sanderson) are of the opinion that the ventricles when contracting diminish in size in every direction, that the apex of the organ approaches the base, but that the whole heart is thrown forward by the impulse of recoil above mentioned. Prof. Flint 2 cut out the heart suddenly from 1 Galen, De Usu Partium, vi. 8. 2 Physiology of Man. New York, 1866, p. 189. THE HEART. 327 the dog, and, fastening it upon a table by needles passed through its base, found the ventricles shortened in contraction ; and obtained the same result, in another experiment, by pinning the heart, in the chest of the living animal, to a thin board placed underneath. On the other hand, Drs. Pennock and Moore, who performed a series of very careful experi- ments upon the action of the heart in sheep, calves, and horses, 1 observed an elongation of the organ at the time of the ventricular systole. They operated by stunning the animals with a blow upon the head, opening the chest, and keeping up artificial respiration, and they were able to measure the extent of elongation by means of a shoemaker's rule applied to the heart. In our own observations on this point, many times repeated, we have always seen reason to believe that the heart actually elongates in the ventricular systole, and that it is not simply thrown forward by an im- pulse of recoil. The appearances presented, when viewing the front of the mammalian heart, as it lies in its natural position in the chest, are somewhat complicated. The anterior surface of the organ is mainly occupied by the right ventricle and especially by that portion of it known as the conus arteriosus. This is in reality a vaulted channel running obliquely over the front of the heart, from right to left and from below upward, toward the origin of the pulmonary artery. Its muscular fibres, on the other hand, run directly across it and at right angles to the axis of its cavity, namely, from right to left and from above down- ward, constituting the most superficial fibres of the heart in this situa- tion. At the time of ventricular systole, these fibres contract across the line of the conus arteriosus, become thickened and more prominent and approximate the base of the heart and the lower -border of the conus arteriosus toward each other. But the right ventricle constitutes a comparatively small portion of the heart. The greater part of its mass is formed by the thick walls of the left ventricle, which occupies a posterior position, and is not fully seen in a front view of the organ. If the heart be tilted up and viewed from its posterior surface, at every contraction its sides will be seen to approximate and its point to elongate ; in other words, its transverse diameter diminishes, while its longitudinal diameter increases. Its base may be firmly held by the fingers placed upon the large vessels, -while this change of form of the organ is observed. Even in an anterior view, with the whole heart securely held in this position, according to our observations, the apex, at each systole, will rise toward an ivory rod placed horizontally above it, and will recede in the same degree at each diastole. If this be true, the explanation of the ventricular elongation is readily found in the arrangement of the muscular fibres of the left ventricle. The left ventricle preponderates so much in mass over the other parts of the organ, that its changes of figure determine those of the entire heart. 1 Philadelphia Medical Examiner, 1839, No. 44. 328 THE CIRCULATION. Fig. 108. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE BULLOCK'S HEART IN THE STATE OP CADAVERIC RIGIDITY. a. Cav- ity of the Left Ventricle, b. Cavity of the Right Ventricle. Fig. 109. A transverse section of the heart, in its contracted condition, shows the relative volume of the muscular walls of the right and left ventricles, and the difference in form of the two cavities. The left ventricle forms a thick muscular tube, with its cavity nearly in the centre of the cardiac mass ; while the right ventricle has the ap- pearance of a comparatively incon- siderable layer of fibres, attached to the lateral surface of the organ, and enclosing a cavity of a more linear and flattened form. The surperficial cardiac fibres, which make the visible part of the wall of the right ventricle, run obliquely from right to left and from above down- ward, toward the heart's apex; but the more deeply seated layers, belonging to the left ventricle, take more and more a horizontal or circular course, being wrappped round the ven- tricle, almost like those of the small intestine. Whenever these muscular fibres contract, they must, of course, swell in the direction of their thickness ; and the effect produced by this simul- taneous swelling of all the circular fibres is to increase the longitudinal diameter of the ven- tricle, at the same time that its sides are drawn together and its calibre diminished. In the sys- tole of the ventricle, accordingly, its muscular fibres contract upon its contents, like the fingers of a closed hand, and the blood is expelled from its cavity very much as the fluids of the intestinal canal are forced onward by the contracting cir- cular fibres of the muscular coat. fihythm of the Heart's Action. The succession of phenomena in the heart's action is peculiar and somewhat complicated. Each pulsation is made up of a double series of contractions and relaxations. The two auricles contract together, and afterward the two ventricles ; and in each case the contraction is immediately followed by a relaxation. The auricular contraction is short and feeble, and occupies the first part of the time of a pulsation. The ventricular contraction is longer and more powerful, and occupies the latter part of the same period. Following the ventricular contraction there comes a short interval of repose, after which the auricular contraction again recurs. The auricular and ven- tricular contractions, however, do not alternate distinctly with each other, like the strokes of the two pistons in a double forcing-pump. On the contrary, they are connected and continuous. The contraction, LEFT VENTRICLE OF BULLOCK'S HEART, showing its deep fibres. THE HEAKT. 329 which commences at the auricle, is immediately propagated to the ven- tricle, and runs rapidly from the base of the heart to its apex, very much in the manner of a peristaltic motion, excepting that it is more sudden and vigorous. This part of the heart's action is described by Harvey in very graphic terms, evidently drawn from direct study of the phenomena in the living animal. " First of all," he says, "the auricle contracts, and in the course of its contraction throws the blood (which it contains in ample quantity as the head of the veins, the storehouse and cistern of the blood) into the ventricle, which being filled, the heart raises itself straightway, makes all its fibres tense, contracts the ventricles, and performs a beat, b}' which beat it immediately sends the blood, supplied to it by the auricle, into the arteries ; the right ventricle sending its charge into the lungs by the vessel which is called vena arteriosa, but which, in structure and function, and all things else, is an artery ; the left ventricle sending its charge into the aorta, and through this by the arteries to the body at large. " These two motions, one of the ventricles, another of the auricles, take place consecutively, but in such a manner that there is a kind of harmony or rhythm preserved between them, the two concurring in such wise that but one motion is apparent, especially in the warmer blooded animals, in which the movements in question are rapid. Nor is this for any other reason than it is in a piece of machinery, in which, though one wheel gives motion to another, yet all the wheels seem to move simultaneous^ ; or in that mechanical contrivance which is adapted to fire-arms, where, the trigger being touched, down comes the flint, strikes against the steel, elicits a spark, which falling among the powder, it is ignited, upon which the flame extends, enters the barrel, causes the explosion, propels the ball, and the mark is attained ; all of which incidents, by reason of the celerity with which they happen, seem to take place in the twinkling of an eye." The above description indicates precisely the manner in which the contraction of the ventricle follows successively and yet continuously upon that of the auricle. The contraction begins, as already stated, at the auricle. Thence it runs immediately forward to the apex of the heaVt. The entire ventricle contracts vigorously, its walls harden, its apex protrudes, strikes against the walls of the chest, and twists from left to right, the auriculo-ventricular valves shut back, the first sound is produced, and the blood is driven into the aorta and pulmonary artery. These phenomena occupy about one-half the time of pulsation. Then the ventricle is relaxed, and a short period of repose ensues. During this period the blood flows from the large veins into the auricle, and through the auriculo-ventricular orifice into the ventricle; filling the ventricle, by a kind of passive dilatation, about two-thirds or three- quarters full. Then the auricle contracts with a quick motion, forces the last drop of blood into the ventricle, distending it to its full capa- 22 330 THE CIRCULATION. city ; and lastly the ventricular contraction takes place, driving the blood into the large arteries. These movements continue to alternate with each other, and form, by their recurrence, the successive cardiac pul- sations. ft* The Arterial Circulation. The arteries are a series of branching tubes, which commence with the aorta and ramify throughout the body, distributing the blood to the various vascular organs. They consist of three principal coats, namely, an inner coat, composed of thin elastic laminae lined with a single layer of narrow, elongated and flattened epithelium cells ; a middle coat, com- posed of elastic tissue and imstriped muscular fibres, running trans- versely, or in a circular direction, round the calibre of the vessel; and an external coat, consisting mainly of a more or less condensed layer of connective tissue. The principal anatomical distinction between the larger and the smaller arteries is in the structure of their middle coat. In the smaller arteries this coat is composed exclusively of muscular fibres, arranged in one or several layers. In arteries of medium size the middle coat contains both muscular and elastic tissue; while in those of the largest calibre it consists of elastic tissue alone. The large arteries, accordingly, possess a remarkable degree of elasticity and but little contractility; while the smaller are contractile, and less dis- tinctly elastic. Movement of the Blood through the Arterial System. The movement of the blood through the arteries is due to the muscular force of the heart and the impulse derived from the ventricular systole. The arte- rial system, which is an extensive ramification of tubular canals, may be regarded as a great vascular cavity, subdivided from within outward by the successive branching of its vessels, but communicating freely with the heart and aorta at one extremity, and with the capillary plexus at the other, and filled everywhere with the circulating fluid. At the time of the heart's contraction, the muscular walls of the ventricle close in upon its cavity ; and as the auriculo-ventricular valves at the same time shut back and prevent regurgitation, the blood is forced out from the ventricle through the aortic orifice. As the ventricle relaxes it is again filled with blood from the auricle, and delivers it, as before, by a new contraction, into the arteries. It is by these impulses, recurring at short intervals, that the entire blood moves in a direction from the heart outward through the arterial system. Distension of the Arteries by the HearVs Action; Arterial Pulse. At each ventricular systole a charge of blood is driven into the arteries, distending their walls by the pressure of the additional quantity of fluid introduced into their cavities. When the ventricle afterward relaxes, this active distending force is suspended ; and the elastic arterial walls, reacting upon their contents, would drive the blood back into the heart were it not for the closure of the semilunar valves, which shut together THE AUTERIAL CI RCUL ATTON. 331 and prevent any movement in a backward direction. The blood is thus urged onward, under the pressure of the arterial elasticity, into the capillary system. When the arteries have become partially emptied, and have returned to their previous dimensions, they are again dis- tended by another contraction of the heart. In this manner a succes- sion of expansions is produced, which can be felt throughout the body wherever the arterial ramifications penetrate. This phenomenon is known by the name of the arterial pulse. Since each arterial expansion is produced by a ventricular systole, the pulse, as felt in any superficial artery, is a convenient guide for ascertaining the frequency and regularity of the heart's action. The radial artery at the wrist, owing to its easily accessible situation, is mainly employed for this purpose. Any increase or diminution in the frequency of the heart's action is accompanied by a similar change in the arterial pulsations ; and alterations in the force or regularity of the cardiac movements are also indicated by corresponding modifications of the pulse at the wrist. The average frequency of the pulse in the human subject is, for the adult male in a state of quiescence, 70 beats per minute. This rate may be more or less accelerated by any muscular exertion. Even the difference of muscular effort between the positions of standing, sitting, and lying down, will make a normal difference in the pulse of from 8 to 10 beats per minute. Age has a very marked influence on the rapidity of the pulse ; it being found, as a rule, more rapid the younger the sub- ject of observation. According to Dr. Carpenter, the pulse of the foetus, before birth, is about 140, and that of the newly-born infant 130. During the first, second, and third years it gradually falls to 100; by the fourteenth year to 80 ; and is only reduced to the adult standard by the twenty-first year. At every age, mental excitement may pro- duce a temporary acceleration of the pulse, varying in degree with the peculiarities of the individual. As a general rule, the rapidity of the heart's action is in inverse ratio to its force ; that is, a slow pulse, within physiological limits, is a strong one ; a rapid pulse is a feeble one. This is readily noticeable in ex- periments upon the lower animals, where the force of the heart's action may be measured by the arterial impulse ; and where an increase in the frequency of the cardiac pulsations is almost invariably accompanied by a diminution in their strength. The same thing is true in cases of increased frequency of the heart's action from morbid causes ; the pulse in febrile or chronic affections becoming weaker as it growls more rapid. An excessive rapidity of the pulse is an indication of great danger ; and, in the adult male, a continuous pulse of 160 per minute is almost invariably a fatal symptom. Increased Curvature of the Arteries in Pulsation. When the blood is driven by the ventricular systole into the arteries, these vessels are not only distended laterally, but are elongated as well as widened, 332 THE CIRCULATION. Elongation and increased curvature of an ARTERY IN PULSATION. Fir. 110. becoming enlarged in every direction. Especially in arteries having a distinctly curved or serpen- tine course, this elongation and increase of curva- ture may be observed at the time of each pulsa- tion. It is perceptible, for instance, in emaciated persons, in the temporal artery, or even in the ra- dial at the wrist, and may readily be seen in the mesenteric arteries in the abdomen of the living animal. At every contraction of the heart, the curves of the vessel on each side become more strongly pronounced. In the case of the radial or other artery, running over a bony surface, the vessel may even partially rise out of its bed at each pulsa- tion. In old persons the arterial curvatures become permanently enlarged from frequent distension ; and all the arteries tend to assume, with the advance of age, a more serpentine and spiral course. Time of the Arterial Pulse. The shock of an arterial pulsation, as perceived by the finger, varies a little in time, according to its distance from the centre of the circulation. If we place one finger upon the chest over the apex of the heart, and another over the carotid artery at the middle of the neck, we can distinguish little or no difference in time between the two impulses ; the distension of the carotid being sensibly simultaneous with the heart's contraction. But if the second finger be placed upon the temporal artery, instead of the carotid, there is a per- ceptible interval between the two beats. The impulse of the temporal artery is felt to be a little later than that of the heart. The pulse of the radial artery at the wrist also appears to be a little later than that of the carotid, and that of the posterior tibial at the ankle joint a little later than that of the radial. The greater the distance from the heart at which the artery is examined, the later is the pulsation perceived by the finger laid upon the vessel. But it has been conclusively shown that this difference in time of the arterial pulsations, in different parts of the body, is rather relative than absolute. The impulse is communicated at the same instant to all parts of the arterial system ; but the apparent difference between them, in this respect, depends upon the fact, that, although all the arteries begin to be distended at the same moment, yet those nearest the heart are ex- panded suddenly, while for those at a distance the distension takes place more gradually. The impulse given to the finger marks the condition of maximum distension of the vessel ; and this condition occurs at a later period, according to the distance of the artery from the heart. The contraction of the left ventricle is a brisk and sudden motion. The blood driven into the arterial system, meeting with a certain amount of resistance from that already filling the vessels, does not instantly displace a quantity equal to its own mass, but a certain proportion of its force is used in expanding the distensible walls of the vessels. In THE ARTERIAL CIRCULATION. 333 the immediate neighborhood, therefore, the expansion of the arteries is sudden and momentary, like the contraction of the heart itself. But this expansion requires for its completion a certain expenditure, both of force and time ; so that at a little distance farther on, the vessel is distended neither to the same degree nor with the same rapidity. At the more distant point the arterial impulse is less powerful and arrives more slowly at its maximum. On the other hand, when the heart becomes relaxed, the artery in its immediate neighborhood reacts upon the blood by its own elasticity ; and as it meets with no other resistance than that of the blood in the smaller vessels beyond, it drives a portion of its own blood into them, and thus supplies to these vessels a certain degree of distending force even in the intervals of the heart's action. Thus the difference in size of the carotid artery, at the two periods of the heart's contraction and relaxation, is ve^ marked ; for the degree of its distension is great when the heart contracts, and its own reaction afterward empties it of blood to a considerable extent. But in the small branches of the radial or the ulnar artery, there is less distension at the time of the cardiac impulse, because this force has been partly expended in overcoming the elasticity of the larger vessels ; and there is less emptying of the vessel afterward, because it is still kept partially filled by the reaction of the aorta and its larger branches. These facts have been illustrated by Marey, 1 by attaching to the pipe of a small forcing pump, worked by alternate strokes of the piston, a long elastic tube open at its farther extremity. At different points upon this tube are placed small movable levers, which are raised by the distension of the tube whenever water is driven into it by the forcing pump. Each lever carries upon its extremity a small pencil, which marks upon a strip of paper, moving with uniform rapidity, the lines produced by its alternate elevation and depression. By these curves both the extent and rapidity of distension of different parts of the elastic tube are accurately registered. The curves thus produced are as follows : Fig. 111. CURVES OF PULSATION IN AN ELASTIC TUBE. 1. Near the distending force 2. At a distance from it. 3. Still farther removed. From these experiments it is shown that the distension produced by the stroke of the forcing pump begins at the same moment throughout 1 Journal de la Physiologie. Paris, Avril, 1859 334 THE CIRCULATION. the entire length of the tube, and that the whole time of a pulsation is everywhere of equal duration. But near the commencement of the tube, the expansion is wide and sudden, and occupies only a sixth part of the entire pulsation, while all the rest is taken up by a slow reaction. At more remote points the period of expansion becomes longer and that of collapse shorter ; until finally, at a certain distance, the amount of ex- pansion is reduced one-half, and at the same time the two periods are completely equalized. Automatic Registration of the Arterial Pulse; the Sphygmograph. The frequency and characters of the arterial pulse may be permanently recorded by the use of a movable lever capable of registering its own oscillations, and so arranged that it may be applied to any of the super- ficial arteries in the living body. This instrument, which was first made practically serviceable by the improvements of Marey, is the sphygmo- graph. It consists of a small ivory plate, which is gently pressed upon the artery by means of a fine spring, and which thus rises and falls with each expansion and collapse of the arterial tube. The motion of the plate is communicated to a vertical metallic rod touching the under sur- face of the registering lever near its attached extremity. The oscillating extremity of the lever, when the instrument is in operation, thus follows the movements of the ivory plate, and registers faithfully upon the strip of paper, the frequency and form of the arterial pulsations. The advantage of this instrument is, first, that the length of the lever magnifies to the eye the extent of the arterial oscillations, and thus enables us to perceive movements too delicate to be distinguished by the touch alone ; and, secondly, that, each part of a pulsation being permanently registered upon paper, the most evanescent changes in the form of the artery may be afterward studied at leisure and compared with each other. By the use of the sphygmograph it is shown, that, while there is a general resemblance in the form of pulsation of different arteries, nearly every vessel to which the instrument can be applied presents certain peculiarities dependent on its size, position, and distance from the heart. In the radial artery at the wrist, each pulsation consists of a Fi>. 112. TKACE 01- THE K ADI AL PULSE, taken by the Sphygmograph. sudden expansion of the vessel, indicated by a rapid upward movement of the lever, making, in the trace, a straight, nearly A^ertical line. This is followed by a gradual descent corresponding with the collapse of the artery, until it reaches the lowest point of the trace, when the move- ment of ascension again takes place, and so on alternately. The line of descent, however, is not straight, like that of ascension, but is marked THE ARTERIAL CIRCULATION. 335 by one, arid sometimes by two or even three slight undulations, indi- cating a corresponding variation in the tension of the artery during its period of collapse. The undulations in the line of descent, in the sphygmograph tracing, are due to an oscillation in the mass of the blood, subsequent to the impulse of the heart, and during the reaction of the arterial system. Marey has shown, by a series of well-conducted experiments, 1 that similar oscillations are produced when any incompressible liquid is driven by a sudden impulse into an elastic tube; and that they are indi- cated by a similar movement of the index of the sphygmograph. When the heart's impulse is moderate, and the tension of the arterial system fully developed, the undulations in the descending line of the pulse are only slightly perceptible ; but when the heart's impulse is more rapid, and the arterial tension diminished, the undulations become more marked. Marey found that he could procure upon his own person traces of different form, in this respect, by simply increasing the tem- perature of the body by the addition of warmer clothing. The following are three traces of the radial pulse obtained in this way, by increasing the quantity of clothing at intervals of twenty minutes. Fig. 11 3. Fi?. 114. Fig. 115. VARIATIONS OF THE KADIAL PULSE, under the influence of increased temperature. (Marey.) Dicrotic Pulse. In certain conditions, accompanied by rapid pulsa- tion of the heart with greatly diminished arterial tension, the rebound or oscillation of the artery becomes so marked, in proportion to the original impulse, that it is easily perceived by the finger, and thus the pulse is apparently reduplicated; that is, there are two pulsations of the artery for each. contraction of the heart, namely, one due to the original impulse, and another due to the oscillation of the blood in the 1 Physiologic Medicale de la Circulation du Sang. Paris, 1863, p. 266. 836 THE CIRCULATION. feebly distended artery. This is the dicrotic pulse, which is often present in diseases of a typhoid character. 116. DICROTIC PULJSK OF TYPHOID PNEUMONIA. (Marey.) Fig. 117. DICROTIC PULSE OF TYPHOID FEVER (Marey.) It is evident that the dicrotic character of the pulse is not, in reality, peculiar to diseased conditions, since the sphygmograph shows that it exists more or less perfectly in a state of health ; only it is too slight in degree to be appreciated by the finger. Koschlakoff 1 has succeeded in verifying the results obtained from the sphygmograph, and in demonstrating the mechanism of the dicrotic pulse. He shows that if a liquid be driven by a rapid impulse through an elastic tube, connected with two separate pressure gauges, one situated near the point of entrance of the liquid, the other near its point of exit, the liquid will rise in the first gauge before the increased pres- sure reaches the second ; that it then falls while the second is rising, and again rises while the second falls ; showing an alternate increase and diminution of pressure in the two extremities of the elastic tube. This alternation continues until the pressure is equalized, or until the tube is again distended by a new impulse. Pulsating Movement of the Blood in the Arterial System. Owing to the alternate contraction and relaxation of the heart, the blood passes through the arteries in a series of impulses ; and the hemorrhage from a wounded artery is distinguished from venous or capillary hemorrhage by the fact that the blood flows in successive jets, as well as more rapidly and abundantly. If a slender canula be introduced through the walls of the left ventricle, in the exposed heart of a living animal, the flow of blood from its external orifice is seen to be completely intermit- tent. A strong jet takes place at each ventricular contraction, and at each relaxation the flow is interrupted. If a puncture be made, however, in any of the large arteries near the heart, the flow of blood through the opening is no longer intermittent, but continuous ; only it is much stronger at the time of the ventricular contraction, and diminishes, though it does not entirely cease, at the time of relaxation. If the blood were driven through rigid and unyielding tubes, its flow would 1 In Lorain Etudes de MSdecine Clinique. Paris, 1870, p 75 THE ARTERIAL CIRCULATION. 337 be everywhere intermittent ; and it would be delivered from an orifice situated at any point, in perfectly interrupted jets. But the arteries are yielding and elastic ; and this elasticity moderates the force of the separate arterial pulsations, and partially fuses them with each other. The effect of this is to produce, in the larger and medium-sized arteries, a movement of the blood which is increased in rapidity and volume at each cardiac impulse, and diminished in the interval of relaxation. Equalization of the Blood-current in the peripheral parts of the Arterial System. It has already been shown that the distensible and elastic properties of the arterial walls have the effect of making the flow of blood more continuous than it would be if subjected only to the intermitting action of the heart. A part of the force of each cardiac pulsation is absorbed for the time in the distension of the artery ; and this force is again returned in the form of an impulse to the blood at the following interval, by the elastic reaction of the vessel. The farther from the heart the blood recedes, the greater becomes the influence of the intervening arteries ; and thus the remittent or pulsating character of the arterial current, which is strongly pronounced in the vicinity of the heart, becomes gradually diminished during its passage through the vessels, until in the smaller arteries, like the labials, it is hardly percep- tible to the unaided eye. The physical influence of an elastic medium, in equalizing the force of an interrupted current, may be shown by forcing water from a syringe alternately through two tubes, one of India rubber, the other of glass or metal. Whatever be the length of the inelastic tube, the water thrown into one extremity will be delivered from the other in distinct jets, corresponding with the strokes of the piston : but if the metallic tube be replaced by one of India rubber of sufficient length, the elas- ticity of this substance merges the separate impulses into each other, and the water is discharged from the farther extremity in a continuous stream. The elasticity of the arteries never entirely equalizes the force of the separate pulsations, since a pulsating character can be seen in the flow of the blood through even the smallest arteries, if examined under the microscope ; but this pulsating character diminishes from the heart out- ward, and the current becomes much more continuous in the smaller vessels than in the larger arteries or in those of medium size. The Arterial Pressure. The arterial circulation, as shown by the above facts, is not an entirely simple phenomenon, but is the combined result of two different physical forces. It is due, first, to the intermit- ting action of the heart, by which the blood is driven in successive im- pulses from within outward ; and, secondly, to the elasticity of the entire arterial system, by which it is subjected to a continuous pressure. If an}- one of the larger or medium sized arteries be divided, in the living animal, and a glass tube of the same diameter securely fixed in its open orifice and held in the vertical position, the blood will at once rise in the tube to a height of five and a half or six feet, and will con- 338 THE CIRCULATION. tinue to oscillate at or about this level. The height of the column of fluid, thus supported outside the body, indicates the degree of pressure to which the blood is subjected in the interior of the vessels. This pressure, due to the reaction of the entire arterial system, is known as the arterial pressure. The arterial pressure is best measured by connecting the open arteiy, by a flexible tube, with a small reservoir of mercury, provided with a narrow upright glass tube, open at its upper extremity. When the mercury in the receiver is exposed to the pressure of the arterial blood, it rises in the upright tube to a corresponding height. This pressure averages, in the dog and other animals of similar size, 150 millimetres of mercury. When such an instrument is connected with the carotid artery, the level of the mercury in the upright tube, while indicating on the whole an average pressure, exhibits two series of oscillations ; showing that the degree of the blood-pressure is constantly changing, owing to two different causes. One of these oscillations is synchronous with the move- ments of respiration. At every inspiration, the level of the mercury falls somewhat, with every expiration it rises. As the movement of in- spiration consists in an expansion of the cavity of the chest, its effect is to diminish the support afforded the heart and great bloodvessels, and of course to lower in a similar degree the tension of the whole arterial system. At the moment of expiration, on the other hand, the thoracic parietes return to their former position, and the pressure upon the heart and the arteries in the chest is re-established. These changes are indi- cated by corresponding slow fluctuations in the arterial pressure and in the height of the mercurial column. The oscillations of the mercury due to respiration, however, are not at all uniform, but vary according to the condition of the respiratory movements. When respiration is active and somewhat labored, the oscillations may reach the extent of 30 millimetres ; when it is very quiet, as in an animal deeply etherized, they may diminish so far as to be nearly or quite imperceptible. The other series of oscillations is a more constant one and is clue to the cardiac pulsations. It consists of comparatively rapid undulations of the mercurial column, simultaneous with the movements of the heart. At every contraction of the ventricle, the mercury rises from 12 to 15 millimetres, and at every relaxation it falls to its previous level. Thus the instrument becomes a measure, not only for the constant pressure of the arteries, but also for the intermitting pressure of the heart ; and on that account it has received the name of the cardiometer. It is seen, accordingly, that each contraction of the heart is superior in force to the resistance of the arteries by nearly one-tenth ; and the arterial system is, therefore, kept filled by successive cardiac pulsations, and the arterial tension maintained, notwithstanding that the blood is constantly being discharged from the arteries into the capillary circulation. Velocity of the Arterial Current. The rapidity with which the blood moves in the arterial tubes is much greater than in any other part of the THE ARTERIAL CIRCULATION. 339 vascular system. Its exact rate varies somewhat according to the situation of the vessel and the period of the pulsation. Its velocity is greatest in the immediate neighborhood of the heart, and diminishes as the blood recedes from the centre of the circulation. The successive division of the aorta and its primary branches into smaller and smaller ramifications increases the extent of surface of the arterial walls with which the blood comes in contact. The adhesion produced by this con- tact, as well as the mechanical obstacle arising from the frequent division of the vessels and the separation of the streams, contributes to retard the current, which accordingly becomes perceptibly slower in the small arteries than in those of larger or medium size. In the smallest arte- ries, as examined by the microscope in the transparent tissues, the par- tial adhesion of the blood to the vascular wall, and the greater rapidity of its flow in the axis of the vessel are readily perceptible. The con- sistency of the circulating fluid, however, and the smoothness of the internal surface of the arteries, are such that this obstacle to the move- ment of the blood has only a very partial influence in retarding its flow; and even in the smallest arteries it is so rapid, when seen under the microscope, that the shape of the separate blood-globules cannot be dis- tinguished, but only a mingled current shootin'g forward with increased velocity at each cardiac pulsation. The average rapidity of the blood stream in the larger arteries, in dogs, horses, and calves, was determined by Yolkmann, as 30 centi- metres per second. The most exact experiments on this point are those of Chauveau. 1 He experimented by introducing into the carotid artery of the horse a brass tube with thin walls, about five centimetres long and eight or nine millimetres in diame- ter. The tube was introduced through a longitudinal incision in the walls of the exposed vessel, and secured in position by a ligature near each ex- tremity ; so that the arterial current would pass, without serious obstruction, through the brass tube forming, for the time, a part of the arterial walls. In the side of the tube was a small opening, three millimetres long by one and a half millimetre wide, closed by an elastic membrane pro- perly secured so as to prevent the escape of the blood. Through the centre of the elastic membrane there was passed a very light metallic 1 Journal de la Physiologic, Paris, Octobre, 1860, p. 695. w~^ - v% - A--" V CHAUVEAU'S INSTRUMENT, for measuring the rapidity of the arterial current. a. Brass tube, introduced into the calibre of the artery, b. Index- needle passing through the elastic membrane in the side of the brass tube, and moving by the im- pulse of the blood-current, c. Graduated scale, for measuring the extent of the oscillations of the needle. 34:0 THE CIRCULATION. needle, the inner extremity of which, somewhat flattened in shape, pro- jected into the interior of the vessel, and received the impulse of the arterial blood ; while the outer portion, prolonged into a slender index, marked upon a semicircular graduated scale the oscillations of the inner extremity, and consequently the varying rapidity of the arterial current. The actual velocity, indicated by any given oscillation of the needle, was ascertained beforehand by attaching the apparatus to an elastic tube and passing through it a stream of warm water of known rapidity. Chauveau found, by these experiments, that the details of the circu- latory movement differ somewhat in the larger arteries near the heart from those in the smaller branches farther removed. a. In the carotid artery, at the instant of the systole of the heart, the blood is suddenly put in motion with a high degree of rapidity, amount- ing on the average to a little over fifty centimetres per second. At the termination of the systole, and immediately before the closure of the aortic valves, the movement of the blood decreases considerably, and may even, for the time, be completely arrested. At the instant of closure of the aortic valves, the circulation receives a new impulse, and the blood again moves forward with a velocity of rather more than 20 centimetres per second. Subsequently, the rapidity of the current diminishes gradually during the period of the heart's inaction, until, at the end of this period and just before a new systole, it is reduced, on the average, to 15 centi- metres per second. b. In the smaller arterial branches, such as the facial, the movement of the arterial current is more uniform. It is less rapid at the moment of the heart's systole; and on the other hand, it is always more active during the period of ventricular repose. The secondary impulse, following the closure of the aortic valves, is much less perceptible than in the larger arteries, and may even be alto- gether absent. The Venous Circulation. The veins are composed, like the arteries, of three coats ; an inner, middle, and exterior. They differ from the arteries in containing a much smaller quantity of muscular and elastic fibres, and a larger pro- portion of condensed connective tissue. They are consequently more flaccid and compressible than the arteries, and less elastic and contrac- tile. They are furthermore distinguished, throughout the limbs, neck, and external portions of the head and trunk, by being provided with valves, arranged in the form of festoons, and so placed as to allow the blood to pass readily from the periphery toward the heart, while they prevent its reflux in the opposite direction. Although the walls of the veins are thinner and less elastic than those of the arteries, yet their capacity for resistance to pressure is equal, or even superior, to that of the arteries. Milne Edwards has collected the THE VENOUS CIRCULATION. 341 results of various experiments, which show that the veins will some- times resist a pressure which is sufficient to rupture the walls of the arteries. 1 In one instance the jugular vein supported, without breaking, a pressure equal to a column of water 148 feet in height ; and in another, the iliac vein of a sheep resisted a pressure of more than four atmos- pheres. The portal vein was found capable of resisting a pressure of six atmospheres ; and in one case, in which the aorta of a sheep was ruptured by a pressure of 12 kilogrammes, the vena cava of the same animal supported a pressure equal to 80 kilogrammes. This property of the veins is to be attributed to the abundance of white fibrous tissue in their composition ; the same tissue which forms nearly the whole of the tendons and fasciae, and which is distinguished by its density and unyielding nature. The elasticity of the veins, on the other hand, is much less than that of the arteries. When filled with blood, they enlarge to a certain size ; and when cut across and emptied, their sides simply collapse and remain in contact with each other. Another peculiarity of the venous system consists in its numerous independent and communicating channels. In injected preparations, two, three, or more veins are often to be seen coming, together, from the same region of the body, and presenting frequent transverse communications. The deep veins accompanying the brachial artery inosculate freely with each other, and also with the superficial veins of the arm. In the veins coming from the head, the external jugulars communicate with the thyroid veins, the anterior jugular, and the brachial veins. The external and internal jugulars commuicate with each other, and the two thyroid veins also form an abundant plexus in front of the trachea. Thus the blood, coming from the extremities toward the heart, flows, not in a single channel, but in several; and as these channels communi- cate freely with each other, the blood passes most abundantly some- times through one of them, and sometimes through another. Movement of the Blood through the Venous System. The flow of blood through the veins is less powerful and regular than that through the arteries. It depends on the combined action of three different physi- cal forces. I. The most constant and important of these forces is the pressure of the blood from the capillary circulation. The blood moves from the arteries into and through the capillary vessels, under an impulse derived originally from the contractions of the heart, and converted by the elas- ticity of the arterial walls into a more or less steady and uniform pres- sure. This pressure is not entirely exhausted in carrying the blood through the narrow channels of the capillary system ; and it accord- ingly emerges from these vessels and enters the commencement of the veins with a certain amount of force sufficient to fill the venous rootlets 1 Legons sur la Physiologie. Paris, 1859, tome iv. p. 301. oi2 THE CIRCULATION. and to pass thence into the larger branches and trunks of the venous system. As the veins converge from the periphery toward the centre, and unite into branches of larger calibre, the resistance afforded by contact of the circulating fluid with their inner surfaces constantly diminishes from without inward; and every contraction of the right ventricle, accompanied by the closure of the tricuspid valve, expels a certain quantity of venous blood, and thus relieves the returning current from the obstacle of its accumulation. As the pressure of the blood from the capillaries continues uniform, and as the resistance to it is incessantly neutralized by the action of the right ventricle, it forms the most simple and effective cause for the movement of the blood through the venous channels. II. The flow of the blood through the veins is also aided in great measure by the contraction of the voluntary muscles. The veins which convey the blood through the limbs, and the parietes of the head and trunk, lie among voluntary muscles which are more or less constantly in a state of alternate contraction and relaxation. At every contraction these muscles become swollen laterally, and thus compress the veins situated between them. The blood, expelled from the vein by this pres- sure, cannot regurgitate toward the capillaries, owing to the venous valves, which shut back and prevent its reflux. It is accordingly forced onward toward the heart ; and when the muscle relaxes and the vein is liberated from pressure, it is again filled from behind, and the circula- tion goes on as before. Fig. 119. Fig. 120. VEIN with valves open. VEIN with valves closed; stream of blood passing off by a lateral channel. This force is very efficient in maintaining the venous circulation ; since the voluntary muscles are more or less active in every position of the body, and the veins are thus alternately subjected to compression and relaxation. The entire voluntary muscular system acts in this way by communicating to the venous current indirect impulses of frequent THE CAPILLARY CIRCULATION. 343 repetition, which, combined with the action of the valves, urge the blood from the periphery toward the heart. III. A third cause, which is more or less active in promoting the movement of the venous blood, is the force 'of aspiration exerted by the thorax. When the chest expands by the lifting of the ribs and the descent of the diaphragm, this movement tends to diminish the pressure upon its contents, and consequently to draw into the thoracic cavity any fluids which can gain access to it. The expanded cavity is principally filled by the atmospheric air, which passes in through the trachea to fill the bronchial tubes and the pulmonary vesicles. But the blood in the neighboring parts of the venous system is solicited at the same time, though to a less degree, in a similar direction. This force of aspiration, like the respiratory movements themselves, is gentle and uniform in character. Its influence extends indirectly throughout the venous sys- tem, each expansion of the chest causing an increased flow of blood from the extra- to the intra- thoracic veins, while the former are filled up from behind as fast as they are emptied in front. Eapidity of the Venous Circulation With regard to the velocity of the venous current, no direct results have been obtained by experiment. Owing to the flaccidity of the veins, and the readiness with which the flow of blood through them is disturbed, it is not possible to determine this point, in the same manner as it has been determined for the arteries. The only calculation which has been made in this respect is based upon a comparison of the total capacity of the arterial and venous systems. As the same blood which passes outward through the arteries returns inward through the veins, the rapidity of its flow in each direction must be in inverse proportion to the capacity of the two systems. The ca- pacity of the entire venous system, when distended by injection, is about twice as great as that of the entire arterial system. During life, how- ever, the venous system is at no time so completely filled with blood as is the case with the arteries; and, making allowance for this difference, it may be estimated that the entire quantity of venous blood is to the entire quantity of arterial blood nearly as three to two. The velocity of the venous blood, as compared with that of the arterial, is therefore as two to three ; and if we regard the average rapidity of the arterial current, according to Yolkmann's experiments, as 30 centimetres per second, this would give the movement of blood in the large veins as about 20 centimetres per second. This calculation, however, is alto- gether an approximative one ; since the venous circulation varies, according to many different circumstances, in different parts of the body. 'It may nevertheless be considered as expressing with sufficient accuracy the general relative velocity of the arterial and venous currents in corresponding parts of their course. The Capillary Circulation, The capillary bloodvessels are minute inosculating tubes, which per- meate the vascular organs in various directions, and bring the blood into 344 THE CIRCULATION. Fig. 121. indirect contact with the substance of the tissues. They are continuous with the terminal ramifications of the arteries on the one hand, and with the commencing rootlets of the veins on the other. They vary some- what in size in the different organs and tissues, their average diameter in the human subject being about 10 mmm., or T ^ of a millimetre. The largest capillaries, according to Kolliker, in the glands and the osseous tissue, may reach the diameter of 15 mmm. ; while the smallest, in the muscles, the nerves, and the retina, are 4.5 mmm., that is, almost exactly the size of the smallest of the red globules of the blood. As the arterial ramifications approach the confines of the capillary system they diminish gradually in size, and lose first their external coat of connective tissue. Their middle coat at the same time becomes reduced to a single layer of fusiform muscular fibres, which become in turn less numerous, and lastly disappear altogether. The vascular canal is thus finally composed only of a single tunic continuous with the internal coat of the arterial ramifications. The capillary bloodvessel, examined in its recent condition, as ex- tracted from any soft vascular tissue, appears to consist of a simple, nearly homogeneous tubular mem- brane, provided with flattened oval nuclei placed at more or less regular distances from each other, and pro- jecting slightly into the cavity of the vessel. It has been found, however, that if a capillary bloodvessel be treated with a weak solution of silver nitrate, its inner surface becomes marked off into regular spaces, each of which includes a nucleus ; indicating that its appa- rently homogeneous tunic is com- posed of flattened epithelium-like cells, united with each other at their adjacent edges by an intervening cement. It is this thin layer of in- tervening substance which becomes darkened by the action of the silver nitrate and thus brings into view the outlines of the cells forming the vascular wall. The form of the cells constituting the vascular membrane varies in different regions and in capillaries of different calibre. According to Kolliker, in the smallest capillary bloodvessels, measuring from 4.5 to 7 mmm. in diameter, the cells are narrow, elongated, and fusiform, as in Fig. 122; often curled from side to side, so as to form each a half cylinder, two of them joining at their edges to complete the capillary tube, and alternating longitudinally, the pointed extremity of one cell being intercalated between those of the two following cells. In AKTERY, with its muscular tunic (a) breaking up into capillaries. From the pia mater. THE CAPILLARY CIRCULATION. 345 the larger capillaries, of 8 to 13 mmm. in diameter, where the calibre of the vessel is surrounded by three or four cells placed side by side, they are shorter and wider in form, like those of ordinary pavement epithe- lium. The arrangement of these microscopic forms in the wall of the Fig. 122. CAPILLARY BLOODVESSEL, from the tail of the tadpole; showing the outlines of its epithelium-like cells, rendered visible by the action of silver nitrate. (KOlliker.) capillary bloodvessels has given rise to the opinion, entertained by some histologists, that the vascular system is to be regarded as a series of intercellular canals, provided, in different regions, with varying addi- tional layers of muscular, elastic, and connective tissue. The capillary bloodvessels ure further distinguished from both arteries and veins by their frequent inosculation. The arteries constantly divide and subdivide, as they pass from within outward, while the veins as constantly unite with each other, to form larger and less numerous branches and trunks, as they converge from the periphery toward the centre ; and although the arteries always present inosculations in certain regions, and the veins more frequently still, this feature is, nevertheless, a secondary or incidental one in both vascular systems. The arteries are essentially diverging tubes to distribute the blood from within out- ward ; the veins are converging channels to collect and transport it from without inward. The capillaries, on the other hand, are mainly characterized by their constant and repeated intercommunication. They are vascular canals which penetrate the solid organs and tissues, uniting with each other at 23 346 THE CIKCULATION. Fig. 123. CAPILLARY PLEXUS, from the web of the frog's foot. short intervals, in such a manner as to form an interlacing network or plexus of minute bloodvessels, known as the capillary plexus. The vessels forming this plexus vary somewhat in size, abundance, and arrangement in different parts of the body. In every vascular organ and tissue there are certain spaces or islets, in- closed on all sides by capilla- ries, but into the interior of which these vessels do not pene- trate. Such islets or intervas- cular spaces must therefore ob- tain their nourishment by the exudation and absorption of the fluid ingredients of the blood through the capillary walls and the substance of the intervening tissue. The special arrangement of the capillary bloodvessels, and the form and size of the meshes of their network, are, in general, characteristic of each separate organ or tissue. In the muscles, the meshes are in the form of long parallelograms, cor- responding with that of the muscular fibres ; in the mucous membranes of the stomach and large intestine, they are hexagonal, or irregularly circular, inclosing the orifices of the secreting follicles ; in the papillae of the tongue and skin, and in the placental tufts, the capillaries form twisted vascular loops ; in the glomeruli of the kidneys, convoluted coils ; in the connective tissue, irregularly shaped figures, correspond- ing in direction with the fibrous bundles of the tissue. The capillary bloodvessels are the most abundant, and interlaced in the finest network, in those organs to which the blood is distributed for other purposes than for local nutrition; as for that of aeration, secre- tion, or absorption. One of the closest of all the capillary networks is that of the lungs, in which the diameter of the spaces separating the r bloodvessels, in the walls of the pulmonary vesicles, is sometimes a little greater and sometimes a little less than that of the capillaries them- selves. In the glandular tissue of the liver, the spaces separating the adjacent vessels are only a little wider than the capillaries forming the intra-lobular network. In the nerves, the serous membranes, and the tendons, on the other hand, the capillary vessels are less closely inter- woven ; and in the adipose tissue they form wide, open meshes, em- bracing the exterior of the separate fat vesicles. Movement of the Blood in the Capillary Vessels. The motion of the blood in the capillaries may be studied by examining, under the micro- scope, any transparent tissue of a sufficient degree of vascularity. The frog is the most convenient animal for this purpose, owing to the readi- THE CAPILLARY CIRCULATION. 347 ness with which the circulation may be maintained even in the internal organs, exposed at ordinary temperatures. In order to secure immo- bility, the medulla oblongata may first be broken up by a strong needle introduced through the cranium, or the voluntary muscles may be para- lyzed by the subcutaneous injection of six drops of a filtered watery solution of woorara, made in the proportion of one part to five hundred. The whole body, with the exception of the part used for observation, should be enveloped in a light linen or cotton bandage, kept moistened to prevent desiccation of the surface. The tongue, or the web of one foot, may be stretched over a glass side, and placed under the lens of the instrument. To examine the pulmonary circulation, an opening should be made in one side just behind the anterior limb, and the lung moderately inflated through the glottis, until it protrudes through the external wound. For the mesenteric circulation, an incision should be made in the left flank of a male frog, a loop of intestine carefully drawn out of the abdomen, and the mesentery allowed to rest upon a circular glass plate, 12 millimetres in diameter, and 6 millimetres in thickness, cemented upon a large glass plate, by which the body of the animal is supported. Under favorable circumstances the circulation will go on in either of these organs for several hours. When the circulation is examined in this manner, the smaller arte- ries, the capillary vessels, and the minute veins are often -visible under the microscope in the same region. The blood can be seen entering the field by the smaller arteries, shooting through them with great ra- pidity in successive impulses, and flowing off by the veins at a somewhat slower rate. In the capillaries, the circula- tion is considerably less rapid than in either the arteries or the veins. It is also perfectly steady and uninterrupted in its flow. The blood moves through its vascular channels in a uniform current, without their exhibiting any appear- ance of contraction or dilata- tion. Another marked peculiarity of the capillary circulation is that it has no definite direction. Its numerous streams pass indifferently above and below each other, at right angles to each other's course, or even in opposite directions ; so that the blood, while in the capillaries, circulates everywhere among the tissues, in such a manner as to be distributed to all parts of their substance. The motion of the red and white globules is also peculiar, and shows CAPILLARY CIRCULATION in web of frog's foot. THE CIRCULATION. distinctly the difference in their physical properties. In the larger ves- sels the red globules are carried along in close column, in the central part of the stream; while near the edges of the vessel there is a trans- parent space occupied only by clear plasma, in which no red globules are to be seen. In the smaller vessels the globules pass two by two, or follow each other in single file. The flexibility and semi-fluid consist- ency of the red globules are very apparent from the readiness with which they become folded up, bent or twisted, and with which they glide through minute branches of communication, smaller in diameter than themselves. The white globules, on the other hand, move more slowly through the vessels. They drag along the external portions of the current, and are sometimes temporarily arrested, adhering for a few seconds to the internal surface of the vessel. Whenever the current is obstructed or retarded, the white globules accumulate in the affected portion, and become more numerous there in proportion to the red. It is during the capillary circulation that the blood serves for the nutrition of the vascular organs. Its fluid portions transude through the walls of the vessels, and are absorbed by the tissues in the propor- tions requisite for their nourishment, or for the products of secretion ; while its albuminous ingredients are also transformed into new materials, characteristic of the different tissues and fluids. In this way are pro- duced the myosine of the muscles, the collagen of the bones, tendons, and ligaments, the ptyaline of the saliva, and the pepsine of the gastric juice ; and in the lungs, the exchange of oxygen and carbonic acid takes place in the capillary vessels. The blood in the capillary circulation thus furnishes, directly or indirectly, the materials of nutrition for the entire body. Physical Cause of the Capillary Circulation. The physical condi- tions which influence the movement of the blood in the capillaries are somewhat different from those of the arterial and venous circulations. By the successive division of the arteries from the heart outward, the movement of pulsation is to a great extent equalized in the smaller arterial branches. But as these vessels reach the confines of the capillary system, they suddenly break up into a terminal ramification of still smaller and more numerous vessels, and so lose themselves at last in the capillary network. By this final increase of the vascular surface, the equalization of the heart's action is completed. There is no longer any pulsating character in the force which acts upon the circulating fluid ; and the blood moves through the capillary vessels under a con- tinuous and uniform pressure. This pressure is sufficient to cause the blood to pass with considerable rapidity through the capillary plexus, into the commencement of the veins. This fact was first demonstrated by Sharpey, 1 who employed an injecting syringe with a double nozzle, one extremity of which was con- 1 Todd and Bowman, Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man, vol. ii. p. 350. THE CAPILLARY CIRCULATION. 349 nectcd with a mercurial gauge, while the other was inserted into the artery of a recently killed animal. When the syringe, filled with defi- brinated blood, was fixed in this position, the defibrinated blood would press with equal force upon the mercury in the gauge and upon the fluid in the bloodvessels ; and thus the height of the mercurial column indi- cated the amount of pressure required to force the defibrinated blood through the capillaries of the animal, and to make it return by the cor- responding vein. In this way Prof. Sharpey found that, when the free end of the injecting tube was attached to the mesenteric artery of the dog, a pressure of 90 millimetres of mercury caused the blood to pass through the capillaries of the intestine and of the liver ; and that under a pressure of 130 millimetres, it flowed in a full stream from the divided extremity of the vena cava. We have obtained similar results by experimenting upon the vessels of the lower extremity. A full grown, healthy dog was killed, and one of the lower extremities immediately injected with defibrinated blood, by the femoral artery, in order to prevent coagulation in the smaller vessels. A syringe with a double flexible nozzle was then filled with defibrinated blood, and one extremity of its injecting tube attached to the femoral artery, the other to the mouthpiece of a cardiometer. By making the injection, it was then found that the defibrinated blood was returned from the femoral vein in a continuous stream under a pressure of 120 millimetres, and that it was discharged very freely under a pres- sure of 130 millimetres. Since the arterial pressure upon the blood during life is equal to 150 millimetres of mercury, it is evident that this pressure is sufficient to propel the blood through the capillary circulation. Furthermore, the blood is not altogether relieved from the influence of elasticity, after leaving the arteries. For the capillaries themselves have a certain degree of elasticity, and are surrounded, in addition, by the tissues of the organs in which they are distributed ; many of which, such as the lungs, spleen, skin, lobulated glands, and mucous membranes, contain elastic fibres more or less abundantly disseminated through their substance. The effect of this physical property, in the vessels and the neighboring parts, may be exhibited in artificial injections of one of the lower limbs through the femoral artery, or of the liver through the portal vein. If, while the parts are distended by the fluid passing through their vessels, the injecting force be suddenly arrested, the move- ment of the current does not at once cease, but the fluid of injection continues to escape for several seconds from the femoral or hepatic vein, owing to the continuous pressure exerted from behind. The elasticity of the surrounding tissues, therefore, supplements, that of the minute bloodvessels, and aids in producing a uniform movement of the capillary circulation. Velocity of the Blood in the Capillary Vessels. The motion of the blood in the capillary vessels is much less rapid than in either the arteries or the veins. It may be measured, with a tolerable approach 350 THE CIRCULATION. to accuracy, during the microscopic examination of transparent and vascular tissues. The results obtained in this way by different observers (Valentin, Weber, and Volkrnann), show that the rate of movement of the blood through the capillaries is rather less than one millimetre per second ; or about 5 centimetres per minute. Since the rapidity of the current must be in inverse ratio to the entire calibre of the vessels through which it moves, it appears that the united calibre of all the capillaries must be not less than 300 times greater than that of the arteries. It does not follow from this, however, that the whole quantity of blood contained in the capillaries at any one time is so much greater than that in the arteries ; since, although the united calibre of the capil- laries is large, their length is very small. The effect of the anatomical structure of the capillary system is to disseminate a comparatively small quantity of blood over a very large space, so that the physiological reactions necessary to nutrition take place with promptitude and energy. Although the rate of movement of the blood in these vessels, accordingly, is a slow one, yet as the distance to be passed over between the arteries and veins is very small, the blood requires but a short time to traverse the capillary system, and to commence its returning passage by the veins. General Rapidity of the Circulation. The rapidity with which the blood passes through the entire round of the circulation has been demonstrated by Hering, Poisseuille, Mat- teucci, and Vierordt in the following manner : A solution of potassium ferrocyanide was injected into the right jugular vein of a horse, at the same time that a ligature was placed upon the corresponding vein on the left side, and an opening made in it above the ligature. The blood flowing from the left jugular vein was then received in separate vessels, which were changed every five seconds, and the contents afterward ex- amined. It was thus found that the blood drawn from the first to the twentieth second contained no traces of the ferrocyanide ; but that which escaped from the vein at the end of from twenty to twenty-five seconds, showed unmistakable evidence of the presence of the foreign salt. The potassium ferrocyanide must, therefore, during this time, have passed from the point of injection to the right side of the heart, thence to the lungs and through the pulmonary circulation, to the left side of the heart by the pulmonary veins, outward by the arteries to the capillary circulation of the head and neck, and must have again commenced its downward passage to the heart by the opposite jugular vein. By extending these observations, it was found that the duration of the circulatory movement varies to some extent in different species of animals ; being, as a general rule longer in those of larger size. The main result, as given by Milne Edwards, 1 is as follows: 1 Leqons sur la Physiologic. Paris, 1859, tome iv. p. 364. LOCAL VARIATIONS. 351 DURATION OF THE CIRCULATORY MOVEMENT. In the Horse 28 seconds. " Dog 15 " Goat 13 " " Rabbit 7 " These results are corroborated by subsequent investigations. In ex- perimenting upon the dog, by injecting a solution of potassium ferrocy- anide into the jugular vein, and immediately drawing blood from the corresponding vein on the opposite side, we have found that the short interval of time requisite for closing the first vein by ligature after terminating the injection, and opening the second in such a manner as to obtain a specimen of blood for examination, is sufficient to allow of the passage of the ferrocyanide through the entire round of the cir- culation. If we regard the duration of this movement in the human subject as intermediate between that in the dog and the horse, making allowance for the difference in size, this would give the time required by the blood to make the circuit of the veins, arteries, and capillaries, in man, as not far from 20 seconds. Local Variations in the Capillary Circulation. An important class of phenomena connected with this part of the subject consists of the local variations in the capillary circulation. These variations are often very marked, and show themselves in many different parts of the body. The pallor or suffusion of the face under mental emotion, the congestion of the mucous membranes during diges- tion, and the local and denned redness of the skin produced by any irritating application, are all instances of this sort. These changes are due to the contraction or dilatation of the smaller arterial branches which supply the part with blood, under the influence of nervous action. The middle coat of these vessels is composed mainly of organic or unstriped muscular fibres, arranged in a transversely circular direction, which by their contraction diminish and by their relaxation enlarge the calibre of the arterial tube. They regulate, accordingly, by this means, the quantity of blood passing to the capillary system. When contracted, they resist more strongly the impulsive force of the arterial current, and admit the blood in smaller quantity. When dilated, they allow a freer access to the capillaries and the blood passes in greater abundance. These changes are most distinctly manifested in the' periodical con- gestion of the glandular organs. All the glands and mucous membranes connected with the digestive apparatus enter into a state of unusual vascular excitement at the time of secretion and digestion. This can readily be seen, in the living animal, in the pancreas, and in the mucous membranes of the stomach and small intestine ; the tissues of these parts being visibly redder and more turgid during digestion and absorp- tion than in the fasting condition. A similar variation of the circulation has been particularly studied 352 THE CIRCULATION. by Bernard 1 in the submaxillary gland of the dog. During the ordinary condition of glandular repose he found that it required sixty-five seconds to obtain five cubic centimetres of blood from the submaxillary vein ; but, when the gland was excited to functional activity, the same quan- tity of blood was discharged by the vein in fifteen seconds. Thus the volume of blood passing through the organ in a given time was more than four times as great while the gland was in a state of active secre- tion, as in a condition of repose. The increased flow of blood, in a secreting gland, is accompanied also by an important change in its appearance. During repose, the blood, which enters the submaxillary gland from the arteries bright red, is changed in its tissue from arterial to venous, and passes out by the veins of a dark color. But when the secretion of the gland is excited, either by galvanization of its nerve or by introducing vinegar into the mouth of the animal, the blood is not only discharged in larger quantity, but passes out red by the veins, so as hardly to be distinguished in color from arterial blood. When the secretion of the gland is suspended, the blood in its vein again becomes dark-colored as before. There is little doubt that the same is true of most of the secreting glands, and that the blood circulating in their capillaries is changed from red to blue only during the period of functional repose ; while at the time of active secretion it not only passes through the vessels in greater abundance, but also retains its ruddy color in the veins. This -is because, during the period of glandular repose, the blood per- forms in its tissues the usual functions of nutrition. It therefore under- goes the ordinary changes and becomes altered in color from arterial to venous. But the period of active secretion is a period of congestion, during which the blood passes in larger quantity, while its watery and saline ingredients exude into the secretory ducts, bringing with them the materials accumulated in the interval of repose. There is nothing in this process to exhaust the oxygen of the blood or to change its color from arterial to venous, and it therefore passes into the veins comparatively unaltered. A similar ruddy color of venous blood is to be seen in the renal veins, where it is often nearly identical with that of arterial blood. The dif- ference in hue between the renal veins and the neighboring muscular veins or the vena cava, when exposed by opening the abdomen of the living animal, is very marked, provided the kidneys be at the time in a state of functional activity. The greater part of the blood traversing these organs is changed only by the elimination of its urea and the remaining ingredients of the urine, which exude into the excretory tubules. The process of active local nutrition is here altogether sub- servient to the discharge of organic materials already existing in the blood; -and the loss of oxygen and alteration in color of the circulating fluid are thus comparatively insignificant. 1 Leqons sur les Liquides de TOrganisme. Paris, 1859, tome ii. p. 272. LOCAL VARIATIONS. 353 Fig. 125. On the other hand, the venous blood coming from the muscular tissue is very dark colored, especially if the muscles be in a state of active contraction. As the muscles form so large a part of the entire mass of the body, their condition has a prepondera- ting influence upon the color of the venous blood in general. The greater the activity of the muscular system, the darker is the color of the blood return- ing from the trunk and extremities. When the muscles are in a state of re- pose or paralysis, on the contrary, the change is less marked ; and in the com- plete relaxation produced by abundant hemorrhage or by complete etherization, the blood in the veins often approxi- mates in color to that in the arteries. Finally, in the lungs the reverse pro- cess takes place. In these organs the blood is supplied with a fresh quantity of oxygen, to replace that which has been consumed elsewhere ; and accord- ingly it changes its color from dark purple to bright red as it passes through the pulmonary capillaries. Both the physical and chemical phe- nomena, therefore, of the circulation vary at different times and in different organs. The actions which go on throughout the body, are varied in cha- racter, and produce a similar difference in the phenomena of the circulation. The venous blood, consequently, has a different composition as it returns from different organs. In the parotid gland it yields the ingredients of the saliva ; in the kidneys those of the urine. In the intestine it absorbs the nutritious elements of the digested food ; and in the liver it gives up substances destined to produce the bile, while it absorbs glucose from the hepatic tissue. In the lungs it changes from blue to red, and in the capillaries of the general system, from red to blue ; and its temperature, also, varies in different veins, according to the peculiar chemical and nutritive changes going on in the organs from which they originate. DIAGRAM OF THK CIRCULA- TION. 1. Heart. 2. Lungs. 3. Head and upper extremities. 4 Spleen. 6. Intestine. 6. Kidney. 7. Lower ex- tremities. 8. Liver. CHAPTEE XVI. THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. IN addition to the connected series of canals by which the blood passes in a continuous round through the arteries, capillaries, and veins, there is also a system of vessels, leading only from the periphery toward the centre, and discharging into the great veins near the heart the fluids which have been absorbed in the solid tissues of the body. The fluid contained in these vessels is nearly or quite colorless, especially in thin layers, and from its transparent and watery appearance is called the " lymph," and the vessels themselves constitute what is known as the lymphatic system. As the blood circulates through the capillaries under the influence of the arterial pressure, certain of its ingredients transude through the vas- cular walls and penetrate the interstices of the anatomical elements of the tissues. An increased pressure upon the blood, either from arterial congestion or from obstruction to the venous current, will increase the amount of transudation, producing an cedematous condition of the part, which is first perceptible in the loose connective tissue, but which may afterward involve the more compact substance of the organs. In the normal state of the circulation, this interstitial fluid, which is the real source of nutrition for the solid parts, does not, however, stagnate in contact with them, but is renewed by a continual change. As fresh sup- plies need to be drawn from the circulating blood, the older portions are removed by absorption and returned to the centre of the circulation by the lymphatic vessels. Thus these vessels may be considered as com- plementary in their function to the veins. The blood, containing the red globules, requires to be rapidly and abundantly returned to the lungs by the veins, in order to regain the oxygen necessary for its continued vital- ity ; while the lymphatics collect more gradually the fluids which have served for the slower process of nutrition and growth. Anatomical Structure and Arrangement of the Lymphatic System. In structure the lymphatics do not essentially differ from the blood- vessels, their principal peculiarity being that their walls are more delicate and transparent. This circumstance, together with the colorless nature of their contents, renders them less easily recognizable by dissection. Those of larger and medium size consist of three coats, similar, in general characters, to the corresponding tunics of the bloodvessels. According to the observations of Kolliker, the external coat alone is distinguished from that of the veins by the possession of smooth mus- (354) STRUCTURE OF LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. 355 cular fibres which are arranged in a longitudinal and oblique direction ; a character which is to be seen in lymphatics of 0.2 millimetre in diame- ter and upward. Like the veins, they are provided with numerous valves, opening toward the heart and closing toward the periphery, the vessel often presenting a well-marked dilatation just within the situation of the valves. The smallest lymphatics consist of only a single coat, composed of flattened, epithelium-like, nucleated cells, which may be brought into view, like those of the capillary bloodvessels, by the staining action of a silver nitrate solution. Origin and Course of the Lymphatic Vessels. So far as the origin of the lymphatics has been demonstrated by injections, these vessels commence in the substance of the tissues by plexuses. They are more abundant in organs which are fully supplied with bloodvessels, and are absent in tissues where bloodvessels do not exist, such as those of the cornea, the vitreous body, and the epithelial coverings of the skin and mucous membranes. According to Yon Recklinghausen, the meshes of the lymphatic plexus, as a general rule, are intercalated between those of the capillary bloodvessels; so that the point of junction of two or more lymphatics is always in the middle of the space surrounded by the adjacent bloodvessels. Thus the lymphatic capillary is situated at the greatest distance possible from the nearest capillary bloodvessels; and in the trans udation of fluids from one to the other, the interven- ing substance of the tissue will always be completely traversed by the nutritious ingredients of the blood. In membranous expansions presenting a free surface, as in the skin and mucous membranes, the plexus of capillary bloodvessels is invariably nearer the surface, while the lymphatics occupy a deeper plane beneath it. Even in the villi of the small intestine, the network of bloodvessels is situated immediately under the epithelial layer, and surrounds the lacteal vessel which is placed in the central part of the villus. Beside the lymphatic capillaries proper, certain irregularly shaped spaces or canals, containing only a colorless or serous fluid, have been found in organs consisting of condensed connective tissue, like the cen- tral tendon of the diaphragm and muscular fasciae. They have been demonstrated mainly by the process of treating the tissues with a solu- tion of silver nitrate, which stains the solid portions of a dark color, but leaves the capillary vessels and the serous canals uncolored. These interstitial spaces or serous canaliculi have been regarded by some ob- servers (Recklinghausen) as directly continuous with the lymphatic capillaries, and as constituting the immediate sources of supply for the lymph ; but this connection is not universally admitted. The serous canaliculi are distinguished from the lymphatic capillaries by their much smaller size, and by the fact that they do not possess, like the latter, a lining of epithelial cells. From their plexuses of origin the lymphatic vessels pass inward toward the great channels and cavities of the body, uniting into larger branches and trunks, and following generally the course of the prin- 356 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. cipal bloodvessels and nerves. Those of the lower extremities enter the cavity of the abdomen, and join with the lymphatics of the abdo- minal organs to form the commencement of the thoracic duct, which ascends through the cavity of the chest, receiving branches from the thoracic organs to the root of the neck, where it is joined by lymphatics from the left side of the head and the left upper extremity, and ter- minates in the left subclavian vein, at the point of its junction with the left internal jugular. The lymphatics coming from the right side of the head and neck, the right upper extremity, and a portion of the thoracic organs, form a trunk of smaller size, the right lymphatic duct, which terminates in the right subclavian vein at its junction with the right internal jugular. Thus the lymph, collected from the vascular tissues of the entire body, is mingled with the venous blood a short distance before its arrival at the right side of the heart. The Great Serous Cavities of the Body are Lymphatic Lacunae. It is well known that in the amphibious reptiles there are irregularly- shaped spaces or lacunae, forming a part of the lymphatic system and interposed between adjacent organs in various parts of the body. In the mammalia the peritoneal and pleural cavities, and probably all the principal serous sacs, are also in direct communication with the lym- phatic vessels. This was first shown by Recklinghausen 1 for the peri- toneal cavity of the rabbit, which communicates by microscopic orifices with the lymphatic vessels in the central tendon of the diaphragm. These communications were demonstrated in two ways : First, on in- jecting into the peritoneal cavity of the animal milk, or a watery fluid holding in suspension minute granules of coloring matter, the lymphatic vessels of the central tendon of the diaphragm were afterward found to be filled with the white or colored injection. Secondly, the central tendon of the diaphragm being carefully removed from the recently killed animal, and a drop of milk placed upon its peritoneal surface, the milk globules could be directly observed under the microscope, running in converging currents to certain points on the surface of the tendon and there pene- trating into its lymphatic vessels. The cavity of the pleura has also been found by similar means to communicate with the lymphatic vessels in its neighborhood. The serous cavities accordingly are either exten- sive lacunae, forming in some regions the origin of the lymphatic vessels, or else they are wide but shallow expansions of the cavity of the lym- phatics, situated at various points in their course. The Lymphatic Glands. During the passage of the lymphatic vessels from the periphery toward the centre, they are repeatedly interrupted by ovoid, glandular-like bodies, of a pale reddish color and somewhat firm consistency, varying in size from about two to twenty millimetres in their long diameter. They do not exist in fish and reptiles, but are always present in birds and mammalia. As a rule, several lymphatic vessels reach these bodies, coming in a direction from the periphery ; and 1 Strieker's Manual of Histology, Buck's Edition. New York, 1872, p. 221. STRUCTUKE OF LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. 357 several others leave them at another portion of their surface, passing onward toward the centre of the circulation. The former are called the u afferent," the latter the " efferent" lymphatic vessels. Owing to the general gland ular-like aspect which they present to the eye, these bodies are known as lymphatic " glands," although they possess no proper ex- cretory duct, and whatever new materials are formed in their interior must be carried away either by the veins or by the efferent lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic glands are situated upon the course of the lymphatic vessels on the inside of the limbs at the flexures of the joints, in the axilla and the groin, in the thoracic and abdominal cavities, along the sides of the spinal column, in the mesentery, and in the sides and ante- rior part of the neck. Fig. 126. LYMPHATIC VESSELS AHD GLANDS OF THE HEAD, NECK, AND THORAX. 1. Thoracic duct, at the point of its emergence from the chest. 2. The same duct, at its junction with the left subclavian vein. (Mascagni.) As regards the structure of the lymphatic glands they consist, First, of an external fibrous envelope, which sends from its internal surface prolongations in the form of septa and branching bands into the deeper parts of the gland, so that the interior of the organ is divided into a 358 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. multitude of smaller spaces by the inosculations of this fibrous frame- work. The bands constituting this framework are called the " trabeculse." Secondly, in the interstices between the trabeculse there is situated the pulpy substance of the gland. In the more external or cortical part of the gland, the interspaces have a rounded or sac-like form, which gives to this portion of the organ a granular aspect, while this appearance is wanting in the deeper or medullary portion ; but in both situations the glandular pulp has essentially the same microscopic texture. Thirdly, the bloodvessels of the gland penetrate it from the outside, usually at a depressed spot called the "hilum," and, after reaching the interior, break up into a rich plexus of capillaries. These bloodvessels and their capil- lary plexus follow distinct routes in the gland, in the middle of the spaces between the trabeculse. The capillary bloodvessels are sur- rounded and held in position by very fine branching fibres attached to their external surface; and in the meshes of these fibres, as well as between the bloodvessels, there are imbedded a great number of rounded, granular, nucleated cells, about 9 mmm. in diameter, similar to the white globules of the blood and of the lymph, and which in this situation are known as "lymph globules." The presence of these granular cells, fixed between and immediately around the capillary bloodvessels, gives to the parts occupied by them a well-marked opaque appearance by transmitted light ; and there are thus formed, in a thin section of the gland, elongated, opaque tracts or cords, separated by intervening trans- parent spaces, and communicating with each other at frequent intervals. Fig. 127. Fig. 128. THIN SECTION OP A LYMPHATIC GLAND FROM THE Ox. o. Medullary cords, b. Lymph paths, c. Trabeculae. (Kolliker.) LONGITUDINAL SECTION through the hilum of a mesenteric gland from the ox, showing the commencement of the efferent lymphatic vessels injected from a puncture of the glandular sub- stance. a. Plexus of efferent vessels. b. Lymph paths, c. Medullary cords. d. Trabeculae. (K6lliker.) These opaque and vascular tracts are called the medullary cords of the lymphatic gland. They are the only vascular parts of the organ ; as the capillary bloodvessels never pass beyond them into the intervening transparent spaces. The transparent spaces, situated between the TRANSUDATION THROUGH ANIMAL TISSUES. 359 medullary cords and immediately surrounding the trabeculae, constitute the lymph-paths, or the channels by which the lymph traverses the glan- dular substance from the afferent to the efferent vessels. The afferent lymphatic vessels, according to the united testimony of more recent observers, after ramifying upon the outer surface of the gland, penetrate its fibrous envelope and become continuous with the transparent por- tions of the glandular substance. This has been shown by injections of the lymphatic gland from the afferent vessels ; and Kolliker has also demonstrated a similar connection of the same channels with the efferent vessels, by injecting these vessels from the substance of the gland. The lymph-paths present a transparent appearance in thin sections of the gland for the reason that the granular lymph-cells which they con- tain are easily detached and removed by manipulation, while those of the medullary cords are more firmly fixed in the fibrous mesh-work and do not readily yield to a displacing force. It has been found b/Kolliker that a watery or serous fluid, injected through the substance of the gland under very moderate pressure, will also displace these cells and leave the spaces which they occupied nearly clear. For these reasons it is regarded as certain that the lighter spaces in the lymphatic glands are, as their name indicates, the channels by which the lymph passes from the afferent to the efferent vessels, and that the lymph-cells are detached by this current from the place of their growth and carried onward through the rest of the lymphatic system. Translation and Absorption fcy the Animal Tissues. During the passage of the blood through the capillary bloodvessels a variety of actions take place by which some of its ingredients are given up to the tissues by transudation and are at the same time replaced by others derived by absorption from the adjacent parts. The lym- phatic system of vessels, furthermore, is entirely filled by the absorption of materials taken up from the surrounding tissues ; and the composi- tion of the fluid which they contain depends upon the property, belong- ing to animal membranes, of transmitting or absorbing certain fluid substances in a peculiar way. This property is exhibited experiment- ally in the following manner. If a fresh animal membrane be firmly attached over the mouth of a cylindrical glass tube, filled with pure water and immersed in solutions of various substances, in such a manner that the membrane forms a continuous diaphragm, having the water on one side and the solution on the other, it is found that different substances penetrate the mem- brane and pass through it to the water with very different degrees of rapidity. As a general rule crystallizable substances, such as mineral salts, glucose, urea, pass with facility ; while the non-crystal- lizable organic matters, such as albumen, starch, gum, pass with com- parative difficulty There are certain exceptions, however, to this rule. Thus albumen, under ordinary circumstances, transudes slowly or not at all through animal membranes ; while albuminose, which is also non- 360 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. crystallizable, passes very rapidly and abundantly. The distinction, furthermore, between the two classes of substances is not a complete one, since they may nearly all be made to transude in some degree by increasing the pressure of the column of fluid upon the corresponding side of the membrane ; but the difference between them is often very great in this respect. According to the observations of Liebig, 1 the requisite pressure for different liquids, in passing through the same membrane in a given time, is as follows : COMPARATIVE PRESSURE HEQUIRED TO CAUSE TRANSUDATION THROUGH OX-BLADDER. Kind of liquid. Height of the mercurial column. Water . . 324 millimetres. Solution of salt 514 Oil 920 " Aldbhol 1298 " Owing to their varying degree of transmissibity through membranes this property has even been employed for the purpose of separating different substances from each other, when mingled together in the liquid form. This process is termed Dialysis. Thus, if a solution containing both gum and sugar be placed in contact with one side of the membranous diaphragm, with pure water on the other, the sugar alone will pass through, while the gum will be left behind. If a mix- ture of albumen and sodium chloride be placed under the same con- ditions, the salt will transude in a pure form leaving the albumen by itself; both substances in this way being purified from each other through the action of the membrane. By the same process it has been found possible to extricate poisonous c^stallizable matters, such as strychnine or arsenious acid, from their admixture with albuminous substances in a state of sufficient purity to allow of their detection by chemical tests. The tissues of an animal membrane, accordingly, may in this way exercise a kind of elective affinity for various substances, and produce a special composition in fluids which have transuded through them. Endosmosis and Exosmosis. Beside the elimination of chemical ingredients above described, the phenomena of trans udation often give rise to a change in volume of the fluid on either side of the membranous septum. When an animal membrane is interposed between two different liquids which are imbibed and transmitted by it with different degrees of facility, that which passes most readily will accumulate in larger quantity on the opposite side of the membrane. If we take, for example, a solution of salt and an equal volume of distilled water, and inclose them in a glass tube with a fresh animal membrane stretched between, the two liquids being in contact with opposite sides of the membrane, after a time they will have become 1 Cited in Longet, Trait de Physiologie. Paris, 1861, tome i. p. 384. TRANSUDATION THROUGH ANIMAL TISSUES. 361 mingled, to a certain extent, with each other. A part of the salt will have passed into the distilled water, giving it a saline taste ; and a part of the water will have passed into the saline solution, making it more dilute than before. If the quantities of the two liquids, which have become so transferred, be measured, it will be found that a comparatively large quantity of water has passed into the saline solution, and a com- paratively small quantity of the saline solution has passed out into the water. That is, the water passes inward to the salt more rapidly than the salt passes outward to the water. The consequence is, that the saline solution is increased in volume, while the water is diminished. The more abundant passage of the water, through the membrane to the salt, is called endosmosis ; and the more scanty passage of the salt out- ward to the water is called exosmosis. The mode usually adopted for measuring the rapidity of endosmosis is to take a glass vessel, shaped somewhat like an inverted funnel, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. The bottom of the vessel is closed by a thin animal membrane, stretched tightly over its edge and secured by a ligature. From the top of the vessel there rises a narrow glass tube, open at its upper extremity. When the instrument is thus prepared, it is filled with a saline or saccharine solution and placed in a vessel of distilled water; so that the membrane, stretched across its mouth, shall be in contact with pure water on one side and with the interior solution on the other. The water then passes in through the membrane, by endosmosis, faster than the ingredients of the solution pass out. An accumulation consequently takes place inside the vessel, and the level of the fluid rises in the upright tube. The height to which the fluid thus rises in a given time is a measure of the intensity of the endosmosis, and of its excess over exosmosis. By varying the consti- tution of the two liquids, and the arrangement of the membrane, the variations in endosmotic action under different conditions may be readily ascertained. Such an instrument is called an endosmometer. Physical Conditions influencing Endosmosis. The conditions which regulate the intensity and extent of endosmosis have been investigated by Dutrochet, Graham, Yierordt, Matteucci, and Cima. The first of these conditions is the freshness of the animal membrane. A mem- brane that has been dried and moistened again, or one that has begun to putrefy, will not produce its full effect. It is also found that if the membrane be allowed to remain and macerate in the fluids, after the column has risen to a certain height in the upright tube, it begins to descend again when putrefaction commences, and the two liquids finally sink to the same level. The next condition is the extent of contact between the membrane and the two liquids. The greater the extent of contact, the more rapid is endosmosis. An endosmometer with a wide mouth will produce more effect than with a narrow one, though the volume of liquid may be the same in both instances. The action takes place in the substance of the membrane, and is proportional to its extent of surface. 24 362 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. The nature of the membrane employed, and even its position in re- gard to the two liquids, also influence the result. Different serous and mucous membranes act with different degrees of force. The effect pro- duced is not the same with the integument of different animals, nor with membranous tissues taken from different parts of the body of the same animal. This depends upon the fact that the power of absorption for a given liquid is different in different tissues. Chevreuil investigated this point by taking definite quantities of certain animal substances, and immersing them in various liquids for twenty-four hours, at the end of which time the substance was removed and weighed. Its increase in weight showed the quantity of liquid which it had absorbed. The fol- lowing table 1 shows the result of these experiments : COMPARATIVE POWER OF ABSORPTION IN DIFFERENT TISSUES. 100 Parts of Water. Saline Solution. Oil. Cartilage, 1 f 231 parts. 125 parts. Tendon, 178 " 114 8.6 parts. Elastic ligament, I absorb in I 148 " 30 " 7.2 " Cornea, f 24 hours, j 461 " 370 " 9.1 " Cartilaginous ligament, 319 " 3.2 " Dried fibrine, [301 " 151 " The influence of the position of the membrane depends upon a similar difference in the absorbing power of its two surfaces. With some fluids, endosmosis is more rapid when the membrane has its mucous surface in contact with the dense solution, and its dissected surface in contact with the water. With other substances, the more favorable position is the reverse. Matteucci found that, in using the mucous membrane of the ox-bladder, with water and a solution of sugar, if the mucous surface of the membrane were in contact with the saccharine solution, the liquid rose in the endosmometer between 80 and 113 milli- metres in two hours. But if the same surface were turned toward the water, the rise of the column of fluid was only 63 or 12 millimetres in the same time. Another important circumstance is the constitution of the two liquids and their relation to each other. As a general thing, if the liquids employed be water and a saline solution, endosmosis is more active, the more concentrated is the solution in the endosmometer ; that is, a larger quantity of water will pass inward toward a dense solution than toward one which is dilute. But the force of endosmosis varies with different liquids, though they may be of the same density. Dutrochet measured the force with which water passes through the mucous membrane of the ox-bladder, into different solutions of the same density, with the follow- ing result : 3 1 In Longet, Trait6 de Physiologie. Paris, 1861, tome i. p. 383. 2 In Matteucci, On the Physical Phenomena of Living Beings. Pereira's translation. Philadelphia, 1848, p. 48. TRANSUDATION THROUGH ANIMAL TISSUES. 363 COMPARATIVE INTENSITY OF ENDOSMOSIS OF WATER TOWARD DIFFERENT LIQUIDS, AS MEASURED BY THE RISE OF THE COLUMN IN THE ExDOSMOMETER. Endosmosis of water toward Divisions of the Endosmometer tube. Solution of gelatine ...... 3 " gum 5 " sugar . . . . . ]1 " albumen 12 The primary cause of this variation in the phenomena of endosmosis is the different absorptive power possessed by an animal membrane or tissue for different liquids. This is partly shown by the experiments of Chevreuil, in which oily matters were usually absorbed less readily than either water or saline solutions. Nearly all animal membranes also absorb water more rapidly than a solution of salt. If a membrane, partly dried, be placed in a saturated solution of sodium chloride, it will absorb the water in so much larger proportion than the salt that a part of the salt will be left behind and deposited in a crystalline form on the surface of the membrane. When an animal membrane, accordingly, is placed in contact with two different liquids, it absorbs one of them more abundantly than the other ; and if that which is absorbed in the greatest quantity is also readily diffused into the liquid on the opposite side, a rapid endosmosis will take place in that direction, and a slow exosmosis in the other. Consequent!}', the least absorbable fluid increases in volume by the con- stant admixture of that which is taken up more rapidly. There are even some cases in which endosmosis takes place without being accom- panied by exosmosis. This occurs when water and albumen are em- ployed as the two liquids. For while water readily passes inward through the animal membrane, the albumen does not pass out. If an opening be made in the large end of a fowl's egg, so as to expose the shell-membrane, and the whole be then immersed in a goblet of water, endosmosis will take place freely from the water to the albumen, so as to distend the shell-membrane and make it protrude, like a hernia, from the opening in the shell. But the albumen does not pass outward through the membrane, and the water in the goblet remains pure. After a time the pressure from within, due to the accumulation of fluid, becomes so great as to burst the shell-membrane, after which the two fluids mix uniformly with each other. But a substance like albumen, which will not pass out by exosmosis toward pure water, may traverse a membrane which is in contact with a solution of salt. This has been shown to be the case with the shell- membrane of the fowl's egg, which, if immersed in a watery solution containing from 3 to 4 per cent, of sodium chloride, will allow the escape of a small proportion of albumen. Furthermore, if a mixed solution of albumen and salt be placed in a dialysing apparatus, the salt alone will at first pass outward leaving the albumen ; but after the exterior liquid has become perceptibly saline, the albumen also begins to pass in appre- ciable quantity. UULU 864 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. For the same membrane and different solutions of the same substance, the direction and intensity of transudation depend upon the strength of the solutions. With endosmometers containing solutions of sugar or salt, and immersed in pure water, as shown by Dutrochet, the stronger the solution the more rapid is the endosmosis from without ; and if two solutions of salt be employed, with a membranous septum between them, endosmosis takes place from the weaker solution to the stronger, and is proportional to the difference in their densities. Density, however, is not always the condition which determines the direction of the current. For although with saline or saccharine solutions the direction of endos- mosis is from the lighter to the denser liquid, with alcohol and water it takes place from the water to the alcohol ; that is, from the denser to the lighter liquid. It is evident from these facts that the process of endos- mosis does not depend principally upon the attraction of the two liquids for each other, but upon the attraction of the animal membrane for the two liquids. The membrane is not a passive filter through which the liquids mingle, but is the active agent which determines their transu- dation. The membrane has the power of absorbing liquids, and of taking them up into its own substance. This property, belonging to the membrane, depends upon the organic ingredients of which it is com- posed ; and, with different animal substances, the rate of absorption is different. The tissue of cartilage, for example, as shown by the experi- ments of Chevreuil, will absorb more water, weight for weight, than that of the tendons; and the tissue of the cornea will absorb nearly twice as much as that of cartilage. The continuance of endosmosis is much favored by renewal of the two liquids. Since the accumulation of fluid on one side of the mem- brane depends on the difference in composition of the liquids employed and the consequent difference in their rate of absorption, when endos- mosis has been for some time going on, and the two liquids have approximated each other in composition, the activity of endosmosis will be diminished in proportion. As the salt or sugar passes out- ward to the water and the water inward to the solution in the endos- mometer, the external liquid acquires a saline or saccharine ingredient, and the interior solution becomes more dilute ; and when the two liquids have thus arrived at the same or nearly the same composition, endos- mosis must cease. But if the exterior liquid be constantly replaced by a current of pure water, and the interior solution maintained at its original strength by the addition of new ingredients, the process of transudation will go on with undiminished activity until. the membrane has lost its absorbent power. The effect of a constantly renewed cur- rent in aiding endosmosis may be readily shown by filling the cleansed intestine of a rabbit with water from a reservoir and then placing it in a shallow glass vessel containing a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid. If the water be allowed to flow through the intestine under pressure from the reservoir, that which is discharged from its open extremity will in a few seconds show the presence of hydrochloric acid by its TRANSUDATION THROUGH ANIMAL TISSUES. 365 reaction with litmus. The acid in this case passes through the wall of the intestine against the pressure of the current, which is of course directed from within outward. Endosmosis is also regulated, to a great degree, by temperature. As a rule it is more active when the temperature is moderately elevated. Dutrochet found that an endosmometer, containing a solu- tion of gum, absorbed only one volume of water at a temperature of 0, but absorbed three volumes at about 34. Variations of tempera- ture will sometimes even change the direction of the endosmosis alto- gether, particularly with dilute solutions of hydrochloric acid. In the experiments of Dutrochet, when the endosmometer was filled with dilute hydrochloric acid and placed in distilled water at the temperature of 10, endosmosis took place from the acid to the water, if the density of the acid solution were less than 1.020 ; but from the water to the acid, if its density were greater than this. On the other hand, at the tem- perature of 22, the current was from within outward when the density of the said solution was below 1.003, and from without inward when it was above that point. Absorption and Transudation in the Tissues of the Living Body. In the experiments above detailed, performed with membranes and tis- sues taken from the dead body, by which the phenomena of endosmosis and exosmosis were first studied, the phenomena represent imperfectly those which take place in the living organism. The property, belong- ing to an animal membrane, of determining the absorption or transu- dation of various liquids, depends upon its organic constitution and is exercised in the greatest intensity during life. In the living body, all the conditions requisite for the acts of endosmosis and exosmosis are present in a higher degree than is possible in any artificial experiment. The membranes and tissues are all perfectly fresh, and unaltered by either desiccation or putrescence; the extent of absorbing surface is indefinitely multiplied by the repeated ramification of the capillary bloodvessels or the glandular tubes; the internal temperature of the body is maintained at a point most favorable for the activity of endos- mosis ; and finally the continuous movement of the blood and the lymph, in theii respective vessels, supplies the ingredients for a constant renewal of the process and at the same time removes the accumulation of the transuded material. In the living body, accordingly, the transudation of fluids is accom- plished with great rapidity. It has been shown by Gosselin, that if a watery solution of potassium iodide be dropped upon the cornea of a living rabbit, the iodine passes into the cornea, aqueous humor, iris, lens, sclerotic and vitreous body, in the course of eleven minutes ; and that it will penetrate through the cornea into the aqueous humor in three minutes, and into the substance of the cornea in a minute and a half. In these experiments it is evident that the iodine actually passes into the deeper portions of the eye by simple endosmosis, and is not 366 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. transported by the bloodvessels ; since no trace of it is to be found in the tissues of the opposite eye, examined at the same time. The same observer has shown that the active principle of belladonna penetrates the tissues of the eyeball in a similar manner. He applied a solution of atropine sulphate* to both eyes of two rabbits. Half an hour afterward, the pupils were dilated. Three-quarters of an hour later, the aqueous humor was collected by puncturing the cornea with a trocar ; and this fluid, dropped upon the eye of a cat, produced dilatation and immobility of the pupil in half an hour. These facts show that the aqueous- humor of the affected eye actually contains atropine, which it absorbs from without through the cornea, and which thus acts directly upon the muscular fibres of the iris. But in all vascular organs, the processes of endosmosis and exosmosis are still further accelerated by two important conditions, namely, first, the movement of the blood circulating in the vessels, and secondly, the minute dissemination and distribution of these vessels through the tissues. If a solution of the extract of nux vomica be injected into the subcu- taneous connective tissue of the hind leg of two rabbits, in one of which the bloodvessels of the limb have been left free, while in the other they have been previously tied, so as to stop the circulation of blood in the part, in the first rabbit the poison will be absorbed and will produce convulsions and death in the course of a few minutes ; but in the second animal, owing to the stoppage of the local circulation, absorption will be retarded, and the poison will find its way into the general circulation so slowly, that its specific effects will show themselves only at a late period, or even may not be produced at all. The processes of exosmosis and endosmosis, therefore, in the living body, are regulated by the same or similar conditions as in artificial experiments ; but they take place with greater rapidity, owing to the movement of the circulating blood, and the extent of contact existing between the bloodvessels and adjacent tissues. Although the arterial blood is everywhere the same in composition, yet its different ingredients are imbibed in varying quantities by the different tissues. And the proportion of each ingredient is determined, in each separate tissue, by its special absorbing or endosmotic power. Albumen, under ordinary conditions, is not endosmotic ; that is, it will not pass by transudation through an animal membrane. For this reason, the albumen of the blood, in the natural state of the circulation, is not exuded from the secreting surfaces, but is retained within the vascular system. But the degree of pressure to which a fluid is sub- jected has an influence in determining its endosmotic action. If the pressure upon the blood in the capillary vessels be increased, by ob- struction to the venous current and backward congestion of the capil- laries, then not only the saline and watery parts of the blood pass out in larger quantities, but the albumen itself may transude and infiltrate the neighboring parts. In this way albumen may make its appearance THE LYMPH AND CHYLE. 367 in the urine, in consequence of obstruction to the renal circulation; and local oedema or general anasarca may follow upon venous congestion in particular regions, or upon general disturbance of the circulation. The Lymph and Chyle, The tymph is the fluid which, having been absorbed from the various tissues and organs of the body, is carried through the system of lym- phatic vessels towards the centre of the circulation and is finally dis- charged, by the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts, into the great veins near the heart. As the chyle is simply the fluid of the mesenteric lym- phatics, which assumes an opaque white color during digestion owing to the absorption of fat, it is properly studied at the same time with the lymph in general. The lymph has been obtained, for the purpose of examination, from the living animal, by introducing a silver canula of proper size into the thoracic duct at the root of the neck, or into large lymphatic trunks in other parts of the body. It was obtained by Rees from the lacteals of the mesentery and from the lymphatics of the leg in the ass, by Colin from the lacteals and thoracic duct of the ox, and from the lymphatics of the neck in the horse. We have obtained it from the thoracic duct both of the dog and the goat. Physical Characters and Composition of the Lymph. The lymph, thus obtained from the thoracic duct in the intervals of digestion, is an opalescent or nearly transparent, alkaline fluid, usually of a light amber color, and having a specific gravity of 1022. Its analysis shows a close resemblance in composition with the plasma of the blood. It contains water, fibrine, albumen, fatty matters, and the usual saline substances of the animal fluids. It is, however, decidedly poorer in albuminous ingredients than the blood. The following is an analysis by Lassaigne, 1 of the fluid obtained from the thoracic duct of the cow: COMPOSITION OF THE LYMPH. Water 964.0 Fibrine 0.9 Albumen 28.0 Fat 0.4 Sodiijm chloride 5.0 Sodium carbonate \ Sodium phosphate > 1.2 Sodium sulphate ) Lime phosphate .........' 0.5 1000.0 Owing to the fibrine contained as an ingredient in the lymph, this fluid coagulates, like blood, within a few moments after its removal from the lymphatic vessels in the living animal, forming a gelatinous mass which 1 In Colin, Physiologic comparee des Aiiimaux domestiques. Paris, 1856, tome ii. p. 111. 368 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. is more or less colorless and transparent, or whitish and opaque, accord- ing to the proportion of fatty matter present in the specimen. After coagulation, it separates into a liquid serum and a solid clot, precisely as in the case of blood. It thus appears that both fibrine and albumen are either formed in the interior of the lymphatic system, or transude to a certain extent from the bloodvessels, even in the ordinary condition of the circulation. If so, this transudation takes place in so small quantity that the albumi- nous matters are all taken up by the lymphatic vessels, and do not appear in the excreted fluids. When lymph is drawn from the thoracic duct and allowed to coagu- late, the clot after a few moments almost invariably assumes a decided pink color, and on microscopic examination is found to contain a very few red blood-globules. The presence of these globules is attributed by some competent authorities (Kolliker, Robin) to the accidental rupture of capillary bloodvessels and consequent introduction of their contents into the lymphatic system ; but their occurrence is so constant that it must be doubted whether they have altogether an accidental origin. The pinkish color of the lymph under these circumstances is never per- ceptible when it is first drawn from the vessels, but only after it has been for a short time exposed to the air. An important peculiarity in regard to the fluid of the lymphatic system, especially in the carnivorous animals, is that it varies, both in appearance and constitution, at different times. In the ruminating and graminivorous animals, as the sheep, ox, goat, and horse, it is either opalescent with a slight amber tinge, or nearly transparent and color- less. In the carnivorous animals, as the dog and cat, it is also opaline and amber colored in the intervals of digestion, but soon after feeding becomes of a dense, opaque, milky white, and continues to present that appearance until digestion and absorption are complete. It then regains its original aspect, and remains opaline until digestion is again in pro- gress. The results of analysis show that this variation in the appearance of the fluid of the thoracic duct during digestion, like that of the blood, is due to the absorption of fatty matters from the intestine. Although the chyle is richer than lymph in nearly all its solid ingredients, the principal difference between the two consists in the proportion of fat, which is nearly absent from the transparent or opaline lymph, but very abundant in the white and opaque chyle. This is shown in the following analysis by Dr. Rees, 1 of lymph and chyle from the ass. 1 In Colin, Physiologic compare des Animaux domestique. Paris, 1856 tome ii. p. 18. THE LYMPH AND CHYLE. 369 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LYMPH AND CHYLE. Lymph. Chyle. Water 965.36 902.37 Albumen 12.00 35.16 Fibrine 1.20 3.70 Spirit extract 2.40 3.32 Water extract 13.19 12.33 Fat . traces 36.01 Saline matter ....... 5.85 7.11 1000.00 1000.00 When a canula, accordingly, is introduced into the thoracic duct at various periods after feeding, the fluid discharged varies considerably, both in appearance and quantity. In the dog, the fluid of the thoracic duct is never quite transparent, but retains a marked opaline tinge even so late as eighteen hours after feeding upon lean meat, and at least three days and a half after the introduction of fat food. Soon after feeding, it becomes whitish and opaque, and so remains while digestion and absorp- tion are in progress. After the termination of this process it resumes its former appearance, becoming light colored and opalescent in the car- nivorous animals, and nearly colorless and transparent in the herbivora. The Lymph Globules. The lymph, whatever may be its other ingre- dients, contains nearly always a greater or less abundance of rounded, transparent, or finely granular nucleated cells, similar to the white glo- bules of the blood, which are known as the " lymph-globules." They vary in size from about 6 to 12 mmm. in diameter. By treatment with dilute acetic acid they become pale and transparent; while partial desic- cation, or the contact of a concentrated saline or saccharine solution, gives them a shrivelled appearance with an irregular outline. Accord- ing to the observations of Kolliker, the lymph-globules vary much, both in number and in size, according to the part of the lymphatic system from which the fluid is taken. In the smallest lymphatic vessels of the mesentery capable of examination, they may even be altogether absent, the lymph consisting of a perfectly homogeneous fluid, not holding any anatomical forms in suspension ; and in the lymphatics where they first begin to show themselves, they are few in number and of less than the average size. After the lymph, however, has traversed one or two ranges of lymphatic glands, the globules are larger and more numerous, manj^ of them in the larger lymphatic trunks attaining the size of 12 mmm. in diameter. From this circumstance, as well as from the micro- scopic texture of the glands themselves, it is concluded that the lymph- globules originate, in great part, in the interior of the lymphatic glands, and that they are brought thence by the current which traverses the lymph-paths in the substance of these organs. Movement of the Fluids in the Lymphatic System. The movement of the lymph in the lymphatic vessels diners from that of the blood, in the important particular that its course is always in one direction, 370 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. namely, from the periphery toward the centre. The fluids taken up by the lymphatic capillaries are collected into the larger branches and trunks, and by them conducted from without inward toward the heart. The physical cause of the continuous movement of the lymph is pri- marily the force of endosmosis acting at the confines of the lymphatic system. As the volume of fluid accumulates in an endosmometer, in such a manner as to rise perceptibty in the upright tube, so the lymph accumulates by the force of absorption in the lymphatic capillaries, and thence fills the larger vessels of the system. It is evident that the pressure of fluids in a particular direction, due to the force of endos- mosis, may be very considerable, since it is sometimes sufficient, as already shown, to burst the shell-membrane of a fowl's egg when placed in contact with water. As this pressure, in the lymphatic system, is always directed from without inward, and as the main lymphatic trunks finally terminate in the veins, the result is a uniform movement of the lymph, from the peripheral parts of the various organs and tissues toward the centre of the circulation. The movement of the lymph is also aided by several secondary causes. As these vessels are provided with valves, even more abundantly than the veins, the alternate contraction and relaxation of the voluntary muscles in the limbs and trunk must facilitate considerably the passage of their fluids in an inward direction. The action of the heart and arte- ries also contributes indirectly to this result. As the thoracic duct passes upward through the chest, it crosses the median line obliquely from right to left, passing between the spinal column and the aorta ; so that at each pulsation of the aorta it is compressed, and its contents urged toward its upper extremity. This effect is often very visible when a canula is inserted, in the living animal, into the thoracic duct at the root of the neck. Under these circumstances we have frequently seen the lymph projected from the extremity of the canula in a distinct jet at each cardiac pulsation, owing to the momentary pressure from the distended aorta. Lastly, the thoracic movements of respiration take part in maintain- ing the flow of lymph. At each inspiration the resistance in the inte- rior of the chest is diminished, and the lymph passes more readily from below into the thoracic duct; at each expiration the duct is subjected to compression, and is thus emptied of its fluids in a direction toward its junction with the veins. The influence of the respiratory move- ments, in a reversed form, may often be seen in animals poisoned by woorara, where artificial respiration is kept up through the trachea. If, in such an animal, a canula be inserted into the thoracic duct at the root of the neck, the flow of tymph from its open extremity is percep- tibly increased at each forcible insufflation of the lung, since this pro- duces more or less pressure upon the thoracic duct in the cavity of the chest. Of these different physical causes of the lymph-current, the first alone, namely, the endosmotic action, is entirely uniform and continuous. The THE LYMPH AND CHYLE. 371 others are all intermittent in their action, and depend for their effi- ciency upon the existence of valves in the lymphatic vessels. In a set of vessels provided with such valves, opening forward and shutting backward, any force which alternately compresses and releases them will necessarily cause the fluids which they contain to move in a definite direction. The mechanical forces above enumerated are more or less constantly active, and in point of fact exercise a considerable influence in producing an incessant transportation of the lymph from the peri- phery to the centre. Total Daily Quantity of the Lymph and Chyle. The quantity of fluids discharged from the thoracic duct within a given time varies according to the condition of abstinence or digestion. In the fasting condition it is comparatively moderate, but becomes more abundant soon after the commencement of digestion, to diminish again during the later stages of the process. We have found, at various periods after feeding, in the dog, the following quantities discharged per hour, for every thousand parts of the bodily weight of the animal : HOURLY QUANTITIES OF LYMPH AND CHYLE IN THE DOG, PER THOUSAND PARTS OF BODILY WEIGHT. 3| hours after feeding 2.45 7 2.20 13 ....... 0.99 18 1.15 18 " ...... 1.99 It would thus appear that the hourly quantity of these fluids, after di- minishing during the latter stages of digestion, increases again somewhat about the eighteenth hour, though still considerably less abundant than while digestion is in active progress. It is probable that this increase at the two periods indicated is owing to two different causes. The fluid obtained in greatest abundance in the dog, in from 3 to 1 hours after feeding, is quite white and opaque, and its increase in quantity is evi- dently due to the admixture of chyle absorbed from the intestine. That obtained so late as the eighteenth hour is simply opaline, or more nearly transparent, and is composed of lymph alone. The absorption of chyle, therefore, takes place, of course, while digestion is in progress ; but the most abundant production of lymph occurs some hours later, after the materials of nutrition have reached and permeated the tissues themselves. The entire daily quantity of lymph and chyle is found, by direct observation, \o be much larger than would be anticipated. In two experiments upon the horse, extending over a period of twelve hours each, Colin 1 obtained from the thoracic duct in this animal, on the average, 893 grammes of fluid per hour, which would amount to rather more than 20 kilogrammes per day. In the ruminating animals, accord- ing to the same observer, the quantity is still greater. In an ordinary 1 Physiologies comparee des Animaux domestiques. Paris, 1856, tome ii. p. 106. 