STACK ■ HT ^LiZASeiTH 'ASTkElilN KfhKS aia TEMLERCZN. IP K L REBHOLZ II L^OHaa. THE CASTLE LINE ATLAS OF SOUTH AFRICA, A SEBIES OF 16 PLATED, PRINTED IN COLOUR, CONTAINING 30 MAPS AND DIAGRAMS. WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES, THE CLIMATE, THE MINERAL AND OTHER RESOURCES, AND THE HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. AND AN INDEX OF OVER 6,000 NAMES. LONDON; DONALD C U R R I E & CO., I, 2, 3, & 4 FENCHURCH STREET, E.C. 1895. CONTENTS. "SUNNY SOUTH AFRICA." South Afkican Railways (see Maps 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13). 4 CHAP. I. A Land of Diamonds and Gold (see Maps 4, 5^, 13, 14 and 15) . . . .5 II. The Country of the Veldt and the Karroo (see Maps 4, 511, 10 (inset), 11, 12 (inset), and all the general maps) .....••• ^ III. A Land of Sunshine and Health (see Maps i, 2, 3 and 6a) . . .16 IV. The Sportsman's Paradise (see Map 4) ...■.• 21 V. The People of South Africa (see Map 66) . . . . ■ • ^S VI. The Makers of South .\frica (see Maps 2, 3 and 4) . . . . -29 VII. The Story of South Africa (see Maps 7, 12, 15 and 16) . . . -33 LIST OF MAPS. I THE BKIIISH EMPIRE, ON Mekcator's Projection. 2. AFRICA, with Insets of Madeira and the Canary Islands, shewing Castle Line Mail and Intermediate Routes. 3. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AFRICA, SHEWING Communications and Mission Stations. 4. AFRICA SOUTH OF THE ZAMBESI, Political and Industrial. 5. SOUTH AFRICA, PHYSICAL; SOUTH AFRICA, GEOLOGICAL. 6. SOUTH AFRICA, RAINFALL; SOUTH AFRICA, ETHNOLOGICAL. 7. CAPE COLONY in Divisions, with Basutoland and the Orange Free State. 8. SOUTH AFRICA— WESTERN SHEET, SHEWING Western Cape Colony. 9. SOUTH AFRICA— CENTRAL SHEET, shewing Central Cape Colony, and part of the Orange Free State. 10. SOUTH AFRICA — EASTERN SHEET, shewing Eastern Cape Colony, Natal, Basutoland, Zululand, and part of the Orange Free State, with a Plan of PIETERMARITZBURG. 11. THE CAPE PENINSULA, AND PLANS OF CAPETOWN, PORT ELIZABETH, and DURBAN. 12. SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC AND THE ORANGE FREE STATE, with Plan OF Pretoria. 13. SOUTH AFRICA— NORTH SHEET, shewing the Transvaal Gold Fields, with a Pla.n of Johannesburg and its Suburbs. 34. PLANS OF THE DE KAAP AND MOODIE, K.OMATI, WITWATERSRAND, AND KLERKSDORP GOLD FIELDS. 15. MATABELELAND and MASHONALAND. 16. EAST CENTR.\L AFRICA, including British Central Africa and Nyassaland. SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS. CAPE COLONY.— The three main or trunk systems of railways in the Cape Colony are called the AVestern, Midland, and Eastern. The Western RaUway, with its starting point in Capetown, and the Midland Railway from Port Elizabeth, are worked as a single trunk system, 839 miles in length, the connection between the two systems being at De Aar, 501 miles from Capetown, and 339 from Port Elizabeth. Througli trains are also despatched from both Cajietown and Port Elizabeth to Kimberley, the centre of the Diamond Fields, 647 miles from the former, and 485 miles from the latter port ; and the line has been extended to Vryburg and to Mafeking. Another line, witli junctions at De Aar and Naauwpoort, has been completed, via Bloemfontein to Johannesburg and Pretoria. On the Western portion of the hne the principal stations are Durban Road, Paarl, Wellington, Ceres Road, Worcester, Touw's River, Beaufort West, and De Aar. There are branch lines to Blalmesbury, and to Wynlierg, Kalk Bay, and Simon's Town ; and another, 42 mUes in length, from Worcester to Robertson and Roodewall (Kogmans Kloof) — the station for Montague — has been opened for traffic. The chief stations on the Midland Railway from Port EUzabeth are Alicedale Jimction, Cookhouse, Cradock, Middleburg Road, and Naauwpoort Junction, where it joins an extension to Bloemfontein, Kronstad, and Viljoen's Drift (Vaal River), Johannesburg, and Pretoria. Branch lines run to Uitenhage, and Graaf-Reinet, Grahamstown, and Colesberg. The Eastern system of Railways has East London as its starting point, and runs through Fort Jackson, Blaney, Kei Road, Toise River, Queenstown, Sterkstroom, Molteno, and Burghersdorp to Aliwal Nortli. 280 miles, witli a branch line to King Williamstown. This line has been extended to join the Midland Railway (to Johannesburg) in the Orange Free State. Tliere are also railways belonging to private companies between Port Nolloth and the Cape and Namaqua United Copper Mines, 300 mUes in length, and from Port Alfred to Grahamstown, 45 mUes. NATAL. — The Natal Railway system consists of a main line from Durban through Richmond Road, Pietermaritzburg, Howick and Ladysmith, and Biggarsburg to Charlestown, with a branch to the Dundee Coalfields, and has recently been extended to Johannesburg. There are also short lines from the Point, where passengers land, to Durban, a distance of two miles ; and from Durban along the coast to Verulam, 19 miles, and Isipingo, 11 mUes. DBLAGOA BAY. — A line, 129 miles in length, has been made from this Port to Nelspruit, and is being continued towards Pretoria and Johannesburg. A branch line is also being constructed towards the Murcliison Gold Fields. BBIBA. — From Fontesvilla, 40 miles by water from Beira, a line 118 mUes in length has been opened to near Chimoio, and is being extended towards Fort Salisbury, 180 mUes further. LUGGAGrB BY RAIL AND COACH.— Passengers by the South African Railways are allowed 100 lbs. first class ; 50 lbs. second class ; and 25 lbs. third class, free per adult. Children between 12 and 3 pay half fore and are allowed half the above quantities. Excess baggage is charged id. per lb. for distances up to 25 miles, |d. per lb. for distances between 25 and 50 nules, and |d. per lb. for distances between 50 and 100 mUes, with Jd. additional for every 100 miles, or portion thereof, boyond 100 miles. From Capetown to Kimberley the rate is, therefore, 2jd. per lb., and from Durban to Ladysmith Id. per lb. FARES. — The fares by the South African Railways are, with certain exceptions, 3d. first class, 2d. second class, and Id. third class per mile. Return tickets arc issued at a fare and a half. Passengers preferring to pay their railway fares in London, can obtain tickets from Capetown, Natal, or Dolagoa Bay, to the various inland stations, at Messrs. Donald Currie & Co.'s London Offices. OTHER MEANS OF COMMUNICATION.— There is regular passenger communication by means of mail carts, coaches, and in some cases bullock waggons, between the railway stations and the larger South African towns situate at a distance from the railway lines. The table following will show approximately the distances, by the various routes, to the South African Goldfields. The tares by coach vary considerably from time to time. Besides the coaches, mucli cheaper means of travelling are aftbrded by waggons, the fare by which, from either Kimberley, Vryburg, Viljoen's Drift, Ladysmith, or Biggarsburg to the Goldfields, is usually only about £2 or £3. aljo BLOEMFONTEIN AND KIMBERLEY ROUTES. Capetown to Kimberley by rail ... 64" Miles. Capetown to Bloemfontein ... 749 „ Capetown to Vryburg by rail .. ... 774 „ Capetown to Mafeking by rail ... 870 „ Capetown to Johannesburg via Bloemfontein Ijyr.iil ... ... ... 1,013 „ Capetown to Pretoria by rail ... ... 1,040 „ Algoa Bay to Kimberley by rail ... 485 „ Algoa Bay to Johannesburg by rail ... 713 „ East London to Johannesburg by rail 665 „ NATAL ROUTE. Durban to Charlestown l>y rail ... Durban to Johannesburg by rail or coach Durban to Pretori.i by coach DELAGOA BAY ROUTE. Delagoa Bay to Crocodilport by rail Delagoa Bay to Pretoria ... Delagoa Bay to Johannesburg ... BEIRA ROUTE. Beira to Fontesvilla by steamer Fontesvilla to Chimoio Chimoio to Umtali .. Umtali to Salisbury ... 303 Miles 433 463 )» 113 Miles. 350 373 j> 40 Miles. 118 80 149 )» SUNNY SOUTH AFRICA. I— A LAND OF DIAMONDS AND GOLD. Africa, a laiij of surprises— South Africa, a laml of diamonds and gold— The "Cinderella" of the Empire— Etfccts of the discovery ol diamnnils— The Gold Fields of South Africa— Ancient Workings— Ophir— Fluctuation of value of the diamond— Unlimited demand for gold— Effects of the iliscovery of gold in Australia— The "rush" in South Africa— Kapid rise of Johannesburg- Extraordinary richness of the Itaud. " Semjxr aliquid novi Africa affei-t " — so wrote Pliuy nearly two thousand years ago, and the statement is as tnie now as it was then, if not indeed truer. Africa has always been, and .still is, a laud of unexpected discoveries and startling surprises. In the heart of Inner Africa, for instance, instead of arid deserts and broad savannahs like those to the north, or grassy plains and treeless uplands like those to the south, Stanley found a huge forest, over three hundred thousand square miles in extent, crammed with gigantic trees, so close that their branches interlaced one another, and formed an umbrageous canopy absolutely impenetrable to sunshine. Other parts of the African wonderland tell the .same tale, and have given us undreamt- of solutions to many a geographical problem or sudden revelations of long-hidden sources of wealth. In the far south, we have seen "a land apparently destitute of resources, barely able to support its scanty population, living the most frugal lives, suddenly transformed, 'as by the stroke of an enchanter's wand,' into a perfect Sinbad's Cave of precious stones and gold." Southern Africa, especially, is indeed a land of surprises, but, as a recent writer remarks, it is difficult to imagine that any more startling .surprises can be in store for us than have been witnessed within the last quarter of a century, diu-- ing which " a desolate corner of a distant desert, shut out by barren wastes from communication with the sea and with the fertile districts of the country, has been con- verted into a teeming hive of industry " and an inex- haustible source of wealth. That, however, was but the " overture " to the " grand march " of South African progi'ess ! Although pastoral, and, to a very limited extent, agri- cultural, inilustry had from the outset laid a broad and permanent foundation for real, if slow, progress, yet after a century and a half of apathetic Dutch dominance, and half a century of more eventful and progressive British rule, to stay-at-home Englishmen generally, the Cape re- mained almost as much a lerra incognita as the interior of the continent. The country seemed to call for no particular notice, and, fifty years ago, was probably less known and talked about than any other considerable portion of our over-sea possessions. In truth, while her Australasian and Canadian sisters had got on in the world, had been gay and prosperous, and had received much company in the shape of emigrants, this " Cinderella " of the empire stood by her " Stormy Cape " neglected and almost ignored. Now and then a lurid light was cast across this far-oft" corner of the Dark Continent ; a massacre of settlers in some outlying district by the savage natives, and sharp reprisals by colonial or imperial troojis awakened a strong but transient interest in " The Cape," but it served to repel rather than attract either the capital or the labour of the mother-country. The discover!/ of diamonds in Griqualand West altered all this, and almost immediately produced a marvellous change in the condition and prospects of the country, which was, as it were, uplifted in a day from obscurity into universal notice, whUe its destiny was advanced hundreds of years at a bound. Mr. Keunert, in his ex- cellent work, " Diamonds and Gold in South Africa " — a work which everyone interested in the country and its development should read — asserts, and that rightly, that diu-ing the four- centuries which have elapsed since the Portuguese sailors, steering south in search of the sea- route to India, fu'st sighted the Cape of Good Hope, no more important event has happened in South Africa than the discovery of the first diamond by Mr. John O'Reilly, m the month of March, 1867. " The beneficial efi'ects of that discovery are ajjparent to-day in every corner of South Africa. It has spread new life and energy through all the Colonies and States, which, a quarter of a century ago, were in a languishing and im- poverished condition ; and has converted the most de- spised possession of Britain into a source of wealth to the mother-country, and a field of ever-widening enterprise for her sons." During the first five years after this auspicious dis- covery (1867-72) nearly two and a quarter million pounds' worth of diamonds was exported from the Cape ports. The outjiut then gradually increased to 7| millions in 1873-77, ICi mdlions in 1878-82, nearly 16 millions in 1883-87, and 20i millions in 1888-92. Altogether, the South African "Diamond Fields" have produced, up to the present, about 70 million pounds' worth of the gem ; and, as Mr. Reimert )5oints out, of this enormous sum realised by their sale, probably one-lialf has been paid away in wages at the mines, and for other local expenses. As a natural result, the trade of the country largely increased ; other industries revived ; public works were energetically pushed forward; means of comnnuiication improved and extended ; natives were employed In ever- increasing numbers, and " taught to work instead of to fight " ; while exploration and settlement steadily ad- vanced north to, and beyond, the Zambesi. But wonderful and widely-beneficial as the residts of the diamond discovery have been, and still continue to A LAND OF DIAMONDS AND GOLD. be, they are completely overshadowed by the more recent discovery of enormously richer and equally in- exhaustible sources of wealth. "The Gold Fields of South Africa," though as yet in theh- infancy, already rival those of Kussia, Australasia, and Cdifornia ; and the output of the precious metal, especially from the Witwatersrand mines in the Transvaal, is steadily in- creasing, and at such a rate that South Africa, which now ranks ./o!(7-?A among the gold -producing countries of the world, must soon rank iu'st. Russia and Australasia now produce yearly about 6 million pounds' worth of gold each, or about half a million less than the present annual output of the United States. Witwatersrand alone, from a narrow strip of country not more than ten or twelve square miles in area, constituting only the first row of claims on the outcrop of the Main Eeef series, already produces over 5 million pounds' worth of gold per annum. Besides the Rand, a number of other gold areas in the Transvaal are being more or less actively worked, and the recently-opened fields in the ^Yitwate^s- berg, some 30 mUes north of Johannesburg, may rival those of the Rand itself. In foot, the whole of the eastern portion of the Transvaal may be regarded as one contimwus (jold field. Native gold is also known to exist in several parts of the Cape Colony, and may yet be found in paying quantities. Careful profipecting operations in the Orange Free State have resulted in the discovery of permanent and payable reefs, whUe the " banket " beds of Vryheid, in Dutch Zululand, are identically similar in formation to those of the Witwatersrand, and probably of equal richness. Swaziland, Slashonaland, and Mata- beleland are also rich in gold, the gold-bearing area ex- tending far north to the Zambesi. In fact, we may say that the entke country, from the great bend of the Limpopo to the south end of Lake Tanganyika, must be gold-bearing, as it is in all directions honey-combed with "Old Workings," and is by some supposed to be the Ophir, whence King Solomon is said to have drawn gold to the value of £900,000,000 sterling. A well-known mining expert, Mr. Robert Williams, speaking at a banquet given on St. Amlrew's Day, 1892, at Salisbury, the capital of Mashonaland, stated that he had travelled some 4,000 miles over almost continuous old workings,* and he estimated that at least 800,000 tons of ore had been excavated by the old diggers. These ancient * "These old workiugs," says Mr. Selous, " are of a very singular and persistent character, consisting for the most part of circular shafts, v.arying in depth from 20 to 80 feet, but not more than 30 to 36 inches in diameter. They have been sunk at all sorts of distances apart, in many cases not more than one foot, and in others as much as fifty or a hundred leet. No outcrop is apparent on the surface, and nothing at the bottom of the shafts would seem to suggest a likelier reason for the stoppage of work than the gradual deterioration in the grade and size of the veins." A curious fact in connection with these old gold workings is also mentioned by Selous, and tliat is — wherever lemou trees grow, old workings will invariably be found in the neighbourhood. The natives have no tradition as to how these trees have been introduced, and Selous thinks they may have been introduced by the Portuguese, two or three centuries ago, or they may date back to much more ancient times, when South-East Africa was visited by the trading peoples of Asia and Arabia in search of gold. miners, however, seem to have given their attention exclu- sively to high gi'ade ore, being doubtless unable to deal with low grade and refractory ores. Tliey also seem, says Mr. Fairbridge, in his report on the Masiionaland Goldfields,* to have preferred open cuttings to subteiTaneous tunnel- ling, and apparently in few cases did their probably rude appliances permit them to go deeper than a lumdred feet. " As might be supposed, the debris thrown out of their workings were a means of calling the attention of travel- lers, as they have later guided the prospector, to the existence of gold-bearing reefs in this country. But as the ancients were unable to exhaust the veins they struck, so also were they unable to complete their discoveries of good surface outcrops. On every field, since the arrival of the whites, excellent, and frequently very high grade, lodes have been struck, bearing no vestige of human prospecting or laboim Mashonalanders, as the new colonists call themselves, perhaps justly claim as a sign of the pre-eminent richness of their mineral rock, that in Zambesia alone of old-world places have the old Eastern nations thought it wortli whUe to delve upon a gigantic scale for the commodity whose value has been as old and long-established almost as the hills themselves." South Africa, then, is pre-eminently a land of diamonds and gold. ■' The stones thereof are the place of sapphires, And it hath dust of gold. "f Both the gem and the metal are alike wonderful energisers of trade and industry, but there is this im- portant difference between them. The "demand" for diamonds — as for coal, iron, copper, and even silver — has to be taken into account, and necessarily regulates the production and the price. Over-production would be the bane of the diamond, as of the baser mineral and metal industries ; and, as a matter of fact, although the great diamond corporation — the De Beers Consolidated Mines, Limited — which produces over ninety per cent, of all the diamonds mined in South Africa, and exercises a paramount control over the industry, paid over three millions sterling for the greater portion of the Dutoitspan and Bultfontein mines, no work has been done by the Company at either of these mines since 1892, as a sufll- cient supply of blue ground is more readily and profitably obtained from the two principal mines — De Beers and Kimberley. But there are certain risks, more particu- larly—as Mr. Rhodes pointed out in his speech at the annual meeting of the De Beers Company, in 1893— the risk of new mines being suddenly discovered, and worked recklessly, to the detriment of the industry generally. In that case, the diamonds would have to be sold for what coidd he got for them, perhaps for considerably less than the cost of production, and this, of course, woidd speedily lead to the annihilation of the industry. Con- ducted, however, systematically on scientific principles, and under wise and vigilant control as at present, the life of the diamond industry is practically unlimited — there are plenty more ' pebbles ' in the groimd, and plenty more on the floors. And in order to control stiU more * Appendix XV. in Mr. Reunert's book, " Diamonds and Gold in South Africa." f Job, chap, xxviii., verse 6. A LAND OF DIAMONDS AND GOLD. effectively the output and price of what is essentially an article of luxury, the Consolidated Mines Co. have bought up large areas of land around the Kimberley mines, and have acquired a third of the land in British Beohuanaland, and a preferent right to any diamonds that may be found in any part of the enormous terri- tories of the British South Africa Co. Gold, on the other hand, is an article whose standard of value will not be changed or affected in the slightest by any probable or possible extension of production. As Mr. Hamilton Smith points out, gold is now the only material for which there is a practically unlimited de- mand, and as over-production is therefore an impossibility, the richest and most extensive gold-bearing areas in the world, as those of South Africa are, will certainly be still more vigorously worked and extensively developed, with the same beneficial and enduring results as in Australin. Fifty years ago, Aastralia was a country little known to the mass of the people at home ; but when at length, in every bookseller's shop in Great Britain, maps of Victoria appeared, dotted over mth yellow marks, show- ing that gold had been discovered in all directions, there was a mighty "rush" to the land where wealth unbounded was to be obtained. In the colony itself, the entire population became "drunk with gold." Settlers left their homesteads, professional men their offices, sailors their ships, and rushed off to the " diggings." For a time there was an excitement which nothing could allay, and it was not until the hardships and dangers of a digger's life, with its uncertain results, began to show that none but the strong and experienced could succeed, that the country returned to its normal state, and gold-mining became a regular and steady industry. The effects of the discovery of gold in such abundance proved, however, to be as permanent as they were startling. By its magic touch, tents were transformed into flourishing villages and mud huts into magnificent cities. Little thought the three solitary pioneer settlers of 18,35, when they built their mud huts on the then dismal banks of the Yarra, and surveyed the desolate wastes around, that in fifty years a colossal city would cover them, or that the dreary spot, then bought from the natives for two blankets and a bottle of spirits, would be the site of, with one exception, the most populous city in the Southern Hemisphere, and the most important commercial centre in our Australasian empire. So much for the colonising power of raw gold in Aus- tralia — a power by which a similar transformation will be seen in the far interior of South Africa. Here, indeed, a like process was begun in 1867, when the diamond was discovered, with the result that " The Camp " of the early diggers, with its motley collection of tents and tin houses, became a well-built town, furnished with all the necessities and luxuries of civilisation. Gold, however, did not assert its power in South Africa untd about ten years ago, and although the " rush " to the South African Goldfields has never attained anything like the propor- tions of its Californian or Australian prototypes, yet discovery after discovery of the precious metal in various parts of the country gave rise to a gold mania, which speedily developed into mad speculation and gambling in shares in properties that not only were, in most cases, not being worked, but only very roughly and superficially, if at all, tested — the inevitable result being disappoint- ment and ruin to hundreds of too credulous investors, too eager to be "in the swim." At the outset, there was much feverish activity on the Exchange and in the Share Market, and miserably inadequate work on the reefs ; people, profoundly ignorant of their real value, dabbled in stocks " boomed " in glowing prospectuses, and exchanged their money for worthless scrip ; and thus, in a few years, mUlious were lost in aU but fruitless speculations. Fortunately for the reputation of South Africa as a gold-producing country, the marvel- lously rich and practically inexhaustible conglomerate reefs (locally called " banket ") of the Witwatersrand were discovered, and soon attracted both capital and labour in abundance, with the result that, on the highest ridge of the High Veldt of the Transvaal, one thousand miles from Cape Town, we find, instead of the few miser- able tents and shanties which formed tlie Johannesburg of 1886, a large town, solidly built, with macadamised roads and broad streets, liglited by gas and electricity, stores filled with the newest goods and the most modern mining appliances, shops stocked with tlie latest fashions, tramways from one end of the city to the other, a dis- tance of over three miles, numerous suburbs, and an ever- increasing number of outlying townships along the Rand. The latter are connected with Johannesburg, itself by a light railway, which, at Elandsfontein, seven miles distant, is crossed liy the main trunk-line from the Cape to Pretoria, the objective also of the East railways from Delagoa Bay and Natal, the former of which is already open for some distance within, and the latter to, the Transvaal frontier. Before the discovery of diamonds, wool was by far the most valuable item in the export trade of South Africa. Then, until very recently, the diamond took the first place, but now both diamonds and wool are eclipsed by the gold output. The production of wool and diamonds for some years past has remained almost stationary, the former averaging a little over two millions sterling, and the latter about four millions yearly. The output of gold, on the contrary, has advanced by leaps and bounds, and now amounts to abotit five millions a year ; and, with plants of increased capacity, the Rand "banket" beds alone are expected, in a very few years, to yield ten million pounds' worth per annum, if not considerably more. The value of the few squiu-e miles included in the Rand Gold- field is incredible, and two well-known mining engineers — Theodore Reunert and Hamilton Snuth — have esti- mated the total quantity which it may be expected to yield, and, though the methods of calculation were diflerent, the results arrived at are much the same. Mr. Reunert points out that the Johannesburg Main Reef Series have been exposed along the outcrop for at least 30 miles, and assumes that they will be within reach of mining operations for probably several miles across the dip. Fixing the limit at only one mile, there are 30 square miles of auriferous beds. Of the two or three hundred feet which these lieds measure in thickness, Mr. Reunert allows only live feet as carrying gold in payable quantities. A LAND OF DIAMONDS AND GOLD. According to the last returns of the Witswatersrand Chamber of Mines, the average yield of the district is at present 10 dwts. of gold per ton crushed.* It is known that a good deal of gold is lost, which more perfect treatment will enable to be saved in the future ; but, taking a low estimate, Mr. Reunert assumes those five feet of payable "banket" to carry an extractible average of only 8 dwts. per ton. Thus he arrives at a total of 130 million ozs. of gold, worth, say, 450 millions sterling, "as the value of the ore locked in Nature's treasiu-y, and only waiting the industry of man for its extraction." Mr. Hamilton Smith estimates, in the stretch of 11 miles, a paying length of 50,000 feet, a probable thickness of fully 5 feet, and an inclined depth of 5,200 feet. This aggregates 100 million tons, of which 3 million tons have been mined ; the remaining 97 million tons, at an average of 12i dwts. to the ton, would yield 60 million ozs., having a gold value of £215 millions. The many mOes of " banket," outside this district of 11 linear miles, will yield at least one half of this amount, or, say, £325 millions in all. " This seems a huge figure, but it is by no means a wild conjecture, and the final results will probably exceed this sum." These estimates have * " This is merely the yield from the mill ; but subsequent treat- ment, by cy.iuide and other processes, brings up the total average yield to over 12J dwts. per ton."— Reunert. been further confirmed by the successful results shown by the " Great Borehole " of the Rand-Victoria Mines on the Boksburg line. Not less than 2,343 feet of barren strata were penetrated by the drill, but at that depth the South Reef was struck, and, 54 feet lower, the Main Reef itself was pierced, the footwall being struck at a depth of 2,401 feet, and giving an average assay through the 4 feet of 1 oz. 15 dwts. The Main Reef Leader, 18 inches wide, was struck at 2,391 feet, and assayed in some samples as high as 10 ozs. per ton, showing visible gold. The Johannesburg Star estimates that the Rand- Victoria Mines have, at a moderate com- putation, 12 million tons of ore, computed to give an average result of 23 dwts. to the ton. " Take, as with our experience of banket we fairly may, this as a fair specimen of the results to be obtained from the Nigel to Rand- fontein, and the fabled Eldorado of Sir Walter Raleigh is but pinchbeck. Then, when we consider that, at this enormous depth of 2,397 feet, we have not to deal with a densely-pyritic ore, in which the precious metal is en- veloped in a non-amalgamating cover, but with free gold in considerable quantity, the troublous problems of ore treatment sink into comparative insignificance, and leave us a clear vista, wherein will be an output enhanced maybe ten times, and whereon not only our own but the eyes of the whole world will gaze with appreciation and envy." II.— THE COUNTRY OF THE VELDT AND THE KARROO. The Veldt — A sea of grass— The Karroo— Latent fertility— The coasts of South Africa— Walfish Buy— Table Bay and Cape Town— Simon's Bay and Simonstown— Cape Agulhos— Mossel Bay— Algoa Bay and Port Elizabeth— Port Alfred— East London— St. John's River— Port Natal and Durban— Delagoa Bay and Lorenzo Marquez— Inhambaue— Chiloane — Sofala— Beira— Chinde— Quiliniane- Mozambique— Physical aspects of the country— Gradual rise in terraces fiom the seaboard— The Coast Plateau -The Southern Karroo— The Eastern I'plands- The Northern Karroo— The rivers and lakes of South Africa — "Bars" at river mouths— Falls and rapids— South Africa, once a country of great lakes and vast inland seas— Vleis and salt-pans— Political divisions and governments. The " Veldt " and the " Karroo " are the pecidiar and distinctive features of South Africa. There is nothing English to which they can be compared ; in fact, there is nothing in the Empire like them — the nearest resemblance to the true " Veldt " and the monotonous " Karroo " being, perhaps, the downs and the waterless plains of Queens- land. The Dutch word "veldt," like the German "feld," is literally synonymous with our word " field," but, in South Africa, the term " veldt " ha.s a much wider application than its English or German equivalents, as it is given not only to the wide, rolling pasture-lands, covered by rough scrubby grass, or by more or less dense growths of mimosa or acacia and other bushes and scrubs, but also to the herbage itself, which is spoken of as " sweet veldt '' or " sour veldt," as the case may be ; while, according to the season, the farmer moves his flocks and herds from the " hooge veldt " to the " bush veldt," or from the " koud veldt " to the " warm veldt." In the Transvaal, the higher portion of the plateau is known as the " Hooge Veldt," the hilly country to the north and east being dis- tinguished as the " Banken Veldt " or terrace country ; the sub-tropical, tsetse-infested bush country along the Limpopo being the dreaded " Bush Veldt " of the Trans- vaal Boer. In the Cape Colony, we have the well-known plateau of the " Warm Bokkeveldt," and further north the higher and more exposed " Cold Bokkeveldt." In one form or another, the term " veldt " is of universal applica- tion throughout South Africa, During the rainy season, the South African veldt Ls a " sea of grass," aftbrdiug abundant pasture to millions of sheep and cattle, and to the antelopes and other ruminants which are still found in considerable numbers in the more inaccessible parts even of long-settled districts. But " when the strength of the African sun is at its greatest in summer, the veldt is very hot and barren-looking, its brown and parched surface cracking into large fissures or ' sluits,' as they are locally called, and radiating back the light with a strange simmering mirage, deceiving the eye and perplexing the judgment of the stranger." So clear is the atmosphere that distances are dwarfed, and moun- tains that are miles away appear quite close. " The roads across the veldt are not macadaiuLsed, but wind away as tracks cut out according to the whims and fancies of a post-cart driver, and twisting in long and sinuous lanes over the interminable spaces. Over these the slowly- THE COUNTRY OF THE VELDT AND THE KARROO. moving ox-waggon, with its white canvas covering, makes its way from point to point, and across ' drifts ' or fords of the rivers."* The halting-place, or " outspan," is a piece of land reserved for the public use, and "here, in the summer noon, the kurveyor or waggoner is seen, with his unyoked span around him, taking his siesta, and preparing for the evening, or perhaps, if it is moonlight, the night journey." The " Karroo " is another peculiar feature of South Africa. The name is taken from the little karroo plant, one of the best kinds of bush for ostriches as well as for sheep and goats, and is applied to a marvellous tract of country, about two-thirds the size of Scotland, in the in- terior of the Cape Colony, apparently an arid desert, but possessing an extraordinary latent fertility, and re- quiring only sufficient moisture to be as productive as the banks of the Nile. The name " karroo " is also given to similar tracts both to the north and south of the Karroo proper, or the Great Karroo ; in fact, all South African plains and plateaus, which are, as it were, intermediate between the grass- or bush-covered veldt and absolute desert, are karroos. During the long periods of drought, the parched karroo is devoid of verdure, but, when rain falls, the ground is quickly clothed with grass and shrubs, and parts of it have the semblance of a brilliant flower- garden. When thunder-clouds break over any area, and heavy rain falls, it is marvellous to see the magical trans- formation of the sparsely-covered soil; grasses and flowers springing up with great rapidity and in countless variety, carpeting the surface with every colour and hue" — one of the many startling contrasts and sudden surprises which excite the interest and admiration of the sojourner from other lands in which Nature is not, so to speak, so impulsive and erratic in her movements. South Africa is then, par excellence, the country of the Veldt and the Karroo. Life on the veldt is full of interest and enjoyment ; mere existence is a pleasure ; while, un- attractive as the karroo may appear, " its sunny sky, its translucent atmosphere, its dry buoyant air — ' exhilarat- ing as wine to the senses ' — its starry, balmy, and dew- less nights ; its measureless expanse ; its vast and unbroken solitude ; and even its weird desolateness, have a peculiar charm, which clings to the memory of those who have dwelt on any part of it." The coast of South Africa is of the same regular and unbroken character as that of the continent generally, being "singularly deficient in good harbours, devoid of navigable rivers, and washed a great part of the year by a most tempestuous ocean, girdled by a never-ceasing surf, while its projecting capes and headlands bristle with reefs, on which many a gallant ship has met its fate." t Nearly the whole of the western coast, from the mouth of the Cunene to that of the Orange River, is low and sandy, and the adjoining coastland is barren and dismal, with no permanent rivers, and scarcely any vegetation. Waljish Bay, the only point of any importance on this dreary coast, belongs to the Cape Colony, and may derive * Greswell's Africa, South of the Zambesi. (Loudon : Stan- ford), t S. W. Silver's Handbook to South Africa, p. 553. some importance in the near future as the starting- point of a raOway into the interior ; meantime it serves as the port of entry for supplies to the German olficials at Windhoek, the capital of German South- West Africa, a small settlement in the Damara highlands, some 200 miles inland. Thence to the Orange River, not a single perennial stream enters the sea, and not a vestige of human occupation is visilile except at one or two small bays and anchorages, such as iSandwich Harhour, where large quantities of fish are caught and cured, and Angra Pequeiia, or Liideritz Bay, whence a good cattle-road leads into the more habitable and inviting uplands of Great Namaqualand. The Orange River, although it is 1,200 miles in length, is a terribly disappoint- ing stream, and the country it flows through, in the lower part of its course, is about the most dismal and barren in the world. The river itself is a finer stream hundreds of miles inland than it is at its mouth, and, moreover, an impassable bar forbids entrance from the sea, except for a few days after very heavy rains in the interior. Usually, however, inside the bar, it can be ascended by small craft for some 30 miles. We then come to I'ort Nolloth, the coast terminus of a light railway from the copper mines at O'okiep. Thence to the broad curve of St. Helena Bay, the coast is stUl low and desolate, with one or two lonely harbours and a few river mouths hopelessly blocked with sand or rocks. Rounding Cape St. Martin, and pass- hig through a narrow entrance, we enter a splendid land- looked basin, Saldanha Bay, one of the finest natural harbours in the world ; a noble bay, easy of access in all winds, but seldom visited. Passing a few rocky islands, we enter Table Bay, along the curving shores of which extends the metropolis of all South Africa— its main avenues running straight from the sea to the pine and sQver-tree plantations, which clothe the base of a titanic wall of rock, the flat-topped Tafel Berg or Table Mountam, that, with the picturesque Devil's Peak and the grotesque Lion's Head on either flank, enclose the city and its immediate environs, forming an amphi- theatre comparable in scenic efl'ect to Naples or Rio. Cajie Town is not only the capital of Cape Colony, but, with its 60,000 inhabitants, is also the most populous town, and, with the exception, perhaps, of Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg, the most important commercial centre in South Africa. Originally laid out with mathematical precision by its stolid and unimaginative Dutch founders, the main streets run panillel to each other, and are crossed at regular intervals by minor streets. At the top of the chief thoroughfare — Adderley Street, which compares favour- ably with the main street of any ordinary EngUsh town- is a magnificent avenue of oaks, planted by the early Dutch settlers, and stUl the favourite promenade, leading to the ofiicial residence of the Governor and High Com- missioner. The town contains several fine public build- ings, the finest not only in Cape Town, but in all South Africa, being the new Houses of Parliament, completed in 1886 at a cost of a quarter of a million sterling. The most interesting building, however, is the Public Library, with the priceless literary treasures i)resented by a former Governor, Sir George Grey, and the Museum, containing THE COUXTRY OF THE VELDT AND THE KARROO. specimens of almost every species of Soutli African ante- lopes and birds. Rough diamonds in the matrix, gold nuggets and quartz may also be seen here. In the mag- nificent Botanical Gardens, experiments are being con- stantly carried on with plants and trees from other countries, to test their suitability for the soil and climate of South Africa. As a port, Cape Town ranks first in South Africa, and by the completion of the gi'eat break- water and commodious docks, the Bay has been converted from a dangerous roadstead into a safe and convenient harbour, accessible at all states of the tides, and completely protected from the fearful effects of the northern and north-western gales, by which many a vessel has been driven ashore. The Ca-stle is a quaint specimen of the old Dutch citadel, but it is perfectly useless from a military point of view, being on aU sides commanded by the adjoining hdlB. Strong batteries, erected along the foreshore and on Signal HiU, and garrisoned by imperial troops, defend our " Half-way House " to IntUa and the East from hostile attack, whOe the town is connected by rail with the naval station at Simon's Bay on the other side of the peninsula. The subnrbs and environs of Cape Town are exceedingly beautiful, and by almost any of the roads or routes from the city magnificent ocean and mountain views may be enjoyed, and the glowing heat and dusty streets may be quickly exchanged for cool health-giving breezes in the most delightful sylvan retreats. Wynherg, a pretty village on the eastern side of Table Mountain, is usually regarded as the suburban limit. The glory of Cape Town is its magnificent mountain, which " rises behind the town in a sheer precipice to tlie height of nearly 4,000 feet, cutting the sky-line with a jagged horizontal front nearly two miles in length.'' The ascent of the mountain is easOy accomplished, the only danger being the dense clouds that suddenly collect and envelop the summit, forming what is locally known as the " table-cloth." There are many other table or flat-topped mountains in South Africa, but the Cape people boast that "there is but one Table Mountain;" and, indeed, "only those who explore the mountain can form any idea of the beauties hidden among its rocks. The frowning precipices which, seen from a dis- tance, speak only of the convulsions of nature, are found on nearer approach to open into tiny glens and valleys, adorned with streams and cascades, and clothed with the most beautiful foliage and flowers. The flat summit of the Kasteel-Berg, or Castle Mount, wliich forms the buttress of the great precipice overlooking the Bay, is a miniature continent in itself, its surface diversified by river and hill, and producing a flora to be found nowhere else."* The view from the summit is magnificent, as also are the views to be obtained from the Devil's Peak (3,300 feet) and the Lion's Head (2,000 feet), which complete the majestic rock -wall that forms the amphitheatre in which Cape Town is situate. The Cape Peninsula terminates in the real " Cape of * Brown's Snuih Africa, a practical and complete Guide for the nse of Tourists, Sportsmen, Invalids, and Settlers. (Ijomlou : Sampson Low & Co.). Good Hope " — the " southern point of Afric's coast " immortalised by the grcAt Portuguese poet, Camoens, in his " Lusiad " : — " I am that hidden mighty head of land Tile Cape of Tempests fitly named by you, Wliieh Ptolemy, Mela, Strabo never fand. Nor Pliny dreamt of, nor old sages knew. Here in South Ocean end I Afric's strand ! " From the lighthouse on Cape Point, as it is locally termed, the visitor obtains a fine view of the waters of False Bay and the broad expanse of the South Atlantic ; the Cape itself, a lofty sandstone precipice nine hundred feet in height, is certainly a far more striking object on this, the most picturesque and grandly beautifid part of the South African coast, than the low shelving bank of Cape Agulhas, which forms the geographical extremity of the continent, and from which also is drawn the theoretical boundary between the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. Within Fithe Bay is the safe and well-sheltered Simon's Bay, on which stands Simonstown, the strongly-fortified station of our fleet in South African waters. About midway between the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Agulhas is Danger Poijif, near which H. M.S. Birkenhead struck in 1852— an ever memorable disaster, in which British soldiers exhibited a calm courage infinitely more heroic than was ever displayed in the most desperate charge on the battlefield. Cape Agulhas, or the Needles, is so named from the sunken rocks or saw-edged reefs which run far out to sea, and with the strong currents and fiu-ious storms met with in the channel between the coast and the outlying Agulhas Bank, render its naviga- tion difficult and dangerous. It is ofl'tliis justly-dreaded point that the great Mozam- bique, or, as it is sometimes termed, the Agulhas current, which sweeps down the Mozambique Channel and fol- lows the curve of the South African coast, bringing with it the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, meets the Antarctic or Cape current, another powerful current that flows from the cold waters of the South Polar seas* — hence the continual tempests and dangerous navigation, these currents being but too often, in thick weather, the imsuspeeted cause of many wi-ecks.t So thoroughly, however, are these seas known to the ofiicers of the regular ocean and coasting steamers, and so admirably do they handle their vessels, that, practically, there is now as entire an immunity from disaster as on any of the great ocean routes. The next noteworthy point on the coast is Mossel Bay — a port of call for the coasting and intermediate steamers, with an excellent harbour protected from westerly gales by Point St. Blaize, and situate about halfway between Cape Town and its energetic and successful rival, Port Elizabeth. We must not, however, pass on without noticing the cm'ious chain of lakes near the margin of the sea about five miles from Wood^dlle ; and, further e;ist, the picturesque land-locked estuary of the Knysna, a splendid natural harbour, entered by a narrow passage between lofty sandstone cliffs, and with no less tlian 14 * Greswell. + Silver's Handbook. THE COUNTRY OF THE VELDT AND THE KARROO. II feet of water on the bar. The coasting steamers call here regularly, and the harbour could easily be made impregnable and absolutely safe from any hostile attack from the sea. Passing by the shallow indentations of Plettaihiinj Bay and St. Francis Bay — the coast between which is exceptionally dangerous, and has been the sceue of numerous wrecks, we double the low rocky point ot Cape Recife and enter the broad and well-known inlet of A Igoa Bay, on the north-western angle of which stands Port Elizabeth, the "Liverpool of South Africa," and the most important centre of the foreign trade of the country. Even before the construction of the railway, which now runs from the jiort to tlie Free State and the Transvaal, connecting at Middelburg with the East London line and at De Aar with the Cape trunk line. Port Elizabeth was a stirring and bustling trading-place, " especially during the wool season, when the huge transport waggons, caiTy- ing from 6,000 to 10,000 lbs., came in laden with bales of wool, skins, and ivory, to load up again witli merchandise for the interior towns and villages." The anchorage is sheltered from the winterly north-west winds, but is exposed to the heavy rollers caused by the frequent easterly gales. There are two wrought-iron jetties ; but passengers and cargo have to be landed by means of tugs and lighters. The European population now numbers about 15,000, mainly the descendants of the energetic and enterprising British settlers who founded the town in 1820, and occupied the then unsettled " hinterland." The eastern coast of the Cape Colony, though, on the whole, as regular and unbroken as its north- western sea- board, is infinitely more beautiful and attractive. The evergreen slopes, picturesque bays, and wooded kloofs which diversify this coast, form a pleasing contrast to the low, sandy, barren, and desert shore-line on the opposite side of the colony. About 100 miles to the eastward of Port Elizabeth is Port Alfred, beautifully situate at the mouth of the Kowie Kiver, and justly named the " Dart- mouth " of South Africa — a name also claimed by the more important port of East London, at the mouth of the Buffalo Piiver, which flows through equally picturesque scenery. Port Alfred, or the Kowie, as it is also called, is the outport of Graham^s Town, the metropolis of the eastern division of the Cape. East London was originally a mere outport to King William's Toion, the capital of the formerly separate colony of British Kaftraria ; but, since the extension of the Eastern Railway System, of which it is the coast ter- minus, and its junction with the Midland and Western Systems, it has become the centre of a very large and rapidly increasing trade, second only to that of Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. Extensive and costly harbour works, planned by Sir John Coode, have so far removed the obstructions at the mouth of the Buffalo, that steamers of 4,000 tons can enter the sheltered anchorage inside the bar. Thence, for three hundred miles, the only serviceable harbour is that oi St. John's River, on the Pondo coast. The River St. John, or Umzimvubu, enters the sea be- tween two huge forest-clad cliffs, which, with the surround- ing forests and many-coloured cliffs, are among the most romantic and striking scenes on the South African sea- board — a scene, however, equalled, if not sm'ixissed, by the Port of Natal, with its tall "Bluff" overlooking a broad bay, along the northern shores of which extends the pros- perous and thriving town of Durban, backed by the wooded plateau of the Berea, now covered with handsome mansions and pretty villas. Durban is not only the seaport, but also the most populous town and the jirincipal trade centre in Natal ; and from the " Point," the Natal main line of railway runs right through the colony to Charles- town, on the Transvaal border, whence it will be extended to Johannesburg. Two short coast-lines also nm from Durban— one to Verulam, 19 miles to the north-east, and the other to Ispingo, 1 1 miles to the south-west. Few indeed and small are the vessels that have any dealings with the Zulu or the Tonga coasts. Botli are bordered by shallow tidal lagoons, and even a brief stay in tliese hot and marshy coastlands is sure to bring un- jdeasant consequences in the shape of fever and ague. This has also been a drawback of the great inlet of Dehigoa Bay, one of the finest natural harbours in the world, spacious, deep, and well sheltered, where the largest ocean-going vessels can lie in perfect safety. The town of Lorenzo Marquez has been notorious for its unhealthiness during the rainy season, but its increasing importance as the terminus of the shortest route from Pretoria and Witwatersrand to tlie sea, will, no doubt, be followed by improved sanitation and healthier conditions. From the port a railway runs to Komati Poort, at the foot of the Lobombo Blountains, whence it is being ex- tended to Pretoria via Middelburg, the total distance being 350 miles, as against 1,000 miles from Cape Town, and 500 miles from Durban. The main line is now open to Nelspruit, 129 mUes from Delagoa Bay, and branch lines are being made from Komati Poort, towards the Murchison Gold Field, on the north, and from CrocodU- poort, 113 miles from Delagoa Bay, to Barberton, in the De Kaap Gold Field. From Delagoa Bay the coast trends north-east, and sailing in that direction, we pass the mouth of the Lim- popo river, which, though shallow, is navigable by stern- wheel steamers, and, doubling the well-known Cape Corrientes, we reach Inhambane, a sleepy old Portu- guese town at the head of a deep bay, backed by wooded hUls. Thence the coast turns north, curving at the delta-mouth of the Sabi river, past Chiloane, a port of call on a small island on the coast, towards the broad bay into which opens the estuary of the Sofala river, the fine natural harbour of the historically famous old town of Sofala, the oldest of all the Portuguese settlements in Eastern Africa. " Its name is that of a maritime king- dom, renowned in ancient times for its wealth, which formed part of the mythical empire of Monomotapa, of which the earlier travellers gave marvellous accounts. From its richness in gold and ivory, Sofala has been even supposed to be the golden Ophir to which King Solomon sent a fleet of ships every three years," and from which he is supposed to have obtained enormous quantities of gold. As we have already stated, the "Hinterland" of the Sofala coast is literally honeycombed with ancient workings, and the wonderful ruins of numerous "Zini- 12 THE COUNTRY OF THE VELDT AND THE KARROO. babwes" all over the country are undoubtedly the remains of the strongly fortified stations and temples of the ancient miners, who probably invaded the country, and forced the inhabitants to labour for them much in the same way as, in later times, the Spaniards exploited the gold and silver mines of Mexico and Peni. The riches of the golden " Hinterland " of Sofala will not, however, flow through their ancient outlet, but through the bustling brand-new little port of Beira, at the mouth of the Puugwe river, the estuary of which forms an excellent harbour, while the river itself is navigable for 40 miles inland to Fontesvilla, the present terminus of the Mashonaland raOway, of which 75 miles (to a station near Chimoio) have beeu opened — the rest of the journey to Salisbury, 180 miles further, being made by waggon. The estuary and lower course of the adjoining Busi river are also navigable, and, like the Pungwe, might be utilised to some extent in facilitating passage and transport over the unhealthy flats of the littoral to the healthy and elevated plateaus of Manica- land and Mashonaland. From Port Beira, a sail of 100 mQea along a low and uninviting coast brings us to the delta of the Zam- besi, the largest of all the African rivers that flow into the Indian Ocean. This great river is navigable for small steauiers as far as Tete, about 260 miles inland ; beyond that, a succession of cataracts and rapids limits navigation to a few sections of the river. The Anglo- Portuguese Convention of 1891 gave England a foothold at the Chinde mouth, the concession to be used for landing, storage, and transhipment of goods. At Chinde, says Dr. Rankin, tlio river is about a mile wide, and lower down it increases in width, whilst its surface is covered with islands. From the immense volume of water brought down, the banks and channels are continually undergoing change. The greater part of the delta is made up of gently-rolling grass country, the depressions of which during the rainy seasons are covered with water. The inundated districts at the seaboards, swamped at high tides and floods, are thickly covered with mangroves, and but slightly populated. The Chinde River is undoubtedly the best entrance to the Zambesi, and aff'ords a waterway for craft of from 400 to 500 tons. About 50 miles higher up the coast, the Quilimane river enters the sea. The estuary was formerly the most north- erly delta branch of the Zambesi, the Mutu channel, which connected it with the head of the delta, being then large and navigable all the year round ; but it has long since been blocked up by silt and vegetation, so that Quili- mane is completely deban'cd from access to the Zambesi itself except by sea. But this port, though thus cut ofl' from the great river, and surrounded by swamps and marshes — "aplace of mud, fever, and mosiquitoes" — is stUl of some importance ; its trade is fairly good, while its beautiful mango groves, its shady avenues, and delicious oranges, are delightfully refreshing. Some mUes higher up the coast, we arrive at a much busier port, situate on a coral islet close to the shore. This is Mozambique, the capital of all Portuguese East Africa, and, curiously enough, lying under almost exactly the same parallel as Mossamedes, on the west coast. An irregular line be- tween these two places would mark the furthest limit, territorially and climatically, of Southern Africa. All beyond, and even in some parts within that line, belong absolutely to Tropical Africa, scarcely any portion of which is suitable for permanent European colonisation. Euro- peans may live tliere for years without breaking down, but they cannot settle and work there, as they can in almost every part of Temperate South Africa. Having now made the circuit of the South African coasts, wa proceed to note very briefly its mountains and plains, its rivers and lakes, supplementing our resume of the physical features of the country with a short account of its political divisions— a matter which, from the num- ber and variety of States, Colonies, and Protectorates, is rather confusing to the general reader. Regarding South Africa as a wliolc, we may say that the greater portion of the country forms a vast upland, which slopes towards the seaboard — not regularly, but by a series of successive terraces or steps, the more or less abrupt seaward edges of which are marked by long ranges of mountains and hills. These gird the country in hrog- ular lines, separated from each other by valleys and plains, and intersected at intervals by deep ravines or gorges (kloofs) — the main elevations trending generally in a direction parallel to, and at no very considerable distance from, the coast. " Africa," says Professor Drummond, " rises from its three environing oceans in three great tiers, first a coast line, low and (in Tropical Africa) deadly ; further in, a plateau the height of the Grampians ; further still, the higher plateaux, extending ibr thousands of miles, with mountains and valleys." The relief of South Africa exhibits the same terraciform aspect that characterises the build of the continent generally. " If the traveller," says the Rev. W. P. Greswell, in his exhaustive " Geography of Africa, South of the Zam- besi," " were to land at Mossel Bay on the south coast and journey northwards tow;irds the interior, he would see, immediately facing him, a coast range up which he would find his way through the Montagu Pass into the George district. Here a second range of considerably higher mountains, called the Zwartebergen, would in- terpose a barrier to the north, through which he would penetrate by Meiring's Poort or pass. Here he would stand upon the plateau of the Great Karroo. Further north still, however, he would see a third range, called the Nieuwveld Mountains, past which he would go by Nel's Poort — a defile which the railway engineers have utilised for the AVestera Railway from Cape Town to Kimberley. A simihir impression of the 'step-by-step rise' ofthe land would be gained if the traveller, journey- ing by rail from Cape Town to Nel's Poort, notices the gradients as he proceeds up the line through the famous Hex River Pass, past Montagu Road, Prince Albert Road, and so on to Beaufort West and Nel's Poort." On the Natal side, the same formation would be clearly seen during a journey along the main line from Durban, through Maritzburg, Estcourt, and Ladysmitb,and thence by the branch line over Van Reenen's Pass in the Drakens- berg, and so on to tlie Free State uplands. A similar trip by the Delagoa Bay or Beira Railway would show the ritE COUNTRY OF THE VELDT AND THE KARROO. same rising of the coast belt into a moderately-elevated terrace, wliich again forms the pedestal for a still liigher terrace, that in turn merges into the vast central plateau. An orographical map of South Africa shows these suc- cessive plateaux very clearly. First, there is what may be termed the Coast Platemt, a belt of land rising from the seaboard to an average height of about 600 feet, and varying in widtli from a few miles to fifty miles or so. This plateau adjoins the west and south coasts, and may be said to end at Cape St. Francis. Further east, long swelling uplands and forest-clad mountains come down almost to the water's edge, and tiie bold and rocky coast rises here and there into huge cliffs, the most notable being those which tower on either side of the entrance to the St. John's Eiver. North of Natal, the coast belt gradually broadens out and finally merges into the low-lying plains of the Lower Zambesi. Besides the coast towns already mentioned, the following inland towns are in this district : — Malmes- bury, Wellington, Paarl, Stellenhosch, Caledon, Sivel- lendam, Riversdale, Humansdorp, and Uilenhage* The Coast Plateau is divided from the next terrace — the plateau of the Southern Karroo— hy the Lange Bergen and other ranges ; and this again from the third plateau — the great upland of the central or Great Karroo — by tlie Zwaartebergen or Black Mountains. The towns in the Southern Karroo district are Worcester, Jlfontagn, Kobertson, Ladismiih, Oudshoorn and Uniondale. The Great Karroo extends east and west for about 350 miles at a level of from 2,500 to 3,500 feet above the sea. Along the nortliem border of this great upland basin rises the long and comparatively lofty range wiiich, under various names, stretches from the hills of Little Namaqualand to the lofty range of the Drakensberg. The central range, the Nieuwveld, is flanked by the Eoggeveld on the west, and by the Winterberge, the Sneeuwberge, and the Storm- berge on the east— the culminating point of this bold es- carpment of flat-topped heights being the Compass Berg, 7,800 feet, in the Sneeuwberge range. This long range forms the central watershed or waterparting of the Cape — the drainage on the one side flowing north to the Orange Eiver, and on the other, south into tlie Lidian Ocean. The chief towns in this section are Beaufort West, Prince Albert, Willowmore, Graaf Reinet, Somer- set East and Aberdeen. Beyond this great range stretch the vast and scantily- watered uplands of the Northern Karroo, the loftiest and most extensive of all the plateaux to the south of the Orange Eiver. This plateau has an average elevation of about 3,000 feet, and upon it are situate the towns of Gradoch, Qtteenstown, and Tarkastad ; Aliwal North, Burghersdorp, Dordrecht; Colesberg, Richmond, Vic- toria West, Carnarvon, and Fraserburg. Under the general name of Eastern Uplands may be included all the broken middle terrace country from Graham's Town to the Manica upland. In this district are Graham's Town, Fort Beaufort, Stnttcrheim, King Wil- liam's Town and Bedford, in the Cape Colony ; Umtata, * Full details of these and all other South African towns are given in tlie CasUe Line Guide to South Africa. in the Transkei ; Pieter-Maritzburg, Hoioick, Estcourt and Ladysmith, in Natal ; Vri/heid, in Dutch Zululand ; and Bremersdorp, in Swaziland. These Eastern Uplands are divided by the long range of the Drakensberg and its continuations from the great Eastern Plateau, which includes the mountainous Basuto country, the higher upland plains of the Free State, and the hilly and undulating " Hooge Velilt " of the Trans- vaal. The Drakensberg or Quathlamba* Mountains form the " backbone " of South Africa ; and although the loftiest summits do not reach the line of perpetual snow, the range attains — in Giant's Castle — an elevation of nearly 10,000 feet, and still higlier in Champagne Castle and Mont aux Sources, 11,000 feet. Tlie higlilands along the edge of the Mashona plateau rise in Wedza to 5,400 feet, and in Sadza to 4,500 feet — two peaks at the sources of the Sabi Eiver. The plateau itself is about 4,000 feet above the sea. Johannesburg, which stands on the highest ridge of the High Veldt of the Transvaal, is at an elevation of 5,600 feet. The Northern Karroo of the Cape Colony, the great Eastern Plateau of the Free State and the Transvaal, with its continuation, the Matabele and Mashona plateaux, on the one side, and, on tlie other, the broken uplands of German South-West Africa, all slope gradually towards the vast plains of Bechuanaland and the Kalahari Desert. From the Orange Eiver, northwards to about the 22nd degree of latitude, Bechuanaland is mainly a broken plateau of 4,000 to 6,000 feet in height above the sea, dry and devoid of perennial streams,! but beyond that it slopes gradually down to the basin of Lake Ngami, which is little more than 2,000 feet above the sea. The want of rain, or rather the spasmodic and violent character of the rainfall, being the chief drawback of the greater part of South Africa, the rivers are of necessity an unsatisfactory feature in the physical conditions of the country. Many of them are periodical streams, flooded to excess after the rains, speedily drying up, and becoming mere chains of pools in the dry season. There are, of course, numerous perennial rivers, but all of them are similarly liable to great and sudden variations in volume. In an hour or two after a heavy thunder- storm, the most insignificant stream becomes a raging torrent of turbid water, rusliing impetuously between its steep banks, perhaps overflowing them and flooding the adjoining veldt. But the flood is as brief as it is violent, and it is very rarely that the transport-rider is forced to outspau on the banks of a swollen stream for more than a few hours, or a few days at the longest. The rivers improve, and the flow of water increases, as we proceed eastwards. Instead of tlie dry water-courses and sand-rivers that furrow the solitudes of the western coastlands, we are charmed with the delightful babble of never-failing streams, that run down the verdant mount- ain slopes and wind through many a wooded kloof. Generally speaking, however, the vohime of water in * A Kaffir name, meaning " heaped up in a jagged manner.* t See fnrther, Chap. IX., Livingstone and Central Africa. By H. H. Johnston, C.B., H.M. Commissioner for British Central Africa. The World's Explorers Series. (London : G. Philip & Son), 14 THE COUNTRY OF THE VELDT AND THE KARROO. South African rivers is comparatively small ; and when, swollen by rains, they do attain a respectable size, tlie flood water runs off very quickly, and the river souu shrinks into its ordinarily insignificant dimensions. Besides their normally-limited volume of water and liability to sudden and dangerous floods, the courses of all South African rivers are, owing to the peculiar terrace- like conformation of the country, repeatedly broken by waterfalls or rapids, which, of course, mark the more or less abrupt stages in their descent from terrace to terrace. The streams also, especially when in flood, bring down such enormous quantities of sediment that, in nearly all cases, " bars " have been formed at thek mouths, which prevent, or greatly impede, the entrance of sea-going vessels. South African rivers are therefore, on the whole, of but little value as waterways into the interior. The " bars " at the river-mouths may, however, by the aid of breakwaters and training walls, be to some extent removed, and the estuaries thus converted into safe and convenient harbours. This has been done with consider- able success at East London, where vessels of 4,000 tons can now anchor in the river. About half a million sterling has been spent on similar work at the Kowie, but not much improvement has been eflected. In Natal, also, the energy and enterprise of the Harbour Board have so far overcome the peculiar difficulties caused by the ebb workmg on the sandy bottom of that part of the coast, that the "bar" at the entrance to the port is scarcely ever impassable, and vessels of considerable size, such as the s.s. Dunrohin Castle, can now enter the bay. The Orange and the Limpopo are similarly blocked at theu- mouths, although the Orange, like several of the south and east coast rivers, is navigable for smdl craft for some miles inside the bar. The Zambesi, which has, as it were, been politically annexed to South Africa, is navigable for gunboats and river-steamers for about 260 miles from the sea. Beyond that, numerous rapids and falls, especially the stupendous Victoria Fall.?, render this magnificent river useless as a waterway into the far interior. Major Serpa Pinto says that, between the 16th parallel and the Falls, its channel is obstructed by no less than 72 cataracts and rapids. The navigability of the lower Zambesi derives additional importance from the fact that its great tributary, the Shire river, which flows from Lake Nyasa, is also navigable, except at one point — the Murchison Falls. In past times, South Africa was, no doubt, a country of o-reat lakes and vast inland seas. Dr. Livingstone's theory that the karroos and other large plains once formed the beds of immense lakes is strongly corroborated by the fossil remains found there. The rims of these great basins, it is supposed, were fissured or cracked by up- heaval at a comparatively recent geological period, and through these fissures the waters were discharged. " The fissures thus made at the Victoria Falls let out the waters of the great Zambesi Lake. The fissure through which the Orange Kiver pours itself at the Falls of Aughrabies probably drained ofl" the waters that then covered the Kalahari and the table-lands of Bushmanland. The Wai-m Bokkeveldt valley and Kannaland, as well as the Great Karroo itself, were evidently lakes at one period. their waters escaping by the fissures of Mitchell's Pass, the Cxauritz, and the Hex River Valley ; and, indeed, the rugged and fearfid kloofs, through which their surface waters still escape, show the evident traces of some violent convulsion of nature. The basins of Cradock and Queens- town, evidently old lake-beds, are now di'ained by the water-courses of the Great Fish and Kei rivers."* This theory finds perhaps its strongest corroboration in the fact that the remnant of the great Kalahari basin — the shallow Lake Ngami — is gradually di-yiug up. When discovered by Dr. Livingstone in 1846, it was about 50 miles in length and eight or ten miles in width. It receives the Cubango from the inner uplands of Angola, and in the rainy season this stream pours such a flood of water into the shallow basin of the Ngami that it over- flows by the Botletle, or Zouga channel, into the great vleis or saltpans on the east. These " vleis " are shallow sheets of water, which, after heavy rains, accumulate in natiu-al hollows in the ground, and on evaporation leave an incrustation of salt on the surface, and are hence called saltpans. Anderssou's Vlei, in the Kalahari, to the east of Lake Ngami, the Commissioner's Saltpan in Great Bushmanland, the four vleis which form the sheet called the Groen Y\n on the coast in the Knysna district, are the largest of these variable lakes. There ai-e hun- dreds of "fonteins," or fountains, of delicious water distributed over the country, and numerous hot or mineral springs, some of which have medicinal properties of high voJue. Physically, then, South Africa is a distinct and homo- geneous region, solid and unbroken ; but, politically, the country is split up into a conglomeration of states and territories, colonies and protectorates, under a dozen dif- ferent kinds of government and forms of administration -from the most primitive to the most advanced, and from the most democratic to the most absolute and despotic. We have British Colonies, with full responsible government ; British Crown Colonies and Protectorates, under the direct control of the mother-country ; a great British Company, with extraordinary powers over vast areas ; two independent Boer Republics ; an enormous German Protectorate; and an immense Portuguese Dependency : to say nothing of native chiefs innumer- able, who, nominally subject to British, Boer, Teutonic, or Lusitauian control, still rule their tribes and clans in patriarchal fashion— a veritable pohtical mosaic, curious, but rather puzzling. The following notes, with a care- fid examination of the map, wiU, it is hoped, give the key to the puzzle, and enable the reader to gain a clear idea of the actual and relative position and extent of the various political divisions of Southern Africa. Until the recent exjjansion of British authority north- wards to and beyond the Zambesi, the Cape Colony wiis the most extensive, as it still is the wealthiest and most im- portant, of all the territorial divisions of Southern Africa. The colony takes its name fr^^- that of the famous head- land discovered by the disappouitcd Portuguese naviga- tor, Bartholomew Diaz, in 1486, and by him named " El Cabo de todos tormentos " — " the Cape of all the * Silver's Handbook to South Africa. THE COUNTRY OF THE VELDT AND THE KARROO. 15 Storms"— in remembrance of the exceptionally severe weather which he encoimtered off the coast, while mak- ing his futile attempt to reach India by sea. The Portuguese monarch, on hearing Diaz's report, and rightly judging that the discovery gave " good hope " of ultimate success, changed the name which the baffled navigator had given to it, into the very opposite one of " El Cabo de Boa Esperanza," the Ca-pe of Good Hope— a. name which the headland has ever since borne, and which is still the official name of the colony. Cape Colony occupies the southern extremity of the continent. Its western shores are washed by the waters of the Atlantic, and its southern and south-eastern coasts by those of the Indian Ocean ; the nominal boundary between the two great oceans being the 20th meridian of East longitude — the meridian of Cape Agidhas, the southernmost point of the Cape and of Africa. The colony extends northwards to, and, since the incorpora- tion of Griqualand West, beyond the Orange River ; eastwards, by the gradual absorption of the Kafirarian territories (a process which was completed by the recent annexation of Pondoland), the Cape is conterminous with Natal, the boundary being the river Uiutamfuna. Of the formerly quasi-independent territories in Kaff'raria, Pondoland and Griqualand J Selous. (London : Rowland Ward). THE SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE. 25 sport iu South Africa better than by the following extract from Lord Randolph ChurchiU's well-known letters from South Africa, republished under the title of " Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa," by Messrs. Sampson Low & Co., Ltd. :— " To the young Englishman fond of study, of riding, of a wild hunter's life, active, vigorous, healthy, and endowed with adequate fortune, those regions of South Africa which extend from the Limpopo to the Hunyani River ofler a field for sport not to be equalled in any other part of the world. During the winter time — from May to September — the climate of this region Ls almost perfect, the risk of fever slight. The air of the veldt is invigorat- ing, the scenery and surroundings attractive and various, the life of the hunter temperate and wholesome. This man, coming to these parts of South Africa, eager for sport, will experience little, if any, disappointment. Ac- companied and guided by some good Dutch hunter, he will see, pursue, probably kill, every African wild animal, with the exception of the elephant, buffalo, and rhinoceros. These also may be obtained without difficulty, if one is not daunted by the remoteness of the districts near the Zambesi, by the real rough life incident on the absence of waggons and of all beasts of burden, owing to the existence of the tsetse-fly, and by hard walking exercise under the heat of a tropical sun. But in the vast territory defined above, the hunter may, without difficulty, surround and cheer himself with every species of comtbrt. Waggons drawn by oxen or by mules — the former are preferable —can penetrate to any part of the bush veldt ; tents, bedsteads, provisions of all kinds, can be carried with ease ; and even a young Pall Mall sybarite would acknow- ledge that there can be provided out here an inconceivable combination of sport and luxury. The soundest sleep at night, the best of appetites for every meal, the clear head, the cool nerve, the muscle and wind a.s perfect as after an autumn in the Highlands, are pleasures and delights which can be here experienced, and to which many of our London jeunesse doree are almost strangers. All kinds of strange forest sights, all the beauties and many quaint freaks of nature, will charm the eye and exercise the mind. " Nor is the exciting element of danger by any means altogether absent. The lion and the leopard are beasts to encounter which, successfidly, requires skill, experi- ence, and coiu-age. Snakes of great venom, and some of great size, may not infrequently be met with ; falls from the horse, when galloping wildly through the bush or over the plain — such as even Leicestershire cannot rival — may occur constantly ; and .should anyone imagine that antelope-hunting in South Africa is a tame, safe kind of amusement, three or four weeks' experience of it will easily undeceive him. Then the game. Such numbers, such variety, such beauty ! Nothing more wildly lovely can be imagined than the sight of a herd of roan antelope, or hartebeest, or zebra, galloping through the forest ; nothing more wildly exciting than the pursuit of such a herd ; sighting the game through the trees, sometimes obtaining a fair standing shot at moderate range ; then mounting your horse, loading as you gallop along, leaving him to pick his way as best he can among the trees, branches, roots, stones, and holes ; coming again within one hundred and fifty yards, not dismounting, but almost flinging yourself off your horse, and firing both barrels as rapidly and as accurately as you may ; then on again, over hiU, river, and dale, until you and your steed are alike e-^hausted. Then the accompaniments, the framework, as it were, of the chase : the early start, the break of day, the cool morning air ; the return to camp, wearied, but pleased and excited, the bath, the evening meal^ eaten with an appetite and a zest such as only an African hunter knows ; the camp fire, the pipe, the discussion of the day's sport, the hunter's stories and experiences, the plans for the morrow— no thoughts of rain or bad weather oppressing the mind : all this makes a combination and concentration of human joy which Paradise might with difficulty rival. Nor is this hunting life, when pursued for a few months or from time to time, a useless, a frivol- ous, or a stupid existence, especially when it is compared with the sort of idle, unprofitable passing of the time experienced from year to year by numbers of young Englishmen of fortune. Nature and all her ways can be observed and studied with advantage ; much know- ledge of wild animals and wild men can be acquired by the observant, the intelligent sportsman ; languages may be learnt, habitudes and customs noticed and written about ; interesting persons are met with, excellent friend- ships are formed ; the mind and the body are seasoned, hardened, developed, by travel in a wild country ; all its many incidents, its rough and its smooth, its surprises, its difficulties, its adversities, and its perils ; and I hold this for certain that, in nine cases out of ten, a young Englishman, who has had six months of South African hunting life, will be a better fellow all round than he was before he started." v.— THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA. Advantages of South Africa— A thinly-peopled and imperfectly developed country— European inhabitants— Boers and Britons— EnglibU and Dutch— Native races— The Kaffirs— The Amakosa, Amazulii, and Bechuana Tribes— The KafSr Language— Hottentots and Bushmen. South Africa, says Mr. John Noble, " has a most healthful climate, where cloudless skies, continuous sun- shine, and dry au' can be enjoyed to perfection. Its lands give scope for every kind of jiastoral, and agricultm'al occupation. Flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, and troops of horses feed entirely on its natm'al plants and grasses. Its soils are fertile, ofl'ering th.e most ample choice to the cultivator, and producing almost anything and everything grown in tropical or in temperate latitudes. Its mineral deposits are varied and abundant, and some seem well- 26 THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA. nigh inexliaustible. Its flora is one of the richest ou the earth's surface. Its fauna embraces the most interesting and conspicuous forms of the animal kingdom, and its iuland regions are still ' the sportsman's paradise.' It has settled European communities, some of whom have for successive generations been engaged in the pioneering work of colonisation ; and within its borders are native poj)ulations, amenable to civilising influences and capable of becoming an increasingly-important and valuable in- dustrial element." But with all its advantages and conditions, so favourable to rapid progi'ess, this vast region — a region equal in extent to all the countries of Western and Central Europe taken together, and not less than ten times the size of Great Britain and Ireland— is very thinly peopled, the entire pojjulation only amounting to about 4A millions ; and of tliese the Eurojieans, or persons of European descent, scarcely number three-quarters of a mOlion. That is to say, a country more than twenty times the size of England has considerably fewer inhabitants than London, and not so many white people as Liverpool. In England, tliere are now nearly 600 people to the square mile ; in South Africa, there are four ! Of white people there are, on an average, only three to every five square miles. Of South Africa, therefore, it may be said, as Professor Seeley said of the Empire as a whole, that it is as yet but very thinly peopled, and very imperfectly developed ; a young country with millions of acres of virgin soil and mineral wealth as yet not half explored, with abundant room for nmltitudes of Englishmen, and with homesteads for them .all, for the most part in a congenial climate, and out of the reach of enemies. Here, if anywhere, is amjile space for the English race to expand and renew, under the most propitious auspices, the mighty youth of the mother country ; and towards this favoured land should be directed the tide of British labour and capital that con- tinues to flow over and fructify foreign and inferior countries ; for here our emigrants would themselves thrive under their own fig-tree, and rear children with stout limbs and colour in their cheeks and a chance before them of a human existence.* The European inhabitants are mainly the descendants of the early Dutch settlers and later British immigrants. Tlie South African-born Dutch are scattered all over the country as sheep and cattle farmers ; a large number of English people are also settled on the land, but most of them are to be found in the towns and mining centres. Tlie genuine South African Boers lead a solitary and jiatriarchal existence on their fai'ms, many of which extend for miles, and include large areas of the richest arable land, of which, however, the Boer cultivates but a very small part. He is quite content if he has sufficient pasturage for his cattle and a little seed-earth for his corn ; and the more rapid roads to wealth, especially if they necessitate residence in a town or a prolonged stay at a mining centre, have no attractions for him. Lord Eandolph Churchill, during his tour through South Africa, formed a very pour opinion of the Boer jjopulation gener- * Froude. ally. The Boer farmer, he says, personifies useless idle- ness, passing his day doing absolutely nothing beyond smoking and drinking coffee, perfectly uneducated, and proud that his children should grow up as ignorant, as uncultivated, and as hopelessly uuprogressive as himself. Other writers admire the Boer as a model pioneer, and regard the trek-Boers as marvels of hardihood and cool courage in the face of apparently insuperable and over- whelming difficulties. Selous dwells upon the simple kindness and gi'eat hospitality for which the Boers have always been noted, and says that n(i people in the world are more genuinely kind and hosjiitable to strangers than the South African Dutch. He is also convinced that, in South Africa, the Dutch element will never be swamped by the English, as it has been in America. The South African Dutch are one of the most prolific races in the world, and very large families of from twelve to sLxteen children are not uncommon. They have good natural qualities, and only want education to enable them to hold their own against the Englishmen and Scotchmen, the Germans and Jews, who now fill the towns, exploit the mines, and carry on the trade of the country. The Cape having been settled by the Dutch, and for a century and a half an exclusively Dutch possession, the Boers would natirrally regard the forcible annexation of their country by the English with anger and distrust ; and subsequent events, particidarly the emancipation of the slaves, deepened the hostility of the Boers, and caused them to regard Englishmen generally with intense dislike — their hatred of everything English culminating at last in the voluntary exile of hundreds of families, who left their homes and farms in the Cape and trekked away into the then unknown interior, across tlie Orange and over the Drakensberg, braving every difficulty and danger, and even death, rather than submit to what they considered an unjustifiable interference with their personal liberties. For years, even after the founding of the republics, this feeling permeated the rural Dutch-speaking population of South Africa ; and, on the annexation of the Transvaal iu 1877, the old hostility against the English flamed out anew in open rebellion iu that country, and in a very bitter feeling among the Dutch of the Cape and the Free State. The magnanimous restoration of independence to the Transvaal, especially after the deplorable reverses at Bronkhorst Spruit and Majuba Hill, won the confidence of the great body of the Dutch people throughout South Africa, and led them to regard the British Government and their English fellow-colonists with feelings of respect, friendship, and trust. And as they got to know each other better, Boer and Briton became still friendlier and more disposed to work together amicably, helping, not hindering, the development which was seen to be good alike for both. The spirit of the Dutch, as a people, is too much like the English spirit to allow them to work with the English on anything but equal terms.* The work of Boer and Briton in South Africa is the same ; and no false assumi)tion of superiority or useless regret for past blunders should be jiermitted to wreck "the chances of that peaceable expansion wliich is the complement of con- * President Krugei. THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA. 27 ciliation." And to the continuance of this auspicious state of goodwill and mutual trust, the genius of the Cape Prime Minister, Mr. Cecil Rhodes, not less than the generosit}' of the surrender after Majuba, has contributed. He has known how to secure the confidence of the Dutch farmer, and, at the same time, to retain the trust of the English settler, and he has shown in the daily practice of his governnicut that their interests are entirely and abso- lutely common.* Although the Europeans or people of European descent in South Africa are chiefly of Dutch or English origin, there is a considerable foreign element — principally French and German. A large number of Huguenots, or French Protestants, driven from their own country by the revocation of the Edict of Mantes, in 1685, sought refuge in Holland, and about one hundred families were sent out to South Africa, where they settled and devoted " their best energies to the cultivation of the vine and the mid- berry, the making of wine, the distillation of brandy, the production of silk, and the development of agriculture and horticulture generally." In a few generations, how- ever, these exiles blended with their Dutch neighbours, and ceased to speak their own language. It was nearly a quarter of a century after the surrender of the Cape to the English before Great Britain took any effectual steps to plant her own people in the colony. In 1820, several thousands of British immigrants lauded on the shores of Algoa Bay and founded Port Elizabeth, thence spreading inland over the lands between the Fish and the Sunday rivers. From time to time, numbers of people from other countries have settled in various parts of South Africa, the most numerous being the Germans, whose thrifty habits and steady industry have proved of ines- timable value to the country. English is the language in general use all over South Africa, especially in the towns and mining districts. Dutch is, of course, the ofKcial language in the Transvaal and the Free State, and may also be used in the Cape Parliament, but the rude patois, known as "Capo Dutch," is now only used by the Boer farmers in the country districts, and all attempts to make this dialect the national language of South Africa have failed. The relative importance of the two languages may be inferred from the number of newspapers published in each of them. No less than 64 English and only 7 Dutch journals arc published in the Cape ; 7 English and none in Dutcli in Natal ; 2 English and none in Dutch in Bechuanaland ; 2 English and 1 Dutch in the Free State ; 19 English and 3 Dutch in the Transvaal : in all, 94 English papers and 11 Dutch. There are no statistics as to the actual number of English and Dutch people in the various states and colonies, but in the Western Province of the Cape most of the country people are Dutch, while iu the Eastern Province and Natal the English predominate. In the Free State the bulk of the people are Dutch ; iu the Transvaal, since the great rush to the goldfields, the Dutch have been outnumbered by the British, German, and other immigrants. Nearly all the Dutch people in the Cape can speak English, and English is also taught * Lord Itamiolpli Cliurckill. in almost all the schools in the Free State and the Transvaal. The heterogeneous native races in South Africa greatly outnund)er the white population ; but, if we consider the size of the country, their numbers are by no means ex- cessive, being only about three to the square mile. They include the Mbced Eaces, the Bantu tribes, the Hotten- tots, and the Bushmen. The Mixed Races are de- scendants of imnu'grants from Java, Ceylon, Bladagascar, &c., and various natives, and form "a motley population of every gradation of colour, feature, and physique." These " Cape Boys," as they are called, are of great service as day labourers and domestic servants. The Kaffir's are the most numerous and widely sjiread of all the native tribes of South Africa. They belong to the great Bantu fanuly — a race that includes all the African tribes from the Cape to tlie Congo, and from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, excepting only the Hot- tentots and the Bushmen, who seem to be the remnant of an aboriginal population that was driven to the south- western corner of the continent by the great Bantu wave from the north. The typical KafSr is, physically and mentally, superior not only to the Hottentot and the Bushmen, but also to the true Negro, and is a finer sjjecimen of the genus homo than any other African race. Tall and well-proportioned, strong, muscular, erect, haughty, fearless, but cruel and callous, though sensible to kindness and consideration, with intellectual qualities of no mean order ; such is the Bantu, who has bravely fought both Boer and Briton, but whose assegai and shield proved of little avail against the rifle and the cannon. The Ama-Kosa, or Kaffirs proper, occupy the beauti- ful and fertile coastlands between the Cape and Natal. Here are located the Gcalekas, the Gaikas, the Tembus, the Pondos, and other Bantu tribes, all of whom are now under the direct control of the Cape Government. The Ama-Zulti include not only the well-known Zulus of Zululand, but also the Swazis, the Tongas, the Mauikoos, the Matabeles, the Mashonas, and other kindred tribes from Natal to the Zambesi. The Bechuanas axe the most numerous and perhaps the finest-looking, though not the most warlike, of the South African Kattii-s. The various Bechuana tribes, of which the most notable are the Bamangwato and the Batlapin, are all found within the limits of the British Crown Colony anil Protectorate. The Ova-Herero and Damara and Ovampo tribes, in the German Protectorate and the south of Angola, are also pure Bantus or Kaffirs. The Kaffir language, says Theal, is rich in words, musical and euphonious, and there is no difficulty what- ever in expressing any idea in it. The three "clicks" in Kaffir have been adopted from the Hottentot, and are somewhat difficult to sound, but European children very quickly master all the intricacies of Kaffir pronunciation and style, and are soon able to speak Kaffir as fluently as their own mother tongue. Kaffirs are no longer mere savages. Contact with Europeans for two centuries has resulted in an appreci- able advance towards a state of civilisation and progress. Thousands of them have " acquired han/k's Vlei in the Carnarvon district. Where the rainfall is sufficient, splendid crops of the finest wheat, barley, and oats are grown ; but maize, or " mealies," is a much more certain crop, and is more widely grown, forming, as it does, the staple food of the natives, from the Cape to the Zambesi. Kaffir corn, or millet, is largely grown for making native beer. Basutoland has perhaps the best wheat-growing land in all Africa, and the south-eastern districts of the Free State and the Transvaal are admirably adapted for the growth of the king of cereals. Until recent years, however, the farmers north of the Orange did little in the way of cultivating .the soil ; and even now, with all the opportunities for profitable culti- vation consequent on the settlement of a large mining population, the Boer farmer is very loth to exert himself. A well-to-do Boer was one day boasting that he had obtained exactly double the price which he had expected for his wheat. " I suppose," an English friend said, con- gratulating him, " that you will sow a double quantity this year." " A double quantity ? " replied the Dutchman, " half the quantity you mean ! Don't you see that, with a double price, half the quantity will give me the same return ? " The description given by The Times Special Correspondent, in her " Letters from South Africa, "t of the Irene Estate, on the railway near Pretoria, shows what may be accomplished by intelligence and enterprise. At this place scientific farming has only been attempted for two years ; and yet the wi-iter says that if she were to endeavour to describe the full result, she should probably be accused of wishing to re-edit "Kobinson Crusoe." " Everything that is -written of the material resources of this astonishing country must read like exaggeration, and yet exaggeration is hardly possible. The fertility of the soil is no less amazing than the mineral wealth. Sowing and reaping go on all the year side by side, and there is no fallow time for the gi-ound Here were pea-nuts ready for reaping, and green oats, barley in the ear and barley in the shoot, Swedish turnips fit for storing and Swedish turnips just shooting, mangold- wurzel, also in both stages, rye in the ear, carrots quite young and carrots ready for storing, potatoes in both stages ; and in one immense field the sowers and the reapers had literally met. At the far end maize was standing, reapers were busy cutting and carrying the sheaves of corn; upon their heels sowers followed putting the wheat into the ground ; and at the near end, where maize had been standing ten days before, thin green blades of wheat were already shooting. So vigorous is the growth of everything, that forest trees planted only two years ago were already high enough to give shade ; apples grown from seed of March, and grafted in October, will bear fruit this year. With the exception of cherries, gooseberries, and currants, all European fruits * Chisliolm. f Republished in booli-form by Messrs. Jlacmillaii & Co., Loudon and New York. flourish well. Throughout the estate, the watercourses which divided the fields were bordered by hedges of quince, pear, apple, plum, and peach. The gardens con- tained a profusion of Eurojwan vegetables and fruit-trees. Acres of roses, violets, and ornamental plants surrounded the houses ; but nothing seemed to impress upon me more vividly the rapidity with which the place had spning into being than the simple fact that, after hours of driving through vineyards, woods, and cornfields, we were met at the door of the house by a baby child of two and a half, who was older than everything we had seen. The estate had been named after her. When she was born, the spot on which it stands was nothing but bare veldt." And in almost every other part of South Africa, where the rains are copious, or irrigation possible, the soil and climate are equally favourable, and only require capital and energy to be brought to bear upon them to yield magnificent results. But the extraordinary fertility of the soil in South Africa is shown, perhaps, most strikingly by the Cape vineyards, the produce of which in quantity and quality surpass those of any other vine-producing country in the world. In the coast districts of the Cape, the average yield amounts to 86i hectolitres per 10,000 vines ; in the inland districts it is, on an average, 173 hectolitres ; but many farmers in the Worcester, Montagu, and Ladismith districts, obtain, year after year, as much as 3 leaguers from 1,000 vines, which amounts to what a European wine-farmer would consider the incredible quantity of 287 hectolitres per 10,000 vines ! Now, according to Baron von Babo, the greatest living authority on viticulture, the average production of wine per hectare of 10,000 vines in Italy, in the United States, and in Australia, is 144 hectolitres ; in Spain 17, in Greece 17|, in France 18i, Austria 18i, Hungary and Germany 24, Algeria 25j, and Switzerland 42 hectolitres ; that is, at the Cape, ten to twenty times the amount of wine can be raised as from the same area in Australia or the States, and twice to six times the amount obtained in Switzer- land. Unfortunately, the Phylloxera made its appear- ance in the Cape in 1886, and, in spite of all attempts to eradicate this dreaded pest, it has spread rapidly ; but nurseries have been established by the Govern- ment for the purpose of raising such varieties of American vines as have been proved to be phylloxera-resisting. The varieties of the Cape gi"apes, grafted on these American vines, are much larger than from vines which were planted directly from the cuttings, and this augurs a bright future for the Cape as a wine-producing country. The Constantia and a few other wines have a deservedly high reputation, but Cape wine and brandy generally ai'e of inferior quality, and are consumed jirincipally by the natives; and it is "a sign of the robustness and vitality of the indigenous races in South Africa that they have not yet been exterminated by ' Cape Smoke.' " Tobacco is also cultivated in the Cape and Natal and in the Transvaal, but the industry is still in its embryo state, although capable of development. Sugar and tea planting in Natal have passed beyond the experimental stage ; a considerable quantity of sugar of excellent quality is exported, and the tea produced is of good THE MAKERS OF SOUTH AFRICA. 31 flavour. Coffee and arroioroot also thrive on the moist coastlands. No greater stimulus could be given to the development of the sugar, tea, tobacco, and other indus- tries in South Africa, than the free exchange of the in- digenous products of the various colonies and states, and the formation of a Customs Union for the whole of South Africa, a region which, from a practical point of view, forms but a single trade area. Mining has become so prominent an industry in South Africa that, judged simply by the value of their products, the miners already rival, and may before long surpass, the farmers in importance as " Makers " of the country. The mineral wealth of South Africa is amazing ; its stores of diamonds and gold are practically inexhaustible ; while abundant supplies of coal and iron will quicken its in- dustrial development, and put its progress upon a per- manent and stable basis. The wealth of the country in diamonds and gold has been already referred to ; those who desire further information should read Mr. Theodore Reunert's exhaustive and graphic work — Diamonds and Gold in South Africa. The shutting down of important diamond mines, and the restriction of the output in order to keep up the price,* has made gold-mining the most important of all South African industries, but the coun- try contains rich deposits of other metals and minerals, but few of which have as yet been worked. The copper mines of Namaqualand are not surpassed in richness of yield by those of any other country ; and the new silver mines in the Transvaal may, in the near future, prove no mean rival to the gold-fields. The prin- cipal silver mine now worked is in the district of Pretoria, about 50 miles east of Johannesburg, and six miles from the coal-fields, upon which the silver industry may be said to be entirely dependent for its existence. Some samples of ore from this mine nm over a thousand ounces to the ton, and the reputedly argentiferous country is some thousands of square miles in extent. Next to the precious metals and diamonds, the future of South Africa rests upon its coal and iron. The great coalfield of South Africa embraces an area of some 56,000 square miles, and extends from Burghersdorp to Aliwal North in the Cape Colony, and thence to the vicinity of Bloemfontein in the Free State, Heidelberg and Lake Chrissie in the Transvaal, there bending south-ea.stward to Newcastle and Ladysmith in Natal, and along the eastern foot of the Drakensberg to the Stormberg, above • "The world's stock of diamonds has increased enormously dur- ing the past fifteen years. In 1S76, tlie output of the South African mines was about 1,500,000 carats ; in 1893, it was over 4,000,000 carats, and the great trust, which controls all the prin- cipal mines, asserts that it has 16,000,000 carats in hand at the present time. Meantime, the demand for diamonds has greatly increased, and they are more expensive to-day— partly because of the trust, and partly because of the inere.ased demand— than they were a short time .ago. In one respect the diamond industry is different from almost all others. Its product, that is of gems, is never consumed. Of gold and silver, a much larger amount than most people would believe is consumed in the arts past recovery, but a diamond once cut goes into the world's great stock, and is liable to come upon the market at any time." Queenstown. The principal coal-mines in the Cape are at Cyphergat, Molteno, Fair View, and Indwe. The Indwe Mine, about 60 miles north-east of Queenstown, is considered the centre of the Cape coal area. The Dundee coalfield, in Natal, now has an annual output of over 100,000 tons of coal, adapted for general steam pur- poses as well as for domestic use, while, in some districts in the Transvaal, the deposits are so numerous as prac- tically to form a continuous coal-bed over a large area of country ; in most cases the main seam is of considerable tliiokness, in many places being over 20 feet thick, ten feet thickness of clean coal being very common.* A very important colliery is now in fidl work at Vereeniging, on the Transvaal-Free State Railway, near the junction of the Vaal with the Klip river, and about 30 miles south of Johannesburg. An outlying deposit is also being worked at Boksburg, about twelve miles east of Johannes- burg, and at Brakspan and the Spring.?, to the east of Boksburg ; but the most extensive deposits are those of the Oliphants and Wilge Rivers district, through which the Dclagoa Bay-Pretoria Railway will pass. " The proximity of large beds of coal to the goldfields on the Rand has been of immense value in their development, and but for this singular and most happy juxtaposition of the coal and the gold, many of the mines would not be worth working at all. And as railway communication is opened up between the De Kaap and other goldfields and the collieries, we may expect an enormously greater production of the precious metal." Another fact, pregnant with most important conse- quences to the future of South Africa, is that " in close proximity with the coal there are enormous deposits of the finest iron ore, especially in Natal and the Transvaal. In both countries, the natives have for years extracted and used the metal for the manufacture of battle-axes, assegais, and other weapons. Lead ore, with an unusual proportion of silver, abounds in the Transvaal, especially in the Marico district, and cobalt is found in the Jliddel- burg district, while rich deposits of tin have been dis- covered in Swaziland. Crocidolite occurs in Griqualand West, and as for the diamond, the Kimberley mines may find formidable rivals in the Free State and the Transvaal. A new diamond mine is being opened near Kroonstadt in the Free State, and the gem has been discovered on the banks of the Crocodile River and else- where in the sister republic. Besides these, platinum and plumbago, manganese and the garnet, agate, ame- thyst, jasjKr, chalcedony and other precious stones, marble equal t« the best Carrara, building-stone and lime, occur in various parts of the country. As a mining country, then, Africa south of the Zambesi has certainly a brilliant future, and where the miners go, the farmers follow, and thus districts, that might other- wise remain unoccupied for generations, save perhaps by a native clan or two or a few half nomad Boers, become peopled and endowed with all the comforts and con- veniences of an advanced civilisation in a few years. The traders of South Africa, although they are in no sense producers, like the farmers and the miner,?, but 'Ernest Williams, Esq., M.I.C.E. THE MAKERS OF SOUTH AFRICA. simply intermediaries between i)roducer and consumer, yet rank high among the "makers" of the country, and especially of such a country as Soutli Africa. The great merchants of the ports and inland towns, and the village or wayside storekeepers, have been very actively engaged in the " making " of the country, and a large amount of business has been and is being done by the travelling trader — the " trader " par excellence — the man who loads up his waggon with goods likely to tempt the natives, and fearlessly treks from tribe to tribe, returning to town or port, after an absence of many months, to dispose of the ivory, horns, skins, or feathers that he has received in exchange for his wares, and to renew his supplies for another trip. The hardy and resolute pioneer traders of South Africa liave been the real discoverers of the coun- try. The trader has always preceded the settler, and his depot has been, as it were, an outpost of civilisation, which sooner or later became a centre of settlement. As in the past, so now, the track of a solitary trader's wag- gon across the pathless veldt, often becomes a highway for miner and farmer to advance still further into the heart of Inner South Africa. Commercially, South Africa is but a single trade area, with a gathering ground of over a million and a quarter square miles, and a seaboard of over three thousand miles in length, in which there are numerous outlets and inlets for the external trade of the countrj'. The collec- tive commerce of this vast and homogeneous region is technically termed " the Cape Trade," and is carried on principally by the Castle and the Union lines of steamers — their fast and powerful mail steamers and intermediate boats giving practically a semi-weekly service between England and South and Sonth-East Africa, and fort- nightly sailings from the Continent. The means of comrmmication, external and internal, are excellent. Besides the mail steamers, which main- tain regidar communication with Europe and Australia, numbers of sailing and steam vessels, from various parts of the world, are found in the ports, from the more im- portant of which railways penetrate the country, and are being extended and inter-connected, so that in a few years every important centre of population and settle- ment between the Cape and the Zambesi will be easily accessible. There is now through communication from Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, and East London, via Kim- 1 lerley, to Mafeking in Bechuanaland, and through Bloem- fontein in the Free State to Johannesburg and Pretoria in the Transvaal. The Cape-Pretoria trunk line is over a thousand miles in length, and the journey occupies about 60 hours. The Natal main line has been com- pleted to Charlestown on the Transvaal frontier, within 120 miles of Johannesburg, and a survey is now being made for extending the line to that busy centre of gold- mining. One branch of the Natal railway runs from Biggai'sberg to the Dundee coalfield ; another branch winds through Van Reenen's Pass, in the Drakcnsherg Mountains, to Harrismith, whence it will be extended to meet the main line from the Cape at Krooustad. The Delagoa Bay-Pretoria line is rapidly approaching com- pletion ; a section of it is already open, and branch lines lue being made to connect with the De Kaap Goldficlds to the south and the MurehLsou Goldfields to the north of the main line. • The Beira Railway is open from FontesviUa, at the head of navigation on the Pungwe, as far as Chimoio, at the foot of the Manica plateau, and will soon emerge on the Mashona uplands — the objective being Salisbury, the capital of Mashonaland. Besides the railways, there are, in the more settled districts of South Africa, fairly good roads on all the main lines of traffic, with substantial bridges across nearly all the larger rivers. From the various stations on and termini of the railways, coaches and mail carts convey passengers, parcels, and mails ; heavy goods being forwarded to their destination chiefly by ox-waggons. Formerly, the lumbering ox-waggon, with its white canvas tent and long team of oxen, was the peculiar " institution " of South Africa ; it was the " ship " of the veldt and the karroo. With their ox-waggons, the dis- affected Boers of the Cape " trekked " north to escape from British control. By drawing tliem together in a circle or hollow square, and filling up the openings with thorny bushes, they formed a " waggon-laager " or entrenched camp, which often enabled them to check the onslaught of the savage hordes that assailed them. The ox-waggon has, in fact, been the means by which nearly all the pioneer work of colonisation has been done in South Africa ; and in the development of all pastoral and agricultural pursuits, the ox and the waggon are stUl essential elements. The commercial position of South Africa is also excel- lent in every respect. Before the opening of the Suez Canal, the Cape was the " Halfway House " between Europe and the East ; and were the so-called " Overland Route " to India to be closed or even imperUled, Table Bay and Simon's Bay would immediately regain far more than their former importance as the chief commercial and strategical points on the only alternative ocean-route. Dr. Yeats, in his Map Studies of the Mercantile World* shows very clearly why the commercial position of the Cape, and South Africa generally, is so favourable, and how it is that the country is a customer, and not a com- petitor, of England. Regular sea communication with Europe ; direct routes to Australasia and the East on the one hand, and America on the other ; a lengthened sea-board, including several safe and commodious ports ; a pastoral, non-manufactur- ing Boer population, with an ever-increasing influx of energetic and intelligent British colonists, who bring their advanced home-country knowledge to bear on their pur- suits, and who are extending communication by railways and improved roads, so that produce of all kinds can come forward with more ease ; all these combine to create and increase very considerable commercial movements. " The gravitation and circulation of goods, as throughout Africa, is to and from the sea-coast. There is but little trade between town and town, aU being supplied from the great seaport centres. The duty of our merchants and traders is to watch the advance and extension of the rail- ways and the increase of the towns, and be ready to * Published by Jlessrs. George Philip & Son, London and Liverpool. THE MAKERS OF SOUTH AFRICA. 33 supply the well-known wants of the people." The "Cape Trade " is an increasing one, the circulation of goods yearly becoming of greater value — the annual import and export trade of the region south of the Zambesi now being not far short of thirty millions sterling, and as the greater part of this trade is with the mother-country, the commerce of South Africa is a very important item in British trade returns. The position of South Africa is also, as Dr. Yeats points out, uni(iue, in that it is a supplier and a cnslomei; and not a competitor, of England. Generally speaking, the people are thinly scattered (jver extensive territories, and, " turning their attention to the land, to the im- provement of sheep and cattle runs, ostrich farm!?, etc., do not attempt industrial life in many forms ; and even where a large industrial population is concentrated, as at Kimberley and Johannesburg, their labom- and capital are devoted to the natural ' earth-gifts,' and not to the production of commodities which would displace or render unnecessary the import of products ' made in England.' The people of the Diamond Fields and the Gold Fieldis, and the scattered Dutch as well as the English farmers and traders, look to Enrfland to supply their requirements." By the splendid vessels of the Castle Line, and by other vessels. South Africa sends to England her multifarious products, receiving in exchange every manufactured article required in the "opening out" and development of the country. We reiterate the fact that the people of South Africa are customers, and not comjtetitors, in the hope that gi-eater attention will be paid by our merchants and manufacturers to their special requirements. Other markets are becoming closed to us by the extension of native industries, or are iilched from us by the ubiquitous Teuton or the smart American, who show a far greater readiness than we do to adapt their products to the special wants, or it may be the whims, of the various markets. " Trade follows the flag," and our merchants and manu- fiictnrers have an advantage over their foreign rivals in the common sentiments and mutual interests, which, in spite of all misunderstandings and mistakes, yet bind Britons abroad and Britons at home. But this natural preference is, a-s Dr. Yeats justly remarks, of no avail, if British goods are dearer or of poorer quality than foreign goods. Tlie increasingly aggressive competition of Germany and the United States is, however, making itself felt even in South Africa, but the prospects of British trade in this rising country are bright, and indeed brilliant. The new life and energy which the discovery and development of the Diamond Fields gave to the entire country has been in- tensified by the discovery of the richest goldfields in the world, " Railways are being pushed forward, the popula- tion is increasing, the tide of emigration is setting steadUy in this direction, and the prospect of enlarged trade with the Cape and Natal is unsurpassed, because tliere is pracficalb/ the whole of the African co?itinent before them." The riches of the interior will be tapped from the south and south-east, and trade and civilisation wUl steadily advance north. The gate to the heart of Africa is not through Egypt, but through South Africa, and it is within the bounds of possibility that, even in our time, tlie valleys and plains of Inner Africa will vibrate witli the tread of the iron liovse, and that the trans-continental rail- way from the (Jape to Cairo will be au accomplisheil tact. VII.— THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. The Portuguese navigators of the fifteenth century— Pvince Henry, the navigator— Phoenician circumnavigators of Africa— Diego Cam— Bartlioloniew Diaz— El (';ibo ile todos tormentos— El Cabo de Bcri Esperanza— Pedrao Corvilhso— Vasco da Gania and the seaway to India - Death of the Viceroy d' Almeida— Sir Francis Drake— Dutch and English ships at the Cape— The Netherlands East India Company —Arrival of Van Riebeek at Table Bay— The first true colonists of South Africa— War with the Hottentots -Purchase of territory- Governor van der Stell's "haughty and unrighteous tyranny"— Origin of trekking— Revocation of tlie Edict of Nantes, and arrival of the Huguenots— Hottentots and Bushmen— The Kaffirs- The first Kaffir War— End of the Dutch East India Company's rule— English and French fleets at the Cape— The second Kaffir War— Revolt of burgliers— Tiny republics- Surrender of the Colony to the English— Temporary British occupation— Third Kaffir War— Re-occupation of the Cape by the Dutch— General Janssens capitulates — The Cape again a British colony— Slaves— Boers ami natives— The fo»n-th Kaffir War— Important concessions— slagter's Nek — Tlie fifth Kaffir War— The British settlers of 1S20— Magna Charta of the natives- Emancipation of the slaves— The sixth Kaffir War— The Earl of Glenelg's policy— Wars and devastations of Tshaka— Natal, a black Arcadia— Moselekatse— The Bechuanas— Mo.^hesh— The Great Trek— The Matabeles— Gazaland— Retief and Dingaan — l^Iassacre of the emigrants— " Dingaan's Day "—Panda — "Republic of Natalia"— Orange River sovereignty — The Cape girdled by native treaty states— The seventh Kaffir War— Sir Harry Smith— The Boers defeated at Boomplaats-Sand River Convention- Establishment of the Orange Fiee State— The Cape Constitution— Anti-convict agitation— Sir George CJrey's policy— The eighth Kaffir War — 'i'he wreck of the Birkenhead— The cattle-killing mania— British Katfraria— The Transkeian territories— The nintli Kaffir War — Walfish I!ay —The German Protectorate— Natal and Zululand— Rebellion of Langalibalele— Cetewayo— Isandlwana and Ulundi— The Orange Free State and Basutoland— Discovery of diamonds— The South African Republic— Annexation of the Transvaal— War of Independence— Majuba and Lang's Nek— Bechuanaland— Zambesia and the Chartered Company— The Pioneer Expedition into Mashonalanil— The Matabele War— The Nyasaland Protectorate— Portuguese East Africa. The Portuguese navigators of the fifteenth century were the hardiest and most daring of all seafaring peoples of Europe ; and Prince Henry, the son of King John II. of Portugal and Philippa of Lancaster, sister of Henry IV. of England, was possessed with tin insatiaV)le passidii for unravelling the mysteries of the unknown seas. Having accomjianied his father on au exjn'dition against the Moors in North Africa, his interest was centred on tlie Dark Con- tinent, the southeru limits of which were then unknown, but which, according to Herodotus, had been circum- navigated by an Egyptian fleet manned by Phcenirians, about six hundred years before tiie birth of Christ. These c 34 THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. adventurous mariners had sailed south from the Red Sea, and had returned to Egypt through the "Pillars of Her- cides," reporting tliat "in sailing round Africa, they had the sun on their right hand." But this and other traditional voyages, if ever aocomplished, had left nothing but vague legends, and although it is known that, in the first century of the Christian era, Arab sailors had round- ed the "Eastern Horn" of Africa and had crept down the coast as far soutli as Quiloa, if not Sofala, in their quest for gold, the southern extremity of the continent remained unknown to the civilised world until an intrepid band of navigators from Portugal, in tlieir eager and persistent search for an open ocean-route to India and tlie East, sailed from point to point the low and deadly West Coast, and Anally doubled the long-sought headland and entered the Eastern Seas by way of the South Atlantic. It was in 1484, eight years before Columluis set out to discover a western route to the Indies, that Diego Cam reached the mouth of the Congo, and, penetrating south, landed near Walfish Bay, and erected a cross on the headland now known as Cape Cross. Two years later, two little caravels and a small store-ship left Lisbon under the command of Bartholomew Diaz, and sailed still further south, anchoring in the 'little bay' of Angra Pequeiia. Having set up a cross as a mark of possession, the little fleet proceeded on its voyage ; liut when off the mouth of the Orange, the vessels were caught in a furious gale, and for thirteen days were driven helplessly before it far to the southward past the Cape. When the storm abated, Diaz sailed to the east ; but finding no land, as he expected, he took a northerl.y course, and made the land somewhere between Cape Agulhas and the Knysna. Sailing east- wards along the coast, the vessel entered Algoa Bay. Diaz landed on a surf-beaten islet in the bay, and erected thereon a pillar and a cross — those twin emblems of civili- sation and Christianity. He greatly desired to proceed, but the crews complained that they were worn out with fatigue, and that behind them was some great cape, and that they had better turn back to seek it. Diaz persuaded them to press on a couple of days longer, promising to re- turn if they did not by that tiuie make some discovery that would induce them to continue. No such discovery was made, and when oft" the mouth of the Great Fi^h River the vessels were put about, Diaz sighting on the way home a bold headland, which he named "El Caho de todoB tormenlos " — " The Cape of all the Storms," a name of ill-omen that King John, believing that its discovery gave "good hope" of an open ocean route to India, changed into the more auspicious one of " Ul C'abo de Boa Espemnza "— " The Cape of Good Hope." While Diaz was thus engaged. King John had sent Pedrao Corvilhao to gather all the information he could about the East. Corvilhao embarked at Aden in an Arab vessel bound for Calcutta and Goa, and thence lie crossed to the African coast and managed to reach Sofala. His messengers reported that vessels, sailing south from Por- tugal, would certainly reach the extremity of the African continent, and would thus arrive in the Eastern Scas_ These encouraging discoveries determined Emmanuel, the successor of King John, to make another boM attcm])t to reach India by sea ; and in 1497, the famous Vasco da * Gama started on that adventm'ous voyage which forms the subject of Camoens' great national epic, " The Lusiad." From the Tagus, Da Gama put to sea in command of four small vessels, which, five and a half months later, anchored in St. Helena Bay, about 120 miles to the north of the Cape of Good Hope, which was shortly after doubled. After touching at what is now called Mossel Bay, Da Gama sailed along the coast, and on Christmas Day, 1497, sighted the bold headland and wooded coast- lands of Natal. Thence the expedition went north, touching, en route, at Delagoa Bay, Sofala, Mozambique, and jMelinde, where Da Gama engaged Arab pilots to take the vessels to Calicut, on the Malabar coast of India. This famous expedition retimied home by way of the Cape, and arriveil at Lisbon in September, 1499, after an absence of little more than two years. The seaway to India and the East was now open, and an immense trade was carried on by means of the fleets which every year sailed to and from Portugal. In 1503, Antonio da Saldanha entered a bay which had never been entered before, and climbed to the summit of a great flat- topped mass of rock, to which he gave the name of Table Mountain. The bay, in which he anchored, was there- after called after him the watering-place of Saldanha, imtil nearly a century later it received from the Dutch sea-captain, Joris Van Siiilbergen, its present name of Tabic Bay.* Seven years after, Francisco (FAlineida, the first Viceroy of the Portuguese possessions in the East, on his return from India, put into Table Bay for water, and, having seized some cattle, was attacked by Hotten- tots and killed, together -with sixty-five of his men. After this, the Portuguese avoided the Capo as much as possible, and althougli ftir more than a century their fleets passed and repassed the Cape, year after year, they seldom touched at any port south of Sofala ; in fact, the Portu- guese did little more than discover South Africa. In 1580, the gallant Sir Francis Drake, on his famous voyage round the world, sighted the Cape, which he describes as "a most stately thing, and the fairest cape we saw in the whole circumference of the world." The English flag was first seen in Table Bay at the end of July, 1591, when three ships touched at the port on their way to India. The Dutch made their first appearance at the Cape in 1595, and in 1598 the Dutch ship Lw7i called at Table Bay with John Davis, the famous Arctic and East India Navigator, on board.t Three years later, the first fleet of the London East India Company put into the bay, and successive fleets of the same comjiany also made Table Bay a port of call for water and refreshment. The over-sea trade with the soon proved so lucra- tive that several companies were formed in the Nether- lands to profit by it ; but, to avoid the evils of rivalry and competition, these were, early in 1C02, united into one great company — the Netlierlands East India Com- pany. An assembly of seventeen directors was charged •Theal's South /1/riaj—" Tlie Story of the Nations " Series— Vol. 38. (London : Fislier Unwin). f .Tohn Davis. By Clements Jlaikham, President of tlie Royal Geograpliical Society. Tlie World's Gre:it Explorers Series, (London : G. Philip & Son). THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. with the management of this powerful corporation, which was destined not only to break the power of Portugal and Spain in the Eastern seas, but also to bring South Africa within the iiale of civilisation. The Dutch were alive to the advantages of the Cape as a "Half-way House " to the East, but a proposal from the directors of the English East India Company to the "assembly of seventeen" to build jointly a fort, and form a place of refreshment on tlie South African coast, was not enter- tained, although buth companies ordered the commanders of their outward-bound fleets to examine and report upon suitable sites for the purpose. The English captains decided that Table Bay was the best place, planted the English flag on the Lion's Rump, and proolaimed English sovereignty over the adjoining country in the name of His Majesty Kuig James II. Possession, however, was not maintained, and ultimately the favom-able reports of the officers of a Dutch ship, which had been wrecked in Table Bay, decided the Dutch Company to establish a victualling station for their fleets in Table Valley. Plans were drawn up and approved, and three vessels were got ready to convey men and materials to the Cape, and placed \uider the command of Jan Anthony Van Eiebeek, who had been appointed governor of the new settlement. These vessels — the Dromedaris, an old Indiaman, the Reijger, a smaller vessel, and the yacht Goede Hoop, anchored in Table Bay on the 6th of April, 1652, after an tuiusually quick passage of 104 days from the Texel. Mr. Van Kiebeek was an irascible little man of un- daunted spirit and indomitable perseverance, and for ten years he ruled the new settlement with Spartan sim- plicity and severity. He immediately set about building an earthenwork fort as a stronghold agaiust the savages, and, under the protection of its guns, the settlers, 116 in number, all of whom were employes of the Netherlands East India Company, built then- huts, and laid out their gardens and pasture grounds. Van Riebeek himself actively engaged in the work of cultivating the ground, and the breeding of cattle and sheep. Vegetables were raised, and wheat, barley, oats, and maize successfully grown. The vine, the orange, the olive, the mulberry, the fig, peach, apple, and other fruit trees were introduced, and young oaks and firs were brought from Europe. Cattle and sheep were obtained from the Hottentots, horses were imported from Java, and pigs, sheep, dogs, rabbits, and poultry from Europe. The settlement throve apace, and Van Riebeek was soon able to furnish tiie numerous vessels that called at Table Bay with abundant supplies of provisions. But everything was done by and through the Company, which had a monopoly of the trade, internal and external. No competition or free immigi'ation was allowed at first, but the cost of so ex- clusive a system induced the directors to permit a few burgher fiimilies to settle, and cultivate small jilots of laud in the neighbourhood of the fort. These farmers, or " boers," were the first true colonists of South Africa. Ever-increasing numbers of other discharged servants of the Company, and inunigrants from Holland and Ger- many, also settled on the land, and gradually extended the limits of the colony. Negro slaves were introduced in 1658, and Asiatics, chiefly natives of Malacca, Java, and the Spice Islands, were brought into the settlement. For a few years, the intercourse between the Dutch settlers and the aboriginal inhabitants was friendly in the extreme, and when the commander or other officers of the garrison visited any of the Hottentot kraals, they were received with effusive welcome. Van Riebeek did not much relish their amicable embraces, for in his journal he says : — " We had again a suit of clothes destroyed from the greasiness of the oil and filth with which they, and jiarticularly the greatest among them, had so be- smeared themselves, that they shone like looking-glasses in the sun, the fat trickling dowu from their heads and along their whole bodies, which appeared to be their greatest mark of distinction." When the " Caepmans " saw the white men ploughing their ground and taking possession of their pastures, tliey became alarmed, then angry ; hostilities broke out ; a white herdsman was killed, and several natives were shot. After months of unrest, peace was concluded, and the first of the long series of wars with the natives, which darken the story of South Africa, came to an end. On the anniversary of the founding of the settlement eight years before, the Captain and chief of the tribe, with the principal men, met Van Riebeek and his Council at the fort to discuss the terms of peace, and the arguments advanced by the aborigines were certainly unanswerable. The Dutch Commander reported that the Hottentot leaders " dwelt long upon our taking every day for our own use more of the land which had belonged to them from all ages, and on which they were accustomed to depasture their cattle. They also asked whether, if they were to come into Holland, they would be perm.itted to act in a similar manner, saying, 'What would it signify if you remained here at the Fort ? but you come quite into the interior, selecting the best for yourselves, and never once asking whether we like it, or whether it will put us to any inconvenience. Who,' said they, ' should be requu-ed to give way, the natural owners or the foreign invaders ? ' They insisted much upon their natural right of projierty, etc., and that they should at least be at liberty to gather their winter food — tlie bitter almonds and roots which grew there naturally . . . and they insisted so much on this point that om- word must out at last : That they had now lost that land in war, and therefore could oidy expect to be henceforth entirely deprived of it ; that their I'omitry had thus fallen to our lot, being justly won by the sword in defensive warfare, and that it was our intention to retain it." Truly a typical example of Euroi)ean dealings with the natives all the world over ! Van Riebeek concludes the entry with the naive remark, that after the terms of peace were settled, the chief and all the jirincipal people received j)resents of braws, beads, and tobacco, and " were so well entertained witii food and brandy that they were all well fuddled, and if we had chosen we could have easily kept them in our power, but for many weighty reasons this was not deemed expedient, as we can do that at any time, and meanwhile their dispositions can be still fiu'ther sounded." The hopes of a peaceful occupation of the f)ape were 36 THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. thus rudely dispelled ; but the directors in Holland — to their honour be it said — issued stringent orders that the natives were to be justly and kindly treated, and their property respected. They wrote, " The discontent shown by these people, in consequence of our appropriating to ourselves — and to their exclusion — the land which they liave used for their cattle from time immemorial, is neither surprising nor groundless, and we therefore should be glad to see that we could purchase it from them, or otherwise satisfy them." This was done in 1672 ; the "lands, rivers, creeks, forests, and pastures inclusive," from the Cape Peninsula to Saldanha Bay, were pur- chased (?) from two petty Hottentot potentates for brandy, tobacco, beads, and merchandise of the nominal value of £l,600, but actually, according to the accounts furnished to the directors, the articles transferred cost £9 12s. 9d. ! * After this agi'eeable transaction, the precursor of many such transfers of real estate in South Africa, the Company posed as absolute owners of the soil, and though the Assembly of seventeen showed some lingering regard for the rights of the original owners. Judge Watermeyer tells uf, that scarcely ten yeai's had elapsed, before the Dutch authorities had ceased all affectation of a desire that native claims should be respected. In 1673, war broke out between one of the most powerful of the Hottentot tribes, near the Cape Peninsula, and the settlers, and although the latter were aided by some friendly Hot- tentots, the settlement was practically blockaded on the laud side, and the cattle trade entirely .stopped ; a fact which had most imjiortant consequences for the future of the country, as it forced the authorities to encourage the breeding and rearing of cattle by Europeans, instead of being entirely dependent on precarious supplies fi'om the natives. Simon van der Stell, one of the most famous of the early Dutch governors, threw himself heart and soul into the new project, and induced many burghers to leave the settlement by an offer of as much land as they could cultivate at Stellenbosch and Drakenstein, with extensive grazing rights. Land to farm was also granted to the government officers, and the energetic Van der Stell himself laid out and planted a beautiful wine-farm at Constantia, near Wijnberg, to which he retired in 1699, being succeeded as Governor by his eldest son, Wilhelni Adrian van der Stell, who also, together with his brother, took to farming on a large scale for his own benefit — a proceeding which subjected the free burghers to ruinous rivalry. They therefore sent a memorial to the directors in Holland, complaining of " the unrighteous and haughty tyranny " of the Governor, who had in various ways used his position to fill his own purse and those of his relatives and friends, and would only listen " to reasons that jingle." Van der Stell instantly took severe measures against the memorialists : some he banished, others lie committed to prison, while some escaped and remained in hiding until the directors of the Company — " for the quieting of dLsorder and the restoration of tranquillity" — dismissed the Governor and confiscated his estate, and forbade their servants to "own or lease land in the Colony, ♦ Theal. or to trade directly or indirectly in corn, wine, or cattle. The burghers were expressly admitted to have the same rights, as if they were living in the Netherlands " — pre- viously they had been little better than slaves to the Company, whose officers had acted as lords and masters of the settlement in every way, and had monopolised the trade and restricted the industry of the inhabitants, levying heavy taxes on all their produce, which could only be sold to the Company at the Company's price, while at the same time they could buy nothing but what came from the Company's store. Small wonder, then, that the rule of the Company had become so obnoxious to the boers that " many of them moved away with their waggons and flocks and herds far inland beyoml its con- trol." Thus was originated that pccvdiar habit of trelckinri, or moving from place to place, which has always characterised the Dutch farmers of South Africa, and which led them to people Natal and to found the Over- berg Eepublics. " At first the Government tried by threats of severe punishment to stop the migration from the seaboard, but the movement was too strong to be checked. The farmers continued to move inland, enticed not only by the thought of fresh pastures for their cattle and game for their guns, but by a desire to be free from the irksome restraints of Government. The Company made some attempt to follow the migratory colonists. A magistracy was established at Swellendam in 1745, and at Graaf Keinet in 1786, and in 1788 the Great River was declared to be the boundary of the settlement.* There have never, says Theal,t been people less willing to submit silently to grievances, real or imaginary, than the colonists of South Africa, and no doubt much of the impatience of restraint and love of individual liberty shown by the trekboeren, as well as by the biu-ghers, was derived from the many Protestant Frenchmen who were sent out to the Cape in 1687. These Huguenots — " exiles for conscience sake" — had been driven from their own country by the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by the intolerant and cruel Louis XIV., and had sought refuge and received sympathy and kindness in the Netherlands, then the stronghold of liberty in Europe. The greater part of the refugees were located in the valley of the Berg River ; others were scattered over the country between the Groenberg, the Koeberg, and Hottentots-Holland. They soon had " cornfields green and sunny vines," and endeavoured to preserve their language and form of worship. This, however, was discom-aged, the Company desiring that French should, in time, entirely die out, and that nothing but Dutch should be taught to the young to read and write. The use of French in communi- cations to the Government was forbidden in 1709, and, in 1724, " the reading of the lessons at the church service in the French language took place for the last time. In little more than half a century after the an-ival of the Huguenots, French had almost ceased to be spoken * See further Russell's admirable and graphic resuml of South African history in — Xalal : The Land and its Story. (Pieter- maritzburg : P. Davis and Sons. London : Sinijikin Marshall and Co.). t The.iVs South Africa. "Story of the Nations" Series. (London : Fisher Unwin). THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. 37 among their children, they, by marriage and social con- nections, had become merged with the Dutch and Ger- mans around them, using the Dutch language only."* The descendants of these Huguenots are widely scat- tered all over South Africa, and Huguenot names such as De Villiers, Du Toit, Jourdan, Retief, Theron, Joubert, etc., are common to this day from the Cape to the Zambesi. Many of the wine farms and estates also bear French names — the Huguenots excelled as wine growers, and gave a great impetus to the cultivation of the vine, although they were not, as is commonly sup- posed, the founders of viticulture at the Cape. After the formal purchase of the Cape peninsula and adjoining district from the Hottentot chiefs — who prob- ably thought they might as well get something for what would otherwise be taken for nothing — consideration for the rights of the natives dwindled away ; and as the settlers advanced, the Hottentots retired. The Nama- quas and the Chocoquas went north and settled in the wild and arid country on either side of the lower Orange, an undesirable region, where their descendants still dwell. Tribal feuds, constant war with the savage Bushmen, and disease, decimated the other tribes. >Small-pox, which made its first appearance in South Africa in 1713, first seized the Negro slaves, then attacked the Europeans, one-fourth of whom died ; but it proved most fatal to the Hottentots, whole clans of whom in the neighbourhood of the Cape were almost entirely swept away. The miserable remnants of these tribes struggled for existence on reserves set apart for their use, and were employed on the cattle stations and farms. When the Dutch arrived at the Cape, a primeval hunting people, armed with bows and poisoned arrows, wiis thinly scattered over all the wilder parts of the country to the south of the Orange, and between these wild Bushmen and the Hottentots there had always been a fierce and deadly feud. The Bushmen, who were armed with bows and poisoned arrows, were still more enraged at the invasion of their happy hunting-grounds by the white men, and revenged themselves by making frequent raids on the farms, killing the herdsmen and stealing the sheep and the cattle, and occasionally looting the home- steads and murdering the inmates. As the farmers advanced, the Bushmen retired and sought refuge in the mountain fastnesses along the northern border, and for thirty years the sorely-harassed farmers carried on what was practically a war of extermination. The records of Graaf Reinet show that, between 1786 and 1794, more than 200 persons were murdered by the Bushmen, while the " commandos," or armed bands of farmers, who, aided by the Hottentots and half-breeds, scoured the country along the great mountain range, had shot over 2,500 Bushmen. These wild pigmies never would surrender, and they were as fiercely hostile to the white man as to the Hottentots and Kaffirs. The Bushman was an Ishmaelite indeed ; his hand was against every man, and every man's hand against him. Despised and yet dreaded, these untamable pariahs of South Africa were hunted from kloof to kloof, and shot down with as little consider- * Noble. ation as if they had been wild animals. Few of them are now left on the northern liorder of the Cape ; and from the Drakensberg and the JMaluti Mountains, where, fifty years ago, they were comparatively numerous, they have entirely disappeared. Numbers of them still roam over the desolate plains of the Northern Kalahari, and Selous tells us that they are unrivalled as assistants and trackers in the hunting veldt. The Gamtoos River, which had formed the eastern limit of the Hottentot region, was early adopted by the Dutch as their frontier towards the east, but many of the more adventurous Boers crossed the river, and thus came into conflict with the Kaffirs, a people who soon proved to be much more formidable neighbours than the pigmy Bushmen or the degraded Hottentots. The more advanced of the Kaftir clans — the Kosas — had, in 1779, crossed the Fish River, but did not at first molest the Europeans, who had settled in what was then beyond the limits of the colony, although they murdered a luimber of Hotten- tots and took their cattle. Becoming bolder, the Kosas began to drive oft' the cattle of the Boers also, upon which they were attacked and dispersed. Again the Kaffirs invaded the colony, and this time in such numbers that a commando of the border farmers was called out and placed under the command of Adrian van Jaarsveld, who was ordered to drive back the Kaffirs across the Fish River. With a small force of 92 burghers and 40 Hotten- tots, all mounted and well armed. Van Jaarsveld fell upon the Kaffirs and smote them hip and thigh. In less than two months not a single Kosa was to be found to the west of the Fish River, and i\m first Kaffir ivar was over. For over a century the Dutch East India Company had been supreme in South Africa, but during the admin- istration of Van Tulbagh (1750-1771), although the colony was becoming more and more prosperous, the power of the Company began to decline, and ultimately the heavy losses sustained by the casting away of many of its richly-laden merchantmen in Table Bay, where in the winter season they were exposed to the full fury of the north-west gales, together with the mismanagement of aft'airs in other of its possessions besides the Cape, and, above all, the growing competition of the English and French in the markets of the East, brought the once powerful and rich Company into a state of hopeless insolvency. In South Africa, the arbitrary rule of Tul- bagh's successor, Van Plettenberg (1771-1785), and the corruption and exactions of the Company's subordinate officials, caused much disaffection among the colonists, who sent delegates to Holland to obtain redress, only to be told by the Directors that the settlers had been per- mitted " as a matter of grace to have a residence in the land and to gain a livelihood as tillers of the soil, and that the settlement was planted not for their commercial advantage, but for the welfare of the Company." The Company, in view of the unstable state of afi'airs, de- cided to station a large body of troops at the Cape and to fortify the peninsula, so that it should be secure from invasion. Van Plettenberg was therefore recalled, and an engineer officer — Colonel Van de Graaf — appointed governor. His reckless expenditure, which necessitated increased taxation and a forced paper currency, petty acts 38 THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. of tyranuy, constant troubles with the Kaliii-s on the eastern frontier, deepeueil the dissatisfaction of the colonists, and caused an agitation against the Company which did not cease until tlie despotic rule of this famous corporation came to an end. During the struggle between England and her Ameri- can colonies, Holland had joined France and the armed neutrality powers, and in 17sO the British Government delared war against Holland, and planned an expedition to seize the Caj)e. This became known, and a French fleet was immediately sent out with troops to aid in its defence. Off the Oape Verde Islands, the out-going Eng- lish fleet was accidentally met, and was flercely attacked and partially disabled. The French commander tlien made all sail for the Cape, and lauded his troops a month before the English fleet arrived. So complete were tlie arrangements for the defence of Cape Town, that the English admiral did not venture to attaclc tlie place ; but contented himself with seizing the richly-laden Dutch Indiamen in Saldanha Bay. This brief war ended in 1783, but, before the conclusion of peace, the Dutch mercantile marine was almost annihilated. In 1780, De Uraaf founded the town of Graaf Reinet, and formed a new district between the Gamtoos and the Fish rivers, and proclaimed the latter stream as the eastern boundaiy of the colony. This forward move was speedily followed by ji renewal of the troubles with the natives, who suddenly crossed the Fish River in ]\Iarch, 1789, and began to drive oil' the farmers' cattle. A commando was called out, but was disbanded without tii-ing a shot, by order of the Government. In a short time the Kosas recommenced their raids— seizing the cattle, burning the homesteads, and murdering every farmer they came across. The bmghers were again assembled, but although the Kaffirs had laid wa.ste the coastlands as far- as the Zwartkops River, and had driven oft" 65,000 head of cattle, the campaign was an utter failure, owing to the action of Maynier, the landdrost of Graaf Reinet, who evidently believed that smooth words would turn away wrath aud — Kaffirs. And so, much to the chagrin of tlie farmers, the second KafHr wai- ended in a delusive peace. This method of dealing with the Kosa marauders added to the prevailing discontent, and the mismanagement of aft'aii's generally made the Com]iany's government so obnoxious, that great numbers of Boers trekked away with their waggons and flocks and licrds far inland beyond its control, wliile the farmers on the Eastern border aud in the valley of the Breede broke out in actual rebellion. In February, 1795, the bm-ghers of Bruintjes Hoogte assembled at Graaf Reinet, and declared theni.selves in- dependent. They exjiellcd the landdrost, and set up a republic of their own, with Adrian van Jaarsveld as military commander. The Commis.sioner-General, Sluy- sken, who had been put in charge of the colony when the Directors recalled the spendthrift 'N'an de Graaf coulil do nothing to stoji the movement ; and in June, the burghers of .Swellendam also expelled their landdrost, and elected a "national assembly.'' Sluysken had no force to send against the-se tiny republics, his treasury was empty, and the people elsewhere were mutinous ; besides, he had the native question to deal with, aud a jjrobable invasion to [jrepare for. The Cape was really in a state of anarchy, when an unexpected event happened. France had jiassed through the throes of a revolution, which had deluged that fair land with blood and with crimes. In Holland, a strong "patriot party" was in sympathy with the French revolutionists ; and, in 1795, the armies of the Convention overran the country, aud forced the Stadtholder, the Prince of Orange, to fly for refuge to l^igland, where he continued to co-operate with the Allieil Powers against France. It was feared that the Cape, the most important of all the maritime stations on the ocean-route to India and the East, might fall into the hands of the French. The British Government, therefore, decided to occupy the country, and a mandate was obtained from the fugit- ive Stadtholder commanding the authorities at Cape Town to receive the English fleet, and to admit the English troops into the Castle and the forts. Sluysken had meanwhile received orders from the Company's directors to oppose the lauding of any force, British or French ; and when the English fleet under Admiral Elphinstone, with a strong body of troops under General Craig, arrived in Table Bay, he refused to admit them. After a very feeble defence, however, he sm-rendered the castle and town ; and thus, on the 16th of Sejitember, 1795, the detested ride of the Dutch East India Company in South Africa, after an occupation of one hundred and forty-three years, came to an inglorious end. For the next eight years the Cape remained uudcr British military rule, but although all monopolies and restrictions on trade, from which the colonists had so grievously suffered during the Dutch occupation, were removed, and large sums of money were freely spent in the Colony by the BritLsh Government, the country people generally were in a state of chronic rebellion. General Craig, who had assumed the government, did everything in his power to soothe the susceptibilities of the sturdy colonists. Obnoxious taxes were repealed ; the paper money was taken up at its full nominal value ; and the farmers were told that they could now buy and sell freely, and that any complaints they had to make would be attended to. No opposition was oS'ered to the new government in the Cape and Stellenbosch districts ; and the peojile of .Swellendam abolished their republii^ but the burgher.s of Graaf Reinet did not submit to the English until their supplies of annnunition and goods were cut ott'. In the meantime, the States-General had sent out a squadron of nine vessels, with 2,000 troops on board, to aid the colonists against the English. The Dutch Admiral put into S;iManha Bay, where he was caught, as in a trap, betweeu a strong British fleet and a large BritLsh m'my. He surrendered without even an attempt at resistance. The conciliatorv attitude of General Craig was unfor- tunately not show M by his successors ; and the strict rule of the Earl of Macartney, who forced the burghers to take the onth of allegiance or leave the country ; the arrest of the old commander '\'an Jaarsveld, and his rescue by the f:u-mers of Graaf Reinet ; the " friendly arrangements " which ended the thu'd Kaffir war, THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. 39 although tlie whole country from the Sunday's River westward even to Langeklooji and the Knysna had been desolated by the Kafiirs and their Hottentot allies ; the thoroughly corrupt administration of Sir George Yonge, a man who could only be approached through unscrup- ulous favourites— all combined to embitter the Dutch against the British, and to make welcome the change when, in February, 1803, the colony, according to the terms of the Treaty of Amiens, was restored to its original owners. The population of the colony at this time is supposed to have been about 70,000, of whom 22,000 were Europeans, 26,000 slaves, and the rest Hottentots. No commercial company now intervened between the colonists and their Fatherland ; and the new Governor, General Janssens, and the Dutch High Commissioner De Mist, proved to be liberal and noble-minded men, who did their utmost to increase the prosperity of the colony and to elevate every class of the population. The farmers were encouraged to plant trees and preserve forests, to establish schools, to treat the Hottentots as a free people and the slaves as fellow-creatures, and to give the Kosas no cause for making raids. Events in Europe, however, prevented the full fruition of these wise and humane measures. In less than three months after the restoration of the colony, tlie Batavian Republic and France were again at war with Great Britain, and General Janssens devoted all his attention to the defence of the Cape I'eninsula against any attempt that might be made to recapture the colony. In January, 1806, an English fleet anchored at the entrance to Table Bay, and an army of 7,000 men, under General Sir David Baird, landed on the Blueberg beach. General Janssens, with a motley force of burghers, Dutch soldiers, German mercenaries, French seamen, Malays, Hottentots, and even slaves, endeavoured to bar the way to Cape Town, but the flight of the German mercenaries forced him to retreat. Two days later, General Baird entered Cape Town, and, on the 18th, General Janssens capitulated on lionourable conditions ; and thus the Cape again became a British possession, tliough it was not until 1815 that the King of the Netherlands, in consideration of a pay- ment of six millions sterling, finally ceded the Cape, along with the Dutch settlements in Guiana, in per- petuity to tlie British crown. There were in the Colony at this time about 30,000 slaves, chiefly the descendant;^ of those introduced in the early days of the settlement from the Guinea Coast. One of the first acts of the new Governor, the Earl of Caledon, was to abolish tlic slave-trade, and at the sanre time to alleviate the condition of the Hottentots and other coloured people. Absolute democrats and lovers of free- dom the Boers might be, but their ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity did not include the Kaftir and the Hotten- tot. AU the coloured races were "black property," or " creatures ; " and anything approaching equality between the Boer and the black was, and still is, an impossible idea. " The more ignorant of them believed themselves to be ' God's chosen people,' and the Bushmen and the Knftirs the 'Canaanites,' whom they had a divine command to smite and utterly destroy.* The cruellest raids on the * Russell's .\atal : The Land and its Utory. nati\es in the interior by the Trekboeren in after years were publicly justified by the instructions given to the old Jewish wai'riors.* The Boers were convinced that in conquering, dispossessing, and enslaving the natives, they were obeying the behests of the Almighty." t The Governor also opened up postal communication with the inland districts, and established Circuit Courts, before which, in 181i, numbers of Boers were accused by the missionaries of ill-treating the natives, and some were convicted, with the result that a very bitter feeling was aroused among the farmers, " it being an unheard of thing that a European should be punished for an assault on a native." The Earl of Caledun's successor, Su' John Cradock, also caused uuich animosity by his proclamation reconmiending the study of the English language. In 1811-12 occm'red the fourth Kaffir ivar, wliich was occasioned by an irruption of some Kaffir clans into the " neutral territory " between the Sunday's River and the Fish River. Colonel Graham, who was in command of the British and Colonial forces, sent an officer to try and persuade the Kosas to retire peacefully, but the fiery old chief Ndlambe angrily retorted, " This country is mine ; I won it in war, and intend to keep it." The order was then given to advance, but before an attack was made, Landdrost Stockcnstroom and eight farmers were treacher- ously murdered during a conference with a number of Kaffir- warriors. This led to terrible retaliation. No mercy was shown to any of the warriors who resisted, no prisoners were taken ; it was war to the knife until every Kaffir had been driven across the Fish Rivei-, along which a line of forts was erected, the principal post being named Graham's Town in honour of the officer in command. A most important concession in favour of the farmers was made by proclamation in 1812. All holders of lands on lease were allowed to convert them into perpetual quit- rent proiicrties ; in other words, farmers, who had hitherto held their land on yearly lease from the Government, were made absolute owners of their farms. But this and other boons and blessings bestowed by the British Government failed to conciliate the Boers, and, a year after Lord Charles Somerset succeeded to the governorship, the more turbulent of them broke out in open rebellion, which resulted in five of them being hung at Sliigter's Nek. The horrible circumstances which attended the execution of these unfortunate men deejiened the aniniusity of their fellow-countrymen against British rule. In spite of forts and troops and burgher commandos, the feeling of insecurity along the eastern frontier was so general, that otters of free farms even of 4,000 acres failed to attract many settlers. Fleet-footed Kattirs again and again slii>ped over the border during the night, and "lifted" many a fine herd of cattle, the soldiers re- taliating by an occasional raid nn the nearest ki'aal, and seizing indiscriminately all the cattle within reach. This game of hide and seek increased the hostility on both sides, and led to the nfth Kaffir war. In 1817, the * Deut. XX. 10-14, and passages. t See further " Livingstone ami the Exploration of Central Africa," by H. H. Johnston, C.B., H.M. Commissioner for Nyasa- laiiil. — Tlie World's Great Explorers Series. (Loudon : George Philip & Sou). 40 THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. Governor had recognised Gaika as the supreme chief of the Kaffirs to the west of the Kei River, hoping through him to control the other chiefs. They, however, headed by Ndlambe and a famous seer named Jlakana, or " Lynx," refused to acknowledge Gaika as over-lord, whereupon a desperate battle was fought on the Debe flats, Gaika's forces being driven from the field with frightful slaughter. The fugitive chief appealed to the Government for aid. A force of burghers and soldiers went to his assistance. Ndlambe's kraals were destroyed, and his cattle driven off, but the dense thickets sheltered his warriors, whoi immediately the troops retired, fell again upon Gaika, and then poured into the Colony, murdering the whites and Hottentots, and destroying their property. Led by Makana, a man of conspicuous ability and daring, who aimed at uniting all the western clans into one strong nation, ten thousand savage warriors swooped down upon Graham's Town, in three columns. Their impetuous rush was stopped by a deadly fire of artillery and musketry, and, after a brief struggle, the discomfited warriors were driven back with heavy loss. Two thousand soldiers and burghers followed them into Kaflirland, and hunted them out of the bushy fastnesses of the Chumie and the Keis- kamma. Makana, with the magnanimity of a Roman, voluntarily surrendered himself. Walking calmly into the British camp, he said, " If I have occasioned the war, let me see if delivering myself to the conquerors will restore peace to my country ! " Gaika was restored to his lands, and, in 1820, he ceded the country between the Fish River and the Keiskamma to the Colony. Lord Charles Somerset was very anxious to see the vacant lands in the eastern frontier districts — which he described as "unrivalled in the world in beauty and fertility " — occupied ; and, on his recommendation, the Imperial Parliament voted £50,000 towards their coloni- sation. In a very short time over 90,000 people applied for passages, 5,000 of whom were accepted and sent to South Africa. In Aprfi, 1820, the Nautilus, Ocean, and Chapman arrived in Algoa Bay with the first batch of immigrants, and were followed by 23 other transi»rts. The landing place, then a small fishing viUage, was named Port Elizabeth, after the acting Governor's wife ; and thence the settlers were distributed over the pleasant country between the Bushman's and Fish rivers and the Zuurberg and the sea. In spite of much distress and inevitable difficulties, the settlers in a few years be- came prosperous, and Port Elizabeth, the chief jwrt, and Graham's Town, the chief inland centre of the district, grew from mere hamlets into populous and flourishing towns. A few years later, a series of sweeping changes irritated the old Dutch colonists almost past endurance. In 1827, English was ordered to be used instead of Dutch in all oflieial proceedings and business ; and in the following year, the courts of justice were remodelled after the English pattern, the Burgher senate was abolished, and English resident magistrates and civil commissioners took the place of the landdrost and heenu-aden, who had hitherto administered justice and managed local afi'airs in the country districts. Everything was becoming so Eng- lish, that the Dutch began to feel as if they were no longer in their own country. Dutch ideas with regard to the natives also received a severe shock when, in 1829, by an Order in Council, it was enacted that " all Hottentots and other free persons of colour lawfully residing within the colony are in the most full and ample manner entitled to all and every right, benefit, and privilege to which any other British subjects are entitled." This " Magna Charta " of the natives was followed by the emancipation of the slaves, which was carried into effect by Sir Ben- jamin D'Urban in 1834. The 35,000 slaves in the Colony were officially valued at three millions sterling, but the Home Government only allowed a million and a quarter as compensation to the owners, and a large part of this sum never reached the hands of the indignant Boers, many of whom refused to receive any of it. The prover- bial last straw was the reversal by the Earl of Gleuelg, who became Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1835, of what the colonists considered to be the only safe policy of dealing with the Kafiirs, after a war which forms one of the saddest chapters in the troubled history of the Cape. Space will not permit us to trace the events which led to the sixlh Kaffir war, which broke out in December, 1834. On the 22nd of that month, a horde of between ten and twenty thousand savages under Hintsa suddenly rushed over the border, and spread terror and destruction over the whole country. In a week, fifty fiirmers were murdered, 450 farmhouses burned, and 4,000 horses, 100,000 head of cattle, and 150,000 sheep were driven off. Most of the British settlers of 1820 were reduced to destitution, and many of them, failing to reach any place of refuge, were barbarously murdered. The con- sternation in Cape Town and throughout the colony was intense. Every available soldier and burgher were humed to the front, and Colonel (afterwards Sir Harry) Smith pushed the war into the enemy's country, and, after severe fighting, succeeded in forcing Hintza to sue for peace. He was shot dead soon after, while endeavouring to escape, and was succeeded as paramount chief of the Kosas by his son Kreli, with whom peace was concluded. British authority was then proclaimed over the territory of the conquered clans as far as the Great Kei, while the Governor brought some 18,000 Fingoes— remnants of the Fetcani, or Zidu refugees, who had been enslaved by the Gcaleka Kaffirs— out of Kaflirland and located them between the KeLskamma and Fish Rivers, so as to form a "bufler" between the Kosas, who hated them bitterly, and the colonists, upon whom they depended for protection. The AVestern Kosas were now British sub- jects, under the control of Colonel Smith, who, with the troops, was stationed at a place that grew in later years into the important town of King William's Town. These arrangements promised to work well, but there was a clique in Cape Town that disapproved of the Governor's plans. Its chief. Dr. Philip, the champion of the natives against what was stigmatised as oppression and cruelty, visited England, and impressed his views on the Secretary of State, who wrote to Sir Benjamin D'Urban to the efl'ect that the frontier must be retroceded and western Kosalaud given up ; and that he con- sidered the Kaffirs, as the victims of systematic injustice THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. 4' through a long course of years, were amply justified in rushing into war, and had a perfect right to endeavour to extort by force that redress which they could not expect otherwise to obtain. The Governor stoutly pro- tested that the reversal of his policy could not but be pregnant with insecurity, disorder, and danger ; but his expostulations only procured his dismissal. The British settlers, who had suffered so much, also protested, but in vain. As for the aggrieved Dutch colonists, disdaining to make a vain protest and unable to offer any eti'eotive opposition, they determined to quit the country and to seek somewhere in the wilderness beyond the Orange and the Vaal — devastated and unpeopled by the impis of the merciless Tshaka — a new home beyond the control of the hated British. The wars and devastations of Tshaka, the founder of the dreaded Zulu power, form a terrible answer to the thoughtless utterances of those wlio echo the jiarrot cry of " Africa for the Africans." In spite of all actual and seeming harshness and cruelty on the part of both Boers and Britons in South Africa, no fair-minded enquirer but will admit that the advent of the white man in South Africa has been the salvation of the black. Bantu potentates, of the type of Tshaka, Dingaan, Moselekatse, Cetywayo, and Lo Bengula, have slaughtered mUlions of their fellow-countrymen, have made many a populous and flourishing region a desolate waste, and but for the white man and his dreaded rifle, millions more would have been similarly exterminated, and the horrid slaugh- ter would, in all probability, have continued untd the southern extremity of tlie continent had been all but depleted of human, as it has been of animal, life. Tshaka, a military genius of the highest order but a sanguinary despot, had raised the insignificant Zulu clan into a powerful nation. This sable Napoleon, like his European counterpart, aimed at universal sovereignty, and, by a series of ruthless aggressions and wholesale massacres, had become paramount chief of all south- eastern Africa, from Kafl'raria to the Limpopo. During his reign probably a million people were slaughtered by his savage impis. " He turned thousands of square miles into literally a howling wilderness, shed rivers of blood, annihilated whole communities, converting the members of others into cannibals, and causing misery and suffering, the full extent of which can never be known." When Tshaka commenced his reign of ten'or, Natal was a black Arcadia, inhabited by no less than 94 tribes, representing about a million of people, living in peace and plenty ; but in a few years the once " incredibly populous " land was a desolate wilderness. In the dense thickets and mountain gorges were hidden a few thou- sand miserable starvelings, subsisting on wild fruits and roots— some even on human flesh. In 1824, three bold Englishmen — Lieutenants Farewell and King, and Mr. Henry Fynn — settled on the shores of the Bay, and, per- haps by their very boldness, won the favour of the ferocious Zulu despot, who indeed went so far as to cede to them in perpetuity a tract of laud along the coast, including the Bay, and the country inlanil fo the Drakens- berg. Refugees from Tshaka's tyranny tiocked to the English settlement, and communications were opened with the Cape. One of Tshaka's ablest generals, a chieftain named Moselekatse, had also to fly from his master's vengeance. Having, Ananias-like, kept back part of the booty he had taken in a successful raid, the enraged king sent an army to put him and his soldiers to death. Being warned in time, Moselekatse and his followers fled over the Berg, and began to devastate the upland plains on both sides of the Vaal, ultimately setting up his military kraals in the valley of the Marikwa. Thousands of the wretched, timorous, and unwarlike Bechuaua tribes were slaughtered in mere wantonness by the fierce Matabele, as the Zulu hordes of Moselekatse were named by the wretched tribesmen, of whom the Batlapins of Kuruman alone escaped, saved by the pre- .sence among them of the devoted missionary Moftat, who visited Moselekatse, and won his respect. Remnants of many broken tribes had, in the meantime, gathered round an able and astute young chief named Moshesh, in the mountainous enclave now called Basuto- land. Moshesh fixed upon an impregnable mountain stronghold— Thaba Bosigo— as his capital, and thence consolidated and buUt up a formidable native power. In 1831, a Matebele army besieged the Basuto stronghold, but had to retreat. Moshesh magnanimously sent his thwarted foes a present of fat oxen, with a complimentary message, which so astonished the Matabeles that they never again attacked the Basutos. This was in 1831, in the same year that Dingaan, who with one of his brothers had mm-dered Tshaka and had assumed the chieftainship of the Zulu nation, declared Henry Fynn, the survivor of the three English pioneers, the " Great Chief of the Natal Kafiirs." Dingaan had not the military genius of his brother Tshaka, but he was equally bloodthirsty, and even craftier and more treacherous. The Great Trek of the discontented Boers commenced in 1835, and in two or three years not less than ten thou- sand people left the Cape Colony with their waggons and oxen, then- horses and cattle and sheep and goats, and in detached parties, of from fifty to one hundred families, trekked slowly across the wide plains of the Orange and the Vaal. Their leaders were "grave, stern men, indaued with the spirit of the Dutch burghers who defeated Alva, and of the Huguenots who fought under Coudd. The Bible was their only literature. No important undertaking was ever entered upon without prayer and praise being oft'ered to the Almighty. Like the Pm'itans, they had as much faith in the psalm iis in the pike- point."* The plains were then covered with myriads of antelopes and quaggas, and over two hundred lions were shot during the trek. The Basuto chief, Moshesh, offered no opposi- tion to the progress of the emigrants ; but Mosclekatse's fierce warriors fell upon two small detached parties wlien near the present town of Kroonstad, massacred nearly all of them, and carried oft' their waggons and flocks and herds. Succeeding parties were more cautious, and never encamped without drawing their waggons close together in a square or circle, filling up the openings between and * Russell. 42 THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. under the waggous with thorn buslies. When attacked, meu and wumen, and even ehildreu, fought with desperate energy, and, in siiite of the overwhelming numbers of their savage foes, succeeded in driving them oti'. To avenge the murder of tlieir comrades, one lumdred farmers rode across the Vaal and attacked Moselekatse's head- quarters at Mosega, inflicting upon him so severe a de- feat that he fled witli liis warriors to the highlands between the Limpopo and the Zambesi. From this new Matabeleland, impi after impi continued to raid and slaughter surrounding tribes iu the old Zulu style, until the advent of the Chartered Company and the conquest of Lo Bengula, the son and successor of Moselekatse. Another of Tshaka's generals, rather than return homo to certain death, after failing to carry out an order to drive the Portuguese from Delagoa Bay, went north with his warriors across the Limpopo and occupied the country now called Gazaland, which is still under the undisturbed rule of his successor, Gungunhaua. From the upland plains, an advanced party of the emigrant farmers, under Pieter Retief, made their way down the wild passes of the Drakensberg, through a seemhigly unoccupied country, to the Bay, where they were warmly welcomed by the English traders. Retief and a few men rode across the Tugela to Dingaan's kraal, and asked the Zulu king for a grant of land in Natal. Dingaau agreed, if the Dutchmen would only prove their goodwill by recovering some cattle, which a Rob Roy of the Berg had carried oif. This was done, and in high glee Retief, accompanied by about 70 horse- men and 30 servants, returned to the royal kraal of Umgungundhlovu. There they were received in the friendliest manner ; a formal deed of cession was drawn up and signed, and the Dutchmen were getting ready to saddle-up and leave, when Dingaan invited them to drink xdywala with him in his great place. Suspecting nothing, the farmers comiilied, and even left their muskets outside the enclosm'e ; but, while seated on the ground, they were suddenly seized by order of the treacherous savage, and dragged to the place of execution, and there dune to death with knobkerries. In the meantime, large numbers of Boers and their familie's had come down the Berg, and had encamjied here and there over the uplands along tiie Tugela and Bushman's rivers. No danger was apprehended, no laagers were formed ; but in the dead of night, when all were asleep, almost simultaneously the encampments were rushed by armed Zulus, who indiscriminately butchered men, women, and children. A few escaped and warned neighbouring parties, who, hastily forming waggon-laagers, were able to beat back the masses of savages. Rendered desperate by the sight of their mangled kinsfolk, and burning with revenge, the farmers charged the Zulus, and put them to utter rout. Hun- dreds of the savages were struck by the avenging bullets of the farmers during that terrible flight dowu the Busli- nian's River valley. In a week, six hundred men, women, and children had been massacred. But they were indeed avenged when, on " Dingaan's Day," the 16th of Decem- ber, 1838, the Boers under Prelorius killed three thousand of the warriors who attacked their laager on the " Blood " river, and thus broke the power of the Zulu tyrant. Pushing on to Umgungnndhlovu, the farmers found the royal kraal deserted and bvu-nt ; and there, on the " hill of death," were the skeletons of their murdered friends. " Retief was recognised by his clothes, and by the leather hunting-bag slung round his shoulders. In it was found, clean and uninjured, the document by which Dingaan ceded Natal to Retief and his people for their everlasting property." Soon afterwards, the "humbled bloodhound" was again defeated by the Boers, aideil by his brother Panda. Dingaan then fled to the Swazi country, where he was tortured to death, while Panda was crowned king by the victorious burghers, who now found themselves iu j)ossession of Natal, where they proceeded to lay out the town of Pietermaritzburg, and to form settlements at Durban on the coast, and AVeenen up-country. A Volks- raad was elected, and magistrates were also appointed. In 1840, they hoisted the flag of the " Republic of Na- talia," which, however, the British Government refused to acknowledge. After serious hostilities lietweeu the English troops at the Port and the Boer forces, the Re- public was aljolished on the 10th of May, 1843. Two days later, Natal was proclaimed a British Colony, and iu December, 1845, was annexed to the Cape. The Dutchmen of Natal thus found themselves again under British rule, and, of course, another exodus began. Some of the farmers trekked over the Berg and joined their friends ui the Orange River Sovereignty ; others settled in the territory between the Vaal and the lofty Magalies- berg ; but many of them went no further than Klip River and the Biggarsberg. The British Government, swayed by popular feeling and prejudiced by the anti-colonist action of the great missionary societies, regarded the persistent trekking of the Boers into the interior with little favoiu", and would fain have compelled them to return to their old homes and prevent others from leaving the colony. This, how- ever, could not be effected by any direct means, but in- directly it was hoped that the creation of a girdle of large native states along the borders of the colony would, by cutting off communications with the emigrants, force them to return. This fatuous project of native treaty states was carried o\it ; and the Basuto chief Moshesh, the Griqua captain Adam Kok, and the Poudo chief Fakn, were subsidised and supplied with arms and ammunition. On the same principle, the Zulu chief Panda was treated as an independent sovereign, and, like the other chiefs, was permitted to build up a power that cost much lilood and treasure to cope with in later years. The sturdy farmers took little notice of these native puppets, and came and went as before. Those nominally under Adam Kok refused point-blank to acknowledge the authority of a half-bred Griqua captain. The Governor of the Cape .sent a military force to aid Kok, and the farmens, taken unawares, were forced to submit, but were placed under an English otHcer, who fixed his residence at a place called Bloemfontein. Meanwhile matters on the eastern frontier of the Cape were iu a very critical state, and the dislike of the colony to the Glenelg policy was fully justified when, in 184(i, after the country, as far west as the Suiulay's River li.-id THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. 43 for teu years been harried and wasted, the seventh Kaffir war broke out. This war, wliich is known as the " War of the Axe," was brouglit ou by the forcible re?cue of a Kosa prisoner, who had been arrested for the theft of an axe and the cruel mutilation and murder of a Hottentot, to whom he was manacled. A large force started for Sandili's kraal, but tlie Kaffirs fell upon the wag!,'on train, and the troops had to retreat jirecipitately, where- upon Kosa and Tembu warriors poured into the colony, plundering as usual. Another train from Graham's Town was captured, but, after a severe struggle, Sandili sur- rendered. The enormous expense of this war, and the almost insuperable difficulty of directing the government of the Cape i'rom England, convinced even Downing Street that it would be better in every way to allow the Cape colonists to manage their own affairs. The year following, Sir Harry Smith, who proved to be an able administrator and an impetuous commander, was sent out as Governor and High Comuussioner. Ho at once reversed the Glenelg policy, extended the limits of the Colony ou the north and the east, and formed a new province, British Kafl'raria, between the Keiskamma and the Kei. Hm'rying iiortli, he put an end to the Griqua and Basuto treaty states, and proclaimed as British the whole territory l)ptween the Vaal, the Orange, and the Kathlamba Mountains, under the name of " The Orange River Sovereignty." But these wise and statesmanlike measures came too late. The Governor had scarcely returned to Cape Town when he heard that the farmers in the Sovereignty had risen in arms, with Andries Pre- turius at their head, expelled the Englisli Resident from Bloemfontein, and ileclared themselves independent. With chai-acteristic energy, Sir Harry Smith hastened with all tlie available forces in the colony, and, meeting Pretorius and his followers at a place named Boomplaats, he defeated and dispersed them. The more violent Boers crossed the Vaal without furtlier fighting, and Pretorius became Commandant-General of the new republic formed there, the independence of which was acknowledged by the Sand River Convention of 1850. English rule had been re-established in the Sovereignty, but the latent spirit of rebellion among the farmers, troubles with the Basutos, who more than once defeated tlie troops sent against them, and the general desire in England to with- draw from all interference in affau's in the interior, led the Home Government in 1854 to " abandon and renounce all dominion and sovereignty over the Orange River Territory," and to giiarantee tlie future indeijendence of tlie Orange Free State. At this time, also, a liberal constitution was granted to the Cape. The change from an arbitrary to a rejire- sentative government was most gratifying to the colonists, but they were not altogether satisfied until, in 1872, they oljtained resjionsible government, and secured tlie full and free luanagement of their own affairs. Just before the grant of a free parliament, there occurred an event which brought the Cape into prominent notice at home. The Secretary of State proposed to make the Colony a penal station, but the people protested so strongly that, after a six months' struggle, the shij) Nep- tune, which had arrived with 300 convicts in Simon's Bay, was ordered to leave, and since tlien no similar attempt has been made. This violent anti-convict contest had scarcely ended, when Sir George Grey's policy of gradually increasing British control over the natives throughout Kaffirland caused Sandili and other chiefs to assume a defiant attitude. Aided by some Tembus and Hottentots, the Kosas commenced the eif/hth Kaffir tvcv) — the longest and most costly of all flie native wars of the Cape — by attacking a body of troops in the Boomah Pass, and massacring a number of settlers in the military villages of the Chumie Valley. The frontier districts were ravaged ; and so fierce a guerilla warfare was kept up in the Amatolas, that it took three years' hard fighting and an expenditure of three millions sterling to suppress it. It was while conveying troops to assist in this war that the steam transport Birkenliead stnick on a reef off Danger Point, and gave to the world that noble example of true heroism — four hundred British soldiers drawn up on deck as if on parade, and standing calmly, without a murmur, while the boats put off with the women and children and the sick people ; and then, just as the shiji sank, leaping into the sea, there to perish. The Kaffirs, however, were not really subdued ; and, in 1857, occurred the cattle-fctllinr/ ninnia — a gigantic impos- ture instigated by the crafty Gcaleka chief Kreli, who thus hoped to throw an irresistible mass of famishing and desperate natives across the border. Moved thereto by Kreli, a witch doctor named Umhlakaza, through the medium of his niece, Nongkause, iiro]ihesied "an approach- ing resurrection from the dead of all the old chiefs and their followers, who would unite with the tribes to drive the white men and the Fingoes out of the country, and restore the glory of the Amakosa nation." But to this end the tribesmen must utterly destroy their 'cattle and their corn. This they did, and, half mad with excitement and hunger, the Kosas waited ardently for the day of resurrection ; but in vain did their eager eyes scan the horizon, none of the predicted signs appeared. Fierce fury then gave place to mad despair, and the foolish people, now perfectly destitute, died of starvation and disease in thousands ; while the strong forces that had been posted along the frontier to check the expected torrent of warriors, aided rather than checked the invasion of the colony by a continuous stream of emaciated beings, who staggered round the farmhouses, begging in piteous tones for food, wliich was freely given. About 30,000 Kaffirs were thus scattered over the Colony ; about 2."),000 died, and large tracts of land became vacant, upon which the Governor located members of the disbanded Crimean Anglo-German Legion, who were soon afterwards joined by over 2,000 settlers from North Germany. By their industry ami thrift, British Kaffraria prosjiered exceed- ingly ; King A\'illiaiu's Town grew into an imiiortant town ; and, ui IMti'), the then .separate colony of which it was the capital was annexed to the Cape Colony. Since then the rest of the Transkeian territories, between the Kei and Natal, have been added to the Cape Colony, but more as dependencies than as integral jjortions like British Kaffraria and Griqualand West. Four tribes — the Poudos, Pondomisis, Tembus, and the Kosas— occu- 44 THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. pied this fine country two lumdred years ago, and their descendants still own the greater p;irt of it ; but other tribes — Fingoes, Griquas, &c. — have been located there by the Government at various times, and, as may be sup- posed, are heartily hated by the older tribes. For twenty years after the cattle-killing mania there was peace, but the jealousy between the Gcalekas, originally a section of the Pondo tribe, and the loyal Fingoes, brouglit about the ninth Kafir war. Bands of Kosas swept otf the Fingoes' cattle, and in February, 1878, the British camp at Kentani was charged by dense masses of warriors, who, however, were driven back. Kreli at once fled over the Bashee, and, some months later, Sandili was killed in action. Other clans rose against the Europeans in October, 1880, but were soon subdued. Pondoland, which was constantly convulsed with quarrels between rival clans, was the last portion of the Kaffir country to come under direct British authority. It was annexed to the Cape in 1894. Seve- ral islands along the coast, to the north of the Orange, also belong to the Cape, and in 1884, Wulfish Bay was formally annexed to the colony. With the exception of this bay, and a little tract of land round it, the whole of the vast territory of Namaqua-Damaraland, extending along the coast from the Orange to the Cunene, and in- land to the Kalahari and the upper Zambesi — a region of over 350,000 square miles in area, forms a German Protectorate. The Cape Government had long wished to take formal possession of this immense territory, but the procrastination of the Home authorities permitted Germany, on the slenderest pretext, to step in. To the great indignation of the Cape Colonists, who liad long regarded the country as practically one of their own de- pendencies, Germany, in 1884-6, extended her claims over the whole of the vast area that was then, in the eyes of international law, vacant. The Cape had only effec- tively occupied Waltish Bay, which is, however, practic- ally the only inlet and outlet for the trade of the country. Reverting now to Natal, we find that it remained a province of the Cape until 1856, but in tiiat year was formed into a distinct colony, under a Lieut.-Governor and a Legislative Council, a body in which the propor- tion of elective and non-elective members has been changed no less than six times, until, in 1893, responsible government was conceded to the colony. From the outset, the claims of the natives— in spite of the " earth hunger " of the Boer settlers— to lands which they either held or occupied were scrupulously respected ; with the result that, since the British occupation of the country, there has only been one serious trouble with the natives — the rebellion of Langalibalele,* which termin- ated in the banisliment of the chief and the breaking up of the Hlubi tribe. With this exception, the natives of Natal have been under British rule, as Lord Wolseley reported, "happy and prosperous, well-off in, and on the best of terms with the colonists." But for the sugar, arrowroot, and other growing industries on the coastlands, native laboui' could not be depended upon ; " Coolies," or labourers from India, were therefore • "The Great Sun which shines and burns.' introduced in 1860 ; and since then many thousands of Her Majesty's Indian subjects have settled down in the Colony, instead of returning home on the expiration of their contracts. Owing to the teeming native poi)ulatiou and the introduction of coolies, there has not been any considerable influx of Europeans since Byrne's crude and ill-managed emigration scheme attracted some 4,000 British emigrants into the colony in 1848-51. There are now about 50,000 whites, the same number of coolies, and half a million Kaffirs. When Natal was declared a distinct colony in 1856, serious troubles broke out in Ziiluland between King Panda's eldest son, Cetywayo, and his younger and apparently more favoured brother Umbalazi, which cul- minated in a terrible battle on the banks of the Tugcla, in which Umbalazi and thousands of his followers were killed. Cetywayo thereupon became the real ruler of the country, and in 1861 was publicly announced as the future king-. On the death of Panda in 1872, Cetywayo was in- stalled as king of the Zulu nation by Mr. Shepstone, who, with his escort, was everywhere welcomed by the natives. In the meantime, there had been almost continual disturbances in the Transvaal. President Burger's grandiose schemes for vivifying the Republic had come to nothuig beyond driving the Boers into latent revolt — some indeed trekked away across the terrible Thirstlaud into Benguela, their path marked by a line of graves — and rendering the natives defiant and indeed uncontroll- able. A campaign against the rebellious Bapedi, under their chief Sekukuui, turned out disastrous to the Dutch, who were also threatened by Cetywayo, who evidently wished to pose as a second Tshaka. Alarmed lest the excitement among the natives should spread and involve the colonies in danger, the British Government commissioned Sir TheophOus Shepstone to proceed to the Transvaal, and, if possible, to help the Boers out of their difficulties. He found the country in a state of anarchy, faith in the President gone, and his government defied ; the ])eople no longer willing to fight or to pay any taxes ; the natives triumphant, and the country liable at any moment to be oven'uu by the impis of Cetywayo. An " emergency " had arisen, so pressing indeed that, to save the country, Shepstone, on the 12th of AprU, 1877, proclaimed it Britisli territory, thereby transferring to the British the perplexing difficulties with the natives that had threatened to overwhelm the Dutch, and that taxed severely even our resources to overcome. At this time an able Indian administrator — Sir Bartle Frere— became tJovernor of the Cape and High Commis- sioner for South Africa. After suppressing a rebellion of the Gcalekas and Gaikas in Kaffirland, he turned his attention to the critical position of att'au-s in Natal and the Transviial. He found that Cetywayo had been allowed to develop the military system of the Zulus to an alarming extent. Sckukuni defied the British as he had the Dutch ; but Sir Garnet Wolseley subdued the tribe, and took the bold i-liicttain prisoner. The award in the Zulu-Dutch frontier dispute with Cetywayo was in favour of the Zulus, but tlie Zulu king's disposition was so hostile that, in December, 1878, along with the boundary award, an ultimatum was sent him— requu-ing THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. 45 him to disband his regiments and to give satisfactory assurances for the peace and quiet of his country. Cety- wayo refused, and on the 10th of January, 1878, tlie English army a<:lvanced unopposed into Zululand in tliree divisions. Ten days later the centre column, under Lord Chelmsford, encamped at the foot of Isandlwana — the hill of "the little hand;" but though there were waggons enough to form a laager, none was made, nor was a trench dug. At dawn, on the 22nd, part of the column marched to attack a kraal some miles distant, and whOe these troops were away, ten or eleven of Oetywayo's regiments, in all about 2.3,000 or 24,000 men, suddenly surrounded the camp, and massacred nearly 700 British soldiers and 130 colonists. Very few escaped. Lieutenants Melville and Coghill gallantly endeavoured to save the colours of the 24th regiment, but were both shot. The Zulus suffered severely ; three thousand of them were killed in the des- perate fight for life on the " Flodden " of Natal. About five o'clock on the same day, some 4,000 Zulus attacked the depot and hospital post at Korke's Drift, and, until four o'clock the next morning, the little garrison, behind a slender barrier of sacks of maize and of biscuit boxes, re- pulsed the fierce assaults of the Zvdus. This splendid defence no doubt saved Natal from a serious invasion. Lord Chelmsford encamped that night on the fatal field of Isandlwana, and then retreated into Natal. Strong rein- forcements soon arrived, and another advance was made ; and at Ulundi, on the 4th of July, Cetywayo's impis made their last stand. With magnificent courage the Zulu war- riors rushed on the British square, but were literally mown down by the terrible hail of bullets ; and, turning to retire, were charged by the British cavalry and dispersed, never again to rally. Cetywayo fled, but was soon cap- tured, and sent a prisoner to Cape Town. During the war, the hapless Prince Imperial of France, while out with a small reconnoitring party, was surprised and killed by a band of Zulus. Sir Garnet Wolseley par- celled out the country between thirteen kinglets, all of whom he placed under the control of a British Resident. This arrangement did not work well, and in 1883, Cety- wayo, who in the meantime had visited England, was restored to part of his former dominions. Another por- tion was formed into a " Reserve " for those who did not wish to be under the king, while a small territory was left to Sibepu, who shortly after attacked Cetywayo and forced him to take refuge in the Reserve, where he died, or some say was poisoned, the year following. The implacable Sibepu continued to fight Cetywayo's son and successor, Dinizulu, who called to his aid a number of Boer farmers, whom he rewarded with a large tract of land in Western Zululand, which was then formed into the " New Republic," and is now a part of the Trans- vaal. Siljepu was subdued, but disturbances continued, and in 1887 Zululand was formally annexed and declared a British Crown Colony. Dinizulu was naturally indig- nant, and headed a revolt against British authority, but was arrested, and, along with the other chiefs, exiled to St. Helena. Sir Marshall Clarke was appointed Resid- ent Commissioner in 1893, and his efl^orts will no doubt be crowned with the same success in Zululand as they have been in Basutoland. The close interdependence of events in Natal and Zulu- land has its counterpart in the still closer connection between the history of the Orange Free State and that of Basutoland. When British sovereignty over the Orange River territory was withdrawn, a small and scattered community of farmers was left to set up and maintain a government of its own, while, close by, a powerful and hostile native state had been created by the genius of the astute and sagacious Basuto chieftain, Moshesh, undoubtedly the ablest black ruler that South Africa baa ever produced. Secure in his impregnable mountain- fortress of Thaba Bossigo, Moshesh rallied round him the wretched remnants of the Bechuana tribes decimated by the savage impis of Tshaka, and by his clemency attached to him even those whom war and famine had caused to become cannibals. He knew how to change foes into friends ; and he put an end to the raids of the Matabeles by a most un-African proceeding. He wel- comed the missionaries, and "admired the white people," so long as they did not thwart his plans. He allowed some of the emigrant fiirmers to settle on Basuto territory — " they might remain for years if they liked." Under his wise and kindly rule, the Basutos increased so rapidly that they wanted more land, and Moshesh re-claimed the farms occupied by the Boers. " He had lent them the cow to milk ; they could use her, but they could not sell the cow." Thus originated an endless series of boundary disputes, which involved the Basutos in a long and bitter war with the Free State. The light horsemen of Moshesh ravaged the Free State farms and then retreated into their fortified caves and mountain strongholds. The farmers re- taliated as best they could. For ten years the fighting went on, but in March, 1868, just as the last Basuto stronghold was on the point of surrendering, Moshesh transferred the sovereignty of his country to the Queen. To the surprise and disgust of the Free State burghers. Sir Philip Wodehouse declared the Basutos British subjects, and sent an armed force to protect them. Peace was concluded in 1869, and, in 1871, Basutoland was annexed to the Cape. Nine years later, the Cape Government attempted to disarm the Basutos, but they resisted so strenuously that the colonial forces absolutely foUed to reduce them to submission. A disannexation Bill was therefore passed in 1883, and the year following, in com- pliance with the request of the Basutos themselves, the country was re-transferred to the Imperial Government, and has since been ruled by hereditary chiefs under the direction of a British administrator and magistrates. In the meantime the Free State had been progressing, slowly but surely, when in a corner of what Sir George Clerk had called a "howling wilderness," between the Modder and the Vaal, a discovery was made that created almost a revolution in South African aft'airs. The Dia- mond Fields attracted thousands of adventurers from all parts, and there was naturally much confusion and lawlessness. The Free State sent its officers to govern the district, but the Griqua captain AVaterboer and the South African Republic claimed the ground. The matter was submitted to arbitration, and as soon as the " Keate award," which was in favour of Waterbocr's claims, was issued, Sir Henry Barclay proclaimed the Griqua captain's 46 THE STORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. country a British dependency, ami fVirnied Griqualand West into a British Crown Colony. Tlie Free State, however, protested ; and, as it wa,s afterwards found that AVatcrboer had really no right to the territory, tiie British Government paid the republic £90,000 as a solatium, and offered £15,000 more to encourage the construction of railways in the country. For 20 years, however, the ox-waggon remamed the only means of transport ; but, in 1892, the main trunk line from Cape Town to Pretoria, which passes through the State, was opened, wliile branch lines connecting with Natal and the Eastern system of the Cape were also constructed. Griqualand West and the Diamond Fields, which thus justly belong to theFreeState, became, in 1880, an integral part of the Cape Colony. When the Transvaal was annexed in 1877, the President retired under protest, and there was considerable dissatis- faction among the Boers ; but as long as Sir Theophilus Shepstone, who was personally much liked by them, remained at the head of affairs, there was no open ojiposition to English rule. One deputation after another visited England to protest against the annexation, and to en<, -r-- ■ ToirAfct* !~ ^r' wi*-!^J^pvi'i.rvjA ^ViV^> '*{r^ a'J- " .'7' .'T'v^' Zr^Tfcf ««'' £a«vv.>- ni«tott^ agt Ji.i _ . THE Bll CO %■-■ -A 4.% George Pinl^ Ac SoaLondcm &1at«p ool i S 3 < CO '« ■» a a o 5^ •3 — _ ^ DC CO ■S U. «i I: f-l < s =1 I 1 ^ ■ ;;:^Z' — 4ir' ^ TIT-TV &U1!( t%«„^^'- <""•■; *2 J CAPE COLONY IN DIVISIONS with BASUTOLAND & THE ORANGE FREE STATE SCALE 1^4400 000. t72M-lLich.) Xa^l 24 of Greeawicli E 30 H George Fiulip & oonLondon ALiverpijiol I i *< z < ;- ^_^ o _l z 3 O M.M 1- J -1 /S al UJ 3 O NO LG b- n: >of OS' -3 < 1 -a .3 OLAN N CA S o ** i: a. 1- K 3 UI o o H < 2 o o :d < LU "IS O] o ^^ i en ^< Cfl 4^ •3 I I N V 1 i ^ -I CO -I Q. ? »5 J C Loa^ . West 28" of Greexm-idi D fDelagOtf ¥ ^^'' jeorge Fliilip & Son London i Liverpool 14 MATABELELAND AND MASHONALAND. v/^ BCALE-1 : 3.7M.000 (60 Miles = 1 Inch). English Miles. M N O 10 20 eo 80 loo I I British Possessions. I 1 German Possessions, I I Portuguese „ \ \ South African Republic, I I Proclamtfid GoU Fields George Pkilip ic-Son,Lon,d.onXjLiveTpocil, i 25* 30' SL EAST CENTRAL AFRICA Liu-ludillg BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA and ?iri"ASSALAJS^D. SCAI JgV^""« SaialibtU Tends (r:«.5a\ <»fc.Te..da <, : ;^„wli'*-a.^.,->- ?/isi^i;K2fe»i''' ,r^*"'"'"7t»S .■5 ) 5'4ii/iu.«indii*T''*' f^. i^on^ay "-* 8 ^J.O Wf ' (^i utt'p ,t.„ >- -J v * 'VWi. b '-^ tr< aV-„ ^.. d-tAuDII •*■- £",) S.V"v \^ ;-o 'r''^%1-^M.;C&^^z ' Sf a n c ,(&rf. S Ci /V S> >' *Hs-- jf ''""-"^ ..far ii/t s e| ^^^•sAe/r /kii^ ^' "f " B Lon^. Ea^t 30' of Greenwich. Nmdo fCtSf ,, x<,;,.,.ov,.vr .,,s,-;;sSt ,YAMwf Z t^V^^ni '""■' in)'."' 'Tuiul.,il/&'f'"9"ri „ -V / ■■■^"■■■TA'''''^''™'' .''■'''^« ''°"S"n,<^'''""'v-'-. all*' baqasa ^ ^ i3f^ Ca-ble P3 ,U-«ifl (?uw ffa/jp PAWSti 1 .Yro?!: ■ \ ■-- - / ^ !>£" a , Chajinel <^W' -J^^^gUopi ^''' 'C,/'^'" °~^i°fcS^', ■'^'''''''wa /i ^Z-Sy-O^""^ , '^'i-^"' F>adirXir"-^-^_j.W'!!S!''"''^''.' . I^Sau^A Maniu:') I. ^/^Kis^r^e ffarb. »v- ^/ »vm<^ o -'iSanBCAn' ,iltvanibi ov Femb& B. \Saji^on(i B. \ yfcnilta B. iVasasitu^ B\ iFex'ntuido Pkloso I KsiniRJuhi BT '^ncia if. ^ At " ^> .hian deNmml," ^. x.>;>T^ "<«o 4«^, ',??- George Philip it Sori London VLi^erpunl % INDEX. ABBREVIATIONS. B. = Bay. Bas. = Basutoland. B.C. A. = British Central Africa. Bech. = Bechuanaland. C. = Cape. C.C. = Cape Colony. C.F.S. = Congo Free State. Co. = County. Dist. = District. Div. = Division. E. = East. Fn. = Fontein. Ft. = Fort. Gaz. = Gazaland. G.E.A. = German Bast Africa. G. F. = Gold Field. Grt. = Great. G.S.W.A. = German South- West Africa. Harb. = Harbour. Hd. = Head. T. = Island, li. = Islands. June. = Junction. Kr. = Kraal. L. = Lake. Lit. = Little. Mad. = Madagascar. Mash. = Mashonaland. Mat. = Matabeleland. Jit. = Mount or Mountain. Mts. = Mountains. N. = North. Nat. = Natal. Ny. = Nyasaland. N.Z. = Northern Zambesia. O.F.S. = Orange Free State. F.E.A. = Portuguese East Africa. Pk. = Peak. Pks. = Peaks. Ft. = Point. P.W.A. = Portuguese West Africa. R. = River. Rk. = Rock. Rks. = Rocks. S. = South. S.A. = South Africa. S.A.R. = South African Republic. S.E.A. = South-East Africa. Spr. = Spruit. Sta. = Station. S.W. = South-West. Sw. = Swaziland. S.W. A. = South-West Africa. S.Z. = Southern Zambesia. Tong. = Tongaland. Tr. = Tribe. W. = West. W.A. = West Africa. Zul. = Zululand. AAPIES BERSHEBA AAPIES R., S.A.R Aaavogel Berg.The.C.C. Aasvogel Pt., C.C Aba-bumpi, S.Z Abbntsdale, C.C Abelskop, The, C.C Aberconi, li.C.A Aberdeen (Aberdeen), C.C Aberdeen( Victoria), C.C. Aberdeen RoadSta.,C.C. A biam, G.S.W.A Abotak, G.S.W.A Abotle, N.Z Achte lloggeveld, The, C.C Ada, S.A.R Adams, Nat Adarashoop, C.C Addo Heiehts, C.C Adelaide, C.C Adendorp, C.C Africa, Brit. Cent., C.A. Africa, German South- West, S.A ... Africa, Portuguese East, E.A African Republic, South, S.A Agatha, S.A.R Agatha, Old, S.A.R Agulhas, Cape, C.C Abilombe, C.F.S Ahinibe, Lake, C.F.S. .. Aiais, G..S.W.A Aikams, C.C Aikhoas, G.S.W.A Aintas R., Bech AjawaTr., P.E.A Akananga, C.F.S Akumiaka, }'.E.A Akumtunda, P.E.A Albany, diat., C.C Albasini, S.A.R Albert, Nat Albert, dist., C.C Albert Edward, Fort, S.A.R Albert, P'ort, S.A.R Albert, Fort, Zul Albertina, O.F.S Albert Silver Mine, S.A.R Alcock, S.A.R Alexandra, Nat Alexandra, S.A.R Alexandra, co., Nat Alexandria, C.C Alexandria, dist., C.C. .. Alfred, co., Nat Alfred, Port, C.C AlgoaBay, C.C Alice, C.C Alicedale, C.C Aliwal North, C.C Aliwal North, dist., C.C. Aliwal South, C.C Allenholni, Nat Allison, S.A.R All Saints, C.C Amabe, P.E.A Dd 13 Eg S ])g a Ch i,^ Cf 8 Fc 8 Ec s De g Fe De u Ba 7 Ab 7 Be 16 Ed S Fd 1.1 De 10 Eb 7 Ef 9 Fe 8 De fl Dd 3 Bf 3 Dc 16 Be IX Fb 13 Fb 13 Dk 8 Ab Ifi Bb 16 A a 7 Ab 7 Aa 7 Ca 7 Dc 16 Ac 16 Cd 16 Dc 16 Ft 9 Db n Dd 10 Ed 9 Dc 10 Dc 12 Ec lU Cc 10 Dd 13 D.l n Dd 4 Go 13 De 10 Ff 9 Ef 9 Ce 10 Ff 9 Ef 9 Fe 11 Ef 9 Fc 9 Fc 9 Ag 9 Dc 10 Dd 1?. Bf 10 Dd 10 Amadab, G.S.W.A. ... Ainaduma Tr., Mash. .. AmaKotoTi-.,C.C Amahlongwa, Nat. ... Amajuba Hill, Nat Amakiba, P.E.A Amalieiistein, C.C Araantlelboom, C.C Amanzamyama R., Nat. Amararaba Lake, P.E.A. Amaa, G.S.W.A Ainasan^o, C.C Amasimda, Rand, S.A.R, Araatikulu, Zul Ainatota Mts.. C.C Ainatongalaiul, E.A. Ambontlro, Mad Ambo R., S.Z , , Amersfoort, S.A.R Ampami, G.S.W.A Anigainros, G.S.W.A. .. Araiel, Fort, Nat Amina R., C.C Amis, C.C Arakhous, G.S.W.A AmmaR., Tk., C.C Amos Poort, C. C Amos R., C.C Ampala, C.F.S Amsterdam, S.A.R Amutuni, Great, G.S.W.A Ainwell. S.A.R Anahapia, P. E.A Ancuse, P.E.A Aiulara, G.S.W.A Anderson Berg, S.A.R... Anderson, Fort, Ny Andersson Vlei, Bech. . . Andrada, P.E.A Angola, C.F.S Angosh Is. , P. E. A Angosh. R., P.E.A Angra Pequena, G.S.W.A Aninua, C.C Anis, G.S.W.A Anne's Villa, C.C Anoeriigas, Bech Ansuri. C.F.S Antonies Berg, C.C Antonio R., P.E.A Anya Berg, C.C Apies R., S.A.R Arahaap R., Tk., C.C. .- Arawis Berg, C.C Arcona, S.A.R Arguis, C.C Arian, Bech Arimba Point. P.E.A. . . Aroroams, G.S.W.A Arugoams, G.S.W.A. .. Arundel, C.C Ashton. C.C Assegaai R., Sw AtchewaTr., B.C.A .... Atlantic Ocean. The, S.W.A Atys, G.S.W.A Aub, G.S.W.A AubR., G.S.W.A Auckland Park, S.A.R. Audanoup R , Cc M Db 15 Bil Ifi Db 15 Bd S Cc 15 Gd 13 Ao 10 Ed 7 Af 10 Da 9 Ca 9 Ed 9 Baroka Tr., S.A.R Barolong Tr., Bech BarotseTr., B.C.A Barracouta, Cape, C.C. Barracuta Point, P.E.A. Barren Karroo, The, C.C. Barroe, C.C Barrow, South, Nat Barrydale, C.C Barue Tr., P.E.A Barwari Tr., Bech BasarutoL, P.E.A BasengaTr., P.E.A Bashee R., C.C Basbluis Fontein, C.C... Bashona Tr., Bech Bashubia Tr., G.S.W.A. Basoetia Tr., S.A.R Basson, S.A.R Basutoland, S.A Bathurst, C.C Bathville, S.A.R Batlaros, Bech Batlaro Ti-., Bech Batlokoa, S.A.R Batoka Tr., B.C.A BatokaTr., E.A Batonga Tr. , B. C. A Batowana Tr., Bech Batunda, B.C.A Baviaanskloof .Mts., C.C. Baviaanskloof R., C.C. . . Baviaans It., C.C BavienoTr., G.S.W.A. .. Bawe, B.C.A B.aweTr., B.C.A Bayzeia, C.C " izilulu Tr., S.Z Baziya, C.C Beaconsfleld, C.C Beaufort, Fort, C.C Beaufort, Port, C.C Beaufort, West, C.C. .. . Bechuanaland, S.A Bedford, C.C Beenbreek, C.C Beerseba, O. F.S Beerseba, S.A.R Beer Vlei, C.C Beest Bers, The, C.C. .. Beira, P.E.A Beira Railway, The, P.E.A Belela.s Berg, The, S.A.R. l!i-lf;iuni, New, S.A.R. .. liflinnnt, C.C Bell, C.C Belleview. S.A.R Bellevue, S.A.R Bellows Rock, C.C Belmont, C.C Belvidere, C.C Bemba, Lake, C.A Bembe, Lake, C.F.S Bembe, R., P.E.A rninbesi, R., Mat K.nnttsville, C.C LensHiivide, C.C Berea, Bas Bereng, Bas Bergendal, S.A.R Berg, R., O.F.S Berg, K., Great, C.C. .. Berlin, C.C Bersheba, G.S.W.A Db Be Be Eg Ed Cc Df De Ef Cd Be Ff Cd Bf Be Ba Ab Db Fa Ad Fl Be Be Db Bd Cd Bb Ad Ac Cf Cf Ee Ba Cb Bd Bf Bd Gc Da Fe Eg Be Bb Ee Da Fc Cd Cc Cc Db Db Eb Gf Cg Db Bg Be Bb Eb Cc Cf Ge Ad Ad Fd Db Ce Ge Bg 12 4 16 8 16 8 9 10 8 10 4 3 10 10 7 4 15 12 7 10 9 13A 4 4 12 16 16 15 15 16 9 9 9 4 15 16 10 16 7 9 9 8 9 4 9 8 7 13 9 7 3a 3a 10 13 7 9 13A 13a 8 9 9 16 10 12 15 BERTRAM liertram, S.A.R I.Sa Keshuit Kuil, S.A.R. ... Db 12 Besler, O.F.S Ga 7 Bethanie, O.F.S Fb Hethanie, S.A.R Cd 18 Bethany, G.S.W. A. ... Bg 3 Bethel, C.C Be S Bethel, S.A.R Ee 13 Bethelsciorp, C.C Ef 9 Bethesda, Bas Ae Eb 111 Bethesda, S.A.R 13 Bethesila, New, C.C Dd 9 Bethlehem, O.F.S Be 10 Bethulie, O.F.S Ec 9 Beyers Berg, The, C.C. . Bd 9 Bezondernieid, C.C Ab 7 Beziiidenhout, S.A.R. .. Ga 7 Bezuidenville, .S.A.R. .. l.'lA Biddulphs BerfT. O.F.S. Ac 10 Biedouw, The, C.C Ce 8 Biejespoort, C.C Bd 9 Bier Spruit, S.A.R Hd 13 Biggarsberg, The, Nat. . . Cc 10 ISiuibi, Ny Dc Ifi Birdls., C.C F(' Bire, Mash Fl, 1.-. Biribesi, P.E.A Ec IB Birthday, S.A.R Fb 13 Bisimiti R., P.E.A 3 A Bismarck, Mt., Mash. . . Fb l.T Bisombo, R, B.C.A Co l(i Bitter Puits, C.C Db K Bitter R., C.C Be S Bitters Fonteins, C.C. .. Be Blaasbalg Spruit, O.F.S. Fc 9 Blaauwbank, Nat Cc 10 Blaauw Berg, The, S.A.R Db 13 Bliuiuwbosch Fontein, C.C Db Blaauwheuvel, O.F.S. .. Ec 9 Blaauwkop, The, C.C. .. Cb 9 Blackburn, Nat Ed Fb 10 13 Black Hills. S.A.R Jilack Kei R., C.C Fe 9 Black Umvolosi R., Zul. Ec 10 Blanco, C.C Bf Blaney Junction, C.C. . . Ge 9 Blankomo Mts.,C.C Be 10 Blautyre, Nv Fe t Blauw Bosh Kalk, Bech Cb Ea 7 Blesbok, S.A.R Blesbok R,(Hei(lelberg), S.A.H De 13 Blesbok R.(Standerton), S.A.R Ee 13 Blignanfs Pont, O.F.S. Ea 9 lilikfontein, C.C Ea Jilinkklip, C.C Db 7 Bloe.l R., S.A.R Eb 13 l!,G.S.W.A. Ba 7 Blocmfontein, O.F.S. .. Fb 9 Bloeudiof, S.A.R Ea 7 Blond R., C.C Df .s Blood R.,S.A Dd 1» Blood River Sta., C.C. . . Ff 8 Blue Kop, The, C.C. ... Bf 9 Blyde Berg, The, C.C. .. Cf ') Blyde I!., S.A.R Fc 13 lilydewerwacht, G.SW.A Bb 7 BIytheswond, C.C Bg 10 Be Bb 15 T1 Boatlanama, Bech Bobo, Ny Dd Ifi Bobos, S.Z Fd lli Bochlapuka, Bech Bb 1?. Boden.stein, S.A.R Fa 7 Bodiani, C.C Gf 9 Boer Pont, Bech De IS lioetsap, C.C Ea 7 Bohunje, 1!., N.Z Be Ifi Bokkeberg, The. C.C. .. Bokkeveld Bergen, C.C. Cii 7 Dd S Bokkeveld, Cold, C.C. .. I>e 8 Bokkeveld Flats, C.C. .. Cd S Dd .s Bokkeveld Mts., Cold, C.C De S Bokkeveld, "Warm, C.C. Df S Bokkeveld, The, C.C. .. Bd Bok Point, C.C Cf 8 Bok,sburg, S.A.R De 13 Bolebeng, Bech Art l.i Bolengue Gor^e, B.C.A. Boliteletse, Bech Da I.S Be 4 Kolo, C.C Fd JSolotwa, C.C Gd 9 Bombai, P.E.A He 13 Bonmiingani, Bech Cf 4 Bomvanaland, C.C Bk 10 Bomvana Tribe, C.C Gd 7 Bondlezwarts Territory, G.S.W.A Bb 7 Bonga, P.E.A Cd Ifi Bontebok, C.C Fe p Bb Dc 8 12 Booi-en, S.A.H INDEX. CLIFTON Boomplaats, C.C Boroma, P.E.A Borrels Kopje, C.C. .. . Boschjes Pan, C.C. . . . Boschluis, C.C Bosch R..C.C Boshof, C.C Boshof, O.F.S Boshof (Heidelberg), S.A.R Boshof (Watersberg), S.A.R BosiR., P.E.A Bosjes Pan, C.C Bosworth, C.C Boterkloof, C.C Boterlegte.C.C Botha (Middelburg), S.A.IJ Botha (Pretoria), S.A.R. Botha (Zoutpansberg), S.A.R Botha (Zoutp.ansberg), S.A.R Botha Berg, The, S.A.R. Botharnia, S..A. \i Bothasberg. The, O.F.S. Hotlias Drift, O.F.S... . Botha's Hill, town, C.C. Botha's Pass, S.A Botletii, R., Bech Bot, K., C.C Botshabelo, S.A.R. ... Bowan, P.E.A Bowker, Fort, C.C Brabis, C.C Brackenbury, C.C Brack Pans, Bech Brack R., S.A.R Brakfontein (Carnar- von), C.C Brakfontein (Victoria •West), C.C BrakjesPan, C.C Brakpan, .S.A.R Brak, R. (Little Bush- man Land), C.C Brak, H. (Little Nama- land). C.C Brak. R. (Richmond), C.C Brak, R. (Somerset E.ast), C.C Brak, R., S.A.R Brak, R. (Swellendam), C.C Brak, R. (Vanrhyns- dorp), C.C Brak, R. (Worcester), C C Brait, R., Great, C.C. ^ Brak, It., Little, C.C. . Brak Spruit, S.A.R. .. Brak Valley, C.C Brandewys Gat, C.C. .. Brandfort, O.F.S Brand, R., C.C Brand Vlei, C.C Brandvley, S.A.R Brandwacht, C.C Braunschweig, C.C Brazen Head, C.C Bredasdorp, C. C Breede, R., C.C Breede R. Station, C.C. Breidbach, C.C Breidenbach, S.A.R. Breip.aal, O.F.S Bremersdorp, .Sw BreyPaal, C.C Briedenhaud, S.A.R Brink (Uustetiburg), S.A.R Brink (Watersberg), S.A.R Britanni.a Reef, C.C British Central Africa . . Britstown, C.C Broiikhorst .Spruit, S.A.R Brown, Fort, C.C Bruint.jes Hoogte, C.C. . . Bruintjes Hoogte, Klein, C.C BrulKolk, C.C BuaR., Ny BubiR., M,it BubyeR.,Mat liuckingham. Fort, Nat. Buck Kr.aal, C.C Bvdfalo R., G.S.W.A. .. ISulialoR., .S.A Bullalo R. (East Lon- don), C.C Buffalo R. (.Murrays- burg), C.C BufFel li., C.C Hultel R., S.A.R Buffels Hoek, C.C. . . Eb Cd Da Cb Db De Eb Ea Dc Cd Fd Db Dd Dd Fc Dc Cc Cb Db Bd Bf Cb Ec Ff Cb Bd Dg Cc He liR Cb Ba Ca Ea Fa Cd Cb De Cb Ad Ce Ee Cb Ef Bd Df Fd Fd Ae Cd Be Fb Ff Ec Cc Ed Ge Cf Eg Eg Df Ge Dd Fc Ge Cb Ea Be Cc Be Be Be Dd Ff Ee Ef Bb Cc Co Ed Dc Ff Aa Db Ah Cd Cd Fe Ee Buffels R. (Namaqua- IB land), C.C 9 Buffels R. (Sutherland), C C •S Butieis River Mine, C.C. 8 Buila Hills, B.C.A. ... Hukotabela K.and, Bas. Bulberg, O.F.S Bullfontein, C.C Bull Point, C.C Bull R., C.C 12 Bultfontein, CC 15 Bultfontein, O.F.S. ... Buluwayo, Mat 9 Hulwer, Nat 8 Bumbawu, P.E.A 8 Bunibi, B.C.A Hume 1{., S.Z 12 Bungane, Tong 12 Bunkeya, C.F..S Buntingville, C.C Huntingville, Old, C.C. . Burgers, S.A.R liurgers. Fort, S.A.R. . Burgers Hall, S.A.R. . Burghersdorp, C.C. . . . Bushman Land, Great, C.C Bushman Land, Little, C.C Bushman R., C.C Bushman R., Nat. Bushman R. Pass, S.A. Bushman's Kop, O.F.S. Busliman's Nek, Nat. . Bushveld, The, S.A.R. . Butha Buthe, Bas Butlers, Nat Butterworth, C.C Byrne, Nat c Cacadu, C.C Cahimbe I. (R. Zambesi) Cahiumba, C.F.S Caiongo I. (R. Zambesi) Cala, C.C Caledon, C.C Caledon R., S.A Caledon R., Great, Bas. Caledon R., Little, O.F.S Caledon River, dist., O.F.S Calitzdorp, C.C Calvinia, C.C Cambridge, C.C Cambridge, Fort, S. A . R. Camdeboo Mt., C.C. ... Caradeboo R., C.C Camniadagga, C.C Campbell, C.C Camperdown, Nat Cana, Bas Canarie Fontein, C.C. .. Cancaco, C.F.S t^andebob Berg, The, C.C. Cango Berg, The, C.C. Cango Caves, The, C.C. Canpueje, C.F..S Canungo, C.F.S Capac.a Melemo, C.F.S. Cape Colony, .S.A Cape, dist., (3. C Cape Town, C.C Cape Town (plan of), C.C. Capo Capo, P.E.A C.apoco, C.F.S Carmel, O.F.S Carnarvon, C.C Carolina, S.A.R Casamba, t'.F.S Casova, P.E.A Cassa, C.F.S Cassoko I. (R. Zambesi) CastiKO,P.E.A C.astilhopolis, S.A.R. .. Castle, Cape, C.C Ca^^uarina I., P.E.A Cathoart, C.C Cathkin Peak, Nat Cedar Berg, The, C.C. .. Cedar Mts., C.C Cedarville, C.C Centocow, Nat Central Africa, British. . Central K.arroo.The, C.C. Ceres, C.C Ceres Sta., C.C. .. Chabuela, Ny Chagos, C.C Chakane, Bech Chalumna R., C.C Chama, B.C.A Chama, C.F.S 4 Ab Ee Bb Cb Be Fb Bb Ce De Da Fb Dd Cd Cc Db Ed Dd Bf Cf Dc Fc Dc Fc Db Cb 8 fr 9 Cd UJ Cd 10 Fb 9 Gb 7 Cd 13 Be 10 Dd 10 Bg 10 Dd 10 Ed Ac Gb Ac Dc Dd Cd Ea Gd 9 Fb 15 Be Ifi Fa 15 Af 10 1>K f Be IC Gb 7 Be 10 Fb 9 Ff fl Dd 8 Ag 10 Dc 4 Ce 9 D« 9 Ef 9 Ca 9 Dd 10 Art 10 Ac 7 Ac Ifi Drt 7 Ff 8 Df 9 Ah 16 Be 10 Ac IB Cc 7 Cg 8 Cf 8 11 Frt 15 Ab Ifi Fc 7 Be 9 Fe 13 Ab Ifi Db 4 Ab 16 Dh 15 Dil 111 Kc 12 He 8 Dd IB Ge 9 Cd 10 Bd 7 Do 8 He 111 (^d 10 Be 16 Co 9 Df 8 Df 8 Ce 16 Eb 7 Ce 15 Gf 9 Bb Ifi Be IB Chambezi R., B.C.A. . Chamnb, W., G.S.W.A. Champagne Castle, S.A. Cham. W., G.S.W.A... Chanswari Hills, P.E.A 15 Chaoni, Ny 10 Ch,apetoane, Bech 9 ChariChari Hill, P.E.A 9 Charlestown, Nat Eg 7 Charlestown, Nat Cb 9 Charlestown, S.A.R Gd 9 Ch.arley, Tati Cd 7 Charlton, C.C Ed 15 Charo, Bech Ac 10 Charter, .Mash E c 3a Chasa, B.C.A Cc 16 Chasaya, B.C.A Cc 15 Chasunda, Ny .-.. Cc 12 Chafer, Fort, Zul Ec 3 Chelmsford, Fort, Zlll. . . E c 10 Chelsea Point, C.C. ... Eg 10 Chiafunga, B.C.A Cc 12 Chibanda, B.C.A Cc 13 Chibeyu, iMash Ec 12 Chibinga, P.E.A Cd 9 Chibonga's, Mash Fb Chibula, C.F.S Ab Chibwe, B.C.A Cb Chicari, P.E.A Fc Chicombo, Mash Cd Chicova, P.E.A Fa Chicova Plain, P.E.A. .. Fa Chicualla Cualla, P.E.A. G a Chicundo, S.A.R Db Chigaragara, Ny Cc ChiliaR., S.A.R Ga Chihombo, Mash Fb Chikaronga F,all (R. Zambesi) Cd Chikole, .Mash Fb Chikonta. M., Ny Cc Chikosi, B.C.A Bb Chikumbi, B.C.A Be Chileo, C.F.S Ab Chilo.ane, P.E.A Ff, P.E.A Dd Chimanga's, Mash - IC b Chimbimbe, Ny C c Chimoio, P.E.A Fc Chimsaka, P.E.A Dc Chinama, B.C.A Cc Chiuanga, Ny Cc Chinde, P.E.A Fe Chingwayo. S.A.R Dd Chinoni, Mt., P.E.A Chinsuni, Ny Dd Chipalla, B.C.A Bb Chipatula, Ny , Cc Chipojola, P.E.A Dc Chiponga, B.C.A Da Chir.apela, Mt Bd Chiromo, Ny Fo Chirowe, B.C.A Cc Chiiuvu Hill, P.E.A Fc Chiruvu Sta., P.E.A Chisaka, dist., P.E.A. .. Cc Ciiisamena Mt., B.C.A. Bd Chisiunguli, Ny Cc Chitanga. Mat Ed Chitembo, B.C.A Ed Chitcsi. P.E.A Cc Chitimba, B.C.A Cb Chitokoka, P.E.A C c ChitoraR., P.E.A , Fc Chitunda, Ny Co Chiwagulu, P.E.A Dc Chiwanga, P.E.A Dd Chiwara. P.E.A Dc Chiwi.a, Ny Cc Chiwiyi, Nv Cc Chobe, R.,.S.W.A Ce Choebitu, G.S.W.A. ... Ab Chonguc, R., B.C.A Bd Chopo, Bech Da Chorumane, B.C.A Bd Chorumbane, B.C.A... ., Da Chosi, R., Ny Cb ChrLssie, Lake, S.A.R. .. Fo Chri.^tiana, .S.A.R E a (Miristiania Bay, C.C. .. De Chuaka, P.E.A Ea Chuane Pits, Bech Bb Chunibi, P.E.A Cc Chunes R., S.A.R Ec Chungu, B.C.A Cb Churfde Berg, Bech Be Chuzu's, Mash Cd Chwapong, S.A.R C b Cio, C.F.S Ac Clanwilliam, C.C Ce Claremont, C.C Cf Clarkebury, C.C B f Cl.arkson, C.C Dg Clearwater. C.C A e Cliff Pt. (Little Nama- qualand), C.C. Ac Cliff Pt. (Vanrhyusdorp), C.C Cd Clifton (Bedford), C.C. . . F e 4 16 16 15 15 3 10 13 15 9 15 15 IB 16 16 10 10 9 16 IB 15 IB 15 10 10 16 IB 15 15 13 4 16 13 15 16 15 16 16 16 16 3 IB 15 in IS 18 16 16 3 12 3* 16 16 10 16 15 16 3 10 15 3A 16 10 16 15 3 16 16 16 16 16 IB 16 16 16 16 3 4 16 7 16 16 16 13 7 7 15 4 16 13 16 4 10 12 16 10 10 CLIFTO^ INDEX. FURUMANA Clifton (Fort Beaufort), C.C Cloetes Tafel, The, C.C. Clumber. C.C Clytlesdale, C.C Coitus l.ouws 11., C.C. .. Cockscomb Rlt., C.C CoegaR., C.C Coelzee (Bloemhof), S.A.K Coelzee (Lydeiiburg), S.A.K Coernay R. , C.C Coetze,S.A.R Cogman's Kloof, C.C. .. Colatto, Cape, P.E.A. .. Colchester, O.V Coiil Bokkeveld, The, C.C Colilstream, Nat Coldstream, S.A.R, Nat Coleiiberg, C.C Colosa, C.C Combruik, C.C Couimadagga, C.C Comiiiaiulo Drift, O.r.8. Commando, R., O.F.S. .. Comraissioiiers .Salt Pan, C.C : Comoro I., G. A Compass Berg, The, C.C. Concession Hill, Mash. . Concordia Mine, C.C. . Conducia Bay, P.E.A. ., Cone Point, Zul Conference Hill, S.A.R. Ct)nfunvaba, C.C , Constable, C.C (Content, C.C Conway, C.C Cookhouse, C.C Coopersdal, S.A.R. ... Cornells, R., O.F.S. ... Corrientes, Cape, P.E.A Cove Rock, C.C Covie,C.C Cradock, C.C Cradock Fontein, C.C. .. Cradock, Foit, Zul. .. . Crocodile R., S.A Crocodile R., S.A.R Cromwell, Mt., S.Z Cronje, S.A.R Cross, Cape, G.S.W.A. ., Crown I., P.E.A Cuando, R., P.W.A Cunningham, C.C (■anyana, P.E.A Currie. Mt., C.C (Jurtis, Fort, Zul Cutagandas, C.F.S (■yphergat, C.C Cypress (Jrove, C.C D Dabegabis, G.S.W.A. Dabeias, G.S.W.A Dabe, The, C.C Dadelfontein, S.A.R. . . Dahne, C.C Daimus, G.S.W.A Dainge, P.E.A Daka, ISecli Daka, R., Becli Damaraland, G.S.W.A. Daiiibe, Mash Dallile R., S.Z J)aiiKei J*oint, C.C Daniels Kuil, C.C Daniihauser, Nat Darile Beigen.The, S.A.R Dargle Road Sta., Nat. . . Darika, P.W.A Darkton, Sw Darting, C.C Darwin G. F., Mt., Mash, D.issen, C.C Das.senberg, C.C Dassen I. , C C, O.F.S Dawigiiab, G.S.W.A De Aar Junction, C.C. . , De Deer, O.F.S De Beers, C.C De Beers, O.F.S De Beers Vlei, C.C Debing, Bech Deboaganl;a. S.A.R Debra, G.S.W.A DeGoupli, C.C De Jager, S.A.R DeKaapG. F., S.A.R.. De Kloof, C.C. De Kruis (Carnarvon), C.C Fe Ee Ff Ce Pe Df Et Ea Dc Ef Dd Ef Dc Ef De Cb Kf Cc Ec l'.K Eb Ed Fa Cb Ee Gd Dd Ec Bb Ec Fc Db Ge Ef Da Ed Ee Dc Cb Ff Ah Cf Ee Ef Ed Db Fd B(l Fa Af Dd Ba Bg Db Co Ec Ac Fd Ed Bb Ac Ca Fb Cie lib Fb Be Cc A a Eb Cb «« Ca Db Ea Dd Ba Ge Ct Eb Cf Bd Bf Db Ba Cc Db Eb Eb Cf Da Be Ab Bd Ga Fd Db Fb De Kruis (Fraserbxn-g), C.C Delagoa Bay, P.E.A Dela, R., B.C.A Delgado, Cape, P.E.A. .. Delportshope, C.C Denikane, S.Z De Pat, O.F.S Dephiring, Bas Derby, S.A.R DerdePoort, S.A.R De Riet, C.C Deseada, C;ipe, C.C De Tuin, C.C Deuka, P.E.A Devil's Kanlor, S.A.R. . . Devule R., Mash Dewetsdorp, O.F.S Didema, Mt., C.C Diko's, C.C Dilolo, Lake, B.C.A Dinah, Fort, C.F.S Dinizulu Tribe, Zul Dipetung Nek, Bas DipuiHo, C.F.S Disselsdorp, C.C Diu, P.E.A Djelele, R., S.A.R Doe Mt., Mash Dombe Berg, The, S.A.R. Domodhlomo, S.A.R. .. Domoe Mt., P.E.A Donald, Fort, C.C Doiikin Bay, C.C Doom Bergen, The, C.C. Doornbosch, C.C Doornfontein, Bech. . . . Doornkop, The, S.A.I!.. Doom It. (Clanwilliam), C.C Doom R. (Jansenville), C.C Doom R., Karroo, C.C. Doom R., Zwart, C.C. . Dooms, C.C Doom Spruit, C.C Dora, Lake, P.E.A. ... Dordrecht, C.C Dorokarra, Bech Dorps R., S.A.R Dorunyangi R., Mash. . Dcsofu. C.F.S Double Mts., Bas Douglas, C.C Dover. C.C Draai Fontein, C.C. .. . Draaikraals R., C.C. ... Drabi, C.C Drakensberg, The, S.A. Drakensberg, The, S.A.R. Drakenstein Mts., C.C, Drennan Sta., C.C. . . Dreyer, S.A.R Driefnntein (Boshof), O.F.S Driefontein,(Kroonstaoamedi K., S.A.R.. Enifulweni, Zul Enifuiuiisweni, C.C Eniigratie, S.A.R EniUaiiduli, C.C Knii>;in,^;\viMtL*, Zul Emperor William's Gold Field, Mash iMuniaus, Nat I'lniniaus, O.F.S l'".ncobo, C.C Kiulyane, ISLat Edgelbrecht (Potchef- strooni), S.A.R Engelbrecht (Pretoria), S.A.R Engels Berg, The, S.A.R, English Drift, C.C EnjslishR., P.E.A Enjanyana, C.C Ell Kokerboom, C-C Enon, C.C Entemba, Mat Entonjaneni, dist., Zul. I'^ntumeni, Zul Epedendron I., P.E.A... Erasmus (Koshof), O.F.S. Erasmus (Ileilbron), O.F.S Erasmus (Potchef- stroom), S.A.R Erasmus (Pretoria), S.A.R. Erasmus (Wakker- stroom), S.A-R Erasmus, Kort, S.A.R. F2rmelo, S.A.R Eshowe, Zul Estcourt, Nat Esterhuise, .S.A.R Eugenie, Zul Eureka City, S.A.R. .. Evansdale, Nat Evelyn, Fort, .S.A.R.... "zel Berg, The, C.C. . . , Ezels Fontein, C.C. . . , F Faigoni, Tong. ... Fairfield, C.C False Bay, C.C. ... False Bay, Zul. ... Fannings Mine, C.C. Faraday, S.A.R. .. . Fauresmith, O.F.S. Ho Cc Dd Eb Dd Be Cc Be Cg Dd Dc Dd Dc Bb Dc Eb Fe Db De Cc De De Ec Ff Bb Fd Dd Cd, Fd Ef Ce Hb Cd Ab Dg De Ef Fb Bg Be De Be Ge Gd Dc Ce Dd Bf Ec Fb Cc Eb Bf Ca Bd Cc Bd Db Ec Bf Be Ef Dd Ec Ec Dd Eb Df Be Dd Ga Dd Fe Ec Cd Cd Fc Gd Dc Ec Cb Ec Dc Fg Cg Fb Ba l''b Eb Fernando Veloso Bay, P.E.A Fern Hill Sta., Nat Ferreira, S.A.K , Ficksburg, O.F.S Fife, B.C.A Finga, Ny Fingoes, The, C.C Fingo Tribe, C.C Fish Bay, C.C Fishgat, C.C Fishla Bantu, P.E.A. .. Fish Point, C.C Fish R., C.C Fish K., Great, C.C Fish R., Great, G.S.W.A. FishR., Little, C.C Fish River Sta, C.C F'itzwilliani, Cape,P.E.A. Flat Point, C.C Flesh Bay, C.C Fletcher, F^ort, C.C Florence Bay, N y Florey, S.A.R FogoL, P.E.A Fokoti, Tong Fontesvilla, P. IC.A Forbes Reef, S.W Fordsburg, S.A.R Fordyce, Fort, C.C F'orest Hall, C.C Fort Abercorn, B.C.A. . Foi-t Albert, Zul Fort A miel , Nat Fort Anderson, Ny Fort Ayliff, C.C Fort Beaufort, C.C. Fort Bowker, C.C Fort Brown, C.C Fort Buckingham, Nat. F'ort Cambridge, S.A.R. Fort Charter, Mash. Fort Charter, Zul Fort Chelmsford, Zul. . Fort Cradock, Zul I-'ort Curtis, Zul Fort Dinah, C.F.S Fort Donald, C.C Fort Evelyn, S.A.R. ... Fort Fletcher, C.C Fort Fordyce, C.C Fort George, S.A.R Fort Glencoe, Nat Fort Hardy, Bas Fort Harrison, C.C Fort Hartley, Bas Fort Jackson, C. C Fort Johnston, Ny Fort Lister, Ny Fort M.aguire, Ny Fort Marshall, S.A.R. .. Fort Napoleon, Zul Fort Newdigate, S.A.R. Fort Northampton, S.A.R Fort Pearson, Nat Fort Pine, Nat Fort Salisbury, Mash. . . F'ort Sharpe, Ny Fort Tenedos, Zul Fort Tuli, Mat Fort Victoria, Mat Fort Victoria, S.A.R. .. Fort Vincent, S.A.R Fort Warden, C.C Fort Warwick, S.A.R. .. Fort William, C.C Fort William, S.A.K F'.ut Yolland, Zul Fo.-^sil Head, C.C Foulirub R., C.C Fourie, C.C Fourie (Rustenbnrg), S.A.R Fourie (W\akkerstroom), S.A.R Fourier, S.A.R Fouriesburg, O.F.S Fourteen Streams, C.C. Francks Spruit, .S.A.R... F'rankfort, C.C Frankfort, O.F.S FYaserburg, C.C Fraserburg Road Sta., C.C Freeuianstown, C.C French Hoek, C.C Frere, Nat Frio, Cape, G.S.W.A. .. FukumaMt., B.C.A Fumbi I., P.E.A Fungaf unga, B. C. A Fungu Namegua I., P.E.A Funk Tr., Bech Furumana, B.C.* GABIS INDEX. IMliEWUI.A G Gabis, G.S.W.A Gadaos Ford (Orange R.), S.A Gaibes, G.S.W.A Gaikas, The, C.C Galekas, The, C.C Gamba, P.E.A Gauiero's, Mash GamkaR.,C.C Gamogara, Each Gamtoos R., C.C Gamzel Vlei, C.C Ganab, G.S.W.A Ganda, P.E.A Gandura Vley, P.E.A. .. Ganesa, Bech Ganikohis, G.S.W.A Gans, G.S.W.A Ganzel Vlei, C.C Gaozi, Zul GarelGraf, C.C Garengaiize IV., C.F.S. . . Garieb K., Gei, S.A Gariepine Walls, S.W.A. Garis, C.C Garis, G.S.W.A Garon, S. A.R Garuga, Mat Gashuma Flat, Bech, . . Gasip, C.C Gaspan, S.A Gatberg, The, C.C Gats Rand, The, S.A.R. Gaveresi, R., Mash. .. .. Gaza Land, P.E.A GcalekaTr., C.C Geelbecksvlei, S.A.R. .. Geelhoutkop, Mt.,S.A.K. Geiab, G.S.W.A Geidaos, G.S.W.A Geigaob. G.S.W.A Gei Garieb, R., S.A Geikhaus l-r., G.S.W.A. Geis, G.S.W.A Geit.saub, G.S.W.A GelukTr., S.A.R Gembokberg, The, C.C. Geinsbok li., C.C Genadenthal, C.C George, C.C George, Fort, S.A.R Georgenholtz, S.A.R. .. Gerieke Point, C.C Gerlach's Hope, S.A.R. German South-West Africa Germiston, S.A.R Gernfa, Mat GertLeow, C.C Gethsemane, Bas Gey,S.A.R Gham, C.C Ghamgkhuara, Bech. .. Ghanze, Bech Ghatwani, Bech Giant's Castle. The, S.A. Gibeon, G.S.W.A Gibson, S.A.R Gilt Bergen, The, C.C. .. Gindundo, P.E.A Glasgow, New, Nat Glassen Point, C.C Glencoe, Foit, Nat. . . . Glencoe Junction, Nat. . . Glen Connor, C.C Glendale, Nat Gleidvnden, C.C Gnabbakka Point, C.C. Gnaku, Bech Goagibgaos, G.S.W.A. .. Goaraus, G.S.AV.A Gobabis, G.S.W.A Gobas, G.S.W.A Gobatsi, Bech Goeiieverwacht, C.C Goedgedach, S.A.R Goenians Berg, O.F.S. .. GoldR., S.A.R Gonioperi, Becli Gonamolopue Rand, B.C.A Gonga, P.W.A Gong Gong, C.C Gonin, S.A.R GonubieR., C.C Gonye Falls, B.C.A. . . . Good Hope, Cape of, C.C Goose Vleis, Bech Gopani, S.A.R Gordon Bay, C.C Gordoniu, Becli Gordt)n'.s Bay, C.C Gorima Mts., M; Bb A a Ab Bg Bg Cd Ec Bf I»a Cf Ad Aa Fc Ea Ac Bb Fd Dc Dc lie <-b Da Be Ab Cd Cc Be Dl) Db Bf Ce Fb Fc Bg Ce Dc Ba Ab Aa Cb Ab Ba Ba Ec Ab Dc Dg Bf De Fa «g Dc Bf De Cc Eb Ad Fa .Ac Bb Bb Ea Cd Bs Cd Ea Cc Ed Eg Dc Dc Ef Ed Fe Bg Bd A a A c Bf Ba Da Ce Ea Db Db Da Db Aa Da Be Bg Ad A^I IJc Cf Fa ^^ Fc Gorongoza Tr., P.E.A. . . Goschen, C.C Gossi, IMash Gouba, C.C Goubes, C.C GoubK., G.S.W.A Goudini, C.C Gougouxas, G.S.W.A. .. GouiitzK., C.C Gdws Pan, C.C Govea.P.E.A Graaff Reinet, C.C Graliamstown, C.C Great Aui;hrabis Falls (Orange R.) Great Berg K., C.C Great Brak R., C.C Great Brak River, town, C.C Great Brak Spruit, S.A.R Great Bushman Land, C C Great Fish R." C.C. . . . . Great Fish R., G.S.W.A. Great Kei R., C.C Great Lion R., C.C. ... Great Marsh, The, S.Z. Great Oliphants R., S.A.R Great PalalaR., S.A.R. Great Pan, The, C.C. .. Great Paternoster Point, C C Great Riet, C.C. "...... Great Riet R. (Somerset East), C.C Great Riet R. (Suther- land), C.C Grea.t Thiist Land, Bech, Great AViiiterberg, C.C. Great M'inter Hoek, C.C, Great Zwart Berg, C.C. . . Great Zwarte Bergen, The, C.C Greendoorns B., C.C. . . Greylingstad. S.A.R. .. Grey town, Nat Greytown (Robertson), C.C Greytown (Stutterheim), C.C Grieve, S.A.R Griqualand Fast, C.C. .. Griqualand West, C.C. . . Gri(iU!itown, C.C Groaws, S.A.R Grobler (Lichtenburg), S.A.R G robler (Standerton) S.A.R Groen Fontein, C.C Grnenekloof, CC Grneiie R. (Namaland), C.C Groen R. (Victoria West), C.C Groenwater, C.C Groenwald, S.A.R Gmot Choing, Bech Groot Derm, C.C Gioote Beru, The, C.C. . . Grootebosch, C.C GrouteRiet, C.C Groote R. (Ceres), C.C. . . Groote R. (Ladismith), C.C Groote R. (WiUowmore), C.C Groote River Heights, C.C Groote Toorn Berg, C.C. Grootfontein, Bech Grootfontein, C.C Groot HartzR., S.A.R. Groot Modder Fontein Pan. C.C Groot Pan, C.C Groot R., C.C Groot Valbeuvel, The, C-C. Gros Kraal, C.C GroutviUe, Nat Guaap Peak, C.C (iuatalala, I^Iash Giiay R., Mat Giichas, G.S.W.A Guengue, P.E.A Guias, G.S.W.A Guiuanabis, G.S.W.A. .. Guingua R., C.C Guiana, C.C (Jnngunyana, P.E.A Guiiyana, P.E.A. ..... (Jnzelschap Bank, C.C... Gwai K., Mat Gwali. C.C Gwamba, S.A.R. .. . Gwena R., Mash. .. . Gwibi R., Mash Cd 10 Fe 9 Fb l.i Bd ( Be 7 Ba 7 Df .S Aa i Ag 9 Db 7 Cd 16 De 9 fe 9 Eft 8 Ce 8 Fd 8 Bf 9 Bd 13 Db R Ed 9 Ac 4 Bg 10 Bf 9 Ba 4 Cd 12 Cb 12 Ca 9 Be 8 Cb 7 Ee 9 Ee Cd 8 1.5 Fe 9 Cf K Cf 8 Af 9 Fd 9 De 13 Dd 10 Df 8 Ge 9 Fb 13 Be 10 Ca 9 Ca il Ea 7 Fa 7 Ga 7 Hr 7 Cf 8 Be 8 Be 9 Be 4 (ia 7 Ea 7 Ab 7 Be 8 Ag 9 Eh 8 Ef 8 Ff 8 Ce 9 Df 9 Dd 8 Ea 7 Ff 8 Ae 13 Bb 9 Db 7 Bd 7 Cb S Cc 7 Ed 10 Dd 8 Dd 15 Cc I.') Ab 4 Cd 10 Ab 4 Ab 4 Ef 9 Gf 9 Fd 15 Ec 12 Bb 7 De 3 Fa 7 Dc 12 Eb l.i Eb 15 H Hauan, P.E.A IlabobesTr., G.S.W.A. HabobeTr., G.S.W.A. .. Uabonab, G.S.W.A Hackney, C.C Hadab, G.S.W.A Hadse, S.A.R Haernertaburg, S.A.R. . . Haib, G.S.W.A Haigap R., Bech Haigas, G.S.W.A Hakhais, G.S.W.A HakhiliR., Bas Halata, P.E.A Halesowen, C.C Halle, New, S.A.R Hamburg, C.C Hamies, Bech Hamilton, S.A.R Hamilton, Mt., Bas. . .. Hamis, G.S.W.A Hampden, Mt., Mash. .. Ham, R., G.S.W.A Hanab, G.S.W.A Hangklip Berg, S.A.R... Hangklip, Cape, C.C. .. Hanjoka, C.F..S Hankanda, C.F.S Hiinkey, C.C Hannu Berg, G.S.W.A. Hanover, C.C HanoTer EoadSta., C.C. Hans Berg, The, C.C. .. Hant,am Berg, The, C.C. Hantam East, C.C, K., C.C Hanyani, Mash Hanyani, R., Mash Hara, B.C.A Uaraxas Ford, S.W.A. .. Hardcastle, C.C Hardeveld, The, C.C. . . Harding, Nat Haiis, G.S.W.A Haris, G.S.W.A H.armony, The, S.A.R. .. Harrismith, C.F.S Harrison Cove, C.C Harrison, Fort, C.C Uartebeestfontein, S.A.R Hartebeest Kr.aal, C.C. Hartebeest Mts., C.C. .. Hartebeest, R. (Great Bushman Land), C.C. Hartebeest, R. (Nama- qualand), C.C Hartebeest Stroom, S.A.R Hartinashum, S.A.B. .. Hartingsburg, S.A.K. .. Hartley, S.A.R Hartley, Fort, Bas Hartley Gold Field, Mash Hartley Hill, Mash Hartogh, S.A.R HartR., S.A.R Harts R., C.C Harts R., S.A.R Hartzogs Rand, C.C Hartzogs R., C.C Has, Bech Haukoin TV., G.S.W.A... Haverklip, S.A.R Hawston, C.C Hay, C.C Hebron, C.C Hebron, O.F.S Hebron, S.A.R Hebron Road Sta., C.C. Heenen Weers Koppen, O.F.S Heidelberg, C.C Heidelberg, S.A.R. Heikab, G.S.W.A Heilbrun, O.F.S Heilbron Road Sta., O.F.S Helpmakaar, Nat Helvetia, O.F.S Henderson, Cape, C.C. .. Uendries, C.C Henkriesfontein, C.C. . . Hennings. O.F.S Hennops R., S.A.R Herakha.s Ford (Orange R.), S.W.A Herald, Port, Nv Herbert, dist., C.C Herniansburg, Nat Hernion, Bas Hermon, C.C Uerschel.C.C |c Fd 16 Ac 4 Ab 4 A a t Fe 9 Ab 4 Cc 12 Eb 13 Bb 7 Ca Ac 4 Aa 7 Bd 10 Fd 15 Ee 9 Dd 13 Gf 9 Ac Dd 4 12 Bd 10 Bb 7 Eb 15 Bb 7 Ac 4 Dc 13 Cg 8 Bb 16 Bb Hi Df 9 Ba 7 Dd 9 Dc 9 Ba 9 Be 7 Dd 8 Dd .s Eb 15 Eb 15 Cb 10 Ac 4 Db 7 Bd 8 Ce Ab 10 4 Ba 7 Fc 13 Cc 10 Ac 4 Cf 10 Be 13 Ed 9 Dg 8 Eb 8 Cc 8 Dd 13 Cb 4 Dc 13 Cc 12 Ae 10 Ec 15 Ec 15 Dc 12 Cc 4 Eb 7 Ea 7 Fc S Fc 8 Be 4 Aa 4 De 13 Dg H Db 7 Da « Fc i Cd 13 Da 9 Eb 9 Eg S De 13 Ba 7 Df 13 Cf 13 Dc 10 Fb 9 Bg 10 Bb 7 Ca R Fa ( Cd 13 Ca 8 Fe 3 Da y Dc 10 Ad 11) Cf 8 Gc 9 Uertzog.C.C Hex Berg, The, C.C Hex It., C.C Hex R., S.A.R Hex River, town, C.C. .. Hex River Mts Hex River Sta., C.C Higli Veld, The, S.A.R. Himandn, C.F.S llinga Rand.Sw, O.F.S Hlalrana Lake, Zul Hlobane Mts., S.A.R. .. Hoakhanas, G.S.W.A. .. HoamuB, G.S.W.A Hoaseb, G.S.W.A Hodgson, S.A.R Hoedspruit, S.A.R Hoek Bergen.The, S.A.R, Hoffenthal. Nat Hoffman's Drift, O.F.S.. Hofmeyer, S.A.R Hogskin Vley, Bech Holhach Strand Fontein C.C Holfontein (Potchef- stroom), S.A.R Hoi Fontein (Rusten- burg), S.A.R HolgatR., C.C Holle R., C.C HoUoway, S.A.R Hololo R., B,as Hoi Spruit, O.F.S Holtsbausen, S.A.R Hondeblats R., C.C. ... Hondeklip, C.C Hondeklip Bay, C.C HoiideR., P.E.A Honingnestkloof, C.C. .. Honing Vlev, Bech Hooge Veldt, The, S.A.R. Hoop Point, C.C Hoopstad, O.F.S Uopetield, C.C Hopetown, C.C H ores, G.S.W.A Hofhia, P.E.A Hottentots Holland Jits., C.C Hottentots or Koi-Koin, The, S.W.A Houm Ford (Orange R.), S.W.A Hout Bay, C.C Houtbosch, S.A.R Houtbosch Berg, S.A.R. Houtboschdorp, S.A.R. Houtkop, The, S.A.R... Houtkraal, C.C Hout R, S.A.R HouwHoek, C.C Houwwater, C.C Howick, Nat.- Howobis, G.S.W.A Hubukwin, Sw Huiyser, S.A.R Humansdorp, C.C Humansdorp, dist., C.C. Huiii.iais, (i S.W.A. ... Huns, (i. S.W.A Hurd I, P.E.A Hurub, G.S.W.A Hutchinson, Nat HutobR., G.S.W.A. ... HygapR.,Bech IBEKA, C.C IbisiR.C.C Ibo,P.E.A Iduchywa, C.C Idumeni, Mt., Nat Idutywa, C.C Ifafa, Nat IfafaR., Nat Ifnfa, B.C.A Ifumi, Nat Iguambira .Mt., P.E.A... Ignasonha R., P.E.A. .. Ignatenje, P.E.A Igogo, Nat Igogo R- , Nat Igugumba, Tong Hllanyana, .S.A.R Ihktu R., sw Ihlimbitwa R.,Nat. lizer Fontein Point, C.C. I'kobaabTr., G S.W.A... IkoghaR., C.C Ikwezi Lamaci, Nat Ilitin, Sw Ilovo R., Nat Imbazami R. , Nat ImbeitsiR., P.E.A Imbewula, C.C Fe Bd Df Cd De Df Df Af Be Ea Gb Fc Db Bf Aa Ab Cc Dc Cc Cc Fa Kb Be Be Bd lie Aa Fc Fa Be Bb Cc Dc Be Be Fc Db Be Bd Eg Fb Cf Db Ac Dd Cg Ab Ca §1 Ce Eb Be Cc Eb Dg Be Dd Ac Dd Fa Dg Df Aa Ac Dd Ba Ce Ab Be Bg Cc Gd Kg De Gc De De Ad De Fc Fc Cd Cb Cb Ed Dd Dd Dd Cf Ab Cg Ce Dd De De Ec Bf IMBONDUNE INDEX. KENHARDT Imbuiuluiii;, r.E.A Iinboongaiia, P.E.A Iiiihwaia, C.C lml>yasuse, Mat Initihlweni, Tong Inigodini, C.C Iiiiizizi Tr., C.C Impako, P E, A Impunda, P.E.A., Imperani, S.A.U Impiso, Sw Inipogonyolo, P.E.A. .. Impota, P. K.A Iiupukaiii, O.K.S Iinpuiie, Mt., C.F.S Iinpungun, Tong linsolan, P.E.A Iinvani, C.C Iiiachab JiePfi, G.S.W.A. Ina iMuana, IJ.C.A In;uHia, co., Nat Iiichanga, Nat Iiulian Ocean, The, E.A. Indinia, Mat Indowbalane, dist., S.Z. Induba, Mat Indueni, Mat Indunduma, Nat Indwe, C.C IndweR., C.C Inembe R., Zul Infanta, Cape, C.C Ingadu Beacon, Tong. .. IiigaleleR., y.A.K Iii;i()bini, C.C Ingogo Hill, Zul Ingome Hand, S.A.U. . . Ingramsburg, S. A . R Ingwesi R., Mash Inliacaroa, P.E.A Inhacoa, B.C. A Inhambane, P.E.A. . .. Inhambui, P.E.A Inlianbunde, S.A.R Inhlazan R. , Zul Inkachia, C.F.S - InkumpiR., S.A.R Innigwale, P. E. A Inowangwane, Nat Insengaisi R., Mash Insipo, B.C. A Insuzi R., Zul. Intembui, Mat Intsheeb, Tong Intombe, S.A.R Inxu R., C.C Inyackl., P.E.A InyaLiue R., Mash. Inya^urukadv.i, K.,Mash. Inyambe, P. E.A Inyamboyo, P.E.A Inyameni, S.A.R Inyainmashenga R., Mash Iiiyamu, P.E.A Inyangeri R., Mash Inyangoma, I. of, P.E.A, Inyangomba, P.E.A Inyasanga, P. E.A Inyati, Mat Inyatsutsu, P.E.A Inyatzitzi, iMasli InyawshoMt., P.E.A. ., Inzinghazi R. , Mash Ipolela, Nat Ipolela, CO., Nat Ipolela R., Nat Iramba, dist., B.C. A. .. Irani ba Tribe, C.F.S Irati, Mt,, P.E.A Irene Instate, S.A.R Isandhlana, S. A. R. Isevwark Point, C.C Ishungwana, C.C Isibuga, P.E.A Isibugu, P.E.A Isigdimi, C.C Isindeni, Mat Isipingo, Nat Island Point, C.C Iswan, R., C.C Itembeni, Nat Itepa, S.A.R Ithumel, C.C Itule, P.E.A Ityane Rock, Sw , Ityenahluvu R ock,S. A. R Ivuna, R., Zul Ixopo, CO., Nat Ixopo, K. , Nat Izervark Point, C.C. ... Izolo, C.C J Jackals Water, C.C. Jackson, Sw Eb 12 Jackson, Fort, C.C Ge !) Fd lb Jacob lieef, C.C Be 8 Af 10, O.F.S Db 9 J)c i;. Jacobs.ial, S.A.U Be 12 Fa 10 Jacobskop, C.C Cf 9 Gc V Jacoby, .S.A.B Co 12 (Jl 10 Jaoomo, S.A.I! Db 12 J)il 16 Jagersfontein, G.F.S. .. Eb 9 i'.l lb Jaf^tpan Rand, C.C Ec K IJe 12 Jakbalsfontein, S.A.R... Be 13 lUl Vi Jakhals IHs., C.C Ab 7 Kd 15 Jakhals, H., C.C Ce 8 l)d 16 J.aines Point, P.E.A Ec 16 Kh 7 10 Fd Gd 13 Ac -lainestown, S.A.R j.;c 10 Jobannesbnrg, Inset map Eb 10 ISA of, S.A.I! Johnston Falls (R. 13a Ed 16 Dd Dd IB Johnston, Fort, Ny Fd 3 J)b 15 Jnjii.C.C Gc 7 El 3 Joke.skey R., S.A.E Cc 12 J)d 16 JoleR., S.Z Da 16 (ic 13 Joidler Water, town, C.C. Dc 7 Ec 10 Jordan, S..A.R Gn. 7 Ah 16 Jor.sberg. The, C.C Cb fl (Jc 12 J. 0. Smith Bay, C.C. Ab 7 Dc 16 .Joubert (Eimelol, S.A.R. Dd 12 Od 10 Ji.ubert (.Middelburg), KU In S.A.R Dc V JU. 10 Jiiubert(Pretoria),S.A.R. Cc 12 1)0 10 .Iilibertshoop, S.A.R.. Dc 12 l)c 16 Juandf Nnval., P.E.A. Ed 16 Ell !■■ Junibbi, Jit., C.C Be 10 Dd 12 Jutten I., C.C Ad 7 Bf 10 l)c 4 Eb Kb 16 16 K nc 4 3a Kaaien VEi.D.The, C.C. Bb Dd 12 Kaalfontein, (i.F.S Ab 10 Kaal Spruit, O.F'.S I'b 9 Ec 16 Ivaauiayan, S.A.K Be 12 Dc 4 Kaap, The, C.C. Ca n Dd 16 Kaap Plateau, The, D.i 16 S.A.R Fd 13 Db 4 KaapR., S.A.R Dc 12 Cd 11) Kaap K., North, S.A.I! Gd 13 Dc i:. KaapR., South, S.A.R.. Fd 13 cd 16 Kab, G.S.W.A Ba 7 E c 16 Kabare, li.C.A Ac 16 S/\ Kabele, C.F.S Ab 16 (!d 16 Kabinsa, R.C.A Cc 16 (ib 7 Ivabiskow HerL'.The, C.C. Dc •S Cd 10 Kabompo, P.W.A Ac 16 (;d 10 Kabompo R., B.C. A Cd 3 He 16 Kabookolk Vloer, C.C. . . Ec 8 He 16 Kabo li., C.C Fe 9 1)0 IB Kab R, G.S.W.A Ba 7 Dd 13 Kabusie, C.C IS 10 De 10 KabusieR., C.C 10 Ce 7 Kacbirika, Ny Cc 16 G c 7 Dc 16 Ec 12 KadziR., S.Z Oh 16 Db 4 Kaffir Drift, S.A.R De 13 Eo 9 Kaffir Kuyl Bay, C.C... Ce 7 De 16 Kaffir Knyl R., C.C Fe 8 Dd 10 K.affirPan, C.C Cb 9 He S Kaffir K., O.F.S Eb 9 Ge 10 Katfraria, S.A Bf 10 Dc 10 Kalima, P.W.A Aa 4 Dh 12 Kaflmbe, B.C.A Cb 16 Eb 7 KaBinbi, C.F.S Bo 16 Do 16 Kafne, R., B.C.A De 3 (ie 13 Kiifuko, C.F.S Be 16 Db 10 Kafumbi, B.C.A Bb 16 Eb 10 K.afundango, P.W.A. .. Ac 16 Dp 10 Kabamai, ('.F.S Bb 16 De 10 Kahando, Lake, C.F.S.. Bb 16 ^•§ 8 Kahinga, B.C.A Be 16 7 Kahinga {or Kaionko), B.C.A Bd 16 Kahlamba Peak, C.C. . . Fc 7 Kahund.a, B.C.A Cb 16 Kaias Mts., G.S.W.A. .. Ba Kainta, B.C.A Be IB Db 7 Kaionko, B.C.A Bd 16 Go IS Kakaman, Bech Cb 7 Kakole, Bech Kakolole Rapids (K. Zambesi), S.A Kalabas Kraal, C.C Kalabas Pan, C.C Knlahari Desert, The, S.A Kalai I. (R. Zambesi) . . Kalala, C.F.S Kalala (Kasembis), C.F.S Kala Mahite, Bech. Kalamehongo, R., C.F.S. Kalassa, C.F.S Kalassa, C.F.S Kalaui, C.F.S Kalaui, C.F.S Kale Banibwe Cataract (R. Zambesi), S.A Kale Cataract (R. Zam- besi), S.A Kalinhnhe R., Mash Kalk Bay, C.C Kalk Fontein, C.C Kalk Spruit, S.A.R Kallanji, li., C.F.S Kalonio, B.C.A KalomoR., B.C.A / Kahnnbo, C.F.S Kalunganjovo, B.C.A. .. Kalungu, B.C.A Kaluzi I. (U. Zambesi), S.A Kama, C.C Kama Kama, Bech Kamanga, B.C.A Kamatigas, C.C Kamani Berg, Bech Kamastone, C.C Kambazembi Tr., G.S.W.A Kambisa, Mash Kamboinba, Nv Kambula, S.A.R Kambusi, Bech Kameelkop, The, S.A.R. Kameel U., Bech Kamcel R., S.A.R Kame R., Mat Kamesi, R., B.t'.A. .. Kamhlnbana Pk., S.A.R. Kaminibe, B.C.A. ... Kami.'j Bergen, The, C.C. Kaniis Berg, Little, C.C. Kai)iniannassieMts.,(J,C, Karaorondo, dist., C.F.S Kamosango, B.C.A Kanipalala, B.C.A Kaiiislilnhana, S.A.R. .. ICainvata R., C.C Kaniw.'iwi, C.F.S Kaniwinda, C.F.S Kaiia, Bas Kaiiada, S.A.R IC.iii.Miibande, C.F.S Kanaidis, JJech Kande, Nv Kandulu, P.E.A Kanene, C.F.S Kanenge, C.F.S Kan;;a, Bech , Kangalla, K., B.C.A Kangas Berg, The, C.C. Kangene, Ny , Kangense, C.F.S , Kangninda, P.E.A. .... KangndziR., P.E.A Kangyu, Becll ivaniii^ina, Ny Kanii'ka's Kingdom, C.F.S Kanjonke, P.W.A , Kaunaland, C.C Kaniie, Bech , Kansaro Falls (R. Zam- besi), S.A Kanyanatimba, Mash. ., Kanye, Bech Kanyele Mt.. B.C.A Kanyelti, G.S.W.A. ... Kanyemba, P.E.A. .. ., Kanyenbiro, P.E.A. ... l\anyenda, P.E.A Kanyindula, Ny , Kanyola, Ny KaokoLand, G.S.W.A. Kaonka. B.C.A Kapangura, B.C.A Kapassu, C.F.S Kapata, P.E.A Kapeliu Kalabunda, B.C.A Kapende, P.W.A Kapendoko, P.E.A. Kapoba, B.C.A KapocheR., B.C.A. ... KapokR., S.A.R , Kaponia, B.C.A Kapoon, Bech 7 Da Cd 16 Cf 8 Db 9 Cf 3 Bb 15 Ac 16 Ac 16 Hd 16 Bb 16 Bo 16 Bo 16 Ho 16 Be 16 Ad 16 Ad 16 Kc 16 (Jk 8 Db 7 Ga 7 Ab 16 Hd 16 Cb 16 Be 16 (!c 16 Bb 16 Bd 16 Ab t Ho 16 Cc IB A b 7 Da 7 Fe 9 Ab 4 Ec 16 Co IB Dd 12 Cd 15 Eb 13 Da 7 Dd 13 Gc 15 Ac IB Dc 12 Be 16 Cc 8 Co S Hf 9 1! b 16 Bo IB Cc 16 Gd 13 Dd 7 Hb IB Hb 16 Gb 7 Cd 13 Ab 10 He 4 Cc 16 De 16 Ab IB Bb 16 Co 4 Hd 16 Cd 8 Gc 16 Ab 16 De IB Kb 16 Hd 16 Cc 16 Ab 16 Ac IB Ef S Ce 15 Bd 16 Db 15 A 1? Bb 16 Ba 4 Cd 16 Ea 16 De 16 Cc 16 Go IB A 3 Bd 16 Cc 16 Ab 16 Cc 16 Cc IB Ac 16 Do 16 He 16 Ed 3 Dd 12 (;e 16 Ea t [Caprimera, Nv. Karadouw Peak, C.C. .. Cc Df Kanagas Tr., G.S.W.A. . . Ac Karahecei, P.W.A A a Karanain, Bech. . Be Kar.anna 1!., O.F.S Eb Ivaraoa, G. S. W. A Ba KarasBerg, G.S.W.A. .. A e Uarawa. P.E.A Ec Karees Kroon, C.C Ee KavegaR., C.C Eg KareigaR.,C.C Ce Karema, G.E.A Kc Kariba Gorge (R. Zam- besi), S.A Ud Kariega Bosch, C.C Be Karima, C.F.S Ab Karivua Fall (R. Zam- besi), S.A Ea Karkai, Bech Bb Karoa, P.E.A Dc Karoabasa Rapids (R. Zambesi). K.X lie Karoba, P.E.A Dd Ed Karora, P.W.A Aa Karree Beigen (Carnar- von), The, C.C Kc Karree Bergen (Van- rhynsdorp). The, C.C. Cd Karri-Karri Salt Pan, Cd K.arroo Doom R., C.C. ., Cd Karroo, Moordenaars, CC Fe Karroo, The, C.C Ch Karroo, 'I'he Barren, C.C. Cc Karroo, The Bokkeveld, C.C Dd Karroo, The Great, C.C. Dd KarsR., C.C Dg Karumbo, B.C.A Cc Cc Kasaiiva, P.E.A Cd Kasembe, BCA Bb Kasenga, B.C.A Cc Kasha R., B.C.A Hb Kasbeke B., C.F.S Ac Kashull, C.C Go Kasiaiie, B.C.A Bb Ivasinde, C.F.S Bb Kasoaba, S.A.R Go Kasongo, dist., C.F.S Bb KaNsali, Lake. C.F.S... Bb Kassnngo, P.W.A A a Kasteel Poort, C.C Dd Kasukosuko,Ny Cc Kasuuja, Ny Cc Kasxcnibe, CA Dc Katamamda, Ny Cc Dd Katango, Ny Dd Katapaua, C.F.S Bb Katembe, P.E-A He Katende, C.F.S Ab Katengira, B.C.A Gc Fb KathIambaiMts.,.S.A. .. Be Kathoek, C.C Cb Katiraa Catar.act (R. Ziimbesi), S.A Ad Katima Molib) Cataract (R. Zambesi), S.A Bb Kalkop, C.C Ec ICatkop Berg, The, C.C. Kc Katlachter, S.A.R Db Cb Katonga, Ji.CA Ad Katongo, B.C.A Ad Kat, R. (Fort Beaufort), CC Ko Kat, R. (Prieska), C.C. , - Bb Katua, P.W.A A a Katuma, P.E.A Dd I'io Katungo, C.F.S Be Kaudum, B., S.W.A Ha Kavirua Fall (B. Zam- besi), S.A Bd Kawala, C.F.S Ab K.awieis, G.S.W.A Ac Keana, R., C.C G« Kebrabasa I!.apids (R. Zambesi), P.E.A Fa Keerom, O.F.S Kb Keerom Berg, The, C.C. Df Kectmanshoop, G.S.W.A Br Ktheum, Bech Be Keighap R, C.C Dh Kei R., Black, CC Fe Kei R., Great. CC Bf Kei B., WJiite, C.C Fd Kei Boad Sta., C.C Oe Koiskamahoek, C.C Oe Kciskamma, R.. C.C. . Gf Kelc. Mt., C.C Gb Kembe, B., B.C.A Ho Kenhardt, C.C Eb KENJENE INDEX. LONGAMO Kenjeiie, C.F.S Kentaiii, C.C B'o Bg 10 Klippen Point, C.C Klipplaat, C.C D " 9 Krugersdorp, S.A.Ii Kruger's Post, S.A.E. .. Ce 13 Let.aba Bas .. .... I'.d 10 10 De 9 Fc 13 LclabaE., Great, S.A.R. Eb 13 Kerses, G.S.W.A Keurbooin, II., C.C Ab Ct 4 9 Jvlip E., Nat Cc Ga lU Kruis Fontein, C.C Krnis E., C.C Df Cd 9 9 Letaba R., Klein, S.A.E. Litaba R., Midden, Eb 13 KlipR,S.A.R Khaaseb, G.S.W.A Ba 7 Klip R. (Heilbrnn),O.F.S. Df 13 Kruis Eiver, town, C.C, Af 9 S.A.R Fb 13 Khama's Country, liech. Bd 15 Klip E. (Vrede), O.F.S. Ef 13 Kudubeni, C.C Af 10 I-eteba, Mat Cc 15 Khanibes. G.S.W.ji Aa 7 Klip River, co., Nat Cc 10 Kuibeisis Berg, C.C Ba 8 Letjesbosch, C.C Ee 9 Khamis, G.S.W.A Khaiions, G.S.W.A Khatle, Bech Kheis, C.C Khoaeib R., G.S.W.A. .. Ba Aa Ac Ba I Klip Hug, C.C Be Dd 12 Kuik.ams, G.S.W.A Kuils Hand C C Aa Be 4 9 Letloche, Bech Letsea's, Bas Ce F b 15 Klip Stapel, S.A.E Kn;u\s, Bech 7 12 9 Be Ec 4 9 Kuis, Bech Be Da 4 Letsilele R., S.A.E Leuwdcorn, S.A.R Db Fa 12 Knapzak E., O.F.S Knobnose.s, The, S.A.R. ICulfiis, I5ech 7 Ah 4 Fb 13 Kuinadan Lake, Bech. . . Bd 16 Leuwen Drift, C.C Ed 8 Khoanus, G.S.W.A Ab 4 Ivnysna, dist., C.C Cf 9 Kunana Location, S.A.K. Ae 13 Leven Point, C.C Kg 8 Khooate.s, G.S.W.A Ab 4 Knysna Harb., C.C Bg 9 Kunap K., C.C Fe 9 Leven Point, Tong Fb 10 Khoro.s, G.S.W.A Ba 7 Koba, B.C.A Bd 10 Kunda, B.C.A Ed 3 Levubo R., S.A.E Fa 13 Kllosis, Bech Du. 7 Kobanishodi Kopjes, Kunene, R., W.A Ae 3 Leydsdorp, S.A.E Fc 13 Khougaiiab, G.S.W.A... Bb 7 The,S.A.R Gc 13 Kungwe, B.C.A Cb 16 Lialui, B.C.A Ce 3 Khowas. G.S.W.A Ab 4 Kobbies Berg, The, C.C. Be 7 K vniu wa, Bech Bb 12 Liambai E., B.C.A Cd 3 Kliuiis, G.S.W.A Kiahema, P.W.A Kibaijele, C.i'.S Ab Aa Bb 4 4 10 Kobe, Bech Bd Bb Aa 15 4 4 Kunwana, 8.A.U Kunyara, Bech Kma Hills. P.E.A Ad Bd 12 15 3A Liana E., P.W.A LibakoL, B.C.A LibaR., B.C.A Ba Ad Cd 4 Kobis, Bech 10 Kobis, G.S.W.A 3 Kibambo, Lake, C.1''.S. .. Bb 10 Koe Berg, The, C.C Cb 8 Kurrabella, Bech Bb 12 LibaE., P.W.A Ac Hi Kibara Mt., C.F.S Bb Be 16 10 Koedoes Berg, The, C.C. Koegas, C.C Cd Bb 7 9 Kui'uinan, Bech Da Da 7 7 Libata, C.F.S I.ibatas, B.C.A Be Be 10 Kibiiri, C.F.S Km unian K., Bech 10 Kifembe, C.F.S Ab 10 Kc.i'sterfontein Gold Kushito, B.C.A Be 16 Lichtenburg, Licungo, P.E.A Be 13 Kifuntue, C.F.S -.. Bb 10 Fit-l(l, S.A.E Bd 13 Kuthing, Bas Fc 7 Dd 10 Kikondia, C.F.S Bb 10 Kottitfontein, O.F.S..- .. Eb 9 Kuthing, dist., Bas Ae 10 Lidgettown, Nat. Dd 10 Kifcvoisch Berg, C.C. . Dd 9 Koffiekuil, O.F.S Db 9 Kuthing K., Bas Be 10 Liebensberg's Vlei E., Kilauieluiido, P.W.A. .. Ac 16 Kogazi. Zul Dd 12 KwaKwaR., IMC. A. .. Fe 3 O.F.S Bb 10 Kihiutican, C.C Bb 8 Kogel Bay, C.C Cg S Kwaiuaquaza, Zul Ec 10 Lieuw Berg, The, (." ('. . Cb 9 Kileraba, C.F.S Bb 10 Kngelbeen, C.C Db 7 Kweio It., P.W.A Ba 4 Lifungo I. (Lake Bang- weolo), C.A Kiliman, P.E.A Fe 3 Kogel Berg, The, C.C. .. Cg Gd 8 Kwelegha Point, C.C. .. Bg 10 Be 10 Kilombo, P.W.A Ac 16 KoghaE.,C.C 7 KweleghaR., C.C Gd 7 LigoniaR., P.E.A Dd 10 Kiluilui, U., C.F.S. .. Bb 16 KoiKoin,The, S.W.A... Ab 4 KwitoR., P.W.A Aa 4 Li':atlong, C.C Eb 7 Kilwa I. {Lake Moeio), Koius, G.S.W.A Ba 7 Kybaka's Pan, Bech Cc 15 Likoma, I'.E.A Ed 3 B.C.A.. Bb 16 Kokahu Pits, Bech Bb 4 Ky Gariep R., S.A Ga 7 Likondo, C.F.S Ab 16 Kilwa, Lake, Ny Dd 16 Kukenaop, C.C Be 7 Likoto, P.E.A Ec 12 Kimberley, C.C Da 9 Kokstad, C.C Ce 10 Lilyfontein, C.C Cc 8 Kimubere, B.C. A Ac 16 Kokuiubene, E., S.A.E. Ga 13 L Ladismitp,, C.C Ladybrand, O.F.S liimpopo E., .S.A Cb IS ICinchewe, Bech Cb Fb 4 9 Koknming, ISech Kokwe, Bech Ea Ea Db 7 9 12 Ff s LimvubaE., S.A.R Lindley, O.F.S Ijingalo, Bech Db Bb Ac 4 Kincora, O.F.S King W'illiam's Town, C.C 10 Kolberg, C.C Kulobeng, Bech 15 Ge 9 Ac Gb if Linokana, S.A.E Be 12 Kinhama, C. F.S Be 16 Koniaggas, C. C lib 8 Lady Frere, ( '. C Gd 9 Lintjes E.. Zwart, C.C. . . Jic 8 Kippon Point, C.C Ee 7 Koniati Gold Field, Sw. Ge 13 Lady Grey (Aliwal Linvanti, G.S.W.A Ac 16 Kiviia, C.F.S Bb 16 Komati Middel, S.A.E.. Dc 12 North), C.C Gc 9 Lion Pan, G.S.W.A Ba 4 Kirk Mt.s., Ny Cd. 10 Koniati Poort, S.E.A. . Hd 13 Lady Grey (Paarl), C.C. Cf 8 Lion R., Great, C.C Bf 9 Kirui I. (Lake Bang- Komati E., S.E.A Fd 13 Lady Grey (Eobertson), Lions River, CO., Nat. .. Cd 10 weolo). C.A Kirwa, C.F.S Kisemu, B.C.A Kisenga, P.W.A Be Ab 16 16 16 16 Konibe, Zul Dc Ec 10 15 c c Lady Koch,' The, C.c! ' '. '. Ladysmith, Nat Df Be 8 10 Lishehe, P.E.A Lister, Fort, Ny Dc Dd 10 Kt'njbisa RIash. ........ 10 Cc Ac Konibuis' lit., C.dy .... Koingha, C.C Cc Ag 9 10 Cc Dd 10 15 Lisunga, B.C.A Litane R., S.A.E Cc Ga 16 Lahonibu, Mash 13 Kisima, C.F.S Bb 10 Konipis E., S.A.E eI 13 Laincisburg, C.C Ff 8 Liteta, B.C.A Be 10 Kisima-iulu Harb., Konis Berg, The, C.C. . . Ee 8 Lains'sNek, Nat Cb 10 Liteyana, Bech A c 12 P.E.A Ec 16 Kondidzoa Eapid (E. Laken Valley, C.C Cd 9 Litlatlong, C.C Da 9 Kisimeme, C.F.S Ab 16 Zambesi), Fa 16 Lakersing, C.C Ab 7 Litofe, B.C.A A d 16 Kisi, E., B.C.A Bb 16 Kone Mts., C.F.S Be 16 Landia, P.E.A Dc 10 Little Brak R., C.C Fd 8 Kissamba, C.F.S Ab 16 Konig.sberg, Nat Cb 10 Lambert Bay, C.C Ce 8 Little Bushman Land, Kitangula Mts., B.C.A. Be 16 Koni Mt., C.F.S Be 16 Langebaan, C.C Cf 8 C.C Cb 8 Kiteraju, P.E.A Kiteve, dist., P.E.A Ec Fc 16 15 Koning Bech Da Fb 7 13 LangeBerg. The, C.C. .. Lange Bergen, 'I'he, Bech. Be Db ~ Little CaledonE., O.F.S. Little Fish E., C.C Be Ee 10 Kooikies E., S.A.E 9 Kitobe, B.C.A Be 16 Koodoo, C.C Da 9 Lange Bergen (Namaqua- Little Kamis Berg, C.C. Cc 8 Kiviiida Ny (;b Ed 16 16 Koodoo Rand, The, C.C. Kooigoeil Flats, C.C Bb Cc 9 8 land), The, C.C Lange Berge(S\vellendam Cc 8 Little Lebata R.. S.A.E. Little Namaqualand, Db 12 Kivolani, P.E.A.; Kiwari, C.F.S Klaar Fontein, C.C Bb Bd 10 7 Kookfontein, C.C Koonap E., C.C Bb Fd 8 7 & Riversdale),C.C.,The Laiige Knit. C.C Ef Ed 8 C C .... Ab 8 Little PellaVc.C. Cb 8 Klaarstroom, C.C Bf 9 Koopnian, C.C Eb 7 L;in-ford, C.C Be 4 Little Riet R., C.C Fe S KlassSmitsK., C.C Fd 9 Koopmanfontein, C.C. . . Da 9 Lan;:kloof, C.C Ba 9 Little Tugela R., Nat. .. Cc 10 Klaver Valley, C.C Be 7 Kopa, B.C.A. Cc 16 Langklouf Mts., C.C Cf 9 Little Zwarte Bergen, Klein Eruintjea Hoogte, KopieAUeen. The, O.F.S. Fa 7 Lang Kloof R., C.C Ae 10 The, C.C Bf 9 C.C ... Ef 9 Enkel, The, S.A.R. Ea 7 Lang's Nek, Nat Ga 7 Livingstonia, Ny Cc 10 Klein Choing, Bech Ea 7 Kiipjies Dam, C.C Ad 4 Langspruit. O.F.S Bb 10 Liwele, C.F.S Bb 10 Kleine Frijstaat, dist., Sw Fo Ae 13 13 Kopong, Bech Be Ec Fa 12 7 8 Larcon, S.A.R Lat Lake Kraal, Bech. .. Leadsman Shoal, Tong. Ec Bb Fb 10 4 10 Llanwarne, S.A.E Loamba, E., B.C'. A Ijoane, P.E.A Ef Bd Dd 13 Koran, C.C Korana, The, C.C 16 Klein Hartz E., S.A.E. 10 Klein LetabaGoKl Field, Koran Ford (Orange E.) Bb 7 Le Bihan Falls (Maleta- Loanginga. R., B.C.A. .. Cc 10 S.A.E Fb 13 Koranna Land, Bech. . . Be 4 unyane R.), Bas Bd 10 Loangwa E., B.C.A Cc 16 Klein Marico R., S.A.E, Bd 13 Kornet Spruit, Bas Ae 10 Lebuchani Pool, Bech. .. Da 7 Loangwa E., Rapids of Klein Modder Fontein Kornet Spruit, dist., Bas. Ae 10 1-eclianas, C.C Cd 4 the,B.C.A Cc 16 Pan, C.C Be 9 Kort Erasmus, S.A.R. .. Dd 13 Ledinguana, Bas Bd 10 LoanjaR., B.C.A Bb 15 Klein Muiden, S.A.E. .. G d 13 Kosi, Tong Fa 10 Leeuw Spruit. S.A.R. .. Ea 7 Lo.ano, P.E.A Dd 16 Klein Oliphants R., Kosi Bay, Tong Ed 12 Leeow Kop, The, S.A.R. Ea 7 Lobttron, Bech Be 4 S.A.E Ed 13 Kosi, Lake, Tong Kotakota, Ny Fb 10 Lee's Farm, Mat Cd 15 Lobatani, Bech Bb 12 Klein Poort, C.C Df 9 Cc 16 Leeuwen Orift, C.C Cc 7 Lobelo.S.W Dd 12 Klein R., C.C Ca 8 KougaBerg, The, C.C. .. Dd 7 Leeuwen Kuit, C.C Be 7 Lobemba, dist., B.C.A... Cc 16 Klein Riet E., C.C 9 KougaE.,C.C Bf 9 Leeuwfoutein, C.C Bd 9 Lobe R., B.C. A Cc 10 Klein Roggeveld, C.C. . . Ee 8 Kouga Rand, The, C.C. . . Cf 9 Leeuw Klip. The, C.C. .. Cb 8 Lobethal, S.A.R Dc 12 Klein Tafelberg, C.C. . . Ce 8 Kouws Berg, The, C.C... Fe 8 Leeuw R., C.C Be 9 Lobisa, dist., B.C.A Cc 16 Klein Toorns E., C.C. . . Dd 8 Kowamba, Lake, C.F.S. Bb 16 Leeuw R. (Ladybrand), Lobonibo Mts., P.E.A. . Ed 12 Klein Vaalheuvel, C.C. . . Cb 8 Kowedi, C.F.S Bb 16 O.F.S Fb 9 Loenge 1!., B.C.A Be 16 Klein Winterhoek Mts., KowirwiMt, Ny Cc 16 Leeuw R. (Vrede), O.F.S. Bb 10 LofuaR., B.C.A Db 16 C.C Df 9 Kowisin Tribe, G.S.W.A. Ab 4 Legobate, Bech Da 7 LofuR., B.C.A Cb 16 Klerksdorp, S.A.E Klerkdorp's Drift, S.A.E. Be Be 13 13 Kraaibosh, C.C Kraal E., C.C Eb Ge Lehlabane R.. S.A.R. .. Lekone, R.. B.C.A Db 12 Lo^agane, Bech A c 12 9 Bd 16 LohalaE.,S.Z Cb 16 Be Eb 9 13 Kraal E., C.C Krans Berg, The, S.A.E. Fc Cc 7 13 Lekuni, Bas - Lelintitung, Bech Bd Bb 10 4 Loi, E., B.C.A Lokera, B.C.A Ad Be 16 Klipdam, S.A.E 16 Klip Drift (Fiaserberg), Kranstontein, O.F.S Be 10 l,em(indo, S.A.R Db 12 LokingaMts., C.A Be 10 C.C Ed 8 Krantskop, The, C.C. .. Ec s Leonbard, S.A.R Ga 7 Lolo Mts., S.A.R Dc 11" Klip Drift (Sutherland), Krans Kop, The, O.F.S. Cb 10 Lepalule R., S.A.R Dc 12 Lo Magondi's, Masli Bd 10 C.C Ee 8 Krans Kop, The, Nat. . . Dc 10 Lejiata, S.A.R Gb 13 Lo Magondi's Gold Field, Klipfontein, S.A.Ii Klip Fontein (Calvinia), C.C It' n 13 Kranskuil, C.C Kromelleboog R., O.F.S. Kromme E., C.C Db Ce a 13 Lrporu, S.A.U Leribe, Bas Be 12 Jlash Eb 15 Vj C Be 10 Lomanii, E.. C.F.S Ab 16 Cd 7 Cc 8 Leribe, dkst., Bas Bd 10 LomatiE., S.A.R Gd 13 Klip Fontein (Little r Krom E., C.C ng 9 Lerothodi, Bas Ad 10 Lombaard, S.A.R Ga 7 Namaqualand), C.C. . . Ab 7 Kr<«m R., S.A.U Dd 12 Lesatsilebe, Bech Ad 15 LombeE., B.C.A Ad 16 Klip Gat, C.C Bb 7 Knionstad, O.F.S J?,! 3 Leshoburo, Bas Ad 10 Louibu, 1*.E.A Ec 10 Klipheuvel, C.C Cf 8 Kri.onstad, S.A.R 13 Leshulatebe's, Bech Ad 15 Lomwe Tr., P.E.A Dc 18 Klip Kuil, Bech Bb Be 12 12 Krugen, S.A.E Kruger Kraal, C.C Cd Ec 12 7 Le Souvenir, O.IT.S T.piiQPvf.mvn C C Gb Fd 9 9 Londamo, B.C.A Longamo, N.Z Cc Be 16 Klip Kuil, S.A.E 18 JJWOOw J vv IT Uj V/. \J' •. ...a *■ 8 LONGHOPE INDEX. MATITA I.oiieliope, C.C Long Kloof, The, CO.... IjOiislaiuls, C.C I>Mni:oR.,S.VV.A I.oukin;,', liech Lopijif, Bech liorfiizoMarquez, P.E.A. Losiiiiija, R., C.F.S I.osIktk, S.A.B I.nsiti B., B.C.A I.oskop, C.C I.o.s Kop, The, C.C Lo.skop, The, S.A.R Lospeis Plaats, C.C I.otit.i, Sw Lotl.-ikana, Bech liOtlokane, Bech LoL.saiii K., Jiech Lot's Pillar, O.P.S liOuisfontein, C.C Lovedale, C.C Lovoi, B., C.F.S Lowe, C.F.S Lower Drift, Nat. ... Lower Tugela, co., Nat. Lower Umfuli Goldliehl, Lower Umvolosi, (list, Zul Luaho,, P.E.A. . Lual.iba, B., C.F.S. . Luaiijo, P.W.A Lunpula 1{., C.F.S.... B., C.F.S. . LubliPits, Bech Lubiiri,B., C.F.S. ... Luchulingo Valley, P.E.A Ludlow, C.C LuiUvigslust, S.A.U. . Liiflra, R., C.F.S. ... Lufubo, B., C.F.S.... Luia, R., Mash Luia, R., P.E.A Lliibanda 'I'ribe, P.W A. Luiji, B., C.F.S Luisi B., Bech Luis, R., Mash Luitshwe, Bech Lu.ienila, R., P.E.A Lukauga, R., B.C.A Lukassi, R., C.F.S Lukotokwa, E., P.E.A. Lukuga It., C.F.S LukAga, R., P.E.A Lukunibi, S.A.B Lukungu, C.F.S Luku.sasi, R., B.C.A Luli, P.E.A Luli, R., P.E.A Lulua. R., C.F.S Lulu Mts., S.A.R Lunibn, P.E.A Luniesa, P.E.A Luncaja. C.F.S Lutule, Mash Luudi, R., Mat Luneberg, S.A.R Lunga Mandi's, C.F.S. .. Lunga, B. (R. Kabompo), B.C.A Lunga, R. (Kitangula Mts.), B.C.A - Lungo RIashimba, C.F.S. Lunguije R., B.C.A Lupampa Mt., B.C.A. .. Lu)«iuda, C.F.S Lupata Gorge, P.E.A. .. I^urilopepe, Bech LurioBay. P.E.A Lurio, R., P.E.A Lusheri, C.F.S Lushuina, S.Z Lusiti R., P.E.A Luttig, C.C Luvigo R., C.F.S Luwenibi R., C.F.i3 Luwinda, C.F.S Luzizi, C.C Lydenhurg, S.A.R Lydenburg, dist., S.A.R. M Maamya, Ny Mahalrel.a, C.F.S Maliakutwani, RLit. ..., S.A.l; Malialis, S.A.B Mabare Mt., S.Z Mabare R.,S.Z MabelaR., C.C Mabendiaiie, .S.A.R Mabie's Kraal, S.A.R. . M.abo, P.K.A Mabola, O.F.S Maboongatsjaba, S.A.R. Ee Mabsa. Bech Cf R i)e 8 Rlacasule, S.A.R Dc n J) a ;i MacDougalHarbour,C.C Ab s Ad Ii; Machabe Flats, Bech. .. Be 16 ilb 7 Machabe R., Bech Ac 16 Bh 12 Machacha, Mt., Bas Ad 10 Eg 3 Machakul, S.A.R Do 1?, Bb 16 Machaquete, P.E.A Ga 13 l-'a V Machay, S.A.R Gd 13 Bd 10 Macibi, Mt., C.C Cf 10 Hd 7 7 Ac Ag 12 10 Eb Maclean, C.C Ce 13 M.aclear, C.C Bf 10 Dc 8 Macloutsie, Dd IS i)rt K Macloutsie R., Mat Dd 16 Ad 12 Macocoene, P.E.A Hd 13 Bd 16 Madaguas Reef, C.C Gf 9 Ce 11. Madam, P.E.A ])C 4 A c 10 S Da Cb l.'i Be Madembe, B.C.A Fe !) Madeuasana, Bech Be 16 Bb 10 Madiacune, P.E.A Fe 16 Ab 10 Madodo, P.E.A Dc Ifi Ed 10 Madrara, P.E.A Cc 10 Ed 10 Madundsi, P.E.A Fd 16 M.adunjeR., P,E.A Hb 13 Db li, Malamede I., P.E.A Ed 10 Mafeking, Bech Dg 3 Fc 10 Mafeking R., Bech Be 4 Fe 3 10 Ad Frl 10 16 Bb Mafi.gwan, P.E.A Aa 4 Mafokong, S.A.R Cb 1^ Be 10 Mafungabuzi Hills, S.Z.. Db 16 Ab 10 Mafu.ssi, P.E.A Fd 16 IU> 4 16 Dd Da 12 13 Bb Magalaqueen R., S.A.R.. Magalies Berge, S.A.R. . . Cd 13 Uc 10 Magahes, R., S.A.B Cd 13 Ed a M.aganges Kraal, S.A.B. Gc 13 l)c li Magato, S.A.R Ea 13 \>c 3 Magliamba, S.Z Cb 16 lie 10 Maghunda, Mash Db 16 Eh l.'i Ea 10 Co 10 Magne Pool, Bech Cd 16 Ac 10 Magogomela, P.E.A Fd 16 Ab 10 Magoni, P.E.A Fc 16 Co l.'i Maguata, P.E.A Fc 16 Cd 10 Maguire, Fort, Ny Dc 16 Be 12 Maguival, P.E.A Dd 10 Fd 3 Magumba, G.S.W.A Ba 4 Be 10 Maj;uinlia, S.Z Ac 16 Ab 10 M.ili.ilipsiR., Bech Bb I" J)d 10 .•M.thalul., P.E A Ec 10 Uc 3 .MahiLian, P.E.A Dc 4 i>d 10 .Mahila'.s Kop, S.A.R. .. Eb 13 JJd 1-J .M iliili Cliwanie, Bech. .. Ce 15 Ab 10 .Maliluiiiba, P.E.A Ed 1? Cc 10 .Mall.. hi. Mat Dc 16 Fd Jlah.intal., .S.Z Ad 16 J>c 10 Mahonti. P.E.A Fe 16 Ac 10 Mahue Ma .Sinique Mts., Eg 13 Mash Fc 15 Ec It; Mahuiiga. P.E.A Fd 16 Cc 10 .Maliutu Mahbi, Bech. .. Be 16 Ab 10 iMaili..iida, Bech Cc 16 Kd 15 l.i Maila Bech Bd Ba 15 4 Ed Mailul, G.S.W.A H'f 13 10 Ce Ge :o 3 Bb Maintirano, I\lad 10 Cf B c ,s 16 A c Majane, Bech Maieela R., B.C.A Bb 15 Be 16 Ma.iuba Hill, Nat Ga Bb 10 Makabeng, S.A.R Cb 12 Be JO;aTr.. B.C.A. .. Cb 16 Be 10 .M,.k:iiiiliuri. I'.E.A Dc 10 Ab 10 Makalida, P.E.A Dd 10 Cd 10 Makaiirtoa, P.E.A De 10 Be 16 M.akaTigaTr., P.E.A.... Cd 16 Ec 10 Makaiiiera, P.E.A Dd 10 Fd 3 Makaujila, Nv Fd 3 Be 10 Makao, S.A.R Cb 1" Bd 10 Makapolo Vlei, Bech. .. Ad 16 Fc 16 Makararia, P.E.A Ec 10 Be 9 Makari Kari (Salt Pan), r. h 16 10 10 Great, Bech Cd Ad Dd 15 15 10 A h Makata, Bech Bh M.akettu, P.E.A '^^ 10 Makhaleng Spruit, Baa. . Ad 10 13 13 Makhobe, Tati Cd Be 16 12 Fc Makhosi, S.A.R Maklaka, Bech Be 12 Makoarela, S.A.B Fa 13 Makoe, B.C.A Cb 15 Makoe, R., B.C.A Cb 15 MakoloIoTr., Ny Cd 10 IJd 16 Makombes, P. E. A Cd 10 Ac 16 Makonde, B.C.A Cb 16 J)d l.i Makonya Mts., Sw Gd 13 Bd I'J Makopan, S.A.B Ce 12 Uc 13 .Makopi, R., P.E.A Dd 10 Db 16 .\lak..ri. Mash Ec 15 Cb 16 .Mak..iik..riTr., S.Z Cb 16 (ic 7 .M.akosini Rand, The, J)e 12 S.W Eb 10 lid 13 MakuatoeMt.,Bech Bb 12 Ke 16 Makua Tr.. P.E.A Dc 10 (i b 13 Makulau, P.E.A Fd Ga 15 13 Fb Makuleke, S.A.R Makulusina, S.A.R Makwara Tr., Mat Makwarele, S.A.R iMakwarga, P.E.A IMakwassie Berge, .S.A.R. Makwassie Spr., S.A.R. Malagas, C.C Malan, S.A.R. Malaiig, S.A.B Malans, S.A.R Malenia, R., P.E.A Malemba, B.C.A Malembeka, C.F.S Muuo, P.E.A. .. Maletsnnyane R., Bas... Malilctse, S.A.R. ...... jMalinda, Sw Malip, S.A.B Malisa, Mat MalitziTr., S.A.R Malnianie Gold Field, S.A.B Malmani B., S.A.R MalTiicsbury, C.C h.a, S.A.R ."^lal.iLCK.Shire), B.C.A. Malok, .S.A.B Malopa, P.E.A Malopo R., Bech Malti.u, Nat Maluli Mts., Bas Maniachali, S.A.R Mamakahuie, Bech RLaniatseo's, Mash. ... Manilla, B.C.A Manil.a. S.Z Maml.adin, S.A.B MaiHlii, S.A.B M.aniliiruna Falls (B. Liiapnla), C.F.S Ma-mburuma, B.C A. . Manibwe, dist., B.C.A.. Mamele, G.S.W.A Mamheny, P.E.A Maniilaiiga, B.C.A. . . Mamoel's Kraal, S.A.R. Mamre, C.C Mannisa, S.A.R Mamuzulu, Sw Manab, Tong Manaba, Tong Mana, B., C.F.S Mananga Mt., Sw Manansa Tr., Bech. . . . Man-bunda, B., B.C.A.. Mancanja Tr., Ny Manda, Ny Mandabare, B.C.A. ... Mandala, Ny MandangaTr., P.E.A. . Maudingo, P.E.A. Mandoya Tr., P.E.A Maneering, Bech Manenko's. P.W.A. Manganja Tr., Ny Manganzaiia. C.C Mangoche, P.E.A Mangonian, Sw iMaii;:iifn(li, Mash M.iiiKHi'l.-, S.A.R Maniiuiulwane, P.E.A... Maugoia, P.W.A MangwaSansa, C.F.S. .. Mangwe, Mat Mangwe B. , Tati Manhissa R., P.E.A Manica, dist., B.C.A. .. Manica, dist., Mash Manica Gold Field, E.A. Manica Tr., B.C.A. ... Manisaue, S.A.R RIankanibira, Ny Maiikelekop, The, S.A.R, Mankoe Tr.. B.C.A Maiikopan, S.A.R Mankutane, liech Rlanjobo, P.E.A Mano, Ny Mano, dist., P.E.A Manowa's, P.E.A MaTitaiiyanta, B.C.A. .. Manupi, Heeh Manvako R., S.Z Manyanie, P.E.A Manyania, Mat Manvaiiihven, S.A.R. .. .\hipaii. la, P.E.A Maiiaslilela, S.A.R Mapela, .S.A.R Maping, Bech Mapoch's, S.A.R Mapondera's, Rlash .Mapota, P.E.A Mapotshan, Tong Rlapotya, Tong Mapui B., Mat Mapune, B.C.A Maputa B., Sw Marabastad, S.A.B 9 Dd Dh Db Fd Bf Bf Eg Dd Cc Dc De Cc Be Dd Bd Dc Dd Ee Cc Eb Ad Cc Cf Cb Dd Cc Dd Ea Dd Ad Cc Bb Eb Db Da Gd Dd Be Cd Cb Ab Ed Bb Gc Cf Ea Dd Ed Fb Bb Ge Be Ac Ce Cb Bd Cd Fd Fd Da Ac Ed Fe De Dd Ec Fa Hd Ac Bb Cd Cd Ec Ca Fc Fc Be Ga Cc Gc Ac Cb Ac Ec Cc Cc Cd Cb Ae Db Cd Cd Ga Ec Db Da Fd Eb Ed Ed Fa (;c Be Dc Eb Maraben, .S.A.B Marafata, P.E.A Marais, S.A.B Marais, P.E.A Rlar.-iisburg, C. C Marakalata Mt., Bech. . Maranda, B.C.A Maranquam, S.A.R. Maravi Tr., P.E.A Marburg, Nat Rhircus Bay, C.C Marebaneng. Becli. Maremane, Bi ell Mareinbo, P.E.A Mareiiga, Ny Mareybeng, C.C Mareybeng, C.C Maribogo, Bech Marieo, dist., S.A.R Marico Drift. S.A Marieo, R., S.A.R Marico R., S.A Marico ]!., Klein, S.A.R Mariep, S.A.R Marikele Jits., S.A.R. ., Marimba, B.C.A Marimba Tr., B.C.A M.aritsani B., Bech M.arlow, C.C Marnewyk, O.F.S Marobing, Eech Mar.shall, S.A.B Marshall, Fort, S.A.R... Martha Point, C.C. ... Jlartin Rock, C.C Marukutu, B.C.A Maiule, S.A.R..- Marutse and Mabunda, Kingdom of, B.C.A. . . Masabango, Ny Masambara, Mash Masanji, P.E.A Masarwa Tr., Bech. ... Masasima Bay, P.E.A. . Masassa, C.F.S Masecha, P.E.A Maseke, S.A.B Ma,seppa, Bech Maseru, Bas Masesa, C.F.S .Mashabba, S.Z Maslianios, li.C. A Masliato, B.C.A... MashegasheB., . MashekeR., Mash. ... Masheok.ane, S.A.R. ... Mashimalala Mts., S.A.R Mashinga, dist., P.E.A. Mashiicinlia, P.E.A... ., I'.E.A Washdllalnlld, S.A jMashua, Beeh Mashue, Beeh. - Mashukulumbwe Tr., B.t'.A Masimbwa Bay, P.E.A . Masiringi, Mat Masitisi, Bas Masokalau, G.S.W.A. . MassaruaTr., S.Z RIassassa, P E. A Massi Kessi. P.E.A. . . Massape, P.E.A M.'issonio, S A.B Masua, P.E.A M asupha, Bas Masupia, Bech MaTabbin, S.Z. Matabeleland, .S.A. .. Mataffin, -S.A.B Jlataffin, S.W. Matakania, P.E.A Blatakenya's, P.F.A... .MatakoR., G..S.W.A . MatalaPocrt, .S.A.R. . Matalha Point, P.E.A. . Matambwi Tr., I'.E.A. , RIatamini, P.E.A Matanda, B.C.A Rlatangeni, S.A.B Mataliele. C.C MatrhilMli, B.C.A Rlatchutstneng, liich. . Matela, Bas Matement, P.E A Rlatemo I., P.E.A RIatewane RIts., C.C... . Rl at hatha, RIathuluaiie, Bech. Rlati, P.E.A RIaliliane, P.E.A RIatiWs, S.A.R Rlatietsie R., Bech. . . . Rlatikwili, P.E.A RIatimba, B.C.A Rlatingi, Tong Rlatippa. RIat RIatita.Ny Cb Ec Dc He Ed Bb Cc Gc Cc De Ce Da Db Dd Cc Be Ea Ea Ad Be Cb Be Bd Fc Cc Bd Ce Ac Ee Fa Ea Dc Ce Be Cb Fc Ad Dc Ec Cc Bb Ec Bb Cd Gb Be Ad Bb Cc Bh Be Ed Ec Cb Fc Cd Fb Fd Bb Cb Bb Bd Ec Dd Ae Bh Cb Fb Ee Fc Dc Dc Ad Ac Bb Dc l)d 12 Cd IR Ac Ifi Bb 15 Bd Hi Cc Ifi Ka Ud 12 Fa Da fl 1>0 1(1 ^A 10 Ifi Fb 13 3A Dc 111 Co 15 Fd 15 Of 9 Cc 10 lie 7 Bd 7 Eo 10 Cf 9 Gd 3 Cb Ifi Fc 13 Ac 10 Bo 111 Kc Ifi Co 4 Fb 7 Dc 10 Bb 16 Ec Ifi Cc 10 Cc 10 13 a Kb III Bb Ifi Bg 10 l)d 9 E.l 13 Ud 9 Ed 9 Ee 8 J)c 7 Ee !) He 1« Do 10 Dd 16 Milk, C.C Milkbosch Point, C.C. Milk R., C.C Milkwood.C.C Mill H., O.F.S Mill River, town, C.C. Millwood, C.C Mimosa, C.C Minenga, B.C.A Mingar, S.A.R Minula, C.F.S Mirambo, C.F.S Miranja, P.E.A Missala, dist., B.C.A. Mitchell's Pass, C.C Mitete, P.E.A Mitondo, Ny Mitsi Bokluko, Bech. Miula, P.E.A Miyui, P.E.A Mjema, C.F.S Mkalawili, P.E.A Mkaluma, R., P.E.A.. Mkande, C.F.S Mk.inye, P.E.A Mkapo, P.E.A Mkayigua, P.E.A. .. Mkewe, B.C.A MkingaMts., C-F.S. llkc.molo, P.E.A. .. -Mkoiinngotto, C.F.S, .Mk. . II, ,Tia, P.E.A. .. -Mkopoka, .. :\Ikorouia, P.E.A. .. Mkota, P.E.A Mkubure, R-, P.E.A. .Mkiifi, P.E.A MkwaliR., Bas Mlala, P.E.A Mlamilo, P.E A Mlangata, B.l'.A. .. Mlunga, B.C.A Mlungii, B.C.A Mnabo, P.E.A Moamba, B.C.A Moami, B.C.A ,\loana(R.Kafue),B.C. Mi,ana(R. Zambesi), B.C.A Moashemb.a, B.C.A. . Mobnmbal. (R. Zambesi), C.A Mochuane, Bech Mochuri, Bech Modder Fontein, C.C. .. Modder Fontein Pan, Groot, C.C Modder Fontein Pan, Klein, C.C MiHiderpoort, O.F.S Modder K., S.A MniUler Vlei, Great, C.C. Mudimo, Bech Mndimulle, S.A.R Modj.adje, .S.A.R .Moero, P.E.A Moero, Lake, C. A Moginquale, P.E.A Mogonono, Bech -Mtiiiukrumba, P.E.A. .. .M,, hales Hoek, Baa Mohunguta, l^E.A Moi Dumb.a, P.W.A Moiloa, S.A.R Moilos, S.A.R Moine Lema, B.C.A Moine Mulva, Ny Mojeng.a, P.W.A Mokambo Bay, P.E.A. .. Mokanda, Ny Mokoii Well, Bech Mokokongoni, Becll Mokopon, Bech JNlokosso, C. l-'.S Mokotani, Bech Mokuana, Bas Mokunibi, B.C.A Mokumbula, B.C.A Molannan, Bech Molapo, Bas Molei, B.C.A Molela, B.C.A Molen R., O.F.S Molepo, S.A.R Molepolole, Bech Molitsani Tr., Bas Moloka, P.E.A Molomo Mts., Nv Miilombo 1!., Ma"t Molomo, M., P.W.A Molopolole, Bech Molopo R., Bech Molototsi Gold Field, S.A.R Molototsi R., S.A.Ii Molteno, C.C Moltke, .Mt., M.ash Molugwi, R., P.E.A MomaL, P.E.A Ed 7 Ab 8 De 9 Fg 8 Gb t Bf H Bf 9 l)b 7 Cb 16 Cc 12 Bb 10 Bb Ifi Cd 16 Cc 16 Df 8 Dc 10 Dc 111 Be 15 Ec 16 Cd 16 Be 16 Co 16 De 16 Bb 16 Dc 10 De 16 De 16 Co 16 Bb Ifi Dc 16 Ac 16 Dc 16 De 16 Dc 16 Ec Ifi Dc 16 Ec Ifi Bd 10 Ed 16 Dc 16 Cb 16 lib 16 Be 16 Dc 16 . Co 16 Cb 16 Bd 16 Bd 16 Bd 16 Ab 15 Cc 4 Be 12 Ce 8 Bb 9 Be 9 (ih 9 Fb 9 Dc 7 Ea 7 Dc 13 Fb IS De 16 Bb 16 Kd 16 Ac 12 Dd 16 Ae 10 Db 4 Ad 4 Be 12 Be 13 Cc 16 Cb 16 A a 4 Kd 16 Cc 16 Be 4 Bd 15 Be 4 Be 16 Ce 15 Be 10 Be 16 Cb 16 Da 7 Bo 10 Bd 16 l!d 16 (;e 10 Dc 12 Cb 4 Fb 7 Fe 15 Ce 16 Kd 15 A a 4 Ae 12 fg 3 Fb 13 Fb 13 Kd 9 Fb 15 Dd 16 Dd 16 Momlta, Sw Mombazi R., BC.A Mombeia, Ny Mombera (-Stevenson Road), Nv Mombi Gold Field, Masb Mombo, B.C.A MonaDomba, C.F.S Mona Kande, C.F.S. ... Mona Kieni. C.F.S IMonaMansi, C.F.S Mona Mocanda, C.F.S... MonaTenda, C.F.S Monsa, P.E.A Monika, Bas Monica i\It., P.E.A. .... .Mnnjel)odi. S.A.U .Moiimoboli R., Bas Monoqiie, Becli Montapiue, C.C Montasue Pass, C.C Hloiitoi, C.C. Mont aux Sources, S.A. Moiitepes Bay, P.E.A. .. Montsioa, Bech Monze, B.C.A Moodie's Berp, S.A.R. .. Moodie's Gold Field, S.A.R Mooifontein, S.A.U Mooi Loop Spruit, S.A.R. Mooiplaats, S.A.R MooiJi.,G.S.W.A Mooi R., Nat Mooi R.. S.A.R Moora Dr., S.A.R Moordenaara Karroo, C.C Moordenaars R., C.C. .. M003R., S.A.R ^Iope:i, P.E.A Morambala Mt., P.E.A.. Mnrati Jits., Bech M oragge, B. C. A Moreland, Nat Morenii, Bech Morgan, Cape, C.C Murgenzon, S.A.R Morija, Bas Morley, C.C Moroka, dist., O.F.S Morokane, Bech Morokweiig. Bech Morraiana, Bech Morris Point, C.C Mortimer, C.C Morumbua Cataract (R. Zambesi), P.E.A Morungabubara, B.C.A. Mosanga I. (R. Zambesi), S.A Mosanko I. (R. Zambesi), S.A Moschwane, Bech Mosego, S.A.R Moselhi, S.A.R Moshoro, B.C.A Moshuaneng, Bech Mosing, Bech Mosita, Bech Mobitunde, S.A.R Mossel Bay, C. C Mosuasa, P.E.A Mnsiipia, R., Bech. Motai Mt., Bas Motala, S.A.R Motale, R., S.A.R Motemwa Hill, P.E.A... Motepuesi, R., P.E.A. .. Motito, Bech Motlatsa, Bech Motlokotlo, Bech Motoko's, Mash Motsitlana, Becli Mount Ayliff, C.C Mount Cuke, town, C.C. Mount C'urrie, dist., C.C. Mount Darwin Gold Field, Mash Mount Fletcher, C.C Mount Frere, C.C Mount Point, C.C Mount Stewart, C.C .Muvini, P.E.A MowilaR., P.E.A Moyara, B.C.A Moyeni, Bas Mozambique, P.E.A Mozambique Channel, E.A Mozambique, prov., P.E.A ISIozia I. (R. Zambesi), S.A Mozingwa I. (R. Zam- besi), S.A Mozuma, B. C. A MpakoU.,C.C Mpala, C.F.S 10 Ea 10 Cb 10 Cc 16 Cb 10 Dc 15 Cb 16 Ab 111 Ab 10 All 16 Ab 16 Ab 16 Ab 16 Cd 16 Ad 10 Dd 16 Eb 13 Cd 10 Bb 12 Et 8 Bf 9 Be 10 Gb 7 Ec 10 Ad 13 Cb 15 Fd 13 Gd 13 Dd 13 Ce 13 Dd 13 Ba 7 Dd 10 Fa 7 Ec 13 Fe 8 Be 9 Ed 13 Dd 16 Dd 111 Bb 12 Be 10 De 4 All 15 Be 10 Cd 13 Ad 10 Bf 10 Fb 9 Ea 7 Be 4 Cd 15 Ce 7 Ec Cd 16 Cc 16 Cb 15 Art Ifi Ac 12 Ee 13 Dd 13 Be 16 Cb 4 Bd 15 Ac 12 Gc 13 Bg 9 Cd 16 Ac 12 Bd 10 Eb 13 Fa 13 Ea 15 De 11! Da 7 Bd 15 Bb 4 Fb 15 Ac 12 Ce 10 Ge S Ce 10 Kb 15 Be 10 Be 10 Gd 7 Df 9 Hd 13 Cd 16 Bb 15 Ae 10 Ec 16 Gf 3 Dc 16 Bd 16 Cd 16 Bd 16 Gd t Dc 3 Mpalera I. (R. Zambesi) Mpambe I. (Lake Nyasa), Ny Mpanda. P.E.A Mpandaji, P. E.A Mpande, C.F.S Mpande I. (R. Zambesi), S.A Mparawe, B.C.A Mpas.a, Ny Mpaschele, S.A.R Mpashi, P.W.A Mpassu, P.E.A Mpassu (H. Shire), P. E.A, Mp:ita, B.C.A Mpelenibe, P.E.A Mpeniba, Ny Mpcmbe, Ny Mpende. P.E.A Mpeseiii, B.C.A Mpile Nek, C.C Mpinii, B.C.A Mpipi, C.F.S Mpite, Bus INIponda (R. Rovuma), P.E.A Mponda (B. Shirii), Ny. Mpueto, C.F.S Mpunda, Ny Mriamwendo, P.E.A. .. Mriha, P.E.A Msalu, R., P.E.A Jlsenz.a. P.E A Msiiiji Valley, P.E.A. .. M'siri, C.F.N Msiri's Kingdom, C.F.S. Msoa, C.F.S Msose, Mash Msukilan, P.E.A Msuva, P.E.A .Mswilii, Ny -Mtaiiilabare, B.C.A Mtarika (R. Lujenda), P.K.A Mtarika (R. Rovuma), P.E.A Mtebka, Mash Mtegari, Mt. P.E.A. .. Mtembanje, G.S.W.A. .. Mteiiguli, P.E.A Mtina. P.E.A Mtonia, Mt., P.E.A Mti.ta, P.E.A Mtumlo, L, P.E.A Mualia.P.E.A Muana Sambamba, B.C.A Muari-Agoia, C-F.S Muashiko, C.F.S Mnasi, R., P.E.A Muazi. B.C.A Mucueta, P.K.A Mudii, 1!., P.E.A Muden, Nat .Miidue, Point, C.C Mudia, P.E.A :vliHlibing, S.A.R -Mudiehiri, P.K.A Mudzi.B., Mash ^luenibe, Tr.,P. I'-.A Muene Auta, C.F.S Muene ivula, C.F.S Muense, C.F.S MufaR., P.E.A Mufukushi, R., N.Z Mugete, P.E.A Mu'giibe Magalo, W., Bech Muiden, Klein, S.A.R. .. Jlui Gallulua, B.C.A. .. Muira, R., P.E.A Muiri, C.F.S Muirua, B.C.A Miiishond R., C.C .Miiizhoekberg, The, CO, Mnk:ilumbo. C.F.S Jliikana, C.F.S Miikunguru. B.C.A Mvikururu, Ny Mulanda, B.C.A Mulandi, B.C.A Mulders Vlei Junction, C.C Mulua, P.E.A Muniba. C.F.S Mumbeje, R., B.C.A Mumpata Mt., B.C.A. .. Munkulla, C.F.S Munsa, C.F.S Muncatu, Ny Munihnn, P.E.A Muno Vuito, B.C.A Munshaketa, C.F.S .Muongo, M., P.W.A Muorango, Ny Mural Mts., S.A.R Murchison, S.A.R Murchison Falls (R. Shire),Ny Cc De Ec Bb Cb Cc Cb Do A a Dd Dd Bd Dc Cc Cc Cd Ed Be Ce Bb Be Fd Ce Bb Cc Dd Dd Dc Cd Dc Be Bb Bb Ke Fd Dd Cb Bd Dc Dc Ed De Ba Cc Dc Cc Dc Cc Ae Be Fo Cc Ed Dc Dg Dc Ea Fb Dd Be Ae Ab Cil Be Ec Bb Gd Bb Cd Ac Cc Ee Ce Bb Ab Cc Cc Be Ac Of Dd Be Be Bb Cb Fd Cc Be A a Cd Cb Fb E e MUBCHISON INDEX. PEKAWI Murchison lianpe.S.A.R Muricant', P.E.A. .. Muroa, 1».E.A Muro Ashinto, B.C.A, Murraysiiurgr, C.C. .. . Murunibu, U.C.A. .. . Miisau, S.A.R Museba, B.C.A I\Iushena, P.E.A. ... Miishiiiga, C.F.S. ... IMussanangoe R., P.E.A. Musso Kfintanda,P.W.A. Musula, C.F.S MutangwaR., P.E.A. .. Mutipa'H, li.C.A Mutsi R., y.A.U Mntua U., S.Z Mutukuta, li.C.A Muxinga Mts., C- A Rluzijj;aguva, Masli Mvainbi Bay, P.E.A Mvoobu, Tnncr Mwainbi, P.E.A Mwemba I. (R. Zambesi), S.A Mweinbe, P.E.A Mweru, Lake, C.A Mwigania, P.lil.A Mwojia, P.E.A Myakii, S.A.R Mynfoiiteiii, C.C Mzeiiza, P.E.A N Naauw Poort Junc- tion, C.C Naauwte Vlei, C.C. ... Nababis, G.S.W.A. ... Nabaa, G.S.W.A Nabis, G.S.W.A Naboomfontein, S.A. U. Napatatollo, Bech Nagulue, P.E.A Naliaiige, P.E.A. Nahanyawa, P.E.A. Nahlambe, C.C Nahoria, P. K. A Nakabele Falls (U. Zam- besi), H.A Nakachinto, R., B.C.A. NakaGold Field. Mat... Nakhusiha. P.E.A Nako,B., P.E.A Nalawa, li., P.E.A Nalolo, B.C.A Naraakau, I., B.C.A Naraalungn, P.E.A Natnaqualand, Great, G.H.W.A Namaqualaud, Little, C.C Namani, P. E. A Namashili, P.E.A NamaBuiisu, I. (R. Zam- besi), S.A Namborouio, B.C.A Naiubwe Cataract (R. Zambesi), .S.A Nameta, B.C.A Namiheri, P.E.A Namkuna, P.E.A Namkwitta, P.E.A Namlagu, P.E.A Namlokt.ko, P.E.A Nammb, C.C Namtusi. P.E.A Namuli Peaks, P.E.A. .. Namurola, P.E.A Nana, C.C Nana Kandundu, B.C.A, Nanebis, G.S.W.A Nangana, G.S.W.A Nangoma, P.E.A Nansisi, P.E.A Nantupa, P.E.A Naochabeb, G.S.W.A. .. Naoxabeb, G.S.W.A Nape, C.C Napier. C.C Napusa, P.E.A Naraab, G.S.W.A Nardouw, C.C Naresie, C.C Nariele, B.C.A Naros, G.S.W.A Narugas, G.S.W.A Narukus 11., S.W.A Nass Nass Point, C.C. .. Natal, S.A Natal, Port, Nat .Vatal Spruit, S.A.U. ... NataR., Mat Natchiwa, P.E.A Naterabn, P.E.A Nauko, n.C.A Nauwte Vlei, C.C Fb 13 Fc l.'^ Cd 10 Cc 10 Cil 9 Cc 10 Db 12 Cc 10 Cd 10 Ac 10 Fa 1.') Ac 1() Ac 11) Fb 15 Cc 10 Cc 1'?. Eb 1.'. Cc 16 Cc 10 Ec 16 He 10 Dc 4 Gd 3 Cb 1.=. Dc 10 Dc 3 Dc 10 Dc 10 ]>c 12 Cc 9 Ea 16 Ed 9 Kc S Bb 7 A c 4 Ac 4 Cc !■! Be l,") Dd 16 Fc 16 Dd 10 Fd 7 Dd 10 Bd 10 Kd 10 Ed 16 Ec 10 Fa 15 Dc 1() Ad 10 Ad 10 Ed 10 Ac 4 Bb S Dc 10 Dd lU Ea 15 Be 10 Ad 10 Ad 10 Dd 10 Dc 10 Dd 10 Dd 10 Ed 10 Be 8 Dc 10 Fe 3 Dd 10 Ab 7 Cd » Ba / Ba 4 Dd 10 Dd 10 Dd 10 Ac 4 Ba 7 Be K Dk 8 Dc 10 Ba 7 Ed 7 Dd H Ad 10 Ac 4 Ba 7 Ab 4 Bb 8 Dd 10 Ed 10 13A Oc 16 Ec ii; Dd 10 lid IB Co 7 Nawaruma, P.E.A. . Nazaretb, Nat Nbadiia, P.E.A. ... Ncamana, Tong. ... Ncliine, P.E.A. ... Ncbokotsa, Bech. . Ndari, B.C.A Ndarima, P.E.A Ndara, G.S.W.A.... Ndunila, Ny Ndoomba, Tong. . . . Nebulu, P.E.A. ... Nel, S.A.R Nels Poort, C.C. ... Nelsville, S.A.R.... Nena, Bas Nen Halle, S.A.R. . Neves Ferreira, P.E, New Amsterdam, S. New Bethesda, C.C. Newcastle, C.C. ... Newcastle, Nat. . . . Newcastle, CO., Nat. New Denmark, S.A. Newdigate, Fort, S. New Glasgow, Nat. New Halle, S.A.R. . New Pass, C.C. . . . New Republic, The, S.A.R. A. A.R. R. A.R. New Scotland, S.A.R. . Newtondal, C.C Newton Peak, C.C Newtonville, Nat Newtoiidale, C.C New Year 1!., C.C New Year's U., O.F.S. . Ngabisane, Bech Ngambo, R., P.E.A. ... Ngami, Lake, Bech. . . . Ngoanestsi R., S.A.R. . Ngombe, Ny Ngunga, Bech Ngwa Hill, Bech Nliamessansara, Mash. Niamvani's, P.W.A. ... Niekerk, C.C Niemands, C.C Nieuwveld, The, C.C. . Nieuwreld Range, C.C. . Nifale, B.C.A NihegehR., P.E.A. .. Niiioma, P.E.A Nikungu, P.E.A Nikutii, P.E.A Niusi, P.E.A Njoko, B., B.C.A Nkandhla, dist., Zul Nkoebe's, Bas Nkuka's Kraal, C.C. ... Nkumakwe, C.C Nkumba. Ny Nolo, P.W.A Nokanna R., Bech. ... Nolloth, Port, C.C Nomans, G.S.W.A Nona Fall, G.S.W.A.... Nondwans, P.E.A Xonjes Poort, C.C Nonkonyani, C.C Nonswe R., P.E.A Noodsberg, The, Nat. . Norden, S.A.R Northampton, Fort, S.A.R North Sand Bluff, Nat. , Nortliumberland Point, C.C Norubi,C.C NosobR., G.S.W.A. ... Nosop R., Bech Nosop, W. Black, G.S.W.A Nosop. W. White, G.S.W.A Nossi Ve, Mad Notaiig, C.C Nottingham, Fort, Nat. Notwani, R., Bech Noup Plateau, S.W.A. Nousi, C.C Nquatsha's, Bas Nqutu Mts., S.A.R. .. Nrogi Mt., P.E.A Nsoba, Zul Nsutu R., Great, Sw. N'Tenke, C.F.S Ntunda, P.E.A Ntwara, Ny Ntwe-Ntwe Salt Pan, Bech Nuanetsi, R., Mat Nugames, G.S.W.A. .. Nugoais, G.S.W.A Nuis, G.S.W.A Nukanin, Bech Numas, C. C Numees, C.C Nutzi, R., C.C Dd Dc Dc Fb Dc Bd Cb Dc lia Cc Ed Dd Dd Be Bd Fb Cc Dd Dd Gf Cb Cc Ee De Ed Dd Be Db Dd Fd Be Ce Ff Ft G b Bd Dc Ad Db Dc Da Be Fb Ac Dd Ff Cc Be Ad Ec Dd Dc Dc Cc Ad Dc Ae (;£ Ag Dc A c Db Ab I'.a Ba Ec Dd Ce Dd Dd Dc Df Eg C'c Bf Bb Ab Ab Gf He Gb Cb Da Be Be Dc Ec Ee Dd Be Dd Cc Bd Ed A a Ba Ab Ce Bb Aa Cg Nwanetsi, R., P.E.A. .. Nyadimba, I. (li. Zam- besi), S.A Nyakoba, P.E.A Nyamatarara, R., P.E.A. Nyaniounga, P. K. A Nyanipanga I. (R. Zam besi), S.A Nvampunga I. (H. Zam- besi), S.A Nyampungo, P.E.A Nyango, P.E.A Nyaohdwe, P.E.A Nyassa, Lake, C.A Nyassaland, B.C.A Nyawos Hill, .S.W Nyawosk(.p, The, S.A.R. Nyena Kapemba, B.C.A. Nyimba, Ny NvlR., S.A.R NylR.,SA.R Nylstroom, S.A.R Nylstroom R., S.A.R. .. Nyl Vlei, S.A.R o Oangwa, R., S.Z Oas, G.S.W.A Obere Zak R., C.C Oboop, C.C Odendahl, O.F.S Odonga, G.S.W.A Odzi li„ Mash Oertel, S.A.R Oesterhuys, S.A.R Oham, S.A.R Ohamahando, G.S.W.A. Okahandya, G.S.W.A. .. Okamabuti, G.S.W.A. .. Okambombo, G.S.W.A. OkavangoR., W,A Okav.arona, G.S.W.A. .. Okomavaka, Bech Old Buntingville, C.C. . . OldTsolo, C.C Olifant Berg, The, C.C. . . Olifant, Fort, S.A.R Oliplinntsboseh Pt., C.C. Olifints I'ontein, O.F.S. Olipluims Mts., C.C OlifantsR., S.A.R Oliphants R. (Carnarvon), C.C Oliphants R. (Clan- williani), C.C Oliphants R. (Ladismith), C.C OlifantsR., Great, S.A R. Olifants R., Klein, S.A.R. Oliphants Vlei, C.C Olifants Vley, S.A.R Oliphants Vlei R., C.C... Omaramba Epuriko, W., Bech Omaramba R., S.W.A. .. Omba Oinengi, G.S.W.A. Orahongo, G.S.AV.A Oniboiigo Tr., S.W.A. .. Omborombonga, G.S.W.A Omdraai, Bech Oraeva, G.S.W.A Omurainboua, G.S.W.A. Oraushira, P.W.A, G.S.W.A Oiichas, G.S.W.A Onderste Dooms, C.C. . . Ondevveld, The, Bech. .. Ongar R.,C.C Ongelaks R., C.C Ongeluk, C.C Ongeluk R., C.C Oiigeluk's Nek, S.A Onkoro Okavapa, G.S.W.A On!;ovaTr.,S.Z Olisila R., G.S.W.A Oograbip, C.C Ookiep, C.C Oomay, R., S.Z OoriR.,P.E.A Oorlogs Kloof B., C.C. . . Orange, C.C Orange Free State, S.A. Orange B. , S. A Orange R. , Mouth of the C.C Orange Biver Sta., C.C. Origstad, S.A.R Orlogs B. (Clanwilliam), C.fc Orlogs R. (Colesberg), C.C Orob, The, C.C Oro Point, Tong Oruthe, G.S.W.A II He 13 Fa 16 Cd 10 Cd 10 Cd 10 Bd 10 Db 15 Ea 16 Dd 10 Fa 15 K d 3 Cc 16 Dd la Eb 10 Cb 16 Cc 16 Cb 4 Db 13 Dc 13 De 13 Dc 13 Cd 10 Ab 4 Cb 7 Da 8 Cc 4 Be 3 Fc 15 Dc 12 Cc 12 Dd 12 A a 4 Ab 4 Aa 4 Aa 4 Be 3 Ab 4 Bb 4 Cf 10 Bf 10 Bd 7 Ec 13 Cg 8 DS a De 8 Ed 13 Cc 7 De 8 Ff 8 Cd 12 Ed 13 Fc s Cc 12 Fc « Bb 4 Ba 4 Aa 4 Aa 4 Aa 4 Ab 4 Bb 4 Aa 4 Ab 4 Aa 4 Aa 4 Ac 4 Ec 8 Ea 8 Cd 9 De 8 Db 7 Bd 1 Be 10 Aa 4 Ba 4 Aa 4 Ab 7 Bb 8 Brt 16 Eb 12 Dd 8 Eb 7 Be 12 Cb 9 Aa 8 Db 9 Dc 12 Be 7 Ec 7 Ca 8 Fa 10 Aa 4 OsBerg, The, C.C Oscar, Nat Osse Spruit, O.F.S Othello, Nat Otiniati, Nat Oljitjika Mts., G.S.W.A. Otterdam, C.C Otter Pan, C.C Ottoshoop, S.A.R Otvitii, G.S.W.A Otyiere, G.S.W.A Otyikeko, G.S.W.A Otyikoto. G.S.W.A Otyimbinde, G.S.W.A... Otyimbindo, Wadv, G.S.W.A Otyimbuka, G.S.W.A. .. Otviomakoyo, G.S.W.A. Otyire, G.S.W.A Otyisaona, G.S.W.A Otyorukaku Berg, 'i'he, G.S.W.A Otyosazu, G.S.W.A Otvozondyupa, G.S.W.A Oubeep Cove, C.C Ouchas, G.S.W.A Oudtshoorn, C.C OupR., Bech Ourafi.,C.C Ousenia, G.S.W.A Outeniqua, Mts , ('.<'. .. Ovamho Tr.. G.S.W.A. . . OvatyimbaTr., G.S.W.A, Overtoun, Nat Ozire, G.S.W.A Ozumbeyakauha, G.S.W.A PAAnDEBF.IlG, TlIK, CiC. Paarde Kraal, C.C Paarde Kraal, O.F.S. .. Faardepoort. pass, C.C. Pa.ard Fontein, C.C Paarl, C.C Pa.auw Pan, C.C Pac.iltsdorp, C.C Pfick Ox Nek, S.A Padells, C.C Padrone, Cape, C.C. Paerzynloop B., S.A.B. Pafuri, S.A.R Pafuri R., S.A.R Pamdi, P.E.A Pahla, Mat PaiodziB., P.E.A Pakadi, Nat Pakalimapua, B.C.A Pakambwer.a, Ny Pakariro, C.F.S Pakaundi, (list., B.C.A. PakweR.,Mat Palala R., Great, S.A.R. Palani, Mt. M.,S.A Palapye, Bech PalmietR., C.C Pahnerton, C.C Pamalomhwo Lake, Ny. Pamliala, Ny Pambete, B.C.A Pampoen Pan, C.C Pampoen Poort, C.C, Bech. I'ande, C.F.S Panga, Mt,, P.E.A Pangani, Has, P.E.A. .. Pangara, P.E.A Pangola, P.E.A Panguana, P.E.A Panmure, C.C Paiitula, Ny Panyame R., E.A Panzo, P.E.A Papendorf, C.C Papkuil, C.C Parap.ato, P.E.A Parijs, O.F.S Passorie B., Mat Patela, Bas Paternoster Point,Great, C.C Paterson, C.C Patrys Berg, The, C.C... Patterson, CV Patuni, Bech Paudio. Ny. ..■ Paul Pieters Dorp,S.A.R. Pazaman, P.E.A Peacock Roads, C.C Pearson, Fort, Nat Pearston, C.C Peddle, C.C Pedros Kloof, C.C Peelton,C.C Pekawi, P.E.A Pekawi, Bas, P.E.A Be Dc Eb Dc Ed A a Bd Be Ad Aa Ab Ab A a Bb Ab Ab Aa Ab Ab Aa Ab Ab Ab Ac Bf Bb Oc Ab Bf Be Ab Dc Ab Ab Cf Gd Ab Bf Ed Cf Cc Bf Be Be FS Cb Db Ga Fd Dd Fa Dc Be Cc Be Cc De Cb Ob Ce Cg Cf Cc Cd Cb Cb Bd Be Be Fc Ec Fb Cd Fc Ag Cc Eb Fa (;d Db Dd Ce Dd Be Be Ef Ce Ag Be Cc Db Dc A a Ed Ke Gf Be Ge Ec Ec PELLA INDEX. SCHILDPADKOP , C.C. Pella, C.C Pelhi, S.A.E Pella. Lit lie, C.C PembaBay, P.E.A. ... Penjiuin Kock, C.C. ... Penguins Nek, Sw. Pennings Drift, Bech. . Perie, C.C Perigengi, P.E.A Pesiniba, P.E.A Petrusberg, O.F.S Petrusville, C.C Philadelphia. CX' J'hilippolis, O.F.S Philip-stown, C.C Pietennariteliuig, Nat. . Pieterburg, .S.A.K Pieterse, tS.A.R Piet Potgietei's liust, S.A.K Piet Ketief, H.A.I! Piag's Peak, Sw Pilana, Bech PilancJs Berg, S.A.R. . Pillar Kraal, Mat Pilgrim's Kest, S.A.R. Pine, Fort, Nat Pinetown, Nat Pingwe, Ny Piosela, P.K.A Piquetberg, C.C Piquetberg Road Sta., C.C Piquet Berg, The, C.C. Pire, Mt.,B.C.A Pirie's, S.A.R Pisangkop. The, S.A.R. l*isene, P.E.A Pi.sini, P.E.A Pitlanganyane, Bech. Pitsan, S.A.K Pitsauie, Bech Platberg, The, S.A. . . l>lat U., .S.A.K Plessis K., C.C Plettenberg, C.C. Plettenberg Bay Pniel, C.C Pocho, Bas. I'ocho'sPeak, O.F.S Poina, S.A R Pokiones Kop, The, S.A.K Poko, Ny Pokollo Cataract, (E. Ivabompn), B.C.A Pokuteke It., Mash Pokwani, Bech Poltontein, S.A.K Polonia, S.A.K PombaBay, P. H.A Pomeroy, Nat ._ I*ompean Pan, C.C Pondoland, C.C I'ongola R. (Utrecht), S.A.R I'ongola R. (Waterberg), S.A.R Poortiesdam, C.C Porrtjes Fontein, O.F.S, Pc. Alfred, C.C Port Beaufort, C.C. . . . Port Elizabeth, C.C. ... Porterville, C.C Port Herald, Ny Port Natal, Nat Port NoUoth, C.C Port Shepstone, Nat Portuguese East Africa, ]'ost Relief, C.C. Potchefstroonj, S.A.R. .. Potfontein, C.C Potgieler (Bloeiuhof), S.A.R Potgieter (Rustenburg), S.A.R Potgieters Rust, S.A.B.. Pot R., C.C PotEdam, C.C Pram Bergen, The, C.C. . Pram Berg, The, C.C. .. Preis, S.A.K Preller.S.A.R Pretoria, S.A.R Pretoria (Inset Map of), S.A.R Pretorius (Heidelberg), S.A.R Pretorius (Pretoria), S.A.R ■■ Pretorius (Rustenburg), S.A.R Prieska, C.C Primeira Is., P.E.A. .. . Prince Albert, C.C. .. Prince Albert, dist., C.C. Prince Albert Road Sta. C.C Prince AUred, CC Db Bd Cb Ab Eb Be Ge Cd Dc Eb Be Cf Ec Dc Dd Eb Be Dc Ff Gd Ac Cd Cd Fc Dc Dd Dd Fd Ce Cf Ce Ac Db Fh Hd Ec Ac Dc Ac 1'' a Dc Cf Cg Cg D.T, Be Be Dc Db Cb Ac Ec Ea Ad Cd Gd Dc Db Cf Db Prince Alfred's Pass.C.C. Prinslo, S.A.R Prinsloo (Pretoria), S.A.K Prinsloo (Pretoria), S.A.K Priors, O.F'.S Process Fontein, C.C Providential Gorge, Mash Puffadder, C.C PuRUt.i. P.E.A PaluMiti, P.E.A Punawe K., P.E.A. ... Putfers Kraal, C.C Q Cf Dd Cc Cd Ec Dc Ed Bb He Fd Ee Fd QUABI, Bech yuaggas Fontein, C.C. . Quaggas Pits, C.C Qualimbata, Bech Quamanca, C.C Quatlatala, Mash (Judeni Mts., Zul Quedlingburg, S.A.R. . Queenstown, C.C Querimba Is., P.E.A. . Quikura Falls (Luapula R.),C.F.S Quilimane, P.E.A Quilimane R., P.E.A. . Quinzungu I., P.E.A Qumbo, C.C Quoin Point, C.C QuoraR., C.C (juthiug, see Kuthing. R Cc 13 Eb 7 Cc 4 Ff 9 Eg S Ef >J (;f s Ke 8 Ed 10 Ah S De 10 Dd IC Ke a Ce IH Cc 9 Ea Be Cc Bf Ge Bd Ed G a Cc Dd De Be Bb Dd Ff Bf Fe Df 13 Fd Be Cc Dc He Af Dd Dc E h Fd Ec Bb Dd Dd Dd lif dr Gd Radloff, C.C Uahane Pass, Bas liamagoep, S.A.R Kaniah, C.C Ramaquaban R., Tati . . IJamatiabama, Bech. .. K-.imat 1 abana Pool , Bech . liame Head, C.C Kumkwa Samasala, S.A.R Kamoutska, Bech Hand Berg, The, S.A.R. RarakaR., P.E.A KasPangani, P.E.A Has I'ekawi, P.E.A Katabane, O.F.S Kawlinson Mt., S.A.K. . . Kayner, C.C Head's Drift, C.C Kebanga, S.A.R Rebel, B.C.A Recife, Cape, C.C Reddersberg, O.F.S. ... Red House, C.C Reef Point, C.C Kehoboth, G.S.W.A.... Reitz, O.F.S Keitzburg, O.F.S Uemlsburg, C.C Rendsburg, S.A.R Rennicke, S.A.R Kensburg (Ermelo), S.A.R Rensburg (Polclief- stroom), S.A.R Rensburg (Rustenburg), S.A.R Ketief, S.A.R Reuben, C.C Revubwe, R., P.E.A Revue, R., P.E.A Rhaletsani, Bech Rbamaltane, S.A.R. . . . Rhenoster Fontein, C.C. Khenosterkop Sta., C.C. Rhenoster Kop, The, O.F.S Rhenoster Poort, S.A.R. Rhenoster K. (Bloemfon- tein), O.F.S Rhenoster R. (Hope- town), C.C Rhenoster R. (Kronstad), O.F.S Rhenoster R. (Pretoria), S.A.R Rhenoster K. (Suther- land), C.C Rhenoster Valley, C.C. Rhodesia, B.C.A Kibuni Fontein. Bech. . Itichards Bay, Zul Richmond, CC Kichmond, Nat Richmond Hills, C.C. . Eb 7 lie 111 E b lo Dl> 9 Cd i:. Ad 13 Cc i Cf lu Gc 13 Be l-i Dd l-l Dd It) K,c. Hi E c 1« Fb 7 Dh 12 Fd 9 Cb 9 Fb 13 Bd 10 Eg 9 Fh 9 Ef 9 (id 7 Al. i Bb 10 Ce 13 E c 9 Fd li Fa 1 Dd Cd 13 Dd 1-1 Ce 10 Cd Iti 3A Cd 15 Bd It Be y Fa 7 Ed 13 Fb Dc Fa Cc Eb 8 Vc 9 Dc 3 Be 4 Fc 10 (■d 9 Dd 10 Fg » Richmond Road Sta., C.C Richterveld, The, C.C, Ricketsdam, S.A.R. . Ridsolo R., S.A.R.... Rielieek, C.C lUebeekcasteel, C.C. . Rieker, S.A.R Kiet. C.C Rietfontein, Bech l!ietfontein,G.S.W.A. .. Rietfontein, S.A.K liiet Fontein (Albert) Rietfontein (Carnarvon), C.C Riet Fontein (Colesberg), C.C Riet Fontein (Great Bushman Land), C.C. Rift Fontein(Griqualaiul West), C.C Rietfontein (Richmond) C.C Riet R., Klein, C.C. ... Kiet, Port, C.C Riet Point, C.C RietR., O.F.S Riet E., S.A.R. .. Hiet K. (Cere.s), C.C Riet K. (Fraserburg),C.C, Riet R. (Griqualand West), C.C Riet K., Great (Somerset East), C.C Riet K., Great (Suther- land), C.C Kiet H., Little, C.C. .. Riet Spruit, O.F.S Kiet Spruit, S.A.R Kiet Vlei, C.C KikuruR..Ny Uitobi, P.E.A Kiversdale, C.C Kiverton, Nat liobhe Bay, C.C Kobl>enI.,C.C Robertson, C.C Robinson Pass, C.C Kode, C.C Kodewal, C.C Kodi Duinen Point, C.C. Roggeveld Mts., C.C Koggeveld, The Achte, C.C Rogceveld, The Klein, C.C Roggeveld, The Middel, C.C • Rohlf's I. (R. Zambesi), S.A Rolfontein, S.A.R Roma, Bas Ilonian Vloer, C.C Rombashe, Ny Rondable, C.C RondBerg, The, C.C... lioude, P.E.A R.m.legat, C.C Rondeval, C.C Ki.od Berg, The, C.C... Rood Bergen, The, O.F.S. Koode Berg (Aberdeen), The, C.C Uoode Berg (Ladismith Dist), The, CC KoodeBerg(Middelburg), The, C.C Roode Berg (Namaland), The, C.C lioodeKlip R., C.C. ,, Roode Rand, The, Sw. Roode Vloer, Pan, C.C, Uoodewal, S.A.K Roodewall Bay, C.C. . . Rooi Berg, The, C.C. . . Rooi Grond, The, S.A.R. Roos, S.A.R KoosR.. S.A.R Koossenkal, S.A.R. . . . Rorke's Drift, Nat Rose Fontein, C.C Kosettenville, S.A.R. . Kosi Mopani, Bech. .. . RoUKville. O.F.S Kovuina Bay, P.E.A. . Kovuma R., E.A Rowe, S.A.K. Huenya K., P.E.A Rugahi, Toug Uuggens, The Zwarte, C.C Ruiaiia R., S.Z Huigtefontein, O.F.S. , Ruinabire K., Mash. .., Riio, K., E.A Rupert, Mt., C.C Rusambo, RIash Rustenburg, S.A.R. .. Kuzarwe, E., Mash. .. 12 Cd 9 Aa S Kc 12 I'-l) i;; Ff 9 Cf ii Vc. 12 Be 7 Cf 3 Ha 7 Ea ( Ec 7 Db Cc 9 Ca 9 Cd 7 Gf 9 Fb 9 Cc 13 De S Cc 1 s Db Ee Ee Fd Fb Cc Ce Cc Ec Fg Dd Ab Cf Df Af Ce Cd Cd Ee Ed Ee Ad Dd Ad Ec Cb Ac Cc Dd Ce Bd Dc Be De Ff Ec Cc S Df 9 Eb 10 Be 9 Db 1-2 Be ,s E 1) 8 Ad 13 Cc 12 <'d 13 Ed 13 Dc 10 Ed 9 13a Cd KS Fc 9 Ec 11'. Dc It) Fo 13 <-.d If. Ed 12 Df 9 Kb 16 Ac 10 Eb Is Dd 16 Da 9 Fb 16 <;d 13 Ec 16 Sabine, Tati Sabi, R.,Mat SabiR., S.A.R Sablai, Bech Saduni B. , S.Z Sadya's, Mash St. Albans, C.C St. Andrews, C.C St. A ndrews, Zul St. Augustine, C.C. — St. Augustine, S.A.R. . St. Blaise, Cape. C.C. . St. Croix I., C.C St. I'lancis Bay, C.C St. Francis, Cape, C.C . St. George R., P.E.A. . St. Helena Bay, C.C... St. James, Zul St. John's, CC St. John's E., C.C St. Lazarus Bank, P. F;.^ .St. Lucia Bay, s. E.A. . St. Lucia, Cape, Zul. . . . St. Lucia Lake, S.E.A. . St.Marks.C.C St. Martin, Cape. C.C. , St. Mary, Cape, Mad. St. Michaels, Nat St. Mingo Bay, CC. .. St. Paufs, Zul St. Peters, C.C St. Philip, Zul St. Sebastian Bay, C.C. Sakatoko, Mash Sakun Mts., S.A.R. .. Salati R., S.A.R Saldanha Bay, C.C. .. Salem, C.C Salisbury, Mash Salisbury Gold Field, Mash .Salons R.. S.A.R Salt R. (Beaufort West), C.C Salt B. (Cape). C.C Salt R. (Fraserburg), C.C, Salt R. (Great Bushman Laiul), C.C Sama R., S.A.R Sambana, Tong Sambone, Sw Sambuti R., Bech Samson's Gat, C.C Sana Basil, P. W. A. ... Sanacan, Cape, P. E. A . . Sanaghe, Lake, S.A.R. Sand Bluff, North, Nat. Sand Bluff, South, C.C. .. Sand Flats, C.C Sandfoiitein, Bech Sandfnntein, G.S.W.A... Sandia, P.EA Sandown Bay, C.C Sandown Point, C.C Sand R., Nat Sand R. (Vrede), O.F.S. sand R. (Winburg), O.F.S Sand R. (Waterberg), S.A.R Sand R. (Zoutpansberg), S.A.R Sand sta., Bech Sandwich Harb., G.S.W.A Sandv Point, C.C Sandy Point, Ny Sangime Bay. P.E.A. . Sanguru (Batoka), P.E.A Sanguru (Mavis R.), P.E.A Sandia, P.E.A Sanie, Bech Saniut's Post, O.F.S. . . . Sanyara, Mash Sanyati.R., S.Z Sapatani, B.C.A Sapjiii Sapp, C.l'.S .s;uiinoiieng. CG Sannento, P.E.A Saron, C.C Saron, S.A.R Sama, R., Mash Sasin Koro, G.S.W.A. Sasseb, G.S.W.A Sauls Kloof, S.A.R. .. Sauls Kraal, S.A.K. .. Saulspoort, S.A.R Sauraheib, G.S.W.A. . . S.awisis, G.S.W.A. Schaapkuil. S.A.R. .. Schildpadfontein, S.A. Schildpadkop, The, C.i Cd Ec Gc Bb Ba Ec Af Cf Ed Gc Dc Bg Ef Eg Dg Ec 12 Ce Ec Gc Cf Ec Fc Fc Fb Gd Ad Gg De Eg Ec Ge Ec Eg Ec Fc Dc Bf Fg Eb Eb Be Ce Cf Fd s 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 9 7 3 10 8 10 9 10 8 16 13 12 8 9 15 15 12 9 8 8 Db Fb Fb Dd Ac Bb Ac Ec Fc Df Df Ef Bb Bb Cd Be Ab Gb Ef 13 Be Cb Db Be Af Re Cc Ec Cd Fa Fa Cc Fb Fb Db Bd Bb Db 3A Df 8 Be 12 Ec 15 Ac 15 A.I 4 Be 12 Dd 13 (■d 13 Ab 4 A a 7 Be 12 Cc 12 Ce 9 SCHOEMAN'S INDEX. TLOTSE Schoeman's Drift, O.F.S. Schoenian'a Hoek, C.C. Schoenlierfi, C.C Schoen .Spruit, S.A.R. Sclioinl)ie, C.C SchoonR., O.F.S Schoons Spruit, S.A.R. Schoorsteen, Berg, The, C.C Schulenburg, .S.A.R. .. Schulpfontein Point, C.C Schurede Mt.'^., Bech, Schweizerrennelte, .S.A.R Schwiezer, S.A.R Scorpion Kraal, C.C... Scotland, The, C.C. . . >Scot3 Drift, Becli Scottsburg, Nat Sea and Green Points Light-House, C.C. .. Seal, Cape, C.C Seal I., C.C Seal Point, C.C Seate R., Bas Sebolane, S.A.R Sebuburapi, liech Sebungo, R., S.Z Secheli's Kingilora.Bech Secuil, Bech .Seeis, G.S.W.A Sefofuli, S.A.R Sefulu, B.C.A .Sehubia, Bech .Sekate, Ny Seketewayo, S.A.R. .. Sekhosi, B.C.A Sekunibwa, Bech .Sekwati's, S.A.R Selati Gold Field, S.A.R. Selati R.,. S.A.R Selindehe, Bech Selole, B.C.A Selous's Road, P.E.A Semnlali, Mat Semalembue, B.C.A.. .Seniene R., Bas Semokwe, R., Mat. .. . Semukhu, P.E.A. ... Sena, P.E.A Senekal, O.F.S Sengoma, S.A.R Sengwe R., S.Z Senkunyane R., lias. . .Senku, R., Bas Sepafane R., S.A.R. . Sephton, S.A.R. Seplan, C.C Sepu, R., P.W.A. ... Sequati's Kraal, C C. Serobane, S.A.R. ... Seroromi R., Bech. .. . Serotli, Bech Serule R., Bech Sesheke, B.C.A .Setlagoli, Bech SetlagVater, C.C Songue K., B.C.A Songwe, Ny Sonoab, G.S.W.A Sordwana, Port, Tong. . . Sordwana Roads, Tong.. Sorissa Point, P.E.A Soshe, P.B.A Sotai, C.F.S Sources, The Mont aux, S.A South African Republic, .S.A Dd in Dd ii; Dd 1(1 Dd 10 Cb 10 Cd l(i Eb i.') Cd in Cc 10 Be 10 Fb 1."; Cd ^r, Cd 10 Cb i^ Cb i Cd IS Bb 7 Ac ( Ed l,--! Db 1.'. Dd 10 Bb i:; Bd 10 Ec 1.=. Fb 10 Cc u, Ac n Fb 10 Gd u Fd 15 Db 4 Eb It: Ec 12 Ga in Be u Fb 7 Cc 16 :!A Dd 16 Dd IS Ad 16 Cb l.'j Ec 15 Og S Eb 16 Bd :o Fb 13 Qb 13 ;u Ee 12 Ed 12 Eb 15 Cb 16 Ad 16 '■g 8 Fe lb Be 16 Eb 8 Fd 16 3A Dd 13 Cd a Ff 13 Ec 10 Ee 7 Ed 8 Cg S Bf 10 Ge 9 Dd 8 Ea 13 Cc 12 Cb 12 Fc 9 Ec 13 Ac 4 Dd a Bd 7 Db 7 Cc 16 Ab 16 Ac 10 Cd 16 Be 10 Dd 10 Aa S Ef 3 Bd 8 Ee a Cg 8 Cg 8 Fc 10 Be 8 Ac 10 Cb 10 A a 7 Fb in Fb 111 Ec 10 Cd 10 Be 16 Gb 7 Cc 12 South Barrow, Nat Southern Zambesia, S.A Southeyville, C.C South Sand Bluff, C.C... Souvenir, Le, O.F.S Spaldings, C.C Spandikron, Nat Spekakel, C.C SpekboomR., S.A.B. .. Spion Berg, The, C.C. .. Spion Berg, The, Nat. .. Spionkop, The, C.C Spitzkop Rand, S.A.R... Spitzkop, Tlie, Bech Spitzkop, The, C.C Spitzkop, The, O.F.S. .. Spitzkop, The, S.A.R. .. SpoegR., C.C Spriu^bn.-l; Vley, Bech. Sprinnboklonteiu, C.C... SjirioglH.k KuilB., C.C. SpringlickXlakte, S.A.R. SprinKt'ii-ld. O.F.S Springfoiitein, O.F.S. .. Springs, S.A.R .Springvale, Nat Spruit Zonder Dr., O.F.S. Spuigland, C.C Standerton, S.A.R Stanford, C.C Stanford, S.A.B Stanger, Nat .Steelpoort, S.A.B SteelpoortR., S.A.R. .. Steenberg, S.A.R Steenkanips Berg, S.A.R. Steenkamp's Pooit, C.C. Steenkoot R., S.A.B Steinkopf, C.C Steinkop R., C.C Steinsburg, .see Steyns- burg. Steinthal, C.C Stellaland, Bech Stelleubosch, C.C Stephanus Church, C.C. Sterk R., S.A.R Sterkstrom, C.C Sterkstroom R. (Rusten- burg), S.A.R. - Sterkstroom R. (Water.-s- berg), S.A.R Sterkstroom R. (Zout- pansberg), S.A.B Stevenson Boad, The, Ny. Stewart, Mt., C.C Steyn, S.A.R Steynsburg, C.C Steynsdorp, Sw Steytlerville, C.C Stink Fontein, Bech Stinkfontein, C.C Stockenstrom, dist., C.C. Stolz, S.A.R stolzenfels, G.S.W.A. .. Stony Point, C.C Stormbergen, The, C.C. Stormberg Spruit, C.C... Storm R., C.C Strandfontein Point, C.C. Stiont Berg, The Stvuys Bay, C.C Struys Point, C.C Strydom (Pretoria), S.A.R. Strydom (Middelburg), S.A.B Strydpoort Rand, S.A.R, Stryd R., C.C .Stuartstown, Nat Stutterheim, C.C Stuurmans Pit, C.C Sudbury, C.C Sugarloaf Kock Suikerbosch Kop, Great, S.A.B. Sukene, S.A.R Sullivan, Mt., C.C , Sumagu, Bech Suniba, P.E.A , .Sunikeli, Zul Sumdamup Tr.,G.S.W.A, Sunday R., C.C Sunday R., Nat Sunday River Pass, S.A. Sunta, R., Bech Suru. S.Z Sussu, P.E.A Sutherland, C.C SutliiTlaiid, Nat Sutlnrland Hills, S.A.R. Swafo, P.E.A SwakopR,, G.S.W.A. .. Swannipoel, S.A.R Sivart, S.A.R Swartland, Bas Swaziland, S.A Swellendam, C.C Swellendam Point, C.C. 18 De Ca Gd nt Gb Be Dc Bb Fc Dc Gb Dd Fb Fa Bd Eb De Be Be Bb Ce Dd Be E c De De Ef Dd Ee ng Cc Ed Dc Fc Dd Fd Fe Ee Bb Db Bd Ea Cf Fa Dc Fd Cd Cc Fa Cb Ed Dd Ed Ge Df Bb Ba Fe Dc Bb Bg Fd Fc Cg Be Fb Eg Eg Cc Dc Ec Bb De Ag Be Fg Cf Fd Db Cf Ac Cc Ee Ba De Cc Cb Ac Eb Cd Ee De Fb Ec Bf Dd Dd Bd Ge Eg Cg T,\AIBOSCHFOXTF.1N, C.C. Tabacheu,Mt., B.C.A. I. able Bay, C.C Table Mountain, C.C. Tabuk.a, Mat Trcoma, P.E.A Tafelberg Sta., C.C. .. Tafelberg, The Klein, C.C. Tafelkop, The, C.C Tafelkop, The, O.F.S. .. Tafelskop (Lydenburg), The, S.A.R Tafelskop (Potehef- stroom). The, S.A.R. .. Taiaskei, G.S.W.A TaiboschR., O.F.S Takun, Bech Takwaning, Bech Tamalukan R., Bech. ., Tama Malisa, Mat Tambala, Ny Tambo Akilala, B.C.A. . . Tambooti R., S.A.R T'ambusi I., P. E.A Tandtjesberge, The, C.C, 'I'anqua R., C.C Tapanianda,Cape,P.E.A. Taplin, C.C Tarka 1{., C.C Tarkastad.C.C T'atani Magha, Bech... TatasBerg, The, C.C. Tati, dht., Bech Tati, P.E.A TatiR., Bech TaungR., Bech T'aungs, Bech 'I'auopi, Bech Tave B.,. S.A.R Tekomaji I., P.E.A. .. Tekwa, S.A.R Telle R., S.A Tembo, R., P E.A Tembuland, C.C Tenibwe, Ny Tembwe, P. E.A TembyB., P.E.A Tenedos, Fort, Zul. . . Tenedos .Shoal, Zul. .. Tenke, N., B.C.A Terblans, S.A.B Teresa, Ny Terue R., P.E.A Tete, P.E.A Teyateyaneng, Bas. . . Thaba Bosigo, Bas. . . Tliaba Enzimbe Hill, Mash Thabana Morena, Bas. Thabanchu, O.F.S Thaba Patchoa, O.F.S. Thabine, S.A.R ThabineR., S.A.R. .. TheeR., S.A.R Theko, Bas Thelesu R., S.A.R The()polis, C.C Tliesiger, Mt., C.C. .. Thlakanelo, Bas Thlotsi, B,as ThokweR., S.A.R T'honias, Bas Thomas Dreyer Berg, S.A.R. luimpson, C.C Thorn Bay Point, C.C. Tliorndale, S.A.B. ... Thorngrove, C.C Thornhill, C.C Thousand Pools, Land of the. Mat T'hree Sisters Sta., C.C. Three Sisters, The, S.A.R. •JhysBay, C.C Tibil, P.E.A Tiger Berg (Aberdeen), The, C.C Tiger Berg (Calvinia), The. C.C Tiger Berg (Namaqua- lanil), Th... C.C Tiger Kloof, The, C.C. .. Tiger Kloof Spruit,O.F.S. Timlial.ati R., S.A.R Tinibane, P.E.A Tina, C.C Tina B., C.C Tinde, Ny Tioge li.. Bech- Tiungu, B.e'.A Tlakanuano, Bech Tlandieli, Bech Tlaping Spruit, Bech. .. Tlotse, Bas Cc Bd Cf Cf Ec Cd Ed Ce Da Cb Fd Be A a Ce Be Ea Ac Cc Cc Be Cb Ec Ee Ee Ec Ge Fe Fd Bd Ba Cd Cd Ac Be Ce Db Ec Db Ae Ed Af Cc Cc He Ed Ed Be Ga Cc Ec Cd Ad Ad Ec Ad Fb Fb Fb Fc Fe Ad Fe Ff Cf Bd Cc Cc Gc Be Ka Cd Be Ee Eb Cc Cd Gd Ee Fd De Ed Be Ec Be Gc Fd Be Be Cc Ce Cb Be Cd Ac Be TI.OTSE INDEX. WINTERHOEK Tlotse R., Bas T'Nous, C.C ToaE., PICA Tobos, G.S.W.A Toestaaii. CO Totikey, Ny Tokanna IJ., Bech Tokoji. Becli Tokwe, R., Mash Tola, P.E.A Toleni, C.C. Tolo Azirae Falls (Lim popo R.), S.A Tonilers, C.C 'I'ongaati R., Nat Tongaland, S.A Toiik, Becli Touke R., Bech Toorn Berg, The Groote, C C Too'rns R., kieiii, cVc. . Toro, C.C Totela, C.F.S Toums Berg, C.C Touw li. , C. C Touws, The, C.C Touws River Sta., C.C... Triid'uws Pa33, C.C... Trak t U. (Prince Albert), C.C Traka R. (Worcester), C C Traka, The, C.C. !'!!!! !! TYanskei, The, C.C Transv.'ial, 'llie, S.A.... Trekvelil, The, C.C Triangle, C.C Troe-'J'roe, C.C Tromskop, The, C.C Troyeville, S. A .R Tsakoma, S.A.R Tiaun, G.S.W.A TsendeE., S.A.R Tsening, Bech Tshungwana, C.C Tsliwani, S.A.R Tsitane Saltpan, Becli. - Tsitsa Falls (Tsitsa R.), C.C Tsitsa E., C.C Tsojana, C.C Tsolo, C.C Tsolo, Old, C.C Tsomo, C.C Tsomo K.,C.C Tsumis, G.S.W.A Tswainff R., Bas TugelaR., S.A 'lugela R., Little, .. Tugulu. P.E.A Turn, C.C ■I'ulbagh. C.C Tuh, JIat Tuli. E., Mat Tumbe, P.E.A Tundalanga, C.F.S Tung!, P.E.A Tntluaiie, S.A.R Tutuan , Tong Tungwisi R., Mash Tunxa E., C.C Twas.s, G.S.W.A Tweed.lale, C.C Tweede Bergen, The, S.A.R Tweede Poort, S.A.R. . Twee Mik Berg, The, C.C. Twenty-four Rivers, C.C, Twins, The, C.C Twist NiL't, C.C Tylden, C.C Tj-klen Peak, C.C Tyotyo, R., B.C.A u UanGU, P.E.A trhaziR.,C.C TliipR.C.C Ub.imoo Head, C.C. ... I'chungu, dist., E.A. .. . Ugii'.C.C Ugrabib Berg, The, C.C. Ugrabis, C.C Ugweno, CO., Nat Uhabis, G.S.W.A Uilkraals Bay, C.C. . . . Uilkraals R., C.C Uisip, Bech ritdraai, O.F.S rileidiage, C.C Uitkyk, C.C Uitspan Berg, The, C.C. Ukul.a, Mt., P.E.A llkwanipa R., Mat. .. . U'Larkeni Drift, P. E A. Ulenji, B.C.A Bd 10 Bb 7 Sa Ba 7 Be n Cb 11) lie 4 Be 4 Ed 16 DC 10 Bg 10 Ee ir, Bd 7 Ell 10 Fa 10 Da / Ac 15 Dd 8 nd .'< I?f 10 Bb IB Ba 8 Ef 8 Ef 8 Kf 8 Ef 8 Bf 9 Ef 8 Cf i) Bg 10 Be 1'.; Dc s Df 8 Ad 4 Ce 7 1!U Fb IS Ab 4 Gb IS Da 7 Be 10 Be 12 Cd 16 Bf 10 Bf 10 Ko 7 Oc 7 Bf 10 Ag 10 Af 10 Ab 4 Ad 10 Dc 10 Cc 10 Ec 16 Cd 7 Df 8 Dd 16 Dd 15 Dc 10 Ab 16 Kc 10 Cb 12 Ed 12 Fc 16 Ge » Ab 4 Ed 9 Ea 13 Be 12 Fc 8 Df 8 Be 8 Kd 9 Ge 9 Fd a Cb 15 Dc 10 Cf 10 Aa 8 Cf 10 Cb 10 Ge 7 Cb s Bb 8 Dd 10 Ab 7 Ug S I>g 8 Cb Eb 7 11 Ef Ea 7 Cc 8 Dc 16 Dc 15 Fd 16 Da 15 Ulundi, Nat Ulundi. Zul Umab Desert, G.S.W.A. Umalooy, Sw Uinbelosi K., E.A Umbelosi R., Black, Sw. Unibelosi R., White, Sw. Umbigiza, Tong Umchabanchaban, P.E.A Umchanatsi, S.Z Umchengwisi R., P.E.A. Umchingwe R., Mat Unifanawenlela, Zul UmfuliGokl Field, Lower, Mash Unifuli Gold Field, Upper. Mash Umfuli, R., Mash Umfunge, R., S.Z Umgalungulo Mt., Mat. XJmgazi R. , C. C Umgazwi, P.E.A Uiiigeni, Nat Umgesi R., Mash Uiugitywa. Zul UmcorbuR., P.E.A UmgovaMts., Zul Unigovuma R., Sw Uinguasi, R., Mash Umgwangwana R., C.C. Unigwenia, P.E.A Unihlanganini, R., P.E.A Umhiangen, Mat Umhiatoos R., Sw Umhloti R., Nat Umjiiuli, Tong I'lnkhosi, R., Mat Umkobowan, Sw Umknf, P.E.A Ukmomaas R., Nat Unikoniaas R., Sw Uinknmanzi, co., Nat. .. TJuikoinanzi R., Nat Umkombiea R , S. A Uiiikonto R., Sw Umkoshloli R., E.A Umkosbloli R., P.E.A... Umkmnbura, R., P.E.A. Umkubi R., S.E.A Umlnndela, Zul Unilandela Tr.. Zul Umlatusi R., Zul Umlazi R. , Nat Umnyati, Mash Umnyati R.. Mash Umona R., Zul Umpambinyoni R., Nat. Umpumulu, Nat Uiuquakela, C.C Umsaugaadzi R., P.E.A. Uiusa we R. , Mat Uiusengaisi R., E.A Urashabetsi R., Mat L'lnshagashi R., Mat. .. Umsikaba R., C.C Unisinga, Nat Uni3inga. Mt., Nat I'mslane R., Mat Unisuaze, Bech Umswiuia, P.E.A Uuitagat, Sw Umtali, Masli Umtamvuna R., S.A Uintanbeka, Sw Uintanga, Mt., Mat Umtasa'i!. P.E.A Umtasiti R.. S.A.R Uratata, C.C Umtata, C.C I'lntataR., C.C Umtegan, Mat Uiiitentu, C.C UmteiiLuR., C.C Umtigesa, Mash UmtlitloR., S.A.R rmtshefuR.,P.K.A I'lntule R., S.A.R Umtwaluini ]\., Nat Uravolosi R., Black, Zul, Umvolosi U., White, S.A.R Umvoti, CO., Nat , UmvotiR., Nat Umvukwe Mts., Mash. ., Uiuvule, Zul Univule R., Zul Umyangu, P.K.A Umzimhlavana R., C.C, Umziuikulu, C.C Umzimkulu !!., Nat. .. . Uiiizinilava R., C.C. Umzimvubu K., C.C Umzingwane, .Mat Umzingwaue R., Mat. . . Umzinto, Nat. ... , Umzinto R., S.A.R. Uiiizinyati Lake, Zul. . . Cd 10 Ec 10 Bb 4 Dd 12 Ed 12 <;.! l;j (ie 13 Fa 10 Kd 12 Kd 15 Eb 12 Dd 16 De 12 Db 15 Ec 15 Ec 15 Eh 15 K e 16 (ic 7 Fd 16 Kd 10 Ec 16 De 12 Fe 16 Ec 10 Eb 10 Eb 16 Gb 7 Db 4 Fd 16 Dc 16 Ka 10 Dd 10 Fb 10 (;c 16 Dd 12 E (1 12 De 10 Ge 13 Dd 10 De 10 Fe 13 Dil 12 1)1) 4 Eh 12 Ea 15 Kb 10 De 12 Kc 10 Ec 10 De 10 Ec 15 J)b 16 Ec 10 De 10 Ed 10 Cf 10 SA Kd 15 Eb 16 Dd 15 Db 4 (;f 10 Dc 10 Dc 10 Dd 15 Cd 15 E (i 12 Dd 12 Fc 16 Df 10 Eb 10 Ec 16 Fc 16 Dc 12 (ic 7 Kf 10 Cf 10 Dd 15 lif 10 Df 10 Kc 16 (ic 13 Fe 15 Fe 13 De 10 Ec 10 Ec 10 Dd 1(} Dd 10 Eb 16 Kc 10 De 12 Dc 4 (ic 7 Ce 10 Cd 10 (ic / Ce 10 Dd 15 Dil 15 De 10 (i.l 13 Fc 10 Umzinyati E., S.A Uinzurabi, Nat XJmzumbo R., Nat Umzwaa.s, S.A.R Unizueswie Gold Field, Masli Umzweswie, R., Mash. . . Undakalvi R., C.C Unde, P.E.A Undi, P.E.A Undungaswe, P.E.A Ungucsi, E. (E. Kafne), B.C.A Ungues! E. (R. Zambesi), B.C.A Ungwali, C.C Ungwenia, P.E.A Uniondale, C.C Union Vley, Bech Unodwengo, Zul Unyameni R., C.C Unyango, P.E.A Unyanyene K., .S.A.E. .. Upamba Lake, C.F.S. .. Upa, R., E.A UpindoTr., C.C Upington, Bech Upper Tugela, town, Nat Upper Umfuli Gold Field Mash Upper ZakE., C.C UremaE., P.E.A Uridanab, G.S.W.A Urigab. G.S.W.A Urinouh R., C.C Urua, dist., C.F.S Uruiigu, dist, B.C.A. .. Us, G.S.W.A Usenie, Zul Useme, Zul Usibelm's Kraal, Zul. . . Usimelo, P.E.A Usonia, P.E.A Ussambi Tr., C.F.S UsutoTr., Zul Usutu R., P.E.A Usutu E., Great, Sw. . . Usutu R., Littl.', Sw. . . Utabi, R., S.A.R Utale. Ny Utrecht, S.A.R Utshaniud, P.E.A Uvula's, Mat Uwiwa, dist., Ny Uiamaris, G.S.W.A Vaalheuvel, Groot, C.C Vaalheuvel, Klein, ('.C. Vaulkop, The, S.A.R. .. VaalR.,S.A Vaal R. (N.amaqualand), C C Vaahvaterii., S.A.R. .. Vacca, Cape, C. C VaiR.,C.C Valdezia, S.A.R Valsh R., O.F.S Van Reeiien's Pass, S.A. Van Rhynsdorp, C.C. . . Van Wijk's Vlei, C.C Van Wvk, S.A.R Vechtkop, Ihe, O.F.S. .. VentenR., O.F.S Venter, S.A.I! Venters, S.A.R Ventersburg, C.C Ventersburg, O.F.S Ventersdorp, .S..\.R Venterskroon, .^.A.R. .. Venterstad, C.C Vereeniging, S.A.R Vermaak, S.A.R Vermaak, Sw VerlorenR.,C.C Verulam, Nat Verzamel Berg, The, S.A.R Vetberg, C.C Vet R., O.F.S VetteR.,CC Vicenti, P.E.A Victoria, Mat Victoria, Nat Victoria East, dist., C.C. Victoria Falls (R. Zam- besi) Victoria, Fort, S.A.R. .. Victoria Gold Field, Mat Victoria Mine, C.C Victoria West, C.C Victoria West Sta., C.C. Vidal, Cape, Tong Viljoen, S.A.R 14 Db 10 De 10 De 10 Db 12 Dc 16 Dc 16 Cf 10 Dc u; Ce 10 Db 4 Bd 16 Bd 10 Ag 10 Ec 12 Cf 9 Bb 4 De 12 Df 10 Dc IB Dc 10 Bb IB Fb 15 Be 10 Og 3 Cc 10 Ec 15 Ed 8 Sa Ba 7 Ab 4 Ea S Bb 10 Cb 16 Aa 7 Dc 4 Dc 12 Eb 10 E d 12 Ce IB Bb IB Eb 10 Ed 12 Ge 13 Go 13 Db 12 Cd 16 Db in Fd 16 Dd 16 Cb 10 Ba ' Cb 8 Cb 8 Be 13 Ga ' Ab 7 Fe 13 De 7 Cd S Fb 13 Ab 10 Cc 10 Cd 8 Fc 8 Dd 12 Bb 10 Ef 13 Ce 12 Db 12 Ec 7 Fb 7 Be 13 Ce 13 Ec 9 Ce 13 Dd 13 Eb 10 Ce 8 Ed 10 Ff 13 Db I' Fa 7 l''g 8 Fe 3 Ed 15 Ed 10 Fe U Bb Ec 15 10 Ed 15 Bb 7 Bd 9 Cd 9 Fc 10 Dc 12 Viljoen's Drift, S.A.R. . Villiersdorp, C.C Villiersdorp, O.F.S. .., VischwaterR., S.A.R. . Vlei R.,C.C Vlugt Kraal, S.A.R. ... Vogel Fontein, C.C. ... Vogel Klip, The, C.C. . Vogel R., C.C Vogel Vallei Vloer, C.C. Vnlker, S.A.R Volksrust, S.A.E Voltas, Cape, C.C ^'ondeling I., C.C Vorster, S.A.R Vrede, O.F.S Vredefoot, O.F.S Vredendal, C.C Vrijheid, S.A.E Vryburg, Bech Vryheid, «ff Vrijheid. Vunga, P.E.A Vurniele, Mat Vurruca, P. E.A Vuurdood, The, C.C... w Waai Fontein, C.C. ... W.aal Hoek, C.C Wagenaars Kraal, C.C. . Wahlberg, Bech Wahode, P.E.A Wakkerstroom, S.A.R.. WalBsch Bay, see Wal- viseh Bay. Walker Bav, C.C Walker 1, P.E.A Waller, Mt., Ny Walker Point, C.C Wallmansthal, S.A.E. . Walthnorns Kraal, C.C. Walvisch Bay, S.W.A. . Wamisi I., P.E.A Waudonde Tr., P.E.A. . Wankie, B.C.A Wanetze, Mat Warden, Fort, C.C. ... Warmbad, G.S.W.A.... Warinlmth, S.A.R Warm Bokkeveld, C.C. . Warmwater Bergen, C.C Warrenton, C.C Warwick, Fort, S.A.R. Waschbank, Nat Waschbank, Peak, C.C, Water Berg, The, S.A.R. Waterfall Bluff, C.C. Waterfall R., S.A.R. Watergras Drift, C.C, Waterloo Bay, C.C. Water.sberg, dist., S.A.E. Waterval R., S.A.E. Weber, Fort, S.A.R. Wedge Point, C.C. .. WedzaMt., Mat Weeber, Fort, S.A.R. Weenen, Nat Wegloop, Tati Welcome Berg, The, C.C. Wellington, C.C Weltevreden, C.C Weininer Vlei, S.A.R. . Wepener, O.F.S Wesley, G.S.W.A Wesaels Nek Sta., Nat. . Weston, Nat Wetterhorn, The, C.C. . Wh.ale Rock. C.C Wheeler,S.A.R White KeiR., C.C White Point, C.C White Umvolosi R., S.A.R Wliittlesea, C.C Wildebeest Pan, C.C. . . Wilge U., O.F.S Wilgell., S.A.R WilhelmsR., C.C Wilkerhout's Drift, Bech, William, Fort, C.C. ... William, Fort, S.A.R. .. Williamstown. Nat. ... Willowmore, C;.C Willowv.ale, C.C Winburg, O.F.S Windhoek, C.C Windlioek. G.S.W.A Windvogel Mts., C.C... Winkledrift, O.F.S Winter Berg, The, C.C. . , Winterberg, The Great, C C Winter Hoek Mts., C.C. Winterhoek Mts., Klein, C.C Ce Dg Df Eb Bd Fd Cd Bb Ee Ee Eb Ef Aa Ad Cc Cb Fa Be Db Be Fb Ed Dd Ca Dc Fd Bd Bb Hb Ff Ed Cc i'§ Cc Af Ec De Cb Ed Bg Bb Fd Df Ef Da De Dc Gd Ce Cf Ga Ab Gf Cb De Dc Ab Ec Ec Cc Cd Be Df Gc Fb Ab Cc Dd Ae Cf Dc Fd Ab Ee Fe Cb Ga Dd Dd Cb Ce Cc Ed Cf Bg Fb Bb Bf Fe Cf Be Fe Ef Df WINTER HOEK INDEX. ZWINGEL PAN Winter Hoek, The Great, C C Wiiiterveld, The, dc. . . . WilherK, C.C WitfonteinBerge, S.A.R. Witklip, S.A.I! Witmoss, C.C Witputs.C.C Witsamls, C.C Wittebank, C.C Witte Bergen, The, O.F..S Wittebergen (Barkly), The, C.C Witte Bergen (Griqua- lanii West), The, C.C. Witte Elsbosch, town, C.C Witte Elsbosch, The, C.C Witte Klip, The, C.C. .. Wittewaters, C.C Witvley, G.S.W.A Witwater, The, C.C Witwater.srapd, .S.A.R. . . Wlekpooit R., C.C Wodehunse. dist., C.C... Wolff Spruit, S.A.R Wolf Poort R., C.C Wolniarans, S.A.R Wolm.iranstatl, S.A.R. .. Wolvefontein, C.C Wolve Spruit, O.F.S. ... Wonderbnonis R., C.C... Wonderfontein, .S.A.R. . . Wonderfontein Loop R., S.A.R Wonderhauvel, C.C Woodbnsh Gold Field, S.A.R Woodside, O.F.S Woodville, C.C Woody Cape, C.C Wo,)lridge, C.C Worcester, C.C Wreck Point, C.C Wuppt-rthal, C.C Wynberg, C.C Cf 8 Cd fl Db 7 B c 13 Eb 13 Ee » Db 9 Ba 9 Ab 7 Be 10 Ae 10 Be 10 ng 9 Df 9 Be « Ce 8 Ab 4 Ba 9 Ce IS Ed fl Fd 9 Bf U Be 8 Bd 12 Bf U Df 9 Ea 9 Fd 9 Bd 12 Ce 13 Ec 7 Eb 13 Bb 10 Bf 9 Fe 9 Gf 9 Df .s Ab 7 De s Cg 8 Xalanga, C.C Xamates, G.S.W.A. . XanobR., G.S.W.A. . XesibeTr., C.C XnabaraR., C.C. ... Xosa, C.C Xoungs, C.C Xuka, C.C XukaR., C.C Xurutabi's, G.S.W.A. Xutsa, C.C Yamkombe, R., Mash. . Yango, P.E.A Yankwesi, Mash YaoTr., P.E.A Yeoville, S.A.R Yolland, Fort, Zul York, Nat Yzerberg, The, S.A.R. . z ZakR.,C.C Zak R., Upper, C.C Zambesia, Northern, S. A Zarabesia. Southern, S.A Zambesi Delta. P.E.A. .., R.. E.A Zambili, Tong Zanibot, Sw. ZandR., C.C Zand R., O.F.S Zand K. (Watersberg), S.A.R Zand R. (Zoutpansberg), S.A.R Zand River Bergen, S.A R Zandveld, The, C.C Af in Aa t Aa 7 Ce 11) Od 7 Db Db 7 Fc 7 JSf 10 Aa 7 Fd 7 Fh 15 Dd 111 Fb l.^i Dc IG 13a Ec in Dd 10 Fb 13 Bd 9 Eb 8 Be Ifi Ca 4 Dd l(i Bd HI Ed 12 Eb in Cb 9 Ac 10 Dc 13 Ea 13 Dc 13 Cd » Zanve, dist., P.E.A Zapaira, B.C.A Zastroii, O.F.S /ebane, S.A.K Zebedela's Kiaal, S.A.U. Zeekoe Point, C.C Zeenist, S.A.R ZekoeR., C.C. . Zeven Fontein Pan, C.C Zihi, C.C Zietsman, Nat Zimbabwe, Mat Zimulu's, Mat Zingabila, Mash Zion, Bas Zitzikanima Forest, C.C. Zitzikamma Pnint, C.C. Ziuziu R.. P.E.A Zoani, Ny. . , Zoar, C.C Zoasamoio, P.E.A Zoekoegat, C.C Zumba, Ny Zunibe, B.C.A Zonder Dr. , Spruit.O.F.S, Zonder Einde Mts., C.C. Zonder Einde R., C.C, .. Zongoro, Mash Zongwe, R., B.C.A Zontag.C.C Zoiiga R., see Zuga R. ZourBerg, The. C.C Zout Kloof R., C.C Zout Pan, C.C Zoutpans Bergen, S.A.R. Zoutpansberg, S.A.R. .. Zoutpansberg. The, C.C. Zoutpans Brift, O.RS. . Zout R. (Swellendaiu), C.C Zout R. (Vanrhynsdorp), C.C Zout River Vlei, C.C ZuRa R. , Eech Zuikerbosch Rand, S.A.R Zuikerbosch, R.. S.A.R. Zululaiid, S.E.A 15 Fn LI Co 16 (Ic 9 Db 12 Ec 13 Ce 7 Ad 13 Dc 9 Dc !■ He IC Ce 10 Ed 15 [)a 4 K, h IB Ad 10 Cf 9 D" 9 Dd 10 (!c 10 Ff 8 Fn 15 1)6 9 l>R 8 Dg S Fb 1!) Oh 15 Ee 9 Ed 9 Hf 8 Ch 9 Eb 13 Kb 13 Ed 9 Eb 7 Eg 8 Bd 8 (!o 9 Cf 3 De 13 Cd 7 lie 10 Zumbo,P.E.A Zundn, S.A.R Zuurberg (Alexandria), The, C.C Zuur Berg (Griqualand E.ast), The, C.C Zuurbraak, C.C Zuurpoort, C. C Zwaart Doom R., C.C... Zwaart Kop, C.C Zwagers Hoek, C.C Zwagerg Hoek, S.A.R. .. Zwariberg, The, C.C Zwartbank, C.C Zwart Berg (Carnarvon) The, C.C Zwart Berg (Malmea- bury). The, C.C Zwart Berg, The Great, C.C Zwart Doom E., C.C. .. Zwart Bergen (Ceres), ■l'he,C.C Zwarte Bergen (Prince Albert), The, C.C Zwarte Bergen, The Great, C.C Zwarte Bergen, The Little, C.C Zwarteberg Pass, C.C. . . Zwarte Ruggens, The, C.C Zwart Koppies, O.F.S. .. Zwart Koppies, S.A.R. Zwartkops Junction, C.C. Zwartkops R., C.C Zwartknp, 'I'he, C.C. ... Zwartland. C.C Zwart Lintjes R., C.C, . . Zwart Modiier, Bech. .. Zwart Modder, C.C Zwart R., C.C ZwjirtR., C.C Zwart Ruggens, The, S.A.R Zwellendam, see .Swellendani. ZwingelPan, C.C Cd 16 Ga 13 Ef 9 Oe in Ef 8 Dd fl Be 7 Cc 7 Ke 9 Dc 13 Ce 10 Ab 7 Fb Cf Cb Cf S Ce s Df 8 Ft 8 Af 9 Bf 9 Ff 8 Df 9 Fc 7 Cd 13 Ef 9 Kf 9 Bb 8 Cf 8 Be 8 Kc, 4 Bb 7 De 9 Jig 9 GEORGE rillLIP AND SON, PRINTERS, LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. 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Tuns. ■GARTH CASTLE" 3,660 •'DRUMMOND CASTLE' 3,663 "GRANTULLY CASTLE" '....^ 3,454 ■ HARLECH CASTLE '..: , 3,264 •■WAR^5^ICK CASTLE" ........: ...3,056 ■DUNBAR CASTLE" 2,608 "METHVBN CASTLE" 2,605 "MELROSE" . 840 "VENICE" ... 511 The Royal Mail Steamers ot THE CASTLE MAIL PACKETS COMPANY, LIMITED, Jjoaxc London every .'ilternate Friday, and sail from Southampton on tlie, following day, with Afails, Passeugers, aad Cargo, for Cape Colony and Natal, tailing at Madeira Inlerniediate Steamers are despatciied every 14 days from London and Southainp ton, for Cape Colony, Natal. Delagoa Bay, *e., via , Graiid C-'---\' '''i- formin-,' a weekly service from London and Southampton. Passengers and Cargo are taken every fortnight for Delagoa Bay and Beira (Pungw j River) and every four weks for Madagascar and Mauritius. Return Tickets is'sued 'or ALL PORTS. Handl>ook of information for Passengci^ grati.> on ' application. r^oADINr. Bf.rth — East India Dock r>a.sin, Blackball, London. Free BaUwai/ Tickets are qraiUed from Loii'don to SoiUhampton. li.'cperienced Surgeons and Ste-wardesses on every Stejinier. Superior Accommodation. Excellent Cuisine. DONALD CURRIB & CO., LONDON 1, 2 3 and 4, Fenchurch Street, E.G. MANCHESTER— 15. Cross Street LIVERPOOL 25, Castle Street GLASGOW-40, St Enoch Square