IB6O7 SB 315 37fl LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Class CHARTER AND BY-LAWS OF THE 'ill 1 UJW. OF BROOKLYN, L. I, WITH RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT THE FORCE. CHAPTER 1016. AN ACT to Incorporate the Fire Insurance Salv- age Corps of Brooklyn, Long Island. Became a law June 14, 1895. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : SECTION i. The president of the Phoenix Insur- ance Company, the president of the Stuyvesant Fire Insurance Company, the vice-president of the German-American Insurance Company, the vice-president of the American Insurance Com- pany, the vice-president of the Niagara Fire In- surance Company, the manager of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, the manager of the Palatine Insurance Company, the assistant manager of the Royal Insurance Company, the manager of the Hartford Fire In- surance Company, the agent of the Scottish Union and National Insurance Company, the agent of the Springfield Insurance Company, the attorney for the North American Lloyds, for the time being, and all other persons, the presi- dents or other officers, for the time being, of any incorporated company or association, and any agent, underwriter, person or partnership doing the business of fire insurance in the city of Brooklyn, who may become associated with them, are hereby created a body corporate by the name of " Fire Insurance Salvage Corps, of Brooklyn, L. I.," with perpetual succession, and power to use a common seal and to alter the same at pleasure, and to sue and be sued, to take 227493 CHARTER 4 and hold by grant, purchase and devise, real and personal property, to an amount not exceed- ing one hundred thousand dollars in value, for the purpose of said corporation ; and to sell, convey, lease and mortgage the same, or any part thereof, subject, however, to the laws of this State in relation to devises. 2. The purpose of this corporation shall be to provide suitable rooms for the transaction of its business, and also to provide a salvage corps, and a competent person to act as superintendent, to discover and prevent fires, with suitable ap- paratus to save and preserve property or life at and after the fire; and the better to enable them so to act with promptness and efficiency, full power is given to such superintendent and to such salvage corps, the right of way in the streets of Brooklyn, Long Island, and to enter any building on fire, or which may be exposed to or in danger of taking fire from other burning buildings, at once proceed to protect and en- deavor to save the property therein, and to re- move such property, or any part thereof, from the ruins after a fire. Nothing in this act, how- ever, shall warrant any interference with the action of the firemen in their duties in ex- tinguishing a fire ; and the said superintendent and the members of said salvage corps, while on duty at a fire, shall in all respects be subordinate to and under the control of the commissioner of fire of the Brooklyn fire department. 3. Twenty-five members of this corporation shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 4. The officers of this corporation shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treas- urer, and such others as may be provided for in the by-laws. They shall hold their respective CHARTER. 5 offices for one year, and until others may be regularly chosen in their places. The first elec- tion for officers shall be held on the first Monday in June, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and future elections shall be held annually, at such time and place as may be provided for in the by-laws. To enable a person to vote at the first election, he shall present authority from the company, association, underwriter, person or partnership which he represents, to join this corporation, and to vote for its officers. Such elections shall be made by ballot, under the in- spectors, who shall be members of this corpora- tion and appointed thereby ; and the persons having a majority of the votes of all members present and voting, shall be elected to the several offices designated on the ballots. If it shall happen that an election of officers shall not be held on the day when it should have been made, it shall be lawful on any subsequent day to hold such election, in such manner as may be prescribed in the by-laws. 5. The said corporation shall have power to make all needful by-laws, not contrary to the provisions of this act, or the constitution and laws of this State or the United States. 6. In the month of June, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and in the month of "June of every second year thereafter, there shall be held a meeting of the corporation hereby created, of which ten days' previous notice shall be inserted in at least two newspapers published in the city of Brooklyn, Long Island, at which meeting each incorporated insurance company, association, underwriter, person or partnership doing busi- ness in the city of Brooklyn, Long Island, shall have the right to be represented by one of such officers, or by its agent or attorney, and such organization represented at such meeting shall CHARTER. 6 be entitled to one vote. A majority of the whole number so represented shall have power to de- cide upon the question of sustaining the salvage corps hereinbefore mentioned, and of fixing the maximum amount of expenses which will be in- curred therefor during the two fiscal years next to ensue, which amount shall in no case exceed two per centum on the aggregate of premiums returned as received, as provided in section seven of this act ; and the whole of such amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, may be assessed upon the organizations belonging to this corporation, and upon all other organiza- tions, agencies, associations, underwriters, per- sons and partnerships, as hereinbefore men- tioned, in proportion to the several amounts of premiums returned as received by each, as here- inafter provided, and such assessment shall be collectable by this corporation in any court of law in the city of Brooklyn, Long Island, or State of New York, having jurisdiction. 7. To provide for the payment of persons employed under the provisions of this act, and to maintain the apparatus for saving life and property contemplated, this corporation is em- powered to require a statement to be furnished, semi-annually, by all corporations, associations, underwriters, agents, persons or partnerships, of the aggregate amount of premiums received for insuring property in the city of Brooklyn in the district which may be protected by said salvage corps, for and during the six months next pre- ceding the thirteenth day of June, and the thirty- first day of December of each year, which state- ment shall be sworn to by the president and secretary of the corporation or association, or by the agent, attorney or person so acting and effecting such insurance in said city, and shall be handed to the treasurer of this corporation within CHARTER. 7 thirty days after the time which such returns are to be made. 8. It shall be lawful for the treasurer or other appointed officer of this corporation, within ten days after the first day of January and first day of July, in each year, by written or printed de- mand, signed by him, to require from every corporation, agent, association, underwriter, per- son or partnership engaged in the business of fire insurance in the city of Brooklyn, Long Island, the statement provided for in the last preceding section of this act. Such demand may be delivered personally at the office of such corpo- ration agent, association, underwriter, person or partnership, or at the residence of the proper offi- cer of such corporation, agent, association, under- writer, person or partnership, and every corpora tion, agent, association, underwriter, person or partnership who shall, for thirty days after such demand, neglect to render the account, shall forfeit fifty dollars for the use of the corporation created by this act ; and he shall also forfeit, for their use, twenty-five dollars in addition for every day he shall so neglect after the expira- tion of the said thirty days ; and such additional penalty may be computed and recovered up to the time of the trial of any suit for the recovery thereof, which penalty may be sued for and re- covered, with costs of suit, in any court of record within the State having jurisdiction, by and in the name of the corporation hereby created. 9. The corporation created by this act shall possess the general powers and be subject to the restrictions and liabilities prescribed in chapter six hundred and eighty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, which is chap- ter thirty-five of the general laws, known as the general corporation law. 10. This act shall take effect immediately. BY-LAWS. (Adopted March 5th, 1896.) SECTION i. The officers of the Corporation shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall also be Directors. There shall also be ten Directors in addition, making the whole number of Directors fourteen, all to be elected by ballot on the first Monday in June, in each year, at such hour and place as the Board of Directors may appoint. A majority of the votes cast for the several officers and directors shall be required to constitute an election. In case of failure to elect any of the officers or direc- tors on the day as above appointed, the Board of Directors shall fix a day for an election to fill the vacancies. If a vacancy shall afterwards take place in any office established by the Corpora- tion, such vacancy may be filled by the Board of Directors. SEC. 2. The President shall, as soon as practic- able after his election, appoint the following standing Committees: On Houses, two "members. On Apparatus, two members. On Supplies, two members. On Covers, two members. On Horses, two members. On Telegraph, two members. On Rules and Regulations, two members. On Complaints and Grievances, three mem- bers. He shall have a general supervision over the Salvage Corps, and preside at all meetings of the Board. SEC. 3. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all the duties of the BY-LAWS. 9 President. The President and the Vice-Presi- dent shall be ex-officio members of all standing Committees. SEC. 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings and regulations of the Board. He shall notify each member of all meetings and shall give notice to the members of all committees of their appointment, and he shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the Board. SEC. 5. The Treasurer shall be invested with all the duties and powers requisite for the collec- tion o/ the fund, as provided by the Act incor- porating the Fire Insurance Salvage Corps of Brooklyn, L. I. He shall prepare proper blanks for returns of premiums received by all companies, associations, agencies or persons doing the busi- ness of Fire Insurance in the City of Brooklyn, L. I., as required by the said act. Such blanks shall be so prepared as to require, and show when filled up. the aggregate amount of premiums re- ceived for insuring property in the district pro- tected, in the City of Brooklyn, L. I., from which return premiums actually paid, and premiums for re-insurance paid to companies and associa- tions contributing to the expenses of the Salvage Corps, may when stated, be deducted. He shall serve a copy of such requirement on each of such companies, associations, agencies or persons, and if any company, association, agency or person shall fail to make the proper return or pay their assessment for support of the Salvage Corps, he shall report the delinquents to the Board. After the time limited for making such returns the Treasurer shall forthwith, under the direction of the Board, assess thereon, in accordance with the Act of Incorporation, a sum or sums sufficient to pay the expenses of the Salvage Corps for the then current six months. BY-LAWS. 10 Immediately after such assessment he shall notify each corporation, association, underwriter, agency or person so assessed of the amount of their respective assessments, and the same shall be due and payable to the Treasurer as soon as such notice shall be served. The Treasurer shall keep books of account of the receipts and expenditures, and he shall sub- mit to the Board, in the months of May and November, a semi-annual report of the business prior to the ist of said months. All checks for the payment of money, whether for salaries or other expenses, shall be upon the presentation of vouchers duly approved, and to the order of the party to whom the claim is due. The Treasurer's accounts shall be audited semi- annually by a Committee of two to be appointed by the President. SEC. 6. The Committee on Houses shall have supervision over the premises occupied by the Corps, with power to approve of alterations and repairs of the same with the approval of the Board. SEC. 7. The Committee on Apparatus shall have supervision over the rolling stock of the Corps, with power to approve of needed repairs to wagons and apparatus, and when new rolling stock is needed, they shall submit plans and estimates for the same to the Board. SEC. 8. The Committee on Supplies shall have supervision over the equipment of the Corps, and of every requisite for the successful working of the force, with power to authorize the purchase of all supplies needed, not other- wise specially provided for. SEC. 9. The Committee on Covers shall have supervision over the Covers, and shall provide BY-LAWS. II the number required or determined upon by the Board. SEC. 10. The Committee on Horses shall have supervision over the Horses belonging to the Corps, and shall have power to exchange or dis- pose of the same, or to purchase or hire others, when in their judgment it is for the interest of the service. SEC. ii. The Committee on Telegraph shall have supervision over the telegraph and tele- phone lines and instruments used, operated or owned by the Board for the use of the Corps. SEC. 12. The Committee on Rules and Regu- lations shall prepare rules for the government of the Board, the Superintendent and the force, and recommend such alterations and amend- ments to existing rules as they may deem proper. SEC. 13. Committees on Complaints and Griev- ances shall be appointed by the President for the ensuing year, each Committee to serve one month. Said Committee shall investigate all charges and complaints against the men of the force, during the month for which they are ap- pointed, and make report of the facts and rec- ommendations in each case at the next meeting of the Board held after such investigation. SEC. 14. The Committees may each expend a sum not exceeding three hundred and fifty dollars at any one time for the maintenance of the Salvage Corps. Such expenditures shall, in all cases, be approved by the Chairman of the proper Committee, or in the event of his absence, by his associate member, before payment is made by the Treasurer. Expenditures in ex- cess of these sums may be made, the formal ap- proval of the Board having been previously ob- tained. -L t^kV J. i U // -X > ' j sr^-^wv*'' S*-V^ c^-^ /~6 f-^r^U / BY-LAWS. 12 SEC. 15. The Committees shall, at any meeting when called upon by the Chairman, report in detail all their official acts not previously re- ported. SEC. 16. All charges against any officer of the force, shall be investigated and tried by the Board. The Board may, however, delegate that power to a committee of their own body, who shall hear any charge against any member of the force and report their finding to the Board, who shall inflict fine or penalty, or dismiss, cr reinstate, as they may determine. "> SEC. 17. The Board shall hold stated meetings ^- T^tj-l^dav- >^&!&K wdk. Special meetings may be called by the President or Secretary or by either of the Committees through the Secre- tary. SEC. 1 8. RULES OF ORDER. Roll call. Reading of the minutes of last meeting. Communications. Reports of standing committees. Reports of special committees. Reports from officers of the Corps Unfinished business. New business. SEC. 19. Cushing's Manual shall be the au- thority relied upon on any point or order of procedure. SEC. 20. The By-Laws may be altered or amended only at a stated meeting; and any proposals for amendment must be submitted in writing, one week at least previous to a vote being taken thereon. RULES AND REGULATIONS. (Adopted March sth, 1896.) ARTICLE I. SECTIONAL The Fire Department is by law in supreme command at a fire. Officers and men of the Salvage Corps will assist the Fire Depart- ment as far as possible at all times. SEC. 2. The Salvage Corps is maintained at the sole expense of the Fire Underwriters, and the duty of its officers and men is to discover and prevent fires and to save and preserve property or life at and after fires. SEC. 3. The District to be protected shall be that portion of the City of Brooklyn, L. I., bounded as follows : Beginning at the foot of Hudson avenue and the East River, extending on Hudson avenue to Flatbush avenue, extend- ing on Flatbush avenue to Fifth avenue, extend- ing on Fifth avenue to Ninth street, extending on Ninth street to the Gowanus canal, following the westerly bank of Gowanus canal to New York Bay, and following the shore line to the foot of Hudson avenue, the point of beginning ; the above-named boundary to include both sides of the avenues and streets above named. SEC. 4. The Corps shall answer all alarms in the District that come from Headquarters of the Brooklyn Fire Department, and such others as are designated by the Board. , ARTICLE II. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE MEDICAL OFFICER. SECTION i. It shall be his duty to attend at such time and place as the Board may designate RULES AND REGULATIONS. 14 for the examination of candidates for member- ship or promotion ; also to attend members of the force at any time or place upon request of a commanding officer. SEC. 2. He shall, when directed by the Board, or by the^ officer in command of a station, ex- amine members of the force who may be re- ported sick or injured, and shall make the nec- essary recommendations for leave of absence or excuses from whatever duties he may find them unable to perform, making immediate report to the commanding officer. SEC. 3. Whenever, in his opinion, illness be feigned, or be the result of intemperance, he shall direct the man to report to his command- ing officer and make special report of the circumstances to the Board and commanding officer. SEC. 4. Compensation of the medical officer shall be a fee of two dollars for each examina- tion of an applicant for promotion or appoint- ment. The fee in each case to be paid by the party examined if reported favorably by the medical officer. If his report be unfavorable to the applicant, or in case a member becomes sick or injured while in the discharge of his duty, the fee shall be paid from the fund of the Sal- vage Corps. SEC. 5. He shall keep an accurate record of all examinations made by him, and shall make regular reports thereof upon the forms and in the manner prescribed by the Board, and be di- rectly responsible to and hold office during its pleasure. ' RULES AND REGULATIONS. 15 ARTICLE III. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE VETERINARIAN. SECTION i. He shall have charge of and be re- sponsible for the care of any sick or injured horses in the Salvage Corps. He shall give medi- cal and surgical aid to horses whenever it may be required, and directions as to their feeding, care and management in general. SEC. 2. He shall visit the Salvage Corps station once each week and inspect the horses. He shall furnish at the expense of the Salvage Corps all required medicine and instruments, and respond to all calls, night or day, where his services may be required. SEC. 3. He shall forward to the Superintend- ent a monthly report on the last day of each month, showing the condition and location of all horses in the service ; also the dates of per- sonal weekly inspections and special calls, with any recommendations he may have to submit. SEC. 4. Commanding Officers shall comply with instructions or directions the Veterinarian may give in reference to the care and treatment of horses in the service. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Veterina- rian to make a report to Committee on Horses as occasion may require. ARTICLE IV. DUTIES AND POWERS OF SUPERINTENDENT. SECTION i. The Superintendent shall have and exercise supreme command over the officers and men comprising the force, and have full control over all property of the Salvage Corps, RULES AND REGULATIONS. l6 subject to the rules and regulations herein set forth, or as may hereafter be enacted by the Board. SEC. 2. He shall promulgate all orders from the Board to the ^orce and see that they are obeyed. SEC. 3. He shall detail officers to make at least twenty inspections monthly of buildings and places where patrolmen are detailed as watchmen in the employ of a company or com- panies interested ; he may select such dates and hours (for the inspection) as may be for the best interest of 'the service. SEC. 4. He shall have power to suspend any officer or patrolman who may be charged with or deemed guilty of improper conduct or of vio- lating any of the rules or regulations, and shall forthwith report the facts in writing to the Board. He shall immediately notify one of the officers of the Board of any complaints against members of the force. SEC. 5. He shall grant all leaves of absence to the officers, and all annual vacation leaves to the entire force. SEC. 6. He shall issue to the officers and mem- bers of the Corps a metal badge and cap de- vice, prepared by the Board, and shall keep a record of the numbers and holders thereof, and hold the officers and members accountable for their safe keeping under such rules and reg- ulations as may be adopted. SEC. 7. He shall keep an official record in his office of each officer and patrolman in the service. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1 7 ARTICLE V. THE UNIFORMED FORCE OF THE SALVAGE CORPS Shall be as follows, viz.: SECTION i. One Captain, one Lieutenant, one Sergeant, seven permanent and fifteen auxiliary patrolmen. ARTICLE VI. DUTIES AND POWERS OF CAPTAIN. SECTION i. He shall devote his entire time to the service of the Corps (unless absent on leave) and attend all fires or alarms in the protected district. He shall see that proper discipline is maintained in his command, and report all violations to the Superintendent in writing. SEC. 2. He shall have full control under the Superintendent of the quarters and be responsi- ble for the order and cleanliness of the same ; see that the dormitory is kept neat and clean, well aired every day when weather will permit, and that the beds and bedding are all properly aired at least once in each week, and in the sun if possible ; the beds shall not be used between 8 A. M. and 8 P.M., except when fatigue from duty makes it necessary. He shall employ a person to wash, by hand, bedclothes, towels, etc., the same to be dried in the open air. SEC. 3. He shall organize a house patrol for day and night service, to be maintained by the permanent and auxiliary forces. Such duty to be equalized as much as possible. SEC. 4. He shall see by personal inspection that all apparatus is in proper order for service at all times. "' RULES AND REGULATIONS. l8 SEC. 5. He shall each day, at 12 o'clock, noon, post on the bulletin board on the apparatus floor, the names of patrolmen detailed on watching and house patrol service from 8 o'clock A. M. on that day until 8 o'clock A. M. the following day, also the names of all members of his com- mand on sick, recreation, or vacation leaves of absence, the hour of commencement, and dura- tion of same. SEC. 6. He shall keep (if possible) the follow- ing number on duty in quarters (for fire service) between the hours of 5.30 o'clock A. M. and 7.30 o'clock P.M., not less than one officer and five men. SEC. 7. He shall call the roll of members at 7.30 o'clock P.M. daily, divide the auxiliary force into two divisions, who shall report for duty on alternate nights ; at roll call a careful inspection of the men, uniforms, and equipments of those on duty shall be made. SEC. 8. He shall, when auxiliary patrolmen are required to make up the night details, call the auxiliary roll as follows : Beginning at the first name of Division No. i, and continue until the number required is obtained ; the second night the same formula is to be observed with Division No. 2 ; third night commence at second name on Division No. i, and so on in a like man- ner each night, 'commencing at the next name, in rotation from alternate divisions. SEC. 9. He shall not unnecessarily jeopardize the lives or limbs of those under him, but shall be just, dignified, and firm in his intercourse with subordinates, be careful to abstain from violent, abusive, or immoderate language in giv- ing orders or /directions, as well as in conversa- tion. See th'at all rules and orders are promptly RULES AND REGULATIONS. 19 obeyed, and promptly report by well-sustained charges any transgressions of the rules or orders. SEC. 10. He shall not permit any person to ride in the Patrol wagons going to or returning from fires or alarms of fire other than members of the force, Directors, or members of the Fire Department, nor permit racing going to or re- turning from alarms of fire, nor their wagon to pass any apparatus of the Fire Department in answering an alarm unless such apparatus is disabled, or there is ample room to pass with- out inconvenience to the Fire Department, nor permit their wagons to be driven at a rate of speed which may cause accident. SEC. ii. He shall, in the absence of the Superintendent, be the judge of the time to take his command to quarters, having first detailed a suitable number of men to protect, guard, and care for the damaged property or that exposed to damage, bearing in mind on all occasions that as soon as his command, or a portion of it, can be spared from a fire, it should be sent at once to quarters, as its services are liable to be required at another fire. SEC. 12. He shall, in going to or returning from a fire or alarm of fire, ride on the step at the rear of the wagon, and see that other offi- cers ride in the wagon, unless it is impractica- ble, or by reason of heavy grades or the condi- tion of the streets. SEC. 13. When summoned to attend a verbal alarm, and the implements of the Patrol are in- adequate for the extinguishment of the fire, he is authorized (by permission of the Fire Com- missioner) to call for the nearest engine or hook and ladder company. He must be cautious in sending a special signal, or whether to make use of a regular box alarm. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2O SEC. 14. He shall prevent the removal or any unnecessary disturbance of articles or prop- erty at a fire of suspicious nature, notify the Fire Marshal of the facts personally, or through the proper officers of the Fire Department, act quietly and carefully, with a view of obtaining reliable evidence, and avoid publicly expressing opinions^ on any case or its circumstances. SEC. 15. He shall not permit intoxicating liquors to be brought into quarters, nor permit gambling or parties or entertainments of any kind, nor children, unless they are accompanied by parents, guardians, or attendants. SEC. 16. He shall not make any changes to houses, apparatus, furniture, horses, harness, implements, or any property of the Corps with- out the approval of the proper committee or Superintendent. Nor shall any material or sup- plies be purchased without the written approval of the proper committee. SEC. 17. He shall keep an inventory of all property in his charge, and report in writing to the Superintendent on April 3oth and Octobef 3ist annually. SEC. 18. He shall be held accountable tor tne good condition of all property in his care, and shall report promptly to the Superintendent any loss or destruction of same, with full informa- tion. SEC. 19. He shall be responsible for Corps property, and shall be held to a strict accounta- bility for the same until expended, or inspected and condemned. SEC. 20. rie shall on arriving at a fire, if neces- sary, immediately telephone for assistance. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 21 SEC. 21. He shall cause the instruction of all newly appointed men in the manner of hitching horses, folding and hanging of covers, entries in the several books, use of telegraph instruments, and duties generally, and continue such instruc- tion until in his opinion the patrolman is profici- ent in his duties. SEC. 22. He shall see that proper care is taken of horses belonging to the Corps ; no other animal of any kind shall be kept in quarters ex- cept by permission of Superintendent. He shall promptly report to the Veterinarian all ailments or imperfections that may be discovered in the horses under his charge. SEC. 23. He shall report in writing to the Superintendent without delay all accidents or collisions, giving full particulars regarding the same. SEC. 24. He shall promptly notify the Superin- tendent of any addition to or change in the code of signals which may be made by the Fire Commissioner SEC. 25. He shall not issue written orders to subordinates without first submitting the same to the Superintendent or the Board. SEC. 26. He shall read all general or special orders to the force at 7.30 P. M. roll call, on the date of their receipt, and see that each member of his command and other persons directly inter- ested are furnished with a copy of all general orders. SEC. 27. He shall be polite to visitors, make proper explanations to them, but not allow habitual lounging or visiting in or about quarters. SEC. 28. He shall see that the sidewalk, gutter and street in front of quarters to the middle of RULES AND REGULATIONS. 22 the street are clean and free from all incum- brances, also the fire hydrants near the quarters. SEC. 29. He shall keep an account in the house record book of gas or electricity used in quarters by examining the meter whenever inspected by the authorized agent of the gas company. SEC. 30. He shall obtain all information re- garding insurances, occupancy, or ownership of property damaged by fire, or may detail a mem- ber of the Corps for that special purpose. SEC. 31. He shall, in reporting fires, make every possible effort to ascertain the cause or sup- posed cause of same, giving brief particulars of any special feature connected with the risk or fire that may come to his notice. SEC. 32. He shall furnish particulars respect- ing fires or alarms to any contributor to the Sal- vage Corps fund who may make application, and transmit all particulars of fires to the Superin- tendent during his office hours. f SEC. 33. He shall see that during the day or evening no soiled or torn uniforms or parts of uniforms are worn by the house Patrol, and that there are no chairs on the first floor (except by permission of Superintendent) for the house Patrol. SEC* 34. He shall, when covers are spread or left at premises after a fire, leave a detail to watch the same. SEC. 35. He shall make the necessary details of patrolmen to watch premises at once after a fire, and no such patrolman shall be relieved from duty without authority of his commanding officer or that of the Superintendent. Com- panies interested and desiring to discontinue the RULES AND REGULATIONS. 23 services of patrolmen at places where they have been detailed for watch service shall first make written application (on a printed blank form provided for the purpose) to the Captain. SEC. 36. He shall see that each patrolman performing watching service is furnished with a book of the Rules and Regulations of the Sal- vage Corps, and that the details leaving quarters for watching service are fully uniformed and neat in appearance. SEC. 37. He shall fill out and forward to the Superintendent all discharge, watching and extra labor blanks (at the rate of 20 cents per hour) for the service performed, with their morning re- ports the day following the receipt of the same; the time of service shall commence at the hour the patrolmen detailed for such service leave quarters. The blanks, when approved by the Superin- tendent, shall be forwarded to the Treasurer and retained by him as a voucher for the apportion- ment and collection for the watching funds. SEC. 38. He shall, when necessary, employ extra labor to protect property damaged or ex- posed to damage, and immediately thereafter re- port his action to the Superintendent. SEC. 39. He shall, between the first and fif- teenth day of October annually (the exact date and hour to be named by the Superintendent) inspect the entire uniforms of the permanent force and ascertain if they are in possession of all parts of the uniforms as prescribed by the Rules and Regulations. SEC. 40. No member shall wear or show a uniform or any part thereof at this inspection that he doiss not personally own. Borrowing of any kind is strictly prohibited. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 24 If any member of the Corps is found de- ficient in uniform he shall be directed to supply such deficiency forthwith, or if, in the judgment of the Captain, any uniform or part thereof is unfit for further use as a Corps uniform, such directions shall be given as will promptly cause the imperfections to be remedied. SEC. 41. He shall report the result of his in- spection in writing to the Superintendent as soon after the inspection as possible, and shall not place any member on duty after the expira- tion of thirty days who has not complied with the order. SEC. 42. He shall instruct the members of his command as to the workings of the cover hoist and jumping cover at his own or adjacent premises as follows viz., to hoist and take in twenty covers to the upper floor and lower the same number from the upper floor of the prem- ises used to the ground. Slings to be entirely removed and thrown to the ground before low- ering any covers. Covers only to be used from the racks on the apparatus floor. Also, in the manner of holding the jumping cover, a dummy may be thrown from one of the windows of each floor (say a bag of sawdust weighted so as to be one hundred or one hun- dred and fifty pounds), and shall forward a re- port in writing of the workings, stating what building was used, number of stories in height, time consumed in hoisting and lowering the covers in the manner as prescribed, also the workings of the jumping cover, stating the num- ber of men employed in each trial. SEC. 43. He shall record in the officers' fire record book all fires occurring within the pro- tected district, together with the amount of in- RULFS AND REGULATIONS. 2$ surance on buildings and contents respectively, the names of the insuring companies, with the amount insured by each, and such other in- formation as may be of interest, including the number of men on duty, time of service, number of covers spread, and names of patrolmen de- tailed for watching service and where detailed. A daily report of this record shall be forwarded to the Superintendent. SEC. 44. The Captain shall sign all reports that are transmitted to the Superintendent (when he is on duty), and is held responsible for the condition of his own uniform, also those of the subordinate officers and members between the times of annual inspections. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES AND POWERS OF LIEUTENANT. SECTION i. The Lieutenant shall devote his entire time to the service of the Corps (unless absent on leave). When the Captain'is present the Lieutenant shall obey his commands prompt- ly and cheerfully, and properly assist him in the performance of all his duties. In the absence of the Captain the Lieutenant shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Captain. ARTICLE VIII DUTIES AND POWERS OF SERGEANT. SECTION i. The Sergeant shall devote his en- tire time to the service of the Corps (unless ab- sent on leave), and in the absence of Captain and Lieutenant shall assume all the duties and responsibilities of said officers ; otherwise he shall perform all the duties of a patrolman. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 26 ARTICLE IX. DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND PATROLMEN. SECTION i. The Corps shall not respond to calls or perform service in buildings equipped with automatic or thermostatic fire alarms or automatic sprinklers unless alarms are received in the man- ner prescribed by the Fire Department. SEC. 2. All automatic, thermostatic, and other special calls must be responded to, the same as fire alarms, if received in the regular manner and within the district assigned. SEC. 3. No officer or patrolman shall, directly or indirectly, be interested in the adjustment of any loss ; and they are especially directed not to solicit the adjustment of any loss for themselves or any other party, or advise the assured regard- ing the employment of any adjuster, nor shall they give or send any information regarding a loss to any adjuster not in the employ of com- panies interested, as the adjustment is entirely between the assured and the individual com- panies interested, and with which the patrol- men must not interfere. They shall, however, assist the companies as far as possible, under orders of superiors or the representatives of the companies in interest. SEC. 4. Officers in command of second details when called to assist at any fire shall add to their wagon equipment their cover hoist and ten additional covers before leaving quarters. SEC. 5. Officers shall forward reports to the Superintendent of any fire in the district pro- * tected of which they or any member of their command may have knowledge, no matter by whom they were discovered or extinguished, or how trifling the damage may have been. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 27 SEC. 6. No officer or patrolman shall loan, sell, or give away any Corps property, but must ex- ercise economy and care in all things. SEC. 7. Officers and patrolmen, while in the service of the Corps shall not make use of or apply any portion of their time, or any information they may acquire nherein, or any authority or power with which they may be clothed, in or for the furtherance of any private or corporate interests or purpose whatever. SEC. 8. Officers and patrolmen must be par- ticularly careful not to assume the possession of keys or any property at or after a fire, as all as- sumption of liability on the part of the Corps must be avoided. SEC. 9. Officers or patrolmen shall not at- tempt to collect, nor shall they receive money or any other consideration from owners or occu- pants of premises for services, nor shall they purchase or receive as a present or reward from fire insurance companies or assured parties any property in or from any premises where they may be or have been watching, unless by the consent of the Board. SEC. 10. Officers detailed by the Superintend- ent at irregular hours and dates for the inspec- tion of patrolmen serving as watchmen in the employ of a company or companies interested, shall, on return to quarters, enter in the house record book a detailed statement of the inspection, and, if any irregularities have been found, immediately report the same to the com- manding officer who shall forward a report of the inspection with full details to the Superin- tendent the following morning. SEC. ii. Officers shall not, nor shall they per- mit any patrolman to smoke while in uniform, RULES AND REGULATIONS. 28 nor on the first floor ; card-playing or any other games will not be permitted in quarters after 11.30 o'clock P. M. nor on Sundays. SEC. 12. Officers shall not receive or receipt for any hay, straw, or feed, unless the hay is the best timothy, straw of good long rye, oats white and clean, average eighty pounds to the bag, feed free from all foreign substances and average forty pounds to the bag. SEC. 13. Officers shall see, while cleaning quar- ters once in each week, that all wheels of the wagons are removed from their axle and all old grease is cleaned from the axles arms and wheel- boxes, then properly greased. New axles must be examined oftener, and, if necessary, greased after each time of service for the first three months. They shall not permit any apparatus to be washed with brooms or brushes under any cir- cumstances. SEC. 14. Commanding officer, in certifying to horse- shoeing bills, shall state the registered number of each horse and date when the shoe- ing was done, and promptly forward the same to the Treasurer the first day of each month. SEC. 15. Officers, while responding to alarms, and when approaching a crossing, must see that the bells are rung at short intervals, to guard against collision or accident. SEC. 16. Officers shall see that copies of general orders are accessible at all times to the members of their commands. SEC. 17. Officers and patrolmen must discharge and pay all just indebtedness or claims against them. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 2Q ARTICLE X. DUTIES OF PERMANENT PATROLMEN. SECTION i. Permanent patrolmen shall devote their entire time to the service of the Corps (un- less absent on leave), attend all fires or alarms in protected district,^ ride on the wagons going to and returning from fires or alarms (unless otherwise directed), exert their energy and best ability to do their full duty under any and all circumstances ; in no case shall fatigue from duty at a previous fire be accepted as an excuse for failure to answer an alarm. SEC. 2. Patrolmen shall be particular as to the cleanliness of their uniforms and their ap- pearance generally; wash-rooms, soap, towels, brooms, brushes, and shoe-blacking are furnished for such purposes. Old clothing may be worn while at work in qua'rters. SEC. 3. Patrolmen shall not hesitate to con suit a commanding or an inspecting officer for information pertaining to a loss or matters re- lating to the Corps service. SEC. 4. They shall not use immoral, disre- spectful, or improper language, but always be respectful and gentlemanly. SEC. 5. They shall, on leaving quarters for any purpose (except in answer to an alarm of fire), report to the house patrol at the time of leaving and on returning to quarters. SEC. 6. When any patrolman reports to his commanding officer his inability to perform duty by reason of sickness or injury, he must submit to an examination by the medical officer, the ex- pense of which will be borne by the Salvage Corps, provided the medical officer's certificate RULES AND REGULATIONS. 30 shows that no untrue or false statement was made, but the pay of members on sick leave shall be reduced one half unless excused by the Board. SEC. 7. Patrolmen while on duty at a fire are not to enter any building or premises except in the discharge of their duties as patrolmen. ARTICLE XI. DUTIES OF AUXILIARY PATROLMEN. SECTION i. Auxiliary patrolmen shall report, the nights their section is on duty, five minutes in advance of 7.30 P. M. roll call, and ascertain from the commanding officer if their services will be required, in order that they may be fully equipped and inspected at roll call. SEC. 2. Pay of auxiliary patrolmen for watch- ing, twenty cents per hour. Pay when called on for day fire duty not exceeding $1.35 for a period not exceeding five hours, and twenty cents per hour for each additional hour. SEC. 3. Pay of auxiliary patrolmen, when de- tailed on permanent force, shall be at the rate of that of permanent patrolmen. SEC. 4. Special service nights from 6 o'clock P. M. until 8 o'clock A. M. one dollar and eighty- five cents. Night service from 7.30 o'clock P. M. until 5.30 o'clock A. M., one dollar and thirty-five cents. SEC. 5. Auxiliary patrolmen shall be subject to all rules governing the permanent force, when they are,applicable. SEC. 6. Members of the auxiliary force may be allowed compensation when called upon as wit- RULES AND REGULATIONS. 31 nesses by the Fire Marshal, or in litigated in- surance cases, on the same basis as for watching service. ARTICLE XII. DUTIES OF" DRIVERS. SECTION i. They shall be held responsible for any reckless driving ; shall groom, feed, and have charge of the horses ; clean the harness, stalls, etc., under the supervision of the com- manding officer. SEC. 2. They shall, as soon as possible, learn the nature, habits, and peculiarities of their horses, treat them kindly, humor them, if neces- sary, and teach them by kindness (not by the lash) to come promptly to the pole when the gong sounds. SEC. 3. They shall not drive over hose, and, when turning corners or turning from one rail- road track to another, especially in streets where there are columns supporting the elevated rail- road, or crowded thoroughfares, shall lessen the speed of their horses, even to a walk, if nec- essary. SEC. 4. They shall not stop with their wagons directly in front of any premises where a fire may be, or in front of any fire hydrant. . SEC. 5. On arriving at a fire in wet or cold weather the horses shall be immediately blan- keted. Extreme cold weather, double blankets shall be carried and used. SEC. 6. Drivers on returning to quarters from a fire or alarm 'of fire shall examine their horses' feet for nails, stones, or injury by shoe calks, etc., rub their legs well with their hands, and RULES AND REGULATIONS. . 32 wash them, if sufficiently cool to do so, removing thoroughly all mud, mortar, snow, ice, etc., par- ticular care being taken to rub their legs until they are dry and warm. Commanding officers will detail men to assist for this purpose, that the work may be thoroughly and quickly done. SEC. 7. Horses may be clipped in the autumn under the direction and advice of the veterina- rian. SEC. 8. During the absence of a driver the commanding officer shall designate another member to perform the duties. GENERAL RULES. ARTICLE XIII. SECTION i. No member of the uniformed force can excuse himself from duty ; absence without leave shall be a cause for dismissal from the ser- vice, jr such other penalty as the Board may in- flict. SEC. 2. No property shall, under any circum- stances, be taken to quarters from premises on fire or premises exposed to damage thereby. SEC. 3. Members shall, while on duty, give their name or badge number to any person who may demand it. SEC. 4. Members shall immediately report to the commanding officer the loss of any Corps property in their charge, or any change in their residence. SEC. 5. Members shall read and become famil- iar with the rules and orders governin g the ser- vice, as ignorance on their part will be no excuse at any time after having been in the service at least three months. SEC. 6. Obstruction to, or bad condition of fire hydrants coming under the observation of any member of the Corps must be reported to his commanding officer, and by him to the Superintendent, so that immediate action can be taken by the proper authorities. SEC. 7. A patrolman appearing at a fire and wearing any part of his uniform, may at the discretion of the commanding officer be consid- ered on duty GENERAL RULES. 34 SEC. 8. Members shall not mount or dismount the wagons in front of the wheels while in motion. SEC. 9. Members shall not leave quarters or fires while in service without permission of com- manding officer. SEC. 10. Members shall not, under any cir- cumstances (while in uniform), solicit sub- scriptions or sell tickets for any charitable or benevolent institutions or other purposes what- ever. SEC. ii. Members, pending acceptance of res- ignation, or under suspension, or dismissal from the service must immediately turn over to the officer in command their badges, keys, and other Corps property in their possession. SF.C. 12. Members are prohibited from the use of spirituous liquors while on duty. SEC. 13. On receipt of alarms of fire on the combination or large gongs, it shall be the duty of the members to report on the apparatus floor. When two details are in service, the rule as above is applicable to the first detail, and in the event of their leaving quarters to respond to an alarm of fire, the second detail shall report and remain on the apparatus floor with team hitched to second wagon for a period of not less than ten minutes. SEC. 14. No apparatus with horses attached in service at fires shall, under any circumstances, be left without the protection of a patrolman, nor shall the House be left alone during night hours. SEC. 15. The Fire Bulletin in quarters shall be used only to record the date, time and GENERAL RULES. 35 station number of each fire or alarm. All other particulars shall be recorded in the proper books, which shall be shown only to authorized persons. SEC. 16. Care shall be taken, in cleaning off the Fire Bulletin, to leave on all stations re- ceived for the twenty-four hours previous (if possible). SEC. 17. The public telephone is for the gen- eral use of the Corps, for the transaction of its business, and house patrols shall not permit others than those connected with the Corps to use them unless by the consent of the officer in com- mand. Unnecessary calling or tampering with the instrument is positively forbidden. SEC. 18. All official communications shall be forwarded through the commanding officer to the Superintendent or in his absence to the President of the Salvage Corps. Communica- tions from superiors to subordinates must pass through the intermediate officers. HOUSE PATROLS. SEC. 19. At each station there shall be a house patrol, consisting of men detailed by the com- manding officer. They shall perform such ser- vice as herein designated or. by order of the offi- cer in command. Sergeants and drivers shall perform house patrol service. SEC. 20. They shall be responsible for all en- tries in the house record book (except those made by offers), and they shall not permit or allow the books to be defaced or tampered with in any manner whatever. GENERAL RULES. 36 SEC. 21. They shall count telegraph fire sig- nals, ascertain the locality thereof, and mark the same on the Fire Bulletin before the com- mand or detail leaves quarters. SEC. 22. They shall note in the record book any disarrangement of the telegraph or tele- phone instruments and communicate such in- formation promptly to the commanding officer, so the difficulty may be remedied as speedily as possible, and in the event of a doubt as to the correctness of a signal, they shall immediately telephone to Fire Department Headquarters for the correct signal. SEC. 23. They shall see that everything on the apparatus floor is in its place; that the horses are not injured in any way during their tour; that the manure is removed and placed in the proper receptacle; and that stoves and lights are properly attended to. SEC. 24. They shall enter in the house record book the exact time patrolmen leave or return from tours of watching service, also the location of premises where they are detailed and by whom they are relieved. SEC. 25. It shall be their duty to hitch or as- sist in hitching horses upon receipt of all alarms of fire. SEC. 26. No changes shall be made of the house patrol without the entry being made in the house record book of the same (unless in case of an alarm of fire). SEC. 27. /They shall sound the first whistle for 7.30 P.M. 'roll call five minutes in advance of the time. SEC. 28. They shall enter upon their duties GENERAL RULES. 37 promptly at the minute named, call their reliefs ten minutes in advance of relieving time, and if they fail to respond immediately they shall notify the commanding officer of the fact. SEC. 29. They shall turn off the lights at the meter each morning when sufficiently daylight, and enter in house record book the exact time it was turned off. SEC. 30. They shall rise and make proper salute when quarters are visited by a member of the Board or an officer, and when visitors pre- sent themselves shall politely inquire their names and call the commanding officer. SEC. 31. They shall water the horses during night tours of service. WATCHING SERVICE. SEC. 32. Patrolmen detailed for watching ser- vice shall report to commanding officer or house patrol before leaving quarters to perform such service, and immediately after being relieved therefrom. SEC. 33. Watching report blanks will be fur- nished each patrolman, one to be filled out and signed by the patrolman for each tour of watching service and turned in to the com- manding officer, if present, or to house patrol. The watching blanks will state the time and name of patrolman relieved, time and name of relieving patrolman, and if any delay has oc- curred, state the cause ; if inspected during tour of serviceyState by which officer and time of in- spection, on what particular loss detailed, if called upon by a representative from the com- panies interested, and anything that may occur GENERAL RULES. 38 during the tour of watching service that would be of interest to the companies or the command- ing officer. j, SEC. 34. Patrolmen watching premises are di- rected to exercise diligence to prevent theft, pay strict attention to their duty, and in cases where irregularities on the part of the assured is alleged or suspected, extra caution must be exercised. SEC. 35. No patrolman shall leave premises or floor where detailed to watch until properly re- lieved. SEC. 36. Patrolmen detailed on watching ser- vice shall at all times have the telephone call re- corded in their memorandum books. SEC. 37. Patrolmen while watching shall not be permitted to receive any relations or friends under any circumstances, and no person shall be permitted to enter any premises unless with the owner or when properly authorized. SEC. 38. Patrolmen detailed on watching ser- vice, whether in or outside the district, may be inspected at any hour of the day or night, and when detailed in the upper part of any building, and the entrance is secured, they must arrange in some manner to place a rope, string, or wire out of one of the front windows, and to within six feet of the sidewalk, and to be connected with anything that will call their attention to the presence of the inspecting officer or other person who may have business with them ; fail- ure to comply with this mode of call will be a neglect of duty, and so reported. By permission of a commanding officer, ex- ceptions may be made in case of private resi- dences or apartment houses. GENERAL RULES. 39 SEC. 39. Watching out of the city (or patrol district), may be performed by auxiliary patrol- men for insurance companies and other parties in accordance with the rules. Upon request for such service, the patrolman shall first obtain the consent of his commanding officer, who will furnish him a blank to be filled out and signed by the party desiring such service, and when such service is completed, the blank shall be signed and delivered in the same manner as for companies within the district, and filed with his commanding officer. SEC. 40. Watching charges shall be : For Companies in District protected, 2oc. per hour, per man, which includes covers. For Companies outside, of District protected, 2oc. per hour, per man, and 25c. per day, per cover, whether stock or roof covers. For Owners of Property, whether in or outside of District protected, 4oc. per hour, per man, includ- ing use of covers, either stock or roof, not ex- ceeding 25 in number. (Special contract for use of covers exceeding 25.) SEC. 41. Special attention of the Corps is called to the following extracts from the Standard Fire Insurance Policy of the State of New York, viz. : (Lines No. 31, 32 and 33): "This company shall not be liable for loss caused ,by neglect of the insured to use all reasonable means to save and preserve the property at and after a fire." (Lines 67 and 68) : 4< If fire occur, the insured shall protect the property from further dam- age." The Corps shall always assist the assured to comply^ with such requirements. GENERAL RULES. 40 UNIFORMS. FIRE CAP. SEC. 42. For all members af the force shall be an eight cone leather cap (painted red), same pattern as worn by the Fire Department of the City of Brooklyn ; the front, for Captain and Lieutenant, shall be white, to bear the words, "Salvage Corps," with rank above and initials of the wearer below ; all other members with a black front, to bear the words Salvage Corps and their badge number below. FATIGUE CAP. SEC. 43. For all members of the force shall be of dark blue cloth, indigo dye, flat top, straight sides, .3 inches in height, two ventilating holes in each side, black patent-leather visor 2.\ inches wide, chin strap of black patent-leather - inch wide with slides of the same material fastened to the cap on each side with a small regulation button. SEC. 44. For Officers, there shall be on the front of the cap, a gilt device with title of office. SEC. 45. For Patrolmen, the regulation nickel insignia, bearing their badge number thereon ; if necessary at any time to wear a cover for the fatigue cap, the insignia shall always be left un- covered. STRAW HATS. SEC. 46. Between June ist and September i5th of each year a summer hat shall be worn in place of th& fatigue cap. The summer hat shall be for all officers of white mackinaw braided GENERAL RULES. 4! straw about 4^ of an inch in width, sides slightly tapering to the crown and about 4 inches in height, with black silk ribbon band of an inch wide, tied in a single bow-knot on ,the left side ; brim about 2^ inches inches wide ; the sweat band to be of leather about 2 inches wide, and the inside of the hat to be lined with gauze. SEC. 47. For all other members a brown mack- inaw braided straw about $ inch wide, sides about 3-J- inches in height, slightly tapering to the crown, with black silk ribbon band i^ inches wide tied in a single bow-knot on the left side ; brim about 2^ inches wide ; the sweat band to be of leather about i-J inches wide ; the bottom of crown to be lined with paper. A device of black patent-leather with letters " S. C." in white metal shall be worn on the front of the band. COAT. SEC. 48. For Captain shall be a double- breasted, close-fitting sack coat, of dark blue cloth, weighing not less than 24 ounces to the yard, pure indigo dye, cut to button close to the neck, with rolling collar, and to reach to a point midway between the hip joint and the bend of the knee ; to have eight medium-sized gilt buttons grouped in pairs on each front at irregular intervals, the cuffs to be made to fit the wrists, and to be closed with three small gilt buttons ; to have a pocket on the inside of each breast ; to be lined with blue cloth or flan- nel. SEC. 49. For Lieutenant, same as for Captain, except there shall be seven regulation gilt but- tons placed ^equidistant on each front. SEC. 50. For Sergeant shall be single-breasted GENERAL RULES. 42 and shall have six gilt buttons placed equid- istant on the front. For all other members of the Corps same as for Sergeant, except that there shall be six nickel regulation buttons placed equidistant. SEC. 51. For summer wear a coat may be worn made of dark blue flannel, indigo dye, and in all other respects as above described for the various grades, but without lining except the sleeves. OVERCOAT. SEC. 52. For Captain and Lieutenant shall be a double-breasted frock-coat, with rolling collar and lap seams, of the best dark blue pilot cloth, indigo dye, weighing not less than 28 ounces to the yard ; in length to reach to the knee, to button close to the neck, with 8 large regulation gilt buttons placed equidistant on each breast, and three small regulation gilt buttons on each sleeve at the cuff ; to have a pocket in the inside of each breast, also outside on each hip with lapel ; the skirt to be open behind, with three large regulation gilt buttons on each skirt behind welt seams. Coat to be lined with dark cloth or flannel, sle.eves with farmer's satin, and to fit snugly at the wrist. SEC. 53. For Sergeant and patrolmen a double- breasted sack-coat, with rolling collar, same material and linings as Lieutenant, in length to reach 4 inches below the under coat, to button close to the neck, with six large gilt regulation buttons for Sergeant and six large regulation nickel buttons for patrolmen, placed equidistant on each breast, and three small regulation buttons on each sleeve at the cuff. GENERAL RULES. 43 SEC. 54. Coats and overcoats for patrolmen to have a pocket in the inside and outside of each breast. VEST. SEC. 55. For officers and patrolmen a single- breasted vest made of the same material as the coat, without collar, and to button with six small regulation buttons to wjthin five inches of the neck band ; the wearing of a vest may be optional. TROUSERS. SEC. 56. For all officers and patrolmen to be of the same material as the coat ; to be cut to fit close around the waist, but loosely around the hips and legs ; the wearing of uniform trousers by the auxiliary force is optional. For summer wear they may be made of lighter material, same color and dye. SHIRT. SEC. 57. For Captain, Lieutenant and Sergeant to be of white linen or muslin. SEC. 58. For patrolmen to be of dark blue flannel, double-breasted, with rolling collar. For summer wear to bs of same color, but may be made of lighter material, single-breasted, with rolling collar. CRAVAT. SEC. 59. For all officers and patrolmen a nar- row necktie or bow of black silk, tied in a flat knot in front, the ends to extend not more than 2- inches from the knot. '' REGULATION BUTTONS. SEC. 60. The regulation button for all officers GENERAL RULES. 44 to be of white metal, with gilt face ; for other members of the force to be of white metal, all with the letters " S. C." stamped thereon. WATER-PROOF CLOTHING. SEC. 61. For all officers and patrolmen a double-breasted white rubber coat, to extend below the knee, and heavy rubber boots with leather insole. WHEN AND HOW WORN. The uniform as prescribed herein shall be worn as follows : SEC. 62. On house patrol, uniform coat (vest and cravat optional), trousers, shirt, fatigue hat or cap, and badge pinned on left breast. SEC. 63. On main floor, not on house patrol or other special duty, the uniform coat (vest, cravat, hat, or cap optional), trousers, and shirt will always be worn, except while at work clean- ing quarters, apparatus, or horses, when old clothing may be worn. SEC. 64. For all other parts of quarters uniform may be dispensed with. SEC. 65. On special duty or watch service out- side of quarters, uniform coat (vest and cravat optional), trousers, shirt, fatigue hat or cap (in stormy weather the water-proof clothing), and the badge on the left breast of the outer gar- ment. The wearing of the uniform, except while on duty and going to and from meals, or between quarters and residence, is strictly prohibited. SEC. 66. At' fires, fire cap, belt, hammer, pouch (filled with nails), overcoat or water- GENERAL RULES. 45 proof clothing, unless circumstances make it impracticable. SEC. 67. Wherever the uniform is worn it must be in a clean condition, boots or shoes blackened, coats buttoned to the neck. SEC. 68. Newly appointed members of the Corps shall obtain the uniform before going on duty. SEC. 69. The Board of Directors have arranged with Messrs. Barnum & Co., N. Y. City, corner of Catharine and Cherry streets, to furnish members of the force, or those hereafter ap- pointed, with uniform coats, trousers, or vests that may be desired, upon a credit, not exceed- ingly ninety days (or three months), it being distinctly understood that members who avail themselves of this credit must sign a uniform order for the articles desired, and duly counter- signed by the commanding officer, forwarded to the Superintendent, then approved by an officer ot the committee or Superintendent. SEC. 70. Any sums remaining unpaid to Messrs. Barnum & Co. at the expiration of three months will be deducted from any moneys that are, or may become, due to members of the force who have availed themselves of such credit. SEC. 71. Badges, cap, and straw hat devices, uniform regulation buttons, fire telegraph, house and closet keys, belts, hammers, nail pouches, and pocket match-boxes will be furnished to all members of the force, and they will be held per- sonally responsible for the property delivered to them, and they shall not loan or give any of the above-named property to any person not in the Corps service 'under the penalty of such punish- ment as the Board may inflict. GENERAL RULES. 46 SEC. 72. In case of loss of any of the above- named property it shall be promptly reported to the commanding officer, and pay as follows viz.: For loss of Coat Badge Five Dollars. Fire Telegraph Key Two " Fatigue Cap Device Two " Straw Hat Device Fifty Cents. Belt and Pouch Two Dollars. Hammer Sixty Cents. Match Box Ten Regulation Buttons Five Cents each. House or Closet Keys Cost of replacing same. SEC. 73. In the event of any Corps badge being lost, it will be the duty of the Superinten- dent to advertise the loss once in a Brooklyn Daily paper offering a reward of $5 for its re- turn, and if not found or returned within one week the Superintendent shall issue a new badge on the proper requisition. COVERS. SEC. 74. All covers in service shall be inspect- ed annually during the month of September by the commanding officer, and a written report forwarded to the Committee on Covers by him as to condition of all covers, together with any recommendation he may have to submit. SEC. 75. All covers shall be marked as fol- lows : With a two-inch stencil plate (white paint) the number of the station to which they belong, on two corners of same si-le, which will also serve as a guide for the purpose of opening covers rapidly. SEC. 76. Covers removed from buildings or places where they have been used shall be fold- ed in the standard manner before being conveyed to quarters ; the throwing of covers from roofs, windows, or 'other openings above the grade floor is strictly prohibited. GENERAL RULES. 47 SEC. 77. Covers should never be folded on a sidewalk or floor where there is broken glass nor left outside of any premises, on stoops or sidewalks, after a fire, waiting to be conveyed back to quarters. SEC. 78. Covers shall not be loaned or hired at any time unless in charge of a patrolman. SEC. 79. Care should be taken in covering roofs to be particularly careful to remove all nails, sharp or ragged points of tin, or anything that is likely to perforate or tear a cover before spreading, and to securely fasten them. SPRINKLERS AND INSPECTIONS. SEC. 80. Officers shall inspect all buildings within their respective districts (semi annually between the first and twentieth days of April and October each year) that are equipped with automatic sprinklers, for the purpose of obtain- ing a practical knowledge of the working of the same, and exact location of shut-off valves, so that in the event of fire or other emergency they may be prepared to prevent an unnecessary dam- age by water. SEC. 81. In making the inspections of sprinkler valves each officer shall (as far as practicable) make about an equal number, and make every effort to ascertain the correct address of the en- gineer, janitor, or porter of the buildings so equipped, which, with the exact location of shut- off valves, shall be carefully noted in their sprinkler valve books, which form part of the wagon equipment. SEC. 82. Commanding officers shall forwardre- ports of the semi-annual inspections of sprinkler valves (on form No. 34) as soon after the inspec- tions are completed as possible, showing the GENERAL RULES. 48 dates of inspection and location of each valve, and by whom the inspection was made, together with any recommendation for the benefit of the service. SEC. 83. Officers in cases where sprinkler heads have been opened by fire will have such heads taken off and replaced by new ones (from their wagon equipment), so that the system can im- mediately be restored. In case the tank should be entirely empty every reasonable effort shall be made to have it at least partly filled, that in the event of a recurrence of fire the system would be in working order. SEC. 84. Sprinkler heads put in use by the Corps are to be returned by the parties repairing the system. SEC. 85. It is part of the duty of the Corps, in closing tank valves, to remove and retain the leather strap or wire sealed protector, and the commanding officer will place a tag thereon, with all facts relating thereto, and keep the same in his quarters. SEC. 86. When answering an alarm it is found that no fire exists, but a flow of water from sprinklers is found, the Captain is not to spread covers nor do service, except as provided in the rules. LEAVES OF ABSENCE. Leaves of absence with pay may be granted to the permanent force as follows : ANNUAL VACATION. SEC. 87. Leaves between the first day of June and the last, day of September to any member of the perma'nent force appointed before March ist in each year: Captain, 12 days ; Lieutenant, 10 days ; Sergeant, 8 days ; patrolmen, 7 days GENERAL RULES. 49 each. Not more than two members to be absent on such leave at any one time ; the date shall be designated by the Superintendent ; this rule not to interfere with monthly recreation leaves. MONTHLY RECREATION LEAVES. SEC. 88. Captain, 96 hours ; Lieutenant, 90 hours ; Sergeant, 84 hours ; patrolmen, 73 hours; all leaves of absence to commence and end at 8 o'clock A, M. as far as practicable. SEC. 89. Captain to obtain permission for such leave from the Superintendent; Lieutenant, Sergeant and patrolmen, from the commanding officer. SEC. 90. Commanding officers will note on their morning report all recreation leaves granted to their Lieutenant or Sergeant previous to the time they go in effect. MEAL LEAVES. SEC. 91. Meal leaves may be granted (when on duty the preceding 24 hours) three times per day, not exceeding one hour, or twice per day, of one and one half hours, or once per day of three hours ; Captain may obtain one additional hour on Sundays on application to the Superin- tendent, and he may grant the same to his command, if practicable. The Superintendent may extend meal leaves when in his discretion it is absolutely necessary, on written application to him (giving reasons), and forwarded through the commanding officer with his endorsement thereon. SICK LEAVES. SEC. 92. Sick leaves will be granted by com- manding officer on recommendation of the medi- cal officer. GENERAL RULES. $O SPECIAL LEAVES. SEC. 93. Special leaves may be granted to permanent or auxiliary patrolmen for a period of not exceeding 10 days (in emergent cases) by the Superintendent, and pay during such leave at the discretion of the Board. SEC. 94. No leave of absence will be granted on the days of annual inspection of uniforms until such inspections are completed. SEC. 95. All leaves of absence shall be noted on the daily reports to the Superintendent. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, AND TRANSFERS. P SEC. 96. All applicants for appointment on the Salvage Corps must beat least five feet seven inches in height, not less than twenty-five and not over thirty-five years of age, and the ques- tions answered correctly and sworn to on the application. SEC. 97. No appointment or promotion will be made of any applicant who, in the opinion of the medical officer, is not physically qualified for the performance of the duties of the position which he desires. SEC. 98. No appointments to the auxiliary or promotions to the permanent force shall be con- firmed until the candidate .has performed at least thirty days' (or nights) service, with pay on probation (or for a less time at the option of the Board), and a report in writing at the expira- tion of the probation is submitted by the Captain as to the candidate's knowledge in the manage- ment, driving, and care of horses, use of telegraph instruments^ 'of the rules and regulations, and general orders, and of the Corps record books ; also his ability in spreading and folding covers, GENERAL RULES. 51 together with an opinion of the characteristics and habits of the candidate and his qualifications for the position. SEC. 99. Applications for promotion shall be made in the applicant's own hand writing, and forwarded through the proper channels with the endorsements thereon. HOUSE RECORD BOOK. SEC. TOO. House record book should be in it- self an accurate and complete history of the operations and doings of the Corps quarters. Each book placed in service shall contain in the first pages, the rank, name, former occupation, residence, badge and fire key numbers of each member, also the residences of the President of the Salvage Corps, Superintendent, Medical Officer, Veterinarian, and Fire Marshal ; also the registered number of each horse. FIRE ALARM RECORD BOOK. SEC. 101. Fire Alarm record book shall ^con- tain the date and time of all alarms and calls, the manner received, time of return to quarters of each command or detail. OFFICERS' FIRE RECORD BOOK. SEC. 102. Officers' fire record book shall con- tain full particulars of all fires in the protected district viz. : date, time (or manner received), description of premises, where fire originated, extended to, and cause (if possible) ; name and nature of business of each occupant, insurance on buildings and contents and other insurance, officer in command, name of each member of command on duty at the fire, name of each pa- trolman detailed, and on what stock or prem- ises, number of stock or roof covers used, actual time of service of command or detail. GENERAL RULES. $2 NATIONAL STANDARD. SEC. 103. The display of the. national stand- ard on the Salvage Corps building shall be from the peak of flagstaff from sunrise to sunset on January ist, February i2th and 22d, July 4th, November 25th, and December 25th, and on such other holidays as may be designated by the President of the United States or the Governor of the State of New York, and at half mast on May 3oth in. each year. SEC. 104. Upon receipt of official notice of the death of any member of the uniformed force from injuries received in the discharge of duty, the flag shall be displayed at half mast until sunset on the day of the funeral. f 1 1 SEC. 105. The national standard shall not be displayed at any other time, Or loaned without special orders from the Superintendent, and under no circumstances must the flag be dis- played before sunrise or after sunset. FUNERAL HONORS. SEC. 106. For funeral honors to the remains of a deceased officer or member of the force, or- ders will be issued at the time in each case. CHARGES. SEC. 107. When charges are preferred against any member of the force, and the accused cannot be found, a copy of the charges or any notice relating the-reto may be left at his last-known place of residence. Charges may be drawn as follows viz. : 1. Violation of rules and regulations or orders (state what rule). 2. Disobedience of orders. 3 Absent without leave *." . , :..:.: V. V : \\ \\\ i /. 53 4. Under the influence of liquor. 5. Disrespect to a superior officer. 6. Conduct unbecoming an officer or patrol- man. 7. Conduct prejudicial to good order or disci- pline. 8. If more than one charge is preferred, they shall be numbered Charge ist, 2d, and so on. If more than one specification to each charge, they shall be numbered. 9. The accused may have at least twenty-four hours' notice of his trial or hearing and fur- nished with a copy of the charges preferred against him. FORM OF SALUTE. SEC. 108. i, Raise the right hand smartly till the forefinger touches the rim of the hat (or peak of cap) above the right eye, thumb and fingers extended and joined, palm to the left, forearm inclined at about forty-five degrees, hand and wrist straight. 2. Drop the arm quietly by the side. These rules and regulations will go into effect immediately upon their receipt. GEO. M. COIT, President, HUGO SCHUMANN, Vice-Prest., BRITTON C. THORN, Secretary, WILLIAM T. LANE, Treasurer, B. G. ACKERMAN, GEORGE W. BURCHELL, Board JAMES M. HODGES, \ o /- LINBLEY MURRAY, JR., \Directors. FRANK T. STINSON, EDWARD E. PEARCE, E. B. MAGNUS, WEST POLLOCK, JOHN A. DE GROOT, GEORGE A. STANTON, j 51968 227493 ^yt\