372 THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. sized cow, the smallest quantity obtained, in an experiment extending over a period of twelve hours, was 625 grammes in fifteen minutes ; that is, 2500 grammes per hour, or 60 kilogrammes per day. In another experiment with a young bull weighing 185 kilogrammes, he actually withdrew from the thoracic duct in the course of twenty-four hours, 15 kilogrammes of lymph and chyle, representing a little more than 8 per cent, of the entire bodily weight of the animal. We have obtained similar results from experiments upon the dog and goat. In a young kid weighing 6.36 kilogrammes, we have obtained from the thoracic duct 122.5 grammes of lymph in three hours and a half. This quantity represents 35 grammes per hour, and, if continued throughout the day, would amount to 640 grammes, or fully 10 per cent, of the entire bodily weight. In the dog the fluids discharged from the thoracic duct are less abundant. The average of all the results obtained by us, in this animal, at different periods after feeding, gives very nearly four and a half per cent, of the bodily weight, as the total daily quantity of lymph and chyle. This is substantially the same result as that obtained by Colin in the horse ; and for a man weigh- ing 65 kilogrammes, it would be equivalent to about 3000 grammes of lymph and chyle per day. But this quantity represents both the products of tymphatic transudation and those of intestinal absorption taken together. An estimate of the total amount of the lymph alone must be based upon the quantity of fluids passing through the thoracic duct in the intervals of digestion, when no chyle is being taken up from the alimentary canal. In the dog, as shown by the experiments quoted above, the average quantity obtained, from the thirteenth to the eigh- teenth or nineteenth hour after feeding, when intestinal absorption had come to an end, was about 1.30 per thousand parts of the bodily weight ; or, for the whole twenty-four hours, a little over 3 per cent, of the bodily weight. For a man of medium size, this would give not far from 2000 grammes as the average daily quantity of lymph alone. Internal Renovation of the Animal Fluids. By the combined actions of secretion, transudation, and reabsorption, a continual interchange or renovation of the animal fluids takes place in the living body, which is dependent for its materials upon the circulation of the blood, and which may be considered as a kind of secondary circulation through the sub- stance of the tissues. For all the digestive fluids, as well as the bile discharged into the intestine, are reabsorbed in the natural process of digestion and again enter the current of the circulation. These fluids, therefore, pass and repass through the mucous membrane of the alimen- tary canal and adjacent glands, becoming more or less altered in con- stitution at each passage, but still serving to renovate alternately the constitution of the blood and the ingredients of the digestive secretions. The elements of the blood itself also transude in part from the capillary vessels, and are again taken up from the tissues by the lymphatics, to be finally restored to the venous blood, in the immediate neighbor- hood of the heart. THE LYMPH AND CHYLE. 373 The daily quantity of all the fluids thus transuded and reabsorbed will serve to indicate the activity of endosmosis and exosmosis in the living body. In the following table, the quantities are all estimated, from preceding data, for a man of medium size. TOTAL QUANTITY OF FLUIDS TRANSUDED AND REABSORBED DURING TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Saliva 1300 grammes. Gastric juice 3000 Pancreatic juice 800 " Bile 1000 Lymph 2000 8100 Not less than 8000 grammes therefore of the animal fluids, a quan- tity equal to that of the entire blood and amounting to more than 12 per cent, of the weight of the whole body, transude through the internal membranes and are restored to the blood by reabsorption, in the course of a single day. It is by this process that the natural constitution of the parts, though constantly changing, is still maintained in its normal condition, through the movement of the circulating fluids and the renovation of their materials. CHAPTEE XVII. THE URINE. THE urine is distinguished from all the other animal fluids by the fact that it represents only the products of the waste or physiological disinte- gration of the body. The living body, while in the active performance of its functions, is the seat of various manifestations of force, such as animal heat, sensibility, and motion, which are the indications of its vitality. These manifestations of force, in the living organism, as well as elsewhere, are only produced at the expense of its materials, and by their change of state or metamorphosis in the internal process of nutrition. It is accordingly an essential condition of the existence and activity of the animal body that it should go through with an incessant transfor- mation and renewal of its component parts. Every living being absorbs more or less constantly certain nutritive materials from without, which are modified by assimilation and converted into the natural ingredients of its tissues. At the same time with this continuous process of growth and supply, there goes on an equally continuous change, by which the elements of the organized frame pass over into new forms of combi- nation, destined to be expelled from the body as the products of its disintegration. Certain substances, therefore, are constantly making their appearance in the animal tissues and fluids, which were not introduced with the food, but which have been produced in their interior b} r the process of con- tinued metamorphosis. These substances result from the new combina- tions taking place in the organized frame. They are the forms under which those materials present themselves which have once made part of the animal tissues, but which have become altered by the incessant changes characteristic of living beings, and which are consequently no longer capable of exhibiting vital properties, or of aiding in the per- formance of the vital functions. The process of the elimination and removal of these materials is called excretion, and the materials them- selves are known as the excrementitious substances. These substances have peculiar characters by which they are distin- guished from other ingredients of the living body. They are crystal- lizable and for the most part soluble in water, at least in the form under which they appear in the excreted fluids. They are formed in the blood or in the substance of the tissues from which they are absorbed by the blood, and are conveyed by the circulating fluid to the excretory organs through which they are discharged. If their elimination from the body be in any way arrested or impeded, their accumulation in the system produces a disturbance of the vital functions, which is more or (SU) THE URINE. 375 less severe according to their special character and the rapidity of their production. This poisonous influence is especially manifested in its action upon the nervous system, causing an abnormal irritability, de- rangement of the special senses, delirium, insensibility, coma, and death. These effects are more particularly marked in the case of urea after suppression of the urine ; a complete stoppage of the elimination of this substance in the human subject usually producing a fatal result in three or four days. The excrementitious matters, however, are not to be considered as poisonous, or even deleterious, in the quantities in which they normally occur in the animal solids and fluids. On the contrary, they are the natural products of the functional activity of the animal system, and are, therefore, as essential to the continued manifestation of life as the nutritious materials supplied by the food. It is only when the regular course of their elimination is retarded that they interfere with the due performance of the functions, by deranging the natural constitution of the tissues. A variety of excrementitious substances are produced in the body, some of which are probably eliminated, in small proportion, with the perspiration or with the feces. The carbonic acid, exhaled in large quantity from the lungs, is to be regarded as belonging to this class, since it is produced in the substance of the tissues and constantly discharged by respiration. But the most important substances, usually included under the head of excrementitious matters, are distin- guished by the fact that they contain nitrogen as one of their ultimate elements, and that they otherwise exhibit a remarkable analogy with each other in their chemical composition. They accordingly form a natural group of organic substances, resembling each other in their origin, their constitution, and their physiological destination. They are furthermore associated together by the circumstance that they are all eliminated from the body by the urine, of which they form the essential and characteristic ingredients. The urine is therefore the only animal fluid which is solely an excre- tion. It is a solution of the nitrogenous excrementitious matters of the animal frame ; and by its abundance and composition it indicates the activity of the healthy metamorphosis of the organic tissues and fluids. Beside its nitrogenous ingredients, it contains also most of the mineral salts which are discharged from the body ; and by the water which holds these solid matters in solution it forms the channel for a large propor- tion of the fluids passing daily through the system. Furthermore, acci- dental or abnormal ingredients, introduced into the blood, almost invariably find their way out of the system by the kidneys, and thus appear as temporary ingredients of the urine. The constitution and physiological variations of this fluid during health, and its alteration in disease, are regulated by the corresponding changes of nutrition or activity in the body at large. The urine is therefore one of the most essential products of the animal system, and its formation is second in importance only to the function of respiration. 376 THE URINE. Physical Properties of the Urine. The urine is a clear, amber-colored fluid, of a watery consistency, and with a distinctly acid reaction. As a general rule, its transparency is so nearly perfect that no appearance of turbidity is perceptible by ordinary diffused daylight. It contains, however, a very small quantity of mucus from the urinary bladder, which may be rendered visible as a faint opalescence when a sunbeam is made to pass through it in a lateral direction. If the urine be allowed to remain at rest for a few hours in a cylindrical glass vessel, the mucus gradually subsides, forming a very light cloudy mass at the bottom and leaving the supernatant fluid en- tirely clear. The ingredients of the urine itself are all therefore in a state of complete solution. While still warm and fresh, the urine has a peculiar but not offensive odor, which disappears on cooling and may be then restored by gentle heating. The average specific gravity of healthy urine, in the adult, is from 1020 to 1025 ; and its daily quantity is about 1200 cubic centimetres. Variations of the Urine in Quantity, Acidity, and Specific Gravity. The urine does not present uniformly the same characters, but varies normally from hour to hour, in each individual, at different periods of the day. It is usually discharged from the bladder five or six times in the twenty-four hours, and each specimen shows more or less variation in its physical properties. This variation depends upon the changing conditions of the body, as to rest, exercise, food, drink, sleeping, and waking. In the same person, leading a uniform mode of life from day to day, the diurnal variations of the urine follow each other with great regularity ; although in different persons, whose habits are different, they may not be altogether the same. Asa general rule, the urine which collects in the bladder during the night and is first discharged in the morning is strongly colored, of high specific gravity, and has a very distinct acid reaction. That passed during the forenoon, on the other hand, is pale and of comparatively low specific gravity ; often falling so low as 1018 or even 1015. At the same time, its acidity diminishes or even disappears altogether ; so that at this time in the day the urine is frequently neutral or slightly alkaline. Toward noon, its density and depth of color increase, and its acidity returns. All these properties become more strongly marked during the afternoon and evening ; and toward night the urine is again deeply colored and strongly acid, and has a specific gravity of 1028 or 1030. The following instances will serve to show the general characters of this variation : OBSERVATION FIRST. March 20th. Urine of 1st discharge, acid, sp. gr. 1025. " 2d ' alkaline, " 1015. 3d " neutral, " 1018. " 4th " acid, " 1018. " 5th " acid, " 1027 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE URINE. 377 OBSERVATION SECOND. March 2lst. Urine of 1st discharge, acid, sp. T. 1029. - 2d " neutral, < ; 1022. - 3d " neutral, " 1025. 4th - acid, " 1027. " 5th " acid, " 1030. These variations do not always follow a perfectly regular course, since they are liable to temporary modification from accidental causes during the day ; but their general tendency corresponds with that given above. The acidity of the urine is also liable to vary from temporary causes, owing to the introduction of organic substances with the food which give rise to alkalescence in the animal fluids. The salts of the organic acids, such as the lactates, acetates, malates, and tartrates, when taken into the stomach and absorbed by the circulation, are replaced by carbonates of the same bases, and appear under that form in the urine. When these salts, or the fruits and vegetables which contain them, are taken in large quantit}^ the urine becomes alkaline from the presence of the carbonates. The use of summer fruits, therefore, though they may have an acidulous taste, is followed by alkalescence of the urine. The effect thus produced may be manifested in a very short time; according to the observations of Lehmann, the urine sometimes becom- ing alkaline within a quarter of an hour after taking a little over 15 grammes of sodium acetate. It is evident, therefore, that when the specific gravity or the acidity of the urine is to be tested, either in health or disease, it will not be sufficient to rely upon the examination of a single specimen. The nor- mal variations in specific gravity during the day do not usually exceed the limits of 1015 as a minimum and 1030 as a maximum; but either of these would be unnatural if continued during the whole twenty-four hours. All the different specimens 'of urine passed during the day should therefore be collected and examined together. The average specific gravity thus obtained will represent the normal daily density of the excretion. The daily volume of the urine is also to be taken into account. The total amount of solids discharged by the urine in health is from 50 to 60 grammes per day ; and this quantity of solid material is dissolved in about 1200 cubic centimetres of water. This gives an average daily quantity and an average specific gravity of the urine, as the measure of the excretory process during twenty-four hours. Both the quantity of the urine and its mean specific gravity are liable to vary somewhat in different individuals, or even in the same individual from day to day. Ordinarily, the water of the urine is more than sufficient to hold all the solid matters in solution ; and its propor- tion may therefore be diminished by temporary causes without the production of turbidity or the formation of a deposit. Under such cir- cumstances, the urine merely becomes deeper in color, and of higher 25 378 THE UEINE. specific gravity. If a smaller quantity of water than usual be taken into the system with the drink, or if the exhalation from the lungs and skin, or the intestinal discharges, be increased, a smaller quantity of water will necessarily pass off by the kidneys ; and the urine will be diminished in quantity, while its specific gravity is increased. The urine is sometimes reduced in this way to 500 or 600 cubic centimetres per day, its specific gravity rising at the same time to 1030. On the other hand, if the fluid ingesta be unusually abundant, or if the per- spiration be diminished, the surplus quantity of water will pass off by the kidneys ; so that the amount of urine in twenty- four hours may be increased to 1350 or 1400 cubic centimetres, and its mean specific gravity reduced at the same time to 1020 or even 1017. Under such conditions, the total amount of solid matter discharged remains about the same. These changes depend simply upon the fluctuating quantity of water, which may pass off by the kidneys in larger or smaller quan- tity, according to circumstances. In purely normal or physiological variations of this nature, the entire quantity of the urine and its mean specific gravity vary always in an inverse direction with regard to each other ; the former increasing while the latter diminishes, and vice versa. If, however, it be found that both the quantity and specific gravity of the urine are increased or diminished at the same time, or if either one be increased or diminished while the other remains stationary, such an alteration will show an actual change in the total amount of solid ingre- dients, and consequently an unnatural and pathological condition. Ingredients of the Urine. The chemical composition of the urine, as derived from the most recent and numerous analyses, is as follows: Nitrogenous organic substances. Mineral salts. COMPOSITION OF THE UKINE. Water 950.00 Urea 26.20 Creatinine 0.87 Sodium and potassium urates . . . 1.45 Sodium and potassium hippurates . . 0.70 Sodium biphosphate ..... 0.40 Sodium and potassium phosphates . . 3.35 Lime and magnesium phosphates . . 0.83 Sodium and potassium chlorides . . 12.55 Sodium and potassium sulphates . . 3.30 Mucus and coloring matter . . . 0.35 1000.00 The constitution of the urine is not invariable, but changes more or less at different periods of the day, according to the rapidity of excre- tion of its different ingredients. The foregoing list, however, repre- sents, in an approximate manner, its average composition for the entire twenty-four hours. INGREDIENTS OF THE URINE. 379 Urea. This is the most important constituent of the urine, both in regard to character and amount, forming more than one-half the entire quantity of its solid ingredients, and over 80 per cent, of all those of an organic nature. The most important fact known with regard to the origin of urea is, that it is not formed in the kidneys, but pre-exists in the blood in small proportion, and is drained away from the circulat- ing fluid during its passage through the renal vessels. This was first shown by the experiments of Prevost and Dumas, 1 who, after extir- pating the kidneys, or tying the renal arteries in the living animal, found the quantity of urea in the blood increased in marked proportion, owing to the arrest of its elimination by the kidneys. It has also been found in the blood of the human subject in cases of renal disease, sometimes in so large a proportion as 1.5 parts per thousand, 2 or nearly ten times its normal quantity. It has not been found, however, in suf- ficient quantity in any of the solid tissues to indicate the immediate source of its production. It is either formed in the blood itself, by transformation of some previous nitrogenous combination, or it is ab- sorbed by the blood too rapidly to be detected as an ingredient of the solid tissues. Urea is obtained most readily from the urine by first converting it into the form of a nitrate. For this purpose the fresh urine is evapo- rated over the water-bath until it is reduced to one-quarter of its original volume. It is then filtered, and the filtered fluid mixed with an equal quantity of nitric acid, which produces nitrate of urea. This salt, being less soluble than urea, rapidly separates in the form of abundant crys- talline scales. The c^stalline deposit is separated from the mother liquor, mixed with water, and decomposed by the addition of barium carbonate, which sets free the urea, with the formation of barium nitrate. This process is continued so long as carbonic acid is given off;- after which the whole is evaporated to dryness, and the dry residue extracted with absolute alcohol, which dissolves out the urea. The alcoholic solu- tion is then filtered and evaporated until the urea separates in a crys- talline form. 3 The quantity of urea in a given volume of urine is readily ascertained by decomposing it, according to Davy's method, with a solution of so- dium hypochlorite. A long and narrow graduated glass tube, open at one extremity, and capable of holding about 50 cubic centimetres of fluid, is filled to a little more than one-third its capacity with mercury, upon which are poured 3 or 4 cubic centimetres of the urine to be ex- 1 Prevost and Dumas, Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 1823, tome xxiii. p. 90 ; Segalas, Journal de Physiologie, tome ii. p. 354 ; Mitscherlich, Tiede- mann. and Gmelin, Poggendorf's Annalen, band xxxi. p. 303 ; Cl. Bernard, Liquides de 1'Organisme. Paris, 1859, tome ii., Deuxieme Legon. 2 In Milne Edwards, Legons sur la Physiologie. Paris, 1857, tome i. p. 298. 3 Hoppe-Seyler, Handbuch der Physiologisch- und Pathologisch-Chemischen Analyse. Berlin, 1870, p. 120. 380 THE UKINE. amined. The remainder of the tube is then filled with the sodium hypochlorite solution, the mouth of the tube closed, the fluids well mixed, and the tube then inverted in a shallow glass dish filled with a saturated solution of sodium chloride. The mixture of urine and hypo- chlorite solution remains in the tube ; and as the urea is decomposed, its nitrogen is given off in the gaseous form and collects in the upper closed end of the tube, where its volume may be read off on the scale, after the action has ceased. Every cubic centimetre of nitrogen, thus disengaged, represents 2.5 milligrammes of urea. The conditions influencing the quantity of urea produced and dis- charged in the healthy subject during twenty-four hours, are the size and general development of the body, the nature of the food, and the state of rest or activity. Like other products of the living organism, its quantity is in proportion to the entire mass of the body. As a general rule, its daily quantity, in man, is 0.5 per thousand parts of the entire bodily weight ; and for a man of medium size it amounts to about 35 grammes per day. As it is a nitrogenous substance, resulting from the final consumption of the albuminous elements of the system, its proportion is greater under a diet of animal food, which is comparatively rich in albuminous matters, than under one of vegetable food, in which these substances are less abundant. Its daily quantity falls to a minimum when the diet is exclusively confined to non-nitrogenous arti- cles of food, namely, starch, sugar, and fat. It is still, however, pro- duced and excreted under an exclusively non-nitrogenous diet, and even when no food whatever is taken, so long as the animal functions con- tinue to be performed. The results obtained by nearly all experimenters led to the conclu- sion that the quantity of urea excreted is especially increased by mus- cular exertion , until a doubt was thrown upon this point by Tick and Wislicenus in 1866. These observers ascended a mountain on foot, the ascent occupying a little over eight hours ; during which time, and for seventeen hours beforehand, they confined themselves to a diet of non-nitrogenous food. They found the amount of urea discharged per hour to be less, while engaged in ascending the mountain, than it was before ; but it increased during the following night, after a meal of animal food. Subsequent observers have obtained various results. Dr. Parkes, in a series of very careful and extended observations, 1 found that the dis- charge of urea was increased not during, but after, a period of muscular work. This was shown even in a man confined for five days to a non- nitrogenous diet, in whom the discharge of urea was not increased on the day of unusual muscular effort, but on the following day was a little more than doubled. The observations of Prof. A. Flint, Jr., on the excretion of urea in the case of the pedestrian Weston, have the important advantage of ex- 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, vol. xvi. p. 48, and March 2, 1871. INGKEDiENTS OF THE UEINE. 381 tending over comparatively long periods, both of exercise and rest, the diet at the same time remaining unchanged in its general characters. The pedestrian was under observation for fifteen days ; namely, five days previous to the walk, five days during its continuance, and five days immediately afterward. For the period preceding the walk, the average exercise was about eight miles per day ; during the walk it was nearly sixty-four miles per day, and for the period subsequent to the walk, it was a little over two miles per day. The results obtained during the three peri9ds showed, accordingly, the normal amount of urea excreted by the pedestrian under ordinary conditions, the amount discharged during an unusual and nearly continuous muscular exertion, and the subsequent effects of the exertion on the general condition of the system. The nitrogenous ingredients of the food, during all three periods, were also recorded, so that the influence of the food itself on the amount of urea may be estimated at the same time with that of the muscular exertion. The following table gives the main result of these experiments, so far as they are connected with the present subject : Daily Quantity of First Period. Five days before the walk. Second Period. Five days during the walk. Third Period. Five days after the walk. Urea Nitrogen in food Nitrogen in urea . Total nitrogen in urea and feces Nitrogen in urea and feces per 100 parts of nitrogen in food 628.24 grains. 339.46 " 293.18 " 315.09 " 95.53 722.16 grains. 234.76 " 337.01 " 361.52 " 174.81 726.79 grains. 440.93 " 339.17 " 373.15 " 91.93 It is evident, therefore, that during the time of unusual muscular exertion the daily quantity of urea was increased by nearly fifteen per cent, over that of the previous ordinary condition, the nitrogenous ele- ments of the food being at the same time considerably diminished ; and that, during the period of exertion, the total quantity of nitrogen dis- charged by the urea and feces combined was nearly seventy-five per cent, greater than that introduced with the food, while in both the pre- vious and subsequent periods it was from about four and a half to eight per cent. less. During the period of exertion there was a loss of nearly three and a half pounds of bodily weight, and an increase of similar amount during the subsequent period of rest. The author fairly explains the above loss of weight by the disintegration of muscular tissue; and the subsequent increase, by a retention of nitrogenous constituents in the body, to repair the waste thus produced. "During the five days of the walk, 1 Mr. Weston consumed in all 1173.80 grains of nitrogen in his food. During the same period he New York Medical Journal, June, 1871, p. 669. 382 THE URINE. eliminated 1807.60 grains of nitrogen, in the urine and feces. This leaves 633.80 grains of nitrogen, over and above the nitrogen of the food, which must be attributed to the waste of his tissues, and probably almost exclusively to the waste of his muscular tissue. According to the best authorities, lean meat uncooked, or muscular tissue, contains 3 per cent, of nitrogen. The loss of 633.80 grains of nitrogen would then represent a loss of 21,121.00 grains, or 3.018 Ibs. of muscular tissue. The actual loss of weight was 3.450 Ibs. This allows about 0.43 Ib. of loss unaccounted for, which might be fat or water." Creatinine. This substance is perhaps next in physiological import- ance to the urea, considering its analogy in chemical composition, but is produced in much smaller quantity ; its total amount usually not ex- ceeding 1 gramme per day. It has not been found in any of the solid tissues ; but it is probably derived by transformation of the creatine of the muscles, since it may be artificially produced from the latter by the action of heat and dilute sulphuric acid. It is undoubtedly, like urea, a product of the metamorphosis of the albuminous ingredients of the body, from which it derives its nitrogenous element. But little is known with regard to the conditions which increase or dimmish its production. Sodium and Potassium Urates. The urates are due to a combination of the alkaline base with a nitrogenous mineral acid, belonging to the same physiological class of excrernentitious matters as urea and creati- nine. This substance is known to be, like urea, increased in quantity by a nitrogenous, and decreased by a non-nitrogenous diet ; but its rela- tions to muscular exercise and other temporary conditions are not fully known. The urates are readily soluble in water, and are usually excreted to the amount of about 1.75 gramme per day. The hippurates have, in general, similar chemical and physiological relations to those of the urates, excepting that they are more abundant under the use of a vege- table diet, and disappear altogether when the food is exclusively of an animal nature. In the human subject under an ordinary mixed diet, they amount to about one-half the quantity of the urates. The preceding ingredients of the urine are all associated in a single physiological group, forming its nitrogenous excrementitious substances. Beside them, it also contains a variety of inorganic or mineral constitu- ents, derived from the waste of the animal tissues and fluids. Acid Sodium Phosphate, or sodium biphosphate. This is the ingre- dient which gives to the urine its acid reaction to test-paper. It is regarded as derived from the ordinary sodium phosphate of the blood (Xa. 2 H P0 4 ) by the action of the uric acid produced in the system, which unites with a part of its sodium, forming sodium urate, and leaving an acid sodium phosphate (NaH Q POJ. The uric acid produced from the decomposition of animal substances, although it does not itself appear in a free form, is, therefore, indirectly the cause of the acid reaction of the urine ; and this reaction will vary in intensity with the amount of uric acid discharged. INGREDIENTS OF THE URINE. 383 The Alkaline Phosphates, or ordinary phosphates of sodium and potassium. These are the soluble phosphates, which exist in the blood as well as in the urine, and which, in solution, have a mild alkaline re- action. Owing to their ready solubility, they never appear as a precipi- tate, nor disturb in any way the transparency of the urine. It is under the form of these salts that most of the phosphoric acid in combination is discharged with the urine. According to Yogel, the excretion of phosphoric acid by this channel is increased by the use of food contain- ing soluble phosphates or substances capable of yielding phosphoric acid by the changes which they undergo in the system. It is accord- ingly more abundant under a diet of animal food, less so under a vege- table regimen. Its discharge, however, does not depend exclusively upon the ingredients of the daily food, since it continues, although in diminished quantity, after long-continued abstinence from all food. Its immediate origin is, therefore, wholly or partly from the constituents of the body itself. The observations of Wood, 1 as well as those of Yogel and others, show also that there is a diurnal variation of con- siderable regularity in the normal excretion of the salts of phosphoric acid. Its hourly quantity is at a minimum during the forenoon, in- creases in the latter part of the day after the principal meal, and reaches a maximum in the evening or during the night, to diminish again on the morning of the following day. It is under the form of phosphates that the phosphorus contained in certain organic substances (lecithine) is finally discharged from the system. The average quantity of the alka- line phosphates discharged during health under an ordinary diet is a little over four grammes per day. The Earthy Phosphates, or the phosphates of lime and magnesium. The earthy phosphates are usually present in the urine in much smaller quantity than the preceding. They are held in solution only by the acid reaction of the urine, and when this is absent or very much diminished they are thrown down as a light precipitate, consequently, the neutral or faintly alkaline urine passed in the forenoon is often slightly turbid with a deposit of the earthy phosphates, without, however, indicating any abnormal increase in their amount. According to the extensive and careful observations of Wood, the alkaline and earthy phosphates differ from each other in the conditions which influence their excretion. "While the alkaline phosphates of the urine are increased in amount during continued mental application, the earthy phosphates are dimin- ished, and the total quantity of both kinds is not materially altered. The earthy phosphates, on the other hand, are increased by abstinence from mental labor. Their average daily quantity under ordinary condi- tions is about one gramme, or rather less than one-quarter that of the earthy phosphates. 1 On the Influence of Mental Activity on the Excretion of Phosphoric Acid by the Kidneys. Proceedings of the Connecticut Medical Society, 1869. THE URINE. Sodium and Potassium Chlorides. The sodium chloride, which repre- sents nearly the whole of these two salts, is also by far the most abundant mineral ingredient in the urine, forming over one-half of its inorganic constituents. It is derived in great measure from the sodium chlo- ride taken with the food, and is increased or diminished in quantity with the variation in the amount of common salt in the diet. Various circumstances, however, influence its excretion at different periods of the day. Its hourly discharge is habitually least "during the night, increases in the forenoon and is greatest during the latter part of the day. Ac- cording to Vogel, 1 both mental and bodily exertion perceptibly increase its excretion ; and even water, when taken in unusual abundance, by in- creasing the activity of the kidneys, causes also a temporary augmen- tation in the discharge of sodium chloride, which is subsequently followed by a corresponding diminution. The average amount of the chlorides discharged with the urine is about fifteen grammes per day. Sodium and Potassium Sulphates. The sulphates present in the urine are derived partly from those which have been introduced, under their own form, as ingredients of the food ; and observation has shown that their quantity is increased by the medicinal administration of sul- phuric acid or of sodium sulphate. The administration of sulphur or the sulphurets produces a similar effect. The albuminous matters of the system, furthermore, which contain sulphur as one of their con- stituent elements, give rise, by their changes in the oxidizing process of nutrition and excretion, to sulphuric acid and the sulphates ; since the whole of their carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen is finally discharged under the form of water, carbonic acid, and urea, while the small quantity of sulphur remaining appears as sulphuric acid in the sul- phates. Consequently the excretion of sulphates, as shown by Vogel, is increased by an abundant diet of animal food, and diminished under a vegetable regimen. The sulphates are freely soluble and never appear as a spontaneous precipitate in the urine. Their average quantity is about 3.96 grammes per day. Reactions of the Urine to Chemical Tests. The reactions of the urine to a variety of ordinary tests form a ready criterion for ascertaining its normal or abnormal constitution. The more exact quantitative determination of its ingredients requires the attention and skill of the professional chemist; but many of its im- portant characters may be recognized by the use of simple means. The Application of Heat. If transparent healthy urine, of a dis- tinctly acid reaction, be heated in a test-tube over a spirit lamp to the boiling point, no change in its appearance is produced. If its acidity be very slightly pronounced, on the other hand, it becomes turbid on boiling, from a precipitation of its earthy phosphates. This is because the earthy phosphates are less soluble in a hot than in a cold liquid; 1 Analyse des Hams. Wiesbaden, 1872, p. 350. KEACTIONS OF UKINE TO CHEMICAL TESTS. 385 and the faintly acid reaction of the urine, which was enough to hold them in solution at ordinary temperatures, is no longer sufficient after the application' of heat, and the phosphates are accordingly thrown down as a deposit. The precipitation from this cause is never very abundant, and it is instantly cleared up again by the addition of a drop of nitric acid, which restores the normal acidity of the urine. The tur- bidity thus produced by boiling, from the precipitation of the earthy phosphates, is not, therefore, usually due to an increased quantity of these salts in the urine, but simply to a deficiency of its acid reaction. Diseased urine may also become turbid on boiling, from the coagula- tion of albumen. This is readily distinguished from a precipitation of the earthy phosphates by two facts namely, first, that it may take place in urine which is distinctly acid ; and second, that the addition of nitric acid, which redissolves the phosphatic precipitate, only increases the turbidity which is due to albumen. Acids. The addition of the mineral acids to healthy urine produces no immediate visible effect, beyond increasing its acidity and slightly modifying its color. They, however, decompose its urates ; and the uric acid thus set free is slowly deposited in the crystalline form. If nitric or hydrochloric acid be added to fresh filtered urine, in the proportion of about 2 per cent, by volume, and the mixture be allowed to remain at rest for twenty-four or forty-eight hours, the sides and bottom of the vessel become covered with a thinly scattered deposit of uric acid crystals. These crystals have usually the form of transparent rhomboidal plates, or oval laminaj with pointed extremi- ties, and are generally tinged of a yellowish hue by the coloring matter of the urine. They are frequently arranged in radiated clusters, or small spheroidal masses, presenting the appear- ance of minute calculous con- cretions, which vary much in size and regularity, according to the time occupied in their formation. The deposit of uric acid crys- tals, thus formed in healthy urine from the addition of a mineral acid, is always scanty in amount, and only becomes visible as a crystalline precipitate after several hours. In rare cases, when the urine is loaded with an unusual proportion of the urates, a few drops of nitric acid will produce at once a per- ceptible turbidity, from the precipitation of abundant microscopic crys- CRYSTALS OF URIC ACID; deposited from urine, after the addition of nitric acid. " 386 THE URINE. tals of uric acid. This deposit may be distinguished from albumen by the appearance of the crystals under the microscope, and also by the fact that, unlike albumen, it is not produced by the application of a boiling temperature. When the urine is scanty and concentrated, owing to temporary causes, with a specific gravity of 1030 to 1035, but without any abnormal in- gredient, if it be mixed with one-half its volume of nitric acid and exposed to a low temperature, a crystallization of nitrate of urea will often take place in the course of half an hour or an hour. This is clue simply to the diminished proportion of water, which is still suffi- cient to hold 'the urea in solution, but allows a separation of nitrate of urea when this salt is formed by the addition of nitric acid. It never takes place when the urine has its normal specific gravity of 1020 to 1025. Alkalies. The addition of a free alkali or an alkaline carbonate to normal urine diminishes its acid reaction, and, as soon as the point of saturation has been reached, produces a turbidity, owing to the pre- cipitation of the earthy phosphates. These are the only ingredients of the urine which are thrown down by the addition of an alkali, and a free acid immediately restores its transparency. Mineral Salts. Solutions of barium chloride, barium nitrate, or the tribasic lead acetate, when added to healthy urine, decompose its sul- phates, and produce a dense precipitate of the corresponding metallic salts. Solutions of silver nitrate produce a precipitate with the sodium and potassium chlorides, forming silver chloride which is insoluble. The tribasic lead acetate and silver nitrate also throw down mucus and coloring matters. Abnormal Ingredients of the Urine. The abnormal ingredients which appear in the urine are either: 1st. Foreign substances accidentally present in the blood, which are elimi- nated by the kidneys, such as glucose, biliary matters, and medicinal substances; or 2d. The albuminous constituents of the blood, which are discharged with the urine owing to a disturbance of the renal circulation. Glucose. The presence of glucose in the urine is characteristic of diabetes mellitus. In this disease the urine is generally increased in quantity and at the same time of unusually high specific gravity, namely, from 1035 to 1050. It is of a light, clear, amber or straw color, and remarkably transparent ; so that it has the appearance of being dilute, although it is in reality denser than usual, owing to the presence of glucose in solution. The glucose is detected by the application of Trom- mer's or Fehling's test, or by that of fermentation. For the latter pur- pose a little yeast should be mixed with 15 or 20 times its volume of water, and the mixture allowed to remain at rest in a cylindrical upright glass vessel until the yeast globules have subsided in a dense homo- geneous layer at the bottom. The supernatant fluid, containing the ABNORMAL INGREDIENTS OF THE URINE. 387 Fig. 130. soluble impurities of the yeast, is poured off, and a small quantity of the moist yeast-deposit at the bottom is added to the urine under exami- nation. The mixture is then placed in a ferment-apparatus and kept at a temperature of about 25 (77 F.), for forty-eight hours, when the gaseous products of fermentation will have been completely disengaged. The most convenient form of apparatus is a test-tube of known capacity (Fig. -130, a, 6), supported by a foot and provided with an India-rubber stopper, through which passes a narrow glass tube (c), open at both ends ; its inner portion reaching to the bottom of the test-tube, where it is bent upward, to prevent the escape of gas, its outer portion being bent downward, to allow the liquid expelled to drop freely from its orifice. The test-tube may be graduated in cubic centimetres from above downward. The apparatus being filled with saccharine urine, when fermentation begins the disen- gaged gas rises in bubbles to the upper part of the test-tube and col- lects there, while the urine is forced out through the bent glass tube. Every cubic centimetre of carbonic acid produced corresponds to 0.26 milligrammes of sugar decomposed. A similar apparatus, containing the same quantity of healthy urine and yeast, should be kept at the same temperature for an equal time, as a comparative test; since a small quantity of carbonic acid might be disengaged from the yeast itself, owing to its imperfect purification. The difference between the two cases is that in the yeast alone the disengagement of gas soon ceases ; while in a saccharine solution the yeast-cells multiply indefinitely, and carbonic acid continues to be produced until most of the sugar has been decomposed. This method does not give the precise quantity of the glucose contained in any single specimen, since some of the urine escapes before its fermentation is fully completed ; but it is at the same time the surest indication of the existence of sugar, and a ready means of determining approximatively whether it be scanty or abundant in amount. The simplest method of ascertaining the quantity of glucose in a given specimen of urine with sufficient accuracy for all clinical pur- FERMENT-APPARATUS, contain- ing saccharine urine in fermentation. a. Upper part of the test-tube containing carbonic acid. 6. Lower part of the test- tube containing the fermenting liquid, c. Bent glass tube, to allow the escape of liquid, d. Liquid which has been forced out from the test-tube by the accumula- tion of gas. 388 THE URINE. poses is that of Dr. Roberts, 1 which depends upon the loss of specific gravity occasioned by the decomposition of the glucose in fermentation. A portion of the urine is taken and its specific gravity ascertained at the temperature of 25 (77 F.). A little yeast is then added and the mixture kept at the same temperature until fermentation has ceased ; when the specific gravity is again taken. The diminution in density caused by the conversion of the glucose into alcohol and carbonic acid is such that the loss of one degree in specific gravity indicates the dis- appearance of 2.191 milligrammes of glucose for every cubic centimetre of urine. The glucose can be obtained directly from diabetic urine, according to the method of Hoppe-Seyler, by evaporating the urine over the water- bath to the consistency of a syrup, and allowing it to remain at rest for some days or weeks until completely crystallized. The crystalline mass is triturated and washed with a small quantity of cold alcohol, to re- move tire- urea. The residue is then extracted with boiling alcohol, and the alcoholic solution filtered while still hot, after which the glucose is deposited in a crystalline form. The glucose of diabetic urine is not formed in the kidneys, but pre- exists in the blood, from which it is eliminated in the renal circulation. If a solution of sugar be introduced in sufficient quantity directly into the bloodvessels of the rabbit, or injected into the subcutaneous con- nective tissue so as to be absorbed thence by the blood, it is soon discharged by the kidneys. It has been shown by Bernard, 2 that the time within which sugar appears in the urine under these circum- stances varies with the quantity injected and the rapidity of its absorp- tion. If a solution of one gramme of glucose in 25 cubic centimetres of water be injected under the skin of a rabbit weighing a little over one kilogramme, it is entirely destroyed in the circulation, and does not pass out with the urine. A dose of 1.5 gramme, however, injected in the same way, appears in the urine at the end of two hours, 2 grammes in an hour and a half, 2.5 grammes in an hour, and 12.5 grammes in fifteen minutes. Whenever, accordingly, glucose accumulates in the circula- tion beyond a certain quantity in proportion to the whole mass of the blood, it is eliminated as a foreign substance, and appears as an in- gredient of the urine. Biliary Matters. In some cases of jaundice, the coloring matter of the bile passes into the urine in sufficient abundance to give to the fluid a deep yellow or yellowish-brown tinge, so that it may even stain linen or cotton fabrics, with which it comes in contact, of a similar color. The saline biliary substances, namely, sodium glycocholate and tauro- cholate, according to Lehmann, have also been detected in the urine. In these instances, the biliary matters are reabsorbed from the hepatic ducts and conveyed by the blood to the kidneys. 1 Urinary and Renal Diseases. Philadelphia edition, 1872, p. 198. 2 Leqons de Physiologic Expe>imentale. Glycog6nie. Paris, 1855, p. 216. ABNORMAL INGREDIENTS OF THE URINE. 389 Potassium ferrocyanide, when introduced into the circulation, ap- pears with great readiness in the urine ; and, according to the observa- tions of Bernard, may begin to be eliminated within twenty minutes after being injected into the duct of the submaxillary gland. Iodine, in all its combinations, passes out by the same channel. After the administration, in the healthy human subject, of 192 milli- grammes of iodine, in the form of syrup of the iodide of iron, we have found it to be present in the urine at the end of thirty minutes, and that it continued to be discharged for nearly twenty-four hours. In the case of two patients who had been taking potassium iodide, one of them for six weeks, the other for two months, the urine still contained iodine at the end of three days after the suspension of the medicine ; but at the end of three days and a half it was no longer present. Even when iodine, however, is taken in a free form, as in that of alcoholic solution, it always passes out by the urine in combination. It cannot be detected, accordingly, by the simple admixture of starch with the urine, but must be set free by the addition of a drop or two of nitric acid, after which it produces its characteristic blue color by union with the starch. The same thing is true of the other animal fluids, such as the saliva and the perspiration, by which iodine is also eliminated after its introduction into the system. Quinine, when taken as a remedy, has been detected in the urine. Ether passes out of the circulation in the same way, and its odor may sometimes be very perceptible in the urine, after having been inhaled for the purpose of producing anaesthesia. The peculiar odors developed in the urine after the use of Asparagus, and certain other vegetable sub- stances, are produced by a transformation of their ingredients while passing through the animal system. Albumen. Under ordinary conditions the albumen of the blood does not pass out in any proportion from the renal vessels ; but whenever the pressure in these vessels is increased beyond a certain point, owing to congestion, compression of the renal veins by abdominal tumors, preg- nancy, or altered nutrition of the kidneys in Bright's disease, the albuminous ingredients of the blood transude through the capillaries and make their appearance in the urine. Albuminous urine is usually rather pale, and often somewhat opales- cent from the admixture of exfoliated epithelium cells or of fibrinous casts from the uriniferous tubules of the kidney. When this is the case, it should be rendered transparent by filtration before applying the tests, since the turbidity already existing might mask the reaction, if the albumen were present in small proportion. If the urine have an acid reaction, the application of heat produces a turbidity which is more marked in proportion to the quantity of albu- men which it contains In extreme cases the fluid may solidify, like the serum of blood, before reaching the boiling point ; but the albumen is more frequently thrown down in loose whitish flakes. When the 390 THE URINE. turbidity produced by boiling is moderate in amount, it may resemble that due to the precipitation of the earthy phosphates. It can, how- ever, be distinguished by the addition of a drop of free acid, which at once redissolves the earthy phosphates, while it does not affect a tur- bidity caused by albumen. An albuminous precipitate, on the contrary, however abundant, is redissolved by the addition of a caustic alkali. If the urine be alkaline in reaction, boiling may not throw down the albumen present, this substance being soluble in an alkali. Urine, accordingly, which is suspected of being albuminous, should be first rendered distinctly acid in reaction, if necessary, by the addition of a small quantity of acetic acid. Nitric acid, added to albuminous urine, produces a turbidity by coagulation of the albumen. Alcohol, added to the urine in equal volume, will have the same effect ; and a solution of potassium ferrocy- anide, acidulated with acetic acid, will also produce coagulation. All the above tests, if applied in succession, will leave no doubt as to the presence or absence of albumen. Deposits in the Urine. The deposits which appear spontaneously in the urine consist either : 1st, of some of its normal ingredients, thrown down in consequence of a disturbance in its relative composition; or 2d, of exudations from the mucous membrane of the urinary passages, owing to a dis- eased condition of the parts. Those belonging to the first class are the earthy phosphates and the urates. The most common of those belong- ing to the second are blood, mucus, and pus. Deposits of the Earthy Phosphates, These deposits are always of a white color, and are seldom abundant. When the urine is first passed, the phosphates are disseminated through its mass in the form of a light cloudiness, which settles slowly to the bottom of the vessel. The urine is alkaline or neutral in reaction, and is usually of less than the average specific gravity. The precipitate is amorphous, presenting no crystalline forms under the microscope. It is at once redissolved on the addition of an acid, and presents all the chemical reactions which have been described as belonging to the earthy phosphates. The alka- line reaction of the urine, which gives rise to the appearance of this deposit, may be due to a temporary diminution in the quantity of uric acid produced in the system, or to an unusual formation of alkaline carbonates from the use of fruits or vegetables containing salts of the vegetable acids. Deposits of the Urates. The urates appear as a deposit when the formation of uric acid in the system is unusually abundant in propor- tion to the entire quantity of the urine, so that a portion of the urates are no longer held in solution. The urine is nearly always concentrated, highly colored, above the average specific gravity, and of a strongly acid reaction. The deposit is sometimes nearly white, but usually it is of a light pink or even red color, according to the degree of concentra- DEPOSITS IN THE URINE. 391 tion of the urine from which it is deposited. If the urine be allowed to settle in a white earthen or porcelain vessel, and then carefully poured off, the more deeply colored deposits are left as a brick-red stain upon the inner surface of the vessel, forming what is known as the " brick- dust" sediment. Deposits of the urates are easily recognized by two special characters, namely : First, they never appear while the urine is still warm, but only after it has cooled ; the urine, when first passed, being always perfectly clear, and becoming turbid on repose, more or less rapidly according to the rate of cooling. Secondly, the urine, after cooling, however turbid, if heated in a test-tube, becomes clear again, usually before reaching the boiling point. Both these characters depend upon the solubility of the urates at high temperatures. In rare cases, when a specimen of urine is turbid with the urates and also contains albumen, a double effect may be produced by the applica- tion of heat. When such a specimen is first heated, it is cleared up, owing to the solution of the urates ; but, on approaching the boiling point, it again becomes turbid from precipitation of the albumen. The urates are also soluble in the caustic alkalies, so that the ad- dition of a few drops of a solution of sodium or potassium hydrate redissolves the precipitate. The addition of a free acid decomposes it, with the formation of a soluble salt, and the separation of uric acid which afterward crystallizes, as when thrown down in the same manner from normal urine. But the volume of the uric acid thus produced is so much smaller than that of the urates previously disseminated through the urine, that the immediate apparent effect is that of simple solution of the precipitate. A deposit of the urates is accordingly the only one liable to occur in the urine, which is cleared up by the addition of both alkalies and acids. Deposits of the urates, when first thrown down, are pulver- ulent in form, presenting un- der the microscope only the appearance of a collection of minute granules. After a day or two they sometimes crystal- lize in the form of bundles or globular masses of radiating needles, often with straight or curved projections, extending from the outer surface. If a few drops of free acid be added to this deposit while under the microscope, the crystalline masses of sodium urate may be seen to grow transparent, and slowly dissolve CRYSTALLINE MASSES OF SODITTM URATE, from a urinary deposit. 392 THE URINE. from without inward, while rhomboidal tabular crystals of uric acid make their appearance in the adjacent fluid. Crystals of uric acid sometimes appear spontaneously in a deposit of the urates within a few hours after its formation, owing to the de- velopment of a free acid in the urine ; and they are sometimes formed within the urinary passages, so as to be present when the urine is first passed. Owing to their density and angularity they are the cause of much irritation to the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra, and are known as the "gravel" of the urine. In a mingled precipitate of the urates and uric acid, the urates form an abundant light, pulver- ulent, pinkish turbidity ; while the uric acid is a comparatively scanty, dense, deeply colored, crystalline deposit, which sinks rapidly and accu- mulates at the bottom of the vessel, the urates being more slowly depos- ited above it. Blood. Urine containing blood is more or less tinged throughout its mass with a dull reddish color which is easily distinguished from that due to a concentration of the normal color of the urine itself. After one or two hours of repose in a cylindrical glass vessel, the blood- globules are slowly deposited ; and when, as frequently happens, they are entangled in minute filamentous coagula, these form a strongl}- colored red layer at the bottom of the vessel. The nature of the deposit is recognized by two well-marked characters, namely : 1st. The blood- globules are easily distinguished by microscopic examination, their natural form not being entirely lost even after they have remained in the urine for several hours ; and 2d. The supernatant fluid, when de- canted from the deposit, is found to contain albumen. Mucus. The slight quantity of vesical mucus which is normally con- tained in the urine is at first uniformly disseminated throughout its mass, and even after being left in repose is insufficient to produce any well marked or consistent deposit. The light cloudy opalescence, which it forms at the bottom of the vessel, is visible only on close inspection, and is readily disseminated again by the least agitation. But in cases of inflammation of the urinary bladder, the mucus discharged is much increased in quantity and altered in quality. It then appears as a con- sistent mass, which does not mix uniformly with the rest of the urine, but subsides to the bottom as a semifluid deposit. Mucus by itself is transparent and colorless, but it frequently contains a certain number of epithelium cells exfoliated from the inner surface of the bladder; and when crystalline or pulverulent deposits begin to take place in the urine, they occur first in contact with the mucus, so that its surface is often sprinkled with a thin layer of the urates or phos- phates, which give it a partly opaque appearance. It is distinguished by its viscid and semifluid consistency. It is not affected by heat, but is coagulated and shrivelled by the action of alcohol and of nitric or acetic acid. Urine containing mucus is especially liable to rapid de- composition, and often has, soon after being discharged, a peculiarly offensive odor from this cause. DECOMPOSITION OF THE URINE. 393 Pus. When pus is contained in the urine it subsides on standing, and forms at the bottom a dense, homogeneous-looking, creamy-white layer. It is perfectly fluid in consistency and may be easily dissemi- nated by agitation. Microscopic examination shows it to be composed exclusively of colorless, granular, nucleated " pus-globules," identical in appearance with the white globules of the blood, but distinguishable from those belonging to a deposit of blood by their much greater abundance and by the absence of red globules. If the supernatant fluid be poured off, and a few drops of a solution of caustic alkali added to the purulent deposit, it loses its white color and opacity, owing to the solution of its granular cells, and swells up into a transparent, colorless substance of gelatinous consistency, which can no longer be poured out of the vessel in drops, but slides out in a single semi-solid mass. This character alone will serve to distinguish a deposit of pus from any other liable to occur in the urine. The supernatant fluid, when carefully filtered, is found to contain a small quantity of albumen, the interstitial fluid of pus being itself albuminous. Decomposition of the Urine. After its discharge from the body, the urine undergoes spontaneous changes, by w r hich its ingredients are altered and finally disappear. This process of spontaneous decomposition is closely dependent upon the small quantity of mucus contained in the urine, since it is very much retarded if the mucus be separated by immediate filtration, and is hast- ened in a corresponding degree when the mucus is abnormally abundant. It is characterized by two different stages, which are distinguished from each other by the successive development of an acid and an alkaline reaction. They are known accordingly as the acid and the alkaline fermentations. Acid Fermentation of the Urine. This process, which is the first to show itself in the urine, takes place for the most part within the first twelve, twenty-four, or forty-eight hours after the discharge of the urine, according to the elevation of the surrounding temperature. It consists in the production of a free acid, usually lactic acid, from some of the undetermined organic ingredients of the excretion. The urine when fresh contains no free acid substance, its reaction to test-paper being due to the presence of its sodium biphosphate. But lactic acid has, notwithstanding, been so often found in nearly fresh urine as to be sometimes regarded as one of its normal constituents. Observation has shown, however, that urine, although entirely free from lactic acid when first passed, may present distinct traces of this substance after some hours of exposure to the air. Its production in this way, although not constant, appears to be sufficiently frequent to be regarded as a normal process. During the period of the acid fermentation, there is reason to believe that oxalic acid is also sometimes produced in a similar manner. It is 26 394 THE URINE. Fig. 132. certain that a deposit of lime oxalate is frequently present in perfectly normal urine after a day or two of exposure to the atmosphere, and may be observed, under these circumstances, without the existence of any morbid symptom. Whenever oxalic acid is formed in the urine it must unite with the lime in preference to any other of the bases present, and is consequently deposited under the form of lime oxalate ; a salt which is quite insoluble both in water and in the urine, even when heated to the boiling point. In these cases, the lime oxalate crystals gradually appear in the light cloud of mucus collected at the bottom of the vessel, while the supernatant fluid re- main s clear. They are of minute size, for the most part just visible to the naked eye, rather scanty in amount, transparent, and colorless. They have the form of regular octohedra, or double quadrangular pyramids, united base to base. They make their appearance usually about the commencement of the sec- ond day, the urine at the same time continuing clear and re- taining its acid reaction. They frequently appear as a deposit when no substance containing oxalic acid or oxalates has been taken with the food. The pre- cise source from which the oxalic acid, under these circumstances, is derived has not been fully determined, but it is most probably produced from a metamorphosis of a small portion of the uric acid of the urine. If uric acid be boiled in two parts of water with lead peroxide, it is de- composed, with the production, among other substances, of urea and oxalic acid ; and it is supposed that some similar change may take place in the urine, causing the appearance of a minute quantity of oxalic acid, which decomposes a portion of the lime salts and thus appears as a crystalline deposit of lime oxalate. Alkaline Fermentation of the Urine. At the end of a few days the changes above described come to an end, and are Succeeded by a different process, which consists essentially in the decomposition of the urea of the urine and its transformation into ammonium carbonate. This change, which may be produced artificially in a watery solution of urea by continued boiling, takes place in the urine slowly at low tempera- tures, more rapidly during warm weather. The elements of two molecules of water unite with those of the urea undergoing decomposi- tion, to produce ammonium carbonate, as follows : Urea. Ammonium carbonate. CH 4 N 2 + H 4 0, = (NH 4 ).C0 3 . CRYSTALS OF IJIME OXALATE, deposited from healthy urine, during the acid fermentation. DECOMPOSITION OF THE URINE. 395 The first portions of the ammoniacal salt thus produced neutralize a corresponding quantity of the sodium biphosphate, so that the acid reaction of the urine diminishes in intensity. This reaction gradually becomes weaker, as the fermentation proceeds, until it at last disappears altogether and the urine becomes neutral. The production of ammonium carbonate still continuing, the reaction of the fluid then becomes alkaline, and its alkalescence grows more pronounced with the constant accumu- lation of the ammoniacal salt. The time at which the alkaline reaction of the urine becomes estab- lished varies with its original degree of acidity and with the rapidity of its decomposition. Urine which is neutral when first passed, as often happens with that discharged during the earlier part of the day, will of course become alkaline more readily than that which has at , first a strongly acid reaction. In the summer, urine will become alkaline, if freely exposed, on the third, fourth, or fifth day ; while in the winter, a specimen kept in a cool place may still be neutral at the end of fifteen days. In cases of paralysis of the bladder accompanied with cystitis, where the vesical mucus is increased in quantity and altered in quality, and the urine is retained in the bladder for ten or twelve hours at the temperature of the bod} r , it may change so rapidly as to be distinctly alkaline and ammoniacal at the time of its discharge. In these cases it is acid when first secreted by the kidneys, and becomes alkaline while retained in the interior of the bladder. The first effect of the alkaline condition of the urine, thus produced, is the precipitation of the earthy phosphates. This precipitate slowly settles upon the sides and bottom of the vessel, or is partly entangled with certain animal matters which rise to the surface and form a thin, opaline scum upon the urine. There are no crystals to be seen at this time, but the deposit is entirely amorphous and granular. The next change consists in the production of a new salt, the ammonio-magnesian phosphate, by the combination of the ammonia formed from the urea with the magnesium phosphate already present in the urine. The change may be represented as follows : Magnesium phosphate. Ammonia. Ammonio-magnesian phosphate. MgHP0 4 + NH 3 = MgNH 4 PO, The crystals of this salt are very elegant and characteristic. They show themselves throughout all parts of the mixture, growing gradually in the mucus at the bottom, adhering to the sides of the glass, and scattered abundantly over the film which collects upon the surface. By their refractive power they give to this film a peculiar glistening and iridescent appearance, which is nearly always visible at the end of six or seven days. The crystals are perfectly colorless and transparent, and have the form of triangular prisms, generally with bevelled extremities. Their edges and angles are frequently replaced by secondary facets. They are insoluble in alkalies, but are easily dissolved by acids, even in very dilute form. At first they are of minute size, but gradually 396 THE URINE. CRYSTALS OP AMMO>- IO-MAGNESIA w PHOSPHATE, deposited from healthy uriue, during the alkaline fermentation. 133 - increase, so that after seven or eight days they may become visible to the naked eye. As the decomposition of the urine continues, the ammonium carbonate which is produced, after saturating all the other ingredients with which it is ca- pable of entering into combina- tion, begins to be given off in a free form. The urine then ac- quires an ammoniacalodor; and a piece of moistened test-paper, held a little above the surface, will have its color turned by the alkaline gas escaping from the fluid. This is the source of the ammoniacal vapor given off wherever urine is allowed to remain and decompose. It continues until all the urea has been decomposed. Renovation of the Body in the Nutritive Process. As the materials of nutrition are constantly introduced with the food, while, on the other hand, the products of excretion are removed from the body and discharged externally by the breath, the perspiration, the urine, and the feces, an incessant renewal takes place in the ingredients of which the animal system is composed. During the early periods of growth and development, the quantity of material introduced is greater than that discharged, and the body consequently increases in weight and size. In wasting diseases and in advanced age, the loss of sub- stance by excretion exceeds the gain by nutrition, and the weight of the body is therefore diminished. But during health, in adult life, the two processes are equal; and, with certain temporary fluctuations which counterbalance each other, the weight of the body remains the same. The total quantity of material, introduced and discharged within a given time, forms, accordingly, a measure of the rapidity with which the internal changes of nutrition and metamorphosis go on in the animal system. It is not possible to indicate this quantity in either case with absolute accuracy; but the observations which have been made in this direction are sufficiently definite to show, in a general way, the average results of the two corresponding actions of waste and supply. The following table gives, approximately, the daily quantity of material absorbed and discharged in a healthy adult, the weight of the body remaining sensibly unaltered : RENOVATION OF THE BODY. 397 Absorbed during 24 hours. Discharged during 24 hours. Water . . . 2250 grammes. Carbonic acid . . 750 grammes. Oxygen . . . 700 " Aqueous vapor . . 500 " Albuminous matter . 130 " Perspiration . . 850 " Starch and sugar . 300 " Water of the urine . 1200 " Fat .... 100 " Urea and salts 70 " Salts 20 Feces . . .130 3500 grammes. 3500 grammes. Rather more than 5 per cent., therefore, of the entire bodily weight is absorbed and discharged daily by the healthy adult human subject; and, for a man having the average weight of 65 kilogrammes, a quantity of material, equal to the weight of the whole body, thus passes through the system in the course of twenty days. SECTION II. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER I. GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. THE nervous system is an apparatus of intercommunicating fibres and cells, disseminated throughout the body, and standing in anatomical connection with the various organs of the animal system. It has pro- perties which are different from those of the other organized tissues, and the effect of its operation is to bring the active phenomena of vari- ous parts of the body into a definite relation with each other, and with those of the outside world. It is therefore a medium of communica- tion, by which the different animal functions are associated together in harmonious action, and are stimulated or modified according to the demands of the system itself or the varying influence of external condi- tions. Each organ and tissue of the body possesses, independently of the nervous system, certain characteristic properties or modes of activity, which may be called into operation by any appropriate stimulus or exciting cause. If the heart of a frog, after its removal from the body, be touched with the point of a steel needle, it contracts and repeats very nearly the movement of an ordinary pulsation. If the leg of the same animal be separated from the thigh, the integument removed, and the poles of a galvanic batter}^ applied to its exposed surface, a mus- cular contraction takes place at the moment the electric circuit is com- pleted. The application of heat, friction, or an irritating liquid to a particular part of the integument brings on a local redness which again subsides after the removal of the exciting cause ; and a solution of belladonna dropped upon the cornea, when absorbed by the tissues and brought in contact with the iris, produces a change in the condition of its fibres and a dilatation of the pupil. In these instances, the organ which performs the vital act is excited by the direct application of a stimulus to its own tissues. But this is not the mode in which the natural functions of the animal system are excited during life. The physiological stimulus which calls ( 399 ) 400 GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS into action the organs of the living body is not direct but indirect in its operation. In the healthy and uninjured condition of the frame, the muscles are never made to contract by an external stimulus applied immediately to their own fibres, but by one which first operates upon some other organ, adjacent or remote. The various secreting glands have their functional activity increased or diminished by causes which are directly applied not to themselves but to other parts of the body ; as where a flow of saliva from the parotid is produced by food intro- duced into the cavity of the mouth, or where the discharge of perspira- tion by the skin is modified by the influence of mental conditions. As a rule, therefore, in the natural state of the system, the various organs situated in different parts of the body are connected with each other by a mutual sympathy which regulates their physiological action. This connection is established through the medium of the nervous system. The function of the nervous system is therefore to associate the different parts of the body in such a manner, that stimulus applied to one organ may excite the activity of another. The instances of this mode of action are as numerous as the different vital phenomena. The stimulus of light falling upon the retina pro- duces contraction of the pupil. The introduction of food into the stomach causes the gall-bladder to empty itself into the duodenum. The contact of alimentary substances with the mucous membrane of the intestine, excites the peristaltic action of its muscular coat. The presence of a growing foetus in the uterus is accompanied by an increased growth of the mammary glands. Every organ is subservient, in the manifestation of its functional activity, to influences from other parts, of a structure different from its own. General Structure of the Nervous System, The nervous system consists of two kinds of nervous tissue, differing from each other in appearance, structure, and physiological endowments. One of these is the white substance, composed of nerve fibres alone ; the other is the gray substance, which contains, in addition to the nerve fibres, interstitial matter and nerve cells. The white substance is found in the trunks and branches of the nerves, on the surface of the spinal cord, and in the internal parts of the brain. The gray substance forms the external layer or convolutions of the brain, as well as various de- posits about its base and central parts, the central portion of the spinal cord, and a large number of small detached masses in different parts of the body. These two kinds of nervous tissue are so different in their properties and function as to require for each a separate description. Nerve Fibres. The nerve fibres are cylindrical filaments, arranged in bundles or tracts, in which they run, for the most part, in a direction parallel to each other. Their diameter varies considerably, even in the same OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 401 Fig. 134. locality ; some of the fibres in a single bundle being 10, 15 or 18 micro- millimetres in diameter, while others are not more than 2.5 mmm. Their average size also varies in different parts of the nervous system. The larger fibres are found in the peripheral trunks and branches of the nerves, where they have an average diameter of 12.5 mmm. ; in the white substance of the brain and spinal cord their average diameter is 5 mmm., and in the gray substance it is reduced to 2 mmm. Two por- tions of the nervous system, both of which contain nerve fibres, are often distinguished from each other by the relative numbers of their larger and smaller fibres. Thus in the cutaneous nerves of man, accord- ing to Bidder, Yolkmann, and Kolliker, the larger and smaller fibres are present in about equal quantity, while in the muscular nerves the larger fibres are three times as abundant as the smaller. In the nerves of bony tissue the proportion of small fibres is double that of the large ones, and in the gray substance of the cerebral hemispheres there are none larger than 6 or 7 mmm. in diameter. The nerve fibres belonging to the same bundle or tract may even become increased or diminished in diameter in different parts of their course ; as Kolliker has shown that the fibres of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves, in passing through the cord from the exterior to the gray substance, are reduced in their average diameter from 10 to 5 mmm. ; and those of the white substance, of the cerebral hemi- spheres, on entering the gray matter of the convolutions, are reduced from 5 mmm. to 2 mmm. in diameter. The structure of the nerve- fibre, in its most complete form, presents three distinct elements, namely : an external tubular sheath, an intermediate medullary layer, and a central axis cylinder. The Tubular Sheath The exterior of the nerve fibre is composed of a colorless, trans- parent tubular membrane, which closely invests the re- maining portions and is seen with some difficulty in the natural condition of the fibre, owing to its extreme thinness and delicacy. It may often, however, be distinguished at certain points where the nervous fibre is accidentally compressed or indented, as at c, Fig. 134; or it may be brought into view for considerable distances according to the method of Kolliker, by treating the fibres with a cold NBRVB FIBRES from the Sciatic Nerve. At a, the torn extremity of a nerve fibre with the axis cylinder (b) protruding from it. At c, the medul- lary layer is nearly separated by accidental com- pression, but the axis cylinder passes across the injured portion. The outline of the tubular mem- brane is also seen at c on the outside of the remain- ing portions of the fibre. 402 GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS solution of sodium hydrate, and afterward boiling them for an instant in the same fluid. This extracts the greater part of their contents, and leaves the tubular sheath in the form of an empty cylindrical canal. Jn its general chemical relations, the tubular sheath is similar to the sar- colemma of muscular fibre, its principal physical properties being its cohesion and elasticity. Its physiological function is undoubtedly that of a protecting envelope, by which the internal portions are maintained in place and preserved from mechanical injury. The Medullary Layer. Immediately within the tubular sheath is a layer of transparent, highly refractive, nearly fluid material, of oleagi- nous consistency, termed the medullary layer, or medulla, which gives to the nerve fibres, and the tracts composed of them, a white and shining aspect. This substance is readily altered by a diminution of temperature, or by the contact of unnatural fluids, even by exposure to the air or the imbibition of water, or by the ordinary manipulations required in preparing it for microscopic examination. Under these in- fluences it undergoes a sort of coagulation, being increased in density and in refractive power, so that both its external and internal limits are indicated by a dark and strongly marked outline. This gives to the nerve fibre the very characteristic appearance of a cylinder with a double contour, presenting two distinct parallel outlines at each edge ; an appearance by which it may be easily distinguished from any other anatomical element. As the coagulation of the medullary layer goes on, its outlines become more or less irregular, and after a certain time it involves the whole of the fibre in a more or less confused mass of irregularly refracting substance. The fibres containing a medullary layer, and exhibiting the characteristic double contour due to its pre- sence, are called " medullated nerve fibres." In the smaller variety of nerve fibres from the substance of the brain and spinal cord, the external tubular sheath is wanting, or at least cannot be demon- strated ; and such fibres, owing to their want of support and their soft consistency, are read- ily distorted by accidental pres- sure, or by the contact of rea- gents. They become swollen or varicose at many points; and the medullary substance is forced out or exudes from their torn extremities in irre- gularly globular, fusiform, or filamentous masses, which show on their exterior the double NERVE FIBRES, from the white substance of contour due to a Superficial the brain. a, a, a Portions of the myeline, pressed , , , out, and floating in irregularly rounded drops. Coagulation. 1 hese detached Fig. 135. OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 403 portions, which are everywhere visible in ordinary microscopic prepa- rations of the brain substance, are termed " myeline drops," and owe their peculiar appearance to the nature of the ingredients which form the medullary layer of the nerve fibre. The medullary layer is com- posed of a substance termed myeline, which is not, however, a distinct proximate principle, but is itself a mixture of various different mate- rials. It consists mainly of cerebrine, a nitrogenous matter found only in the nervous centres, together with a large proportion of cholesterine and fat. There is also a certain proportion of lecithine, a nitrogenous and phosphorized matter, which is also found in the gray substance. The mixture of these ingredients gives to the myeline its peculiar con- sistency and reaction. In regard to its physiological function, the medullary layer of the nerve fibre is generally considered as an isolating substance, like the gutta-percha envelope of a submarine telegraph wire, so arranged as to confine the transmission of nerve force within proper limits, and prevent its diffusion to neighboring parts. We have no absolute proof that such is its true character, but there are some facts which lend a certain probability to this view. The medullary layer exists throughout the main portion of a large majority of the nerve fibres, where they trans- port the nervous stimulus uninterruptedly from one point to another ; but they are destitute of it both at their origins and terminations, where they come in contact with the elements of the gray matter, or are connected with the peripheral organs of sensation and motion. What- ever may be its exact function, therefore, the medulla evidently plays a secondary, and not a principal part, in the physiological action of the nerve fibre. The Axis Cylinder The central part of the nerve fibre consists of a pale, homogeneous, or finely granular cord, of a cylindrical or slightly flattened form, occupying the position of the longitudinal axis of the fibre. From these characters it has received the name of the " axis cylinder." It differs from the medullary layer, by which it is enveloped, in consistency ; for while the latter is nearly fluid in its natural condi- tion, the axis cylinder is solid, and, though very delicate, possesses a certain degree of elasticity. By some observers (Schultze, Gerlach) the axis cylinder is regarded as composed of many excessively minute fibril- Ise, united into a uniform bundle; by others of equal authority (K61- liker) the indications of such a fibrillated constitution of this part of the nerve fibre are considered as uncertain. The axis cylinder is composed of an albuminous substance which is insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether ; becomes pale and swollen by the action of concentrated acetic acid ; and is readily dissolved by a boiling solution of sodium hydrate. It is stained red by treatment with a solu- tion of carmine, while the enveloping medullary layer remains un- colored; and by this means a visible distinction may be made between the two. The application of a solution of gold chloride, and subsequent exposure to light, stains the axis cylinder of a dark purple, nearly GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS black color; and by this mode of preparation nervous fibres of extreme delicacy have been traced among surrounding tissues, where they would otherwise escape observation. In its physiological properties, the axis cylinder is undoubtedly the most essential element of the nerve fibre, since it is the only one univer- sally present, and always extending throughout the whole length of a fibre from its origin to its termination. Its albuminous nature also distinguishes it from other parts of the nerve fibre, and indicates the relative importance of its function. It is probably through the axis cylinder that the passage of the nerve current takes place, and in its substance that the principal changes accompanying this action are effected. Non-Medullated Nerve Fibres. Beside the nerve fibres constituted, as above, by an axis cylinder, surrounded by a medullary layer, with or without an external tubular membrane, there are others which consist of the axis cylinder destitute of any medullary layer, and which conse- quently do not exhibit the appearance of a double contour. These are called " non-medullated nerve fibres." They are found, in man, only in certain parts of the sympathetic nerves, in the terminal nervous expan- sions of the muscles and organs of sense, and in the nervous centres in the immediate vicinity of the cells of the gray substance. In the sym- pathetic nerves, they are, for the most part, mingled with a considerable proportion of inedullated fibres, though some of the sympathetic branches distributed to the intestine and the spleen, according to Schultze, are composed of non-medullated fibres exclusively. The branches of the olfactory nerve, distributed to the nasal mucous membrane, also consist altogether of fibres of this kind. Such nervous branches have not the white, opaque aspect belonging to other nerves, but are grayish-looking and semi-transparent in appearance ; a peculiarity which is evidently due to the absence of the myeline or medullary layer. The same nerve fibre may be inedullated for the greater part of its course, and become destitute of medulla at its termination, as is the rule with the cerebro-spinal nerves generally ; or fibres may originate in the gray substance as non-medullated axis cylinders, and become invested, after a short distance, with a distinct medullary layer. The non-medul- lated nerve fibres are not, therefore, regarded as essentially different from the others, but only as presenting a less complicated form of struc- ture. Course and Mutual Relation of the Nerve Fibres. In the white sub- stance of the brain and spinal cord, the nerve-fibres form continuous tracts, of larger or smaller size, lying in contact with each other, and not mingled with any considerable proportion of other tissue. But on passing out of the bony cavities toward the exterior, they become col- lected into small bundles, each of which is invested with a thin pro- longation of connective tissue, derived from the dura mater and periosteum ; these bundles are associated into larger ones which are held together by a denser layer of the same connective tissue ; and OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 405 finally the whole are united into a single compound mass by its exterior investment, which is known as the u neurilemma." Such a complete bundle is called a nerve, and the nerve fibres of which it is composed are usually all distributed, after a longer or shorter transit, to associated organs, or to adjacent regions of the body. The nerve fibres themselves are not known to divide, branch, or inoscu- late with each other in any part of their course through the main trunks and branches of the nerves. So far as observation goes, each nerve fibre is continuous and independent, from its origin in the nervous centres to within a microscopic distance of its peripheral termination. When a nerve therefore divides during its course into several branches, or when the branches of adjacent nerves inosculate with each other to form a plexus, like the cervical, brachial, or lumbar plexuses, this is only because certain ultimate nerve fibres, or bundles of fibres, leave those with which they were previously associated, and pursue a different Fig. 136. Fig. 137. DIVISION OF A NKRVOUS BRANCH (a), into its ultimate fibres, 6, c, d, e. Inosculation of NERVES. direction. A nerve which originates, for example, from the spinal cord and runs down the upper extremity, to be finally distributed to the in- tegument and muscles of the hand, contains at its point of origin all the filaments into which it is afterward divided, and which are merely sepa- rated at successive points from the main bundle. Jn case of the inoscu- 406 GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS lation of two nerves, the communication between them is effected by some of the fibres belonging to the first passing over from it to join the second, while some of those belonging to the second may also cross and join the first ; the individual fibres in each instance remaining distinct, and retaining their identit} r throughout. In whatever way, therefore, the nerve fibres are associated in the various trunks and branches of the nerves, they may still act independently and preserve their specific functions in every part of their course. Peripheral Termination of the Nerve Fibres. Near the termination of the nerve fibres in the tissues to which they are distributed, they present certain important modifications both in structure and arrange- ment. First, the smaller nervous branches, or bundles of nerve fibres, after penetrating the substance of the tissues, suddenly divide and subdivide with unusual rapidity ; and these subdivisions, uniting with each other by inosculation, form abundant plexuses, from which are given off the individual fibres supplying the anatomical elements of the tissues. In the skin there are two such nervous plexuses, a deeper and a more superficial, of which the latter is the more closely set and composed of more slender bundles, containing only one or two fibres each. As a general rule, also, in other tissues, the last or terminal plexus is the finest, and incloses between its meshes the narrowest interspaces. The nerve fibres, on reaching the situation of the terminal plexus, are also considerably reduced in size, being diminished both in the skin and the muscles from 10 or 15 mmm. to 4 or 5 mmm. in diameter. According to Kolliker it is sometimes possible to observe this diminution in the size of a single nerve fibre in different parts of its course through the muscular tissue. Secondly, both in the terminal plexus and the branches given off from them, the nerve fibres themselves undergo division; so that a single fibre in this situation may give rise to two or more branches, each branch retaining all the original anatomical characters of a nerve fibre. There is usually a marked constriction at the point where the nerve fibre divides ; but this is followed by a corresponding enlargement, so that the secondary fibres soon become nearly or quite equal in diameter to that from which they were derived. A nerve fibre may accordingly pass undivided, so far as we know, throughout its course in the roots, trunks, and principal branches and ramifications of the nerve, and may then, shortly before its termination, break up into a number of separate but closely adjacent secondary fibres. It has been estimated by Reichert, that, in the subcutaneous muscle of the frog, ten primitive nerve fibres may give rise by their division, to about 300 terminal extremities. Thirdly, the nerve fibre, when near its peripheral termination, be- comes altered in structure. This alteration consists in a disappearance of the medullary layer, by which the fibre loses its double contour; and by a similar disappearance or a separation of the tubular sheath. The nerve fibre, thus altered, is reduced, in its constituent parts, to the axis OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 407 cylinder alone; that is, all the secondary elements of its structure are lost, and there remains only the essential conducting filament of the Fig. 138. DIVISION o* WERVE FIBRES, in a small branch from the subcutaneous muscle of a frog. (Kolliker.) axis cylinder. Lastly the nerve fibre, at the point of its final termina- tion, is frequently brought into relation with cell-like bodies, which are sometimes regarded as analogous in character to the nerve cells of the gray substance in the nervous centres. The ultimate termination of the nerve fibres in the skin has been most distinctly seen in the so-called " Pacinian bodies" and the " tactile cor- puscles." The Pacinian bodies are ovoid-shaped masses from 1 to 4.5 millimetres in length, found in the subcutaneous connective tissue of the hands and feet, and various other parts of the body, consisting of a series of concentric laminae of connective tissue, with a central cavity, inclosing a transparent, colorless, fluid or semifluid material. A single ultimate nerve fibre penetrates the Pacinian body at one extremity, and passes into its central cavity. At the point of entrance, the external tubular sheath leaves the nerve fibre and becomes continuous with the connective tissue laminae of the Pacinian body. The medullary layer also disappears, and the nerve fibre, thus reduced to its axis cylinder, runs longitudinally through the greater part of the central cavity and terminates, toward its farther end, in either one or several slightly rounded extremities. The "tactile corpuscles," found in the sensitive papillae of the skin of the hands and feet, are similar in form to the Pacinian bodies, but of much smaller size ; having an average length, 408 GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS in man, of about 100 mmm. They consist each of a central, trans- parent, gelatinous mass, surrounded by an envelope of connective tissue, which is marked by many tranverse elongated nuclei. Each corpuscle receives one or two nerve fibres which run upward, in either a straight or spiral course, and, after losing their medullary layer, in some instances reach the central gelatinous nucleus, though for the most part their terminations are not distinctly visible. The simplest form of tactile corpuscle is that known as the "terminal bulbs" of the sensitive nerves, in the conjunctiva, the lips, the papillae of the tongue, and the soft palate. They are round or elongated ovoid bodies, consisting of a closed sac of connective tissue, sometimes marked with transverse nuclei, and containing a homogeneous or finely granular substance. Into this body is received the ultimate branch of a nerve Fig. 139. Fig. 140. TERMINAL BULB of a sensi- tive nerve; from the conjunctiva of the calf. (Frey.) TACTILE CORPUSCLES, from the edge of the tongue of the sparrow. 1, 2. 3. IWedullated nerve fibres supplying four tactile corpuscles. One fibre divides into two branches; and one of them is traced to near the extremity of the correspond- ing corpuscle, where it ends in a cell-like expan- sion. (Ihlder.) fibre, which is reduced to its axis cylinder and terminates in the inte- rior by a free extremity. In some regions, as, for example, the lips in the human subject, and the tongue in birds, are to be seen structures which are intermediate in form between the terminal bulbs and the tactile corpuscles. In the muscles, as a rule, each muscular fibre has, connected with it, at least one nerve fibre, and sometimes more than one. The ultimate OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 409 nerve fibre, given off as a branch from the terminal Fig. 141. plexus, approaches the muscular fibre, usually at a right angle, and penetrates its exterior; the tubular sheath of the nerve fibre becoming con- tinuous with the sarcolemma. At the same time its medullary layer ceases abruptly, and the axis cylinder spreads out into a thin oval expansion of granular matter interspersed with nuclei, called the " terminal plate," and lying in immediate con- tact with the contractile substance of the muscular TERMINATION OF A fibre. Some variations in the form and disposi- NERVE FIBRE in mus- cular fibre, from the fowl, tion of the axis cylinder in the terminal plate are (R OU get.) to be seen in the muscles of amphibia ; but the above represents its essential characters in the muscles of birds and mammalians. Physiological Properties of the Nerve Fibres. The nerve fibres are organs of communication. They serve as connecting filaments between the nervous centres on the one hand and the peripheral organs of sensa- tion and motion on the other. For this purpose they are endowed with a power of irritability by which, when excited at one or the other extremity, they transmit the nervous impulse throughout their entire length, and produce a corresponding effect at their opposite termination. Thus the nerve fibres distributed to the skin, when excited at their peripheral extremities, produce in the brain a sensation corresponding to the external impression. On the other hand, those which are distri- buted to the muscles, when excited at their origin by the impulse of the will, produce a contraction in the muscular fibres at their periphery. This physiological action produces no visible change in the nerve fibre itself. Its effects are manifest only at the extremities of the nerve, in the organs where it terminates. Nevertheless, it is evident that the nerve fibre serves to communicate in some way an action from one of its extremities to the other ; since, if it be divided in any part of its course, the communication at once ceases, and sensation can no longer be perceived from impressions made upon the skin, nor voluntary con- traction excited in the muscles. Owing to the different effects thus produced, at their central and peri- pheral extremities, the nerve fibres and the nerves composed of them have been distinguished by different names. Those which transmit the stimulus of sensation, from the periphery to the nervous centres, are called sensitive nerves or nerve fibres ; those which transmit the stimulus of motion, from the nervous centre outward to the muscles, are called motor nerves or nerve fibres. As a general rule, both sensitive and motor nerve fibres are associated together in the same nervous bundle, and separate from each other only when near their final distribution in the skin or mucous membranes on the one hand, and in the muscles on the other. But in some situations, near the origin of the nerves as well as near their termination, the sensitive and motor fibres run in distinct 27 410 GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS bundles ; as for example in the sensitive and motor roots of the fifth pair of cranial nerves, and in the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves generally. The fibres belonging to the facial nerve are all motor fibres, making this exclusively a motor nerve. The three branches of the fifth pair, on the other hand, which are distributed to the integument and mucous membranes of the face, are composed exclu- sively of sensitive fibres ; while the branch of the same nerve distributed to the muscles of mastication is made up principally or entirely of motor fibres. No essential distinction has been discovered in the anatomical char- acters of sensitive and motor nerve fibres. In nerves and nervous branches which perform a motor function, the nerve fibres, as a rule, are of comparatively large size, averaging 15 mmm. in diameter ; while in those performing a sensitive function they are smaller, averaging not more than 10 mmm. in diameter, and many of them being considerably less. But this difference is only one of proportion in numbers between the larger and smaller fibres ; since both large and small fibres are found in both motor and sensitive nerves. Even in the motor nerves, the large fibres become reduced to the size of the smaller ones before their termination in the muscular tissue; and the nerve fibres generally are diminished or increased in diameter on passing into or out of the gray substance of the nervous centres. No absolute distinction therefore can be made between sensitive and motor nerve fibres as regards their size ; and in regard to the essential details of their structure, namely, the tubular sheath, the medullary layer, and the cylinder axis, they are to all appearance completely identical. Effect of Division upon the Nerve Fibres. The immediate effect of dividing or seriously injuring the nerve fibres is a suspension of their physiological function. The physical communication being cut off be- tween their extremities, the sensitive fibres can no longer transmit an impression from the skin to the nervous centre, and the motor fibres can no longer convey the stimulus of voluntary motion from the nervous centre to the muscles. In addition to this result, when the divided nerve fibre is permanently separated from its central connections, there also follows a change in its texture, which is propagated mainly in one direction, and which consists in an atrophy or degeneration of the nervous substance. The most distinct effects of this degeneration of a divided nerve fibre are to be seen in its medullary layer. According to the observations of Yulpian and Philippeaux, the alteration in struc- ture, which takes place from the point of division toward the periphery, begins to be perceptible in mammalians, by microscopic examination, at the end of five days. The transparency of the fibre is first diminished, its contents having a more or less cloudy appearance. At the end of eight or ten days, the double contour of the fibre has become irregular and at various points partially or completely interrupted ; and the sub- stance of the medullary layer is broken up into separate masses of varying size, presenting the appearance of a coagulation and dislocation. OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 411 As the process goes on, the continuity of the medullary layer is entirely destroyed, and this substance is reduced to the condition of isolated oily-looking drops, scattered through the interior of the tubular sheath, which become gradually transformed into a diffused mixture of minute granules. Finally, the granules themselves disappear, and the tubular sheath, partially emptied by the atrophy of the medullary layer, becomes collapsed and wrinkled. The nerve which has suffered these changes has lost its white glistening color, and has assumed a grayish hue. The axis cylinder either does not participate in the above alterations, or its changes are not so manifest to the eye ; since, according to some ob- servers, it remains visible after the medullary layer has disappeared. According to various observers (Waller, Krause, Yulpian), the de- generation of divided nerve fibres, both in the sensitive and motor nerves, may be propagated throughout their peripheral extremities, extending even to the sensitive papillae of the tongue and the tactile corpuscles of the skin. Yulpian 1 has found that in dogs, six weeks after the division of the sciatic nerve, no nerve fibres could be dis- covered in the muscles of the foot which had not undergone the same alteration. The rapidity with which degeneration takes place in the fibres of a divided nerve varies with the species and age of the animal to which it belongs. The change is less rapid in the cold-blooded, more so in the warm-blooded animals. In those of the same species, it goes on more quickly in the young, more slowly in animals which are fully grown. According to Yulpian, in young dogs, as a general rule, the disappear- ance of the medullary layer is complete at the end of six weeks or two months from the date of the injury. The degeneration of the peripheral portions of divided nerves has often been utilized in order to determine the source of particular bun- dles of nerve fibres. If a nerve, for example, receives roots or commu- nicating branches from two different sources, and afterward supplies by its ramifications several organs, it may be ascertained whether the fibres coming from one source are or are not distributed to a particular organ. For this purpose the root or communicating branch in question is divided ; and when the subsequent process of degeneration is com- plete, the atrophied nerve fibres derived from this source may be fol- lowed by microscopic examination throughout their course, and recog- nized in the organ to which they are distributed. Union and Regeneration of divided Nerves The loss of function in a divided nerve is not permanent ; but, if the neighboring parts be healthy and no other injury have been inflicted, the nerve fibres may reunite, and their power of communication be restored. When the division has been a simple one, the two extremities of the divided nerve remaining in contact or in close proximity with each other, their union takes place with comparative readiness ; but even when a considerable 1 Leqons sur la Physiologie du Systdme Nerveux. Paris, 1866, p. 243. 412 GENERAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS portion of the nerve has been cut out, there may be a reproduction of the lost parts, and the nerve may finally regain its natural continuity. The fibres of new formation, thus produced, are at first of small diameter and of grayish aspect. They gradually increase in size, become pro- vided with a medullary layer, and at last present all the anatomical characters of the healthy nerve fibre. Schiff, Yulpian, and Philippeaux have found that it is possible for the continuity of a nerve to be re- established, after the excision of portions of its trunk equal to five or even six centimetres in length. According to Yulpian, in very young animals, a loss of nerve substance from one to two centimetres in length may be restored at the end of six weeks ; and the same observer has seen, in young rats, a portion of the sciatic nerve, six millimetres long, reproduced in the course of seventeen days. At the same time, the degenerated portion of the nerve, situated beyond the point of its division, becomes restored. There is a reproduc- tion of the medullary layer, which had become atrophied by the de- generative process, and the entire nerve again exhibits its normal anatomical character. The time required, for the complete regeneration of the peripheral portion of a divided nerve, is in general from three to twelve months, according to the age and species of the animal upon which the experiment is performed. The complete regeneration of a divided or exsected nerve is indicated by the restoration of its normal function. If it be a sensitive nerve, the power of sensation, which was at first lost, returns in that portion of the integument to which its fibres are distributed ; if it be a motor nerve, the power of voluntary motion is regained in the corresponding muscles. The observations of Yulpian have shown that, after the ex- cision of the central extremity of the hypoglossal nerve in dogs, its peripheral portion may become capable of exciting contraction in the muscles of the tongue at the end of four months j 1 and according to those of Schiff upon young dogs and cats, sensibility may reappear in the tongue and lip in fourteen days after the excision of portions of the lingual and infra-orbital nerves, from two to two and a half centimetres in length. In the human subject, at least in adult life, the restoration of divided nerves is much less rapid ; and, according to L'Etievant 2 and Weil- Mitchell, 3 often either does not take place at all, when the injured nerves are of considerable size, or does so very imperfectly. The smaller nervous branches supplying the skin are frequently divided by accidental incisions, causing a local anaesthesia, or loss of tactile sensibility in the immediate neighborhood. This anaesthesia persists usually for weeks, or even months, after the healing of the wound ; but it almost invariably disappears at last, and the skin re- 1 Le:i ralysis of mast icat ion, according to the species of animal alfcctcd. If the fifth pair, or its inferior maxillary division, \\civ destroyed on both sides in either u carnivorous or herbivorous animal, death would follow from inanition, owing to the impossibility of preparing the food for deglutition. If the injury were inllictcd upon one side only, it, would be equally fatal in the hcrbivora, by preventing the alternate lateral movements of the jaw; while in a carnivorous animal the vertical movements, which are more import-nut, would be less seriously alleetcd, since they might still be performed, though imperfectly, by the muscles of the opposite side. I'.iit the most peculiar secondary result, of paralysis of the muscles of mastication on one side is seen in the rodcntia. In these animals the most important teeth are the four incisors, two in the upper and two in Mir lower jaw, which are used for gnawing through hard substances, and which grow continuously from the tooth pulp below, thus supplying the waste caused by wearing away their edges. The tooth move against each other in an exact vertical plane, the upper and lower incisors on each side meeting e:ich other, and thus by mutual attrition keeping their chisel like edges at a con espoiiding level. If the fifth nerve be divided in I hese animals, the lower jaw becomes deviated toward the operated side in consequence of the paralysis of the corresponding petrygoid muscles. The edges of the four incisor teeth then no longer correspond with each other, but are so shifted that one of those in the upper and one in the lower jaw do not meet \\ith any opposing edge, and are con- sequently no longer worn away. According to the experiments of Ber- nard on rabbits, (he line of junction between the edges of t he teeth, instead of being hori/.ontal, then becomes oblique, being directed from abo\e downward, from the operated toward the sound side, and the same fact has been observed by Hint. 1 If the animal survive for a considerable time, tin- teeth which are no longer worn away, as they continue to grow from the tooth-pulp below, may become excessively elongated. \\'e have seen an instance in the woodchuck ( A ret omys monax) of lateral deviation of the teeth from a reunited fracture of the lower jaw, in which the upper incisor on one side and the lower on the other had increased to live or six times their natural length, and had probably caused the death of the animal by penetrating the soft pails about, the head and interfering with the movement of the jaws. Antixtainoh'c lirtuicln-K <>/' fhc /'//'// /'rt/>. Although the separate regions of the face are supplied in a general way by the three great divisions of this nerve, there is yet more or less communicat ion between them by intermingled filaments from (litl'erent sources, and the separate branches of each division communicate with considerable frequency. Thus the infra-orbital nerve, which sends filaments to the lower eyelid, 1 Physiology of Man ; Nervous Svstem. Now York. 1872, p. 198. THE TRIGEMINUS. f>;>f> inosculates by a distinct twig with one of the nasal branches of the oph- thalmic division. The integument of tlio 11OSO is supplied by the nasal branches of tin' ophthalmic division, and also by tllOSC coming from the infraorbital nerve. The upper :md lower lips arc supplied both from tlu- infraorhital Mild mental nerves on t ho outside, and from the terminal filaments of (he buccinator nerve on the inside; ;ind the temporal region receives branches both from the superior and inferior maxillary divisions. A most important, Miiastomotic branch of the fifth pair is that which its inferior maxillary division sends to the facial nerve (Fig. It4,y), and by means of \\hich it .supplies sensitive filaments to the great motor ncrvo of the face. As a general rule, nerves which are distributed exclusively to muscles receive at some part, of their origin or course sensitive filaments which accompany them to their destination. The muscular tissue consequently has a certain degree of sensibility ; and it, is this sensibility, sometimes called the u muscular sense," \\ Inch enables us to appreciate the existence and degree of contraction in any particular muscle or group of muscles. Many of the sensitive filaments supplied to the facial nerve by tlu 4 communicating branch of the fifth are un- doubtedly destined to reach the muscles of the face \\ilh the terminal branches of this nerve; but there are also abundant anastomoses be- tween the facial nerve and the fifth near the final distributions of the latter nerve. These anastomoses are quite numerous, between the branches of the infraorbital and mental nerves and those of the facial; and certain regions of the integument may, therefore, be supplied with sensibility by filaments from both these sources- The observations of 1/Mtievant 1 have shown that ii is impossible to abolish the sensibility of any extended region of the face by section of either division of tin' fifth pair alone. A complete anaesthesia can only be produced by divi- sion of the whole nerve within the cranial cavity. This destroys at once not, only the sensibility supplied directly by the fifth pair, but also that communicated to the facial by its anastomotic branch. According to llenle, there is still a portion of the side of the face which may derive a certain degree of sensibility, apart from that due to the fifth pair, from the great auricular nerve of the cervical plexus ; since the anterior branch of this nerve, after supplying the under part of the lobe of the ear, sends some slender filaments anteriorly to the integu- ment, of the cheeks, running in some instances as far forward as the neighborhood of the malar bone. In lli -nee of the Fifth Pair on the Special Senses The results of experiment show that this nerve has an important influence upon the special senses, since they are always more or less interfered with, and in some instances practically destroyed, by its division or injury. This influence, however, is mainly not a direct but an indirect one; and shows itself by a disturbance of nutrition in the tissues of the organ. For the perfect action of any of the special senses, two different conditions are 1 Trait6 des Sections Nervcuscs. Paris, 1873, p. 179. 636 THE CRANIAL NERVES. requisite : first the peculiar sensibility of its own special nerve T and secondly the integrity of the component parts of the organ itself. As the nutrition of the organ is affected by injury or disease of the fifth pair, this necessarily causes a derangement in its physiological action and thus interferes with the exercise of the special sense belonging to it. These effects seem to depend, not so much upon the division of the ordi- nary sensitive fibres of the fifth nerve, as of those which are derived from the nerve cells of the Gasserian ganglion, or which are supplied by the fifth pair to the special sympathetic ganglia connected with the organs of sense. Influence on the Sense of Smell. The nasal passages are supplied by two different nerves derived from the cerebro-spinal S3rstem, namely, the olfactory nerve distributed to their upper portions, and endowed with its own special sensibility; and the nasal branches of the fifth pair, distributed in the lower portions, to which they communicate the gene- ral sensibility of the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane also contains filaments from the spheno-palatine ganglion of the sympathetic ; and this ganglion receives its sensitive root -from the superior maxillary division of the fifth pair. The general sensibility of the nasal passages may accordingly remain after the special sense of smell has been destroyed. If the fifth pair, however, be divided, not only is general sensibility destroyed in the Schneiclerian membrane, but a disturbance also takes place in its nutri- tion, by which the power of smell is also lost* The mucous membrane becomes swollen, and the nasal passage is obstructed by an accumula- tion of mucus. According to Longet, the membrane also assumes a fungous consistency, and is liable to bleed at the slightest touch. The effect of this alteration is to blunt or destroy the sense of smell. It is owing to a similar condition of the mucous membrane that the power of smell is impaired in cases of influenza. The olfactory nerves become inactive in consequence of the alteration in their mucous membrane and its secretions. Influence on the Sense of Sight. The anterior parts of the eyeball are also supplied with nerves of ordinary sensibility from the fifth pair, while the special impressions of light are transmitted exclusively by the optic nerve. In addition, the iris and cornea are supplied by filaments coming from the ophthalmic ganglion of the sympathetic, which re- ceives its sensitive root from the fifth pair. If this nerve be divided within the cranium, by a section passing in front of or through the Gas- serian ganglion, a change of nutrition often follows in the cornea, by which its tissue becomes the seat of vascular congestion and ulceration, and which frequently goes on to complete and permanent destruction of the eye. These changes may be observed in the cat, after intra- cranial section of the fifth nerve by the usual method. Immediately after the operation the pupil is contracted and the conjunctiva loses its sensibility. At the end of twent} r -four hours the cornea begins to be- come opaline, and by the second day the conjunctiva is visibly congested, THE TRIGEMINUS. 537 and discharges a purulent secretion. This process, after commencing in the cornea, increases in intensity and spreads to the iris, which be- comes covered with an inflammatory exudation. The cornea grows more opaque, until it is at last altogether impermeable to light, and vision is consequently suspended. Sometimes the diseased action goes on until it results in sloughing and perforation of the cornea and dis- charge of the humors of the eye; sometimes, after a few days, the inflammatory appearances subside, and the eye is finally restored to its natural condition. According to the observations of Bernard, although these, conse- quences usuall3 r follow division of the fifth nerve when performed at the situation of the Gasserian ganglion, or between it and the eyeball, they are either retarded in their appearance or altogether wanting when the section is made posteriorly to the ganglion, between it and the base of the brain. Thjs indicates that the influence exerted by this nerve upon the nutrition of the eyeball does not reside in its own proper fibres, but in additional filaments derived from the Gasserian ganglion. Influence on the Sense of Taste. The lingual branch of the fifth pair communicates to the anterior portion of the tongue at the same time its acute general sensibility and its sensibility of taste ; both of which are, of course, abolished by its division. Whether both kinds of sensibility reside in the same or in different fibres cannot yet be deter- mined ; but cases which have been observed in man, of impairment of the sense of taste, while tactile sensibility remains entire, make it pos- sible that there may be two distinct sets of fibres in the lingual nerve, one devoted to general sensibility, the other to that of taste. How- ever that may be, it is evident that the exercise of the sense of taste is facilitated by the presence of general sensibility in the mucous mem- brane of the tongue, and is influenced by the state of the local circula- tion and the buccal secretions. In a tongue which is dry or coated, as in the febrile condition, taste is practically abolished ; as much so as the sense of sight from opacity of the cornea. The sense of taste, accordingly, depends for its exercise, not only upon the special sensi- bility of the lingual nerve, but also upon all the physiological conditions requisite for the integrity of the mucous membrane. Influence upon the Sense of Hearing. The influence of the fifth pair upon the sense of hearing is less certainty known than that exerted upon the other special senses, and is only to be surmised from the simi- larity of its anatomical relations. This nerve provides for the general sensibility of the external ear by twigs from its auriculo-temporal branch, which supply the skin of the anterior border of the concha and that of the anterior wall of the external auditory meatus. Its relation with the deeper parts of the organ is established by means of the otic ganglion of the sympathetic, which receives a few short fibres from the inferior maxillary division of the fifth pair, and which sends a filament back- ward to join the tj'mpanic plexus on the inner surface of the membrane of 'the tympanum. This plexus is also supplied with filaments from 35 538 THE CRANIAL NERVES. the ganglion situated upon the trunk of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve; and is consequently made up of interlacing fibres derived from both these sources. Its peripheral sensitive fibres terminate in the mucous membrane lining the cavity of the middle ear. The secretions, both of this cavity and of the external auditory meatus, are important for the preservation of the integrity of the parts and for the mechanism of audition ; and they are undoubtedly in great measure under the control of the nervous supply, of which a considerable portion is derived from the fifth pair. Sixth Pair. The Abducens. The abducens nerve, so called because it is distributed only to the single muscle which causes the movement of abduction of the eyeball, originates mainly from a collection of gray matter on the floor of the fourth ventricle, near its widest part and at a point corresponding with the posterior section of the pons Varolii. It is situated next the median TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE FLOOR OF THE FOURTH VENTRICLE of the Human Brain, showing the nucleus and roots of the abducens and facial nerves. Nf, Nu- cleus of gray matter. VI', Fibres of the abducens nerve (6th pair). VII', Fibres of the facial nerve (7th pair). VII", Bundle of longitudinal fibres, connected with the root of the facial nerve. R, Raphe, at the median line, showing transverse or decussating fibres from the facial nerve roots. Magnified 35 diameters. (Henle.) line, and is indicated on each side by a longitudinal prominence, known as the " fasciculus teres." This collection of gray matter is the common nucleus of the abducens and facial nerves ; since the fibres of both these nerves are traced to a connection with it, although running in some- what different directions. The fibres of the abducens, as shown by Dean, Meynert, and Henle, originate from the inner border of the nucleus without showing any apparent decussation with those of the opposite side. They then pass almost directly downward and forward, in a verti- cal longitudinal plane, through the substance of the tuber annulare, to their point of emergence at the base of the brain, at the posterior edge THE FACIAL. 539 of the pons Yarolii. From this point, the nerve, which is about two mil- limetres in thickness, runs nearly straight forward, beneath the under surface of the pons, passes, in company with the oculomotorius and patheticus, along the wall of the cavernous sinus and through the sphenoidal fissure, into the cavity of the orbit, where it terminates in the external straight muscle of the eyeball. Physiological Properties of the Abducens. The physiological pro- perties of this nerve have been examined, in the experiments of Longet on rabbits, and in those of Chauveau on rabbits and horses, by irritating its trunk within the cranium and at its point of emergence from the pons Yarolii. The abducens is thus shown to be, at its origin and for some distance beyond, exclusively a motor nerve ; since its galvanization produces at once continued contraction in the external straight muscle of the eyeball, and mechanical or other irritation applied to its fibres causes no indication of suffering. In the experiments of Longet, which were performed upon the living animal, the difference in this respect between the abducens nerve and the trigeminus was very marked ; irrita- tion of the trigeminus always giving rise to signs of acute sensibility, while that of the abducens had no other effect than local muscular con- traction. Division of this nerve causes internal strabismus from paralysis of the external straight muscle, and loss of the lateral motion of the eye- ball in a horizontal plane ; although its vertical movements are still preserved, owing to the continued activity of the oculomotorius nerve. Cases of internal strabismus, in man, are recorded, with the accompa- nying symptoms mentioned above, which were apparently due to com- pression of the abducens nerve by morbid growths within the cranial cavity. Seventh Pair. The Facial. With regard to the innervation of the external parts of the face, this nerve holds an equal rank with the fifth pair, and may be regarded as complementary to it in physiological endowments. As the fifth pair is the nerve of sensation for the integument of this region, the facial is the motor nerve for its superficial muscles. It is the nerve of facial expres- sion, by which the features are animated in their varying movements, corresponding with the different phases of mental or emotional activity. Although at its origin an exclusively motor nerve, it receives, soon after its emergence from the cranium, a communicating branch from the fifth pair, which gives to it, and to the muscles in which it terminates, a cer- tain share of sensibility. The facial nerve has its principal source in a collection of gray matter, which has already been described as also giving origin to the fibres of the abducens (Fig. 175). This nucleus extends for a short distance longitudinally along the floor of the fourth ventricle near the median line, as a layer about 1.5 millimetre in thickness, and containing, according 540 THE CRANIAL NERVES. to Dean, 1 stellate, oval, or fusiform nerve cells, among which the nerve fibres penetrate. The nucleus constitutes, at this situation, the gray matter of the " fasciculus teres." The fibres of the abducens and facial nerves are given off from its internal and external borders respectively ; those of the abducens passing directly downward through the tuber annulare, near the median plane, those of the facial first passing out- ward and then bending downward, to reach their point of emergence at the posterior edge of the lateral portion of the pons Varolii. According to Dean, Meynert, and Henle, a considerable portion of the root fibres of the facial nerve communicate, either directly or through the nucleus, across the median line, with the opposite side of the brain. After emerging from the posterior edge of the pons Varolii, the facial nerve, in company with the auditory, passes into and through the in- ternal auditory meatus. It then enters, by itself, the aqueduct of Fal- lopius, and, following the course of this canal through the petrous portion of the temporal bone, comes out at the stylomastoid foramen and turns forward upon the side of the face. It spreads out between the lobules of the parotid gland into a number of branches, which by their mutual interlacement form the well-known " parotid plexus," or " pes anserinus," of this nerve. Its branches then diverge upward, for- ward, and downward, to be distributed to the superficial muscles of the facial region. It also supplies, by branches given off immediately after its emergence from the stylomastoid foramen, the muscles of the exter- nal ear, as well as the stylohyoid and the posterior belly of the digastric ; and by a twig which descends below the jaw to the submaxillary region, it supplies filaments to the upper part of the platysma myoides muscle, and communicates with an ascending branch of the superficial cervical nerve from the cervical plexus. Physiological Properties of the Facial Nerve. The facial is shown, by the result of abundant corresponding investigations, to be, at its origin and in its main physiological characters, an exclusively motor nerve. Not only is the tactile sensibility of the facial region imme- diate^ destroyed by the section of the fifth pair within the skull, though the facial itself remain uninjured, but, according to the ex- periments of Magendie and Bernard, the trunk of this nerve, when irri- tated at its source in the living animal, after opening the cranial cavity, shows no sign of sensibility, although that of the sensitive cranial nerves is at the same time perfectly manifest. On the other hand, Chaveau has found that in the recently killed animal, galvanization of the intracranial portion of the facial nerve causes at once contraction of the muscles of the face and of the external ear. This nerve is accord- ingly, at its source, insensible and excitable. Furthermore, the most decisive results are obtained from division of the facial nerve at various parts of its course. This may be done, in 1 Gray Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium. Washington, 1864, pp. 58, 61. THE FACIAL. 