X* *Ma**MSr vfi'Sk5A*f'r&i * *>** CXfi; ^s:s' / MEMORIALS of ELDER JOHN WHITE one of The First Settlers of Hartford, 'Conn. and of HIS DESCENDANTS. by ALLYN S. KELLOGG. HARTFORD: PRINTED FOR THE FAMILY By Case, Lockwood and Company. 1860. Reprinted by the NORTH CENTRAL PUBLISHING CO. St. Paul, Minnesota, for Josephine A. Siems St. Paul, Minn. 1917. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION, - v A TABLE OF HEADS OF FAMILIES, xiii JOHN WHITE AND HIS DESCENDANTS. First Generation and Children, 13 Second Generation and Children, 24 Third Generation and Children, 35 Fourth Generation and Children, 45 Fifth Generation and Children, 69 Sixth Generation and Children, 109 Seventh Generation and Children, 181 Eighth Generation and Descendants, 251 APPENDIX. I. Extracts from Records at Chelmsford, England, - 279 II. Corrections and Additions, 281 III. Summary, 283 INDEX. I. Descendants named White, 287 II. Descendants having other Names than White, - 296 III. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage, - 309 IV. Persons not Connected with the Family, 320 NOTE, _....__ 322 2012381 INTRODUCTION This volume of "Memorials" has been prepared with the design of preserving, in a convenient form, the most important facts which could be ascertained respecting Elder John White and his descendants. It is presumed that those of his descendants now living, who bear the name of White, have a desire to learn the history of the families through which may be traced their descent from their first ancestor in this country. They may wish, also, to place in the hands of those who are to succeed them, a record, more enduring than tradition, which may perpetuate the memory of former generations, end of the times in which they lived. Plan and Arrangement. A separate section is commonly given to each family named White, the sections being numbered consecu- tively, through the volume. The generations are divided from each other, and the families in each generation are arranged in the order of seniority in the line of descent. The running titles of the left hand pages show to which generation the heads of the families belong, and those of the right hand pages, from which son of Elder John White they are descended. The name of the head of a family, at the beginning of a section, is followed by a biographical notice, introducing the following particulars in the history of his life, so far as they could be ascertained The place and date of his birth; dates of marriage and death, with age at death; occupation; principal residence; public offices held; and any other facts which seemed worthy of mention. The figures in parenthesis, after the name of his father, refer back to the section, in the preceding generation, in which an account of the father may be found. The names of the husband and wife are printed in bold letters. The ac- count of the wife is intended to show her full name; dates of birth and death, with age at death; her residence before marriage; name of her father, and maiden name of her mother. vi Introduction. The remainder of the section, in smaller type, contains an account of the family of the person whose name stands at the beginning of the section. The names of his children are printed in bold letters, and are arranged and numbered in the order of birth, the date of birth, or of baptism, being uniformly given, if known. On the right side of the page, against the name of each son who had a family, is commonly placed a number in parenthesis, referring forward to the section of that number, in the next generation, in which an account of that son and of his family is given. If there is no reference number opposite a name, the history of the person named follows directly after the record of birth. Those who died in infancy, or unmarried, and frequently the males who left no sons to perpetuate the name of White, are noticed only in connection with this record of their birth. In the second generation, a separate section is allotted to each dau- ghter of Elder John White. In the later generations, the account which is given of a female who married, (unless she married a White,) and of her husband and family, follows the record of her birth. This ac- count is designed to show the dates of her marriage and death, the name of her husband, his residence and occupation, date of his death, and his age at death. Also, the names of her children, which are printed in common type, and are numbered consecutively, with dates of birth, marriage, and death; the names of their wives and husbands, with dates of death of these, and their ages at death. Other facts re- specting the married females and their families are sometimes intro- duced, particularly in the earlier generations. With a few exceptions, the lines of descent from the female members of the Family are traced no farther than to their children. If the names of grandchildren are mentioned, they are printed in bold letters. The several marriages of a person who was more than once married, are designated by the numbers, "1st," "2d," &c., placed directly after the word "married," or after "m.," the abbreviation of married. Thj maiden surname of a married female is sometimes placed in a paren- thesis, between her Christian name and the surname she acquired by marriage. There are numerous references from one family to another, each family being designated by the number of the section in which an account of it is given. The foregoing explanations will be more readily understood by referring to some section in the volume; as to section 10, page 37, containing an account of Ensign Daniel White and his family; or to section 14, page 42, of Captain Daniel White and family. The biographical sketches are designed to present only the leading Introduction. vii facts of each one's private history and public life. The titles by which men were commonly addressed in converation, and which almost uni- formly appear in connection with their names, on the public records, are here given to those belonging to the first six generations. The names of men who belong to the later generations are printed with their profes- sional and honorary titles; but less care has been taken to specify the offices they have filled. If too much prominence seems to be given to titles and offices, it should be remembered that, in the case of many per- sons who lived in former times, we have no other means of judging of character, than the record of the public services to which they were called by those who knew them best. Many of those who moved in the more retired walk of life were, doubtless, worthy and useful citi- zens; but the materials for a notice of their lives have not been found. Delineations of character have been but rarely attempted, since it would have been impossible to render equal justice to the memory of all. The virtues ascribed to many members of the Family, by their surviving kindred, and sometimes sketched with delicacy by the hand of affection, are a gratifying testimony that many individuals of th? later generations have been not unworthy descendants of on honored ancestry. Scources of Information. The facts contained in this volume have been drawn from the records of the Colonies of Connecticut and Massachusetts, from the records of Probate Courts and the Registries .of Deeds, from town and church records, from inscriptions on tomb- stones, from family records and oral statements, and from the replies to more than six hundred letters of inquiry. Besides the labors of those who have aided his researches, the compiler has visited about forty towns, and has personally examined more than sixty sets of public records. A few particulars have been taken from Goodwin's "Genealogical Notes," and other genealogical works, to which refer- ence is occasionally made. Such works, however, have been chiefly useful as guides to the original sources of information, which have been consulted, if practicable, and by which the statements found in those works have been verified, or, as in a few cases, corrected. Difficulties of the work. The difficulties attending the prepa- ration of such Memorials need not be explained to those who have undertaken similar labors. But as very few of those who will consult this volume are aware of these difficulties, it seems proper to state some of the reasons why it is impracticable to secure completeness and perfect accuracy. viii Introduction. The history of the first four or five generations is as complete as it could be made by a diligent searching of the public records, which are the principal sources of information respecting the early families. But the facts sought for were not all recorded. The early records of some towns and probate courts, and of many churches, are lost. Be- sides these defects, there are occasional discrepancies. The town record does not always agree with the church record. Still more fre- quently, one of these is found to differ from a family record, or from an inscription on a tombstone. In such cases, that names, or date, has been selected, which seemed to rest upon the highest authority. In a few instances, one of the different dates assigned to an event, or a date supplied by conjecture, has been placed in brackets, with a mark of interrogation. The labor of perfecting the history of the later generations has been much increased by the general neglect of the public registration of families, for the last sixty or eighty years. During this period, the families of the race have become numerous, and have also been widely separated by emigration. A very large proportion of those who left the home of their fathers, have been traced to their new homes, by following out the hints gathered from the descendants of their kindred who remained, from land and probate records, and from old family papers. It is believed that the families living in the present century are more fully represented on the following pages than is usual in works of this character. Most of the members of the Family, who have been applied to for information, have responded promptly and intelligently. The indiffer- ence and carelessness of others have been the chief embarrassments experienced in the prosecution of the work, and the principal causes of its deficiencies and errors. Some persons have made no reply to letters of inquiry until several months had elapsed, while others have paid no attention to repeated applications. In a few instances, a ready prom- ise has never been fulfilled. Letters have sometimes been filled with materials not asked for, and of no value, while definite, inquiries that had been made were entirely neglected. Many families have no family records, and some errors doubtless occur in the statements given from memory. In more than one instance in which a person has named the wrong year, in giving the date of his birth, the error- has been suspected by the compiler, and has been corrected by further correspondence. These explanations are made in order that those persons who do not find the account of their own kindred as complete as they expected, Introduction. ix may understand that all reasonable effort has been made to secure full- ness and accuracy. The compiler has carefully examined the records within his reach, and the various manuscripts furnished him, and has diligently sought for information from the sources to which he has been referred. It has been his first and constant aim, to make this a reliable book. But, for the errors and omissions of recorders and correspond- ents, he is not responsible. Manifest errors in the spelling of names have been corrected; but many peculiarities have been retained. It is hardly possible to avoid making some mistakes in deciphering and transcribing so many thousand names and dates, many of which are found in manuscripts not remarkable for legibility. A few typo - graphical errors are corrected in the Appendix, and perhaps others have escaped detection. A list of corrections and additions is also given prepared from information received too late for use in its proper place. Abbreviations. Besides the abbreviation in common use, the following are frequently employed in this volume: b. for born; bap. for baptized; m. for married; pub. for published; unm. for unmarried; wid. for widow; fam. for family; d. for died; ae for aged; dau. for daughter; prob. for probably; res. for resided; rem. for removed; grad. for graduated; and Coll. for College. The names of towns are frequently abbreviated, or are represented by their initial letters, when the full name has been given just previously. It should be observed that the same place may be designated by several different names. "Middletown, Upper Houses," the home of Captain Nathaniel White, was afterwards sometimes called "Upper Middletown," and is now the town of "Cromwell." Those of his descendants who settled in "East Midddletown," afterwards the town of "Chatham," lived in that part of Chatham which is now the town of "Portland." Similar changes have occurred in the names of many other places mentioned in this book Old Style and New Style. Previous to 1753, the year, in England and her colonies, commenced on the 25th of March. Thus, the birth of Elizabeth, daughter of Captain Nathaniel White, recorded, "March 7, 1654," was doubtless in the month which preceded April, 1655. The date is therefore printed, (page 27,) "March 7, 1655." The New Style having been adobted in Catholic countries in 1582, there arose the custom of sometimes using a double date for that part of the year between the 1st of January and the 25th of March. Two methods were in use: the one, expressing the year thus: "1645-6;" x Introduction. or, "1660: 61," as in the second line of page 29: the other, which was more common, placing the last figures of the date in the form of a frac- tion. Thus, the marriage of Daniel White, (page 49,) is recorded, "Jan. 19, 170 8-9." In this volume the year is intended to be conformed to the Nev/ Style. Some errors may have been made in doing this, as the practice of recorders was not uniform, praticularly for a half century before the New Style was adopted. No correction has been made in the day of the month. To be strictly accurate, ten days must be added to dates before the first of March, 1700, and eleven days to dates between that time and the third of September, 1752. In some cases, however, events occurring previous to 1752 were recorded after that year, and according to New Style. A few fac-similes of autographs are given, at the expense of individ- uals particularly interested in their insertion. The Table of Heads of Families, following this Introduction, is arranged upon a plan not found in other works of this character. It offers a help for tracing out, and keeping in the memory, the line of one's ancestry, and for gaining a comprehensive view of the whole circle of kindred. This Table, and the copious Indexes at the close of the volume, afford all needful facilities to those who may consult these "Memorials." This volume, in memory of Elder John White and his Descend- ants, is the fruit of a purpose long cherished by Mr. Norman White, of New York, who became interested, many years, since, in the his- tory of his- ancestors, and collected, from various sources a large amount of information respecting different branches of the Family. The present completion of the design then formed is largely due to his continued interest and liberality. Besides contributing much to the value of the work> by the constant attention given to it in all its tyles of progress, he has borne about one-third of the expense of preparing and publishing this volume, thus enabling it to be offered to other members of the Family at a price considerably less than its actual cost. The biographical notices of Elder John White, and of his son, Cap- tain Nathaniel White, were principally prepared by Henry White, Esq., of New Haven, Conn., who had also been long interested in col- lecting facts relating to his ancestors, and who has, in addition to lib- eral contributions, devoted much time to assisting in the preparation Introduction. xi of this volume. A few of the briefer sketches were furnished by him, as well as the Extracts from English Records, in the Appendix, and most of the facts given respecting the descendants of Captain John White, of the fourth generation. He has also made many valuable suggestions, during the progress of the work. The history of those early families that lived in Middletown, Conn., and the neighboring towns, was originally furnished by Mr. Ebenezer B. White, of Portland, Conn., whose more recent indefatigable re- searches have left little to be hoped for, from any further examination of records in that vicinity. He has also aided in gathering the history of many families in other places, and has thrown light upon some ob scure points, by his ingenious conjectures. The memorials of so extensive a Family can not be prepared with- out the assistance of many of its members. The present work owes much of its completeness to the numerous descendants of John White who have collected the history of those branches of the Family to which they respectively belong, and have thus deserved the gratitude of all who may seek for information in these pages. The compiler would also express his obligations to Sylvester Judd, Esq., of Northampton, Mass., the veteran genealogist of the valley of the Connecticut; to Rev. Lavius Hyde, of Bolton, Conn.; to Mr. D. Williams Patterson, of West Winsted, Conn.; and to many other persons not connected with the Family, for varied assistance in the preparation of this work. It is proper to acknowledge the liberality of those members of the Family who promptly subscribed for several copies of the Memorials, thereby encouraging and securing the publication of the book. In conclusion, the compiler would express the hope that these "Memorials" may contribute to inspire the living with a reverence for their worthy ancestors, and to perpetuate the virtues which made them worthy of commemoration. Vernon, Conn., March, 1860. A TABLE OF HEADS OF FAMILIES This Table contains only the names of those men, surnamed White, of whose children some definite account is given in this volume. Figures prefixed to a name show the number of the Section in which an account of the Family is given; and figures following the name show the page on which the section commences. The figures in the left-hand column refer back to the names of the fathers of the persons against whose names these figures stand. In a few instances, the same numbers serve both purposes of reference, By means of this Table, lines of descent may be very readily traced, and degrees of affinity ascertained. Generation I. Section. Page. 1 JOHN, 13 Generation II. f 3 Nathaniel, 25 1 -j 4 John, jr., 28 [ 5 Daniel, 28 Generation III. Descendants of Nathaniel. f 8 Nathaniel, 35 9 John, 36 \ 10 Daniel, 37 11 Jacob, 38 12 Joseph, 39 Descendant of John, jr. 4 13 John, 40 Descendant of Daniel. 5 14 Daniel, 42 Generation IV. Descendants of Nathaniel. [ 15 Nathaniel, 45 f 16 John, 46 8 -j 17 Joseph, 46 18 Daniel, 47 19 William, 47 20 Ebenezer, 48 9 21 John, 22 Nathaniel, f23 Daniel, I 24 Nathaniel, 10 -I 25 Joseph, I 26 Hugh, I 27 John, [28 Isaac, 48 49 49 50 51 52 52 53 Section. Page. f 29 Jacob, jr., 54 11 i 30 Thomas, 54 [ 31 John, 55 12 32 Ebenezer, 56 Descendants of John, jr. [33 John, 57 13 \ 34 Jonathan, 58 [ 35 David, 58 Descendants of Daniel. 36 Daniel, 60 37 Thomas, 61 14 { 38 Joel, 63 39 Elisha, 66 40 Simeon, 67 [ 41 Oliver, 67 Generation V. Descendants of Nathaniel. 15 42 Nathaniel, jr., 69 43 Jonathan, 69 16 44 Oliver, 70 45 John, jr., 71 f46 Moses, 71 17 \ 47 Thomas, 71 | 48 Joseph, 72 I 49 Josiah, 73 f50 Jacob, 18 j 51 Daniel, [ 52 Preserved, 53 William, jr., 54 Nathaniel, 19 ] 55 Daniel, I 56 Ebenezer, [57 David, 20 58 Ebenezer, 21 59 John, 79 23 60 Jonathan, 79 61 Jedediah, 80 XIV A Table of Heads of Families Section. Page. Section. Page. T62 Nathaniel, 81 50 110 Luther, 11G 24 { 63 Elijah, 81 fill Horace, 116" [ 64 Noadiah, 82 51 -1 112 Daniel, 117 25 65 Ebenezer, 83 ! 113 Pliny, 117 66 Stephen, 84 [ 114 Edward, 118 f67 Timothy, 85 f 115 Preserved, 118 26 4. 68 Aaron, 85 52 4 116 David, 119 ( 69 Hugh, 86 1 117 Lewis, 119 27 70 Stephen, B9 [ 118 Walter, 120 71 John, 90 53 119 Gad, 121 28 72 Moses, 91 54 120 Jarib, 121 73 Elias, 92 55 121 Daniel, 121 f 74 Samuel, 1 75 Jacob, 30 4 76 Henry, 1 77 Silas, 93 93 94 56 122 William Porter, 123 Enoch, 57 124 Cotton, 58 125 Jonathan, 122 122 123 123 [ 78 Joel, 94 126 Elijah, 124 31 79 Jacob, 32 80 William, 95 95 59 127 John, jr., 128 Nathaniel, 124 125 81 Elizur, Descendants of John, jr. 96 60 129 Aaron, 130 Joseph, 61 131 Daniel, 125 126 127 34 82 Asa, 96 132 John, 127 35 83 Thomas Wells, 97 62 133 John, 127 Descendants of Daniel, f84 Daniel, 36 4 85 Salmon, [ 86 Elihu, 98 99 101 134 Nathaniel, f 135 Amos, 63-! 136 Elijah. | 137 Daniel Hnrlburt, f 138 Noadiah, jr., 128 128 129 130 131 f 87 Joel, jr., 102 64 4. 139 Joseph, 131 1 88 Lemuel, 103 1 140 Abijah, 132 38 4 89 Elijah, 104 [ 141 Samuel, 132 I 90 Thomas, I 91 Daniel, 104 105 65 142 David. 143 Daniel, 133 39 92 Dudley, 106 66 144 Josiah, 134 40 93 Simeon, jr., 107 145 George, 135 94 .Asa, 107 67 146 Timothy, 136 41 95 George, 108 68 147 Samuel, 136 Generation VI. f!48 Daniel Clark, 137 Descendants of Nathaniel f96 Samuel, 42 4. 97 Nathaniel, I 98 Ebenezer, 43 99 Enoch, 109 109 110 111 1 149 Joseph, 69 { 150 Hugh, jr., 1 151 Ansel, [ 152 Philo, 70 153 Elisha, 154 Dyer, 137 138 139 139 140 141 44 100 Oliver, jr., 101 Moses, 111 112 71 155Timothy, 156 John, 142 142 ("102 Aaron, 47 { 103 Job, [ 104 Simeon, 112 112 113 f 157 Isaac, 1 158 Moses, jr., 72 4 159 James, 143 144 145 f!05 Moses, 113 1 160 Calvin, 145 48 4 106 Joseph, 114 [ 161 Elisha, 146 I 107 Reuben, 114 f 162 Joseph, 147 49 108 Josiah, jr., 115 73 4 163 Elias, jr., 147 109 Eldad, 116 [ 164 Isaac, 148 A Table of Heads of Families xv Section. Page. Section. Page. [ 165 Samuel, jr., 148 94 219 Chester, 177 74 { 166 Lemuel, 149 220 Addison Hayes, 178 [ 167 Timothy, 149 [221 Oliver, 178 f 168 Dan, 149 95 \ 222 Daniel, 179 75 { 169 Thomas, 150 [223 George, 179 [ 170 Elam, 150 f 171 Silas, jr., 151 Generation VII. 77 \ 172 Roswell, | 173 Chauncy, 151 152 Descendants of Nathaniel. [ 174 Brainard, 152 96 Luther, 109 78 175 Gershom, 153 97 224 Levi, 181 176 Joel, jr., 153 225 Ezekiel, 181 [ 177 John, 153 226 Ezra, 182 178 Thomas, 154 98 227 Lyman, 182 79 j 179 Lemuel, 154 228 Ralph, 183 | 180 Alexander, 155 229 Ebenezer, 183 [ 181 Asa, 156 99 230 Phineas, 183 80 182 Joseph, 156 231 Enoch, jr., 185 [ 183 Elizur, jr., 156 101 232 David, 185 81 \ 184 William, 157 233 Elihu, 186 [ 185 Ebenezer, 157 102 Noadiah, 112 Descendants of John, jr. 234 Justus, 186 82 186 John, 158 103 235 Chester, 187 187 Jeremiah, 158- 236 Job, 187 f!88 David, 159 104 237 Quartus, 187 I 189 Thomas, 160 107 238 Reuben Augustus, 187 83 \ 190 John, 161 [239 Heman, 188 | 191 Olcott, 161 109 ^ 240 Cyrus, 188 ( 192 Samuel, 162 Eldad, 116 Descendants of Daniel. 241 Medad, 189 84 193 Elijah, 162 111 242 Sewall, 189 1194 Salmon, jr., 163 112 243 Gordon, 190 195 John, 164 113 244 Daniel Granger, 190 196 Thomas, 164 114 245 Edward Corbett, 190 [ 197 Ebenezer, 165 [246 Martin, 190 86 4 198 Elihu. jr., 166 115 <| 247 Luther, 191 [ 199 Jonathan Cole, 166 | 248 Roderick, 191 87 200 Jabez Loomis, 166 [ 249 Preserved, 192 88 201 Lemuel, 167 116 250 David, jr., 192 202 John J., 168 251 William, 192 [203 Elihu, 169 120 Jay, 121 89 \ 204 Elijah, jr., 169 Bela, 121 I 205 Julius, 90 206 Thomas, jr., 207 Asa, 170 171 171 121 252 George, 193 253 Daniel Sherman, 193 91 208 Daniel, 171 [254 Ebenezer, 193 209 Samuel, 172 123 { James Porter, 123 [210 William, 173 255 John William 92 t 211 Elisha, 174 [ Henry, 193 [ 212 Benjamin, 174 125 256 Jonathan, jr., 194 f213 Charles, 175 [257 Josiah, 194 I 214 Henry, 175 126 -j 258 Samuel Sumner, 195 93 1 215 George, 176 [ 259 Ebenezer, 195 I 216 Frederick, 17G 127 260 John, 195 [ 217 Solomon, 176 128 261 Nathaniel, jr., 193 XVI A Table of Heads of Families Section. Page. Section. Page. f 262 Samuel Kellogg, 196 f315 Truman, 216 1 263 Aaron, jr., 196 1 316 Francis, 216 129 <| 264 Jonathan, 197 157 -{ 317 Moses, 217 1 265 William Ely, 197 | 318 Roderick, 217 1 266 Arthur, 197 1 319 Albert, 218 130 267 Harold, 197 [ 320 Aimer, 218 131 268 Abram, 198 f321 James, jr., 218 269 Daniel, jr., 198 159 182 358 William Morell, 231 155 307 Amos, 308 Aaron Clark, 213 214 Descendants of John, jr. f309 Elisha, 21 i f359 Dan, 231 310 John.jr., 214 | 360 Gurdon, 232 156 311 Daniel, 214 186 \ 361 Asa, 232 312 Isaac, 215 | 362 Harry, 233 313 Raymond B., 215 | 363 David, 233 [ 314 Amos, 215 [ 364 Joseph, 233 A Table of Heads of Families Section. Page. S f 365 Asa, 234 221 366 Wells, 234 188 367 David, jr., 231 222 368 Harris, ^O*) OQQ [369 Henry, 235 [370 Samson Keyes, 235 189 -j 371 Elias, 235 r [ 372 Augustus Stone, 236 191 373 John Wright, 236 374 Horatio, 236 192 375 Asa Gates, 236 Descendants of Daniel. 230 [376 John, 237 231 193 r D^cl 4. Mary % April 7, 1659, Jacob, Cornwell, of M. Jan. 16, 1678 j mi! S.Daniel Feb. 23, 1662, Susannah Mould (10) ^f** 88 ' 6. Sarah t Jan. 22, 1664, John Smith, of Haddam, 7. Jacob May 10, 1665,Deborah Shepard, (11) 8. Joseph Feb. 20, 1667, Mary Mould, (12) * The will of Thomas Bunce, sen., without date, but probably made in 1682, mentions his "daughter, Elizabeth White," (see Family 7,) and also his "cousin Elizabeth White." It is not improbable that in the latter case he refers to the wife of Capt. Nathaniel White; but no certain proof of this relationship has been discovered. In form- er times the word cousin was frequently used instead of nephew or niece. 28 Second Generation and Children $ One of the children of Mary, (Wait,) was a volunteer in the expedition to Canada, in 1709. He was born Sept. 1692, d. 1742. t Sarah's husband (John Smith) was probably a ship-master. She died before her father. One of her children (Nathaniel, bap. at Mid., Jan., 5, 1696.) is said by an -old memorandum, dated Fab. 8, 1787, to have sailed away as a ship-carpenter, and was never heard of more. 4. Sergeant John White, Jun., son of Elder John, (1) settled in Hatfield, Mass., his homelot was on the east side of the street, the fifth from the south end of the homelots, as they were originally laid out. He was buried in Hat- field, Sept. 15, 1665. His age is not known, but it was less than 35 yrs., of age. The inventory of his estate amounting to 313, includes a house and 'homelot at Hat- field and also at Hartford, Conn. It is probable that he re- sided at Hartford till within a year or two of his death, and that his children were born there. He married Sarah Bunce of Hartford, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Bunce, ffter the death of her husband, the widow, Sarah White, married Nicholas Worthington, of Hatfield. She died June 20, 1676. Mr. Worthington again married, and died Sept. 6, 1683. (An account of the des- cendants of Nicholas Worthington may be found in "Good- win's" Genealogical Notes.") Children. 1. Sarah, b. - ; m. Feb. 1678. John Graves of Hatfield, who d. Dec. 2, 1730. They had ten children, 5 girls and 5 boys. 2. John, b. 1663; m. Hannah Wells, (13) 5. Lieutenant Daniel White, son of Elder John (1) was probably born in Hartford, Conn., as early as 1639. He settled in Hatfield, Mass., about the year 1662, as appears from the following entries on the town record of Hadley. Descendants of John White. 29 'Jan. 21, 1660: 61. This day Daniel White had a hundred pound lot given him beyond the River, and his father John White Ingages for him." Dec. 12, 1661, there was a re- newal of the grant to Daniel White "provided he be resident on his allotments in March next." His homelot was on the west side of Hatfield Street, the fourth lot south of the Mill Lane, or road leading westerly. Other lands were allotted to him, and the records of Hatfield show that he was a farmer. He was frequently called into the service of the town. Before the division of Hadley he was chosen a constable in 1666, and one of the selectmen in 1670. The town of Hatfield was incorporated in 1670, but the records of the town officers previous to 1677 are mostly lost. During the twenty years after 1678, Daniel White was eight times chosen one of the selectmen of Hatfield. He occasionally held other offices, and was often appointed on committees for attending to various town affairs which called for the exercise of discretion and sound judgment. He was also active in the ecclesiastical affairs of the town: The title of Lieutenant is first given him on the records in Dec., 1692. The following is a fac-simile of his autograph, in 1701. He died July 27, 1713, being probably not far from 75 years of age. By his will dated July 11, 1713, he gave 4, to the church in Hatfield, and constituted his only sur- viving son, Daniel, his executor. Previous to his death he had given a part of his land to his son, Daniel, and to his daughter Hannah ; but he left a large estate for those times. The inventory amounted to 363, not including the homestead and some other property, which was ap- praised in 1719, after the death of his widow, at nearly 300. He married Nov. 1, 1661. Sarah Crow, daughter of John Crow and Elizabeth Goodwin. Her father was an early settler in Hartford and Hadley, and became one of the largest land-holders in the colony of Connecticut. Her mother was the only child of Elder William and 30 Second Generation and Children Susannah Goodwin. Elder Goodwin was a fellow-pass- enger with Elder John White in the ship Lyon, and .was one of the leaders in the settlement of Hadley. Sarah Crow was born at Hartford, March 1, 1647, and was but 14 years and 8 months old at the time of her marriage. She was one of seven daughters who married into some of the best families in the valley of the Connecticut. A high author- ity in such matters has said "Those Crow girls made smart women." Mrs. Sarah White died at Hatfield, June 26, 1719, se 72. Her inventory shows the following list of articles in her wardrole. She was not only well supplied, but seems to have been a little extravagant for that day, for one residing in a small town. 8. Shifts 1 Damask Gown 1 Silk Girdle Green ribbon girdle Linen Gloves Muff Head Linen 1 Leather Gloves Pair blue Stockings Lustring Hood Flamode Hood__ Silk Handkerchief Painted do Cambric do 2 Handk'fs 4s. and 3s 3 do. 5s., 3s. and 3s Plain cloth Coat Fan, Painted do__ s. d. s. d. 17 White waistcoat 2 Damask Coat 2 1 Painted serge coat 15 1 6 Blue damask Mantua- _ 1 2 2 Streaked undercoat 8 3 3 Silk prunella Mantua__ 1 10 10 Serge hood and blue 3 6 facing 1 10 1 6 Old Serge Hood 5 12 6 Old reddish Coat 4 11 Old black coat 2 5 Pair blue and red sleeves 2 3 Old black Mantua 2 5 Blue calico Apron 1 6 7 2 do, 4s. and 4s., 6d 8 11 Garlix Aprons 3 6 10 Yellow flannel waist coat 5 1 6 White Apron 5 1 6 Neck Handk'f,_ _ _ 4 Total, 16 8 Equal to $ 54.67. The mantuas were gowns, or dresses; the coats were petticoats. Descendants of John White. 31 Children Born Married Died 1. Sarah Oct. 15, 1662 Thomas Loomis 2. Mary Sept. 5, 1664. 3. Mary Ag. 5, 1665 , Wells 4. Elizabeth Nov. 13, 1667 Dea. Samuel Loomis Feb. 18, [25 ? ] 1736 5. Daniel July 4, 1671 Sarah Bissell (14) 6. Esther Feb., 1675 7. Hannah July 4, 1674. d. in infancy 8. John Nov. 16, 1676 Aug. 1677 9. Esther * Lieut. John Ellsworth Sept. 7, 1766, ae. 89. 10. Hannah Sept. 1679 Dea. Nathaniel Dickinson. 11. Mehitable Mar. 14, 1683 Jeremiah Bissell * Esther's husband (Lieut. John Ellsworth) is called the first settler of Ellington, then a part of Windsor; although his family had not re- moved thither previous to his death, which occured by accident. A stone was erected bearing this insciption "Lieut. John Ellsworth was killed here by the fall of a tree, Oct. 26th, 1720, aged 49 years and 19 days." The stone has been removed a short distance, and now stands by the road-side about one mile southeast of the meeting-house. 32 Second Generation and Children 6. Sarah White, daughter of Elder John (1) was thrice married. She died at Hatfield, Mass., Aug. 10, 1702, after an eventful life. She married 1st, Stephen Taylor, who settled in Hat- field about 1662. He was buried there, Sept. 8, 1665, just one week before his brother-in-law, John White, Jun. She married 2d, Oct. 15, 1666, Barnabas Hinsdale, of Hat- field who was slain by the Indians, Sept. 18, 1675. He was one of the company under the command of Capt. Lathrop, which was surprised at "Bloody Brook," in Deerfield. A monument was erected in 1835, inscribed With the names of ninety men who were then massacred. She married 3d, Feb., 1679, Walter Hickson of Hatfield, who died April 3, 1696. Her Children by Stephen Taylor. Children Born Married Died 1. Stephen Patience Brown Jan. 3, 1719 Descendants of John White 33 (Barnabas Hinsdale) 2. Barnabas * Feb. 20, 1668 Martha Smith Jan. 25, 1725, ss. 57 3. Sarah Daa. Samuel Hall between 1716 and 1722 4. Elizabeth Oct. 29, 1671 Mar. 8, 1672 5. Isaac Sept. 15, 1673 Lydia Loomis Mar. 1, 1739,'ae 65 6. Mary f Mar. 27, [1676?] (By Walter Hickson) 7. John Nov. 7, 1679 July 2, 1691 ae 11 8. Elizabeth Jan. 26, 1681 probably d. young. 9. Jacob f Jan. 26, 1683 * Barnabas had nine children, his seventh born, (Capt. John Hins- dale) who was born Aug. 13, 1706, lived in Kinsington, (now Berlin) Conn., and died Dec. 2, 1792 se. 86. He married Nov. 8, 1733 Elizabeth Cole of Hartford, who died July 1, 1784, se 73. His son, Rev. Theodore, graduated at Yale College in 1762, was a minister in Windsor, Conn., afterwards removed to Hinsdale, Mass., the town being named in his honor, and d. there Dec. 29, 1818, se. 80. Elijah, another son of Capt. John, had a dau. Elizabeth who was the mother of Elijah Hinsdale Burritt, the astronomer, and of Elihu Burritt, the "learned black-smith," Lydia, dau. Capt. John, who married Samuel Hart of Berlin, was the mother of Mrs. Emma Willard, and of Mrs. Almira Lincoln Phelps, each of whom were widely known as in- structress and authoress . J Mary by the Hatfield record, was born in 1677, which is plainly an error. She is named in the will of her step-father Walter Hick- son, but nothing later is known of her. f Jacob, was taken captive by the Indians at Deerfield, Feb. 29, 1704, and was slain by them at Cowas, New Hampshire, while on their journey to Canada. He was only 21 years of age. 7. Ensign Jacob White, youngest son of Elder John (1) was born in Hartford, Conn., Oct. 8, 1645. He was less than fourteen years of age when his father removed to Hatley, Mass., and probably accompanied the family 34 Second Generation and Children. thither. Soon after reaching his majority he returned to Hartford and settled on his father's old homestead He was admitted a free-man of the Colony in 1668. The nature of the various public offices to which he was called at Hartford indicates that he was a man of character and intelligence. In 1669, he was chosen a land-surveyer for the town, and again in 1700. He also served four times as Townsman or Selectman, in the years 1682, 1687, 1691 and 1696. In 1693 he was chosen one of a committee to prepare an answer to a petition from the inhabitants who lived east of the River. In military life he reached the rank of ensign. The exact time of his death is not known, but it was probably in the early part of the year 1701, when he was 55 years of age. The inventory of his estate was dated May 29, 1701, and amounted to 652. He left no children surviving him. * He married before 1683, Elizabeth BuiK-e of Hartford, dau. of Thomas and Sarah Bunce, and sister of his brother John's wife. She died at Hartford in 1716. * Respecting his children, no satisfactory information has been ob- tained, but they undoubtly died young. Third Generation and Children Decendants of Captain Nathaniel White. 8. Dea. Nathaniel White, son of Capt. Nathaniel, (3) was born at Midddletown, Upper Houses, Conn , July 7, 1652. About the time of his marriage he removed to Hadley, Mass., where he settled upon the original homelot of his grandfather, Elder John White. He took the oath of allegiance in Hadley, Feb. 1679. The records show, that there were but few larger landholders in the town. He gave a large part of his property to his children dur- ing his lifetime, so that the inventory of his estate, after his disease was small. He left no will, he was frequently called into the service of the town. In 1687, he was elected constable, and between the years 1684 and 1715, he was 9 or 10 times chosen one of the selectmen. He held the office tything-man for several years after he was seventy-five years of age. The records of the Church in Hadley having been distroyed by fire in 1766, it is not known when he was chosen to the office of Deacon. The title is first given him in the town records, in 1697. He lived to a good old age, and died at Hadley, Feb. 15, 1742, ss 89 years, 7 months. He married March 28, 1678, Elizabeth Savage of Middle- town, dau. of John and Elizabeth Savage. She was born June 3, 1655, and died Jan. 30, 1742, at 86 years and 8 months. She died sixteen days before her husband their married life having continued 63 years, 10 months, 2 days. Children 1. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 13, 1679; d. young. 2. Nathaniel, (15), 36 Third Generation and Children. 3. John, (16). 4. Sarah, d. young. 5. Joseph, (17). 6. Daniel, (18). 7. Jacob, b. Dec. 5, 1691, d. June [1692?]. 8. Mary, b. Oct. 16, 1693, m. Israel Dickinson, and d. soon after. 9. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 8, 1695, m. Dea. Samuel Montague, and d. 1753, ae. 57, one of their children, (Nathaniel) was killed at Lake George in 1757, 3d. 18. 10. William, (19). 11. Ebenezer, (20). 9. John White, son of Capt. Nathaniel, (3) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, April 9, 1657. He settled in the other members of his fathers family and died about longed to his grandfather, Elder John White, and frequently held some of the minor town offices. He survived all the other members of his fathers family and died about July, 1748, at 91 years. By his will, dated Nov. 7, 1747 he gave his homestead to his son Jacob and a house and lands in Hartford to his son John. He nlso bequeathed to his children lands in Middletown, in New Hartford, and "in the five mile, so called, on the east side of the Con- necticut River in Hartford. Now constituting the town of Manchester. His estate was appraised at 500. He married, Mary , who died before him. Children Born Married Died 1. John, b. June 24, 1687, d. June 20, 1689. 2. Mary, b. Aug. 14, 1689, d. Jan. 1694. 3. John, b. Feb, 8, 1691, m. Sarah Carter (21). 4. A daughter, d. Jan. 20, 1696. 5. Nathaniel, b. April 8, 1694, m. S. Hinsdale, (22). 6. Mary, b. May 4, 1696, d. young. 7. Elizabeth, b. June 11, 1698, m. Ebenezer Benton. 8. Jacob, b. Sept. 22, 1700, lived on the homestead bequeathed to him Descendants of Nathaniel White 37 by his father. He d. unmarried, in 1776, ae. 75. His will is date April 22, 1776. The inventory of his estate, dated May 21, amounts to nearly 900. 9. Sarah, b.; m. Sept. 14, 1731, William Andrews, or Andruss. She was living in 1747. 10. Ann, b. - ; m. Russ, and was living at the date of her father's will. 10. Ensign Daniel White, son of Capt. Nathaniel, (3) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, Feb. 23, 1661. (So the town record: the grave-stone says, Feb. 27.) He lived in his native place, and was chosen a townsman, or select- man, of Middletown in 1690, and a constable in 1701. He died Dec. 18, 1739, ae. 78. He married, March, 1683, Susannah Mould of New Lon- don, Conn., dau. of Hugh Mould, a noted ship-builder. Her mother, Martha Coit, was the dau. of John Coit, the first shipwright in New London, and was the second wife of Capt. Nathaniel White, (Fam. 3.) Mrs. Susannah White was born April 2, 1663, and died Sept. 7, 1754, se. 91. Children. 1. Daniel, b.Dec. 8, 1683; m. Alice Cook - - - (23) 2. Nathaniel, b.Sept. 3, 1685; m. Mehitable Hurlburt. - (24) 3. Joseph, b. . ; d. Oct. 8, 1687. 4. Joseph, b.Oct.8, 1688; m. Mary Hall and others. (25) 5. Hugh, b.Feb. 15, 1691; m. Mary Stone - - (26) 6. John, b.Nov. 27, 1692; m. Susannah Ailing. - (27) 7. Susannah, b. Oct. [16?] 1694; (The town record gives Oct. 16, as the date of her birth; the church record has Oct. 14, as the date of her baptism.) She m. Jan. 2, 1718, Thomas Johnson, Esq., of Middletown, Up. H., who d. April 22, [24?] 1761. ae. 72. She d. Sept. 28, 1786, ae. 92. She had, 1. Thomas, b. Oct. 1718. He was Dea., and d. Dec. 26, 1774, se. 56; his wid., Mary, m. Ozias Willcox, and d. March, 1780; 2. Stephen, b. Feb. 14, 1720, lived in East Middletown, and d. Sept. 17, 1776, se. 56; 3. Susannah, b. June 8, 1722; 4. Hepzibah; b. Nov. 21, 1724; 5. [Ruth?] b. Sept. ; 6. Daniel, b. April, 1729; was prob. a Capt. in the old French war, and d. at Schenectady, N. Y., June 18, 1756, a?. 27; 7. Amos, b. Jan. 27, 1731, m. Nov. 8, 1753, Mary Kirby; he d. Sept. 19, 1758, "in the camp at Lake George," se. 27; 8. Desire, b. July 5, 1735, m. June 17, 1756, Charles Burn; 9. Thankful, twin with the last, m. May 6, 1755, Elisha Savage. 8. Isaac, b. Nov. 9, 1696; m. Sibbil Butler. - - - - (28) 9. Jonathan, bap. Mar. 30, 1701; d. May 1, 1702. 10. Ruth, b. Sept. 28, 1703; m. June 10, 1730, Jehiel Stone of North Guilford, Conn., (his 2d wife.) She d. March 28, 1774, ae. 70. He d. Oct. 18, 1780, se. 76. She had, 1. Thomas, b. March 16, 1731, 38 Third Generation and Children. m. March 27, 1754, Leath Norton of Guilford, who d. Jan. 28, 1772 as. 42; 2. Sarah, b. Sept. 2, 1732, m. Daniel Norton, jun., of G., who rem. to New Durham; 3. Elihu, b. Aug. 16, 1734, m. Sept. 2, 1755, Thankful Hodgkiss of G.; he rem. to Branford in 1782, and thence to Litchfield; 4. Ruth, b. Mar. 23, 1736, m. Daniel Clarke of E. Haven; 5. Noah, b. June 23, 1738, d. Dec. 18, 1745; 6. William, b. Jan. 23, 1740, rem. to Harwinton, Conn., in 1782; 7. Aaron, b. Oct. 21, 1741, d. Jan. 7, 1821; ae. 79. He m. 1st, Sept. 22, 1760, Lois Dudley, of E. Guilford, who d. Apr. 18, 1797, 33. 52; m. 2nd, Mrs. Abigail Coe, who d. Oct. 29, 1836, ae. 90; 8. Isaac, b. Feb. 25, 1743, d. Jan. 3, 1783, ae. 40. He m. Nov. 4, 1767, Parthena Dudley, sister of Lois; 9. John b. Sept. 2, 1744, d. Feb. 15, 1754, 33. 9; 10. Noah, b. 1746; 11. John, b. [1749?], m. and rem. to Ohio. 11. Rachel, b. Feb. 3, 1705; m. April 16, 1729, William Chittenden, jun., of Guilford. She d. Oct. 15. 1752, as. 47. He m. again, and d. Jan. 14, 1786, as. 80. She had, 1. William, b. April 18, 1730, d. at sea, 1760, ae. 30. He m. Oct. 3, 1751, Elizabeth Fosdick of G., who d. Nov. 10, 1787, as. 56; 2. Rachel, b. July 2. 1732, d. Sept. 22, 1751, 33. 19; 3. Jared, b. Aug. 20, 1734, d. Feb. 12, 1824, 33. 89. He m. 1st, Aug. 17, 1757, Deborah Stone of G., who d. April 26, 1792, ae. 54; m. 2d. Sept. 12, 1793, Mrs. Elizabeth (Dudley) Ward, wid. of Luman Ward of G.; she d. Sept. 17, 1819, as. 80; 4. Lucretia, b. Oct. 30, 1736, m. Ward; 5. Luther, b. Jan. 27, 1739, d. unm.; 6. Calvin, b. June 10, 1741, d. Sept. 19, 1742; 7. Rebecca, b. Aug. 13, 1743, d. Aug. 31, 1743; 8. Rebecca, b. Oct. 2, 1744, prob. d. young; 9. Miranda, b. Feb. 28, 1747, m. Nov. 10, 1773, Dea. Ambrose Leete of G., who d. Feb. 14, 1809, as. 61; she d; Sept. 16, 1838, se. 91; 10. Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1752, prob. d. unm. 11. Jacob White, son of Capt. Nathaniel, (3) was born ?it Middletown, Upper Houses, May 10, 1665, and settled there. He was chosen constable in Middletown in 1694, and a selectman in 1715. He died March 29, 1738, ae. nearly 73. He married, 1st, Feb. 4, 1692, Deborah Shepard, who died Feb. 8, 1721, se. 51. He married 2d, Dec. 16, 1729, Mrs. Rebecca (Willett) Ranney, widow of Thomas Ranney of Middletown. The date of her death is not known. Children; By The First Marriage. 1. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 22, 1692; d. unm. March 24, 1755, se. 62. She is styled "Mrs." on her grave-stone; a title of respect not unfre- quently given to unmarried ladies, in olden time. Note. From the record of baptism it appears that the four oldest children of this family were born one year earlier than the dates given in the town record. 2. Deborah, b. Feb. 26, 1694; m. Dec. 23, 1731, Willett Ranney of Mid., who d. Sept. 4, 1751, ae. 57. She had, 1. Deborah, b. May 28, 1733; 2. Elizabeth, b. March 17, 1735, m. April 17, 1755, Jonathan Savage. 3. Rebecca, b. Aug. 12, 1695; d. Feb. 12, 1697. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 39 4. Jacob, b. Jan. 29, 1697; m. Martha Savage. (29) 5. Hannah, b. March 28, 1699; m. Jan. 2, 1728, Jos. Frarey of Mid. She had, 1. Samuel, b. Dec. 5, 1729, d. Oct. 23, 1741, ae. 11; 2. Joseph, b. April 4, 1732, m. Dec. 22, 1762, Elizabeth Kirby; 3. Eleazer, b. July 26, 1734, d. Nov., 1755, ae. 21, "in the camp at Lake George;" 4. Jonathan, b. Jan. 26, 1736; 5. Hannah, b. Jan. 9, 1738; 6. A child, b. Aug. 17, 1740, d. same day; 7. Samuel, b. Aug. 8, 1742; 8. Sarah, b. Aug. 12, 1744. 6. Thomas, b. Aug. 14, 1701; m. 1st, Sarah Miller; 2d, H. Wood- ward. (30) 7. Samuel, b. May 24, 1703; d. Aug., 1708. se. 5. 8. Rebecca, bap. Sept. 14, 1707; prob. d. in infancy. 9. Samuel, b. Dec. 6, 1710; d. March 1, 1725, ae. 14. 10. John, b. Oct. 19, 1712; m. Elizabeth Bordman. - - (31) 12. Joseph White, son of Capt. Nathaniel, (3) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, Feb. 20, 1667, and resided there. He was a constable in 1698 and in 1721. He died Feb. 28, 1725, se. 58. The inventory of his estate amounts to more than 800. He married, April 3, 1693, Mary Mould, sister of his brother Daniel's wife, and dau. of. Hugh Mould and Martha Coit. She was born July 26, 1665, and died Aug. 11, 1730, J. 65. Children. 1. Martha, b. Dec. 6, 1693; m. Jan. 24, 1717, Thomas Stow, jun. of Mid. She had, 1. Mary, b. Nov. 30, 1717; 2. Jerusha, b. Aug. 6, 1719, m.. Oct. 14, 1736, Joseph Stevens of Glastenbury, Conn.; 3. Martha, b. "May 6, 1721, m. Dec. 31, 1742, Jeremiah Ranney; 4. Freelove, b. June 14, 1723, m. Nov. 13, 1760, Gideon Warner; 5. Hannah, b. Dec. 7, 1726, m. Oct. 6, 1748, Joseph Barns; 6. Bethiah, b. Sept. 2, 1733, m. Aug. 8, 1757, Jonathan Steel. 2. Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1696; m. March 5, 1719, Lieut. John Bacon, jun., of Mid., who d. 1783, aa. 88. She had 1. Sarah, b. Jan. 31, 1720; 2. John, b. April 21, 1723, m. 1st, March 1, 1748, Rhoda Gould; m. 2d, Mary Ely of Lyme; 3. Jerusha, b. Oct. 25, 1724; 4. Mary, b. Jan. 12, 1727; 5. Joseph, b. May 14, 1728, m. 1st, Elizabeth Miller; m. 2d. Rhoda Plumb; 6. Martha, b. Sept. 14, 1729, m. June 27, 1748, Fenner Ward; 7. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 4, 1731; 8. Abigail, b. July 21, 1732, m. 1st, - - Plumb; m. 2d, Hough; 9. Sibbel, b. Feb. 19, 1734, d. April 24, 1734; 10. Sibbel, b. Aug. 27, 1735, m. 1st, - - Knowles, of Chatham; m. 2d, Norton; 11. Dorcas, b. Nov. 25, 1736, m. - - Osborne, of Blanford, Mass. 3. Mary, b. Oct. 1698; m. 1st, Dec: 28, 1721, Joseph Hollister, jun., of Glastenburg, who d. Oct. 8, 1746, ae. 49. She m. 2d, Jonathan Hale, Esq.. of Glastenbury, who d. July 2, 1772, ae. 76. She d. Jan. 18, 1780. ae. 81. By her first husband she had, 1. Mary b. Sept. 23, 1722; m. - - Kilborn; 2. Anne, b. Nov. 13, 1726; 3. Abigail, b. April 13, 1728; 4. Joseph, b. Sept. 5, 1732; 5. William, b. Jan. 24, 1737. 4. Joseph, b. Dec. 17, 1700; d. Aug. 1, 1702. 40 Third Generation and Children. 5. Jerusha, b. July 27, 1703; m. June 24, 1724, Ezra Carter of Mid., who rem. to Marlboro, Conn, about 1733, and d. July 19, 1774. She d. May 11, 1781, ae. 77. She had, 1. Ezra, b. March 14, 1725, d. Aug. 10 1726; 2. Jerusha, b. Jan. 11, 1727, m. April 26, 1752. Asa Foote of Marlboro, and d. May 15, 1770, ae. 43. He d. May 11, 1799, ae. 72; 3. Margery, b. March 24, 1729, d. 1818; ae. 89, 4. Ezra, b. Nov. 24, 1730, d. Jan. 21, 1737; 5. Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1732, d. Jan. 29, 1737; 6. Eleazer, b. July 22, 1734, d. Jan. 26, 1737; 7. Ebenezer, b. July 24, 1736, d. Aug. 28, 1743; 8. Mary, b. Sept. 17, 1738, d. June 29, 1743; 9. Ezra, b. Nov. 2, 1740, m. 1st, Huldah Marvin of Lyme; m. 2d, Freedom Strong of Marlboro, v/ho d. March 19, 1827, ae. 81. He d. Sept 28, 1829, ae. 89; 10. Eleazer, b. May 23, 1743, m. Eunice Kellogg of Colchester, Conn., who d. Oct. 11, 1834, ae. 87. He d. Dec. 23, 1829, ae. 86; 11. Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1745, d. March, 1812, se. 66. 6. Joseph, b. Aug. 17, 1705; d, April, 1706. 7. Ebenezer, b. May 22, 1707; m. Ann Hollister . . . (32) DESCENDANTS OF JOHN WHITE, JUNIOR. 13. Dea. John White, only son of Sergt. John, jun., (4) was born about the year 1663. He settled in Hatfield, Mass , as a farmer, on the homelot which had belonged to his father, and for a period of 40 years took a leading part in the affairs of that town. Besides being frequently appoint- ed to the minor offices, he was 20 times chosen one of the selectmen of the town, between the years 1687 and 1727. For 7 or 8 years his name was first on the list. The title of Ensign is first given him upon the records in 1707, and that of Deacon in 1713. A fac-simile of his autograph in 1701 is here given. In February, 1742, he sold his house and homelot to his son-in-law, Daniel White (Family 36,) who removed the same year from Bolton, Conn., to Hatfield. He probably lived with his son-in-law for a few years, as he was still a resident of Hatfield, Oct. 30, 1746. But he seems to have removed, near the close of his life, to the house of his son, Rev. David White, of Hardwick, Mass., where he died Nov. 13, 1750, se. 87. He married July 7, 1687, Hannah Wells of Hadley, dau. of Thomas and Mary Wells. She was born July 4, 1668, and died Dec. 17, 1733, se. 65. Descendants of John White, Junior. 41 Children. 1. John, b. Sept. 26, 1689; m. 1st, Mrs. Sarah Barbar; 2nd, H. Meekins. (33) 2. Mary, b. Jan. 3, 1692; died in infancy. 3. Hannah, b. March 26, 1695; m. July 14, 1720, John Hastings of Hatfield: (his second wife.) She had, 1. Silvanus, b. 1721; 2. John, b. 1722; 3. Oliver, b. Nov. 22, 1724; 4. Lemuel, b. Feb. 5, 1727; 5. Hannah, b. July 8, 1729; 6. Lydia, b. Aug. 19, 1732; 7. Mehi- table, b. 1735. 4. Mary b. 1697; probably d. young. 5. Jonathan, b. Sept. 18, 1700; m. Esther - , and others. - (34) 6. Sarah, b. ; m. 1st, Jan. 11, 1722, Philip Smith of Hat., who d. April 13, 1728. She m. 2d, 1734, John Burk of Hat., who was drowned Nov., 1736. She m. 3d, Sept. 5, 1739, Daniel Gris- wold of Bolton, Conn. (See Family 14.) She had, by her first husband, 1. Simeon, b. - , d. April 25, 1735; 2. Oliver, b. Jan. 18, 1727, d. April 19, 1728: by her second husband, 3. Ruth, b. Feb. 2, 1736, who was living in 1748. 7. Elizabeth, b. ; m. Daniel White. - (Family 36) 8. Martha, b. March 14, 1708; m. Oct. 31, [Nov. 1?] 1732, Joseph Olmsted of Bolton, Conn, who rem. to Enfield Conn., about 1742, and d. there about Nov., 1775. She was living in 1770. She had, 1. Joseph, b. Aug. 22, 1733, m. Aug. 2, 1764, Mabel Smith of E. Hartford, who d. Nov. 12, 1821, as. 86; 2. Hannah, b. May 5, 1735, m. Benjamin Terry, jun., of Enfield, and d. Feb. 18, 1766, ae. 30; 3. Martha, b. March 1, 1737, m. Ephraim Terry; 4. John, bap. March 11, 1739, d. May 15, 1761, ss. 22; 5. David, bap. March 8, 1741, d. Feb. 25, 1787, a>46; 6. Elijah, b. May 1, 1743, m. Dec. 3, 1767, Sarah Terry; 7. Asa, b. Dec. 27, 1745, m. Nov. 24, 1785, Charlotte Dwight, and d. Nov. 5, 1803, ae. 58; 8. Simeon, b. Sept. 21, 1748, m. Feb. 7, 1771, Roxalana Abbe. She d. Feb. 20, 1847, ss. 96. 9. David, b.-July 1, 1710; m. Susanna Wells. (35) 10. Eunice, b. Feb. 13, 1713; m. 1st, Oct. 31, [Nov. 1?] 1732, Timothy Olcott, jun., of Bolton, Conn., who d. Jan. 5, 1747, ss. 43. She m. 2d, Nov. .10, 1748, Daniel Morgan of Colchester, Conn.: (his 2d wife). She d. March 23, 1757, ae. 44. He m. 3d and 4th wives. She had, by her first husband, 1. Bulkley, b. Oct. 28, 1733. He graduated at Yale College in 1758, was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in Charlestown, N. H., May 28, 1761, and d. there June 16, 1792, ae. 58. He m. Martha Pomroy, dau. of Col. Seth Pomroy of Northampton, Mass.; 2. Simeon, b. Oct. 1, 1735. He graduated at Yale College in 1761, and settled as a lawyer in Charlestown, N. H. He was Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, and of the Superior Court, of N. H., and was U. S. Senator, from 1801 to 1805. He d. Feb. 22, 1815, as. 79. He m. Tryphena Terry, dau. of Benjamin Terry, jun., of Enfield, Conn. She d. Jan. 6, 1832, ae. 71; 3. Eunice, b. Aug. 15, 1737, m. Dec. 3, 1755, Judah Wells of Colchester, and d. Feb. 16, 1759, ae. 21; 4. Sarah bap. Sept. 16, 1739, m. Joel Cooley of Charlestown, N. H., who d. Sept. 22, 1819, ss. 84. She d. Dec. 8, 1825, ss. 86. Their son, Walter, b. Jan. 28, 1775, m. Lucretia White; (see Family 72;) 5. Timothy, bap. Oct. 11, 1741, was a farmer in Chester, Vt. He m. the dau. of Col. Thomas Chandler of Chester; 6. Elias, b. Feb. 28, 1744, was a farmer in Rockingham, Vt., where 42 Third Generation and Children. he d. Oct. 29, 1794, ae. 50. He m. Sibbel Button of Rock., who d. Aug. 27, 1803, ae. 75. 7. Hannah, (posthumous,) bap. April 19, 1747, m. Jonathan Holten of Chester, Vt., and rem. to Rocking- ham, where she died. He d. in Charlestown, N. H. (The facts here given respecting the family of Timothy Olcott, jun., are taken chiefly from an account of the "Descendants of Thomas Olcott," by Nathaniel Goodwin, Esq., published in 1845.) By her second husband, Daniel Morgan, she had, 8. Mary, b. Feb. 25, 1750, m. May 19, 1773, Edmund Clark; 9. Anna, b. April 10, 1752, m. Oct. 24, 1771, Elias Worthington, who d. Sept. 23, 1811, se. 62; 10. Daniel; b. Oct. 25; 1754.. DESCENDANTS OF LIEUT. DANIEL WHITE. 14. Capt. Daniel White, only surviving son of Lieut. Daniel, (5) was born in Hatfield, Mass., July 4, 1671. He first settled in Hatfield, but in 1704 or 1705 removed to Windsor, Conn., where he was engaged in trade. It does not appear that he held town offices, though he was sometimes appointed on committees to manage important business. His home was on the "north side of the rivulet;" Farm- ington River. He was Captain of the "troopers." He died June 22, 1726, ae. 55. The following is a fac-simile of his signature in 1709. By his will, dated June 9, 1726, he made the following- disposition of his estate: To his wife, Elizabeth, besides "her dowry as the law allows," "my plate, or silver uten- sils, viz. one silver tankard, two silver cups, and all my silver spoons:" To his oldest son, Daniel, a house and certain lands in Hatfield ; other lands there, to his youngest son, Oliver: "To my son, Thomas White, my cloak. Also, I give and bequeath and remitt to him all that he the said Thomas, oweth or is indebted to me." This indebtdness was for his education, and perhaps for lands in Bolton: To his son Joel, his house and lot in Bolton, with his whole right in lands in that Township: To his sons Elisha, Simeon, Descendants of Daniel White. 43 and Seth, his lands in Hebron, to be equally divided be- tween them: To his daughter Sarah Griswold, 20, besides what had been given her before : To his daughters Lucy and Elizabeth, 50 each. The remainder of his estate was to be equally divided among all his children. His estate was appraised at about 2000, of which nearly 875 was in Hat- field. The currency of that day was much depreciated, but this was a good estate, for those times. He married, 1st, Sarah Bissell of Windsor, dau. of Thomas Bissell and Abigail Moore. Her grandfather, John Bissell, an early settler in Windsor, and much occupied with public affairs, died Oct. 3, 1677, se. 86. She was born Jan. 8, 1672, and died at Hatfield, July 18, 1703, . 31. He married, 2d, July 6, 1704, Anna Bissell of Windsor, a cousin of his former wife. She was the dau. of John Bissell, iun., and of [Isabel?] Mason. She was born April 28, 1675, and died at Windsor, April 21, 1709, SB. 34. He married, 3d, April 25, 1710, Elizabeth Bliss of Norwich, Conn., dau. of Samuel Bliss and Anna Elderkin. Soon after the death of her husband, she returned to Norwich, where she resided till her death, with the exception of a short time about 1746, when her residence was in Bolton. She was born Feb. 28, 1687, and died July 2, 1757, ae. 71. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Sarah, b, 1693; d. Feb. 24, 1693. 2. Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1694; m. Sept. 5, 1716, Daniel Griswold, jun., of Windsor. They removed to Bolton in 1729 where she d. Feb. 1, 1738, ae. 43. He then m. 2d, Sept. 5, 1739, Mrs. Sarah Burk of Hatfield, wid. of John Burk and dau.. of Dea John White. (See Family 13) He and his wife Sarah were living in Harwinton, Conn., in 1760. He d. before 1777. The first wife, Sarah, had, 1. Sarah, b. Oct. 14, 1717, m. June 15, 1738, James Olcott of Bolton and New Hartford, brother of Timothy, jun.; (see Family 13;) 2. Ann, b. March 20, 1719, m. June 26, [15?] 1739, Benjamin Smith; 3. Bathsheba, b. Dec. 2, 1720, m. June 16, 1740, Jabez Dart of B., and d. Feb. 1, 1746, as. 25; 4. Mindwell, b. Feb. 12, 1722; 5. Daniel, b. May 26, 1723, lived in B., and d. July 27, 1803, as. 80. He m. 1st, June 28, 1744, Elizabeth Baldwin of Coventry, Conn.; m. 2nd, May 23, 1771, Mrs. Judith Shayler, widow of Ebenezer Shayler; 6. Hannah, b. Feb. 8, 1726, d. Nov. 4, 1757, a?. 31; 7. White b. Oct. 22, 1727, settled in Harwinton, Conn., and d. in the Revolutionary Army. He m. Feb. 14, 1751, Eliza- beth Cheeney, of Hartford; 8. George, b. Jan. 1, 1730, d. in Bolton, April 26, 1813, a?. 83. He m. 1st, July 6, 1759, Sarah Jones of B., who d. Apr. 6, 1763, ae. 27, [32?]; m. 2d, Dec. 12, 1764, Susannah Cone of B., who d. June 16, 1815, se. 79; 9. Seth, b. April 27, 1732, lived chiefly in New Hartford and Winchester, but d. in Cole- 44 Third Generation and Children brook, Conn., after 1801. He m. 1st, June 13, 1751, Susannah Shirtliff of Bolton; m. 2d, Ann . who d. in New Hartford, Sept. 16, 1774; m. 3d, Dec. 31, 1778, Mrs. Huldah (Priest?) Loomis, wid. of Simeon Loomis of Winchester; 10. A dau., b. June 12, 1736, d. same day, se. 10 hours; 11. Reuben, b. Jan. 16, 1738. 3. Daniel, b. Sept. 5, 1698; m. 1st, Mary Dickinson; 2d, Eliz. White. (36) 4. Thomas, b. July 10, 1701; m. Martha Hunt. - - - (37) Children; By the Second Marriage. 5. Joel, b. April 6, 1705; m. Ruth - , and others - (38) 6. Elisha, b. Nov. 11, 1706; m. Ann Field. - (39) 7. Simeon, b. March 11, 1708; m. Jerusha Wait. - - (40 Children; By the Third Marriage 8. Seth, b. March 6, 1713. He settled in Providence, R. L, but removed to Plainfield, Conn, about ten years before his death which occur- red in Jan. '1758, in the 45th year of his age. By his will, dated Jan. 1, and proved Jan. 5, 1758, it appears that he left no children, as he gave all his property to his wife, Elizabeth, who was living in Sept., 1763. She was probably a widow at her marriage with Seth White, and was perhaps his second wife. From the in- ventory of his estate, which was small, it appears that he was a shoemaker. 9. Lucy, b. June 16, 1715; m. 1st, Joseph French of Norwich, after- wards of Coventry, where he d. Aug. 11, 1740, se. 30 yrs. and 1 day. All his children were taken away within ten days of the same time. She m. 2d, April 23, 1741, Josiah Wolcott of Con- ventry, Andover Society, who rem. to Saybrook, Conn., about 1750, and lived there for several years; but the family disappears from Saybrook. (On the Conventry town record is this entry: "Josiah Wolcott and ye wedow Lucy French married April 23, 1740." But this is pretty certainly an error for 1741.) She had, by her first husband, 1. Daniel, d. Aug. 7, 1740; 2. Lucy, d. Aug. 12, 1740; 3. Ezekiel, d. Aug. 10, 1740; 4. Tryphena, b. May 30, 1739, d. Aug. 2, 1740. By her second husband, 5. Lucy, b. Jan. 19, 1742; 6. Anna, b. March 19, 1744, d. March 26, 1744; 7. Anna, b. April 29, 1745, d. June 18, 1745; 8. Theodore, b. .Nov. 4, 1746; 9. Anna, b. Jan. 15, 1749. 10. Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1717; m. Nov. 4, 1734, Samuel French of Nor- wich, who survived her, and d. about March, 1792. She had, 1. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 14, 1736; 2. Samuel, b. May 15, 1737, m. Nov. 23, 1758, Susanna Wallbridge of Nor.; 3. Eunice, b. July 24, 1739, May 24, 1759, Thomas Waterman; 4.Lucy, b. Aug. 9, 1741; 5. Daniel, b. Feb. 2, 1752, m. April 19, 1775, Desire Williams of Windham, Conn. These children were all living in April, 1793. 11. Oliver, b. March 26, 1720; m. Mary Beecraft. - - - (41) Fourth Generation and Children DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. NATHANIEL WHITE In the line of Dea. Nathaniel White of Hadley. 15. Nathaniel White, eldest son of Dea. Nathaniel, (8) was born in Hadley, Mass., Nov. 4, 1680. He settled in Hadley, but about 1727 removed to South Hadley, where he lived south of the meeting-house, on the west side of the street. In 1740 he was chosen one of the selectmen and assessors of Hadley, which then included the present town of South Hadley. He died May 28, 1762, ae. 81. He married, May 10, 1709, Esther Strong of Northampton, dau. of Samuel Strong and Esther Clap. She was born in Dorchester, Mass., April 30, 1685, and died Aug. 11, 1756, ae. 71. Children 1. Nathaniel, b. April 10, 1710; m. Martha Bascom, - - (42) 2. Samuel, b. Oct. 22, 1711; d. Nov. 22, 1711. 3. Timothy, b. Aug. 9, 1712; d. Aug. 15, 1712. 4. Submit, b. Aug. 21, 1713; m. William Judd, d. about 1753 or 4. 5. Esther, b. Dec. 4, 1715; m. Samuel Dickinson, (was living in 1764).' 6. Jonathan, b. Jan. 29, 1717; m. Dorcas Aloord. (43) 7. Christian, b. June 6, 1720; d. July 13, 1720. 8. A child, b. Jan. 2, 1722; d. the same day. 9. Christian b. May 9, 1723; d. Dec. 11, 1732, ae. 9. 10. Samuel, b. Oct. 1, 1725; d. Oct. 25, 1745, ae. 20. 11. A Child, b. Mar. 17, 1728; d. the same day. 46 Fourth Generation and Children. 16. John White, son of Dea. Nathaniel, (8) was born in Hadley, Nov. 28, 1682, and resided there. The date of his death is not ascertained, but it was probably before 1766. His estate was settled in 1768. He married, 1st, Jan. 5, 1715, Martha Church of Hadley, born Sept. 23, 1694, dau. of Samuel Church, jun., and Abigail Harrison. The date of her death is not known. He married, 2d, Feb. 27, 1722, Abigail Atherton, who probably died, May 10, 1766. Children; By the First and Second Marriage. 1. Martha, b. Mar. 18, 1716; m. Henry Bartlett, d. (She was a widow in 1768). 2. Abigail, b. ; m. John Brooks, .d (was a widow also in 1768). 3. Ruth, b. ; m. Daniel Rood, in 1748. 4. Oliver, b. ; m. Eliza Charter. - - (44) 5. John, b. ; m. Mary Emmous, - (45) No other children are named in the settlement of their father's estate. 17. Dea. Joseph White, son of Dea. Nathaniel, (8) was born in Hadley, Feb. 28, 1687. He lived in Hadley and South Hadley, and was probably a deacon in the church in the latter place. In 1749 he was a selectman and assessor of Hadley, and occasionally held other offices. He had the military title of Captain. He died before 1770, the date not ascertained. He married, Feb. 3, 1709, Abigail Craft, of Hadley dau. of Thomas Craft (or Croft) and Abigail Dickinson. She was born, Sept. 29, 1688, and died, Nov. 15, 1770, se. 82. Children. 1. Moses, b. Feb. 7, 1710; m. Lydia Bellows. - (46) 2. Abigail, b. Aug. 20, 1713; m. John Aloord, Jun., d. Nov. 18, 1757, ae. 44. Fourth Generation and Children. 47 3. Thomas, b. July 20, 1715; m. Mindwell Aloord. - - (47) 4. Joseph, b. Oct. 4, 1718; m. Editha Moody. - - - (48) 5. Mary, b. Oct. 15, 1721; d. July 8, 1726. 6. Rebecca, b. Mar. 11, 1724; m. Josiah Moody; of H. and S. H., d. Sept. 15, 1751, ae. 27 7. Mary b. June 25, 1727; William Eastman, of Granby, d. Nov. 19, 1752, ae. 25. 8. Josiah, b. ; m. Mary Smith, ... - (49) 18. Daniel White, son of Dea. Nathaniel, (8) was born in Hadley, March 1, 1690. He settled in West Springfield, Mass., where he died Oct. 19, 1721, se. 31. He married, 1715, Hannah Bagg of Springfield, dau. of John Bagg and Mercy Thomas. She died, Dec. 11, 1764, 03. 72. Chidren. 1. Experience, b. May 19, 1715; m. William Bliss, of Spr. 2. Jacob, b. Nov. 13, 1716; m. Anny Stebbins. - - (50) 3. Daniel b. June 22, 1719; Priscilla Leonard. - (51) 4. Preserved, b. Aug. 31, 1721; R. Kilbourn. - - - (52) 19. William White, son of Dea. Nathaniel (8) was born in Hadley, Aug. 15, 1698. He lived there, and was one of the selectmen in 1750. He died, May 30, 1744, ae. 75. He married, 1st, March 22, 1728, Mrs. Mary Taylor of H., widow of John Taylor, and dau. of John Selden and Sarah Harrison. She was born Sept. 27, 1703, and died, Aug. 10, 1735, ae. 32. He married, 2d, June 2, 1737, Martha Warner of H., dau. of Daniel Warner and Sarah Golding. She was born, Oct. 25, 1706, and died, Oct. 3, 1787, ae. 81. 48 Fourth Generation and Children. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Mary, b. Feb. 2, 1729; Ebenezer Dodd, of New H.,'d. (is said to have lived to old age.) 2. Sarah, b. Oct. 6, 1730; m. Thomas Chamberlain, d. before 1788. 3. William, b. Oct. 4, 1732; m. Lydia Patterson. - (53) 4. Daniel, b. Aug. 10, 1734; d. Dec. 10, 1738. Children; By the Second Marriage. 5. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 12, 1738; m. Sarah Stockwell. (54) 6. Daniel, b. Sept. 1, 1740; m. Sarah Goodrich. (55) 7. Martha, b. Aug. 3, 1742; m. William Cooke, of H., d. Oct. 14, 1816, ae. 74. 8. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 16, 1744; m. Abigail Porter. (56) 9. John, b. Mar. 28, 1746; d. unm., May 22, 1819, ae. 73. 10. David, b. Feb. 18, 1748; m. Rexellany Warner. - - (57) 20. Ebenezer White, Youngest son of Dea. Nathaniel (8) was born in Hadley, April 9, 1701. He remained with his father, and died March 23, 1733, ae nearly 32. He married, Oct. 28, 1730, Ruth Atherton, after the death of the husband, she continued in the family of his parents, and took care of them in their old age. For this kindness, her father-in-law gave her, by deed, a portion of the original homelot of Elder John White, which is still occupied (1860) by her descendants. She remained a widow and died April 29, 1715, in the 85th year of her age. Children. I.Rachel, b. about, 1731; d. in Hadley, unm., May 25, 1815, ae. 83. 2. Ebenezer, b. about, 1733; m. Sarah Church. - - - (58) IN THE LINE OF JOHN WHITE OF HARTFORD. 21. John White, son of John, (9) was born in Hartford, Conn., Feb. 8, 1691. He lived on the place owned, and after- wards bequeathed to him, by his father, on, or near the road to Wethersfield. He was buried July 23, 1768, se. 77. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 4'J He married, Dec. 2, 1714, Sarah Carter. She was buried March 27, 1783, 38. 91. Children. 1. John, b. ; m. Honor Baxter. (59) 2. A daughter, b. ; m. John Baxter, of Wethersfield, who was living March 26, 1761. (See Hartford Land Records, Vol. X. P. P. 39). Note. Perhaps there were other children. Not a single birth in this family, or in those descended from it, has been found recorded at Hartford, and some errors may have been made in arranging the facts that have been gathered from the Land and Probate Records. 22. Nathaniel White, son of John, (9) was born in Hart- ford, April 8, 1694, and lived there near his father. He died in 1747, se. 53. He married, 1st, July 29, 1725, Sarah Hinsdale, his second cousin, dau. of Barnabas Hinsdale and Martha Smith: (see in Fam. 6.) She was born about 1700, and died a few years before her husband. He married, 2d, Hannah , who survived him. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 28, 1726; m. Amos Benton, d. Aug. 17, 1757, ae. 31. 2. Martha, b. April 24, 1729; 3. Sarah, b. July 4, 1731; 4. Ann, b. Dec. 30, 1733; 5. Abigail, b. Jan. 29, 1736; History of these four daughters not known. IN THE LINE OF ENSIGN DANIEL WHITE OF MIDDLETOWN. 23. Daniel White, eldest son of Ensign Daniel (10) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, Conn., Dec. 8, 1683. He lived there, and died Jan. 10, 1758, se. 74. His son, Jedediah, was the executor of his will. He married, Jan. 19, 1709, Alice Cook of Guilford, Conn., dau. of Thomas Cook, Jun., and Sarah Mason. She was born June 3, 1681, and died July 26, 1762, se. 81. Children. 1. Jonathan, b. Aug. 22, 1711; Tryphena Ely. - (60) 2. Alice, b. Feb. 25, 1714; m. Nathaniel Ells, d. Mar. 5, 1792, se. 78. 50 Fourth Generation and Children. 3. Sarah, b. April 22, 1716; m. Daniel Wilcox. 4. Daniel, b. Oct. 29, 1718; (d. "at Saltatadus" March, 1740, e. 21). 5. Abiah, b. April 22, 1721; m. Henry Johnson. 6. Susannah, b. ; m. Jacob Hall. 7. Jedediah, b. Jan. 23, 1730; m. Barbara Wilcox. - - (61) 24. Capt. Nathaniel White, son of Ensign Daniel 10) was born in Middletown, Upper Houses, Sept. 3, 1685. He settled as a farmer in East Middletown, afterwards called Catham, in that part which is now the town of Portland. He and his wife were among those who united in forming the first church in East Middletown, Oct. 25, 1721. He was a selectman of Middletown in 1730, a constable in 1733 and also from 1735 to 1742. He died, May 5, 1743, ae. 57. His son, Noadiah was his executor. He married, July 29, 1714, Mehitable Hurlburt, dau. of John Hurlburt and Mary Deming, [Demon?]. She was born, Nov. 23, 1690, and died Jan. 8, 1744, se. 53. Children. 1. Nathaniel, b. April 25, 1715; m. Mary Sage. - - - (62) 2. Mehitable, b. Sept. 23, 1716; d. Dec. 25, 1716. 3. Abigail *, b. Oct. 31, 1717; m. Daniel Churchhill. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 51 4. Elijah, b. Feb. 15, 1719; m. Abigail Hurlburt. (63) 5. Noadiah, Feb. 26, 1720; m. Lois White. - (64) 6. Mehitable, b. July 22, 1721; d. Mar. 15, 1743, ss. 21. 7. Amos, b. Mar. 18, 1723; d. April 24, 1727. 8. Sarah, b. Oct. 24, 1724; m. Dea. John Clark, Jun. 9. John, b. Jan. 14, 1727; d. Jul 14, 1727. 10. A son, b. Mar. 21, 1728; d. April 4, 1728. * Abigail had eight children: one daughter, Ruth, married Joseph White of Catham, (East Hampton Society.) believed to be a lineal descenant of Peregrine White. Her son Joseph was an eminent physician and surgeon of in Cherry Valley, N. Y. as were also his sons, Delos and Menzo White; (see "Francis's lives of Eminent Physicians".) 25. Dea. Joseph White, son of Ensign Daniel, (10) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, Oct. 8, 1688. He settled as a farmer in East Middletown on lands which had belonged to his grandfather and was a highly respected citizen. He was one of the selectmen of Middletown in 1729-35-44-5 and 6, and was justice of the peace. He was chosen a deacon of the Church in East Middletown, now the First Church in Portland, Jan. 22, 1725. He died, Dec. 14, 1770, se. 82. He married, 1st, June 18, 1717, Mary Hall of Guilford, Conn., dau. of Dea. Thomas Hall and Mary Hiland. She was born , Nov. 5, 1693, and died, Nov. 9, 1725, ae. 32. He married, 2d, June 30, 1726, Abigail Butler of Hartford, dau. of Thomas Bulter. She was born Oct. 24, 1692, and died, Dec. 28, 1751, . 59. He married, 3d, Jan. 31, 1754, Mrs. Lois Bliss of E. Mid., widow of Thomas Bliss. She was the dau. of Thomas Cadwell and Hannah Butler and was born in Hartford, Feb. 18, 1706, and died Jan., 1766, . 60. Children; By First Marriage. 1. Joseph *, b. May 21, 1718; 2. .Mary, b. June 16, 1722; m. Aaron Clark. 52 Fourth Generation and Children. 3. Lois, b. Jan. 6, 1725; m. Noadiah White. - (Family 61) Children; By Second Marriage 4. Ebenezer, b. July 24, 1727; m. Ruth Welles. (65) 5. Stephen, b. Jan. 17, 1731; m. Honor Hubbard. - - (66) * Joseph, according to the family tradition died unmarried in England, in early life. 26. Hugh White, son of Ensign Daniel, (10) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, Feb. 15, 1691. He resided there and frequently held town offices, being chosen a con- stable in 1719 and 1725, and a selectman in 1729-'30-'36- '39 and '50. He died about the 1st of March, 1788, ae. 87. He married, Aug. 13, 1717, Mary Stone of Guilford, dau. of Samuel Stone and Sarah Tainter. She was born, Feb. 13, 1690, [1691?] and died, July 9, 1770, ae. 80. Children. 1. Timothy, b. Mar. 15, 1719; m. Susannah - . (67) 2. Bathsheba, b. April 5, 1721; m. Gildeon Sage, d. June 6, 1793, ae. 72. 3. Aaron, b. Oct. 25, 1723; m. Sarah Olmstead. (68) 4. Rebecca, b. May 16, 1726; m. William Powell. 5. Mary, b. June 21, 1728; James Olmsted. 6. Rachel *, b. Sept. 1, 1730; m. Francis Whitmore, d. Mar. 31, 1751, se. 20. 7. Hugh, b. Jan. 25, 1733; m. Mary Clark. ,- (69) * Rachel was fatally burned while in a fit, by falling into the fire. 27. Capt. John White, son of Ensign Daniel, (10) was born at Middletown, Upper Hoses, Nov. 27, 1692. He was Descendants of Natmaniel White. 53 a sea-captain. About 1720 he removed to New Haven, Conn., where he died, Jan. 15, 1783, se. 90. He married, Oct. 6, 1715, Susanna Ailing of New Haven, dau. of John Ailing, Esq., and Susanna Coe. Her grand- father, Roger Ailing, was Treasurer of the New Haven Coloney. She died, Oct. 18, 1776, SB. 82. Children. 1. Stephen, b. Aug. 12, 1716; died in infancy. 2. Stephen, b. June 8, 1718; m. Mary Dyer. - (70) 3. Mary, b. April 22, 1720; m. March 1, 1744, Dea. Thomas Howell of New Haven, who d. May 18^ 1797, as. 78. She d. March 27, 1776, as. 56. She had, 1. Hannah, bap. Jan. 6. 1745, m. July 29, 1767, Richard Cutler of N. H., and d. Dec. 9, 1827, as. 83; 2. John, bap. May 3, 1747, d. June 22, 1770, [1776?]; 3. Mary, bap. April 15, 1750, d. in infancy; 4. Timothy, bap, Sept. 2, 1753, d. Sept. 24, 1782, 33. 29; 5. Thomas, bap. July 18, 1756, d. May 20, 1798, as. 42; 6. Mary, bap. Aug. 17, 1760; d. May 6, 1798, as. 38; 7. Susanna, bap. Dec. 4, 1763, d. Aug. 26, 1798, as. 35. 4. John, b. May 19, 1722; m. Mary Dickerman. - (71) 5. Timothy, b. Dec. 21, 1724; died without issue. 6. Susanna, b. March 5, 1727; m. 1st, Jan. 24, 17j50, Ebenezer Bassett of North Haven, who grad. Yale Coll., 1746. She m. 2d, May 13, 1762, Charles Sabin of New Haven. She had, by her first husband, 1. Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1751, m. Stephen Trowbridge of New Haven; 2. Sarah, b. Feb. 8, 1756, m. Aug. 5, 1778, Samuel Barney of New Haven, and d. Dec. 8, 1845, as. 89 y. 10 mo. By her second husband, 3. Charles, b. July 5, 1763; 4. Susanna, b. March 4, 1765, d. about 1798; 5. Hannah, b. about 1769, m. Eli Cooper of New Haven, and d. Aug. 23, 1828, ae. 59; 6. Sarah, twin with the last, m. Sabin Lake, and d. Oct. 11, 1826, ae. 57. 7. Elisha, b. Jan. 9, 1731; was. a sea-captain, and d. unmarried, Jan. 16, 1767, ss. 36. 28. Dea. Isaac White, youngest surviving son of Ensign Daniel, (10) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, Nov. 9, 1696. He settled there, and held various town offices; was constable in 1735, and a selectman from 1746 to 1749. He was chosen a deacon of the church there, Jan. 15, 1749. He died June 26, [27?] 1768, ae. 71. (On the grave-stone, 1769; but the church record says, 1768, and his estate was settled in that year.) He married, June 30, 1726, Sibbil Butler, dau. of Thomas Butler of Hartford. She was born March 6, 1702, and died Nov. 7, 1781, aa. 79. Children. 1. Moses, b. Aug. 22, 1727; m. Huldah Knowles. - - - (72) 54 Fourth Generation and Children. 2. Martha, b. Oct. 27, 1728; d. unm., April 1, 1813, ae. 84. Called "Mrs." on her grave-stone. 3. Sibbil, b. Aug. 14, 1731; m. April 18, 1753, Francis Whitmore of Mid., Up. H. His first wife was her cousin, Rachel White: (see Fam- ily 26.) He d. Nov. 29, [Dec. 1 ? ] 1757, ae. 31. She had, 1. Rachel, b. Dec. 22, 1753, d. Jan. 31, 1755; 2. Mary, b. Nov. 26, 1755; 3. Sibbil. b. Oct. 12, 1757, d. March 21, 1758. 4. Elias, b. May 5, 1734; m. Prudence Savage. - (73) 5. Aaron, b. ; prob. d. young. 6. Isaac, b. Jan. 16. 1741; d. Dec. 8, 1741. 7. Ruth, bap. March 27, 1743; m. Dec. 26, 1764, Dr. John Osborne; of Middletown city. He was eminent as a scholar and physician, was with the army at Ticonderoga, during the French wars, and practised medicine more than sixty years. He died, in 1725, ae. 83. (See Rev. Dr. Field's Hist. Discourse, pp. 92, 93.) She prob. d. in 1811, ae. 68. She had, 1. John Chevers, b. Sept. 15, 1766, was a physician and d. 1819, ae. 52; 2. Ruth, b. July 14, 1768; 3. Dolly, b. Dec. 6, 1770; 4. Samuel, b. Sept. 8, 1772, d. in infancy; 5. Samuel, b. Feb. 4, 1775, was a physician; 6. Joseph; 7. William Franklin. IN THE LINE OF JACOB WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 29. Jacob White, Jun., son of Jacob, (11) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, Jan. 29, 1697, and died there, June 20, 1734, &. 37. His estate appraised at 581. He married, May 15, 1729, Martha Savage. She probablv married, 2d, Nov. 15, 1739, Jonathan Riley of Hartford, and 3d, Capt. Samuel Parker of Coventry, Conn. His only daughter, Jerusha, b. April 28, 1733, d. July 25, 1736. 30. Thomas White, son of Jacob, (11) was born at Mid- dletown, Upper Houses, Aug. 14, 1701. He settled as a farmer in East Middletown, (Chatham,) but in 1731 remov- ed to the north part of the town of Lebanon, Conn., within the present town of Andover. His farm lay on both sides of Hop River, and was partly in the town of Coventry. About 1748 he removed to Coventry, east of the Skungamug River. The time of his death is unknown, but it was pro- bably after 1773. He married, 1st, Dec. 23, 1725, Sarah Miller, probably dau. of William Miller of Glastenbury. She died Aug. 10, 1736, ae. 36. She was buried in Chatham. He married, 2d, Feb. 3, 1737, Hannah Woodward, proba- Descendants of Nathaniel White 55 bly born July 19, 1710, and dau. of Henry Woodward and Hannah Burrows. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Sarah, b. Sept. 13, 1726; m. - - Benton; was living in 1760. 2. Thomas, b. Feb. 7, 1728; d. in Coventry, unm., in 1760, 33. 32. His will is dated Jan. 2, 1760; his inventory, Feb. 11. 3. Samuel, b. Nov. 30, 1729; m. Mrs. Rachel Tilden. - (74) 4. Daborah, b. May 19, 1732; m. Oct. 10, 1751, David Eaton of Tolland, and had, 1. Susanna, b. Sept. 26, 1752; 2. Stephen, b. Jan. 29, 1754; 3. Timothy, b. July 17, 1755, d. in infancy; 4. Elisha, b. Jan. 8, 1757; 5. Timothy, b. Aug. 27, 1758; 6. Elijah, b. May 29, 1760. 5. William, b. Feb. 2-1, 1734; is named in the will of his brother ThomaSj Perhaps he is the son who d. unm. in Nottingham, Maine. 6. Jacob, b. Jan. 20, 1736; m. Annar Lothrop. - (75) Children; By the Second Marriage. 7. Hannah, b. April 5, 1738; prob. m - - Parish, Windham, Conn. 8. Henry, b. June 1, 1739; m. Sarah . - (76) 9. Lemuel, b. June 12, 1741; perhaps the son who d. in Me. See No. 5, above. 10 Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1743; d. unm., in Torringford, Ct., Oct. 13, 1826, 33. 82. 11. Silas, b. May 18, 1745; m. 1st, Mary Birge; 2d, Hannah Scoville, (77) 12. Abigail, b. Oct. 20, 1747. 13. Joel, b. Oct. 20, 1750; m. Sarah 'Osborn. ... (78) 31. John White, son of Jacob, (11) was born at Middle- town, Upper Houses, Oct. 19, 1712. He lived there, and died Feb. 9, 1801, se. 88. He married, Oct. 21, 1736, Elizabeth Bordman. She was probably the dau. of Samuel Bordman and Mehitable Cad- well, of Wethersfield, and born Dec. 22, 1713. She died Nov. 17, 1800, se. 87. Children. 1. Jacob, b. Nov. 7, 1737; m. Lucy Savage. .... (79) 2. Jerusha, b. June 23, 1739; d. unm., Oct. 12, [13?] 1796, 33. 57. 3. John, b. Sept. 28, 1741; d. Dec. 21, 1741. 4. Sarah, b. Jan. 16, 1743; m. John Collins of Mid., Up. H., and d. July 25, 1774, 33. 31. She had, 1. Freeman, bap. Aug. 9, 1767, m. Lucy White; (see Family 79;) 2. Sarah, bap. July 23, 1769; 3. Elizur, bap. March 10, 1771, d. in infancy; 4. Elizur, bap. March 14, 1773; 5. Deborah, bap. April 28, 1776. 5. Deborah, b. Dec. 23, 1744; m. May 13, 1766, David Blin, from Step- ney, Conn., who d. at Mid., Up. H., May 6, 1772. She d. Aug. 13, 1782, as. 37: [1781, grave-stone.] She had, 1. David, bap. June 22, 1766; 2. Jacob, bap. Feb. 25, 1768. 6. Patience, b. Dec. 14, 1746; m. Feb. 9, 1766, Thomas Sellew. 7. Christian, b. July 10, 1748; m. April 23, 1769, Eliakim Ufford of Chatham, and d. Mar. 20, 1803, 33. 54. He then m. 2d, her sister, 56 Fourth Generation and Children. Rachel White. She had, 1. Jerusha, bap. April 28, 1771, m. David Churchill of Chatham, and d. Oct. 16, 1805, ae. 34; 2. Patience, b. Feb. 10, 1773; d. Feb. 21, 1774. 8. Mehitable, b. Dec. 30, 1750; d. unm., Aug. 20, 1820, ae. 69. 9. Rachel, b. Jan. 21, 1753; m. May 1, 1803, Eliakim Ufford, (see above,) and d. May 10, 1809, ae. 56. He m. 3d, and d. May 24, 1811, 83. 63. 10. Mabel, -b. Dec. 29, 1754; [1755, town rec.] m. Feb. 2, 1784. Elisha Tryon. IN THE LINE OF JOSEPH WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 32. Ebenezer White, only surviving son of Joseph, (12) was born at Middletown, Upper Houses, May 22, 1707. He was a farmer there, and accumulated a large estate, which was appraised, after his decease, at 14,270, 2s. 6d. He died March 26, 1756, se. 49. He married, May 27, 1731, Ann Hollister of Glastenbury, dau. of Joseph and Ann Hollister. She was born Jan. 16, 1707, and died June 16, 1787, se. 80. Children. 1. Joseph, b. Sept. 10, 1732; d. unm., Nov. 13, [14?] 1758, se. 26. 2. Anne, b. June 25, 1735; m. Nov. 16, [17?] 1756, Abraham Plumb of Mid., who rem. to Canaan, Conn., in May, 1800, and d. there Sept. 8, 1810. She d. Feb. 24, 1814, ae. 79. She had, 1, Abraham, b. Oct. 5, 1759, was lost at sea, in early life; 2. Joseph, b. May 6, 1762, rem. to Whitestown, N. Y., but d. in New Haven, Conn.; 3. Frederick, b. Oct. 27, 1765; (b. June 30, 1764, says a Fam. Re- cord: perhaps there were two of this name;) was a physician in Canaan, and d. April 12, 1812, ae. 46. He m. Jan. 6, 1785, Anne Peet who d. Dec. 18, 1823, ae. 54. His son, Ovid, (d. 1856, ae. 69,) was also a physician in Canaan and Salisbury; 4. William, b. Sept. 5, 1767, a mariner, m., and d. at Middletown; 5. Anna, b. Dec. 5, 1769, m. 1st, Abner Kirby; m. 2d, William Walter of New Haven; 6. Isaac, b. Aug. 8, 1774, a mariner, m., and prob. d. at Windsor, Conn.; 7. Amy, b. May 7, 1777, d. unm., in New Haven. 3. Prudence, b. Dec. 1, 1737; m. Feb. 6, 1765, Richard Hawley, prob. of Woodbury, Conn., and had a son, Richard, who went West in 1810. 4. Mary, b. July 11, 1740; m. Dec. 23, 1762, Gideon Hale of Glasten- bury. She had, 1. Anna, b. Sept. 21, 1763, m. May 2, 1782, [1783 ? ] Samuel Welles of G., and d. Jan. 11, 1816, ae. 52. He m. 2d, her sister, Hannah. Gideon, son of Anna, was for several years Comp- troller of Conn.; 2. Hannah, b. March 2, 1765, m. Oct. 6, 1816 Samuel Welles, (his 2d wife, and d. Dec. 6, 1818, se. 53. He d. Nov. 12, 1834, se. 80; 3. Gibeon, b. Feb. 28, 1767, m. May 18, 1803, Ann Case, and d. April 27, 1831, ae. 64; 4. Esther, b. TMarch 11, 1769, d. unm., Jan. 25, 1830, ae. 61; 5. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 22, 1771, m. Sara Cornwall of Chatham, and d. June 25, 1843, ae. 72; 6. Reuben, b. Feb. 6, 1773, m. Wealthy Tracy of Towanda, Pa.; 7. Elias White, b. April 11, 1775, grad. Yale Coll., 1794, was a lawyer at Lewiston, Pa., and d. Feb. 3, 1832, ae.57. He m. Feb. 26, 1810, Jane Descendants of John White, Junior. 57 Mulhallan; 8. Amelia, b. Aug. 16, 1777, m. Aaron Kinney of G., who d. April 24, 1815. She d. Mar. 12, 1847, ae. 69; 9. Hezekiah, b. Oct. 14, 1779, m. Pamelia Coleman of G., and d. Feb. 25, 1832, ae. 52; 10. Mary b.. Jan. 25, 1782, m. Feb. 28, 1809, Solomon Cole of G.; 11. Nanjy, b. April 11, 1785, d. unm., March 19, 1808, 3d. 23. 5. William, b. Sept. 10, 1742; m. Mrs. Abigail Stow. - - (80) 6. Esther, b. March 24, 1745; m. April 26, 1776, Samuel Ward of Strat- ford, Conn., who rem. to Cornwall, Conn. She d. Sept. 9, 1796, ae. 51. He d. May 8, 1808, a?. 57. She had, 1. John, b. Jan. 21, 1778, m. June 20, 1803, Lucretia Rogers. He rem. to Sheffield, Mass., and d. Sept. 9, 1852, ae. 74; 2. Prudence, b. Sept. 13, 1782, m. David Coe of Winchester, Conn., and d. Feb. 17, 1822, ae. 39; 3. Sarah, b. Nov. 2, 1784, m. Benjamin Johnson of Ohio, and d. Feb. 9. 1842, ae. 57; 4. Samuel, b. Dec. 12, 1786, d. in infancy; 5. Anna, m. Joel Wright of Cornwall, and d. March 18, 1847; 6. Esther, b. Aug. 21, 1789, m. Reuben Hall of Winchester; both now living in Ohio. 7. Elizur, b. Feb. 19, 1750; m. Hannah Cooper - (81) DESCENDANTS OF JOHN WHITE, JUNIOR. 33. John White, eldest son of Dea. John, (13) was born in Hatfield, Mass., Sept. 26, 1689. He settled in West Springfield, Mass., and died there in 1759, se. nearly 70. His will was presented in Court, July 12, 1759. He married, 1st, 1717, Mrs. Sarah Barber, widow of Thomas Barber. She was the dau. of Capt. Jonathan Ball of Springfield, and of Mrs. Susanna Worthington, the second wife of Nicholas Worthington, whose first wife was this John White's grandmother. (See in Family 4.) Mrs. Sarah (Ball) White was born Aug. 6, 1685, and died Nov. "3, 1744, se. 59. He married, 2d, 1746, Hannah Meekins of Hatfield, dau. of John Meekins. She probably returned to H. in 1763. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Sarah, b. Dec. 26, 1718; m. Dec. 16, 1736, Samuel Bancroft, the first settler in Granville, Mass., who d. in 1788. He held many town offices, and "may be regarded as having been the patriarch of Granville." His descendants have been numerous in E. Gran- ville, and characterized by "industry, intelligence and integrity." See Holland's Hist. West. Mass., Vol. II., p. 58.) In the will of her brother David, dated 1797, she is named as then living, and also fne following children. A part of these were bap. at W. Springfield. 1. Samuel, (bap. Apr. 30, 1738;) 2. Joel, (bap. Sept. 16, 1739;) 3. Lemuel, (prob. bap. Oct. 18, 1741;) 4. Sarah, (bap. May 27, 1744,) the widow of Nathan Parsons; 5. John; 6. Enoch; 7. Sabra, the wife of Clark Cooley; 8. Hannah, single; 9. Ruth, the wife of Mr. Strickland. 2. John, B. Aug. 3, 1722; d. in infancy. 3. John, b. June 8, 1724; d. April 29, 1741, je. 17. He was the fifth 58 Fourth Generation and Children. John, in the direct descent of that name. By his death the line of that name become extinct. 4. David, b. May 9, 1728; lived in the Parish, now Town, of Agawam, in W. Spr. In 1775 he was chosen a member of the "Committee of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety," in W. Springfield. He married, but died without issue, about Nov., 1797, ae. 69. His wife's name has not been ascertained. 34. Capt. Jonathan White, son of Dea. John, (13) was born in Hatfield, Mass., Sept. 18, 1700. He lived there until 1731, when he removed to Hebron, Conn., and settled on a farm which he bought of Elisha and Simeon White. He held various town offices in both the towns in which he re- sided. In 1750 and 1751 he was chosen town clerk and treasurer of Hebron, and continued to hold the latter office till 1768. About 1745 he was chosen a deacon of the church in Hebron. He died March 28, 1776, aa. 75, leaving an estate of about 575. He married, 1st, Esther , who died in Hatfield, March 25, 1727. He married, 2d, Anna , who died in Hebron, March 2, 1747. He married. 3d, Oct. 6, 1747, Mrs. Anna Wright, who died Sept. 30, 1777. Child; By the First Marriage. 1. Asa, b. Jan. 16, 1724; d. Oct. 18, 1725. Children; By the Second Marriage. 2. Esther, b. July 21, 1729; was living at the date of her father's will, as were also her sisters. Their history is not known. 3. Asa, b. ; d. Sept. 22, 1742. 4. Jonathan, b. March 22, 1733; d. in Windham, Jan. 29, 1789, . 55, pob. unm. 5. Anna, b. Feb. 5. 1735. 6. Mary, b. Aug. 10, 1737. 7. John, b. Dec. 29, 1739; d. Oct. 1, 1742. 8. Hannah, b. Nov. 30, 1741. 9. Asa, b. Nov. 6, 1743; m. 1st, Mary Bingham; 2d, H. Cutler. (82) 10. John, b. Oct. 2, 1745; d. Feb. 2, 1749. 35. Rev. David White, youngest son of Dea. John, (13) was born in Hatfield, Mass., July 1, 1710. He graduated at Yale College in 1730, and was ordained Pastor of the church in Hardwick, Mass., Nov. 17, 1736. The church, consisting Descendants of John White, Junior. 59 of 12 members, was organized on that day. During the forty-seven years of his ministry there, he received 411 persons to full communion, and 77 under the half-way covenant. He baptized 1275 adults and infants, and mar- ried 316 couples. His salary was small, never more than $200 per annum ; yet he gave his children a good education, his two sons having graduated at Harvard College. Allen's Biographical Dictionary says of him, that "he was esteemed and very useful." He died at Hardwick, Jan. 6, 1784, a?. 73. He married Susanna [Wells.] She was a granddaughter of the first Thomas Wells of Deerfield, Mass., and it is be- lieved that her name was Wells. She was left an orphan at an early age, in Pennsylvania, and was brought up in the family of her uncle, the second Thomas Wells of Deer- field. She died about six months before her husband. Children. 