UC-NRLF SB 3Dfl hU3 :.;m LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF ' Received /^^c^_ > l &9 $£* Accession No. 7 / £) 9 J? . Class No. MANUAL QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR, FOR USE IN THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1897, 7/6 1% WAR DEPARTMENT, Document No. 29. Office of the Quartermaster General. * War Department, December 28, 1896. This Manual for the Quartermaster's Department is published for the informa- tion and guidance of all concerned; it will not be modified except by specific authority given in each case. Daniel S. Lamont, Secretary of War. (3) I OF THE UNIVERSITY JMLIFOjttj^ MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 1. References to paragraphs of Army Regulations that have an important bearing upon the duties of the Quartermaster's Department are stated in this manual, and each reference is followed by the supplementary rules that apply. For the general duties of the Quartermaster's Department see A. R. 972-975. For the general rules relating to barracks and quarters see A. R. 976-997, 2. Under A. R. 978 the inspection and estimate of repairs needed for steam or hot- water heating systems will be made in the spring as soon as possible after the fires are out for the season. The annual estimate for steam and hot-water heating and for plumbing will not prevent the making of quarterly or special estimates when rendered necessary. Estimates for steam and hot-water heating systems, sewer system (including plumbing), and water supply will be made under separate heads, and, under each, repairs and new work will be stated separately with detailed statement showing necessity for same. Estimates for cooking and other heating apparatus will be made separately from the foregoing. FUEL AND STOVES. (See A. R. 998-1011.) 3. The allowance of fuel for hospital kitchen, civilian em- ployees, telegraph office, blacksmith, carpenter, and saddler shops, pump house, and other necessary fires for which no fixed allowance is stated in A. R. 1006, is such as may be au- thorized by the Quartermaster General on application made through military channels. (5) 6 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 4. Fuel for an ice machine must be procured by purchase out of the hospital fund ; sale by the quartermaster, at cost, is authorized. For rules relating to illuminating supplies see A. R. 1012- 1022. STATIONERY. (See A. R. 1023-1027.) 5. A lieutenant temporarily in command of a company is not deprived of his personal allowance of stationery. 6. The allowance of lead pencils stated in A. R. 1024 is a quarterly allowance. 7. Post and company record books furnished by the Quar- termaster's Department are issued and dropped from the quartermaster's return on quarterly and special requisitions approved by the post commander. They are not accounted for by the adjutant or company commander who makes the requisition. Stationery for the post school is issued in like manner on requisition made by the officer in charge and ap- proved by the post commander. 8. Newspapers and periodicals are supplied to military post libraries under A. R. 310, from an annual allowance of $20 to a one -company post, and an additional allowance of $5 for each additional company. When a post is abandoned, or a permanent change made in the strength of its garrison, an equitable distribution of the reading matter thus furnished will be made in conformity with this allowance. For rules relating to public animals see A. R. 1028-1040. FORAGE AND STRAW. (See A. R. 1041-1049.) 9. When forage is purchased for a train en route, the cer- tificate of the officer in charge of the train will cover such purchases. 10. Forage for the hospital cows may be sold by the Quar- termaster's Department from stock on hand, or to be delivered under contract, whenever it can be spared. MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER S DEPARTMENT. 7 PRINTING. (See A. R. 500-514.) 11. Lists of newspapers officially designated are not pub- lished. Officers, in requesting authority, will recommend the papers in which they desire to advertise. PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES AND ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES. (For the general rules Bee A. R. 515-519.) 12. When supplies or services become necessary and expend- iture of funds in payment therefor has not been authorized, it is the duty of the quartermaster to apply to the Quarter- master General, through military channels (see A. R. 764), for such authority, stating necessity, estimated cost, and all other information necessary for a full understanding of the case. The same applies in cases of emergency and in cases of expenditure caused by orders of the commanding officer (see A. R. 653 and 1) or others who have not authority to allot for the purpose funds pertaining to the Quartermaster's Depart- ment. ADVERTISING FOR PROPOSALS. (See A. K. 520-524.) 13. When advertisements announce fixed standards for articles required by naming those of specific kind or manu- facture, with the words ''or equal" added, the purchasing officer is the proper person to decide whether the articles offered are equal to those named; he is required to certify that he has made the award to the lowest responsible bidder for the best and most suitable article, and in purchasing an article different from one named he must satisfy himself that it fulfills these conditions. 