541 most quadrupeds, at the point of exit of the nerve from the stylomas- toid foramen, or, as practised by Bernard, during its passage through the aqueduct of Fallopius, by means of a cutting instrument intro- duced into the cavity of the tympanum, thus reaching the nerve through Fig. 176. DIAGRAM OP THE FACIAL NERVB AND ITS DISTRIBUTION. 1. Facial nerve at its entrance into the internal auditory meatus. 2. Its exit, at the stylomastoid foramen. 3, 4. Temporal and posterior auricular branches, distributed to the muscles of the external ear and to the occipitalis. 5. Branches to the frontalis muscle. 6. Branches to the stylohyoid and digastric muscles. 7. Branches to the upper part of the platysma myoides. 8. Branch of communication with the superficial cervical nerve of the cervical plexus. its upper wall. The effect of this section is to paralyze at once all the superficial muscles of the face on the corresponding side. The visible effects vary in the different facial regions, according to the function of the muscles which have lost their power of motion, Effect upon the Eye. The orbicularis* oculi being paralyzed, the eye upon the affected side cannot be closed, but remains permanently open ; even, according to the observation of Bernard, while the animal is asleep. This depends upon the fact that the two muscles serving to open and close the eyelids are animated by two different nerves ; the levator palpebrae superioris, which lifts the upper eyelid, being supplied by the ocnlomotorius, while the orbicularis oculi receives its nervous 542 THE CRANIAL NERVES. filaments from the facial. After paralysis of this nerve, therefore, complete closure of the lids becomes impossible, although the move- ments of the eyeball are unaffected, and the pupil is capable of dilata- tion and contraction as before. At the same time the motion of winking is suspended upon the affected side. This movement is an involuntary reflex action, excited by the contact of air with the surface of the cornea, and the accumula- tion of the tears along the edge of the lower eyelid. At short intervals this produces an instantaneous contraction of the orbicularis, by which the edges of the eyelids are brought together, and again immediately separated ; thus spreading the moisture of the lachrymal secretion uni- formly over the cornea and protecting its surface from dryness or irri- tation. After section of the facial nerve, this movement ceases, and on thrusting a solid body suddenly toward the face of the animal it can be seen that the eye on the sound side instinctively closes, while the other remains open. Even touching the conjunctiva or the cornea on the operated side fails to cause contraction of the eyelids, although the animal shrinks and the eyeball turns in the orbit; showing that the motor power of the orbicularis alone has been affected while sensibility remains. Two precisely opposite effects, accordingly, are produced upon the movements of the eye, by section of the fifth nerve, or its ophthalmic branch, and by that of the facial. After division of the fifth nerve, touching the cornea fails to produce closure of the eyelids because the sensibility of its surface has been destroyed, though the power of motion remains. When the facial has been divided, it is the muscular action which is paralyzed, the sensibility of the parts remaining entire. Effect on the Nostrils. In some animals, as in man, the nostrils are more or less rigid and nearly inactive in the ordinary condition. They expand, however, with considerable vigor when the movements of respiration are increased in frequency, or when the air is forcibly in- spired to assist in the sense of smell. In many species, furthermore, as in most graminivorous quadrupeds, and especially in the horse, they alternately expand and collapse in a regular and uniform manner, with each inspiration and expiration ; executing in this way a series of respiratory movements synchronous with those of the chest and abdo- men. Even in man the expansion of the nostrils, at the time of in- spiration, becomes very marked whenever the breathing is hurried or laborious, owing to increased muscular exertion or to any accidental obstruction of the air-passages. All these movements are suspended by section of the facial nerve. The muscles by which they are performed being paralyzed, the nostril on the affected side becomes flaccid, and, instead of opening for the admission of air into the nares, it collapses and forms more or less of an obstruction to its entrance. As the partial dyspnoea thus induced tends to accelerate the breathing, the paralyzed nostril is still further compressed by the air in the movement of inspiration; while at the THE FACIAL. 643 time of expiration, on the other hand, it is forced outward by the exit of the air. The natural movements of the nostril in respiration, are therefore reversed by paralysis of the facial nerve. In the normal con- dition they exhibit an active expansion in inspiration, and a partial collapse in expiration. After section of the nerve the nostril collapses in inspiration, and partially opens in expiration ; moving passively inward and outward, like an inert valve, with the changing direction of the current of the air. Effect on the Lips. In the lower animals generally, but especially in the herbivora, the movements of the lips are mainly serviceable in the prehension of the food ; and if these movements be paralyzed on the two sides at once, by section of both the facial nerves, the conse- quent incapacity to introduce food into the mouth may be sufficiently serious to cause death by inanition. In the carnivora the motions of retraction and elevation of the lips, by which the canine teeth are un- covered, have also a marked effect on the expression of the face. In most of these animals, after division of the facial nerve, the change in the appearance of the corresponding side, even in the quiescent condi- tion, is distinctly perceptible. The lips are flaccid and motionless, and the corner of the mouth hangs down and cannot be completely closed, owing to the paralysis of the orbicularis oris muscle. Effect on the Ears. In most of the quadrupeds the action of the external ears is much more important than in man, owing to their superior mobility and the greater development of the corresponding muscles. In all, the varying position of these organs is of great influ- ence in modifying the expression ; and their rapid and extensive move- ments are also serviceable as an essential aid to the sense of hearing. When the facial nerve has been divided, the ear on the corresponding side becomes flaccid and motionless ; and in species where the organ is long and narrow, as in the hare and rabbit, it can no longer be main- tained in the erect position. All the superficial muscles accordingly of the head and face, which are supplied by filaments from this nerve, are paralyzed by its section ; while the sensibility of the skin, in the corresponding parts, is pre- served entire. Facial Paralysis in Man. Facial paralj'sis, from disease involving the nerve itself, its sources of origin in the brain, or the walls of its bony canal in the cranium, is not an uncommon affection in the human sub- ject. It is usually confined to one side, being limited by the median line, and produces accordingly a marked difference in the appearance of the two sides of the face. In particular cases, where the cause of the difficulty is located in the branches of the nerve, certain portions of the muscular apparatus may be affected to the exclusion of others ; and the muscles about the lips may be paralyzed without any percepti- ble loss of motion in the parts above. Or the affection may be fully developed in one region of the face, and only partial in the remainder. But when the disease is seated upon the trunk of the nerve within the 544 THE CRANIAL NERVES. aqueduct of Fallopius, or involves the whole of its central origin, its consequences extend uniformly over one side of the face, forming a com- plete unilateral facial paralysis. The external signs of paralysis of the facial nerve from disease in man are, in general, the same with those which follow experimental division of this nerve in animals. The main peculiarity depends upon the greater development of the facial muscles in man as the organs of expression. The most marked effect, therefore, of this disease in the human subject, is a loss of expression on the paralyzed side of the face. Fig. 177. FACIAL PARALYSIS of the right side. All the features have a collapsed and flaccid appearance. The eyelids remain motionless, and the eye is constantly open, not only on account of the impossibility of bringing down the upper e^yelid, but also because the lower lid sinks down more or less below the level of the cornea ; thus giving to the eye a staring, vacant appearance. The act of winking is no longer performed upon the affected side. Owing to the paralyzed condition of the frontalis and superciliary muscles, all the characteristic lines and wrinkles on this side disappear, and the forehead and eyebrow become smooth and expressionless. The same thing is true of the THE FACIAL. 545 cheek, which, as well as the nostril, is flattened and collapsed. The corner of the mouth hangs downward, and the lips cannot be kept in contact with each other at this point, sometimes allowing the saliva to escape by drops from the cavity of the mouth. Beside these symptoms there is also, in man, a deviation of the mouth towards the sound side, owing to the facial muscles on that side being no longer antagonized by those opposite. In many instances this de- viation is not observable during a state of quiescence, since both sets of muscles are then equally relaxed ; and it becomes evident only when the patient begins to move the muscles of the sound side, as in speaking or laughing, or when the emotions are excited. But in some cases, where the face has naturally an abundance of expression, the distortion of the features, and the consequent difference between the two sides of the face, are distinctly shown even in the quiescent condition, and become still more marked when the patient is excited or engages in conversa- tion. Another secondary effect of facial paralysis in man is difficulty in drinking and in mastication. The first is due to the impossibility of contracting the orbicularis oris on the affected side ; so that the lips at this corner of the mouth cannot be kept firmly in contact with the sides of the goblet. The consequence is that a portion of the fluid escapes and runs over the lower part of the face, unless the patient take the precaution to aid the paralyzed part by pressure with his fingers. The difficulty in mastication is not owing to any paralysis of the muscles moving the lower jaw. These muscles are animated by the inferior maxillary division of the fifth pair, and are unaffected in disease of the facial nerve. It results from the paratysis of the buccinator muscle, and the relaxed condition of the side of the cheek. In consequence of this, the food in mastication lodges partially in the space between the outside of the gum and the inside of the cheek; and the patient is often obliged to remove it by mechanical means in order to complete its mastication. The loss of power in the orbicularis oris also produces an imperfect articulation. The lips cannot be brought together with sufficient pre- cision, and consequently the labials, such as B and P, are imperfectly pronounced. If the paralysis be bilateral, existing on both sides of the face at a time, cases of which have been sometimes observed, the features are no longer deviated from their symmetrical position, but the diffi- culty of articulation becomes much increased, extending not only to the labials proper, but also to such of the vowels, as and U, which require a certain contraction of the orbicularis oris. This affection is distinguished from that known as " glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis." in which articulation is also impaired. In the latter disease, which is of central origin, the paralysis affects the muscles of the tongue and larynx as well as those of the lips ; in facial paralysis it is confined to those which receive their filaments from the facial nerve. Facial paralysis ma} T therefore exist without danger to life. 546 THE CRANIAL NERVES. Crossed Action of the Facial Nerve. The results of minute examina- tion of the mode of origin of this nerve give indications of a transverse communication by decussating nerve fibres, between its nucleus at the floor of the fourth ventricle and the opposite side of the tuber annulare. It has not yet been possible, however, to follow with certainty the indi- vidual fibres to their termination, or to decide whether the decussating fibres are part of the original root fibres which have simply passed through the nucleus, or whether they originate anew from the nerve cells of the nucleus and thence pass to the opposite side. The opinion usually adopted by anatomists from the examination of microscopic sec- tions is that a part of the fibres of each cranial nerve root terminate in the nucleus of the same side, and a part cross over, as decussating fibres, to the opposite side. This is plainly shown in the case of the patheticus, which is the only one of the cranial nerves, beside the optic, exhibiting a distinct decussation of its root fibres outside their connection with the nucleus. That the action of the facial nerve is in great part a crossed action is evident from the results of pathological observation. Facial paralysis is a frequent accompaniment of hemiplegia; and in the great majority of instances, that is, when the cerebral lesion is situated above the tuber annulare, the hemiplegia of the body and limbs and the paralysis of the face are upon the same side with each other. The injury to the brain, therefore, in these cases, produces both hemiplegia and facial paralysis on the opposite side. When the injury is seated lower down, on the contrary, in the substance of the tuber annulare, it may affect at the same time the roots of the facial nerve outside its nucleus, and the longitudinal tracts of the anterior pyramids above their decussation ; and may cause in this way a facial paralysis on the same side and hemiplegia on the opposite side. It thus appears that the facial par- alysis is on the same side with the injury when this is seated externally to the nucleus, and on the opposite side when it is seated above the nucleus and near the central parts of the brain. This shows that for a large part of its functions, the action of the facial nerve. is entirely a crossed action. The communication, however, between the nucleus and the opposite side of the brain, upon which this crossed action depends, does not affect all the fibres of the nerve, nor the whole of the physiological functions which are under its control. The only decussation of the nerve fibres connected with the facial known to exist, is that which takes place at the raphe on the floor of the fourth ventricle. If all the fibres of the nerve root or their continuations crossed at this point, from right to left and from left to right, then a longitudinal section at the raphe, following the median line between the two nuclei, would completely paralyze both sides of the face at the same time. But this effect is not produced ; since, in the experiments of Yulpian, 1 who has performed this 1 Lemons sur la Physiologic du Systeme Nerveux. Paris, 1866, p. 480. THE FACIAL. 547 operation on dogs and rabbits, the animals were still capable of wink- ing with both eyes ; only the action of the two nerves was no longer simultaneous, and the closure of each eye was performed at irregular intervals independently of the other. It is evident, therefore, that the reflex act of winking takes place for each eye upon the same side, undoubtedly in the gray matter of the facial nucleus ; and the two nuclei habitually act in harmony with each other by means of the commissural fibres passing between them. But the mental and emotional influences, which cause the movement of the features in expression or in voluntary acts, are transmitted by decus- sating fibres from the opposite side of the brain. This is still further indicated by the different effects caused by peri- pheral and central lesions of the facial nerve. In man, as in animals, if this nerve be divided or destroyed during or after its passage through the aqueduct of Fallopius, all the movements of the facial muscles are paralyzed together. But in cases of facial paralysis depending upon a lesion in the cerebrum itself, that is, above the situation of the nucleus, it is generally observed, according to Yulpian and Hammond, 1 that the loss of movement is not complete; but that, while all the other parts of the face are paralyzed, the patient retains the power of winking on the affected side. This peculiarity is even given as a means of diagnosis between facial paralysis dependent upon injury of the nerve itself and that caused by a lesion in the brain. Sensibility of the Facial Nerve. Although this nerve is exclusively motor at its origin, it receives filaments of communication from the fifth pair, which give it a certain degree of sensibility. The most important of these branches, given off from the inferior maxillary division of the fifth nerve, joins the facial soon after its emergence from the stylo- mastoid foramen, and runs forward with its principal branches and rami- fications. The facial nerve, therefore, according to the united testimony of all modern experimenters, if examined upon the side of the face, is found to be sensitive to mechanical irritations, although the degree of its sensibilty is much less than that of the fifth pair. Owing to this communication, the pain, in cases of tic douloureux, sometimes follows the course of the horizontal branches of the facial nerve. The proof, however, that the sensitive fibres of this nerve are derived from its anastomoses and do not orginally form a part of its trunk, is that the sensibility of the facial regions to which it is distributed disappears completely after division of the fifth pair, notwithstanding that the facial nerve itself remains entire. Beside the principal communication above mentioned, this nerve con- tracts abundant anastomoses, at the anterior part of the face, with the radiating filaments of the supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental branches of the fifth pair. 1 Diseases of the Nervous System. New York, 1871, p. 78. 548 THE CRANIAL NERVES. Twigs and Communications of the Facial Nerve in the Aqueduct of Fallopius. While passing through its canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, the facial nerve gives off a number of slender fila- ments by which it communicates with other nerves or with ganglia belonging to the sympathetic system. The physiological character of most of these filaments is imperfectly understood ; but certain facts have been established in regard to them, and they are of interest because they are usually involved in injury or disease of the nerve within its bony canal, and thus other secondary symptoms are produced in addi- tion to those of external facial paralysis. Fig. 178. THE FACIAL NERVE AND ITS CONNECTIONS, within the aqueduct of Fallopius. 1. Fifth nerve, with the Gasserian ganglion. 2. Ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve. 3. Superior maxillary division of the fifth nerve. 4. Lingual nerve. 5. Sphenopalatine gan- glion. 6. Otic ganglion. 7. Submaxillary ganglion. 8. Facial nerve in the aqueduct of Fal- lopius. 9. Great superficial petrosal nerve. 10. Small superficial petrosal nerve. 11 Stapedius branch of facial nerve 12. Branch of communication with pneumogastric nerve. 13. Branch of communication with glossopharyngeal nerve. 14. Chorda tympani. At the elbow formed ~by the anterior bend of the facial nerve, soon after its entrance into the aqueduct of Fallopius, there is a minute col- lection of gray matter, known as the u ganglion geniculatum." From this point a slender filament, the great superficial petrosal nerve (Fig. 178, 9 ), runs forward, passing obliquely through the base of the skull, and terminates in the sphenopalatine ganglion. This ganglion, which is also in connection, by another root, with the Superior maxillary division of the fifth nerve, lends filaments to the mucous membrane of the pos- terior part of the nasal passages and that of the hard and soft palate and to the levator palati and uvular muscles ; that is, to the dilators of the isthmus of the fauces. This nerve, which forms communication between the facial and the sphenopalatine ganglion, is without doubt the motor root of the gan- glion, supplying motive force from the facial to the muscular branches given off from it beyond. This conclusion is derived from the phe- nomena of paralysis of the palatal muscles accompanying certain cases THE FACIAL. 549 of facial paralysis, where the lesion is deep seated. The paralysis is recognized by an incapacity to lift the soft palate, which hangs down in a passive manner, and by the deviation of the uvula, which, according to the observations recorded by Longet, is always toward the sound side. The levator palati, and especially the uvular muscle, being paralyzed, its fellow in contracting draws the uvula into an oblique position, with its point directed toward the non-paralyzed side. As there is no other communication between the facial nerve and the palatal muscles, than that through the sphenopalatine ganglion by the great superficial petro- sal nerve, this nerve must be regarded as containing motor fibres running from the facial to the ganglion. A little below the origin of the last-mentioned filament, the facial nerve gives off a second, the small superficial petrosal nerve do ), which com- municates both with the otic ganglion and with the plexus of nerve filaments on the inner wall of the tympanum, known as the " tympanic plexus," which supplies nerve fibres to the lining membrane of the tympanic cavity, while the otic ganglion sends a motor filament to the tensor tympani muscle. From the concave border of the facial nerve, as it bends downward, a fine motor filament, the stapedius branch (n), passes forward to supply the stapedius muscle. The facial nerve, therefore, in this part of its course, has an influence on the mechanism of hearing, through the muscles which regulate the position of the bones of the middle ear, and consequently the tension of the membrana tympani. This influence is exerted directly by its stapedius branch, and indirectly, through the otic ganglion, by the filament supplied to the tensor tympani. Cases of facial paralysis have been known to be accompanied, sometimes by par- tial deafness, and sometimes by abnormal sensibility to sonorous im- pressions ; but it has not been determined how far these symptoms were due to the implication of other parts, or how far to paralysis of the muscles of the middle ear from disease of the facial. From its descending portion, the facial nerve gives off two small branches of communication ( 12, 13 ), one to the pneumogastric and one to the glossopharyngeal nerve. They are usually regarded as motor filaments, which transmit to these two nerves the power of causing mus- cular contraction. This seems nearly certain in regard to the branch communicating with the glossopharyngeal nerve ; since Cruveilhier de- scribes a separate filament of the facial passing to the styloglossus and palato-glossus muscles, and Longet cites an instance in which a branch of the facial, on one side, without making any connection with the glosso- pharyngeal nerve, was distributed directly to the palato-glossal and glossopharyngeal muscles ; that is, to the constrictors of the isthmus of the fauces. , Finally the facial nerve, shortly before its exit from the stylomastoid foramen, gives off from its concave border another slender branch of considerable interest, the chorda tympani (u). It first passes upward and forward, in a recurrent direction, traverses the cavity of the tym- 550 THE CRANIAL NERVES. panum near the inner surface of the membrana tympani, curves down- ward and forward, and joins the descending portion of the lingual nerve. It is certain that some of its fibres again leave the lingual nerve at the situation of the subm axillary ganglion, to reach this ganglion and the tissue of the submaxillary gland ; and it is also certain that some of them continue onward with the lingual nerve, and accompany it to its distribution in the tongue. The most positive knowledge in our possession with regard to the physiological character of the chorda tympani is that it is distinctly a motor nerve, influencing the acts of circulation and secretion. This results from the numerous experiments of Bernard 1 on the dog and cat, which show that, in these animals, galvanization of the chorda tympani increases at the same time the activity of the circulation and the secre- tion of saliva in the submaxillary gland. The gland, with its excretory duct and nervous connections, is exposed in the living animal. It is then seen that the introduction of vinegar into the fauces causes, by reflex action, an increased current of blood through the vessels of the gland, and excites an abundant flow of submaxillary saliva. But if the chorda tympani be tied or cut across, the action above described no longer takes place, and the gland remains inexcitable under the influence of a sapid substance introduced into the fauces. On the other hand, if the peri- pheral extremity of the nerve be galvanized, this stimulus excites the circulation and secretion as before ; and the same effect is produced by stimulating, either the lingual nerve itself, or the filament which it sends to the submaxillary gland. Finally, while section of the chorda tym- pani in the cavity of the tympanum, or evulsion of the facial nerve from the aqueduct of Fallopius, will arrest the secretive activity of the sub- maxillary gland, section of the facial at the stylomastoid foramen does not have this effect, but only paralyzes the muscles of the face. A dif- ference accordingly exists, in the effects produced by injury of the facial nerve, according to its location, within the aqueduct of Fallopius or out- side of this canal. If the lesion be external, there is simple paralysis of the facial muscles. If it be internal, there is also a diminished activity of circulation and secretion in the submaxillary gland. Another symptom sometimes observed in deep-seated lesions of the facial nerve, which is also dependent on injury of the chorda tympani, is a diminution or disturbance of the sense of taste in the tip and sur- face of the tongue. In this affection, the taste is not absolutely abol- ished, but is diminished in acuteness, and especially in promptitude. In a person presenting this difficulty, or in an animal after division of the chorda tympani, if a bitter substance be placed alternately upon the two sides of the tongue, it is perceived almost immediately upon the sound side, but only after a considerable interval on the side of the 1 Systeme Nerveux. Paris, 1858, tome ii. pp. 150-157. Liquides de TOrganisme Paris, 1859, tome i. pp. 310-315. THE AUDITORY. 551 paralysis. Various explanations are given to account for these phe- nomena. By some writers they are referred exclusively to the motor properties of the chorda tympani. If the fibres of this nerve which accompany the branches of the lingual in their peripheral distribution have an influence upon the circulation and secretion in the tongue similar to that which they exert in the submaxillary gland, it is plain that when these actions are depressed by section of the chorda tym- pani, the sense of taste may be diminished in the corresponding parts as an indirect result of its paralysis. Others, on the contrary, attri- bute this effect to sensitive fibres in the chorda tympani, which convey the impressions of sapid substances directly from without inward, and which, of course, cease their action when the nerve is divided. The indications obtained by experiment on this point are as yet too obscure to allow of a decisive opinion. The precise manner in which the chorda tympani takes a share in the exercise of the sense of taste is more or less a matter of uncertainty. But there is no question that its paralysis interferes, to an appreciable degree, with this sense; and an alteration of the taste, accompanying facial paralysis upon the same side, is a symptom which fixes the location of the nervous lesion at some point inside the stylomastoid foramen. Eighth Pair, The Auditory. On the posterior surface of the medulla oblongata, a little behind the widest part of the fourth ventricle, a number of white striations run from the neighborhood of the median line, transversely outward, toward the posterior edge of the peduncles of the cerebellum. These striations, which are sometimes exceedingly distinct, represent the commencement of the roots of the auditory nerve. The nucleus from which they originate is a mass of gray substance situated directly beneath them, containing nerve cells of various form and size, some of which belong to the smaller variety, while some of them, according to Dean, are among the largest of those met with in the nervous system. The gray matter of the nucleus, at its lateral portion, extends outward and upward toward the white substance of the cerebellum, with which it is connected by numerous bundles of radiating fibres. The fibres originating from this ganglion partly run directly outward in a superficial course, forming the white striations visible at this point, and, uniting with each other, curve round the posterior border of the peduncles of the cerebellum to reach the lateral surface of the medulla at the lower edge of the pons Varolii. Some of them follow a deeper course, passing obliquely through the substance of the medulla outward and downward to the same point. These fibres, united with each other, form the posterior root of the auditory nerve. The anterior root consists of fibres which are traced backward from their point of emergence, partly to the floor of the fourth ventricle, but also in. great measure, according to Clarke, Dean, and Henle, into the white substance of the cerebellum, where they mingle with fibres coming 552 THE CRANIAL NERVES. from the interior of this organ. The main anatomical peculiarity, therefore, which distinguishes the central origin of the auditory from that of the other cranial nerves, is its abundant and direct connection with the substance of the cerebellum The auditory nerve, formed by the union of these two bundles of root fibres, emerges from the lateral surface of the medulla oblongata, at the inferior edge of the pons Yarolii, and immediately outside the facial nerve. In company with the facial it then passes forward and outward, enters the internal auditory meatus, penetrates through the perforations at the bottom of this canal, and terminates in the nervous expansions of the internal ear. Physiological Properties of the Auditory Nerve. The auditory nerve is evidently a nerve of special sense, and serves to communicate to the brain the impression of sonorous vibrations. In the experiments of Magendie upon dogs and rabbits, the auditory nerve, when exposed in the cranial cavity, was found to be insensible to the severest me- chanical irritation, although the roots of the fifth pair exhibited at the same time an acute sensibility. Its exclusive distribution to the inter- nal ear, for which it forms the only nervous connection with the bitf in, leaves no doubt that its function is that of transmitting to the central organ the nervous influences which produce the sensation of sound. Behind the situation of the auditory there commences a special divi- sion of the cranial nerves, which differ in great measure from the pre- ceding. All the foregoing nerves, excepting those of special sense, are either distinctly motor or have a highly developed general sensibility ; they are distributed to the integument and to muscles which are con- cerned in the execution of voluntary movements ; and they are all asso- ciated in the production of nervous action in the various regions of the face. The second division of the cranial nerves, on the other hand, com- prising the glossopharyngeal, the pneumogastric, and the spinal acces- sory, are distributed to the deeper parts about the commencement of the digestive and respiratory passages, where the general sensibility is comparatively deficient, and the movements are, for the most part, involuntary ; and they exhibit phenomena which have more especially the character of reflex actions. Externally, they show a marked simi- larity of anatomical arrangement, originating one behind the other, in a continuous line, along the lateral furrow of the medulla oblongata and the side of the spinal cord, each by a series of separate filaments ; and in such juxtaposition that it is in some instances difficult to say, from external inspection, where the root fibres of one terminate, and those of the other begin. The two sensitive nerves belonging to this group, namely, the glossopharyngeal and the pneumogastric, have their source in two nuclei which are continuous with each other at the pos- terior surface of the medulla oblongata ; and, according to the observa- THE GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL. 553 tions of Dean, in the medulla of the sheep, the transition between the pneumogastric and glossopharyngeal roots or nuclei is so gradual that it is impossible to point out any exact line of demarcation. Each of these nerves has upon its trunk a distinct ganglion, situated within its point of emergence from the cranium. The motor portion of the group, or the spinal accessory, originates from a special nucleus of its own, and sends branches of communication to both the other nerves. While the three nerves of this group, therefore, can hardly be regarded as a single pair, they have nevertheless a close mutual relation both in ana- tomical arrangement and in their physiological properties. Ninth Pair. The Glossopharyngeal, The fibres of the glossopharyngeal nerve originate from a nucleus situated a little behind and below that of the auditory, and near the outer border of the fasciculus teres, by which it is separated from the median line. This nucleus is continuous posteriorly with that of the pneumogastric nerve, which projects above it on the floor of the fourth ventricle (Fig. 168, Ngl, Nv). The nerve fibres, after leaving the nu- cleus, pass downward and outward through the substance of the medulla, and emerge from its lateral surface, next behind the auditory nerve, in a series of five or six filaments which soon afterward unite into a single cord. The nerve then passes into and through the jugular foramen, in company with its associated nerves, the pneumogastric and spinal accessor}*. While passing through this opening in the skull, it presents a ganglionic enlargement, similar to those of the posterior spinal nerve roots, and known as the petrosal ganglion, from its occupying a shallow depression in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. At the situa- tion of the petrosal ganglion it gives off a small branch, the " nerve of Jacobson," which is distributed to the mucous membrane of the tym- panum and Eustachian tube, and sends a filament of communication to the otic ganglion of the sympathetic system. The trunk of the glosso- pharyngeal nerve then passes downward and forward, receiving branches of communication from both the facial and the pneumogastric nerves, after which it separates into two main divisions, one of which is des- tined for the tongue, the other for the pharynx; a double distribution, to which the nerve owes its name. The portion passing to the tongue is distributed to the mucous membrane of the posterior third of this organ, namely, to that portion situated behind the V-shaped row of cir- cumvallate papillae, and to these papillae ; it also supplies filaments to the tonsils and to the mucous membrane of the pillars of the fauces and of the soft palate. The remaining portion of the nerve is distributed to the mucous. membrane of the pharynx and certain of the adjacent muscles, namely, the digastric and stylopharyngeal muscles, by union with a branch of the facial to the styloglossal muscle, and by union 1 Gray Substance of the Medulla Oblongata and Trapezium. Washington. 1864, p. 30. 36 554 THE CRANIAL NERVES. with branches of the pneumogastric to the mucous membrane and the superior and middle constrictors of the pharynx. The muscles, accord- ingly, to which this nerve is directly or indirectly distributed are those by which the tongue is drawn backward (styloglossal), the larynx and pharynx elevated (digastric and stylopharyngeal), and the upper part of the pharynx contracted (superior and middle constrictors) ; that is, those concerned in the act of deglutition. Physiological Properties of the Glossopharyngeal. The glossopha- ryngeal nerve is evidently for the most part a nerve of sensibility. Its origin from the tract of gray matter in the medulla oblongata correspond- ing to the posterior horns of gray matter in the spinal cord, the distinct ganglion located upon its trunk in the jugular foramen, and the fact that it is mainly distributed to the mucous membranes of the tongue and pharynx, all indicate its resemblance in anatomical arrangement to other well known sensitive nerves or nerve roots. The result of direct experi- ment corroborates this view. Longet, in irritating the glossopharyngeal nerve within the cranium, was never able to produce muscular contrac- tion ; and although Chauveau, in experimenting upon this nerve in the same situation in recently killed animals, saw its galvanization followed by contraction of the upper part of the pharynx, the effect may have been due to reflex action, since the nerve w~as still in connection with the medulla oblongata. This conclusion is rendered certain by the in- vestigations of Reid, 1 who found that irritation of the glossopharyngeal nerve produced movements of the throat and lower part of the face ; but that these movements were, in a great measure, reflex and not direct, since they were also produced after the nerve had been divided, by applying the irritation to its cranial extremity. Its sensibility to mechanical or galvanic irritation, however, appears to be of a low grade, as compared with that of the trigeminal nerve. While some observers (Reid) found its irritation in the living animal, outside the jugular fora- men, give rise to evident signs of pain, others (Panizza) have failed to see any indications of suffering from this cause ; and others still (Longet) speak of the signs of pain, thus produced, in a more or less uncertain manner. This variation in the observed results is sufficient to show the inferior capacity of the glossopharyngeal nerve for the receipt of painful impressions; since no experimenter has ever doubted the acute sensibility of the fifth pair. But notwithstanding the comparative deficiency of the nerve itself, and the parts to which it is distributed, in ordinary sensibility, it serves to transmit sensitive impressions of a special character, which are con- nected with two different but associated functions, namely : 1. The sense of taste, and, 2. The reflex act of deglutition. Connection with the Sense of Taste. The power of perceiving sensa- tions of taste exists not only in the anterior portion of the tongue which 1 Todd's Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology. Article, Glossopharyngeal Nerve. THE GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL. 555 contains filaments derived from the lingual branch of the fifth pair, but also at the base of the organ, throughout its posterior third, and in the mucous membrane of the arches of the palate, which are supplied only by the fibres of the glossopharyngeal. The difference between these two regions is that while that supplied by the fifth pair possesses tactile sensibility of a high grade in addition to that of taste, in the posterior region the general sensibility is less acute than the special sensibility to impressions of taste. The appreciation of savors is provided for by both the lingual and glossopharyngeal nerves, each in its separate de- partment of the oral cavity. The sense of taste accordingly, in the experiments of Reid, was never completely abolished by division of either one of these nerves. For its complete suspension, both of them must be destroyed on both sides. The method adopted by Longet for examining the condition of the taste in dogs, before and after division of the glossopharyngeal nerves, was to place upon the base of the tongue a few drops of a concentrated solution of colocynth. Although this always produced in the animals, while in their natural condition, mani- fest signs of disgust, it had no such effect, as a general rule, after sec- tion of the glossopharyngeal nerves on both sides, provided the solution were applied only to the posterior part of the tongue and the pharynx ; while if even a minute quantity came in contact with the tip or edges of the tongue it caused brisk movements of the jaws with all the in- dications of a sense of repugnance. While in the anterior and more movable parts of the tongue, accordingly, the sensations of taste are appreciated, during the process of mastication, by the filaments of the lingual nerve which are distributed there, the glossopharyngeal is the nerve of taste for the posterior part of the organ. It is called into ac- tivity after mastication is accomplished and at the moment when the food is carried backward and compressed by the base of the tongue, the pillars of the fauces^ and the walls of the pharynx. Connection with the Reflex Act of Deglutition. In the fauces and pharynx, the glossopharyngeal nerve also possesses a peculiar sensibility to certain impressions, which excite at once the muscles of the neigh- boring parts and bring into play the complicated mechanism of degluti- tion. This consists in drawing backward and upward the base of the ' tongue, thus bringing the masticated food into and through the isthmus of the fauces. The muscles of the pillars of the fauces (palato-glossal and palato-pharj'iigeal) afterward contract and close the opening of the isthmus, while the soft palate is drawn backward and extended across the upper end of the pharynx, thus shutting off its communication with the posterior nares ; and the contraction of the constrictor muscles of the pharynx then forces its contents downward into the beginning of the oesophagus. This process is an involuntary one. Both the contraction of the special muscles, and their regular co-ordination in the necessary series of successive movements, are actions which do not depend on the exercise of the will, but which take place even in a state of unconscious- ness under the stimulus supplied by contact of food or liquids with the 556 THE CKANIAL NERVES. inner surface of the fauces and pharynx. This contact produces an im- pression which is conveyed by the glossopharyngeal nerve inward to the medulla oblongata, whence it is reflected outward in the form of a motor impulse. The sensibility which, by the contact of masticated food or nutritious liquids, thus produces the movements of swallowing, if sub- jected to the influence of nauseous or irritating substances, will cause an inverted muscular reaction, equally involuntary in character. Natural stimulants, therefore, applied to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, excite deglutition; unnatural stimulants excite vomiting. If the linger be introduced into the fauces and pharynx, or if the mucous membrane of these parts be irritated by tickling with the end of a feather, the sensation of nausea, conveyed through the glossopharyngeal nerve, is sometimes so great as to produce immediate vomiting. This method may be employed in cases of poisoning, when it is desirable to excite vomiting rapidly, and when emetic medicines are not at hand. Motor Properties of the Glossopharyngeal. Although this nerve is shown, by the result of observation, to be exclusively sensitive at its origin, it is found, if examined outside the cavity of the cranium, to possess motor properties. In the experiments of Herbert Mayo upon the ass, confirmed by those of Longet on the horse and the dog, irritation of this nerve in the neck produced contraction in the stylopharyngeal muscles and in the upper part of the pharynx. These movements were not the result of reflex action, but were excited through the nerve from within outward; since, in the experiments of Longet, they were called out after the nerve had been divided, by applying the irritation to its peripheral extremity. The glossophaiyngeal, therefore, after its exit from the jugular fora- men, is a mixed nerve. In addition to its own original sensitive fila- ments, it has received a branch of communication from the facial which is undoubtedly of a motor character, and also a branch from the pneu- mogastric. The pneumogastric branch is also regarded, on anatomical grounds, as really made up, wholly or in part, of motor fibres derived from the spinal accessory, through its anastomosis with the pneumogas- tric. According to Cruveilhier. it sometimes comes directly and exclu- sively from the anastomotic branch of the spinal accessory; sometimes partly from this and partly from the pneumogastric itself. The results obtained by experiment also indicate a double source for the motor fibres which join the glossopharyngeal before its exit from the skull. If these fibres were derived exclusively from the facial or exclusively from the spinal accessory, the division or destruction of one or the other of these nerves above its communicating branch would abolish entirely the motor power of the glossopharyngeal. But the experiments of Bernard upon rabbits, in which the facial nerve was divided in the aqueduct of Fallopius, and those of Bernard and Longet on cats and rabbits, in which the spinal accessory was destroyed on both sides, show that the process of deglutition, though more or less retarded, is not abolished by either of these ope rations. THE PNEUMOGASTRIC. 557 Beside the anastomotie branches received by the glossopharyngeal, near its origin, from the facial and the spinal accessory, it also has com- munication with both these nerves near its peripheral distribution. It is joined by a branch of the facial, which accompanies it to the stylo- glossal muscle, and perhaps also to the pillars of the fauces ; and, accord- ing to Cruveilhier, a branch derived from the spinal accessoiy takes part in the formation of the pharyngeal plexus which supplies the upper constrictor muscles of the pharynx. The process of deglutition, there- fore, is excited at its commencement by sensitive impressions conveyed through the glossopharyngeal nerve ; but its movements are executed by a reflex impulse transmitted through the motor fibres of several distinct branches of communication. Tenth Pair. The Pneumogastric. The pneumogastric nerve, remarkable for its varied and extensive course and the distribution of its fibres to a number of different locali- ties, has received its name from the two most important organs in which it terminates, the lungs and stomach. It arises from the side of the medulla oblongata by a series of from ten to fifteen separate filaments, arranged in a linear series, continuously with those of the glossopha- ryngeal. The nucleus from which these fibres take their origin is an extended tract of gray matter running in a longitudinal direction along the posterior surface of the medulla oblongata, just outside the lower extremity of the fasciculus teres. This collection of gray matter (Fig. 168, Nu) which is uncovered by the divergence of the posterior columns of the cord, and is thus exposed to view on the floor of the fourth ventricle, is known as the ala cinerea. At its anterior ex- tremity it covers, and is continuous with, the nucleus of the preceding nerve, the glossopharyngeal ; and at its posterior extremity it joins that of the following nerve, the spinal accessory. From its deep sur- face it gives out the fibres of origin of the pneumogastric nerve, which run downward and outward through the substance of the medulla, and emerge, as above mentioned, in a series of filaments from its lateral surface. The filaments of the pneumogastric, after leaving the side of the medulla oblongata, unite into a single trunk which passes out of the cranium, in company with the glossopharyngeal and the spinal accessory, by the jugular foramen (Fig. 179). Here it presents upon its trunk a gan- glionic swelling, known as the "jugular ganglion." At or immediately beyond the situation of the ganglion, the nerve is joined by an important motor branch of communication from the spinal accessory ; and it after- ward receives filaments from four other sources; namely, the facial, the hypoglossal, and the anterior branches of the first and second cervical nerves. While passing down the neck the pneumogastric nerve takes part, by an anastomotic branch, in the formation of the pharyngeal plexus. Its first important branch of distribution is the superior larynyeal nerve. ,"58 THE CRANIAL NERVES. Fig. 179. which runs downward and forward, penetrates the larynx by an open- ing in the side of the thyro-hyoid membrane, and is distributed to the mucous membrane covering the epiglottis and lining the interior of the laryngeal cavity. This is the main portion of the nerve, and it is sensi- tive in character; providing for the peculiar sensibility of the glottis and' epiglottis and for that of the inner surface of the larynx in general. The nerve gives off, however, a small muscular branch which terminates in the inferior constrictor of the pharynx and in the crico-thyroid mus- cle of the larynx. It also supplies several filaments, which 'unite with others coming from the great sympathetic, to form the laryngeal plexus ; and by this plexus the superior laryngeal branch of the pneumogastric furnishes filaments to the upper cardiac nerves of the cervical portion of the sympathetic. Other filaments pass off from the trunk of the pneumo- gastric while passing down the neck, which also join the cardiac branches of the sympathetic, and which in some instances, according to Cru veilhier, pass directly downward, to unite with the cardiac plexus beneath the concavity of the arch of the aorta. The next branch is the inferior laryngeal nerve, which separates from the trunk of the pneumogastric after entering the cavity of the chest, curves round the subclavian artery on the right side and the arch of the aorta on the left, and ascends, in the groove between the trachea and oesophagus, to the larynx, giving off branches to the oesophagus and the inferior con- strictor muscle of the pharynx. In the larynx it is distributed to all the muscles of this organ, excepting the crico-thyroid, which is supplied by the superior laryngeal. The larynx is therefore supplied by two different branches of the pneumogastric nerve, which are mainly distinct from each other in their properties and functions. The superior laryngeal branch is for the most part a sensitive nerve, sup- ORIGIN AND COURSE OF THE G-LOSSOPHARYNGE A L, PNETTMOGASTRIC, AND SPINAL ACCESSORY NERVES. 1. Facial nerve. 2. Glossopharyngeal. 3. Pneumogastric. 4. Spinal accessory. 5. Hypoglossal. 6. External (muscular) branch of the spinal accessory. 7. Superior laryngeal branch of the pneumot-astric. 8. Pharyngeal plexus. 9. Laryngeal plexus and uppercardiac branches of the pneumogastric. 10. Tympanic plexus, from a branch of the glossopharyngeal. (Hirschfeld.) THE PNEUMOGASTRIC. 559 plying the mucous membrane of the larynx; the inferior laryngeal branch is a motor nerve, and is essential to the activity of nearly all the muscles of the organ. After entering the cavity of the chest, the most important dependency of the pneumogastric nerve is the pulmonary plexus, formed by the separation of the nerve into a considerable number of inosculating branches which send their terminal filaments along the course of the bronchi and their subdivisions, to the ultimate bronchi and lobules of the lungs. In the inferior portion of the chest, the inosculating fila- ments on both sides surround the oesophagus with the cesophageal plexus, from which fibres are supplied to the mucous membrane and muscular coat of this organ. The two pneumogastric nerves, after being reconstructed by the union of their branches below the pulmonary plexus, penetrate the cavity of the abdomen and spread out in two sets of gastric branches, which supply the mucous membrane and muscular coat of the stomach. Those belonging to the left pneumogastric nerve supply the anterior wall of the organ, and, extending toward the right as far as the pylorus, send a con- tinuation of nervous filaments to the transverse fissure of the liver, into which they penetrate, together with those of the hepatic plexus of the sympathetic ; those belonging to the right pneumogastric send filaments to the posterior wall of the stomach, and finally communicate with the solar plexus of the sympathetic. The pneumogastric nerve, therefore, is distributed, by its various branches, to the mucous membranes and muscular apparatus of the pas- sages by which air and food are introduced into the interior of the body. It also forms connection at several points with branches of the great sympathetic, and, through it, sends fibres to the central organ of the cir- culation, and to the radiating sympathetic plexuses of the abdominal organs. Physiological Properties of the Pneumogastric. According to the results obtained by Longet, the pneumogastric is, at its origin, exclu- sively a sensitive nerve. Galvanic irritation applied to the nerve roots, carefully separated from the medulla and from adjacent filaments, was not found to produce any muscular contractions ; but when applied to the trunk of the nerve at a lower level, muscular contractions were readily excited. At this situation the nerve already contains motor fibres derived from inosculation with the spinal accessory, the facial and the hypoglossal, and from the loop of communication between the two upper cervical nerves. In its trunk, accordingly, it has the characters of a mixed nerve, and is capable of providing both for movement and sensibility in the organs to which it is distributed. The sensibility of the pneumogastric nerve, however, to mechanical irritation and to painful impressions, is but slightly marked, as shown by the experience of all observers. It may frequently be divided in the middle of the neck in the living, unetherized animal, without any sign of pain being manifested ; and this want of reaction is at times so 560 THE CRANIAL NERVES. complete as to indicate an entire absence of ordinary sensibility. This does not seem to be invariably the case ; but although Bernard has found in some instances a well-marked sensibility in this nerve, and in others only a very indistinct one, it is not possible to say with certainty upon what special conditions the difference depends. As a general rule, the pneumogastric nen'e is decidedly deficient in that kind of sen- sibility which produces pain ; and we know that the organs to which it is distributed have but little appreciation of tactile impressions. Never- theless, there is abundant evidence that this nerve is endowed, in its various divisions, with sensibility of a peculiar kind, and one which is of the highest importance for the due performance of the vital functions. Connection with the movements of Respiration. The most important endowment of the pneumogastric nerve is undoubtedly that by which it is connected with the reflex movements of expansion and collapse of the chest in respiration. Its influence in this respect is at once made evident by the results which follow the division of both nerves in their course through the neck. This may be readily done in adult dogs by etherizing the animal and exposing the nerves in the middle of the neck during the continuance of insensibility. After the etherization has passed off, and the circulation and respiration are restored to a quies- cent condition, both nerves may be simultaneously divided, and the effects of the operation observed. After the nerves have been divided, and the slight disturbance which immediately follows their section has subsided, the most striking change produced in the condition of the animal is a diminished frequency in the movements of respiration. The respirations sometimes fall at once to ten or fifteen per minute, becoming, in an hour or two, still further reduced. Respiration is performed easily and quietly ; and the animal, if undisturbed, remains usually crouched in a corner, without any spe- cial sign of discomfort. If he be aroused and compelled to move, the frequency of respiration is temporarily augmented ; but as soon as he is again quiet, it returns to its former standard. By the second or third day the respirations are often reduced to five, four, or even three per minute ; when the animal usually appears very sluggish, and is roused with difficulty from his inactive condition. Respiration is also performed in a peculiar manner. The movement of inspiration is slow, easy, and silent, occupying several seconds in its accomplishment; while that of expiration is sudden and audible, and is accompanied by a well marked effort, which has, to some extent, a convulsive character. The intercostal spaces sink inward during the lifting of the ribs ; and the whole movement of respiration has an appearance of insufficiency, as if the lungs were not thoroughly filled with air. This is undoubtedly owing to a peculiar alteration in the pulmonary texture, which has by this time already commenced. Death takes place from one to six days after the operation, according to the age and strength of the animal. The only marked symptoms which accompany : * are a steady failure of the respiration, with increas- THE PNEUMOGASTRICc 561 ing sluggishness. There are no convulsions, nor any evidences of pain. After death the lungs are found in a peculiar state of solidification. They are not swollen, but rather appear smaller than natural. They are of a dark purple color, leathery, and resisting to the touch, destitute of crepitation, and infiltrated with blood. Pieces of the lung cut out sink in water. The pleural surfaces, at the same time, are bright and polished, and their cavity contains no effusion or exudation. The lungs are simply engorged with blood, and, to a greater or less extent, empty of air; their tissue having undergone no other alteration. These phenomena point to the pneumogastric nerves as the main channels through which the stimulus which excites the movements of respiration is conveyed inward to the medulla oblongata. Respiration is a reflex act, consisting, like other nervous manifestations of a similar character, of two different elements; namely, first, an impression con- veyed from without inward by a sensitive nerve to the appropriate nervous centre; and, secondly, of a motor impulse transmitted thence through motor nerves to the muscular apparatus. But by dividing the pneumogastric nerves in the neck, neither the intercostal muscles nor the diaphragm are paralyzed. The muscular apparatus which effects the expansion of the lungs remains untouched, and yet the movements of respiration become gradually slower until they cease altogether. At the same time the disturbance of respiration, under these circumstances, although sufficient to produce death after a short interval, is not accom- panied by any apparent sense of suffocation. The retarded breathing, and the consequent imperfect aeration of the blood, are not felt by the animal, and he accordingly makes no attempt to compensate for them by voluntary effort. In dividing the pneumogastric nerves, therefore, it is not the motor, but the sensitive element in the reflex act of respiration which is inter- fered with. The experiments of Waller and Prevost 1 show conclusively that this is the part performed by the nerves in question. In these experiments the pneumogastric nerve was exposed in the living dog, and divided in its course down the neck; after which, galvanization of its central extremity produced a succession of forcible inspirations and expirations, expelling the air through the trachea with an audible sound. The respiratory impulse, therefore, is propagated through the pneu- mogastric nerve in a centripetal, not in a centrifugal direction. The impression which normally originates in the lungs, and is thence con- veyed through these nerves to the medulla oblongata, produces in the nervous centre, though unperceived as a conscious sensation, the stimu- lus which calls into activity the muscles of respiration. If this impres- sion be not at once satisfied by filling the lungs with air, it increases in intensity ; and if the breath be voluntarily suspended or forcibly ob- structed, the impression soon becomes perceptible as a sensation of distress, or " demand for breath," which reacts upon the entire system. 1 Archives de Physiologic normale et pathologique. Paris, 1870, p. 190. 562 THE CRANIAL NERVES. On the other hand, if the pneumogastric nerves be cut off, the customary impression is no longer conveyed from the lungs to the medulla, and the movements of respiration are consequently retarded. The imperfect aeration of the blood thus induced reacts in turn upon the medulla, as well as upon the other nervous centres, diminishing its sensibility, and rendering it less able to respond to impressions of any kind. Thus the difficulty, which consists in a want of the nervous reaction necessary for respiration, increases from hour to hour, the breathing becomes con- stantly more imperfect and sluggish, and at last ceases altogether. The alteration in the tissue of the lungs, their engorgement and solidifica- tion, add to the difficulty in aeration of the blood, and probably have, at last, a considerable share in producing the fatal result. It is evident, however, that the pneumogastric nerves, although the principal means for conveying to the medulla the stimulus for respira- tion, are not the only ones. If they were so, respiration would stop instantly after section of these nerves, as it does after destruction of the medulla itself. The lungs are, no doubt, especially sensitive to the want of oxygen and accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood ; and the nervous impression thus produced is accordingly first felt in them. There is reason to believe that all the vascular organs are more or less capable of originating this impression, and that all the sensitive nerves are capable, to some extent, of transmitting it. Although the first dis- agreeable sensation, on holding the breath, makes itself felt in the lungs, yet if we persist in suspending respiration, the feeling of dis- comfort soon spreads to other parts ; and at last, when the accumula- tion of carbonic acid has become excessive, all parts of the body are pervaded by a general feeling of distress. It is easy, therefore, to under- stand why respiration should be retarded, after section of the pneumo- gastrics, since the chief source of the stimulus to respiration is cut off; but the movements still go on, though more slowty than before, because the other sensitive nerves, which continue to act, are in some measure capable of conveying a similar impression. In order that the movements of respiration should go on with the requisite frequency to maintain the aeration of the blood, it is necessary that the pnenmogastric nerves, which are especially endowed with this kind of sensibility, retain their integrity as nervous conductors between the lungs and the medulla oblongata. In this function, they act alto- gether as sensitive nerves; while the muscles of respiration receive their reflex motor stimulus by way of the spinal nerves. Connection with the Respiratory Movements of the Glottis. The respiratory movements of the glottis, already described in a former chapter (p. 277) are essential parts of the mechanism of respiration. They consist in the active opening of the glottis in inspiration, followed by its partial collapse at the time of expiration. The opening of the glottis, which is requisite for the free admission of air into the trachea, is effected by the action of the posterior crico-arytenoid muscles. These muscles, in contracting, rotate the arytenoid cartilages outward, and THE PNEUMOGASTRIC. 563 thus separate the vocal chords from each other and largely increase the transverse diameter of the orifice of the glottis. When they relax at the time of expiration, the arytenoid cartilages return to their former position, and the opening of the glottis is again narrowed by the passive approximation of the vocal chords. As the movements of expansion are accomplished by the action of the laryngeal muscles, they depend upon the influence of the pneumogastric nerve and its inferior laryngeal branch. Both the movements of the glottis in respiration and their dependence upon nervous influence may be seen in the dog by means of an operation which consists in making a dissection along the side of the neck, in such a way as to expose the pharynx and a considerable portion of the oesophagus. The superior laryngeal nerve on that side is necessarily cut across, but the inferior laryngeal, as well as the trunk of the pneu- mogastric, are left uninjured. By a longitudinal incision through the pharynx and oesophagus, the upper and posterior surfaces of the larynx are then exposed, and, notwithstanding the previous division of the superior laryngeal nerve, the alternate movements of expansion and collapse of the glottis are seen going on in their natural order, and keeping pace with the corresponding respiratory movements of the chest. If now the inferior laryngeal nerve be divided upon either the right or the left side, the vocal chord of that side becomes motionless, while that of the opposite side continues to move as before. If the re- maining laryngeal nerve be divided, all movements of expansion in the vocal chords instantly cease ; and the same effect is produced by section of both pneumogastric nerves in the middle of the neck, since the in- ferior laryngeals are given off as branches below that point. If the section of both pneumogastric nerves, or of their inferior laryn- geal branches, be made simultaneously under these circumstances while the breathing is tolerably rapid, the injurious effect of laryngeal paralysis upon respiration at once becomes manifest. Both vocal chords being then deprived of the active control of their muscles, the borders of the rima glottidis are left in a condition of passive flexibility. They have not only lost the power of separating from each other and thus opening the glottis at the time of inspiration, but they are also drawn downward and inward by the current of air passing into the trachea, and thus, like a double membranous valve, they occlude more or less completely the orifice of the glottis, and offer a physical obstacle to the free entrance of the air. In very young animals, where there is but little rigidity of the laryngeal cartilages, the occlusion of the glottis thus produced after section of the inferior laryngeal nerves, may be so complete as to produce immediate death by suffocation ; in adult animals the occlusion is only partial, but is still sufficient to diminish perceptibly the capacity of res- piration. The natural movements of the glottis in breathing are therefore reversed after section of the inferior laryngeal nerves. Before this operation, in the normal condition, the glottis is opened at inspiration 564: THE CRANIAL NERVES. and collapses in expiration ; after the section of the nerves, it is nar- rowed in inspiration and passively opened in expiration by the forcible expulsion of the air. The effects thus produced on the glottis, by division of the inferior laryngeal nerves, are the same with those which take place in the nostrils after division of the facial nerves. Both these sets of movements are connected with the mechanism of respiration, and both are influenced in a similar manner by division of their motor nerves. As the laryngeal muscles are necessarily paralyzed by division of the pneumogastric nerves in the middle of the neck, the effects of this mus- cular paralysis are necessarily added to those which result from in- terruption of the sensitive function of the pneumogastric branches in the lungs. In very young animals, as mentioned above, the effects due simply to laryngeal paralysis are more marked than m adults ; and in order to determine the extent of its influence upon the lungs we have performed a comparative experiment, in the following manner. Two pups were taken belonging to the same litter, and of the same size and vigor, about two weeks old. In one of them (No. 1) a section was made of both pneumogastric nerves in the middle of the neck ; in the other (No. 2), the inferior laryngeal nerves only were divided, the pneumogas- trics being left untouched. In No. 1, therefore, the natural stimulus to respiration was diminished at the same time that the muscles of the larynx were paralyzed ; in No. 2, there was laryngeal paralysis alone, the sensibility to the demand for respiration remaining the same. For the first few seconds after the operation there was but little difference in the condition of the two animals, the laryngeal symptoms being most prominent in both. There was the same obstruction at the glottis owing to paralysis of the lar} r ngeal muscles, the same difficulty of inspiration, and the same frothing at the mouth. Very soon, however, in No. 1, the respiratory movements became quiescent, and at the same time much reduced in frequency, falling to ten, eight, and five respirations per minute, as usual after section of the pneumogastrics ; while in No. 2 the respiration continued frequent as well as laborious, and the general signs of agitation and discomfort were kept up for one or two hours, after which there followed diminished excitability of the nervous centres, and the animal became exhausted, cool, and partially insensible, like the other. They both died between thirt} 7 and forty hours after the opera- tion. On post-mortem inspection it was found that congestion and solidification of the lungs existed to a similar extent in each instance; and the only appreciable difference between the two bodies was that in No. 1 the blood was coagulated, and the abdominal organs natural, while in No. 2 the blood was fluid and the abdominal organs congested. The alteration in the tissue of the lungs, therefore, after the pneumogastric nerves have been divided, is not a direct effect, produced by cutting off the influence of these nerves upon the pulmonary tissue, but results indirectly from the diminished activity of respiration and imperfect aeration of the blood. THE PNEUMOGASTRIC. 565 Protection of the Glottis from the Intrusion of Foreign Substances. The influence of the pneumogastric nerve in the larynx is not confined to its motor action upon the muscles ; it also supplies, by its superior laryngeal branch, a peculiar sensibility to the mucous membrane of these parts, which is essential for the protection of the respiratory passages. In the first place, it stands as a sort of guard, or sentinel, at the entrance of the larynx, to prevent the intrusion of foreign substances. If a crumb of bread fall within the aryteno-epiglottidean folds, or on the edges of the vocal chords, or upon the posterior surface of the epiglottis, the sensibility of the parts excites an expulsive cough, by which the foreign body is dislodged. The impression received and conveyed inward by the sensitive fibres of the superior laryngeal nerve, is reflected upon the expiratory muscles of the chest and abdomen, by which the movements of coughing are accomplished. Touching the above parts with the point of a needle, or pinching them with the blades of a forceps, will produce the same effect. This reaction is dependent on the sensibility of the laryngeal mucous membrane ; and it can no longer be produced after section of the superior laryngeal branch of the pneumogastric nerve. Connection with the Formation of the Voice. In addition to its func- tion in the mechanism of respiration, the larynx is also an organ for the production of vocal sounds. The formation of the voice can be studied in the lower animals by exposing the larynx and glottis. in the manner described above, and in man by the use of the laryngoscope ; that is, a small mirror held at a suitable angle at the back of the pharynx in such a way as to reflect a more or less complete view of the laryngeal orifice. The first important fact to be observed in this respect is that the voice is formed always in expiration, never in inspiration. It is the column of outgoing air which is set in vibration to produce a vocal sound, and which continues and modifies its resonance while passing through the pharynx, mouth, and nasal passages. Secondly, it requires an active tension and close approximation of the vocal chords, so that the orifice of the glottis is narrowed to a comparatively minute crevice. So long as the vocal chords preserve their relaxed condition during expiration, nothing is heard except the faint whisper of the air passing through the cavity of the larynx. When a vocal sound, however, is to be produced, the chords are suddenly made tense and applied closely to each other, thus diminishing considerably the diameter of the orifice : and the air, driven by forcible expiration through the glottis, in passing between the vibrating vocal chords, is itself thrown into vibrations which produce the sound required. The tone, pitch, and intensity of this sound vary with the conformation of the larynx, the degree of tension and approximation of the vocal chords, and the force of expiration. The narrower the opening of the glottis, and the greater the tension of the chords, the more acute the sound ; while a wider opening and a less degree of tension produce a graver note. The quality of the sound is also modified by the length of the column of air included between the glottis and the mouth, the tense or relaxed condition of the walls of the 566 THE CRANIAL NERVES. pharynx and fauces, and the state of dryness or moisture of the mucous membrane lining the passages. The actual formation of the voice, or the production of sonorous vibrations, takes place, therefore, exclusively in the larynx; while articulation, or the division of the vocal sound into words and phrases by vowels and consonants, is accomplished by the aid of the lips, tongue, teeth, and palate. Consequently, division of the pneumogas- tric nerve or of its inferior laryngeal branch on both sides, by para- lyzing the muscles of the larynx which serve to approximate and extend the vocal chords, produces among its other effects a loss of voice. Fur- thermore, as the two functions of vocalization and articulation are accomplished by distinct nervous and muscular actions, they may be deranged independently of each other, by injury or disease of different parts of the nervous system. That of articulation is regulated by the action of the facial and hypoglossal nerves ; while vocalization is under the control of the pneumogastric. Connection with Deglutition. The reflex act of deglutition, which commences in the fauces and pharynx under the control of the glosso- pharyngeal nerve, is continued and completed by the lower portion of the pharynx and the tube of the oesophagus. These parts receive both their sensitive and motor filaments exclusively from the pneumogastric nerve, and it is under its influence that the food, once started upon its downward passage, is conducted by the peristaltic action of the oesoph- agus into the stomach. The inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx and the cervical por- tion of the oesophagus both receive filaments from the inferior laryngeal nerve ; while the thoracic portion of the oesophagus is supplied entirely from the trunk of the pneumogastric. Some fibres are also sent to the inferior constrictor of the pharynx by the superior laryngeal nerve. Deglutition, therefore, becomes incomplete, as shown by the experiments of Bernard upon dogs, horses, and rabbits, by division of the pneumo- gastric nerves in the middle of the neck. The masticated food is still conveyed, by the action of the pharynx, from the fauces into the oesophagus ; but here it accumulates, distending the inert walls of the paralyzed canal, and finding its way into the stomach only in small quantities and by the imperfect effect of compression from above. In the natural condition, the process of swallowing is a connected series of rapidly succeeding contractions, beginning at the fauces and ending at the cardiac orifice of the stomach. Each portion of the mucous membrane receives in turn a stimulus from the contact of the food, which is followed by excitement of the corresponding muscles ; so that the alimentary mass is carried rapidly from above downward by an action which is reflex in character and independent of voluntary control. Section of the pneumogastric nerves destroys at once sensibility and motive power in the whole of the oesophagus, and thus interferes with complete deglutition. There is no doubt that the sensitive nerves of the cesophageal mucous THE PNKUMOGASTRIO. 567 membrane take their shun' in exciting tlui action of its muscular coat. The general sensibility of this canal, however, is very slight, as coin- pared with the parts above, and is not usually sntlicient to cause a perceptible impression from the food in the a.ct of swallowing. Its muscular contraction takes place, as a general rule, without any ell'ect on the consciousness; and it is only when the food is very cold or very hot, or when it contains pungent or irritating ingredients, that it8 passage through the (esophagus produces a distinct sensation. Jt appears that the filaments of the superior laryngeal nerve, dis- tributed about the anterior surface of the epiglottis and borders of the larynx, take an active part in exciting the movements of deglutition. In the experiments of Waller and I'revost on dogs and cats, galvaniza- tion of the superior laryngeal nerve produced, in many repeated trials, rhythmical movements of deglutition, consisting of contraction of the pharynx and elevation of the larynx, followed by peristalt ic motion of the whole length of the oesophagus. All the sensitive fibres of the pneumogMsl.ric, therefore, distributed to the parts concerned in the net of swallowing, undoubtedly assist in exciting the necessary muscular contractions, 1'ntlccfion of Ike Glottis in the act of Deglutition. As the larynx communicates, by its superior orifice, directly with the cavity of the pha- rynx, and as all solids and liquids, in the act of swallowing, necessarily pass over its surface, portions of the food would be constantly liable to find their way through the rima glottidis into the respiratory passages, unless then' were some provision against it. The epiglottis, which stands in front of the glottis ill a nearly upright position, and which shuts down over its orifice like a cover when the base of the tongue is drawn back at the time of deglutition, might seem to be adapted to secure protection in this respect Kxperienee shows, however, that the epiglottis is not essential for the safety of the glottis in deglutition. The entire organ may be cut off in dogs, as we have verified by repeated experiments, without any dif- ficulty being afterward exhibited by the animal in swallowing either liquid or solid food. The epiglottis, furthermore, is an organ which exists only in mammalians, being absent, in all the remaining classes of vertebrate animals. In birds especially, the orifice of the glottis can IK; readily seen on opening the beak, unprotected by anything similar to an epiglottis, and performing the alternate movements of expansion and collapse connected with respiration. Finally, the existence of the epiglottis in man does not prevent foreign substances from passing into the glottis whenever the other conditions of normal deglutition are sus- pended or dist urbed. The protection of the glottis against the entrance of solid or liquid food does not depend upon a mechanical obstacle, but upon a definite association of nervous acts. The first requisite for the act, of swallowing is the sunjHtnuion of respi- ration. This takes place, at the beginning of deglutition, by a nervous influence which it is difficult to describe, but which may be designated 568 THE CRANIAL NERVES. as an "action of arrest." The same nervous impression which excites by reflex action the constrictors of the pharynx, suspends for a time the movements of inspiration. This effect is very perceptible in the ordinary act of swallowing, and was witnessed by Waller and Prevost in many of their experiments on this subject ; galvanization of the central extremity of the superior laryngeal nerve causing immediate relaxation of the diaphragm, with stoppage of its movements. The effect of the arrest of breathing upon the glottis is to prevent the customary opening of its orifice at the time of inspiration. As the res- piratory movements of the glottis are coincident with those of the chest, and are excited and maintained by the same nervous influence, the impression which puts a stop to one suspends the other also. The glot- tis consequently, not being opened at the time the food enters the pharynx, its liability to admit any portion of the alimentary mass is much diminished by the mere fact of its passive condition. But this condition furthermore allows the rima glottidis to be completely closed by the contraction of the inferior constrictor of the pharynx, the most active muscle in the apparatus of deglutition ; since the fibres of this muscle are attached laterally to the external surface and free borders of the thyroid cartilage, and thus compress the larynx on both sides at the moment the food is carried downward by their contraction. It is by this means alone that the glottis is protected in birds and in other animals where the epiglottis is wanting, and it is also the essential part of the same process in man and in mammalians. The accident in which food or foreign substances sometimes gain access to the larynx is always produced by a sudden attempt at in- spiration. This, which cannot take place during deglutition in the ordinary condition of the nervous system, may nevertheless be produced in many instances by an unexpected shock or excitement, which disturbs momentarily the harmonious -co-ordination of the reflex actions. Any sudden impression produces in general, as its first effect, a spasmodic movement of inspiration ; and if this take place while food is contained in the pharynx, a portion of it almost necessarily passes in, together with the current of air, through the widely open orifice of the glottis. Connection with the Stomach and Stomach Digestion. The effect produced upon the stomach and digestion by division of the pneumo- gastric nerve shows that its influence upon this organ is in the main similar to that which it exerts on the oesophagus ; that is, it confers on its mucous membrane a certain sensibility to the presence of food, and provides for the peristaltic action of its muscular coat. After experi- mental section of both pneumogastric nerves in the region of the neck, the sensations of hunger and thirst remain ; the animals often exhibiting a desire for food and drink, and sometimes taking it in considerable quantity, although little, if any, reaches the stomach, owing to the paralysis of the muscular walls of the oesophagus. In the experiments of Bernard on dogs, the secretion of gastric juice was suspended after this operation, and food introduced into the stomach through a gastric THE PNEUMOGASTRIC. 569 fistula remained undigested. But Longet has found that if food be introduced under these circumstances in small quantity, it may cause the secretion of gastric juice, and may be finally digested and absorbed* These results indicate that the functions of secretion and digestion in the stomach are not immediately under the control of the pneumogastric nerve, but that they become deranged after its section and practically suspended, owing to the indirect influence of other causes. On the other hand, the muscular contractions of the organ and the sensibility of its mucous membrane are both directly abolished by division of the pneumogastrics. According to the observations of Bernard, the finger, introduced into the cavity of the stomach through a gastric fistula in the dog, is compressed with considerable force by the walls of the organ ; but this pressure disappears completely if the pneumogastric nerves be divided. The absence of muscular power in the paralyzed stomach is of itself sufficient to account for the failure of digestion when the influence of these nerves has been cut off. The peristaltic action of the organ is essential to the digestive process, in order to bring successive portions of the food in contact with its mu- cous membrane 1 , and to cause the intimate admixture of the gastric juice with all parts of the alimentary mass. The natural movement and agitation of the food, by the action of the muscular coat, is no doubt, also, an important stimulus to the continued secretion of the gastric juice ; and when it no longer takes place, the digestive fluid will necessarily be supplied in smaller quantity. It is evident, therefore, that the pneumogastric nerves supply to the walls of the stomach a certain amount of sensibility and a motor power, which are practically essential to the process of digestion. Influence on the Action of the Heart. The pneumogastric nerve, as already shown, gives off a number of filaments which are destined for the cardiac plexus, and ultimately for distribution in the substance of the heart. One or two of these filaments come from the superior laryngeal branch of the pneumogastric, and immediately join the upper cardiac nerve derived from the superior cervical ganglion of the sympa- thetic. Several others are furnished by the main trunk of the pneumo- gastric in the neck, which inosculate with each other and with the con- tinuation of the upper cardiac nerve. The inferior laryngeal branch, in its reascending course through the lower part of the neck, supplies so many inosculating filaments to the same plexus of cardiac nerves that, according to Cruveilhier, it appears in some instances to be distributed in almost equal proportions to the larynx and to the keart. Finally other small branches are supplied by the pneumogastric in the cavity of the chest, which lose themselves at once in the cardiac plexus proper, beneath the arch of the aorta. All the filaments, accordingly, which are finally distributed to the heart through the cardiac plexus, originate from the sympathetic and the pneumogastric nerves; and the entire group is characterized by the frequent and intimate admixture of the fibres derived from these two sources. A considerable proportion of 37- 570 THE CRANIAL NERVES. the cardiac filaments are, therefore, made up of fibres originally belong- ing to the pneumogastric nerve. The effect produced upon the heart's action by irritating the pneumo- gastric in the region of the neck is precisely the opposite to that usually caused by irritating the nerves going to a muscular organ. This effect may be seen by opening the chest, and exposing the heart to view, at the same time that the pneumogastric nerves are separated from their con- nections in the neck for a sufficient distance to apply to them the poles of a galvano-electric apparatus. In the cold-blooded animals, as the frog or the turtle, no other precaution is required; in the dog and other warm-blooded species, artificial respiration must be maintained by the nozzle of a bellows inserted in the trachea. When a galvano-electric current of moderate strength is applied to the pneumogastric nerves prepared in this way, the cardiac pulsations are reduced in frequency ; and if the current be increased in strength, the heart's action stops altogether, and remains suspended so long as the stimulus continues to be applied to the nerve. When the galvani- zation ceases, the cardiac pulsations recommence ; and the same thing may be repeated for an indefinite number of successive trials. There are two important facts to be noted in regard to these effects of irritating the pneumogastric : 1. When the heart ceases its movements under the galvanization of the nerves, its walls are not in a contracted condition, but in a state of relaxation. Neither are its cavities distended with blood ; but the organ simply remains quiescent, lying at rest without any indication of mus- cular activity. 2. If the pneumogastric nerves be divided at their point of exposure in the middle of the neck, and if the central extremities be galvanized, no effect is produced upon the heart. But if the stimulus be applied to their peripheral extremities, the above phenomena are reproduced, the heart remaining flaccid so long as the galvanization is continued. The effect in question, therefore, is not due to reflex action, but to a direct influence convej^ed through the pneumogastric filaments to the muscu- lar substance of the heart. This conclusion is fully confirmed by the fact that a similar retardation or stoppage of the cardiac pulsations is caused in frogs and turtles by galvanization of the medulla oblongata itself, the pneumogastric nerves remaining entire ; but if the nerves be previously divided, no such effect is produced. On the other hand, division of the pneumogastric nerves, or sudden destruction of the medulla oblongata, causes increased rapidity of the cardiac pulsations. Section of these nerves, accordingly, in the warm-blooded animals, pro- duces opposite effects upon the respiration and the pulse, one being accelerated and the other retarded. According to Bernard, these effects, though opposite in direction, are produced in similar propor- tions ; so that, if the respirations are diminished one-half, the cardiac pulsations are increased to double their former frequency. Thus when the influence of the pneumogastric nerve is cut off, the motions of the THE SPINAL ACCESSORY. 571 heart increase in rapidity, when it is stimulated, they experience a retardation. This influence, exerted upon the heart by the pneumogastric nerve, is of the peculiar kind known as the "action of arrest." Such a power certainly exists in the nervous system, though its nature is not easy of explanation. An instance of it has already been given in the fact, observed b}" Waller and Prevost, of suspension of the movements of the diaphragm by galvanizing the trunk of the superior laryngeal nerve. The natural stoppage of respiration in the act of swallowing, and the relaxation of the sphincters preliminary to the evacuation of the rectum and the bladder, are effected by nervous influences of a similar kind. There are evidently nervous fibres which transmit their stimulus di- rectly to the muscles, and which, in this respect, belong to the category of motor nerves ; but which, when called into activity, instead of ex- citing muscular contraction, serve to moderate or even suspend it. The most palpable instance of this mode of action is that of the pneumogas- tric nerves in their relation with the heart ; but there is evidence that it occurs, in a more obscure manner, in various other parts of the nervous system. Eleventh Pair. The Spinal Accessory. This nerve, which has received its name from the singularity of its origin and subsequent course, consists of filaments which emerge from the side of the cervical portion of the spinal cord, from the level of the fourth or fifth cervical nerve upward (Fig. 179,4). These filaments unite into a slender, rounded cord, which ascends in a vertical direction between the anterior and posterior roots of the cervical spinal nerves, gradually increasing in size from the addition of new root fibres from the spinal cord, to the level of the foramen magnum, where it enters the cranial cavity. Here it receives a new supply of accessory root fibres from the side of the medulla oblongata, which emerge in a continuous line with those of the pneumogastric nerve. The nerve trunk, thus con- stituted by the union of its spinal and its medullary roots, joins the pneumogastric and glossopharyngeal nerves in their passage through the jugular foramen. The central origin of the root fibres of this nerve is a collection of nerve cells situated in the upper portion of the spinal cord and the com- mencement of the medulla oblongata, on the outer and posterior aspect of the anterior horn of gray matter. In the remainder of the medulla, this nucleus is situated farther backward, receding from front to rear with the rest of the gray matter in this part of the nervous centres. At its anterior extremity, it becomes continuous with the nucleus of the pneu- mogastric. From the gray matter of its nucleus, the fibres of the spinal accessory nerve curve downward and outward until they emerge, as above mentioned, in a series of bundles, from the lateral surface of the medulla. While passing through the foramen lacerum, the spinal accessory 572 THE CRANIAL NERVES. becomes adherent externally to the jugular ganglion of the pneumogas- tric, but without taking any part in its formation, except by furnishing one or two small filaments of communication. Immediately upon its exit from the foramen it divides into two main branches; namely, 1st, the internal, or anastomotic branch, which joins the trunk of the pneu- mogastric and becomes more or less intimately blended with it, and 2dly, the external, or muscular branch, which passes downward and outward and is distributed to the sterno-mastoid and trapezius muscles. According to many different observers (Bernard, Cruveilhier, Henle, Longet) the internal or anastomotic branch is made up of nerve fibres coming from the medulla oblongata ; the external or muscular branch consists of those originating from the spinal cord. The spinal accessory is without question a motor nerve. According to the experiments of Longet on dogs, its mechanical irritation in the cranial cavity does not give rise to signs of pain, and although Bernard found evidences of sensibility on galvanizing the uninjured nerve in the same situation, if it were divided and the irritation applied to its central extremity no indications of sensibility were manifest. On the other hand its fibres may be traced in great part directly to their termi- nation in muscular tissues, and its division or evulsion induces effects which consist exclusively in loss of motive power. The most complete method of experimenting upon the effects pro- duced by destruction of this nerve is that first adopted by Bernard, namely, its evulsion, For this purpose, the muscular branch of the nerve is followed by dissection from without to its point of emergence from the jugular canal, where it separates from the anastomotic branch. The combined trunk is then seized between the blades of a forceps, and by a steady and continuous traction the whole of the nerve, witli both its medullary and spinal roots, may be separated from their central attachments and extracted entire. By appropriate variations of the pro- cedure, either the medullary portion with the anastomatic branch, or the cervical portion with the external branch, may be taken away separately, and the comparative effects of the two operations observed. But when the entire trunk is extracted as above, the source of the fibres destined both for anastomosis with the pneumogastric, and for the muscular branch of the nerve, is destroyed at the same time. The most striking effects of this operation are due to paralysis of the internal or anastomotic branch. It is this branch which supplies to the pneumogastric nerve a large share of its motor fibres ; and those espe- cially which form the pharyngeal branch of the pneumogastric nerve, are shown by dissection to be derived from the anastomotic branch of the spinal accessory. According to Cruveilhier, the pharyngeal filament is sometimes given off exclusively from the anastomotic branch of the spinal accessory, sometimes partly from this branch and partly from the pneumogastric itself. Beyond the pharyngeal branch, the fibres of the pneumogastric nerve derived from the spinal accessory can no longer be followed with certainty by means of dissection ; but the results of THE SPINAL ACCESSORY. 573 experiment show that they are finally distributed, through the inferior laryngeal branch, to the muscles of the larynx, where they preside over its actions as a vocal organ. After the spinal accessory nerve has been torn away on both sides in the manner above described, the most noticeable result is a loss of power to produce vocal sounds. The other movements of the larynx are not interfered with. Especially those of respiration go on in a natu- ral manner. But the voice is completely lost, as much so as if the infe- rior laryngeal nerves, or the pneumogastric trunks themselves, had been divided. The difference between the two cases, however, is very impor- tant. Section of the pneumogastrics, or of their inferior laryngeal branches, paralyzes at once all the movements of the glottis, those of respiration as well as those of phonation ; since these nerves contain all the motor fibres distributed to the larynx, except those of the crico-thy- roid muscles. On the other hand, section or evulsion of the spinal accessory nerves paralyzes the movements of phonation alone, namely, those in which the vocal chords are approximated and the rima glottidis narrowed, while it leaves untouched the movements of respiration, in which the vocal chords are separated and the rima glottidis opened. Thus the muscular apparatus of the lar} 7 nx, which is destined to per- form separately two distinct functions, is supplied with motor nerves from two different sources. Those which preside over the production of vocal sounds originate exclusively from the spinal accessory ; those which excite the movements of respiration are derived from the other motor nerves (facial, hypoglossal, cervical) which also inosculate with the pneumogastrics. The special function of the external or muscular branch of the spinal accessory nerve is not so fully understood. The stern o-mastoid and trapezius muscles, to which its fibres are distributed, also receive fila- ments from the cervical spinal nerves ; and they still retain the power of motion after division or evulsion of the spinal accessory on both sides. The sterno-mastoid and trapezius muscles have no such peculiar and easily recognizable mode of action as that of the larynx in the for- mation of the voice ; and consequently it has not been easy to distin- guish with certainty what special movement of these muscles is para- lyzed by division of the spinal accessory, and what remains unaffected. The most plausible conclusions are those derived by Bernard from continued observation of animals preserved for some time after the division of these nerves. According to this explanation, the fibres of the external branch of the spinal accessory, like th6se of the internal branch, perform a func- tion which is antagonistic to the movements of respiration. Respira- tion is naturally suspended in all steady and prolonged muscular efforts. In the acts of straining, lifting, pushing, and the like, respiration ceases, the spinal column is made rigid, and the head and neck are placed in a fixed position largely by the aid of the sterno-mastoid and trapezius 574: THE CRANIAL NERVES. muscles. Such efforts cannot be made with success if the muscles in question are paralyzed. In the lower animals, according to the obser- vations of Bernard, they also take part in the production of a cry, or prolonged vocal sound. If the entire spinal accessory be destroyed, as already shown, the voice is completely abolished by loss of power in the laryngeal muscles. If the external branch alone be divided, the animal can still produce a sound in the larynx ; but this sound cannot be prolonged into a cry, and the voice is confined in duration to the ordinary length of an expiratory movement. Although the animals, furthermore, are not apparently inconvenienced by this operation so long as they remain quiet, any increased exertion, as in running or leaping, causes a want of harmony between the movements of respira- tion and those of the limbs, which results in unusual shortness of breath. The sterno-mastoid and trapezius muscles, like those of the larynx, are therefore animated by two sets of motor nerve fibres. One set, coming from the cervical spinal nerves, provides for all the movements connected with ordinary changes of attitude and locomotion ; the others, derived from the spinal accessory, supply the requisite stimulus for continuous muscular exertion, or for a prolonged vocal sound. Twelfth Pair. The Hypoglossal. The hypoglossal nerve, the motor nerve of the tongue, emerges from the anterior part of the medulla oblongata by a linear series of ten or twelve slender filaments in the furrow between the outer edge of the anterior pyramids and the rounded 'projection of the olivary bodies (Fig. 179,5). The vertical line along which these filaments make their appearance corresponds exactly with the line of origin of the anterior roots of the cervical spinal nerves below ; and the whole external aspect of their anatomical relations resembles that of a motor nerve root. The central origin of the hypoglossal root fibres, according to Clarke, Dean, Kolliker, Henle, and Meynert, is a nucleus of gray matter situated at the posterior part of the medulla oblongata next the median line, at the inferior extremity of the fourth ventricle. This collection of gray matter has an elongated, irregularly cylindrical form, extending longitudinally from about the level of the divergence of the posterior columns upward and forward to that of the auditory nucleus. It is, therefore, parallel in its position with the spinal accessory and pneumo- gastric nuclei, but situated between them and the median line. In transverse sections of the medulla, made successively from below up- ward, this nucleus is first seen (Fig. 180) to be placed immediately about the central canal, which is already approaching the posterior sur- face of the medulla ; and the roots of the nerve run in a curvilinear course downward and outward to their point of emergence. Above this point, after the central canal has opened into the cavity of the fourth ventricle (Fig. 181), the hypologlossal nucleus has itself receded quite to the posterior surface of the medulla, where it occupies THE HYPOGLOSSAL. 575 upon the floor of the fourth ventricle, on each side of the median line, the longitudinal eminence known as the " fasciculus teres." Its root fibres thence run downward through the whole thickness of the medulla 180. *** Xli TRANSVERSE SECTION OP THE HUMAN MEDULLA OBLONG ATA, just belowthe divergence of the posterior columns, and through the inferior extremity of the olivary nucleus. Cc. Central canal. R. Raphe. No. Olivary nucleus. Nh. Nucleus of the hypo- glossal nerve. XII'. Hypoglossal nerve roots. Magnified 8 diameters. (Henle.) at this part, passing for some distance in a nearly vertical plane, and then curving outward, to reach the furrow between the olivary bodies and the anterior pyramids, where they emerge. During the passage of the hypoglossal nerve roots through the medulla oblongata, they pass along the surface of the olivary nucleus, between it and the anterior pyramid, and in great measure between the folds or even through the substance of its convoluted wall. It is shown by Dean 1 that although a direct continuity cannot be made out between the root fibres of the nerve and the stellate cells of the olivary nucleus, yet prolongations of the cells can sometimes be traced for a consider- 1 Gray Substance of the Medulla Oblonsrata and Trapezium. Washing-ton, 1864, p. 36. 576 THE CRANIAL NERVES. able distance upward and inward, in company with the nerve roots, to- ward the hypoglossal nucleus ; and in the sheep, the tracts of fibres con- necting the two nuclei are very evident. According to Henle, in some No xn TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE HUMAN MEDULLA OBLONGATA, through the middle of the hypoglossal nucleus and the olivary body. No. Olivary nucleus. R. Raphe Ngl. Nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Nv. Nucleus of the pneumogastric nerve. Nh. Nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve. IX. Glossopharnygeal nerve roots. XII. Hypoglossal nerve roots. Magnified 8 diameters. (Henle.) transverse sections through the hilum, or opening of the olivary body (Fig. 182), fibres from the hypoglossal nerve roots may be seen bending round the inner border of the nucleus into its interior ; while other fibres emerge in a corresponding manner from the opposite edge of the hilum and continue onward, with the main root-bundles, to the hypoglossal nucleus. Although the details of minute anatomical structure in these parts have not been fully made out, it is evident that a close relation of some kind exists between the gray matter of the olivary bodies and the liypoglossal nucleus and roots. THE HYPOGLOSSAL. 577 Fig. 182. Kolliker regards the roots of the hypoglossal nerves as decussating completely with each other through the raphe, at the level of the nuclei. According to both Clarke and Dean, on the other hand, a portion of the fibres of each root terminate in the corre- sponding nucleus, while an- other portion bend inward and cross the raphe at the median line, decussating with those of the opposite side, Henle describes a few thin bundles of fibres which con- nect the roots of the nerve on each side, at their point of emergence, with the raphe in front of the medulla. It is certain that the hypoglossal, like the other cranial nerves, xn TRANSVERSE SECTION ov THE HTTMA.N MEDULLA OBLONGATA, through the olivary nucleus and root of the hypoglossal nerve. A p. Anterior pyramid. XII. Hypoglossal nerve roor. Magnified 8 diameters. (Henle.) has, in some way, a connec- tion with the opposite side of the brain ; since cases of facial paralysis from cerebral hemor- rhage are often accompanied by paralysis of the tongue on the same side with that of the face, and on the opposite side to that of the lesion. One of the genio-hyo-glossal muscles having lost its power, while the other remains active, if the patient attempts to protrude the tongue in such cases, its point is deviated toward the paralyzed side. After leaving the anterior surface of the medulla oblorigata the fibres of the hypoglossal nerve become parallel with each other, and, passing through the anterior condyloid foramen of the occipital bone, emerge from the skull in the form of a cylindrical cord. Immediately after escaping from the condyloid foramen it presents one or two branches of inosculation with the pneumogastric, at the point where it crosses the track of this nerve. According to Cruveilhier, the dissection of the parts, after maceration in dilute nitric acid, shows distinctly that this inoscula- tion consists of fibres which leave the hypoglossal nerve and join those of the pneumogastric, running with them in a peripheral direction. The hypoglossal nerve then passes downward, nearly to the level of the hyoid bone, where it curves forward, giving filaments to the styloglossal and hyoglossal muscles, and to those immediately beneath the hyoid bone; after which it turns upward, penetrates the tongue from below, inoscu- lates by two or three filaments with the lingual branch of the fifth pair, and is finally distributed to all the muscles of the substance of the tongue. It, therefore, animates not only the lingual muscles proper, but also those which draw the tongue backward and upward (stylo- glossal), and backward and downward (hyoglossal and infra-hyoid mus- 578 THE CRANIAL NERVES. cles). The trunk of the nerve also receives communicating filaments from the first and second cervical spinal nerves, which, according to Cruveilhier, are filaments of reenforcement, accompanying the hypo- glossal nerve toward its peripheral termination. Physiological properties of the Hypoglossal Nerve. The motor char- acter of the hypoglossal nerve is easily established by the results which follow its irritation and division. If the nerve be exposed in the living or recently killed animal at the top of the neck, where it runs parallel to and a little above the hyoid bone, pinching or wounding its fibres, or the application of the galvanic stimulus, produces immediately convul- sive action of the muscles of the tongue. The same effect follows if the trunk of the nerve be divided at this point, and the irritation applied to its peripheral extremity ; showing that the contractions thus produced are not due to reflex action, but to a direct stimulus conveyed through the hypoglossal nerve to the muscular fibres. The excitability of the nerve is consequently beyond question. Whether it possess also any sensitive fibres of its own is not so certain. Longet obtained in this respect only negative results ; the division of the filaments of origin of the nerve, in his experiments on dogs, through the space between the occiput and the atlas, not producing perceptible signs of pain. The trunk of the hypoglossal nerve outside the cranial cavity, certainly pos- sesses some degree of sensibility, according to the testimony of nearly all experimenters ; but this is regarded as derived, like that of other motor nerves, from inosculations beyond its point of origin, especially from those of the first and second cervical spinal nerves near the base of the skull, and from branches of the fifth pair near its terminal distri- bution. Whatever sensibility it may possess is destined only for the muscular substance of the tongue, and not for its mucous membrane; since, in the first place, division of the lingual branch of the fifth pair and of the glossopharyngeal nerve destroys both tactile and gustatory sensibility over the whole surface of the tongue, though the hypoglossal be left untouched ; and secondly, according to the experiments of Lon- get, after division of both hypoglossal nerves in the dog the surface of the tongue, when touched with the point of a needle, evinces its ordinary tactile sensibility, the application of bitter solutions causes signs of dis- gust, and the contact of foreign bodies at the base of the organ excites the action of vomiting. The distinct and uniform result of section of both hypoglossal nerves is a loss of muscular power in the whole substance of the tongue, while its tactile and gustatory sensibilities are preserved. In the experiments of Panizza, confirmed by those of Longet, the animals upon which this operation had been performed were unable to move the tongue in any direction, or even to restore it to its natural position when it was turned back, except by hanging the head downward and shaking it, thus allow- ing the organ to fall forward by its own weight, as a helpless mass. In the movements of the jaws, which were not interfered with, the tongue THE HYPOGLOSSAL. 579 was liable to be caught between the teeth and wounded ; an accident which evidently caused suffering to the animal, thus showing the con- tinued sensibility of the paralyzed organ. Connection of the Hypoglossal Nerve with Mastication and Degluti- tion. Although the movements of the tongue do not take a direct part in mastication, they are yet of essential importance to its accomplish- ment, by bringing successive portions of the food between the teeth and removing those which have already undergone tritu ration. In species where liquids are introduced into the mouth by the act of lapping, this movement becomes also impossible after section of the hypoglossal nerves ; and both liquid and solid food, the latter already reduced to a pulp, must be introduced far backward into the fauces in order to allow of their deglutition. The natural action of the lingual muscles is prac- tically of so much importance that, according to Longet, it requires a great expenditure of time and patience, in animals with paralysis of the tongue from division of the hypoglossal nerves, to supply them with sufficient nourishment for the support of life. Connection of the Hypoglossal Nerve with Articulation. In man, another important function is performed by the tongue as a muscular organ, namely, that of articulation. As the lingual muscles take an important part in the pronunciation of all the consonants except the labials (6, ?n, p} and the labio-dentals (/, v), as well as in that of the vowels a, e, t, and y, their paralysis will necessarily produce a nearly complete incapacity of articulation. In man, disease or injury of the hypoglossal nerve alone is a rare occurrence, and is almost invariably confined to one side. In the glosso-labio-laryngeal paralysis, described in connection with the functions of the medulla oblongata (p. 510), the disease is of central origin, and affects, in various proportions, other muscles as well as those of the tongue. Here, however, according to Hammond, the earliest signs of imperfect action show themselves in the lingual muscles, and when the disease is fully developed the tongue becomes completely paralyzed, and all power of articulation is lost. The hypoglossal nerve, accordingly, though one of the simplest of the cranial nerves in the nature of its physiological endowments, is essential for the expression of ideas by articulate language, and is also important as an aid in the mastication and deglutition of the food. General Arrangement and Mode of Origin of the Cranial Nerves Notwithstanding the apparent irregularity in source and distribution of the cranial nerves, as compared with the spinal, an examination of their internal origin shows that they are arranged on a definite plan, not essentially dissimilar to that of the spinal nerves. The difference between them depends only upon the changed position of the gray substance in the medulla oblongata as compared with that in the spinal cord. When the central canal of the cord opens into the cavity of the fourth ventricle, just above the point of divergence of the posterior columns, the gray matter surrounding it becomes posterior instead of 580 THE CRANIAL NERVES. Fig. 183. central in its position; what corre- sponds to the posterior horns of gray matter in the cord spreading out lateral!}', and what corresponds to the anterior horns following the central canal as it recedes, and at last occupying the middle of the floor of the fourth ventricle, next the median line. All the sensitive and motor cranial nerves take their origin from this layer of gray matter, or its continuation, from the commence- ment of the fourth ventricle to the aqueduct of Sylvius beneath the tu- bercula quadrigemina. The relations of origin between the motor and sen- sitive nerve roots are still preserved. In the spinal cord, the motor roots originate from the anterior horns of gray matter, the sensitive roots from the posterior horns. In the medulla oblongata and tuber annulare, the nuclei of the motor cranial nerves form a series near the median line; those of the sensitive nerves are placed farther outward. A series of sections of the spinal cord, medulla oblongata, and tuber annulare, made in succession from below upward, show that the collections of gray matter, or nuclei, in the medulla oblongata and tuber anuulare, from which the different motor or sensitive nerves take their origin, are not com- pletely disconnected from each other any more than the successive portions of gray matter in the spinal cord; I. Transverse Section of the Tuber Annulare, through the lower border of the pons Varolii. 1. Nucleus of the facial and abducens nerves. 2. Nucleus of the auditory nerve. F. Facial nerve. Ab. Abducens nerve. II. Transverse section of the medulla oblonjata, through the middle of the olivary bodies, and just above the opening of the central canal. 1. Hypoglossal nucleus. 2 Pneumogastric nucleus. H. Hypoglossal nerve. Pn. Pneumogastric nerve. III. Transverse section of the medulla, through the lower end of the olivary bodies, and just below the opening of the central canal. 1. Hypocrlossal nucleus. 2. Pneumogastiic nucleus. H. Hypoglossal nerve. Pn. Pneumogastric nerve. IV. Transverse section of the medulla, through the decussation of the anterior pyramids. Sp. Spinal accessory nerve. V. Transverse section of the spinal cord in the dorsal region, a, a. Anterior nerve roots. p, p. Posterior nerve roots. THE CKANIAL NERVES 581 but at certain points, the gray substance takes on a special degree of development, and presents an abundant collection of nerve cells. These collections are called the "nuclei" of the nerves, on account of their evident importance as points of origin from which the nerve roots can be traced to their points of emergence at the base of the brain. The foregoing diagram shows the changes in external form of the cerebro- spinal axis, and in the position of its gray matter, as examined at differ- ent levels in the cranium and spinal canal. CHAPTEE VII. THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. THE sympathetic system of nerves, when compared with the cerebro- spinal system, presents anatomical peculiarities of arrangement and distribution so distinct and noticeable, that it is naturally regarded as occupying a place by itself. The slender double cord of its main trunk extending throughout the great cavities of the body, the number and scattered position of its ganglia, which are united with each other only by filaments of small size, the frequent and plexiform arrangement of its branches, and the distribution of its terminal fibres to the organs of circulation and nutrition, all form a well marked group of features by which it is easily recognized. But notwithstanding the general im- portance of these characters, the sympathetic nerves and ganglia do not constitute a separate and independent nervous system. Neither the minute structure of their anatomical elements, nor their external con- nections, are essentially different from those of the cerebro-spinal nerves and nervous centres. The sympathetic trunks and branches contain medullated nerve fibres of the same anatomical character as those of the spinal cord and its nerves ; and its ganglia are provided with nerve cells which send off one or more prolongations in the form of nerve fibres. The main peculiarity of intimate structure in the sympathetic nerve fibres is that they are, as a rule, of small diameter, though not smaller than the average of those in the cerebro-spinal nerves. The cells of the sympathetic are also generally of comparatively small size, never, according to Kb'lliker, equalling the largest of those in the gray substance of the spinal cord or the brain ; and they are also charac- terized by the frequency with which they send out only a single pro- longation, thus apparently becoming a source of new fibres. But, on the other hand, the cerebro-spinal system contains both fibres and nerve cells of small as well as large size. The posterior roots of all the spinal nerves have connected with them ganglia which are similar in structure to those of the sympathetic system; the fibres which come from the spinal cord simply passing through them, as shown by the observations of Kolliker, and being joined by other fibres originating from the gray matter of the ganglion itself. The same arrangement exists in the ganglia of the cranial nerves, as, for instance, in the Gasserian ganglion of the fifth pair. Thus all the sensitive and mixed cerebro-spinal nerves contain some fibres of ganglionic origin, in addition to those derived directly from the brain or spinal cord. Furthermore, all the sympathetic ganglia receive filaments of communi- (582) THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. 583 cation from the cerebro-spinal nerves, which, there is every reason to believe, consist of fibres coming from the brain or spinal cord, and pass- ing through the ganglion to form part of the peripheral branches of the sympathetic system. This conclusion is drawn not only from the fact that many of these fibres cannot be shown by microscopic examination either to originate or terminate in the substance of the ganglion, but also from the paralyzing effect produced upon muscular organs supplied with sympathetic fibres, by division of the cerebro-spinal nerve which communicates with its ganglion. This is more particularly shown by the paralysis of the iris following division of the oculomotorius nerve, which gives a motor branch to the ophthalmic ganglion. The numerous branches of communication supplied by the pneumogastric nerve to the cardiac branches of the sympathetic, and to the cardiac plexus itself, afford an equally striking instance of the same kind. The ganglia seated upon the spinal and cranial nerve roots are there- fore undoubtedly analogous, in their anatomical relations, with the detached ganglia of the sympathetic system proper ; and the whole of this system may be considered as made up of a set of nervous centres disseminated throughout the great cavities of the body, and of nervous filaments which both receive fibres from the cerebro-spinal centres, and communicate by some of their own with the cerebro-spinal nerves. All the organs in the body, accordingly, are supplied with fibres from both sources ; the difference consisting in the proportions in which one kind or the other are present in particular parts. The cerebro-spinal nerves are supplied in the greatest abundance, and manifest their most striking properties, in the organs and functions of animal life ; those of the sym- pathetic system preponderate in the organs of vegetative life, and in their influence upon the functions of nutrition, secretion, and growth. Anatomical Arrangement of the Sympathetic System. The sympa- thetic system consists of a double chain of nervous ganglia, running from above downward along the front and sides of the spinal column, and connected with each other by longitudinal filaments. Each gan- glion is reenforced by motor and sensitive fibres from the cerebro-spinal system, and thus the organs under its influence are brought indirectly into communication with external objects and phenomena. Its nerves are distributed to glands and mucous membranes, many of which are destitute of general sensibility, and to muscular parts which are re- moved from the control of the will. The sympathetic ganglia are situated successively in the head, neck, chest, and abdomen; and in each of these regions are connected with special organs by their fibres of distribution. The first sympathetic ganglion in the head is the ophthalmic gan- glion, situated within the orbit of the eye, on the outer aspect of the optic nerve. It communicates by slender filaments with the carotid plexus, and receives a motor root from the oculomotorius nerve, and a sensitive root from the ophthalmic branch of the fifth pair. Its fila- ments of distribution, known as the " ciliary nerves," pass forward upon 584 THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. Fig. 184. the eyeball, pierce the scelerotic, and terminate in the muscular tissue of the iris. The next is the xpheno-palatine ganglion, situated in the spheno- maxillary fossa. It commu- nicates, like the preceding, with the carotid plexus, and receives a motor root from the facial nerve, and a sensi- tive root from the superior maxillary branch of the fifth pair. Its filaments are dis- tributed to the levator palati and uvular muscles, to the mucous membrane of the pos- terior part of the nasal pas- sages, and to that of the hard and soft palate. The third sympathetic gan- glion is the submaxillary ) situated upon the submaxil- lary gland. It communicates with the superior cervical gan- glion of the sympathetic by filaments which accompany the facial and external carotid arteries. It derives its sensi- tive filaments from the lingual branch of the fifth pair, and its motor filaments from the facial nerve, by means of the chorda tympani. Its branches of distribution pass mainly to the subm axillary gland and Wharton's duct. The last sympathetic gan- glion in the head is the otic ganglion. It is situated be- neath the base of the skull, on the inner side of the third division of the fifth pair. It receives filaments of communication from the carotid plexus ; a motor root from the facial by means of the small superficial petrosal nerve, as well as one or two short fibres from the inferior maxillary division of the fifth pair ; and a sensitive root from the glossopharyngeal by the nerve of Jacobson. Its branches are sent to the internal muscle of the malleus in the middle ear (tensor tympani), to the circurnflexus palati, and to the mucous membrane of the tympanum and Eustachian tube. GANGLIA AND NERVES OP THE SYMPA- THETIC SYSTEM. THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. 