GIFT OF X3uarterly of the Colorado School of Mines VOL. SEVEN OCTOBER, 1912 NUMBER THREE \^^ ^~'^ An Extension of the Dewey System of Classification as applied to Mining By CARL A. ALLEN, E. M. Assistant Professor of Mining Colorado School of Mines INTRODUCTION. A serious problem that confronts every engineer is how to make most available that mass of information to which he must constantly refer. Probably of all the engineers, he who follows mining has the most widely varying problems to solve. Each new one that presents itself requires thorough study and the bringing to* bear upon 1 it of all the data that can be found. If a mining engineer is called upon to report on a mine, he will be aided if he can find descriptions written by some previous in- vestigator. Too often, however, the information that is wanted is just the information that cannot be found. Public and private libraries have on their sh-elves an enormous amount of material that should be available with the least loss of time. Many methods of indexing have been used, based often on alphabetical order. The trouble with an alphabetical arrangement is that it is difficult to pick from the titles of many books the word the initial letter of \vhich should determine its place in the alpha- betical list. With an alphabetical shelf arrangement, a book on 245458 SCHOOL OF MINES. ''Child Study" might come next to one on "Chilian Mills," and one on "Grinding Machines" would be placed considerably farther along. To overcome these difficulties, most libraries now use what is known as the "Decimal Classification and Relative Index," called the "Dewey Decimal System." As its name indi- cates, this system is a numerical one. Each subject is given a number, and the shelf arrangement, being by number, brings similar subjects together. All knowledge that is, we might say, all reading matter is divided into ten classes, as follows : General Works. 1 Philosophy. 2 Religion. 3 Sociology. 4 Philology. 5 Natural Science. 6 Useful Arts. 7 Fine Arts. 8 Literature. 9 History. These classes are divided into divisions. Number 6, or ''Useful Arts," is subdivided as follows : 610. Medicine. 620. Engineering. 630. Agriculture. 640. Domestic Economy. 650. Communication and Commerce. 660. Chemical Technology. 670. Manufactures. 680. Mechanic Trades. 690. Building. These divisions are again subdivided into sections, and num- ber 620, or "Engineering," is divided as follows : 621. Mechanical Engineering. 622. Mining Engineering. 623. Military. 624. Bridge and Roof. 625. Road and Railroad. 626. Canal. 627. River and Harbor.. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 5 : 628. Sanitary. Water Works. 629. Other Branches. "Mining Engineering" has the number 622, and books or articles numbered 622 would be placed on the shelf between those numbered 621 and those numbered 623. As can readily be seen, this subdivision can be carried as far as desired. In the original classification it was carried to five figures, as is given on page, ir, and for a general library this is sufficient. For the library of a mining man, however, it is not enough. For example, it will be noted that 622.69 is "Surface Transportation." The average mining engineer will accumulate too many articles that would be classed under "Surface Transportation," but yet would be different; as, for instance, "Aerial Tramways" and "Wagon Roads." Hence, a further extension or subdivision is necessary, and this extension has been carried out in this bulletin. The principle of the system has been explained in order that a better understanding of its application may be gained. Never was there the wealth of valuable information to be found in technical books and periodicals as at the present time. Every engineer must have some system of making available the infor- mation that he may want at any time, and the "Dewey System" is probably the only scheme that has stood the test. At the Uni- versity of Illinois the effectiveness of the system has been tried in the Engineering College and has been found thoroughly satis- factory. If engineers will take the small amount of trouble necessary to become familiar with the system they will find it well adopted to their needs, and it will make available a large amount of technical literature that would otherwise be lost. APPLICATION OF THE SYSTEM. There are three ways in which the classification may be used by engineers. First, by a card index ; second, in filing articles and clippings without an index; and, third, in a combination of the two or filing away the material according to the' decimal system, with a card index arranged either alphabetically or ac- cording to the "Dewey System." As to which of the three ways is best, opinions differ; also, it depends on the extent of the material to be indexed. CARD INDEX. Many engineers use a card index arranged alphabetically. If they notice an article on "Sinking and Timbering Shafts," they 6 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. make out two cards, stating" the title, length and perhaps the character of the article and where it may be found. One of these cards will be placed in the drawer under "S" for "Shaft Sinking," and one under "T" for "Timbering." The only difference, if the decimal system of arrangement is employed, is that the cards, after being made out, would be given proper numbers and, placed in the drawer in their numerical order, would thus avoid the weakness of any alphabetical arrangement. The card index finds its best application when the user has in his office only a few of the articles to which referenece is made. The objections to it are two : First, there is usually trouble in finding- the magazine in which the article occurs, and, if the amount of material is large, the card index alone would not be sufficient. Second, many engineers will not keep up a card index. This is without doubt the most serious objection. Its beneficial use and general adoption by large business con- cerns has led many to believe that the card index alone is a "panacea for all ills," but they should remember that these con- cerns have competent and sufficient clerical help to keep the cards up to date, an advantage which many engineers do not enjoy. FILING MATERIAL WITHOUT AN INDEX. As to the second way of using the classification that is, for filing information without an index the following descrip- tion of its adoption at the Colorado School of Mines will prob- ably serve best to enable the reader to judge if it is applicable to his requirements. The mining department has a case con- taining a large number of pigeon holes 5" wide, 12" high and 14" deep, which are numbered according to the Dewey System, 622.11, 622.12, etc. When a new copy of the "Engineering and Mining Journal" arrives it is read and then, by removing the binding clips, the different articles it contains are taken out and placed in their proper pigeon holes. That is, if there be an article on "Timbering," it will be placed in number 622.2 along with articles on "Timbering" that may be taken from "Mines and Minerals," "Mining and Scientific Press," or "Mining Science." Then when any information is desired on "Timbering," by going to that pigeon hole we have all the latest information together. If the 1 number of articles in the pigeon hole becomes great, they are divided into their proper classes and placed in large envelopes with the proper number on the outside. That is, envelope' num- bered 622.281 would contain all the articles on "Kinds and THE COLORADO SCHOOL OP MINES. 7 Properties of Timber for Mine Use." If crowded for room, envelopes could be used entirely, arranged in large drawers or otherwise. Where an article might be classed under two head- ings, it is placed where it has the most weight, and, if desired, a reference to it on a blank sheet in the other pigeon hole can be made. Also on the. blank sheet can be written references to articles occurring in some book or paper which may be found only in the library. As most strong articles occur in at least two of the mining papers, very little cross referencing has been found necessary. The article taken from one magazine is put in one place, and from the other magazine in the other place. This also often prevents losing one article, because part of it is on the same sheet with another article, and, of course, the same results would be secured by having more than one copy of the same paper. Two advantages of the method are worthy of mention : First, the articles are immediately available, and, second, in case it is desired to take the information on a trip, it can be done without having to take a complete bound volume. BOTH CARD INDEX AND FILING. The third way of using the "Dewey System" is really a com- bination. Books and magazines are placed on the shelves in their proper order numerically and a card index is maintained referring to subjects to be found on the shelves or elsewhere. Where there are many books and the- mass of material is large, this is to be recommended. It is the method used in libraries where only the card index is alphabetical for the use of the public. EXTENSION OF THE CLASSIFICATION. In extending the classification, the aim has been towards as logical a subdivision as possible. The original classification, although imperfect, has not been changed. This is because oi the copyright restrictions; also, because of the reverence for the master mind that evolved the entire subdivision of all knowl- edge. The imperfections can be seen in the subdivision of "Drainage," but to attempt to it would be inadvisable, be- cause so many have already adopted it. The original subdivision is printed separately, so that it may be torn out and posted near the filing case. For placing many articles this will suffice and will save many references to the extended classification. In order to cover the ground of mining fully it was neces- sary to go into Geology and Mechanical Engineering, and the 8 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. subjects coming under those divisions that are found in the min- ing engineer's library) have been put in. Those on Mechanical Engineering were taken from Bulletin No. 9 of the University of Illinois, which is an extension of that subject. Nothing has been put in on Metallurgy and Assaying. A bulletin covering the extension on these subjects has already been issued by the Colorado School of Mines, and copies may be obtained from the President of the school. FORM DISTINCTIONS. In the application of the "Dewey System" it has been found useful to employ a series of form distinctions or divisions. The literature of any subject may often be advantageously separated into these subdivisions, which are as follows : .001. Statistics. . .002. Quantities and costs. .003. Contracts and specifications. .004. Designs and drawings. Maps. .005. Executive. .006. Working and maintenance. .007. Laws. .008. Patents. Machinery. .009. Reports. .01. Philosophy or theory. .02. Compends. Indices. Directories. .03. Cyclopedias. Dictionaries. .04. Essays. Address. Letters. Theses. .05. Periodicals. Magazines. .06. Societies. .07. Education. Study and teaching. .08. Tables and calculations. .09. History. Progress and development. These form distinctions may be used not only to subdivide general subjects, as is done for 622 on page 25, but they can also be used for the minor subdivisions, as, for example, 622.141.09 would be the history of mine surveying instruments. ALPHABETICAL SUBDIVISION. The use of an alphabetical arrangement for minute sub- divisions may sometimes be used to advantage, as has been done for mines and mining districts on page 33. This is by no THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. g means an alteration of the Dewey System, but one that is indi- cated in his book, and for this particular case is the only logical arrangement. RELATIVE INDEX. The second part of the bulletin consists of the relative in- dex, which is merely a finding list where the subjects or headings are arranged alphabetically and the proper number is given. The placing of a period after every three figures in a number is simply for convenience in reading. The first three figures for mining engineering are always 622, and may be replaced by a letter or sign if desired.. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. In preparing this work the writer has referred without hesi- tation to th^ indices or the subject matter of the available books on mining. Acknowledgments are due to Victor C. Alderson, President of the Colorado School of Mines, and to Miss Mabel Shrum, Librarian, for their kindly assistance in correcting manu- script ; to George W. Schneider, for his extension of "Mine Ac- counting," "Hoisting," and "Transportation," and to Miss Ella J. Colburn for her painstaking assistance in preparing the material for the printer. GOLDEN, COLORADO, August 20, 1912. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. n Original Classification (Subjects in italics have been added) 622. Mining Engineering (See also 338.2, Mining products.) May be subdivided like 620 and 620.0; e. g. Socie- ties, 622.06; Reports, 622.009. .1 Exploration and prospecting. .11 Theory. Applied geology, etc. .12 Prospecting. Practical methods. Including Divining Rods. .13 Mineral surveys. .14 Mine surveying. .15 Magnetic surveys. .16 Theory of -faults (See 551.87 and 553.19). .17 Valuation of mines. Sampling. .18 Mines and mining districts. .19 Mining prospectuses. Photography in mining. (See 553.) .2 Practical mining. .21 Excavation. .22 Quarrying. .23 Drilling and blasting. .24 Deep boring. .25 Shaft sinking. .26 Tunneling and drifting. .27 Stoping. .28 Timbering and mine support. Masonry lining. (See also 622.56.) .29 Handling and erecting machinery. Founda- tions. 12 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.3 Working of mines. Exploration. .31 Open workings. .32 Hydraulic mining and sluicing. Dredging. .33 Coal mining. -(See 553.2.) .34 Metal mining. Development. (See 533.3 and .4.) .35 Working thick deposits. .36 Salt mining. (See 553.63.) .37 Submarine mining. .38 Gem mining. .39 Mining miscellaneous minerals. .4 Ventilation and lighting of mines. .41 Theory. Gases m-t with, etc. .42 Natural ventilation. .43 Furnaces, steam jets, etc. .44 Fans. (See 621.62.) .45 Airways. Stoppings. Regulators. .46 Measurement of ventilation. Temperature. Humidity, .47 Lighting. Safety lamps, etc. .48 Coal dust. .49 Miscellaneous. .5 Drainage. .51 Theory of infiltration of water. .52 Natural drainage. .53 Cornish pumps. (See 621.64.) .54 Steam pumps. (See 621.64.) .55 Hoisting of water. .56 Dams and water-tight linings. (See also 622.28, Timbering.) .57 Acid waters. Mine waters. .58 Underground drainage systems. Piping. .59 Drainage districts. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 13 622.6 Extraction. Hoisting and transportation. .61 Handling mineral in working place. .62 Underground roads. .63 Mine cars. Trams, etc. .64 Gravity roads and planes. .65 Tramming and animal haulage. (See 625.7.) .66 Mechanical haulage. .67 Hoisting engines. Drums. Ropes. .68 Cages! Skips. Buckets. .69 Surface transportation. Including Mineral Roads, Wire Rope-ways. Tran- shipment, Loading and Unloading, etc. .7 Mechanical preparation. Ore dressing. .71 Theory. Preliminary operations. .72 Hand dressing. .73 Crushing. Stamping engine. .74 Screening. Classification. 75 Jigging- O re concentrators. .76 Slime treatment. Flotation. .77 Magnetic separation. .78 Coal washing. .79 Dressing works. .8 Dangers and accidents. Sociology. (See also 613.6, Hygiene; 331.82, Laboring classes.) .81 Explosions of fire-damp. .82 Mine fires. .83 Crushing and fall of ground. .84 Flooding of mines. .85 Accidents to miners. .86 Rescue and relief. .87 Inspection of mines. Mine bureaus and labora- tories. Health and care of zvorkmen. Institutions for miners. I 4 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.89 Miners customs and life. Miners and mining men. .9 Mine economics. Accounting. Miscellaneous. .91 Mine investments. Stocks and stockholders. (See 332.) .92 Management of mines. 