'km \X ^^«- 'c^/ , V i;^ /:w j>a THE LIBRARY • OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW V t ^jS --^, ^-c ^- ::i^ --o .1^ ^)/ Monhnx^ 5t)fc i^]l^uy , H-eU.4A. L*^ <^ Cox, N. W Moore, J. M Turner, B. D 1879-86 Mansfield, W. W 1886-89 Reports — Supreme Court. Period Covered. How Cited. 1837-44 1-5 Ark. 1845-53 6-13 Ark. 1853-67 14-24 Ark. 1867-72 25-27 Ark. 1872-79 28-34 Ark. 35-48 Ark. 49-52. Crawford, T. D 1689-1900 53-66 Ark. Statutes. Sands, L. P. and J. M. Hill, j^igest of Statutes ,1895 Acts: Session Laws. 1835, 180^-67, 1868-69, 1881, 1891, 1893, 1897, 1899. 16 CALIFORNIA. CALIFORNIA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters Period Covered. How Cited. Bennett, N 1850-51 1 Cal. Hepburn, H. P 1852-54 2-4 Cal. Morris, W. G 1855 5 Cal. Booraem, H. T 1856-57 6-8 Cal. Lee, H 1858-59 9-12 Cal. Harmon, J. B 1859-60 13-15 Cal. Bagley, D. T 1860-62 16-19 Cal. Hillyer, C. J 1862-63 20-22 Cal. Tuttle, C. A 1863-67 23-32 Cal. Hale, J. E 1867-69 33-37 Cal. Robinson, T 1869 38 Cal. Thompson, R. A. 1870-71 39-40 Cal. Tuttle, C. A 1871-77 41-51 Cal. Tuttle, C. A. & Carpenter, G. 1877-78 52 Cal. Carpenter, G. J 1878-79 53 Cal. Smith, G. H 1879-82 54-62 Cal. Cope, W. W 1883-87 63-72 Cal. Pomeroy, C. P 1887-1900 73-130 Cal. Probate Law. Myrick, M. H 1872-79 Myr. Prob. Digests. Reports Digested. Parker, C. H 1-34 Cal. Desty, R 34-46 Cal. Gear, H. L. Index Dig , 1-67 Cal. Deering, J. H 1-100 Cal. Deering, J. H., Dig. Supp 100-111 Cal. Deering, J. H 112-125. Statute Law. Wood, W. H. R., Digest of Law 1850-1858 Haymond, C, Burch, J. C. and McCune, J. H. Political Code 1872 Haymond, J. C, Burch, J. C and McCune, J. H. Penal Code Harston's Practice: Code of Civil Procedure 1877 Deering, F. P., Code and Statutes Annotated, 4 vols 1886 Deering, F. P. and J. F., Supp. to Codes, 5 vols 1889 Johnston, A. J., Index to Laws, 1850-93 1874 Deering, J. H., General Laws, 4 vols 1897 Session Laws. Acts: 1867-68, 1869-70; 1873-79, 1875-76, 1877-78, 1881, 1883, 1887, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897. 1899. COLORADO. 17 COLORADO. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters Period Covered. How Cited. Hallett, M 1864-75 1-2 Colo. France, L. B 1876-88 3-11 Colo. Beck, W. E 1889-91 12-16 Colo. Robinson, T. M 1891-97 17-23 Colo. Gordon, J. A 1897-99 24-26 Colo. Court of Appeals. Reporters Period Covered. How Cited. Beck, W. B 1891-92 1 Colo. App. Robinson, T. M 1892-97 2-9 Colo. App. Gordon, J. A 1897-1900 10-14 Colo. App. Digests. Period Covered. Reports Digested. Morrison, R. S 1864-1887 1-9 Colo. Taylor, 1 1864-1890 1-13 Colo. Statute Law. Revised Laws 1868 General Laws 1877 Annotated Code, Mills, J. W 1891 Session Laws. Acts: 1870, 1872, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897. 18 CONNECTICUT. CONNECTICUT. Reporters Kirby, E. . . Root, J. . . . Day, T Day, T Reports — Supreme Court. Period Covered. How Cited. 1785-88 Kirby. 1789-97 Root. 1802-13 Day. .... 1814-52 1-21 Conn. Matson, W. N 1852-56 22-24 Conn. Hooker, J 1856-93 25-62 Conn. Andrews, J. P 1893-98 63-72 Conn. Digests. Period Covered. Reports Digested. Baldwin, S. E 1785-1880 Kirby to 47 Conn. Andrews, J. P. and Fowler, G. B ...1785-1896 Kirby to 63 Conn. Baldwin, S. E 1785-1898 Kirby to 71 Conn. Statute Law, General Statutes 1888 Index to General Statutes 1889-93 Session Laws. Public and Private Acts: 1868, 1869, 1872, 1873, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1886, 1887, 1893, 1895, 1897. DAKOTA TERRITORY— DELAWARE. 19 DAKOTA TERRITORY. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters Period Covered. How Cited. Bennett. G. G 1867-77 1 Dak. Smithi, E. G 1878-88 2-4 Dak. Tripp, R. B 1888-90 5-6 Dak. Statute Law. Revised Code, Hand, C. H 1877 Session Laws. Acts: 1862, 1864, 1866, 1871, 1881, 1882, 1885, 1887, 1889. DELAWARE. Reports — Supreme Court — Law. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Houston, J. W 1855-95 1-9 Houst. Marvel, D. T 1-2 Marvel. Penwell 1897-99 1 Penwell. Charfcery. Bates, D. M 1814-68 1-2 Del. Ch. Bates, G. H 1866-73 3-4 Del. Ch. Saulsbury, W 1874-86 5 Del. Ch. Saiilsbury, W. Jr 6-7 Del. Ch. Digest. Reports Digested. Ridgely, H. Jr 1-5 Del. Ch.; 1-6 Houst. 1-6 Houst. Statutes. Revised Code 1852-189: Session Laws. Acts: 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1898, 1899. 20 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA— FLORIDA. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Reporters Tucker, C. C. Reports. Period Covered .1893-1900 How Cited. ,1-16 D. C. App C. W. Maupin Digest. .1893-1899... Reports Digested. .1-14 D. C. App. FLORIDA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters Period Covered How Cited. Branch, J 1846-47 1 Fla. Archer, J. T. and Hogue, D. P.l 848-49 2 Fla. Hogue, D. P 1850-52 3-4 Fla. Papy, M. D.. 1853-59 5-8 Fla. Galbraith, J. B. and Meek, A. R 1860-67 9-11 Fla. Drew, J. B. C 1869-71 13 Fla. Cooke, W. A 1871-76 14-15 Fla. Raney, G. P 1876-84 16-20 Fla. Cooper, CM 1884-86 21-24 Fla. Lamar, W. B 1887-99 25-41 Fla. Digests. Reports Digested. Galbraith, J. B., Index 1-11 Fla. Choate, C. A 1-24 Fla. Statutes. Revised Statutes Ig92 Session Laws. Acts: 1869, 1897, 1899. GEORGIA. 21 GEORGIA, u. M. Reporters Charlton, T Charlton, R Kelly, J. M. Kelly, J. M R. R Cobb, T. R. R Martin, R. Y. . Lester, G. N. . . and Cobb, T. Reports — Supreme Court. Period Covered. Cow Cited. 1805-11 T. U. P. Charlt. 1811-37 R .M. Charlt. 1846-47 1-3 Ga. 1848 4-5 Ga. 1849-56 6-20 Ga. 1857-60 21-30 Ga. 1860-63 31-33 Ga. Beeckley, L. E 1864-66 34-35 Ga. Hammond, N. J 1867-72 36-44 Ga. Hammond, N. J. and Jackson, H 1872 45 Ga. Jackson, H 1872-77 59-66 Ga. Lumpkin, J. H 1881-86 67-76 Ga. Lumpkin, J. H. and Peeples, H. C 1886 77 Ga. Peeples, H. C 1886-87 78-79 Ga. Peeples, C. C. and Stevens, G. W 1887-96 80-97 Ga. Stevens, C. W. and Grahan, J. M 1896-1900 98-112 Ga. Digests. Reports Digested. Bacon, A. O 1-40 Ga. Harris, N. E 41-61 Ga. VanEpps, H 1-100 Ga. Statutes. *Code; Hopkins, J. L., Anderson, C, and Lamar .1895-6 Session Laws. Acts. 1875, 1880, 1884-5, 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890-1, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896. 22 IDAHO— ILLINOIS. IDAHO, Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Prickett, H. B 1866-80 1 Idaho. West Publishing Co 1881-93 2 Idaho. Digest. W. B. Hepburn; Annotated Laws and Decisions . '. 1890 Statutes. Revised Laws 1887- Hepburn, W. B., Laws and Decisions 1900 Session Laws. Acts, Territory: 1864, 1866, 1867, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887. Acts, State: 1890-91, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1901. ILLINOIS. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Breese, L 1819-31 Breese or 1 III. Scammon, J. Y 1832-43 Scam, or 2-5 111. Oilman, C 1844-49 Gilm. or 6-10 111. Peck, E 1849-63 11-30 111. Freeman, N. L 1863-94 31-151 111. Philipps 1894-1901 151-189 111. Appellate Court. Bradwell, J. B 1877-86 Bradw.orl-20 111. App Smith, E. B 1886-93 21-47 111. App. Newell, M. L 1893-1900 47-93 111. App. Digests. ; Reports Digested. Rogers, H. W., Table of Citations 1-91 lA. Kinney, J. K Breese to 162 111.; 1-65 111. App. Statutes. Starr, M. and Curtis, R. H., Annotated Statutes, 2 vols 1885 Starr, M. and Curtis, R. H., Supplement, 1 vol 1885-1887 Starr, M. and Curtis, R. H., Revised Statutes, Annotated, 3 vols 1896 Session Laws. Acts: 1873-74; 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. INDIANA. 23 INDIANA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Blackford, 1 1817-48 .Blackf. Smith, T. L 1848-49 Smith (Ind.) Carter, H. E 1846-51 1-2 Ind. Porter, A. G 1851-56 3-7 Ind. Tanner, G 1856-60 8-14 Ind. Harrison, B 1860-61 15-17 Ind. Kerr, M. C 1861-64 18-22 Ind. Harrison, B 1864-68 . 23-29 Ind. Black, J. B 1868-77 30-53 Ind. Martin, A. N 1877-80 54-70 Ind. Dice, F. M 1880-85 71-99 Ind. Kern, J. W 1885-89 100-116 Ind. Griffiths, J. L 1889-93 117-132 Ind. Moon, S. R 1893-96 133-144 Ind. Remy, C. F 1896-1900 145-155 Ind. Appellate Court. Griffiths, J. L 1891-93 1-5 Ind. App. Moon, S. R 1893-96 6-14 Ind. App. Remy, C. F 1896-1900 15-25 Ind. Digests. Reports Digested. Ripley, W. H 1 Blackf.— 73 Ind. Black, J. B 73-114 Ind. Woollen, W. W 73-140 Ind.; 1-12 Ind. App. Statutes. Revised Statutes 1881 Revised Statutes (Annotated) , 3 vols 1888 Annotated Statutes, 3 vols 1894 Supplement, vol 4 1897 Session Laws. Laws: 1871, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897,1899. 24 IOWA. IOWA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Morris, E 1839-46 Mor. Iowa. Greene, G 1847-54 G. Greene. Clarke, W. P 1855-59 1-8 Iowa. Withrow, T. F 1859-66 9-21 Iowa. Stiles, E. H 1867-73 22-37 Iowa. Runnells, J. S 1873-81 38-56 Iowa. Hight, B. W 1881-82 57-58 Iowa. Ebersole, E. C 1882-88 59-80 Iowa. Raymond, N. B 1890-93 81-89 Iowa. Salinger, B.I 1893-99 90-110 Iowa. Digests. Period Covered. Reports Digested. McClain 1839-1887 Mar. to 70 Iowa, Withrow, T. F. and Stiles, E. H 1839-72 Mor. to 35 Iowa. Stiles, E. H Mor. to 46 Iowa. Statute Laws. Revised Code 1873 McClain, E., Annotated Code and Statutes 1888 McClain, E., Supp 1892 Annotated Code 1897 Session Laws. Laws: 1853, 1864, 1868, 1870, 1872, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1900. KANSAS. 25 KANSAS. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Banks, E. V 1862-70 1-5 Kan. Webb, W. C 1870-78 6-20 Kan. Randolph, A. M. F 1878-95. 21-55 Kan. Clemens, G. C 1895-98 56-59 Kan. Dewey, T. E 1899-1900 60-61 Kan. Court of Appeals. Randolph, A. M. F 1895-96 1-2 Kan. App. Dewey, T. E 1896-97 3-4 Kan. App. Clemens, P. C 1897-1900 5-9 Kan. App. Digests. Dassler, C. W. F. Reports Digested. ..1-32 Kan. Statutes. Revised Statutes, Annotated 1868 Compiled Laws, C. W. F. Dassler 1879 General Statutes, W. C. Webb, 2 vols 1897 Session Laws. Laws: 1868, 1871, 1872, 1876, 1877, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. 26 KENTUCKY. KENTUCKY. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Hughes, J 1785-1801 Hughes, Ky. Sneed (Kentucky Decisions) .1801-05 Ky. Dec. Hardin, M. D 1805-08 Hardin. Bibb, G. M 1808-17 Bibb. Marshall, A. K 1817-21 A. K. Marsh. Littell, W 1822-24 Littell. Monroe, T. B 1824-28 T. B. Mon. Marshall, J. J 1829-32 J. J. Marsh. Dana, J. G 1833-40 Dana. Monroe, Ben 1840-57 B. Mon. Metcalfe, J. P 1858-63 Met. Ky. Duvall, A 1863-66 Duv. Bush, W. P. D 1866-79 Bush. Rodman, J 1879-85 78-82 Ky. Hines, E. W 1885-95 83-98 Ky. Turner, C. C 1896-98 99-102 Ky. Digest. Period Covered. Barbour, J 1785-1896 Statutes. Revised Statutes 1852 General Statutes 1873 Statutes 1894 Session Laws. Acts: 1809-10; 1811, 1812, 1813, 1815, 1819, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1834, 1837, 1839, 1840, 1842, 1843, 1843-44; 1844-45; 1845-46; 1847- 48; 1876, 1891-92-93; 1889,1890; 1897, 1899, 1900 . LOUISIANA. 27 LOUISIANA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Martin, F. X 1809-23 Mart. La. Martin, F. X. (New Series) . .1823-30 Mart. N. S. Miller, B. W 1830-33 1-5 La. Curry, T 1833-41 6-19 La. Robinson, M. M 1841-46 Rob. La. Robinson, M. M 1846-49 1-4 La. An. King, W. W 1850-51 5-6 La. An. Rudolpli, W. M 1852-56 7-11 La. An. Og'den, A. N 1857-60 12-15 La. An. Glenn, L. F 1861-66 16-18 La. An. Hawkins, J 1867-72 19-24 La. An. Gayarre, C 1873-76 25-28 La. An. Roberts,? 1877-79 29-31 La. An. Denis, H 1880-94 32-46 La. An. Rogers, W. H 1895-97 47-50 La. An. Thorpe, T. H 1898-99 51 La. An. Thorpe, T. H 1900-01 104 La. Digests. Reports Digested. Hennen, W. D . . . , Marrin 15 La. An. Louque, C 15-30 La. An. Taylor, J. F 30-40 La. Statutes. Revised Statutes 1897 Session Laws. Acts: 1879, 1880, 1886, 1888, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. 28 MAINE. MAINE. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. Greenleaf , S 1820-32 Fairfield, J 1833-35 Shepley, J 1836-41 Appleton, J 1841 Shepley, J 1842-49 Redington, A 1849-53 Heath, S Adams, J. M Liidden, T Hubbard, W Virgin, W. W How Cited. . Greenl. or 1-9 Me. • Fairfield or 10-12 Me. .Shep. or 13-18 Me. .19 Me. Appleton, J and Shepley, J. .1841 20 Me. 1853-55 36-40 1856 41-42 1857-58 43-44. 1858-65 45-51 1860-72 52-60 Smith, E. B 1873-75. Pulsifer, J. D Hastings, D. R Spaulding, J. W .21-30 Me. .31-35 Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. .61-64 Hamlin, C 1888-1901 . .1875-78 65-68 .1878-80 69-70 .1879-88 71-80 Me. 81-94 Me. Digests. Reports Digested. Plaisted, H. M. and Appleton, F. H 1-68 Me. Coflin, E. P 69-81 Me. Savage, A. R 1-88 Me. Statutes. Revised Statutes, Annotated 1871 Revised Statutes, Annotated 1884 Revised Statutes, Annotated 1895 Session Laws. Acts: 1865, 1868, 1870, 1871, 1872, f873, 1874, 1877, 1878, 1881, 1883, 1887, 1895, 1897, 1899. MARYLAND. 29 MARYLAND, Reports — Law. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Harris, T. J. & McHenry, J.. 1685-1799 H. & McH. Harris, T and Johnson, R 1800-26 H. & J. Harris, T. and Gill, R. W 1826-29 H. & G. Gill, R. W. and Johnson, J. .1829-42 G. & J. Gill, R. W 1843-51 Gill. McGruder, A. C 1851-52 1-2 Md. Miller, O 1852-62 3-18 Md. Brewer, N 1862-66 19-26 Md. Stockett, J. S 1867-94 27-79 Md. Brantly, W. T 1894-1900 80-90 Md. Chancery. Bland, T 1811-32 Bland. Maryland Chancery Decisions 1847-54 Md. Ch. Digest. Reports Digested. Ringgold, J. T 1 H. & McH. 61 Md. and Bland and Md. Ch. Statutes. Laws of Maryland 1878-1888 Session Laws. Laws: 1880, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900. 30 MASSACHUSETTS. MASSACHUSETTS. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters Period Covered. How Cited. Quincy, J 1761-72 Quincy. Williams, B 1804-05 1 Mass. Tyng, D. A 1806-22 2-17 Mass. Pickering, O 1822-40 18-41 Mass or Pick. Metcalf, T ,.1840-47 42-54 Mass. or Met. Cushing, L. L 1848-53 5.5-66 Mass. or Cush. Gray, H 1854-60 67-82 Mass. or Gray. Allen, C 1861-67 83-96 Mass. or Allen. Browne, A. G 1867-72 97-109 Mass. Browne, A. G. and Gray J. C. 1872-73 110-111 Mass. Browne, A. G 1873-74 , 112-114 Mass. Lathrop, J 1873-88 115-145 Mass. Kellen, W. V 1888-92 146-155 Mass. Tucker, G. F 1892-1900 156-176 Mass. Digests. Reports Digested. Bennett, E. H., Gray R. and Swift, H. W 1-127 Mass. Throop, M. H 1-167 Mass. Keller, W. V 128-144 Mass. Statutes. Public Statutes 1882 Public Statutes, Sup 1882-1887 Public Statutes, Sup 1882-1888 MICHIGAN. 31 MICHIGAN. Reports — Law. Period Covered. How Cited. 1843-47 Doug. Mich. . . 1847-50 1 Mich. 1851-57 2-4 Mich. 1858-64 5-12 Mich. 1864-65 13 Mich. 1865-69 14-18 Mich. 1869-71 19-22 Mich. 1871-77 23-36 Mich. Chaney, H. A 1877-86 37-58 Mich. Fuller, W. D 1886-95 59-105 Mich. Brooks, J. A 1895-1899 106-121 Mich. Reporters. Douglass, S. T. . . Manning, R Gibbs, G. C... . Cooley, T. M . . . Meddaugh, E. W. Jennison, W . . . Clarke, H. K... . Post, H Chancery. Harrington, E. B 1836-42 Harr. Mich. Walker, H. N 1842-45 Walk. Mich. Digests. Reports Digested. Jacobs, A. P. and Chaney, H. A Vol. 1-117 Mich. Jacobs, A. P., Reference Digest 1-42 Mich. Statutes. Compiled Laws (Dewey, J. S.) 2 vols 1871 Compiled Statutes, (Howell, A.) 1882-1883 Supplement, Howell, A 1883-1890 Compiled Laws, Miller, L. M., 3 vols 1897 Index, Miller, L. M., 1 vol 1897 Session Laws. Acts: 1865, 1869; School Laws: 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1891, 1893, 1895. 32 MINNESOTA. MINNESOTA. Reporters. Officer, H Spencer, W. A. Young, G. B .. Wilson, C. C... Reports — Supreme Court. Period Covered. How Cited. . . . . 1851-64 1-9 Minn. 1865-74 10-20 Minn. 1874-91 21-47 Minn. . . . .1891-95 48-59 Minn. Wenzell, H. B 1895-1900 60-80 Minn. Digests. Reports Digested. Eller, H. E. 1-25 Minn. Benjamin, W. E., Ind.-Dig 1-35 Minn. West Pub. Co 1-47 Minn. Ewell, M. D., Index Digest 1-26 Minn. Statutes. Young, G. B 1878 Wenzell, H. B. and Lane, E. F 1894 Session Laws. Laws: 1885, 1887; Special, 1887, 1891; 1895, 1897, 1899. MISSISSIPPI. 33 MISSISSIPPI. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Walker, R. J 1818-32 1 Miss, or Walk. Miss Howard, V. E 1834-43 2-8 Miss, or How. Miss. Smedes, W. C. and Marshall, T. A 1843-50 9-22 Miss, or S. & M. Cushman, J. F 1851-55 23-29 Miss. George, J. C 1855-63 30-39 Miss. Reynolds, R. O 1864-69 40-42 Miss. Morris, J. S 1870-73 43-48 Miss. Harris, G. E. and Simrall, G. H 1873-76 49-52 Miss. Brown, J. A. and Hemingway, J. B. H 1876-88 53-65 Miss. Brame, L. and Alexander, C. H 1888-95 66-72 Miss. McWillie, T. A 1895-99 73-76 Miss. Chancery. Freeman, J. D 1839-43 Fr. Miss. Ch. Smedes. W. C. and Marshall, T. A 1840-43 S. & M. Ch. Criminal. Morris, J. S. (States Cases) .1818-72 Mor. St. Cases. Digests. Reports Digested. George, J. Z Walker, 44 Miss. Heidelberg, D. W 45-64 Miss. Andrews, G. Sup 45-56 Miss. Brame, L. and Alexander, C. B 45-73 Miss. Session Laws. Laws: 1865, 1866-67, 1873, 1876, 1878, 1880. 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1899. 34 MISSOURI. MISSOURI, Reports — Supreme Court. Period Covered. Reporters. McB.ide, P. H 1821-28 1 Mo. Edwards, J. C 1829-34 2-3 Mo. Napton, W. B 1835-37 4 Mo. Bay, S. M 1837-44 5-8 Mo. Stringfellow, B. F 1845-48 9-11 Mo. Robards, W. A 1848-50 12-13 Mo. Gardenshire, J. B 1851-52 14-15 Mo. Bennett, S. A 1852-55 16-21 Mo. Jones, H. M 1855-60 22-30 Mo. Jones, Barclay and Whittel- sey 1860-62 31 Mo. Whittelsey, C. C 1862-67 32-41 Mo. Post, T. A 1867-77 42-64 Mo. Skinker, T. R 1877-83 65-79 Mo. Brown, F. M 1883-96 80-136 Mo. Brown, F. and Rader, P. S . . 1896 137 Mo. Rader, P. S 1896-1900 138-158 Mo How Cited. Court of Appeals. Berry, A. M 1876-85 1-16 Mo. App. Berry, A. M. and Mister, J. F 1885-88 17-28 Mo. App. Lewis, E. A. and Mister, J. F. 1888 29-32 Mo. App.- Lewis, E. A. and Guthrie, B. E 1888-89 33- 35 Mo. App. Goldsmith, D. and Guthrie, B. E 1889-96 36-37 Mo. App. North, J. W. and Guthrie, B. E 1896-99 68-80 Mo. App. Smith, M. R. and Guthrie, B. E 1899-1901 81-85 Mo. App. Digests. Reports Digested. Barclay, T. R 1-38 Mo. Stark, C. B 50-89 Mo.; 1-23 Mo. App. McQuillin, E 90-101 Mo.; 24-41 Mo. App. Pattison, E. W ..102-121 Mo.; 42-58 Mo. App. MISSOURI— MONTANA. 35 Statute Laws. Revised Statutes 1845 Revised Statutes 1889 2 vols. Revised Statutes 1899 2 vols. Session Laws. Laws: 1863, 1864, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1891, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1901. MONTANA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Blake, H.N 1868-76 1-2 Mont. Blake, H. N. and Hedges, C . . 1877-80 3 Mont. Hedges, C 1881-87 4-6 Mont. Buck, H. R 1887-89 7-8 Mont. Maddox, T. C 1889-96 9-18 Mont. Maddox F. C. & Bach, T. C. 1896-97 19 Mont. Bach, T. C 1897-98 20-21 Mont. O. T. Crane (under supervi- sion of Justices) 1898-1 901 22-24 Mont. Digests. Reports Digested. Buck, H. R 1-8 Mont. Church, W. S 1-5 Mont. Bishop, E. L 1-21 Mont. Statute Law. Codified Statutes 1871-2 Revised Statutes 1879-1881 Compiled Statutes 1887 Codes 18^5 Session Laws. Laws: 1864, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1879. 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1901. 36 NEBRASKA— NEVADA. NEBRASKA. Reports^ — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Woolworth, J. M 1855-71 1-2 Neb. Crounse, L 1873-74 3 Neb. Brown, G. A 1875-89 4-25 Neb. Leese, W. A 1889 26 Neb. Campbell, D. A 1889-99 27-57 Neb. Digests. Report Digested. Brown, G. A 1-12 Neb. Nelson, W. T 1-50 Neb. Statute Law. General Statutes 1873 Compiled Statutes 1881 Compiled Statutes 1887 Consolidated Statutes 1891 Compiled Statutes 18a-. Session Laws. Laws: 1867, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. NEVADA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. The Judges 1865 1 Nev. Helm, A 1866-68 2-4 Nev. Helm, A. and Hittell, T. H. .1869-74 5-9 Nev. Bicknell, C. F. and Hanley, P 1874-90 10-20 Nev. Josephs, J 1890-93 21 Nev. Howell, E. and Beatty, R. M. 1893-99 22-24 Nev. Digest. Reports Digested. Lawson, J. D 1-20 Nev. Statute Law. Campiled Laws t873 2 vols. General Statutes Compiled Laws, Annotated 1900 Session Laws. Laws: 1866, 1867, 1869, 1871, 1873. 