585 The continuation of the sympathetic nerve in the neck consists of two and sometimes three ganglia, the superior, middle, and inferior. These ganglia communicate with each other, and also with the anterior branches of the cervical spinal nerves. Their filaments follow the course of the carotid artery and its branches, and are distributed to the substance of the thyroid gland, and to the walls of the larynx, trachea, pharynx, and oesophagus. By the superior, middle, and inferior cardiac nerves they also supply sympathetic fibres to the cardiac plexus, and, through it, to the substance of the heart. In the chest, the sympathetic ganglia are situated on each side the spinal column, just over the heads of the ribs. Their communications with the spinal nerves in this region are double ; each ganglion receiving two filaments from the intercostal nerve next above it. The filaments originating from the ganglia are distributed upon the thoracic aorta, and to the lungs and oesophagus. In the abdomen, the continuation of the sympathetic S3 7 stem consists mainly of the aggregation of ganglionic enlargements situated upon the coeliac artery, known as the semilunar or cceliac ganglion. From this ganglion a multitude of radiating and inosculating branches are sent out, which, from their common origin and their diverging Bourse, are termed the " solar plexus." From this, other plexuses originate, which accom- pany the abdominal aorta and its branches, and are distributed to the stomach, small and large intestine, spleen, pancreas, liver, kidneys, supra-renal capsules, and internal organs of generation. Beside the above ganglia there are in the abdomen four other pairs, situated in front of the lumbar vertebrae. Their filaments join the plexuses radiating from the semilunar ganglion. In the pelvis, the sympathetic system is continued by four or five pairs of ganglia, situated on the anterior aspect of the sacrum, and terminat- ing, at the lower extremity of the spinal column, in the u ganglion impar," which is probably to be regarded as a fusion of two separate ganglia. The entire sympathetic series is thus composed of numerous small ganglia connected throughout, first with each other; secondly, with the cerebro-spinal system ; and thirdly, with the viscera. Physiological Properties of the Sympathetic Ganglia and Nerves. The properties and functions of the sympathetic nerves have been less successfully studied than those of the cerebro-spinal system, owing, perhaps, to the anatomical difficulties in the way of reaching and ope- rating upon them for purposes of experiment The principal part of the sympathetic S3^stem is situated in the interior of the chest and abdo- men ; and the mere opening of these cavities, to reach the ganglionic centres, causes such a disturbance in the functions of vital organs, and such a shock to the system fit large, that the results of these experiments are liable to be more or less unsatisfactory, The connections of the sym- pathetic ganglia with each other and with the cerebro-spinal axis are so numerous and scattered, that these ganglia cannot be completely isolated without resorting to a still more extensive operation. And finally, the 38 586 THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. sensible phenomena obtained by experimenting on the sympathetic nerves are, in many cases, slow in making their appearance, and not particularly striking or characteristic in their nature. Notwithstanding these difficulties, however, some facts have been ascertained with regard to this part of the nervous system, which give a certain degree of insight into its character and functions. Influence on Movement and Sensibility. The sympathetic system is endowed both with sensibility and the power of exciting motion ; but these properties are less active than in the cerebro-spinal system, and are exercised in a different manner. If we irritate a sensitive spinal nerve in one of the limbs, or apply the galvanic current to its posterior root, the evidences of pain or of reflex action are decisive and instanta- neous. There is no appreciable interval between the application of the stimulus and the sensation which results from it. On the other hand, in experiments upon the sympathetic ganglia and nerves, evidences of sensibility are also manifested, but much less acutely, and only after somewhat prolonged application of the irritating cause. These results correspond with what we know of the physiological properties of the organs supplied by the sympathetic system. These organs are insen. sible, or nearly so, to ordinary impressions. We are not conscious of the changes going on in them, so long as the} 7 retain a normal character. But they are still capable of perceiving unusual or excessive irritations, and may even give rise to acute pain when in a state of inflammatory alteration. There is the same peculiar character in the action of the motor nerves belonging to the sympathetic system. If the facial or hypoglossal, or the anterior root of a spinal nerve, be irritated, the convulsive movement which follows is instantaneous, spasmodic, and momentary in duration. But if the semilunar ganglion or its nerves be subjected to a similar experiment, no immediate effect is produced. It is only after a few seconds that a slow, vermicular, progressive contraction takes place in the corresponding part of the intestine, which continues for some time after the exciting cause has been removed. Morbid changes taking place in organs supplied by the sympathetic present a similar peculiarity in their production. If the body be exposed to cold and dampness, congestion of the kidneys shows itself perhaps on the following day. Inflammation of any internal organ is rarely estab- lished within twelve or twenty-four hours after the application of the exciting cause. The internal processes of nutrition, together with their derangements, which are more especially under the control of the sym- pathetic, require a longer time to be influenced by incidental causes, than those which are regulated by the cerebro-spinal system. Connection with the Special Senses. In the head, the sympathetic has an important connection with the special senses. This is noticeable more particularly in the case of the eye, in the influences regulating the expansion and contraction of the pupil. The ophthalmic ganglion sends off a number of ciliary nerves, distributed to the iris, and receives a THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. 587 motor root from the oculomotorius. The reflex action, by which the pupil contracts under the influence of light and expands under its diminution, takes place, accordingly, through this ganglion. The impres- sion conveyed by the optic nerve to the tubercula quadrigemina, and reflected outward by the fibres of the oculomotorius, is not transmitted directly by the last named nerve to the iris ; but passes first to the ophthalmic ganglion, and is thence conveyed to its destination by the ciliary nerves. The reflex movements of the iris exhibit consequently a somewhat sluggish character, which indicates the intervention of the sympathetic system. The changes in the size of the pupil do not take place instan- taneously with the variation in the amount of light, but require an appreciable interval of time. If we suddenly pass from a light into a dark room, we are unable to distinguish surrounding objects until a certain time has elapsed, and the expansion of the pupil has taken place ; and vision even continues to grow more distinct for a consider- able period afterward, as the expansion of the pupil becomes more com- plete. If we cover the eyes of another person with the hand or a folded oloth, and then suddenly expose them to the light, we can see that the pupil, which is at first dilated, contracts somewhat rapidly to a certain extent, and afterward continues to diminish in size for several seconds, until its equilibrium is fairly established. Furthermore, if we pass sud- denly from a dark room into bright sunshine, we are immediately con- scious of a painful impression in the eye, which results from the inability of the pupil to contract with sufficient rapidity. All such exposures should therefore be made gradually, in order that the movements of the iris may keep pace with the varying quantity of stimulus, and thus protect the eye from injurious impressions. The reflex movements of the iris, though accomplished through the medium of the ophthalmic ganglion, derive their original stimulus, through the motor root of this ganglion, from the oculomotorius nerve. For if the oculomotorius nerve be divided between the brain and the eyeball, the pupil becomes sensibly dilated, and loses in great measure its power of contracting under the influence of light. The motive power, originally derived from the brain, is, therefore, modified by passing through the ophthalmic ganglion before reaching its destination in the iris. Three organs of special sense, the eye, the nose, and the ear, are each provided with two sets of muscles, superficial and deep, which regulate the quantity of stimulus admitted to the organ and the mode in which it is received. The superficial set is animated by branches of the facial nerve ; the deep-seated or internal set, by filaments from a sympathetic ganglion. Thus, the front of the eyeball is protected by the orbicularis and levator palpebrse superioris muscles, which open or close the eyelids at will, and allow a larger or smaller quantity of light to reach the cornea. These muscles are supplied by the oculomotorius and facial nerves, arid 588 THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. are mainly voluntary in their action. The iris, on the other hand, is a deep-seated muscular curtain, which regulates the quantity of light admitted through the pupil. It is supplied by filaments from the oph- thalmic ganglion, and its movements are involuntary. Division of the sympathetic nerve in the middle of the neck has a marked effect on the muscular apparatus of the eye. Within a few seconds after this operation has been performed upon the cat, the pupil of the corresponding eye becomes contracted, and remains in that con- dition. At the same time the third Fig. 185. .. . t . t . eyelid, or " nictitating membrane," with which these animals are pro- vided, is drawn partially over the cornea, and the upper and lower eyelids also approximate to each other; so that all the apertures guarding the eyeball are percep- tibly narrowed, and the expression of the face on that side is altered in a corresponding degree. This effect has been explained by sup- posing the circular fibres of the OAT, after section of the right sympathetic. . . , . , , iris, or the constrictors, to be ani- mated by filaments derived from the oculomotorius, and the radiating fibres, or the dilators, to be supplied by the sympathetic; so that, while division of the oculomotorius would produce dilatation of the pupil by paralysis of the circular fibres only, division of the sympathetic would be followed by exclusive paralysis of the dilators, and consequently by contraction of the pupil. This explanation, however, is not entirely satisfactory ; since, after division of the sympathetic nerve in the cat, not only is the pupil contracted, but both the upper and lower eyelids and the nictitating membrane are also drawn partially over the cornea, and assist in excluding the light. The last-named effect cannot be owing to direct paralysis, from division of the fibres of the sjonpathetic. It is more probable that the section of this nerve operates by exaggerat- ing for a time the sensibility of the retina, owing to vascular congestion; and that the partial closure of the eyelids and pupil is a consequence of that condition. In the olfactory apparatus, the superficial set of muscles are the com- pressors and elevators of the alee nasi, which are animated by filaments of the facial nerve. By their action, odoriferous vapors are snuffed up and directed into the upper part of the nasal passages, where they come in contact with the sensitive portions of the olfactory membrane ; or, if too pungent or disagreeable in flavor, are excluded from entrance. These muscles are not very important in the human species ; but in many of the lower animals, as in the carnivora, they play a very im- portant part in the mechanism of olfaction. Furthermore, the levators and depressors of the velum palati, which are deep-seated, serve to open THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. 589 or close the posterior nares, and accomplish a similar office with the muscles already named in front. The levator palati and uvular muscles are supplied by filaments from the spheno-palatine ganglion, and are involuntary in character. The ear has two sets of muscles, similarly supplied. The superficial set are those attached to the external ear. They are comparatively inactive in man, but in many of the lower animals are well developed and important. In the horse, the deer, the sheep, and various other species, they turn the ear in different directions to catch more distinctly feeble sounds, or to exclude those which are disagreeable. These mus- cles are supplied by filaments of the facial nerve, and are voluntary in their action. The deep-seated set are the muscles of the middle ear. Sounds are transmitted to the middle ear through the membrane of the tympanum, which may be made more or less sensitive to sonorous impressions by varying its condition of tension or relaxation. This condition is regu- lated by the two muscles of the middle ear, namely, the tensor tympani and the stapedius. The first named muscle is supplied with nervous filaments from the otic ganglion of the sympathetic. By its contraction, the handle of the malleus is drawn inward, bringing the membrana tym- pani with it, and thus increasing its tension. On the relaxation of the muscle, the chain of bones returns to its ordinary position, and the pre- vious condition of the tympanic membrane is restored. This action, so far as we can judge, is purely involuntary. The stapedius muscle, on the other hand, is supplied by a branch of the facial nerve (p. 549). It is probable that its contraction serves to relax the membrana tympani, and enables us to make a certain degree of voluntary exertion in listen- ing for faint or distant sounds. Connection with the Circulation. Perhaps the most important fact concerning the sympathetic S3 r stem is that of its influence over the vascularity of the parts supplied by it. In the first place, division of the sympathetic trunk produces a vascular congestion in the corre- sponding parts. If this nerve be divided, in any of the warm-blooded quadrupeds, in the middle of the neck, a vascular congestion of all parts of the head, on the corresponding side, immediately follows. This con- gestion-is most distinctly evident in the rabbit, in the thin and trans- parent ears; and within a few minutes after the operation, the difference in their appearance on the two sides is strongly pronounced. All the vessels of the ear on the affected side become turgid with blood ; and many which were before imperceptible, are distinctly apparent. This effect, which was first pointed out by Bernard, and has been observed by many other experimenters, we have often verified. It lasts for a con- siderable time, and may even be very distinct at the end of three weeks. It remains longer when a portion of the nerve has been cut out, or the cervical ganglion extirpated, than when its filaments have been simply divided by a transverse section. It finally disappears when the separated filaments have reunited and regained their functional activity. 590 THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. The vascular congestion thus produced by division of the sympathetic nerve is accompanied by three important phenomena, all intimately con- nected with each other. First, the quantity of blood circulating in the part is increased, and its movement accelerated. It is not a state of passive congestion ; but all the vessels are simultaneously dilated, a larger quantity of blood passes through the capillaries in a given time, and returns by the veins in greater abundance than before. Secondly, there is a remarkable elevation of temperature in the affect- ed part. This elevation of temperature is very perceptible to the touch, both in the ear and in the integument of the corresponding side of the head. Measured by the thermometer, it has been found by Bernard to reach, in some cases, 4.5 or 5 degrees (8 or 9 F.). It results from the increased quantity of blood circulating in the vessels ; since the blood coming from the interior and warmer parts of the body supplies more heat, in proportion to the abundance and rapidity with which it traverses the vascular tissues. Thirdly, the color of the venous blood becomes brighter. This effect is also due to increased rapidity of the circulation. The blood is de- prived of its oxygen and darkened in color by the changes of nutrition which take place in the tissues. But if the rapidity of the circulation be suddenly increased, a certain proportion of the blood escapes deoxi- dation, and its change in color, from arterial to venous, is incomplete. The blood accordingly returns by the veins of the affected part in greater abundance, of a higher temperature, and of a more ruddy color, than in the corresponding parts on the opposite side. When a local vascular congestion has thus been produced by divi- sion of the sympathetic nerve, if that portion of the divided nerve which remains in connection with the tissues be galvanized, all the above effects rapidly disappear ; the bloodvessels of the ear and corresponding side of the head contract to their previous dimensions, the quantity of blood circulating through the tissues is diminished, the temperature is reduced in a corresponding degree, and the blood in the veins returns to its ordinary dark color. The variations in the rapidity of the circu- lation, dependent on the condition of the sympathetic nerve, have been shown by Bernard' in the following manner. In a living rabbit the upper part of one ear is cut off with a pair of very sharp scissors, so that the blood may escape in jets from the divided ends of the small arteries. The force and height of the arterial jets having been observed, the sym- pathetic nerve is then divided in the middle of the neck on the corre- sponding side Immediately the blood escapes from the wounded ear in greater abundance, and the arterial jets rise to double or even triple their former height. The galvanic current is then applied to the di- vided extremity of the sympathetic, above the point of section, when the streams of blood escaping from the wound diminish or disappear ; but 1 Journal de la Physiologie de 1'Uomme et des Animaux. Paris, 1862, p. 397. THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. 591 they recommence and again increase in intensity so soon as the gal- vanization of the nerve is suspended. The same author has shown that a similar influence is exerted by the sympathetic nerve upon the circulation in the limbs. 1 If the lumbar nerves of one side be divided, in the dog, within the cavity of the spinal canal, paralysis of motion and sensibility is produced in the correspond- ing limb, but there is no change in its vascularity or temperature ; while if the lumbar portion of the sympathetic be divided or excised, without disturbing the spinal nerves, all the signs of increased temperature and activity of the circulation are manifested in the limb below, without loss of motion or sensibility. Exsection of the first thoracic ganglion of the sympathetic produces similar effects in the anterior extremity ; and these effects are diminished or suspended by electric irritation of the divided nerve. Division of the sympathetic nerve, accordingly, produces dilatation of the bloodvessels and consequent increased rapidity of the circula- tion, and causes the blood to retain its red color in the veins ; while gal- vanization of the same nerve produces contraction of the vessels, dimin- ishes the quantity of the circulating fluid, and causes the change in color of the blood, from arterial to venous. The same thing takes place in the glandular organs. If the submax- illary or parotid gland be exposed in the living animal, 2 so long as the gland is in its ordinary condition the blood passing through it is seen to undergo the usual changes, and returns dark colored by the veins. But if the sympathetic filament which accompanies the external carotid artery be divided, the quantity of blood flowing through the gland is at once increased, and appears of a red color in the veins. The same changes occur when the gland is excited to secretion by stimulating the organs of taste. An apparent antagonism exists, in regard to the circulation, between the sympathetic nerve and those derived from the cerebro-spinal system. If the chorda tympani, which sends filaments to the submax- illary ganglion, be galvanized, it causes an excitement of the secretion 3 in the submaxillary gland, increased activity of the circulation, and a red color of the blood in the veins. The division of this nerve is followed by a contrary result. The effects produced, therefore, by galvanization of the chorda tympani are those produced by division of the sympa- thetic ; and the effects produced by galvanizing the sympathetic are those which follow division of the chorda tympani. The vascularity of the parts, accordingly, as well as the glandular activity of vascular organs, are under the control of the nervous system. The filaments of the sympathetic nerve accompany everywhere the blood- vessels, enveloping the arterial branches with an abundant plexus, and 1 Journal de la Physiologic de PHomme et des Animaux. Paris, 1862, p. 397. 2 Bernard, Legons sur les Liquides de I'Organisme. Paris, 1859, tome i. p. 230. 9 LeQons sur les Liquides de 1'Organisme. Paris, 1859, tome i. p. 312. 592 THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM. following them to their minutest ramifications. They appear to act by causing a contraction in the organic muscular fibres of the small arteries, thus regulating the resistance of the vessels, and the' passage of the blood through them. When the sympathetic nerve is excited, the vessels contract, the blood passes through them slowly, and is fully converted, during its passage, into venous blood. When the influence of this nerve is diminished or suspended, the vessels dilate, and the blood, passing through them with greater rapidity, is not completely changed from the arterial to- the venous condition. Connection with Reflex Actions. The influence of the sympathetic nerve upon the thoracic and abdominal viscera has been only imperfectly investigated. It undoubtedly serves as a medium of reflex action between the sensitive and motor portions of the digestive, excretory, and gene- rative apparatus ; and it is certain that it takes part in reflex actions in which the cerebro-spinal system is also interested. There are accord- ingly three different kinds of reflex action, taking place wholly or par- tially through the sympathetic system, which may occur in the living body. 1. Reflex actions taking place from the internal organs, through the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal systems, to the voluntaiy muscles and sensitive surfaces. The convulsions of children are often due to the irritation of undigested food in the intestinal canal. Attacks of indi- gestion may also produce temporary amaurosis, double vision, stra- bismus, and even hemiplegia. Nausea, and a diminished or capricious appetite, are prominent symptoms of early pregnancy, induced by the condition of the uterine mucous membrane. 2. Reflex actions taking place from the sensitive surfaces, through the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic systems, to the involuntary muscles and secreting organs. Exposure of the integument to cold and wet is often a determining cause of diarrhoea. Mental and moral impressions, excited through the special senses, will affect the motions of the heart, and disturb the acts of digestion and secretion. Terror, or an absorb- ing interest of any kind, will produce dilatation of the pupil, and com- municate in this way an unusual expression to the eye. Disagreeable sights or odors, or even unpleasant occurrences, are capable of hastening or arresting the menstrual discharge, or of inducing premature delivery. 3. Reflex actions taking place, through the sympathetic system, from one part of the internal organs to another. The contact of food with the mucous membrane of the intestine excites a peristaltic movement in its muscular coat. The mutual influence of the digestive, urinarj', and internal generative organs upon each other is exerted through the medium of the sympathetic ganglia and nerves. The variations of the capillary circulation in different abdominal viscera, corresponding with the activity or repose of their associated organs, are due to a similar nervous influence. These phenomena are not accompanied by conscious sensation, nor by any apparent intervention of the cerebro-spinal system. CHAPTEE VIII. THE SENSES. THE senses are the endowments by which we perceive the physical properties of external objects and the phenomena produced by their various reactions, such as solidity, pressure, smoothness or inequality of surface, temperature, light, sound, and sapid and odoriferous qualities. All our information with regard to the objects of nature is obtained through these channels, which are consequently the primitive source of all conscious relation with the external world. Sensation alone in- dicates merely the perception of some impression derived from without, whatever may be its nature. The senses, on the other hand, form so many subdivisions of the main function, each of which is devoted to the perception of a particular class of physical properties or reactions. They are divided into five different groups, namely : 1. General sensi- bility. 2. The sense of taste. 3. The sense of smell. 4. The sense of sight. 5. The sense of hearing. General Sensibility. General sensibility is that by which we appreciate the simpler physi- cal properties of external objects, such as their consistency, roughness or smoothness of surface, temperature, and mass. It is so called be- cause it is generally diffused over the external integument, beside being present in most of the mucous membranes near the surface. Notwith- standing that this endowment includes the power of perceiving several different kinds of impression, they are all, so far as we know, communi- cated to the perceptive centres by the same nerves ; and the grade of sensibility for all varies, as a general rule, in the same direction and to the same degree in different parts of the body. The sensations thus produced, though presenting some peculiarities by which they may be distinguished from each other, are therefore naturally comprised under the single head of general sensibility. Sensations of Touch. This is, perhaps, the least complicated form of sensory impression, and is known as "tactile sensibility." It is produced by the simple contact of a foreign body with the sensitive surface, and gives information as to its solidity, its external configura- tion, and its indifferent or irritating qualities. Although there is a certain variety in these impressions, yet they evidently belong to the same group, and there is no essential difference in the effect produced by the contact of sharp-pointed instruments, and that caused by irri- tating substances, like mustard, applied to the skin, the continuous or (593) 594 THE SENSES. interrupted galvanic current, pungent liquids placed upon the tongue, or pungent vapors in the nasal passages. These are all impressions of tactile sensibility, and depend upon a similar irritation- of the peripheral nervous extremities. The structures especially devoted to the exercise of tactile sensibility are minute bulbous organs developed upon the terminal extremities of the nerve fibres in the papillae of the skin and adjacent mucous mem- branes, in each of which two situations they present certain distinguish- ing features, though their essential character is the same in both. In the skin, these organs are known as the tactile corpuscles. They are elongated oval bodies, measuring, according to Kolliker, about -^ of a millimetre in length by ^ of a millimetre in thickness. They are situated in the substance of certain of the papillae, with their long axes placed longitudinally, and extending nearly to the free extremity of the organ. They are not to be found in all of the papillae, since even at the end of the index finger, where they are most abundant, according to the observations of Meissner, not more than one papilla in four is pro- vided with a tactile corpuscle. The papillae containing the corpuscles are not supplied with bloodvessels ; while the remainder, constituting the large majority, contain capillary blood- vessels, but no tactile corpuscles. The tactile corpuscle itself consists, 1st, of a sheath, ex- hibiting a number of transverse nuclei, and considered as representing a form of connec- tive tissue; 2d, of an inclosed mass of trans- parent, homogeneous material ; and, 3d, of one or two medullated nerve fibres, which pass upward from the superficial plexus of the skin through the substance of the papilla, reach the tactile corpuscle, wind round it in a spiral direction toward its apex, and finally, losing their medullary layer, terminate in some man- r <* 7* disti "'y ascertained. Tactile puscie and nerve fibres. (Koi- corpuscles have been found, in man, upon the dorsal and palmar surfaces of the hand and foot, upon the nipple, and upon the anterior part of the forearm. As their abundance in these different regions corresponds with the local acuteness of sensibity, they are undoubtedly to be regarded as the special organs of touch, though not perhaps the only form of nerve structure capable of exercising this function. In the conjunctiva, the red portion of the lips, the tongue, the sub- lingual mucous membrane, and the glans penis, the organs of touch are constituted by the terminal bulbs of the nerve fibres in these regions. These organs differ from the tactile corpuscles mainly in their smaller size and the greater simplicity of their structure. In man, according to Kolliker, they are for the most part nearly spherical in form, though in the inferior animals they are often elongated and club-shaped. They GENERAL SENSIBILITY. 595 consist of a very thin, external envelope of connective tissue, inclosing, as in the tactile corpuscle, a mass of homogeneous or finely granular substance. The medullated nerve fibre which penetrates the bulb, loses its medullary layer at its entrance, and runs through the central homo- geneous substance, to terminate by a free extremity near its apex. Both the tactile corpuscles and the terminal bulbs are therefore anatomi- cal forms, in which the axis cylinder of the sensitive nerve fibre termi- nates, after divesting itself of its medullary layer. The tactile sensibility varies considerably in different regions of the integument. The best method of appreciating this variation is that adopted by Weber and Valentin. It consists in applying to different parts the points of a pair of compasses, tipped with suitable pieces of cork. If these points be applied to the skin when fixed at very short distances apart, the two sensations cannot be accurately distinguished from each other but are blended into one ; and the impression thus pro- duced is that of a single contact. The minimum distance at which the two points can be distinguished by the integument thus becomes a measure of its sensibility at that spot. The observations of Valentin, 1 which are the most varied and complete in this respect, give the follow- ing as the limits of distinct perception in different regions : DISTANCE AT WHICH TWO POINTS MAY BE SEPARATELY DISTINGUISHED. At the tip of tongue 1.00 millimetre. " palmar surface of tips of fingers . . 1.50 " " " of second phalanges . 3.24 " of first phalanges . . 3.44 " dorsum of tongue 5.22 " " dorsal surface of fingers ... 8.12 " cheek 9.46 back of hand 14.50 skin of throat 17.27 dorsum of foot 26.10 " front of sternum 33.07 " middle of back 50.43 This method does not necessarily give an absolute measure of tho aculeness of sensibility in the different regions, since the two points might be less easily distinguished from each other in any one region, and yet the absolute amount of sensation produced might be as great as in the surrounding parts; but it undoubtedly affords an accurate estimate of the delicacy of tactile sensation, by which we distinguish slight inequalities in the surface of solid bodies. There is every reason to believe that the two qualities of delicacy and acuteness of local sensi- bility correspond with each other in their degree of development in various localities; since the regions where tactile sensibility is most delicate are frequently found to be also those where the amount of sensation is the greatest. A feeble galvanic current msy be perceived 1 In Todd's Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. iv., article on Touch. 596 THE SENSES. when applied to the tips of the fingers, though it will produce no impres- sion on the rest of the limbs or trunk ; and one which is too faint to be distinguished by the fingers may be perceptible at the tip of the tongue. Certain parts of the body, furthermore, are especially well adapted for use as organs of touch, not only on account of their acute sensibility, but also owing to their conformation and mobility. In man, the hands are the most favorably constructed for this purpose, by the numerous articulations and varied power of movement of the fingers, b} r wMch they may be applied to solid surfaces of any form, and brought succes- sivelj T in contact with all their irregularities and depressions. We are thus enabled to obtain the most precise information as to the texture, consistency, and configuration of foreign bodies. But the hands are not the exclusive organs of touch, even in man, and in the lower animals the function is mainly performed by other parts. In the cat and in the seal, the long bristles seated upon the lips are used for this purpose, each bristle being connected at its base with a nervous papilla ; and in the elephant the end of the nose, which is developed into a flexible and sensitive proboscis, is employed as the principal organ of touch. This function, therefore, may be performed by one part of the body or another, provided the accessory organs be developed in a favorable manner. About the head and face, the sensibility of the skin is principally de- pendent upon branches of the fifth pair. In the neck, trunk, and extre- mities it is due to the sensitive fibres of the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar spinal nerves. It exists, to a considerable extent, in the mucous mem- branes of the mouth and nose, and of other passages leading to the in- terior. The sensibility of the mucous membranes is most acute in parts supplied by branches of the fifth pair, namely, the conjunctiva, anterior part of the nares, inside of the lips and cheeks, and the anterior two- thirds of the tongue. The tactile sensibility, which is resident in the skin and in a certain portion of the mucous membranes, diminishes in degree from without inward, and disappears altogether in the internal organs which are not abundantly supplied with nerves from the cerebro- spinal sj'stem. While the general sensibility of the skin, and of the mucous mem- branes, varies in acuteness in different parts of the bod3 r , it is every- where the same in kind. The tactile sensations produced by the con- tact of a foreign body are of the same nature, whether they be felt by the tips of the fingers, the dorsal or palmar surfaces of the hands, the lips, cheeks, or any other part of the integument. Their only difference is in the intensity and distinctness of the impressions produced. The appreciation of the weight or mass of a foreign body is obtained from the degree of pressure which it causes upon the integument, when supported by the hand or other part of the body. It does not appear that any other kind of sensation is necessary for this purpose, although we generally also employ, in estimating a weight, the degree of muscular effort required to sustain it. If the hand, however, be rested upon some GENEKAL SENSIBILITY. 597 solid support, and the foreign body placed upon it, its weight is then appreciated solely by the amount of pressure which it causes. The sensation of muscular contraction is itself a result, so far as we can judge, of the physical impression produced upon the sensitive nerve fibres in the muscular tissue ; and there is nothing to indicate that it differs essentially from that caused by pressure upon the nerves of the integument. Sensations of Temperature. The appreciation of temperature is also most highly developed, as a general rule, in those parts which have the greatest share of tactile sensibility. The difference in this respect be- tween the integument of the face and that of the scalp is very marked ; since hot applications may be readily borne upon the scalp, which would be nearly or quite intolerable upon the face. The extent of surface ex- posed to a given temperature has also an influence upon the effect pro- duced, and a moderate degree of either warmth or cold applied over a considerable portion of the skin is much more readily perceived than if confined to a limited region. There is evidence that the impres- sions of temperature and those of touch, if transmitted by the same fibres, depend upon two different forms of nervous excitation, or are received by different peripheral nervous structures ; since abundant instances have been observed in which one of these two kinds of sensi- bility was impaired independently of the other. In various forms of paralysis, tactile sensibility may be lost while that of temperature re- mains ; or, on the other hand, the power of appreciating temperatures may disappear while impressions of contact continue to be perceived. 1 Sensations of Pain. The sense of pain is different in character from that caused by tactile impressions or by variations in temperature. It is caused by any exaggerated mechanical irritation or by the application of excessive heat or cold ; but in all these instances, when the intensity of the impression rises above a certain point, the ordinary perceptions produced by it disappear, and that of pain takes their place. Thus if the blade of a knife or the point of a needle be placed gently in contact with the skin, we perceive, by means of tactile sensibility, the character and form of its surface. But if the pressure be increased beyond a cer- tain degree, or if the integument be actually wounded, we obtain no pre- cise information of the physical qualities of the foreign body, and are only conscious of the pain which results. The appreciation of cold or warmth, in like manner, is only possible within moderate limits ; and when the variations are so excessive as to produce pain, all accurate perception of the degree of temperature is lost. The contact of a red- hot iron and that of one much below the freezing point of water produce sensations which are not essentially different from each other, and which are marked only by their painful character. It is not known whether the sensation of pain be confined to nerve 1 Brown-Sequard, Physiology and Pathology of the Central Nervous System. Philadelphia, 1860, pp. 84, 98, 125. 598 THE SENSES. fibres which are distinct from those endowed with other forms of general sensibility, but it is certain that it may be preserved or lost independently of the other varieties. The anaesthesia which is produced by the inha- lation of ether or chloroform may be carried to such a point that the capacity for feeling pain is abolished, while tactile sensibility remains ; so that the wounds caused by puncturing or cutting instruments may be felt, though unaccompanied by any sense of suffering. Similar ob- servations have been made in cases of paralysis where, it is well known, the patient may perceive the contact of foreign bodies or the prick of a pin, but at the same time may not experience from them any painful sensation ; or, on the other hand, the sense of pain may persist in the affected parts, while that of touch is diminished or lost. 1 Notwith- standing this apparent independence of the immediate conditions neces- sary for the sensation of pain, it is transmitted by fibres of the same nerves, belonging to the cerebro-spinal system, which convey ordinary impressions ; and nerves which are endowed with the most acute tactile sensibility, like the branches of the fifth pair, are also capable, when irritated by injury or disease, of giving rise to the severest painful im- pressions. Mode of Action of the Senses in general. There are certain facts connected with the exercise of general sensibility which are also com- mon to the operation of all the senses, and which are of sufficient im- portance to be considered by themselves. In the first place, an impression of any kind, made upon a sensitive organ, remains for a short time after the removal of its immediate cause. The state of excitement produced in the nervous expansions and fibres has a certain degree of persistence, which is longer in duration for some organs than for others, but which exists in some degree for all. The sense of simple contact or pressure of a foreign body upon the skin, especially if it be somewhat forcible and continued, remains for a perceptible interval after the foreign body is removed. The feel- ing of cold or warmth, from the application of ice or heated liquids, lasts more or less after the application is discontinued. Even in the case of sight and hearing it is easy to verify the same fact ; and the duration of continuance of the nervous impression, though very short, has been found in many instances susceptible of measurement. Secondly, the organs of sense after a time become accustomed to a con- tinued impression, so that the} 7 no longer perceive its existence. If a uniform pressure be exerted upon any part of the body, the compressing substance at last fails to excite sensation, and we remain unconscious of its existence. In order to attract our notice, it is necessary to increase or diminish the pressure or to change its locality or direction. The olfactory apparatus also becomes habituated to odors, whether agreeable or disagreeable in their nature, in the confined air of a close 1 Brown-Sequard, Physiology and Pathology of the Central Nervous System. Philadelphia, 1860, pp. 97, 126. Hammond, Diseases of the Nervous System. New York, 1871, p. 82. GENERAL SENSIBILITY. 599 apartment ; although, on first entering from without, the attention may have been attracted by them in a decided manner. A continuous and uniform sound, like the steady rumbling of carriages, or the monotonous hissing of boiling water, becomes after a time inaudible ; but as soon as the sound ceases, we notice the alteration, and our attention is at once excited. The senses, accordingly, receive their stimulus more from the variation and contrast of external impressions, than from these impres- sions themselves. Another important particular, in regard to the senses, is their capacity for education. The touch can be so trained that the blind may read words and sentences by its aid, in raised letters, where an ordinary observer would hardly detect more than a slight inequality of surface. The educated eye of the artist or the naturalist will distinguish varia- tions of color, size, and outline, quite inappreciable to ordinary vision ; and the senses of taste and smell, in those who are in the habit of examining wines and perfumes, acquire a similar superiority of discrimi- nating power. In these instances, it is not the organ of sense itself which becomes more perfect in organization, or more susceptible to sensitive impres- sions. The functional power, developed by cultivation, depends upon the increased delicacy of the perceptive and discriminating faculties. It is a mental and not a physical superiority which gives the painter or the naturalist a greater facility for distinguishing colors and outlines, and which enables the medical observer to detect nice variations in the sounds of the heart or the respiratory murmur of the lungs. The impressions of external objects, to produce their complete effect, must first be received by a sensitive apparatus, which is perfect in organiza- tion and functional activity ; and, secondly, they must be subjected to the action of an intelligent perception, by which their nature, source, and relations are fully appreciated. Beside the endowment of general sensibility distributed over the integument, there are other faculties by which we appreciate particular physical qualities or phenomena, namely, those of taste, odor, light, and sound, the exercise of which is confined to special organs, having a struc- ture adapted to that purpose alone. These are called the special senses. Their organs differ from the general integument in their more compli- cated structure and in the delicate and varied character of the functions which they perform. They are incapable of feeling pain, similar to that perceived by the nerves of general sensibilit}', though they may com- municate disagreeable as well as pleasing impressions. The light, how- ever intense, has no perceptible effect when allowed to fall upon the skin, and causes a sensation only when admitted to the eye. The impres- sion of sound is appreciated only by the ear, and that of odors only by the olfactory membrane. These different sensations, therefore, are not merely exaggerations of ordinary sensibility, but are peculiar in their nature, and are in relation with distinct properties of external objects. 600 THE SENSES. Each organ of special sense consists First, of a nerve, endowed with the special sensibilitj' required for its peculiar function ; and, Secondly, of certain accessory parts, forming an apparatus adapted to aid in the performance of this function, and render it more delicate and complete. Sense of Taste. The sense of taste is, in some measure, intermediate in character between the functions of general and special sensibility. First, the organ by which it is exercised forms a part of the mucous membrane lining the commencement of the alimentary canal, furnished with vas- cular and nervous papillae analogous in structure to those of the general integument. Secondly, this mucous membrane is also endowed with general sensibility. Although it is highly probable that certain minute formations in its epithelial layer, known as " taste buds," may be espe- cially connected with the perception of savors, there is thus far no cer- tainty in this respect ; and in any case the tactile and gustatory sensi- bilities are closely intermingled in the substance of the mucous mem- brane. Thirdly, the sensibility of taste is not confined to the fibres of one special and distinct nerve, but resides in portions of two, namely, the lingual branch of the fifth pair and the glossopharyngeal nerve, which also supply general sensibility to the corresponding parts. Fourthly, this sense gives rise to impressions only from the actual con- tact of sapid substances with the mucous membrane, and can establish no communication with objects at a distance ; and Fifthly, though some of the impressions derived from this source are of a distinct and special character, others, like the taste of oily or mucilaginous substances, differ but little in kind from those of tactile sensibility. The sense of taste is localized in the mucous membrane of the tongue, the soft palate, and the pillars of the fauces. The tongue, which is more particularly the seat of this sense, is a flattened, leaf-like muscular organ, attached to the inner surface of the symphysis of the lower jaw in front, and to the os hyoides behind. It has a vertical sheet or lamina of fibrous tissue in the median line which serves as its framework, and is provided with longitudinal, transverse, and radiating muscular fibres, by which it can be elongated, retracted, and moved in every direction. The mucous membrane of the fauces and posterior third of the tongue, like that lining the cavity of the mouth, is covered with vascular papillae, analogous in structure to those of the skin, but imbedded and concealed in the smooth layer of epithelium forming the surface of the organ. Upon the dorsum of the tongue, about the junction of its posterior and middle thirds, there is a double row of rounded eminences, arranged in a V-shaped figure, running forward and outward, on each side, from the situation of the foramen caecum ; and from this point forward, the mucous membrane is covered with thickly-set papillae, containing nerves and bloodvessels, and giving a soft velvety texture to the surface of the organ. The lingual papillae are of three different kinds. First i\\Q filiform SENSE OF TASTE. 601 papillae, which are the most numerous, and which cover most uniformly the upper surface of the tongue. They are long and slender, and are covered with horny epithelium, usually prolonged into filamentous tufts. At the edges of the tongue they are often united into parallel ranges or ridges of the mucous membrane. Secondly, the fungiform papillae. These are thicker and larger than the foregoing, of a club-shaped figure, and covered with soft epithelium. They are most abundant at the tip of the tongue, but may be seen elsewhere on the surface of the organ, scattered among the filiform papillae. Thirdly, the circum- vallate papillae. These are the rounded eminences, eight or ten in number, which form the V-shaped figure near the situation of the fora- men caecum. Each consists of a central eminence, surrounded by a wall or circumvallation, from which they derive their name. The circum. vallation, as well as the central eminence, has a structure similar to that of the fungiform papillae. The sensitive nerves of the tongue, as above mentioned, are two in number, namely, the lingual branch of the fifth pair, and the lingual portion of the glossopharyngeal. The lingual branch of the fifth pair enters the tongue at the anterior border of the hyoglossal muscle. Its branches pass from below upward and from behind forward, between the Fig. 187. DIAGRAM OP THE TONGUE, with its sensitive nerves and papillae. 1. Lingual branch of the fifth pair. 2. Glossopharyngeal nerve. muscular bundles of the organ, until they reach its mucous membrane. The nerve fibres then penetrate the lingual papillae, where they termi- nate, partly in the " terminal bulbs" already described (p. 594), and partly in a manner not yet distinctly ascertained. The lingual portion of the glossopharyngeal nerve passes into the tongue below the posterior border of the hyoglossus muscle. It then divides into various branches, which pass through the muscular tissue, and are distributed to the mucous membrane of the base and sides of the organ. The mucous membrane of the base of the tongue, of its edges, and of its under surface near the tip, as well as that of the mouth and fauces generally, is also supplied with mucous follicles furnishing a viscid 39 602 THE SENSES. secretion by which its free surface is lubricated. The muscles of the tongue are animated exclusive^ by filaments of the hypoglossal nerve. The exact seat of the sense of taste has been determined by placing in contact with different parts of the mucous membrane a small sponge, moistened with a solution of some sweet or bitter substance. The ex- periments of Duges, Verniere, and Longet, have shown that taste resides in the whole superior surface, the point and edges of the tongue, the soft palate, fauces, and part of the pharynx. The base, tip, and edges of the tongue possess the greatest amount of sensibility to savors, the middle portion of its dorsum less, and its inferior surface little or none. As the whole anterior part of the organ is supplied by the lingual branch of the fifth pair alone, and the whole of its posterior portion by the glossopharyngeal, it follows that the sense of taste is derived from both these nerves. Furthermore, the tongue is supplied, at the same time and by the same nerves, with general sensibility and with the special sensibility of taste. The general sensibility of the anterior portion of the tongue, and that of the branch of the fifth pair with which it is supplied, are sufficiently well known. Section of the fifth pair destroys the sensibility of this part of the tongue as well as that of the rest of the face. Longet found that after division of the lingual branch of this nerve, the mucous mem- brane of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue might be cauterized with a hot iron or with potassium hydrate in the living animal, without pro- ducing any sign of pain. Reid, on the other hand, determined that ordinary sensibility exists in a marked degree in the glossopharyngeal nerve, and is supplied by it to the parts in which its branches are dis- tributed. A distinction is to be made, in the action of foreign substances taken into the mouth, between the special impressions derived from their sapid qualities, and the general sensations produced by their ordinary physical properties. As the same substance is often capable of exciting both tactile and gustatory impressions, the two are sometimes liable to be confounded with each other The truly sapid qualities, which we per- ceive by the special sense of taste, are savors, designated by the terms sweet, bitter, salt, sour, alkaline, and the like. Beside these, however, there are other characters, belonging to various articles of food, which partake largely of the nature of ordinary physical properties, appreci- able by means of general sensibility. A starchy, oily, or mucilaginous taste, when uncomplicated with additional savors, is but little different in kind from the tactile impressions produced by the same substances. The quality of pungency, communicated to the food by the use of con- diments, as pepper or mustard, is one which is appreciated altogether by the general sensibility. The styptic taste seems to be a combination of an ordinary astringent effect with a peculiar excitement of the gus- tatory nerves, analogous to that caused by the galvanic stimulus. Furthermore, the taste or savor of a substance is to be distinguished from its odoriferous properties or flavor. In most aromatic articles of SENSE OF TASTE. 603 food, such as tea and coffee, and the various kinds of wine, a great part of the effect produced is due to the aroma or smell which reaches the nares during the act of swallowing. Even in many kinds of solid food, such as freshly cooked meats, their odor takes a very important share in producing the impression on the senses. If, during the deglutition of such substances, the nares be compressed so as to suspend in great measure the sense of smell, their ordinary flavor becomes nearly imper- ceptible ; and a similar effect is produced by catarrhal inflammation of the nasal passages, which suspends more or less completely the sensi- bility of the olfactory membrane. Necessary Conditions of the Sense of Taste. There are certain con- ditions requisite for the production of gustatory impressions, beside the integrity of the organ by which they are received. In the first place, the sapid substance, in order that its taste may be perceived, must be brought in contact with the mucous membrane in a state of solution. So long as it remains solid, however marked a savor it may possess, it gives no other impression than that of a foreign body in contact with the tongue. But if applied in a liquid form, it spreads over the surface of the mucous membrane, and its taste is perceived. Thus it is only the liquid and soluble portions of the food which are tasted, such as the animal and vegetable juices and the soluble salts. Saline substances which are insoluble, such as calomel or lead carbonate, when applied to the tongue, produce no gustatory sensation. The mechanism of the sense of taste is, in all probability, a direct and simple one. The sapid substances in solution penetrate the lingual papillae by endosmosis, and, coming in contact with the terminal nervous filaments, excite their sensibility by uniting with the substance of which they are composed. The rapidity with which endosmosis will take place under certain conditions is sufficient to account for the instanta- neous perception of sapid substances when introduced into the cavity of the mouth. It is on this account that a free secretion of the salivary fluids is essential to the full performance of the gustatory function. If the mouth be dry and parched, the food seems to have but little taste. When the saliva, on the other hand, is freely secreted, it mixes readily with the food in mastication, and assists the solution of its sapid ingre- dients; and the fluids of the mouth, impregnated with the savory sub- stances, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, and excite the gusta- tory nerves. An important part is also taken in this process by the movements of the tongue. By these movements the food is carried from one part of the mouth to another, pressed against the hard palate, the gums, and the cheeks, its solution assisted, and the penetration of fluids into the papillae more rapidly accomplished. If powdered sugar, or a bitter extract, be simply placed upon the dorsum of the tongue, little or no effect is produced ; but when pressed by the tongue against the roof of the moutli, as in eating or drinking, its taste is immediately perceived. 604: THE SENSES. This effect is easily explained ; since it is well known bow readily move- ment over a free surface, combined with slight friction, will facilitate the solution and imbibition of solid substances. The nervous papillae of the tongue may therefore be regarded as the essential organs of taste, and the lingual muscles as its accessory organs. Impressions of taste made upon the tongue remain for a certain time afterward. When a very sweet or a very bitter substance is taken into the mouth, its taste is retained for several seconds after it has been ejected or swallowed. Consequently, if several different savors be pre- sented to the tongue in rapid succession, we become unable to distinguish them, and they produce only a confused impression, made up of the union of various different sensations. The taste of the first, remaining in the mouth, is mingled with that of the second, the taste of both with that of the third, and so on, until neither one can be distinguished. It is notoriously impossible to recognize several different kinds of wine with the eyes closed, if they be repeatedly tasted in quick succession. If the substance first tasted have a particularly marked savor, its impression will preponderate over that of the others. This effect is especially produced by substances which excite the general sensibility of the tongue, such as acrid or stimulating powders; and it belongs, in the greatest degree, to substances which are at the same time sapid, pungent, and aromatic, like sweetmeats flavored with the volatile oils. Advantage is sometimes taken of this in the administration of disagree- able medicines. By first taking into the mouth some highly flavored and pungent substance, nauseous drugs may be swallowed immediately afterward with but little perception of their disagreeable qualities. Sense of Smell. The distinguishing character of the sense of smell is that it gives us intelligence of the physical quality of bodies in a gaseous or vaporous condition. Thus by its aid it is possible to detect the existence of an odoriferous substance at a distance, and although it may be concealed from sight. The minute quantity of volatile material emanating from it, and pervading the atmosphere, produces, by contact with the olfactory membrane, the special sensation of smell. The sense of smell differs, furthermore, from that of taste in being more distinctly localized. While the gustatory sensibility is distributed over the whole mucous mem- brane covering the dorsum and base of the tongue, and is supplied to its various parts by two different sensitive nerves, that of smell is con- fined to the upper portion of the nasal passages and is dependent on the filaments of a single special nerve. The mucous membrane covering the superior and middle turbinated bones and the upper part of the septum nasi, which is alone capable of receiving odorous impressions, and is limited by a tolerably well-defined outline, is known as the olfactory membrane. It is easily distinguish- able from that of the rest of the nasal passages: 1st, by its color, which in man, the sheep, and the calf is yellow, but in most of the other mam- SENSE OF SMELL. 605 Fig. 188. malia has a brownish tinge; 2dly, in its softer and more succulent consistenc} 7 ^ ; and 3dly, in the greater thickness, not only of the whole membrane but also of its epithelial layer. According to Kolliker, the epithelium of the olfactory membrane, in the sheep and the rabbit, is from 60 to 66 per cent, thicker than that of the remaining nasal mucous membrane. It also differs, according to the same observer, in the character of its surface. In most of the quadrupeds the epithelium of the Schneiderian mucous membrane generally is covered with vibrating cilia, which are absent in the olfactory portion ; though in man the vibrat- ing cilia may also be found in the epithelium of the olfactory portion itself. This difference of structure is probably connected with the inferior acuteness of the sense of smell in man, as compared with many of the lower animals. The nasal passages are provided with nerves from three different sources. I. The first and most important of these are the filaments of the olfactory nerve (Fig. 188, i). They are derived immediately from the olfactory bulb, which rests upon the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, and from which they penetrate the nasal passages through the perforations in this bony lamina. An important pecu- liarity, however, shows itself in the nerve fibres of this region. While the substance of the so-called olfactory nerves within the cranial cavity, as well as that of the olfactory bulb, contains dark bordered medullated nerve fibres, like those in other parts of the white substance of the brain, the filaments which are given off from the under side of the olfactory bulb, and are distributed to the Olfactory membrane, Con- DISTRIBUTION OF NEBVES i* THE NASAL tain Only pale, flattened, PASSAGES. 1. Olfactory bulb, with its nerves. 2. nucleated nerve-fibres with- ^JiT 11 f the fifth pair< 3< s P hen -P alatine out a medullary layer. The main question of interest in regard to them is that of their final mode of termination; but this, as in so many other similar cases, has thus far escaped absolute demonstration. The branches of the olfactory nerves frequently divide and subdivide, forming microscopic plexuses in the substance of the olfactory membrane ; and the finest nervous ramifica- tions are to be followed without doubt nearly to the epithelial surface f the membrane itself. According to the researches of Schultze, con- firmed by these of Kolliker and Babuchin, the epitheMum of this part THE SENSES. consists of two different kinds of elongated cells, both standing verti- cally upon the mucous membrane, and closely adherent to each other by their lateral surfaces. One portion are analogous in form to ordinary nucleated columnar epithelium cells ; the remainder are very slender and filamentous, except in their middle portion, at the situation of their oval nucleus. The deeper portion of these cells, which is also more slender than the rest, has been found to resemble the material of the nerve fibres in its reaction with solutions of gold chloride ; but a direct continuity of substance between the fibres and the cells has not been shown in an unequivocal manner. There is no doubt that the nerve filaments given off from the olfac- tory bulb are the special agents for communicating impressions of smell, and that they are the only ones endowed with olfactory sensibility. This follows from their exclusive and abundant distribution to the olfac- tory portion of the nasal membrane, from their comparatively large development in animals of acute smell, from the absence of this sense in cases of congenital absence of the olfactory bulbs, and from its loss in animals after their destruction (p. 515). So far as we can judge from the results of experiment, they are not capable of receiving or transmitting any other kind of sensibility than that excited by odor- iferous substances. II. The second set of nerves distributed to the nasal passages con- sists of the nasal branch of the fifth pair, and its ramifications (Fig. 188, 2). This nerve, after entering the cavity of the nose just in advance of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, sends its filaments mainly to the mucous membrane covering the inferior turbinated bone and the walls of the inferior meatus, which are thus supplied with general sen- sibility, though they are destitute of the power of smell. JSome filaments from this nerve, however, are also continued into the mucous membrane of the olfactory region, where they run in proximity to those of the olfactory nerves; and this region, according to the observations of Babuchin, 1 possesses consequently a certain amount of general sensi- bility, though much less than the remainder of the nasal passages. III. The third set are those derived from the spheno-palat ine gan- glion of the sympathetic (Fig. 188, 3) which supply the mucous mem- brane of the posterior part of the nasal passages and the muscles aiding in the closure of the posterior nares. Finally, the muscles which regu- late the expansion of the anterior nares are supplied by filaments of the facial nerve. Necessary Conditions of the Sense of Smell In order to produce an olfactory impression, the emanations of the odoriferous body must be drawn freely through the nasal passages. As the sense of smell is situated only in the upper part of these passages, whenever an unusu- ally faint or delicate odor is to be perceived, the air is forcibly directed toward the superior turbinated bones, by a peculiar inspiratory move- In Strieker's Manual of Histology, Buck's Edition. New York, 1872, p. 799. SENSE OF SIGHT. 607 ment of the nostrils, a movement which is very marked in many of the lower animals. As the odoriferous vapors arrive in the upper part of the nasal passages, they are probably dissolved in the secretions of the olfactory membrane, and thus brought into relation with its nerves. Inflammatory disorders consequently interfere with the sense of smell, both by altering the secretions of the part, and by producing a tume- faction of the mucous membrane, which prevents the free passage of air through the nasal fossae. A distinction is also to be made between the perception of true odors. and the excitement of the general sensibility of the Schneiderian mu- cous membrane by irritating substances. Some of the true odors are similar in their nature to impressions perceived by the sense of taste. Thus we have sweet and sour smells, though none corresponding to the alkaline or the bitter tastes. Most of the odors, however, are of a pe- culiar nature and are difficult to describe ; but they are always distinct from the simply irritating properties which may belong to vapors as well as to liquids. Thus, pure alcohol has little or no odor, and is only stimulating to the mucous membrane ; while the odor of wines, cordials, and perfumes, is communicated to them by other ingredients of a vege- table origin. The vapor of pure acetic acid is simply irritating ; while vinegar has also a peculiar odor, derived from its vegetable constituents. Ammonia is an irritating gas, but contains no proper odoriferous prin- ciple. The sensations of smell, like those of taste, remain for a certain time after they have been produced, and modify in this way other less strongly marked odors presented afterward. Asa general rule, the longer the olfactory membrane is exposed to a particular odor, the longer its effect continues ; and in some cases it may be perceived for many hours after the odoriferous substance has been removed. Odors, however, are particularly apt to remain after the removal or destruction of the source from which they were derived, owing to the facility with which the}' are entangled by porous substances, such as plastered walls, carpets, hang- ings, and woollen clothes. The sense of smell, which is only moderately developed in the human species, is excessively acute in some of the lower animals. Thus, the clog will not only discover game and follow it by the scent, but will dis- tinguish particular individuals by their odor, or recognize articles of dress belonging to them by the minute quantity of odoriferous vapor adhering to their substance. Sense of Sight. This is the most remarkable of all the senses, both for the special nature of the impressions which it receives, the complicated structure of its apparatus, and the variety and value of the information which it affords with regard to external objects. It is by this sense that we receive the impressions of light and color, with all their modifications of intensity and combination, and acquire our principal ideas of form, 608 THE SENSES. space, and movement. The organs of touch, taste, and smell, in order to perform their functions, must be placed in actual contact with the foreign substances which excite their activity ; and even that of hearing is affected only by the sonorous vibrations of the atmosphere, or of some other solid or fluid medium. But the eye is equally sensitive to the impressions of light, whether it come from near or remote objects, or even from the immeasurable distances of the fixed stars. It is also superior to the other organs of special sense in the rapidity of its action, and in the delicacy of the distinctions which it is capable of making in the physical qualities of external objects ; and it affords the most continuous and indispensable aid for all the ordinary occupations of life. Organ of Vision. The eyeball consists of a spheroidal fibrous sac, the sclerotic coat (Fig. 189, 2), filled with fluid and gelatinous material, Fig. 189. HORIZONTAL SECTION OF THE RIGHT EYEBALL.!. Optic nerve. 2. Sclerotic coat. 3. Cornea. 4. Canal of Schlemm. 5. Choroid coat. 6. Ciliary muscle. 7. Iris. 8. Crystalline lens. 9. Retina. 10. Hyaloid membrane. 11. Canal of Petit. 12. Vitreous body. provided anteriorly with a transparent portion, the cornea (s), and lined at its posterior part with a nervous expansion, the retina (s), which is sensitive to light, and which receives the luminous rays admit- ted through the cornea. The cavity of the eyeball is therefore like that of a room with but one window, where all the light which enters from the front necessarily strikes the back wall of the apartment. There are, in addition to the above-mentioned parts, a transparent refracting body with convex surfaces, the crystalline lens (s), by which the light is SENSE OF SIGHT. 609 concentrated at the level of the retina ; a perforated muscular curtain or diaphragm, the iris (7), placed in front of the lens,' which regulates the quantity of light admitted through its central orifice, the pupil ; and finally a vascular membrane with an opaque layer of blackish-brown pigment, the choroid (s), which lines the whole inner surface of the sclerotic and the posterior surface of the iris, thus preventing reflec- tions within the eye, and absorbing all the light which has once passed through the substance of the retina. The construction of the eyeball, in its general arrangement as an organ of vision, is not unlike that of a photographic camera; where the sensitized plate at the back part represents the retina, the blackened inner surface of the box the choroid, w r hile the lenses of the tube in front perform the office of the crystalline lens and cornea of the eyeball. Sclerotic Coat. The sclerotic, so named from its toughness and re- sistance, is the external coat and protective membrane of the eyeball. It is composed of condensed layers of connective tissue, similar to those of the fasciae and membranous tendons in general ; and toward its an- terior third it receives the tendons of the external muscles of the eyeball, which become fused with its substance. Posteriorly it is continuous with the neurilemma of the optic nerve (Fig, 189, i), which penetrates it from behind at its point of entrance into the eyeball. A portion of the sclerotic is visible anteriorly through the conjunctiva, forming the so- called "white" of the eye. Cornea. The cornea, which derivesMts name from its firm consistencjr and homogeneous appearance, resembling that of horn, forms the anterior part of the wall of the eyeball. It is inserted into the nearly circular space left at this situation by the deficiency of the sclerotic, with the texture of which it is continuous at its edges ; the difference in the phy- sical appearance of the two being that the sclerotic is white and opaque, while the cornea is colorless and transparent, so that the colored iris and dark pupil are visible through its substance. The surface of the cornea has a sharper curvature than that of the sclerotic, so that it pro- jects from the front of the eyeball, like a smaller dome set upon a larger one. Its outline, where it joins the edge of the sclerotic, is a little oval in form, the transverse diameter of the cornea, in man, being slightly longer than the vertical. At its centre, it is about 0.8 millimetre in thickness, becoming a little thicker at its edges. Its anterior surface is kept polished and brilliant by the watery secretion of the lachrymal glands, distributed over it by the frequent movements of the eyeball and the lids. At the outer border of the cornea, where it joins the sclerotic, and where the tissues of the two membranes pass into each other, there is a small cavit}', running, in the form of a circular canal, the canal of Schlemm (Fig. 189, 4), through the thickness of this part of the wall of the eyeball. The inner wall of the canal of Schlemm is composed of elastic and tendinous tissue, and gives attachment to the fibres of the ciliary muscle on the one hand, and on the other to the outer border of 610 THE SENSES. the iris. The canal itself is regarded by most anatomists as occupied by a venous plexus, which receives veins from the ciliary muscle and from the anterior part of the sclerotic. Choroid. The choroid coat is a vascular and pigmentary membrane, lining the inner surface of the sclerotic, and presenting anteriorly a thick- ened portion, the " ciliary body." The inner part of the ciliary body is thrown into a series of radiating folds, the " ciliary processes," which surround the borders of the crystalline lens. The internal surface of the choroid is occupied by a layer of hexagonal nucleated cells, closely packed side by side, and filled with granules of blackish-brown pigment. Similar pigment is also deposited, though less abundantly, in the substance and near the external surface of the choroid. At its anterior part, the cho- roid is separated from the internal surface of the sclerotic by the ciliary muscle (Fig. 189, e). This muscle is composed of unstriped fibres, which arise from the inner wall of the canal of Schlemm, at the junction of the sclerotic and cornea, and thence diverge in a radiating direction, outward and backward, to be inserted into the external surface of the choroid, at the point where it begins to pass into the folds of the ciliary processes. At the anterior and inner part of the muscle there are also bundles of circular fibres, running parallel with the margin of the cornea. The whole muscle is thus composed of two parts ; namely, an internal circular, and an external radiating portion, the fibres of which are more or less interwoven with each other at the inner edge of the muscular layer. Iris. The iris is a variously colored membrane, extending across the antero-posterior axis of the eyeball, attached by its external border to the inner wall of the canal of Schlemm, and presenting at its centre the nearly circular orifice of the pupil. It consists of connective and muscular tissue, with an abundant supply of bloodvessels, and is covered on its posterior surface by a layer of blackish-brown pigment cells, con- tinuous with that of the choroid. The color of the iris, which appears, in different individuals, blue, gray, brown, or black, depends upon the abundance and disposition of its pigmentary elements. In gray and blue eyes, the visible hue of the iris depends upon the diffused light of its semi-transparent tissues, seen against the dark back-ground of the pig- ment layer upon its posterior surface. In brown and black eyes, the pigment is more abundant, and is deposited, according to Kolliker and Cruveilhier, not only upon the posterior aspect of the iris, but also in its stroma, between its fibres, and to some extent even upon its anterior surface. It thus predominates, and extinguishes more or less com- pletely the reflected and diffused light of the remaining elements of the tissue. The position of the iris is such that while its outer border is attached to the junction of the cornea and sclerotic, its central portion lies in contact with the anterior surface of the crystalline lens. According to the observations of Helmholtz, 1 the iris in myopic eyes is sometimes so 1 Optique Physiologique, traduit par Javal et Klein. Paris, 1867, p. 20. SENSE OF SIGHT. 611 nearly flat that it throws no perceptible shadow under an extreme late- ral illumination ; but in normal eyes, as a rule, the portion immediately surrounding the pupil is sufficiently prominent to throw a distinct shadow ; and if the source of illumination be not more than one milli- metre in advance of the edge of the cornea, this shadow may extend even to the opposite border of the iris. When the pupil dilates, the central prominence of the iris of course diminishes, or even disappears altogether; but, according to Helmholtz, the pupillary border of the iris hardly separates from the anterior face of the lens, even in the most complete dilatation obtainable by bella- donna. An important portion of the structure of the iris is formed by its muscular fibres. These are arranged in two sets, both of which consist of unstriped fibres, namely, the sphincter and the dilator muscles of the pupil. The sphincter pupillse is composed of bundles of muscular fibres, situated at the pupillary margin of the iris, and circularly disposed, in such a manner that their contraction has the effect of diminishing the orifice of the pupil, while their relaxation allows of its enlargement. When the sphincter is in a state of moderate contraction, the remaining non-contractile portions of the iris are thrown into radiating folds, which can be readily seen, under the influence of ordinary daylight, extending from the pupillary margin for one-third or one-half the dis- tance toward its outer border. The dilator pitpillde, which consists of radiating muscular fibres, is much more difficult of demonstration, and its existence in man con- tinued to be a matter of uncertainty, even after it was known to be present in the lower animals. It has, however, been described by so many independent observers, that there can be no doubt of its forming a normal part of the muscular apparatus of the iris. Its fibres are interwoven with those of the sphincter at the pupillary margin, and extend thence in a diverging direction toward the attached border ; either as isolated bundles running between the bloodvessels (Briicke, Kolliker), or as a very thin, continuous sheet of fibres, covering the whole posterior surface of the iris, immediately underneath its pig- mentary layer (Henle, Iwanoff). According to Kolliker, the iris also contains elements analogous to the fibres of elastic tissue, which may thus assist the action of the dilator. Notwithstanding the acknowledged existence of both these muscles, and their evident physiological association with each other, the action of the sphincter is much the most prominent and the most clearly understood. It is this muscle which contracts under the influence of light falling upon the retina, causing contraction of the pupil, and which relaxes when the stimulus is withdrawn, causing dilatation. The con- traction of the pupil is therefore, for the most part, an active movement; its dilatation a passive one. Division of the oculomotorius nerve, loss of sensibility in the retina, opacity of the crystalline lens, or insensi- 612 THE SENSES. bility from cerebral compression, are all followed by dilatation of the pupil ; and the same thing takes place immediately after death. In the normal reflex actions of expansion and contraction of the pupil, under the varying intensity of illumination, the fibres of the sphincter are those which alternately contract and relax in a manner analogous to that of the voluntary muscles ; while those of the dilator are more con- tinuous in their operation, and are under the control of different nervous influences. The pigmentary layer which is continued uninterruptedly, except at the entrance of the optic nerve, over the internal surface of the choroid, the ciliary processes, and the posterior surface of the iris, is called the system of the uvea, from its resemblance to the skin of a purple grape separated from its stem ; the opening of the membranous sac at the point of detachment representing the orifice of the pupil. Owing to the existence of this continuous pigmentary layer, no light can penetrate the eyeball excepting that which enters through the pupil; and the rays, furthermore, which reach the retina at any point are arrested there, and prevented from being dispersed by reflection over other parts of the membrane. Aqueous Humor and Vitreous Body. By the transverse partition of the iris, the cavity of the eyeball is divided into two portions, an anterior and posterior. The portion situated in front of the iris, called the "an- terior chamber," is filled with a colorless, transparent fluid, of watery consistency, the aqueous humor. This fluid is to be regarded as an extremely dilute exudation from the bloodvessels of the surrounding parts, especially from those of the iris ; since it consists mainly of water, holding in solution less than two per cent, of solid ingredients, namely, sodium chloride and other inorganic salts derived from the blood, with a trace of albuminous matter. It is faintly alkaline in reaction, and has a refractive power but slightly different from that of water. It is rapidly reproduced after evacuation by puncture of the cornea. It serves to maintain the internal tension of the anterior parts of the eye- ball, and to allow of the changes of figure of the iris and crystalline lens, without affecting the external configuration of the cornea. The posterior and larger portion of the cavity of the eyeball is filled mainly by a semifluid substance, the vitreous body, so called from its trans- parent and glassy appearance. Its composition is similar to that of the aqueous humor, excepting for the larger proportion of albuminous matter, which gives it more or less of a gelatinous consistency. Its refractive power, according to Helmholtz, though slightly greater than that of the aqueous humor, does not differ much from that of water. It distends the principal part of the cavity of the sclerotic, supports the retina which is extended over its surface, and preserves the general spheroidal form of the eyeball. The vitreous bocty is enveloped by an exceedingly thin, colorless membrane, for the most part without definite structure, and measuring, according to Kolliker, not more than 4 mmni. in thickness. This is the SENSE OF SIGHT. 613 " hyaloid membrane" (Fig. 189, 10). Its inner surface is in contact with the vitreous body, its outer surface with the retina. It extends unin- terruptedly over the posterior and middle portions of the vitreous body until it reaches a point anteriorly corresponding with the ciliary body of the choroid. Here it becomes thicker and divides into two layers. The anterior layer, which is the stronger of the two, the zone of Zinn, extends forward and inward, remaining adherent to the folds of the ciliary body, and terminates in the capsule of the crystalline lens, just in front of its lateral border. The posterior layer of the hyaloid mem- brane, after separating from the anterior, passes inward and a little backward, and terminates also in the capsule of the lens, but a little behind its lateral border. The triangular canal left between the two separated layers of the hyaloid membrane and the lateral border of the lens is the canal of Petit (Fig. 189, n), and is filled with a little trans- parent serosity. The lens is thus suspended on all sides by a double layer derived from the hyaloid membrane. The anterior portion of this double layer, or the zone of Zinn, being the stronger of the two, and presenting a distinctly fibrillated texture, is regarded as more especially fulfilling the part of a suspensory ligament of the crystalline lens. Crystalline Lens The lens is a transparent, refractive body, of cir- cular form, with convex anterior and posterior surfaces, placed directly behind the pupil, and retained in its position by the counterbalancing pressure of the aqueous humor and the vitreous body, and by the two layers of the hyaloid membrane attached to its capsule round its circular border. It is composed of flattened fibres, adherent to each other by their adjacent surfaces and edges, and so arranged as to pass in a curvilinear direction, parallel to the surface of the lens, from one of its two opposite poles to the other. Notwithstanding the fibrous structure of the lens, the ribbon-shaped elements of which it is composed being united by simple juxtaposition, without the intervention of any different material, the entire body is transparent, and allows the passage of the light without perceptible absorption or irregular dispersion. As the refractive power of the substance of the crystalline is greater than that of the cornea or the aqueous humor, it acts, by virtue of its double-convex form, as a converging lens, to change the direction of the luminous rays passing through it, and bring them to a focus at some point situated behind its posterior surface. The amount of con- vergence thus effected by a refractive lens depends both upon the index of refraction of the substance of which it is composed and the greater or less curvature of its surfaces. The stronger the curvatures, for lenses composed of the same material, the greater the amount of con- vergence impressed upon luminous rays passing through them. In the case of the crystalline lens of the human eye, the two surfaces are dif- ferent in curvature ; the anterior surface being comparatively flat, the posterior much more convex. According to the estimates of Listing, based upon a variety of measurements, and adopted by Helmholtz, the 614 THE SENSES. radius of curvature for the anterior surface is, on the average, 10 milli- metres, that for the posterior surface 6 millimetres. This makes the crystalline lens the most powerfully refracting body in the eyeball, and by it said parallel or diverging luminous rays, after pass- ing through the pupil, are brought to a focus at the situation of the retina. This effect is not due entirely to the lens, since the convex form of the cornea and the more or less spheroidal figure of the whole eye- ball necessarily have in some degree a similar action upon rays enter- ing from the front. According to Helmholtz, parallel rays would be brought to a focus "by the cornea alone, if they were sufficiently pro- longed, at a point situated 10 millimetres behind the retina. But on passing through the lens, their convergence is increased to such a degree that they are concentrated at the situation of the retina itself. The function of the crystalline lens is to produce distinct perception of form and outline. If the eye consisted merely of a sensitive retina, covered with transparent integument, although the impressions of light would be received by such a retina, they could give no idea of the form of particular objects, but would only produce the sensation of a confused luminosity. This condition is illustrated in Fig. 190, where the arrow, a, 6, represents the luminous object, and the vertical dotted line, at the right of the diagram, represents the retina. The rays, diverging from every point of the object in every direction, will thus reach every part of the retina. The different parts of the retina, consequently, 1, 2, 3, 4, will each receive rays coming both from the point of the arrow, a, and from its butt, b. There will, therefore, be no distinction, upon the retina, between the different parts of the object, and no definite perception of its figure. But if, between the object and the retina, there be inserted a double convex refracting lens, with the proper curvatures and density, as in Fig. 191, the effect will be different. All the rays emanating from Fig. 190. Fig. 191. VISION WITHOUT A LENS. VISION WITH A LENS. a will then be concentrated at a?, and all those emanating from ~b will be concentrated at y. Thus the retina will receive the impression of the point of the arrow separate from that of its butt ; and all parts of the object, in like manner, will be distinctly and accurately perceived. The action of a refractive body with convex surfaces, in thus focussing luminous rays at a particular point, may be readily illustrated in the following manner. If a sheet of white paper be held at a short distance from a candle flame, in a room where there is no other source of light, SENSE OF SIGHT. 615 the whole of the paper will be moderately and uniformly illuminated by the diverging rays. But if a double convex glass lens, with suitable curvatures, be interposed between the paper and the light, the outer portions of the paper will become darker and its central portion brighter, because a portion of the rays are diverted from their original course and bent inward toward each other. By varying the position of the lens and its distance from the paper, a point will at last be found, where none of the light reaches the external parts of the sheet, but all of it is concentrated upon a single spot ; and at this spot will be seen a distinct inverted image of the end of the candle and its flame. Distinct perception of the figure of external objects thus depends upon the action of the crystalline lens in converging all the rays of light, emanating from a given point, to an accurate focus at the retina. For this purpose, the density of the lens, the curvature of its surfaces, and its distance from the retina, must all be properly adapted to each other. If the lens were too convex, and its refractive power excessive, or if its distance from the retina were too great, the rays would con- verge to a focus too soon, and would not reach the retina until after they had crossed each other and become partially dispersed, as in Fig. 192. The visual impression, therefore, coming from any particular point in the object, would not be concentrated and distinct, but diffused and dim, from being dispersed more or less over the retina, and interfering with the impressions from other parts. On the other hand, if the lens were too flat, as in Fig. 193, or placed too near the retina, the rays Fig. 192. Fig. 193. INDISTINCT IMAGE from excessive INDISTINCT IMAGE from deficient refraction. refraction. would fail to come together at all, and would strike the retina sepa- rately, producing a confused image, as before. In both these cases, the immediate cause of the confusion of sight is the same, namely, that rays coming from the same point of the object strike different points of the retina ; but in the first instance, this is because the rays have actually converged and crossed each other ; in the second, it is because they have only approximated, but have never converged to a focus. The proof that the rays emanating from luminous objects are ac- tually thus concentrated, in the interior of the living eye, upon the retina, is furnished by the use of the ophthalmoscope. This instrument consists essentially of a mirror, so placed as to illuminate by reflected light, through the pupil, the bottom of the eye which is under observa- 616 THE SENSES. tion, and perforated at its centre by a small opening through which the observer looks. By this means the retina and its vessels, as well as the images delineated upon it, may be distinctly seen. According to the observations of Helmholtz, objects at a certain distance, which are perceived with distinctness, present to the eye of the observer, if suffi- ciently illuminated, perfectly well-defined inverted images upon the ret- ina, like those which would be thrown upon a screen by a system of glass lenses properly arranged. If the eyeball furthermore be taken out from a recently killed animal, and a circular portion of the sclerotic and ch.oroid removed from its posterior part, similar inverted images of illuminated objects in front of the cornea may be seen by transparency upon the exposed portion of the retina. It is accordingly certain that luminous rays in passing through the eyeball are brought to a focus at the retina, principally by means of the crystalline lens. The formation of a visible image at this- spot does not by itself explain all the phenomena of vision, since these images are not seen by the individual, and we should not even know of their existence except for the results of physiological experiment and obser- vation. But the formation of such an image shows that all the light coming from each different part of the object is made to fall upon a separate and distinct point of the retina ; and it thus becomes possible to perceive the figure and extension of an object, as well as its luminosity. Retina. The retina is the most essential part of the organ of vision, since it is the only one of its tissues directly sensitive to light. It forms a delicate, colorless, nearly transparent membrane, composed of nervous elements, situated between the inner surface of the choroid and the outer surface of the hyaloid membrane, and extending from the entrance of the optic nerve outward and forward to the commencement of the ciliary body. Here it terminates by an indented border, termed the or a serrata, which is situated nearly at the plane of the posterior surface of the crystalline lens. In front of this region it is replaced by an attenuated layer, which remains in contact with the surface of the ciliary body, but which contains no nervous elements. The retina proper has, accordingly, the form of a thin membrane moulded upon a nearly hemispherical surface, the concavity of which is directed for- ward, and which receives the luminous rays admitted through the pupil, and traversing the transparent and refracting media of the ej^eball. Its greatest thickness is in the immediate vicinity of the entrance of the optic nerve, where it measures, according to Kolliker, 0.40 millimetre. At a short distance from this point it is reduced to 0.20, and thence becomes gradually thinner in its middle and anterior portions. At its terminal border, at the ora serrata, it is only 0.09 millimetre in thickness. The retina consists of a variety of superimposed Ia3'ers, in which many different microscopic elements alternate with each other. In re- gard to its physiological properties, so far as these have been deter- mined with a sufficient degree of certainty, four of these layers may be distinguished as representing the essential constituent parts of the SENSE OF SIGHT. 617 membrane. These layers, counting from the internal to the external surface of the retina, are as follows: 1. The layer of nerve fibres, de- rived from the expansion of the optic nerve; 2. The ganglionic layer of nerve cells; 3. The layer of nuclei; 4. The layer of rods and cones. 1. Layer of Nerve Fibres. The optic nerve joins the posterior part of the eyeball at a point about 2 millimetres inside its longitudinal axis, and slightly below the horizontal plane of this axis. The neurilemma of the nerve at once becomes continuous with the sclerotic coat of the e}*eball, while the nerve fibres alone penetrate into its cavity. Up to this point the fibres of the optic nerve present the usual dark-bordered appearance of medullated nervfc fibres, and have, according to Kolliker, a diameter of from 1 to 4.5 mmm. But at their entrance into the cavity of the eyeball the nerve fibres not only lose the prolongations of con- nective tissue which previously surrounded their different bundles, but also become much smaller in size, being reduced, on the average, to less than 2 mmm., and many of them to less than 1 mmm. in diameter. Owing to these changes, the nerve appears suddenly diminished in size at its passage through the sclerotic and choroid membranes. Internally it forms a slight prominence on the inner surface of the wall of the eye- ball, the so-called papilla ; and from a depression at its middle part, the central artery and vein of the retina send out their branches to supply the retinal capillary plexus. From the papilla as a centre the optic nerve fibres, which have thus reached the inner surface of the retina, diverge in every direction under the form of a closely set layer. This layer diminishes gradually in thickness from within outward, and from behind forward, owing to the fact that the nerve fibres of which it is composed terminate successively in the deeper parts of the membrane, thus estab- lishing a connection between every point of the retina and the nervous centres in the brain. The longest fibres continue their course until they reach the ora serrata at the anterior limit of the retina, beyond which none are visible. 2. Ganglionic Layer of Nerve Cells. This layer is situated imme- diately outside the former, and contains, as its special distinguishing element, multipolar nerve cells, similar to those of the gray matter of the brain. According to Kolliker, they vary in size from 9 to 36 mmm. in diameter, and are provided with a number of pale, ramified prolonga- tions. Some of these prolongations are directed outward, penetrating into the more external portions of the retina; others pass in a horizon- tal direction, and, according to some observers (Kolliker, Miiller, Corti), become connected with optic nerve fibres. For the most part, however, it is only the identity in appearance between some of the prolongations of these nerve cells and the more slender optic nerve fibres, which leads to the presumption of their direct terminal continuity. It is, in any case, possible that some of the fibres of expansion of the optic nerve are connected with prolongations of the nerve cells, while others con- tinue their course to the deeper layers of the retinal tissue. 40 618 THE SENSES. Fig. 194. 3. Layer of Nuclei. The layer of nuclei is so called because its most characteristic elements have, in the main, the aspect of nuclei ; although by some observers (Kolliker, Schultze), they are regarded as having rather the signification of nucleated cells, in which the enveloping cell- substance is in small quantity as compared with the size of the nucleus. The nuclei themselves, sometimes called "grains" or "granules," are oval bodies, placed with their long axes perpendicular to the surface of the retina. There are two varieties of them mingled together, which differ mainly in size ; the larger being from 9 to 13 mmm. in length, the smaller one-half or two-thirds as long. They are all contained in the interior of varicose enlargements of slender fibres, which are also di- rected perpendicularly to the surface of Jthe retina, and extend uninter- ruptedly through the whole thickness of the layer. These fibres are presumed to be of the nature of modified nerve fibres, and to represent, either directly or indirectly, the continuations of those derived from the expansion of the optic nerve. At their outer extremities they are immediately continuous with the elements of the following layer. 4. Layer of Rod* and Cones This is undoubtedly the most remark- able of the retinal layers, since it consists of elements which are more peculiarly constituted than those found elsewhere, and which are most immediately connected with the physiology of luminous impressions. As the name indicates, these elements are of two kinds; distinguished, according to their shape, by the name of "rods" and "cones." There is reason to believe that their offices are essentially similar, and that they are to be regarded as modifications of each other. The rods (Fig. 194) are straight, elon- gated, cylindrical bodies, composed of a transparent, homogeneous substance, re-' markable for its highly refractive power. They are about 50 mmm. in length by a lit- tle less than 2 mmm. in diameter. They are- all placed parallel with each other, closely packed side by side, standing perpendicu- larly to the surface of the retina, and ex- tending through the whole thickness of the layer. At its outer extremity each rod terminates by a plane perpendicular to its axis ; at its inner extremity it tapers / ^A A I \ h ' ) suddenly to a point and is continuous wifch a fibre of the P recedin g Kver, and thus with one of its nucleated enlarge- ments or grains. According to Schultze, the internal half of each rod is slightly thicker, and exhibits rather less refractive power than its external half. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION, from the posterior portion of the human retina. 1. Layer of rods and cones. 2. Layer of nuclei. (Schultze.} SENSE OF SIGHT, 619 The con es differ from the rods mainly in their tapering form and the greater diameter of their internal portion, which, as a general rule, is from two to three times as thick as that of the rods. They have the same transparent, highly refractive appearance, and are intercalated among the rods in the same position, that is, perpendicularly to the surface of the retina. Their outer extremities, in some regions, stop short of the external surface of the retina, while in others, particularly in that of most perfect vision, they reach the same level with the ends of the rods. Each cone is connected at its inner extremity with a nu- cleated fibre belonging to the preceding layer, the only difference in this respect being that both the fibres and the nuclei connected with the cones are larger than those connected with the rods. Over the greater part of the retina the rods are more abundant than the cones. When viewed from the external surface (Fig. 195, J), their closely packed extremities present the appearance of a fine mosaic pat- tern, while the cones are interspersed among them in smaller numbers. At the borders of the macula lutea (p. 623), on the other hand, the cones are more abundant, being only separated from each other by single ranges of rods (-S); and at its central portion (G) there are only cones, the rods being entirely absent. The cones at this point are also longer and more slender than elsewhere. The following figure indicates the appearance of the rods and cones, as shown in an external view of different parts of the retina. The smaller circles represent the rods, the larger circles the cones. In the interior of each cone is seen the section of its conical extremity. OUTER SURFACE OF THE RETINA, showing the ends of the rods and cones. A. From the lateral portion of the eyeball. B. From the posterior portion, at the edge of the macula lutea. C. From the macula lutea. (Helmholtz.) Beside the distinctly marked layers above described, there are vari- ous others of less certain signification and less uniformity of extent, which are found in different parts of the retina. Throughout the mem- brane there also exists a certain proportion of delicate connective tissue, which serves for the support and attachment of its remaining anatomi- cal elements. Perception of Luminous Impressions by the Retina. It appears, from the description given above, that the retina is not simply an ex- pansion of the fibres of the optic nerve. It is a membrane of special structure, connected with the extremities of the optic nerve fibres, but containing also many additional anatomical elements. It is accordingly a peculiar nervous apparatus, adapted to receive the impression of lumi- nous rays, and connected, by means of the optic nerve, witli the central 620 THE SENSES. gray matter of the brain. An examination of the manner in which the impressions of light are perceived brings into view the following facts. The optic nerve and its fibres are insensible to light. Notwith- standing that this nerve is capable of transmitting luminous impressions from the retina to the brain, yet in order to do this, it must first receive its own stimulus from the retina. The optic nerve fibres themselves, though sensitive to mechanical or galvanic irritation, cannot be called into activity by the direct influence of luminous rays. This is shown by the experiment of Bonders, in which, by aid of the ophthalmoscope, a light of a certain degree of intensity is concentrated upon the optic nerve, without being allowed to reach the tissue of the retina. When the bottom of the eye is illuminated by the ophthalmoscope, the ob- server sees the general surface of the retina of a red or brownish color, while the papilla, which corresponds to the entrance of the optic nerve, presents itself as a white circular spot. This spot is occupied entirely by optic nerve fibres, while the elements of the retina commence only beyond its borders. If the minute image of a candle flame at some dis- tance be thrown by reflection upon the retina, its light is perceived by the person under observation, as well as its image by the observer. If the eye however be turned in such a direction as to bring the image of the flame upon the white circle of the optic nerve, this circle, and the nerve fibres of which it is composed, are visibly illuminated to a certain depth, owing to the translucency of their substance ; but the light of the candle flame is no longer perceived by the person under examina- tion. The moment, on the other hand, the image of the flame is allowed to pass beyond the limits of the white spot, and to touch the retina, its light becomes perceptible. The Blind Spot. The region, accordingly, occupied by the entrance of the optic nerve, and in which the elements of the retina proper are ab- sent, is a blind spot, where luminous rays make no perceptible impres- sion. The real diameter of this spot, according to the average measure- ments obtained by Listing, Hannover, and Helmholtz,is 1.G5 millimetre, and it covers in the field of vision a space equivalent to about 6 degrees. Notwithstanding the existence of this insensible part at the bottom of the eye, no dark point is usually observed in the field of vision, for the following reasons. The blind spot is not situated in the visual axis of the eye, but is placed, corresponding with the entrance of the optic nerve, nearer the median line (Fig. 189). Consequently the image of an object which is directly examined in the normal line of vision can- not fall upon this spot, but is always outside of it, at the end of the visual axis. Even an object which is perceived in the field of vision out- side the direct line of sight, can never reach the blind spot of both eyes at the same time. If it happen to be so placed that its image falls upon the blind spot of one eye, it will necessarily reach the retina of the other eye at a different point, and is accordingly perceived. If, on the other hand, one eye alone be employed, there is always a small portion of the field of vision which is imperceptible. This deficiency is not generally SENSE OF SIGHT. 621 noticeable, because it is located in a part of the field to which our at- tention is not directed, and where the distinction of various objects, under moderate illumination, is so imperfect, that the momentary ab- sence of one of them is not regarded. It may, however, be readily made apparent by using for the test a single strongly defined object, like a white spot on a black ground, the presence or absence of which may be noticed without difficulty, even in indirect vision. If the left eye be covered and the right eye directed steadily at the white cross in figure 196, the circular spot will also be visible, though Fi>. 196. DIAGRAM, for observing the situation of the blind spot. (Helmholtz.) less distinctly, since it will be out of the direct line of sight. Let the page be held vertically at the height of the eyes, and at a convenient distance for seeing both objects in the above manner. If it be now moved slowly backward and forward, a point will be found where the circular spot disappears from sight, because its image has fallen upon the blind spot ; while both within and beyond this distance it again be- comes visible. It may also be made to reappear, even at the same dis- tance, by inclining the page laterally to the right or left ; since this brings the white circle either above or below the level of the blind spot. The experiment may be varied by fixing two cards, at the height of the eyes, upon a dark wall, two feet apart from each other. If the left eye be covered, and the right eye fixed upon the left-hand card, the other one will disappear from view at a distance of about eight feet from the wall. It is evident, furthermore, that the optic nerve fibres are not directly sensitive to light, even outside the blind spot, and where they form part of the retina. These fibres radiate from the point of entrance of the optic nerve, forming a continuous sheet on the inner surface of the retina ; some of them terminating at successive points in the retinal membrane, others extending to its extreme border at the ora serrata. A luminous ray striking the retina near the fundus of the eye must, therefore, traverse a considerable number of nerve fibres, which are con- nected at their peripheral extremities with different parts of the retina ; and such a ray, coming from a single point, would necessarily cause the sensation of multiplied luminous points or even of a more or less con- 622 THE SENSES. tinuous bright line. As distinct points are actually perceived as such by the retina, although the luminous ray emanating from each one has passed through the whole layer of nerve fibres on its internal surface, it follows that the sensibility of these fibres is not affected by the direct action of light. The sensitive elements of the retina are in its posterior or external layers. This fact is deduced partly from the phenomena manifested when the retinal bloodvessels are made visible in the interior of the eye. These bloodvessels and their branches radiate from the central trunk which enters with the optic nerve. Their ramifications, down to a cer- tain size, are all situated in the nerve fibre layer of the retina, and it is only the finest subdivisions which pass into the next layer of ganglionic nerve cells. The two outer layers, namely, the layer of nuclei, and that of the rods and cones, are completely destitute of bloodvessels. Owing to this anatomical arrangement, the posterior or external layers of the retina, situated behind the main branches of the retinal bloodvessels, must lie m the shadow of these branches, the light coming directly from the front through the pupil. The shadows thus thrown are not habitu- ally perceived by any diminution of the light, because the portions of the retina covered by them are always in shadow at the same points, and its sensibility to light is greater, in proportion as the quantity of light reaching it is less. But the shadows may be rendered perceptible by a lateral or oblique illumination, thus causing them to be thrown upon points of the retina unaccustomed to their presence. Let a lighted candle be held, in a dark room, about three inches distant from the external angle of either eye, and about 45 degrees in advance of the plane of the iris. On moving the candle alternately upward and downward, the field of vision becomes filled with an abun- dant and elegant tracery of aborescent bloodvessels, the exact counter- part of those of the retina. The form of the vessels is distinctly marked in purpl.e-black, upon a finely granular grayish-red ground. The point of entrance of the vascular trunks may even be seen, witli their division into two principal branches passing respectively upward and downward, and then breaking up into ramifications of various curvilinear form. Jf the candle be held immovable, the appearances rapidly fade, since the shadows in reality are quite faint, and are only made visible from the sudden contrast produced by throwing them successively upon different parts of the retina. As the bloodvessels which throw these shadows are at or near the anterior surface of the retina, the extent of their apparent movement on varying the position of the light, gives a means of ascertaining how far behind the anterior surface of the retina its sensitive elements arc situated. According to the measurements of Miiller, 1 this distance must be, in various cases, from 0.17 to 0.36 millimetre; and the same ob- server finds the posterior layers of the retina to be separated from its 1 Cited in Helmholtz, Optique Physiologique. Paris, 1867, p. 289. SENSE OF SIGHT. 623 anterior surface by from 0.20 to 0.30 millimetre's distance. It is, there- fore, one or both of the posterior layers, namely, that of the rods and cones, and that of the nuclei immediately within it, which contain the sensitive elements of the retina, and in which the luminous rays produce their effect. This conclusion is rendered still more certain by the fact that in the fovea central is, the point of most distinct vision, hereafter to be described, the two external layers of the retina are the only ones present. Macula Lutea and Point of Distinct Vision. The macula lutea, or yellow spot of the retina, is an oval spot, measuring about 2 millimetres in its horizontal diameter, situated between 2 and 2.5 millimetres out- side the entrance of the optic nerve. According to Helmholtz, it is placed a very little beyond the middle of the fundus of the eyeball, toward the temporal side. It is distinguished from the remainder of the retina by its yellow tinge, which depends upon the presence of a peculiar organic pigment. This pigment is not deposited in grains, but is completely hyaline, and imbibes the whole tissue of the retina at this spot, with the exception, according to Schultze, of the two external layers, which remain colorless. At its centre is a minute depression, the fovea centralis, where, owing to its steeply sloping sides, the retina is reduced, at the bottom of the fovea, to less than one-half its usual thickness. The macula lutea becomes perceptible, in ophthalmoscopic examination of the eye with a moderate illumination, as a yellowish spot, less brilliant than the rest, in w T hich the position of the fovea centralis is marked by a peculiar colorless reflection. The macula lutea, and especially the fovea cen- tralis, is the point of most distinct vision, where the image of an object, fixed by the eye in the direct line of sight, falls upon the retina. It is well known that external objects are seen with perfect distinctness only when their images fall in the immediate neighborhood of the optical axis at the fundus of the eyeball. Outside this region, the perception of their figure is more or less imperfect. According to the observations of Donders, confirmed by Helmholtz, if, while the retina is illuminated by the ophthalmoscope, the person under observation fixes the eye in succession upon several different objects, or upon different points of the same object, the minute reflection which marks the fovea centralis always places itself upon the part of the optical image fixed by the eye ; and this appearance is so constant that the observer can tell with cer- tainty, from the place occupied by the reflection, what point of the object has been fixed in the direct line of sight. The evident importance of the macula lutea and the fovea centralis, in the exercise of vision, gives a special interest to the anatomical structure of this part of the retina ; and the researches of microscopic anatomists have shown that its structure presents peculiarities fully corresponding with its physiological endowments. The macula lutea is distinguished, in the first place, by the fact that the superficial layer of optic nerve fibres is absent. Those fibres, ac- 624 THE SENSES. cording to Kolliker, which, in radiating from the entrance of the optic nerve, pass directly to the edges of the macula, lose themselves among the nerve cells of its ganglionic layer. The others curve round the borders of the macula on each side, to resume their peripheral direction beyond its limit ; so that the yellow spot itself is not covered, like the rest of the retina, by a continuous superficial layer of nerve fibres. Secondly, the nerve cells of the ganglionic layer are more abundant in the macula lutea than elsewhere. Over the greater portion of the retina, according to Schultze, these cells exist, in the ganglionic layer, only in a single plane ; that is, they are arranged side by side, and neither above nor below each other. But in the yellow spot they form several ranges of superimposed cells. On the other hand, toward the centre of the yellow spot the cells diminish in number, and are entirely absent at the fovea centralis. Various other layers, which exist more or less distinctly in surrounding regions of the retina, also diminish in thickness, and disappear toward the centre of the macula lutea. Fig. 197. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF HITMAN RKTIWA, through the macula lutea and foveu centralis. 1. Internal surface of the retina, in contact with the vitreous body. 2. Gan- glionic layer of nerve cells. 3. Intermediate layers of the retina, disappearing at the centre of the macula lutea. 4. Layer of nuclei, showing the oblique course of the fibres in this region. 5. Layer of rods and cones ; consisting at its central portion exclusively of attenu- ated and elongated cones. C. External surface of the retina, in contact with the choroid. In the middle of the diagram is the depression of the fovea centralis. (Schultze.) Thirdly, owing to the modifications described above, the retina, at the situation of the fovea centralis, consists only of its two external layers, namely the layer of nuclei and the layer of rods* and cones. Even these two layers exhibit, at this point, certain important peculiari- ties in the form and arrangement of their elements. In the layer of nuclei, the nuclei themselves are present in nearly their usual numbers and position ; but the fibres with which they are connected, instead of passing through the layer in a direction perpen- dicular to the surface of the retina, bend obliquely outward, to reach the more superficial layers of the retina in the external portions, or even beyond the borders, of the yellow spot. Thus this layer is very much diminished in thickness, although it still contains its cell nuclei, SENSE OF SIGHT. 625 and although these are still connected, by their fibrous extensions, with the other parts of the retinal tissue. Finally the layer of rods and cones, at the situation of the macula lutea and fovea, though preserving its general character, shows special features by which it is readily distinguished from the corresponding parts else- where. In this la^'er, over the greater portion of the retina, the rods are the most abundant element, the cones being distributed among them in smaller numbers. In the borders of the macula lutea (Fig. 195, B), the cones become more numerous in proportion to the rods, and in the fovea centralis (Fig. 195, (7) the layer is composed exclusively of cones. At this part, the cones are longer than elsewhere, and more slender, so that a larger number are comprised within an equal space ; and the layer itself, consisting of elongated cones standing perpendicularly, is increased in thickness, in proportion to the greater length of its con- stituent elements. The thickness of the cones at their base, over the retina generally, according to the measurements of Schultze, is a little over 6 mmm., and their length less than 50 mmm. ; but at the fovea cen- tralis their thickness is reduced to 3 or 3.5 mmm., while their length, in the same situation, may reach 100 mmm. Each cone is connected, here as elsewhere, through the nucleus and nucleus fibre of the pre- ceding layer, with the other portions of the retina, and beyond doubt, in some direct or indirect way, with the optic nerve fibres of its internal layer. Thus the perception of light, in the act of vision, is a process con- sisting of several successive acts. The luminous ray passes through the transparent internal or superficial layers of the retina, until it reaches the situation of the two outer layers. Here it produces a change in the condition of the nervous elements, of whose nature we are entirely ignorant. It might be compared with that which is caused by the same agent in the sensitive film of a photographic camera ; but this comparison would be only one of analogy, and would not imply any identity of the ph3 r sical or chemical change produced in the two cases. It would simply express the fact, which is undoubtedly estab- lished, that the luminous ray, after traversing all the other transparent and refracting media of the eye without leaving any trace of its passage, on arriving at the two outer layers of the retina, excites in one or both of them a kind of action which is the first step in the visual process. This condition of the retinal elements then calls into activity the fibres of the optic nerve, which in turn transmit the stimulus to their point of origin in the brain. Thus far, there is no conscious perception, nor even any nervous effect resembling in itself our idea of lurninositj^. The retina itself is distinguished from other nervous tissues by being sensitive to light ; that is, it may be thrown into a state of activity under the influence of a luminous ray. But it has no other perception of light than this, any more than the silvered film of a photographic plate ; and, if the optic nerve be severed, blindness results, however per- fect may be the condition of the retina. 626 THE SENSES. On the other hand, the optic nerve fibres, which are insensible to light itself, are thrown into excitement by the changed condition of the retinal tissue. There is no reason for believing that the action of the fibres of the optic nerve is different in kind from that of other sensitive nerve fibres. Their office is simply that of receiving and communicating a stimulus from and to certain special structures containing nerve cells. In the case of the optic nerve, the stimulus is received from the retina and communicated to the nervous centres of the brain. These nervous centres, when excited by the stimulus thus received, first produce the phenomenon of the perception of light. The preceding nervous actions, in the retina and optic nerve, though necessary to the final result, have no direct connection with consciousness. The conscious perception of light and of luminous objects is the last step in the process of vision, and is effected by a special act of the gray matter of the brain. Acuteness of Vision in the Retina. The acuteness of vision, so far as it is connected with the sensibility of the retina, depends upon the minimum distance from each other of two visual rays, at which they can still be perceived as distinct points. If the luminous rays, coming respectively from the top and bottom of an object, are so closely ap- proximated, where they strike the retina, that the two impressions are confounded, there can be no distinct perception of its figure or dimen- sions. On the other hand, if the sensibility of the retina be such that the two impressions are still perceived as separate from each other, the form of the object will be recognized as well as its luminosity, notwith- standing the small size of its retinal image. The figure of a man, six feet high, seen at the distance of ten yards, makes at the cornea a visual angle of 11 30', and forms upon the retina an image which is less than half a millimetre (^ of an inch) in length ; and yet an abundance of details are distinctly perceptible within this space. The extreme limit of approximation at which two points may be distinguished from each other has been examined by the observation of fixed stars, and by that of parallel threads of the spider's web, or of fine metallic wires, placed at known distances from each other. 1 The general result of these examinations has shown that, for the average of well-formed eyes, the smallest visual angle, at which two adjacent points or lines can be dis- tinguished, is from 60 to 13 seconds ; corresponding to a distance upon the retina of from 4 to 5 rnmm. According to the measurements of Schultze, the diameter of the retinal cones, at the fovea centralis, is from 3 to 3.5 mmm. ; and if two points of light were separated at the retina by a less distance than this, they would often fall upon the same cone, and consequently excite the same nucleus and fibre in the adjacent layer. If the diameter of the cones be the element which determines the limit of acuteness of vision, two luminous points, to be distinctly perceptible, must be separated upon the retina by a distance of at least 3 mmm., and must have a visual angle with each other of at least 42 1 Helmholtz, Optique Physiologique. Paris, 1867, p. 292. SENSE OF SIGHT. 