93 Organized labor. (See 331.87.) .94 Contract systems and leasing. Ore purchasing. .95 Mine accounts. Bookkeeping. (See 657.) .96 Systems for keeping mine notes. Recording engineering and geological data. .97 Taxation. Insurance. (See 336.2 and 725-23-) .98 .Miscellaneous 'data on business side of mining. .99 Unclassified data on mining in general. EXTENDED CLASSIFICATION, 510. Mathematics. 520. Astronomy. 526. Geodesy. 530. Physics. 531. Mechanics. 532. Liquids. Hydrostatics. Hydraulics. 533. Gases. / Pneumatics. 540. Chemistry. 548. Crystallography. 549. Mineralogy. 550. Geology. 551. Physical and Dynamical Geology. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. i = 551.1 Structure of earth as a whole. .3 Erosion and deposition. .5 Meteorology. .6 Metamorphism. .7 Stratigraphical geology (Archean, Cambrian, etc.) .8 Structural geology. .81 Stratification. .84 Joints. Cleavage. Polarity in rocks. .85 Dip. Outcrop. Strike. .88 . Veins. Dykes. Necks. Bosses. .9 AgentS of geological WOrk (Frost, Water, etc.) 552. Lithology. Petrography. Petrology. 553. Economic Geology. .1 Ore deposits. .11 Formation and structure. . -in Syngenetic deposits or contemporaneous with coun- try rocks. .1 Magmatic segregations. .2 Deposits of sedimentary origin. .112 Epigenetic deposits or formed after country rocks. i Deposits from magmatic emanations. .2 Contact metamorphic deposits. .113 Precipitation of metal from solution. .114 Replacement .115 Secondary enrichment. .116 Ore shoots. .12 Classification. .13 Superficial. Placers. .14 Stratified. Beds, etc. .15 Unstratified. 16 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 553.16 Disseminated through country rock. .17 Stockwerks. Fahlbands. Contacts. .18 Chambers and Pockets. Impregnations. .19 Mineral veins. .2 Carbon series. (Note Under the following headings should be placed data on the occurrence, origin, production, uses, value," market, etc., as this is the only place where the minerals are classified and separated.) .21 Peat. .22 Lignite and jet. .23 Cannel coal. Bituminous shale. .24 Bituminous and semi-bituminous coals. .241 Coking coals. .242 Non-coking coals. .25 Anthracite and graphitic anthracite. .26 Graphite. Plumbago. N'atural coke. Carbo- nite. .27 Asphalt and asphaltic coals. Ozocerite. .271 Albertite. .272 Ozocerite. .273 Grahamite. .274 Uintaite or gilsonite. .275 Maltha. .276 Asphalt. .28 Petroleum. Natural gas. .29 Fossil gums and resins. .3 Ores of iron. .31 Hematite. .32 M,aignetite. .33 Limonite. .34 Gossan deposits. THE COLORADO SCHOOL QF MINES. 17 1.4 Ores of metals other than iron. 41 Ores of gold. .42 Ores of silver. 43 Ores of copper. 44 Ores of lead. 45 Ores of zinc and tin. Mercury. 451 Zinc. 452 Tin. 453 Mercury. .46 Ores of manganese and chromium .461 Manganese. .462 Chromium. 47 Ores of antimony and arsenic. 471 Antimony. .472 Arsenic. .48 Ores of nickel and cobalt. .481 Nickel. .482 Cobalt. 49 Other metallic ores. .491 Ores of miscellaneous common metals .1 Aluminum. .2 Platinum. 3 Bismuth. 4 Cadmium. 5 Molybdenum. .6 7 .8 9 .492 Ores of rare metals. .1 Palladium. .2 Osmium. 3 Iridium. 4 Titanium. 5 Uranium. .6 Vanadium. 7 Tungsten. .8 Radium. 9 Others. i8 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. .5 Building stones. 1 5 1 Marbles and limestones. 52 Granites and syenites. 53 Sandstones. 54 Slates. 55 Serpentines. Soapst ernes 56 Porphyries. 57 Trap. 58 Tufa. Ptperino. 59 Other building- stones. .6 Earthy economic minera Is. .61 Fire clays. Brick clays. Potter's clays. .611 Kaolins. .612 Brick and tile clays. .613 Pottery clays. .614 Fire clays. .62 Sands. .621 Foundry sands. .622 Glass sands. 63 Rock salt. Gypsum. Other salines, etc. .631 Salt. .632 Bromine. .633 Sodium sulphate.. -634 Sodium carbonate. .635 Soda niter. .636 Borax. .637 Iodine. .638 Gypsum. 639 Others. .64 Phosphates. Apatite. Guano. Greensand. (See also 631.) .641 Phosphate of lime. .642 Apatite. .643 Amorphous phosphates. .6 44 Guano. 645 Greensand. THE -COLORADO SCHOOL OF. MINES 553.65 Emery. Other abrasives, .651 Millstones and buhrstones. .652 Whetstones and oilstones. .653 Pumice and volcanic ash. .654 Diatomaceous earth. .655 Crystalline quart/:. .656 Feldspar. .657 Garnets. (See also 553-8). .658 Corundum and emery. .659 Other abrasives. .66 Heavy Spar. Sulphur. .661 Heavy spar or barite. .662 Sulphur. .663 Fluorspar. .664 Fuller's earth. .665 Diatomaceous earth. (See also 553-65-0 .666 .67 Asbestos. Magnesite. ..671 Asbestos. .672 Magnesite. .68 Limes, and mineral cements. .681 Limestones. .682 Hydraulic cements. .683 Pozzuolan cement. .684 Hydraulic limes. 685 Natural rock cement?. .686 Portland cements. .687 .69 Other earthy economic minerals .691 Monazite. .692 Lithium. .693 Meerschaum. .694 Mica. .695 Ocher. .696 Lithographic stone. .697 .7 Mineral waters. 20 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 553.8 Gems. Ornamental .81 Diamonds. .82 Corundum gems. .821 Ruby. .822 Sapphire. .823 83 Beryl gems. -831 Emerald. .832 Aquamarine. -833 Morganite. '84 Pearl. 85 Opal.- .86 Turquoise (matrix) .87 Tourmaline gems. .871 Rubellite. .872 Indicolite. .88 Quartz gems. .881 Amethyst, prase. .882 Jasper. .883 Rose quartz. .884 Onyx. .885 Agate. .886 Bloodstone. .887 Chrysoprase. .888 Sardonyx. .889 Carnelian and others. .89 Miscellaneous gems. .891 Peridot. ,892 Topaz. .893 Garnet. .894 Moonstone. .895 Alexandrite. .896 Cymophane. -897 Hiddenite. . .898 Kunzite. .899 Jade and others. .9 Other economic mine THE COLORADO SCHOOL OI< .MINES. 21 620. Engineering. 620.1 Strength of materials. .13 Properties and tests of stone, concrete, cement, etc. 621. Mechanical Engineering, .1 Steam engineering. .10 Power plants. Central stations. . 1 1 Mechanism of the steam engine. Design of en- gine parts. .115 Governors. .116 Valves and valve gears. .13 Locomotives. .132 Types of locomotives. .14 Traction engines (agricultural, road roller, etc.). .15 Portable engines. .16 Stationary engines. .17 Steam economy. .171 Instruments and apparatus used in boiler and engine tests. Indicators, counters, dynamometers, gages, etc. .172 Records and results of engine tests. Measurement of power; efficiency, engine friction, etc. .173 Records and results of tests on miscellaneous steam apparatus. .174 Theory: Expansion, superheating, cylinder conden- sation, jacketing, etc. (See also 536.73). .175 Condensers and cooling towers. .176 Injectors and ejectors. .177 Steam separators. .178 Accidents, engine failures, fly-wheel failures, boiler explosions. .179 Management of engines and boilers, engine rooms, boiler rooms, etc. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 621.18 Steam generation. Boilers. Furnaces. .182 Fuels. Comparative efficiency of. .183 Boiler fittings. Safety valves,, water gages, cock: manholes, etc. ..184 Furnace fittings. Appliances connected with combus tion of fuel. .1 Mechanical stokers. .2 Forced draft apparatus. .3 Chimneys. .4 Smoke consumption and prevention. .5 Oil feed apparatus, burners, etc. .6 Coal and ash conveyors. .9 Miscellaneous appliances. .185 Construction and setting of boilers. .186 Steam transmission and distribution. .19 Steam heating. (See 697.) 621.2 Water engines or motors. .2! Water wheels. Impulse. .22 Overshot and breast wheel. .23 Undershot wheel. .24 Turbines. .27 Hydraulic ram. .28 Hydraulic machinery. 621.3 Electrical engineering. .31 Generation of electricity. .311 Central stations. .312 Dynamo electric machines. .312.1 Theory. .2 General types and description. .3 Comrtiutating machines. .342 Constant speed motors. .343 Multispeed motors. .344 Adjustable speed motors. .345 Varying speed motors (railway motors). .4 Synchronous machines. .43 Alternating current generators. .6 Asynchronous machines. .63 Induction generators. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 23 621.312.64 Induction motors. .65 Series alternating current motors. .66 Repulsion motors. 313 Stationary induction apparatus. .3 Transformers. .4 Auto transformers. 314 Electrostatic apparatus. 317 Switchboards and control devices. .32 Electric lighting. .33 Electric traction. 331 Systems. Trunk. .3 Interurban. 34 Transmission of electrical energy. 35 Electrical processes. Storage of electricity .36 Telegraph and telephones. 361 Pole lines. .365 Telephone systems. 366 Telephone instruments. .37 Instruments and meters. 39 Industrial applications of electricity. 391 General. .392 Electricity applied to agriculture. 393 Electricity applied to mining. .4 Air and gas engines and other motors. .41 Hot air engines. .42 Compressed air engines. .43 Ignited gas or oil engines. 43 1 General theory of gas. gasolene, or oil engines .434 Diesel motor. 436 Gas producers, .5 Air compression. Ice machines. Refrigerators .51 Dry air compressors. .52 Wet air compressors. .53 Compressed air transmission and distribution 24 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 621.7 Manufactories. Engineering works. is .702 Arrangements of shops. Shop buildings. .71 . Machine shop. .72 Foundry. .73 Forge shop. .74 Woodworking shop. Pattern shop. .8 Millwork and machinery of transmission. Design of machinery parts. .82 Journals, shafting, etc. .87 Cranes and elevators. .89 Lubricants. Friction. .9 Machine tools. .91 Planing machines. .911 Metal planers, shapers, and slotters. .912 Wood planing machinery. .92 Grinding and filing. .93 Cutting and sawing. .931 Metal sawing and cutting machinery. .932 Wood sawing machinery. .94 Turning" and milling. .944 Pipe threading machines. .95 Perforating machinery. Drills. .96 Punching and shearing machinery. .97 Hammers. Nail and rivet machinery .98 Bending, straightening and shaping. 622. Mining Engineering. 622.01 Theory or philosophy of mining. 622.02 Mining compends, indices, directories 622.03 Mining cyclopedias, dictionaries, hand book THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.04 644:05 622.06 622.07 622.08 622.09 622.001 622.002 622.003 622.004 622.005 622.006 622.007 622.008 622.009 Mining essays, addresses, letters, theses. 'Mining periodicals, magazines. Mining societies. Mining education, study, teaching. Tables and calculations for mining. Mining history. Progress and development of mining. Mining- statistics. Mineral industry. Mining quantities and costs. Mining contracts and specifications. Mining designs and drawings. Mining maps Mining executive. Working and maintenance. Mining laws. Mining patents. Mining machinery. Mining reports. Examinations. Investigations 622.1 Exploration and prospecting. 622.11 Theory. Applied geology, etc. .in Types and general geology of ore deposits. (See also 553). .112 Mineralized areas. Descriptions. .113 Origin of float. Theory of placer formation. .1 Stream placers. Bench placers. Beach placers. Bar placers. Buried placers. Theory of nuggets. .7 Cemented placers. .114 Theory of prospecting. Scientific prospecting. .115 Influence of topography in prospecting. Canons coulees. .116 Influence of vegetation in prospecting. THE -'COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES: 622.12 Prospecting. Practical methods, including di- vining rods. .121 Prospecting outfits. .1 Prospecting outfits for frigid countries. . Prospecting outfits for tropical countries. .3 Animals, saddles, tents, beds, for prospecting .4 Cooking utensils, food supplies, medicines. .5 Camping out. Pitching tent. Packing. .6 .122 Practical methods of field prospecting. .1 Panning and sluicing. .2 Trenching and test pits. .3 Prospecting by cross-cuts and drifts. .4 Prospecting by shafts. -5 .6 Prospecting by drilling. (Sec also 622.33.) .123 Testing devices and tools used in prospecting: .1 Dipping needles. Divining rods. .2 Magnetometer. .3 Swedish mining compass. .4 Chemical tests for gold. .41 Stannous chloride method. .42 Iodine or bromine method. .5 Fire tests for gold. .51 Blowpiping. Blowpiping outfits. .52 Portable assay outfits. .521 Pocket smelters. .6 Pan, batea, horn spoon, rocker, sluice. .7 Picks, shovels, drills. .8 9 .124 Underground prospecting. 125 Acquiring mineral lands in the United States. .1 Public mineral lands and forest reserves. .2 Private lands. Land grants. Government land subdivisions. Acquiring lode claims. .5 Acquiring placer lands. .6 Acquiring tunnel and mill sites. .7 Acquiring coal lands. Timber and stone lands. .8 Acquiring water rights. .9 Miscellaneous. .126 Acquiring mineral lands in Canada. .127 Acquiring mineral lands in Mexico. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.128 Acquiring mineral lands in other countries. (Note. Acquiring mineral lands in other coun tries may be placed as laws of the countries and placed under 622.18. Mines and Mining Districts.) .129 Miscellaneous. 622.13 Mineral surveys. .131 Preliminary or location surveys. .1 Conditions governing location of mining lands .2 Size and shape of lode claims. .3 Size and shape of placer claims. .4 Size and shape of tunnel sites. .5 Size and shape of mill sites. .6 Preparing and filing location certificates. .7 General requirements of survey. .8 9 .132 Final or patent surveys. .1 Conditions governing patent surveys. .2 Methods of using instruments and measuring. .3 Field methods and adjustment of claim. .4 Tieing in claims. .5 Field notes. .6 Amended surveys. .7 Adverse surveys. .8 9 .133 Mineral surveys in Canada. .134 Mineral surveys in Mexico. .135 Mineral surveys in other countries. (See note un- der 622.128). .136 -137 622.14 Mine surveying. .141 Instruments for mine surveying. .1 Compasses. Pocket Transits. .2 ' Theodolites and transits. .3 Levels. .4 Chains and tapes. .5 Tripod sights. Stations. .6 .7 Adjustment of instruments. .8 Repair of instruments. 9 28 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.142 Surface surveys and traverses. .1 Determination of meridian. .11 From polaris. .12 With solar attachments. .13 By direct observation of sun. .14 By equal altitudes of stars. .15 Other methods. .2 Surface traverses. .3 Reservoir surveys. .4 Ditch surveys. .5 Surveys of pipe lines. .6 .143 Carrying the meridian underground. .1 By traverse on slope or level. .2 By plumb lines in two or more shafts. 3 By plumb wires in one shaft. .31 Two wire method. .32 Three wire method. 33 Four wire method. .4 Wires and weights. .41 Size and kind of wires. .42 Lowering wires. .43 Weights. .44 Suspending weights in fluid. 45 .5 Carrying meridian underground with auxiliary tele- scope or special transit. .6 7 .144 Survey of underground workings. .1 Drifts and cross-cuts. Entries. .2 Rooms, etc., in coal mines. .3 Stopes. .4 String surveys. .5 Sights and stations. .6 Illumination. 7 .8 9 .145 Record of surveys. .1 Kinds and uses of field note-books'. .2 Keeping field notes. .21 Side notes. .22 Sketches. .3 Kinds and uses of office books. .4 Calculation books. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 29 622.145.5 Loose-leaf books. .6 7 .146 Maps of mine surveys. .1 Kinds and uses of mine maps. .11 Topographic maps. .12 Geologic maps and sections. .13 Assay maps. .14 Maps of old workings. .15 Plan maps. .16 Elevation maps. Projections. .17 Sectional maps. .18 Maps for court work or litigation. .19 Miscellaneous. .2 Making mine maps. .21 Papers. .22 Scale and size. .23 Instruments for mapping. .24 Platting by angles and distances. .25 Platting by latitudes and departures. .26 Platting by parallel rule and protractor. .27 Platting by tangents and chords. .26 Coloring maps. Inks and colors. .29 Prints and tracings. Miscellaneous. .3 Filing mine maps. (See also 622.96.) .31 Labeling and numbering maps. .32 Filing maps in drawers. 33 Filing maps in frames. 34 Filing maps in books. 35 Filing maps on rollers. 