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1890, 1891. 1893. 1895. 1897, 1899. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 37 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Smitli, J 1802-06 Smith, N. H. Adams, N 1816-19 1 N. H. Richardson, Wm. and Wood- bury, S 1819-23 2 N. H. Anonymous 1823-48 3-18 N. H. Foster, W. L 1848-49 19 N. H. Chandler, W. L 1849-50 20 N. H. Foster, W. L 1850-55 21-31 N. H. Fogg, G. G 1855-59 32-37 N. H. Chandler, W. E 1859-63 38-44 N. H. Hadley, A 1863-69 45-48 N. H. Shirley, J. M 1869-75 49-55 N. H. Hall, D 1875-76 ,.. 56-57 N.H. Jenks, E. A 1876-79 58 N. H. Ladd. W. S 1879-88 59-64 N. H. Parsons, F. N 1888-91 65-66 N. H. Hibbard, C. B 1891-93 67 N. H. Ridell, .J. B 1894-99 68-69 N. H. Digest. Reports Digested. Morrison, C. R 1-46 N. H. Statute Law. Public Statutes • • 1S91 Session Laws. Laws: 1871, 1889, 1891, 1895, 1897, 1899. 38 NEW JERSEY. NEW JERSEY. Reports — Supreme Court — Law. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Coxe, R. S 1790-95 1 N. J. Law, or Coxe, N. J. Pennington, W. S 1806-13 2-3 N. J. Law or Pen. N. J. Southiard, S. L 1816-20 : 4-5 N. J. Law or South. Halsted, W. Jr 1796-1831 6-12 N. J. Lav/ or Halst. Green, J. S 1831-36 13-15 N. J. Law or Green N. J. Harrison. J 1837-42 16-19 N. J. Law or Harr. N. J. Spencer, R. D 1842-46 20 N. J. Law or Spenc. Zabrisliie, A. O 1845-55 21-24 N. J. Law or Zab. Butcher, A 1855-62 25-29 N. J. Law or Dutch. Vroom, P. D 1862-72 30-35 N. J. Law or Vroom. Vroom. G. D. W 1872-99 36-63 N .J. Law or Vroom. Equity. Laxton, N 1830-32 1 N. J. Eq. or Lax. Green, H. W 1834-45 2-4 N. J. Eq. or Green Ch. Halsted, G. B 1845-53 5-8 N. J. Eq. or Halst. Ch. Stockton, J. P 1852-58 9-11 N. J. Eq. or Stock. Beasley, M 1858-61 12-13 N. J. Eq. or Beas. McCarter, T. N 1852-63 14-15 N. J. Eq. or McCart. Green, C. E 1862-76 16-27 N. J. Eq. or C. E. Gr. Stewart, J. H 1877-89 28-45 N. J. Eq. or Stew. N. J. Dickinson, S. M 1889-1900 46-59 N. J. Eq. Digests. ■ Period Covered. Stewart, J. H. (with Tables of cases overruled, etc.) 1790-1887 Wall, A. -W 1887-1898 Statute Law. Revised Statutes 1709-1877 Revised Supplement 1877-1886 General Statutes, 3 vols 1709-18».> Session Laws. Acts: 1878, 18<^. 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890. 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899. NEW MEXICO TERRITORY— NEW YORK. Sd NEW MEXICO TERRITORY. Reports. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Gildersleeve, C. H 1853-83 1-2 N. Mex. Johnson, R. M 1883-89 3-4 N. Mex. Gildersleeve, C. H 1888-95 5-7 N. Mex. Statute Laws. Hall, F., Mexican Law "L88 j Bartlett, E. L.; Green, C. W.; Valdez and Chaves, I. L., Compiled Gen.- eral Laws in English and Spanish 1885 Bartlett, Green. Valdez and Chaves, Compiled Local and Special Laws. .1885 Session Laws. Laws: 1874. 1878, 1891, 1895, 1897, 1899. NEW YORK. Reports — Supreme Court and Court of Errors. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Coleman, W 1794-1800 Cole Cas. Coleman. W. and Caines. G. 1794-1805 Cole & Cai. Cap. Caines, G. (Cases) 1796-1805 Cai. Cas. Johnson, W. (Cases) 1799-1803 Johns. Cas. Caines, G 1803-05 Cai. Johnson. W 1806-23 Johns. Cowen, E 1823-29 Cow. Wendell, J. L 1828-41 Wend. Hill, N. Jr 1841-44 Hill, N. Y. Denio, H 1845-48 Denio. Chancery — Decisions of the Chancellor. Johnson, W 1814-23 Johns. Ch. Hopkins, S. M 1823-26 Hopk. Ch. Paige, A. C 1828-45 Paige. Barbour, O. L 1845-48 Barb. Ch. 40 NEW YORK— Continued. Chancery — Decisions of the Vice-Chancellors. Edwards, C 1831-50 Edw. Ch. Hoffman, M 1839-40 Hoff. Ch. Clarke, C. L 1839-41 Clarke. Sandford, L. H 1843-47 Sandford Ch. Court of Appeals. Comstock, G. F 1847-51 Corns, or 1-4 N. Y. ; Selden, H. R 1851-54 Seld. or 5-10 N. Y. Kernan, F 1854-56 Kern, or 11-14 N. Y. Smith, E. F 1857-63 15-27 N. Y. Tiffany, J 1863-68 28-39 N. Y. Hand, S 1869-71 40-45 N. Y. Sickels, H. E.. 1871-95 46-146 N. Y. Smith, E. H 1895-1900 147-162 N. Y. Bedell, E. A 1900-1901 163-165 N. Y. ' Supreme Court. Barbour, O. L , 1847-77. Barb. Lansing, A 1869-73 Lans. or 1-7 N. Y. Sup. Ct. Hun, M. T 1874-95 Hun or 8-99 N. Y. Sup. Ct. Supreme Court — Appellate Division. Hun, M. T 1896-1900 1-56 Hun. Superior Court — City of New York. Hall, J. P 1828 Hall or 1-2 N. Y. Super. Ct. Sandford, L. H 1847-52 Sandf. or 3-7 N. Y. Super. Ct. Duer, J 1852-57 . .Duer or 8-13 N. Y. Super. Ct. Bosworth, J. S 1856-63 Bosw. or 14-23 N. Y. Super. Ct. ♦Robertson, A. L 1863-68 Robt. or 24-30 N. Y. Super. Ct. Sweeney, J. M 1869-70 Sweeney or 33-61 N. Y. Super. Ct. Jones S. and Spencer J. C... 1871-92 Jones &Sp. or 33-61N. Y. Super. Ct. Court of Common Pleas. Smith, E. D 1850-58 E. D. Smith. Hilton, H. 1855-60 Hilt. Daly, C. P 1860-86 Daly. Surrogate Court. Bradford, A. W 1849-57 Bradf. Redfield, A. A 1846-82 Redf. Tucker, G. J 1864-69 Tucker. Demarest, T. F. C 1879-88. Demarest. Connolly, T 1888-91 1-2 Connolly (N. Y.) NEW YORK— Continued. 41 Practice and Code. Howard, N. Jr 1844-84 1-51 How. Pr. Stover R. M 1844-84 52-67 How. Pr. Abbott, B. V. and A 1854-65 Abb. Pr. Abbott, A 1874-94 Abb. N. C. Civil Procedure. McCarthy, G. D 1881 1 N. Y. Civ. Pro. Browne, H. G 1882-94 2-23 N. Y. Civ. Pro. Scott, R. L 1894-97 24-26 N. Y. Civ. Pro. Kerr, J. M 1897-99 27-29 N. Y. Civ. Pro, Menlten, P. 3 1899-1900 30 N. Y. Civ. Pro. Criminal. Wheeler. J. B 1791-1825 Wheel, Cr. Cas. Parker, A. J 1823-68 Park. Cr. Cas. Connolly T. and Vilas H. L. .1881-87 1-5 N. Y. Cr. Rep. Connoly, T 1888-91 6-8 N. Y. Cr. Rep. Silverman, W 1892-1900 9-14 N. Y. Cr. Rep. New York Supplement. New York Supplement 1888-1901 1-69 N. Y. Supp. Digests. Period Covered. Abbott, B. V. and A 1794-188& Stover, R. M 1844-1884 Browne, I. Code Index 1876-1885 Brightly, F. F 1794-1899 Statute Law. Townshend, 1 1870 Throop, M. H. Revised Statutes 1889 Collin, C. A. Revised Statutes 1896 Stover, R. M. Code of Procedure 1891 Session Laws. Laws: 1774, 1777, 1785, 1789, 1797, 1801, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. 42 NORTH CAROLINA. NORTH CAROLINA. Reports — Supreme Court — Law. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Martin, F. X. 1778-1797 Mart. N. C. Haywood, J 1789-1806 '. Hayw. N. C. Taylor, J. L 1798-1802 : Tayl. N. C. Conference 1800-04 N. C. Conf. Murphy, A. D 1804-19 Murph. Hawks, F. L 1820-26 Hawks. Devereux, T. P 1826-34 Dev. Devereux, T. P. and Battle, W. H 1834-39 Dev. & Bat. Iredell, J 1840-52 Ired. Busbee, P 1852-53 Busb. Jones, H. C Phillips, S. F. .. Phillips, S. F. . . McCorkle, J. M. Shipp, W. M . . . Hargrove, T. L. Kenan, T. S Davidson, T. F. Gray, R. T Bruxton, H. P. . .1853-62 Jones, N. C. .1866-68 Phil. N. C. .1868-70 63-64 N. C. .1871 65 N. C. .1872 66-67 N. C. .1873-76 68-75 N. C. .1877-84 76-91 N. C. ,1885-97 92-111 N. C. . 1893-97 112-122 N. C. .1898-1900 123-126 N. C. T)evereux. T. P Devereux, T. P. and Battle W. H Iredell, J Busbee, P Jones, H. C Phillips. S. L Equity. 1826-34 Dev. Eq. 1834-39 Dev. and Bat. Eq. 1840-52 1840-52 Ired. Eq. 1852-53 Busb. Eq. 1853-63 Jones Eq. 1866-68 Phil. Eq. Digests. Reports Digested. Battle, W. H Martin to 70 N. C. (Law and Equity) •Seymour, A. S 80-100 N. C. Stover, M. R Covers Cases from 1844-1884 NORTH CAROLINA— NORTH DAKOTA. 43 Statute Law. Revised Statutes : • 1873 Revised Code of Laws 1883 Session Law. Laws: 1869-70. 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73, 1873-74, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899, 3900. NORTH DAKOTA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Camp, E. W 1890-91 1 N. Dak. Hoskins, R. D 1891-92 .2 N. Dak. Cochrane, J. M. 1892-98 3-7 N. Dak. Statute — Law. Revised Codes 1893 Revised Codes 1899 Session Laws. Laws: 1870, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1890, 1893, 1895, 1899. 44 OHIO. OHIO. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Hammond, C 1821-39 1-9 Ohio. Wilcox, P. B 1840-41 10 Oliio. Stanton, E. M 1841-44 11-13 Ohio. Griswold, H 1846-50 14-19 Ohio. Lawrence, W 1851 20 Ohio. McCook, G. W 1852-53 1 Ohio St. Warden, R. B 1853 2 Ohio St. Warden R. B. & Smith J. H. 1853-54 3 Ohio St. Warden, R. B 1854-55 4 Ohio St. Critchfield, L. J 1855-71 5-21 Ohio St. Granger, M. M 1871-73 22-23 Ohio St. Dewut, E. L 1873-85 24-42 Ohio St. Okey, G. B 1885-88 43-45 Ohio St. 'Burgess, L. J 1888-94 46-51 Ohio St. Randall, E. O 1894-1900 52-63 Ohio St. Miscellaneous. Tappau, B. Common Pleas. .1816-19 Tap. O. Wright, J. C. Ohio N. P 1831-34 Wright O. Handy, R. D. and J. H., Cin- cinnati Superior Court. .1854-56 Handy. Disney, W. Cincin Sup. Ct. .1854-59 Disney. Ohio Circuit Court Reports. .1885-95 Ohio C. C. Digests. Reports Digested. Walker, J. B. and Bates C 1 Ohio-28 Ohio St. Bates, C 29-47 Ohio St. Welch J. (Index Digest) 1 Ohio-43 Ohio St. Statute Law. Swan, J. R. General Statutes Annotated 1841 Daugherty, M. A., Brasee, J. S. and Okey, G. B. Revised Statutes Anno- tated 1880 Giangue, P. Revised Statutes, 7th Ed., 3 Vols 1896 Leney, G. E. Code I860 Session Laws. Acts: 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1898. I OKLAHOMA— OREGON. 45 V OKLAHOMA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Green, E. B 1890-93 1 Okl. Dale. F 1894-96 2-5 Okl. Burford, J. H 1896-1900 6-9 Okl. Statute Law, McCartney, W. A., Beatty, J. H. and Johnston. T. M. Revised Statutes. .1893 OREGON. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Wilson, J. G 1853-70 1-3 Or. Bellinger, C. B 1869-80 4-8 Or. Odeneal, T. B 1880-84 9-11 Ore. Stratton, J. A 1884-87 12-14 Or. Holmes, W. H 1887-89 15-17 Or. Thayer, W. W 1889-90 18 Or. Strahan, R. S 1890 19 Or. Burnett, G. H 1890-92 20-22 Or. Morrow, R. G 1892-1000 23-36 Or. Digest. Reports Digested. Carey, C. H 1-14 Or. Statute Law. Deady, M. P., Compilation of Laws 1845-1864 Deady, M. P.and Lane, L., Compiled Laws Annotated 1874 Hill, W. L., Compiled Codes and General Laws, Annotated, 2 vols 1887 Session Laws. Laws: 1872, 1874, 1882, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1899, 1901. PENNSYLVANIA. PENNSYLVANIA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Dallas, A. J 1754-1806 Dall. Addison, A 1791-1799 Add. Pa. Yeates, J 1791-1808 Yeates. Binney, H 1799-1814 Binn. Sergeant, T. & Rawle, W. Jr. 1814-28 L. & R. Rawle, W. Jr 1828-35 Rawl^e. Penrose, C. B. and Watts, F. .1829-32 P. & W. Watts, F 1832-40 Watts. Wharton, T. 1 1835-41 Whart. Watts, F. & Sergeant, H. J. 1841-45 W. & S. Bare, R. M 1845-49 . MO Pa. St. Jones, J. P 1849 11 Pa. St. Jones. J. P. & McMurtrie, R. 1849 . 12 Pa. St. Harris, G. W 1849-55. , 13-24 Pa. St. Casey, J 1855-60 . 25-36 Pa. St. Wright, R. E 1860-65. 37-50 Pa. St. Smith, P. F 1865-76.. 51-81 Pa. St. Norris, A. W 1876-80. 82-96 Pa. St. Outerbridge, A. A 1880-85. 97-110 Pa. St. Amerman, L 1886-87 111-115 Pa. St. Crumrine, B 1887-92 116-146 Pa. St. Monaghan, J 1892-95 147-165 Pa. St. Kress, W. C 18951900 166-195 Pa. St. Shaffer, W. L 1900-1901 196-197 Pa. St. Miscellaneous. Grant, B. (Sup. Ct.) 1814-63 Grant's Cases. Pa. Dist. Ct. Reports 1892-96 Pa. Dist. Ct. Rep. Pa. Sup. Ct. Reports (Kress & Allinson) 1895-97 Kress & All. Pa. Wallace,H.E. (Phila. Repts) 1850-75 1-10 Phil. Rep. Brown, H. C. (Phila Repts . .1875-92 11-20 Phil. Rep. Digests. Period Covered. Wright, R. E 1754-1872. Brightly F. F 1754-1882. Baker, A. L 1883-1885. PENNSYLVANIA— RHODE ISLAND. 47 Statute Law. Mitchell, T. J. Flanders Statutes at Large, 1 vol 1682-180L Purdon, J., Digest of the Laws 1700-1894 Pepper, G. W. and Lewis, W. D., Digest of Laws 1700-1894 Pepper, G. W. and Lewis, W. D. Supplement to Digest of Laws. . .1895-189T Session Laws. Laws: 1881, 1883, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. RHODE ISLAND. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Angell, J. K. and Durfee, T. .1828-51. 1 R. i. Durfee, T 1850-53.. 2 R. I. Knowles, J. P 1853-56.. 3 R. I. Ames, S 1854-63 . 4-7 I. Ames, S., Knowles, J. and Brandley, C. S 1861-67 8 R. I. Tobey, J. F 1868-74 9-10 R. I. Green, A 1868-91 11-17 R. I. Barrow, G. B 1891-95 18 R. I. Branfield, T. P 1895-99 19-20 R. L Stines, E. C 1899-1900 21 R. L Digests. Reports Digested. Clapp, W. H 1-11 R. I. Clapp, W. H 1-15 R. I. Statute Law. Public Statutes 1882 Session Laws. General Laws and Acts and Resolves 1871-1898 General Laws 189& Public Laws 1898-99 48 SOUTH CAROLINA. SOUTH CAROLINA. Reports. Law. (Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Bay, E. H 1783-1804 bay. Brevard, J 1793-1816 Brev. Treadway, W. xv. H., (Con- stitutional Reports) 1812-16 Tread. Mill, J., (Const. Reports) . . . 1817-18 Mill. Nott, H. J. & McCord, D. J.. 1817-28 N. & McC. McCord, D. J 1821-28 McCord. Harper, W 1823-26 Harp. Bailey, H 1828-32 Bail. Hill, W. R 1833-37 Hill, S. C. Riley, W 1836-37 Riley. Dudley, C. W 1837-38 Dud. S. C. nice, W 1838-39 Rice. Cheves, L. Jr 1839-40 Chev. McMullen, J. J 1835-42 McMull. Speers, R. H 1842-44 Speers. Strobbart, J. A 1846-50 Strobb. Richardson, J. S. G 1832-68 Rich. Equity. Desaussure, H. W 1784-1816 Desauss. Harper, W 1824 Harp. Eq. McCord, D. J 1825-27 McCord. Eq. Bailey, H 1830-31 Bail. Eq. nichardson, J. S. G 1831-32 Rich. Eq. Cas. Hill, W. R 1833-37 Hill Eq. Riley, W 1836-37 Riley. Eq. Dudley, C. W 1837-38 Dud. Eq. Rice, W 1838-39 Rice Eq. Cheves, L. Jr 1839-40 Chev. Eq. McMullen, J. J 1827-42 McMull. Eq. Speers, R. H 1842-44 Speers Eq. Strobbart, J. A 1846-50 Strohb, Eq. Richardson, J. S G 1844-68 Rich. Eq. Supreme Court. Richardson, J. S. G 1868-78 1-10 S. C. Shand, R. W 1877-88 11-45 S. C. Efird, CM 1895-1900 46-59 S. C. SOUTH CAROLINA— SOUTH DAKOTA. 49 Digests. Reports Digested. Chisholm ,J. B. and Hyde, S. Jr All to 14 S. C. Thomas, J. P. Jr 11-24 S. C. Statute Law. Revised Statutes 1873 Hevised Statutes 1894 Session Laws. Acts: 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1881, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899. SOUTH DAKOTA. Reports Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Stewart, R. W 1890-98 1-10 S. Dak. Horner, H. R 1898-1900 11-13 S. Dak. Statute Law. Compiled Laws '. 1887 Session Laws. L*aws: 1890, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. 50 TENNESSEE. TENNESSEE, Reports — Law. Reporter. Period Covered. How Cited. Overton, J 1781-1817 1-2 Tenn. or Over. Cooke, W. W 1811-14 •. .3 Tenn. or Cooke. Haywood, J 1816-18 4.-6 Tenn. or Hay w. Peck, J 1821-24 7 Tenn. or Peck. Martin, J. H. & Yerger, Q. S. 1825-28 8 Tenn. or Mart. & Yerg. Yerger, G .S 1828-37 9-18 Tenn. or Yerg. Meigs, R. J 1838-39 ; 19 Tenn. or Meigs. Humphreys, W. H 1839-51 20-30 Tenn. or Humph. Swan, W. G 1851-53 31-32 Tenn. or Swan. Sneed, J. L. T .1853-58 33-37 Tenn. or Sneed. Head, J. W 1858-59 38-40 Tenn. or Head. Coldwell, T. H 1860-70 41-47 Tenn. or Cold. Heiskell, J B 1870-74 48-5'9 Tenn. or Heisk. Baxter, J 1872-78 60-68 Tenn. or Baxt. Lea, B. J 1878-86 69-84 Tenn. or Lea. Pickee, G. W .4886-1900 85-105 Tenn. or Pick. Chancery. Cooper, W. F 1872-1878 Tenn. Ch. Digests. Reports Digested. King, H. C Overton to 5 Cold. Meigs, R. J 1-80 Tenn. Webb, J. A. and Meigs, R. J 1-100 Tenn. Statute Laws. Annotated Code, Milliken & Vertrees 1884 Shannon, B. T 1896 Session Laws. Acts: 1875, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1885, 1891, 189.5, 1899. TEXAS. 51 TEXAS, Reports — Supreme Court. Reporter. Period Covered. How Cited. Dallam ,J. M. (Decisions) . . .1840-44 Dall. Tex. Webb, J. & Duvall, T. H 1846-48 1-3 Tex. Hartley, O. C 1849-53 4-10 Tex. Hartley, O. C. and R. K 1853-58 11-21 Tex. Moore, G. F. & Walker, R. S. 1858-60 22-24 Tex. Walker, R. S 1860 25 Tex. Robards, C. & Jackson, A. . .1861-65 26-27 Tex. Paschal, G. W 1866-69 28-31 Tex. Wheelock, E. M 1869-73 32-37 Tex. Terrell A. W. &Walker,.A. S. .1872-79 38-51 Tex. Terrell, A. W. 1879-88 51-71 Tex. Walker. A. S 1888-96 72-88 Tex. Wilkinson, A. E 1896-1900 89-93 Tex. Court of Appeals — Criminal Cases. Jackson, A. M. and A. M. Jr. 1876-89 1-27 Tex. App. Jackson, A. M. Jr 1889-90 . .28 Tex. App. Jackson, A. & Wilson, S 1890-91 29 Tex App. Willson, S. A. & White, J. P. 1891-92 30 Tex App. White, J. P 1892-99 31-40 Tex. App. Court of Civil Appeals. Walker, A. S. Jr 1892-95 1-10 Tex. Civ. App. Webb, B. R 1895 11 Tex. Civ. App. Wilkinson, A .E 1895-96 12 Tex .Civ. App. Wilkinson, A. E. & Webb, B. .1896-1900 13-23 Tex. Civ. App. Digests. Author. Reports Digested. Posey, S. A. (Civil) 52-65 Tex. Posey, S. A. (Criminal) All to 20 Tex App. Batts, R. L. (Civil) 86-91 Sup. Ct. Rep. and 3-15 Civ. App. Rep. 52 TEXAS— UTAH. Statute Laws. Revised Statutes 1879 General Laws 1879-88 Revised Statutes 1895 Willson's Criminal Statutes 1897 Sayles, J., Civil Statutes 1897 General Laws 1899 General and Special Laws 1900 Session Laws. Acts: 1870, 1876, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1897, 1899, 1901. UTAH. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporter. Period Covered. How Cited. Hagan, A 1850-80 1-2 Utah. Snow, Z ". 1881-84 3 Utah. Marshall, J. A. & Zane, J. M. 1884-86 4 Utah. Zane, J. M 1886-94 5-9 Utah. Williams, J. A 1894-96 10-12 Utah. Tanner, J. M , 1897-98 13-17 Utah. Nye, G. L 1898-1900 18-21 Utah. Statute Law. Compiled Laws, 2 vols 1888 Session Laws. Acts: 1890, 1894, 1896, 1899. VERMONT. 53 VERiVlONT. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporter. Period Covered. How Cited. Chipman, N 1789-1791 N. Cliip. Chipman, D 1789-1824 D. Ciiip. Tyler, R 1800-03 Tyl. Braj-ton, W 1815-19 Bray. Aikens, A 1825-27 Ailc. The Judges 1826-37 1-9 Vt. Shaw, G. B 1836-38 10 Vt. Shaw, G. B. & Weston, W. .1838-39 11 Vt. Weston, W 1840-42 12-14 Vt. Slade, W 1843 15 Vt. Washburn, P. T 1844-51 16-23 Vt. Deane, J. F 1850-54 24-26 Vt. Williams, C. L 1854-57 27-29 Vt. Shaw, W. G 1856-63 30-35 Vt. Veazey, W. G 1863-72 36-44 Vt. Rowell, J. W 1872-80 45-52 Vt. Palmer, E. F 1880-88 53-60 Vt. Prouty, C. A 1889-96 61-68 Vt. '* Stafford, W. P 1896-99 69-71 Vt. Digests. Reports Digested. Roberts, D N. Chip.— 48 Vt. Roberts, D 49 Vt.— 60 Vt. Statute Law. Statutes 1880; 1894 Revised Laws, relating to Public Instruction 1881 Revised Laws, relating to intoxicating Liquors 1885 Revised Laws, relating to Taxation 1881 Revised Laws, relating to Elections and Naturalization 1895 Session Laws. Acts: 1868, 1869, 1872, 1874, 1878, 1880, 1883, 1884, 1886, 1890, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900. 54 VIRGINIA. VIRGINIA, Reports — Supreme Court of Appeals. Reporter. Period Covered. How Cited. Jefferson, Tlios 1730-72 Jeff. Washington, B 1790-96 Wash. V. A. Call, D 1779-1818 Call. Hening, W. W. & Munforcl, W. 1806-10 Hen. & M. Munford, W 1810-20 Munf. Gilmer, T. W 1820-21 Gilmer. Randolph,? 1821-28 Rand. Leigh, B. W 1829-42 Leigh. Robinson, S 1842-44 Rob. Va. Grattan, P. R 1844-80 Grat. Matthews, 'J. M 1881-82 75 Va. Hansbrough, G. W 1882-95 76-90 Va. Burke, M. P 1895-1900 91-98 Va. Chancery. wMe, G 1788-99 Wythe. Criminal. Brockenbrough, W. & Holmes, T. 1789-1826 Va. Cas. Digests. Reports Digested. W. B. Martin Jeff. 33 Graft. W. B. Martin 75-84 Va. • Hurst & Brown , Jeff. 92 Va. Statute Law. Annotated Code 1860 Code, Revised 1887 Session Laws. Acts: 1870-71, 1871-72, 1877-78, 1878-79, 1879-80, 1881-82, 1887, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1897-98, 1899-1900. WASHINGTON— WEST VIRGINIA. 55 WASHINGTON, Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covpred. How Cited. Allea, J. B 1854-1888 1-3 Wash. Ter. Kreider, E. G 1889-1900 1-22 Wash. Digests. Church, W. S. Reports Digested. 