627 seconds. In the observations made upon fixed stars, it is found that two stars can never be separately distinguished by the eye unless their angular distance from each other is equal to 30 seconds ; and very seldom, unless it be as great as 60 seconds. These measurements correspond with each other only in an approximative manner ; perhaps because there has never been an opportunity of examining the retinal elements in an eye, of which the acuteness of vision has been tested beforehand. But they are sufficient to indicate a probable connection between the minute structure of the retina and the possible limit of its sensibility to separate impressions. Physiological Conditions of the Sense of Sight. The apparatus of vision, as above described, consists of various parts, each of which has its appropriate share in producing the final result of visual perceptions. The eye, so far as regards its physical structure, is an optical instrument, composed of transparent and refracting media, a perforated diaphragm, and a dark chamber lined with a blackened membrane, all of which act upon the luminous rays according to the same laws as the corresponding parts in a telescope or a camera ; and the accuracy of their adjustment is one of the first requisites for the exercise of sight. The organ, furthermore, is movable as a whole; and certain of its internal parts are also under the control of muscular tissues, whose alternate con- traction and dilatation contribute to determine its mode of action. It is, in addition, a double organ ; and impressions may be derived from the simultaneous employment of both eyes, which cannot be acquired by the use of one alone. Finally, the special sensibility of its nervous elements is liable to modifications of various kinds, which have an in- fluence upon the nature and intensity of the sensations produced. The principal conditions regulating the physiological exercise of the sense of sight are the following : Field of Vision. As the eyeball is placed in the orbit with the cornea and the pupil directed forward, there is, in front of each eye, a circular space within which luminous objects are perceptible ; while beyond its borders, laterally and posteriori}^, nothing can be seen. This space is the "field of vision." Its extreme limit, in man, reaches nearly to 180 degrees of angular distance ; that is to say, with the eye directed straight forward, the light from a brilliant object may be per- ceived, when the object itself is placed laterally almost as far back as the plane of the iris. The possibilit} r , for light which has come from this direction, of penetrating the pupil and finally reaching a sensitive part of the retina, depends upon the refractive power of the cornea and the curvature of its anterior surface, by which the luminous ray is bent inward and thus enabled to enter obliquely the orifice of the pupil. In many of the lower animals, where the eyes are more promi- nent than in man, and the curvatures of the cornea and crystalline lens more pronounced, the field of vision is enlarged in a corresponding degree. In birds and fishes, it is still further modified by the lateral 628 THE SENSES. position of the two eyes. The ostrich, with the head directed forward, can easily see objects placed a few yards behind its back ; and in many fish, when examined from different points in an aquarium, it is impossi- ble for the observer to place himself in any position, above, behind, or on either side, where he cannot see one or both of the pupils of the animal. The field of vision consequently, for the animal, is a complete sphere ; the light being perceptible from every point of the surrounding space. In man, the external borders of the field of vision are very ill defined ; and objects placed at a lateral distance of 90 degrees must be very brilliant to attract attention. For practical purposes, the space within which objects are perceptible is one of not more than 75 degrees on each side, or 150 degrees for the entire field of vision. Line of Direct Vision. Within the field of vision, however, there is onlyjone point, at its centre, where the form of objects can be perceived with distinctness ; and the prolongation of this point, in the visual axis of the eye, from the pupil forward, is called the "line of direct vision." Objects met with upon this line can be distinctly seen ; all others, situ- ated upon either side, above or below it, are perceived only in an imper- fect manner. If the observer place himself in front of a row of vertical stakes or palisades, he can see those placed directly in front of the e3'e with perfect distinctness ; but those on each side appear as uncertain and confused images. On looking at the middle of a printed page, in the line of direct vision, we see the distinct outlines of the letters; while at successive distances from this point, the eye remaining fixed, we distinguish first only the separate letters with confused outlines, then only the words, and lastly only the lines and spaces. This limitation of serviceable sight to the line of direct vision is practically compensated by the great mobility of the eyeball, which turns successively in different directions ; thus shifting the field of vision and examining in turn every part of the space attainable by the eye. In reading a printed page, the eye follows the lines from left to right, seeing each letter and word distinctly in succession. At the end of each line, it returns suddenly to the commencement of the next, repeat- ing the same movement from the top to the bottom of the page. The deficiency of distinctness outside the line of direct vision depends upon two causes, which are both present, although either separately would tend to produce a similar result ; namely, 1st, inaccurate focus- ing of the luminous rays ; and 2d, diminished acuteness of the retinal sensibility. Rays of light entering the eye from the front, in the line of direct vision, may be brought to an accurate focus at the situation of the retina. But those which enter at a certain degree of obliquity, whether from above, from below, or from one side, suffer a more rapid conver- gence and are accordingly brought to a focus and again dispersed, before reaching the retina. Thus rays diverging from the point a (Fig. 198), in the line of direct vision, are again concentrated at x, and form a dis- tinct image upon the retina at that point. But those coming from 6, SENSE OF SIGHT. 629 situated considerably on one side, under a similar degree of divergence, fall upon the cornea and the crystalline lens in such a way that there is more difference in their angles of incidence, and consequently more dif- ference in the amount of their refraction. They are therefore brought together too rapidly, and are dispersed upon the retina over the space ?/, z, forming an imperfect image. Ophthalmoscopic examination of the retina shows that, in point of fact, the images formed at the fundus of Fig. 198. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF THE EYEBALL, showing difference of refraction for direct and indirect vision. a, x. Rays from a point in the line of direct vision, focussed at the retina. 6, y, z. Rays from a point outside the line of direct vision, brought to a focus and dispersed before reaching the retina. the eye, from luminous objects in the line of direct vision, present per- fectly distinct outlines ; while those at a certain distance from this point, toward the lateral parts of the retina, are comparatively ill-defined. Secondly, there is reason to believe that the sensibility of the retina is also less acute in its lateral regions than at the fundus, and particu- larly at the macula lutea and fovea centralis; since, according to Helm- holtz, the sharpness of sight for objects at a little distance from the line of direct vision diminishes in greater proportion than the dis- tinctness of their images formed upon the retina. The fovea centralis, according^, is the spot where the retina possesses the most acute sensi- bility, and it is also situated at the extremity of the visual axis, where the refraction and covergence of the luminous rays are effected with the greatest accuracy. Objects situated upon the line of this axis are seen by direct vision, and are distinctly perceived; those situated in the field of view, outside this line, are seen by indirect vision, and their outlines appear more or less confused and uncertain. Point of distinct vision, and Accommodation of the eye for different distances. An optical instrument, composed of refracting lenses, can- not be made to serve at the same time for near and remote objects. In a refracting telescope or spy-glass, if the instrument be directed toward 630 THE SENSES. any part of the landscape, objects at a certain distance only are dis- tinctly seen ; all others, situated within or beyond this distance, are obscure or imperceptible. This is necessarily the case, since a lens or system of lenses can bring to a focus at one spot only those rays which strike its anterior surface within a certain degree of divergence. The formation of a visible image at the desired spot depends entirely upon the refracting power of the lenses being such, that all the rays diverg- ing from a particular point of the object shall be again brought to an exact focus at the plane where the image is to be perceived. If the object be placed at an indefinite distance near the horizon, or if it be one of the heavenly bodies, the rays emanating from any one point of such an object reach the telescope under so slight a degree of divergence that they are nearly parallel; and, on suffering refraction, they will be brought to a focus at a short distance behind the lens. But if the object be less remote, the rays emanating from it strike the lens under a higher degree of divergence. The same amount of refractive power, therefore, produces a less rapid convergence than in the former case, the rays are consequently brought to a focus only at a greater distance behind the lens. To provide for this difficulty, the spy-glass is pro- vided with a sliding tube, by which the distance of the eye-piece from the object-glass may be shifted at will. For the examination of remote objects, the eye-piece is pushed forward, so as to bring into view the image formed at a short distance behind the lens ; for the examination of near objects it is drawn backward, to receive the image placed farther to the rear. This is the accommodation of the spy-glass for yision at different distances. A similar necessity exists in the optical apparatus of the eye. If one eye be covered, and two long needles placed vertically in front of the other, in nearly the same linear range, but at different distances- one, for example, at eight, and the other at twenty inches from the eye it will be found that they cannot both be seen distinctly at the same time. When we look at the one nearer the eye, so as to perceive its form distinctly, the image of the more remote one becomes con- fused; and when we see the more distant object in perfection, that which is nearer loses its sharpness of outline. The same thing may be made evident by stretching in front of the eye, at the distance of seven or eight inches, a plain gauze veil, or other woven fabric formed of fine threads, with tolerably open meshes, so that objects beyond may be readily visible through its tissue. The ob- server, in using a single eye, may fix at will either the threads of the veil, or the more distant objects placed beyond it ; but they alternate with each other in distinctness, like the two needles in the experiment described above. At the time when the threads are sharply defined, other objects are indistinct ; and when the eye is fixed upon the more distant objects, so that they are perfectly delineated in the field of vision, the threads of the veil become almost imperceptible, and hardly interfere by their presence with the images seen beyond. SENSE OF SIGHT. 631 ; It is evident, therefore, that the eye cannot perceive distinctly, at the same time, objects which are placed at different distances, but it must fix alternately the nearer and the more remote, and examine each in turn. It is also evident that, in thus bringing alternately the one or the other into distinct view, there is a change of some kind in the con- dition of the eye, by which it adapts itself to the distance or nearness of the object under examination. The observer himself, at the moment of transferring the sight from one object to another, is conscious of a certain effort, by means of which the eye assumes its new condition ; and the alteration thus produced is not quite instantaneous, but re- quires a certain interval for its completion. The process which takes place at this time is the accommodation of the eye for vision at different distances. The method by which the accommodation of the eye is effected forms one of the most important parts of the physiology of sight. The facts which have been established by observation in regard to it are as follows : I. The change in ocular accommodation for different distances is accompanied by an alteration in distinctness of the images formed upon the retina. This is demonstrated by the observations of Helrnholtz with the aid Of the ophthalmoscope. When the retina is brought into view by this instrument, if the person under examination fix his attention upon a distant object, its image is shown upon the retina with distinct outlines; but on changing the point of vision for a near object, the image of the latter becomes distinct, while that of the former loses its sharpness. This indicates that the result in question is not produced simply by the mental effort of the individual, but depends upon a physical change in the refractive condition of the eye. II. Accommodation for distant objects is a passive condition of the eye; that for near objects is the result of muscular activity. This fact is in some degree made apparent by the nature of the sen- sations accompanying the change. The eye rests without fatigue for an indefinite time upon remote objects; but for the examination of those in close proximity, especially if it be prolonged, a certain effort is necessary, which, after a time, amounts to the sense of fatigue. It is also remarked that solutions of atropine, which, when applied to the eye, cause temporary paralysis of the sphincter muscle of the iris and consequent dilatation of the pupil, suspend, more or less completely, the power of accommodation for near objects, while that for remote objects remains perfect. If both these changes were due to muscular action, it would be necessary to assume that the same substance could paralyze one of the internal muscles of the eyeball, and at the same time leave the other intact, or throw it into a state of permanent rigid- ity ; and there is nothing known which would justify such an assump- tion. Furthermore, there are certain cases of paralysis -of the oculo- motorius nerve, where not only the corresponding external muscles of 632 THE SENSES. the eyeball and the sphincter pupillae are relaxed, but the changes of accommodation are also interfered with ; and in these instances, accord- ing to Helinholtz, the eye invariably remains adapted for long distances, and cannot be brought to a state of distinct vision for near objects. The evidence in this direction is completed by the well-known facts which accompany the usual diminution or loss of accommodative power with advancing years. In old persons, where this change has taken place, it is the accommodation for near objects which is deficient, while that for distant objects remains perfect. III. In accommodation for near cbjects, the crystalline lens becomes more convex, thus increasing its refractive power. This is the essential change upon which all the results of accommodation are directly de- pendent. Its existence was demonstrated by Cramer and Donders, 1 by the aid of what are called the "catoptric images," or images of reflection in the eye. If a brilliant candle flame be so disposed, in a room with dark walls, that its rays fall some- what obliquely upon the cornea of the eye tinder observation, and at an angle of about 30 degrees with its line of sight, and if the observer place himself on the opposite side, at an equal angle with the line of sight, three ^fleeted images of the flame will become visi- of reflection, from the surface ble, as in the accompanying figure. The first left-hand image (Fig. 199, a) face of the lens. c. inverted which is brightest of all, and upright, is that ie'n.? 08 !ri r 8Ur " reflected from the surface of the cornea. The second, 6, which is also upright, but much fainter, is the reflection from the convex anterior surface of the lens; and the third, c, which is tolerably distinct, but inverted, is thrown back from the posterior surface of the lens, acting as a concave mirror. If the person under observation now changes his point of sight, from a distant to a near object, the position of the eyeball remaining fixed, the second image, 6, becomes smaller, and places itself nearer the first. This indicates that the anterior surface of the lens, from which this image is reflected, becomes more bulging, and approaches the cornea: at the same time no change is observable in the other two images, showing that the curvatures, both of the cornea and of the posterior surface of the lens, remain unaltered. Helmholtz has made the phenomenon above described much more apparent by employing, instead of a single light, two similar sources of illumination placed in the same vertical line. There are thus produced two catoptric images, one above the other, from each surface of reflec- tion ; and an increase or diminution in convexity of either of these sur- 1 DONDERS, Accommodation and Kefraction of the Eye, Sydenham edition. London, 1864, p. 10. SENSE OF SIGHT. 633 faces would be readily manifested by an approach or recession of the two images belonging to it. In accommodation for remote objects (Fig. 200, A), the two images from the anterior surface of the lens are of considerable size and somewhat widely separated ; in accommodation for near objects (#), they diminish in size and approach each other. The double reflections from the cornea and the posterior surface of the lens, remain at sensibly the same distance from each other in both Fig. 200. states of accommodation. The advance of the iris and pu- pil, in consequence of the protru- sion of the anterior face of the lens, as remarked by Helmholtz,can also be observed directly, by looking into the eye from the side. If the observer look from this direction so as to obtain a profile view of the cornea and part of the sclerotic be- tween the opening of the e3^elids, he will see the dark pupil in perspec- tive under the form of an upright elongated oval, a little in front of the edge of the sclerotic. The person under observation fixes his sight upon a distant object, and the observer places himself steadily in such a position that the hither edge of the iris is just concealed by the ante- rior border of the sclerotic. If the sight be now shifted from the dis- tant to a near object, in the same linear range, the pupil visibly ad- vances toward the cornea, and the edge of the iris shows itself a little from behind the edge of the sclerotic. If the sight be again directed to the distant object, the pupil recedes and the edge of the iris, disappears, as before, behind the sclerotic. The accommodation of the eye for near objects is therefore produced by an increased refractive power of the lens, from the greater bulging CHANGE OF POSITION IN DOUBLE CATOPTRIC IMAGES during accommoda- tion. A. Position of the images in accom- modation for distant objects. B. Position of the images in accommodation for near ob- jects, a. Corneal image, b. Image from an- terior surface of lens. c. Image from poste- rior surface of lens. Fig. 201. Fig. 202. VISION FOR DISTANT OBJECTS. VISION FOR NEAR OBJECTS. of its anterior face. This has the effect of increasing the rapidity of convergence of rays passing through it, and consequently compensates for their greater divergence before entering its substance. In the ordi- nary condition of ocular repose, when the eye is directed to distant ob- 41 634 THE SENSES. jects, the rays coming from any point of such an object arrive at the cornea in a nearly parallel position, and are then refracted to such a de- gree that they meet in a focus at the retina (Fig. 201). When the eye is directed to a nearer point (Fig. 202), the lens increases its anterior convexity ; and the divergent rays, being more strongly refracted, are still brought to a focus at the retina, as before. It thus becomes possi- ble to fix alternately, in distinct vision, objects at various distances in front of the eye. Mechanism of the Change in Figure of the Lens in Accommodation. The mechanism by which the lens is rendered more convex, in vision for near objects, is far from being completely demonstrated. The rea- sons have already been given which lead to the conclusion that it is accomplished, in some way, by muscular action ; and the two muscles which, separately or together, undoubtedly produce this change, are the iris and the ciliary muscle. The iris certainly contracts in accommodation for near objects. This is easily observed on examining by daylight the pupil of an eye which is alternately directed to near and remote objects. The pupil visibly diminishes in size when the eye is fixed upon a point near by, and again enlarges when the sight is accommodated for the distance. The move- ments of the ciliary muscle, on the other hand, are not subject to ob- servation ; but the attachments and position of this muscle have led many writers to attribute to it an important, if not the principal, part in causing a change of form in the crystalline lens. So far as we are at present able to form a judgment on this question, it may be said that the diminution in size of the pupil is not by itself an efficient cause of accommodation ; since, according to Helmholtz, if the observer look through a perforated card, the orifice of which is smaller than the pupil, near objects still appear indistinct when the sight is directed to the distance, and vice versa, notwithstanding the invariable dimensions of the artificial pupil thus employed. The con- traction of the circular fibres of the sphincter papillae must, therefore, have for its probable object to fix the inner border of the iris, thus affording an internal point of attachment for the radiating fibres of the same muscle. These fibres have for their external attachment the elastic tissue at the inner wall of the canal of Schlemm (Fig. 189); and from this circle also arise the fibres of the ciliary muscle, which radiate outward and backward to their final attachment at the surface of the choroid membrane. If the circular and radiating fibres of both these muscles contract together, they will form a connected system, which may exert a pressure upon the borders of the lens, sufficient to cause the protrusion of its anterior face at the pupil, where alone its advance is not resisted. The aqueous humor, displaced by the protrusion of the lens, may find room in the external parts of the anterior chamber, where the outer border of the iris recedes, under the traction of the ciliary muscle. These are the general features of the mechanical action in accommodation, as it is generally supposed to take place. At the same SENSE OF SIGHT. 635 time, its details are by no means clearly understood ; and explanations, varying more or less from that given above, have been proposed by observers of very high authority. The direction and degree in which pressure would be exerted, by muscular fibres attached like those in the interior of the eye, are too imperfectly known to warrant a positive statement in this respect. Limits of Accommodation for the Normal Eye. The normal eye is so constructed that rays emanating from a single point, though coming from an indefinite distance, and therefore sensibly parallel to each other, are brought to a focus at the retina (Fig. 203). Vision is accordingly distinct, even for the heavenly bodies, provided their light be neither too dim nor too excessive in brillianc3 T . For bodies situated nearer to the eye, the convexity of the lens increases with the diminution of the dis- tance, and vision still remains perfect. But there is a limit to the change of shape which the lens is capable of assuming ; and when this limit is reached, a closer approximation of the object necessarily destroys the accuracy of its image. For ordinary normal eyes, in the early or middle periods of life, accommodation fails and vision becomes indistinct, when the object is placed at less than 15 centimetres (6 inches) from the eye- Between these two limits, of 15 centimetres and infinity, the amount of accommodation required is by no means in simple proportion to the variation of the distance. The change of accommodation necessary for objects situated respectively at 15 and 30 centimetres from the eye (6 inches and 12 inches), is much greater than that corresponding to the distances of one yard and two yards. The farther the object recedes from the eye, the less diiference is produced, in the sensible divergence of the rays, by any additional increase of distance ; and consequently less variation is required in the refractive condition of the eye to pre- serve the accuracy of its image. It is generally found that no sensible effort of accommodation is required for objects situated at any distance beyond fifty feet from the observer ; while within this limit the amount of accommodation necessary for distinct vision increases rapidly with the diminution of the distance. An eye which is capable of accommodating for distinct vision, through- out the whole range included between 15 centimetres and an indefinite distance, is, in this respect, a normal eye, and is said to be emmetropic ; that is, its powers of accommodation are placed within the natural limits or measurements of this function. Presbyopia Eye. The power of accommodation diminishes naturally with the advance of age ; and observation shows that this diminution dates from the earliest period of life. Infants often examine minute ob- jects at very short distances, in a manner which would be quite imprac- ticable for the healthy adult eye ; and the minimum distance of distinct vision at twenty years of age is placed by some writers at ten centi- metres instead of fifteen. The power of increasing the convex^ of the lens to this extent is soon lost ; and, as it continues to diminish, a time arrives, usually between the ages of 40 and 50 years, when the incapacity 636 THE SENSES. of accommodation for near objects begins to interfere with the ordinary occupations of life. When this condition is established the eye is said to be presbyopia. Its vision is still perfect for distant objects, but it can no longer adapt itself for the examination of those in close prox- imity to the eye. To remedy this 'defect the patient employs a convex eye-glass, which replaces for him the increased convexity of the crys- talline lens, in accommodation for near objects ; and by the aid of such a glass he is able to read or write at ordinary distances and in characters of the ordinary size. The use of a convex eye-glass does not restore the perfection of sight as it existed beforehand. In the normal eye, the degree of accommoda- tion varies for every change of distance within fifty feet ; and the organ is thus adjusted, by an instantaneous and unconscious movement, for the most delicate variations of refractive power. But an eye-glass, the curvatures of which are invariable, can give perfect correction only for a single distance. A glass is, therefore, usually selected of such a strength as to serve for the most convenient distance in the ordinary manipulation of near objects. Fig. 203. EMMETEOPIC EYE, iii vision at long distances. (Wundt.) Fig. 204. MYOPIC EYE, in vision at long distances. (Wundt.) Myopic Eye. In many instances, where the eye is otherwise of nor- mal configuration, its antero-posterior diameter is longer than usual, thus placing the retina at a greater distance behind the lens. The con- sequence of this peculiarity is that while the luminous ra}^s are brought to a focus at the usual distance from their point of entrance into the eye, this focus is situated within the vitreous body; and the rays reach the retina only after they have crossed and suffered a partial dispersion. SENSE OF SIGHT. 637 (Fig. 204.) This produces an indistinct image for all remote objects. Within, however, a certain distance from the eye, the rays enter the pupil under such a degree of divergence, that their focus behind the lens falls at the situation of the retina, and the object is distinctly seen. Such an eye is said to be myopic, or, in ordinary language, "near sighted," because its range of distinct vision is confined to objects situated comparatively near the eye. The flexibility of the lens, and its capacity for increasing its convexity, may be, in the myopic eye, fully up to the normal standard, and consequently its power of accommodation may be as great in reality, though not in distance, as that of the normal eye. In the ernmetropic. condition, a certain degree of variation in the curvature of the lens produces the necessary change of accommodation for any distance between 15 centimetres and infintty. In the myopic eye the same amount of accommodating power may be present, though perfectly distinct vision be confined between the distances of 8 and 20 centimetres. The myopic eye consequently has distinct vision at shorter distances than a natural one, but gives an imperfect image for remote objects. The remedy adopted for the myopic eye is to employ a concave eye- glass, which increases the divergence of the incident rays. This enables the eye to bring parallel or nearly parallel rays to a focus situated farther back than it would otherwise fall, and at the actual position of the retina ; thus giving distinct vision for remote objects. As the accommodative power is normal in amount, this contrivance restores completely the perfection of sight, in a myopic eye which is otherwise well-formed ; and the patient can then accommodate accurately for all distances within the natural limits of distinct vision. Apparent Position of Objects, and Binocular Vision. The apparent position of an object is determined by the direction in which the lumi- nous rays pass from it to the interior of the eye. The perception of the light itself necessarily marks the direction from which it has arrived, and therefore the apparent position of its source. It is difficult to under- stand fully the precise physiological conditions which cause this appreci- ation of the path followed by a luminous beam ; although there seems reason for the belief that it is in some way connected with the posi- tion of the rods and cones which stand perpendicularly to the curved surface of the retina, and thus receive the impression of a ray, if at all, in the direction of their longitudinal axes. But whatever may be the optical or physiological mechanism of the process, its plain result is that a ray coming from below attracts attention to the inferior part of the field of vision ; and one coining from above is referred to its point of origin in the upper part of the same field. Thus if two luminous points appear simultaneously in the field of vision, they present themselves in a certain position with regard to each other, above or below, to the right or the left, according to the direction in which their light has reached the eye. 638 THE SENSES. This fact is fully demonstrated by the phenomena of angular reflec- tion and refraction. If a candle be held behind the back, in such a posi- tion as to be reflected in a mirror placed at the front, the light presents itself to the eye as if it were really in front, because it is from this direction that the luminous rays finally come. If we observe the reflec- tion of objects in a mirror held horizontally, or in a smooth sheet of water, the objects seem to be placed below the reflecting surface, although they are really above it ; since the rays which make their impression upon the eye actually come from below. A stick or pebble, seen ob- liquely at the bottom of a transparent pool, appears nearer the surface than it really? is, because the rays which reach the visual organ have been bent from their course, in passing from the water into the atmos- phere, and have consequently assumed a more oblique direction. Erect Vision, with Inverted Retinal Image. Since it is the direction of the visual rays, rather than the point of their impact upon the retina, which determines the apparent relative position of luminous objects, such objects appear erect although their images upon the retina are inverted. The retinal image is not the form which is seen by the eye itself, but is only a phenomenon visible to the inspection of another eye. It is an appearance which is incidental to the mode of refraction of the visual rays ; and its position is quite a distinct matter from that of the luminous impressions perceived by the retina. Its relation to the picture really presented to the sensitive membrane, is like that of the reversed engraving upon a wood-cut to the printed impression of the same design ; or like that of the elevations and depressions of a mould to the depressions and elevations of the cast taken from it. In the field of sight, therefore, for each eye, every object appears above or below, to the right or left, according to the position which it really occupies in regard to the centre of the field and the line of direct vision. Point of Fixation, in Vision with Two Eyes. For each eye, distinct perception is possible, as shown above (p. 628), only for objects situated in a single range, which is known as the " line of direct vision." Since the eyes are placed in their orbits at a lateral distance from each other of about six centimetres, when they are both directed at the same object, within a moderate distance, their lines of direct vision have a sensible convergence, and, of course, cross each other only at a single point. At this point of intersection of the two lines of direct vision, an object may be seen distinctly by both eyes at the same time. But at every other point, it must appear indistinct to one of them ; because if it be in the line of direct vision for the right eye it will be out of that line for the left, and vice versa. There is, accordingly, only a certain dis- tance, directly in front, at which an object can be distinctly seen sim- ultaneously by both eyes ; namely, that at which the two lines of direct vision cross each other. This point is called the point of fixation, for the two eyes. In fixing any object, for binocular vision, the accommo- dation in each eye is at the same time adjusted for the required distance ; SENSE OF SIGHT. 639 Fig. 205. and thus the entire accuracy of both organs is concentrated upon a single point. Since it is the position of the two eyes in their respective orbits which determines the point of fixation, the observer can form a tolerably accu- rate judgment, as to whether another person within a moderate distance be looking at him, or at some other object farther removed in the same direction. For more considerable distances the estimate fails, because the obliquity of the two eyes, which varies perceptibly within moderate distances, diminishes so much in looking afc remote objects, that the slight differences which exist are no longer appreciable by the observer. Single and Distinct Vision with both Eyes. From the preceding facts it is evident that only one point can be found in the line of direct vision, for both eyes at the same time. When an object occupies this situation, namely, the point of fixation, it is distinctly perceived by both eyes in the centre of the field of vision ; thus its two visual images exactly cover each other in their apparent position and so form but one. Consequently, the object appears single, though seen simul- taneously by both eyes (Fig. 205). But if placed either within or bej'ond the point of fixation, an object appears indistinct and at the same time double. If the observer hold a slender rod in the vertical position at a distance of one or two feet before the face, and in the same range with any small object, such as a door-knob, on the opposite side of the room, it will be found that when both eyes are directed at the rod, it is seen single and distinctly, but the door-knob appears double one of its images falling upon each side. If the eyes be now directed at the door- knob, that in turn becomes distinct and single, while the rod appears double, one indistinct image being placed on each side, as before. These phenomena depend upon the different directions of the two lines of direct vision. When the eyes are so directed that the nearer object (Fig. 205, i) occupies the point of fixation, the farther object (a) will also be seen, because it is still included in the visual field ; although it will be seen indistinctly, because the accommodation of the eye is no longer adjusted to its distance, and because it is not in the line of direct vision. But for the right eye (a) it will be placed to the right of this line, and for the left eye (b) to the left of it. Its two images do not cor- respond with each other in situation, and the object accordingly appears double. If the eyes, on the other hand, be directed at the more distant object, b SlTTGLE ATTD DOTTBLE Vl- SION, at different distances. a. Right eye. b. Left eye. 1. Ob- ject at the point of fixation, seen single. 2. Object beyond the point of fixation, seen double. 64:0 THE SENSES. the nearer one is no longer in the point of fixation. For the right eye, its image will appear to the left of the line of direct vision, and for the left eye to the right of this line. It therefore appears double and in- distinct. Thus, in the ordinary use of binocular vision every object but one appears double and at the same time imperfectly delineated. This cir- cumstance is so little noticed that it is never a source of confusion for the sight, and even requires a special experiment to demonstrate its existence. The reason for its passing, as a general rule, unobserved is twofold. First, the attention is naturally concentrated upon the object which is placed, for the moment, at the point of fixation. When this point is shifted, the new object upon which it falls also appears single ; and thus the idea of a double image, even if indistinctly suggested at any time, is at once dispelled by the movement of the eyes in that direction. Secondly, an object which is really placed in any degree toward the right hand or the left will form an indistinct double image, since it occupies a different apparent position for the two eyes. But the obliquity of its rays, and consequently the indistinctness of its image, will be greater for the right eye than for the left, or vice versa; and the notice of the observer, if drawn to it at all, is occupied with the more distinct of the two images, to the exclusion of the other. The fact becomes palpable only in such an experiment as that detailed above ; where two bodies are examined in the same linear range, so that the double images produced are equal in intensity, and sufficiently de- tached by contrast from surrounding objects to force themselves upon the attention. Double vision may also be produced at any time by pressure with the finger at the external angle of one of the eyes, so as to alter its posi- tion in the orbit, the other eye remaining untouched. But in this case it is the whole field of vision which is displaced, and all objects are doubled indiscriminately ; their images being separated to the same degree and in the same direction, whatever may be their distance from the eye. It is this form of double vision which is produced, in vertigo or intoxication, by irregular action of the muscles of the eyeball. Appreciation of Solidity and Projection. When both eyes are direct- ed simultaneously at a single point, the distance of the object may be estimated with considerable accuracy by the degree of convergence of the visual axes required for its fixation. Since this convergence is in proportion to the proximity to the observer of the point of fixation, another impression, of different kind but of equal importance, is also produced by binocular vision, when the object has an appreciable volume and thickness, and when it is placed within a moderate distance. Owing to the lateral separation of the two eyes, and the convergent direction of their visual axes, they do not both receive from such an object pre- cisely the same image. Both e} r es will see the front of the object in nearly the same manner ; but in addition the right eye will see a little of its right side, and the left eye will see a little of its left side. This SENSE OF SIGHT. is illustrated in Figs. 206 and 20T, which represent a skull as seen by the two eyes, when placed exactly in front of the observer at a distance of eighteen inches or two feet ; rather more of the details on one side being visible to the left eye, and rather more of those on the other Fig. 206. Fig. 207. AS SEEN BY THE LEFT EYE. AS SEEN BY THE RIGHT EYE. being visible to the right eye. As the central part of the mass is in the point of fixation, at the junction of the two visual axes, the object appears single. But the images which it presents to the two eyes are not precisely identical in form ; and it is the combination of these dif- ferent images into one which gives rise to the impression of solidity or projection. But this effect is complete only when the object is situated within a moderately short distance. For those which are comparatively remote, the convergence of the visual axes, and consequently the difference in the apparent configuration of the two images, become inappreciable, and the optical impression of solidity disappears. At a distance of some miles even a large object, like a mountain, loses its projection, and presents the form of a flattened mass against the horizon. It is on this account that pictorial representations of distant views are often extremely effective ; the idea of successive remoteness in different parts of the landscape being conveyed by appropriate intersection of the out- lines and by variations in tone, color, and distinctness, like those due to the interposition of the atmosphere. On the other hand, a picture of near objects, which aims to represent their solidity, can never de- ceive us in this respect, however elaborate may be the details of surface, shadow, and color ; since the flat surface of the picture presents the same image to both eyes, and it is consequently evident that the ob- jects delineated have no real projection. But if two pictures of the same object, taken in two different positions, be presented in such a way that only one of them is seen by the right eye, and only the other by the left, the same optical effect may be produced as by the object itself, and the appearance of solidity and projection may be perfectly 642 THE SENSES. imitated. Such is the. principle of the instrument known as the stereo- scope. This is simply a box or framework, holding two photographic pictures of the same object, which have been taken from two different points of view, corresponding to the different positions of the two eyes. Thus one of the pictures represents the object as it would in reality be seen by the right eye, and the other represents it as it would be seen by the left. When these pictures are so placed in the stereoscope that each eye has presented to it the appropriate view, the two images, occu- pying the point of fixation, are fused upon the retina, and produce an extremely deceptive resemblance to the projection and stolidity of the real object. The acuteness of perception, by which the eyes appreciate a slight difference in the two retinal images, is the measure of what may be called their stereoscopic sensibility. It has been observed that two coins, composed of different metals, but struck from the same die, are slightly different in volume, owing to the unequal dilatation of the metals after receiving the impression of the die. This difference may be quite inappreciable to the eye in ordinary examination, even when the coins are placed in contact with each other ; but if they be made to take the place of the two pictures in a stereoscope box and viewed together, the resulting image, instead of presenting a plane surface, appears ob- lique and convex. The degree of stereoscopic sensibility was tested by Helmholtz in the following manner: Three metallic pins were fixed upright in small movable blocks of wood, placed side by side, so that the pins sh6uld be about 12 millimetres distant from each other, and nearly in the same vertical plane. The observer then, using both eyes simultaneously, examined the appearance of the objects from a distance of 340 milli- metres, the pins being arranged at right angles across the line of view. The immediate object of the examination was to determine, from the stereoscopic effect, whether the three pins were placed exactly in the same plane, or whether either of them were in advance of or behind the others. It was found possible to detect in this way a deviation in posi- tion of one of the pins equal to one-half its own thickness, that is, 0.25 mm. ; and the deviation was recognized with absolute certainty when it amounted to the entire thickness of the pin, that is, 0.50 milli- metre. General Laws of Visual Perception. Beside the laws regulating the formation and combination of optical images, there are certain pheno- mena connected with visual perceptions in general, which are of con- siderable importance in the physiology of sight. Some of these phe- nomena require for their study special modes of investigation, while others are made evident by comparatively simple means, and are often of consequence in their hygienic relations. Luminous impressions upon the eye remain for a certain time after the cessation of the light. The persistence of luminous impres- sions thus left upon the eye is very short, and is not usually noticeable, SENSE OF SIGHT. 643 because these impressions are, under all ordinary conditions, immediately followed by others upon the same part of the retina, and the new sensation practically obliterates the old one. But, if the instantaneous impression be not followed by a different one, or if it be sufficiently vivid to be perceived, notwithstanding the presence of others, its con- tinuance may be made evident to observation. Thus, in a dark room, if a bright point, like the heated end of a wire, be carried round in a circle with moderate rapidity, the eye follows its movement, as it presents itself successively in different parts of the circle ; the light always ap- pearing at one point only, the rest of the space remaining dark. But if the rapidity of the circular movement be greatly increased, the bright point seems to be drawn out more or less into a curved line; and, when the rate of revolution has attained a very high degree of velocity, it becomes transformed into a continuous circle of light, since the impression made upon the retina, when the end of the wire is at one part of the circle, lasts until it has completed a revolution and again re- turned to the same point. The succession of sparks thrown off rapidly from a knife-grinder's wheel often produce the effect, even by daylight, of an unbroken stream of fire. A circular saw with large teeth, driven by machinery under a high rate of speed, presents apparently a perfectly smooth edge, the outline of which is formed by the moving points of the teeth ; and the revolving spokes of a carriage wheel, in rapid motion, become confused upon the retina with each other and with the interven- ing spaces, and assume the appearance of a uniform glimmering disk. The absolute duration of visual impressions upon the retina has been the subject of various researches, but it is found that its length cannot be expressed by any single number which would be correct for all cases. A brilliant light leaves, on the whole, an impression which lasts longer than that from a feeble one ; but, on the other hand, its relative intensity to the light of surrounding objects diminishes more rapidly, and con- sequently, when it is in motion, a higher degree of velocity is required to produce the appearance of a uniformly bright line. The experiments employed to determine the length of time, during which a luminous impression remains upon the eye without appreciable diminution of its intensity, have been usually those with revolving disks, the surface of which is variegated in sectors of black and white. The rate of revo- lution of the disk being known, as well as the width of the different sec- tors, when the revolving surface presents to the eye the appearance of an absolutely uniform gray tint, the time during which the black or white impressions remain undiininished in strength is readily ascertained. The result obtained, from experiments conducted in this manner, under moderate illumination, gives the duration of perfect visual impressions as one twenty-fourth of a second, and, for the oscillation of a very luminous point following the vibrations of a tuning fork, one-thirtieth of a second. The persistence and apparent continuity of successive visual images, appearing at the same spot, is illustrated in the optical contrivance known as the Thaumatrope, or magic wheel. It consists of an opaque 644: THE SENSES. disk, with a perforation at one spot near its edge, through which another disk is visible, placed immediately behind the first, and capable of re- volving rapidly while the first remains stationary. Upon the second disk is a circle of pictures representing the same figure in different positions ; and when, by its revolution, these pictures are made to pass in quick succession across the opening of the disk in front, they present the ar> pearance of a single figure in rapid motion. The interval between the perception by the eye of successive pictures is too short to be observed, and the same object appears to take successively the different positions in which it is represented. Duration of a Luminous Impulse required for the Perception of Visual Impressions. This point has been investigated by Rood 1 by means of the light of an electric spark obtained from an induction coil connected by its terminal wires with the inner and outer surfaces of a Leyden jar. On breaking the primary current a discharge takes place between the electrodes, which is of exceedingly short duration. This duration was measured by Prof. Rood with the aid of a mirror revolv- ing upon its transverse axis, by which the light of the electric spark was thrown upon a plate of glass, where it could be examined by the naked eye, or with a magnifying eye-piece, as in Fig. 208. The light emanating from the spark S, was received by an achromatic lens L, of nine inches focal length. It then fell upon a plane mirror revolving with a uniform velocity of 340 times per second, and, after reflection by the mirror, was brought to a focus upon a glass plate G, where it could be examined by the telescope eye-piece E, magnifying ten diameters. From the known rate of revolution of the mirror, and its distance from the glass plate G, the necessary rate of movement of a reflected beam upon the plate was determined. If the spark, used in these experiments, lasted long enough for its reflected image to move over an appreciable distance, this image would appear to the eye to be drawn out in the direction of the movement, owing to the persist- ence of its visual impression as de- Apr AR A TUB for measuring the dura- scribed above. But with the mirror tion of an electric spark -S Position of revo l v i ng at this Speed no SUCh de- the spark. L. Achromatic lens. M. Re- volving mirror. G. Glass plate for receiv- formation was perceptible, the spark ing the image of the spark. E. Telescope i ma g e appearing of precisely the same form as if the mirror were stationary; showing that the duration of the light could not be greater than .000002 ( 500 'ooo) of a second. 1 The American Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven, September, 1871. SENSE OF' SIGHT. 645 In a continuation of the experiments, there was interposed between the spark and the mirror a blackened glass plate, ruled with parallel transparent lines j% of a millimetre in width, and separated from each other by the same distance. The image of this plate, when illuminated by the spark, would appear upon the glass G, so long as the mirror were stationary, as a series of equal alternating black and white lines. With the mirror in motion, if the illumination lasted long enough for the image to be shifted a distance equal to the combined width of a black and white line, these lines would become undistinguishable from each other, as in the case of the revolving disk with black and white sectors. Thus the continuance of the visible lines, under a given rate of motion, proved that the duration of the electric spark was less than a certain calculable period. Their disappearance as distinct objects indicated that the limits of this duration had been reached ; and that it was long enough to allow of the shifting of two adjacent lines. The result showed that the duration of the shortest measurable spark was but little over .00000004 (^ooWo) of a second. With a spark of this duration, distinct vision of motionless objects was perfectly possible. The letters on a printed page were plainly to be seen, and even the phenomena of polarization of light distinctly observ- able. It is accordingly sufficient to produce a complete retinal impres- sion. These experiments do not indicate the time required for the necessary nervous action in the perception of light. They only show that a lumi- nous impulse having the above duration is sufficient to cause a distinct sensation. But the time which is requisite for the sensation to be per- ceived is very much longer. From the results given in a preceding chapter (p. 431) it appears that the transmission of a luminous impres- sion through the optic nerve, would undoubtedly require at least j^^ of a second, and its perception in the brain considerably more. It fol- lows from this that, at the instant when the image of the electric spark is seen, in the experiment of Prof. Rood, it has, in fact, already disap- peared ; the interval which elapses between its actual occurrence and its perception by the observer being very much greater than the duration of the spark itself. The facts detailed above explain the cause of a peculiar optical effect, which has often been observed under the use of the electric spark ; namely, that bodies in rapid motion, if illuminated by an instantaneous discharge, appear to the observer as if at rest. A disk, painted with black and white sectors, if set in revolution under continuous light, appears of a uniform gray; or, if the sectors be painted of the rainbow colors, their tints are mingled and the disk appears white. But if such a disk, revolving in a dark room, be illuminated by the electric spark, it becomes visible for an instant, with its different sectors as distinct from each other as if they were at rest. A jet of water discharged from an orifice at the bottom of a vessel, though transparent in the imme- diate neighborhood of the orifice, is turbid lower down; and by instan- 646 THE -SENSES. taneous illumination the turbid portion is seen to be composed of separate drops, which appear to be motionless. A flash of lightning has a similar effect in exhibiting objects which are in motion as if they were quiescent. The passage of a cannon ball or a rifle bullet by daylight is imperceptible ; because, as an opaque object, it does not remain long enough at any one point to efface the persistent impression of the objects visible behind it, and the sight of these objects accordingly does not appear to have suffered any interruption. But if such a missile should happen to be passing in front of the observer in the night time during a thunder storm, at the moment of a flash, it would be visible equally with the other parts of the landscape, and would appear as a motionless object suspended in the air. The momentary closure of the eyes in winking, for the same reason, does not cause any noticeable interference with sight, and is not even observed by the individual ; since the visual impression of external objects appears to be continuous during the short interval occupied by the movement of the lids. The local sensibility of the retina is diminished by continued visual impressions. This diminution of the retinal sensibility appears to be continuous from the very commencement of a visual impression, so that it may be made perceptible within a few seconds. In the experiment of exhibiting the image of the retinal bloodvessels by changing the posi- tion of their shadows (page 622) these shadows are visible for an instant with extreme sharpness. But they begin to fade almost at once and after a short interval become imperceptible. They can only be seen for a considerable time, by keeping the light in motion, so that the shadows fall alternately upon different parts of the retina. The portions of the retina which are in full illumination have their sensibility so rapidly diminished, that the shadow, if motionless, is no longer visible by con- trast. Those which are in shadow, on the other hand, become compara- tively more sensitive by repose ; and when the shifting of the light brings them again into illumination, they not only receive more stimulus than the adjacent parts, but are also more impressible to its influence. If one eye be covered by a dark glass, and the other be used ex- clusively, for an hour or two, in reading or writing, at the end of that time the difference in retinal sensibility of the two eyes will be very apparent. A single faintly luminous object in a dark room may then be almost imperceptible to the eye which has been in use, while it will appear to the other quite brilliant. If the application of the eye have not been carried beyond the bounds of moderation, this difference is transitory ; and by reversing the conditions, that is, covering the eye previously in use, and reading or writing by aid of the other, that which was before the most sensitive to light becomes less so, and that which was previously fatigued recovers its sensibility. The alternate diminution and recovery of the retinal sensibility, by excitement and repose, is directly connected with the phenomena of negative images. If the eye be steadily fixed for a short time upon a SENSE OF SIGHT. 647 white spot in the middle of a black ground, and then suddenly directed toward a blank wall of a uniform white or light gray color, a dark spot will appear at its centre, of the same apparent size and figure with the white one previously observed. This is the " negative image" of the retinal impression. That part of the retina which was first impressed by the rays from the white spot becomes less sensitive to light ; and another white surface, looked at immediately afterward, appears darker than usual. On the other hand, those parts which were exposed only to the dark ground, that is, to the comparative absence of light, are more sensitive than before ; and the surface of the white wall, outside the central spot, appears brighter than usual. It is not necessary that the contrast in hue between the different parts of a retinal image should be as strong as that of black and white, in order to produce this effect. Any decided difference in illumination will be sufficient. It is not even essential to look at a different background, to observe the appearance in question. If a piece of furniture of dark wood be placed against a blank wall of white or gray surface, and looked at steadily for a short time, on shifting the eyes to a different part of the same wall, the figure of the chair or table will appear, with all its details of outline, expressed in a lighter tint than that of the surrounding parts. The above effect may be also produced in a still more simple man- ner. Let a black ruler, about one inch wide, be laid upon a sheet of white paper, and looked at steadily for thirty or forty seconds. If the ruler be now removed by a sudden motion, the eye remaining fixed, its image will appear as a bright band upon the paper, fading gradually as the sensibilitjr of the retina becomes equalized in its different parts. If the figure which is thus examined be a colored one, its negative image, subsequently produced, will present a complementary hue to that of the original object. A strip of red paper placed upon the white sheet, and then suddenly removed, leaves a negative image which is bluish-green ; and a green one leaves an image which has a decided tinge of red. This shows that the sensibility of the retina may be in- creased or diminished separately for the different colored rays of the luminous beam. While looking at a red object, the retina becomes less sensitive to the red rays, but more so for those at the opposite end of the spectrum, and vice versa ; so that, on looking subsequently at a white object, the negative image exhibits a tint corresponding to the rays for which the retina has remained most sensitive. That this is the mechanism of the production of complementary colors in negative images becomes evident on simplifying the experiment. If the black ruler be laid upon a book bound in blue cloth, on taking it away the band which remains in its place is of a more intense blue than the rest. If a red book be used for the same purpose, the negative image of the ruler presents a remarkably pure red color, while the remainder of the surface appears of a dull brown. The variable sensibility of the retina, according to its exposure, affords an explanation of the well-known fact, that under some condi- 648 THE SENSES. tions an object may be most easily perceived by indirect vision. It often happens that in searching for a star of very small magnitude and feeble light, it may be momentarily perceived by looking not directly at it, but at a point in its immediate neighborhood, at a small angular distance from its real position. The star is not seen distinctly under these circumstances, because it is out of the line of direct vision. But its light falls upon a part of the retina near the fovea centralis, the sen- sibility of which is more acute than usual, owing to its continued exposure only to the dark sky ; while the fovea itself, which has been receiving in succession the images of particular stars, is comparatively deficient in impressibility to light. When the visual axis is turned directly upon the fainter star, for the purpose of getting a distinct image, its light disappears ; and thus it can only be seen as an evanes- cent object by indirect vision. If the eye be fixed immovably for too long a time upon the same luminous object, the local diminution of retinal sensibility may amount to fatigue ; and a persistence in its continuous application may produce permanent injury of the visual organ. After steadily examining a single object for even a short time, it becomes difficult to resist the tendency to turn the sight in another direction by the automatic move- ment of the muscles of the eyeball. Naturally, the eye never rests for more than a few seconds upon an} r one point in the field of view ; but is directed in succession at different objects, fixing each one in turn at the point of distinct vision, and immediately passing to another more or less remote. Thus the fatigue of the retina is avoided, since those parts which at one instant have a stronger illumination, at the next receive the impression of a shadow ; and no portion of the membrane is .exposed sufficiently long to any single object to become insensible to its grade of light or color. There is also reason to believe that the eye requires, for its safety, the periodical suspension of all visual impressions which is obtainable in sleep. It is not essentially different in this respect from other parts of the nervous apparatus of animal life ; but the delicacy of its sensi- bility, which is requisite for the due performance of its function, and the complication of its structure, which includes so many parts adjusted to each other with mathematical accuracy, indicate that it is one of the organs most liable to derangement if deprived of its natural interval of restoration and repose. Sense of Hearing. By the sense of hearing we receive the impressions of sound, and appreciate their intensity, their tone or pitch, with all the variations of higher or lower notes, as well as their quality, that is, the different character of sounds of the same tone and intensity, but produced by different methods, as by reeds, strings, or wind instruments, or by the concussion of solid bodies. Our idea of time, or the succession of events, seems also to be connected more especially with auditory sensa- SENSE OF HEARING. 649 tions. The impressions received in this way depend upon the vibrations excited in the atmosphere by sonorous bodies, which are themselves thrown into vibration by various causes, and which then communi- cate similar undulations to the surrounding air. These undulations are of such a kind that they cannot be directly appreciated by the organs of general sensibility ; but when communicated to the auditory apparatus they produce, through it, the sensation of sound. Organ of Hearing. The organ of hearing consist of, first, the ex- ternal ear, a conch or trumpet-shaped expansion, destined to collect the sonorous impulses coming from various quarters, and to conduct them into its tubular continuation, the external auditory meatus ; secondly, a membranous sheet or drum-head, the membrana tympani, stretched across the bottom of the external auditory meatus, by which the sono- rous vibrations are received and transmitted, through the chain of bones or auditory ossicles, across the cavity of the tympanum or middle ear, to the third portion of the auditory apparatus, namely, the labyrinth, or internal ear ; a cavity excavated in the petrous portion of the tem- poral bone, filled with fluid, and containing various membranous sacs and canals, upon which are distributed the filaments of the auditory nerve. Thus the delicate terminal expansions of the auditory nerve, deeply concealed in their bony cavities, and sustained by the surrounding fluid, are protected from all other mechanical impressions, but are so placed as to receive the impulse of sonorous vibrations. External Ear. The external ear consists of a cartilaginous frame- work, covered with integument, loosely attached to the bones of the head, and more or less movable by means of various muscles, which, by their contractions, tend to turn its concavity in various directions. In man, notwithstanding the existence of these muscles, their functional activity is nearly imperceptible ; and it is only in exceptional cases that thej 7 are capable of producing a partial sliding or rotatory movement of the external ear. In most of the quadrupeds, on the other hand, these movements are vigorous and extensive, and play an important part, not only in the changes of expression by varying the attitude of the ex- ternal ear, but also in aid of the sense of hearing, by enabling the animal to catch distinctly the sonorous vibrations, from whatever quarter they may come. By their assistance the direction of a sound is also appreciated, since the animal ascertains, in placing the ear in different positions, the region from which it is received with the greatest distinct- ness. Membrana Tympani and the Chain of Bones The membrana tym- pani is a fibrous sheet of circular form, composed of a principal la}^er not more than 0.05 millimetre in thickness, but quite strong, and con- sisting of circular and radiating tendinous fibres with a trace of inter- mingled elastic fibres. Its external and internal surfaces respectively are covered by thin continuations of the integument of the external auditory meatus on the one hand, and of the mucous membrane of the 42 650 THE SENSES. tj'mpanic cavity on the other ; and all three layers together form a mem- brane which is about 0.10 millimetre thick. In its natural condition the membrane is drawn inward, by its attach- ment to the handle of the malleus, in such a way that its external sur- face exhibits a funnel-shaped depression, the deepest point or bottom of which corresponds to the situation of the end of the handle of the malleus. According to the observations of Helmholtz, 1 the sides of this funnel-shaped depression are not plane but convex, somewhat like the inner surface of the blossom of a morning-glory. It is only along a single line, corresponding to the attachment of the handle of the malleus, that the meridian of the funnel would be a nearly straight line ; else- where the radial fibres of the membrana tympani are curved, with their convexities looking toward the external auditory meatus. As the only attachment of the membrana tympani, except at its cir- cular border where it adheres to the bony walls of the meatus, is to the movable handle of the malleus, any movement of the handle of the malleus inward will draw the membrana tympani in the same direction, deepen the funnel-shaped depression at its centre, and put its fibres more upon the stretch. On the other hand, a movement of the mem- brana tympani outward will draw the handle of the malleus outward ; and, finally, if the malleus be held in a position of equilibrium, by its elastic and muscular attachments internally to the membrana tympani, any movement of this membrane, either outward or inward, will be followed \)y a corresponding change of position in the malleus itself. This is the physiological action of the membrana tympani. From its thinness and tension and from its position at the bottom of the external auditory meatus, it enters into vibration, under the impulse of sound coming from the exterior, and communicates similar movements to the handle of the malleus attached to its internal surface. The chain of bones consists of three ossicles, articulated with each other by their corresponding extremities, and forming a zigzag line of jointed levers, extending from without in- _*g' 209> ward, across the cavity of the tympanum. They are known respectively, from the resem- blances of their configuration, as the " malleus," "incus," and "stapes," or the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup. The malleus is about OSSICLES of the human nine millimetres in length, of which a little stags' M (Rfldin er I"*' 3 ' more tna " one - third is occupied by the rounded head and the neck, and a little less than two- thirds by the comparatively straight and tapering handle. The very slender long process projects laterally in a nearly horizontal direction from behind forward in the natural position of the bone. The handle is the only part of the malleus which is adherent to the membrana 1 Mechanism of the Ossicles of the Ear. Translated by Albert H. Buck, M.D., and Normand Smith, M.D. New York, 1873, p. 20. SENSE OF HEARING. 651 tympani, the neck corresponding to the upper border of this membrane, while the head projects above it, lying comparatively free in the cavity of the tympanum. It is, however, maintained more or less closely in its position by thin ligamentous bands arising from the bony wall of the tympanic cavity and inserted into its head and neck, and by the tendon of the internal muscle of the malleus or " tensor tympani," which, com- ing from a direction anterior and internal to the bone, is inserted into the upper extremity of its handle. The action of this muscle is to draw the handle of the malleus inward, tightening the membrana tym- pani, and rotating the head of the malleus slightly outward. The prin- cipal movement of the malleus is therefore a rocking, to and fro move- ment, about a nearly horizontal axis situated at the junction of the handle and the neck. The head of the malleus is articulated with the body of the incus by acapsular joint with double-inclined surfaces. As Helmholtz has shown, the surfaces are so different in their inclination, one being very steep, the other but slightly oblique, that when the handle of the malleus is drawn inward, the two articular surfaces lock together, and the incus follows the movement of the malleus ; but when the latter bone is drawn outward, the surfaces may glide upon each other, without the incus necessarily moving at the same time. The third bone of the middle ear, the stapes, has in its form the most exact resemblance to its namesake, an ordinary metallic stirrup. It is articulated by its angular extremity to the lower end of the long arm of the incus in such a manner as to be nearly horizontal in position, its Fig. 210. RIGHT TEMPORAL BONE of the new-born infant, seen from its inner side; showing the internal surface of the membrana tympani and the chain of bones in their natural posi- tion. (Riidinger.) two arms being placed, one anteriorly the other posteriorly. Its oval base corresponds in form, and nearly in size, with the fenestra ovalis of the bony labyrinth, in which it is inserted; being adherent by its surface and its edges to the internal periosteum of the labyrinth. 652 THE SENSES. The stapes accordingly forms a kind of movable lid or piston-head occupying the orifice of the fenestra ovalis, and capable of transmitting directly to the fluid of the labyrinth the impulses received from the membrana tympani. The extent of inward and outward movement of the base or footpiece of the stapes has been determined by Helmholtz in the following manner. The cavity of the tympanum and that of the vestibule having both been opened from above, the point of a line sewing needle was inserted into the fibrous covering of the base of the stapes from the side of the vestibule, and the needle allowed to rest, near the point of its'insertion, upon an adjacent edge of bone. It thus formed a kind of index-lever, which would indicate by the displacements of its long arm, very slight movements of the stapes. The stapes was then pressed inward and outward, as freely as its attachments would allow, either by means of a needle applied to the bone itself, or by alternately condensing and rarefying the air in the external auditory meatus ; the force, in the latter case, being transmitted through the membrana t3'm- pani and chain of bones. The same observer estimated these movements according to another plan, by opening the superior semicircular canal of the labyrinth, and inserting into it a slender glass tube of known calibre, a portion of which, as well as the cavity of the vestibule, was filled with water. Any inward pressure upon the stapes would accord- ingly be indicated by a corresponding rise of the level of water in the tube. The movement of the stapes, in these experiments, varied, accord- ing to circumstances, from .025 to .072 millimetre. The change of position of the stapes in the fenestra ovalis, due to the impulses received through the chain of bones, is not a simple sliding movement of advance and recession, but a rocking motion, in which its upper border is tilted over toward the cavity of the vestibule and back again, and its anterior end moves more freely than its posterior. This feature of the action of the stapes, which has been described by several observers, is shown by Helmholtz to depend upon the varying compact- ness of its fibrous attachments ; these attachments being closer along its inferior border and at its posterior end, thus allowing more freedom of movement above and in front than below and behind. The position of the stapes is also regulated by the action of the stapedius muscle. This muscle, the smallest in the body, arises from a bony canal behind the cavity of the tympanum ; and its slender tendon, after entering this cavity, passes almost directly forward and is inserted into the posterior side of the neck of the stapes, near its articulation with the incus. Its contraction will, therefore, draw the angle of the stapes backward and its anterior extremity outward from the fenestra ovalis. Physiological Action of the Chain of Bones and the Muscles of the Middle Ear. The cavity of the tympanum is an irregularly shaped space, inside the membrana tympani, filled with air, across which the vibrations received by the membrane from without are transmitted by the chain of bones. In their natural position and with their natural SENSE OF HEARING. 653 tendinous connections undisturbed, these bones are held in such close connection with each other that they vibrate as a single solid body. The vibratory movement of the ossicles of the ear has no immediate dependence upon the action of the muscles attached to them, but results from the shocks received by the tympanic membrane. The influence of the muscles is to increase or diminish the tension of this membrane, and thus to influence the mode of transmission of the sound. The action of the internal muscle of the malleus, or tensor tympani, is beyond doubt, as its name indicates, to increase the tension of the membrana tympani. It has long been known that, on opening the canal in which this muscle is lodged, as well as the cavity of the tympanum, by drawing upon its tendon within the canal, the membrana tympani may be manifestly rendered more tense ; and according to Helmholtz, all the ligaments holding the ossicles in place are at the same time put upon the stretch. The effect produced upon the act of hearing by increased tension of the membrana tympani has been interpreted in a different sense by different observers. Savart, 1 who first studied systematically the vibrations induced in stretched membranes by the proximity of sounding bodies, estimated the extent of these vibrations by the agitation of particles of fine sand spinkled on the surface of the membranes ; and he found the vibrations more difficult of production, other things being equal, when the tension of the membrane was increased. He applied the same mode of experimentation to the membrani tympani in the ear of man and animals, and found not only that sand, sprinkled on its surface, would be thrown into agitation by holding near it a sounding body, but that also, as in the former case, these appearances were less easy of produc- tion when the membrane was rendered more tense by traction upon the tensor tympani muscle. He concluded from that, that during life the ear is more susceptible to sounds of a given intensity when the mem- brana tympani is relaxed, and less so when it is put upon the stretch ; the tensor tympani, accordingly, exerting a protective action by lessen- ing the apparent intensity of very loud sounds. This view has been adopted by many eminent authors, owing in great measure to the valuable experiments of Savart. But this observer was not aware of an important fact which has been established by subse- quent investigations, namely, that stretched membranes, like cords, can- not respond indiscriminately to sounds of every grade of tone, but only to a certain number of these tones, which are separated from each other by definite intervals ;* and they will respond to a different set of tones only after their tension has been increased or diminished. In order, therefore, that a membrane may be easily thrown into induced vibra- tion, its tension must correspond in a certain ratio with the tone of the sound produced. 1 Journal de Physiologic. Paris, 1825, tome iv. p. 2^5. 2 Daguiu, Traite elementaire de Physique. Paris, 1867, tome i. p. 596. 654: THE SENSES. These considerations have induced a different view of the action of the tensor tympani in modifying the sensations of sound. With the membrane in a state of moderate tension, a certain proportion of tones only are distinctly appreciated, while the remainder are either inaudible or imperfectly transmitted to the internal ear. This is the state in which sounds generally are received by the organ of hearing, without exact appreciation of their relative pitch. But when the ear follows distinctly successive tones of varying pitch, or when it listens intently for a particular note, the tension of the membrana tympani is increased or diminished to such a degree as will enable the vibration to be trans- mitted with the most complete distinctness by the chain of bones to the fluid of the labyrinth. With regard to the modifications induced in the apparent intensity of sound, it is probable that Savart's explanation holds good ; and that a diminished tension of the membrane enables the ear to catch more readily sounds which are faint or distant. This partial relaxation is accomplished by the action of the stapedius muscle, which is animated directly by a filament of the facial nerve ; while the tensor tympani is supplied only from the otic ganglion of the sympa- thetic. The cavity of the tympanum is not hermetically closed, but commu- nicates with the pharynx by means of the Eustachian tube. The exist- ence of this opening secures the equality of atmospheric pressure within and without the membrana tympani, a condition which is essential to its proper vibration under the influence of sonorous impulses. The ex- ternal barometric pressure varies from day to day, and even for dif- ferent periods of the same day ; and if the middle ear were a closed cavity, this variation would of itself change the tension of the mem- brana tympani, independently of the action of the muscles. Although the mucous surfaces of the Eustachian tube are habitually in contact with each other, the}^ readily yield to a preponderance of atmospheric pressure in either direction, and thus the equilibrium is maintained between the air inside and outside the cavity of the tympanum. Labyrinth. The internal ear, or labyrinth, so called from the compli- cated extension and windings of its various cavities and passages, is situated in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Its external wall consists of a thin lamina of compact osseous tissue, which is readily isolated in the foetus and in newly born infants, owing to its being im- mediately surrounded by spongy tissue; while in the adult it is more or less completely consolidated with the adjacent bony parts. It may be divided physiologically into: 1. The vestibule and semicircular canals, which constitute its most essential parts and are present in all verte- brate animals ; and 2. The cochlea, which, in man and the mammalia, is a more highly developed portion, of complicated structure, but which is absent in the fishes and naked reptiles, and only partially developed in the scaly reptiles and in birds. The vestibule (Fig. 211,i) is so called because its cavity is that into which the fenestra ovalis immediately opens, and from which those of SENSE OF HEARING. 655 the semicircular canals and cochlea Fig. 211. diverge in various directions. It is of a more or less ovoid form, and presents, toward the cavity of the tympanum, two openings, namely : 1. The fenestra ovalis (5), corre- sponding in form to the base of the stapes, which nearly fills it, and which is adherent to the internal periosteum of the labyrinth stretch- ed across the opening ; and 2. The fenestra rotunda (e) of smaller size BoNY LABYKINTH OF THE HUMAN EAR, twice the natural size. 1. Vestibule. and Closed Only by a fibrOUfl mem- 2 Superior vertical semicircular canal. 3. brane. The posterior portion of the Inferior vertical semicircular canal. 4. .. . . Horizontal semicircular canal. 5. Fenestra Vestibule gives origin to the three O valis. 6. Fenestra rotunda. 7. Cochlea. semicircular canals, which commu- nicate with its cavity at each extremity, namely: 1. The superior ver- tical canal ( 2 ) the plane "of which is directed across the longitudinal axis of the petrous bone. 2. The inferior vertical canal ( 3 ) the plane of which is parallel with the internal surface of the petrous bone ; and 3. The horizontal canal (4) which is directed across the axis of the petrous bone, but lies, as its name indicates, in a horizontal plane. Each semicircular canal opens into the vestibule by two orifices, one at each end ; except that the two vertical canals unite at one of their extremi- ties into a branch and orifice common to both. Thus there are five orifices leading from the vestibule into the three semicircular canals ; and each canal has free communication at each end, directly or indi- rectly with the interior of the vestibule. Each canal is enlarged at one of its extremities where it joins the vestibule, into a slightly rounded dilatation. The common cavity of this part of the bony labyrinth contains a limpid, colorless fluid, the perilymph, and, in addition, a closed mem- branous sac, also filled with fluid, which, by its various prolongations, presents a repetition of the form of the vestibule and semicircular canals. This, together with its extension in the cochlea hereafter to be described, constitutes the membranous labyrinth. It forms the most important part of the internal ear, since in its walls the filaments of the auditory nerve have their terminal distribution. The cavity of the vestibule contains two membranous sacs, lying in contact with each other, but separated by a transverse partition. One of these, the smaller of the two, is the sacculus, a spherical vesicle, a little over 1.5 millimetre in diameter, occupying the anterior and inferior portion of the vestibule, and communicating by a narrow canal with the ductus cochlearis of the cochlea. The other, or larger sac, is the utricle, of ellipsoid form, measuring 3.5 millimetres in its long diameter. The utricle nnd the three membranous semicircular canals communicate with each other in the same way as the corresponding bony cavities in which 656 THE SENSES. they are lodged. Each membranous semicircular canal presents at one of its extremities, at the expanded part of its bony canal, a similar rounded dilatation, known as the " ampulla." The membranous sacs and semicircular canals are considerably smaller than the osseous cavities which contain them, and occupy nearly everywhere an eccentric position ; being, at certain points, in contact with and adherent to the internal periosteum, while at others they are surrounded by the perilymph. The sacculus and utricle together occupy about two-thirds of the cavity of the vestibule; and, according to Riidinger, are so placed that neither of them touches the base of the stapes at the fenestra ovalis, but are separated from it by an appreciable layer of fluid. Thus the sonorous impulses which reach the membranous labyrinth come to it, not directly from the stapes, but through the intermediate vibration of the perilymph. The sacculus and the utricle are adherent to the internal periosteum of the vestibule at the points of entrance of their corresponding branches of the auditory nerve. The ampullae of the semicircular canals fill almost completely the bony cavities in which they rest, their outer surface lying for the most part in contact with the periosteum. On the other hand, the membranous semicircular canals are very much smaller in calibre than the osseous excavations which contain them, and lie in contact with the periosteum only along the inner or smaller curvature of the bony canals ; so that they are surrounded externally by a comparatively large quantity of perilymph. They are, however, attached and held in place, as shown by Riidinger, by slender, scattered, fibrous bands and partitions, which traverse at various points the peri- lymphic space. The main point of interest in regard to the membranous labyrinth relates to the mode of distribution and termination of the auditory nerve. The auditory nerve sends to the vestibule two branches; one of which is distributed to the sacculus, the other to the utricle and ampulla?. The mode of termination of the nerve fibres in both these divisions is essentially the same. They are not distributed generally over the membrane, but terminate only in particular well-defined spots, characterized by a thickening or prominence of the membranous wall, and by the presence of a peculiar form of epithelium provided with stiff, pointed cilia, the so-called auditory hairs. In the sacculus and in the utricle, the terminal nerve spot, or " macula auditiva," is in the form of an oval plate, or lamina, 3 millimetres by 1.5 in the sacculus, and 3 millimetres by 2 in the utricle. In the am- pullae, it forms a transverse ridge or fold of the membranous wall, pro- jecting inward after the manner of the valvnlae conniventes of the small intestine, but occupying only about one-third of the circumference of the ampulla. Elsewhere, the membranous sacs of the labyrinth are lined, according to Kolliker, by a single layer of pavement epithelium cells. But at the spots in question the epithelium is twice or three SENSE OF HEARING. 657 times as thick as in the remaining portions, and consists of elongated cells of two different forms, namely, cylindrical and fusiform. It also presents, standing upright upon its free surface, the pointed cilia above mentioned, or auditory hairs, which in man are about 25 mmm. in length. The terminal nerve fibres of the auditory nerve, which pass up toward these thickened spots of epithelium, may be traced, accord- ing to the testimony of all recent observers, into the epithelial layer itself; and certain appearances give rise to the supposition that the ultimate axis-cylinder of each nerve fibre is prolonged through the sub- stance of a fusiform epithelium cell, and finally becomes the cilium or auditory hair projecting from its free extremity. These appearances are, 1st, the similarity in size and aspect between the axis-cylinder of the nerve fibres and the slender downward prolongations of the fusiform cells; and, 2d, the fact that both these structures become stained more or less deeply of a blackish or brown color by the action of osmic acid (Riidinger). Whatever the precise relations of the terminal nerve fibres to the other elements of the epithelial layer may be, there is no doubt that the projecting cilia act either mechanically, or by virtue of a real nervous sensibility belonging to them, and are the immediate recipients of the sonorous vibrations communicated by the surrounding fluid. A remarkable secondary feature connected with the auditory spots of the sacculus and utricle is the existence, at each, of a deposit of minute solid calcareous grains, the so-called otoconia, or ear sand. These grains are embedded in a homogenous gelatinous material, and form a white chalky-looking \ayer immediately over the auditory spot, by which the situation of this spot is easily recognized. The grains are composed almost exclusively of lime carbonate. They are rounded, elongated, or distinctly prismatic and crystalline in form ; the largest measuring, according to Kolliker, about 10 mmm. in length. The exact office per- formed by these calcareous deposits is unknown, but it is evident from their constant existence in the same situation in different animals, that they have some important relation to the sense of hearing. In mam- malians and birds they are pulverulent, as in man. In reptiles and fish they assume the form, sometimes, of friable chalk} 7 concretions, some- times of rounded masses of considerable size, hard and dense as por- celain. According to Wagner, they are completely absent only in the cyclostomi, or lowest order of true fishes, including the lamprey and the hag. Physiological Action of the Membranous Labyrinth. The sacculus and utricle, contained in the cavity of the vestibule, are membranous formations, to which the fibres of the auditory nerve are distributed, and in which they terminate. These membranous expansions are supported by the contact of fluid on each side, and are held in place by the partial fibrous attachments which connect them with the wall of the vestibule. They are the structures upon which the impressions of sound are finally received, and correspond, in this respect, to the retina in the organ of 658 THE SENSES. vision. The sonorous impulses, first communicated by the atmosphere to the membrana tympaui, are thence transmitted through the bony tissue of the malleus, incus, and stapes. From the base of the stapes they pass to the perilymph of the vestibular cavity ; from that, through the floating wall of the membranous sac, to the endolymph or the fluid contained in its interior ; and it is the vibration of this internal fluid which finally acts upon the sensitive nervous terminations in the audi- tory spot. It is thus through a series of intermediate vibrations, that sounds coming from the exterior produce their impression upon the internal ear. Office of the Semicircular Canals. These singular appendages of the bony and membranous labyrinth have attracted attention, especially on account of the constancy of their occurrence and the peculiarity of their position. The principal features of their anatomical history are the following : 1. They are universally present, as portions of the internal ear, in mammalians, birds, and reptiles, and nearly always in fish ; being entirely absent only in amphioxus, where there is no organ of hearing whatever. 2. They are always three in number. The only exception to this rule is found among fishes, in the lamprey and the hag ; where the entire struc- tural development, especially in the organs of sense, is very incomplete. 1 In the lamprey there are two, and in the hag one only, the cavity of which is confounded with that of the utricle ; the whole forming a mem- branous canal bent upon itself like a ring. 3. The three canals stand in three different planes, which are all per- pendicular to each other. Thus one is vertical and longitudinal, in respect to the axis of the petrous bone ; another vertical and transverse; and the third transverse and horizontal. They represent accordingly, by their position, the three dimensions of space ; and from this circum- stance the idea was earty suggested that they might serve in some way to indicate the direction in which sounds arrive from the exterior. But subsequent researches have yielded nothing to corroborate this assumption ; and it is evident, furthermore, that, from whatever quarter sonorous impulses originally come, they must traverse the membrana tympani and chain of bones, and finally reach the internal ear by the same course. This view of the office of the semicircular canals is therefore no longer entertained. Lastly, an essential point in their anatomical structure is that they are destitute of nerve fibres, and consequently are w r anting in sensi- bility. The only nervous distribution connected with them is that to the ampullae situated at one of their extremities, but no nerve fibres extend to the semicircular canals themselves. The function which they perform must therefore in all probability be one of a mechanical or physical kind. 1 Owen, Anatomy of the Vertebrates. London, 1868, vol. iii. p. 222. Wagrner, Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals, Tulk's translation. New York, 1845, p. 227. SENSE OF HEARING. 659 In experimenting upon the internal ear in the lower animals, it has been remarked that division or injury of the semicircular canals is fol- lowed by a singular alteration in the position and movements of the animal, indicating a disturbance of equilibrium. These phenomena were first made known by Flourens in 1825, 1 and have been corroborated by many subsequent observations, the most recent being those of Cyon, Curschman, Boettcher, and Berthold, in 18t4. The results met with are not explained in the same way by all experimenters, but there is little discrepancy in regard to the phenomena actually presented. The opera- tion of exposing the semicircular canals during life is impracticable, as a general rule, in the mammalia, owing to the density of the petrous bone in which they are imbedded ; but it can be done without much difficulty in birds, where they are surrounded only by a loose and spongy osseous tissue. The pigeon is the species which has been most frequently used for this purpose. The most striking and constant effect produced by injury of the semi- circular canals consists of abnormal oscillatory movements of the head, together with an imperfect balancing of the whole body These phe- nomena vary according to the particular canal which has been divided. If a vertical canal be the one injured, the oscillation of the head is up- ward and downward; if it be a horizontal canal, the oscillations are lateral, from left to right, and vice versa. If the two corresponding canals on both sides be divided, the abnormal movements are much more rapid and continuous than if the injury be inflicted on one alone. The animal is still capable of preserving the equilibrium of the body, so long as he remains at rest ; but any attempt at movement brings on a disorder of muscular action which makes walking, running, or flying- difficult or impossible. The most simple interpretation of these results is that the animal can no longer appreciate the direction or extent of the changes in position of the head, and that the sense of equilibrium is consequently impaired for movements of the body and limbs. The manner in which the semicircular canals, in their natural condi- tion, may be regarded as contributing to the sense of equilibrium, is as follows : If a glass goblet, filled with water, be turned round its vertical axis, it will be seen that the water does not readily turn with it; and any small objects suspended in it, or floating upon its surface, will remain in nearly the same position, while the goblet revolves through an entire circle. The adhesion of the fluid to the sides of the glass vessel is not sufficient to communicate to it at once the circular motion of the parts with which it is in contact. Consequently the water lags behind the glass; and if any flat object were cemented perpendicularly to the inside of the goblet, so as to turn with it, it would be subjected to a backward pressure from the water, whenever the goblet were put in rotation. 1 Recherches Exp6rimentales sur les Proprit6s et les Fonctions du Systfeme Nerveux, 2me Edition. Paris, 1842, pp. 452, 454. 660 THE SENSES. Somewhat similar conditions are present in the semicircular canals. Whenever the head is rotated from side to side in a horizontal plane, a momentary increase of pressure must take place in the fluid of the horizontal semicircular canal (Fig. 211, *), either toward or from the ampulla at one end; and this increase or diminution of pressure may be preceptible by the nervous expansions which are situated there. If the head be moved upward or downward, a similar variation of pressure will take place in the inferior vertical canal (Fig. 211, a) ; and if it be inclined laterally, toward the right or left shoulder, the superior vertical canal (Fig. 211, 2), will experience a variation of the same kind. Thus, although the membranous semicircular canals be not themselves sensi- tive to pressure, they may serve as channels for conducting an impulse to the sensitive organs in their ampullae. Even the peculiar configura- tion of the nervous expansions in the ampullae seems especially adapted for this purpose; since they are arranged in the form of transverse crescentic folds, while in the sacculus and utricle they are simply flat- tened prominences on the inner surface of these cavities. If the question be asked, why an apparatus for appreciating changes of equilibrium should be especially associated with the organ of hearing, it may be remarked that in the auditory labyrinth alone there is to be found a terminal distribution of sensitive nerve fibres in an epithelium provided with hair cells, and surrounded by a fluid of watery consis- tency ; all of which conditions are suitable for the perception both of sonorous vibrations and of the variation in pressure due to changes of position. Cochlea. The cochlea, named from its external resemblance to a snail-shell, is a bony canal rolled spirally about a central axis, and Fig. 212. BONY COCHLEA OF THB HUMAN EAR, right side ; opened from its anterior face. (Cruveilhier.) making between two and three turns upon itself. Owing to the gradual rise of the turns, it has a slightly conoidal form, the extremity of which, or cupola, is directed forward, downward, and outward. The canal of SENSE OF HEARING. 66i the cochlea is divided longitudinally into two parts by a thin, bony par- tition, the spiral lamina, which winds round its bony axis, following its spiral turns, but limited externally by a free border. From the free border of the bony spiral lamina a fibrous membrane, the membrana basilaris, extends outwardly quite to the external wall of the cavity, to which it is attached. The common canal of the cochlea is thus divided into two parallel passages or stairways, one above the other. The superior of these passages communicates freely at its base with the cavity of the vestibule, and is the scala vestibuli. The inferior reaches to the fenestra rotunda, and is terminated by the membrane stretched across this opening, which alone divides its cavity from that of the tympanum ; it is accordingly known as the scala tympani. Both these canals extend, in their spiral course, to the summit or cupola of the cochlea. At this point a minute orifice of communication between the two has been described by some writers, and doubted by others. According to the observations of Buck, 1 it is probable that no such opening exists in the natural condition of the parts, unless it be micro- scopic in size. But whether the two canals communicate or not, at the summit of the cochlea, the partition between them, throughout their parallel course, is partly membranous ; and by this means an increase or diminution of pressure upon the fluid of the vestibule at the fenestra ovalis will be at once transmitted, through that of the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani, to the membrane of the fenestra rotunda. Not- withstanding, therefore, the incompressible character of the fluid of the labyrinth, provision is made, to a certain extent, for the movement of the stapes, according to the contraction or relaxation of the muscles of the middle ear. But the septum above described, formed by the spiral lamina and the membrana basilaris, is not the only longitudinal partition in the cavity of the cochlea. The scala vestibuli is also divided into two parallel canals, an internal and an external, by a thin membranous sheet which starts from the upper surface of the spiral lamina near its outer border, and extends upward and outward to reach the external wall of the coch- lear cavity. As this membrane leaves the plane of the spiral lamina and membrana basilaris at an angle of about 45 or 50 degrees, it shuts off from the scala vestibuli a separate canal of prismatic form, having for its floor the membrana basilaris, for its outer wall the wall of the cochlea, and for its upper boundary the oblique membranous partition between it and the scala vestibuli. This canal contains the auditory epithelium cells and the termination of the fibres of the auditory nerve. It is therefore the essential part of the cochlea, and is termed accord- ingly the ductus cochlearis, The ductus cochlearis terminates at the summit of the cochlea by a 1 On the Mechanism of Hearing, Prize Essay of the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Published in the New York Medical Journal, March, 1874. 662 THE SENSES. blind extremity ; but at its base it communicates, by a narrow channel, with the cavity of tlie sacculus. It is consequently an extension of the sacculus, and a part of the membranous labyrinth ; while the scala ves- tibuli is only an extension of the general cavity of the vestibule. The ductus cochlearis may be considered as a tubular prolongation of the sacculus, rolled upon itself in a spiral form, and maintained in position by the bony and membranous partitions of the cochlea by which it is enveloped. Like the rest of the membranous labyrinth, it is filled with a watery fluid, and is bathed externally on both sides by the perilymph, except where it is adherent to the wails of its bony cavity. Organ of Corti. The inner surface of the ductus cochlearis is lined for the most part with a thin layer of pavement epithelium, except along a longitudinal line situated at about the middle of the membrana basi- laris. Here there is a continuous elevated ridge, four or five times thicker than the epithelium elsewhere, following a spiral course, like the rest of the cochlear structures, and consisting of enlarged and modi- fied epithelium cells, with the terminal fibres of the auditory nerve. This body is termed the organ of Corti, from the name of the observer who first described it in 185 1. 1 It is justly considered as the most remarkable and complicated structure in the internal ear, although in its essential features it is analogous to the auditory spots in the sac- culus and utricle. Fig. 213. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OP THE ORGAN OF CORTI, in profile; from the descrip- tions of various authorities. 1. Membrana basilaris. 2,3. Internal and external fibres of the arch. 4. Epithelium cells r.ear its inner and outer borders. 6, 5, 5, 5 Hair cells lying in con- tact with the arch. Magnified 500 diameters. The organ of Corti rests upon the upper surface of the membrana basilaris. Its framework consists of a series of elongated, rafter-like bodies, arranged in two rows, internal and external. These bodies, the internal and external "fibres of Corti," are separated from each other at their base, where they rest upon the membrana basilaris, by a consid- erable interval ; but they lean toward each other and lie in contact by their upper extremities or heads, thus forming a roof-like or arched con- nection, the " arch of Corti." Near the situation of the arch of Corti, the epithelium cells lining the ductus cochlearis become modified in form, gradually increasing in size and length. At the inner border of the arch there is a single row of epithelium cells which are nearly as long Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Leipzig, 1851, Band III. p. 109. SENSE OF HEARING. 663 as the internal fibres of Corti, and which lie immediately next to them in a similar leaning position. The upper extremity of each of these cells bears a tuft of rigid hairs or cilia, which are analogous to those of the hair cells of the sacculus and utricle. On the outside of the arch there are three such rows of hair cells, and in every instance the tufts of cilia project through openings in a sort of fenestrated cuticle which lies above the cells, and extends over them, inward and outward, from the heads of the two bodies forming the arch of Corti. The terminal fibres of the cochlear branch of the auditory nerve are distributed to the organ of Corti. The bundles of nerve fibres forming this branch penetrate the cochlea at the base of its central axis, and pass from below upward through its interior, diverging successively from w r ithin outward, to continue their course in a horizontal direction between the two layers of the spiral lamina. At the level of the at- tached border of the spiral lamina there is situated, within the cavity of the osseous canal, a linear collection of bipolar nerve cells, in and among which the nerve-fibres pass, and with many, if not all, of which the nerve fibres are directly connected. This forms the "spiral gan- glion'- of the cochlear nerve. After the bundles of nerve fibres have passed through the ganglion, and while they are contained in the thick- ness of the spiral lamina, they form, by repeated subdivision and re- union, a complicated plexus, the filaments of which continue however to follow a general diverging course toward the outer border of the spi- ral lamina and the attached edge of the membrana basilaris. Arrived at this point, the nerve fibres diminish in diameter and lose their me- dullary layer ; and, in this form, penetrate into the ductus cochlearis, where they continue to radiate toward the organ of Corti. It is at this situation that the final termination of the slender and pale nerve fibres in the substance of the epithelial hair cells has been most positively de- scribed and figured by Waldeyer. 1 There can be no doubt that this structure represents, in the ductus cochlearis, the especial organ of au- ditory sensibility. Physiological Action of the Cochlea. The cochlea is undoubtedly that part of the internal ear, which, as compared with the remainder, serves for the more precise discrimination of minute variations in sound. Its elongated and spiral form, the two membranes of uniform tension which inclose the ductus cochlearis above and below, and the remarkable com- plication of structure, with the multiple rows of hair cells belonging to the organ of Corti, all indicate that it is adapted for the distinct percep- tion of particular sonorous impulses. The analogy of its construction in some respects with the mechanism of a musical stringed instrument, the fibres of the membrana basilaris representing its vibrating strings, has induced the belief, in the minds of many eminent physiologists, that it is the organ by which we appreciate the difference in tone or pitch between different sounds. According to this view, the radiating fibres 1 In Strieker's Manual of Histology, Buck's edition. New York, 1872, p. 1040. 664 THE SENSES. in successive portions of the membrana basilaris are attuned, by their length or tension, to vibrate in response to different notes of the musical scale ; and the vibration of each set, when excited, is communicated to the corresponding hair cells of the organ of Corti, and thus reaches the auditory nerve fibres terminating in their substance. Thus for every note sounded in the atmosphere which gains admission to the internal ear, only certain fibres and hair cells of the ductus cochlearis will be thrown into vibration, and only certain terminal fibres of the codilear nerve will receive a sonorous impression. Some writers have even found in certain parts of the organ of Corti, an apparatus for damping the vibration of the fibres after the cessation of the sound, and thus prevent- ing the confused intermingling of separate impressions. There is cer- tainly a suggestive appearance of similarity between the long row of fibrous and cellular elements m the organ of Corti, with their various appendages, and the ranges of strings, capable of vibrating to different notes, in a harp or piano forte ; and the similarity is sufficient to suggest a certain correspondence of mechanical and physiological action between the two. But the main difficult}^ in attributing to the cochlea, as its function, the discrimination of musical notes, lies in the fact that its development in different animals does not correspond with their capacity for the pro- duction and perception of musical sounds. The cochlea, under the form which it presents in man, is confined to the mammalia. In birds this part of the auditory apparatus has not the form of a coiled spiral, but is an obtusely conical eminence, 1 containing two small cartilaginous cylinders united by a membrane which represents the membrana basi- laris ; and the part corresponding to the organ of Corti contains only nerve terminations and hair cells somewhat resembling those of the inner row in mammalia ; the arch of Corti, and the three outer rows of hair cells, with their cuticular covering, being absent. In serpents and lizards, the cochlea is similar to that of birds ; while in the naked rep- tiles and in fishes it is completely undeveloped. Thus, in all the mammalia, the cochlea is an important part of the internal ear, apparently but little, if at all, inferior to the same organ in man. But in the singing birds it is comparatively a rudimentary struc- ture. Some of these birds may be taught artificially to repeat par- ticular melodies, showing conclusively that their capacity of percep- tion for musical notes is equal to their power of producing them by the vocal organs. And yet that part of the auditory apparatus which should be most highly developed in these animals, according to the view in question, is in reality the least so. If we compare, for example, a horse or a pig with a thrush or a mocking-bird, it is evident that the grade of musical sensibility in these animals is in no relation with the s Owen, Anatomy of the Vertebrates. London, 1866, vol. ii. p. 134. Wagner, Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals, Tulk's Translation. New York, 1845, p. 95. Waldeyer, in Strieker's Manual of Histology, Buck's Edition. New York, 1872, p. 1046. SENSE OP HEARING. 665 development of the cochlea. In fact, the cochlea of a singing bird resembles that of a crocodile or a serpent more closely than that of a quadruped or a man. At the same time, the other parts of the internal and middle ear in birds, the double sac of the vestibular cavity, the membranous semicircular canals and ampullae, the fenestra ovalis and rotunda, the chain of bones and the ineinbrana tympani, are all highly developed ; some of them nearly or quite as much so as in the mamma- lian class. These facts throw a certain degree of doubt upon the special office of the cochlea in the perception of auditory sensations. Persistence of Auditory Impressions and the Production of Musical Notes. The sensation excited by a sonorous vibration continues for a short time after the cessation of its cause. Usually the interval be- tween successive impulses is more than sufficient to allow the continued impression to disappear, and the ear distinguishes without difficulty the succession of sounds. But if the impulses follow each other at equal intervals, and with a certain degree of rapidity, they produce upon the ear the impression of a continuous sound, and this sound has a higher or lower pitch according to the rapidity with which the vibrations are repeated. The numerical relation of different musical notes thus pro- duced has been studied by means of various instruments. One of these is the siren of Savart, in which successive puffs of air are emitted from the body of the machine through small openings, with a degree of rapidity which can be varied at will and registered by an index attached to the moving parts. Another method is that in which the shocks are given by the points of a toothed wheel turning with known velocity, and striking, in their passage, against the projecting edge of a card. In another modification of the same plan, the revolving wheel carries one or more projecting rods, which pass, in succession, through a cor- responding slit in a stiff board ; making at each transit an atmospheric concussion, owing to the instantaneous displacement and rebound of the air at the opening. Finally, the number of vibrations correspond- ing to a particular note may be registered by attaching to the extremity of a diapason, or tuning-fork, a light stilet which traces upon the blackened surface of a cylinder, revolving at a known rate, an undu- lating line (Fig. 146, a) ; the number of undulations within a given space indicating the frequency of the vibrations of the tuning-fork. A simple vibration represents the single oscillation of a solid body, or the particles of a fluid, in one direction ; a double vibration is the complete to-and-fro movement of a particle, which brings it back to its original position. By this means it is found that sonorous impulses, which follow each other with a rapidity of less than sixteen times per second, are readily distinguishable as separate shocks ; but above that degree of frequency they become merged into each other, and produce the sensation of a continuous sound. In case the repetition of the shocks takes place at irregular or unequal intervals, the only characters perceptible in the sound are its intensity and the peculiarities due to the special 43 THE SENSES. mechanism of its production. But if the shocks succeed each other at regular intervals, the sound has then a definite position in the musical scale, and is appreciated by the ear as a high or low note. The more frequent the repetitions in a given time, the higher is the note produced, until a limit is reached at which the ear fails to perceive a sound at all. The physical reason why excessively high notes become inaudible is probably this: In the special arrangement. of the auditory apparatus, a vibration, in order to be perceptible, must have a certain degree of extent or amplitude; that is, the particles of the vibrating body must move to and fro, at each impulse, for a certain distance in space. The intensity of a sonorous impression, accordingly, depends upon the am- plitude of the vibrations, while its pitch or tone depends upon their frequency. But the more frequently a body vibrates in a single second, the less extensive must be its movements, if their velocity remain the same. Consequently, when these vibrations arrive at a certain high degree of frequency, unless the velocity of movement can be increased in proportion, their amplitude becomes so small that they can make no impression upon the ear, and the sound becomes inaudible. It is evident, however, that such a sound would be perceptible if the sensibility of the auditory apparatus were increased to the requisite degree; and it has been suspected by some naturalists that certain insects may be capable of perceiving sounds of so high a pitch as to be inaudible for the human ear ; while, on the other hand, for them, a very low note would appear as a succession of distinct impulses. The limits of frequency, within which sonorous vibrations are percep- tible to man as continuous musical sounds, are 16 double vibrations per second for the lowest notes, and 38,000 for the highest. But, according to Wundt, the exact discrimination of the pitch of musical sounds is confined within much narrower limits, especially for the higher notes. Duration of a Sound required for the perception of Sonorous Impres- sions. This point has been investigated by Savart 1 in the following manner. He ascertained, by experiment, that the ear could appreciate the pitch of a sound made by a toothed wheel revolving at such a rate as to cause 10,000 shocks per second. By removing successively the teeth from larger portions of the circumference, he diminished in a corresponding degree the time during which the shocks were produced ; and he found that such a wheel would give a sound of definite pitch with only two adjacent teeth remaining. The double shocks thus pro- duced would occupy only -g-^y of a second ; and this duration of the impulses was sufficient to make upon the ear a distinct musical impres- sion. 1 Daguin, TraitS ElSmentaire de Physique. Paris, 1869, tome i. p. 517. SECTION III. REPRODUCTION. CHAPTEE I. THE NATURE OF REPRODUCTION, AND THE ORIGIN OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. REPRODUCTION is the process by which the different kinds of organized bodies are perpetuated in continuous series, notwithstanding the limited term of existence allotted to each individual. It includes the phe- nomena of the production, growth, and development of new germs, as well as the whole history of the successive changes in the organs and functions, and the consequent modifications of external bodily form pre- sented at different periods of life. All organized bodies pass through certain successive stages of de- velopment, in which their structure and functions undergo corresponding alterations. The living animal or plant is mainly distinguished from inanimate substances by the continuous changes of nutrition and growth which take place in its tissues. These nutritive changes correspond in activity with the other vital phenomena ; since the production of these phenomena depends upon the regular and normal continuance of the nutritive process. Thus the organs and tissues, which are the seat of a double change of renovation and decay, retain nevertheless their original constitution, and continue capable of exhibiting the vital phe- nomena. These changes, however, are not the only ones which take place. Although the structure of the body appears to be maintained in an unaltered condition by the nutritive process from one moment to an- other, or from day to day, yet a comparative examination at greater intervals of time will show that this is not precisely the case; but that the changes of nutrition are, in point of fact, progressive as well as mo- mentary. The composition and properties of the skeleton are not the same at the age of twenty-five years that they were at fifteen. At the later period the bones contain more calcareous and less organic matter than before ; and their solidity is increased, while their elasticity is di- minished. Even the anatomy of the bones alters in an equally gradual manner; the medullary cavities enlarging with the progress of growth, ( 667 ) NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. and the cancellated tissue becoming more open in texture. There is a notable difference in the quantities of oxygen and carbonic acid inspired and exhaled at different ages. The muscles, also, if examined after the lapse of some years, are found to be less irritable than formerly, owing to a slow, but steady and permanent deviation in their intimate con- stitution. The vital properties of the organs, therefore, change with their vary- ing structure ; and a time comes at last when they are perceptibly less capable of performing their original functions than before. The very exercise of the vital powers is inseparably connected with the subse- quent alteration of the organs employed in them ; and the functions of life, instead of remaining indefinitely the same, pass through a series of successive changes, which finally terminate in their complete cessa- tion. The history of a living animal or plant is, therefore, a history of suc- cessive epochs or phases of existence, in each of which the structure and functions of the body differ more or less from those in every other. The organized being has a definite term of life, through which it passes by the operation of an invariable law, and which, at some regularly appointed time, comes to an end. The plant germinates, grows, blos- soms, bears fruit, withers, and decays. The animal is born, nourished, and brought to maturity, after which he retrogrades and dies. The very commencement of existence, by leading through its successive intermediate stages, conducts at last necessarily to its own termination. But while individual organisms are constantly perishing and disap- pearing from the stage, the particular kind, or species, remains in exist- ence, without any important change in the appearance of the organized forms belonging to it. The horse and the ox, the oak and the pine, the different kinds of wild and domesticated animals, even the different races of man himself, have remained without any essential alteration since the earliest historical epochs. Yet during this period innumer- able individuals, belonging to each species or race, have lived through their natural term and successively passed out of existence. A species may therefore be regarded as a type or class of organized beings, in which the particular forms composing it die off and disappear, but which nevertheless repeats itself from year to year, and maintains its ranks constantly full by the regular accession of new individuals. This pro- cess, by which new organisms make their appearance, to take the place of those which are destroyed, is known as the process of reproduction. The first important topic, in the study of reproduction, is that of the conditions necessary for its accomplishment. Reproduction by Generation. It is well known that, as a rule, in the reproduction of any particular kind of living organism, the young animals or plants are produced, directly or indirectly, from the bodies of the elder. The relation between the two is that of parents and progeny. The progeny, accordingly, owes its existence to an act of generation; and the new organisms, thus generated, become in turn the NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. 669 parents of others which succeed them. For this reason, wherever such plants or animals exist, they indicate the preceding existence of others belonging to the same species ; and if by any accident the whole species should be destroyed in any particular locality, no new individuals could be produced there, unless by the previous importation of others of the same kind. The most prominent feature of generation, as a natural phenomenon, is that the young animals or plants thus formed are of the same kind with their parents. They reproduce all the essential specific characters by which their predecessors were distinguished ; and this takes place by a law so universal that it seems almost a truism to state it. But this is only because it has been so constantly a matter of observation, that in popular experience it appears as a natural necessity. In reality it is one of the most remarkable phenomena connected with the genera- tive process ; and it indicates an unbroken connection of physiological acts, extending through the entire lives of many different individuals. Thus we know that the progeny of a fox will always be foxes ; and that if we sow oats, it will be a crop of oats tiiat is produced in consequence. Generation, accordingly, not only gives rise to new animals and plants, or increases their number, but it also serves to continue indefinitely the existence of the particular species, with all its characteristic marks and qualities. Our idea, therefore, of a species, whether animal or vegetable, includes two different elements, one of which is anatomical, the other physiologi- cal. The anatomical character of a species consicts in the similarity of form, size, and structure existing between all the individuals belonging to it, and which we recognize at a glance j its physiological character depends upon the fact, which has been learned by experience, that it will reproduce itself, and that the different species in existence at any one time remain distinct through an indefinite series of successive gene- rations. It is not possible to say that the anatomical characters of species have remained absolutely the same throughout all previous time, or that they will continue to do so without limit in the future. The existence of many fossil remains of animals and plants, different from those which are known at the present day, shows that species are not invariable and persistent through very long periods of time ; and that they may either very gradually become so modified as to present a different appearance, or else that they may entirely come to an end, like the extinct mastodons and fossil horses of the United States, and be replaced by others from a different localit}'. But in whatever way the succession of species in different geological epochs be explained, it is certain that at any one period their essential physiological characters are those above described ; and that each species, by the process of generative reproduction, remains distinct from the others which are contemporary with it. But the production of young animals, similar in every respect to their 670 NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. parents, although in all cases the final result of the generative process, is never immediate. The young progeny when first produced is different from its parents, and only reaches a condition of resemblance to them through a series of changes, often of a very extraordinary kind. In the vertebrate animals generally, the embryo, though quite incomplete in structure, yet presents a certain analogy of form with the adult con- dition. But in many of the invertebrate animals the young, even after hatching, and when capable of active locomotion, are so different in appearance from their parents that they would never be supposed to belong to the same species, unless their identity were demonstrated by their subsequent development. Thus the young mosquito is a wingless creature living beneath the surface of the water in stagnant pools j and the eggs of the butterfly, when hatched, give birth not to butterflies but to caterpillars. These caterpillars, however, are not creatures of a different species, but only young butterflies ; and they become fully developed and similar to their parents after certain changes, which take place at definite periods of their development. The reproduction or repetition, therefore, of the form which distin- guishes a particular species is accomplished by a series of changes which follow each other in regular order; and this series, taken together, may be represented by a circuit, which starts from the egg, is continued through the different phases of growth, transformation and maturity of the animal, and terminates again with the production of an egg. As this egg is similar to the first, the changes repeat themselves in their previous order, and the indefinite continuance of the species is thus established. Spontaneous Generation The commonest observation shows that the facts detailed above hold good in regard to all animals and plants with whose history we are familiarly acquainted. An opinion, however, has sometimes been entertained that there may be exceptions to this rule; and that living beings can, under certain circumstances, be pro- duced from inanimate materials ; presenting, accordingly, the singular phenomenon of a progeny without parents. Such a production of organized bodies is known by the name of spontaneous generation Its existence is doubted by most physiologists at the present time, and has never been positively established for any particular organized species; but it has been at various periods the subject of active discussion, forming a somewhat remarkable chapter in the history of general physiology. It may be remarked in general terms that the organisms, in regard to which the idea of the possibility of spontaneous generation has been entertained, have been always those whose natural history was imper- fect or obscure, owing either to their minute size or to certain of their physiological peculiarities. Wherever animals or plants appeared in considerable abundance without exhibiting any evidence of the source from which they came, it was formerly conjectured, from that fact alone, that their production was a spontaneous one. The ancient naturalists NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. 