14. Under A. R. 524, the copy of advertisement and speci- fications will not be forwarded to the Quartermaster General at the time of issuing except when specially called for. In case of advertisement by circular or poster, and written ac- ceptance without formal contract, they will be filed witji vouchers to which they pertain and forwarded with monthly 8 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. accounts, as required by A. It. 633. In case of formal con- tract they will be filed and forwarded with the contract unless they have been specially called for and already forwarded. For rules relating to proposals see A. It. 525-541 ; awards, A. It. 542-548 ; abstracts of proposals, A. It. 539-541 and 548 ; methods of purchase, A. It. 549-558. 15. The dissolution of a partnership and its merger into a corporation do not terminate a contract made with the United States. Its dissolution affects only things future and not those past or existing at the time of the dissolution, and it is, there- fore, in contemplation of law, still in existence for the purpose of carrying out its unfulfilled contract, and unless inability or failure of the copartnership to carry out its contract, or an attempt to assign or transfer the same, in contravention of It. S. 3737, can be shown, the corporation can not be recog- nized, and the contract should be carried out by the copart- nership and payments made to it upon the customary vouchers. 16. While the Government is not obliged to recognize the assignee of a contract, and may annul the contract because of the assignment, the materials to be delivered or the services to be performed under the contract may be accepted from the assignee as if ordered in open market without formal contract, leaving any rights which the United States may have against the contractor for a failure to complete his contract to be de- termined when the period covered by the contract has expired. 17. When the necessity for work not contracted for is de- veloped during the performance of a contract, and the interests of the Government can best be subserved by having such work performed by the contractor, it should be proceeded with as an extra under the contract, a separate agreement (Form 96a) being made for the purpose. Application will be made for authority to act or for approval of action taken, fully explaining the nature of the case. CONTRACTORS' BONDS. (See A. R. 559-565.) 18. Under A. It. 565 the copy of the contract and bond must be certified by the Secretary of War under the seal of the War Department, if intended for use in evidence. MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 9 For rules relating to oral agreements and reports of pur- chases see A. R. 566-569 ; bonds of disbursing officers and con- tractors and guaranties of bidders, A. R. 571-578. MONEY ACCOUNTABILITY. (See A. R. 579-656.) 19. Every money voucher should have expressed on its face the specific appropriation from which paid and should show the purpose of the expenditure in such terms as will deter- mine the proper appropriation. 20. Certificates of deposit on account of sales of quarter- master's supplies to officers, enlisted men, or exploring or surveying expeditions authorized by law, or to other Depart- ments of the Government, should show upon their face the specific appropriations, amount pertaining to each, the fiscal year to which the funds belong, and the month or period in which such sales occurred. When the depositary has failed to enter upon the face of the duplicate certificate furnished the depositor all the required information, the depositor will prepare in duplicate a memorandum slip containing the de- sired details, forward one to the Quartermaster General and attach the other to the duplicate certificate, which he will file with his retained account current. 21. Disbursing officers of the War Department, in making deposits to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States as repayments of disbursing funds, are directed not to draw checks upon Assistant Treasurers in favor of national -bank depositaries, but will, instead, make such deposits with the Assistant Treasurers. 22. There is no authority for the transfer of the money value of stores or other property furnished or transferred by one bureau to another in the same Department, or by one De- partment of the Government to another, where the effect would be to reopen appropriations closed on the books of the Treasury. 23. Proceeds of sales at auction of quartermaster's supplies when deposited as required by A. R. 615, should be taken up on the account current under the head of "Miscellaneous re- ceipts," and not credited to specific appropriations. 10 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 24. When it becomes necessary for a disbursing officer of the Quartermaster's Department to apply for a decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury upon any question involv- ing a payment to be made by him, the application, setting forth the question submitted for decision, will be sent through the Quartermaster General. 