1-10 Wash. Statute Law. General Statutes and Codes 1891 Revised Statutes and Codes 1896 Codes and Statutes 1843-1888 Session Laws Acts: 1879, 1881, 1887, 1885-86, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. WEST VIRGINIA. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Hagens, J. M 1863-72 1-5 W. Va. Mathews, H. M 1873-76 6-9 W. Va. White, R 1877-79 10-15 W. Va. Watts, C. C .1879-84 16-24 W. Va. Caldwell, A 1884-,92 25-36 W. Va. Riley, T. S 1892-96 37-42 W. Va. Rucker, E. P 1896-99 43-46 W. Va. Digest. Bent, J. A. Reports Digested. 1-29 W. Va. Statute Law. Compiled Laws Code, with Appendix to 1870 Code, Warth, J. A., 3d Ed... Code ,1866 .1868 .1891 .1899 Session Laws. Acts: 1867, 'l868, 1869, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1885, 1888, 1890, 1891 1892, 1897, 1899. 56 WISCONSIN— WYOMING. WISCONSIN. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. Burnett T. P 1842-43 Chandler, D. H 1849-52 How Cited. Burn. Chand. Pinney, S. N 1839-52 Pinn. Smith, A. D 1853-60 1-11 Wis. Spooner, P. L 1860-62 12-15 Wis. Conover, O. M 1862-83 16-58 Wis . Conover, P. K 1883-99 59-i04 Wis. Lamb, C. F. & Conover, F. K. 1899-1901 105-108 Wis. Digests. Reports Digested. Simmons, J Pinn. — 43 Wis. Simmons, J 62-76 Wis . Starr, M. (Index Digest) Pinn.— 54 Wis. Burnett, G. W. (Sup. to Starr) 55-73 Wis. Burnett, G. W. (Sup. to Starr) 55-87 Wis. Statute Law. Revised Statutes Annotated 1878 Annotated Statutes 1889 Annotated Statutes (Supplement) 1898 Session Laws. Acts: 1870, 1871, 1873, 1874, 187d, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. WYOMING. Reports — Supreme Court. Reporters. Period Covered. How Cited. Thomas, E. A 1870-78.. 1 Wy. Riner, J. A 1871-82 2 Wy. West Pub. Co 1883-92 3 Wy. Potter, CM 1892-99 4-8 Wy. . .Statute Law. Revised Statutes 1887-1899 Laws: Session Laws. 1872, 1876, 1878, 1879, 1890-91, 1895, 1897, 1899. ENGLAND. 57 ENGLAND. Alphabetical Contents of English Common Law Reports. Original Reports 1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Title of Reports Abbreviations Adolphus & Ellis A. & E. or Ad. & E Adolphus & Ellis, New Series. Q. B. or or Queen's Bench lA. & E. (N Barnewall & Adolphus B. «6; Barnewall & Alderson B. & ti a it ti ii i* Barnewall & Crosswell 'B. & Ad S.) Date of Keports 1834 1834 1835- 1835 1837 1837 1838 1839 1839 1839- 1840- 1841 1841 1842 1843 1843 1844 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 1848 1848- 1849 1850 1851 1852 1852 1830 1831 1832 1832 1833 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1829 35 36 36 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 -31 33 34 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 -30 Common Law Reports^ 28 29 30 31 33 34 3& 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 4& 48 51 53 55 59 59 63 64 6& 68- 69 71 79 83 2(y 22 23 24 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 21 .'58 ENGLAND— Continued. ENGLISH COMMON LAW REPORTS— Continued. •Original Reports 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 € 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 1, 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1, Title of Reports Abbreviations Best & Smith Bingham B. & S. Bing Bingham's New Cases Broderip & Bingham Carrington & Kirwan Carrington & Marshman Carrington & Payne . . . . Chitty Com. Bench, M., Gr. & Scott. Bing. N. C B. & B. C. & K. C. & M. C. & P. Chit.. .. C. B. or Com. B. J. Scott, 1 2 3 4 Date of Reports Common Law Reports 1861 101 1862 110 1862-63 113 1863-64 116 1864 117 1865 118 1822-24 8 1824-25 9 1825 11 1826-28 13 1828-29 15 1829-30 19 1830-31 20 1831-32 21 1832-33 23 1833-34 25 1834-35 27 1835-36 29 1836-37 32 1837-38 33 1838-39 35 1839-40 37 1819-20 5 1820-21 6 1821-22 7 1844 47 1844-49 61 1840-42 41 1825-27 12 1827-29 14 1829-31 1 10 1831-33 1 24 1833-35 1 25 3835-37 1 32 1837-39 1 34 1839-41 1 38 1819 1 "^^ 1845 1 50 1845-46 I 52 1846-47 1 54 1847 1 56 1847-48 1 57 1848 1 60 1849 f 62 1849 1 65 , 1850 1 57 1851 1 70 1852 I "i"-^ 1852 1 7^ 1853 1 ^'' ENGLAND— Continued. 59 ENGLISH COMMON LAW REPORTS— Continued. Original Reports .. 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 10 14 15 16 17 18 19,20 3, 4 lto8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Title of Reports Abbreviations Com. Bench. J. Scott, 5. 6. "7. "8. " " " 9. " N. S. " Com. Bench, J. Scott (N S.) Com. B. (N. S.) Deacon iDeac Douglas Dowling & Ryland N. P. Ellis & Blackburn. Ellis, Blackburn & Ellis Ellis & Ellis Gow Holt Manning & Granger Doug . . D. & R. D. & R. N E. & B. E., B. & E. & E. Gow . . . Holt M. & G.. E Date of Reports 1854 18.54 1855 1856 1856 1856- 1857 3 857- 1858 1853 1859 1860 1860 1860- 1861- 1862 1852- 1861 1863 ]863 1864 1864 1864- 1865 1835- 1781- 1822- 1826- 1822- 1852- 1853 1854 1854- 1856 1856 18.57 18.57- 1858- 1858- 1859- 1860 1818- 1815- 1840 1840- 1841- 1842 1843 1843- 1844 57 58 61 62 63 65 26 85 26 27 23 53 55 58 59 59 60 19 17 41 42 44 Common Law Reports 78 80 8] 84 86 87 89 91 93 94 95 97 98 99 103 104 106 100 108 109 111 112 114 115 38 26 16 22 16 72 75 77 82 85 88 90 92 96 102 105 107 5 3 39 40 42 4^ 44 46 49 60 ENGLAND— Continued. ENGLISH COMMON LAW REPORTS— Continued. Original Reports 1. 2 1, 2 1.2 ,3 4, 5 6 to 10 11, 12 1. 2 1, 2 3, 4 1,2 ,3 4 5, 6 1 3, 4 1 9 3 5. 6 7 Title of Reports Abbreviations Date of Reports Common Law Reports Manning & Ryland Marshall Moody & Malkin . J. B. Moore II ii it Moore & Payne. . . Moore & Scott It ti Neville & Manning it it a ft Neville & Perrj^ . . Ryan & Moody . . . Scott Starkie Taunton M. & R. . . . Marsh .... Moody & M Moore .... a it M. & P. . . . M. & S. . .. N. & M. . . . it a N. & P. . . . R. & M. . . . Scott Stark Taunt . . . . 1837-38 1813-16 1827-30 1817-19 1819-21 1821-25 1825-27 1827-29 1831-83 1833-34 1832-34 1834-35 1835-36 1836-37 1823-26 1835-36 1836-37 1814-16 1820-22 1813-16 1816-17 1817-19 17 4 22 4 16 17 22 17 28 30 28 30 36 36 21 30 .36 2 O 1 2 4 ENGLAND— Continued. 61 English Chancery Reports. Simons & Stewart's Chancery, volumes 1, 2, in number 1. Simons, volumes 1, 2, in number 2. Russell, volumes 2, 3, in number 3. Russell & Jacob, volumes 4, 1, in number 4. Russell & Mylne, volumes 5, 1, in number 5. Simons, volumes 3. •?. In number R. Mylne & Keene, volumes 1, 2, in number 7. Simons, volumes 7, 8; in number 8. Simons, volumes 5, 6, in number 9. Mylne, Keene & Cooper, volume 3, in number 10. Russell, Mylne, Lloyd & Gould, volume 2 in number 11. Turner Russeh & Tamlyn, volume 1, in number 12. Mylne, Craig, Stuart & MacNaughten, volume 1, in number 13. Mylne & Keene, volumes 2, 3, in number 14. Keene, volumes 1, 2, in number 15. Simons, volumes 9, 10, in number 16. Beavan, volumes 1, 2, in number 17. Mylne, Craig & Phillips, volumes 4, 1, in number 18. Phillips, volume 1, in number 19. Young & Collyer, volume l, in number 20. Young & Collyer, volume, 2, in number 21. Phillips, volume 2. in number 22. Hare, volume 1, in number 23. Hare, volume 2, in number 24. Hare, volume 3, in number 25. Hare, volume 5, in number 26. Hare, volume 7, in number 27. Collyer, volume 1, in number 28. Beavan, volume 7, in number 29. Hare, volume 4, in number 30. Hare, volume 6, in number 31. Hare, volume 8, in number 32. Collyer, volume 2, in number 33. Simons, volume 11, in number 34. Simons, volume 12, in number 35. Simons, volume 13, in number 36. Simons, volume 14, in number 37. Simons, volume 15, in number 38. Simons, volume 16, in number 39. Simons, new series, volume 1, in number 40. Hare, volume 9, in number 41. Simons, volume 17, in number 42. Simons, new series, valume 1, in number 42. Beavan, volume 3, in number 43. Hare, volume 10, in number 44. Vesey, Sr., 3 volumes. Vesey Junior's Chancery Reports, volumes 1 to 22. 62 ENGLAND— Continued. House of Lords. Reporters. Period Covered. Shower vol. 1 1694-1699 Colles vol. 1 1697-1714 Brown vol. 1 1716-1783 Brown vol 2 1702-1758 Brown vol. 3 1706-1747 Dow vol.3 1813-1818 Bligh vol. 4 1819-1821 Bligh, N. S vol.4 1827-1828 Bligh, N. S vol.5 1830-1835 Bligh vol.6 1835-1837 Dow & Clark vol. 6 1827-1832 Clark & Finnelly vol. 6 1831-1846 English and Irish Appeal Cases. Reporter. Period Covered. Charles Clark vols. 1-7 1866-1875 English Law Reports. Admiralty and Ecclesiastical; volumes 1-4. Appeal Cases, vols. 1-25. Chancery Appeals, vols. 1-10. Chancery Division, vols. 1-69. Common Pleas, vols. 1-10. Common Pleas Division, 1-5. Crown Cases, vols. 1-2. East, vols. 1-8. Equity Cases, vols. 1-20. Exchequer, vols. 1-10. Exchequer Division, vols. 1-5. Privy Council, vols. 1-6. Probate, vols. 1-3. Probate Division, vols. 1-21. Queen's Bench, vols. 1-10. Queen's Bench Division, vols. 1-45. Scotch Appeal, vols. 1-2. ENGLAND— Continued. &3 English Digests. Common Law — Jacob Fisher vols. 1-7 Common Law — Mews vols. 1-7 Index to English Common Law Reports 3 vols.^ Encyclopaedia of Laws of England vols.' 1-13 Equity — Chitty vols. 1-9 Equity — Mew's Supplement Digest of Statutes 1865-1880 2 vols. Digest of Cases 1881-1882 2 vols. Digest of English Cases, Mew's vols. 1-16 CANADA. Supreme Court Reports vols. 1-30 Supreme Court Digest, Cassell's vol. 1 BRITISH COLUMBIA. Statutes, 12 vols 1892-1900 NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Revised Ordinances 1888-1900 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY THE NAMES OF THEIR RESPECTIVE AUTHORS. 66 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. Text Books. (Indexed by Authors.) A. ABBOTT, B. v.. Law Dictionary, 2 vols. ABBOTT, A., Select Cases on Evidence ,1895. ■ Select Cases on Code Pleading, 1895. Trial Brief; Civil Issues, 1890. Trial Brief; Civil Issues, 1890. Trial Brief; Civil Issues, 1892. Trial Brief; Proving the Facts in Civil or Criminal Causes, 1889. Trial Brief; on Pleadings, 1891.. Trial Evidence, 1881. Trial Evidence, 2d Ed. 1900. ABBOTT, N., on Descent, Wills and Administration, 1894. ADAMS, J. Jr., on Doctrine of Equity, 1890, 8tli Ed. ADDISON, C. G., on Torts, 6th Ed. by H. Smith; with American Notes by E. Baylies, 1891. On Contracts, 1883. ALDERSON, W. A., on Judicial Writs and Process, and Officers' Duties thereunder, 1895. ALEXANDER, D. E. ond J. I., Probate Law and Practice and Forms in the Pacific States, 1892. ALGER, A. M., Law of Promoters and Promotion of Corporations, 1897. AMES, J. B., Selected Cases on Bills and Notes, 2 vols., 1881. ANDERSON, W. C, Dictionary of American and English Jurisprudence, 1889. ANDREWS, J. D., on Jurisprudence, Constitution and Laws of the United States, 1900. ANGELL, J. K., on Limitations, 1876. on Water Courses, 1877. Law of Carriers, 1868. ANGELL, J. K. and AMES, S., on Private Corporations, 1871. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. 67 ANGELL, J. K. and DURFEE, T., on Highways; 2d Ed. by G. F. Choate, 1868. ANSON, W. R., on Contracts; 2d Am. Ed. by J. C. Knowlton, 1887. ARCHBOLD, J. F., on Criminal Procedure, Pleading and Evidence, 7th Am. Ed. by J. N. Pomeroy, 1879. ACiSTIN, H., on the Law of Farms, Farmers, and Farm Laborers, with Game Laws of all the State, 1886. AUSTIN, J., on Jurisprudence, 1875, 2 vols. B BACON, F. H., on Benefit Societies and Life Insurance, 1894, 2 vols. Benefit Societies and Life Insurance, 1888. BACON, M., Abridgment of the Law, with Additions and Corrections, by Grayllim and Dodd, the notes of Bird Wilson, and addi- tional notes and references to American Law by J. Bouvier, 10 vols., 1860. BAILEY, W. H., on the Conflict of Judicial Decisions, 1888. BAILEY, W. F., Master's Liability for Injuries to Servants, 1894. Law of Jurisdiction, 1899, 2 vols. Law of Personal Injuries Relating to Master and Ser- vant, 1897, 2 vols. BAILEY, W. H., on the Onus Probandi. Preparation for Trial and the Right of Open and Close, 1886. BAKER, J. F., on Sales of Personal Property as Affected by the Statute of, Frauds, 188 r. BAKER, A. J., Annotated Constitution of the United States, 1891. BALL, F. Q., on National Banks, 1881. BALLARD, T. B. and E. E., Annuals on the Law of Real Property, 1892-5, 7 vols. BALLARD. T. E., Index to Law of Real Property, vols. 1-7. BALLINGER, R. A., Treatise on the Property Rights of Husband and Wife, 1895. 68 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. BANCROFT, G., History of the Constitution of the United States. BARBOUR, O. L., on the Law of Payment, 1888. BARBOUR, u. L., Treatise on the Rights of Persons and Property, 1890, 2 vols. BARRINGER, D. M. and ADAMS, J. S., on Mines and Mining in the United States, 1897. BAYLIES, E. Rules of Pleading Under the Code, and the Practice Relat- ing to Pleading, with an Appendix of Forms, 1890. BAYLIES, E., Trial Practice in Civil Actions under the Code, 1885. BATEMAN, J., on Auctions, 1st Am. Ed. with notes and Laws of the States by H. N. Sheldon, 1883. BATES, C, on Partnership, 1886, 2 vols. BEACH, C. F., Modern Law of Contracts, 2 vols. 1896. on Contributory Negligence, 1892, 3d Ed. Modern Equity Practice, 2 vols., 1894. on Insurance, 2 vols., 1895. on Public Corporations, 2 vols., 1893. ■ on Railroads, 2 vols. 1890. on Receivers, with more Particular Reference to Cor- porations, 1897. on Trusts and Trustees, 2 vols. 1897. on Wills, 1888. on Injunctions, 2 vols., 1895. Modern Equity Jurisprudence, 2 vols., 1892. Private Corporations, 2 vols., 1891. BEACH & RICE, Digest of Patent Office Decisions. BECK, T. R. and J. B., Medical Jurisprudence, 12th Ed. by C. R. Oilman, 2 vols., 1863. BENET, S. v., Military Law and Court-Martial, 4th Ed. 1864. BENJAMIN, W. E., Editor Chalmer's Digest of Laws of Bills, Notes and Checks. BENJAMIN, J. P., on Sales of Personal Property, 1892. BENNETT, E. H., Fire Insurance Cases, 5 vols. BENNETT, J. I., Law of Lis Pendens, 1887. BEST, W. M., on Evidence, 1893, 2 vols. BEVEN T., on Negligence in Law, 1895. biDDLE A., on Warranty in the Sale of Chattels, 1884. on Insurance, 2 vols., 1893. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS 69 BIGELOW, M. M., Elements of the Law of Bills and Notes, 1893. on Estoppel, 5tli Ed. 1890. on Fraud, 1890, 2 vols. Overruled Cases, American, Eng. and Irish, 1887. on Torts (Elementary), 1896. • on Wills, 1898. Cases from William I. to Richard I. BINGHAM, A., on Descents, 1875. on Real Property, Actions and Defenses, 1880. BISHOP, J. L., on Insolvent Debtors and Voluntary Assignments in New York, 3d Ed., 1895, 2 vols. BISHOP, J. P., on Contracts, 1887. — — on Criminal Law, 8th Ed. 1892, 2 vols. on Criminal Procedure, 4th Ed., 2 vols. ■ on Marriage, Divorce and Separation, 2 vols. 1891. on the Law of Married Women, 2 vols., 1871. — on Non-Contract Law, or Rights and Torts, 1889. on Statutory Crimes, 2d Ed., 1883. on Written Laws and their Interpretation, 1882. BISPHAM, G. T., on Principles of Equity, 5th Ed., 1893. BijACK, H. C, on Constitutional Law, 1895. ■ on Constitutional Prohibitions, 1887. on Bankruptcy, 1898. Law Dictionary, 1891. on Intoxicating Liquors, 1892. on Judgments, Including the Doctrine of Res Judicata, 2 vois., 1891. ■ on Tax Titles, 1893. ■ Construction and Interpretation of the Laws, 1896. Dillon on Removal of Causes, 1898. Pomeroy on Water Rights, 1893. BLACK, C. C, on Proof and Pleadings in Accident Cases, 1886. on Law and Practice in Accident Cases, 1900. BLACKSTONE, W., Commentaries Law of England, 4 vols. BLACKWELL, R. S., on Tax Titles; Power to Sell Land for Non-Pay- ment of Taxes, 5th Ed., 1889, 2 vols. BLISS, P., on Code Pleading, 3d Ed., 1894. BLISS, G. JR., on Life Insurance, with a Chapter on Accident Insurance, 2d Ed., 1874. BiiUMENSTIEL, A., on Law and Practice in Bankruptcy, 1878. BOISOT, L. JR., on Mechanics' Lien, 1897. 70 .EXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. ■ > BOONE, C. T., Students' Text Book and Questions and Answers, 1895. on Code Pleading, with Forms, 2 vols., 1885. ■ on Corporations Generally, with Rules of Law peculiar to Banks, Municipal Bodies, Railroads, etc.. 1882. on Mortgages of Real and Personal Property, including the Law of Pawns, Pledges and Collateral Securities, 1884. on Real Property including Vendor and Purchaser, 1883, 3 vols. BOOTH, H. J., on the Law of Street Railways, 1892. BOLiTWELL, G. S.,, American Constitution, 1897. BOUVIER, J., Institutes of American Law, 1876. ^ Law Dictionary, 1897. BRACTON, HENRICUS de, De Legibus Angliae, 6 vols. BRADNER, G. W., Rules of Evidence as Prescribed by the Common Law, 1895. BRANDT, G. W.. on Suretyship and Guaranty, 2d Ed., 1891, 2 vols. BRANDENBURG, E. R., Law of Bankruptcy, 1898. BRANNON, H., on Fourteenth Amendment 1901. BRANTLY, W.. on Personal Property. 1890. BRICE, S., on Ultra Vires, by A. Green, 1880. BRIGHTLY, F. C, Leading Cases on Elections, 1871. BROOM, H., Legal Maxims, 8th Ed.. 1882. BROWN, T., on Jurisdiction, 1891. BROWNE, I., on Domestic Relations and Employer and Employed, 1890. • National Bank Cases, 3 vols. BROWNE, C, on the Statute of Frauds, 5th Ed., 1895. BROWNE, W. H., on the Law o'f Divorce and Alimony, 1890. BROWNE, J. H. B., on Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity, 1875. BROWNE, I., on Admissibility of Parol Evidence in Respect to Written Instruments, 1892. BROWNE, W. H., en Trade Marks and Analogous Subjects, 1885. BUMP, O. F., on Fraudulent Conveyancing, 4th Ed. 1896. on Federal Procedure, 1881. on Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights and Labels, 2d Ed. 1884. ■ Notes on Constitutional Decisions, 1878. on Bankruptcy, 1898. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. BURHANS, J. A., on Municipal Bonds, including a Digest of Statutory- Laws, Relating to their Issue, 1889. BURDiCK, F. M., Law of Partnership. Sales or Personal Property, 1897. BURRILL, A. M., on Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors, 6th Ed., 1894. on Circumstantial Evidence, 1868. BURROUGHS. W. H., on Public Securities, 1881. BUSWELL, H. T.. on the Law of Insanity, 1885. Civil Liability for Personal Injuries, 1899, 2d Ed., 1893. Limitation of Actions, 1889. BYLES, J. B., on Bills and Notes, 8th Ed., 1891. % c CHAND, H., Res Adjudicata, 1895. CriAPLIN, S., on Suspension of the Power of Alienation, 1891. CHITTY, J. J., on Contracts, 11th Am. Ed., 2 vols., 18/4. CHITTY, J., on Pleading and Precedents, 16th Am. Ed., 2 vols., 1876. CHURCH, W. S., on Habeas Corpus, 1893. CLARK, W. L. JR., on Contracts, 1894. Handbook of Criminal Law, 1896. Handbook of Criminal Procedure, 1895. Law of Private Corporations, 1897. CLARK,' H. F., HELTMAN, C. C, and CONSAUL, C. F., Mineral Law Digest, 1897. CLARK, W. L. and MARSHALL, WM. L., Treatise on the Law of Crimes, 1900, 2 vols. CLARK, Handbook U. S. Decisions, 1892. CLEMENT, G. A., Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions, 1893. CLEMENTSON, G. B., Road Rights and Liability of Wheelmen, 1882. ■* 72 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED B^ AUTHORS. CLEVENGER, S. V., Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity, 1898, 2 vols. COBBEY, J. E., on Chattel Mortgages, 2 vols., 1894. on Replevin, 1890. COPLEY, T. S., on Strikes and Lockouts, 1894. COFFEY, J. v., Probate Decisions, 1894. COLLIER, WM. M., on Bankruptcy, 1898. COOKE, F. H., on Life Insurance, 1891. COOK, W. W., on Corporations, 4th Ed., 3 vols. on Stock and Stockholders and General Corporation Law, 3d Ed., 2 vols., 1894. on Corporations as Affected by Statutes and Constitutions, 1889. COOLEY, T. M., Blackstone's Commentaries, 3d Ed., 1884, 2 vols. Constitutional Limitations, 6th Ed., 1890. on Taxation, 2d Ed., 1886. on Torts, 2d Ed., 1888. Principles of Constitutional Law, 1880. COKE, SIR E., Institutes (Commentaries on Littleton), 1st Am. Ed. from 19th London Ed., 2 vols., 1853. COLEBROOK, W., on Collateral Securities, 1898, 2d Ed. COLLIER, R. P., on Mines, 1853. CONKLING, A., Treatise on Organization, Jurisdiction and Practice of U. S. Courts, 1870. COPP, H. N., Public Land Laws and Decisions, 2d Ed., 1882-90, 1890, 4 vols. COWDERY, J. F., on Forms, Etc., for the Pacific States, 1895. CROCKER, J. G., Duties of Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, 3d Ed. 1890. CROSWELL, S. G., on Electricity, 1895. Handbook of Executors and Administrators, 1889. CRUISE, W., on Real Property, 3 vols., Am. Ed. by Greenleaf, 1849-50. CURTIS, R. H., United States Federal Court Acts and other Important Statutes Annotated, 1891. CURTIS, G. F., on the Jurisdiction, Practice and Peculiar Jurisprudence of the U. S. Courts, 1896 . — on Patents, 1873. Equity Precedents, Supplementary to Story's Equity Pleadings, 1856. Important Federal Statutes, Annotated, 1891. CUSHlNG, L. S., Manual of Parliamentry Practice, 1887. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. TS D DANIELL, E. R., on Chancery Pleading and Practice, 6th Am. Ed., 3 vols., 1894. DANIEL, J. W., on Negotiable Instruments, 1891, 2 vols. DAVIES, G. B., Lieutenant Colonel, Military Law, 1897-1898, 2 vols. DAV^IS, C. K., on International Law,- 1901. DARLINGTON, J. J., on Personal Property, 1891. DeLAND, C. E., Trial Practice and Appellate Procedure in North and South Dakota, 1896. DEMBITZ, L. N., on Land Titles in the United States, 2 vols., 1895. DENIS, H,. on Contract of Pledge, 1898. DEERING, J. H., on Negligence, 1886. DESTY, R., Federal Citations. Federal Constitution, 2d Ed. • Federal Procedure, 8th Ed .1893. ■ ■ on Renewal of Causes from State to Federal Courts, 3d Ed., 1893. on Taxation, 2 vols., 1884. DEVLIN, R. T., on Deeds, 2 vols., 2 Ed., 1897. . DEWEY, T. H., on Contract for Future Delivery and Commercial Wagers, including Options, Futures and Short Sales, 1886. DICEY, A. v., on Conflict of Laws, American Notes by J. B. Moore, 1896. DICKINSON, S. M., Probate Court Practice, (N. J.) 1884. DILLON, J. F., on Municipal Corporations, 4th Ed., 2 vols., 1890. on Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts, 5th Ed., 1889. Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America, 1894. DOS PASSOS, B. F., Law of Collateral Inheritance, Legacy and Succes- sion Taxes, 1895. DRAKE, C. D., on Attachment, 1891, 7th Ed. 74 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. DTjiviAS, J., Registering Title to Land, 1900. DUNPHY AND CUMMINGS, Remarkable Trials. DWIGHT, T. W., Law of Persons and Personal Property, 1894. E EDWARDS, I., on Bailments, 3d Ed., 1893. on Bills and Notes, 3d Ed., 1882. ELLIOTT, B. K. and W. E., Appellate Procedure, 1892. General Practice, 2 vols., 1894. on Roads and Streets, 1900. ■ on tne Work of the Advocate, 1888. on Railroads, 4 vols., 1897. ELLIOTT, J., Debates on Federal Constitution, 5 vols. ENDLICH, G. A., on Building Associations, 2d Ed., 1895. Commentaries on the Interpretation of Statutes, 1888. ESRICHE, E., on Spanish Law, 1866. ESi'EE, M. M., Code Pleading, Practice and Forms, 1898, 3 vols. EVANS, W., on Principal and Agent, 1888. EWELL, M. D., on Fixtures, 1876. Manual of Medical .Jurisprudence, 1887. FARRAR, T., Manual on Constitution of U. S., 1 vol. FETTER. N., on Carriers of Passengers, 1897, 2 vols. — on Equity Jurisprudence, 1895. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. 75 FIELD, G. W., on Private Corporations, 1S77. ■ on Damages, 1876. on Infants, Parents and Child, and Guardian and Ward, 1888. FITNAM, J. C, Trial Procedure in Civil Actions under the Code, 1894. FLINT, ,J. H., on Trusts and Trustees, 1890. FOOTE, A. R. AND EVERETT, C. E., Incorporated Companies Operating under Municipal Franchise, and Index, 3 vols., 1892-3. FOSTER, R., on Pleading and Practice in the Courts of the U. S., 2 vols,, 1892. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, vol. 1, 1895. FREEMAN. A. C, on Co-Tenancy and Partition, 1886. on Executions, in Civil Cases, 2d Ed., 3 vols., 1900. on Judgments, 4th Ed., 2 vols., 1892. on Void Execution, Judicial and Probate Sales, 3d Ed., 1890. FRY. E., on Specific Performance, 1892. GARY, G., Law and Practice in Courts of Probate, 1879. GARLAND, A. H. and RALSTON, R., Constitution and Jurisdiction of U. S. Courts, 1898, 2 vols. GEAR, H. L., on Landlord and Tenant, 1888. GEORGE, W., on Partnership, 1897. GIANGUE F. and McCLURE, H. B., Dower and Courtesy Tables, 1894. GILLETT, J. H., Indirect and Collateral Evidence, 1897. GLUCK, J. F. and BECKER, A., on Receivers of Corporations, 1896. GOULD, J. M., on Waters, including Riparian Rights, and Public and Private Rights in Waters, Tidal and Inland, 2d Ed., 1891. GOULD, J. M. and TUCKER, G. F., Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States, 1889. 76 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. GRAHAM, D. and AVATERMAN, T. W., on New Trials, 3 vols., 1855. GRAY, M., on Communication by Telegraph, 1885. GRAY, J. C, Restraints on tlie Alienation of Property, 1895. GREENHOOD, E., Doctrine of Public Policy in the Law of Contracts, 1886. GREENLEAF, S., on Evidence, 3 vols., 15th ji,d., 1892. GREEN, A., EDITOR BRICE, on Ultra Vires, 1880. GROTIUS H., De Jure Belli et Pacis, with the notes of the author, Bar- beyrac, and others, and a translation by W. Whewell, 3 vols., 1853. H HAGAN, W. E., on Disputed Handwriting, 1894. HAINER, B. T., on Modern Law of Municipal Securities, 1898. HALE, Sift. M., History of. the Common Law of England, 1792. HALE, W. B., Handbooli on Bailments and Carriers, 1896. HAMMOND, W. G., Blackstone's Comentaries on the Laws of England, 1890, 4 vols. HARE, J. I. C, on American Constitutional Law, 2 vols., 1889. HARLOW, W. S., Duties of Sheriffs and Constables, 1895. HARSTON, E. T. B., Practice, Pleadings and Evidence in Civil Suits and Proceedings in California, 1877. HARRISON, G. L., Legislation on Insanity. A collection of all the Lunacy Laws of the States and Territories of the U. S. to 1883, 1884. HARRIS. G. E., on Contracts of Married Women, 1887. on Damages by Corporations, 2 vols., 1892. ■ ■ Law of Identification, 1892. On Sunday Laws, 1892. Certiorari at Common Law and under the Statutes, 1893. on Subrogation, 1889. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. 77 HAWES, H., on Jurisdiction of Courts, also the Nature and Scope of Writs of Injunction, Mandamus, Etc., and of tlie Pro- ceedings of Contempt, Taxation and Eminent Domain, 1886. on Parties to Action, 1884. HAYNE, R. H., on New Trial and Appeal, and other Proceedings for Re- view in Civil Cases, 1884. HEADLEY, F. F., on Competency of Witnesses. HEARD, F. F., on Criminal Law and Procedure, 1882. HEPBURN, C. M., History and Development of Code Pleading, 1897. HERMAN, H. M., on Estoppel and Res Judicata, 2 vols., 1886. on Executions in Civil Cases, 1875. HEYDECKER, E. L. and McMAHON, F., War Revenue. HIGH, J. S., on Extraordinary Legal Remedies, 1869. on Injunctions, 3d Ed., 2 vols., 1890. on Receivers, 3d Ed., 1894. HILLIARD, F., on Injunctions. on i\ew Trials and other Rehearings, 1816. on Torts or Private Wrongs, 1866, 2 vols. on Remedies for Torts or Private Wrongs; Including Re- plevin, Real Actions, Etc., 1873. HINE, C. C. and NICHOLS, W. S., Digest of Insurance Law Journal and Bigelow and Bennett's cases, 1893. HiNKLEY, E. O., Testamentary Law of the Law of Inheritance and Ap- prentices, 1878. HIRSCHL, A. J., Combination, Consolidation and Succession of Corpor- ations, 1896. HOCHHEIMER, L., Crimes and Criminal Procedure, 1897. HOMER, H. C, Probate Law, 1896. HOPKINS, E. P., Law of Real Property, 1896. HOWE, W. W., Studies in the Civil Law, 1896. HOFFMAN, M., on Referees and Practice as to References, 1875. HOLMES, O. W., on the Common Law, 1881. HOLT, G. C, Concurrent Jurisdiction of State and Federal Courts, 1888. HORR, N. T. and BEMIS, A. A., on Municipal Police Ordinances, 1887. HUGHES, W. T., Technology of the Law, 1893. 78 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. HURD, R. C, on Writ of Habeas Corpus, 1858. HUTCHINSON, R., on Carriers, 2d Ed., 1891. JACOBS, M. W., on Domicil, 1887. JACKSON, E. H., Law Latin, 1897. JAGGARD, E, A., on Torts, 2 vols., 1895. JAMESON, J. A., on Constitutional Conventions, 1869. JARMAN, J., on Wills, 6th Ed., 3 vols., 1880. JONES, L. A., on Chattel Mortgages, 4th Ed., 1894. on Corporate Bonds, 1890, 2d Ed. • on Forms in Conveyancing, 4th Ed., 1894. Index to Legal Periodicals, 1888-1899, 2 vols. on Liens, Common Law, Statutory, Equitable and Mari- time, 20 Ed., 2 vols., 1894. on Mortgages of Real Property, 5th Ed., 2 vols., 1894. on Pledges, including Collateral Securities, 1901, 2d Ed. on the Law of Real Property and Conveyancing, 1896, 2 vols. on Law of Railroad and other Municipal Securities, 1879. on Easements, 1898. JONES, D. U., Negligence of Municipal Corporations, 1892. JONES, B. W., on Evidence in Civil Cases, 3 vols., 1896. JONES, E. R., Rules of Federal Practice, 1884. JOYCE, W., on Marine, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance, 4 vols., 1897. on Injunctions in Equity and at Common Law, 2 vols., 1872. lOYCE, A. and H. C, Treatise on Electric Law, 1900. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED Bi' AUTHORS. 79- KiiJASBEG, E. Q., on Electric Wires, 1900, 2d Ed. KEENER, W. A., on Quasi Contracts. 1893. KELLY, J. F., on Contracts of Married Women, 1882. KELLEY, H. S., Probate Guide for Missouri and Kansas, 1884. KENT, J., Commentaries on American Law, ISth Ed. Memoirs and Letters of, by Wm. Kent, 1898, 4 vols. KERR, J. M., on Real Property, 3 vols., 1895. ■ Law of Business Corporations, 1890. on Homicide, 1891. KERR, W. W., on Injunctions in Equity, 1888. KINNEY, C. S., Irrigation and Water Rights, 1894. KINNEY, J. R., Law Dictionary and Glossary, 1893. KNEELAND, S. F., on Mechanics' Liens, 2d Ed., 1882. LACEY, J. F., Digest of Railway Decisions, American and Foreign, 2" vols, 1875-84. LANGDELL, C. C, Law of Contracts, 1880. Selected Cases in Equity Pleading, 18?s. LANSING, W., Forms of Civil Procedure, 1885, 3 vols. LAWSON, J. D., Concordance of Words and Phrases, Judicially Con- strued, 1883. on the Law of Bailiments, 1895. Criminal Defenses, 6 vols., 1892. on Presumptive Evidence, 1899. Rights, Remedies and Practice at Law, in Equity and under the Codes, 1890, 8 vols. on Usages and Customs, 1881. — Expert and Opinion Evidence, 1900. f LEAVITT, J. B., on Negligence, 1895. so TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. LEWIS, J., on Eminent Domain, 1890. LINDLEY, C. H., on Mines, 1897, 2 vols. LINDLEY, N., on Partnership, 2 vols., 1888. LLOYD, A. P., on Building and Buildings, 1894. LOWELL, A. L. and F. C, on Transfer of Stock in Private Corporations, 1884. LOVELAND, F. O., Forms of Federal Procedure, 1894. M MACLAREN, J. J., on Banks and Banking, 1896. Bills and Notes, 1896. MacKELDY, T., Handbook of Roman Law, 1883. MAINE, H. S., Early History of Institutions, 1888, 3 vols. MADISON, J., Journal of Constitutional Conventions, 2 vols. MANN, E. C, Medical Jurisprudence and Insanity, 1893. MARTINDALE, W. B., on Conveyancing, 2d Ed., 1889. MAUPIN, C. W., on Marketable Title to Real Estate, 1896. MAXWELL, S., Pleading and Practice in all the Code States, 1892. on Criminal Procedure, 1887. MAY, J. W., on Insurance, Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee, Etc., 3d Ed., 2 vols., 1900. McADAM, D., Landlord and Tenant, 1900 3d Ed., 2 vols. McCONNELL, G. W., on Trustee Process in the New England States, at Law and in Equity, 1886. McCLAIN, E., on Criminal Law, 2 vols., 1896. McCRARY, G. W., American Law or Elections, 3d Ed., 1888. McKELVEY, J. J., Law of Evidence, 1898. McKINNEY, W. M., on Fellow Servants and Servants, Insurance Soci- eties, 1890. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. 81 MECHEM. F. R., on Agency, including Special Chapters on Attorneys, Auctioneers, Brokers and Factors, 1889. MECHEM, F. R., on Public Offices and Officers, 1890. MERRILL, S. S.. on Mandamus, 1892. MERWIN, E., Principles of Equity and Equity Pleading, 1895. METCALF, T., on Contracts, 2d Ed., 1888. MILLS, A. E., on Eminent Domain, 2d Ed., 1888. Thompson on Highways, 18i;0. MILLS, J. W., Constitutional Annotations, 1890. Annotated Code, 1896. MOAK, N. C, Editor Underhill on Torts. Editor Van Santvoord's Pleadings. MOORE, H., Instructions for Preparing Abstracts of Title, 1852. MOORE, I. M., Criminal Law, 1890, 2d Ed. Procedure in Civil Cases, 1889, 3d Ed. MOORE, J. B., on Extradition, 1891, 2 vols. MORAWETZ, v., on Private Corporations, 2d Ed., 2 vols., 1886. MORRILL, W. W., Law and Practice m Actions against Municipal Cor- porations for Negligence in the Care of Highways, 1887. xvIORRISON, R. S., Mining Rights, 8th Ed., 1895. MORRIS, R., Patent Conveyancing, 1887. MORSE, A. P., on Citzenship, by Birth and by Naturalization, 1881. MORSE, J. T. JR., on Arbitration and Award, 1872. on Banks and Banking, 1888, 2 vols. MOYLE, J. C, Imperatoris Justiniani Institutio, 2 vols., 1883. MUNGER, G. G., on the Application of Payments by Debtor to Creditor, 1879. MURFREE, W. L. JR., on Foreign Corporations, 1893. on Sheriffs and other Ministerial Officers, 2d Ed., 1890. on Official Bonds and other Penal Bonds, 1885. MYER, W. G.. on Vested Rights, 1891. MYRICK. M. H., California Probate Reports. Probate Decisions. 82 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED ±3Y AUTHORS. NASH, S., Pleading and Practice, applicable to Code States, 3d Ed., 1864, NELSON, W. T., on Divorce, 2 vols., 1895. NEWELL, M. L., Law of Defamation, Libel and Slander, in Civil and Criminal Cases, 1890. on Ejectment, 1892. on Malicious Prosecution, 1892. on Slander and Libel, 2d Ed. NEWMARK, N., Sales of Personal Property, 1887. NEWTON, J. T., Digest of Patent, Trade Marks, 1896. NIBLACK, W. C, on Voluntary Societies and Mutual Benefit Insurance, 2d Ed., 1894. Benefit Societies and Accident Insurance, 1894. NORTON, C .P., Handbook of the Law of Bills and Notes, 1893. o ODGERS, W. B., on Libel anl Slander, 1881. ORDRONAUX, J., Constitutional Legislation in the United States, 1891. OVERTON, N. Y., on Liens, Common Law, Equitable Statutory and Ma- rine, 1883. OSTRANDER, D., on Fire Insurance, 1897. PALEY, W., on Agency, 1856. PAGIN, O. E., Federal Precedents and Forms, 1894. PAINE, H. E.. on Elections, 1888. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. 83 PARKER. L. and \\ ORTHINGTON. R. H., Public Health and Duties of Boards of Health, 1892. PARSONS, T., on Contracts, 8th Ed., 1893. 3 vols. on Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange, 2 vols. on Partnership, 4th Ed., 1893. Principles of Partnership, 1889. PATERSON, C. S., on Railway Accident Law, 1886. PERRY, J. W., on Trusts and Trustees, 5th i<:a., 1889, 2 vols. PERRY, R. R., on Common Law Pleading, 1897. PHELPS, W. W., Chronology of American Case Law, 1897. PHILLIPS, G. L., on Code Pleading, 1896. PHILLIPS, L. L., on Mechanics' Liens, 3d Ed., 1893. PHILLIPS, S. M., on Evidence, 5th Am. Ed., 3 vols., 1868. PHILLIPS, P.. Jurisdiction and Practice of U. S. Supreme Court, 1876. PIERCE, J. O., on Fraudulent Mortgages of Merchandise, 1884. PINitREY, D. H., on Chattel Mortgages, 1891. on Mortgages of Real Property, 1891, 2 vols. • on Real Property, 2 vols., 1895. on Suretyship and Guaranty, 1901. POLLOCK, v., on Torts, 1894. • On Contracts, 2d Ed., 1885. POLLOCK, F. and MAITLAND, F. W., History of the English Law. 1895, 2 vols. POMEROY, J. N., on Equity Jurisprudence, 2d Ed., 3 vols., 1892. on Contracts, 1897. on Municipal Law, 2d Ed., 1883. on Code Remedies, 3d Ed., 1894. Remedies and Remedial Rights, 3d Ed., 1893. on Riparian Rights, 2d Ed., 1893. on Specific Performance of Contracts, 1897. International Law, 1886. Constitutional Law, 10th Ed., 1888. PORTER, W. W., on Bills of Lading, 1891. POTTER, P., Dwarris on Statutes and their Construction, 1885. PRENTICE. W. P., on Police Power. 1894. PRICE, B. and STEWART, A., American Trade Mark Cases, 1887. PROFFATT, J., on Trial by Jury, including questions of Law and Fact. 1880. on Notaries, 1892. PUTERBAUGH, L. D., Pleading and Practice, 1896, 4th Ed. 84 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. R RAM, J., on Facts as Subjects of Inquiry by a Jury, 4th Ed., 1890. RANDOLPH, J. F., on Commercial Paper, 3 vols., 1888, 2cl Ed. RANDOLPH, C. F., on Eminent Domain, 1894. RAPALJE, S., on Contempts, 1884. on Larceny and Kindred Offenses, 1892. on Real Estate Brokers, 1893. on Witnesses, 1887. RAPALJE, S. and LAWRENCE, A. L., Dictionary of American and Eng- lish Law, 2 vols., 1885. RAWLE, W. H., on Covenants for Title, 1860. RAY, C. A., on Contractual Limitations, 1892. Negligence of Imposed Duties (personal), 1891. ■ Negligence of Imposed Duties (freight carriers), 1895. Negligence of Imposed Duties (passenger carriers), 1893. RAY, I., Medical Jurisprudence, 1871. REDFIELD, I. F., on Railways, 1869, 2 vols. ■ on Carriers of Goods and Passengers; also on Responsibil- ity and Duty of Telegraph Companies and Inn Keepers, and on Bailments, 1869. — on Wills, 1870, 3 vols. Leading American Cases on Wills, 18'<4. REDFIELD, A. A., on Surrogate Courts, 1894, 5th Ed. REED, H., on the Statute of Frauds, 3 vols., 1894. REESE, R .A., True Doctrine of Ultra Vires, 1897. REEVES, J., History of the English Law, 5th Ed., 1880, 3 vols. REID, W. A., on Corporate Finance, 2 vols., 1896. RENO, O. C, Employers' Liability Acts, 1896. on Non-Residents and Foreign Corporations, 1892. REYNOLDS, W., Theory of Law of Evidence in the United States, 3d Ed. 1897. REYNOLDS, M., Spanish and American Land Laws, 1895. RICE, T. S .,on Evidence, 3 vols., 1892-3. American Probate Law and Practice, 1894. — Modern Law of Real Property, 1897. RICHARDS, G., on Insurance, 1892. RIDDl,E, D. S. and BULLARD, E. F., on Proceedings Supplementary to Execution under the New York Code, 1886. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. xilNGGOLD, J..T., Legal Aspects of the First Day of the Week, 1891. ROE, E. T., on Criminal Procedure in U. S. Courts, 1887. ROCKWELL, J. S., Spanish and American Law, Relating to Mines and Real Estate in Force in California, Texas and Mexico, 1851. ROGERS, H. W., on Expert Testimony, 2d Ed., 1891. ROOD, J. R., on Garnishment, 1896. ROPER, R. S. D., on Legacies, 2d Ed., 1848. ROVER, D., on Interstate Law, 2d Ed., 1893. on Judicial and Execution Sales, 1878. on Railways, 1884, 2 vols. on Criminal Evidence, 1866. ROSCOE, H., on Evidence in Criminal Cases, 1888. 2 vols. RUSSELL, W. O., on Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1896, 3 vols. SACKETT, F., on Instructions to Juries, 2d Ed.. 1888. SANDARS, T. C, Institute of Justinian, 7th Ed., 1883. SANDERS, F. W., Uses and Trusts, 1855. SANSUM, O. B., Digest of the Law of Insurance, Fire, Marine, Life and Accident, 1876. SCOTT, E. H., Federalist and other Constitutional Papers, 1894, 2 vols. SCHoULER, J., on Bailments, including Carriers, Innkeepers and Pledge, 2d Ed., 1887. on Domestic Relations, 5th Ed., 1895. on Executors and Administrators, 2d Ed., 1889. on Husband and Wife, 1882. on Personal Property, 3d Ed., 1896, 2 vols. on Wills, 2d Ed., 1892. History of the United States, 4 vols.. 1890. SCRiBNER, C. H., on Dower, 2d Ed., 1883, 2 vols. SEDGWICK, T., on the Measure of Damages, 8th Ed., 1891, 3 vols. on Interpretation and Construction of Statutory and Con- stitutional Law. 2d Ed., 1874. 