671 supposed that all species of animals, excepting those which visibly either laid eggs or produced living young, were formed spontaneously from the combination of their organic ingredients. Maggots, shell fish, grubs, worms, and even some fishes were thought to be produced in this way, simply because they had no apparent specific origin. But continued observation in natural history showed that in these cases the animals were really produced by generation from parents ; their secret methods of propagation being discovered, and their specific identity being established by successive changes in development of the young. The difficulty of doing this in any particular case is often in- creased by the interval which elapses between the deposit of eggs by the parents and the subsequent hatching of the young ; the new genera- tion not showing itself until after the former has disappeared. A similar instance is that of the American seventeen-year locust ( Cicada xepten- decim), where a period of seventeen years intervenes between the hatch- ing of the larva and the appearance of the perfect insect ; the larva all this time remaining buried in the ground, while the life of the perfect insect does not last over six weeks. But notwithstanding this difficulty, all such doubtful cases were gradually traced to the usual method of generation from parents. Another source of error was the great dissimilarity in the figure some- times existing between the parents and their young, especially as this is accompanied by an equal dissimilarity in their habits of life. Until about the middle of the seventeenth century there was supposed to be no more undoubted instance of spontaneous generation than the appear- ance of maggots in putrefying meat. These creatures always show themselves in meat at a certain stage of its decomposition ; they never appear elsewhere ; and they do not themselves manifest the power of producing young: and for these reasons they were believed to originate from the dead flesh and to die themselves without leaving a progeny. But the simple experiments of Francisco Redi in 1668, demonstrated the source of fallacy in this opinion and the true origin of the maggots. He took, in the month of July, eight wide-mouthed glass bottles and placed in them various pieces of dead flesh. Four of these bottles were left open to the atmosphere, while the remaining four* were closed by pieces of paper carefully adjusted over the mouth of each and fastened by a cord round its neck. A short time afterward the flesh in the un- covered bottles was filled with maggots, a peculiar kind of fly meanwhile passing in and out by the open mouth ; but in the closed bottles not a single maggot was visible, even after the lapse of several months. Thus it was evident that the maggots were not formed from the dead flesh, but that their germs came in some way from without ; and con- tinued observation showed that they were hatched from eggs deposited by the flies, and that after a time they became developed into perfect insects similar to their parents. An extension of these observations to other species of invertebrate animals made known a great variety of instances in which the connection of parents and progeny might be traced 672 NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. through several intermediate conditions ; so that the apparent difference between them in configuration and structure no longer offered a serious difficulty to the investigator. As a general rule, since that time, when- ever a rare or comparatively unknown animal or plant has been suspected to originate by spontaneous generation, it has only been necessary to examine thoroughly its habits and functions, to discover its real methods of propagation, and to show that they correspond, in all essential par- ticulars, with the ordinary laws of reproduction. The limits within which it is possible for the doctrine of spontaneous generation to be applied have been successively narrowed, in the same degree that the study of natural history has advanced ; the presumption of its existence always hanging upon the outskirts of definite knowledge, and being connected only with those animal or vegetable organisms which are for the time imperfectly understood. The two groups from which it has been most recently excluded by the progress of discovery are, 1. The Entozoa, or internal parasites ; and 2. The Infusoria. I. Entozoa. These are organisms which live within the bodies of other living animals, from whose organic juices they derive their nourish- ment. There are many different kinds of entozoa, all of which are confined, more or less strictly, to certain parts of the body which they inhabit. Some of them are found in the intestines, others in the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, or the heart and bloodvessels ; others on the surface of the brain ; others even in the muscles or in the interior of the eyeball. Each particular kind of parasite, as a rule, is peculiar to the species of animal which it inhabits, and even to a particular part of the body, often to a particular part of one organ. Thus, Ascaris lumbricoides is found in the small intestine, Oxyuris vermicularis in the rectum, Trichoce- phalus dispar in the cteciun. One kind of Distoma has its place in the lungs of the green frog, another in those of the brown frog. Cysti- cercus cellulosae is found in the connective tissue ; Trichina spiralis in the substance of the muscles. With regard to many of these parasites the only difficulty in account- ing for their existence, except on the presumption of their spontaneous generation, lay in their being confined to such narrow limits and their never being met with elsewhere. It seemed probable that some local combination of conditions was necessary to the production of a para- site, which was never to be found except in the biliary passages, the kidneys, or the lungs of a living animal. A little consideration, how- ever, makes it evident that these conditions are in reality neither neces- sary nor sufficient for the production, but only for the development of the parasites in question. Most of the internal parasites evidently reproduce their species by generation. They have male and female organs, and produce fertile eggs, often in great abundance. The eggs contained in a single female Ascaris are to be counted by thousands ; and in a tapeworm even by millions. These eggs, in order that they may be hatched, and produce new individuals, require certain special NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. 673 conditions which are favorable for their development ; in the same man- ner as the seeds of plants require, for their germination and growth, a certain kind of soil and a certain supply of warmth and moisture. It is accordingly no more remarkable that Oxyuris vermicularis should in- habit the rectum, and Ascaris lumbricoides the ileum, than that Lobelia inflata should grow only in dry pastures, and Lobelia cardinally by the side of running brooks. The lichens flourish on the exposed surfaces of rocks and stone walls ; while the fungi vegetate in darkness and moisture, on the decaying trunks of dead trees. Yet both these classes of vegetables are well known to be reproduced by generation, from germs which require special conditions for their growth and develop- ment. If the germ of any species, whether animal or vegetable, be de- posited in a locality where these requisite conditions are present, it is developed and comes to maturity ; otherwise not. This accounts fully for the fact that internal parasites, like other living organisms, are con- fined to certain situations by the requirements of their nourishment and growth. But in regard to a few of the internal parasites a further difficulty existed, owing to the presence of two peculiaries : first, these particular kinds do not inhabit the open passages or canals of the body, but lie encysted, in the solid substance of the tissues, where there are no visible means of access from without ; and secondly, they are sexless, perform- ing no generative function, and having no progeny of their own ; so that it does not readily appear how they can themselves have been derived from parents. The two kinds of entozoa which have presented this difficulty in the most marked manner, and in which it has been most fully explained by the results of observation and experiment, are those known as Cysticercus cellulose and Trichina spiralis. 1. Cysticercus celluloses. This is a bladder-shaped parasite of some- what flattened form, about 10 millimetres in diameter, found in the sub- cutaneous and intermuscular connective tissue of the pig, where it appears under Fi g- 214. the form of whitish specks, giving to the flesh the appearance known as that of "measly pork." Each parasite is enveloped in a perfectly closed c} T st, but the bladder-like body, when extracted, exhibits at one spot a minute depression Or involution of its wall. From this CYSTICBRCTTS CELLULOSE, from point a slender neck, ending in a ^yS^.iSJ^SSSS rounded head, may be extruded by and neck extruded. 2, a. The same, pressure ; after which the animal is seen to consist of a head and neck, termi- nated posteriorly by a dilated, sac-like tail, whence its generic name of cysticercus. Its specific name was derived from its inhabiting the con- nective tissue, formerly known as the " cellular tissue." The head of the parasite, when magnified, shows upon its surface four sucking disks, 674 NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. . 215. and near its extremity a double crown of curved calcareous processes or hooks, implanted in its substance. There are no distinguishable internal organs, and the caudal vesicle is filled simply with an albuminous watery fluid. Thus there is no apparent source from which these or- ganisms can have come, other than the tissues which they inhabit, nor any visible mode of continuing the species by generation. But it has been shown by the investigations of Van Beneden, Leuck- art, Haubner, and Kiichenmeister, 1 that Cysticercus celluloste is only the embryonic progeny of Tsenia soliuin, or the solitary tapeworm, found in the small intestine of the human subject. The specific identity of the two was first suspected from the exact simi- larity in the form and structure of the head and narrow neck, which presents the same sucking disks and double crown of hooks in Tsenia as in Cysticercus. But in Taenia this neck, instead of terminating in a vesicular appendage, is elongated and transversely . wrinkled. The wrinkles, after a certain distance, become deepened into superficial furrows, marking off the body of the animal into oblong divisions or articulations, each articulation showing a double system of communicating vascu- lar canals, and also distinctly marked generative organs of both sexes. As they recede, by succes- sive growth, farther and farther from the head, the generative organs contained in the articulations become more completely formed, and are at last filled with mature fecundated eggs, in which the embryos have begun to be developed. The entire tapeworm then forms a continuous chain or colony of articulations, sometimes from six to eight metres in length, and attached to the mucous membrane of the intestine only by the minute head at its ante- rior extremity. By the experiments above mentioned it was found, 1st. That mature articulations from the tsenia solium of the human subject, if administered to young pigs with their food, produce an abundance of Cysticercus cellulosse in the flesh of these ani- mals ; and, 2d. That cysticercus cellulosse from measly pork, if swallowed by man, becomes developed in the intestine within a few days, into ribbon-like worms, distinctly recognizable as young specimens of tsenia solium. The manner in which the pig becomes infested with cysticercus is as follows : In the fully-formed tapeworm, in the human intestine, the last 1 Kiichenmeister, Animal and Vegetable Parasites. Sydenham edition, Lon- don, 1857, pp. 115, 120. NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. 675 and most mature articulations separate spontaneously from the rest of the colony, and either find their way out by the anus singly, or are dis- charged with the evacuations. They have, while still living, a con- siderable degree of contractility and power of locomotion ; and thus become accidentally transferred to the surface of neighboring vegetable matters, and are devoured by the pig with his food. In the stomach and intestine, the substance of the articulation is digested and dissolved ; but the embryos, which are 33 mmm. in diameter, and armed with three pairs of calcareous spines, make their way through the intestinal walls, and thence are dispersed, either by a continuance of the same movement or by the bloodvessels, throughout the connective tissue, where they are afterward found. Here they become encysted, and go through with a partial development, remaining in the condition of C} T sticerus in the flesh of the pig until this flesh is used for food, when they finally be- come converted into tsenia solium. Thus the entire round of generation and development is completed, and the original form of the parasite reproduced. A similar relation has been shown by Kiichenmeister and Siebold 1 to exist between certain other species of taenia and cysti- cercus. 2. Trichina spiralis This is a sexless, encysted, worm-like para- site, found in the muscular tissue of the pig, and sometimes in that of the rat, the cat, and the human species. Each worm lies closely coiled, in a spiral form, in the interior of its enveloping cyst. It is about 0.75 Fig. 216. millimetre in length, of a tapering form, with a slender anterior and rounded posterior extremity. It pre- sents a nearly straight intestine ex- tending through its whole length, and rudimentary sexual organs which are entirely inactive. The worm has TRICHINA SPIRALIS, encysted, from muscular tissue of a trichinous cat. been known Since 1835, as Occasion- Magnified 76 diameters. ally found in the human muscular tissue in the encysted form; but it is only since 1860, principally from the investigations of Leuckart, 2 that the different stages of its growth and development have been made known. If muscular flesh containing encysted trichinae be administered with the food to a rabbit, cat, rat, mouse, or pig, the cysts become digested and the worms liberated in the small intestine. Here they rapidly increase in size and develop- ment, the females becoming impregnated and filled with living young, and attaining, at the end of a fortnight, three or four times their pre- vious size. The young emb^os are now discharged from the body of the parent, make their way through the walls of the intestine, and are 1 Yon Siebold, On Tape and Cystic Worms. Sydenham edition. London, 1857, p. 57. 2 Untersuclmngen liber Trichina spiralis. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1860. 676 NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. dispersed throughout the body. They thus reach the muscular tissue, where they become encysted, and remain quiescent until again intro- duced into the intestine of another animal or of man. In this way the existence of sexless and encysted parasites is seen to be entirely analo- gous to that of the caterpillar or the maggot. They are sexless, because they are still in the embryonic or incomplete stage of develop- ment. But they have been produced by the regular mode of generation from parents ; and they will, at a subsequent period, themselves produce young by the same process. II. Infusoria. These are microscopic organisms, first discovered by Leeuwenhoek, in 1675, in rain-water which had been kept in standing vases. On account of their active movement and minute size he called them ''animalcules ;" but as they were soon afterward discovered to Fig. 217. INFUSORIA, of various kinds. 1. Urostyla grandis, from decaying sedge-grass 2. Paramecium aurelia, from vegetable infusions. 3. Chlamydodon mnemosyne, Baltic Sea water. 4. Kerona polyporum, on the fresh-water polype. 6. Oxytricha caudata, open stagnant waters. 6. Ervilia fluviatilis, clear brook water. 7. Heteromita ovata, on aquatic river-plants. Magnified 325 diameters. (Ehrenberg and Stein.) make their appearance in great numbers and with remarkable rapidity in watery infusions of organic matter exposed to the air, they received the general name of "infusoria." They present themselves in great variety, and under rapidly changing forms; so much so that Ehrenberg NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. 677 in 1838 1 described more than 700 different kinds. They are generally provided with cilia attached to the exterior of their bodies, and are, for the most part, in constant and rapid motion in the fluid which they inhabit. In consequence of the numerous different forms of the infusoria, their frequent changeability of figure, and their want of resemblance to any previously known class of animal organisms, they were thought, by some of the earlier observers, to have no regular mode of generation, but to arise indiscriminately from the organic materials of the infusion ; the particular form which they might assume being determined by the special conditions of each case. Their inevitable appearance in organic infusions, at all ordinary temperatures and exposures, contributed to sustain this belief. The substance of the infusion might be previously baked or boiled ; the water in which it was infused might be distilled, and thus freed from all organic contamination ; and yet the infusoria would make their appearance at the usual time and in the usual abundance, provided only that the infusion were exposed to moderate warmth and to the access of atmospheric air. But these conditions are essential to maintaining the life of all organized creatures, from whatever source they may come, and are not, therefore, more necessary to the infusoria than to others. Therefore the infusoria must either have been spontaneously gene- rated from the materials of the infusion, or else they must have been produced from germs introduced from the atmosphere. In the latter case these germs must be wafted about, in a comparatively dry state and in an inactive condition, by the atmospheric currents, to resume their activity and development when brought in contact with sufficient moisture and with the organic material requisite for their nutrition. The researches relating to this question continued with the most extra- ordinary persistence, and with various interruptions and revivals, from 1775, when they were carried on by Needham and Spallanzani, through- out the greater part of the present century, in the hands of Cuvier, Schultze, Helmholtz, Milne-Edwards, Longet, Pouchet, Pasteur, Wy- man, and Bastian. The main object of investigation was to discover whether, if all previous living germs were destroyed by heat, and the access of others prevented by hermetically sealing the vessels, or thoroughly purifying the air which was introduced, infusorial life would, under such circumstances, be developed. The general result of these experiments was that such precautions diminished and often entirely prevented the production of infusoria. Spallanzani 2 had already shown in 1776 that organic infusions in her- metically sealed glass flasks, if boiled for two minutes, failed to produce any of the larger and more highly organized animalcules; and that boiling for three-quarters of an hour prevented the appearance of the more minute and simpler kinds. 1 Die Inftisionsthierchen als vollkommene Organismen. Leipzig, 1838. 2 Opuscoli de Fisica animale e vegetabile. Modena. 1776, vol. i. p. 10. 673 NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. Schultze 1 performed similar experiments, with the additional advan- tage of admitting to the organic infusion fresh air purified from germs. He placed his infusion in a glass flask, the stopper of which was pro- vided with two narrow tubes, bent at right angles. When the infusion had been thoroughly boiled, and all the air contained in the flask ex- pelled, he fastened to each of the projecting tubes a series of bulbs containing on the one side sulphuric acid, and on the other a solution of potassium hydrate ; so that the air which re-entered the flask while it was cooling must pass through these fluids, and thus be cleansed of all living organic matter. The apparatus was then kept in a warm place for two months, the air being renewed daily by suction through the tubes, without any infusoria being detected in its contents. But they showed themselves in great abundance after it had been taken apart, and the infusion exposed for a few days directly to the atmo- sphere. Pasteur' 2 found that if a flask containing an organic liquid were boiled upon a high mountain, where the air is of unusual purity, allowed to fill itself with this air while cooling, and then hermetically sealed, it would often remain free from infusorial growth. He kept several such flasks, boiled and filled with air upon the Montanvert in Switzerland, for four years, without the liquids which they contained undergoing any perceptible change. But on making, at the end of that time, a minute opening in the neck of one of these flasks, it exhibited after three days a perceptible growth of cryptogamic vegetation. These results did not absolutely exclude the possibility of spontane- ous generation, which was still maintained by Pouchet and a number of other observers ; but they indicated in a very decisive manner that the atmosphere might contain the inactive germs of infusoria, which were capable of being developed on meeting with a suitable organic infusion. But in the mean time the study of the infusoria themselves had been going on independently of the question of spontaneous generation, and this alone has been sufficient to demonstrate that they are reproduced in the usual way, like other animal species, by means of fertilized eggs and embryonic development. The apparent confusion and variability in form of the infusoria, at the time of their first discovery, depended only upon their great num- bers and upon the want of sufficient knowledge in regard to them. Sub- sequent observation has shown that their organization is as definite as that of other classes of the animal kingdom ; and they have now been arranged, by the labors of Claparede and Lachmann, 3 Stein, 4 and Bal- biani, 5 into orders, families, genera, and species, which may be recog- Poggendorf s Annalen, 1836. Band xxxix. p. 487. Comptes Rendus de I'Academie des Sciences. Paris, Fevrier 20, 1865. Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizopodes. Geneve, 1856-1861. Organismus der Infusionsthiere. Leipzig, 1859. Journal de la Physiologic de PHomme et des Animaux. Paris, 1861. NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. 679 nized with certainty by their distinctive marks. They are not confined to infusions of decaying material artificially or accidentally prepared ; but many of them have their natural habitation in the clearest waters of lakes, pools, marshes, running brooks, or the open sea. Certain forms, originally included in this class, such as Rotifer, Stephanoceros, and Floscularia, have been found to possess a more complicated structure than the rest, and to belong properly to the class of worms; while their mode of reproduction is sufficiently manifest from the fact that living embryos, in process of development, are often to be seen in their interior. Fig. 218. RTYLONTCHIA MYTILITS; a fresh-water infusorium. 1. Unimpregnated. 2. Impreg- nated, and containing mature eggs and two embryos. 3. Showing the form of the embryo. Magnified 375 diameters. (Stein.) Finally, the ciliated infusoria themselves have been shown to repro- duce their species by means of eggs, formed in special generative organs and fecundated by union of the sexes (Fig. 218). This fact, first demon strated by Balbiani, has been since confirmed, in many instances, by Stein, Engelmann, 1 and Cohn ; 2 Balbiani and Stein together having Zeitsehrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Ditto. Band xii. p. 197. Leipzig, 1862, Band xi. p. 347. 680 NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. Fig. 219. observed the occurrence of sexual generation in 47 different genera and 66 different species. Thus the infusoria proper are in their turn excluded from the field of spontaneous generation. But, on the other hand, a considerable group of organisms, formerly referred to the class of infusoria, are now known to be of a different character. These are the forms included under the general term of Bacteria, and comprising the special varieties of bacterium, vibrio, spirillum, and micrococcus. They are demon- strated to be of a vegetable nature, notwithstanding their frequent exhibition of rapid and continuous movement; and they consist of cells, which multiply, often in great abundance, by a process of repeated sub- division. Whether they are also reproduced by means of spores or germs, has not been determined ; but their minute size and their imper- fect classification have thus far proved ^obstacles to the complete study of their physiological characters. The representative of this group may be considered to be the species known as Bacterium termo, already described (page 83), in connection with the phenomena of pu- trefaction. It consists of elongated or rod-like cells, averaging 3 mmm. in length by 0.6 mmm. in thickness, sometimes single, often double, two of them being attached, more or less firmly, end to end. The latter ap- pearance is due to the pro- gressive multiplication of the cells, which takes place by a transverse division at the middle of their length. The two new cells thus pro- duced remain for a time in connection with each other, and afterward separate, to repeat the process indepen- dently of each other. The final separation of two cells may often be seen to occur under the microscope. The bacterium cells, during a considerable part of their existence, are in rapid vibratory and progres- sive movement. The vibrations take place in a circular manner, about some point situated either at or near one of the extremities ; so that the rest of the cell performs a conical movement around this point, present- ing, on superficial examination, the appearance of a lateral oscillation. The mechanism by which this vibration is accomplished is unknown; but it is no doubt analogous to the slower spiral undulations of the Oscillatorise, among fresh-water algae ; and its effect is to propel the Cells of BACTERIUM TERMO; from a putrefying infusion. NATURE OF REPRODUCTION. 681 bacterium cells, often with extreme velocity, through the fluid in which they are immersed. Of later years, the investigations in regard to spontaneous generation have been almost exclusively confined to the bacteria and their allies, since they now form the only group of organisms in which reproduction by generation has not been fully established. Even for them, the rapid multiplication by cell division, which takes place under favorable con- ditions, indicates the usual mode of their increase in numbers; but in order to establish an entire similarity between them and other living organisms, they must also be shown to reproduce themselves by spores or germs, which has not thus far been done. The experiments with boiled infusions in sealed flasks have led to results which are not inter- preted in the same manner by all writers ; but it is evident that for bacteria, as well as for other organic forms, the application of heat exerts in various degrees a preventive action on their subsequent appear ance. Among the most careful and satisfactory experiments on this part of the subject are those of Prof. Wyman, 1 who operated with infusions of both animal and vegetable matters. The infusions, placed in sealed flasks, with abundance of atmospheric air, were submerged in boiling water for periods varying from thirty minutes to five hours, and after- ward kept under observation at the ordinary temperatures requisite for the development of bacteria. The result showed that the appearance of these organisms was always delayed by the previous application of heat, and that this dela}^ in different series of observations, was often in direct proportion to the length of time during which the boiling had been continued. Furthermore, in certain cases the bacteria failed to be produced at all, and tlu; chances of their production decreased in pro- portion to the length of time during which the liquid had been boiled. Thus, of four series of flasks, each containing the same infusion, and boiled respectively during one, two, three, and four hours, all of the first and second series afterward produced bacteria, only one of the third, and none of the fourth. Finally, in no instance, among numerous trials, did they appear in any infusion which had been boiled for a period ex- ceeding five hours. Thus a limit was reached to the production of bac- teria, in fluids previously subjected to the action of heat. There can be no doubt as to the scientific bearing of these and similar experiments. Spontaneous generation is inadmissible at the present day for everything except bacteria ; and with regard to them there is no sufficient proof that they are ever generated without the concurrence of previously existing germs. 1 American Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven, vol. xliv., September, 1867. 44 CHAPTEE II. Fig. 220. SEXUAL GENERATION, AND THE MODE OF ITS ACCOMPLISHMENT: SEXUAL generation is performed by two sets of organs, each of which gives origin to a peculiar product, capable of uniting with the other, to produce a new individual. These organs, belonging to the two dif- ferent sexes, are called the male and female organs of generation. The female organs produce a globular body called the egg or germ, which is capable of be- ing developed into the body of the young animal or plant ; the male organs produce a substance which is necessary to fecun- date the germ, and enable it to go througli with the process of growth and develop- ment. Such are the essential and universal characters of the organs of generation. These organs, however, while exhibiting everywhere the same principal features, present certain modifications of structure and arrangement in different classes of organized beings. In the flowering plants, the blossom, which is the generative apparatus (Fig. 220), consists first of a female organ con- taining the germ (a), situated usually upon the highest part of the leaf-bearing stalk. This is surmounted by a nearly straight column, termed the pistil (6), dilated at its summit into a globular expansion, and occupying the centre of the flower. Around it are arranged several slender filaments, or stamens, bearing upon their extremities the male organs, or anthers (c, c). The whole is surrounded by a circle or crown of delicate colored leaves, termed the corolla (d), which is frequently provided with a smaller sheath of green leaves out- side, called the calyx (e). The anthers, when arrived at maturity, dis- charge a fine organic dust, called the pollen, the grains of which are caught upon the extremity of the pistil. Each pollen-grain then absorbs the nutritious juices with which it is in contact, and develops from its substance a tubular prolongation, the pollen-tube, which, by its con- ( 682 ) BLOSSOM OP IPOM ing a little cavity containing a clear fluid and inclosed by a fibrinous layer, the remains of the solid portion of the clot. The existence of such a cavit}^ however, is only an occasional, not a constant, phenomenon. More frequently, the fibrinous clot is solid throughout, the serum being gradually ab- sorbed, as it separates sponta- neously from the coagulum. During the third and fourth months, the enlargement of the corpus luteum continues ; and at the end of that time it may measure 22 millimetres in length by 18 or 19 milli- metres in depth. Its flattened form is very manifest, so that, in a longitudinal section, it may present a nearly circular outline, as in Fig. 238, while in a transverse section it is a narrow oval. The convoluted wall is still more highly developed than before, having a thickness, at its deepest part, of nearly 5 millimetres, or double that presented at the same point in the corpus luteum of menstruation, when at its largest size. Its color, however, has already begun to fade, and is of a dull yellowish tinge. The central coagulum, perfectly colorless and fibrinous in appearance, is often so much flattened by the lateral com- pression of its mass, that it is hardly 2 millimetres in thickness. The other relations between the different parts remain the same. The corpus luteum has now attained its maximum of development, and continues without any very perceptible alteration during the fifth and sixth months. It then begins to retrograde, diminishing in size during the seventh and eighth months. Its external wall fades still CORPUS LUTKUM of pregnancy, at the end of the fourth month ; from a woman dead by poison. CORPUS LUTEUM OF PREGNANCY. 719 Fig. 239. CORPUS LUTEUM of pregnancy, at term, from a woman dead in delivery from rupture of the uterus. more, becoming of a faint yellowish-white color, not unlike that pre- sented at the end of the third week. Its texture is thick, soft, and elastic, and it is strongly convoluted. An abundance of fine red vessels can be seen penetrating from the exterior into the interstices of its convolutions. The central coagulum is reduced by this time to the condi- tion of a whitish radiated cicatrix. Its atrophy continues during the ninth month. At the termination of pregnancy, it is reduced in size to 12 or 13 millimetres in length and less than 10 millimetres in depth. (Fig. 239.) It is then of a faint indefinite hue, but little contrasted with the remaining tissues of the ovary. The central cicatrix has become very small, and ap- pears only as a thin whitish lamina, with radi- ating processes which penetrate between the in- terstices of the convolutions. The whole mass is still quite firm to the touch, and is readily distinguishable, both from its size -and texture, as a prominent feature in the ovarian tissue, and a reliable indication of pregnancy. The convoluted structure of the external wall is very perceptible, and the point of rupture, with its external peritoneal cicatrix, still distinctly visible. After delivery, the corpus luteum retrogrades rapidly. At the end of eight or nine weeks, it has become so much altered that its color is no longer distinguishable, although indications of its convoluted structure may still be discovered by close examination. These traces of its existence remain for a long time afterward, more or less concealed in the ovarian tissue. We have distinguished them, in one instance, so late as nine and a half months after delivery. They finally disappear entirely, together with the external cicatrix which previously marked their situation. During the existence of gestation, the process of menstruation being suspended, no new Graafian follicles are ruptured, and no new corpora lutea are produced ; and as the old ones, formed before the period of conception, fade and disappear, the corpus luteum which marks the occurrence of pregnancy after a time exists alone in the ovary. In twin pregnancies, we of course find two corpora lutea in the ovaries ; but these are precisely similar to each other, and, being evidently of the same date, need not give rise to any confusion. Where there is but a single foetus in the uterus, and the ovaries contain two corpora lutea of similar appearance, one of them belongs to an embryo which has been blighted in the early part of pregnancy, and has failed of its develop- ment. The remains of the blighted embryo may sometimes be dis- covered, in such cases, in some part of the Fallopian tube, where it has been arrested in its descent toward the uterus. 720 COKPUS LUTEUM. After lactation has come to an end, the ovaries resume their ordinary function. The Graafian follicles mature and rupture in succession, as before, and new corpora lutea follow each other in alternate develop- ment and disappearance. The corpus luteuin of menstruation, therefore, differs from that of pregnancy in the extent of its development and the duration of its existence. While the former passes through all the important phases of its growth and decline in a period of two months, the latter lasts from nine to ten months, and presents, during a great portion of the time, a larger size and a more solid organization. Even in the corpus luteum of pregnancy, the bright yellow color, which is so important a characteristic, is only temporary in duration; not making its appearance till about the end of the fourth week, and again disappearing after the sixth month. The following table contains, in a condensed form, the characters of the corpus luteum, as belonging to the two different conditions of men- struation and pregnancy, corresponding with different periods of its development. CORPUS LUTEUM OF MENSTRUATION. CORPUS LUTEUM OF PREGNANCY. At the end of three iveeks. One month. Two months. Four months. Six months. Nine months. Twelve by nineteen millimetres in diameter; central clot reddish; convoluted wall pale. Smaller ; convoluted wall bright yellow ; clot still reddish. Reduced to the condition of an insignificant cicatrix. Absent or unnoticeable. Absent. Absent. Larger; convoluted wall bright yellow; clot still reddish. Twelve by twenty-two milli- metres in diameter ; convo- luted wall bright yellow ; clot perfectly decolorized. Eighteen by twenty-two millime- tres in diameter ; clot pale and fibrinous; convoluted wall dull yellow. Still as large as at the end of the second month. Clot fibri- nous. Convoluted wall paler. Ten by thirteen millimetres in diameter; central clot con- verted into a radiating cica- trix ; external wall tolerably thick and convoluted, but without any bright yellow color. CHAPTEE VII. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG SEG- MENTATION OF THE VITELLUS BLASTODERM- FORMATION OF ORGANS IN THE FROG. THE egg, while still contained within the ovarian follicle, passes through a series of consecutive changes, by which it is finally brought to the condition of maturity. During this period it increases in size, from the insignificant dimensions which it presents in the earlier stages of its formation, to those of its complete development as an ovarian egg. The vitellus, at first transparent and colorless, is not only en- larged, but becomes more or less granular and opaque by the deposit of new material in a different form ; and in birds and reptiles it assumes a distinctive hue, which is generally orange or yellow. These modifica- tions are due to the spontaneous growth of the egg and the parts in which it is inclosed ; and they mark a continuous process of develop- ment taking place independently in the generative organs of the female. The last change which occurs in the ovarian egg, and that which indi- cates its complete maturity, is the disappearance of the germinative vesicle. This body, which is in general a distinctive feature of the ova- rian egg, disappears a short time previous to its expulsion, or even when it is just on the point of leaving the Graafian follicle. The egg, therefore, at the time of its discharge from the ovary, con- sists solely of the mature vitellus, inclosed in the vitelline membrane ; and in this condition it meets with the spermatozoa, usually in some part of the Fallopian tube. By the contact of the male elements, and their union with its own substance, a new stimulus is imparted to its growth; and while, if unimpregnated, its vitality, on arriving at this point, would have reached its termination, the fecundated egg, on the contrary, starts upon a more extensive course of development, by which it is finally converted into the body of the young animal. Deposit of Albuminous Layers in the Fallopian Tube. The egg, in the first place, as it passes down the Fallopian tube, becomes covered with an albuminous secretion. In birds, this secretion is very abun- dant, and is deposited in successive layers around the vitellus, forming the so-called " white of egg " In reptiles, it is also poured out in con- siderable quantity, and serves for the nourishment of the egg during its early growth. In mammalians, albuminous matter is supplied in the same way, though in smaller quantity, by the mucous membrane of the Fallopian tube, and envelops the egg in a layer of nutritious material. This albuminous layer, although its absolute quantity is very small, is (721) 722 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. Fig. 240. sufficiently abundant, in proportion to the size of the mammalian -egg; and it serves for the supply of organic material in the earlier stages of development, before the egg has established its connection with the uterine mucous membrane. Segmentation of the Vitellus. A very important change now takes place in the impregnated egg, which is known as the division, or seg- mentation, of the vitellus. A furrow shows itself, running round the globular mass of the vitellus in a vertical direction, which gradually deepens until it has di- vided the vitellus into two separate halves or hemispheres (Fig. 240, a.) Almost at the same time another furrow, running at right angles with the first, penetrates the substance of the vitellus, and cuts it in a transverse direction. The vitellus is thus divided into four equal portions (Fig. 240, 6), the edges and angles of which are rounded off, and which are still contained in the cavity of the vitelline membrane. The spaces between them and the internal surface of the vitelline membrane are oc- cupied by a transparent fluid. The process thus commenced goes on by a successive formation of furrows and sections, in various directions. The four vitelline segments already produced are subdivided into sixteen, the sixteen into sixty-four, and so on ; until the whole vi- tellus is converted into a mulberry-shaped mass of minute, nearly spherical bodies, called the "vitelline spheres." (Fig. 240, c.) The vitelline spheres have a somewhat firmer consistency than the original sub- stance of the vitellus ; and this consistency appears to increase as they multiply in numbers and diminish in size. At last they become so abundant as to be closely crowded together and compressed into po- lygonal forms. (Fig. 240, d.} They have by this time been converted into a layer of cells, surrounding the original central cav- ity of the egg, and themselves enveloped by the vitelline membrane. The segmentation of the vitellus constitutes the primary act in the development of the impregnated egg. It is this remarkable process which is the sign that fecundation has taken place, and that the forma- SEGMENTATION OF THE VIT KLLUS. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. 723 tion of an embryo has commenced. It takes place in all species of animals, although it varies in detail according to the special constitu- tion of the egg, and the presence or absence of accessory parts. In all the mammalia, as well as in many of the invertebrates, where the vitellus is very small, and where the body of the embryo immediately after its formation is to be supplied with nourishment from without, the process is that described above. In the birds, in scaly reptiles, and in many fish, where the vitellus or yolk is of large size, and contains additional nutritive matter, segmentation takes place only in a thin layer which occupies the surface of the great mass of the yolk ; and, beginning at one spot, extends thence from within outward, so that it advances more rapidly at the centre of the segmenting region than at its periphery. But in all cases segmentation of the vitellus is the first change to occur in the process of development, and its result is alwaj^s the same, namely, to divide the vitellus, which was at first of uniform texture throughout, into a great number of minute bodies, which soon present the character of animal cells. Blastoderm, or Germinal Membrane. The cells which are formed, in the manner above described, by the segmentation of the vitellus, become more closely packed as they increase in number ; and finally, by their mutual contact, and adhesion at their adjacent edges, they serve to form a continuous organized membrane, known as the germinal membrane or blastoderm. During the formation of this membrane, moreover, the egg, while passing through the Fallopian tube, increases in size. The albuminous matter with which it is enveloped becomes liquefied ; and, being absorbed by endosmosis through the vitelline membrane, furnishes the material for the more solid and extensive growth of the newly-formed structures. A certain quantity of fluid also accumulates in the central cavity of the egg- The next change which takes place consists in the division or splitting of the blastoderm into two layers, which are known as the external and internal blastodermic layers. They are both still composed exclusively of cells ; but those of the external layer are smaller and more compact, while those of the internal are larger and less consistent. The egg then has the form of a globular sac, the walls of which consist of three con- centric layers, tying in contact with and inclosing each other, namely : 1st, the structureless vitelline membrane on the outside; 2d,the external blastodermic layer, composed of cells ; and 3d, the internal blastodermic layer, also composed of cells. The cavity of the egg is occupied by an albuminous fluid, absorbed from the exterior and destined to serve as nutritious material. It is by this process that the simple globular mass of the vitellus is converted into an organized structure. For the blastoderm, although consisting only of cells which are nearly uniform in size and shape, is nevertheless an organized membrane, made up of anatomical elements. It is the first sign of distinct organization which makes its appearance 124: DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. in the egg ; and as soon as it is completed, the body of the foetus is formed. The blastoderm is, in fact, the foetus in its earliest condition ; for although its texture is at this time exceedingly simple, all the various organs of the body will afterward be produced from it by the modifica- tion of its different parts. The further process of formation is com- paratively simple in some classes of animals, more complicated in others ; and its general features are most easily understood by com- mencing with the study of embryonic development as it takes place in the frog. Formation of Organs in the Embryo. The egg of the frog, when dis- charged and fecundated, is deposited in the water, enveloped in an elastic cushion of albuminous matter. It is thus freely exposed to the light, the air, and the moderate warmth of the sun's rays, and is supplied, with an abundance of moisture and appropriate nutritious rftaterial. Its development is distinguished accordingly by a character of great simplicity ; since the whole of the vitellus is directly converted into the body of the embryo. There are no accessory organs required, and con- sequently no complications of the formative process. The two blastodermic layers, above described, represent together the commencement of the body of the embryo. They serve, however, for the production of two different systems; and the entire process of their development may be expressed as follows: The external blastodermic layer produces the skin, the cerebro-spinal axis, and the organs of ani- mal life ; while the internal layer produces the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, and the organs of nutrition. The first sign of advancing organization in the external blastodermic layer shows itself in a thickening and condensation of its structure. The thickened portion has the form of an elongated oval spot, termed the "embryonic spot" (Fig. 241), the wide edges of which are somewhat more opaque than the rest of the blastoderm. Inclosed within these opaque edges is a narrower colorless and transparent space, the " area pellucida," and in its centre is a delicate line, or furrow, running longitudinally from front to rear, called the u primitive trace." In the anterior portion of the area pel- lucida, the substance of the blastoderm rises up in such a manner as to form two nearly Diagrammatic view of the IM- parallel ridges or plates, which approach PKEGNATED E o o , showing the each other, from side to side, over what SSSS^S-T 1 * e " ucl " a ' win be the dorsal '"i* " of the embr y' and are therefore called the " dorsal plates." Between them is included a groove, termed the "medullary groove." The dorsal plates gradually meet each other and coalesce upon the median line, thus converting the intervening groove into a canal. The coalescence of the edges of the two dorsal plates takes place first in the DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. 725 anterior part of the,, are^pellucida and extends gradually backward , and when it is jtoule)te throughout their length, the whole of the medullary groove^BmbeenjKyiverted into a closed canal. This is the "medullary canal ]^^d in its cavity will afterward be formed the cere- bro-spinal axis, by a growth of nervous matter from its internal surface. At its anterior extremity, the medullary canal is large and rounded, to accommodate the brain and the medulla oblongata; its remainder is narrow, and pointed posteriorly, and is destined to contain the spinal cord. In a diagrammatic section of the egg at this stage, made transversely to the longitudinal axis of the embryo (Fig. 242), the dorsal plates may be seen approaching each other above, on each side of the medullary groove. At a more advanced period (Fig. 243) they are fairly united with each other, and inclose the cavity of the medullary canal. At Fi?. 242. Fig. 243. Diagrammatic section of the impregnated EGG in an early stage of development. 1. External blastodermic layer. 2, 2. Dorsal plates. 3. Internal blastodermic layer. IMPREGNATED Eoo, at a somewhat more advanced period. 1. Point of union between the abdominal plates. 2, 2. Dor- sal plates united with each other on the median line and inclosing the medullary canal. 3,3. Abdominal plates. 4. Section of the spinal column, with laminae and ribs. 6. Internal blastodermic layer. the same time, the edges of the thickened portion of the blastoderm grow outward and downward, extending over the lateral portions of the vitelline mass. These are called the "abdominal plates;" and, as they enlarge, they tend to approach each other below and inclose the abdo- minal cavity, as the dorsal plates united above, and inclosed the medul- lary canal. At last the abdominal plates actually unite on the median line (at i, Fig. 243), embracing the whole of the internal blastodermic layer ( 5 ), which incloses in turn the remains of the original vitellus and the albuminous fluid accumulated in its cavity. During this time, there is formed, in the thickened central part of the blastoderm, immediately beneath the medullary canal, a longitudinal cartilaginous cord, the "chorda dorsalis." Around the chorda dorsalis 726 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. are afterward developed the bodies of the vertebrae (Fig. 243,4), and. the oblique processes of the vertebrae run upward from this point into the dorsal plates, while the transverse processes and ribs run outward and downward in the abdominal plates, to encircle more or less com- pletely the corresponding portion of the body. In a longitudinal section of the egg, made while this process is going on, the thickened portion of the external blastodermic layer (Fig-. 244, i) may be seen in profile. The anterior portion (2), which will form the head, is thicker than the posterior ( 3 ), which will form the tail. As the whole mass grows rapidly, both in the anterior and the posterior direc- tion, the head becomes thick and voluminous, while the tail begins to project backward, and the egg assumes an elongated form. (Fig. 245.) Fig. 244. Fig. 245. Diagram of FROG'S EGO, in an early EGG OF FROG, in process of develop- stage of development; longitudinal sec- ment. tion. 1. Thickened portion of external blastodermic layer. 2. Anterior extremity of the embryo. 3. Posterior extremity. 4. Internal blastodermic layer. 6. Cavity of vitellus. The abdominal plates also meet upon its under surface, and complete the closure of the abdominal cavity. The internal blastodermic layer is seen, in the longitudinal section of the egg, embraced by the abdo- minal plates, and inclosing, as before, the remains of the vitellus. As development goes on (Fig. 246), the head becomes larger, and shows traces of the formation of organs of special sense. The tail also Fig. 246. EGG OF FROG, farther advanced. increases in size, and projects farther from the posterior extremity of the embryo. The spinal cord runs in a longitudinal direction from front to rear, and its anterior extremity enlarges, to form the brain and me- dulla oblongata. In the mean time, the internal blastodermic layer, which is subsequently converted into the intestinal canal, has been shut DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. 727 in by the abdominal walls, and still forms a closed sac, of slightly elongated figure, without inlet or outlet. Afterward, the mouth is formed by means of a perforation, which takes place through both external and internal layers at the anterior extremity; while a similar perforation, at the posterior extremity, results in the formation of the anus. By a continuation of the same process, the different portions of the external blastodermic layer are further developed, resulting in the com- plete formation of the various parts of the skeleton, the integument, the organs of special sense, and- the voluntary muscles and nerves. The tail at the same time acquires sufficient size and strength to be capable of acting as an organ of locomotion. (Fig. 247.) The intestinal canal, Fig. 247. TADPOLE, fully developed. which has been formed from the internal blastodermic layer, is at first a short, wide, and nearly straight tube, running directly from the mouth to the anus. It soon, however, begins to grow faster than the abdominal cavity which incloses it, becoming longer and narrower, and is at the same time thrown into numerous curvilinear folds. Arrived at this period, the young tadpole ruptures the vitelline mem- brane, by which he has heretofore been inclosed, and leaves the cavity of the egg. He at first fastens himself upon the remains of the albu- minous matter deposited round the egg, and feeds upon it for a short period. He soon^ however, acquires sufficient strength and activity to swim about freely in search of other food, propelling himself by means of his large, membranous, and muscular tail. The alimentary canal increases in length and becomes spirally coiled up in the abdominal cavity, attaining a length from seven to eight times greater than that of the entire body. After a time, a change takes place in the external form of the animal. The posterior limbs are the first to make their appearance, by budding or sprouting from the sides of the body at the base of the tail, (Fig. 248.) The anterior extremities are for a time concealed beneath the integument, but afterward become liberated, and show themselves ex- ternally. At first both the fore and hind legs are very small, incom- plete in structure, and useless for purposes of locomotion. They soon, however, increase in size and strength ; while the tail, on the contrary, ceases to grow, and becomes shrivelled and atrophied. The limbs, in fact, are destined finally to replace the tail as organs of locomotion ; and 728 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. a time at last arrives (Fig. 249) when the tail has altogether disappeared, while the legs have become fully developed, muscular, and powerful. Then the animal, heretofore confined to an aquatic mode of life, becomes capable of living upon land, and a transformation is effected from the tadpole into the frog. Fig. 248. Fig. 249. TA DPOLE, with limbs beginning to be formed. Perfect FROG. During the same time, other changes of equal importance take place in the internal organs. The tadpole at first breathes by gills ; but these organs subsequently become atrophied, and are replaced by lungs. The structure of the mouth, also, of the integument, and of the circulatory system, is altered to correspond with the varying conditions and wants of the growing organism ; and all these changes taking place, in part successively and in part simultaneously, bring the animal at last to a state of complete formation. The process of development, as thus far described, may be recapitu- lated as follows : 1. The germinal membrane or blastoderm, produced b} r the segmenta- tion of the vitellus, consists of two cellular layers, namely, an external and an internal blastodermic layer. 2. The external blastodermic layer incloses by its dorsal plates the cerebro-spinal canal, and by its abdominal plates the abdominal or visceral cavity. 3. The internal blastodermic layer forms the intestinal canal, which becomes lengthened and convoluted, and communicates with the exterior by a mouth and anus of secondary formation. 4. Finally, the cerebro-spinal axis and its nerves, the skeleton, the organs of special sense, the integument, and the voluntar}^ muscles, are developed from the external blastodermic layer ; while the anterior and posterior extremities are formed from the same layer by a process of sprouting, or continuous growth. CHAPTEE VIII. FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO IN THE FOWL'S EGG. IN the preceding chapter a condensed description has been given of the general phenomena of embryonic development, as illustrated in the egg of the frog This species is useful as an example, to exhibit the progressive alterations of form which lead to the final production of a vertebrate animal out of the fecundated vitellus, uncomplicated by the presence of any accessory organs. But the development of the chick, in the egg of the fowl during incubation, has been found more favorable for the study of certain important details. The readiness with which the fowl's egg may be obtained in all the successive stages of incubation, and the convenient size of the embryo in the earlier periods of its forma- tion, have made it a favorite subject of investigation for embryologists ; and some of the most valuable discoveries in this department of physi- ology have resulted from observations upon the young chick and the mode of formation of its different organs. The Yolk and the Cicatricula. The yolk of the fowl's egg represents something more than the vitellus proper. Its principal mass consists of an opaque, yellow, semifluid substance, the "yellow yolk," which solidifies on boiling, owing to its large proportion of albuminous matter. This substance contains a great abundance of soft, spherical, finely granular bodies, from 25 to 100 mmm. in diameter. The yellow yolk is surrounded everywhere by a thin layer of nearly colorless appearance, the " white yolk," which contains, instead of the granular spheres described above, smaller globular bodies with one or more brightly refracting masses in their interior. The albuminous matter of the white yolk, furthermore, does not solidify firmly on the application of heat; so that in a boiled egg the thin outer stratum of this substance remains semifluid. There is also a spot in the centre of the yolk-sphere, which is occupied by the same material, and which conse- quently remains soft in the boiled egg ; the central cavity thus left communicating with the surface of the yolk by a narrow passage, like the neck of a flask. The whole yolk is thus formed of two substances, which are distin- guished from each other by their microscopic characters and by their comparative coagulability at the temperature of boiling water. Neither of the two corresponds with the granular vitellus of the mammalian egg ; and the yolk, as a whole, constitutes a deposit of nutritious material, superadded to the vitellus proper, and destined to be absorbed for the support of the embryonic tissues. This yolk, however, is formed, in. 47 ( 729 ) 730 FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. birds, within the ovarian follicle, and is, in respect to its volume, the main constituent of the ovarian egg. At one point upon the surface of the yolk of the fowl's egg, while still contained within the ovarian follicle, there is a whitish circular spot about 5 millimetres in diameter, lying immediately beneath the vitelline membrane. This is the cicatricula. It is a thin layer of uniformly granular material, containing none of the spherical bodies found in the white and yellow yolk. Its granules are imbedded in a homogeneous substance of viscid consistency, by which they are agglutinated into a disk-like mass. In its centre is contained the germinative vesicle, which is distinctly visible by its transparency and well-defined outline, until the mature egg is ready to leave the ovary, when it disappears, as in other classes of animals. The cicatricula of the fowl's egg cor- responds, therefore, in its structure, though not in its form, with the entire vitellus of the mammalian egg. Its position is always exactly above the tubular prolongation of white yolk, already described as leading to the central cavity of the egg. Formation of the Blastoderm. The fowl's egg is fecundated soon after leaving the ovary, and while in the upper portion of the ovi- duct. The segmentation of the cicatricula then begins, by a furrow which passes across its disk, and which is followed by others running in different directions. By the continued multiplication of these fur- rows, the substance of the cicatricula is divided successively into smaller and smaller portions; the process beginning and proceeding most rapidly at its centre, but extending thence outward to the peri- phery. When these divisions have become reduced in size and increased in number to a certain degree, they present, as in other instances, the form and structure of distinct cells. The cells are in two layers. Those of the upper layer are smaller, more numerous, cylindrical or prismatic Fig. 250. VERTICAL SECTION THROUGH A PORTION OF THE BLASTODERM of a fowl's egg, at the commencement of incubation. 1. Upper cellular layer. 2. Lower cellular layer. 3, 3. Larger cells, found in small number beneath those of the lower layer. (Foster and Bal- four.) in form, standing upright side by side, like the cells of columnar epithe- lium, and adherent to each other by their adjacent surfaces. According to Foster and Balfour 1 they have a very uniform size of 9 mmm., and most, if not all of them are provided with a distinct oval nucleus- The 1 Elements of Embryology. London, 1874, p. 17. FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. 731 cells of the lower layer are rather larger, more globular in form, and less closely united with each other. The whole forms an organized cellular membrane, the blastoderm, which, occupies the place of the original cicatricula. Thus the blastoderm, or germinal membrane, is formed in the impreg- nated fowl's egg by a process of segmentation essentially similar to that which takes place in eggs of other kinds. It presents the appearance of a thin sheet, of uniform texture, composed of nothing but cells, lying at one spot upon the surface of the yolk. Its formation, which begins immediately after the impregnation of the egg, continues, under the influence of the animal temperature, during the eighteen or twenty hours that the egg is retained in the oviduct for the deposit of its albumen and external envelopes. According to Foster and Balfour, it has reached the condition of a distinct cellular membrane at the time of the expulsion of the egg. If afterward kept at a low temperature it remains in this state ; but, if subjected to natural or artificial incubation at a tempera- ture of 38 (100 F.), it goes on to the further development of the body of the embryo. Folds of the Blastoderm. The form of the body of the embryo and of its different parts is sketched out, in all cases, by means of a series of folds, which show themselves at various points in the blastoderm. This membrane presents at first a flat surface ; or, i'f it have a certain degree of convexity, corresponding with that of the } T olk upon which it lies, this convexity is perfectly uniform, and is too slightly pronounced to be appreciable within the limits of the blastoderm. But as soon as development begins to make a definite progress, this uniformity of sur- face is broken by the appearance of folds or ridges, which are directed longitudinally or transversely, and which thus mark the lines of separa- tion between different parts of the blastoderm. Such a fold, running in a curvilinear direction from side to side, marks the position of the head of the embryo, and is called the " head-fold." The free border of this mass, projecting forward and above the neighboring portion of the blas- toderm, becomes in fact the head, which, as well as the neck, is curved more and more forward and downward, in the subsequent stages of embryonic growth, with the deepening of the fold which first gave origin to it as a distinct part. A similar transverse curvilinear fold at the posterior portion of the area pellucida, marks off the hinder extremity of the embryo, and is called the " tail-fold." Longitudinal folds are also formed in the same manner, one on each side, which fix the lateral limits of the body of the embryo. By this means, a certain portion of the blastoderm becomes distinctly marked off from the rest. The part included within the transverse and longitudinal folds is immediately recognizable as the body of the embryo; while that which remains outside these limits becomes developed into accessory organs, playing an important though secondary part in the history of development. This forms a marked distinction between the process as it takes place in the fowl's egg, and that already described in 732 FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. the egg of the frog. In the frog, the whole of the blastoderm serves for the formation of the body of the embryo. In the fowl, only a portion of it is immediately devoted to that object ; while the remainder extends itself over the voluminous yolk, to be employed for the absorption of nutritious material and its indirect transfer to the embryonic tissues. But even within the limits of the body of the embryo, similar folds of the blastoderm become visible, and are the principal means of forma- tion for its different organs. The earliest permanent appearances of this kind are the longitudinal ridges which include between them the "medullary groove" (Fig. 252, I.), and which afterward, by coalescing with each other along the median line of the back, inclose the medul- lary canal (Fig. 252, II.). That these ridges or " dorsal plates," as well as the groove between them, are produced by the formation of folds, is plain from the fact that the surface of the groove, while still open, is continuous, over its undulating borders, with that of the neighboring part of the blastoderm ; and that after its closure, its cavity is lined with a layer of cells identical in form with those on the free surface of the blastoderm above. It is also shown, by transverse sections of the embryo (His, Foster and Balfour), that the folds in question pass through the whole thickness of the outer blastodermic layer. Accord- ing to Foster and Balfour, the medullary canal, in the fowl's egg, is completely closed at the region of the head on the second day of incu- bation ; after which the coalescence of its edges goes on progressively from before backward. The closure of the abdomen in front, and the conversion of the inner layer of the blastoderm into an intestinal canal, take place by a similar production of lateral folds, approaching each other along the median line. For, as the limits of the body of the embryo are marked off, on each side, from the rest of the blastoderm by an inverted fold, when this fold becomes deeper its borders are brought nearer to each other. Thus the body of the embryo is at first spread out on the surface of the vitellus, lying, as it were, upon the mucous membrane of its open alimen- tary canal But as the folds which mark its lateral borders penetrate more deeply below the surface (Fig. 252, IV.), the sides of the embryo shut in between them a portion of this mucous membrane, and at last completely inclose it in the abdominal cavity, in the same manner as the dorsal folds inclose the medullary canal. The folds of the blastoderm, which thus determine the configuration of the embryo, are the result of a special activity of growth in par- ticular parts of the blastodermic layers. If the blastoderm were to grow only at its edges, these would simply extend farther and farther over the vitellus, the central portion remaining as before. Or if it were to increase at a uniform rate in all its parts at the same time, its form would not necessarily be subjected to any special alteration. This is what really takes place during the production of the blastoderm itself. The segmentation of the vitellus, and the organization of the cellular layers, go on with a similar activity in all directions, extending uni- FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. 783 formly from the centre outward. The blastoderm accordingly, when completed, is a smooth, even membrane, having the same texture throughout. But when the process of incubation commences, the blastoderm grows more rapidly at particular points, and along certain lines of direction, than elsewhere. What may be the determining cause of such a con- centration of growth in special situations, it is impossible to say ; but its result is that the blastoderm, enlarging more rapidly in one direction than another, is thrown into undulations, which indicate, by their posi- tion and size, the unequal expansion of the blastodermic membrane. Thus, if it grow more rapidly at one particular point than in any of the surrounding parts, it will form at that spot a conical eminence or de- pression, according as it meets with less resistance above or below. If a similar rapidity of increase were to affect a considerable portion of the membrane along a transverse line, the consequence would be a transverse fold ; and if the same thing were to occur in an antero-posterior direc- tion, it would cause a longitudinal fold. The subsequent history of em- bryonic development shows continual repetitions of this process, often on a much larger scale than that exhibited in the blastoderm. The folds of the intestinal canal, the valvulae conniventes of its mucous membrane, the convolutions of the brain, and the tubular windings of the perspiratory glands, with many other analogous forms, are pro- duced in a similar way. All these structures are at first smooth or straight. They become thrown into folds or convolutions at some period during the development of the embryo, whenever they grow more rapidly than the surrounding parts. Position of the Embryo in the Egg. Although the blastoderm is at first apparently of uniform structure throughout, yet each particular part has from the beginning a physiological individuality, which leads to its subsequent development into a special organ or part of an organ. This is evident from the manner in which the local activity of nutrition gives rise to the appearance of folds, running in definite directions, and determining in this way the future location of the head, the tail, and the sides of the body. But it is manifested still more remarkably in the position assumed by the entire embtyo. The yolk of the fowl's egg has a nearly regular spherical form ; and the cicatricula, as well as the blastoderm into which it is converted, is a circular spot upon its surface. The ovoid form presented by the whole egg, with one round and one pointed extremity, is given to it by the deposit of albumen round the yolk, in the middle and lower parts of the oviduct, after fecundation has taken place. And yet, when the rudiments of the embryo first become peceptible in the area pellucida, it is so placed as to lie cross- wise to the long axis of the egg, with its right side toward the round end and its left side toward the pointed end. The exceptions to this rule are so few as to show that, even before incubation has commenced, one particular portion of the circular blastoderm is destined to become 734 FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. the head and another portion the tail ; and consequently that every one of the future organs of the embryo has its point of origin already fixed. Division of the Blastodermic Layers. The blastoderm when first formed consists, as above described, of two layers of cells ; those of the external layer being cylindrical and compact, those of the internal, larger, rounded, and more loosely connected. The outer blastodermic layer forms the tegumentary surface of the body and the cavity of the cerebro-spinal axis ; the inner is converted into the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal. But between the two there soon appears another formation of cells, which is sometimes spoken of as the third or " intermediate" blastodermic layer. The cells of this layer are in immediate contact with, and more or less adherent to, those of the two others ; but they are rounded in form and rather loosely united, in com- parison both with those above and below. The intermediate layer, in the blastoderm of the fowl's egg, is distinctly formed, according to Foster and Balfour, in the first twelve hours of incubation. The exact number and designation of the fundamental layers of the blastoderm has been and still is the main point of discrepancy in the writings of embryologists. There is no difference of opinion as to the existence or destination of the two principal layers, namely, the external and internal, which are the first to make their appearance, as above described. They form respective^ thQ basis for the production of the external sensitive integument and cerebro-spinal axis on the one hand, and for the lining of the alimentary canal with its adjacent glandular organs on the other. But the intermediate portion, formerly described as the u vascular layer," is connected both with the organs of animal life and with those of digestion and nutrition. It is, therefore, by some regarded as an independent layer, equal in original importance to the other two ; by others as an accessory formation, destined to aid in the development of both the external and internal parts. According to His, 1 whose observations are among the most extensive and valuable in the department of embryology, the most appropriate enumeration is the older one, of an external and internal blastodermic layer ; since the cells of the intermediate portion remain attached partty to the outer and partly to the inner layer, when the separation between the two takes place in the manner now to be described. Immediately underneath the medullary canal, along the axial line of the body of the embryo, there is formed in the intermediate layer of the blastoderm a cylindrical cord, termed the "chorda dorsalis" (Fig. 252, 6), which marks the situation of the future spinal column. For a certain distance on each side of the chorda dorsalis, the component parts of the blastoderm remain in contact with each other throughout its thickness. But farther outward, toward the edges of the embryo, it separates, by a horizontal division or cleavage, into two laminae, an outer and inner, or upper and lower. This cleavage takes place appa- 1 Unsere Korperform. Leipzig, 1875, p. 38. FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. 735 rently in consequence of an unequal rapidity of growth in the two blas- todermic layers. Both layers are now extending outward, downward, and inward, by the deepening of the lateral longitudinal folds ; tending to approach the median line and thus shut in the abdomen and ali- mentary canal. But the external layer, which is to form the walls of the abdomen, grows more rapidly, and tends to inclose a larger space, than the internal layer, which is to form the lining membrane of the intestine. Wherever this happens, a separation takes place between the two, at the expense of the intermediate layer, some of the cells of which remain attached to the external and some to the internal blasto- dermic Ia'er. VERTICAL SECTION OF A PORTION OP THE BLASTODERM OF THE FOWL'S EGG, in process of separation into two laminae. 1. External blastodermic layer. 2. Internal blastodermic layer. 3. Cells of the intermediate layer, partly drawn out into filamentous extensions. Magnified 250 diameters. (His.) The cleavage or division of the blastoderm into two laminae, as above described, does not take place everywhere simultaneously. It occurs here and there, as the process of growth becomes more. active in par- ticular spots. But the general course of its extension is from without inward, or from the lateral borders of the embryo toward the median line. It does not, however, reach the median line, but leaves a con- siderable space around the chorda dorsalis and on each side of it still undivided, when the lateral portions of the blastoderm are already completely separated into their two laminse. By the separation of the laminse of the blastoderm thus effected, a space or interval (Fig. 252, 5) is left between the two. This space, when the closure of the abdominal walls is accomplished, becomes the perito- neal cavity. The cells of the intermediate layer subsequently give rise to the development of muscular tissue ; and that portion which, in the separation of the two laminse, continues adherent to the external layer, produces the voluntary muscles of the chest and abdomen. The por- tion remaining adherent to the internal layer, on the other hand, pro- duces the involuntary muscular coat of the alimentary canal. In Figure 252, II., III., and IV., these two portions of the intermediate la} ? er, which give rise respectively to voluntary and involuntary muscular tissue, are seen shaded with parallel lines. Primitive Vertebrae Formation of the Spinal Column and it* Mus- cles. Already on the second day of incubation there have appeared, on each side of the chorda dorsalis and medullary canal, a number 736 FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. of rectangular masses arranged in longitudinal series, almost exactly similar to each other, and separated by regular transverse divisions. They resemble strongly in their appearance the simpler component parts of a spinal column, and, in fact, form the basis out of which this struc- Fig. 252. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE CHICK-EMBRYO, at different stages of development. Magnified 40 diameters. I. On the second day of incubation. II. Between the second and third days. III. On the third day. IV. On the fourth day. 1. Medullary groove. 2. Medullary canal. 3. External blastodermic layer. 4. Internal blastodermic layer. 5. Space of separation between the two laminae of the blastoderm; future peritoneal cavity. 6. Chorda dorsalis. 7. Primitive vertebrae. 8. Aorta. 9. Cavity of the intestine. (His.) ture will afterward be developed. But they do not represent imme- diately and exclusively the bodies of the vertebrae. They are to serve, not only for the formation of these organs, but also for that of the spinal muscles on the one hand and of the muscular layer of the aorta on the other. They are therefore known as the primitive vertebras. In a transverse section of these bodies (Fig. 252, 7 ) there is an evident dis- FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. 737 tinction between their central portion or nucleus, and their external portion or shell. The nucleus is more transparent, and will afterward supply the cartilaginous deposit for the permanent vertebrae ; the shell has a radiating striated texture, and serves for the formation of mus- cular tissue. On the second day of incubation (Fig. 252, I.) the primitive verte- brae, as seen in transverse section, have the form of a narrow oval, with a small nucleus and a comparatively thick and perfectly continuous shell. From the second to the third day (Fig. 252, II.) the nucleus grows more rapidly than the outer parts, which it pushes upward and downward ; and the shell begins to show indications of a separation into upper and lower portions. On the third day (Fig. 252, III.) this separation is complete ; and the upper portion of the shell, taking a position more or less parallel with the outline of the body at this point, will become the layer of voluntary muscles about the spinal column. Its lower portion recedes farther from above downward, and approaches the situation of the double aorta ( 8 ), which it will afterward supply with its involuntary muscular layer. In a section of the embryo at the fourth day (Fig, 252, IV.) the final position of these two muscular layers is distinctly marked ; the projection of the spinal ridge, on the one hand, having become higher and steeper, and, on the other, the double aorta having been fused into a single vascular canal. The nucleus of the primitive vertebra, in the mean time, extends upward and inward, in such a manner as to surround both the medul- lary canal and the chorda dorsalis, which it embraces in a tissue of new formation. This tissue afterward supplies the cartilage, both of the bodies of the vertebrae, and of the oblique processes which inclose the spinal canal at its sides and behind. But when these cartilages are formed, it is observed that they do not correspond in situation with the original primitive vertebrae. A new segmentation takes place, by which the lines of separation between the successive permanent vertebrae pass through the middle of what were the primitive vertebrae j 1 and conse- quently each permanent vertebra is formed out of the adjacent halves of two primitive vertebrae. The chorda dorsalis, included in the car- tilaginous matrix of the bodies of the vertebrae, ceases to grow in a corresponding ratio with the neighboring parts, becomes atrophied, and disappears ; while the bodies of the vertebrae, which surround it, are rapidly enlarged, and assume the form and size of the principal com- ponent parts of the spinal column. 1 Foster and Balfour, Elements of Embryology. London, 1874, p. 153. CHAPTEE IX. DEVELOPMENT OF ACCESSORY ORGANS IN THE IMPREGNATED EGG. UMBILICAL YESICLE, AM- NION, AND ALLANTOIS. THUS far, the process of development has been followed as it relates to the primary formation of the principal parts of the body of the emb^o. In some species of animals this includes all the important structures which show themselves in the impregnated egg; the embryo arriving ver} r soon at a stage of growth in which it is liberated by the rupture of the vitelline membrane and is already capable of carrying on an independent existence. But in many fish and reptiles, and in all birds and mammalia, there are additional structures which aid in the nutrition of the young animal during the middle and later periods of its development. In these instances, the whole of the blastoderm is not immediately converted into the tissues of the embryo. Certain por- tions, both of its external and internal layers, remain outside the limits of the body, and perform, in this situation, the function of accessory organs. These organs are the umbilical vesicle, the amnion, and the allantois. Umbilical Vesicle. In the frog's embryo (page 725), the abdominal plates, closing to- gether in front, join each other upon the median line, and shut in directly the whole of the vitellus, which is thus inclosed in the intestinal sac formed by the internal blastodermic layer. In other instances, the abdominal plates do not immediately embrace the whole of the vitelline mass, but tend to close together at some inter- mediate point ; so that the vitellus is con- p' stricted, and divided into two portions, one internal, and one external. (Fig. 253.) As development proceeds, the body of the embryo increases in size out of proportion to the vitelline sac, and the constriction just men- tioned becomes at the same time more strongly marked; so that the separation between the internal and external portions of the vitelline EGG OF FISH, showing for- gac is near ] y complete. The internal blasto- mation of umbilical vesicle. J dermic layer is by this means divided into two portions, one of which forms the intestinal canal, while the other, remaining outside, forms a sac-like appendage to the abdomen, known by 'the name of the umbilical vesicle. (738) AMNION AND ALLANTOIS. 739 The umbilical vesicle is accordingly lined by a portion of the internal blastodermic layei;, continuous with the mucous membrane of the intes- tine ; and covered by a portion of the external blastodermic layer, con- tinuous with the integument of the abdomen. After the young animal leaves the egg, the umbilical vesicle in some species becomes shrunken and atrophied by the absorption of its con- tents ; while in others, the abdominal walls gradually extend over it, and crowd it back into the abdomen; the nutritious matter which it contains passing from the cavity of the vesicle into that of the intes- tine by the narrow passage remaining open between them. In the human species, on the other hand, as well as in quadrupeds, the umbilical vesicle becomes more completely separated from the ab- domen. There is at first a wide communication be- tween the cavity of the umbilical vesicle and that of Fig. 254. the intestine ; subsequently this communication is gradually narrowed by the constriction of the ab- dominal walls; and this constriction proceeds so far that the opposite surfaces of the canal at least come in contact with each other and adhere together, so that the passage previously existing, between the cavitjr of the intestine and that of the umbilical vesicle, is obliterated, and the vesicle is then con- nected with the abdomen only by an impervious cord. This cord afterward elongates, and becomes with umbilical vesi- converted into a slender pedicle (Fig. 254), emerging aou from the abdomen of the foetus, and connected by its farther extremity with the umbilical vesicle, which is filled with a trans- parent, colorless fluid. The umbilical vesicle is distinctly visible in the human foetus so late as the end of the third month. After that period it diminishes in size, and is gradually lost in the advancing development of the neighboring parts. Amnion and Allantois. The amnion and allantois are two organs which can be best studied in connection with each other, since they are closely related in physio- logical importance; the office of the first being to pro vide for the forma- tion of the second. The amnion is developed from the external blasto- dermic layer ; the allantois from the internal Ia3^er. The amnion is so called probably from the Greek, a young lamb ; on account of its having been first observed as a foetal envelope in this animal. The name of the allantois is also derived from the Greek axxayr $, owing to its elongated or sausage-like form in the pig, and some other of the domestic animals. In the frog's egg. the embryo is abundantly supplied with moisture, air, and nourishment from without. The absorption of oxygen and of albuminous liquids, and the exhalation of carbonic acid, so far as it is produced, can readily take place through the simple membranes of 740 ACCESSORY ORGANS IN IMPREGNATED EGG. the egg ; especially as the time occupied in the formation of the pri- mary organs is very short, and the greater part of the process of de- velopment remains to be accomplished after the young animal leaves the egg. But in birds and quadrupeds, the time required for the development of the embryo within the egg is longer. The young animal acquires a more perfect organization during the time that it remains inclosed by its membranes ; and the processes of absorption and exhalation neces- sary for its growth, being increased in activity to a corresponding degree, require a special organ for their accomplishment. This organ, destined to bring the blood of the foetus into relation with the atmo- sphere and external sources of nutrition, is the allantois. In the frog, the internal blastodermic layer, forming the intestinal mucous membrane, is everywhere inclosed by the external layer, form- ing the integument. But in the higher animals a portion of this internal layer, which is the seat of the greatest vascularity, and which is des- tined to produce the allantois, is brought into contact with the external membrane of the egg for purposes of exhalation and absorption ; and this can only be accomplished by opening a passage for it through the external blastodermic layer. This is done in the following manner by the formation of the amnion. Soon after the body of the embryo has begun to be formed, by the thickening and involution of the external blastodermic layer, a second- ary fold of this layer rises up on all sides about Fig. 255. the edges of the newly-formed embryo ; so that its body appears as if sunk in a kind of depres- sion, and surrounded with a membranous ridge, as in Fig. 255. The embryo (c) is here seen in profile, with the external membranous folds, above mentioned, rising up in advance of the head, and behind the posterior extremity. The same thing takeS P laCC On the tw sides f the foetllS > ^ the formation of lateral folds simultaneously with the *PP<^ance of those in front and behind. As these folds are destined to form the amnion, they * Called tlle " amni tic folds '" The amniotic folds continue to grow, extend- ing forward, backward, and laterally, until they approach each other at a point over the back of the embryo (Fig. 256) : Their opposite edges afterward come in contact with each other at this point, and adhere together, so as to shut in a space (Fig. 256, b) between their inner sur- face and the body of the embryo. This space, which contains a thin layer of clear fluid, is the amniotic cavity. There now appears a prolongation or diverticulum (Fig. 256, c), growing from the posterior portion of the intestinal canal, and follow- ing the course of the amniotic fold which has preceded it ; occupying, as it gradually enlarges and protrudes, the space left vacant by the AMNION AND ALLANTOIS. 741 Fig. 256. Diagram of the FECUN- DATED EGG, farther advanced a. Umbilical vesicle, b. Amniotic cav- ity, c. Allantois. Fig. 257. rising up of the amniotic fold. This diverticulum is the commencement of the allantois. It is an elongated membranous sac, continuous with the posterior portion of the intestine, and con- taining bloodvessels derived from those of the intestinal circulation. The cavity of the allantois is also continuous with the cavity of the intes- tine. After the amniotic folds have approached and touched each other, as above described, over the back of the embryo, the adjacent surfaces, thus brought in contact, fuse together, so that the cavities of the two folds, coming respectively from front and rear, are separated only by a single membranous partition (Fig. 251, c) running from the inner to the outer lamina of the amniotic folds. This partition is soon afterward atro- phied and disappears ; and the inner and outer laminae become conse- quently separated from each other. The inner lamina (Fig. 257, a) which remains continuous with the integument of the foetus, inclosing the body of the embryo in a distinct cavity, is called the amnion (Fig. 258, 6), and its cavity is known as the amniotic cavity. The outer lamina of the amniotic fold, on the other hand (Fig. 257, 6), recedes farther and farther outward, until it comes in contact with the original vitel- line membrane, still covering the exterior of the egg. It at last fuses with the vitelline membrane and unites with its substance, so that the two form but one. This membrane, resulting from the union and consolidation of two others, con- stitutes then the external investing membrane of the egg. The allantois, in the mean time, increases in size and vascularity. Following the course of the amniotic folds as before, it insinuates itself between them, and thus comes in contact with the external membrane above described. It then begins to expand laterally, enveloping more and more the body of the embryo, and bringing its vessels into contact with the external investing membrane of the egg. By a continuation of this process, the allantois at last envelops com- pletely the body of the embryo, together with the amnion; its two extremities coming in contact with each other, and fusing together over the back of the embryo, in the same manner as the amniotic folds had previously done. (Fig. 258.) It lines, therefore, the whole internal surface of the investing membrane with a flattened, vascular sac, the Diagram of the FECTTN. DATED EGG, with allan- tois nearly complete. a. Inner lamina of amniotic fold. 6. Outer lamina of ditto, c. Point where the amniotic folds come in contact. The allantois is seen penetrating between the inner and outer lami- nae of the amuiotic folds. 742 ACCESSORY ORGANS IN IMPREGNATED EGG. vessels of which come from the interior of the body of the embryo, and which still communicates with the cavity of the intestinal canal. It is evident, accordingly, that there is a close connection between the formation of the amnion and that of the Fig. 258. allantois. For it is only by this means that the allantois, which is an extension of the in- ternal blastodermic layer, can come to be situated outside the embryo and the amnion, and thus brought into relation with surround- in or media. The two laminae of the amniotic O folds, by separating from each other as above described, open a passage for the allantois, and allow it to come in contact with the external Diagram of the FECUNDA- membranous investment of the egg. TED EGG, with the allantois _. . , . _ . - , 7 . . mu fully formed. a. Umbilical Pnysiological Action of the Allantois. Ihe vesicle, b. Amnion. c. Allan- physiological action of the allantois, in its simplest form, may be studied with advantage in the fowl's egg, where it forms an extensive and highly vascular organ, but does not present any important modifications of its original structure. The egg of the fowl contains, when first laid, an abundant deposit of semi-solid albuminous matter in which the yolk is enveloped. This affords, in connection with the yolk, a sufficient quantity of moisture and organic nutriment for the growth of the embryo. The necessaiy warmth is supplied by the body of the fowl in incubation ; and the atmospheric gases can pass and repass without difficulty through the porous shell and its lining membranes. On the commencement of incu- bation, a liquefaction takes place in the albumen immediately above that part of the yolk which is occupied by the blastoderm ; so that the vitel- lus rises toward the surface, by virtue of its specific gravity, and the blastoderm comes to be placed almost immediately underneath the lining membrane of the egg-shell. The body of the embryo is thus placed in the most favorable, position for the reception of warmth and other necessary external influences. The liquefied albumen is absorbed by the vitelline membrane, and the yolk thus becomes larger, softer, and more diffluent than before the commencement of incubation. As soon as the circulatory apparatus of the embryo has been fairly formed, two minute arteries are seen to run out from its lateral edges and spread into the neighboring parts of the blastoderm, breaking up into inosculating branches, and covering the adjacent portions of the yolk with a plexus of capillary bloodvessels. The space occupied in the blastoderm by these vessels is called the area vasculosa. The blood is returned from it to the body of the embryo by two veins which pene- trate beneath its edges, one near the head and one near the tail. The area vasculosa increases in extent as the development of the embryo proceeds, and its circulation becomes more active. It covers the upper half or hemisphere of the yolk ; and then, passing this point, AMNION AND ALLANTOIS. 743 it embraces more and more of the inferior hemisphere, its vessels con- verging toward the opposite pole of the yolk. The function of the area vasculosa is to absorb nourishment from the cavity of the vitelline sac. As the albumen liquefies during the process of incubation, it passes by endosmosis into the vitelline cavity ; the whole yolk growing constantly larger and more fluid in consistency. The blood of the embryo, circulating in the vessels of the area vasculosa, absorbs the oleagino-albuminous matters of the vitellus, and, carrying them back to the embryo by the returning veins, supplies the tissues and organs with appropriate nourishment. During this period the amnion and the allantois have been also in process of formation. At first the body of the embryo lies upon its abdomen, as heretofore described ; but, as it increases in size, it alters its position so as to lie upon its left side. The allantois, emerging from the posterior portion of the abdominal cavity, turns upward over the body of the embryo, and comes in contact with the shell membrane. It then spreads out rapidly, extending toward the two extremities and down the sides of the egg, enveloping the embryo and the vitelline sac, and taking the place of the albumen which has been liquefied and absorbed. The umbilical vesicle is at the same time formed by the separation of part of the yolk from the abdomen of the chick ; and the vessels of the original area vasculosa, which were at first distributed over the yolk, now ramify upon the surface of the umbilical vesicle. At last the allantois, by its continued growth, envelops nearly the whole of the remaining contents of the egg ; so that toward the later periods of incubation, at whatever point we open the egg, the internal surface of the shell membrane is found to be lined with a vascular ex- pansion. This expansion is the allantois, supplied by arteries emerging from the body of the embryo. The allantois is accordingly adapted, by its structure and position, to perform the office of a respiratory organ. The air penetrates from the exterior through the porous shell and its lining membranes, and acts upon the blood in the vessels of the allantois much in the same manner that the air in the lungs of the adult animal acts upon the blood in the pulmonary capillaries. Examination of the egg, at various periods of incubation, shows that changes take place in it which are entirely anal- ogous to those of respiration. The egg, in the first place, during the development of the embr} r o, loses water by exhalation. This exhalation is not a simple effect of evaporation, but is the result of the nutritive changes going on in the interior of the egg ; since it does not take place, except in a compara- tively slight degree, in unimpregated eggs, or in those which are not incubated, though freely exposed to the air. The exhalation of fluid is also essential to the processes of development ; since it has been found, in hatching eggs ~by artificial warmth, that if the air of the hatching chamber become unduly charged with moisture, so as to retard or pre- vent further exhalation, the development of the embryo is arrested. The loss of weight during natural incubation, mainly due to the exhalation 744 ACCESSORY ORGANS IN IMPREGNATED EGG. of water, has been found by Baudrimont and St. Ange 1 to be over 15 per cent, of the entire weight of the egg. Secondly, the egg absorbs oxygen and exhales carbonic acid. The two observers above mentioned, ascertained that during eighteen days' incubation, the egg absorbs nearly 2 per cent, of its weight of oxygen, while the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled from the sixteenth to the nineteenth day amounts to nearly of a gramme in twenty-four hours. It is also observed that in the egg during incubation, as well as in the adult animal, more oxygen is absorbed than is returned by exhalation under the form of carbonic acid. The allantois, however, is not simply an organ of respiration; it takes part also in the absorption of nutritious matter. As the process of development advances, the skeleton of the young chick, at first carti- laginous, begins to ossify. The calcareous matter, necessary for ossifi- cation, is in great part derived from the shell. The shell is perceptibly lighter and more fragile toward the end of incubation than at first ; and, at the same time, the calcareous ingredients of the bones increase in quantity. The lime-salts, requisite for ossification, are apparently ab- sorbed from the shell by the vessels of the allantois, and thus transferred to the skeleton of the growing chick ; so that, in the same proportion that the former becomes weaker, the latter grows stronger. The dimi- nution in density of the shell is connected not only with the develop- ment of the skeleton, but also with the final escape of the chick from the egg. This deliverance is accomplished mainly by the movements of the chick itself, which become, at a certain period, sufficiently vigor- ous to break out an opening in the attenuated shell. The first fracture is generally accomplished by a stroke from the end of the bill ; and it is precisely at this point that the solidification of the skeleton is most advanced. The egg-shell, therefore, which at first serves for the pro- tection of the embryo, afterward furnishes the materials which are used to accomplish its own demolition, and at the same time to effect the escape of the fully developed chick. Toward the latter periods of incubation, the allantois becomes more adherent to the internal surface of the shell-membrane. At last, when the chick, arrived at the full period of development, escapes from its confinement, the allantoic vessels are torn off at the umbilicus ; and the allantois itself, cast off as an effete organ, is left behind in the cavity of the abandoned shell. Both the amnion and the allantois are, therefore, formations belong- ing to the embryo, and constituting, for a time, accessory but essential parts of its organization. Developed from the peripheral portions of the outer and inner blastodermic layers, they are important organs during the middle and latter periods of incubation ; but when the chick lias become fully developed, and is ready to carry on an independent existence, they are thrown off as obsolete structures, their place being afterward supplied b}' organs belonging to the adult condition. 1 DSveloppement du Foetus. Paris, 1850, p. 143. CHAPTEE X. DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG AND ITS MEMBRANES IN THE HUMAN SPECIES. AM- NION AND CHORION. IN the human species, as well as in the lower animals, the foetus is enveloped in two membranes, an inner and an outer, derived respec- tively from extensions of the external and internal blastodermic layers, and consequently parts of the emb^onic organism. While the inner of these envelopes has the same characters as elsewhere, the outer one presents such modifications of structure as to have received a distinct name. In the lower animals, therefore, the foetal membranes are called the amnion and the allantois; in man, they are known as. the amnion and the chorion. Amnion. The formation of the amnion in the human species takes place in the same manner as that already described (p. 740), namely, by the growth of a circumvallation or fold of the external blastodermic layer, which extends itself in such a way that its edges meet and coalesce over the back of the embryo, thus inclosing it in a distinct cavity. Fig. 259. Fig. 260. HUMAN EMBRYO AND ITS ENVEL- OPES, about the end of the first month. 1. Umbilical vesicle. 2. Amnion. 3, Chorion. HUMAN EMBRYO AND ITS ENVEL- OPES, at the end of third month; showing the enlargement of the amnion.. At the time of its formation, the amnion closely embraces the body of the embryo, so that there is hardly any space between the two ; the opposite surfaces lying in contact with each other, like those of the 48 ( 745 ) 746 DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. peritoneum in the adult. This space afterward enlarges somewhat and becomes the amniotic cavity, containing a little colorless, transparent, serous fluid, the amniotic fluid. But throughout the earlier periods of development the cavity of the amnion is small, as compared with that of the entire egg ; and the space between the amnion and the external membrane, or chorion (Fig. 259;, is occupied by an amorphous gelati- nous material, in which the umbilical vesicle and its stem lie imbedded. Subsequent!}^ the amnion enlarges more rapidly, in comparison with the remaining parts of the egg, and thus encroaches upon the layer of gelatinous material by which it is surrounded. At the same time the amniotic fluid increases in quantity (Fig. 260) ; so that a considerable space is left around the embryo, which is supported by the uniform pressure of the surrounding fluid. The amnion continues to enlarge at this increased rate of growth until about the beginning of the fifth month, when it comes in contact with the inner surface of the chorion ; the gelatinous material previously intervening between them having disappeared, or being reduced to a nearly imperceptible layer. Chorion. The chorion, in the human species, is the external enveloping mem- brane of the embryo. It originates, like the corresponding envelope in the lower animals, by a protrusion or outgrowth from the posterior por- tion of the primitive alimentary canal, which, insinuating itself between the two laminae of the amniotic fold, spreads gradually over and around the inner lamina or amnion proper, so as to occupy finally a position out- side of it. It there meets with the two thin layers which have preceded it in this situation, namely the outer lamina of the amniotic fold, and the original vitelline membrane of the egg. But these two layers, ceas- ing to grow, while the new structures and the whole egg are rapidly enlarging, disappear as distinct membranes, and their place is taken by the chorion, which thus becomes, alone, the external investment of the egg- So far, the history of development of the chorion is the same with that of the allantois. But the peculiarity which distinguishes it is that, in expanding over and around the other parts, it does not present the form of a double sac containing fluid, but of a single vascular sheet or membrane, like that of the skin. It is on this account that in the human species it is called the chorion, while in the lower animals it retains the name of allantois. Nevertheless, the chorion, like the allantois, is at its commencement a hollow sac or canal with a blind extremity, the cavity of which is a continuation of that of the intestine. But this cavity does not extend i\t any time for more than a short distance outside the body of the embryo. Beyond this point it becomes obliterated, its membranous walls remaining in contact with and adherent to each other, forming a solid membrane, as above described. Inside the body of the embryo, on the other hand, it retains the form of a membranous sac ; and this CHORION. "47 Fig. 261. portion afterward becomes, in the process of further development, the urinary bladder. The rounded cord or "urachus," which, in the adult, runs from the superior fund us of the bladder to the situation of the umbilicus in the abdomen, is the vestige of the obliterated canal of the primitive chorion. The next peculiarity of the chorion is, that it becomes shaggy. Even. while the egg is still very small, and has but recently found its way into the uterine cavity, its exterior is already covered with transparent villi (Fig. 259), which increase the extent of its surface, and, assist in the absorption of fluids from without. The villi are at this time quite sim- ple in form, and homogeneous in structure. As the egg increases in size, the villi elongate, and become ramified by the repeated budding of lateral offshoots. After this process has continued for some time, the outer surface of the chorion presents a uni- formly shaggy appearance, owing to its being covered everywhere with com- pound villosities. The villosities, when examined by the microscope, have an exceedingly characteristic appearance. They origi- nate from the surface of the chorion by a somewhat narrow stem, and divide into secondary and tertiary branches of varying size and figure; some of them filamentous, others club-shaped, many of them irregularly swollen at various points. All terminate by rounded extremities, giving to the whole tuft a certain resemblance to some varieties of sea-weed. The larger trunks and branches of the villosity are seen to contain minute nuclei, im- bedded in a nearly homogeneous, or finely granular substratum. The smaller ones appear, under a low magnifying power, simply granular in texture. The villi of the chorion are quite unlike any other structure to be met with in the body. Whenever we find, in the uterus, any portion of a membrane having villosities of this character, it is certain that preg- nancy has existed ; for such villosities can only belong to the chorion, and the chorion itself is a part of the foetus. The presence of portions of a shaggy chorion is therefore as satisfactory proof of the existence of pregnancy, as if the body of the foetus itself had been found. While the villosities just described are in process of formation, the chorion receives a supply of bloodvessels from the interior of the body of the embryo. The arteries, which are a continuation of those dis- Compound villosity of the HUMAN CHORION, ramified extremity. From a three months' foetus. Magnified 30 diameters. 748 . DEVELOPMENT OF THE IMPREGNATED EGG. tributed to the alimentary canal, pass out along the canal of communi- cation to the chorion and ramify over its surface. The embryo at this time has reached such an activity of growth that it requires to be sup- plied with nourishment by means of vascular absorption, instead of the slow process of imbibition hitherto taking place through the compara- tively structureless villi of the chorion. The capillary bloodvessels, with which the chorion is supplied, begin to pene- Fig. 262. trate the substance of its villosities. They enter the base or stem of each villus, and. following the division of its compound rami- fications, reach the rounded extremities of its terminal offshoots. Here they turn upon themselves in loops (Fig 262), and retrace heir course, to unite finally with the venous runks of the chorion. The villi of the chorion are, accordingly, an- alogous in structure and function to those of the intestine ; their power of absorption cor- responding with the abundance of their rami- fications, and the extent of their vascularity. Extremity of a VILLOSITY ,,,. , , -, , ,, , . OP THE CHORION, magnified Hie bloodvessels of the chorion, further- iso diameters; showing the ar- mO re, are all derived from the abdomen of rangement of bloodvessels in its . _ ' . ,, . interior. the foetus ; and all substances absorbed by them are transported to the interior of the body, and used for the nourishment of its tissues. The chorion, there- fore, as soon as its villi and bloodvessels are completely developed, be- comes an active organ in the nutrition of the fo3tus ; and constitutes the only means by which new material is introduced from without. The third event of importance in the history of the chorion is that after being at first uniformly shaggy throughout, it afterward becomes partially bald. (Fig. 260.) This change begins about the end of the second month, commencing at a point opposite the insertion of the foetal bloodvessels. The villosities of this region cease growing; and while the entire egg continues to enlarge, they fail to keep pace with the progressive expansion of the chorion. They accordingly become at this part thinner and more scattered, leaving the surface of the chorion comparatively bald. This baldness increases in extent, spreading over the adjacent portions of the chorion, until at least two-thirds of its sur- face have become nearly or quite destitute of villosities. At the opposite pole of the egg, namely, that which corresponds with the insertion of the foetal bloodvessels, the villosities of the chorion, instead of becoming atrophied, continue to grow ; and this portion be- comes even more shaggy and thickly set than before. The consequence is that the chorion afterward presents a different appearance at different parts of its surface. The greater part is smooth; but a certain portion, constituting about one-third of the whole, is covered with a soft, spongy mass of long, thicks-set, compound villosities. It is this thickened CHORION. 749 portion which is afterward concerned in the formation of the placenta; while the remaining smooth portion continues to be known under the name of the chorion. The placental portion of the chorion becomes dis- tinctly limited in outline by about the end of the third month. The vascularity of the chorion keeps pace, in its different parts, with the atrophy and development of its villosities. As the villosities shrivel and disappear over a part of its extent, the bloodvessels with which they were supplied diminish in abundance ; and the smooth portion of the chorion finally shows only a few straggling vessels running over its sur- face, but not connected with any abundant capillary plexus. In the thickened portion, on the other hand, the bloodvessels lengthen and ramify to an extent corresponding with that of the villosities in which they are situated. The arteries, coming from the abdomen of the foetus, divide into branches which enter the villi, and penetrate through their whole extent ; forming, at the placental portion of the chorion, a mass of tufted and ramified vascular loops, while the rest of the membrane has a comparatively scanty vascular supply. The chorion, accordingly, is the external investing membrane of the egg, produced by an outgrowth from the body of the embryo ; and the placenta, so far as it consists of the foetal membranes, is a part of the chorion, distinguished from the rest by the local development of its villi and bloodvessels. CHAPTEE XI. DEVELOPMENT OF THE DECIDUAL MEMBRANE, AND ATTACHMENT OF THE EGG TO THE UTERUS. IN the human species, where the development of the embryo is com- pleted within the cavity of the uterus, the egg depends for its nutrition and growth upon materials derived from the organism of the female parent. The immediate source of supply for this purpose is the mucous membrane of the uterus, which becomes unusually developed and in- creased in functional activity during the period of gestation. The uterine mucous membrane, when thus modified in structure, is known as the decidual membrane, or the decidua. It has received this name because it is exfoliated and discharged at the same time that the egg itself is expelled from the uterus. The mucous membrane of the body of the uterus, in the unimpreg- nated condition, is thin and delicate, and presents a smooth internal surface. There is no distinct layer of connective tissue between it and the muscular substance of the uterus ; so that the mucous membrane cannot here, as in most other organs, be readily separated Fig. 264. by dissection from the subja- cent parts. The structure of the mucous membrane, how- ever, is sufficiently well marked. It consists, through- Fig. 263. UTERINE Mucous MEM- BRANE, from the unimpregnated uterus, in vertical section, a. Free surface, b. Attached surface. Mag- nified about 10 diameters. UTERINE TUBULES, from the mucous mem- brane of an unimpregnated human uterus. Mag- nified 125 diameters. out, of tubular follicles, ranged side by side, and running perpendicu- larly to its free surface. Near this surface, they are nearly straight ; but toward the deeper part of the mucous membrane, where they terminate in blind extremities, they become more or less wavy or spiral in their ( T50 ) DECIDUA REFLEXA. 751 course. The tubules are about 0.05 millimetre in diameter, and are lined with columnar epithelium. They occupy the entire thickness of the uterine mucous membrane, their closed extremities resting upon the subjacent muscular tissue, while their mouths open into the cavity of the uterus. A few fine bloodvessels penetrate the mucous membrane from below, and, running upward between the tubules, encircle their superficial extremities with a capillary network. There is no connective tissue in the uterine mucous membrane, but only a few isolated nuclei and spindle-shaped fibre-cells, scattered between the tubules. Decidua Vera. As the fecundated egg descends through the Fal- lopian tube, the uterine mucous membrane takes on an increased activity of growth. It becomes tumefied and vascular ; and, as it in- creases in thickness, it projects, in rounded eminences or folds, into the uterine cavity. (Fig. 265.) In .this process the uterine tubules in- crease in length, and also become wider ; so that their open mouths may be readily seen by the naked eye upon the uterine surface, as numerous minute perforations. According to the observations of Kolliker, so early as the end of the first week they have increased to three or four times their original length and width, so that they measure at this time on the average nearly 0.20 millimetre in diameter, The bloodvessels of the mucous membrane also enlarge and communicate freely with each other ; the vascular network between and around the tubules becoming more extensive and abundant. The internal surface of the uterus, after this process has been for some time going on, presents a thick, rich, soft, velvety, and vascular lining, quite different in appearance from that which is to be found in the unimpregnated condition. It is now known as the decidua ; and in order to distinguish it from a similar growth of subsequent formation, it has received the special name of the decidua vera. The production of the decidua is confined to the body of the uterus, the mucous membrane of the cervix taking no part in the process, but retaining its original appearance. The decidual membrane commences above, at the orifices of the Fallopian tubes, and ceases below, at the situation of the os intern um. The cavity of the cervix, meanwhile, is filled with an abundant secretion of its peculiarly viscid mucus, which blocks up its passage, and protects the internal cavity. If the uterus be opened, therefore, in this condition, its internal surface will be seen lined with the decidua vera, which is continuous, at the os internum, with the unaltered mucous membrane of the cervix uteri. Decidua Reflexa. As the fecundated egg passes the lower orifice of the Fallopian tube, it insinuates itself between the opposite surfaces of the uterine mucous membrane, and becomes lodged in one of the furrows or depressions between the folds of the decidua. (Fig. 265.) At this situation an adhesion subsequently takes place between the external membranes of the egg and the uterine decidua. At the point where the egg thus becomes fixed, a still more rapid development takes place in the uterine mucous membrane. Its projecting folds grow up around 752 DEVELOPMENT OF THE DEC1DUAL MEMBRANE. the egg in such a manner as to partially inclose it in a kind of circum- vallation, and to shut it off, mure or less completely, from the general Fig. 265. Fig-. 2(;. IMPREGNATED UTERUS; showingfor- mation of decidua. The decidua is repre- sented in black; and the egg is seen, at the fundus of the uterus, engaged between two of its projecting folds. IMPREGNATED UTERUS, with project- ing folds of decidua growing up around the egg. The narrow opening, where the edges of the folds approach each other, is seen over the most prominent portion of the egg. iif. 267. cavity of the uterus. (Fig. 266.) The egg thus comes to be contained in a special cavity of its own, which still communicates for a time with the general cavity of the uterus, by an opening situated over its most prominent portion. As the process of growth goes on, this opening becomes narrower, while the decidual folds approach each other OA^er the surface of the egg. At last these folds touch each other and unite, forming a kind of cicatrix which remains for a certain time, to mark the situation of the original opening. When the development of the uterus has reached this point (Fig. 267), the egg is com- pletely inclosed in a cavity of its own ; being everywhere covered with a decidual layer of new formation, which has gradually enveloped it, and by which it is concealed from view when the uterine cavity is laid open. This newly-formed layer, enveloping the projecting portion of the egg, is called the Decidua reflexa ; because it is reflected over the egg from the general surface of the uterine mucous membrane. The orifices of the uterine tubules, in consequence of the manner in which the decidua reflexa is formed, are to be seen not only on its external surface, or that which looks toward the cavity of the uterus, but also on its internal surface, or that which looks toward the egg. The decidua vera, therefore, is the original mucous membrane lining the surface of the uterus. The decidua reflexa is a new formation, which grows up around the egg and incloses it in a distinct cavity. IMPREGNA.TKD UTERUS; showing the egg completely in- closed by the decidua reflexa. ATTACHMENT OF EGG TO UTERUS. 