1. Thomas Wells, b. Aug. 12, 1739, m. Naomi Wright. (83) 2. Sarah, b. May 29, 1741; m. Nov. 5, 1761, Rev. Lemuel Hedge of Warwick, Mass. He graduated at Harvard College in 1759, was ordained at Warwick, Dec. 3, 1760, and d. there Oct. 15, 1777, ae. 43. He was suspected of being a Tory, and the town forbade him to leave Warwick. (See Holland's Hist. West. Mass., Vol. II.) She died at Middlebury, Vt., in 1808, ae. 67. She had, 1. Lemuel, grad. Harvard College, 1784, was a teacher, and d. unm., in Washington, D. C., in 1801; 2. Levi, b. April 19, 1766, grad. Harv. Coll., 1792, was Tutor and Prof, there for 37 years. The degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on him by Yale College, in 1823. He d. Jan. 3, 1844, SB. 77. He m. Jan. 15, 1801, Mary Kneeland of Cambridge, Mass., who d. Dec. 23, 1853, ae. 80; 3. Sarah, b. April 11, 1768, m. Feb. 23, 1788, Moses Fay. They settled in Barnard, Vt., but rem. to Rutland, Vt., about 1827, where they died. He d. Nov. 13, 1829. She d. April 8, 1831, ae. 63. Her son, Edwin, b. Sept. 22, 1794, m. Harriet P. White: (see in Fam. 144;) 4. Abraham, was a physician in Windsor, Vt., and d. unm.; 5. Samuel, settled in Windsor, Vt., rem. in 1810 to Montreal, C. E., and d. there about 1831. He was thrice mar- ried; 6. Susan, m. Col. Josiah Dunham, (U. S. A.,) and d. May, 1857. He grad. Dart. Coll., 1789, and was distinguished as a teacher; 7. Eleutheria, b. 1776, m. Hon. Daniel Chipman, LL. D., a lawyer, of Middlebury, Vt. He grad. Dart. Coll., 1788, was a member of Congress, &c. She was living in 1858. 3. Susanna, b. Aug. 30, 1743; m. 1770, Jonathan Danforth of Hardwick, and d. Nov. 14, 1779, ae. 36. She had, 1. Samuel, rem. to Vt.; 2. Jonathan; 3. Pamelia; and perhaps others. Some of the children d. in early life. 4. John, b. June 11, 1745; grad. Harv. Coll., 1765, was clerk in an office in Worcester, Mass., where he d. 1796, ae. 51. He had the title of Mayor. He m. Sarah [Heney?] but left no children. 60 Fourth Generation and Children. DESCENDANTS OF LIEUT. DANIEL WHITE. 36. Capt. Daniel White, eldest son of Capt. Daniel, (14) was born in Hatfield, Mass., Sept. 5, 1698. He removed with his father's family to Windsor, Conn., but returned to Hat- field as early as the time of his first marriage, and settled there as a farmer. In 1731 he removed to Bolton, Conn., where he resided till 1742.* In the spring of that year he bought, for 560, the house and homelot of his father-in- law, Dea. John White, and again settled in Hatfield. He took an active part in the public affairs of both the towns in which he resided. In Hatfield he was chosen constable in 1723, town clerk in 1729, and selectman and assessor in 1730. While residing in Bolton, he was 8 times chosen a selectman, from 1734 to 1741, and was almost constantly on the committee for laying out lands to the proprietors of the town. Upon his return to Hatfield he was again called to the office of a selectman, which he held for 17 years, between 1742 and 1763, making 26 years in which this office was conferred upon him by the people of both towns. He died in Hatfield, Dec. 15, 1786, se. 88. He married, 1st, Oct. 7, 1719, Mary Dickinson of Hat- field, who died July 8, 1721. He married, 2d, Jan. 19, 1726, Elizabeth White, dau. of Dea. John White. (Family 13.) She died July 4, 1770, aa. about 65. Child; By the First Marriage. 1. Salmon, b. June. 23, 1721; d. in infancy. Children; By th% Second Marriage. 2. Daniel, b. Dec. 28, 1726; m. Submit Morton. - - (84) 3. Mary, b. Aug. 30, 1729; m. Dr. Elijah Paine of Hat., afterwards of Williamsburg, Mass., where he was town cleck for several years. She d. April 19, 1804, ae. 74. He d. Jan. 14, 1814, ss. about 90. She had, 1. Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1753, d. April 1, 1756; 2. Elizabeth, * Bolton attracted to it a large part of the near relatives of Daniel Whie and his wife. Four of his brothers lived there, with their fam- ilies: Thomas, Joel, Elisha, and Oliver: also, his sister Sarah. His sister Lucy lived in Coventry, Andover Society, near the line of Bolton. Three sisters of his wife also lived in B.; Sarah, Martha, and Eunice. He brother Jonathan lived in the adjoining town of Hebron. The first settlements in Bolton were made in 1718, and the town was incorporated Oct., 1720. An entry in the Records of Lands, Vol. IV. p. 103, states that in Dec. 1761, the population of the town was 857; in the First Society, 561; in that part of the Second Society, (now Vernon.) which was in Bolton, 296. In 1850 the town of Bolton, (the former First Society,) had a population of 600. Descendants of Daniel White. 61 b. Oct. 30, 1754, m. Asa Ludden of W.; 3. b. Dec. 27, 1756, m. Dexter May of Goshen, Mass., and d. about 1843; 4. Hannah, b. Dec. 2, 1858, m. Isaac Little of W., who grad. at Yale College, 1789, was a lawyer in Ashfield, Mass., and honored with various offices. He was a deacon for 30 years. He m. Martha Pome- roy of Northfield, who d. Jan., 1842, se. 69. He d. Aug. 3, 1846, ae. 85. Three of his sons become ministers; Elijah, b. Dec. 9, 1797, grad. Amh. Coll., 1827, is pastor at Halden, Mass.; 3. John C. b. Jan. 29, 1806, is pastor at Gardner, Mass.; 6. Jerusha, b. Jan. 7, [17?] 1763, m. Elisha Wells, of Williamsburg; 7. Electa, b. Oct. 3, 1765, m. Jan. 11, 1787. Josiah Frost, of Chesterfield, Mass.; 8. John, b.Feb. 10, 1768, m. Lucy Curtis of W. He lived in Covington, N. Y. and d. Feb., 1858, ae. 90; 9. Seth, b. June 25, 1770, m. Sept. 20, 1793, Hannah Nash, of W. He removed to Bricksville, O., and d. July, 1814, ae. 44. 4. Salmon, bap. Oct. 31, 1731; m. Mary Wait. - - (85) 5. Elihu, bap. April 21, 1734; m. Zerniah Cole. - (86) 6. Elizabeth, bap. Sept. 5. 1736; m. Gen. Seth Murray of Hatfield, who d. Sept. 26, [28?] 1795, 33. 60. She d. Feb. 4, 1814, se. 77. Her daughter Lucinda, b. Dec. 9, 1770, m. Nov. 10, 1790, Isaac Maltby, who grad. Yale Coll., 1786 and d. 1819. She d. about 1836, ae. 65. 7. Hannah, bap. Oct. 26, 1740; prob. d. young. 37. Rev. Thomas White, son of Capt. Daniel, (14) was born in Hatfield, Mass., July 10, 1701. A part of his child- hood was spent in the family of his grandfather, in Hat- field. Perhaps he did not remove to Windsor until after his grandfather's death. He graduated at Yale College in 1720, in the same class with Pres. Jonathan Edwards, and taught the Grammar School in Northampton, Mass., for three years, commencing with 1721. About this time he was admitted to the church in that place and probably pursued his theological studies while teaching, with the Rev. Solomon Stoddard, the most noted divine in that vicinity. His first ministerial labors of which any notice is found, were at Worchester, Mass., where he was elected pastor of the first church, Aug. 24, 1724. The town however did not concur in the choice but appointed a committee "to ad- dress Mr. White for his further assistance in the work of the Gospel." (Lincoln's History of Worcester, P. 167.) He removed soon after to Bolton, Conn., and was ordained the 62 Fourth Generation and Children. first pastor of the church in that place, Oct. 26, 1725. Dur- ing his ministry of more than 37 years he received to the church 310 persons, of whom 95 were from other churches. The number of persons baptized was 914. The Rev. George Colton, his immediate successor in the pastoral office thus characterizes his life and ministry; "He was a sound, orthodox preacher, a friend of peace and order." He died Feb. 22, 1763. ae. 61. He resided a short distance east of the principal street on the north side of the road lead- ing to Andover. The house in which he dwelt was occupied by his successors in the ministry till about the year 1845. He married June 17, 1725, Martha Hunt, of Northampton, Mass., born April 18, 1699, .dau. of Jonathan Hunt and Martha Williams. After the death of her husband she married, 2d, Aug. 15, 1764. Col. Thomas Wells, of Glaston- bury, Conn., who died May 14, 1767, ae. 75. After his death she lived with her eldest daughter in Somers, Conn., and died there, Feb. 17, 1784, ae. nearly 85. Children. 1. Martha, b. Mar. 20, 1726; m. July 25, 1724, Capt. Thomas Pitkin, Jun., of Bolton and Somers. He was a Justice of the Peace, was town clerk of Bolton and represented that town many times in the Legislature. She d. in Somers, June 4, 1802, ae. 76. He d. June 26, 1818, ae. 94. She had, (all born in Bolton) 1. Martha, b. Feb. 8, 1745, d. Nov. 1, 1754; 2. Thomas White, b. Sept. 25, 1747; 3. Samuel, b. Oct. 17, 1749, d. Jan. 23, 1751; 4. Samuel, b. Aug. 18, 1751, d. Aug. 4, 1772, a?. 21; 5. Elizabeth, b. June 19, 1753, m. Jan. 4, 1775, Eleazer Huntington; 6. Martha b. Sept. 8, 1755, m. Mar. 5, 1778, Anderson Minor; 7. Rebecca, b. Aug. 26, 1757, d. young; 8. Paul, b. Oct. 11, 1759, m. Lothrop, and d. Jan. 6, 1823, as. 63; 9. Calvin, b. April 9, 1762, d. Oct. 18, 1822, . 60. He m. first, Sept. 29, 1785, Hannah Pease of Somers, who d. May 8, 1815. He m. 2d, June 5, 1818. Amelia Chapman of Tolland, who d. Nov. 2, 1822; 10. Lucy, b. Oct. 23, 1764, m. Nov. 27, 1788. Dea. Samuel Reynolds of Somers, Conn., and Longmeadow, Mass., She d. Feb., 1853, ae. 88; 11. Jerusha, b. Jan. 27, 1767, m. Sept. 7, 1786, Giles Pease, of Somers, who d. Sept. 26, 1723, se. 60. She d. Feb. 26, 1854, ss. 87. 2. Sarah, b. July 13, 1729; m. Sept. 20, 1750, Col. Samuel Chapman of Tolland, Conn., officer in the French War, and in the Revolution. He was a Justice of the Peace and was for about 30 years a re- presentative from Tolland in the Legislature and was* a member of the Convention which ratified the Constitution of the U. S. in 1788. He d. Dec. 5, 1803, ae. 81. She d. April 10, 1800, se. 71. She had, 1. Sarah, b. Oct. 9, 1751, d. Oct. 24, 1751; 2. Sarah White, b. Jan. 15, 1753, m. Mar. 25, 1773, Ira West, of T., and d. Aug. 1, 1792. as. 39; 3. Samuel, b. April 20, 1755, d. July 15, 1756; 4. Samuel (Capt.) b. Aug. 18, 1757, lived in Ellington. Conn., and d. Mar. 13, 1839, ae. 81. He m. 1st, Oct. 24, 1782, Mary Carlton, of T., who d. Mar. 8, 1809; m. 2d. Nov. 12, 1812, Mrs. Sarah Chapin, widow of Benjamin C., of Chieopee, Mass. She died July 28, 1827; 5. Eliakim, (Col.) b. July 31, 1760. d. in T April 16, 1838, se. 77. He m. 1st, Nov. 24, 1785, Roxelaney Willes, of T., who d. Jan. 27, 1798; m. 2d, Mar. 19, 1799, Nancy Willes, of T., who d. Nov. 6, 1845, ae. 80. Descendants of Daniel White. 63 39. Capt. Joel White, son of Capt. Daniel, (14) was born in Windsor, Conn., April 6, 1705. He settled in Bolton, Conn., as early as 1725, on lands which were soon after be- queathed to him by his father. He probably first lived on the west side of the street nearly opposite the burying- ground. In February, 1747 he bought of Francis Smith the place on the southeast corner of the main street on the road to Andover, "fronting near the meeting-house." This was his home for more than forty years, and the large elms now standing there are said to have been planted by his own hands. He was a merchant, engaged in* an exten- sive business, and was a large landholder. The records of Bolton show that he bought lands more than eighty times, and his name appears frequently upon the records of several other towns. At the time of his death he owned over 500 acres of land, although he had a few years previously given a farm to each of his surviving four sons. He was justice of the peace, and took a prominent part in the affairs of the town. In 1728 he was chosen town treasurer. He was frequently constable and collector, and was eight times chosen one of the selectmen, between the years 1738 and 1766. He was often the moderator of the annual town meet- ings, and from 1760 to 1781 was commonly the person selected for this service. He was one of the first repre- sentatives from Bolton to the legislature in Oct. 1750, was frequently re-elected, until October, 1774, when he had re- presented the town at twenty-six sessions. Though ad- vanced in life when at the time when the Colonies were struggling for independence, he was an ardent and self- denying patriot. In 1777 he was twice chosen a member of the "Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safe- ty," and was once its chairman. From his will, and from the inventory of his estate, it appears that in the early part of the war, he loaned over 3,000 to the State of Con- necticut, and to the United States, a part of this sum be- ing paid in the depreciated currency of those times. The nominal value of the "public securities," held by him at his death with the interest that had accrued thereon, was about 5,000, or nearly equal to the appraised value of the re- 64 Fourth Generation and Children. mainder of his estate. These securities were divided amoung his heirs, who are supposed to have realized but a very small percentage upon their nominal value. His in- ventory amounts to a little more than 10,000. He died June 28, 1789, ae. 84. The following is a fac-simile of his autograph, (nearly so,) from a signature in 1757. The high social position of his family may be inferred from the fact that his five daughters married into families of great respectability. The husbands of four of them were college graduates. He married, 1st, Ruth , who died Sept. 4, 1735, ae. 32. This is the date found in the town record. On the stone tablet inscribed to the memory of Joel White, Esq., and his four wives, the date is Sept. 15. He married, 2d, Jan. 22, 1736, Ruth Dart of Bolton, dau. of Daniel Dart, Sen., and Elizabeth Douglass, and grand- daughter of Richard Dart of New London. She was the youngest of eleven children, was born, Aug. 26, 1711, and died, Aug. 29, 1760, ae. 49. He married, 3d, April 8, 1761, Mrs. Eunice Wolcott, widow of Roger Wolcott, jun., Esq., of East Windsor, Conn., and dau. of John and Joanna Colton of Longmeadow, Mass. By her first husband, Ens. John Ely, 3rd of West Spring- field, Mass., she was the mother of Justin Ely, who married Ruth White, dau. of her third husband. She was born Feb. 22, 1706, and died Mar. 29, 1778, ae. 72. She was buried at West Springfield. Descendants of Daniel White. 65 He married, 4th, 1778, Mrs. Sarah Conaut, widow of [Shabael?] Conaut, Esq., of Mansfield, Conn. It is sup- posed that her family name was Avery, and that she was originally of Groton, Conn. Her first husband was David Sluman of Lebanon. Her second husband was Hon. Zebu- Ion West of Tolland. Her son, Dr. Jeremiah West, married, Amelia Ely, dau. of Capt. Joel White's third wife. Mrs. Sarah White died, Nov. 17, 1785, se. 66, (Grave-stone, 1788; error.) Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Joel, b. Dec. [28?], 1727; m. Anna Loomis. - (87) (On town record b. Dec. 28; but on church record bap. Dec. 10) 2. Ann, b. Jan. 15, 1732; m. Dec. 28, 1749, Eleazer Steel of Tolland, and d. Feb. 20, 1761, ae. 19. He m. 2d, and 3d, wives and d. Feb. 26, 1799, as. 72. 3. Reuben, b. Aug. 22, 1735; d. Aug. 31, 1735. A family tradition says there was also an Elijah, who died in infancy; but no record is found of either his birth or death. Children; By the Second Marriage. 4. Lemuel, b. Nov. 6, 1736; m. Martha Loomis. - - - (88) 5. Ruth, bap. Mar. 19, 1738; d. in infancy. 6. Jerusha, b. July 14, \740; m. 1st, July 1, 1766, Rev. Samuel Clark. He grad. at the College of New Jersey, in 1751, settled as pastor of the Congregational Church in Kensington, Conn., July 14, 1756, and d. there Nov. 6, 1775, ae. 49. She m. 2d, April 26, 1787, Amos Hosford, Esq., of Berlin, Conn., who d. Nov. 13, 1822, ae. 85. She d. Dec. 13, 1827. ae. 87. She had, by her first husband, 1. Samuel, bap. May 20, 1720; 2. Jerusha, b. Mar. 9, 1774, m. Elisha Dunham of Berlin, and d. Mar. 9, 1844, ae. 70; 3. Thomas, b. Mar. 21, 1776, lived in Newington, Conn., and d. Dec. 25, 1814, ae. 38. He m. April 5, 1809, Alma Wells, of N., who d. Jan. 24, 1824, 33. 43. 7. Elijah, b. June 21, 1742; m. Eunice Day. - (89) 8. Ruth, b. Feb. 29, 1744; m. Nov. 9, 1762, Justin Ely, Esq. He grad. at Harvard College in 1759, and was a merchant in West Spring- field, Mass. He very frequently represented the town in the General Court of Mass., and was otherwise prominent in public affairs. She d. April 6, 1809, ae. 65. He m. again and d. June 26, 1817, ae. 78. She had, 1, Theodore, b. Aug. 10, 1764, was for a few years a merchant in New York, but returned to W. Spr., where he d. Nov. 28, 1838, ae. 75. He m. Feb. 9, 1818, Hannah Chandler, who d. Aug. 12, 1829, ae 48; 2nd. Anna, b. May 12, 1767, d. Jan. 6, 1776; 3. Justin, b. Sept. 22, 1772, grad. Harv. Coll., 1792, and was a merchant in W. Spr. where he d. Aug. 26, 1850, ae. 78. He m. 1st, Jan. 25, 1803, Lucy Barron of Amhurst, who d. Jan. 8, 1808, ae. 27. He m. 2d, March 1, 1809, Abigail Belden of Wethersfield, Conn., who is still living; 4. Herman, b. April 24, 1775, was associated with his eldest brother in business in New York. He was the founder of Elyria, Lorain Co., Ohio, in 1817, and was judge fo the county court. He d. Feb. 2, 1852, 33. 76. He m. 1st, Oct. 8, 1818, Celia Belden of Wethersfield, Conn., who d. Jan. 7, 1827, ae. 30. He m. 2nd, Harriet Salter, of Mansfield, Conn. 66 Fourth Generation and Children. 9. Thomas, b. Feb. 2, 1746; m. Ruth Talcott. - - - (90) 10. Betty, b. Dec. 17, 1747; m. 1st, Jan. 15, 1766, Rev. John Bliss. He grad. at Yale College in 1761, was ordained pastor of the church in Ellington, Conn., Oct., 1764, was dismissed Dec., 1780, and d. in E., Feb. 13, 1790, 33. 53. She m. 2d, Sept. 15, 1790, Lemuel Pomeroy, Esq.. of Southampton, Mass., who d. Dec. 14, 1819, ae. 81. She went to live with her dau. in W. Spring- field and died there Jan. 17, 1836, ae. 88. Having been blind for about 20 years. She was a woman of unusual energy and intel- ligence and took a deep interest in public affairs. She had by her first husband, 1. Betty, b. Nov. 30, 1766, d. Sept. 7, 1769; 2. John, b. June 16, 1768, lived in Tolland, Conn., and d. Aug. 23, 1850, a?. 82. He m. May 30, 1809, Sally Abbott of T., who d. Feb. 18, 1853, 33. 72; 3. Betsy, b. April 9, 1790, m. Aahil Birge, of Southampton and d. Dec. 1, 1834, 33. 64; 4. Achsah, b. May 3, 1772, m. Lieut. Ruggles Kent of W. Springfield, and d. May 1, 1857, 33. 85; 5. Joel White, b. March 31, 1774, lived in Battle- borough, Vt., and d. Aug. 4, 1816, 33. 42. He m. 1796, Lucy Hitch- cock, who d. 1824, 33. 52; 6. Hosea, b. Feb. 26, 1776, d. 1850, 33. 74. He m. 1st, April 26, 1798, Malah Rodgers, who d. Sept. 29, 1821, 33. 43, m. 2d, Oct. 7, 1823, Tirzah Bagg; 7. Billy, b. Feb. 27, 1778, d. May 25, 1781; 8. Daniel, b. Feb. 5, 1780, lives in Battleborough, Vt. He m, 1st, April 23, 1807, Polly Miller of Marlborough, Vt., m. 2d, Feb. 26, 1820, Hannah Thurston; 9. William, b. May 11, 1783, d. July 25, 1786. 11. Daniel, b. Dec. 11, 1749; m. Sarah Hale. (91) 12. Ann, b. Oct. 23, 1753, m. 1st, Sept. 16, 1772, Thomas Kimberly, Esq., of Glastenbury, Conn. He graduated at Yale College in 1766, was a lawyer, and d. Aug. 25, 1777, 33. 29. She m. 2d, April 15, 1778, Hon. Johnathan Brace. He graduated at Yale College in 1779, first settled in Vt., but returned to Glastonbury, in 1786, and removed to Hartford in 1794. He was a repre- sentative in Congress 1798-1801 and for many years Judge of the Probate and County Courts. He d. Aug. 26, 1837, as. 83. She d. Dec. 7, 1837, 33. 84. She had by her first husband, 1. Thomas, b. July 7, 1773, d. Oct. 3, 1776; 2. Anson, b. Jan. 18, 1775, m. Sarah Ann Street. He was a merchant in Darien, Ga., and d. there Nov. 2, 1836, 33. 61; 3. Electa, b. Feb. 27, 1777, is living in Hartford. By her second husband; 4. Thomas Kimberly, b. Oct. 16, 1779. He graduated at Yale College in 1801, became a lawyer, but soon entered largely into commercial business at Hartford, where he still resides. He was for many years, president of the .(Etna Insurance company, and has been mayor of the city. He m. 1, 1807, Lucy M. Lee, of Westfield, Mass.; 5. Fanny, b. Sept. 23, 1781, m. 1813, Frederic Hall, L. L. D., Prof, in Middlebury, College, Vt., and afterwards in Trinity College Conn. She d. Nov., 1826, a?. 45. He d. about 1843. 39. Captain Elisha White, son of Capt. Daniel, (14) was born in Windsor, Nov. 11, 1706. He settled early in Bolton, but removed to East Guilford, (now Madison,) Conn., about 1744, and thence to the adjoining town of Killingworth, which is now Clinton, and was for awhile engaged in Descendants of Daniel White. 67 mercantile business. He died there probably about the year 1778. He married, Aug. 31, 1732, Ann Field of Bolton, dau. of Ebenezer Field, of E. Guilford, and Mary Dudly. She was born, March 22, 1712, and died some years before her husband. Children. 1. Elisha, b. May 15, 1733; d. Aug. 3, 1742. 2. Ann, b. Sept. 19, 1735; d. Aug. 20, 1742. 3. Chloe, bap. Feb. 19, 1738; m. 1st, Capt. Walter Price Griswold, of Killing-worth, a shipmaster in the foreign trade; m. 2d, Jonathan Boardman of Haddam, Higganum Society, Conn.; 3d, m. Capt. Daniel Hand, of E. Guilford, who d. Oct. 16, 1816, ae. 84. She d. Nov. 28, 1821, ae. 84. She had by her first husband, 1. Chloe, m. Young: 2. Sally, m. Jan. 25, 1789, David Hoyt, of E. G., and rem. to Vt. He d. Mar. 27, 1822. She d. Jan. 24, 1847; 3. Julia, m. George Bushnell, and settled in Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N. Y.; 4. Clarissa, m. - Child, of Middletown, Conn.; 5. Walter Price, by her second husband; 6. Samuel, resided at South Farms (now the town of Morris) in Litchfield, Conn. Perhaps she had other children. 4. Dudley, b. Jan. 8, 1741; m. Thankful Murray. - - - (92) 5. Ann, b. ; m. Joseph Chatfield and d. in Clinton. 40. Simeon White, son of Capt. Daniel, (14), was born in Windsor, Conn., March 11, 1708. He settled in Hatfield, Mass., where he died Sept. 6, 1779, se. 71. He was con- stable in 1737, and surveyor in 1757 and 1760. He married, Jerusha Wait, who died in Williamsburg, Mass., Feb. 14, 1810, ae. 99 years and a few months. She retained her physical and mental power in a good degree almost to the close of life. Children. 1. Simeon, b. - - 1745; m. Hannah Hubbard. ... (93) 2. Asa, b. - ; 1747; m. Jilpah Hayes. .... (94) 3. Jerusha, b. ; 1751; m. Jan. 6, 1789, Arnold Maydew, of Wil- liamsburg, who died. April 6, 1830. She d Dec. 1, 1739, se. 88. She had, 1. Constant, b. April 15, 1790, d. Dec. 7, 1827, ae. 37. He m. Oct. 6, 1816, Roanna Phinney of W.; 2. Martna, b. Jan. 15, 1793, m. Sept. 15, 1816, Leavitt Thaxter, Esq., of Northampton, who rem. to Edgarton, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. He is a lawyer, has been in both Houses of the Legislature, a mem- ber of the Executive Counsil, and U. S. Collector at Martha's Vineyard. 41. Oliver White, youngest son of Capt. Daniel, (14), was born in Windsor, March 26, 1720. He settled in Bolton, where he resided in 1751, but removed to Saybrook, Conn., 68 Fourth Generation and Children. as early as 1762. It seems probabable that he lived for a few years in some town not ascertained, and he may have had other children besides those named below. He died in Saybrook, Sept. 13, 1801, se. 81. He married, Feb. 21, 1745, Mary Beecraft. The time of her death is not known. The church records of Saybrook show that a "Mrs. Mary White" died there, May 11, 1802, se. 65. Perhaps this was a second wife of Oliver White, and the mother of his younger children. Children. 1. George, b. March 6, 1742; m. Mary Benton. - - - (95) 2. Tryphena, b. 1747; (The town record of Bolton b. Dec. 31, 1747. The church record, bap. Oct. 11, 1747.) 3. Mary, bap. May 20, 1750; 4. Pierce, b. July 27, 1762; Pearce, on record of baptism at Saybrook. 5. Joseph, b. Sept. 2, 1764; End of Fourth Generation. Fifth Generation and Children Descendants of Capt. Nathaniel White. IN THE LINE OF DEA. NATHANIEL WHITE OF HADLEY. 42. Nathaniel White, Jun., son of Nathaniel, (15) was born in Hadley, Mass., April 10, 1710. He settled as a farm- er in South Hadley, and died, March 23, 1787, &. 77. "He was an eminently pious man." He married, Nov. 24, 1741, Martha Bascom of North- ampton, dau. of Thomas Bascom of N. and Hannah Catlin of Deerfield. She was born, Sept. 16, 1713, and died Dec. 6, 1796, JB. 83. Children. 1. Timothy, b. , 1743; d. unmarried, Feb. 21, 1789, as. 46. 2. Samuel, b. Oct. 3, 1747; m. Mary Collins. (96) 3. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 28, 1749; m. Huldah Clark. - - - (97) 4. Christian, b. - , 1751; d. unmarried, May 5, 1801, ae. 50. 5. Ezekiel, b. , 1754, was a physician in S. Hadley; was also a teacher and composer of music. He d. unmarried Nov. 3, 1789, ae. 35. 6. Ebenezer, b. May 6, 1756; m. Ruth Lyman. - (98) 7. Ezra, b. , 1758; d. unmarried, April 7, 1790, ae. 32. 43. Johnathan White, son of Nathaniel, (15), was born in Hadley, Jan. 29, 1717. He was a farmer at the "Fall Woods," in South Hadley where he died, Aug. 2, 1789, ae. 72. He married, 1st, Dorcas Alvord, who died, Nov. 24, 1744, as. 24. He married, 2nd, Feb. 6, 1745, Lydia Rugg, dau. of Samuel Rugg. She was born, Jan. 1, 1723, and died, Nov. 18, 1802, se. 80. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Enoch, b. Nov. 8, 1744; d. Nov. 15, 1744. 70 Fifth Generation and Children. Children; By Second Marriage. 2. Enoch, b. Feb. - , 1747; m. Susannah Goodman. (99) 3. Phineas, b. , 1748; d. while a student at Yale College, Sept. 5, 1769, in his 22nd year. His monument is in the cemetery at New Haven. 4. Thankful, b. Sept. 21, 1752; m. Aaron White, (Family 102). 5. Esther, b. ; m. Enos Goodman of S. Hadley, and had, 1. Cyntha, b. Aug. 25, 1775; 2. Erastus, b. Aug. 15, 1777; 3. Phineas, b. May 12, 1780; 4. Enos, b. July 16, 1782; 5. Cleopas, b. Dec. 8, 1784; 6. Esther, b. July 23, 1787; 7. Thomas, b. Aug. 22, 1789; 8. Tryphosa, b. April 15, 1792; 9. Sophia, b. Dec. 17, 1794. 6. Lydia b. , 1759; m. Darina Smith of S. H., who removed to Susquehanna, N. Y. He d. Aug., 1820, se. 74. She d. March, 1837, 33. 78. She had, 1. Darius, b. Oct. 21, 1781; m. Hannah Elmer, of Amherst; 2. Bernice, b. Feb. 27, 1783; m. Emily Smith of Granby; 3. Lydia; 4. Prudence; 5 and 6. Twins, both d. in infancy; 7. Sylvester, b. Nov., 1789, d. Oct. 1855, ae. 66, m. Sarah Kirby, of Bainbridge, N. Y.; 8. Emma, Oct. 17, 1791; m. Oct. 13, 1824, Austin Brainerd of S. H.; 9. Louisa, bap. Sept., 1793; m. Ambrose Bennett, and lives in Masonville, N. Y.; 10. Tamesin White, m. Robert Foster, now Masonville. 11. Hazor, bap. April, 1797, m. Elizabeth Wells; 12. Mary, bap. May, 1799, m. Simeon Cook; 13. Tirzah, m. Quartus Brown. 7. Phebe, b. ; m. Gad. Alvord, of Granby, Mass. She had, 1. Sewall; 2. Theodosia; 3. Gains, bap. May 18, 1788; 4. Mary, bap. June 6, 1790; 5. Alvin; 6. Clarissa; 7. Electa; 8. Alanson; 9. Amanda and others who died young. 44. Oliver White, son of John, (16) was born in Hat- ley, and lived there .south of Ralphs Lane. He died June 28, 1789, se. perhaps 65. He married first, Feb. 17, 1752, Elizabeth Cherter, who died, June 29, 1752. He married, 2nd, 1755, (pub. Jan. 18,) Abigail Selden, who survived him. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. A Son, b. June 6, 1752; d. Aug. 15, 1752. Children; By Second Marriage. 2. Oliver, b. Dec. 19, 1755; m. - (100) 3. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 29, 1757; m. Phineas, -Clark, of Easthampden, Mass., who d. Feb. 15, 1817, ae. 57. She d. March 25, 1847, SR. 89. She had, 1. Submit, b. Oct. 7, 1781, m. Johnathan Parsons; 2. Elihu, b. July 6, 1783, was living in Lee, Mass., 1855; 3 Sylvester, b. Feb. 9, 1785, d. in the State of New York; 4. Salome, b. Sept. 17, 1786, m. Rufus Smith, of South Hadley and Worthington; 5. Lucinda, b. June 10, 1788, m. Justin Cook, jun.; 6. Silence, b. March 10, 1790, m. Dea. Asa. Marble; 7. Paulina, b. Jan. 5, 1792; 8. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1793, m. Dea. Elisha King; 9. Erastus, b. July 19, 1795; 10. Lydia, b. Feb. 1797, m. Medad King, Descendants of Nathaniel White 71 jun.; 11. Amanda, b. July 19, 1799, m. Morris Parsons; 12, Persis, b. April 1, 1802, d. June 26, 1803. 4. Moses, b. Dec. 3, 1759; m. Chloe Peck. - ... (101) 5. Jerusha, b. March 5, 1762; m. Aug., 1781, Seth Kellogg. 6. Eunice, b. March 18, 1764; m. March 2, 1784, George Wells. They removed to New York., or Vt., about 1800. 7. Elihu, b. March 8, 1766; d. March 27, 1766. 8. Esther, b. April 2, 1768; m. Jan. 1, 1789, William Ingram, who rem. to N. Y. The following children were bap. in Hadley: 1 Oliver, and 2. Experience, bap. Sept. 30, 1792; 3. Quartus, bap. Nov. 24, 1793; 4. Charles, bap. Jan. 29, 1797. 9. Abigail, b. Sept. 24, 1770; m. Feb. 11, 1789, Green Wells of Maple- town, and rem. to Vt., or N. Y. 45. John White, Jun., son of John, (16) was born in Had- ley, but probably removed to some place not ascertained. He is supposed to be the one who had the following family, in Hatley. He married, 1759, (published Aug. 18,) Mary Emmons, of Hadley. Children. 1. Mary, b. May 20, 1764. 2. Elisha, bap. Oct. 5, 1766. 46. Moses White, son of Dea. Joseph, (17) was born in Hadley, Feb. 7, 1710. He was a trader in South Hadley, and died there, probably in 1783, ae. 73. He married, July 29, [1738?]Lydia Bellows. Children. 1. Lydia, ) b. March 30. 1739; d. April 19, 1739. 2. A Child ] Twins, d. on the day of birth. 3. Elizabeth, b. - , 1741; m. Reuben Judd, of S. Hadley and d. May 9, 1765, ss. 24. He m. again twice, and d. Mar. 7, 1815, ss. 81. She had, 1. Achsah, b. Oct. 8, 1759, m. 1778, Thomas Wells, and d. Jan., 1847, ae. 87; 2. Ruben, b. Jan. 10, 1761, m. Nov. 27, 1791, Rachel Smead, and d. Oct., 1835, ae. 74; 3. Lydia, b. June 10, 1762, m. Eli Day, and d. May 8, 1812, SB. 50; 4. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1764, d. 1767. 47. Thomas White, son of Dea. Joseph, (17) was born in Hadley, July 20, 1715. He settled in South Hadley, where he died, July 18, 1795, ae. 80, (on grave-stone, se. 78.) He married, Mindwell Aloord, who died, Aug. 25, 1764, 88. 59. (grave-stone.) 72 Fifth Generation and Children. Children. 1. Joel, b. ; d. 1771. He prob. m. Anna , who survived him. Anna White and Thomas White, 2nd, were appointed ad- ministrators on the estate of Joel White, Oct. 1, 1771. 2. Mindwell, b. , 1739; m. 1st, Looman, m. 2nd, Lieut. Thomas White, 2nd, of S. Hadley who came from Lancaster, Mass. She d. Oct. 10, 1768, . 29. He m. again, and d. Feb. 20, 1814, ae. 75. She had by her first husband, 1. Eunice, b., 1761, m. Frederick Loomer, and d. April 25, 1804, as. 43. By her second husband, 2. Lucy, b. 1767, m. Oliver Taylor, Jun., of S. H., and d. Jan. 18, 1845, ss. 77. He d. March 5, 1848, ae. 81. 3. Abigail, b. , m. Caleb Eli, of S. H., and Norwich, Mass. Her dau., Abigail, m. Justus Wright. J. W. and wife b. d. in Billerica, Mass. 4. Aaron, b. May 29, 1744; m. Thankful White. - - - (102) 5. Job, b. about 1752, m. 1st, Charity Chapin, 2nd, Mindwell Capp, (103) 6. Mary, b. July 1, 1754; m. Dec. 3, 1790, Perez Smith, of S. H., who d. June 12, 1822, aa. 74. She d. March 10, 1835, se. 80. She had, 1. Pliney, b. June 12, 1781, was physician at Masonville, N. Y., and d. April 7, 1854, ae. 72. He m. Hannah Smith, of Granby; 2. Periz, b. April 13, 1783, m. Hannah Lyman, of Hadley; 3. Rodney, b. March 24, 1785, m. Sarah Hall, of Norwich, Mass., and d. Oct. 19, 1839, aa. 54; 4. Eliel, b. Feb. 6, 1787, m. Sarah Booth, of E. Windsor, Conn., who d. in Vernon, Conn., March 16, 1858, 33. 67; 5. Mary, b. Jan. 17, 1789, d. Aug. 26, 1791; 6. Norman, b. June 9, 1791, was a lawyer at New Salem, Mass., and d. Aug. 27, 1852, ae. 61. He m. Elizabeth Harwood, of N. Brookfield, Mass.; 7. Joel White, b. Aug. 25, 1793 lives in Ellington, Conn. He m. Elizabeth Booth, of E. Windsor, who d. May 12, 1859, te. 71; 8. Hervey, b. June 16, 1797, m. Lucinda Abbe of Kingston, N. Y., and d. May 18, 1843, ae. 46. 7. Simeon, b. ; m. 1st, Roxa Pomeroy; 2nd, Mrs. Urania Stibbins. - (104) 48. Joseph White, son of Dea. Joseph, (17) was born in Hadley, Oct. 4, 1718. He settled in South Hadley, and died there Nov., 1795, se. 77. He married, Oct. 23, 1746, Editha Moody of S. H., pro- bably dau. of Ebenezer Moody and Editha Kellogg. She died July, 1793. Children. 1. Editha, b. Jan. 27, 1748; m. Chamberlain. 2. David, Oct. 14, 1749; unmarried, d. Sept., 1811, ae. 62. 3. Moses, b. April 10, 1751; m. Abigail. - (105) 4. Rebecca, b. Jan. 14, 1753; m. Eleazer Goodman and rem. to N. Y. 5. Joseph, b. Dec. 13, 1754; m. Sally Yeomans. - - - (106) 6. Lois, b. Oct. 20, 1756; 7. Miriam, b. Aug. 2, 1758; m. Samuel Alvord, of S. H., d. Feb. 25, 1844, 33. 85. 8. Reuben, b. Oct. 1, 1761; m. Mabel White. - - - (107) Descendants of Nathaniel White. 73 49. Deacon Joseph White, son of Dea. Joseph, (17) was born about 1729. He settled in South Hadley, where he died March 29, 1809, a. 80. He is called "Major" on the Probate Records. He married, March 16, 1749, Mary Smith, of South Had- ley, dau. of Samuel and Lydia Smith. She was born March 3, 1732, [1733?], and died Sept 21, 1818, e. 85 or 86. Children. 1. Maria, b. Aug. 13, 1749; d. Aug. 29, 1772, ae. 23. 2. Mary, b. Feb. 13, 1752; m. Phineas Smith. 3. Irene, b. Mar. 30, 1755; d. Sept. 12, 1757. 4. Josiah, b. Feb. 22, 1759; d. Feb. 12, 1760. 5. Josiah, b. Mar. 30. 1761; m. Mabel Mitchell. (108) 6. Irene, b. Feb. 26, 1763; d. Oct. 2, 1775, ae. 12. 7. Keziah, b. Mar. 30, 1766; m. Joel Clark of S. H., d. Nov. 28, 1810, ae. 44. 8. Eldad, b. Mar. 31, 1768; m. Hannah Day. - -^ (109) 9. Medad, b. Sept. 5, 1771; d. Oct. 10, 1771. 10. Medad, b. Nov. 25, 1774; d. Sept. 26, 1775. 50. Lieut. Jacob White, son of Daniel, (18) was born in West Springfield, Mass., Nov. 13, 1716. He was a saddler in in Springfield, and also owned one-third part of the iron- works there. He died Jan. 10, 1762, se. 45. He married, Feb. 2, 1745, Amy Stebbins, dau. of John Stebbins of Springfield. She was born Aug. 6, 1724, and died Oct. 7, 1760, . 36. Children. 1. Amy, b. July 25, 1745; m. Dr. Chauncy, a grad. of Yale Coll., d. May, [1821?], se. 76. 74 Fifth Generation and Children. 2. Jacob, * b. July 11, 1747; 3. Luther, b. Sept. 11, 1749. - (110) 4. Lucy, b. Dec. 7, 1751; d. Nov. 8, 1753. 5. Lucy, b. Mar. 1, 1754; d. Dec. 5, 1757. 6. Calvin, b. July 19, 1756; 7. Paul, b. July 29, 1759; d. May 18, 1812, ae. 53. * Jacob, by the will of his father was to have a "liberal education," but his name is not found upon the catalogue of any New England College and his history is unknown. 51. Seageant Daniel White, son of Daniel, (18) was born in West Springfield, June 22, 1719. He was a house car- penter there, but lived for nearly half a century in a log- cabin, which was standing in 1849. He was a man of athletic frame, and somewhat eccentric in character. He died at the house of his son Phiney, Jan. 7, 1805, SB. 85. He married, July 29, 1747, Priscilla Leonard, of W. S. She was born June 21, 1725, and died July 20, 1800, &. 75. Children. 1. Horace, b. April 26, 1749; m. Mercy Cooley. - (111) 2. Daniel, b. Nov. 2, 1752, m. Hannah Lamb. (112) 3. Pliney, b. Oct. 12, 1761; m. Lydia Granger. (113) 4. Edward, b. July 27, 1764; m. Hannah Bedortha. - - (114) 52. Preserved White, son of Daniel, (18) was born in West Springfield, Aug. 31, 1721. He settled in Springfield, and died there July 16, 1802, ae. 81. In 1743 he was called a weaver. He married, 1st, 1740, (pub. Nov. 29,) Rachel Kilbourn, dau. of John Kilbourn and Mercy Day. She was born July 8, 1721, and died June, 1777, se. 56. He married, 2nd, Feb. 29, 1784, Mrs. Sarah Worthington, who died Jan. 16, 1797. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Rachel, b. April 18, 1742; m. Ambrose Collins of S. 2. Preserved, b. Nov. 25, 1743; m. Mary Terry. - (115) 3. David, b. Jan. 30, 1747; m. Lydia Ely. .... (116) Descendants of Nathaniel White. 75 4. Hannah, b. Aug. 21, 1750; m. William Stevenson of S. 5. Lewis, b. Feb. 25, 1753; d. Sept. 11, 1754. 6. Persia, b. Aug. 29, 1755; 7. Zervia, b. Mar. 19, 1758; m. Stoughton Bliss, Dec. 7, 1780. 8. Lewis, b. June 20, 1760; m. Susannah King. (117) 9. Walter, b. June 13, 1765; m. Sabina Keep. (118) 53. William White, Jun., son of William, (19) was born in Hadley, Mass., Oct. 4, 1732. He lived in Hinsdale, N. H., in Northfield and Springfield, Mass., and died in Had- ley, Dec. [30?], 1810, ae. 78. He married, 1st, April, 1757, Lydia Patterson of North- field, born in 1737, and dau. of Elizur Patterson, and Lydia Moore. He married, 2d, Nov. 14, 1765, Martha Chapin, of Spr. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Giles, b. ; m. Sarah Dodd, his consin. 2. Sarah, 3. Mary, 4. William, 5. Samuel, 6. Gad. He married Flavia. - - (119) There were other children whose names have not been ascertained. 54. Nathaniel White, son of William, (19) was born in Hadley, Nov. 12, 1738. He lived there on the "Bay-road," and kept a public house. He was selectman in 1784. He died March 12, 1821, &. 82. He married, 1st, Nov. 5, 1761, Sarah Stockwell of Spring- field, dau. of Abel Stockwell. She was born March 10, 1742, and died March 4, 1802, se. 60. He married, 2nd, Rebecca Shepard of Hartford, Conn., who survived him. 76 Fifth Generation and Children. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Jarib, b. April 27, 1763; Ruth Sherman. (120) 2. Sarah, b. Mar. 27, 1765; m. Orange Hart Warren, d. Dec. 1828, ss. 63. 3. Lydia, b. Mar. 27, 1765; m. Benjamin Burr of S. H., d. Feb. 28, 1834, . 69. 4. Mabel, b. Sept. 1, 1767; m. Reuben White. - - (Family 107) 5. Lois, b. July 20, 1770, [22?]; m. Cotton Mather Warren; d. July 19, 1842, as. 72. 6. Tirzah, b. Aug. 13, 1772; m. Phineas Thompson, Nov. 8, 1797. 55. Captain Daniel White, son of William, (19) was born in Hadley, Sept. 1, 1740. His name appears in a list of soldiers in the old French War, in 1759. He settled as a farmer in Hadley, where he was frequently called into the service of the town. He was seven times chosen one of the selectmen, between the years 17 , and 1799. In 1778 and 1783, he was a member of the "Committee of Cor- respondence, Inspection, and Safety. He died Nov. 17, 1815, se. 75. He married, June 11, 1772, Sarah Goodrich, dau. of Aaron Goodrich. She was born Oct. 10, 1747, and died in 1837, 36. 90. Children. 1. Zenas, b. Oct. 10, 1773; d. Sept. 16, 1844, . 71. 2. Judith, b. Mar. 27, 1775; 3. Bethene, b. Feb. 14, 1777; m. Eli Graves, Jan. 10, 1798, d. Aug. 12, 1802, x. 25. Descendants of Nathaniel White 77 4. Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1779; m. John Cook, Jun., of S. H. 5. Permelia, b. Nov. 2, 1780; m. Roswell Wells of S. H., d. 1853. 6. Grace Grant, b. Oct. 18, 1782; m. Stephen Montague, of S. H. 7. Silva, b. April 20, 1785; m. John Baker, Aug. 8, 1813. 8. Daniel, b. Nov. 6, 1789; m. Dorcas Barrows. - - (121) 56. Ebenezer White, son of William, (19) was born in Hadley, March 16, 1744. He settled in Pittsfield, Mass., 78 Fifth Generation and Children. and died there, May 15, 1794, se. 50. He married, March 13, 1766, Abigail Porter, dau. of Abraham Porter of Hartford, Conn. Children. 1. Esther, b. April 24, 1767; m. Josiah Ward of Pitts., d. Nov., 1836, ae. 69. 2. William Porter, b. Oct. 10, 1769; m. Elizabeth Allen. - (122) 3. Lydia, b. May 24, 1772; m. Maj. Butler Goodrich, d. April 12, 1842, se. 70. 4. Enoch, b. Mar. 19, 1775; m. Sally Lankton. - - - (123) 5. Polly, b. July 28, 1777; d. July 8, 1779. 6. David, * b. April 19, 1780; d. May 1, 1807, ae. 27. 7. Polly, b. Nov. 20, 1782; d. June 1, 1847, ae. 64. 8. Abigail, b. Nov. 19, 1786; d. May 11, 1803, ae. 16. * David, died in South America. 57. Lieut. David White, son of William (19) was born in Hadley, Feb. 18, 1748, and lived there. He was Lieutenant in the expedition to Canada early in 1776. He died about 1778, ae, 30. His inventory is dated, May 5, 1778. He married, Dec. 17, 1772, Roxcellany Warner, who sur- vived him, and married, 2d, May 20, 1779, Joseph Crafts of Whately, Mass. Children. 1. Cotton, bap. July 10, 1774; m. 1st, Demis Dickinson; 2nd, Elix. Bancroft. (124) 2. Luther, bap. Sept. 10, 1775; m. and had two sons before he left Hadley. He died in the South. 58. Ebenezer White, only son of Ebenezer, (20) was born in Hadley, about 1733. He lived on the original White place, and died Oct. 11, 1817, se. 84. He married, Sarah Church, of Amherst,, dau. Samuel Church. She was born Aug. 17, 1736, and died about 1802, 36. 66. Children. 1. Sarah, b. , 1770; m. John Summer of H., d. Aug. 1803, ae. 33. 2. Jonathan, b. Oct. 29, 1774; m. Lydia Atwood. - - (125) 3. Elijah, b. June 28, 1778; m. Lucy Pierce. - - (126) Descendants of Nathaniel White. 79 IN THE LINE OF JOHN WHITE OF HARTFORD. 59. John White, son of John, (21) lived in Hartford, and died there, at an advanced age, between 1808 and 1814. He married, 1st, Dec. 7, 1752, Honor Baxter of Wethers- field, born March 2, 1729, dau. of Timothy Baxter and Sarah Kilbourn. He married, 2d, Abigail , who survived him, and was living in 1815. She was perhaps the Abigail Gilbert, who married John White, Dec. 15, 1765, (Middletown Church Record.) This A. G. was probably the dau. of Ezekiel Gilbert, jun., and Elizabeth Blake, and born July 4, 1745. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. John, b. about 1753; m. Anna Waters. - - - (127) 2. Nathaniel, b. ; m. Sarah Steele. (128) 3. Sarah, b. ; m. Jonathan Chapman. 4. Anna, b. ; m. James Sarvant. 5. Honor, b. ; m. Barnard, a farmer. See Note to Family 21. IN THE LINE OF ENSIGN DANIEL WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 60. Dea. Jonathan White, son of Daniel, (23) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., Aug. 22, 1711. He settled in West Springfield, Mass., where he was an honored and in- fluential citizen. He was a house- joiner, and was employed to help build the first Indian meeting-house at Stockbridge, Mass., but he also engaged in farming, and in other kinds of business. He was often called into the service of the town ; was a selectman for seven years, 1774 to 79 and 1782 ; a delegate to the Provincial Congress in 1775, arid also a member of the "Committee of Inspection and Safety," and a representative to the General Court, in 1787. He was chosen a deacon of the church in West Springfield, March 1, 1759, and retired from the office in 1782. "He retained his vigor to old age, and regularly walked one mile to church after entering his ninetieth year." The following is the inscription on his grave-stone; "In Memory of Dea. Jona. White, who after a long course of eminent Piety, diffusive Benevolence, exemplary Virtue, and extensive usefulness in Church and State, calmly fell asleep, Oct. 12th, 1805, aged 95." 80 Fifth Generation and Children. He married, 1st, April 5, 1739, Tryphena Ely, dau. of Samuel Ely of Springfield. She was born, April 7, 1712, and died Dec. 30, 1754, &. 42. He married, 2d, Dec. 20, 1759, Mrs. Editha Bliss, widow Pelatiah Bliss, dau. of Ebenezer Day. She was born Aug. 20, 1715, and died, Feb. 4, 1797, se. 81. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Samuel, b. April 5, 1740; d. July 4, 1748. 2. Tryphena, b. Oct. 6, 1742; m. Dr. Timothy Horton, d. May 14, 1835, ae. 92. 3. Sarah, b. Dec. 23, 1744; d. Aug. 30, 1746. 4. Aaron, b. Sept. 4, 1747; m. Lucy Kellogg. (129) 5. Joseph, b. Dec. 24, 1749; Sarah Leonard. - * (130) 6. Elijah, b. May 31, 1752; d. Dec. 30, [3?], te. 21. 61. Jedediah White, son of Daniel, (23) was born in Up- per Middletown, Jan. 23, 1730. He lived there for several years after his marriage, but soon after the close of the Revolutionary War, removed to New Durham, Greene Co., New York. In Feb., 1798, he removed to Paris (now Marshall,) Oneida Co., N. Y., where he died, Nov. 9, 1822, ae. nearly 93. He married, Dec. 4, 1760, Barbara Wilcox. She died March 8, 1812, se. 71. Children. 1. Alice, b. Sept. 24, 1761; d. Dec. 20, 1848, se. 87. 2. Rachel, b. Oct. 24, 1762; m. Levi North, April 20, 1786, d. Jan. 31, 1839, SB. 76. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 81 3. Daniel, b. Jan., 1768; m. Sally Merriam. (131) 4. Lois, d. in infancy. 5. John, b. , 1768; m. Nancy Ann Landon. - (132) 6. Martha, b. ; m. Theodore Monross, both d. in Clinton, N. Y. 7. Sarah, b. Mar. 27, 1771; m. Eli Page, of Freehold, N. Y., d. Aug. 24, 1846, ae. 75. 8. Susannah, d. unm. in Canaan, Conn. 9. Lois, bap. May, 30, 1773; m. Hart Norton, both d. in N. Y. 10. Polly, b. ; m. Whitney, d. in N. Y. 11. Rebecca, d. unm. in N. Y. 12. Abigail, d. unm. June 8, 1805. 62. Nathaniel White, son of Capt. Nathaniel, (24) was born in East Middletown, afterwards called Catham, April 25, 1715. He was a farmer there, and died Feb. 11, 1767, se. 52. He married, May 17, 1737, Mary Sage, dau. of Timothy and Margaret Sage. She was born March 31, 1716, and died Jan. 31, 1767, se. 50. Children. 1. Mary, d. 1739. 2. Mary, bap. Jan. 6, 1740; d. in infancy. 3. Margaret, b. July 5, 1741; m. John Bartlett, d. April 24, 1775, ae. 33. 4. Mehitable, bap. July 22, 1744; 5. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 1745; d. April 27, 1751. 6. John, b. Mar. 23, 1748; m. Elizabeth . - - (133) 7. Mary, b. July 23, 1750; m. Darius Adams, Feb., 1772. 8. Nathaniel, b. Aug. 14, 1754; m. Abigail Miller. - - (134) 63. Capt. Elijah White, son of Capt. Nathaniel, (24) was born in East Middletown, Feb. 15, 1719. He settled in East Haddam, Conn., and was probably engaged in trade, as he owned a store and wharf there. He died May 18, 1788, ae. 59. His will is dated, Dec. 12, 1776. He married, July 9, 1741, Abigail Hurlburt, (May 6, 1741, 82 Fifth Generation and Children. a family record.) She is called the "dau. of David, and Mary Hurlburt," upon the Mid. Record, but this is pro- bably an error, as in 1763, his wife was "Abigail, the dau. of Ebenezer Hurlburt." She was born March 1, 1722, was living at the date of her husbands will, and probably survived him. Children. 1. Amos, b. Mar. 6, 1742; d. Mar. 17, 1742. 2. Rachel, b. Feb. 14, 1744; m. Samuel Phillips Lord *, d. June 23, 1808, se. 63. 3. Amos, b. Nov. 20, 1745; m. Sarah Griswold. - (135) 4. Elijah, b. Feb. 28, 1748; m. Elizabeth Arnold. (136) 5. Daniel, b. April 13, 1750; d. March 6, 1751. 6. Abigail, b. Mar. 6. 1752; d. Oct. 3, 1758, . 6. 7. Daniel, b. Feb. 26, 1754; d. Sept. 27, 1756. 8. Daniel Hurlburt, b. July 16, 1757; m. Hannah Brainard. - (137) * Samuel Phillips Lord, was an eminent merchant, of East Haddam. Some of their children were prominent business men. 64. Capt. Noadiah White, son of Capt. Nathaniel, (24) was born in East Middletown, Feb. 26, 1720. He settled there as a farmer, and held the office of constable in 1757 and 1761. When advanced in life, he removed, with most of his family to the State of New York, and died there, at Middlefield, Otsego Co., Feb., 1811, ae. 91. He married, Jan. 19, 1744, Lois White, his cousin, dau. of Dea. Joseph White of Catham, (Fam. 25). She was Descendants of Nathaniel White 83 born Jan. 6, 1725, and died in Catham, Aug. 31, 1795, se. 70. Children. 1. Noadiah, b Nov. 18, 1744; d. Feb. 9, 1745. 2. Noadiah, b. Dec. 18, 1745; m. Mercy Mayo. - - - (138) 3. Lois, b. Sept. 13, 1748; d. July 8, 1757. 4. Joseph, b. Mar. 18, 1752; m. Hannah Gates. - - - (139) 5. Mehitable *, b June 21, 1754; m. Gen. Seth Overton, d. Aug. 20, 1828, ss. 74. 6. Abijah, b. Nov. 18, 1756; d. Sept., 1758. 7 Lois, b. Jan. 14, 1759; d. , 1840, a?. 80. 8. Samuel, b. March, 1761; d. April 8, 1762. 9. Abijah, b. Jan. 18, 1763; m. Hannah Hall. - - - (140) 10 Samuel, b. Feb. 11, 1767; m. Cynthia Allis. - (141) 11. Sarah J, b. Dec. 25, 1768. * Mehitable's husband was a Justice of the Quorum, 1806-1818. He died, Aug. 17, 1852, ae. 94. One of their children (Oliver,) was a lawyer in Bellefontaine, Ohio. He was born, Aug. 22, 1789, and died in 1825, ae. 36. J Sarah, as late as 1858, was living at Middlefield, New York. Her history is unknown. 65. Hon. Ebenezer White, son of Dea. Joseph, (25) was born in East Middletown, July 24, 1727. He was a farmer there, on his fathers homestead and was highly esteemed for his ability and integrity. He represented the town of Catham at thirty-two sessions of the Legislature, be- tween the years 1769 and 1791, and in the Convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States, 1788. From 1786 to 1796 he was an Associate Judge of the County Court. He succeeded his father as deacon of the First Church in Catham, April 21, 1768. He died July 29, 1817, ae. 90. (July 27, on the grave-stone ; an error.) He married, Sept., 1753, Ruth Welles of East Hartford, dau. of Capt. Samuel Welles, 2nd, and Esther Ellsworth, (See in Fam. 5.) She was born, Dec. 17, 1727, and died Nov. 23, 1780, ae. 53. Children. 1. David, b. Sept. 7, 1754; m. Mary A. Stocking. - - (142) 2. Abigail, b. , 1757; d. Oct. 20, 1759. 3. Abigail *, b. Aug. 8, 1760; m. Rev. Cyprian Strong, D. D., d. May. 2, 1796, ae. 35. 4. Esther J, b. Mar. 26, 1763; d. July 14, 1845, a?. 82 5. Daniel, b. Oct. 24, 1765; m. Abigail Hills. - - - (143) 6. Ruth f, b. Nov. 11, 1767; m. Rev. Elijah Gridley, d. May 13, 1851, 33. 83. 84 Fifth Generation and Children. * Abigail's husband (Rev. Cyprian Strong) graduated at Yale College in 1763, was ordained pastor of the First Church in Catham, Aug. 19, 1767, and died Nov. 17, 1811, ae. 37. (See Sprague's "Annals of the American Pulpit," Vol. II.) Children. 1. Elnathan *, b Mar. 25, 1787; m. Jane Chamberlain, d. June 19, 1843, ae. 56. 2. Erastus $, b. May 6, 1789; m. Mary Lemis, of Catham. 3. Amelia f, Nov. 10, 1790; m. Dr. Aaron Smith. 4. Charles Wells, b. Nov. 10, 1792; d. Mar. 8, 1793. 5. Charles, b. Feb. 5, 1794; d. in N. Y. City, Oct. 26, 1813, ae. 19. * Elnathan, was a merchant in Hardwick, Vt., and a deacon in the Congregational Church there. Two of his children (William C. and Elnathan) were graduates of Dartmouth College. Elnathan, Jr., was also a graduate of Andover Theological Seminary. He married, 1856, Lizzie Mitchell, of Roxbury, Mass. William C. at the publication of these Memorials, (1860) was living at Newton, Mass. J Erastus, in 1860, was a farmer at Portland, and had held vorious public offices. f Two of the children of Amelia, and Dr. Aaron Smith were liberally educated. Laura Esther, b. Sept. 21, 1822, m. Dec. 30, 1841, Rev. John King Lord, son of the President of Dartmonth College. He d. at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 10, 1849, ae. 30. She (in 1860) was principal of a school at Mpntpelier, Vt. Charles Strong, b. July 24, 1854, graduated at the University of Vermont, and studied theology. He married. July 24, 1854, Lucy A. Maynard, of Walton, New York, who died, Feb. 2, 1857 ae. 29. J Esther, lived with her brother Daniel, and died unmarried in 1845, at the age of 82. f Ruth's husband (Rev. Elijah Gridley) graduated at Yale College in 1788. He was a minister at Mansfield. Conn , but in 1797, he re- moved to Granby, Mass., and died there June 10, 1834, ae. 74. Children. 1. Harry White, b. May 29, 1791; m. Lucy D. Dickenson. 2. Ralph Wells *, b. April 5, 1793; m. Eliza Barnes, d. Feb. 2, 1840, ae. 47. 3. Laura White $, b. Jan. 5, 1797; m. Hon. William Bowdoin, d. April 21, 1822, ae. 25. 4. Addison f, b. Dec. 18, 1801; m. Sibbil Ayres. * Ralph Wells, graduated at Yale College in 1814. From 1816 to 1834 he was pastor at Williamstown, Mass., and removed to Ottawa, 111. He was afterwords pastor at Jacksonville, 111., until his death He died at Ottawa, Feb. 2, 1840, ae. 47. He married, in 1816, Eliza Barnes, of New Haven, Conn., who died Jan. 19, 1841, ae. 46. $ Laura's husband, (Hon. William Bowdoin) was a lawyer at South Hadley Falls, Mass., and died April 21, 1822, ae. 25. t Addison was living in 1860, at Granby, Mass. He married 1st, Jan. 11, 1827. Sibbil Ayres of Granby, who died, Nov. 14, 1845, ae. 37. He married 2d, March 2, 1847, Mrs. Maria Burnham, of Lisbon, Conn. 66. Lieut. Stephen White, son of Dea. Joseph, (25) was born in East Middletown, Jan. 17, 1731, and was a farmer there on a part of his father's homestead. He was chosen Descendants of Nathaniel White. 35 constable in the town of Middletown, from 1762 to 1766, and held office in Chatham, after that town was organized. He died Nov. 23, 1774, se. 43. He married, Feb. 10, 1757, Honor Hubbard of Glasten- bury. After his death, she married, 2d, Jan. 12, 1780, Capt. Thomas Wadsworth of E. Hartford, who died 1783, se. 67. She was born Jan. 1, 1734, and died Jan. 31. 1789, se. 55. Children. 1. Prudence, b Aug. 23, 1757; m. Samuel Wadsworth of E. Hartford, who d. 1798, se. 52. She d. 1822, se. 65. She had, 1, Molly, bap. 1782, d.; 2. Mabel, b. 1783; 3. Samuel, b. 1784; m. 1805, Hannah Roberts, and d. 1822, 4. Oliver, b. 1790, was lost at sea, about 1806; 5. Hezekiad, b. 1792, m. 1st, Maria Jones, who d. 1835, ae. 33; m. 2nd, Mrs. Heppy (Hills) Forbes; 6. Charles, b. March, 1794, is a minister at Richfield Springs, N. Y.; 7. Titus, b. 1796, d. 1848; 8. Polly, b. 1799. 2. Honor, b. June, 27, 1759; m. Dec. 24, 1779, Noah Sage of Chatham, and d. Nov. 2, 1812, as. 53 He d. Sept. 9, 1822, ae. 75. She had, 1. Henry, b. 1780, d. Jan. 26, 1797, se. 16; 2. Harriet, b. 1781, m. Feb. 17, 1801, Dr. Isaac Conkling, who d. Feb. 26, 1824, se. 44. She d.Aug. 17, 1855, ae. 74. 3. Josiah, b. Sept. 5, 1761; m. Hannah Hills, and others. - (144) 4. George, b. Sept. 18, 1763; m. 1st, Mabel Hills; 2nd, Hannah T. Star. - (145) 5. Ann, b. Sept. 21, 1765; d. May 2, 1775. 6. Molly, b. Sept. 22, 1767; d. May 27, 1775. 67. Timothy White, son of Hugh, (26) was born in Upper Middletown, March 15, 1719. He was a resident of Haddam in 1748, and of East Haddam in 1751, and was probably engaged in trade. He died in E. H., Oct. 16, 1757, se. 38. He married Susannah . Her history is not known. Children. 1. Hannah, b. ; m June 10, 1762, Benjamin Reed of E. Haddam, and had, 1. Mary, b. June 11, 1763; 2. Benjamin, b. Feb. 20, 1765; 3. Joseph, b. Jan. 2, 1767. 2. Susannah, b. Oct. 5, 1749; m. Oct. 28, 1772, John Spencer of E. H., and had, 1. John, b. Oct. 17, 1773; 2. Molly, b. July 23, 1775; 3. Oliver, b. Aug. 25, 1777, 4. Samuel White, b. Oct. 8, 1779; 5. Susannah, b. Sept. 12, 1781. 3. Mary, b. ; d. Aug. 22, 1752. 4. Mary, b. Dec. 15, 1752; m. James Clark, 2d, of Haddam. 5. Timothy, bap. Mar. 2, 1755; m. 1st, Mehitable Smith; 2d, Ursula Sloper. (146) 6. Samuel, b. Aug. 16, 1757; lived in Hartford, and d. in early life. 68. Aaron White, son of Hugh, (26) was born in Upper Middletown, Oct. 25, 1723. He settled there, and died Jan. 19, 1802, ae. 78. 86 Fifth Generation and Children He married, April 6, 1749, Sarah Olmstead of East Hart- ford, dau. of James Olmstead and Mary Butler. She died March 18, 1814, ae. 90. Children. 1. Aaron, bap. May 26, 1754; d. unm., in the West Indias, Feb. 5, 1782, ae. 28. 2. Sarah, bap. Sept. 12, 1756; m. March 4, 1779, Gideon Savage. 3. Rebecca, bap. March 11, 1759; m. Feb. 7, 1786, Nathaniel Loomis of Ashford,' Conn. Her son Samuel was bap. at Up. Mid., Jan. 27, 1788, the parents "belonging to Whitesboro," N. Y. 4. Samuel b. July 3, 1762; m. Anna Merrow. ... (147) 5. Chloe, bap. May 5, 1765; m. Olcott. 6. Lydia, bap. Dec. 20, 1767; m. James Gary. The members of this family are all dead. 69. Hon. Hugh White, youngest son of Hugh, (26) was born in Upper Middletown, Jan. 25, 1733. He settled there, and was one of the selectmen of Middletown from 1779 to 1783. He was a commissary in the army, during a part of the Revolutionary War. Soon after the close of the War, he become the Pioneer of the settlements in Central New York. In May, 1784, he left Middletown, with four sons who had arrived at manhood, a daughter, and daughter-in-law, and founded a settlement at Sedaghquate, few miles from the present city of Utica. In the January following he took thither his wife and the remainder of his family. Several of his relatives, with others from Middletown and its vicinity, quickly followed ; and the new settlement, under the name of "Whitestown," soon became widely known as the place in which the emigration from New England centered. The hardship and perils encountered by these early settlers can scarcely be conceived of, by those who now visit the thick- ly peopled region. The whole country was in the wildness of nature. The nearest mill was at Palatine, forty miles distant. The hostility of the Indian Tribes had hitherto rendered the settlement of that region impossible, and at the close of the War the whole central and western portions of the State were without civilized inhabitants. It was therefore necessary that the Pioneer of the new settlement should conciliate the favor of the Indians. In his intercourse with them he was frank and decided. On one occasion,an Indian Chief demanded of Descendants of Nathaniel White. 87 Mr. White, as a test of his professed confidence, that he would permit him to take his wigwam a little grand-dau- ghter, then playing about the house. The Chief promised to keep the child safely, and to bring her home again the next day. The child was entrusted to him; but it was not until the approach of night, when fears of treachery had al- most overcome her mother, that she was returned, finely arrayed in Indian dress, with many ornaments. This in- cident is said to have contributed much toward establish- ing a lasting friendship between the new settlers and the neighboring Indians. (See Lectures of Wm. Tracy, Esq.; also, historical Collection of New York, p. 379.) In 1788 the town of "Whitestown" was organized. It included in its limits all the State of New York lying west- ward of a line passing through Utica, and reaching from the southern boundary of the State to the St. Lawrence River. This territory had 6000 inhabitants in 1792, and Judge White lived to see it containing a population of over 300,000. At the organization of Herkimer County, Mr. White was appointed a Judge. He afterwards held the same office in the new County of Oneida. He died April 16, 1812, se. 79. The following is a fac-simile of his autograph. He married, 1st, Aug. 23, 1753, Mary Clark of Middletown, dau. of Daniel and Mary Clark. She was born Feb. 10, 1734, and died about the year 1774. He married, 2d, Mrs. Lois Davenport of New Hartford, Conn., widow of Rev. Ebenezer Davenport of Greenwich, Conn., and dau. of Jonathan Marsh and Elizabeth Loomis. She died at Whitestown, April 13, 1829, ss. 86. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Molly, bap. Mar. 31, 1754; "was drowned in a well," May 6, 1758. 2. Rachel, bap. Dec. 7, 1755; d. Dec. 16, 1755. 88 Fifth Generation and Children. 3. Rachel, b, Jan. 2, 1757; m. John Allen, and lived to an advanced age. She had, John, Moses, Rachel, and several others. 4. Daniel Clark, b. Mar. 2, 1759; m. Esther Paine. - - (148) 5. Joseph, b. Jan. 16, 1761; m. 1st, Lucy Bulkley; 2nd. Mrs. Sybil Willis. (149) 6. Hugh, b. Jan. 16. 1763; m. 1st, Tryphena Lawrence; 2d, S. Smith (150) 7. Ansel, b. Jan. 11, 1765; m. Anna Root. (151) 8. Philo, b. June 25, 1767; m. Esther Holt. (152) 9. Aurelia, b. Jan. 20, 1770; [July 22?] m. 1788, Parsons Wetmore of Whitestown, a farmer, who rem. to Warren Co., Pa., in 1815, afterwards to Steubenville, O., and in 1827 to Rochester, N. Y. She d. July 16, 1846, ae. 76. He d. Sept. 23, 1852, ae. 84. She had, 1. Betsey, b. March 3, 1789, m. Feb. 19, 1817, Dyer Fitch, and d. May 30, 1818, se. 29; 2. Lois, b. March 20, 1790, d. Aug. 9, 1808, se. 18; 3. Lansing, b. Aug. 28, 1792, d. Nov. 15, 1857, ae. 65. He was a lawyer in Warren, Pa., and for more than forty years a prominent citizen. He was County Judge, an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, and filled other important positions. He m. Nov. 22, 1816, Caroline Ditmars; 4. Parsons, b. Aug. 1, 1794, was a silversmith. He spent about 15 yrs. in various places in Mexico, and, returning homeward about 1832, d. in Steubenville, 0., unm. ae. about 37; 5. Aurelia White, b. Sept. 30, 1797, m. Sept. 22, 1819, Dyer Fitch, (his 2d wife) they now reside in Robinson, Crawford Co., 111.; 6. Melancton Clark, b. Feb. 1, 1801, m. 1826, Octavia Parker; is a farmer near Rochester, N. Y.; 7. Daniel White, b. Aug. 11, 1803, m., and res. in Buffalo, N. Y.; 8. Leonard, b. July 19, 1805, m. 1829, Sophronia Barber, who d. about 1840; 9. Angeline, b. Sept. 8, 1807, m. 1833, Abraham DeKroyft of Roch- ester; 10. Mary Louise, b. Feb. 8, 1810, m. 1832, George S. Williams of Buffalo; 11. Zephaniah Davenport, b. Oct. 18, 1812, d. Sept., 1823, ae. 11; 12. Viscount Stone, b. May 12, 1816, d. Aug. 16, 1840, ae. 24. 10. Mary Stone, b. March 8, 1772; [Nov. 23?] m. June 1792, John Young, the founder of Youngstown, Ohio. He was a surveyor, and much engaged on public works. They returned to Whites- town in 1803. He d. April 26, 1825, ae. 52. She d. Sept. 23, 1839, as. 67. She had, 1. Mary, b. Aug. 20, 1793, d. in infancy; 2. John J., b. Oct. 27, 1794, is a Captain, U. S. Navy and res. in Baltimore, Md. m. Sept. 26, 1816, Cornelia Ensor of Bal., who d.; 3. George White, b. Nov. 16, 1796, was a Civil Engineer, and was drowned at Baker's Falls, June 23, 1828; 4. William Clark, b. Nov. 25, 1799, is a Civil Engineer, and has been President of the Hudson River and Panama Rail Roads. He res. in Buffalo. He m. June 19, 1827, Catherine Willard of Albany; 5. Mary Foster, b. Feb. 8, 1802, m. May 20, 1820, John L. Curtenius, Esq., of Buffalo, a lawyer; 6. Charles Clark, b. July 25, 1804, grad. Union Coll., 1826, was a lawyer in New York, now res. in Aurora, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He m. 1st, April 17, 1833, Elizabeth Huntington of Rome, N. Y.; m. 2d, Aug. 5, 1836, Harriet Huntington of Rome; m. 3d. Mrs. Mary B. Morgan, wid. of John Morgan, Esq., of Aurora; 7. Jane Maria, b. Feb. 10, 1806, m. Jan. 23, 1832, Rev. Washington Roosevelt, now of Pelham, N. Y.; 8. Jeremiah Smith, b. Sept. 10, 1809, grad. at Andover Theol, Sem. in 1839, and was pastor at Dover, N. H. He now resides at Falls River, Mass. He m. 1st. April 14, 1840, Harriet F. Merland of Andover, Mass., who d. June, 1850; m. 2d, a sister of his first wife. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 89 70. Rev. Stephen White, son of Capt. John, (27) was born in Upper Middletown, June 8, 1718. He graduated at Yale College in 1736, and was ordained pastor of the Congregat- ional Church in Windham, Conn., Dec. 24, 1740, as the suc- cessor of President Clap of Yale College. He died Jan. 9, 1794, se. 75, having ministered to the same people more than 53 years. Allen's American Biographical Dictionary says of him, "He was a scholar, a Christian, and an able and judicious divine." Rev. Elijah Waterman, his successor in the min- istry at Windham, in his published Centennial Sermon thus describes him : "Mr. White possessed good natural abilities, improved by early education. In his station he was a work- man that needeth not to be ashamed; and the manuscript sermons left behind him are a testimony of real piety and faithfulness. He was constitutionally modest, and, unless with his acquaintances, reserved in conversation. In his domestic relations he was tender and indulgent; and the same affectionate temper he manifested towards his church and people." A fac-simile of his autograph is given, from a signature in 1742. He married, Sept. 2, 1741, Mary Dyer of Windham, dau. of Col. Thomas Dyer and Lydia Backus. She was born Jan. 31, 1719, and died May 27, 1802, &. 83. Children. 1. Hannah, b. Dec. 20, 1742; d. at New Haven, Sept. 8, 1748, 2. Mary, b. Dec. 23, 1743; d. unm., March 11, 1828, ze. 84. 3. Lydia, b. April 28, 1745; m. Nov. 23, 1767, Vine Elderkin of Wind- ham, who d. Aug. 15, 1800, a?. 55. She d. Oct. 2, 1818, ae. 73. She had, 1. Harriet, b. Oct. 4, 1768, m. Dr. James Jackson of Manlius, N. Y., and d. Sept., 1809, se. 41; 2. Bela, b. Feb. 3, 1770, m., an 1 lived in Penn., d. 1851; 3. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 18, 1771 m. 1st, Feb. 1, 1796, Henry Clark of Manlius, N. Y.; m. 2d, Dr. James Jackson; (his 2nd wife, see above,) d. July, 1858; 4. Stephen Whitehead, b. Sept. 12, 1773, d. 1856; 5. Juliana, b. Jan. 20, 1776, m. Nov. 14, 1795, Timothy Staniford of Windham, d. Oct. 27, 1844; 6. Lucy, b. Nov. 27, 1778, m. - - Strong, d. 1819; 7. Charlotte, b. March 23, 1781, m. Charles Moseley. 4. Susanna, b. Oct. 21, 1746; d. unm., April 5, 1837, ae. 90. 5. Eunice, b. Jan. 7, 1749; m. 1st, May 15, 1771, Stephen Whitehead Hubbard. He grad. Yale Coll., 1766, and d. Sept. 1, 1771, 33. 24. She m. 2d, Capt. Joseph Bradley of N. H., and d. without issue, Dec. 31, 1799, se. 51. 90 Fifth Generation and Children. 6. Twin | b. March 6, 1750; both d. the same day. 7. sons, S 8. Hannah, b. Feb. 22, 1751; d. unm., Dec. 19, 1793, 3s. 42. 9. John, b. Oct. 3, 1752; grad. Yale College, 1774, settled in Windhara, and d. there, unm., July 17, 1810, &. 58. 10. Elisha, b. Sept. 16, 1754; m. Lois Webb. (153) 11. Sarah, b. Nov. 10, 1757; d. unm., Dec. 28, 1836, ae. 79. 12. Hulbah, b. April 17, 1760; m. July 18, 1784, Dr. John Barker. He grad. Yale College, 1777, was a physician in Newbern, N. C., 1785 to 1788, rem. to Windham, Conn., in 1788, to New Haven in 1795, and d. there, Feb. 24, 1813, as. 55. She d. Sept. 19, 1848. She had, 1. Julia, b. Nov. 25, 1786, d. unm., June 22, 1855, ae. 68; 2. A daughter, b. July 2, 1788, "was washed out of her mother's arms, in a storm at sea," July 23, 1788; 3. John, b. March 17, '1791, d. atsea, unm., Aug. 26, 1820, ae. 29; 4. Charlotte, b. May 13, 1795, d. June 24, 1803; 5. Charles, b. July 4, 1799, d. unm., in N. Y. city, Sept. 4, 1822, aa. 23; 6. William, b. June 8, 1802, m. Clarissa Cutler, and d. in N. Carolina, Oct. 25, 1833, %. 31; 7. George W., b. Feb. 9, 1805, m. Sarah Phelps, and d. in Waverly, 111.,- Nov. 22, 1843, se. 38. 13. Dyer, b. May 20, 1762; m. Susanna Whittelsey and others. -(154) 71. Dea. John White, son of Capt. John, (27) was born in New Haven, May 19, 1722. He settled as a farmer in Wood- bridge, Conn., then the Society of Amity, in the town of Mil- ford, but removed to New Haven, where he died, Nov. 24, 1797, 2e. 75. He married, Dec. 27, 1744, Mary Dickerman of New Ha- ven, dau. of Isaac Dickerman and Mary Atwater. Children. 1. Sybil, b. Oct. 15, 1.745; m. 1st, Elisha Sanford of Woodbridge; m. 2d, Dea. Asa Goodyear of Hamden. She had, by her first husband, 1. Rachel, m. Zeri Downes; 2. Elisha, m. Margaret Tolles; 3. Esther, m. Jared Sperry; 4. Huldah, d.; 5. Sybil, m. - - Sperry; 6. Amos, m. Atwater; 7. Lucretia; 8. Lucy, m. Sperry. 2. Timothy, b. Oct. 21, 1747; m. 1st, ; 2d, Mercy Clark. (155) 3. Hannah, b. Nov. 13, 1749; m. Robert Townsend of New Haven, and d. Sept. 20, 1803, a?. 54. He d. Nov. 19, 1806, ae. 59. She had, 1. Amos, m. Sarah Howe; 2. Polly, m. Amos Benedict; 3. Larmon, m. 1st, Hannah Gunn; m. 2d, Clarissa S. Byington. He d. May, 1858, 33. 81; 4. Betsey, d.; 5. Eli, m. Abigail Trowbridge; 6. Hannah, m. Feb. 4, 1807, Asa Bradley, 7. Nancy, m. Augustus Maltby; 8. William, m. Harriet Ford. 4. Mary, bap. Jan. 5, 1752; d. in infancy. 5. Amos, bap. Mar. 10, 1755; prob d. young. 6. John, bap. July 11, 1756; m. Anna Bostwick. (156) 7. Mary, bap. Feb. 11, 1759; m. Timothy Gorham of N. H., and d. without issue. 8. Elisha, bap. Jan. 21, 1761; d. unm., se. about 20. Descendants of Nathaniel White. ' 91 9. Susanna, b. 1763; m. Jonathan Brigden of N. H., and d. in 1846, se. 83. She had, 1. John, m. Harriet Augur; 2. Betsey, m. John Sabin; 3. Polly, m. John Tonlinson; 4. Grace, m. Alfred Clarke; 5. Daniel, d.; 6. Harriet, m. Pitner; 7. Asenth, m. Lewis Kimberly. 10. Isaac, b. ; d. about 1780. This is inserted on the authority of a tradition which is somewhat obscure. 11. Rebecca, b. 1772; m. Merrit Carrington of N. H., and d. in 1844, a?. 72. She had, 1. Mary, m. Enos A. Prescott; 2. John, d.; 3. Rebecca, m. Roger S. Prescott. 72. Moses White, eldest son of Dea. Isaac, (28) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., Aug. 22, 1727. He was a hat- ter by trade, and spent the greatest part of his life in his native place, but sometimes resided in other towns. He was living in Guilford, 1752 to 1755, in Chatham in 1783, and is said to have been living in Killingworth, just before he removed, in his old age, to Newport, New Hampshire, to a house near that of his son James. He died about 1812, se. about 85. "He died very suddenly, while standing, con- versing with his son." He married, Oct. 12, 1749, Huldah Knowles, of Hartford. She is said to have lived to old age, with her son James, and with her youngest daughter. Children. 1. Huldah, b. Feb. 10, 1751; m. Feb. 22, 1776, Nathaniel Eells, (see in Fam. 23.) She d. in Skaneateles, N. Y., having had, Nathaniel, Huldah, Richard, Sylvester, Clarissa, Susan, and Horace. 2. Isaac, b. Oct 14, 1752; m. Thankful Clark. (157) 3. Ruth, b. 1754; m. June 29, 1778, Joseph Ranney of Up. Mid., and d. Jan. 20, 1824, ae. 69. He d. Jan. 30, 1835, as. 83. She had, 1. Henry, b. Sept. 10, 1778, d. June 16, 1801, ss. 22; 2. Rebecca, b. Sept. 24, 1780, m. 1st, John Edwards; m. 2d, May 15, 1810, Capt. Thomas White; (Fam. 178;) 3. Mary, b. April 3, 1783; 4. Moses, b. Dec. 22, 1785, d. Feb. 7, 1812, ae. 26; 5. Joseph, b. Nov. 27, 1788, d. Feb. 14, 1806, ae. 17; 6. Calvin, b. April 15, 1791, d. Aug. 16, 1818, a?. 27; 7. Norman, b. April 22, 1793, d. Oct. 9. 1825, ae. 32; 8. Harvey, b. April 14, 1795, d. in Charleston, S. C., Aug. 23, 1819, ae. 24. 4. Moses, b. 1757; m. Melitta Porter. ... (158) 5. Roderick, bap. Mar. 18, 1759; "he went to sea during the War, and was never heard from." 6. James, bap. Feb. 1, 1761; m. Tirzah Taylor. (159) 7. Calvin, b. Dec. 17, 1762; m. 1st, P. Camp; 2d, J. Mardenbrough. (160) (The fam. rec. says, b. Dec. 17, 1763; but a Calvin was bap. Dec. 19, 1762.) 8. Roxana, bap. Sept. 30, 1764; m. Stephen Root, a farmer, of South- ington, Ct. 9. Elisha, bap. Sept. 21, 1766; m. Honor Sumner. - - (161) 10. A child, b. Feb., 1769; d. day of birth; buried Feb. 9. 92 Fifth Generation and Children. 11. Lucretia, b. Mar. 5, 1773; m. Nov. 17, 1797, Walter Cooley, (see in Fam. 13.) He was living in Charlestown, N. H., in 1858. She d. Jan. 3, 1849, as. 75. She had, 1, Sally, b. June 13, 1799, d. Sept. 19, 1803; 2. Simeon Olcott, b. Dec. 12, 1801, m. April 11, 1824, Harriet Lovell of Rockingham, Vt.; 3. Sally L., b. June 14, 1804, m. Elis Cady of Hartland, Vt., and d. Dec. 19, 1836, ae. 32. He d. Feb. 28, 1849. 73. Elias White, son of Dea. Isaac, (28) was born in Upper Middletown, May 5, 1734. He lived in his native place, and died there, Jan. 27, 1800, a3. 65. He married, Nov. 13, 1760, Prudence Savage of Up. Mid., dau. of Joseph and Prudence Savage. She was born July 3, 1737, and died at Whitestown, N. Y. Children. 1. Sibbil, b. Oct. 28, 1761; m. Nov. 28, 1782, Leveret Bishop of Guil- for3, Conn., a ship-carpenter. 2. Mary Savage, b. June 8, 1763; m. May 16, 1782, William Cheney Gaylord, a mason, who d Nov. 29, 1825, ss. 66. She d. at Roch- ester, N. Y., March 15, 1828, ss. 64. She had, (bap. at Up. Mid.,) 1. Mary, bap. Nov. 6, 1785, m. Paul Abbott, and d. Sept. 2, 1809, aa. 26; 2. Sally, bap. Nov. 6, 1785; 3. Vester, [Sylvester?] bap. Nov. 26, 1786; 4. Lucy, bap. Feb. 10, 1788; 3. Nancy, bap. Feb. 14, 1790, m. Seth Dowd of Mid. and d. at Utica, N. Y.; 6. Milly, bap. Feb. 26, 1792, m. 1st, - - Clark; m. 2d, an Episcopal clergyman in Western N. Y.; 7. Cynthia, bap. Mar. 23, 1800, m. William McKee, of Up. Mid., of Brooklyn, N. Y.; 8. Amanda, m. Smith, now of Oswego, N. Y. 3. Reuben, b. Mar. 10, 1765; d. about June, 1783, "in prison at New York," (Dr. Field's His. Disc., p. 75.) 4. Edmund, b. Oct. 15, 1766; d. Aug. 24, 1782, ae. 15. It is said that he was taken sick oh board a man-of-war, but d. at home. 5. Comfort, bap. Nov. 6, 1768; was a ship-carpenter, and d. tinm., at Demarara, S. A. 6. Joseph, b. ; m. Matty Hasgill. (162) 7. Prudence, bap. Jan. 31, 1773; m. Dea. Joseph Blake, of Whitestown, N. Y., and d. about 1825. She had, 1. Emily; 2. Edmund, d.; 3. Lucy. 8. Elias, b. ; m. (163) 9. Isaac, b. June 22, 1780; m. Priscilla Plumb. - - - (164) IN THE LINE OF JACOB WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 74. Samuel White, son of Thomas, (30) was born in East Middletown, Conn., Nov. 30, 1729. He settled in North Cov- entry, Conn., and died there, about May, 1785, ae. 55. He married, March 14, 1756, Mrs. Rachel Tilden of Cov- Descendants of Nathaniel White. 93 entry, Widow of Joshua Tilden. She died about Aug., or Sept., 1790. Children. 1. Samuel, b. Nov. 5, 1757; m. Rachel Porter. - - - - (165) 2. Lemuel, b. Dec. 30, 1758; m. Anna Brigham. - - - (166) 3. Experience, b. April 2, 1760; m. James Dunham, of N. Cov., and d. about 1818. He d. March 23, 1855, st>. 91. She had, 1. Sophia, m. Horace Thompson of Mansfield, Conn.; 2. Samuel, m. and d.; 3. William, d.; 4.i Alpheus ; 5. Mason; d. unm.; 6. Ebenezer; 7. Timothy. 4. Timothy, b. March 8, 1764; m. Margaret Gurley. - - " (167) 75. Jacob White, son of Thomas, (30) was born in Leb- anon, (Andover Society,) Conn., Jan. 20, 1736. He was a cooper, and lived in Tolland, Conn., until about 1780, when he removed to Torrington, Conn., where he died Feb. 15, [10?] 1788, . 52 He married, Nov. 5, 1761, Annar Lothrop of Coventry, She died in Burke, Vt., Oct. 26, 1822, a3. 80. Her death was caused by her clothes taking fire. Children. 1. Dan, b. Sept. 22, 1762; m. Rowene Wilson. - - - (168) 2. Thomas, b. Nov. 28, 1764; m. Jedidah Baldwin. - - (169) 3. Jacob, b. Aug. 28, 1768; m., and had four sons. He lived in Romulus, N. Y., till about 1826, when he rem. to Michigan. 4. Lucinda, b. Sept. 19, 1771; d. in Burke, Vt. 5. Anna, b. May 8, 1774; m. 1st, May 26, 1793, Jabez Bearksley, who d. Aug. 1, 1813; m. 2d, John Vanduzee of W. Sandlake, N. Y., who d. in Bath, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. She is still living, at W. Sand- lake. She had, by her first husband, 1. Edwin, b. Aug. 20, 1794, d. Aug. 1, 1813; 2. Edwy, b. Aug. 13, 1806, d. Aug. 5, 1807; 3. Chloe Ann, b. Jan. 1, 1809, d. Jan. 18, 1829, ae. 20; 4. William Henry, b. Sept. 20, 1812, d. Sept. 7, 1814. 6. Elam, b. April 14, 1778; was twice married. - - (170) 76. Henry White, son of Thomas, (30) was born in An- dover, Conn., in the town of Lebanon, June 1, 1739. He settled in Gilsum, N. H., but removed to Tunbridge, or the adjoining town of Royalton, Vt., where he was living in 1798. He and his wife were among the members of the church that was gathered in Gilsum in 1772. He married Sarah . Children. 1. Henry. 3. Silas. 2. Olive. 4. Thomas, bap. about 1785. These were baptized at Gilsum; no dates on the Church Record. 94 Fifth Generation and Children. 77. Silas White, son of Thomas, (30) was born in An- dover, Conn., May 18, 1745. He was a carpenter, and settled in Torrington, (Torringford Society,) Conn., where he died in the fall of 1802, se. 57. He was for three years a revol- utionary soldier. He married, 1st, 1770, Mary Birge of Torrington, dau. of John Birge and Mary Kellogg. She was born Oct. 31, 1752, and died April 20, 1790, se. 37. He married, 2d, Hannah Scoville. After his death, she removed to the State of New York, with her son. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Silas, b. 1772; m. Elizabeth Plumb. - - (171) 2. Roswell, b. Jan. 27, 1778; m. 1st, Abi Northway; 2d, Mary Sawyer. (172) 3. A child, b. ; d. Dec. 12, 1782. 4. Chauncey, b. Sept. 11, 1783; m. 1st, Betsey Plumb; 2d, Mrs. M. Taylor. - (173) 5. Brainard, b. May 5, 1786; m. Eliza Stedman. - - - (174) 6. A child, b ; d. June 19, 1789. 7. Orrin, b. ; d. in childhood. 8. A child, b. -; d.-Feb. 14, 1795. 9. A child, b. ; d. Feb. 19, 1795. There were 4 daughters by the first marriage; probably the children who d. young, names not recorded. Children; By the Second Marriage. 10. Lester, b. about 1796; rem. to the State of N. Y. 11. Orrin, b. ; perhaps the Origin, who d. July 15, 1804, se. 6. 12. Percy, b 13. A daughter, b. ; d. young. Order of this family uncertain. 78. Joel White, son of Thomas, (30) was born in North Coventry, Conn., Oct. 20, 1750. He settled in Blanford, Mass., but in 1803 removed with his family to Russia, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he died May 3, 1826, se. 75. He was a wheelwright. He married Sarah Osborn of Blanford. She was born April 7, 1757, and died May 19, 1840, se. 83. Children. 1. Gershom, b. May 28, 1775; m. Sally Parks. - - - (175) 2. Thomas, b. May 28, 1777; d. Sept. 8, 1781. 3. Joel, b. Feb. 28, 1779; m. Isabel Stewart -- - - (176) 4. Sally, b. Oct. 23, 1780; d. Sept. 17, 1781. 5. Sally, b. July 17, 1782; d. Sept. 22, 1794, as. 12. 6. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 9, 1784; d. Sept. 25, 1794, as. 9. 7. Silas, b. Nov. 13, 1786; d. Sept. 18, 1794, as. 1. 8. Clarissa, b. Dec. 15, 1788; m. Philander McMaster of Russia, who d. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 95 She lives in R. She has had, 1. Rufus, m. - - Stephens; 2. Sally, m. Johnson Fanning of R.; 3. Orrilla Pauline, m. Phillips; 4. Margaret, m. 1839, - - Coventry, and d. 1842; 5. Joel, m. Macomber, and rem. west; 6. Mary; 7. Betsey, m. John Clark of R.; 8. Caroline, m. - - Coventry, her sister's hus- band; 9 John lives in R.; 10. Harriet. 9. Hannah, b. Dec. 19, 1790; d. Sept. 25, 1794. 10. Orrilla, b. June 9, 1793; m. Gilbert Gardner of Russia, now of Gouverneur, N. Y. She has had, 1. Sally; 2. Joel. 11. Polly Anna, b. Dec. 2, 1795; d. unm., March 18, 1825, ae. 29. 12. Corintha, b. Jan. 2, 1798; m. 1818, Sidney Gardner of Russia, and d. March 1, 1842, ss. 44. He is d. She had, 1. Permelia; 2. Lucinda; 3. Orrilla 4. Emily; 5. Harriet; 6. Franklin. 79. Jacob White, son of John, (31) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., Nov. 7, 1737. He settled there, and died Jan. 5, 1789, ae. 51. (So the Church record: on grave- stone, 1788.) He married, Nov. 25, 1760, Lucy Savage, (Lucia, on the town record.) She was the dau. of Joseph and Prudence Savage of Up. Mid. ; was born July 16, 1741, and died Aug. 20, 1812, se. 71. Children. 1. Elizabeth, bap. Nov. 29, 1761; d. unm., Sept., 1846, se. 84. 2. Lucy, bap. May 1, 1763; d. May 28, 1763. 3. Martha, bap. Oct 14, 1764; d. May 26, 1783, ss. 18. 4. John, b. . ; m. Ruth Ranney. ... - (177) 5. Lucy, bap. July 19, 1767; d. May 28, 1773. 6. Jacob, bap. April 7, 1771; was drowned, Aug. 29, 1819, ae. 48, was unm. 7. Thomas, b. June 10, 1773; m. 1st, Katharine Keith; 2d, R. Edwards. (178) 8. Catharine, b. 1775; d. unm., April 8, 1807, ss. 32. 9. Lucy, b. ; m. Nov. 27, 1794, Freeman Collins of Up. Mid.; her cousin; (see Fam. 31.) He d. March 11, 1809, ss. 42. She had, 1. Freeman, bap. Sept. 18, 1796; 2. Lucy, bap. May 13, 1798, d. Dec. 17, 1814, ss. 17; 3. Ezekiel, bap. Oct. 12, 1800, was "killed at a cider mill," Sept. 5, 1805; 4. George Henry; bap. June 3, 1804, d. Jan. 6, 1816, ss. 12. 10. Lemuel, b. Dec. 20, 1776; m. Abigail Bartlett and others. (179) 11. Luther, bap. July 18, 1779; d. in youth, in the West Indies. 12. Alexander, b. Mar. 6, 1782; m. Abigail Beadle. - (180) 13. Asa, bap. Aug. 15, 1784; m. Mehitable White. - - (181) IN THE LINE OF JOSEPH WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 80. William White, son of Ebenezer, (32) was born in Upper Middletown, Sept. 10, 1742. He was much in the service of the town, being chosen a constable of Middletown 96 Fifth Generation and Children. in 1769, 1771, and from 1778 to 1785, and a selectman in 1786 and 1787. He died May 11, 1790, se. 47. He married, Feb. 5, 1785, Mrs. Abigail Stow, widow of Jonathan Stow, and dau. of John Eells. After his death, she married 3d, March 21, 1793, Capt. William Sage of Up. Mid., who died Nov. 8, 1833, se. 85. She died Jan. 19, 1831, se. 80. Children. 1. William, b. Jan. 19, 1786; d. at New London, Conn., on his return from sea, Nov. 21, 1803, se. 17. He was buried at New London. 2. Joseph, b. March 14, 1788; m. Esther C. Morell. - - (182) 81. Elizur White, son of Ebenezer, (32) was born in Upper Middletown, Feb. 19, 1750. He was a merchant in Middletown city, but removed to Canaan, Conn., and after- wards with his sons Elizur and Joseph, to Granville, Wash- inton Co., N. Y., where he died. He married Hannah Cooper, dau. of Lamberton Cooper of Middletown. She died about 1830. Children. 1. Elizur, b. July 1, 1770; m. Hannah Savage. - - - (183) 2. Joseph, bap. Feb. 6, 1774; rem. to Granville, and d. there unm., about 1813, ae. 39. 3. Hannah, bap. Jan. 28, 1776; m. Joseph Ballery, rem. to Grand Isle, Vt., and d. several years since. 4. William, b. 1777; m. 1st, Grace Savage; 2d, Fanny Stock- ing. (184) 5. Elizabeth, bap. Jan. 18, 1778; m. Col. Nathaniel Frank of Gran- ville. She had, 1. Shipman, d.; 2. Hannah, lives in 111.; 3. Nath- aniel, lives in Iowa; 4. Elizur, d.; 5. Andrew, lives in 111.; 6. Joseph, d.; 7. Eliza Ann. 6. Ebenezer, b. 1781; m. Elizabeth Sage. - (185) DESCENDANTS OF JOHN WHITE, JUNIOR. 82. Asa White, son of Capt. Jonathan, (34) was born in Hebron, Conn., Nov. 6, 1743. He was a farmer there, but about 1783 removed to Windham, Conn., where he died about May, 1820, ae. 75. His will, dated June 5, 1819, names all his eight children. He married, 1st, May 8, 1765, Mary Bingham of Wind- ham, who died March 25, 1804. He married, 2d, April 7, 1805, Hannah Cutler, who sur- vived him. Descendants of John White, Junior. 97 Children; By the First Marriage. 1. John, b. Feb. 5, 1766; m. Chloe Smith. - (186) 2. Mary, b. July 3, 1768; m. April 2, 1789, Timothy Warner Hebard of Windham, and d. Nov., 1843, ae. 75. She had, 1. Henry, b. Oct. 22, 1790, lives in Ithica, N. Y.; 2. Lydia, b. Oct. 12, 1795; 3. Jeremiah, b. May 16, 1800, d. 1832. 3. Asa, b. Aug. 26, 1770; prob. d. unm. 4. Hannah, b. March 23, 1773; m. Feb. 11, 1796, Joseph Morse. They soon rem. to the State of N. Y., where he was a farmer. He d. March 30, 1834, ae. 65. She d. without issue, April 26, 1858, ae. 85. 5. Mehi table, b. Aug., 1775; m. June, 1796, Benjamin Simms of Canter- bury, Conn., who d. April 26, 1813, ae. 39. She d. April 18, 1820, ae. 44. She had, 1. John, b. 1798, m. 1823, Julia Treby of New London, Conn., and was lost at sea, Jan., 1825; 2. Hannah M., b. Dec. 31, 1800, m. 1831, Charles Droz of New York, who d. 1842; 3. Ralph, b. Sept., 1802, is a merchant in Newville, Herkimer Co., N. Y. He m. June, 1824, Amanda Wilcox; 4. Mary, b. Aug. 4, 1805, m. Jan., 1830, Isaac L Moor e of West Windfield Herkimer Co., N. Y.; 5. Nelson, b. Jan., 1807, m. Margaret Monk. 6. Jeremiah, b. June 8, 1780; m. Sally Bottom and others. - (187) 7. Sarah, b. Nov. 10, 1782; m. - - Herrick, and d. about 1825, leav- ing children. 8. Ralph, b. March 19, 1785; m. and had three children. 83. Thomas Wells White, son of Rev. David, (35) was born in Hardwick, Mass., Aug. 12, 1739. He graduated at Harvard College in 1759, and settled as a merchant in Hard- wick. About 1776 he removed to Barnard, Vt., and was the first town clerk of Barnard, from 1778 to 1785. In the fall of 1799 he removed to Ohio, and the next spring settled in Roxbury, now Waterford, Washington Co. He lived there with his son David, and his daughter Susanna, and died Sept. 3, 1815, Ee. 76. He married, Naomi Wright of Northfield, Mass., who died in Barnard, Vt., in 1799. She was perhaps the dau. of Phineas Wright, and born in 1746. Children. 1. David, b. Dec. 4, 1765; m. Patta Cheadle and others. - (188) 2. Thomas, b. July 26, 1767; m. Joanna Samson. - (189) 3. Theodosia, b. Aug. 19, 1769; m. Stephen Ellis of Barnard, and had two sons, Stephen and David. 4. Naomi, b. Sept. 13, 1771; m. 1792, John Cheadle. They went to Ohio with her father, and settled in Windsor, Morgan Co., where she d. Feb., 1816, ae. 44. He d. Sept. 9, 1823, se. 51. She had, 1. Electa, b. May, 1793, m. 1814, James Davis, and d. Nov., 1850, ae. 57; 2. Pamelia, b. July, 1795, m. Jacob Nulton, now of Greene Co , 111.; 3. John, b. Nov. 23, 1797; 4. Rial, b. Sept., 1801, m. 1819, 98 Fifth Generation and Children. Mary Tuft, and lives in Morgan Co.; 5. Oilman, b. March, 1807, Susannah Rockey, and lives in Fulton Co., O. 5. Rhoda, b. Oct. 17, 1773; m. Jonathan Fay of Barnard, and rem. to Salina, N. Y. They are both dead. She had, 1. Rozanna; 2. Austin, d. about 1847; 3. Marietta. 6. Sally, b. Feb. 11, 1776; m. George Clapp of Bar.nard, and had several children. The family rem. to the State of N. Y. 7. Susanna, b. Dec. 28, [1778?]; m. Charles Swift, a farmer. They rem. to Ohio in 1800, and settled in Waterford. She d. Oct. 28, 1825, ae. 46. He m. again thrice, and June 26, 1855, ae. 79. She had, 1. Whitfield, b. Oct. 19, 1799, d. Aug. 27, 1818, a*. 18; 2. Phebe, b. Oct. 6, 1801, m. 1st, Isaac Ross; 2nd, Charles Davis, and d. July 7, 1829, ss. 27; 3. Fanny, b. June 18, 1806, d. Sept. 27, 1823, ae. 17; 4. Charles, b. Aug. 27, 1807, m. July 21, 1831, Amy Andrews. He and his brothers are farmers in Waterford; 5. Ira, b. May 20, 1811, d.; 6. Eunice; d.; 7. Guy, b. April 14, 1813, m. 1836, Mary Hinkley; 8. Lyman, b. Dec. 13, 1815, m. Nov. 27, 1839, Sibil Webster; 9. Mary, b. Oct. 3, 1817, m. Daniel Emerson, and d.; 10. Rufus, b. May 19, 1820, m. Dec. 10, 1846, Elizabeth Balderson. 8. John, 1 b. 1783; m. Laura Rising. (190) 9. Fanny, ] Twins, m. 1817, Nathaniel Ripley of Weybridge, Vt , and d. March 22, 1824, ae. 41. 10. Olcott, b. Jan. 9, 1786; m. Electa Abernethy. - - - (191) 11. Samuel, b. 1789; m. Eunice Emerson. ... (192) DESCENDANTS OF LIEUT. DANIEL WHITE. 84. Daniel White, son of Capt. Daniel, (36) was born in Hatfield, Mass., Dec. 28, 1726. He settled there; was con- stable in 1757, and perhaps held other offices. In 1777 he was a member of the "Committee of Correspondence, In- spection, and Safety." He died Aug. 13, 1805, SB. 78. He married, 1754, Submit Morton of Hatfield. She died July 21, 1798, ss. 71. Children. 1. Sarah, b. March 6, 1755; m. March 24, 1780, Lt. Samuel Smith of Hat., who d. Oct. 26, 1834, ae. 83. She d. Dec. 7, 1843, ae. 88. She had, 1. Sarah, b. Dec. 23, 1780; 2. Clarissa, b. Aug. 16, 1783; 3. Fanny, b. June 17, 1787, m. William Dickson, and d. Feb., 1853, ae. 65; 4. Samuel, b. Dec. 20, 1792; 5. Asenath, b. April 19, 1794; 6. William, b. Sept. 5, 1797, d. 1798. 2. Lucy, b. Aug. 23, 1757; m. Jan. 26, 1779, Elijah Smith of Hat., who d. Nov. 30, 1829, ae. 73. She d. June 9, 1839, x. 81. She had, 1. Charles, b. Feb. 21, 1782, d. young; 2. Erastus, b. Jan. 14, 1784, d. Jan., 1858, ae. 74; 3. Mary; 4. Charles, b. Jan. 17, 1787, d. June, 1857, ae. 70; 5. Lucy, b. April 28, 1789; 6. Elijah, b. Aug. 7, 1791, d. unm. 3. Hannah, b. June 8, 1759; m, June 22, 1780, Elisha Hubbard, of Hatfield and Williamsburg. He kept a public house in W., and was town clerk. He d. May 17, 1843, ae. 84. She d. March 27, 1824, Descendants of Daniel White. 99 ze. 64. She had, 1. Lucinda, b. Aug. 27, 1780, lives in W.; 2. Sally, b. Oct. 10, 1782, d. Oct 11; 3. Jeremiah, b. Oct. 10, 1783, d. Nov. 25, 1786; 4. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 24, 1786, d. May 18, 1850, ae. 63. He m. Feb. 25, 18*13, Huldah Nash of W., now living there; 5. Elisha, b. Sept. 29, 1789, grad. at Williams College, 1811, settled as a lawyer in W., and several times represented the town in the Legislature. He d. unm., Aug. 30, 1853, ae. 64; 6. Erastus, b. Feb. 27, 1792, m. 1818, Wealthy Amanda Mayhew, who d. Feb. 3, 1849, se. 51. He d. Sept. 14, 1850, ae. 58; 7. Hannah, b. July 4, 1794, d. ae. 7; 8. Lucretia, b. Dec. 25, 1796, m. Jan. 5, 1815, Walker Price of W.; 9. Sally, b. Sept. 7, 1799, m. 1818, Moses Putney; lived in Monroe Co., N. Y. She d. 1838, ae. 39. He d. 1840; 10. Hannah, b. Oct., 1800. 4. Eunice, b. Oct. 10, 1761; m. March 1, 1789, Amasa Wells of Hat., who d. June 12, 1816, ae. 54. She d. April 28, 1824, ae. 62. She had, 1. Horace, b. June 8, 1789, Dolly Taylor; 2. Cephas, b. June 21, 1791, m. Betsey Edwards; 3. Barnabas, b. May 20, 1793, m. 1st, Sophia Parsons; 2d, Mrs. Coney; 3d, Louisa Wood; 4. Hannah, b. Aug. 26, 1795, m. Jan. 28, 1823, Joseph Smith of Hat.; (see in Fam. 86;) 5. Elisha, b. April 29, 1797, m. Jan. 14, 1823, Louisa Field of Conway, Mass. 5. Submit, b. March 28, 1764; m. Feb. 19, 1783, Nathan Bliss of Hat., who d. 1813. She d. Aug. 8, 1840, ae. 76. She had, 1. Charlotte, b. Aug. 17, 1783; 2. Harriet, b. May 12, 1785; 3. Martha, [Mat- ilda?] b. 1787; 4. Nancy, bap. Dec. 6, 1789; 5. Pamela, b. April 8, 1792; 6. Sylvester, bap. Jan. 20, 1799 6. Daniel, b. March 17, 1766; he was a physician; lived several years in Whitestown, N.