25. An officer disbursing funds pertaining to more than one staff department will, in issuing a check, confine the designa- tion of his official capacity to his rank and the staff depart- ment to which the check belongs. For rules relating to reward for capture of escaped general prisoner, see A. R. 128. CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES. (See A. R. 724-735.) 26. Accounts for reimbursement for traveling expenses of civilian employees must be supported by copies of the orders under which journeys were performed and by itemized state- ments under oath showing expenditures incurred each day. Traveling expenses are not allowed for journeys made on change of station, whether transportation is allowed or not. For rules relating to traveling expenses of veterinary sur- geons, see A. R. 730. CARE OF AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR PROPERTY. (See A. R. 1050-1064.) 27. Articles of quartermaster's supplies which do not become fixtures, or do not lose their identity in use, and can be preserved, will not be dropped from returns as "expended." For general rules relating to public property accountability and responsibility, see A. R. 657-702 ; boards of survey, 708- 723; staff administration, 736-747; tools and materials for exchanges, gymnasiums, bowling alleys, etc., 311; store- houses, sheds, paulins, etc., for Subsistence Department, 1247 ; hospital buildings and quarters for hospital stewards, 1424-1430. MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 11 INVENTORIESOFPROPERTY FOR CONDEMNATION. 28. The officer accountable for quartermaster's supplies at a station will make the inventory of unserviceable property required by A. R. 879. An officer who holds property on memorandum receipt will, when property becomes unservice- able, return it to the quartermaster, who, at the proper time, will submit such accumulations to an inspector. In the case of cavalry or artillery horses that should remain in the hands of the cavalry or artillery officer until disposed of, such offi- cers will, when animals become unserviceable, notify the quartermaster and furnish him with all the information necessary to make a proper inventory. When it is not prac- ticable to return the property to the quartermaster, as may rarely happen, the officer holding the property will make the inventories. For rules concerning horses of mounted officers, see A. R. 1065-1069; ambulances, 1415; hand litters, 1417. TRANSPORTATION. (For the general rules see A. R. 1070-1079.) 29. Under A. R. 1072, the lowest rates offered for the most suitable transportation will be accepted. Section 22 of the Interstate Commerce Act provides that ' ' nothing in the act shall prevent the carriage, storage, or handling of property free, or at reduced rates, for the United States." TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONS. (See A. R. 7080-1084.) 30. If transportation over Canadian routes can be procured at lower rates than by other lines, it may be furnished over such routes, but not to organized forces under command. 31. The cost of transporting a deserter and the guard to the station of the deserter's company or place of trial (A. R. 126), the reward (A. R. 124), and any expenses of jmrsuit (A. R. 125), being in most cases chargeable to the deserter, the quartermaster who furnishes the transportation will report the actual or probable cost thereof to the commander 12 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. of the company or detachment to which the deserter belonged, and the officer who pays this account, the reward, or expenses of pursuit, will furnish like notifications of the amounts paid. For transportation of civilian witnesses, see A. R. 72; of soldiers returning from furlough, A. R. 110 and 1082 ; of dis- charged soldiers, A. R. 153. TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS. (See A. R. 1085-1106.) 32. In issuing requests for transportation over railroads, quartermasters will stamp or write upon the face of each request covering a continuous journey beyond initial road, the following: "Furnish through limited ticket." For rules relating to ferries, turnpikes, bridges, and street cars, see A. R. 1107 and 1108. SLEEPING CAR. (See A. R. 1109-1117.) 33. For a journey of more than one night's duration, sleep- ing-car accommodations furnished for invalid soldiers should be given for day as well as night travel, on the certificate of a medical officer showing the necessity therefor. TRANSPORTATION OF BAGGAGE AND SUPPLIES. (See A. R. 1118-1128.) 34. An officer's change of station allowance of personal property should be transported by the Quartermaster's Department from his quarters or residence at his old to the same at his new station. TRANSPORTATION FOR OTHER DEPARTMENTS. (See A. R. 1129-1132.) 35. At the request of the Secretary of Agriculture, no de- mand for shipment of material on account of the Agricultural Department will be honored unless made over the signature of the Secretary of Agriculture, or that of the Chief of the Division of Accounts. t MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 13 36. Under A. R. 1129, accounts payable by the Navy Department should be forwarded to the Quartermaster Gen- eral without the signature to the receipt of the party to whom the accounts are payable. Bills of lading on which shipments for the Navy Department are made should have noted on their face the naval bureau concerned, the appro- priation from which the freight charges are payable, the number of the requisition or order authorizing the shipment, and the shipment number given by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. 