147 Models of mines. .1 Uses of mine models. -II Working models. .12 Models for stockholders. .13 Court models. .2 Kinds of mine models. .21 Plate models. .22 Skeleton models. .23 Solid models. .24 .3 Materials and methods of construction. .31 Glass. .32 Plaster of Paris. 33 Wood. 34 Cement. 35- Papier-mache. .36 Wires and wire screens. 30 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.147.37 4 5 .148 Special surveys. .1 Surveys for connections. .2 Surveys for bore holes. (See 622.247) 3 4 .149 Descriptions of survey methods at various mines Miscellaneous. 622.15 Magnetic surveys. 151 152 153 622.16 Theory of faults. .161 Formation of faults. .1 Normal faults. .2 Reverse faults. .162 Locating faulted areas. .163 .164 622.17 Valuation of mines. Sampling-. .171 Valuation of surface equipment. .1 Buildings. .2 Shops. .3 Head frames, ore bins, etc. .4 Machinery and apparatus. .5 Tools .6 Supplies. .7 Live stock. .8 .9 Miscellaneous. 172 Valuation of underground equipment. .1 Machinery . and apparatus. .2 Tools. . 13 Supplies. .4 Live stock. .5 Trackage .6 Piping. .7 Wiring. .8 .9 Miscellaneous. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 31 622.173 Valuation of development work. .1 Shafts and inclines. Stopes. .2 Tunnels and adits. .3 Drifts and crosscuts. Entries. .4 Winzes and raises. .5 Stations and pockets. .6 7 .174 Sampling ore bodies. .1 Spacing and size of mine samples. .2 Blasting large samples. .21 Mill-run samples. , .3 Methods of taking groove samples. .4 Sampling spotty breasts. .5 Sampling dumps and stock piles. .6 Sampling placer ground. , ; J .61 By shafts. .62 By bore holes. .63 Location of samples. .64 ; , .65 , I .7 Sampling coal seams. .8 Sampling massive deposits by bore holes. .9 Cutting and grinding samples. Miscellaneous. .175 Valuation of ore bodies. .1 Classification of ore bodies. , * .11 Ore blocked out. .12 Positive ore. .13 Probable ore. .14 Possible ore. 15 .2 Calculating amount and gross value of ore. .21 Calculation of foot-ounces. .22 Calculation of foot or inch-dollars .23 Influence of ore shoots. .24 25 .176 Economic factors in mine valuation. .1 Treatment of ores. .2 Labor. 3 Transportation. .4 Timber. 5 Water. .6 Government. 7 Climate. r .8 - 9 Miscellaneous. 32 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.177 Factors influencing probable future value- .1 Previous production. .2 History of neighboring mines. .3 Geology. 4 5 .6 .178 179 622.18 Mines and mining districts. .181 Famous mines of antiquity. .182 Famous mines of modern times. .183 .184 Mines and mining districts in Europe. .1 Scotland. Ireland. .2 England. Wales. .3 Germany. Austria. .4 France. - 5 Italy. .6 Spain. Portugal. .7 Russia. .8 Norway, Sweden, Denmark. .9 Mlinor countries. .185 Mines and mining districts in Asia. .1 China. .2 Japan. .3 Arabia. .4 India. .5 Persia. .6 Turkey in Asia. .7 Siberia. .8 Turkestan. Afghanistan. Beloochistan. .9 Minor cotmtries. .186 Mines and mining districts in Africa. .1 North Africa. .2 Egypt. Nubia. .3 Abyssinia. .4 Morocco. .5 Algeria. .6 North Central Africa. .7 South Central Africa. f .8 South Africa. .9 Madagascar. .187 Mines and mining districts in North America. .1 British America. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. '33 622.187.2 Mexico. Central America. Other countries. .3 United States. .4 North Atlantic States. .5 South Atlantic States .6 South Central or Gulf States. .7 Northeast Central or Lake States. .8 West Central or Mountain States. .9 Pacific States. .188 Mines and mining districts in South America. .1 Brazil. .2 Argentine Republic. .3 Chile. .4 Bolivia. .5 Peru. .6 Colombia. Ecuador. .7 Venezuela. .8 Guiana. .9 Paraguay. Uruguay. Other countries. .189 Mines and mining districts in Oceanica. Polar region? .1 Malaysia. .2 Sunda. .3 Australasia. .4 Australia. .5 New Guinea. .6 Polynesia. .7 Isolated Islands. .8 Arctic Regions. .9 Antarctic Regions. Note. Further subdivision may be arranged alpha betical or first divided into minerals and then sub- divided according to alphabetical order. The pro- duction of a mine or district, the mining regula- tions, history or anything peculiar to a district, may be filed under this subdivision. 622.19 Mining prospectuses. Photography in mining (See 553-3.) .191 Mining prospectuses. .192 Photography in mining. .1 Surface photography . .2 Underground photography. .193 Printing and reproduction of photographs. .1 Half tones. .2 Zinc etchings. 34 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.2 Practical mining. 622.21 Excavation. .211 Classification and measurement of materials .1 Classification of materials. .11 Earth. .12 Hardpan. .13 , Rock. .14 Other classifications. .2 Measurement of materials. .21 Measuring materials in place. .22 Measuring excavated materials. .23 Methods of calculation. .24 Earth shrinkage. .25 Voids in broken stone. .26 27 .212 Picking and shoveling. (See 622.313 and 622.321.1) .1 Capacity of man picking. .2 Capacity of man shoveling. .3 Economical lifts and throws in shoveling. .4 Kinds and use of picks. .5 Kinds and use of shovels. .6 7 .213 Plowing. .1 Capacity of plow. .2 Steam plows. 3 4 214 . Scrapers. .1 Slips or drag scrapers. .11 ... Capacity. 12 Economical lead. .13 - . Organization of force. .2 Fresnoes and bucks. .3 Wheeled scrapers. .4 Steam scrapers. 5 215 Elevating graders. 216- ........ Steam shovels. ,i Construction. ,2 Operation. 3 Capacities. 4 Repairing. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 35 622.216.5 Proper bank heights. .6 Arrangement of tracks. .217 Dredges, other than bucket-elevator. (See 622.316 and 622.325). .1 Grad bucket dredges. .11 Construction. .12 Operation .13 Capacities. 14 IS .2 Suction dredges. .218 Bucket elevator dredges. (See 622.326). .219 Hydraulicking. Other methods. (See 622.322) 622.22 Quarrying-. .221 Methods of quarrying rock. .1 Quarrying squared rock. .2 Quarrying rough and fragmental stone. 222 Implements for quarrying. .1 Plug and feather. .2 Mechanical picks. .3 Channelers. .4 Power saws. 5 6 7 622.23 Drilling- and blasting. 231 Drill steel, sharpening. .1 Kind and sizes of hand drill steel. .2 Kind and sizes of machine drill steel. .3 Size and shapes of bits for hand work. .4 Size and shape of bits for machine work. .5 Sharpening and tempering drills. .51 Hand sharpening and tempering. .52 Machine sharpeners. .6 7 232 Hand drills and drilling. .1 Methods of hand drilling. .11 Single hand. .12 Double hand. .13 Hand churn drill. .2 Hand power drills. .21 Jackson. .22 Hand augers. 36 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.233 Care and operation of machine drills accessories .234 Piston or reciprocating machine drills. .1 Tappet valve piston machines. .11 Ingersoll-Rand. .12 Rand Little Giant. .13 Chicago Giant Rock drill. .14 Sullivan Tappet valve drill. .15 Taylor's Hbrsfield drill. .16 Holman's Tappet drill. .17 Stephen's Climax Tappet valve drill. .18 Rio Tinto drill. .19 Others. .2 Air valve. .21 Ingersoll-Eclipse. .22 Rand Slugger. .23 Konomax. .24 Sullivan differential valve. .25 Little Hardy. .26 Stephen's Climax Imperial. .27 Wood. .28 McKiernan. .29 Little Hercules and others. .3 Auxiliary valve. .31 Ingersoll-Sargeant drill. .32 Holman Auxiliary Ball Valve drill. .235 Hammer drills. .1 Cradle mounted. .11 Leyner. .12 Leyner Rock Terrier. .13 Stephen's Imperial hammer. .14 Kimber. .2 Air feed. .21 Gordon. .22 Murphy. .23 Waugh. .24 Little Wonder. .25 Sullivan stoper. .26 Ingersoll-Rand stoper. .27 Leyner stoper. .28 .29 .3 Hand air hammer drills. .31 Murphy. .32 Little Wonder. .33 Hardscog. .34 Shaw. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 37 622.235.35 Hardy. .36 37 .38 .236 Electric, hydraulic rotary and miscellaneous drills. .1 Electric drills. .11 Fort Wayne. .12 Dietz. .13 Box. .2 Airo-electric drills. .21 Temple-Ingersoll. .22 .23 .3 Hydraulic rotary. ,31 Brandt. -32 -33 .237 Kinds and care of explosives. .1 Low explosives. .11 Black powder, .in Potassium nitrate powder. .112 Sodium nitrate powder. .2 High explosives. .21 Uncombined. .211 Fulminates. .212 Nitroglycerine. .213 Gun cotton. .214 Nitrostarch. .215 Chlorate of potash. .22 Combined. .221 Nitroglycerine dynamites. .222 Gelatin dynamites. .223 Nitrate of ammonia dynamite. .224 Nitrotoluene dynamites. .225 Nitrostarch explosives. .3 Combination of high and low explosives. .4 Prolonged pressuie. .41 Lime. .42 Hydraulic cartridge. .5 Permissible explosives. .51 Nitroglycerine explosives. .52 Nitrate of ammonia. .6 Handling and storage of explosives. .61 Shipping explosives^ .62 Storing explosives. .63 Thawing explosives. .631 Thawing explosives in small quantities. 38 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.237.632 Powder thawers. .633 Powder thawing houses. .7 Adaptability of different explosives. .8 .9 Miscellaneous. .238 Charging and firing holes. ,i Charging -holes. .11 Placing powder. .12 Placing detonators. .13 Tamping. .2 Methods of firing charges. .21 Squibs. .211 Common. .212 Electric. .22 Fuses. .23 Caps or detonators. .24 Electric detonators. .241 Instantaneous. .242 Delay action. .25 Electric shot firing systems. .3 Theory of blasting. .31 Calculation of charges. .32 Number and size of free faces. .33 Nature of rock. .34 Strength of powder. .35 Kind of powder. .36 Completeness of detonation. 4 5 .239 Miscellaneous notes on drilling and blasting. Sub- aqueous work. 622.24 Deep boring*. .241 Hand augers. .1 Tools " .2 Operation. .3 Adaptability. 242 Percussion drilling. .1 Operation. .2 Spring pole rig. .3 Standard rig. .31 Outfit. .32 Adaptability. .4 Portable rigs. ,41 Outfit. .42 Adaptability. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 39 622.242.5 Self cleaning or hollow rod method. .6 Pole tool method. .7 Empire drill. .71 Outfit. .72 Operation. .73 Adaptability. .8 Percussion core drill. 9 243 Hydraulic methods. .1 Hydraulic rotary. .11 Outfit. .12 Operation. .13 Adaptability. .2 Jetting method. .21 Outfit. .22 Operation .23 Adaptability 244 Abrasive or rotary core drills. .1 Diamond drill. .11 Outfit. .12 Operation. .13 Adaptability. Chilled shot drill. .21 Outfit. .22 Operation. .23 Adaptability. .3 Calyx drill. .31 Outfit. .32 Operation. .33 Adaptability. 245 Other methods. .246 Comparison of drilling methods. .247 Surveying bore hole?. .248 .249 622.25 Shaft sinking. 251. Timber lined shafts in overburden .1 Firm grourid. .2 Soft ground. .21 Forepoling or spiling. .22 Wooden sheet piling. .23 Steel sheet piling. .252 Concrete drop shafts and caissons. .1 Wooden caissons. 40 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.252.2 Steel caissons. .3 Masonry or concrete caissons. .31 Excavating by hand. .32 Excavating by orange peal bucket. .33 Excavating by sack borer. .34 Excavating by churn borer. .35 Excavating by mammoth pump. .4 Pneumatic caissons. .5 Cast iron tubbing sinking drums or caissons. .6 Shield 'method. 7 .8 .253 Freezing method (Poetsch). . .1 Freezing mixtures. .2 Arrangement of pipes. Excavation. Kind-Chaudron method. Outfit. .2 Operation. .255 Sinking in rock and timbering. .1 Machine drilling. .12 Method of placing holes. .13 Sinking frames. .14 Arrangement of working shifts. .2 Hand work. .21 Method of placing holes. .22 Arrangement of working shitts. .3 Long hole method. .4 Sinking winzes. .5 Driving raises. .256 Concrete shaft lining in rock. Steel se'.s ( See 622.28). .1 Shapes of shafts, forms. .2 Method of placing concrete. .3 Steel shaft sets and lining. .257 Head frames, buckets, etc., used in shaft sinking. (See 622.67). .1 Head frames, methods of dumping. .2 Derricks. .3 Buckets. .4 Cross heads, guides. .258 Handling water in shaft sinking (See 622.5). .1 Shaft sinking pumps. .11 Vertical plunger type. .12 Pulsometer. .259 Descriptions of various shafts. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 41 622.26 Tunneling and drifting. .261 Kinds of tunnels and adits, size and grade. .1 Mining *dits. .2 Drainage adits. .3 Transportation adits. .4 Irrigation or water works tunnels. .5 Railroad tunnels. .6 Sewerage and water works tunnels of small sections. 7 .8 .262 Considerations governing selection of tunnel sites. .1 Loose materials at mouth. .it Nature. .12 Extent. .2 Danger from snow or earth slides. .3 Formations to be penetrated. .4 Water to be handled. .41 Surface. .42 Underground. .5 Getting under cover. .263 Tunneling through rock. .1 Drilling. .11 Drill frames. .2 Systems of placing holes. .21 Square cut. .22 V. cut .23 Number and placing of holes. .3 Explosives for tunnel driving. .a Method'.; of enlarging headings. .41 English. .42 Belgian. .43 German. .44 Austrian. .45 American. .46 Simplon. .5 Methods of handling waste. .264 Tunneling through soft material. Subaqueous tun- nels. .1 Forepoling and breast boards. .2 Wedging. .3 Tunnel shields. .4 Pneumatic caissons. .5 Sub-aqueous tunnels. .265 Drifting and cross-cutting. .266 Driving entries in coal. .267 Alignment of tunnels. 42 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.268 Tunneling machines. .269 Descriptions of tunnels. Miscellaneous. 622.27 Stoping .271 Overhand. .1 Longitudinal back, flat-back, or long wall. .2 Rill cut. .3 Raise stoping. .4 Cutting-out. , .5 . Drift stoping. .6 Transverse. .7 Shrinkage. .8 9 .272 Underhand. .1 Ore drawn from bottom. .2 Ore hoisteu to level above, Cornish. .273 Combination stoping. .274 Breast stoping. .275 .276 .277 .278 .279 Other methods. ' 622.28 Timbering 1 and mine supports. Masonry lining. .281 Kinds and properties of timber for mine use. .1 Coniferous trees. .11 Pine. .12 Spruce. .13 Firs. .14 Larch. .15 Hemlock.. .16 Cedar. 17 .18 .19 Others. .2 Deciduous trees. .21 Oak. .22 Hickory. .23 Ash. .24 Elm. .25 Maple. .26 Poplar. .27 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 43 622.281.28 .29 Others. .3 Eucalyptus 4 5 .282 Cutting and seasoning trees. .1 Influence of season on felling of trees. .2. Peeling mine timber. .3 Seasoning timbers for mine. .31 Air drying. .32 Kiln dying. .283 Preserving mine timbers. i. Methods of application of preservatives. .11 Brush treatment. .12 Open tank treatment. .13 Closed tank pressure treatment. .2 Kinds of liquid preservatives. .21 Salt solution. .22 Zinc chloride Burnett's process. .221 Zinc chloride and glue Wellshouses's process. .23 Zinc or copper sulphate. / .231 Thilmany's process. .232 Boucherie's process. .24 Bichloride of mercury Kyan's process. .25 Creosote .26 Sulphate of iron Payne's process., .3 Vulcanizing wood. .284 Rock pressures. .1 General theory of rock pressures. .2 Weights of different rocks and earths. .3 Action of different roofs. .31 Creeps. .32 Squeezes. .33 Swelling ground. .285 One and two stick timbering. .1 Props or posts. .2 Stulls. .21 Angle of underlie of stulls. .22 Hitches and caps with stulls. .23 Calculating strengths of stulls. ,286 Three and four stick timbering. Timber framing machines. .1 Drift sets. .11 Framing drift sets, .in Framing drift sets for top pressure. .112 Framing drift sets for side pressure. 44 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.286.113 Sills in drift sets. .114 Lagging for drift sets. .115 Squeeze boards, etc. .12 Placing drift sets. .2 Shaft sets. .21 Methods of framing sets for shafts. .211 Wall plates. .212 End plates. .213 Dividing pieces or buntons- .214 Posts or studdles. .215 Guides. .22 Bearing timbers. .23 Placing and blocking shaft sets. .24 25 25 .3 Square sets. .31 General principles of square sets. .32 Diedesheimer square sets. .33 Anaconda. .34 Homestake square sets. 35 Use of square sets in inclined seams. .36 Modified square sets. 37 Limiting heights .of square sets. .38 Individual members of square sets. .39* Placing square sets. .4 Timbering swelling ground. ,5 Timber framing machines. .6 .7 .287 Miscellaneous timbering. .1 Cribbing. .2 Timbering raises and winzes. .3 Timbering shaft stations. .4 Chutes and chute mouths. .5 Head frames. .6 Bins. .7 Trestles and bridges. .8 Towers for tramways. .9 Miscellaneous. .288 Steel and concrete in mining. Masonry. (See 622.257). .1 Steel sets. .11 Shaft sets. .12 Drift sets. .2 Concrete and masonry linings. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 45 622.289 ' Other methods of support. .1 Ore pillars. .11 Arch pillars. .12 Shaft pillars. .13 Dead ends. .2 Waste filling. .21 Flushing. .3 Ore filling. 622.29 Handling and erecting machinery. Founda- tions. .291 Handling heavy machinery. .292 Transporting machinery. .293 Machinery foundations. .294 Setting machinery. .295 .296 622.3 Working of mines. 622.31 Open wokings. .311 General considerations. .1 Geological conditions. .2 Topography. .3 Magnitude of deposit. .4 Value of deposit. .5 Thickness and character of overburden. .6 Disposal of waste. 7 .8 .312 Blasting material in open pit work. .1 Placing blasts in churn drill holes. .2 Placing blasts in toe holes. .3 Placing blasts by gophering. .313 Open pit mining by manual labor. (See 622.212 and 622.321.1). . i Wheelbarrows. .2 Dump carts and wagons. .3 Cars. .314 Open pit mining with scrapers. (See 622.214 and 622.321.2). .1 Slip or drag scrapers. .2 Wheel scrapers. .3 Fresnoes or bucks. .4 Steam scrapers. 46 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.315 Open pit mining by steam shovels. (See, 622. 216 and 622.321.7). .1 Methods of opening deposit. .11 Thorough cut. .12 Spiral cut. .2 Height and slope of benches. .3 Arrangement of track. .316 Open pit mining by clam shell or orange peal dredges. (See 622.217). .'..,,. .317 ' Open pit mining by self-dumping carriers. (See 622.321.4). .318 Other methods of open pit work. .319 Milling or mill holing. .1 Opening up deposit; shafts; levels, etc. .2 Size and spacing of mill holes. .3 Breaking ore into mill holes. .31 Slope of working face. .32 Height of benches. .33 Method of blasting. 622.32 Hydraulic mining and sluicing. Dredging. .321 Methods of getting gravel to sluice other than hy- draulicking. .1 Hand shoveling. (See 622.212 and 622.313). .11 Limitations. .12 Arrangement of shoveling pits and drains. .2 Scrapers. (See 622.214 and 622.314). .21 Slip or drag scrapers. .22 Steam scrapers. .3 Track and incline. .4 Self dumping carriers. (See 622.317) .5 Derricks. .6 .7 Steam shovel. (See 622.216). .71 Gravel trammed to sluice. .72 Dumps direct into sluice. .322 Hydraulicking. (See 622.219). .1 Hydraulic installations. . 1 1 Headgates. .12 Diversion wiers. .13 Ditches. .14 Flumes. .15 Pipe lines. .16 Pressure boxes. 17 .18 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 47 622.322.2 Ground sluicing. .3 Booming. .4 Hydraulic giants and monitors. .41 Construction. .42 Operation. .43 Capacities. .44 Deflectors. .441 Hoskins. .442 Smith-La Grange. .5 Hydraulic elevators injector type. .51 Construction. .52 Operation. 53 Capacities and efficiencies. .54 Gravel elevators. 55 Water lifters. .6 Other elevators. .61 Ruble. .62 -63 .323 Sluicing. .1 Primitive methods. .11 Pan, Batea. Horn-spoon. .12 Rocker. .13 Oregon Tom. .14 Puddling box. .2 Construction of sluices. .21 Construction of boxes. .211 Posts. .212 Braces. .213 Sides. .214 Lining. .22 Construction of riffles. .221 Pole riffles. .222 Rock riffles. .223 Block riffles. .224 Steel rail riffles. .225 Hungarian riffles. .226 .227 :228 .229 Other riffles. 3 Grade and capacity of sluices. 31 Proper grade of sluices. 3ii Influence of kind of gravel. 312 Influence of amount of water available. 313 Influence of kind of riffles. 48 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.323.32 Capacity of sluices. .4 - Undercurrents. .41 Construction. .42 Grade and capacity. .5 Descriptions of installations. .324 General considerations in hydraulic mining and sluic- ing. .1 Duty of water. .2 Topographical considerations. .3 Dump room. .4 Waste or debris laws. .325 Dipper, clam shell, orange peal and suction dredges. (See 622.217). .1 Dipper dredges for placer mining. .2 Clam shell and orange peal dredges for placer min- ing. .3 Suction dredges for placer mining. .31 History. .32 Construction. .33 Operation. .34 Uses. .326 Bucket elevator dredges. (See 622.218). .1 History and development. .11 Single lift dredges. .12 Double lift dredges. .13 New Zealand type. .14 California type. .15 Sluice dredges. .16 Table dredges. .17 Working on head lines. .18 Working on spuds. .2 Mechanical construction. .21 mills. .211 Wood. .212 Steel. .22 Gantries. .221 Bow. .222 Middle. .223 Stern. .23 Digging ladder. .231 Tumblers. .24 Bucket line. .241 Open connected. .242 Close connected. .243 Construction of bucket. .1 Two lug. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.326.243.2 Three lug. 3 Hood. 4 Lip. 5 Bottom 25 Winches and tie lines. 26 Trommels, or screens, sprays. 27 Gold saving tables or sluices. 28 Spuds and tailing stacker. 29 Other details of construction. 3 Operation of bucket elevator dredges. 31 Clearing ground. 3 2 Breaking down gravel. 321 By hydraulic monitors. -322 By blasting. 33 Digging. 33 1 Order of excavation. 332 Width of cut. 333 Disposing of large stones. 334 Cleaning bed rock. 34 Stepping ahead. 35 Cleaning up. .4 Miscellaneous. 327 Drift mining and thawing frozen ground. i Opening drift mines. ii Adit. .12 Shaft. .2 Working drift mines. 2i Long breast retreating. .22 Checker board system. 23 Other systems. 3 Conveying gravel. .31 Wheelbarrows. .32 Cars. 33 Self-dumping carriers. 4 Thawing frozen gravel. .41 By fires.' 42 By streams of water. 43 By steam points. .328 Dry placer mining. i Excavating. 2 Drying. 3 Screening. 4 Gold saving appliances. .41 Pneumatic. 411 Bellows actions Woods. 4 12 Steady air currents Edison. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.328.5 Miscellaneous dry placer machines. .329 622.33 Coal mining. .331 Opening or developing coal mines. (See 622.291). .1 Shafts. .12 Advantages and disadvantages. .13 Shapes and sizes. Location. .2 Slopes. .21 Advantages and disadvantages. .22 Size. .3 Water level drifts and stone headings. . .31 Advantages. .32 Size, location. .4 Entries. .41 Kind of entry; face entries; butt entries, etc .42 Size of entries. .'43 Grade and alignment of entries. .5 Single entry system of development. .6 Double entry system of development. ./ Triple entry system of development. .8 Slope landings, shaft bottoms, partings, sidings. .9 Mine stables, pump rooms, shanties, lamp stations .332 Methods of mining coal at the face. .1 Undercutting by pick. .2 Undercutting by machines. .21 Coal cutting machines. .3 Mining in center or top of seam. .4 Effect of roof pressure in mining. Draw slate .5 Wedging down the coal. .6 , Shooting down undercut coal. ./ Shooting off the solid. .8 Mining coal in benches. .333 Working coal mines by room and pillar. .1 Turning off rooms. .11 Sighting in rooms. .12 Direction of rooms, face on, long horn, half on. short horn etc. .13 Running rooms both sides of entries. .14 Double rooms. .2 Dimensions of room.s. .21 Slope a condition. .22 Depth of seam and nature of roof. .23 Character of coal. .3 Size of pillars. .31 Squeezes. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Drawing pillars. .5 Working contiguous seams by room and pillar .6 Miscellaneous notes on room and pillar. 334 Working by pillar and stall. 335 Working by panel system. 336 Working inclined seams. .1 Buggy breasts. .2 Self acting inclines. .3 Working on battery. .4 Lengths of rooms in inclined seams. .5 Drawing pillars. .6 Working contiguous seams. .7' Methods of mining anthracite coal. .71 Arrangement of breasts. .72 Working the breasts. 337 Working coal mines by long- wall. .1 Roof pressure in long- wall work. Roadways in long-wall advancing .3 Roadways in long-wall retreating. .4 Handling coal on long-wall face. .5 Long wall on inclined scams. .6 Long-wall on thick seams. 7 .8 -9 338 Miscellaneous or special coal mining method-. .339 Comparison of coal mining methods. .^4 Metal mining. Development. 341 General notes on gold and silver mining. 342 General notes on copper mining. 343 General notes on tin mining. 344 General notes on lead and zinc mining. 345 General notes on iron mining. 346 General notes on rare metal mining. 347 Development of metal mines. .1 Size, shape and advantages of vertical shafts. .2 Size, shape and advantages of inclined shafts. .3 Size, shape and advantages of cross-cut adits. .4 Size, shape and advantages of adits on the vein .5 Blocking out ore bodies. .51 Levels, factors determining distance between lev els, etc. .52 Drifts, and winzes, location and size. .53 Stations, ore pockets, etc. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.35 Working thick deposits. .351 Overhand shrinkage slopes. .352 Mining by square sets. .353 Transverse stoping. .354 Filling systems. .355 Top slicing. .356 Sub-level drifts and back caving. Chute caving. .357 Block caving. .358 Chamber and pillar. .359 Other methods. 622.36 Salt mining-. .361 Dissolution method. .362 Chamber and pillar method. 622.37 Submarine mining". 622.38 Gem mining. 622.39 Alining miscellaneous minerals. 622.4 Ventilation and lighting of mines. 622.41 Theory, gases met with, etc. .411 Conditions demanding ventilation. .1 Requirements of human system for oxygen. .2 Need of carrying away poisonous or inert gases. .3 Need of diluting or removing inflammable gases. .4 Need of cooling deep mines or those hot from ox- idation. 5 .6 .412 Gases met with in mines. .1 Powder smoke. .2 Methane or fire damp. .3 Carbonic oxide gas or white-damp. .4 Carbon dioxide gas or choke damp. .5 Hydrogen sulphide or stink-damp. .6 7 .8 . -9 Other gases. .413 Actions and effects of mine gases. .1 Effect of gases on animal life. .2 Inflammable and explosive mixtures. 3 THE COLORADO SCHOQL OF MIXES. 022.413.4 5 .414 Testing for mine gases. .1 With safety lamps. (See 622.472.33). .11 Method of using lamps. .12 Length of flame caps. 13 -M .2 Platinum wire indicators. .21 Liveing. .22 Beard. .23 Mackie. .24 25 .3 Laboratory gas tests. .31 Shaw machine. .32 Gas analyses. 33 -34 4 5 .6 .415 General principles of mine ventilation. .1 Travel of air currents. .11 Through room and pillar workings, .in Single entry. .112 Double entry. .113 Triple entry. .14 Through long-wall workings. 15 .16 .2 Air splits. .3 Cubic feet of air required by law. .31 In gaseous mines. .32 In non-gaseous mines. .4 Force and exhaust ventilation. .41 Advantages and disadvantages of forcing. .42 Advantages and disadvantages of exhaustinj 5 .6 7 .416 Theory and calculations on ventilation. .1 Ventilating pressure. .2 Air velocity. .3 Laws of friction. .4 Coefficient of friction. 54 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OI' MINES. 622.416.5 Quantity of air. .6 Work and power. .7 Laws of ventilation. .8 Practical formulae. .0 Miscellaneous. Natural ventilation. Theory of natural ventilation. Power of motive column. Effect of temperature and barometer on natur, ventilation. Reversal of air current. Ventilation of rise and dip workings. 622.43 Furnaces. Steam jets. Trompes. .431 General theory of furnaces. 43 2 Effective power of coal burned in furnace. 433 Application of furnace in gaseous mine- .1 Dumb entries. .434 General notes on steam jets. 435 General theory of waterfalls or trompes. .1 Effect of cooling the air. .2 Injector effect of trompe. .436 622.44 Fans. Mechanical ventilators. 441 'General notes on mechanical ventilators. .1 Extent of use and adaptability. .2 Advantages. .21 Efficiency. .22 Reliability. .23 Ability to regulate amount of air. .24 Ability to reverse direction of air. .25 Ease of operation. .26 .3 Disadvantages. .31 Cost. 77/7: COLORADO SCHOOL O/ ; MIXES. ( 122.442 Positive blowers. .1 Reciprocating. .11 Construction. .12 Operation. 13 Advantages and disadvantage- .14 Different makes. 2 Rotating. .21 Construction. .22 Operation. .23 Advantages. .24 Disadvantages. .25 Different makes. .251 Root. .252 Connersville. .253 Green. .254 Baker. -'55 -3 4 .443 Centrifugal fans. .1 General theory of centrifugal fans. .11 Calculation for capacity and efficiencies. Waddle type. .21 Construction. .22 Operation .23 Efficiency. 24 Makes. .3 Guibal type. 31 Construction. .31 Operation. .33 Efficiency .34 Makes. -35 4 Capell type. .41 Construction. .41 1 Old design. .412 New design. .42 Operation. .43 Efficiency. .44 Makes. 45 .5 Modern steel plate fans. .51 Construction. .52 Operation. .53 Efficiency. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. Makes. .541 Beard-Stine. .542 Allis-Chalmers. 543 Jeffrey. .544 Buffalo. 545 .6 High-speed, multivane, fans. .61 Construction. .62 Operation. .63 Efficiency. .64 Makes. .641 Sirocco. .642 Sullivan. .643 Ser. -644 , .7 Compound, Turbo fans. .71 Construction. .72 Operation. .73 Efficiency. .74 Makes. .741 Clifford-Capell. .742 .8 .9 Other centrifugal fans. 444 Disc or propeller fans. .1 General theory of disc fans. - .2 Calculations for capacity and efficiencie. .3 Adaptability. .4 Construction. .5 Operation. .6 Makes. .61 Stine. .62 Sturtevant. 63 .64 445 Motive power for mine fans. .T Steam. Compressed air. .3 Electricity. .4 Gasolene. .5 Water power. .6 Direct connections and drives. .61 Chain drives. .62 . Belt drives. .63 Gear drives. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. 622.446 Fan setting. Reversing. .1 Location of fans. .2 Construction of fan houses. .21 Materials of construction. .22 General design (of doors). .23 Arrangements. .24 Explosion doors. 25 .3 Reversing direction of air. .31 By changing direction of rotation. .32 By doors. .33 By revolving casing. .447 Theory and calculations on mechanical ventilator^ .j Theory and calculations for positive blowers. .11 Reciprocating. .12 Rotating .2 Theory and calculations for centrifugal fans. .3 Theory and calculations for disc fans. .448 Descriptions of installations. .449 Comparisons. Miscellaneous. 622.45 Airways. Stoppings. Regulators. .451 Airways. .1 Size and shape of airways. .2 Use of airways for haulage or travel. .3 Doors on airways .4 Overcasts. .5 Undercasts. .6 .452 Stoppings. .1 Construction. .2 Brattices. .3 Curtains. 4 5 .453 Regulators. .1 Shifting Doors. .2 Box regulators. 454 455 622.46 Measurements of ventilation. Tempera tun Humidity. .461 Measuring air pressure. .1 Water gauge and manometer. .2 THE .COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.462 * Measuring air velocity. .1 Air meter or anemometer. 2 .463 Determining air temperatures. .1 Thermometer. .2 .464 Determining humidity of air. . i Hygrometer. .2 Hydrodeik. .465 .466 622.47 Lighting. Safety lamps, etc .471 Stationary illuminators. .1 Reflected daylight. .2 Electric. .21 Searchlights. .22 Arc lights. .23 Incandescent. 24 .3 Gas. .31 Natural gas. .32 Coal gas. .33 Acetylene gas. .4 Gasolene. .472 Candles. .473 Torches. .474 Lamps. .1 Oil. .2 Acelylene. .3 Safety. .31 Construction of safety lamps. .32 Use and care of safety lamps. (See 622.414.1 ) .33 Illuminating power of safety lamps. .34 Kinds of safety lamps. .341 Davy. .342 Clanny. .343 Evan Thomas. .344 AshwoTth -Hepplewhite-Gray .345 Pieler. .346 Wolf. 347 .348 349 .35 Oils for safety lamps. .351 Animal. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.474-351-1 Lard. .2 Seal. 3 Whale. -352 Vegetable. .1 Rape. .2 Colza. 3 Cottonseed. 4 Cocoanut. 353 Mineral. .1 Gasolene. o Naphtha. 3 Benzine. A Kerosene. -354 Alcohol. -355 Special and mixed oils. 4 Electric storage-battery lamps. -41 Non-rechargeable batteries. .411 Construction. .412 Kinds of batteries. -413 Makes of lamps. .413.1 Every ready. .42 Rechargeable batteries. .421 Construction of lamps. .422 Batteries . -423 Makes. .1 Hubbell. .2 Hirsch. 3 Victor. 622.48 .Coal dust. .481 Occurrence and formation of coal dust. .1 In rooms. .2 Along entries and haulage ways. 482 Properties of coal dust. .1 Explosive action of coals of different analysis. 2. Effect of fineness of dust. .483 Conditions to start dust explosion. .484 Propagation of explosions. .485 Preventing coal dust explosions. 485.1 Allaying dust. .11 By sprinkling. .12 By humidification. .2 . , . Dust treatment. .486 After results of dust explosions. .486.1 Physical effects. .....2 ,... Resulting gases. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.487 .488 .489 622.49 Miscellaneous on ventilation and lighting. 622.5 Drainage. 622.51 Theory of infiltration of water. .511 Rainfall. .1 Extent. .2 Effect of climatic and seasonal changes on rainfall. .3 Watershed. .4 Runoff. .5 Evaporation. .512 Seepage waters. .1 Extent and variation of. .2 Conditions affecting seepage. .21 Topography. .22 Geology. .221 Unconsolidated deposits. .222 Stratified deposits. .223 Massive deposits. .224 Dykes. .225 Fault planes. .23 Climate. .24 Vegetation. .513 Water level. Hydraulic gradient. .514 Movement of underground waters. Water courses- .515 Artesian wells. .516 Springs. .517 Magmatic waters. Ground water. .1 Theory of ground water level. .2 Conditions effecting depth of ground water. .3 Limits of ground water in horizontal sheets. - .518 Drainage of old workings. .519 622.52 Natural drainage. Surface diversions. Ditches. Dams. Drains, etc., to prevent waters entering mine open- ings or surface works. Underground diversions. Dams. Barriers. Bulkheads. (See 622.56.) THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. 622.522.2 Adits. (See 622.261.) .21 Size. Cross-section and grade of drainage adit .22 Methods of carrying water .222 Side ditches. .222 Ditches under track. .223 Boxes. .3 Siphons. .31 Theory. .32 Adaptability .33 Operation. .523 Drainage down shafts. .1 Effect on timbers. .2 Effect on ventilation. .3 Collecting rings. .4 Sumps. .5 Swamps. .524 Drainage through bore holes. 525 .526 022.53 Cornish pumps. .531 General description. .532 . Operation of Cornish pumps. .533 Efficiency of Cornish pumps. .534 Cornish pump rods. .534.1 Materials of construction. .2 Connections. .3 Catches and bumpers. .4 Guides. .5 Adjustment of weights. .6 Balancing. .7 Strains in rods. .8 Wire rope. 9 .535 Cornish pump cylinders. .535.1 Arrangement of valves. 622.54 Steam pumps. Compressed air. Electric. .541 Operation of pumps by steam. .1 General considerations. .2 Efficiency. .3 Simple steam ends. .4 Compound steam ends. .5 Running steam pumps condensing. .6 Valves for steam pumps. 62 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.541.7 .8 9 .542 Operating pumps by compressed air. .1 General conditions. .11 Advantages. .12 Disadvantages. .2 Efficiency. .543 Operating pumps by electricity. .1 General considerations. .11 Adaptability. .12 Advantages. .13 Disadvantages. .2 Efficiency. .3 Motors for pump service. .544 Miscellaneous power for pumps. .545 General notes on adaptability and efficiencies of pumps. .1 Pumps for high pressure duty. Pumps for low pressure duty. .546 General notes on care and operation of pumps. .547 Types of pumps. .1 Lift pumps .2 Force pumps. .21 Duplex. .22 Triplex. .23 Quintuplex. .3 Double acting pumps. .31 Simplex. .32 Duplex. .33 Piston. .34 Plunger. .341 Inside packed. .342 Outside packed. .343 Center packed. .4 Sinking pumps. .41 Construction. .42 Efficiency. .5 Centrifugal pumps. .51 Construction. . 52 Operation. .53 Adaptability. .54 Efficiency. .6 Injector pump. Hydraulic water lifters. .61 Construction. .62 Operation. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 63 622.547.63 Efficiency. .7 Pulsometers. .71 Construction. .72 Operation. .73 Efficiency. .8 Air lift pumps. .9 Hydraulic rams and miscellaneous pumps. .548 Pump details. Valves. Cylinders. .j Air chambers. .549 Descriptions of individual pumps and pump installa- tions. 622.55 Hoisting of water. 55i Principles of water hoists. 55 2 Efficiency of water hoists. 553 General arrangement of water hoists'. .1 H'oist used for water and other service. .2 Automatic hoists for water only 554 Advantages and disadvantages of water hoists. i Effect of splash on timbering. .2 Freezing. 3 4 555 Water buckets and tanks. .556 Water skips. 557 Methods of dumping water tanks. . i Tank valves. End dump tanks. 3 Self-dumping water skips. 558 Sump arangements for hoisting water. 559 622.56 Dams and water tight lining. (See also 622.28, Timbering.) .561 Necessity of mine dams. .562 Pressure on mine dams. .563 Construction of dams. .564 Wooden dams. .1 Flat. .2 Wedge shaped. .565 Masonry dams. ,566 Concrete dams. .567 Other dams. 64 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.57 Acid waters. Mine waters. .571 Pollution of mine waters. .572 Testing mine waters. .573 Handling acid waters. .574 Handling other deleterious mine waters. 622.518 Underground drainage systems. Piping. .581 Underground drainage systems. .582 Underground piping. .1 Kinds of pipe for mine use. .2 Laying pipe. .3 Care and life of pipe lines. .4 Anchoring pipe in shafts. 622.59 Drainage districts. .591 Formation of drainage districts. .1 Extent. .592 Laws relating to drainage districts. .593 Taxation. .594 . Drainage companies. 622.6 Extraction. Hoisting and transportation. 622.61 Handling mineral in working place. .611 Picking and shoveling to. .1 Sacks. .2 Baskets. .3 Zurrones. .4 Barrows. .5 Buckets. .6 Cars. .7 Conveyors. .8 9 ,612 Steam shovel underground. .613 Gravity. .1 Chutes. .2 Pockets. .3 Batteries. 622.62 Underground roads. .621 Earth. .622 Plank. .623 Railroads. .1 Gauge. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 65 622.623.2 Grades. 3 Curves. 4 Roadbed. 5 Track. Si Rails. 511 Wooden. 512 Strap iron or steel. .513 T-rails. 52 Rail fastenings. 53 Spikes. 54 Ties. .6 Switches. .61 Latch and point. .62 Stub. .63 Turnout. .64 Cross-over. -65 Diamond. .66 Automatic. .67 Pass-bys. .68 69 7 Crossings. 71 Cross -overs. .72 Turn sheets. 73 Turn-tables. 74 Track laying, sheaves, rollers, etc. .9 Miscellaneous data. .624 .625 .626 622.63 Mine cars, trams, etc. .631 Coal cars (standard). .632 Ore cars. .633 Car bodies. .634 Car trucks. .635 Wheels and axles. .636 Car fastenings. Hitching. Latchings. .637 Trollies. .638 Man cars. 622.64 Gravity roads and planes. .641 Self-acting incline or gravity plane. .1 Three-rail. .2 Four-rail. 66 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.641.3 Two track planes. .4 Grade. .5 Length. .6 Capacity. .642 Engine planes. .1 Single track. .2 Double track. .3 Single plane with balance weight. .4 Engine or motors. .5 Grade. .6 Length. .643 Monorail. 622.65 Tramming and animal haulage. .651 Human, .652 Animal. .i Dog. .2 Burro. -3 Horse. -4 Mule. .653 Selection of animals. 654 Care of animals. .i Feeding. 2 Stabling. 3 Shoeing. -4 Harness. 655 Favoring conditions. .656 Average work done. 622.66 Mechanical haulage. .66i Rope haulage. .1 Engine planes, etc. (See 622.64.) 2 Tail rope system. 3 Endless rope system. .662 Locomotives. .r Steam. .i i Tractive. .12 Positive or rack rail. .2 Compressed air. .21 Types. .22 Changing stations. 663 Electric motors. .1 Types. .2 Trolleys. 3 Current used. . 4 Storage battery. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 67 622.664 Gas and gasolene motors. .1 Types. .2 Gases exhausted. .3 Safety. .665 Rating of locomotives or motors. .1 Drawbar pull. .2 Haulage resistance. .3 Ton miles. .666 Gathering. .667 Size of trains. .668 Main road haulage. .669 Miscellaneous. 622.67 Hoisting engines. Drums. Ropes. .671 Human. .1 Direct pull. .2 Packing. .3 Windless. .4 Winch. .672 Animal. .1 Whips. .2 Whims. ,673 Mechanical. .1 Water wheel. Impact. Turbine. .2 Steam hoists .21 Types. .3 Compressed air hoists. .31 Types. .32 Storage of air. .33 Reheating of air. .34 Regeneration of air. .4 Electric hoists. .41 Types. .42 Motors used. .43 Current. .44 Motor-generator sets. .45 Storage battery systems. .5 Gas and gasolene hoists. .51 Types. .52 Adaptability. .674 Drums. Spools. Reels. .1 Cylindrical drums. .2 Conical drums. .3 Cylindro-conical. .4 Spools. Reels. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.674.6 Fixed drums. Spools. Reels. .7 Loose drums. Spools. Reels. .8 Clutches. .9 Brakes. .675 Rating and selection of hoists. .1 Motors. \ .2 Drums. .3 Spools. .4 . Reels. .676 Hoisting systems. Hoisting problems. .1 Unbalanced. .2 Balanced. .3 Koepe. .4 Whiting. .5 Butte air regeneration. .6 -7 .8 Hoisting problems. .677 Indicators. Overwinding devices. .1 Target or dial indicators. .2 Shaft indicators. Vertical, horizontal. .3 Differential or compensating indicators. .4 Signal devices. Signal codes. .5 Overwinding devices. .6 Automatic cut off. ./ Auxiliary brakes. .8 Detachable hooks. .9 Miscellaneous. .678 Hoisting and haulage ropes. .1 Class. .11 Round. .12 Tapering. .13 Flat. .2 Material. .21 Vegetable fibre. .22 Iron. .23 Cast steel. .24 Plow steel. .3 Section. 31 Wires. * .32 Strands. 33 Cores. 34 Lays. .4 Selection of ropes. .5 Care of ropes. .6 Splicing of ropes. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 69 622.6/8.7 Calculations. .8 Sheave wheels. Rope fittings. .9 Miscellaneous. 6/9 622.68 Cages. Skips. Buckets. .681 Single deck cages. .682 Multiple deck cages. .683 Slope cages. .684 Shaft skips. .685 Slope or incline skips. .686 Buckets. .687 Automatic dumping devices. .688 Safety devices, chairs, etc. .689 Guides, track, skids, etc. 622.69 Surface transportation, including mineral roads, wire ropeways, transhipment, load- ing, unloading, etc. .691 Human. .1 Load carried. .692 Animal. .1 Pack train. .2 Wagon haulage. .3 Animals employed. .31 Dogs. .32 Burros. .33 Mules. .34 Horses. .35 Oxen. .36 Llamas. .4 Trails. .5 Roads. .6 Loads. 7 .8 .9 Miscellaneous. .693 Mechanical. .1 Railroad (steam). .2 Electric motors. .3 Compressed air engines. .4 Gas and gasolene motors. .5 Motor trucks. .6 Wire rope ways. .6: Single cable. .611 Fixed buckets. 70 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.693.612 Detachable buckets. 62 Double cable. 621 Fixed buckets. 622 Detachable buckets. 63 Reversible rope ways. 6 3i 'Single cable. 6 32 Double cable. 6 4 Track cable. Traction cables. 5 Rolling stock. 651 Buckets. 652 Carriages. 653 Grips. 654 Trolleys. 66 Supports. .661 Towers. 662 Trestles. 663 Tension stations. 664 Bridges. Guard-nets. 665 Sheaves. .666 Saddles. -667 Length of span. 67 Stations. 671 Terminal stations. 672 Angle stations. 673 Methods of loading and unloading 674 Automatic loading devices. 675 Automatic unloading devices. 68 Suspension cableways. 681 Inclined cableways. 682 Horizontal cableways. -683 Ropes. 684 Carriages. 685 Towers. -7 Conveyors. 7i Gravity discharge elevators 72 Rigid bucket carriers. 73 Pivoted bucket carriers. 74 Cable conveyors. 75 Flight or scraper conveyors. 76 Bucket conveyors. 77 Screw conveyors. .78 Belt Conveyors. .781 Belt. .782 Belt carriers. 783 Trippers. -784 Incline. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.693.79 Miscellaneous. .694 Water transportation. .695 Headframes. Tipples. Ore bins. 696 Terminal stations. Depots. 697 Mechanical devices for loading and unloading. 698 Tariffs. Duties. Customs. Taxes on ores. 699 622.7 Mechanical preparation. Ore dressing. 622.71 Theory. Preliminary operations. 711 Character of minerals, i Specific gravity. .2 Size of grains. Shape of grains." Character of gangue material. Brittleness. 2 Friability. 3 Specific gravity. 4 Porosity. 5 .6 713 Theory of momentum in concentration. 7M Theory of centrifugal force. 715 Free settling of particles in water. 716 Electro-conductivity and magnetism. 717 Colloid hydrates. 718 Theory of surface tension. 719 622.72 Hand dressing. 721 Underground sorting. 722 Hand sorting or picking on surface. .1 Picking belts. 723 Hand cobbing. .724 Slate picking. 622.73 Crushing. Stamping engine. 73i Preliminary crushing. .1 Jaw crushers. 11 Blake type. 12 Dodge type. 13 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.731.2 Gyratory crushers. 3 4 .5 Disc crushers. .732 Rolls. ^ .1 Principles of roll crushing. .11 Wet crushing. .12 Dry crushing. .2 Speed and capacity. .3 Care and operation. Foundations. .4 Repairing. Roll shells. .5 Spring rolls. .6 Rigid rolls. .7 Corrugated or toothed rolls. .8 Vertical rolls: Triplex rolls. .9 Other rolls Comparisons. Miscellaneous .733 Steam, pneumatic and spring stamps. .1 Steam stamps. .11 Single cylinder. .12 Cross-compound. .13 Tandem-compound. .14 Operation of steam stamps. 15 .16 .2 Pneumatic stamps. .3 Hydraulic stamps. .4 Spring stamps. .734 Gravity stamps. .1 Action and capacity. .11 Stamping dry. .12 Stamping wet. .2 Operation and repair. .21 Life of shoes and dies. .22 23 .3 Mortar blocks. Foundations. .4 Mortars. .41 Individual mortars. .42 Double discharge mortars. .43 Single discharge .mortars. .44 Sectionalized mortars. -45 .46 .5 -Other details of construction. .51 Guide blocks. .52 Stems. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.734.53 Cams. 54 55 .6 Power for stamps. 7 .8 9 .735 Chilian and Huntington mills. .1 Chilian mills. .11 Construction. .12 Adaptability. .13 Operation and repair. .14 Power and capacity. .15 Makes. .2 Huntington mills. .21 Construction. .22 Adaptability. .23 Operation and repair. .24 Power and capacity. .25 Makes. 3 4 5 .736 Grinding pans. .737 Disintegrators and pulverizers. .738 . Ball and tube mills. .1 Construction. .2 Adaptability. .3 Operation and repair. .31 Pebbles. .32 Linings. .4 Power and capacity. .5 Makes. .51 Conical ball mill. 52 53 54 .739 Other crushers. Laws of crushing. Miscellaneous 622.74 Screening. Classification. .741 Principles of screen sizing. .742 Kinds of screen cloths. Openings. .743 Makes of screens and sizers. .1 Stationary screens and grizzlies. .2 Shaking and pulsating screens. .3 Impact screens. 74 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.743.4 Revolving screens. Trommels. .5 Belt screens. .6 Sizers. 7 .8 .9 Comparisons. Miscellaneous. 744 .745 Principles of classification: .746 Classification schemes. Practical details. .747 Kinds of classifiers. .i Free settling classifiers. Cones. .2 Hindered settling classifiers. Hydraulic classifiers. .3 Dewatering classifiers and sand and slime separators. 4 -5 .6 .748 .749 Other data on classifiers and classification. 622.75 Jigging- O re concentrators. .751 Laws of jigging. .752 Operation and adaptability of jigs. -753 Kinds of jigS: .1 Jigs for coal washing. .754 Table concentrators. .1 Theory and practice. .2 Wilfley table. .3 Card. .4 Standard. .5 Overstrom. .6 Deister. 7 .8 .9 Others. Camparisons. .755 Belt concentrators. .756 Dry concentrators. .757 Preliminary washers. .1 Trough washers. .2 Log washers. .3 Wash trommels. .758 .759 Comparisons. Miscellaneous. 622.76 Slime treatment. Flotation. .761 Principles of slime treatment. .762 Settling and thickening of slimes. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.763 Table slimers. .1 .2 3 .764 Traveling belt slimers. .1 Shaking .2 Stationary. .765 Buddies. Rotary slime concentrators. .766 Other slimers. Comparisons. Miscellaneous. .767 Principles and theory of flotation. .768 Flotation proceesses. .1 Elmore process. .2 Potter and Delprat. .3 Minerals Separation Co.'s process. .4 DeBavay process. .5 Macquisten's process. .6 Wood's flotation method. .9 Other processes. Adaptability. Comparisons. .769 Miscellaneous data on flotation. 622.77 Magnetic separation. 771 Principles and theory of magnetic separation. 772 Preparing ores for treatment. Magnetic roasting. 773 Primary magnet separators. . i Wetherill. .2 Ball-Norton. .3 Ferraris. .4 Leighton. 5 .6 .9 Others. Comparison^. 774 Induced magnet separators. .1 International. .2 Ulrich. .3 Grondal. .4 Cleveland-Knowles. 5 .6 7 .8 .9 Others. Comparisons. -6 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.775 Electrostatic separators. .1 Blake-Morscher. .2 Huff. 3 .776 -777 622.78 Coal washing. Washeries. .781 Necessity for washing coal. .782 Theory and -principles of coal washing. .783 Laboratory tests and analyses. .784 Construction of washeries. .785 Accessory apparatus for washeries. .786 Arrangement of machinery and order of treatment. .787 Descriptions of coal washing plants. .788 Operation of washeries. .