-Y., but returned to Hatfield, and d. there, with- out issue, Jan. 26, 1848, ae. nearly 82. He m. 1st, March 8, 1796, Lucy Allis of Somers, Conn., who d. Jan. 7, 1814, ae. 47. He m. 2d, Sept. 27, 1815, [1814?] Lucy Burt, dau. of Nathaniel B. of Longmeadow, Mass. She was b. Sept. 30, 1773, and d. Dec. 15, 1833, ae. 60. He m. 3d, Sept. 2, 1834, Mrs. Elizabeth (Bancroft) White, widow of Cotton White. (Fam. 124.) She was b. in West- field, Mass., Nov. 8, 1787, and d. May 20, 1843, ae. 55. He m. 4th, Aug. 30, 1843, Mrs.'Sarah Burt, widow of Moses Burt, and dau. of Ebenezer Fitch of Hatfield. She was b. March 5, 1779, and was living in 1858. 7. Elijah, b. April 26, 1768; m. Mary Smith. (193) 8. John, b. Feb. 27, 1775; was baptized and died the same day. 85. Dea. Salmon White, son of Capt. Daniel, (36) was born in Bolton, Conn., where he was baptized Oct. 31, 1731. He settled in that part of Hatfield, Mass., which became the town of Whately. In 1764 he was chosen a constable in Hat- field. He was moderator of the first town meeting of Whate- ly, May 6, 1771, and was then chosen to the several offices of town clerk, treasurer, assessor, and selectman. He continued active in public affairs for a long time, and was a member of the third Provincial Congress, in Massachusetts. He was 100 Fifth Generation and Children. chosen a deacon of the Church in Whately, April 16, 1773. He died June 21, 1815, se. nearly 84. He married,Mary Wait, who died June 22, 1821, se. 90, or 91. She was perhaps the dau. of Joseph and Mary Wait of Hatfield, who was born Oct. 17, 1730: but the indentity is not certainly ascertained. Children. 1. Salmon, b. Sept. 22. 1760; m. 1st, Lydia Amsden; 2d. Mrs. Anna Allis. (194) 2. John, b. Jan. 9, 1762; m. Elizabeth Brown. - (195) 3. Mary, b. Jan. 24, 1764; m. March 24, 1785, Ebenezer Arms, jun., of Greenfield, Mass., who d. July 6, 1812, ae. 52. She d. in Prattsburg, Steuben Co., N. Y., Dec. 26, 1837, ae. 73. She had, 1. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 8, 1787; m. 1st, James Gould, of Gill, Mass.; m. 2d, Josiah Allis of Prattsburg, N. Y. She is a widow, and lives in Fredonia, N. Y.; 2. Chester, b. Sept. 13, 1789, is a farmer in Greenfield, Mass. He m. Dec. 10, 1816, Rebecca Goodman; 3. Mary, b. Jan. 12, 1791, m. Rev. William Goodale, now of Auburn, N. Y., and d. Sept. 14, 1850, se. 59; 4. Harriet, b. Sept. 3, 1792, m. Gen. Thomas Gilbert, of Amherst, Mass., and d. Feb. 13, 1837, se. 44; 5. Eroe, b. June 21, 1794, m. Jan. 1, 1822, Eurotas Hastings, (see below,) and d. Nov. 24, 1853, se. 59. He d. May 22, 1858, se. 68; 6. A dau., b. June 8, 1798, d. same day; 7. Ebenezer White, b. Dec. 30, 1799, d. Aug. 29, 1802; 8. Sophia, b. Sept. 8, 1802, m. Jan. 1, 1840, William A. Van Vranken of Geneva, N. Y.; 9. Ebenezer White, b. March 29, 1805, grad. Yale Coll., 1828, and is a lawyer in Aurora, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He m. Nov. 12, 1835, Lydia Avery of Aurora; 10. Roger Newton, b. Oct. 19, 1806, m. Lucretia Jane Taylor of Lansingburgh, N. Y., and d. in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 16, 1852, se. 46. 4. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1766; m. Oct. 31, 1787, Perez Hastings of Hat- field, who d. March 11, 1822, se. 67. She d., having had, 1. Eliza- beth, b. Nov. 15, 1788, m. June, 1814, Horace Hastings, a merchant in Geneva, N. Y. She d. Aug. 15, 1837, se. 48; 2. Eurotas, b. May 15, 1790, was a banker at Buffalo, N. Y., and d. May 22, 1858, se. 68. He m. Jan. 1, 1822, Eroe Arms of Greenfield; his cousin; (see above). She d. Nov. 24, 1853, se. 59; 3. Electa, b. Jan. 15, 1792, m. July 4, 1816, Dr. David Field, of Geneva, N. Y., who d. Feb. 14, 1855,39.72; 4. Perez, b. May 29, 1794, was a merchant in Geneva, N. Y., and d. Apr. 26, 1852, se. 58. He m. May, 1822, Eunice Hastings. 5. Mercy, b. March 3, 1768; m. Nov. 14, 1798, Asahel Wright, jun., of Deerfield, Mass., who d. April 10, 1828, ae. 60. She d. Aug. 25, 1842, ae. 74. She had, 1. Miranda, b. Sept. 10, 1799, m. Oct. 17, 1821, J. A. Saxton of D., and d. Nov. 28, 1844, se. 45; 2, Luke, b. Nov. 27, 1801, lives in D. He m. Nov. 21, 1832, Mary Ann Stebbins; 3. Lucy, twin with Luke, d. 1805; 4. George, b. Nov. 25, 1803, lives in D. He m. Nov. 27, 1834, Martha Hawks; 5. Lucy, b. Sept. 17, 1805, m. June 26, 1825, Isaac Gere of Williamburg, Mass., now of Oxford, Butler Co., Ohio; 6. Mary White, b. Dec. 17, 1810, d. Apr. 4. 1814. 6. Judith, b. Dec. 29, 1770; was for more than twenty years a highly successful teacher in Whately. She d. unm., April 18, 1824, ae. 53. 7. Thomas, b. April 12, 1773; m. Hannah Harwood. - - (196) Descendants of Daniel White. 101 8. Electa, b. Sept. 22, 1775; m. Nov. 27, 1800, Josiah Allis of East Whately. (see Fam. 174;) a farmer, and has held various offices. She d. April, 1859, ae. 83. He survives her. She had, 1. Salmon White, b. Nov. 27, 1801; is a hotel proprietor at New Haven, Conn. He m. 1824, Emily Stockbridge of Whately; 2. Josiah, b. July 17, 1803, is a farmer in E. W. He m. April 13, 18-26, Eliza White; (see Fam. 197;) 3. Lydia, b. Dec. 1, 1805; res. in E. W., 4. Judith, b. Nov. 8, 1807, m. 1833, Dr. Myron Harwood of Whately 86. Lieut. Elihu White, son of Capt. Daniel, (36) was born in Bolton, Conn., in 1734. He settled in Hatfield, Mass., where he took a prominent part in public affairs, especially during the Revolutionary War. He was a select- man in 1771, 1778, 1779 and 1782. In May, 1775, Elihu White and John Dickinson were chosen to represent the town of Hatfield in the Provincial Congress to be held at Watertown, on the 31st of May. From 1776 to 1780 he was a member of the Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety. He died Dec. 23, 1793, se. 60. He married Zeruiah Cole, dau. of Ebenezer Cole of Hat- field. She married, 2d, Feb. 19, 1795, Capt. Perez Graves of Hatfield, who died Dec. 17, 1809. She was born Nov. 30, 1741, and died Dec. 13, 1820, se. 79. Children. 1. Electa, b. June 4, 1764; m. June 26, 1783, Benjamin Morton of H., and d. without issue, about 1835. 2. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 28, 1766; m. Mary Dickinson. - - (197) 3. Elihu, b. Dec. 17, 1767; m. Sarah Smith. (198) 4. Lois, b. Oct. 14, 1769; m. Feb. 19, 1789, Joseph Smith, 2d, of H., and d. Oct. 10, 1829, se. 60. He d. Jan. 2, 1836, as. 77. She had, 1. Austin, b. Oct. 8, 1790; 2. Joseph, b. April 1, 1792, m. Jan. 28, 1823, Hannah Wells; (see in Fam. 84;) 3. Elihu White, b. April 11, 1794, d. unm., Aug. 17, 1829, ae. 35; 4. Sophia, b. Aug. 27, 1796; 5. Harriet, b. 1800; 6. Miranda, b. Feb.<12, 1803, d.; 7.Louisa,d. 5. Anna, b. Dec. 14, 1771; m. Dec. 30. 1790, Elias Lyman of Hartford, Vt., one of the earliest cotton manufacturers in that State. He d. Nov. 22, 1830, ae. 62. She d. Feb. 11, 1844, ae. 72. She had, 1. Lewis, b. Dec. 17, 1791, m. March 1, 1821, Mary Blake Bruce of Boston, Mass., and d. Jan. 29, 1837, ae. 45; 2. Fanny, b. Aug. 26, 1793, m. Oct. 14, 1812, Charles Dodd of Hartford, Conn., and d. Feb. 26, 1816, ae. 22,; 3. Normand, b. Feb. 23, 1795, is a merchant in Hartford, Conn. He m. Dec. 27, 1824, Elizabeth Walker of Providence, R. I.; 4. Wyllys, b. May 5, 1797, res. in Burlington, Vt. He m. Sarah B. Marsh of Woodstock, Vt., now deceased; 5. Anna, b. Nov. 18, 1798, m. 1st, June 19, 1822, Charles Dodd of Hartford, Conn., (his 2nd wife; see above.) He d. May 21, 1844, se. 56. She m. 2d, April 18, 1855, Dr. James Spaulding of Mont- 102 Fifth Generation and Children. pelier, Vt., and d. Dec. 11, 1856, ae. 58. He d. march 15, 1858; 6. Elias, b. July 8, 1800, res. in Burlington He m. Cornelia Hall of' Troy, N. Y.; 7. Horace, b. March 16, 1802, d. Aug. 20, .1814, 33. 12; 8. Theodore, b. Oct. 27, 1803, d. ae. 18 hours; 9. Clementine, b. Sept. 19, 1804, m. Joseph F. Tilden, now of Galesburg, 111.; 10. George, b. April 6, 1806, res. in Hartford, Vt. He m. Dec. 30, 1828, Minerva Briggs of Rochester, Vt.; 11. Charles, b. Oct. 5, 1808, m. Maria Spaulding of Montpelier, where he res.; 12. Simeon, b. Aug. 16, 1810, m. Lucinda Hall of Troy, N. Y., and d. in Mont- pelier, Oct. 1, 1855, ae. 45. She res. in Burlington; 13. Hannah, b. July 7, 1813, m. George S. Kendrick of Lebanon, N. H., and d. March 14, 1857, ae. 43; 14. Jane, b. Aug. 7, 1816, m. Harvery King of Montpelier, and d. April 11, 1852, ae. 35. 6. Patty, b. Dec. 14, 1773; m. 1st, March 24, 1795, Elihu Robbins of Hat., who d. June 12, 1801, ae. 30; m. 2d, Elisha Clapp of Deer- field, Mass., who is d. She d. about 1856, having had, by her first husband, 1. A son, b. Oct. 26, 1795, d. in infancy; 2. Electa Morton, b. Nov. 1, 1796; 3. Mary Hatton, b. Jan. 13, 1799; 4. Nancy White b. March 3, 1801, m. May 18, 1824, Gerizim Morgan of Northfield, Mass. 7. Betsey, b. Jan. 28, 1776; [Jan. 27?] m. June, 1798, Wyllys J. Cad- well of Montpelier, Vt., who d. March 8, 1723, ae. 44. She d. Sept. 30, 1849, 33. 73. She had, 1, William W., b. May 12, 1799, lives in M. He m. Dec. 14, 1836, Elizabeth Oaks, who d. March 13, 1851; 2. Eliza, b. Feb. 27, 1801, d. Aug. 28, 1802; 3. Maria, b. Feb. 14, 1803, m. Sept. 10, 1827, Constant W. Storrs; 4. Almira, b. Feb. 10, 1805, m. Feb. 21, 1827, Epaphroditus Ransom; 5. Betsey, b. Dec. 14, 1806; 6. Julia Ann, b. Jan. 30, 1809, m. Oct. 16, 1833, Levi Spaulding, and d. at Derby, Vt., April 7, 1854, as. 45; 7. Lucy Ann, b. March 1, 1811, m. April 16, 1834, George P. Riker, who d. Aug. 1, 1851; 8. Elia Ann, b. July 28, 1813, m. Dec. 7, 1832, Joseph Hutchins. 8. Nabby, b. April 30, 1778; m. Aug., 1804, Isaac Freeman of Mont- pelier, who d. without issue, about 1848. 9. Jonathan Cole, b. Feb. 17, 1780; m. Cynthia Parkhurst. - (199) 87. Joel White, Jun., son of Capt. Joel, (38) was born in Bolton, Conn., December, 1727. He first settled as a farm- er in Coventry, Andover Society, but returned to Bolton about 1784. He died Dec. 27, 1809, ae. 82, having been blind for a few years previous to his death. He married Anne Loomis of Bolton, dau. of Jabez and Mary Loomis. She was born May 22, 1734, and died June 18, 1807, ae. 73. He had only one child, Jabez Loomis, b. Dec. 29, 1763; m. Elizabeth Wales. - - (200) This birth is recorded on the town records of Coventry. Descendants of Daniel White. 103 88. Lemuel White, son of Capt. Joel, (38) was born in Bolton, Nov. 6, 1736. It is believed that he was the one of that name who graduated at Yale College in 1759. He set- tled in East Hartford, Conn., and was probably a merchant. He occasionally held civil offices. He died May 4, 1780, se. 43. His inventory shows that he had acquired a good estate, and that he had loaned nearly $2,000, for earring on the War, to the United States and the State of Connecticut. He married, June 12, 1760, Martha Loomis of Bolton, dau. of Matthew Loomis and Martha Perkins. She married, 2d, Timothy Cheney, Esq., of Manchester, who died Sept, 27, 1795, se. 65. She was born March 2, 1740, and died Jan. 28, 1803, as. 63. Children. 1. Perseus, | b. Apr. 26, 1761; d. May 4, 1761. 2. Pericles, } Twins. d. June 19, 1775, ae. 14. 3. Lemuel, b. Nov. 1, 1762; m. 1st, Mary Buckland; 2d, Mary Wells. (201) 4. Martha, b. Feb. 9, 1764; m. Silas Chapman of East Hartford. She d. without issue, about 1812. He m. again, and died. 5. Clarissa, b. Aug. 11, 1766; was brought up in the family of her aunt Ely, at W. Springfield: (see Fam. 38.) She m. Nov. 4, 1793, Oliver P. Dickson of Pittsfield, Mass., and d. Dec. 15, [7?] 1847, ae. 81. He d. Dec., 1850, as. 80. She had, (all living in 1858,) 1. Clarissa White, b. April 12, 1797, m. 1st, May 15, 1821, Noah F. Willis of P., who d. June 16, 1825. She m. 2d, June 13, 1832, Titus Goodman of P., who rem. in 1848 to Dayton, Ohio. He d. July 31, 1857; 2. Martha Chapman, b. Jan. 22, 1800, m. Otis Peck of P.; 3. Elizabeth Lathrop, b. Feb. 15, 1802, m. April 15, 1830, Levi Fisk Claflen of Westhampton, Mass., now of Dayton, Ohio; 4. Israel, b. July 9, 1805, is a bookseller at La Fayette, Ind. He m. Jan. 11, 1841, Lucia Hawley of Norfolk, Conn., who d. June 18, 1857, as. 50. 6. Betsey, b. May 4, 1768; m. John Olcott, merchant, of Manchester, who d. June, 1833, se. 65. She d. June 23, 1847, ae. 79, having had, 1. Solomon, d. unm.; 2 .George, d. unm.; 3. John T., m. 1st, Mrs. Almina (Ingraham) Sage of Vernon, wid. of George Sage. She d. May 5, 1847, ae, 45. He m. 2d, Mrs. Hanover; 4. Elizabeth; 5. William. 7. William, b. July 18, 1769; supposed to have died at sea, unm. 8. John J., b. April 28, 1771; m. 1st, E. Shelton; 2d, C. L. Wood- bridge. - (202) 9. Solomon, b. March 21, 1773; d. 1793, se. 20. 10. Anne, b. Oct. 7, 1775; d. Aug. 11, 1776, se. 10 mos.; (1777, on grave-stone.) 11. Anne, b. Nov. 2, 1778; m. Col. Lebbeus P. Tinker, merchant, of Ver- non. He was for a long time town clerk of V., post-master, and justice of the peace. She d. without issue, Feb. 10, 1852, ae. 73. He d. April 29, 1852, ae. 81 years 8 mos. 104 Fifth Generation and Children. 89. Elijah White, Esq., son of Capt. Joel, (38) was born in Bolton, June 21, 1742. (So the town record; a family record says, June 25.) He was a merchant in that place, engaged in a very extensive and successful business. He took an active part in public affairs, particularly during the Revolution. He was probably the Lieut. Elijah White who marched to New York, with a company of thirty-seven men, in 1776. He was a selectman in 1777, 1778, and 1781, was town clerk from 1784 to 1789, was eleven times chosen one of the representatives to the Legislature, between 1785 and 1807, and was for a long time a justice of the peace. He died April 27, 1818, as. 76. The following is a fac- simile of his autograph. He married, Nov. 7, 1770, Eunice Day of West Springfield, Mass., dau. of Col. Benjamin Day and Eunice Morgan. She was born June 1, 1745, and died May 24, 1826, se. 81. Children. 1. Elijah, b. Nov. 14, 1771; d. July 15, 1777 2. Elihu, b. July 27, 1773; m. Sarah Trumbull. - - - (203) 3. Henry, b. April 18, 1775; d. July 28, 1777. 4. Sophia, b. Aug. 9, 1777; d. unm., Sept 15, 1801, ae. 24. 5. Eunice, b. July 6, 1779; m. March 7, 1821, Eliphalet Averill, a merchant, of Hartford; (his 2d wife.) She had one child, which d. in infancy. He d. March 8, 1842, ae. 65. She d. Jan. 19, 1845, as. 65. 6. Randolph, b. Jan. 30, 1782; d. June 20, 1783. 7. Elijah, b. Aug. 15, 1784; m. 1st, Electa Fox; 2d, Delia Sheldon. (204) 8. Julius, b. April 21, 1787; m. Lydia Day. - - (205) 90. Thomas White, son of Capt. Joel, (38) was born in Bolton, Feb. 2, 1746, and was a farmer there. He died Nov. 25, 1800, se. 54. He married, July 7, 1773, Ruth Talcott of Glastenbury, Conn., dau. of Dea. Elizur Talcott and Ruth Wright. She was born May 11, 1753, and died June 4, 1821, se. 68. Descendants of Daniel White. 105 Children. 1. Ruth, b. July 10, 1774; m. 1st, Nov. 29, 1792, Matthew Loomis, jun., of B. She m. 2d, Nov. 28, 1808, Richard Skinner of B. She d. Sept. 21, 1836, ae. 62. She had, by her first husband, 1. Russell, b. Nov. 27, 1793, was for many years a sea-captain. His 1st wife, Sally, d. April 7, 1834, se. 31. His 2d wife, Maria, d. June 26, 1844, E. 39; 2. Chester, b. July 17, 1795. 2. Amelia, b. April 14, 1776; m. March 23, 1796, Nathan Strong of B. They rem. to Berlin, Vt., and d. there. She d. about 1848. She had 1, Theodore, b. April 30, 1797; 2. Amelia, b. Feb. 4, 1800; 3. Julia White, b. Oct. 23, 1804; 4. Nathan Halsey, b. Nov. 18, 1807; 5. Lovina, b. Sept. 28, 1809. 3. Thomas, b. Oct. 27, 1778; m. Dorothy Hammond. - - (206) 4. Polly, b. March 20, 1782; m. May 11, 1802, Asa Talcott of Glasten- bury, and d. April 14, 1808, ae. 26. He m. again, and lives in G. She had, 1. Amelia, b. March 25, 1803, m. Nov. 7, 1847, Maj. David Hills of Hartford, who d. Oct. 18, 1856. She lives in G.; 2. South- mayd Stillman, b. Aug. 7, 1804, lives in Mendon, 111.; 3. Polly, b. Jan. 7, 1806, m. March 26, 1848, Henry Seymour of Hartford; 4. Asa, b. Aug. 7, 1807, m. March 30, 1831, Maria Grossman of G., and lives in Jacksonville, 111. 5. George, b. July 14, 1784; d. in Georgia, unm. 6. Theodore, b. June 25, 1787; d. March 29, 1797. 7. Asa, b. April 13, 1791; m. Eunice Scoville. - - - (207) 8. Julia, b. Jan. 30, 1795; d. Feb. 26, 1795. 91. Capt. Daniel White, youngest son of Capt. Joel, (38) was born in Bolton, Dec. 7, 1749. He settled in Coventry, Andover Society, upon the farm next south of that occupied by his half-brother Joel. He was well educated, intelligent, and highly esteemed. He frequently held town offices ; was five times chosen one of the selectmen of Coventry, and was a representative from that town at seven sessions of the Legislature, between 1787 and 1804. He died Sept. 1, 1816, ae. 66. The following is a fac-simile of his autograph in 1782. He married, Jan. 1, 1772, Sarah Hale of Glastenbury, Ct., dau. of Capt. Jonathan Hale, who died in the army, at Jamaica Plain, Mass., March 7, 1776, se. 58, and of Eliza- beth Welles. She was born Aug. 19, 1749, and died Dec. 30, 1812, se. 63. Children. 1. Daniel, b. July 14, 1773; m. Eunice Stanley. (208) 2. Sarah, b. Feb. 20, 1775; lived chiefly with her brother Daniel, and d. unm., Oct. 1, 1844, ae. 69. 106 Fifth Generation and Children. 3. Samuel, b. Feb. 23, 1777 ;*m. Wealthy Pomeroy. - - (209) 4. Jerusha, b. Jan. 27, 1779; d. unm., Sept. 23, 1800, ss. 21. 5. Fanny, b. Feb. 5, 1781; m. Oct. 17, 1802, Flavel Bingham of Andover. They rem. to Utica, N. Y., where she d. July 11, 1804, se 23. He d. Aug. 13, 1804, se. 23. Their only child, Flavel White, b. Nov. 8, 1803, was removed to Andover, after the death of his parents, and was brought up in the family of his maternal grandfather. He graudated at Union College, 1829, and settled as a lawyer in Cleveland, Ohio, where he now resides. He has been Mayor of the City, and Judge of the Probate Court. He m. May 27, 1835, Emeline Day, of Catskill, N. Y. 6. Electa, b. Feb. 20, 1783; m. May 18, 1808, Rev. Richard Williams. He was b. in Lebanon, Conn., April 17, 1780, grad. at Yale Coll- ege, 1802^ was pastor of the church in Brookfield, Conn., 1807 to 1811, in Cairo, Greene Co., N. Y., 1812 to 1816, and in Penn Yan, N. Y., 1820 to 1825. He also labored as a missionary in Central N. Y., and was for several years engaged in Bible distribution. He d. in Union Springs, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Nov. 15, 1844, se. 64. Mrs. Electa Williams d. in the same place, March 25, 1851, se. 68. She had, 1. Samuel White, b. April 1, 1809, res. in Norwick, Chen- ango Co., N. Y. He m. Jan. 26, 1834, Mary Marsh; 2. Sophia, b. Aug. 10, 1810, m. Sept. 12, 1833, Joshua Davis, now a farmer in Wheatland, Mich.; (P. O., Hudson, Lenawee Co.;) 3. Justin, b. May 1, 1813, is a merchant at Seneca Falls, N. Y.; 4. Electa, b. Jan. 15, 1816, m. Aug. 13, 1844, Benjamin P. Davis, a teacher, now of West Whiteland, Chester Co., Penn.; 5. Caroline Cornelia, b. Jan. 16, 1818, m. Sept. 22, 1842, William Anthony, now of Santa Cruz, Cal.; 6. Charles Cornelius, twin with the last, lives at Seneca Falls, N. Y. He m. Oct., 1850, E. Minerva Everts; 7. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 27, 1820, m. Sept. 14, 1854, Joseph Ruffner a farmer, of Santa Cruz, Cal.; 8. Harriet Aurelia, b. April 12, 1825, m. May 7, 1850, Isaac W. Allen, now a merchant at Seneca Falls; 9. Richard, b. July 28, 1828, lives in Santa Cruz, Cal. He m. Dec. 30, 1857, Isabella Pollard. 7. Calvin, b. March 16, 1786; d. unm., April 29, 1809, se. 23. 92. Dudley White, son of Capt. Elisha, (39) was born in Bolton, Conn., Jan. 8, 1741. He lived in Killing-worth, (now Clinton,) Conn., was a goldsmith, and also practiced various other kinds of handicraft. He died March 27, 1811, se. 70. He married Thankful Murray of East Guilford, now Maison.) She died May 20, 1826, se. 84. Children. 1. William, b. July 19, 1760; m. Juliana Pierson. - (210) 2. Elisha, b. Dec. 2, 1762; m. Abigail Bates. (211) 3. Submit, b. March 2, 1766; d. in childhood, of small pox. 4. Anee, b. July 17, 1768; m. Aug. 25, 1791, Joy Ward, and is said to have rem. to Genessee Co, N. Y. 5. Benjamin, b. May 7, 1772; m. 1st, Mary Scranton; 2d, Polly Franklin. - (212) 6. Chloe. b. Aug. 12, 1775; d. in Clinton, unm., April 30, 1857, se. 81. Descendants of Daniel White. 107 7. Submit, b. Dec. 5, 1777; lives in Clinton, unm. 8. Sarah, b. May 26, 1780; prob. d. young. 9. John, b. Oct. 22, 1784; a farmer, lives in Clinton, unm. 93. Simeon White, Jim., son of Simeon, (40) was born in Hatfield, Mass., about 1745. He settled in Williamsburg, near the line of Whately. He was town clerk in 1773, and held various town offices. About 1812 he went to live with his son George, in Ruthland, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and died there, Aug. 20, 1820, ae. 75. He married, Aug. 2, 1770, Hannah Hubbard of Hatfield, dau. of Elisha Hubbard and Lucy Stearns. She was born Feb. 2, 1750, and died Feb. 17, 1786, a>. 36. Children. 1. Charles, b. Oct. 10, 1770; m. . - - - (213) 2. Henry, b. March 9, 1772; m. Almira Tinker. - - - (214) 3. William, b. Jan. 25, 1774; was clerk for his uncle Asa. He after- wards lived in Sunderland and Vergenness, Vt., and d. about 1830 to 1835. He m., and had a family. 4. George, b. Oct. 10, 1775; m. Lydia Williams. - - (215) 5. Fredrick, b. ; m. Mary B. Whiting. - - - (216) 6. Hannah, b. March 9, 1779; m. Amos White. - (Family 271) 7. John, b. ; lived at Chatham, C. W., and was a large land- holder. He d. unm., in 1852. 8. Solomon, b. ; m. Lucy Lee. - (217) 94. Hon. Asa White, son of Simeon, (40) was born in Hatfield, Mass., about 1747. He removed to Williamsburg about 1781, and resided there till his death, excepting a few years, from 1812 to 1816, when he lived in Chesterfield. He was a merchant in Williamsburg for more than 30 years, and acquired a large estate. He was town clerk several years after 1790, was a Justice of the Peace, and of the Quorum, and an officer of the Hampshire Co. Missionary Society. He is said to have been of commanding personal appear- ance, courteous and dignified in manner, and much relied upon for his intelligence and sound judgment. He died Sept. 15, 1829, ae. 82. He married, Jan. 20, 1785, Zilpah Hayes, of Granby, Conn. She died April 2, 1833, aa. 72. 108 Fifth Generation and Children. Children. 1. Clarissa, b. Dec. 2, 1785; d. Aug. 11, 1796. 2. Asa, b. Oct. 29. 1787; was a merchant in New York. He d. unm., in 1844, se. 56. 3. Mary, b. April 27, 1790; d. unm., Feb. 18, 1814, se. 23. 4. John Johnson, b. April 3, 1793; m. Catharine A. Waide. - (218) 5. Chester, b. Sept. 18, 1797; m. Clarissa W. Spencer. (219) 6. Joel b. Aug. 23, 1798; d. same day. 7. Zilphia, b. Feb. 8, 1800; m. 1837, Phineas Hubbard, a merchant in Stanstead, C. E., who d. Dec. 27, 1846. She has Ellen W., b. 1839: one child d. in infancy. 8. Addison Hayes, b. Aug. 23, 1803; m. 1st, M. J. Brown; 2d. C. Taylor. - - - - (220) 95. George White, son of Oliver, (41) was born in Bolton, Conn., March 6, 1746. He settled in Tolland, and is said to have worked at the iron-work then in operation in the east part of Rockville, near the line of Tolland. He entered the Revolutionary army, and was for some time held a prisoner by the British, in New York. Upon gaining his release he started for home, but was able to proceed no farther than East Hartford, where he died, "of the small-pox, on the night after the 16th of January, 1777." His age was nearly 31 years. He married Mary Benton of Tolland. She married, 2d, Azariah Grant of East Windsor. She was born Sept. 15, 1741, and died at Winsted, Conn., Dec. 3, 1800, se. 59. Children. 1. Mary, b. 1766; m. Sept. 3, 1786, William Cogswell' of Coventry, afterwards of Tolland. He d. March 23, 1842, se. 77. She d. in Vernon, Sept. 16, 1847, ae. 81. She had, 1. Harry, b. Dec. 27, 1787, d. Jan., 1856, se. 68. He m. 1st, Lovina Dimock of T., who d. Sept. 29, 1821; m. 2d, her sister, Miranda Dimock, who d. ( 1854; 2. Mary, b. June 8, 1790, m. Ebenezer West of T., and d. 'Aug. 28, 1847, 33. 57. He d. 1855; 3. Charles, b. Sept. 18, 1793, d. July 1, 1797; 4. Lucius, b. June 26, 1796, d. Jan 22, 1797; 5. Lucia, b. Sept. 9, 1797, m. Novatus Chapman of T., now of Rockville; 6. William White, b. Feb. 15, 1801, d. March 10, 1801; 7. William Thomp- son, b. Dec. 31, 1803, is a joiner at Rockville. He m. Maria Mc- Kinney of Ellington; 8. George White, b. Dec. 18, 1809, d. July 24, 1812. 2. Oliver, b. about 1772; m. Lucy Wood. - - (221) 3. Elizabeth, b. ; m. Ira Drake, and lived in Bethany, Wayne Co., Penn. She d. se. about 80, having had, Sophia, Ira, Elizabeth, Warren, and others. 4. Daniel, b. Dec. 11, 1774; m. Clarissa Cleveland. - - (222) 5. George, b. Jan. 17, 1777; m. Mary Alfred. - - - (223) Sixth Generation and Children DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. NATHANIEL WHITE. IN THE LINE OF DEA. NATHANIEL WHITE, OF HADLEY. if* 96. Samuel White, son of Nathaniel, jun., (42) was born Oct. 3, 1747. He settled in South Hadley, Mass., and died there, Jan. 22, 1817, a?. 69. He married, Sept., [Oct.?] 1771, Mary Collins. She was born Dec. 14, 1749, and died May 31, 1831, se. 82. Children. 1. Sarah, b. Sept. 8, 1772; m. Marcus Cole of Conway, Mass., and d. Sept., 1846, ae. 74. She had Horace, and others. 2. Luther, b. July 9, 1774; m. Dec., 1800, Elizabeth Walden of Wilbra- ham, Mass. He was drowned in the Conn. River, Oct. 20, 1804, ae. 30. His widow d. as. 80. He had, 1. Elisha Walden, d. Oct., 1803; 2. Luthera. 3. Electa. b. Oct., 1776; d. Dec., 1777. 4. Electa, b. Sept. 13, 1778; m. Joiah Thompson, and d. Aug. 25, 1822, ae. 44. He d. Oct. 25, 1822, ae. 43. She had, 1. Milton; 2. Luther; 3. Almira; 4. Erasmus Darwin. 5. Mary, b. Jan. 2, 1781; [Jan. 19?] d. unm., May 8, 1830, se. 49. 6. Lucretia, b. April 27, 1783; d. unm., Oct. 10, 1847, ae. 64. 7. Jerusha, b. Sept. 28, 1785; d. unm., Oct. 10, 1812, ae. 27. 8. Clarine, b. April 3, 1789; m. April 4, 1815, Elijah Dickinson of Had- ley, who d. March 22, 1848, ae. 64. She d. March 4, 1855, ae. 66. She had, 1. Elijah Walden, b. Feb. 29, 1816, m. Nov. 12, 1839, Mary A. Crossett; 2. Jerisha, b. Feb. 15, 1819, m. Nov. 25, 1847, Warren S. Judd; 3. Alphonso, b. Nov. 3, 1821, m. Jan. 20, 1853, Abby Alice Field; 4. Samuel Collins, b. Dec. 11, 1824, m. 1st, May 16, 1846, Rachel S. Parsons, who d. He m. a 2d, wife; 5. Emeline, b. Nov. 5, 1826, d. Sept. 1, 1847, x. 20,; 6. Luther White, b. Nov. 30, 1830. 97. Nathaniel White, son of Nathaniel, jun., (42) was born in South Hadley, Mass., Nov. 28, 1749. He was a farm- er there until about 1794, when he removed to Easthampton, 110 Sixth Generation and Children. Mass. He was a revolutionary soldier; was in the battle of Bunker Hill, and was present at Burgoyne's surrender. He taught common and singing schools, twenty-six seasons. He died Oct. 15, 1828, ae. 79. He married, May 14, 1778, Huldah Clark, dau. of Eliakim Clark and Martha Bascom. She was born Feb. 5, 1748, and died Feb. 20, 1826, ae. 78. She was the fifth in descent from the "Most Worshipful William Clarke, Esq.," who died in Northampton, July 19, 1690, SB. 81. Children. 1. Levi, b. Feb. 14, 1779; m. Miriam Alvord. - (224) 2. Huldah, b. Jan. 20, 1781; m. Asahel Parsons, jun., of Eastampton, who d. July 4, 1836, ae. 63. She d. without issue, April 29, 1842, ss. 61. 3. Clark, b. Dec. 16, 1782; m. 1st, May 17, 1827, Sarah Kingsley, dau. of Samuel K. of Westhampton. She d. Jan. 4, 1836, ae. 53, and he m. 2nd, Sept. 14, 1836, Irene Parsons, b. Sept. 11, 1788, dau. of David P. of Westhampton. He d. without issue, Nov. 23, 1842, ae. 60. 4. Jemima, b. Sept. 14, 1784; m. Jan. 1, 1836, Julius Phelps, who d. Jan. 13, 1858, ae. 78. 5. Nathaniel, b. Aug. 23, 1786; d. unm., at Pittsfield, Mass., Oct., 1830, aa. 44. He was the sixth Nathaniel, in the direct line of that name, which became extinct by his death 6. Theodosia, b. July 29, 1788; m. April 10, 1828, John Hannum, who d. Oct. 23, 1852, 33. 72. 7. Ezekiel, b. Jan. 12, 1791; m. 1st, Rachel Janes; 2d, M. H. Bates, (225) 98. Ebenezer White, son of Nathaniel, jun., (42) was born in South Hadley, May 6, 1756. He settled first in his native place, but removed to Ludlow, Mass., where he died, March 29, 1829, ae. 73. He married, Sept. 26, 1793, Ruth Lyman, dau. of Benjamin Lyman of Easthampton. She was born Dec. 9, 1765, and died March 11, 1839, ae. 73. Children. 1. Ezra, b. Aug. 4, 1794; m. Mary Wright. ... (226) 2. Lyman, b. April 16, 1796; m. Anna Granger. ... (227) 3. Martha, b. Nov. 5, 1797; d. Oct. 17, [16?] 1803. 4. Ruth, b. Sept. 15, 1799; m. Elihu Dwight of Belchertown, Mass., who d. She d. Oct. 22, 1828, 33. 29, having had, 1, Justus; 2. Nathaniel; 3. Elihu. 5. Christian, b. July 24, 1801; m. William Town, a joiner, of Granby, Mass., now of Whitehall, N. Y. 6. Hannah, b. July 17, 1803; m. Solon Lyon of Ludlow, a farmer, and has, 1. Josiah; 2. Lucy; 3. Solon; 4. Ruth; 5. Christian; 6. Eben- ezer; 7. Charlotte. Descendants of Nathaniel White. Ill 7. Ralph, b. Aug. 20, 1805; m. 1st, Ruth Lyon; 2d, Julia Bliss. (228) 8. Martha, b. Oct. 23, 1807; m. Addison Everett of Middlefield, Mass, now of Princeton, 111. She has had, Lucas, Carlos, Edward, Ellen, Luna, Milo, and three others who d. young. 9. Ebenezer, b. Dec. 13, 1810 [1811?]; m. 1st. Louisa Wright, 2nd, E. Crouch. - (229) 99. Dea. Enoch White, son of Jonathan, (43) was born in South Hadley, February, 1747. He succeeded his father in the possession of the homestead, at Fall Woods, and was a thrifty farmer. He was a Lieut, in the Revolutionary Army. He served the town of South Hadley as selectman, and as a member of the Legislature, and was a deacon of the church in the town. He died Jan. 10, 1813, se. nearly 66. He married Susannah Goodman of South Hadley, dau. of Thomas Goodman and Rebecca Shepherd. She died Aug. 30, 1822, se. 75. (Grave-stone and church record.) Children. 1. Phineas, b. Oct. 30, 1770; m. Esther Stevens. - - - (230) 2. Tamesin, b. Nov. 20, 1771; d. unm., Oct. 28, 1794, ae 23. 3. Tirzah, b. June 1, 1773; m. Nov. 8, 1798, Luther Clapp, who d. Aug. 11, 1811, as. 39. She d. without issue, Aug. 31, 1811, ae. 38. 4. Mary, b. Sept. 21, 1777; m. Feb. 11, 1802, Bohan Clark of East- hampton, a merchant and mill-owner. They rem. to Northampton in 1818, where he d. July 13, 1846. She resides in Northampton. She has had, 1. Enoch White, b. Nov. 16, 1802; resided chiefly in Providence, R. I., and Philadelphia, Pa., and, with his brothers, belonged to the well-known banking house of "E. W. Clark & Co.'' He d. in Phila., Aug. 3, 1855, se. 52. He m. Feb. 1, 1826, Sarah Crawford Dodge, of Providence, R. I.; 2. Tamesin Susannah, b. Oct. 6, 1804; 3. Bohan Asahel, b. March 17, 1807; was drowned in Boston Harbor, June 12, 1832, ae. 25; 4. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 11, 1808, m. June 24, 1835, Watson Loud of Westhampton, Mass., now of Romeo, Mich.; 5. Joseph Washington, b. Sept. 16, 1810; re- sides in Dedham, Mass. He m. Nov. 12, 1834, Eleanor A. Jackson, of Prov., R. I.; 6. Luther Clapp, b. July 4, 1814; resides in New York. He m. 1st, Sept. 12, 1839, Julia C. Dikeman. who d. Aug. 15, 1841, ae. 22. He m. 2d, Aug. 10, 1843, Julia Crawford of Putney, Vt. 5. Enoch, b. June 1, 1781; m. Martha Lamb. - - - (231) 100. Oliver White Jim., son of Oliver, (44) was born in Hadley, Dec. 19, 1755. He is said to have removed to Vt., or N. Y., about 1800. The name of his wife is not known. He had, 1. Eunice; 2. Anne. Both bap. at Hadley, Feb. 6, 1795. 112 Sixth Generation and Children. 101. Moses White, son of Oliver, (44) was born in Had- ley, Dec. 3, 1759. He lived on the place of his father, and died Nov. 10, 1823, 3d. 64. He married, Jan. 17, 1788, Chloe Peck of Hadley. Children. 1. David, b. Sept. 24, 1788; m. 1st, Mary Bumps, 2d. C. D. Bragg. (232) 2. Cynthia, b. Jan. 14, 1792; m. Dec. 15, 1814, Jonathan Smith of Hadley. 3. Elihu, b. Sept. 22, 1794; m. Ruth Rider. - - - - (233) 102. Aaron White, son of Thomas, (47) was born May 29, 1744. He lived in South Hadley, and died Feb. 8, 1810, ae. 65. He married, March 6, 1770, Thankful White, dau. of Jonathan White. (Fam. 43.) She was born Sept. 21, 1752, and died July 7, 1820, ae. 67. Children. 1. A daughter, b. Feb. 23, 1771; d. Feb. 25, 1771. 2. Noadiah, b. Feb. 28, 1772; m. Rachel Trueby, who d. July 3, 1820. He d. Aug. 11, 1849, x. 77. His dau., Elizabeth, prob. m. Jan. 3, 1822, Alvin Judd. He had three other children. 3. Jonathan, b. Dec. 8, 1774; m. and had a family; is dead. 4. Aaron, b. Feb. 19, 1776; m. and d.; left a family. 5. Rhoda, b. June 16, 1779; d. unm., Aug. 3, 1827, as. 48. 6. Justus, b. Feb. 26, 1789; m..lst, Cynthia Brewster; 2d, E. Strong. (234) 7. Horace, b. Sept: 10, 1792; m. Jan. 17, 1821, Jerusha Skinner of Enfield, Mass., and died. 103. Job White, son of Thomas, (47) was born in South Hadley, about 1752. He lived principally in Northampton, where he was for many years keeper of the jail. He died Feb. 12, 1807, . 54. He married, 1st, Charity Chapin of Springfield, dau. of Benoni and Esther Chapin. She was born Jan. 21, 1757, and died about 1784, ae. 27. He married, 2d, Oct. 6, 1785, Mindwell Clapp. She was born Feb. 23, 1750, and died about 1824. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Charity, b. Feb. 25, 1776; d. in infancy. 2. Charity, b. June 27, 1779; m. Sept. 16, 1798, Nichols Goddard of Rutland, Vt., a silversmith and clock-maker. He d. Sept. 29, 1823, ae. 50. She d. at Claremont, N. H., Nov. 10, 1857, ss. 78. She had, 1. Evelina Pamela, b. Dec. 31, 1799, m. March 11, 1818, Simeon Ide, of Windsor, Vt., now of Claremont, N. H. She d. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 113 May 25, 1857, ae. 57. Messrs, Ide Dutton, N. W. and E. L. God- dard, are associated as the "Claremont Manufacturing Co.," in the manufacture of paper and books; 2. Edward, b. Dec. 28, 1801, d. Sept. 14, 1803; 3. Harriet Martha, b. Jan. 2, 1804, m. Dec. 20, 1830, Ormond Dutton of Keene, N. H., now of Boston, Mass.; 4. Nichols White, b. Dec. 17, 1806; res. in Claremont. He m. May 19, 1836, Sarah Matilda Brewer, of Haverhill, N. H.; 5. Edward Lewis, b. June 9, 1809; res. in Claremont. He m. 1st, July 4, 1833, Elizabeth Worth, who d. May 7, 1852, se. 39; m. 2d, June 13, 1855, Elizabeth P. Marsh; 6. Nathan Chapin, b. Sept. 22, 1811; is a merchant in Boston; res. in Jamaica Plain, Mass. He m. Sept. 22, 1846, Martha Brewer; 7. Charlotte Mary, b. April 29, 1814, d. unm., Nov. 18, 1837, a. 23. 3. A child, b. ; d. in infancy. 4. Pamela, bap. Oct., 1783; d. in infancy. Children; By the Second Marriage. 5. Lewis, b. 1786; d. Jan. 19, [24?] 1804, ae. 17. 6. Chester, b. Feb. 19, 1788; m. Eunice Edwards. - (235) 7. Polly, b. 1789; m. 1828, James Ostrander; they now live with Shakers, at Niskayuna, Schenectady Co., N. Y. 8. Job, b. Dec. 27, 1790; m. Margaret Stebbins. (236) 9. Charlotte, b. Sept. 10, 1792; m. March 20, 1820, Curtiss Hubbell, who d. Oct. 16, 1854. She lives in Buffalo, N. Y. She has had, 1. Edward Lewis, b. 1822, d. 1823; 2. Adaline Curtiss, b. Nov. 30, 1824; 3. Martha Ann, b. 1827, d. 1828; 4. Selim Booth, b. Jan. 14, 1830, m. Feb. 11, 1858, Lois Heath; 5. William Chester, b. Aug. 18, 1836. 104. Simeon White, son of Thomas, (47) was born in South Hadley. He lived there, and died Oct. 7, 1822. He married, 1st, March, 1785, Rbxa Pomeroy. [Roxana?]. She died July 29, 1804, se. 38. He married, 2d, Mrs. Urania Stebbins of Longmeadow, widow of Zadock Stebbins, and dau. of Jonathan Burt. She was born May 1, 1762, and died Dec. 8, 1819, ae. 57. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Roxa, b. May 9, 1787; m. Nov. 10, 1808, Ephraim Smith, jun., and d. Jan. 22, 1820, ae. 32. She had, 1. Edmund; 2. Andrew . E. S., jun., has a 4th wife. 2. Quartus, b. April 28, 1789; m. Persis Stebbins. - - (237) 3. Calvin, b. Aug. 26, 1791; m. Patty Smith; has several children. 4. Polly, b. Oct. 25 ,1794; d. April, 1811, ae. 16. 105. Moses White, son of Joseph, (48) was born in South Hadley, April 10, 1751. He lived there, and died Sept. 15, 1777, 33. 26. He married Abigail . 114 Sixth Generation and Children. Children. 1. Lois, b. Nov. 30, 1775; m. Nov. 8, 1802, Elam Brooks of Hartford, Vt. 2. Abigail, b. July 13, 1777; m. Jan. 9, 1800, Frederic Miller. 106. Lieut. Joseph White, son of Joseph, (48) was born in South Hadley, Dec. 13, 1754. He was a farmer there, and also kept public house. He died July 30, 1829, se. 74. He married, Dec. 14, 1788, Sally Yeomans of Colchester, Conn. She was born July 6, 1759, and died Aug. 9, 1840, *. 81. Children. 1. Sarah, b. Oct. 14, 1789; m. 1st, March 14, 1814, Andrew Henry of S. H., who d. Feb. 3, 1821, 33. 33. She m. 2d, Sept. 17, 1828, Dr. William F. Sellon of Amherst, who d. Dec. 31, 1842, ae. 56. She d. in N. Y. city, Dec. 14, 1855, ae 66. By her first husband she had, 1. Sarah Ann, b. Sept. 30, 1815, m. Sept. 16, 1834, Isaac C. Pray of New York; 2. Helen Amanda, b. Aug. 9, 1820; resides with her sister. 2. Joseph Austin, b. April 27, 1791; d. unm., Feb. 25, 1816, ae. 24. 3. Theodore, b. May 17, 1795; d. unm., Jan. 28, 1823, ae. 27. 4. Amanda, b. July 10, 1797; m 1st, Nov., 1825, William Lyman of S. H., who d. Oct. 26, 1837; m. 2nd, Oct. 2, 1843, Cyrus White. (Fam. 240.) She had by her first husband, 1. Theodore White, b. Sept. 26, 1826; is a physician. He m. Sept. 11, 1850, Elizabeth Scrug- ham, of S. H., who d. Jan. 25, 1853, ae. 25; 2. Joseph Austin, b. Nov. 14, 1828; 3. Mary Amanda, b Oct. 16, 1831, d. May 16, 1848, ae. 16; 4. William Wirt, b. April 30, 1834. 5. Augustus, b. Jan. 17, 1802; d. Sept. 25, 1803. 107. Reuben White, son of Joseph, (48) was born in South Hadley, Oct. 1, 1761. In 1818 he removed from South Had- ley to Belchertown, Mass., where he died, Feb. 27, 1856, a?. 94. He married, May 18, 1797, Mabel White, dau. of Nathaniel White. (Fam. 54.) She was born Sept. 1, 1767, and died Sept. 20, 1855, . 88. Children. 1. Emily, b. Dec. 21, 1798; m. Nov. 9, 1826, Capt. Simeon Pepper of Belchertown. He and his sons are carriage makers. She d. Dec. 26, 1840, ae. 42, having had, 1. Sarah Emily, b. Dec. 11, 1828, d. May 30, 1829; 2.Simeon Wait, b. Dec.30, 1830, m. Julia Joanna Hinkley of B.; 3. Hervey White, b. Jan. 6, 1835, m. Sarah Eliza Griggs of B.; 4. Emily White, b. Sept. 18, 1837, d. April 11, 1839. 2. Moses, b. Aug. 10, 1800; lives in Belchertown. He m. Feb. 10, 1848, Jane N. Snow, b. Dec. 19, 1819, dau. of Zenas and Asenath Snow, of Lebanon, N. H. 3. Hervey, b. July 27, 1802; d. unm., May 3, 1833, SB. 30. 4. David, b. May 27, 1804; d. Jan. 10, 1814. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 115 5. Mabel, b. July 13, [19?] 1806; m. April 10, 1833, John Parker of B,, a painter. She has had, 1. Joseph Edson, b. May 11, 1835, d. same day; 2. John Henry, b. Feb. 13, 1837; 3. Charles Gilbert, b. Feb. 7, 1839, d. June 22, 1841; 4. Edwin White, b. April 27, 1843, d. Aug. 24, 1845; 5. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Oct. 4, 1846, d. March 16, 1858, 6. Reuben Augustus, b. Feb. 19, 1809; m. Emeline M. Snow. - (238) 108. Dea. Josiah White, Jun., son of Dea. Josiah, (49) was born in South Hadley, March 30, 1761. He was a farmer in that place, and died Feb. 26, 1829, se. 68. He married, Nov. 22, 1787, Mabel Mitchell of S. H., dau. of David and Mary Mitchell. She was born May 8, 1765, and died Feb. 2, 1840, ae. 74. Children. * 1. Maria, b. Aug. 27, 1788; m. 1808, Dr. Otis Goodman of S. H., and d. Feb. 19, 1853, ae. 64. She had, 1, Josiah White, b. Nov. 12, 1809; lives in W. Roxbury, Mass. He m. 1st, Abigail Moody; m. 2d. Dorcas Judd; 2. Edmund Otis, b. April 28, 1813; res. in Cincin- nati, O. He m. Holmes; 3. Helen Maria, b. May 15, 1817, m. Dr. William Pierson of Dayton, 0.; 4. Henry Martyn, b. Aug. 11, 1823, m. Elizabeth Fuller, and d. Aug. [Sept.?] 9, 1852, se. 29; 5. Harvey, b. June 5, 1832, d. Sept. 1, 1837. 2. Mabel, b. Nov. 23, 1789; d. unm., Oct. 27, 1837, se. 48. 3. A son, b. March 2, 1791; d. same day. 4. Mary, b. Jan. 26, 1792; m. Nov. 17, 1841, Augustus White of South Hadley; (son of Lieut. Thomas White; see in Fam. 47.) 5. A son, b. Nov. 12, 1793; d. same day. 6. Harriet, b. Oct. 2, 1794; m. Dec. 7, 1820, Dea. Alonzo Bardwell of South Hadley Falls. She has had, 1. Alonzo Smith, b. Dec. -16, 1822, d. Nov. 24, 1855, se. 33; 2. Harriet White, b. March 5, 1825, m. James Benton; 3. Charles Addison, b. Oct. 7, 1826; 4. Carlos, b. March 2, 1829; 5. Edwin, b. Oct. 4, 1830, d. Oct. 8, 1838; 6. George, b. May 12, 1832, d. Oct. 2, 1833; 7. Joseph, b. March 9, 1835; 8. Mabel White, b. April 25, 1837; 9. Spencer, b. May 31, 1839, d. May 24, 1840. 7. Josiah, b. March 25, 1796; d. Feb. 1, 1797. 8. Clarissa, b. Dec. 14, 1797; m. Dec. 2, 1819, Henry Collins of S. H., and d. Jan. 28, 1840, ae. 42. She had, 1. Henry, d.; 2. Wolcott Edgar, b. Jan. 8, 1822, m. Sabrina Wilcutt; 3. Cornelia White, b. Aug. 8, 1824 ;m. Asa A. Rowland of Conway; 4. Henry Augustus, b. Aug., 1826, m. 1st, Juliette Bliss of Wilbraham; m. 2d, Mary Graves of Springfield. 9. Summer, b. Sept. 28, 1799; d. April 13, 1800. 10. Semanthe, b. May 15, 1801; m. May, 1825, Reuben R. Eastman of Granby. Has had, 1. Sarah Shepherd, d. July 14, 1851, ae. 25; 2. Mary White, d. June 11, 1853, ae. 24; 3. Frances; 4. Semanthe White, m. Rev. Prescott Fay of Lancaster, N. H.; 5. Maria; 6. Jane, d. Sept. 24, 1834; 7. William, d. 11. Josiah, b. Oct. 19, 1802; d. Jan. 28, 1803. 12. Samuel Wolcott, b. Oct. 27, 1804; d. Sept. 6, 1808. 13. Cornnelia Mitchell, b. Oct. 25, 1806; d. Sept. 8, 1808. 116 Sixth Generation and Children. 109. Eldad White, son of Dea. Josiah, (49) was born in South Hadley, March 31, 1768. He died there, April 11, 1823, e. 55. He married, March 31, 1789, Hannah Day of S. H., dau. of Ezra Day. She was born May 7, 1769, and died March 15, 1851, . 82. Children. 1. Horace, b. April 8, 1790; d. unm., Oct. 27, 1821, ae. 31. 2. Heman, b. April 17, 1792; m. 1st, Clarissa Smith; 2d, Sarah Kelley. (239) 3. Cyrus, b. Oct. 21, 1794; m. Elvira White, and others. - (240) 4. Eldad, b. May 9, 1797; lived in S. H., and d. March 7, 1843, ae. 45. He m. Julia Day, who is still living. His only child, Cornelia, b. Dec. 26, ^818, d. unm., Aug. 7, 1840, ae. 21. 5. Medad, b. June 8, 1800; m. Lucy Snow. - - - - (241) 6. Keziah, b. Oct. 15, 1802; m. Jan. 20, 1824, Sedgwick White of S. H.; (a grandson of Lieut. Thomas White; see in Fam. 47.) She d. Feb. 25, 1837, ae. 34. He m. again. She had, 1. Horace, b. Nov. 6, 1824, d. Jan. 22, 1828; 2. A son, b. April 29, 1826, d same day; 3. Maria, b. June 6, 1827, d. Oct. 7, 1839; 4. Sophia, b. June 8, 1830, d. May 20, 1831; 5. Amanda, b. April 4, 1832, m. Oct. 6, 1853, Joseph Thompson of Rockville, Conn.; 6. Josiah, b. March 25, 1834, d. Aug. 10, 1835. 7. Irene, b. June 20, 1804; m. May, 1824, Daniel Paine of S. H., now of Amherst, and d. Oct. 18, 1834, ae. 30. He has a 3d wife. She had, 1. Eliza, b. March 4, 1825; was for several years Principal of the Female Seminary at Du Quoin, 111. She m. Aug. 23, 1858, Nathan S. Weeks of Du Quoin; 2. Edward Elliot, b. July 3, 1827, d. Dec. 22, 1829; 3. Elliot Edward, b. July 10, 1829, d. Feb. 5, 1832; 4. Melissa, b. Sept. 9, 1831, d. Aug. 19, 1847, ae. 16, 110. Luther White, son of Lieut. Jacob, (50) was born in Springfield, Mass., Sept. 11, 1749. He probably died there about 1795, leaving a son, Luther, b. about 1780. Feb. 10, 1796, Aaron Bartlett was appointed guardian to Luther, aged about 16 years, son of Luther White, deceased. 111. Lieut. Horace White, son of Sergt. Daniel, (51) was born in West Springfield, Mass., April 26, 1749. He was a blacksmith in that town, and died Dec. 3, 1834, se. 85. He married, Dec. 3, 1772, Mercy Cooley, dau. of Capt. Abel Cooley of West Springfield. She was born Jan. 29, 1750, and died July 17, 1834, a>. 84. Children. 1. Rufus, b. May 10, 1773; d. March 1, 1783. 2. Sewall, b. May 6, 1776; m. Fanny Granger. ... (242) Descendants of Nathaniel White. 117 3. Sarah, b. March 24, 1779; m. Jan. 28, 1802, Capt. Benjamin Ashley of W. S., and d. Nov. 24, 1855, ae. 76. He d. 1856, ae. 82. She had, 1. Daniel, b. Jan. 6, 1804; 2. Edwin, b. Nov. 26, 1807, d. Nov. 13, 1808; 3. Edwin, b. June 1, 1811. 4. Homer, b. Dec. 16, 1782; d. Dec. 20, 1794, as. 12. 5. Priscilla, b. July 22, 1786; lives in W. S. 6. Mercy, b. March 5, 1790; d. Dec. 13, 1794. 112. Daniel White, son of Sergt. Daniel, (51) was born in West Springfield, Nov. 2, [8 ?] 1752. He was a revolution- ary soldier, and was in the expedition to Canada, in 1775, when Montgomery was killed. He settled in W. S., and died there, Sept. 15, 1814, ae. 62. He married Hannah Lamb, dau. of Samuel Lamb. She died Aug. 22, 1841, ae. 83. Children. 1. Gordon, b. May 9. 1783; m. Nabby M. Hubbard. - (243) 2. Hannah, b. Feb. 10 1785; m. Feb. 8, 1809, Amasa Smith of W. S., who d. May 3, 1839, ae. 52. She has had, 1. Phebe Worthington, b. Jan. 19, 1810, d. 1811; 2. Abigail Woodmancy, b. Nov. 21, 1811 m. Dec. 20, 1837, Rufus Leonard of W. S.; 3. Hannah Minerva* b. Jan. 7. 1814, m. Oct. 26, 1854,Hambleton P. Cady; 4. Elmer White, b. March 16, 1816, m. April 15, 1840, Sophia Burbank, and d. Aug. 2, 1853, ae. 37; 5. Newton Belknap, b. April 26, 1818, d. Sept. 20, 1839, ae. 21; 6. Ursula Priscilla, b. Feb. 8, 1822, m. March 14, 1844, Al- fred Flower, jun., of W. S. 3. Clara, b. Dec. 13, 1789; d. Nov., 1790, se. 11 mos. 4. Emily, b. July 12, 1795; m. 1817, Dr. Charles Culver, jun., of W. S., who d. Oct., 1854, ae. 67. She had, 1. Sarah Ervilla, m. George Cady, and d. Sept., 1854; 2. Charles, m.; 3 Amelia Jane, m. Dr. James Hillman of Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y. 5. Theodosia, b. Aug. 26, 1798; m. 1st, Nov., 1823, Samuel Palmer, who d. Nov. 29, 1829, ae. 37; m. 2d, July 10, 1841, Horace Palmer, who d. July 13, 1848, ae. 50. She had, by her first husband, 1. Samuel, m. Azubah Hendrick; 2. Francis; 3. Loren, m. Mary Leonard. By her second husband, 4. Mary, b. Jan. 5, 1843. 113. Pliny White, son of Sergt. Daniel, (51) was born in West Springfield, Oct. 12, 1761. He was a farmer there, and died Oct. 8, 1808, ae. 47. He married, July 14, [13 ?] 1793, Lydia Granger dau. of Daniel and Lydia Granger. She was born March 22, 1770, and died Aug. 27, 1843, ae. 73. He had one child, Daniel Granger, b. May 28, 1796; m. Harriet Day. - - (244) 118 Sixth Generation and Children. 114. Edward White, son of Sergt. Daniel, (51) was born in West Springfield, July 27, 1764. He was a farmer, and died Dec. 14, 1799, se. 35. He married Hannah Bedortha. She married, 2d, Jan. 17, 1804, Capt. Mulford Eldredge, who died July 12, 1854, se. 91. She died Jan. 18, 1855, ae. 90. He had one child, Edward Corbett, b. June 29, 1785; m. Mrs. Lucy Bagg. - (245) 115. Preserved White, Jun., son of Preserved, (52) was born in Springfield, Nov. 25, [23] 1743. He lived there, and died June 8, 1823, se. 79. He married, Aug. 20, 1767, Mary Terry of Springfield, dau. of Samuel and Sarah Terry. She was born Feb. 27 r 1746, [1745?] and died Nov. 4, 1804, se. 58, or 59. Children. I.Roderick, b. May 14, 1768; [May 20,?] d. June 19, 1777, ae. 9. 2. Martin, b. June 4, 1770; m. Lucy Collins. - - - (246) 3. Luther, b. April 7, 1772; d. Aug. 12, 1775, ae. 3. 4. Mary b. March 21, 1774; m, Oct. 10, 1799, Luther Burt of Long- meadow, who d. Jan. 28, 1847, ae. 74. She was living in L. in 1858. She has had, 1. Mary, b. Aug. 31, 1800, m. Oct. 13, 1829, Nathaniel Bliss of L., who d. July 14, 1845, se. 50; 2. Anna, b. June 21, 1802, m. Dec., 1830, Henry B. Coomes of L.; 3. Rhoda, b. June 6, 1804; Hezekiah, b. April 11, 1806, m. Dec., 1835, Lucretia Morgan of Springfield; 5. Lucius Colton, b. March 5, 1808, m. 1st, Harriet Searl of Springfield, who d. Aug., 1840; m. 2d, Nov., 1840, Mrs. Nancy A. Lathrop, wid. of Lyman L.; 6. Augustine, b. July 4, 1810, m.Asenath Hamblet; 7. Luther White, b. July 4, 1812, m. Mercy Amidon of Belchertown, who d. May 22, 1845. He d. March 25, 1847, as. 34; 8. John, b. Jan. 30, 1815, m. Francinai Kibbee of Somers, Conn.; 9. Richard Storrs, b. Oct. 26, 1817, m. Maria A. Boardman of Hartford, Conn.; 10. Delia Bliss, b. July 7, 1820, is a teacher. 5. Luther, b. July 7, 1776; m. Abigail Stebbins. (247) 6. Roderick, b. June 26, 1778; d. July 25, 1778. 7. Rachel, b. July 29, 1779; m. April, 1803, Noah Torrey, now of New York Mills, Oneida Co., N. Y. She had several children, and d. May 11, 1827, sn. 47. 8. Hannah, b. July 21, 1781; d. July 9, 1782. 9. Roderick, b. Feb. 24, 1784; m. Delight Bement. - - (248) 10. Hannah, b. Feb. 20, 1786; m. Dec. 13, [14?] 1809, Charles Burn- ham of Springfield. She d. Oct. 16, 1812, ae. 26, and he m. 2d, May 23, 1813, her sister, Persis White. He d. 1850. The child- ren of C. B. were by his first wife, Hannah, 1. Charles, b. March 20, 1811, res. in S. He m. Sept. 19, 1838, Olivia Sarah Bliss, b. Aug. 22, 1810, dau. of John Bliss of Tolland, Conn.; Descendants of Nathaniel White 119 (see in Fam. 38:) By his second wife, Persis, 2. Hannah White, b. May 23, 1815, m. April 16, 1837, Eleazer L. Hatch; 3. George, b. March 11, 1817, m. Feb. 13, 1843, Anna Hemple; 4. Nancy, b. Jan. 5, 1819; 5. James Henry, b. March 10, 1821, m. Aug. 3, 1841, Maria De Witt, and d. March 14, 1843, ae. 22; 6. Franklin White, b. July 2, 1823, m. 1853, Martha Kimball; 7. William Stanford, b. Aug. 8, 1825, d. Dec. 11, 1845, ae. 20; 8. Edward Goodwin, b. June 2, 1827, m. Sept., 1853, Mary Ferree; 9. Simeon Colton, b. June 13, 1835. 11. Walter, b. June 20, 1787; d. same day. 12. Preserved, b. April 27, 1789; m. 1st, Sarah Caffee; 2d, Lucinda Rice. (249) 13. Persis, b. April 30, 1792; was the second wife of Charles Burnham; see number 10 in this family. She res. in Philadelphia. 116. David White, son of Preserved, (52) was born in Springfield, Jan. 30, 1747. He was a joiner, and lived in Springfield and Longmeadow. He died in Longmeadow, Oct. 2, 1823, se. 76. He married, 1st, Jan. 30, 1777, Lydia Ely of Longmeadow, dau. of Nathaniel Ely, 2d, and Mary Esterbrook. She was born June 2, 1748, and died Feb. 19, 1781, se. 32. He married, 2d, Dec. 5, 1782, Sarah Pynchon of Spring- field, dau. of William Pynchon and Sarah Harris. She was born Oct. 5, 1751, and died July 26, 1826, se. 74. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Sarah, b. Nov. 23, 1778; d. unm., Jan. 28, 1850, ae. 71. 2. David, b. Oct. 2, 1780; d. Jan. 30, 1781. Children; By the Second Marriage. 3. David, b. Jan. 30, 1786; m. Charissa Hall. - - - (250) 4. William, b. June 25, 1789; m. Lois Cooley. - - - (251) 5. Lydia, b. Sept. 15, 1791; m. May 25, 1819, Daniel Gates of L. She has, 1. Sarah Pynchon, b. Oct. 8, 1822, m. Elisha Kingsbury, of Warehouse Point, Conn.; 2. Lydia Ely, twin with Sarah P., m. William T. Clement of Shelburne Falls, Mass.; 3. Francis, b. Aug. 21, 1825, m. Feb. 1, 1858, Lois Spencer of Somers, Conn. 117. Dr. Lewis White, son of Preserved, (52) was born in Springfield, June 20, 1760. He was a practising physician for more than 50 years, and a skillful surgeon. He resided chiefly in Wilbraham and Longmeadow, and died in the latter place, Jan. 24, 1844, se. 83. He married, Sept. 20, 1787, Susannah King of Wilbraham, dau. of Parmenas and Hannah King. She was born Nov. 7, 1756, and died Jan. 13, 1840, se. 83. 120 Sixth Generation and Children. Children. 1. Lewis, b. Aug.21, 1788; d. at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., June 4, 1818, se. 29. 2. Susannah, b. Aug. 3, 1790; m. Joseph Ashley of L., and d. Aug. 24, 1855, ae. 65. She had, 1. Lewis, lives in Anna. 111.; 2. Ann Eliza; 3. Persis; 4. Franklin; 5. Harriet, d. Feb., 1856; 6. Esther, b. Jan. 4, 1828, d. Sept. 20, 1855, ae. 27; 7. Joseph Franklin. 3. Henry, b. Jan. 4, 1792; grad. at Bangor Theol. Seminary, 1823, and was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church of Brooks and Jackson, Maine, Oct. 19, 1825. He was pastor at Loudon Village, N. H., 1835 to 1838, and for some time previous to his death labored in St. Albans, Me. He was 1;he author of a volume upon the Early History of New England. He died without issue, Dec. 7, 1858, as. 67. He m. Jan. 25, 1827, Esther Sewall, b. March 29, 1802, in Bath, Me. 4. Persis, b. June 22, 1795; m. March 5, 1816, Grren Taylor. 5. Sylvia, b. Feb. 13, 1797; d. Oct. 9, 1803. 118. Dea. Walter White, son of Preserved, (52) was born in Springfield, June.. 13, 1765.. He settled in Longmeadow, and died there, July 14, 1819, ae. 54. He married, March 22, 1792, Sabina Keep, dau. of Samuel Keep and Sabina Cooley. She was born Nov. 20, 1769, and died May 9, 1835, a>. 65. Children. 1. Franklin, b. Jan. 14, 1793; d. April 23, 1813, aa. 20. 2. Walter, b. March 31, 1795; grad. at Amherst College, 1825, is a preacher, and resides in Galesburg, Illinois. He has added to his name that of his elder brother, Franklin. 3. Cynthia, b. March 13, 1797; m. Dec. 3, 1819, Dea. Eli Pease of Blan- ford, Mass., and has, 1. Franklin W., b. March 9, 1822, lives in Pittsfield, Mass. He m. July 29, 1845, Alice P. Dewey; 2. Mary C., b. March 18, 1825; 3. Delia S., b. Nov. 17, 1828; 4. William E., b. Jan 1. 1831; 5. Maria E., b. Jan. 16, 1834. 4. Sabina, b. Nov. 19, 1800; m. Jan. 10, 1826, Dr. Bela B. Jones, of Southampton, Mass., now of Hudson, Mich.; (his 2d wife. She has had> 1. William;, b. Oct.\ll, 1826, m* 1st, Catharine Bennett of Mich., who d. July, 1853; m. 2d, Mary Norton of Jordan, N. Y.; 2. Amelia Danforth, b. July 2, 1828, m. Sept. 6, 1852, Rev. George I. Stearns of Windham, Conn. He grad. Amherst Coll., 1849; 3. Henry White, b. Oct. 17, 1830, grad. Amh. Coll., 1857, is a student in E. Windsor Theol. Sem., Conn.; 4. Charles Storrs, b. Jan. 19, 1833, lives in Buffalo, N. Y. He m. Oct., 1856, Susan Hayward of Springfield; 5. Sabina White, b. June 1, 1835, d. Jan. 1. 1844. 5. John, b. Sept. 22, 1804; d. at New Haven, Conn., April 19, 1822, 33. 17. 6. Eliza, b. Nov. 1, 1807; lives in Blanford. 7. Samuel, b. Sept. 8, 1810; d. unm., Aug. 25, 1833, ae. 23. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 121 119. Gad White, son of William, (53) probably lived for several years in Springfield. The following children of Gad and Flavia White are recorded there. 1. Porter Welles, b. Dec. 6, 1808. 2. Angeline, b. July 31, 1811. 120. Jarib White, son of Nathaniel, (54) was born in Had- ley, Mass., April 27, 1763. He was a farmer in Amherst, and lived about three miles south of the center of the town. He died Feb. 2, 1821, JE. 57. He married, Feb. 24, 1794, Ruth Sherman dau. of Thomas Sherman of Bridgewater, Mass. She was born July 10, 1763. The time of her death is not ascertained. Children. 1. Jay, b. June 8, 1795; was a merchant in Amherst, and d. April 1, 1825, ss. 29. He m. June 29, 1823, Caroline Wood of West Brook- field, Mass., who m. 2d, Rev. D. G. Sprague, now of Orange, N. J. His only child, Caroline Amelia, b. Aug. 30, 1824, m. May 20, 1857, J. H. Denison, of Cincinnati, Ohio. 2. Orra, b. March, 8, 1796; m. June 1, 1821, Rev. Edward Hitchcock, D. D., LL. D. He was pastor of the Cong. Church in Conway, 1821 to 1825, was a Professor in Amherst College from 1825 to 1845, when he was chosen President of the College. In 1854 he resigned the Presidency, and is now Professor of Natural Theo- logy and Geology. She has had, 1. Edward, b. May 9, 1822, d. March 15, 1824; 2. Mary, b. July 13, 1824; 3. Catharine, b. March 16, 1826, m. March 9, 1851, Rev. Henry Martyn Storrs, now of Cincinnati, 0. He grad. Amh. Coll., 1846; 4. Edward, b. May 23, 1828, grad. Amh Coll., 1849, m. Nov. 30, 1853, Mary L. Judson of Bridgeport, Conn.; 5. A son, b. March 23, 1832, d. same day; 6. Jane Elizabeth, b. March 6, 1833; 7. Charles Henry, b. Aug. 23, 1836, grad. Amh. Coll., 1856; 8. Emily, b. Nov. 9, 1838. 3. Bela, b. Feb/23, 1798; resides near Omaha City, Nebraska. He m. 1st, Feb. 1, 1832, Julia Ann Stratton; m. 2, Harriet Hoppin. His son, William Stratton, d. March 7, 1841. 4. Perez, b. Aug. 14, 1799; d. July 31, 1800. 5. Mabel, b. May, 8, 1801; d. Aug. 16, 1803. 6. Rebecca, b. Feb. 13, 1803; d. Aug. 19, 1803. 7. George, b. July 5, 1806; grad. Amh. Coll., 1825, was a physician, and d. unm., in Carlinville, Macoupin Co., 111., Sept. 1, 1834, ss. 28. 121. Daniel White, son of Capt. Daniel, (55) was born in Hadley, Nov. 6, 1789, and is a farmer there. He married, Sept. 25, 1816, Dorcas Barrows, born Sept. 29, 1790, dau. of Eleazer Barrows of Barre, Mass. 122 Sixth Generation and Children. Children. 1. Sarah Jane, b. Oct. 2, 1817; m. April 22, 1840, Enos Foster Cook of H., now of Amherst. She has had, 1. Henry A., b. Dec. 8, 1840; 2. A child, b. Feb. 9, 1844, d. Feb. 19; 3. William E., b. April 18, 1845, d. Aug. 31, 1848; 4. A child, b. March 16, 1847, d. March 18; 5. Martha Jane, b. Jan. 16, 1850, d. Dec. 29, 1856; 6. Mary A., b. June 20, 1853, d. Sept. 27; 7. William Foster, b. July 1, 1855; 8. A child, b. Feb. 18, 1858. 2. Daniel Sherman, b. Aug. 25, 1819; d. Sept. 20, 1819. 3. Pamela Wells, b. March 3, 1824; d. Aug. 25, 1832, ge. 8. 4. George, b. Dec. 2, 1825; m. Elizabeth S. Judd. - - (252) 5. Daniel Sherman, b. Aug. 10, 1827; m. Elizabeth W. Powers. (253) 6. Charles, b. July 3, 1831; is a physician in Chicago, 111. 7. John Baker, b. Dec. 4, 1833; is a druggist in New York. 12-2. William Porter White, son of Ebenezer, (56) was born in Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 10, 1769. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1790, engaged in mercantile pursuits, and settled in Boston. In 1797 he went to England, and thence to India, in October of that year, leaving in London his wife, whose health was insufficient for the voyage, and his infant son. He spent most of his life in foreign countries, and died in Buenos Ayres, South America, in 1842, se. 72. He married Elizabeth Allen, dau. of Rev. Thomas Allen of Pittsfield. She was born Feb. 8, 1775, and died in Lon- don, Feb. 2, 1798, se. 23. She was interred in the burying- ground of the "New Chapel." A commemorative discourse, preached by her father, was published. Their only son, Allen, b. in London, 1797, baptized there, Sept. 1797, grad. at Dart. College, 1816. After leaving College he joined his father, abroad. He married, and has been for many years a teacher in Buenos Ayres, S. A. 123. Enoch White, son of Ebenezer, (56) was born in Pittsfield, March 19, 1775. He lived mostly in that town, but removed to Quincy, III, where he died, Feb. 23, 1854, se. 79. He married, Jan. 2, 1800, Sally Lanckton. She was born June 22, 1779, and died in Quincy, May 1, 1846, se. 67. Children. 1. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 2, 1803; m. 1st, Cynthia P. Clark; 2d, S. A. Gage. (254) 2. Abigail, b. Aug. 27, 1805; d. Feb. 29, 1806. 3. David, b. March 23, 1807; graduated at Union College in 1831, and at Descendants of Nathaniel White. 123 Princeton Theol. Seminary in 1835. He devoted himself to the missionary work in West Africa, and reached Cape Palmas, Dec. 25, 1836. He was soon attacked with the acclimating fever, and died Jan. 23, 1837, se. 28. He m. Oct. 11, 1836, Helen Maria Wells of Newburgh, N. Y., who also died of fever, Jan. 27, 1837. (See Missionary Herald, Sept., 1837, pages 364-368.) 4. William Henry, b. Feb. 19, 1809; d. Sept. 19, 1811. 5. James Porter, b. Jan. 23, 1811; m. 1st, Jan. 22, 1832, Lucetia A. Phelps of West Martinsburgh, N. Y., who d. Aug. 25, 1836. He m. 2d, Nov. 4, 1838, Helen Maria Dapine of New York. He d. in N. Y. city, Dec. 14, 1841, se. 31, leaving one dau., Sarah Jane, who is m. and living in the State of N. Y. 6. John William Henry, b. Feb. 25, 1813; m. 1st, M. D. Van Hise; 2d, . . (255) 7. Sarah Jane, b. March 27, 1815; m. April 7, 1836, Allen Comstock of Lenox, Mass., now of Quincy, 111. She has had, 1. David White; 2. Virginia W.; 3. Henry Allen; 4. Henry Cooke; 5. George Allen; 6. Helen Maria; 7. Helen Wells; 8. Frank Russell. 8. Frederick, b. July 1, 1817; d. April 7, 1818. 9. Henry Strong, b. Aug. 17, 1819; m. Feb. 27, 1845, Susan Mead of Quincy, 111. He d. there, Feb. 6, 1846, as. 26. 10. William Phillips, b. June 2, 1822; d. Jan. 4, 1823, [1824?] 124. Cotton White, son of Lieut. David, (57) was born in Hadley, in 1774. He lived in Hatfield and Hadley, and died in the latter place, May 19, 1826, ae. 52. He married, 1st, Oct. 9, 1799, Demis Dickinson, who died Dec. 20, 1801. He married, 2d, Feb. 19, 1807, Elizabeth Bancroft of Westfield, Mass., who married for her 2d husband, Dr. Daniel White. (See Fam. 84.) She was born Nov. 8, 1787, and died May 20, 1843, se. 55. Child; By the First Marriage. 1. Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1800; said to have m. Taylor, and died. Children; By the Second Marriage. 2. David, b. July 5, 1809; his history not ascertained. 3. Elizabeth, b. April, 1816; m. Rev. Mr. McKee of New York. 125. Jonathan White, son of Ebenezer, (58) was born in Hadley, Oct. 29, 1774, and died there, April 13, 1846, se. 71. He married, 1st. May 30, 1799, Lydia Atwood, who died about 1811. He married, 2d, Phebe Rider, dau, of Isaac Rider of Mid- dlebury, Mass. She died May 15, 1856, ae. 69. 124 Sixth Generation and Children. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Thankful, b. 2. Pamela, b. ; m. Charles Warner of H. Has had, Giles, John, Charles, Jonathan, Charlotte D., b. Jan. 31, 1830, d. April 13, 1853, se. 23; and others. 3. Sarah, b. 4. Ruth, b, ;m. Nov. 22, 1824, Samuel Dunakin, and has sev- eral children. 5. Lydia, b. ; m. John Miller; has John, and others. Children; By the Second Marriage. 6. Susan, b. ; m. Nov. 28, 1833, James Wilbur of Hatfield; has a family; one, son, Jonathan, d. Oct. 20, 1853, se. 7 mos. 7. Olive, b. ; m. Stacey, of Davenport, Iowa. , 8. Phebe, b. ; m. 1st, Sept., 1841, Samuel Hager of Enfield, Mass., who d. Nov. 4, 1849; m. 2d, June 25, 1857, Stoddard Meekins of Hadley. By her first husband she had, 1. Edward Augustus, b. June 10, 1842; 2. Eleazer W., b. Sept. 22, 1843, d. Jan. 5, 1846; 3. Mary Isabella, b. Jan. 22, 1848; 4. Justina, b. Jan. 23, 1850. 9. Jonathan, b. Dec. 21, 1817; m. 1st, Amanda G. Hodge; 2d, L. Church. -. (256) 10. Emeline, b. ; m. Levi Ramsdell of Westfield, has a son, Albert. 11. Elijah, b. June 23, 1821; d. July 2, 1821. 126. Elijah White, son of Ebenezer, (58) was born in Hadley, June 28, 1778. He lived there, and died Nov. 24, 1856, se. 78. He married, Dec. 24, 1799, Lucy Pierce of Hadley, dau. of Josiah Pierce, jun. She was born April 26, 1778, and died Oct. 18, 1855, ae. 77. Children. 1. Josiah, b. Aug. 1,1800; m. Hannah Gushing. - (257) 2. Samuel Sumner, b. May 10, 1803; m. Lucretia A. Rowe. - (258) 3. Ebenezer, b. Sept. 11, 1805; Mary Ann Coon. - - - (259) 4. Delia, b. Jan. 20, 1808; m. March 28, 1827, Isaac Stall, who d. April, 1841. She lives in Northampton. She has had, 1. Margaret Elizabeth; 2. Fanny Washington; 3. Samuel, d. se. 20; 4. Mary Ann; 5. Jane; 6. Ellen; 7. Frederick Elijah; 8. Harriet, d. ae. 3. 5. Margaret Smith, b. March 20, 1811; m. April, 1828, Lewis Tower. Has had, 1. Lucy Fairfield, d. 1853, se. 22; 2. Pamela; 3. Charles; 4. Lewis Clark; 5. Julia, d. se. 1. IN THE LINE OF JOHN WHITE OF HARTFORD. 127. John White, Jun., son of John, (59) was born in Hartford, Conn., about 1753. He lived there, and died Jan. 31, 1827, se. 73. (Grave-stone.) Descendants of Nathaniel White. 125 He married Anna Waters, who died June 10, 1826, se. 71. (Grave-stone.) Children. 1. John, b. ; m. Anna Sarvant. - (260) 2. Anna, b. ; m. William Merritt. 3. Ruth, b. ; m. oHin Smith. 4. Lucy, b. ; m. Charles Weeks. 5. Laura, b. ; m. 1st, Isaac Palmer; 2d, James McLean. 6. A child, b. ; buried July 27, 1782. (Sexton's record.) None of these are living, except Lucy and Charles Weeks, and James McLean. See Note to Family 21. 128. Nathaniel White, son of John, (59) was born in Hartford, and died there in 1827. (Administrator appointed Oct. 19) He married Sarah Steele of Hartford, dau. of Timothy Steele and Sarah Seymour. She is probably "the wife of Nathaniel White," who was buried Nov. 12, 1794, se. 28. (Sexton's record.) Children. 1. Sarah, b. ; m. Horace Meaham of Albany, N. Y., a maker of musical instruments. Both d. She had, 1. Roswell Steele, m. and lives in Albany; 2. Mary Ann, m.; 3. Elizabeth, m.; 4. Martha, m.; 5. Sarah, m.; 6. John H., m. is a minister. 2. Nathaniel, b. ; m. Elizabeth Mercellus. - (261) 3. Rufus, b. ; was living in Hartford in 1826; d. unm. IN THE LINE OF ENSIGN DANIEL WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 129. Aaron White, son of Dea. Jonathan, (60) was born in West Springfield, Mass., Sept. 4, 1747, and was a farmer and miller there. He was chosen a selectman of that town in 1781, and was for ten years the town clerk and treasurer. In 1812 he removed to Camillus, Onondaga Co., N. Y., and died there, Nov. 28, 1833, ae. 86. He married, Aug. 23, 1785, Lucy Kellogg of W. S., dau. of Joseph and Martha Kellogg. She was born Jan. 19, 1760, and died March 3, 1848, se. 88. Children. 1. Lucy, b. July 22, 1786; m. 1808, Walter Hitchcock, a blacksmith, of W. S. They rem. to Onondaga, N. Y., in 1816, and now res. at Cedar Falls, Iowa. She has had, 1. Luther White, b. Dec. 1, 1808, m. and lives in Mo.; 2. Cornelius, b. Nov. 2, 1810, m.; 3. Samuel, b. Aug. 19, 1813, m., lives at Wilmington, 111.; 4. Francis, b. Sept. 126 Sixth Generation and Children. 26, 1815, m.; 5. Walter, b. April 4, 1818, m., lives at Cedar Falls, Iowa; 6. Eliza Jane, b. May 16, 1820, d.; 7. Aaron Ely, b. Feb. 16, 1823, m.; 8. Charles, b. May 5, 1826, lives at Cedar Falls, Iowa; 9. Lucy, b. July 10, 1828, m. Bryan Fisher of Wilmington, 111. 2. Samuel Kellogg, b. May 4, 1789; m. Mary M. Hoffman. - (262) 3. Aaron, b. Aug. 15, 1791; m. Lucretia Hughes. - (263) 4. Jonathan, b. Jan. 6, 1794; m. Mrs. Marietta White. - - (264) 5. William Ely, b. June 22, 1796; m. Emily Seymour. - - (265) 6. Amelia, b. Oct. 25, 1799; d. Oct. 23, 1800. 7. Eliza, b. Sept. 14, 1801; m. May 6, 1841, Elganah C. Austin of Onondaga, N. Y., a farmer. She has, 1. Charles Comstock, b. April 14, 1842; 2. Aaron White, b. March 29, 1845. 8. Arthur, b. Feb. 10, 1804; m. Amanda M. Hollister. - (266) 130. Joseph White, Esq., son of Dea. Jonathan, (60) was born in West Springfield, Dec. 24, [17?] 1749. He settled there as a farmer, and was also a surveyor. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was for many years a select- man in West Springfield. In 1806 he removed to Camillus, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; was a pioneer in the eastern part of that town, and was for several years a magistrate. In 1816 he received an injury, from the fall of a tree, which deprived him of the use of his limbs. He died Dec. 21, 1830, ae. 81. He married, 1st, April 3, 1775, Sarah Leonard of West Springfield, dau. of Dea. John and Ann Leonard. She was born May 8, 1752, (N. S.) and died Nov. 27, 1788, &. 36. He married, 2d, Dec. 7, 1791, Phebe Clapp of Eastampton. She was born Dec. 26, 1752, and died July 21, 1830, &. 77. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Harold, b. April 18, 1779; d. March 12, 1786. 2. Amia, b. Aug. 30, 1780; m. 1st, Oct. 3, [4?] 1798, Selden Leonard of W. S., a farmer. They rem. in 1806 to Camillus, N. Y., where he d. July 27. 'She m. 2d, 1811, Ebenezer Healy, farmer, of Sennett, Cayuga Co., N. Y., who d. Sept. 22, 1857, ae. 90. She had, by her first husband, 1. Joseph Warren, b. Aug. 5, 1800, res. in Victory, Cayuga Co., N. Y. He m. Feb. 22, 1827, Lydia Green; 2. Frances, b. June 18, 1804, m. Sept., 1826, Rev. Jireh D. Cole, and d. Oct. 22, 1857, x. 53. By her 2d husband, 3. George, b. Aug. 19, 1812; he is a civil engineer, and res. at Sennett, N. Y. He m. Oct. 6, 1842, Theodosia Polhemus. 3. Elijah, b. March 10, 1782; was a farmer and clothier in Camillus, N. Y., and also a practical surveyor. He d. unm., Aug. 8, 1836, 33. 54. 4. Tryphena Ely, b. March 25, 1784; m. Nov. 28, 1813, Frederick Kellogg, a farmer, of Brutus; Cayuga Co., N. Y., and d. Jan. 27, Descendants of Nathaniel White. 127 1816, a?. 31. He d. Oct. 16, 1832, as. 66. Her only son Charles White, b. May 21, 1815, is a merchant in New York. He m. Demmis D. Comstock of Fort Ann, N. Y. 5. Harold, b. May 2, 1786; m. Marietta Morley. - (267) 131. Daniel White, son of Jedediah, (61) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., January, 1764. He served in the army of the Revolution, and was held a prisoner by the British, in New York, at the close of the war. After the war he settled as a farmer in New Durham, Greene Co., N. Y., where his children were born. About the year 1816 he removed to Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., and died there, April 13, 1837, se. 73. He married, Aug., 1793, Sally Merriam of Richmond, Mass. She died Jan. 27, 1856, . 84. Children. 1. Ruth, b. Sept., 1795. 2. Lucia, b. April 27,1797; m. Jan. 14, 1818, William Page of Augusta, Oneida Co., N. Y. 3. Abraham M., b. July, 1800; m. Dolly Gleason. - - (268) 4. Daniel, b. Sept., 1803; m. Ann Hubbard. (269) 5. Eli E., b. March, 1808; is a farmer in Lenox. 132. John White, son of Jedediah, (61) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., about 1768. He was a farmer in Oneida Co., N. Y. and afterwards in Wayne County. He died Sept. 29, 1827, se. 59. He married, Jan. 1, 1805, Nancy Ann Landon of Oneida Co., dau. of William and Ann Landon. She was born Dec. 6, 1776, and died Dec. 24, 1854, se. 78. Children. 1. Josiah W., b. Dec. 25, 1805; m. Sabra R. Trumbull. - - (270) 2. Nancy B., b. Sept. 18, 1807; d. May 20, 1809. 3. Mary, b. Oct. 25, 1809; d. July 27, 1811. 4. John, b. Dec. 29, 1811; is a merchant in Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y.; has been post-master, and has held town offices. He m. Feb. 23, 1841, Harriet H. Landon, b. April 17, 1818. 5. William, b. Jan. 22, 1815; d. Oct. 4, 1815. 6. Daniel, b. Jan. 9, 1817; is a farmer at Allegan, Mich. He m. Oct. 28, 1852, Phebe Parsons. 133. John White, son of Nathaniel, (62) was born in Chat- ham, Conn., March 23, 1748. He settled there as a farmer, 128 Sixth Generation and Children. but is said to have "removed to the West," about 1784, and to have died May 20, 1825, s&. 77. He married Elizabeth . Children. 1. Amos, b. Feb. 7, 1774; bap. Feb. 27, and died next day. 2. Asahel, bap. Aug. 20, 1775. 3. Molly, bap. Sept. 28, 1777. 4. Amos, b. Oct. 24, 1779. 5. Lucy, bap. July 14, 1782. History of these children not ascertained. 134. Nathaniel White, son of Nathaniel, (62) was born in Chatham, Aug. 14, 1754. He was living there in 1779, but is said to have "removed to the West." The later history of this family is unknown. He married, Oct. 19, 1775, Abigail Miller of Chatham. Children. 1. Elijah, b. Sept. 16, 1777. 2. Deborah, b. Aug. 14, 1779. 135. Amos White, son of Capt. Elijah, (63) was born in Chatham,- Nov. 20, 1745. He settled in East Haddam, Conn., and was engaged in foreign trade. He died in Meriden, Conn., Aug. 21, 1825, se. 79. He married, April 8, 1767, Sarah Griswold of E. Had- dam, dau. of Caleb Griswold. She was born May 11, 1748, and died Feb. 15, 1791, '. 41. Children. 1. Abigail, b. Oct. 16, 1769; m. 1st, April 28, 1793 f Sylvanus Lindsley, of E. Haddam, a druggist. He d. Aug. 14, 1811, and she m. 2d, about May, 1822, Samuel Tibballs of Meriden, who d. July 14, 1829. She d. in Brooklyn, O., Sept. 19, 1831, ae. 62. She had, by hex- first husband, 1. George White, b. March 5, 1794, rem. to Eastern Tenn.; 2. Edward Johnson, b. Dec. 14, 1796, was a clerk, in Tenn., and d. unm., Sept., 1823, ae. 26; 3. Sylvester Brainard, b. Dec. 17, 1798, was a farmer in Brooklyn, 0., and d. in 1834, ae. 36. He m. 1830, Hannah Andrews of Meriden, Conn., who m. 2d, Lester Pasco, of Hartford, Conn., and d. April 7, 1857, ae. 47; 4. Abby Ann, b. Aug. 2, 1802, m. May 20, 1821, Edwin Foote, a farmer of Brooklyn, 0., and d. March 21, 1837, a?. 34. He d. Oct. 31, 1853, ae. 54; 5. Sarah White, b. Dec. 15, 1803, m. July .2, 1829, Diodate Clark, a farmer, of Brooklyn, O., where they now reside. 2. Amos, b. Oct. 13, 1772; m. Hannah White. - (271) 3. William, b. Aug. 17, 1774; d. July 27, 1775. 4. Sarah, b. May 31, 1776; m. Oct. 4, 1801, Sylvester Pratt, a ship- master, of E. Haddam, who d. Dec. 10, 1823, ae. 46. She d. Feb. 20, 1840, ae. 63. She had, 1. Richard S., b. Oct. 23, 1805, is a Descendants of Nathaniel White. 129 merchant and manufacturer in E. H. He m. April 25, 1836, Mary Bulkeley" of Chatham; 2. Sarah White, b. Dec. 11, 1809, m. Aug. 4, 1833, Lester Pasco of E. H., and d. April 30, 1835, a?. 25. 5. William, b. Oct. 16, 1778; d. July 19, 1783. 6. George, b. Feb. 11, 1781; d. April 27, 1782. 7. Elizabeth, b. May, 29, 1784; [1783, town rec.]; m. Sept. 11, 1808, Eleazer Scovil of Meriden, and d. July 24, 1849, as. 66. She had, 1. Elizabeth White, m. May 9, 1832, Henry T. Wilcox, a grocer, of Meriden; 2. Frances A., b. May 31, 1811, m. Feb., 1854, Benjamin Radcliff, a farmer, and resides near Circleville, 0.; 3. George W., b. Feb. 11, 1813, m. Mary Burnes of Pittsburgh, Penn. He was lost on the Ohio River, Nov., 1849; 4. Lyman E., b. Nov. 30, 1815, is a farmer in Williamsport, O. He m. March, 1847, Rebecca Alkiah; 5. Jane J., b. June 25, 1817, m. 1836, John F. Towner of Baltimore, Md., a merchant; 6. A child, b. and d. Jan., 1819; 7. Roxanna G., b. Sept. 25, 1821, m. Linus Baldwin of Meriden. 8. Charles, b. Aug. 8, 1785; was a sea-faring man, and d. unm., Nov. 27, 1824, SB. 39. 9. George, b. Sept. 28, 1787; is a dry goods merchant in New York. 10. Sophia, b. July 16, 1790; d. Nov. 23, 1790. 136. Col. Elijah White, son of Capt. Elijah, (63) was born in East Haddam, Conn., Feb. 28, 1748. He is said to have resided there for a few years, and to have been a sea- captain, his vessel sailing from New Bedford, Mass. He removed to Washington, Berkshire Co., Mass., where he was living in 1778, and thence to Granville, Washington Co., N. Y., and is supposed to have been a merchant there. He died in Granville, Dec., 1804, se. 56. He married, May 9, 1767, Elizabeth Arnold. She was born Nov. 15, 1746, and died in Granville, July 31, 1820, se. 73. Children. 1. Elijah, b. June 12, 1767; m. 1st, Olive Cone; 2d, Mrs. M. Stand- ish. - (272) 2. Wilson, b. March 15, 1769; d. Oct. 13, 1769. 3. Wilson, b. June 30, 1770; m. 1st, Rebecca Town; 2d, Mary Stebbins. (273) 4. Elizabeth, b. August 24, 1772; m. William Jones, of Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y. 5. Rachel, b. Jan. 1, 1775; perhaps m. Gould. 6. Clara, b. April 6, 1777; m. Moses Chandler, farmer, and resided near Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y. 7. Lydia, b. March 30, 1780; m. April 12, 1798, James Bowen of Hart- ford, N. Y., a carpenter and farmer. She is now a widow. Her only dau., Lydia, m. Zachariah Sill of Hartford. 8. Laura, b. Oct. 13, 1782; [1783?] m. Jan. 7, 1802, Amos Palmer, jun., of Granville, and d. Dec. 6, 1850, a?. 68. He d. June 16, 1856, 130 Sixth Generation and Children. se. 81. She had, 1, Clarissa, b. Oct. 11, 1802, d. Feb. 17, 1825, se. 22; 2. Hannah, b. March 16, 1804, m. Nov. 20, 1823, Eli Stone; 3. Anna Mason, b. Jan. 8, 1806, 4. Eliza Delia, b. Jan. 25, 1808, m. Nov. 8, 1829, Dennis Scranton; 5. Amos, b. Jan. 26, 1810, m. 1st, Sept. 9, 1835, Lydia Felch; m. 2d, July 27, 1837, Ruth Barker; 6. Abijah, b. Oct. 3, 1812, m. 1st, Dec. 3, 1843, Charlotte L. Sterling; m. 2d, March 23, 1848, Laura Emily Briggs; 7. Na- than, b. Dec. 14, 1814, m. Nov. 22, 1837, Amelia Canda; 8. Henry Wolcott, b. Dec. 11, 1816, m. 1st, Lorain Bartlett; m. 2d, March 20, 1856, Sally Ann Sweet; 9. Mary White, b. March 3, 1819, m. May 24, 1838, Milo Dibble; 10. William Edwin, b. Dec. 31, 1820, lives in Cleveland, 0.; 11. Charles White, b. Feb. 2, 1823, lives in Cleveland, O. He m. June, 1850, Martha Otis; 12. Sarah Jane Smith, b. June 14, 1825, m. May, 1849, Daniel Wooden. 9. Alfred, b. July 16, 1785; m. Huldah Symonds, and had several children 10. Sophia, b. July 11, 1787; m. Abner Mitchel, and lived in Penn. 11. Charles, b. March 17, 1791; m. Sarah L. Johnson. - (274) 137. Daniel Hurlburt White, son of Capt. Elijah, (63) was born in East Haddam, July 16, 1757. He removed to Granville, Washington Co., N. Y., about 1788, and died there, Feb. 24, 1805, 36. 47. He was a silversmith. He married, Aug. 31, 1780, Hannah Brainard of East Haddam, dau. of Daniel Brainard and Esther Gates. She was born Aug. 25, 1761, and died at Brutus, N. Y., May 3, 1826, se. 64. Children. 1. Gideon Brainard, b. Feb. 2, 1781; d. Oct. 6, 1795, SB. 14. (This family is recorded at East Haddam. The eldest child was born in Guil- ford, Conn.; the five youngest in Granville, N. Y. 2. William, b. Oct. 11, 1783; m. Electa Everts. - - - (275) 3. Hope Lord, b. Aug. 10, 1786; m. 1st, Oct. 12, 1806, John Walker, who d. in Auburn, N. Y., about 1815; m. 2nd, 1817, Aaron B. Sheldon, a farmer, who d. Feb., 1826; m. 3d, 1836, David Thomas, a farmer of Skaneateles, N. Y., where they now reside. 4. Coral Case, b. Feb. 25, 1789; m. Esther B. Johnson. - (276) 5. Fanny, b. Sept. 24, 1790; d. Jan. 4, 1796. 6. Jeremiah Gates Brainard, b. Dec. 22, 1795; m. Lois A. Richard- son. (2*77) 7. Fanny Fidelia, b. May 27, 1798; m. Nov. 11, 1823, John Olmsted of Auburn, N. Y., a 'cabinet-maker. She d. without issue, Dec. 8, 1842, se. 44. 8. Hannah Adelia, b. June 24, 1801; m. March 27, 1826, David Bonta, now of Syracuse, N. Y. She d. Aug. 17, 1842, ae. 41, having had, 1. Derrick Hurlburt, b. Jan. 21, 1827; 2. F. Fidelia, b. July 24, 1829; 3. John Olmsted, b. Aug. 15, 1831; 4. Hope Ann, b. June 15, 1833; 5. Catharine T., b. Aug. 27, 1835; 6. Margaret M., b. Dec. 1, 1839; 7. Mary S., b. Jan. 16, 1841. Descendants of Nathaniel White 131 138. Noadiah White, Jim., son of Capt. Noadiah, (64) was born in Chatham, Conn., Dec. 18, 1745. He was a farmer there, but in 1805 removed to Hartford, Vt., where he lived with his eldest son. He died in 1816, se. 71. He married, Jan. 30, 1772, Mercy Mayo of Chatham. She was born April 27, 1742, and died in 1816, se. 74. Children. 1. Noadiah, b. Oct. 22, 1772; d. Dec. 16, 1776. 2. Eunice, b. April 2, 1775; lived with her brother Amos, and d. unm., Feb., 1814, a. 38. 3. Noadiah, bap. June 8, 1777; m. Wealthy Hazen. - - (278) 4. Rebecca, bap. July 11, 1779; m. Oct. 5, 1804, Joseph Wells of Chat- ham, and d. July. 31, 1814, se. 35. He d. April 18, 1823. She had, 1. Eunice, b. Aug. 7, 1805; 2. Thomas, b. June 16, 1807, rem. to Ohio; 3. Hannah, b. Sept. 23, 1809, m. Philip H. Sellew. 5. Richard, b. Jan. 8, 1782; is unm., and lives in Ontario, Wayne Co., N. Y. 6. Amos, b. June 3, 1785; m. Sally White. - (279) 139. Joseph White, son of Capt. Noadiah, (64) was born in Chatham, March 29, 1752, (N. S.) He was a farmer in that town, but removed to Middlefield, Otsego Co., N. Y., where he died, July 31, 1835, se. 83. His children were all born in Chatham. He married, March 29, 1791, Hannah Gates of East Had- dam, dau. of Timothy Gates and Hannah Percival. She was born March 29, 1762, and died April 25, 1835, se. 73. Children. 1. Gustavus, b. April 25, 1792; d. unm., at Middlefield, June 25, 1853, as. 61. 2. Laura, b. May 30, 1794; m. March 16, 1815, James J. Rice, who d. at Salina, N. Y., April 2, 1838, se. 46. She d. Dec. 20, 1853, as. 59. She had, 1. Emily, b. June 19, 1816, d. Feb. 19, 1839, ae. 22; 2. Augusta, b. Feb. 25, 1819, d. July 11, 1837, se. 18; 3. Juliet, b. April 28, 1821, d. April 28, 1838, ae. 17; 4. A son, d. in infancy; 5. De Witt C., b. May 5, 1823, is a physician in Marysville, Cal. He m. March 23, 1854, Lydia C. Mitchell; 6. Celestia, b. Nov. 16, 1825, d. Jan. 3, 1826; 7. Charlotte E., b. Dec. 30, 1826; m. Aug. 18, 1852, Mark Brummagim, a banker in San Francisco, Cal.; 8. Euclid E., b. Dec. 6, 1829, a druggist in Marysville, Cal.; '9. Cynthia A., b. March 15, 1832, m. April 26, 1857, Charles Wood of Marysville; 10. Joseph G., b. Aug. 15, 1835, resides in Mid- dlefield, N. Y.; is a civil engineer. 3. Caroline, b. March 10, 1796; m. Feb. 15, 1820, Ebenezer S. Rice of Salina, N. Y., who d. June, 1845. She resides in S. She has had, 1. Maria Gates, b. May 13, 1821, d. Nov. 17, 1839, ae. 18; 2. Edwin White, b. Sept. 5. 1822, d. March, 1849, ae. 26; 3. Lucien Percival, 132 Sixth Generation and Children. * b. Sept. 30, 1824, a machinist at Adrian, Mich.; 4. Evelin Hart, b. Nov. 10, 1826, d. Sept. 1, 1828; 5. Othman Sawyer, b. Jan. 20, 1829, d. Dec. 16, 1838; 6. Oscar Derobayne, b. April 7. 1831, d. 1855, JE. 24; 7. Franklin Elliot, b. Jan. 13, 1841. 4. Statira, b. March 25, 1798; lives in Middlefield. 5. Joseph, b. May 9, 1800; m. Marietta Roseboom. - (280) 6. Hannah Esther, b. March 10 1803; lives in Middlefield. 140. Abijah White, son of Capt. Noadiah, (64) was born in Chatham, Jan. 18, 1763. He removed to the State of N. Y., and died in Canajoharie, Jan. 24, 1842, se. 79. He married, Feb. 1, 1789, Hannah Hall of Chatham. She was born Feb. 1, 1769, and died March 6, 1841, se. 72. Children. 1. Lester, b. Dec. 12, 1789; d. Oct. 2, 1790. 2. Sally, b. July 11, 1791-; m. Amos White. (Family 279) 3. Polly, b, Nov. 10, 1793; m. Bushnel Hibbard of Canajoharie, a merch- ant, who d. June, 1830, She has had several children, of whom Charles and Rufus resides in Canajoharie, and have families. 4. Augustus, b. May 4, 1796; d. Nov. 3, 1796. 5. Abijah L., b. Aug. 25, 1797; m. Sally Jones. -* - - (281) 6. Nancy, b. Aug. 25, 1800; m. James Durham, for some years a clerk in one of the Departments at Washington, D. C. She d. in W., July, 1851, leaving a family. 7. Lucinda, b. March 27, 1802; m. George Geortner, a farmer, of Can- ajoharie. She has five daughters, and one son, now living. 8. Amos H., b. Aug. 4, 1804; m. Jane Ann Paff. - (282) 9. Laura, b. March 1, 1807; m. Willard R. Wheeler, merchant, who d. May 18, 1844, ae. 43. She resides at Ames Village, Canajoharie. 10. Jane Ann, b. March 12, 1810; m. Clinton Wetmore. They rem. to Missouri, where she d. May 2, 1844, a?. 34. 141. Samuel White, son of Capt. Noadiah, (64) was born in Chatham, Conn., Feb. 11, 1767. He was living in Thet- ford, Vt., at the time of his marriage, but after a few years removed to N. Y., and died in Georgetown, Madison Co., May 10, 1843, SB. 76. He married, Jan. 21, 1798, Cynthia Allis of Somers, Conn., dau. of Samuel Allis and Olive Makepeace. She was born April 27, 1773, and died Aug. 27, 1849, ae. 76. Children. 1. Backus, b. Dec. 17, 1798; m. Ann Maria Powers. - - (283) 2. Marinda, b. Jan. 9, 1801; m. Jan. 4, 1827, Edward Smith, a farmer, of DeRuyter, Madison Co., and has had, 1. Charles W., b. Sept. 20, 1827; 2. Zelotes A., b. May 20, 1829; d. Aug. 24, 1830; 3. Henry C., b. Oct. 6, 1831, d. Sept. 17, 1832; 4. Samuel E., b. May 25, 1836. Descendants of Nathaniel White.. 1S3 S.Cynthia, b. July 25, 1803; m. Jan. 20, 1822, Dwight Gardner of De Ruyter, a farmer. She has, 1. Lucinda, b. Feb. 5, 1823, m. Jan. 13 1842, Wilson Lamb; 2. Harriet, b. April 1, 1825, m. Sept. 15, 1857, Henry P. Hart; 3. Susan, b. Aug. 17, 1827, m. Jan. 27, 1859, John H. Fuller; 4. Marinda, b. Feb. 19, 1830, m. March 8, 1849, Warren I. Alvord; 5. Esther, b. Dec. 15, 1832, m. July 7, 1857, Mason M. Marsh; 6. Cynthia Alice, b. April 20, 1835; 7. Dwight F., b. March 5, 1838; 8. Austin A., b. April 17, 1841. 4. Austin A., b. July 19, 1805; m. Polly M. Powers. - - (284) 142. David White, Esq., son of Hon. Ebenezer, (65) was born in Chatham, Conn., Sept. 7, 1754. He inherited a part of his father's homestead, and settled there as a farmer, in the present town of Portland. In connection with his brother Daniel, he also carried on the business of ship- building, for several years. He was a justice of the peace. He died Sept. 18, 1833, a>. 79. He married, 1st, Dec. 29, 1774, Mary Ann Stocking of Upper Middletown. She died Dec. 4, 1797, se. 45. He married, 2d, Oct. 15, 1798, Mrs. Mary Prior, widow of Allen Prior of Windsor, and dau. of Dr. Joseph Wells, of Berlin, and of Mary Hart. She died Dec. 15, 1838, ae. 79. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Sally, b. Nov. 24, 1777; m. Feb. 14, 1802, Edmund Ward, master- carpenter for her father. They settled in Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he was a farmer. He d. Jan. 12, 1824, se. 62. She d. Dec. 18, 1824, ae. 47. She had, 1. Henrietta, b. Sept. 3, 1802, m. March 10, 1828, Ebenezer Butler White: (Fam. 287;) 2. Sally Gould, b. Dec. 24, 1804, m. Alden B. Cooper of Fairfield, N. Y. She d. in Portland, Conn., Oct. 29, 1849, ae. 45; 3. Sidney David, b. July 28, 1807, m. Feb. 24, 1830, Nancy Mariette Priest of Fairfield; 4. William Edmund, b. Oct. 11, 1810, d. Aug. 13, 1831, ae. 21; 5. Mortimer, b. Jan. 6. 1812, rem. to Texas. 2. David, b. July 9, 1779; m. Abigail Ames. - (285) 3. Anna, b. Sept. 18, 1781; m. June 21, 1801, Silas Shepard of Her- kimer, N. Y. She has had, 1. Lucy, m. Hyzer of Steuben, N. Y.; 2. Ralph W., lives in Freedom, Ohio. He m. 1st, Mary Shepard of Chatham, Conn.; m. 2d, Julia A ; 3. Sally, m. John Hartman of Herkimer, and d.; 4. Charles, is a physician at Grand Rapids, Mich. He m. Doolittle of Herkimer; 5. David Daniel, m. and d. Children; By the Second Marriage. 4. Mary Ann, b. July 27, 1799; d. Nov. 6, 1810, se. 11. 5. James Wells, b. April 27, 1802; m. 1st, Fanny Hall; 2d, M. B. Lewis. .... (286) 143. Col. Daniel White, son of Hon. Ebenezer, (65) was born in Chatham, Oct. 24, 1765. He was a farmer there, on 134 Sixth Generation and Children. the homestead of his father and grandfather. In 1814 he served, for a few months, with the rank of Major, in the defence of New London, Conn. He was a selectman of Chatham, and held other town offices. Individual trusts were also frequently committed to his charge. He died Dec. 25, 1845, se. 80. He married, Jan. 24, 1791, Abigail Hills of East Hartford, dau. of Jonathan Hills and Mabel Stanley. She was born July 23, 1772, and died Feb. 22, 1838, se. 65. He had one son, Ebenezer Butler, b. Nov. 15, 1804; m. Henrietta Ward. - (287) 144. Josiah White, son of Lieut. Stephen, (66) was born in Chatham, Sept. 5, 1761. He settled there as a farmer, but for a few years previous to 1812, lived in other places, being engaged in merchandizing. In 1812 he removed to Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., and in 1825 to Floyd, in the same county. While there, he held the offices of post-master and sheriff. He returned to Verona, where he died, Sept. 17, 1831, se. 70. He married, 1st, April 25, 1780, Hannah Hills of Glasten- bury, Conn., dau. of Samuel and Eunice Hills. She was born Jan. 7, 1762, and died Sept. 5, [21?] 1792, se. 30. He married, 2d, 1795, Rebecca Hills of East Hartford, Conn., dau. of Jonathan Hills and Mabel Stanley. She was born Nov. 16, 1766. He married, 3d, Feb. 13, 1809, Elisabeth Porter of East Hartford, born Jan. 1, 1786, dau. of Job and Margaret Porter. She now resides in Selma, Ala. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Stephen, b. 1781; d. Aug. 23, 1781. 2. Stephen, b. Feb. 22, 1783; m. Mary Lavinia Cossitt. (288) 3. Henry, b. Aug. 11, 1785; grad. at Williams College in 1812, and was a teacher, in Utica, N. Y., 1813-1816. He then went to the South for the benefit of his health, and spent most of his subsequent life in Alabama and the adjoining States. His health not per- mitting him to settle in the ministry, he labored chiefly with destitue churches in those States, and sometimes as a missionary among the Cherokee Indians, preaching to them through an inter- preter. He was a part of the time engaged in teaching, and for a few years previous to his death "employed his unwearied exertions in establishing and endowing a Female Seminary at Claiborne, Ala., which he had the satisfaction to see in full and successful operation. He d. unm., March 13, 1829. se. 43. 4. William Czar, b. Nov. 25, 1787; m. Betsey House. - - (289) Descendants of Nathaniel White. 135 5. Eveline, b. Sept. 1st, 1789; m. 1st, April, 1813, Benjamin B. Smith of Glastenbury, Conn., a cabinet-maker. They rem. to Verona, N. Y. She m. 2d, Jan. 27, 1825, Hibbard Pride, a farmer, of Busti, Chautauque Co., N. Y., where they now reside. She has, by her first husband, 1. William Henry, b. June 1, 1815, lives in Elk, Saginaw Co., Mich.- He m. Jan. 5, 1837, Financy Markress, who d. Sept. 22, 1855,_ae. 38.; 2. Elmina Fidelia, b. April 13, 1817, m. June 20, 1842, Cyrus Spicer, now of Busti. Child; By the Second Marriage. 6. Walter, b. Nov. 20, 1795;*d. unm., Feb. 11, 1821, se. 25. Children; By the Third Marriage. 7. Harriet Porter, b. Jan. 18, 1810; m. July 1, 1829, Edwin Fay, Esq. (See in Fam. 35.) He grad. at Harvard College in 1817, is a lawyer by profession, but has spent most of his life in teaching. He is now a planter at Rocky Mount, Autauga Co., Ala. She has had, 1. Harriet Eleutheria, b. June 9, 1830, d. Aug. 31, 1831; 2. Edwin Hedge, b. March 17, 1732, grad. Harv. Coll., 1852, and is a teacher in La.; 3. Sarah Elisabeth White, b. Feb. 6, 1835, m. Samuel P. Stoddard of Selma; 4. Eleutheria Olivia, b. Jan. 15, 1838, d. Aug. 6, 1857, a?. 19; 5. William Henry, b. March 1, 1841; 6. Josiah Dunham, b. Nov. 1, 1844. 