37. Transportation will be furnished, under A. R. 1129, for freight received from officers or agents of the National Home of Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Hartford, Conn. BILLS OF LADING. (See A. R. 1133-1160.) 38. Dates of shipment, as expressed in bills of lading, and not dates of accomplishment, determine the fiscal year from which payment should be made. LAND-GRANT AND BOND-AIDED RAILROADS. (See A. R. 1161 and 1162, and G. 0. 77, A. G. 0., 1892.) 39. Whenever practicable and more economical to do so, shipments of Government freight will be made over railroads that have received aid in bonds or lands from the United States. 40. Where transportation is required over a land -grant or bond-aided road that has leased the use of its track to another road, it will be ordered from the land -grant or bond -aided company. CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. (See A. R. 1163-1205.) For rules relating to equipage for post and police purposes, see A. R. 454-456. 41. No property will be turned into the general depots of the Quartermaster's Department unless authority from the Quartermaster General has been first obtained. 14 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT 42. Whenever gold-lace chevrons are needed, a special requisition should be made ; they should not be included in the periodical estimates. 43. The measurements of the different sizes of articles of clothing are printed on Form No. 57. 44. Clothing for prisoners, under A. R. 130 and 1193, will be issued by the quartermaster on requisitions made by the officer in charge of prisoners and approved by the post com- mander. No return for this clothing will be made after issue. Other necessary quartermaster's supplies for the use of pris- oners will be furnished and accounted for as indicated in A. R. 1053. Blankets and bedding in use by a prisoner will not be given to him upon release from confinement, but will be held for the use of others. 45. Under the Act for arming and equipping the militia, the regulation uniforms for the United States troops may properly be issued as quartermaster's stores, and cloth, ker- sey, etc. , may be issued for making the regulation uniform and for this purpose only. 46. There is no authority for sale of clothing to civilian employees. 47. Requisitions for colore and guidons should state whether new staffs are to be furnished also. Waterproof covers are furnished with silken colors, standards, and guidons, to protect them from damage. In drying colors that have been exposed to the rain they should be hung so that the water will run off straight down the stripes in order to prevent the scarlet from running into the white. 48. Through patriotic sentiment condemned flags are never sold. 49. All requisitions for tents should show number and kind on hand, their condition, and the number to which the garrison is entitled under existing orders. 50. Under A. R. 1201, musical instruments of domestic production only will be supplied. Requisitions should show what instruments are in the possession 'of the band, and their MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTERS DEPARTMENT. 15 make and condition ; whether they were purchased from the regimental fund or furnished by the Quartermaster's Depart- ment, and the particular make of the instruments desired. 51. Brooms and brushes issued for use under A. R. 1203 and 1204 are entered on Abstract I and dropped from the returns. 52. Company marking stamps should not be estimated for when missing parts which can be obtained upon requisition will render the set fit for use. TELEGRAPHING AND TELEPHONING. (See A. R. 1206-1217, and G. 0. 77, A. G. 0., 1892.) 53. The rates of charges published for guidance in prepar- ing telegraph accounts are those fixed by the Postmaster General. Existing rates are published in G. O. 38, A. G. O., 1894. The authority accepted by the Western Union Tele- graph Company as determining whether words are properly connected by a hyphen is Webster's Dictionary. For rules relating to targets for artillery practice, see A. R. 355. EXTRA AND SPECIAL DUTY MEN. (See A. R. 163-172.) 54. Enlisted men detailed under A. R. 164 will be reported on extra duty if receiving increased compensation from the United States. Under A. R. 165 an enlisted man is entitled to extra-duty pay if the labor performed is as nearly contin- uous as is consistent with his other duties, whether performed all in one month or part in one month and the residue in the succeeding month ; the pay should be made up on the receipt roll for the month in which he completes the ten days' labor. A. R. 171 applies to extra-duty men employed as laborers and mechanics, and does not apply to school-teachers, clerks, watchmen, superintendents, engineers, firemen, teamsters, and others whose services may be required at any and all hours, and those who are not engaged in physical labor. 16 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. RECORDS, RETURNS, AND REPORTS. (See A. R. 1218-1225.) 