753 If abortion occur at this time, the mucous membrane of the uterus, that is, the decidua vera, is thrown off, and brings with it the egg and the decidua reflexa. On examining the mass so discharged, the egg will be found imbedded in the substance of the decidual membrane. One side of the membrane, where it has been torn away from its attach- ment to the uterus, is ragged ; the other side, corresponding to the cavity of the uterus, is smooth or gently convoluted, and exhibits distinctly the orifices of the uterine tubules; while the egg itself can only be extracted by cutting through the decidual membrane, either from one side or the other, and opening in this way the special cavity in which it is inclosed. During the formation of the decidua reflexa, the entire egg, as well as the body of the uterus which contains it, has considerably enlarged. That portion of the uterine mucous membrane situated immediately underneath the egg, and to which it first became attached, has also con- tinued to increase in thickness and vascularity. The remainder of the decidua vera, however, ceases to grow as before, and no longer keeps pace with the increasing size of the egg and of the uterus. It is still thick and vascular at the end of the third month ; but after that period it becomes comparatively thinner and less glandular, while the activity of growth is concentrated in the egg, and in that portion of the uterine mucous membrane with which it is in immediate contact. Attachment of the Egg to the Uterus. While the above changes are taking place in the lining membrane of the uterus, the formation of the embryo, and the development of the amnion and chorion have been going on simultane- Fig. 268. ously ; and soon after the entrance of the egg into the uterine cavity, the chorion is everywhere covered with projecting villosities. These villosities insinuate themselves into the uterine tubules, or between the folds of the decidual surface ; penetrating in this way into little cavities of the uterine mucous mem- brane. When the formation of the decidua reflexa is completed, the chorion has already become uniformly shaggy ; and its villosities, spreading in all directions from its external surface, penetrate everywhere both into the . , ,, IMPREGNATED UTERUS, decidua vera beneath it and into the decidua showing the connection he- reflexa witn which it is covered. In- this way tween the viiiositiea of the c chorion and the decidual mem- . , the egg becomes entangled with the decidua, and cannot be readily separated from it with- out rupturing some of the filaments which have grown from its surface, and have penetrated the substance of the decidua. The nutritious fluids, exuded from the glandular textures of the decidua, are now imbibed by the villosities of the chorion ; and a more rapid supply of nourishment 754 DEVELOPMENT OF THE DECIDUAL MEMBRANE. Fig. 269. is thus provided, corresponding in abundance with the greater size of the egg. Yery soon the activity of absorption is still further increased. The chorion becomes vascular, by the formation of bloodvessels emerging from the body of the embryo and penetrating everywhere into the villo- sities with which it is covered. Each villosity then contains a vascular loop, imbedded with itself in the substance of the decidua, and serving to absorb from the uterine, mucous membrane the materials for the growth of the embryo. Subsequently, the vascular tufts of the chorion, which are at first uni- formly distributed over its surface, disappear throughout the greater part of its extent, while they become still further developed and concentrated at a particular point, the situation of the future placenta. This is the spot at which the egg is in contact with the de- cidua. Here, both the decidual membrane and the tufts of the chorion continue to increase in thickness and vascularity ; while elsewhere, over the prominent por- tion of the egg, the chorion not only be- comes bare of villosities and compara- tively destitute of bloodvessels, but the decidua reflexa, which is in contact with it, also loses its activity of growth and becomes expanded into a thin layer, with- out any remaining trace of glandular fol- licles. The uterine mucous membrane is there- fore developed, during gestation, in such a way as to provide for the nourishment of the embryo in the different stages of its growth. At first, the whole of it is uniformly increased in thickness (decidua vera). Next, a portion of it grows upward around the egg, and covers its projecting surface (decidua reflexa). Afterward, both the decidua reflexa and the greater part of the decidua vera diminish in the activity of their growth, and lose their importance as a means of nourishment for the embryo ; while that part which is in contact with the vascular tufts of the chorion continues to grow, becoming excessively developed, and taking part in the formation of the placenta. PREGNANT UTERUS; showing the formation of the placenta by the united development of a portion of the decidua and the villosities of the chorion. CHAPTER XII. THE PLACENTA. IN all instances in which, as in man and the mammalians, the em- bryo is dependent, for the materials of its growth, upon nutritious fluids supplied by the uterus, the communication between them is established by means of two vascular membranes. One of these membranes, the chorion or the allantois, is a part of the embryo; the other is the mucous membrane of the uterus. By their more or less intimate juxtaposition, the fluids transuded from the bloodvessels of the mother are absorbed by those of the embryo, and thus a transfer of nutriment takes place from the maternal to the foetal organism. In some species of animals, the connection between the maternal and foetal membranes is a simple one. In the pig, for example, the uterine mucous membrane is everywhere uniformly vascular; its only pecu- liarity consisting in the presence of transverse folds, which project inward from its surface, like the valvulse conniventes of the small in- testine. The external investing membrane of the egg, or the allantois, is also smooth and uniformly vascular. No special development of tissue or of vessels occurs at any part of these membranes, and no adhe- sion takes place between them. The vascular allantois of the foetus is simply in close apposition with the vascular mucous membrane of the uterus; each of the two contiguous surfaces following the undulations Fig. 270. Diagram oftheFoiTAL PIG, with its membranes, in, the uterus; showing the relation of the allantoic and uterine surfaces. a, a, 6, 6. Walls of the uterus, c, c. Cavity of the uterus. d. Amnion. e, e, Allantois. presented by the other. (Fig. 2TO.) By this arrangement, transudation and absorption take place from the bloodvessels of the mother to those of the foetus, in sufficient quantity to provide for the nutrition of the latter. When parturition takes place, a moderate contraction of the uterus is sufficient to expel its contents. The egg, displaced from its original position, slides forward over the surface, of the uterine mucous ( 755 ) 756 THE PLACENTA. membrane, and is discharged without any hemorrhage or laceration of the parts. In other instances, there is a more intimate connection, at certain points, between the foetal and maternal structures. In the cow, the sheep, and the ruminating animals generally, the external membrane of the egg, beside being everywhere supplied with branching bloodvessels, presents, scattered over its surface, a large number of distinct rounded or oval spots, at each of which it is covered with thickly set, tufted, vascular prominences. These spots are called cotyledons, or cups, be- cause each one is surrounded by a raised rim or fold, which embraces a corresponding rounded mass projecting from the internal surface of the uterus. This projecting portion of the uterine mucous membrane is also abundantly supplied with bloodvessels; and the tufted vascular loops projecting from the surface of the foetal membrane (Fig. 271, 6, 6) dip down into its substance and are entangled with those belonging to Fig. 271. COTYLEDON, from the pregnant uterus of the cow.-o. Internal surface of the allantois. b, b. Foetal bloodvessels, c, c. Surface of uterine mucous membrane, d, d. Maternal blood- vessels. the uterus (d, d). There is no absolute adhesion between the two sets of vessels, but only an interlacement of their ramified extremities ; and by careful manipulation the foetal portion, with its villosities, may be extricated from the maternal portion without the laceration of either. In the carnivorous animals, a similar highly developed, vascular por- tion of the allantois runs, in the form of a single broad belt or band, round its middle part ; and this corresponds in situation with an equally developed zone of the uterine mucous membrane. Here the foetal and maternal structures are adherent to each other ; while, elsewhere, toward the two extremities of the egg, they lie simply in contact. When gestation comes to an end in these animals, and the foetus, with THE PLACENTA. 757 its membranes, is expelled, the thickened zone of uterine mucous mem- brane is detached at the same time, and its place is afterward made good by a new growth. In the human species, as shown in the preceding chapter, the perma- nently thickened portions of the chorion and decidua, united with each other by mutual interpenetration and growth, form a single, flattened, cake-like mass of rounded form, oceupj'ing rather less than one-third of the surface of the chorion, and corresponding to a similar extent of the inner surface of the uterus. This mass, consisting of the foetal and maternal elements combined, is the placenta. The complete development of the placenta takes place in the follow- ing manner : The villi of the chorion, when first formed, penetrate into follicles situated in the substance of the uterine mucous membrane; and after becoming vascular, they are developed into tufted ramifications of bloodvessels, each one of which turns upon itself in a loop at the ex- tremity. At the same time the uterine follicle, into which the villus has penetrated, enlarges to a similar extent ; sending out branching diverticula, corresponding with the multiplied ramifications of the villus. The growth of the follicle and that of the villus thus go on simultaneously and keep pace with each other ; the latter constantly advancing as the cavity of the former enlarges. But it is not only the uterine follicles which increase in size and in complication of structure at this period. The capillary bloodvessels, which lie between them and ramify over their exterior, also become unusually developed. They enlarge and inosculate freely with each other ; so that every uterine folli- cle is covered with a network of dilated capillaries, derived from the bloodvessels of the original decidua. As the formation of the pla- centa goes on, the anatomical ar- rangement of the foetal bloodves- sels remains the same. They continue to form vascular loops, penetrating deeply into the de- cidual membrane ; only they be- come more elongated, and their ramifications more abundant and tortuous. The maternal capilla- ries, however, on the outside of Fig. 272. Extremity of a FOETAL TUFT, from the human placenta at term, in its recent condi- tion. a, a. Capillary bloodvessels. Magnified 135 diameters. the uterine follicles, become con- siderably altered in their anatomi- cal relations. They enlarge in all directions, and, by encroaching upon the spaces situated between them, fuse successively with each other ; and, losing gradually in this 758 THE PLACENTA. way the characters of a capillary network, become dilated into sinuses, which communicate freely with the vessels in the muscular walls of the uterus. As the original capillary plexus occupied the entire thickness of the hypertrophied decidua, the vascular sinuses, into which it is thus converted, are equally extensive. They commence at the external sur- face of the placenta, where it is in contact with the muscular walls of the uterus, and extend through its whole thickness, quite to the surface of the foetal chorion. As the maternal sinuses grow. inward, the vascular tufts of the cho- rion grow outward, and extend also through the entire thickness of the placenta. In the latter periods of pregnancy, the development of the bloodvessels, both in the foetal and maternal portions of the placenta, is so excessive that all the other tissues, which originally coexisted with them, have nearly disappeared. If a villus from the foetal portion of the placenta be examined at this time by transparency, in the fresh condition (Fig. 272) it will be seen that its bloodvessels are covered only with a layer of homogeneous, or finely granular material, about 7 mmm. in thickness, in which are imbedded small oval-shaped nu- clei, similar to those seen at an earlier period in the villosities of the chorion. The placental villus is now, therefore, hardly anything more than a congeries of ramified and tortuous vas- cular loops ; its remaining substance having been atrophied and absorbed in the excessive growth of the bloodvessels, the abundance and development of which can be readily shown by injection from the umbilical arteries. (Fig. Extremity of a FOSTAL ^^ The uterine follicles have at the same TUFT of the human piacen- time lost their original structure, and have become mere vascular sinuses, into which the tufted foetal bloodvessels are received, as the villosities of the chorion were at first received into the uterine fol- licles. Finally, the walls of the foetal bloodvessels having come into close apposition with the walls of the maternal sinuses, the two become adhe- rent and fuse together ; so that a time at last arrives when we can no longer separate the foetal vessels, in the substance of the placenta, from the maternal sinuses, without lacerating either the one or the other, owing to the adhesion which has taken place between them. The placenta, therefore, when perfectly formed, has the structure which is shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 274), representing a vertical section of the organ through its entire thickness. At a, a, is seen the chorion, receiving the umbilical vessels from the body of the foetus through the umbilical cord, and sending out its compound and ramified vascular tufts into the substance of the placenta. At 6, 6, is the attached surface of the decidua, or uterine mucous membrane ; and THE PLACENTA. 759 at c, c, c, c, are the orifices of uterine vessels which penetrate it from below. These vessels enter the placenta in an extremely oblique direc- tion, though they are represented in the diagram, for the sake of dis- tinctness, as nearly perpendicular. When they have once penetrated Fig. 274 c Vertical section of the PLACENTA, showing the arrangement of the maternal and festal bloodvessels. a. a. Chorion. 6,6. Decidua. c, c, c, c. Orifices of uterine sinuses. the lower portion of the decidua, they immediately dilate into the pla- cental sinuses (represented, in the diagram, in black), which extend through the whole thickness of the organ, closely embracing all the ramifications of the foetal tufts. It will be seen, therefore, that the pla- centa, arrived at this stage of completion, is composed essentially of nothing but bloodvessels. The other tissues which originally entered into its structure have disappeared, leaving the bloodvessels of the foetus entangled with and adherent to the bloodvessels of the mother. There is, however, no direct communication between the foetal and maternal vessels. The blood of the foetus is always separated from the blood of the mother by a membrane which has resulted from the suc- cessive union and fusion of four different membranes, namely : first, the membrane of the foetal villus ; secondly, that of the uterine follicle ; thirdly, the wall of the foetal bloodvessel ; and fourthly, the wall of the uterine sinus. The membrane, however, thus produced, is of great extent, owing to the abundant branching and subdivision of the foetal tufts. These tufts, in which the blood of the foetus circulates, are bathed everywhere, in the placental sinuses, with the blood of the mother; and the processes of absorption and exhalation go on between the two with a corresponding activity. It is easy to demonstrate the arrangement of the foetal tufts in the human placenta. They can be readily seen by the naked eye, and may 7(30 THE PLACENTA. be traced from their attachment at the under surface of the chorion to their termination near the uterine surface of the placenta. The ana- tomical disposition of the placental sinuses is more difficult of examina- tion. During life, and while the placenta is still attached to the uterus, they are filled, of course, with the blood of the mother, and occupy fully one-half the mass of the placenta. But when the placenta is detached, the maternal vessels belonging to it are torn oif at their necks (Fig. 274, c, c, c, c), and the sinuses, being then emptied of blood by the com- pression to which the placenta is subjected, are apparently obliterated ; and the foetal tufts, falling together and lying in contact with each other, appear to constitute the whole of the placental mass. The ex- istence of the placental sinuses, however, and their true extent, may be demonstrated in the following manner. If we take the uterus of a woman who has died undelivered at the full term or thereabout, and open it in such a way as to avoid wounding the placenta, this organ will be seen remaining attached to the uterine surface, with all its vascular connections complete. Let the foetus be now removed by dividing the umbilical cord, and the uterus, with the placenta attached, placed under water, with its internal surface upper- most. If the end of a blowpipe be then introduced into one of the divided vessels of the uterine walls, and air forced in by gentle insuffla- tion, we can easily inflate, first, the vascular sinuses of the uterus, and next, the deeper portions of the placenta ; and lastly, the bubbles of air insinuate themselves every where between the foetal tufts, and appear in the most superficial portions of the placenta, immediately underneath the transparent chorion (a, a, Fig. 274) ; thus showing that the pla- cental sinuses, which freely communicate with the uterine vessels, occupy the entire thickness of the placenta, and are equally extensive with the tufts of the chorion. We have verified this fact in the above manner, on six different occasions, and in the presence of Prof. C. R. Oilman, Prof. Geo. T. Elliot, Prof. Henry B. Sands, Prof. T. G. Thomas, Dr. T. C. Finnell, and various other medical gentlemen of New York. The same thing has been done by Prof. A. Flint, Jr., 1 with a similar result. If the placenta be detached and examined separately, it will be found to present upon its uterine surface a number of openings, which are ex- tremely oblique in position, and bounded on one side by a very thin crescentic edge. These are the orifices of the uterine bloodvessels, passing into the placenta and torn off at their necks, as above described ; and by carefully following them with the probe and scissors, they are found to lead at once into extensive empty cavities (the placental sinuses), situated between the foetal tufts. These cavities are filled during life with the maternal blood ; and there is every reason to believe that before delivery, while the circulation is going on, the placenta is at least twice as large as after it has been detached and expelled from the uterus. 1 Flint, Physiology of Man. New York, 18^4, vol. v. p. 382. THE PLACENTA. 761 The placenta, accordingly, is a double organ, formed partly by the chorion and partly by the decidua ; and consisting of maternal and foetal bloodvessels, entangled and united with each other. The part which this organ takes in the development of the foetus is of primary importance. From the date of its formation, at about the beginning of the fourth month, it constitutes the only channel through which nourishment is conveyed from the mother to the foetus. The nutritious materials, which circulate in the blood of the maternal sinuses, pass through the intervening membrane, and enter the blood of the foetus. The healthy or injurious regimen, to which the mother is subjected, will accordingly exert an influence upon the child. Even medicinal substances, taken by the mother and absorbed into the circu- lation, may transude through the placental vessels, and thus exert a specific effect upon the foetal organization. The placenta is, furthermore, an organ of exhalation as well as of absorption. The excrementitious matters, produced in the circulation of the foetus, are undoubtedly in great measure disposed of by transu- dation through the walls of the placental vessels, to be afterward dis- charged by the excretory organs of the mother. The sj^stem of the mother may therefore be affected in this manner by influences derived from the foetus. It has been observed in the lower animals, that when the female has two successive litters of young *by different males, the young of the second litter will sometimes bear marks resembling those of the first male. In these instances, the influence which produces the external mark is transmitted by the first male to the foetus, from the foetus to the mother, and from the mother to the foetus of the second litter. It is also through the placental circulation that those disturbing effects are produced upon the nutrition of the foetus, which result from sud- den shocks or injuries inflicted upon the mother. There is little room for doubt that various deformities and deficiencies of the foetus, confor- mably to the popular belief, originate, in certain cases, from nervous impressions experienced b}* the mother. The mode in which these effects may be produced is readily understood from the anatomy and functions of the placenta. It is well known how easily nervous impressions will disturb the circulation in the brain, the face, or the lungs; and the uterine circulation is quite as readily influenced by similar causes, as shown in cases of amenorrhcea and menorrhagia. If a nervous shock may excite premature contraction in the muscular fibres of the pregnant uterus and produce abortion, it is undoubtedly capable of disturbing the circulation of the blood in the same organ. But the foetal circulation is dependent, to a great extent, on the maternal. The two sets of vessels are united in the placenta, and as the foetal blood has much the same relation to the maternal, that the blood in the pulmonary capillaries has to the air in the pulmonary air-cells, it must be liable to derangement from similar causes. And lastly, as the nutrition of the foetus is pro- vided for wholly by the placenta, it will suffer from any disturbance of 49 762 THE PLACENTA. the placental circulation. These effects may be manifested either in the general atrophy and death of the foetus, or in the imperfect develop- ment of particular parts ; just as in the adult a morbid action may ope- rate upon the entire system, or may show itself in some one organ, which is more particularly sensitive to its influence. CHAPTEE XIII. DISCHARGE OF THE FCETUS AND PLACENTA. REGENERATION OF THE UTERINE TISSUES. DURING the growth of the embryo and its membranes, and the development of the uterine mucous membrane into the decidua and placenta, the muscular tissue of the uterus also increases in thickness, while the whole organ enlarges, to accommodate the greater volume of its contents. This increase of substance, which is mainly due to an un- usual growth in the muscular walls of the organ, gives it a sufficient degree of contractile power for the expulsion of the foatus at the time of delivery. The enlargement of the amniotic cavity, and the increased quantity of the amniotic fluid, also provide the requisite space and freedom for the intra-uterine movements of the foetus. These movements begin to be perceptible about the fifth month, at which time the development of the muscular system has become sufficient to allow it a certain amount of functional activity. During the latter months of pregnancy they become more frequent and vigorous, and may often be felt by the hand of the observer applied to the abdomen over the region of the uterus. The attachment of the embryo to the investing membranes of the egg is at first by a very short and comparatively wide funnel-shaped con- nection, consisting of the com- mencement of the chorion, a part of the amnion, and an abundant deposit of gelatinous material between the two, containing the stem of the umbilical vesicle. Subsequently, as the amniotic cavity enlarges, the body of the embiyo recedes farther from the inner surface of the chorion, by the elongation of its connecting part ; and this part consequently begins to present the appearance of a cord (Fig, 275). It is still surrounded with a thick layer of gelatinous matter, by which it is separated from its amniotic in- vestment. As it emerges from the abdomen of the embryo at a" point where the abdominal walls will afterward close round it, to form the umbilicus, it is known by the (763) Fig. 275. HUMAN EMBRYO AND ITS MEM- BRANES, in the early period of gestation; showing the commencement of formation of the umbilical cord. 764 DISCHARGE OF FCETUS AND PLACENTA. name of the umbilical cord. It contains the bloodvessels passing out from the body of the embryo to the chorion and placenta. After the third month the umbilical cord and its bloodvessels elongate even more rapidly than is required by the increase in size of the amniotic cavity. They consequently assume a twisted form, the two umbilical arteries winding round the vein in a spiral direction. The direction of the spiral is not always the same. Prof. McLane has recorded observations made in regard to this point upon 260 um- bilical cords at term, partty in his private practice and partly at the Nursery and Child's Hospital, New York. Of this number, in 138 cases the direction of the spiral was from left to right ; in 112 cases, from right to left; and in the 10 remaining instances it was doubtful, the twist being too imperfectly marked for decision. This gives nearly the following percentage as the result of all the observations : DIRECTION OF THE SPIRAL TWIST OF THE HUMAN UMBILICAL CORD. From left to right 53 per cent. From right to left 43 " Indeterminate 4 " Fig. 276. 100 There is, accordingly, no marked preponderance in fre- quency of the twist in either direction. Two cases of twins are included in the above list ; in the first of which both um- bilical cords turned from right to left ; in the second, one of them turned from right to left, the other from left to right. In two instances, the cord presented turns in opposite directions in different parts of its length. The gelatinous matter, al- ready described as existing between the amnion and cho- rion, and which disappears elsewhere, accumulates, on the contrary, in the cord in considerable quantity, cover- ing the vessels with a thick, elastic envelope, which protects them from accidental compression or obliteration. The whole is covered by an extension of the amnion, which is continuous at one extremity with the integument of the abdo- men, and invests the cord with an uninterrupted sheath, like the finger of a glove. PREGNANT HUMAN UTERUS AND ITS CONTENTS, about the end of the seventh month ; showing the relations of the cord, placenta, and membranes. 1. Decidua vera. 2. Decidua reflexa. 3. Chorion. 4. Amnion. DISCHARGE OF FCETUS AND PLACENTA. 765 The cord also contains, for a certain period, the pedicle or stem of the umbilical vesicle. The situation of this vesicle, necessarily, is always between the chorion and the amnion. Its pedicle gradually elongates with the growth of the umbilical cord ; and the vesicle itself, which generally disappears soon after the third month,, sometimes re- mains as late as the fifth, sixth, or seventh. According to Mayer, it may even be found, by careful search, at the termination of pregnancy. In the middle and latter periods of gestation, it presents itself as a small, flattened vesicle, situated beneath the amnion, at a variable dis- tance from the insertion of the umbilical cord. A minute bloodvessel is often seen running to it from the cord, and ramifying upon its surface. The decidua reflexa, during the latter months of pregnancy, is con- stantly distended by the increasing size of the egg, and finally pressed against the opposite surface of the decidua vera. By the end of the seventh month, the decidua vera and reflexa are in contact, though still distinct and capable of being easily separated. After that time, they become confounded with each other, forming at last only a single, thin, friable, semi-opaque layer, in which no trace of glandular structure can be discovered. This is the condition of things at the termination of pregnancy. Then, the time having arrived for parturition to take place, the hyper- trophied muscular walls of the uterus contract upon its contents, and the egg is discharged, together with the decidual membrane. In the human species, as well as in most quadrupeds, the membranes of the egg are usually ruptured during the process of parturition ; and the foetus escapes first, the placenta and the rest of the appendages fol- lowing a few moments afterward. Occasionally the egg is discharged entire, and the foetus afterward liberated by the laceration of the mem- branes. In each case the mode of separation and expulsion is essen- tially the same. The process of parturition, therefore, consists in a separation of the decidual membrane, which, on being discharged, brings away the ovum with it. The greater part of the decidua. vera, having fallen into a state of atrophy during the latter months of pregnancy, is by this time nearly destitute of vessels, and separates without perceptible hemor- rhage. That portion which enters into the formation of the placenta is, on the contrary, excessively vascular; and when the placenta is sepa- rated, and its maternal vessels torn off at their insertion, a gush of blood takes place, which accompanies or immediately follows the birth of the foetus. This hemorrhage, which occurs at the'time of parturition, does not come immediately from the uterine vessels. It consists of blood which was contained in the placental sinuses, and which is ex- pelled from them owing to the compression of the placenta by the muscular walls of the uterus. Since the whole amount of blood thus lost was previously employed in the placental circulation, and since the placenta itself is thrown off at the same time, no unpleasant effect is- 766 DISCHARGE OF FCETUS AND PLACENTA. produced upon the mother by such a hemorrhage, because the propor- tion of blood in the rest of the vascular system remains the same. Uterine hemorrhage at the time of delivery becomes injurious only when it continues after complete separation of the placenta ; in which case it is supplied by the mouths of the uterine vessels, left open by failure of the uterine contractions. These vessels, in natural parturi- tion, are instantly closed, after separation of the placenta, by the con- traction of the uterine muscular fibres. They pass, as already men- tioned, in an exceedingly oblique direction, from the uterus to the placenta; and the muscular fibres, which cross them transversely above and below, necessarily close their orifices by constriction as soon as they are thrown into a state of functional activity Regeneration of the Uterine Tissues after Delivery. Both the mu- cous membrane and muscular tissue of the uterus, which are the seat of an unusual growth during pregnancy, are afterward replaced by corresponding tissues of new formation. The mucous membrane, or decidua, is discharged at the time of delivery ; and the hypertrophied muscular tissue, which has served its purpose in the expulsion of the foetus, undergoes soon afterward a process of retrogression and atrophy. A remarkable phenomenon connected with the renovation of the ute- rine tissues, is the appearance in the uterus, during pregnancy, of a new mucous membrane, growing underneath the old, and ready to take the place of the latter after its discharge. If the internal surface of the body of the uterus be examined imme- diately after parturition, it will be seen that at the spot where the pla- centa was attached, every trace of mucous membrane has disappeared. The muscular fibres of the uterus are here exposed and bare ; while the mouths of the ruptured uterine sinuses are also visible, with their thin edges hanging into the cavity of the uterus, and their orifices plugged with bloody coagula. Over the rest of the uterine surface the decidua vera has also disap- peared. Here, however, notwithstanding the loss of the original mucous membrane, the muscular fibres are not perfectly bare, but re covered with a semi-transparent film, of whitish color and soft consistency. This film is an imperfect mucous membrane of new formation, which begins to be produced, underneath the old decidua vera, as early as the beginning of the eighth month. We have seen this very dis- tinctly in the uterus of a woman who died undelivered at the above period. The old mucous membrane, or decidua vera, is at this time somewhat opaque, and of a slightly yellowish color, owing to partial fatty degeneration. It is easily separated from the subjacent parts, on account of the atrophy of its vascular connections ; and the new mucous membrane, situated beneath it, is distinguishable by its fresh color and semi-transparent aspect. The mucous membrane of the cervix uteri, which takes no part in the formation of the decidua, is not thrown off in parturition ; and after DISCHARGE OF FCETUS AND PLACENTA. 767 MUSCULAR FIBRES OF THE UNIMPREG- NATED HUMAN UTERUS; from a woman aged 40, dead of phthisis pulmonaiis. Fig. 278. delivery it may be seen to ter- Fig. 277. minate at the os intern um by an uneven, lacerated edge, where it was formerly contin- uous with the decidua vera. Subsequent!}', a regeneration of the mucous membrane takes place over the whole extent of the body of the uterus. The mucous membrane of new for- mation, which is already in existence at the time of de- livery, becomes thickened and vascular ; and glandular tu- bules are gradually developed in its substance. At the end of two months after delivery, ac- cording to Longet 1 and Heschl, 2 it has regained the natural structure of uterine mucous membrane. It unites at the os interum, by a linear cicatrix, with the mucous membrane of the cervix, and the traces of laceration at this spot after- ward cease to be visible. At the point, however, where the placenta was attached, the re- generation of the mucous mem- brane is less rapid ; and a cica- trix-like spot is often visible at this situation for several months after delivery. The corresponding change in the muscular tissue of the uterus consists in the fatty de- generation of its fibres. The muscular fibres of the unimpregnated uterus are pale, flattened, spindle- shaped bodies (Fig. 277), homogeneous or faintly granular in appear- ance, and measuring about 50 mmm. in length. During gestation these fibres increase considerably in size. Their texture becomes more dis- tinctly granular, and their outlines more strongly marked. An oval nucleus also shows itself in the central part of each fibre. The entire MUSCULAR FIBRES OF THE HUM. RUS, ten days after parturition; from f dead of puerperal fever. UTE- woman 1 Traitfc de Physiologic. Paris, 1850, G6n6ration, p. 173. 2 Zeitschrift der K. K. Gesellschaft der Aerzte, in Wien, 1852. 768 DISCHARGE OF FCBTUS AND PLACENTA. Fig. 279. walls of the uterus, at the time of delivery, are composed of such mus- cular fibres, arranged in circular, oblique, and longitudinal bundles. About the end of the first week after delivery, these fibres begin to undergo a fatty degeneration. (Fig. 278.) Their granules become larger and more prominent, and soon assume the appearance of fat granules, deposited in the substance of the fibre. The deposit, thus commenced, increases in abundance, and the granules continue to en- large until they become con- verted into fully formed fat globules, which fill the interior of the fibre more or less com- pletely, and mask, to a certain extent, its anatomical charac- ters. (Fig. 279.) The fatty degeneration, thus induced, gives to the uterus a softer consistency, and a pale yellow- ish color which is characteristic of this period. The altered muscular fibres are afterward absorbed, and gradually give place to others of new forma- tion, which already begin to show themselves before the old ones have disappeared. The process finally results in a complete renovation of the muscular substance of the uterus. The organ becomes again reduced in size, com- pact in tissue, and of a pale ruddy hue, as in the unimpregnated con- dition. The entire renewal or reconstruction of the uterus is completed, according to Heschl, about the end of the second month after delivery MUSCULAR FIBRES OF HUMAN UTERUS^ three weeks after parturition; from a woman dead of peritonitis. CHAPTEE XIV. Fig. 280. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, ORGANS OF SENSE, SKELETON, AND LIMBS. THE first trace of the cerebro-spinal axis in the embryo consists of the two longitudinal folds of the external blastoderraic layer, which include between them the median furrow, known as the " medullary groove" (page 724). The two folds, after uniting by their corresponding edges on the median line, over the back of the embryo, convert the groove into a canal, the " medullary canal ;" and it is within this canal that the cerebro- spinal axis is formed. The mode of its formation is by the growth of nervous matter upon the inner surface of the medul- lary canal ; and this canal, which becomes the cerebro- spinal canal, is accordingly lined with a secondary internal sheath of nervous matter, which also has the form of a tubular membranous canal, with a. con- tinuous central cavity. This is the cerebro-spinal axis, which thus forms a hollow cylindrical cord of nervous matter, running in a longitudinal direction within the cerebro-spinal canal. Anteriorly it ex- pands into a bulbous enlargement corresponding to the brain. Its middle portion, constituting the spinal cord, is nearly cylindrical ; and posteriorly, at its caudal extremity, it terminates by a pointed enlarge- ment. The next change which shows itself is a division of the anterior bul- bous enlargement into three secondary compartments or vesicles, par- tially separated from each other by incomplete transverse constrictions. These are known as the cerebral vesicles, from which the different parts of the encephalon are afterward to be developed. The first or most anterior vesicle is destined to form the hemispheres ; the second or middle, the tubercula quadrigemina ; the third, or posterior, the medulla oblongata. All three vesicles are still hollow, and their cavities com- municate freely with each other through the intervening orifices. Very soon the anterior and posterior cerebral vesicles undergo a fur- ther division, the middle one remaining undivided. The anterior vesicle thus separates into two portions, of which the first, or larger, consti- tutes the hemispheres, while the second, or smaller, becomes the optic (769) Formation of the CEREBRO-SriNAL Axis. a, b. Spinal cord c. Cephalic ex- tremity, d. Caudal extremity. 770 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. thalami. The third vesicle also separates into two portions, of which the anterior becomes the cerebellum, the posterior the medulla oblongata. Fig. 281. Fig. 282. * FOJTAL PlG, 1 centimetre long, showing the condition of the brain and spinal cord. 1. Hemispheres. 2. Tubercula quadrigemina. 3. Cerebellum. 4. Medulla oblongata. There are, therefore, at this time five cerebral vesicles, all of which communicate with each other and with the central cavity of the spinal cord. The entire cerebro-spinal axis also be- comes strongly curved in an anterior direction, corresponding with the anterior curvature of the body of the embryo (Fig. 282) ; so that the middle vesicle, or that of the tubercula quadri- 2. vesicle of the tubercula gemina, occupies a prominent angle at the upper quadrigemina. 3. Vesicle Formation of the CERK- of the medulla oblongata. part of the encephalon, while the hemispheres and the medulla oblongata are situated below it, ante- riorly and posteriorly. At first the relative size of the various parts of the encephalon is very different from that presented in the adult condition. The hemispheres are hardly larger than the tubercula quad- rigemina; and the cerebellum is inferior in size to the medulla oblongata. Soon afterward, the relative position and volume of the parts begin to alter. The hemispheres and tubercula quadrigemina grow faster than the posterior portions of the encephalon ; and the cerebellum becomes doubled backward over the medulla oblongata. (Fig. 283.) Subse- Fig. 283. Fig. 284. FCETAL P i o, three centimetres long. 1. Hemispheres. 2. Tubercula quadri- gemina. 3. Cerebellum. 4 Medulla ob- longata. HEAD OF FCETAL PIG, nine centimetres long. 1 Hemispheres. 3. Cerebellum. 4. Me- dulla oblongata. quently, the hemispheres enlarge more rapidly, growing upward and backward, so as to cover both the optic thalami and the tubercula DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 771 quadrigemina (Fig. 284) ; the cerebellum tending in the same way to grow backward, and projecting farther in this direction over the medulla oblongata. The subsequent history of the development of the enceph- alon is mainly a continuation of the same process ; the relative dimen- sions of the parts constantly changing, so that the hemispheres become, in the adult condition (Fig. 285), the largest division of the encephalon. Fig. 285. BRAIN OF ADULT PIG. 1. Hemispheres. 3. Cerebellum. 4. Medulla oblongata. while the cerebellum is next in size, and covers the upper portion of the medulla oblongata. The surfaces of the hemispheres and cerebellum, which are at first smooth, become afterward convoluted ; thus increasing still farther the extent of their nervous matter. In the human foetus the cerebral convolutions begin to appear about the beginning of the fifth month (Longet), and grow deeper and more abundant during the remainder of foetal life. The lateral portions of the brain growing at the same time more rapidly than that on the median line, they project on each side outward and upward ; and by folding over against each other toward the median line, they form the right and left hemispheres, separated by the longi- tudinal fissure. A similar process of growth in the spinal cord results in the formation of its two lateral halves, and the anterior and posterior median fissures of the cord. Elsewhere the median fissure is less com- plete, as, for example, between the two lateral halves of the cerebellum or those of the medulla oblongata ; but it exists everywhere, and marks more or less distinctly the division between the two sides of the nervous centres, produced by the excessive growth of their lateral portions. In this way the whole cerebro-spinal axis is converted into a double organ, equally developed upon the right and left sides, and partially divided by longitudinal median fissures. Organs of Special Sense. The eyes are formed by a diverticulum which grows out on ench side from the first cerebral vesicle. This diverticulum is at first hollow, its cavity communicating with that of the hemisphere. Afterward, the passage between the two is filled with a deposit of nervous matter, and becomes the optic nerve. The globular portion of the diverticulnm, which is converted into the globe of the eye, has a thin layer of nervous matter deposited upon its internal sur- 772 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. face, which becomes the retina ; the rest of its cavity being occupied by a gelatinous substance, the vitreous body. The crystalline lens is formed in a distinct follicle, which is an ofl'shoot of the integument, and becomes partially imbedded in the anterior portion of the eyeball. The cornea also is originally a part of the integument, and remains some- what opaque until a late period of development. It becomes nearly transparent a short time before birth. The iris is a muscular septum, formed in front of the crystalline lens. Its central opening, which afterward becomes the pupil, is at first closed by a vascular membrane, the pupillary membrane, passing across the axis of the eye. The bloodvessels of this membrane, which are derived from those of the iris, subsequently become atrophied. They disappear first from its centre, and recede gradually toward its circumference ; returning upon themselves in loops, the convexities of which are directed toward the centre. The pupillary membrane itself finally becomes atro- phied, following in this retrograde process the direction of its receding bloodvessels, namely, from the centre outward. It has completely dis- appeared by the end of the seventh month. (Cruveilhier.) The eyelids are formed by folds of the integument, which project from above and below at the situation of the eyeball. They grow so rapidly during the second and third months that their free margins come in contact and adhere together, so that at that time they cannot be separated without some violence. They remain adherent from this period until the seventh month (Guy), when their margins separate and they become free and movable. In carnivorous animals (dogs and cats), the eyelids do not separate from each other until eight or ten days after birth. The internal ear is formed in a somewhat similar manner with the eyeball, by an offshoot from the third cerebral vesicle ; the passage between them filling up by a deposit of white substance, which becomes the auditory nerve. The tympanum and auditory meatus are botli offshoots from the external integument. Skeleton and Limbs. At a very early period of development there appears, immediately beneath the medullary canal, a cylindrical cord, termed the chorda dorsalis (page 725). It consists of a tubular sheath containing a mass cf simple cells, closely packed together and united by adhesive material. It does not become a permanent part of the skeleton, but is a temporary organ destined to disappear as development proceeds. On each side of the chorda dorsalis there is formed a series of rec- tangular plates, the " primitive vertebrae," a portion of whose substance is devoted to the formation of muscular tissue, while another portion becomes the basis for the permanent vertebrae. The latter are de- posited in the form of cartilaginous plates, which encircle the chorda dorsalis in a series of rings, corresponding in number with the bodies of the future vertebrae. The rings increase in thickness from without inward, encroaching upon the substance of the chorda dorsalis, and SKELETON AND LIMBS. 773 finally taking its place altogether. The thickened rings, thus solidified by cartilaginous deposit, become the bodies of the vertebrae ; while their transverse and articulating processes, with the laminae and spinous pro- cesses, are formed by outgrowths from the bodies in various directions. When the union of the dorsal plates upon the median line fails to take place, the spinal canal remains open at that situation, and presents the malformation known as spina bifida. This may consist simply in a fissure of the spinal canal, more or less extensive, in which case it may sometimes be cured, or may even close spontaneously ; or it may be complicated with either an imperfect development or complete absence of the spinal cord at the same spot, producing permanent paralysis of the lower extremities. The entire skeleton is at first cartilaginous. The first points of ossifi- cation show themselves about the beginning of the second month, almost simultaneously in the clavicle and the lower jaw. Then come, in the following order, the femur, humerus, and tibia, the superior maxilla, the bodies of the vertebrae, the ribs, the vault of the cranium, the scapula and the pelvis, the metacarpus and metatarsus, and the phalanges of the fingers and toes. The bones of the carpus are all cartilaginous at birth, and do not begin to ossify until a year afterward. According to Cru- veilhier, the calcaneum, the cuboid, and sometimes the astragalus, begin their ossification during the latter periods of foetal life, but the remainder of the tarsus is cartilaginous at birth. The lower extremity of the femur, according to the same authority, shows a point of ossification at birth ; all the other extremities of the long bones being still in a carti- laginous condition at this time. The scaphoid bone of the tarsus and the pisiform bone of the carpus are the last to commence their ossifica- tion, several years after birth. Nearly all the bones ossify from several distinct points ; the ossification spreading as the cartilage increases in size, and the various bony pieces, thus produced, uniting with each other at a later period, usually some time after birth. The limbs appear by a budding process, as offshoots of the external blastodermic layer. They are at first mere rounded 'elevations, without any separation between the fingers and toes, or any distinction between the different articulations. Subsequently the free extremity of each limb becomes divided into the phalanges of the fingers or toes ; and afterward the articulations of the wrist and ankle, knee and elbow, shoulder and hip, appear successively from below upward. The lower limbs in man are less rapid in development than the upper. Both the legs and the pelvis are very slightly developed in the early periods of growth, as compared with the spinal column, to which they are attached. The inferior extremity of the spinal column, formed by the sacrum and coccyx, projects at first beyond the pelvis, forming a tail, which is curled forward toward the adbomen, and terminates in a pointed extremity. The entire lower half of the body, with the spinal column and appendages, is also twisted, from left to right ; so that the pelvis is not only curled forward, but also faces at right angles to the 774: DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Fig. 286. direction of the head and upper part of the body. Subsequently the spinal column becomes straighter and loses its twisted form. At the same time the pelvis and the muscular parts seated upon it grow so much faster than the sacrum and coccyx, that the latter become concealed under the adjoining soft parts, and the rudimentary tail disappears. The integument of the embryo is at first thin, vascular, and transparent. It after- ward becomes thicker, more opaque, and whitish in color. Even at birth, however, it is considerably more vascular than in the adult condition, and its ruddy color, due to its transparency and the abundance of its capillary bloodvessels, is strongly marked. The hairs begin to appear about the middle of intra-uterine life; showing themselves first upon the eyebrows, afterward upon the scalp, trunk and extremities. The nails are in process of formation from the third to the fifth month ; and, according to Kolliker, are covered with a layer of epidermis until after the latter period. The sebaceous matter of the cutaneous glandules accumulates upon the skin after the sixth month, and forms a whitish, semi-solid, oleaginous layer, the vernix caxeosa, which is most abundant in the flexures of the joints, between the folds of the integument, behind the ears, and upon the scalp. HUMAN EMBRYO, about one month old. Showing the large Bize of the head and upper parts of the body; the twisted form of the spinal column ; the rudiment- ary condition of the upper and lower extremities ; and the rudi- mentary tail at the end of the spinal column. CHAPTBE XV. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALIMENTAEY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES. THE intestinal canal is formed, as already described (page 726), from the internal blastodermic layer which curves downward and inward on each side, and is thus converted into a cylindrical tube, terminating at each extremity in a cul-de-sac, and inclosed by the external blastodermic layer. The abdominal walls do not unite with each other upon the median line until after the formation of the intestinal canal ; so that, during a certain period, the abdomen of the embryo is widely open in front, presenting a long oval excavation, in which the intestinal tube is situated, running from its anterior to its posterior extremity. Stomach and Intestine. The formation of the stomach takes place in the following manner : The alimentary canal, originally straight, soon presents two lateral curvatures at the upper part of the abdomen ; the first to the left, the second to the right. The first of these curvatures becomes expanded into a wide sac, projecting laterally from the median line into the left hypochondrium, forming the great pouch of the stomach. The second curvature, directed to the right, marks the boundary between the stomach and the duodenum ; and the tube at that point, becoming constricted and furnished with an unusually thick circular layer of muscular fibres, is converted into the pylorus. Im- mediately below the pylorus, the duodenum turns to the left ; and these curvatures, increasing in num- ber and complexity, form the con- volutions of the small intestine. The large intestine assumes a spiral curvature ; ascending on the right side, then crossing over to the left as the transverse colon, and again descending on the left side, to terminate by the sigmoid flexure in the rectum. The curvatures of the intes- tinal canal, which take place in an antero-posterior, as well as in a lateral direction, may be best studied in a profile view, as in Fig. 287. The abdominal walls are here still imperfectly closed, Fig. 287. Formation of the ALIMENTARY CANAL. a, b. Commencement of amnion. c, c. Intestine. d. Pharynx, e. Urinary bidder. / Allantois or chorion. g. Umbilical \esicle. (775) 776 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL leaving a wide opening at a, 6, where the integument of the foetus is continuous with the commencement of the amniotic membrane. The intestine makes at first a single angular turn forward, and opposite the most prominent portion of this angle is to be seen the stem of the um- bilical vesicle (g). A short distance below this point the intestine sub- sequently enlarges in calibre, and the situation of this enlargement marks the commencement of the colon. The two portions of the intes- tine, after this period, become widely different from each other. The upper portion, which is the small intestine, grows most actively in the direction of its length, and becomes a long, narrow, convoluted tube ; while the lower portion, which is the large intestine, increases rapidly in diameter, but elongates less than the former. The rectum is the part of the large intestine which alters least its form and position. It elongates comparatively little, retains its position for the most part upon the median line, and as its name indicates, continues to follow a nearly straight course; presenting only a moderate antero-posterior curvature corresponding with the hollow of the sacrum, and a slight lateral obliquity, from its upper portion which is placed a little toward the left, to the anus which is situated upon the median line. At first forming the blind extremity of the large intestine, it subsequently com- municates with the exterior by a perforation which becomes the anus. In the chick-embryo, according to Burdach, 1 the perforation of the anus appears on the fifth day of incubation ; in the human embryo it is formed during the seventh week. In certain instances, this opening fails to take place, and the rectum is still closed at birth; presenting the malformation known as imperforate anus. If the rectum be other- wise fully developed, it may sometimes be felt, distended with meconium, immediately under the integument ; and an artificial opening may be successfully made by an incision at the anal region. In other cases, there is also a deficiency, more or less extensive, of the rectum itself, the large intestine terminating in the upper portion of the pelvic cavity. At the point of junction between the small and the large intestine, a lateral diverticulum of the latter shows itself, and increases in extent, until the ileum seems at last to be inserted obliquely into the side of the colon. The diverticulum of the colon is at first conical in shape ; but afterward that portion which forms its free extremity becomes narrow, elongated, and sometimes twisted upon itself, forming the appendix vermiformis ; while the remaining portion, which is continuous with the intestine, becomes exceedingly enlarged, and forms the caput coli. The caput coli and the appendix vermiformis are at first situated near the umbilicus ; but between the fourth and fifth months (Cruveilhier) their position is altered, and they become fixed in the right iliac region. During the first six months the internal surface of the small intestine is smooth. At the seventh month, the valvulae conniventes begin to ap- pear, after which they increase slowly in size, but are still comparatively 1 Trait6 de Physiologie, traduit par Jourdan. Paris, 1838, tome iii. pp. 274, 468. AND ITS APPENDAGES. 777 Fig. 288. undeveloped at the time of birth. The division of the colon into sacculi by longitudinal and transverse bands, is also an appearance which pre- sents itself only during the last half of foetal life. Previous to that time, the colon is smooth and cylindrical, like the small intestine. After the small intestine is formed, it increases rapidly in length. It grows, at this time, faster than the walls of the abdomen ; so that it can no longer be contained in the abdominal cavity, but protrudes, under the form of an intestinal loop, or hernia, from the umbilical opening. (Fig. 288.) In the human em- bryo, this protrusion of the intestine can be readily seen during the latter part of the second month. At a subsequent period, the walls of the abdomen grow more rapidly than the intestine ; and, gradually envelop- ing the hernial protrusion, at last reinclose it in the cavity of the abdomen. Owing to imperfect development of the abdominal walls, and incomplete closure of the umbilicus, the intestinal protrusion, which is normal during the early stages of foetal life, sometimes remains at birth, and thus produces congenital umbilical hernia. As the parts at this time have a natural tendency to unite with each other, if the hernial protrusion be returned within the abdomen, and retained by simple pressure for a sufficient period, the defect is usually remedied, and a permanent cure effected. The conditions are different in a hernia in the adult, where it is due to pressure from within, and a gradual yielding of the fibrous tissues. As the natural period for the closure of the abdominal orifices has passed, the intestine may be retained within the abdomen, in such cases, by mechanical means, but usually escapes again when the pressure is taken off. The contents of the intestine, which accumulate during foetal life, vary in different parts of the alimentary canal. In the small intestine they are semifluid in consistency, of a light yellowish or grayish-white color in the duodenum, yellow, reddish-brown, and greenish-brown below. In the large intestine they are dark greenish and pasty in consistency ; and the contents of this portion of the alimentary canal have received the name of meconium, from their resemblance to inspissated poppy- juice. The meconium contains a large quantity of fat, as well as various insoluble substances, probably the residue of epithelial and mucous accumulations. It does not exhibit any trace of the biliary substances proper (taurocholates and glycocholates) when examined by Petteni- kofer's test ; and cannot therefore be regarded as resulting from the accumulation of bile. In the contents of the small intestine, on the contrary, according to Lehmann, slight traces of bile may be found, as 50 FCETAL Pio, showing the pro. truding loop of intestine, forming umbilical hernia; from a speci- men in the author's possession. From the convexity of the loop a thin filament ia seen passing to the umbilical vesicle, which, in the pig, has a flattened, leaf-like form. 778 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL early as between the fifth and sixth months. We have found distinct traces of bile in the small intestine at birth, but it is even then in ex- tremely small quantity, and is sometimes altogether absent. The meconium, therefore, and the intestinal contents generally, are not composed principally, or even to any measurable extent, of the secretions of the liver. They appear rather to be derived from the mucous membrane of the intestine. Even their yellowish and greenish color does not depend on the presence of bile, since the yellow color first shows itself about the middle of the small intestine, and not at its upper extremity. The material which afterward accumulates appears to extend from this point upward and downward, gradually filling the intestine, and becoming, in the ileum and large intestine, darker colored and more pasty as gestation advances. It is, perhaps, of some importance in this connection, that the amni- otic fluid, during the latter half of foetal life, finds its way, in greater or less abundance, into the stomach, and through that into the intestinal canal. Small cheesy-looking masses are sometimes to be found at birth in the fluid contained in the stomach, which are seen on microscopic examination to be portions of the vernix caseosa exfoliated from the skin into the amniotic cavity, and afterward introduced through the oesophagus into the stomach. According to Kolliker, the downy hairs of the foetus, exfoliated from the skin, are often swallowed in the same way, and may be found in the meconium. The gastric juice is not secreted before birth ; the contents of the stomach being generally in small quantity, clear, nearly colorless, and neutral or alkaline in reaction. Liver. The liver is developed at a very early period. Its size in proportion to that of the entire body is much greater in the early months than at birth or in the adult condition. In the foetal pig we have found, the relative size of the liver greatest within the first month, when it amofliits to nearly 12 per cent of the entire weight of the body. Afterward it grows less rapidly than other parts, and its relative weight diminishes successively to 10 per cent, and 6 per cent.; being reduced before birth to 3 or 4 per cent. In man, also, the weight of the liver at birth is between 3 and 4 per cent, of that of the entire body. The glycogenic function of the liver commences during foetal life, and at birth the tissue of the organ is abundantly saccharine. In the early periods of gestation, however, sugar is produced in the foetus from other sources than the liver. In very young foetuses of the pig, both the allantoic and amniotic fluids are saccharine a considerable time before glucose makes its appearance in the liver. Even the urine, in half-grown foetal pigs, contains an appreciable quantity of sugar, and the young animal is normally, at this period, in a diabetic condition. The glucose disappears before birth, as shown by Bernard, 1 from both 1 LeQons de Physiologie ExpSrimentale. Paris, 1855, p. 398. AND ITS APPENDAGES. 779 the urine and the amniotic fluid ; while the liver begins to produce the saccharine substance which it contains after birth. Lungs, Thoracic Cavity, and Diaphragm. The anterior portion of the alimentary canal, which occupies the region of the neck, is the oesophagus. It is straight, and, at first, very short ; but it subsequently increases in length, simultaneously with the growth of the neighboring parts. As the oesophagus lengthens, the lungs begin to be developed by a protrusion from the anterior portion of the oesophagus, represent- ing the commencement of the trachea. This protrusion soon divides into two symmetrical branches, which themselves elongate and become repeatedly subdivided, forming the bronchial tubes and their ramifica- tions. At first, the lungs project into the upper part of the abdominal cavity ; for there is still no distinction between the chest and abdomen. Afterward, a horizontal partition begins to form on each side, at the level of the base of the lungs, which gradually closes together to form the diaphragm, and which finally shuts off the cavity of the chest from that of the abdomen. Before the closure of the diaphragm is com- plete, an opening exists by which the peritoneal and pleural cavities communicate with each other. In some instances the development of the diaphragm is arrested at this point, either on one side or the other, and the opening remains permanent. The abdominal organs then par- tially protrude into the cavity of the chest on that side, forming con- genital diaphragmatic hernia. The lung on the affected side usually remains in a state of imperfect development. Diaphragmatic hernia of this character is more frequently found upon the left side than upon the right, and may sometimes continue until adult life without causing serious inconvenience. Urinary Bladder and Urethra. Soon after the formation of the intestine a vascular outgrowth takes place from its posterior portion, which gradually protrudes from the open walls of the abdomen, until it comes in contact with the external investing membrane of the egg (Fig. 287, f)] forming subsequently, by its continued growth and ex- pansion, the allantois in the lower animals, the chorion in man. The chorion, in the portion immediately connected with the body of the embryo, has, like the allantois, the form of a hollow canal ; but as it spreads out, to constitute the external investment of the egg, it takes the shape of a continuous membrane, forming the chorion proper (p. 746). The tubular cavity of its connecting portion, the umbilical cord, subsequently becomes obliterated ; the obliteration commencing at its outer extremity and gradually proceeding inward until it reaches the umbilicus. Inside the umbilicus it still proceeds for a certain dis- tance and then ceases. Thus the original protrusion of the intestinal canal within the abdomen, which gave rise to the allantois and the cho- rion, is divided into two portions. The first portion, or that imme- diately connected with the intestine, remains hollow, and forms after- ward the urinary bladder. The second portion, between the urinary 780 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL bladder and the umbilicus, is consolidated into a rounded cord, which is termed the urachus. The urinary bladder is at first, accordingly, a pyriform ' sac (Fig. 287, e), communicating at its base with the lower portion of the intes- tinal canal, and continuous by its superior pointed extremity with the solid cord of the urachus, by means of which it is attached to the inter- nal surface of the abdominal walls at the situation of the umbilicus. Afterward, the bladder loses this conical form, and its superior fundus becomes in the adult rounded and bulging. Development of the Mouth and Face The intestinal canal is at first a cylindrical tube, closed at its anterior as well as at its posterior extremity. In the region of the abdomen, which in the earliest periods of development constitutes nearly the whole length of the body, the blastoderm separates, as previously described (p. 735), into two laminae, an outer and an inner. The outer lamina, consisting of the external integument and the subjacent voluntary muscles, forms the parietes of the abdomen. The inner lamina forms the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, with its covering of involuntary muscular fibres. Owing to the separation of these two laminae, there is formed the peri- toneal cavity, between the intestine on the one side and the abdominal walls on the other. But in the anterior part of the body of the embryo, this separation between the two laminae of the blastoderm does not take place. Con- sequently, the corresponding portion of the alimentary canal, namely, the oesophagus, remains in contact with the surrounding parts ; and its anterior rounded extremity, the pharynx (Fig. 287, d), lies immediately underneath the head, covered in front only by the tissues of the external blastodermie layer. At this time there are formed, on the sides and front of the neck, four nearly transverse fissures, the cervical fissures, leading from the exte- rior into the cavity of the pharynx. These fissures, or clefts, are analo- gous to those which exist permanently at the same situation in fishes, where the gills are located, and by which the water, taken in at the mouth, is expelled through the sides of the neck. But in the mamma- lian embryo they have only a temporary existence as continuous open- ings. The three lower fissures disappear entirely by the subsequent adhesion of their adjacent edges ; and in the chick, according to Foster and Balfour, are completely closed by the seventh day of incubation. The upper fissure is converted into a narrow canal, leading from the exterior into the pharynx, but closed about its middle by a transverse partition. The outer portion of this canal becomes the external audi- tory meatus ; the inner portion, the Eustachian tube. The transverse partition is the membrana tympani. The cervical fissures in man are especially connected with the forma- tion of the mouth and face. Between the fissures there are, of course, bands or ridges of solid tissue, belonging to the external lamina of the blastoderm; and these bands, especially the upper, increase in growth to AND ITS APPENDAGES. 781 such an extent that they become more or less prominent folds, and have received the name of the " visceral folds." The first visceral fold grows rapidly forward, and divides into two somewhat diverging processes or offshoots, which continue to become more and more prominent. The corresponding processes from the right and left sides tend to approach each other, and to unite upon the median line. Those of the lower pair do so unite, and thus form the inferior maxilla. Those of the tipper pair, which form the superior maxilla, unite, not with each other, but with an intervening process which grows from above downward, upon the median line, between them. By this growth of folds or processes in an anterior direction, and by their union, above and below, upon the median line, there is included between them a depressed space, lined with a continuation of the exter- nal blastodermic layer, and situated immediately in front of the extremity of the pharynx. This excavation is the cavity of the mouth, inclosed on each side by the processes of the superior and inferior maxillae, widely open in front, but terminating at its bottom by a blind pit ; there being as yet no communication between it and the interior. Subsequently an opening is formed between the bottom or back part of the mouth and the cavity of the pharj-nx, by a perforation through the substance of both blastodermic layers at that point. This perfora- tion takes place in the human embryo, according to Burdach, 1 during the sixth week. The opening thus formed marks the situation of the fauces; and the alimentary canal is thus made to communicate with the exterior. The lining membrane of the mouth is consequently de- rived from the external blastodermic layer, is a continuation of the external integument, and the muscles sur- rounding it are voluntary muscles ; while the Fig. 289. mucous membrane of the pharynx and oeso- phagus is derived from the internal blasto- dermic layer, and is surrounded by involun- tary muscles. The completion of the component parts of the face about the mouth is accomplished by the continuous development of the five buds or processes, above described, which grow together in such a way as to diminish the size of the originally wide oral orifice, HUMAN EMBRYO, about one and to modify its form in various directions, month old: showing the growth /TT c\nf\ \ mi T of the frontal process downward, (Fig. 289.) The process which grows di- and that of th ; 8uperior anrt in ! rectly downward in the median line from the ferior maxillary processes from frontal region, is called the frontal or inter- ^ .2SET" '" '" maxillary process, because it afterward con- tains, in its lower extremity, the intermaxillary bones, with the four upper incisor teeth. The superior maxillary processes, coming from 1 TraitS de Physiologic ; traduit par Jourdan. Paris, 1838, tome iii. p. 468. 782 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL Fi 2> Kidne y- pig, equal to more than two per cent, in weight of the entire body. This proportion again diminishes before birth, owing to the increased development of other parts. In the human foetus at birth, the weight of the two kidneys, taken together, is 6 parts per thousand of that of the entire body. Internal Organs of Generation. About the same time that the kid- neys are formed behind the Wolffian bodies, two oval-shaped organs make their appearance in front, on the inner side of the Wolffian bodies and between them and the spinal column. These bodies are the inter- nal organs of generation ; namely, the testicles in the male, and the ovaries in the female. At first they occupy the same situation and present the same appearance, whether the foetus is afterward to be male or female. (Fig. 294.) 786 DEVELOPMENT OF THE WOLFFIAN BODIES, ETC. A short distance above the internal organs of generation there com- mences, on each side, a narrow tube which runs from above downward along the anterior border of the Wolffian body, Fig. 294. immediately in front of, and parallel with the excretory duct of this organ. The two tubes then approach each other below ; and, joining upon the median line, einpt}', together with the ducts of the Wolffian bodies, into the base of the allantois, or what will after- ward be the urinary bladder. These tubes serve as the excretory ducts of the internal organs of generation ; and will afterward be- come the vasa deferentia in the male, and INTERNAL ORGAN a OP ., . ,, . , . ,, ,, - GENERATION, in a foetal pig the Fallopian tubes m the female. Accord- iy 2 centimetres long. From a i n g to Coste, the vasa deferentia at an early specimen in the author's pos- , -, .,, ., ,. -, session - 1, i. Kidneys. 2, 2. period are disconnected with the testicles ; Wolffian bodies. 3,3 internal an d originate, like the Fallopian tubes, by or^i > e f s ge r r uHnary t b S ild C der free extremities, presenting each an open turned over in front. 5. intea- orifice. Afterward the vasa deferentia be- come adherent to the testicles, and establish a communication with the tubuli seminiferi. In the female, the Fallo- pian tubes remain permanently disconnected with the ovaries, except by the edge of the fimbriated extremity ; which in many of the lower ani- mals becomes closely adherent to the ovary, and envelops it more or less completely in a distinct sac. Male Organs of Generation ; Descent of the Testicles. In the male foetus there now commences a change of place in the internal organs of generation, which is known as the u descent of the testicles." Jr. consequence of this change, the testicles, which are at first placed near the middle of the abdomen and in front of the kidneys, come at last to be situated in the scrotum, outside and below the abdominal cavity. They also become inclosed in a distinct serous sac, the tunica vaginalis testis. This apparent movement of the testicles is accom- plished in the same manner as that of the Wolffian bodies, namely, by a disproportionate growth of the middle and upper portions of the abdomen and of the tissues above the testicles, so that the relative position of the organs becomes altered. By the upward enlargement of the kidneys, both the Wolffian bodies and the testicles are soon found to occupy an inferior position. (Fig. 295.) At the same time, a slender rounded cord (not represented in the figure) passes from the lower extremity of each testicle in an outward and downward direction, crossing the vas deferens a short distance above its union with its fellow of the opposite side. Below this point, the cord spoken of continues to run obliquely outward and downward ; and, passing through the abdominal walls at the situation of the inguinal canal, is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue near the symphysis pubis. The lower part of this cord becomes the gubernaculum testis. It con- DEVELOPMENT OF THE WOLFFIAN BODIES, ETC. 787 Fiir. 295. INTERNAL ORGANS OF (JKNEBA- TION in a foetal pi nearly 10 centimetres long. From a specimen in the author's possession. 1, 1. Kidneys. 2, 2. Wolffian bodies. 3, 3. Testicles. 4. Urinary blad- der. 6. Intestine. tains muscular fibres, which may be easily detected, in the human foetus, during the latter half of intra-uterine life. At the period of birth, however, or soon afterward, they have usually disappeared. That portion of the excretory tube of the testicle which is situated out- side the crossing of the gubernaculum, is destined to become afterward con- voluted, and converted into the epi- didymis, That which is situated inside the same point remains com- paratively straight, but becomes con- siderably elongated, and is finally known as the vas deferens. As the testicles descend still far- ther in the abdomen, they continue to grow, while the Wolffian bodies, on the contrary, become smaller ; and at last, when the testicles have arrived at the internal inguinal ring, the Wolffian bodies have altogether disappeared, or have become so altered that they are no longer recognizable. In the human foetus, the testicles reach the internal inguinal ring about the termination of the sixth month (Wilson). During the succeeding month, a protrusion of the peritoneum takes place through the inguinal canal, in advance of the testicle; the last- named organ still continuing its descent. As it passes into the scrotum, loops of muscular fibres are given off from the lower border of the in- ternal oblique muscle of the abdomen, extending downward with the testicle, upon it and upon the elongating spermatic cord. These con- stitute afterward the cremaster muscle. At last, the testicles descend quite to the bottom of the scrotum. The convoluted portion of the efferent duct, namely, the epididymis, remains attached to the body of the testicle ; while the vas deferens passes upward, in a reverse direction, enters the abdomen through the inguinal canal, again bends downward, and joins its fellow of the oppo- site side ; after which they both open into the prostatic portion of the urethra by distinct orifices, situated on either side of the median line. At the same time, two diverticula arise from the median portion of the vasa deferentia, and, elongating in a backward direction, beneath the base of the bladder, become developed into sacculated reservoirs, the vesiculse seminales. The left testicle is a littler later in its descent than the right ; but it afterward passes farther into the scrotum, and, in the adult condition, usually hangs a little lower than the corresponding organ on the oppo- site side. After the testicle has passed into the scrotum, the serous pouch, 788 DEVELOPMENT OF THE WOLFFIAN" BODIES, ETC Fig. 296. Formation of the TUNICA VAGINALIS TRSTIS. 1. Testicle nearly at the bottom of the scrotum. 2. Cavity of tunica vaginalis. 3. Cavity of peritoneum. 4. Obliterated neck of peritoneal sac. which preceded its descent, remains for a time in communication with the peritoneal cavity. In many of the quadrupeds, as, for example, the rabbit, this condition is permanent ; and the testicle may be alternately drawn downward into the scrotum, or retracted into the abdomen, by the action of th& guber- naculum and the cremaster muscle. In the human foetus, the two opposite surfaces of the peritoneal pouch approach each other at the inguinal canal, forming at that point a con- striction, which partly shuts off the testicle from the cavity of the abdomen. By a con- tinuation ot this process, the serous surfaces come in contact, and, adhering together at this situation (Fig. 296, 4), form a kind of cicatrix, by which the cavity of the tunica va- ginalis (2) is shut off from the general cavity of the peritoneum(s). The tunica vaginalis testis is, therefore, originally a part of the peritoneum, from which it is subsequently separated by the adhesion of its opposite walls. The separation of the tunica vaginalis testis from the peritoneum is usually completed in the human foetus before birth. But sometimes it fails to take place at the usual time, and the intestine is then liable to protrude into the scrotum, in front of the spermatic cord, giving rise to congenital inguinal hernia. (Fig. 297.) The parts implicated in this malformation have still, as in the case of congenital umbili- cal hernia, a tendency to unite with each other and obliterate the opening; and if the intes- tine be retained by pressure in the cavity of the abdomen, cicatrization usually takes place at the inguinal canal, and a cure is effected. Female Organs of Generation. At an early period of development, the ovaries have the same external appearance, and occupy the same position in the abdomen, as the testicles in the opposite sex. The descent of the ovaries also takes place, to a great extent, in the same manner with the corresponding change of When, in the early part of this descent, they have reached the level of the lower edge of the kidneys, a cord, analogous to the gubernaculum, may be seen proceeding from their lower extremity, crossing the efferent duct on each side, and passing downward, to be attached to the subcutaneous tissues at the situation of the inguinal ring. That part of the duct situated outside the crossing of this cord, becomes convoluted, and is converted into the Fallopian tube ; while CONGENITAL INGUINAL H K R N i A .1. Testicle. 2, 2, 2. Intestine. position of the testicles. DEVELOPMENT OF THE WOLFFIAN BODIES, ETC. 789 that which is inside the same point, is developed into the uterus. The upper portion of the cord itself becomes the ligament of the ovary ; its lower portion, the round ligament of the uterus. As the ovaries continue their descent, they pass below and behind the Fallopian tubes, which perform at the same time a movement of rota- tion, from before backward and from above downward ; the whole, together with the ligaments of the ovaries and the round ligaments, being enveloped in double folds of peritoneum, which enlarge with the growth of the parts included between them, and constitute finally the broad ligaments of the uterus. While these changes are taking place in the adjacent organs, the two lateral halves of the uterus fuse with each other upon the median line, and become covered with an abundant layer of muscular fibres. In the quadrupeds, the uterus remains divided at its upper portion, running out into two long conical tubes or cornua (Fig. 228), presenting the form known as the uterus bicornis. In the human species, the fusion of the two lateral halves of the organ is nearly complete ; so that the uterus presents externally a somewhat rounded, flattened and triangular figure (Fig. 229), with the ligaments of the ovary and the round liga- ments passing off from its superior angles. Internally, the cavity of the organ still presents a strongly marked triangular form, the vestige of its original division. Occasionally the human uterus in the adult condition remains divided by a vertical septum, running from the middle of its fundus downward toward the os internum. The organ may even present a partial external division, corresponding with the situation of the internal septum, and producing the malformation known as " uterus bicornis," or double uterus. The os internum and the os externum are produced by partial constric- tions of the original generative passage ; and the anatomical distinctions between the body of the uterus, the cervix, and the vagina, arise from the different modes of development of the mucous membrane and mus- cular tunic in its corresponding portions. During foetal life, the neck of the uterus grows faster than its body; so that, at the period of birth, the organ is far from presenting the form which it exhibits in the adult condition. In the human foetus at term, the cervix uteri constitutes nearly two-thirds of the entire length of the organ ; while the body forms but little over one-third. The cervix, at this time, is larger in diameter than the body; so that the 'whole organ presents a tapering form from below upward. The arbor vitae uterina of the cervix is at birth very fully developed, and the mucous membrane of the body is also thrown into three or four folds which radiate upward from the os internum. The cavity of the cervix is filled with transparent semi-solid mucus. The position of the uterus at birth is different from that which it assumes in adult life; nearly the entire length of the organ being above the level of the symphysis pubis, and its inferior extremity passing 790 DEVELOPMENT OF THE WOLFFIAN BODIES, ETC. below that point only by about six millimetres. It is also slightly ante- flexed at the junction of the body and cervix. After birth, the uterus, together with its appendages, continues to descend ; and at the period of puberty its fundus is situated just below the level of the symphysis pubis. The ovaries at birth are narrow and elongated in form. They contain at this time an abundance of eggs ; each inclosed in a Graafian follicle, and averaging .04 millimetre in diameter. The vitellus is imperfectly formed in most of them, and in some is hardly to be distinguished. The Graafian follicle at this period envelops each egg closely, there being no fluid between its internal surface and the exterior of the egg, but only the thin layer of cells forming the "membrana granulosa." Inside this layer is to be seen the germinative vesicle, with the germinative spot, surrounded by a faintly granular vitellus, more or less abundant in dif- ferent parts. Some of the Graafian follicles containing eggs are as large as .05 millimetre; others as small as .02 millimetre. In the very smallest, the cells of the membrana granulosa appear to fill entirely the cavity of the follicle, concealing the rudiments of the primitive egg. CHAPTEE XVII. DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. THERE are three distinct forms assumed by the circulatory system during different periods of life. These different forms of the circulation are connected with the manner in which nutrition and the renovation of the blood are accomplished at different epochs ; and they follow each other in the progress of development, as different organs are employed in turn to accomplish the above functions. The first form is that of the vitelline circulation, which exists at a period when the vitellus is the source of nutrition for the embryo. The second is the placental circula- tion, which lasts, in man and the mammalians, through the greater part of foetal life, and is characterized by the existence of the placenta ; the third is the complete or adult circulation, in which the renovation and nutrition of the blood are provided for by the lungs and the intestinal canal. Vitelline Circulation. When the body of the embryo has begun to be formed in the centre of the blastoderm, a number of bloodvessels shoot out from its sides and ramify over the neigh- boring parts of the vitelline sac, forming by their Fig. 298. inosculation an abundant vascular plexus. The area occupied by this plexus around the foetus is the " area vasculosa." In the egg of the fish (Fig. 298), the area vasculosa occupies the whole surface of the vitellus, outside the body of the embryo. A number of arteries pass out from each side, supplying the vascular network; and the blood is returned from EGG OP FISH it to the embryo by a principal vein which is seen (Jarrabacca), show- , , , , ing the vitelline cir- passmg upward along the front of the egg, and enter- cuiation. ing the body beneath the head. In the egg of the fowl, the area vasculosa spreads gradually over the vitelline sac from within outward. It is at first limited on its external border by a terminal vein or sinus, which collects the greater part of the blood from the vascular plexus on each side, and returns it to the interior of the embryo by a double or single trunk, entering, as in the fish, beneath the head. Another vein, of smaller size, enters the body of the embryo near its posterior extremity; and a number of others, still smaller, along the sides. All these vessels gradually change in relative importance, as the development of the embryo proceeds. Especially the terminal sinus becomes less distinct as the area vascu- losa extends farther over the vitelline sac, and the anterior and pos- (791) 792 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. terior venous trunks disappear more or less completely, to be replaced in importance by some of those which enter upon the sides. The area vasculosa is therefore an appendage to the circulatory apparatus of the embryo, spread out over the surface of the vitellus, and absorbing from it the requisite materials for nutrition. In man and the mammalians, the first formation of the area vasculosa is not essentially different from that presented in fishes and birds. But owing to the small size and rapid exhaustion of the vitellus as a source of nourishment, this form of the circulation never acquires a high degree of development, and soon becomes retrograde. It presents, however, certain modifications, which are of importance as indicating the mode of origin of various parts of the permanent vascular system. These modifications relate mainly to the arrangement of the arteries and veins distributing the blood to the external vascular plexus, and returning it thence to the body of the embryo. As the embryo and the entire egg increase in size, there are two arteries and two veins which become larger than the others, and which subsequently do the whole work of conveying the blood to and from the area vasculosa. The two arteries emerge from the lateral edges of the embryo, on the right and left sides ; while the two veins enter at about the same point and nearly parallel with them. These four vessels are termed the omphalo-mesen- teric arteries and veins. The arrangement of the circulatory apparatus in the interior of the body at this time is as follows : The heart is situated at the median line, immediately beneath the head, and in front of the oesophagus. It receives at its lower extremity the united trunks of the two omphalo- mesenteric veins, and at its upper extremity gives off two vessels which almost immediately divide into two sets of lateral arches, bending back- ward along the sides of the neck, and again uniting into two trunks near the anterior surface of the vertebral column. These trunks then run from above downward, in a nearly similar direction, on each side the median line. They are called the vertebral arteries, on account of their situation, which is parallel with that of the vertebral column. They give off, throughout their course, small lateral branches, which supply the body of the foetus, and also two larger branches the omphalo-mesenteric arteries which pass out, as above described, into the area vasculosa. The two vertebral arteries remain separate in the upper part of the body, but fuse with each other a little beneath the level of the heart ; so that, below this point, there remains but one large artery, the aorta, running from above downward along the median line, giving off the omphalo-mesenteric arteries to the area vasculosa, and supplying smaller branches to the body, the walls of the intestine, and the other organs of the embryo. This is the condition which marks the first or vitelline circulation. A change now begins to be established, by which the vitellus is super- seded, as an organ of nutrition, by the placenta ; and the second or pla- cental circulation takes its place. DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 793 Fig. 299. Diagram of the YOUNG EMBRYO AND ITS VESSELS, showing the circulation of the umbilical vesicle, and also that of the allantois, beginning to be formed. Placental Circulation. After the umbilical vesicle has been formed by the process already described (page 738), a part of the vitellus re- mains included in it, while the rest is retained in the abdomen and inclosed in the intestinal canal. As these two organs (umbilical vesicle and intestine) are originally parts of the same vitelline sac, they remain supplied by the same vascular sys- tem, namely, the omphalo-mesenteric vessels. Those which remain within the abdomen of the foetus supply the mesentery and intestine; but the larger trunks pass outward, and ramify upon the walls of the um- bilical vesicle. (Fig. 299.) At first there are, as above mentioned, two omphalo-mesenteric arteries emerg- ing from the body, and two omphalo- mesenteric veins returning to it ; but afterward the two arteries are re- placed by a common trunk, while a similar change takes place in the two veins. Subsequently, therefore, there remains but a single artery and a single vein, connecting the internal and external portions of the vitelline circulation. The vessels belonging to this system are called the omphalo-mesen- teric vessels, because a part of them (omphalic vessels) pass outward, by the umbilicus, or " omphalos," to the umbilical vesicle, while the remainder (mesenteric vessels) ramify upon the mesentery and the intestine. At first, the circulation of the umbilical vesicle is more important than that of the intestine ; and the omphalic artery and vein appear accordingly as large trunks, of which the mesenteric vessels are small branches. (Fig. 299.) Afterward the intestine enlarges, while the um- bilical vesicle diminishes ; and the proportion between the two sets of vessels is therefore reversed. The mesenteric vessels then come to be the principal trunks, while the omphalic vessels are minute branches, running out along the stem of the umbilical vesicle, and ramifying in a few scanty twigs upon its surface. (Fig. 300). In the mean time, the allantois is formed by a protrusion from the lower extremity of the intestine, which, carrying with it two arteries and two veins, passes out by the anterior opening of the body, and comes in contact with the external membrane of the egg. The arteries of the allantois, termed the umbilical arteries, are supplied by branches of the abdominal aorta ; the umbilical veins, on the other hand, join the mesen- teric veins, and empty with them into the venous extremity of the heart. As the umbilical vesicle diminishes, the allantois enlarges ; and the lat- ter is converted, in the human subject, into a vascular chorion, part of 51 794 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. which is devoted to the formation of the placenta. (Fig. 300.) As the placenta soon becomes the only source of nutrition for the foetus, its vessels increase in size, and preponderate over all the other parts of the circulatory system. During the early periods of the formation of the Fig. 300. Diagram of the EMBRYO AND ITS VESSEI/S; showing the second or placental circu- lation. The intestine has become further developed, and the mesenteric arteries have enlarged, while the umbilical vesicle and its vascular branches are reduced in size. The large umbilical arteries are seen passing out to the placenta. placenta, there are, as above mentioned, two umbilical arteries and two umbilical veins. Subsequently one of the veins disappears, and the whole of the blood is returned to the foetus by the other, which becomes enlarged in proportion. For a long time previous to birth, there are, therefore, in the umbilical cord two umbilical arteries, and but one umbilical vein. Adult Circulation The placental circulation is exchanged, at the period of birth, for the third or adult circulation. This is distinguished by the disappearance of the placenta and the vessels connected with it, and by the entrance into activity of the lungs and the alimentary canal, as the organs of nutrition and aeration for the blood. A large propor- tion of the blood is accordingly turned into different channels, and is distributed to organs which were before but scantily supplied. This change differs from that which preceded it mainly in its suddenness. The transition from the first to the second form of circulation is a gradual one ; the vitellus and umbilical vesicle diminishing as the pla- centa enlarges, and the two organs, with their bloodvessels, coexisting DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 795 for a certain period. But at the time of birth the placenta is detached, and the lungs brought into play, with comparative suddenness; and although the pulmonary circulation and respiration are not established in full activity until an interval of some days has elapsed, yet the pla- centa is at once withdrawn from the circulatory system, and its office is assumed by the lungs, the skin, and the alimentary canal. The comparatively sudden changes which take place at birth have, however, been already provided for by the gradual development of the necessary organs. This is accompanied by corresponding alterations in both the arterial and venous systems. Development of the Arterial System. At an earl} 7 period of develop- ment, the main arterial trunks, after passing off from the anterior ex- tremity of the heart, curve backward in two sets of nearly parallel branches, toward the vertebral column, after which they again become longitudinal, and receive the name of the "vertebral arteries." The curved branches which pass along the sides of the neck, from front to rear, are called the cervical arches. They run in the substance of the visceral folds existing in this situation (page 781), and are separated from each other by the intervening cervical fissures. In the chick- embryo, according to Foster and Balfour, three cervical arches, in the three upper visceral folds, have been formed by the end of the second day of incubation. During the third and fourth days, the first and second cervical arches become obliterated, but a fourth and a fifth be- come developed at the same time, in the substance of the corresponding visceral folds. Thus there are, in all, five vascular cervical arches ; but only three are to be found coexisting at any one time. In fishes, the cervical arches remain, as permanent bloodvessels sup- plying the gills, generally four in number on each side, sometimes five. In birds and mammalians, some of them disappear during the further progress of development, or leave only certain arterial inosculations in the adult, as vestiges of their existence during the embryonic condition. Some of them, on the other hand, remain as permanent vascular trunks or branches, forming important parts of the adult arterial system. The details relating to the growth and subsequent modification of the cervical arches are not all described in the same manner by different observers ; and there seems to be some variation, in this respect, in the mammalian embryo, as compared with that of birds. The general fea- tures, however, of the process of transformation are as follows. The two ascending trunks, on the anterior part of the neck, from which the cervical arches are given off, become the carotid arteries. The first and second, that is, the two upper cervical arches, on each side, disappear as above mentioned, or remain only in the form of small and inconstant arterial inosculations. The third arch becomes the sub- clavian artery, giving off, in an upward direction, the permanent verte- bral artery, and continuing outward as the axillary artery, to supply the upper limb. The fourth cervical arch undergoes very different changes on the two opposite sides. On the left side it becomes enor- 796 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. mously enlarged, giving off, as secondary branches, all the arterial trunks going to the head and upper limbs, and is thus converted into the permanent arch of the aorta. On the right side the corresponding arch grows smaller, and ultimately disappears ; so that at last there is only a single aortic arch, situated to the left of the median line, and continuous below with the thoracic aorta. The fifth or last cervical arch becomes on each side the pulmonary artery ; its external portion on the right side disappearing at a very early period, but on the left remaining for a certain time, as the ductus arteriosus, between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Notwithstanding that the cervical arches are at first, as their name implies, all situated in the region of the neck, their remains or perma- nent representatives in the complete form of the arterial system, come to be placed farther downward, and are evejn found in the cavity of the chest. This is due to the varying rapidity of growth in different parts, at the successive periods of embryonic development. The thorax at first has no existence as a distinct portion of the trunk ; the heart being placed immediately beneath the head, and afterward changing its relative position as the development of the lungs goes forward and the walls of the chest expand to cover them. The neck, with the esopha- gus and trachea, also elongates in an upward direction, so that the vas- cular organs at first placed in the cervical region afterward occupy a position lower down. In fishes, where the cervical arches are perma- nent and where no lungs are developed, there is no thoracic cavity, and the heart remains situated at the most anterior portion of the trunk, just behind the gills. Corresponding changes take place, during this time, in the lower part of the body. Here the abdominal aorta runs undivided, upon the me- dian line, quite to the end of the spinal column ; giving off on each side lateral branches, which supply the intestine and the parietes of the body. When the allantois begins to be developed, two of these lateral branches accompany it, and become, consequently, the umbilical arteries. These vessels increase so rapidly in size, that they soon appear as divisions of the aortic trunk ; while the original continuation of the aorta, running to the end of the spinal column, appears as a small branch given off at the point of bifurcation. The lower limbs are supplied by two small branches, given off from the umbilical arteries near their origin. Up to this time, the pelvis and posterior extremities are but slightly developed. Subsequently they grow more rapidly, in proportion to the rest of the body, and the arteries which supply them enlarge in a corre- sponding manner. That portion of the umbilical arteries, lying between the bifurcation of the aorta and the origin of the branches going to the lower extremities, becomes the common iliac arteries, which in their turn afterward divide into the umbilical arteries proper, and the femorals. Subsequently, in accordance with the continued growth of the pelvis and lower extremities, the relative size of their bloodvessels is still DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 797 Fig. 301. further increased ; and at last the arterial system in this part of the body assumes the arrangement which belongs to the latter periods of gestation. The aorta divides, as before, into the two common iliac arteries. These divide into the external iliacs supplying the lower ex- tremities, and the internal iliacs supplying the pelvis ; and this division is so placed that the umbilical or hypogastric arteries arise from the internal iliacs, of which they now appear to be secondary branches. After the birth of the foetus and the separation of the placenta, the hypogastric arteries become partially atrophied, and are converted, in the adult condition, into solid cords, running upward to the umbilicus. Their lower portion, however, remains pervious, and gives off arteries supplying the urinary blad- der. The terminal continuation of the original abdominal aorta, is the arteria sacra media, which, in the adult, runs downward on the anterior sur- face of the sacrum, supplying branches to the rectum and to the anterior sacral nerves. Development of the, Venous System. According to the observations of Coste, the principal veins of the body consist at first of two long venous trunks, the vertebral veins (Fig. 301), which run along the sides of the vertebral column, parallel with the vertebral arteries. They receive in succession all the intercostal veins, and empty into the heart by two lateral trunks of equal size, the canals of Cu- vier. When the inferior extremities become de- veloped, their two veins, returning from below, join the vertebral veins near the posterior portion of the body ; and, crossing them, afterward unite with each other, thus constituting another vein of new formation (Fig. 302, a), which runs upward a little to the right of the median line, and empties by itself into the lower extremity of the heart. The two branches, by means of which the veins of the lower extremi- ties thus unite, become afterward the common iliac veins ; while the single trunk (a) resulting from their union becomes the vena cava in- ferior. Subsequently, the vena cava inferior becomes very much larger than the vertebral veins ; and its two branches of bifurcation are after- ward represented by the iliac veins. Above the level of the heart, the vertebral and intercostal veins re- tain their relative size until the development of the superior extremities has commenced. Then, two of the intercostal veins increase in diameter ( Fig. 302), and become converted into the right and left subclavians ; while those portions of the vertebral veins situated above the subcla- vians become the right and left jugular veins. Just below the junction of the jugulars with the subclavians, a small branch of communication now appears between the two vertebrals (Fig. 302, 6), passing over from Diagram of the VE- NOUS SYSTEM in its early condition ; show- ing the vertebral veins emptying into the heart by two lateral trunks, the " canals of Ouvier." 798 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. Fig. 302. VENOUS SYSTEM farther advanced, showing the for- mation of the iliac and sub- clavian veins a. Vein of new formation, which he- comes the inferior vena cava. b. Transverse hr-inoh of new formation, which afterward becomes the left vena inno- minata. Fig. 303. Further development of the VENOUS SYSTEM. The vertebral veins are much diminished in size, and the canal of Cuvier, on the left side, is gradually disappearing, c. Transverse branch of new formation, which is to become the vena azygos minor. left to right, and emptying into the right verte- brtil vein a little above the level of the heart ; so that a part of the blood coming from the left side of the head, and the left upper extre- mity, still passes down the left vertebral vein to the heart upon its own side, while a part crosses over by the communicating branch (6), and is finally conveyed to the heart b} 7 the right descending vertebral. Soon afterward, this branch of communication enlarges so rapidly that it preponderates over the left superior vertebral vein, from which it origi- nated (Fig. 303), and, serving then to convey all the blood from the left side of the head and left upper extremity to the right side above the heart, it becomes the left vena innominata. On the left side, that portion of the superior vertebral vein, which is below the subclavian, remains as a small branch of the vena innomi- nata, receiving the six or seven upper inter- costal veins ; while on the right side it becomes excessively enlarged, receiving the blood of both jugulars and both subclavians, and is con- verted into the vena cava superior. The left canal of Cuvier, by which the left vertebral vein at first communicates with the heart, is subsequently atrophied and obliterated, while on the right side it becomes excessively enlarged, and forms the lower extremity of the vena cava superior. The superior and inferior venae cavse, accord- ingly, do not correspond with each other so far as regards their mode of origin, and are not to be regarded as analogous veins. The supe- rior vena cava is one of the original vertebral veins ; while the inferior vena cava is a vessel of new formation, resulting from the union of two lateral trunks coming from the inferior extre- mities. The remainder of the vertebral veins finally assume the condition shown in Fig. 304, which is the complete or adult form of the venous circulation. At the lower part of the abdo- men, the vertebral veins send inward small transverse branches of communication to the vena cava inferior, between the points at which they receive the intercostal veins. These DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 799 Fig. 304. branches of communication, by increasing in size, become the lumbar veins (7), which, in the adult condition, communicate with each other by arched branches, a short distance to the side of the vena cava. Above the level of the lumbar arches, the vertebral veins retain their original direction. That upon the right side still re- ceives all the right intercostal veins, and becomes the vena azygos major ( 8 ). It also receives a small branch of communication from its fellow of the left side (Fig. 303, c), and this branch soon enlarges to such an extent as to bring over to the vena azygos major all the blood of the five or six lower intercostal veins of the left side, becoming, in this way, the vena azygos minor (9). The six or seven upper intercostal veins on the left side still empty, as before, into their own vertebral vein (10), which, joining the left vena innominata above, is known as the superior intercostal vein. The left canal of Cuvier has by this time entirely disappeared ; so that all the venous blood now enters the heart by the superior and the inferior vena cava. But the original vertebral veins are still con- tinuous throughout, though much diminished in size at certain points ; since both the greater and lesser azygous veins inosculate below with the superior lumbar veins, and the superior in- tercostal vein inosculates below with the lesser azygous, before it crosses to the right side. There are still two parts of the circulatory apparatus, the development of which presents peculiarities sufficiently important to be described separately. These are, first, the liver and the ductus venosus, and secondly, the heart and ductus arteriosus. The Hepatic Circulation and Ductus Ve- nosus. The liver appears at a very early period, in the upper part of the abdomen, as a mass of glandular and vascular tissue, de- veloped around the upper portion of the omphalo-mesenteric vein, just below its ter- mination in the heart (Fig. 305). As soon as the organ has attained a considerable size, the omphalo-mesenteric vein ( i ) breaks up in its interior into a capillary plexus, Earlv form of the HEPATIC . J 1 CIKCULATION.- 1. Omphalo- the vessels of Which again unite into a mesenteric vein. 2. Hepatic vein. VenOUS trunk, which Conveys the blood to 3 - Heart. The dotted line show* , , m , . . . the situation of the future um- the Heart. I he omphalo-mesenteric vein biiicai vein. Adult condition of the VENOUS SYSTEM. 1. Right auricle of the heart. 2. Vena cava superior. 3,3. Jugular veins. 4, 4. Subcla- vian veins. 5. Vena cava inferior. 6, 6. Iliac veins. 7. Lumbar veins. 8. Vena azygos major. 9. Vena azygos minor. 10. Superior intercostal vein. Fig. 305. 800 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. below the liver then becomes the portal vein ; while above the liver, and between that organ and the heart, it receives the name of the hepatic vein (2). The liver, accordingly, is at this time supplied with blood entirely by the portal vein, coming from the Fig. 306. umbilical vesicle and the intestine ; and all the blood derived from this source passes through the hepatic circulation before reach- ing the venous extremity of the heart. But soon afterward the allantois makes its appearance, and becomes developed into the placenta; and the umbilical vein re- turning from it joins the omphalo-mesenteric vein in the substance of the liver, and takes part in the formation of the hepatic HEPATIC Cuter NATION farther advanced. - 1. Portal capillary plexus. Since the umbilical vesicle, vein. 2 umbilical vein. 3. He- however, becomes atrophied, while the intes- patic vein. tine remains inactive, at the same time that the placenta increases in size and in functional importance, a period arrives when the liver receives more blood by the umbilical vein than by the portal vein. (Fig. 306.) The umbilical vein then passes into the liver at the longitudinal fissure, and supplies the left lobe entirely with its own branches. To the right it sends off a large branch of communi- cation, which opens into the portal vein, and partially supplies the right lobe with umbilical blood. The liver is thus supplied with blood from two different sources, the most abundant of which is the umbilical vein ; and all the blood entering the liver circulates, as before, through its capillary vessels. But the liver is much larger, in proportion to the entiro body, at an early period of foetal life than in the later months. In the foetal pig, when very young, it amounts to nearly twelve per cent, of the weight of the whole body; while before birth it diminishes to seven, six, and even three or four per cent. For some time, therefore, during the latter part of foetal life, much more blood returns from the placenta than is required for the capillary circulation of the liver. Accordingly, a vascular duct or canal is formed in its interior, by which a portion of the placental blood is carried directly through the organ, and conveyed to the heart without having passed through the hepatic capillaries. This canal is the Ductus venosus. The ductus venosus is formed by a gradual dilatation of one of the hepatic capillaries (at 5 Fig. 307), which, enlarging excessively, be- comes converted into a wide branch of communication, passing from the umbilical vein below to the hepatic vein above. The circulation through the liver, at this period, is as follows : A certain quantity of venous blood still enters through the portal vein (i), and circulates in a part of the capillary system of the right lobe. The umbilical vein (2), bringing a much larger quantity of blood, enters the liver a little to the left, and the blood which it contains divides into three principal streams. One of DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 801 HEPATIC CIRCULATION during the latter part of foetal life. 1. Portal vein. 2. Umbilical vein. 3 Left branch of um- bilical vein. 4. Eight branch of umbili- cal vein. 5. Ductus venosus. 6. Hepatic vein. Fig. 308. them passes through the left branch Fig. 307. (3) into the capillaries of the left lobe; another turns off through the right branch (4), and, joining the blood of the portal vein, circulates through the capillaries of the right lobe ; while the third passes directly onward through the ductus venosus (5) and reaches the hepatic vein with- out having passed through any part of the capillary plexus. ' This condition of the hepatic cir- culation continues until birth. At that time, two important changes take place. First, the placental cir- culation is cut off; and secondly, a much larger quantity of blood than before begins to circulate through the vessels of the lungs and the intestine. The superabundance of blood, previously coming from the placenta, is now diverted to the lungs ; while the intestinal canal becomes the sole source of supply for the hepatic venous blood. The following changes, there- fore, take place at birth in the vessels of the liver. (Fig. 308.) First, the um- bilical vein shrivels and becomes con- verted into a solid cord ( 2 ). This cord may be seen, in the adult condition, running from the internal surface of the abdominal walls, at the umbilicus, to the longitudinal fissure of the liver. It is then known under the name of the round ligament. Secondly, the ductus venosus also becomes obliterated. Thirdly, the blood entering the liver by the portal vein ( i ) passes off by its right branch, as before, to the right lobe. But in the left branch (* ) the course of the blood is reversed. This was for- merly the right branch of the umbilical vein, its blood passing in a direction from left to right. It now becomes the left branch of the portal vein ; and its blood passes from right to left, to be distributed to the capillary vessels of the left lobe. According to Guy, the umbilical vein is completely closed at the end of the fifth dav after birth. Adult form of HEPATIC CIRCU- LATION. 1. Portal vein. 2. Oblite- rated umbilical vein, forming the round ligament ; the continuation of the dot- ted lines through the liver shows the situation of the obliterated ductus venosus. 3. Hepatic vein. 4. Left branch of portal vein. 802 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. The Heart, and Ductus Arteriosus. When the embryonic circulation is first established, the heart is a simple tubular canal (Fig. 309), receiv- ing the veins at its lower extremity, and giving off the arterial trunks at its upper extremity. In the progress of growth, it soon becomes bent upon itself; so that the entrance of the veins and the exit of the arte- ries come to be placed more nearly upon the same horizontal level (Fig. 310) ; but the entrance of the veins (i) is behind and a little below, while the exit of the arteries (2) is in front and a little above. The heart is then a simple twisted tube; and the blood passes through it in a continuous stream, turning upon itself at the point of curvature, and emerging by the arterial orifice. Fig. 309. Fig. 310. Fig. 311. f, Earliest form of the FCETAL HEART. 1. Venous extremity 2. Arterial extremity. FOITAL HEART, bent upon itself. 1. Venous ex- tremity. 2. Arterial extre- mity. FCETAL HEART, divided into right and left' cavities. 1. Venous extremity 2. Arterial extremity. 3, 3. Pulmonary branches. Soon afterward, the single cardiac tube is divided into two parallel canals, right and left, by a longitudinal partition, which grows from the inner surface of its walls and follows the twisted course of the organ itself. (Fig. 311.) This partition, which is indicated in the figure by a dotted line, extends a short distance into the commencement of the primitive arterial trunk, dividing it into two lateral halves, one of which is in communication with the right side of the heart, the other with the left. The pulmonary branches (s, z) are given off from each side of the arterial trunk near its origin; and the longitudinal partition, above spoken of, is so placed that both these branches fall upon one side of it, and are both, consequently, given off from that division of the artery which is connected with the right side of the heart. The first portion of the arterial trunk is also divided into two parallel vessels of nearly simi- lar curvature, which join each other a short distance beyond the origin of the pulmonary branches. The left lateral division of the arte- rial trunk is the commencement of the aorta (i ); HE ART still far- while its ri S ht lateral ^vision is the trunk of ther developed. - 1. Aorta, the pulmonary artery (2), giving off the right 2 Pulmonary artery. 3, 3. anc ] j e f t pulmonary branches (s, a), at a short Pulmonary branches. 4. .... m . ,. ,. Ductus arteriosus. distance from its origin. That oortion of the Fi DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 803 Fig. 313. HEART OF INFANT, showing the mode of disappearance of the arterial duct after birth. 1. Aorta. 2. Pulmonary artery. 3, 3. Pulmo- nary branches. 4. Ductus arterio- fcus becoming obliterated. pulmonary trunk (4) which is beyond the origin of the pulmonary branches, and which communicates freely with the aorta, is the Ductus arteriosus. The ductus arteriosus is at first as large as the pulmonary trunk itself; and nearly the whole of the blood coming from the right ven- tricle, passes through the arterial duct, and enters the aorta without going to the lungs. But as the lungs become devel- oped, the pulmonary branches increase in proportion to the pulmonary trunk and to the ductus arteriosus. At the termination of fetal life in man, the ductus arteriosus is about as large as either one of the pul- monary branches ; and a considerable por- tion of the blood, therefore, coming from the right ventricle, still passes onward to the aorta without being distributed to the lungs. But at the period of birth, the lungs enter upon the performance of the func- tion of respiration, and immediately re- quire a greater supply of blood. The right and left pulmonary branches then enlarge, so as to become the two principal divisions of the pulmonary trunk. (Fig. 313.) The ductus arteriosus at the same time contracts to such an extent that its cavity is obliterated ; and it is finally converted into an impervious cord, which remains until adult life, running from the point of bifurcation of the pulmonary artery to the under side of the arch of the aorta. The obliteration of the arterial duct is complete, at latest, by the tenth week after birth. (Guy.) The two auricles are separated from the two ventricles by transverse septa which grow from the internal surface of the cardiac walls ; but these septa remaining incomplete, the auriculo-ventricular orifices con- tinue pervious, and allow the passage of the blood from the auricles to the ventricles. The interventricular septum, or that which separates the two ven- tricles from each other, is completed at an early date ; but the inter- auricular septum, or that situated between the two auricles, remains incomplete for a long time, being perforated by an oval-shaped opening, the foramen ovate, allowing, at this situation, a free passage from the right to the left side of the heart. The existence of the foramen ovale and of the ductus arteriosus gives rise to a peculiar crossing of the streams of blood in passing through the heart, which is characteristic of foetal life, and which may be described as follows : The two venae cavse in the foetus do not open into the right auricle on the same plane or in the same direction ; for while the superior vena cava is situated anteriorly, and is directed downward and forward, the 804 DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. Fig. 314. inferior is situated posteriorly, and passes into the auricle in a direction from right to left, transversely to the axis of the heart. A nearly ver- tical curtain or valve at the same time projects behind the orifice of the superior vena cava and in front of the orifice of the inferior. This cur- tain is formed by the lower and right hand edge of the septum of the auricles, which, as above mentioned, is incomplete at this time, and which terminates inferiorly and toward the right in a crescentic border, leaving an oval opening, the foramen ovale. The stream of blood, coming from the superior vena cava, falls in front of this curtain, and passes down- ward, through the auriculo-ventricular orifice, into the right ventricle. But the inferior vena cava, being farther back and directed transversely, opens, properly speaking, not into the right auricle, but into the left ; for its stream of blood, falling behind the curtain above mentioned, passes across, through the foramen ovale, into the cavity of the left auri- cle. This direction of the current of blood, coming from the inferior vena cava, is further secured by a special membranous valve, which exists at this period, termed the Eustachian value. This valve, which is very thin and transparent (Fig. 314, /), is attached to the an- terior border of the orifice of the inferior vena cava, and terminates by a crescentic edge, directed to- ward the left ; thus standing as an incomplete membranous partition between the cavity of the inferior vena cava and that of the right auricle. A bougie, placed in the inferior vena cava, as shown in Fig. 314, lies quite behind the Eusta- chian valve, and passes through the foramen ovale, into the left auricle. The two streams of blood, there- fore, coming from the superior and inferior venae cavse, cross each other upon entering the heart. This crossing does not take place in the cavity of the right auricle ; but, owing to the position and direction of the two veins, the stream coming from the superior vena cava enters the right auricle, while that from the inferior passes almost directly into the left. It also appears, from the relative position of the aorta, pulmonary artery, and ductus arteriosus, at this time, that the arteria innominata, together with the left carotid and left subclavian arteries, are given off HEART OF THE HUMAN F CONDIE ON DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Sixth edition. In one large Svo. volume of nearly 800 pages. Cloth, $.3.25 ; leather 6 2.3 SMITH ON DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Second edition. In one large octavo volume of 741 pages. Illustrations. Cloth, $5 ; leather 6 00 WEST ON DISEASES OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD. From 5th English edition. In one Svo. vol. of 650 pages. 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The pub- lisher, therefore, has much gratification in stating that the very great favor with which these periodicals are regarded by the profession promises to render the enterprise a permanent one, and it is with especial pleasure that he acknowledges the valuable assistance spontaneously rendered by so many of the old subscribers to the "JOUR- NAL," who have kindly made known among their friends the advantages thus offered, and have induced them to subscribe. Relying upon a continuance of these friendly exertions, he hopes to be able to maintain the unexampled rates at which these works (For "THE OBSTETRICAL JOURNAL," see p. 22.) 2 HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Am. Journ. Med. Sciences). are now offered, and to succeed in his endeavor te place upon the table of every reading practitioner in the United States the equivalent of three large octavo volumes, at the comparatively trifling cost of Six DOLLARS per annum. These periodicals are universally known for their high professional standing in their several spheres. I. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES, EDITED BY ISAAC HAYS, M.D., is published Quarterly, on the first of January, April, July, and October. Each num- ber contains nearly three hundred large octavo pages, appropriately illustrated wher- ever necessary. It has now been issued regularly for over FIFTY years, during nearly the whole of which time it has been under the control of the present editor. Through- out this long period, it has maintained its position in the highest rank of medical periodicals both at home and abroad, and has received the cordial support of the en- tire profession in this country. Among its Collaborators will be found a large number of the most distinguished names of the profession in every section of the United States, rendering the department devoted to ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS full of varied and important matter, of great interest to all practitioners. Thus, during 1874, articles have appeared in its pages from nearly one hundred gentlemen of the highest standing in the profession throughout the United States.* Following this is the "REVIEW DEPARTMENT," containing extended and impartial reviews of all important new works, together with numerous elaborate "ANALYTICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES" of nearly all the medical publications of the day. This is followed by the "QUARTERLY SUMMARY OF IMPROVEMENTS AND DISCOVERIES IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES," classified and arranged under different heads, presenting a very complete digest of all that is new and interesting to the physician, abroad as well as at home. Thus, during the year 1874, the "JOURNAL" furnished to its subscribers 85 Orig- inal Communications, 113 Reviews and Bibliographical Notices, and 305 articles in the Quarterly Summaries, making a total of about FIVE HUNDRED articles emanating from the best professional minds in America and Europe. That the efforts thus made to maintain the high reputation of the "JOURNAL" are successful, is shown by the position accorded to it in both America and Europe as a national exponent of medical progress: America continues to take a great place in this class of journals (quarterlies), at, the head of which the great work of Dr. Hays, the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, still holds its ground, as our quotations have often proved. Dublin Med. Press uitd Circular, Jan. 31, 1872. Of English periodicals the Lancet, and of American the Am. Journal of the Medical Sciences, are to be regarded as necessities to the reading practitioner. Ji Y. Medical Gazette, Jan. 7, 1871. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences rowed matter it contains, and has established for itself a reputation in every country where medicine is cultivated as a science. Brit, and For. Med.