8. Olivia Hubbard, b. May 6, 1812; m. 1st, March 17, 1831, Edmund Olmsted, a farmer, of Floyd, N. Y., who d. Jan. 5, 1832; m. 2d, Dec. 21, 1842, Rev. James M. McKee, a Presbyterian clergyman, now of Orion, Pike Co., Ala. She has had, by her second husband, 1. Edwin Leroy, b. Nov. 3, 1843; 2. Harvey Lloyd, b. March 10, 1846; 3. Caroline Louisa, b. Dec. 13, 1848; 4. John McPherson, b. March 5, 1851; 5. William Henry, b. June 18, 1853, d. in infancy. 9. Elisabeth Adeline, b. Nov. 27, 1814; m. Oct. 31, 1839, Amos H. Lloyd of Selma, Ala., a merchant tailor. 10. Caroline Amanda, b. April 1, 1821; was a music-teacher, and d. unm , Aug. 30, 1845, ze. 24. 145. George White, Esq., son of Lieut. Stephen, (66) was born in Chatham, Sept. 18, 1763. He was a farmer there; was a justice of the peace, and a representative from that town, in the Legislature, in 1821. He died June 1, 1848, le. 84. He married, 1st, Mabel Hills of East Hartford, dau. of Jonathan Hills and Mabel Stanley. She was born Nov. 16, 1766, and died Dec. 6, 1817, &. 51. He married, 2d, 1818, Hannah T. Starr, of Middletown. She resides in Portland. Children; By the Second Marriage. 1. George J., b. May 20, 1819; m. Esther Myrick. - (290) 2. Stephen H., b. Dec. 15, 1820; m. 1st. Sarah Risley; 2d, A. W. Ufford. (291) 3. Esther, b. Jan. 13, 1823; d. Jan. 15, 1823. 4. William S., b. Mar. 26, 1824; m. Emily Strickland. - (292) 5. Hannah E., b. Aug. 20, 1826. 6. Elizabeth, b. Nov., 1829. 136 Sixth Generation and Children. 146. Timothy White, son of Timothy, (67) was probably born in East Haddam, Conn., about 1754. He was a black- smith, and was living in Hartford in 1776, but resided chiefly in Upper Middletown, where he died, April 27, 1824, se. 70. He married, 1st, Aug. 20, 1778, Mehitable Smith, of Had- dam, dau. of Abner Smith. She died Sept. 1, 1794, se. 38. He married, 2d, Ursula Sloper of Southington, Conn. She died many years since. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Samuel, b. March 10, 1780; 1st, Elizabeth Smith; 2d, Mrs. C. Hill. -~ (293) 2. Sally, b. Feb. 4, 1782; m. Oct. 25, [26?] 1800, John Mclntyre of Hartford, and d. July 13, 1849, . 67. He d. Aug. 20, 1859, se. 80. She had, Mary, b. March 26, 1802, m. John Church; 2. Adaline, b. Jan. 27, 1803, m. James Lovett; 3. Sarah, b. Mar. 19, 1805, m. June 21, 1826, Charles Loomis of Petersburg, Va.; 4. Julia Ann, b. Sept., 1807; 5. Rebecca, b. Aug. 22, 1808; 6. Katharine, b. Feb. 21, 1811, m. David Stebbins of New York, and d. Nov., 1848, ae. 37; 7. Harriet, b. Feb. 27, 1814, m. Wiley Jackson of Richmond, Va.; 8. Fanny, b. April 7, 1816; 9. Clarissa, b. July 4, 1818; 10. John Sanford, b. Aug. 22, 1822, res. in Hartford. He m. March 5, 1854, Harriet Colton; 11. George Henry, b. July 29, 1824; 12. James Lovett, b. April 30, 1825, d. Nov. 11, 1831. 3. Mehitable, b. Sept. 10, 1784; m. Asa White. - (Family 181) 4. Susanna, b. Dec. 8, 1786; d. March 8, 1787. 5. Timothy, b. Dec. 26, 1787; m. Roxy Sage. (294) 6. Heman, b. Nov. 19, 1789; d. at the Island of St. Bartholomew, W. I., Oct. 25, 1809, 33. nearly 20. 7. Luther, b. April 2, 1792; d. Oct. 15, [14?] 1803, . 11. 8. Benjamin, b. Aug. 9, 1794; m. Sally Cook. - (295) Child; By the Second Marriage. 9. Orville, b. May 4, 1797; d. Nov. 17, 1797. 147. Samuel White, son of Aaron, (68) was born July 3, 1762. He removed from Upper Middletown, Conn., to Oneida Co., N. Y., and lived in Holland Patent, in the town of Tren- ton, where he died, March, 1833, se. 70. He married, Oct. 3, 1787, Anna Merrow of East Hartford, Conn., dau. of Elisha Merrow. She was born Nov. 19, 1764, and died Feb. 2, 1851, se. 86. Children. 1. Aaron, b. Nov. 2, 1788; m. Rhoda Bagg. (296) 2. Nancy, b. Dec. 18, 1789; m. Samuel Guiteau, who is dead. She has three children, and resides in Trenton. 3. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1791; m. Dr. David Perry. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 137 4. Walter, b. July 5, 1793; d. in Schoolcraft. Mich., unm., Oct. 17, 1846, se. 53. 5. Sophia, b. Mar. 22, 1795; d. unm., Mar. 9, 1842, ae. 47. 6. Laura, b. Mar. 15, 1797; m. Daniel Buck, who is dead She has five children; the family are in Ohio. 148. Col. Daniel Clark White," son of Hon. Hugh, (69) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., March 2, 1759. He accompanied his father to Whitestown, N. Y., upon its first settlement, and was a brewer and inn-keeper there. He died. June 4, 1800, ae. 41. He married Esther Paine of Middletown, dau. of Moses and Esther Paine. ' She was born May 27, 1760, and died Feb. 19, 1839, aa. 78. Children. 1. Andrew, b. about 1782; d. unm., May 6, 1838, ae. about 56. 2. Esther, b. March 15, 1785. She was the first white child born in Whitestown. She m. Sept. 21, 1810, Hon. Henry Randolph Storrs. He grad. Yale Coll., 1804, and became an eminent lawyer; was first Judge of Onejda Co. Court, and a Member of Congress from 1817 to 1821, and 1823 to 1831. He d. July 29, 1837, ae. 49. Mrs. Storrs now res. in Gardner, Me. She has had, 1. Henry Lemuel, b. July 1, 1811, was an Episcopal clergyman, and d. at Yonkers, N. Y., May 16, 1852, ae. 41; 2. Fortune Kingsley, b. Feb. 15, 1813, d. unm., at San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 12, 1853, ae 40; 3. Eliza, b. Oct. 21, 1814, d. Aug. 28, 1837, as. 22; 4. William Champion, b. Sept. 5, 1816, is a lawyer in Rochester, N. Y.; 5. Peyton Randolph, b. April 17, 1818, d. at Milwaukee, Wis., June 13, 1855, a. 37. 3. Fortune Clark, b. July 10, 1787; m. Experience Patten. - (297) 149. Joseph White, son of Hon. Hugh, (69) was born at Upper Middletown, Conn., Jan. 16, 1761. He was one of the company that first settled Whitestown, N. Y., and was a farmer there. He died June 17, 1827, &. 66. He married, 1st, April 4, 1782, Lucy Bulkley of Wethers- field, Conn., dau. of Benjamin Bulkley. She died Nov. 20, 1810, se. 59. He married, 2d, Mrs. Sybil Willis, who died in 1832. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Susan, b. Feb. 6, 1783; was the child taken home by the Indian Chief; (see p. 87.) She m. Nathaniel Eells of Whitestown, who d. about 1825. She d. 1850, ae. 67. 'She had a son Calvin. 2. Lucy, b. July 22, 1784; m. 1st, 1805, Oman Clark of Farmington, 138 Sixth Generation and Children. Conn., a farmer who d. Feb. 14, 1815, ae. 38. She m. 2d, May, 1816, Jesse Stanley of New Britain, Conn., a farmer, who d. Aug. 19, 1827, ae. 48. She is living in Farmington. She had, by her first husband, 1. Henry White, b. Feb., 1807, m. 1832, Emily Stanley, and res. in Cleveland, 0.; 2. Sarah, b. July 19, 1809, m. ' Feb. 3, 1831, Oren Stanley North of New Britain; 3. Mervin, b. 1812, m. Caroline Guptill, and d. June 27, 1854, se. 42. By her second husband, 4. A son, b. March 20, 1818, d. in infancy; 5. Almira, twin with the last, m. June 15, 1843, George S. Coe of Brooklyn, N. Y., cashier of the Am. Exchange Bank, New York; 6. Margaret, b. Nov. 26, 1820, m. Dec. 31, 1844, John E. Cowles of Farmington; 7. Oliver Cromwell, b. Feb. 23, 1823, m. Oct. 13, 1847, Charlotte Hine of New Milford, Conn., and res. in New Britain. 3. Huldah, b. April 19, 1786; d. in infancy. 4. Henry, b. Feb. 8, 1788; m. Julia Bidwell. (298) 5. Abigail, b. Aug. 26, 1789; m. Samuel Wilcox, a farmer in Whites- town, and has had, 1. Julia Ann, b. Sept. 21, 1814; 2. Lucy Bulk- ley, b. Dec. 9, 1816; 3. George Chauncey, b. Dec. 1818; 4. Susan Eells, b. March 5, 1823; 5. Henry White, b. Feb. 14, 1826; 6. Edward Lindsley, b. Nov. 6. 1829; 7. Samuel, b. Sept. 6, 1832. 6. Bulkley, b. March 10, 1791; d. in infancy. 7. Bulkley, b. May 2, 1793; d. in infancy. 8. Joseph, b. Dec. 10, 1794; m. . (299) 9. Thomas Bulkley, b. Feb. 3, 1797; m. and had a family. He lived in Mich, for a few years. He was a soldier in the Mexican war, and d. in Texas or Mexico, about 1850. 10. Eliza, b. Nov. 7, 1798; m. Reuben Wilcox of Whitestown, had four children, and d. about 1825. 11. Mary, b. 1800; m. Henry Cooley of Auburn, N. Y., and d. without issue, in 1836. 150. Hugh White, Jim., son of Hon. Hugh, (69) was born at Upper Middletown, Conn., Jan. 16, 1763. He was for three years a soldier in the Revolutionary Army, and was for a while on board a privateer. He went with his father to Whitestown, N. Y, and was a farmer there. A few years previous to his death ,he removed to Shrewsbury, N. J., where he died, April 7, 1827, se. 64. He married, 1st, about 1787, Tryphena Lawrence of Ca- naan, Conn., dau .of Jonas Lawrence and Tryphena Lawr- ence. She was born July 4, 1768, and died March 30, 1800, 86.31. He married, 2d, March 5, 1801, Susan Smith of Whites- town, who died July 21, 1805. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Robert, b. Nov. 27, 1788. He lived many years in preferred re- tiremen, in Missouri, and died at a time and place unknown, leaving, it is said, six children. 2. Canvass, b. Sept. 8, 1790; m. Louisa Loomis. - - (300) Descendants of Nathaniel White. 139 3. Charlotte, b. Oct. 15, 1792; m. Esek Walcott, and rem. to Walnut Hills, Miss., where she d. Jan., 1831, ae. 38. He d. about 1837. She had, 1, Charlotte; 2. Edward, d.; 3. Ann; 4. Louisa. 4. Tryphena, b. Sept. 30, 1794; d. Feb. 10, 1801, ae. 6. 5. Sophia, b. Jan. 6, 1796; m. 1816, John Duston, now of Kingston, Mo. She had Anna Maria, and other children. 6. Hugh, b. Dec. 25, 1798; m. Maria M. Mansfield. - - (301) Child; By the Second Marriage. 7. Susan, b. July 17, 1802; m. 1820, Joseph S. Porter of Utica, now of Alleghany, N. Y. 151. Ansel White, son of Hon. Hugh, (69) was born at Upper Middletown, Conn., Jan. 11, 1765. He accompanied his father to Whitestown, N. Y., and settled there as a farmer. He died Feb. 21, 1858, &. 93. He married, about Jan., 1791, Anna Root. She was born July 7, 1770, and died Nov. 2, 1854, 33. 84. Children. 1. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 7, 1792; d. unm., Oct. 1851, ae. 59. 2. Lavinia, b. Sept. 15, 1793; m: Nov. 4, 1816, Nathan S. Roberts, a civil engineer, and resided in Canastota, Madison Co., N. Y. He d. about Nov., 1850. She d. about April 15, 1858, ae. 64. She had, 1. DeWitt Clinton, b. July 28, 1817, res. in Canastota. He m. 1st, Sept. 14, 1842, Caroline Cummins, who d. He m. 2d, May 25, 1847, Helen Ward; 2. Mary Jane, b. Dec. 7, 1819, m. July 2, 1839, S. Spencer, Esq., and d. April 14, 1840, ae. 20; 3. Albert Backus, b. March 20, 1822; 4. Lavinia Catherine, b. Feb. 26, 1825, m. Aug. 16, 1847, Addison G. Williams, now of Buffalo, a civil engineer; 5. Frances Josephine, b. June 27, 1827, m. June 27, 1849, William B. Fisk of Syracuse; 6. Nathan Smith, b. Feb. 3, 1833. 3. Aurelia, b. April 16, 1795; m. Graves, and d. about April, 1828, 33. 33. 4. Fanny, b. Feb. 19, 1797; m. 1st, - - Sprague; m. 2d, John Robin- son of Whitestown. She had, by her first husband, 1. Lydia Ann, m. Fey Hutchins, of Chittenango, N. Y.: by her 2d, husband, 2. Catherine. 5. Halsey, b. June 26, 1800; is a farmer in Tully, Mo. 6. Sally, b. Sept. 21, 1802; d. unm., Nov. 4, 1852, 33. 50. 7. Catherine, b. Sept. 11, 1807; m. June 16, 1832, John Grouse a merchant in Syracuse, N. Y., and has, 1. John J., b. Aug. 16, 1834; 2. D. Edgar, b. June 11, 1843. 8. Ansel, b. June 19, 1808; went to the West. 9. John, b. July 17, 1810; went to Missouri. 10. Lydia Ann, b. Aug. 5, 1812; d. Aug. 15, 1814. 152. Philo White, son of Hon. Hugh, (69) was born at Upper Middletown, Conn., June 25, 1767. He was a farmer in Whitestown, N. Y., and was also at one time engaged in 140 Sixth Generation and Children. merchandizing ,at that place and at Tioga Point. He died April 12, 1849, se. 82. He married, 1788, Esther Holt of Whitestown, dau. of Isaac Holt. She died February, 1841, se. 75. Children. 1. Jones, b. Sept. 10, 1789; m. Mary Lewis. - (302) 2. Charlotte, b. 1791; d. 1793. 3. Harriet, b. Sept. 6, 1792; m. 1st, Nov., 1811, Lewis J. Dauby of Whitestown, who d. 1817. She m. 2d, March 31, 1822, James Goodrich of W. She has had, by her first husband, 1. Helen, b. Nov. 14, 1812, d. Oct. 7, 1813; 2. Helen, b. Dec. 8, 1816, m. July 9, 1840, S. Wright Crittenden of Rochester, N. Y., and d. Aug. 17, 1842, ae. 25, By her second husband, 3. Cordelia, b. March 2, 1823, m. March 7, 1842, James L. Smith of W., now of Tabor, Fremont Co., Iowa; 4. Henrietta, b. March 6, 1825, m. April 24, 1849, Daniel S. Frost of Knowlesville, Orleans Co., N. Y., who d. Sept. 15, 1850; she res. in W.; 5. Gustavus, b. July 29, 1826, m. 1850, Jane P. Thompson of Whitesville, Racine Co., Wis., where he resides; 6. Edmond Curran, b. Aug. 26, 1828, lives in Whitestown. He m. Sept. 6, 1849, Harriet E. Curtiss of Sauquoit, Oneida Co.; 7. Dwight, b. July 31, 1831, lives in Milwaukee, Wis. He m. Sept. 8, 1857, Alzina A. Johnson of Watertown, Wis. 4. Hiram, b. April 11, 1794; m. Aminta Thruston. - (303) 5. Philo, b. June 23, 1796; m. Nancy R. Hampton. - - (304) 6. Charles, b. Sept., 1799; was a jeweler in Mobile, Ala., where "he frequently filled responsible municipal posts." He d. unm., Oct., 1848, . 49. 7. Esther, b. 1802; m. 1826, David O. Macomber of Utica, now of the city of New York. 8. Lois, b. 1805; m. 1828, George Manchester of Utica, N. Y. They resided in Boston, Mass., where she d. without issue, about 1851. He d. about 1852. 9. Julia Ann, b. July 13, 1808; m. Jan. 1, 1827, Sidney R. Kennedy, of Brookfield, Madison Co., now of Auburn, N. Y. She has had, 1. Cornelia, b. Sept. 9, 1829, m. May, 1849, Joseph Perkins of Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y.; 2. Harriet White, b. Oct. 3, 1831, m. Sept., 1852, Theodore H. Cone of Auburn; 3. Norman Hulbert, b. June 6, 1833; res. in Auburn. He m. Feb., 1857, Mary Jane Van Tuyl; 4. Esther Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1835, m. Aug., 1855, Peter Petrie of Phelps, N. Y.; 5. Arthur Sidney, b. Oct. 31, 1837, is in the U. S. Navy; 6. Isaac Eugene, b. May 24, 1840, lives at Clifton Springs, N. Y.; 7. Charles White, b. Aug. 1844, d. Jan. 22, 1846. 153. Elisha White, son of Rev. Stephen, (70) was born in Windham, Conn., Sept. 16, 1754. He was a farmer in that town, and died there, Feb. 3. 1835, se. 80. He married, Nov. 4, 1779, Lois Webb of Windham, dau. of Samuel Webb and Deborah Davidson. She was born Feb. 16, 1754, and died Jan. 22, 1835, se. 81. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 141 Children. 1. Harry, b. Feb. 14, 1781; d. Aug. 23, 1782. 2. Samuel, b. Sept. 22, 1782; d. July 31, 1796, ae. 13. 3. Thomas, b. Sept. 23, 1784; sailed from New York, for New Orleans, Dec., 1814, in a vessel which was never heard from. He was unmarried. 4. Oliver Dyer, b. Feb. 17, 1787; d. Jan. 31, 1788. 5. Dyer, b. Dec. 6, 1788; d. unm., at Warren, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1852, ae. 63. 6. Elisha, b. Aug. 9, 1791; m. Lydia Dyer. (305) 7. Mira', b. Mar. 25, 1794; m. May 5, 1834, John Champion, formery of Lebanon, Conn., afterwards of Ypsilanti, Mich. He d. March 9, 1853, ae. 71. She resides in Ypsilanti, and has, 1. Charles Rock- well, b. Aug. 19, 1835; 2. Henry Crane, b. Dec. 28, 1836. 8. Charles, b. June 20, 1797; res. in Warren, Trumbull Co., O. 154. Hon. Dyer White, son of Rev. Stephen, (70) was born in Windham, Conn., May 20, 1762. After studying law with the Hon. Charles Chauncey, he commenced the practice of his profession in New Haven, Conn., in 1785, and resided there during the remainder of his life. He possessed to a great degree the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens, and was much resorted to, as a judicious adviser ,a safe legal counsellor, and a kind of efficient friend. He held -the office of Clerk of the Superior Court for New Haven County, for twenty years, and was one of the Judges of the County Court, or Court of Common Pleas, for the same County, for seventeen years. By his sound judgment and consistent piety, he was enabled to do much useful service for the com- munity in which he lived ,and for the Church of Christ with which he was connected. He died Nov. 2, 1841, &. 79. The following is a fac-simile of his autograph. He married, 1st, March 18, 1791, Susanna Whittelsey of New Haven, dau. of Rev. Chauncey Whittelsey, pastor of the First Congregational Church in New Haven, and of Martha Newton. She was born Sept. 25, 1766, and died Oct. 2, 1796, aB. 30. He married, 2d, March 11, 1801, Hannah Wetmore of Mid- 142 Sixth Generation and Children. dletown, dau. of Seth Wetmore and Mary Wright. She was born May 28, 1773, and died June 20, 1830, was born hi Upper Middletown, Conn., Dec. 17, 1762. He graduated at Yale College in 1786, studied theology, and was ordained a Congregational minister in 1789. He was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Hanover, Morris Co., N. J., June 29, 1791, and was dismissed, at his own request, Nov. 17, 1795. He soon after entered the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, laboring for a short time at Stamford, Conn., and for many years at Derby, Conn. In 1821 he 146 Sixth Generation and Children. adopted the Roman Catholic faith, but did not enter the priesthood. "He was a devoted and accomplished scholar, and one of the few who loved and thoroughly mastered the Hebrew tongue. In politics he was a tory, and when speaking of the Revolutionary War, never failed to call it the 'rebellion.' He never voted in his life." He died in Derby, March 21, 1853, &. 90. The following fac-simile of his autograph is copied from the signature to a letter written when he was eighty-eight years old. He married, 1st, Feb. 28, 1792, Phebe Camp of Newark, N. J., dau. of Capt. Nathaniel and Rachel Camp. Capt Camp was an American officer during the War of the Revolution. She was born June 18, 1770, and died Nov. 23, 1826, se. 56. He married, 2d, 1827, Jane Mardenbrough, who is still living. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Robert, b. Dec. 1, 1792; m. Hannah Gibbs. - - - (324) 2. Sarah, b. April 19, 1794; d. unm., Sept. 2, 1856, se. 62. She d. at Shrewsbury, N. J., of fever, having contracted the disease by attendance upon her brother Chandler. 3. Richard Mansfield, b. May 26, 1797; m. Ann Eliza Tousey. (325) 4. Moses, b. April 11, 1799; m. Margaret Palmer. - - (326) 5. Carlton, b. Feb. 20, 1801; m. Judith C. Miller. (327) 6. A son, b. ; d. in infancy. 7. Chandler, b. June 14, 1806; m. Anna Mathilda Miller. - (328) 8. Mardenbrough, b. March 6, 1810; m. Clarissa Jones. - (329) 9. George Berkeley, b. July 7, 1814; m. Clara Miller. - (330) 161. Elisha White, son of Moses, (72) was born in Upper Middletown, Sept. 13, 1766. He was a hatter, and settled in Claremont, N. H., but removed to Weybridge, Vt., in 1799, and was a farmer there until his death, April 3, 1802, ae. 35. He married, Dec. 30, 1790, Honor Sumner of Claremont, dau. of Col. Benjamin Sumner and Prudence Hubbard. She was born Feb. 18, 1772, and died in Claridon, Ohio, April 21, 1854, se. 82. ^ Descendants of Nathaniel White. 147 Children. 1. Polly, b. Dec. 19, 1791; d. unm., at E. Claridon, O., Sept. 7, 1858, se. 66. Her death was caused by her clothes taking fire. 2. Maria, b. June 4, 1793; m. Jan. 11, 1819, James N. Willard of North Hartland, Vt., a merchant. She has, 1. James Nutting, b. June 5, 1821, a merchant in N. Hartland. He m. Feb. 27, 1844, Mary G. Thayer of Thetford, Vt.; 2. Eluthera Maria, b. May 23, 1823, d. June 10; 3. Phineas K., b. Aug. 21, 1825, m.; 4. Louisa Maria, b. March 29, 1828, d. Sept. 18, 1829; 5. Allen H., b. Jan. 24, 1830, m.; 6. Daniel Spaulding, b. Aug. 16, 1833; 7. George Elisha, b. April 19, 1837. 3. Honor, b. March 14, 1795; m. 1st, Aug. 26, 1811, Joseph Brackett, and Resided in Weybridge; m. 2d, May 9, 1821, Chester Wells, a farmer, of Claridon, Geauga Co., O. She has had, by her first husband, 1. Marion P.,'b. Sept. 5, 1812, m. July 4, 1834, Orrin P. Gager of Claridon; 2. Helen Maria, b. Jan. 28, 1815, m. Oct. 18, 1838, Marcus Hitchcock of C. By her second husband, 3. Honor Melissa, b. May 3, 1822; 4. Edgar C., b. July 3, 1824; 5. Marcia Ann, b. Nov. 9, 1826, m. Sept. 10, 1850, Lester C. Treat ef C., and d. Aug. 12, 1857, as. 30; 6. Caroline Matilda, b. May 5, 1830, d. July 8, 1844, ae. 14. 4. Roderick, b. May 22, 1797; formerly a farmer in E. Claridon, 0., now carries on the business of tanning, at Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Co., O. 5. Eluthera, b. June 29, 1799; m. March 2, 1820, Benjamin B. Gorton, a paper maker. They rem. to 0. in 1822, and now res. in Claridon. She has had, 1. William B., b. Dec. 5, 1820, d. Sept. 4, 1822; 2. Helen M. b. Oct. 23, 1823, d. Jan. 23, 1824; 3. William Benjamin, b. April 1, 1825, m. Oct., 1848, Lucinda Roberts of Warren, 0.; 4. Helen Maria, b. June 23, 1827, m. Sept., 1849, Dennis Freeman of C.; 5. Roderick White, b. Aug. 23, 1829; 6. Jane E., b. June 9. 1831, m. Feb. 20, 1851, James M. Hathaway, now of Farmington, Wis.; 7. Mary Ann, b. July 19, 1833; 8. Laura Amanda, b. Aug. 21, 1835, m. May 15, 1859, Albert L. Jenks, now of Dresbach City, Min.; 9. Melissa A., b. June 20, 1842. 6. George Elisha, b. June 2, 1801; m. Mrs. Martha R. Christie. (331) 162. Joseph White, son of Ellas, (73) was born in Upper Middletown, about 1771. He removed to Granville, Wash- ington, Co., N. Y., was a farmer there, and died about 1830. He married, Oct. 18, 1795, Matty Hasgill. Children. 1. Lucy, bap. Nov. 20, 1796; bap. at Upper Middletown. 2. Betsey, b. ; probably b. in Granville. 3. Sarah, b. ; Perhaps there were other children. 163. Elias White, son of Elias, (73) was born in Upper Middletown. He settled in Cornwall, Conn., about 1800, and resided there till his death. Name of his wife not known. 148 Sixth Generation and Children. Children. 1. Comfort; lives in Sheffield, Mass. 2. Edwin. 3. Elias. 4. Edward Rogers; lives in Cornwall. Perhaps further particulars may be given after family 331, in the Seventh Generation. 164. Capt. Isaac White, son of Elias, (73) was born in Upper Middletown, June 22, 1780. He resided there, was a mariner, and at the time of his death was master of a vessel. He died in New London, Oct. 29, 1821, ae. 41. He married, Oct. 28, 1808, Priscilla Plumb, dau. of Reu- ben and Priscilla Plumb of Middletown. She was born Oct. 22, 1787, and died in the winter of 1823. Children. 1. Henry Champlin, b. Nov. 14, 1809; m. Mary F. Browning (332) 2. Mary Ann, b. March 13, 1813; m. John Cook of Buffalo, N. Y., and has one dau., Ruth Anne, b. about 1843. 3. Isaac, b. June 29, 1814; m. Sarah Ann Girard. - (333) 4. Harriet Plumb, b. June 22, 1816; m. Lyman Strong of Oswego, N. Y., and has one son, Henry White. 5. Jane, b. May 30, 1818; m. Richard Chappel, now of St. Peters, Minnesota. She has Henry, and two others. IN THE LINE OF JACOB WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 165. Samuel White, Jun., son of Samuel, (74) was born in North Coventry, Conn., Nov. 5, 1757. He resided there, and died about Feb., 1807, ae. 49. He married Rachel Porter of N. Coventry, dau. of Dea. Jonathan Porter, jun., and Lois Richardson. She was born May 28, 1761, and died May, 1815, ae. 54. Children. 1. Marcia, b. ; m. Amos Every of N. Cov., and d. March, 1838, having had, 1. Marilla, m. Clark Steer, and d. Vernon, Nov., 1847; 2. Munroe; 3. Francis; 4. Martha Amelia, d.; 5. Franklin; 5. John Maffit; 7. Harriet, d.; 8. Columbus; 9. Lewis. 2. Samuel, b. May, 1782; m. Lydia Jewett. - - (334) 3. Leonard, b. March, 1788; d. Sept., 1808, se. 20. He was killed by the discharge of a pistol, at a military review. 4. Mary, b. Feb. 27, 1790; m. Dec. 30, 1814, Zolvah Brown of N. Cov., a farmer. She has had, 1. Mary Kingsbury, b. Sept. 27, 1816, m. May 11, 1840, Joseph D. Barrows of Mansfield, Conn.; 2. Oliver, b. Aug. 7, 1820, d. unm., Nov. 3, 1848, s>. 28; 3. Emeline Francis, Descendants of Nathaniel White. 149 b. May 7, 1824, m. Milo Loomis of N. Cov.; 4. Catharine Porter, b. July 22, 1825, m. Nathaniel W. French; 5. Walter Clark, b. Oct. 14, 1831, m. Sarah Ann Clark.. 5. Walter, b. ; m. Betsey Hinkley of Tolland, dau. of Ichabod Hinkley. He lived for some time in Rochester, N. Y., but rem. to Wisconsin, where he d. without issue, about April, 1855. 6. Rachel, b. ; lives in Colchester, Conn. 7. Jonathan Porter, b. ; m. Abigail Scripture. - - (335) 8. Laura, b. ; m. 1st, Urial Andrus of N. Cov., who d. in 1826, 33. 31; m. 2d James Bennett of Bolton. She has had, by her first husband, 1. Urial; 2. Royal George, m. Harriet M. Neff; 3. Walter Scott W. By her second husband, 4. James; 5. Henry Payson, d.; 6. William Harrison, d. 9. Adotia, b. March 28, 1800; m. Dec. 2, 1820, Isaac Keeney, jun., of Bolton. She has, 1. Samuel White, b. Dec. 14, 1823; 2. Julia Ann, b. March 28, 1826, m. Dec., 1847, John N. King of South Windsor; 3. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 26, 1829, m. Jan., 1855, John H. Thompson of Bolton. 10. Emily, b. ; m. Dr. Stebbins, now of Detroit, Mich., and has, 1. Dwight; 2. Edward; 3. Theodore. 166. Lemuel, son of Samuel, (74) was born in North Coventry, Dec. 30, 1758. He lived there for some years, but removed to Batavia, N. Y., where he died, Aug. 7, 1850, 3S. 91. He married, May 17, 1781, Anna Brigham of Coventry, dau. of Uriah Brigham and Anne Richardson. She was born Oct. 14, 1759, and died Feb. 11, 1845, se. 85. Children. 1. Percy, b. Jan. 14, 1782; d. Sept. 20, 1798, SB. 16. 2. Brigham, b. July 1, 1783; m., and d. June 27, 1839, ae. 56. 3. Grace, b. Dec. 15, 1786; lives in Middlebury,Vt. 4. Laura, b. April 16,1788; m. Reuben Ross, now of Middlebury, Vt. 5. Chester, b. Feb. 1, 1790; d. Feb. 10, 1790. 6. Chester, b. Feb. 14, 1793; m. Lucy Topliff. - - - (336) 7. Lemuel, b. April 9, 1796; m. Eliza Matthews. - (337) 8. Lucy, b. June 9, 1802; d. Nov. 15, 1820, ae. 18. 167. Timothy White, son of Samuel, (74) was born in North Coventry, March 8, 1764. He is said to have removed to Springfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., and to have died there. He married, Nov. 11, 1790, Margaret Gurley, of Mans- field, Conn. She is reported to be still living, with her son, Ulysses, who is said to be a banker in the State of New York; but his residence has not been ascertained. 168. Dan White, Esq., son of Jacob, (75) was born in Tolland, Conn., Sept. 22, 1762. He was a Revolutionary 150 Sixth Generation and Children. soldier, and was held a prisoner in New York, more than four months, in 1782. He was a farmer, and for some years after his marriage lived in Torrington and Norfolk, Conn., but removed in 1800 to Burke, Caledonia Co., Vt. where he erected the first framed house, and was the first justice of the peace. He was also engaged in merchandizing there. In 1806 he removed to Littleton, N. H., and afterwards to Danville, Vt., where he died, Feb. 2, 1823, se. 60. He married, April 6, 1786, Rowena Wilson of Torrington, dau. of Noah Wilson. She was born Nov. 26, 1766, and died Aug. 23, 1821, se. 54. Children. 1. Calvin, b. July 6, 1786; m. Mary Burns. - - - (338) 2. Erastus Wilson, b. Sept. 27, 1793; m. Lydia K. Remick. - (339) 3. Laura, b. Oct. 26, 1803; m. about 1829, Sidney Robinson of Quebec, Canada, who d. the following year. She now resides in Wil- braham, Mass. 169. Thomas White, son of Jacob, (75) was born in Tol- land, Conn., Nov. 28, 1764. He was a cooper, and lived in Torrington, Conn., where he died, Sept. 6, 1845, se. 81. He married, Dec. 21, 1797, Jedidah Baldwin of Goshen, Conn., dau. of Asahel Baldwin and Patience Bronson. She died Jan. 28, 1848, se. 79. Children. 1. Hiram Jacob, b. July 26, 1802; m. Henrietta S, Clark. - (340) 2. Anna Eliza, b. Oct: 30, 1803; m. March 22, 1824, William Parmele of Goshen, Conn., a farmer, who rem. in 1826 to Ohio, and d. in Bath, Summit Co., Oct. 13, 1848, se. 47. She res. in Bath, and has had, 1. Mary S., b. Sept. 30, 1825, d. in Torrington, Conn., Sept. 20, 1847, ae. 22; 2. Hiram White, b. May 6, 1829; 3. Erastus, b. Aug. 6, 1831, m. Oct. 21, 1852, Eliza J. Watkins. 3. Eleanor, b. Oct. 6, 1810; lives in Bath, Ohio. 170. Elam White, son of Jacob, (75) was born in Tolland, April 14, 1778. He settled as a farmer in Burke, Caledonia Co., Vt., and died there, Sept. 21, 1851, se. 73. He married, 1st, May 12, 1803, Wealthy Coe, dau of Amasa Coe. She died Oct. 12, 1823, a3. 38. He married, 2d, Esther , who died Dec. 28, 1851, se. 69 . Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Florrilla, b. Mar. 22, 1804; m. Nov. 8, 1825, Charles C. Newell of East Descendants of Nathaniel White. 151 Burke, Vt., and d. April 27, 1854, as. 50. She had, 1. Florrilla, b. April 18, 1828, m. Jan. 7, 1851, Dr. James D. Folsom of Lan- caster, N. H.; 2. Amasa W., b. Feb. 28, 1830, m. Sept. 2, 1851, Hannah E. Spencer; 3. Amelia, b. Dec. 30, 1834, m. May 18, 1858, Rev. H. N. Burton of Newbury, Vt.; 4. Elam W., b. April 5, 1838; 5. Harriet, b. Nov. 19, 1840; 6. Oliver W., b. Feb. 11, 1843. 2. Ransom Coe, b. Oct. 2, 1806; m. Hannah B. Walter. (341) 3. Osman, b. Nov. 1, 1808; m. Frinda Smith. (342) 4. Emily, b. April 3, 1811; m. Nov. 22, 1831, Almon Smith, of Brighton, Vt., and d. in Abany, Vt., Jan. 22, 1854, is. 42. She had, 1. Eleanor, m. Eli Harly, who d.; 2. Volney; 3. Adny; 4. Almon; 5. Osman. 5. Roenza, b. Dec. 29, 1812; m. Nov. 22, 1836, Abner H. Eggleston of Burke, land has had, Myron, Charles, Craig, Marietta, Celia, and two others who d. young. 6. Elam, b. Feb. 2, 1817; d. June 28, 1823, ae. 6. 7. Wealthy, b. April 18, 1819; m. Sept. 30, 1851, Henry Gage of Burke. She has had, Calista, and two children that d. young. 8. Caroline, b. June 25, 1823; m. April 26, 1849, John C. Page of Burke, and has, 1. Elam Cutler; 2. Flora Emma; 3. A. dau. Child; By the Second Marriage. 9. Mary, b. March 8, 1830; d. Dec. 28, 1846, ae. 16. 171. Silas White, Jun., son of Silas, (77) was born in Torrington, Conn., about 1772. He died there, Feb. 11, 1828, 33. 55. He married, 1797, Elizabeth Plumb of Litchfield, who died Nov. 9, 1846, ae. 67. Children. 1. Ransom, b. 1799; d. unm., Feb. 19, 1820, ae. 21, 2. David, b. 1801; m. 1828, Almira Goodale of Glastenbury, and d. without issue, Nov. 20, 1829, a;. 29. 3. Fanny, b. 1803 ;m. 1827, Hermon Northrop of Salisbury, Conn., now of Unionville. 4. Harriet, b. 1805; d. unm., Nov. 10, 1829, a?. 24. 5. Sally, b. 1808; m. 1829, Thomas L. Day; they live in Guil- ford, Chenango Co., N. Y. She has, 1. William W.; 2. Helen A. 172. Roswell White, son of Silas, (77) was born in Tor- rington, Conn., Jan. 27, 1778. He was a carpenter, and settled in Granville, Mass., about 1805. In 1826 he removed to Rochester, N. Y., and in 1842 to Hartland, Niagara Co., N. Y., where he died, Nov. 5, 1844, ae. 66. He married, 1st, April 18, 1799, Abi Northway of Torring- ford, dau. of James Northway and Polly Fuller. She was born June 20, 1781, and died May 18, 1810, ae. 29. He married, 2d, Feb. 20, 1812, Mary Sawyer of Granville, 152 Sixth Generation and Children. Mass., dau. of Jacob Sawyer and Mary Rathbone. She was born in Hartland, Conn., May 11, 1781, and died in Spencer, 0., March 8, 1850, 3e. 68. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Roswell Osmond, b. April 30, 1800; was a comb manufacturer in Rochester, N. Y. He m. 1826, Lucy Murdock of Rochester, and d. without issue, July 14, 1828, K. 28. 2. Mary Birge, b. March 22, 1802; m. June, 1828, Carmi Coburn of Rochester, a carpenter. She d. in Rogersville, Pa., July 3, 1832, se. 30. She had one son, James White, b. March 6, 1830, m., and lives in Allegan, Mich. 3. James Northway, b. Sept. 1, 1804; a comb manufacturer in Roch- ester N. Y. He m. 1827, Ann Raymond, and d. without issue, July 28, 1829, se. 25. 4. 5. & 6. Sons; all d. in infancy, before their mother. Children; By the Second Marriage. 7. Nelson, b. Jan. 20, 1813; m. Emily Penfield. - - - (343) 8. Orrin Chauncey, b. March 16, 1814; m. Mary E. Shedd. - (344) 9. John Birge, b. Oct. 30, 1817; m. Hannah Luce. - (345) 10. Abi N., b. April 28, 1819; d. unm., Feb. 27, 1850, se. 30. 11. Adelia Elvira, b. Aug. 11, 1824; m. Jan. 2, 1851, Martin M. Grandy of Spencer, O., a farmer. She has, 1. Mary L., b. Nov. 25, 1856; 2. Martin Julian, b. March 20, 1859. 173. Chauncey White son of Silas, (77) was born in Tor- rington, Conn., Sept. 11, 1783. He resides in Westmoreland, Oneida Co., N. Y. He married, 1st, March 5, 1804, Betsey Plumb of Litch- field, Conn., dau. of Ebenezer and Betsey Plumb. She died May 22, 1822, a>. 41. He married, 2d, Dec. 10, 1823, Mrs. Melinda Taylor. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Charles Plumb, b. Aug. 5, 1809; m. Mercy Wilcox. - - (346) 2. Jane Eliza, b. Dec. 27, 1815; m. Sept. 24, 1834, Harvey Coe of Granville, Mass., now of Bloomingdale, Du Page Co., 111. She has, 1. Harriet Jane, b. Nov. 9, 1835, m. May 17, 1857, Lorin Barnes of Bloomingdale, who grad. Yale Coll., 1849; 2. Urania Eliza, b. Dec. 6, 1838, grad. Rockford Fern. Sem., 111., 1859; 3. Curtiss H., b. Aug. 11, 1841; 4. Adelia B., b. Nov. 9, 1846; 5. Edgar D., b. March 23, 1848; 6. Wilbur E., b. Dec. 10, 1855. 3. Orrin, b. ; d. a?. 4 years. Child; By the Second Marriage. 4. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Sept., 1826; d. May 25, 1844, se. 17. 174. Brainard White, son of Silas, (77) was born in Tor- rington, Conn., May 5, 1786. He died in Winsted, Conn., April 17, 1833, se. 47. He married, Nov. 12, 1807, Eliza Stedman of New Hart- Descendants of Nathaniel White. 153 ford, Conn., dau. of Justus and Elizabeth Stedman. She now lives with her son, in Canastota, N. Y. Children. 1. Elijah Brainard, b. Aug. 29, 1808; m. Mary Camp. - (347) 2. Edwin Riley, b. Oct. 15, 1810; m. Julia Westlake. - (348) 3. A child, b. ; d. Aug. 28, 1812. 4. Nathan Curtis, b. Sept. 24, 1820; m. 1st, J. C. Stanton; m. 2d, D. Dana. - - - (349) 175. Gershom White, son of Joel, (78) was born in Blan- ford, Mass., May 28, 1775. He was a joiner, and settled in Russia, Herkimer Co., N. Y. He died in Gouverneur, St. Lawrence Co., while on a journey, April 15, 1833, ss. 58. He married, 1804, Sally Parks of Russell, Mass. After her husband's death, she returned to Russell. Children. 1. Emily, b. ; m. William Walthers of Russia, N. Y., and rem. to Ohio. 2. Roland P., b. ; 1816; was a merchant in Russell, Mass. He m , and d. in W. Springfield, Mass., July 11, 1853, ae. 37. 3. Harriet, b. ; is married. 176. Joel White, Jim., son of Joel, (78) was born in Blanford, Mass., Feb. 28, 1779. He was a farmer in Russia, N. Y., till 1818, when he removed to Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., where he and his wife still reside. He married, Feb., 1805, Isabel Stewart of Blanford, born April 18, 1784. Children. 1. William, b. Nov. 9, 1805; m. Margaret Morgan and others. (350) 2. Betsey Ann, b. July 23, 1808; m. Jan., 1826, Constant Wells of Pitcairn, St. L. Co., and d. Nov., 1844, ae. 36. She had, 1. William N.; 2. Edwin M., 3. Isabel, d. 1846, ss. 17; 4. Dexter; 5. Constant; 6. Joel; 7. Albert. 3. Albert, b. April 16, 1811; m. 1st, Lucy Sloper; 2d, M. C. Mitchell. (351) 4. Arlina, b. May 9, 1818; m. 1st, Oct., 1838, Warren W. Wright of Potsdam, St. L. Co., who d. May, 1848. She m. 2d, Jan., 1854, Charles Carr of Edwards. She d. Feb. 17, 1857, as. 38. She had, by her first husband, 1. Dexter J.; 2. Warren M. By her second husband, 3. Harriet; 4. Arlina. 5. Frederic, b. April 21, 1823; m. Nancy Snow. - - (352) 177. John White, son of Jacob, (79) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., and resided there. He was drowned at sea, March 19, 1799, ae. about 33. He married, March 31, 1790, Ruth Ranney, born Feb. 22, 1772, dau. of Ebenezer Ranney. 154 Sixth Generation and Children. Children. 1. John, b. June 26, 1790; m. 1st, Emily Savage; 2d, Mrs. S. Jones. (353) 2. Jacob, b. April 27, 1792; m. Susan Sage. (354) 3. Harriet, b. Jan. 12, 1795; m. 1st, Sept. 30, 1816, William Keith of Up. Mid., who d. July 11, 1818, a. 33. She m. 2d, Dec. 21, [19?] 1827, Miles Merwin, jun., of Durham, Conn., and d. June 5, 1858, ae. 63. She had, by her first husband, 1. Harriet Stocking, b. Dec. 22, 1817. By her second husband, 2. Wealthy Sage, b. Nov. 24, 1828, m. Dec. 5, 1858, John Ives of Meriden, Conn.; 3. Caroline Ellen, b. June 28, 1831; 4. Phebe Camp, b. Oct. 24, 1832, m. April 24, 1853, Gershom Birdsey, 2d, of Meriden, Conn.; 5. Margaret, b. July 10, 1836; 6. Maria White, b. Sept. 25, 1839. 4. Alma, b. July 18, 1797; m. Dec. 6, 1821, George Ranney of Up. Mid., who d. May 16, 1842, se. 47. She had, 1. William K., b. Nov. 1, 1822; 2. Almira R., b. Nov. 1, 1824; 3. Samuel R., b. Nov. 6, 1827. 5. Luther, b. Jan. 11, 1799; m. Maria Hayden. - - - (355) 178. Capt. Thomas White, son of Jacob, (79) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., June 10, 1773. He resided in that place, and was a ship-master. He died Sept. 13, 1849, se. 76. He married, 1st, Sept. 8, 1803, Katharine Keith, dau. of William Keith of Up. Mid. She was born Jan. 20, 1779, and died Aug. 19, 1807, ae. 27. He married, 2d, May 15, 1810, Mrs. Rebecca Edwards, widow of John Edwards, and dau. of Joseph Ranney and Ruth White. (See in Fam. 72.) She was born Sept. 24, 1780. Child; By the First Marriage. 1. Sarah Maria, b. July 26. 1804; d. unm., Aug. 26, 1849, ae. 45. Children; By the Second Marriage. 2. Catharine L., b. July 9, 1811; d. unm., Oct. 15, 1833, ae. 22. 3. Ruth, b. June 6, 1813; m. Sept. 19, 1839, Edmund Beaumont of Up. Mid., and d. Sept. 10, 1856, as. 43. She had, 1. William, b. Jan., 1855, d. se. 3 days; 2. Thomas, b. Sept. 3, 1856. 4. Clarissa, b. July, 1815; d. Aug. 8, 1815, ae. 5 weeks. 5. Augusta, b. Jan. 1, 1821. 179. Lemuel White, son of Jacob, (79) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., Dec. 20, 1776. He settled in Middle- town, Westfield Society, and died there, Aug. 5, 1847, se. 70. He married, 1st, Feb. 14, 1799, Abigail Bartlett, dau. of James Bartlett. She died May 23, 1818, se. 43. He married, 2d, March, 1819, Sarah Dowd, dau. of Richard Dowd. She died Nov. 9, 1822, se. 34. He married, 3d, May 6, 1823, Anna Johnson, dau. of Aaron Johnson. She died July 29, 1845, ae. 51. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 155 Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Noah B., b. April 11, 1800; d. Feb. 25, 1804. 2. Lemuel, b. April 11, 1802; m. Almira Higby, (356) 3. Abigail, b. Oct. 27, 1804 ;m. Alanson Andrus of Canton, Conn., and has had, 1. John R., b. Aug. 30, 1826; 2. Joseph, b. Nov. 7, 1828; 3. Catherine, b. June 27, 1833, d. Jan. 14, 1840. 4. Catherine, b. May 3, 1807; m. John Chandler of Canton, and d. Sept. 25, 1838, ss. 81. 5. Noah B., b. Aug. 19, 1809; d. May 20, 1810. Child; By the Second Marriage. 6. Sarah Ann, b. March 26, 1820; m. Harvey Lounsbury of Green- wich, Conn., and has, 1. Amelia; 2. Charles; 3. Marion; 4. A child. Children; By the Third Marriage. 7. Harriet L., b. March 2, 1824; d. Feb. 15, 1845, a>. 21. 8. Lois P., b. Dec. 21, 1825; m. 1848, Ichabod M. Roberts, and lived on the homestead in Westfield. She d. Nov., 1850, ae. 25, leaving one son, George P., b. Jan., 1849. 9. Emeline B., b. Oct. 29, 1827; d. Sept. 17, 1830. 10. Aaron J., b. Sept. 7, 1829; m. Jane Chapman. - - (357) 11. Maria E., b. Oct. 17, 1831; d. March 20, 1845, ae. 13. 12. Isaac S., b. Sept. 18, 1833; lives in Marion city, Iowa 13. Henry H., b. July 23. 1835; lives in Rockford, 111. 14. Lucy S., b. June 3, 1837. 15. John L., b. Feb. 10, 1842. 180. Alexander White, son of Jacob, (79) was born in Upper Middletown, March 6, 1782. He removel to Wethers- field, Conn., and died Feb. 21, 1834, ae 52. He married, 1806, Abigail Beadle. She was born Aug. 4, 1786, and died April 4, 1844, se. 57. Children. 1. Sarah Saloma, b. June 24, 1808; d. unm., Aug. 24, 1827, ae. 19. 2. Abigail, b. Dec. 13, 1810; m. May 1, 1846, William Johnson of New York, and d. Aug. 14, 1850, ae. 39. She had, 1. William, b. May, 1847; 2. Albert, b. May, 1849. 3. Alexander, b. Feb. 23, 1813; d. unm., Aug. 20, 1836, ae. 23. 4. Maria Warner, b. Feb. 7, 1815; m. March, 1834, Norman Eddy of New Britain, Conn. She has had, 1. Albert, b. Dec., 1834, m. Oct., 1856, Jane Hurlburt of Plainville; 2. Martha Elizabeth, b. Jan. 16, 1839; 3. Alice Maria, b. July 6, 1847, d. Oct., 1854, ae. 7; 4. Arthur, b. Nov. 16, 1857. 5. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1818; m. May 16, 1838, Edward W. Moseley, and has, 1. Clementine Elizabeth, b. March 26, 1842; 2. Arabella, b. May 24, 1857. 6. Jerusha Deming, b. March 4, 1822; m. Nov. 4, 1840, Lorenzo Wood of Somers, Conn. She has had, 1. Julia Maria, b. April 8, 1842; 2. Albert O., b. Jan. 5, 1848, d. Sept. 6, 1849; 3. Frederick Lorenzo, b. Sept. 29, 1854. 7. John Jacob, b. Oct. 20, 1825. 156 Sixth Generation and Children. 181. Capt. Asa White, youngest son of Jacob, (79) was born in Upper Middletown, where he was baptized Aug. 15, 1784. He was a sea-c'aptain, and was lost in the brig Nestor, of which he was master, about 1826, se. 41. He married, Dec. 5, 1805, Mehitable White of Upper Middletown/ dau. of Timothy White. (See Fam. 146.) She was born Sept. 10, 1784, and died in Hartford, Oct. 18, 1841, . 57. Children. 1. Asa, b. 1806; d. Jan. 30, 1816, se. 9. 2. Clarissa, b. 1810; d. July, 1818, ae. 7. 3. Louisa, b. Jan. 16, 1812; m. Jan. 2, 1843, Dr. Warren Thrall of Glastenbury. 4. Lucy- Collins, b. 1816; m. May 3, 1849, John Baker, jun., now of Collinsville, Conn., and has Mortimer, b. Sept. 3, 1850. 5. Asa Glover, b. 1817; d. Sept. 5, 1823, se. 6. IN THE LINE OF JOSEPH WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 182. Joseph White, son of William, (80) was born in Up- per Middletown, March 14, 1788. He resides in Otis, Mass. He married Esther C. Morell, who died Sept. 19, 1855, se. 63. Children. 1. William Morell, b. April 20, 1815; d. March 14, 1817. 2. Jane Maria, b. Jan. 1, 1818; d. Nov. 9, 1853, ae. 34. 3. Mary Morell, b. Dec. 19, 1820; d. Oct. 2, 1830, se. 9. 4. William Morell, b. July 29, 1822; m. Emily F. Cooley. - (358) 5. Helen Mar, b. Aug. 30, 1823; m. April, 1844, Dr. Hablam C. Cham- plain of Owego, N. Y., and has, 1. Anise C., b. 1848; 2. Jane F., b. 1851. 6. Frederic Augustus, b. Dec. 12, 1825; lives in Sacramento City, Cal. 7. Frances Henrietta, b. Oct. 6, 1827; m. March 27, 1854, Billiard M. Miller of Coloma, El Dorado Co., Cal. 8. Mary Clarissa, b. Sept. 17, 1831; d. Aug. 5, 1855, ae. 24. 9. Harriet Catherine, b. Dec. 17, 1833. 10. Georgiana Caroline, b. July 4, 1836. 183. Elizur White, Jun., son of Elizur, (81) was born in Upper Middletown, July 1, 1770. He removed with his father to Granville, Washington Co., N. Y., and died there, Jan. 28, 1839, ae. 68. He married, May 4, 1795, Hannah Savage of Up. Mid. She was born Jan. 26, 1773, and died July 20, 1851, se. 78. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 157 He had one daughter, Sally, b. May 25, 1796; m. Feb. 4, 1813, Benjamin Leavens of Mobile, Ala. She d. in Mobile, May 3, 1839, se. 43. He d. March 27, 1851. She had, 1. Emily White, b. Aug. 10, 1815, m. Sept. 28, 1840, Samual H. St. John of New York; 2. Benjamin Franklin, b. July 11, 1817, d. Jan. 17, 1850, se. 32; 3. James Bayley, b. Nov. 9, 1819, d. Sept. 17, 1821; 4. James Bayley, b. June 1, 1823, d. March 9, 1824; 5. Edward, b. April 25, 1825, d. Dec. 9, 1854, se. 29; 6. Frederick, b March 2, 1830; 7. Joshua B., b. Sept. 1, 1835, d. April 25, 1836. 184. William White, son of Elizur, (81) was born about 1777. He settled in Upper Middletown, and died there, Dec. 5, 1827, se. 50. He married, 1st, Jan. 20, 1805, Grace Savage of Up. Mid., dau. of Capt. Abijah Savage. She died May 14, 1806. He married, 2d, July 6, 1808, Fanny Stocking, dau. of William Stocking of Upper Middletown. She was born Nov., 1785, and died Feb. 20, 1859, se. 73. Children; By the Second Marriage. 1. Catharine Chauncey, b. June 10, 1810; m. Jan. 6, 1830, Charles Kirby of Up. Mid., and has, 1. Sarah Goodrich, b. Oct. 19, 1831; 2. Fanny Elizabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1833; 3. Catharine White, b. Nov. 14, 1835. 2. Nancy A., b. May 7, 1813; d. unm., April 27, 1856, se. 42. 3. Elizabeth, b. 1816; d. Nov. 1, 1817, se. 1 yr. 7 mos. 185. Capt. Ebenezer White, son of Elizur, (81) was born about 1781, and resided in Upper Middletown. He was lost at sea, Sept. 16, 1810, by the capsizing of a brig of which he was commander. His age was 29 years. He married, Dec. 28, 1806, Elizabeth Sage of Upper Mid- dletown, dau. of Epaphras Sage and Elizabeth Wells. She married, 2d, 1817, Ashbel Post, and 3d, 1824, Dea. Josiah Beckwith of Hartford, who died in 1827. She was born March 14, 1785, and died in Cromwell, April 14, 1859, ae. 74. Children. 1. Elizabeth Wells, b. April 23, 1807; m. Dec. 4, 1833, Stephen S. Holmes of Springfield, Mass. She has had, 1. Emily Leavens, bap. Sept. 18, 1836; 2. Elizabeth, b. July, 1850, d. Dec. 5, 1858. 2. Hannah Cooper, b. Jan. 31, 1809; m. Aug. 18, 1833, Henry Lyman Eastman. He resided in Savannah, Ga., and d. Feb. 14, 1840, se. 28. She res. in Cromwell, and has had, 1. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 24, 1834, d. Nov. 7, 1840; 2 Henry White, b. April 7, 1837, d. Nov. 18, 1840; 3. Georgia Ann, b. May 3, 188. 3. Ebenezer, b. 1811; (posthumous;) d. Oct. 30, 1812, se. 1 yr. 5 mos. 158 Sixth Generation and Children. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN WHITE, JUNIOR. 186. Capt. John White, son of Asa, (82) was born in He- bron, Conn., Feb. 5, 1766. About 1788 he settled in Rome, Oneida Co., N. Y., and was a farmer there. In 1834 he removed to Potsdam, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where he died, May, 1838, . 72. He married, May 15, 1788, Chloe Smith of Windham, Conn., dau. of Benjamin and Lydia Smith. She was born Aug., 1767, and died Sept., 1842, se. 75. Children. 1. Dan, b. Oct. 21, 1789; m. Polly Jones. - - (359) 2. Gurdon, b. June 24, 1791; m. Betsey Jones. ^ - - (360) 3. Benjamin, b. 1792; d. se. 4 years. 4. Ralph, b. 1794; d. at Honey Creek, Ind., in 1824, 89. 30. 5. Asa, b. Oct. 13, 1796; m. Electa Slayton. - (361) 6. Mary, b. Oct. 26, 1797; m. April 13, 1820, Tilness Hawley, a farmer. She d. in Martinsburgh, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1824, se. 27. She had, 1. Mary, b. Feb. 9, 1821, m. May 24, 1842, George H. Perry; 2. Frances, b. March 1, 1823, m. July 1844, Henry S. Husted. 7. Harry, b. Feb. 23, 1801; m. Deborah T. Jenne. - - (362) 8. David, b. Jan. 30, 1803; m. 1st, C. Seymour; 2d, L. L. Barnum. (363) 9. Sally, b. March 3, 1806; m. June 1, 1831, Palmer Husted, a farmer, and has Frances Chloe, b. Oct. 12, 1835. 10. Joseph, b. 1808; m. Philena Topliff. - - - (364) 187. Jeremiah White, son of Asa, (82) was born in He- bron, Conn., June 8, 1780. He lived for some time in Wind- ham, afterwards in Chaplin, but now resides in Ashford, Conn. He married, 1st, Oct. 1, 1801, Sally Bottom of Windham, dau. of Asa Bottom. She died Aug., , ae. 37. He married, 2d, Elizabeth Bottom, a sister of his former wife. She died May, , se. 29. He married, 3d, Mrs. Alice (Utley) Hartson, widow of John Hartson. She died May, , se. 40. He married, 4th, Anna Parkhurst of Chaplin, dau. of Ste- phen Parkhurst. She is now living. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Malinda, b. May 21, 1803; d. May, 1813, ae. 10. 2. Joseph M., b. Sept. 14, 1806; m., and lives in Tioga Co., Pa. He and his married brothers have families, but the particulars have not been furnished. 3. John E., b. May 26, 1809; m., and lives in Tioga Co., Pa. 4. Mary Ann, b. May 2, 1811, m. 1st, 1844, William H. Merritt of Ashland, Descendants of John White, Junior. 159 Mass., who d. March 25, 1850, ae. 35. She m. 2d, 1857, Amos B. Davis of E. Medway, Mass. She has, by her first husband, 1. William Franklin, b. Feb. 26, 1846; 2. Mary Louisa ,b. Feb. 20, 1850. 5. Sarah, b. 1813; d. Oct., 1813, a>. 4 mos. Children; By the Second Marriage. 6. Sumner P., b. July 19, 1814; m., and lives in Charlestown, Mass. 7. Sophronia, b. ; d. Nov., ae. 7. Children; By the Third Marriage. 8. George, b. May 6, 1819; m., and lives in Tioga Co., Pa. 9. Truman, b. Nov. 25, 1820; d. 1848, se. 18. 10. Earl, b. Sept. 10, 1822; m., and lives in Chicago, m. 11. Angeline, b. June 23, 1824; m. Charles G. Coffin, 3d, of Nantucket, Mass., and has 6 children. 12. Sophronia, b. June 22, 1826; m., and lives in Wisconsin. 13. Charles, b. July 15, 1828; lives in Hartford. 14. Henry, b. May 3, 1831; lives in Ashford. Children; By the Fourth Marriage. 15. Lester, b. May 2, 1832; lives in Ashford, and is married. 16. Eliza Ann., b. Oct. 23, 1833; d. 1854, ze. 21. 17. Sarah A., b. May 27, 1835. 18. Lucian, b. July 19, 1838. The dates furnished by this family cannot be harmonized, and a part of them are omitted. 188. Dea. David White, son of Thomas Wells, (83) was born in Hardwick, Mass., Dec. 4, 1765. He removed with his father to Barnard, Vt., where he lived till the fall of 1799, when he removed, with his father and two brothers, to Washington Co., Ohio. He settled on a farmer in the town- ship of Roxbury, now Waterford; was for many years a deacon of the Presbyterian Church in that place, and a high- ly useful citizen. He died Nov. 13, 1840, &. 75, and was buried in the grave-yard of the family, on his farm, where also rest the remains of his three wives, his father, and several other relatives. He married, 1st, 1792, Patta Cheadle of Barnard, Vt., dau. of Asa Cheadle and Patta Paddock. She died May 16, 1800, . 25. He married, 2d, Rebecca Porter, who died July 14, 1806, ZE. 28. He married, 3d; Mrs Catharine (Harris) Briggs, who died Jan. 18, 1835, a>. 61. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Anna, b. Sept. 22, 1792; m. April 18, 1813, Charles Slocum Cory, of Waterford, O., a merchant, now a farmer; has been a justice of the 160 Sixth Generation and Children, peace. She has had, 1. Maria, b. Feb. 7, 1814; 2. Leander David, b. Oct. 1, 1815, d. Nov. 6, 1852, ae. 37; 3. Martha White, b. May 8, 1817, d. May 21, 1854, ae. 37; 4. Charles Slocum, b. Sept. 2, 1819, m. June 10, 1852, Lillis Henry; 5. Thomas Wells, b. Oct. 24, 1821, m. Sept. 4, 1854, Martha Jane Barclay; 6. Asa, b. Dec. 1, 1823; 7. Julia, b. March 9, 1826, m. May 9, 1854, John Chadwick; 8, William Benton, b. Oct. 27, 1835, m. Jan. 10, 1858, Eliza Biggum. 2. Ruth, b. Dec. 31, 1793; m. 1st, John Greenman, who d. She m. 2d, June 27, 1833, Dr. Isaac Baker of Bloomington, McLean Co., 111., where he has held county offices. She d. Nov. 21, 1848, ae. 56, hav- ing had, by her first husband, 1. Lydia E., b. May 31, 1810, d. 1837, 33. 27; 2. William D., b. Nov. 26, 1811, m. and d.;3. Mary D., b. March 29, 1814, m. Paul, and d. 1835, 33. 21; 4. Esek E., b. Jan. 23, 1816, m.; 5. David White, b. Nov. 9, 1817, d.; 6. John, b. Feb. 11, 1820; 7. Jeremiah, b. March 23, 1822, m., and d. 1854, 33. 32;- 8. Adaline, b. May 11, 1824, m.; 9. Amanda M., b, Feb. 18, 1827, m.; 10. Parmenia, b. May 14, 1829, d. 1829; 11. Emily C. W., b. Sept. 16, 1830, m. By her second husband she has, 12. Julia A., b. July 17, 1834; 13. Laura A., b. July 10, 1839. 3. David, b. 1796; d. in infancy, at Barnard, Vt. 4. Asa, b. July 20, 1797; m. Cynthia Keyes. - - - (365) 5. Wells, b. April, 1799; m. Sarah Evans. ... (366) Children; By the Second Marriage. 6. David, b. July 4, 1804; m. Nancy Ann Miller. (367) 7. Rebecca, b. April 22, 1806. Children; By the Third Marriage. 8. Harris, b. Nov. 17, 1808; m. Frances Steel. - - (368) 9. Henry, b. Nov. 12, 1811; m. 1st, Lovisa Coleman; 2d, E. Hinkley. (369) 10. Hiram, b. Aug. 11, 1813; d. July 27, 1832, 33. 19. 189. Thomas White, Esq., son of Thomas Wells, (83) was born in Hardwick, Mass., July 26, 1767. He removed from Barnard, Vt., to Ohio, in 1799, with his father and brothers, and settled m Waterford, on a farm adjoining that of his brother David. He was for about twenty years a justice of the peace. He died Feb. 6, 1848, se. 80. He married, 1794, Joanna Samson, born in 1775. She resides in Windsor, Morgan Co., 0., with her youngest daughter. Children. 1. Samson Keyes, b. Aug. 21, 1796; m. Rhoda Richmond. - (370) 2. Elias, b. Nov. 29, 1798; m. Sarah Olney. - - (371) 3. Rebecca, b. March 7, 1801; d. Oct. 17, 1801. 4. Rebecca, b. Nov. 11, 1802; m. 1st, Jan. 4, 1821, Rufus Lawrence of Waterford, 0., who d. 1827; m. 2d, Oct. 15, 1834, Dea. Benjamin Hart of Harmar, 'Washington Co., 0., and d. Sept. 19, 1856, ss. 54. She has by her first husband, 1. Lydia Minerva, b. July, 9, Descendants of John White, Junior. 161 1822, m. Simeon Hart; 2. Henderson, b. May 31, 1825, m. Fleming; 3. Sarah White, (post-homous,) b. Jan. 13, 1828, m. May 17, 1853, William Gray Hayward. By her second husband, 4. William, d.; 5. Frances Adelia. 5. Polly, b. Nov. 2, 1806; d. Dec. 7, 1806. 6. Mary, b. July 17, 1808; m. Aug. 29, 1825, Samuel Miller Evans, now of Marion, Linn Co., Iowa. She has had, 1. Mary Dodge, b. March 18, 1827, m. Addison E. White; (see Fam. 365;) 2. Joanna White, b. Oct. 26, 1828, m. Nov. 28, 1850, George E. Keyes; 3. William Thomas, b. Sept. 6, 1830; 4. Lydia Pierpoint, b. June 11, 1832, m. Jan. 1, 1852, John Clinton Shrader; 5. Minerva Lawrence, b. Feb. 25, 1835, m. Oct. 9, 1855, Thompson Sharp; 6. Elizabeth M., b. Jan. 19, 1837, m. March 1, 1857, Willis Well- ington Gray; 7. Erastus Brown, b. Feb. 9, 1839; 8. Samuel Hamil- ton, b. Feb. 24, 1841; 9. Elias Henry, b. Jan. 1, 1843; 10. Sarah Green, b. Jan. 1, 1845; 11. Prudence Ann, b. Aug. 23, 1847; 12. George Everet, b. Sept. 23, 1850, d. Oct. 9, 1853; 13. Jesse White, twin with the last; 14. Charles Warren, b. Aug. 17, 1853, d. Nov. 20, 1855. 7. Joanna, b. April 12, 1814; m. Dec. 29, 1831, Henry Olney of Windsor, O., and has had, 1 .Harriet Newel, b. Dec. 9, 1832, m. Dec. 22, 1855, John Havener; 2. John White, b. Jan. 8, 1835, d. Aug. 27, 1854, a?. 19; 3. Sylvanus, b. Feb. 10, 1837, d. May 25, 1837; 4. Elizabeth Nixon, b. April 15, 1838, m. Aug. 12, 1858, Joseph Smith; 5. Jesse Blackmer, b. May 13, 1841, d. May 25, 1841; 6. Anna Slack, b. July 4, 1842, d. Sept. 7, 1854, ae. 12; 7. Mary Evans, b. March 30, 1845; 8. Willard Davis, b. Jan. 21, 1848; 9. Louisana, b. Dec. 31, 1851; 10. Franklin, b. Dec. 9, 1845; 11. Alice Cornelia, b. Sept. 21, 1856. 8. Augustus Stone, b. May 5, 1818; m. Locia Webster. - (372) 190. John White, son of Thomas Wells, (83) was born in Barnard, Vt., in 1783. He was a clothier in Rupert, Vt., and died October, 1829, &. 46. He married Laura Rising of Rupert. After the death of her husband, she removed to the West, -with her parents. The present residence of the family has not been ascertained. Children. 1. Olcott. 2. Laura. There were two other children, names not known. 191. Olcott White, son of Thomas Wells, (83) was born in Barnard, Vt., Jan. 9, 1786. He lived for some years in Middlebury, Vt., but removed to Ohio about 1820, and resides in Zanesville, Muskingum Co. He was formerly a clothier and a calico-stamper, but is now a bookseller and bookbinder. He married, Dec. 5, 1811, Electa Abernethy, born in Stockbridge, Mass., May 25, 1791, dau. of James Palmer Abernethy and Thankful Wright. 162 Sixth Generation and Children. Children. 1. John Wright, b. Oct. 19, 1814; m. Catherine Springer, - (373) 2. Fanny, b. Feb. 19, 1816; m. Oct. 3, 1834, John Alexander Dutre of Zanesville, a tailor, and has, 1. Charles William, b. Oct. 23, 1835; 2. James Milo, b. Nov. 30, 1837; 3. Thomas White, b. Dec. 19, 1839; 4. Eveline, b. Aug. 3, 1842; Ann, b. Jan. 26, 1846; 6. Martha, b. Feb. 28, 1849. 3. Laura, b. July 8, 1819; m. Dec. 22, 1852, Henry Elliott, a book- binder and bookseller in Zanesville. 4. Horatio, b. Nov. 5, 1823; m. Susan Clossman. - (374) 5. Caroline, b. Sept. 20, 1831; d. unm., Dec. 6, 1856, ae. 25. 192. Samuel White, youngest son of Thomas Wells, (83) was born in Barnard, Vt., Nov. 30, 1789. He removed to Ohio, with his father, in 1799, and afterwards settled as a farmer in Windsor, Morgan Co., where he died, Oct. 12, 1823, se. 34. He married Eunice Emerson of Barnard, Vt., dau. of Asa Emerson and Eunice Foster. She was born March 14, 1791, and died in Windsor, Aug. 29, 1839, ae. 48. Children. 1. Mary, b. Sept. 10, 1810; m. May 21, 1830, Lorenzo Andrews of Center, Morgan Co., O., a farmer. She has had, 1. Laura, b. 1831; 2. Hiram B., b. 1833, m. Hannah Lewis; 3. Pedee Ann; 4. Christopher; 5. Lydia, m.; 6. Ellen Matilda; 7. Joanna; 8. Melissa; 9. Curtis. 2. Susanna, b. May 22, 1812; m. 1831, William Hook of Windsor, a farm- er, and has had, 1. Henry, b. Feb. 1832, m. Angeline Smith; 2. John, b. Sept. 6, 1833; 3. William Bernard, b. July 7, 1835; 4. Martha, b. March 30, 1837, m. 1858, David Brooks; 5. Susanna, b. Jan. 14, 1840, d. Jan. 10, 1844; 6. Rachel Jane, b. March 1, 1843; 7. Charles Cory, b. April 4, 1845; 8. Isaac, b. July 3, 1847; 9. Lydia, b. Nov. 26, 1849.. 3. Roxana, b. March 14, 1814; m. Jan. 1, 1853, Richard Kitchen of Cincinnati, 0., a farmer. 4. Lydia, b. March 2, 1816; m. Jan. 18, 1835, David Stokley of Roseville, Muckingum Co., 0., and has, 1. Rufus; 2. Edwin; 3., Benjamin Olney. 5. Abigail, b. May 6, 1818; m. April 1, 1847, John Green, Esq., of Anamosa, Jones Co., Iowa, a lawyer. He d. Aug. 14, 1853, se. 36. She has had, 1. Laura Roxana, b. July 13, 1848; 2. Philip Melancthon, b. May 18, 1851; 3. Merle D'Aubigine, twin with the last, d. Oct. 3, 1852. 6. Asa Gates, b. June 24, 1820; m. 1st, A. F. Davidson; 2d. A. E. Stone. - . . (376) DESCENDANTS OF LIEUT. DANIEL WHITE. 193. Elijah White, son of Daniel, (84) was born in Hat- field, Mass., April 26, 1768. He settled there, and died Feb. 18, 1831, se. 62. He married, April 19, 1792, Mary Smith, 3d, of Hatfield, She was born Nov. 7, 1769, -and died Dec. 1, 1853, se. 84. Descendants of Daniel White. 163 Children. 1. John, b. Aug. 22, 1792; m. 1st, Sophia White; 2d, Elizabeth Drake. - (376) 2. Betsey, 1 b. Nov. 3, 1794. 3. Electa, ] Twins. m. July 28, 1819, Stearns Hubbard of Hat- field, and d. May 23, 1857, a?. 62, having had six children. Her dau. Ruth, m. Dec. 30, 1840, Israel W. Billings. 4. Mary, b. Dec. 13, 1795; m. March 2, 1820, George Wait, and d. Nov. 6, 1827, a. 32. 5. Submit, b. Aug. 7, 1798; m. Feb. 7, 1824, Sylvester Bliss of Whites- town, N. Y. She has had, 1. Jason S., b. Feb. 18, 1825, m. May 24, 1848, Marietta Phelps of Westmoreland, N. Y.; 2. George W., b. Jan. 15, 1829. 6. George, b. Dec. 28, 1799; m. Delia Sheldon. ... (377) 7. Daniel, b. Nov. 2, 1801; m. Lucy Elvira Rice. - - (378) 8. Quartus, b. Dec. 26, 1803; d. .Sept. 3, 1805. 9. Lucy Ann, b. Jan. 22, 1806; m. Oct. 15, [16?] 1834, Salmon D. Bard- well of Hatfield, now of Margaretta, 0. She has, 1. Sarah Ann L., b. July 2, 1835, m. May 11, 1859, William Graves of Margaretta; 2. Maria L., b. Feb. 19, 1838. 10. Louisa, b. Sept. 25, 1808; m. April 17, 1833, Seth Bardwell, of Hat- field, now of Groton, Erie Co., O. She has had, 1. Pamela, b. July 11, 1834, m. Feb. 20, 1851, Ralph Ramsdale of Oxford, O.; 2. Dwight L., b. June 13, 1836, d. April 1, 1843; 3. Sophia A., b. June 7, 1839, m. Dec. 27, 1855, David Compton of Margaretta; 4. Mary W., b. July 7, 1842; 5. Seth E., b. Dec. 6, 1844; 6. Alma L., b. Sept. 4, 1847; 7 Charles F., b. Jan. 9, 1851. 11. Quartus, b. Feb.' 1, 1811; m. Julia Ann Wilkee. - - (379) 194. Salmon White, Jim., son of Dea. Salmon, (85) was born in Whately, Mass., Sept. 22, 1760. He was a farmer in that place, and died May 1, 1822, ze. 61. He married, 1st, Lydia Amsden of Deerfield, Mass. She died Feb. 22, 1799, se. 33. He married, 2d, Nov. 27, 1799, Mrs. Anna Allis of Whate- ly, widow of Josiah Allis, who died April 17, 1794, se. 40. She was the dau. of Elisha Hubbard and Lucy Stearns; was born in Hatfield, Dec. 26, 1755, and died June 21, 1839, 33. 83. * Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Justus, b. 1787; m. Rhoda Frary. - (380) 2. Harriet, b. March 4, 1790; m. Nov. 12, 1811, Moses Arms, jun., of Greenfield, Mass., who d. April 13, 1823, se. 38. She is living with * The manner in which families are sometimes connected by numer- ous marriages, is illustrated by the case of Mrs. Anna Allis and her relatives. Her son, Elijah Allis, m. Electra White, a sister of her second husband, Salmon White, jun., (see Fam. 85:) her son, Jere Allis, m. Mary White, a daughter of her secound husband (see Fam. 194.) and her grandson, Josiah Allis, M. Eliza White, a daughter of her second husband's cousin (see Fam. 197). Her bro- ther, Elisha Hubbard, m. Hannah White, a cousin of Salmon White, junior; (see Fam. 84;) and her sister, Hannah Hubbard, m. Simeon White, jun., a cousin of Salmon White, senior; (Family 93.) 164 Sixth Generation and Children. her dau. in 111. She has, 1. George, res. in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; 2. Moses, res. in Cal.; 3. Harriet, m. Dame, and res. in 111. 3. Mary, b. June 3, 1793; m. Oct. 1, 1814, Jere Allis, now of Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y. She has had, 1. Edward P., b. Dec. 31, 1815, d. Aug. 16, 1821; 2. Elisha, b. Aug. 26, 1819; d. Aug. 25, 1821; 3. Mary A., b. Aug. 4. 1821, m. May 9, 1843, Rev. H. Callahan, a Presbyterian minister in Oxford; 4. Edward P., b. May 12, 1824, res. in Milwaukee. He m..Sept. 12, 1848, Margaret Wat- son; 5. Lucy Jane, b. Sept. 19, 1828, m. June, 30, 1852, Joseph T. Gilbert, a merchant in New York. 4. A child, b. April 19, 1798; d. same day. 195. Dea. John White, son of Dea. Salmon, (85) was born in Whately, Jan. 9, 1762. He was a farmer there, and was chosen a deacon of the church in Whately, in March, 1810. He was a justice of the peace, was frequently chosen a select- man, and represented the town in the Legislature. He died April 2, 1836, se. 74. He married, Feb. 7, 1796, Elizabeth Brown of Worcester, Mass., dau. of Samuel Brown and Elizabeth Adams. She died March 26, 1853, se. 83. Children. 1. Luke Brown, b. May 8, 1797; m. Mary Wells. - - (381) 2. Elizabeth Mary, b. Jan. 23, 1799; m. Sept. 23, 1819, John Bardwell Morton of Hatfield, now of Whately, and d. Oct. 24, 1858, se. 59. She had, 1. Elizabeth Mary, b. Feb. 16, 1821, m. Aug. 1843, Rev. John A. McKinstry, now of Harwinton, Conn. He grad. Amherst Coll., 1838; 2. Harriet Arms, b. Jan. 8, 1823, d. Jan. 2, 1844, an. 21; 3. John White, b. Jan. 21, 1826, m. March 24, 1858, Henrietta A. Kingsley of Williamsburg; 4. Eurotas, b. July 6, 1828; 5. Elvira White, b. June 7, 1835; 6. Judith White, b. Dec. 3, 1839. 3. Judith, b. Nov. 17, 1800; d. Aug. 27, 1810, a. 9. 4. Maria, b, Oct. 31, 1802; m. Eurotas Morton, now of Ypsilanti, Mich., and has, 1. Eunice White; 2. Martha Baldwin, m. 1858, William A. Heartt of Wahjamega, Tuscola Co., Mich; 3. Maria Elizabeth. 5. John, b. Aug. 2, 1804; m. Cornelia White. - - - (382 6. Elvira, b. Oct., 1806; m. Levi Bush of Westfield, Mass., and has, 1. Elizabeth White; 2. Harriet Morton. 7.Eunice, b. Feb. 14, 1809; d. Aug. 9, 1817, ae. 8. 8. Samuel Brooks, b. Jan. 9, 1811; m. Experience P. Wells. - (383) 9. Judith, b. May 8, 1813; d. May 4, 1837, ss. 24. 10. Eunice, b. Dec. 24, 1819; d. Dec. 30, 1824, 33. 5. 196. Thomas White, Esq., son of Dea. Salmon, (85) was born in Whately, April 12, 1773. About 1798 he removed to Ashfield, where he was a blacksmith and a farmer. He was Descendants of Daniel White. 165 a justice of the peace, was a selectman for about twenty- five years, and several times represented the town in the Legislature. He was much employed in the settlement of estate, and in the public business of the town and county. He died Aug. 17, 1848, a. 75. He married, Aug. 30, 1795, Hannah Harwood, dau. of Nathan Harwood of Windsor, Mass. She was born Nov. 17, 1771, and died May 10, 1848, se. 76. A brief memorial of her "rare virtues and acquirements" was printed for dis- tribution among the friends of the family. Children. 1. Horace, b. July 17, 1796; d. July 30, 1796. 2. Amanda, b. Aug. 20, 1797; m. July 8, 1823, Rev. William M. Ferry, who grad. Union College, 1820, and has been for many years a missionary on the Island of Mackinaw, Mich. She has, 1. William M,. b. July 8, 1824, m. Oct. 25, 1851, Jeannette Hollister; 2. Thomas W., b. June 1, 1826; 3. Amanda H., b. Sept. 20, 1828; 4. Noah H., b. April 30, 1831; 5. Hannah E., b. April 16, 1834; 6. & 7. Edward P. and Mary L., twins, b. April 16, 1837. 3. Hannah, b. March 4, 1800; has been a teacher for many years, and now has the superintendence of the classes of teachers sent to the West by the National Board of Popular Education. 4. Morris E., b. April 27, 1803; m. 1st, L. C. Payson; 2d, P. Rowe. (384) 5. Thomas Wait, b. Nov. 15, 1805; m. Caroline Norton - (385) 6. Luke A., b. Oct. 17, 1808; m. Clarissa J. Perkins. - - (386) 7. Nathan Harwood, b. April 13, 1811; m. Sarah B. Britton.. (387) 8. Mary A., b. Sept. 18, 1813; has been for more than twenty years a teacher in Mich, and 111. 197. Ebenezer White, son of Lieut, Elihu, (86) was born in Hatfield, Mass., Feb. 28, 1766. He was a farmer in that place, and died Jan. 6, 1826, se. 60. He married, Jan. 10, 1793, Mary Dickinson, dau. of Elijah Dickinson. She was born Jan. 17, 1772 and died May 11, 1850, se. 78. Children. 1. Sophia, b. Dec. 6, 1793; m. John White. - - (Family 376) 2. Mary, b. May 5, 1799; m. 1st, Dec. 21, 1826, Dr. Chester Johnson of Hadley, who d. April 7, 1829, se. 31. She m. 2d, Feb., 1835 Medad Vinton of Amherst; is now in Iowa. She had, by har first husband, Charles Dickinson, b. April 3, 1828. 3. Eliza, b. May 22, 1801; m. April 13, 1826, Josiah Allis, of East Whately; (see in Fam. 85.) She has had, 1. Justin Wright Clark, b. March 31, 1827; 2. Silas Dickinson White, b. Dec. 11, 1828; 3. Mary Eliza White, b. Sept. 29, 1830; 4. Lewis Edward 1j. Sept. 20, 1837, d. Feb. 13, 1853, ae. 15; 3. Clementina Smith, b. April 10, 1846; Elizabeth Leighton, b. April 8, 1849, d. Nov. 12, 1850; 5. Julia Trumbuli, twin with the last; 6. Alfred, b. March 25, 1852; 7. Edmund, b. March 9, 1855, d. Dec. 9, 1857. 3. Charles, b. Sept. 21, 1813; d. in Penn., unm., Sept. 1, 1848, ae. 35. 4. Sarah T., b. Nov. 27, 1815; d. July 22, 1816. 204. Elijah White, Jun., son of Elijah, Esq., (89) was born in Bolton, Aug. 15, 1784. He was a merchant and farmer in that place, until 1831, when he removed to White 170 Sixth Generation and Children. Pigeon, St. Joseph Co., Mich., where he became a large landholder. In 1853 he removed to Davenport, Iowa, and thence in Oct., 1854, to Winterset, Madison Co., Iowa, where he died, Nov. 16, 1854, ae. 70. He married, 1st, Sept. 14, 1818, Electa Fox of Bolton, dau. of Jacob Fox. She was born Oct. 22, 1790, and died June 14, 1835, ae. 44. He married, 2d, Oct. 12, 1835, Delia Sheldon of Rupert, Vt., born Aug. 9, 1801, dau. of Increase Sheldon and Hannah King. She resides at Winterset, Iowa. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Benjamin Day, b. Oct. 11, 1819; m. Julia M. Sheldon. (397) 2. Charles James Fox, b. Jan. 16, 1821; d. unm., Dec. 24, 1855, at Mich- igan Bluff, Cal. He was killed by an accident in a mining tunnel. 3. John, b. Aug. 16, 1822; d. March 22, 1833, ae. 10. 4. A son, | b. Aug. 11, 1823; twins: both d. Aug. 12, 1823. 5 A daughter, 5 6. Henry Dwight, b. Oct. 13, 1824; lost on Lake Superior, in the wreck of the steamer "Superior," Oct. 30, 1856, ae. 32. He was unmarried. 7. Samuel, b. Feb. 15, 1826; lives at Campo Seco, Calaveras Co., Cal. 8. Electa Jane, b. Sept. 8, 1827; m. Sept., 1845, Erasmus D. Smith of Adell, Dallas Co., Iowa, and has Clarence. 9. William, b. April 6, 1829; lives in Lockport, N. Y. 10. Mary, b. Sept. 1, 1830; d. at Detroit, Mich., Aug. 9, 1831, ae. 11 mos. 11. Frederick Ely, b. Oct. 18, 1832; lives in Campo Seco, Cal. Children; By the Second Marriage. 12. Mary, b. Sept. 14, 1836; d. May 24, 1856, se. 19. 13. John Trumbull, b. Jan. 23, 1839; lives in Winterset. 14. Robert Clark, b. Sept. 5, 1841; d. Aug. 25, 1842. 15. Julia Sophia, b. March 18, 1843. 16. Francis Sheldon, b. Feb. 17, 1845; d. Dec. 28, 1854. 205. Julius White, son of Elijah, Esq., (89) was born in Bolton, April 21, 1787. He died in East Hartford, Aug. 15, 1830, as. 43. He married, May 11, 1819, Lydia Day of West Springfield, Mass., dau. of Herman Day and Lois Ely. She was born May 5, 1793, and died June 12, 1839, se. 46. Children. 1. Henry, b. April 19, 1821; m. Eliza Hazen. - - - (398) 2. Sophia, b. Aug. 12, 1823; m. Aug. 17, 1842, J. Henry Efner, now of W. Springfield, and has had, 1. Henry White, b. Oct. 26, 1844; 2. Robert, b. Feb. 1, 1846, d. Dec. 31, 1851; 3. Alice, b. Nov. 4, 1854. Descendants of Daniel White. 171 206. Thomas White, Jim., son of Thomas, (90) was born in Bolton, Oct. 27, 1778. He was a farmer in that town until 1834, when he removed to Portage Co., Ohio. He there lived principally in the town of Franklin, where he died, Aug. 18, 1850, se. 71. He married, May 16, 1802, Dorothy Hammond of Bolton, dau. of Nathaniel Hammond and Eleanor Olmsted. She was born June 15, 1783, and died March 3, 1848, se. 64. Children. 1. Edwin Hammond, b. March 14, 1803; res. at Franklin Mills, Ohio. 2. Elizur Talcott, b. Aug. 30, 1806; d. Sept. 23, 1806. 3. Horace Freeman, b. Feb. 29, 1808; res. at Franklin Mills. 4. Maria D., b. Dec. 20, 1811; res. at Franklin Mills. 5. Nathaniel Olmsted, b. Jan. 25, 1815; res. at Franklin Mills. 6. Walter Pitkin, b. April 21, 1817; d. June 6, 1827, se. 10. 7. Eleanor, b. Oct. 7, 1822; res. at Franklin Mills. 207. Asa White, son of Thomas, (90) was born in Bolton, April 13, 1791. He was a farmer there, and died April 2, 1855, se. 64. He married, Dec. 31, 1812, Eunice Scoville of Bolton, born Dec. 23, 1793, dau. of Henry Scoville. Children. 1. William Wright, b. Aug. 16, 1813; m. 1st. H. E. Lyman; 2d, L. Segur. (399) 2. Eunice Scoville, b. Jan. 23, 1815. 3. Julia Talcott, b. May 19, 1817; m. Sept. 4, 1843, Chauncey Good- rich of Bristol, Conn., and has, 1. Julia Ann; 2. Ellen. 4. Theodore Hale, b. Sept. 19, 1819; m. Priscilla King. (400) 5. Edward Elijah, } b. Sept. 16, 1820; m. Charlotte A. Wells. (401) 6. Edmund Elizur, ( Twins. d. Jan. 29, 1840, ss. 19. 7. Catherine Cornelia, b. Nov. 25, 1824; m. Dec. 3, 1848, Harvey Merchant of New Haven; has had, 1. Dwight Edmund, b. Jan., 1850; 2. Elsie, d. se. 1 yr. 8. Lavius Parmelee, b. June 27, 1827; lives in Bolton. 9. Sarah Lavinia, b. July 8, 1829; m. Oct. 31, 1848, Brewster Bishop of B. 10. Lydia Charlotte, b. Aug. 3, 1831; m. May 2, 1853, Jonathan W. Pond of Bristol. 11. Henry Asa, b. June 8, 1834; m. Sarah J. Hamlin. - (402) 12. John, b. Nov. 1, 1838. 208. Daniel White, Esq., son of Capt. Daniel, (91) was born in Andover, Conn., July 14, 1773. He was a farmer in that place until 1844, when he removed to Rockville, Conn., where he died, March 29, 1847, se. 73. He had the military 172 Sixth Generation and Children. rank of Captain, and was a justice of the peace. He fre- quently held town offices, and several times represented the town of Coventry in the Legislature. Being highly esteem- ed for his integrity and sound judgment, he was much em- ployed in the settlement of estates, and was very frequently selected as an arbitrator to whom private differences were referred. The following is a fac-simile of his autograph. He married, Feb. 19, 1800, Eunice Stanley of Coventry, dau. of Moses Stanley and Eunice Strong. She was born April 25, 1773, and died Aug. 10, 1847, ae. 74. Children. 1. Eliza, b. June 10, 1801; m. Jan. 9, 1822, Dea. Allyn Kellogg of Vernon, Conn., a farmer. She has had, 1. Allyn Stanley, b. Oct. 15, 1824, grad. at Williams College in 1846, and at Yale Theological Seminary in 1850: has preached several years; is now residing in Vernon; 2. Martin, b. March 15, 1828, grad, at Yale College in 1850, and at Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., in 1854; is now minister of the Congregational Church in Grass Valley, Nevada Co., Cal.; 3. A daughter, b. June 27, 1832, d. July 4, ae. 7 days. 2. Stanley, b. Sept. 18, 1802; m. 1st, Rosanna Reed; 2d, Anna R. Rose. (403) 3. Norman, b. Aug. 8, 1805; m. Mary A. Dodge. (404) 4. Fanny, b. April 3, 1810; resides in Rockville. 209. Dr. Samuel White, son of Capt. Daniel, (91) was born in Andover, Conn., Feb. 23, 1777. He was a physician and surgeon of great eminence, in Hudson, N. Y., and was for many years -proprietor of a private hospital for the treat- ment of the insane. He was Professor of Surgery in the Berkshire Medical College at Pittsfield, Mass., and Presi- dent of the N. Y. State Medical Society. He was several times chosen Mayor of the city of Hudson, and was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church in that place. He died Feb. 10, 1845, se. 68. He married, Jan. 1, 1799, Wealthy Pomeroy of North Cov- entry, Conn., dau. of Eleazer Pomeroy and Sybil Kingsbury. She was born Oct. 14, 1778, and died Oct. 31, 1854, &. 76. Descendants of Daniel White. 173 Children. 1. Emeline, b. Oct. 17, 1799; m. Feb. 28, 1820, Frederick J. Barnard of Albany, N. Y., a lumber merchant, and d. June 18, 1833, ae. 33. She had, 1. Samuel White, b. 1820, m. Nov., 1855, Cordelia Chapman of Lyons, N. Y.; 2. Frances, b. 1822, m. Henry Hawley of Albany; 3. Sarah, b. 1824, m. 1853, Thomas Stamps of Vt., who d. 1855. She d. Oct., 1856, as. 32; 4. Anna Hale, b. 1826; 5. Benjamin Stanton., b. 1828, grad. Williams College, 1848; 6.* Frederick Joseph, b. 1831, d. 1856, ae. 25. 2. Samuel Pomeroy, b. Nov. 8, 1801; m. Caroline M. Jenkins. (405) 3. Jane Augusta, b. Jan. 26, 1804; d. unm., Sept. 9, 1832, ae. 28. 4. Frances Mary, b. Dec. 26, 1805; m. May 9, 1826, Rev. William Chester, D. D., of Hudson, N. Y., now of Philadelphia, Pa. He grad. Union College, 1815, and has been for twenty-eight years Associate Secretary of the Board of Education of the Pres- byterian Church. She has had, 1. Elizabeth, b. March 12, 1829; 2. John, b. April 23, 1832, grad. College of N. J., 1851, and at the Med. Coll, of the Univ. of Penn.; is now a theological student. He m. Oct. 2, 1855, Rachel Annie Alward of Columbia, Penn.; 3. Charles Chauncey, d. in infancy. 5. George Hale, b. Oct. 24, 1808; was a physician in Hudson and in New York, and d. without issue, April 11, 1857, a?. 48. He m. Sept. 3, 1840, Lucy C. Huntington of New York, b. April 11, 1822, dau. of Joseph Huntington and Julia Dodge. 6. John Chester, b. Feb. 21, 1811; m. Lavinia Maxwell. - (406) 7. Sarah, b. Feb. 2, 1813; d. unm., Aug. 21, 1843, as. 30. 8. Elizabeth, b. May 10, 1814; m. July 1, 1847, Ambrose S. Russell, Esq., a lawyer, now of Hudson. She has, 1. Florence, b. April 19, 1848; 2. Jane Frances, b. Nov. 12, 1850; 3. John R., b. Nov. 10, 1852; 4. William Averell, b. Dec. 5, 1854; 5. Frederick Barnard, b. Dec. 2, 1857. 9. Henry Kirke, b. July 28, 1816; resides in New York. 10. Anna Hals. b. Jan. 11, 1820; m. Nov. 10, 1841, Charles T. Leake of New York, and has had, 1. William, b. April 28, 1847, d. in infancy; 2. Catherine Quintard, b. March 22, 1848; 3. Frances Chester, b. Sept. 4, 1850; 4. Charles Pomeroy, b. Feb. 13, 1853; 5. Henry Delavan, b. Aug. 14, 1855. 210. William White, of son Dudley, (92) was born in Kil- lingworth, Conn., July 19, 1760. He was a goldsmith, and resided in that place until Sept., 1821, when he removed to Twinsburg, Summit Co., 0., where he died, Jan. 6, 1839. ss. 78. He married, 1790, Juliana Pierson of Killingworth. She was born July 6, 1767, and died Aug. 13, 1836, as. 69. Children. 1. A child, b. ; d. unnamed, in infancy. 2. Julia, b. July, 1795; d. Oct., 1821, ae. 26, while on the way to Ohio. 3. Hanford, b. July 3, 1797; m. 1st, Hepzibah Pratt; 2d, Mary Hirrick. - (407) 4. Polly, b. Dec., 1798; d. Jan., 1817, a?. 18. 174 Sixth Generation and Children. 5 Fanny, b. May 19, 1801; m. 1st, June 27, 1821, James H. Kelsey of Twinsburg, who d. June 18, 1833, ae. 32; m. 2d, Oct. 13, 1839, Moses Eggleston of Aurora, Portage Co., Ohio. By her first hus- band, she had one son, Oscar O., lives in Twinsburg. 6. Philena, b. Aug. 3, 1806; res. in Twinsburg. 7. William, b. March, 1808; d. Oct., 1821, ae. 13, on the way to Ohio. 211. Elisha White, son of Dudley, (92) was born in Kil- lingworth, Conn., Dec., 2, 1762. He removed to Haddam, and died there about 1824. Was a mariner. He married, Sept. 9, 1789, Abigail Bates of Haddam, dau. of Samuel Bates. She was born Nov. 20, 1769, and was living in 1858. Children. 1. Sylvia, b. Sept. 25, 1792; m. Sept. 10, 1818, Horace Arnold of Haddam. 2. Sarah, b. July 15, 1794; d. Oct. 14, 1807, ae. 13. 3. Elizabeth, b. April 13, 1796; m. Edmond Doan of Winthrop, Conn. 4. William, b. Feb. 18, 1799; m. Laura Dickinson. - - (408) 5. Charlotte, b. July 13, 1800; d. March 2, 1807. 6. Stephen, b. March 2, 1802; drowned in Conn. River, Oct. 25, 1839, 33. 37. 7. Reuben, b. July 3, 1804. 8. Abby Ann, b. May 31, 1806. 9. Dudley, b. Sept. 7, 1807; m. Ann Gilbert of Lyme: nas one child. 10. Elisha, b. June 4, 1809; d. at sea, unm., Feb. 12, 1834, ae. 24. 212. Benjamin White, son of Dudley, (92) was born in Killingworth, Conn., May 7, 1772. He settled in Woodbury, Conn., as a farmer, but removed to Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., and from thence to Russia, in the same county, where he died, Jan. 26, 1838, se. 65. He married, 1st, Mary Scranton of Madison, Conn., dau. of Josiah Scranton and Abigail Blatchley. She died in Wood- bury, May, 1797, se. 25. He married, 2d, March 3, 1799, Polly Franklin of Wood- bury, dau. of Samuel Franklin. She was born April 14, 1777, and died at Albany, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1838, . 61. Child; By the First Marriage. 1. Lyman, b. Nov. 7, 1796; m. Lydia Salisbury. - - - (409) Children; By the Second Marriage. 2. Amarilla, b. Jan. 17, 1800; m. May, 1822, James C. Wilson, a farmer, now of Wakeman, Huron Co., O., and has 5 children. 3. Harlow, b. Dec. 14, 1802; m. Levina Talcott. ... (410) Descendants of Daniel White. 175 4. Alfred, } b. Dec. 12, 1803; m. Florilla Stevens. - (411) 5. Alpha, j Twins, m. Dec. 9, 1830, Linus E. Ford, a hatter, now of Dereham, C. W.: has had six children, three of whom died. 6. Fanny, b. Nov. 3, 1806; m. March 12, 1828, John B. Fenner, a farmer in Fairfield, and has had four children. 7. Polly, b. Nov. 7, 1808; m. Jan. 21, 1826, George Harris of Albany: has had thirteen children, seven of whom are dead. 8. Charles, b. July 17, 1810; m. Jane M. Carter. (412) 9. Sally, b. Feb. 8, 1812; m. Jan. 2, 1832, Job Borden, now of Mohawk, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Has had two- children, one of them died. 213. Charles White, son of Simeon, jun., (93) was born in Hatfield, Mass., Oct. 10, 1770. He was a house-builder, and resided in New York, where he died, March 6, 1855. SB. 84. He married, May 17, 1806, Mary Jay, who died in 1842. Children. 1. Ann Matilda, b. July 7, 1807; m. Dec. 17, 1827, Dr. Henry Villers of New York, and d. July 6, 1856, ae. 49. She had seven children, of whom only three are now living: 1. Mary Virginia, b. Oct. 10, 1828, m. Aug. 31, 1846, John W. Orr, a wood-engraver, of New York; 2. Joseph Jay, b. 1836; 3. Laura M., b. 1841. There were four other children of Charles White, all of whom d. in infancy. 214. Henry White, son of Simeon, jun., (93) was born March 9, 1772. He resided chiefly in Athens, Greene Co., N. Y., where he was engaged in merchandizing. He died May 31, 1843. [May 10, 1844?] He married, Feb. 1, 1795, Almira Tinker of East Haddam, Conn., dau. of Capt. Jehial Tinker. She died May 3, 1850. Children. 1. Julia Hubbard, b. ; m. Patrick Stephenson of Coxsackie, Greene Co., N. Y., a merchant. He d. about 1854. She has five children: one dau. m. Rev. Alexander Mead, of Newark, N. J., ana one dau. m. Rev. L rt ,vi Weed. 2. Eliza, b. ; d. in infancy. 3. Eliza A., b. ; res. in Redwood, N. Y. 4. Almira, b. Nov. 28, 1807; m. Albert L. White. (Family 418) 5. Tempy Jane, b. ; d. young. 6. Henry, b. ; m. Mary E. Akin. - - (413) 7. Clarissa Matilda, b. ; m. 1845, Rev. Sylander Curtis, a Lu- theran minister, now of Clermont, Columbia Co., N. Y. She has two sons. 8. Tempty Jane, b. ; m. Jan. 23, 1838, George Smith of Water- town, N. Y. She has three sons. 176 Sixth Generation and Children. 215. Hon. George White, son of Simeon, jun., (93) was born Oct. 10, 1775. He was a farmer, and settled in Rut- land, Jefferson Co., N. Y. During the last war with Great Britain, he held a commission as Major, and was in the battle of Sacketts Harbor. He was a member of the N. Y. Legislature in 1824, and was a Judge of the County Court. He died March 9, 1853, SB. 77. He married, March 28, 1798, Lydia Williams of Trenton, N. Y., dau. of Roger Williams and Hannah Howard. She was born Oct. 13, 1782, and died April 5, 1841, se. 58. Children. 1. Stephen, b. April 17, 1799; m. Calista Keyes. - - - (414) 2. Lyman, b. Sept. 14, 1800;' m. Abby M. Fisk. - - - (415) 3. Hannah, b. April 1, 1802; m. Jan. 7, 1827, Col. Elias Sage of Cham- pion, N. Y., and d. Oct. 25, 1844, se. 42. 4. Frederick W., b. May 6, 1806; m. Elvira P. Foster. - - (416) 5. William H., b. Dec. 13, 1808; m. Abby M. Harrison. - (417) 6. Albert L., b. Oct. 11, 1810; m. Almira White. - - - (418) 7. Eliza C., b. Aug. 30, 1812; m. Jan. 23, 1838, Hiram Holcomb of Watertown, N Y., and d. Dec. 11, 1844, ae. 32. She had one dau., Elizabeth. 8. Edwin C., b. May 18, 1816; m. Laura J. Wilson. - - (419) 9. Lucy A., b. July 27, 1826; m. Nelson Tuttle of Chicago, 111., and d. May 6, 1852, ae. 25. She had, 1. Mary Louisa; 2. Lucy A. 216. Frederick White, son of Simeon, jun., (93) was born in 1777. He was a banker and merchant at Buffalo, N. Y. He died in Rutland, at the residence of his brother, George White, Oct. 1, 1831, ae. 54 yrs. 7 mos. He married Mary B. Whiting of Utica, N. Y., who is dead. Ha had one son, Alexander, b. Aug. 27, 1812; residence not ascertained. 217. Solomon White, son of Simeon, jun., (93) resided at New Haven, Oswego Co., N. Y., and died July 17, 1857. He married Lucy Lee of Watertown, N. Y. His son, Solomon, is said to be living at New Haven. Perhaps there wera other children. 218. Hon. John Johnson White, son of Hon. Asa, (94) was born in Williamsburg, Mass., April 3, 1793. He gradu- ated at Williams College in 1810, and spent three or four years in teaching, in Richmond and Winchester, Ky., and in Descendants of Daniel White. 177 New Orleans. He then studied law, and in 1817 settled in Gallatin, Sumner Co., Tenn., where he has ever since resided. His practice has been extensive and profitable during the whole of his professional career, extending now to a period of forty-two years, and is, at this time, confined mainly to the Chancery and Supreme Courts of the State. In several important cases, in which a judge of the Supreme Court has been disqualified to act, Mr. White has been appointed a special judge, to act in connection with the regular judges of the Court. In 1820 he was one of the presidential electors of Tennessee. In 1834 he was chosen a member of the Conven- tion for revising the Constitution of the State, and took a leading part in the business and debates of that body. He has been for about fifteen years past an Elder in the Presbyterian Church at Gallatin. He is also President of the Sumner Co., Bible Society, and a Director of the Theological Seminary at Danville, Ky. A more extended notice of Mr. White's life and public ser- vices may be found in Livingston's "Portraits and Memoirs of Eminent Americans," Vol. IV. He married, March 17, 1829, Catharine Ann Waide of Elizabethtown, Ky. She was born March 14, 1810, and was the dau. of Col. Daniel Waide, and of Martha McDougal, whose father, Rev. Alexander McDougal, died in Hardin Co., Kentucky, in 1841, at the advanced age of 104 years. Mr. White's adopted daughter, Catherine M., is the wife of Charles A. R. Thompson, a merchant in Nashville, Tenn. 219. Chester White, Esq., son of Hon. Asa, (94) was born in Williamsburg, Mass., Sept. 18, 1797. He graduated at Yale College in 1825, studied law, and spent a few years in Tennessee, in the practice of his profession. He subsequent- ly resided in Augusta, Ga., and in Alabama, being chiefly engaged in teaching. About 1836, he engaged in mer- cantile pursuits, in Penn Yan, N. Y., and in 1839 removed to Racine, Wis., where he has been Mayor of the city, and still resides. He married, Oct. 4, 1847, Clarissa W. Spencer of Stan- 178 Sixth Generation and Children. stead, C. E., dau. of William Spencer. She died Sept. 23, 1854. Children. 1. Ellen Maria, b. July 27, 1848. 2. Stella Hayes, b. Aug. 2, 1851. 3. William Chester, b. March 12, 1853. 4. John Jay, b. Sept. 7, 1854. 220. Addison Hayes White, Esq., son of Hon. Asa, (94) was born in Williamsburg, Mass., Aug. 23, 1803. He gradu- ated at Yale College in 1823, studied law, and practiced for several years in Tennessee, residing principally in Coving- ton, Tipton Co., of which city he was chosen Mayor. In 1839 he returned to the old homestead in Williamsburg, where he still resides, engaged in farming, and in the practice of his profession. He married, 1st, Feb. 27, 1833, Matilda J. Brown of Tip- ton Co., Tenn., dau. of Rev. Samuel Brown. She died Dec. 10, 1837, &. 25. He married, 2d, April 30, 1840, Clarissa Taylor, born Sept. 24, 1811, dau. of Ariel Taylor of Williamsburg, He has one son, by the second marriage, Addison, b. Oct. 21, 1843. 221. Oliver, White, son of George, (95) was born in Tol- land, Conn., about 1772. He settled in Winsted, Conn., but early removed to Dyberry, Wayne Co., Pa., where he died about 1855, se. 82. He married Lucy Wood. Children. 1. Oliver, b. Nov. 12, 1896; m. Pamelia Bacon. ... (420) 2. Ralph, b. 1803; d. Dec. 27, 1809, ss. 6. 3. Daniel, b. ; m. Nancy . (421) 4. Lucy, b. ; m. Halsey Burr, and has had, 1. Eliza, b. July 19, 1819; 2. Dency, b. April 10, 1821, d. May 26, 1848; 3. Matilda, b. July 28, 1822; 4. Jehiel, b. Aug. 24, 1824; 5. Lucy, b. July 5, 1827; 6. Mary, b. June 13, 1829; 7. James A., b. June 27, 1831; 8. Nancy, b. July 7, 1833; 9. George H., b. Aug. 7, 1837; 10. Abby M., b. June 2, 1839; 11. Carlos, b. Dec. 29, 1841 5. Charlotte, b. ; lives in Bethany, Pa. 6. Maria, b. ; m. Nov. 25, 1838, Alonzo R. Bishop of Win- chester, Conn., now of Bethany, Pa. Descendants of Daniel White. 173 7. Rietta, b. ; m. Mar. 8, 1837, William Weaver, of Winchester, Ct. 8. Eliza, b. ; m. Jonas Stanton: has several children. 222. Daniel White, son of George, (95) was born in Tol- land, Conn., Dec. 11, 1774. He settled in Winsted, Conn., in 1797, and has chiefly resided there. He married, July 4, 1799, Clarissa Cleveland of Winsted, dau. of Rufus Cleveland and Mary Chamberlain. She was born Feb. 6, 1782, and died June 12, 1822, ae. 40. Children. 1. Emily, b. Feb. 9, 1801; m. Feb. 23, 1825, Hezekiah Goodwin Butler, and lives in Prompton, Wayne Co., Pa. She has had, 1. Alphonso E., d. Feb. 2, 1851; 2. Samuel; 3. Edward Payson; 4. Mary Eliza- beth. 2. Lavinia, b. Aug. 20, 1803; m. Oct. 4, 1835, Gideon Hall of Winsted, a farmer, who held various offices. He d. Feb. 23, 1850, ae. 75. She has one dau., Jane Catharine, b. Oct. 20, 1845. 3. Mary Cleveland, b. Jan. 31, 1805; m. April 18, 1833, Edward Adams Rugg of New Marlboro, Mass., now a farmer in Winchester, Conn. She has had, 1. Harlan Page, b. July 16, 1838; 2. Urania, b. Oct. 17, 1839; 3. Mary, b. June 23, 1841; 4. Edward, b. Aug. 11, 1843; 5. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 30, 1845; 6. Arthur, b. June 19, 1847, d. March 24, 1848. 4 Harriet, b. Jan. 28, 1807; m. Dec. 26, 1846, Oren Kellogg, a farmer in Colebrook, Conn. 5. Horace Cleveland, b. Feb. 22, 1809; m. Susan A. Wolcott. (422) 6. Urania Clarissa, b., July 20, 1811; was a student in Oberlin College, and went to the vicinity of Lake Superior, as a teacher. "She died at the Mission House, Le Pointe, Lake Superior," Aug. 5, 1839. 33. 28. 7. Philenda Miller, b. June 11, 1814; m. Sept. 6, 1835, Elizur G. Perry, a joiner. They last resided in Ion, Alamakee Co., Iowa., where she d. Nov. 6, 1857, ae. 43. He d. Oct. 6, 1858. She had, 1. Jennett, b. Feb. 7, 1836, m. June 19, 1858, George Perry; 2. Edwin R., b. March 14, 1838; 3. Philo, b. April' 7, 1840; 4. Lavinia Hall, b. Oct. 12, 1843, d. May 31, 1844; 5. Frederick Kellogg, b. Jan. 1, 1845; 6. Lavinia, b. June 11, 1850; 7. Philenda, b .Jan. 24, 1852; 8. 8. Martha, b. May 6, 1854, d. Aug. 31, 1855. 8. Jennett, b. April 6, 1816; d. July 26, 1816. 9. Pembroke, b. Sept. 18, 1819; is now living in Ion, Alamakee Co., Iowa. 223. George White, son of George, (95) was born in Tol- land, Jan. 17, 1777, the day after his father's death. He is a joiner, and about 1801 settled in Hartford, Conn., where he still resides. He married, June 2, 1803, Mary Alfred of Hartford, who died Dec. 3, 1837, ae. 63. 180 Sixth Generation and Children. Children. 