55. Money and property accounts and returns forwarded to the Quartermaster General will be accompanied by letters of transmittal enumerating papers inclosed and stating the number of inclosures. 56. Use of the typewriter may be made in correspondence and records, but words or figures not printed on vouchers or returns should be written with the pen, and so in all cases that carry with them money or property accountability. 57. The use of registered mail, in forwarding returns, etc. , is forbidden. 58. Each officer of the Quartermaster's Department and every officer performing duty as quartermaster will render to the Quartermaster General at the end of each calender month a personal report, giving his station, post-office address, and duty during the month. When a change of station occurs, the date of leaving one and joining the other will be given, also the date of commencement of and return from leave of absence or absence on duty (see also A. R. 805). Each post quartermaster sergeant will render a personal report at the end of each calendar month, giving his station and duty. This report will be indorsed and forwarded as required by A. R. 102. Blanks for these reports will be furnished by the Quartermaster General upon application. 59. In statements of charges against enlisted men on mus- ter rolls, the names of the articles must be given ; designating them as quartermaster's supplies is not sufficient. 60. In the preparation of estimates of funds the entries will be made in accordance with the following, which is substi- tuted for the form published in G. O. 55, A. G. O., 1884: MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER S DEPARTMENT. 17 Estimate of funds required for the service of the Quartermaster' 1 s Department at — by , in the month of , 189 — . 1. Regular Supplies. Fuel (state the kind, quantity, price, and for what purposes; for officers No. — ; for troops No. — ; hospital fires, — ; guard fires, — ; workshops, etc.) . Forage (state the kind, quantity, price, and for what number of animals, whether for officers, artillery, cavalry, or transportation) Straw (state quantity, price, how much for troops, for hospitals, for horses, etc.) Stationery (estimated quantities for troops ; companies, number of ; officers, number of ; military courts, etc. Each to be stated sepa- rately) Hire of employees . ^ 2. Incidental Expenses. Expenses of expresses Pay of extra-duty men (number and for what work) Interment of officers and soldiers Office furniture (kind, quantity, and price) Hire of laborers (number, rate of pay, and on what duty employed) Hire of interpreters, spies, and guides (number of each, rate of pay, where and by whose orders employed) Hire of clerks and agents (number of each, rate of pay, where employed). Reward for apprehension and delivery of deserters, and expenses of pursuit Hire of veterinary surgeons for the Quartermaster's Department (num- ber, rate of pay, and where employed) Horse and mule shoes and shoe nails (quantity of each, and cost) Horse medicines and veterinary instruments (for what number of ani- mals) When other items pertaining to the appropriation for incidental expenses are required, they must be stated in detail 3. Purchase op Horses for Cavalry and Artillery. Horses for - Horses for - - company, - - company, - - regiment cavalry, at $ — - regiment artillery, at $- 4.. Army Transportation. Of troops (estimated number, movement, and cost) Of stores (estimated quantity, from and to what points, and cost) Purchase of horses (number, price, and for what service) Purchase of mules (number, price, and for what service) ; Hire of train masters, teamsters, etc. (number, for what service, and rate of compensation) Extra duty (pay of enlisted men driving teams, repairing means of transportation, etc.) 9459 3 18 MANUAL. FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Estimate of funds required for the service of the Quartermaster' 1 s Department — Cont'd. 4. Army Transportation — Continued. Water supply, plumbing, etc Hire of mechanics in making and repairing wagons, ambulances, har- ness, etc. (number, class, and rate of compensation) Wharfage, tolls, and ferriage (amount for each). Leather, iron, and other materials for transportation service (amount of each) Purchase of wagons (number, price, and for what service required) Purchase of harness (kind, quantity, price, and for what service) Hire and charter of vessels Any other items on account of army transportation that are required, stated in detail 5. Barracks and Quarters. Rent of officers' quarters (state the number of officers, rank, regiment, or corps, and the rate) Rent of storehouses (number, rate, and for what purpose occupied) Rent of offices (number, rate, and by whom occupied) Construction of barracks, quarters, and storehouses (state where and by what authority erected, and for what purpose) Materials for buildings (kind and quantity, and where and for what buildings required) Repairs of public buildings at established posts (nature of repairs, and cost in detail) Hire of mechanics and laborers on buildings (number, class, compen- sation, and where to be employed) 6. Construction and Repair of Hospitals. Purcbase of materials Extra-duty pay Construction or repairs under contract 7. Quarters for Hospital Stewards. Purchase of materials _ Extra-duty pay Construction or repairs under contract « 8. Shooting Galleries and Ranges. Purchase of materials for construction or repairs 9. Clothtng and Camp and Garrison Equipage. Purchase of materials Manufacture of clothing and equipage Hire of employees and workmen Purchase of civilian clothing for discharged military /prisoners., MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 19 Estimate of funds required for the service of the Quartermaster' 1 s Department — Cont'd. 10. Pay of Superintendents of National Cemeteries. At 11. National Cemeteries. Total Deduct actual or probable balance on hand. Amount required . Quartermaster. Approved: Commanding. 