-789 Miscellaneous data. 622.79 Dressing works. Accessory apparatus. .791 Construction of mill buildings. .1 Steel. .2 Wood. .792 Foundations and setting of mill machinery. .793 Accessory apparatus in mills. .1 Bins. .11 Construction. .12 Bin gates. .13 Capacities. .2 Feeders. .21 Apron feeders. .22 Reciprocating plate. .23 Shaking. .24 Automatic roll. .25 Automatic rotary. .26 Revolving disc. .27 Push feeders. .28 .29 .3 Conveyors. .4 Elevators. .5 Pumps. .6 Launders. .61 Construction. .62 Grade and capacity. .63 .7 Driers and dewatering wheels. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.793.8 Sampling and weighing devices. .9 Miscellaneous. .794 Power in milling. .795 Water for concentration. .796 Operation of mills. Practical milling. .797 Testing and sampling mills. Laboratory outfits. .798 Descriptions and flow sheets of concentrators. .799 Miscellaneous data. 622.8 Dangers and accidents. Sociology. 622.81 Explosions of fire-damp, dust, etc. .811 Fire-damp explosions. .1 Causes of fire-damp explosions. .2 Prevention of fire-damp explosions. .3 Effect of fire-damp explosions. .4 Handling of fire-damp explosions. .812 Coal dust explosions. (See 622.48.) .1 Causes of coal dust explosions. .2 Prevention of coal dust explosions. .3 Effect of coal dust explosions. .4 Handling of coal dust explosions. .813 .814 622.82 Mine fires. .821 Causes of mine fires. .822 Prevention of mine fires. .823 Effect of mine fires. .824 Handling of mine fires. .825 .826 .827 Descriptions of metal mine fires. .828 Descriptions of coal mine fires. .829 622.83 Crushing and fall of ground. .831 Causes of caving ground. .832 Prevention of caving ground. .833 Effect of caving ground. .834 Handling of caving ground. .835 Surface caving or subsidence. 622.84 Flooding of mines. .841 Causes of mine floods. 7 8 THE COLORADO SCHOOL O/ ; MINES 622.842 Prevention of mine floods. .843 Effect of mine floods. .844 Handling mine floods. 622.85 Accidents to miners. .851 Classification of metal mine accidents. (Note If desired, each class may be divided into fatal and non fatal accidents.) .1 Surface accidents. .11 Overwinding cage, skip or bucket. .12 Falls from ladders, bins, etc. .13 Falling down shaft or prospect hole .14 Machinery accidents. .15 Handling loose rock or ore. .16 Tramming gravity trams. .17 Coming in contact with live wire. .18 Operating hydraulic or placer machines .19 Miscellaneous. .191 Boiler explosions. .192 Lightning. .193 Avalanches. .194 Snow slides. .2 Shaft accidents. .21 Falls from buckets, cage, etc., while in motion. .22 Getting off while in motion. .23 Caught in shaft while being hoisted or lowered. .24 Falls of material. .241 From shaft sides. .242 From overloaded bucket, car or skip .25 Falls. .251 Falls from ladder. .252 Falling down shaft from level. .253 Pushing ear into open shaft. .26 Carrying tools, timber or explosive. .27 Struck by descending cage, bucket or skip. .28 Cable becoming detached, cage falling .29 Miscellaneous. .3 Underground accidents. .31 Falls. .311 From ladders. .312 From overloaded staging. .313 Down chute, winze, or manvvay .32 Falls of material. .321 Falls of rock. .322 Falls of timber while timbering .33 By tram car. Tramming. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 79 622.851.34 Handling loose rock or ore. .35 Caught by running material. .36 Drilling. .361 Machine drilling. .362 Hand drilling. .37 Machinery accidents. .38 Suffocation. .381 Burning shaft house or tunnel building. .382 By powder smoke. .39 Miscellaneous. .4 Accidents from explosives. .41 Handling explosives. .411 Carrying explosives. .412 Storing explosives. .413 Thawing explosives. .42 Picking out missed shot. .43 Drilling into missed hole. .44 Blast exploding while loading. .45 Waiting too long after spitting. .46 Returning before blast goes off. .47 Striking unexploded powder while mucking. .48 Hit with flying rock from blast. .49 Miscellaneous. .852 Classification of coal mine accidents. (Note If desired, each class may be divided into fatal and non.-fatal accidents. .1 Surface accidents. .11 ' Overwinding cage. .12 Falls from ladders, tipples, etc. .13 Being struck by car. .14 Machinery accidents. .15 Coming in contact with live wire. .16 Falling down shaft or prospect hole. .17 Injured by cable. .18 .19 Miscellaneous. .191 Boiler explosions. .192 Lightning. .193 Avalanches. .194 Snow slides. .2 Shaft or slope accidents. .21 Falls from cage while in motion. .22 Getting off cage while in motion. .23 Falls. .231 From ladder. .232 Falling down shaft from landing. 8o THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.852.24 Falling material. .241 From sides of shaft. .242 From overloaded cars. .25 Carrying tools, timber, or explosives. .26 Being struck by descending bucket or trip. .27 Injuries on falling cage. .271 When cable becomes detached. .272 When engineer loses control. .28 Miscellaneous. .29 .3 Underground or drift accidents. .31 Falls. .32 Falls of material. .321 Falls of drawslate. .322 Falls of rock. .323 Falls of coal. .33 Struck by car. .34 Burns. .35 Machinery accidents. .36 Suffocation. .361 By smoke from burning building. .362 By smoke from mine fires. .363 By after-damp. .37 Coming in contact with live wire. .38 Injuries from horses or mules. .39 Miscellaneous. .4 Accidents from explosives. .41 Handling explosives. .411 Carrying explosives. .412 Storing explosives. .413 Thawing explosives. .42 Blast exploding while loading. .43 Waiting too long after spitting. .44 Returning before blast' goes off. .45 Premature explosion by electricity. .46 Striking unexploded powder. .47 Hit with flying coal or rock. .48 Starting fires or explosion by blasts. .49 Miscellaneous. .853 Percentages of fatal and non-fatal accidents in metal mines. .854 Percentages of fatal and non-fatal accidents in coal mines. .855 Miners insurance. .1 Life insurance. .2 Accident insurance. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Si 622.855.3 Workmen's aid. .856 Liability for accidents. .1 Employer's liability. .2 Employee's liability. .3 Contributory negligence. .857 .858 622.86 Rescue and relief. .861 Rescue work in good air. .1 Organization of rescue parties. .2 Conducting rescue parties. Rescuing imprisoned men. Rescuing injured men. .5 Descriptions of rescues. .6 862 Rescue work in irrespirable atmosphere : breathing apparatus for use in noxious atmosphere. .1 Necessity of organized rescue, work. .2 Organization of rescue teams. .3 Oxygen breathing apparatus self-contained. .31 Free oxygen injector type. .311 Draeger. .312 Westfalia. .32 Free oxygen type without injector. .321 Proto or Fleuss. .33 Oxygen generating apparatus. .331 Aerolith (liquid air). .332 Servus. .34 Other types. .35 Notes on oxygen regenerators. .36 Notes on helmets and mouth breathing apparatus and equipment. .37 Supplies for breathing apparatus. .371 Pumps. .372 Oxygen and tanks. .38 Miscellaneous. .4 Stationary breathing apparatus. .5 Special oxygen reviving apparatus. .51 Draeger Pulmotor. .52 Dr. Brat. .6 Mine rescue stations. .7 Mine rescue cars. .8 Conducting rescues and miscellaneous equipment. .9 Descriptions of rescues. Miscellaneous. 82 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES 622.863 First-aid work. .1 Necessity of first-aid instruction. First-aid instruction. Classes. .21 Federal. .22 State. .23 Private. 3 First-aid materials and supplies. .4 Methods of first-aid treatment. 5 Organization of first-aid teams .6 . First-aid meets. 7 .8 9 .864 .865 .866 622.87 Inspection of mines. Mine bureaus and labora- tories. .871 Necessity of mine inspection. 872 Federal inspection of mines. 873 State inspection of mines. .] Organization of state offices. .2 Duties of state inspectors. 3 Authority and responsibility of state inspectors. .4 Qualifications of state inspectors. .5 Appointment. .6 874 Company inspection of mines. .1 Organization of inspecting force .11 Inspectors. .12 Fire bosses. .13 Shot firers. .2 Qualifications of inspecting force. .3 Duties of inspecting force. .4 Authority of inspecting force. o Responsibility of inspecting force. .6 .875 Federal bureau of mines. .876 State mining bureaus. .877 Mining laboratories. .878 .879 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 83 622.88 Health and care of workmen. Institutions for miners. 881 Sanitary arrangements and care of workmen under ground. Miner's diseases. Sanitary arrangement and care of workmen on the surface. .1 Change houses and dry rooms. Workmen's dwellings. .3 Model towns. 4 883 Medical aid for workmen .1 Company doctors. Company hospitals. .21 Underground hospitals. (See 622.862.) 22 Camp hospitals. 23 General hospitals. .3 Hospital and medical funds. .884 Company stores and boarding houses 885 Social clubs. .886 Schools. .887 Churches. .888 Asylums and prisons. 889 622.89 Miners' customs and life. Miners and mining men. 891 Life of miners. 892 Miners' customs. .893 Etiquette of miners. .894 Mine superstitions and traditions. 895 Miners of all ages. 896 Human side of mining, i Mining ethics. .2 Moral responsibilities. 897 Histories and biographies of miners. .898 Histories and biographies of mining men. 899 Miscellaneous. 622.9 Mine economics. Accounting. Miscellaneous. 622.91 Mine investments. Stocks and stockholders. 911 Mines as investments. 912 Mining risks. 84 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.913 Causes of mine failures. .1 Natural causes. .2 Lack of management. .3 Litigation. 4 5 .914 Mine frauds. .1 Wild-cat mines. .2, Salting mines. 3 4 .915 Mine promotion. .1 Capital for mines. 2 Mine promoters. .3 Floating mines. 4 Selling mines. ,5 Buying mines. .6 / .916 Mining companies. .T Organization. .2 Foreign. .3 Domestic. .4 Offices. .5 Meetings. .6 Regulation of. 7 .8 Reports. .9 Miscellaneous. .917 Mine stocks and bonds. .1 Assessable stock. .2 Non-assessable stock .3 Listing stocks. .4 Stock speculation. .5 Watered stock. .6 Bonds. .7 Capitalization. .8 Valuation. .9 Dividends. .918 Mine stockholders. .1 Protection of stockholders. .2 Information to stockholders. .3 Duties of stockholders. .4 Liabilities of stockholders. .5 Rights of stockholders. .919 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.92 Management of mines. .921 General principles of mine management. .1 Application of sound engineering principles .11 Efficiency engineering. .2 Coordination and efficiency of human units. .3 Coordination and efficiency of mechanical units. .4 Economy in purchase and consumption of supplies. .5 Economy in disposal of product. .6 Scientific management. .922 Organization of mine force. .1 Managers and general superintendents. .2 Superintendents and foremen. .3 Shift bosses and gang bosses. .4 Engineering staff. .5 Mechanics and electricians. 6 Purchasing agents. .7 Auditors and cashiers. .8 Timekeepers and clerical force. .9 Other help. .923 Mine labor. .1 Kinds of labor skilled and unskilled. .11 White. .12 Southern Europe. .13 Mexican. .14 Chinese and Japanese. .15 Kaffir. .16 Convict. .17 Child. .18 Women mine workers. .19 Other labor. .924 Payment of mine labor. .1 Straight wage. .2 Script. .3 Sliding scales. .4 Piece or task work. .5 Bonus system. .6 Cooperative mining. .7 Workmen's compensation. .8 Employer's liability. .9 Miscellaneous. Pensions. .925 Administration of mine force. .T Mine rules and regulations. .2 Mine discipline. .3 Rights of the miner. .926 Ore thefts. High grading. .927 Responsibility of mine officials and relation to society 86 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 622.928 Qualification of successful mine officials. -929 Capital and labor. 622.93 Organized labor. -931 Organization of labor union. i Oficers. Membership. Walking delegates. Labor agitators. Responsibility of labor unions. Treating with labor unions. Open shop. Closed shop. Right to discharge. Arbitration. 5 Card system. . -6 Black list 933 Labor strikes. .1 Strikes with grievances .2 Sympathetic strikes. 3 Referendum votes. 4 Picketing. 5 Boycotts. 6 Courts and strikes. 622.94 Contract systems and leasing. Ore purchas- ing-. 941 Contract work in mines. - 1 Kinds of contract work. Forms of contracts Premiums and bonuses. Leasing mines. i Forms for mine leases. Advantages of leasing 3 Disadvantages of leasing. 4 Royalties. 5 Tribute system. 943 Marketing of ore and ore contracts. i Sampling. Mixing and grading ores. Ore contracts. 622.95 Mine accounts. Bookkeeping. -951 Bookkeeping . i Single entry. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 87 622.951.2 Double entry. 95 2 Standardization of mine accounts. 953 Classification of mine accounts. i Capital account. .11 Property. 12 Machinery and plant. 13 Buildings. 14 Surface works. 15 Main opening shafts, adits. 16 Underground development. i/ Depreciation. 1 8 Amortization . Development. 2i Shaft sinking. .22 Drifting. .23 Cross cutting. .24 Raising. 25 Sinking. .26 Prospecting. 3 Ore extraction. 31 Stoping or breaking ore. 32 Timbering or filling. 33 Underground tramming. 34 Hoisting. 35 Pumping. 36 Sampling, assaying, and surveying. 37 General underground maintenance. 38 Sorting. 39 Miscellaneous. 4 Transportation. .41 Wagon. 42 Animal train. 43 Railroad. 44- Water. 5 Ore reduction or treatment. 51 Crushing. 52 Amalgamation. 53 Concentration. 54 Cyaniding. 55 Slime treatment. 56 Roasting 57 Smelting converting. 58 Refining. 59 Miscellaneous. 6 Ores and bullion. b >8 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OP MINES. 622.953.7 Administration. ' . .71 Salaries (managers and office force). .72 Office expense. .73 Traveling expense. .74 Insurance. .75 Legal expense. .76 Accidents. .77 Medical hospital, sanitary. .78 Stable and transport. .79 Miscellaneous. .8 Head office. .81 Agency expense. .82 Directors' fees. .83 Consulting engineer. .84 Auditor. .85 Bank charges. .86 Interest on debentures. .9 Miscellaneous. .954 Books employed. .1 Cash book. .2 Time book. .3 Supply book. .4 Voucher book. .5 Journal. .6 Ledger book. .9 Others. .955 Forms. .956 Card and loose leaf system. .957 Cost account and analysis of costs. .958 Balance sheets. .959 Miscellaneous. 622.96 Systems for keeping mine notes. Recording, engineering and geological data. .961 Keeping notes in the field. .1 General notes. .2 Special notes. .3 Note books. .962 Recording geological data in the field. .963 Recording geological data in the office. .964 Keeping permanent notes. .1 General notes. .2 Special notes. .3 Note books. THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MIXES. Sg 622.965 Filing information. .966 Card indexes. .967 622.97 Taxation. Insurance. .971 Taxation of mines. .972 .973 Mine insurance. Buildings and shipments. Liability 622.98 Miscellaneous data on business side of mining. 622.99 Unclassified data on mining- in general. RELATIVE INDEX A. Abrasives Abrasive or core drills Abyssinia Accident insurance ........ Accidents and dangers, So- ciology Accidents from explosives classification of coal mine classification of metal mine liability for Accounts, mine books employed in .... classification of cost accounts standardization of Acetylene gas illuminators. . Action of different roofs . . Acquiring mineral lands in United States in Canada in Mexico . 553-65 Air meters \ir pressure of . 622.462 .461 622.244 .186.3 .855.2 .8 Air splits Air temperatures, ing Air valve drills . . Air velocitv 415-2 determin- 463 .234.2 416.2 85 .851-4 Airoelectric drills Airways Albertite 236.2 45 553-271 .852 -851 .856 Alcohol for safety Alexandrite Algeria lamps. . . . 622.472.335.4 553-895 622.186.5 Adits . . see tunneling . . . Adjustment of instruments.. Administration of mine force Adverse surveys Afghanistan Africa Agate Agents of geological work. . Agitators, labor Air compression Air compressors, dry wet Air engines, compressed . . . hot Air hammer drills . Air. determining humidity of 95 Alignment and grade 954 of entries 331-43 953 of tunnels 267 957 Allaying dust 485.1 952 Allis-Chalmers fans 443-542 .472.32 Aluminum 553-49 1 .284.3 Amended surveys 622.132.6 America 187 .125 Amethyst 553-88i .126 Amorphous phosphates 643 .127. Anemometer 622.462.1 .261 Angle of underlie of stulls. . .285.21 347-3 Animal haulage 652 hoists 672 .141.7 Animals, care of .654 .925 for surface transporta- .132.7 tion 692 .185.8 Animal life, effect of gases .186 on 413 553-885 Antarctic regions 622.189.9 551.9 Anthracite 553-25 622.931.4 methods of mining .... 