1. Mary Benton, b. March 19, 1805; m. Oct. 30, 1839, Russell Arnold of Hartford, a joiner, and has, 1. George White; 2. Mary Jane. 2. George Caldwell, b. Aug. 11, 1807; m. Sarah Dunn. (423) 3. Sarah Jane, ) b. Dec. 18, 1813; m. Feb. 21, 1844, Henry Kennedy I of E. Hartford, now keeper of the jail in Hartford. 4. Sophia Julia, J Twins. 5. Laura Catharine, b. July 22, 1815; m. July 21, 1834, Albertus Green Olmsted of E. Hartford, who d. in California, May 18, 1850. She d. in Hartford, Sept. 18, 1856, as. 41. Her dau., Eveline Jenette, m. J. Hinman Warren of Oswego, N. If. Seventh Generation and Children DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. NATHANIEL WHITE. IN THE LINE OF DEA. NATHANIEL WHITE, OF HADLEY. 224. Levi White, son of Nathaniel, (97) was born in South Hadley, Mass., Feb. 14, 1779. He was a painter, and resided in Easthampton, Mass., where he died, Aug. 26, 1852, ae. 73. He married, March 13, 1806, Miriam Alvord of South Had- ley, dau. of Samuel Alvord and Miriam White: (see Fam. 48.) She was born May 25, 1785, and survives her husband. Children. 1. Julius, b. July 16, 1808; res. in Southampton, Mass , and is a house painter. He m. 1st, Nov. 27, 1835, Elizabeth Sheldon of S., daa. of Schuyler Sheldon. She d. June 17, 1847. He m. 2d, Oct. 17 1849, Mrs. Almir Barron, wid. of Jehiel Barren, and dau. of Benjamin Munson. 2. Cecil, b. June 8, 1810; d. Sept. 18, 1810. 3. Edson, b. Nov. 27, 1811; is a farmer and painter in Easthampton. He m. Feb. 1, 1855, Mrs. Frances White, widow of his brother Lysander. 4. Lucena, b. Nov. 17, 1814; m. May 18, 1843, Julius Pomeroy of Easthampton, and d. Dec. 4, 1858, ae. 44. She had, 1. Herbert White, b. Aug. 27, 1844; 2. Ella Lucena, b. Dec. 15, 1849; 3. Miriam White, b. Oct. 6, 1852. 5. Lysander, b. April 27, 1818; was a painter, and lived in East- hampton. He m. Nov. 5, 1839, Frances Parsons, b. Dec. 21, 1817, dau. ofMoel Parsons. He d. without issue, May 8, 1852, se. 34. She m. 2d, his brother, Edson White. 6. Amanda, b. June 1, 1821; m. Augustine Munson, and has one dau , Lyander, d. Aug. 22, 1852. 225. Ezekiel White, son of Nathaniel, (97) was born in South Hadley, Jan. 12, 1791. He was a painter, and re- sided in Eastampton, where he died, June 14, 1858, ae. 67. He married, 1st, Nov. 30, 1826, Rachel Janes of East- hampton, dau. of Lieut. Jonathan Janes and Rachel Clark. She was born Nov. 20, 1797, and died Jan. 22, 1842, ae. 44. 182 Seventh Generation and Children. He married, 2d, June 22, 1843, Melinda H. Bates of Cummington, Mass., born June 14, 1805, dau. of Levi Bates and Lovina Hersey. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Jonathan Janes, b. Sept. 16, 1827. 2. Mary Lucina, b. Sept. 6, 1831. 226. Ezra White, son of Ebenezer, (98)) was born in South Hadley, Aug. 4, 1794. He resides in Wilbraham, Mass., where he has been a shoemaker and shoe dealer. He married, Jan. 15, 1818, Mary Wight of Chester, Vt, born Nov. 4, 1792, dau. of Ephraim Wight and Patience Cleveland. Children. 1. Charlotte, b. Aug. 11, 1819; m. June 10, 1840, Rev. Alanson Latham, a Methodist minister, now of Holmes Hole, Mass. She has had, 1. Charlotte W., b. Nov. 13, 1842; 2. Alanson W., b. July 15, 1845; 3. Caroline Augusta, b. July 30, 1847; 4. Francis E., b. Sept. 7, 1849; 5. Julia Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1853, d. May 17, 1854; 6. Benjamin Franklin, b. May 17, 1855; 7. Augustus Blair, b. Sept. 9, 1857. 2. Lorenzo, b. May 9, 1821; m. Elizabeth Babcock. (424) 3. Ephraim, b. Feb. 22, 1823; d. May 30, 1823. 4. Francis, b. July 22, 1826; d. June 8, 1846, ae. 20. 5. Wilbur Fisk, b. June 17, 1831; d. Sept. 26, 1846, ae. 15. 227. Lyman Whate, son of Ebenezer, (98) was born in South Hadley, April 16, 1796. He is a shoemaker, and has resided chiefly in South Hadley, Worthington, and Hinsdale, Mass., but removed in 1859 to Chester, Morris Co., N. J. He was a deacon of the Congregational Churches in Worthing- ton and Hinsdale. He married, Nov. 19, 1815, Annah Granger of Worthing- ton, born Dec. 19, 1794, dau. of Luther and Ruth Granger. Children. 1. Luther, b. Sept. 14, 1816; m. Mrs. Amanda Delvan. - (425) 2. Edwin, b. Feb. 17, 1818; m. Jerusha C. Stebbins. (426) 3. Samuel, b. Sept. 22, 1819; is a teacher and farmer; res. in Chester, N. J. He m. May 22, 1844, Caroline S. Woodhull of Chester, b. Aug. 5, 1810, dau. of John and Mary Woodhull. 4. James, b. July 9, 1821; m. Juliet Washburn. (427) 5. Lyman, b. Dec. 6, 1822; d. July 6, 1823. 6. Julia A., b. Sept. 28, 1824.. 7. Clarissa, b. April 18, 1830; d. Dec. 19, 1854, as. 24. 8. Emerancy, b. Nov. 27, 1833; d. Oct. 20, 1847. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 183 228. Ralph White, son of Ebenezer, (98) was born in South Hadley, Aug. 20, 1805. He is a shoe dealer; has resided chiefly in South Hadley, Ludlow, and Chicopee, Mass., but removed in 1857 to Excelsior, Minnesota. He married, 1st, March 31, 1828, Ruth Lyon of Ludlow, Mass., born June 10, 1806. He married, 2d, Feb. 22, 1859, Julia Bliss of Ludlow, dau. of Charles Bliss. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Cordelia R., b. Jan. 1, 1829; d. Jan. 5, 1834. 2. Deborah B., b. Nov. 9, 1830; m. July 31, 1853, George W. Leach, and has, 1. Ella, b. Nov. 24, 1854; 2. Carrie Ostella, b. July 0, 1856; 3. Eugene Watts, b. Sept. 15, 1857. 3. Philena, b. Jan. 1, 1833; m. Sept. 14, 1855, George M. Powers, and has Orianna, b. Jan. 6, 1858. 4. Lyman A., b. March 5, 1835. 5. Samuel, b. Aug. 1, 1837. 6. George W., b. June 20, 1840. 7. Cordelia O., b. Jan. 19, 1843. 229. Ebenezer White, son of Ebenezer, (98) was born in South Hadley, Dec. 13, 1810. He is a mason, and resided in Chicopee, Mass., but removed in 1854 to Princeton, Bureau Co., 111. Has been mayor of Princeton. He married, 1st, Aug. 12, 1832, Louisa Wright of Ludlow, Mass., dau. of Elam Wright. She died Oct. 5, 1839, &. 25. He married, 2d, Emily Crouch of Brimfield, Mass., dau. of Ephraim Crouch. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Helen V., b. July 24, 1833; m. Sept., 1857, Romanus Hodgman, a a merchant in Galva, 111.. 2. Isabella M., b. Jan. 1, 1835; m. Nov. 19, 1856, James H. Wolcott of Springfield, Mass. 3. Victoria, b. Sept. 1, 1837. 4. Louisa M., b. July 15, 1839. Children; By the Second Marriage. 5. Harriet J., b. Feb. 28, 1844; d. Jan. 4, 1845. 6. Lizzie J., b. Aug. 21, 1847; d. March 19, 1849 7. Emma Viola, b. April 29, 1851. 230. Hon. Phineas White, son of Dea. Enoch, (99) was born in South Hadley, Mass., Oct. 30, 1770. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1797, and studied law with the Hon. 184 Seventh Generation and Children. Charles Marsh of Woodstock, Vt., and Judge Samuel Porter of Dummerston, Vt. In 1800 he commenced the practice of his profession in Putney, Vt., where he resided through life. He was called to many positions of honor and responsibility. He was post-master of Putney from 1802 to 1809, was for several years State's Attorney for the County of Windham, was Judge of the Probate Court, and from 1818 to 1820 was Chief Judge of the County Court. In 1820 he was elected a Representative to Congress, and served one term. In 1836 he was a member of the Convention for revising the Constitution of Vermont, and from 1838 to 1840 was a Senator in the State Legislature, having previously been several times a Representative from the town of Putney. He belonged to the Masonic Order and was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Vermont. After his election to Congress, he almost wholly aband- oned his law business, engaging extensively, and with good success, in farming. The Colleges of the State, and var- ious benevolent institutions, shared largely in his counsels and liberality. He was one of the Trustees of Middlebury College, and was for several years President of the Vt. Bible Society, and of the Vt. Colonization Society. He was also an active member of the Congregational Church in Putney, with which he and his wife united in 1815. He died July 6, 1847, 3d. 76. He married, July 5, 1801, Esther Stevens of Plainfield, Conn., dau. of Nehemiah Stevens and Hepzibah Kellum. She was born Jan., 1777, and died Sept. 25, 1858, ae. 81. Children. 1. Susan Esther, b. May 23, 1802; m. June 3, 1823, Hon. William D. Williamson of Bangor, Me., and d. without issue, March 9, 1824, 33. 22. 2. Tizah Maria, b. April 2, 1804; m. Nov. 25, 1828, James Crawford, Esq., of Putney, a lawyer. She d. in Putney, Nov. 15, 1837, ae. 33. He rem. to Dubuque, Iowa, and d. Nov., 1846, ae. 48. She had, 1. Phineas White, b. Sept. 21, 1829, grad. 111. Coll., 1849, and is a lawyer in Dubuque. He m. Nov. 30, 1852, Harriet Connel of Dubuque; 2. Theophilus, b. Oct., 1831, d. May 8, 1853, ae. 21; 3. William Henry, b. Feb., 1834, is a merchant in Muscatine, Iowa. He m. Sept., 1853, Cornelia Ann Smith of Hopkinton, Iowa; 4. Susan White, b. Sept. 8, 1835; 5 & 6. James and John, twins, b. Oct., 1837; James d. as. 9 mos.; John is an engineer, now in Cal. 3. Frances Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1806; m. Sept. 2, 1834, John Kimball, Esq., of Claremont, N. H. He grad. Dart. Coll., 1822, and is a lawyer. In 1839 he rem. to the homestead of his father-in-law, and now resides there. She has had, 1. Charles White, b. 1836, Descendants of Nathaniel White. 185 lives with his father and is a farmer; 2. Hellen S., b. Dec. 5, 1838. d. Sept. 5, 1839; 3. John Dudley, b. Aug. 23, 1842, d. Jan. 5, 1853, as. 10. 4. Helen Rebecca, b. Sept. 25, 1808; d. Oct. 26, 1815, ae. 7. 5. Phineas Enoch, b. Nov. 18, 1810; d. Sept. 23, 1825, ae. 15. 6. Enoch Stevens, b. Dec. 30, 1812; d. March 20, 1814. 7. Abby Lydia, b. June 20, 1814; m. June 20, 1832, Rev. William H. Williams of Tuscaloosa, Ala., now of Keokuk, Iowa, and has had, 1. George Bethune, b. Sept. 3, 1833, m. Oct. 31, 1854, Mary Emma Nelson, dau. of Rev. David Nelson, D. D., of Quincy, 111., and d. Nov. 18, 1857, se. 24; 2. Emily Maria, b. Dec. 12, 1835, d. Aug. 6, 1839; 3. William White, b. Jan. 2, 1838, grad. Williams College, 1859; 4. Abby Maria, b. Nov. 26, 1839; 5. Charles Fitch, b. Nov. 5, 1841, is a member of Williams College; 6 & 7. Frances Stevens and Helen Scott, twins, b. Sept. 23, 1843; Helen S. d. April 23, 1846; 8. Theodore Sturtevant, b. Jan. 3, 1846; 9. Louis Edward, b. June 7, 1850; 10. Frederic Arthur, b. Oct. 19, 1856. 8. William Wallace, b. Aug. 31, 1816; m. Frances A. Atherton. (428) 231. Enoch White, Jim., son of Dea. Enoch, (99) was born in South Hadley, June 1, 1781. He resided there, and died Aug. 5, 1827, se. 46. He married, Nov. 7, 1805, Martha Lamb of Belchertown. dau. of Daniel Lamb. She was born Aug. 23, 1783, and died in Lapeer, Mich., May 12, 1847, se. 63. Children. 1. Jonathan Ripley, b. Sept. 10, 1806; m. Louisa Dexter. - (429) 2. Adaline Maria, b. Sept. 8, 1808; m. Nicholas Poss, a farmer in Lapeer, and d. Nov. 29, 1849, 39. 41. She had, 1. Tirza White, b. May 24, 1838; 2. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1841; 3. Jonathan White, b. Feb. 17, 1846. 3. Phineas, b. May 1, 1810; m. Fidelia Day. - (430) 4. Enoch J., b. March 2, 1814; m. Elizabeth W. Gaylord. - (431) 5. George, b. Jan. 19, 1816; d. [June?] 1816. 6. Tirzah C., b. April 20, 1817; d. at Lapeer, Sept. 23, 1835, se. 18. 7. Martha L., b. June 3, 1819; m. July 3, 1836, Asahel W. Abbott of Leverett, Mass., who rem. to Lapeer. She has had, 1. Louisa, b. Aug. 30, 1837, d. March 17, 1848; 2. Austin, b. Aug. 11, 1840; 3. Julia B., b. May 12, 1843; 4. Martha A., b. Dec. 4, 1847, d. March 30, 1848; 5. Antha M., b. June 6, 1849, d. Dec. 29, 1856; 6. Fidelia E., b. Dec. 8, 1852; 7. Lucy H., b. Nov. 17, 1856, d. July 19, 1858. 8. Henry K., b. Oct. 24, 1820; is a surveyor; now at Puget Sound, Washington Territory. 9. Theodore Austin, b. ; d. at Lapeer, June 29, 1838. 232. David White, son of Moses, (101) was born in Had- ley, Sept. 24, 1788, and died there, April 18, 1851, 33. 62. He married, 1st, Jan. 15, 1815, Mary Bumps of Pelham, who died in 1836, &. 44. He married, 2d, Sept., 1836, Celinda D. Bragg, born July 4, 1805, dau. of Abial Bragg of Enfield, Mass. 186 Seventh Generation and Children. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Cynthia, b. ; m. 1st, Stephen Atwood, who d., and she m. again. She has had by her first husband, 1. Jane; 2. Charles; 3. Henry, d. Nov. 1854; 4. Mary. 2. Zenas, b. ; m., and lives in Wisconsin. 3. Oliver, b. ; m. Sophia S. Pattril. (432) 4. Sarah Ann, b. April 22, 1822; m. Oct. 18, 1843, Lyman Stocking of Cabotville, Mass., and has had, 1. George, b. July 22, 1844; 2. James H., b. June 28, 1848; d. June 14, 1849; 3. Franklin, b. Feb. 2, 1851, d, Jan. 23, 1854; 4. Mariette, b. May 24, 1856. 5. James Porter, b. ; m. Caroline A. Judson. - (433) 6. Reuben, b. Feb., 1830; m. Harriet . (434) 7. Sylvester, b. Nov. 28, 1832. 8. Harvey, b. June 2, 1836. Children; By the Second Marriage. 9. Albert Rensselaer, b. Dec., 1837. 10. Mary Bumps, b. March 26, 1843. 233. Elihu White, son of Moses, (101) was born in Had- ley, Sept. 22, 1794, and died there, Sept. 5, 1850, ae. 56. He married, March 21, 1820, Ruth Rider, born Feb. 27, 1797, dau. of Isaac Rider of Enfield, Mass. Children. 1. Eliza Ann, b. ; d. se. 1 yr. 3 mos. 2. George Smith, b. 3. Henry, b. Feb., 1824; d. unm., Jan. 12, 1854, ae. 30. 4. Eliza Ann, b. June 11, 1826; m. June 3, 1846, Lewis H. Wilder, and lives in Iowa. She has had, 1. Isabel, b. Sept., 1849; 2. Laura Elizabeth, b. Sept., 1853, d. Feb., 1857, ae. 3. 5. Moses, b. ; lives in Hadley. He m. Sept., 1848, Jane Berditt. 6. David, b. ; m. Anna B. Warren. (435) 7. Elijah, b. Jan. 3, 1830; m. Lucy W. Fitch. - (436) 234. Justus White, son of Aaron, (102) was born in South Hadley, Feb. 26, 1789, and resides there. He married, 1st, Jan. 4, 1821, Cynthia Brewster. She was born July 26, 1789, and died Nov. 3, 1829, SB. 40. He married, 2d, July 7, 1830, Eunice Strong of Northamp- ton, born July 6, 1785. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Henry Lewis, b. Oct. 19, 1821. 2. Edwin Clark, b. Aug. 20, 1823; m. 1847, Honora O'Brien. 3. Sarah Ann, b. June 6, 1825. 4. Ellen Amanda, b. Nov. 24, 1827; m. Feb. 17, 1847, Luther Walcott of Southampton. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 187 235. Chester White, son of Job, (103) was born Feb. 19, 1788, and died Nov. 11, 1852, se 64. He married Eunice Edwards of Northampton, dau. of Benjamin Alvord Edwards. She was born Oct. 2, 1790, and died Dec. 5, 1845, se. 55. Children. 1. Lewis Clapp, b. Oct. 9, 1809; m. Mary Ann Smith. (437) 2. James Edwards, b. Jan. 14, 1812; m. Jane Ann Phisty. (438) 3. Chester R., b. Feb. 14, 1814; res. principally in Springfield, Mass.: is proprietor of the "Island House," Bellows Falls, Vt. 236. Job White, son of Job, (103) was born Dec. 27, 1790. He is a painter, and lives in Waterloo, Seneca Co., N. Y. He married, March 29, 1817, Margaret Stebbins, born June 2, 1797, dau. of William and Margaret Stebbins. Children. 1. Charlotte S., b. Feb. 7, 1819; m. Dec. 31, 1846, Erastus T. Judd, and d. without issue, Jan. 29, 153. se. 34. 2. William Chester, b. Sept. 10, 1821; m. Catharine Bramhall. (439) 3. Mary N., b. March 24, 1824; m. Nov. 23, 1843, C. Lorenzo Judd, now of Port Byron, N. Y. She has had, 1. Clarissa Stacy, d. se. 7; 2. Mary Alice. 4. Samuel, b. July 27, 1825; d. March 5, 1828. 5. Caroline E., b. 1828; d. 1828. 6. Samuel, b. 1829; d. 1840. 7. Caroline Ely, b. March 16, 1832. 8. Margaret A., b. 1834; d. 1839. 9. Eunice E., b. 1836; d. 1840. 237. Quartus White, son of Simeon, (104) was born in South Hadley, April 28, 1789. The births of his children are recorded there. He married Persis Stebbins. Children. 1. Emeline, b. March 2, 1810; m. Mar. 24, 1832, Francis W. Kellogg. 2. Francis Stebbins, b. April 6, 1811. 3. Albert Colton, b. Aug. 21, 1815. 238. Reuben Augustus White, son of Reuben, (107) was born in South Hadley, Feb. 19, 1809. He has been a car- riagemaker and carpenter ; is now a hotel-keeper in Belcher- town. He married, May 7, 1834, Emeline M. Snow, born April 30, 1814, dau. of Zenas and Asenath SnoW, of Lebanon, N. H. Children. 1. William Augustus, b. March 7, 1835; is a carpenter in Springfield. 2. Reuben Austin, b. Sept. 24, 1836. 188 Seventh Generation and Children. 3. Sarah Jane, b. Sept. 30, 1838. 4. Susan Maria, b. Sept. 8, 1840. 5. Mabel Asenath, b. Oct. 25, 1842. 6. Aaron John, b. Nov. 23, 1844. 7. Henry Kirke, b. Feb. 6, 1851; d. Sept. 3, 1852. 8. George Henry, b. April 13, 1856. 239. Heman White, son of Eldad, (109) was born in South Hadley, April 17, 1792, and resides there. He married, 1st, Feb. 1, 1814, Clarissa Smith of South Hadley, dau. of Selah Smith. She was born April 9, 1796, and died Jan. 4, 1830, se. 33. He married, 2d. April 2, 1839, Sarah Kelley of Granville, "Mass., born April 24, 1803, dau. of Martin Kelley. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Mary, b. Sept. 3, 1815; d. Nov. 16, 1831, se. 16. 2. Heman, b. Aug. 20, 1817; d. Sept. 8, 1818. 3. Heman, b. July 2, 1820; m. Clara N. Bartlett. - (440) 4. Clarissa, b. Jan. 10, 1822; d. May 11, 1842, ae. 20. 5. Rebecca, b. Dec. 3, 1823; d. Aug. 21, 1828. Child; By the Second Marriage. 6. Clarissa, b. June 5, 1843; d. Sept. 29, 1844. 240. Cyrus White, son of Eldad, (109) was born in South Hadley, Oct. 21, 1794, and is a farmer there. He married, 1st, June 12, 1816, Elvira White of Monson, Mass., dau. of Asa White and Margaret Dodge: (not des- cended from Elder John White.) She was born Oct. 28, 1794, and died May 12, 1826, se. 31. He married, 2d, March 29, 1827, Rebecca White of South Hadley, dau. of Joel White and Dorcas Nash, and grand- daughter of Lieut. Thomas White, 2d: (see in Family 47.) She was born May 15, 1805, and died July 5, 1843, ae. 38. He married, 3d, Oct. 2, 1843, Mrs. Amanda Lyman of S. H., widow of William Lyman, and dau. of Lieut. Joseph White: (see Family 106.) She was born July 10, 1797. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Edwin, b. May 21, 1817; m. Harriet Allen. - - (441) 2. Cyrus, b. Jan. 3, 1819; res. in South Hadley. He m. Nov. 27, 1845, Celestia E. Spaulding, dau. of Timothy Spaulding. 3. Elvira, b. Oct. 28, 1821; d. April. 25, 1843, x. 21. 4. Irene, b. Oct. 6. 1823; d. Feb. 15, 1848, ae. 24. 5. Abigail, b. May 10, 1826; d. May 20, 1826. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 189 Children; By the Second Marriage. 6. Rebecca, b. May 5, 1828; m. Dec. 8, 1858, Calvin P. Langdon of Somers, Conn., a farmer. 7. William, b. June 30, 1829; is a farmer in Chicopee, Mass. He m. April 21, 1852, Amanda Preston of S. H., dau. of Gardner Preston. 8. Henry, b. May 2, 1832. 9. George, b. July 19, 1834. 10. Josiah, b. Nov. 11, 1835. 11. Augustus, b. Dec. 7, 1839; d. Dec. 28, 1839. 12. Joseph, b. July 8, 1841; d. April 1, 1842. 13. A son, b. May 7, 1843; d. June 2, 1843. 241. Medad White, son of Eldad, (109) was born in South Hadley, June 8, 1800, and died there, April 21, [18?] 1850, se. 50. He married, April, 1824, Lucy Snow, who died Dec. 30, 1849, se. 45. Children. 1. Sarah, b. Dec. 15, 1824; m. Nov. 16, 1842, Job Williams, who d. Their dau., Lucy Ann, d. Sept. 2, 1844, se. 11 mos. 2. Anson, b. Jan. 31, 1828; d. Sept. 9, 1829. 3. Helen, b. Jan. 7, 1831; d. unm., Dec. 22, 1852, se. 22. 4. Jane, b. Aug. 24, 1835; m. Ridley, of West Haven, Conn. 242. Sewall White, son of Lieut. Horace, (111) was born m West Springfield, Mass., May 6, 1776. He has been a merchant in that town, and still resides there. He married, June 22, 1804, Fanny Granger, who died Sept. 4, 1837, 03. 55. She was killed by the falling of a chimney, on the corner of Cliff and Beekman street, New York. (Date of marriage, from his family record: June 28, on town record.) Children. 1. Julia Ann, b. June 23, 1805. 2. Horace Homer, b. Jan. 1, 1810; m. Mary Jane Loring. (442) 3. Charles, b. Nov. 14, 1811; m. Louise Bradley. (443) 4. Joseph Addison, b. Oct. 17, 1815; d. without issue, in Mobile, Ala., Nov. 18, 1841, se. 26. He m. Aug. 31, 1836, Louisa Foster of Great Harrington, Mass. She d. at Barbourville, Ala., July 27, 1842, se. 27. 5. Sarah, b. Dec. 11, 1817; m. Jan. 12, 1843, Hon. De Witt Clinton Ballou, of Warsaw, Mo.; a Judge of the Circuit Court of Mo. She has had, 1. Clinton Osage, d.; 2. Horace, d.; 3. William, d.; 4. Charles; 5. Maria Louise. 6. William Cowper, b. June 30, 1821; is a jeweler in Springfield. He m. 190 Seventh Generation and Children. June 9, 1852, Chloe M. Bradley of W. S., dau. of Ezra Bradley. She was b. Sept. 3, 1822, and d. April 25, 1854, ae. 31. 243. Gordon White, son of Daniel, (112) was born in West Springfield, May 9, 1783. He was a farmer there, in the Society of Feeding Hills, in the present town of Agawam. He died Nov. 11, 1850, ae. 67. He married Nabby M. Hubbard, dau. of Jesse Hubbard and Eunice Coe. She was born in Middletown, Conn., Aug. 6, 1793, and survives her husband. Children. 1. Clarissa, b. May 5, 1814; d. May 15, 1817. 2. Emily, b, Feb. 1, 1817; m. Jan. 4, 1838, George W. Cowles of West- field, a joiner, and has, 1. James M., b. Nov. 5, 1838; 2. Jane E., b. Aug. 25, 1842. 3. Daniel H., b. March 21, 1819; m. Thankful Leonard and others. (444) 4. Hannah Lamb, b. Oct. 29, 1828; m. Feb. 4, 1851, Henry C. Smith of Feeding Hills, a farmer, and has had, 1. Frances E., b. Nov. 4, 1855, d. March 21, 1856; 2. Laura J., b. Oct. 30, 1858. 244. Daniel Granger White, son of Pliny, (113) was born in West Springfield, May 28, 1796. He resided there, and died Aug. 4, 1859, ae. 63. He married, March 22, 1830, Harriet Day of W. S., born Oct. 30, 1797, dau. of Heman Day and Lois Ely. Children. 1. Fanny, b. Dec. 5, 1832. 2. Harriet, b. Aug. 12, 1834. 3. Daniel Granger, b. June 12, 1838. 245. Capt. Edward Corbett White, son of Edward, (114) was born in West Springfield, June 29, 1785, and died there, Aug. 5, 1823, ae. 38. He was a captain in the War of 1812. He married Mrs. Lucy Bagg, who died July 17, 1843. His only child, Chauncey Edward, b. Nov. 20, 1819, is a printer in Chicago, 111. He m. Margaret Foot, dau. of Noah Foot of Springfield. 246. Martin White, son of Preserved, jun., (115) was born in Springfield, June 4, 1770. He was a carpenter in that place, and died Nov. 20, 1836, ae. 66. Descendants of Nathaniel White 191 He married, June 15, 1791, Lucy Collins of Springfield. She died in Longmeadow. Children. 1. Theodore, b. Feb. 1, 1794. 2. Harvey, b. May 29, 1796; d. Sept., 1809, ae. 13. 3. Deniah, b. July 9, 1798; d. March 7, 1804. 4. Jared, b. Sept. 9, 1800; m. Electa Loomis. (445) 5. Benjamin Stedman, b. Nov. 14, 1802. 6. Deniah, b. March 14, 1805; d. unm., July 15, 1835, ae. 30. 7. Albert, b. Jan. 31, 1807; d. young. 247. Luther White, son of Preserved, jun., (115) was born in Springfield, July 7, 1776. He was an armorer there, and died April 13, 1850, se. 73. He married, Oct. 30, 1799, Abigail Stebbins of Springfield, dau. of Lemuel and Rhoda Stebbins. She was born Feb. 12, 1780, and died Dec. 9, 1850. ae. 70. Children. 1. Norman Stebbins, b. Aug. 14, 1800; d. June 25, 1803. 2. Amelia, i b. Feb. 16, 1802; m. Alvah Smith, and res. at Dela- } ware, Ohio. She has had, Franklin, and others. 3. Caroline, J Twins. d. day of birth. 4. Norman Stebbins, b. Oct. 26, 1803; m. Susan Noyes. - (446) 5. Roland, b. April 7, 1806; d. June 17, 1806. 6. Alfred, b. June 9, 1807; m. Emily Cady. (447) 7. Luther, b. July 14, 1810; a photographic artist in Montpelier, Vt. 8. Franklin, b. May 17, 1813; a photographic artist in Lancaster, N. H. 248. Roderick White, son of Preserved, jun., (115) was born in Springfield, Feb. 24, 1784. He was for many years a bookseller and publisher in Hartford, Conn.; now resides in Enfield, Conn. He married, Oct. 29, 1808, Delight Bement of Enfield, born Aug. 5, 1784, dau. of Dennis Bement and Lydia Adams. Children. 1. Roderick Adams, b. Oct. 24, 1809; m. Elizabeth W. Hungerford. (448) 2. Mary A., b. ; m. June 6, 1838, m. Luke B. Case, a merchant in New York, who d. Oct. 28, 1857. She has had, 1. Adrian E., b. July 29, 1841, d. May 19, 1855; 2. Caroline G., b. May 13, 1843, d. April 30, 1844; 3. Frank D., b. March 15, 1849; 4, Joseph W., b. March 11, 1852. 3. Delia B., b. ; res. in Enfield. 4. Caroline E., b. ; is a teacher in Brooklyn, N. Y. 192 Seventh Generation and Children. 249. Preserved White, son of Preserved, jun., (115) was born in Springfield, April 27, 1789. He was an armorer in that place, and died Sept. 10, 1832, . 43. He married, 1st, Sarah Chaffee of Wilbraham, dau. of Calvin and Sarah Chaffee. She died July 30, 1822. He married, 2d, July 13, 1823, Lucinda Rice of Ludlow, born Dec. 22, 1794, dau. of Jeduthan Rice. She now resides in Hartford. Children ; By the First Marriage. 1. Preserved Merritt, b. Oct. 10, 1816; m. Catharine Finlay. (449) 2. Sarah Chaffee, b. July 16, 1819; d. Sept. 8, 1822. Children; By the Second Marriage. 3. Albert Milton, b. June 18, 1824; is a farmer in Hartford. He m. April 1, 1846, Laurinda Cutler of Brookline, Vt., b. March, 1828. 4. Lewis, b. Dec. 22, 1825; m. Mary Wakefield. (450) 5. Lyman, b. Feb. 18, 1827; m. Julia Ann Bush. (451) 6. Le Roy Sunderland, b. May 14, 1828; m. Sarah Jane Lancey. (452) 7. Sarah Ann, b. March 24, 1830; m. March 7, 1854, George A. Wash- burn of Hartford, and has, 1. George Arthur, b. March 18, 1855; 2. Albert Lyman, b. July 4, 1857. 8. William Wirt, b. March 9, 1832; m. Mary Jane Washburn. (453) 250. David White, Jun., son of David, (116) was born in Longmeadow, Mass., Jan. 30, 1786. He is a farmer, and resided in Longmeadow until 1846, when he removed to Elba, Genesee., N. Y. In 1849 he removed to Gaines, Orleans Co.-, N. Y., where he now resides. He married, Nov. 17, 1813, Clarissa Hall of L., dau. of George and Lura Hall. She was born July, 1785, and died Dec. 20, 1846, ae. 61. Children. 1. George Hall, b. March 30, 1815; m. Eliza Morgan. - (454) 2. Gurdon, b. May 25, 1819; d. Feb. 24, 1820. 3. Joseph Pynchon, b. June 14, 1822; rn.-Ruth L. Morgan. - (455) 251. William White, son of David, (116) was born in Longmeadow, June 25, 1789, and resides there. He was post-master from 1820 to 1855, town clerk from 1820 to 1852, and town treasurer from 1824 to 1856. He married, Nov. 12, 1820, Lois Cooley of L., born Feb. 18, 1798, dau. of Calvin Cooley and Eunice Warriner. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 193 Children. 1. Mary Cooley, b. Sept. 23, 1821; m. Sept. 3, 1851, Rev. Theodore A. Leete of Windsor, Conn., who grad. Yale Coll., 1839. She has, 1. Ella Louisa, b. March 28, 1853; 2. William White, b. Oct. 11, 1854; 3. Theodore Woolsey, b. Nov. 4, 1856. 2. William Pynchon, b. Feb. 24, 1824; m. Mary A. James. (456) 3. Jeannette Chittenden, b. Dec. 27, 1827; d. April 3, 1858, ss. 30. 4. James Cooley, b. Feb. 9, 1838. 252. George White, son of Daniel (121) was born in Had- ley, Dec. 2, 1825, and is a farmer in that place. He married, March 14, 1851, Elizabeth S. Judd of South Hadley, born Sept. 12, 1831, dau. of William Judd. He has, Ellen Jane, b. Dec. 10, 1855. 253. Daniel Sherman White, son of Daniel, (121) was born in Hadley, Aug. 10, 1827, and is a farmer there. He married, Feb. 24, 1854, Elizabeth W. Powers of New Salem, Mass., born April 23, 1835, dau. of Chester Powers. He has one son, Edward Sherman, b. Jan. 27, 1858. 254. Ebenezer White, son of Enoch, (123) was born in Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 2, 1803. He removed to Quincy, 111. He married, 1st, 1822, Cynthia P. Clark of Northampton, Mass. She died in Quincy, April 5, 1838. He married, 2d, Sept. 27, 1838, Sally Ann Gage of Quincy. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Elizabeth, b. March 21, 1824; m. William McGaine of Keokuk, Iowa, and has had three children. 2. Catharine Eugenia, b. July 28, 1832; m. Thomas J. Rice of Keokuk, Iowa: had three children. Child; By the Second Marriage. 3. William Gage, b. 255. John William Henry White, son of Enoch, (123) was born in Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 25, 1813. He resides in New York. He married, 1st, Margaret S. Van Hise of Pittsfield, dau. of Benjamin Van Hise. She died in N. Y. city, Jan. 19, 1843. He married, 2d, . 194 Seventh Generation and Children. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Henry Childs, b. June 22, 1830; lives in New York. He m. Mar- garet - , and has one son, b. Sept., 1851. 2. Richard Benjamin, b. Oct. 28, 1831. 3. William Porter, b. Dec. 2, 1834; lives in Hightstown, N. J. He m. Jan. 16, 1856, Jane D. Reed of Monroe, N. J., dau. of William and Sarah P. Reed. 4. Mary Jane, b. May 21, 1836. 5. Helen Lucretia, b. July 24, 1838; d. Feb., 1842. 6. James, b. March, 1840. 7. Melissa Margaret, b. Sept. 3, 1841. These births are recorded at Pittsfield. 256. Jonathan White, Jim., son of Jonathan, (125) was born in Hadley, Dec. 21, 1817. He lives in Hadley, on a part of the original homelot of Elder John White. He married, 1st, Sept. 3, 1840, Amanda G. Hodge, dau. of Charles Hodge. She died March 28, 1846, 33. 25. He married, 2d, March 17, 1847, Lucy Church of South Hadley, born Jan. 20, 1821, dau. of Pliny Church. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Francis William, b. July 18, 1841. 2. Charles, b. Jan. 28, 1844. 3. A son, b. March 28, 1846; d. April 11, 1846, Children; By the Second Marriage. 4. Ellen Amanda, b. Dec. 28, 1847. 5. Rufus Pliny, b. Nov. 9. 1849. 6. Albert Jonathan, b. June 16, 1851. 257. Josiah White, son of Elijah, (126) was born in Had- ley, Aug. 1, 1800. He lives in Dover, Wisconsin. He married Hannah Gushing of Chesterfield, Mass. Children. 1. Amaryllis Cassandra, b. April 27, 1820; m. Alonzo Kellogg of Had- ley, who d. Dec. 18, 1844, ss. 23, She d. May 7, 1846, SB. 26, hav- ing had, 1. George; 2. Francis H., b. April 3, 1843, d. April 27, 1844. 2. Harriet, b. ; m. David Murray of Portsmouth, O. 3. Adaline, b. ; m. - Fayer; lives in Wis. 4. Mary, b. 5. Susan, b. Feb. 16, 1829; d. March 17, 1848, a. 19. 6. Josiah, b. May 9, 1831; rem. West. He m. Cholora Pease of Somers, Conn. Has two children. 7. Sarah, b. 8. Rheuminah, b. 9. Alma Christianna, b. Aug., 1838; d. Oct. 10, 1843. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 195 258. Samuel Sumner White, son of Elijah, (126) was born in Hadley, May 10, 1803, and lives in that town. He married, Oct. 2, 1827, Lucretia Austin Rowe, born Aug. 10, 1810, dau. of Abel Rowe of Montague, Mass. Children. 1. Elijah, b. May 10, 1831; d. July 31, 1838, ae. 7. 2. Mary Julia, b. April 12, 1839; d. July, 1842, ae. 3. 3. Julia, b. April 19, 1842; d. Oct. 11, 1844, ae. 2. 259. Ebenezer White, son of Elijah, (126) was born in Hadley, Sept. 11, 1805. He lives in Dover, Wis. He married, 1829, Mary Ann Coon. Children. 1. Delia. 3. Charles. 5. Harriet. 2. Henry. 4. William. 6. Adaline. IN THE LINE OF JOHN WHITE, OF HARTFORD. 260. John White, son of John, jun., (127) was born in Hartford, Conn., and lived there, on the road to Wethers- field. He died several years since. He married Anna Sarvant, who died Feb. 29, 1856, se. 76. Children. 1. Frances, b. 1804; m. William Butler of H., who d. April, 1846. She has had, 1. Julia, b. 1831; 2. Edward, b. 1832; 3. Lucy, b. 1833, m. Anson Thrasher of Wethersfield; 4. Martha A., b. Nov. 13, 1837, m. Oct. 29, 1857, Frederick Mudge of H.; 5. Mary, twin with last, d. ae. 8 mos.; 6. Emily, b. Oct., 1842. 2. John, b. ; m. Sarah Hurburt. - - (457) 261. Nathaniel White, Jun., son of Nathaniel, (128) was born in Hartford, Conn., in 1792. He learned the trade of a bookbinder, in Albany, N. Y., and remained in the same establishment forty-one years, till his death, Aug., 1849 a. 57. He married, Feb., 1816, Elizabeth Marcellus, dau. of Gilbert and Sarah Marcellus. She was born in Albany, in 1797, and died June 19, 1846, ae. 49. Children. 1. Sarah, b. Feb., 1817; d. in infancy. 2. Walter, b. Nov., 1819; d. in infancy. 3. Caroline Augusta, b. Sept. 3, 1824; grad. Albany Female Academy, 1841, and become a teacher: is more recently an authoress, hav- ing written a memoir of her first husband, and other works. 196 Seventh Generation and Children. She m. 1st, Aug. 28, 1843, Rev. Henry B. Soule of Utica, N. Y- for several years a Universalist minister in Hartford, Conn. He d. Jan. 29, 1852. She m. 2d, July 10, 1855, A. B. Holcomb of Granby, Conn., now of Boonsboro, Boone Co., Iowa. By her first husband she had, 1. Sarah Freeman Packard, b. July 29, 1844; 2. Henry Channing, b. Feb. 28, 1846; 3. Frank, b. Oct. 30, 1847; 4. Eugene, b. June 2, 1849; 5. Lizzie, b. Jan. 14, 1851. By her second husband, 6. Summer White, b. Aug. 29, 1857. 4. Sarah Marion, b. June 9, 1826; m. 1st, March, 1844, Leverett Dyer, who d. March, 1845; m. 2d, Feb., 1846, James L. Hyatt of Al- bany, a lumber merchant. 5. Mary Steele, b. Aug., 1828; d. in infancy. 6. Kate Weed, b. Feb, 22, 1834; d. unm., Sept. 16, 1858, ae. 24. IN THE LINE OF ENSIGN DANIEL WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 262. Samuel Kellogg White, son of Aaron, (129) was born in West Springfield, Mass., May 4, 1789. He is a mer- chant, and now resides in Cumberland, Md. He married, Jan. 8, 1822, Mary M. Hoffman of Baltimore, Maryland. Children. 1. Mary Lucy, b. Feb. 7, 1823. 2. Charlotte Eliza, b. April 16, 1824. 3. Louisa Catherine, b. ; m. John H. Carter of Cincinnati, O. 4. Samuel Hoffman, b. April 29, 1828; lives at Napoleon, Ark. 5. Julian, b. May 12, 1830; a merchant in Cincinnati, O. 6. Arthur, b. Feb. 20, 1832; a physician at Lockport, Ind. 7. Henry Kirke, b. ; lives in St. Louis, Mo. 8. Emma, b. 263. Aaron White, Jun., son of Aaron, (129) was born in West Springfield, Mass., Aug. 15, 1791. He was -a farmer in Camillus, N. Y., and in other places. He died at Bel- levue, Mich., April 18, 1856, se. 64. He married, 1816, Lucretia Hughes of Camillus, dau. of Henry and Sally Hughes. She died March 22, 1857. Children. 1. Tryphena, b. Jan. 19, 1817; m. Noble Blossom, and d. in 1837, ae. 20. 2. William Henry, b. Nov. 5, 1819; Margaret HitchcocK. - (458) 3. Maria, b. Nov. 7, 1822; m. Oct. 10, 1842, A. B. Green, and has had, 1. Oscar F., b. July 18, 1843; 2. Franklin, b. 1849, d. 1852; 3. Cornelia, b. July 21, 1850. 4. Amelia Jane, b. Sept. 21, 1824; m. Oct. 8, 1841, Charles M. Nichols of Battle Creek, Mich., an iron-founder. She has, 1. Amelia Jane, b. July 26, 1844; 2. Mary Louisa, b. March 23, 1847; 3. Frank Eugene, b. May 28, 1852. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 197 5. Aaron, b. Aug. 5, 1827; m. Laura J. Beman. (459) 6. Charles Augustus, b. March 12, 1830; is a farmer in Bellevue. 7. Eleanor, b. 1832; m. Oct. 12, 1854, Philip Jenks, and has 1. Victory E., b. March 5, 1856; 2. Amos A., b. May 22, 1858. 8. Samuel Kellogg, b. April 11, 1835; m. Ann Redfern. - - (460) 9. George, b. Sept. 16, 1838; a farmer in Bellevue. 264. Jonathan White, son of Aaron, (129) was born in West Springfield, Mass., Jan. 6, 1794. He is a farmer in Camillas, Onondaga Co., N. Y., and has been for about thirty years an elder in the Presbyterian Church in that place. He married, April 11, 1838, Mrs. Marietta White, widow of Harold White, (Family 267,) and dau. of David Morle and Hannah Griswold. She was born Feb. 13, 1793, and died March 14, 1855, se. 62. He has one son, Jonathan Bliss, b. Jan. 23, 1839. 265. William Ely White, son of Aaron, (129) was born in West Springfield, Mass., June 22, 1896. He is a merchant, and resides in Aurora, Dearborn Co., Ind. He married, Feb. 28, 1821, Emily Seymour. Children. 1. Frederick William, b. May 22, 1823; d. in infancy. 2. Cornelia Ann, b. April 9, 1830; d. 1845, as. 15. 3. Eliza Maria, b. ; m. Henry Andrews of Cincinnati, Ohio, a merchant, and has one son, William. 266. Arthur White, son of Aaron, (129) was born in West Springfield, Mass., Feb. 10, 1804. He is a farmer in Camillus, N. Y. He married, Feb. 17, 1834, Amanda M. Hollister of Camillus, born Dec. 27, 1815, dau. of Asahel and Catherine Hollister. Children. 1. Marian Amelia, b. April 29, 1837. 2. Helen Adelia, b. Sept. 7, 1839. 3. Catherine Louisa, b. Sept. 13, 1842. 267. Harold White, son of Joseph, Esq., (130) was born in West Springfield, Mass., May 2, 1786. He was a farmer and clothier in Camillus, N. Y., and for several years previous to his death was a magistrate. He died Sept. 10, 1832, se. 46. 198 Seventh Generation and Childern. He married, Oct. 25, 1827, Marietta Morley of West Springfield, dau. of David Morley and Hannah Griswold. She married, 2d, Jonathan White: (Family 264.) She was born Feb. 13. 1793, and died March 14, 1855, &. 62. Children. 1. George Clinton, b. Aug. 27, 1828; m. Evaline A. Comstock. (461) 2. Phebe Clapp, b. Feb. 2, 1830; d. May 20, 1845, ae. 15. 3. Harold Morley, b. Oct. 8, 1832; grad. Union Coll., 1856, and is a lawyer in Syracuse, N. Y. 268. Abram White, son of Daniel, (131) was born in Dur- ham, Greene Co., N. Y., July 13, 1800. He is a farmer in Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y. He married, Nov. 17, 1825, Dolly Gleason of Lenox, dau. of Barzillai and Mary Gleason. She was born April 8, 1801, and died Oct. 15, 1837, se. 36. Children. 1. Sally, b. Jan. 26, 1827. 2. Polly, b. April 25, 1829; d. Oct 12, 1834. 3. Daniel Symond, b. May 11, 1831; a farmer in Lenox. He m. Nov. 8, 1855, Harriet Adams of Lenox, b. March 22, 1828, dau. of Minard and Caroline Adams. He has Ella Francis, b. Feb, 18, 1859. 4. Ruth, b. March 16, 1833. 5. Jannette, b. May 6, 1835; m. Sept. 11, 1852, Charles Judd of Sullivan, N. Y., and has Lilian, b. July 18, 1858. 6. Lucia, b. Oct. 15, 1837, m. July 3, 1856, Charles H. Grey of Sullivan, and has, 1. Charles, b. March 18, 1857; 2. Relland, b. April 16, 1852. 269. Daniel White, Jun., son of Daniel, (131) was born in Durham, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1802. He is a farmer in Sullivan, Madison Co., N. Y. He married, May 27, 1836, Anna Hubbard of Sullivan, born Jan. 18, 1811, dau. of Enos and Anna Hubbard. Has one son, John Merriman, b. Feb. 27, 1837. 270. Josiah W. White, son of John, (132) was born Dec. 25, 1805. He was a farmer in Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y., and afterwards in Otsego, Allegan Co., Mich., where he died, March 4, 1856, se. 50. He married, March 24, 1836, Sabra R. Trumbull of Conn., born Nov. 27, 1818. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 191) Children. 1. William H., b. July 16, 1840. 2. John T., b. July 13, 1844. 271. Amos White, Jun., son of Amos, (135) was born in East Haddam, Conn., Oct. 13, 1772. In 1799 he settled in Meriden, Conn., as a merchant, and was chosen a representa- tive from that town in 1808. He removed from Meriden in 1846, and now resdies at Elizabethtown, N. J. He married, March 17, 1799, Hannah White of Williams- burg, Mass., dau. of Simeon White, jun. : (see Family 93.) She was born March 9, 1779, and died Dec. 18, 1853, se. 74. Children. 1. Eliza Ann, b. Nov. 3, 1800; m. Nov. 7, 1824, George Webb of Wind- ham, Conn., now of New York. She has Sarah E., b. July 31, 1825. 2. Frederick Augustus, b. May 18, 1802; d. unm., at Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 20, 1849, ae. 47. 3. Sarah Griswold, b. Feb. 10, 1805; m. Dec., 1825, Remmick K. Clark of Meriden, Conn. She d. without issue, June 7, 1844, ae. 39. 4. Hannah Hubbard, b. March 9, 1807; d. Dec. 13, 1807. 5. William Henry, b. Aug. 15, 1815; m. Mary King. - - (462) 272. Elijah White, Jun., son of Col. Elijah, (136) was born June 12, 1767. He was a very active, energetic, and successful business man, conducting a general merchantile business, simultaneously, at Granville, Sandy Hill, and Plattsburgh, N. Y., at the same time being extensively en- gaged in various manufactures. He resided in Granville, but in 1825 removed to Plattsburgh, where he died, Oct. 24, 1839, se. 72. He married, 1st, Oct. 30, 1794, Olive Cone. She was born April 16, 1768, and died May 1, 1804, ae. 36. He married, 2d, Dec. 6, 1804, Mrs. Mary Standish, widow of Dr. Zachariah Standish, and dau. of Matthew Scott and Mercy Ashley. She was born March 24, 1778, and died July 31, 1824, 33. 46. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. George W., b. May 5, 1795; d. unm., June 18, 1837, ae. 42. 2. Olive, b. Feb. 6, 1797; d. March 28, 1805, 32. 8. 3. Pamilia, b. March 29, 1799; m. Sept. 8, 1819, Robert Sackrider, a merchant, who d. Sept. 9, 1826, ae. 34. She died Feb. 26, 1856, ae. 57. She had, 1. Mary White, b. Oct. 17, 1820, d. Aug. 12, 1842, 200 Seventh Generation and Children. 83. 21; 2. Cornelia Merritt, b. June 6, 1822, m. - - Pease, of Detroit, Mich.; 3. Elijah White, b. Aug. 7, 1825, is a druggist in Cleveland, Ohio. 4. Minerva, b. March 22, 1801; d. unm., June 16, 1832, ae. 31. 5. Delia, b. April 25, 1803; d. March 6, 1805. Children; By the Second Marriage. 6. Charles Scott, b. Nov. 6. 1805; d. June 17, 1826, ae. 20. 7. Mary Emilia, b. June 10, 1807; m. Dec. 23, 1830, George Moore, Esq., of Plattsburgh, a lawyer, and d. Nov. 10, 1851, ae. 44. She had, 1. Samuel, b. Oct. 3, 1831; 2. John White, b. July 27, 1834; 3. Mary Emilia, b. Feb. 26, 1839; 4. Sarah Jane, b. Sept. 11, 1842. 8. Olive Delia, b. July 24, 1809; m. Norman Sackrider, now of Ogdens- burgh, N. Y. She d. July 3, 1833, ae. 24. She had, 1. Delia, d. young; 2. Charles, a merchant in Nashua, N. H._ 9. Harriet Elizabeth, b. May 8, 1811; m. Amos Shepard Hutchinson. a merchant in Cleveland, 0., now 'of New York. She d. Oct. 22, 1847, ae. 36, having had, 1. Mary, b. 1840; 2. Amos Shepard, b. '1842; and others, who d. young. 10. Frances Caroline, b. Sept. 12, 1813; d. June 25, 1829, ae. 15. 11. Edward Griffin, b. July 26, 1815; d. unm., at Cleveland, 0., July 19. 1849, ae. 34. 12. John Elijah, b. Sept. 5, 1817; m. Emma L. W. Shaw. - (463) 13. Catharine Maria, b. May 16, 1819; m. Samuel Richards Hutchin- son, a merchant of Cleveland, 0., now of St. Louis, Mo. She d. Jan. 26, 1855, ae. 35, having had, 1. Samuel, d. ae. 7; 2. Jane White, b. 1840; 3. Edward, b. 1849. 14. Jane Ann, b. Feb. 26, 1821; m. Heman Monroe Cady, now of Green Bay, Wis. She has had, 1. Leslie, b. 1844; 2. Lewis, b. 1850; and others, who d. young. 273. Wilson White, son of Col. Eliiah, (136) was born in East Haddam, Conn., June 30, 1770. He settled as a farmer in Granville, Washington Co., N. Y., and died there, Feb. 7, 1823, se. 52. He married, 1st, Rebecca Town of Belchertown, Mass., dau. of Israel Town and Naomy Stebbins. She was born Sept. 9, 1772, and died Oct. 30, 1800, se. 28. He married, 2d, Oct., 1801, Mary Stebbins of Belcher- town, Mass., dau. of Capt. Gideon Stebbins and Mary Hins- dale. She was born Feb. 24, 1776, and died Aug. 22, 1819, ae. 43. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. A child, b. ; d. in infancy. 2. A child, b. ; d. in infancy. 3. Nelson, b. July 20, 1798; d. unm., in Western N. Y., about 1830. 4. Naomia, b. April 2, 1800; m. Sept., 1820, Joseph Bascom of Benson, Vt. She d. Oct. 22, 1822, ae. 22, leaving one dau., Harriet Naomia, m. Willice Warner of Vermontville, Eaton Co., Mich. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 201 Children; By the Second Marriage. 5. Gideon Stebbins, b. April 12, 1803; m. Mary E. Jarnagin. (464) 6. Elijah, b. April 3, 1805; m. Margaret Smith, and others. (465) 7. Josiah A., b. June 13, 1807; m. J. A. Warren, and another. (466) 8. Mary Rebecca, b. Jan. 29, 1810; m. Jan. 2, 1828, Joseph Townson of Hartford, N. Y., now a farmer in Brooklyn, Jackson Co., Mich. She has, 1. George E., b. Oct. 29, 1830, lives in Hamilton, Gratiot Co., Mich. He m. April 3, 1858, Mary Southworth; 2. Mary, b. May 29, 1835, d. Sept. 5, 1836; 3. Mary E., b. Dec. 10, 1837; 4. Joseph- N., b. May 13, 1841; 5. Harriet C., b. Nov. 24, 1844. 274. Charles White, son of Col. Elijah, (136) was born in Granville, N. Y., March 17, 1791. He was a merchant at Sandy Hill, Washington Co., N. Y., and died there, May 2, 1857, 3d. 66. He married, Nov. 20, 1817, Sarah L. Johnson of Sandy Hill, dau. of Luther Johnson and Anna Dean. Children. 1. Charlotte P., b. Sept. 27, 1819; m. Oct. 15, 1845, John M. Niles of Spencertown, Columbia Co., N. Y., and has Henry White, b. Jan. 24, 1853. 2. Caroline E., b. Aug. 4, 1821. 3. Charles A., b. Dec. 14, 1823; m. Deborah Burch. - - (467) 4. James H., b. Aug. 15, 1826; was for several years connected with the N. Y. and Erie R. R., and d. Dec. 12, 1852, ae. 26. 5. Frances E. 6. Sarah A. 7. Mary E. Moore. 8. Delia J. 9. Harriet A. 275. William White, son of Daniel Hurlburt, (137) was born in East Haddam, Conn., Oct. 11, 1783, and died at Elbridge, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1824, ae.41. He was a hatter. He married Electa Everts, who died Jan. 30, 1825, se. 39. Children. 1. Juliaett, b. 1807; m. 1826, Horace Moses, a merchant in Marcellus, N. Y., who d. Jan. 2, 1840. She d. Aug. 22, 1852, ae. 45, having had one son, Horace M., b. about 1830. 2. Millicent, b. Aug. 1809; m. Gillespie; res. in Livingston Co., Mich. 3. Daniel Brainard, b. Aug. 1812; is a hatter; lives in Orange, N. J. 4. Milo Everts, b. Oct. 1814; m. Janette Paddock. - (468) 5. Catharine Jemima, b. Aug. 3, 1820; d. May 8, 1834, aa. 13. 6. William, b. April 3, 1822; d. April 18, 1825. 276. Coral Case White, son of Daniel Hurburt, (137) was born in Granville, Washington Co., N. Y., Feb. 25, 1789. He is a farmer, and resides in Ledyard, Cayuga, Co., N. Y. He married, Feb. 17, 1811, Esther B. Johnson, dau. of Gurdon Johnson. 202 Seventh Generation and Children. Children. 1. Fidelia Anna, b. Nov. 20, 1811; m. June 5, 1834, Frederick D. Mor- gan, a farmer in Ledyard, and has one son, Coral White, b. Nov. 6, 1835. 2. Statira Johnson, b. Oct 20, 1817; m. Nov. 23, 1836, Sanford Gifford, a farmer, and has had, 1. Abby Fidelia, b. Nov. 10, 1838; 2. Ann Eliza, b. Oct. 7, 1840; 3. Frances Adell, b. Aug. 17, 1846, d. Oct. 26, 1848. 3. Jeremiah Brainard, b. March 11, 1821; d. July 15, 1825. 4. Coral Case, b. Jan. 21, 1823; m. Cornelia Morgan. (469) 5. Adell H., b. June 3, 1826; lives with her parents. 277. Jeremiah Gates Brainard White, son of Daniel Hurlburt, (137) was born in Granville, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1795. He is a hatter, and resides in Marcellus, Onondaga Co., N. Y. He married, Oct. 10, 1822, Lois A. Richardson, born at Cazenovia, N. Y., June 21, 1802, dau. of Ephraim Richard- son and Lois Porter. Children. 1. Helen Louisa, b. Nov. 12, 1824; m. Aug. 21, 1843, Charles A. Brown of Cazenovia, N. Y., a stove dealer. She has, 1. George Henry, b. Dec. 2, 1848; 2. Francis E., b. Aug. 6, 1855. 2. William Brainard, b. April 14, 1826; is a stove dealer at Marcellus. 3. Henry Gates, b. Sept. 19, 1830; d. July 22, 1854, ae. 23. 4. George Andrew, b. April 10, 1836; d. March 31, 1841, SB. 5. 5. Mary Jane, b. June 4, 1838; d. Oct. 10, 1838. 278. Noadiah White, son of Noadiah, Jim., (138) was born in Chatham, Conn., in 1777. He settled in Hartford, Vt., as a tanner and shoemaker, but after a few years be- came a farmer in that town. In 1832 he removed to Gar- rettsville, in the township of Hiram, Portage Co., Ohio, where he died in 1839, se. 62. He married, Dec., 1799, Wealthy Hazen of Hartford, Vt., born in 1783, dau. of Col. Joshua and Mercy Hazen. She lives with her eldest daughter. Children. 1. Eunice P., b. April 24, 1803; m. 1843, Rev. George C. Baker. They live in Garrettsville, on the homestead of her father. 2. Wade, b. Aug. 21, 1805; m. Emily Hunt. - - - (470) 3. Willard Stanley, b. Dec. 4, 1807; m. 1st, M.Newton; 2d, E. Dean. (471) 4. Joshua Hazen, b. Mar.26, 1810; m.lst, H.Beman; 2d,S.Daily. (472) 5. John D., b. Oct. 15, 1812; m. Charlotte Hunt. (473) 6. Noadiah Wells, b. May 19, 1815; rem. to Wisconsin, and d. in 1844, 33. 29. 7. Wealthy S., b. 1817; m. 1846, Rev. Waitstill B. Orvis, a grad. of Oberlin College, for some time an editor in Ravenna, O., now laboring in Mo. She has, 1. Clarkson Finney, b. 1847; 2. Gurney Mahan, b. 1849. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 203 8. Richard W., b. 1820; m. Elizabeth Heath. - - (474) 9. Amos, b. 1823; m. Laura Hunt. ... - (475) 10. Charles A., b. 1825; m. 1853, Lucinda Landfear. 279. Amos White, son of Noadiah, Jun., (138) was born in Chatham, Conn., June 3, 1785. In 1811 he settled as a farmer in Williamson, Wayne Co., N. Y., where he now resides He married, Jan. 1, 1811, Sally White, born July 11, 1791, dau. of Abijah White. (See Family 140.) Children. 1. Sylvester, b. Dec. 18, 1813; m. Roxana Rice. - (476) 2. Abijah, b. Dec. 3, 1818; m. Mariette Snyder. - - - (477) 3. Amos, b.June 27,1834; lives in Williamson. Other children d. young. 280. Dr. Joseph White, son of Joseph, (139) was born in Chatham, Conn., May 9, 1800. He resides in Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., N. Y., and is a physician. He married, March 20, 1845, Marietta Roseboom, born March 29, 1813, dau. of Abraham Roseboom and Ruth Johnson. Children. 1. John Roseboom, b. March 25, 1846. 2. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Oct. 27, 1849. 3. Joseph Henry, b. Aug. 29, 1855. 281. Abijah L. White, son of Abijah, (140) was born Aug. 25, 1797, and died June 3, 1843, se. 45. He married Sally Jones. Children. 1. Willard, b. ; a farmer in Cherry Valley, N. Y.: has a family. 2. Augustus, b. ; a farmer in Canajoharie: has a family. There were other children, names not reported. 282. Amos H. White, son of Abijah, (140) was born Aug. 24, 1804, and died July 16, 1853, ae. 49. He married Jane Ann Paff. Children. 1. George, b. ; lives near Cazenovia, N. Y. 2. Amos, b. ; lives in New York city. 3. Mary, b. ; m. Davidson of N. Y. city. 283. Backus White, son of Samuel, (141) was born Dec. 17, 1798, and is a farmer in De Ruyter, Madison Co., N. Y. 204 Seventh Generation and Children. He married, Jan. 9, 1831, Ann Maria Powers, born in Prescott, Mass., July 10, 1808, dau. of Dr. Isaac Powers and Anna Mellen. Children. 1. Alverson Backus, b. Oct. 1, 1832; m. Jan. 5, 1859, Emily A. Allen. 2. Mary A., b. March 24, 1835. 3. Colister P., b. Sept. 30, 1837. 284. Austin A. White, son of Samuel, (141) was born July 19, 1805. He is a farmer in Georgetown, Madison Co., N. Y. He married, Feb. 21, 1829, Polly M. Powers, born in Prescott, Mass., Dec. 14, 1810, dau. of Dr. Isaac Powers and Anna Mellen. Children. 1. Ann Maria, b. Dec. 25, 1829; m. Sept. 13, 1849, James H. Snow, and d. Aug. 10, 1852, ae. 22. 2. Addison Samuel, b. Jan. 6, 1832; was a tanner at Fabius, Onondaga Co., N. Y., and d. Sept. 30, 1858, ae. 26. 3. Zelotes Allis, b. Nov. 7, 1834; m. Oct. 5, 1858, Cynthia S. Burgess. 4. Sarah Eliza, b. May 28, 1846. 285. David White, Jun., son of David, Esq., (142) was born in that part of Chatham which is now the town of Port- land, Conn., July 9, 1779. He was a farmer and merchant in that place, and died Oct. 27, 1836, &. 57. He married, May 17, 1801, Abigail Ames, dau. of Nicholas Ames and Abigail Robinson. She died Dec. 19, 1839, ae. 61. Children. 1. Harriet, b. Dec. 27, 1801; m. Dec. 4, 1823, Edward Savage of Crom- well, Conn., a farmer, and manufacturer of fire-arms. She has had, 1. Josiah, b. Oct. 5, 1824, grad. Yale Coll., 1846, and d. in Gal., Nov. 1, 1849, as. 25; 2. Mary Griswold, b. Oct. 24, 1828; 3. Harriet White, b. April 25, 1831, m. June 10, 1857, James A. Wheelock, now of Middletown; 4. Edward Benjamin, b. Oct. 6, 1836. 2. Maria, b. March 10, 1804. 3. Evelyn, b. July 13, 1806; m. Frances E. Penfield. - - (478) 4. Theodosia, b. Feb. 11, 1809; m. Nov. 17, 1840, Philip H. Sellew of Portland. 286. James Wells White, son of David, Esq., (142) was born in Portland, then a part of Chatham, April 27, 1802. He is a farmer there, on his father's homestead. He married, 1st, Jan. 20, 1825, Fanny Hall of Portland, dau. of Samuel Hall and Ruth Bates. She died Nov. 8, 1825. He married, 2d, Dec. 24, 1827, Margaret B. Lewis of Port- land, dau. of Abel Lewis and Mary Cruttenden. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 205 Children; By the Second Marriage. 1. Fanny H.. b. Dec. 8, 1828; m. Feb. 22, 1857, A. B. Reynolds of Chicago, 111. 2. Alfred, b. Dec. 24, 1830. 3. Cornelia, b. May 26, 1833; m. Oct. 18, 1853, John L. Patterson of New York, and has, 1. Alexander John Lumsden, b. Aug. 21, 1854; 2. Margaret White, b. Sept. 5, 1856. 4. Mary, b. May 25, 1840. 287. Ebenezer Butler White, son of Col. Daniel, (143) was born in Chatham, Nov. 15, 1804. He is a farmer there, in the present town of Portland, on the homestead of his father and grandfather. He has held town offices, and is deputy and county surveyor. He married, March 10, 1828, Henrietta Ward of Fair-field, N. Y., born Sept. 3, 1802, dau. of Edmund Ward and Sally White. (See Family 142.) Children. 1. Martha, b. Jan. 26, 1829. 2. Ward, b. May 25, 1832; d. Sept. 13, 1847, a?. 15. 288. Stephen White, son of Josiah, (144) was born in Chatham, Conn., Feb. 22, 1783. He was a merchant, at first in connection with his father, in Glastenbury, Conn., and Middlebury, Vt, and from 1810 to 1826 in Granby, Conn., He was a church-warden of the Episcopal Church in Granby, and held various town offices. In 1826 he removed to Union Village, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., and in 1831 to Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., where he settled as a farmer. After 1836 he resided in the village of New London, in that town, where he died, Nov. 25, 1841, ae. 58. He married, Jan. 21, 1810, Mary Lavinia Cossitt of Gran- by, Conn., dau. of Asa Cossitt, Esq., and of Mary, dau. of Rev. Samuel Cole of Claremont, N. H. She resides in Rome, N. Y. Children. 1. Henry Cole, b. March 15, 1812; engaged in mercantile pursuits in Verona, New London, and Rome. He d. in Rome, unm., June 16, 1855, ae. 43. 2. George Cossitt. b. Aug. 10, 1816; m. Sarah Maria Cossitt. (479) 3. Mary Lavinia, b. May 23, 1826; resides in Rome. 289. William Czar White, son of Josiah, (144) was born in Chatham, Conn., Nov. 25, 1787. He was a farmer, and 206 Seventh Generation and Children. last resided in the township of Sheridan, Mich., where he died, Sept. 18, 1838, ae. 50. Was a deacon. He married, Nov. 25, 1806, Betsey House of Glastenbury, Conn., born Jan. 13, 1789, dau. of Matthew and Lois House. She resides in Sheridan. Children. 1. Hannah, b. Jan. 20, 1808; d. Oct. 8, 1823, ae. 15. 2. Henrietta H., b. Sept. 24, 1809; m. Dec., 1830, Oliver Barnes, a farmer of Berea, O., and d. Aug., 1844, a?. 35. She had, 1. Marilla, b. April, 1832; 2. William, b. July, 1834; 3. Mary, b. Jan., 1836. 3. Lois H., b. Aug. 16, 1811; m. Aug., 1831, Henry G. Spencer of Strongs- ville, O., and d. Aug. 31, 1843, a;. 32. He d. Sept. 30, 1844. She had, 1. Celia I., b. Oct. 17, 1833; 2. Harriet, b. Sept. 18, 1838. 4. Mary H., b. April 16, 1815; m. Jan. 21, 1841, Phinelson W. Marsh of Albion, Mich., a builder and mill-wright. She has, 1. Harriet L., b. Dec. 4, 1842; 2. William S., b. July 2, 1848. 5. Harriet E., b. July 17, 1817; m. June 6, 1837, John C. Strong of Strongsville, 0. She d. Jan. 17, 1853, se. 35, leaving one son. 6. Matthew H., b. Aug. 24, 1819; m. Victoria Lyman. - - (480) 7. Harry Hamlin, b. March 16, 1821; d. Sept. 16, 1847, ap. 26. 8. John F., b. Dec. 23, 1823; is a farmer on the homestead. 9. George H., b. Jan. 17, 1827; d. July 28, 1828. 10. Hannah H., b. April 15, 1828; m. May, 1850, Warner H. Strong of Strongsville, 0., and has one son, b. Aug., 1852. 290. George J. White, son of George, Esq., (145) was born in Portland, Conn., May 20, 1819. He is a farmer there, on a part of the _family homestead. He married, Oct. 15, 1845, Esther Myrich of Portland, dau. of Alfred Myrich and Mary Coleman. Children. 1. George William Myrick, b. Oct. 10, 1846. 2. Frederick H., b. Aug. 12, 1848. 3. Catherine E. Teresa, b. Feb. 6, 1853. 4. Mary Elizabeth, b. Oct. 21, 1856; d. Feb. 12, 1857. 291. Stephen H. White, son of George, Esq., (145) was born in Portland, Dec. 15, 1820. He resides there, and is a farmer and carpenter. He married, 1st, Nov. 24, 1844, Sarah Risley of Glasten- bury, dau. of Harlow Risley and Sarah Hubbard. She died Oct. 14, 1846, se. 20. He married, 2d, Nov. 13, 1850, Almira W. Ufford of Port- land, dau. of Russell Ufford and Charity Cone. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 207 Children; By the Second Marriage. 1. Sarah A., b. Dec. 15, 1851. 2. Annie Maria, b. March 23, 1859. 292. William Starr White, son of George, Esq., (145) was born in Portland, March 26, 1824, and is a farmer and carpenter in that place. He married, June 2, 1847, Emily Strickland of Portland, dau. of Ammial Strickland and Susan Penfield. He has one child, Jane E., b. March 15, 1848. 293. Samuel White, son of Timothy, (146) was born in Upper Middletown, March 10, 1780. He lived in that place, except a few years in Sharon, till about 1837, when he re- moved to Cheshire, Conn., where he now resides. He married, 1st, Jan. 3, 1802, Betsey Smith of Haddam, dau. of Henry and Susan Smith. She was born April 13, 1784, and died Feb. 15, 1837, [1836?] se. 52. He married, 2d, Sept. 3, [Aug. 27?] 1837, Mrs. Concur- rence (Austin) Hill of Cheshire, widow of Jones Hill. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Aimer, b. May 1, 1803; d. unm., Nov. 5, 1834, 33. 31. 2. Susan B., b. March 1, 1805; m. Nov. 22, 1826, Ira Brainerd, and d. Feb. 3, 1855, ae. 50. She had, 1. Nancy; 2. Lev! ;' 3L' Susan/ ; 4. Henry. 3. Luther, b. April 5, 1807; m. Emily Phelps. - - - (481) 4. Betsey, b. Jan. 28, 1809; m. Nov. 13, 1828, Luther Sage of Cromwell, and has had, 1. Elizabeth Ann, b. Sept. 2, 1829; 2. Charles L., b. Nov. 9, 1831; 3. Emily B., b. Dec. 11, 1833, d. April 8, 1838; 4. Francis Augustus, b. March 5, 1838; 5. Sarah Almira, b. Oct. 18, 1841; 6. Georgianna, b. Feb. 18, 1846; d. June 22, 1848. 5. Heman, b. March 5, 1811; m. 1st, C. Atwood; 2d, C. C. Mallory. (482) 6. Samuel, b. May 8, 1813; m. Almira Brooks. - - - (483) 7. Eliza, b. April 2, 1815; m. 1836, Elbridge G. Hall of Wallinford, Conn., now a merchant in San Francisco, Cal. She d. in Cin- cinnati, O., April 1, 1847, SB. 32. 8. Mariette, b. Nov. 6, 1817; m. July 6, 1835, William G. Atwater of Cheshire, now of Meriden, a mechanic. She d. March 28, 1852, ae. 34. She had, 1. Caroline E., b. Sept. 13, 1836; 2. George A., b. Jan. 26, 1842; 3. -Ellen A., b. April 30, 1846. 9. Almira, b. Nov. 22, 1819; m. Dec. 7, 1842, Garry J. Mix of Walling- ford, Conn., a manufacturer. She has, 1. Ann Eliza, b. Feb. 25, 1846; 2. Frances A., b. Dec. 21, 1847. 10. Henry S., b. July 17, 1822; m. Susan M. Couch. - - (484) 208 Seventh Generation and Children. 11. Timothy, b. Nov. 2, 1824; m. Caroline E. Cowles. (485) 12. Flora Ann, b. July 14, 1827; m. Sept. 18, 1853, Russell J. Ives of Meriden, a merchant, and d. Nov. 11, 1857, ae 30. She had 1. Edwin R., b. July 12, 1855; 2. Flora A., b. Jan. 9, 1857. 13. Benjamin, b. Dec. 12, 1829; d. Jan. 14, 1838, x. 8. 294. Capt. Timothy White, son of Timothy, (146) was born in Upper Middletown, now Cromwell, Dec. 26, 1787. He resided there, and was a sea-captain. He died Aug. 22, 1858, 3e. 70. He married, March 5, 1811, Roxy Sage of Upper Middle- town, dau. of Solomon Sage. She was born Feb. 17, 1790, and died Aug. 24, 1857, se. 67. Children. 1. William Henry, b. Jan. 14, 1812; lives in Middletown. 2. Timothy Sage, b. Dec. 11, 1816; d. Feb. 1, 1819. 3. Jerusha Savage, b. Jan. 30, 1818; m. April 4, 1843, Alfred Harris of Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y. She has, 1. Alfred White, b. Jan. 19, 1844; 2. Luther, b. Oct. 13, 1845; 3. Laura Harriet, b. Aug. 23, 1847; 4. Ellen Maria, b. Feb. 19, 1849. 4. Laura Sage, b. Sept. 17, 1820; lives in Cromwell. 295. Benjamin White, son of Timothy, (146) was born in Upper Middeltown, Aug. 9, 1794. He lived in the city of Middletown, and died May 14, 1828, ae. 33. He married, April 25, 1819, Sally Cook. Children. 1. Martha Birdsay, b. April 26, 1820; m. Norman W. Pomeroy of Meriden. 2. Sina Cook, b. March 19, 1822. 3. Silvia Antoinette, b. July 19, 1824. 4. Lavinia Maria, b. Oct. 3, 1827. 296. Aaron White, son of Samuel, (147) was born Nov. 2, 1788. He is a farmer in Holland Patent, Oneida Co., N. Y. He married Rhoda Bagg of Lanesboro, Mass. Children. 1. Charles Merrow, b. ; a farmer in Holland Patent. 2. Martha, b. 297. Hon. Fortune Clark White, son of Col. Daniel Clark, (148) was born in Whitestown, N. Y., July 10, 1787, and has resided chiefly in that place. He is a lawyer, and for five years from about 1837 was First Judge of Oneida County Court. He has been a Brigadier General of the N. Y. State Descendants of Nathaniel White. 209 Militia, and has twice been a member of the Legislature. In 1826 the honorary degree of Master of Arts was conferred on him by Hamilton College. He married, Aug. 3, 1815, Experience Patten of Hartford, Conn., dau. of Nathaniel Patten and Lucinda Hitchcock. She died June 23, 1851. Children. 1. Nathaniel Patten, b. May 21, 1816; is a dentist at Port Huron, St. Clair Co., Mich. 2. Lucinda Patten, b. July 31, 1817; d. 1832, a?. 15. 3. Junius, b. Dec. 20, 1818; d. 1819. 4. Edgar, b. Oct. 3, 1820; m. Adelia Jones. - (486) 5. James Hillhouse, b. April 28, 1822; m. A. M. Wetmore, and another. (487) 6. Henry Randolph, b. April 23, 1824; m. Sarah Bruce Clark. (488) 7. Frances Amelia, b. Jan. 11, 1826; m. Sept. 1, 1846, George Dick- inson Hill, a merchant in Ann Arbor, Mich., and has had, 1. George White, b. Aug. 4, 1847; 2. Florence, b. Sept. 11, 1849, d. April 21, 1852; 3. Susan Esther, b. April 2, 1852; 4. Henry Rowland, b. Nov. 19, 1853. 298. Henry White, son of Joseph, (149) was born in Whitestown, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1788. He is engaged in farm- ing in that place, but resides in Utica. From 1822 to 1838 he was Superintendent of the Utica and Schenectady Packet Boat Company. He married, Feb. 7, 1815, Julia Bidwell of Farmington, Conn., dau. of Titus Bidwell and Nancy Langdon. She was born Nov. 25, 1797, and died July 27, 1841. se. 43. Children. 1. Edward Bidwell, b. Dec. 4, 1815; d. Aug. 17, 1828, ae. 12. 2. Harriet Maria, b. Jan. 2, 1818; m. Aug. 31, 1837, E. G. Peckham of Lockport, N. Y., and has, 1. Edward B.; 2. Julia B.; 3. Fanny; 4. Charles. 3. Jane Amelia, b. March 26, 1824; m. Sept. 26, 1844, Henry Sey- mour Lansing, proprietor of a "Foreign Express." She now resides in Paris, France, and has, 1. Henry White; 2. Arthur Livingston. 4. Emily, b. ; d. in infancy. 5. Abby, b. ; d. in infancy. 6. Sarah Eliza, b. Sept. 28, 1829; m. Feb. 25, 1848, Henry Malson of Albany, N. Y., and d. July 17, 1856, ss. 26. She had, 1. Anna; 2. Julia. 299. Joseph White, son of Joseph, (149) was born in Whitestown, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1794. He removed to the West and was for some time a hatter in St. Louis, Mo., but is said to be now residing with his son-in-law, in New Orleans, La. Name of his wife not ascertained. 210 Seventh Generation and Children. Children. 1. A daughter; m. Twichell of New Orleans. 2. A son; said to -be living in California. Perhaps there are other children. 300. Canvass White, son of Hugh, Jun., (150) was born in Whitestown, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1790. He served one cam- paign on the frontier, in the war of 1812, as Lieutenant in a corps of volunteers, and was at the sortie of Ford Erie. He was one of the earliest and ablest Engineers on the Erie Canal, and while engaged on this, resided principally in Troy, N. Y. He subsequently resided in Reading and Bethle- hem, Pa., and in Princeton, N. J., while engaged on the Union, Lehigh, and Delaware and Raritan Canals. He died at St. Augustine, Florida, whither he had gone in pursuit of health, Dec. 18, 1834, se. 44. He married, 1820, Louisa Loomis of Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y. She now resides with her daughter, in Bethlehem, Pa. Children. 1. Charles L., b. 1821; res. in Mauch Chunk, Carbon Co., Pa.; an agent on the Lehigh Valley R. R. He m. Ellen Till of Easton, Pa., and has one daughter. 2. Cornelia P.. b. Nov., 1832; m. Aug., 1852 4 R. Henry Barnes of Summit Hill, Carbon Co., Pa., who d. Oct. 1856. She has, 1. Edward; 2. Henry. 3. Susan L., b. Oct. 1833; d. in Jersey City, N. J., June 29, 1853, se. 19. Other children died in infancy. 301. Hon. Hugh White, son of Hugh, jun., (150) was born in Whitestown, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1798. He graduated at Hamilton College in 1823, and fitted for the Bar in the office of Col. Charles G. Haines of Now York city, but soon turned his attention to other business pursuits, and engaged in agriculture, extensive manufacturing, and contracting on public works. In 1825 he settled in Chittenango, Madison Co., N. Y., and in 1830 removed to Waterford, Saratoga Co., where he now resides, near the village of Cohoes. He has taken an active interest in public affairs, and in 1844 was chosen a Representative to Congress. He served in Congress for three terms, from 1845 to 1851, having been twice re-elected. He married, April 10, 1828, Maria Mills Mansfield of Kent, Conn., born Feb. 5, 1808, daur of William P. Mans- field and Sally Mills. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 211 Children. 1. Florilla, b. July 31, 1830; d. June 23, 1851, ae. 21. 2. Willian Punderson, b. June 1832; d. July 1832, . 3 weeks. 3. William Mansfield, b. July 8, 1833; a farmer in Ossian, Livingston Co., N. Y. 4. Isabel, b. March 22, 1837; m. Jan. 3, 1855, William W. Niles, Esq. He grad. Dartmouth Coll., 1845, and is a lawyer in New York. She has Robert Lossing, b. July 2, 1857. 5. Sarah, b. Dec. 24, 1840; d. Dec. 3, 1844. 6. Charlotte, b. Jan. 6, 1843. 7. Maria, b. March 7, 1849; d. Sept. 1849. 302. Jonas White, son of Philo, (152) was born in Whites- town, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1789, and is a farmer in that place. He married, July 25, 1813, Mary Lewis of Whitestown, born Jan. 22, 1790, dau. of John and Anna Lewis. Children. 1. Jonas Autle, b. July 25, 1815; m. Almira H. Foote. - - (489) 2. Morris Pratt, 1 b. April 26, 1817; m. Julia A. Jones. (490) 3. Mary, ( Twins, m. John F. Gray of Racine, Wis., who d. July 14, 1854, se. 50. She now res. in Whitestown. 4. Lewis, b. April 30, 1819; m. Ambrosia Lamb. (491) 5. Philo, b. April 24, 1821; is a jeweler in San Francisco, Cal. 6. George Manchester, b. July 30, 1825; m. Submit Bliss. - (492) 7. Cynthia Ann, b. Sept. 5, 1827; d. April 1, 1842, a>. 14. 8. Louisa, b. Feb. 19, 1830; d. July 31, 1831. 9. Charles, b. May 27, 1832; is a farmer in Whitestown. 303. Hiram White, son of Philo, (152) was born in Whitestown, April 11, 1794. He was formerly a hatter, but has been for some years past a merchant and farmer in Illinois. He married, about 1823, Aminta Thruston of Petersburg, Va., who died about 1851, ae. about 53. Children. 1. Catharine, b. about 1824; m. about 1846, a Baptist minister in North Carolina, who. d. She m. again. 2. Maria, b. about 1827; m. about 1845, Pender, of Tarboro',N.C. 3. Indiana, b. about 1829; m. 1853, William Henry Stratton of New York. 304. Hon. Philo White, LL. D., son of Philo, (152) was born in Whitestown, N. Y., June 23, 1796. After spending a few years in a printing office in Utica, he removed to North Carolina, and in 1820 located at Salisbury, Rowan County. Here he became the editor of the "Western Carolinian," which he continued to conduct until 1830, when he was ap- 212 Seventh Generation and Children. pointed United States Navy Agent for the Pacific Station. Returning home in!834, he established the "North Carolina Standard," at Raleigh, and was elected State Printer. From 1837 to 1844 he was a Purser in the U. S. Navy, and was attached to the squadron in the Pacific. Mr. White removed to Wisconsin at an early period of its territorial existence, and ultimately fixed his residence at Racine. He was the editor of several newspapers, at dif- ferent periods. In 1847 he was chosen a member of the Council of the Territorial Legislature, and in the following year was elected to the Senate of the State Legislature. Here he took a prominent part in promoting various meas- ures of public utility. As chairman of the Committee on Education and School Lands, he shared largely in devis- ing and framing the present system of public instruction in that State. At a later period, he was active in the founding of Racine College, under the auspices of the Pro- testant Episcopal Church of that Diocese, and was one of its Trustees. In 1856 the College conferred upon Mr. White the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. In 1852 he was chosen one of the presidential electors of Wisconsin. He has also been a Brigadier General of the State Militia. In 1849 Mr. White was appointed U. S. Consul to the Hanseatic Republic of Hamburg, and resided there for one or two years. In July, 1853, he was appointed Charge d'Affaires to the Republic of Ecuador, S. A., and in 1855 was raised to the grade of Minister Resident in that country. He continued in this office until September, 1858, and has now returned to take up his residence in Whites- town, his native place. For a more extended notice of Mr. White's public career, the reader is referred to Livingston's "Portraits and Memoirs of Eminent Americans," Vol. IV., from which most of the facts in the foregoing sketch have been taken. He married, May 9, 1822, Nancy R. Hampton of Salis- bury, N. C., born Sept., 1802, dau. of William and Mary Hampton. Children. 1. Mary, b. July 20, 1824; m. Aug., 1844, Hon. John W. Ellis of Salisbury, and d. Oct. 19, 1844, ae. 20. Mr. Ellis is a lawyer, has been for nine years a Judge of the Superior Courts, and is now Governor of the State. 2. Esther, b. Nov. 9, 1830; d. April 24, 1832. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 213 305. Elisha White, Jun., son of Elisha, (153) was born in Windham, Conn., Aug. 9, 1791. He resided there, and died Jan. 26, 1821, se. 29. He married, Sept. 10, 1815, Lydia Dyer of Windham, dau. of Col. Thomas Dyer and Elizabeth Ripley. She died May 9, 1817, se. 26. He left one child, Mary Lydia, b. April 6, 1816; m. Isaac Allen Stoddard of Windham, and d. Nov. 14, 1839, ae. 23. 306. Henry White, Esq., son of Hon. Dyer, (154) was born in New Haven, Conn., March 5, 1803. He graduated at Yale College in 1821, and was a Tutor in the College from 1823 to 1825. He is a lawyer in New Haven, has been much occupied with the settlement of estates, and the care of trust funds, and is a deacon in the First Congregational Church. He married, Jan. 7, 1830, Martha Sherman of New Haven, born Feb. 13, 1807, dau. of Roger Sherman and Susanna Sta- ples, and grand-daughter of Roger Sherman, the Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Children. 1. Henry Dyer, b. Sept. 24, 1830; grad. at Yale College in 1851, and is a lawyer in New Haven. 2. Charles Atwood, b. Nov. 11, 1833; grad. at Yale College in 1854, and lives in New York. 3. Willard Wetmore, b. Feb. 7, 1835; lives in New York. 4. Roger Sherman, b. Dec. 26, 1837; grad. at Yale College in 1859. 5. Thomas Howell, b. Feb. 4, 1840. 6. Oliver Sherman, b. Nov. 2, 1842. 7. George Edward, b. March 17, 1845. 307. Capt. Amos White, son of Capt. Timothy, (155) was born in New Haven, Oct. 31, 1777. He resided there, and was a sea-captain. He married Polly Kimberly, dau. of Asahel Kimberly of West Haven. Children. 1. Amelia, b. 1803; m. John Warland of New Haven, and is now living, a widow. Her dau., Clarissa, b. Oct. 8, 1829, m. June 4, 1850, Nathan S. Starr. 2. Mary, b. 1805; m. John Smith, and d. about 1844, leaving two children. 214 Seventh Generation and Children. 308. Capt. Aaron Clark White, son of Capt. Timothy, (155) was born in New Haven, Oct. 19, 1784. He was a sea- captain, and resided in New Haven, where he died, Feb. 6, 1849, se. 64. He married, Jan. 22, 1811, Clarissa S. Warland of New Haven, dau. of William Warland. She died Jan. 25, 1830. Children. 1. William, b. Feb. 10, 1813; d. March 9, 1813. 2. Clarissa, b. Oct. 17, 1815; d. Oct. 19, 1815. 3. Aaron Raymond, b. May 4, 1819; m. Oct. 20, 1858, Maria A. Bra- man of Litchfield, Conn. 4. Caroline A., b. March 27, 1817; d. July 1, 1841, ae. 24. 5. Henry H., b. April 19, 1821; m. Nannie Gerard. - - (493) 6. William W., b. Nov. 4, 1823; m. Sept. 15, 1857, Elizabeth S. Black. 7. Mary W., b. Oct. 10, 1827; m. Nov. 3, 1849, Jeremiah J. Atwater of New Haven. 309. Elisha White, son of Lieut. John, (156) was born in Derby, Conn., Nov. 14, 1779. He died at sea, April, 1805, se. 25. He married Ethelinda Canfield of Derby. His son, Abram Canfield, b. ; lives in Ohio. 310. John White, Jim., son of Lieut. John, (156) was born in Derby, Dec. 29, 1780. He was a carpenter and mill-wright, and resided principally in that part of Derby now called Seymour, but, removed, a few years before his death, to Bethany. He died Nov. 7, 1852, ae. 72. He married, Feb. 9, 1802, Martha Hotchkiss of Bethany, born May 9, 1781, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth Hotchkiss. She lives with her youngest son. Children. 1. Joel, b. April 8, 1803; m. Emma French. - (494) 2. Elisha, b. April 5, 1805; m. Emeline Chapman. (495) 3. John Edwin, b. Dec. 6, 1813; was a farmer, and d. without issue, March 8, 1836, ae. 22. He m. Jan., 1835, E. Ann Davis of Sey- mour, now the wife of John J. Sperry of Bethany. 4. William C., b. Nov. 15, 1817; m. Harriet Prince. - - (496) 311. Daniel White, son of Lieut. John, (156) was born in Derby, Nov. 11, 1787, and resides there, at Humphreysville, in the present town of Seymour. He has held various town offices in Derby. Is a carpenter. He married, Jan., 1809, Sally Thorp. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 215 Children. 1. Isaac, b. Sept. 25, 1811; m. Grace Keeney. - (496a) 2. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 12, 1814; m. Walter R. Clark of Seymour, who d. She res. in Bridgeport, and has, 1. Julia, m. George Perkins of B.; 2. Minnie. 3. Juliet, b. June 22, 1816; m. Heman Childs, of Derby; and has, Evelyn, Irene, Sarah Jane, John, Edward, William, and one other. 4. Sarah Jane, b. Nov. 7, 1818; d. unm., May 31, 1842, ae. 23. 5. Harriet Eliza, b. March 19, 1821; m. Charles Hyde, a carpenter, now of Seymour, and d. Feb. 18, 1849, ae. 28. She had, Hannah, and two d. young. 6. George Bostwick, b. May 1, 1823; lives in Seymour. 7. Henry Kirke, b. May 7, 1825; m. Eliza Brown of Monroe, and d. June 26, 1853, ss. 28. 8. Nathan Francis, b. Nov. 16, 1827; resides in Troy, N. Y. 9. Henrietta, b. July 3, 1830; m. David Holbrook. 10. Augustus, b. June 1, 1832; a painter; lives in Wolcottville, Conn. 11. Augusta, Twins, m. Simon Lathrop of Wolcottville, and has, Harriet, Lillie, and Nellie. 12. Margaret, b. Nov. 13, 1834. 13. John Edwin, b. June 13, 1836; d. ae. 4 mos. 312. Isaac White, son of Lieut. John, (156) was born in Derby, Sept. 2, 1789. He lives in Seymour. He married Ann Gilbert of Litchfield. Children. 1. Betsey Ann, b. ; m. Beecher, and d. 2. Walter, b. ; lives in Seymour. 3. Amos, b. ; lives in Seymour. 4. John, b. ; m. and lives in Waterbury. 313. Raymond B. White, son of Lieut. John, (156) was born in Derby, Aug. 31, 1801. Is a carpenter in Plymouth, Conn. He married Harriet Warner of Plymouth. Children. 1. James Warner, b. - ; m. Louisa Stone; res. in Plymouth. 2. Edward, b. 1824; m. Mary A. Sweet. - (497) 3. Oscar Leeds, b. March 14, 1826; m. Martha Taylor; res. in New Haven. 4. William, b. Nov. 14, 1829; lives in Winsted; is a carpenter. 5. George, b. Sept. 8, 1833; m. Lovina A.. Downes. - (498) 6. Ann Maria, b. March 12, 1836. 314. Amos White, son of Lieut. John, (156) was born in Derby, Conn., Dec. 22, 1804. He resides in Rochester, N. Y., and is a shoe manufacturer. He married, 1st, Dec. 3, 1829, Hannah Maria Cook ot' Rochester, dau. of Lewis C. Cook and Hannah Miller. She was born Oct. 14, 1804, and died Oct. 13, 1849, as. 45. 216 Seventh Generation and Children. He married, 2d, Dec. 14, 1851, Jane Goldfinch Yatman of Rochester, born Jan. 30, 1826, dau. of John G. Yatman and Margaret Huber. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Edward Francis, b. Sept. 1, 1830; lives in Milwaukee, Wis. He m. June 15, 1854, Margaret Miller of Penn Yan, Yates Co., N. Y. 2. George, b. Feb. 22, 1834; is a jeweler in Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y. 315. Truman White, son of Isaac, (157) was born in South- ington, Conn., Nov. 8, 1780. He was for a while engaged in merchandizing, but about 1812 settled as a farmer in Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. He now resides with his son, in Buffalo, N. Y. He married, May 27, 1804, Betsey Tuthill of Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y., dau. of Daniel Tuthill and Elizabeth Da- vis. She was born in Southold, L. I., July 28, 1784, and died in Buffalo, June 29, 1852, se. 68. Children. 1. Charlotte, b. June 4, 1805; m. Oct. 21, 1822, William Riley Burt of Palermo, N. Y., a farmer who d. Sept. 20, 1850, se. 51. She has had, 1. Hannah Permelia, b. March 11, 1824, d. April 15, 1825; 2. Hubbard Tuthill, b. Aug. 1, 1825, m. May 6, 1852, Cornelia C. Ball, and d. April 18, 1853, as. 24. She d. June 15, 1854; 3. Har- riet, b. Nov. 4, 1827, m. Nov. 1, 1849, Riley Harding; 4. William Riley, b. May 2, 1831, d. June 1, 1834; 5. Charles, b. Sept. 20, 1833, d. April 2, 1853, se. 19; 6. William Clark, b. Sept. 22, 1837; 7. Jane Elizabeth, b. Oct. 17, 1839, m. Aug. 12, 1855, Peter White; 8. Lorenzo White, b. July 12, 1842; 9. Mary Jackson, b. March 3, 1844. 2. Daniel D. TompWns, b. March 22, 1807; m. Alma Wilbur. (499) 3. Harriet, b. Feb. 29, 1809; m. 1829, Harry H. Mattison, a mer- chant, now of Buffalo, and d. Aug. 27, 1849, ae. 40. She had, Helen, Carlos, Edwin, and two others, who d. young. 4. Jane Clark, b. March 13, 1812; m. July, 1834, LeVi Austin Tooley, a farmer in Oswego Co., N. Y. She has had, 1. Charlotte E., b. April 21, 1836, d. April 30, 1852, ae. 16; 2. Oscar P., b. May 29, 1838, d. Jan. 6, 1840; 3. Harriet L., b. May 8, 1841, d. March 19, 1857, ae. 16; 4. Marion M., b. Jan. 2, 1844, d. May 30, 1848; 5. Francis Eugene, b. Feb. 25, 1851. 5. Joel Clark, b. Jan. 31, 1817; m. 1st, M. E. Lake; 2d, M. A. De- Forest. (500) 6. Hubbard Tuthill, b. June 7, 1819; m. Catharine Trumbull. (501) 7. Vincent, b. Nov. 18, 1821; d. ae. 5 yrs. 8. William Riley, b. June 1, 1824; d. se. 14 mos. 9. Charles Burt, b. Aug. 30, 1826; m. Mariette Canada. - (502) 10. Baldwin T., b. Jan. 15, 1828; m. Louisa Mace. - - (503) 316. Francis White, son of Isaac, (157) was born July 22, 1782. He settled in Springville, Erie Co., N. Y., and died Jan. 7, 1858, se. 75. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 217 He married Emma Rushmore, dau. of Jacob Rushmore and Emma Green. Children. 1. Isaac, b. Feb. 7, 1810; m. Anna Smith. - (504) 2. Jacob, b. Feb. 6, 1812; m. Alvira Tarbox. - (505) 3. Roderick, b. June 23, 1814; m. Sarah Nichols. - (506) 4. Francis, b. Aug. 15, 1817; lives in Springville. He m. Augusta Perigo, of Maine. 5. Justus, b. Aug. 6, 1827; m. Mary J. Hill. - - - (507) 317. Moses White, son of Isaac, (157) was born June 30, 1784. He is a goldsmith, and now resides near River Falls, Pierce Co., Wis. He married, 1st, Mary Tuthill, who died in 1816. He married 2d, Sally Cheny, who died in 1854. He married, 3d, Mrs. Mary C. Leonard, widow of David Leonard. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Daniel, b. ; is a merchant in Illinois. 2. Almira, b. ; m. Judson Warner, a farmer near River Falls. Children; Bv the Second Marriage. 3. Hiram W., b. ; m. Rose Ann Stewart.- - (508) 4. Frederick, b. ; res. at Scales Mound, Jo Daviess Co., 111. 5. Nancy, b. ; m. Harris Gleason, Esq., a lawyer, of Scales Mound, 111. 6. Wells H., b. ; is m., and resides in Dubuque, Iowa. 7. John, b. ; is a farmer near Dubuque, Iowa. 8. Eunice, b. ; m. Lyman Carpenter of Pierce Co., Wis. 9. Polly, b. Several of the married children have families. 318. Roderick White, son of Isaac, (157) was born in Southington, Conn., Dec. 8, 1788. He settled in that part of Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., which is now the town of Kirk- land, where he still resides. He married, July 5, 1816, Lucy Blakeslee of Paris, born Sept. 1, 1798. Children. 1. Leonard, b. May 30, 1817; m. Clarissa Cone. - (509) 2. Moses Clark, b. July 24, 1819; m. 1st, Jane I. Atwater; 2d, Mary Seely. (510) 3. Lois, b. Feb. 27, 1822; m. Dec. 24, 1844, George M. Tooley, now a farmer in Palermo, Oswego Co., N. Y. She has had, 1. Jennett bucretia, b. Sept. 27, 1845, d. Aug. 15, 1848; 2. Lucy Jane, b. July 14, 1847; 3. Martha Elizabeth, b. Nov. 17, 1849; 4. Laura Maria, b. April 26, 1853, d. Oct. 18, 1853; 5: Mary Louisa, b. Nov. 2, 1854; 6. George Addison, b. Nov. 4, 1857. 218 Seventh Generation and Children. 4. Aaron, b. Sept. 18, 1824; is Professor of Mathematics in Oneida Conference Seminary, Cazenovia, N. Y. 5. Joseph, b. April 10, 1827; m. Susan E. Beebe. (511) 6. Martha, b. April 16, 1829; m. Aug. 1, 1857, Alva H. Long of Cazenovia, a teacher. 7. Jennette, b. July 6, 1831; m. Nov. 2, 1853, Franklin B. Lohnes, a farmer, of Floyd, N. Y., now of Canada, and has Jenny, b. Aug. 11, 1858. 8. Eli, b. Nov. 15, 1833; d. March 17, 1840, as. 6. 9. Phebe, b. July 1, 1836. 10. Laura, b. Dec. 23, 1838. 11. Sampson, b. Feb. 2, 1845. 319. Albert White, son of Isaac, (157) was born May 19, 1797. He is said to be living in Mansfield, Ohio. He has a family; one son a physician. Particulars not received. 320. Aimer White, son of Isaac, (157) was born March 14, 1802. He is a farmer in Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. He married, 1st, April 25, 1827, Ruth Ann Tefft of Oris- kany, N. Y., who died Jan. 3, 1842. He married, 2d, June 30, 1842, Rebecca Ellinwood, who died May 16, 1845. He married, 3d, July 22, 1846, Cornelia Ellinwood, sister of his second wife. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. William, b. April 5, 1828; m. Cordelia Hammond. - - (512) 2. Calista A., b. Jan. 21, 1831; d. May 10, 1846, a?. 15. 3. Maria A., b. March 27, 1833. 4. Mary Ann, b. May 26, 1835; m. May 25, 1853, John R. Bensley of Wayne Station, Du Page Co., 111. She has, 1. Seward Russell, b. Oct. 22, 1855; 2. Maria Vestina, b. July 15, 1857. 5. Alma, b. Sept. 26, 1837; d. April 5, 1840. 6. Louisa, b. Sept. 26, 1839. Children; By the Second Marriage. 7. Seth B., b. March 22, 1843; d. June 18, 1843. 8. Cornelia E., b. Aug. 22, 1844; d. Aug. 25, 1845. Children; By the Third Marriage. 9. Harriet R., b. Aug. 2, 1848 11. Helen O., b. Sept. 25, 1852. 10. Edward E., March 29, 1850. 12. Frank G., b. April 21, 1854. 321. James White, Jun., son of Capt. James, (159) was born in Newport, N. H., Feb., 1784, [1785?! and was a farmer there. The time and place of his death are not ascertained. He married, 1805, Grace Wilcox of Newport, dau. of Dea. Jesse Wilcox and Thankful Stevens. She was born Feb. 10, 1782, and died Nov. 9, 1819, se. 37. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 219 Children. 1. Caroline, b. Feb. 14, 1806; m. Aug. 17, 1835, Jonathan Edwards Rowell, a farmer in Claremont, N. H., who d. Jan. 31, 1855, ae. 48. She has had, 1. George Edwards, b. May 16, 1841; 2. Henry Louis, b. Aug. 26, 1843; 3. Ellen Maria, b. July 23, 1845; d. Nov. 9, 1855, ae. 10. 2. Meroa, b. Dec. 16, 1808; m. John L. Manning of Goffstown, N. H., a carpenter. 3. Harriet Annesley, b. May 18, 1810; m. Dec. 30, 1835, Rev. John L. Smith of Brookfield, Vt., and has had, 1. Ceylon Chase, b. Dec. 31, 1836, d. Dec. 29, 1837; 2. Ceylon Pomeroy, b. March 8, 1839; 3. Hiland Howell, b. March 11, 1842; 4. John Rowland, b. July 18, 1846; 5. Martha Matilda, b. Jan. 15, 1849. 4. Alverse L., b. July 31, 1811; m. Mary Cole. - - (513) 5. James E., b. Aug. 31, 1813; went to Oregon about 1849. 322. Calvin White, son of Capt. James, (159) was born in Newport, N. H. He is a farmer in Dalton N. H. He married Hannah Fields of Newport. Children. 1. James. 4. John. 2. Emeline. 5. Eliza. 3. Philander. 323. Elisha White, son of Capt. James, (159) was born in Newport, N. H., Feb. 26, 1807. He is a farmer; has lived chiefly in Brownington, Vt., where his children were born, but now resides in West Charleston, Vt. He married Lucinda S. Bennett, who was born in Ran- dolph, Vt., Feb. 14, 1819. Children. 1. Homer H., b. Dec. 7, 1838; is a merchant in Texas. 2. James L., b. Feb. 7, 1843. 3. Laura L., b. Oct. 9, 1845. 5. Harry B., b. Nov. 17, 1852. 4. Elisha J., b. Oct. 26, 1848. 6. Frank H., b. Sept. 24, 1858. 324. Robert White, son of Rev. Calvin, (160) was born in Hanover, N. J., Dec. 1, 1792. After 1827 he wrote his name, "Robert White, Jr." He was a merchant in New York, and also for a short time resided in Birmingham, England. In 1833 he retired from business, and became a farmer at Shrewsbury, N. J., where he died, Jan. 12, 1856, SB. 63. He married, April 9, 1818, Hannah Gibbs, born July 7, 1795, dau. of Abel and Elizabeth Gibbs. Children. 1. Abel, b. Oct. 18, 1819; d. Aug., 1820. 2. Phebe Corlies, b. Oct. 12, 1821; m. Majy 9 4 1844, George C. BakeJr, a 220 Seventh Generation and Children. bookseller in New York, and lives in Flushing, L. I. She has had, 1. Hannah White, b. Feb. 17, 1846; 2. Mary Baker, b. April 20, 1849; 3. George Dobel, b. March 6, 1851, d. Aug. 26, 1852; 4. Sarah H., b. March 2, 1853; 5. Robert Haydock, b. July 3, 1855. 3. Robert Cornell, b. Nov. 1, 1823; m. Hannah D. Baker. - (514) 4. Rachel Camp, b. Jan. 26, 1826; m. Nov. 4, 1847, Joseph Baker, of New York, a merchant, and has, 1. Margaret Corlies, b. Oct. 16, 1848; 2. Anna, b. Oct. 8, 1852; 3. Robert White, b. June 25, 1855. 5. Anna, b. Jan. 21, 1831; joined the Society of Shakers at New Lebanon, N. Y., in 1849, and now resides there. 6. John Corlies, b. Jan. 5, 1835; was adopted by his mother's uncle, after whom he was named; is now a student in Harvard College. 325. Richard Mansfield White, son of Rev. Calvin, (160) was born in Bloomfield, N. J., May 26, 1797. In 1815 he was appointed "a Cadet in the service of the United States," at West Point, but resigned the appointment, and, entering commercial life, became a shipping and commission mer- chant in New York. He was afterwards secretary and fin- ancial manager of the Allaire Iron Works. He took a lead- ing part in the movement which resulted in the establish- ment of the first Episcopal Sunday Schools in New York and Brooklyn. In 1827 he removed from New York to Brooklyn, L. I., and in 1845 to Orange, N. J., where he died, Jan. 19, 1849, se. 51. He married, May 25, 1820, Ann Eliza Tousey, of New- town, Conn., dau. of Donald Grant Tousey and Lucretia Beers. She was born Aug. 5, 1802, and died in Brooklyn, June 8, 1842, ae. 40. Children. 1. Richard Grant, b. May 23, 1821; m. Alexina B. Maese. - (515) 2. Marian, b. Sept. 6, 1823; m. Nov. 3, 1847, Edward Williams of Orange, N. J., and has had, 1. Edward Grant, b. Oct. 22, 1848, d. Aug. 30, 1849; 2. James Austin, b. June 3, 1850; 3. George Herbert, b. May 13, 1853; 4. Ann Eliza, b. March 23, 1855; 5. Marion, b. Aug. 30, 1857. 3. Ann Eliza, b. Nov. 15, 1831; d. April 23, 1849, ae. 17. 4. Charles Mcllvaine, b. Feb. 15, 1834; d. April, 1842, ae. 8. 5. Augusta, b. Aug. 8, 1838. 326. Moses White, son of Rev. Calvin, (160) was born in Stamford, Conn., April 11, 1799. He was for several years a merchant in New York, New Orleans, and Cincinnati, and afterwards lived for twelve years in Derby, Conn. He now resides in Mt. Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio. He married, July 8, 1833, Margaret Palmer, of Stoning- Descendants of Nathaniel White. 221 ton, Conn., born Feb. 6, 1814, dau. of Dudley and Marietta Palmer. Children. 1. Carleton, b. May 11, 1834; m. Nov. 11, 1857, Lizzie H. Dunn. 2. Clement, b. Nov. 3, 1836; d. Sept. 26, 1838. 3. Moses, b. Aug. 16, 1839; d. Aug. 9, 1843. 4. Eliza Lloyd, b. May 16, 1846. 327. Carleton White, son of Rev. Calvin, (160) was born in Stamford, Conn., Feb. 20, 1801. He was formerly a sea- captain, in the "Black Ball" line of Liverpool packets. He now resides in New Haven, Conn. He married, Aug. 12, 1829, Judith C. Miller, born in New York, Aug. 12, 1807, dau. of John Miller and Phebe Pine. 328. Chandler White, son of Rev. Calvin, (160) was born in Derby, Conn., June 14, 1806. He was a merchant in New York, and for a few years in New Orleans. In 1854 he was chosen a director and vice-president of the "New York, Lon- don and Newfoundland Telegraph Company," and was ac- tive in promoting its plans for securing telegraphic com- munication between the two continents. He died at his res- idence, near Fort Hamilton, L. I., of yellow fever, Aug. 7, 1856, se. 50. He had no children. He married, Oct. 10, 1831, Anna Matilda Miller, of Brook- lyn, L. I. 329. Mardenbrough White, son of Rev. Calvin, (160) was born in Derby, Conn., March 6, 1810. He has been a mer- chant in Mt. Vernon, 0., and is now a farmer in Gambier, Knox Co., 0. He married, March 31, 1834, Clarissa Jones, of Provi- dence, R. I. Children. 1. Sarah, b. Jan. 18, 1836; m. Sept. 26, 1854, Rev. Edward C. Benson of Gambier, and has, 1. Elden; 2. Joseph Baker; 3. Harry Cope- land, b. Dec. 8, 1857. 2. Anna Matilda, d. Dec. 21, 1839. 3. Clarissa Jones, b. Jan. 10, 1842. 4. Margaret Palmer, b. Feb. 6, 1844. 5. Henry Kirke, b. Feb. 27, 1847. 6. Mardenbrough, b. July 20, 1850; d. Aug. 21, 1850. 222 Seventh Generation and Children. 1 330. George Berkeley White, son of Rev. Calvin, (160) was born in Derby, Conn., July 7, 1814. He is a merchant in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. He married, Oct. 10, 1839, Clara Miller of Mt. Vernon, dau. of Judge Eli Miller. Children. 1. Ellen, b. Oct. 12, 1840. 6. Clara, b. Jan. 14, 1851. 2. Frances, b. Oct. 4, 1842. 7. Miller, b. April 4, 1853; d. 3. Calvin, b. March 17, 1844. Nov. 5, 1855. 4. Thomas Ewing, b. April, 1846. 8. Harriet, b. Dec. 26, 1855. 5. George, b. Feb. 5, 1848. 9.Maria Butler, b. April 9, 1858. 331. George Elisha White, son of Elisha, (161) was born in Weybridge, Vt., June 2, 1801. He was a surveyor and civil engineer; resided principally in East Claridon and Cha- grin Falls, Ohio, but removed in 1851 to Salineville, Colum- biana Co., Ohio, where he died, Jan. 25, 1852, se. 50. He was a justice of the peace, and was post-master at East Claridon and at Chagrin Falls. He married, March 2.0, 1851, Mrs. Martha (Russel) Christie, of Salineville. She now resides at Chagrin Falls. He had one daughter, Martha Ophelia, b. Jan. 17, 1852. 331a. Comfort White, son of Elias, jun.,* (163) was born in Cornwall, Conn., Jan. 3, 1802. He is a farmer in Canton, Conn. Formerly lived in Sheffield, Mass. He married, 1st, Dec. 3, 1826, Laura Norton of Cornwall, dau. of Theodore Norton and Mary Judd. She died Sept. 13, 1836. He married, 2d, May 31, 1837, Miranda Rood of North Canaan, Conn. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Mary Eliza, b. July 26, 1829; m. Feb. 15, 1855, Walker S. Millard, and has, 1. Laura Miranda, b. Dec. 31, 1855; 2. Emma Amanda, b. July 22, 1857. 2. Augustus Frederick, b. March 6, 1832; m. April, 1858, Harriet Watts, 3. Julia Maria, b. Feb. 21, 1834. 4. Edward Rogers, 1 b. May 14, 1836; d. March 3, 1837. 5. Edwin Norton, } Twins. Child; By the Second Marriage. 6. Augusta Rogers, b. Oct. 22, 1849. * For a corrected account of the family of Elias White, jun., (163) see Appendix. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 223 331b. Edward Rogers White, son of Elias, jun., (163) was born in Cornwall, Conn., Feb. 14, 1804, and is a farmer there. He has held town offices, and in 1845 represented that town in the Legislature. He married, 1827, Abigail Baldwin of Cornwall, dau. of Henry Baldwin and Jane Shipman. Children. 1. Edward Henry, b. May 19, 1828; m. Nov. 10, 1856, Rebecca A. L. Todd of Cornwall, and d. Dec. 16, 1858, ae. 30. 2. Cynthia Jane, b. Aug. 8, 1830; d. Dec. 27, 1858, ae. 28. 331c. Edwin White, son of Elias, jun., (163) was born in Cornwall, Conn., Sept. 21, 1806. He is a farmer there, has held civil offices, and was a representative in 1842 and 1843. He married, Sept. 13, 1837, Laura Whedon of Winches- ter, dau. of Stephen Whedon and Abigail Drake. Children. 1. Frances Abigail, b. Aug. 19, 1838. 2. Laura Isabella, b. May 21, 1848. 3. Edwin Augustine, b. Dec. 27, 1854. 4. Cynthia Josephine, b. Sept. 3, 1858. 331d. Elias White, son of Elias, jun., (163) was born in Cornwall, Conn., April 16, 1809. He resides at Poughkeep- sie, N. Y., and is engaged in a railroad office. Has been a justice of the peace. He married, 1st, April 25, 1833, Cynthia Ann Hageman of Poughkeepsie, dau. of Peter Hageman and Phebe Bogar- dus. She died March 2, 1850. He married, 2d, Oct. 10, 1853, Elizabeth Ann Brower, dau. of John and Maria Brower. Child; By the First Marriage. 1. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1839; m. May 16, 1859, Benjamin Lee of Fishkill, N. Y. Children; By the Second Marriage. 2. Casper Brower, | b. Sept. 26, 1854. 3. Mary Frances, { Twins. d. Sept 15, 1859. 332. Henry Champlin White, son of Capt. Isaac, (164) was born in Upper Middletown, Nov. 14, 1809. He resides in Hartford, Conn. He married, Aug. 19, 1834, Mary Freeland Browning of Brimfield, Mass., born Nov. 3, 1815, dau. of James Brown- ing and Lucinda Smith. 224 Seventh Generation and Children. f Children. 1. Samuel Howes, b. April 21, 1836; m. Cecilia A. Stillman. (516) 2. Isaac, b. Aug. 26, 1839. 3. Henry C., b. March 4, 1844. 333. Isaac White, son of Capt. Isaac, (164) was born in Upper Middletown, June 29, 1814. He resides in Utica,N.Y. He married, May 10, 1838, Sarah Ann Girard, dau. of Luther Girard and Lydia Blaisdell. Children. 1. Henry Champlin, b. Feb. 17, 1839. 2. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Feb. 5, 1841. 3. Arthur, b. June 26, 1843. 4. Harriett Antoinette, b. Sept. 14, 1845. 5. Mary Jane, b. Nov. 14, 1847. 6. Frances Louise, b. June 20, 1850. 7. Caroline Amelia, b. June 19, 1852. 8. Priscilla Agnes, b. March 21, 1854. 9. Ella Lydia, b. Oct. 13, 1856. IN THE LINE OF JACOB WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 334. Samuel White, son of Samuel, Jun., (165) was born in North Coventry, Conn., May, 1782. He lived in Buffalo, N. Y., and died there, March 1854, . 72. He married Lydia Jewett of N. Coventry, dau. of Ichabod Jewett. She is dead. Children. 1. Jennette. Record of this family not furnished. 2. Leonard. 3. Ichabod J. These sons are hardware dealers and edge-tool makers, Buffalo. 335. Jonathan Porter White, son of Samuel, Jun., (165) was born in North Coventry. He was killed by the explo- sion of a powder-mill, in Mansfield, Conn., Nov. 10, 1825. He married Abigail Scripture of Mansfield. She is now the wife of Dr. Adrastus Doolittle of New York. Children. 1. Samuel Porter, b. Dec. 3, 1820; is a carpenter in N. Y. city. He m. 1851, Caroline Adams, and has had, 1. Caroline, d.; 2. Abigail A., d.; 3. William M., d. 2. Charles Fayette, b. ; d. 1858, in Cook Co., 111.; left a family. 3. Norman Brigham, b. ; m. Eveline Gilbert. (517) 4. James Albert, b. ; is a R. R. Conductor; lives in Brooklyn, L. I. He m. Letitia Reeves of Greenport, L. I., who d. July, 1858, leaving two children. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 225 336. Chester White, son of Lemuel, (166) was born Feb. 14, 1793. He is a farmer in Batavia, Genesee Co., N. Y. He married, Jan. 1, 1816, Lucy Topliff of South Coventry, Conn. She died Feb. 5, 1851. Children. 1. Harrison, b. Sept. 21, 1816; m. Sarah Dunn. (518) 2. Mary, b. Oct. 28, 1818; lives in Batavia. 3. Emily, b. Jan. 4, 1822; m. Oct. 23, 1845, George Terry of Batavia, and has, 1. Harriet; 2. Jenny; 3. John; 4. Cleveland. 4. Jerome, b. Feb. 15, 1824; d. July 5, 1825. 5. Lemuel, b. March 15, 1826; went to Cal. in 1854. 6. Maria, b. Aug. 22, 1828; m. Chester Mann of B., and d. Feb. 17, 1858, ae. 29. She had, 1. Harrison; 2. Jenny; 3. Jerome; 4. Ellen. 7. Laura, b. Sept. 21, 1830; m. May 25, 1851, Henry Hammond of B., and has, 1. Jay; 2. Emma? 3. Charles. 8. Ann, b. Jan. 15, 1833. 9. Eliza, b. July 26, 1836. 10. Kirke, b. Nov. 24, 1838. 337. Lemuel White, Jun., son of Lemuel, (166) was born April 9, 1795. He was a harness-maker in Buffalo, N. Y., where he died, May 5, 1840, se. 44. He married, Nov. 6, 1817, Eliza Mathews of New York, born May 2, 1797, dau. of James Mathews and Mary Clark. Children. 1. William Chester, b. March 21, 1819; m. 1844, Elizabeth Burgess, a native of London; has had three children. 2. Ann Maria, b. ; m. Alexander McKay, a merchant; had two children. 3. Eliza, b. 1824; m. Nov. 18, 1846, Andrew J. Trumbull, a merchant. 4. John B., b. March 29, 1831; m. 1853, Louisa Sawin of Buffalo; has three children. 5. Walton Otis, b. Aug. 11, 1834. Two other children died in infancy. 338. Calvin White, son of Dan, Esq., (168) was born in Torrington, Conn., July 6, 1786. He removed with his father to Vermont, and died in Waterford, Feb. 11, 1810, se. 23. He married, 1809, Mary Burns, dau. of Capt. Burns, of Whitefield, N. H. She died in 1813. His only child, Rowena, b. 1810; m. 1831, Samuel Huntoon, now of Holland, Orleans Co., Vt. She has, 1. Calvin, b. 1832; 2. Paran, b. 1833; 3. Samuel Alden, b. 1835; 4. Mary Elizabeth, b. 1838, d. 1854; 5. Moses, b. 1847; 6. John, b. 1849; 7. A child. 226 Seventh Generation and Children. 339. Erastus Wilson White, son of Dan, Esq., (168) was born in Norfolk, Conn., Sept. 27, 1793. In 1815 he engaged in mercantile pursuits in Quebec, Canada, and in 1834 re- moved to Morristown, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where he now resides. He has held the office of town clerk, post- master, and justice of the peace. He married, 1817, Lydia K. Remick, born in 1796, dau. of David Remick of Stanstead, C. E. Children. 1. Laura Ann, b. March 17, 1820; m. 1838, Hon. Dunbar Ross of Quebec, late Solicitor General for Lower Canada, and now a member of the Provincial Parliament. She has, 1. Dunbar, b. 1840; 2. George, b. 1854; 3. Frances Hincks, b. 1856. 2. Sophia, b. 1823; d. 1824. 3. William Wilson, b. 1824; d. 1847, ae. 23. 4. Sophia Amelia, b. 1826; d. 1828. 5. George, b. 1829; drowned in Morristown, 1849, x. 20. 6. Burns Erastus, b. Sept. 27, 1830; res. in Morristown. He m. Sept. 22, 1858, Mary Catharine Ames of Lisbon, N. Y., b. Oct. 2, 1837, dau. of Joseph P. Ames. 7. Charles Augustus, b. 1832; d. 1833. 8. Emma Augusta, b. 1835; d. 1836. 340. Hiram Jacob White, son of Thomas, (169) was born in Torrington, Conn., July 26, 1802. He is a merchant in Boston, Mass. He married, Aug. 14, 1828, Henrietta Sophia Clark of Waterbury, Conn., dau. of Cyrus and Nancy Clark. She died Aug. 22, 1835> se. 26. Children. 1. Martha Louisa, b. April 11, 1829; m. Charles G. Merriman of New Haven, Conn., a merchant. 2. William Henry, b. Dec. 5, 1833; d. Dec. 22, 1835. 341. Ransom Coe White, son of Elam, (170) was born in Burke, Vt., Oct. 2, 1806. He resides in East Haven, Vt. He married, June 30, 1829, Hannah B. Walter of East Haven, born July 22, 1809. Children. 1. Alonzo, b. Nov. 2, 1830; m. Huldah L. Hosford. - - (519) 2. Alanson, b. Feb. 27, 1832; m. Oct. 23, 1855, Arminda A. Powers of Burke. 3. Hilamon, b. Aug. 2, 1833; d. Jan. 28, 1852, ae. 18. 4. Elam H., b. Jan. 26, 1840. 5. Harriet Eliza, b. June 5, 1846. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 227 342. Osman White, son of Elam, (170) was born in Burke, Vt., Nov. 1, 1808, and resides there. He married, March 18, 1835, Frinda Smith, born in Hins- dale, N. H., March 27, 1813. Children. 1. Twin 1 b. Oct. 17, 1836; d. same day. 2. children, J b. Oct. 17-, 1836; d. same daq. 3. Melvin, b. Aug. 12, 1838. 343. Nelson White, son of Roswell, (172) was born in Granville, Mass., Jan. 20, 1813: He is a carpenter; is now a farmer in Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio. He married, Oct. 3, 1839, Emily Penfield, of Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y. Children. 1. Edward Nelson, b. Feb. 12, 1842. 2. Augusta Beulah, b. March 7, 1850. 344. Orrin Chauncey White, son of Rosweli, (172) was born in Granville, Mass., March 16, 1814. He is a carpenter and farmer in Gates, Monroe Co., N. Y. He married, Sept. 14, 1841, Mary E. Shedd. Children. 1. John. 3. George. 2. Randolph. 4. Mary 345. John Birge White, son of Roswell, (172) was born in Granville, Mass., Oct. 30, 1817. He is a farmer in Spencer, Medina Co., Ohio. He married, Aug. 6, 1848, Hannah Luce of Spencer, dau. of Aaron Luce and Sally M. Grandy. Children. 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 16, 1850. 2. Lucy Maria, b. Nov. 9, 1851. 3. Franklin Aaron, b. Sept. 23, 1855. 4. Orrin, b. Aug. 19, 1858. 346. Charles Plumb White, son of Chauncey, (173) was born in Winchester, Conn., Aug. 4, 1809. He is a shoe- maker; has lived in Lenox and Marcellus, Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; removed in 1857 to Belvidere, Boone Co., 111. He married, Oct. 10, 1833, Mercy A. Wilcox of Granville, Mass. 228 Seventh Generation and Children. Children. 1. Almira B., b. May 2, 1834; d. March 5, 1857, se. 23. 2. Sarah M., b. Aug. 31, 1835; m. June 11, 1854, Thomas Chryster of Marcellus, N. Y. 3. William Chauncey, b. May 22, 1837. 4. Charlotte S., b. Sept. 20, ; m. March 5, 1859, John Coffin of Bel- videre, 111. 5. Philena C., b. July 4, 1840. 6. Imry Styles, b. Oct. 10, 1841. 7. H. E., b. Oct. 16, 1843. 8. Norman H., b. Nov. 23, 1845. 9. Orrin Charles, b. Sept. 16, 1847. 10. James Orneldo, b. July 5, 1849. 11. Leverett Alphonso, b. Sept. 16, 1851. 12. Martha Jane, b. Oct. 9, 1853; d. April 30, 1857. 347. Elijah Brainard White, son of Brainard, (174) was born in Torrington, Conn., Aug. 29, 1808. He was a mason, resided in Winsted, Conn., and died March 16, 1859, se. 50. He married, Sept. 4, 1833, Mary Camp of Winsted, born Aug. 3, 1814, dau. of Moses Camp and Diadema Knowlton. Children. 1. Annie Elizabeth, b. July 1, 1836. 2. Mary Adelaide, b. July 16, 1840; d. May 4, 1844. 3. Julia Emorette, b. Jan. 20, 1842; d. Aug. 21, 1842. 4. Adeline Rosetta, b. Sept. 9, 1845. 348. Edwin Riley White, son of Brainard, (174) was born Oct. 15, 1810. He is a merchant in Canastota, Madi- son Co., N. Y. He married, April 26, 1836, Julia Westlake of Winsted, Conn., dau. of John and .Flora Westlake. 349. Nathan Curtis White, Esq., son of Brainard, (174) was born Sept. 24, 1820. He is a lawyer in Utica, N. Y. He married, 1st, July 30, 1850, Jane Cheesbro Stanton, of Trenton, N. Y., who died Dec. 31, 1853. He married, 2d, May 12, 1858, Delia Dana of Utica 350. William White, son of Joel, Jun., (176) was born in Russia, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Nov. 9, 1805. He is a farmer in Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 229 He married, 1st, March, 1832, Margaret Morgan, of Gou- verneur, N. Y., who died Sept., 1838. He married, 2d, 1839, Mariam Castle of Edwards, who died Feb., 1847. He married, 3d, Aug. 5, 1847, Mariett Castle. Child; By the First Marriage. 1. Mary, b. March, 1835. Children; By the Second Marriage. 2. Margaret, b. Dec., 1840; d. March, 1856, ze. 15. 3. Henry, b. Sept., 1842. 351. Albert White, son of Joel, Jim., (176) x was born in Rusia, N. Y., April 16, 1811. He is a farmer in Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. He married, 1st, Sept. 16, 1841, Lucy Sloper of Pitcairn, St. L. Co. She was bora June 4, 1817, and died Nov. 26, 1842, se. 25. He married, 2d, Sept. 14, 1843, Melvina Caroline Mitch- ell of Fowler, St. L. Co., Dec. 14, 1817. Children; One by Each Marriage. 1. Albert S., b. Nov. 24, 1842. 2. Lucy, b. Sept. 14, 1845. 352. Frederic White, son of Joel, Jun., (176) was born in Edwards, N. Y., April 21, 1823, and is a farmer on the homestead there. He married, Oct., 1851, Nancy Snow of Pitcairn, N. Y., and has one son, Harvey, b. Feb. 18, 1853. 353. John White, son of John, (177) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., June 26, 1790. He was a ship-carpenter; resided in Albany, N. Y., and died Feb. 10, 1846, SB. 55. He married, 1st, Sept. 6, 1808, Emily Savage of Upper Middletown, dau. of Capt. Abijah Savage. She was born Feb. 12, 1792, and died June 11, 1826, se. 34. He married, 2d, Dec. 16, 1830, Mrs. Sarah Jones, widow of Ezekiel Jones of Up. Mid. She was the dau. of William and Ellen Belcher, and was born Oct. 31, 1797. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. John, b. Nov. 15, 1809; is a stove dealer in Wejlsville, N. Y. 2. Emma, b. July 28, 1811; d. Oct. 2, 1825. ae. 14. 230 Seventh Generation and Children. 3. Caroline, b. Aug. 18, 1813, d. Feb. 15, 1818. 4. George Henry, b. July 5, 1815; m. Mary Sophia Tobey. (520) 5. Nehemiah Bassett, b. Dec. 24, 1816; m. Mrs. A. H. Newman, and another. (521) 6. Russell M., b. March 31, 1819; m. Caroline B. Farnsworth. (522) 7. Caroline, b. Dec. 5, 1820; m. June 21, 1847, George D. Jones, of Fredonia, N. Y., a carpenter. She has had, John Leverett, b. Sept. 25, 1848, d. Aug. 1849. 8. Grace Savage, b. Nov. 14, 1822; m. May 16, 1848, Joel H. Whit- lock, a merchant in Galway, N. Y., who d. Nov. 5, 1853. 9. Lucius, | b. July 29, 1824; a merchant in Monticello, Ga. 10. Linus, } Twins. m. Mary Server. (523) ll.Emma, b. March 24, 1826; m. Oct. 21, 1846, Wilson J. Hubbard of Wellsville, N. Y., and has had, 1. Charles H., b. Jan. 16, 1848, d. Aug. 1, 1848; 2. Edward L., b. Aug. 7, 1852; 3. Grace W., b. Feb. 18, 1855; 4. Lucius W., b. Oct. 2, 1858. Children; By the Second Marriage. 12. Josephine, b. Sept. 16, 1831; d. Dec. 26, 1832. 13. Josephine, b. March 20, 1834; m. July 7, 1850, John Shaver, and has had, 1. Josephine, b. Oct. 19, 1851, d. Nov. 3, 1851; 2. Nellie, b. Sept. 11, 1852. 14. Mary, b. May 22, 1836. 15. Charles, b. May 25, 1839. 354. Jacob White, son of John, (177) was born in Upper Middletown, April 27, 1792. He was a tanner and shoe- maker, and in 1819, removed to Sandisfield, Mass., where he carried on the business of tanning for twelve years. He re- turned to Upper Middletown, and chiefly resided there until his death, Jan. 13, 1849, se. 56. He married, Nov. 22, 1815, Susan Sage, born March 28, 1796, dau. of Capt. William Sage. She married, 2d, May, 1854, James Goodrich of Cromwell. Children. 1. William Sage, b. July 22, 1816; m. Mary Savage. - - (524) 2. Henry S., b. Feb. 12, 1818; m. Catharine Chandler. (525) 3. Luther Chapin, b. Dec. 25, ,1821; m. Jane A. Moses. (526) 4. Harriet M., b. Oct. 3, 1825; m. May 16, 1850, Joseph Edwards, of Cromwell, and has had, 1. Catharine Augusta, b. Feb. 11, 1851, d. Aug. 1, 1854; 2. Mary Louisa, b. Feb. 11, 1853; 3. Susan Sage, b. March 10, 1855; 4. Joseph Wells, b. Jan. 3, 1857. 5. Jacob Watson, b. Sept. 19, 1827; m. Anna E. Wells. - (527) 6. Abigail Eells, h. Oct. 23, 1831; d. Sept. 24, 1833. 7. Orrin Sage, b. Aug. 10, 1834; d. Dec. 6, 1841. ae. 7. 8. Jane Augusta, b. Dec. 27, 1837; d. Dec. 19, 1841. 355. Luther White, son of John, (177) was born in Upper Middletown, Jan. 11, 1799. He was a joiner, and resided in Hartford,. where he died, Nov. 21, 1836, se. 37. Descendants of John White, Junior. 231 He married, Jan. 6, 1831, Maria Hayden of Hartford, dau. of Gen. William and Martha Hayden. She is now Mrs. Pease. Children. 1. Leverett, b. Jan. 3, 1833; d. July 23, 1839. 2. Eveline, b. Sept. 19, 1834. 356. Lemuel White, Jun., son of Lemuel, (179) was born in Middletown, Conn., April 11, 1802. He was a steam-boat captain, and died at Charleston, S. C., March, 1848, se. 46. He married, Oct. 6, 1824, Almira Higby. Children. 1. Charles, b. Aug., 1825 2. William, b. Oct., 1827. 3. A daughter, b. ; d. in infancy. 357. Aaron J. White, son of Lemuel, (179) was born in Middletown, Sept. 7, 1829. He lives in Rockford, 111. He married, 1852, Jane Chapman, and has one son, George, b. 1853, and perhaps other children. IN THE LINE OF JOSEPH WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 358. Dr. William Morell White, son of Joseph, (182) was born July 29, 1822. He is a physician in Fair Haven, Conn. He married, 1844, Emily F. Cooley. Children. 1. Franklin C. 2. Estella. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN WHITE, JUNIOR. 359. Dan White, son of Capt. John, (186) was born in Windham, Conn., Oct. 21, 1789. He resided in Rome, N. Y., but now lives in Kenosha, Wis. He married, Nov. 28, 1810, Polly Jones of Rome, born 1794, dau. of Gideon and Lydia Jones. Children. 1. Benjamin, b. 1811; m. Esther Noyes. - ... (528) 2. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 3, 1814; m. Feb. 19, 1834, James N. Husted, now a merchant in New York, and had John White, b. Dec. 24, 1834, d. Oct. 1, 1839. 3. Alonzo, b. 1816; m. Lydia B. Leonard. - (529) 4. Francis, b. 1818; m. 1st, Sarah Whitmore; 2nd, J. Moore. (530) 5. Caroline M., b. 1821; m. Dr. Charles Frazier of Lee, Oneida Co., N. Y., and has, Elizabeth, Mary A., Charles, and Caroline. 6. Eliza, b. July, 1823; m. July, 1847, Cornelius Pell, a merchant-tailor 232 Seventh Generation and Children. in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y. She has, 1. James Husted, b. July 1, 1848! 2. Mary Josephine, b. June, 1851. 7. Merion, b. 1827; d. 1827. 8. Edward, { b. 1830; d. 1847? 9. Joshua, j Twins. m. Margarette Worth. (531) 10. Martha, b. 1833; d. 1851. 11. Jane, b. 1837; m. John B. Warner, a music-teacher in Kenosha, Wis., and has one son, Ole Bull. 12. James, b. 1837; is a carpenter at Kenosha, Wis. 360. Gurdon White, son of Capt. John, (186) was born June 24, 1791. He lived in Rome, N. Y., and removed to Martinsburg, Lewis Co., N. Y., where he now resides. He married, Aug. 28, 1811, Betsey Jones, born in Conn., Dec. 27, 1791, dau. of Gideon and Lydia Jones. Children. 1. Harriet E., b. June 11, 1812; m. Edwin Pitcher, a farmer in Martins- burg, and has, Louisa, Lydia, Charles, Henry, Frank, Howard, Mary, and Nellie. 2. Emily A., b. Nov. 7, 1813; m. Abner P. Conkey of Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., a farmer. She has, Caroline P., Gilbert H.. Charles M., and John G. 3. Albert A., b. April 2, 1816; is a carriage-maker. He m. Emeline McClenethen, of Norfolk, St. L. Co., and has Gurdon. 4. Julia A., b. Aug. 6, 1818; m. Oliver Salmons of Turin, Lewis Co., a farmer. She has had six children, two of whom d. young. 5. Jane, b. Jan. 1, 1821; m. Harvey Pitcher of Martinsburg, a farmer. and has, Helen, Julia, Martha, Herman, Alfred, and Caroline. 7. Ambrose, } b. April 23, 1824; m. and has two children. 0. Alfred, ( Twins. has four children. 8. Harry, b. April 7, 1830; a tinner in Ogdensburg, N. Y. Has 3 children. 9. John, b. April 5, 1832; lives with his father. 361. Asa White, son of Capt. John, (186) was born in Rome, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1796. He was a carpenter, and lived chiefly in St. Lawrence and Monroe Conties, N. Y. He died in Rochester, N. Y., April 16, 1830, ae. 33. He married, 1817, Electa Slayton of Potsdam, born in Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 5, 1797. Children. 1. Asa J., b. Sept. 13, 1818; m. Prudence Gallop. - - (532) 2. Harriet, b. Feb. 7, 1820; d. in Potsdam, Feb. 12, 1849, ae. 29. 3. Susan, b. Jan. 20, 1822; m. Nov. 29, 1843, David Lewis of Potsdam, N. Y., and has had, 1. George, b. Sept. 7, 1844; 2. Frances D., b. Aug. 8, 1846; 3. Emeline, b. Nov. 16, 1848; 4. Abigail Adeline, b. Descendants of John White, Junior. 233 Feb. 7, 1850, d. Sept. 13, 1853; 5. Mary E., b. Aug. 24, 1853; 6. John W., b. Jan. 27, 1856, d. Sept. 29, 1857; 7. Charles W., b. July 18, 1858. 4. George W., b. Feb. 3, 1824; m. Susan Boody. - (533) 5. Mary, b. April 18, 1825; d. in Potsdam, March 28, 1844, ae. 19. 6. Jane, b. May 13, 1827; m. Nov. 13, 1856, James Putnam of Potsdam, and has William, b. Sept. 5, 1857. 7. Delia, b. June 15, 1830; d. in Potsdam, Feb. 20, 1850, ae. 19. 362. Rev. Harry White, son of Capt. John, (186) was born in Rome, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1801. He was a carriage maker, and afterwards a civil engineer. In 1844 he was ordained as a Baptist minister, and has since that time been chiefly engaged in preaching. He resides at Oneida Castle, Oneida Co., N. Y. He married, Feb. 10, 1831, Deborah T. Jenne, of Shafts- bury, Vt. Children. 1. Henry S., b. Nov. 25, 1831; was a civil engineer, and d. Aug. 28, 1852, 33. 20. 2. Mary S., b. Aug. 16, 1834. 3. Jenne L., b. April 8, 1836. 363. David White, son of Capt. John, (186) was born in Rome, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1803. He is a merchant and farmer, in Annsville, Oneida Co., N. Y. He married, 1st, Aug. 20, 1830, Caroline Seymour. She was born Aug. 13, 1810, and died Jan. 17, 1837, ae. 26. He married, 2d, Aug. 28, 1838, Laura L. Barnum, born March 2, 1815. Child; By the First Marriage. 1. Collins Seymour, b. April 28, 1836. Children; By the Second Marriage. 2. Harrison Ezra, b. Dec. 24, 1840. 3. Martha Jennett, b. June 27, 1851. 364. Joseph White, son of Capt. John, (186) was born in Rome, N. Y., in 1808. He is a carpenter, and lives in Keno- sha, Wis. He married, Sept., 1835, Philena Topliff of Norfolk, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., born 1811, dau. of Moses and Zilpa Topliff. Children. 1. Jerome, b. 1837. 5. Charles, } b. 1849; d. 1850. 2. Jay, b. 1839. 6. Henry, j Twins. 3. Josephine, b. 1841; d. 1845. 7. Judson, b. 1853. 4. Jenett, b. 1844; d. 1846. 234 Seventh Generation and Children. 365. Dea. Asa White, son of Dea. David, (188) was born in Barnard, Vt., July 20, 1797. He was a house joiner, but settled as a farmer in Windsor, Morgan Co., Ohio. He was a justice of the jeace, and a deason of the Presbyterian Church in Windsor. In 1853 he removed to Marion, Linn Co., Iowa, where he died, March 13, 1858, ae. 60. He married, 1824, Cynthia Keyes, dau. of Jotham Keyes. She lives in Marion, Iowa. Children. 1. Addison Everett, b. May 23, 1825; is a farmer in Marion. He m. March 18, 1847, Mary Evans, dau. of Samuel M. Evans and Polly White. (See in Family 189.) 2. Patta Melissa, b. Aug. 9, 1828; d. 1847, ae. 19. 3. David, b. Dec. 1, 1830; a farmer in Marion. He m. Lucy Ellis. 4. Mary b. Oct. 1, 1833; m.. Charles Cooper, and d. July 1, 1857, se. 23. 5. Harriet, b. Sept. 2, 1835; d. Nov. 10, 1840. 6. Cypron Keyes, b. Jan. 4, 1838. 7. Charles Cory, b. Aug. 26, 1841. 8. Justin Newel, b. Sept. 13, 1843. 9. Martha Josephine, b. July 6, 1848. 366. Wells White, son of Dea. David, (188) was born in Barnard, Vt., April, 1799. He was a farmer in Windsor, Morgan Co., 0., and died June, 1846, se. 47. He married, 1819, Sarah Evans, dau. of Simeon Evans. She lived in Harrison Co., Mo. Children. 1. Jesse, b. April 2, 1821; d. April 11, 1843, 33. 22. 2. Emily, b. ; m. James McComas, and d. 1848. 3. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 31,1826; d. March 19, 1845, 33. 18. 4. Martha, b. ; m. Leonard Muzzy, and d. 5. Caroline, b. ; m. 6. John, b. ; m. Brooks. 367. David White, Jim., son of Dea. David, (188) was born July 4, 1804. He is a farmer in Belpre, Washington Co., Ohio. Has been a justice of the peace. He married Nancy Ann Miller. Children. 1. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1834. 6. Sidney P., b. June 29, 1845. 2. James L., b. Oct. 11, 1835. 7. David R., b. Dec. 5, 1847. 3. Henry L., b. Dec. 15, 1838. 8. Emma J., b. Dec. 16, 1849. 4. William W., b. Jan. 13, 1841. 9. Charles C., b. March 13, 1854. 5. Erastus H., b. March 6, 1843. - Descendants of John White, Junior. 235 368. Harris White, son of Dea. David, (188) was born Nov. 17, 1808. He lived in Waterford, Washington Co., Ohio, and was a steamboat pilot. He died Oct. 16, 1842, ge. 34. He married Frances Steel. She married, 2d, Amos Rob- ests of Waterford. Children. 1. Seneca Clark, b. Feb. 15, 1831; d. Dec. 4, 1849. 2. Hiram, b. Aug. 9, 1833; m. Sarah Hoon. 3. John Wickham, b. Feb. 21, 1835; d. Aug. 13, 1841. 4. Harris V., b. Sept. 4, 1836; m. Jan. 7, 1858, Polly Cook Craig. 5. Oscar F., b. Feb. 20, 1839. 369. Henry White, son of Dea. David, (188) was born Nov. 12, 1811. He was a shoemaker, lived in Washington Co., Ohio, and died July 16, 1858, se. 46. He married, 1st, Lovisa Coleman, who died Aug. 1, 1843, 2e. 31. He married, 2d, Elizabeth Hinkley, who died March 10, 1856, SB. 27. Children; By the Second Marriage. 1. Harris Winfield, b. July 22, 1851. 2. James, b. May 22, 1853. 370. Samson Keyes White, son of Thomas, Esq., (189) was born Aug. 21, 1796. He lived in Evansville, Ohio, and is a carpenter. He married, Aug. 5, 1824, Rhoda Richmond, who is dead. Children. 1. Austin, b. May 6, 1825; d. July 26, 1825. 2. Elias, b. March 3, 1827; d. March 5, 1829. 3. Thomas, b. Dec. 15, 1829; lives in 111. 4. Jane, b. March 5, 1842; m. March 20, 1858, Charles Rollin of Marietta, Ohio. 5. Hiram, b. ; d. 6. Martha, b. Nov. 11, 1844. 371. Elias White, son of Thomas, Esq., (189) was born Nov. 29, 1798. He was a farmer in Windsor, Morgan Co., Ohio, and died Sept. 6, 1823, ae. 24. He married, 1821, Sarah Olney, who married, 2d, Charles Davis of Windsor. His only son, Dexter, b. Nov. 17, 1821, lives in Windsor. 236 Seventh Generation and Children. 372. Augustus Stone White, son of Thomas, Esq., (189) was born in Waterford, Ohio, May 5, 1818. He is a farmer in Kansas. He married, 1840, Locia Webster. Children. 1. Elias, b. Dec. 17, 1840. 4. Mary Jane, b. April 11, 1847. 2. Rebecca Hart, b. July 4, 1843. 5. Rhoda, b. Dec. 30, 1849. 3. Olcott, b. July 20, 1845. 6. Florence Bell, b. May 6, 1857. 373. John Wright White, son of Olcott, (191) was born in Middlebury, Vt., Oct. 19, 1814, and resides in Mt. Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio. He is a printer and telepraph operator. He married, April 11, 1841, Catherine Springer, born Nov. 11, 1822, dau. of Jacob P. and Catherine Springer. Children. 1. Caroline, b. Jan. 24, 1842. 4. John Douglass, b. June 4, 1849. 2. Oscar, b. May 28, 1844. 5. Emma, b. Jan. 7, 1853. 3. Edna, b. Nov. 24, 1846; 6. Frank Fremont, b. Jan. 15, 1856. d. Sept. 2, 1850 7. Jessie, b. Aug. 9, 1858. 374. Horatio White, son of Olcott, (191) was born in Windsor, Ohio, Nov. 5, 1823. He is a bookbinder, and lives in Zanesville, Ohio. He married, Oct. 26, 1851, Susan Clossman of Zanesville, dau. of John Clossman and Hannah Kepler. Children. 1. Alfred, b. April 5,- 1853; d. Sept. 6, 1853. 2. John Olcott, b. Sept. 14, 1854. 3. Caroline Augusta, b. Oct. 12, 1856. 375. Asa Gates White, son of Samuel, (192) was born in Windsor, Ohio, June 24, 1820. He is a farmer, near Marion, Linn Co., Iowa. He married, 1st, April 4, 1846, Amanda Fitzallen David- son, of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, dau. of Robert and Sarah David- son. She was born Feb. 4, 1825, and died Nov. 23, 1846, 6. 21. He married, 2d, Feb. 22, 1848, Ann Eliza Stone, born March, 26, 1817, dau. of Harvey and Laura Stone. Children; By the Second Marriage. 1. Samuel Harvey, b. March 1, 1849. 2. Calista Armenia, b. Aug. 4, 1852. 3. Glen Wood, b. Sept. 1, 1857. Descendants of Daniel White. 237 DESCENDANTS OF LIEUT. DANIEL WHITE. 376. John White, son of Elijah, (193) was born in Hat- field, Mass., Aug. 22, 1792. He is a farmer in Gorton, Erie Co., Ohio. He married, 1st, Jan. 27, 1820, Sophia White, dau. o Ebenezer White. (See Fam. 197.) She was born Dec. 6, 1793, and died Jan. 10, 1853, OB. 59. He married, 2d, March 13, 1854, Elizabeth Drake of Groton. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 5, 1822; m. March 11, 1855, Ellen Jones of Margaretta, Erie Co., O., and has two children. 2. Elijah D., b. Dec. 15, 1824; m. Dec. 15, 1852, Harriet Smith of Groton; has one child. 3. Mary S., b. Oct. 28, 1826; m, April 9, 1848, Erasmus Darwin Graves of Margaretta; has four children. 4. George, b. July 28, 1828; m. Oct. 10, 1854, Emily Graves of Margaretta. 5. John, b. Jan. 27, 1831; m. March 2, 1858, Mary Rogers of Margaretta. These sons are all farmers in Erie Co., Ohio. Child; By the Second Marriage. 6. Ida Elizabeth, b. 1855. 377. George White, son of Elijah, (193) was born in Hatfield, Dec. 28, 1799. He died July, 1837, ae. 37. He married, Feb. 10, 1831, Delia Sheldon of Rochester, N. Y., who married, 2d, David Patterson of Rochester. Children. 1. Julia, b. ; d. ae. 6. 2. Oliver, b. April, 1836. 378. Daniel White, son of Elijah, (193) was born in Hatfield, Nov. 2, 1801, and resides there. He married, Aug. 18, 1835, Lucy Elvira Rice, dau. of Josiah Rice of Conway, Mass. She died Dec. 22, 183 6. 28. He has one daughter, Frances Amelia, b. July 26, 1837. 379. Quartus White, son of Elijah, (193) was born in Hatfield, Feb. 1, 1811, and resides there. He married, April 1, 1840, Julia Ann Wilkee, born Nov. 3, 1818, dau. of Henry Wilkee. 238 Seventh Generation and Children. Children. 1. Jerusha Williams, b. Feb. 14, 1841. 2. Mary Emeline, b. Oct. 10, 1846. 380. Dea. Justus White, son of Salmon, jun., (194) was born in Whately, Mass., in 1787, and was a farmer in that town. He was chosen a deacon of the Congregation Church in 1821. After the formation of the Second Church in Whately, he was a deacon of that Church, but subsequently returned to the First Church, and was again chosen to the same office. He died April 4, 1855, se. 67. He married, Jan. 17, 1809, Rhoda Frary of Whately, dau. of Phineas Frary and Rhoda Morton. She was born Sept. 11, 1788, and died Oct. 2, 1855, se. 67. Children. 1. Cornelia, b. July 4, 1809; m. John White. - - (Family (382) 2. Salmon, b. Oct. 1, 1810; d. unm., Jan. 12, 1834, SB. 23. 3. Lydia Amsden, b. Jan. 1, 1814; d. Aug. 29, 1835. ae. 21. 381. Luke Brown White, son of Dea. John, (195) was born in Whately, May 8, 1797. He was a farmer there, and was for several years a justice of the jeace. He died Oct. 12, 1853, se. 56. He married, Oct. 21, 1830, Mary Wells of Whately, dau. of Luke Wells and Polly Cooley. She was born May 7, 1810, and died June 15, 1839, se. 29. Children. 1. Henry Kirke, b. Sept. 26, 1831. 2. Theophilus Huntington, b. Nov. 19, 1832; d. July 16, 1846, ae. 13. 3. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 2, 1834; m. May 21, 1856, Oliver D. Root of Conway. 4. John Newton, b. Nov. 18, 1835; is a shoe dealer in Kingston, C. W. He m. Dec. 31, 1857, Mary L. Brown of Whately, dau. of Chester Brown. 5. Sarah Wells, b. Sept. 14, 1837; d. April 14, 1838. 6. Samuel Brooks, b. June 5, 1839. 382. John White, Jun., son of Dea. John, (195) was born in Whately, Aug. 2, 1804, and is a farmer in that place. He married, Jan. 12, 1836, Cornelia White, born July 4, 1809, dau. of Dea. Justus White. (See Family 380.) Children. 1. Lydia Amsden, b. Nov. 22, 1838. 2. Salmon Phelps, b. Feb. 1, 1841. 3. Cornelia Maria, b. Sept. 13, 1853. Descendants of Daniel White. 239 383. Samuel Brooks White, son of Dea. John, (195) was born in Whately, Jan. 9, 1811. He is a merchant and farm- er in that town ; has held various offices, and has represent- ed the town in the Legislature. He married, Jan. 12, 1848, Experience Phelps Wells of Whately, born Nev, 23, 1822, dau. of Luke Wells and Polly Cooley. Children. 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 11, 1850. 2. Arthur, b. Oct. 13, 1851. 3. Sarah Almira, b. Sept. 19, 1853. 4. Fanny Huntington, b. Oct. 28, 1856. 5. Helen Phelps, b. Aug. 31, 1858. 384. Morris E. White, son of Thomas, Esq., (196) was born in Ashfield, Mass., April 27, 1803. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1828, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1831, and was for about twenty years pastor of the Congregational Church in Southampton, Mass. He now resides in Northampton. He married, 1st, May 3, 1832, Louisa Clifford Payson o' Boston, dau. of Thomas Payson. She died Sept. 24, 1842, se. 31. He married, 2d, June 4, 1845, Penelope Rowe, of Milton, Mass., born June 26, 1804, dau. of John Rowe of Quincy, Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Catharine Putnam, b. Feb. 17, 1834. 2. John Philips Payson, b. July 4, 1838. 385. Thomas Wait White, son of Thomas, Esq., (196) was born in Ashfield, Nov. 15, 1805. About 1836 he went with his two younger brothers to found a new settlement at the mouth of Grand River, Mich., and is now a lumber merchant at Grand Haven, Mich. He married, Sept. 19, 1836, Caroline Norton of Ashfield, dau. of Job Norton. Children. 1. Louisa H., b. Feb. 11, 1838 2. Thomas S., b. June 28, 1840. 3. John B., b. June 14, 1843. 240 Seventh Generation and Children. 386. Luke A. White, son of Thomas, Esq., (196) was born in Ashfield, Oct. 17, 1808. He removed with his brothers to Michigan, but after a few years become a merchant in New York. He died at Grand Haven, Mich. Oct. 15, 1858, ae. 50. He married, Sept., 1836, Clarissa J. Perkins, of Norwich, Conn., dau. of Jedediah Perkins. He had one son. Thomas Perkins, b. June, 3, 1844. 387. Nathan Harwpod White, son of Thomas, Esq., (196) was born in Ashfield, April 13, 1811. He removed to Michigan in 1836, and is a lumber merchant at Grand Haven. He married, June 28, 1840, Sarah B. Britton of Grand- ville, Mich. Children, 1. Francis H., b. April 5, 1842. 2. Clara V., b. Dec. 4, 1844. 3. Nathan B., b. June 28, 1848. 4. Luke W., b. Dec. 9, 1852. 5. Helen E., b. April 17, 1857. 388. Silas Dickinson White, son of Ebenezer, (197) was born in Hatfield, Mass., Dec. 25, 1810. He resides there. He married, Sept. 16, 1840, Mrs. Amanda Clapp, widow of Samuel F. Clapp, and dau. of Albert Jones of Chesterfield. She was born March 11, 1817. Children. 1. Charles Edward, b. Sept. 12, 1843; d. Sept. 11, 1844. 2. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 15, 1845. 389. Hon. Jabez Loomis White, Jim., M. D., son of Jabez Loomis, Esq., (200) was born in Bolton, Conn., June 18, 1792. He was a physician in that place, having an ex- tensive and successful practice. The honorary degree of M. D. was conferred on him by Yale College in 1828. He was a justice of the peace, several times represented Bolton in the Legislature, was twice a State Senator, and in 1842 and 1843 was chosen Treasurer of the State. He died Aug. 4, 1844, se. 52. He married, Nov. 21, 1816, Emily Hammond of Bolton, born Oct. 9, 1799, dau. of Lemuel Hammond and Lora Kingsbury. She resides in Bolton. Descendants of Daniel White. 241 Children. 1. Lora Cornelia Kingsbury, b. Oct. 4, 1817; m. June 11, 1835, Henry C. Woodbridge of Manchester, and d. Sept. 7, 1849, ae. 32. He d. Jan. 23, 1853, ae. 40. She had one son, Jabez Loomis, b. March 10, 1839. 2. Jabez Loomis, b. Aug. 21, 1826; d. March 6, 1832. 3. Jabez Loomis, b. Jan. 1, 1830; res. in Bolton. He was first called by another name, but afterwards received that of his deceased brother. 4. Emily Hammond, b. July 29, 1835; d. Aug. 1, 1835. 90. Hon. Joel Wales White, son of Jabez Loomis, Es^ (200) was born in Bolton, April 24, 1795. He resided for several years in Windham, Conn., and was a member of both houses of the Legislature, and Judge of the Probate Court. He subsequently removed to Norwich, Conn., where he was Cashier of the Merchants Bank, and President of the Nor- wich and Worcester Railroad. In 1844 and 1845 he was U. S. Consul at Liverpool, England, and in 1857 was ap- pointed Consul at Lyons, France, where he now resides dis- charging the duties of that office. He married, 1st, June 24, 1824, Sarah Fox of Windham, dau. of Jabez Fox and Jerusha Perkins. She was born June, 1784, and died Aug. 24, 1849, . 65. He married, 2d, April 24, 1854, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Mosely, of Boston, Mass., widow of David Mosely, and dau. of Capt. Benjamin Pierce of Newburyport, Mass., and Elizabeth Gerrish. 391. Thomas Jefferson White, son of Jabez Loomis, Esq., (200) was born in Bolton, March 31, 1802. He is a farmer in that town. He married, Nov. 17, 1829, Phebe Ann Farmer of Bolton, born Oct. 31, 1809, dau. of Aaron Farmer, jun., and Lucretia Phillips. Children. 1. Thomas Jefferson, b. May 20, 1831; d. March 15, 1832. 2. Josephine Maria, b. July 6, 1834; m. Dec. 1, 1852, Dr. Charles F. Sumner, a physician in Bolton, and has, 1. Cornelia Josephine, b. Sept. 6. 1853; 2. Elizabeth White, b. Aug. 7, 1858. 392. George Clinton White, son of Jabez Loomis, Esq., (200) was born in Bolton, Nov. 28, 1804. In 1836 he re- moved to Buffalo, N. Y., and is President of White's Bank, in that city . 242 Seventh Generation and Children. He married, Sept. 23, 1841, Mrs. Elizabeth B. Morgan, widow of Gilbert Morgan of Colchester, Conn. She was born Sept. 23, 1817, and was the dau. of James Tew and Sarah Briggs. 393. James WeHs White, son of Capt. Lemuel, (201) was born in East Hartford, Conn., Sept. 21, 1800. He has been a merchant in Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N. Y. ; is now an insurance agent in Albany, N. Y. He married, Oct. 21, 1828, Catharine Reed Garner of Hillsdale, born Dec. 21, 1808. Children. 1. James Reed, b. Sept 22, 1829; d. Aug. 11, 1849, ae. 20. 2; Wells Pitkins, b. May 10, 1831; d. June 24, 1834. 3. Henry Garner, b. Oct. 12, 1832; d. Oct. 8, 1849, as. 16. 4. Sarah Bathsheba, b. Nov. 19, 1835; d. Jan. 28, 1837. 5. Thaddeus Reed, b. Nov. 24, 1837. 6. Samuel Wells, b. April 22, 1841; d. April 1842. 7. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1843. 8. Sarah Louisa, b. Feb. 5, 1849. 394. Joseph Woodbridge White, son of John J., (202) was born Aug. 7, 1818. He resides in Hartford. He married, Dec. 15, 1852, Mary E. Dollen, of Worcester, Mass., born Oct. 15, 1832, dau. of John Dollen. He has one son, Charles Woodbridge, b. Jan. 22, 1854. 395. Wil T iam H. White, son of John J., (202) was born Jan. 8, 1822. He resides in Hartford, on Governor Strer on a part of the original homelot of Elder John White. He married, June 10, 1846, Eliza Dollen, of Worcester, Mass., born March 10, 1826, dau. of John Dollen. He has had one son, Sheldon Woodbridge, b. Aug. 8, 1847; d. March 6, 1848. 396. John Trumbull White, son of Elihu, (203) was born in Hartford, Conn., Nov. 5, 1809. He was for many years a bookseller and type-founder in New York, but in 1854 re- tired from active business. He married, Aug. 8, 1839, Sarah Grace Carroll of New York, born Oct. 17, 1821, dau. of Gabriel H. and Augusta N. Carroll. Descendants of Daniel White. 245 404. Norman White, son of Daniel, Esq., (208) was born in Andover, Conn., Aug. 8, 1805. He has been for more than thirty years a merchant in the city of New York. He is an elder in the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, a Manager of the American Bible Society, and one of the Directors of Union Theological Seminary. He married, Oct. 15, 1828, Mary Abiah Dodge of New York, dau. of David L. Dodge and Sarah Cleveland. She was born in Hartford, Conn., Sept, 1, 1808, and died Jan. 5, 1857, ae. 48. A little volume, "In memory of a Mother's Love," prepared by her eldest daughter, for private use, is a pleasing tribute to a rare maternal fidelity, and a most exemplary Christian life. Children. 1. Mary Stuart, b. Aug. 31, 1829; m. Nov. 14, 1849, Rev. Matson Meier Smith. He graduated at Columbia College in 1843, and at Union Theological Seminary in 1847. He has been a pastor at Ovid, N. Y., and at Brookline, Mass.; is now pastor of the First Congregational Church in Bridgeport, Conn. She has, 1. Nor- man White, b. Oct. 20, 1850; 2. Emily Stuart, b. Dec. 9, 1852. 2. Frances Stanley, b. May 23, 1831; d. Feb. 29. 1844, ae. 12. 3. Erskine Norman, b. May 31, 1833; m. Eliza T. Nelson. (534) 4. Charles Trumbull, b. Jan. 20, 1835; m. Georgiana Starin. (535) 5. Emma Hale, b. Aug. 19, 1836; m. April 5, 1859, Dr. Benjamin Lee of New York; (see Family 203.) 6. Julia Cleveland, b. May 22, 1838. 7. Norman, b. Feb. 26, 1840; d. May 15, 1840. 8. William Stuart, b. March 8, 1841; d. June 26, 1842. 9. Helen Clement, b. July 26, 1843. 10. Grace Stanley, b. April 4, 1845. 405. Dr. Samuel Pomeroy White, son of Dr. Samuel, (209) was born in Hudson, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1801. He gradu- ated at Union College, in 1822, and at the New York Medical College. He is a physician in New York, and has been Lecturer in the Berkshire Medical College, at Pittsfield, Mass. The honorary degree of M. D. was conferred on him by Williams College in 1832. He married, June 29, 1825, Caroline M. Jenkins. Children. 1. Robert Jenkins, b. Dec. 8, 1826; lives in New York. 2. Julia Cabot, b. Aug. 8, 1828; m. April 18, 1849, Edward M. Liver- more, of Cambridge, Mass. 3. Benjamin Ogden, b. April 15,. 1831; lives in New York. 246 Seventh Generation and Children. 4. Frances Chester, b. March 3, 1833; m. Marcellus Hartley of New York. 5. Henry Kirke, b. April 12, 1837. 6. Samuel Pomeroy, b. Oct. 31, 1839; d. March 2, 1841. 7. Caroline Jenkins, b. Dec. 20, 1841. 8. Cornelia, b. Jan. 5, 1846. 406. John Chester White, son of Dr. Samuel, (209) was born in Hudson, N. Y., P'eb. 21, 1811. He died there, Jan. 3, 1843, se. 32. He married, May 1, 1838, Lavinia Maxwell, born in Adams Co., Pa., in 1813. She resides in Philadelphia, Pa. Children. 1. Howard Maxwell, b. Aug. 25, 1839; d. Dec. 26, 1843. 2. John Chester, b. March, 8, 1841 ; is a student in the University of Pa. 407. Hanford White, son of William, (210) was born in Killingworth, Conn., July 3, 1797. About 1820 he settled as a farmer in Twinsburg, Summit Co., Ohio, and died there, April 28, 1855, ae. 57. He married, 1st, April, 1822, Hepzibah Pratt, who died Oct. 20, 1837. He married, 2d, July 3, 1838, Mary Herrick, who is living in Aurora, Portage Co., 0. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. William, b. April 30, 1823; is a farmer in Twinsburg. 2. Maria, b. Jan. 16, 1825; lives in Hopkins, Mich. 3. Hem an, b. March 23, 1827; m. Jane Buskirk. (536) 4. Chauncey, b. April 19, 1829; is a mason; rem. to the West in 1858. 5. Catharine, b. Dec. 22, 1830; m. March 23, 1858, James E. Parmelee, of Hopkins, Allegan Co., Mich. 6. James H., b. May 9, 1833; lives in Hopkins, Mich. Child; By the Second Marriage. 7. Elisha, b. June 29, 1839. 408. William White, son of Elisha, (211) was born Feb. 18, 1799. He lives in Haddam, Conn. He married Laura Dickinson of H., born Dec. 18, 1805. Children. 1. Henry W., b. May 8, 1823; m. Drusilla Tyler, and has one dau., Eva. 2. Joseph, b. ; m. Harriet Grinnell of New Haven. Has had, Daniel Webster, b. 1852, and two sons who d. in infancy. 3. Lilis, b. March 27, 1827; m. Uriah Otis. 4. Nancy, b. Aug. 6, 1829; m. Elisha Jordan, and has Ellen, b. 1851. 5. Stephen, b. Feb. 13, 1833. 6. John Franklin, b. Nov. 13, 1835. 7. Ellen S., b. Nov. 23, 1838. Descendants of Daniel While. 247 409. Lyman White, son of Benjamin, (212) was born in Conn., Nov. 7, 1796. He resides in Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Was formerly a hatter; is now a stone-mason. He married, Jan. 17, 1819, Lydia Salisbury. Children. 1. Levina M., b. Feb. 28, 1820; m. May 30, 1837, Daniel N. Johnson, a farmer of Martinsburg, Lewis Co., N. Y. Has had four children, three of whom are living. 2. Maria L., b. May 30, 1822; m. 1st, Dec. 8, 1842, Levitt R. Houghton, who d. Dec. 7, 1850. She m. 2d, Jan. 22, 1857, Lafayette Pool, a farmer, of Belleville, Jefferson Co., N. Y. She has had two children, one by each marriage. 3. Emily, b. March 28, .1824; d. March 29, 1825. 4. Adaline J., b. July 21, 1826; m. Sept. 11, 1854, Thomas Huckans, jun., a tailor, now of Newport, Herkimer Co. Has had two children. 5. Louisa E., b. Sept. 15, 1828; m. June 4, 1849, Lovell Houghton, a carpenter, now of Winnebago Valley, Houston Co., Min. Has had four children. 6. Augustus S., b. June 27, 1830; is a merchant in Fairfield. He m. May 25, 1854, Amelia W. Read of New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y. 7. Anna N., b. Sept. 11, 1833; m .Dec. 28, 1852, Thomas E. Smith, a carpenter, now of Winnebago Valley, Min. He had two children. 8. Emma C., b. Dec. 23, 1837; d. March 17, 1839. 9. Dwight W., b. Sept. 12, 1841. 410. Harlow White, son of Benjamin, (21) was born Dec. 14, 1802. He is a farmer in Lowvrile, Jefferson Co., N. Y. He married, Jan. 12, 1832, Levina Talcott of Leyden, Lewis Co., N. Y. Children. 1. Parsons, b. . 4. Rodney. 2. Eliza, b. ; d. 1853, ae. 16. 5. Louis. 3. Handford, b. 411. Alfred White, son of Benjamin, (212) was born Dec. 12, 1803. He is a farmer at Middleville, Herkimer Co., N. Y. He married, Jan. 3, 1827, Florilla Stevens of Fairfield. Children. 1. Elizabeth, b. ; m. Joseph Kelley of Newport, N. Y., and has four children. 2. Lamed, b. ; d. Jan., 1854. 3. Delia, b. ; m. Dec. 29, 1852, Freeman Enos of Fairfield, and had four children. 4. George H., b. 5. Helen R., b. . 7. Mary. 6. Charles b. . 8. Harriet J. 248 Seventh Generation and Children, 412. Charles White, son of Benjamin, (212) was born July 17, 1810'. He is a farmer in Russia, Herkimer C., N. Y. He married, Sept. 20, 1837, Jane M. Carter of Russia, born Nov. 29, 1817, dau. of Hubbell and Sarah Carter. Children. 1. Maria S., b. Dec. 25, 1839. 3. Eudora J., b. Jan. 4, 1848 2. Emma E., b. July 12, 1845. 413. Henry White, son of Henry, (214) is a brick maker in Athens, Greene Co., N. Y. He married Mary Elizabeth Akin, and has one daughter and one son. Record not furnished . 414. Stephen White, son of Hon. George, (215) was born April 17, 1799. He resided in Watertown, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and died Nov. 12, 1857, ae. 58. He married, July 10, 1833, Calista Keyes. His only child, Mary, b. ; m. John C. Streeter of Watertown. 415. Lyman White, son of Hon. George, (215) was born Sept. 14, 1800. He died in Joliet, 111., Aug. 22, 1846, a>. 46. He married, March 4, 1824, Abby M. Fisk. Children. 1. George C., b. ;m. in 111., and went to California. 2. Hiram, b. ; d. in Cal., unm. 3. Egbert, b. ; a land broker in Joliet, 111.; is m. 4. Cornelia, b. ; m. Dr. Chapel, now of Nebraska. 5. John, b. ; lives in Cal. 416. Frederick W. White, son of Hon. George, (215) was born May 6, 1806. He died Oct. 14, 1852, . 46. He married, Jan. 27, 1825, Elvira P. Foster of Watertown. Children. 1. Vincent, b. ; m., is a painter. 2. Frances, b. ; m. William Martin, and res. in Ind. 3. Delia, b. ; m. Stukeley W. Henderson of Milwaukee, Wis., a broker. 4. Celia, b. ; m. Curtis Wicks. 5. George, b. 417. William H. White, son of Hon. George, (215) was born Dec. 13, 1808. He died at Cold Spring, Suffolk Co., N. Y., Feb. 19, 1856, se. 45. Descendants of Daniel White. 249 He married Dec. 6, 1838, Abby M. Harrison of New York. Children. 1. Thomas H., b. 2. William, b. 3. Cameron, b. ; is a student in College. 418. Albert L. White, son of Hon. George, (215) was born Oct. 11, 1810. He resides in Redwood, Jefferson Co., N. Y. He married, Dec. 23, 1835, Almira White, born Nov. 28, 1807, dau. of Henry White. (See Fam. 214.) Children. 1. Henry A. 2. George L. 3. Lucy A. 419. Edwin C. White, son of Hon. George, (215) was born May 18, 1816. He resides in Watertown, N. Y. He married, Nov. 14, 1844, Laura J. Wilson of Rutland, N. Y., and has one son, George H. 420. Oliver White, Jim., son of Oliver, (221) was born Nov. 12, 1896. He was formerly a manufacturer; is now a farmer in Winsted, Conn. He married, July 6, 1817, Pamelia Bacon, of Barkham- sted, Conn., born June 10, 1797, dau. of Nathaniel Bacon and Orrel Wilson. Children. 1. James, b. April 9, 1818; m. Charlotte Greene. (537) 2. Luman, b. July 19, 1819; m. Sarepta Raynolds. - (538) 3. Orrin Washington, b. April 5, 1821; m. L. S. Lovejoy and P. L. Pope. (539) 4. Wilson B., b. Jan. 24, 1823; m. Harriet Leach. (540) 5. George, b. June 4, 1825; m. Ellen M. Kelsey. . (541) 6. Julia A., b. May 29, 1827; m. Jan. 16, 1848, Charles H. Wattles, now of Cal. 7. Aurelia A., b. July 18, 1830; m. May 5, 1851, Grove Stannard, now of Cal., and has, Oliver Grove. 8. Susan P., b. May 11, 1832; m. April 19, 1850, Hiram J. Norton of Norfolk, Conn. 421. Daniel White, son of Oliver, (221) was born in Barkhamsted, Conn. He is a carpenter, and lives at Burr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Michigan. He married Nancy . 250 Seventh Generation and Children. Children. 1. George, b. 1828; is a carpenter. 2. Avis, b. 1830; m. Heman Martin. 3. Abigail, b. 1832; m. Palmer Lancaster. 4. Sarah J., b. June 22, 1834. 5. Oliver, b. 1837. 6. Morgan, b. March 14, 1839. 7. William Henry, b. 1842. 8. Lucy Maria, b. 1844. 9. Edward, J b. June 5, 1847. 10. Edwin, \ Twins. 11. Anna Mary, b. May, 1849. 422. Horace Cleveland White, son of Daniel, (222) was born Feb. 22, 1809. He is a joiner and farmer in Sandis- field, Mass. He married, April 10, 1838, Susan Amelia Wolcott of Sandisfield, born Jan. 20, 1814, dau. of Josiah Wolcott and Amelia Cowles. Children. 1. Salome Benton, b. April 27, 1839. 2. Mary Bissell, { b. May 11, 1841. 3. A son, J Twins. ; d. May 13, 1841. 4. Clarissa Amelia, b. Nov. 21, 1843. 5. Susan Adelaide, b. Oct. 31, 1845; d. Feb. 15, 1846. 6. Theresa Lavinia, b. April 25, 1848. 7. Horace Wolcott, b. July 9, 1853. 423. George Caldwell White, son of George, (223) was born in Hartford, Conn., Aug. 11, 1807. He is a jeweler in New York. He married, Oct. 21, 1835, Sarah Dunn, born Feb. 22, 1809, dau. of Nathaniel Dunn of Poland, Me. Children. 1. Sarah D., b. July 2, 1839. 2. George Caldwell, b. Feb. 21, 1842. 3. Mary Eliza, b. March 8, 1844; d. Oct. 9, 1844. 4. Julia Clarissa, b. Aug. 6, 1848. 5. Reginald Heber, b. Dec. 2, 1852. Eighh Generation and Descendants DECENDANTS OF CAPT. NATHANIEL WHITE. IN THE LINE OF DEA. NATANIEL WHITE, OF HADLEY. 424. Rev. Lorenzo White, son of Ezra, (226) was born May 9, 1821. He is a Methodist minister, and resides in Wilbraham, Mass. He married, July 5, 1849, Elizabeth Babcock, of Chester, Mass., born Nov. 13, 1817, dau. of Abel Babcock and Sarah H. Cheney. Children. 1. Narcissa Amanda, b. Sept. 25, 1850. 2. Lucy Elizabeth, b. April 22, 1852; d. Dec. 30, 1852. 3. Charlotte E., b. April 10, 1854. 425. Luther White, son of Lyman, (227) was born in South Hadley, Mass., Sept. 14, 1816. He is a shoemaker, and resides in Parish, Oswego Co., N. Y. He married, April, 1857. Mrs. Amanda Delvan of Parish, born April 12, 1821, dau. of Frederick and Lucy Simmons. He has one son, Lyman A., b. Dec. 21, 1857; 426. Edwin White, son of Lyman, (227) was born in Ludlow, Mass., Feb. 17, 1818. He resides in Athens, Bradford Co., Pa. Is a tinner. He married, May 26, 1844, Jerusha C. Stebbins, dau. of Ralph and Laura Stebbins of South Hadley. Children. 1. Martha C., b. Feb. 26, 1845. 2. Edwin L., b. June 2, 1854. 252 Eighth Generation and Descendants 427. James White, son of Lyman, (227) was born in South Hadley, July 9, 1821. He was a mason in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he died, Feb. 27, 1858, ae. 36. He married, Aug. 2, 1842, Juliet Washburn, of Belcher- town, Mass., dau. of Maj. and Sabra Washburn. Children. 1. Adelaide L., b. Aug. 27, 1843. 2. A child, b. Nov. 26, 1847; d. same day. 3. William L., b. ; d. at the age of two or three months. 4. Charles L., b. May 8, 1851; d. Feb., 1854. 5. George L., b. April 18, 1854. 428. William Wallace White, Esq., son of Hon. Phineas, (230) was born in Putney, Vt., Aug. 31, 1816. He pursued a "Scientific Course" of study at the University of Ver- mont and at Union College, studied law, and practiced for a few years in New York and St. Louis. He now resides in Burlington, Iowa, is Mayor of the city, and President of the Des Moines County Savings Bank. He married, April 14, 1846, Frances Ann Atherton, of Brooklyn, N. Y., born Aug. 9, 1822, dau. of George F. Ather- ton and Ruth Bartlett. Children. 1. Helen Esther Stevens, b. Dec. 16, 1846. 2. Julia Ruth Barlett, b. Dec. 31, 1848. 3. Fanny Atherton, b. July 25, 1851; d. Oct. 26, 1852. 4. Gertude Goodman, b. March 6, 1854; d. Aug. 12, 1854. 5. William George Atherton, b. Feb. 8, 1856. 6. Arthur Edward Chase, b. Nov. 10, 1858. 429. Jonathan Ripley White, Esq., son of Enoch, jun., (231 was born in South Hadley, Mass., Sept. 10, 1806. He is a lawyer, and resides in Lapeer, Lapeer Co., Mich. He married Louisa Dexter. She was born April 11, 1808. 430. Phineas White, son of Enoch, jun., (231) was born in South Hadley, May 1, 1810. He is a farmer in Lapeer, Mich. He married, Oct. 23, 1837, Fidelia Day of South Hadley, who was born July 2, 1813. He has one son. Austin Henry, b. May 7, 1851. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 253 431. Enoch J. White, son of Enoch, jun., (231) was born in South Hadley, March 2, 1814. He is a surveyor and civil engineer, and resides in Lapeer, Mich. He married, Oct. 16, 1839, Elizabeth W. Gaylord of Had- ley, Mass., born Nov. 26, 1816, dau. of Chester Gaylord. Children. 1. Phineag G., b. Aug. 2, 1843. 4. Martha L., b. Oct. 21, 1854. 2. Chester G., b. Nov. 11, 1845. 5. Enoch C., b. Jan. 9, 1857. 3. Abby F., b. Nov. 11, 1848. 6. Lucy H., b. Nov. 26, 1858. 432. Oliver White, son of Daivd, (232) was born in Had- ley, Mass., and resides there. He married, 1849, Sophia S. Pattrill of Enfield, Ms. Has, 1. William Frederick, b. Oct. 17, 1852 2. Ellen A., b. Jan. 19, 1854. 433. James Porter White, son of David, (232) was born in Hadley, and lives in that place. He married, 1849, Caroline A. Judson, and has, 1. Charles Nelson, b. June 30, 1851. 3. A daughter, b. July 14, 1859. 2. James Judson, b. Aug. 2, 1855. 434. Reuben White, son of David, (232) was born in Hadley, February, 1830. He married, Jan. 10, 1849, Harriet , and has had, Clarence Eugene, b. Feb. 20, 1851; d. Sept., 1852. 435. David White, son of Elihu, (233) was born in Hadley. He married, Dec. 20, 1854, Anna B. Warren of Enfield, Mass., and has, 1. Carrie D., b. June 6, 1856. 2. Anna Augusta, b. Nov., 1857. 436. Elijah White, son of Elihu, (233) was born in Had- ley, Jan. 3, 1830. He married, Aug., 1855, Lucy W. Fitch of Greenwich, Mass. He has, 1. Henry Warner, b. July 5, 1856. 2. Laura Elizabeth, b. Oct., 1857. 437. Lewis Clapp White, son of Chester, (235) was born Oct. 9, 1809, and died Dec. 15, 1845, as. 36. He was a har- ness maker. He married, May 7, 1834, Mary Ann Smith of North- ampton, Mass. 254 Eighth Generation and Descendants. Children. 1. Lewis S., b. May 16, 1835. 3. Henry Goddard, b. Jan. 17, 1841. 2. Charles E., b. June 17, 1839 4. Mary E., b. May 3, 1844. 438. James Edwards White, son of Chester, (235) was born Jan. 14, 1812. He is a baker, in Greenbush, N. Y. He married, Aug. 27, 1833, Jane Ann Phisty. Children. 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. March 4, 1834. 4. Cornelia M., b. Oct. 14, 1840. 2. Theodore H., b. June 3, 1836. 5. Eveline, b. Oct. 4, 1843. 3. Chester R., b. Dec. 3, 1838. 6. Eliza Jane, b. Sept. 7, 1845. 439. William Chester White, son of Job, (236) was born Sept. 10, 1821. He is a hardware dealer in Port Byron, N. Y. He married, Jan., 1846, Catharine Brimhall. Children. 1. Frank Augusta. 3. Charlotte Estelle. 2. Edmund Chester, 4. Catharine May. 440. Heman White, Jim., son of Heman, (239) was born in South Hadley, Mass., July 2, 1820, and is a tailor there. He married, June 25, 1845, Clara N. Bartlett of Hadley, born April 11, 1827, dau. of Levi Bartlett. Children. 1. Horace Clinton, b. March 7, 1848; d. Aug. 24, 1849. 2. Lizzie Mary, b. March 15, 1852. 3. Hattie Annie, b. July 6, 1854. 441. Edwin White, son of Cyrus, (240) was born in South Hadley, May 21, 1817. He resides in New York, and is an artist. Two of his paintings have been engraved : "The Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the May- flower,' and "The Evening Hymn of the Huguenot Re- fugees." He has recently completed a picture for the State of Maryland, to be placed in the Senate Chamber at Annapolis: "Washington resigning his Command of the American Army." The honorary degree of Master of Arts was conferred on him by Amherst College, in 1856. He married, Dec. 7, 1841, Harriet Hinman Allen, of Bridgeport, Conn., born Oct. 15, 1817, dau. of James Allen and Harriet Hinman. Descendants of Nathaiel White. 255 442. Horace Homer White, son of Sewall, (242) was born in West Springfield, Mass., Jan. 1, 1810. He is Cashier of the Broadway Bank, in Boston, Mass. He married, June 23, 1833, Mary Jane Loring of Boston, born March 31, 1811, dau. of John James Loring and Harriet Homans. Children. 1. John James, b. March 4, 1834; d. Nov. 6, 1836. 2. Harriette Loring, J Twins. d. Oct. 6, 1848, ae. 4 mos. 3. Catherine Frances, \ b. June 6, 1848. 443. Charles White, son of Sewall, (242) was born in West Springfield, Nov. 14, 1811. He is a farmer there, and has been town-clerk. He married, Dec. 25, 1844, Louise Bradley of West Spring- field, born Nov. 1, 1818, dau. of Ezra and Julia Bradley. He has one daughter. Alma Cooley, b. Oct. 12, 1851. 444. Daniel H. White, son of Gordon, (243) was born in Agawam, then a part of West Springfield, March 21, 1819. He was a farmer in Agawam. He married, 1st, Oct. 16, 1842, Thankful Leonard of W. S., dau. of Rufus and Anna Leonard. She died March 12, 1852, se. 33. He married, 2d, March 10, 1853, Celina Bills of Westfield, Mass., dau. of John Bills and Celina Allen. She was born Oct. 10, 1819, and died April 30, 1856, se. 36. He married, 3d, Aug. 16, 1857, Sarah B. Coffin of New York, born Aug. 9, 1831, dau. of Benjamin Coffin and Sarah Rich. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Clara Nabby, b. June 23, 1843; d. Sept. 1, 1853, se. 10. 2. Jane T., b. Jan. 19, 1845; d. Aug. 24, 1848. 3. Gordon D., b. July 2, 1847; d. March 19, 1849. 4. Anna Leonard, b. Nov. 1, 1849. 5. Daniel, b. Feb. 29, 1852. Child; By the Second Marriage. 6. Celina J., b. April 1, 1856. Child; By the Third Marriage. 7. Clara N., b. Sept. 29, 1858; d. Dec. 26, 1858. 256 Eighth Generation and Descendants. 445. Jared White, son of Martin, (246) was born in Springfield, Sept. 9, 1800. He lives in West Springfield. He married Electa Loomis. Children. 1. Frances H., b. Jan. 11, 1827. 3. Sarah M., b. Aug. 24, 1838. 2. Joseph E., b. Dec. 8, 1830. 446. Norman Stebbins White, son of Luther, (247) was born in Springfield, Oct. 26, 1803. He is a carpenter there. He married, Oct. 26, 1828, Susan Noyes, born in Winchen- don, Mass., Dec. 10, 1802, dau. of James Noyes and Hannah Russell. Children. 1. Helen Marie, b. Aug., 1829; d. Sept., 1835, ae. 6. 2. Adelaide, b. Jan. 21, 1831; d. Oct. 2, 1835, ae. 4. 3. James Luther, b. July 27, 1833. 4. Daniel G., b. Feb. 27, 1835. 5. George A., b. Nov. 5, 1837. 6. John H., b. July 11, 1843; d. Aug. 12, 1844. 447. Alfred White, son of Luther, (247) was born in Springfield, June 9, 1807. He is a carpenter in Chicopee. He married, Sept. 25, 1833, Emily Cady of South Wilbra- ham, Mass., born Feb. 7, 1812, dau. of Hezekiah Cady and Nancy Hale. Children. 1. Nancy Maria, b. Oct. 8, 1838. 2. Mary Frances, b. Sept. 9, 1842; d. Feb. 1, 1843. 3. Martha Emma, b. Oct. 8, 1844; d. Aug. 18, 1845. 4. Alfred Henry, b. Oct. 11, 1846. 5. Fannie Estelle b. April 20, 1850. 448. Dr. Roderick Adams White, son of Roderick , (248) was born in Enfield, Conn., Oct. 24, 1809. He graduated at the Medical Department of Yale College in 1832, and is a physician in Simsbury, Conn. He married, Nov. 4, 1844, Elizabeth W. Hungerford, of Wolcottville, Conn., born in 1816, dau. of John Hungerford and Elizabeth Webster. 449. Preserved Merritt White, son of Preserved, (249) was born in Springfield, Mass., Oct. 10, 1816. He is a farmer in Farmersburgh, Clayton Co., Iowa. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 257 He married, March 13, 1840, Catharine Finley, of Jersey City, N. J., born June 2, 1824, dau. of Robert and Sarah Finley. Children. 1. Joseph Neill, la. Nov. 29, 1841; d. ae. 3 mos, 2. Edward Chaff ee, b. Dec. 28, 1843. 3. Robert Finlay, b. Dec. 14, 1845; d. ae. 3 mos. 4. William Finlay, b. March 28, 1846; d. ae. 1 yr. 4 mos, 5. Alexander Finlay, b. Aug. 17, 1848. 6. Sarah Wilhelmina, b. July 20, 1851. 7. Preserved Merritt, b. April 27, 1857; d. se. 6 BIOS. 8. Mary Catharine, b. Dec. 27, 1858. 449a. Albert Milton White, son of Preserved, (249) was born in Springfield, June 18, 1824. He is a machinist in Hartford, Conn. He married, April 1, 1846, Laurinda Cutler of Brooklme> Vt. born March, 1828. He has one son, Le Roy Albert, b. Sept. 27, 1859. 450. Lewis White, son of Preserved, (249) was born in Springfield, Dec. 22, 1825. He is a machinist, and resides in Hartford, Conn. He married, Oct. 14, 1850, Mary Wakefield, born Aug. 7, 1830, dau. of John Wakefield of Glastenbury, Conn. Children. 1. Charles Lewis, b. Aug. 26, 1851. 2. Franklin Randolph, b. Aug. 24, 1854. 451. Lyman White, son of Preserved, (249) was born in Springfield, Feb. 18, 1827. He is a machinist in Water- bury, Conn. He married, Dec. 1, 1848, Julia Ann Bush; born July 17, 1829, dau. of Jonathan A. Bush of Enfield, Conn. Children. 1. Frederick Lyman, b. June 29, 1850. 2. Willie Howard, b. July 31, 1856; d. Feb. 16, 1857. 452. LeRoy Sunderland White, son of Preserved, (249) was born in Springfield, May 14, 1828. He is a machinist in Waterbury, Conn. He married, April 24, 1852, Sarah Jane Laiicey, born Oct. 2, 1832, dau. of William Lancey of New Market, N. H. 258 Eighth Generation and Descendants. He has one daughter, Emma Almira, b. March 26, 1855. 453. William Wirt White, son of Preserved, (249) was born in Springfield, March 9, 1832. He is a machinist in Waterbury, Conn. He married, Jan. 7, 1856, Mary Jane Washburn, born Sept. 13, 1839, dau. of Abiel Washburn of Springfield, Mass. He has one son, William Le Roy, b. May 27, 1857. 454. George Hall White, son of David, jun., (250) was born in Longmeadow, Mass., March 30, 1815. He is a mechanic in Shelburne Falls, Mass. He married, April 21, 1845, Eliza Morgan of Springfield, born Feb. 27, 1820, dau. of Jonathan Morgan and Ruth Loomis. Children. 1. Louisa Hall, b. June 4, 1846; d. Oct. 25, 1846. 2. Henry Morgan, b. June 24, 1847. 3. Robert Anderson, b. March 14, 1853. 4. Hattie Clarissa, b. Feb. 18, 1855. 455. Joseph Pynchon White, son of David, jun., (250) was born in Longmeadow, Mass., June 14, 1822. He is a blacksmith, and resides in Gaines, Orleans Co., N. Y. He married, Nov. 30, 1848, Ruth Loomis Morgan, born March 13, 1822, dau. of Jonathan Morgan and Ruth Loomis. Children. 1. Clarence Hall, b. Nov. 5, 1851. 2. Willard Morgan, b. July 12, 1853. 3. Ella Augusta,!). June 26, 1857. 4. Dora Elvira, b. Aug. 27, 1857. 456. William Pynchon White, son of William, (251) was born in Longmeadow, Mass., Feb. 24, 1824. He graduated at Williams College in 1845, and is a merchant in Rising Sun, Indiana. He married, Feb. 24, 1849, Mary A. James of Rising Sun. Children. 1. William Clarence, b. June, 1850. 3. Edward Dodd, b. Nov. 20, 1856. 2. Charles, b. Oct. 18, 1854. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 259 IN THE LINE OF JOHN WHITE, OF HARTFORD. 457. John White, son of John, (260) was born in Hart- ford, Conn., and lives there. He married, Dec. 3, 1830, Sarah Hurlburt of Wetherfield. Children. 1. Elizabeth, b. 1833; m. George Ryer of New York, and has a son, Henry. 2. Lucy Ann, b. ; m. Milton Barber of Hartford. 3. Laura, b. 1837; m. Gardner G. P. Otis of Saybrook, Conn. 4. John, b. 1839. 5. Sarah, b. Nov., 1842. IN THE LINE OF ENSIGN DANIEL WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 458. William Henry White, son of Aaron, jun., (263) was born in Milton, Ky., "Nov. 5, 1819. He is a farmer in Eaton Co., Mich. He married, 1846, Margaret Hitchcock, born in Gran- ville, N. Y., 1830. Children. 1. Harriet Maria, b. Dec. 17, 1847. 2. Amanda Louisa, b. April 14, 1849. 3. William Henry, b. April 20, 1851. 4. Charles Augustus, b. 1853; d. 1854. 5. Royal Alphonso, b. Feb. 10, 1856. 6. Frances Lucretia, b. May 14, 1858. 459. Aaron White, son of Aaron, jun., (263) was born in Medina, Ohio, Aug. 5, 1827. He is a stone mason, and lives in Battle Creek, Mich. He married, July 2, 1856, Laura J. Reman, of Verona Cal- houn Co., Mich., and has one daughter, "Emma A., b. May 28, 1857. 460. Samuel Kellogg White, son of Aaron, jun., (263) was born in Medina, Ohio, April 11, 1835. He married, 1856, Ann Redfern. Children. 1. Esther Jane, b. Sept. 5, 1856. 2. Frances Oliver, b. March 8, 1858. 461. George Clinton White, son of Harold, (267) was born Aug. 27, 1828. He is a farmer in New Hudson, Alleghany Co., N. Y. He married, March 4, 1852, Evaline Augusta Comstock, of Fort Ann, N. Y., born June 18, 1829, dau. of Peter and Lucy Comstock. 260 Eighth Generation and Descendants, Children. 1. Marietta Lucy, b. March 31, 1854. 2. Laura Comstock, b. July 3, 1855, 3. Clara Morley, b. Aug. 27, 1857. 462. William Henry White, son of Amos, jun., (271) was born Aug. 15, 1815. He is a manufacturer, and resides in Baltimore, Md. He married, 1844, Mary King. Children. 1. William Augustus, b. 1845, 3. Charles, b. 1857. 2. George King, b. 1846. 463. John Elijah White, son of Elijah, jun., (272) was born in Granville, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1817. He studied law r , but engaged in mercantile pursuits, in Detroit, Mich., and for twelve years in Cleveland, Ohio. He is now a flour merchant in New York, and resides there. He married, June 6, 1844, Emma Louisa Walter Shaw. She was born in New York, Nov. 1, 1825, and died at New- burgh, N. Y., May 29, 1857, as. 31. 464. Rev. Gideon Stebbins White, son of Wilson, (273) was born in Granville, N. Y., April 12, 1803. He completed his literary and theological studies in 1829, at the South Western Theological Seminary, now known as Maryville College, Tennessee, from which Institution he received the degree of Master of Arts in 1846. He resides near Mc- Millan's Station, Knox Co., Tennessee, and has for more than twenty years had charge of the Presbyterian Churches of Washington, Knox Co., and Straberry Plains, Jefferson Co. He has several times been a Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. He married, Nov. 6, 1834, Mary Eliza Jarnagin, of New Port, Tenn., born July 16, 1819, dau. of Preston Bynum Jarnagin and Hester Shields. Children. 1. Mary Hester, b. Aug. 1, 1835; m. July 14, 1853, William E. A. Meek of Knox Co., a farmer, and has, 1. Theresia Luann, b. Sept. 11, 1854; 2. Joseph, b. Sept. 10, 1857. 2. Martha Malvinah, b. June 25, 1837; m. Oct. 2, 1855, James M. Mc- Campbell, of Knox Co., a farmer, and has had, 1. Gideon Stebbins White, b. June, 1856; 2. Sarah Florence, b. March, 1858, d. May 1859. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 261 3. Margaret Ellen, b. July 31, 1839. 4. Elizabeth Meek, b. Jan. 26, 1842; d. March 23, 1842. 5. Gideon Shields, b. Nov. 19, 1843. 6. Cornelia Florence, b. May 27, 1850. 7. Alice Jane Jarnagin, b. May 13, 1852. 8. Emily Eliza, b. Nov. 1, 1854. 465. Elijah White, son of Wilson, (273) was born in Granville, N. Y., April 3, 1805. He resides in Ogdensburgh, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., is a justice of the peace, and an elder in the Presbyterian church. He married, 1st, Dec. 5, 1830, Margaret Smith of Ogdens- burgh, who died Jan. 23, 1842. He married, 2d, Oct. 5, 1843, Jane Haggert of Ogdens- burgh, who died Sept. 12, 1844. He married, 3d, May 31, 1846, Philena B. Brown of Cas- tleton, Vt. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Gideon S., b. ; d. as. 10 mos. 2. Mary Adelia, b. July 4, 1838; m. Oct. 6, 1858, William Stilwell of Ogdensburgh. 466. Josiah A. White, son of Wilson, (273) was born in Granville, N. Y., June 13, 1807. He is a farmer in Brook- lyn, Jackson Co., Mich., and has held town offices. He married, 1st, Feb. 2, 1832, Julia Ann Warren, dau. of William and Mahala Warren. She was born in Hartford, N. Y., March 23, 1809, and died in Whitehall, N. Y., April 15, 1835, &. 26. He married, 2d, Aug. 28, 1846, Jane R. Hungerford, of Van Buren, Onondaga Co., N. Y., born March 27, 1808, dau. of Asahel and Fanny Hungerford. By the second marriage he has had one child, Julia Ann, b. Aug. 12, 1847; d. Sept. 27, 1849. 467. Charles A. White, son of Charles, (274) was born in Sandy Hill, Washington Co., N. Y., Dec. 15, 1823. He resides there, and is an artist. He married Deborah Burch of Easton, N. Y., and has, Robert Edward, b. Sept. 30, 1855. 468. Milo Everts White, son of William, (275) was born Oct., 1814. He is a hat and fur dealer in New York. 262 Eighth Generation and Descendants. He married, 1841, Jenette Paddock, and has one daughter, Rose Clara. 469. Coral Case White, Jun., son of Coral Case, (276) was born Jan. 21, 1823. He is a farmer. He married, Feb. 19, 1846, Cornelia Morgan. Children. 1. William Brainard, b. Jan. 17, 1848. 2. Frances Cornelia, b. Feb. 18, 1849. 3. Charles Sanford, b. May 5, 1852. 470. Wade White, son of Noadiah, (278) was born in Hartford, Vt., Aug. 21, 1805. In 1830 he removed to Gar- rettsville, Portage Co., Ohio, the region being then mostly unsettled. He is a farmer, and a deacon of the Con- gregational church. He married, 1830, Emily Hunt of Pomfret, Vt. She was born in Coventry, Conn., in 1809, and was the dau. of Eliphaz Hunt and Anna Phelps. Children. 1. John, b. 1833; m. 1856, Martha Mousehunt. 2. Emily A., b. 1837; m. 1857, Jerome B. Carman. 3. Eliphaz., b. 1838. 471. Willard Stanley White, son of Noadiah, (278) was born in Hartford, Vt., Dec. 4, 1807. He removed to Gar- rettsville, Ohio, in 1832, and is a farmer there. He married, 1st, 1831, Mary Newton, who died in 1836. He married, 2d, 1837, Elizabeth Dean. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Kim-line b. 1833; m. 1851, Charles Landear; has two children. 2. Caroline, b. 1836; Children; By the Second Marriage. 3. Mary E., b. 1839. 4. Ann E., b. 1841. 5. Elvira E., b. 1846. 472. Joshua Hazen White, son of Noadiah, (278) was born in Hartford, Vt., March 26, 1810. He was a farmer, and in 1853 removed to Lockport, 111., where he died in 1854, &. 44. He married, 1st. 1833, Helen Beman, of Hiram, Portage Co., 0., who died in 1849. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 263 He married, 2d, 1849, Sophronia Daily. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Wealthy J., b. 1834; m. 1854, Ephraim W. Moss, and has ane son and one daughter. 2. Harriet H., b. 1837; m. 1854, Edward Kirkham. 3. Noadiah E., b, 1839. 4. Emily C., 1 b. 1841. 5. Eunice P., j Twins. Child; By the Second Marriage. 6. Mary, b. 1850. 473. John D. White, son of Noadiah, (278) was born in Hartford, Vt., Oct. 15, 1813. In 1845 he settled in Whites- ville, Andrew Co., Mo., and in 1857 removed to San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CaL, where he now resides. He is a farmer. He married, April 24, 1834, Charlotte Hunt, of Hiram, Ohio, born Jan. 9, 1816, dau. of Lyman Hunt and Laura Loveland. Children. 1. Lyman A., b. Dec. 27, 1835; m. Feb. 5, 1857. 2. Laura M., b. May 23, 1839; m. Aug. 31, 1854. 3. Amelia A., b. Feb. 16, 1844. 4. Francis L, b. Jan. 7, 1849; d. Sept. 30, 1851. 5. Cora R., b. April 12, 1850; d. Aug. 16, 1852. 6. Sanders A., b. Feb. 14, 1853. 7. Amos O., b. Jan. 16, 1857. 474. Richard W. White, son of Noadiah, (278) was born in Hartford, Vt., in 1820. He is a farmer in Garretts- ville, Ohio. He married, 1845, Elizabeth Heath. Children. 1. Azubah, b. 1846. 4. Frank A., b. 1853. 2. Richard Noadiah, b. 1849. 5. Lydia P., b. 1855. 3. Wealthy Sophronia, b. 1851.6. John C. Fremont, b. 1856. 7. Albert H., b. 1858. 475. Amos White, son of Noadiah, (278) was born in Hartford, Vt., April 11, 1823. He is a farmer in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., Cal. He married, July 30, 1846, Laura Hunt, of Hiram, 0., born Jan. 4,1824, dau. of Lyman Hunt and Laura Loveland. 264 Eighth Generation and Descendants. Children. 1. Ella Jane, b. May 25, 1850. 4. Laura Eunice, b. Dec. 2, 1857. 2. Frances Ann, b. Mar. 21, 1855. 5. Lydia Martena, b. Jan. 10, 1859. 3. Clara Louisa, b. July 2, 1856. 476. Sylvester White, son of Amos, (279) was born in Williamson, Wayne, Co., N. Y., Dec. 18, 1813. He is a farmer in Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. He married, Jan., 1841, Roxana Rice, and has, 1. Sarah Eunice, b. Jan., 1842. 2. Lois Emma, b. May, 1844. 477. Abijah White, son of Amos, (279) was born in Williamson, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1818, and resides there. He married, Mariette Snyder, and has, 1. Merret D. 2. Harriet Elizabeth. 478. Evelyn White, son of David, jun., (285) was born in Chatham, in the present town of Portland, Conn., July 13, 1806. He resides in Portland, and is master of a propeller. He married, Nov. 26, 1828, Frances E. Penfield. Children. 1. Delia Maria, b. Feb. 21, 1830. 2. Frances Emma, b. Sept, 8, 1832; m. May 18, 1851, Knowles H. Taylor of Portland, and has Emma White, b. Oct. 17, 1853. 3. Arabella, b. July 2, 1835; m. Dec. 31, 1856, Joseph Oliver Willcox of Portland, and has, 1. Frances Elizabeth, b. Sept. 17, 1857; 2. Charles, b. July 27, 1859. 4. Abigail, b. July 28, 1840. 5. Charles Homer, b. Oct. 4, 1842. 479. George Cossitt White, son of Stephen, (288) was born in Granby, Conn., Aug. 10, 1816. He was formerly connected in business with his brother, in Rome, N. Y. ; is now a merchant in Milwaukee, Wis. He married, June 16, 1849, Sarah Maria Cossitt, of Gran- by, Conn., dau. of Asa Cossitt, jun., and Rachel Steel. Children. 1. Frederic Henry, b. June 16, 1850. 2. George Cossitt, b. Aug. 14, 1852. 3. Sarah Lavinia, b. Aug. 14, 1854. 4. Stephen, b. Jan. 4, 1858. 5. William Pearl, b. Jan. 26, 1859. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 265 480. Matthew H. White, son of -William Czar, (289) was born Aug. 24, 1819. He is a farmer in Sheridan, Mich. He married, March, 1849, Victoria Lyman, and has, 1. Junius, b. Sept., 1850. 2. Lucretia, b. Jan. 17, 1853. 481. Luther White, son of Samuel, (293) was born in Upper Middletown, Conn., April 5, 1807. He is a black- smith, and is said to be living in Dover, Ohio. He married, Emily Phelps of Rocky Hill, Conn., and has, 1. Edward. 2. Eugene. 482. Heman White, son of Samuel, (293) was born in Upper Middletown, March 5, 1811. He was a merchant in Montgomery, Ala., until about three years previous to his death. He died April 8, 1852, se. 41. He married, 1st, July 7, 1835, Caroline Atwood of Berlin, Conn., who died July 18, 1841, SB. 28. He married, 2d, Oct. 17, 1842, Catharine C. Mallory of Bristol, Conn., dau. of Ransom and Lucy Mallory. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Caroline A., b. June 8, 1837; d. in Meriden, Conn., June 1, 1856, ae. 19. 2. Heman Montgomery, b. Aug. 17, 1840. Children; By the Second Marriage. 3. Ranson S., b. Aug. 14, 1843; d. June 4, 1844. 4. Ransom M., b. Nov. 4, 1844; d. Aug. 29, 1845. 5. Lucy M M b. July 24, 1846. 6. Emma N., b. April 3, 1850; d. Nov. 24, 1850. 483. Samuel White, Jun., son of Samuel, (293) was born in Sharon, Conn., May 8, 1813. He is a farmer in Wol- cott, Wayne Co., N. Y. He married Almira Brooks, of Romulus, N. Y. Children. 1. Charles A., b. 1835. 3. Emily. 2. Henry H., b. Nov., 1836. 4. Ellagene. 484. Henry S. White, son of Samuel, (293) was born in Upper Middletown, July 17, 1822. He is a mechanic in Wallinford, Conn. He married, Oct. 17, 1844, Susan M. Couch of Meriden, Conn., dau. of Beri and Susan M. Couch. 266 Eighth Generation and Descendants. Children. 1. Susan E., b. March 9, 1846. 3. Emma R., b. Feb. 10, 1855. 2. Elbridge H., b. Jan 16, 1848. 485. Timothy White, son of Samuel, (293) was born in Upper Middletown, Nov. 2, 1824. He is a mechanic in Forestville, Conn. He married, Aug. 2, 1847, Caroline E. Cowles, of Chesh- ire, Conn., dau. of Juba Cowles. Children. 1. Cornelia E., b. Dec. 23, 1848. 2. Garry H., b. Aug. 31, 1852. 3. Flora E., b. July 31, 1845. 486. Edgar White, son of Hon. Fortune Clark, (297) was born in Whitestown, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1820. He is a farmer in Port Huron, St. Clair Co., Mich., and is Mayor of the city. He married, Aug. 20, 1850, Adelia Jones, of Ann Arbor, Mich., born Sept. 24, 1831, dau. of James Jones and Eliza Benham. Children. 1. Charles Patten, b. May 4, 1852. 2. Carrie Esther, b. March 30, 1857. 487. James Hillhouse White, son of Hon. Fortune Clark, (297) was born in Whitestown, April 28, 1822. He is a farmer in Port Huron, Mich., and is sheriff of St. Clair County. He married, 1st, April 6, 1843, Alice M. Wetmore, who died May 4, 1844. He married, 2d, May 25, 1847, Charlotte H. Tompkins, of Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y., dau. of Nathaniel W. Tomp- kins and Bethiah Hubbard. By the second marriage he has one son, Nathaniel C., b. April 2, 1848. 488. Dr. Henry Randolph White, son of Hon. Fortune Clark, (297) was born in Whitestown, April 23, 1824. He is a physician in Utica, N. Y. He married, April 16, 1856, Sarah Bruce Clark, of Mad- ison, N. Y. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 267 489. Jonas Autle White, son of Jonas, (302) was born in Whitestown, N. Y., July 25, 1815, and is a farmer there. He married, May 27, 1843, Almira H. Foote, of Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y., born Feb. 22, 1819, dau. of Asa and Elizabeth Foote. Children. 1. Louisa Amelia, b. Jan. 7, 1845; d. April 24, 1849. 2. Louisa Amelia, b. March 22, 1850. 3. William Stratton, b. Nov. 18, 1855. 4. Elizabeth Foote, b. July 13, 1857. 490. Morris Pratt White, son of Jonas, (302) was born in Whitestown, April 26, 1817. He is a farmer in Colum- bus, Chenango Co., N. Y. He married, Feb. 17, 1847, Julia A. Jones of Columbus, dau. of Isaac Jones. He has one child, Mary Frances, b. Nov. 30, 1847. 491. Lewis White, son of Jonas, (302) was born in Whitestown, April 30, 1819. He is a machinist, and re- sides in New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y. He married May 16, 1848, Ambrosia Lamb of Columbus, N. Y., dau. of Joshua Lamb. 491. George Manchester White, son of Jonas, (302) was born in Whitestown, July 30, 1825, and died there, May 27, 1851, ss. 25. He was a machinist. He married, Sept. 6, 1849, Submit Bliss of Whitestown, dau. of Nathan Bliss, and has one daughter. Esther, b. Dec. 12, 1850. 493. Henry H. White, son of Capt. Aaron Clark, (308) was born in New Haven, Conn., April 19, 1821. He is a bookseller in that place. He married, Dec. 24, 1844, Nannie Gerard, and has, 1. James. 2. William. 3. Henry. 494. Joel White, son of John, jun., (310) was born April 8, 1803. He is a farmer in Oxford, Conn., He has been for several years a justice of the peace, has held town offices, was a Representative from Oxford in 1846, and a member of the State Senate in 1851. 268 Eighth Generation and Descendants. He married, Dec. 8, 1825, Emma French of Bethany, dau. of David and Anna French. Children. 1. Mary, b. Nov. 15, 1829; m. Nov. 26, 1846, S. W. S. Skilton of Watertown, Conn., now of Morris, Conn. She has had, 1. William S., b. Aug., 1847, d. Oct., 1849; 2. Joel W., b. Feb., 1851, d. &. 8 days; 3. Truman Smith, b. June 6, 1853; 4. Joel White, b. Nov. 16, 1858. 2. Emma, b. Feb. 5, 1834; m. April 23, 1850, Milo D. Northrup of Tryingham, Mass., now of Oxford, Conn. She has Mary, b. Oct. 22, 1857. 495. Elisha White, son of John, jun., (310) was born in Woodbridge, Conn., April 5, 1805. He resides in Auburn, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where he has held offices of trust. Is a carpenter and builder. He married, March 4, 1830, Emeline Chapman, of Marcel- lus, Onondaga Co., N. Y., dau. of Dr. Elisha Chapman and Phebe Gates. Children. 1. Herbert, b. Aug. 14, 1835; d. Dec. 16, 1849, ss. 14. 2. John E., b. Aug. 30, 1837 4. Arthur, b. Dec. 12, 1843. 3. William C., b. Aug. 17, 1839. 5. Elisha, b. Feb. 3, 1846. 496. William C. White, son of John, jun., (310) was born Nov. 15, 1817. He is a farmer in Bethany, Conn. He married, Dec. 24, 1844, Harriet Prince of Bethany, dau. of Abel and Fanny Prince. He has one daughter. H. May, b. 1845 496a. Isaac White, son of Daniel, (311) was born in Derby, Conn., Sept. 25, 1811. He is a farmer in Easton, Conn. He married, Jan. 11, 1835, Sarah Grace Kenney of Derby, born May 13, 1814, dau. of William Kenney and Anna Smith. Children. 1. Helen M., b. Dec. 27, 1835 4. William E., b. Nov. 12, 1843. 2. Elizabeth A., b. May 4, 1838. 5. George M., b. May 20, 1848. 3. Frances J., b. Dec. 19, 1840. 497. Edward White, son of Raymond B., (313) was born in Plymouth, Conn., in 1824. He is a shoemaker there. He married, 1847, Mary Ann Sweet of New Haven, Conn. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 269 Children. 1. William Raymond, b. 1848. 2. Eva Estella, b. April, 1854; d. June, 1855. 3. Ella Louisa, b. July 2, 1856. 4. Mary Isabel, b. May, 1859. 498. George White, son of Raymond B., (313) was born in Plymouth, Conn., Sept. 8, 1833. He is a carpenter, and resides in Winsted, Conn. He married, Sept. 25, 1855, Lovina Amelia Downes, born in Plymouth, Oct. 14, 1830, dau. of Samuel Downes and Har- riet Andrews. Children. 1. Harriet Andrews, b. Sept. 2, 1856. 2. Frances Adelaide, b. Jan. 26, 1859; d. March 28, 1859. 499. Daniel D. Tompkins White, son of Truman, (315) was born March 22, 1807. He is a farmer. He married, 1831, Alma Wilbur. Children. 1. Jane. 4. Truman, 2. Paulina. 5. Erwin. 3. Adeline. Five others died young. 500. Joel Clark White, son of Truman, (315) was born Jan. 31, 1817, and died Sept. 11, 1850, se. 33. He married, 1st, 184X, Mary E. La"ke. He married, 2d, Mary A. De Forest. Children. 1. Wesley. 3. A daughter, d. se. 4 yrs. 2. Manley. 501. Hubbard Tuthill White, son of Truman, (315) was born June 7, 1819. He is a boot and shoe dealer in Buffalo, N. Y. He married, March 24, 1846, Catharine Trumbull. Children. 1. A child, b, ; d. infancy. 3. Mary, b. 1854. 2. Elizabeth, b. 1849. 502. Charles Burt White, son of Truman, (315) was born Aug. 30, 1826. He resides in Illinois. He married, March 23, 1851, Mariette Canada, and has, Hubbard. 270 " Eighth Generation and Descendants. 503. Baldwin T. White, son of Truman, (315) was born Jan. 15, 1828. He married Louisa Mace, and has had, 1. Charles. 3. Mary, d. in infancy. 2. Harriet. 4. Caroline, d. in infancy. 504. Isaac White, son of Francis, (316) was born Feb. 7, 1810. He resides in Machias, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. He married Anna Smith of Brantford, C. W. Children. 1. Lucinda. 4. Chauncey. 2. James. 5. Samuel. 3. Marava. 505. Jacob White, son of Francis, (316) was born Feb. 6, 1812. He resides in Otto, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. He married Alvira Tarbox, and has, 1. Frances. 2. Martha. 3. Alvira. 506. Roderick White, Esq., son of Francis, (316) was born June 23, 1814. He was a lawyer in Olean, Cattar- augus Co., N. Y., and was elected a Representative in the Legislature in 1845, and a Senator in 1855. He died May 26, 1856, 33. 42. He married Sarah Nichols. Children. 1. Emma. 4. Wills. 2. Henry. 5. George. 3. Ella. 6. Anna. 507. Justus White, Esq., son of Francis, (316) was born Aug. 6, 1827. He is a lawyer in Olean, N. Y. He married Mary J. Hill, and has a daughter, Mary, b. Oct., 1858. 508. Hiram W. White, son of Moses, (317) is a gun- smith and hardware dealer in Jackson, Jackson Co., Ohio. He married, March 27, 1840, Rose Ann Stewart. Children. 1. Sarah Frances, b. March 28, 1841. 2. Almira, b. Feb. 28, 1844; d. April 25, 1846. 3. Henry Kirke, b. June 2, 1847; d. Jan. 10, 1849. 4. Avon Lafayette, b. Oct. 30, 1849; d. April 25, 1853. 5. Hiram Wallace, b. Oct. 12, 1853. 6. A daughter, b. June 1, 1858. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 271 509. Leonard White, son of Roderick, (318) was born in Paris, (now Kirkland,) Oneida Co., N. Y., May 30, 1817. He is a carpenter, and resides in Cazenovia, Madison Co., N. Y. He married, Oct. 10, 1838, Clarissa Cone of Paris, N. Y., born Aug. 19, 1817, dau. of Caleb Cone. Children. 1. Clarissa, b. Jan. 17, 1840. 4. Oscar, b. July 20, 1845. 2. Roderick, b. Dec. 14, 1841. 5. Ossian, b. June 7, 1847. 3. Huldah, b. Oct. 12, 1843. 510. Rev. Moses Clark White, M. D., son of Roderick. (318) was born in Paris, N. Y., July 24, 1819. He gradu- ated at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., in 1845, and from 1847 to 1852 was a Missionary of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Fuhchau, China, where he labored both as a preacher and as a physician. In 1853 he returned to the United States, on account of impaired health, and is now a physician in New Haven, Conn. He received the degree of M. D. at Yale College in 1854. He married, 1st, March 13, 1847, Jane Isabel Atwater, of Homer, Cortland Co., N. Y., dau. of Ezra Atwater. She died in Fuhchau, China, May 25, 1848, ae. 25. He married, 2d, at Fuhchau, July 14, 1851, Mary Seely, born May 13, 1821, dau. of Joseph Owen Seely of Onondaga, N. Y. Children; By the Second Marriage. 1. George, b. May 24, 1852; d. May 25, 1852. 2. Caryl Fenelon Seely, b. April 5, 1856. 510a. Aaron White, son of Roderick, (318) was born in Paris, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1824. He graduated at Wesleyan University in 1852, and is Professor of Mathematics in Oneida Conference Seminary at Cazenovia, N. Y. He married, April 6, 1859, Isadore Maria Haight of Caz- enovia, dau. of William Henry Haight. 511. Joseph White, son of Roderick, (318) was born in Paris, N. Y., April 10, 1827, and resides there. He is a joiner. He married, April, 1853, Susan E. Beebe, and has, 1. Andrew Curtis, b. Nov. 25, 1854. 2. Albert Terry, b. July 10, 1856. 272 Eighth Generation and Descendants. 512. William White, son of Aimer, (320) was born April 5, 1828. He married, July 3, 1853, Cordelia Hammond, and has, 1. Aimer, b. Aug. 11, 1854. 2. Clark, b. Aug. 25, 1856. 513. Alverse L. White, son of James, jun., (321) was born in Newport, N. H., July 31, 1811. He is a merchant in Boston, Mass. He married, May, 1844, Mary Cole of Biddeford, Me. Children. 1. Mary Alice, b. ; d. ae. 18 mos. 2. George Alverse, b. Jan. 22, 1849. 514. Robert Cornell White, son of Robert, (324) was born in Birmingham, Eng., Nov. 1, 1823. He is a crockery merchant in New York; resides in Brooklyn. He married, Nov. 4, 1847, Hannah D. Baker, born Jan. 17, 1826, dau. of Dobel Baker and Mary Corlies. Children. 1. Henry Haydock, b. Sept. 13, 1848. 2. Sara Baker, b. June 2, 1851. 3. Joseph Baker, b. June 15, 1854. 4. Cornelia, b. Feb. 1, 1859. 515. Richard Grant White, Esq., son of Richard Mans- field, (325) was born in New York, May 23, 1821. He grad- uated at the University of New York in 1839, studied med- icine and law, and was admitted to the bar in 1845. He soon adandoned law for letters, and was connected with the New York Courier and Enquirer, from 1845 to 1858, with a brief interval, at first as critic of art and literature, but for the last five years as editor. He is also an author, and a regular contributor to the Atlantic Magazine. Besides other works, he has published "Shakespeare's Scholar," in 1854 ; his edition of Shakespeare, 1857-9 ; and an Essay upon Henry the Sixth, 1859. He is now living, temporarily, at Ravenswood, L. I. He married, Oct. 16, 1850, Alexina Black Maese of New York, dau. of Charles Bruton Maese and Sarah Graham. Children. 1. Richard Mansfield, b. Dec. 25, 1851. 2. Stanford; b. Nov. 9, 1853. Descendants of Nathaniel White. 273 515a. Carleton White, son of Moses, (326) was born May 11, 1834. He married, Nov. 11, 1857,Lizzie H. Dunn, and has a son, Denton Dunn, b. May 6, 1859. 516. Samuel Howes White, son of Henry Champlin, (332) was born April 21, 1836. He resides in Hartford, Conn. He married, Sept. 3, 1857, Cercilla Augusta Stillman of Hartford, dau. of Allyn S. Stillman and Cecilia Andrus. He has one daughter, Mary Cecilia, b. Aug. 23, 1858. IN THE LINE OF JACOB WHITE, OF MIDDLETOWN. 517. Norman Brigham White, son of Jonathan Porter, (335) lives in New York. He married Eveline Gilbert of Hartford, Conn., and has, 1. Samuel P. 2. Norman B. 3. A daughter. 518. Harrison White, son of Chester, (336) was born Sept. 21, 1816. He is a merchant in Albion, Mich. He married, Sarah Dunn, -and has, 1. William. 2. Thomas. 3. Emma. 4. Caroline. 519. Alonzo White, son of Ransom Coe, (341) was born in Burke, Vt., Nov. 2, 1830. He married, Nov. 9, 1851, Huldah L. Hosford of East Haven, Vt., and has, 1. Herbert A., b. April 10, 1857. 2. Helen A., b. Feb. 23, 1859. 520. George Henry White, son of John, (353) was born July 5, 1815. He is a carpenter in Fredonia, N. Y. He married, Oct. 15, 1846, Mary Sophia Tobey, of Hudson, N. Y., born Sept. 9, 1825, dau. of Henry Tobey and Sophia Hulburt. Children. 1. Emily S., b. Feb. 18, 1848. 4. Caroline J., b. Sept. 29, 1858 2. George H., b. July 14, 1850. 3. Nehemiah B., b. Dec. 29, 1855. 521. Nehemiah Bassett White, son of John, (353) was born Dec. 24, 1816. He is a merchant in Monticello, Ga. 274 Eighth Generation and Descendants. He married, 1st, Dec. 22, 1854, Mrs. Ann H. Newman, widow of Joseph Newman, originally Ann H. Catlin, of Harwinton, Conn. She died July 10, 1856. He married, 2d, Oct. 28, 1858, Harriet N. Scovel of Alba- ny, N. Y., dau. of Ashley Scovel and Ann L. Leland. By the second marriage he has one son, Ashley S., b. July 13, 1859. 522. Russell M. White, son of John, (353) was born March 31, 1819. He is a carpenter in Albany, N. Y. He married, Jan. 20, 1842, Caroline B. Farnsworth of Albany, dau. of Rufus Farnsworth and Lavina Blanchard. He has, 1. Addison F., b. June 3, 1844. 2. Russell M., b. Sept. 30, 1853. 523. Linus White, son of John, (353) was born July 29, 1824. He is a merchant in Altanta, Ga. He married, Feb. 13, 1855,Mary Server of Albany, N. Y., dau. of Robert Server and Mary Ann Buckbee. He has had, 1. Mary Grace, b. Jan. 18, 1856; d. Nov. 5, 1857. 2. Emma S., b. July 8, 1858. 524. William Sage White, son of Jacob, (354) was born in Upper Middletown, now Cromwell, Conn., July 22, 1816. He is a lumber merchant in Hartford, Conn. He married Mary Savage of Middletown, born July 17, 1819, dau. of Samuel Savage and Mary Haling. Children. 1. Frederick William, b. July 1, 1838; m. Jan. 6, 1859, Sarah E. Adams of Wethersfield, Conn., b. 1839. dau. of William Adams and Sarah Crane. 2. Leverett Henry, b. May 5, 1840; is in the U. S. Navy. 3. Charles Austin, b. Aug. 24, 1843. 4. Edward Emerick, b. Oct. 6, 1846; d. Nov. 16, 1847. 5. Albert, b. Jan. 28, 1852; d. March 11, 1852. 6. Isabel Gertrude, b. Oct. 8, 1858. 525. Henry S. White, son of Jacob, (354) was born in Cromwell, Feb. 12, 1818. He is a manufacturer in Middle- town. He married, Dec. 31, 1848, Catharine Chandler, of Mont- gomery, N. Y., born April 4, 1822, dau. of Charles Chandler. Descendants of John White, Junior. 275 He has one son, Henry Chandler, b. Sept. 28, 1853. 526. Luther Chapin White, son of Jacob, (354) was born in Sandisfield, Mass., Dec. 25, 1821. He is a manufac- turer in Waterbury, Conn. He married, Nov. 28, 1844, Jane Amelia Moses, born in Waterbury, July 19, 1825, dau. of Joseph and Mary Moses. Children. 1. William Henry, b. May 7, 1847. 2. George Luther, b. July 15, 1852. 3. Harriet Susan, b. March 4, 1854. 527. Jacob Watson White, son of Jacob, (354) was born in Sandisfield, Mass., Sept. 19, 1827. He is a manufacturer in Waterbury, Conn. He married, Sept. 19, 1850, Anna Eliza Wells of Hart- ford, born May 7, 1828, dau. of Chauncey and Hannah K. Wells. Children. 1. Chauncey Wells, b. May 12, 1852; d. Dec. 11, 1852. 2. Edward Luther, b. Dec. 12, 1853. 3. Chauncey Howard, b. March 24, 1856. 4. Anna Sophia, b. Sept. 20, 1858. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN WHITE JUNIOR. 528. Benjamin White, son of Dan, (359) was born in 1811. He was a carriage maker; lived in Michigan, and died Dec. 18, 1853, ae. 43. He married Esther Noyes of Michigan. Children. 1. James. 3. Ellen. 2. Miron. 4. Edward. 529. Alonzo White, son of Dan, (359) was born in Rome, N. Y., in 1816. He is a carpenter in Kenosha, Wis. He married, 1844, Lydia B. Leonard. Children. 1. Edward, b. 1845; d. 1848. 3. Edgar, b. 1848. 2. Charles B., b. 1846; d. 1856. 4. Florence H., b. 1857. 530. Francis White, son of Dan, (359) was born in Rome, N. Y., in 1818. He is a carpenter in Kenosha, Wis. 276 Eighth Generation and Descendants, He married, 1st, 1846, Sarah Whitmore, who died in 1848. He married, 2d, 1849, Jenette Moore, and has one son, Francis, b. 1858. 531. Joshua White, son of Dan, (359) was born in Rome, N. Y.,- in 1830. Is a carpenter in Kenosha, Wis. He married, 1854, Margarette Worth, and has, Caroline M., b. 1856. 532. Asa J. White, son of Asa, (361) was born Sept. 13, 1818. He is a farmer, and has lived in Brookfield, Mass. He married, July 4, 1846, Prudence Gallop of Brookfield, born in 1819. Children. 1. Hannah, b. July 9, 1847. 5. Myron Munson, b. 1858. 2. Ira B., b. 1849. 4. Joseph G., b. 1853. 3. Frances, b. 1851. 533. George W. White, son of Asa, (361) was born Feb. 3, 1824. He is a farmer in Potsdam, N. Y. He married, March 4, 1846, Susan Boody, of Pierpont, St. Lawrence, Co., N. Y., born May 29, 1824. He has, 1. Charles A., b. March 25, 1848. 2. Mary Jane, b. Feb. 1, 1854. DESCENDANTS OF LIEUT. DANIEL WHITE. 534. Rev. Erskine Norman White, son of Norman, (404) was born in New York, May 31, 1833. He graduated at Yale College in 1854, and at Union Theological Seminary in 1857, and was ordained pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church at Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y., June 9, 1859. He married, May 24, 1859, Eliza Tracy Nelson, of New York, born Oct. 5, 1836, dau. of John G. Nelson and Eunice Ripley. 535. Charles Trumbull White, son of Norman, (404) was born in New York, Jan. 20, 1835. He is a merchant in New York. He married, Sept. 30, 1857, Georgianna Starin, of Auburn, N. Y., born Sept. 25, 1837, dau. of Josiah N. Starin and Andalusia Henry. He has one son, Norman, b. July 10, 1858. Descendants of Daniel White. 277, 536. Heman White, son of Hanford, (407) was born in Twinsburg, Ohio, March 23, 1827. He is a farmer in Hop- kins, Allegan Co., Mich. He married, Jan. 1, 1855, Jane Buskirk, and has, Franklin Fremont, b. March, 1858. 537. James White, son of Oliver, jun., (420) was born April 9, 1818. He lives in Winsted, Conn. He married, Aug. 21, 1840, Charlotte Ann Greene, of Cornwall, Conn., born Dec. 20, 1824, dau. of William Greene and Mary Wentworth. Children. 1. Ann Janette, b. Jan. 1, 1841; d. April 18, 1841. 2. Sarah Amelia, b. March, 1844. 3. Mary Pamelia, b. Aug. 21, 1855. 538. Luman White, son o/ Oliver, jun., (420) was born July 19, 1819, and lives in Winsted, Conn. He married, July 5, 1841, Sarepta Jane Reynolds, of Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y., born Jan. 23, 1822, dau. of Jacob Reynolds and Polly Olds. Children. 1. Henrietta, b. Jan. 23, 1843. 2. Henry Clay, b. Jan. 29, 1845. 3. A child, b. Aug. 29, 1849; d. Sept. 18, 1849. 539. Rev. Orrin Washington White, son of Oliver, jun., (420) was born April 5, 1821. He graduated at Oberlin College in 1848, and at the Theological Seminary in Oberlin, in 1854, and is a Congregational minister at Strongsville, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. He married, 1st, Aug. 23, 1848, Lucy Strong Lovejoy, of Oberlin, 0., dau. of W. Lovejoy and Lydia Strong. She died Sept. 25, 1856. He married, 2d, Sept. 6, 1857, Perlina L. Pope, born July 16, 1834, dau. of Philander Pope and Lucy Pomeroy. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Orrin Kendal, b. Feb. 23, 1854; d. Sept. 27, 1855. 2. A child, b. Sept. 14, 1856; d. Sept. 23, 1856. 278 Eighth Generation and Descendants. 540. Wilson Bacon White, son of Oliver, jun., (420) was born Jan. 24, 1823, and lives in Winsted, Conn. He married, Dec. 26, 1847, Harriet Leach, and has, 1. Josephine, b. April 18, 1850. 2.WiIbur, b. May 4, 1854. 541. George White, son of Oliver, jun., (420) was born June 4, 1825. He is a mechanic in West Winsted, Conn. He married, Aug. 5, 1850, Ellen Maria Kelsey of Win- sted, born Jan. 15, 1831, dau. of Joseph Kelsey and Lucy Marsh. Children. 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 15, 1853. 2. Ellen Augusta, b. May 28, 1857. APPENDIX The Registers of Wills, and the Parish Registers of births, mar- riages and deaths, in England, about the time of the first settle- ment of this country, are the principal sources of information re- specting the pedigree of such American families as are descended from the middle classes of the mother country. Every extract from these Registers has, therefore, a value to the American gen- ealogist, and is worth preserving in a permanent form. With this view, the following extracts from the Registers of Chelmsford, in Essex County, in old England, are here inserted. They were obtained by H. G. Somerby, Esq., the well-known and successful investigator of the English genealogies of American families, with the hope of finding in them some trace of the lineage of the patriarch, John White, who is commemorated in the preceding pages. Although the effort was not successful for thi s object, yet it is hoped that these materials may be valuable to other families of the name of White. FROM THE REGISTRY OF WILLS, AT CHELMSFORD. Thomas White of Chelmsford, vintner. Will dated January 28, 1608-9: proved March 16, 1608-9. He gives to his eldest son, Thomas, 40, when 24 years of age: to his daughter, Anne, 30, when 21 years of age. His son John to be bound apprentice to brother Bartholomew White, tailor. He had brothers John and George; a sister Elizabeth; an uncle George Solme. * This part of the Appendix has been prepared and furnished by Henry White, Esq., of New Haven, Conn., who procured the examin- ation of these records to be made. 280 Appendix FROM THE PARISH REGISTER OF CHELMSFORD. The Register begins in 1538, Occasional chasms occur, of whole years, before 1600. Baptisms. 1540, May 12. John, son of William and Agnes White. 1542, Aug. 2. Mary, dau. of William and Agnes White. 1545, July 10. William, son of Nicholas White. 1545-6, Mar. 22. Thomas, son of Edmund White. 1549-50, Mar. 23. Jesper, son of Edmund White. 1551-2, Jan. 17. lone, dau. of Edmund White. 1555, April 2. Bridget, dau. of Edmund White. 1565, April 23. Agnes, dau. of Edmund White. 1579, July 11. John, son of William White. 1580-81, . Susan, dau. of William White. 1582, Nov. 18. Marion, dau. of William White. 1584, Nov. 10. Richard, son of William White. 1585-6, Feb. 20. Joan, dau. of William White. 1586-7, Mar. 6. Thomas, son of William White. 1588, June 17. Joan, dau. of John White. 1588-9, Mar. 8. William, son of William White. 1589, July 29. George, son of John White. 1590, Sept. 29. Thomas, son of John White. 1594, Aug. 13. Joan, dau. of Thomas White. 1595, Dec. 13. Thomas White. 1595-6, Mar. 14. Elizabeth White. 1596-7, Feb. 6. John, son of Thomas White. 1599, Oct. 21. Anne, dau. of Thomas White. 1609, Aug. 13. Mary, dau. of William White, cooper. 1611-12, Jan. 12. John, son of William White, cooper. 1613-14, Jan. 1. Elizabeth, dau. of William White, cooper. 1616, July 28. Thomas, son of Thomas White. 1616, Sept. 8. William, son of William White, cooper. 1619, Nov. 21. Isaac, son of Thomas White of Chelms- ford, matmaker, and Anne his wife. 1621, Nov. 12. Jane, dau. of Thomas White of Chelms- ford, matmaker, and Anne his wife. 1622, July 16. Clemence, dau. of Francis White of Moul- sham, tailor, and Clements his wife. 1624, Oct. 28. Helen, dau. of Thomas White of Chelms- ford, and Anne his wife. 1630, Nov. 19. Thomas, son of Thomas White of Chelms- ford, vintner, and Joan his wife. Appendix. 281 Marriages. 1542, Nov. 12. William White, grocer, to Anne Harris. 1559, Jan. 19. Edmund White to Mary Lamb: (both strangers.) 1561, Nov. 19. John White to Bridget Johnson. 1573, May 17. William White'to Margaret Pease. 1587, July 3. Thomas White to Ellen Mendham. 1592, Sept. 3. John White to Agnes Scraston. 1593, Sept. 23. Thomas White to Anne Bachelor. 1595, May 5. William White to Anne Dinglie. 1595, July 15. Thomas White to Alice Dump of London. 1598, June 6. Thomas White to Elizabeth Smith: (strangers.) II. Corrections and Additions. Page 101, line 1, for Josiah Allis, read Elijah Allis. Page 101, line 2, for (see Fam. 174), read (see Fam. 194.) Page 162, line 37, for (376), read (375). Page 259, line 33, for Frances Oliver, read Francis Oliver. The errors above noticed are such as were overlooked in the proof- reading. The following list of corrections and additions is prepared from in- formation received since the pages referred to were printed. P. 13. The ship Lyon sailed from London. Letter of Hon. James Savage. P. 36, 1. 42. Elizabeth, dau. of Ebenezer Benton, was bap. Aug. 17, 1735. P. 37, 1. 4. Ezra, son of William Andrews, was bap. Jan. 2, 1732. P. 37. 1. 5. Anna White, m. June 4, 1731, Daniel Rust. P. 49, 1. 1, for Dec. 2, 1714, read Aug. 27, 1714. Mary, dau. of John White, bap. Nov. 5, 1727, was perhaps the one who m. John Baxter. P. 67. The wife of Simeon White was not Jerusha Wait, but Jerusha Smith, of Hatfield. P. 81, 1. 1, for Jan., 1764, read June 19, 1764. P. 84, 1. 2, for 1847, ae. 60, read 1843, a. 56. P. 84, 1. 23, for Brown Univ., read University of Vermont. P. 86, 1. 12. James and Lydia Gary removed in 1839 from Mexico, Oswego Co., N. Y., to Illinois. They both d. at Waukegan, Lake Co,. 111. He d. in 1846; she d. in 1848. They had no children. P. 91, 1. 15, for Killingworth, read Middletown. P. 93, 1. 16. Annar Lothrop b. Apr. 5, 1742. 1. 24. Lucinda d. Apr. 22, 1836. P. 96. Elizur White died in Granville, N. Y., Oct., 1823, ae. 73. He m. June 26, 1769, Hannah Cooper, who died Jan., 1828, ae. 79. He had, 1. Elizur, b. July 1, 1770; m. Hannah Savage. - - (183) 2. Hannah, b. March 1, 1772; d. March 12, 1772. 3. Joseph, b. June 8, 1773; d. unm., Dec. 28, 1812, ae. 39. 4. Hannah, b. March 12, 1775; m. Joseph Ballory, and rem. to Grand Isle, Vt., where she d. about 1815, leaving five children; Joseph, Eliza Ann, William, Fanny, and Deborah. The family afterwards rem. to Canada. 5. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 29. 1777: m. Col. Nathaniel Frank, and d. 282 Appendix. May 3, 1823, ae. 46. He d. Dec. 31, 1823. She had, Shipman, Hannah, Nathaniel, Elizur White, Andrew, Joseph White, and Eliza Ann. 6. William, b. Jan. 29, 1779; m, 1st. Grace Savage; 2d, F. Stock- ing. - (184) 7. Ebenezer, b. June 19, 1781; m. Elizabeth Sage. - (185) P. 104, 1. 6, read, He marched to New York, &c. P. 108, 1. 15, for east part of Rockville, read north-east part of Vernon. P. 114, 1. 16. Helen A. Henry m. Feb. 14, 1859, Harrie T. A. Smith, of New York. P. 114, 1. 23. Theodore W. Lyman m. 2d, Feb., 1859, Henrietta Wares of New York, where he now resides. P. 114, 1. 24. Wm. W. Lyman m. March 8, 1859, Lucy J. Snow of South Hadley. P. 123, 1. 13, for M. D. Van Hise, read M. S. Van Hise. P. 125, 1. 23, add, 7. James, d. in youth. P. 127, Family 131. Correct the names and dates by the following: Daniel White was born June 19, 1764, and died April 11, 1837, se 72. He m. Oct. 27, 1793, Sally Merriman of Richmond, Mass., b. June 1, 1772, and d. June 27, 1856. He had, 1. Ruth Merriman, b. Sept. 11, 1795. 2. Lucia, b. April 27, 1797, m. Jan. 14, 1818, William Page a farm- er and magistrate in Stockbridge, Madison C., N. Y. He d. /Feb. 15, 1857, ae. 65. She has ,1. Sarah Samantha, b. Mar. 1, 1819, m. June 11, 1836, L. Johnson of Stockbridge; 2. Lucia Celestia, b. Sept. 7, 1821, m. Dec. 26, 1839, James Harris Ran- som of Stockbridge; S.Montgomery Hunt, b. Feb. 16. 1826, m. Dec. 23, 1848, Sophia A. Hinman of Augusta. N. Y.; 4. William K., b. July 10, 1828, m. Feb. 24, 1853, Mary Ann Wheeler of Chagrin Falls, Ohio; 5. Maryette, b. Nov. 7, 1830, m. Nov. 8, 1848, James H. Faulkner of Vernon, N. Y.; 6. Genevra L., b. May 14, 1833. m. Dec. 31, 1852, Hiram Van Swall of Augusta, N. Y.; 7. Melinda Jennette, b. Oct. 18, 1837, m. Nov. 30, 1858, James Horth of Oneida, N. Y. 3. Abram, b. July 13, 1800; m. Dolly Gleason. - - (268) 4. Daniel, b. Sept. 1, 1802; m. Anna Hubbard. - - (269) 5. Eli Evarts, b. March 29, 1808. P. 143, 1. 5, for SallySharp, read Sally Thorp. 1. 20. for 1803 read 1804. P. 145, 1. 10. for Sumner, read Elizabeth Sumner. P. 147, 1, 3. for 2. Maria, &c., read as follows: 2. Maria, b. June 4, 1794, m. Jan. 11, 1819, James N. Willard of North Hartland, Vt., a farmer. She has had, 1. James N., b. June 5, 1821, a farmer in N. Hartland. He m. Feb. 26. 1844, Mary G. Thayer; 2. Maria, b. April 23, 1823, d. May 13, 1823; 3. Phinehas K., b. Aug. 21, 1825, lives in N. Hartland. He m. Sept. 18, 1848, Ellen R. Pierce; 4. Louisa Maria, b. March 29, 1828, d. Sept. 10, 1829; 5. Allen H., b. Jan. 24, 1830, is a civil engineer in Davenport, Iowa. He m. Jan., 1857, Susan Collins; 6. Daniel S., b. Aug. 16. 1832; 7. George E. W., b.April 19, 1837. P. 147, 1. 26, for Oct., read Sept. 4. Insert Frances before Lucinda. P. 147, for section 163, substitute the following: Elias White, Jun., son of Elias, (73) was born in Upper Middle- town, Dec. 7, 1775. He was a shoemaker, and settled in Corn- wall, Conn., where he died, Aug. 12, 1811, ae. 35. He m. Jan. 2, 1800, Cynthia Rogers of Cornwall, dau. of Capt. Edward Rogers and Hannah Jackson. She was b. Dec. 8, 1782, and d. Sept. 12, 1813, ae. 31. Children see Families 331a 331d. Appendix. 283 P. 149, 1. 31, for Lemuel, b. 1796, read b. 1795. P. 152, Fam. 173. Chauncey White was a tailor: lived in Granville, Mass, till 1840. Mrs. Melinda Taylor was wid. of George Taylor of Granville. For Charles Plumb, b. Aug. 5, 1809, read b. Aug. 4, 1809. P. 157, Fam. 184. William White was born Jan. 29, 17V9. He, had one daughter by the first marriage; Grace Savage, b. April 25, 1806, m. April 22, 1829, Andrew S. McPherson, and now resides in Galway, Saratoga Co., N. Y. She has had, 1, Catharine A., b. Sept. 1, 1835, d. Sept. 28, 1836; 2. Fannie G., b. July 26, 1843. P. 157, Fam. 185, Capt. Ebenezer White was born June 19, 1781. For 1. Elizabeth Wells &c., read thus: 1. Elizabeth Wells, b. April 25, 1807; m. Dec. 4, 1833, Stephen S. Holmes of Springfield, Mass. She has had, 1. Emily Leavens, b. July 19, 1836; 2. Anna Elizabeth, b. Sept. 7, 1850, d. Jan. 28, 1859. P. 167, 1. 17, for Jabez Loomis, m. Oct., 1849, read Jabez White, m. Feb. 7, 1850. P. 172, 1. 19. Rev. Martin Kellogg has recently been elected a Pro- fessor in the College of California, at Oakland, Contra Costa Co., Cal. P. 192, 1. 13, read, 3. Albert Milton, b. June 18, 1824; m. Laurinda Cutler. - (449a) P. 202, Family 278, for 5. John D., b. 1812, read b. 1813. P. 213, 1. 26, for Willard Wetmore, b. Feb. 7, 1835, read Feb. 7, 1836. P. 215, 1. 2, for Grace Keeney, read Sarah Grace Kenny. P. 218, 1. 1, read, 1. Aaron, b. Sept. 18, 1824; m. Isadore M. Haight. - (510a) P. 218, 1. 11, for Sampson, read Frederick Sampson. P. 221, 1. 4, read, 1. Carleton, b. May 11, 1834; m. Lizzie H. Dunn. (515a) P. 245, 1. 19. for Norman W., b. Oct. 20, 1850, read Oct. 29, 1850. III. Summary. The following Summary and Tables include those persons only whose names appear in the preceding pages, or of whom some other definite information is given. A few descendants of Elder John White, but who derive the name, by intermarriage, from some other family of Whites, are classed with the descendants of other names. The whole number of persons enumerated in this volume, belong- ing to the Family of Elder John White, is 5,074. Of this number, 2,850 bear the name of White, and 2,224 bear other names. The following Table shows the whole number of descendants in each generation, and also the number belonging to the line of each son of John White. Whole Number of Descendants. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Total Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Totals John, 6 32 Nathaniel, 8 John, 2 Daniel, 11 168 317 660 1353 1836 688 13 5074 71 208 473 924 1292 613 13 3603 20 46 39 88 184 52 _-. 432 46 60 145 339 360 23 __ 985 284 Appendix. The following Table shows the number of descendants named White, in each generation. Also, the number in the line of each son, and each grandson, of John White. Descendants Named White. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Totals John, 6 21 70 173 403 814 997 365 2850 Nathaniel, 8 49 121 294 555 699 331 2058 Nathaniel, 11 40 106 177 210 103 648 John, 10 7 5 9 8 5 45 Daniel, 11 43 123 249 377 188 992 Jacob, 10 24 51 103 102 35 326 Joseph, 7 7 9 17 2 __ 43 John, 2 10 18 19 59 98 18 225 John, 10 18 19 59 98 18 223 Daniel, 11 11 34 90 200 200 16 563 Daniel, 11 34 90 200 200 16 552 Some interesting comparative results may be obtained from this Table. Of the descendants bearing the name of White, those of Nathaniel are nearly three-fourths of the whole number, while those of Daniel are more than twice as many as those of his brother John. There are still greater inequalities in the numbers descended from the several sons of Nathaniel. Two of these sons, Daniel and Joseph, married sisters. The descendants of Daniel are twenty- three times as many as those of Joseph, although the list of Daniel's descendants is quite imperfect, while that of Joseph's is supposed to be complete. In the line of Joseph, there are but two males of the seventh generation, to perpetuate the name. It should be observed, however, that the grandchildren of Nathaniel, having other names than White, were fewer than those of Daniel; and, in the next generation, those of Daniel were fewer than those of Joseph. So that if all the descendants were traced out, in the families of every name, the inequality in each case would be much less than it appears above. Other lines of the Family may readily be compared, by the aid of the Tables here given. The number of descendants of other names than' White, enumer- ated in this volume, appears below. This Table shows the number in each generation, and the number in the line of each son and grandson of John White. Descendants Bearing other Names than White. 3nd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Totals 13 2224 13 1545 496 1 25 12 720 192 90 __ 207 __ 197 __ 422 385 John, 11 98 144 257 539 839 323 Nathaniel, 22 87 179 369 593 282 Nathaniel, 10 39 168 201 78 John, 4 1 7 12 Daniel, 30 100 154 264 160 Jacob, 10 15 33 102 32 Joseph, 33 24 14 19 John, 10 28 20 29 86 34 John, 28 20 29 86 34 Daniel, 35 26 55 139 160 7 Daniel, 25 55 139 160 7 Appendix. 285 In the 4th generation there were only twenty-three who pre- petuated the name. Each one of these 23 is represented in the forgoing pages by descendants belonging to the 8th or 9th generation. The volume contains some definite account of the children be- longing to 1,000 families; 542 families of Whites, and 458 families of which the mothers were Whites. Those families of which a remoter female ancestor was named White, are not included in this enumeration. The two following Tables show the number of fam- ilies in each generation, and in the line of each son of John White. The families are counted in the generations to which the parents belong. Families of Whites. 1st Gen. 2nd 3rd Gen. Gen. 4th Gen. 5th Gen. 6th Gen. 7th Gen. 8th Gen. Totals John, 3 7 27 54 127 203 120 542 Nathaniel, 5- 18 40 90 141 104 399 John, Daniel, 1 1 3 6 2 12 7 30 17 45 7 9 38 . 104 Families of which the Mothers were Whites. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Gen. Totals John 2 9 19 44 88 184 105 7 458 Nathaniel, 3 12 31 58 127 91 7 329 John, 1 4 3 6 13 9 __ 36 Daniel, 5 3 10 24 44 5 91 The following comparative Statement shows the interval between the births of the oldest and youngest persons of each generation. Years Date of Birth Differnce Gen. 2nd. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. Eldest Mary, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, Moses, Joel, Elijah, Theodore, Francis H., Date of Birth (p. 20,)b. about 1627. (p. 27,)b. July 7, 1652. (p. 35,)b.Jan. 13, 1679. (p. 46,)b. Feb. 7, 1710. (p. 72,)b. about 1738. (p. 129,)b. June 12,1767. (p. 191,)b. Feb. 1, 1794. (p. 256,)b.Jan. 11, 1827. Youngest Jacob, Mehitable, Oliver, Joseph, Addison H. ; John Jay, Annie M., Le Roy A., (p. 20,) b. Oct. (p. 32,) b. Mar. (p. 44,) b. Mar. (p. 68,) b. Sept. (p. 108,) b.Aug. (p. 178,) b. Sept. (p. 207,) b. Mar. (p. 257,) b. Sept. 8, 1645. 18 14, 1683. 31 26,1720. 41 2, 1764. 54 23, 1803. 65 7, 1854. 87 23, 1859. 65 27, 1859. 32 It should be observed that very many of the 8th generation, and most of the 9th, are not yet born. There are doubtless a few descendants of the name, who belong to the 10th generation, but none have been reported. Of the descendants of other names, the first belonging to the 10th generation was William S. Skilton, (p. 268,) born August, 1847. It appears from the above statement, that seven generations were added to the Family in two hundred years. Also, that the persons of the same generation were not all cotemnoraries. The youngest child of the 5th generation was born less than three years before the oldest child of the 7th; while the youngest of the 7th generation was born 27 years later than the oldest of the 9th. 286 Appendix. The duration of each generation is shown by the following State- ment. Years Gen. Date of earliest Birth Latest known date of Death Duration 1st. John, (p. 13,)b. about 1600. John, (p. 20,) d. Jan., 1684. 84 2d. Mary, (p. 20,)b. about 1627. Daniel, (p. 29,)d. July 27,1713. 86 3rd, Nathaniel, (p. 27,)b. July 7, 1652. Esther, (p. 31,) d. Sept. 7,1766.114 4th. Elizabeth, (p. 35,)b. Jan. 13, 1679. Oliver, (p. 68,)d. Sept. 13,1801.122 5th. Moses, (p. 46,)b.Feb. 7, 1710. Jerusha, (p. 67,)d. Dec. 1,1839.129 From a comparison of the foregoing Statements, it appears that John White lived five years after the birth of his oldest great- grandchild, and that each succeeding generation reached unto the third or fourth below it. Different members of the 4th generation were cotemporary with parts of each generation from 1st to the 8th, and members of the 5th generation were cotemporary with parts of each generation from the 2d to the 9th. A considerable number of the 6th generation are still living, but nearly all of the persons now in active life belong to the 7th and 8th generations. The whole number of descendants named White may be estimated from the foregoing data. The history of a large number of families shows that the ratio of increase in the early generations was nearly the same with that upon which are based similar estimates in the "Shattuck Memorials;" assuming seven as the average number of children in each family, and that two-thirds of the whole number live to be married. There were probably about 140 families of which the parents belonged to the 6th generation. Upon the above ratio of increase, there would be 980 descendants (named White) of the 7th generation, 2.289 of the 8th generation, and 5,341 of the 9th generation. The whole number in the first 8 generations would thus appear to be about 4000. The descendants now living, with those of past generations, are probably more than that number. It will be seen by the first Table, on page 284, that the ratio of in- crease varies greatly in different branches of the Family. A similar estimate may be made of the whole number of descend- ants of every name. The 170 great-grandchildren of John White would thus be multipied to 17,213 in the 7th generation, to 80.325 in the 8th generation, and to 374,850 in the 9th generation. Perhaps one-fourth should be deducted from these numbers, to allow for inter- marriages between descendants. There would still remain 75,000 as the number of descendants in the first 8 generations, or the whole number of persons that may be supposed to have sprung from Elder John White, down to the present time. These estimates are presented as only an approximation to the truth. The ratio of increase in the later generations is doubtless much smaller than that here employed. The Third Part of the Index contains references to the names of about 2,200 persons connected with the family by marriage. INDEX Part First of this Index contains the Christian names of descendants surnamed White. Part Second, the whole names of descendants having other names than White, with a few of that name, who derive the name from some other ancestor than Elder John White. Part Third contains the whole names of persons who have married into the family. Part Fourth, the surnames of other persons mentioned in this volume. The names of descendants who are supposed to have died before reaching the age of ten years are omitted. The number on the right of a name refers to the page. References to the name of the same person are connected by a hyphen. In Parts Firt and Second, the figure on the left of a name denotes the generation to which the person belonged. Part I. Descendants Named White. GAL ONE 5 Aaron, 54, 85 6 Aaron, 86. 112. 125. 7 Aaron, 112, 196, 208. 8 Aaron, 259, 271-283. 7 Aaron Clark. 214. 7 Aaron J., 231. 8 Aaron J., 188. 8 Aaron R., 214. 7Abby Ann, 174. 9Abby F., 253. SAbby J., 243. SAbby Lydia, 185. 7Abi N., 152. 5 Abiah, 50. 5 Abigail, 46, 46, 49, 50, 55. 6 Abigail. 71, 72, 78, 81, 83. 7 Abigail, 114, 128, 138, 155, 155. 162. 8 Abigail, 250.' 9 Abigail, 264. 6Abi.iah, 132. SAbijah, 264. 7Abijah L., 203. SAbner, 207. 7Abram, 198. SAbram C., 214. 8 Adaline, 194, 195. 8 Adaline J., 247. 8 Adaline M., 185. 7Addison, 178. SAddison E., 234. 9Addison F., 274. 6 Addison Hayes, 178. SAddison S., 204. 9 Adelaide L., 252. 7Adelia Elvira, 152. 9 Adeline, 269. 8 Adeline R., 228. SAdell H., 202. 7Adotia, 149. SAlanson, 226. 7 Albert, 218, 229. 8 Albert A., 232. 8 Albert C., 187. 9 Albert H., 263. 8 Albert J., 194. 7 Albert L., 249. 8 Albert M., 257-283. 8 Albert R., 186. 8 Albert S., 229. 9 Albert T., 271. 6 Alexander, 155. 7 Alexander, 155, 176. 9 Alexander F., 257. 7 Alfred, 130, 247. 8 Alfred, 205. 232, 256. 9 Alfred H., "256. 8 Alfred L., 243. 5 Alice, 49. 6 Alice, 80. 9 Alice J. J., 261. 7 Allen, 122. 7 Alma, 154. 9 Alma C., 255. 7 Aimer, 218. 9 Aimer, 272. 7 Almira, 142, 175- 249. 8 Almira, 207, 217. 8 Almira B., 228. SAlonzo, 273, 275. 7 Alpha, 175. SAlverse L., 272. SAlverson B.. 204. 9Alvira, 270. 7 Amanda, 114, 143, 165. 8 Amanda, 181. 9 Amanda L., 259. 7Amarilla, 174. 8 Amaryllis C., 194. 8 Ambrose, 232. 6 Amelia, 105. 8 Amelia, 191, 213. 9 Amelia A., 263. 8 Amelia J., 196. 7Amia, 126. 6 Amos, 128. 7 Amos, 128, 199, 203, 213 215 8 Amos,' 203,' 203, 215, 263. 7 Amos H., 203. 9 Amos O., 263. 6 Amy, 73. 7 Andrew, 137. 9 Andrew C., 271. 7Angeline, 121, 159. 4 Ann, 37-281. 5 Ann, 49, 65, 66, 67. 8 Ann, 225. 9 Ann E., 262. 8 Ann Eliza, 220. 8 Ann Maria, 204, 215, 225 7 Ann Matilda, 175. 5 Anna, 58. 6 Anna, 79, 93, 101. 7 Anna, 125, 133, 143, 159. 288 Index. Part I. 8 Anna, 220. 9 Anna, 270. 9 Anna A., 253. 7 Anna Eliza, 150. 7 Anna Hale, 173. 7 Anna L., 167. 9 Anna L., 255. 8 Anna M., 221, 250. 8 Anna N., 247. 9 Anna S., 275. 5 Anne, 56. 6 Anne, 103, 106. 7 Anne, 111. 8 Annie E., 228. 8 Annie M., 207. 6 Ansel, 139. 7 Ansel, 139. 9 Arabella, 264. 7Arlina, 153. 7 Arthur, 197. 8 Arthur, 196, 224, 239. 9 Arthur, 268. 9 Arthur E. C., 252. 5 Asa, 58, 96, 107. 6 Asa, 97, 108, 156, 171. 7 Asa, 232, 234. 7 Asa Gates, 236. 8 Asa J., 276. 7 Asahel, 128. 9 Ashley S., 274. 7 Augusta, 154. 8 Augusta, 215, 220, 243. 8 Augusta B., 227. 8 Augusta R., 222. 8 Augustus, 203, 215. 8 Augustus F., 222. 7 Augustus S., 236. 8 Augustus S., 247. 6Aurelia, 88. 7Aurelia, 139. 8 Aurelia A., 249. 7 Austin A., 204. 9 Austin H., 252. 8 Avis, 250. 9Azubah, 263. 7 Backus, 203. 8 Baldwin T., 270. 5 Bathsheba, 52. 7Bela, 121. 6 Benjamin, 174. 7 Benjamin, 208. 8 Benjamin, 275. 7 Benjamin Day, 243. 8 Benjamin Ogden, 245. 8 Benjamin S., 191. 6Bethene, 76. 6 Betsey, 102, 103. 7 Betsey, 145, 147, 163. 8 Betsey, 207. 7 Betsey Ann, 153. 8 Betsey Ann, 215. 5 Betty, 66. 6Brainard, 152. 7 Brigham, 149. 7 Buckland, 168. 8 Burns Erastus, 226. SCalista A., 218, 236. 6 Calvin, 74, 106, 145. 7 Calvin, 113, 219, 225. 8 Calvin, 222. 8 Cameron, 249. 7 Canvass, 210. 7 Carleton, 221. 8 Carleton, 273-283. 7 Caroline, 131, 151, 162, 166. 8 Caroline, 219, 230, 234, 236. 9 Caroline, 262, 273. 7 Caroline A., 135. 8 Caroline A., 121, 195, 214, 224, 236. 9 Caroline A., 265. 8 Caroline E., 187, 191, 201. 8 Caroline J., 246. 9 Caroline J., 273. 8 Caroline M., 231. 9 Caroline M., 276. 9 Carrie D., 253. 9 Carrie E, 266. 9 Caryl F. S., 271. 8 Casper B., 223. 6 Catharine, 95. 8 Catharine, 211, 246. 7 Catharine C., 157, 171. 8 Catharine E., 193. 8 Catharine J., 201. 7 Catharine L., 154. 8 Catharine M., 200. 9 Catharine M., 254. 8 Catharine P., 239. 7 Catherine, 139, 155. 8 Catherine E. T., 206. 8 Catherine L., 197. SCelia, 248. 9 Celina J., 255. 7 Chandler, 221. 7 Charity, 112. 6 Charles, 175. 7 Charles, 122. 129, 140, 141, 159, 169, 201, 248. 8 Charles, 194, 195, 211, 230, 231, 247, 255. 9 Charles, 258, 260, 270. 8 Charles A., 197, 203, 213 261 9 Charles A.,' 265, 274, 276. 8 Charles B., 269. 8 Charles C., 234, 234. 9 Charles E., 254. 8 Charles F., 224. 9 Charles H., 264. 7 Charles James Fox, 170. 8 Charles L., 210. 9 Charles L., 257. 8 Charles M., 208. 9 Charles N., 253. 7 Charles P., 227-283. 9 Charles P., 266. 7 Charles S., 168. 8 Charles S., 200, 243. 9 Charles S., 262. 8 Charles Trumbull, 276. 8 Charles W., 242. 7 Charlotte, 113, 139, 166, 178. 8 Charlotte, 182, 211, 216. 8 Charlotte A., 244. 8 Charlotte E., 196. 9 Charlotte E., 251, 254. 8 Charlotte P., 201. 8 Charlotte S., 187, 228. 6 Chauncey, 152-283. 8 Chauncy, 246. 9 Chauncey, 270. 8 Chauncey E., 190. 9 Chauncey H., 275. 6 Chester, 177. 7 Chester, 187, 225. 9 Chester G., 253. 8 Chester R., 187. 9 Chester R., 254. 5 Chloe, 67. 6Chloe, 86, 106. 5 Christian, 55. 6 Christian, 69. 7 Christian, 110. 7 Clara, 129. 8 Clara, 222. 9 Clara L., 264. 9 Clara M., 260. 9 Clara N., 255. 8 Clara V., 240. Descendants Named White. 289 9 Clarence H., 258. 7 Daniel Sherman, 193. 7 Clarine, 109. 8 Daniel Symond, 198. 6 Clarissa, 94, 103, 108. 9 Daniel W., 246. 7 Clarissa, 115, 167. 4 David, 58. 8 Clarissa, 182, 188. 5 David, 58, 78. 9 Clarissa, 271. 6 David, 72, 78, 119, 8 Clarissa A., 250. 133, 159. 8 Clarissa J., 221. 7 David, 122, 123, 151, 7 Clarissa M., 175. 158, 192, 204, 233, 7 Clark, 110. 234. 9 Clark, 272. 8 David, 234, 253. SColister P., 204. 8 David R., 234. 8 Collins S., 233. 4 Deborah, 38. 6 Comfort, 92. 5 Deborah, 55, 55. 7 Comfort, 222. 7 Deborah, 128. 7 Coral Case, 201. 8 Deborah B., 183. 8 Coral Case, 262. 7 Delia, 124. 8 Cordelia 0., 183. 8 Delia. 195, 233, 247, 6 Corintha, 95. 248. 8 Cornelia, 116, 205, 8 Delia B., 191. '238-238, 246, 248. 8 Delia J., 201. 9 Cornelia, 272. 9 Delia M., 264. 8 Cornelia A., 197. 8 Deniah, 191. 9 Cornelia E., 266. 8 Dexter, 235. 9 Cornelia F., 261. 9 Denton Dunn. 273. 8 Cornelia M., 238. 9 Dora Elvira, 258. 9 Cornelia M., 254. 5 Dudley, 106. 8 Corelia P., 210. 7 Dudley, 174. 6 Cotton, 123. 8 Dwight W., 247. 7 Cynthia, 112, 120, 6 Dyer, 141. 133. 7 Dyer, 141. 8 Cynthia, 186. 8 Cynthia Ann. 211. 7 Earl, 159. 8 Cynthia J., 223, 223. 4Ebeneser, 48, 56. 8 Cypron K., 234. 5 Ebeneser, 77, 78, 83. 7 Cyrus, 188. 6 Ebeneser. 110, 157- 8 Cyrus, 188. 283. 165. 7 Ebeneser. 139, 183, 6 Dan, 149. 193, 195. 7 Dan, 231. 8 Ebeneser, 237. 240. 2 Daniel, 28. 7Eheneser Butler, 205. 3 Daniel, 37, 42. 8 Edgar, 266. 4 Daniel, 47, 49, 60. 9 Edear. 275. 5 Daniel, 50, 74, 76, 6 Fditha. 72. 98, 105. 6 Edmund. 92. 6 Daniel, 99, 117, 121, 9 EHmund C., 2*4. 127-282, 133, 171, 7 Edmund E., 171. 179. 8Edson. 181. 7 Daniel, 127, 198, 214, 6 Edward. 118. 237, 249. 7EHward. 166. 8 Daniel, 217. 8 Edward. 232, 243, 9 Daniel, 255. 250. 268. 8 Daniel B., 201. QFdward. 265. 275. 6 Daniel Clark, 137. Edward B., 209. 8 Daniel D. T., 269. 7 ^Hward C.. 209. 9 Daniel G., 256. 7 Edward C.. 190. 7 Daniel Granger, 190. 9 Edward C., 257. 8 Daniel Grander, 190. 9 Edward D., 258. 8 Daniel H., 255. 7 Edward E., 244. 6 Daniel Hurlburt, 130. 8 Edward E., 218. 8 Edward F., 216. 8 Edward G., 200. 8 Edward H., 223. 9 Edward L., 275. 8 Edward N., 227. 7 Edward R., 223. 8 Edward S., 193. 8 Edward T., 243. 7 Edwin, 223. 8 Edwin, 250,251,254. 8 Edwin A., 223. 7 Edwin C., 249. 8 Edwin C., 186. 7 Edwin H., 171. 9 Edwin L., 251. 8 Edwin N., 222. 7 Edwin R., 228. 8 Egbert, 248. 6Elam, 150. 8 Elam H., 226. 9 Elbridge H., 266. 6Eldad, 116. 7 Eldad, 116. 7 Eleanor, 150, 171. 8 Eleanor, 197. 6Electa, 101-163, 101, 106. 7 Electa, 109, 163. 7 Electa J., 170. 7 Eli Evarts, 127-282. 5Elias, 92. 6Elias, 147-282. 7Elias, 223, 235. SElias, 236. 5Elihu, 101. 6 Elihu, 166, 169. 7Elihu, 186. 5 Elijah, 81, 104. 6 Elijah, 80. 124, 129, 162, 169. 7 Elijah, 126, 128, 199." 8 Elijah, 253, 261. 7 Elijah B., 228. 8 Elijah D., 237. 9 Eliphaz W.. 262. 7 Elisabeth A.. 135 4Elisha, 66-60. 5Elisha, 53. 6Elisha, 71, 90, 140, 146, 174. 7Elisha, 174, 213, 214, 219. SElisha, 246, 268. 9 Elisha, 268. SElisha J.. 219. 7 Eliza, 120, 126, 138, 165-163, 172, 179. 8 Eliza. 207. 219. 225, 225, 231, 247. 9 Eliza, 269. 290 7 Eliza A., 159, 175. 8 Eliza Ann, 186, 199, 7 Eliza C., 176. 9 Eliza J M 254. 8 Eliza L., 221. 8 Eliza M., 197. 3 Elizabeth, 27, 31. 4 Elizabeth, 36, 36, 38, 41-60, 44. 5Eliabeth, 49, 55, 61. 6 Elizabeth, 70, 71, 95, 96-281, 100, 108. 7 Elizabeth, 123, 129, 129, 135, 136, 155, 167, 173, 174. 8 Elizabeth. 112, 193, 234, 247. 9 Elizabeth, 259. 7 Elizabeth A., 168. 9 Elizabeth A., 268. 9 Elizabeth, F., 267. 7 Elizabeth Mary, 164. 8 Elizabeth R.. 234. 7 Elizabeth W., 157- 283 5Elizur, 96-281. 6 Elizur. 156-281. 8 Ella, 243. 9 Ella, 270. 9 Ella A., 258. 9 Ella F., 198. 8 Ella Jane, 244. 9 Ella Jane. 264. 7 Emma W., 168. 8 Ella L., 224. 9 Ella L., 269. 9Ellagene, 265. 8 Ellen, 222. 9 Ellen, 275. 8 Ellen A., 186, 194. 9 Ellen A., 253, 278. 8 Ellen J., 193. 7 Ellen M., 178. SFllen S., 246. VFluthera. 147. 7 Elvira, 164. 8 Elvira, 188. 9 Elvira E., 262. 7Fmeline, 124, 173, SFmpline, 187, 219. 9Emeline, 262. 8 Emerancy, 182. 7Emilv, 114, 117. 149, 151, 153, 179. 8 Emily, 190, 225, 234. 9 Emily, 265. 8 Emily A., 232. 9 Emily A., 262. 8 Emily C., 243. Index. Part L 9 Emily C., 263. 9 Emily E., 261. 9 Emily S., 273. 8 Emma, 196, 229, 230, 236. 9 Emma, 268, 270, 273. 9 Emma A., 258, 259. 8 Emma E., 248. 8 Emma Hale, 245. 8 Emma J.,234. 9 Emma R., 266. 9 Emma S., 274. 8 Emma V., 183. 6 Enoch, 111, 122. 7 Enoch, 185, 9 Enoch C., 253. 8 Enoch J., 253. SErastus H., 234. 7Erastus Wilson, 226. 8 Erskine Norman, 276. 9Erwin, 269. SEstella, 231. 3 Esther, 31. 5 Esther, 45, 57, 58. 6 Esther, 70. 71, 77, 84. 7 Esther, 137, 140. 9 Esther, 267. 9 Esther J., 259. 8 Eudora J., 248. 9 Eugene, 265. 4 Eunice, 41-60. 6 Eunice, 71, 89. 99, 104 7 Eunice 111, 131. 8 Eunice, 217. 8 Eunice A., 244. 8 Eunice P., 202. 9 Eunice P., 263. 7 Eunice S., 171. 9 Eva. 246. 7 Eveline, 135. 8 Eveline, 231, 9 Eveline, 254. 8 Evelyn, 264. 5 Experience, 47. 6 Experience, 93. 7 Experience, 145. 6Ezekiel, 69. 7Ezekiel. 181. 6 Ezra, 69. 7 Ezra, 182. 9 Fannie E., 256. 6 Fanny, 98, 106. 7 Fanny, 139. 145, 151, 162, 172, 174, 175. 8 Fanny, 190. 7 Fanny F., 130. 8 Fanny H., 205, 239. 8 Fidelia A., 202. 8 Flora A., 208. 9 Flora E., 266. 8 Florence Bell, 236. 9 Florence H., 275. SFlorilla, 211. 7Florrila, 150. 7 Fortune Clark, 208. 8 Frances, 195, 222, 248. 9 Frances, 276. 8 Frances A., 209, 223, 237. 9 Frances A., 264. 8 Frances C., 200, 246. 9 Frances C., 262. 8 Frances E., 201. 9 Frances H., 264. 7 Frances H., 156. 9 Frances J., 268. 8 Frances L., 224. 9 Frances L., 259. 7 Frances M., 173. 8 Frances M., 184. 8 Frances Stanley, 245. 7 Francis, 216. 8 Francis, 182, 217, 275. 9 Francis, 270, 276. 8 Francis H., 240. 9 Francis H., 256. 9 Francis O., 259-281. 8 Francis S., 187. 8 Francis W., 194. 9 Frank A., 254, 263. 8 Frank F., 236. 8 Frank G., 218. 8 Frank H., 219. 7 Franklin, 120. 8 Franklin, 191. 8 Franklin A., 227. 8 Franklin C., 231. 9 Franklin F., 277. 9 Franklin R., 257. 7 Frederic, A., 156. 9 Frederic H., 264. 6 Frederic. 176. 7 Frederick, 144, 229. 8 Frederick, 217. 8 Frederick, 199. 8 Frederick C., 244. 7 Frederick E., 170. 8 Frederick H., 206. 9 Frederick L., 257. 8 Frederick M., 243. 9 Frederick S., 218-283. 7 Frederick W., 248. 9 Frederick W., 274. 8 Gabriel, C., 243. Descendants Named White. 291 6 Gad, 121. 4 Hannah, 39, 41. 7 Helen M., 156. 9 Garry H., 266. 5 Hannah, 55, 58. 9 Helen M., 268. 5 George, 108. 6 Hannah, 75, 85, 90, 8 Helen O., 218. 6 George, 105, 135, 176, 90, 96-281, 97-163, 8 Helen P., 239. 179. 98, 107-199. 8 Helen R., 247. 7 George, 121, 129, 159, 7 Hannah, 110, 117, 8 Helen V., 183. 193, 237. 118, 165, 176. 7 Heman, 136, 188. 8 George, 189, 197, 203, 8 Hannah, 206. 8 Heman, 254, 265, 277. 216, 222, 226, 227, 9 Hannah, 276. 9 Heman M., 265. 231, 237, 248, 250, 7 Hannah A., 130. 8 Henrietta, 215. 269, 278. 7 Hannah C., 157. 9 Henrietta, 277. 9 George, 270. 7 Hannah E., 132. 135. 8 Henrietta H., 206. 9 George A., 256, 272. 8 Hannah H., 206. 5 Henry, 93. 7 George Berkeley, 222, 8 Hannah L., 190. 6 Henry, 93, 175. 8 George Bostwick, 215. 7Harlow, 247. 7 Henry, 120, 134, 159, 7 George C., 241, 250. 7 Harold, 197. 209, 213, 235, 243, 8 George C., 248, 250, 8 Harold M., 198. 248. 259. 7 Harriet, 115, 140, 151, 8 Henry, 186, 189, 195, 8 George Cossitt, 264. 153, 154, 163, 179. 229, 233. 9 George Cossitt, 264. 8 Harriet. 190, 194. 195, 9 Henry, 267, 270. 7 George E., 222. 204, 216. 222, 232. 7 Henry A., 244. 8 George E., 213. 9 Harriet, 270. 8 Henry A., 249. 7 George Hale, 173. 8 Harriet A., 201, 219, 8 Henry C., 194, 205, 8 George H., 188, 247, 224. 224. 249, 258, 273. 9 Harriet A., 269. 9 Henry C., 275, 277. 9 George H., 273. 7 Harriet C., 156. 7 Henry Champlin, 223. 7 George J., 206. 7 Harriet E., 152. 7 Henry D., 170. 9 George K., 260. 8 Harriet E., 200, 206. 8 Henry Dyer. 213. 8 George L., 249. 215, 226, 232. 8 Henry G., 202. 242. 9 George L., 252, 275. 9 Harriet E., 264. 9 Henry G., 254. 8 George M., 267. 9 Harriet H., 263. 7 Henry H., 155. 9 George M., 268. 8 Harriet J., 247. 8 Henry H., 267. 8 George S., 186. 7 Harriet L., 155. 9 Henry H., 265, 272. 8 George W., 183, 199, 8 Harriet M., 209, 230. 8 Henry K., 185. 276. 9 Harriet Maria, 259. 7 Henry Kirke, 173. 8 George W. M., 206. 7 Harriet P., 135, 148. 8 Henry Kirke. 196, 215 7 Georgiana C.. 156. 8 Harriet R., 218. 221, 238, 246. 6 Gershom, 153. 9 Harriet S., 275. 8 Henry L.. 186. 234. 8 Gertrude M., 244. 9 Harriette L., 255. 9 Henry M., 258. 7 Gideon Brainard, 130 7 Harris, 235. 8 Henry R., 266. 8 Gideon S., 260. 8 Harris V., 235. 7 Henry S., 123. 9 Gideon S., 261. 8 Harris W., 235. 8 Henry S., 233, 265, 6 Giles, 75. 8 Harrison, 273. 274. 8 Glenn Wood, 236. 8 Harrison E., 233. 8 Henry W., 246. 7 Gordon, 190. 7 Harry 233. 9 Henry W., 253. 7 Grace, 149. 8 Harry. 232. 9 Herbert, 268. 6 Grace Grant, 77. 8 Harry B , 219. 9 Herbert A., 273. 7 Grace Savage, 283. SHarrv H.. 206. 7Hervey, 114. 8 Grace Savage. 230. 8 Harvey. 186. 191. 229. 8 Hilamon, 226. 8 Grace Stanley, 245. 9 Hattie Annie. 254. 7 Hiram, 160, 211. 8 Grove K., 244. 9Hattie C., 258. 8 Hiram, 235, 235. 248. 7 Gurdon, 232. 8H E., 228. 7 Hiram Jacob, 226. 9 Gurdon, 232. 8 Helen, 189. 8 Hiram W., 270. 7 Gustavus, 131. 8 Helen A., 197. 9 Hiram W.. 270. 9 H. May, 268. 7Halsey, 139. 9 Helen A., 273. 7 Homer, 117. 8 Handford, 247, 8 Helen Clement, 245. 8 Helen E., 240. 8 Homer H., 219. 7 Hanford, 246. 9 Helen E. S., 252. 6 Honor, 79, 85. 3 Hannah, 32. 8 Helen L., 202. 7 Honor, 147. 292 Index. Part I. 7 Hope Lord, 130. 6 Horace, 116. 7 Horace, 112, 116, 166. 7 Horace C., 250. 7 Horace F., 171. 8 Horace H., 255. 8 Horace W., 250. 7 Horatio, 236. 9 Hubbard, 269. SHubbard T., 269. 6 Huldah, 90, 91. 7 Huldah, 110, 142, 145. 9 Huldah, 271. 4 Hugh, 52. 5 Hugh, 86. 6 Hugh, 138. 7 Hugh, 210. 8 Ichabod J., 224. 8 Ida Elizabeth, 237. 8 Imry Styles, 228. 8 Indiana, 211. 9 Ira B., 276. 6 Irene, 73. 7 Irene, 116. 8 Irene, 188. 4 Isaac, 53. 6 Isaac, 91, 143, 148. 7 Isaac, 142, 143, 215, 224. 8 Isaac, 224, 268, 270. 7 Isaac S., 155. 8 Isabel, 211. 9 Isabel G., 274. 8 Isabella M., 183. 6 Jabez Loomis, 166. 7 Jabez Loomis, 240. 8 Jabez Loomis, 241 2 Jacob, 33. 3 Jacob, 38. 4 Jacob, 36, 54. 5 Jacob, 73, 93, 95. 6 Jacob, 74. 93, 95. 7 Jacob, 230. 8 Jacob, 270. 8 Jacob W., 275. 6 James, 145. 7 James, 218. 8 James, 194, 219, 232 235, 252, 277. 9 James, 267. 270, 275. 8 James A., 224. 8 James C., 193. 8 James E., 219, 254. 8 James H., 201, 246, 266. 9 James J., 219, 234. 9 James J., 253. 8 James L., 219, 234. 9 James L., 256. 7 James N., 152. 8 James O., 228. 7 James P., 123. 8 James P., 253. 8 James R., 242. 8 James W., 215. 7 James Wells, 204, 242. 7 Jane, 148. 8 Jane, 189, 232, 233, 235. 9 Jane, 269. 7 Jane A., 132, 173. 8 Jane A., 200, 209. 8 Jane C., 216. 8 Jane E., 207. 7 Jane Eliza, 152. 7 Jane Maria, 156. 8 Jannette, 198. 7Jared, 142. SJared, 256. 6Jarib, 121. 7 Jay, 121. 8 Jay, 233. SJeannette, C., 193. 5Jedediah, 80. 7 Jemima, 110, SJenne L., 233. SJennette, 218, 224. 6 Jeremiah, 158. 7 Jeremiah G. B., 202. 8 Jerome, 233. 4 Jerusha, 40. 5Jerusha, 55, 65, 67. 6 Jerusha, 71, 106. 7 Jerusha, r09. 7 Jerusha D., 155. 8 Jerusha S., 208. 8 Jerusha W., 238. 8 Jesse, 234. 8 Jessie, 236, 244. 7 Joanna, 161. 6 Job, 112. 7 Job, 187. 4 Joel, 63-60. 5 Joel, 94, 102. 6 Joel, 72, 153. 7 Joel, 144. 8 Joel, 267. 8 Joel C., 269. 7 Joel Wales, 241. 8 Joel W., 244. 1JOHN, 13. 2 John, jun., 28. 3 John, 36, 40. 4 John, 46, 48-281, 52, 55, 57. 5 John, 48, 57, 59, 71, 79 90. 6 John/90,107, 107, 124, 127, 127, 142, 153, 158, 161, 164. 7 John, 120, 127, 139, 170, 171, 195, 214, 229, 237, 238. 8 John, 215, 217, 219, 227, 229, 232, 234, 237, 243, 248, 259. 9 John, 259, 262. 7 John B., 122, 227. 8 John B., 225, 239. 9 John C. F., 263. 7 John Chester, 246. 8 John Chester, 246. 8 John Corlies, 220. 8 John D., 236, 263- 283 7 John E., 158. 8 John E., 214, 260. 9 John E., 268. 8 John F., 206, 246. 6 John J., 168, 176. 7 John J., 155, 178. 7 John L., 155. 8 John M., 198. 8 John N., 238. 8 John 0., 236. 8 John P. P., 239. 8 John R., 203. 8 John T., 199. 7 John Trumbull, 170, 242. 7 John W., 236. 7 John Wm. H., 193. 7 Jonas, 211. 8 Jonas Autle, 267. 4 Jonathan, 58-60. 5 Jonathan, 58. 69, 79. 6 Jonathan, 123. 7 Jonathan, 112, 194, 197. 8 Jonathan B.. 197. 6 Jonathan Cole. 166. 8 Jonathan J., 182. 7 Jonathan P., 224, 8 Jonathan R., 252. 3 Joseph, 39. 4 Joseph, 46, 51. 5 Joseph, 51, 56. 68, 72. 6 Joseph, 96-281. 114, 126, 131, 137, 147, 156. 7 Joseph, 203. 209, 233. 8 Joseph, 246, 271. 7 Joseph A., 114. 8 Joseph A., 189. Descendants Named White. 293 9 Joseph B., 272. 9 Laura C., 260. 9 Joseph E., 256. 9 Laura E., 253, 264. 9 Joseph G., 276. 8 Laura I., 223. 8 Joseph H., 203. 8 Laura L., 219. 7 Joseph M., 158. 9 Laura M., 263. 8 Joseph P., 258. 8 Laura S., 208. 7 Joseph Woodb'dge, 7 Laurinda P., 144. 242. 7Lavinia, 139, 179. 8 Josephine, 230. SLavinia M., 208. 9 Josephine, 278. 7Lavius P., 171. 8 Josephine E., 243, 7Lemira, 166. 8 Josephine M., 241. 5 Lemuel, 55, 103. 8 Joshua, 232, 276. 6 Lemuel, 149-283, 154, 8 Joshua H., 262. 167. 5 Josiah, 73. 7 Lemuel, 225, 231. 6 Josiah, 115, 134. 8 Lemuel, 225, 7 Josiah, 194. 7 Leonard, 148. 8 Josiah, 189, 194. 8 Leonard, 224, 271. 8 Josiah A., 261. 9 Le Roy Albert, 257. 7 Josiah W., 198. 8 Le Roy S., 257. 6 Judith, 76, 100. 6 Lester, 94. 7 Judith, 164. 7 Lester, 159. SJudson, 233. SLeverett A., 228. 7 Julia, 168, 169, 173. o T.everett H., 274. 7 Julia Ann, 140. 7Levi, 181. 8 Julia A., 182, 189, BLevina M., 247. 232, 249. 6 Lewis, 119. 8 Julia C., 245, 250. 7 Lewis, 113, 120. 8 Julia Cleveland, 245. 8 Lewis, 257. 167. 7 Julia H., 175. 8 Lewis C., 253. 8 Julia Lee, 243. 9 Lewis S., 254. 8 Julia M., 222. SLillis, 246. 9 Julia R. B., 252. 8 Linus, 274. 7 Julia S., 170. 9 Lizzie Mary, 254. 8 Julia S., 243. 5 Lois, 52-82. 7 Julia T., 171. 6 Lois, 72, 76, 81, 83, SJuliaett, 201. 101. 8 Julian, 196. 7 Lois, 114, 140. 7Julianna, 166. 8 Lois, 217. 8 Juliet, 215. 9 Lois E., 264. 6 Julius, 170. 8 Lois H., 206. 8 Julius, 181, 243. 7 Lois P., 155. 9Junius, 265. SLora C. K., 241. 8 Justin N., 234. 8 Lorenzo. 251. 7 Justus, 186, 238. 8 Louis, 247. 8 Justus, 270. 7 Louisa, 156, 163. 8 Louisa, 218. 8 Kate Weed, 196. 9 Louisa A., 267. 6 Keziah, 73. 8 Louisa C., 196. 7Keziah, 116. 8 Louisa E., 247. SKirke, 225. 8 Louisa H., 239. 8 Louisa M., 183. 8 Lamed, 247. 8 Lucena, 181. 7 Laura, 125, 129, 131, 7 Lucia, 127-282. 132, 137, 149, 149, 8 Lucia, 198. 150, 161, 162. 7 Lucian, 159. 8 Laura, 218, 225. 6Lucinda, 93-281. 9 Laura, 259. 7Lucinda, 132. 8 Laura A., 226. 9 Lucinda, 270. 7 Laura C., 180. SLucinda P., 209. 8 Lucius, 230. 6 Lucretia, 92. 7 Lucretia, 109. 9 Lucretia, 265. 4 Lucy, 44-60. 6 Lucy, 95, 98. 7 Lucy, 125, 125, 128, 137, 147, 149, 178. 8 Lucy, 229, 243. 7 Lucy A., 163, 176. 8 Lucy A., 249. 9 Lucy A., 259. 7 Lucy C., 156. 9 Lucy H., 253. 8 Lucy M., 227, 250. 9 Lucy M., 265. 7 Lucy S., 155. 7 Luke A., 240. 7 Luke Brown, 238. 8 Luke W., 240. 8 Luman, 277. 6 Luther, 78, 95, 116, 7 Luther, 109, 116, 136, 191, 230. 8 Luther, 191, 251, 265. 8 Luther C., 275. 8 Luthera, 109. 6 Lydia, 70, 76, 78, 86- 281, 89. 7 Lydia, 119, 124, 129, 162. 8 Lydia A., 238, 238. 7 Lydia C., 171. 9 Lydia M., 264. 9 Lydia P., 263. 7 Lyman, 182, 247, 248. SLyman, 257. 8 Lyman A., 183. 9 Lyman A., 251, 263. 8 Lysander, 181. 5 Mabel, 56. 6 Mabel, 76-114. 7 Mabel, 115, 115. 8 Mabel A., 188 7Malinda, 158. 9 Manley, 269. 9 Marava, 270. 7 Marcia, 148. 7 Mardenbrough, 221. 6 Margaret, 81. 8 Margaret, 215, 229. 9 Margaret E., 261. 8 Margaret P., 221. 7 Margaret S., 124. 6 Maria, 73. 7 Maria, 115, 143. 147- 282, 164, 178. 8 Maria, 196, 204, 211, 225, 246. 294 Index. Part I. 8 Maria A. 218. 8 Mary E., 200, 222, 8 Maria B. 222. 227, 238, 238, 239, 7 Maria D. 171. 242. 7 Maria E. 155. 8 Maria L. 247. 9 Mary E., 254, 262. 278 8 Maria S. 248. 7 Maria W., 155. 8 Marian, 220. 8 Marian A., 197. 9 Marietta L., 260. SMariette, 207. 7Marinda, 132. 8 Mary E. M., 201. 9 Mary Frances, 267. 8 Mary H., 206. 9 Mary H., 260. 9 Mary Isabel, 269. 8 Mary J., 194, 224. 236. 4 Martha, 39, 41-60. 5 Martha, 46, 48, 49, C A i?O 9 Mary Jane, 276. 8 Mary L., 182, 196, 54, t>. 205, 213. 6 Martha, 81, 95, 103. 7 Martha, 111. 8 Martha, 205, 208, 218, 232, 234, 235. 9 Martha, 270. 8 Martha B., 208. 7 Martha C., 168. 9 Martha C., 251. 8 Martha J., 233, 234. 8 Martha L., 185, 226. 9 Martha L., 253. 9 Martha M., 260. 8 Martha 0., 222. 7 Martin, 190. 2 Mary, 24. 8 Mary 'N., 187. 9 Mary P., 277. 8 Mary R., 201. 6 Mary S., 88, 92. 8 Mary S., 233, 237. 8 Mary Stuart, 245. 8 Mary W., 214. 8 Matthew H., 265. 7Medad, 189. 3Mehitable, 32. SMehitable, 51, 56. 6Mehitable, 81. 83. 97. 7Mehitable, 136-156. 7Melinda, 145. 8 Melissa M., 194. 3 Mary, 27, 31. 8 Melvin, 227. 4 Mary, 36, 39. 5 Mary, 47, 48, 51, 52, PAGE 294 53, 56, 58, 60, 68, no~i 6 Mercy, 100. 281. 8 Meroa, 219. 6 Mary, 71, 72, 73, 75, 9 Merret D., 264. 81, 85, 89, 90, 97, 8 Millicent, 201. 100, 108, 108. 8 Milo E.. 261. 7 Mary, 109, 111, 115, 6 Mindwell, 72. 118, 138, 142, 148, 8 Minerva, 200. 151, 158, 161, 162, 7 Mira, 141. 163, 164-163, 165, 6 Miriam. 72. 168, 170. 9 Miron, 275. 8 Mary, 188, 194, 203, 205, 211, 212, 213, 225, 227, 229, 230, 7 Molly, 128.' 8 Morgan. 250. 7 Morris E., 239. 233, 234, 247, 248. 8 Morris P., 267. 9 Mary, 263, 268, 269, 5 Moses, 71, 91. 270. 7 Mary A., 133, 148, 6 Moses, 112, 113, 144. 7 Moses, 114, 166, 217, 158, 165. 220. 8 Mary A., 191, 204, 8 Moses, 186. 215, 218, 231. 8 Moses Clark, 271. 9 Mary A., 261. 9 Myron M., 276. 7 Mary B., 152, 180. 8 Mary B., 186, 250. 6Nabby, 102.. 7 Mary C., 156, 179. 8 Mary C., 193. 7 Nancy, 132, 136, 143. 8 Nancy, 217, 246. 7 Nancy A., 157. 9 Mary C., 257, 273. 9 Nancy M., 256. 6 Naomi, 97. 8 Naomia, 200. 9 Narcissa A., 251. 8 Nathan B., 240. 7 Nathan C., 228. 8 Nathan F., 215. 7 Nathan Harwood, 240 2 Nathaniel, 25. 3 Nathaniel, 35. 4 Nathaniel, 45, 49, 50. 5 Nathaniel, 69, 75, 81. 6 Nathaniel, 109, 125, 128. 7 Nathaniel, 110. 195. 9 Nathaniel C., 266. 7 Nathaniel O., 171. 8 Nathaniel P., 209. 8 Nehemiah B., 273. 9 Nehemiah B., 273. 7 Nelson, 227. 8 Nelson, 200. 5Noadiah, 82. 6Noadiah, 131. 7 Noadiah, 112, 202. 9 Noadiah E., 263. 8 Noadiah W., 202. 7 Norman, 245. 9 Norman, 276. 8 Norman B., 273. 9 Norman B., 273. 8 Norman H., 228. 8 Norman S., 256. 601cott, 161. 701cott, 161. SOlcott, 236. 6 Olive, 93. 7 Olive ,124. 8 Olive Delia, 200. 4 Oliver, 67-60. 5 Oliver, 70. 6 Oliver, 111, 178. 7 Oliver, 249. 8 Oliver, 237, 250, 253. 8 Oliver Sherman, 213. 7 Olivia H., 135. 7Orpha E., 145. 7Orra, 121. 6 Orrilla, 95. 6 Orrin, 94. 8 Orrin, 227. 7 Orrin C., 227. 8 Orrin C., 228. 8 Orrin W., 277. 8 Oscar, 236. 9 Oscar, 271. 8 Oscar F., 235. 8 Oscar L., 215. 7 Osman, 227. 9 Ossian, 271. Descendants Named White. 295 7 Pamela, 124. 8 Pamilia, 199. 8 Parsons, 247. 5 Patience, 55. SPatta M., 234. 6 Patty, 102. 6 Paul, 74. 9 Paulina, 269. 7 Pembroke, 179. 6 Percy, 94. 7 Percy, 149. 6 Pericles, 103. 6 Permelia, 77. 6 Persia, 75. 7Persis, 119, 120. 6 Phebe fc 70. 7Phebe, 124. 8 Phebe, 218. SPhebe C., 198, 219. 7 Philander, 145. 8 Philander, 219. 7Philena, 174. SPhilena, 183. 8 Philena C., 228. 7 Philenda M., 179. GPhilo, 139. 7Philo, 211. SPhilo, 211. 6 Phineas, 70. TPhineas, 183. 8 Phineas, 252. 8 Phineas E., 185. 9 Phineas, G., 253. 5 Pierce, 68. 6 Pliny, 117. 6 Polly, 78, 81, 105. 7 Polly, 113, 113, 132, 143, 143, 147, 173, 175. 8 Polly, 217. 6 Polly Anna, 95. 7 Porter Welles, 121. TPrescott, 166. 5 Preserved, 74. 6 Preserved, 118. 7 Preserved, 192. 8 Preserved M., 256. 7Priscilla, 117. SPriscilla A.. 224. 5 Prudence, 56. 6 Prudence, 85, 92. 7 Quartus, 187, 237. 4 Rachel, 38. 5 Rachel, 48, 52, 56. 6 Rachel, 74. 80, 82, 88. 7 Rachel, 118. 129, 149. 8 Rachel C., 220. 6 Ralph, 97. 7 Ralph. 158, 183. 8 Randolph, 227. 7 Ransom, 151. 7 Ransom C.. 226. 7 Raymond B., 215. 5 Rebecca, 47, 52. 6 Rebecca, 72, 81, 86, 91. 7 Rebecca, 131, 143, 160. 8 Rebecca, 189. 8 Rebecca H., 236. 8 Reginald H., 250. 6 Reuben, 92,114. 7 Reuben, 174. 8 Reuben, 253. 7 Reuben A., 187. 8 Reuben A., 187. SReuminah, 194. 6 Rhoda, 98. 7Rhoda, 112. 8 Rhoda, 236. 7 Richard, 131. 8 Richard B., 194. 8 R'chard Grant. 272. 7 Richard Mansfield, 220. 9 Richard Mansfield, 272. 9 Richard N., 263. ^Richard W., 263. 7 Rietta, 179. 7 Robert, 138, 219. 9 Robert A., 258. 8 Robert Cornell, 272. 9 Robert E., 261. 8 Robert J., 245. 6 Roderick, 91. 7 Roderick, 147, 191, 217. 8 Roderick, 270. 9 Roderick, 271. 8 Roderick A., 256. 8 Rodney, 247. 7 Roenza. 151. 3 Rosrer Sherman, 213. 7 Roland P., 153. 9 Rose Clara. 262. 6 Rosewell. 151. 7 Roswell O .. 152. 8 Rowena. 225. 7Roxa. 113. 6 Rozana, 91. 7 Roxana. 162. 9 Royal A., 259. 7 Royal Stiles, 167. 7 Rufus, 125. 8 Rufus P.. 194. 8 Russell M., 274. 9 Russell M., 274. 4 Ruth, 37. 5 Ruth, 46, 54, 65. 6 Ruth, 84, 91, 105. 7 Ruth, 110, 124, 125, 154, 160. 8 Ruth, 198. 7 Ruth, M., 127-282. 7Sabina, 120. 6 Sally, 94. 98. 7 Sally, 132-203, 133, 136, 139, 143, 151, 157, 158, 175. 8 Sally, 198. 5 Salmon, 99. 6 Salmon, 163. 8 Salmon, 238. 8 Salmon P., 238. 8 Salome B.. 250. 7 Samson K.. 235. 4 Samuel, 39. 5 Samuel, 46, 92. 6 Samuel, 75, 85. 109, 132, 136, 148/162, 172. 7 Samuel, 120, 141, 170. 207. 224. 8 Samuel, 182, 183, 187. 265. 9 Samuel, 270. 7 Samuel Brooks, 239. 8 Samuel Brooks. 238. 8 Samuel H., 196. 2?6. 8 Samuel Howes, 273 7 Samuel Kelloerg. 196. 8 Samuel Kellno-jr. 259. 8 Samuel P., 224. 9 Samuel P.. 273. 7 Samuel Pomeroy, 245. 7 Samuel S., 195. 9 Sanders A., 263. 9 Sara Baker, 272. 2 Sarah. 32. 3 Sarah, 27. 28 30. 4 Sarah. 37, 39, 41-60, 43-60. 5 Sarah, 48, 49, 50. 61. 55, 55, 57, 59, 62. 6 Sarah, 75, 76, 77. 78. 79, 81, 83. 86, 90, 97, 98. 105. 7 Sarah. 109. 114. 117, 119, 123. 124. 125. 128, 146, 147, 166, 167, 173. 174. 8 Sarah. 189, 189, 194, 221. 296 9 Sarah, 259. 7 Sarah A., 155, 159. 8 Sarah A., 186, 186, 192, 201, 207, 239. 9 Sarah A., 277. 8 Sarah D., 250. 8 Sarah E., 203, 204, 209, 223, 224. 9 Sarah E., 264. 9 Sarah F., 270. 8 Sarah G., 199, 243. 8 Sarah J., 123, 188, 215, 250. 7 Sarah Jane, 122, 123, 180. 7 Sarah L., 171. 8 Sarah L., 242. 9 Sarah Lavinia, 264. 7 Sarah M., 154. 8 Sarah M., 196, 228. 9 Sarah M., 256. 7 Sarah S., 155. 9 Sarah W., 257. 7 Semanthe, 115. 8 Seneca C., 235. 4Seth, 44. 7Sewall, 189. 5 Sibbil, 54. 6Sibbil, 92. 8 Sidney P., 234. 5 Silas, 94. 6 Silas, 93, 151. 7 Silas D., 240. 6Silva, 77. 8 Silvia A., 208. 4 Simeon, 67-281. 5 Simeon, 107-163. 6 Simeon, 113. SSina C., 208. 6 Solomon, 103, 176. 7 Solomon, 176. 6 Sophia, 104. 7 Sophia, 130, 137, 139, 145, 165-237, 170. 7 Sophia J., 180. 7 Sophronia, 159, 167. 9 Stanford, 272. 7 Stanley, 244. 7 Statira, 132. 8 Statira J., 202. 7 Stella Hayes, 178. 8 Stella L., 244. 5 Stephen, 84, 89. 7 Stephen, 174, 205, 248 8 Stephen, 246. 9 Stephen, 264. 7 Stephen H., 206. 5 Submit, 45. 6 Submit, 99, 107. Index Part I 7 Submit, 163. 7 Sumner P., 159. 7 Susan, 124, 137, 139, 143. 8 Susan, 194, 232. 8 Susan B., 207. 8 Susan E., 184. 9 Susan E., 266. 8 Susan L., 210. 8 Susan M., 188. 8 Susan P., 249. 4 Susannah, 37. 5 Susannah, 50, 53, 59. 6 Susannah, 81, 85, 89, 91, 98. 7 Susannah, 120, 162. 6 Sybil, 90. 8 Sylvester, 186, 264. 7 Sylvia. 174. 7Tamesin, 111. 7Tempy Jane, 175. SThaddeus R., 242. 6 Thankful, 70-12. 7 Thankful, 124, 144. 7Theda, 166. 7 Theodore, 114. 8 Theodore, 191. 8 Theodore A., 185. 8 Theodore B., 244. 7 Theodore H., 244. 9 Theodore H., 254. 6Theodosia, 97. 7Theodosia, 110, 117. STheodosia, 204. STheophilus H., 238. 8 Theresa L., 250. 4 Thomas, 54, 61-60. 5 Thomas, 55, 71, 104. 6 Thomas, 93, 150, 154, IfiO, 164, 171. 7 Thomas, 141. 8 Thomas, 235. 9 Thomas, 273. 7 Thomas B., 138. 8 Thomas E., 222. 8 Thomas H., 213, 249. 7 Thomas Jefferson, 241. 8 Thomas P., 240. 8 Thomas S., 239. 7 Thomas Wait, 239. 5 Thomas Wells, 97. 5 Timothy, 53, 85. 6 Timothy, 69, 136, 142, 149. 7 Timothy, 142, 208. 8 Timothy, 266. 6Tirzah, 76. 7Tirzah. 111. PAGE 296 STirzah C., 185. STirzah M., 184. 5Tryphena, 68. 6Tryphena, 80. STryphena, 196. 7Tryphena Ely, 126. 7 Truman, 159, 216. 9 Truman, 269. 7 Ulysses, 149. 7 Urania C., 179. 8 Victoria, 183. 8 Vincent, 248. 8 Wade, 262. 6 Walter, 120. 7 Walter, 120, 135, 137, 149. 8 Walter, 215. 7 Walter P., 171. 8 Walton O., 225. 8 Ward, 205. 7 Wealthy, 151. 9 Wealthy J., 263. 8 Wealthy S., 202. 9 Wealthy S., 263. 7 Wells, 234. SWells H., 217. 9 Wesley, 269. 9 Wilbur, 278. 8 Wilbur F., 182. SWillard, 203. 9 Willard M., 258. SWillard S., 262. SWillard W., 213-283. 4 William, 47. 5 William, 55, 75, 95. 6 William, 75, 96, 103, 107, 157-283, 173. 7 William, 170, 174, 192, 201, 228, 246. 8 William, 189, 195, 215, 231, 246, 249, 272. 9 William, 267, 273. 8 William A., 187. 9 William A., 260. 8 William B., 202. 9 William B., 262. 8 William C., 189, 225, 228, 254, 268. 9 William C., 258, 268. 7 William Chester, 178. 7 William Czar, 205. 9 William E., 268. 7 William Ely, 197. Descendants Having Other Names Than White. 29? 9 William F., 253. 8 William P., 194, 258. 9 Willis, 270. 8 William G., 193. 9 William Pearl, 264. 7 Wilson, 200. 9 William G. A., 252. 6 William Porter, 122. 8 Wilson B., 278. 7 William H., 242, 248. 9 William R., 269. 8 William H., 199, 208, 8 William Sage, 274. SZelotes A., 204. 250, 259, 260. 7 William Starr, 207. 6 Zenas. 76. 9 William H., 259, 275. 9 William Stratton, 267 8 Zenas, 186. 9 William Le Roy, 258. 7 William W., 243. 6 Zervia, 75. 7 William M., 231. 8 William W., 214, 226, 6Zilphia, 108. 8 William M., 211. 234, 252, 258. - Part II. Descendants Having Other Names Than White. Abbott. 7 Orange, 72. 8 Daniel, 117. 9 Austin, 185. 6 Phineas, 46. 8 Edwin, 117. 9 Fidelia E., 185. 6 Rachel, 46. 8 Esther, 120. 9 Julia B., 185. 6 Rebecca, 46. 8 Franklin, 120. 9 Louisa, 185. 7 Samuel, 72. 8 Harriet, 120. Allen. 7 Sewall, 70. 8 Joseph F., 120. 7 John, 88. 7Theodosia, 70. 8 Lewis, 120. 7 Moses, 88. Andrews. SPersis, 120. 7 T?ar>Vipl 88 J J-WlLil"!, OO. 8 Christopher, 162. Atwater. Allis. SEdmond B., 166. 8 Edward P., 164. 7Josiah, 101-165. 8 Curtis, 162. 8 Ellen M., 162. 5 Ezra, 281. 8 Hiram B., 162. 9 Caroline E., 207. 9 Ellen A., 207. 9 George A., 207. 7 Judith, 101. 8 Joanna, 162. Atwood. 8 Justin W. C., 165. 8 Laura, 162. 9 Charles, 186. 8 Lewis E. S., 166. 8 Lydia, 162. 9 Jane, 186. 8 Lucy Jane, 164. 8 Melissa, 162. 9 Mary, 186. 7 Lydia, 101. 8 Pedee Ann, 162. 8 Mary A., 164. 9 William, 197. Austin. 8 Mary E. W., 165. 7 Salmon White, 101. Andrus. 8 Aaron White, 126. 8 Charles C., 126. 8 Silas D. W., 165. 8 John R., 155. 8 Joseph, 155. Avery. A 1 vord 8 Royal G., 149. 8 Columbus, 148. 6 Abigail, 46. SUrial, 149. 8 Francis, 148. 7Alanson, 70. 8 Walter S. W., 149. 8 Franklin, 148. 7Alvin, 70. 8 Harriet, 148. 7 Amanda, 70. Arms* 8 John M., 148. 6Azariah, 46. 7 Calvin, 72. .7 Clarissa, 70. 7 Chester, 100. 7Ebenezer White, 100. 7 Elizabeth, 100. 8 Lewis, 148. SMarilla, 148. 8 Martha A., 148. 7 Cyrus, 73. 6 Dorcas, 46. 7 Eroe, 100. 8 George, 164. SMunroe, 148. 7 Editha, 73. 7 Harriet, 100. Bacon. 8 Eleanor Kellogg, 167. 8 Harriet, 164. 5 Abigail, 39. 7 Electa, 70. 7 Mary, 100. 5 Dorcas, 39. 7 Fidelia, 73. 8 Moses, 164. 5Ebenezer, 39. 7 Gaius, 70. 7 Roger Newton, 100. 5 Jerusha, 39. 6 Jerusha, 46. 7 Sophia, 100. 5 John, 39. 6 Luther, 46. Arnold. 5 Joseph, 39. 7 Luther, 73. 8 George White, 180. 5 Martha, 39. 7 Mary, 701 8 Mary Jane, 180. 5 Mary, 39. 7 Miriam, 72-181. Ashley. 5 Sarah, 39. 6 Moses, 46. 8 Ann Eliza, 120. 5Sibbel, 39. 298 Index. Part II. Bailey. Barnard. 8 Elizabeth A. L., 167. 8 Anna Hale, 173. 8 Roswell White, 167. 8 Benjamin Stanton,173 Baker. 8 Frances, 173. 9 Anna, 220. 9 Hannah White, 220. 8 Frederick Joseph,173 8 Samuel White, 173. 8 Sarah, 173. 7 John, 77. 8 Julia A., 160. 8 Laura A., 160. Barnes. 9 Edward, 210. 9 Margaret Corlies, 220 7 Mary, 77. 9 Mary, 220. 8 Mortimer, 156. 9 Henry, 210. 9Marilla, 206. 9 Mary, 206. 9 William, 206. 9 Robert Haydock, 220. Bascom. 9 Robert White, 220. 9 Harriet Naomia, 200. 9 Sarah H., 220. Bassett. Ballory. 6 Mary, 53. 7 Deborah, 281. 6 Sarah, 53. 7 Eliza Ann, 281. Beardsley. 7 Fanny, 281. 7Chloe Ann, 93. 7 Joseph, 281. 7 Edwin, 93. 7 William, 281. Beaumont. Ballou. 8 Thomas, 154. 9 Charles, 189. Bennett. 9 Maria L., 189. 8 Henry P., 149. Bancroft. 8 James, 149. 6 Enoch, 57. 8 William H., 149. 6 Hannah, 57. Bensley. 6 Joel, 57. 9 Maria V., 218. 6 John, 57 9 Seward R., 218. 6 Lemuel, 57. Benson. 6 Ruth, 57. 9Elden, 221. 6 Sabra, 57. 9 Harry C., 221. 6 Samuel, 57. 9 Joseph B., 221. 6 Sarah, 57. Benton. Bardwell. 6 Amos, 49. 8 Alma L., 163. 5 Asa, 36. SAlonzo S., 115. 5 Ebenezer, 36. 8 Carlos, 115. 5 Elizabeth, 281. 8 Charles A., 115. 8 Charles F., 163. 8 Harriet White, 115. 8 Joseph, 115. 8 Mabel White, 115. 8 Maria L., 163. 8 Mary W., 163. 8 Pamela, 163. Billings. 8 Arthur White, 166. 8 Charles Morris, 166. 8 Frederick D.. 166. 8 Harriet C., 166. 8 Joseph, 166. 8 Martha D., 166. 8 Sarah Ann L., 163. Bingham. 8 Seth E., 163. 7Flavel White, 106. 8 Sophia A., 163. Bissel. Barker. 4 Benjamin, 31. 7 Charles, 90. 4 Daniel, 31. 7 George W., 90. 4 John, 31, 32. 7 John 90. 4 Mabel, 32. 7 Julia, 90. 4 Rachel, 32. 7 William, 90. 4 Sarah, 31, 32. 6 John, 66-118. 7 Jonathan, 75. 7 Lucy, 75. 7 Martha, 99. 7 Nancy, 75, 99. 8 Olivia Sarah, 118. 7 Pamela, 99. 7 Pelatiah, 75. 7 Reuben, 75. 7 Sylvester, 99. 6 William, 47. 7 William, 75. Boardman. 6 Samuel, 67. Bonta. 8 Catharine T., 130. 8 Derrick H., 130. 8F. Fidelia, 130. 8 Hope Ann, 130. 8 John Olmsted, 130. 8 Margaret M., 130. 8 Mary S., 130. Bowen. SLydia", 129. Brace. 6 Fanny, 66. 6 Thomas Kimberly, 66. Blake. 7 Edmund. 92. 7 Emily, 92. 7 Lucy, 92. Bliiu 6 David, 55. 6 Jacob, 55. Bliss. 6 Achsah, 66. 6 Betsey, 66. 7 Charlotte. 99. 6 Daniel, 47, 66. 6 Elijah. 47. 6 Experience, 47. 6 Gad, 47. 8 George W., 163. 7 Harriet, 99. 6Hosea, 66. 8 Jason S., 163. 6 Joel White, 66. Brackett. 8 Helen M., 147. 8 Marion P., 147. Brainerd. 9 Henry, 207. 9 Levi, 207. 9 Nancy, 207. 9 Susan, 207. Descendants Having Other Names Than White. 299 Brewer. 7 Betsey, 73. 7 Daniel C., 73. 7 Eunice, 74. 7 Francis, 74. 7 Henry, 73. 7 James, 74. 7 Lucy, 73. 7 Martin, 73. 7 Sarah, 73. 7 Sophia, 73. Brigden. 7Asenath, 91. 7 Betsey, 91. 7 Daniel, 91. 7 Grace, 91. 7 Harriet, 91. 7 John, 91. 7 Polly, 91. Brown. 8 Catharine P., 149. SEmeline F., 148. 9 Francis E., 202. 9 George H., 202. 8 George O., 148. 8 Mary K., 148. 8 Walter C., 149. Burk. 5 Ruth, 41. Burnham. 8 Charles, 118. 8 Edward G., 119. 8 Franklin W., 119. 8 George, 119. 8 Hannah W., 119. 8 James H., 119. 8 Nancy, 119. 8 Simeon C., 119. 8 William S., 119. Burr. SAbby M., 178. 8 Carlos, 178. SDency, 178. 8 Eliza, 178. 8 George H., 178. 8 James A., 178. ~ SJehiel, 178. 8 Lucy, 178. 7Lydia, 76. 7 Maria, 76. 8 Mary, 178. 8 Matilda, 178. 7 Nancy, 76. 8 Nancy, 178. Burritt 7 Elijah Hinsdale, 33. 7Elihu, 33. Burt. 9 Joseph W., 191. 8 Anna, 118. Chamberlain. 8 Augustine, 118. 6Blanchard, 48. 9 Charles, 216. 6 Jacob B., 48. 8 Delia B., 118. 6 Sarah L., 48. 9 Harriet, 216. SHezehiah, 118. 9Hubbard T., 216. 9 Jane E., 216. Champion. 8 Charles R., 141. 8 Henry C., 141. 8 John, 118. Champlain. 9 Lorenzo W., 216. 8 Anise C., 156. 8 Lucius C., 118. 8 Jane F., 156. 8 Luthur White, 118. Chapman. 8 Mary, 118. 6 Eliakim, 63. 9 Mary J., 216. 6 Samuel, 62. SRhoda, 118. 6 Sarah White, 62. 8 Richard S., 118. Chappel. 9 William C., 216. 8 Henry, 148. Bush. Cheadle. 8 Elizabeth W., 164. 7Electa, 97. 8 Harriet M., 164. 7Gilman, 98. Butler. 7 John, 97. SAphonso E., 179. 7 Pamelia, 97. 9 Edward, 195. 7 Rial, 97. 8 Edward P., 179. Chester. 9 Emily, 195. 8 Elizabeth, 173. 9 Lucy, 195. 8 John, 173. 9 Martha A., 195. Childs. 8 Mary E. } 179. 8 Samuel, 179. 9 Edward, 215. 9 Evelyn, 215. Cadwell. 9 Irene, 215. 7Almira, 102. 9 John, 215. 7 Betsey, 102. 9 Sarah Jane, 215. 7 Elia Ann, 102. 9 William, 215. 7 Julia Ann, 102. 7 Lucy Ann, 102. 7 Maria, 102. 7 William W., 102. Chittenden. 5 Jared, 38. 5Lucretia, 38. 5 Luther, 38. Cady. 5 Mary, 38. 9 Leslie, 200. 5 Miranda, 38. 9 Lewis, 200. 5 Rachel, 38. Carr. 5 William, 38. SArlina, 153. ChurdiiU. 8 Harriet, 153. 6 Abigail, 51. Carrington. 6 Benjamin, 51. 7 John, 91. 6 Daniel, 51. 7 Mary, 91. 6Elisha, 50. 7 Rebecca, 91. 6 Ruth, 50. Carter. Clark. 5Eleazer, 40. 5 Ezra, 40. 5 Jerusha, 40. 5 Margery, 40. 5 Mary, 40| 6 Aaron, 51. 7 Amanda, 71. SBohan A., 111. 4 Daniel, 27. 6 Daniel, 51. 6 David, 51. Case, 7Elihu, 70. 9 Adrian E., 191. 6 Elijah, 51. 9 Frank D., 191. 4 Elizabeth, 27. 300 7 Elizabeth, 70. 8 Enoch White, 111. 7 Erastus, 70. 6 Esther, 51. 8 Henry White, 138. GJerusha, 65. 7 Joel C., 73. 4 John, 27. 6 John, 51. 8 Joseph W., 111. 9 Julia, 215. 6 Lois, 51. 7 Lucinda, 70. 8 Luther C., 111. GLydia, 51. 7Lydia, 71. 4 Mary, 27. 6 Mary, 51. 8 Mary Ann, 111. GMehitable, 51. 8 Mervin, 138. 9 Minnie, 215. 6 Moses, 51. 4 Nathaniel, 27-28. 7 Paulina, 70. 7Persis, 71. 6 Rachel, 51. 6 Ruth, 51. 7 Salome, 70. 6 Samuel, 65. 4 Sarah, 27. 6 Sarah, 51. 8 Sarah, 138. 7 Silence, 70. 7 Submit, 70. 7 Sylvester, 70. 8 Tamesin S., 111. 6 Thomas, 65. 4 White, 27. Coburn. 8 James White, 152. Coe. 8 Adella B., 152. SCurtiss H., 152. 8 Edgar D., 152. 8 Harriet Jane, 152. 8 Urania Eliza, 152. 8 Wilbur E., 152. Cogswell. 7 Harry, 108. 7 Lucia, 108. 7 Mary, 108. 7 William T., 108. Cole. 8 Horace, 109. Collins. 8 Cornelia W., 115. 7 Cynthia, 74. Index. Part II. 6 Deborah, 55. 6EIizur, 55. 6 Freeman, 55-95. 7 Freeman, 95. 7 George H., 95. 8 Henry A., 115. 7 John, 74. 7 Lucy, 74, 95. 7 Nancy, 74. 6 Sarah, 55. SWolcott E., 115. Comstock. 8 David W., 123. 8 Frank R., 123. 8 George A., 123. 8 Helen W., 123. 8 Henry C., 123. 8 Virginia W., 123. Conkey. 9 Caroline P., 232. 9 Charles M., 232. Gilbert H., 232. 9 John G., 232. Cook. 8 Aaron, 167. 7 Elizabeth S., 77. 7 Ephraim, 77. 8 Henry A., 122. 7 John D., 77. 8 Julia W., 167. 7 Maria, 77. 7 Roswell W., 77. 8 Ruth Anne, 148. 7 Sarah P., 77. 7 Silas W., 77. 8 William F., 122. 72enas, 77. Cooke. 6 David White, 48. 6 Experience, 48. 6 Martha, 48. 6 Mary, 48. 6 William, 48. Cooley. 7 Sally L., 92. 7 Simeon O., 92. 6 Walter, 41-92. Cornwell. 4 Daniel, 27. 4 Elizabeth, 27. 4 Giles, 27. 4 Isaac, 27. 4 Jacob, 27. 4 Mary, 27-34. 4 Nathaniel, 27. 4 Timothy, 27. 4 Wait, 27. Cory. 8 Asa, 160. 8 Charles Slocum, 160. 8 Julia, 160. 8 Leander David, 160. 8 Maria White, 160. 8 Martha White, 160. 8 Thomas Wells, 160. 8 William Benton, 160. Cotton. 6 Bathsheba, 52. 6 Eliakim, 52. 6 Samuel, 52. Cowles. 9 James M., 190. 9 Jane E., 190. Crawford. 9 John, 184. 9Phineas White, 184. 9 Susan E. W., 184. 9Theophilus, 184. 9 William Henry, 184. Grouse. 8 D.Edgar, 139. 8 John J., 139. Culver. 8 Amelia J., 117. 8 Charles, 117. 8 Sarah E., 117. Danforth. 6 Jonathan, 59. 6Pamelia, 59. 6 Samuel, 59. Dauby. 8 Helen, 140. Day. 8 Helen A., 151. 8 William W., 151. Dickinson. SAlphonso, 109. 6 Christian, 45. 7 Clarissa W., 103. 6 Eli, 45. 8 Elijah W., 109. 7 Elizabeth L., 103. 8 Emeline, 109. 6 Hannah, 45. 7 Israel, 103. SPerusha, 109. 4 Joel, 32. 4 Jonathan, 32. 4 Joshua, 32. 8 Luther White, 109. 4 Martha, 32. 7 Martha C., 103. 4 Obadiah, 32. 6 Samuel, 45. 8 Samuel C., 109. Descendants Having Other Names Than White. 301 Dobson. 8 Emma Sophia, 168. Dodd. 6 Mary, 48. 6 Sarah, 48-75. Drake. 7 Elizabeth, 108. 7 Ira, 108. 7 Sophia, 108. 7 Warren, 108. * Dunham. 7 Alpheus, 93. 7 Ebenezer, 93. 7 Mason, 93. 7 Samuel, 93. 7 Sophia, 93. 7 Timothy, 93. 7 William, 93. Durkee. 8 Betsey, 145. 8 Clarence, 145. 8 Grace, 145. Duston. 8 Anna Maria, 139. Dutre. 8 Ann, 162. 8 Charles W., 162. 8 Eveline, 162. 8 James M., 162. 8 Martha, 162. 8 Thomas W., 162. Dwight. 8 Nathaniel, 110. SElihu, 110. 8 Justus, 110. Eastman. 8 Frances, 115. 8 Georgia Ann, 157. 8 Jane, 115. 8 Maria, 115. 6 Mary, 47. 8 Mary White, 115. 8 Sarah S., 115. 8 Semanthe White, 115. 6 William, 47. 8 William, 115. Eaton. 6 Elijah, 55. 6 Elisha, 55. 6 Stephen, 55. 6 Susanna, 55. 6 Timothy, 55. Eddy. 8 Albert, 155. 8 Arthur, 155. 8 Martha E., 155. Edmonds. 8 Albert M., 144. 8 Amanda M., 144. 8 Frederick H., 144. 8 Orrilla, 144. 8 Sylvania, 144. 8 Thankful W., 144. Edwards. 9 Joseph W., 230. 9 Mary L., 230. 9 Susan S., 230. Eells. 8 Calvin, 137. 7 Clarissa, 91. 6 Daniel, 49. 7 Horace, 91. 7 Huldah, 91. 6 Martha, 49. fi Mary, 49. 6 Nathaniel, 49-91. 7 Nathaniel. 91. 7 Richard, 91. 7 Susan, 91. 7 Sylvester, 91. 6 Theodotia, 49. Efner. 8 Alice, 170. 8 Henry White, 170. Eggleston. 3 Celia, 151. 8 Charles. 151. 8 Craig, 151. 8 Marietta, 151. 8 Myron, 151. Elderkin. 7 Bela, 89. 7 Charlotte, 89. 7 Harriet, 89. 7 Juliana, 89. 7 Lucy, 89. 7 Mary Ann, 89. 7 Stephen W., 89. Ellis. 7 David, 97. 7 Stephen, 97. Ellsworth. 4 Ann, 32. 4 Anna, 32. 4 Daniel, 31. 4 Esther. 31. 4 John, 31. 4 Martha, 32. Ely. 7 Abigail, 72. 6 Heman, 65. 6 Justin, 65. 6 Theodore, 65. Evans. 8 Elias H., 161. 8 Elizabeth M., 161. SErastus B., 161. 8 Jesse White, 161. 8 Joanna White, 161. 8 Lydia P., 161. 8 Mary Dodge, 161-234. 8 Minerva L., 161. 8 Prudence Ann, 161. 8 Samuel H., 161. 8 Sarah G., 161. 8 William T., 161. Everett. 8 Carlos, 111. 8 Edward, 111. 8 Ellen, 111. 8 Lucas, 111. 8 Luna, 111. SMilo, 111. Fay. 7 Austin, 98. 7 Edwin, 59-135. 8 Edwin Hedge, 135. SEleutheria O., 135. 8 Josiah Dunham, 135. 7 Marietta, 98. 7 Roxana, 98. 8 Sarah E. W., 135. 8 William Henry, 135. Ferry. 8 Amanda H., 165. 8 Edward P., 165. 8 Hannah E., 165. 8 Mary L., 165. 8 Noah H.. 165. 8 Thomas W., 165. 8 William M., 165. Frank. 7 Andrew, 96-282. 7 Eliza Ann, 96-282. 7Elizur W.. 96-282. 7 Hannah, 96-282. 7 Joseph W., 96-282. 7 Nathaniel, 96-282. 7Shipman, 96-282. Frarey. 5 Eleazer, 39. 5 Hannah, 39. 5 Jonathan, 39. 5 Joseph, 39. 5 Samuel, 39, 39. 5 Sarah, 39. Frazier. 9 Caroline, 231. 9 Charles, 231. 302 Index. Part II. (In this copy of the "Memorials," this is substituted for pages which are wanting. It cantains all the surnames, and references under them, contained in those pages.) French, 44. Jordan, 246. Morton, 164. Judd, 45, 71, 187, 198. Mosley, 155. Gage, 151. Keeney, 149. Moses, 201. Gardner, 95, 133. Keith, 154. Munson, 143, 181. Gates, 119. Kellogg, 127, 172, 194, Murray, 61. Gaylord, 92. 283. Gilford, 202. Kelsey, 174. Newell, 151. Gilbert, 24, 142, 168. Kennedy, 140. Nichols, 196. Goddard, 112, 113. Kimball, 184, 185. Niles, 201, 211. Goodman, 70, 115. Kimberly, 66. North, 80. Goodrich, 78, 140, 171. Kirby, 157. Northrup, 268. Gorton, 147. Grandy, 152. Lansing, 209. Olcott, 41, 42, 103. Graves, 28, 77. Latham, 182. Olmsted, 41, 52, 180. Green, 162, 196. Lathrop, 215, Olney, 161. Greenman, 160. Lawrence, 160, 161. Orvis, 202. Grey, 198. Leach, 183. Osborne, 54. Gridley, 84. Leake, 173. Overton, 83. Griswold, 43, 44, 67. Leavens, 157. Lee, 169, 245. Page, 81, 151, 282. Hager, 124. Leete, 193. Paine, 60, 61, 116. Hale, 56, 57. Leonard, 126. Palmer, 117, 130. Hall, 33, 50, 179. Lewis, 232, 233. Parker, 115. Hammond, 225. Lindsley, 128. Parmele, 150. Harris, 208. Lohnes, 218. Patterson, 205. Hart, 161. Looman, 72. Pease, 120. Hastings, 41, 100. Loomis, 30, 31, 86, 105. Peckham, 209. Hawley, 56, 158. Lord, 82. Pell, 232. Healey, 126. Lounsbury, 155. Pepper, 114. Hebard, 97. Lyman, 101 ,102,114,282 Perry, 168, 179. Hedge, 59. Lyon, 110. Phelp, 33. Henry, 114, 282. Pitcher, 232. Hibbard, 132. Malsom, 209. Pitkin, 62. Hickson, 33. Mann, 225. Plumb, 56. Hill, 209. Marsh, 206. Pomeroy, 181. Hinsdale, 32, 33, 49. Mattison, 216. Poss, 185. Hitchcock, 121,125, 126. Mayhew, 67. Powell, 52. Holcomb, 176, 196. McCampell, 260. Powers, 145, 183. Hollister, 39. McGregory, 145. Pratt, 129. Holmes, 157, 283. Mclntyre, 136. Putnam, 233. Hook, 162. McKee, 135. Howell, 53. McMaster, 95. Eamsdell, 124. Hubbard, 99, 108, 163, McPherson, 283. Ranney, 38, 91, 154. 166, 230. Meacham, 125, 282. Reed, 85. Hubbell, 113. Meek, 260. Rice, 131, 132. Huntoon, 225. Merchant, 171. Robbins, 102. Husted, 158. Merritt, 159. Roberts, 139, 155. Hutchinson, 200. Merwin, 154. Robinson, 139. Hyde, 215. Miles, 144. Ross, 226. Millard, 222. Rowell, 219. Ingram, 71. Miller, 124. Rugg, 179. Ives, 208. Mix, 207/ Russell, 173. Montague, 36, 77. Ryer, 259. Jenks, 143, 197. Moody, 47. Johnson, 37, 50, 155,165. Moore, 200. Sabin, 53. Jones, 120. Morgan, 42, 202. Sackrider, 199, 200. Descendants Having Other Names Than White. 303 Sage,, 52, 85, 207. Sanford, 90. Savage, 204. Scovil, 129. Shaver, 230. Shepard, 133. Simms, 97, Skilton, 268. Smith 27, 28, 70, 72, 84, 98, 101, 113, 117, 132, 135, 151, 170, 190, 191, 219, 245, 283. Soule, 196. Spencer, 85, 206. Sprague, 139. Stall, 124. Stanley, 138. Stannard, 249. Stebbins, 149. Stocking, 186. Stokely, 162. Stone, 37, 38. Storrs, 137. Stow, 39. Strickland, 167. Strong, 84, 105, 148. Sumner, 78, 241. Swift, 98. Talcott, 105. Taylor, 32, 264. Terry, 225. Thompson, 76, 109. Tooley, 216, 217. Tower, 124. Townsend, 90. Townson, 201. Tuttle, 176. Ufford, 56. Villers, 175. Wadsworth, 85. Walcott, 139. Ward, 57, 77, 78, 133, 20o. Warland, 213. Warner, 124, 232. Warren, 76. Washburn, 192. Watson, 143, 144. Webb, 199. Welles, 32, 56, 83. Wells, 99, 101, 131, 147, 153. Wetmore,88. White- Amanda, 116. Delos, 50. Joseph, 50. Lucy, 72. Maria, 116. Menzo, 50. Whitmore, 54. Wilcox, 138. Wilder, 186. Willard, 33, 147, 282. Willcox, 50, 264. Williams, 106, 167, 185, 220, 283. Wolcott, 44. Wpod, 155. Woodbridge, 241. Wright, 100, 153. Young, 88. 304 Index. Part III. PART III. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage. Surnames not known. Abigail, 113. Anna, 58, 72. Elizabeth, 26, 44, 128. Esther, 58, 150. Flavia, 121. Hannah, 49. Harriet, 253. Malvina, 144. Margaret, 194. Mary, 20, 36. Nancy, 249. Ruth, 64. Sarah, 93. Susannah, 85. The above married Whites. Ruth, m. Benton, 36. Abigail, m. Bissell, 31. Ann, m. Bissell, 31. Mary, m. Dickinson, 32. Noami, m. Dickson, 45. Mindwell, m. Ellsworth, 31. Jemima, m. Graves, 28. Thankful, m. Graves, 28. Ann, m. Griswold, 44. Experience, m. Hins- dale, 33. Mary, m. Johnson, 37. Hannah, m. Loomis, 31. Maria, m. Loomis, 105. Sally, m. Loomis, 105. Hannah, m. Sage, 52. Julia A., m. Shepard, 133. Clarissa, m. Warren, 76. Mary, m. Warren, 76. Abbe, Roxalana, 41. Abbott, Lucinda, 72. Abbott, Asahel W., 185. Paul, 92. Sally, 66. Abernethy, Electa, 161. Adams, Caroline, 224. Darius, 81. Harriet, 74, 198. Sarah E., 274. Akin, Mary E., 248. Alfred, Mary, 179. Alger, Mercy, 80. Alkiah, Rebecca, 129. Allen, Elizabeth, 122. Emily A., 204. Harriet H., 254. Isaac W., 106. John, 88. Ailing, Susanna, 53. Allis, Anna (Hubbard), 153 Cynthia, 132. Elijah, 101-163-281. Jere, 164-163. Josiah, 100, 165-163. Lucy, 99. Alvord, Dorcas, 69. Elijah, 167. Gad, 70. John, 46. Mindwell, 71. Alvord, Miriam, 181. Samuel, 72. Warren I., 133. Alward, Rachel A., 173. Ames, Abigail, 204. Mary C., 226. Amidon, Mercy, 118. Amsden, Lydia, 163. Andrews, Amy, 98. Hannah, 128. Henry, 197. Lorenzo, 162. William, 37-281. Andrus, Alanson, 155. Urial, 149. Anthony, William, 106. Arms, Ebenezer, 100. Eroe, 100. Moses, 163. Arnold. Elizabeth, 129. Horace, 174. Russell, 180. Ashley, Benjamin, 117. Joseph, 120. Atherton, Abigail, 46. Frances A., 252. Ruth, 48. Atwater, 90. Jane Isabel, 271. Jeremiah J., 214. William G., 207. Atwood, Ann, 82. Caroline. 265. Lydia r 123. Stephen, 186. Augur, Harriet, 91. Austin, Elkanah C., 126 Averill, Eliphalet, 104. Avery, Amos, 148. Lydia, 100. Ayres, Elijah, 77. Sibbil, 84. Babcock, Elizabeth, 251 Bacon, John, 27, 39. Pamelia, 249. Badger, Cornelia, 167. Bagg, Hannah, 47. Mrs. Lucy, 190. Rhoda, 208. Tirzah, 66. Bailey, Roswell, 167. Baker, George C.i, 202, 219. Hannah D., 272. Isaac, 160. John, 77, 156. Josbeph, 220. Balderson, Elizabeth, 98. Baldwin, 52. Abigail, 223. Elizabeth, 43. Jedidah, 150. Linus, 129. Ball, Cornelia C., 216. Ballory, Joseph, 96-281 Ballou, DeWitt C., 189. Bancraft, Elizabeth, 123 Samuel, 57. Barber, Josiah, 82 Milton, 259. Sarah (Ball), 57. Sophronia, 88. Barclay, Martha Jane, 160. Bardwell, Alonzo, 115. Salmon D., 163. Seth, 163. Barker, John, 90. Ruth, 130. Barlow, Sidney, 166. Barnard, 31, 79. Frederick, 173. Barnes, Eliza, 84. Lorin, 152. Oliver, 206. R. Henry, 210. Barney, Samuel, 53. Barns, Joseph, 39. Barnum, Laura L., 233. Barron, Almira (Mun- son), 181. Lucy, 65. Barrows, Dorcas, 121. Joseph D., 148. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage* 305 Bartlett, Abigail, 154. Clara N., 254. Edmund, 77. Henry, 46. John, 81. Lorain, 130. Bascom, Joseph, 200. Martha, 69. Bassett, Ebenezer, 53. Eunice (Pomeroy,) 142. Bates, Abigail, 174. Melinda H., 182. Baxter, Honor, 79. John, 49-281. Beadle, Abigail, 155. Beardsley, Jabez, 93. Beaumont, Edmund, 154. Bedortha, Hannah, 118 Beebe, Susan E., 271. Beecher, 215. Beecraft, Mary, 68. Belden, Abigail, 65. Celia, 65. Elbridge, 167. Bellows, Lydia, 71. Beman, Laura J., 259. Helen, 262. Bement, Delight, 191. Mary, 52. Benedict, Amos, 90. Bennett, Ambrose, 70. Catharine, 120. James, 149. Lucinda, S., 219. Bensley, John R., 218. Benson, Edward C., 221. Benton, 45, 55. Amos, 49. Ebenezes, 36-281. ' Benton, Jacob, 33. James, 115. Mary, 108. Berditt, Jane, 186. Bickford, Stephen H., 145. Bidwell, Julia, 209. Biggum, Eliza, 160. Billings, Charles M., 166. Israel W., 163. Bills. Celina, 255. Bingham, Flavel, 106. Mary, 96. Birdsey, Gershom, 154. Birge, Asahel, 66. Mary, 94. Bishop, Alonzo R., 178. Brewster, 171. Leveret, 92. Bissell, Ann, 43. Jeremiah, 32. John, 30. Sarah, 43. Black, Elizabeth S., 214. Blake, Jonathan, 75. Joseph, 92. Blakeslee, Phebe, 144, Lucy, 217. Blin, David, 55. Bliss, Editha (Day), 80. Elizabeth, 43. John, 66. Julia, 183. Juliette, 115. Lois (Cadwell), 51. Nathan, 99. Nathaniel, 118. Olivia Sarah, 118. Stoughton, 75. Submit, 267. Sylvester, 163. William, 47. Blossom, Noble, 196. Boardman, Clarinda, 80 Jonathan, 67. Maria A., 118. Bonta, David, 130. Booby, Susan, 276. Booth, Elizabeth, 72. Sabra, 72. Borden, Job, 175. Bordman, Elizabeth, 55. Bostwick, Anna, 142. Bottom, Elizabeth, 158. Sally, 158. Bowdoin, William, 84. Bowen, Daniel, 144. James, 129. Brace, Jonathan, 66. Brackett, Joseph, 147. Bradley, Asa, 90. Chloe M., 190. Joseph, 89. Louise, 255. Bragg, Celinda D., 185. Brainard, Hannah, 130. Brainerd, Austin, 70. Ira, 207. Braman, Maria A., 214. Bramhell, Catharine, 254. Breck, Margarette, 84. Brewer, Chauncey, 73. Martha, 113. Sarah M., 113. Brewster, Cynthia, 186. Bridgman, Charles, 76. Brigden, Jonathan, 91. Briggs, Catharine (Harris), 159. Laura E., 130. Minerva, 102. Brigham, Anna, 149. Britton, Sarah B., 240. Bronson, Chester, 80. Brooks, 234. Almira, 265. David, 162. Earn, 114. John, 46. Brower, Elizabeth A., 223. Brown, Ailing, 143. Charles A., 202. Eliza, 215. Elizabeth, 164. Mary L., 238. Matilda J., 178. Patience, 32. Philena B., 261. Quartus, 70. Zolvah, 148. Browning, Mary F., 223 Bruce, Mary B., 101. Brummagin, Mark, 131. Bryant, Hiram, 76. Buchanan, James H., 144. Buck, Daniel, 137. Buckland, Mary, 167. Bulkley, Betsey, 80. David, 50. Lucy, 137. Mary, 120. Bull, Thomas, 33. Bumps, Mary, 185. Bunce, Elizabeth, 34. Sarah, 28. Burbank, Sophia, 117. Burch, Deborah, 261. Burgess, Cynthia S., 204. Elizabeth, 225. Burk, John, 41. Burliss, Mary, 27. Burn, Charles, 37. Burnes, Mary, 129. Burnham, Charles, 118- 119. Emily (Burt), 66. Mrs. Maria, 84. 306 Burns, Mary, 225. Burr, Benjamin, 76. Halsey, 178. Burt, Lucy, 99. Luther, 118. Sarah (Fitch), 99. William R., 216. Burton, Horatio N., 151 Bush, Julia Aann, 257. Levi, 164. Bushnell, George, 67. Buskirk, Jane, 277. Butler, Abigail, 51. Butler, Hezekiah G., 179. Sibbil, 53. William, 195. Byington, Clarissa S., 90. Cadwell, Wyllys J., 102. Cady, Elias, 92. Emily, 256. George, 117. Hambleton P., 117. Heman M., 200. Salome, 48. Callahan, Rev. H., 164. Camp, Maria, 81. Mary, 228. Phebe, 146. Canada, Mariette, 269. Canda, Amelia, 130. Canfield, Ethelinda, 214 Carl ton Mary, 62. Carman, Jerome B., 262. Carpenter, Lyman, 217. Carr, Charles, 153. Carrington, Merrit, 91. Carroll, C. C., 167. Sarah Grace, 242. Carter, Ezra, 40. Jane M., 248. John H., 196. Sarah, 49. Gary, James, 86-281. Case, Ann, 56. Luke B., 191. Castle, Mariam, 229. Mariett, 229. Chadwick, John, 160. _ Chaffee, Sarah, 192. Challomer, John, 47. Chamberlain, 72. Jane,84. Thomas, 48. Champion, John, 141. Champlain, Hablam C. 156. Index. Part III. Chandler, 41. Catharine, 274. Hannah, 65. John, 155. Moses, 129. Chapel, Dr., 248. Chapin, Charity, 112. Martha, 75. Mrs. Sarah, 63. Chapman, Amelia, 62. Cordelia, 173. Emeline, 268. Jacob, 80. Jane, 231. Jonathan, 79. Novatus, 108. Samuel, 62. Selden, 82. Silas, 103. Chappel, Richard, 148. Charter, Elizabeth, 70. Chatfield, Joseph, 67. Cheadle, John, 97. Patta, 159. Cheeney, Elizabeth, 43. Cheny, Sally, 217. Chester, William, 173. Child, 67. Childs, Heman, 215. Chipman, Daniel, 59. Chittenden, William, 38 Christie, Martha (Rus- sell), 222. Chryster, Thomas, 228. Church, John, 136. Lucy, 194. Martha, 46. Sarah, 78. Churchhill, Daniel, 50. David, 56. Claflen, Levi Fisk, 103. Clapp, Amanda (Jones) 240. Elisha, 102. George, 98. Luther, 111. Mindwell, 112. Phebe, 126. Clark, 92. Aaron, 51. Bohan, 111. Cynthia P., 193. Diodate, 128. Edmund, 42. Henrietta S., 226. Henry, 89. Huldah, 110. James, 85. Joel, 73. John, 27, 45, 51, 95. Joseph N., 142. Mary, 87. Mercy, 142. Nathaniel, 28. Oman, 137. Phineas, 70. Remmick K., 199. Samuel, 65. Sarah Ann, 149. Sarah B., 266. Thankful, 143. Walter R., 215. Zeruiah, 144. Clarke, Alfred, 91. Daniel, 38. Clement, William T., 119. Cleveland, Clarissa, 179 Clossman, Susan, 236. Coburn, Carmi, 152. Coe, Mrs. Abigail, 38. David, 57. Harvey, 152. George S., 138. Wealthy, 150. Coffin, Charles G., 159. John, 228. Sarah B., 255. Cogswell, William, 108. Cole, Elizabeth 33. Jireh D.. 126. Joseph,, 27. Marcus, 109. Mary, 272. Moses, 51. Solomon, 57. Cole, Zeruiah, 101. Coleman, 28. Lovisa, 235. Pamelia, 57. Collins, Ambrose, 74. Freeman, 95. Henry, 115. John, 55. Lucy, 191. Mary, 109. Susan, 282. Colton, Abiah, 47. Harriet, 136. Compton, David, 163. Comstock, Allen, 123. Demmis D., 127. Evaline A., 259. Conant, Sarah (Avery), 65. Cone, Clarissa, 271. Olive, 199. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage 307 Susannah, 43. Theodore H., 140. Coney, Mrs. 99. Conkey, Abner P., 232. Conkling, Isaac, 85. Connel, Harriet, 184. Cook, Aaron, 167. Alice, 49. Enos F., 122. Hannah M., 215. John, 77, 148. Justin, 70. Maria, 77. Martin F., 77. Mary, 77. Sally, 208. Simeon, 70. Cooke, Stephen, 48. William, 48. Cooley, Clark, 57. Emily F., 231. Henry, 138. Joel, 41. Lois, 192. Mercy, 116. Walter, 92. Coomes, Henry B., 118. Coon, Mary A., 195. Cooper, Alden B., 133. Charles, 234. Eli, 53. Hannah, 96-281. Cornwal, Jerusha, 82. Sarah, 56. Cornwell, Jacob, 27-34. Cory, Charles S., 159. Cossitt, Mary L., 205. Sarah M., 264. Cotton, John, 52. Couch, Susan M., 265. Coventry, 95. Cowles, Caroline E., 266. George W., 190. John E., 138. Craft, Abigail, 46. Crafts, John, 28. Craig, Polly C., 235. Crawford, James, 184. Crawford, Julia, 111. Crittenden, S. Wright, 140. Crossett, Mary A., 109. Crouch, Emily, 183. Grouse, John, 139. Crow, Sarah, 29. Culver, Charles, 117. Cummins, Caroline, 139 Curtenius, John L., 88. Curtis, Lucy, 61. Sylvander, 175. Curtiss, Harriet E., 140 Katharine, 33. Gushing, Hannah, 194. Culter, Clarissa, 90. Hannah, 96. Laurinda, 257. Richard, 53. Daily, Sophronia, 263. Dame, 164. Dana, Delia, 228. Danford, Jonathan, 59. Dapine, Helen M., 123. Dart, Jabez, 43. Ruth, 64. Dauby, Lewis J., 140. Davenport, Lois (Mar- sh), 87. Davidson, 203. Amanda F., 236. Davis, Amos B., 159. Benjamin P., 106. Charles, 98. E. Ann, 214. James, 97. Joshua, 106. Day, Eli, 71. Emeline, 106. Eunice, 104. Fidelia, 252. Hannah, 116. Harriet, 190. Julia, 116. Lydia, 170. Sopia, 73. Thomas L., 151. William C., 144. Dean, Elizabeth, 262. DeForest, Mary A., 269 DeKroyft, Abraham, 88 Delvan, Amanda (Sim- mons), 251. Denison, J. H., 121. Dewey, Alice P., 120. De Witt, Maria, 119. Dexter, Louisa, 252. Dibble, Milo, 130. Dickenson, Lovina, 76. Dickerman, Mary, 90. Dickinson, Demis, 123. Elijah, 109. Israel, 36. % Laura, 246. Lucy D., 84. Mary, 60, 165. Nathaniel, 32. Oliver P., 103. Dickinson, Samuel, 45. Waitstill, 45. William, 98. Dikeman, Julia C., 111. Thomas, 73. Dimock, Lovina, 108. Miranda, 108. Ditmars, Caroline, 88. Doan, Edmond, 174. Dobson, John S., 168. Dodd, Charles, 101. E'benezer, 48. Sarah, 75. Dodge, Mary Abiah, 245. Sarah C., 111. Dollen, Eliza, 242. Mary E., 242. Doolittle, 133. Dowd, Sarah, 154. Seth, 92. Downes, Lovina A., 269 Zeri, 90. Drake, Elizabeth, 237. Ira, 108. Droz, Charles, 97. Dudley, Lois, 38. Parthena, 38. Dunakin, Samuel, 124. Duncan, Thomas, W., 80. , Dunham, Elisha, 65. James, 93. Josiah, 59. Dunn, Lizzie H., 273. Sarah, 250, 273. Durham, James, 132. Durkee, Ruel, 145. Duston, John, 139. Dutre, John A., 162. Dutton, 143. Ormond, 113. Sibbel, 42. Dwight Charlotte, 41. Elihu, 110. Dyer, Leverett, 196. Lydia, 213. Mary, 89. Eastman, Henry L., 157 Reuben R., 115. William, 47. Eaton, David, 55. Eddy, Norman, 155. Edmonds, Henry, 144. Edwards Ann, 31. Betsey, 99. 308 Eunice, 187. John, 91. Joseph, 230. Rebecca (Ranney), 154. Eells, Nathaniel, 49, 91, 137. Efner, J. Henry, 170. Eggleston, Abner H., 151. Eber, 45. Hannah, 31. Moses, 174. Elderkin, Vine, 89. Ellinwood, Cornelia, 218. Rebecca, 218. Elliott, Henry, 162. Ellis, John W., 212. Lucy, 234. Stephen, 97. Ellsworth, John, 31. Elmer, Hannah, 70. Ely, Caleb, 72. Justin, 65. Lydia, 119. Mary, 39. Tryphena, 80. Emerson, Daniel, 98. Eunice, 162. Emmons, Mary, 71. English, Benjamin, 142. Phebe, 77. Enos, Freeman, 247. Ensor, Cornelia, 88. Evans, Mary D., 234. Samuel M., 161. Sarah, 234. Everett, Addison, 111. Everts, Electa, 201. E. Minerva, 106. Fairfield, A. M., 76. Fanning, Johnson, 95. Farmer, Phebe Ann, 241. Farnsworth, Caroline B., 274. Faulkner, James H., 282. Fay, Edwin, 135. Jonathan, 98. Moses, 59. Prescott, 115. Fayer, 194. Felch, Lydia, 130. Fenner, John B., 175 Ferree, Mary, 119. Ferry, William M., 165. Index. Part III. Field, Abby Alcie, 109. Ann, 67. David, 100. Louisa, 99. Field, Hannah, 219. Finlay, Catharine, 257. Fisher, Bryan, 126. Fisk, Abby M., 248. William B., 139. Fitch, Dyer, 88. Elizabeth, 31. Lucy W., 253. Fleming, 161. Flower, Alfred, 117. Folsom, James D., 151. Foot, Margaret, 190. Foote, Almira H., 267. Asa, 40. Edwin, 128. George E., 168. Joel, 82. Forbes, Heppy (Hills), 85. Ford, Harriet, 90. Linus E., 175. Fosdick, Elizabeth, 38. Foster, Elvira P., 248. Louisa, 189. Robert, 70. Fowler, Elizabeth, 30. Fowler, Sarah, 31. Fox, Electa, 170. Sarah, 241. Francis, Eli B., 167. Frank, Nathaniel, 96- 281. Franklin, Polly, 174. Frarey, Joseph, 39. Rhoda, 238. Frazier, Charles, 231. Freeman, Dennis, 147. Isaac, 102. French, Emma, 268. Joseph, 144. Nathaniel W., 149. Samuel, 44. Frost, Daniel S., 140. Josiah, 61. Fuller, Elizabeth, 115. John H., 133. Gage, Henry, 151. Sally Ann, 193. Gager,- Orrin P., 147. Gallop, Prudence, 276. Gardner, Dwight, 133. Gilbert, 95. Sidney, 95. Gardner, Catharine R., 242. Gates, Daniel, 119. Hannah, 131. Gaylord, Eliz'th W., 253 William C., 92. Geortner, George, 132. Gerard, Nannie, 267. Gere, Isaac, 100. Gibbs, Hannah, 219. Gibbard, Sanford, 202. Gilbert, Abigail, 79. Ann, 174, 215. Eldad, 142. Eveline, 273. Jonathan, 24. Joseph T., 164. Sturge, 168. Thomas, 100. Gillespie, 201. Girard, Sarah A., 224. Gleason, Dolly, 198. Harries, 217. Goddard, Nichols, 112. Goodale, Almira, 151. William, 100. Goodman, Eleazer, 72. Enos, 70. Otis, 115. Rebecca, 100. Susannah, 111. Titus, 103. Goodrich, Butler, 78. Chauncey, 171. James, 140. Sarah, 76. Goodwin, Sarah, 27. Goodyear, Asa, 90. Gorham, Timothy, 90. Gorton, Benjamin B., 147. ' Gould, 129. Rhoda, 39. James, 100. Grandy, Martin M., 152. Granger, Annah, 182. Fanny, 189. Lydia, 117. Graves, 139. Eli, 76. Elnathan, 32. Emily, 237. Erasmus, 237. John, 28. John J., 77. Mary, 115. Sarah, 27. William, 163. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage 309 Gray, John F., 211. Willis W., 161. Green, A. B., 196. John, 162. Lydia, 126. Greene, Charlotte., 277. Greenman, John, 160. Grey, Charles H., 198. Gridley, Elijah, 84. George, 144. Griggs^ Sarah Eliza, 114. Grinnell, Harriet, 246. Griswold, Daniel, 41-43. Sarah, 128. Walter Price, 67. Grossman, Maria, 105. Guiteau, Samuel, 136. Gunn. Hannah, 90. Guptill, Caroline, 138. Gurley, Margaret, 149. Gypson, Mercy, 50. Hageman, Cynthia A., 223. Hager, Samuel, 124. Haggert, Jane, 261. Haight. Isadore M., 271 Hakes. Isaac W., 167. Hale, Gideon, 56. Jonathan, 39. Sarah, 105. Hall, Clarissa, 192. Cornelia, 102. Elbridge G., 207. Esther, 52. Fanny, 204. Frederic, 66. Gideon, 179. Hannah, 132. Jacob, 50. Lucinda, 102. Mary, 51. Reuben, 57. Samuel, 33. Sarah, 72. Hamblet, Asenath, 118. Hamilton. Norman, 77. Hamlin, Lucretia, 52. Sarah J., 244. Susannah, 27. Hammond, Cordelia, 272 Dorothy, 171. Emily, 240. Henry, 225. Hampton, Nancy R.,212. Hand, Daniel, 67. Hannum, John, 110. Hanover, Mrs. 103. Harding, Riley, 216. Hardly, Eli, 151. Harman, Alexander H., 166. Harris, Alfred, 208. George, 175. Harrison, Abby M.. 249. Hart, Benjamin, 160. Henry P., 133. Samuel, 33. Simeon, 160. Hartley, Marcellus. 246 Hartman, John. 133. Hartson, Alice, (Utley), 158. Harwood. Elizabeth, 72 Hannah. 165. Myron. 101. Hasgill, Matty, 147. Hastings. Eunice, 100. Eurotas, 100. Horace, 100. John, 41. Perez. 100. Hatch, Eleazer L., 119. Hathaway, James, M., 147. Havener, John, 161. Hawks, Martha, 100. Hawley, Henry, 173. Lucia, 103. Richard, 56. Tilness, 158. Hay, Drusilla, 81. Hayden. Maria, 231. Hayes, Zilpah, 107. Havward, Susan. 120. William G., 161. Hazen, Eliza. 243. Wealthy, 202. Healy, Ebenezer. 126. Heartt. William A.. 164 Heath, Elizabeth, 263. Lois, 113. Hebard, Timothy W., 97. Hedge, Lemuel, 59. Hemple. Anna, 119. Henderson, Stukeley, W.. 248. Hendrick, Azubah, 117. Heney. Sarah, 59. Henrv, Andrew, 114. Lillis, 160. Herrick, 97. Mary, 246. Hibbard, Bushnel, 132. Hickson. Walter, 32. Higby, Almira, 231. Hill, Concurrence (Aus- tin), 207. George D., 209. Mary J., 270. Hillman, James, 117. Hills, Abigail, 134. David, 105. Hannah, 134. Mabel, 135. Rebecca, 134. Hine. Charlotte, 138. Hinkley, Betsey, 149. Elizabeth, 235. Julia J., 114. Mary, 98. Hinman, Clarissa, 81. Sophia A., 282. Hinsdale, Barnabas, 32. Mrs. Myra, 74. Sarah, 49! Hitchcock, Edward, 121. Lucy, 66. Marcus, 147. Margaret. 259. Walter, 125. Hodge, Amanda G., 191. Hodgkiss, Thankful, 38. Hodgman, Romanus, 183. Hoffman, Mary M.. 196. Holbrook, David. 215. Holcomb, A. B ., 196. Hollister, 197. Hiram, 176. Ann, 56. Jeannette. 165. Joseph, 39. Holmes, 115. Jemima, 81. Stephen S., 157-2*3. Holms. Elizabeth, 31. Holt, Esther, 140. Holten, Jonathan. 42. Hook, William. 162. Hoon, Sarah, 235. Hoppin. Harriet. 121. Horth, James, 282. Horton, Timothy, 80. Hosford, Amos. 65. Huldah L., 273. Hotchkiss, Martha, 214. Hough, 39. Houghton, Levitt R., 247. Lovell. 247. House, Betsey, 206. Howe, Sarah, 90. Howell, Thomas. 53. Rowland, Asa, A., 115. 310 Index. Part III. Hoxie, Benjamin, 167. Hoyt, David, 67. Hubbard, Anna, 198. Elijah, 166. Elisha, 98-163. Hannah, 107-163. Honor, 85. Nabby M., 190. Phineas, 108. Stearns, 163. Stephen W., 89. Wilson J., 230. Hubbell, Curtiss, 113. Huckans, Thomas, 247. Hughes, Lucretia, 196. Hungerford, Elizabeth W., 256. Jane R., 261. Hunt, Charlotte, 263. Emily, 262. Hannah, 80. Hunt, Laura, 263. Martha, 62. Samuel, 32. Huntington, Eleazer, 62 Elizabeth, 88. Harriet, 88. Lucy C.,173. Huntoon, Samuel, 225. Hurlburt, Abigail, 82. Jane, 155. Mehitable, 50. Sarah, 259. Husted, Henry S., 158. James N., 231. Palmer, 158. Hutchins, Fay, 139. Joseph, 102. Hutchinson, Amos S., 200. Hyatt, James L., 196. Hyde, Benjamin, 52. Charles, 215. Hyzer, 133. Ide, Simeon, 112. Ingram, William, 71. Ives, John, 154. Russell J., 208. Jackson, Eleanor A., 111. James, 89. Wiley, 136. James, Mary A., 258. Janes, Rachel, 181. Jarnagin, Mary E., 260 Jay, Mary, 175. Jenkins, Caroline M., 245. Jenks, Albert L., 147. John, 143. Philip, 197. Jenne, Deborah T., 233. Jewett, Lydia, 224. Johnson, Alzina A., 140. Anna, 154. Benjamin, 57. Chauncey, 142. Chester, 165. Daniel N., 247. Esther B., 201. Henry, 50. Isaac, 143. L., 282. Sarah L., 201. Thomas, 37. William, 155. Jones, Adelia, 266. Abela B., 120. Betsey, 232. Clarissa, 221. Ellen, 237. George D., 230. Julia A., 267. Maria, 85. Polly, 231. Sally, 203. Sarah, 43. Sarah (Belcher), 229. William, 129. Jordan, Elisha, 246. Judd, Alvin, 112. Judd, C. Lorenzo, 187. Charles, 198. Dorcas, 115. Elizabeth S., 193. Erastus T., 187. Reuben, 71. Warren S., 109. William, 45. Judson, Caroline A., 253 Mary L., 121. Keeney, Isaac, 149. Medad, 143. Keep, Sabina, 120. Keith, Katharine, 154. William, 154. Kelley, Joseph, 247. Sarah, 188. Kellogg, Allen, 172. Alonzo, 194. Eunice, 40. Francis W., 187. Frederick, 126. Lucy, 125. Lucy W., 77. Mary C., 77. Oren, 179. Seth, 71. Kelsey, Ellen M., 278. James H., 174. Jehiel, 28. Kendrick, George S., 102. Kennedy, Henry, 180. Sidney R., 140. Kenney, Sarah G.,, 268- 283. Kent, Ruggles, 66. Keyes, Calista, 248. Cynthia, 234. George E., 161. Kibbee, Francinai, 118. Kilborn, 39. Kilbourn, Rachel, 74. Kimball, John, 184. Martha, 119. Kimberly, Lewis, 91. Polly, 213. Thomas, 66. King, Elisha, 70. Harvey, 102. Jerusha, 166. John N., 149. Mary, 260. Medad, 71. Pfiscilla, 244. Susannah, 119. Kingsbury, Elisha, 119. Kindsley, Abigail, 77. Henrietta A., 164. Sarah, 110. Seth, 166. Kinney, Aaron, 57. Kirby, Abner, 56. Charles, 157. Elizabeth, 39. Mary, 37. Sarah, 70. Kirkham, Edward, 263. Kitchen, Richard, 162. Kneeland, Mary, 59. Knowles, 39. Huldah, 91. Ladd, J., 74. Lake, Mary E., 269. Sabin, 53. Lamb, Ambrosia, 267. Hannah, 117. Martha, 185. Wilson, 133. Lancaster, Palmer, 250. Lancey, Sarah Jane, 257 Lanckton, Sally, 122. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage 311 Landfear, Charles, 262. Lucinda, 203. Landon, Harriet H M 127 Nancy Ann, 127 Langdon, Calvin P., 189 Lansing, Henry S., 209. Latham, Alanson, 182. Lathrop, Nancy A., 118 Simon, 215. Laurence, Caroline, 144. Lawrence, Rufus, 160. Tryphena, 138. Leach, George W., 183. Harriet, 278. Leake, Charles T., 173. Leavens. Benjamin, 157 Lee, Alfred, 169. Benjamin, 223, 245. Lucy, 176. Lucy M., 66. ' Leete, Ambrose, 38. Theodore A., 193. Leonard, Lydia B., 275. Mary, 117. Mrs. Mary C., 217. Priscilla, 74. Rufus, 117. Sarah, 126. Selden, 126. Thankful, 255. , Lewis, David, 232. Hannah, 162. Margaret B., 204. Mary, 84, 211. Lindsley, Sylvanus, 128 Little, Isaac, 61. Livermore, Edward M, 245. Lloyd, Amos H., 135. Lohnes, Franklin B., 218. Long, Alva H., 218. Looman, 72. Loonier, Frederick, 72. Loomis, Anne, 102. Charles, 136. Electa, 256. Huldah (Priest), 44. Joseph, 31. Louisa, 210. Lydia, 33. Martha, 103. Matthew, 105. Milo, 149. Nathaniel. 86. Samuel, 31. Loomis, Thomas, 30. Lord, John King, 84. Samuel Phillips, 82. Loring, Mary Jane, 255 Lothrop, 62. Annar, 93-281. Loud, Watson, 111. Lounsburg, Harvey, 155 Love.ioy. Lucy S.. 277. Lovell, Harriet, 92. Lovett. James, 136. Luce, Hannah, 227. Ludden, Asa, 60. Ludlum, Jeremiah, 28. Lyman. Amanda (White). 188. Elias, 101. Hannah, 72. Harriet E.. 243. Mabel, 167. Ruth. 110. Victoria, 265. William. 114. Lyon. Ruth. 183. Solon, 110. Mace, Louisa. 270. Macomber, 95. David O., 140. Maese, Alexina B., 272. Mallorv, Catharine C., 265. Mallory Malsom, Henry, 209. Maltby, Augustus, 90. Isaac, 61. Manchester, George, 140. Mann. Chester, 225. Manning. John L.. 219. Mansfield, Maria M., 210. Marble. Asa. 70. Marcellus, Elizabeth, 195. Mardenbrough, Jane, 146. Markress. Financv. 135. Marsh, Elizabeth P., 113 Mary, 106. Mason M., 133. Phinelson W., 206. Sarah B., 101. Martin, Arnold, 167. Heman. 250. William M., 248. Marvin, Huldah, 40. Mathews, Eliza, 225. Mattison, Harry H., 216 Maxwell, Lavinia, 246 May, Dexter, 61. Mayhew, Arnold, 67. Wealthy A., 99. Maynard, Lucy A., 84. Mayo, Mercy, 131. McCampbell, James M., 260. McClenethen, Emeline, 232. McComas, James, 234. McGaine, William, 193. McGregory, Asa, 145. Laomy, 145. Mclntyre, John, 136. McKay, Alexander, 225 McKee, 123. James M., 135. William, 92. McKinney, Maria, 108. McKinstry, John A., 164. McLean, James, 125. McMaster, Philander, 94. McPherson, Andrew S., 283. Meacham, Horace, 125. Mead, Alexander, 175. Susan, 123. Means, John O., 84. Meek, William E. A., 260. Meekins, Hannah, 57. Stoddard, 124. Merchant, Harvey. 171. Merland, Harriet F.. 88. Merriman, Chas. G., 226 Sally, 127-282. Merritt, George W., 168 William, 125. William H., 158. Merrow, Anna. 136. Merwin. Miles, 154. Miles, John. 144. Millard, Walker S.. 222. Miller, Abigail. 128. Anna M.. 221. Clara, 222. Elizabeth, 39. Frederic, 114. Gordon B., 76. Billiard M., 156. John. 124. Judith C., 221. Margaret, 216. Nancy Ann, 234. Polly, 66. Sarah, 54. William A., 76. Minor, Anderson, 62. 312 Mitchel, Abner, 130. Lizzie, 84. Mitchell, Lydia C., 131. Mabel, 115. Melvina C., 229. Mix, Garry J., 207. Menk, Margaret, 97. Monross, Theodore, 81. Montague, Samuel, 36. Stephen, 77. Moody, Abigail, 115. Editha, 72. Josiah, 47. Moore, George, 200. Isaac L., 97. Jennette, 276. Morell, Esther C., 156. Morgan, Cornelia, 262. Daniel, 41. Eliza, 258. Eliz'th B. (Tew), 242 Frederick D., 202. Gerizim, 102. Lucretia, 118. Margaret, 229. Morgan, Mary, 47. Mrs. Mary B., 88. Ruth L., 258. Morley, Marietta, 198- 197. Morse, Charles 0., 167. Joseph, 97. Morton, Benjamin, 101. Eurotas, 164. John B., 164. Submit, 98. Moseley, Charles, 89. Edwin W., 155. Mosely, Elizabeth M. (Pierce), 241. Moses, Horace, 201. Jane A., 275. Moss, Ephraim W., 263. Mould, Martha (Coit), 27. Mary, 39. Susannah, 37. Mousehunt, Martha, 262 Mudge, Frederick, 195. Mulhallan, Jane, 56. Munson, Augustine, 181. Sylvanus, 143. Murdock, Lucy, 152. Murray, David, 194. Seth, 61. Thankful, 106. Muzzy, Leonard, 234. Myrich, Esther, 206. Index. Part HI. Nash, Abigail, 46. Hannah, 61. Harriet A., 77. Huldah, 99. Lucretia, 77. Lucy, 46. Moses, 28. Neff, Harriet M., 149. Nelson, Eliza T., 276. Mary E., 185. Newel, Charles C., 150. Newton, Abigail, 31. Mary, 262. Nichols, Charles M., 196 Sarah, 270. Niles, John M., 201. William W., 211. North, Levi, 80. Oren S., 138. Northrop, Herman, 151. Northrop, Milo D., 268. Northway, Abi, 151. Norton, 39. Caroline, 239. Daniel, 38. Hart, 81. Hiram J., 249. Laura. 222. Leah, 38. Mary, 120. Noyes, Esther, 275. Susan, 256. Nulton, Jacob, 97. Oaks, Elizabeth, 102. O'Brien, Honora, 186. Olcott, 86. Olcott, James, 43. John, 103. Timothy, 41. Olmsted, Albertus G., 180. Alice, 52. Edmund, 135. James, 52. John, 130. Joseph, 41. Sarah, 86. Olney, Henry, 161. Sarah, 235. Orr, John W., 175. Orvis, Waitstill B., 202. Osborn, 39. John, 54. Martha, 30. Sarah, 94. Ostrander, James, 113. Otis Gardner G. P., 259. Martha, 130. Uriah, 246. Overton, Seth, 83. Paddock, Janette, 262. Paff, Jane Ann, 203. Page, Eli, 81. John C., 151. William, 127-282. Paine, Daniel, 116. Elijah, 60. Esther, 137. Palmer, Amos, 129. Horace, 117. Isaac, 125. Margaret, 220. Samuel, 117. Parish, 55. Parker, John, 115. Octavia, 88. Parkhurst, Anna, 158. Cynthia, 166. Parks, Sally, 153. Parmele, William, 150. Parmelee, James E., 246 Parsons, Asahel, 110. Frances, 181. Irene, 110. Jonathan, 70. Morris, 71. Nathan, 57. Phebe, 127. Rachel S., 109. Sophia, 99. Pasco, Lester, 129. Patten, Experience, 209 Patterson, John L., 205 Lydia, 75. Pattrill, Sophia S., 253 Paul, 160. Payne, Edwin B., 144. Payson, Louisa C., 239. Pease, 200. Cholora, 194. Eli, 120. Giles, 62. Hannah, 62. Peck, Chloe, 112. Edward, 81. Peck, Otis, 103. Peckham, E. G., 209. Peet, Anne, 56. Pell, Cornelius, 231. Pender, 211. Penfield, Emily, 227. Frances E., 264. Titus, 80. Pepper, Simeon, 114. Periga, Augusta, 217. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage 313 Perkins, Clarissa J., 240. George B., 215. Joseph, 140. Perry, David, 136. Edmund, 168. Elizur G., 179. George, 179. George H., 158. Petrie, Peter, 140. Phelps, Emily, 165. Julius, 110. Lucetia A., 122. Marietta, 163. Sarah, 90. Phillips, 95. Phinney, Roanna, 67. Phisty, Jane Ann, 254. Pierce, Ellen R., 282. Lucy, 124. Mary, 77. Pierson, Juliana, 173. William, 115. Pitcher, Edwin, 232. Harvey, 232. Pitkin, Thomas, 62. Pitner, 91. Prumb, 39. Abraham, 56. Betsey, 152. Elizabeth, 151. Priscilla, 148. Rhoda, 39. Polhemus, Theodosia, 126. Pollard, Isabella, 106. Pomeroy, Julius, 181. Lemuel, 66. Martha, 61. Norman W., 208. Roxa, 113. Wealthy, 172. Pomroy, Martha, 41. Pond, Jonathan W., 171. Pool, Lafayette, 247. Pope, Perlina L., 277. Porter, Abigail, 77. Elizabeth, 134. Joseph S., 139. Melitta, 144. Rachel, 148. Rebecca, 159. Susannah, 50. Poss, Nicholas, 185. Powell, William, 52. Powers, Ann Maria, 204. Arminda A., 226. Elias, 145. Elizabeth W., 193. George M., 183. Polly M., 204. Pratt, Hepzibah, 246. Sylvester, 128. Pray, Isaac C., 114. Prescott, Enos A., 91. Roger S., 91. Preston, Amanda, 189. Price, Walker, 99. Pride, Hibbard, 135. Priet, Nancy M.. 133. Prince, Harriet, 268. Prior, Mary (Wells), 133. Putnam, James, 233. Putney, Moses, 99. Pynchon, Lucy, 73. Sarah, 119. Radcliff, Benjmain, 129. Ramsdale, Ralph. 163. Ramsdell, Levi, 124. Randall, Ann, 82. George, 82. Ranney, George, 154. Jeremiah, 39. Joseph, 91. Rebecca (Willett), 88. Ruth, 153. Willett, 38. Ransom, Epaphroditus. 102. James H.. 282. Raymond, Ann, 152. Read, Amelia W., 247. Redfern, Ann, 259. Reed, Benjamin, 85. Jane D., 194. Rosanna, 244. Reeves. Letitia. 224. Remick. Lydia K.. 226. Reynolds. A. B., 205. Samuel, 62. Sarepta J., 277. Rice, Ebenezer S., 131. James J., 131. Lucinda. 192. Lucy E., 237. Roxana, 264. Thomas J., 193. Richardson. Lois A.. 202 Richmond. Rhoda. 235. Rider. Phebe, 123. Ruth, 186. Ridley, 189. Riker, George P., 102. Ridley, Nathaniel, 98. Rising, Laura, 161. Risley, Sarah, 206. Robb, Charles W., 168. Robbins, Elihu, 102. Roberts, Frances Lu- cinda, 147-282. Hannah, 85. Ichabod M., 155. Nathan S., 139. Robertson, John, 139. Sidney, 150. Rockey, Susannah. 98. Rogers, Cynthia, 282. Lucretla, 57. Malah, 66. Rogers, Mary, 237. Rollin, Ckarles, 235. Rood, Daniel, 46. Miranda, 222. Roosevelt, Washington, 88. . Root, Anna, 139. Oliver D., 238. Stephen, 91. Rose, Anna R. (Man- ning), 244. Roseboom, Marietta, 203. Ross. Dunbar, 226. Isaac, 98. Reuben, 149. Rowe, Lucretia A., 195. Penelope, 239. Rowell, Jonathan E., 219. Ruffner, Joseph, 106. Rugg, Edward A., 179. Lydia, 69. Ruggles, Benjamin. 167 Ruchmore. Emma, 217. Russell, Ambrose S-. . 173. Lucy, 77. Rust, Daniel, 281-37. Ryer, George, 259. Sabin, Charles, 53. John, 91. Sackrider, Norman, 200 Robert, 199. Sage, Almina (Ingra- ham), 103. -Elias, 176. Elizabeth, 157. Gideon, 52. Luther, 207. Mary, 81. Noah, 85. Roxy, 208. Susan, 230. 314 Index. Part III. Salisbury, Lydia, 217. S- eldon, Aaron B., 130. Salmon, Oliver, 232. Delia, 170, 237. Salter, Harriet, 65. Elizabeth, 181. Samson, Joanna, 160. Julia Maria, 243. Sanderson, Abigail, 145 Shelton, Elizabeth, 168. Sanford, David, 143. Shepard, Deborah, 38. Elisha, 90. Sarvant, Anna, 195. James, 79. Savage, Edward, 204. Elisha, 37. Elizabeth, 35. Emily, 229. Gideon, 86. Grace, 157. Hannah, 156. Jonathan, 38. Lucy, 95. Martha, 54. Mary, 274. Prudence, 92. Sawin, Louisa, 225. Sawyer, Mary, 151. Saxton, J. A., 100. Scovel, Harriet N., 274. Scovil, Eleazer, 129. Scoville, Eunice, 171. Scoville, Hannah, 94. Scranton, Dennis, 130. Mary, 174. Scripture, Abigail, 224 Smith, 92. Scrugham, Elizabeth, Aaron, 84. 114. Seal, Harriet, 118. Seeley, Samuel, 76. Seely, Mary, 271. Segur, Lucy (Bing- ham), 243. Solden, Abigail, 70. Ebenezer. 27. Richard Ely, 82. Scllew, Philip H., 131- 204. Thomas. 55. Sellon, William F., 114. Sergeant, John, 81. Server, Mary, 274. Scwall, Esther, 120. Seymour, Caroline, 233. Emily, 197. Hannah, 33. Henry, 105. Sharp, Thompson, 161. Shaver, John, 230. Shaw, Emma L. W., 260. Shayler, Mrs. Judith, 43 Shedd, Mary E., 227. John, 27. Mary, 133. Rebecca, 75. Silas, 133. Sherman, Martha, 213. Ruth, 121. Wealthy T., 167. Shirtliff, Susannah, 44. Shrader, John C., 161. Sikes, Eleanor, 47. Silas, 76. Sill, Zachariah, 129. Simms, Benjamin, 97. Skilton, S. O. S., 268. Skinner, Hannah. 32. Jerusha, 112. Joseph, 33. Richard, 105. Sylvester T., 167. Thomas H., 80. Slayton. Electa, 232. Sloper, Lucy, 229. Ursula. 136. Smead, Rachel, 71. Almon, 151. Alvah, 191. Amasa, 117. Angeline, 162. Anna, 270. Benjamin, 43. Benjamin B., 135. Betsey, 207. Chloe, 158. 188. Cornelia A., 184. Darius, 70. Edward, 132. Elijah, 98. Emily, 70. Ephram, 113. Erasmus D., 170. Finda, 227. George, 175. Hannah. 72. Harrie T. A., 282. Harriet, 237. Henry C., 190. Jaems L., 140. Jerusha, 281-67. John, 27, 213. John L., 219. Jonathan, 112. Joseph, 99, 101, 161. Mabel, 41. Margaret, 261. Martha, 32. Mary, 73, 162. Mary Ann, 253. Matson Meier, 245. Mehitable, 136. Orrin, 125. Patty, 113. Perez, 72. Philip, 41. Phineas, 73. Rufus, 70. Samuel, 27, 98. Sarah, 166. Susan, 138. Thomas E., 247. Snow, Emeline M., 187. James H., 204. Jane N., 114. Lucy, 189. Lucy J., 282 Nancy, 229. Snyder, Mariette, 264. Soule, Henry B., 196. Southworth, Mary, 201. Spaulding, Celestia E., 188. James, 102. Levi, 102. Maria, 102. Spencer, Clarissa W., 177. Hannah E., 151. Henry G., 206. John, 85. Lois. 119. S., 139. Samuel, 143. Sperry, 90, 90. Jared, 90. Spicer, Cyrus, 135. Sprague, 139. Springer, Catherine, 236. St. John, Samuel H., 157. Stacey, 124. Stall, Isaac, 124. Stamps. Thomas, 173. Standish, Mary (Scott), 199. Staniford, Timothy, 89. Stanley, Emily, 138. Eunice, 172. Jesse, 138. Stannard, Grove, 249. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage 315 Stanton, Jane C., 228. Jones, 179. Statin, Georgianna, 276 Starr, Hannah T., 135. Stearns, George I., 120. Stebbins, Dr., 149. Abigail, 191. Amy, 73. David, 136. Jerusha C., 251. Margaret, 187. Mary, 200. Mary Ann, 100. Persis, 187. Urania (Burt), 113. Stedman, Eliza, 152. Lovisa K., 167. Steel, Eleazer, 65. Frances, 235. Jonathan, 39. Steele, Sarah, 125. Steer, Clark, 148. Stephens, 95. Stephenson, Patrick, 175. William, 75 Sterling, Charlotte L., 130. Stevens, Esther, 184. Florilla, 247. Joseph, 39. Stewart. Isabel, 153. Rose Ann, 270. Stillman, Cecilia A., 273 Stillwell. William, 261. Stockbridge, Emily, 101 Stocker, Lydia, 145. Stocking, Fanny, 157. Lyman, 186. Mary Ann, 133. Stockwell, Sarah, 75. Stoddard, Isaac A., 213 Samuel P., 135. Stokely, David, 162. Stone. Ann Eliza, 236. Deborah, 38. Eli. 130. Jehiel, 37. Louisa, 215. Mary, 52. Storrs, Constant W., 102. Henry M., 121. Henry R., 137. Stoughton, Nathaniel, 32. Stow, Abigail (Eells), 96. Dorothy, 24. Thomas, 39. Stowel, Elizabeth C., 167. Stratton, Julia Ann, 121. William H., 211. Street, Sarah Ann, 66. Streetter, John C., 248. Strickland, 57. Chester, 167. Emily, 207. Strong, 89. Cyprian, 83. Esther, 45. Eunice, 186. Freedom, 40. John C., 206. Lyman, 148. Nathan, 105. Warner H., 206. Sumner, Charles F., 241 Honor. 146. John, 78. Sweet, Mary Ann., 268. Sally Ann., 130. Swift, Charles, 98. Symonds, Huldah, 130. Talcott, Asa, 105. Julia, 84. Levina, 247. Ruth, 104. Tarbox, Alvira, 270. Taylor, 123. Ann, 80. Caroline, 81. Clarissa, 178. Dolly, 99. Jacob, 46. Knowles H., 264. Lucretia J., 100. Martha. 215. Mary (Seldem), 47. Mrs. Melinda, 152-283 Oliver, 72. Orren, 120. Stephen, 32. Tirzah, 145. Tefft, Ruth Ann., 218. Terry, Benjamin, 41. Ephraim, 41. George, 225. Mary. 118. Sarah, 41. Tryphena, 41. Thaxter, Leavitt, 67. Thayer, Mary G., 147- 282. Thomas, David, 130. Thompson, Horace, 93. James, 27. Jane P., 140. John H., 149. Joseph, 116. Josiah, 199. Phimeas. 76. Thorp. Sally, 214-282. Thrall, Warren, 156. Thrasher, Anson, 195. Thurston, Aminta, 211. Thurston, Hannah, 66. Tibballs, Samuel, 128. Tilden, Joseph F., 102. Mrs. Rachel, 92. Till. Ellen. 210. Tinker, Almira, 175. Lebbeus P.. 103. Tobey, Mary S., 273. Tobb, Mary, 27. Rebecca A. L., 223. Tolles, Margaret, 90. Tomlinson, John, 91. Nathan, 143. Tompkins, Charlotte H.. 266. Tooley, George M., 217. Levi A., 216. Topliff, Lucy. 225. Philena. 233. Torrey, Noah, 118. Tousey, Ann Eliza, 220. Tower, Lewis, 124. Town. Rebecca, 200. William, 110. Towner. John F.. 129. Townsend. Robert, 90. Townsley, Caroline. 166 Townson. Joseph, 201. Tracy, Wealthy, 56. Treat, Huldah, 50. Lester C., 147. Treby, Julia, 97. Trowbridge, Abigail, 90 Stephen. 53. Trueby, Rachel. 112. Trumbull, Andrew J., 225. Catherine, 269. Sabra R., 198. Sarah, 169. Tryon, Elisha, 56. Tuft, Mary. 98. Tuthill, Betsey, 216. Mary, 217. Tuttle, Nelson, 176. 316 Index. Part III. Twichell, 210. Tyler, Drusilla, 246. Ufford, Almira W., 206 Eliakim, 55-56. Vanduzee, John, 93. Van Hise, Margaret S., 193-282. Van Swall, Hiram, 282. Van Tuyl, Mary Jane, 140. Van Vranken, William A., 100. Villers, Henry, 175. Vinton, Medad, 165. Wadsworth, Samuel, 85 Waide, Catharine Ann, 177. Wait, George, 163. Jeremiah, 28. Mary, 100. Wakefield, 257. Walcott, Esek, 139. Luther, 186. Walden, Elizabeth, 109. Wales, Elizabeth, 101. John, 130. Wallbridge, Susanna, 44 Wallis, Addi, 78. Walter, Hannah B., 226 William, 56. Walters, William, 153. Ward, 38. Edmund, 133. Ward, Elizabeth, (Dudley), 38. Fenner, 39. Helen, 139. Henrietta. 205. Josiah, 77. Joy, 106. Luman, 48. Samuel, 57. Wares, Henrietta, 282. Warland, Clarissa S., 214. John, 213. Warner, Andrew, 77. Charles, 124. Gideon, 39. Harriet, 215. John B., 232. Judson, 217. Martha, 47. Roxcellany, 78. Willice, 200. Warren, Anna B., 253. Cotton Mather, 76. J. Hinman, 180. Julia Ann, 261. Orange Hart, 76. Washburn, George A., 192. Juliet, 252. Mary Jane, 258. Waterman, Thomas, 44. Waters, Anna, 125. Watkins, Eliza J., 150. Watson, Hannah, 32. Margaret, 164. Samuel R., 143. Wattle, Mary, 31. Wattles, Charles H., 249. Watts, Harriet, 222. Weaver, William, 179. Webb, George, 199. Lois, 140. Webster, Locia, 236. Sibil, 98. Weed, Levi, 175. Weeks, Charles, 125. Nathan S., 116. Welles, Ruth, 83. Samuel, 32, 56. Wells, 31. Alma, 65. Amasa, 99. Anna Eliza, 275. Charlotte A., 244. Chester, 147. Constant, 153. Elisha, 61. Elizabeth, 70. Experience P., 239. George, 71. Green, 71. Wolls, Hannah, 40, 101. Helen Maria, 123. Joseph, 131. Judah, 41. Mary, 168, 238. Rebecca, 27. Roswell, 77. Susanna, 59. Thomas, 71. West, Ebenezer, 108. Ira, 62. Westlake, Julia, 228. Wetmore, Alice M., 266. Clinton, 132. Ebenezer, 27. Hannah, 141. Parsons, 88. Whedon, Laura, 223. Wheeler, Mary Ann, 282 Willard R., 132. Wheelock, James A., 204. White, Augustus, 115. Elizabeth (Bancroft), 99. Elvira, 188. Frances (Parsons), 181. Joseph, 50. Marietta (Morley), 197. Peter, 216. Rebecca, 188. Sedgwick, 116. Thomas, 72. Whiting, Mary B., 176. Whitlock, Joel H., 230. Whitmore, Edith, 27. Elizabeth. 27. Francis, 27, 52-54. Sarah, 276. Whitney, 81. Whittelsey, Susanna, 141. Wicks, Curtis, 248. Wight, Mary, 182. Wilbur, Alma, 269. James, 124. Wilcox, 28. Almira (Kelsey), 80. Amanda, 97. Grace, 218. Henry T., 129. Maria M., 80. Mercy A., 227. Reuben, 138. Samuel, 138. Wilcutt, Sabrina, 115. Wilder, Lewis H., 186. Wilkee. Julia Ann, 237. Willard, Catherine. 88. James N., 147-282. Joel, 144. Willcox, Barbara, 80. Daniel, 50. Joseph 0., 264. Willes, Nancy, 63. Roxelaney, 63. Williams, Addison G., 139. Desire, 44. Edward, 220. George S., 88. Job, 189. Lydia, 176. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage. 317 Richard, 106. Samuel, 167. William C., 167. William H., 185. Williamson, William D., 184. Willis, Noah F., 103. Mrs. Sybil, 137. Wilson, James C., 174. Laura J., 249. Rowena, 150. Witherell, Hannah, 31. Wolcott, Eunice (Col- ton), 64. James H., 183. Josiah, 44. Susan, A., 250. Wood, Caroline, 121. Charles, 131. Lorenzo, 155. Lucy, 178. Woodbridge, Charlotte L., 168. Henry C., 241. Wooden, Daniel, 130. Woodhull, Caroline S. t 182. Woodruff, 52. Woods, Louisa, 99. Woodward, Hannah, 54. Worcester, John H., 84. Worth, Elizabeth, 113. Margarette, 276. Worthington, Daniel, 31 Elias, 42. Mrs. Sarah, 74. Wright, Anna, 52, 58. Asahel, 100. Joel, 57. Justus, 72. Louisa, 183. Naomi, 97. Warren W., 153. Yatman, Jane G., 216. Yeomans, Sail, 114. Young, 67. John, 88. The following name was omitted from page 312. Newman, Ann H. (Catlin), 274. 318 Index. Part IV. Part IV. Persons Not Connected with the Family. The names of men whose daughters married men named White, are to be sought in connection with the names of their daughters, which appear in Part Thrid. Grandy, 227. Grant, 108. Graves, 101. Green 217. Grimes, 21. Griswold, 197-198. Gurley, 244. Haines, 210. Hale, 256. Haling, 274. Harris, 119, 281. Harrison, 46, 47. Hart, 133. Haynes, 15. Henry, 276. Hersey, 182. Hiland, 51. Hinman, 254. Hinsdale, 200. Hitchcock, 209. Holland, 57-59. Homans, 255. Hooker, 13-14-15-16-17. Hopkins, 16. Hosmer, 22. Howard, 176. Hubbard. 146, 163, 169, 206,' 266. Huber, 216. Hulburt, 273. Hyde, xi. Jackson, 282. Jenners, 27. Johnson, 203, 281. Jones, 229, 240. Judd, xi, 222. Kellogg, 72, 94. Kellum, 184. Kepler, 236. Kilbourn, 79. King, 170. Kingsbury, 172, 240. Knowlton, 228. Lamb, 281. Langdon, 209. Lathrop, 32, 118. Leland, 274. Lewis, 17. Lincoln, 61. Livingston, 177-212. Loomis, 87, 258. Adams, 164, 191. Cleveland, 182. Allen, 59-89, 255. Cleveland, 245. Ailing, 53. Coe, 53, 190. Allis, 163. Coit, 27, 37-39. Andrews, 269. Cole, 205. Andross, 25. Coleman, 206. Andrus, 273. Colton, 62, 64. Ashley, 199. Conant, 65. Atwater, 90. Cone, 206. Avery, 65. Cooley, 120, 238-239. Corlies, 272. Bachelor, 281. Cowles, 250. Backus, 89. Crafts, 78. Ball, 57. Crane, 274. Barber, 57. Cruttenden, 204. Barron, 181. Bartlett, 116, 252. Danforth, 15. Bascom, 110. Dart, 64. Bassett, 142. Davenport, 87. Bates, 204. Davidson, 140. Beckwith, 157. Davis, 216, 235. Beers, 220. Day, 74, 80. Belcher, 229. Dean, 201. Benham, 266. Deming, 50. Bigaloe, 21. Dickinson, 17-18, 46, Billing, 36. 101. Bingham, 243. Dinglie, 281. Bissel, 43. Dodge, 173, 188. Blaisdell, 224. Doolittle, 224. Blake, 79. Douglass, 64. Blanchard, 274. Drake, 223. Blatchley, 174. Dudley, 67. Bliss, 51, 80. Dump, 281. Bogardus, 223. Bradstreet, 15. Edwards, 61. Brainerd, 82. Eells, 96. Briggs, 242. Elderkin, 43. Bronson, 150. Eldredge, 118. Buckbee, 274. Ely, 64, 65, 170-190. Bunce, 27. Esterbrook, 119. Burrow, 55. Burt, 99, 113. Field, 26-54-92. Butler, 51, 86. Fitch, 99. Foster, 162. Cadwell, 51, 55. Francis, 50. Carlton, 144. Fuller, 151. Catlin, 69. Chamberlain, 179. Chandler, 41. Chauncey, 141. Cheney, 103, 251. Church, 31. Clap, 45, 89, 240. Clark, 181, 225. Clarke, 110. Gates, 130-268. Gerrish, 241. Golding, 47. Goodman, 17-18. Goodrich, 230. Goodwin, 17-30, 28-31- 42, 29. Graham, 272. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage. 319 Lord, 84. Loveland, 263. Makepeace, 132. Mann, 144. Manning, 244. Marsh, 87, 184, 278. Mason, 43, 49. McDougal, 177. McLean, 244. Mellen, 204. Mendham, 281. Miller, 215. Mills, 210. Moore, 43, 75. Morgan, 88, 104, 242. Morton, 238. Mosely, 241. Mould, 27. Munson, 181. Nash, 188. Nelson, 185. Newman, 274. Newton, 141. Niccolls, 21. Olcott, 42. Olds, 277. Olmsted, 15, 171. Paddock, 159. Parker, 54. Pasco, 128. Patterson, xi. 237. Pease, 231, 281. Peirce. 13. Penfield, 207. Percival, 131. Perkins, 103, 241. Phelps, 262. Phillips, 241. Pierce, 241. Pine, 221. Pitkin, 168. Pomeroy, 142, 277. Pomroy, 41. Porter, 184, 202. Post, 157. Prior, 133. - Rathbone, 152. Rich, 255. Richardson, 148, 149. Riley, 54. Ridley, 213, 276. Roberts, 235. Robinson, 204. Rose, 244. Russell, 256. Sage, 96, 103. Sanford, 243. Savage, 27, 281-322. Scott, 199. Scraston, 281. Selden, 47. Seymour, 125. Shepard, 15. Shepherd, 111. Sherman, 213. Shields, 260. Shipman, 223. Simmons, 251. Sluman, 65. Smith, 18, 36, 49, 63, 223, 268, 281. Solme, 279. Somerby, 279. Sparrowhawke, 15. Sperry, 214. Sprague, 83, 121. Standish, 199. Stanley, 18, 22, 134-135. Staples, 213.. Stearns, 107-163. Steel, 264. Stevens, 218. Stickney, 46. Stoddard, 61. Stone, 15-17. Stow, 24, 96. Strong, 172, 277. Sumner, 145-282. Tainter, 52. Talcott, 15. Taylor, 47, 283. Tew, 242. Thomas, 47. Thompson, 177. Tilton, 18. Tracy, 87. Trumbull, 15. Wadsworth, 15, 85. Ward, 38. Warriner, 192. Waterman, 89. Watrous, 244. Watson, 22. Webster, 21, 256. Welles, 62, 105. Wells, 25, 59, 133, 157. Wentworth, 277. West, 65. Westwood, 15-17-18. White, 50, 279, 280, 281, 322 Whiting, 19-21. Wilcox, 37. Williams, 27, 62. Wilson, 249. Wolcott, 64. Worthington, 28-57. Wright, 104, 142, 161. Wyllys, 16. The attention of these who consult this volume is directed to the list of Corrections and Additions, pages 281-283. That list was printed in the Appendix rather than in its appropriate place, at th close of the volume, in order that the necessary reference might be made to it, in the Index. The following corrections have been received since the foregoin- list was printed. Page 36, Family 9. The wife of this John White (son of Capt Nathaniel) was probably Mary Reeve of Hartford, b. July 31 1665 dau. of Robert Reeve and Elizabeth Nott. Page 222, Family 330, read thus: 3. Calvin, b. March 18 1845- 4 Thomas Ewing, b. April 23, 1847; 5. George B., b. Jan. 28 1850 : f>' Clara, b. Jan. 14, 1852. NOTE. The results of the efforts formerly made to trace the English an- cestry of Elder John White have been given in the Appendix. Since the printing of this volume was commenced, some new interest in the inquiry has been awakened, by the discovery of an old coat of arms, engraved some time during the last century, and used for a book- label by one of his descendants. This coat of arms is that of a Mayor of the City of London, in Queen Elizabeth's time, whoso name was John White, and whose pedigree can be traced several generations further back. Researches now in progress, with a view to ascertain whether any connection exists between our Patriarch, John, and the family of the Mayor, have not yet yielded any decisive results. The John White who was Mayor in 1563, was cotemporary, if not identical, with the grandfather of our Patriarch. Nothing has yet been dis- covered inconsistent with the conjecture that they were identical; and those of the descendants of our John who are not satisfied to derive their origin from so good and useful a man as he was, but must have an English pedigree, may adopt this conjecture, for want of one supported by better evidence. One great difficulty in the way of discovering the English origin of the family is found in the fact that the name White was a common one, in England. This fact appears not only from an examination of English records, but also from the number of persons bearing that name, who early emigrated to New England. Mr. Savage, the well- known genealogist, finds that there were about twenty-seven men named White, who came to New England before 1692, of whom it is probable that at least twenty became heads of distinct families in this country. The name has been so common in Massachusetts and Con- necticut as to have much increased the labor and perplexity of pre- paring these Memorials. In numerous instances, persojis .named White, descended from some other ancestor, and not unfrequently, those bearing the same Christian names, have lived in the same towns with those descended from Elder John White, and at the same time with them. The following are some of the heads of families of that name, who have lived in the same towns with Elder John's descendants, named in the preceding pages. In Massachusetts, Henry was living in Hadley in 1684. Thomas, from Lancaster, married a daughter of Thomas of South Hadley; (p. 72.) John was living in West Spring- field soon after the death of the John named on page 57. In Con- necticut, the multiplicity of families has been still more perplexing. In Lebanon there were 'Nathaniel, from Norwich in 1705, or later; James, who is found again in Coventry, in 1732; and Jonathan, from Weymouth, Mass., about 1751. In Hebron there are found, Joseph, who came from Oxford, Miass., in 1722; Ebenezer, from Lebanon about 1727; and Obadiah, Samuel and James, who married in 1746, 1747, and 1748. In Chatham. (East Hampton Society) Joseph, cotemporary with Dea. Joseph of Chatham, (p. 51,) had a son of the same name, and also a grandson Joseph, who married Ruth Churchill; (p. 50.) There was also a Jedediah of Chatham, at the same time that the Jedediah named on page 80 was living in Upper Middle- town, on the opposite side of the river. Similar cases since the period of the Revolution are too numerous to be specified. APPENDIX 1888. From the Appendix of the original work of the "Memo- rials of Elder John White" the following is taken: Letters from the Author, Allyn S. Kellogg, extracts from, con- taining additional facts and. notes: The edition of the White Memorials, was exhausted -many years ago, and I have been unable to answer applications. It consisted of 500 copies which was supposed to be more than could be sold, but it should have been 600. After a few years that price was advanced from $2.77 to $5.00. Then for several years I could not fill orders. At length at the repeated request of a Hartfard man I reprinted 8 or 10 pages for the sake of making up four copies and these sold at $7.50 each." White Memorials. Note on Page 19: "Old records of the South Church in Hart- ford, discovered several years after the 'White Memorials' were print- ed show that John White and his wife were received from the church in Hadley, April 9, 1671, also that John White was chosen and ordained a ruling elder, in March 1677. He died in Jan. 1683.. [1683-4.] ch. record." Page 34. Note: "This was probably an error for 'Mary, daughter of Jacob and Mary Cornwell.' " See P. 27. Page 322. Note on the English ancestry of Elder John White. "The conjecture that he was a descendant of John White, Mayor of London is not sustained by English authorities. These have been very thoroughly examined, with the result that John White of London is shown to have had several sons, but that no one of his grandsons named White lived to maturity." ALLYN S. KELLOGG. Hartford, Conn., April 3, 1888. 322 Appendix PARTIAL INDEX TO PROFESSIONS (1889) Reference is here given only to the numbered heads of families named "White." The total number is 541, of which the following were lawyers: 154, 217, 219, 220, 230, 297, 301,-6, 349, 428,-9, 463, 506.-7, and 515. Ministers of the Gospel. 1, 35,-7, 70, 160, 209, 217, 264, 362, 404, 424, 464,-5, 510, 534, and 539. Military Officers and Soldiers. 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 24, 34,-6,-8,-9, 49, 50,-l,-5, 57, 61.-3,- 4,-5,-,9, 77, 86,-8,-9, 91,-5,-7,-9, 106, 111, 112, 130,-l,-6, 156,-8,-9, 168, 186, 208, 215, 297, 300, 304, and 325. Sea Captains and Sailors. 27, 136, 155, 164, 177,-8, 181,-5, 201, 211, 294,-8, 304, 307,-8,-9, 327, 353,-6, 368, and 478. Public Officers. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 24,-5,-6,-8, 34,-6,-8, 46, 69, 80,-3,-4,-5,-6,-8,-9, 91,-3,-4,-9, 129, 130, 143,-4,-5, 154, 189, 195,- 6, 200,-l,-8,-9, 215, 217, 219, 220,-9, 230, 251, 267, 271, 287,-7, 297,-8, 301,-4, 306, 311, 331,a,-c,-d, 339, 365, 380,-l,-3,-9, 390,-1, 403, 428, 464,-5,-6, 486,-7, 494,-5, and 506. Physicians and Surgeons. 54,-5, 60,-5,-6, 117, 209, 280, 358, 389, 405, 448,- 488, and 510. College Professors and Teachers. 37, 70, 97, 202,-9, 217, 219, 230, 304,6, 325, and 510a. Authors. 515, (Richard Grant White) is an author and a critic of world wide fame. The copyright of his principal works is held by "Hough- ton Mifflin and Co., publishers." Boston, Mass. Several minor authors are also mentioned: as 304, and c. Artists and Painters. 224, 225, 236, 400, 467, and 441. The latter, (441) was one of the leading artists of the U. S., or was often so criticised. Publishers, Printers and Book Sellers. 191, 203, 248, 261, 373, 374, 396, and 493. Bankers. 216, 390, and 442. Blacksmiths. Ill, 146, 196, 455, and 481. Appendix 323 Gold and Silver-smiths and Jewelers. 92, 210, 317, 137, and 423. Travelers. 122. Inventors, Machinists, and Manufacturers. 203, 92, 247,-9, 301, 325, 420, 449a, 450,-l,-2,-3,-4, 462, 484,-5, 491,-2, 508, 525,-6,-7, and 541. Shoemakers. 226,-7,-8, 278, 314, 337, 346, 354, 369, 425, 437, and 497. Merchants. 14, 38,-9, 46, 50, 63,-7, 72,-5, 81,-3,-8,-9, 94, 122, 135,-6, 144, 152, 168, 190.-1, 201,-4, 214,-16,-19, 226,-8, 242, 262, 265, 271,-2,-4, 285,-8, 303, 315, 324,-5,-6,-8,-9, 330,-9, 340,-8, 363, 383,-5,-6,-7, 393, 403,-4, 439, 456, 463, 479, 482, 501,-13,-14,-16,-18, 521,-3,-4, and 535. Carpenters and Joiners. 51, 61, 116, 137, 142, 168, 172,-5, 213, 223, 238, 246, 291.-2, 310,- 11,-lS, 343,-4, 353,-5, 361,-4,-5, 370, 421,-2, 446,-7, 495,-8, 509,-11, 520,- 2,-9, 530, and 531. Farmers. 1, 4, 5, 16, 21,-4,-5, 30,-2,-4,-6,-8, 42, 55,-8, 60,-2,-4,-5,-6,-9, 71, 82,-7, 90,-l,-7,-9, 108,-13,-14, 120,-l,-9, 130,-l,-2,-3,-8,-9, 140,-3,-4,-5, 9, 150,-l,-2,-3, 161,-2,-8, 170,-6, 186,-8-9, 192, 194,-5,-6,-7, 200,-4,-6,- 7,-8,-12,-15, 220, 230, 240.-3, 250, 252,-3,-6, 263,-4,-6,-7,-8,-9, 270,-3,-8,-9, 283,-4,-5,-6,-7, 288,-9, 290,-l,-2,-6,-8, 301,-2,-3, 315, 320,-l,-2,-3,-4,-9, 331,-a,-b,-c, 336, 343,-4,-5, 350,-l,-2, 363,-5,-6,-7, 371, 372,-5 : -6, 380,- l,-2,-3, 391,-5, 403,-7,-10,-ll,-12, 420,-2, 430, 443,-4,-9, 458, 461,-6,-9, 470,-l,-2,-3.,-4,-5,-6, 480,-3,-6,-7,-9, 490,-4,-6,-a,-7,-9, 532,-3, and 539. Miscellaneous Professions. 95, 103, 129, 130, 148, 159, 161, 169, 199, 229, 238, 275,-7,-8, 299, 300,-3,-4,-10, 328, 330, 347, 354, 362, 373, 393,-7,-8, 413, 426,-7, 431 ;-8; 440, 459, 468, 50, 485, and 541. The following were graduates from colleges. 35,-7, 70, 83,-8, 122, 160, 217,-19, 220, 230, 297, 301,-6, 384,-9, 405, 428, 441, 456, 464, 510, 515, 534, and 539. Pioneers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, &c. 69, 149, 168, 300, and 385. 324 Appendix 1917. From this point the original Appendix has been care- fully revised and brought to date under the supervision of Josephine A. Siems. The original data has been retained, excepting where corrections were found necessary. "Norman White, His Ancestors and Descendants", a genealogical publication compiled and edited by Erskine Norman White's ancestry are, from the most part, taken, esting information relating to the English ancestry of Elder John John White, himself. In it we find: "Since the 'Memorials of Elder John White and His Descendants/ * from which the statements in regard to Noramn White's ancestry are, from the most part, taken, was published, it has been ascertained beyond any reason- able doubt, largely through the investigations of Charles A. White, Esq., of New Haven, that Elder John White came from Shalford or Messing, in Essex County, England, and was the son of Robert White, who was married, June 24th, 1585 to Bridget Algar, and removed from Shalford to Messing a few years before his death, in 1617. Three of Robert White's daughters with their husbands like- wise came to New England; namely: Mary, wife of Joseph Loomjis of Braintree; Elizabeth, wife of William Goodwin, of Bocking; and Anna, wife of John Porter, of Felsted." "Mr. Charles A. White, in a paper published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1901, says:" "It is very plausibly supposed that John White, who came over in the Lion in 1632, and settled first in New- ton, now Cambridge, in Massachusetts, and then came with the Rev. Thomas Hooker and his church to Hartford, Connecticut, in 1636, was the son of Robert White of Mess- ing. The record of his baptism has not been found. He was not of age in 1617, when his father made his will, in which it was provided that if he should marry without the approbation and consent of his mother, and of Joseph Loomis of Braintree, and William Goodwin of Bocking, his legacy of two hundred pounds should be reduced to one hundred pounds. In the list of thirty-three passengers of the Lion, his name follows next after the name of William Goodwin." "The name of the wife of John White, son of Robert, ["* Edited by Allyn S. Kellogg, and published in I860."] Appendix 325 was Mary, and her family name probably Levit; but the Parish Register of Messing, which records his marriage, on Dec. 26th, 1622, is defaced, so that the name can not be clearly deciphered. The above facts, together with the further coincidences that the name of Elder John White's wife was Mary, that the narri^s of two of his sons re- peat the names of the brothers of John, son of Robert, and that John Porter, who married Anna, daughter of Robert, appointed as 'supervisors' of his will, Mr. William Goodwin of Hartford, and Goodman White (Elder John) of Hartford, the former certainly and the latter presum- ably being his brother-in-law, complete the proof that John White of Hartford and John White, son of Robert White of Messing, were one and the same." "Robert White as is manifest from his will was a man of wealth for his day, occupying a position of substantial in- fluence. Of his ancestry nothing as yet has been certain- ly discovered. As a matter of at least curious interest however, it may be noted, that there is extant in the family of one of John White's descendants an old coat-of-arms, engraved some time in the eighteenth century, and used as a book- plate, which is practically identical with the coat-of-arms of a John White who was Mayor of London in 1563. This same coat-of-arms is also in possession of the descendants of William White, who settled in Haverhill, Massachusetts, in 1642 Also this John White of London had a son Robert, but as yet (1905), beyond the above coincidences, there is no proof connecting his family with that of Robert White of Messing." Eighth Generation and Children. DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. NATHANIEL WHITE. IN THE LINE OF MOSES WHITE, OF SOUTHINGTON. 1. Moses White, (317) * son of Isaac (157) was born in Southington, Conn., June 30, 1784. He removed with his parents about 1791 to Herkimer County, N. Y., set- tling near the town of Utica. He followed the profession of a goldsmith and became an expert in tlie art. In 1815, in company with his parents, he removed to and settled in Springville, Erie County, N. Y., where he re- sided for about five years. He then removed to the town of Dutch Hollow, and from thence again to James- town, N. Y., at which latter place he was for many years a resident. In 1850, having sold his interests at James- town, he removed westward overland to northern Illinois, where he purchased a home, bordering the village of Scales Mound, in Joe Davies County. Here he resided for about three years, when he removed once more in tne spring of 1854 to River Falls, Pierce County, Wis. He died in New Centerville, Wis., near River Falls, July 3, 1874, aged 90 years. He married, 1st, probably in 1810, Mary Tuthill of Tren- ton, N. Y., daughter of Daniel Tuthill and Elizabeth Davis. She was probably born in Southold, L. I., about the year 1786. She died at Springville, N. Y., in 1816, aged about 30 years. He married, 2d, May 6, 1817, Sally Cheney, daughter of Daniel Cheney and Irene Muntson, then of Catarangus County, N. Y. She was born in Essex, Vt., near the banks of Lake Champlain, July 15, 1793, and died in Pierce County, Wis., Dec. 19, 1854, aged 61 years. Her grave is in the town of Martell, near Rush River. Children; By the First Marriage. 1. Daniel, born March 11, 1812, in Herkimer Co.; was for many years a book agent in the states of New York, Ohio and Tennes- see. He married about the year 1870 to Mary Ann James, * Throughout this Continuation, Moses (317) will be referred to as: (1) and his descendants in rotation, disregarding the reference numbers in the original work. Appendix 327 of Memphis, Tenn. He then settled in Memphis, where he is supposed to have died of yellow fever, which raged through- out Memphis a few years later. No further reliable trace of him has ever been found. 2. Almira, born Nov. 15, 1814, in Herkimer Co.; has been married three times. She married 1st in 1832, Alfred Hazard, a farmer of Joe Daviess Co., 111. She married 2nd, Judson Warner, a farmer near River Falls, Wis., who died in 1886. She married 3rd, May 11, 1884, Jesse L. Gordon, once a farmer of northern Wisconsin. He was a. soldier in the Civil War, and was later pensioned. They lived when last heard from in the village of New Centerville, in northern Wisconsin. Children; By the Second Marriage. 3. Cyrus, b. Feb. 18, 1818; d. Dec. 25, 1818. 4. Hiram W., b. April 30, 1819; m. Rosseann Stewart. (2) 5. Frederick, b. June 25, 1820; m. Ellen Goshorn. (3) 6. Wells H., b. May 2, 1822; m. Elizabeth Simpson. (4) 7. Nancy, b. July 8, 1823; m. Harris Gleason. - (5) 8. John, b. Dec. 25, 1826; m. Henrietta Phelps. - - (6) 9. Cyntha, b. Feb. 28, 1829; d. Oct., 1829. 10. Eunice, b. Sept. 15, 1831; m. Lyman Carpenter. - - (7) 11. Polly (Mary), b. Oct. 28, 1832; m. Charles H. Bishop. (8) 12. Louise Ann, b. March 7, 1834, d. Sept. 10, 1835. 2. Hiram W. White, (508 in orignial work) son of Moses (1) (or 317 in original work,) was born in Spring- ville, N. Y., April 30, 1819. In Jamestown, when quite young, he learned the trade of gun-smith and went in 1833 to Jackson, Jackson Co., Ohio, where a few years later he opened a hardware store in connection with his trade. In 1856 he sold his interests in Jackson and re- moved to Olney, 111., where he lived until 1886, when he removed to Yankton, (Dakota territory) S. D. Here he followed his trade and gained much prominence as a skilled workman and inventor. He was also a student of the violin and contributed some valuable improvements toward the perfection of that instrument. He was the owner of several patent rights. In his later years he added a music store to his hardware business. He died at Yank- ton, S. D., Dec. 1, 1903, aged 84 years, 7 months. His remains rest in the lot selected and purchased by himself in the Yankton cemetery. He married, March 27, 1840, Roseann Stewart, dau. of Adam Stewart of Ohio. She was born 1821 in Ross County, Ohio. She died at Oregon, Mo., Aug. 18, 1894, aged 73 years, 7 months ; interment in cemetery at Oregon. 328 Appendix Children. 1. Sarah Frances, b. March 28, 1841; m. Robert Montgomery. (9) 2. Almira, b. Feb. 28, 1844; d. April 25, 1846. 3. Henry Kirke, b. June 2, 1847; d. Jan. 10, 1849. 4. Aaron Lafayette, b. Oct. 12, 1848; d. April 25, 1853. 5. Hiram Wallace, b. Oct. 12, 1853; m. Kate Dunham and Eleanora Barger. (10) 6. Blanche, b. June 1, 1858 in Jackson Co., Ohio; was a splendidly educated and accomplished young lady. She married Luther Robinson, of St. Louis, Mo., and died at Southwest City, Mo., April 18, 1886, aged 27, years. They had no children. 3. Frederick White, son of Moses (1) was born in Springville, N. Y., June 25, 1820. He removed with his parents to Dutch Hollow and to Jamestown, N. Y., after which he spent much time in travel, in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indi- ana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Iowa, Minnesota, the Dakotas and in Canada. He married in Crawford Co., Ohio, and removed to Jamestown, N. Y., in the fall of 1845. In the fall of 1851 he moved overland to northern Illinois, settling near the village of White Oak Springs, and from thence in May 1863 to southern Wisconsin, settling in the township of Avon, Rock Co. During the winter of 1864-5 he purchased a farm near Avon village, in said township, upon which he moved March 1, 1865. Here he lived for over twenty-two years, or until the spring of 1887, when he sold his interests in Rock Co., and purchased a farm near Browntown, Wis., in the adjoining county of Green. Later he made his home with his son, Wells, where he died, following a stroke of paralysis, on Jan. 24, 1913. He was buried in Northrup Cerrietery, about 4 miles south- east of Brodhead, Wis. v at the base of Baldhead Bluff. He married, July 23, 1845, Ellen Goshorn, dau. of Nicholas Goshorn and Jane Traxler. She was born in Tuscarofa Valley, Pennsylvania, June 25, 1825, near Shade Gap and Waterloo. At her marriage she was living near Wyandot, Ohio. She died at her home, near Browntown, Wis., on March 10, 1904. Her remains also rest in Northrup Ceme- tery. Children. 1. Charlotte, b. in Jamestown, Aug. 4, 1846; d. there Dec. 18, 1846. 2. A girl, b. in Jamestown, April 10, 1848; d. near Bucyrus, Ohio, May 14, 1848. 3. John Cheney, b. in Jamestown, July 7, 1849; was a jeweler; d. unm. at the home of his brother, Wells, near Browntown, Wis., Appendix 329 March 18, 1916. Buried in Northrup Cemetery. 4. Wells Muntson, b. Nov. 4, 1852; m. Amelia Kountz. (11) 5. Jane, b. March 1, 1856; m. Hanson Paye. (12) 6. Emma, b. Nov. 21, 1858; m. William Matthews! - (13) 7. A boy, b. near White Oak Springs, May 10, 1862; d. there Nov. 21, 1864. 8. Arthur, b. near Avon, Wis., Oct. 27, 1864; d. there Nov. 21, 1864. 9. Fred E., b. near Avon, Jan. 14, 1865. Secured fragments of his extensive education in various parts of the country. Has taught school, practiced law, did newspaper work, headed edu- cation institutions and hag been in real estate business his activities have been scattered in almost every part of the Union from East to West and from North to South. Has fought great odds and overcome many obstacles. He is at present engaged in educational work at Mission Hill, S. D. He has contributed largely to the "Continuation" of this work. 4. Wells H. White, son of Moses (1) was born in Spring- ville, N. Y., May 2, 1823. (1822 in original work). He left his home in Jamestown, while quite young, and went to Ohio, working first at Jackson, and afterwards at Chillecothe in said state. He then entered college at Marietta, Ohio, where he was a student for about two years, after which he left school, and settled permanently in the town of Troy, where he was active for many years. Here he dealt in real estate, and quite extensively in nursery stock, such as fruits, grapes, etc., being enthusiastic in the latter subject, having improved and produced many varieties. His most notable production in the above line was his new grape, the "Northern Muscat", which became quite popular. In about 1850 he married Elizabeth A. Simpson, of Troy, Ohio. She was born March 9, 1833. She died Jan. 1, 1895. In the early nineties they removed to California. He died July 20, 1901. Children. 1. Rossean R., born at White Oak Springs, 111., Dec. 14, 1852; died Sept. 8, 1866; aged about 14 years. 2. Ella May, born July 10, 1855; is married and lives in South Pasadena, Cal. She has, 1. Bessie May White, b. Sept. 16, 1879; 2.. Cora Athalyn White, b. Jan. 1, 1885. 3. Plato M., born Sept. 2, 1855. He was a physican; and was married. He died Nov. 10, 1904 in San Francisco, Cal. 330 Appendix 5. Nancy White, eldest daughter of Moses (1), was born in Cattarangus Co., N. Y., July 8, 1825. She married in Jackson, Ohio, to Harris Gleason, Dec. 27, 1849. He was born in Gallia Co., Ohio, Feb. 4, 1825. About the year 1850, he moved westward into northern Illinois, and settled in the village of Scales Mound, in Joe Daviess Co. Mr. Gleason lived some three years also in River Falls, Wis., where two of his children were born. He returned again to Scales Mound, 111. Here, for some thirty years, he pursued the study and practice of law, or until about the year 1880, when he migrated to Mapleton, Cass Co., D. T., where he remained until the spring of 1882; when he removed southward to the then little village of Ellen- dale in Dickey Co., where he settled for a time and took up a homestead near the north county line. In Ellendale he again practiced law and was elected probate judge of Dickey Co., in 1884. They resided for many years on their prairie homestead near Monango, Dickey Co., North Dakota. They moved back to River Falls in November, 1891. She died, Jan. 14, 1903, at River Falls, Wis. He died at River Falls on March 18, 1911. Both are buried in Greenwood Cemetery at River Falls. Children. 1. Rosann, b. Oct. 26, 1850; m. Edward R. Hill. (14) 2. Charles L., b. Aug. 1, 1853; m. Sarah Scott. - (15) 3. Josephine A., b. Nov. 2, 1854; m. Peter Siems. (16) 4. Mary, b. in Pierce Co., Nov. 7, 1856; d. July 16, 1857. 5. Florence, b. April 3, 1859; m. 1st George B. Wilson; 2d, Thos. 'Sefton. (17) 6. Jennette, b. in Joe Daviess Co., May 18, 1863; d. there Oct. 27, 1863. 6. John White, son of Moses (1), was born in Cattar- angus Co., N. Y., Dec. 25, 1826. In 1846 he left his home at Jamestown and came west into northern Illinois; work- ing and finally settling near the village of Scales Mound. Here he lived for many years a farmer, stock raiser and trader, accumulating a considerable fortune. He was a skillful and an accomplished musician. In 1885 he sold his home and lands in Illinois and emigrated to the vicinity of Yankton, South Dakota, where he purchased up- wards of 1,000 acres of land. Here he made his home and was a farmer and overseer. He died, Sept. 27, 1897, of cancer of the stomach, at his home near Yankton, aged Appendix 33l 70 years, 9 months and 2 days. His remains were laid to rest in the cemetery near Yankton. He married March 16, 1848, Henrietta Phelps, daughter of Milon Phelps and Charlotte Beldian, of Jasper, N. Y. She was born in Jasper, N. Y., April 8, 1832. She died on Jan. 19, 1912. Interment was in family lot, near Yankton, S. Dak. Children. 1. Thomas J., b. July 22, 1849; m. Delmina Giggey. - - (18) 2. Cecil J., b. Sept. 28, 1853; m. Viola B. Hill. - - - (19) 3. Charlie, b. Aug. 15, 1856; d. Aug. 17, 1859. 4. Delia, b. Oct. 30, 1859; m. William C. Coulson. - - (20) 5. Mary, b. June 28, 1862; d. July 18, 1862. 6. Norman, b. Aug. 2, 1863; m. Blanche D. Hill. (21) 7. Lee, b. near Scales Mound, 111., July 3, 1866. He left home in 1881 and went south to the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, where he secured passage on an ocean, steamer bound for South America. This vessel reached Rio Janiero, Brazil, and sailed some distance up the Amazon River, and returned again to New Orleans. He returned on board; after which he came north as far as St. Louis, Mo., where he worked for many years in a zinc factory. Later he went to Laramie, Wyoming, where he died Aug. 9, 1914. He was buried in the family lot near Yankton, S. Dak. 8. Paul, b. March 9, 1869; d. March 10, 1869. 9. Addie, b. March 10, 1871 ; m. William T. Van Epps. - (22) 7. Eunice White, daughter of Moses (1), was born in Jamestown, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1831. She came with her parents to northern Illinois in 1850 ; then she taught school for a few years in northern Wisconsin. She was married at River Falls, Wis., in March 1854, to Lyman Carpenter, a farmer of that vicinity and a son of Lyman Carpenter, Sr., and Ella Cheney. * In 1882 they emigrated to La Moure Co., Dak., where he purchased land and took up a homestead in his own right. Here he engaged in farm- ing on quite an extensive scale. When last heard from he was still living on his "prairie farm" near the village of La Moure, Dak. Children. (At the time of compiliation of this "Continuation" no addi- tional information or data concerning the children of Eunice White is at. hand, so the information contained in the "Appendix," dated 1889, is used verbatim.) * Ella Cheney, sister of Sally Cheney, second wife of Moses White. 332 Appendix 1. Ella, born in Pierce Co., Wis., July 1856; is a school teacher and is living with her parents in La Moure Co. 2. Hellen, born in Pierce Co., Sept. 26, 1857; is a dressmaker and is now in California, working profitably at her trade. 3. Ida, born in Pierce Co., Jan. 4, 1859; is a school teacher. She is living with her parents in La Moure Co. 4. Kate, was born in Pierce Co., June 4, 1864. She attended school in Janesville, Wis., for about three years, 1881-2-3. She is well educated, and is an accomplished musician on piano and organ; and also plays the violin. She is now in California with her sister, Hellen, and is teaching music there. 5. Cora, born in Pierce Co., Nov. 22, 1865; is living with her parents in La Moure Co. She is an invalid. 6. Charlie, born in Pierce Co., June 2, 1867; died there Dec. 4, 1873, aged 6 years. 7. Emma, born in Pierce Co., Aug. 19, 1872; died there Dec. 10, 1873. 8. Mary White (Polly), youngest daughter of Moses (1), was born in Jamestown, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1832. She .came with her parents to northern Illinois, in 1850, and accompanied them again, some three years later, in their emigration to Pierce Co., Wis. She was a school teacher for a few years in Illinois and Wisconsin, and was married, June 4, 1863, to Charles H. Bishop, formerly of London, England. In October, 1877 they emigrated to, and set- tled in Fergus Falls, Minn., but removed the following year to Cass Co., Dakota, where he entered the employ of the Northern Pacific Railroad Co. In October, 1873, Mr. Bishop was killed, accidentally, in Fargo (D. T.) by an engine of the road he was employed on. In the following year she took up land in her own right in the vicinity of Mapleton, Cass Co., where she resided for a long time. During the years 1882-3-4 she purchased several hundred acres of land in Dickey and La Moure counties and re- sided for a time in Ellendale, where she was one of the earliest settlers, and was the originator and proprietor of the first hotel in that place, known as "The White House" (1882-3). She died in Los Angeles, California, Jan. 20, 1916. Children. 1. Allan D., born in River Falls, Wis., May 30, 1865; is married, and lived for a time in Lisbon, (Dak.) where he was the proprietor of a hotel and livery barn. He is now living with his family at Wasco, California, (Box 647). No data at hand. 2. William W., b. Aug. 30, 1866; m. Mary Pinsetta Connell. (23) 3. Hiram W M b. Feb. 17, 1870; was last heard from in Seattle, Wash. (then "Territory"). 4. Richard (Dick) No data at hand. Ninth Generation and Children Descendants of Moses White, of Southington. IN THE LINE OF HIRAM W. WHITE, LATE OF YANKTON, S. D. 9. Sarah Frances White (commonly known as Frances S. White), daughter of Hiram W. (2), was born in Jack- son, Jackson Co., Ohio, March 28, 1841. She was married at Olney, 111., Nov. 14, 1865, to Robert Montgomery, then a young ex-Union soldier from a Kentucky regiment. He had served as second lieutentant on the staff of Gen. George Morgan. He is now (1917) a member of the G. A. R. They resided after marriage some three years or more in Jackson Co., Ohio, after which in 1871, they came to Missouri, settling at Oregon, in Holt Co., where they have since made their home. They have one child: Hiram White Montgomery, b. July 14, 1868; m. Winnie V. Habbit- zell. - ..-.._ (24) 10. Hiram Wallace White, son of Hiram W. (2), was born in Jackson, Jackson Co., Ohio, Oct. 12, 1853. He was mlarried, 1st, to Miss Kate Dunham, (She was born, 1860, in Waynesville, Logan Co., 111.) of Atlanta, 111., pro- bably in 1878. At that time he was engaged as railway station agent. Later he was employed in grocery de- partments of Chicago departments stores. He married, 2nd, at Decatur, 111., probably in 1889, * Miss Eleanora Barger, a music teacher and student of Chicago schools; she formerly was from Alton, 111. They lived in Chicago until 1895, when they came west to Yank- ton, S. Dak., where he did railroad operative work for about two years. He then fell heir to his father's estate near Yankton, S. Dak., where they now reside. * This date was furnished by Fred E. White. It probably is 1890, as he was divorced from his first wife in 1890. His first wife married in 1892, at Atlanta, 111., Sanford K. Huston. Her address is 4466 Berkley Ave., Chicago. The two children of Hiram Wallace White were brought up under the name of Huston, by the mother; they were married under this name although it was never legally changed. 334 Appendix Children; By the First Marriage. 1. A girl, b. 1879; lived but a few hours. 2. Adah Frances White, b. Sept., 1880. She is married to Lambert J. Pomeroy, a wholesale lumberman, and lives at 1403 Jarvis Ave., Chicago, 111. They were married Oct., 1911. 3. Harrison William White (goes by the name of Huston), born April 5, 1885 in Atlanta, Logan Co., 111. He attended the Chicago schools, the Kemper Military School at Booneville, Mo., and later studied electrical engineering in Chicago. On April 22, 1909 he filed on a homestead near Breckenridge, N. D. which he is now using as a horse and cattle ranch. He was married Oct. 11, 1915 to Miss Harriet Mae Harding, 809 16th Ave., No. Minneapolis, at Baker, Montana; but is at present living alone. Note The first wife of Hiram Wallace White (10) married 2nd, 1892 Sanford K. Huston in Atlanta, 111., and later came to Chicago. There are two children by this marriage: 1. San- ford K. Huston, Jr., b. Sept. 25, 1893. He i s a contractor of aeroplanes at Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla. 2. Paul Dunham Huston b. March 1895. He studied law; he is at present a corporal at Fort Sheridan near Chicago. Child; By the Second Marriage. 4. Helen Louise White, b. in Chicaga, May 14, 1894; d. of scarlet fever at Yankton, S. Dak., April 4, 1899. IN THE LINE OF FREDERICK WHITE, LATE OF WISCONSIN. 11. Wells Muntson White, son of Frederick (3), was born near White Oak Springs, 111., Nov. 4, 1852. He was married, April 19, 1888 to Miss Mildred Koimtz, of Galena, 111. He is a farmer near Browntown, Wis. and specializes in bee-keeping. Children. 1. Elmer Lee White, b. near Browntown, Wis., Feb. 14, 1889. He re- ceived a splendid education, due mainly to his diligent and persistent efforts. He has taught school and has acted as principal in some of the best schools in Wisconsin. Later he entered the mail service of the government. He has en- rolled in the U. S. military service and is now serving as a private in the U. S. infantry. He has been prominent in religious work; also in fraternal activities. 2. Edwin White, b. near Browntown, Wis., March 6, 1891. He was educated in the rural schools near his home, and was a promising young man, when he was stricken with an attack of appendicitis. He died at St. Francis Hospital, Freeport, 111., May 12, 1909, following an operation for his affliction. Interment was at Northrup Cemetery, near Brodhead, Wis. 3. Hiram White, b. near Browntown, Wis., Sept. 15, 1898. He is at home with his father. Appendix 335 12. Jane White, daughter of Frederick (3), was born near White Oak Springs, 111., March 1, 1856. She was married Feb. 20, 1893, to Hanson Paye of Rockford, 111. She died at Janesville, Wis., on April 25, 1906. One child was born to them: Truman Paye, born near Browntown, Wis., Dec. 1, 1893. He attended the rural schools and the university at Valparaiso, Ind. He was married at Freeport, 111., July 1, 1916, to Miss Nellie Mae Burrington, of Browntown, Wis., daughter of Louis Burrington, a farmer there. They have settled on a farm near Dill, Wis. 13. Emma White, daughter of Frederick (3), was born near White Oak Springs, 111., Nov. 21, 1858. She was married at Ellendale, N. D., Nov. 12, 1883, to William Matthews a young business man at that place and farm- erly of northern Wisconsin. She had finished the course of study in the common schools of Wisconsin in 1880, and in the spring of 1882 had emigrated to the vicinity of of Ellendale, where she had entered the employ of her aunt and taken up a homestead near Cottonwood Lake. "She was among the earliest settlers of Dickey County, and was well and favorably known." from the "Dickey County Leader" of Nov. 28, 1884. She died at her home in Ellendale, Nov. 20, 1884, aged nearly 26 years. IN THE LINE OF NANCY WHITE (GLEASON), LATE OF WISCONSIN. 14. Roseann Gleason, daughter of Nancy (5) was born in Jackson, Jackson Co., Ohio, Oct. 26, 1850. She married Edwin Roswell Hill, at River Falls, Wis., Feb. 2, 1872. He was born April 1, 1840. She died at Fargo, N. D., April 30, 1914; he died at Fargo Nov. 26th, the same year. Children. 1. Charles Edward Hill, b. in St. Croix Co., Wis., Dec. 10, 1873. 2. Amy Ruth Hill, b. in St. Croix Co., Wis Nov. 15, 1880. 3. Alice Bell Hill, b. in Dickey Co., N. Dak., Jan. 15, 1886. 4. Josephine Alma Hill, b. in Dickey Co., N. D., May 23, 1887. 5. Ralph Hazard Hill, b. in Dickey Co., N. D., Dec. 9, 1888. Resides at 1115 9th Ave., Fargo, N. D. (5. Ida Mary Hill, b. in Dickey Co., N. D., Feb. 10, 1890. Married Charles Reuben Lamphier (b. at Barnesville, Minn., Oct. 12, 1892) at Fargo, N. D., Dec. 28, 1912. They have, 1. Lloyd Edwin, b. Sept. 22, 1913; 2. Rose Elizabeth, b. Aug. 26, 1915; 3. Wayne Ernest, b. July 2, 1917. 336 Appendix 15. Charles L. Gleason, son of Nancy (5), was born in Joe Daviess Co., 111., Aug. 1, 1853; was married at Ellen- dale, on Feb. 3, 1886, to Sarah Scott, of Scales Mound, 111., She was born at Scales Mound, 111., May 6, 1862. He was for several years engaged in railroad work, as contractor and overseer, and was living (1889) on a farm 28 miles west of Ellendale, where he was raising stock. He came to River Falls, Wis., in March, 1894. He died at River Falls, Wis., Sept. 27, 1909. Children. 1. Marion, born at Ellendale, N. Dak., Jan. 1890. She died Sept. 28, 1900, at River Falls, Wis. 2. David N., born at Ellendale, N. Dak., July 2, 1892. He is en- gaged in railway construction work. 16. Josephine Almira Gleason, daughter of Nancy (5) was born in Pierce Co., near River Falls, Wis., Nov. 2, 1854. She graduated from the normal school at River Falls, and taught school at Scales Mound, 111., Detroit, Minn., and at Mapleton, N. D. Here she became acquaint- ed with Peter Siems, whom she married at River Falls, Wis., Oct. 1, 1877. They made their home at Bismarck, N. D., for three years and then came to St. Paul, Minn., where they made their permanent home. For 18 years they also had a winter home at Daytona, Florida. She died at St. Paul on Sept. 27, 1917, aged 63 years, 2 months and 25 days. Her remains rest in the family mausoleum in Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul, beside those of her husband and daughter. Peter Siems was born in Holstein, Germany, on January 6, 1842, the son of Glaus Voss and Antje (Peters) Siems. He received his education in the public schools of his native country, and come to America in 1865. Upon his arrival he engaged in various occupations, some of them being of a very interesting and adventurous character and destined to make him acqainted with the various aspects of frontier life. For instance, he had the contract for carrying mail from Fargo, N. D., to Bismarck, N. D. by teams, from 1875 to 1877, during the winter months when the Northern Pacific R. R. was not operating. Between 1877 and 1880 he was part owner and manager of the Northwestern Stage & Transportation Co., whose route lay between Bis- marck and the Black Hills. His career as a pathfinder began Appendix 337 as early as 1877, when Governor John L. Pennington, of Dakota Territory, appointed him one of the commissioners to lay out the public roads from Bismarck to the Black Hills, the work starting in April of the year mentioned. Thus it will be seen that Mr. Siems was identified with the great work of making accessible the wonderful natural resources of the Northwest by transportation lines. Mr. Siems' first identification with St. Paul dates from the year 1870.. From 1884 to 1893 he was a member of the firm of D. C. Shepard & Co., and Shepard, Siems &*Co., railway contractors, who enjoyed much success. They were entrusted with many important contracts, probably the most noteworthy being to build the Great Northern Railway from Devils Lake, N. D., to the Pacific coast, the work being completed in 1893. They also built the Spokane, Portland and Seattle road. In 1899 Mr. Siems and L. E. Shields became partners under the name of Siems & Shields, and remained in business until 1908. At this time Mr. Shields retired from the company and Mr. Siems entered into an association with his sons, Chester and Claude, under the name of Siems & Co., a firm which has been do- ing considerable railroad construction work in the North- west. Of Mr. Siems it can truthfully be said that he made the most of America's unlimited opportunities, and con- tributed no small amount to the prosperity of his home city, St. Paul. He was one of the oldest railway contractors in the Northwest. While spending the winter at the family home at Daytona, Florida, he was suddenly stricken and died there, March 3, 1917, closing a most useful and gener- ous career. They had four children born to them: .Mabel Christine Siems, born February 26, 1880, in Bismarck, North Dakota. She received her early education in the Public Schools of St. Paul, later attending Baldwin Seminary, of the same city, where she received numerous honors on account of her brilliancy. She was a great lover of music and an unusually accomplished musician, playing the piano, violin and mandolin. After graduating from Baldwin Seminary, she was compelled to discontinue further school or college work, much to her re- gret, on account of her health. But, until she died, April 16, 1899, at the age of nineteen, she continued the study of music. Chester Peter Siems was born November 4, 1884. He attended the Public Schools in St. Paul and later Baldwin Seminary of the same city. In 1902 he went East and attended Phillips Academy, Andover, for over a year, going from there to Harstrom's Prepar- atory School, at Norwalk, and entered Yale University in the fall of 338 Appendix 1904. He graduated from Yale in 1907, receiving the degree of Ph. B. in the civil engineering course. Upon the completion of his college course, he entered the employ of the engineering department of the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Company, where he remained until the fall of 1908, when he went into partnership with his father and brother, under the firm name of Seim s & Company. This firm was engaged in numerous large railway contracts in the western part of the United States during the following three years. In 1911 his father retired and the firm of Siems-Carey Company was organized, which firm also completed numerous large contracts in the United State and western Canada. In 1914 he entered into partnership with W. F. Carey and turned his attention towards China, securing concessions with the Chinese Government to build ^ railways and dredge canals. To carry out this work, Siems-Carey Railway & Canal Company and The China Corporation were organized, which com- panies are now actively engaged in carrying out their projects. In the fall of 1916 he move to New York, where he is now making his residence. On May 7, 1911, he was married to Vernon Marguerite Magoffin, in St. Paul, Minnesota. Vernon Marguerite Magoffin was born August 2. 1886 in St. Paul, Minnesota, the daughter of Samuel M. and Elizabeth Clay (Rogers) Magoffin. She is a grand-daughter of the "War Governor" of Kentucky, and great- grand-daughter of the first Governor of Kentucky. Chester P. and Vernon Marguerite Siem s have three children: Vernon Marguerite, born Novermber 7, 1913. Dorothy Shelby, born September 24, 1917. Chester Peter, Jr., born December 22, 1917. Claude Harris Siems was born in St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 3, 1886. He was educated in the St. Paul public schools and later attended the Baldwin Seminary. In 1905 he entered the employ of the Great Northern Railway as a civil engineer. Two years later he accepted a position with Siems & Shields, railroad contractors, and a firm of which his father was the senior partner. In 1908. when Mr. Shields retired from the firm the elder Siems entered into an association with his sons, Chester and Claude, giving the latter new opportunities in his chosen line of work, that of rail- road building In 1911. when Western Canada's rapid develop- ment atttracted the attention of the world, he with his brothers, Chester and Allan, organized the Siems-Carey Co., and under- took the building of the railroads through the mountains of Western Canada for both the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern Railroads. When this gigantic work was finished in 1914 he directed his energies with Siems & Co., his father's original com- pany engaged in railroad construction work. Since his father's death he and his brothers have obtained the contract for their firm for building aviation camps for the United States Govern- ment throughout the country, and have already completed two, one near Omaha, Neb., and one near Memphis, Tenn. He re- sides in St. Paul in the old family residence on Summit avenue. He is unmarried. Appendix. 339 Allan Gleason Siems was born in St. Paul, Minn., July 29, 1888. He received his early education in the public schools of St. Paul; then attended Baldwin Seminary. Later he attended the Harstrom Preparatory School at Norwalk, Conn. From 1908 to 1910 he studied law at Yale. In the summer of 1910 he entered business life, taking a postion with Siems & Co., rail- road contractors, of which his father was the head. During the period from 1911 to 1914, being a co-partner with his brothers, Chester and Claude, in the Siems-Carey Co., also railroad con- struction contractors, he with Mr. Carey had active charge of the great task of building the Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern railroads through the mountains of Western Canada. When this work was completed he returned to St. Paul, where he and his brothers are continuing their father's work of Siems & Co. He is now taking an active part in the supervision of thf building of aviation camps for the United States Government, which are now being built in various parts of the country. He resides in St. Paul, with his brother, Claude, on Summit avenue. He is unmarried. 17. Florence Gleason, daughter of Nancy (5), was born at Scales Mound in Joe Daviess Co., 111., April 8, 1859. She married 1st, Nov. 25, 1879, George B. Wilson, a native of the Southern States and an enterprising business man of Fargo (D. T.), and who died April 13, 1883, aged 35 years, 5 months and 6 days. His remains rest in Oakland Ceme- tery, St. Paul, Minn. She married 2nd, April 8, 1885, Thos. Sefton, of Ellen- dale, N. Dak., where they resided for many years. He was born Dec. 28, 1848, at Greensburg, Ind., and came to Ellendale in 1882. He was engaged in the real estate and loan business. He died March 28, 1911, at Ellendale, N. D. He was buried at Ellendale. Children; By the Second Marriage. 1. Mary Abel Sefton, born Dec. 26; 1886; m. Earl Leo Hughes. (25) 2. Beatrice Sefton, born at Ellendale, N. Dak., August 10, 1888. Graduated from the Ellendale High School and the North Dakota State Normal and Industrial School, and received the degree qf Bachelor of Arts from the University of Minnesota in June 1912. She is at present (1917) teaching German in the High School at Jamestown, N. Dak. 3. Ethel Mary Sefton, born Jan. 26, 1890; died in August, 1890. 340 Appendix. IN THE LINE OF JOHN WHITE, OF YANKTON, S. DAK. 18. Thomas J. White, son of John (6) was born in Joe Daviess Co., 111., July 22, 1849. On Dec. 28, 1887 he was mar- ried to Delmina Giggey, daughter of John Giggey and Mary Kinney of Yankton Co., (D. T.) and formerly of Maine. She was born in the province of New Brunswick, Canada. They resided near Yankton on the banks of the James River, engaged in farming and stock raising, until April 1889, when they went south and lived for a time in Guthrie (Indian Territory), and also near Norman in Oklahoma. In 1897 they returned to a farm on the banks of the James River, 7 miles northeast of Yankton and 3 miles from Mission Hill, where they still reside. Children. 1. Victor N. White, born near Yankton, S. Dak., Nov. 3, 1888. He married, Jan. 6, 1914, Miss Regena Caroline Lee, of Gayville, S. Dak. He is a farmer near Yankton. Two children have thus far been born to them: 1. Gladys Marie, born Sept. 13, 1914; 2. Thomas Joseph, born Aug. 6, 1916. 2. Jay P. White, born in Oklahoma, Oct. 4, 1892. Resides still witft his parents near Yankton. 3. Ralph R. White, was born near Yankton, S. Dak., (while his mother was there on a visit) on May 24, 1894. He attended the Effingham (111.) School of Photography one year (1911-1912). He is now in the U. S. Navy in Atlantic waters. 4. Beryl L. White, born near Yankton, S. Dak., March 13, 1899. She married at Yankton, July 3, 1917, Omar C. Snow, of Volin, S. Dak. They reside on a farm near Volin. 5. Leo P. White, born Nov. 4, 1903; is living with his parents. 6. Louis A. White, born June 8, 1907; is with his parents. 7. Doris, born Sept. 10, 1910; died in infancy. 19. Cecil J. White, son of John (6), was born near Scales Mound, 111., Sept. 28, 1853. He was married at New Centerville, Wis., Dec. 3, 1881 to Viola B. Hill, daughter of Thomas Hill, of River Falls, Wis. He was a druggist and general merchant at New Centerville until about 1892, when they removed to Mission Hill, S. Dak., where he has since conducted a rural (general) store. They have no children. 20. Delia White, daughter of John (6), was born near Scales Mound, 111., Oct. 30, 1859. From 1881-1883 she was a student at Mt. Carroll, 111., Seminary, where she fitted herself for a teacher. She was married in Yankton, Appendix. 341 S. Dak., Sept. 28, 1887, to William C. Coulson, of Volin, S. Dak. Hie was then a farmer, but formerly a locomotive engineer on the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. He was born in West Newton, Westmoreland Co., Penn., Sept. 20, 1860, the son of John Coulson and Kate Wakefield. For two years following their marriage they lived at Volin, when that place was completely wiped out, by a prairie fire. They are at present living near Yankton. Children. 1. William Sanforn Coulson, born near Yankton, S. Dak., Dec. 10, 1895. Lived on the farm with his parents until his marriage. He was married, at Vermillion, S. Dak., April 16, 1917, to Miss Ruth Walsh, a rural school teacher residing near Mission Hill, S. Dak. They live on a farm near Yankton. 2. Shirley Wakefield Coulson, born near Yankton, S. Dak., Feb. 5, 1897. She graduated from the Yankton High School in 1917; she is a school teacher. 3. Edward Coulson, born near Yankton, S. Dak., May 11, 1899; is living with his parents near Yankton. ,He has been a student at Bayles Business College at Omaha, Neb. 21. Norman D. White, son of John (6), was born near Scales Mound, 111., Aug. 2, 1863. He accompanied his par- ents to Yankton in 1885, and in the spring of 1888 he went farther west. Later he operated a saw-mill at Crawford, Neb., near the Colorado line. On April 16,- 1904, he married Miss Blanche D. Hill, formerly of Beresford, S. Dak. She was born at Beresford, May 19, 1885, and died Oct. 24, 1913. He has since resided on the home estate on the James River, near Yankton. Children. 1. Vivian White, born Sept. 23, 1906; died Nov. 23, 1906. 2. Madras L. White, born near Yankton, Oct. 29, 1907; is attending school at Mission Hill, S. Dak. 3. Noble G. White, born near Yankton, May 2, 1910; is attending school at Mission Hill, S. Dak. 22. Addie White, daughter of John (6), was born near Scales Mound, 111., March 10, 1871. She was married at Yankton, S. Dak., March 13, 1895, to William T. Van Epps, a farmer near Yankton. They are living on a farm 4 miles northeast of Yankton. 342 Appendix. Children. 1. Floyd Phelps Van Epps, born Oct. 4, 1896; is with his parents on the farm. Attended the graded school of Yankton. 2. William Howard Van Epps, born Jan. 3, 1898. He attended the schools of Yankton, and is at home with his parents. 3. Frank Van Epps, born Aug. 15, 1900; attended the schools at Yankton, and is at home with his parents. 4. Guy Moss Van Epps, born Aug. 3, 1904; is at home. 5. Claude Allan Van Epps, born Nov. 30, 1909; is at home. % IN THE LINE of MARY (POLLY) WHITE, LATE of CALIFORNIA. 23. William W. Bishop, son of Mary (Polly) (8), was born in St. Croix Co., Wis., Aug. 30, 1886. He married Mary Prinsetta Connell at Mapleton, N. Dak., Jan. 30, 1895. She was born in Bedford, Ontario, Canada, May 11, 1873. They reside at Mapleton, N. Dak. Children. 1. Alethia Mae, born in Mapleton, N. Dak., June 22, 1896. Married to Wilfred Ulysses Robearge, in Moorhead, Minn., Aug. 25, 1916. He was born in Rice Lake, Wis., April 11, 1897. 2. James White, born in Mapleton, N. Dak., Nov. 15, 1898. 3. Margaret Roberta, born in Mapleton, N. Dak., Sept. 3, 1899. 4. Frances Georgiana, born in Mapleton, N. Dak., March 16, 1901. 5. Walter William, born in Mapleton, N. D., Sept. 24, 1902. 6. Estella Oretta, born in Mapleton, N. Dak., March 21, 1908. 7. Kenneth Connell, born in Mapleton, N. Dak., Jan. 7, 1910. Tenth Generation and Children Descendants of Moses White, of Southington. IN THE LINE OF SARAH FRANCES WHITE. 24. Hiram White Montgomery, son of Sarah Frances (9), was born in Jackson Co., Ohio, July 14, 1868. He graudated from the Oregon, Mo. High School, after which he completed a course of study at the University of Kansas, He was married on Sept. 16, 1891 at Oregon, to Miss Winnie V. Habbitzell. The following year they removed to Skid- more, Mo., where he is engaged in the banking business. Children. 1. Frances Mongomery, was born March 16, 1895. After completing High School at Skidmore, Mo., she entered the Northwestern University at Evanston, 111., from which she graduated in June 1917. 2. Robert Cornelius Montgomery, was born June 11, 1897. Follow- his high school course at Skidmore, he likewise entered North- western University, from which in his sophomore year (April 1917) he enlisted in the Regular Army, and is now (Sept. 1917) . a member of Ambulance Corps No. 9, U. S. A., in training at Camp Sherman, Chillicothe, Ohio. 3. Hiram W. Montgomery, Jr., was born Dec. 8, 1907. He is at home and attending school at Skidmore. 4. Martha Eleanor Montgomery, was born May 25, 1909. She also is at home and is atttending the Skidmore schools. IN THE LINE OF FLORENCE GLEASON. 25. Mary Adel Sefton, daughter of Florence Gleason, (17), was born at Ellendale, N. Dak., Dec. 26, 1886. She graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1910. On Aug. 29, 1912, she married Earl Leo Hughes. He was born at Clifford, N. Dak., Sept. 14, 1888. He graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1910. He is engaged in the practice of dentistry and is also interested in the garage business, at New Rockford, N. Dak. They have one son, Leo Sefton Hughes, born July 14, 1914. INDEX 1917 The following is an Index to the portion brought up to date under the supervision of Josephine A. Siems (16). The style of the original work has been followed: Part I. Descendants Named White. (Only Christian names are given.) Aaron Lafayette, 328. Adah Frances, 334. Addie, 331, 341. Almira, 327. Almira, 328. Arthur, 329. Bessie May, 329. Blanche, 328. Cecil J., 331, 340. Charlotte, 328. Charlie, 331. Cora Athalyn, 329. Cyntha, 327. Cyrus, 327. Daniel, 326. Delia, 331, 340-341. Doris, 340. Edwin, 334. Ella May, 329. Elmer Lee, 334. Emma, 329, 335. Eunice, 327, 331. Fred E., 329. Frederick, 327, 328. Gladys Marie, 340. Harrison William, 334. Helen Louise, 334. Henry Kirke, 328. Hiram, 334. Hiram W., 327. Hiram Wallace, 328, 333. Jane, 329, 335. Jay P., 340. John, 327, 330. John Cheney, 328. Lee, 331. Leo P., 340. Louise Ann, 327. Louis A., 340. Madras L., 341. Mary, 331. Moses, 326. Nancy, 327, 330. Noble G., 341. Norman D., 331, 341. Paul, 331. Plato M., 329. Polly (Mary), 327, 332. Ralph R., 340. Rossean, 329. Sarah Frances, 328, 333. Thomas J., 331, 340. Victor N.. 340. Vivian, 341. Wells H., 327, 329. Wells Muntson, 329, 334. Part II. Descendants Having Other Names than White. (Surnames 9fiven first; Christian names indented). Bishop Allan D., 332. William W., 332, 342. Hiram W., 332. Richard (Dick), 332. Alethia Mae, 342. Jame s White, 342. Margaret Roberta, 342. Frances Georgiana. 342. Walter William, 342. Estella Oretta, 342. Kenneth Connell, 342. 346 Carpenter Ella, 332. Hellen, 332. Ida, 332. Kate, 332. Cora. 332. Charlie, 332. Emma, 332. Coulson William Sanford, 341. Shirley Wakefield, 341. Edward, 341. Gleason Roseann, 330, 335. Charles L., 330, 336. Josephine A., 330, 336. Mary, 330. Florence, 330, 339. Jennette, 330. Marion, 336. David, 336. Hill Charles Edward, 335. Amy Ruth, 335. Alice Bell, 335. Josephine Alma, 335. Ralph Hazard, 335. Ida May, 335. Hughes Leo Sefton, 343. Huston Sanford K., 334. Paul Dunham, 334. Lamphier Lloyd Edwin, 335. Rose Elizabeth, 335. Wayne Ernest; 335. Montgomery Hiram White, 333, 343. Frances, 343. Robert Cornelius, 343. Hiram W., Jr., 343. Martha Eleanor, 343. Paye Truman, 335. Sefton Mary Adel, 339. Beatrice, 339. Ethel Mary, 339. Siems Mabel Christine, 337. Chester Peter, 337. Vernon Marguerite, 338. Dorothy Shelby, 338. Chester Peter, Jr., 338. Claude, Harris, 338. Allan Gleason, 339. Snow Beryl L., 340. Van Epp s Floyd Phelps, 342. William Howard, 342. Frank. 342. Guy Moss. 342. Claude Allan, 342. Part III. Persons Connected with the Family by Marriage. (Names given in full). Barger, Fleanora, 333. Bishop, Charles H., 332. Burrington, Nellie Mae, 335. Carpenter. Lyman, 331. Cheney, Sally, 326. Connell, Mary Prinsetta, 342. Coulson, William C., 341. Dunham, Kate, 333. Giggey, Delmina, 340. Gleason, Harris, 330. Goshorri, 328. Habbitzell. Winnie V., 343. Harding, Harriet May, 334. Hill, Blanche D., 341. Hill, Edwin Roswell, 335. Hill. Viola B., 340. Hughes, Earl Leo, 343. James, Mary Ann, 326. Kountz, Mildred, 334. Lamphier, Charles Reuben, 335. Lee, Regena Caroline, 340. Masroffin, Vernon Marguerite, 338. Matthews, William, 335. Montgomery, Robert, 333. Paye, Hanson, 335. Phelps, Henrietta, 331. Pomeroy, Lambert J., 334. Index 347 Robearge, Wilfred Ulysses, 342. Scott, Sarah, 336. Sefton, Thos., 339. Siems, Peter, 336. Simpson, Elizabeth A., 329. Snow, Omar C., 340. Stewart, Rosseann, 327. Tuthill, Mary, 326. Van Epps, William T., 341. Walsch, Ruth, 341. Wilson, Geo. B., 339. Part IV. Burrington, 335. Carpenter, 331. Cheney, 326. Cheney, 331. Giggey, 340. Gordon, 327. Goshorn, 328. Hazard, 327. Hill, 340. Huston, 334. Persons Not Connected with the Family. (Surnames only are given). Kinney, 340. Muntson, 326. Peters. 336. Siems, 336. Stewart, 327. Traxler, 328. Tuthill, 326. Warner, 327. N*>^B s5#0*W ^^^ < ^^J^^- C ^^I^^'^^ *E*a&* :** >** '^iwraSr r^!**HsS