61. Officers of the Quartermaster's Department rendering money accounts and property returns are required to make but one written copy of the following-named papers, which copy will be forwarded. Press copies of these papers will be retained by the officer : Report of persons and articles employed and hired (Form 1). Report of bills of lading and transportation requests issued (Form 1A). Descriptive list of persons and articles transferred (Form 2). Roll of enlisted men on extra duty (Form 3). Abstract of funds (sales to officers) (Form 7). Abstract of purchases (A). Report of payments on account of purchases and services, under A. R. 569 (Form 9). Abstract of expenditures (B). Abstract of transfer of funds (C). Abstract of articles received from various sources (F). Abstract of fuel, forage, and straw, etc., issued and sold to officers (G). Statement of forage and straw consumed by public animals (Form 39). 20 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Abstract of stationery issued (H). List of quartermaster's supplies expended (Form 43). List of articles lost, etc. (Form 44). Account of sales at auction (Form 45). Abstract of articles transferred to officers (K). Abstract of horse medicines and dressings issued (L). Requisition for horse medicines and dressings (Form 51). Certificate of inventory, to accompany property returns (Form 55). In the case of the following papers a letter-press copy will be kept for office file : Estimate of funds (Form 28). Statement of outstanding debts (Form 29). Estimate of clothing and equipage (Form 53). Special requisition for clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and material (weekly and monthly) (Form 53|). Estimate of quartermaster's supplies (Form 60). Estimate of lamps, lanterns, oil, etc. (Form 61). Request for special authority to advertise (Form 62). Request for general authority to advertise (Form 63). Descriptive list of public animals (Form 64). Statement of disbursements of appropriation for national cemeteries (Form 84). Monthly report of national cemeteries (Form 85). Estimate of tableware and kitchen utensils (Form 95). Report of progress of public buildings (Form 32). MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. +3 02 02 Q, CD CD ® O-P o G 2 8 a s m s CD O © q i § 1 si 1 § 1 ifi r3 +» 02 ^ .S •2 9 S © © © © o o o g a Si O O a»»s a a g g& » *j w dc^d'd* d ©> ©• dc? dad* EEIe 3 S3 fl 3 6 o o © +i +i 4* -M 5 o © © © o o o o «« fi fi M M £2 3 3 ££££ ® « ® 9 S 9 9 S ei ci kSkS^iS S3 3 3 3 g c r h! H fig 3 3 S l^t ! u +* ~ 3-S ^£ W'3 V - T3 T3 ^ jS'S^afeSS^ 1 -8 82< ^"otr'S 3 3 ©s 2 l&liillli 2£££ *£££ J © -« il © © 3 3 O O il el © 3 o ^ 58 h3 © J5 5?° Of paying officer. 8* i i i i i * i i i i j i 'oooooj"5"o"oI? ' ' ' ' ' gtH*H^lM»H©5lPM® 0)©©©©© e. a a a S a % a a a o g 2 § g g 5 © o o o o o © o o o E 5 ,2 5 5 5 5 1 H A ► M o 1 d ! o o o o o o o j g ^ a a a » a Id" d d d d d d 1 1 Acct. current Acct. current Acct. current Acct. current Acct. current Acct. current i i © H ; .i h J 5 o Abstract I__. Subvoucher to Abstract B. Subvoucher to Abstract B. Subvoucher to Abstract B. Subvoucher to Abstract B. Subvoucher to Abstract B. Subvoucher to Abstract B. a R o h CM o © a 1 Advertise, request for general au- thority to. Annual inspection of public build- ings, report of. Articles of agreement, charter party, ocean and lake vessels. Articles of agreement, charter party, river steamers and barges. Articles of Agreement, clothing, wagon, harness, etc. Articles of agreement, construction. Articles of agreement (general) Articles of agreement, lease Articles of agreement for printing, etc. Articles of agreement, steamboat transportation. Articles of agreement, wagon trans- portation. Auction, account of sales at. (Voucher to abstract I.) Bill of lading, marine, original (ex- tra sheets). Bill of lading, marine, duplicate (extra sheets). Bill of lading, rail, original (extra sheets). Bill of lading, rail, duplicate (ex- tra sheets). Bill of lading, wagon, original (ex- tra sheets). Bill of lading, wagon, duplicate (extra sheets). < 1 CO 6! CM O rH »0 i- *- r- «ocn CD (35 CPt- t- CO 00 ' U5 © rH 00 Oi (M CO oscocot* oooor-t-GCoo OF TBK UNIVERSITY MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 23 < OS 00 <1 a wto - © a "S3 2 fe«< >.2 aFa 1 ® ► -U *H I ft©-, ft -* ! 3 ee; Mfl o H £ ! S_ -9 a B ^£ft § £2 8 5 o £ 1 tt 2 J fl eS - 3 1 o 2 M -, t3 «m .fi -n £ ft ^^-i ft^2 © a 33 -g - o- H fi-^ a fl. a £Sctj£ SSp ee © on J2 ~ ^'5 *■' S«Cogg*o.9gfco : £ «3- 2 B "C 1 ^5 © ft« " a ^ o o o a es ^ a -r g c,i a Iitislliiii ££ a £.S' ::! £'.S ft -§'c MJ-siJi II a l gfllJflffSi o o o o ft g - B .2Bc 5 a !