662.336.7 621.5 Antimony 553-471 .51 Apatite 642 .52 Application of furnace in .42 gaseous mine 622.433 .41 preservatives .283.1 622.235 Aquamarine 553-832 .464 Arabia 622.185.3 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Arbitration with labor 622.932.4 Arc lights 471.22 Arctic regions 189.8 .Argentine Republic .188.2 Arch pillars 289.11 Arsenic S53-47 2 Asbestos ' .671 Ash 622.281.23 Asia 185 Asphalt 553.276 Assay maps 622.146.13 Assessable stock -9I7- 1 Asylums and prisons 884 Astronomy 520 Auditors 622.922.7 Australasia 622.189.3 Australia 622.189.4 Austria 184.3 Authority and responsibility of company inspecting Black list 622.932.6 Blasting 23 theory of 238.3 Blocking out ore bodies 347-5 Blood stone 553-886 Blowers : 622.442 Blowpiping 123.51 Boarding houses .888 Boiler explosions. (See accidents) Boilers 621.181 Boilers, construction and setting of 621.185 Boiler tests, instruments for .171 Bolivia 622.188.4 Bonds 9I7-6 Bonus system 924.5 Books employed in mining accounts 954 force .874-4 Books, note \ .901.3 Auxiliary valve drills ..234-3 '/ .964-3 Avalanches .852.193. Bookkeeping .951 Borax ceo 5o6 B. Balance sheets Ball mills Bank heights Barite Baskets 622.958 -738 .216.5 553-861 622.611.2 mining of Bore holes, sampling by. Boring deep (See drilling) Boycotts . . . 622.39 .174 .24 933-5 Batea .123.6 Box regulators 453-2 Batteries for lamps Belgian method for enlarg- ing tunnels -474-4 .263.42 Brattices Brazil, mines of etc Breathing apparatus .... Bridges .452.2 .188.1 .862 .287.7 Beloochistan .185.8 British America, mines of, Belt conveyors .... .693-78 etc .187.1 1 793-3 Bromine tro 532 Beryl gems 553.83 Bucket elevator dredges . . . . 622.218 Bins 622.287.6 Bucket line, dredge .326.24 mill .695 Buckets, ore .686 Biographies of mining men. .898 Bucks .214.2 of miners .897 Buddies ... .765 Bismuth 553-491 Building stones ... 553-5 Bits, hand-drill 622.231 Buildings, valuation of . . . . 622.171 Bituminous and semi-bitu- Bureaus, federal mining . . . . .875 minous coals 553-24 state mining . . . .876 shale 23 Buying mines .915-5 THE COLORADO SCHOOL O/ ; MINES. 93 C. Cable ways Cables (See ropes Cadmium Cages aissons Calculations Calculating value of ore.... Calyx drill Canada, acquiring mineral lands in mineral surveys in Candles Cannel coal Capital and labor Capital for mines Capital account (See mine accounts). Caps Carbon series Carbonite Card and loose leaf system.) Card system, labor unions.. Carnelian Carpenter shop Cars, mine coal fastenings, hitchings and latchings ore Cashiers Caving Cements Central America Centrifugal fans (See fans) pumps Chains for surveying Chambers and pockets. Im- pregnations Chamber and pillar, mining by Change houses Channelers . . . : 622.222.3 622.693.6 Charging holes 238.1 Chemistry 540 553.491 Chilian mills 622.735.1 622.68 Chile, mines of, etc 188.3 .252 Chilled shot drill 244.2 .264.4 China, mines of, etc .185.1 553.08 Chromium 553-642 622.175.2 Chrysoprase 887 .244.3 Churn drilling 622:252 Churches 887 .126 Chutes -287.4 .133 Classification, principles of .472 ore ./45 553.23 schemes . .746 622.929 Classifiers, kinds of 747 QJS- 1 Classification of materials of excavation .211.1 Clays 553.6i .238.23 Cleaning bed rock, dredges. 622.326.35 553- 2 Clearing ground for dredges .326.31 26 Clerical force 922.8 622.956 Climate 176.7 .966 Closed shop . .- 932.2 93 2 -5 Coal, driving entries in .... .266 553-889 dust 48 621.74 accidents .812 622.63 allaying of 485.1 .631 explosions 812 occurrence and for- .636 mation of ....... .481 .632 properties of .482 922 j propagation of ex- .356 plosion 484 .357 cutting machines 332.21 553.68 lands, acquiring 125.7 622.187.2 mining 33 443 effect of roof pres- sure in -332-4 547-5 entries in 331-4 .141.4 opening or develop- ing 331 553.18 methods of mining at face 332 622.358 working by long .882.1 wall 337 94 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Coal mining 622.33 panel system . . .335 pillar and stall. .334 room and pillar .333 inclined seams 336 in benches -332.8 special methods of working .338 seams, sampling -174-7 washing, washeries (See washeries) Cobalt 553482 Coking coals .242 Colombia, mines of, etc 622.188.6 Companies, mining .916 domestic 916.3 foreign 916.2 organization of .916.1 reports of 916.8 Company doctors .883.1 hospitals 883.2 stores and boarding houses .884 Compends 553-2 ( 621.42 Compressed air engines -\ ^ 22 ^^ pumps 542 Compressors, dry air 621.51 wet air .52 Compressed air transmission 621.53 Concentration (See ore dressing and mills) Concentrators, ore 622.75 belt 755 dry 756 slime (See slimers) table 754 Consulting engineer .922.4 Contracts and specifications. .003 Contracts, ore 622.943.3 systems .94 work in mines .941 Contributory negligence 856.3 Conveyors at working face. .611.7 at surface 693.7 Co-operative mining .924.0 Copper, mining ores of Cornish pumps ' efficiency of operation of . . ., rods Core drills . Corundum Costs Cost accounting Costs, analysis of , Courts and strikes Cranes Cribbing Crushing of ground Crushing Crushers, disc gyratory Jaw Crushing, laws of Crossings and crossovers... Cross-over switches Crystallography Cuba Curtains Curves in underground roads Customs on ores Cyclopedias Cymophane Customs of miners D. Dams and water tight lin- ings 622.56 Dams, construction of mine .563 Dangers De Bavay's flotation process Debris Deflectors 322.44 Delay action fuses 238.242 Denmark, mines of, etc 184.8 Deposition and erosion .... 551.3 Deposits from magmatic em- anations 553.112.1 of sedimentary origin.. .111.2 Depots, ore 622.696 622.342 553-43 622.53 -533 -532 -534 .244 553.658 .82 622.002 957 957 933-6 621.87 622.287.1 .83 73 732-5 .732.2 731-1 739 623.7 .623.64 548 622.187.2 452-3 -623.3 .698 622.03 553-896 622.892 .8 .768.4 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 95 Derricks Designs : . . . Detachable hooks Determination of meridian. Detonation, completeness of. Detonators electric Development of mining . . . Devvatering wheels Diamond drill Diamonds Diatomaceous earth Dictionaries Digging ladder, dredge Dip, outcrop, strike Dipper dredges Dipping needles Direct observations Directories Disc crushers Discipline, mine Diseases Disintegrators Ditches Ditch surveys Diversion wiers Dividends Divining rods Doctors Double entry development.. Drainage districts ditches down shafts natural of old workings systems, underground... through bore holes .. drains Drawings Dredges, bucket elevators. clam shell . 622.321.5 553-004 622.677.8 .142.1 .238.36 622.238.23 .238.24 .09 793-7 .244. i 553-Si -654 .865 -03 622.326.23 551.85 622.325.1 .123 .142.13 553-02 622.732.5 .925.2 .881 737 322.13 .142 622.322.12 .917.9 .123' .883.1 331-6 5 59 -521 .523 52 -5i8 .581 524 521.3 .321.12 .004 .218 .326 .316 .217.1 grab bucket ( 622.217.1 ] 325-2 orange peel .... ...... j .316 .217.1 i .217.2 suction j .... j 325-3 ssing ore . . 7 hand / 72 works / ^ 79 (See mills and con- centrators) Drift mining Drift sets Drifting Drill, diamond steel Drills, electric machine .... hand power hammer machine machine, care and oper- ation of piston machine sharpening core Drilling and blasting hand churn percussion or churn . . . prospecting by columns and other ac- cessories (See boring) Drums, hoists Dry concentrators houses Dry placer mining Dryers Dump room Dumping devices Dumps, sampling Duty of water Dwellings Dynamical and physical ge- ology Dynamites 327 .286.1 -265 .244.1 .231 .236 .232.2 235 233 234 231.5 .244 -23 .232 232.13 .242 .122.6 233 .674 .756 .882.1 622.328 793-7 324-3 .687 -174-5 .324.1 .882.2 55i 622.237.22 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Earth ..................... shrinkage of .......... Earthy minerals ........... Economic geology ......... Economics of mining ...... Economy in disposal of product handling supplies ...... Ecuador, mines of, etc Education ................. Efficiency engineering ..... Egypt, mines of, etc ....... Electric detonators drills hoists locomotives machine drills processes, electrolysis, etc ................... shot firing systems ..... shocks, etc. (See acci- dents) storage battery lamps . . switch boards ......... traction Electrical engineering ...... instruments and meters static apparatus Electricity applied to mining asynchronous machines.. . central stations , ... continuous current mo- tors dynamo electric ma- chines generation of industrial applications . . transmission of ........ stationary induction ap- paratus synchronous machines . Electrostatic separators .... 622.211.11 .211.24 553-6 553 622.9 921.5 -921-4 188.6 .07 622.921.11 622.186.2 238.24 236.1 673.4 621.32 622.471-2 663 236 621.35 622.238.25 -474-4 621.317 33 .3 .37 314 393 .312.6 311 312.34 312 31 .39 .34 313 .312.4 622.775 Elevators, hydraulic 622.322.5 mill 793.4 Elmore flotation process .... .768.1 Emerald 553.831 Emery 658 Empire drill 622.242.7 Employers' liability 896.1 Engine planes .642 Engines, compressed air ... 621.42 gas 43 hot air 41 oil 43 portable 15 stationary .16 steam, design of .11 traction 14 Enginers, consulting 622.922.4 mining .922 4 Engineering staff 922.4 England, mines of, etc.... .184.2 English method of enlarg- ing tunnels 622.263.41 Epigenetic deposits 553-H2 Equal altitudes of stars 622.142.14 Erosion and deposition .... 551.3 Essays 04 Ethics of mining 622.896.1 Etiquette of miners 893 Eucalyptus 281.3 Europe, mines of, etc 184 Evaporation -5H-5 Examinations .009 Excavation 21 Executive -OOS Exploration 622.1 Explosions of coal dust .812 of fire damp.... .811 Explosives, handling and storage of 237.5 high 237.2 kinds and care of 237 low 237.1 permissible 237.5 thawing 237.63 accidents from (See ac- cidents) THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 97 Extraction . 622.6 F. Failures in mining 622.913 Fall of ground .83 Falls (See accidents) Fans 44 Capell type 443-4 centrifugal 443 construction of fan house .446.2 description of various. . .448 disc . . . '. -444 general notes on -44 1 Guibal type -443-3 location of 446.1 modern steel plate . . .,. -443-5 motive power for .445 multivane 443-6 setting and reversing... .446 theory and calculations of 447 Waddle type 443-2 (See blowers) Fatal and non-fatal acci- dents in coal mines 854 in metal mines .... .853 Faulted areas, locating 162 Faults, normal 161.1 reverse .161.2 theory of .16 Federal bureau of mines... .875 inspection of mines .872 Feeders, ore -793- 2 Field prospecting 122 Filing information 965 Filling, waste 289.2 systems in mining . .354 Final surveys .132 Fire damp explosions 811 Fires 82 description of coal mine .828 metal mine .827 Firing blasts 238.2 First aid, meets 863.6 work 863 Flooding of mines .84 Flotation 622.76 principles and theory of .767 processes 768 Flow sheets of concentra- tors 798 Fluorspar 553-863 Flushing 622.289.21 Foundations, for machinery .29 for mill machinery .792 Forest reserves 125.1 Forge shop 621.73 Foundry .72 Framing timbers (See tim- bering) France, mines of, etc 622.184.4 Frauds, mine 914 Freezing method of shaft sinking 253 Fresno 214.2 Fuller's earth 553-864 Fulminates 622.237.21 1 Furnaces for ventilation .... .43 Fuses 238.22 G - Garnet 553-893 Gas, acetylene 622.471.33 natural 553-28 Gases, pneumatics 533. Gas, engines 621.43 for illumination 622.471.3 Gases met with in mines. . . .412 Gas and gasolene haulage. . . .664 hoists . . . -673.5 Gasolene illuminators -471-4 Gathering .666 Gauge, track 623.1 Gelatine dynamites 237.222 Gem mining .38 Gems 553.8 Geodesy 526. Geology 550 Geology of ore deposits ... 622.111 Germany, mines of, etc. . . . .184.3 Gilsonite or uintaite 553-274 Gold, mining 622. .441 ores of 553-41 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. saving tables Gossan Government land subdivision 622.326.27 553-34 622.125.3 Hoisting, engines drums, spools and reels, indicators 622.673.3 .674 677 Grab-bucket dredges 217 I mechanical 671 Graders, elevating .215 of water cc Grades for haulage ropes 678 Grahamite Granites Grants, land ( iraphite 553-273 52 622.125.2 CC-2 26 systems and problems . . Hoists, arrangement of wa- ter compressed air .676 553 673 i Gravel elevators Gravity handling ore by. . . . 622.322.54 .613 efficiency of water electric 552 677 A planes Green sand .641 553.645 gas and gasolene ...... principles of water . . 673-5 Grinding pans 622 7^6 steam 677 2 Ground sluicing Guano Guiana, mines of, etc Gums, fossil Gun cotton Gypsum .322.15 553.644 622.189.5 553.29 622.237.213 ^ 6^8 Hollow rod drilling Hornspoon j Hospitals underground Hospital funds .242.5 .123.6 323-II .883.2 .883.21 88^ 3 Gyratory crushers H. 1 lammer machine drills .... Hand augurs - Hand books 622.732.2 622.235 .241 .232.22 03 Hot mines, cooling of Human side of mining .... Humidification of mines. . . Humidity of air Hungarian riffles Huntington mills Hydraulic cartridge .411.4 .896 .485-12 .464 323-225 735-2 2^7 42 Handling explosives .237.6 elevators 322 S Handling mineral at work- ing place Hard pan Haulage, animal, under- .611 .211.12 giants and monitors . . . gradient installations ram .322.4 513 .322.1 .547.9 ground .652 rotarv drills 2363 locomotives 662 mechanical .66 243 rope .661 Hydraulicking . -s 54/- u .219 Headframes Headgates .287.5 .322.11 Hydrodeik .322 .464.2 Headlines, working on .326. 1 7 Hygrometer o3 2 622 464 i Health and care of workmen Hiddenitc High explosives Histories of miners .88 553.897 622.237.2 897 Illuminators Incandescent electric lights 622.471 471 2S of mining men . . . History .898 .00 Incline skips India, mines of. etc. . 685 622.18=;. 4 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Indicators . 622.677 Indices .02 Indicolite 872 Injuries (See accidents) caring for (See rescue and relief) Inspection of mines 622.87 company 874 state 873 Inspectors, company .874.11 state 873.2 Institutions for miners .... .88 Instruments for surveying.. .141 adjustment of -I4I-7 repair of .141.8 Insurance, miners .855 Iodine Ireland, mines of, etc Iridium 553.492 Iron mining 622.346 ores of 553.3 Isolated islands, mines of, etc 622.189.7 Italy, mines of, etc -184.5 J. J ade 553-899 Japan, mines of, etc 622.185.2 Jasper Jigging laws of Jigs, coal washing ......... kinds of operation of Joints, cleavage, polarity in rocks K. Kind-Chandron method .... Koepe hoisting system .... Kunzite . Labor, mine . child convict . . kinds of organized 553-882 622.75 -751 753-: 753 752 622.254 -676.3 553.898 622.923 .923.17 .923.16 .923.1 -93 unions, organization of. payment of unions, responsibility of treating with . . Laboratories Lamp stations Lamps, acetylene for mine use Land grants subdivisions Launders Laws Lead, mining ores of Leasing of mines Ledgers 622.184.1 Levels . ( Liability for accidents Liabilities of stockholders.. Life of miners Lighting of mines Lignite and jet Limestones Liquids, hydrostatics, hy- draulics Listing stocks Lithium Lithographic stone Lithology, petrography, pet- rology Litigation, mining Loading and unloading ore. Locomotives compressed air drawbar pull electric gathering rating of steam types of Lode claims, acquiring .... size and shape of Log washers Long wall in coal mining. . Lubricants 622.931 .924 932 -932 -877 331-9 -474-2 474 .125.2 125-3 793-6 .007 622.344 553-44 622.942 622.954.6 347-51 .141.3 .856 .918.4 .891 47 553-22 .681 532 622.917.3 .696 622.913.3 .697 621.13 622.662.2 .665.1 -663 .666 -665 .662.1 621.132 622.125.4 .131.2 337 621.80 TOO THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. M. Machine drills, operation of. 622.333 Machine parts, design of 621.8 shop .71 tools 9 Machinery 008 handling and erecting... 