-Chi- rurg. Review, April, 1S71. This, if not the best, is one of the best-conducted medical quarterlies in the English language, and the present number is not by any means inferior to its predecessors. London Lancet, Aug. 23, 1873. Almost the only one that circulates everywhere, all over the Union and in Europe. London Medical Times, Sept. 5, 1868. yields to none in the amount of original and bor- And that it was specifically included in the award of a medal of merit to the Pub- lisher in the Yienna Exhibition" in 1873. The subscription price of the " AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES" has never been raised during its long career. It is still FIVE DOLLARS per annum ; and when paid for in advance, the subscriber receives in addition the "MEDICAL NEWS AND ..LIBRARY," making in all about 1500 large octavo pages per annum, free of postage. II. THE MEDICAL NEWS AND LIBRARY is a monthly periodical of Thirty-two large octavo pages, making 384 pages per annum. Its "NEWS DEPARTMENT" presents the current information of the day, with Clinical Lectures and Hospital Gleanings; while the "LIBRARY DEPARTMENT" is de- voted to publishing standard works on the various branches of medical science, paged * Communications are invited from gentlemen in all parts of the country. Elaborate articles inserted great. More than six thousand new subjects and terms have been added. The chief terms have been set in black letter, while the derivatives follow in small caps; an arrangement which greatly facilitates reference. W T e may safely confirm the hope ventured by the editor ' that the work, which possesses for him a filial as well as an individual interest, will be found worthy a con- tinuance of the position so long accorded to it as a I references. London Medical Gazette. standard authority." Cincinnati Clinic, Jan. 10, 1874. | We are glad to see a new edition of this invaluable work, and to find that it has been so thoroughly revised, and so greatly improved. The dictionary, iu its pre- sent form, is a mtdical library in itself, and one of which every physician should be possessed. A". 1". Med. Journal, Feb. 1874. With a history of forty years of unexampled success and universal indorsement by the medical profession of the western continent, it would be presumption in any living medical American to essay its review. No re- viewer, however able, can add to its fame; no captious critic, however caustic, can remove a single stone from its firm and enduring foundatipn. It is destined, as a colossal monument, to perpetuate the solid and richly deserved fame of Kobley Dunglison to coming genera- tions. The large additions made to the vocabulary, we think, will be welcomed by the profession as supplying the want of a lexicon fully up with the march of sci- ence, which has been increasingly felt for some years past. The accentuation of terms is very complete, and, as far as we have been able to examine it, very excel- lent. W T e hope it may be the means of securing greater uniformity of pronunciation among medical men. At- lanta Med. and Surg. Journ., Feb. 1874. It would be mere waste of words in us to express our admiration of a work which is so universally and deservedly appreciated. The most admirable work of its kind in the English language. Glasgow Medical Journal, January, 1866. A work to which there is no equal in the English language. Edinburgh Medical Journal. Few works of the class exhibit a grander monument i)f patient research and of scientific lore. The extent of the sale of this lexicon is sufficient to testify to its asefulness, and to the great service conferred by Dr. Robley Dunglison on the profession, and indeed on ithers, by its issue. London Lancet, May 13, 1865. It has the rare merit that it certainly has no rival in the English language for accuracy and extent of fJOBLYN (RICHARD D.), M.D. A DICTIONARY OF THE TERMS USED IN MEDICINE AND THE COLLATERAL SCIENCES. Revised, with numerous additions, by ISAAC HATS, M.D., Editor of the "American Journal of the Medical Sciences." In one large royal 12mo. volume of over 500 double-columned pages; cloth, $1 50 ; leather, $2 00. It is the best book of definitions we have, and ought always to be aponthe Indent's table. Southern .Med. and Surg. Journal. HENRY 0. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Manuals). WEILL (JOHN], M.D., and &MITH (FRANCIS G.), M.D., Prof, of the Institutes of Medicine hi the Univ. of Penna. AN ANALYTICAL COMPENDIUM OF THE VARIOUS BRANCHES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE; for the Use and Examination of Students. A new edition, revised and improved. In one very large and handsomely printed royal 12mo. volume, of about one thousand pages, with 374 wood cuts, cloth, $4; strongly bound in leather, with raised bands, $4 75. The Compend of Drs. Neill and Smith is incompara- bly tke most valuable work of its class ever published *.n this country. Attempts have been made in various ijnarters to squeeze Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, the Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics, Materia Medica, *nd Chemistry into a single manual; but the opera- tion has signally failed in the hands of all up to the advent of "Neill and Smith's" volume, which is quite . miracle of success. The outlines of the whole are :,dffiirably drawn and illustrated, and the authors are eminently entitled to the grateful consideration of the student of every class. N. 0. Med. and Surg. Journal. There are but few students or practitioners of me- dicine unacquainted with the former editions of this anassnming though highly instructive work. The whole science of medicine appears to have been sifted, s the gold-bearing sands of El Dorado, and the pre- cious facts treasured up in this little volume. A com- plete portable library so condensed that the student may make it his constant pocket companion. West- ern Lancet. In the rapid course of lectures, where work for the students is heavy, and review necessary for an exa- mination, a compend is not only valuable, but it is almost a sine qua non. The one before us is, in most of the divisions, the most unexceptionable of all books of the kind that we know of. Of course it is useless for us to recommend it to all last course students, but there is a class to whom we very sincerely commend tnis cheap book as worth its weight in silver that class is the graduates in medicine of more than ten years' standing, who have not studied medicine since. They will perhaps find out from it that the science is not exactly now what it was when they left it off. The Stethoscope. IffARTSHORNE (HENRY], M. D., Professor of Hygiene in the University of Pennsylvania. A CONSPECTUS OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES; containing Handbooks on Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Materia Medica, Practical Medicine Surgery, and Obstetrics. Second Edition, thoroughly revised and improved. In one large royal 12mo. volume of more than 1000 closely printed pages, with 477 illustrations on wood. Cioth, $4 25; leather, $5 00. (Lately Issued.) The favor with which this work has been received has stimulated the author in its revision to render it in every way fitted to meet the wants of the student, or of the practitioner desirous to refresh his acquaintance with the various departments of medical science. The various sections have been brought up to a level with the existing knowledge of the day, while preserving the condensa- tion of form by which so vast an accumulation of facts have been brought within so narrow a eompnss. The series of illustrations has been much improved, while by the use of a smaller type the additions have been incorporated without increasing unduly the size of the volume. The work before us has already successfully assert- | and the clear and instructive illustrations in some ed its claim to the confidence and favor of the profes- parts of the work. American Journ. of Pharmacy siou ; it but remains for us to say that in the present j Philadelphia, July, 1874. The volume will be found useful, not only to stu- dents, but to many others who may desire to refresh their memories with the smallest possible expendi- ture of time. N. Y. Med. Journal, Sept. 1874. The student will find,this the most convenient and useful book of the kind on which he can lay his hand. Pacific Med. and Surg. Journ., Aug. 1874. edition the whole work has been fully overhauled and brought up to the present status of the science. Atlanta Med. and Surg. Journal, Sept. 1874. The work is intended as an aid to the medical stu- dent, and as such appears to admirably fulfil its ob- ject by its excellent arrangement, the full compilation of facts, the perspicuity and terseness of language, fUDLOW (J.L.), M.D. A MANUAL OF EXAMINATIONS upon Anatomy, Physiology, Surgery, Practice of Medicine, Obstetrics, Materia Medica, Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Therapeutics. To which is added a Medical Formulary. Third edition, thoroughly revised and greatly extended and enlarged. With 370 illustrations. In one handsome royal 12mo. volume of 816 large pages, cloth, $3 25; leather, $3 75. The arrangement of this volume in the form of question and answer renders it especially suit- fcbla for the office examination of students, and for those preparing for graduation. WANNER (THOMAS HA WKES), M. D., frc. A MANUAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL DIAG- NOSIS. Third American from the Second London Edition. Revised and Enlarged by TILBURY Fox, M. D., Physician to the Skin Department in University College Hospital, Ac. In one neat volume small 12mo., of about 375 pages, cloth, $1 50. *** By reference to the " Prospectus of Journal" on page 3, it will be seen that this work is offered as a premium for procuring new subscribers to the "AMERICAN JOURNAL OP THE MEDICAL SCIENCES." Taken as a whole, it is the most compact vade me- cum for the use of the advanced student and junior practitioner with which we are acquainted. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Sept. 22, 1870. It contains so much that is valuable, presented in so attractive a form, that it can hardly be spared even in the presence of more full and complete works. Its convenient size makes it a valuable companion to the country practitioner, and if conitantly car- ried by him, would often render him good service, and relieve many a doubt and perplexity. Leaven- The objections commonly, and justly, urged against the general run of "compends," "conspectuses," and other aids to indolence, are not applicable to this little volume, which contains in concise phrase just those practical details that are of most use in daily diag- nosis, but which the young practitioner finds it diffi- cult to carry always in his memory without some quickly accessible means of reference. Altogether, the book is one which we can heartily commend to those who have not opportunity for extensive read- ing, or who, having read much, still wish an occa- sional practical reminder. N. T. Med. Gazette, NOT. HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Anatomy). (HENRY), F.R.S., Lecturer on Anatomy at St. George's Hospital, London. ANATOMY, DESCRIPTIVE AND SURGICAL. The Drawings by H. V. CARTER, M. D., late Demonstrator on Anatomy at St. George's Hospital ; the Dissec- tions jointly by the AUTHOR and DR. CARTER. A new American, from the fifth enlarged and improved London edition. In one magnificent imperial octavo volume, of nearly 906 pages, with 465 large and elaborate engravings on wood. Price in cloth, $6 00 ; lea- ther, raised bands, $7 00. (Just Issued.) The author has endeavored in this work to cover a more extended range of subjects than is cus- tomary in the ordinary text-books, by giving -not only the details necessary for the student, but also the application of those details in the practice of medicine and surgery, thus rendering it both a guide for the learner, and an admirable work of reference for the active practitioner. The en - gravings form a special feature in the work, many of them being the size of nature, nearly all original, and having the names of the various parts printed on the body of the cut, in place of figures of reference, with descriptions at the foot. They thus form a complete and splendid series, which will greatly assist the student in obtaining a clear idea of Anatomy, and will also serve to refresh the memory of those who may find in the exigencies of practice the necessity of recalling the details of the dissecting room; while combining, as it does, a complete Atlas of Anatomy, with a thorough treatise on systematic, descriptive, and applied Anatomy, the work will be found of essential use to all physicians who receive students in their offices, relieving both preceptor and pupil of much labor in laying the groundwork of a thorough medical education. Notwithstanding the enlargement of this edition, it has been kept at its former very moderate price, rendering it one of the cheapest works now before the profession. The illustrations are beautifully executed, and ren- der this work an indispensable adjunct to the library of the surgeon. This remark applies with great force From time to time, as successive editions have ap- peared, we have had much pleasure in expressing the general judgment of the wonderful excellence of to those surgeons practising at a distance from our j Gray's Anatomy. Cincinnati Lancet, July, 1870. large cities, as the opportunity of refreshing their Altogether, it is unquestionably the most complete and serviceable text-book in anatomy that has evov been presented to the student, and forms a striking contrast to the dry and perplexing volumes on the same subject through which their predecessors strug- gled in days gone by. N. Y. Med. Record, June 15, 1870. To commend Gray's Anatomy to the medical pro- fession is almost as much a work of supererogation as it would be to give a favorable notice of the Bible in the religious press. To say that it is the most complete and conveniently arranged text-book of its kind, is to repeat what each generation of students has learned as a tradition of the elders, and verified by personal experience. N Y. Med. Gazette, Dec. 17,1870. memory by actual dissection is not always attain- able. Canada Med. Journal, Aug. 1870. The work is too well known and appreciated by the profession to need any comment. No medical man can afford to be without it, if its only merit were to serve as a reminder of that which so soon becomes forgotten, when not called into frequent use, viz., the relations and names of the complex organism of the human body. The present edition is much improved. California Med. Gazette, July, 1870. Gray's Anatomy has been so long the standard of perfection with every student of anatomy, that we need do no more than call attention to the improve- ment in the present edition. Detroit Review of Med. and Pharm., Aug. 1870. VMITH (HENRY H.), M.D., and JJORNER ( WILLIAM E.},M.D., Prof, of Surgery in the Univ. of Penna., &c. LateProf. of Anatomy in the Univ. ofPenna., Ac. AN ANATOMICAL ATLAS, illustrative of the Structure of the Human Body. In one volume, large imperial octavo, cloth, with about six hundred and fifty beautiful figures. $4 50. The plan of this Atlas, which renders it so pecn- 1 the kind that has yet appeared ; and we must add, liarly convenient for the student, and its superb ar- | the very beautiful manner in which it is "got up," tistical execution, have been already pointed out. We ! is so creditable to the country as to be flattering to must congratulate the student upon the completion our national pride. American Medical Journal. of this Atlas, as it is the most convenient work of I VHARPEY ( WILJjIAM], M.D., and Q VAIN (JONES fr RICHARD). HUMAN ANATOMY. Revised, with Notes and Additions, by JOSEPH LEIDT, M. D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Complete in two large octavo volumes, of about 1300 pages, with 511 illustrations; cloth, $6 00. The very low price of this standard work, and its completeness in all departments of the subject, should command for it a place in the library of all anatomical students. fTO DOES (RICHARD M.}, M.D., Late Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Medical Department of Harvard University. PRACTICAL DISSECTIONS. Second Edition, thoroughly revised. In one neat royal 12mo. volume, half-bound, $2 00. The object of this work is to present to the anatomical student a clear and concise description of that which he is expected to observe in an ordinary couise of dissections. The author has endeavored to omit unnecessary details, and to present the subject in the form which many years' experience has shown him to be the most convenient and intelligible to the student. In the revision of the present edition, he has sedulously labored to render the volume more worthy of the favor with which it has heretofore been received. HOENER'S SPECIAL ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY. I In 2 vols. 8vo., of over 1000 pages, with more tha Eighth edition, extensively revised and modified. 1 300 wood-cuts; cloth, $6 00. HBNRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Anatomy). \XTILSON (ERASMUS), F.R.S. A SYSTEM OF HUMAN ANATOMY, General and Special. Edited by W. H. GOBRECHT, M. D., Professor of General and Surgical Anatomy in the Medical Col- lege of Ohio. Illustrated with three hundred and ninety-seven engravings on wood. In one large and handsome octavo volume, of over 600 large pages; cloth, $4 00; leather, $5 00. The publisher trusts that the well-earned reputation of this long-established favorite will be more than maintained by the present edition. Besides a very thorough revision by the author, it has been most carefully examined by the editor, and the efforts of both have been directed to in- troducing everything which increased experience in its use has suggested as desirable to render it a complete text-book for those seeking to obtain or to renew an acquaintance with Human Ana- tomy. The amount of additions which it has thus received may be estimated from the fact that i,he present edition contains over one-fourth more matter than the last, rendering a smaller type 9>nr. Keen, the American editor of this work, in his preface, says: "In presenting this American edition f Heath's Practical Anatomy,' I feel that I have keon instrumental in supplying a want long felt for a real dissector's manual," and this assertion of its editor we deem is fully justified, after an examina- j ^plete. This work contains, also, very perfect tion of its contents, for it is really an excellent worft. | n us trations of parts which can thus be more easily Indeed, we do not hesitate to say, the best of its class with which we are acquainted ; resembling Wilson In terse aud clear description, excelling most of the ao-called practical anatomical dissectors in the scope ELLAMY(E.), F.R.C.S. THE STUDENT'S GUIDE TO SURGICAL ANATOMY: A Text- Book for Students preparing for their Pass Examination. With engravings on wood. In. ono handsome royal 12nio. volume. Cloth, $2 25. (Just Issued.) We welcome Mr. Bellamy's work, as a contribu- tion to the study of regional anatomy, of equal value to the student and the surgeon. It is written in a clear and concise style, and its practical suggestions add largely to the interest attachiug to its technical details Chicago Med. Examiner, March 1, 1874. We cordially congratulate Mr. Bellamy upon hav- ing produced it. Med. Times and Qaz. We cannot too highly recommend it. Student's Journal. Mr. Bellamy has spared no pains to produce a real- ly reliable student's guide to surgical anatomy one which all candidates for surgical degrees may con- sult with advantage, and which posseses much ori- ginal matter Mad. Press and Circular. MACLISE (JOSEPH). SURGICAL ANATOMY. By JOSEPH MACLISE, Surgeon. In one volume, very large imperial quarto ; with 68 large and splendid plates, drawn in the best style and beautifully colored, containing 190 figures, many of them the size of life; together with copious explanatory letter-press. Strongly and handsomely bound in cloth. Price $14 00. We know of no work on surgical anatomy which nan compete with it. Lancet. The work of Maclise on surgical anatomy is of the feighest value. In some respects it is the best publi- cation of its kind we have seen, and is worthy of a place in the library of any medical man, while the student could scarcely make a better investment than t h is. The Western Journal of Medicine and Siirgery. No such lithographic illustrations of surgical re- $ions have hitherto, we think, been given. While bhe operator is shown every vessel and nerve where in operation is contemplated, the exact anatomist is refreshed by those clear and distinct dissections, which every one must appreciate who has a particle of enthusiasm. The English medical press has quits exhausted the words of praise, in recommending this admirable treatise, Boston Med. and Surg. Journ. fJARTSHORNE (HENRY), M.D., *-* Professor of Hygiene, etc , in the Univ. ofPenna. HANDBOOK OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Second Edi- tion, revised. In ane ro.yal 12mo. volume, with 220 wood-cuts; cloth, $1 75. (Just Issued.) HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Physiology). MARSHALL (JOHN), F. R. S., fLuL Professor of Surgery in University College, London, &c. OUTLINES OF PHYSIOLOGY, HUMAN AND COMPARATIVE. With Additions by FRANCIS GURNEY SMITH, M. D., Professor of the Institutes of Medi- cine in the University of Pennsylvania, &c. With numerous illustrations. In one large and handsome octavo volume, of 1026 pages, cloth, $6 50 ; leather, raised bands, $7 50. In fact, in every respect, Mr. Marshall has present- , tive, with which we are acquainted. To speak ol this work in the terms ordinarily used on snch occa- sions would not be agreeable to ourselves, and would fail to do justice to its author. To write such a boofc requires a varied and wide range of knowledge, con- siderable power of analysis, correct judgment, ski}.} ed us with a most complete, reliable, and scientific work, and we feel that it is worthy our warmest commendation. St. Louis Med. Reporter, Jan. 1869. We doubt if there is in the English language any compend of physiology more useful to the student than this work. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, Jan. 1869. It quite fulfils, in our opinion, the author's design of making it truly educational in its character which in arrangement, and conscientious spirit. London Lancet, Feb. 22, 1868. rp^,^r^^ asked. Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, Jan. 1869. We may now congratulate him on having com- pleted the latest as well as the best summary of mod- ern physiological science, both human and compara- joyed the highest reputation as a teacher of physiol- ogy, possessing remarkable powers of clear exposition and graphic illustration. We have rarely the plea- sure of being able to recommend a text-book so unre- servedly as this. British Med. Journal, Jar . 25, 1868. CARPENTER (WILLIAM B.), M.D., F.R.S., V/ Examiner in Physiology and Comparative Anatomy in the University of London. PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY; with their chief appli- cations to Psychology, Pathology, Therapeutics, Hygiene and Forensic Medicine. A ne^ American from the last and revised London edition. With nearly three hundred illustrations. Edited, with additions, by FRANCIS GTJRNEY SMITH, M. D., Professor of the Institutes o! Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, &c. In one very large and beautiful octavo volume, of about 900 large pages, handsomely printed; cloth, $5 50 ; leather, raised bands, $6 50. With Dr. Smith, we confidently believe "that the present will more than sustain the enviable reputa- tion already attained by former editions, of being one of the fullest and most complete treatises on the subject in the English language." We know of none from the pages of which a satisfactory knowledge of the physiology of the human organism can be as well obtained, none better adapted for the use of such as take up the study of physiology in its reference to the institutes and practice of medicine. Am. Jour. Med. Sciences. We doubt not it is destined to retain a strong hold on public favor, and remain the favorite text-book ia our colleges. Virginia Medical Journal. . The above is the title of what is emphatically the great work on physiology ; and we are conscious that it would be a useless effort to attempt to add any- thing to the reputation of this invaluable work, and can only say to all with whom our opinion has any influence, that it is our authority. Atlanta Med.. Journal. T>T THE SAME AUTHOR. PRINCIPLES OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. New Ameri- can, from the Fourth and Revised London Edition. In one large and handsome octavo volume, with over three hundred beautiful illustrations. Pp. 752. Cloth, $5 00. As a complete and condensed treatise on its extended and important subject, this work becomes a necessity to students of natural science, while the very low price at which it is offered places it within the reach of all. JTIRKES ( WILLIAM SENHOUSE), M.D. A MANUAL OF PHYSIOLOGY. Edited by W. MORRANT BAKER, M.D., F.R.C.S. A new American from the eighth and improved London edition. With about two hundred and fifty illustrations. In one large and handsome royal 12mo. vol- ume. Cloth, $3 25; leather, $3 75. (Lately Issued.) Kirkes' Physiology has long been known as a concise and exceedingly convenient text-book, presenting within a narrow compass all that is important for the student. The rapidity with which successive editions have followed each other in England has enabled the editor to keep it thoroughly on a level with the changes and new discoveries made in the science, and the eighth edition, of which the present is a reprint, has appeared so recently that it may be regarded as the latest accessible exposition of the subject. On the whole, there is very little in the book which either the student or practitioner will nottind of practical value and consistent -with our present knowledge of this rapidly changing science ; and we have no hesitation in expressing our opinion that this eighth edition is one of the best handbooks on physiology which we have in our language. N. Y. Med. Record, April 15, 1873. This volume might well be used to replace many of the physiological text-books in use in this coun- try. It represents more accurately than the works of Dalton or Flint, the present state of our knowl- edge of most physiological questions, while it is much less bulky and far more readable than the lar- ger text-books of Carpenter or Marshall. The book is admirably adapted to be placed in the hands of students. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., April 10, 1873. In its enlarged form it is, in our opinion, etill the best book on physiology, most useful to the student. Phila. Med. Timed, Aug. 30, 1873. This is undoubtedly the best work for students of physiology extant. Cincinnati Med. News, Sept. '73. It more nearly repi'esents the present condition of physiology than any other text-book on the subject. Detroit Rev. of Med. Pharm., Nov. 1873. HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Physiology). 9 f)ALTON (J. (7.), M.D., -U Professor of Physiology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, &c. A TREATISE ON HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. Designed for the use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine. Sixth edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged, with three hundred and sixteen illustrations on wood. In one very beautiful octavo vol- ume, of over 800 pages. (Nearly Ready.) From the Preface to the Sixth Edition. In the present edition of this book, while every part has received a careful revision, the ori- ginal plan of arrangement has been changed only so far as was necessary for the introduction of new material. Although the whole field of physiology has been cultivated, of late years, with unusual industry and success, perhaps the most important advances have been made in the two departments of Physiological Chemistry and the Nervous System. The number and classification of the proximate principles, more especially, and their relation to each other in the process of nutrition, have become, in many respects, better understood than formerly ; though it is evident that this fundamental part of physiology is to receive, in the future, modifications and additions of the most valuable kind. The additions and alterations in the text, requisite to present concisely the growth of positive physiological knowledge, have resulted in spite of the author's earnest efforts at condensation, in an increase of fully fifty per cent, in the matter of the- work. A change, however, in the ty- pographical arrangement has accommodated these additions without undue enlargement in the bulk of the volume. The new chemical notation and nomenclature are introduced into the present edition, as hav- ing now so generally taken the place of the old, that no confusion need result from the change. The centigrade system of measurements for length, volume, and weight, is also adopted, these measurements being at present almost universally employed in original physiological investiga- tions and their published accounts. Temperatures are given in degrees of the centigrade s ale, usually accompanied by the corresponding degrees of Fahrenheit's scale, inclosed in brackets. NEW YORK, September, 1875. A few notices of the previous edition are subjoined. The fifth edition of this truly valuable work on Human Physiology comes to us with many valuable Improvements and additions. As a text-book of physiology the work of Prof. Dalton has long been well known as one of the best which could be placed In the hands of student or practitioner. Prof. Dalton has, in the several editions of his work heretofore published, labored to keep step with the advancement 5a science, and the last edition shows by its improve- ments on former ones that he is determined to main- tain the high standard of his work. We predict for the present edition increased favor, though this work has long been the favorite standard. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, April, 1872. An extended notice of a work so generally and fa- vorably known as this is unnecessary. It is justly regarded as one of the most valuable text-books on the subject in the English language. St. Louit Med. Archives, May, 1872. We know no treatise in physiology so clear, com- plete, well assimilated, and perfectly digested, as Dalton's. He never writes cloudily or dubiously, or in mere quotation. He assimilates all his material, and from it constructs a homogeneous transparent irgument, which is always honest and well informed, ind hides neither truth, ignorance, nor doubt, so far is either belongs to the subject in hand. Brit. Med. Journal, March 23, 1872. Dr. Dalton's treatise is well known, and by many highly esteemed in thiscountry. It is, indeed, a good elementary treatise on the subject it professes to teach, and may safely be put into the hands of Eng- lish students. It has one great merit it is clear, and, on the whole, admirably illustrated. The part we have always esteemed most highly is that relating to Embryology. The diagrams given of the various stages of development give a clearer view of the sub- ject than do those in general use in this country ; and the text may be said to be, upon the whole, equally clear. London Med. Times and Gazette, March 23, 1872. Professor Dalton is regarded j ustly as the authority in this country on physiological subjects, and the fifth edition of his valuable work fully justifies the exalted opinion the medical world has of his labors. This last edition is greatly enlarged. Virginia Clin- ical Record, April, 1872. J)UNGLISON (ROBLEY), M.D., Professor of Institutes of Medicine in Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. Eighth edition. Thoroughly revised and extensively modified and enlarged, with five hundred and thirty-two illustrations. In two large and handsomely printed octavo volumes of about 1500 pages, cloth, $7 00. TEHMANN (C. 6?.). PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. Translated from the second edi- tion by GEORGE E. DAY, M. D., P. R. S., Ac., edited by R. E. ROGERS, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, with illustrations selected from Funke's Atlas of Physiological Chemistry, and an Appendix of plates. Com- plete in two large and handsome octavo volumes, containing 1200 pages, with nearly two hundred illustrations, cloth, $6 00. THE SAME AUTHOR. MANUAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSIOLOGY. Translated from the German, with Notes and Additions, by J. CHESTON MORRIS, M. D., with an Introductory Essay on Vital Force, by Professor SAMUEL JACKSON, M. D., of the University of Pennsyl- vania. With illustrations on wood. In one very handsome octavo volume of 336 pages, oloth, $2 25. 10 HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Chemistry). A TTFIELD (JOHN), Ph. D., "^ Professor of Practical Chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Ac. CHEMISTRY, GENERAL, MEDICAL, AND PHARMACEUTICAL ; including the Chemistry of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. A Manual of the General Principles of the Science, and their Application to Medicine and Pharmacy. Fifth Edition, revised by the author. In one handsome royal 12mo. volume ; cloth, $2 75 ; leather, $3 25. (Lately Issued.) No other American publication with which we are acquainted covers the same ground, or does it so well. In addition to an admirable expose" of th facts and principles of general elementary chemistry, the au- thor has presented us with a condensed mass of prac- tical matter, just such as the medical student and practitioner needs. Cincinnati Lancet, Mar. 1874. We commend the work heartily as one of the best text-books extant for the medical student. Detroit Rev. of Med. and Pharm., Feb. 1872. The best work of the kind in the English language. N. T. Psychological Journal, Jan. 1872. The work is constructed with direct reference to the wants of medical and pharmaceutical students; and, although an English work, the points 'of differ- ence' between the British and United States Pharma- copoeias are indicated, making it as useful here as in England. Altogether, the book is one we can heart- ily recommend to practitioners as well as students. N. Y. Med. Journal, Dec. 1871. It differs from other text-books in the following particulars: first, in the exclusion of matter relating to compounds which, at present, are only of interest to the scientific chemist; secondly, in containing the chemistry of every substance recognized officially or in general, as a remedial agent. It will be found a most valuable book for pupils, assistants, and others engaged in medicine and pharmacy, and we heartily commend it to our readers. Canada Lancet, Oct. 1871. When the original English edition of this work was published, we had occasion to express our high ap- preciation of its worth, and also to review, in con- siderable detail, the main features of the book. As the arrangement of subjects, and the main part of the text of the present edition are similar to the for- mer publication, it will be needless for us to go over the ground a second time ; we may, however, call at- tention to a marked advantage possessed by the Ame- rican work we allude to the introduction of the chemistry of the preparations of the United States Pharmacopoeia, as well as that relating to the Britisli authority. Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal, Nov. 1871. Chemistry has borne the name of being ahard sub- ject to master by the student of medicine, am), chiefly because so much of it consists of compounds only of interest to the scientific chemist ; in this work such portions are modified or altogether left out, and in the arrangement of the subject-matter of the work, practical utility is sought after, and we think fully attained. We commend it for its clearness and ord&r to both teacher and pupil. Oregon Med. and Surg. Reporter, Oct. 1871. F OWNES (GEORGE), Ph.D. A MANUAL OF ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY; Theoretical and Practical. With one hundred and ninety-seven illustrations. A new American, from the tenth and revised London edition. Edited by ROBERT BRIDGES, M. D. In one large royal 12mo. volume, of about 850 pp., cloth, $2 75 ; leather, S3 25. (Lately Issued.) This work is so well known that it seems almost other work that has greater claims on the physician, superfluous for us to speak about it. It has been a pharmaceutist, or student, than this. We cheerfully favorite text-book with medical students for years, recommend it as the best text-book on elementary and its popularity has in no respect diminished, chemistry, and bespeak for it the careful attention Whenever we have been consulted by medical stu- dents, as has frequently occurred, what treatise on chemistry they should procure, we have always re- commend^d Fownes', for we regarded it as the best. ' students of pharmacy. Chicago Pharmacist, Aug. There is no work that combines so many excellen Here is a new edition which has been long watched for by eager teachers of chemistry. In its new garb, ces. It is of convenient size, not prolix, of plain and under the editorship of Mr. Watts, it has resumed perspicuous diction, contains all the most recent its old place as the most successful of text-books. discoveries, and is of moderate price. Cincinnati, Indian Medical. Gazette, Jan. 1, 1869 Med. Repertory, Aug. 1869. It wm continae? as heretofore) to bo i d the flr8t raa)t Large additions have been made, especially in the %s a text-book for students of medicine. Chtcnpe department of organic chemistry, and we know of no Wed. Examiner, Aug. 1869. DLTNG ( WILLIAM), Lecturer on Chemistry at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Ac. A COURSE OF PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, arranged for the Use of Medical Students. With Illustrations. Prom the Fourth and Revised London Edition. In one neat royal 12mo. volume, cloth, $2. riALLOWAY (ROBERT), F.C.S., Prof, of Applied Chemistry in the Royal College of Science for Ireland, &c. A MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. From the Fifth Lon- don Edition. In one neat royal 12mo. volume, with illustrations,- cloth, $2 50. (Ju& Issued.) The success which has carried this work through repeated editions in England, and its adoption as a text-book in several of the leading institutions in this country, show that the author has suo- oeeded in the endeavor to produce a sound practical manual and book of reference for the che- mical student. Prof. Galloway's books are deservedly in high esteem, and this American reprint of the fifth edition (1869) of his Manual of Qualitative Analysis, will be acceptable to many Amer^pan students to whom the English edition is not accessible. Am. Jour, of Sci- tnc6 and Arts, Sept. 1872. We regard this volume as a valuable addition to the chemical text-books, and as particularly calcu- lated to instruct the student in analytical researches of the inorganic compounds, the important vegetable acids, and of compounds and various secretions and excretions of animal origin. Am. Journ. Sept. 1873. HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS ( Chemistry). 11 T>LOXAM (C. L.}, *-* Professor of Chemistry in King's College, London. CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC AND ORGANIC. From the Second Lon- don Edition. In one very handsome octavo volume, of 700 pages, with about 300 illustra- tions. Cloth, $4 00 ; leather, $5 00. (Lately Issued.) It has been the author's endeavor to produce a Treatise on Chemistry sufficiently comprehen- sive for those studying the science as a branch of , neral education, and one which a student may use with advantage in pursuing his chemical stud s at one of the colleges or medical schools. The special attention devoted to Metallurgy and some other branches of Applied Chemistry renders the work especially useful to those who are being educated for employment in manufacture. We have in this work a complete aud most excel- experiment have been worked up with especial care, lent text-book for the use of schools, and can heart- ily recommend it as such. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., May 28, 1874. Of all the numerous works upon elementary chem- istry that have been published within the last few years, we can point to none that, in fulness, accuracy, and simplicity, can surpass this; while, in the num- ber and detailed descriptions of experiments, as also in the profuseness of its illustrations, we believe it stands above any similar work publ ished in this coun- try The statements made are clear and con- cise, and every step proved by an abundance of ex- periments, which excite our admiration as much by their simplicity as by their direct conclusiveness. Chicago Med. Examiner, Nov. 15, 1873. It is seldom that in the same compass so complete and interesting a compendium of the leading facts of chemistry is offered. Druggists' Circular, Nov. '73. The above is the title of a work which we can most conscientiously recommend to students of chemistry. It is as easy as a work on chemistry could be made, at the same time that it presents a full account of that Rcience as it now stands. We have spoken of the workasadmirably adapted to the wants of students ; it is quite as well suited to the requirements of prac- titioners who wish to review their chemistry, or have occasion to refresh their memories on any point re- lating to it. In a word, it is a book to be read by all who wish to know what is the chemistry of the pre- sent day. American Practitioner, Nov. 1873. Among the various works upon general chemistry issued, we know of none that will supply the average wants of the student or teacher better than this. Indiana, Jour n. of Med., Nov. 1873. We cordially welcome this American reprint of a work which has already won for itself so substantial a reputation in England. Professor Bloxam has con- densed into a wonderfully small com >ass all the im- portant principles and facts of chemical science. Thoroughly imbued with an enthusiastic love for the science he expounds, he has stripped it of ail need- less technicalities, and rounded out its hard outlines by a fulness of illustration that cannot fail to attract and delight the student. The details of illustrative and many of the experiments described ai-e both nex aud striking. Detroit Rev. of Med. and Pharm., Nov. 1873. One of the best text-books of chemistry yet pub- lished. Chicago Med. Journ., Nov. 1873. This is an excellent work, well adapted for the be- ginner and the advanced student of chemistry. Am. Journ. of Pharm., Nov. 1873. Probably the most valuable, and at the same time practical, text-book on general chemistry extant in our language. Kansas City Med. Journ., Dec. 1873. Prof. Bloxam possesses pre-eminently the inestima- ble gift of perspicuity. It is a pleasure to read his books, for he is capable of making very plain what other authors frequently have left very obscure. Va. Clinical Record, Nov. 1873. It would be difficult for a practical chemist and teacher to find any material fault with this most ad- mirable treatise. The author has given us almost a cyclopedia within the limits of aconvenient volume, and has done so without penning the useless para- graphs too commonly making up a great part of the bulk of many cumbrous works. The progressive sci- entist is not disappointed when he looks for the record of new and valuable processes and discoveries, while the cautious conservative does not find its pages mo- nopolized by uncertain theories and speculations. A peculiar point of excellence is the crystallized form of expression in which great truths are expressed in very short paragraphs. One is surprised at the brief space allotted to an important topic, and yet, after reading it, he feels that little, if any more, should have been said. Altogether, it is seldom you see a text-book so nearly faultless. Cincinnati Lancet, Nov. 1873. Professor Bloxam has given us a most excellent and useful practical treatise. His 666 pages are crowded with facts and experiments, nearly all well chosen, ajid many quite new, even to scientific men. . . . It is astonishing how much information he often conveys in a few paragraphs. We might quote fifty instances of this. Chemical News. IXTOHLER AND FITTIG. OUTLINES OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Translated with Ad- ditions from the Eighth German Edition. By IRA REMSEN, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry and Physics in Williams College, Mass. In one handsome volume, royal 12mo. of 550 pp., cloth, $3. As the numerous editions of the original attest, this work is the leading text-book and standard Authority throughout Germany on its important and intricate subject a position won for it by the clearness and conciseness which are its distinguishing characteristics. The translation has been executed with the approbation of Profs. Wohler and Fittig, and numerous additions and alterations have been introduced, so as to render it in every respect on a level with the most advanced condition of the science. JgOWMAN (JOHN E.),M. D. PRACTICAL HANDBOOK OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. Edited by C. L. BLOXAM, Professor of Practical Chemistry in King's College, London. Sixth American, from the fourth and revised English Edition. In one neat volume, royal 12mo., pp. 351, with numerous illustrations, cloth, $2 25. JY THE SAME AUTHOR. (Lately Issued.) INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, INCLUDING ANALYSIS. Sixth American, from the sixth and revised London edition. With numer- ous illustrations. In one neat vol., royal 12mo., cloth, $2 25. KBTAPP'S TECHNOLOGY ; or Chemistry Applied to tse Art*, and to Manufactures. With American additions, by Prof. WALTER B. JOHHSOS. In. two very handsome octavo volumes, with 600 wood engravings, cloth, $6 00. 12 HENRY 0. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Mat. Med. and Therapeutics}. . PARRISH (EDWARD], Late Professor of Materia Medica in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. A TREATISE ON PHARMACY. Designed as a Text-Book for the Student, and as a Guide for the Physician and Pharmaceutist. With many Formulae and Prescriptions. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised, by THOMAS S. WIEGAND. In one handsome octavo volume of 977 pages, with 280 illustrations; cloth, $5 50; leather, $6 50. (Just Issued.) The delay in the appearance of the new U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and the sudden death of the au thor, have postponed the preparation of this new edition beyond the period expected. The notes and memoranda left by Mr. Parrish have been placed in the hands of the editor, Mr. Wiegand, who has labored assiduously to embody in the work all the improvements of pharmaceutical sci- ence which have been introduced during he last ten years. It is therefore hoped that the new edition will fully maintain the reputation which the volume has heretofore enjoyed as a standard text-book and work of reference for all engaged in the preparation and dispensing of medicines. Of Dr Parrish's great work on pharmacy it only an honored place on our own bookshelves. Dublin remains to be said that the editor has accomplished j Med. Prexs and Circular, Aug. 12, 1S74. his work so well as to maintain in this fourth edi- We expressed our Op i n5on of a f ormer edition in tion, the high standard of excellence which it bad terms of unquallfied pralRe and we are in no , nood attained in previous editions, under the editorship of , to detract from tnat opinlon in reference to the pre- its accomplished author. This has not been accom seat edition, the preparation of which has fallen into plished without much labor, and many additions and compete m hands. It is a book with which uopharma- improvemeuts, involving changes in the arrangement 1 cist cau dispense, and from which no physician can of the several parts of the work, and the addition o\ fail to derive mnch informa ,i on of TH i ue 10 him in much new matter. With the modifications thus et pract jc e , Pacific Mtd. and Sura. Journ., June '74. fected it constitutes, as now presented, a compendium j of the science and art indispensable to the pharma- | With these few remarks we heartily commend the cist, and of the utmost value to every practitioner of medicine desirous of familiarizing himself with the pharmaceutical preparation of the articles which he prescribes for his patients. Chicago Med. Journ., July, 1874. The work is eminently practical, and has the rare merit of being readable and interesting, while it pre- serves a striciJy scientific character. The whole work reflects the greatest credit on author, editor, and pub- lisher It will convey some idea of i he liberality which has been bestowed upon its production when we men- tion that there are no less than 2SO carefully executed illustrations. In conclusion, we heartily recommend the work, not only to pharmacists, but also to the multitude of medical practitioners who are obliged to compound their own medicines. It will ever hold work, and have no doubt that it will maintain its old reputation as a text book for the student, and a work of reference for the more experienced physi- cian and pharmacist . Chicago Med. Examiner, June 1-3, 1874. Perhaps one, if not the most important book upon pharmacy which has appeared in the English lan- guage has emanated from the transatlantic press. "Parrish's Pharmacy'' is- side of the water, and tin useful work never becomes merely local in ics fame. Thanks to the judicious editing of Mr. Wiegaiid, the posthumous edition of "Parrish" has been saved to the public with all the mature experience of its au- thor, an.i perhaps none the worse for a dash of aew blood. Lond. Pharm. Journal, Oct. 17, 1874. a well-known work on this fact shows us that a really &TILLE (ALFRED), M.D., *3 Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Penna. THERAPEUTICS AND MATERIA MEDICA; a Systematic Treatise on the Action and Uses of Medicinal Agents, including their Description and History. Fourth edit., revised and enlarged. In two large and handsome 8vo. vols. of about 2000 pages. Cloth, $10; leather, $12. (Now Ready.) The care bestowed by the author on the revision of this edition has kept the work out of th e market for nearly two years, and has increased its size about two hundred and fifty pages. Not" withstanding this enlargement, the price has been kept at the former very moderate rate. A few notices of former editions are subjoined. Dr. iSlille's splendid work on therapeutics and ma- teria medica. London Med. Times, April 8, 1865. Dr. Still6 stands to-day one of the best and most honored representatives at home and abroad, of Ame- rican medicine ; and these volumes, a library in them- selves, a treasure-house for every studious physician, assure his fame even had he done nothing more. The Western Journal of Medicine, Dec. 1868. We regard this work as the best one on Materia Medica in the English language, and as such it de- serves the favor it has received. Am. Journ. Medi- cal Sciences, July 1868. We need not dwell on the merits of the third edition of this magnificently conceived work. It is the work on Materia Medica, in which Therapeutics are prima- rily considered the mere natural history of drugs abroad its reputation as a standard treatise on Materin Medica is securely established. It is second to no work on the subject in the English tongue, and, in- deed, is decidedly superior, in some respects, to any other. Pacific Med. and Surg Journal, July, 1S68, Stille~'s Therapeutics is incomparably the best work on the subject. N. Y. Med. Gazette, Sept. 26, 1868. Dr. Still's work is becoming the best known of any of our treatises on Materia Medica. . . . One of the most valuable works in the language on the subjects of which it treats. jy. Y. Med. Journal, Oct. 1868. The rapid exhaustion of two editions of Prof. Stille'n scholarly work, and the consequent necessity for & third edition, is sufficient evidence of the high esti- mate placed upon it by the profession. It is no exag- geration to say that there is no superior work upon briefly disposed of. To medical practitioners I the subject in the English language. The present this Is a very valuable conception. It is wonderful \ edition is fully up to the most recent advance in the ' how much of the riches of the literature of Materia Medica has been condensed into this book. The refer- ences alone would make it worth possessing. But it is not a mere compilation. The writer exercises a #ood judgment of his own on the great doctrines and points of Therapeutics. For purposes of practice, Still6's book is almost unique as a repertory of in- for itself. As a work of great research, and scholar- formation, empirical and scientific, on the actions and | ship, it is safe to say we have nothing superior. It i uses of medicines. London Lancet, Oct. 31, 1868. exceedingly full, and the busy practitioner will find Through the former editions, the professional world ' ample suggestions upon almost every important point is well acquainted with this work. At home and j of therapeutics. Cincinnat i Lancet, Aug. 1868. science and art of therapeutics. Leavenworth Medi- cal Herald, Aug 1868. The work of Prof. Still6 has rapidly taken a high place in professional esteem, and to say that a third edition is demanded and now appears before us, suffi- ciently attests the firm position this treatise has made HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS {Mat. Med. and Therapeutics). 13 /GRIFFITH (ROBERT E.), M.D. A UNIVERSAL FORMULARY, Containing the Methods of Prepar- ing and Administering Officinal and other Medicines. The whole adapted to Physician* and Pharmaceutists. Third edition, thoroughly revised, with numerous additions, bj JOHN M. MAISCH, Professor of Materia Medica in the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. In one large andhandsome octavo volume of aboutSOO pages, cloth, $4 50 ; leather, $5 50. (Just Issued.) This work has long been known for the vast amount of information which it presents in a con- densed form, arranged for easy reference. The new edition has received the most careful revi- sion at the competent hands of Professor Maisch, who has brought the whole up to the standard of the most recent authorities. More than eighty new headings of remedies have been introduced, the entire work has been thoroughly remodelled, and whatever has seemed to be obsolete has been omitted. As a comparative view of the United States, the British, the German, and the French Pharmacopoeias, together with an immense amount of unofficinal formulas, it affords to the prac- titioner and pharmaceutist an aid in their daily avocations not to be found elsewhere, while three indexes, one of "Diseases and their Remedies," one of Pharmaceutical Names, and a General Index, afford an easy key to the alphabetical arrangement adopted in the text. The young practitioner will find the work invalu- able in suggesting eligible modes of administering many remedies. Am. Journ. of Pharm., Feb. 1874. Our copy of Griffith's Formulary, after long use, first in the dispensing shop, and afterwards in our medical practice, had gradually fallen behind in the onward march of materia medica, pharmacy, and therapeutics, until we had ceased to consult it as a daily book of reference. So completely has Prof. Maisch reformed, remodelled, and rejuvenated it in the new edition, we shall gladly welcome it back to our table again beside Duuglison, Webster, and Wood & Bache. The publisher could not have been more fortunate in the selection of an editor. Prof. Maisch is eminently the man for the work, and he has done it thoroughly and ably. To enumerate the altera- tions, amendments, and additions would be an end- less task; everywhere we are greeted with the evi- dences of his labor. Following the Formulary, is an addendum of useful Recipes, Dietetic Preparations, List of Incompatibles, Posological table, table of Pharmaceutical Names, Officinal Preparations and Directions, Poisons. Antidotes and Treatment, and copious indices, which afford ready access to all parts of the work. We unhesitatingly commend the book as being the best of its kind, within our knowledge. Atlanta Med. and Surg. Journ., Feb. 1874. To the druggist a good formulary is simply indis- pensable, and perhaps no formulary has been more extensively used than the well-known work before us. Many physicians have to officiate, also, as drug- gists. This is true especially of the country physi- cian, and a work which shall teach him the means by which to administer or combine his remedies in the most efficacious and pleasant manner, will al- ways hold its place upon his shelf. A formulary of this kind is of benefit also to the city physician in largest practice. Cincinnati Vlinic, Feb. 21, 1874. The Formulary has already proved itself accepta- ble to the medical profession, and we do not hesitate to say that the third edition is much improved, and of greater practical value, in consequence of the care- ful revision of Prof Maisch. Chicago Med. Exam- iner, March 15, 1874. A more complete formulary than it is in its pres- ent form the pharmacist or physician, could hardly desire. To the first some such work is indispensa- ble, and it is hardly less essential to the practitioner who compounds his own madiciaes. Much of what is contained in the introduction^ought to be com- mitted to memory by every student of inedijiae. As a help to physiciaus it will be found invaluable, and doubtless will make its way into libraries not already supplied with a standard work of the kind. The American Practitioner, Louisville, July, '74. E. 'LLIS (BENJAMIN], M.D. THE MEDICAL FORMULARY: being a Collection of Prescriptions derived from the writings and practice of many of the most eminent physicians of America and Europe. Together with the usual Dietetic Preparations and Antidotes for Poisons. The whole accompanied with a few brief Pharmaceutic and Medical Observations. Twelfth edi- tion, carefully revised and much improved by ALBERT H. SMITH, M.D. In one volume 8v@. of 376 pages, cloth, $3 00. iEREIRA (JONATHAN), M.D., F.R.S. and L.S. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUTICS; being an Abridg- ment of the late Dr. Pereira's Elements of Materia Medica, arranged in conformity with the British Pharmacopoeia, and adapted to the use of Medical Practitioners, Chemists and Druggists, Medical and Pharmaceutical Students, &c. By F. J. FARRE, M.D., Senior Physician to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and London Editor of the British Pharmacopoeia ; assisted by ROBEHT BENTLEY, M.R.C.S., Professor of Materia Medica and Botany to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; and by ROBERT WARINGTON, F.R.S., Chemical Operator to the Society of Apothecaries. With numerous additions and references to the United States Pharmacopoeia, by HORATIO C. WOOD, M.D., Professor of Botany in the University of Pennsylvania. In one large and handsome octavo volume of 1040 closety printed pages, with 236 illustrations, cloth, $7 00; leather, raised bands, $8 00. DDNGLISON'S NEW REMEDIES, WITH FORMULA FOR THEIR PREPARATION AND ADMINISTRA- TION. Seventh edition, with extensive additions. One vol. 8vo., pp. 770; cloth. $4 00. EOYLE'S MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEU- TICS. Edited by JOSEPH CAKSON, M. D. With ninety-eight illustrations. 1 vol. 8vo., pp. 700, cloth. $3 00. CARSON'S SYNOPSIS OF THE LECTURES ON MA- TERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACY, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. Fourth and re- vised edition. Cloth, $3. 'HRISTISON'S DISPENSATORY. With copious ad ^U.irttifi, and 9.1 3 lar wood-nrravins Bv R. EGLESFELD GRIFFITH, M. D. One vol. 8vo., pp. 1000 ; cloth. $4 00. CARPENTER'S PRIZE ESSAY ON THE USE OP ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. New edition, with a Preface by D. F. CONDIE. M.D., and explanations of scientific words. In one neat 12mo. volume, pp. 178, cloth. 60 cents. DE JONGH ON THE THREE KINDS OF COD-LIVEB OIL, with their Chemical and Therapeutic Pro- perties. 1 vol. 12rno., cloth. 75 cents. 14 HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Pathology -, <Y THE SAME AUTHOR. ESSAYS ON CONSERVATIVE MEDICINE AND KINDRED TOPICS. In one very handsome royal 12ino. volume. Cloth, $1 38. (Just Issued.") CONTENTS, I. Conservative Medicine. II. Conservative Medicine as applied to Therapeutics. III. Con- servative Medicine as applied to Hygiene. IV. Medicine in the Past, the Present, and the Fu- ture. V. Alimentation in D sease. VI. Tolerance of Disease. VII. On the Age cy of the Mind in Etiology, Prophylaxis, and Therapeutics. VIII. Divine design as exemplified in the Natural History of Disease. "ATSON (THOMAS], M. D., &c, LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF PHYSIC. Delivered at King's College, London. A new American, from the Fifth re- vised and enlarged English edition. Edited, with additions, and several hundred illustra- ations, by HENRY HARTSHORNE, M.D., Professor of Hygiene in the University of Pennsylv- nia. In two large and handsome Svo.vols. Cloth, $9 00 ; leather, $11 00. (Lately Published.) W: It is a subject for congratulation and for thankful- ness that Sir Thomas Watson, during a period of com- parative leisure, after a long, laborious, and most honorable professional" career, while retaining full possession of his high mental faculties, should have employed the opportunity to submit his Lectures to a more thorough revision than was possible during the earlier and busier period of his life. Carefully passing in review some of the most intricate and im- portant pathological and practical questions, there- suits of his clear insight and his calm judgment are now recorded for the benefit of mankind, in language which, for precision, vigor, and classical elegance, has rarely been equalled, and never surpassed The re- vision has evidently been most carefully done, and the results appear in almost every page. Brit. Med. Journ., Oct. 14, 1871. The lectures are so well known and so justly appreciated, that it is scarcely necessary to do more than call attention to the special advantages of the last over previous editions. The author's rare combination of great scientific attainments com- bined with wonderful forensic eloquence has exerted extraordinary influence over the last two generations of physicians. His clinical descriptions of most dis- eases have never been equalled ; and on this score at least his work will live long in the future. The work will be sought by all who appreciate a great book. Amer. Journ. of Syphilography, July, 1872. We are exceedingly gratified at the reception of this new edition of Watson, pre-eminently the prince of English authors, on "Practice." We, who read the first edition shall never forget the great pleasure and profit we derived from its graphic delineations of disease, its vigorous style and splendid English. Maturity of years, extensive observation, profound research, and yet continuous enthusiasm, have com- bined to give us in this latest edition a model of pro- fessional excellence in teaching with rare beauty in the mode of communication. But this classic needs no eulogium of ours. Chicago Med. Journ., July, 1872. D UNGLISON, FORBES, TWEEDIE, AND CONOLLY. THE CYCLOPAEDIA OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE: comprising Treatises on the Nature and Treatment of Diseases, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Diseases of Women and Children, Medical Jurisprudence, AVY(F. W.),M.D.,F.R.S., -* Senior Asst. Physician to and Lecturer on Physiology, at Guy's Hospital, Ac. A TREATISE ON THE FUNCTION OF DIGESTION; its Disor- ders and their Treatment. From the second London edition. In one handsome volume, small octavo, cloth, $2 00. T>J THE SAME AUTHOR. (Just Ready. A TREATISE ON FOOD AND DIETETICS, PHYSIOLOGI- CALLY AND THERAPEUTICALLY CONSIDERED. In one handsome octavo volume of nearly 600 pages, cloth, $4 75. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. Introductory Remarks on the Dynamic Relations of Food On the Origination of Food The Constituent Relations of Food Alimentary Principles, their Classification, Chemical Relations, Digestion, Assimilation, and Physiological Uses Nitrogenous Alimentary Principles Non-Ni- trogenous Alimentary Principles The Carbo-Hydrates The Inorganic Alimentary Principles Alimentary Substances Animal Alimentary Substances Vegetable Alimentary Substances Beverages Condiments The Preservation of Food Principles of Dietetics Practical Dietetics Diet of Infants Diet for Training Therapeutic Dietetics Dietetic Preparations for the Inva- lid Hospital Dietaries. riHAMBERS (T. K.}, M.D. (Now Ready.} V^ Consulting Physician to St. Mary n Hospital, London, &c. A MANUAL OF DIET AND REGIMEN IN HEALTH AND SICK- NESS. In one handsome octavo volume. Cloth, $2 75. The aims of this handbook are purely practical, and therefore it has not been thought right to increase its size by the addition of the chemical, botanical, and industrial learning which rapidly collects round the nucleus of every nrticle interesting as an eatable. Space has been thus gained for a full discussion of many matters connecting food and drink with the daily cur- rent of social life, which the position of the author as a practising physician has led him to believe highly important to the present and future of our race. Preface. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. PARTl. General Dietetics. CHAP. I. Theories of Dietetics. II. On the Choice of Food. III. On the Preparation of Food. IV. On Digestion and Nutrition. PART II. Special Dietetics of Health. CHAP. I. Regimen of Infancy and Motherhood. II. Regimen of Childhood and Youth. III. Commercial Life. IV. Literary and Professional Life. V. Noxious Trades. VI. Athletic Training. VII. Hints for Healthy Travellers. VIII. Effects of Climate. IX. Starvation, Poverty, and Fasting. X. The Decline of Life. XI. Alcohol. PART III. Dietetics in Sickness. CHAP. I. Dietetics and Regimen in Acute Fevers. II. The Diet and Regimen of certain other Inflammatory States. III. The Diet and Regimen of Weak Digestion. IV. Gout and Rheumatism. V. Gravel, Stone, Albuminuria, and Diabetes. VI. Deficient Evacuation. VII. Nerve Disorders. VIII. Scrofula, Rickets, and Consumption. IX. Diseases of Heart and Arteries. T)Y THE SAME AUTHOR. (Lately Published.) RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. An Harveian Annual Oration. With Two Sequels. In one very handsome volume, small 12mo., cloth, $1 00. TyRINTON (WILLIAM), M.D., F.R.S. -^LECTURES ON THE DISEASES OF THE STOMACH; with an Introduction on its Anatomy and Physiology. From the second and enlarged London edi- tion. With illustrations on wood In one handsome octavo volume of about 300 pages cloth, $3 25. HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS. (AUSTIN), M.D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in Bellevue Hospital Med. College, N. T. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DIAGNOSIS, PATHOLOGY, AND TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE HEART. Second revised and enlarged edition. In one octavo volume of 550 pages, with a plate, cloth, $4. Dr. Flint chose a difficult subjectfor his researches, i able for purposes of illustration, in connection with and has shown remarkable powers of observation cases which have been reported by other trustworthy and reflection, as well as great industry, in his treat- ment of it. His book must be considered the fullest aud clearest practical treatise on those subjects, and should be in the hands of all practitioners and stu- dents. It is a credit to American medical literature. Amer. Journ. of the Med. Sciences, July, 1860. We question the fact of any recent American author In our profession being more extensively known, or more deservedly esteemed in this country than Dr. observers. Brit, and For. Med.-Chirurg. Review. In regard to the merits of the work, we have no hesitation in pronouncing it full, accurate, aud judi- cious. Considering the present state of science, such a work was much needed. It should be in the hands of every practitioner. Chicago Med. Journ. With more than pleasure do we hail the advent of this work, for it fills a wide gap on the list of text- Flint. We willingly acknowledge his success, more j books for our schools, and is, for the practitioner, the particularly in the volume on diseases of the heart, most valuable practical work of its kind. N. 0. Med. jn making an extended personal clinical study avail- I News. >Y THE SAME AUTHOR. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON 7 THE PHYSICAL EXPLORA- TION OF THE CHEST AND THE DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES AFFECTING THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Second and revised edition. In one handsome octavo volume of 595 pages, cloth, $4 50. which pervades his whole work lend an additional Dr. Flint's treatise is one of the most trustworthy guides which we can consult. The style is clear and distinct, and is also concise, being free from that tend- ency to over-refinement and unnecessary minuteness which characterizes many works on the same sub- ject. Dublin Medical Press, Feb. 6, 1867. The chapter on Phthisis is replete with interest ; and his remarks on the diagnosis, especially in the early stages, are remarkable for their acumen and great practical value. Dr. Flint's style is ciear and elegant, and the tone of freshness and originality force to its thoroughly practical character, which cannot fail to obtain for it a place as a standard work on diseases of the respiratory system. London Lancet, Jan. IP, 1867. This is an admirable book. Excellent in detail and execution, nothing better could be desired by the practitioner. Dr. Flint enriches his subject with much solid and not a little original observation. Ranking' s Abstract, Jan. 1867. g Y THE SAME AUTHOR. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON PHTHISIS DIAGNOSIS, PROG- NOSIS, AND TREATMENT. IN A SERIES OF CLINICAL STUDIES. A new work, in preparation for early publication. In one handsome octavo volume. A brief table of contents is subjoined: CHAP. I. Morbid Anatomy. II. Etiology. III. Symptomatic Events and Complications. IV. Fatality and Prognosis. V. Treatment. VI. Physical Signs and Diagnosis. PULLER (HENRY WILLIAM], M. D., Physician to St. George's Hospital, London. ON DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-PASSAGES. Their Pathology, Physical Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment. From the second and revised English edition. In one handsome octavo volume of about 500 pages, cloth, $3 50. (c. j. B.}, Senior Consulting Physician to the Hospital for Consumption, Brompton, and (CHARLES T.}, M.D., Physician to the Hospital for Consumption. PULMONARY CONSUMPTION; Its Nature, Yarieties, and Treat- ment. With an Analysis of One Thousand Cases to exemplify its duration. In one neat octavo volume of about 350 pages, cloth, $250. (Lately Published.} He can still speak from a more enormous experi- ence, and a closer study of the morbid processes in- volved in tuberculosis, than most living men. He owed it to himself, and to the importance of the sub- ject, to embody his views in a separate work, and we are glad that he has accomplished this duty. After all, the grand teaching which Dr Williams has for the profession is to be found in his therapeutical chapters, and in the history of individual cases ex- tended, by dint of care, over ten, twenty, thirty, and aven forty years. London Lancet, Oct. 21, 1871. LA ROCHE ON PNEUMONIA. 1 vol. 8vo., cloth, of 500 pages. Price $3 00. SMITH ON CONSUMPTION ; ITS EARLY AND RE- MEDIABLE STAGES. 1 vol. 8vo., pp. 254. $2 25. WALSHE ON THE DISEASES OF THE HEART AND GREAT VESSELS. Third American edition. In 1 vol. 8vo., 420 pp., cloth. $3 00. FOX ( WILSON), M.D., *- Holme Prof, of Clinical Med., University Coll., London. THE DISEASES OF THE STOMACH: Being the Third Edition of the "Diagnosis and Treatment of the Varieties of Dyspepsia." Revised and Enlarged. With illustrations. In one handsome octavo volume, cloth, $2 00. (Now Ready.) Dr. Fox has put forth a volume of uncommon ex- I rank among works that treat of the stomach. Am- cellence, which we feel very sure will take a high | Practitioner, March, 1873. 18 HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Practice of Medicine). *-b A OBERTS ( WILLIAM], M. D., Lecturer on Medicine in the Manchester School of Medicine, &c. PRACTICAL TREATISE ON URINARY AND RENAL DIS- EASES, including Urinary Deposits. Illustrated by numerous cases and engravings. Sec- ond American, from the Second Revised and Enlarged London Edition. In one large and handsome octavo volume of 616 pages, with a colored plate ; cloth, $4 50. (Lately Published.) The author has subjected this work to a very thorough revision, and has sought to embody in it the results of the latest experience and investigations. Although every effort has been made to keep it within the limits of its former size, it has been enlarged by a hundred pages, many new wood-cuts have been introduced, and also a colored plate representing the appearance of the different varieties of urine, while the price has been retained at the former very moderate rate. diseases we have examined. It is peculiarly adapted to the wants of the majority of American practition- The plan, it will thus be seen, is very complete, and the manner in which it has been carried out is in the highest degree satisfactory. The character* of the different deposits are very well described, and the microscopic appearances they present are illus- trated by numerous well executed engravings. It only remains to us to strongly recommend to our readers Dr. Roberts's work, as containing an admira- ble r<'xum6 of the present state of knowledge of uri- nary diseases, and as a safe and reliable guide to the clinical observer. Edin. Med. Jour. The most complete and practical treatise upon renal ers from its clearness and simple announcement of the facts in relation to diagnosis and treatment of urinary disorders, and contains in condensed form the investi- gations of Bence Jones, Bird, Beale, Hassall, Prout, and a host of other well-known writers upon this sub- ject. The characters of urine, physiological and pa- thological, as indicated to the naked eye as well as by microscopical and chemical investigations, are con- cisely represented both by description and by well executed engravings. Cincinnati Journ. of Med. B ASSAM (W.R.), M.D., Senior Physician to the Westminster Hospital, &c. RENAL DISEASES : a Clinical Guide to their Diagnosis and Treatment. With illustrations. In one neat royal 12mo. volume of 304 pages, cloth, $2 00. ieUll* of larger books here acquire a new interest from the author's arrangement. This part of the book is full of good work. Brit, and For. Medico- Jhirurgival Review, July, 1870. The chapters on diagnosis and treatment are very good, and the student and young practitioner will find them full of valuable practical hints. The third part, on the urine, is excellent, and we cordially recommend its perusal. The author has arranged his matter in a somewhat novel, and, we think, use- ful form. Here everything can be easily found, and, what is more important, easily read, for all the dry The easy descriptions and compact modes of state- ment render the book pleasing and convenient. Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, July, 1870. INCOLN (D. F.). M.D., Physician to the Department of Nervous Diseases, Boston Dispensary. ELECTRO THERAPEUTICS ; A. Concise Manual of Medical Electri- city. In one very neat royal 12mo. volume, cloth, with illustrations, $1 50. (Just Ready.) The work is convenient in size, its descriptions of methods and appliances are sufficiently complete for the general practitioner, and the chapters on Electro- physiology and diagnosis are well written and read- able. For those who wish a handy-book of directions for the employment of galvanism in medicine, this will serve as a very good and reliable guide. New Remedies, Oct. 1874. It is a well written work, and calculated to meet the demands of the busy practitioner. It contains the latest researches in this important branch of med- icine. Peninsular Journ. of Med., Oct. 1874. Eminently practical in character. It will amply repay any one for a careful perusal. Leavenworth Med. Herald, Oct. 1874. This little hook is, considering its size, one of the very best of the English treatises on its subject that has come to our notice, possessing, among others, the rare merit of dealing avowedly and actually with principles, mainly, rather than with practical details, thereby supplying a real want, instead of helping merely to flood the literary market Dr. Lincoln's style is usually remarkably clear, and the whole book is readable and interesting. Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., July 23, 1874. We have here in a small compass a great deal of valuable information upon the subject of Medical Electricity. Canada Med. and Surg. Journ.. Nov. 1874. TEE (HENRY). Prof, of Surgery at the Riyal College of Surgeons of England, etc. LECTURES ON SYPHILIS AND ON SOME FORMS OF LOCAL DISEASE AFFECTING PRINCIPALLY THE ORGANS OF GENERATION. In one handsome octavo volume. c o isr T IE nxr T s . LECTURES I., II., III. General. IV. Treatment of Syphilis V. Treatment of Particular and Modified Syphilitic Affections VI. Second Stage of Lues Venerea; Treatment VII. Lo- cal Suppurating Venereal bore ; Syphilization ; Lymphatic Absorption ; Physiological Absorp- tion ; Twofold Inoculation VIII. Urethral Discharges : different kinds; Treatment; Conclu- sions of Hunter and Ricord IX. Prostatic Discharges X. Lymphatic Absorption continued ; Local Affections ; Warts and Excrescences. DIPHTHERIA ; its Nature and Tr<>at nent, with an account of the History of its Prevalence in vari- ous Countries. By D. D. SLADK, M.D. Second and revised edition. In one neat royal 12mo. volume, cloth, $1 25. LECTURES ON THE STUDY OF FEVER. By A. HUDSON, M.D., M.R.I.A., Physician to the Meath Hospital. In one vol. 8vo., cloth, $2 50. A TREATISE ON FEVER. By ROBERT D. LYONS, K C C. In one octavo volume of 362 pages, cloth, $2 25. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON FUNCTIONAL NERVOUS DISORDERS ByC. HANDFIELD JONKS, M.D., Physician to St. Mary's Hospital, &c. Sec- ond American Edition. In one handsome octavo volume of 348 pages, cloth, $3 25. ; HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS ( Venereal Diseases, etc.). 19 ~DUMSTEAD (FREEMAN J.}, M.D., *-* Professor of Venereal Diseases at the Col. of Phys. and Surgr., New York, &c. THE PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF VENEREAL DIS- EASES. Including the results of recent investigations upon the subject. Third edition, revised and enlarged, with illustrations. In one large and handsome octavo volume of over 700 pages, cloth, $5 00 ; leather, $6 00. In preparing this standard work again for the press, the author has subjected it to a very thorough revision. Many portions have been rewritten, and much new matter added, in order to bring it completely on a level with the most advanced condition of syphilography, but by careful compression of the text of previous editions, the work has been increased by only sixty-four pages. The labor thus bestowed upon it, it is hoped, will insure for it a continuance of its position as a complete and trustworthy guide for the practitioner. It is the most complete book with which we are ac- quainted in the language. The latest views of the best authorities are put forward, and the information IR well arranged a great point for the student, and more for the pi-actitioner. The subjects of vis- C' -val syphilis, syphilitic affections of the eyes, and t '!'.: treatment of syphi/is by repeated inoculat'ons, are very fully discussed. London Lancet, Jan. 7, 1871. Dr. Bumstead's work is already so universally known as the best treatise in the English language on venereal diseases, that it may seem almost superflu- ous to say more of it than that a new edition has been Issued. But the author's industry has rendered this new edition virtually a new work, and so merits as much special commendation as if its predecessors had not been published. As a thoroughly practical book on a class of diseases which form a large share of nearly every physician's practice, the volume before us is by far the best of which we have knowledge. N. Y. Medical Gazette, Jan. 28, 1871. It is rare in the history of medicine to find any one book which contains all that a practitioner needs to know; while the possessor of "Bumstead on Vene- real" has no occasion to look outside of its covers for anything practical connected with (he diagnosis, his- tory, or treatment of these affections. N. Y. Medical Journal, March, 1871. rtULLERIER (A.}, and *~S Surgeon to the Hdpital du Midi. ftUMSTEAD (FREEMAN J.}, *-* Professor of Venerea I Diseases in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. AN ATLAS OF VENEREAL DISEASES. Translated and Edited by FREEMAN J. BUMSTEAD. In one large imperial 4to. volume of 328 pages, double-columns, with 26 plates, containing about 150 figures, beautifully colored, many of them the size of life; strongly bound in cloth, $17 00 ; also, in five parts, stout wrappers for mailing, at $3 per part. Anticipating a very large sale for this work, it is offered at the very low price of THREE DOL- LARS a Part, thus placing it within the reach of all who are interested in this department of prac- tice. Gentlemen desiring early impressions of the plates would do well to order it without delay. A specimen of the plates and text sent free by mail, on receipt of 25 cents. which for its kind is more necessary for them to have. -California Med. Gazette, March, 1869. The most splendidly illustrated work in the lan- guage, and in our opinion far more useful than the French original. Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, Jan. '69. The fifth and concluding number of this magnificent work has reached us, and we have no hesitation in saying that its illustrations surpass those of previous numbers. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Jan. 14, 1869. Other writers besides M. Cullerier have given us a good account of the diseases of which he treats, but no one has furnished us with such a complete series of illustrations of the venereal diseases. There is, however, an additional interest and value possessed by the volume before us ; for it is an American reprint and translation of M. Cullerier's work, with inci- dental remarks by one of the most eminent American syphilographers, Mr. Bumstead. Brit, and For. Medico-Chir. Review, July, 1869. We wish for once that our province was not restrict- d to methods of treatment, that we might say some- thing of the exquisite colored plates in this volume. London Practitioner, May, 1869. As a whole, it teaches all that can be taught by means of plates and print. London Lancet, March 13, 186S. Superior to anything of the kind ever before issued on this continent. Canada Med. Journal, March, '69. The practitioner who desires to understand this branch of medicine thoroughly should obtain this, the most complete and best work ever published. Dominion Med. Journal, May, 1869. This is a work of master hands on both sides. M. CuHerier is scarcely second to, we think we may truly ay is a peer of the illustrious and venerable Ricord, frVnle in this country we do not hesitate to say that Dr. Bumstead, as an authority, is without a rival A..SUI ing our readers that these illustrations tell the wholo history of venereal disease, from its inception to its end, we do not know a single medical work, (BERKELEY], Surgeon to the Lock Hospital, London. ON SYPHILIS AND LOCAL one handsome octavo volume ; cloth, $3 Bringing, as it does, the entire literature of the dis- ease down to the present day, and giving with great ability the results of modern research, it is in every respect a most desirable work, and one which should find a place in the library of every surgeon. Cali- fornia Med. Gazette, June, 1869. Considering the scope of the book and the careful attention to the manifold aspects and details of its subject, it is wonderfully concise. All these qualities render it an especially valuable book to the beginner, CONTAGIOUS DISORDERS. In 25. to whom we would most earnestly recommend its study ; while it is no less useful to the practitioner. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, May, 1869. The most convenient and ready book of i-eference we have met with. A 1 '. Y. Med. Record, May 1,1869. Most admirably arranged for both student and prac- titioner, no other work on the subject equals it ; it i more simple, more easily studied. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, March, 1869. M.D. A COMPLETE TREATISE ON VENEREAL DISEASES. Trans- lated from the Second Enlarged German Edition, by FREDERIC R. STURGIS, M.D In one octavo volume, with illustrations. (Preparing.) HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Diseases of the Skin). WILSON (ERASMUS), F.R.S. ON DISEASES OF THE SKIN. With Illustrations on wood. Sev- enth American, from the s\xth and enlarged English edition. In one large octavo volume of over 800 pages, $5. A SERIES OF PLATES ILLUSTRATING "WILSON ON DIS- EASES OF THE SKIN;" consisting of twenty beautifully executed plates, of which thir- teen are exquisitely colored, presenting the Normal Anatomy and Pathology of the Skin, and embracing accurate representations of about one hundred varieties of disease, most of them the size of nature. Price, in extra cloth, $5 50. Also, the Text and Plates, bound in one handsome volume. Cloth, $10. No one treating skin diseases should be without a copy of this standard work. Canada Lancet. We can safely recommend it to the profession at the best work on the subject now in existence ir the English language. Medical Times and Gazette Mr. Wilson's volume is an excellent digest of the actual amount of knowledge of cutaneous diseases : it includes almost every fact or opinion of importanc connected with the anatomy and pathology of the skin. British and Foreign Medical Review. Such a work as the one before us is a most capital ind acceptable help. Mr. Wilson has long been held is high authority in this department of medicine, and his book on diseases of the skin has long been re- jarded as one of the best text-books extant on the subject. The present edition is carefully prepared, ind brought up in its revision to the present time. In his edition we have also included the beautiful series of plates: illustrative of the text, and in the last edi- tion published separately. There are twenty of these plates, nearly all of them colored to nature, and ex- hibiting with great fidelity the various groups of diseases. Cincinnati Lancet. F THE SAME AUTHOR. THE STUDENT'S BOOK OF CUTANEOUS EASES OP THE SKIN. MEDICINE and Dis- In one very handsome royal 12mo. volume. $3 50. TtfELIGAN (J.MOORE}, M.D., M.R.I. A. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Fifth American, from the second and enlarged Dublin edition by T. W. Belcher, M.B. In one neat royal 12mo. volume of 462 pages, cloth, $2 25. Fully equal to all the requirements of students and young practitioners. Dublin Med. Press. Of the remainder of the work we have nothing be- yond unqualified commendation to offer. It is so far the most complete one of its size that has appeared, and for the student there can be none which can com- pare with it in practical value. All the late disco- veries in Dermatology have been duly noticed, and Y THE SAME AUTHOR. their value justly estimated; in a word, the work is fully up to the times, and is thoroughly stocked with most valuable information. New York Med. Record, Jan. 15, 1867. The most convenient manual of diseases of the skin that can be procured by the student. Chicago Med. Journal, Dec. 1866. ATLAS OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES. In one beautiful quarto volume, with exquisitely colored plates, &c., presenting about one hundred varieties of disease. Cloth, $5 50. The diagnosis of eruptive disease, however, under I inclined to consider it a very superior work, corn- all circumstances, is very difficult. Nevertheless, | bining accurate verbal description with sound view* Dr. Neligau has certainly, "as far as possible," given a faithful and accurate representation of this class of diseases, and there can be no doubt that these plates will be of great use to the student and practitioner in drawing a diagnosis as to the class, order, and species to which the particular case may belong. While looking over the examine also the Atlas" we have been induced to 'Practical Treatise," and we are of the pathology and treatment of eruptive diseases. Glasgow Med. Journal. A compend which will very much aid the practi- tioner in this difficult branch of diagnosis. Taken with the beautiful plates of the Atlas, which are re- markable for their accuracy and beauty of coloring, it constitutes a very valuable addition to the library of a practical man. Buffalo Med. Journal. pflLLIER (THOMAS], M.D., Physician to the Skin Department of University College Hospital, &c . HAND-BOOK OF SKIN DISEASES, for Students and Practitioners. Second American Edition. In one royal 12mo. volume of 358 pp. With Illustrations. Cloth, $2 25. We can conscientiously recommend it to the stu- dent; the style is clear and pleasant to read, the matter is good, and the descriptions of disease, with the modes of treatment recommended, are frequently illustrated with well-recorded cases. London Med. Times and Gazette, April 1, 1865. It is a concise, plain, practical treatise on the vari- ous diseases of the skin ; just such a work, indeed, as was much needed, both by medical students and practitioners. Chicago Medical Examiner, May, 1865. A NDERSON (McCALL], M.D., ^*~ Physician to the Dispensary for Skin Diseases, Glasgow, &c. ON THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE SKIN. With an Analysis of Eleven Thousand Consecutive Cases. In one vol. 8vo. $1. (Lately Published.) GUERSANT'S SURGICAL DISEASES OF INFANTS I DT5WEES ON THE PHYSICAL AND MEDICAL AND CHILDREN. Translated by R. J. DUNGLI- TREATMENT OF CHILDREN. El wventh edition. BOX, M.D. 1 vol. 8vo. Cloth, $2 50. 1 TO!. 8vo. of 548 pages. Cloth, $2 80. HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Diseases of Children). 21 GMITH(J. LEWIS], M. D., O Professor of Morbid Anatomy in the Bellevue Hospital Med. College, N. T. A COMPLETE PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OP CHILDREN. Second Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. In one handsome octavo volume of 742 pages, cloth, $5; leather, $6. (Lately Published.) FROM THE PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. In presenting to the profession the second edition of his work, the author gratefully acknow- ledges the favorable reception accorded to the first. He has endeavored to merit a continuance of this approbation by rendering the volume much more complete than before. Nearly twenty additional diseases have been treated of, among which may be named Diseases Incidental to Birth Rachitis, Tuberculosis, Scrofula, Intermittent, Remittent, and Typhoid Fevers, Chorea, and the various forms of Paralysis. Many new formulae, which experience has shown to be useful, have been introduced, portions of the text of a less practical nature have been con- densed, and other portions, especially those relating to pathological histology, have been rewritten to correspond with recent discoveries. Every effort has been made, however, to avoid an undue enlargement of the volume, but, notwithstanding this, and an increase in the size of the page, the number of pages has been enlarged by more than one hundred. 227 WEST 49TH STREET, NEW YORK, April, 1872. The work will be found to contain nearly one-third more matter than the previous edition, and It is confidently presented as in every respect worthy to be received as the standard American text-book on the subject. Eminently practical as well as judicious in its teachings. Cincinnati Lancet and Obs., July, 1S72. A standard work that leaves little to be desired. Indiana Journal of Medicine, July, 1872. We know of no book on this subject that we can more cordially recommend to the medical student and the practitioner. Cincinnati Clinic, June 29, '72. We regard it as superior to any other single work on the diseases of infancy and childhood. Detroit Rev. of Med. and Pharmacy, Aug. 1872. We confess to increased enthusiasm in recommend- ing this second edition. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, Aug. 1872. rtONDIE (D. FRANCIS), M.D. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Sixth edition, revised and augmented. In one large octavo volume of nearly 800 closely- printed pages, cloth, $5 25 ; leather, $6 25. The present edition, which is the sixth, is fully up to the times in the discussion of all those points in the pathology and treatment of infantile diseases which kave been brought forward by the Germa u and French teachers. As a whole, however, the work is the best American one that we have, and in its special adapta- tion to American practitioners it certainly has no equal. New York Med. Record, Marci 2, 1868. TXTEST (CHARLES], M.D., Physician to the Hospital for Sick Children, &c. LECTURES ON THE DISEASES OP INFANCY AND CHILD- HOOD. Fifth American from the sixth revised and enlarged English edition. In one large and handsome octavo volume of 678 pages. Cloth, $4 50 ; leather, $5 50. (Just Issued.) The continued demand for this work on both sides of the Atlantic, and its translation into Ger- man, French, Italian, Danish, Dutch, and Russian, show that it fills satisfactorily a want exten- sively felt by the profession. There is probably no man living who can speak with the authority derived from a more extended experience than Dr. West, and his work now presents the results of nearly 2000 recorded cases, and 600 post-mortem examinations selected from a.mong nearly 40,000 cases which have passed under bis care. In the preparation of the present edition he has omitted much that appeared of minor importance, in order to find room for the introduction of additional matter, and the volume, while thoroughly revised, is therefore not increased materially in size. Of all the English writers on the diseases of chil- I living authorities in the difficult department of medi- dren, there is no one so entirely satisfactory to us as | cal science in which he is most widely known. Dr. West. For years we have held his opinion as I Boston Med. and Surg. Journal. judicial, and have regarded him as one of the highest | DF THE SAME AUTHOR. (Lately Issued.) ON SOME DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM IN CHILD- HOOD; being the Lumleian Lectures delivered at the Royal College of Physicians of Lon- don, in March, 1871. In one volume, small 12mo., cloth, $1 00. J3MITH (E USTA CE), M. D^~ Physician to the Northwest London Free Dispensary for Sick Children. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE WASTING DISEASES OF INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD. Second American, from the second revised and enlarged English edition. In one handsome octavo volume, cloth, $2 50. (Lately Issued.) This is in every way an admirable book. The modest title which the author has chosen for it scarce- ly conveys an adequate idea of the many subjects upon which it treats. Wasting is so constant an at- tendant upon the maladies of childhood, that a trea- tise upon the wasting diseasesof childrenmust neces garily embrace the consideration of many affections of which it is a symptom ; and this is excellently well done by Dr. Smith. The book might fairly be de- scribed as a practical handbook of the common dis- eases of children, so numerous are the affections con- sidered either collaterally or directly. We are acquainted with no safer guide to the treatment of children's diseases, and few works give the insight into the physiological and other peculiarities of chil- dren that Dr. Smith's book does. Brit. Med. Journ., April 8, 1871. 22 HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Diseases of Women). mRE OBSTETRICAL JOURNAL. (Free of postage for 1875.) THE OBSTETRICAL JOURNAL of Great Britain and Ireland; Including MIDWIFERY, and the DISEASES OF WOMEN AND INFANTS. With an American Supplement, edited by WILLIAM F. JENKS, M.D. A monthly of about 80 octavo pages, very handsomely printed. Subscription, Five Dollars per annum. Single Numbers, 50 cents each. Commencing with April, 1873, the Obstetrical Journal consists of Original Papers by Brit- ish and Foreign Contributors ; Transactions of the Obstetrical Societies in England and abroad ; Reports of Hospital Practice; Reviews and Bibliographical Notices; Articles and Notes, Edito- rial, Historical, Forensic, and Miscellaneous; Selections from Journals; Correspondence, Ac. Collecting together the vast amount of material daily accumulating in this important and ra- pidly improving department of medical science, the value of the information which it pre- sents to the subscriber may be estimated from the character of the gentlemen who have already promised their support, including such names as those of Drs. ATTHILL, ROBERT BARNES, HENRY BENNET, THOI^AS CHAMBERS, FLEETWOOD CHURCHILL, MATTHEWS DUNCAN, GRAILY HEWITT, BRAXTON HICKS, ALFRED MEADOWS, W. LEISHMAN, ALEX. SIMPSON, TYLER SMITH, EDWARD J. TILT, SPENCER WELLS, &c. not- been con- sidered well and fully. The result is a work, not only admirable as a text-book, but valuable as a work of reference to the practitioner in the various emer- gencies of obstetric practice. Take it all in all, we have no hesitation in saying that it is in our judgment the best English work on the subject. London Lan- cet, Aug. 23, 1873. The work of Leishman gives an excellent view of modern midwifery, and evinces its author's extensive acquaintance with British and foreign literature ; and not only acquaintance with it, but wholesome diges- tion and sound judgment of it. He has, withal, a manly, free style, and can state a difficult and Compli- cated matter with remarkable clearness and brevity. Kdin. Med. Journ., Sept. 1873. The author has succeeded in presenting to the pro- fession an admirable treatise, especially in its practi- cal aspects ; one which is, iu general, clearly written, and sound in doctrine, and one which cannot fail to add to his already high reputation. In concluding our examination of this work, we cannot avoid again saying that Dr. Leishman has fully accomplished that difficult task of presenting a good text-book upon obstetrics. We know none better for the use of the stu- dent or junior practitioner. Am. Practitioner, Mar. 1874. It proposes to offer to practitioners and students "A Complete System of the Midwifery of the Present Day," and well redeems the promise. In all that relates to the subject of labor, the teaching is admi- rably clear, concise, and practical, representing not alone British practice, but the contributions of Con- tinental and American schools. N. T. Med. Record, March 2, 1874. The work of Dr. Leishman is, in many respects, not only the best treatise on midwifery that we have seen, but one of the best treatises on any medical sub- ject that has been published of late years. Lond. Practitioner, Feb. 187-4. It was written to supply a desideratum, and we will be much surprised if it does not fulfil the purpose of its author. Taking it as a whole, we know of no work on obstetrics by an English author in which the student and the practitioner will find the information so clear and so completely abreast of the present state of our knowledge on the subject. Glasgow Med. Journ., Aug. 1873. Dr. Leishman's System of Midwifery, which has only just been published, will go far to supply the want which has so long been felt, of a really good modern English text-book. Although large, as is in- evitable in a work on so extensive a subject, it is so well and clearly written, that it is never wearisome to read. Dr. Leishman's work may be confidently recommended as an admirable text-book, and is sure to be largely used. Lond. Med. Record, Sept. 1873. ffAMSBOTHAM (FRANCIS H.), M.D. THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF OBSTETRIC MEDI- CINE AND SURGERY, in reference to the Process of Parturition. A new and enlarged edition, thoroughly revised by the author. With additions by W. V. KEATING, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics, &c., in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. In one large and handsome imperial octavo volume of 650 pages, strongly bound in leather, with raised bands ; with sixty-four beautiful plates, and numerous wood-cuts in the text, containing in all nearly 200 large and beautiful figures. $7 00. We will only add that the student will learn from it all he need to know, and the practitioner will find it, as a book of reference, surpassed by none other. Stethoscope. The character and merits of Dr. Ramsbotham's work are so well known and thoroughly established, that comment is unnecessary and praise superfluous. The illustrations, which are numerous and accurate, are executed in the highest style of art. We cannot too highly recommend the work to our readers. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal. To the physician' s library it is indispensable, while to the student, as a text-book, from which to extract the material for laying the foundation of an education on obstetrical science, it has no superior. Ohio Med. and Surg. Journal. When we call to mind the toil we underwent in acquiring a knowledge of this subject, we cannot but envy the student of the present day the aid which this work will afford him. Am. Jour, of the Med. Sciences. rjHURCHILL (FLEETWOOD), M.D., M.R.I. A. ON THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF MIDWIFERY. A new American from the fourth revised and enlarged London edition. With notes and additions by D. FRANCIS CONDIE, M. D., author of a "Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Chil- dren," 1GELOW (HENRY J.), M.D., -*-* Professor of Surgery in the Massachusetts Med. College. ON THE MECHANISM OF DISLOCATION AND FRACTURE OF THE HIP. With the Reduction of the Dislocation by the Flexion Method. With numerous original illustrations. In one very handsome octavo volume. Cloth, $2 50. LA WSON (GEORGE), F. R. C. S., EngL, Assistant Surgeon to the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, Moorflelds, Ac. INJURIES OF THE EYE, ORBIT, AND EYELIDS: their Imme- diate and Remote Effects. With about one hundred illustrations. In one very hand- some octavo volume, cloth, $3 50. It is an admirable practical book in the highest and best sense of the phrase. London Medical Times and Gazette, May 18, 1867. HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Surgery). 29 J3RYANT (THOMAS], F.R.C.S., * Surgeon to Guy's Hospital. THE PRACTICE OF SURGERY. With over Five Hundred En- gravings on Wood. In one large and very handsome octavo volume of nearly 1000 pages, cloth, $6 25 ; leather, raised bands, $7 25. (Lately Pubiisked.) Again, the author gives us his own practice, his own beliefs, and illustrates by his own cases, or those treated in Guy's Hospital. This feature adds joint emphasis, and a solidity to his statements that inspire confidence. One feels himself almost by the side of the surgeon, seeing his work aud hearing his living words. The views, etc., of other surgeons are con- sidered calmly and fairly, but Mr. Bryant's are adopted. Thus the work is not a compilation of other writings; it is not an encyclopaedia, but the plain statements, on practical points, of a man who has lived and breathed and had his being in the richest surgical experience. The whole profession owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Bryant, for his work in their behalf. We are confident that the American profession will give substantial testimonial of their feelings towards both author and publisher, by speedily exhausting this edition. We cordially and heartily commend it to our friends, aud think that no live'surgeou can afford to be without it Detroit Review of Med. and Pharmacy, August, 1873. As a manual of the practice of surgery for the use of the student, we do not hesitate to pronounce Mr. Bryant's book a first-rate work. Mr. Bryant has a g'.,,d deal of the dogmatic energy which goes with die clear, pronounced opinions of a man whose re- flections aud experience have moulded a character uot wanting in firmness aud decision. At the same time he teaches withythe enthusiasm of one who has faith in his teaching ;\he speaks as one having au- thority, and herein lies the charm and excellence of his work. He states the opinions of others freely and fairly, yet it is no mere compilation. The book combines much of the merit of the manual with the merit of the monograph. One may recognize in almost every chapter of the ninety-four of which the work is made up the acuteness of a surgeon who has seen much, and observed closely, and who gives forth the results of actual experience. In conclusion we repeat what we stated at first, that Mr. Bryant's book is one which we can conscientiously recommend both to practitioners and students as an admirable work. Dublin Journ. of Med. Science, August, 1873. Mr. Bryant has long been known to the reading portion of the profession as an able, clear, and graphic writer upon surgical subjects. The volume before us is one eminently upon the practice of surgery and not one which treats at length on surgical pathology, though the views that are entertained upon tnis sub- ject are sufficiently interspersed through the work for all practical purposes. As a text-book we cheer- fully recommend it, feeling convinced that, from the subject-matter, and the concise and true way Mr. Bryant deals with his subject, it will prove a for- midable rival among the numerous surgical text- books which are offered to the student. N. Y. Med. Record, June, 1S73. This is, as the preface states, an entirely new book, and contains in a moderately condensed form all the surgical information necessary to a general practi- tioner. It is written in a spirit consistent with the present improved standard of medical and surgical science. American Journal of Obstetrics, August, 1873. \XTELL8 (J. SOELBERG), Professor of Ophthalmology in King's College Hospital, &c. A TREATISE ON DISEASES OF THE EYE. Second American, from the Third and Revised Lpndon Edition, with additions; illustrated with numerous engravings on wood, and six colored plates. Together with selections from the Test-types of Jaeger and Snellen. In one large and very handsome octavo volume of nearly 800 pages ; cloth, $5 00 ; leather, $6 00. (Lately Published.) The continued demand for this work, both iu England and this country, is sufficient evidence that the author has succeeded in his effort to supply within a reasonable compass n full practical digest of ophthalmology in its most modern aspects, while the call for repeated editions has en- abled him in his revisions to maintain its position abreast of the most recent investigations and improvements. In again reprinting it, every effort has been made to adapt it thoroughly to the wants of the American practitioner. Such additions as seemed desirable have been introduced by the editor, Dr. I. Minis Hays, and the number of illustrations has been largely increased. The importance of test-types as an aid to diagnosis is so universally acknowledged at the present day that it seemed essential to the completeness of the work that they should be added, and as the author recommends the use of those both of Jaeger and of Snellen for different purposes, selec- tions have been made from each, so that the practitioner may have at command all the assist- ance necessary. Although enlarged by one hundred pages, it has been retained at the former very moderate price, rendering it one of the cheapest volumes before the profession. A few notices of the previous edition are subjoined. On examining it carefully, one is not at all sur- lucid and flowing, therein differing materially from priced that it should meet with universal favor. It \ some of the translations of Continental writers on this -, iu fact, a comprehensive and thoroughly practical treatise 011 diseases of the eye, setting forth the prac- tice of the leading oculists of Europe and America, a u d giving the author's own opinions aud preferences, which are quite decided and worthy of high consid- eration. The third English edition, from which this i.-j taken, having been revised by the author, com- prises a notice of all the more recent advances made in ophthalmic science. The style of the writer is subject that are in the market. Special paius are taken to explain, at length, those subjects which are particularly difficult of comprehension to the begin- ner, as the use of the ophthalmoscope, the interpre- tation of its images, etc. The book is profusely and ably illustrated, and at the end are to be found 16 excellent colored ophthalmoscopic figures, which are copies of some of the plates of Liebreich's admirable atlas. Kansas City Med. Journ., June, 1874. r A URENCE (JOHN Z.), F. R. C. S., Editor of the Ophthalmic Review, &c. A HANDY-BOOK OF OPHTHALMIC SURGERY, for the use of Practitioners. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. With numerous illustrations, one very handsome octavo volume, cloth, $3 00. In For those, however, who must assume the care of diseases and injuries of the eye, and who are too much pressed for time to study the classic works on the subject, or those recently published by Stellwag, Wells, Bader, aud others, Mr. Laurence will prove a safe and trustworthy guide. He has described in thib editiou those novelties which have secured the confi- dence of the profession since the appearance of his last. The volume has been considerably enlarged and improved by the revision and additions of its author, expressly for the American edition. Am. Journ. Med. Sciences, Jan. 1870. 30 HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Surgery, &c.). THOMPSON (SIR HENR F), J- Surgeon and Professor of Clinical Surgery to University College Hospital. LECTURES ON DISEASES OF THE URINARY ORGANS. With illustrations on wood. Second American from the Third English Edition. In one neat octavo volume. Cloth, $2 25. (Now Ready.) My aim has been to produce in the smallest possible compass an epitome of practical knowl- edge concerning the nature and treatment of the diseases which form the subject of the work ; and I venture to believe that my intention has been more fully realized in this volume than in either of its predecessors. Authors Preface. D7 THE SAME AUTHOR. ON THE PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF STRICTURE OF THE URETHRA AND URINARY FISTULA. With plates and wood-cuts. From the third and revised English edition. In one very handsome octavo volume, cloth, $3 50. (Lately Published.) T>Y THE SAME AUTHOR. (Just Issued.) THE DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE, THEIR PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT. Fourth Edition, Revised. In one very handsome octavo volume of 355 pages, with thirteen plates, plain and colored, and illustrations on wood. Cloth, $3 75. /TAYLOR (ALFRED .), M.D., Lecturer on Med. Jurisp. and Chemistry in Guy^s Hospital MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Seventh American Edition. Edited by JOHN J. REESE, M.D., Prcf. of Med. Jurisp. in the Univ. of Penn. In one large octavo volume of nearly 900 pages. Cloth, $5 00; leather, $6 00. (Just Issued.) In preparing for the press this seventh American edition of the " Manual of Medical Jurispru- dence" the editor has, through the courtesy of Dr. Taylor, enjoyed the very great advantage of consulting the sheets of the new edition of the author's larger work, " The Principles and Prac- tice of Medical Jurisprudence," which is now ready for publication in London. This has enabled him to introduce the author's latest views upon the topics discussed, which are believed to bring the work fully up to the present time. The notes of the former editor, Dr. Hartshorne, as also the numerous valuable references to American practice and decisions by his successor, Mr. Penrose, have been retained, with but few slight exceptions ; they will be found inclosed in brackets, distinguished by the letters (H.) and (P.). The additions made by the present editor, from the material at his command, amount to about one hundred pages; and his own notes are designated by the letter (R.). Several subjects, not treated of in the former edition, have been noticed in the present one, and the work, it is hoped, will be found to merit a continuance of the confidence which it has so long enjoyed as a standard authority. 1D THE SAME AUTHOR. (Now Ready.) THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MEDICAL JURISPRU- DENCE. Second Edition, Revised, with numerous Illustrations. In two large octavo volumes, cloth, $10 00; leather, $12 00. This great work is now recognized in England as the fullest and most authoritative treatise on every department of its important subject. In laying it. in its improved form, before the Ameri- can profession, the publisher trusts that it will assume the same position in this country. jgF THE SAME AUTHOR. New Edition Nearly Ready. POISONS IN RELATION TO MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE AND MEDICINE. Third American, from the Third and Revised English Edition. In one large octavo volume of 850 pages. This work, which has been so long recognized as a leading authority on its important subject, has received a very thorough revision at the hands of the author, and may be regarded as a new book rather than as a mere revision. He has sought to bring it on all points to a level with the advanced science of the day; many portions have been rewritten, much that was of minor importance has been omitted, and every effort made to condense a complete view of the subject within the limits of a single volume. Dr. Taylor's position as an expert has brought him into connection with nearly all important cases in England for many years. He thus speaks with an authority that few other living men possess, while his intimate acquaintance with the literature of toxicology on both sides of the Atlantic, renders his work equally adapted as a text-book in this country as in Great Britain. Poisons. Absorption and Elimination Detection Action Influence of Habit Classifica- tion of Poisons Evidence of Poisoning Diseases resembling Poisoning Inspection of the Dead Body Objects of Chemical Analysis Moral and Circumstantial Evidence in Poisoning, Ac. &c. Irritant Poisons. Mineral Irritants Acid Poisons Alkaline Poisons Non-Metallic Irri- tants Metallic Irritants Vegetable Irritants Animal Irritants. Neurotic Poisons. Cerebral or Narcotic Poisons Spinal Poisons Cerebro-Spinal Poisons Cerebro-Cardiac Poisons. HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS (Psychological Medicine, &c.). 31 WUKE (DANIEL HACK], M.D., JL Joint author of " The Manual of Psychological Medicine," &c. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE MIND UPON THE BODY IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. Designed to illustrate the Action of the Imagination. In one handsome octavo volume of 416 pages, cloth, $3 25. (Just Issued.) The object of the author in this work has been to show not only the effect of the mind in caus- ing and intensifying disease, but also its curative influence, and the use which may be made of the imagination and the emotions as therapeutic agents. Scattered facts bearing upon this sub- ject have long been familiar to the profession, but no attempt has hitherto been made to collect and systematize them so as to render them available to the practitioner, by establishing the seve- ral phenomena upon a scientific basis. In the endeavor thus to convert to the use of legitimate medicine the means which have been employed so successfully in many systems of quackery, the author has produced a work of the highest freshness and interest as well as of permanent value. ftLANDFORD (G. FIELDING], M. D., F. R. C P., Lecturer on Psychological Medicine at the School of St. George's Hospital, &c. INSANITY AND ITS TREATMENT: Lectures on the Treatment, Medical and Legal, of Insane Patients. With a Summary of the Laws in force in the United States on the Confinement of the Insane. By ISAAC RAY, M. D. In one very handsome octavo volume of 471 pages; cloth, $3 25. This volume is presented to meet the want, so frequently expressed, of a comprehensive trea- tise, in moderate compass, on the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of insanity. To render it of more value to the practitioner in this country, Dr. Ray has added an appendix which affords in- formation, not elsewhere to be found in so accessible a form, to physicians who may at any moment b called upon to take action in relation to patients. It satisfies a want which must have been sorely j actually seen in practice and the appropriate treat felt by the busy general practitioners of this country. It takes the form of a manual of clinical description of the various forms of insanity, with a description of the mode of examining persons suspected of in- aanity. We call particular attention to this feature of the book, as giving it a unique value to the gene- ral practitioner. If we pass from theoretical conside- rations to descriptions of the varieties of insanity as ment for them, we find in Dr. Blandford's work considerable advance over previous writings on the subject. His pictures of the various forms of mental disease are so clear and good that no reader can fail to be struck with their superiority to those given in ordinary manuals in the English language or (so far as our own reading extends) in any other. London Practitioner, Feb. 1871. w- 'INSLOW (FORBES], M.D., D.C.L., frc. ON OBSCURE DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND DISORDERS OF THE MIND; their incipient Symptoms, Pathology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Pro- phylaxis. Second American, from the third and revised English edition. In one handsome octavo volume of nearly 600 pages, cloth, $4 25. T EA (HENRY (7.). ^SUPERSTITION AND FORCE: ESSAYS ON THE WAGER OF LAW, THE WAGER OF BATTLE, THE ORDEAL, AND TORTURE. Second Edition, Enlarged. In one handsome volume royal 12mo. of nearly 500 pages; cloth, $2 75. (Lately Published.) We know of no single work which contains, in so i interesting phases of human society and progress. . . mall a compass, so much illustrative of the strangest The fulness and breadth with which he has carried operations of the human mind. Foot-notes give the out his comparative survey of this repulsive field of authority for each statement, showing vast research history [Torture], are such as to preclude our doing and wonderful industry. We advise our confreres j justice to the work within our present limits. But to read this book and ponder its teachings. Chicago \ here, as throughout the volume, there will be found Mvd. Journal, Aug. 1870. a w As a work of curious inquiry on certain outlying points of obsolete law, "Superstition and Force" is one of the most remarkable books we have met with. London Athenceum, Nor. 3, 1866. He has thrown a great deal of light upon what must be regarded as one of the most instructive as well as wealth of illustration and a critical grasp of the philosophical import of facts which will render Mi. Lea's labors of sterling value to the historical stu- dent. London Saturday Review, Oct. 8, 1870. As a book of ready reference on the subject, it is of the highest value. Westminster Review, Oct. 1867. I THE SAME AUTHOR. (Lately Published.) STUDIES IN CHURCH HISTORY THE RISE OF THE TEM- PORAL POWER BENEFIT OF CLERGY EXCOMMUNICATION. In one large royal 12mo. volume of 516 pp. cloth, $2 75. literary phenomenon that the head of one of the first American houses is also the writer of some of its most original books. London Athenceum, Jan. 7, 1871. Mr. Lea has done great honor to himself and this country by the admirable works he has written on ecclesiologicaland cognate subjects. We have already had occasion to commend his "Superstition and Force" and his "History of Sacerdotal Celibacy." The present volume is fully as admirable in its me- thod of dealing with topics and in the thoroughness a quality so frequently lacking in American authors with which they are investigated. N. . Journal of Psychol. Medicine, July, 1870. The story was never told more calmly or with greater learning or wiser thought. We doubt, indeed, If any other study of this field can be compared with this for clearness, accuracy, and power. Chicago Examiner, Dec. 1870. Mr. Lea's latest work, "Studies in Church History," fully sustains the promise of the first. It deals with cnree subjects the Temporal Power, Benefit of Clergy, and Excommunication, the record of which has a peculiar importance for the English student, and is a chapter on Ancient Law likely to be regarded as final. We can hardly pass from our mention of such works as these with which that on "Sacerdotal Celibacy" should be included without noting the HENRY C. LEA'S PUBLICATIONS. INDEX TO CATALOGUE. American Journal of the Medical Sciences Abstract, Half-Yearly, of the Med. Sciences Anatomical Atlas, by Smith and Homer . Anderson on Diseases of the Skin . Ashton on the Rectum and Anus . . . PAGE . 1 . 3 . 6 . 20 .28 Attfleld's Chemistry ...... 10 Ashwell on Diseases of Females . . . .23 Ashhurst's Surgery ...... 27 Barnes on Diseases of Women . . . .23 Bellamy's Surgical Anatomy .... 7 Bryant's Practical Surgery ..... 29 Bloxam's Chemistry ..... 11 Blandford on Insanity ...... 31 Basham on Renal Diseases ..... IS Brinton on the Stomach ..... 16 Bigelo-w on the Hip .... .28 Barlow's Practice of Medicine . . . . 14 Bowman's (John E.) Practical Chemistry . . 11 Bowman's (John E.) Medical Chemistry . . II Bumstead on Venereal ...... 19 Bumstead and Cullerier's Atlas of Venereal . 19 Carpenter's Human Physiology .... 8 Carpenter's Comparative Physiology ... 8 Carpenter on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol . 13 Carson's Synopsis of Materia Medica . . .13 Chambers on Diet and Regimen . . . .16 Chambers's Restorative Medicine . . 16 Christison and Griffith's Dispensatory . ' 13 Churchill's System of Midwifery . . [ 25 Churchill on Puerperal Fever . . . '23 Condie on Diseases of Children . . . ' 21 Cooper's (B. B.) Lectures on Surgery . '26 Cullerier's Atlas of Venereal Diseases . ' 19 Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine . . * 15 Dalton's Human Physiology . 9 Davis' Clinical Lectures 14 De Jongh on Cod-Liver Oil . . . . 13 Dewees on Diseases of Females . . . '23 Dewees on Diseases of Children . . . -20 Druitt's Modern Surgery 28 Dunglison's Medical Dictionary ... 4 Dunglison's Human Physiology 9 Dunglison on New Remedies . . . -13 Ellis's Medical Formulary, by Smith . . 13 Erichsen's System of Surgery . . . 28 Fenwick's Diagnosis ..... 14 Flint on Respiratory Organs ..... 17 Flint on the Heart . . . . , -17 Flint's Practice of Medicine . . . . .15 Flint's Essays ...... -15 Flint on Phthisis ....... 17 Fownes's Elementary Chemistry . . . - 10 Fox on Diseases of the Stomach . . . 17 Fnlleron the Lungs, &c ..... 17 Green's Pathology and Morbid Anatomy . 14 Gibson's Surgery ...... -26 G luge's Pathological Histology, by Leidy . . 14 Galloway's Qualitative Analysis . . . 10 Gray's Anatomy ....... 6 Griffith's (R. E.) Universal Formulary . . 13 Gross on Foreign Bodies in Air-Passages . . 26 Gross's Principles and Practice of Surgery . . 26 Guersant on Surgical Diseases of Children . . 20 Hamilton on Dislocations and Fractures . . 27 Hartshorne's Essentials of Medicine . . .16 Hartshorne's Conspectus of the Medical Sciences 5 Hartshorne's Anatomy and Physiology . . 7 Heath's Practical Anatomy ..... 7 Hoblyn's Medical Dictionary .... 4 Hodge on Women ....... 23 Hodge's Obstetrics ....... 24 Hodges' Practical Dissections .... 6 Holland's Medical Notes and Reflections . . 14 Homer's Anatomy and Histology ... 6 Hudson on Fevers ...... 18 Hill on Venereal Diseases ..... 19 Hillier's Handbook of Skin Diseases . . 20 Jones and Sieveking's Pathological Anatomy . 14 Jones (C. Handfield) on Nervous Disorders . 18 PAGB 8 .11 .31 . 31 18 .18 . 25 Kirkes' Physiology Knapp's Chemical Technology . . Lea's Superstition and Force . . Lea's Studies in Church History .. Lee on Syphilis Lincoln on Electro-Therapeutics . . Leishman's Midwifery .... La Roche on Yellow Fever ..... 14 La Roche on Pneumonia, &c. . . . .17 Laurence and Moon's Ophthalmic Surgery . . 29 Lawson on the Eye ...... 28 Laycock on Medical Observation . . . .14 Lehmann's Physiological Chemistry, 2 vols. . 9 Lehmann's Chemical Physiology ....<> Ludlow's Manual of Examinations ... 6 Lyons on Fever ....... 18 Maclise's Surgical Anatomy ..... 7 Marshall's Physiology ...... 8 Medical News and Library ..... 2 Meigs's Lectures on Diseases of Women . . 23 Meigs on Puerperal Fever ..... 23 Miller's Practice of Surgery ..... 26 Miller's Principles of Surgery . . . .26 Montgomery on Pregnancy ..... 25 NeilL and Smith's Compendium of Med. Science . fi Neligan's Atlas of Diseases of the Skin . . 20 Neligan on Diseases of the Skin . ... 2 Obstetrical Journal ...... 22 Odling's Practical Chemistry .... 10 Pavy on Digestion ...... 16 Pavy on Food ....... Parrish' s Practical Pharmacy .... 12 Pirrie's System of Surgery . . . .27 Pereira's Mat. Medica and Therapeutics, abridged 1 3 Quain and Sharpey's Anatomy, by Leidy . Roberts on Urinary Diseases ..... 1 Ramsbotham on Parturition ..... 26 Rigby's Midwifery ....... 26 Royle's Materia Medica and Therapeutics . . 13 Swayne's Obstetric Aphorisms . ... 2 Sargent's Minor Surgery ..... 26 Sharpey and Quain's Anatomy, by Leidy . Skey's Operative Surgery ..... 26 Slade on Diphtheria ...... 18 S^nith (J.L.) on Children ..... 2] Smith (H. H.) and Homer's Anatomical Atlas . Smith (Edward) on Consumption . . . .17 Smith on Wasting Diseases *. Children . . 21 Still's Therapeutics ...... 12 Sturges on Clinical Medicine . . . .14 Stokes on Fever ....... 14 Tanner's Manual of Clinical Medicine ... 6 Tanner on Pregnancy . ... 24 Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence . . . .30 Taylor's Principles and Practice of Med Jurisp Taylor on Poisons ....... 3G Tuke on the Influence of the Mind . . .31 Thomas on Diseases of Females . . . .22 Thompson on Urinary Organs . . . .30 Thompson on Stricture ...... 30 Thompson on the Prostate ..... 30 Todd on Acute Diseases ...... 14 Walshe on the Heart ...... 17 Watson's Practice of Physic ..... 15 Wells on the Eye ....... 29 West on Diseases of Females ... 23 West on Diseases of Children ... 21 West on Nervous Disorders of Children . 21 What to Observe in Medical Cases . . 14 Williams on Consumption .... 17 Wilson s Human Anatomy .... 7 Wilson on Diseases of the Skin ... 20 Wilson's Plates on Diseases of the Skin . 20 Wilson's Handbook of Cutaneous Medicine 20 Winslow on Brain and Mind ... 31 Wohler's Organic Chemistry ... 11 Winckel on Childbed ...... 4 Zeissl on Venereal ....... 19 For "THE OBSTETRICAL JOURNAL," FIVE DOLLARS a year, see p. 22. 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