*5 O fteS ; "S ft * § > ° ( o ! a .2 § *P § S .2 .2 a . o ft u ■g d a ! --*2 i g*e* - ft ft w PB| e 24 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. f a © 3^ «e CD CD © © © © CGGG Used for both peri- odical and special requisitions. Used for both peri- odical and special estimates. See par. 17, Man. Q. M. D. © u II Estimate __ Estimate Estimate _. Estimate __ Estimate Estimate Property — Report Contract __ Property — Money Money Money Money Money 1 M P os ► 03 O i C. Q. M., or officer who ad- vances funds. Q. M. G 0. M. G Through chan- nels to Q.M.G. Through chan- nelstoQ. M.G. Through chan- nels to Q.M.G. Q. M. G Q. M. G Q. M. G Q. M. G Q. M. G Q. M.G Q. M. G Officer to whom sale is made. 1 1 i i Return Acct. current Return Acct. current Acct. current Acct. current ill Month Quarter _ Quarter _ Quarter _ Quarter _ Quarter _ Month __ Month __ Month __ 1 o h © O Abstract I___ • Abstract G Abstract B__. AbstractB — Abstract B Abstract C __ a o © i Estimate of funds (extra sheets) Estimate of clothing and equipage- Estimate of clothing and equipage, consolidated. Estimate of quartermaster's supplies (extra sheets). Estimate of lamps, lanterns, oils, etc. Estimate of tableware and kitchen utensils. Expended, monthly list of quarter- master's supplies. (Voucher to abstract I.) Extra duty, roll of enlisted men on_ Extra (construction) Forage and straw issued to and con- sumed by public animals, state- ment of. (Voucher to abstract G). Freight transportation (railroad), voucher to abstract B for. Freight transportation (water, wag- on, etc.), voucher to abstract B for. Freight transportation, railroad (land grant involved), voucher to abstract B for. Funds, receipt for, or invoice of. (Voucher to abstract C.) Funds, private, receipt for, paid for fuel, torage, straw, etc. > 5 GC CO 1- c r-i iO CO CO CD CT> CO O O CO © CD Oi rf< Oi fO iH r-t (N (N CO MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 'S m i ^ lilt* O 2 "S .2 'S £ d o,3 o s *£?. O © 25 t, t: a a 5 5 3 s ^ & y a cy « e s 3 a 5j -< u d -*> 0> ** d ° d<~ sas • as .15 ■S 6 © § a a a °m ©*»= 8 drs 2 S d § o u £ +5 u «2 * a a 03 ara "S © ® o O c3 O W)T3 M)' °> fl i das! o o ■43 ► S t3 3 a> ■§SS| sill gill, d B d o d o 03 o *-" o o g£t}5g« ; d bO,S *>t3 2 © o «« PQ 8 8 26 MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. a © lg © o Ph eg I < € a a r © fsarf il ^ W co sa CD >■* ■a . fl M\S ^T3 « B . © o> I- u u u u u u u a ^ ^ a c o o o 5 a > o "£ ©£^ S > o o «• , sw: a a -M h= ! © ^g S Cla- ris Ph Ph Ph co © i— i ( ' © w © co •S BO 4j «,£| 00 r no t *-' > 9 9 5+ 9 O 9 w mui Ph Ph P-t Cl, © bi "D© or ow o i 35 ^< £> I— I £ < Ph Ph Ph P T-Sd* ! 2 «M © CM - ! 2 M-g M i « 3 S © o -m ©.a a s © :r £ c S3 ^M q W) S g « « g to •m © cr ^ © to ■-- Ph Ph co MANUAL FOR THE QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. © ]Tj ^2J bio £ I .2 a © s fen* m * t 00 l-H T I3ST3DE22I. Figures in bold-face type refer to paragraphs of the Manual. The letters A. R. and number following refer to a paragraph of the Army Regulations. Abstract of Proposals : General rules, A. R. 539-541 and 548. Accounts : Reimbursement of civilian employees for traveling expenses, 26. Advertising for Proposals : General rules, A. R. 520-524. Standards "or equal," 13. Advertisement and Specifications : Forwarded how and when, 14. Allotment of Funds : How procured, 12. Ambulances : General rules, A. R. 1415. Appropriation : Certificates of deposit, 20. Money vouchers to show, 19. Assignments: Contracts with United States,. 16. Auction Sales : Proceeds, how taken up on account current, 23. Awards : General rules, A. R. 542-549. Standards " or equal" advertised, 13. Barracks and Quarters : Allowance and assignment, A. R. 984- 997. General rules, A. R. 976-983. Bills of Lading: Fiscal year of payment, 38. General rules, A. R. 1133-1160. Blanks of Quartermaster's Depart- ment: Purpose of each shown, 62. Boards of Survey : General rules, A. R. 708-723. Bond-aided and Land-grant Roads: General rules, A.R. 1161 and 1162, and G. 0. 77, A. G. 0., 1892. Leased to other roads, 40. Preference in shipments, 39. Bonds : Contractors', A. R. 559-565 and 571- 578. Disbursing officers', A. R. 571-578. Bridges: Toll, A. R. 1107 and 1108. Brooms and Brushes : Issues, how dropped from returns, 51. Care of and Accountability for Prop- erty: General rules, A. R. 1050-1054. Certificates of Deposit : Memorandum stating appropriation, etc., 20. Checks : Signature and official designation, 25. Civilian Employees : General rules, A. R. 724-735. Reimbursement for traveling ex- penses, 26. Sale of clothing to, not authorized, 46. . Clothing and Equipage : Blankets and bedding, general pris- oners, 44. Deserters' clothing, 44 and A. R. 130. (29) 30 INDEX. Clothing and Equipage — Continued. General rules, A. R. 1163-1205. Gold-lace chevrons, estimates for, 42. Issues to general prisoners, 44 and A. R. 130 and 1193. Measurements of sizes of clothing, 43. Turning in at depots, 41. Colors and Guidons : Care of, in drying, 47. Condemned, 48. Requisitions, 47. Waterproof covers, 47. Company Marking Stamps: Parts supplied, 52. Comptrollers' Decisions : Applications for, 24. Contractors' Bonds : Certification of copies under A. R. 565, 18. General rules, A. R. 559-565 and 571-578. Contracts : Assignee of, 16. Certification of copies under A. R. 565, 18. Dissolution