>r:>;i-^ i ipiii'? ''^Sis booW is P' ' iJ^^'yv-^/A SOUTHERN BRANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, ' n^- A C/,LJF. QARLYLR'S COMPLETE WORKS THE STERLING EDITION HISTORY OF FRIEDRICH II. OF PRUSSIA CALLED FREDERICK THE GREAT BY THOMAS CARLYLE Vol. I. - 1 \ BOSTON ESTES AND LAURIAT, PUBLISHERS 499^)5 ?InibErsitn ^rtss : John Wilson and Sox, C'amiu.idoe. ccccC^f '' < cc ecc* ,cc» , cc cc ccc : « c.c ' ' I ' c' C'C J CjC,C c rCC,, C CCCCCC CONTENTS. Book I. BIRTH AND PARENTAGE. 1712. CUAPTKR Page I. Proem : Priedrich's History from the Distance we ARE AT 3 1. Friedrich then, and Friedrich now, p. 6. 2. Eighteenth Centuiy, 9. 3. English Prepossessions, 12. 4. Encouragements, Discounigements, 17- 11. Priedrich's Birth 21 • III. Fatuer and Mother : the Hanoverian Connection . . 24 IV. Father's Mother 35 'V. King Friedrich 1 45 Book II. OF BRANDENBURG AND THE HOHENZOLLFRNS. 928-1417. T. Brannibor : Henry the Fowler 55 II. Preussen : Saint Adalbert 63 TIL Markgraves of Brandenburg 69 End of the First Shadowy Line, p. 69. Second Shadowy Line, 70. Substantial Markgraves : Glimpse of the Contemporary Kai- sers, 72. IV. Albert the Bear 74 V. Conrad of Hohenzollern ; and Kaiser Barbarossa . 80 Conrad has become Burggraf of Niirnberg (a.d. 1170), p. 84. Of the Hohenzollern Burggraves generally, 87. iv CONTENTS. Chapter Page VI. The Teutsch Ritters, or Teutonic Order .... 89 Head of Teutsch Order moves to Venice, p. yi. Teutsch Order itself goes to Preussen, 93. The stuff Teutsch Kilters were made of. Conrad of TLiirin- gcn : Saiut Elizabeth; Town of Marburg, 98. VII. Margraviate of Culmbacu : Baireutu, Anspacd . . . 102 Burggraf Friedrich III. ; and the Anarchy of Niueteen Years, p. 104. Kaiser Rudolf and Burggraf Friedrich III., 108. VIII. AscANiER Markgraves IN Branuenburg 110 Of Berlin City, p. 111. Markgraf Otto IV., or Otto with the Arrow, 113. IX. BuRGGRAE Friedrich IV 110 Contested Elections in the Reich : Kaiser Albert I. ; after whom Six Non-llapsburg Kaisers, p. 116. Of Kaiser llcury Vll. and the Lu.xembarg Kaisers, 119. Henry's Son Johann is King of Bohemia; and Ludwig the Ba- varian, with a Contested Election, is Kaiser, 121. X. Brandenburg lapses to the Kaiser 120 XI. Bavarian Kurfursts in Brandenburg 130 A Resuscitated Ascanier ; the False Waldemar, p. 130. Margaret with the Pouch-mouth, 133. XII. Brandenburg in Kaiser Karl's Time; End of the Ba- varian Kurfursts 130 End of Resuscitated Waldemar ; Kurfiirst Ludwig sells out, p. 138. Second, and then Third and Last, of the Bavarian Kurfiiists in Brandeubui-g, 1-40. XIII. Luxemburg Kurfursts in Brandenburg 141 XIV. Burggraf Friedrich VI 144 Sigismund is Kurfiirst of Brandenburg, but is King of llun- gaiy also, p. 145. Cousin Jobst has Brandenburg in Pawn, 147. Brandenburg in the hands of the Pawnbrokers ; Rupei-t of the Pfalz is Kaiser, 149. Sigismund, with a struggle, becomes Kaiser, 151. Brandenburg is pawned for the last time, 154. The Seven Intercalary or Non-IIapsburg Kaisers, 157- •- CONT£x\TS. Boolt III. THE IIOIIENZOLLERNS IN BRANDENBURG. 1412-1713. Chapter Page I. KuKFiJRST Pkiedricii 1 159 II. Matkees du Roi de Prusse IGi III. KuRFURST Friedrich II 170 IV. KuRFURST Albert Achilles, and his Successor . . . 177 • Johaun the Cicero is Fourth Kurfiirst, aud leaves Two notable Sons, p. 181. V. Of the Baireutii-Anspacu Branch ....... 184 Two Lilies in Culiubach or Balreuth-Auspach : the Gera Bond ol'15i)8, p. 185. The Elder Line of Ciilinbach: Friedrich and his Three notable Sons there, 188. Friedrich's Second Son, Margraf George of Anspach, 190. VI. HociiMEisTER Albert, Third notable Son of Fried- rich 200 VII. Albert Ai.cibiadls 209 VIII. Historical Meaning of tub Reformation 215 IX. KURFURST JOACIIIil 1 219 Of Joachim's "Wife and Brother-in-law, p. 220. X. KurfGrst JoACuiM. II 224 Toachim gets Co-iufeClinent in Preusscn, p. 230. Joachim makes "IIuritagc-Brotherhood " with the Duke of Liegnitz, 230. XI. Seventh Kurfurst, Jon.vNN George 2.3G XII Of Albert Friedrich, the Second Duke of Preussen 239 Of Duke Albert Friedrich's Marriage : who his Wife was, and what her possible Dowry, p. 241. Margraf Geoi-ge Friedrich comes to Preussen, to administer, 244. XII^. iViNTH KurfCkst, Johaxn Sigismund 246 How the Cleve Heritage dropped, and many sprang to pick it up, p. 247. The Kaiser's Thoughts about it, and the World's, 252. vi CONTENTS. Chapter Paqe XIV. Symptoms of a. Great War coming 233 First Symptom; Donauworth, 1608, p. 253. Second Symptom ; Seizure of Jiilich by the Kaiser, and Siege and Recapture of it by the Protestant parties, 1010. Wberc- upon " Catholic League " to balance " Evangelical Union," 255. Symptom Third ; a Dinner-scene at Diisseldorf, 1613 : Span- iards and Dutch shoulder arms in Cleve, 257- Symptom Fourth, and Catastrophe upon the heels of it, 261. "What became of the Cleve-Julich Heritage, and of the Preusscn one, 203. XV. Tenth Ktjefurst, George Wiluelm 265 XVI. Thirty- Years War 2G7 Second Act, or Epoch, 1024-1629. A second Uncle put to the Ban, and Pommern snatched away, p. 270. Third Act, and what the Kurfiirst suffered in it, 272. XVII. D:-ciiY OF Jagerndorf . 276 Duke of Jiigcrudorf, Elector's Uncle, is put under Ban, p. 276. XVIII. Friedrioh Wilhelm, the Great Kurfurst, Eleventh OF THE Series 27f "What became of Pommern at the Peace ; final Glance into Cleve- Jiilich, p-. 282. The Great Kurfurst's AVars : what he achieved in War and Peace, 283. ■ XIX. King Eriedricii I. again 29G How Austria settled the Silesian Claims, p. 296. His real Character, 299. XX. D£.\.TQ OF King Eriedricu 1 302 The Twelve Hohenzollern Electors, p. 308. Genealogical Diagram ; the Two Culmbach Lines, 309