IP ICTURES FROM BY LOUIS A. ROBERTS. i " The Poet's eye, in a fine frenzy r oiling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven, And as imagination bodies forth The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen Turns them to shape, and gives to airy nothing A local habitation and a name." SPRINGFIELD, MASS. D. E. FISK & COMPANY, X 3 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S72, by D. E. FISK & CO., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. JAS. B. RODGERS CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, PHILADELPHIA. JVS30430 THE PUBLISHER'S NOTE. \ HIGH ART. TOO THIN. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I regret to announce that, owing to a sudden and severe attack of illness, the gentleman who was advertised to take the part of Hamlet this evening, will be unable to appear before you. With the omission of this unimportant character, however, the play will begin as usual with all our splendid scenic effects, including a real ghost. Hoping, ladies and gentlemen, that this little circumstance will in nowise detract from your pleasure in the evening's entertainment, the performance will now commence." When Freedom from her mountain height Unfurled her standard to the air, She tore the azure robe of night, And set the stars of glory there. JOSEPH RODMAN DRAKE. There studious let me sit* . And hold high converse in thee I recognize the minister of Jove, And, kneeling, thus submit me to his Power. TALFOURD'S " ION." 36 Maud Muller, on a summer day, Raked the meadow sweet with hay. Beneath her torn hat glowed the wealth Of simple beauty and rustic health. Singing she wrought, and her merry glee The mock-bird echoed from his tree. WHITTIER. But what is this ? it comet h and it brings 4 music with it 'tis the rush of wings. EDGAR A. POE "AL AARAAF." 38 Beneath the lamp the lady bowed, And slowly rolled her eyes around. COLERIDGE " CHRISTABEL." " Til chase the antelope over the plain, 'The tiger s cub I'll bind with a chain , And the wild gazelle, with its silvery feet, Til give to thee for a playmate sweet!' OLD SONG. 40 // is a beauteous lady, richly dressed, Around her neck are chains and jewels rare ; A velvet mantle shrouds her snowy breast, And a 'young child is sweetly slumbering there." OLD SONG ALLAN PERCY. 41 What though the tempest madly raves ? I dive into thy darksome caves, And snatch the jewels hidden there. To glisten in the upper air.'" ANON " THE PEARL DIVER TO THE SEA." 42 Come one, come all; this rock shall fly From its Jinn base as soon as I!" SCOTT. 43 'Twere vain to guess what shook the pious man. Who looked not lovingly on that divan, Nor show'd high relish for the banquet prest. BYRON " THE CORSAIR." 44 Oh, tell me some secluded place, Where, weary with this fitful race, These tired limbs awhile may rest. AELLA GREENE, 45 The lone starry hour give me, love, When still is the beautiful night , When the round laughing moon I see, love, Peep through the clouds, silver bright ; When the wind through the lone wooa sweeps, love, And I gaze on some bright rising star, When the world is asleep, wake thou, love, And list while I touch my guitar. OLD SERENADE 46 The "poor but respectable parents? OLD BIOGRAPHERS. 47 Oh, what a fall was there, my country SHAKSPEARE men . 48 List ! 'tis a Grecian maid that sings, While from Ilyssus* silvery springs, She draws the cool lymph in her graceful urn ; And by her side, in music's charm dissolving, Some patriot youth, the glorious past revolving, Dreams of bright days that never can return. MOORE. 49 Turn, Angelina, ever dear, My charmer, turn to see Thy own, thy long lost Edwin here, Restored to love and thee ! GOLDSMITH "THE HERMIT." My bark is on the Sea /" BYRON, 51 And there upon the moss she sits, The Dark Ladle in silent pain ; The heavy tear is In her eye, And drops and swells again. COLERIDGE " BALLAD OF THE DARK LADIE." 52 53 The shades of night were falling fast, As through an Alpine village passed, A youth, who bore, mid snow and ice, A banner with the strange device, Excelsior /" LONGFELLOW. 54 Unbridled Spirit ! throned upon the lap Of ebon Midnight y 'whither dost thou stray ? ANON "HYMN TO THE NIGHT WIND." 55 BOARDING The sullen bell is tolling, That calls me to my doom. FRANCES A. FULLER u QUEEN MARY'S LOVERS." 56 Thou art more wondrous fair than mortals know. # * # * # Close up each eyelid with a warm, rich kiss, And let me listen while the sunlights go : I cannot bear a time so still as this, Unbroken by thy voice's fall and flow. Sing to me, Beautiful ! Sing low, sing low, sing low ! ROBERT BUCHANAN - 57 iC THE SIREN," O master ! we are seven. WORDSWORTH, 58 Hark ! how the loud and ponderous mace of time, Knocks at the golden portals of the day. LONGFELLOW "THE SPANISH STUDENT." 59 PL, 60 61 THE GUIDE BOARD TO Health, Peace, and Competence, OB THE ROAD TO HAPPY OLD AGE. A HAND-BOOK ADAPTED TO ALL CLASSES, IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. By , W, HALL, M, D,, NEW YOKE, AUTHOR OF "HEALTH BY GOOD LIVING," "Fun BETTER THAN PHYSIC," &c. 1 VOL., ROYAL OCTAVO, 750 PAGES. Fine Heavy White Paper, Small Pica Type, English Muslin, Beveled Boards, Gilt Back and Sid Stamp, Library Style, and Half Calf, with Fine Steel Plate Engraving of the Author, and THIBTY-THBEE FU1L-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS by the Best Artists. PRICE. English Muslin $4.00 Library Style 4.50 Half Calf, Sprinkled Edge. 5.00 " Gilt Back, Marble Edge 5.50 " " Gilt Back and Gilt Edge 6.00 Turkey Morocco, Full Gilt 7.00 EXCLUSIVELY A SUBSOBIPTIOff BOOK, Prospectus, with sample pages and style of binding, sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of $.00. First-Class Experienced Agents Wanted in all sections of the country, and the best inducements offered. 4=" We have Agents who have been connected with us five years, which is an indication of their satisfaction with our dealings. * D. E. PISK & CO., Publishers, SPRISTOFIELD, MASS. H. N. McKINNEY & CO. 16 Xortb Seventh Street, Philadelphia. 62 "A Hearty Laugh Elevutes the Spirit and Enlivens the Circulation. BETTER THAN PHYSIC: on EVERYBODY'S LIFE PRESERVER. BY W. W. HALL, M. D., NEW YOEK, AUTHOR OF "THE GUIDE BOARD," "HEALTH BY GOOD LIVING," ETC One "Vol. ISxno. 333 iPages. Fine Heavy White Paper, Small Pica Type, English Muslin, Beveled Boards, Gilt Back and Side Stamp, with Fine Steel Plate Portrait of the Author. This book contains TWELVE HUNDRED MAXIMS and PRECEPTS in regard to HEALTH, MORALS and HUMAN HAPPINESS, and these are made so plain and clear that a child can see and feel their truth. Thus seen and felt, they are never forgotten, even to the LATEST HOUR OF LIFE. The great popularity of the author (than whom none other is so often quoted) is a guarantee that this book will be eagerly sought for, and treasured as a gem. $1.50. The Best Fireside and Trayeling Companion in the World. Those who wish to live a long and happy life should call for it, buy it, read it daily, and follow its Precepts. Sent to any address, post paid, on receipt of price. D. E. FISK & CO., Publishers, , MLA.SS. H. N. McKINNEY & CO., 16 North Seventh St., Philadelphia. 63