of partnership and merger into corporation, 15. Extras under, 17. Decisions of Comptroller : Applications for, 24. Deposits : Repayments of appropriations, 21. Sales at auction, 23. Eqnipage : Post and police purposes, A. R. 454- 456. Estimates : Funds, 60. Plumbing and heating, 2. Repairs generally, 12. Exchanges, Gymnasiums, Bowling Alleys, etc. : Tools and materials, A. R. 311. Expendable Articles : Defined, 27. Expenditures : Authorized how, 12. Extra and Special Duty : Day's labor, 54 and A. R. 171. Definition, 54 and A. R. 164. General rules, A. R. 163-172. Pay, how earned, 54. Extras : Under contracts, 17. Ferries : Transportation charges, A. R. 1107 and 1108. Forage and Straw : Cows of hospital, 10. General rules, A. R. 1041-1049. Purchase for train en route, 9. Fuel and Stoves : Blacksmith shop, 3. Carpenter shop, 3. Civilian employees, 3. General rules, A. R. 998-1101. Hospital kitchen, 3. Ice machine, 4. Pump house, 3. Saddler shop, 3. Telegraph office, 3. When allowance is not fixed by A. R. 1006, 3. Funds: Deposits of, as repayments, 21. General Duties : Quartermaster's Department, A. R. 972-975. Gold-lace Chevrons : Estimates for, 42. Guaranties: Bidders', A. R. 559-565 and 571-578 Hand Litters : Issue and repair, A. R. 1417. Horses of Mounted Officers : General rules, A. R. 1065-1069. Hospital Buildings and Quarters for Hospital Stewards : Repairs and construction, A. R. 1424- 1430. INDEX. 31 Illuminating Supplies: General rules, A. R. 1012-1022. Interstate Commerce Act: Reduced rates to United States, 29. Inventories of Property for Condem- nation : Preparation of, 28. Land-grant and Bond-aided Roads : General rules, A. B. 1161 and 1162, and G. 0. 77, A. G. 0., 1892. Leased to other roads, 40. Preference in shipments, 39. Methods of Purchase : General rules, A. R. 549-558. Militia: Uniform and cloth issued to, 45. Money Accountability : General rules, A. R. 579-656. Money Yalue Transfers : Property furnished another depart- ment, 22. Musical Instruments : Requisitions, 5()L Newspapers : Lists of designated, 11. Newspapers and Periodicals : Allowances to posts, 8. Oral Agreements : General rules, A. R. 566-569. Plumbing and Heating: Estimates of repairs, 2. Printing : General rules, A. R. 500-514. Property, Care and Accountability : General rules, A.R. 657-702 and 1050- 1054. Property Furnished Another Depart- ment: Transfer of money value, 22. Proposals : General rules, A. R. 525-541. Public Animals : General rules, A. R. 1028-1040. Purchase of Supplies and Engage- ment of Services : General rules, A. R. 515-519. Prisoners : Blankets and bedding, 44. Issues of clothing to, 44 and A. R. 130 and 1193. Quartermaster's supplies used by, 44. Record Books : Post and company, how issued, 7. Records, Returns, and Reports : General rules, A. R. 1218-1225. Letters of transmittal, 55. List of blanks, 62. Personal reports, officers, 58 and A. R. 805. Personal reports, post quartermaster sergeants, 58 and A. R. 102. Press copies, 61. Registered mail, 57. Typewriter, use of, 56. Reduced Rates of Transportation : Interstate Commerce Act, 29. References : Army regulations, 1. Reimbursement for Traveling Ex- penses : Accounts of civilian employees, 26. Repairs : Plumbing and heating, 2. Reports of Purchases : General rules, A. R. 566-569. Reward for Capture : Escaped general prisoner, A. R. 128. Sleeping Car: General rules, A. R. 1109-1117. Invalid soldiers, 33. Specifications and Advertisement : Forwarded, how and when, 14. Staff Administration : General rules, A. R. 736-747. Statements of Charges on Pay Rolls : Quartermaster's supplies to be named, 59. 32 Stationery : Allowance of lead pencils, 6. Allowance to lieutenant temporarily commanding company, 5. General rules, A. R. 1023-1027. Post school, 7. Storehouses, etc. : Subsistence Department, A. R. 1247. Street Cars : Transportation charges, A. R. 1107 and 1108. Targets for Artillery Practice : Furnished and set, A. R. 355. Telegraphing and Telephoning: General rules, A. R. 1206-1217 and G. O. 77, A. G. O., 1892. Hyphened words, 53. Rates of charges, 53 and G. O. 38, A. G. 0., 1894. Tents : Requisitions for, 49. Transfers of Money Value : Property furnished another depart- ment, 22. Transportation : Ferries, turnpikes, bridges, and street cars, A. R. 1107 and 1108. General rules, A. R. 1070-1079. Reduced rates to United States, 29. Transportation for Other Depart- ments : Department of Agriculture, 35. General rules, A. R. 1129-1132. National Home D. V. S., Hartford, Conn., 37. Navy Department, 36. Transportation of Baggage : General rules, A. R. 1118-1123. Officers' allowance to and from quar- ters, 34. Transportation of Persons : Canadian routes, 30. Civilian witnesses, A. R. 72. Deserter and guard, 31. Discharged soldiers, A. R. 153. General rules, A. R. 1080-1084. Soldiers returning from furlough, A. R. 110 and 1082. Transportation of Supplies : General rules, A. R. 1123-1128. Transportation Requests : General rules, A. R. 1085-1106. Through limited ticket, 32. Traveling Expenses : Civilian employees, 26 and A. R. 730. Veterinary surgeons, A. R. 730. Turnpikes : Toll, A. R. 1107 and 1108. Vouchers, Money: Appropriation shown, 19. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW APfl 16 1915 * 1917 I 30ra-l,'15 7 A? UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY