HONV-SOl^ AUIBRARYflyf .OF-CAL 9 | i ''4- r@ ^AHViiaiH^ N'I : LIFE SKETCHES EXECUTIVE OFFICERS MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE STATE OF NEW YORK FOR 1873. BY WILLIAM H. McKLHOY AND ALEX. McBRIDE. ALBANY : WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1873. Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three, BY WILLIAM H. McELROY AND ALEX. McBRIDE, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. WEED, PARSONS AND COMPANY", PRINTERS AND STEREOTYPERS, ALBANY, N. Y. M i CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction, -----------5 State Officers, with steel portrait of Governor Dix, - 7 Senators. ___-_-__-___ 49 Members of Assembly, --------- 127 Autobiography of "John Smart," ------- 344 List of Senators, with their Districts, ------ 349 Alphabetical list of Senators, with County, Post-office and Politics, 351 Alphabetical list of Assemblymen, with District, County, Post- office and Politics, - -------352 The Old Capitol and the New, with steel engraving, - 35~ INTRODUCTION. A CERTAIN Englishman, who was either oversensitive, or over surly, or both, once expressed himself to the effect that when he pondered on the fact that, after giving up the ghost, he would be called upon to figure in certain Life Sketches of the period known as "The Lives of the Chancellors," death seemed clothed with exceptional terror. The present biographers sincerely hope that no member of the current State Government or Legislature of New York will find the burden of public life heavier than "It might have been," but for his allotment in the pages that follow. Let us, rather, fortified by a modest boldness, be confident that the general verdict shall pronounce our little work as valuable for reference, and a pleasant remembrancer of those who figured in public life at the Capital of the Empire State in the year of our Lord 1873. The publication of Life Sketches has been suspended since 1870, and the present resumption is owing to the encouragement the editors have received from those whom the project concerns. The sketches have been prepared in the intervals of engrossing reportorial labors, and have all been written since the commencement of the present session of the Legislature. Great care has been taken, however, to avoid errors either of fact or date, and also to render the information given as complete as possible within the limits prescribed by taste, propriety and the scope of the work. It will be seen that the sketches of the Members of the Legislature are alphabetically arranged, thus removing the necessity for an index. The editors, as a last word, desire to express their thanks to all those who have in any way co-operated for the success of their venture. LIFE SKETCHES. JOHN A. DIX, GOVERNOR. "Nothing," says DE QUIKCY, "makes such dreary and monotonous reading as the old hackneyed roll-call, chronolo- gically arranged, of inevitable facts in a man's life. One is so certain of the man's having been born, and, also, of his having died, that it is dismal to lie under the necessity of reading it." There would be more force in this utterance of the great opium-eater, were it not for the fact that Nature never repeats herself. No two of her children exactly cor- respond. Characters are not duplicated any more than faces. In an hundred biographies we are sure of perfect agreement in but two particulars all the hundred were born, and they all died ; but what a wide divergence as to the " inevitable facts" that go to make up the record lying between the sta- tions Life and Death ! In the present biographical sketch and those which succeed it, the editors profess to have given such and such only of the inevitable facts in the history of those treated of, as the public have a right to know. No fitter rule can be laid down for the guidance of the biographer, who would write of living subjects without offense to them or the canons of taste, than that enunciated by Mrs. STOAVE in her volume " The Men of Our Times." "Every public man," she says, "has two lives, his public and his private. The one becomes fairly the property of the public in virtue of his having been connected with events in which every one has a share of interest ; but the other belongs to himself, his family and his intimate friends, and the public have no more right to discuss or pry 8 LIFE SKETCHES. into its details than they have into those of any other private individual." In considering the long and illustrious career of JOHN A. Dix, we are forcibly reminded of a remark that IRVING makes in regard to the first President. WASHINGTON, he tells us, had very little private life. The words can be most appro- priately transferred to General Dix, for probably no public man living has occupied so many important positions of trust, has had so long an experience in political life as he. The salient facts of his history are as follows: JOHN" ADAMS Dix, twenty-fourth Governor of New York, was born at Boscawen, New Hampshire, July 24, 1798, and was the son of Lieutenant-Colonel TIMOTHY Dix of that place. After spending some time in a French college at Montreal, young Dix was appointed a cadet at the United States Mili- tary Academy in 1812, but gave up the appointment to bear his part in the war of 1812-15, having in 1813 received an appointment as ensign in the fourteenth United States infantry. A year subsequently he was made third lieutenant in the twenty-first regiment of infantry, in March, 1814, became second lieutenant, and in the fall of that year was transferred to the artillery arm. 1815 found him adjutant, and 1818 first lieutenant. In 1819 he received the appoint- ment of aide-de-camp to General JACOB BROWN, a dis- tinguished officer, then Commander-in-chief of the army, and spent much time at Washington, where he enjoyed the acquaintance of CALHOUN, CLAY, VAN BUKEN and other prominent party leaders of the time. In the spring of 1821 he was transferred to the third artillery, and in the summer of 1825, became Captain Dix. Serving as cap- tain until December 31, 1828, he then resigned his com- mission, having spent sixteen years in the military service. Going abroad not long after, he enjoyed the delights and benefits of extensive travel, and then returned to this coun- try and entered the legal profession at Cooperstown, this State, where he soon became prominent in political circles JOHN A. Dix. 9 as a zealous partisan of ANDREW JACKSON and democratic principles. In 1831 he was appointed adjutant-general by Governor THROOP, and two years later was elected secretary of state. A recent writer in the New York Commercial calls attention to the fact that with General Dix's adjutant-gen- eralship began one of the most memorable chapters of his political life. We quote : " Gen. Dix's connection with the political 'ring,' known as the Albany Regency, dates from his acceptance of the position of adjutant-general. That "'ring' was made up of such material as VAN BUREN, MARCY, BUTLER, CROSWELL, WRIGHT, BEN KNOWER, FLAGG, JAMES PORTER, BEARDS- LEY, BRONSON, DICKINSON, YOUNG and Dix men irre- proachable in private life men famous for their upright- ness and intellectual political vigor. They were the brains of the party, and when the places that knew them so well knew them no more, the old democratic party went out with the tide. They played an important part in the stirring events that make history from 1815 to the present time, A. C. FLAGG and Gen. Dix, as we observed, being the last of the race. Mr. WEED, in his autobiography, could hardly be expected to do more than incidentally refer to this political galaxy of statesmen, diplomats, senators, judges, financiers, lawyers and controversialists, who ' went to the front' and participated in the fierce excitement and masterly exhibition of talent at a time in the history of our State and national politics most intensely interesting." While General Dix was secretary of state and by virtue of his office he was also superintendent of common schools, a member of the canal board and one of the commissioners of the canal fund new canals were being constructed, the enlargement of the Erie canal was commenced, and the net- a Avork of railways that now covers the State was just begin- ning to be spread. The secretary's position, it will thus be seen, was one of unusual responsibility, and that he filled it with creat honor to himself and to the entire satisfaction of 10 LIFE SKETCHES. the people there is abundant evidence. His administration was especially distinguished for what it accomplished in behalf of the schools of the State. Hon. SAMUEL S. KAN- DALL, in his " History of the Common School System of the State of Kew York," reviews General Dix's career as superintendent, and thus concludes : " In passing from the administration of General Dix to that of his successor, it is scarcely necessary to observe that the exertions of the former, during the six years in which the interests of the common schools were committed to his charge, in the eleration and expansion of the system of popular education, were unsurpassed by any of Ms predeces- sors. The impress of his clear, discriminating and cultivated mind was stamped upon every feature of that system ; and the order, arrangement and harmony which prevailed in all its parts, were due not less to the ceaseless vigilance of his supervision than to the symmetry and beauty of the system itself, in 1837, under the authority of the Legislature, he collected together and published a volume of the decisions of his predecessor and himself, embracing a full exposition of nearly every provision of the school act establishing upon f i permanent basis f he principle of future interpretation, and exerting a highly beneficial influence upon the councils and proceedings of the officers and inhabitants of the several dis- tricts, in repressing litigation, and in defining the powers, privileges and responsibilities of those called to the perform- ance of any duty in relation to the common schools. The system of district school libraries was also organized and put into successful operation under his immediate supervision; and to his clear ajid convincing exposition of the principles upon which that useful and beneficent institution was based, the ends it was designed to subserve, and the objects it was capable of accomplishing, a large share of the success which has attended tlie establishment is unquestionably due.'' At the expiration of his term as a State officer, General Dix JOHN A. Dix. 11 resumed the practice of law, and devoted himself to the duties of his profession until 1842, when he was sent to the Assembly from Albany county. In 18-45, SILAS WRIGHT was called from the United States Senate to be Governor of New York, and JOHN A. Dix was elected to fill the place which he left. He appeared in the Senate at a time when questions of vast moment were agitating the country the annexation of Texas, the war with Mexico, the joint occupation and disputed boundary of Oregon, the power of Congress over slaves in the territories, and others that will readily occur to the reader. He took an active and distinguished part in the discussions, and showed a broad and statesmanlike compre- hension of, and thorough aptitude for affairs. He was chair- man of the committee on commerce, and was an efficient member of the committee on military affairs. He fathered a bill for reciprocal freedom of trade with the British prov- inces, and one fur defining the duties and reducing the salaries of officers of the customs in the large ports. WILLIAM II. SEWARD succeeded him in the Senate. In 1848 he ran on the "free-soil" ticket for Governor, but was defeated by HAMILTON FISH. He took an active part in 1852 in the presidential campaign, doing much effective work in FRANK PIEKCE'S canvass; but, after his candidate was elected, declined the portfolio of State, offered him by PIERCE, in favor of Governor MARCY. In 1853 he was appointed assistant treasurer in Xew York city, a position which he filled only for a short time, resigning, and devoting himself exclusively to his profession until I860, when he was ap- pointed postmaster of New York citv. And so \ve come to the grey dawn of the great rebellion a rebellion on whose world- regarded stage General Dix played a prominent part, adding new lustre to an already famous name, and rendering ines- timable services to his country. Near t he end of BUCHANAN'S term, the secessionists, taking advantage of the approaching interregnum, had appointed a convention to meet at .Mont- 12 LIFE SKETCHES. gomery, Alabama, and take measures for raising an army. They proposed, as part of their treasonable programme, to seize Washington, and prevent the inauguration of LINCOLN. Early in December, 1860, HOWELL COBB resigned the con- trol of the treasury, giving as a reason its bankrupt and hopeless condition, and was succeeded by PHILIP F. THOMAS, who had been commissioner of patents. THOMAS resigned after a few weeks, being displeased with the attempt to reinforce Sumter. It was at this serious juncture that Attorney-General STANTON induced a number of leading capitalists of Xew York to demand from BUCHANAN the appointment of JOHN A. Dix as Secretary of the Treasury a demand that was complied with. " For once," says Dr. DRAPER, speaking of the incalculable benefit that resulted to the cause of the Union from the presence of Dix in BUCHANAN'S cabinet, " for once the financial embarrassment of the nation proved its salvation. The condition of the treasury was deplorable. The government could do nothing without the aid of capitalists of !N"ew York. Through the influence of the Attorney-General, who was instructed by his own patriotism, and by the clear information of the existing imminent danger, a deputation of capitalists hast- ened to Washington and gave the President distinctly to understand that the treasury department must be placed ii charge of one in whom they had confidence, and that th: should not be satisfied unless JOHN A. Dix, of their State, was selected." A French writer, LAUGEL, says that STAN- TON, HOLT and Dix saved Washington to the Union; and, in the opinion of Dr. DRAPER, '' the obligations of the republic to those three ministers can never be repaid."' General Dix was called to the cabinet on the llth of January, 1861, and remained in it but little over a month, resigning at the close of BUCHANAN'S term. And. al- though his tenure of the treasury was so short, yet. within the limits of the narrow span of his life as a cabinet officer, JOHN A. Dix. 13 General Dix furnished a most striking exemplification of the poet's lines We live in deeds, not years. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the 'best. It was while he held this office, that he wrote his famous dispatch, whose fac simile we present on another page, which has well been characterized as " the most concentrated und burning war-cry of the Union." The circumstances under which it was written were these. General Dix had sent W. H. JONES as special agent of the treasury depart- ment, to secure three revenue cutters. JONES found one of them, the " McClelland," in the possession of the authorities of Alabama, and hastening to New Orleans, addressed a note to Captain BEESHWOOD, of that cutter, inclosing one from the Secretary of the Treasury, directing him to proceed immediately with his vessel to New York. BRESHWOOD at once replied, "Your letter, with one of the 19th of Janu- ary, (1861) from the Honorable Secretary of the Treasury, I have duly received, and in reply, refuse to obey the order." JONES immediately communicated the fact of this refusal to the Secretary of the Treasury by telegraph, and further informed him that Collector HATCH of New Orleans, sus- tained the action of the rebel captain. It was under these circumstances, that General Dix promptly replied to JONES with a telegram, ending with that sentence touched with a live coal from the altar of patriotism, "!F ANY ONE ATTEMPTS TO HAUL DOWN THE AMERICAN FLAG, SHOOT HIM ON THE SPOT!" This order speedily became a proverb on every true American's lips, and GREELEY, in his American Conflict, most justly records that it " sent an electric thrill through the loyal heart of the country." Probably one of / J J the highest, and certainly the most unique of the many compliments paid to Dix's battle-cry, emanated from a Sun- dav school scholar, at Akron, Ohio. MOORE, in his Rebellion 14 LIFE SKETCHES. Record, tells of him. He was a lad of eleven, and on being requested with other members of his class, to repeat from the Bible a verse of his own selection, promptly gave the fol- lowing : " If any one attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot ! " In 1861 General Dix presided at the great meeting held in Union Square, New York, and made a groat and effective speech, in the course of which he said : " I regard the pend- ing contest with the secessionists as a death-struggle for constitutional liberty and law a contest which, if successful on their part, could only end in the establishment of a despotic government, and blot out, wherever they were ascendant, every vestige of national freedom. We stand before the statue of the Father of his country ; [the stand from which the General spoke Avas near the equestrian statue of Washington] ; the flag of the Union which floats over it hung above him when he presided over the convention by which the constitution was framed. The great work of his life has been rejected, and the banner by which his labors were con- secrated has been trampled in the dust. If the inanimate bronze, in which the sculptor has shaped his image, could be changed for the living form which led the armies of the Revolution to victory, lie would command us, in the name of the hosts of patriots and political martyrs who have gone before, to strike for the defense of the Union and the Con- stitution.'' A fe\v weeks after making this speech, General Dix was appointed Major-General in the army of the United States, and in August of the .same year. 1801, he relieved General BAXKS of the command of the department of Mary- land, \vitli his head-quarters at Baltimore. It was while he Avas in command at Baltimore that he manifested his military genius by a strategic movement which relieved the eastern shore of Maryland and Virginia from the rebel grasp. General Dix Avas subsequently placed in command of Fortress Monroe, and in 1863 performed one of the best manoeuvres of the campaign. In June he sent a portion of JOHN A. Dix. 15 his command to the White House, at the junction of the Pain un key with the York river. In this position he threat- ened both Richmond and the communications of General LEE, who was advancing along the peninsula. This move- ment defeated all General LEE'S plans, and so frightened JEFF. DAVIS that he wrote an appealing letter to General LEE, saying that it had " rendered him more anxious for the city than at any former time." In July the department o'f North Carolina was added to that of Virginia, and both placed under command of General Dix, until he was transferred to the command of the department of the east. General Dix's general order to all provost marshals, with regard to rebel and other refugees in Canada, crossing the lines to vote at the presidential election in 186-1, ordering their arrest, excited a great amount of attention at the time, and had the effect of checking such fraudulent voting, the election being one of the most peaceable ever witnessed. He also ordered that after the election, should any suspicious persons cross into Canada, they were to be detained until proper investigations could be made. He also organized the courts for the trial of JOHN Y. BE ALL and 11. C. KENNEDY, as spies, conspirators and incendiaries, during February and March, which resulted in their execution. At the close of the war General Dix resigned his position in the army, and, renewing his interest in politics, joined his fortunes with the National Union party, of whose conven- tion, at Philadelphia in the summer of 18G6, he was chair- man. In the same year he was appointed minister to France, after having declined the mission to the Hague, and was presented to the Emperor in January, 1867. As our national representative, he added to his own and his country's honor by discharging all his duties with the same distinguished ability that had marked his previous career of soldier and statesman. The prominent part he played in the famous coup d'etat of lust winter, by which the Erie railroad was rescued from the ring who were running it for 16 LIFE SKETCHES. their own aggrandizement, is too recent to need more than a passing mention here. General Dix received his degree of Master of Arts from Brown University in 1820, and that of Doctor of Laws from Geneva College in 1845. He has found time in the pauses of his busy life to turn aside into his library long enough to turn out some literary work of a high order of merit, notably a book of travel, '' A Winter in Madeira and A Summer in Spain and Florence.'' His speeches and occasional addresses and lectures have been compiled in two handsome volumes. The late General HALPIXE, better known by his nom de plume of " Miles O'Reilly," the brilliant young Irishman who was for some time on General Dix's staff, in his racy remin- iscences of the war, to which he gave the title of " Baked Meats," bears witness to the fine attainments of the General in classics and belle-lettres. He writes : "General Dix, as should be known to every one, is an extremely elegant classical scholar, who has carried forward with him, through all the varied and valuable labors of his public life, an unfading love and continual study of those great masters of antiquity by whose precepts, and upon whose model, his own pure and noble mind was originally formed. Let any one who seeks to know the value of such an educa- tion contrast the dignity, urbanity and stainless integrity which have marked the life of this gentleman with the far different qualities for which many of our public men are alone to be distinguished, and we think a full answer will be given to the too common, though vulgar and senseless inquiry: ' Of what practical use are classical attainments ?' " After these prefatory words, MILES submits to his readers the following extremely literal and yet extremely elegant translation, by General Dix, of HORACE'S famous ode (Liber in, Carmen xxx) : JOHN A. Dix. 17 EXEGI MONUMENTUM -&1RE PERENNIUS. I've reared a monument to fame More durable than solid brass, Which will, in loftiness of aim, The regal pyramids surpass. No wasting shower, no rending storm Shall mar the work my genius rears ; No lapse of time shall change its form, No countless series of years. I shall not wholly die : my name Shall triumph o'er oblivion's power, And fresh, with still increasing fame, In glory posthumous shall tower, While to the Capitolium The Priest and Silent Virgin come. Where Aufidus impetuous roars, And Daunus, over arid shores And rural population reigns Shall I, once weak now potent live As first of all the bards to give JSolian verse to Latin strains. Give me, Melpomene divine ! The glory due to deathless lays ; Propitious to my vows incline And crown me with Apollo's bays I His translations of Dies I roe and Stabat Mater rank with the most successful renderings of those two great mediaeval hymns into English. The nomination which resulted in calling General Dix to the gubernatorial chair was not only unsought by him, but distinctly declined. But finding that the Republican con- vention at Utica deemed it of so much importance that his name should head the ticket as to place it there in opposition to his wishes, he waived his personal preferences and con- sented to become the standard-bearer. His triumph was such as any man might justly be proud of. In the entire State his vote led that of General GRANT, and in those local- 18 LIFE SKETCHES. ities in which he was best known he proved strongest, us in Kings county, where he led the ticket by 5,000. General Dix has already passed the allotted term of human life as laid down by the psalmist, and yet so erect, alert and vigorous is he, despite his three score and ten years, his eye not dim nor his natural force abated, that he stands to-day " the un wasted contemporary of his own prime." THE GOVERNOR'S STAFF. Governor Dix's military family is composed of the fol- lowing members : Maj.-Gen. JOHN F. RATHBONE, of Albany, A djui 'ant- Gene- ral. Brevet Maj.-Gen. WILLIAM H. MOKRIS, of Cold Spring, Inspector- General. Brig-Gen. KILBURN KNOX, of New York, Chief of Ord- nance. Brig.-Gen. N. GANG DUNN, of New York, Engineer-in- Cldef. Brig.-Gen. J.HAMPDEN WOOD, of Albany, Judge- Advocate- General. Brig.-Gen. WILLIAM M. SMITH, of Angelica, Allegany cou nty, Su rgeon- General. Brig.-Gen. JOHN N. KNAPP, of Auburn, Quartermaster- General. Brig.-Gen. EUFUS H. KING, of Albany, Paymaster- General. Brig.-Gen. THEODORE E. SMITH, of Rochester, Commis- sary-General of Subsistence. Col. GEORGE G. HAVEN, of New York; Col. CHESTER GRISWOLD, of Troy ; Col. ROBERT C. PRUYN, of Albany ; Col. HAMILTON FISH, Jr., of New York ; Col. WM. A. W. STEWART, of New York; Col. HIRAM P. HOPKINS, of Buf- falo, Aides-de-C'amp. Military Secretary, Col. SIDNEY DE KAY. JOHN A. Dix. 19 General RATHBONE has long shown a deep interest in the National Guard, and his distinction as the commanding officer for years of the Ninth Brigade, his high executive and organizing ability, combined to eminently fit him for the im- portant position of Adjutant-General. He has long been the ardent friend of our State military organization. During the war, as the commandant of the Albany Depot of Volunteers and all the branch depots subsidiary to it, and having some- times from twenty to forty thousand men under his imme- diate charge, he evinced great capacity for organization, and few men rendered such signal service in the preparation of New York's quota for the war of the Union. General WILLIAM H. MOREIS, the Inspector-General, has served upon the staif as Commissary-General of Ordnance, and also in the army of the Union. He is a good soldier and a cultured gentleman. Gen. KNOX Avas for some time Captain of the 13th Regular Infantry, and subsequently served on the staif of General McPtiERSOX. He is every way qualified for the honorable place assigned him. Gen. N. GAXO Duxx, the Engineer-in-Chief, has been prominently identified with the military in New York, where he has acquired the reputa- tion of a thorough and accomplished officer. General WOOD, the Judge-Advocate-General, is a young lawyer of honorable standing in his profession, and the highest personal worth. He is a son of Hon. BRADFORD R. WOOD, late American Minister to Denmark. Gen. JOHX N. KKA.PP, Quartermaster-General, is the able and efficient secretary of the Republican State Committee, and a gentleman of high business and social position. The Paymaster-General, Gen. RUFUS H. KIXG, bears a name and is identified with a family honorably associated with the staff in the past, and is himself a genial, cultivated gentleman. A word or two about the aides. Col. GEORGE G. HAVEX is a gentleman of high standing in the financial and social cir- 20 LIFE SKETCHES. cles of the metropolis. Col. CHESTER GRISWOLD is the eldest son of the late Hon. JOHN A. GRISWOLD, and his appointment is a graceful testimony, both of the regard of Gov. Dix for the memory of his lamented father, and of his appreciation of the worth of the accomplished son. Col. EGBERT C. PRUYN is the son of Hon. ROBERT H. PRUYN, and is equally fitted for the position of Aide, by his military tastes and his gentlemanly bearing. Col. HAMILTON FISH, Jr., inherits not only the name but the culture of the dis- tinguished Secretary of State. Col. WILLIAM A. W. STEW ART is the son of JOHN A. STEWART, the well-known President of the Trust Company. Col. HIRAM P. HOPKINS js the son of Comptroller HOPKINS, and worthily represents the city which is honored in his selection. Col. DE KAY got his practical military education by long and arduous service in our own war, and afterward in Greece, whither he went as a volunteer and nearly lost his life through a severe wound. Both from his legal and military acquire- ments he is peculiarly fitted to discharge the duties of the place to which the Governor has called him. JOHN C. ROBINSON. 21 JOHN C. KOBINSON, LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. Men often in a single sentence as perfectly reveal their ruling passion and peculiar traits of character, as in long years of public service. GRANT'S saying, " We will fight it out on this line if it takes all summer," affords as clear an illus- tration of his sturdy persistency, as if he had written a score of volumes to prove that perseverance is the cardinal virtue. General Dix's mental activity and proverbial promptitude found expression in his famous saying, "If any one hauls down the American flag, shoot him on the spot ! " The sen- tence is an embodiment of uncompromising patriotism, and it affords a perfect illustration of the energetic character of the man. Scarcely less striking, and more epigramatic was the expression made use of by the distinguished soldier, the pres- ent Lieutenant-Governor of New York, whose name stands at the head of this sketch. When General KOBINSON was lead- ing his division, amid a shower of bullets, against Spottsyl- vania, he encouraged his followers with the battle-cry, "Tins PLACE MUST BE OURS." The words indicate that peculiar deter- mination and courage which constitute the leading features in the General's character features that are prominently brought out in a survey of his life. JOHN CLEVELAND KOBINSON was born in Binghamton, Broome county, April 10, 1817. He entered the Military Academy in 1835, and remained there until 1838, when he began the study of law, but received in 1839 a commission as second lieutenant in the Fifth infantry. He was ordered to the Rio Grande in 1845, and was promoted to be first lieu- tenant during the Mexican war, in which he was distin- guished at the battle of Monterey. At the close of that war he served with his regiment in Arkansas, in the Cherokee nation, and Texas ; was made captain in 1850, and was after- 22 LIFE SKETCHES. ward sent against the Indians in Florida. In 1857 he accom- panied the army in Utah, and was placed in command of Fort Bridger. At the beginning of the civil war he com- manded at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. When relieved from this duty he was sent to the West, as mustering officer, and remained as such until appointed colonel of the First Regiment of Michigan volunteers. He was promoted to be major of the Second infantry in February, 1862 ; was made brigadier- general of volunteers in the following April, and took com- mand of a brigade at Newport News in May, but was soon ordered to the army of the Potomac, and placed in command of the First Brigade of KEARNEY'S division, the corps of General HEINTZELMAN. He was distinguished during the seven days battles before Richmond, particularly those fought on June 30 and Julv 1. 1862, when he was sliarhtlv wounded. . ' * O / He participated in the Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Center- ville, Culpepper, Mine Run and Rapidan campaigns. When the army of the Potomac started on the overland campaign of 1864, General ROBINSON was in command of a division in the Fifth corps, and at the opening of the battle of Spottsylvania he was ordered to the advance on Todd's Tavern, with Gen- eral SHERIDAN'S cavalry. On reaching the Cross Roads, the enemy made a determined stand behind breastworks. An attempt was made to carry this position, which failed, when General ROBINSON, riding coolly up to the head of his men, said, '' This place must be ours ! " and asked his command to follow him. The call was responded to with enthusiasm, and a charge was made. A terrible fire of musketry was encountered, and General ROBINSON received a bullet in his left knee, the wound rendering amputation of the thigh necessary. After his convalescence, General ROBINSON was unable to endure the fatigues of active duty, and was employed in various capacities until 1869, when he retired from active service with the full rank of Major-General. Since that date he has been JOHN C. ROBINSON. 23 an active and efficient member of the Kepublican party, but has taken no very prominent part in public affairs. During the extended military service of General ROBINSON, he passed through many thrilling incidents and perils. How he saved Fort McHenry at Baltimore from capture is well worth relating here. It was the first of the series of strategy which our government and our military command- ers were so often obliged to resort to. He had with him only one hundred men ; arid, after the attack on the sixth Massachusetts in the streets of Baltimore, the rebels contem- plated seizing on the fort, succeeding in which, they would have gained an advantage of the greatest importance. A steamer opportunely came in to coal, and General ROBINSON seized upon the event to create the impression that she had brought in reinforcements. He put up tents and made a display, seemingly of a large force of troops newly arrived and hastily accommodated. The ruse succeeded. The rebels thought their attack had been anticipated and pre- pared for ; so Fort McHenry remained in our possession ever after, to declare to the rebels that, even though they cap- tured Washington, it would be of no permanent advantage to them. General ROBINSON, with all the austerity of a military nature, yet has a very kindly heart. He is a thorough republican; loves the people, and has an abiding faith in their capacity to govern themselves. He is inclined to socia- bility, when once his '"'outworks of reserve" are penetrated, and he then becomes as communicative as any one could wish. In the convention which nominated General ROBINSON for Lieutenant-Governor, several admirable names were sug- gested. Senator THAYER, of Troy, the chief competitor, had hosts of warm friends, and would have peculiarly graced the position. But the soldierly qualities of General ROBIN- SOX gained him the day. His supporters adopted his motto, and gained success to the cry " this place (on the ticket) shall 24 LIFE SKETCHES. be ours." The career of General ROBIXSOX is well known to the people. One of the most gallant and distinguished soldiers of 'the Empire State, his record in the war is of the brightest lustre. His comrades in arms presented him with a unanimity and a zeal which showed their high apprecia- tion of his great soldierly worth ; and the people of the State elected him by a most flattering vote. We close our sketch by appending the terse and appropriate remarks made by the General on the day when he entered upon the discharge of his duties as President of the Senate. He addressed the Senate, as follows : " SEXATOKS : In taking this chair, and entering upon the duties of the office with which I have been honored by the people of this State, I have an adequate sense of the respon- sibilities of the position. " Without any of the experience in legislative proceedings, possessed by most of my predecessors, and which I believe to be requisite to a prompt and correct decision of perplex- ing cpnestions, I may not at all times meet your expectations. But, with a firm determination to discharge the duties of my office honestly, faithfully and impartially, I shall expect and hope to receive your indulgence, until experience shall make me familiar with the proceedings of a body which has been distinguished for its order, dignity and learning. '' I congratulate you on the favorable circumstances under which we meet. The State and National Administrations are once more in full accord. The country is in the enjov- ment of peace at home and abroad. The people of the State are prosperous and contented, and in the enjoyment of all the rights and privileges guaranteed to them by the Consti- tution and laws of the land. ' During this session, important measures will be brought before you for your consideration, and much good is expected from your deliberations, in the enactment of good and wholesome laws. I am sure you will unite with me in wishing that the action of the Senate may be such as to meet the just expecta- tions of the public, and conduce to the welfare, prosperity and happiness of the people of the State." G. HILTON SCRIBXER. 25 G. HILTON SCRIBNER, SECRETARY OF STATE. G. HILTON SCRIBNER, Secretary of State, was born at Ogden, Monroe county, N. Y., on the 23d of June, 1831. His ancestors, on both the paternal and maternal side, were English, and both came to Massachusetts in the first half of the seventeenth century. His father, SEWELL B. SCRIBNER, who is still living, with unimpaired faculties, at the age of eighty, was one of the pioneers of western New York, hav- ing removed from his native place. Andover, Xew Hamp- shire, and settled in Monroe county in 1816 Rochester being at that time but a mere hamlet. His mother, CLAR- ISSA HILTOX, a woman of great intellectual power, rare cul- tivation and refined tastes, was born in Allegany county, her family coming hither at an early day from Newburyport, Mass. Young SCRIBXER received good common school instruc- tion at liis native place, which at that time possessed excellent educational advantages. Leaving home, he became a student at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima. N. Y., and after remaining there for two years, he entered college at Oberlin, where he at once took a marked rank, receiving the highest honors for his thoroughness and originality. He had early chosen the law as his profession, and, upon the close of his collegiate course, in 1853, he started for Xew York, with no friends or acquaintances in the great city, with scanty means and little to encourage him except his own cherished pur- poses, and a linn heart. lie read law in the office of Hon. DANIEL B. TAYLOR, who, at that time, enjoyed a large practice and possessed one of the largest and best selected law libraries in the city. Laborious and indefatigable as a student, he soon made him- self complete master of the theory of law, and in 1855 was 26 LIFE SKETCHES. admitted to the bar. Soon after he was also admitted to practice in the United States courts as proctor, solicitor and advocate. In October, 1856, having married the eldest daughter of Hon. J. 0. PETTINGILL, of Rochester, K Y., he chose Yonkers, "Westchester county, as his home, where he has since resided, holding many important town and village offices and trusts. Rising rapidly in his profession, his pru- dence as a counselor and ability as an advocate soon gave him a large and lucrative practice. His peculiar executive power and reliable judgment iu business transactions, making them- selves apparent, he was retained as the counsel for many moneyed corporations and large estates, and in the year 1862 he was one of the organizers of the North America Life Insurance Company of New York, of which he became a director and counsel. About this time, after collating and analyzing facts and statistics in respect to travel and acci- dents throughout the United States for a series of years, he framed a bill for presentation to the Legislature to allow this company to insure against accidents to travelers; the bill was passed, and thus the first authority was granted iu this country for "accident insurance" Though so thoroughly a business man and so perfectly devoted to his profession, yet amid all the calls upon his time he never permitted his taste for literature or art to become dulled or enfeebled; often organizing and always connected with one or more literary circles, he could not suffer his love of learning, the theoretical and the beautiful, to be stifled by the cares or responsibilities of his profession or the routine of daily labor. He has gathered at his home a gallery of rare pictures and works of art, a library replete with the printed thoughts of the best and great, and is recognized among artists and men of letters as an appre- ciative critic a man of cultivated judgment. Born of Whig parentage. Mr. SCRIBXER early attached him- self to that party, and remained a member of it until it had outlived its usefulness. He attended the national conven- G. HILTON SCRIBNER. 27 tion which nominated FREMONT, at Philadelphia in 1856, and has acted with the Eepublican party ever since. He was frequently sent to State conventions as a delegate, and in 1863 was made chairman of the Eepnblican county com- mittee for Westchester county. About this time, there were published at Yonkers, two papers "The Examiner" and " The Clarion," both professing allegiance to the Eepublican party, but crippling its prospects in Westchester county by local strifes and personal animosities. Mr. SCRIBNER per- ceiving this, and persuading a few of his friends to join him, they purchased the two papers, consolidated them, and thus was born " The Statesman," the paper now having the largest circulation and greatest influence in the llth congressional district. In 1866, Mr. SCRIBNER, with others, organized the Conti- nental Life Insurance Company of JST. Y., becoming its vice- president and counsel, and the unexampled success of this corporation is due in a measure to his skill and energy. Dur- ing these years, directing an extensive law practice, president of the Palisade Bank at Yonkers, and acting director of several large corporations, the tax upon his energies became onerous, and having accumulated a moderate fortune, in 1868 he retired from business, leaving a bright and successful pro- fessional record of thirteen years. He traveled in Europe, and on his return home, while on a visit to his father in western Xew York, he was nominated in 1869 for the State Senate. Owing to prior engagements he declined this nom- ination, and in the same year was elected President of the Empire Mutual Life Insurance Company of ]S T ew York. It had been the habit of the Legislature for several years previous to this time, at each sitting, to pass bills providing for the construction of boulevards (so called) in the lower districts of Westchester county, and, by reason of these leg- islative permissions, taxes had been increased enormously in these lower towns. Mr. SCRIBNER was, from the begin- ning, most resolutely opposed to these oppressive and unjust 28 LIFE SKETCHES. measures, and upon this issue, accepting the nomination for the Assembly in 1870, he was elected by a majority of about six hundred, from a district which usually gave a Demo- cratic majority of nearly 1,700, being the first member, other than a Democrat, elected from the district in thirty-two years. He soon made his influence felt in the House, and gained a favorable standing with his constituency and the Republican party of the State. In March, 1871, he engaged with some of his friends, members of the Legislature, in the organization of the Young Men's State Republican Association, and was elected first president of the same. During this session there had been a marked want of unity of purpose and action among the Republican members in both branches. Sufficient in num- bers to have checked improper legislation, and in many instances to have assumed control, the party was so dis- tracted by strife and estrangement among its so-called leaders, that its course was purposeless and feeble in the extreme. To unite these discordant elements for the coming campaign was the chief object of this organization. The movement was an important one, and its leader was well fitted for the position. A meeting of this association was held in May. 1871. in Xew York city, thirty-eight assembly districts being represented. Arrangements were there made for a con- vention, to be held in the following June, at Binghamton. At this convention, at which Mr. SCRIBXER presided, no less than eighty assembly districts were represented. This organ- ization gained to a fair extent, and as fully as the most san- guine of its promoters could have anticipated, the confidence of both wings of the party in the State, and Mr. SCRIBNER having shown himself a true and faithful leader, was nomi- nated by acclamation, in 1871. at the Republican State con- vention at Syracuse, for Secretary of State, and this nomi- nation was duly confirmed by the people in the Xovember following, the ticket being elected by a majority of about 20,000. Q. HILTON SCRIBNER. 29 Soon after the close of the Legislature of 1871 the repre- sentatives of the insurance, and other corporations of the State, united in a complimentary tribute to Mr. SCRIBNER for his intelligent, able and successful opposition to unjust legislation while Member of Assembly. The compliment was as creditable to those who paid it as it was deserved by the recipient, both Democrats and Eepublicans uniting in this tribute as a just and proper recognition of the services of a faithful public officer. The presentation ceremonies, which took place at the chambers of the Board of Under- writers, in New York, called together a large number of the leading men of the State, and the record of what was said and done was one of which any man might well be proud. In offering for Mr. SCRIBNER'S acceptance a magnificent service of plate, Judge SAVAGE, president of the Board of Underwriters, presented to him the following address, beauti- fully engrossed upon parchment, with the autograph signa- tures of the parties whose names are appended thereto : TESTIMONIAL TO THE HON. G. HILTON SCRIBNER. "Regarding the conscientious discharge of the duties of an elect representative of the people as of far greater conse- quence than the triumph of party, or the most brilliant suc- cess of ambition, and, sincerely and deeply lamenting, as the prevailing degeneracy demands, the decline of legislative purity, honor and integrity, we are impelled, by these consid- erations, to pay a tribute due to you for the faithful and exemplary fulfillment of the trust reposed in you by your election to the Legislature of the State of New York. "The course you have pursued as a member of the Legisla- ture for 1871 has attracted the attentive regard and received the emphatic commendation of all classes, of every interest, opinion and party. Your unwavering and able maintenance of just and intelligent views, and pure measures of public good, in defiance of an active and powerful opposition, and great and numerous temptations, is, in times like the pres- ent, a worthy subject of congratulation to your own imme- diate constituency, and to the electors and people of the Empire State. 30 LIFE SKETCHES. " The subscribers have special reasons to acknowledge the merit of your public services. The aggressive and danger- ous character of recent legislation on insurance, in various States of the Union, threatens the prosperity and very exist- ence in this country of this beneficent institution ; and the particular purpose of this testimonial is to express, in behalf of the life and fire insurance companies, and other corporate interests of this metropolis, their grateful appreciation of the potent influence and strenuous efforts you have con- stantly exerted to secure them the privileges and protection to which they are, by their importance and usefulness, so fully and fairly entitled. " Above all do we feel cordial pleasure in acknowledging the value of your championship in repelling the assaults made upon the vested rights of these corporations, which, if suc- cessful, would have destroyed public confidence in their securities, ruined their business, and dealt a fatal blow at the commercial and financial supremacy of this Common- wealth. " With this brief and general testimony to the efficient zeal and ability displayed by you throughout your public career, which deserves a more detailed description than might be acceptable to your modest sense of your own merits, accept the assurances of our profound esteem, and our hearty thanks for the protection you have so essentially helped to extend to persons and property, and for your powerful and successful advocacy of the cause of the widow and orphan, and the true principles and practice of good and -wise government. " NEW YORK, May 1, 1871. (Signed,) "George W. Miller. Superintendent Insurance Department. F. S. Winston, President Mutual Life. William C. Alex- ander, President Equitable Life. H. B. Hyde, Vice-President Equitable Life. Morris Franklin, President Xew York Life. W. H. Beers, Vice-President Xew York Life. John E. De Witt, President United States Life. Henry Stokes, Presi- dent Manhattan Life. C. Y. Wemple, Vice-President Man- hattan Life. Erastus Lyman, President Knickerbocker Life. W. H. Peckham, President Guardian Mutual Life. Cyrus Curtis, President Washington Life. William A. Brewer, Jr., Vice-President Washington Life. Hugo Wesendonck. Presi- dent Germania Life. Robert L. Case, President Security G. HILTON SCRIBNER. 31 Life. Theodore R. Wetmore, Vice-President Security Life. N". D. Morgan, President North America Life. Pliny Free- man, President Globe Mutual Life. Charles H. Raymond, President Widows' and Orphans' Benefit Life. Edward A. Jones, President National Life. Christian W. Bouck, Presi- dent Brooklyn Life. William Walker, President Universal Life. Justus Lawrence, President Continental Life. James H. Frothingham, President World Mutual Life. C. N. Mor- Ein, President Excelsior Life. George Opdyke, Standard ife. John R. Hegeman, Vice-President Metropolitan Life. Henry A. Oakley, President New York Board of Fire Underwriters. George W. Savage, Vice-President New York Board of Fire Underwriters. Charles J. Mar- tin, President Home Life Insurance Company. George T. Hope, President Continental Insurance Company. Carlisle Norwood, President Lorillard Insurance Company. Stephen Crowell, President Phoenix Insurance Company. A. F. Hastings, President Security Insurance Company. B. S. Walcott, President Hanover Fire Insurance Company. Alexander Stoddart, General Agent Underwriters'" Agency. John K. Myers, President Pacific Mutual Insurance Com- pany. James P.Wallace, President New York Guarantee and Indemnity Company. John A. Stewart, President L T nited States Trust Company. J. E. Southworth, President Atlan- tic National Bank. William Orton, President Western Union Telegraph Company. John E. Williams, President Metropolitan National Bank. William L. Wallace, Presi- dent West Side Elevated Railroad Company. H. P. Morgan, President Government Security Life. George B. Satterlee, President Eclectic Life. Andrew W. Morgan, President Mutual Protection Life. D. D. T. Marshall, President Homceopathic Mutual Life. Edward A. Lam- bert, President Craftsmen's Life. E. Dwight Kendall, President Amicable Mutual Life. William Edsall. Vice- President Hope Mutual Life. James B. Pearson, President Commonwealth Life. E. W. Crowell, Resident Manager Imperial Fire. Ezra White, North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. Alfred Pell, Liverpool. London and Globe. John Adriance, President Central Park and North River Railroad Company." After reading the address, Judge SAVAGE said : " On behalf of these great interests, and these numerous friends here assembled, allow me to present you with this written state 32 LIFE SKETCHES. merit of our opinion and our respect, and also, on behalf of the same interests, allow me to present to you this testi- monial of our respect and esteem toward you (referring to the silver service). I am happy to say that you fully deserve it, and I have no doubt you are, as you ought to be, proud to-day to receive the expression of the grateful feelings of these monetary interests of New York, acknowledged as due to you." Mr. SCRIBNER made an eloquent and appropriate response, after which congratulatory addresses were delivered by Hon. WILLIAM ORTON, Hon. CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW and Hon. WILLIAM BARNES. Mr. SCRIRXER, since entering upon his present office, has resided in Albany during the sessions of the Legislature, and, as a member of the Canal Board, a Commissioner of the Land Office, a llegent of the University, and member of the State Board of Charities, has been most efficient and constant in his attendance, and so administered the State Department as to avoid all complaint and criticism, and meet with the general approval of all. Besides acting in his official capacity, as Secretary of State, Mr. SCRIBXER holds also some important business positions and trusts, among which may be mentioned a directorship in the Atlantic National Bank, New York city; the Loaners' Bank, New York city; the Abingdon Square Savings Bank, New York city ; the Continental Life Insurance Co., New York city; the German American Fire Insurance Co., New York city; and is a trustee of the American Bible Union, New York, the Rochester Theological Seminary, and the St. John Riverside Hospital. Thought and its translation into action constitute life. He, then, may most fitly be called representative whose life is the most perfect complement of his noble and successful ideas. The division of men into thinkers and practical men, however unfortunate, is generally well grounded. But, in the subject of this sketch, we have an exception. Mr. SCRIB- G. HILTON SCRIUNER. 33 NEB turns to practical account broad and vigorous thought, and thus makes to himself power. A man of deep and accurate thinking, he is at the same time a man of fearless and decided action, illustrating in his business, professional and political experience the possibilities under the genius of our American institutions, where energy and integrity are united, and demonstrating with equal clearness that per- sonal and political popularity are quite compatible with strict fidelity to public trust. 34 LIFE SKETCHES. NELSON K. HOPKINS, COMPTROLLER. The family of Hon. NELSON K. HOPKINS, Comptroller of the State, was of New England origin. His father, General TIMOTHY S. HOPKINS, emigrated in the year 1800 from Great Barrington, Mass., to Williamsville, a small town in the vicinity of Buffalo, in the then county of Niagara. By occupation a farmer, he was a man of sterling sense and worth, and held various public offices of trust and honor, both in the civil and military service. He was commissioned as a Captain by Gov. GEORGE CLINTON, as Major by Gov. MOR- GAN LEWIS, and as Lieutenant-Colonel and Brigadier-Gen- eral by Gov. DANIEL D. TOMPKINS. NELSON, the second of the five sons now living, was born on the 3d of March, 1819. He remained on the farm until he was about sixteen years of age, when he attended school for a time at Fredonia in the county of Chautauqua. From 1838 to 1840, he was a student in the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, where he completed his collegiate preparations, and in the spring of the latter year entered the sophomore class of Union Col- lege, graduating in 1842 with high standing. Among his class-mates Avere several who have since attained distinction, including Hon. CLARKSON N. POTTER, member of Congress, and Hon. JAMES WOOD, of the State Senate. In connection with the latter an interesting circumstance is related of young HOPKINS. The two students, as was not unfrequent among their associates, visited Albany on one occasion, and neither being blessed with a surplus of money, they found themselves at the close of their stay without the means of returning. In this exigency, nothing daunted, the spirited young men started on foot and faithfully trudged all the way from Albany to Schenectady. Even before entering college, the subject of this sketch had NELSON K. HOPKINS. o5 evinced strong force of character and energy of purpose. At the age of nineteen he had been elected captain of a company in the State militia, and at the time of the " Patriot War," which centered about the Niagara river, though still a student at Lima, he was called home to enter the service with his company, and for a month had command of Black Rock in the vicinity of Buffalo. Returning from college, Mr. HOP- KINS began the study of law in the office of Hon. ELBRIDGE G. SPAULDING at Buffalo, and in 1846 was admitted as an attorney. From the very first he has enjoyed an honorable and lucrative practice. He has especially had confided to him the most delicate duties in the settlement of estates, the establishment of titles and all that branch of professional service, and in these positions of fiduciary trust has secured the highest respect for his honor, fidelity and capacity. In 1848, he married the only daughter of Hon. ORLANDO ALLEN, but she died in 1853. In 1855, he married his present wife, who is the eldest daughter of the late Hon. HIRAM PRATT, and a most estimable lady. His family con- sists of five children. Although Mr. HOPKINS has always been actively engaged in professional labors, he has at various times been called to serve his fellow-citizens. Frequently elected supervisor and alderman, he was also one year president of the common council. In 1866 he was appointed Collector of Internal Revenue, and filled that position with credit and satisfaction. He has also been for many years a director and attorney of AVhite's Bank at Buffalo ; attorney for the Western Savings Bank; life member of the Young Men's Association ; trustee of the Free Grosvenor Library; and has held many positions of public and professional trust, attesting the high esteem with which lie is regarded by the community where he lives. Such was the great respect entertained for him by Ihose among whom he has always resided, and such their elevated opinion especially of the conscientiousness and ability for financial administration which he has displayed throughout 36 LIFE SKETCHES. his career, that, without his own solicitation or knowledge, he was unanimously presented by the Erie delegation at the Republican State Convention of 1871, as a candidate for Comptroller, and promptly nominated. He and his associates were recognized as embodying the reform sentiment then so pronounced among the people, and the ticket was elected by a handsome majority. In this responsible office. Mr. HOPKINS has signally vindi- cated the judgment with which he was selected, and proved himself a worthy successor of such men as MARCY, WRIGHT, FLAGG, FILLMORE, HILLHOUSE and ALLEN. None of his predecessors have received more general and cordial com- mendation than he has for the faithful vigilance with which he has guarded the interests of the State and the marked ability with which he has administered its finances. Whether a comptroller be lax or rigid in the discharge of his duties may entail a loss or effect a saving of thousands upon thou- sands to the treasury. At the outset, Mr. HOPKINS adopted the rule of giving the most careful scrutiny to every matter- coming before him, and this rule he has scrupulously observed, transacting the business of the State with the same care and watchfulness and frugality which he would carry into the conduct of private business. He reduced the number of assistants in his office, subjected every claim to rigorous in- spection, and made the auditing of accounts something more than a mere ministerial duty. So great is the confidence felt in his integrity and discretion that the Legislature has vested him with larger powers over the expenditure of appropriations in connection with public institutions than were ever before con- fided to the Comptroller, and it is not an undue estimate to say that by his prudence and firmness he has saved the State at least half a million dollars. ISTotonly in Impractical adminis- tration of the department, but in his official discussions and recommendations, he has shown conspicuous talent for the position. His arinual report presented to the Legislature in January, 1873, attracted unusual attention, and commanded NELSON K. HOPKINS. 37 the hearty and unreserved approbation of men and journals of all parties, for its incomparably clear exposition of State finances, and its valuable suggestions. It was signally suc- cessful in stripping the various intricate funds of the obscurities with which the traditional method of statement surrounds them; in exhibiting at a glance the condition of the treasury; in pointing out the true checks upon extrava- gant expenditure, and in treating the subject of taxation. The general judgment is that it fairly ranks among the best of our State papers. Always among his own neighbors, and now throughout the State, Comptroller HOPKINS is respected for his unswerv- ing probity, his sound judgment, and his large ability. Per- sonally he is a man of strong friendships, warmly attaching to himself those with whom he is brought into contact. Frank, direct and outspoken, he is at the same time cordial and unaffected, and his fine clear-cut features express at once firm decision of character and winning amiability of dispo- sition. 38 LIFE SKETCHES. THOMAS RAINES, STATE TREASURER. THOMAS EAINES, the present Treasurer of the State of New York, is one of the youngest men ever chosen by the people for a position of so much importance. He is now in his thirty-first year and was called to preside over the Treas- ury when but twenty-nine. The American people, however, have regard rather to ability than years, agreeing with the Earl of Chatham, that youth is not that sort of an " atrocious crime" which stands in need of any palliation or denial. Mr. EAIXES was born at Canandaigua, Ontario county, N. Y., on the 13th of August, 1842. He is of English descent on his father's side, and Scotch on his mother's. His grandfather, JOHN EAIXES, a sturdy Englishman, was born in 1784. At the early age of twenty-eight he had acquired a large fortune in mercantile pursuits, and, not- withstanding the cares of business, had found time while amassing it to fulfill the duties of the sacred office. He was the regularly installed minister of a Methodist congregation, and had intimate relations with the celebrated divine, EGBERT HALL, and other illustrious contemporaries. We believe the historians are not at one. as yet, as to the cause that induced the return of Napoleon from his island retreat at Elba, but very many men in England, France and elsewhere, knew too well the effect of the reappearance of the Little Corporal. JOHN EAIXES was one of these, and his financial losses were so heavy as to induce him to gather up the remnants of his broken fortune and try to better his con- dition in America. In the year 1821, the merchant-minister arrived at Philadelphia, and soon after commenced the busi- ness of manufacturing at that point. The usual nps and downs marked his life in the city of Brotherly Love, and after being twice burned out, and declining an offer of part- THOMAS RAINES. 39 nership from the now celebrated Thomas Tasker, he aban- doned the Keystone for the Empire State, and took up his residence at Canandaigua. The father of the Treasurer, another JOHN RAINES, was born at Hull, in the East Hiding of Yorkshire, England, in the year 1818. While yet an infant he was brought to this country by his parents, and here he has resided ever since. After leaving school, and until his twenty-seventh year, he followed farming for a living. He then abandoned sec- ular pursuits and entered the ministry. For many years he was widely known in Western New York, being rec- ognized as standing among the foremost of his Methodist brethren. Mrs. RAINES, the mother of the subject of our sketch, was a Miss MARY REMINGTON. Her ancestors came from New England, but she herself was born near Canan- daigua. The leading facts in the life of the Treasurer are about as follows : After receiving the usual common school education, and supplementing it with a good deal of self-taught instruction, he closed his text-books at the early age of fourteen. Those who think they can see the coming oak in every acorn, will be interested in knowing that the future financial head of the State left behind him, at the common school from which he graduated, a reputation for unusual proficiency in mathe- matics. Commencing his business life on the bottom round of the long ladder, he accepted a clerkship in a store at Lyons, AVayne county, in this State, at an annual salary of one hundred dollars. His industry, talents and determina- tion soon led to his promotion, and at the age of sixteen he had charge of the books of a large mercantile establishment. A little later we find him book-keeper in the Bank of Canan- daigua, in which institution his education in fiscal matters fairly commenced. Keeping the books of the bank for a year, he developed so much capacity as a banker that he was promoted to be acting cashier. 40 LIFE SKETCHES. At the age of twenty, Mr. RAINES had attained a broad and accurate knowledge of the important and intricate branch of business to which he had resolved to devote his future, and, in connection with a number of capitalists of western New York, he then proceeded to start a National Bank, one of the first, it may be remarked, ever organized in the country. This bank was located at Geneva, Ontario county, and under the management of Mr. RAINES, enjoyed a high degree of prosperity. In 1867, he removed to Rochester and, at the age of twenty- four, became financial officer of the Farmers and Mechanics' National Bank of Rochester. In this position, as in his preceding ones, he has been eminently successful, and has built up a large business. On the 29th of December, 1864, Mr. RAINES was married to Charrie, daughter of Hon. JOSEPH HALSTEAD, of Columbia county. She died on the 5th of March, 1870, to the poignant grief of a large circle of friends. A lady of high intellectual endowment, and the possessor of varied accomplishments, she was in very deed and truth a helpmeet for her husband. Whatever of prosperity may have attended the later years of his life, he attributes, for the major part, to her wise counsels, and her unfailing sympathy in all his undertakings. At the Republican State Convention, which met at Rochester, in September, 1871, Mr. RAINES was nominated by acclamation for the position which he now holds. In the canvass that followed, he made a most gallant fight, and gained the day by an overwhelming majority. The estima- tion in which he is held by his fellow-citizens is shown in the fact of his running nearly a thousand ahead of the State ticket in Rochester. When a prophet (or a banker) comes no nearer than that from being " without honor in his own country," the conclusion is irresistible that his neighbors have entire confidence in the prophet (or banker). Mr. RAINES' entire majority in the State was 21,784 ; he polled the highest vote on the ticket. THOMAS. RAINES. 41 Mr. RAINES has been for many years, and still continues to be, an active Kepublican. Sympathizing with the Liberal movement he attended the Cincinnati Convention in May last, and was made one of its Vice-Presidents. Since his induc- tion into the office which he now holds, he has justified the high expectations of his friends, demonstrating both his capacity and disposition to guard the treasury against all thieves, and wisely administer its finances. One of the most active members of the Canal Board, he has gained the commendation of all who favor economy and frugality by his eiforts for the cancellation of repair contracts, and a sweeping and thorough canal investigation. By virtue of his office Mr. RAINES is a Commissioner of the Land Office and of the Canal Fund, a member of the Board of State Canvassers, and, as we have already indicated, of the Canal Board. 42 LIFE SKETCHES. FRANCIS C. BARLOW, ATTORNEY-GENERAL. A slight, almost delicate form, yet as closely knit as that of a deer; a pair of strange, grey eyes; a well developed, classical head, a firm, expressive mouth, giving the features, in repose, an air of sadness ; and you have an outline of General BARLOW'S physique. FRANCIS C. BARLOW was born in Brooklyn, New York, on the 19th of October, 1834, of New England parentage. When he was two years of age, his parents removed to Mas- sachusetts, in the vicinity of Boston, where, with the excep- tion of two years spent in New Hampshire, he resided until he entered Harvard. He prepared for college at one of the institutions in Cambridge, and was matriculated at Harvard in 1851. During his collegiate course he was distinguished for his fine scholarship, graduating with the honors of his class, in July, 1855. In the month of September following, he went to the city of New York, where he was very successfully engaged in teaching private classes, for the purpose of preparing young men for college. In the autumn of 1856, he entered the law office of WILLIAM CURTIS NOTES, Esq., where he remained until the spring of 1857. He was then employed as a clerk by Messrs. WIIEA- TON & LIVINGSTON, attorneys and counselors at law, also reporting law cases for the Tribune, and was admitted to the bar in 1858. In the month of January, 1859, he formed a partnership with GEORGE BLISS, Jr.. now United States District Attorney for the Southern District of New York, but his professional duties were interrupted by the rebellion of 1861. r lhe very day that heralded the assault on Slimier found him ready, at almost a moment's warning, to leave his business and his home, in order to defend the principles which had found such deep root in his heart. He hated FRANCIS C. BARLOW. 43 servitude in all its forms ; and he loved, both by nature and education, all the foundation precepts of liberty in their highest and broadest sense ; and he was prepared to go beyond the simple entertainment of these views; he was willing to make any sacrifice, however great, in order to maintain the eternal justice of the nation's cause. Although his friends knew how deeply he cherished his opinions, yet they were unprepared for the announcement that he would enter the ranks as a private soldier. He had bright prospects ahead in his profession ; but, though his attention was directed to them, he saw, above all, the danger of the country. "Wait," said some of his friends, '"'and we will get a com- mission for you." " A commission for me ? " was his inquiry, " I never handled a gun in my life!" Without further ceremony, he joined the 12th State Militia, on the 20th of April, 1861, which went out for three months. There was no nourish about this act; in an unostentatious manner, Mr. BARLOW was enrolled as a private, and in the same quiet way he commenced his proud record. The next day after he enlisted, his regiment departed for Washington in defense of the capital. While in camp, he applied him- self, in an assiduous manner, to the study of military treatises. Every leisure moment found him, book in hand, mastering the tactics. At the end of three or four weeks, he accepted the position of First Lieutenant, offered him by Colonel BUTTERFIELD, who fully appreciated his merits. At the expiration of the period for which he had enlisted, lie returned to New York. But not feeling that his whole duty to his country had been discharged, after the organiza- tion of the Gist regiment, New York volunteers, he Avas selected and appointed as its Lieutenant-Colonel, and thus opened another chapter in his military course. He had com- menced at the bottom of the ladder, but he saw what many so often fail to perceive, that all one has to do is to put one foot 44 LIFE SKETCHES. above the other, and the ascent must be sure. Moreover, he was not satisfied with being competent for performing the duties of a lieutenant-colonelcy. The same spirit that had, before, commenced to learn the simple evolutions of a company, looked ahead, far beyond the elementary principles of the science of war, to the grand sweep of brigades, divisions and corps. His regiment was assigned to General MCCLELLAJT'S army ; and during the autumn and winter months of 1861, Lieutenant-Colonel BARLOW was studying the tactics, as he had leisure, with a resolute will. When the grand army moved down in front of Yorktown, he was promoted to the rank of colonel. In a few days transpired the fierce battle of Fair Oaks in which the valor of our soldiers was put to a severe trial. During this engagement Colonel BARLOW'S regiment lost its color-bearer and four of the color-guard, and General HOWARD, having lost an arm, gave the com- mand of his brigade to Colonel BARLOW. He fearlessly led the troops into the midst of the slaughter, now encouraging by his words, now holding them firmly in their positions by his authority and presence, never permitting them to swerve from points already gained. His bravery won for him a single star upon his shoulder. He distinguished himself in the same gallant manner during the bloody " Seven Days' Fight." The next conflict in which he took a prominent part was at Antietam. On this occasion, he was wounded in the breast and groin, and his life despaired of by the sur- geons. But his noble, faithful wife nursed him with a womanly tenderness that saved his life. Two days after the battle, and on September 19, 1862, he was promoted to be a Brigadier-General " for distinguished gallantry at the battle of Fair Oaks." As soon as he recovered he led a brigade into the bloody battle of Chancellorsville. Shortly afterward he was given the command of a division. When the waves of the rebellion dashed upon the southern slope of Pennsyl- vania, General BARLOW led his division into the horrible FRANCIS C. BARLOW. 45 engagement. Without a twinge of physical fear, in the midst of shell and cannon, he rode in front of the line, inspiriting troops and exhorting them to remain unyielding. Wheeling squadrons, carrying slaughter in their courses, swept on like mighty engines of destruction, and still the slight form of General BARLOW was seen dashing from one point of attack to another. At last, the fearless rider fell from his horse, wounded by four musket balls. The great agony of the fight "went on, and the brave general lay on the field, exposed to the fire of friend and foe. While in this condition he was again twice wounded. When night terminated the battle, he was found by the rebel Gen- eral EARLY, who, while passing over the field, discovered his rank by the star upon his shoulder. Supposing him to be dead, General EARLY paused with his staff officers, to learn his name, remarking that nothing could be done for the dead general. Feebly raising his head, General BARLOW gave EARLY that terse, gritty reply, which was afterward, at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House, so fully verified : " I will live to fight you yet, General!" The assiduous attentions of Mrs. BARLOW, who had accom- panied the army, succoring the wounded in hospital and field, again brought her husband from the valley of death. We would further add that this noble wife a most accom- plished and beautiful woman in her work of heroic self- sacrifices, contracted the hospital fever, and died as truly and nobly a martyr to country as the bravest soldier who ever fell on a battle-field. Returning to the field in March, 1864, he was given the command of the first division of the 2d (Hancock's Corps), and in command of it he participated in the battle of the Wilderness. In one of the engagements he captured a whole division of General EARLY'S corps, under the com- mand of General JOHNSON, and forty pieces of artillery. In front of Petersburg he was promoted to a major-general- ship. Taking a prominent part in the closing conflict 46 LIFE SKETCHES. before Richmond, he had the satisfaction of seeing the great army of the Confederacy vanquished by the determined legions of the North. In the autumn of 1865, General BARLOW was nominated by the union party of New York, as candidate for the office of Secretary of State, against General SLOCUM, who had been nominated by the democrats, and was elected, after an exciting and warmly contested campaign, by a majority of 27,491. His administration was in every way creditable to himself and satisfactory to the people. Resuming the prac- tice of law, on the expiration of his term, he added to a reputation already brilliant, by his able and trenchant protest against the degradation of the legal profession under the malign influence of Erie corruption. General BARLOW was elected to his present honorable and responsible position by a majority not far from twenty thous- and. Prompt and decisive in peace as in war, he administers the duties of his office as successfully as he led his men on the battle field. WILLIAM'S. TAYLOR. 47 WILLIAM B. TAYLOR, STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. The subject of the present sketch was bom on the 27th of February, 1824, in Manchester, Oneida county, New York. His father, JOB TAYLOR, was, for some time, foreman of a cotton mill at Manchester, and from 1830 to 1837, was "mine host" of an inn in Utica in high favor with the traveling public. His son. with whom we have to do, received his schooling at the Utica academy, and was only prevented from pursuing a collegiate course at Geneva by the reverses of fortune. At the age of eighteen, he closed his text-books, to take up that le*on of self-reliance, which henceforth was to be taught him, and which he was to learn so well in that great school, the world. In 1837, his brother, LORENZO, Avas elected city surveyor of Utica, and appointed WILLIAM as his assistant. Since that time he has been unremitting in the practice of his profession. In 1849, he accepted a position as leveler in the engineer's department of the enlargement of the Erie canal, and for many succeeding years remained in the employ of the State as first, and second, resident and division engineer. In 18G1 he was elected State Engineer and Surveyor, the position which he now holds, by the mag- nificent majority of over 100,000. He was twice city sur- veyor of Utica, and from 1857 to 1860, inclusive, was a member of the common council of that city. He was form- erly a Whig, and lias been a member of the Ivepublican party since its organization. When elected State Eno-ineer and o o Surveyor, in 1SG1, he was only thirty-seven years of age the youngest man who had ever filled that important and responsible position. Since 18G1 Mr. TAYLOR served his first term as State Engineer and Surveyor, and in the fall of 1SG3 was again nominated and elected for a second term, being with one 48 LIFE SKETCHES. exception (that of Hoii. VAN E. RICHMOND) the only in- cumbent who has occupied that position during two succes- sive terms. On January 1, 1866, he vacated the office and devoted him- self to the purchase and sale of real estate in the city of Utica. Mr. TAYLOR was succeeded for one term by the Hon. J. PLATT GOODSELL, who was followed by the Hon. VAN E. RICHMOND again for two terms. In the fall of 1871 Mr. TAYLOR, by nomination and elec- tion, was again recalled to the position of State Engineer and Surveyor. During the four years he discharged the duties of this office as well as in the various public positions to which he has been chosen by the citizens of Utica, where he has resided since 1829, he has invariably possessed the entire confidence of every one, regardle^ of party. Mr. TAYLOR is now 48 years of age, has always enjoyed robust health, and is honored and respected by all who have been associated with him in private or public business. As an engineer Mr. TAYLOR has attained a high rank and is, probably, inferior to none in the State. He possesses characteristics of mind particularly adapted to his profession. A man of keen perceptions, he is quick to detect weak points and determine strong ones. With a mind of great activity he has the faculty of arriving at the conclusion of a proposi- tion before it is half stated to him. His social qualities are of a rare order ; few men have the faculty possessed by Mr. TAYLOR of making and retaining friends. It may be truly said of him that he has a "genius for friendship." Reliable in his pledges, true to those who confide in him, he possesses, withal, that independence of character which is one of the chief ornaments of manhood. SENATORS. CHARLES H. ADAMS. The thirteenth district, consisting of the county of Albany, is represented by CHARLES H. ADAMS, of Cohoes. Few, if any, of his colleagues can boast a more honorable ancestry, or one more closely identified with the living interests of the republic. His maternal grandfather, ANTHONY EGBERTS, served as an officer in the war of the Revolution, and his father, HENRY ADAMS, was a surgeon in the war of 1812, being engaged in his official duties at the battle of Sackett's Harbor. His paternal grandfather, PETER C. ADAMS, repre- sented the middle district in the State Senate from 1806 to 1808, the compeer of CLINTON, YATES and LIVINGSTON. All these ancestors were upright men, and left to the present Senator the heritage of an unsullied name. The subject of our sketch was born at Coxsackie, Greene county, in this State, April 10, 1825. He received his edu- cation, and was fitted for the active duties of life at the Albany Academy, where he graduated with credit to himself and his Alma Mater. Soon after, he began to apply himself to the study of law, and was, in due time, admitted to practice, and entered upon his professional life in the city of New York. Since 1852. however, he has devoted himself chiefly to the manufacture of knit goods at Cohoes, which city is largely indebted to his public spirit and munificence for its present prosperity Before the incorporation of Cohoes as a city, he served as trustee of the village, and president of the AVater 50 LIFE SKETCHES. Board. In 1858 he was elected member of Assembly, and at the expiration of his term, a large and enthusiastic meeting of his fellow-townsmen testified by various complimentary resolutions, their entire satisfaction with his course. In such esteem is he held by all citizens, irrespective of party, that although an ardent Republican, he was elected the first mayor of his adopted home, under the new charter, the city being at the time largely Democratic. He is, and has been for some years, president of The Bank of Cohoes. In 1851 he was aide on Governor HUNT'S staff, and in 1868 a candi- date for Presidential elector. Two years ago, he was elected to his present position by a majority of 656, leading the Repub- lican State ticket by 1,911 votes, thus demonstrating his popularity in the most unmistakable manner. Hi rigi- nally belonged to the old Whig party, and afterward to the American, but is now in full accord with the Republican party. This is Mr. ADAMS' first term in the Senate ; yet thus early he has shown that he possesses, in a rare degree, that gravity, lofty sense of honor, and keen perception of the people's wants, which are the distinctive traits of the true legislator. His wealth is amply sufficient to enable him to give his undivided attention to the duties and requirements of his office. Strenuously opposed to all rings, and all jobs under whatever guise they may appear, his vote and influence have thus far been employed only to subserve the best inter- ests of his constituency and the State at large. In the Sena- torial body, Mr. ADAMS is emphatically a practical working member. His strong common sense and thorough familiarity with matters of finance, manufactures and internal improve- ments, peculiarly adapt him for committee work; and his presence on six important committees, of two of which he is chairman, testifies the appreciation, by his colleagues, of his large and varied abilities. His strength does not lie in finesse or political diplomacy of doubtful repute, nor does he ever engross valuable time in wearisome, unnecessary debate. NORMAN M. ALLEN. 51 He seldom indulges in speech-making, but accomplishes quite as much of the public business by his advice and counsel, as some who are favored with greater powers of declamation. Last fall the Senator ran for Congress in the strongly Demo- cratic 14th District. Although he was beaten, yet a com- parison of votes shows that he received the largest vote ever cast in that district for a Republican Congressman. NORMAN M. ALLEN. The thirty-second senatorial district, composed of the counties of Cattaraugus and Chautauqua, is represented by NORMAX M. ALLEX, who was born at Dayton, Cattaraugus county, on the 24th of December, 1828. His father, LUTHER ALLEX, and his mother, HULDAH BENEDICT ALLEX, were both born at Fabius, Onondaga county, and are now deceased. The subject of this sketch w r as left an orphan at the age of sixteen, and is a, "self-made" man, one who has fought his way to success in the world by force of his own talents and industry, and without adventitious aids. Cast upon his un- aided individual resources, while yet a mere boy, lie learned, per force, that lesson which the wise man commended to bear the yoke in youth. NORMAX'S education, that is to say, the first rudiments of it, was acquired in the common school of his native place, and such advantages as offered were im- proved by the lad to the best of his ability. The years immediately succeeding the death of his parents he devoted to agricultural pursuits, but. finding that the farm was not altogether to his liking, he turned his attention to the law with all diligence. It was not long before he was admitted to practice, and in the law, which has been the profession of his life, he has been rewarded by a large measure of success. In 1848, Mr. ALLEX was married to HULDAH MERRILL. He has four children, two of whom are married. 52 LIFE SKETCHES. During the late war, he was appointed paymaster by Pres- ident LINCOLN", and was in service in that capacity for a short time in 18G3. He resigned his position to accept the appointment of Assistant Provost Marshal for the thirty-first district of New York. The main facts in the Senator's political history are as fol- lows : From the time of his first becoming a voter until the year 1854, he was a zealous member of the Democratic party, but since the date last mentioned he has been an uncom- promising and unwavering Eepublican. For thirteen suc- cessive years, he was Supervisor at Dayton, and for ten years of that time was chairman of the board facts which speak volumes for the confidence reposed in him by his neighbors and the citizens of Cattaraugus county. He has also filled the office of school commissioner ; has served a term of four years as State assessor, and was a member of the Conven- tion, containing so many distinguished men, which met in 1867. to revise the Constitution of the State. The present is not the Senator's first experience in legisla- tive life. He was a member of the preceding Senate in 1864-5, and a member of the Committees on Literature, Indian Affairs, and Towns and Counties in that body. He was elected to the present Senate by the handsome majority of 4,276. He is a legislator of the practical school, never asking for the attention of his fellow-members unless he has something to say, never thinking to be heard for his "much speaking." The thirty-second district never was represented by a more faithful or conscientious Senator, or one more devoted to its interests than JSTc-RMAN M! ALLEN". In the late presidential election Senator ALLEN cast his vote for HORACE GREELEY. The choice, in his judgment. was simply between two Republicans, and therefore he felt free to follow his individual dictates. Hud the issue been made up between General GRANT and an opponent not a Republican, he, as in political duty bound, would have given GRANT his vote and influence. SAMUEL AMES. 53 SAMUEL AMES. The sixteenth senatorial district consists of the counties of Clinton, Essex and "VVarren. The Senator is SAMUEL AMES, who was born at Champlain, Clinton county, June 29th, 1824. His father, CHAKLES AMES, was a native of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, where he was born near the close of the last century. The senator is a remote descend- ant of JOHN AMES, who came to this country from Briton, Somersetshire, England, and settled in Braintree, Massa- chusetts, as far back as 1640. The subject of this sketch was educated at the Champlain and Keeseville academies, which he attended until he was twenty years of age, when he left school, and began the study of law. Entering the office of GEOKGE A. SIMMONS as a student, he subsequently formed a copartnership in law with that gentleman, which continued until the death of Mr. SIMMONS. Mr. AMES has had a successful professional career ; his talents and industry being rewarded by a large and remunerative practice. At the present time, having withdrawn from the legal field, he is engaged in the business of banking. The record of Mr. AMES' political life is, in one respect, that of many other of our public men with whom he sympathises politically. That is to say, he was a Whig until the formation of the Eepublican party, and ever since lias been an active member of that organization. He has served several terms as supervisor 'of his town ; in 1865 was appointed commissioner of patents, and. subsequently, having resigned the commissionership, was made register of bank- ruptcy, an office which he now holds. In the election, in the fall of 1871, which resulted in his elevation to the Senate, his popularity in the sixteenth dis- 54 LIFE SKETCHES. trict was demonstrated in the most unmistakable manner. He ran 550 votes ahead of his ticket, receiving a majority of 2)232. In 1869, the adverse majority was 2,066. Soon after the commencement of his senatorial term, Mr. AMES was stricken down with a painful and dangerous illness, which has since prevented him, save at intervals, from actively engaging in the discharge of his official duties. Early last session, he was compelled to give up on account of impaired health, and this year, no sooner had he reached the Senate than a return of his old complaint necessitated his imme- diate return to his home. In 184-9, Mr. AMES was married to Miss THOMPSON, a daughter of the late ANDREW THOMPSON, a banker, who was for many years well known in northern Xew York. Of large ability, and the highest purity, personally strong and popular, Senator AMES is a man whose absence from the Senate is the cause of the unfeigned regret of his fellow- senators. An earnest wish for his speedy restoration to health goes up from many hearts. ISAAC V. BAKER, JE. Remembering that the word "senator" is derived from the Latin senex, which is, by interpretation, an old man, it seems an anomaly to designate the gentleman who represents the fifth senatorial district as senator, seeing that as yet he is in the very bloom of his youth. Mr. BAKER was born August 15, 1843. at Comstock's Landing, Washington county, X. Y., a place founded by his maternal grandfather, PETER COMSTOCK, well known throughout northern Xew York as an energetic, go-ahead business man, who took the first raft through the Cham- plain canal, and was largely engaged in the forwarding and ISAAC V. BAKER, JR. 55 transportation business for many years, in connection with the father of the subject of this sketch. ISAAC V. BAKER, Sr., long and favorably known as a leading railroad man, and now president of the New York and Canada railroad, formerly owned and ran a line of packets on the Champlain canal, also the canal boats com- prising the northern transportation line, together with the old Redbird line of stages running from Montreal to New York. Mr. BAKEK, the subject of the present sketch, inherits the energy, enterprise and business qualifications of his father and grandfather in a great degree, and has, at his early age, acquired a reputation for himself enjoyed by few men of more mature years. His first school days were passed in the North Granville Academy and in the Brooklyn Poly- technic and Collegiate Institute. He there obtained a fair classical education. He started in business, at the age of seventeen, as a merchant, in his native town, and retains his interest in the business at the present date. He early interested himself in agriculture, and especially in breeding Merino sheep, in which branch of trade BAKER & HARRI- GAX have acquired a national reputation, selling choice specimens of their flock into nearly every State in the Union, and also Australia. Mr. BAKER has been secretary of the Washington County Sheep Breeders and Wool Grow- ers' Association since its organization, some five years, and served a term as president of the Washington County Agricul- tural Society. At present he is actively engaged in railroading, occupying the position of general financier for the consoli- dated railroads which are operated by the Delaware and Hudson canal company. The lines reach from Bingham- ton to Rutland, and embrace many branches in addition to the main line. He was nominated for member of Assembly in 18G8, wlu-n but twenty-five years of age, and elected by the largest majority ever given in that district, running over three hundred ahead of the State ticket. He served, in the 56 LIFE SKETCHES. Assembly of 1869, on the Railroad committee, also on the special gas investigating committee, taking good rank in the House. Many bills important to his district were passed through his exertions. So well pleased were his constituents with his course that they awarded him a second and a third term in the Assembly, renominating him in 1869 and 1870 by acclamation. In the Assembly of 1870 he was a member of the committee on Canals and Civil Divisions, and in 1871 a leading member on that of Railroads. Having thus served in the lower house for three years, and added to the qualities which originally commended him to the public, faithful service and valuable experience, his con- stituents would seem to have said to him, in the language of the scriptures, " friend, go up higher." He was nominated to the position which he now holds, in the same hearty style with which he had been named for the Assembly by accla- mation. In the election which followed, a compliment was paid him of the rarest and most flattering character. He actually received every vote but one in his own election dis- trict (which is about evenly divided politically), and that one was cast by an individual who had been arrested on the complaint of Mr. BAKER, or one of his family, some time previous. The Senator ran 2.250 ahead of his ticket, carrying every toAvn in Washington county. His majority was 4.458. Senator BAKER never troubles the Senate with long set speeches, full of sound, but signifying nothing. When he does take the floor, he goes directly to the point which induced him to rise. He is a hard worker in the committees, and in every contest of the people with corruption, is found on the right side. Few young men have so fair a future before them as that which, seemingly, awaits Senator BAKEE. ERASTUS C. BENEDICT. 57 ERASTUS C. BENEDICT. The fifth senatorial district is represented by ERASTUS CORNELIUS BENEDICT. He was born at Branford, Connect- icut, March 19th, 1800. In early life he had some experi- ence in school teaching, commencing in a common school in 1816, and ending as a tutor in Williams College in 1824. He entered the sophomore class in September, 1816, and grad- uated in 1821, when he took charge of the academy in Johns- town; he subsequently taught in the academy in Newburgh. As tutor in college, he instructed the class of 1825, during their junior year, and the class of 1826, during their sopho- more year. His professional studies completed, at the end of the year 1824, he entered upon the practice of the law, in the city of New York, where he has ever since been, and is now, a successful practitioner. When the common school system was extended to the city of New York, he was chosen among the first trustees of common schools, and, subse- quently, in 1850, was elected a member of the board of edu- cation for the city, of which board he was president for several years. He resigned his office, as member of the board of education, in 1863, not, however, until he was gen- erally recognized as among the first who were instrumental in consolidating and maturing the entire school system of New York. The great value of the services he rendered co-operating with like-minded men in rearing the Free Academy, now the College of New York, are widely recog- nized and appreciated. He was among the select number who confessedly laid the foundations of the Areopagus, and royal line of college advantages for the masses in the city of New York. In 1855, he was elected by the Legislature a regent of the University, which office he still holds. In 1840, he was elected a member' of the Common Council of the city 58 LIFE SKETCHES. of New York. In 1848, he was a member of the lower house of the State Legislature, as, also, in 1864. In the Assembly of 1848, he was a member of the com- mittee on colleges, academies and common schools, and incorporation of cities and villages ; he was also chairman of the select committee which reported the general railroad law passed during that session, and wrote the report ; was actire in securing the passage of the law giving married women the control of their property, and also the act to simplify, etc., the practice of the acts known as " The Code." In 1864, he was a member of the committees on colleges and federal relations ; reported, and actively promoted the passage of the act to revise and consolidate the general acts relating to pub- lic instruction, and also the act relative to common schools in the city of New York. He is an elder in the Reformed Church, and was a member of the general synod of 1868. Mr. BENEDICT is the author of the " American Admiralty ; " " A Run Through Europe," a book of travels of which a third edition was published in 1868 ; the Hymn of Hildebert, and other mediaeval hymns, with translations ; of various pam- phlets, reviews, speeches and addresses on literary, religious, and political subjects, published at various times during the past thirty years, including the " Beginning of America," the anniversary discourse before the New York Historical Society, in 1863. In 1840, he delivered the anniversary address before the society of alumni, of Williams college, in which institu* tion he has established several prizes. The degree of LL. D., was conferred upon him by Rutgers college, in 1865. He has, for the past twenty-eight years, been a member of the executive committee of the New York Historical Society; has been a trustee of Williams college, since 1855 ; a man- ager of the New York association to improve the condition of the poor, since its organization in 1848; and a manager of the American Art Union while it existed. He has also been one of the governors of the State Woman's Hospital, since that institution was incorporated. GEORGE Bo WEN. 59 Mr. BENEDICT was elected to the Senate by a majority of 4,842 over MICHAEL NORTON, who had been chosen to the preceding Senate by a majority of over 500. He is Chair- man of the Committee on Literature, and is a member of the Committees on Cities, Militia, Engrossed Bills, and Joint Library. He is a ready and fluent debater, erer vigilant for the public weal, and especially devoted to the great metropo- lis which he has loved so long and so well. GEORGE BOWEN. Mr. BOWEN represents the twenty-ninth Senatorial dis- trict, which is composed of the counties of Niagara, Orleans and Genesee. He is in the prime of life ; just that age when the maturity of thought and the vigor of youth blend most effectively. He was born at Shelby, Orleans county, N. Y., September 28th, 1831. His mother's maiden name was ANNA CONE ; and his father was Dr. ABIEL BOWEN, who, in his earlier years, was a practising physician, but for the last twenty years of his life a farmer. Until Mr. BOWEN was fourteen years of age, he enjoyed only the educational advantages of the common school. After that time, he attended the Millville academy, in Orleans county, and the Gary Collegiate Institute in Genesee county. He also taught school a couple of winters. But his chief aim was to adopt the practice of the law for his profession ; and with this end in view, he studied with Hon. JOHN H. MARTJNDALE. Hon. SETII WAKEMAN, and WIL- LIAM G. BRYAN, at Batavia. He was admitted to the bar in December, 1852, at Rochester, and, it is curious to note, among his examiners on that occasion was Hon. JAMES WOOD, then district-attorney of Livingston county, and now v O / -' a member of the same Senate in which Mr. BOWEN sits. 60 LIFE SKETCHES. Four years after his admission to the bar, his legal abilities received recognition from the Republican party by an election to the office of district-attorney for Genesee county. In 1862 he was appointed postmaster at Batavia, by President LINCOLN, and remained in that capacity for four years. In Batavia, Mr. BOWEN is recognized as a first-class busi- ness man. He is a Director of the First National Bank of Batavia, and President of the Holland Purchase Insurance Company. He is also a Trustee of the State Institution for the Blind, at Batavia having been appointed to this posi- tion of trust by Governor HOFFMAN and is Chairman of its Executive committee. The tenure of these places of responsi- bility and prominence by Mr. BOWEN, bespeaks the full con- fidence reposed in him by such of his fellow-citizens as knew him best. In 1869 he was elected to the Senate, when, by reason of the party to which he belongs being in the minority, there was not that opportunity for him to do justice to himself, which has been afforded him in the present Senate. Never- theless, he exhibited such a wide-awake attention to the wants of his constituents, and to the general welfare of the State, that he was renominated with enthusiasm and elected by a larger vote than he received at first. Charges, impeach- ing his integrity, were made by certain parties, during the canvass, with a view to defeat him, and a mass meeting was called at Albion to nominate a Republican candidate against him. But the Senator, in "A card to the electors of the Twenty- Ninth Senatorial District," so answered and disposed of the charges aimed at him, and placed their author in such a bad light by laying bare the animus that inspired the attacks, that the opposition convention proved weak and harmless, and without appreciable adverse effect on Senator Bo"V\"EX ? s candi- dacy. He was elected in 1869 by a vote of 2,096, and was re- elected by 2.692. In the last Senate, Senator BOWEX was a member of the committees on Claims. Villages and Printing, and Sub-committee of the Whole. In the present Senate, THOMAS J. CHATFIELD. 61 he is chairman of 1 three important committees Claims Printing and the Sub-committee of the Whole, better known as the " grinding committee," and is a member of the Judici- ary, Literature and Villages committees. No constituency, we venture to say, ever had a more faithful representative. Mr. BOWEN has an eminently legal mind, and speaks with so much clearness, force and fluency as always to command attention. THOMAS J. CHATFIELD. THOMAS J. CHATFIELD, who represents the twenty-fourth Senatorial district, was born in Great Harrington, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, September 16th, 1818. His father, JOHN" CHATFIELD, came from Oxford, Connecticut, where he was born in 1792. He held the rank of Major in the old Massachusetts militia, and died in Owego, Tioga Co., JST. Y., the residence of the Senator in the summer of 1865. The subject of our sketch received a good substantial education in the comnnon schools of Great Harrington, and still holds pleasant remembrances of the old central school house, of which he was an inmate for a number of terms. While he was yet a boy, the military spirit which he inherited from his father, induced him to organize and command a military company composed entirely of young lads. At the age of twenty-one years he laid aside his school books, and at once embarked in active business. The virtue of per- severance has been strikingly illustrated in the Senator's long and successful career as a merchant. Beginning his business life as a grocer, a grocer he has remained ever since, finding in the steady and industrious pursuit of that branch of trade a large measure of prosperity. He has carried on business in the town of Owego in which he now resides, for the past thirty-four years. 62 LIFE SKETCHES. Mr. CHATFIELD has often been honored by his fellow citi- zens with that distinguished mark of confidence election to office. He has filled a number of responsible positions, and has always acquitted himself to the entire satisfaction of those whom he has represented, and to his own great credit. He has been Supervisor of his town, and Trustee and Presi- dent of the village. In 1852 he was selected to represent the county of Tioga in the Assembly. In the year 1868 he was a delegate to the memorable Eepublican National Con- vention at Chicago, which called together such an array of distinguished men, and which nominated General GRANT for the presidency. Mr. CHATFIELD is, and has been since the formation of the Republican party, an ardent and uncompro- mising Eepublican. In the politics of the long past he was a Whig. He was nominated to the position which he now holds, under circumstances peculiarly gratifying. In a district where three such sterling men as Messrs. CHATFIELD, SELKREG and CHAPMAX were pressed for nomination, as was the case in the twenty-fourth senatorial district, when last its nominating convention met to name a Senator, it was impossible to go amiss, and very easy for each one of the three to be defeated because of the excellencies of his com- petitors. In choosing Mr. CHATFIELD, the convention stamped him as one of the most honored and successful Republicans in the southern tier of counties. Two years previous to his election to the Senate, such was his popularity throughout the State that the position of Treasurer was given to him on the State ticket. He was elected Senator by a majority of 4,169. He brings to the duties of his office sound judgment, large capacity for public affairs and incorruptible integrity. He is Chairman of two committees, Roads and Bridges, and Grievances; and is a member of the committees on Canals and Public health. TOWNSEND D. COCK. 63 TOWNSEND D. COCK. The subject of this sketch, who represents the first Sena- torial District of the State, comprising the counties of Suf- folk, Queens and Richmond, was born December 3, 1838, at Locust Valley, Queens county, upon the farm where he now resides, which has been in the possession of his ances- tors from the first settlement of the country. His ancestors were Quakers, and he was educated in their religious faith. The writer of the " Townsend Memorial" aflirms that be is descended in ten different ways from the three TOWXSEXD brothers who emigrated from England and settled upon Long Island. He received a common school education, and intended to avail himself of the advantages of a collegiate course, with a view of adopting the legal profession, but his health fail- ing him, he was reluctantly compelled to abandon the inten- tion he had thus formed. Soon after attaining his majority he was urged by numer- ous friends to permit his name to be used in connection with the position of representative from his Assembly district, in the Legislature, which he declined. In 1863 and 1864 he was elected Vice-President of the Queens County Agricultural Society, one of the most prosperous and successful organiza- tions devoted to the advancement of the interests of Agricul- ture in this State. In 1867 he was chosen Supervisor of his town, serving in that capacity for five years, being elected the last year without opposition, and honored with the Chair- manship of the Board in 1870. In the summer of 1871 his name was brought forward by his friends as a candidate for the position he now holds. After a severe and prolonged contest in the Senatorial Convention he received the nomination and immediatelv entered earnestlv 64 LIFE SKETCHES. upon the canvass. A strong and powerful influence was brought to bear against him, through the instrumentality of money, which, coupled with the fact that his opponent was an active and industrious worker, rendered the canvass an exciting one, but Mr. COCK was successful and secured his election by eight hundred and sixty-eight majority. A large number of representative Eepublicans throughout the Dis- trict gave him their warm and earnest support. In the fall of 1864 he was invited to deliver the annual address before the Eockland County Agricultural Society at their exhibition, which invitation was accepted. We subjoin the following extract from the same as an illustration of his style : " So also would I urge upon you as farmers to beautify and to adorn your homes as the best means of instilling in the minds of your children a love of, and admiration for, the useful, the noble, the beautiful and the good. In proportion as you make your habitations inviting and pleasing, you bind the boy just budding into usefulness and about to draw around him the drapery of manhood with indissoluble ties to the genial moral atmosphere of country life. That home which is devoid of the presence of flowers, whose possessor manifests no taste nor inclination to beautify it, and to impart to it an interest, by planting a shrub here, or a tree there, becomes but a sphere of drudgery and toil, upon which the young candidate for the honors of the farm looks with supreme disgust, rather than as a spot upon which he can center his affections and lavish his unoccupied time, in em- bellishing it with whatever his tastes might suggest. That habitation becomes in his eyes a field where the golden hours of his youth must be spent in the oftentimes vain endeavors to gain a competency ; as a sphere of operation where he must engage in the stern struggle of life, with but little prospect of a decisive victory; and., in the absence of those pleasant objects upon which he might bestow his attentions, when released from the severer exactions of the farm, he becomes disheartened and dispirited, and the duties of his pursuit S *S'. DICKINSON. 65 become irksome and disagreeable. Without any elaborate argument upon this point, which time will not permit, allow me to urge upon you as a part of your duties, the necessity for the more general embellishment of your homes. Make them reflect in their surroundings that purity which is inseparable from country life ; make them spots that you and your children will love ; make them, by the exercise of judi- cious taste and right management, the abodes of unques- tioned happiness and genuine enjoyment. Plant there the purest flowers, fitting types, appropriate representatives of that spirit which should lead you upward to the habitations of the good; dedicate that home to truth, to love, to justice, and to right." Mr. COCK is a member of the following important stand- ing committees : Railroads, Roads and Bridges, and Internal Affairs of Towns and Counties. Not often addressing the Senate, and never needlessly, he is ever vigilant for the inter- ests committed to his hands, and can retire at the end of his term with the consciousness that he has left nothing undone, within his ability, that would promote the welfare of the first Senatorial District. WELLS S. DICKINSON. The seventeenth Senatorial district, comprising the coun- ties of Franklin and St. Lawrence, is represented by WELLS S. DICKINSON, of Franklin, lie conies from a section of the Empire State which has always been in the van of liberal and progressive ideas, a section proud of its PKESTON KING, its Si i. AS WRIGHT, and which has produced many sons who have been potent in shaping the policy of State and nation. The subject of this sketch was born at Bangor, Franklin county, where he still resides, in the year 18'-27. and is of gen- uine American descent. After receiving the rudiments of 66 LIFE SKETCHES. his education at a common school, he entered the Franklin academy in his native county, where he remained two years. He then, in the year 1846, laid aside his books, and engaged in mercantile pursuits with his father, whom he joined as partner in 1850. In 1851 he took to himself a wife, marrying Miss THUSA FISH. In 1853 he bought out his father's interest in the business and associated Mr. A. C. PATTERSON with him- self. The copartnership thus formed continued until the year 1865, when he also admitted Mr. CHARLES WHITNEY into the firm, and carried on business under the name of PATTERSON, WHITNEY & Co. In 1857 Mr. WHITNEY went out of the concern and Mr. DICKINSON'S brother took his place. During all this time, however, Mr. DICKINSON had devoted himself chiefly to his private and individual business, the manufacture of potato starch and speculation in starch, hops, etc. In addition to the pursuits, thus indicated, Mr. DICKINSON ran for some years extensive grist and saw mills, of which he was the owner, and had business interests at Red Wing, Minnesota, as member of the firm of SMITH, MEIGS & Co. Thus much for the Senator's business history, and now a glance at his public and political life. In politics he was formerly a Whig, but now is and has been for years an active and ardent Republican. His personal popularity at home is shown in the fact that for three successive years, 1857-8-0, he was elected Supervisor of his native town. In 1850 the Legislature of Xew York appointed him one of the Commis- sioners to whom was intrusted the settlement of the claim and damages arising on the contract between the State and J. D. KINGSLAND relative to convict labor. Senator DICKINSON began his legislative career some years ago. In 1860 he represented the county of Franklin in the Assembly in a manner at once creditable to himself and sat isfactory to his constituents. He was a member of one of the most important committees in the House, that on Rail- road?. In 1864 ho was a delegate to the memorable Republi- WILLIAM FOSTER. 6? can national convention which met at Baltimore and renom inated ABRAHAM LINCOLN for the Presidency. Senator DICKINSON was nominated by acclamation for the position which he now holds. He was the unanimous choice of Franklin county and acceptable to the entire district. Two years previous, when his name had been presented by his county, the convention paid him the marked compliment of passing a resolution recognizing him as " an upright and patriotic citizen, a reliable and active Eepublican, and one whom the people of the seventeenth district hold in high respect." He entered actively into the campaign and was elected by the handsome majority of 6.925. He is chairman of the Committee on Villages and Indian affairs, and a mem- ber of the Committees on Claims, Roads and Bridges and State Prisons. As a politician Mr. DICKINSON has an honorable reputa- tion, and his course since he has been Senator has been such as to justly entitle him to the confidence and respect of his constituents. WILLIAM FOSTER. WILLIAM FOSTER of Cleveland, Oswego county, represents the twenty-first Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Oswego and Madison. For many years this district was one of the Gibraltars of the Democracy '-'old Oswego'' being one of their most reliable strongholds. But this state of tilings has been changed, and now the twenty-first district under ordinary circumstances is conceded to the Republicans. The subject, of the present sketch was born in Leuham, Kent county, England, on the 2?th clay of December, 1813. Both his parents were of Scotch extraction. He received a good substantial education, attending the academy at Maid- stone in liis native countv, and also one at Hiirstmonaux 68 LIFE SKETCHES. in Sussex, which bounds Kent on the south. At the age of seventeen he emigrated from "merrie old England," and sailed for this country. The year 1830 found him settled on the Oneida Lake, getting his living by clerking it. As a clerk he remained for five years, and at the end of that time left the Empire State and traveled in the Old Dominion. A little later, the mood for travel still on him, he visited Louisiana and Texas. In 1837 leaving the south he took up his quarters in the great north-west and spent the next two succeeding years in farming. In 1839 he returned to Xew York State and took np his residence at Cleveland, Oswego county, where he has since resided. Mr. FOSTER has been actively engaged for many years as a manufacturer of Avindow glass. He also carries on the busi- ness of tanning. In 1867 he became identified with the construction of the Midland Railroad, as director and active agent, positions which he still holds. The Senator has always taken a deep interest in politics. He was formerly a Whig, and gave his first vote, in 1840, for WILLIAM HENRY HARRISOX. for President. Subsequently he sympathized strongly with the anti-slavery movement, and became what was known as an Abolitionist. Since the formation of "he Republican party he has been prominently identified with that organization. He was elected to the Senate by a majority of 4.130 over his Democratic opponent. He holds the Chairmanship of two Committees Erection and Division of Towns and Counties and Poor Laws. He is also a member of the Com- mittee on Railroads. Senator FOSTER very seldom addresses the Senate, but he appreciates the wants and wishes of his constituents, and In- deed, if not by word, is potent for the interest of the twenty- first district. JAMES H. GRAHAM. 69 JAMES H. GRAHAM. The twenty-third Senatorial district, consisting of the counties of Chenango, Delaware and Schoharie, is repre- sented by the subject of the present sketch, JAMES II. GRA- HAM. Senator GRAHAM was born in Bovina, Delaware county, New York, on the 18th of September, 1812, and, conse- quently, is now in his sixty-first year. He is of Scotch descent, both on his father's and mother's side. After receiv- ing a good, substantial education in the common schools of Franklin, lie began his fight for a place in the world without availing himself of a collegiate training. He has been, in the course of his active life, a farmer, merchant and banker, but some years since retired from business. The Senator has long been prominently identified with the town of Delhi, in which he has resided for many years. A service of twelve years' duration as Justice of the Peace dem- onstrates how acceptably he has decided between man and man. while a decade of years spent as Supervisor speaks volumes for his knowledge of affairs, his business capacity, and the confidence reposed in him by those among whom his life lias been spent. During the last five years of his term as Supervisor he was made Chairman of the Board. Senator GRAHAM has always been an active participant in polil leal matter?, and is strong in his attachment to the party of his choice. Since the formation of the Republican party he has been a staunch Republican, even as in earlier days, and before the Missouri compromise was repudiated, he was an ardent "Whig. In IS,")*] lie was a member of the Republican National Convention, and in 1808 was placed on the Republican electoral ticket. 70 LIFE SKETCHES. In 1858, at the Convention called to nominate a Congress- man, to be supported by the Republicans of the nineteenth Congressional district (composed of the counties of Dela- ware and Otsego), the Delaware delegation presented the name of JAMES H. GRAHAM as their candidate for a seat in the thirty-sixth Congress. The nomination met the unani- mous approval of the Convention, and, after it had been formally made, the following resolution was adopted as the sense of the Convention : ' ; Resolved, That we present with pleasure the name of JAMES H. GRAHAM, of Delhi, to our fellow-citizens of this Congressional district, and can heartily commend him as honest, capable and faithful, and one to whose hands our cherished principles can with safety be committed." As a member of the Thirty-sixth Congress, Mr. GRAHAM participated in the famous battle which finally resulted in the choice of Governor PEXXIXGTOX, of Xew Jersey, for Speaker, after two months of ineffectual balloting for SHER- MAX and BOCOCK. He was a member in Congress of the Committee on Accounts. In 1871 he was sent to the Assembly from the second dis- trict of Delaware county, and served on the Committee on Federal Relations. He was elected to the Senate by a majority of 4,804-, a handsome figure, considering the fact that Senator GRAHAM'S immediate predecessor was returned to the Senate over an able and popular Republican, by a majority of 1,355. He is Chairman of two Committees on Retrenchment and on Internal Affairs of Towns and Counties, and is a member of the Committee on Agriculture. Senator GRAHAM makes a prudent and sagacious, though an unobtrusive, legislator. Strong in the confidence reposed in him by the people, he watches the interests of his con- stituents and those of the State with equal vigilance. GABRIEL T. HARROWKK. 71 GABRIEL T. HARROWER. The Senator from the Twenty-seventh is one of those men who, though quiet and unobtrusive in their demeanor, are, nevertheless, alert, reflective and sagacious. Their voices ma) 7 not be heard in the forum; they may not enter into the inner circles of the political arena ; they may not gain a hear- ing through flowing periods in the press ; but they read closely, think deeply, and, consequently, form opinions from which they are not easily shaken. Such men, in the main, are our farmers who represent the agricultural interests of our State, and of their number is Senator GABRIEL T. HAKROWER. He was born in C'henango county in the year 1810. After receiving a common school education, he spent some time in attendance upon the lyceuin at Geneva, Ontario county. Since reaching manhood he has devoted himself to farming and the lumber business. He stands well with the people of Steu- ben county, in which he now resides, and in 1853 they elected him Sheriff of the county. He has also held the office of Supervisor at Lindley, the town in which he resides. The Senator participated in the grand work which, through blood and tears, came to a successful consummation the redemp- tion of the Kepublic as accomplished in the late war. He went to the front in command of the 161st regiment, served in the Department of the Gulf under General BAXKS. and was a participant in the famous seige of Port Hudson. His record throughout was honorable and free from any .stain. The Senator has, through all his life, taken a deep interest in politics. In 1848 he was a " Free Soileiy' so-called, and cast his ballot lor VAN' BUREX and ADAMS. In 185G JOHX (.'. FREMOXT was his man. He voted twice fur LIXCOLX and once for GRAXT. and in the Presidential election last fall for HORATK GHEKI.KY. 72 LIFE SKETCHES. The Senator was elected to his present office after a closely contested canvass, and had to rest content with a majority of 107 and the reflection that, for all practical purposes, that number sufficed as well as if it had been ten thousand. He serves on the Militia, State Prisons and Agriculture Com- mittees ; is punctual and regular in his attendance upon the sessions of the Senate, and an attentive and appreciative observer of all that comes up for deliberation. Saying very little, he, nevertheless, evidently "keeps up a deal of think- ing." WILLIAM JOHNSON. Senator JOHXSOX is the acknowledged wit of the Senate. He has a keen sense of the ludicrous, and frequently chooses to place an adversary hors du combat by a racy repartee, rather than force his surrender by the slow processes of logi- cal reasoning. He rarely allows a subject to be disposed of without putting his mark upon it, and " is so full of pleasing anecdote, So rich, so gay, so poignant in his wit, Time vanishes before him as he speaks." Urbane and pleasant in his address, and carrying around with him " the atmosphere of gay. good cheer,'' he is a very popular gentleman. A natural talker, fluent and facile on a great variety of subjects, he is one of the marked men of the Senate. Senator Joiixsox represents the Twenty-sixth district, including within its territory the counties of Ontario, Seneca and Yates. He is a native of the good old Bay State, and is now not far from 50 years of age. lie is of unmixed English descent, the son of DAVID and OLIVE STODARD O ' Jonxsox. His father died in 1855. at Herkimer, Herkimer county, this State. The subject of our sketch came to Xew WILLIAM JOHNSON. 73 York while he was yet an infant, with his parents, who took up their residence in Ilerkimer county. He received a com- mon school education, and subsequently was engaged some five years in mercantile pursuits. From 1849 until 185G he followed the business of jobbing, as a contractor on the canals, and afterward was engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods at Seneca Falls, where he now resides. Of late years he has become prominently known as a railroad con- tractor. In 18G2, having the year previous represented the county of Seneca in the Assembly, he felt moved to do his share in putting down the rebellion, arguing, doubtless, that it was useless to concern oneself about making laws for a country until it had first been conclusively settled in the minds of all men that there was, and was to be, a country capable of enforcing obedience to its laws and maintaining its own exist- ence. He raised the 148th regiment Xew York State volun- teers and commanded it until near the close of the year 18G3, when he resigned and returned to civil life. In the Assembly of 1861 he was assigned a place on two important committees Canals and Commerce and Naviga- tion, and made an intelligent and useful legislator. He was adjudged to have possessed a large degree of representative ability, and to have faithfully and efficiently discharged his official duties. Mr. JOITXSOV was elected to the Senate from a district usually carried by his political opponents, and his success under the circumstances was a signal proof of great popu- larity. Xot withstanding the other side had a record of 332 majority for 1800 to take heart with, he succeeded in wiping those' figures out and gaining the Senatorship by a majority of ( .Mi4. He is on the Standing Committees on Canals. Manufactures and Grievances, and was Chairman of the Special Committee appointed to investigate certain charges against Kx-Scnator TWEED. 74 LIFE SKETCHES. The Senator was married in the summer of 1855 to ANGELINE CHAMBERLAIN, daughter of the Hon. JACOB P. CHAMBERLAIN. LORAN L. LEWIS. The Senator from the Thirty-first district, which consists of the county of Erie, is Hon. LOR AX L. LEWIS, who was born in 1825, near the city of Auburn, Cayuga county. Of five children, LORAN L. was the third; Dr. Dio LEWIS, of Boston, well known as an author, journalist and lecturer on physiology, and the laws of life and health, is an elder brother, and Dr. GEORGE W. LEWIS, of Buffalo, a younger. His two sisters reside at the west, one of them being the wife of Dr. TISDALE, of Indianapolis. The subject of this sketch shared in serious pecuniary misfortunes which befel the family, and was early brought into painful contact with the rough side of life. When about eighteen years of age. he warmly enlisted in the Washington temperance movement, and was recognized as one of the most effective speakers of that organization in the county where he resided. This fact is mentioned, not because of its importance per se, but to give the key-note to his whole life. In all situations he has been an earnest, practical, working American citizen. Mr. LEWIS was educated at Auburn, receiving the advanta- ges of an academical course. He then studied law with Judge HULBERT, and finished his legal course in the office of SEWARD & BLAITHFORD of that city. After his admission to the bar, in 1848, he removed to Buffalo, and devoted him- self with untiring zeal to the practice of his profession. Achieving but moderate success for a few years, he toiled on, occupying an obscure office, accepting no adventitious aids, unwavering in the faith that interrritv and fidelity \vould LORAN L. LEWIS. 75 eventually command success. The result has fully justified his confidence. For several years past he has had a large and lucrative practice, and has devoted his entire attention and time to the trial of causes, civil and criminal, in the courts of Erie and adjoining counties. A large proportion of his cases have been those in which he has acted as counsel for other lawyers. Although he has always taken a deep interest in political affairs, yet Mr. LEWIS has not, until within a very recent period, been known as a politician. Absorbed in the profession of his choice, nominations have sought him and not he nom- inations, and he persistently declined to stand for office until 1869, when without any wire-pulling on his part, he was named by acclamation, by the Republican electors of Erie, for the position which he now holds. He succeeded Hox. A. P. NICHOLS, a Democrat, who had been elected two years previous by 1,400 majority. Mr. LEWIS' election by a major- ity of 259, furnished signal proof of the estimation in which he is held by those who must be presumed to know him best. He served on the Committees on Canals, Internal Affairs and Commerce and Navigation, and established such a reputation for forensic ability and legislative capacity, that his gratified constituents re-elected him by the handsome majority of 1.845. The Senator was originally a free soil Democrat, but has been a member of the Republican party since its organization. In the present Senate he is Chairman of the important Com- mittee on Canals, and a member of the Committees on Com- merce and Navigation, and Privileges and Elections. 76 LIFE SKETCHES. JARVIS LORD. Mr. LORD, the Senator from the Twenty-eighth district, was born at Ballston, Saratoga county, February 10, 1816. He is in the prime of life, and as vigorous as he was at twenty-five ; cf good physical proportions, an excellent con- stitution, and a temperament adapted to severe endurance, botli of body and mind ; he has been favored with good health, and seldom tires by active labor. Mr. LORD was the son of poor parents, and had no other educational advantages than those afforded by the common schools in the days of his boyhood. He availed himself of these, however, so far as to acquire a tolerable knowledge of those branches which were to be most essential to his future success in business life. He early adopted the avocation of farming, and though, during most of his subsequent life, he has had large interests in other pursuits, he has made the farm his home, and has taken a pride in the culture of the soil. He lias resided, for thirty years or more, at Pitts- ford, seven miles from Rochester, and has there one of the best cultivated and most productive farms in Monroe county. He takes delight in the cultivation of fruit, and the raising of stock, devoting himself particularly to horses, of which he is a great admirer. Mr. LORD has always been a Democrat of the JACKSON and WRIGHT school. Devoted to the Union, he warmly espoused the Federal cause at the beginning of the rebellion, and gave freely to promote the national interests, and, it is said, did more than any other man in his town to keep the calls for men filled, and to help the soldiers in the field and at home. He has enjoyed a personal popularity in his own town, equaled by few men, and when nominated for office, his neighbors have supported him with enthusiasm, lie was JAR vis LORD. *7u made the recipient of a testimonial, in the spring of 1871, which spoke- volumes as to his success in office, and his assured place in the confidence of those who had intrusted vital interests to his keeping. Serving two terms in the lower House, and one term in the upper one, he had devel- oped signal legislative capacity, and an unfaltering devotion to the best interests of his constituents. On his return home in 1871, at the end of his first Senatorial term, his constituents gave expression to their appreciation of their gratitude for his services in their regard by affording for his acceptance a testimonial in the shape of an elaborate service of plate. The presentation ceremonies took place at the Senator's residence at Pittsford, and a special train was run from Eochester for the accommodation of the large number who desired to be present on the interesting occasion. The trees upon the grounds connected with the house were hung with many colored lanterns, producing, with the brilliantly lighted house, a fine effect. After the company had paid their respects to the Senator and his beautiful and charming wife, the testimonial was produced, and WILLIAM N. SAGE, on behalf of the admirers of the Senator, spoke as follows : PRESENTATION ADDRESS BY WILLIAM 1ST. SAGE. SENATOR : Some of your neighbors and friends, without regard to their political affinities and associations, have met together in your own quiet home to bear testimony to the zeal, the tact, the ability, and the faithfulness you have manifested for the past two years in every interest connected with this Senatorial district. On the great and fundamental political questions of the day we may honestly differ, and yet at the same time award due praise and honor to the man who, in practical legislation, proves himself a faithful public servant, and who represents his district in all its just claims, as you have nobly done, and who, when the conflict and strife are over, can return to those you have so faithfully served, and receive from all the welcome plaudit, " well 76* LIFE SKETCHES. done ; " in which welcome the orphan, the sick, the home- less, the child of poverty, and even the wayward boy, will unite with a hearty " God bless you." Far distant may that day be when the great State of New York shall cease her interest in the various charities and educational institutions which have so honored her history, and which must and shall be sustained. Rather let her in all that elevates and refines humanity be true to her own noble motto, " Excel- sior," "higher, still higher." But I am not here to deliver a speech, but come with other friends to bear testimony of personal regard for your faithfulness, and to leave in your own home the evidence of that regard. Accept then, Senator, from these friends this service of silver in the spirit intended, and we shall carry away with us pleasant memories of this evening's interview. The remarks of Mr. SAGE, finely delivered as they were, appeared to express the sentiments of the gentlemen present. The address was received with applause. Senator LORD replied as follows : REPLY OF SENATOR LORD. GENTLEMEXJ: I have no language adequate to the expression of my sense of gratitude and the fullness of my heart for this manifestation of confidence and respect on the part of my friends. This present is beautiful and valuable, as regards gold and silver, but the sentiments which accompany it, and the language so beautifully expressing them, make it more valuable to me than all the treasures on earth and this value is greatly enhanced by the fact that the "present" comes from my friends, without distinction of party. It i< only about eighteen months since I attended a convention for the nomination of a candidate to represent this district in the Senate of the State of New York. As an humble member of that Convention, I was ardently in faror of the nomination of a gentleman whom I thought better qualified to represent the district than any other person whose name JAR vis LORD. C 76 had been mentioned, but by his tact and eloquence, and by the decision of the convention, I was honored with that nomination. I left the convention with a sad and heavy heart. The thoughts which revolved in my mind were, that in case of my election I would be expected to represent the district as ably as the distinguished gentlemen who had pre- ceded me men learned in the law, and men who enjoyed the confidence and respect of all who knew them. But election day came and I had every reason to feel proud of the result. That result was accomplished by Republican votes, and upon assuming the duties of the office I felt obligated, and it was my determination to represent the whole people of the district without distinction of party, to the best of my ability ; how well I have succeeded is for the people to judge. I may have made mistakes, but I assure you, gentle- men, they were of the head, not of the heart. I have been a resident of this county for nearly forty years. I came here when a mere boy, without money, and, as it were, without friends. During all this long residence I have received uniformly nothing but kindness and friend- ship from all classes of my fellow citizens. I hope to remain among you the remainder of my life, and if I can succeed in retaining your esteem and good will, my ambition will be satisfied. For whatever success has attended my labors as Senator, I owe much to the gentlemen with whom I was associated. I have been treated by them all, without dis- tinction of party, with the utmost kindness, but what sus- tained me most was the reflection that I had the strong arms and warm hearts of a united constituency at home to indorse my actions. While I have been obliged to make many sac- rifices respecting my own comfort socially and my interests pecuniarily by neglect of private affairs, and while the duties of the office have been responsible and laborious, your pres- ence here to-night and the kind words you have spoken have repaid me a thousand fold. Gentlemen, I can only thank you for this beautiful and 76 d LIFE SKETCHES. valuable testimonial, and the flattering expressions with which you have accompanied it. I can assure you that I shall treasure your gift and your words in grateful memory while life lasts, and whatever may be my lot in the future, I can never fail to feel under the deepest obligations to the people of Monroe county. In conclusion, gentlemen, I can only say that my fervent prayers shall ever be for the prosperity and happiness of you and yours, and that through the remaining journey of life your pathway may be strewn with flowers. The remarks of Senator LOKD were received with ap- plause. CHARLES B. HILL now stepped forward and read the fol- lowing letters : BUFFALO, May 26, 1871. DEAR SIR I have to thank you for your kind favor of the 26th instant, and exceedingly regret that very important business engagements compel my attendance in New York at that time. Please accept my compliments for yourself and friends, and assure them that I envy the good time they are to have with our wide-hearted, generous gentleman, the honorable Senator. With great respect, your friend, F. A. ALBERGER. COL. JAMES BRACKETT. FIFTH AVENUE HOTEL, NEW YORK, May 27, 1871. COL. JAMES BRACKETT : MY DEAR SIR I have just i*eceived an invitation to be present at the presentation of a testimonial to the Hon. JARVIS LORD, on Monday evening, the 29th hist. Not having been favored with the privilege of contributing, I feel more sensibly the honor of the invitation, I sincerely JAR vis LORD. 7fi regret that my attendance upon the national insurance convention now assembled in this city, will prevent the possibility of my acceptance. The participation of citizens, " irrespective of party," in this testimonial is a compliment which does well-merited honor to the honorable Senator, and is worthy the high character and independence of his constituents. It is an auspicious omen that public services so eminent, so disin- terested, so valuable to the whole community, receive such recognition. I cannot allow this occasion to pass, without joining with my old fellow citizens in contributing some little memento of my cordial sympathy with their generous movement, and of my own high personal regard for those nobler qualities of heart and head, which so justly entitle the honorable Senator to the love and respect which he so uni- versally enjoys. Please add the trifling token herewith sent to the testimonial, and convey to my honorable friend, the Senator, the best wishes and congratulations of his and your friend and humble servant, GEO. W. MILLER. The formality of presentation over, the presents were inspected and admired. The testimonial consisted of the following articles : Silver server, coffee urn, two tea pots, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, slop bowl, card dish, fruit stand and soup tureen. The articles are all solid sterling silver, hand- somely engraved and gold lined. The silver is marked : " Hox. JAKVIS LORD, from the citizens of the twenty-eighth Senatorial district of New York, as an acknowledgment of faithful services." All the other articles are marked with the monogram, >% J. L." in handsome old English letter. The cost of the testimonial was $2,500. The company present now scattered through the tastefully furnished rooms. Some chatted and smoked upon the ver- andahs, and others resorted to the "'bath-room." Congratu- 76 f LIFE SKETCHES. lations were exchanged with Senator LOKD, and all were in the best of spirits over the occasion. The following is a partial list of those who were present : W. H. Bowman, W. H. Crennell, John Lutes, Martin Briggs, B. M. Baker, E. E. Sill, S. B. Roby, Win. N. Sage, Wm. L. Sage, 0. B. Hill, R. E. Sherlock, A. J. Warner, Henry Churchill, James X. Phelan, Ezra Jones, Win. C. Rowley, Theodore E. Smith. George G. Clarkson, W. H. Gorsline, Frederick Cook, George J. Whitney, Charles H. Chapin, Win. R. Seward, Lewis Selye, W. H. Benjamin. Simon Stettheimer, E. B. Jennings, George E. Jennings, C. A. Kellogg, C. II. Mason, Wm. H. Cum- mings, C. H. Stillwell, A. G. Wheeler, Bernard Hughes, Oliver Ladue, S. M. Spencer, T. W. Tone, J. H. Pool, A. V. Smith, Thomas Leighton, D. Richmond, Henry C. Frost, James R. Chamberlain, E. S. Ettenheimer, C. E. Upton, Levi S. Fulton, F. Dewitt Clarke, Dr. B. L. Hovey, Dwight Knapp, E. C. Purcell, Wm. Mudgett, M. F. Reynolds, James Bellows, E. F. Hyde, H. P. Langworthy, L. A'. Pratt, J. W. Mcllhenny, John H. Howe, Edgar Holmes, Chas. F. Smith, Harvey W. Brown, W. A. Reynolds, Seth Green, Jas. 0. How- ard, Byron Holley, W. B. Duffy, W. W. Reid, Frank A. Baker, A. Carver, Mr. Miller, Levi A. Ward. The above are all of Rochester. The following from other localities were also in attendance: C. C. B.Walker, Corning; Hon. Benjamin F. Angel, Geneseo ; William C. Dryer, Victor ; D. A. Ogden, Penn Yan; James M. Wilsie, Pittsford: I. H. Sutherland, Pittsford. The press were represented by the following: William Purcell and George G. Cooper, Rochester Union ; Francis S. Rew, Rochester Express; Charles S. Collins, Sun- day Xewslctter; S. C. Cleveland, Penn Yan Chronicle; R. L. Adams, Geneva Courier ; J. A. Hoekstra, Rochester Demo- crat and Chronicle. Choice Music by a brass band, and an elegant supper, brought the memorable occasion to a close. And now a few details of that legislative career, of which we have spoken, and the Senator's business history. He was JARVIS LORD. 77 elected to the Assembly in 1858 on the Democratic ticket, when the district went Kepublican by several hundreds. He was elected again in 1866, by a majority of fifteen over a strong opponent, when the district gave Governor FENTON six hundred majority. At the opening of the Legislature, in 1867, his party presented him as the Democratic candi- date for Speaker, and sustained him by an unbroken vote ; but the Republican majority in the House accomplished the election of Mr. PITTS. He has once or more served as Super- visor. Mr. LORD has been engaged for many years in building canals in this State, and he enjoys a wide reputation as a contractor. He is President of the Bank of Monroe, of Rochester, a sound and reliable institution, and as a business man is well and favorably known all over central and west- ern New York. Mr. LORD was member of the last Senate, 1870-71, and \vas made Chairman of the Finance Committee. Although a new man in that body, at that time, he took a leading posi- tion from the start and gave evidence of an extensive knowledge of the wants and necessities of the State. His report on the payment of a portion of the State debt in coin, made dur- ing the first year of his term, was regarded as a paper of great clearness and force. The Senator was re-nominated under circumstances which must have been peculiarly gratifying to him, indicating, as they did, that his course as a legislator met with the hearty approval of his constituents. Before the re-nomination was made, a letter was read to the conven- tion from him, declining another senatorial term, and giving his reasons therefor. The convention not seeing eye to eye with Mr. LORD on that point, and having nominated him by acclamation, sent a committee to inform the nominee of their action, whereof the Senator appeared in the convention and said if his letter of declination would not suffice, he would vield to the wishes of his constituents and take the field. 78 LIFE SKETCHES. He was elected by a majority of 1,838, an increase of 1,138 on his majority of 1869. Mr. LORD does not claim to be an orator ; his attention has never been bestowed on the embellishments of rhetoric and elocution. Whenever he has an opinion to utter he delivers it point blank and with force, if not with grace. His shrewdness, plain sense and knowledge of the world are his leading characteristics, and they serve him well in the accomplishment of his ends as a Senator. SAMUEL S. LOWERY. SAMUEL S. LOWERY of L T tica, who represents the nine- teenth Senatorial district, consisting of the county of Oneida, was born in county Down, Ireland, on the fifth day of Feb- ruary, 1831. It would, therefore, be an Hibernicism to say that he is a Scotchman, but his ancestry, not less than his characteristics, stamp him as one who is more a Gael than a Celt. Senator LOWERY'S parents emigrated to this country when SAMUEL was about fourteen years old, and settled in Oneida county. He received a good common school education in Ireland, and. by reason of strong taste for books, he has acquired during his latter years in this country an extensive fund of knowledge. The Senator is, by occupation, a manufacturer of woolen goods. In this business he has been quite successful, and conducts, at the present time, an extensive establishment, in which he employs a large number of hands. He settled in Whitestown, Oneida county, on his arrival in this country, and there remained until the year 1848. From thence, he went to Manchester, Xew Hampshire, where he was con- nected with a woolen mill until ls.55, when he left and came SAMUEL S. LOWERY. 79 to Utica, and engaged in the dry goods business. Success crowned his efforts, and, in 1861, he abandoned dry goods to become a AVOO! dealer, and, two years later, started the mill which he has since run. In politics Senator LOWERY, although a strict believer in the principles of the Republican organization, is never bit- terly partisan. Until his election to the Assembly of 1870, he neither held nor sought office. He was chosen to that body by a majority of 448, over a worthy and popular competitor, in a district Avhere the Republican majority in the previous year was less than fifty. Serving upon the Committees on Public Education, State Charitable Institutions, and Roads and Bridges, he proved faithful to the interests of his constitu- ents, and exhibited a comprehensive knowledge of the duties of a legislator. As a member of the Committee on Education, h<:- was especially distinguished for his sturdy and unflinch- ing opposition to the policy of sectarian appropriations. Mr. LOWERY was elected to the Senate by a majority of 1,591 over his opponent who had been a member of the pre- ceding Senate, and was elected by a majority of 52, in a can- vass, in which the Republican candidate for Secretary of State received a majority of 1,023, in the nineteenth Senatorial dis- trict. Senator LOWERY is very properly placed at the head of the Committee on Manufactures ; he is also Chairman of the State Prison Committee, and a member of several other important Committees. He had the honor of renomi- nating ROSCOE COXKLIXG for United States Senator, and his speech, in joint caucus of the Republican members of the Senate and Assembly, in presenting that gentleman, was an able and eloquent effort. His name having lately been mentioned in connection with the mayoralty of Utica, the Senator informed his friends that, while representing the nineteenth Senatorial district, he felt in obligation bound to decline any other office, the holding of which might interfere Avith his Senatorial duties. Com- 80 LIFE SKETCHES. meriting on this decision, the Utica " Herald " makes some remarks which fully serve as a close for this sketch : " In accepting the office of Senator, Mr. LOWERY pledged the people of Oneida county undivided official duty. This pledge he has fully redeemed, carefully watching the inter- ests of his constituents, and those of the State. That Mr. LOWERY is grateful for this expression of the esteem of his fellow townsmen, none that know him need be assured. He has wisely chosen not to accept an office which might divide his attention, caring first to redeem, to the satisfac- tion of the most strict constructionist, the obligations assumed with the office of Senator. We congratulate the people of Oneida county, on the possession of a Senator who has so high a sense of his official obligations." Mr. LOWERY will be remembered in connection Avith the present Senate, for the prominent part he played in the dis- cussion of the charter for the city of Xew York. He stoutly insisted from the first, that the appointing power should be vested in the mayor, and defended his position with much ability and eloquence. ARCHIBALD. C. McGOWAK The Twentieth Senatorial district, composed of the coun- ties of Otsego and Herkimer, is represented by ARCHIBALD C. McGowAX. the subject of the present sketch. Residing in Herkimer, and receiving only a nominal support from Otsego, he was elected to the Senate by a large majority through force of his personal popularity at home. Not a foolish talker nor blunderer, but a straight-forward, quiet, common- sense man, lie knows his business and does it does it hon- estly, and treats every legislative measure with the same fair- ness and attention that he bestows upon his personal mat- ters. ARCHIBALD C. McGowAN. 81 Mr. McGowAN was bom in Pownal, Bennington county, Vermont, August 26, 1825. His grandfather, JAMES Mc- GOWAX, was born in Scotland in 1750, and emigrated to the colonies before the Eevolution. He served in the Conti- nental army, and subsequently settled at Hoosick, Rensselaer county, where CLARK McGowAN, father of the Senator, was born. Both of Mr. McGowAN's parents died when he Avas an infant, leaving him dependent for support and instruction npon his relatives. He received a good common school edu- cation, and afterward spent some time in attendance at the Jonesville. Saratoga county, academy, passing from thence to farming, at which he worked until his seventeenth year. The next seven years of his life he clerked it, and after that, was, by turns, a merchant, boat-builder, farmer, and dealer in lumber and coal. At the present time he is President of the Frankfort and Ilion Railroad Company. He was mar- ried at the age of twenty-five, to MARY LOUISA ROGERS, and has had three children, two of whom are dead. His sur- viving child, ARCHIBALD W. McGowAN, is now in his tenth year. Glancing at the political chapter of the Senator's life, we find that, until 1856, he was a Democrat ; in that year he voted for MILLARD FILLMORE, the candidate of the American National Convention, for the Presidency. A couple of years later he espoused the interests of the Republican party, and ever since has been actively identified with it. His legisla- tive career commenced in 1863, when he was sent to repre- sent the county of Herkimer in the Assembly. He served a second term in that body in 1866 ; in the former year he was a member of the Canal Committee, and in the latter was Chairman of the Committee on Joint Library, and a mem- ber of the Census and Apportionment and Engrossed Bills Committees. During the years 1867-8-9 he represented the town of Frankfort in the Board of Supervisors. Mr. Mc(iowAN was elected to the position which he now 82 LIFE SKETCHES. holds by a majority of 643, receiving 1,323 majority in Her- kimer county, and running ahead of the State and county ticket nearly 300. Frankfort showed her appreciation of one who is " not without honor" where he is best known, by giv- ing him 258 majority. He made a most gallant fight, and was rewarded by the largest majority .given in the county of Herkimer for any candidate, local or State, for many years. Mr. McGowAN serves in the Senate on three Committees Canals, Salt, and Agriculture. Of this last named he is Chairman, and as such, is, as one may say, the Senatorial guardian of the interests of the great branch of industry and wealth. Through him all the agricultural societies of tbe State present their affairs to the Senate. Of popular manner, and extensive acquaintance with the various industries of the State, Senator McGowAX makes a faithful and efficient servant of the people. EDWARD M. MADDEN. There are some men who. remembering the implied injunc- tion of Holy Writ contained in the exclamation, " I would thou wert either cold or hot," do whatsoever their hands find to do with unqualified fervency. They recognize no such things in the world as half-truths; to them whatever is not radically right is radically wrong, and rice versa. Their trumpets never give forth an uncertain sound or one wanting in volume, and if all the Jericho walls at which their efforts are directed do not tumble, they gazing upon some stub- born piece of masonry on which their trumpeting makes no impression have the consolation that goes with the con- sciousness of always making a red-hot and never a luke- warm fight. Senator MADDEN belongs to this school of men. He has EDWARD M. MADDEN. 83 decided convictions, and is very decided in expressing them. Once his mind is made up, he is extremely hard to move from his position, and whoever questions the faith that is in him is sure to hear the reasons on which that faith rests couched in unequivocal language. His aye and nay are like a woman's : " When he wills, he wills, you may depend on't, And if he wont, he wont, so there's an end on't." GKOKGE W. BUNG AY, the poet, in a volume of " Pen and Ink Portraits," issued in 1857, has an appreciative sketch of the subject of this biography, from which we take the following : " Senator MADDEST represents the county of Orange, where he was born, has always lived, and where he will probably die, unless political events so shape themselves that his unquenchable love of liberty, and intense hatred of slavery, should induce him to leave his Lares and Penates, and migrate to Kansas.* Like many other men of mark, he is Avholly the artificer of his own fortune. He had no advan- tages of early education. From the age of nine to fourteen he commenced fitting himself for the great battle of life as an operative in a cotton factory ; thence he pursued his studies as an apprentice in a tin shop; graduated in a hardware store, and took his final degree, as a retail merchant, at Mid- dletown, where he now has a very extensive saw factory. Nature has done much for him. Gifted with a fine consti- tution, his iron will, unbending energy, indomitable perse- verance, and unflagging industry have combined to make him a hard student and a well-read man. His mind is well stored with practical knowledge, and few men are so thor- oughly posted in the political history of our State or country. There is no man in the Senate of greater pluck or nerve. Governed in all his actions by fixed principles, nothing ever turns him from his purpose, when his course is once marked out. The State never had a more watchful guardian over * He probably has given up the idea of ^oing to Kansas. [Er?. 84 LIFE SKETCHES. its interests. He is extremely sensitive and jealous about all inroads upon the treasury more so than if it were his own private purse. His active business habits make him invalu- able on committees, and woe-betide the unlucky wight who comes before him with a doubtful claim. He participates freely in all debates, dissecting the subtleties and sophistries of lawyers with the sharp scalpel of common sense. He is a nervous, rapid speaker, and no man in the Senate is more earnest, energetic, forcible or convincing. He goes in a straight geometrical line right to the point, without any flowers of rhetoric, but with a directness that there is no mistaking. He uses no pearls of poetry, or nights of fancy, but deals altogether in the purest and strongest Anglo Saxon. He always votes in accordance with his convictions. Xo motives of policy, expediency or interest; no regard for individuals or localities ; no personal friendships can make him swerve one hair's breadth from his line of duty. He engages in no 'log rolling,' never aiding any project of doubtful propriety to secure assistance in measures of real merit." Senator MADDEX was formerly a Democrat, and was elected to the Senate in 1856-7 as an anti-Xebraska man. He was Chairman of the Insurance Committee in that body, and a member of the Finance, Claims, and Commerce and Navigation Committees. He made a good record, proving himself to be a strong, popular, earnest man. He was elected to the present Senate by a majority of 2,085 over his opponent, GEORGE M. BEEBE, a member of the present Assembly. In appointing the Committees this year, the President of the Senate placed Mr. MADDEX at the head of Railroads, a place of great honor and responsibility. HENRY C. MURPHY. 85 HENRY C. MURPHY. Mr. MURPHY enjoys the distinction of being, in a legisla- tive sense, the father of the Senate, the present being his twelfth consecutive year of service in that body. He is, not only by right of experience, but also by right of talents and accomplishments, the ranking Democrat of the Legislature, and the leader of his party in the upper house. HENRY CRUSE MURPHY was born in Brooklyn in 1810, and has ever since been a resident of that city. After receiving a preparatory education, he entered Columbia College, from which he graduated in 1830. He then commenced the study of the law with the late PETER W. RADCLIFFE, of New York, and was admitted to the bar in 1833. In the year following he married Miss AMELIA-GREENWOOD, daughter of RICHARD GREENWOOD, of Haverstraw, Rockland county, New York. Though applying himself assiduously to the duties of his profession, Mr. MURPHY found time to bestow on literary and political subjects, and was a frequent contributor to sev- eral periodicals of the day. He thus early became known in political circles, in which he has since occupied a foremost position. At the time Mr. MURPHY entered public life, the State of New York had been long pursuing, in regard to its moneyed interests, a policy which had placed the banks, in every sec- tion of the State, under the control of petty monopolists, created by political favoritism. A convention of the young men of the day assembled at Herkimer, in 1834. to which Mr. MURPHY was elected a delegate. On its organization he was appointed Chairman on Resolutions, and then, for the first time, exhibited that foresight and energy of character lor which lie has since been distinguished. He took occasion at once to introduce in the Committee, and subsequently in 86 LIFE SKETCHES. the Convention, a resolution denouncing the above policy, although the patronage which it created had been distributed for the benefit of his own party. Violent opposition was made to the adoption of this resolution, but it finally passed with some modification. It was, however, never permitted to see the light, having been suppressed in the official report of the proceedings of the Convention. Still it had its effect. The fact that the resolution had been smothered soon became known. The New York Evening Post, then edited by WM. LEGGETT, and many other journals, exposed the unfair pro- ceeding, took up the doctrine and gave it a strength and popularity which resulted, in a feAV years, in the utter pros- tration of the system of monopolized banking in the State of Xew York. Mr. MURPHY was soon after appointed Attorney and Coun- sel to the corporation of his native city, and, consequently, became familiar with the nature and operation of municipal corporations generally. In 1842 he was elected Mayor of Brooklyn. During his administration he introduced a sys- tem of retrenchment, which, mirabile dictu, actually kept the expenditures of that city within its income! He com- menced this retrenchment by the reduction of his own salary. Before the expiration of his term of office as Mayor, he was elected Member of the Twenty-eighth Congress, and took his seat, accordingly, in the House of Representatives in 1843. Although one of its youngest members, he at once secured a high position in that body; and on the tariff question advocated a system of duties for revenue purposes only, and thus, incidentally, indorsed the doctrine of free trade. On the question of the annexation of Texas he took the affirmative, but advised its postponement, in order that Mexico might be afforded an opportunity to give her assent, and that more unanimity might be secured thereby, in favor of it in the United States. In view of the events which have since transpired, the wisdom of this recommendation must be admitted. On other questions of public policy he HENRY C. MURPHY. 8? took an equally prominent position ; and Avith ability opposed the alteration of the naturalization laws, and demonstrated the inconsistency of such a measure with the genius of our government, and its bad effects on the settlement of the pub- lic domain. For the splendid dry dock which has been con- structed at Wallabout Bay, the port of New York is indebted to Mr. MURPHY'S zeal and perseverance. The most notable position in State politics which this gen- tleman has occupied, was that of member of the Convention which assembled in 1846, to frame a new Constitution of this State. Here he brought forward several important provis- ions, some of which were eventually incorporated into that instrument. His course on this, as on most occasions, met the approbation of his constituents, and on his return from the Convention, he was again elected to Congress by the largest vote ever polled in his district. On the accession of Mr. BUCHAXAX to the Presidency, Mr. MURPHY received the appointment of Minister to the Hague. Identified as he had long been with the efforts to rescue from oblivion the early history of our State, particu- larly that portion of it which relates to its first colonization by Holland, the selection elicited general approval. When the rebellion broke out Mr. MURPHY was still Minister of the United States to the Netherlands, and it was exceedingly important at the time, that the governments of Europe should be correctly informed of the precise facts of the case, and of the real relations of the States to the Federal Gov- ernment, in order that foreign powers might readily see and adhere to their well-established line of duty. Accordingly, Minister MURPHY addressed to the government of the Neth- erlands an elaborate exposition of that relationship, and clearly pointed out the absolute supremacy of the general government in all matters committed to it by the Constitu- O / tion, and the equally absolute rights of the State over all matters not delegated to the United States by that instru- ment. He seized the opportunity to show, at the same time, 88 LIFE SKETCHES. that the rebellion owed its origin chiefly to sectional hate and the ambition of the leaders. This paper was printed at length in the diplomatic correspondence of 1S61 and 1862, and was highly praised by men of both parties. Upon his return to the United States, he announced his determination to uphold the national flag against secession, and was imme- diately elected to the Senate of the State, as a Union man. At the State Convention of the Democratic party in 1862, he was chosen temporary Chairman, and insisted that all citi- zens, without distinction of party, should support the admin- istration in putting down the rebellion. In the annual oration before the Tammany Society on the 4th of July, 1863, he took no less patrotic grounds in behalf of the Union. Indeed, he was no less zealous in acts than in words ; for mainly by his exertions the Third Senatorial Regiment, the 159th Xew York State Volunteers, Colonel MOLIXEUX, was raised, and the bounties paid to the men without calling upon either the State, city or county authorities for that purpose. Such, in brief, is the history of his action in regard to the rebellion. Mr. MURPHY has taken a conspicuous part in all import- ant debates and discussions during his long term of service, and particularly distinguished himself in his efforts to repeal the bill in regard to ecclesiastical tenures, and to establish the quarantine in the lower bay of Xew York measures which he successfully carried through. He. also, was in favor of sustaining the different internal improvements throughout the State, without regard to the section where they were proposed, provided they contributed to the general prosperity. Having always been a strict constructionist, Mr. MURPHY voted against ratifying the amendment to the Con- stitution of the United States abolishing slavery. He holds that, as the Federal Government is one of delegated powers exclusively, and as the subject of slavery was not embraced in the Constitution, and was to be disposed of only by the States where it existed, the power of amendment is neces- HENRY C. MURPHY. 89 sarily limited to the subjects embraced in the Constitution, and does not legitimately apply to that of abolishing slavery. Senator MUKPHY in 1867, and again in 1869, received the nomination for United States Senator from the Democratic members of the Legislature. He was a leading member of the Constitutional Convention held in 1863, and took a prominent part in all its proceedings. In debate, Mr. MUKPHY generally speaks extemporaneously ; in argument he is close and logical ; in manner, earnest and apparently severe ; and when he warms to his subject, his- tory, precedent and analogy, all seem to rise unbidden to fortify the position he assumes. In private character he possesses, in an eminent degree, all the essential elements of a high-toned gentlemen, and no public man, we think, has passed thus far through the trying ordeal of an extended legislative career more free from the taint of corruption. Though eminently a practical man, taking a deep and active part in public affairs a man of the people he is a scholar, " and a ripe good one." To the gratification of his scholastic tastes Mr. MURPHY has given much of his time and means. During his travels at home and abroad, he has accumulated one of the finest private libraries in America, and possesses the full power to appreciate and enjoy it; and however much he may win honor and fame as a public spirited citizen, or a successful political leader, his claim as one of the lit- erati can never be lost sight of. Mr. MURPHY'S contribu- tions to literature are of a very valuable character, and include a number of translations from the Dutch language, of which he is a perfect master. He was elected to the present Senate by a majority of 6,565, and serves 011 the Judiciary, Literature, Commerce and Navigation, and Rules Committees. 12 90 LIFE SKETCHES. JAMES O'BEIEN. Senator JAMES 0'BniEX, who represents the Seventh Senatorial district, consisting of the eighteenth, twentieth and twenty-first wards of the city of 'New York, is a good illustration of a topic often commented upon the success which pluck and perseverance will wrest from " Those twin gaolers of the daring heart, Low birth and iron fortune." Seldom in any country, beside our own, can humble parentage and the hindrances of poverty be overcome, and wealth and influence be attained. It is little wonder, then, that they who in the old motherland see before them only a future of dreary toil and merely nominal wages, seek our hospitable shores, knowing that under the freedom of Kepublican government, the future promises all things to him who puts forth earnest endeavor. JAMES O ? BRIEX was born in Moate, Westmeath county, Ireland, and is now about thirty-three years of age. Both his parents, LA\VREXCE O'BniEX and Axx McDoxELL 0'BniEX, were born in Dublin, the Emerald island's famous metropolis. They are still living to enjoy the prosperity which has attended the Senator in the new World. After receiving a common school education, he immediately plunged into business. He was for many years a machinist, and is now engaged in the manufacture of blacksmith's tools. At the outbreak of the great rebellion, he went to work recruiting with a will, and succeeded in raising a brigade, composed for the most part, it is said, of his personal friends. For years the Senator has been one of the most active politicians of the metropolis, and it is as a politician that lie is best known. He is perfectly familiar with all the crooks and convolutions which have marked the course of Xew JAMES O'BRIEN. 91 York politics during the past ten years. He was a member of the Board of Aldermen in 186o-'67, and Sheriff in 1868-'70. The Senator claims a lion's share of the honor of break- ing the Tammany ring, and maintains that for a time he fought that ring single handed and alone, not turned aside by the offers of immense bribes, nor intimidated by the infi- delity of many who professed to be friends. In his first canvass for Alderman, when he ran on the " People's Ticket," his majority was so enormous as to exceed the entire vote cast for his opponent. A more signal proof of popularity was never bestowed upon a candidate. At the present time the Senator calls himself a "Conservative Democrat," He was elected to the position which he now holds by the rousing majority of 13,336, over JOHN J. BRADLEY, a brother-in-law of PETEK B. SWEEXEY, who had been chosen to the preceding Senate by a majority of 6,654. The canvass Avas a most exciting one, and notwithstanding an herculean effort was put forth to defeat O'BniEX, he achieved the great triumph set forth in the figures of his majority. The Senator was married in 1863 to Miss McGovEBX. Personally, the Senator is a most genial gentleman one whose frank, generous nature, and large heartedness, make him a favorite in many social circles. Few men can boast of a larger number of warmly attached personal friends than JAMES 92 LIFE SKETCHES. ABIAH W. PALMER. The Senator from the Eleventh District was born on the 25th of January, 1835, in the town of Amenia, Dutchess county, on the old homestead, which has for many years been in the possession of the PALMER family, and on which Mr. PALMER now resides. Both of his parents died when he was still in his early childhood. He pursued his studies at Amenia Seminary, and afterward at the Oneida Conference Seminary in Cazenovia, with a view to a complete collegiate course. At nineteen he entered the Sophomore class of Union College; but in 1856 he was compelled by ill health to relinquish his studies, and seek remedies at the Clifton Springs' Water Cure, in which institution he remained for several months. Having been convinced that he needed a different kind of treatment, he made arrangements for a pro- tracted visit to Europe. Accordingly, in 1857, he went abroad, visiting Great Britain and the Continent, and avail- ing himself of opportunities for acquiring a knowledge of modern languages. In 1859, Mr. PALMER returned and resumed the manage- ment of his estate, in Amenia, paying particular attention to mining for iron ore. a large bed of that metal being on his lands. In the fall of that year, he was nominated for Member of the Assembly by the Republican party, and elected by a large majority, though the district had, hitherto, bee?i closely contested by both parties. It will be perceived that Mr. PALMER entered upon his political career when he was but little over twenty-four years old. Up to that period his time had been spent as a student or in foreign travel, but still he had formed decided opinions relative to public affairs, and been among the foremost to indorse the enduring principles of universal freedom, which were confirmed in his mind, bv the contrasts which were ABIAH W. PALMER. 93 presented to his observation, while in Europe. -Though among the youngest Members of the Assembly, he held an honorable and prominent place in that body, and commanded respect because he had the integrity to resist the overtures of corrupt schemers. The following year he was unanimously re-nominated for the Assembly, but, in consequence of ill-health, he was compelled to decline. He thereupon withdrew from politics and gave his attention to his private business and the restoration of his health. In 1865 he again accepted the nomination for the Assembly, and was elected by the largest majority ever given by his district. His talents received just recognition from the Speaker, who appointed him a member of the committees of Ways and Means, and Revision and Rules. While serving on the former committee his attention was called to the necessity of making provision for the better accommodation of the insane. He succeeded in effecting the enactment of a law authorizing the Governor to appoint Commissioners to select a site for a new asylum for them. The follow- ing summer he was appointed by Governor FENTON as Chairman of that Board. He devoted nearly the whole of his attention during the ensuing season to the selection of a proper site, and strenuously urged upon the inhabitants, at different points along the Hudson river, to make proposals for having the institution located in their localities. The city of Poughkeepsie offered the most liberal and desira- ble inducements for the purpose in question; and conse- quently the Commissioners decided to establish the asylum at that place. Thereupon a splendid farm of two hundred acres, affording one of the most beautiful sites on the Hud- son, was purchased, costing the city of Poughkeepsie and the remainder of Dutchess county 885,000. During that year Mr. PALMER was again renominated, but his delicate health compelled him to resign the candi- dacy. During the session of the Legislature of 1866, he presented the report of the Oommissioners relative to their 94 LIFE SKETCHES. action, and procured the passage of an act, accepting the site, on the part of the State, and also an act for the establish- ment and organization of the Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane, and secured the appropriation of $100,000 with which to commence work upon the building. Under this act he was appointed one of the managers, on behalf of the State, for the consummation of the plans ; and was, sub- sequently, elected President of the Board of Managers. This honor was justly deserved, for Mr. PALMER had initiated, and done much toward perfecting one of the most benevo- lent and humane charities dispensed by the State of New York. In fact, the accomplishment of this beneficent pur- pose was the master-good which he desired to have conferred upon suffering humanity ; and he entered into the work actuated by sympathy for the unfortunate, and by motives of an exalted charity. The time will come when many, having emerged from the terrors of disordered minds, will have cause to be grateful for the impulses which prompted Mr. PALMER in his devotion to this project. In 1867 Mr. PALMER was unanimously nominated as the Republican candidate for State Senator for the eleventh dis- trict, composed of Dutchess and Columbia counties. The result showed his great popularity ; for although his district gave the Democratic State ticket nearly two hundred majority, yet Mr. PALMER was elected'by nearly seven hun- dred majority. In the Senate he was Chairman of the com- mittee on Bunks and Charitable and Religious Societies, and was a member of the committees on Municipal Affairs and Agriculture. There was virtually no opposition to the Senator's election to the present Senate. His majority of 8,572 was a deserved compliment to his conspicuous popularity, and indicated that he received a large number of votes from his political opponents. He is a gentleman of the purest character and blameless record ; no man ever came out of the legislative halls with a more spotless reputation. He commands the ABIAH W. PALMER. 95 entire respect of political adversaries as well as political friends, and his genial personal qualities have combined with his untarnished reputation to secure for him a popularity and appreciation not bounded by party lines. Senator PALMER supported Mr. GREELEY for President, in the late campaign, and on the occasion of a nomination by the Senate of a candidate for United States Senator, he took occasion to define and explain his political position in the following remarks : Asking to be excused from voting, he said : Mr. PRESIDENT : As my Eepublican associates in the Sen- ate have denied me the courtesy of an invitation to the cau- cuses of my party, and I have be.en assigned positions on committees as if I were a Democrat, it is perhaps due to myself and to my constituents that I should briefly explain my course at this time. In the late campaign I should have voted for HORACE GREELEY for President had not sickness detained me in a distant State on the day of election. It is unnecessary on this occasion for me to speak of my personal relations with Mr. GREELEY, or refer to the warmth of the friendship which had so long existed between us. I will only say that I deemed him a better exponent of Republican principles than Gen. GRANT. The fact that Democrats supported Mr. GREELEY upon a Eepublican platform did not frighten me; nor did I become the less a Republican by my course. The great body of rny party decided that its regular nominee should be intrusted with the government of the country for another term. I sincerely trust that its confidence will prove well deserved. The Republican State ticket I took pleasure in supporting not only on account of the personnel of the nominees, but because I had no ground for difference with my party upon State questions. Now, Mr. President, I recognize the fact that the same voice which, in this State, pronounced in favor of GRANT and Dix was equally emphatic for ROSCOE CONK- LING, for United States Senator, and I have no personal rea- sons for preferring any other Republican for that office. I have not always considered Senator CONKLING'S course as conciliatory us I could have desired, but for many years our relations have been extremely cordial. I esteem him as a friend, and admire him for his ability and undoubted integf- 96 LIFE SKETCHES. rity. Yet I am told that some of the Senator's friends have sought to read me out of the party, as if any power but myself could decide to what party I belong ; and an indignity has been offered to my Kepublican constituents in denying them Republican representation. A not unnatural pride would suggest that I should seek welcome elsewhere; but the truest self-respect enjoins adherence to my principles. By conviction and education I am a Republican, and such I must remain. As a member of this body I shall do nothing to defeat the purposes of those who elected me; and in casting this important vote, I feel bound to recognize the wishes of the party which has so often honored me with its support. The two candidates nominated by caucuses in which I did not participate, are CHAKLES W. WHEATON, of Dutchess county, one of the most able and pure-minded men in this State/ but a life-long Democrat; and ROSCOE CONKLING, the finished scholar, ripe statesman, and patriotic Republican. Bowing to no dictation but the convictions of my own conscience, I withdraw my request to be excused from voting, and cast my vote for ROSCOE COXKLIXG. JOHN C. PERRY. The second Senatorial district is represented by JOHN CYRUS PERRY, of Brooklyn. He was born in Forrestburg, Sullivan county, April 21, 1832, and was educated at the academy in Monticello, in that county ; when seventeen years of age he entered the law office of Hon. ALPHEUS DIMMICK, then Judge and Surrogate of the county, and one of the most eminent lawyers of that section, with whom he studied law two years, and then entered the law school at Ballston, Saratoga county, X. Y., where he remained two years, when he was admitted as attorney and counselor of the supreme court at Albany, being then twenty-one years of age. Immediately thereafter he opened an office, and com- menced the practice of law in Kingston, lister county. On JOHN C. PERRY. 97 the 1st of January, 1854, he was appointed Assistant District Attorney for that county by JOHN LYON, District Attorney, and officiated in that capacity for three years. In the fall of 1855 he was nominated for County Judge by the Whig county convention, but declined the nomination to disem- barrass the Kepublican cause which had been inaugurated that fall for the first time in his county. In the fall of 1856 he was nominated by the Republican party for Dis- trict Attorney of Ulster, but was defeated in the election by the nominee of the Know-nothing party. Eemoving to Brooklyn in the fall of 1857, he commenced the practice of law in the city of New York; in 1861 he was nominated, in Brooklyn, for Assembly on the straight Republican ticket, but was defeated by CHARLES L. BENEDICT, the present United States District Judge for the Eastern district, Avho ran on a union ticket, which was nominated and supported by the Democratic and a portion of the Republican party. He was again nominated for Assembly in 1863 by the Republican party, and elected ; and renominated and elected to the same position by the same party in the fall of 1864. He was a member of the committee on Cities in the Assembly in 1864 and 1865, and Chairman of that committee during the latter year, and one of the notable legislative acts with which that committee is identified is the act which inaugu- rated the present paid Fire Department in the city of New York. The bill, after a most exciting and bitter contest, was reported favorably by a majority of the committee, and during the session (1865), it was passed and became a law. In the spring of 1865, on returning from Albany he received the appointment from the Hon. B. D. SILLIMAJST, District Attor- ney for the Eastern district of the United States, as Assistant District Attorney for that district; and held that position until May 1, 1866, when he resigned and resumed the prac- tice of law in the city of New York, refraining absolutely after that date from any participation in politics until the fall of 1871, when he was tendered by the Republican Con- 7 98 LIFE SKETCHES. vention the unanimous nomination for Senator for the Second district, and having accepted it, was elected by a majority of 1,968 over JAMES F. PIERCE, his Democratic opponent, who had been elected to the preceding Senate by a majority of 1,351. Mr. PERRY ran ahead of the Republi- can State ticket about 1,000 votes. The Senator was brought prominently before the public last year as Chairman of the Select Committee appointed to investigate the charges brought against the late Clerk of the Senate. He is at the head of the important committee on Insurance, and, also, of Privileges and Elections, and a mem- ber of the committee on Cities. Xo Senator around the circle commands in a higher degree the respect of his asso- ciates than Senator PERRY. A ready and finished debater, always cool and collected, he delivers what he has to say in a simple, direct manner, and rarely fails to carry his point. Added to his capacity and ability as a legislator are fine social gifts, which render him popular among all with whom he comes in contact. WILLIAM H. ROBERTSON. The ninth Senatorial district, consisting of the counties of Putnam. Eockland and Westchester, is represented by WILLIAM H. ROBERTSON, of Katonah, Westchester county, one of the most able and dignified members of the present Senate. He was born at Bedford, in the county in which he now resides, October 10, 1823. His father, HENRY ROBERT- SON, who was born in 1791, at Bedford, is still living. After pursuing his preliminary studies at Union Academy, Bed- ford, he read law, and in 1847, was admitted to the bar. The Senator has had a long and honorable career as a public man. The confidence so often reposed in him by the people has never been violated : the interests committed to WILLIAM H. ROBERTSON. 99 his hands never neglected. Beginning as Town Superin- tendent of the Bedford Common Schools, he subsequently served for four years as Supervisor, and on two occasions was Chairman of the Board the only Republican who ever held that position. Eising rapidly in his profession, he was early elected County Judge of Westchester , and served in that capacity for three terms, twelve years. His experience as a legislator has been long and varied. He represented "Westchester county in the Assembly, in 1849 and 1850; and the ninth Senatorial district in the Senate of 1854-55. Later he was a Representative in the fortieth Congress. In politics Mr. ROBEKTSON is a Repre- sentative Republican, and has long been prominently iden- tified with the organization of his choice. Until the year 1855 he was a Whig, and since that date has given his vote and influence to the party to which he now belongs. For three years he was a member of the Republican State Com- mittee, and in 1864 attended the Republican National Con- vention as a Delegate. He has also on many occasions attended the Whig and Republican State Conventions as Delegate. The Senator did efficient service during the late war. He was Chairman of the Military Committee appointed by Governor MORGAX, in 1862, to raise and organize State troops in the Eighth Senatorial district. Later on, he filled the important position of Commissioner to superintend the draft in Westchester county, under an appointment of the Governor. For six years he was Brigade Inspector of the Seventh Brigade, New York State National Guard. He was elected to the Senate by a most nattering vote. Running in a strong Democratic district, his defeat would have been a matter of course had he not been conspicuous for his great ability, and as popular as he was worthy. As it was, he received a handsome majority in every town of West- Chester, and succeeded in carrying Rockland and Putnam counties as well his total majority being 5,851 over WIL- 100 LIFE SKETCHES. LIAM CAULDWELL, who had been chosen to the preceding Senate by a majority of 2,274. Last fall the Senator's name was among the foremost of those presented at the Utica Convention for Governor. As soon as it was found that General Dix would accept the nomination, it was withdrawn in the interest of harmony the friends of the Senator thinking, probably that being yet a young man their candidate could afford to wait. In presenting his name to the convention, Mr. CHARLES E. SMITH, editor of the Albany Evening Journal cogent alike with tongue and pen spoke as follows : Mr. PRESIDENT: I rise to discharge a duty which has been intrusted tome, and to present for the office of Governor a gentleman whose name, I am sure, will commend itself wherever tried and true men are honored. In common with many others, I came here desirous of supporting for this office the distinguished citizen and soldier, Gen. JOHN" A. Dix. But it has been stated that in deference to his expressed wish, his name is not to be offered. Under such circumstances the delegation from Albany have determined to cast their vote for another eminent citizen, whose name I am instructed to submit to the convention. I present the name of one who has, from the first, been con- ceded to be peculiarly fitted for the chief magistracy of the State, and to whom the eyes of many are now turning as our proper standard-bearer. I present one whose record is his sufficient argument, whose career is his best advocate, and whose strength and popularity, whose worth and worthiness will be best attested when I name the name of Hon. WIL- LIAM H. ROBERTSON, of Westchester. [Great cheering.] Sir, that response, thrilling through this convention, speaks its sentiment of respect better than any words could do. It shows that these representatives of the great and noble Republican party of New York, from Montauk Point to Lake Erie, know and appreciate the exalted character, the signal ability, and the eminent merits of Judge ROBERTSON. Many years Supervisor of his town ; two years Chairman of the board, through his personal popularity, the board being politically opposed to him ; twelve years Judge of his county, always overcoming an adverse political majority of thousands ; twice WILLIAM T. SCORESBY. 101 a member of the Assembly; twice a member of Congress; twice a State. Senator, elected the last time in a strong Demo- cratic district by a majority of nearly six thousand, and running over four thousand ahead of his ticket even in the whirlwind by which we swept the State last year what more need be said to show that he would be a worthy and popular standard-bearer to lead us on to victory. [Applause.] His personal fitness is as conspicuous as his popularity. A judge without a stigma ; a legislator without a stain ; a safe, wise and judicious leader; an earnest and zealous friend of reform; a Republican whose heart beats with the truest Republican principles and impulses ; a Chevalier Bayard, without fear or reproach he would be as trusty a Governor as he would be strong a candidate. [Applause.] I may be allowed, sir, to speak especially for the young men. There is a wise old maxim, " Old men for counsel, and young men for action." Since these elders in the councils of the Republi- can party have pointed us the way to victory, we of the younger blood gladly accept your judgment, and promise, that, with Judge ROBERTSON" as our candidate, we will enter the canvass knowing no such word as fail. * * With any such candidate as we are likely to nominate, we shall triumph, and, with Judge ROBERTSON, we shall surely win. Nominate him, and we shall go forward to victory in the State and in the nation. For it may be truly said of him, as was said of Gen. GRANT : " He never has been beaten, and he never can be." WILLIAM T. SCORESBY. The SCORESBY family is one of note in England. Capt. WILLIAM SCORESBY, the grandfather of the Senator, was born in Cropton, England, in 1700. At the age of nine- teen he apprenticed himself as a seaman, and ten years later was in command of a Greenland whaleship. in which capacity he made thirty voyages to the Arctic seas. Xot only his success in his legitimate calling, but the great importance of his explorations and discoveries in those regions gave him great celebrity. He became an authority 102 LIFE SKETCHES. on all matters connected with Arctic navigation. His obser- vations and conclusions on this subject were* of great ser- vice to the cause of science. He had also a genius for inven- tion, and made and suggested many improvements in con- nection with his professional occupation. He died in 1828. Capt. WILLIAM SCOKESBY'S son, Rev. WM. SCORESBY, D. D., took up his father's profession, and for many years was engaged in the whaling business. During this period he was carrying on a series of investigations regarding the laws of magnetism, and communicating the results to the scientific world in papers of great value. Retiring from the sea he entered the church and rose to eminence as a divine. Meantime he pursued his inquiries into scientific subjects and became one of the leading savans of his day. He visited Australia as a member of a scientific commission ordered by the English government. He was a member of the Royal Societies of Edinburgh and London, of the Institute of France, and of the American Institute, Philadelphia. He visited this country twice, once in 1844 and again in 1847-48. His death occurred in 1857. Capt. WILLIAM SCORESBY'S daughter Mary married Mr. JOHX CLARK, of Whitby, England, who was largely engaged in the iron trade. Upon his death in 1834, Mrs. CLARK succeeded to the management of his business. From then to the present, hers has been among the heaviest establish- ments in England, doing a large mining and manufacturing business, of which she has the sole direction. Her corres- pondence is immense, and her transactions are colossal. Another daughter of Capt. WILLIAM SCORESBY, Arabella, married Capt. THOMAS JACKSOX, a shipping merchant of Whitby. Mrs. JACKSOX is the mother of the late Prof. R. E. SCORESBY JACKSOX, of the University of Edinburgh, whose brilliant talents gave promise of great distinction. His death in January, I860, was regarded as a great public loss. Capt. WILLIAM SCOKESBY'S sou, Thomas, the father of Senator SCORESBY, was born in York, England, in 1804. WILLIAM T. SCOKESBY. 103 He made four voyages with his father to the Arctic Seas, between 1819 and 1822. In the intervals between these voy- ages, he studied medicine, and took his degree at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Edinburgh in 1825. In the same year he married Louisa, daughter of Capt. GEORGE RICHARDSON, of London. Mrs. SCORESBY was born in London in 1804, and is still living with her son, the Senator. Dr. THOMAS SCORESBY practiced medicine at Whitby and Doucaster till 1834, when he emigrated to America. He located first at Port Jervis, Orange county, and then at Fallsburgh, Sullivan county, whence in 1865 he removed to Ellenville, Ulster county, where he died in 1866. Senator SCORESBY was born in Fallsburgh, Sullivan county, January 2, 1840. He received only an academic education, chiefly at the Ellenville High School, under the tuition of the late Prof. S. A. LAW POST. Leaving there, he studied medicine under his father's direction, and graduated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, corner 23d street and 4th avenue, New York, in March, 1864. In 1865, he began the practice of his profession at Ellenville, where he at present resides. As a practitioner, Dr. SCORESBY has been decidedly successful. He is enthusiastic, patient, thorough, and deeply in love with his profession. But few of the younger members of the fraternity have given to the public stronger pledges of eminence than he. How far his digres- sion into politics will serve to vitiate these promises remains to be seen. Until now he has not been diverted from professional work, except by occasional visits to England, whither family affairs have several times called him. Senator SCORESBY is a new comer in the political field. His neighbors have repeatedly intrusted him with the management of their public affairs, but except in these home matters, he has never sought nor held office until now. In politics lie has always held and acted with the Republicans 104 LIFE SKETCHES. till in the late Presidential canvass, when he sided with the Liberal Republicans. They made him a delegate to their. State convention at Syracuse, in the fall of 1872, and subse- quently they nominated him to the Senatorship of the 14th district, then vacated by the death of Hon. JACOB HARDER- BURGH. The nomination was also indorsed and adopted by the Democratic Senatorial Convention, and at the election. November 5, 1872, Dr. SCORESBY was elected by a vote of 11,873; against 11,864 cast for his competitor, JOHN SANDER- SOX, Esq., of Greene county. The Senator regards his present position as, on the whole, an independent one. While recog- nizing the fact that he is in honor bound not to betray the trust of those who have given him his position, he still thinks that party ties sit loosely upon him. The stuff that is in him is not good to make " rings " of. Senator SCORESBY was married January 29, 1867, to Miss LILLIE ERNHOUT, a daughter of Capt, JOHN ERNHOUT, of Sandburgh, Sullivan Co. Mrs. S. died suddenly, September 17, 1867, while her husband was absent in England. In religious matters Dr. SCORESBY holds " orthodox " views, and at home is an attendant upon the Reformed (Dutch) Church, of which his mother and sisters are members. DANIEL F. TIEMANN. Senator and ex-Mayor TIEMANN was born in New York city on the 9th of January, 1805. His father, I. ANTHONY TIE- MANN, was a native of Germany, and his mother, MARY NEWELL TIEMANN, of Massachusetts. She came to New York in her childhood and resided there the remainder of her life. The subject of our sketch was educated at a private semi- nary, which used to stand, in the days of old New York, on Broadway at its junction with Twenty-second street. His preceptor was E. WHITXEY. father of JAMES R. WHITNEY. DANIEL F. TIEMANN. 105 On leaving school, and at the early age of thirteen, he entered the drug establishment of Shieffelin & Co., where he remained for six years. On reaching his twentieth year he was taken into business by his father and uncle, who were engaged in the manufacture of paints and colors. He is still in the same business and same establishment as the one in which he started, and stands to-day the head of the oldest, and one of the largest, manufactories of paints and colors in the country. The Senator has always been a Democrat, a Democrat in the best sense of the word one devoted to the interests of the people. No public man has a clearer record than DANIEL F. TIEMANN. His official life commenced in 1838 when he \vas elected a member of the Board of Assistant Aldermen, for the Sixteenth ward. In 1839-40 he represented the same ward in the Board of Aldermen. In 1851 he was the Assist- ant Alderman of the Twelfth ward, and in 1852-53 the Alderman of the same ward. This long term of alderman ic service enabled Mr. TIEMANN" to become thoroughly acquainted with the municipal affairs of New York, and the science of practical government. In the fall of 1857 he was a contestant against FERNANDO WOOD, the Tammany candi- date for the mayoralty, and was elected by a large majority. He held the office of Mayor for two years, and discharged its duties to the satisfaction of the people, showing him- self a brave, hard-working and incorruptible administra- tor at the head of the city government, influenced only by a sincere desire to promote the best interests of the people. Mr. TIEMANN was for along time very prominently identified with the school interest of New York. In 1852 he became a Trustee of Public Schools and held the position until the School Society dissolved, when he was made Com- missioner of its successor. He also held from 1840 to 1850, by election in the new Public School Board, the office of Inspector. During the years 1854. '55, '56, he was one of the Governors of the Alms-house. In this lust-mentioned posi- tion, as in all others which he has held, he exhibited a sincere 106 LIFE SKETCHES. desire to discharge the trust committed to him to the best of his ability. It is said that while he continued Governor of the Alms-house, he scarcely ever failed to visit the institu- tions on the islands at least two or three times every week. After a retirement of over ten years from official life, he was once more called to public service as a representative of that Reform spirit, which of late has swept so resistlessly over this State, dominated as a Reform Democrat, against HENRY W. GENET, Tammany's choice, the people of his district rallied so enthusiastically to his support that, not- withstanding his opponent had been elected to the preceding Senate by a majority of 7,901, Mayor TIEMAXX defeated him, and was chosen to represent the Eighth Senatorial dis- trict by a majority of 4,663. Mr. TIEMANX is one of the marked men of the Senate. Bluff, direct and unconventional, he is careless of parliamen- tary usages, and in appreciative of the beauties of JEFFER- sox's Manual. But all the same he makes a good Senator a legislator who is incorruptible, hard-working and potent with his fellows. His speeches lack grace and finish, but they never lack force or common sense. Mr. TIEMAXX was married in 1826 to Miss MARTHA W. CLOWES, a neice of PETER COOPER. He has six children, three sons and three daughters. WEBSTER WAGNER. 107 WEBSTER WAGNER. WEBSTER WAGNER, to whom, in the present Senate, the interests of the fifteenth Senatorial district are committed, is descended from German parents, and was born at Palatine Bridge, Montgomery county, this State, where he still resides, in the year 1817. After receiving a common school education, he was apprenticed to his brother James to learn the trade of wagon and carriage building. His apprentice ship ended, and a good knowledge of the business acquired, he continued to devote himself to wagon and carriage making for a number of years. In 1845 he received the appointment of station agent at Palatine Bridge for the U tica and Schenectady Eailroad, a position which he occu- pied until the year 1860. AVhile acting as station agent, and watching the trains coming and going, he proposed to himself a problem, the successful solution of which has done so much for the com- fort of the traveling public, and made the name of WEBSTER WAGNER well known all over the country. The Senator would, doubtless, shrink from being designated by that much abused term "philanthropist," and yet if love for one's fellow men is to be inferred from benefits conferred on them, it is difficult to see why he should not in all justice be named a philanthropist in virtue of his Wagner Palace Cars. With the appearance of the sleeping and drawing-room car as part of the regular railway train, the comfort and con- venience of travel was increased an hundred fold. Looking back a few years to the order of things that then prevailed, we wonder how it was that we ever rested contented with the old time unsightly and uncomfortable cars. In virtue of the improvements, of which Mr. WAGNER was one of the pioneers, the terror of railroad traveling lias been removed, and now, seated in a drawing-room car. or reposing in a sleeping-car, 108 LIFE SKETCHES. one approximates very nearly to the comfort and ease of a well-appointed home. Mr. WAGXER was one of the original inventors, and the first to put in operation the drawing-room and sleeping-cars which have grown to be a necessity with those who travel by rail. His long experience at wagon and carriage building enabled him to proceed unerringly with his plans for an easy-riding car, while his taste and judgment suggested the proper interior arrangements. The result of his labors in this regard was first made manifest on the 1st of September, 1858, when he introduced the first sleeping-car on the Utica and Schenectady Eailroad. This effort proved eminently suc- cessful, and encouraged him to still farther exertions in the same direction. Having provided the means of accommoda- tion and comfort for those who journeyed by night, he set himself to work in the interest of day passengers. Consum- mate skill, joined to great energy and perseverance, compassed the desired object, and on the 20th day of August, 1867, he presented to an admiring and delighted public the first draw- ing-room car that was ever built in America. These drawing-room or palace cars have introduced an entirely new element of pleasure into traveling in the United States, have indeed reduced it to a fine art. Taking one of these magnificent conveyances in New York on Monday, a pleasure-seeker can find himself in San Francisco in a week, not the least fatigued by travel or otherwise, and scarcely less fresh than when he popped his head out at Spuyten Duyvil creek. The first sleeping-car that was ever built in America and used by Mr. WAGNER, cost but 83,000, whereas those used nowadays cost 816,000 to 820,000 each. The difference in the figures representing the progress made in railway comfort and accommodation since 1857. Mr. WAGXER has now forty-nine drawing-room cars in active use, each of which cost near upon 815,000. The WAGXER Sleeping Car Company are now running WEBSTER WAGNER. 109 sixty sleeping cars, which cost three-quarters of a million dollars. Senator WAGNER'S legislative career commenced in 1871, when he was sent to the Assembly from Montgomery county. Running with the odds against him he was elected by a handsome majority, his vote being much ahead of that given to the general Republican ticket. He served on the com- mittee on Banks, and made a record as a legislator so satis- factory to his constituents, that in the Senatorial Convention of 1871, he was unanimously nominated for the position which he now holds. Two years previous, the Fifteenth dis- trict had been lost to the Republicans by an unfortunate division among themselves, and the selection of Mr. WAGNER, who was not a politician, and represented neither faction, was considered a guarantee that the Democratic majority of 1869, of 2,003, was to be overcome. And overcome it was. Mr. WAGNER was elected over ISAAC FULLER, his Democratic opponent, by the rousing majority of 3,222. Senator WAGNER is chairman of the committee on Public Expenditures, and a member on Railroads and Grievances. One of the quietest gentlemen of the circle of the Upper House, he is, nevertheless, a sound, reliable and discreet legis- lator, full of energy and determination, and in possession, in an eminent degree, of the confidence of the people. They acknowledge him as a man who is incorruptible, an enemy to fraud in all its forms, and who, by his genius and industry, has risen from life's lower ranks to wealth and commanding position. 110 LIFE SKETCHES. AUGUSTUS WEISMANN. AUGUSTUS WEISMANN represents the Sixth Senatorial dis- trict, which consists of the Tenth, Eleventh and Seventeenth wards of the city of New York. Mr. WEISMANN was born March 6th, 1809, in a village in Wurtemberg, southern part of Germany. His ancestors were exiled Protestants from Austria and Salzburg, in Bavaria. At the age of six years he was sent to the village school, and a few years later entered a classical school in the city of Schorndorf, where he remained for six yeajs, under the tuition of excellent teachers, and made good progress in ancient and modern languages and other important studies. Having passed a satisfactory examination, he was placed in charge of a prominent chemist and apothecary, " to whom," he is accustomed to say, "I was much indebted for my further education, for the formation of my character and my consequent success in business." Having followed the pro- fession of an apothecary in various parts of Germany, he resolved to go to the United States, and accordingly sailed from Rotterdam in an American brig to New York, where he arrived on the 3d of June, 1832. His prospects in life were very poor the first year, but after much difficulty and many hardships, he succeeded in estab- lishing a small drug store in Broome street, New York city. In 1834 he was married to a native of New York and daughter of ADOLPHUS Loss, then City Surveyor. Being prosperous and successful in business, he started in 1846, in company with H. A. CASSEBUE, Esq., the second estab- lishment, in importance, in Broadway, under the well-known firm WEISMAXX & CASSEBUR, which firm continued until 1860. In 1851 he was, on the nomination of Alderman ROBERT T. HAWS, of the Tenth ward, appointed a member of the AUGUSTUS WEISMANN. Ill Board of Education, and has become associated with the most prominent men of New York, who had the welfare and education of the rising generation truly at heart. In the fall election (1857) he was elected a member of the Board of Supervisors of the city and county of New York on the Eepublican ticket, and remained in said board until the 31st of December, 1863. From that period until 1871 he retired entirely from politics, spent part of his time on his farm in New Jersey, and paid much attention to agricultural pursuits, of which he is passionately fond. In June, 1869, he sailed with his wife to Germany, his native country, which he had not visited in 40 years, and studied with great attention the forms of government of several States, and the management of their public and municipal affairs. He returned in 1870 highly pleased with his visit. From 1837 to 1845, he served in the Jefferson Guards of the New York State Militia, first as private and subsequently as a commissioned officer. He was in the city during the days of the memorable riots of 1863, and was a member of the special committee appointed to examine the riot claims, and other great expenditures proceeding from that incipient rebellion. Senator WEISMAFN" was formerly a Democrat, in 1848 was a Free-Soiler, and since the formation of the Republican party has been a member of that organization. He was elected to the Senate by a plurality of 2,425. The Senator is an earnest, nervous speaker, and when treat- ing of subjects in which he is specially interested, is often quite eloquent. There is a pleasant reminiscence of the Fatherland in his accent, although he is a master of the Anglo-Saxon tongue. He is very rarely absent from his place, and seems to be as devoted to the public weal as if it were exclusively his private matter. The President, in arranging his standing committees, very 112 LIFE SKETCHES. properly placed Senator WEISMANN at the head of the com- mittee on Public Health. He is also a member on com- merce and Navigation, and Cities. The Senator is the most courtly gentleman in the Sen- ate a fine exponent of the entente cordiale. ISTORRIS WINSLOW. Senator WINSLOW represents the eighteenth Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Jefferson and Lewis. His father, JOHN WINSLOW. was formerly member of Assem- bly, and subsequently one of the Supervisors of Watertown, of which city he is a respected and influential citizen. His son, the present Senator, was born in Watertown, in May, 1835, and is emphatically a self-made man. After attending the common schools and academies in his native place, he entered a dry goods store, in Watertown, as clerk, on the rather slim salary of two dollars a week. He was engaged in the mercantile business from 1855 to 1865, when he became proprietor of the Merchants' Bank, which remained an individual institution until April, 18T1, when a stock company was organized, of which he was made President. Mr. WINSLOW is extensively engaged in manufacturing, leading in many important enterprises, and an energetic patron of every movement calculated to promote the material or moral prosperity of the community in which he resides. He is President of the Watertown Fire Insurance Company, and holds a large interest in the Agricultural Insurance Com- pany of the same city. He is also President of the Hoard American Spinner Manufacturing Company, and in addition is extensively engaged in the manufacture of the Davis Sew- ing Machine. NORRJS WlNSLOW. 113 Senator WINSLOW is still in early manhood. His mental powers, however, have ever been active. By diligent read- ing, and, what is not less important, by the habit of severe thinking, he has acquired a large measure of information, which, with ready tact, he is able to make available in the practical work of legislation. A thoroughly well-informed gentleman, his wealth and intelligence have always been cast on the side of right, and have been potent in his native place, with the wants and interests of which he is perfectly familiar. Mr. WINSLOW'S first vote was cast for JOHN C. FREMONT for President in 1856. Since then he has always acted with the Eepublican party, and during the rebellion he, like thousands of other patriotic men, labored according to the best of his ability to put down the terrible civil revolu- tion. He was a candidate for Presidential Elector upon the Kepublican ticket in 18G8, and is at present Supervisor of the Second ward of Watertown. In the last Senate Mr. WIN SLOW served on the committee on Banks, where his experience as a banker was of great ser- vice in determining the many perplexing questions brought before that committee. He also was a member of the com- mittees on Charitable and Religious Societies and Joint Library. So well pleased were his constituents with the manner in which their interests had been attended to by Senator WINSLOW in 1870, '71, that they re-elected him to the present Senate by a majority over eight hundred greater than he received when first running. Such an indorsement of his legislative course any man might well be proud of, and doubtless the Senator appreciates it at its full value. In February of last year, he attracted a great deal of interest and attention by his elaborate letter to HORACE GUKET.EY in reply to certain criticisms made by the great editor in the "' Tribune," as to his course in the Senate on the New York charter 114 LIFE SKETCHES. In the present Senate, the important and responsible position of Chairman of the committee on Banks is held by Senator WINSLOW. He is also a member of the Insurance and Printing committees. Gifted with fine social qualities, he is as agreeable as a companion, as he is capable and efficient as a legislator. DANIEL P. WOOD. DAXIEL WOOD, the father of the subject of this sketch, came, in 1800, to Pompey, Onondaga county, from the Berk- shire Hills. DANIEL P. WOOD is of New England, Massa- chusetts stock. And this implies more than many men, whose minds are biased by religious, sectional or political antagonisms, are willing to admit. Massachusetts is, in some important respects, the inferior of this our native State. She has many faults of history and character. She has given birth to not a few unworthy sons and daughters. But, after all, in spite of what may be truthfully said about the Puritan sternness and Calvanistic bigotry, the persecution of Baptists and Quakers, the Cotton Mathers and Salem witches of the past, or the lax notions and heresies of the present, spite of all the business and political sins fairly or unfairly laid at her door, Massa- chusetts is a commonwealth eminent among her sisters for the nobler qualities. Considering her population, and the extent of her territory, her history cannot easily be sur- passed for variety of excellence. Her children get from her a moral and intellectual training, a personal independence and love of liberty, and a political education which subordinates States to the nation, the interests of the individual to the interest of the masses, which holds the home prosperity as bound up in, and inseparable from, the prosperity of neigh- DANIEL P. WOOD. 115 bors and sisters. Such sons of hers who go wrong are unjust to their mother and share nothing of her spirit. Hon. DANIEL P. WOOD inherited, and has exhibited through life, the New England traits readiness to labor and to learn, strength of will, forecast and sympathy with those movements which have for their end the well-being of the country, for their means to that end the advancing condition of all classes and races. His father was a lawyer and farmer, farming being his main occupation. Mr. WOOD worked diligently on the farm till he was twenty years old, acquiring a vigor of constitution which has since enabled him to endure the severest mental labor. After a preparatory course at Pompey Hill Academy, he entered Hamilton College. There he not only disciplined his mind by a mastering of the class studies, but expanded it by a wide range of reading. He studied law at Pompey, with VICTORY BIHDSEYE, and in 1846 commenced the practice of law at Syracuse. His industry and skill were not long in securing him great success. He was Corporation Attorney for three years, and his general business was so large, and attended to with such fidelity, that in 1853 his health broke down. In that year, and the year 1854, he consented to represent his district in the Assembly, in the hope of benefit from lighter labors and a change of occupation. But the legislation of those years was very important, and Mr. WOOD was too earnest and active to give the needed rest to his worn-out frame. In 1853, he was Chairman of the Com- mittee on Salt, and was on the Committee on Claims and the Code. On this last Committee was AUPHAXAD LOOMIS, while DAVID DUDLEY FIELD, another codifier. was often present at its sessions. The Committee sat many hours each day, entertaining the most important discussions, de- manding for their proper handling, severe thought and wide knowledge, and Mr. WOOD brought to them his legal acumen and conscientious industry. In addition, the canal policy came up for review and 116 LIFE SKETCHES. determination. The Legislature of this year submitted the question of debt for the completion of the enlargement to the people, and in the long, exciting and able debates, Mr. WOOD was prominent and influential. He was one of the Managers, on the part of the Assembly, of the impeachment of Canal Commissioner JOHN C. MATHER. To have been assigned such important posts by a House politically opposed to him, and during his first year as a legislator, was no light tribute to his reputation and capacity. In 1854, as Chairman of the committee on Colleges, Academies, etc., he matured and carried through the act creating the Department of Public Instruction. He was, this year, a member of the Committee of Ways and Means. He attended moderately to his profession during the three years immediately following; but, in 1857, a hemorrhage of the throat or lungs brought him to the borders of the grave. Most men would have given way, but the will of Mr. WOOD triumphed over disease, and as soon as he became convalescent, he started for South Carolina, returning thence on horseback. In 1864, 'G5, '66, he was elected to the Assembly, as Repre- sentative from the Second District of Onondaga county. In 1865 and 1866 he was Chairman of the committee on Canals, a position requiring almost ceaseless labor. He understood the canals, and defended their interests with honor to him- self and usefulness to the State. In 1865, he was Chairman of the Committee to receive the remains of President LIN- COLN', at the city of Xew York, and conduct them through the State. He was also on the Ways and Means, a committee of which, in the following year, he was Chairman. Mr. WOOD was a Whig; then a Republican. During the war, he labored without ceasing. The first regiment which went from Syracuse was raised in one week. In the same period, mainly through the exertions of Mr. WOOD, nearly 20,000 was contributed on behalf of the soldiers and their families. His patriotism knew no fear or faltering; he kept JAMES WOOD. 117 up his patience and his hope, speaking words of good cheer all the more when hours were darkest. As a legislator, Mr. WOOD is noticeable for his vigor, activity and versatility. He speaks often, but always with a good understanding of his subject. He was elected to the present Senate by a majority of 3,991. Possessing, in an eminent degree, the confidence of the people as a sound and reliable representative, he has grown gray in the long years of service exacted of him, because of his high intellectual endowments and unflinching integrity. JAMES WOOD. An English family bearing the name of WOOD was num- bered among the stout-hearted and hard-headed Puritans who, two centuries ago, sought the inhospitable shores of Massachusetts. These pilgrims came with the anomalous desire of enjoying free worship themselves and of dictating the worship of others. From out of this colony a little band explored the then unbroken forests of the North, and established a settlement in what is now known as the State of New Hampshire. The WOOD family accompanied this party of pioneers. They were honest, industrious people, practical in worldly affairs, and enthusiasts in matters pertaining to religion. From this worthy stock sprang the Senator from the Thirtieth District, JAMES WOOD was born at Alsteml, New Hampshire, April 4, 1820. His father was a poor man, who earned a scanty subsistence by tilling that soil which OAXIEL WEBSTER described as being so stony that it was common to sharpen the sheep's noses, to enable them to nibble the blades of grass which grew between the rocks. 118 LIFE SKETCHES. In the year 1824, seeking to better his condition, the elder Mr. WOOD emigrated with his family to the State of New- York, where, after several changes of residence, he finally settled in the year 1829, at Lima, in Livingston county. Here James attended a district school, and subsequently entered the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, where he completed an academic course. He then went to Auburn, with the in- tention of reading law, but reaching the conclusion that a more thorough preliminary education was desirable, he changed his plans and went to Union College, where he graduated, with the honors of the institution, in the year 1842. Immediately after leaving college, Mr. WOOD entered the office of the Hon. JOHN YOUXG, then a practicing lawyer at Geneseo, in Livingston county, as a student. In 1843 he was admitted to the bar and became a partner of his patron. In 1840, Mr. YOTXG was elected Governor of the State of Xew York, and in coming to Albany, relinquished his professional business to Mr. WOOD, who has ever since made Geneseo his residence. In 1854. he was elected District Attorney of Livingston county, and served one term with great acceptance to the people. He declined a re-nomination, which was proffered him, and returned to the regular duties of his profession. Mr. WOOD developed, at an early age, great taste for mat- ters pertaining to military affairs. While yet a boy at school, he was elected the captain of a regularly organized company of militia. During his college days he was made Lieutenant- Colonel, and in the year 1848, he was commissioned Colonel by Governor BOUCK. In 1850, he was instrumental in secur- ing the passage of the law for uniforming the militia. In the fall of that year his regiment, duly armed, equipped, and uniformed, held an encampment at Mt. Morris, in the county of Livingston the first ever held in the State. The next year, General WOOL reviewed this regiment, and compli- mented it highly on the excellence of its discipline. JAMES WOOD. 119 In 1854, Colonel WOOD drafted the law, authorizing the appointment of an Inspector-General, an officer, whose power has been largely instrumental in raising our National Guard to its present high standard. In 1855, the rank of Brigadier-General was conferred on him. When the war for the Union commenced in 1861, General WOOD entered heartily into the patriotic spirit which actuated the people, and devoted much of his time during the first year to the work of organizing troops. It was mainly through his efforts that the 136th regiment was raised, and in August, 1863, lie was offered the command of it, and accepted the same. He was shortly after ordered to join the Eleventh Corps, with which body he participated in much hard fighting. He led his men at the battles of Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Chatta- nooga, Missionary Ridge, Knoxville, Eesaca, Cassville, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Milledge- ville, Savannah, Charlestown, Averysburgh and Bentonville. The first man killed in the Atlanta campaign was from his regiment, and he commanded a brigade in the last battle of SHERMAN'S famous march to the sea, For his distinguished services in the army, Colonel WOOD was breveted Major-General of the United States volunteers. In 1865 he returned to his home in Geneseo, and resumed the practice of law. He was elected to the Senate from the Thirtieth district, at the election of 1869, by a majority of 4,694, and in 1871 having been re-nominated by acclamation, by a majority of The Senator is an affable, agreeable gentleman, standing full six feet in height, with erect soldierly bearing. As a debater he is unusually calm and dispassionate, speaking with some hesitation at times, but always clothing his thoughts in clear and unequivocal language. As Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, his fine legal abilities have full 120 LIFE SKETCHES. scope for their exercise, and are vigorously and patiently employed. WILLIAM B. WOODIN. The President pro tern, of the Senate, and the premier of his party in that body, is Hon. WILLIAM B. WOODIN", of Auburn, the subject of the present sketch. He was born at Genoa, in the county of Cayuga, on the 25th of September, 1824. After receiving a thorough acad- emic education, and graduating at the Cortland Academy, he applied himself to the study of the law with so much suc- cess that, once admitted to practice, it was not long before he rose to a prominent place among his brethren at the bar. In 1859 his high character and conspicuous legal abilities secured his election to the office of Surrogate of Cayuga county. He brought to the discharge of the delicate and responsible duties incident to settling up estates, so much patience, industry and intelligence that his re-election as Sur- rogate followed almost as a matter of course. A second re-election resulted at the proper time, and when Mr. WOODIN was elevated to the Senate in 1869 there was a gen- eral and an urgent request made of him to continue to dis- charge the duties of Surrogate. He may well be proud of the indorsement which he has received from homo. The Senator's first experience as a law-maker for the Empire State dates back to 1855. In that year he repre- sented the second district of Cayuga county in the Assembly to the satisfaction of those who sent him there. He is now serving his second term in the Senate, having been a mem- ber of that body in 1870-71. During his first term lie took high rank as a legislator, especially distinguishing himself from the very start as a debater. On the second day of the session of 1871 he made an able argument on the right or WlLLfAM B. WOODIN. 121 power of one Legislature to rescind the action of a previous Legislature in relation to amendments to the Constitution of the United States, an argument which, although delivered after a very slight preparation, commanded great attention, and was pronounced by those who heard it as an exhaustive treatment of the subject under discussion. Having, in his two years' service in the former Senate, taken rank among the foremost as an able, judicious and honest legislator, possessing both business and forensic capacity, he was, in the fall of 1871, renominated as Senator by acclamation. The wisdom of the renomination, and Mr. WOODIN'S growth in the respect and confidence of the people of the Fifteenth district is shown by glancing at the vote cast for him in 1869, as compared with that which he received in 1871. In 18G9 he was elected by a majority of 2,897 ; in 1871 his majority was 4,120, an increase of 1,223. In the present Senate Mr. WOODIN" has played a very prominent part. The session of 1872 was presided over by Lieutenant- Governor BEACH, and that gentleman being opposed politi- cally to the majority, was, very naturally, desirous of being relieved from the responsibility of naming the Standing Com- mittees. Accordingly, the task of committee-making fell to Senator WOODIN, who had been chosen by his associates President pro tern, of the Senate. Probably no more thank- less or delicate task can well be conceived of than that of forming standing committees. AHTEMUS WARD thought he could achieve a military success by raising a regiment to be composed entirely of major-generals. The plan is more felicitous than feasible, but if something similar to it could be contrived for legislative bodies, in virtue of which every honorable gentleman should have a chairmanship, Mr. President and Mr. Speaker would have considerable less worry than under the present limitations. We believe Senator WOODIN gave general satisfaction with his make-up of the Senate committees for 1872 the chief, if not the only point 122 LIFE SKETCHES. of criticism that developed itself being that he gave himself no appointments. Lieutenant-Governor KOBINSON, in arranging the Senate committees for 1873, designated Senator WOODIN as Chair- man of the Committee of Cities a position which was an appropriate recognition of his standing among his associates, and his signal legislative capacity. As a presiding officer, Senator WOODIN has won many encomiums. Courteous, yet dignified, possessing a faculty of dispatching business, and well versed in parliamentary law and usages, he fills the position of President pro tern, to the satisfaction alike of the majority and the minority. Politically, Mr. WOODIIS" was a Whig from the time he be- came a voter until the Whig party ceased to exist. When the great Compromise was repudiated and the Kansas- Nebraska bill passed, and, as a consequence, the Whig party dissolved and made way for its legitimate successor, the Ee- publican party, Senator WOODIN" at once became a zealous supporter of the new organization. He still continues to uphold its principles, and in nearly every political canvass does effective work " on the stump." CHARLES R. DAYTON. 123 CHARLES R. DAYTON, CLERK OF THE SENATE. The duties of the Clerk of such a body as the Senate are not solely or chiefly clerical, in the ordinary acceptation of the word. Very much more is required of him than keeping the diary of each day's legislative doings in a large, legible hand ; very much more than filing petitions, bills, reports and all that sort of thing in appropriate pigeon holes, and pro- ducing them when required ; very much more than taking charge of that important but imaginary table attached to his desk, upon which so many documents of one kind and another are temporarily or permanently ''laid;" very much more than proclaiming, with stentorian voice, all the wis- dom which "The People of the State of New York, repre- sented in Senate and Assembly, do enact." A man may give satisfaction as regards all the points indi- cated, and, nevertheless, fall short of the stature of a Clerk of the requisite capacity and accomplishments. A thoroughly capable Clerk such an one, for instance, as he whose name stands at the head of this article is on occasion, and must always stand ready to be the prompter, if not the power, behind the Chair. When new and inexperienced legislators for the first time are called upon to preside over Senate or Committee of the Whole, where would they be, what would become of them, but for the friendly and incessant whis- pers of the Clerk ? When a knotty point in parliamen- tary law is brought forward to the disagreement of the Senators, the Clerk who, on being consulted, fails to pro- duce from his tongue's end a solution of the difficulty, is apt to be looked upon with a measure of disapprobation, as one not entirely fortified in his position. In addition to all this, the Clerk is expected to name, on the instant, that a bill is introduced no matter how queer and outlandish the bill 124 LIFE SKETCHES. the very committee set apart for its reception ; to keep in mind the title of every act, "entitled an act," introduced from the commencement to the close of the session, including, as germain to the subject, the name of the committee to whom referred, and the date of subsequent report. Having added that, he must be as ready with answers to all sorts of ques- tions as a metropolitan hotel clerk ; that his legislative ability would avail him but little unless combined with great executive talents ; that it behooves him to have a knowledge of men as well as of affairs ; to be the possessor of the social virtue, of unfailing good nature, and, as it were, to be a walking edition of the blue and red book, we refrain from further definition, and, merely repeating our preliminary observation, that the duties of the Clerk of the Senate are not solely or chiefly clerical, we pass on to give a brief sketch of the present efficient Clerk of the Senate, CHARLES E. DAYTOX. CHARLES E. DAYTOX was born at East Hampton, Suffolk county, on the 25th of December, 1828, and was the only son of JOSIAH C. DAYTOX, of that place, and the eldest of four children. His father, who died in 18.")!). was well and favorably known in Suffolk county. He represented it in the Assembly in the years 1837 and 1841, and for twenty-five years held the office of Justice of the Peace, for East Hamp- ton. The subject of this biographical notice received a common school education and spent some time in attendance at Clin- ton Academy, at East Hampton. He was. however, not per- mitted to pursue his studies without interruption, being com- pelled to divide the year between the school-house and the farm. His schooling over, lie continued to farm it until the year 1852, when he was appointed Engrossing Clerk of the Senate. He served in that capacity two terms. 1852-53, and later in 1856-57. In the fall of 1858, he was elected County Clerk of Suffolk county the first Eepublican incumbent of that office. In this position he gave general satisfaction, CHARLES R. DAYTON. 125 but declining, at the end of his term, a renomination, he returned to private life. In 1862 he resumed a line of work for which he had shown himself peculiarly qualified, being appointed Journal Clerk of the Assembly. In this position he remained until 1865, in the mean time making troops of friends, by his genial but dignih'ed deportment, and his faithful and intelligent discharge of the duties of the desk. On the resignation of the Journal Clerk of the Senate in 1865, Mr. DAYTON was tendered the vacant place. He accepted it, and ever since has been in the service of the Senate. His character and capacity are shown in the fact that he retained his position during the years in which his political opponents had full control of all the appointments. In 1872. upon the resigna- tion of JAMES TERWILLIGER, it followed, as a matter of course, that he should be appointed Clerk of the Senate. Such is a brief record of the salient points in Mr. DAY- TON'S life. Born of humble parentage, and in an obscure corner of the State, Avith none of the agencies surrounding him which compel the smiles of fortune, whatever of success he has attained has been the 1'esult of his own unaided efforts. His continued service as Journal Clerk in the two Houses was not the result of political wire-pulling or official influence. It was rather the logical sequence of duty, thoroughly and conscientiously discharged he made himself necessary to the places which he filled, and so retained them. In serving the public he has always brought to bear the same attention and devotion which lie would have bestowed upon individual enterprise, and hence his long and uninterrupted service under Democratic as well as under Republican rule is not hard to be accounted for. On his appointment as Clerk of the Senate the Albany Argus, the organ of his political opponents, testified that, " as a public officer, Mr. DAYTON has no superior for close attention to business, and for courteous conduct toward all 126 LIFE SKETCHES. with whom he may come in contact. No gentleman more deserving or more trustworthy ever filled the desk." Mr. DAYTON commenced his political life as a Free Soil Democrat, so called, but joined the Republican Party on its organization in 1855, and ever since has remained an energetic and influential member of that organization. He was mar- ried December 16th, 1868, to SARAH F. SHERKILL of East Hampton, and has been for many years a member of the Presbyterian Church. MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY. ALONZO B. CORNELL, SPEAKEE. In the long list of Speakers, few names shine more than that of Hon. ALONZO B. CORNELL. The circumstances under which he was chosen were peculiarly honorable to himself. He had never been a member of any general legislative body. Among the others elected to the Assembly were several who had served through extended terms, and who united great capacity with ample parliamentary experience. Yet such was the standing which Mr. CORNELL had acquired, such the aptitude he had shown in every position where he had been placed, and such the universal sense of the recognition due to his public services, that from the very day of the election, the eyes of the people and of the members turned to him as pre-eminently the man to preside. In this sentiment none concurred more cordially than those whose own abilities might justly have entitled them to aspire to the honor. There was no contest. But one voice prevailed. Mr. COR- NELL was nominated by acclamation in the caucus of his party, and elected by the vote of nearly three-fourths of the members. The complimentary judgment thus expressed has been more than confirmed by the progress of the session. Mr. CORNELL was born at Ithaca, Tompkins county, New York, on the 22d of January. 1832, His father, Hon. EZRA CORNELL, still actively continuing a busy, beneficent and honorable career, is a man of high distinction in the State, and universally esteemed as one of the chief of her public benefactors. He was a Member of Assembly in 1862 and 128 LIFE SKETCHES. 1863. In the latter year he was chosen to the Senate, where, being re-elected, he served with great credit through two full terms. But it is in connection with the establishment of Cornell University that the senior Mr. CORNELL has the highest claims to public gratitude. His munificent gener- osity created that noble institution, as his wise direction and ample endowments, skillfully assisted, have carried it to its present high degree of development. Broad in its scope, far-reaching in its aims, rich in the brilliant names which it enlists, and the varied treasures of scholarship which it lays under contribution, the newest in the sister- hood of our colleges, but already outstripping many of the others and pointing them to higher paths, it remains a source of pride to the State and an enduring monument to the liberal public spirit of its true-hearted founder. The younger Mr. CORNELL was educated at the Ithaca J O Academy. In harmony with the genius of our institutions he early struck out to carve his own fortune. At the age of fifteen he entered upon the active work of life, beginning, like his father and so many of our successful public men, on one of the first rounds of the ladder, and by his own energy and capacity climbing his Avay up. He chose the field in which his father, struggling long and courageously, rendered conspicu- ous service to the world and achieved eminent success, that of the telegraph. Commencing as a telegraph operator, he was employed successively at Troy, Montreal and Buffalo until 1848, when he became manager of the office at Cleveland, Ohio, where he remained several years. Removing thence to Xew York, he served from 1855 to 1859 as the manager of the principal telegraph office in that city. Relinquishing this position, he became proprietor of a line of steamboats on Cayuga Lake, and continued as such through 1862 and the subsequent year. From 1864 to 1869 he was Cashier and Vice-President of the First National Bank of Ithaca, of which institution he has been a Director since its organiza- tion. He is also a Director of the Ithaca and Athens Rail- ALONZO B. CORNELL. 129 road, a Trustee of the Cornell Library and of the Cornell University, a Director and First Vice-President of the West- ern Union Telegraph Company, and also a Director of the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company, and of the American District Telegraph Company, positions which attest his busi- ness talents and success. In November, 1852, he was mar- ried to ELLEX, daughter of GEORGE COVERT, Esq., of Ithaca, an accomplished and estimable lady. They have had three sons, the second of whom, a child of remarkable promise, Avas killed by falling down a stairway in March, 1870, being then about eight years of age. This sad affliction was a poignant blow to the fond parents, and they received the warmest sympathy of an extended circle of friends, with whom little EDDIE was an especial favorite. In politics, Mr. CORNELL has been an ardent Republican since the organization of that party in 1854. With large public spirit and a natural taste for public affairs, he has always taken a keen interest in political movements. His rare organizing faculty was developed at an early period, as he was Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of Tompkins county from 1859 to I860, and a member of the Republican State Committee in I860 and 1867. For two years also, beginning in 1864, he served as Supervisor of the town of Ithaca. He was named by the law of the State as one of the Commissioners for the erection of the New Capitol at Albany, and continued as such from 1868 to 1871, partici- pating in the adoption of the plan and in the initiation of the work which will produce one of the most commanding archi- tectural structures on the continent. In 1868 he was the Republican candidate for Lieutenant-Governor on the ticket with tlif lamented Jonx A. GRISWOLD. The ticket proved very popular, and the campaign was one of great earnest- ness; but though Mr. CORNELL received 411,670 votes, he and his associates were defeated through the well-known election frauds of that year. In March, 1869, at the begin- ing of the new Republican Administration, he was appointed 130 LIFE SKETCHES. to the responsible position of Surveyor of the Port of New York, which he filled to the entire satisfaction of the govern- ment and the public until October, 1872, when he tendered his resignation in order to accept a nomination to the Assem- bly. In June, 1870, he was nominated by President GRANT to the honorable office of Assistant Treasurer of the United States, at New York, but declined the appointment. During these later years Mr. CORNELL has been recognized as one of the most prominent and influential representatives of the Republican party, with others wisely guiding its councils and skillfully leading it to victory. No one has labored with more zeal and judgment io advance its inter- ests or contributed more to its success. In 1870, he was made Chairman of the Republican State Committee a position which he still holds, and which he has filled with conspicuous ability. In two of the three years of his admin- istration, his party won remarkable triumphs, and even, in the first, where it failed, the foundations were being laid for the success which was subsequently achieved. This con- summation was not reached merely by the ordinary methods. It was wrought out through the prescient wisdom which recognized the necessity for a thorough reorganization of the party, and the firm purpose which persistently and unflinch- ingly prosecuted it to its conclusion. This is not the place for partisan references or for political history. Yet, as illus- trating one of the most important achievements with which Mr. CORNELL was intimately identified, it may be permitted us to say a word of this great work accomplished under his Chairmanship. In connection with others, conspicuous among whom was Senator CONKLING and the relations of Mr. CORNELL with the distinguished Senator merit a pass- ing allusion as deserving a place in the annals of notable political friendships in connection with these associates, Mr. CORNELL believed that a reorganization of the party in the city of New York, and its rescue from prejudicial influ- ences which had debauched and paralyzed its machinery, ALONZO B. CORNELL. 131 were vital to success. Accordingly, he and they set out to retrieve its position. Their determination was in reality the beginning of the great reform movement which has produced such important and far-reaching consequences. In the prosecution of this work, he was brought into conflict with some men who resisted the new policy, and, among others, with the late Mr. GREELEY. Having written a letter to the Hon. GILES HOTCIIKISS, explaining the necessity and char- acter of the movement, he was arraigned by Mr. GREELEY in a passionate and vehement reply. Mr. CORNELL rejoined in a calm, able and convincing letter, dated September 7, 1871, and concluding with the following dignified reference to his own action and spirit : Mr. GREELEY ! much has been said about dissensions and controversies between Republicans. Remember that this controversy is of your own seeking. I wrote a civil letter to a leading Republican, in answer to inquiries which had been made of me as Chairman of the State Committee. Others thought it desirable that it should be published. In it I assailed no one, nor spoke an unkind word of any Republi- can. The Tribune attacked me by name, called me a calum- niator, and charged me with unworthy motives. Not con- tent with this, you, over your o\vn signature, address me officially by name in the Tribune, and boldly accuse me of falsehood and misrepresentation. In what manner have I merited such violence ? Last year I labored earnestly and faithfully to nominate you for Governor, and that, too. in opposition to General WoODFORD and GEORGE WILLIAM Ci'KTis, both my esteemed personal friends. Later, I warmly supported your nomination and election to Congress, while you were strenuously opposed by many of the very men with whom you are now consorting in the Tammany-Repub- lican committee. During all of the proceedings in regard to the reorganization, I treated you with the greatest courtesy. In my Ilotchkiss letter I said not a single word disrespectful of you. What I have said in this communication has been more than provoked by your personal attack upon me. The Republicans of the State are sick and tired of these person- alities. With them rests the disposition of the work of reorganization. For my part, I do not intend to contribute 132 LIFE SKETCHES. to any further controversies. I shall do my best to promote the harmony and prosperity of the party which has been so needlessly imperiled by your unfortunate action. The reorganization was completed. It was ratified by the State Convention. It was followed by the success of the party and the triumph of reform ; and the sagacity of those who had planned and executed it was thus fully vindicated by the result. The final test came in the campaign of 1872, and the masterly abilities of Mr. CORNELL, as a political organizer, were then signally illustrated, as the movement itself was crowned with complete victory. Every thing con- spired to make it a memorable contest. Besides involving this action, it was the Presidential battle, and that made the can- vass long and arduous. As Chairman of the State Committee, Mr. CORNELL took the full and immediate direction. Never was a campaign more thoroughly and systematically organized. A hundred speakers were on the stump; scores of meetings were daily held; all the local committees were playing their harmonious parts; the whole intricate machinery of an intense, absorbing campaign, stretching over the entire State and aiming to concentrate half a million voters, was in full motion. It was the touch of the central spring in the hands of the chosen chief, that largely impelled these varied and multiplied movements. Himself untiring, he inspired others with his own energy. Himself full of faith, others caught from him the infectious spirit of confidence and enthusiasm. Such was the general sense of his invaluable services that it prompted a public testimonial, which took the appropriate and graceful form of two costly and superb albums, the one embracing the photographs and the other the accompanying letters of the candidates and of those who shared the labors of the campaign ; a testimonial in which President GRANT, Vice-President WILSON, Senator CONKLING, Speaker ELAINE and many of the most illustrious men in the State and the nation cordially united. Rarely has so extraordinary a tribute- been paid or been so well deserved. ALONZO B. CORNELL. 133 The campaign with which Mr. CORNELL was so promi- nently identified in the interest of his party, also brought his own election as a Member of Assembly, from the Eleventh district of New York. This was followed by his unanimous nomination to the Speakership, as already stated. In this difficult and trying position, as in every other place, he has acquitted himself with eminent success. From the very first, he has shown much of that peculiar native gift which dis- tinguishes the true presiding officer, and which can scarcely be acquired. Ready in resource, prompt in decision, impar- tial in judgment, cordial and unaffected in manner, and endowed with rare tact, he has become as popular with his associates as he is expeditious in the dispatch of business. It is but the common expression of all who are familiar with Legislative history, that, in the qualities which adorn the chair, he justly ranks With the most accomplished and successful Speakers of later years. But he is more than an executive and presiding officer. His impression is felt in shaping legislation, and moulding public policy, and in this sphere he is actuated by a high and conscientious sense of public duty, as he is guided by clearness of perception and wisdom of judgment. In personal appearance, Mr. CORNELL is at once attractive and commanding. Of full proportions, with dark, clear eye, and clean-shaven face, his features expressive both of decision of character and of a genial disposition, and possessing the stamp of animation and intellect, his whole bearing is that of the courteous gentleman. Though yet only in the early prime of life, he has had a successful and promising career, and has proved himself equal to every position in which he has been placed. 134 LIFE SKETCHES. FRANK ABBOTT. Mr. ABBOTT, who capably represents the Second district of Orange county, claims New Haven as his birth-place. He was born February 9, 1828, of parents who were also natives of Connecticut. As is the case, generally, with Connecticut youth, Mr. A. received a good common school education, and learned a trade before he reached his majority, conse- quently he is a thoroughly competent machinist and en- gineer, and, in addition to his services as a legislator, has, for the last three years, filled the position of master mechanic of the Erie railway shops at Port Jervis, and also the office of engine-dispatcher, having charge of the engineers and firemen located at that place, both of which are offices of much responsibility, requiring not only superior mechanical skill, but decided executive ability in the performance of their duties. In 1802 and 1803, he rendered important service in operating the United States military railroads. His labors in this connection, always arduous, were some- times exceedingly dangerous. Mr. ABBOTT was the first to institute and put in practical operation the co-operative plan of life insurance, which has, for a number of years, been a very economical and popular method of insurance with railway engineers, conductors and other classes ; he has held the office of Secretary and Treasurer of the Engineers' Association since its first organi- zation in 1807. The association numbers over three thousand members, and pays from ten to twenty thousand dollars per month to the widows and orphans of deceased members. Mr. A. was a member of the last House, to winch he was elected by the Republicans, receiving a majority of 549 over HKXKY B. OGDE.Y, his Democratic opponent. He served on the Committees on Trade and Manufactures and Civil FRANKLIN A. ALB ERG ER. 135 Divisions. Last fall he was re-elected by the Democrats and Liberal Republicans, defeating R. H. CHAMBERLAIN, Repub- lican, by a majority of about GOO. Mr. ABBOTT'S political history is somewhat varied. Formerly a Democrat of the strictest sect, the issues of the war placed him on the side of Republicanism, and up to the last campaign he acted with that party. Entering heartily into the Cincinnati movement, however, he supported the late HORACE GREELEY for President, and was elected to the Assembly as a Liberal. In the present House he is a member of the Committees on State Prisons and Grievances. Mr. ABBOTT is a man possessing a good deal of force of character and practical ability, and performs his legislative duties quietly and unostentatiously, yet effectively. FRANKLIN A. ALBERGER. Few men who figure in State politics occupy a more con- spicuous position than the member from the Third district of Erie county ; and it may also be added that few have been identified to a greater degree with the material and com- mercial progress of the commonwealth. Representing a con- stituency largely composed of those connected with the mercantile and shipping interests, and being himself one of that, class, he has a clear appreciation of the importance of developing to the utmost every means likely to augment the commercial greatness of the State. His long experience as Canal Commissioner has also given him a thorough insight into the workings of the great arteries of inter-communica- tion, and enabled him to fully understand their relation to the stupendous eastward movement of the agricultural pro- ducts of the great west. He has, therefore, always been the earnest advocat o" every project which commended itself to 136 LIFE SKETCHES. his judgment as likely to effect an increase in the capacity of the canals, and enable them to successfully compete with other transportation routes from the west to the Atlantic sea- board. His views upon the subject of canal policy are not only clear and decided, but liberal and progressive, and founded upon a regard for the best interests of the State at large, rather than of special localities. Indeed, his convictions upon every subject brought before the Legislature are quickly and generally judiciously formed and tenaciously adhered to. Enjoying a large business experience, as well as an intimate knowledge of State affairs, and also of men and events, Mr. ALBERGER is peculiarly qualified to perform the duties of legislation. Born in Baltimore, Md., on the 14th of January, 1825, of parents who were both natives of that city, Mr. ALBERGER received a liberal education in district and select schools. He removed to Buffalo at the age of 17 years, and engaged in the butchering and provision business, which he prosecuted suc- cessfully until the year 18G8. He early became very active in the local politics of Erie county, and was prominently identified, first with the Whig and then with the Republican party. It is a notable fact, in this connection, that he was a member of the last Whig convention, and also of the first Republican convention held in Erie county. He was also Secretary of the first Republican meeting held in the city of Buffalo, and a member of the first County Committee of that party, acting as its Treasurer during a period of ten years. During the native American campaigns, Mr. ALBERGER was decided in his hostility to the movement his uncom- promising opposition to every thing savoring of Know- nothingism being doubtless still remembered by those fami- liar with the political contests of those days. Mr. ALBERGER'S known ability and integrity have marked him as peculiarly a fit man in almost any capacity. He has. therefore, often been called upon to fill positions of trust and responsibility. As early as 1854. he was elected an Alderman FRANKLIN A. ALBEROER. 137 of Buffalo, and was reflected in 1858 and 1859. In 1860 the people of Buffalo chose him as their mayor, and so acceptably did he fill the position during the term of two years, that the eyes of the State at large were turned upon him. and in 1862 he was elected to the office of Canal Com- missioner, in which he served six years, two successive terms, being nominated each time by acclamation. Mr. A. is now serving his third consecutive term as Member of Assembly, and it is a sufficient indication of his growing popularity to state that his majorities were, respectively, in 1870, 189; in 1871, 881 ; and, in 1872, 1,801. Besides these public positions, strictly political in their nature, Mr. ALBERGER has held numerous private and busi- ness trusts. During the war, he was Chairman of the Mili- tary Relief Fund of the city of Buffalo, and was also Chair- man of the committees charged with raising and equipping the 21st and 49th Regiments of volunteers. The last-named regiment was raised with such celerity that it was the first completed regiment raised outside of New York city under the second call for volunteers. As a public speaker, Mr. ALBERGER is forcible and fluent. His speeches usually bristle with a formidable array of facts raid figures, and upon them he relies rather than upon fervid eloquence, or brilliant rhetoric. He takes part in the debates upon all questions which come before the House, and displays equal familiarity with the subject, whether it relate to government, law, social reform or commerce. In religious belief and connection Mr. ALBERGER is a Presby- terian, but his views on religion, as on other subjects, are broad and liberal. He was married June 16, 1847, to Miss KATE RICE. 138 LIFE SKETCHES. ISAAC H. BABCOCK. Mr. BABCOCK, who represents, for the second time, the first Niagara district in the Assembly, was born in Rensselaer- ville, Albany county, on the 20th of September, 1830. In his early youth, his parents removed to Somerset, Niagara county, and engaged in farming on the borders of Lake Ontario, a region of unsurpassed fertility. Here young BAB- COCK spent his youth, working on the farm, and attending school during the winter months. His father, JEPTHA "W. BABCOCK, represented the Second district of Niagara in the Assemblies of 1851 and 1852, being elected by the Whigs, and is still living at Lockport, engaged in active pursuits. At the age of sixteen, young BABCOCK entered the Wilson Collegiate Institute, having previously obtained considerable rudimentary instruction in the common schools. The ensuing six years were devoted to study, some time being spent in the Lockport Union School, and he graduated from the first- named institution in 1852. Several years later he settled in Lockport. engaging successfully in nursery and fruit grow- ing, and entering the married state soon after, he settled permanently in the suburbs of that thriving city. The prominence which he subsequently attained as a successful horticulturist is indicated by the fact that in 1870 he was chosen President of the Niagara County Agricultural Society. Mr. BABCOCK'S political career dates back some fifteen years, when lie was known as a Free Soil Whig. When the Republican party was organized, however, he was one of its first members, and has since been unswerving in his fidelity to its principles. He was a candidate for County Clerk, in 1802, when HORATIO SKYMOTU was elected Governor, but, owing to the presence of a third candidate in the canvass, he lacked seven votes of an election, the Democrats carrying the county by a small majority. In the years 1807 and 1808 he ISAAC H. BABCOCK. 139 served with credit in the Board of Supervisors. In 1871, he received an unsolicited nomination to the Assembly, and though his district is a very close one, and his opponent, AY.M. 8. FARNELL, was professedly favorable to reform, Mr. BABCOCK was successful by a majority of 265. In the Assembly of 1872, he acquitted himself with entire satisfaction, serving upon the Insurance Committee and upon the Committee on Expenditures of the House. The insur- ance investigation of the last session is fresh in the mind of the public. Mr. BABCOCK was a member of the Sub-Com- mittee which conducted the investigation into the charges against Mr. MILLER, the then Superintendent of the Insur- ance Department ; and he, with other members of the Com- mittee, was called upon to perform exacting and laborious service, spending several weeks in Xew York and Albany in taking evidence. It has been alleged that strong influences were brought to bear to control their final action, but the committee made a report sustaining the charges, and. as is now matter of history, the Assembly promptly passed a resolution expelling Mr. MILLER from his office. Mr. BAB- COCK'S part in this trying investigation was cordially indorsed by his constituents, who gave him the compliment of a unani- mous renomination last fall, and he was re-elected by a majority of 542, Mr. FARXELL again being his opponent. In the present session lie has been prominent in another important investigation, acting as Chairman of the special committee to inquire into alleged frauds connected with the recent transfer of the Erie railway directory. Mr. BABCOCK is a man of quiet and unassuming manners, polished and genial in social intercourse, and extremely indus- trious and regular in his habits. Ik- has alivadv made his mark as a capable and efHeient legislator, and has shown himself worthy of still further honors at the hands of his fellow citizens. 140 LIFE SKETCHES. JOHN P. BADGER. JOHN PEASLEE BADGES was bora in Ossipee, Carroll county, N. IT., August 3, 1834. He is a son of WM. P. C. BADGER, a native of Compton, P. Q., but born of American parents. While yet in early infancy he came with his parents to this State, and is consequently a New Yorker to all intents and purposes. His father and mother are still living in comfortable circumstances, the former being about sixty years of age. Young BADGER Avas educated in the common schools, and though his early life was spent upon the farm and in a country store, of which he was proprietor for several years, he availed himself of every opportunity to pre- pare himself for the legal profession, to which he looked forward as his chosen pursuit. He finally entered the Albany Law School, graduated with credit in November, 1871, and, shortly afterward, was admitted to the bar. Since that time he has practiced law with marked success, ranking already as one of the foremost lawyers in his county. Mr. BADGER learned his first political lessons in the Ameri- can party, and was an ardent member of that party during its brief existence, voting for MILLARD FILLMORE for Presi- dent. When its elements were scattered he identified him- self with the Republicans, with whom he has continued to act up to the present time, lie is constitutionally quite an active man, and has therefore been a participant in Franklin county politics for a number of years past. Twice he has been elected to represent his town in the Board of Super- visors in 1870 and 1872. Though his town was formerly Democratic, he carried it when first elected by a majority of 32. In his second canvass his majority was 4G, in a total vote of 300; and last fall he carried it by the gratifying majority of 141, his entire majority in the county, over W. W. PADDOCK, being 1,214, or about forty votes ahead of the GEORGE BALTZ. 141 State ticket. These figures speak well for the popularity of the Franklin county member at home. Mr. BADGER'S frank and modest deportment and evident ability attracted attention very early in the present session, and he has already demonstrated great aptitude for legisla- tive duties. .He is a consistent and earnest member of the Methodist church, and possesses a character entirely above reproach. He was married in January, 1855, to Miss EMILY E. PHELPS. GEORGE BALTZ. Mr. BALTZ, an active and Avide-awake German Eepublican, of the city of Buffalo, is now serving his second term in the Assembly. He was born in Odernheim, Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, on the llth of August, 1837, and may therefore be ranked among the younger members of the House. He received a liberal education in the German common schools, and being a man of more than ordinary shrewdness and intelligence, he attained prominence as a politician very soon after he came to this country. He located at Buffalo, where he has taken an active part in political campaigns for several years past. From the start he identified himself with the Eepublican party, and he has also labored with zeal and enthusiasm to induce his countrymen to act as a unit witli that political organization. For several years past he has made it a practice to stump the counties of Erie, Niagara, Chautauqua and Cattaraugus, speaking usually in the Ger- man tongue. His speeches are characterized by thorough earnestness and convincing logic, and are delivered with a pointed energy which sends their truths straight to the hearts of those to whom they arc addressed. His success, there- lore, lias been very great. With an unusually active mind, and broad views upon oil the questions of the day. it was 142 LIFE SKETCHES. very natural that Mr. BALTZ should turn his attention to journalism as a means of more thoroughly Americanizing his countrymen, who constitute no inconsiderable portion of the population of Buffalo. He became the proprietor of the Freie Presse, a daily and weekly journal, which has attained a large circulation among his German constituency, and is doing good service in the Republican cause. Mr. BALTZ held the office of City Auditor of Buffalo in 1869, and during the next two years was an Assistant Asses- sor of Internal Revenue. He was elected to the Assembly of 1872 by a majority of 626, and served in that body on the Committees on Petitions of Aliens, and the Militia. Last fall he was re-elected by a majority of 646, and now serves on the Committees on Charitable and Religious Societies, Public Printing, and Militia. GEORGE S. BATCHELLER. Gen. BATCHELLER is certainly entitled to be ranked among the most popular and distinguished members of the present House. He was born in Batchellerville, Saratoga county, February 25, 1836, and has therefore just completed his thirty-seventh year, lie is descended from a somewhat illustrious ancestry. His father's family were originally Irish, and went to Spain with the O'DoxOHUE. From thence, after several generations, their descendants found their way to this country, and settled in Massachusetts. Gen. B.'s father. SHEKMA.V BATCIIELLEH, was born in Vermont, and was a nephew of ROGER SHERMAX, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and was also related, though distantly, to DANIEL WEBSTER'S family. He died suddenly in 1862. The General's mother was of English descent, and a native of Massachusetts. Gen. BATCHELLER is a thoroughly GEORGE S. BATCHELLER. 143 educated gentleman, having graduated at Harvard University, and received the degree of LL. B. from the law school of that institution. He entered Harvard in the junior year, but, owing to a family affliction, he was obliged to suspend his studies. He returned, however, and completed the scien- tific course successfully, receiving a diploma which entitles him to the degree of Ph. B. In 1858, about a year after leaving college, he was admitted to the bar, and soon rose to eminence in his profession. In the fall of the same year, he was elected to the Assembly from the same district now rep- resented by him. This proved the stepping-stone to what is as yet an uncompleted career of brilliant and honorable public service. Two or three years later the war of the rebellion broke out. lie entered the volunteer service, acting as Major until he was commissioned as Lieutenant-Colonel in the One Hundred and Fifteenth New York Volunteers, and, though but recently married, he went to the front with that command. He participated in all the battles and skir- mishes in which the regiment was engaged, until he was taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry, in September of the same year. Early in 1863 he was exchanged, and received the appointment of Deputy Provost-Marshal-General in the department of the South. He held this responsible position, having under his charge all the civil and military matters pertaining to that office, within those portions of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida within our lines, until the winter of 1804, serving under Generals HUNTER, GILMORE, SEYMOUR and others. Subsequently he was transferred to Flmira to look after drafted men for his department, and there honorably discharged from the service, receiving the rank of brevet Colonel. hi 18 he had graduated with the degree of A. M., from Manhattan College, and also from Columbia College Law School, with the degree of LL. B. He immediately commenced the practice of law, and is rapidly winning a reputation in that profession. For three years past he has been Secretary of the West-Side Property Owners' Association, of the Twelfth Ward. In the recent canvass Mr. DEERIXG was known as a "straight-out" Democrat, and was the only individual of that stripe elected in New York last fall. The fact that he was chosen to the Assembly by a majority of 400, in what lias heretofore been a strong Tammany district TIIOMA.S C. FIELDS having carried it by large majorities the two previous years is a striking illustration of the change that lias been wrought in New York politics, and constitutes a splendid AUGUSTUS DENNISTON. 189 personal compliment to Mr. DEEIUNG. Mr. D. has, on several occasions during the present session, shown marked ability as a public speaker and an acute reasoner, and lie does not hesitate, when the occasion arises, to cross lances with any of the old debaters of the House. Being hampered by no cliques or rings in his political connection, he is also in a position to be perfectly untrammeled in the expression of his opinions on the floor. His tendencies have been toward the Apollo Hall wing of the Democracy, but we believe he came to the Legislature entirely unpledged to any specified course. Mr. DEERING is a man of robust physique and tine presence, which causes him to appear much older than he really is. He is a consistent member of the Roman Catholic church, and is still a bachelor. AUGUSTUS DENNISTON. Though quite a young man, Mr. DENNISTON has passed through quite an eventful career, and has already shown that he possesses the characteristics of the Scotch-Irish ancestry from which he sprung. He was born on the 25th of May, 1842, at Blooming Grove, Orange county, where he still resides. His father was the late Hon. ROBERT DENNISTON, who, in old Barnburner times, was distinguished for his integrity, force of character and ability during several years of service in both Houses of the Legislature, and one term us Comptroller of the State. Young DENNISTON was educated by private tutors at home, and enjoys, therefore, a very thorough acquaintance with all the practical branches of knowledge. In 1800, when his father was elected Comptrol- ler, he accompanied him to Albany as his confidential secre- tary, and diligently availed himself of the opportunity thus afforded of becoming familiar with the practical details of 190 LIFE SKETCHES. legislation. At the expiration of the two years term of ser- vice, Mr. DENNISTON was seized with the war fever, then widely prevalent among young men, and receiving the ap- pointment of Quartermaster of the 124th Regiment, New York volunteers, he went to the front with the gallant Col. ELLIS. He made an excellent Quartermaster, winning the good opinion of the entire regiment, but the severity of camp life was too much for him, and he was compelled to resign after about six months service, having contracted a disease by which he was prostrated nearly a twelve-month after his return. Mr. DENNISTON" belongs to a patriotic family. Four brothers and a brother-in-law were in the army and navy during the great war. Since the death of his father, in 1867, Mr. DENNISTOJST has been occupied in administering and managing the large estate left to his care, as well as being trustee of several other estates, and as it includes one of the finest farms in Orange county, it furnishes him ample em- ployment. Almost from boyhood Mr. DENNISTON has been active in political life, it being his habit always to attend the primary conventions, and he has frequently been sent as a delegate to various deliberative bodies. He was never elected to office until last fall, however, and is the first Assemblyman elected in many years from the country portion of his district, the member being generally taken from the city of Newburgh. His personal popularity is indicated by the fact that he re- ceived a majority of nearly nine hundred over a very popular Liberal Republican opponent, ALEXANDER LESLIE, of New- burgh. Mr. DENXI.STON" is a gentleman of pleasant manners and incorruptible character, possessing in a large degree those qualities which are essential to the able legislator. He is a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and, in all the public and private relations of life, is without re- proach. He has never married, and, with the exceptions already noted, has always lived on the farm occupied by hu father and grandfather. SEYMOUR DEXTER. 191 SEYMOUR DEXTER. Mr. DEXTER was born in Independence, Allegany county, March 20, 1841. He is the son of DANIEL DEXTER, a native of Herkimer county, who is still living at Independence, at the age of 67. His mother's maiden name was ANGELINA BRIGGS. She is also living, being ten years younger than her husband. Mr. DEXTER'S early youth was spent upon his father's farm. On reaching a suitable age, he entered Alfred University, from whence he graduated in July, 1864, and afterward studied law in the office of J. L. WOODS, at Elmira. He was admitted to the bar in May, 1866, and is now a mem- ber of the law firm of DEXTER & VAN DUZER, at Elmira. Though quite a young man, Mr. DEXTER has gained a wide reputation as an able advocate, and his success thus far indi- cates a promising future. The rebellion broke out while he was pursuing his studies at Alfred University, but he promptly responded to the call for men, enlisting as a private in the ^Ikl Kegiment, 'New York Volunteers, in April, 1861. The regiment shared in the good and ill-fortune which fell to the lot of the Army of the Potomac during the first year of the war, Mr. DEXTER remaining with it. and participating in innumerable battles and skirmishes, until the expiration of his two years term of service. He was then honorably discharged with a non-commissioned grade. Though Mr. DEXTER has always been a Republican, lie has never been ambitious for office. Last year he held the position of City Attorney in Elmira, and discharged its duties with marked credit. For several years, however, he lias been prominent in Elmira politics, and has become quite popular, II is canvass last fall was in some respects remark- able. For six years past, Cheniung county has sent Demo- cratic representatives to Albany, usually by decided majori- ties. Last fall Mr. DEXTER was nominated by acclamation, 192 LIFE SKETCHES. and was elected, after a most spirited contest, by a majority of 350, a gain of 750 votes over the previous year, when DAVID B. HILL, a Democrat, was elected. Mr. DEXTER'S opponent was JOHN A. REYNOLDS, a well-known citizen of Elmira. Mr. DEXTER was married in June, 1868, to ELLA E. WEAVER, of Leonardsville, Madison county, a very accomplished lady, and, by the way, a graduate of the ladies' collegiate course at Alfred University. He is a member of Rev. T. K. BEECHER ? S Congregational Church at Elmira, and is a man greatly esteemed in the social circles of that city, and respected in all classes of society. In person, he is about the medium height. He possesses no marked physi- ognomical characteristics, but is simply a man of the ordi- nary American type, genial, courteous, intelligent, and a favorite with those who are so fortunate as to possess his friendship. As a member of Assembly, he has shown great aptitude for legislative duties, and is a forcible and eloquent speaker. As a member of the Committees on the Judiciary and State Prisons, he is active and efficient. JAMES F. DONAHUE. JAMES FRANCIS DONAHUE was born in Brooklyn, w'here he still resides, December 25, 1843. He is a son of TIMOTHY and MARY DONAHUE, who are both natives of Corry, Ire- land, and who are still living in Brooklyn at an advanced age. In fact, Mr. DONAHUE comes of a long-lived stock, his grandparents having all of them lived to a great age. When very young, Mr. DONAHUE enjoyed some common school advantages, but he was able to acquire very little aside from the merest rudiments, and he may be said to be really self-educated. Since boyhood he has followed various occu- pations. He has been at different times a hatter, a candle- maker, and a ship-caulker, and at present he is very success- JAMES F. DONAHUE. 193 fully engaged in mercantile pursuits. Soon after the break- ing out of the rebellion he enlisted as a private in the Four- teenth (Brooklyn) Regiment, which was attached to the first brigade, first corps, army of the Potomac, and was in all the battles in which that noted regiment participated, until nearly the close of the war. He never asked nor sought promotion, but was content to do his duty as a soldier, regardless of nonors or emoluments. In 18G8 he was married to an estima- ble lady of Brooklyn. During several years past Mr. DOXA- HUE has been an active and influential Democratic politi- cian in his district, being frequently called upon to do duty as delegate to the Assembly, Senatorial and County conven- tions of his party. The good sense and thoroughness with which he performed his duties, together with his known per- sonal popularity, moved his friends to nominate him for the Assembly last fall. He accepted the nomination and was elected, after a spirited contest, by a majority of 283 over PATKICK J. COLLINS, a Democratic opponent, there being no Republican in the field. He is a member of three Com- mittees, Public Education, Civil Divisions, and Public Lands, and is known as a quiet, attentive and industrious legislator. Mr. DOXAHUE is a little below the medium height, but he is solidly built and well-knit together. His face, which is round and full, is closely shaven, and, without going into details, we may observe that his appearance is prepossessing and indicative of much ability, as well as capacity to appreciate the social amenities of life. 13 194 LIFE SKETCHES. DANIEL D. ELTING. Mr. ELTING was born in the town of Rosendale, Ulster county, Jan. 29, 1839. He is descended from French Hugue- not stock, his father's name being DAXIEL ELTIXG, a native of New Paltz, in the same country. His father and mother are still living, the latter now fifty-five years of age, being of Holland descent and a native of Eochester, Ulster county. Her maiden name was RACHEL SCHOOXMAKER. Young ELTIXG was educated in the common schools, and at Ellenville High School, and after leaving school entered mercantile life as a clerk, and followed that occupation several years. For a long period, and until within a year or two, he was foreman of repairs on the Delaware and Hudson canal. Besides his present position, he has never held any public office except that of Town Collector. In the spring of 1861, being at that time engaged as clerk, Mr. ELTIXG enlisted in Company E, Twentieth Regiment, New York State Militia, for three months. He was appointed to the grade of Sergeant, and served with the regiment until its return. He was then commissioned 1st Lieutenant in Co. G, 56th New York Volunteers, and served through most of the hardest fighting of the Avar. He was in the memora- ble Peninsula campaign, sharing in the honors won by the regiment; his conduct at the battle of Fair Oaks being such that he was promptly promoted, on the field, to a Captaincy in the same command. Subsequently he participated with marked credit in the campaigns in Xortli and South Caro- lina, and was present at the protracted bombardment of Fort Sumter. When the regiment re-enlisted in the fall of 1864, Captain ELTIXG resigned his commission and returned to civil life. Mr. ELTIXG is a straight-forward Republican, active in the performance of his legislative duties, a pleasant, courteous, HENRY L. FISH. 195 gentleman, and in all respects an honor to his district. He was married Dec. 15, 18G4, to Miss MAKY BEODHEAD. He is a member of the Committees on Roads and Bridges, Public Printing, and Militia. HENRY L. FISH. Mr. FISH is a fit representative of the flourishing commer- cial city of Rochester, which embraces by far the largest assembly constituency in the State, there being fully 60,000 inhabitants within its boundaries. Having been engaged in o o o the forwarding and commission business in that city for many years, he is fully conversant with all its requirements, and knows precisely what legislation is needed, not only for the healthy development of its commercial interests, but for securing to its citizens good municipal government, and con- sequent progressive social tendencies. Mr. FISH has always been known as a Democrat of advanced views and liberal ideas. During the rebellion years, he was classified as a war Democrat, and such lie was, in the best sense of the phrase, inasmuch as he favored no half-way measures in that contest. Since the war closed he has retained his party association, but invariably held himself at liberty to vote the best men into office, Avithont much regard to political affiliation. Being brought by his extensive business relations into close intimacy Avith " canal men" and canal interests, he is fully conversant Avith the needs and capabilities of ISTeAV York's great Avater highway, holding decided views in regard to the policy Avhich should guide its management. Speaker CORNELL paid a handsome compliment to his sagacity and experience in this respect, when he gave him the second place upon the Canal Committee, and in reference to matters which came before that committee, Mr. FISH'S counsel and co-operation are valued by every member of the House. 196 LIFE SKETCHES. Mr. FISH'S parents, who are both dead, were natives of Massachusetts, and he was born in Amherst, Mass., on the 25th of October, 1815. Three years later his fathers family moved to this State, settling in Wayne county, where he followed the occupation of farming for many years. Young FISH was brought up on the farm, receiving, meanwhile, a good common school education. In the year 1840, he located in Rochester, and engaged in the business which he still carries on successfully. He is now a member of the firm of FISH & HEATH (formerly FISH, ELLISOX & Co.), Forward- ers and Commission Merchants, and was one of the founders, and still a part owner, of the Rochester Transportation Com- pany, one of the heaviest freighting lines in western Xew York. During several years, he was also President, Treas- urer and part oAvner of the Rochester Towing Company, another very extensive concern. It will therefore be seen that Mr. FISH is one of the " solid men " of Rochester, and it may also well be imagined that he has played no insignifi- cant part in the political and municipal history of that city. Never a strong partisan, in any sense, he has always espoused the cause of the people, and labored to secure the greatest good to the greatest number. He is, therefore, very popular among all classes. For two decades he has resided in the Eighth ward of Rochester, and during that period he has been almost constantly in the service of the city in some capacity. As he always acted in his political connection with the Democratic party, he has frequently been a member of the city and county committees, in which he has ren- dered effective campaign service. Popular appreciation of his merits has, however, been generally based on other than party considerations. His public career may be said to date from 1850. when he was elected to serve two years in the Board of Aldermen. During the years 1852, 1853 and 1855, he filled the office of School Commissioner with credit to himself and advantage to the educational interests of the citv. In 1854 he was a HEXRY L. FISH. 197 member of the Board of Supervisors. In 185G he was again elected Alderman, and was successively elected for two year terms until he had served nine years, being chosen in one year to fill a vacancy. While in the Board of Aldermen, he was a leading member of all the important committees, and was personally identified with every measure designed to benefit the city. In 18'>7 he was the candidate of his party for the Mayoralty, and was elected by a majority of 100. His course in this exalted position was so satisfactory that he was re-elected in 1868, his opponent boing the late Hon. WM. A. REYNOLDS, late a member of the Constitutional Commission. He was renominated in 1869, but declined to run. Since that year he has devoted himself assiduously to commercial life. Last fall, however, he was nominated for the Assembly by acclamation, at a mass convention of citizens called regardless of party affiliations, it being deemed desirable, on account of important local issues, to defeat GEO. D. LORD, the regular Democratic candidate, who had repre- sented the city two years. Although it promised to interfere seriously with his other pursuits, Mr. FISH reluctantly accepted the nomination, and was elected, by a majority of 173, his opponent having received a majority of 1,186 the year previous. The result was hailed with gratification by good men of all parties. Mr. FISH'S earnestness in the cause of reform is shown by the fact that, on the first business day of the session, he in- troduced three bills designed to abolish the system of com- missions given to the city by the Legislature of 1872. That he has not succeeded in securing the repeal of the acts creat- ing those commissions is due to no lack of energy and persist- ency on his part, as lie has labored in season and out of season to effect what he deemed the principal object of his election to the Assembly. Being elected by the people on other than party issues, Mr. FISH occupies a particularly independent position in the House. He recognizes two facts, however: First. That here- 198 LIFE SKETCHES. ceived the solid support of the Eepublicans in the recent can- vass ; and, second, that true reform in State and municipal administration can best be subserved by supporting the Ke- pitblican policy. Hence, he has uniformly acted with the majority on party questions. Mr. FISH is a fervent and consistent member of the Pres- byterian church. He has been married a number of years, and has one son. His personal appearance indicates marked individuality, in which there is much of the milk of human kindness, strong moral and religious convictions, and correct ideas of the principles which should govern all the relations of life. His countenance, framed in a flowing beard, in which the gray of age predominates, is extremely kindly in its expression, and faithfully mirrors some of the best traits of the human heart. It is a countenance, in short, in which one feels implicit confidence. Mr. FISH does not appear to be ambitious to excel as a debater, or to gain political promi- nence. His sole aim is apparently to perform his duty as a legislator acceptably, and in this, we imagine, he will succeed to the satisfaction of his constituents. MORRIS B. FLINN. The member from Yates is Hon. MORRIS B. FLIXX of Rushville, who was born in Springport, Cayuga county, on the 27th of April, 1811. He therefore ranks among the older members of the Assembly. His father was PETER FLIXX, who was born in this State and was one of the first settlers upon the Cayuga reservation. His mother, whose maiden name was RICHARDSOX, came from thrifty Pennsyl- vania stock, and the two were fair types of the hardy pioneers of Western New York. Young FLIXX was brought up on the farm, but his parents permitted him to enjoy every educational opportunity which the country afforded in those MORRIS B. FLIKN. 199 days. He attended common school with considerable regu- larity, and he was also a pupil in a village academy for several terms. He thus secured as much book-learning, perhaps, as a young man in his position required. During his 20th, 21st and 22d years he taught school, after which he followed farm- ing as a means of livelihood, marrying, in 1836, Miss ELIZA THOMPSON. On the death of his wife, in 1851, he relin- quished the farm and soon after established himself in the hardware business at Eushville, and a few years afterward Avas again married, his second wife being Miss HARRIET A. WHITNEY. He has continued in the hardware business until the present time, and has been quite successful. Mr. FLINN'S political career has been no more notable than that of hundreds of other plain and unassuming, yet substantial and useful citizens of the State. During his earlier years of manhood he was a Democrat, and remained such until the Eepublican party was organized. He then changed his party connection, and has since been uniformly identified with the Kepublican organization. Although he has for a number of years exerted consider- able influence politically, he has never held any office, and it was only at the earnest solicitation of his neighbors and friends that he consented last fall to be a candidate for the Assembly. The fact that he was elected by a majority of 680 in a county which is usually closely contested, and which, in 1871, gave its Republican member but 59 majority, conclusively indicates the estimation in which he is held at home. Mr. FLINN is not one of the talkers of the House, but he possesses gifts which more than make up for a lack of words, and render him an exceedingly efficient legislator, while his many excellent traits of character have caused him to be highly esteemed at the capital. 200 LIFE SKETCHES. ROBERT B. FOOTE. Mr. FOOTE represents the Fifth district of Erie county, which has heretofore been Democratic. He is a man of con- siderable ability and force of character, having, by dint of well-directed energy, worked himself up from poverty to a position of comparative affluence. Born in England, on the 13th of February, 1844, he was brought to this country by his parents when only three years old. His youth was spent upon the farm, with inter- vals of hard study in the common school and academy. During the winters of 1861 and 1862, and also that of 1865, he taught school. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the 116th Eegiment of Xew York Volunteers, and accompanied the Regi- ment in the eventful campaign which culminated in the cap- ture of Port Hudson. In the sanguinary struggle for the pos- session of that stronghold, he lost the forefinger of his right hand and the index and middle fingers of his left hand. The disability thus occasioned resulted in his honorable dis- charge a couple of months later, he having in the mean time been promoted to a non-commissioned grade. In 1864 he located in the oil regions of Pennsylvania, and became interested in certain oil property which proved very valuable. He operated several oil wells and kept a hard- ware store until 1867. when he left the oil regions, having secured a moderate fortune. He then purchased a farm in the town of Hamburgh, Erie county, and has since been quietly engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which he has been fairly successful. He was married in 1865 to MARY G. KIXGSCOTT, of Buffalo. Always a strong Republican, Mr. FOOTE has generally been quite active in the local councils of his party, but he has never before held office. He ran for Supervisor of his town two years ago, but was defeated by a small majority, a? the WILLIAM L. FORD. 201 town has generally been Democratic. His majority over Mr. WILEY, in the Assembly canvass last fall, was 240. Mr. FOOTE is a man of quiet manner and modest bearing ; though he has little to say in debate, he watches the legisla- tive proceedings with close interest, and is seldom absent from his seat. WILLIAM L. FORD. Mr. FORD, the member from Broome, is a successful mer- chant in the village of Deposit, where he has carried on busi- ness for the past twenty-five years. He is not a stranger to legislative duties, having been a member of the House in 1852, and agian last year, when he was chosen to succeed the late Hon. WM. M. ELY. He has made himself quite popular in the House, and as his business habits are brought to bear upon all the details of legislation with which he is connected, he is a very useful member, either in the com- mittee room or on the floor. He was born at Middleville, Herkimer county, March 12, 1820, his father being DANIEL FORD, of Connecticut, who died about seven years ago. Mr. FORD received a thorough common school education. Previous to going into business on his own account, he married the daughter of Major AUGUSTUS MORGAN, of Binghamton. She died, however, in 1850. three years later, and, in 1859, he married the daugh- ter of AUSTIX WARD, of Floyd. Oneida county. Mr. FORD was a member of the old Whig organization before its dissolution, and afterward joined the Republican party, with which lie has since acted. Besides his legislative service., he was a member of the Broome County Board of Supervisors in 1807, and was a delegate to the Republican State Conventions of 1871 and 1872. His popularity at home is shown bv the fact that he carried his countv in the 202 LIFE SKETCHES. recent canvass by the large majority of 1,280, his opponent being NEIL T. CHILDS, a Liberal Kepublican. In the session of 1852, he served on the Committee on Trade and Manu- factures, and in that of 1872 on State Prisons and on Con- gressional Apportionment. In the present session, he is Chairman of the Committee on Roads and Bridges, and an efficient member of the Committee on Public Printing. DANIEL G. FOET. The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Clifton Park, Saratoga county, New York, on the 27th of January, 1827. His father was a farmer, and while Mr. FOET was still a child, removed to Fabius, Onondaga county. In the com- mon schools and academies of that section Mr. FORT was educated. Like many of our public men, in early manhood he resorted to teaching, alternating summer and winter between the duties of the school-room and the labors of the farm. In 1855, Mr. FORT went to the city of Syracuse and engaged in mercantile pursuits, as a salesman and book- keeper. A few years subsequently he accepted an invitation from E. B. JUDSOIST, Esq., the well-known banker of Syra- cuse, to accompany him to Oswego, where he had become interested in the Lake Ontario Bank. This invitation was accepted, and in 1863 Mr. FORT succeeded to the cashiership of that institution, a position which he has ably filled to the present time. Mr. JUDSON subsequently returned to Syra- cuse, but his early interest in our subject, who still regards him as one of his most cherished friends and advisers, has never ceased. In 1862, Mr. FORT, very unexpectedly to himself, was made the Republican candidate for Mayor of the city of DANIEL f. FORT. 203 Oswego. It was in the stirring days of the war, and the excitement ran high. A public meeting was called the night before the election in the principal hall of the city, to ratify the. nomination. The hall was densely packed, and upon this occasion Mr. FORT made his first speech. Young and inexperienced in politics, and comparatively unknown up to that time, that effort convinced the Eepublicans that the confidence of their convention had not been misplaced. The late Hon. HEXRY FITZHUGH, who presided at the meet- ing, slapped his hands during the speech, exclaiming, em- phatically, " He'll do he'll do ! " And he did do. Mr. FORT was elected. As Mayor of the city it became necessary that he should take an active part in the raising of men for the war under the various calls of the govern- ment. To this work he lent his full energies. Having " broken the ice " in the Eepublican ratification meeting, lie soon become one of the most efficient and ready public speakers in the city. He addressed meeting after meeting, not only in the city of Oswego, but in all parts of the coun- try, and no man in his county rendered the government more efficient service than he did down to the close of the war. From the close of his term as Mayor down to his election to the Assembly in 1871, Mr. FORT allowed himself to become a candidate for no political office. He was elected and served a term as a member of the Board of Education of the city, in which body he was an active and influential member, always laboring to promote the efficiency of the schools and to advance the interests of education. While Mayor he became acquainted with the working of the laws for the support of the poor of the city, and matured the plan which was subsequently adopted, under which the poor of the city are now supported. This system, non-partisan in operation, is unlike that of any other city in the State. Although condemned and severely denounced by the party in powor in the city when it became a law, it has proved a 204 LIFE SKETCHES. great success in every respect, saving the tax payers of the city thousands of dollars annually, while the poor are more comfortable and better provided for than ever before. This system has been so successful in Oswego that no one now asks for its repeal, and other cities are looking into its fea- tures with a view to its adoption. Although, as we have stated, Mr. FORT, until recently, has not allowed himself to be a candidate for any political office, no man in his section of the State has been more active in promoting the success of the Eepublican party. A ready, popular and effective speaker, the opening of every campaign has been the signal for him to take the field in behalf of the principles and candidates of his party. During every politi- cal canvass during the past few years there is no speaker in his county whose services have been so frequently called for in every section, and during the late national political can- vass his services were frequently called for by the State Kepublican Committee to address meetings in various parts of the State. These calls he has always responded to very acceptably to the people whenever his business duties would permit. Mr. FORT'S readiness as a speaker, and his untiring activity, have resulted in his frequently being called upon to serve his fellow-citizens in various capacities. He is an active member of the Board of Trade, and is frequently selected to represent his city in commercial, railroad and business conventions in various parts of the country. His knowledge of the laws of commerce and trade, and his energy of char- acter, make his services in such bodies always valuable, and reflect credit upon those who make him their representative. In 1871 Mr. FORT accepted the Republican nomination in his district (the first of Oswego county), for Member of Assembly. It was in the palmy days of TNVEKD. The dis- trict was regarded as a close one, and one of the number in the State that had been selected, in which extraordinary Hurts should be made to save the Legislature to the DA. vi EL G. FORT. 205 Pemccracy. That party nominated its most popular man. and the contest became an animated one, resulting in the election of Mr. FORT. In the Legislature, his knowledge of business and commerce gave him the important position of Chairman of the Committee on Canals, an unusual compli- ment to a new member. The manner in which the duties of that committee were discharged fully vindicated the wisdom of the Speaker in his selection of its chairman. Mr. FORT, in that Legislature, was also complimented by a position upon the Committee on Ways and Means, and other important committees. It is not too much to say that in the Legislature of 1872 Mr. FORT was one of the most prominent and influential members, and that his legislative record was unspotted; his lidclity to the interests of his constituents and the State was unquestioned. In the Republican Convention of his district in the fall of 1872, he was complimented by a unanimous nomination for re-election. The Democrats and Liberals brought out against him Hon. D. C. LITTLEJOHX, who accepted the nomination. It was understood at once, all over the district, that it was to be a contest between titans. Mr. FORT had. to his advantage, a small majority in the district, personal popularity, and indomitable "pluck ''and energy. Mr. LITTLEJOHX had the prestige of unbroken success as a political candidate, almost unbounded popularity, and a per- sonal following which could be boasted by but few other public men in the State. He was also at the head of the Mid- land Railroad, which, Avith its officers and car works, gave him great personal strength. The Democrats and " Liberals " entered the contest entirely confident of success. Both can- didates, so to speak, stripped for the encounter. It was lit- erally a "hand to hand tight."' Every other issue was lost sight of in the discussions and encounters which followed. Probably never in this State had there been so exciting and animated a canvass over a question of this kind. Ft assumed more than local importance, and the leaders of both parties, 206 LIFE SKETCHES. all over the State, watched the issue with great interest. Notwithstanding the great efforts put forth, the sturdy Eepublicans of the district stood firm by the principles of their party and their candidate. Mr. FORT was elected by one hundred and twenty-nine majority. Mr. FORT'S prominence in the last Legislature, and the notice which the contest in his district attracted throughout the State, caused the suggestion of his name for the Speaker- ship, and he was frequently urged to become a candidate for that honor, but he promptly and peremptorily declined the use of his name in that connection. In the present Assembly he has been awarded the position of Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, by common consent regarded as the most important and leading Com- mittee of the House. The Chairmanship of this Committee is a position rarely attained by one year's service in the Legis- lature. That Mr. FORT has done and will do himself honor in the prominent place he has reached, no one familiar with the doings of the Assembly of the present winter will doubt. Mr. FORT is still in the vigor of manhood. In addition to his duties as Cashier and principal manager of an important banking institution, he is a member of the firm of WHEELER, FORT & Co., an extensive Milling house in Oswego, and has been engaged in various other business enterprises. He is a member of the Congregational Church, and has always taken an active part in the enterprises and movements of every description to advance the business, moral or religious inter- ests of his city. With a pleasing address, a hearty and unaffected manner which " takes with the people," with ability and energy, and at least a laudable ambition, it may safely be believed that the subject of this sketch has still before him, either in the public or private walks of life, a useful and an honorable career. THOMAS M. FOWLER. 207 THOMAS M. FOWLER. Mr. FOWLER, who resides in the village of Wayland, was a member of the Assembly of 1872, and established a repu- tation for faithfulness to duty and honesty of purpose greatly to his credit. Though a man of few Avords, his acts are ever prompted by correct understanding and sound con- victions, and few members of the last House, or of the present one, can show a cleaner record in every way than THOMAS M. FOWLER. Born in the town of Gorham, Ontario county, on the 25th of May, 1823, Mr. F. is now turning a half century of exist- ence. He is the son of REUBEN W. FOWLER, who was born in Connecticut shortly after the close of the revolution and died in 1856 at the age of 78. Mr. FOWLER'S mother is still living. Young FOWLER was educated mainly at the common schools, but he spent some time at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, Livingston county, and there perfected himself in several branches not so thoroughly taught in the district schools of that day. The first regular business he engaged in after reaching years of manhood, was that con- nected with the operation of a foundry and mill. In this he was quite successful, remaining in it up to the year 1870. Since that time he has bee"n in the produce and commission business, and has also invested pretty largely in the lumber trade. Mr. FOWLER has been quite active in politics for a num- ber of years, and few men in Steuben county possess a larger degree of influence in the Republican party. Xatunilly, he has been frequently urged to fill positions of trust in the gift of the party, and occasionally he has accepted such positions. "\Vhen he has done so he has invariably brought to the performance of the duties devolving upon him, a high ^08 LIFE SKETCHES. degree of ability, as well as a conscientious regard for the public interests. In 1863 he was chosen Supervisor of the town of Spring- water. Livingston county, where he then resided, and so sat- isfactorily did he represent his town in the Board that he was re-elected the ensuing year without opposition. Remov- ing afterward to "Way-land, he soon acquired popularity, and in 1871 he was elected to the Assembly and served through the session on the Committees on Internal Affairs and on Expenditures of the Executive Department. In the present House he is member of the Committees on Eoads and Bridges, Two-thirds and Three-fifths Bills, and Joint Library. Mr. FOWLER had the good or ill fortune to be drafted in 1864, but he was discharged before entering the service, thereby cutting short what might have been a brilliant mili- tary record. As may be gathered from the foregoing, Mr. FOWLER is an earnest Republican, and lias been such since the party was organized, acting with the Whigs previous to that time. He was married iu 1848 to Miss HAXXAH E. EVERETT, a daugh- ter of Hon. B. EVERETT, of Herkimer county. He is a man of quite striking appearance, though he is extremely plain and unpretending in his carriage and demeanor. For some time previous to taking his seat this session he was afflicted with a painful and lingering illness, but he is rapidly regain- ing his wonted health. JOHN I. FURBECK. 209 JOHN I. FURBECK. The subject of the present sketch was born in New Scot- land, Albany county, October 14, 1827. His father, JOHN" FURBKCK, who is still living at the age of seventy-six years, is also a native of Albany county, and has followed farming all his life. Mr. FURBECK received an ample common school and academic education, graduating from the Onon- daga Academy with all the honors in 1847. Brought up on a farm, however, he has adhered to that pursuit during most of his life, though he has also engaged in business more or less extensively, dealing especially in real estate, tobacco and hops. His enterprises have been uniformly successful. Mr. FURBECK has been active in politics from early youth, acting first with the Whig and then with the Republican party. It has invariably been his desire to devote his time to his business pursuits, and to labor at his own expense for the success of the Republican party and the advancement of its principles. Always prominent in the party caucuses and local conventions, he has been relied upon as a trusted leader and wise manager. Several times, also, he has been intrusted with positions of honor and trust, none of which have been of his own seeking. These positions he has uniformly filled with fidelity and ability. In 1858 he was elected Justice of the Peace, and evinced such manifest fitness for the position that he was four times re-elected thereto, and is now an incumbent of the magisterial office. The first time he ran for Justice of the Peace was when his town was considered Democratic but two other Republicans beingelected he receiving 185 major- ity. He was triumphantly re-elected the second term ; the third term he ran 145 ahead of his ticket; and the fourth term he was 87 ahead of his ticket, Avith one of the strongest opponents in the county Democracy against him. In 1862 he was elected Associate Jud^e, and served four years. In 14 210 LIFE SKETCHES. 1861 he was appointed Postmaster of Collamer, and still holds the position. Finally his fellow-citizens determined that he was fitted for higher honors. The Assembly conven- tion of his district the third of Onondaga gave him, on the informal ballot, thirty-four out of its thirty-seven votes as its candidate for member, and he was nominated by accla- mation. He had refused a number of times to become a candidate, and did not accede to the persistent demands of the press of the district and his personal friends until about one hour before the Convention was organized. The vote was very flattering in view of the fact that he made no effort to secure a single delegate. The succeeding canvass was sharply con- tested, but he was elected by a majority of 639 over GARRET DOYLE, his Democratic competitor. He serves the House and his constituency effectively as a member of the Com- mittees on Villages, Public Printing, and Manufacture of Salt. Mr. FURBECK was married April 17, 1852, to EMILY MOSHEK, of Albany county. He attends the Presbyterian Church. In all his intercourse and relations with others he is the soul of probity and honor, and is just what he seems a plain, unpretentious man of business. WILLIAM H. II. GKRK. 211 WILLIAM H. H. GERE. Mr. GERE enjoys the distinction of being the successor of Governor ALVORD, from the First district of Onondaga. Tt is but just to add, however, that this fact does not constitute his sole claim to consideration, as he is one of the most wide- awake and substantial citizens of Central New York. Mr. GERE was born in Geddes, where he still resides, on the 14th of August, 1820, his father being ROBERT GERE, a native of Xew London, Conn., and still living, at the age of seventy-seven. He received a very thorough education in the common schools and at Homer Academy, taking especial pains to qualify himself for the profession of civil engineer- ing, which he afterward followed for a number of years. For a long time previous to 1868, he served the State as Resident and Division Engineer on the canals. In 1866 he was appointed I nspcctor of .the Onondaga Penitentiary, and continues to hold the office. He was also elected Supervisor of the town of Geddes six successive terms, commencing in 1864. He is now engaged in the manufacture of salt and iron, and, we may add, is honorably accumulating a com- petence. Mr. GERE has always been a straightforward, active Republican, and in the late canvass he was chosen to the Assembly by a decided majority over THOMAS G. ALVORD, the candidate; of the Liberals and Democrats, although extraordinary efforts were made to secure his defeat. Physically, Mr. GERE is a robust, vigorous man, with a large and well-proportioned frame, and a countenance glow- ing with health. He also possesses a generous heart, and correct instincts, while his entire personality, in fact, is so constituted that he will undoubtedly be proof against all the deleterious influences pervading the capitol. whether they be the mephitic gases of the Assembly chamber, or the sediic- 212 LIFE SKETCHES. tive wiles of the swarming lobbyists. Mr. GERE is not a public speaker, his abilities tending rather toward practical and effective work, for which, whether in or out of the Legislature, he is well qualified by nature and education. He is a member of the Committees on Cities and Indian Affairs. STEPHEN F. GILBERT. The member from the Second District of Steuben is an active, energetic, well-informed gentleman of about thirty- one years of age. With the exception of two years recently spent in Rochester, he has resided in Hornellsville nearly all his life. He was born in Grovelaiid, Livingston county, on the 28th of February, 1842. His parents moved to Hor- nellsville about a week later, and young GILBERT enjoyed the benefit of common school education until his twelfth year, after which he had few educational opportunities, except those which came by reading and observation. He is an accomplished stenographer, and is probably the first profes- sional short-hand writer ever elected to the Assembly. Since 1865 he has been a regular reporter in the courts of the Sixth and Seventh judicial districts, and lias attained considerable eminence as an accurate and rapid stenographer. Mr. GILBERT served honorably in the Avar of the rebellion. In the summer of 1862 he enlisted as a private in Company F, 141st Regiment, New York Volunteers, and participated in numerous battles and marches until he was honorably discharged in the fall of 1864. Always an enthusiastic Republican, Mr. GILBERT has been quite active in the local politics of Hornellsville since he Avas quite young, but he never held office until the present year. He was elected to the Assembly by a majority of 1,107 over JOHN McDouGALL, his Democratic opponent. He serves GEORGE A. Goss. 213 on the Committee on Petitions of Aliens, Expenditures of the House, and Privileges and Elections. His record thus 1'a.r, while devoid of any marked feature, has heen such as to reflect honor upon his constituency. GEORGE A. GOSS. Mr. Goss was born at Pittsford, N". Y., March 3, 1834. He is the son of Hon. EPIIRAIM Goss, who represented the Twenty-eighth (Rochester) district in the State Senate during the years I860 and 18G1. Senator Goss was born in West Fulton, Schoharie county, N. Y., on the 12th of June, 1806. Mr. Goss's mother was the daughter of CHAUZSTCEY PORTER, and born in Nassau, Rensselaer county, N. Y., March 9, 1814; his greatgrandfather, EPHRAIM Goss, served through the Avar of Independence, and was a gallant and successful soldier. The subject of this sketcli received his education in the common and union district school. For a short time he followed the occupation of farmer, but for several years he has been engaged in the commission busi- ness. His first vote was given for the Republican ticket in the year 1855, and he has ever since been a reliable and active Republican, devoting much time as a member of the County Central Committee and otherwise to the success of the party. Besides holding a number of town offices, he was in the year 1871 unanimously nominated by the Republican Convention of the First Assembly district of Monroe county, and triumphantly elected, and in 1872 was re-elected by a large majority, defeating RICHARD I). COLE, the Democratic candidate. Mr. Goss is Chairman of the Committee on Expenditures of the Executive Department, and is also a member of the Committees on Villages and Education, and a regular attendant upon the sessions of the House, looking 214 LIFE SKETCHES. after the interest of the State, and especially watching and taking care of the business of his constituents. Frank, genial and courteous in his intercourse with every one, Mr. Goss is certainly a very popular member of the present House. He is large and well built, with a prepos- sessing countenance, intelligent blue eyes, and generally agreeable presence. He possesses what is a prime requisite to those compelled to labor in the fetid atmosphere of the As- sembly Chamber, a sound constitution and robust phvsique, but above all, h is a man of unquestioned integrity of char- acter and earnestness of purpose. He is still unmarried. MATTHEW GRIFFIN. Mr. GRIFFIN is a self-made man. His early youth was passed amid humble surroundings, and though he was com- pelled to earn his own support from a very early age, he managed, by close application during his winter schooling, to obtain a good education. He was born in Dutchess county, in this State, October 22, 1811. of parents who were of English descent, his father's name being EZEKIEL GRIF- FIN. His father, now deceased, moved to Delaware county, and there young GRIFFIN worked by the day or week at whatever presented itseli in the way of occupation until his twenty-sixth year, by which time, as the results of his habits of prudence and close economy, he had accumulated quite a respectable savings. He then entered mercantile business, and though he found it moderately remunerative, he disposed of it ten years later and moved to Ulster county, where he engaged in steam forwarding. He remained in this branch of trade but three years, however, when he sold out his in- terest, and, returning to Delaware county, resumed the pur- suit he left, being able, with increased capital, to conduct it much more advantageously and extensivelv. MATTHEW GRIFFIN. 215 In the mean time, Mr. GRIFFIN was a hard student, spend- ing most of his leisure in a determined effort (.0 master a knowledge of the law. As a result he was admitted to the bar in 1851, and has since, besides attending to his mercan- tile business, practiced as an attorney and counselor more or less continuously, and with a good degree of success. His probity of character and purity of life, together with the warm interest he ever felt in the welfare of those around him, made him very popular among his townsmen, and he has been frequently called upon to fill positions of local official trust. It is worthy of mention that in one instance he was elected Justice of the Peace in a town where the party vote was about 160 majority against him. In his political connection, Mr. GRIFFIN has always been either Whig or Republican. He voted for HENRY CLAY for President three times, and for HARRISON twice. He voted for TAYLOR in 1852, and for SCOTT in 1856. Since that time his votes and influence have been given to the nominees of the Republican party. His Assembly district is quite closely contested, but he was elected in the fall of 1871 by a major- ity of 266, and in the recent canvass, after a very spirited contest, he exceeded those figures by nearly a hundred votes. His popularity may, therefore, be said to rest upon a very solid basis. Of his course in the Assembly, it is sufficient to say that he has fully justified the confidence of those who elected him. He is a good speaker, a man of strong convictions and earnest views, and has regard at all times to what is for the best interest of the commonwealth. He participates frequently and ably in debate, and being active and ener- getic in the performance of his dutv, he may fairly be regarded as among the most efficient members of the lower House. Though he is in the prime of life, his personal aspect is quite venerable, his tall and commanding form and patri- archal beard, giving him a dignity which comports well with 216 LIFE SKETCHES. a demeanor in which courtesy, frankness and modesty are the chief characteristics. He was married in the year 1833 to Miss CLAKA DODGE, by whom he has had five children, two sons and three daughters. His eldest son died in 1872 ; but the rest of his children are all comfortably settled in life. His second son is a graduate of the Albany Law school, and is now practicing with very fair prospects. LEONARD F. HARDY. Mr. HAKDY was born in Westminster, Vermont, in August, 1827, his parents removing to this State and settling in Cortland county when he was quite young. He secured a thorough education in Cortland Academy and in the State Normal School at Albany, graduating from the latter insti- tution in 1855. He adopted teaching as a profession, and was for eight years principal of the Weedsport Union School. Subsequently he engaged in the mercantile business at Weeds- port, which he still continues very successfully. He held the position of School Commissioner from 1867 to 1872, but, with that exception, he has never held public office until his election to the Assembly. He has been a Republican since the organization of the party, and previous to that was a Whig. He succeeds Dr. IRA D. BROWX in the Assembly, and in the recent canvass received a majority of 1,020, a gain of nearly 400 on the Assembly vote of the previous year. He is an efficient and wide-awake member, serving on the Com- mittees on Expenditures of the House, Public Lands, and Engrossed Bills. JAMES HAYES. 217 JAMES HAYES. Mr. HATES' parents were born in Ireland and emigrated to this country many years ago, locating in New York city, where the subject of this sketch was born on the llth of May, 1830. Though his father's family were in humble cir- cumstances, young HAYES managed to obtain a good ordi- nary education at the public schools. At an early age he entered a printing office and learned the " art preservative." He worked at the press several years after attaining his majority, but finally abandoned printing. During the palmy days of the Volunteer Fire Department Mr. HAYES was an active and prominent member and officer, and for a number of years he was honorably identified with that organization of the past. From a very early age Mr. HAYES has mingled more or less in local politics. A disciple of the Tammany Hall society in its best days, he is still a trusted member of that association of politicians, and one of the most influential Democrats of that stripe in the third Assembly district. The extent to which he has been trusted by the rank and file, as well as the leaders of the party, is shown by the fact that he was a member of the New York Common Council for five years in succession, being first elected in the spring of 1862. In 1866 he was chosen Supervisor and held a seat in that board for live consecutive years. In these capacities he has shown signal ability, not so much in speech-making, however, as in managing the practical details of local legislation and in closely watching the interests of his constituents. In 1870 lie warmly espoused the cause of the Young Democracy. His temporary defection from Tammany Hall did not result in any loss of popularity, inasmuch as he was elected to the Assembly in the fall of 1871 by a very decided majority. His services as a State legislator were so satisfactory to his constituents, that he was re-elected. 218 LIFE SKETCHES. Last year he served on the Committees on Trade and Manufactures, and Indian Affairs. In the present session he is on the Committees on Expenditures of the House, and Public Lands. Mr. HAYES is a slimly-built, dark-complex- ioned man ; his countenance indicates a high degree of intel- ligent capacity and the ability to appreciate the requirements of any situation. He is a married man, and a member of the Catholic church. WILLARD J. HEACOCK. The subject of this sketch is modest and unassuming in deportment, but, as Chairman of the Railroad Committee, he is one of the active workers of the Assembly. Mr. HEA- COCK was born in the town of Johnstown, Fulton county, on the 5th of April, 1821, near what is now the nourishing vil- lage of Gloversville, and his present residence. His parents, PHILANDER and MARGARET SMITH HEACOCK, were both natives of Connecticut. They settled at Johnstown soon after their marriage, and died in the meridian of life, within a few days of each other, leaving a family of eight children, several of whom were at the time quite young. Mr. HEA- COCK enjoyed the advantage of an excellent common school and academic education, spending several terms in the acad- emy at Kingsboro, then considered one of the best educa- tional institutions in the State. He commenced business life as a merchant at Kingsboro, within sight of his late father's home, and amid his early friends and associates. Four years subsequently he began the manufacture of gloves and mittens on quite a large scale, and has. for twenty- five years, carried on that branch of industry with marked success. Latterly his energies have been directed to the accomplishment of certain railroad projects which will ultimately be of great benefit to that section of the State WlLLAKD J. HE ACOCK. 219 The fact that he is now President of two railroad corpora- tions the Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville, and the Glov- ersville and Northville railroads, the first of which has been some time in successful operation is a sufficient indication of the interest felt by him in local enterprises, and of the public appreciation of his services. Mr. II. is not a stranger to legislative halls, having served as a member of Assembly in 1863, when he was Chairman of the Committee on Trade and Manufactures. The Fulton and Hamilton district is closely contested politically, and it was, therefore, a most gratifying compli- ment to him when he was chosen over so popular an oppo- nent as NIEL STEWART, by the decided majority of 234, to represent the district in the Assembly. Mr. HEACOCK was a Whig until the formation of the Republican party, and was not only active among those who aided in the organization of that party, but has, up to the present time, remained unchangeably attached to its princi- ples and policy. In all his business and public relations Mr. HEACOCK is a man of unswerving and scrupulous integ- rity. He possesses many qualities which constitute him the ornament and favorite of the social circle, while tone and strength are given to his character by a consistent practice of the principles and precepts of the Christian religion. For many years lie lias been a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church and superintendent of the Sunday school. He was most active in the organization of the Presbyterian society of Gloversville, and it is largely to his exertions and contri- butions that it now occupies a commodious and beautiful house of worship, and, generally, is in a very flourishing con- dition. Mr. HEACOCK was married on the llth of February, 1845, to MINERVA, only daughter of the Rev. R. A. AVERY, with whom he still lives, within a mile of the spot on which they first settled. In the present session, in addition to being Chairman of the Committee on Railroads, Mr. HEACOCK is also a member of the Committee on Trade and Manufactures. 220 LIFE SKETCHES. JAMES HEALEY. The First district of New York city, embracing wards 1, 2, 3 and 5, is represented for the second time consecutively by Hon. JAMES HEALEY. He was elected to the present House by a plurality of 362 over the Apollo Hall and Ee- publican candidates, the latter being, however, very much in the minority in that district. His plurality in 1871 was 401. He has served on several important committees during the two sessions, and is a faithful adherent of the Tammany Hall wing of the Democracy. He is a man of considerable ability, though he makes no claims to oratorical attainments, and, generally, his legislative course is such as to reflect credit upon his constituency. HORATIO S. HENDEE. Dr. HENDEE, of Carthage, worthily represents the Second district of Jefferson county. A man of commanding presence and high grade of ability, he is one of the marked members of the present House, and not only gives every measure close scrutiny but is active in forwarding those which he deems conducive to the public welfare. He was born in Greig, Lewis county, November llth, 1826, and is, therefore, about forty-six years of age. His parents, CALEB and RUTH HEN- DEE, were natives of Vermont, from whence they moved to New York shortly after their marriage. Mr. HKNDEE'S mother is still living, at the age of eighty, but his father died in 1833. Mr. HENDEE secured the advantages of a liberal common school education, and early chose the medical profession. HORATIO S. HEN DEE. 221 in which he has attained considerable eminence as a practic- ing physician and surgeon. After the completion of his studies he visited Europe, and gained much knowledge of value in his profession. During his absence the rebellion broke out, and on his return he offered his services in the Union cause. He was commissioned Surgeon of the 183d Regiment, New York volunteers, and during the years 1862, 1863 and 1864, he served with distinction in that capacity, and acquired a professional experience which was invaluable to him. On leaving the army he settled at Carthage in a lucrative practice, which he still enjoys. In political belief, Mr. HENDEE is an uncompromising and earnest Republican, having always acted with that party since its organization, though his first vote was cast for Whig candidates. He has always been adverse to accepting public honors, however, and never held office previous to his present term in the Assembly. He was elected by a majority of 300 over ANDREW J. CORNWALL, his Democratic oppo- nent. He is Chairman of the Committee on State Chari- table Institutions, and a member of the Committees on the Militia and Public Health. Mr. HENDEE is a man of large frame and iron constitu- tion, and his physiognomy denotes that he is also a man of deep convictions and sound judgment. He is now in the prime of life, and with a mind fully matured and ripened in the school of experience, he is in all respects a safe counselor and an able legislator. He has been twice married. His first wife Avas SABRA L. MYERS. She died in January, 1871, twenty years after her marriage; and in February, 1872, he married ELLA F. WARD. For many years past, Mr. HENDEE has been a member of the Presbyterian church. 222 LIFE SKETCHES. CASTLE W. HEREICK. Mr. HERRICK is a native of Dutchess county, and was born in the town of Washington, September 28, 1811. He is therefore over sixty years of age, though he does not appear to be more than fifty. He received a good education in the common schools and elsewhere, and has mainly been engaged in commercial life. For a number of years he was engaged in the patent medicine business with Dr. L. R. HERRICK, at Albany, but he disposed of his interest in that in 1868, and has since been successfully engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes. Formerly a Whig, and latterly a Republican, Mr. HERRICK has mingled more or less in politics for a number of years, and now occupies a leading position in his town and county. In the years 1859 and 1860 he represented his town in the Board of Supervisors of Rensselaer county, and has, besides, held various other town offices. In 1860 he was a delegate to the Republican State Convention. In. the fall of 1871 he was elected to the Assembly by a majority of 315, and served his constituency well as a member of the Committees on Internal Affairs, Public Health, and Grievances. He was elected to the present House by the largely increased majority of 979. He is now Chairman of the Committee on Grievances, and a member of the Committee on Internal Affairs, and of the Sub-Committee of the Whole. Mr. HERRICK is a stoutly-built, active and well-preserved man of business. Rarely absent from his seat during the session, he closely watches the public interests, and is one of the most industrious and valuable members upon the floor. WILLIAM HERRING. WILLIAM HERRING. Were we called upon to name the most effective orator in I lie present Assembly, we should certainly be inclined to select the stalwart representative of the First district of West- chester. It is not our province, however, to make any such invidious distinction, and we will leave to others the delicate task of weighing critically the points of comparison between the several gentlemen who habitually and ably take part in legislative discussions. Nevertheless it is the duty of the edi- tors of this work to state facts, and in doing so they cannot ignore the very obvious fact that Mr. II BERING'S gifts as a pub- lic speaker are of a very high order. His distinguishing per sonal characteristics are a large and towering form, straight as an arrow and well proportioned, a piercing gray eye, a well shaped forehead, and a physiognomy suggestive of great mental force and large reserve power. With magnificent physique is united a voice round, full and powerful, having something of the grandeur of mu filed thunder in its sonor- ous intensity, a manner occasionally impassioned, but always earnest and scholarly, and a mind from which is evolved with startling rapidity a chain of consecutive and logical ideas which he groups and arranges around the pivotal proposition with rare skill, clothing them the while in chaste and pol- ished language. When he rises to address the House he at once fastens the attention of every person within the sound of his voice, and fortunate indeed is the cause which secures his eloquent advocacy. Although he is serving his first term in the halls of legislation, he is already known as at least the peer of the most brilliant debaters in the Assembly, being especially at home in the discussion of legal questions. Mr. HKIIRING is a native of New Jersey, and was born in New .Brunswick in that State on the 31st of January, 1833. He conies of sterling revolutionary stock, his father, CALEB 224 LIFE SKETCHES. HERRING, having been born a few years after the close of that struggle in Fort Putnam on the Hudson river. His grandfather, whose name was also CALEB, was a soldier in the revolution, and served his country faithfully until he was killed in the Indian campaign under General HARMAR. Mr. HERRING'S father is still living at the age of eighty-five. His mother, who was a native of Newburgh, Orange county, has been dead several years. When young HERRING had reached a proper age, he was placed in the Normal School in New York city. There he obtained a thorough knowledge of the English branches, and subsequently entered the Law Department of Columbia College, acquitting himself honorably and graduating in the year 1866. In 1865, however, he was admitted to practice in the Poughkeepsie circuit and, on his graduation, he was also admitted to the bar by virtue of his diploma from Columbia College. He at once commenced an active practice in West- chester county and in New York city, meeting with extra- ordinary success. His first case, which was a mandamus upon the trustees of Morrisania, was a brilliant victory for the young lawyer; and so well pleased was the judge, who, upon his motion, affirmed the mandamus, that he secured a copy of his brief in the case and deposited it in the State Library. Since then he has won many legal victories, and has evinced high talent as an advocate. Previous to the war, Mr. HERRING was a Democrat, and cast his first vote for FRANKLIN PIERCE ; but as soon as the first gun was fired at Fort Sumter he withdrew his allegiance from the party with which his youthful associations were connected, and transferred it to the organization which up- held the government in its struggle with rebellion. Since that time he has been earnestly and uncompromisingly a Republican of the strictest sect. He has never been afflicted with an itching for office, and even in the canvass of last fall, when he was deemed the fittest person to carry out, in the legislature, certain important local projects, among which ALBION P. HIGGINS. 225 may be mentioned the scheme to annex Westchester county to New York city, he was for a long time exceedingly reluc- tant to be a candidate. The result of his acceptance was his election by a majority of 656, in a district which is really about 1,350 Democratic. As an evidence of his popularity among his own neighbors and friends, it is worthy of men- tion that the town of Morrisania, where he resided several years, gave him 192 majority, though two years previous it gave Gov. HOFFMAN" 944 majority. He, in fact, enjoys the confidence and esteem of all his constituents, while his course as a legislator shows that the people of Westchester county have wisely judged their man. In the House his unflinch- ing integrity, straightforward conduct, polished manners and innumerable graces of mind and heart, have won the friend- ship and esteem of all his fellow-members. He is one of that class of men, none too numerous, with whom a mean action, willfully committed, is an impossibility. He was married about fifteen years ago to an estimable lady, and is now a wealthy and substantial citizen of West Farms. ALBION P. HIGGINS. ALBION P. HIGGIXS, youngest son of Eev. JOSEPH HIG- , was born October 13, 1824, in Waldo county, Maine. He received an academic education at Parsonsfield Seminary, in that State, came to New York in 1852, and has since been engaged in the piano business connected with the firm of T. S. BERRY & Co., 789 Broadway, but making his residence in Brooklyn. He has been a Republican since the formation of the party, but never ran for office until last November, when he was elected to the Assembly from the 5th district of Kings county (7th and 20th wards of Brook- lyn), by a majority of 845 over JOHN L. HILL, the Democratic and Liberal candidate. 15 226 LIFE SKETCHES. Mr. HIGGIXS is a man of much practical good sense, and possesses many qualifications desirable in a law-maker. He bids fair to make an excellent record. He is a member of the Committees on Cities, and State Charitable Institutions. AUGUSTUS HILL. Mr. HILL, the somewhat magisterial looking gentleman from Greene county, is one of those quiet, unimpressible persons, who give little indication of their real character to those who are unfamiliar with them. He is, nevertheless, a man of marked personal characteristics and possesses more legislative ability, perhaps, than many whose pretensions are much greater. Personally and socially he is genial, courteous and frank, a firm friend and an agreeable com- panion, while, as a politician, he is firm in his views and faithful in his party allegiance 1 , but never obtrusive in the expression of his opinions, which, however, are not con- trolled by party action, where such control would destroy his independence of spirit or violate his own convictions of right and wrong. He is a man somewhat under the medium height, Avith a sharp, grey eye, a benevolent cast of counte- nance, and profusely whitened hair and goatee. He was born in Waterbnry, Conn., in the year 1816, and is, there- fore, about fifty-seven years of age. His father, HARVEY HILL, was of English descent, and died in 1843, at the age of 54. His mother is still living at the advanced age of 88. When eight years old, young HILL came with his parents to Durham, Greene county, and six years later moved to Cairo, where he has since resided. He was educated in the com- mon schools, and also in what were then known as select schools. Subsequently he studied law in the office of P. C. MATTOOX. at Cairo, and being admitted to the bar in 1856, AUGUSTUS HILL. 227 he soon afterward commenced practicing as a lawyer, and is still a member of that profession. He has always been a leading Democrat of Greene county, and has taken an active part in politics, but has never been particularly anxious for public position. Some twenty-two years ago, however, he was elected Justice of the Peace in his town, and he has held that responsible and honorable office ever since, to the entire satisfaction, we believe, of everybody interested. When the rebellion broke out he took strong ground in favor of supporting the administration and vigorously prose- cuting the war. He addressed the first war meeting held in his town, and throughout the entire struggle he was active in behalf of the Union cause. At first he incurred consid- erable odium among members of his party because of his course, but the stern logic of events fully vindicated his action, and much of his present popularity is undoubtedly due to his war record. In the fall of 1871 he was elected to the Assembly by a majority of 355, and he served very acceptably in the last Legislature as a member of the Committees on Railroads, Roads and Bridges, and Sub-Committee of the Whole. He was elected to the present House by a majority of 780, over HEZEKIAH BALDWIN, Republican. This year he is a mem- ber of the Committees on Civil Divisions, and Roads and Bridges. 228 LIFE SKETCHES. JOHN BLAKE HILLYER. Mr. HILLYER is the very capable representative of Rich- mond county in the present House. His parents were both of American birth, and resided in Richmond county until the close of their lives. It is worthy of note that his father and grandfather each in his day filled the office of Sheriff of that county. Mr. HILLYER was born in the county he now represents on the 18th of October, 1818, and is therefore pretty well advanced in life. He received an ordinary common school education in the town of Xorthfield, where his parents resided. After reaching his majority he became engaged in mercantile business and manufacturing, which lie followed for a number of years. Finally he purchased a farm, and he may now be classed as a successful agriculturist and fruit grower. Mr. HILLYER is a plain and unassuming citizen, but he possesses solid worth and probity in very large measure, and faithfully watches over the interests of his constituents in the Assembly. He has been Justice of the Peace for the past twelve years and Justice of Sessions for nearly the same length of time, while he is at present a member of the Board of Supervisors of Richmond county. He has been active in politics since early youth, having been a Whig until the dis- ruption of the party, and since that date a thorough-going reliable Republican. He \vas elected to the Assembly by a majority of 34? over SAMUEL R. BUCK, his Democratic opponent, and is a member of the Committees on Public Health, and Federal Relations. JOHN D. HILLER. 229 JOHN D. HILLER. Mr. HILLER, of Chautauqua, is one of the new members. He is a fine-looking man, about forty years of age, with dark hair, full beard, well-proportioned form, and frank, ex- pressive features. His presence conveys the impression to those who know him for the first time that he has sufficient brains and capacity for almost any position in life, and it is but just to say that a closer acquaintance confirms the im- pression. He was born at Smith's Mills, Chautauqua county, where he still resides. His father, JOHN I. HILLER, was a native of Schoharie county, but removed to Chautauqua county in 1828. and died there a couple of years ago, at the ripe age of seventy. Mr. HILLER laid the foundation of his education in the common schools, spending, however, one year at the Fredonia Academy. Subsequently he entered the State Nor- mal school at Albany, and after accomplishing the entire course at that institution, graduated with credit in 1855. Being well qualified for teaching he spent one year in charge of a department in Canandaigua Academy, and also taught two years in the district schools ; but teaching was not pre- cisely to his taste and he entered mercantile life. Since 1858 he has managed a country store at Smith's Mills with fair success. In 1857 he married LIBBIE M. SMITH, a daughter of RODXEY M. SMITH, one of the earliest settlers of Chautauqua county. Mr. HILLER held the office of Clerk of the town of Han- over during the years 1864 and 1865, and in 1868 and 1869 he served in the Chautauqua Board of Supervisors. AVhile the rebellion raged in the South, he warmly sympathized with the cause of the Union, and though not himself liable to military duty, he furnished a representative recruit at a time when men were greatelv needed. He has been a Re- 230 LIFE SKETCHES. publican since the formation of the party, and has always taken an active interest in the political movements of the day. Though not a strict churchman, Mr. HILLEE is a man of correct life, large heart and generous impulses, and thoroughly in earnest. His convictions are deeply-rooted and decided, and his influence and votes are invariably on the side of right and justice. As yet he has developed no es- pecial penchant for oratory on the floor of the Assembly, but he is able to talk and to talk well when the occasion arises. EDMUND W. HOLLISTER. Mr. HOLLISTER is now serving his second term as a repre- sentative of the first district of Washington county, having served his constituents faithfully in the last House as a mem- ber of the Committees on Canals, and on Charitable and Religious Societies. He is not a man who seeks to obtrude himself much upon public notice, or to render himself promi- nent in any way. He prefers to perform his duty quietly, thoroughly and unostentatiously, and so as to win the appro- val of his conscience as well as the satisfaction of his con- stituents. He is somewhat above the medium height, with florid complexion, brown whiskers, and mild, intelligent eye. His frame is rather loosely knit, though it is evidently tough and muscular ; and judging from his daily intercourse among his friends and acquaintances, a heart imbued with more than ordinary kindness and generosity throbs underneath the rough exterior of the man. Mr. HOLLISTER was born in the town of Chatham, Colum- bia county, in July, 1827, and is consequently nearly forty- six years of age. His father, SYLVAXUS HOLLISTER, now deceased, was also born in Chatham in 1797. Mr. H. received a liberal education at the Schuylerville and Union Village academies, and was brought up as a farmer, an occu- JAMES W. HUSTED. 231 pation which he has since followed more or less up to the present time, though much of his attention is now devoted to the buying and selling of country produce. Always an active Republican, Mr. HOLLISTER has inva- riably taken mach interest in party movements, and has for a number of years been known as one of the best men of his party in Washington county. He never held office, however, until 1868, when he was elected Supervisor of the town of Easton, and served two years with credit. In 1871 he was elected to the Assembly by a majority of 1,422, and re-elected last fall by a majority of 1,528, his opponent being R. W. LOWBER, a popular and well-known Democrat. He is now serving acceptably on the Committees on Canals, and Roads and Bridges, and is making for himself an excellent record. He was married on the 27th of February, 1873, to Miss JULIA F. McMuLLEN. JAMES W. HUSTED. Although now serving his fifth term as member of Assembly, Gen. HUSTED admirably retains his pre-eminence among legislators for brilliancy of intellect, quickness of per- ception, and, we may add, oratorical excellence. His dash- ing, off-hand style of debate, and the lightning-like rapidity with which he grasps the situation of the moment, together with his bold, concise and incisive mode of argument, and sometimes startling readiness at repartee, render him a formidable opponent. He is master of the art of sarcasm, and, as he usually veils his keen and merciless retorts in elegant language and apt classical allusion, the wounds made by his sharp thrusts produce more pleasure than pain. In the most exciting passages of partisan debate, Mr. HUSTED is ever the pink of courtesy and coolness, while in 232 LIFE SKETCHES. argument he is clear, connected and logical, his more ambi- tious speeches being frequently enriched with pointed anec- dote and scholarly illustration. He speaks very rapidly, and has surprising command of language, while his thorough knowledge of parliamentary rules enables him to be perfectly at home in the most bewildering cross-fire of motions and counter-motions characteristic of legislative filibustering and bushwhacking. Gen. HUSTED'S ancestors were of marked honesty and respectability, and belonged originally to the old Whig party. He was born in Bedford, in this State, October 31, 1833. The incidents of his boyhood were not specially remarkable. He prepared for college at the Bedford Academy, in his native town, and at quite an early age he entered Yale College, from which he graduated on reaching his majority in 1854. While in college he stood well with his class, and was com- plimented with University honors when he graduated. Sub- sequently he studied law with EDWARD WELLS, of Peekskill, and was admitted to the bar in 1857. As a lawyer he pos- sesses fine abilities, and is regarded with confidence and respect, As a politician Gen. HUSTED'S life has been somewhat varied and not entirely devoid of vicissitudes. He started as a Know-Nothing, and for two years was Secretary of the American State Council. He was elected Town Superin- tendent of Common Schools, in 1855, on the KnoAv-Nothing ticket, and in 1858 he was chosen by the same party as one of the School Commissioners of Westchester county. But in 1859 the test of a man's " Americanism" being a willing- ness to " plough with a Democratic heifer," Mr. HUSTED pro- tested against a betrayal of the principles upon which the party was founded. During the Utica Convention, held in that year, when the " Hybrid " ticket was formed, he pub- lished a protest against it and left the organization, joining the Republican party. In 1860 he was appointed Deputy Superintendent of the State Insurance Department by Hon. JAMES W. HUSTED. 233 WILLIAM BARNES, the then Superintendent. Since 1862 he has been Harbor Master of the city of New York, and, until recently, was Deputy Captain of the Port. In the fall of 1868 Mr. HUSTED was elected to the Assem- bly from the Third district of Westchester county by 307 majority. He made an honorable record as a debater and as a legislator during his first session, being Chairman of the Committee on Federal Relations, and member of the Com- mittee on Commerce and Navigation. The next year he was re-elected by 1,144 majority, running 837 ahead of his ticket, and 417 ahead in his own town. Since then he has been regularly re-elected, his majority in 1871 reaching the unpre- cedented figure of 1,509. Last year, owing to local compli- cations and the defection of Liberal Republicans, it Avas reduced to 502. He has served during the last three terms on the Committees on Commerce and Navigation, Ways and Means, Grievances, Local and Special Legislation, and Fed- eral Relations, being again Chairman of the latter Committee iu 1872. In the present session he is Chairman of the Com- mittee on Education, and member of the Ways and Means. Gen. HUSTED has been frequently honored with respon- sible positions by the party to which he belongs, and he in turn has honored the party with his best efforts, but his sphere of useful activity has not been confined to politics. He is one of the most prominent members of the Masonic Fraternity in the State, and has reached to the highest honors in the order, being a member of the Order of Knights Templar, and entitled to wear the jewel of the 33d degree. For sev- eral years he has held the rank of D. D. G. M., and is now Junior Grand Warden. He has also been Judge Advocate on the staff of the Seventh Brigade, New York State Militia. On March 26th, of the present year, he was nominated by Gov. Dix to be Major-General of the Fifth Division of the National Guard, in place of Gen. GATES who had resigned, and he was immediately confirmed by the Senate. The appointment was universally recognized as an eminently fit 234 LIFE SKETCHES. one, and none were more hearty in their congratulations than his fellow members of the Assembly. On the evening after the announcement of his appointment, Mr. McGuiKE, of Schuyler, offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That always feeling a deep interest in the per- sonal and official relations of our fellow members, and a warm regard for them individually, we desire to express our heart-felt thanks to Gov. Dix for his promotion of the Hon. JAMES W. HUSTED to the command of the military forces of the Fifth Division, and that as he has been first in peace, we know he will, in the event of a great military necessity, be first in war, and in the future first in the hearts of his countrymen. Socially, Gen. HUSTED possesses rare gifts. Genial and talented, a brilliant conversationalist, and an adept in all the accomplishments and qualities which constitute the gentle- man, he is peculiarly fitted to ornament society and win friendship and esteem. His unaffected manners and sterling qualities have rendered him extremely popular with the people at large, while the same traits, in connection with his solid attainments, have secured him hosts of friends in the field of letters and politics. JOHN C. JACOBS. Mr. JACOBS, the able and popular representative of the Ninth district of Kings county, bears the honored title of "Father of the House," being, in point of consecutive ser- vice, the oldest member of the present Assembly. He is far from being the oldest in years, however, and is youthful enough to be one of the most shrewd and active members of the opposition. He was born in Lancaster county, Penn., on the 10th of December, 1838, and is, therefore, now in the thirty-fourth JOHN C. JACOBS. 235 year of his age. His paternal ancestors were of the old New England Revolutionary stock, and several of them partici- pated with honor iu the memorable struggle for independ- ence. Mr. JACOBS' mother was born in Pennsylvania, and was of German origin, one of her progenitors having held a high position under Frederick the Great of Prussia. When Mr. JACOBS was quite young his parents removed to Brooklyn, and he was placed in a select school as soon as he had reached a sufficient age. The family removed to Phila- delphia a few years later, and his school studies may be said to have closed when he attained the age of twelve. He was, nevertheless, able to turn every opportunity of obtaining knowledge to account, and the loss occasioned by the check thus given to his educational progress, is not as apparent as it might be in a duller man. Returning to Brooklyn, after a year's stay in Philadelphia, he entered a lawyer's office as a messenger boy. The drudgery there required of him was very repugnant to his somewhat high-strung nature, however, and he left it after a short experience, and sought and obtained a position as copy-holder in the large printing establishment of JOHN A. GRAY & Co., New York. A large number of journals being issued from the establish- ment, Mr. JACOBS naturally came in contact with many newspaper men, and he soon developed a taste for journal- istic life. At the age of eighteen he became a reporter for the New York Express. He showed great aptitude and ability in the arduous duties belonging to the life he had now entered, and he was gradually promoted on the Express staff, until he was given charge of the political news columns. In 1S5 ( J he became correspondent of the same paper at Albany, remaining with it until 1865, when, in the same capacity, he represented the New York World. He also won distinction as a war correspondent, volunteering in 1862 to accompany McCLELLAx's army to the Peninsula. Becoming attached to the 1st New York Volunteers, then in KEARNEY'S division, he had a chance to see and participate in some of 236 LIFE SKETCHES. the hardest fighting of the war. His account of the evacua- tion of Harrison's Landing, and the march to Yorktown, which he sent to the Express, was extensively copied by the press throughout the country. Mr. JACOBS began his political life when a mere boy. In 1851, though but eighteen years of age, he was active in his opposition to FREMONT'S election. In 1860 he was well known in Brooklyn us a leader among the young men who combined against the LINCOLN ticket. In 1863 he received the regular Democratic nomination for Assembly against JOHN C. PERRY, Republican and present Senator ; THEOPHI- LUS C. CALLICOTT ran as an Independent Democratic candi- date, however, and the split thereby occasioned defeated him. In 1865 he also ran. being again defeated by WILLIAM W. GOODRICH, after an unusually spirited contest. Mr. JACOBS' friends insisted that he should run again in 1866, and the Democratic Convention nominated him by acclamation. A strong effort was made by the Republicans to defeat him. but the plucky young journalist was successful this time by 900 majority. Since that time he has been regularly returned annually, his majority being usually larger than the State ticket received. In 1869 he served on the Committee on Commerce and Navigation and on several special committees. In 1870 he was Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, and a member of the Committees on Insurance, and Grievances. In 1871 he was a member of the Committees on Grievances, Judiciary, and Ways and Means, and Chairman of the latter. In 1872 he was a member of the Committee of Ways and Means, and Petitions of Aliens ; and in the present House he is a member of Ways and Means, Insurance, and Rules. During the last session Mr. JACOBS was honored by being chosen as one of the managers to conduct the trials of Judges BARNARD and McCuNN. In the years when the Democrats held the majority in the House Mr. JACOBS displayed great effectiveness as a leader and party manager, winning deserved JOHN C. JACOBS. 237 repute for his readiness and ability in debate, his tireless activity and his dauntless courage in battling for political principles. Two or three times he has been a candidate for the Speakership, but in the year when the party majority was with him, the Tammany interest of New York city, with which he was not always in entire accord, succeeded in defeating him. He was the candidate of the Democratic minority for the position in the last session, and also in the present one, receiving the entire vote of his party. Inas- much as he possesses peculiar qualifications for the post of presiding officer, and is thoroughly versed in parliamentary law, the compliment thus twice given him has been in every way deserved. Mr. JACOBS is a great favorite among all his friends, and is in every respect a genial, true-hearted gentleman. Though he is an ardent and active partisan, there is yet a courteous- ness of manner and a frankness of language in all his politi- cal endeavors, which invariably extorts admiration and respect from his most decided opponents. He is a man of large heart and warm sympathies to his friends, and gener- ous to his foes, very few of the latter being such in other than a political sense. In legislative matters he devotes the largest share of his attention to local matters, but his ring- ing voice is often heard, also, in defense of party policy, and in denunciation of Republican measures and schemes. He is very fluent in debate, occasionally rising to heights of ora- torical eloquence rarely attained by a party speaker, and he never fails to command the attention of the House, when once warmed up with his subject. He unquestionably stands in this session among the foremost members of a minority which includes an unusual number of very able men. 238 LIFE SKETCHES. WILLAKD JOHNSON. Mr. JOHNSON is of New England parentage, his father, LOWELL JOHNSON, having been a native of Vermont, while his mother was born in Massachusetts. He was born in the town of Volney, Oswego county, on the 16th of May, 1830. He attended common school at an early age, and subsequently went to the Mexico and Cazenovia academies, thus securing an excellent education. In the year 1852, he engaged in the lake and canal transportation business at Fulton, and con- tinued it successfully for about twelve years. Afterward he became a contractor and has completed several important works for the State and national governments, among which may be mentioned the improvement of the Mississippi river at Eock Island, and the construction of a lock in the Illinois river, which is probably the largest in the world, being 350 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 30 feet high, and capable of accommodating twelve ordinary canal boats at once. He has successfully completed contracts which amount, in the aggre- gate, to fully five millions of dollars. Mr. JOHNSON has always been a Democrat of the old school, and for many years he has been prominent in the councils of that party. During the rebellion he was classed as a War Democrat, and gave his influence and means freely to the cause of the Union. In 1862 he was elected to the Assembly without opposition, and co-operated heartily in all the meas- ures designed to sustain the national government in the con- test which it was then waging against armed treason. Sub- sequently he served two years on the War Committee of Oswego county. He was also a member of the Board of Supervisors in the years 1861 and 1862. In 1860 he was a delegate to the memorable Charleston Convention, and was afterward also a delegate to the National Democratic Con- ventions at Chicago in 1864, in New York in 1868, and in ELEAZER JONES. 239 Baltimore in 1872. During the five war years, he was a member of the State Committee. It will thus be seen that Mr. JOHNSON'S political experience is extensive and varied, and there are really few men in Central New York whose counsel is held in greater estimation. He still holds to the political creed of his earlier years, and is very popular among the Democrats of Oswego, and, indeed, among men of all parties. This is shown by the fact that he was elected last fall by a majority of 189, over THOMAS W. GREEN". Republican, who represented the district last year. He is a man of mod- est, unassuming deportment, and seldom addresses the House, being a man who believes in actions rather than words. His large experience, ripe judgment and active mind are of great value, however, in the practical work of legislation, and his seat is seldom unoccupied during the sessions. He was married at the age of 27 to MARY GASPE, and as a result of his prudently managed business operations he is quite wealthy. ELEAZER JONES. Although Mr. JONES has been removed by death from his legislative duties, and can, therefore, be no longer numbered among the members of the Assembly, a brief sketch of his career will not, perhaps, be out of place. He was born in Beddgelert, Wales, in the year 1824, and after receiving a thorough education at one of the Beddgelert private schools and at the Academy of Dr. Robert, at Holyhead, he left Wales and started in business as a general passenger broker and commission agent in Liverpool, and met with great success. In 18r>2 he came to this country and was appointed by Messrs. WEED & MABY as manager of the Emigrant Depart- ment of the Xew York and Erie Railway. In that capacity he returned to Great Britain and Ireland, armed with author- ity to establish agencies at all the seaports, important cities 240 LIFE SKETCHES. and inland towns. During the years 1854 and 1855 he made several trips across the Atlantic in the performance of his duties, occupying the intervals in extended tours through the United States for the double object of gaining relaxation and information. During one of these excursions he pur- chased a joint interest with his brother and nephew in the slate property at Middle Granville, Washington county, then operated by his brother, who had emigrated to this country in 1845. In 1856 he disposed of the Erie agency and trans- ferred his family to New York. He then applied himself with energy to the development of the slate quarry, which promised in time to be quite profitable. In 1860, however, he was induced to accept the general agency for this country of the Passage Department of the Montreal Steam- ship line, which he retained for about five years. In 1866 the Penrhyn Slate Company was organized, and up to the time of his death he was actively engaged in its management. To his exertions is largely due the fact that the establish- ment is now probably the most extensive of its kind in the United States. Since he became a citizen of this country, Mr. JOXES has always been an active Republican, and when he became well established at Granville it was not long before he was prominently identified with local and county political movements. His business prominence and shrewd- ness of character rendered him a desirable accession to those who run the party machine, and he soon secured confidence and esteem. In 1870 he was elected a Justice of the Peace for the town of Granville, and filled the office satisfactorily. In the fall of that year the Democratic District Convention tendered him a nomination for the Assembly, which he respectfully declined, and last fall he received the unsolicited nomination of the Republican Convention for the same office, and was triumphantly elected, receiving a majority of 780. Though Mr. JONES spent but a brief time in the halls of legislation, the members, one and all, had begun to regard ARCHIBALD KENNEDY. 241 him as a quiet, active, conscientious and courteous gentle- man, one who gave ample promise of becoming n capable, efficient law-maker, and his sudden death evoked sincere expressions of regret. His death, which was the result of a severe cold contracted at Albany, occurred on the 10th of February. ARCHIBALD KENNEDY. Mr. KENNEDY is serving his second term as the repre- sentative of Livingston county. Born in York, in that county, he has been identified during his whole life with the interests of that locality, and is, perhaps, better acquainted with its needs than any other resident. He was the son of ARCHIBALD KENNEDY, a native of Eannoch, Scotland, who died in 1842, at the age of sixty-four. Mr. KENNEDY is Avell educated, having passed through the general course of study in Geneseo Academy and Lima Seminary. In addi- tion to these opportunities, extensive reading at home has rendered him thoroughly well informed upon every subject. Though he makes no special pretension to oratorical powers, he is a good speaker, and, when occasion requires, he expresses his views in a plain and logical, and, at times, forcible and eloquent manner. He is fully alive to the importance of fostering the educational interests of the State, though, even in this direction, lie studies economy in the use of the public funds. His views, in reference to popu- lar education, are broad and liberal. He believes in adopt- ing the most effective mode of educating the masses, and, as a means to this end, he is the warm friend of every measure likely to increase the efficiency of the common schools. Mr. KENNEDY is a plain and prosperous Livingston county farmer. Since 1853, however, he has almost constantly been the incumbent of some responsible official position, and much of his time is occupied in settling estates. In 1853 he 10 242 LIFE SKETCHES. was elected Town Superintendent of Common Schools and served four years. He was Justice of the Peace from 1856 to 1868, and was then elected Supervisor, serving three years, the last as Chairman of the Board. In 1869 he was a dele- gate to the Eepublican State Convention from Livingston county. Finally, in 1871, he was elected to the Assembly, defeating ANDREW SILL, the Democratic candidate, by a majority of 889. His service last winter was so satisfactory to the people of the county that he was returned to the pres- ent House by the immense majority of 1,221 over C. W. GIBSON. He is an energetic and capable member of two important Committees, Ways and Means, and Public Print- ing. Mr. KENNEDY has always been a Eepublican, and is one of the leading men of the party in Livingston county. Always straight-forward and reliable, he is also a man of stern and unyielding integrity, and is as strong in his oppo- sition to those measures which contemplate inroads upon the public treasury, as he is earnest in the advocacy of legislation designed to effect genuine reform in State and local govern- ments. He was married to CATHARINE MCMARTIN on the 17th of April, 1856. ANSON W. KNETTLES. Mr. KNETTLES, who is entitled to whatever distinction may attach to the fact that he is the tallest man in the House, was born in South Lansing, Tompkins county, August 7, 1824. His parents came to this State from Penn- sylvania when quite young. He received a good education at the Aurora Academy, but on reaching mature years he continued to pursue the occupation of his father, that of a farmer, in which he is still successfully engaged. He has, however, spent much of his time in the service of his ANSON W. K NETTLES. 243 country, and has also held a number of positions of trust in his town and county. During three years he was a member of the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins county, representing the town of Lansing, and one year was Chair- man of the Board. Shortly after the war broke out he assisted in raising the 109th Regiment, New York Volun- teers, and on the organization of the regiment in July, 1862, he was commissioned as Captain of Company G. In that capacity he participated in most of the hard fighting which fell to the lot of the army of the Potomac, from the summer of 1862 until the close of the war. He passed un- scathed through the terrible campaign of 1864, from Wash- ington to Petersburg, but was wounded in the memorable siege of the latter city. While acting as Brigade Officer of the Day he received a rifle ball above the right eye, cutting out the eye and passing entirely through the head and out of the left side, injuring somewhat the sight of the left eye. It was certainly a narrow escape from death, and though his countenance is somewhat disfigured by the rebel bullet, it constitutes an honorable memento of the scenes in which he was a prominent actor. Mr. KNETTLES was a Democrat until 1855, but since that year he has uniformly acted with the Republicans and taken quite a prominent part in the local politics of his county. He was a member of the House last year, and made a good record as a member of two important Committees, Canals, and Militia. His majority in 1871 was 1,273. Last fall, not- withstanding the fact that a Liberal Republican ran against him, his majority was 513. In the present session he serves on the Committees on Canals, and \ r illages. Mr. K. is a man standing over six feet in height, somewhat slender, with light brown hair and somewhat florid complex- ion. Though not a speech-maker, he is a very active man and possesses a great deal of the practical abilitv essential to the legislator. 244 LIFE SKETCHES. JEROME B. LANDFIELD. Mr. LANDFIELD'S father, CLARK LANDFIELD, was born in the town of Harvard, Delaware county, and there, also, the son first saw the light, in November, 1827. He was educated at Delhi Academy, and also in the Delaware Insti- tute, at Franklin, and on reaching years of maturity, he entered a mercantile business at Harvard. Several years since he removed to Newark Valley, where he is now success- fully engaged in mercantile pursuits, managing besides an extensive tannery. He is also postmaster of that town, and a member of the Tioga Board of Supervisors. In 1864, he represented Delaware county in the Assembly, serving on the Committee on Affairs of Villages, and making a creditable record. He was elected to the present House by a majority of 711, and serves acceptably on the Com- mittees on Railroads, and Trade and Manufactures. Mr. LAXDFIELD was a Whig until the party dissolved, and since then he has been an unyielding Republican. He is a man of great probity of character, and greatly respected in Newark Valley, where he resides. WILLIAM LEWIS, JR. 245 WILLIAM LEWIS, JR. Mr. LEWIS, now serving his second term in the Assembly, is a native of Scotland, and was born on the 31st of October, 1827. When but six years of age, he came to this country with his parents, who settled in Delaware county, and engaged in farming. Young LEWIS was brought up on the farm, receiving meanwhile a common school education, and remained with his parents until about the year 1850, when he entered mercantile life at llamden. in Orleans county, and has followed it successfully until the present time. Soon after he started in business he married Miss JANETTE NEISH. His father is still living at an advanced age. Besides his mercantile pursuits, Mr. LEWIS has had some experience in railroad building, and during the years 1870 and 1871 he constructed, under contract, about twenty miles of the New York and Midland railroad. From 1862 until 1870 he held the office of Assistant-Assessor of Internal Revenue. In politics, Mr. LEWIS was formerly a Whig, but lie joined the Republican party at its organization, and has ever since voted and acted therewith. In the fall of 1871 he was chosen to represent his district in the Assembly, defeating JAMES KNOX POLK JACKSON" whose name, it would seem, deserved better fortune by the usual majority of 1,135, the Republican majority of the previous year being but G82. His majority last fall, when he was re-elected, was 457. Mr. LEWIS is known as a careful, sound and able K-gi.-hi- lor. Always favoring economy when it can be accomplished witli due regard for the public interests, he is keenly alive to the material and moral advancement of his own locality, as well as the entire State. While he perhaps yields to no man in his attachment to party, his votes and speeches are evi- dently dictated by honest conviction and regard for that 246 LIFE SKETCHES. which is due to his constituents. He makes no pretensions to oratory, but he is nevertheless a clear and cogent speaker, and has the faculty of presenting his views sensibly and gracefully, and frequently takes part in the debates on gen- eral questions. CYRILLO S. LINCOLN. Being a man of acknowledged ability, sound principles and inflexible integrity, and possessing a large share of per- sonal magnetism, Mr. LINCOLN wields an influence hardly inferior to that of any other member of the present Assem- bly. His habit of thinking and acting for himself on all important questions, at the same time maintaining an atti- tude of entire party fealty, and doing so with such tact and judgment as to commit no mistakes, has secured him respect as well as the hearty esteem of friends and opponents. His character has the ring of the genuine metal, and though he is now serving his second term in the Assembly, his gar- ments are free from the slightest taint. Mr. LINCOLN was born in South Bristol, Ontario county, on the 18th of July, 1833. His father, Lucius LINCOLN', was born in Otsego county, and is still living and engaged in farming. Young LINCOLN enjoyed ample educational advan- tages. At the age of twelve he entered the Genesee Wesleyau Seminary, subsequently spent some time in the Xew York Conference Seminary, and in 1855 entered Union College, graduating from that institution with honor in 1858. He then read law for a year or more at the office of F. L. DUKAND, in Rochester, and was soon after admitted to the bar. Since then he has practiced successfully, devoting much of his time, however, to grape growing, owning one of the finest vineyards in that section of the State. In 1804 lie was elected Justice of the Peace, and held the office until 1871, when he was elected to the Assembly. GYRILLO S. LINCOLN. 247 His career in the Assembly has been most creditable to his constituents and to himself. He was elected to the last House by a majority of 510, but in the recent canvass his majority reached 810, and constitutes a most gratifying indorsement of his course. His recognition at Albany has also been marked. Though he had been placed on no very important committees last year, a deserved tribute was paid him by the House later in the session in choosing him as one of the managers in the BARNARD impeachment trial. The result of that trial is well known, and no one, with perhaps one or two exceptions, labored harder to bring it about than Mr. LINCOLN. In the present House he is Chairman of the Committee on Claims, and is also a member of the Com- mittee on Petitions of Aliens and of the Sub-Committee of the Whole, and of the special committee to investigate the affairs of the Erie Railway Company. Mr. LINCOLN'S Kepublicanism is a part of his personality. It is " dyed in the wool." Since the party was organized he has steadily acted with it, voting for FREMONT in 1856, for LINCOLN twice and for GRANT twice. He is, in fact, one of the most active and influential Republicans of Ontario county. As a public speaker he has few siiperiors. With a voice full and sonorous, easy and natural manner of delivery, and clear enunciation, he has no difficulty in securing the attention of the House, whatever the topic of discussion. He talks well on all subjects, and is also a clear and acute reasoner, hold- ing in the main sound views on all the political, social and financial questions of the day. Physically, Mr. LINCOLN is well built, and the embodi- ment, of perfect health. His prepossessing countenance is a true index to the man, and harmonizes well with the broad intellectual forehead, luxuriant brown hair, and clear blue eyes. The people of the Second district of Ontario can cer- tainly congratulate themselves on bein# well represented in the present Assembly. 248 LIFE SKETCHES. DOLPHUS S. LYNDE. The son of parents in quite comfortable circumstances, Mr. LYNDE has been literally the architect of his own for- tune. He was born at Antwerp, Jefferson county, July 1, 1833, and is therefore nearly forty years of age. His parents were of Irish and English descent. He remained with his father, doing farm work, and attending the common schools and Gouverneur Wesleyan Seminary until the age of twenty, when he married ESTHER S. CAUL, who proved herself indeed " a help-meet " to him. His father was worth a fine property at that time, yet he declined to extend to the young couple any pecuniary aid whatever. He argued that he had earned the money himself, and, as he might need it, he proposed to take care of it while he lived. The newly- married pair moved into a board shanty, and supported themselves by keeping boarders at a dollar and a half each per week, the plucky husband earning in the mean time about $20 a month by driving an ox team and carting and piling lumber. He carried the first fifty pounds of flour for the new household a distance of two miles past his father's house, although at the same time there were two hundred bushels of wheat in the old gentleman's barn. The somewhat singular conduct of his parent aroused all the spirit in the young man's breast. When the next spring arrived he bought a farm and a stock of cows on credit, and sold them again in the fall, realizing 1,000 above the debt he had incurred. This fortunate speculation was the beginning of a successful career. Placing his money at interest, lie kept a set of books during the next two years for JAMES STERLIXG, an Antwerp iron manufacturer, at an annual salary of 8500, and the use of a house and garden. At the end of three years he had doubled his thousand dollars. He then moved to Hermon, St. Lawrence county, where he has DOLPHUS S. LYNDE. 249 since been engaged in selling goods, milling, buying and sell- ing cattle and real estate, and similar occupations. He also aided to organize the Cooper's Falls Iron Works, and was one of the stockholders of the corporation, but sold his interest before the works were finally completed. He has been uniformly successful in all his ventures, so that he is now the possessor of a handsome fortune, and he filially attributes his success in life entirely to what he deemed, at the time, very harsh conduct on the part of his respected parent, which, however, had the intended effect to stimulate him to make extraordinary exertions to place himself in an independent position. Plowcver we may regard the course, of the elder LYNDE in the abstract, we must admit that he correctly estimated his son's character, and did what in the end proved to be the best for him. Since Mr. LYNDE has resided in St. Lawrence county, he has been prominently identified with its political history. Previous to 1864 he was a Democrat, but in that year, in common with many Democrats, he took a new departure, and cast his vote for the LINCOLN electoral ticket. Since that time, he has invariably acted with the Republican party. As a member of that party he represented the town of Hermon. in the St. Lawrence Board of Supervisors, for three years, commencing in 1868. In 1870 he was appointed a Notary Public. Three times in succession he has been elected to the Assembly from the Second district of St. Lawrence, the last time by a majority of 2,486, and his straightforward, honest course in that party has becTi a source of gratification, alike to his constituents and the State at large, in which he is already quite extensively known. 250 LJFE SKETCHES. JAMES MACKIN. Mr. MACKIN, a man of prepossessing appearance and pleasant address, represents the First district of Dutchess county for the second term. He is a lineal descendant of genuine Irish stock, though his parents were natives of this country, his father having been born in New York, and his mother in Newburgh. They both died, however, within three years of each other, before young MACKIN had reached his eighth year, and he was left entirely without means. Compelled thus to struggle for his own support, from early youth, Mr. MACKIN is necessarily one of those practical self-made men, who contribute so largely to the prosperity of the country. Born in Newburgh, Orange county, on the 25th of Decem- ber, 1823, he was educated in the common schools of New- burgh and Fishkill, and has spent the greater portion of his life in the latter town, where he has had the care of a large estate. During the years 1860, 1861 and 1862, he conducted a mercantile establishment at Fishkill quite successfully. The responsibilities of the estate mentioned were, however, sufficient to give him ample occupation, and he retired from business. Subsequently, he became President of the First National Bank of Fishkill Landing, and still holds that position. Mr. MACKIN has mingled largely in public and political life. He was an active and influential Whig of the Free Soil stamp, until the party was dissolved. He was not only a delegate to the convention which gave form and cohesion to the Republican organization, but, previous to 18G6, he was several times a delegate to the conventions of that party, and has held a number of public positions. For four years lie was postmaster at Fishkill, holding the position under the appointment of President FILLMORE. In 1862 President JAMES MAC KIN. 251 LINCOLN appointed him United States Assessor for the 12th (now the 13th) district, and he held the office two years and a half. Foul 1 times he was elected Supervisor of his town, and once he was ctiosen President of the Board. In 1859 he represented his Assembly district in the Legislature, serving on the Committees on Claims, and Internal affairs of Towns and Counties. During the past six or seven years, Mr. MACKIN has acted with the Democratic party, and was elected to the Assembly last fall as a member of that political organization, receiving a majority of 828 over EDWARD M. GORIXG, the present Scr- geant-at-Arms of the House, who was elected in 1871 by a majority of over 1,400. Though not greatly given to debate, Mr. MACKIN possesses excellent qualifications for legislative position. He enjoys a large degree of popularity, both in private and public life, and there are few men in his section of the State more deserv- ing of public confidence. He was married, in July, 1858, to Miss SARAH E. WILTSE, a very intelligent and accom- plished lady, and a daughter of JAMES WILTSE, an old and respected citizen of Fishkill. She was a devout member of the Keformed Church, where Mr. MACKIX also worshiped. Her death took place in 1862, and her place in the family circle has never been filled. Mr. M. has been reasonably suc- cessful in all his business undertakings, and may be regarded as in quite comfortable circumstances. 252 LIFE SKETCHES. JOHN MANLEY. The member from the Second district of Cattaraugus county is new to the Assembly, but he is well known through- out the State as a sound and reliable business man, as well as an earnest and conscientious Republican. Born in JSTor- ridgewock, Me., in the year 1824, his early years were mainly spent upon the farm of his father, AM ASA MANLEY. He attended school regularly, however, and obtained a good English education. In 1847 he married Miss ELIZABETH BITTUES, at Augusta, Me., and soon afterward removed to this State. He settled at Little Valley, Cattaraugus county, where he in time became the owner of a large landed prop- erty. For a number of years he has been engaged in farming, and gradually became one of the most prosperous, active and influential citizens of that section. His real estate operations in Little Valley have been quite extensive, and to his enter- prise and public spirit is due much of the attractions of that thriving village. Mr. MANLEY has been very prominently identified with politics during most of his life. In his early days he was a Whig, and as such he voted for Generals TAYLOR and SCOTT for the Presidential office. Since the Whig party dissolved he has been an unswerving Republican, taking a leading part in the councils of that party, both in his own county and in the State at large. He has also held several important public positions, in which he invariably exhibited marked ability and devotion to duty, as well as the sternest integrity. His first entrance into public life was in I860, when he repre- sented Little Valley in the Cattaraugus Board of Supervi- sors. In 1870 he was again chosen a member of the Board, and still serves in that capacity, being re-elected every year by a nearly unanimous vote. In 180] he was appointed Clerk in the Department of the Interior, under Secretary JOHN MANLEY. 253 SMITH, and served four years. In 18G4 he was detailed as a special Indian Agent within the New York agency, and it was made his duty to pay over the moneys and annuities due from the United States under treaty stipulations. In the performance of that duty he visited the several reservations, and conferred freely with the Indians in reference to their educational, agricultural and industrial condition, and also in regard to a difficulty which had previously arisen between the special Commissioner of the Government and some of the representatives of the Six Nations. In March, 18G5, he was appointed Military Secretary on the Staff of Governor FEXTON", and held the position until May, 1866. Since that time, however, he has been an uncompromising opponent of Mr. FENTON". During the war, Mr. MANLEY was active in his efforts to mitigate the sufferings of the Union soldiers in the hospital and in the camp. During his residence in Washington he was active in their behalf, directing his efforts, of course, specially to those from his own county. At the close of the war, he received several handsome testimonials, in recogni- tion of the service he rendered in this respect, among which was an elegant gold watch and chain, presented by the mem- bers of the Sixty-fourth New York Volunteers. That Mr. MANLEY has gained considerable eminence as an agriculturist, is shown by the fact that he served seven years as President of the Cattaraugus County Agricultural Society, aiding very materially in bringing it to its present prosperous condition. He is now a member of the Executive Committee of the New York State Agricultural Society. In the recent canvass, Mr. MANLEY was met by a storm of detraction and slander, and herculean efforts were made to defeat him ; but, after an exciting contest, he was successful, notwithstanding the large " Liberal " defection in his district, by a majority of 535. He is a plain, substantial-looking gentleman, in the full flush of rosy health, and possesses a nature well calculated 254: LIFE SKETCHES. to win the regard of his fellows. His religion, as he himself expresses it, consists in faith in the Supreme Being, and an endeavor to do right in all things. A knowledge of the man impresses one with the belief that he is quite successful in carrying that sort of religion into his daily life. JOHN S. MARCY. Mr. MARCY, a clear-headed, energetic man of business, is the son of ZEBADIAH and ABIGAIL MARCY, of Millington, Connecticut, and was born at Willimantic, in the same State, on the 23d of March. 1830. He received in his youth no more than the ordinary common school education ; but gifted as he is with quick perception, large powers of observatipn and a good stock of common sense, there are few men of his age and position in life who entertain broader views of pub- lic affairs, or whose counsel is more valuable. He was brought up on a farm and laid the foundation of a healthy personal organization in early youth. Since his majority he has been engaged in several business ventures, in which he has met with uniform success. About the year 1862 he went into the insurance business, which he followed until 1871. In that year he purchased a farm near Riverhead, where lie now resides. Twenty years ago he married Miss SARAH L. CASE, whose family resides in Brooklyn. Until the year 1860 Mr. MARCY was a Democrat, but in common with many others then in that party, he joined that organization which had assumed the duty of crushing armed treason. Ever since Sumter was fired upon lie has been a straightforward and consistent Republican. Mr. M. was a member of the last Assembly, having been elected over JAMES N. -BAYLIS. a member in 1871, by a majority of 1.194. His popularity among his constituents is shown by the fact that his majority last fall was 1,314. JEREMIAH McGuiRE. 255 Mr. MARCY is a man of medium height, with a frame solidly knit and well proportioned. He is quite genial in disposition, and popular among a host of friends. Having taken a deep interest in politics for many years past he is well posted in all the intricacies and detail of party manage- ment. He seldom makes speeches upon the floor of the House, but his influence and labors are appreciably felt in the shaping and perfecting of important legislation. JEREMIAH McGUIRE. Schuyler county is fortunate in her present representative in the Assembly. Mr. McGuiKE, to whom we allude, is a law- yer of eminent ability, who possesses much more than the average share of discriminating judgment and common sense. Without being at all obtrusive, and only occasionally indulging himself in a speech, he is, notwithstanding his connection with the political minority, a man of command- ing influence in shaping legislation. His legal reputation is one of the best in the State, having enjoyed a wide practice in the courts of central and western "New York for many years past, and being connected with more celebrated causes than usually fall to the lot of lawyers outside of the great cities. The McGEE suits, which have been in litigation for years, involving an immense estate, were in his charge from their commencement, while other suits of magnitude have been conducted by him successfully. Born in Ireland in the year .1825, Mr. McCuiRE came to this country at an early age. He enjoyed no extraordinary educational advantages in his youth, but he eagerly availed himself of all that his opportunities threw in his way, and when he reached man's estate, determined to qualify himself for the legal profession. He did so. and was dulv admitted to the bar. As we have intimated, he soon rose to eminence in his calling, and 256 LIFE SKETCHES. enjoys the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens very largely. He is located in the thriving village of Havana. His career as a politician, as a lawyer, and as a man. is replete with much that would interest the public, and we therefore regret that the paucity of data in our possession precludes more than the barest reference to his life. He was elected from the county of Schuyler to succeed a Republican by a majority of 106. He is a firm and consist- ent Democrat, and has long taken an active part in politics. His well-known legal abilities secured him a place on the Judiciary Committee, and he is also a member of the Com- mittees on Claims, and Local and Special Laws. DANIEL P. MCQUEEN. We have been accustomed to couple the name of the his- toric county up the Mohawk with venerable associations, but the fact that she is represented on the floor of the Assembly by one of her younger sons, is not so incongruous as it might appear at first thought, inasmuch as she has of late suc- ceeded, in a figurative sense, in transfusing a good deal of youthful blood into her veins. Mr. McQuEEisr, the member from Schenectady, is of Scotch descent, and was born in Stockbridge, Mass., July 6, 1843. His father, WALTER McQuEEN, a practical machinist, re- moved to Schenectady about twenty-five years ago, and became Superintendent of the well-known Schenectady loco- motive works, a position which lie has held until the present time. Young McQrjEEN received a good common school education, and was brought up in the locomotive works, becoming, like his father, a practical machinist and locomo- tive engineer. Four years since, he was married to Miss S. M. MYERS, of Toledo. Ohio. DARIUS A. MOORE. 257 He has never been particularly prominent as a politician until the recent canvass, when he was induced, somewhat against his wishes at first, to become a candidate for the Assembly, and was nominated in the convention by accla- mation. The Democrats nominated THOMAS B. MITCHELL, a man of considerable ability, but the popularity of Mr. McQuEEN secured his election by a majority of 489. Mr. McQuEE.v is a man of action rather than of words, and is wide awake in every sense of the term. Favored as he is with robust health, a superb physique, and sound common sense, his future career certainly promises to be a brilliant one. DARIUS A. MOORE. Mr. MOORE is serving his second term, and ably represents the First district of St. Lawrence county. He is of Scotch descent, though his parents were both American born, his father, JOHX W. MOORE, being a native of Pultney, Vt., and his mother of Ogdensburgh, 1S T . Y. Young MOORE received a good education in Gouverneur "Wesleyan Seminary, and early developed a taste for mercantile life. For a number of years past he has been successfully engaged in business, and has acquired a wide reputation for energy and integrity. Mr. MOORE has been an active politician from his youth up, always active in the primaries, in the conventions and at the polls. His influence in the politics of his county is there- fore something tangible. Frequently, also, he has held responsible positions in the gift of his party, always bringing to the performance of his duties, of whatever character, de- cided ability and sound judgment. Soon after he reached his majority he was elected Town Clerk, and held that position until 1865. He was then elected Supervisor of the town of DeKalb, and has held the position ever since, being again 17 258 LIFE SKETCHES. elected this spring. He commenced life as a Democrat, though he voted for FILLMOEE in 1865, but he soon afterward joined the Eepublican organization, and has since acted and voted therewith. In 1871, he was chosen to the Assembly by a majority of 1,816. He served his constituents with such marked fidelity to their interests, and proved himself so capable as a legislator, that he was returned last fall by the largely increased majority of 2,252. Mr. MOORE is a quiet member, rarely making a speech, but he is fully conversant with the requirements of legislative routine, and is second to none in executive capacity and effective industry. GEORGE B. MOSHER. Mr. MOSHER, of the Fourth Albany district, is a native of Warren county, where he was born on the 28th of August, 1825. He received a good common school education, and became a lumber merchant and manufacturer at Fort Edward, carrying on business there for a number of years. While a resident of Fort Edward he was prominent as a Democratic local political leader. In 1860 he was elected Supervisor of the town, ASAHEL WIXG being his opponent. In 1863 he was the Democratic candidate for Sheriff of Washington county, but was defeated. A few years ago he removed to West Troy, Albany county, and engaged in busi- ness quite extensively as a lumber commission merchant. In this he has been quite successful, and is now worth a snug fortune. He was not long a resident of West Troy before he became prominent in political circles, and the fact that he has been three times a candidate for Member of Assembly sufficiently indicates the regard in which he is held by the Democratic party. He was nominated in 1870. but, owing to the fact GEORGE B. MOSHER. 259 that there were two Democratic candidates in the field, he was defeated. He was renominated in 1871, however, and was successful, defeating OSCAE F. POTTER by 78 majority. Last fall he was again elected by a majority of 136, JEHIEL W. HIMES, of Cohoes, being his opponent. As a member of the House, he is energetic and capable, giving close attention to the interests of his constituents. He serves on the Conv mittees on Canals, and Villages. Mr. MOSHEE boasts a long and honorable army record. Commissioned as Captain of Company F, Ninety-third Regi- ment New York Volunteers, in August, 1861, he proceeded to the front, and served about, two years under Generals McCi/ELLAN, HOOKEE, BuENSiDE and MEADE, participating in nearly all the battles and marches of the Army of the Potomac during that period. A portion of the time he was detailed as an officer of General MCCLELLAN'S headquarters' guard. Mr. MOSHEE is a man of somewhat striking presence. He is solidly built, about the medium size, with dark features, long flowing beard, tinged with iron-grey, large black eyes and dark hair. He has the appearance of an earnest, intel- ligent man of business, and he is one. He was married, in 1848, to CHEISTIKA McMiLLix, of Warren county. 260 LIFE SKETCHES. JOHN NICE. Erie county has very nearly a monopoly of the German element in the House, there being but two native Germans from the rest of the State, while Erie county sends two very excellent representatives of that nationality, Messrs. BALTZ and NICE. Mr. NICE is a resident of Grand Island, and was elected from the Fourth district of Erie county. He was born October 15, 1813, in Kiudenheim, Rhenish Bavaria. He therefore ranks among the older members of the House. His parents, who were also born in Kindenheim, emigrated to this country in 1836, settling upon a farm in Erie county. Young NICE was educated in the common schools and brought up on the paternal farm, which he continued to manage for some years after his father died. Finally, he became a heavy dealer in wood and timber, and gave up agriculture. , He has generally felt a warm interest in politics, and exer- cises considerable influence among his countrymen, who con- stitute a large proportion of the population of that section of the State. He has been a Republican since the party was organized, and before that was a Whig. His almost life-long residence in Erie county, and his active participation in its politics, have rendered him more than ordinarily deserving of the numerous public positions he has been called to fill. He has served four times on the Board of Supervisors in 1864, and each time he bore himself with credit. During three years from 1861 to 1863 he was County Superin- tendent of the Poor. Last fall he was selected by common consent as the fittest man to represent his district in the Assembly, and was chosen by a majority of 754, although another German. GEORGE ZEXT, run against him. The Re- publicans carried the district by a majority of 89. Mr. NICE is a man of robust, well-developed physique. MICHAEL NORTON. 261 His countenance indicates much decision of character, blended with kindness of heart. He is one of the quiet members, but he watches closely the progress of legislation. He professes the Protestant religion, was married in 1843 to Miss MARY ANN PFIZENMEIER, and is greatly respected in the community where he resides. MICHAEL NORTON. Mr. NORTON, from the Fifth metropolitan district, is one of the best known members of the Xew York delegation. An Irishman by birth, but a thorough American in feeling and education, energetic, generous, true-hearted, social, and in every way an agreeable gentleman, Mr. NORTON is un- doubtedly one of the most popular members on the opposition side of the House. Born on Christinas day, 1839, he is now in the prime of a vigorous manhood, and presents a splendid specimen of physical development. The better traits of manly character are very fully indicated in his physiognomy, of which a pleasant countenance, a mild blue eye, and a firm, yet amiable expression of feature are the main characteristics. He is a man of strong, practical common sense, and knows well how to make his knowledge of politics available. Few men of his education can compare with him in his control of men and party organizations, lie is a Democrat by instinct, faith, education and practice, and though a firm adherent of Tammany, and, in fact, a representative of that wing of the Democracy in the Assembly, no man has ever, by assertion or intimation, connected him with the fraudulent practices of certain former members of the Tammany organ- ization. Mr. NORTON was born in the count v of Roscommon, Ire- land, lli.s ancestry were all honorable and honored, and embraced men of distinction. But the misfortunes so com- 262 LIFE SKETCHES. mon and constant in the Green Isle did not spare his father's family ; and when he was but five years old they joined in the exodus to America, and settled in the city of New York, where they resided up to the time of their death. Mr. NORTON is almost entirely self-educated. Except during a period of about nine months, at a very early age, he never attended a school under ordinary teachers; at the age of eight years he not only had to earn his bread but make it also, and commenced that part of his education which relates to the " loaves and fishes " in a cracker bakery, in which he remained about three years. He was then employed about five years with the firm of Swift & Co., sugar refiners, and subsequently engaged as mess boy on the " Atlantic," one of the vessels of the " Collins Line," and made several trips to Europe. He next learned the coopers trade, which he fol- lowed with characteristic industry until the assault upon Sumter in 1861 called the country to arms. Leaving his hoops and staves in response to that call, Mr. NORTOX enlisted as a private in the 35th Regiment New York Volun- teers. His popularity and ability secured his selection to the Captaincy of Co. D of the regiment, which was mustered into service in May, 1861, and was one of the first at the front, He remained in the field about eight months when news of the serious illness of his mother compelled him to resign, his father having died a few months previously, and the care and support of the family consequently devolving upon him. Returning to Xew York in December, 1862, he was urged to enter politics. After some hesitation he accepted an inde- pendent Democratic nomination fur Alderman of his dis- trict, though it involved the leadership of a forlorn hope. The result of the election, however, was auspicious for the future, and fully demonstrated his power with the people. Four candidates besides himself were in the field, but, not- withstanding the odds against him, he came out second in the race. In 1864 he again ran as an independent Demo- MICHAEL NORTON. 263 cratic candidate and came off victorious in a severe contest with three opponents. His course in the Board of Alder- men, during his first term, was such that in I860 he received the regular Tammany nomination for re-election, and after another hot contest swept the field against three candidates. His aldermanic record was eminently satisfactory, and his courage and firmness, combined with his manifest sincerity, his natural gentility of manners, and his knowledge of men, constantly added to his power and popularity, which have since been fully proven by his repeated election to the State Senate from the Third district. At the time Mr. NORTON became a Senatorial candidate, in 1867, the Legislature was Kepublican, and a Eepublican Senator, Hon. ABRAHAM LEXT, represented the district, which had become traditionally of the same political com- plexion. Mr. NORTOX'S first campaign, however, changed the tradition and the facts, and he curried the district for the Democracy by a large majority, although he had opposed to him CHARLES BLAUVELT, the Mozart Hall candidate, and two Kepublican candidates. In the Senate he became a per- sonal favorite with men of all parties, and was in all respects a valuable member. In 1869 he was again nominated as the regular Tammany candidate for Senator, and though again opposed by an outside Democrat, ex-Alderman FLYXN, and by a Kepublican. lion. JACOB SHARPK, he gave both a speci- men of his quality as the ''Thunderbolt," a title which he earned in these contests, and was again elected by a large majority. In the fall of 1871 he was again a candidate, but the com- bination against him was too formidable, and he was defeated. Last November he was elected to the Assembly by a majority of 673, and as a member of the Committees on Canals and Militia, he is an effective member of the House. Besides his services as a State legislator and as an Alderman, Mr. NORTON has frequently been a delegate to the State con- ventions of his party, serving in that capacity in the National 264 LIFE SKETCHES. Democratic Convention which was held in New York in July, 1868. He has also been a prominent member of the Tammany General Committee in New York, and is recog- nized as one of the most shrewd and indefatigable workers in his party. JAMES M. OAKLEY. Mr. OAKLEY is now serving his third term as the represent- ative from the Third district of Queens county. He is one of the younger members of the House, having been born in New York city on the 19th of January, 1839. He received a thorough academic education, and since his majority has been engaged in the business of buying and selling real estate. He now resides at Jamaica, Queens county, where he is very popular among all classes. A Democrat of unswerving fidelity, Mr. OAKLEY has mingled considerably in politics, and enjoys the confidence of his party in very large measure. In the recent canvass extraordinary efforts were made to defeat him, but he re- ceived a majority of 141, over THOMAS J. COGSWELL, Repub- lican, and was the only Democrat elected in Queens county. He is a man of unusually prepossessing appearance and genial manners. Well posted in the routine of legislation, though not a great talker, he is an efficient and valuable member, and much esteemed by all so fortunate as to possess his friendship. His seat was contested by Mr. COGSWELL, his opponent, but the Committee on Privileges and Elections decided unanimously that Mr. OAKLEY was entitled to the seat. JOHN O^BRIAN. 265 JOHN O' BRIAN. Mr. O'BRIAN, of Erie, is a son of JOHN and MARY O' natives of the county of Cork, Ireland, and was born in Little Falls, Herkimer county, December 12, 1842. He is well ed- ucated, having spent most of his youth in the public schools, and in the Buffalo Mercantile College, obtaining a thorough acquaintance with those branches especially essential to busi- ness life. After leaving school he learned the printing busi- ness, but he was compelled to leave it on account of ill health, and was then employed as salesman in the coal department of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, at Buffalo. At the commencement of President GRANT'S admin- istration, he was appointed assistant postmaster of Buffalo, and served two years. Recently he held an important position in the State Comptrollers office, under Hon. NELSON K. HOP- KINS, but resigned last fall, in order to accept a nomination for Member of Assembly. Mr. O'BuiAN has always acted with the Republican party, his first vote having been cast for ABRAHAM LINCOLN. He has mingled largely in the local politics of his district, and not only bears a good reputation for integrity and ability, but is very popular with all classes. He ran for Assembly in 1868, on the Republican ticket, but was defeated by Hon. GKO. J. BAMLER. The result of the contest was, however, quite gratifying to Mr. O'BRIAN, inasmuch as he ran 1.400 ahead of his ticket. In the fall of 1872. he again received the nomination, and was elected by a majority of 407. over DANIEL CRUISE, Democrat, in a district which gave 607 Democratic majority the previous year. He is, in fact, the first Republican member ever elected in the district. He is Chairman of the Committee on Militia, and a member of the Committee on Public Education. Being Captain of the McMahon Corps of the 74th Regi- 266 LIFE SKETCHES. ment, N. Y. S. N. G., one of the crack organizations among the citizen soldiery of Buffalo, and being identified with various social and political institutions in that city, Mr. O'BitiAN naturally enjoys a large acquaintance, and he is highly esteemed by all his associates and friends. He pos- sesses numerous graces of character, and is ever firm in his friendships, strong and decided in his convictions, and always the courteous, genial gentleman. With his many good quali- ties, however, and possessing in marked degree those attri- butes which are calculated to win the regard of the other sex, Mr. O'BKiAisr is, strangely enough, unmarried. In religion he is a Roman Catholic. WILLIAM S. OPDYKE. Mr. OPDYKE, who represents the Twentieth metropolitan district, \vas born on the 6th of October, 1836. He received a liberal education, graduating at the age of twenty from the University of the city of New York. Deciding to adopt the profession of the law, he attended the Albany Law School in 1866-7, and then went to Europe and studied at Heidelberg during the years 1858 and 1859. On his return he again attended the Albany Law School in, 1859-60, was admitted to the bar at Albany in May, 1860, and has since practiced in the city of New York. ' He has always been more or less active as a politician. In the earlier years of his life he was attached to the Free Soil wing of the Democratic party, but, as the issues of the war obliterated that distinction in the ranks of the Democracy, he, in common with many others holding similar views, gravitated toward Republican- ism, and for several years past he has uniformly acted with the party which fought out the war and abolished slavery. He enjoys a large popularity in the Nineteenth ward, where he resides, but, with the exception of being a member of the JACOB M. PATTERSON. 267 lower board of the New York Common Council in 1864, he has never held public office until the present year. In the present canvass he was elected by a plurality of over 1,000, in a district largely Democratic, the opposition vote being about equally divided between the Tammany and Apollo Hall candidates. This result is, perhaps, the more gratifying to him, as the Committee of Seventy declined to indorse his nomination. Mr. OPDYKE is a young man of decided force of character, and possesses marked legislative ability. As a public speaker he is pleasing, concise and logical, and. though he is more at home, perhaps, in the discussion of legal questions than any other, he brings to every question the ripe judgment of a well-balanced and well-informed mind, and that critical fac- ulty which springs from thoroughly matured conviction. Since the session opened he has ably participated in numer- ous important discussions, and was specially prominent in the debates in the Assembly upon the New York city char- ter. He is a man of very pleasing appearance, and carries with him the manners of the cultivated gentleman. He was married in October, 1863, to Miss POST, a daughter of Prof. ALFRED C. POST, an eminent physician of New York city. JACOB M. PATTERSON. Hon. JACOB M. PATTERSOX, Jr.. was born of American parents, June 20th, 1838, in the district which he now repre- sents, the 10th of New York. He received a common school and academic education, and is now engaged in business as a dealer in meats. Mr. PATTERSOX has for a number of years been actively engaged in political contests, especially in his own district, where he has labored for years to establish a Republican Association to be composed only of consistent members of 268 LIFE SKETCHES. his party. In this he has been completely successful, and for several years he has been unanimously elected to the presidency of a large and influential organization. A warm admirer of Gen. GRAXT during his military career, he was one of his most ardent supporters in 1868, and early became an earnest advocate of the President's claims to the renomination. As a member of the Executive Committee of the State Central Committee "he labored zeal- ously during the late campaign. The Tenth Assembly dis- trict, comprising a densely populated portion of the Seven- teenth ward, is largely Democratic, and great numbers of Germans reside within its boundaries. By the latter element Mr. PATTERSOX has been justly regarded as a friend, and their hearty support greatly contributed to his success in the late election. It is worthy of mention that Mr. PATTERSON is the first Republican who has obtained a clear majority in the district since the formation of the party. In view of his business interests, he yielded reluctantly to persuasions of political and personal friends, and entered upon a compaign against two opponents, one of whom had received the regular nominations of Tammany and Apollo Hall. He had, however, the prestige of a name well known and highly honored for many years in the district where his ancestors resided. Hosts of personal and political friends, together with Germans and others who, regardless of party ties, combined with those who were enthusiastic in his sup- port, on account of his great personal popularity and well- known unswerving devotion to Republican principles, secured a result which, considering the political complexion of the district, surprised those most who deemed themselves the best judges of political probabilities, and can only be regarded as a great personal triumph of the candidate thus honored. In 1871 the vote for member of Assembly was as follows: Republican, 1,810; Independent Liberal, 309; Tammany, Apollo, and Independent Democrats, 3,632. The Republican candidate was elected by a small plurality, though STEPHEN PELL. 269 the total opposition vote was in a majority of 2,131. In 1872 Tammany and Apollo Hall combined upon one of the candidates of 1871, and a German ran on an Independent ticket. The result was most gratifying to the friends of Mr. PATTERSON. He received a vote of 2,985 ; ROLLAVAGON, the Tammany and Apollo Hall candidate, received 1,834, and WERNER, the Independent candidate, polled Init 891 votes, thus leaving Mr. PATTERSON a clear majority of 260, and a majority over Tammany and Apollo Hall of 1,151. STEPHEN PELL. Mr. PELL is a prosperous merchant of New York city, residing in the Ninth ward of that city nearly all his life. He was born, however, in the Fifth ward, on the 26th of February, 1819, being, therefore, about fifty-four years of age. He was a son of ABIJAH PELL, who served with honor in the war of 1812. Mr. PELL is in large degree self- educated, though he passed through the usual training which the average American youth receives in the public schools. His common-sense views of questions which come before him as a legislator, and his equally common-sense mode of dealing with them, were derived mainly from the school of experience, in which he has been all his life an apt pupil. In 1843, heAvas married to MARY JANE MASTERSON, Avho Avas also a native of XeAv York city. During many years Mr. PELL Avas an active member of the old Volunteer Fire Department of the metropolis, and has long borne the reputation of a large-hearted, public-spirited citizen. He never held public position. hoAvever, until 1872, Avhen he represented the same district, the Xinth, in the Assembly, being elected by a decided majority over two opponents, WILLIAM BERGEN and TERENCE SHEA. In the canvass 270 LIFE SKETCHES. last fall his re-election was opposed by WILLIAM DURGAN. He has been a Republican since the organization of the party, previous to which he acted with the Whigs. Mr. PELL is a well-preserved gentleman of courteous manners and liberal views. In person he is large and rather stoutly built, with a massive head and shoulders, 'benevolent coun- tenance, black eye, and hair plentifully sprinkled with gray. He is esteemed by friends and opponents alike, and performs his legislative duties with diligence and ability, devoting his attention mainly to local matters. EL AM PERSONS. Mr. PERSONS, who re-presents the first district of Jefferson county, was born in Somers, Tolland county, Connecticut, August 2, 1809. His father, SAMUEL PERSONS, was also a native of Connecticut, but he removed to New York State a few years after his marriage, and died in 1859 at the age of ninety-two. Mr. PERSONS was educated in the common schools of this State, and learned the trade of a wheelwright, which he followed until about the year 1853, when he pur- chased a farm in the town of Ellisburgh, and has managed it up to the present time with a very good degree of success. At an early age he became identified with the old Whig party, and steadily adhered to its fortunes until it was dissolved; since that event he has as steadily acted with the Republican party, taking a very active part in the details of local organization. His first advent in public affairs was in 1847, when he was made Collector of the town of Ellisburgh, and served one year. In 1862 he was elected Highway Com- missioner, and remained in office continuously for nine years. Last fall his friends and neighbors determined upon his pro- motion, and, after receiving the unanimous nomination of his district convention, he was elected by the flattering GEORGE W. PHILLIPS. 271 majority of 1,587 over ALEXANDER DICKINSON, a Liberal Republican, supported by Democrats. Mr. PERSONS has been married twice, his first wife being ELIZA McNiTT, whom he married in 1833, and his second, CHLOE E. KETCHUM, married in 1855, and still living. Mr. PERSONS is a plain, blunt man of action, with kindly disposition and pleasant manners. He expends very little energy in words, but is always in his seat, and performs his legislative duty with diligence and judgment. GEORGE W. PHILLIPS. Mr. PHILLIPS was born in the town and county of Onon- daga, December 18, 1823. In addition to an ordinary com- mon school education, he came to Homer in 1840 and was a diligent and faithful and successful pupil of Cortland Academy until 1843. He taught a common school for several winters, and was Town Superintendent of common schools during the years 1845 and '46. In 1850 he became a resident of Homer, where he established himself as a mer- chant, and has pursued that occupation ever since. He soon acquired, and has uniformly maintained, an honorable repu- tation as an upright, competent and successful business man, and a public spirited citizen. He served one term as Trus- tee of Homer village. For the past several years he has been an active and influential Trustee of Cortlaud Academy. In 1861 he was elected Supervisor of the town of Homer, and with an interval of a few months, held the office for nine years. He was chosen by the Board of Supervisors a member of the Volunteer Bounty Committee, and held that position, most of the time as Chairman, during its entire existence. His services on this committee are regarded as having been of great value to the county and to the Federal cause. His knoAvledge of the details of the duties devolving upon him 272 LIFE SKETCHES. was thorough, and his judgment was much respected. His clear perception of the principles involved, his retentive mem- ory of the facts in each case, and his uniform readiness to meet all the demands made by it upon his time and attention, fully justified the successive Boards of Supervisors in retaining his services upon the committee. In politics he was a Whig until the formation of the Kepublican party, in which he took an early and active part. He has remained an earnest worker in that party. In the Republican County Convention last fall he was nominated for Member of Assembly by an unusually large vote. At the ensuing election he received 3,484 votes, his opponent, Judge W. A. SHANKLAND, receiv- ing 2,492. His service in the Assembly thus far has been eminently satisfactory. EDWARD C. PHILPOT. The gentleman who ably represents the First district of Madison county in the Assembly is EDWARD C. PHILPOT, a native and resident of the toAvn of Eaton, in that county. He is of Protestant-Irish descent. His grand-parents settled in Eaton in 1807, on the farm still occupied by his mother, whoso maiden name was MARY TOOKE, his father having died July 27, 1859. Mr. PHILPOT was born on November 9, 1834, and lie is, therefore, a little over thirty-eight years of age. He was liberally educated in the common schools and at the Central JS r ew York Conference Seminary at Cazenovia, com- pleting his study of the ordinary branches in 1852. During a couple of years subsequently he taught school, but enter- taining a penchant for the legal profession, he read law for several years in the office of Hon. HENRY GOODWIN and D. J. MITCHELL, of Hamilton, and was admitted to the bar in 1856. He then formed a partnership with Hon. J. B. ELDRIDGE, at Hamilton, and practiced with fair success until EDWARD C. PHILI>OT. 273 the partnership was dissolved in 1858. During the next two years he practiced law with Col. JOHN" T. PHILPOT, his brother, at Cleveland, Ohio. Owing to poor health he finally returned to Eaton, however, and settled down to the occupa- tion of farming. He also practices law, and is a Railroad Commissioner of his town. Mr. PHILPOT has been active and prominent in Madison county politics for a long period, having been a delegate to every county and district convention for the last ten years. He has also been a delegate to State Conventions, and as Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, Justice of Sessions, and now as member of Assembly, bids fair to perform his full share of public service. Soon after his return from Ohio he was elected Supervisor for the town of Eaton, and served two years in the board. In 1864 he was chosen Justice of the Peace, and has filled the office ever since. In 1867 he was also elected Justice of Sessions, holding the office until 1869. Last fall he received a majority of 1,525 for the Assembly, P. ADELBERT BUEDICK being the opposing candidate. Mr. PHILPOT'S first vote was cast for Joirx C. FKEMOVT for President. Since then he has steadily labored and voted for the success of Republican principles and candidates. Mr. P. is Chairman of the Committee on Petitions of Aliens, and a member of the Committee on Privileges and Elections. He is a bachelor, and weighs 200 pounds. 18 LIFE SKETCHES. HENRY R. PIERSOK The Second district of Albany county has of late adopted the commendable rule of sending her best men to the Assembly. To this class, in whatever way we may regard him, Mr. PIERSOX assuredly belongs. He is decided!} 7 the most conspicuous man in the Assembly, and his prominence in the public mind is due entirely to his exalted, personal attributes. He is emphatically one of those men who, by self-reliance, ability, and force of character, achieve a meas- ure of success of which many, more favored by fortune, come short. Born in Charleston, Montgomery countv, in this State, on the 13th of January, 1819, of poor and obscure, but respectable family, he inherited nothing but the sterling honesty which characterized his parents, and his early opportunities for acquiring an education were con- lined to those obtainable, with little regularity, in a country school-house. When he reached the age of twenty-one, how- ever, being thrown upon his own resources, he left home. His first care, on finding himself his own master, was to make up, as far as possible, for his educational deficiencies. He therefore labored industriously, studied hard, and by teaching school, and with trifling outside aid. he finally attained the object of his ambition. He entered Union Col- lege in 1843, and graduated in July, 184G, with full honors, being in the class with ex-Governor Joiix T. -HOFFMAN, and other men who have since reached eminence. He chose the law as his profession, and removed to Xew York in 1847. Being without fortune, friends or influence, it was up-hill work with him at first, but his unconquerable spirit soon surmounted those obstacles which often fatally discourage young men on entering the crowded city. He studied faith- fully, and in May, 1848. his zeal and ability were rewarded by his admission to the bar. He at once engaged in active HENRY R. PIEKSO\. 275 practice, and was known as one of the most promisiag young lawyers of the metropolis. lie formed a partnership with Hon. ABIJAH MAXX, Avhich continued several years, during which he established a good reputation. In 1849 he removed to Brooklyn and immediately inter- ested himself in public affairs to that extent that he soon became a prominent and influential citizen. Warmly attached to the Whig cause at that time, he allied himself with the Republicans as soon as the new party was organized, and has consistently adhered to it up to the present time. The prominence he attained and his splendid abilities caused him to be selected as the standard bearer of the party in numer- ous political contests, and it has been well for him, and well for the communities in which he has resided, that he pos- sessed a physical and mental organization which singularly fitted him to stand in the fore-front of the hottest party fights. The first position held by him was that of member of the Brooklyn Board of Education. He was appointed to that office by the mayor and aldermen in 1854, and served until 1857. Mr. PIEESO>* fully recognized the importance of the trust confided to him, and performed his duties with tact and judgment. He was re-appointed in I860, and held the posi- tion as long as he resided in the city. In 1857 he was elected Alderman of the Third ward of Brooklyn, and represented the interests of the ward for three years, to the entire satis- faction of a large, wealthy and intelligent constituency. His position in the municipal legislature was one of com- manding influence, and for a year and a half he was Presi- dent of the Board of Aldermen. In 1857 he was the Republican candidate for State Senator for the Second dis- trict, and was defeated by the Democratic candidate. Mr. GARDIXKR, by about forty votes. Irregularities, amounting in some instances to positive fraud, wen' alleged to have occurred in connection with the election, and Mr. PIERSON was urged, by his political friends, to contest the seat. lie. 276 LIFE SKETCHES. however, declined to do so, preferring to owe Senatorial honors to the will of the people, clearly expressed in a major- ity vote, rather than to a technical question of regularity. In 1868 that will was thus expressed, by a handsome majority, in a district usually regarded as close and doubtful. In that year Mr. PIERSOX was elected over CALVIN E. PRATT, the Democratic candidate, by a majority of 1,097. His services in the Senate are forgotten neither by his constituents nor by the State at large. He participated in the important dis- cussions occurring during his stay at the Capital witli signal ability, and showed those qualities of the true statesman which have since been more fully developed. In 1860, Mr. PIERSOX retired from the legal profession, and was chosen President of the Brooklyn City Eailroad, and henceforth became actively identified with the great and rapidly growing railroad interests of the country. He held this office until 1869, Avhen he was elected Financial Agent of the Chicago and Northwestern Eailroad Company. This necessitated his removal to Chicago, and he was soon after made Vice-President of the same company, retaining, how- ever, the position of Financial Agent. This office he held two years, when, on being chosen Resident Executive Direc- tor of the Xew York Central and Hudson Eiver Eailroad. he removed to Albany, where he has since resided. Besides the positions of a business and political nature already mentioned, Mr. PIERSON has held several important trusts of an honorary character, educational and otherwise. In July, 1870, he was elected a trustee of Union College, his alma mater, and was also chosen as a trustee of the Albany Medical College, but he resigned both positions on being elected Eegent of the University by the Legislature of 1872, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Hon. ERAS- TUS CORXING. He is now, however, Trustee of the Dudley Observatory at Albany, and also of the State Inebriate Asy- lum at Binghamton. It seems superfluous to observe that in all these positions JAMES G. PORTEOUS. 277 Mr. PIERSON has shown conspicuous ability, rare capacity, and large mental powers. In every situation requiring exec- utive talent, prompt and unerring judgment, and discrimi- nating tact, he is at home. A keen observer, a rapid reasoner, and an acute thinker, he certainly seems fitted to occupy more exalted places of trust than any he has yet been called to fill. In the Assembly he was accorded a prominent position from the start, being assigned to the Chairmanship of the Committee on Cities, and the second place on the Railroad Committee. He therefoi-e wields an influence second to that of no other member of the present House. He is a man of large frame and dignified presence, and is full of healthful vitality. His profusion of silvery hair gives him a venerable appearance beyond his years. Of unruffled disposition, warm, social qualities, hearty and pleasant manners, he certainly possesses all the characteristics which win popularity. He is an excellent debater, fluent, clear, sensible, unostentatious, frequen-tly brilliantly eloquent. He lays down his proposi- tions vigorously and plainly, and always commands the atten- tion of the House. JAMES G. PORTEOUS. JAMES GEORGE PORTEOUS, who represents Warren county in the present Assembly, is a physician of twenty years' practice, and so thorough and reliable is he in his professional capacity, that he is admitted to be ' the best physician in Warren county/' He was born in Moriah, Essex county, on the 3d of January, 1839, his father being ANDREW POR- TEOUS, who is still living. He received a liberal education, graduating from Harvard University in 1862. In August of the same year he received the appointment of assistant surgeon of the 118th Regiment Xew York Volunteers. While- 278 LIFE SKETCHES. with this regiment, and subsequently, he greatly distin- guished himself by his bravery and coolness in action, making it his invariable practice to accompany the command wherever it went, nobly sharing in its dangers and priva- tions on the march and under fire. He was in many of the battles and campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, and served throughout with the Army of the James, being espe- cially conspicuous at South Anna, siege of Suffolk, City Point, Drury's Bluff, Coal Harbor, second Fair Oaks, Chapiir s Farm, Fort Harrison, Petersburgh and Five Forks. He was known in the army as the " Fighting Surgeon," and his bravery on the occasion of the capture of Fort Harrison, while his regiment formed a portion of the Army of the James, elicited the following complimentary mention in the general orders of the commanding officer, Gen. BUTLER : - Assistant Surgeon, J. G. PORTEOUS, 118th X. Y. V., deserves the highest credit for his bravery and attention to duties, being the only surgeon in the brigade advancing with his regiment in charging column." After the close of the James River campaign, Dr. POR- TEOUS was promoted to Surgeon, and transferred to the 46th Regiment 1ST. Y. Volunteers, with which he remained until the close of the war. On his return home, Dr. PORTEOUS settled at Luzerne, where he still practices his profession with great success. Though always an enthusiastic and active Republican, he never accepted public position until the year 1869, when he was chosen Supervisor of Luzerne. To this office he has been twice re-elected. Last fall he was a delegate to the county convention, and steadily resisted the efforts made to induce him to be a candidate for the Assembly, and it Avas only when the unanimous voice of the convention called upon him to accept, that he yielded. He was elected by a decided majority in a county sometimes closely contested, and his course, since he has been a member, fully justifies the confidence reposed in him by his constituents. L. BRADFORD PRINCE. 279 Dr. PORTEOUS is a man of fine presence and courteous demeanor, with warm, social instincts. Quiet and unassum- ing in manner, a man of few words, but sound judgment, his natural abilities and finely cultured mind inspire respect,' and render him competent to fill any position in life. He also unites with those qualities strict principles and unas- sailable integrity. L. BRADFORD PRINCE. In view of his three years' record as a legislator, his emi- nence in the legal profession, his prominence in literature and politics, id his honorable connection with societies and institutions of learning, Mr. PRINCE may be regarded as one of the prominent men of our State. A finely cultivated gen- tleman, a thorough scholar, a brilliant and forcible speaker, and a man of decided and advanced opinions in most depart- ments of thought, he is well qualified to maintain a leading position in a House which practically recognizes no leader. Mr. PRIXCE was born in Flushing, his present place of resi- dence, on the 3d of July, 1840. He is a lineal descendant of Gov. WM. BRADFORD, of Plymouth, one of the "Men of the Mayflower," and inherits many of the sturdy virtues of his Puritan ancestry. Both his grandfather and great-grand- father, on the maternal side, were Governors of Rhode Island, and, on the paternal side, he conies of the well-known PRIXCE family, of horticultural fame. After spending much of his youth in South Carolina and Florida in search of health, lie was engaged for a short time in horticultural pur- suits at Flushing, but his tastes leading him to the law, he entered Columbia Law School, from which lie graduated with the highest honors, receiving the 8200 prize in Politi- cal Science. In 18G8 he was complimented by being chosen as the Alumni orator, and is now President of the Alumni 280 LIFE SKETCHES. Association of the Law School. As a lawyer, he stands high, being a clear and incisive reasoner, and possessing rare ability as an advocate. He indulges in very little fanciful rhetoric, relying mainly upon carefully presented facts and skillfully digested deductions therefrom. Mr. PKINCE'S political career reaches over a period of more than sixteen years, extending through the whole his- tory of the Kepublican party. His interest in political mat- ters early developed itself, and as long ago as 1856 in the Fremont campaign he was an active writer and worker, receiving a special vote of thanks from the town club, of which he was too young to be a member. In 1860, though still not a voter, he acted as officer of the local organization, delegate, speaker, etc., enthusiastically supporting the Lincoln ticket. Since that time he has always been actively engaged in political work, though living in a county where the heavy Democratic majority precluded all expectation of personal advancement; and, as a political speaker, is well known in many sections of the State. Twelve years ago he was chosen a member of the Kepublican Committee of Queens county, and has been its presiding officer for several years. He was also u delegate to the Chicago National Convention in 1868, and in the following year a member of the State Committee. He was first elected to the Assembly in 1870, when he received a majority of 1,415, although the district is about 600 Democratic. Mr. PRIXCE'S popularity, in fact, has never been bounded by party lines, men of all shades of political belief recogniz- ing the fact that his splendid abilities are available for the welfare of the whole people. Though not entirely unknown in the State at large when he entered the Assembly, his talents commanded speedy recognition in that body, and his skill as a debater and his legislative efficiency were soon appar- ent. In the fall of 1871 he was again placed in nomination, and though his opponent was the strongest Democrat in the district, and a man who had served two terms in the Assem- L. BRADFORD PRIXCE. 281 bly and one in the State Senate, Mr. PRINCE received a majority of 1,169. In the fall. of 1872 he received the extra- ordinary compliment of a request for his continuance in office, signed by over two thousand voters irrespective of party. He was thereupon nominated by acclamation, and elected without opposition. Such tribute to high personal character and exceptional official fidelity, is rarely extended to a public man, and all who know Mr. P. will readily admit that it was in every way deserved. His service in the Assembly has been an honorable one. As Chairman of the Judiciary Committee during this and the last sessions, his labors have not only been multifarious and arduous, but exceedingly valuable to the State. It was his province during the winter of 1872 to conduct the investi- gation into the official conduct of Judges BARXARD, CAR- DOZO and McCuxx. This investigation extended from Feb- ruary 19 to April 10, during which time 239 witnesses were examined, and over 2,400 pages of evidence taken. The thoroughness and fairness with which the investigation was prosecuted secured the approbation of all parties, and its results form the brightest page in the history of the last Legislature. The verdict of the committee was so evi- dently based upon justice and evidence, that it met with very general acquiescence. The report in favor of impeach- ing two of the judges and removing the other, was adopted by the House, and in the choice of managers to conduct the impeachment trial, which, as is known, resulted in the disgrace of Judge BARXAUD. Mr. PRIXCE received 110 of the 113 votes cast by the House, the others chosen varying from 104 to 50 each. He was also appointed to proceed to the Senate and formally impeach Judge BARXARD at its bar, for high crimes and misdemeanors. He was active in the mat- ter until the trial closed, and it is probablv due to him more than any other one man, that the Judiciary of the State was relieved of the disgrace that would have attended BARXARD'S retention on the Bench. 282 LIFE SKETCHES. In the present session, besides the Chairmanship of the Judiciary Committee (\vhich .Committee annually considers nearly four hundred bills, having over one-quarter of the legislation of the State referred to it), he is Chairman of the Committee on Local and Special Laws, and a member of the Joint Library Committee. It is not alone, however, in the field of politics or law that Mr. PRIXCE has won honor and fame. He is well known, also, as a thoughtful Avriter and lecturer on various topics, among which, perhaps, those relating to Legislative and Governmental Keform have attracted the widest notice. Several years ago he wrote a work entitled "E Pluribus Unum, or, American Nationality," which passed through several editions, and was warmly commended by statesmen and political scientists. Last winter he delivered a lecture in Xew York and several other cities, in which some of the evils of the present system of law-making were severely handled. He inveighed very strongly, in particular, against the tendency to burden the Legislature with a mass of spe- cial and local legislation, compelling much of the important work of every session to be crudely and hastily performed. His suggestions attracted much attention, and some of them, have been embodied in the constitutional amendments now pending. Mr. PRIXCE is also a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, having been D. D. Grand Master of Queens and Suffolk counties for three terms. For ten years he was Superintendent or Director of the Queens county Agricultural Society, and during eight years has been an officer of the Long Island Historical Society. With all his attainments, Mr. PRIXCE is a quiet, courteous, unassuming gentleman, strictly conscientious in all his dealings with others, and it is evident that still greater honors are in store for him in the future. BENJAMIN RAY. 283 BENJAMIN RAY. The member from the First district of Columbia county is one of the old-fashioned class of Democrats. Sturdy and uncompromising in his character, earnest in his views, and persistent in the advocacy of what he deems to be right prin- ciples, he is well knoAvn in the eastern section of the State as a sound and reliable member of the party. From his youth up he has never faltered in his Democracy. During the divisions of the party previous to the war he warmly espoused the Hunker or Hardshell wing. His political faith may therefore be said to be pure and unadulterated. Mr. KAY was born in the city of Hudson, February 16, 1819. His father, now dead, was Captain SAMUEL RAY, a native of Dutchess county, and in his day a well-known shipmaster. Mr. RAY'S mother, we believe, is still living, at a very advanced age. Educated in the common schools and at Hudson Academy, Mr. RAY adopted the profession of engineering, but has not recently followed it. Until a few months ago he */ o owned a handsome farm in the vicinity of Hudson, upon which he spent much of his time for several years past, but he availed himself of an opportunity to dispose of it. Mr. RAY'S life has been somewhat checkered and replete with incident. Besides those mentioned he has at different times tried his hand at a number of employments. He has been a steamboat builder, a navigator on the Hudson, and has done somethfng at blacksmi thing, boiler-making, and sundry other trades. He went to California in 18-49. working his passage, and spent several years in San Francisco, where he made many warm friends, and held an important public position solely because of his capability therefor, being polit- ically opposed to those who appointed him. The climate did not agree with him, however, and lie returned to Xcw York. He remained in that citv until about five voars ?ince. when 284 LIFE SKETCHES. he located in Columbia county, and still resides there, respected and honored. He is quite influential in the local politics of that county, and has frequently held positions of trust, which he has filled with credit. As the result of his varied experience, and the buffetings of fortune, Mr. KAY is a man of iron nerve and determined purpose. Yet with all his rough exterior he is a man of extremely generous im- pulses and kindly nature, and his inbred courtesy of manner is extended to friends and opponents alike. He is now serving his fourth term in the Assembly, having been a member in 1856, and the last three terms being consecutive. Mr. RAY'S voice is not often heard in debate, but he is capa- ble of making a strong common-sense speech on almost any topic, and is thoroughly posted in all the details of legis- lation. GEORGE RAYNOR. The member from the Second district of Onondaga county is a quiet man of business, possessing sound sense and un- questioned capacity for legislative duties. This is his first term in the Assembly, but the honorable record he has made thus far is certainly to some extent an earnest that it will not be his last. He Avas born in Oswego, December 14, 1816, and is, therefore, about fifty-seven years of age. He is of English descent, his father, JACOB RAYNOR, being the scion of a family which early settled on Long Island. His mother was a native of Washington county, in this State. Both his parents have been dead some years. Young RAYXOK received a good business education, partly in a common school, and partly in the Onondaga Academy, under the tutelage of the well-known educator, S. B. WOOL- WORTH. After leaving school in 1828, he spent several years as a clerk, and about the year 1841 he became an assistant in &EORGE RAYNOR. 285 the Syracuse post-office. He entered energetically upon his duties, and made postal matters a study to such a degree that he has been almost continuously in the service of the depart- ment until a very recent period. He served in the Syracuse office until 1845, when he became a mail agent on the route between Albany and Buffalo, and served, either as deputy or principal, from 1846 to 1865. When the new post-office cars came into use he was selected as one of the postal clerks between New York and Buffalo, and acted as such during the years 1870 and 1871. He is largely interested in build- ing and street-car enterprises in Syracuse, and though he resides in Onondaga, the Saline City is virtually his business home. . Mr. RAYXOR'S political life has been active and honorable. His first vote was cast for WM. H. SEWARD, in 1838, and thenceforward he consistently acted with the Whigs until the party dissolved. Then he became a Republican, and we are safe in asserting that Onondaga county has few men who have worked harder or more zealously for the cause than Mr. RAYXOR. He is, in fact, always ready to do his whole political duty, and has, therefore, been for many years prom- inently identified with Onondaga county politics. For the most part he has preferred to do his work in the ranks, but he has occasionally held offices of a local nature, and invari- ably filled them with credit. During two years, in 1864 and 1865, he was Supervisor of the town of Onondaga. He was elected to the Assembly by a majority of 442. after an excit- ing canvass, and is assigned to the Committees on Canals, and State Charitable Institutions. Mr. RAYXOR was married, in 1848, to CORDELIA HALL, a daughter of Judge JOHXSOX HALL, of Syracuse. Unob- trusive in disposition, agreeable in manners, strictly just and honest in all his relations, and. withal, a man of keen judg- ment and great ability, the member we have thus brieflv sketched needs no graces of oratory to constitute him a val- uable and effective legislator. 286 LIFE SKETCHES. ELEAZER C. RICE. The member from Herkimer was born in Salisbury. Her- kimer county, on the 26th of March, 1827, and has there- fore reached the age of full manly vigor. He was educated at Fairfield Academy, in the same county, but he chose an agricultural life, and, during his adult years, has farmed and dealt in real estate with considerable success. He has mingled much in political affairs, and has uniformly enjoyed the confidence of his party and the country in large degree. He held the office of Commissioner of Highways three years, was Justice of the Peace twelve years, and Supervisor three years. In these positions he exhibited marked ability and integrity of character. He was a Democrat previous to 1856, but since that time he has acted with the Republican party, never missing an opportunity to vote for its candi- dates. In the fall of 1871 he was elected to the Assembly by a majority of 1,063, and his career was so entirely satis- factory to his constituents that he was returned last fall by a majority of 1,101, his opponent being GEORGE A. FEETER, a well-known Liberal Republican, of Little Falls. Mr. RICE was married in 1851, to Miss SARAH A. IXGHAM. He pos- sesses plenty of tact and judgment, and is, withal, a culti- vated and agreeable gentleman. DOMINICK H. ROCHE. 287 DOMINICK H. ROCHE. Mr. ROCHE, from the Third district of Kings, is well known among the politicians of the State, especially those of New York and Brooklyn, having, for a number of years, taken an active part in the political contests of the latter city, and, for three years past, forming part of its representa- tion in the Assembly. He is a young man, full of fire and vigor, and belongs to what is commonly regarded as the Tammany school of Democracy. He was born in Cork, Ireland, in 1834. Twelve years later he came to New York with his parents, and was subsequently educated in the com- mon schools of that city. He then commenced his business life as a clerk in a wholesale dry goods house. His industry and integrity were appreciated by his employer, and he rapidly rose to the position of chief book-keeper and cashier. He was, in fact, on the point of securing admission as a part- ner in the concern, when the financial crisis, following the political troubles of I860, forced the firm into bankruptcy, in consequence of its heavv southern losses. He was already / j a resident of Brooklyn, having removed thither in 1854, and he speedily obtained employment in adjusting the accounts of the city sinking fund, which had become greatly involved. Completing this task satisfactorily he was offered and accepted a responsible position in the Register's office of Brooklyn, and in 18G3 he became Secretary of the Board of City Assessors, an office which he still holds. He \vas an active member of the old volunteer Fire Department until it ceased to exist, and always evinced a warm interest in its welfare. In 1803. he was elected Trustee of the Fire Department Widows and Orphans' Benefit Fund, of which board he was President for several years, and is now Chairman of the Law Committee. He has been elected to the Assembly, each time by large majorities, receiving in 18TO, a plurality of .">10 over 288 LIFK SKETCHES. two candidates. His majority in 1871 was 5,182 over CHRISTIAN, the Republican candidate, and he was chosen last fall by a vote of 2,914 against 1,715 for SAMUEL B. VREELAXD, Republican, and 1,400 and 1,285 for two inde- pendent candidates. His course in the Assembly has, we believe, been eminently satisfactory to his constituents, and, indeed, no better proof would be desired on that point than the decided popular majorities mentioned above. He is a warm friend of local improvements, and, when he assumes to champion a cause in the Legislature, he devotes to it all his energies, and frequently carries his point through sheer momentum. His speeches, though unquestionably lacking in finished rhetorical eloquence, are always terse and logical, and bristle with facts and figures, items which more eloquent opponents frequently find it hard to controvert. During his three years' service, Mr. ROCHE has served on the Commit- tees on Railroads, Charitable and Religious Societies, Joint Library, Petitions of Aliens, Privileges and Elections, and Public Printing. PARKER W. ROSE. ISTo man in the Assembly bears a greater reputation for sturdy honesty, and those qualities which denote the states- man and patriot, than PARKER TV. ROSE. His countenance, seamed and marked Avitli rugged angularity, is an unerring index to the clear brain and keen intellect which it masks, and. though he is not given to bold flights of eloquence, his voice is always raised, when occasion requires, in behalf of sound public policy and honest legislation. He is the especial champion of economy in the public service, and no measure which contemplates a needless or wanton expenditure of the public funds can hope to escape either his vigilance or his earnest protest. PARKER W. ROSE. 289 Mr. ROSE was born in Stockholm, St. Lawrence county, on the 29th of March, 1812, and is consequently about sixty years of age, but he comes of a hardy stock, and physically and mentally he is as vigorous as the average of men at forty- five. His father, DANIEL P. ROSE, was born in Coventry, and is of English ancestry. Mr. ROSE'S educational oppor- tunities in early youth were somewhat limited, being mainly such as could be obtained at the common school during the winter season. But he was more than ordinarily studious, and when this was finally supplemented by a brief term at the St. Lawrence Academy, he was abundantly competent to fill the position of a teacher in a district school, and spent several years in that capacity. Teaching was not to his liking, however, and he soon relinquished it. Shortly after attaining his majority, he engaged in the pursuit in which much of his youth was passed that of farming ; and to this, in later years, he added manufacturing. All his business affairs have been managed with such prudence and sagacity that he possesses a comfortable competence as the reward of well-directed and honest industry. Mr. ROSE has been an earnest and consistent member of the Baptist church since his youth, having made a public profession and consecration at the age of fourteen. During a period of nearly thirty-four years he was Superintendent of the Baptist Sabbath School at Parishville. He was married to CYXTHIA PUTNAM in November, 1837. She died in February, 1852, while he was a member of Assembly, Avhen he was married in April, 1853, to Miss JULIANA BEECHEK, who is still living. Mr. ROSE has frequently filled positions of a public nature. During six years he was a member of the St. Lawrence county Board of Supervisors, acting one year as its Chairman. In 1852 he was a member of Assembly, serving on the Committee on Grievances. He was re-elected next year, when he was made Chairman of the Committee on Internal Affairs, and also acted as Chairman of the Demo- cratic caucus. In 1ST2 he was returned under different 19 290 LIFE SKETCHES. political auspices, having joined the Republican party at its formation in 1854. Previous to that year he acted with the Free Soil wing of the Democratic party. During the last session Mr. R. was Chairman of the Committee on Grievances, and the Sub-committee of the Whole, and a member of the Committee on Federal Relations. So entirely satisfactory was his course that he was renominated last fall by acclama- tion, and beat his opponent, HOEACE BICKNELL, a " Liberal," by the very large majority of 2,120. He is still Chairman of the Sub-committee of the Whole, and a member of the Com- mittee on Expenditures of the Executire Department. JAMES RYAN. JAMES RYAN represents ward seven of New York city, which constitutes the Fourth Assembly District of the metropolis. He was elected by a majority of 635 over his Apollo Hall opponent, John Galvin. He is of Irish descent, is an inflexible adherent of the Tammany wing of the Democ- racy, and is a man of large social instincts, agreeable man- ners, and much ability as a legislator. He is a member of the Committees on Internal Affairs, and Expenditures of the Executive Department. PETER SCHOONMAKER. Mr. SCIIOONMAKEK belongs to a class of intelligent and substantial farmers found in every section of the State, who are really among our best citizens. A man of strict integ- rity, excellent social virtues and practical good sense, he more than balances any lack of superficial polish by sterling traits of character, and those inborn instincts which constitute the PETER SCHOONMAKER. 291 true gentleman. He was born in Knox, Albany county, June 20, 1827, his father, CHRISTIAN SCHOONMAKER, being also a native of that town. He was brought up in the old home- stead, and has never left it, being content to follow in his father's footsteps and cultivate the paternal acres. He received a liberal common school education, however, and has taken pains to make himself thoroughly informed upon all the prominent subjects of human thought. He is there- fore a man of prominence in his quiet rural hamlet, and has frequently been selected to fill positions which ought to fall to the lot of the very best men in every community. During a period of seven years he represented the town of Knox in the Albany Board of Supervisors, making his influence felt in a marked degree in favor of economy and prudence in the management of the county finances. He is also President of the Knox Insurance Company, and a Trustee of the Knox- ville Academy. Living in a district which has generally been quite evenly divided, politically, Mr. SCHOONMAKER has always been an active worker in the Republican ranks, and has rendered efficient service to the party since its first organ- ization, previous to which he was a Whig. Though he has never been an anxious seeker for office, he has seldom felt at liberty to decline the public honors which have from time to time been urged upon him. Last fall he was somewhat reluctant to accept an Assembly nomination, but his friends overcame his scruples and elected him by the largest majority ever given to any candidate in the district, defeating COR- NELIUS BAKER, a popular Democrat, by 980 votes. Quiet and unassuming in deportment, but possessing decided prac- tical ability as well as legislative knowledge. Mr. SCHOON- MAKER is a valuable member in a House which admittedly contains more than an average degree of talent. He is an industrious member of the Committees on Agriculture. Civil Divisions, and Privileges and Elections. He was married on the 7th of August. 1850, to Miss*EMELiKE WOLFORD. and has two children. 292 LIFE SKETCHES. SOLON B. SMITH. Mr. SMITH is one of the youngest members of the Assem- bly, being twenty-three years old this spring. His father and mother were both natives of New York city, where he was born on the 4th of April, 1850. He was educated in the com- mon schools, and is now a clerk in a grocery and provision house in the metropolis. Though his political career has necessarily been short, he has become quite well known in his district as an active Republican, and since he reached his majority he has been President of the District Association. He possesses ability, however, and he may yet attain fame and profit in the field of politics. JOHN L. SNYDER. Few members of the present Assembly enjoy a greater degree of personal popularity than Mr. JOHN L. SNYDEB, of Rensselaer. His political career is in some respects remarkable. Although he has been but about five years in the arena of politics, he has already served nearly two terms in the Assembly, been a delegate to a State Convention, and won an enduring reputation as a man of good principles, excellent business capacity, and undoubted skill in the manipulation of party details. His popularity at home is very great. Being a native and life-long resident of the town where he lives, he is intimately identified with its prosperity and pro gress, and has given his best efforts to its welfare. In twice selecting him as their representative in the Assembly, in pref- erence to older and more experienced, though perhaps less active men, his constituents have not only honored them- JOHN L. SNYDER. 293 selves, but shown good sense. The adage "old men for coun- sel, young men for action," is evidently highly regarded in Mr. SNYDER'S bailiwick, and while he is certainly the man to act wisely and promptly at the proper time, we are sure he does not despise the invaluable counsel of his elders in the party at home. JOHN LANSING SNYDER was born at Pittstown, Rensse- laer county, on the 24th of November, 1846. He is there- fore about twenty-seven years of age, and ranks among the youngest members of the Assembly. The parents of Mr. SNYDER were of German extraction, but they were old resi- dents of Pittstowu, residing there for a period of time '"whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary." The subject of our sketch received the rudiments of an Eng- lish common school education in his own town, and subse- quently pursued the higher branches of a collegiate educa- tion at the Fort Edward Institute. He also perfected him- self in the elements of a business education in one of Bryant & Stratton's commercial colleges. His father was a sub- stantial farmer, and in the intervals of gaining an education the son was inured to the same honorable pursuit. In 1868, however, Mr. SNYDER availed himself of an excellent business opening in New York city, and became the leading and managing partner in a wholesale produce and commis- sion house. In this he was successful beyond even his own sanguine hopes; but the death of his father in 1870 com- pelled the relinquishment of his metropolitan connection and his return to the paternal homestead. From that time forward he has resided at Pittstown, where he supervises his productive acres and mingles largely in the social, business and political life of the locality. Very soon after his return he was chosen to fill the office of Justice of the Peace for a term of four years, and, of course, still holds the position, performing its duties with an urbanity and discrimination rare in one of his years. It is worthy of mention, in passing, that his opponent for the 294 LIFE SKETCHES. magisterial office was a man of his own political faith, but Mr. SNYDER was successful by 235 majority. That vote is a good indication of the esteem and popularity that he had acquired among his own townsmen, who have known him all the way from boyhood to man's estate. His next political fight was in the summer of 1871. There was a sharp contest over the delegates to the State Convention of that year. Mr. SNYDER was brought forward by his friends, and especially by the young men, as a candi- date for delegate, but a number of the " old stagers " made a strong effort to defeat him. They were somewhat chagrined, however, when it Avas found that he had triumphed by a handsome majority. His success as a delegate was such that his friends insisted upon placing him in nomination for the Assembly. There were several candidates for the honor, some of whom were disposed to make light of the claims of ' that young man SNYDER." When the vote was taken in the Convention, he had a clear majority, and was duly nominated as the regular Republican candidate. IRA B. FORD, a wily and indefatigable worker, Avas his Democratic opponent in the subsequent canvass. The Republican majority Avas not large in the district, and his enemies thought they saw a chance of defeating him. Mr. LAPE, a Republican, Avas thereupon put in the field as an Independ- ent Temperance candidate. The fight Avas a hot one, every inch of ground and CA r ery locality in the district being sharply fought over by the opposing candidates. It Avas one of the sharpest and most exciting contests ever Avitnessed in the district for member of Assembly, and the opponents of Mr. SXYDER felt confident of securing his defeat. But they counted without their host, for Mr. SXYDER developed all the qualities of a thorough leader in the conduct of a for- midably contested canvass. When the votes came to be counted, it Avas found that he had secured a majority of 987 over FORD, 3,000 over LAPE, and 600 over both combined. The young Republicans Avere greatly delighted at this result. JOHN L. SNYDER. 295 his majority being one of the largest ever given to an Assembly candidate in the district. Of course the efforts of his friends aided largely in securing his election ; but it was more directly due to his own indomitable courage, sagac- ity and energy. Last fall the opposing influences against him had sensibly diminished. He had made a good record in the Assembly, his popularity was assured, and even his bitterest opponents had began to admire the plucky young politician. He was re-elected by a majority of 3,361 over SANDERS S. BAUCUS, his Democratic opponent. Mr. SNYDER has thus far proved himself to be a straight- forward, unswerving and reliable Republican. He has placed himself above any claims or petty factional feuds that exist in Rensselaer county as well as in other portions of the State in both parties. He is honest and reliable under all circum- stances, and seems to have an intuitive knowledge of the course of conduct which gains the confidence and esteem of his fellows. He takes up very little time in speech-making. When he has any thing to say he says it in the most terse and forcible language he can command. Others may pile argu- ment upon argument, but he contents himself with a direct and plain statement of the case and leaves it. It is to be noticed that he seldom fails to carry his point. His effi- ciency as a member lies rather in his capacity for hard work in the committee room and elsewhere. His industry, his familiarity with legislative rules, as well as his genial quali- ties and warm friendliness of manner, combine to render him a capable member. During his tAvo terms Mr. S \YDER has served on several important committees. Last year lie was a leading member of the Committee on Commerce and Navigation, and also a member of the Militia Committee. In the present Assembly he is Chairman of the Committee on Expenditures of the House, and retains his place on Com- merce and Navigation. 296 LIFE SKETCHES. JAMES STEWART. Though a young man, Mr. STEWART is a lawyer of decided ability, and a respected and esteemed resident of South Wor- cester, Otsego county, where he was born November 26, 1841. He is a son of WILLIAM STEWART, an able and wealthy physician of that town, who, we believe, is still living. Mr. STEWART was thoroughly educated in the Delaware Literary Institute, the New York Conference Seminary, and Ferguson- ville Academy, passing with credit through the English and classical course, and after suitably qualifying himself was admitted to the bar in 1863. He represented Otsego county in the Democratic State Convention of 1868, but aside from that service, he never held any political position until he took his seat in the present Assembly. At one time during the war, he was aid-de-camp on the staff of Gen. BURNSIDE, and proved himself an able officer. Always a consistent and straightforward Democrat, this gentleman's popularity where he is known is amply demonstrated by the fact that but fifteen votes were cast against him in his own election district in the recent canvass. Mr. STEWART is a tall, good- looking gentleman, of pleasing manner and gentlemanly address, and is evidently fully able to discharge the impor- tant trust which his constituents have committed to his care. ADRIAN M. SUYDAM. 297 ADRIAN M. SUYDAM. Mr. SUYDAM worthily represents the Eighth district of Kings, and though his voice is not often heard in debate, his influence and co-operation are of great value in the prac- tical work of legislation. He was born in the town of Bush- wick, now the Eighteenth ward of Brooklyn, and a por- tion of his Assembly district, on the 25th of November. 1856. He is a direct descendent of the first settlers of Long Island, who emigrated from Holland about the year 1626. His father, JACOB SUYDAM, served honorably in the war of 1812. His grandfather, who Avas also a native of Bushwick, served with a cavalry regiment during the War for Independ- ence, and participated in many of the hard-fought battles of that trying period. It will be seen, therefore, that Mr. S. comes of good stock. Mr. SUYDAM was educated in the district school at Bushwick, and early turned his attention to garden and dairy farming, which he has since followed with a reasonable degree of success. In 1852 he married the daughter of NICHOLAS WYCKOFF, of Brooklyn. Mr. SUYDAM was formerly an Old Line Whig, and when that party dissolved he became a Eepublican, and has never swerved from his political faith. During the years 1855 and 1856 he represented the Eighteenth ward in the Brooklyn Board of Aldermen, and from 1867 to 1870, he was an efficient member of the Brooklyn Board of Education. In the Assembly canvass of last fall he received a majority of 420 over two candidates, A. M. BLISS, Liberal, and W. F. JKXXINGS, Democrat. He is an effective and hard-working member of the Committees on Ixailroads and Agriculture. 298 LIFE SKETCHES. GEORGE M. SWAIN. Mr. SWAIN, a well-to-do farmer in the town of Somerset, Niagara county, was born in the town of Totteness, Devon- shire, England, October 18, 1821. His father was born in this country, and was married in England. He became a Nantucket whaleman, and led a very eventful life, having, in the course of his vocation, been in almost every portion of the world, and was at St. Helena when BONAPABTE landed on that isolated place of exile. He died about two years ago, at the age of ninety-four. Young SWAIN was brought to this country at a very early age, and had very little chance to emulate his father's roving course of life. He was educated at Auburn Academy and in a select school at Batavia, and spent the early years of his life at Auburn. Finally, he became a farmer, and has since adhered to that occupation, with a fair measure of success. His political record presents no feature of interest, beyond the fact that, since he ceased to be a Whig, he has always been a consistent and active Republican, and his counsel and co-operation in local management are valued very highly by the members of his party. He has not manifested much desire for office, but, at the same time, he is not disposed to shrink from any responsibility of that nature he is called upon to assume. He was a member of the Niagara county Board of Supervisors from 1862 to 1804, serving with credit. He was also a member of the Assembly of 18T2, serving on the Committees on Claims ani Agriculture, and was elected to the present House by an increased vote. He is now Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, and is retained on the Claims Committee. Mr. SWAIN is quiet and retiring in disposition. He seldom participates in the debates, but contents himself with ably and faithfully representing his constituency, and keeping SIDNEY SYLVESTER. 299 himself right on the record. Possessing legislative abilities of a high order, he is well posted in parliamentary routine, and is valuable in the committee room. He was married in 1842. SIDNEY SYLVESTER. Mr. SYLVESTER was born and has always lived in Lewis county, and is, therefore, fully competent to represent that locality, being fully acquainted with its needs. His parents were New England people, his father, ELEAZER S. SYLVESTER, being a native of Chesterfield, Mass., and his mother coming from New Hampshire. His father died in 1835, at the age of 56, but his mother is still living, and is nearly seventy- four years of age. Young SYLVESTER first saw the light in the village of Copenhagen, June 5, 1818, and as soon as he was old enough, was given ample educational opportunities, spending several years in the common schools, and complet- ing his studies with a two years' course in Clinton Liberal Institute. He was then twenty years of age, and having been recently bereft of his father, he was thrown, to a certain extent, upon his own resources. He taught school for several years and then became a farmer, and afterward a merchant, He is now engaged in milling, and is not only a man of means, but an upright, public spirited citizen. Mr. SYLVESTER commenced his political life as a Democrat, and acted for many years with the ' Free Soil " and ' Barn- burner " wings of that party. Since 1855, however, lie has voted and acted with the Republican party. Previous to 1860 he held several public positions. In 1843 he was appointed County Superintendent of public schools by the Board of Supervisors of Lewis, and served two years. In 1855 he was elected County Clerk, and was three years in the position. In the year 1860 he was a member of the Board of Supervisors. During the past twelve years, while he has 300 LIFE SKETCHES. felt a lively interest in political matters, and aided the local organizations with his personal co-operation and influence, he has steadily declined preferment of any kind until last fall, when he consented, much against his wishes, to become a candidate for the Assembly. The county is quite closely contested, politically, and after a spirited canvass he was elected, defeating ELISHA CROFOOT, the Democratic candi- date, by a majority of 321. He serves on the Printing Com- mittee, and also on the Sub-committee of the Whole. He takes part occasionally in the debates, but he is not ambitious as a public speaker. He applies his energies and abilities unstintedly to the work of the committee room, and to the practical details of legislation ; and no one who knows Mr. SYLVESTER will venture to dispute the statement that Lewis county is worthily represented in the present Assembly. WILLIAM H. TEFFT. Mr. TEFFT'S legislative career has as yet been very brief, as he comes into the House in the last third of the session. He has shown, however, that he possesses marked ability, both as an orator and as a quiet, persistent, practical worker. He is a man who would attract attention in any assemblage, his features impressing one at first glance with the fact that he possesses ample nerve and determination for every exigency. His full, clean-shaven, broad face, coal-black hair and eyes, fresh complexion, pleasing expression of feature, and well- developed form, make up a physique which shows, in every characteristic, a man of energy and capacity. WILLIAM H. TEFFT Avas born in Greenwich, Washington county, October 6, 1833. He is therefore yet in the early prime of manhood. He enjoyed excellent educational ad- vantages, and before attaining his majority he had graduated WILLIAM H. TEFFT. 301 from the full course of the Troy Conference Academy, at West Poultney, Vt., and had also spent three years in Brown University, a member of the class of 1854. On leaving col- lege, he went to New York city and entered the law office of Judge E. D. CULVER, well known throughout the State as an able jurist and effective speaker. He remained with Judge CULVER two years, assiduously striving to perfect himself in his chosen profession, and in 1856 he was duly admitted to the bar, at once assuming a respectable standing among the legal talent of the metropolis. In 1864 he removed to Whitehall, where he now resides, his time, when at home, being mainly devoted to editorial duties. oon after his return to Whitehall, the Clironicle news- paper was on the point of suspension, owing to causes which it is not necessary to refer to here. He was induced to assume the control of the paper at this critical period in its fortunes, and his energy and determination soon placed it upon a firm footing, and it at once became recognized as a leading influence in Washington county politics. In 1870, the Chronicle was destroyed by fire, and for a time he devoted himself again to the legal profession ; but his tastes and aspirations had become firmly rooted in the journalistic field, and his experience was that of nearly all newspaper men in similar circumstances he could not content himself outside of the sanctum. Finally, a small paper was established out of the ruins of the Clironicle. He took control of it, and is now its editor and publisher, having already made it one of the best of the several excellent journals of that county. In politics, Mr. TEFFT is and has been a Eepublican since he cast his first vote, and has been active in advocating O Republican principles, both in the press and on the stump. He has never been a seeker for office, feeling that he could do more effective service with his pen than as the incumbent of any public position. On but one other occasion than the present has he filled public place, and that, strangely enough, was also to fill a vacancy caused by death. In 1869 he was 302 LIFE SKETCHES. appointed School Commissioner in place of Rev. Dr. PARKS, deceased. When the death of Hon. ELEAZEK JONES made it necessary to elect another member from the second district of Washington county, public opinion naturally turned to Mr. TEFFT. He had been conspicuous in his editorial advo- cacy of the bill now pending in the Legislature to construct a ship canal from the Hudson river to Lake Champlain, a measure in which the citizens of his district feel a deep interest. He was, therefore, felt to be just the man to push forward that as well as other local measures. Though several gentlemen of acknowledged ability were named, Mr. TEFFT was nominated and elected without opposition, the Democrats permitting the election to go by default. The estimation in which he is held is indicated by the fact that he received every vote but one in his own town, where the Democratic candidate for supervisor had received 263 majority at the town meeting held the week previous. A man of strong sympathies, brilliant attainments, and the instincts of the thorough gentleman, Mr. TEFFT is already popular in the House, his urbanity and courtesy securing him the esteem of all with whom he comes in contact. FRANKLIN W. TOBEY. Though the member from Essex has been less than two years in public life, he is well known from one end of the State to the other, and ranks among the most prominent members of the present House. Speaker CORNELL displayed prompt recognition of his ability, and of the signal service he rendered the State at the last session, by placing him at the head of the Insurance Committee. Born at Jay, Essex county, on the 7th of February, 1844, Mr. TOBEY is only 28 years of age, and is, therefore, in the flush of youthful and vigorous manhood. He received no educational advantages FRANKLIN W. TOBEY. 303 in his boyhood, except those offered by the common schools. His father, ISAAC TOBEY, was, and is still, a plain Essex county farmer, and young TOBEY was trained to hard labor ou the paternal acres. But he made diligent use of oppor- tunities within reach, and succeeded in acquiring knowledge to such a degree that before he readied his majority he was permitted to study law in the office of Judge AUGUSTUS C. HAND. He made good progress, and in 1868 he was admitted to the bar, and has since been engaged in the practice of the law in the firm of WALDO, TOBEY & BECKWITH, at Port Henry. Several years ago he married the daughter of Rev. C. RANSOM, a Presbyterian clergyman, now Chaplain of Clinton State Prison. Mr. TOBEY'S political life does not extend very far into the past, but it has been brilliantly successful. Always a Republican, he has taken an active part in local politics since his 18th year. In 1869 he was elected Super- visor, and on his being re-elected in 1870, was made Chair- man of the Board. In the fall of 1871 he was elected to the Assembly by a majority of 1,406, and re-elected last fall by 1,981 majority. His services during the session of 1872 are so well known that it seems almost needless to refer to them. On making his first appearance at Albany he was regarded as a beardless youth of no great account, but he soon showed his mettle. Speaker SMITH knew something about him, and assigned him the second place on the Insurance Committee, and also made him a member of the Judiciary Committee, which, as the event proved, were the two most important Committees of the last House. It fell to the lot of Mr. TOBEY to act as Chairman of the Sub-committee which conducted the long and arduous investigation into the official conduct of (!i-:o. W. MILLER, the then Superintendent of the Insurance Depart- ment. Weeks were occupied in the examination of witnesses, and the testimony taken constituted one of the most bulky documents of the session. Much of the examination was conducted by Mr. TOBKY in person, and it is but just to say 304 LIFE SKETCHES. that he was excellently fitted for the difficult and delicate task devolving upon him. The result of that investigation is now a matter of history ; but the unanimity with which the Eepublican majority of the Assembly promptly indorsed the conclusions of the Committee, by expelling Mr. MILLER from his office, was a marked compliment, not only to 'Mr. TOBEY, but to every Republican member of the Committee. As a member of the Judiciary Committee, it was Mr. TOBEY'S privilege to play a prominent part in what was pre-eminently the distinguishing achievement of the last Legislature, namely, the impeachment trial and expulsion of the cor- rupt New York judges. The offenses of these men had long been a stench in the people's nostrils, and it was peculiarly the province of a "reform" Legislature to bring about a needed change for the better in the judiciary. If the Legislature of 1872 had accomplished no other act worthy of commendation, the fact that it did effect this reform should entitle it to the gratitude of the long- suffering people of the State. When the charges had been made against Judges BARNARD, CARDOZO and McCuxx, it devolved upon the Judiciary Committee to investigate them, and to prepare articles of impeachment in case they were well founded. The committee entered upon its work with alacrity, and prosecuted it with thoroughness. They pro- ceeded to New York, where they took a great mass of evidence, and, except on one or two minor points, were unanimous in recommending the impeachment of the judges for mal and corrupt conduct. The impeachment articles were prepared and adopted by the Assembly, and the result of the protracted trial, which took place in the summer of 1872, is familiar to every one. In all these proceedings Mr. TOBEY bore a con- spicuous and honorable part, and won a reputation which few realize who spend a life-time in public service. Of course, with such a record as the result of a single session, his con- stituents had no choice but to return him to the Assembly by a largely increased majority, and they did so. In the MILTON M. TOMPKINS. 305 present session he is making an unexceptionable record. As Chairman, respectively, of the Committees on Insurance and Rules, and as a prominent memuer of the Judiciary Com- mittee, he has aided in initiating and perfecting much im- portant legislation. In appearance, Mr. TOBEY is still somewhat youthful, as he wears no beard, and while he is large of frame, his portli- ness is not sufficiently apparent to spoil his good looks. Though not particularly brilliant as an orator, he occasion- ally takes part in debates, but his speeches are mainly con- fined to brief statements of fact, and hence are, probably, as a rule, quite as effective as the more pretentious of those who have the "gift" in a much greater degree. Mr. TOBEY'S strong point lies in what may be termed the preliminary work of legislation, and in the labors of the committee room. MILTON M. TOMPKINS. Mr. TOMPKIXS was born in Chatham village, where he still resides, on the Gth of October, 1843. His parents, both oi whom are now deceased, were of American birth, his father being in his day a respected citizen of Columbia county. Young TOMPKIXS was liberally educated, having spent several years at Sandlake Collegiate Institute, and at the Hudson River Institute at Claverack. His occupation is that of a paper manufacturer, a business which he has successfully conducted several years. He also owns a farm, but his agricultural labors are little more than supervisory in their nature. In 1SGG he was married to KITTIK GARXER, and among his neighbors and friends he is known as a young man of great business ability and strict integrity. He attends the Reformed church. Mr. TOMPKIXS is a Democrat, and represents the Second district of Columbia county for the second time in the 20 306 LIFE SKETCHES. Assembly. He was elected in 1871 by a majority of 74. Last fall his majority, JAMES S. SHUFELT being his oppo- nent, was 324, showing a material gain. Besides his service in the State Legislature, he served one year as Supervisor of the town of Chatham, in the contest for the office defeating GEORGE VAN VALKEXBURGH by a majority of 152. Last year, in the Assembly, he served on the Committees on State Prisons and Expenditures of the Executive Department. This year he is on Villages, Salt and Public Lands. His career in the House is marked by quiet, unostentatious per- formance of duty. He is no speech-maker; but, where practical work is required, he is the right man in the right place. ELBERT TOWNSEXD. If physiognomy be any indication of character, the subject of this notice may be safely set down as one of nature's noblemen. A plain, honest face is Mr. TOWNSEXD'S, and one which gives little encouragement to the designing horde of lobbyists which swarm about the Capitol. Coming from a portion of the State rich in agricultural resources and in all the elements of material prosperity, he has little sympathy with the schemes of political adventurers, and his efforts as a legislator are therefore directed to the accomplishment of that which is for the best interests of the commonwealth, and the immediate locality which lie represents. He was born in Pavilion, Genesee county, January 28, 1842, and has, therefore, just passed his 31st year. His father, ASHLEY TOWXSEXD, who died about thirteen years ago, was a native of Vermont, though he settled in western Xew York soon after his marriage, and was the inventor of the first thresh- ing machine used in that section of the country. Young TOWXSEXD was brought up on his fathers farm, and educated in the common schools. He married Miss E.MILIE OLMSTKD DAVID C. VAN COTT. 307 in 1862, and since then has successfully managed a large farm, devoting his attention specially to the breeding of Spanish merino sheep and Durham cattle. His efforts in this direction have gained for him quite a reputation among the farmers of western New York, and he has already accom- plished much toward the improvement of farm stock in that section. In 1872 he was President of the Genesee County Agricultural Society, and has always taken an active interest in the welfare of that organization. Though he has always been identified with the Republican party, and generally exerted a strong influence in behalf of its nominees, he has very rarely accepted public position. Before he was 21 years of age he had served two years as Town Clerk, and he was o v subsequently Justice of the Peace for four years. His elec- tion to the Assembly was entirely unsought, and the fact that he received a majority some 400 in excess of the Republican majority of 1871, is a sufficient indication of the regard in which he is held at home. Mr. TOWXSEND serves acceptably as a member of the Committees on Agriculture, Grievances and Indian Affairs. He is a man of robust physique, possesses an intelligent appreciation of the duties of a legislator, and will undoubtedly make an excellent record in the Assembly of 1873. DAVID C. VAN COTT. Mr. VAIST COTT, who is deservedly regarded as one of the brightest and keenest members of the present House, is a native of Brooklyn, the city which he in part represents. He was born May 31, 1843, and is descended from a Dutch family, who, about the year 1090, purchased and settled upon lands in Bushwick, which now forms part of the city of Brooklyn. His father is the Hon. JOSHUA M. VAX COTT, widely known as an eminent lawyer, who has given much of 308 LIFE SKETCHES. his time to the service of his city and State in various offi- cial capacities, his most recent and notable public service being performed as one of the leading counsel in the recent judicial impeachment trials. Assemblyman VAN COTT acquired his education mainly in the course of private study, not having availed himself of collegiate advantages. He is said to have been a thorough student of scientific subjects, which laid the foundation for his taste and aptitude for the trial of patent suits and actions involving the consideration of that class of questions. By carefully applying himself to languages, historical and literary studies, he acquired the best possible preparation for a professional and public career, which, strengthened and directed by experience in public life, will add greatly to his influence and means of usefulness. By the diligent improve- ment of natural gifts he has come to be recognized, by those who know him, as a man of fine culture and acquirements, while the opportunities he has had of friendly intercourse with men of learning at home and abroad have afforded him many of the pleasantest associations of his life. Wisely choosing the legal profession as the field for his life work, he was admitted to the bar in 18C8, and after practic- ing several years in the firm of VAN COTT, WINSLOW & VAX COTT in Xew York city, he went to Brooklyn and entered into a law partnership with BENJAMIN F. MACY, Esq., in which he has since continued, and though he is still quite a young man, his reputation as a careful and industri- ous lawyer rests upon a solid basis. He is one of the most active and efficient members of the majority in the Assembly, taking part in many of the discussions upon important sub- jects. He is a very finished speaker, and usually adopts an easy, conversational style, which wins attention by clear and logical statement expressed in- graceful and correct English. Occasionally he warms up with his theme, and is at such times an animated speaker, but generally his remarks are delivered calmly and dispassionately, but with power and WILLIAM IF. VAN DEMARK. 309 emphasis. Especially at home in the discussion of legal questions which come before the House, he is well informed as to many of the subjects in reference to which legislation is sought, and applies to their consideration keenly critical faculties, excellent judgment, and correct understanding. He is rather below the medium size, and somewhat slight in frame, but he evidently enjoys good health. Courteous and pleasant in his intercourse with others, Mr. VAX COTT has made many warm friends in Albany, and it seems evident that his public career is destined to be one of exceptional brilliancy. WILLIAM W. VAN DEMARK. Mr. VAX DEJIABK is another of the farmer legislators whose presence in the Assembly constitutes a solid wall against the schemes' of unprincipled politicians. He was born in the town of Junius, Seneca county, on the 12th of August, 1836, and still resides there, engaged in agricultural pursuits. He received a liberal common school and academic education, passing through the full English course at Water- loo Academy. In 1862, he married the daughter of LEWIS B. PAKSOXS, a prominent Republican of Galen, Wayne county. With the exception of one term in the Board of Supervisors of Seneca county, in 1866, Mr. VAX DEMAKK has never before held public position. He has always acted with the Democratic party, and, though his district was represented by a Republican last year, he carried it last fall by a majority of 13-i, over STERLIXG G. HADLEY, his Repub- lican opponent. Serving on the Committees on Roads and Bridges and Agriculture, he performs his duties acceptably. He is, in fact, a man of decided ability, and though he is tenacious and positive in his political predilections, he is never obtrusive in the expression of his views. In religions faith lie is a Universalist. . 310 LIFE SKETCHES. AMBROSE L. VAN DUSEK Hon. A. L. VAN DUSEN is a native of Gypsum, Ontario county, where he still resides, engaged in farming. He Avas born on the first of October, 1810, and is, therefore, over sixty-two years of age. His parents were natives of Hills- dale, Columbia county, and moved to Ontario county in the winter of 1800. His mother, who was a sister of AMBROSE L. JORDAN, now deceased, is still living. Mr. VAN DUSEN received a thorough common school education, although his "alma water" was none other than a country "school- marm." At the age of fifteen he was apprenticed to a mer- chant, and, after seven years of service, he went into busi- ness for himself. Three years of independent mercantile life satisfied him, however, as, at the expiration of that period, he purchased the farm which he has since managed with good success. During the past four years he has been a director of the Third National Bank at Butfalo. Until the formation of the Eepublican party, Mr. VAN DUSEN was a Whig, and was elected Supervisor of his town before the dissolution of that organization. Since that event he has invariably acted with the Republicans, and has held a number of responsible positions in the gift of his party. In 18G1 he was elected Superintendent of the Poor, and still holds the office. He is now serving his second term in the Legislature. In the canvass of 1871 he was chosen to the Assembly by a majority of 450, although the district went Democratic the previous years by over 300 majority. Last fall his majority was 265, notwithstanding the popular- ity of his Democratic opponent, Mr. THADDEUS HOTCHKISS. In the last Assembly he served on the Committees on Insur- ance and Engrossed Bills; in the present, on Ways and Means and Salt. Mr. VAN DUSEN was married, in 1834, to Miss RICHARD- WILLIAM J. VAN DUSEN. 311 SON, of Victor, in this State. In religious belief he is a Universalist, and his stable convictions and earnest purpose are very plainly apparent in his course as a legislator. His voice is frequently raised in behalf of the oppressed, and in favor of honesty everywhere. Mr. VAX DUSKX has much of the " old school " in his appearance. His countenance is kindly and benevolent in expression, and no man would hesitate to trust him on sight. He is not given to much speaking, but all he says is to the point and eminently prac- tical. He closely scrutinizes every measure that passes through his hands, and is uncommonly fertile in suggestion. In short, he is an excellent legislator, prompt in the dis- charge of duties, and able to point his constituents to an unimpeachable record. WILLIAM J. VAN DUSEN. The closely-contested county of Montgomery is repre- sented for the second time by Mr. VAX DUSEX, who is a plain farmer of unbending integrity and irreproachable char- acter. He was born in Schodack, Rensselaer county, of American parents, on the 16th of July, 1808. When he was but four years old his parents removed to Canajoharie, where he has since resided. Besides managing the productive estate which has been his main occupation through life, Mr.- VAX DUSEX has found time to be of great service to his neighbors and the party in public positions, and has been at various times School Commissioner, Commissioner of High- ways, Assessor, Collector, Uuder-Sheriff, Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue, and Supervisor, holding the last named office in the years 1858, 1859, 1805. 1800, 1807 and 1868. In all these positions he has shown large administrative capacity, and in each has developed the ability suited to the 312 LIFE SKETCHES. exigency. He was elected to the last Assembly by a majority of 764, and served his constituents faithfully as a member of the Villages and Indian Affairs Committees. His majority last fall was reduced to 202, but that is not a matter of sur- prise in a county which occasionally sends a Democrat to the Assembly. His opponent was Judge DAVID SPEAKER, a very prominent and influential citizen of the same town, and though the town is usually Democratic by 50 majority, Mr. VAX DUSEX carried it by 129 majority. This year he is Chairman of the Committee on Villages, and a member of the Committee on Expenditures of the Executive Depart- ment. He also ranks among the honest workers of the Assembly, and is quiet, dignified and somewhat reserved in manner. J. W. VAN VALKEXBURGH. The member from the Third district of Albany county is a solid, substantial looking gentleman, in the prime of life. Square, compact and muscular in physique, his countenance and physiognomy denote an individuality in which force and determination predominate; a man. in fact, who is quite apt to succeed in any thing he undertakes, and who, pos- sessed of large business capacity and sound sense, is pecu- liarly well qualified to legislate for such a commercial and busi- ness center as is the city of Albany. Mr. VAN VALKEXBURGH was born in Chatham, Columbia county, June 23, 1826. His parents, both deceased, were JAMES B. and CLORIXDA VAX R. VAX VALKENTBURGH, also natives of Columbia county, his father being a soldier in the war of 1812. Young VAX VALKEXBURGH received an ample common school education, and, being brought up partially on a farm, he was well qualified to begin the battle of life when he reached the age of twenty-one. He followed farming and milling for a number of years, and has since been engaged J. W. VAN VALKENBURGH. 313 in a variety of occupations. He was Town Collector at one time, then became a Kailroacl Conductor, and was Superin- tendent of the Albany and Susquehanna Eailroad for four years prior to its being leased to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company. While in this position he figured promi- nently in what was known as the " Susquehanna Eailroad war," which arose from an attempt of the late JAMES FISK, Jr., and the Erie Eailway Company to take possession of the Susquehanna Eoad. Mr. VAN V. was called upon in the dis- charge of his duty to throw Mr. FISK down the stairs of the Susquehanna office in Albany, and there are a number of witnesses who attest that he performed the task with remark- able celerity. He is still more or less interested in railroads, but is actively engaged in the cement, lime and stone busi- ness. During the Rebellion Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH went to the front as First Lieutenant of Co. E, 128th New York Vol- unteers (the Columbia and Dutchess county regiment), Col. COWLES commanding. He Avent to New Orleans under Gen. BANKS, who was directed to relieve Gen. BUTLER, and parti- cipated in the subsequent Louisiana and Eed River campaigns, being actively engaged at Port Hudson, and in all the arduous service before and after that stronghold fell. In politics he has been a life-long Democrat, and, as such, represented the second district of Columbia county in the Assembly in 1866, defeating JONATHAN R. RIDER by 100 majority, and being the first Democrat elected from the dis- trict in thirteen years. In the recent canvass he had two candidates opposed to him, CHAS. P. E ASTON, a popular and influential Republican, and LAFAYETTE CASE, an independ- ent Democratic candidate, but his popularity was such that he received 131 majority over both, although the Republicans carried the district by a small majority in the previous elec- tion. He is a member of the Committees on Banks, State Charitable Institutions, and Expenditures of the House, and is in all respects an able and intelligent legislator. 314 LIFE SKETCHES. COMMODORE P. VEDDER. Few members of the present Assembly exert a more com- manding influence or possess greater legislative talent than Mr. VEDDER. He is known throughout the State as an active, earnest and independent Republican, who, while unswerving in his party fealty, is nevertheless incapable of being made the tool of cliques or rings. He is a man of exceptionally clear views of public interest as well as of party policy, while his convictions regarding all questions are the result of careful reflection and the exercise of sound judgment. When once formed they are tenaciously adhered to. Mr. VEDDEK is the son of American parents, his father, JACOB VEDDER, being an industrious Cattaraugus county farmer. He was born in Ellicottville, his present place of residence, on the 23d of February, 1838. Before reaching man's estate he spent five years as a sailor on the lakes. He secured a good education, partially in the common schools, but mainly in the Springville Academy, which he entered in his twentieth year. Afterward he studied law, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1866. In 1862, after teaching school a few months, he enlisted as a private in the 154th regiment, New York Volunteers, and remained with the regiment until the close of the war, participating with uniform credit to himself in the battles of Chaneellorsville, "Wauhatchie, Lookout Valley. Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Rocky- faced Ridge, Siege of Savannah, and Bentonville. He bore an honorable part in SHERMAN'S celebrated march to Atlanta and the sea, and for his gallant conduct in that cam- paign and at Lookout Mountain he was promoted success- ively to Lieutenant-Colonel of Volunteers, 1st 'Lieutenant, Captain and Brevet Major. L'. S. A. His war record ie therefore something to be proud of. COMMODORE P. VEDDER. 315 When the Avar ended Mr. VEDDER commenced the practice of the legal profession, in which he has continued to the present time with marked success. In 1867 he was appointed Register in Bankruptcy, and still holds the office. He was also Assessor of Internal Revenue from May 10, 1869, until May 4, 1871, filling the office, as he fills every position, to the satisfaction of every one interested. In the fall of 1871, he was elected member of Assembly by a major- ity of 401, defeating CHARLES S. GARY, his Democratic com- petitor. Last fall he defeated the same opponent by a majority of 688, after a very sharp canvass, in which the combined strength of the Liberal Republican and Demo- cratic elements was brought against him, and herculean efforts made to defeat him. Mr. VEDDER'S course in the Assembly has been in every way creditable to himself and to his constituents. Last year he served on the Judiciary Committee, of which he is still a prominent member, and took an active part in the investiga- tion into the conduct of the New York judges. He was also Chairman of the committee which drew up the articles of impeachment against Judge BARNARD, and was one of the managers selected by the House to conduct the trial of that unworthy wearer of the ermine. His connection with these momentous proceedings aided largely in developing his fine legal talents, and added greatly to his reputation. He has also been prominently identified with much of the important legislation of this and the last session, serving on several committees faithfully and well. As an orator, Mr. VEDDER has few equals. Though he always speaks extemporaneously, and often without prepara- tion, his efforts upon the floor are generally models of com- pact symmetrical argument. He clothes his ideas in direct and forcible, yet elegant, phraseology; sometimes bold almost to audacity in his utterances, especially when discussing political questions, he frequently rises to heights of eloquence attained by few public speakers. 316 LIFE SKETCHES. Previous to the war, Mr. VEDDER was a Democrat, but the reverberation of the first gun at Sumter affected him much as it did thousands of other honest Democrats throughout the State. The so-called Democracy was effectually elimi- nated from his political constitution. He has since acted consistently with the Republican party, and is popular with men of all parties, as his personal and social qualities are of the most genial character. Whether we regard him in his private or public life, he is above reproach, and is in all respects an honest, able and efficient legislator. He is a man of fine personal appearance and unusually pleasing address, and evidently has a brilliant career yet before him. WILLIAM VOORHIS. Mr. VOORHIS occupies his present position by virtue of indomitable energy, persistent industry and inflexible integ- rity. As the result of a long and successful business career, began at the bottom of the ladder, he possesses large wealth, which he quietly enjoys in well-earned retirement when not engaged in political duties. He was born at Xyack, June 26, 1819, and is, therefore, nearly fifty-four years of age. though he possesses the activity of a man of forty. His father, JACOB VOORHIS, a native of New Jersey, and his mother, born in Eockland county, are still living on the estate they have occupied since their mar- riage, which, by the way, was in the family before New York became a State, Mr. VOORHIS' ancestors on both sides settling in Eockland county before the revolution. Mr. VOORHIS attended the common schools in his youth, but he is for the most part self-educated. He commenced life as a boatman, and before he settled down to commercial pursuits he had considerable experience of the sea, for which WILLIAM VOORHIS. 317 he had a decided predilection. Indeed, this predilection still clings to him, as he is the fortunate owner of the yacht Tidal Wave, and has been Commodore of the New York Yacht Club. He is, in fact, an authority in yachting matters, and is well known among nautical men. Most of his life, np to live past six years, during which he has been in retirement, has been spent in commercial pursuits in Brooklyn and New York, and the fact that he has been able to retire with a comfortable fortune is a sufficient indication of his success. He has always taken a lively interest in politics, usually acting with the Democrats ; his course, however, is invariably dictated rather by his judgment of Avhat is right, than allegi- ance to party. During the rebellion he was a strong War Democrat. He raised the first company of volunteers organ- ized in the county, and was otherwise very active on behalf of the Union. At that time sympathy with secession was predominant in Ilockland county, and, indeed, so bitter was the feeling that Mr. VOORHIS was actually mobbed for his loyalty, and his life was threatened. He, however, took measures to defend himself, and manfully persisted in the course he had marked out for himself. His present position in the Assembly is his first appear- ance in public political life, and the honor which his fellow- citizens saw fit to bestow upon him was entirely unsought. He had taken a somewhat medium ground, and was therefore supported by men of both parties. He carries his independence into the House, and, though nominally a Democrat, he has on several occasions followed the dictates of his judgment and voted with the Republicans on party questions. He takes frequent part in the debates on the floor, and. though not specially gifted with the graces of oratory, he is a iluent speaker, and says what he has to say in a straightforward, practical manner. He was married, about nine years ago, to Miss SUSAN E. LYON. lie once belonged to the Methodist church, but his views are now more nearlv in harmonv with what is known 318 LIFE SKETCHES. as the Armenian creed. The fact that Mr. VOORHIS com- menced life poor, and without any adventitious aids, and has worked his way up to his present position solely by his own exertions, shows in strong light what can be attained by well-directed energy and perseverance. DANIEL WALKER. A plain, substantial and prosperous agriculturist repre- sents the Fourth district of Oneida, in the present Assembly ; a man who is as thoroughly proof against the evil influences surrounding the capitol as he is faithful in the discharge of his duty to his constituents. DANIEL WALKER was born in the town of Deerfield, his present home, on the 18th of May, 1807. In point of age he is therefore the patriarch of the House by several years. His father, ALEXANDER WALKER, was born in Wearthshire, Scotland, in 1778, emigrated to this country in 1803, was married in 1804, to ANNA McERCHER, of Broadalbiu, Fulton county, and the same year settled in Deerfield, then a dense wilderness, and devoted himself to farming. Young WALKER was born and reared amid the privations of pioneer life, but he attended school quite regularly, and secured a good ordi- nary education. His tastes led him to second the wish of his father that he should remain a farmer, and he has there- fore followed that pursuit all his life, having occupied the farm which he now owns for the past forty years, and managed it successfully. In 1832, he married NANCY MCLAREN, a member of an estimable family in Johnstown, Fulton county. Through his whole life he has borne a reputation for honesty and probity of character, ami since early youth has been a member of the Presbyterian church. His son, ALEX- ANDER WALKER, served through the recent rebellion as DANIEL WALKER. 319 Major in the 7th Michigan Cavalry, participating in some fifty skirmishes and battles, and was severely wounded in the battle of Gettysburg!!. Mr. WALKER has always taken a warm interest in politi- cal affairs, and as a Whig, and afterward as a Republican, has exercised large influence in the towns composing his Assem- bly district. He voted for HARRISON in 1840, for CLAY in 1844, for TAYLOR in 1848, for SCOTT in 1852, for LINCOLN in 1860 and 1864, and for GRANT in 1868 and 1872. He also voted for WM. H. SEW A ED the last time he was returned to the United States Senate in 1855, and was a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention of 1872, which re-nominated Presi- dent GRANT. Comment upon such a record is needless. He has once before been a member of the Legislature. In 1855 he was elected to the Assembly by the Whigs of his district, defeating SALMON D. ROOT by about 900 votes. Last fall his majority was just 1,000, against a Republican majority of 658 the previous year, his opponent being CHARLES B. COVENTRY, a Democrat of considerable popu- larity. Besides his legislative honors, Mr. WALKER, while he was a Whig, served as Justice of the Peace of Deerfield during a number of years, notwithstanding the fact that it was at that time a Democratic town. Mr. WALKER is seldom absent from his seat in the House, and attends to his duties quietly and effectively, being at all times keenlv alive to the interests of his constituents. 320 LIFE SKETCHES. JAMES WATT. Dr. WATT, the member from the Fourth district of Brooklyn, was born in 1844. His parents were Scotch, and were noted for those habits of industry, frugality and personal integrity which so generally characterize their countrymen. From them young WATT inherited the valu- able patrimony of self-reliance, perseverance, and inflexible adherence to known duty. In 1859 he removed, with other members of the family, from Poughkeepsie to Brooklyn, where, from 1860 to 1864, he was engaged as a drug clerk. During the two following years we find him the proprietor and manager of a flourishing drug store on Fulton avenue. By the means and knowledge thus acquired he was enabled to prosecute with success at Bellevue Hospital and in the Long Island Medical College his favorite study of medicine. From the time of his admission into the parish school of Christ's church, Poughkeepsie, until the day of his gradua- tion, in 1866, he exhibited that enthusiasm, energy, persist- ency and unity of purpose which usually guarantee success. Soon after his graduation Dr. WATT spent some time abroad, where he visited the principal hospitals and medical institu- tions of Great Britain and France. The noble sentiment of TERENCE, '' I am a man, and nothing human can be foreign to me," finds response in the sympathetic nature of every true physician. The medical profession, perhaps, more than any other, demands and invites tender sympathy with the suffering. In common with other philanthropic physicians of the Long Island College Hospital, Dr. WATT has for several years devoted some hours daily to that institution, for the gratuitous treatment of the worthy poor. Recently he has extended these benevolent labors to the South Brooklyn Dispensary, which institution has honored him as one of its founders by appointing him to the vice-presidency. Though JAMES WATT. 321 always a firm Republican, Dr. WATT has never been a poli- tician. His election from a district which has not for years sent a Republican to the Assembly, is one of the significant signs of the political reforms now in progress. This election must also be regarded as the spontaneous expression of the people's heartfelt appreciation of those benevolent medical gentlemen to whose generous services the community is so largely indebted. Genuine courtesy consists not in mere prudential self-praise, superficial polish or severity of man- ners; its seat is the heart and its law the golden rule, as applied to the varied intercourse of life. Education and association with the refined at home and abroad may develop, but can never produce it. Wherever such courtesy exists it secures social power for its possessor. It is generally admitted that the subject of this sketch possesses this quality, and that it constitutes an important element of his strength. There is yet another feature in the character of Dr. WATT which must not be overlooked in any life sketch of him. We mean his unflinching fidelity and unswerving tenacity to friends. He practices the great counsel of the poet : " The friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hooks of steel." 322 LIFE SKETCHES. SMITH M. WEED. SMITH MEAD WEED was born in the town of Belmont, Franklin county, N. Y., July 26th, 1833. His father, Ros- WELL ALCOTT WEED, was born at Lebanon, N". H., 1798, and died at Plattsburgh, 1ST. Y., in the year 1869. His mother, SARAH A. MEAD, a daughter of SMITH MEAD, a prominent citizen of Clinton county, and who participated in the battle of Plattsburgh, is still living. Mr. WEED, after receiving a good common school and academic education, attended the Harvard University Law School, where he graduated in 1857, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. He immediately entered upon the prac- tice of law in Plattsburgh, becoming a copartner with Messrs. BECKWITH & JOHNSOK of that place. He very soon displayed more than ordinary ability and skill in his pro- fession, and, from 1857 to 1865, was constantly occupied with its duties. In 1865, Mr. WEED was elected President of the village of Plattsburgh, which office he continued to fill for a number of terms. In the same year he first appeared in political life as Member of the Assembly from Clinton county. He was returned to the Legislature for the two fol- lowing years, and in 1866 received from his party the com- pliment of being its candidate for Speaker. In 1867, Mr. WEED was elected Delegate-at-Large to the Constitutional Convention. One of his speeches made in that body on the separate submission of the negro suffrage clause, attracted considerable attention at the time. In it he- avowed his belief that the colored people of the State possessed sufficient capacity and intelligence to vote. Ho had, in 1865, voted for the amendment to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting slavery, and in the Assem- bly, in 1867, urged that the negroes of the State be allowed to vote for delegates to the State Constitutional Convention. SMITH M. WEED. 323 In fact, Mr. WEED then occupied the liberal ground which his party have rather slowly come up to since, and was cer- tainly one of the first Democrats in the country to urge the propriety of the " New Departure." In 1868, Mr. WEED was engaged as senior counsel, on the part of the State, by the managers of the impeachment of Canal Commissioner DORN. He made the principal argu- ment for the prosecution in that case, which is reported in the volume of the proceedings at that trial. In 1871 Mr. WEED was again returned to the Legislature from Clinton county. During this term, when "Tammany" was in the very pride of its strength, he came, almost single- handed, in collision with its schemes. As a member of the then Railroad Committee, he successfully resisted the designs of the strikers upon the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com- pany. He, as a member of that Committee, proposed and submitted to the Assembly a minority report in favor of the repeal of the Erie Classification Act. That report was con- sidered an able statement of the question, and came within one vote of carrying against the full power of Tammany and Erie. It was the first official document which denounced the Erie Ring in unmeasured terms. For this Tammany did not forgive him, and although his desire to adhere to his party led him to support, in common Avith other Democrats, such bills as had been made party- measures at this session, he Avas thereafter regarded as an enemy of the then party-controlling influence. He Avas bru- tally assaulted by the notorious JAMES IRVING, then apower Avith the '' Ring," for which assault IRVING Avas promptly driven from the Assembly. Since ISGo Mr. WEED has been a leading man in North Eastern New York, not only in its politics, but in its various business interests, lie is now largely concerned in (lie lumbering and mining business of Clinton county. He has done much to call attention to the resources of that quarter of the State, and has labored with great earnestness for some 324 LIFE SKETCHES. time to bring railroad facilities to the country along the western shore of Lake Champlain. He forwarded very con- siderably the enterprises of the railroad on the west side of Lake Cham plain, and the recent formation of the New York and Canada Railroad Company with the design of pushing a through road from Whitehall to Montreal, on the west side, is due almost solely to his untiring efforts. In business, Mr. WEED is enterprising and sagacious. As a lawyer and political speaker, he commands attention more by the substance of his matter than by any graces of diction or manner. He has not the "gift of gab " or facility of fluent declamation. His ideas are always put into the plainest and shortest words. He needs antagonism to bring him out, and is strongest in debate and repartee. In politics he has always been a Democrat, and is greatly attached to the fundamental ideas of that party. He has always stood on the side of liberality and progress. Even in his first term in the Legislature he became noted for his advocacy of the Free School Law. Mr. WEED was married September 6, 1859, to CARRIE L. STAXDISH, seventh in lineal descent from MILES STAXDISH, of Plymouth, and daughter of Col. M. M. STAXDISH, late of Pittsburgh. He was elected to the Legislature of 1873 by about 250 majority, although his county went for GRANT by about 500 majority. EDWARD B. WELLS. 325 EDWARD B. WELLS. The subject of this sketcli was born in Prattsburgh, N. Y., April 22, 1835, and is consequently nearly thirty-eight years of age. His father. IRA WELLS, and his mother, PA- MELIA TAYLOR, are still living, and celebrated their golden wedding last September, with their children and their children's children to the fourth generation, a family as yet unbroken by death. The subject of this sketch is the fourth of seven children. His parents removed in 1838 to Lyons, where he received such educational advantages as are afforded by the excellent Union School in that village. In 1850 he was apprenticed to the business of marble-cutting. Com- pleting his trade, he moved to Cherry Valley, Otsego county, where he started in business on his own account; in an humble way, of course, for he had no capital beyond his own modest savings; soon after removing to Fort Plain, where lie drove a thriving trade for about three years. We then find him back at Lyons, and a little later settled at Clyde, the owner of the marble-shops in both of those towns, and one in Canada ; besides that, a prominent member and director of a paper manufacturing company, and a heavy dealer in real estate. With scarcely an exception, all of Mr. WELLS' numerous ventures have proved successful, thanks to his skillful management ; and his friends and neighbors, in the belief that a man who conducts his own affairs suc- cessfully, and at the same time honorably, may safely be intrusted with those of others, were not: slow to name him (though not through his seeking) for positions of public trust in the community, lie acquitted himself honorably of the duties imposed upon him, and in 1870, respond- ing to the almost unanimous wish of the Republicans of the town of Galen, he accepted the nomination for Super- visor. His opponent was an old resident of the town, a very 326 LIFE SKETCHES. respectable, a very worthy gentleman, and personally popular with the advantage, which was no small one, of his town having for two consecutive years previously, and several times besides, elected a Democrat for Supervisor. Mr. WELLS was, however, elected by a majority of 138. His majority, as well as his vote, exceeding that of any other candidate on the ticket. In 1871 he Avas again nominated and again elected, this time by a majority of 287. In the fall of that year his name was prominently mentioned in connection with the position of Member of Assembly from eastern Wayne ; and the wishes of his party being expressed through its Convention, he was nominated, and elected in November by a majority of 250. Serving his district with the same fidelity and the same zeal displayed by him in the Board of Supervisors, he was in 1872 re-nominated and re-elected, this time having a majority of 494, or nearly double that of the previous year. In both of these campaigns his opponents were gentlemen of conceded influence and standing, who conducted the canvass on their side with acknowledged shrewdness and liberality ; and in both the opposition was concentrated upon Mr. WELLS, with the determination to defeat him, if such a thing were possi- ble. How they succeeded, let the figures show. It was enough to succeed at all, under such circumstances, but to conic off with such majorities was victory indeed. Mr. WELLS, though not the man to thrust himself into conspicuousness, is one of the most generally respected and thoroughly reliable members of the House. In the Assembly of 1872, he served upon the Committees on Trade and Manufactures, and Affairs of Villages, and in the present Assembly he has places upon the same committees, being Chairman of the one first named. He is a caivl'ul legislator, observing closely the proceedings of the Assembly, and bringing into his legislative business the same practical common-sense that has insured his success in every-day affairs. Always prudent, thoughtful, and considerate, he GEORGE WEST. 327 makes no pretensions as an orator, but his remarks never fail to command attention because of their earnestness and directness. Mr. WELLS' life furnishes a practical illustration of the beneficence of our American institutions, under which a man may rise, by his own exertions, to an independent, honorable position. He is one of the kind of men we are glad to see honored: a man who has made himself what he is. GEORGE WEST. Mr. WEST is also an excellent representative of the success- ful business man. By dint of energy, sagacity and persevering industry, he has risen in a few years from comparative poverty to opulence, and is now one of the largest manufacturers in the eastern section of the State. His career is instructive and worthy of emulation. Born in Keentsbeer, Devonshire county, England, on the 17th of February, 1823, of parents in moder- ate circumstances, he had very little adventitious aid in making a future for himself. He received a good common school education, however, and inherited from his parents industrious habits and a robust constitution. With these as his capital he commenced the battle of life. His father and uncle were paper-makers, but he served a thorough apprentice- ship with JOHN" DEWDXEY, one of the leading manufacturers in the west of England, learning the business in all its branches. Soon after reaching his majority he married an English girl, whose prudent management and wise counsel, no doubt, contributed in no small degree to his success. He soon discovered that England failed to afford full scope for his abilities, and in 3849, when he had readied his twenty- sixth year, he came with his young wife to this country. When he arrived on our shores he Avas almost penniless, but he possessed a good stock of indomitable pluck. lie procured 328 LIFE SKETCHES. employment in New Jersey, where he worked about a year. From there he went to Massachusetts, where he obtained em- ployment in a paper mill as an ordinary operative, continu- ing in that capacity about three years. Ultimately his employers discerned and appreciated his value, and he soon found himself the responsible manager of one of the largest manufactories of writing paper in the Bay State. During several years' experience in that position, he rapidly developed the sterling qualities by which he finally won success; and before he had been ten years in this country he became a partner in an extensive paper mill. In the year 1860 he sold out his business in Massachusetts, and seeing a favorable opening at Ballston Spa, removed thither. How well time has demonstrated the wisdom of his venture is shown by the fact that he is now sole proprietor of five large paper mills, all of which are run exclusively on manilla paper, used in the manufacture of grocers' bags, and also a paper bag manu- factory, which turns out from eighty to one hundred million of those bags per year, transacting in connection therewith a business which averages about 865,000 monthly. He is also an equal partner in the firm of G-AIR & WEST, a principal depot for the sale of paper, paper bags and twine, located at No. 143 Reade street, New York, as well as director in the First National Bank of Ballston Spa, and the largest indi- vidual stockholder in the Bank. In personal appearance, Mr. WEST is a good specimen of the sturdy Briton. Though short of stature, his robust fprm and broad shoulders seem well able to carry the massive and well-developed head, which seems a fit repository for a brain of more than ordinary activity. He bears with him, however, the air and manner of one who has earned the right to take the world easy, and the geniality characterizing his inter- course with others strengthens such an impression in the mind of one who judges men by first impressions. He is a man of much earnestness of character, and is still a hard worker, carrying much of his energy and thoroughness in ELISHA S. W HAL EX. 329 the committee rooms, though he very rarely attempts to make more than a brief and pointed off-hand speech on the floor of the House. Mr. WEST has always been an ardent Kepublican, and enjoys a large degree of popularity in his own district, as is evidenced by the fact that he was elected to the last Assem- bly by the large majority of 1,166 over WH. T. ODELL, his Democratic competitor. Last fall he was re-elected without opposition, no other candidate being nominated, and is the only member of the Assembly having no vote against him. ELISHA S. WHALEN. Mr. WHALEN" was born in the town of Milton, Saratoga county, N. Y., March 24, 1817. He had common school ad- vantages until the age of thirteen years, when his business life commenced as clerk in a country store at Eock City Falls, where he remained about two years ; thence he went to West Milton in the same capacity, remaining there until November, 1836, when he left for western New York, spending the fol- lowing winter with his father's family in Monroe county, whither they had preceded him by two or three years. He went to the village of Medina, in March, 1837, poor and unknown, but armed with a letter signed by the then prom- inent men of Milton and Ballston Spa, '-'commending him to the respect and confidence of all with whom he might make cither acquaintance or business." Securing a situation at vnce with a prominent firm, carrying on a large country store, post-office, grain warehouse and a potash factory, he commenced a new business career at 810 per month on trial; after two months' service he was promoted to the situation of book-keeper, confidential clerk and $400 per annum, then the largest salarv paid in the village. He has O J 1 O been in active business life since as subordinate or principal, 330 LIFE SKETCHES. having been engaged in merchandising, merchant, milling, and as produce dealer since 18-41, retiring last September (on account of impaired health) on a moderate comj etency. He is a director of the Union Bank of Medina, and was one of the original directors of the projected Niagara River and New York Air Line Eailroad, organized during the present, year. He was a Democrat up to the organization of the American party; joined the Republican party on the Kansas question, and has acted with that party since ; was Super- visor in 1851 and 1852, and again in 1871 and 1872, and is Chairman of the present Board; was chosen Member of Assembly by the American party at a special election, held December 26, 1854, in place of ALEXIS WAKD, deceased, over BORDEX H. MILLS, Whig and Democrat, by over 1,000 majority; was Presidential Elector in 1861, casting his vote in the electoral college for LINCOLN and HAMLIX, and was chosen to the Assembly at the late general election, by 1,385 majority, over Dr. THOMAS GUSHING, Liberal, nominated in place of E. KIRKE HART, Liberal, who declined. On the 6th of August, 1844, Mr. WHALEX was married to Miss CATHARINE GROFF, who has contributed largely to his life success. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is trustee, treasurer and district steward, and was lay delegate to the last annual conference of the Genesee district. His father was American born, of Irish descent, and a farmer in comfortable circumstances; his mother is of German descent, American born, and both are deceased. NICHOLAS A. WHITK. 331 NICHOLAS A. WHITE. The First district of Oneida county, embracing the larger portion of the city of Utica, is represented in the Assembly this year by NICHOLAS A. WHITE, one of the most respected business men of that city. Mr. WHITE was born in Thet- ford, Vermont, February 26, 1819, and the son of NOAH WHITE, a native of New Hampshire, who died about six years ago in Utica, where he had resided about forty years. Young WHITE was educated in the common schools, and early entered business life, for which he was well adapted. He is known throughout Central New York in connection with the old established linn of N. A. WHITE cSt Sox, manufac- turers of stone-ware and fire-brick. Though Mr. WHITE has always felt a warm interest in politi- cal movements, having since early youth acted either with the Whig or the Republican organization, he has never troubled himself much with the details of party management, and is, therefore, not a politician in the popular sense of the term. His influence in the business circles of Utica is, however, very large, and it is invariably exercised in behalf of Republi- can principles and candidates. During several terms he has been a member of the board of Supervisors of Oneida county, and has also served in the Utica board of Aldermen, of which he is now a member. In these positions his business capacity and sterling honesty have been of great value In the late general election he was pitted again LEWIS II. BABCOCK, a very popular candidate of the Democrats and Liberal Repub- licans, and was elected by a majority of 13,")., the Republican majority of the previous year being something over 500. Mr. WHITE is one of the quiet members, having little talent for speech-making. But he is capable and efficient, and is making an honorable record. He has been married since the year 1840. 332 LIFE SKETCHES. AMHERST WIGHT, JR. No portion of the State is more ably represented in the Assembly than Westchester county. Her three members are each of them of marked character and superior ability. It would be invidious to draw a comparison between them, but we cannot certainly transgress the bounds of propriety in observing that, if such comparison were made, Mr. WIGHT \vould not suffer thereby. Able, dignified and candid in debate, and pleasant and courteous in his more familiar inter- course with fellow members, he is respected by both friends and opponents, while his decided ability inspires genuine admiration. JEe is not, perhaps, a brilliant orator, but his speeches are invariably full of sound sense, expressed in well- chosen language. He shows upon the floor much less of the politician than of the law r yer, -while he brings to the discus- sion of the important legal topics of the present session extensive learning fortified by large experience and exhaust- ive reading. Mr. WIGHT was born in Xew York city, August 15. 1828, and lias therefore passed his forty-fourth year. He is the son of AMIIEUST WIGHT, Sr., a native of Bellingham, Mass., who is still living at the age of eighty-two years, having been a prominent member of the bar of this State for more than half a century. Mr. WIGHT'S mother was JOHANNA G. SANDERSON previous to her marriage, and it is worthy of note that she was born in the historic HASBKOUCK house at Newburgh, which was occupied in revolutionary times by General WASHINGTON- as his headquarters. Mr. WIGHT'S education is mainly self-acquired. Previous to his thirteenth year he attended a private school in Xew York city, where, of course, his studies were almost entirely rudimentary. When he had reached that age, he left school and applied himself diligently to study, being especially enamored of the AMHERST WIGHT, JR. 333 classics, with which he became quite familiar. Finally he began the study of law, which he prosecuted until he reached his majority. He was then admitted to the bar, and since that time he has practiced in the courts of New York city and Westchester, devoting his talents principally to that branch of the profession relating to real estate. He resided in the metropolis until 1859, when he removed to Portchester, where, with the exception of a brief period spent in New York, he has resided up to the present date. Mr. WIGHT'S political creed is unmistakably Republican. He has belonged to the party since its first organization, at which time he aided in forming the first Republican com- mittee in New York city, being then a resident of the Ninth ward where the committee was organized. Though not, properly speaking, a politician, he has always felt deep interest in the fortunes of the Republican party, aud, when occasion required, has not only assumed his share of active campaign work, but has often stepped into the breach, and acted us the party standard bearer in exciting local contests. His town is Democratic by about 150 majority, but we find him, in 1871, triumphantly chosen to a seat in the Board of Supervisors, to which he was also chosen in the following year. Last fall he received a spontaneous nomination for the Assembly from the Second district of his county, where the Democratic majority is usually about 800. The opposing candidate, ELIAS DUSEXBURY, possessed undoubted strength, but Mr. WIGHT was successful by a small majority, running several hundred votes ahead of the Presidential ticket. He was married in 185G; became a widower in 1864, and married again in 18G7. Although formerly connected with Dr. OSGOOD'S Unitarian church in New York city, he has during late years belonged to the Episcopal denomination. An amiable, unpretending gentleman in every respect, Mr. WIGHT has gained much popularity during the present session, and is doing excellent service for the people of West- Chester county. He is Chairman of the Committee on Priv- 334 LIFE SKETCHES. ileges and Elections, a member of the Insurance Committee, and serves also on the special Erie Committee. PETER WOODS. Mr. WOODS was the opponent, in the late canvass, of ex- Assemblyman JAMES IRVING, the candidate of Tammany, in the 16th metropolitan district, defeating him by a majority of 865. He was born in the county of Monahan, Ireland, December 15, 1832, and is therefore forty-one years of age. At the age of seventeen, he came to this country, and located in New York city, where he has resided ever since. He was educated in the common schools in Ireland and in New York, and learned the trade of a painter. He has been in business for about fifteen years, and is now quite comfortably off. Except his present service in the Assembly, he has never held any public position. He served his time in the New York Volunteer Fire Department, and has taken an active part in local politics for a number of years, belonging to what is known as the Young Democracy, and for nine years past has persistently fought the Tammany ring. Mr. WOODS is a man of considerable business energy and sagacity, and represents his district very efficiently. He is a member of the lioman Catholic Church, and has been twice married, iirst to Ais'x BUU.NKU, in 1858, and the second time to ELIZABETH LECOMPT, in 1809, his first wife dying in 1862. JACOB WORTH. 335 JACOB WORTH. Mr. WORTH is a resident of the Sixteenth ward of Brooklyn, and represents the Sixth district of Kings county in the Assembly. His parents emigrated from South Ger- many in the year 1837, locating in New York city; five years later they removed to Brooklyn, and there the family have since resided. Mr. AYoRTii was born in New York soon after his parents arrived in that city, and therefore he is now about thirty-five years of age. His father died when he was but seven years of age, and from that time he was practically obliged to depend upon his own efforts to earn a living, as well as to provide for his widowed mother. He thus had very little opportunity to obtain an education. In point of fact, the first time he ever saw the inside of a school-house was in 1863, when he was first a candidate for legislative honors. He is therefore self-made, as the phrase goes, and self-edu- cated. His life has been quite eventful. At the age of fifteen he went to sea, and, during an absence of three years, made the circuit of the globe. Soon after his return lie entered the political arena, and at the early age of nineteen was elected to represent his ward in the Democratic General Committee. When the war broke out in 1801, he was enthusiastic in championing the Union cause, and since that time he has been a firm anil consistent Republican, devoting much time and effort in spreading a knowledge of the prin- ciples of his party among his fellow-countrymen. It is probably due to him more than to any other man that, in spite of adverse influences arising from excise laws and other issues, the Germans of the Eastern District of Brooklyn, comprising a large portion of the population of that section, have been kept true to Republicanism. In September, 18G2, Mr. WORTH was commissioned a First 336 LIFE SKETCHES. Lieutenant in Col. CONK'S regiment, the 139th New York, and went with his regiment to the front. Shortly after he was promoted to a Captaincy, and was given a command in the 84 th New York regiment. He participated with credit in all the battles and skirmishes of the regiment, nntil the latter part of 1863, when he resigned because of ill-health. In the fall of the same year he was placed in the field as the Republican candidate for Assembly in the district com- prising the ?th, 15th, 16th and 19th wards of Brooklyn, and succeeded in defeating FRANK SWIFT, the Democratic can- didate, by over one thousand majority. In 1864 he was re-elected by about 700 majority over JOHN HANSON, the district giving the Democratic State ticket at the same time 500 majority. In 1865 he was once more chosen to the Assembly, receiving about 1,200 majority, Judge EAMES, a very popular man on the Democratic side, being his oppo- nent. In 1866 he was a candidate for Street Commissioner against EGBERT FURY, and was defeated by 1,400 votes, in a poll of more than 48,000, running 8,800 votes ahead of the Republican State ticket. In the fall of 1867 he was elected to the Assembly from the district composed of the 16th and 19th wards of Brooklyn, by 30 majority, the Democratic State Ticket receiving over 1,100 majority. In 1868 he rep- resented the 2d Congressional district of this State in the Electoral College which gave Gen. GRANT the thirty-four votes of the Empire State. He ran again for Assembly in 1869, but was defeated by BERNARD HAVER, a Democrat, by 58 votes, owing to the fact that an Independent Republican was in the field, and polled some 458 votes. He is now com- pleting his fifth term in the State Legislature, to which he was elected by a majority of 555 over AUGUST MERRINGER. It is almost impossible to overcome his popularity in the 16th ward. He has suffered much detraction at the hands of political opponents, but he is ever ready to meet his assailants face to face on any issue, and his manly course of action invariably compels respect and admiration. His LUCIEN T. YEOMAXS. 33? energy and perseverance are distinguishing traits in his character, and the Committee of One Hundred showed obvious appreciation of his merit by requesting him to champion their Reform Charter through the Assembly. It is conceded that lie worthily performed the task allotted to him, not hesitating to measure lances with the ablest debaters in the House. Mr. WORTH has been elected to represent the 16th ward in the Republican General Committee every year for the past twelve years, and during the past ten years has been the elected representative of his Assembly district to all the State Conventions of the Republican party. He is a gentleman of good presence and commanding figure, stand- ing six feet in height. If he lives to the usual age allotted to man, he bids fair to become as popular in the State as he is now in Brooklyn. He was married in 1861, and has two interesting children. LUCIEN T. YEOMANS. One of the most active young Republicans of the House is the Hon. LUOIEX T. YEOMAXS, of Wayne, who is now serving his second term. Mr. YEOMAXS was born in Wai- worth, Wayne county, December 1st, 1840, and is a son of THEROX G. YEOMAXS, who was a member of Assembly in 1851, ? 52. The subject of our sketch is still a resident of that pleasant village, where he owns and supervises a well- managed and productive fruit farm. He is, in fact, well known throughout the State as a nurseryman and fruit grower. Those who manage State and county fairs are aware that he has a habit of manifesting a lively interest in whatever tends to the advancement of his favorite pursuit, and there are probably very few men who have, at his age, succeeded in accomplishing as much for the horticultural interests of the commonwealth. Mr. YEOMAXS is thoroughly 22 338 LIFE SKETCHES. qualified for a business career, haring mastered a full course of study at Walworth Academy, and at Eastman's Commer- cial College in Poughkeepsie. Since he cast his first vote he has been an active and thorough-going Republican, and being also a man of clear convictions and enlarged views, he has attained a prominent position in the local councils of his party, in which his shrewdness and energy are felt and acknowl- edged. He was never a seeker after political preferment, and never held office in the party until last year, when he served his constituents honorably in the Assembly. His course, indeed, gave such complete satisfaction to those he repre- sented, that he was returned to the present House by a largely- increased majority over two competitors, ORLANDO W. POWERS, a " Liberal " Republican, and AMASA HALL, an '' Independent " Republican. His majority at the last elec- tion was 1,635 against 1,200 in the fall of 1871. In the Assembly of 1852 he was appropriately given the Chairman- ship of the Committee on Agriculture. As a member of the Committees on Claims and Expenditures of the Executive Department, and also of the Sub-committee of the Whole, he labored industriously and with credit throughout, the pro- longed session of last year. In the present session he is Chairman of Joint Library, and member of Commerce and Navigation, and Sub-committee of the Whole. Mr. Y. is not conspicuous as a debater, though he occasion- ally takes the floor ; but he possesses qualities which are far more essential to good legislation, namely, unwearied indus- try, keen discrimination, sound sense, and sterling integrity. Though yet a young man, he has already made his mark, and has evidently entered upon an honorable career. RUSSELL A. YOUNG. 339 RUSSELL A. YOUNG. Mr. YOUNG is a resident of Norwich, Chenango county, where he owns a valuable farm, and is accounted one of the most successful agriculturists in that section. His parents, MARTIN and MARY YOUNG, were natives of Otsego county, and he was born in Pittsfield, in that county, on the 30th of October, 1835. His father and mother are, we believe, both living. Removing to Cheiiango county at an early age, Mr. YOUNG received an education in the ordinary English branches at New Berlin Academy, and subsequently served an apprenticeship at carriage-making. After working about twelve years at that business, he purchased a farm, and, since 1862, his time has mainly been occupied in its cultivation. His probity of character and sterling worth have secured him the esteem and regard of all the citizens of Norwich, without regard to party. In 1866, he was elected Commissioner of Highways, and has held the office continuously up to the present time. He has also been Secretary of the County Agricultural Society since the year 1869. Mr. YOUNG cast his first vote for JOHN C. FREMONT. and in all the elections since then he has invariably voted the Republican ticket. He was chosen to the Assembly in the canvass of last fall by a majority of 813, his opponent being DAVID H. KNAPP. Though he is not conspicuous in the debates of the House, he is an able and efficient mem- ber, and effectively represents the interests of his constitu- ents, with due regard to the welfare of the State at large. In religion he is an Episcopalian, and is one of the leading members of that denomination in Norwich. He was mar- ried, on the 6th of September, 1859. to Miss FANNIE K. BROWN. 340 LIFE SKETCHES. JOHN O'DONNELL, CLEKK OF THE ASSEMBLY. Though he assumed the position without previous experi- ence in the desk, the duties of Clerk of the Assembly have very rarely been better performed than by ex-Senator O'DoxxELL. The position is one of great labor and respon- sibility, and requires a peculiar order of talent in the incum- bent ; but he has shown that he possesses in large degree the special qualifications required, being, as all will admit who have watched him during the session, industrious, prompt, methodical, a good reader, a clear-headed man of business, and a pleasant, courteous gentleman. For the admirable and orderly manner in which the legislative business has been transacted, great credit is primarily due to Speaker CORXELL, but his efforts would be useless to a great extent were they not aided and seconded, as they certainly have been, by the tact and intelligence of the Clerk. Mr.O'Dox- XELL'S ability is universally recognized, and he enjoys the confidence and esteem of all the members of the House. JOHN* O'DoxxELL is a native of Fort Ann, Washington county, where he was born in 1857. His father was born in Ireland and his mother in America. In early life lie removed to Lyme, Jefferson county, and in 18-iO he settled in Lowville, Lewis county, where he now resides. In that place he com- menced trade as a general merchant, and by earnest and careful attention to business gradually extended his means and acquired the confidence and respect of his fellow citizens. He subsequently purchased largely of real estate, in central and eligible business localities, and erected commodious blocks of buildings, extending along both the main streets of Lowville, which have added greatly to the commercial facilities of the place. His investments proved successful to that extent that lie, several years ago, withdrew from trade, JOHN O'DoNNELL. 341 the leisure thus secured enabling him to render valuable service to the people of the State and the Republican party, us Avell as to the temperance cause, with, which he has long been closely identified. He has had a long and honorable political career. In 1864 he was a member of the Republican State Committee, and was also a Delegate to the Baltimore Convention which renominated President LIXCOLN. In the same year he was a Member of Assembly from Lewis county, serving in that body as Chairman of the Committee on the Internal Affairs of Towns and Counties, and bestowing diligent attention upon the interests of his constituents and such measures as were for the public welfare. During the session he secured the passage of laws appropriating about fifty thou- sand dollars for improvements in Lewis county, and was the author of an important bill to protect the butter and cheese interests of the State. In 1865 he was elected Senator for the eighteenth district (Lewis and Jefferson), in place of Hon. JAMES A. BELL, defeating, by a large majority, AXDREW CORNWALL, his Democratic opponent. During his first senatorial term he was Chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee, and a member of the Committees on Insur- ance and Public Expenditures. In his first session he reported and advocated the New York Excise Bill, and was the author of acts to protect political primaries, caucuses and conven- tions, and to divide a safety fund of 880,000 in the Bank Department among the bill-holders of Yates and Lewis counties and reciprocity banks. In 1867 he distinguished himself by introducing a measure, noted for its originality and success, and known as the " O'Donnell Railroad Bill.'"' It provided, in place of State aid to individual roads, a general plan by which the State should aid any steam railroad in the State, outside of New York city and county, that should build and complete in good running order, where a parallel road was not already built or in process of building, within an average distance of 342 LIFE SKETCHES. ten miles thereof, to the amount of $5,000 per mile for every twenty miles of road. It was with difficulty that a report, even for consideration, could be obtained from the Senate Eailroad Committee in reference to the bill. At its first appearance in Committee of the Whole but two Sena- tors were in favor of it, but a long discussion of its merits changed the current of opinion, and it finally passed by a large vote. Afterward it passed the Assembly, but it was vetoed by Governor FEXTOX. He also secured the passage in the Senate of bills to extend the New York excise law to the State at large, to suppress obscene literature, and to pro- hibit the employment of railroad employees who use liquors as a beverage, but they were all defeated in the Assembly. In 1867 he was again elected to the Senate, defeating LEWIS H. Buowxby 1,647 majority. In the ensuing session, as a reward for his fidelity to the interests of the State, and for his unbending integrity and honesty, he was made Chairman of the Finance Committee, a position which constituted him the premier of the Senate. He was besides a member of the Committees on Printing, Privileges and Elections, and Pub- lic Health. During this session he devoted himself to the revision of the assessment laws of the State, and introduced a bill which provided for the taxing and assessing of corporations at the Comptroller's office in Albany. In pursuance of the order of the Senate in connection with his bill, for the first time in the history of the State, all the corporations made sworn statements of the amount of their capital, surplus and net earnings for the preceding five years. These returns weiv embodied in a report from the Comptroller, and, in an clabo- orate speech upon his bill, Senator O'Doxs'ELL claimed that there was $870,989,672.39 of corporate property alone liable to taxation, and that of this vast amount only 8235.855,172 was assessed for taxation. In 1869. without his knowledge, he was selected as Supervisor of Internal Revenue for the Northern District of New York, which office he held until JOHN CfDoNNELL. 343 August, when, by law of Congress, the two districts in the State were consolidated into one. In the late Presidential canvass Senator O'DoNNELL took the stump for General GRANT, and held upward of fifty meetings in behalf of the cause. After the close of the canvass, at the organization of the Assembly, and in obedience to the unanimous wish of the party in the State, who desired to carry the reforms promised into the Clerk's desk, he was chosen Clerk of the Assembly, without solicitation on his part. Mr. O'DoxxELL has been the recognized champion of the temperance interest in the Legislature and elsewhere, for a number of years past, and he has given his best efforts in behalf of that cause. He is, in fact, one of the most promi- nent temperance men in the entire State, and frequently takes occasion to deliver lectures and addresses on the sub- ject. So far as honorably lay in his power, he has been active in endeavoring to secure the passage of the several temper- ance bills before the present Legislature. As a public speaker he is fluent and argumentative, seldom failing to fix the attention of an audience, and always leaving the impression that he is correct and conscientious in his views. He is known as a man of great energy and perseverance, and he seldom undertakes an enterprise without carrying it through. Genial in disposition, gentlemanly and courteous in manners, and a man of fine intellectual attainments, JOHX O'DoxxELL is in every way an ornament to the Clerk's desk, and an honor to the State he serves. 34:4 LIFE SKETCHES. JOHN SMART, M. A., OF SMARTVILLE. [The following autobiographical sketch was found among the papers in the hands of the editors of this work. As a bit of pleasantry, it is deemed worthy of publication. It was written by a well-known member of the present Assem- bly, who is serving his second term :] Editors of Life Sketches : Your circular soliciting bio- graphical data of members of Assembly and other distin- guished persons was duly received. I shall be very happy to assist you as far as lies in my power. At present I will only briefly allude to some of the most important events of my past life and ancestral connections. My ancestors were of the Simon pure thoroughbred Puri- tan stock, and came to this country on the Plymouth Rock, about twenty-live years before the Sunflower landed with the BEECIIER family consequently they enjoyed all the hardships and privations of the early settlers. My great- grandfather, II AX ABLE SMART, was a deacon in the church and fought in the Indian Avars under POCAHONTAS and Captain JOHX SMITH. He finally settled in an unsettled part of the State, and started the village of Smartville. My grandfather was a shoemaker. I don't know what my grand- mother was, but probably she Avas of the same persuasion. They pegged out before my remembrance, and left a right smart family of children, eleven boys and nine girls, some of whom emigrated to Pike county, Pennsylvania, and have never been heard from since. Probably they joined the Liberals or Bourbon Democracy and perished in the late- Presidential campaign. My father, JOHN HANCOCK SMART, was a distinguished military officer, and served eighteen years us captain in the Connecticut militia. My mother weighed 240 pounds. They fought in the battle of "Tippecanoe and JOHN SMART, M. A. 345 Tyler too ;" also, in the Young Hickory and White Ash cam- paign. As to my own nativity, I have not a very distinct recollec- tion, but think it occurred about forty years ago. At a very early age I set out to paddle my own canoe, and the first notable event that I distinctly recollect was being placed in charge of the motive power of a canal boat, on the Erie canal. Since then many memorable events have occurred which I should prefer to forget, notwithstand- ing the loss it would be to the world not to have them recorded. Probably if I had remained on the canal instead of paddling my canoe into the dirty waters of politics, I might to-day write the biography of a much better man. My early education was chiefly obtained from the common schools (very common ones they were), except about six months which I spent with a circus. I don't recollect whether 1 graduated from either institution. The public positions which I have held in civil life have been somewhat varied and attended with responsibility and profit, if not with honor. At the age of twenty-two I was appointed Superintendent of a light-house on the Jersey Flats. This was considered a very dangerous service, as the mosquitoes had taken off those previously appointed to that office ; but by the exercise of a little strategy, instead of being taken off by the varmints, I managed to take them in and make it pay. to boot. By leaving the lamp open on a warm night, they would fly in and get thoroughly singed, the remains could then be gathered up and sold very readily in Catharine Market for baked shrimps an excellent article of food for a light diet. I next received an appointment in the Internal Revenue Department as Whisky Inspector, after a competitive examination with twenty-five other candidates, my success being due to the possession of the greatest capacity to sample the goods. I was compelled to resign after six months' service in the Jersey lightning district, my constitu- tion not being strong enough to endure that service. 346 LIFE SKETCHES. After occupying several other important positions in civil life, and taking a very active part in primaries and political clubs, having been President of the Strikers' Club for the last ten years, and in connection therewith, having been instrumental in electing several men of great financial ability to the Legislature and to Congress, I was myself elected last year to the Assembly, and took an active part in the work of the session. I served on the Committee on Fixed Bills, and also on the Committee on Expenditures of the Lobby. Owing to the last Legislature being so strongly in favor of reform, and the many reform measures introduced, the labors of these Committees were very arduous and exacting. As a mark of appreciation for my past services, and an indorsement of my course in the cause of reform, my con- stituents re-elected me to the Legislature of 1873. Before closing this hasty sketch, I would briefly allude to my military service during the late Avar. Soon after the commencement of difficulties, I enlisted in the Sutlers' Department with the Pennsylvania Eeserves, and was in the front or rear (don't exactly remember which) of Gen. POPE'S army, at the second Bull Run fight. When the run commenced I outran them all, and was the first man in except a newspaper correspondent, who stole a commissary mule, and rode bare-back. His paper always got the news from the rear in advance of any other. Soon thereafter, and, as a reward for hard service, I received an appointment as captain in the Home Guard, and was detailed for recruit- ing service ; the difficulties and dangers of this service I did not shrink from, but, owing to a trifling misunderstanding with the Department on account of some irregularity in the transactions of the bounty-broker-jumpers, I tendered my resignation, and did not again engage in any military ser- vice until last winter, when I joined the '' Black Horse Cav- alry" at Albany, and performed active service in that com- mand until its colonel resigned, when I accepted a commis- JOHX SMART, M. A. 34? sion in tlie bone brigade, and became a leader of some note in the skirmishes and battles fought during the latter part of the campaign. It is my intention, after the close of the present session, when I will have served through two Reform Legislatures, to deliver lectures as a reformed member, believing they can be made as entertaining and profitable as the ''Reformed Drunkard" or "Reformed Gambler" lec- tures which Avere so popular some years ago. Yours truly, JOHN SMART, Member from Smartville. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 349 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. NUMBER OF THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICTS, WITH THE COUNTIES AND WARDS COMPOSING THE SAME. Dlst. Counties and Wards. Senators. 1. Counties of Suffolk, Queens and Richmond TOWNSE.VD D. COCK. 2. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Seventh, Eleventh, Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth and Twentieth wards of the city of Brooklyn, In the county of Kings JOHN C. PERRY. 3. Sixth, Eighth, Xinth, Tenth, Twelfth, Fourteenth, Six- teenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth wards of the city of Brooklyn, and the towns of Fhitbush, Flatlands, Grave- send, New Lots and New Utrecht, of the county of Kings HENRY C. MURPHY. 4. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Thir- teenth and Fourteenth wards of the city and county of New York VACANT. 5. Eighth, Ninth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth wards of the city and county of New York ERASTUS C. BENEDICT. 6. Tenth, Eleventh and Seventeenth wards of the city and county of New York AUGUSTUS WEISMANN. 7. Eighteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-first wards of the city and county of New York JAMES O'BRIEN. 8. Twelfth, Nineteenth and Twenty-second wards of the city and county of New York DANIEL F. TIEMANN. 0. Counties of Westchester, Putnam arid Kockland WILLIAM II. KOBERTSO*. 10. Counties of Orange and Sullivan EDWARD M. MADDEN. 11. Counties of Dutchess and Columbia ABIAH W. PALMER. 12. Counties o!" Renssolaer and Washington ISAAC V. BAKER, JR. 13. County of Albany CHARLES II. ADAMS. 14. Counties of Greene and Ulster WILLIAM F. SCORESBT. 1,">. Counties of Saratoga, Montgomery, Fulton, Hamilton and Schenectady WEBSTER W A ONER. 16. Counties of Warren, Essex and Clinton SAMUEL AMKS. 17. Counties of St. Lawrence and Franklin WELLS S. DICKINSON. 15. Counties of Jefferson and Lewis NORRIS WIXSLOW. 19. County of Onohla .... SAMUEL S. LOWERY. 350 LIFE SKETCHES. Dist. Counties and Wards. Senators. 20. Counties of Herkimer and Otsego ARCHIBALD C. McGowAM. 21. Counties of Oswego and Madison WILLIAM FOSTER. 22. Counties of Onondaga and Cortland DANIEL P. WOOD. 23. Counties of Chenango, Delaware and Schoharie JAMES H. GRAHAM. 24. Counties of Broome.Tioga and Tompkins THOMAS J. CHATFIELD. 25. Counties of Cayuga and Wayne WILLIAM B. WOODIN. 26. Counties of Ontario, Yates and Seneca WILLIAM JOHNSON. 27. Counties of Chemung, Schuylet and Steuben GABRIEL T. HARROWEK. 28. County of Monroe JARVIS LORD. 29. Counties of Niagara, Orleans and Genesee GEORGE BOWEN. 30. Counties of Wyoming, Livingston and Allegany JAMES WOOD. 31. County of Erie LORAN L. LEWIS. 32. Counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus NORMAN M. ALLEN. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 351 SENATORS AXPHABETICALI/Y ARRANGED, WITH THE COUNTIES IN WHICH THEY RESIDE, POST-OFFICE ADDRESS AND POLITICS. Lieut.-Gov. JOHN C. ROBINSON, President of the Senate. NAME OF SENATOR. County. Post-office address. Politics. Ames, Samuel Baker, Isaac V., Jr Benedict, Erastus C Essex Washington New York Keeseville Comstock's Landing.... New York Republican. Republican. Republican. Chatflekl, Thomas J Dickinson, Wells S Foster William Tioga Franklin Oswego, Owego Bangor Republican. Republican. Delaware Delhi narrower, Gabriel T Johnson, William Steuberi Seneca Erie Lindleytown Seneca Falls Buffalo Republican. Democrat. Monroe Oneida Madden, Edward M M M \rchib?Ul C Orange Middletown Frankfort Republican. Murphv Henrv C Kings Brooklyn O'Brien, James Palmer, Abiah W Perry, John C Robertson, William II Scorosbv William F New York Dutchess Kings Westchester .... Ulster New York Amenla Brooklyn Katonah EHenville Democrat. Republican. Republican. Republican. Palatine Bridge WeUnumn, Augustus Ne\v York New York Republican. Woodin, William I! Wood, Daniel P Cayuga Onondaga Auburn Syracuse Republican. Republican. Wood, James. Livingston .. Geneseo Republican. 352 LIFE SKETCHES. MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY ALPHABETTCA:LLY ARRANGED, WITH THE DISTRICTS AND COUNTIES THEY REPRESENT, POST-OFFICE ADDRESS AND POLITICS. Hon. ALONZO B. CORNELL, Speaker. ^ Name. County. Post-office address. Politics. 5 2 Abbott, Frank Orange Port Jervls , Democrat. 3 Alberger, Franklin A Erie Buffalo Republican. 1 Babcock, Isaac H Niagara Lockport Republican. Badger, John P.. Franklin ' Burke ! Republican. 2 ; Baltz, George j Erie Buffalo 2 i Batcheller, Geo. S | Saratoga Saratoga Springs. Republican. Republican. Democrat. Biglin, Bernard \ New York New York city | Republican. Blackie, Charles ' New York New York city | Republican. Blessing, Andrew , New York New York city ! Democrat. Blumenthal, Joseph , New York , New York city Brewer, Francis B ! Chautauqua Westfleld Brown, Elijah E | Cayuga | New Hope Brown. James H ! Ulster ! Highland Bulkley, Justus L ! Oswego \ Sandy Creek 2 i Burns, Dennis ' New York., New York citv. Burri.t, Leonard Monroe Spenccrport Campbell, Timothy J New York i New York city New York city.. Democrat. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Democrat. Republican. Democrat. Democrat. Independ't. Republican. Democrat. Clarke, Geo. W Now York. Cleary. Wm. V Rensselaer ' Troy C'ocheu, Frederick Kings. Brooklyn, E. D Republican Coggeshall, Henry J Oneiila j AVaterville ': Republican Cook, Wm. \V New York New York city ; Democrat. Cope, John Otscgo ' Oneonta ' Republican Cornell, Chas. G New York I New York city Democrat. Costello, Patrick II Oneida Carnden Republican Couchman, Peter Schoharie ; Conesville Democrat MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY. 353 Name. County. Post-office address. Politics. Crandall, Wm. \V Crary, Charles Allegany New York Andover New York city Republican. Democrat. Republican. Democrat. Republican. Democrat. Republican. Republican. Democrat. Republican. Independ't. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Democrat. Republican. Democrat. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Democrat. Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Democrat. Democrat. Republican. Ulster Wilbur Davidson, John N Deenng, James A Dennlston, Augustus Dexter, Seymour Donohuo, James F Kiting, Daniel D Wyoming New York Orange Chemung Kings Ulster Portageville New York city Blooming Grove Klmira Brooklyn Ellenville Fish, Henrv L Rochester Flinn, Morris B Ford, Win. L Yates Rushville Deposit Fort, Daniel G Oswego Fowler, Thomas M Furbeck, John I Gere, Wm. H. II Gilbert, Stephen F Steuben Onondaga Onondaga Wayland Collamer Geddes Hornellsville Pittsford Griffin, Matthew Hardy, Leonard F Hayes, James Heacock, Willard J Healey, James Hendee, Horatio S Herrlck, Castle W Herring, William Hlggins, Albion P Hill, Augustus Cayuga New York Fulton&Ham.. New York Jefferson Kensselaer Westchester .... Kings Weedsport New York city New York city Carthage Nassau Fremont New York city Cairo Hillyer, John Blake Kille; JohnD Holltoter, K'lmund \V Husted, James W Jacobs, John C Richmond Chautauqua Washington Westchester .... Kings Oswego Washington lam II. Teffl elec New Springville Smith's Mills Peekskill Brooklyn Fulton Middle Granville ted to flll vacancy. Johnson, Willard Jones, Eleazer* * Deceased; Wil 23 LIFE SKETCHES. p Name. County. Post-office address. Politics. Kennedy, Archibald Knettles Anson \V Livingston Tompklns York Republican. 1 2 2 \ Landfield, Jerome B Lewis, William, Jr Lincoln, Cyrillo S Lynde, Dolphus S Tioga Delaware Ontario St. Lawrence ... Dutchess Newark Valley Hamden Naples Hermon Fishkill-on-tlie-llud'n Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. 2 1 Manley, John Marcy, John S McGuire, Jeremiah McQueen, Daniel P Cattaraugus .... Suffolk Schuyler Schenectady .... St. Lawrence ... Little Valley Hi verhead Havana Schenectady De Kalb Republican. Republican. Democrat. Republican. 4 4 5 Mosher, George D Nice, John Albany Erie New York West Troy Grand Island New York citv Democrat. Republican. 2 1 Oakley, James M Queens Erie Jamaica Buffalo Democrat. 20 10 Opdyke, William S New York New York New York city Republican. 9 1 ] ? Pell, Stephen Persons, Elam Phillips, George W Philpot, Edward C New York Jefferson Cortland Madison New York city Ellisburgh Homer Pratt's Hollow Republican. Republican. Republican. Republican. Warren 1 1 ? Prince, L. Bradford Ray, Benjamin Queens Columbia Flushing Hudson Republican. Democrat. 3 3 Rice, Eleazer C Roche, Domlnlck H Rose Parker W Herkimer Kings Fairfleld. Brooklyn Parishvllle Republican. Democrat. ^ i 8 ? Smith, Solon B New York New York city Republican. ] 8 Stewart, James Suydam, Adrian M Otsego 'Kings South Worcester Brooklyn, E. D Democrat. Republican. MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY. 355 Q Name. County. Post-office address. Politics. 2 2 Swain, George M Sylvester, Sidney Tefft William H Niagara Lewis Washington Somerset Martlnsburgh Whitehall Republican. Republican. Republican. Tobey, Franklin W Essex Port Henry Republican. 2 Tompklns. Milton M Columbia Chatham Village Democrat. Townsend, Elbert Genesee Pavilion Centre Republican. 2 VanCott, David C Kings , Brooklyn Republican. Van Demark, William W Seneca Waterloo Democrat. 1 Van Dusen, Ambrose L Ontario Gypsum Republican. Van Dusen, William J Montgomery Canajoharie Republican. 3 Van Valkenburgh, John W Albany Albany Democrat. 1 Vedder, Commodore P Cattaraugus Ellicottville Republican. Voorhls, William Rockland Nyack Democrat. 4 Walker, Daniel Onelda. North Gage Republican. 4 Watt, James Kings Brooklyn Republican. Weed Smith M Clinton Plattsburgh Democrat. 1 Wells, Edward B Wayne Clyde Republican. 1 West, George Saratoga Ballston Spa Republican. Whalen, Elisha S Orleans Medina Republican. 1 White, Nicholas A Onelda Utica Republican. 2 Wight, Amherst, Jr Westchester .... Port Chester Republican. 16 Woods, Peter New York New York city Democrat. 6 Worth, Jacob Kings Brooklyn, E. D Republican. 2 Yeornans, Lucien T Wayne Walworth Republican. Young, Russell A Chenango Norwich Republican. THE OLD CAPITOL AND THE NEW. 357 THE OLD CAPITOL AND THE NEW. We present on another page the engraved counterpart of the new Capitol. A few words concerning that magnificent coming edifice and its predecessor, still in possession, the old Capitol, will not be out of place in this volume. The Capitol building in which the laws of New York are now made, owed its origin to the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of Albany. In 1803, the Legislature of the State, then holding its sessions in Albany's Court- house a plain, substantial four-story building, situated on what is now the corner of Broadway (then Court street) and Hudson street was respectfully petitioned by said Mayor, etc. Their petition set forth that the Court-house then in use, "as well from local situation as from its not having a sufficient number of apartments for the accommodation of the Legislature, has become inconvenient for the transaction of public business ; that the continual passage of carts and wagons at particular seasons renders it difficult if not im- practicable from the noise occasioned thereby to attend with accuracy to the debates and proceedings of the different bodies assembled in the Court-house ; that for these and other inconveniences the petitioners are desirous that a State and Court-house be erected in said city, sufficiently spacious and commodious for the sessions and deliberations of the different branches of government." The petitioners offered to appropriate an eligible site for such a building, in the public square of the city, and to cause the Court-house and lot on which it stood to be sold, and apply proceeds toward defraying the expenses of the new building; and they prayed for legislative aid in order that such a building as they desired might be erected, "and that such appropriation be made as is necessary for finishing said new building and pro- 358 LIFE SKETCHES. viding suitable apartments for the use of Senate and Assem- bly." Mr. LUSH, from the Senate committee to whom this peti- tion was referred, reported thereon, March 19th, 1803. The committee was of opinion that it would be expedient for the Legislature to grant $10,000 in aid of the undertaking, and, in case the proceeds arising from the sale of ;he old Court- house and lots, together with the said 10,000, proved insuf- ficient to complete said building, to allow a further sum of $6,000, to be raised by tax equally divided between the city and county of Albany. The report having been made, the Senate granted the petitioners leave to present a bill. In the Assembly, Tuesday, February 21st, 1804, a similar peti- tion was presented with a like result. The petitioners lost no time in having a bill drawn up to meet the object set forth in the petitioii. It was introduced, read, and put on its final passage without delay the Senate disposing of it April 3d, 1804, and the Assembly March 31st. The Commissioners appointed to erect the new building were JOHN TAYLOR, DANIEL HALE, PHILIP S. VAN KENS- SELAR, SIMEON DE WITT, NICHOLAS QUACKENBUSH. By the terms of the law, Albany was to proceed imme- diately to sell its old Court-house, and pay over the money arising from such sale to the Commissioners, the purchaser not to have possession until the completion of the State House. It was further enacted that the Supervisors of the city and county should raise, by tax on the freeholders and inhabitants of the county, exclusive of the city, 3,000. and in the city the same amount, paying over the entire sum to the Commissioners. A further enactment of the law reads strangely in the light of these better days, when mild raffles, at innocent and charitable-minded fairs, are protested against by a large and influential portion of the community as tend- ing to "debauch the public conscience." The enactment in question provides that certain managers of lotteries in the State shall cause to be raised the sum of $12,000 by lottery, THE OLD CAPITOL AND THE NEW. 359 the same to be paid over to the Commissioners. Said Com- missioners were severally to give bonds in the sum of $30,000, and required to account twice a year for all moneys received by them. They at once qualified and entered upon their duties. The old Court-house, on Court street, was soon sold by the Corporation, and the money paid over as provided by law. It brought $17,200. On the 23d of April, 186G, the corner-stone of the new State House was laid. The Albany Daily Advertiser chronicles the important event thus concisely : "On Wednesday, the 23d of April, the corner-stone of the State House was laid by Hon. PHILIP S. VAN RENSSELAER, in presence of the Chancellor, Judges of the Supreme Court, members of the Corporation, State House Commissioners and other citizens. The site on which this edifice is to be erected is at the head of State street, on the west side of the public square. It is to be built of stone, one hundred feet by eighty, on an improved plan embracing much elegance, with great convenience and durability." In Assembly Journal of 1807. appears the first report of the Commissioners. The following is an extract from the minutes : " To the Honorable the Legislature : The Commissioners for erecting a building for public purposes, in the city of Albany, report : That, in prosecuting the duties of their appointment, they have expended 833,200, and have on hand, of the materials purchased with moneys out of that sum, to the amount of $8,750. The architect estimates that to enclose the building will still require about 610.000. To complete the interior 820,000. The portico, with steps of freestone, columns of marble and pediment of wood, 80,800. Total, 42,800. This estimate contemplates a wooden cor- nice around the building, and a shingle roof; if the cornice be made of stone and the roof of slate, 10,000 more will be required. 360 LIFE SKETCHES. " In determining on the dimensions of the building, the Commissioners have been governed by the purposes for which it is intended, as particularly specified in the law ; and it will be found that a more contracted plan could not well have been adapted. The expenses would have been somewhat less if the walls had been constructed of brick ; but the Commissioners would have considered themselves erring in their duty had they not conformed to the opinions and practices of the best architects in every age, in prefer- ring more substantial materials for such an edifice. Every attention has been paid to have the work conducted with the strictest economy, and the Commissioners trust that the plan they have adopted, and their proceedings thus far, will meet with the approbation of the Legislature. Kespectfully submitted, JOHN TAYLOR, P. S. VAN KENSSELAER, SIMEON DE WITT, DANIEL HALE, Commissioners. Dated 5th March, 1807." The Legislature of 1807 appropriated $20,000 in aid of the erection, with the understanding that the amount should be made good to them by the lotteries. On the 10th of March, 1808, the Commissioners made another report, showing that the total amount received from all sources for the woi'k they had in hand was $69,600, of which amount $67,688 had been expended. They further reported, that $25,000 more Avas needed, in their opinion, to finish the building. On the 8th of April, in the same year, a law was passed appropriating the additional 825,000 asked for. In 1809, the supply bill contained an appropriation of $5,000 for the new State House, the same to be devoted to defraying the expenses incurred in procuring necessary fur- niture for the rooms occupied by the Legislature, and for furnishing said building. Up to this time the new building had been known as the ' State House ; " but in this year, 1809, in making an additional appropriation of $500, the law reads : " for the completion of the public building in the THE OLD CAPITOL AND THE NEW. 361 city of Albany, which building shall hereafter be kuowii as the CAPITOL." In 1810, $4,000 was appropriated toward finishing the building. In 1811 the same amount was appropriated, and in 1814 the Commissioners were ready to make their final accounting. It is provided, in section 48 of the supply bill, for 1814, that on the final settlement of the accounts of the Commissioners, the Comptroller shall allow them one per cent out of the moneys expended, as a compensation for their services. In May, 1829, Albany sold out her interest in the Capitol. By act of May 5th, 1829, $17,500 was authorized to be paid to the city, on condition that all her right and interest in the Capitol and the park in front should be released to the State by the Corporation of Albany and the Supervisors of the city and county, before June 1st, 1829. The city accepted the terms of this offer, and so the Capitol passed from under its rule. The expenses of erecting the Capitol are given in some papers accompanying a message of the Governor to the Leg- islature in 1819. The cost of the building is thus set forth: Paid by the State 873,485 42 Paid by the City 34,200 00 Paid by the County 3,000 00 Total 8110,085 42 362 LIFE SKETCHES. THE NEW CAPITOL. In the latter part of January, 1865, the Senate passed a resolution appointing a committee of three to ascertain from the different municipalities of the State, "on what terms the grounds and buildings necessary for a new Capitol and public offices can be obtained." The committee appointed, in accordance with this resolution, at once proceeded to in- quire by circular, of all the leading cities and towns of the State, what they were willing to do in the way of " eligible offers." The responses were numerous from all parts of the State. Albany was among the cities that made overtures. She offered what was known as the Congress Hall property for the site of the proposed buildings. The committee reported to the Senate that, in the event of the Capitol's removal, they thought it ought to be located in New York city; but, doubting the wisdom of making a change, they recommended a bill providing for the erection of a new Capitol at Albany. On May 1st, 1865, a law was passed providing that, when- ever, within three years from the passage of the bill, the city of Albany should convey to the State the Congress Hall block, the Governor should appoint a board of three Com- missioners, to be known as " The New Capitol Commission- ers," for the purpose of erecting a new Capitol. Ten thousand dollars was appropriated for the commencement of the work. In the year following, the city of Albany, having complied with the requirements of the bill, the Governor appointed HAMILTON HARRIS, Jxo. V. L. PRUYN, and 0. B. LATHAM, Commissioners, and on the 14th of April, an act confirming the location of the Capitol at Albany, was passed in these words: "The city of Albany having fully complied with the pro- visions of chapter six hundred and forty-eight of the laws THE OLD CAPITOL AND THE NEW. 363 of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, the location of the Capi- tol and the site of the Capitol building at Albany, are hereby ratified and confirmed." In 18G7, $250,000 was appropriated toward the erection of the new Capitol by the Legislature. In 1868, the number of Commissioners was increased, HAMILTON HARRIS, JOHN V. L. PRUYN, OBADIAH B. LATHAM, JAMES S. THAYEK, ALONZO B. CORNELL, WILLIAM A. RICE, JAMES TERWILLI- GER, JOHN T. HUDSON, constituting the then board. In 1869, $125,000 was appropriated; in 1870, $1,300,000. In 1871 the Commission was changed, and HAMILTON HARRIS, WILLIAM C. KINGSLEY, WILLIAM A. RICE, CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW, DELOS DEWOLF and EDWIN A. MERRITT appointed as the new board. The appropriation for 1871 was $050,000, and for 1872, $1,000,000. On the ninth day of December, 1867, the work of excava- tion was commenced, and on the seventh day of July, 1869, the first stone in the foundation was laid. The work has steadily gone on ever since. The cost of the building is restricted by the statute of 1867, and also that of 1868, to " four million of dollars." It will probably not be built with- out considerable addition to those figures, but, as the Commis- sioners remark in their Annual Report for 1870, the matter is under the control of the Legislature, and any amount appropriated will be disbursed in any way the Legislature may direct. The new Capitol will be a fair memorial of the advance- ment of our Commonwealth in architectural knowledge and taste. It is designed in the Renaissance, or modern French style of architecture, a style which will at once be recognized by those conversant with the subject, as the prevailing mode of modern Europe. Derived originally from Italian sources, and partially from the later edifices of the Venitian repub- lic, this beautiful style has now been so successfully natural- ized in other countries as to have become, in fact, the pre- vailing manner for most of those secular edifices of a digni- 364 LIFE SKETCHES, fied and permanent character which the wants of our times have called forth. It holds this prominent place in the pub- lic regard, too, as a style which supplies the greatest amount of convenience attainable in our modern buildings, com- bined with the most dignified and appropriate elegance in their adornment. In the present instance, from the great variety of outline of which it admits, and from the multi- plicity of parts required, it will be found to be a style admira- bly suited to the wants and uses of a great public building. In the exterior composition of the design, there is a gen- eral adherence to the style of the pavilions of the New Louvre, of the Hotel de Ville of Paris, and the elegant hall or Maison de Commerce recently erected in the city of Lyons. Without servile imitation of any particular example, the architects have produced a composition in the bold and effective spirft which marks the most admired specimens of modern civil architecture. The terrace, which forms the grand approach to the east or principal front, will form an item of striking architectural detail, nowhere else attempted on such an extensive scale, at least in America. The exte- rior is two hundred and ninety feet north and south, and three hundred east and west. One of the peculiar features will be the open court in the center. This is one hundred by one hundred and fifty feet in extent, and hence will contain more than one-third of an acre. It will be open to the sky, and the rain which may fall will be carried off by drains. The object of this large vacancy is to afford light to the interior of the building. The floor immediately above the level of the plateau of the terrace will be entered through the porticoes on Washing- ton avenue and State street, and through a carriage entrance under the portico of the east front. The first, or main entrance floor, will be reached by a bold flight of steps on the east front and also on the west, leading through the por- ticoes to the halls of entrance, each having an area of sixty by seventy-four feet, and twenty-five feet in height. Com- THE OLD CAPITOL AND THE NEW. 365 municating directly with these halls will be two grand stair- cases, forming the principal means of communication with the second floor. On the left of the east entrance hall are a suite of rooms for the use of the Governor and his secretaries and military staff. On the right are rooms for the Secretary of State and Attorney-General, with a corridor leading to the rooms apportioned for the Court of Appeals, which is seventy by seventy-seven feet. On the second or principal floor are the chambers for the Senate and Assembly, and for the State Library, all of which (in elevation) will occupy two stories, making forty-eight feet of height. Rooms for the committees and other pur- poses will occupy the remainder of these floors. The Senate Chamber will be seventy-five by fifty-five feet on the floor, with a gallery on three sides of eighteen feet width. The Assembly Chamber will be ninety-two by seventy-five feet on the floor, and surrounded by a gallery similar to that of the Senate Chamber. The Library will occupy the whole of the east front of these stories, and will be two hundred and eighty-three feet long and fifty-four feet wide. These chambers will all be lighted from the roof as well as from side windows. Ample provision is made for the Board of Regents, for packing and store-rooms required by the two Houses, and for a spacious and comfortable refreshment-room for the use of the mem- bers. In order to sustain the immense weight imposed upon it, the outer wall is twenty-five feet thick, and the division wall is only four feet less. The crypt exhibits immense arches based on the concrete floor, and also the heavy foundation walls made of Essex limestone, which is the strongest material found in this country. The arches referred to are seventeen feet high, and support the entire main floor. They are of brick, and are finished in a style of groat beauty as well as strength. Hence it is interesting to descend to the crypt in order to get an idea of the importance of a foundation. It will be used for the ventilating machines, and also will afford 366 LIFE SKETCHES. storage -room for the archives of the State sufficient for many centuries to come. When the building is completed the old Capitol, Library and Congress Hall will be removed, leaving a park on the east four hundred and seventy-two feet long, and three hundred and thirty feet wide, or a little more than two and one-half acres. It is worthy of notice, that so skillfully has the design and adaptation of each of the requisitions been studied by the architects, that in nearly every important part of the building the area of accommodation provided will be found slightly to exceed rather than fall short of the amount called for in the circular of the Commissioners. Unless something unforeseen happens, it is expected that the new Capitol will be in readiness for the roof by the close of the season of 1875. University of California >,nl2V Th !f RN REG| ONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. NON MAR DUE 2 WKS FROM DAT 41 5t RECEIVED K> CP Cc X3 "" F