86 TEXT BOOj:^S INDEXED BY Abl'HORS. SEDGWICK, A. G. and WAIT, F. S., on Trial of Title to -Land, including Ejectment, 2d Ed., 1886. SELOVBR, ±±. W., Law of Bank Collections, 1901. Negotiable Instruments Law, 1900. SHARSWOOD. G., Blackstone's Commentaries. SriARSWOOD, G., and BUDD, H., Leading American Cases on Real Property, 1883-1889. SHARSWOOD, J. S., Principles of Equity, 1885. SHEARMAN, T. G. and REDFIELD, A. A., on Negligence, 4th Ed., 1888, 2 vols. SHELDON, H. N., on Subrogation, 2d Ed., 1893. SHINN, R., on Attachment and Garnishment, 1896, 2 vols. on Replevin, 1899. SHIPMAN, B. J., on Common Law Pleading, 2d Ed., 1895. on Equity Pleading, 1897. SHIRLEY, W., Leading Cases in Common Law, 1883. SHIRAS, O. P., Equity Practice in U. S. Courts, 1898. SHORT, E. L., Law of Railway Bonds and Mortgages, 1897. SHORTT, J., on Informations, Mandamus and Prohibition, 1888. SIMONTON, T. C, on Municipal Bonds, 1896. SMITH, J. E., Law of Private Corporations. SMITH, B. D., Powers, Duties and Liabilities of Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, 1883. SMITH, W. L., Probate Law and Practice in Massachusetts, 1884. SMITH, J. W., on Receivers, 1897. Leading Cases on Various Branches of the Law, 1885, 3 vols. Equitable Remedies of Creditors, 1899. SNYDER, W. L.. Great Opinions by Great Judges, 1883. Great Speeches by Great Lawyers, 1881. SOULE, C. C, Lawyers' Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations, 1883. SPEAR, S. T.. on Extradition, International and Interstate, 1884. ■ on the Federal Judiciary, Jurisdiction, Pleading and Prac- tice, 1883. SPEER, E., on Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts, 1888. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. 87 SPELLING. T. C. on Extraordinary Relief, 1893. on Private Corporations, 1892. on Trusts and Monopolies, 1893. SPENCE, G., Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, 1846-50, 2 vols. STARKIE, T., on Evidence, 10th Ed. STEPHEN, H. J., on Pleading in Civil Actions, 1894. STEPHENS, A. J., on the Law of Nisi Prius; Evidence in Civil Actions, anu Arbitration and Awards, 1884, 3 vols. STICKNEY, A., State Control of Trade and Commerce, 1897. STIMPSON. F. J.. American Statute Law; an Analytical and Compared Digest of the Constitution and Civil Public Statutes of all the States and Territories in force January 1, 1886. STORY, J., on Agency ,9th Ed., 1882. on Bailments, 9th Ed., 1878. on Bills of Exchange, 4th Ed., 1860. on Contracts, 5th Ed.. 1874, 2 vols. on the Constitution of the United States, 5th Ed., 1891, 2 vols. on Equity Jurisprudence, 13th Ed.. 1886. 2 vols. on Equity Pleadings, 10th Ed.. 1892. . on Promissory Notes, 6th Ed., 1868. STORY, W. W., on Sales of Personal Property, 1862. feUGDEN, E., on Powers, 3d Ed., 1856. on Vendors and Purchasers of Estates, 8th Ed., 1873. SUTHERLAND. J. G., on Damages, 2d Ed., 1893, 3 vols. on Statutory Construction, i891. on Production and Inspection of Books and Papers, 1895. SWAN, J. R., on Pleading. SWINBURNE, H., on Wills and Testaments, 1803. 3 vols. T TAYLER, T., Law Glossary. 1873. TAYLOR, J. N., on Landlord and Tenant, 8th Ed., 1887, 2 vols. TAYLOR, H. O.. on Private Corporations, 3d Ed., 1894. 88 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHOR.^. TAYLOR, J. P., on Evidence 9th Ed., 1897, 3 vols. TAYLOR, I., Public Scliool Law or U. S., 1892. THATCHER, E., on Jurisdiction, Pleading and Practice of U. S. Supreme Court, 1883. on Jurisdiction, Etc., of Circuit Court, 1883. on Jurisdiction, Etc., of District Courts, 1884. THAYER, J. B., Select Cases on Evidence, 1892. THOMPSON, S. D., on Carriers of Passengers, 1880. on Homesteads and Exemptions, 1878. on the Liability of Directors and other Officers and Agents of Corporations, 1880. on the Liability of Stockholders in Corporations, 1879. on Commentaries of the Law of Corporations, 1895-6, 7 vols. on the Law of Trials in Civil and Criminal Actions, 1889, 2 vols. • on Electricity, Lights, Railways, Telegi'aphs, Telephones, Etc., 1891. on Negligence, 1880. Commentaries on the Law of Negligence, 2 vols. on Charging the Jury, 1880. THOMPSON, L G., on Provisional Remedies 1867. National Bank Cases 1878. THOMPSON, S. D. and MERRIAM, E. G., on Juries, their Organization, Custody and Conduct, including Grand Juries, 1882. THOMPSON, C. N., on Building and Loan Associations, 1899, 2d Ed. THOMAS, E. B., Law of Negligence, 1895. Law of Estates, Created by Will, 1898, 2 vols. THORNTON, W. W., on Lost Wills, 1889. on Railroad Fences and Crossings, 1892. — on Gifts and Advancements, 1893. THROOP, M. H., on Public Officers and Sureties on Official Bonds, 1892. TIEDEMAN, C. G., on Commercial Paper, 1889. on Municipal Corporations, 1894. on Equity Jurisprudence, 1893. on the Limitations of the Police Power, 1886. on Sales of Personal Property, including Chattel Mort- gages, 1891. on Real Property, 1884. State and Federal Control of Persons and Property, 1900, 2 vols. TIFFANY, E. B., Death by Wrongful Act, 1893. TIFFANY, W. C, Persons and Domestic Relations, 1896. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. 8i> TOWNSHEND, J., on Slander and Libel, 4th Ed., 1890. TRAVIS, J., on Sales and Collateral Subjects, 1892, 2 vols. TYLER, R. H., on Boundaries, Fences and Window Lights, 1874. on Ejectment and Adverse Enjoyment, 1870. on Fixtures, 1877. on Infancy (including Custody of Infants and Guardian- ship), and Coverture, 1882. — on Usury, Pawns and Loans, 1873. ■ American Ecclesiastical Law and Law of Burial Grounds, 1866. TUCKER, J. R., Constitution of United States, 1899, 2 vols. TWISS, T., on Law of Nations Considered as Independent Political Communities, 1861, 2 vols. u UNDERHILL, A., on Torts, 4th Ed., 1894. on Trusts and Trustees, 4th Ed., 1894. UNDERHILL, H. C, on Evidence, 1894. — on Criminal Evidence, 1894. Law of Wills, 1900, 2 vols. V \AN FLEET. J. M., on Collateral Attack of Judgments, 1892. ■ ■ on Former Adjudications, 1895, 2 vols. VAN SANTVOORD. G., Pleading in Civil Actions, 1875, 2 vols. VATTEL, E., Law of Nations, 1894. VON HOLST, H., constitutional History of the United States. 90 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. w WADE, W. P., on Attachment and Garnishment, 1886, 2 vols. on Notice, as aiTecting Civil Rights and Remedies, 1886. ; on the Operation and Construction of Retroactive Laws, as Affected by Constitutional Limitations and Judicial Interpretations, 1880. WAIT, W., Actions and Defenses, being a Treatise upon the General Principles of the Law, besides a General Index, 1877- 1882, 6 vols. Practice at Law, in Equity and in Special Proceedings, 1872-75, 9 vols. WAIT, F. S., on Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditors' Bills, Etc., 3d Ed. 1897. on Insolvent Corporations, 1888. WAIT, J. C, Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence, 1898. WALKER, T., Introduction to American Law, 10th Ed., 1895. WALKER, A. H., on Patents, 1895, 3d Ed. WALTON. C. S., Civil Law in Spain and Spanish America, 1900. WAMBAUGH, E., Study of Cases, 1892. WAPLES, R., on Attachment and Garnishment, 2d Ea., 1895. on Homestead and Exemption, 1893. on Proceedings in Rem, 1882. WARVELLE, G. W., on Abstracts and Examinations of Titles to Real Estate, 2d Ed., 1892. — American Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Real Prop- erty, 1890. Element of Real Property. WASHBURN, E., on Easements and Servitudes, 4th Ed., 1885. on Real Property, 5th Ed., 1887. WATERMAN, T. W., on Corporations, other than Municipal, 1888, 2 vols. on Specific Performance of Contracts ,1881. ^ on Set-off, Recoupment and Counter-Claim, 2d Ed., 1872. WATSON, W., Manual for U. S. Commissioners, 2d Ed., 1881. WEBB, B. R., on Record of Title, 1890. WEBB, J. A., Law of Passenger and Freight Elevators, 1896. WEBSTER, P.. on Citizenship, 1891. on Naturalization, 1895. WiiiEKS, E. P., on Attorneys at Law, 1878. ■ Treatise on Depositions, 1880. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. 91 WELLS, J. C. on Jurisdiction of Courts, 1880. on separate Property of Mai-ried Women, 1878. WELLS, H. W'., on Replevin, 1880. WELTY, D. W., on Assessments, considered as constituting the basis of General Taxation; Assessments by Municipal Corpora- tions for Street and other Public Local Improvements, Etc., 1886. WHARTON. F., on Agency, 1876. on Criminal Evidence. 8th Ed., 1880. 2 vols. • on Criminal Law, 10th Ed., 1896, 3 vols. on Criminal Pleading and Practice, 8th Ed., 1880, 2 vols. on Evidence in Civil Issues, 2d Ed., 1877. on Homicide, with Appendix of Leading Cases, 1875. on Indictments, 4th Ed., 1881. — on Negligence, 2d Ed., 1878. WHEATON, H., Elements of International Law. WHEELER, E. P., Modern Law of Carriers, 1890. WHITE, F. T. and TUDOR, O. D., Leading Cases in Equity, 1889. WHITTAKER, W. H., Pleading and Practice. WIGMORE, J. H., Australian Ballot System, 2d Ed., 1889. WILLIAMS, B. v., on Executors and Administrators, 7th Ed., 1895. WILLS, A., on Circumstantial Evidence, 5th Ed., 1872. WINTHROP, W., Col. Digest of Opinions of Judge Advocates of U. S. Army, 1901. WILTSIE, C. H., on Foreclosures of Mortgages on Real Property, 1897. WOERNER, J. G., on American Law of Administration of Estates, 1889, 2 vols. on, American Law of Guardianship, 1897. WOOD, H. G., Editor Byles on Bills and Notes. on Pa-e Insurance, 1886, 2d Ed., 2 vols. '■ on Landlord and Tenant, 1881, 1st Ed. on Limitation of Actions at Law and in Equity, 2d Ed. 1893. on Mandamus, Prohibition, Habeas Corpus, Certiorari, Quo Warranto, 2d Ed., 1891. on Master and Servant, 2d Ed., 1886. ^ on Nuisances, 3d Ed., 1893. on Practice Evidence for Ready Use in the Trial Causes, 1886. ■ on Railroads, 1894, 3 vols. on the Statute of Frauds, 1884. 92 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY AUTHORS. WOODFALL, W., on Lanlord and Tenant, 1890, 2 vols. WOOLSEY, T. L., International Law, 1897. WOKKS, J. D., Courts and their Jurisdiction, 1894, 2 vols. Irrigation Laws and Decisions of California, 1900. WYMAN, G., Public Land and Mining Laws, 1898. z ZANE, J. M., Banks and Banking, 1900. ^ 'S^EXT BOOKS INDEXED UIVDER THEIR RESPECTIVE TITLES AND SUBJECTS. 94 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. Text Books. (Indexed by Subjects.) A ABANDONMENT. See 1 Am. & Eng. Enc. of Law 1; Enc. of Forms 1; Jones Index to Legal Periodicals. See also Angell, J. K., Law of Water Courses. Black's Pomeroy on Water Rights. Gould, J. M., Law of Waters. Kinney, C. S., Law of Irrigation. Long, J. R., Law of Irrigation. ABATEMENT. See Am. & Eng. Enc. of Law, 6; Id. 2d Ed. 41; 1 Enc. of Forms, 21; Jones Index to Legal Periodicals. ABBREVIATIONS AND CITATIONS. 1 Am. & Eng. Ency of Law, 2d Ed. 101. 1 Enc. of Pldg & Prac. 42. Soule, C. C, Lawyers' Reference Manual, 1883. ABORTION. 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 28; Id. 2d Ed. 186. 1 Ency. of Forms, 131. 1 Ency. of P. & P., 62. See also Criminal Law. ABRIDGMENTS OF THE LAW. Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 30 vols., 1887-189e. Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed., vols. 1-17, 1901. Bacon, M., Abridgment of the Law. Dana, N., Abridgment and Digest of the Law. ABSTRACT OF TITLES. Martinsdale, W. B., on Examination of Titles and Preparation of, 1885 Moore, H., Instructions for Preparing, Am. Ed. 1852. Warvelle, G. W., on Abstracts and Examinations of Title to Real Property, 2d Ed., 1892. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 210. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 9& ABUTTING OWNERS. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2 Ed. 224; also Jones Index. ACCEPTANCE. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 445; 2d Ed. 445; also Jones Index; Bills and Notes, Contracts. ACCIDENTS. Black, C. C, on Proof and Pleadings in Accident Cases, 1886. Black, C. C, Law and Practice in Accident Cases. 1900. riuswell, H. F., Civil Liability on Personal Injuries, 1893. Patterson, C. S., on Railway Accident Law, 1886. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 82; 2d Ed. 272; also Fellow Servants, Injuries, Negligence, Railways. ACCOMMODATION PAPER. See Jones Index; 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 334; Bills- and Notes. ACCOMPLICES. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 389; also Criminal Law, Evi- dence. ACCORD AND SATISFACTION. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 94; 2d Ed. 408; 1 Ency. of P. & P. 73; 1 Ency. of Forms, 181; also Debtor and Creditor. ACCOUNTS. See Jones Index; 1 Ency. of Forms 272; 1 Am. & Eng. Ency .of Law 2d Ed. 433; 1 Ency. of P. &. P. 73. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 2d Ed. 483. Webb's Record Title, 1890; see also Deeds. ACTIONS AND DEFENSES. Bingham, A., Law of Real Property, Actions and Defenses. 1880. Black, C. C, Proof and Pleading in Accident Cases. Tiffany, T. B., Death by Wrongful Act, 1893. Waples, R., on Proceedings in Rem, 1882. Wait, W., Actions and Defenses. See Criminal Defenses, Pleading and Practice, Trials. ADEMPTION. See Jones' Index, Legacies, Wills. 56 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. ADJUDGED WORDS. Lawson's Concordance, 1883; see also Law Maxims and Law Dic- tionaries. ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES. Abbott, N., on Descent, Wills and Administration. Thornton, W. W., on Gifts and Advancements, 1893. Woerner, J. G., American Law of, 1889. See also Executors and Administrators; Successions, Probate Law and Practice. ADOPTION. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 2d Ed. 726; Parent and Child. ADULTERATION. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed., 738; also Public Health. ADULTERY. See 1 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 746; also Criminal Law; Marriage and Divorce. ADVANCEMENTS. Thornton, W., on Gifts and Advancements, 1893. See also Distribution, Succession. ADVERSE POSSESSION. Angell, J. K., on Limitations, 1876. Buswell, H. F., on Statutes of Limitation and Adverse Possession, 1889. Tyler, R. H., on Ejectment and Adverse Enjoyment, 1870. See also Color of Title; Possession; Prescription, Limitations. ADVOCACY. Elliott, B. K., on the Work' of the Advocate, 1888. AFFIDAVITS. See 1 Ency. of P. & P. 309; 1 Ency. of Forms, 548; Forms, Plead- ing and Practice. AGENCY. Evans, W., on Principal and Agent, 1879. Mecham, F. R., Treatise on Agency, 1888. Paley, W., on Principal and Agent, 1856. Story, J., Treatise on Agency, 9th Ed. 1882. Thompson, S. D., Liability of Directors and Officers and Agents of Corporations, 1880. Wharton, F., Treatise on Agency, 1876. See also Auction, Brokers, Corporations, Insurance Agents. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 97 AIR. See 2 Eng. Ruling Cases, 558; 22 L. R. A. 536. ALIENATION. Chaplin, S., Suspension of the Power of Alienation, 1891. Gray, J. C, Restraints on the Alienation of Property, 1883. ALIMONY. Browne, W. H., Divorce and Alimony, 1890. See also Marriage and Divorce. ALTERATION OF INSTRUMENTS. Bailey, W. H., on Conflict of Judicial Decisions, 1888. Lawson, J. D., on Presumptive Evidence, 1885. AMERICAN LAW. Barbour, O. L.. Rights of Persons, 1890. Bouvier, J., Institutes of, 1851. Kent, J., Commentaries on American Law, 1884. Pomeroy, J. N., on Municipal Law, 2d Ed., 1883. Rorer, D., on American Interstate Law, 1879. Stimson, F. J., American Statute Law, 1888. Walker, T., American Law, 1895. ANCIENT LIGHTS. Tyler, R. H., on Boundaries, Fences and Window Lights, 1874. See also Easements. ANNQITY TABLES. Giauque, F., Present Value Tables, 1894. See also Dower; Life Insurance. APPEAL. Elliott, B. K. and W. F., Appellate Procedure, 1892. Hayne, R. Y., on New Trial and Appeal, 1889. Hilliard, T., on New Trials, 1866. APPORTIONMENT. See 2 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 474; also Jones' Index. ' APPRENTICES. Hinkley, E. V., Testamentary Law and the Law of Apprentices, 1878. See also 2 Ency. of Forms 1; 2 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed., 488; Master and Servant. 98 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. APPROPRIATION. romeroy, J. N., on Riparian Rights and Appropriation, 1893; see Water Riglits. ARBITRATION AND AWARDS. iilorse, J. T., on Arbitration and Award, 1872. See also 2 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 533. 3 Ency. of P. & P. 126; Jones' Index. ARSON. See 2 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 917; Criminal Law. ASSESSMENTS. Welty, D. W., on Assessments, 1886; see also Taxation. ASSIGNMENTS. Bishop, J. L., on Insolvent Debtors and Voluntary Assignments, 1894. Burrell, A. M., on Assignments for Benefit of Creditors, 1894. ASSUMPSIT. See 2 Ency. of P. & P.; 2 Ency. of Forms, 294. ATTACHMENTS. Drake, C. D., on Attachments, 1885. Kneeland, S. F., on Attachments in Civil Cases, 1882. Shinn, R., on Attachment and Garnishment, 1887. Wade, W. R. P., on Attachment and Garnishment, 1887. Waples, on Attachment and Garnishment, 1895. ATTORNEYS AND SOLICITORS. Weeks, E. P., on Attorneys at Law, 1892. AUCTIONS. 4 Bateman, J., on the Law of Auctions, 1883. I TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 99 B BAIL. See 3 Ency. of Forms, 1; 3 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 587; Bonds, Sureties. BAILMENTS. Edwards, I., Treatise on Bailments, 1878. Lawson, J. D., on Bailments, 1895. Schouler, J., on Bailments, including Carriers, Innkeepers and Pledge, 1897. Story, J., Treatise on Bailments, 1870. BANKRUPTCY. Blumenstiel, A., on Law and Practice in Bankruptcy, 1878. Brandenburg on Bankruptcy, 1898. black on Bankruptcy, 1898. Collier on Bankruptcy, 1898. BANKS AND BANKING. Maclaren, J. J., on Banks and Banking, 1896. Ball, F. Q., on National Banks, 1881. Browne, I., National Bank Cases, 3 vols., 1878-89. Morse, J. T., on Banks and Banking, 1888. Selover, A. W., Law of Bank Collections, 1901. Thompson-Browne, National Bank Cases, 1864-78. Zane, J. M., Banks and Banking, 1900. BASTARDY. See Jones' Index; 3 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 871; 3 Ency. of P. & P. 206. BENEFIT SOCIETIES. Niblack, W. C, on Voluntary Societies and Mutual Benefit Insur- ance, 1894. Niblack, W. C, Benefit Societies and Accident Insurance, 1894. Bacori, F. H., on Benefit Societies and Life Insurance, 1894. BICYCLE LAW. Clementson, G. B., Road Rights and Liability of Wheelmen, 1895; 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 15. BIGAMY. See 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 2d Ed. 35. 3 Ency. of PI. & Pr. 322; Criminal Law. 100 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. BILLS AND NOTES. Ames, J. B.. Selected Cases on Bills and Notes, 1881. Byles, J. B., on Bills and Notes, 1891. Chalmers, M. D., Digest of Law of Bills, Notes and Checks, 1889. Daniel, J. W.. on Negotiable Instruments, 1891. Edwards, I., on Bills, Notes and Negotiable Instruments, 1882. Maclaren, J. J., on Bills and Notes, 1896. Norton, C. P., on Bills and Notes, 1893. Parsons, T., on Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange, 1879. Randolph, J. F., on Commercial Paper, 1886-8. Selover, A. W., Negotiable Instruments Law, 1900. Story, J., on Bills of Exchange, 1860. Tiedeman, C. G., on Commercial Paper, 1889. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. See Bills and Notes. BILLS OF LADING. Porter, W. W., Bills of Lading, 1891. See 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 507. BILLS OF SALE. See 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 555; Sales. BLASPHEMY. See 3 Ency. of Forms, 522; 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed., 580; 3 Ency. of PL & Pr. 633; BONDS. Burham, J. A., Law of Municipal Bonds, 1889. Hainer, B. T., Modern Law of Municipal Securities. Jones, L. A., on R. R. and other Corporate Securities, including Muni- cipal Aid Bonds, 1879. Murfree, W. L., on Official Bonds and other Penal Bonds, 1885. Short, E. L., Law of Railway Bonds and Mortgages, 1897. Simonton, T .C, Municipal Bonds, 1896. Throop, M. H., Public Officers and Sureties on Official Bonds, 1891. BOUNDARIES. Tyler, R. H., Boundaries, Fences and Window Lights 1874. Thornton R. R. Fences and Crossings. BOYCOTTS AND STRIKES. See Combinations, Conspiracy, Criminal Law. r.REACH OF PROMISE. See 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 882; Contracts. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 101 BRIEFS. Abbott, A., Trial Brief, Criminal Causes. Abbott, A., Trial Brief, Civil Jury Trials, (1 Ed.) Abbott, A., Trial Brief, on the Facts. Abbott A., Trial Brief, on the Pleadings. Abbott, A., Trial Brief. Civil Jury Trials, (2d Ed.) See Ency. of PI. & Pr. 710. BROKERS. Biddle, A., on Stock Brokers, 1884. Rapalje, S., on Real Estate Brokers, 1893. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. Endlich, G. A., on Building Associations, 1882. Thompson, C. N., on Building and Loan Associations, 1899. BUILDING AND BUILDINGS. Lloyd, A. P., on Building and Buildings, 1888. See 5 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 2. See also Engineering. BURDEN OF PROOF. Bailey, W. H., on the Onus Probandi, Preparation of Trial and the Rights to Open and Close, 1886. c CARRIERS. Angell, J. K., on Law of Carriers, 1868. Fetter, N., on Carriers of Passengers, 1897. Hale, W., Handbook on Bailments and Carriers, 1896. Hutchinson, R., Treatise on Carriers, 1891. Ray, C. A., Negligence of Imposed Duties, 1893. Rediield, I. F., on Carriers; also Bailments, 1869. Schouler, J., on Carriers, 1887. Thompson. S. D., on Carriers of Passengers, 1880. Webb, J. A., Law of Passenger and Freight Elevators, 1896. Wheeler, E. P., Modern Law of Carriers, 1890. CERTIORARI. Harris, Geo. E., Certiorari at Common Law and under the Statutes, 1893. Spelling, T. C, on Extraordinary Relief, 1893. Wood, H. G., on Mandamus, Prohibition, Certiorari, Etc., 1880. 102 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. CHANCERY. Daniel's Chancery Practice, 1894. See Equity and Cnancery; Pleading and Practice. CHARGING THE JURY. Sackett, F., Istructions to Juries. 1888. CHARITABLE USES AND TRUSTS. Sanders on Uses and Trusts, 1855. CHOSES IN ACTION. See 3 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 235; Assignments, Negotiable In- struments; Mortgages. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Burrill, A. M., on Circumstantial Evidence, 1868. Wills, W., on Circumstantial Evidence, 18(2. CITIZENSHIP. Morse, A. P., on Citizenship, 1876. Webster, P., on Citizenship, 1891. See 3 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 242; 2d Ed. 14. CIVIL LAW. Howe's Studies of Civil Law, 1896. Walton, C. S., Civu Law in Spain and Spanish America, 1900. CIVIL LIBERTY. Hurd, J. C, Law of Freedom and Bondage. 1858. CODE PLEADING. Abbott, A., Selected Cases, Code Pleading. Bayliss, E., Coae Pleading and Forms, 1890. Bliss, P., on Code Pleading. Boone, C. T., on Code Pleading, 1885-1886. Estee, M. M., Code Pleadings, 1897. Hepburn, C. M., History and Development of Code Pleading, 1897. Lawson, j. D., Rights, Remedies and Practice, 1889-1890. Maxwell, S,. on Code Pleading and Practice, 1889-1890. Phillips, G. L., on Code Pleading, 1896. Pomeroy, J. N., Remedies, Remedial Rights, 1893. COLLATERAL INHERITANCE. Dos Passos, B. F.. Collateral Inheritance, 1895. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 103 COLLATERAL ATTACK. Van Fleet, J. M., on Collateral Attack of Judgments, 1892. COLLATERAL EVIDENCE. Giilett, J. H., Indirect and Collateral Evidence, 1897. COLLATERAL SECURITIES. Boone, C. T.. on Mortgages and Collateral Securities, 1884. Colebrook, W., Treatise on, 1883. Jones, L. A., on Piedge and Collateral Securities, 1883. COMBINATIONS. Eddy, A. J., Combinations Embracing Monopolies, Trusts, Labor, Capital. Hirschl, A. J., on Combinations, Consolidations and Succession of Corporations, 1896. Spelling, T. C, on Trusts and Monopolis, 1893. COMMON LAW. Hale, Sir M., History of the, 1879. Holmes, O. W., Treatise on, 1881. CONDITIONAL SALES. See Sales. ♦ CONFESSIONS. See Criminal Law; 3 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 439; 2d Ed. 420. CONFLICT OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS. Bailey, W. H., on the Conflict of Judicial Decisions, 1888. CONFLICT OF LAWS. Dicey, A. V., on Conflict of Laws, 1896. Rorer, D., on Am. Inter-State Law, 1879. CONSPIRACY. Cogley, T. S., Strikes and Lockouts, 1894. Ray, C. A., Contractual Limitations, 1892. See also 6 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 830; Crimilanl Law, Riots. CONSTABLES. Crocker, J. G., on Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, 1871. Harlow, W. S., Duties of Sheriffs and Constables, 1895. Kelley, H. C, Missouri Justices and Constables, 1890. Smith, B. D., on Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, 1883. 104 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HISTORY. Andrew, James DeWitt, Am. Law Treatise on Jurisprudence, Consti- tution and Law. Bancroft, G., History of tlie Constitution of the United States, 1882, Balier, A. J., Annotated Constitution of U. S., 1891. Black, H. C, pn Constitutional Prohibitions, 1887. Black, H. C, on Constitutional Law, 1895. Brannon, H., on Fourteenth Amendment, 1901. Boutwell, G. S., American Constitutions, 1897. Bump, O. F., Notes on Constitutional Decisions, 1878. Cooley, T. M., Constitutional Limitations, 1890. Cooley, T. M., Principles of Constitutional Law, 1880. Elliott, J., Debates on Federal Constitution, 1866. Farrar, T., Manual of the Constitution of the United tSates, 1869. Glinn, G. A., American Constitution, 1894. Giinn, G. A., Foreign Constitutions, 1894. Glinn, G. A., American Constitutions, 1894. Hare, J. I., on American Constitutional Law, 1889. Jameson, J. A., on History of Constitutional Conventions. Madison, Jas., Journal Constitutional Conventions. Mills, J. W., Constitutional Annotations, 1890. Ordronaux, J., Constitutional Legislation in U. S., 1891. Schouler, J., History of the United States, 4 vols., 1890. Scott, E. H., Federalist and other Constitutional Papers, 1894, 2 vols. Sedgwick, T., on Interpretation and Construction of Statutory and . Constitutional Law, 1874. ^ Story, J., on the Constitution of U. S., 1901. Tucker, J. R., Constitution of the United States, 1899. Van Hoist, Constitutional and Political History of the U. S., 8 vols., 1877-1892. CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES. Bishop, J. P., on Written Laws and their Interpretation, 1882. Dwarris, F., on Statiites and their Construction, 1888. Bndlicn, G. A., Commentaries on the Interpretation of Statutes, 1888. Sedgwick, T., on Interpretation and Construction of Statutory and Constitutional Law, 1857. Sutherland, J. G., on Statutory Construction, 1891. Wade, W. P., on Retroactive Laws, 1880. CONTEMPT. Hawes, H., on Proceedings of Contempt, 1886. Rapalje, S., Treatise on Contempts, 1883. Wells, J. C, on Jurisdiction of Courts, 1880. CONTINGENT REMAINDERS. See Remainders. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. lOS CUNTRACIS. Addison, C. G., on Contracts, 1892. Anson, W. R., on Contracts, 1895. Beach, C. F., Modern Law of Contracts, 1896. Bisnop, J. P., on Contracts, 1889. Chitty, J., on Contracts, 1874. Clark, W. L., Law of Contracts, 1894. Dewey, T. H., Treatise on Contracts for tlie Future Delivery and Commercial Wages ,1886. Greenhood, E., Doctrine of~Public Policy in the Law of Contracts, 1886. Keener, W. A., on Quasi Contracts, 1893. Langrtell, C. C, Selected Cases on Contracts. Lawson, J. D., on Contracts, 1893. Metcalf, T., Treatise on Contracts, 18o8. Parsons, T., Treatise on Contracts, 1893. Pomeroy, J. N., on Specific Performance of Contracts. Story, W. W., Treatise on Contracts, 1874. CONTRIBUTION. See 5 Ency. of Forms, 433; 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 1. CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE. Beach, C. F., on Contributory Negligence. See 7 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 2d Ed. 368; 5 Ency. of PI. & Pr. 1; 5 Ency. of Forms, 458; Carriers, Master and Servant; Negli- gence, Railroads. CONVEYANCING. Devlin, R. T., on Deeds. Jones, L. A., Forms in Conveyancing. Martinsdale, W. B., Treatise on Conveyancing, 1889. Maupin, C. W., on Marketable Title to Real Estate. See Jones' Index; Abstracts of Titles, Alienation, Deeds, Estates, Fraudulent Conveyancing, Real Property. COPYRIGHT. Bump, O. F., on Patents, Trademarks, Copyright and Labels, 1884. 106 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. CORONERS. Crocker, J. G., on Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, ]871. Smith, B. D., on Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, 1883. CORPORATIONS. Alger, A. M., Law of Promoters and Promotion of Corporations, 1897. American Corporation Cases, and Digest. Angell & Ames, on Private Corporations, 1871. Beach, C. F., on Public Corporations, -1893. Boone, C. T., on Corporations, 1887. Brice, S., on Ultra Vires. Clark, W. L., Law of Private Corporations. Cook, W. W., on Stock and Stockhilders and Corporation Law, 1894. Cook, W. W., on Corporations as affected by Statutes and Constitu- tions, 1889. Field, G. W., on Private Corporations, ±877. Hirschl, A. J., Combination, Consolidation and Succession of Coropra- tions, 189e. Lowell, A. L. & F. C, on Transfer of Stock in Private Corporations, 1884. Morawetz, V., Treatise on Corporations, 1886. Murfree, W. L., on Foreign Corporations, 1893. Reese, R. A., True Doctrine of Ultra Vires. Reid, W. A., Law of Corporate Finance, 1896. Reno, C, Non-residents and Foreign Corporations, 1892. Smith, J. E., Law of Private Companies. Spelling, T. C. on Private Corporations, 1892. Taylor, H. O., on Private Corporations, 1884. Thompson, L. D.. on the Liability of Directors and other Officers and Agents of Corporations, 1880. Thompson, L. D., on the Liability of Stockholders in Corporations, 1879. Thompson, L. D., Commentaries on the Law of Private Corporations, 1895-6. Wait, F. L., on Insolvent Corporations, 1888. Waterman, T. W., on Corporations other than Municipal, 3 888. CORPORATIONS, MUNICIPAL. American and English Corporation Cases, 1884-5. Dillon, J. F., on Municipal Corporations, 1890. Foote, A. R. & C. S. Everett, Incorporated Companies, operating under Municipal Franchises. Horr, N. T. and A. A. Beames, on Municipal Police Ordinances, 1887. Jones, D. A., Negligence of Municipal Corporations, 1892. Morrill, W. W., Law and Practice in Actions against Municipal Cor- porations, 1887. Tiedeman, C. G., on Municipal Corporations, 1894. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SJBJECTS. 107 COTENANCY. Freeman, A. C, on Cotenancy and Partition, 1886. See Jones' Index; Estates; Joint Ownership; Partition; Real Prop- erty. COVENANTS. Rawle, W. H., on Covenants of Titles, 1887. See 5 Ency. of Forms, 862; 4 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 463; 5 Ency. of P. & P. 342; Injunction, Leases, Real Property. COVERTURE. Tyler, R. H., on Infancy and Coverture, 1882. CREDITOR. See Debtor and Creditor. CREDITOR'S BILLtt. Wait, F. L., on Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditor's Bills. See 5 Ency. of P. & P. 388. CRIMINAL EVIDENCE. See Criminal Law; Evidence . CRIMINAL LAW. Abbott, A., Trial Brief, Criminal Causes, 188y. American Criminal Reports, 9 vol. 1878-96. Archbold. J. F., on Criminal Procedure, Pleading and Evidence, 1860. Bishop, J. P., on Criminal Law, 1892. Bishop, J. P., on Criminal Procedure, 1895-6. Bishop, J. P., on Statutory Crimes, 1883. Clark, W. L., riandbook of Criminal Law, 1894. Clark, \\. L., Handbook of Criminal Procedure, 1895 . Clark & Marshall, Law of Crimes, 1900. Hochheimer, L., Crime and Criminal Procedure, 1897. Horrigan, L. B., and Tnompson, S. D., Self-Defense, 1886. Maxwell, L., Criminal Procedure, 1887. McClain, E., on Criminal Law, 1897. Moore, I. M., on Criminal Law and Procedure, 1890. Rapalje, S., on Larceny and Kindred Offenses, 1892. Roe, E. L., on Criminal Procedure in U. S. Courts, 1887. Rorer, D., on L;riminal Evidence, 1866. Russell, W. O., on Crimes and Misdemeanors, 189o. Wharton, F.. on Criminal Plead. & Prac, 1880. Wharton, F., Precedents of Indictments and Pleas, 1881. 108 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. CURTESY. Giauque, F. and McClure, Present Value Tables, 1894. See 4 Am. & Eng. Ency.of Law, 958; 5 Ency. of P. & P., 698; Co- tenancy, Husband and Wife. CYCLOPAEDIAS. See Encyclopaedias. 13 DAMAGES. Field. G. W., Treatise on Damages, 1876. Harris, G. E., Damages by Corporations, 1892. Sedgwick, A. G., Elements of Damages, 1896. Sedgwick, H. D., Leading Cases on Damages, 1878. Sedgwick, T., on the Measure of Damages, 1891. Sutherland, J. G., Treatise on Damages, 1882-3. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR. Barbour, O. L., on the Law of Payment, 1888. , Bishop, J. L., on Insolvent Debtors. Munger, G. G., on Application of Payments by Debtor to Creditor, 1879. See 5 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 179; Assignments, Bankruptcy, Fraudulent Conveyances, Insolvency. DECEIT. Grinnell, C. E., Ireatise on Deceit, 18o6. See 5 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 318; Frauds, Torts. DEEDS. Devlin, R. T., Treatise on Deeds, 1897. See Conveyancing, Real Property, Titles. DEFAMATION. Newell, M. L., on Malicious Prosecution, 1892. See Libel and Slander. DESCENTS. Abbott, N., Descent, Wills and Administration, 1894. Bingham, A., Treatise on Descent, 1870. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 109 DICTIONARY OF LAW. Abbott, B. v., Law Dictionary, 1879. Anderson, W. C, Law Dictionary, 1899. Black. H. C, Law Dictionary, 1891. Bouvier, J., Law Dictionary, 1897. Kinney, J. K.. Law Dictionary and Glossary, 1893. Lawson, J. D., Concordance of Words and Phrases, 1883. Rapalje and Laurence, Dictionary of American and English Law, 1883. Tayler, T., Law Glossary, 1877. DISCOVERY. Langdell, C. C, Cases in Equity Pleading, selected with special refer- ence to the subject or Discovery, 1878; See Jones' Index. DIVORCE. See' Marriage and Divorce. DOMESTIC RELATIONS. Browne, I., on Domestic Relations, 1890. Field, G. W., on Infants, Guardian and Ward, Parent and Child, 1888. Rodgers, W. C, on Domestic Relations. Schouler, J., Treatise on Domestic Relations, 1895. DOMICIL. Jacobs, M. W., Treatise on Domicil, 1887. DOWER. Giauque, F. and McClure, H. B., Dower, Etc. Scribner, C. H., Treatise on Dower. See E. B. Thomas, Law of Estates; 5 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 884, DURESS. See 6 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 59, and Jones Index. DYING DECLARATIONS. See 6 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law; Criminal Law, Evidence. 110 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. E EASEMENTS. Angell, J. K., on Water Courses, 1877 . Jones, L. A., on Easements, 1898. Tyler, R. H., Boundaries, Fences and Window Lights, 1874 . Washburn, E., on Easements and Servitude. EJECTMENT. Newell, M. L., on Ejectment, 1892. Sedgwick and Waite, on Trial of Title including ejectiuenr. LSS6. Tyler, R. H., on Ejectment and Adverse Enjoyment. ELECTIONS. Brightly, C. F., Leading Cases on Elections, 1871. McCrary, G. W., Am. Law of Elections, 1897. Paine, H. E., Treatise on Elections, 1888. Wigmore, J. W., Australian Ballot System, 1«89. ELECTRICITY. Crosswell, S. G., Law Relating to Electricity, 1895. Joyce. A. and H. C, Treatise on Electric Law, 1900. Keasbey, B. Q., Law on Electric Wires, 1900. Thompson, S. D., Electricity, Lights, Railway, Etc. 1891. E1.LVATORS. Webb, J. A., Law of Passenger and Freigut Elevators, 1896. See also Carriers. EMINENT DOMAIN. Hawes, H., on Proceedings on Eminent Domain, 1886. Lewis, J., Treatise on Eminent Domain, 1888-1900. Mills, H. E., on Eminent Domain, 1879. Randolph, C. F., on Eminent Domain, 1894. ENGINEERING. Wait, J. C, Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence, 1898. ENCYCLOPAEDIAS OF LAW. American and English Ency. of Law. Encyclopaedia of Forms. Encyclopaedia of Pleading and Practice. ENGLAND, LAW OP. Bacon, M., Abridgment of the Law, 1860. Blackstone, W., Commentaries on the Law of England. Pollock, F., Maitiand, F. W., History of English Law, 2 vols., 1895. Reeves, J., History of the English Law. Dillon, J. F., Laws and Jurispruaence of England and America, 1894. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. Ill EQUITY AND CHANCERY. Adams, J. Jr., on the Doctrine of Equity, 1890. Beach, C. F., Modern Equity Practice. 1894. Bispham, G. T., Principles of Equity. Daniell, E. R., Chancery Pleading and Practice, 1894. Fetter, N., Handboolc of Equity Jurisprudence, 189t). Foster, R., Pleading and Practice in Equity (U. S. Courts.) Langdell, C. C, Leading Cases in Equity Pleading, 1878. Merwin, H. C, Principles of Equity and Equity Pleading, 1895. ■ Pomeroy, J. N., on Equity Jurisprudence. Sharswood, J. A., Principles of Equity, 1885. Shiras, O. P., Equity Practice in the U. S. Circuit Conrts, 1898. Shipman, B. J., on Equity Pleading, 1897. Story, J., on Equity Jurisprudence, 1886. Story, J., on Equity Pleadings, 1892. Tiedeman, C. G., on Equity Jurisprudence, 1893. White & Tudor, Leading Cases in Equity. ESCHEAT. 6 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 854. ESCROW. See 6 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 857. ESTATES. Chaplin, S. Suspension of the Power of Alienation 1891. Gray J. C, Restraints on the Alienation of Property, 1883. Sharswood, G., Leading Cases on Real Property, 1883-7. Thomas, E. B., Law of Estate Created by Will, 1898. ESTOPPEL. Bigelow, M. M., on Law of Estoppel, 1890. Herman, H. M., on Estoppel and Res Judicata, 1886. Van Fleet, J. M., on Former Adjudication, 1895. EVIDENCE. Abbott, A., Select Cases on Law of Evidence. 1895, 1st and 2d Ed. Abbott, A., Trial Evidence ,1880. Bailey, W. H., Onus Probandi, 1886. Best, W. M., on Evidence. Bradner, G. W., Rules of Evidence as x rescribed by the Common Law,. 1895. Browne, I., on Admissibility of Parol Evidence in respect to Written Instruments, 1860. Gillett, J. H., on Indirect and Collateral Evidence, 1897. Greenleaf, L., on Evidence, 1896. Jones, B. W., Law of Evidence in Civil Cases, 1896. 112 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. Lawson, J. D., on Expert and Opinion Evidence, 1883-1890. Lawson, J. D., on Presumptive Evidence, 1885 and 1899. iVicKelvey, J. J., on Evidence, 1898. Pliillips, S. M., on Evidence, 1868. Reynolds, W.. Theory of tlie Law of Evidence. Rice, F. S., on Evidence, 1892-3. Roscoe, H., Digest of Law of Evidence in .Criminal Cases, 1888. Starkie, T., on Evidence, 1876. Sutherland, J. G., on Production and Inspection of Books and Papers, 1895. Taylor, J. P., on Evidence, 1897. Thayer, J. B., Treatise on Evidence at Common Law, 1896. Underhill, H. C, on Evidence, 1894. Wharton, F., on Evidence in Civil Issues. Wood, H. G., Practice Evidence, 1886. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. Crosweii, L. G., Law of Executors and Administrators. Schouler, J., Treatise and Executors and Administrators. Thornton, W. W., on Gifts and Advancements. Williams, E. V., Treatise on Executors and Administrators. Woerner, J. G., on American Law of Administration of Estates, 1889. EXECUTORY CONTRACTS. See Contracts. EXECUTORY DEVISES. See' Estates, Limitations, Remainders, Uses, Wills. EXEMPTION. bee Execution, Homestead, Taxation. EXECUTIONS. Freeman, A. C, on Executions in Civil Cases. ' Herman, H. M., on Executions in Civil Cases. Riddle & Bullard, on Proceedings Supplementary to Executions, 1886. Rorer, D., on Judicial and Executive Sales. EXPERT EVIDENCE. Lawson, J. D., on Expert and Opinion Evidence, 1883, 1890. Rogers, H. W.. on Expert Testimony, 1891. EX POST FACTO LAW. Black, H. C, on Constitutional Prohibition, ^887. See 7 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 525; Constitutional Law. EXTORTION. See 7 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 585. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 113 EXTRADITION. Church, W. S., on Habeas Corpus. Moore, J. B., on Extradition, 1891. Spear, S. T., Treatise on Extradition, 1884. EXTRAORDINAKx^ LEGAL REMEDIES. High, J. L., on Extraordinary Legal Remedies, 1896. Spelling on Extraordinary Relief, 1893. Wood, H. G., on Mandamus, Prohibition, 1891. FACTS. Abbott, A., Trial Brief; Proving the Facts, 1889. Proffatt, J., on Trial by Jury, including Questions of Law and Fact, 1877. Ram, J., on Facts, as subjects of inquiry by a Jury. FALSE IMPRISONMENT. Newell, M .L., on Malicious Prosecution, 1892. See 7 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 661; Jones' Index. FALSE PRETENSES. See Criminal Law, Fraud; 7 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 699. FARM LAW. Austin, H., on Law of Farms and Farm Laborers. FELLOW SERVANTS. McKinney, W. M., Fellow Servants and Servants' Insurance Soci- eties, 1890. See 7 Am .& Eng. Ency. of Law, 821. FENCES. Thornton, W. W., on Railroad Fences ana Crossings, 1892. Tyler, R. H., on Boundaries, Fences and Window Lights, 1874. FIXTURES. Ewell, M. D., Treatise on Fixtures, 1876. Tyler, R. H., Treatise on Fixtures, 1877. FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER. See 8 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 101; 9 Ency. of Pldg & Prac, 19. 114 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. FORECLOSURE. Wiltsie,, C. H., on the Law and Practice of Foreclosing Mortgages on Real Property, 1889. FORMS. boone, C. T., on Code Pleading and Forms, 1886. Cowdry, J. F., Forms, Etc., for Pacific Etates, 1896. Estee, M. M., Code Pleading, Practice and Forms, 1898. Encyclopaedia of Forms. Jones' L. A., Forms in Conveyancing, 1894. Lansing, W., Forms of Civil Procedure under Code, 1885-88. Loveland, F. O., Forms of Federal Procedure, 1894. Pagin, O. E., Precedents and Forms, Federal, 1894. Whai'ton, F., Precedents in Indictments and Pleas, 1881. FRaUD. Bigelow, M. M., Treatise on Fraud. Grinnell, E. C, Law of Deceit, 1886. Pierce, J. O., on Fraudulent Mortgages of Merchandise, 1884. FRAUDS, STATUTE OF. Browne, C, Statute of Frauds, 1895. Reed, H., Treatise on the Statute of Frauds, 1884. Wood, H. G., Treatise on the Statute of Frauds, 1884. FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES. Bump, O. F., Treatise on Fraudulent Conveyances, 1872. Pierce, J. D., on Fraudulent Mortgages of Merchandise, 1884. Wait, F. S., on Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditors' Bills, with a discussion of Void and Voidable Acts, 1897. PxiEIGHT. Ray, C. A., Negligence of Imposed Duties (Freight Carriers, 1895.) See 8 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 900; Carriers, Railroads. FUTURES. Dewey, T. H., on Contracts for Future Delivery and Commercial Wages, including Options, Futures and "Short Sales," 1886. See Brokers, Contracts. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 115 G GAME LAWS. Austin, H., on Farm Law an dthe Game Laws of all the States, 1886. GARNISHMENT. See Attachment, and 9 Ency. of P. & P. 805. GIFTS. Thornton, W. W., on Gifts and Advancements, 1893. GOVERNMENT. See Constitutional Law and History. GUARANTY AND SURETYSHIP. Brandt, G. W., on Suretyship and Guaranty. Pingrey, D. H., on Surety and Guaranty, 1901. See 9 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 67; Jones' Inde.N;. GUARDIAN AND WARD. Field, G. W., on Infants, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, 1888. Rodgers, W .C, on Domestic Relations. Schouler, J., on Domestic Relations. Tyler, R. H., on Infancy. Woerner, J. G., American Law of Guardianship, 1897. H HABEAS CORPUS. Church, W. S., Treatise on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Hurd, R. C, Treatise on the Writ of Habeas Corpus, with a view of Extradition. Spelling, T. C, on Extraordinary Relief, 1893. See 9 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 161; Jones' Index; Extraordinary Rem- edies. HANDWRITING. Hagan, W. E., Disputed Handwriting, 1894. See 9 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 263; Evidence. 116 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. HEARSAY EVIDENCE. See 9 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 326; Evidence. HEIRS. See Descents, Domestic Relations, Executors and Administrators. HIGHWAYS. Angell & Durfee, on Law of Higtiways. Elliott, B. R. and W. F., on Roads and Streets, 1897. Morrill, W. W., Negligence of Municipal Corporations, in care of Highways, 1887. Thompson, I. G., on Highways, including Ways, Bridges, Tunnels, Etc., 1890. Keasby, E., Law of Elecric Wires on Streets and Highways. HISTORY. See American Law, Common Law, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law and History. HOLIDAYS. See 9 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 419. HOMESTEADS AND EXEMPTIONS. Thompson, L. D., on Homesteads and Exemptions, 1878. Waples, R., on Homestead and Exemptions, 1893. HOMICIDE. Kerr, J. M., on Homicide, 1891. Wharton on Homicide, with Appendix of Leading Cases. See also Criminal Law . HORSES. See 9 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 759; Jones' Index. HUSBAND AND WIFE. Ballinger. R. A., Treatise on the Property Rights of Husband and Wife, 1895. Schouler, J., Treatise on Husband and Wife, 1882. See also Domestic Relations, Married Women, Marriage and Di- vorce. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 117 I IDENTIFICATION. Harris, G. E., Law of Identification, 1892. IDIOCY. See Insanity . IMPEACHMENT. See 10 Ency. of P. & P., Evidence, Trials. INCOME TAX. Gould, J. M. and G. F. Tucker, Federal Income Tax Law of 1894. INDICTMENTS. See 10 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 450, 460; Criminal Law. INFANCY. i^ield, G. W., on Infants, Parent and Child, Etc.. 1888. Tyler, R. H., on Infancy. See Guardian and Ward, Parent and Child, Domestic Relations. INFORMATIONS. Shortt, J., on Informations, 1889. INHERITANCE. Dos Passos, B. F., Collateral Inheritance. See Descents. INJUNCTIONS. Beach, C. F., on Injunctions, 1895. High, J. L., Treatise on Injunctions, 1890. Hilliard, F., Treatise on Injunctions, 1874. Kerr, W. W., on Injunctions in Equity. Spelling, T. C, on Extraordinary Relief. 1893. INSANITY. Browne, J. H. B., Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity, 1880. Buswell, H. T., Treatise on Insanity, 1885. Harrison, G. L., Legislation on Insanity, 1884. Mann, E. C, Med. Jurisprudence and Insanity. INSOLVENCY. Bishop, J. L., on Insolvent Debtors, 1895. Munger, G. G., on Application of Payment by Debtor and Creditor, 1879. Wait, F. S., on Insolvent Corporations, 1888. 118 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. INSURANCE. Beach, C. F., on Insurance, 1895. Bennett, E. H., Fire Insurance Cases. Berryman, J. R., Digest of Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insur- ance, 1888. Biddle, A., on Insurance, 1893. Bigelow, M. M., Life and Accident Insurance Reports. Bliss, G., on Life Insurance, with a Chapter on Accident Insurance, 1874. • Cooke, F. H., on Life Insurance, 1891. Hine, C. C, Digest of Insurance Decisions, 1882. Joyce, J. A., on Marine, Fire, Life, and Accident Insurance. May, J. W., on Insurance, Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee Etc. 1891. Niblack W. C, on Accident Insurance, 1894. Ostrander, D., Law of Fire Insurance. Richards, G., on Insurance, 1892. Sansum, O. B„ Digest of the Law of Fire, Marine, Life and Accident. 1876. Wood, H. G., on Fire Insurance. INTEREST. See Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law; Jones' Index. INTERNATIONAL LAW. Davis, C. K., on International Law, 1901. Pomeroy, J. C, on International Law, 1886. Twiss, T., on Law or Nations, 1884. Vattel, E. De, Law of Nations, 1849. Wharton, F., Digest of International Law. Wheaton, H., Elements of International Law, 1855. Woolsey, T. L., International Law, 1897. INTERPRETATION OF LAWS. Black, H. C, Construction and Interpretation of the Laws, 1896. INTERSTATE LAW. Rorer, D., Treatise on Interstate Law, 1893. INTESTATES See Executors and Administrators, Descent, Probate Law and Prac- tice. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Black, H. C, on Intoxicating Liquors, 1892. IRRIGATION. Kinney, C .L., Irrigation and Water Rights, 1894. Long, J. R., Law of Irrigation. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 119 JEOPARDY. See 11 Am. & Eng. of Law, 926; Constitutional Law, Criminal Law. JOINT OWNERSHIP. Freeman, A. C, on Cotenancy and Partition. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. See Corporations, Stock. Stockholders. JUDICIAL NOTICE. See Notice, and 12 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law, 151. JUDGMENTS. Black, H. C, on Judgments, 1891. Freeman, A. C, on Judgments, 1892. Van Fleet, J. M., Collateral Attack of Judgments, 1892.. JUDICIAL SALES. Freeman, A. C, on Void Judicial Execution and Probate Sales. 1878. Rover, D., on Judicial and Execution Sales, 1878. JURIES. Proffatt, J., on Trial by Juries, including Questions of Law and Fact, 1877. Sackett, F., on Instructions to Juries, 1888. Thompson, L. D., on Trials, including Instructions to the Jury, 1889. Thompson & Merriam on Juries, their Organization, Custody and Con- duct, 1882. JURISDICTION. Bailey, W. F., Law of Jurisdiction. 1899. Bennett, J. I., on Law of Lis Pendens, 1887. Brown, T., on Jurisdiction, 1891. Curtis, G. T., on Jurisdiction, Practice and Peculiar Jurisprudence of U. S. Courts, 1854. Hawes, H., on Jurisdiction of Courts, 1886. Spence, G., Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, 1846-50. Works, J. D., Courts and their Jurisdiction. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Kelley, H. S., Justice of the Peace, 1890. Murfree, W. L., Treatise on Justices of the Peace, 1886. 120 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. LAND LAWS. See Public Lands, Real Estate. LAND TITLES. Dembitz, L. N., on Land Titles in the United States, 1895. See Deeds. j LANDLORD AND TENANT. 1 Gear, H. L., on Landlord and Tenant, 1888. McAdam, D., Landlord and Tenant, 1900. , Taylor, J. N., on Landlord and Tenant. Wood, H. G., on Landlord and Tenant. Woodfall, W., on Landlord and Tenant. LARCENY. Rapalje on Larceny and Kindred Offences; See Criminal Law. LATERAL SUPPORT. See 12 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 933; Building, Easements. LAW LATIN. Jackson, E. H., Law Latin, 1899. LAW MAXIMS. See Maxims. LAW OF NATIONS. See International Law. LEADING AND SELECT CASES. American Leading Cases, 1871. American Decisions, 1754-1869. American Reports, 1868-1888. American State Reports (Current.) English Ruling Cases (Current.) Lawyers Reports Annotated (Current.) hmith, J. W., Selection of Leading Cases. LEASES. Lloyd, A. P., Building and Buildings, especially referring to Building Contracts, Leases, Etc., 1888. See Covenants, Landlord and Tenant. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 121 LEGACIEo. Dos Passes, B. P., Collateral and Direct Inheritance, Legacy and Succession Taxes. Roper, R. S. D., Treatise on Legacies, 1848. LEGISLATION. Black, H. C, on Constitutional Prohibitions, 1887. Cooley, T. M., on Constitutional Limitations. Cushing, L. L., Law and Practice of Legislative Assemblies, 1866. Dillon, J. B., Oddities of Colonial Legislation, 1879. Ordronaux,- J., on Constitutional Legislation, 1891. Potter, P., Constitutional Limitations, 1871. LIBEL AND SLANDER. Newell, M. L.; Law of Defamation, Libel and Slander, 1898. Odgers, W. B., on Libel and Slander, 1887. Townshend, J., on Slander and Libel. LICENSES. See 13 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 514. LIENS. Boisot, L. J., on Mechanics' Liens, 1897. Jones, L .A., Treatise on Liens, 1888. Kneeland, S. F., on Mechanics' Liens. Lloyd, A. P., on Building and Buildings, Etc. and Liens, 1894. Overton, D. Y., Treatise on Liens, 1883. Phillips, S. L., on Mechanics' Liens. LIFE INSURANCE. See Insurance. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS. Angell, J. K., on Limitation, 1876. Buswell, H. F., oh Statute of Limitations and Adverse Possession, 1889. "Wood, H. G., on Limitation of Actions of Law and in Equity, 1893. LIS PENDENS. Bennett, J. I., on the Law of Lis Pendens, 1873. LOANS. See Building Associations, Pawnbrokers, Pledges. LUNACY. See Insanity, Medical Jurisprudence. 122 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. M MALICIOUS PROSECUTIONS. Newell, M. L., on Malicious Prosecution, 1892. Townshend,, A Chapter on Malicious Prosecutions, in his Slander and Libel. MALPRACTICE. Elwell, J. J., on Malpractice and Medical Evidence, 1860. See Medical Jurisprudence. MANDAMUS. Hawes, H., on Nature and Scope of Writ of Mandamus (in his Juris- diction of Courts.) High, J. L., Extraordinary Legal Remedies. Merrill, S. S., on Mandamus, 1892. Shortt, J., on Informations, Mandamus and Prohibition, 1889. Spelling, T. C, on Extraordinary Relief, 1898. Wood, H. G., on Mandamus, Prohibition, Etc., 1891. See Injunctions and Special Proceedings. MARINE INSURANCE. See Insurance. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. Bishop J. P., on Marriage and Divorce and Evidence in Matrimonial Suits, 1891. Browne, W. H., on Divorce and Alimony. Nelson, W. T., on Divorce, Etc., 1895. Tyler, R. H., on Infancy, Guardianship, Marriage, Coverture, Divorce, and Dower. See Dower, Husband and Wife, Married Women. MARRIED WOMEN. Bishop, J. P., on Law of Married Women, 1871-5. Harris, G. E., on Contracts of Married Women, 1887. Kelley, J. F., on Contracts of Married Women, 1882. Wells, J. C, on Separate Property of Married Women, 1878. See Contracts, Coverture, Curtesy, Domestic Relations, Husband and Wife. MASTER AND SERVANT. Bailey, W. F., Master's Liability for Injuries to Servants, 1894. Bailey, W. F., Law of Personal Injuries Relating to Master and Ser- vant, 1897. McKinney, W. M., on Fellow-Servants, 1890. Reno, C, Employer's Liability Acts, 1896. Wood, H. G., Treatise on Master and Servant, 1886. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 123 MAXIMS. Broom, H., Legal Maxims, 1874. Hughes, W. T., Technology of Law, 1893. Lawson, J. D., Concordance of Words and Phrases, Judicially Con- strued, 1883. Tayler, Q., Law Glossary, Maxims, 1861. MECHANICS' LIENS. See Liens. MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. Beck, T. R. and J. B., on Medical Jurisprudence, 1863. Clevenger, S. V'., Medical Jurisprudence of Insaniy, 1898. Ewell, M. D., Manual of Medical Jurisprudence, 1887. Mann E. C, Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity, 1893. Woodman & Tidy, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 1877. MILITARY AND NAVAL LAW. Benet, S. V., Military Laws and Courts Martial, 1864. Davies, G. B., Lieut. Col. Military Law of U. S., 1897-98, 2 vols. Winthrop, W. Col., Digest of Opinions of Judge Advocates of Army, 1901. MINES AND MINING. Barringer, D. M. and Adams, J. S., on Mines and Mining in the United 1897. Clark, Heltman & Consaul, Mineral Law Digest, 1897. Collier, R. P., on Mines. Lindley on Mines, 2 vols. 1897. iucPherson & Clark, Law of Mines. Morrison, R. S., Digest of the Laws of Mines and Minerals, 1878. Morrison & DeSoto, Mining Rights, Etc. Rockwell, J. A., Spanish and Mexican Law, Relating to Mines, Etc., 1851. Wyman Land & Mining Laws, Alaska, Britsh Columbia and North- west Territory, 1898. MISTAKE. See 15 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 625; Equity Fraud. MONOPOLY^ Hirschl, A. J., on Combinations, Consolidations and Succession of Corporations, 1896. Spelling, T. C, on Trusts and Monopolies, 1893. 124 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. MORTGAGES. Boone, C. T., on Mortgages of Real and Personal Property, including Pawns, Pledges and Collateral Securities, 1884. Cobby, J. E., on Chattel Mortgages, 1893. Jones, L. A., on Corporate Bonds and Mortgages. 1890. Jones, L. A., on Chattel Mortgages, 1883. Jones, L. A., on Mortgages of Real Property, 1894. Pierce, J. A., on Fraudulent Mortgages of Merchandise, 1884. Pingrey, D. H., on Chattel Mortgages, 1891. Short, E. L., Law of Railway Bonds and Mortgages, 1897. Tiedeman, C. G., on Sales of Personal Property, incuullng Chattel Mortgages, 1891. Wiltsie, C. H., on Mortgage Foreclosure. MORTMAIN. See Wills, Jones' Index. MUNICIPAL BONDS. Burhans, J. A., on Municipal Bonds, 1889. Burrough, W. H., on Public Securities, 1881. See Bonds, Corporations, Securities. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. American and English Corporation Cases. Beach, C. F., on Public Corporations. Beach, J. F., on Municipal Corporations. Foote, A. R. and Everett, C. E., Incorporated Companies Operating under Municipal Franchises. Horr, N. T., and Beames, A. A., Municipal Police Ordinances. Jones, D. A., Negligence of Municipal Corporations. Morrill, W. W., Law and Practice in Actions against Municipal Cor- porations, 1887. Tiedeman, C. G., on Municipal Corporations. Maine's Village Communities. MUNICIPAL LAW. Pomeroy, J. N., Introduction to Municipal Law. MURDER. See Criminal Law, Trials. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 125 NATIONAL BANKS. See Banks and Banking. NATURAL LAW. Vattel, E. De, Law of Nations or Principles of the Law of Nature. See International Law. NATURALIZATION. Morse, E. P., on Citizenship by Birth and by Naturalization, 1881 . Webster, P., on Naturalization, 1895. See also Citizenship. NE EXEAT. Hawes, H., on Nature and Scope of Writ of Ne Exeat, (in his Juris- diction of Courts), 1886. See Debtor and Creditor. NEGLIGENCE. Beach, C. F., on Contributory Negligence. Beven, T., on Negligence. Deering, J. H., Treatise on Negligence, 1886. Jones. D. A., Negligence of Municipal Corporations, 1892. Leavitt, J. B., on Negligence, 1895. Morrill, W. W., Negligence of Municipal Corporations in Case of Highways, 1887. Ray, C. A., Negligence of Imposed Duties (Passengers.) Shearman & Redfield, Treatise on Negligence. Thomas, E. B., Law of Negligence, 1895. Thompson, S. .D, Treatise on Negligence, 1880. Wharton, F., Treatise on Negligence, 1878. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS. See Bills and Notes, Bonds, Checks, Securities. NEW TRIALS. Elliott, B. K. and W. T., Appellate Procedure, 1892. Graham & Waterman, Treatise on New Trials, 1855. Hayne, R. on New Trial and Appeal. 1889. Hilliard, F., on New Trials and other Rehearings, 1872. See Appeal, Juries, Pleading and Practice. NISI PRIUS. Stephens, A. J., on the Law of Nisi Prius, Etc., 1844. See Actions and Defences, Evidence, Trial, Onus Probandi. 126 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY bbBJECTS. NOLLE PROSEQUL See Criminal Law, 16 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law, 709. NON COMPOS MENTIS. See Idiocy; Insanity. NON CONTRACT LAW. Bishop, J. P., on Non-Contract Law, or Rights and Torts, 1889. See also Contracts, Torts. NON RESIDENTS. Reno, C. Non-Residents and Foreign Corporations, 1892. NOTARIES. Proffatt, J., on Notaries Public. NOTICE. Wade, W. T., on Notice as Affecting Civil Rights and Remedies. See 16 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 787; Lis Pendens. NOVATION. 16 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 862; Contracts, Surety. NUISANCE. Wood, H. G., Treatise on Nuisance. o OBLIGATIONS. See Contracts, Suretyship. OFFICERS. Alderson, W. A., Judicial Writs and Process, and Officers' Duties thereunder, 1895. Crocker, J. G., on Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables. Harlow, W. S., Duties of Sheriffs, Constables, 1884. Mechem, P. R., on Public Officers, 1890. Murfree, W. L., on Sheriffs and other Municipal Officers. Smith, B. D., Powers, Duties and Liabilities of Sheriffs, Etc., 1883. Throop, M. H., on Public Officers, 1892. Watson, W., Manual for U. S. Commissioners, 1881. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 127 OFFICIAL BONDS. Murfree, W. L., on Official Bonds and other Penal Bonds, 1885. ONUS PROBANDI. Bailey, W. H., Onus Probandi, Preparation for Trial and the Right to Open and Close, 1886. See Evidence, Trial. OPINION EVIDENCE. See 7 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 490; Evidence, Expert Evidence, Medi- cal Jurisprudence. ORDINANCES. Horr and Beamis on Municipal Police Ordinances, 1887. OVERRULED CASES. Bigelow, M. M., Table of American, English and Irish Overruled Cases, 1887. PARENT AND CHILD. Field, G. W., on Infants, Parent and Child. Guardian and Ward, 1888. See Domestic Relations, Husband and Wife, Infancy. PARLIAMENTARY LAW AND PRACTICE. Gushing, L. S., Manual of Parliamentary Law, 1887. PAROLE EVIDENCE. Browne, I., on Parole Evidence, 1893. PARTIES TO ACTIONS. Hawes, H., on Parties to Actions, 1884. PARTITION. Freeman, A. C, on Cotenancy and Partition. PARTNERSHIP. Bates, C, on Law of Partnership, 1888. Burdick, F. M., Law of Partnership. George, W., on Partnership, 1897. 128 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. Lindley, N., Treatise on Law of Partnership. Parsons, J., Principles of Law of Partnership. 1889. Story, J., Treatise on Partnership. PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS. Bump, O. F.. on Patents, Trade Marks, Copyright and Lebals, 1884. Curtis, G. T., on Law of Patents, 1873. Morris, Patent Conveyancing. Newton, J. T., Digest of Patent Office Trade Marlt Decisions, 1896. Wallier, A. H., Patent Laws. PAWNS AND PAWNBROKERS. Boone, C. T., on Mortgages of Real and Personal Property, including the law of Pawns, Pledges and Collateral Securities, 1884. Tyler, R. H., on Usury, Pawns and Loans, 1873. See Bailments, Pledges. PAYMENT. Barbour, O. L., on the Law of Payment, 1888. Munger, G. G., on the Application of Payments by Debtor and Credi- tor, 1879. PERIODICALS. American Law Review. Case and Comment. Central Law Journal. Weekly Law Bulletin and Ohio Law Journal. Jones' Index. PERSONAL INJURIES. Bailey, W. F., Personal Injuries Relating to Master and Bervant, 1897. Buswell, H. F., Law of Personal Injuries, 1899. See Negligence. PERSONAL PROPERTY. Barbour, O. L., on Rights of Persons and Rights of Property, 1890. Brantly, W. T., on Personal Property, 1891. Darlington, J. J., on Personal Property, 1891. Dwight, T. W., Law of Persons and Personal Property, 1894. Schouler, J., Treatise on Personal Property. Tiedeman, C. G., on Sales of Personal Property, 1891. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. See 18 Am. & Eng. .Ency. Law 427; Jones' Index; Medical Jurl»- prudence. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 129 PLEADING AND PRACTICE— CHANCERY. See Equity and Chancery. PLEADING AND PRACTICE— CODE. Abbott, A., Selected Cases, Code Pleading. Abbott, A., Trial Brief upon the Pleadings at Law, in Equity and un- der the Codes, 1891. Boone, C. T., on Code Pleading, with Forms, 1885-6. Elliott, B. K.. and W. F., Work of the Advocate, 1888. Estee, M. M., Code Pleadings, Practice and Forms, 1898. Gould, J., on Pleadings in Civil Actions, adapted to the Code. Maxwell, S., on Code Pleading for all the Code States, 1892. Nash, S., Pleading and Practice, applicable to Code States. Van Santvoord, G., Precedents of Pleading in Civil Actions, 1875. Wait, W., Actions and Defences. Whittaker, H., Pleading and Practice under the Code of N .Y., 1854. PLEADING AND PRACTICE— COMMON LAW. Chitty, J., on Pleading and Precedents, 1876. Perry, R. R., on Common Law Pleading, 1897. Puterbaugh, S. D., Common Law Pleading and Practice, (111.) Shipman. B. J., Common Law Pleading, 1895. PLEADING AND PRACTICE— CRIMINAL. See Criminal Law. PLEADING AND PRACTICE U. S. COURTS. Curtis, G. I. and B. C, on the Jurisdiction, Practice and Peculiar Jurisprudence of the U. S. Courts, 1880. Roe, E. T., Criminal Procedure in U. S. Courts, 1887. PLEDGES. Boone, C. T., on Mortgages of Real and Personal Property, including the law of Pawns, Pledges and Collateral Securities, 1884. Denis, H., on Contract of Pledge, 1898. Jones, L. A., on Pledges, including Collateral Securities, 1883. . Schouler, J., on Pledge, (in his Bailments, 1887.) Tyler, R. H., on Usury, Pawns and Loans, 1873. POISONS. See 18 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 736; Medical Jurisprudence. POLICE ORDINANCES. Horr, N. T. and A. A. Beames, on Municipal Police Ordinances. 130 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. POLICE POWER. Prentice, W. P., on Police Power, 1894. Tiedeman, C. G., on the Limitations of the Police Power, 1886. POSSESSION. See Adverse Possession, Landlord and Tenant, Mortgages, Notice, Title to Land. POWERS. Sugden, E., Treatise on Powers, 1856. PRACTICE. See Pleading and Practice. PRECEDENTS. Cowdery, on Farms and Precedents. PRESCRIPTION. See 19 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 6; Limitations. PRESUMPTIONS. Burrill, A., on Circumstantial Evidence, Especially or Presumptive Kind in Criminal Cases, 1856. Lawson, J. D., on Presumptive Evidence, 1885. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT. See Agency. PRINCIPAL AND SURETY. See Bills and Notes, Bonds, Guaranty and Suretyship. PROBATE LAW AND PRACTICE. Alexander, D. E. and I. Joseph, Probate Law, Practice and Forms,. (Cal., Ore., Ari., Ida., Mont, Nev., Utah, Wash., Wyo.), 1892. American Probate Reports. Coffey, Probate Decisions. Dickinson, S. M., Probate Court of Practice in N. J.. 1884. Gary, G., Law and Practice in Courts of Probate (Wis., Mich., Minn.), 1892. Homer's Probate Law. Myrick, Probate Decisions. Redfield, A. A., Law and Practice of Surrogate Court, (N. Y.) Rice, F. S., American Probate Law and Practice, 1894. Smith, W. L., Probate Law and Practice in Mass. Woerner, J. G., on American Law of Administration of Estates. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 131 PROCESS. Alderson, W. A., Judicial Writs and Process in Civil and Criminal Cases, 1895. PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTARY TO EXECUTION. Riddle & Bullard, on Proceedings Supplementary to Execution un- der N. Y. Code, 1886. PROHIBITION. Hawes. H., on Nature and Scope of Writ (in his Jurisdiction of Courts). 1886. High, J. L., on Prohibition in Extraordinary Legal Remedies, 1884. Shortt, J., on Information, Mandamus and Prohibition, 1889. Spelling, T. C, on Extraordinary Relief, 1893. Wood, H. G., on Mandamus, Prohibition, Etc. PROMISSORY NOTES. See Bills and Notes. PROMOTORS. See Corporations. PROPERTY. See Personal Property, Real Property. PROXIMATE CAUSE. See Damages, Maxims, Negligence, Railroads. PUBLIC HEALTH. Parker, L. and R. H., Worthington, Public Health and Safety, 1892. PUBLIC LANDS. Copp, H. N., Public Land Laws and Decisions. Wyman's Land and Mining Law, 1898. PUBLIC OFFICERS. See Officers. PUBLIC POLICY. Greenhood, E., Doctrine of Public Policy, in the Law of Contracts, 1886. See Constitutional Law, Contracts. 132 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. Q QUASI CONTRACTS. Keener, W. A., on Quasi Contracts. See Contracts. QUO WARRANTO. Hawes, H., on Nature and Scope of (in his Jurisdiction of Courts), 1886. High, J. L., on Quo Warranto, in Extraordinary Legal Remedies. Shortt, J., Treatise on Quo Warranto, in his Informations, Etc., 1889. Spelling, T. C, on Extraordinary Relief, 1893. Wood, H. G., on Mandamus, Prohibition, Quo Warranto, 1880. R RAILROADS. American Railroad and Corporation Reports. Beach, C. F., on Railroads, 1890. Booth, H. J., Law of Street Railways, 1892. Elliott, B. K. and W .F., on Railroads, 1897. Jones, L. A., on Railroads and other Corporate Securities, including Municipal Aid Bonds, 1879. Lacey, J. F., Digest of American and Foreign Railway Decisions, 1875-84. Patterson, C. S., on Railway Accident Law, 1886. Rapalje, S. and W. Mack, Digest of Railway Law, 1895-8. Redfield, F. F., Treatise on Railroads. Rorer, D., Treatise on Railroads, 1884. Short, E. L., Law of Railway Bonds and Mortgages, 1897. Thornton, W. W., on Railroad Fences and Crossings, 1892. Wood, H. G., Treatise on Railroads. REAL PROPERTY. a Ballard, T. E., Annals on the Law of Real Property. Ballard, T. E., Index to Law of Real Property. Bingham, A., Treatise on Real Property, Actions and Defences, 1880. Boone, C. T., on Real Property, including Vendor and Purchaser, 1883. Cruise, W., Digest of Laws of England, respecting Real Property. Devlin, R. T., on Deeds. Hopkins, E. P.. Laws of Real Property, 1896. Jones, L. A., on Real Property and Conveyancing, 1896. Kerr, J. M., Treatise on Real Property, 1895. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 133 Maupin, C. W., ..xarketable Title to Real Estate. Pingrey, D. H., Law of Real Property, 1895. Rice, F. S., Modern Law of Real Property, 1897. Sharswood, G. and H., Budd, Leading^American Cases on Real Prop- erty, 1883-9. Tiedeman, C. G., Treatise on Real Property. Warvelle, G. W., American Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Real Property. Washburne, E., Treatise on Real Property. RECEIVERS. Beach, C. T., on Receivers, with more particular reference to Rail- road Companies. Gluck, J. F. and A. Becker, Law of Receivers of Corporations, 1891. High, J. L., Treatise on Receivers. Smith, J. W., on Receiverships, 1897. REFERENCES. Hoffman, M., on References and Practice as to References (N. "S .) 1875. REGISTRATION. Webb, Record of Title, 1890. 4 REMAINDER. See Real Property. REMEDIES AND REMEDIAL RIGHTS. Barbour, O. L., Rights of Persons and Property, 1890. High, J. L., on Extraordinary Legal Remedies. Lawson, J. D., Rights, Remedies and Practice. Pomeroy, J. N., on Remedies and Remedial Rights. Pomeroy, J. N., on Code Remedies, 1894. Spelling, T. C, on Extraordinary Relief, 1893. Thompson, I. G., on Provisional Remedies, 1867. REMOVAL OF CAUSES. Desty, R., on Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts, 1893. Dillon, J. F., on Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts, 1898. Speer, E., on Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts, 1888. RENTS. See 20 Am. <^ Eng. Ency. Law 1035; Jones' Index; Landlord and Tenant. 134 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. REPLEVIN. Cobbey, J. E. on Replevin, 1880. Wells, H. W., Treatise on Replevin, 1880. Shinn on Replevin, 1899. RES ADJUDICATA. Black, H. C, on Judgments, including the Doctrine of Res Adjudicata, 1891. Chand, H., on Res Adjudicata. Herman, H. M., on Estoppel and Res Adjudicata, 1886. Van Fleet, J. M., on Former Adjudicata, 1896. RES GESTAE. See 21 Am. & Eng. Ency. of Law 99; Criminal Law^ and Evidence. RESCISSION. See 21 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 24; Contracts. RESTRAINTS. Black, H. C, on Constitutional Prohibitions, 1887. Gray, J. C, on Restraints on the Alienation of Property, 1883. Ordronaux, J., Constitutional Legislation in U. S., 1891. Ray, C. A., on Contractual Limitations. 1892. RETROACTIVE LAWS. Black, H. C, Constitutional ProhibitionSj 1887. Myer, W. G., on Vested Rights, 1891. See Constitutional Limitations, Remedies. REVENUE. See Taxation; Jones' Index. RIPARIAN RIGHTS. Gould, J. M., on Waters, including Riparian Rights, 1887. Pomeroy, J. N., on Riparian Rights and Appropriation, 1887. See Waters. :^IVERS. See Riparian Rights; Waters and Water Rights. ROADS. See Highways. ROMAN OR CIVIL LAW. Mackeldy, F., Handbook of Roman Law, 1883. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 135 S SALE OB^ PERSONAL PROPERTY. Baker, J .F., on Sales as affected by the Statute of Frauds, 1887. Benjamin, J. P., on Sales of Personal Property. Burdick, F. M., on Sales of Personal Property, 1897. Freeman, A. C, on Void Execution. Judicial and Probate Sales. Newmark, N., Treatise on Sale of Personal Property, 1887. Rorer, D., on Judicial and Execution Sales. Story, W. W., Treatise on Sale of Personal Property, 1871. Tiedeman, C. G., Law of Sales of Personal Property, 1891. Travis, J., Laws of Sales and Collateral Subjects, 1892. SECURITIES. Burroughs, W. H., on Public Securities, 181. Colebrook, W., on Collateral Securities. Dillon, J. F., on Municipal Bonds, 1876. Jones, L. A., on Pledges and other Collateral Securities, 1883. Jones, L. A., on Railroad and other Corporate Securities, including Municipal Aid Bonds. See Bills and Notes, Corporations, Railroads, Stock. SELF DEFENSE. Horrigan and Thompson, Cases on the' Law of Seii Defense, 1874. SET-OFF. Waterman, T. W., on Set-off; Recoupment and Counter-Claim, 1872. SHERIFFS. Crocker, J. G., on Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables. Harlow, W. S., Duties of Sheriffs and Constables, 1884. Murfree, W. L., on Sheriffs and other Ministerial Officers. Smith, B. D., on Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables, 1883. SOCIETIES. Bacon, F. H., on Benefit Societies and Life Insurance. Niblack, W. C, on Voluntary Societies and Mutual Benefit Insurance. SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS. See Extraordinary Remedies, Mandamus, Prohibition, Quo Warranto. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. Fry, E., on Specific Performance of Contracts. Pomeroy, J. N., on Specific Performance of Contracts. Waterman, T. W., on Specific Performance of Contracts, 1881. 136 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. SPEECHES, ETC. Snyder, W. L., Great Speeches by Great Lawyers. Snyder, W. L., Great Opinions by Great Judges. STARE DECISIS. See 23 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 19; Judgments, Res Adjudicata. STATUTES. Curtis, G. F., Important Federal Statutes, 1891. STATUTE OF FRAUDS. Baker, J. F., on Sales of Personal Property as affected by Statute of Frauds, 1887. Reed, H., Treatise on the Statute of Frauds, 1884. Wood, H. G., Treatise on the Statute of Frauds, 1884. STATUTE OF LIMITATION. See Limitations. STOCK, ETC. Cook, W. W., on Stock and Stockholders. Lowell, A. L. & F. C, on Transfer of Stock in Private Corporations, 1884. STOCKHOLDERS. ^ Thompson, S. D., on Liabiliy of Stockholders in Corporations. STOPPAGE IN TRANSITU. See Carriers; i^iens, STREET RAILWAYS. Booth, H. J., Law of Street Railways, 1892. STREETS. Elliott, B. K. and W. F., on Roads and Streets. See Highways. STRIKES. Cogley, T. S., on Strikes and Lockouts, 1894. SUBROGATION. Harris, G. E., on Subrogation, 1889. Sheldon, H. N., Treatise on Subrogation. TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 137 SUCCESSION. See Administration of Estates, Descent, Intestate, Wills. SUMMONS. Alderson, W. A., on Judicial Writs and Process, 1895. Sunday laws. Harris, G. E., Treatise on Sunday Laws. 1892. Ringgold, J. T., Legal Aspects of the First Day of the Week. 1891. SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. Riddle, D. S. and E. F. Bullard; Proceedings Supplementary to Exe- cution under the Code (N. Y.) 1886. See Executions. SURETYSHIP. See Guaranty and Suretyship; Official Bands; Subrogation. T TAXATION. Cooley, T. M., Treatise on Taxation. Desty, R., Treatise on Taxation. Dos Passos, B. F., Law of Collateral Inheritance, Legacy and Suc- cession Taxes. TAX TITLES. Black, H. C, on Tax Titles. Blackwell, R. S., on Tax Titles, Power to Sell Land for Non-Pay- ment of Taxes. TECHNOLOGY OF LAW. Hughes, vV. T., Technology of Law, 1893. TELEGRAPH. Gray, M., on communication by Telegraph, 1885. TENANTS IN COMMON. See Cotenancy; Estates; Joint Ownership; Real Property. 138 lEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. TENDER. See Payment, Debtor and Creditor. TITLE TO LAND. Dembitz, L. N., on Land Titles in U. S., 1895. Maupin, C. W., Marketable Title to Real Estate, 1896. Webb, B. R., on Record Title, 1890. TORTS. Addison, C. G., Treatise on Torts. Bigelow, M. M., Elementary Treatise on Torts. Bishop, J. P., on Non-Contract Law, or Rights and Torts, 1889. Cooley, T. M., Treatise on Torts. Hilliard, F., on Remedies for Torts, 1873. Hilliard, F., Treatise on Torts, 1874. Jaggard, E. A., Law of Torts, 1895. Pollock, F., Treatise on Torts. Underbill, A. and C. C. M. Plumptre, Law of Torts, with Am. Cases by N. C. Moak, 1881. See Agency, Carriers, Corporations. Damages, Negligence. TRADE MARKS. See Patents and Trade Marks. TRESPASS. See 26 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 568; Railroads, Torts. TRIAL. Abbott, A., Brief for Trial of Civil Issues before a Jury. Abbott, A., Brief for Trial of Criminal Causes, 1889. Abbott ,A., Trial Evidence ,1880. Abbott, A., Brief on the Pleadings in Trial of Civil Actions, 1891. Bailey, W. H., on Onus Probandi, 1886. Baylies, E., Trial Practice under the Code, 188o. DeLand, C. E., Trial Practice, 1896. Elliott, B. K., and W. T., Work of the Advocate, 1888. Fitman, J. C, Trial Procedure, 1894. Thompson, S. D., on Law of Trials, 1889. TRUSTEE PROCESS. McConnell, G. W., Trustee Process, 1886. TRUSTS AND COMBINES. Eddy, S. J., Combinations, Embracing Monopolies, Etc. See Monopolies. . • TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. 139 TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES. Beach, C. F., on Trusts and Trustees, 1897. Flint, J. H., on Trusts and Trustees, 1890. Perry, J. W., on Trusts and Trustees. Sanders, F. W., on Trusts and Trustees, 1855. Underbill, A., on Trusts and Trustees. XJ ULTRA VIRES. Brice, S., on Ultra Vires. Reese, R. A., True Doctrine of Ultra Vires, 1897. U S. COMMISSIONERS. Watson, U. S. Commissioner Manual. USAGES AND CUSTOMS. Lawson. J. D., Treatise on Usages and Customs, 1886. USES. See Trusts. USURY. Tyler, R. H.. on Usury, Pawns and Loans, 1873. VENDORS AND PURCHASERS. Boone, C. F., on Real Property, including Vendor and Purchaser. Sugden, E., on Vendors and Purchasers. Warvelle, G. W., American Law of Vendors and Purchasers. VOID JUDICIAL SALES. Freeman, A. C, on Void Execution, Judicial and Probate Sales. VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS. See Corporations. 140 TEXT BOOKS INDEXED BY SUBJECTS. w WAR. Grotius, H. De Jure Belli et Pacis, 1853. WAREHOUSES. See 28 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 636. Bailments; Carriers. WARRANTY. Biddle, A., on Warranty in Sale of Chattels, 1884. WATERS. Angell, J. K., on Water Courses. Black, H. C, Pomeroy, on Water Rights, 1893. Gould, J. M., on Waters, including Riparian Rights. Kinney, C. S., on Irrigation, 1894. Long, J. K., Law of Irrigations. Pomeroy, J. N., on Law of Water Rights. WAYS. See 29 Am. & Eng. Ency. Law 28; Easements, Highways, Streets. WILLS. Abbott, N., on Descent, Wills and Administrations. 1894. Beach, C. T., on the Law of Wills, 1888. Bigelow, M. M., Law of Wills, 1898. Jarman, T., Treatise on Wills. Redfield, I. F., Treatise on Wills. Schouler, J., on Wills. Swinburne, H., on Wills and Testaments, 1793. Thornton, W. W., on Lost Wills, 1890. Underbill, H. C, Law of Wills. WITNESSES. Elliott B. K., and W. F., Work of the Advocate. Rapalje, S., Treatise on Witnesses. WOMEN. See Married Women. WRITS. Alderson, W. A., on Judicial Writs and Process, 1895. See Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Quo Warranto, Replevin. UC SOUTHERN RtGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 278 743 o ' '"^f- j ■PPT ^^. TSSi-'^ /SBSv/l r V s-^ ^^ .' ■(