622.29 of transmission 621.8 Macquisten's flotation pro- cess 622.768.5 Madagascar, mines of, etc.. .186.9 Magazines . . .05 Mlagmatic segregations m.i Magnesite 672 Magnetic roasting 622.772 separation -77 principles and the- ory 771 surveys 15 Magnetometer 123.2 Malaysia, mines of, etc 189.1 Maltha 553-275 Mammoth pump 622.252.35 Management of mines 9 2 general principles of . . . .921 Managers 922.1 Manganese, ores of 553.461 Manometer 622.461.1 Manufactories 621.7 Maps 004 assay 622.146.13 coloring .146.28 filing 146-3 geological .146.12 making mine .146.2 of mine surveys 146 prints and tracings 146.29 topographic 146.21 Marble 553-51 Materials of excavation, classification of 622.211.1 measurement of .211.2 Mathematics Measuring materials of ex- cavation 21 1. 2 Mechanical haulage 622.66 ventilators 44 Medical aid for workmen.. .883 Meerschaum 553-693 Mercury, ores of .453 Meridian, carrying under- ground determination of 622.142 i Metal mining .34 mines, development of.. .347 Metamorphism . . .- 55^6 Meteorology .5 Mexico, mines of, etc 622.187.2 acquiring mineral lands in 127 Mlica 553-694 Mill buildings, construction of 622.791 Milling or. mill holing 319 Milling (See dressing works) Mill-run samples .174.21 Mill sites 125.6 Mills, accessory apparatus in .793 concentration -799 sampling .797 testing 797 (See concentrators and ore dressing works) Mine surveying .14 Mineral industry OOi lands .125 surveys 13 veins 553-19 waters -7 Mineralized areas 622.112 Mineralogy 549 Miners, and mining men... 622.89 of all ages 895 Mines and mining districts. .18 Mining, districts 18 ethics 896.1 Model towns .882.3 Models, mine 147 construction of -147-3 Modified square sets .286.36 Molybdenum 553-49* THE COLORADO SCHOOL ' OFr.MlNES. Monazite 553-691 Monorail 622.643 Moonstone 553 894 Moral responsibilities 622.896.2 Morganite 553-833 Morocco, mines of, etc 622.186.4 Mortar blocks . 734-3 Mortars 734-4 Motive column : . .421.1 Motive power for mine fans .445 Motors (See electricity) N. Natural coke 553-26 ventilation 622.421 New Guinea, mines of, etc.. .189.5 Nickel, ores of 553-48i Niter, soda 635 Nitrate or ammonia dyna- mites 622.237.223 Nitrates, mining of .39 Nitroglycerine ' 237.212 Nitroglycerine, dynamites . . 622.237.221 Nitrostarch 237.214 explosives 237.225 Nitrotoluene dynamites .... .237.224 North Africa, mines of, etc .186.1 North America, mines of, etc .187 Norway, mines of, etc 184.8 Note books .145 Notes, filing .965 keeping field .145.2 keeping mine .96 Nubia, mines of, etc .186.2 O. Ocher 553-695 Officials, qualification of.... 622.928 responsibilities of mine. .927 Oil (See lubricants) engines 621.43 for lamps 622.474.35 Onyx 553-884 Opal 85 Open shop 622.932.1 Open working 31 Ore, blocked out i75-ii bodies, calculating value of sampling shoots contracts marketing of purchasing deposits dressing hand theory, preliminary operation, etc. . . . works pockets thefts Ores, mixing and grading. . Organization of mine force. Origin of float Osmium Overburden for open pit work Over-casts Over-winding devices Oxygen, requirements of human system breathing apparatus, self contained stationary reviving apparatus Ozocerite P. Palladium Pan, gold . . Panning Panel system in coal mining Paraguay, mines of, etc. . . . Pass-bys Patents Patent surveys Peeling mine timber Pearl Percussion, core drill Peridot Periodicals Permissible explosives 622.175.2 .174 .116 175.23 943-3 943 94 553-1 622.7 .72 7i 79 -347-53 .926 943-2 .922 -113 553-492 622.311.5 -451-4 .441.1 .862.3 .862.4 .862.5 553-272 553-492 622.323.11 .122.1 335 .188.9 .67 .008 622.132 .282.2 553.84 622.242.8 553.891 622.05 237-5 " ' 77/ [COLORADO SCHOOL OV MINES. Peru, mines of, etc 622.185.5 Persia, mines of, etc -155-5 Petrography, petrology 552 Petroleum 553-28 Philosophy of mining 622.01 Phosphate mining 39 Phosphates 553-6"4 Photography in mining 622.192 Physical and dynamical geology 551 Physics 530 Picketing 622.934.4 Picking .12 Picks, kinds and use of .212.4 Piece work -924.4 Piling sheet -251.2 Pillar and stall 334 Pillars, ore 289.1 (See coal mining) Pipe, anchoring in shaft. . . . .582.4 compressed air (See air transmission) laying 582.2 lines, care and life of. .582.3 lines 322.15 kinds of for mine use.. .582.1 threading machines .... 621.944 Piping, underground 622.582 Piston machine drills 234 Placer, acquiring -125.5 claims 131.3 dry machines .328 formation of .113 ground, sampling .174.6 mining (See hydraulick- ing, dredging, etc.) Planes, engine .642 gravity .641 Platinum 553-49* wire indicators 622.414.2 Plowing 213 Plows, steam 213.2 Plug and feather 222.1 Plumbago 553-26 Plumb wires 622.143.4 Plumbing 143 Pneumatic caissons \ 622.252.4 ' ] .264.4 Pneumatics 533. Polaris, observation of 622.142.11 Pole tool boring .242.6 Polynesia, mines of, etc.... .189.6 Porphyries 553-56 Portland cements 686 Portugal, mines of, etc 622.184.6 Positive ore .175.12 Possible ore .175.14 Potter and Delpratt flota- tion process .768.2 Power, in milling .794 plants 621.10 Powder, black 622.237.11 smoke 412.1 thawing 237.63 (See explosives) Practical mining 2 Pozzuolan cement 553-683 Preliminary washers 622.757 Premiums in contract work. -941-3 Preservatives, kinds of .... .283.2 Preserving mine timber .... .283 Pressure boxes 622.322.16 Pressures, rock 284 Printing 193 Prisons 884 Probable ore I75-U Progress of mining .09 Prolonged pressure blasting -237.4 Promoters 915-2 Promotion, mine 915 Props or posts 285.1 Prospecting, practical meth- ods 122 devices and tools for... .123 outfits 12! theory of II underground 124 Prospectuses, mining .191 Puddling box 323.14 ( -547-7 ' { .259.12 Pulverizers .737 Pulsometers THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 103 Pummice Pumps, adaptability and ef- ficiencies of 553.653 622 Z.AZ R.eports Rescue and relief 622.009 622.86 86 1 care and operation air lift centrifugal Cornish -546 547-8 -547-5 e-i in irrespirable at- mospheres stations .862 .862.6 descriptions of pump in- Resins ce-i 2Q stallations details of high pressure injector . . . 549 .548 545-1 ^47 6 Responsibility of labor un- ions of mine officials. . 622.932 927 low pressure operating by compressed air 545-2 542 Reversing fans Reviving apparatus Riffles Risks mining .446 .862.5 .323.22 QI2 electricity steam sinking triplex, quintuplex types of Purchasing agents 543 541 547-4 547-2 547 .922.6 Roadbed, underground Roads, underground . Rock pressures Rocker - Rocks weights of .623.4 .62 .284 .123.6 .323.12 2842 of ore 04 Roll crushing, principles of. Rolls 732.1 7^2 Q. Quantities Quarrying .002 622.22 care and operation of. . corrugated or toothed. . repairing shells 732-3 -732-7 7^2 4 rough stone squared rock Quartz gems R. .221.2 .221.1 553-88 rigid vertical, triplex Roofs, action of different... Room and pillar coal mining Rope haulage . . .732.6 732.8 .284.3 333 661 Rack rail Radium Rail fastenings 622.662.12 553-492 622.623.52 ways, wire Ropes, hoisting and haulage, splicing of .69 .678 6786 Railroads, underground .... .623 Rotary blowers 442 2 Rails 62^ m Rainfall 511 Royalties Rubellite .942.4 CC7 871 Rare metal mining 346 Ruble elevator 622 322 6 1 Recording data .96 Ruby CC7 821 Reels, hoists 674 Referendum votes Regulation of mining compa- nies 933-3 916 Rules and regulations, mine. Runoff s 622.925.1 .511.4 Regulators Relation of mine officials to society Repair of instruments 453 927 .141.8 Sack borer Safety devices ..... j lamps 622.33 .688 .677 474-31 104 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Saefty lamps, testing by. ... Salt mining Salting mines Samples, cutting and grind- ing Sampling bore holes . . . . coal seams devices in mills mills ' placer ground Sands Sand stones Sanitary ararngements, surface underground Sapphire Schools Scientific management Scotland, mines of, etc Scrapers - Screening Screen cloths sizing, principle of Screens and sizers, kinds of Script Seepage, conditions affecting .... waters Search lights Seasoning timber Self acting inclines Selling mines Self dumping carriers . . . . j Separation, magnetic Serpentines Shaft indicators concrete lining sets sinking in rock handling water in... 622.414.1 553-63I 622.36 .914.2 .174.9 174 .174-8 1747 793-8 797 .174.6 553-62 53 622.882 .881 553-822 622.886 .921.6 .184.1 .214 314 .321.2 74 .742 .741 622.743 .942.2 .512.2 512 .471.21 .282.3 .641 9I5-4. .321.4 317 -77 553-55 622.677.2 256 .286.6 25 255 -259 timbering steel sets in over Shafting Shafts, concrete drop timber lined burden shape of Shanties, mine Shearing machinery Sheaves for hoist for tracks Sheets, turn Shield method of shaft sink- ing Shift bossess Shipping explosives Shooting off the solid Shops, arrangement of build- ings blacksmith or forge . machine woodworking Shoveling Shovels, kinds and use of.. steam Shrinkage stoping stopes Siberia, mines of, etc Sidings Sights for surveying Signal codes devices Silver, mining ore of Sinking drums frames shafts Siphons Skips Slates Sliding scales Slime, settling and thicken- ing treatment principles of Slimers, table 622.255 257 621.82 622.252 255 .256.1 331-9 621.96 622.678.8 .623.8 .623.72 .252.6 .922.3 .237.61 -332.7 621.702 73 .71 74 622.212 .212.5 .216 -271.7 -351 -185-7 -331.8 .I4I-5 -677 .677.4 431 553-42 622.2525 -255-13 -25 522.3 .684 553-54 .924-3 622.762 -76 .761 -763 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. 105 Slimers, traveling miscellaneous Slope landings . . . Slopes belt.. Sluice Sluices, construction of .... grade and capacity of . . Sluicing . j ground . . . Smoke consumption and pre- vention Soapstones Social clubs Societies Society, relations of offi- cials to Sociology Soda niter Sodium carbonate sulphate South Africa, mines of, etc. South America, mines of, etc South Central Africa, mines of, etc Spain, mines of, etc Spar Specifications Spikes, track Spiling Splicing of ropes Spools, hoist Spring pole drilling rig Springs Sprinkling coal dust Spuds, working on Square sets mining by Squibs Stables Stamp mills Stamps gravity hydraulic pneumatic 622.764 .766 331.8 331.2 .123.6 .323 .323-2 .323-3 .123.6 .323 .322.2 621.184.4 553-55 622.885 .06 622.927 .8 553.635 634 .633 622.186.8 .188 .186.7 .184.6 553-861 .003 622.623.53 .251.21 .678.6 .674.4 .242.2 -5i6 .485-11 .326.18 .286.3 352 .238.21 331-9 79 73 734 733-3 733-2 spring steam Standard drilling rig Stars, equal altitude of. ... Stationary engines Stations for surveying for timbering shaft. . . . Statistics Steam boilers economy engine governors mechanism of .... valves engineering generation heating jets for ventilation . . . plows points power plants scrapers shovel, underground . . shovels transmission and distri- bution Stocks, listing speculation in watered Stockholders liabilities of protection of Stocks Stokers, mechanical Stopes, survey of Stoping Stoppings Storage, battery lamps of electricity Stores, company Stratification . 622.733.4 733-1 .242.3 .142.14 621.16 622.347.53 .141.5 .287.3 .001 621.181 17 .115 .II .116 .18 .19 622.43 .213 .327.43 621.10 622.214 .314.4 .321.2 .612 .216 .315 .321.7 621.186 622.917.3 .917.4 .917.5 .918 .918.4 .918.1 .917 621.184.1 622.144 .27 622.452 .474.4 621.35 622.888 551.81 io6 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Stratigraphical geology, Archean, Cambrian, etc.. 551.7 Strength of materials 620.1 Strikes 622.933 sympathetic 933.2 Structural geology 551-8 Structure of earth as a whole . .1 Study Subdividing government land Sulphur Sumps Sunda, mines of, etc Superintendents Superstitions Supplies, economy in pur- chasing and consumption of Supply book Supports Surface drainage transportation Surveying bore holes for connections methods at various mines mineral notes record of . Surveys, special Swamps Sweden, mines of, etc Swedish mining compass . . . Switch boards Switches Syenites Syngenetic deposits T. Tables Tamping Tapes Tariffs on ores Teaching .08 622.125.3 553-862 622.523.4 .189.2 .922.2 .921.4 -954-3 .28 521 .69 14 .148 .148 .149 13 145 145 .148 523-5 .184.8 123-3 621.317 622.623.6 553-52 .in 622.08 238.13 .141.4 .698 .07 Telegraphs and telephones. . 621.36 Telephone instruments 621.366 pole lines 361 systems 365 Temperatures, determina- tion of 622.463 Terminal stations .696 Testing, boilers 621.171 devices for prospecting. 622.123 engines 621.72 mills . ., 622.797 for mine gases 414 stone, concrete, cement. 620.3 Tests for gold 622.123 Thawing explosives .237.63 frozen gravel . . . .327.4 Thermometer .463.1 Theses, mining .04 Threading machines 621.944 Ties 622.623.8 Timber and stone entries... .125.7 for mine use .281 Timbering 622.28 Timbers 281 preserving mine .283 Time book 954-2 Tin, mining .343 ores of 553-452 Tipples 622.695 Titanium 553-492 Tom 622.323.13 Tools, machine 621.9 Top slicing 622.355 Topaz 553-892 Torches 622.473 Tourmaline 553-87 Towers for tramways 622-693.6 Track and incline .321.3 laying 623.8 underground -623.5 Traction, electric 621.33 Traditions, mine 622.894 Trails 692.4 Tramming, hand .651 animal haulage 65 Trams, car 63 Tramways, aerial -693.6 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Tramway stations towers . ... < 622.693.67 .693-661 .287.8 .697 .141.2 621.34 622.176.3 .69 353 553-57 622.142 .282 .281 .122.2 .2877 942-5 .637 43 757-1 .738 553.58 .492 622.267 .262 .264.3 .125-6 I3I-4 .26 .268 .261 .263.4 .261.5 264.5 621.24 622.185.8 .185.6 621.94 553-86 553-274 622.451.5 622.323.4 332 .187-3 Uranium 553-492 622.176 173 17 175 .171 .172 553-492 622.116 551-88 622.188.7 4 -415 43 415-4 .416.7 -46 .42 423 .416.8 .416 44 .211.25 622.924. i .692.5 931-3 785 78 .784 .788 .786 757-2 757.1 .782 324-4 555 .522.22 vc. Valuation, economic factors in mine of development mines Trans shipment Transits Transmission of electricity.. Transportation, effect on mine valuation surface Transverse stoping Trap ore bodies surface equipment. . . underground equip- ment Vanadium Vegetation in prospecting. . Veins, dykes, necks, bosses. Venezuela, mines of, etc. . . Ventilation, of mines general principles of. ... by furnaces and trompes force and exhaust .... laws of measurements of natural Traverses Trees, cutting and seasoning for mine timber Trenching Trestles and bridges Tribute system Trolleys Trompes ventilating Trough washers Tube mills Tufa ' of rise and dip workings practical formulae .... theory and calculation on Tungsten Tunnel, alignment of selection of sites shields ventilators, mechanical.. Voids in broken stone W. Wages .... sites Tunneling machines Tunnels kinds of Wagon roads Walking delegates Washing, accessory appara- tus for Washeries, coal construction of operation of methods of enlarging. . . railroad stib-aquaeous Turbines Turkestan, mines of, etc. . . . Turkey, mines of, etc. ...... Turning and milling ma- chines Turquoise U. Uintaite or gilsonite Undercasts Undercurrents Washeries, arrangement of machinery Washers, log trough Washing, theories and prin- ciples Waste Undercutting United States, mines of, etc Water buckets and tanks... carrying in adits io8 THE COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES. Water, courses 622.514 duty of 324.1 engines or motors 621.2 for concentration 622.795 Waters, magmatic 622.517 freezing in shaft . gauge ground hoisting level lifters rights, acquiring . shed skips tank, methods of ing tight linings transportation . . . underground .... 554-2 .461.1 .517 55 513 322.55 .125.8 5II-3 556 557 56 .694 .514 wheels, impulse 621.21 Watered stock 622.917.5 Waters, acid 57 dump- mine seepage testing mine Way's pocket smelter . . . Weirs Well drilling methods . . Wells, artesian Wheelbarrows Wild cat mines Wire rope ways Women mine workers . . Working of mines Workmen's compensation aid dwellings . . . Z. 57 512 572 .123.521 .322.13 .24 515 .914.1 .678 .693-6 .923.18 3 .924.7 855.3 .882.2 Zinc, mining 622.345 ores of 553-451 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LIBRARY 'SCHOOL" LIBRAE^ This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. JAN 3 1963 NOV2 1 1964 General Library JJYAO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA L/IBRARY