UC-NRLF OF TOE UNIVE] SITY OF HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN BY LIEUT. -COL. PHILIP READE Inspector General U. S. V. (Major 4th U. S. Infantrv) Published by authority of THE HON., THE SECRETARY OF WAR / j publication permitted by the Secretary of War of reports made to the Inspector General of the Army, during the months of Sep- tember, October, and November, 1900, by Lieut. -Colonel Philip Reade^ Inspector General, U. S. V., (Majot 4th Jj. S. Infantry), regarding the Regulation Canteen and other canteens presented for trial with reference to their fitness for use in the military service. PRINTED BY ^ COPYRIGHT, C. J. BURROUGHS, I9 oi. CHICAGO. B y PHILIP READE. REPORT UPON ARMY CANTEENS LIEUT. COL. PHILIP READE, I. G., U. S. V., (MAJOR 4TH u. s. INFANTRY) Inspector General, Department of Dakota. At the beginning of the last century, and for some years after, the soldier's canteen was a wooden, drum-shaped affair, provided with a nozzle. (See cut p. 120.) To now return to that shape and adopt a hollow cylinder, modeled after a drum for packing figs in, would be an advance backwards. The history of mankind is the history of the development of weapons and equipment for war by improvements, in which one nation has overcome another and survived. Within a few months from now our military organization will have been readjusted. The arms and equipments to be necessitated by the increase in numbers of our permanent military establishment should be new and not of the nineteenth century pattern. P>y July, 1901, perhaps 60,000 canteens now carried by, or in the possession of, United States Volunteers and Regulars will have been turned in. Some of these canteens wall be suspended by the returned volunteers beside the obsolete muzzle-loading firearms of the civil war period, and some may find their way into the museums for the col- lection and display of archaic military weapons and equipments. From being an inconsequential article of a soldier's personal equipment the canteen has become, in fact, one of the most impor- tant articles, because connected with hygienic considerations; in other words, because it carries water and because the majority of our troops are in localities where good water is of prime considera- tion to health. Those who live a comparatively fixed life can hardly weigh aright the importance of a good canteen. Since the microbe or germ theory has come into the discussion of hygienic conditions, we have learned why it is that bad water is the most dangerous liquid one can drink ; that the denizen of places fitted with filtering devices, sterilizing appliances, faucets, hydrants, water valves, pipes, aqueducts, cooling refrigerators, icehouses, etc., can 3 4 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. guard against micro-organisms and temper the water to suit his palate; the soldier can not so guard himself in the field or on cam- paign, or on the march. If the former could only get water by journeying to the town pump, or well having a pole, or piece of timber, moved on a fulcrum or post, used to raise and lower a bucket in the well for laboriously drawing water by hand, he would feel it an 'annoying hardship. We have relegated the well-sweep, but hung on to the canteen of con- temporaneous antiquity. People who always live in houses and sleep in beds and walk on pavements and ride in street cars, and who get their food from butch- ers, bakers, grocers, or restaurants, and who always have access to unlimited quantities of good water, don't appreciate they can't appreciate water, because it is as free as air. The circumstances of their existence are too mathematical and secure. They are boarders in this world. Everything is done for them by somebody else. They live at second or third hand. They get their excitement out of the newspapers. If the weather is bad, they are snugly housed. If it is cold, there is a furnace in the cellar. If they are hungry, the shops are neaf at hand. They might as well be brought up in an incubator. But where man abides in the fields, after the manner of soldiers in campaign, he learns that his best friends are his arms, his blanket, and his rations ; the last named are not any more important than his filled canteen. Napoleon said: "There are five things from which the soldier must never be separated his gun, his cartridges, his knapsack, his provisions for at least four days, and his pioneer tool. Let the knap- sack be reduced to the smallest size ; let him carry in it a shirt, a pair of shoes, a stock, a handkerchief, a tinder box, but let him have it always with him, for, once separated from him, it never returns." It is submitted that a man will retain things for the preservation of his own life longer than he will retain things for the taking of life. Hence he will hold on to his provisions longer than he will retain implements, such as his gun, cartridges, knapsack, pioneer tool, or even his "stock." In other words, the soldier will include his canteen as one of his best friends. He is never prodigal with his water when inured to war experiences. City dwellers who know that there is always plenty more in the pipes do not appreciate this last fact. A soldier in barracks, with water closets and baths, requires 25 gallons of water per day. Without water closets and baths he HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 6 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. requires 10 gallons of water per day. In stationary camps, 5 gallons per head for all purposes is required. A soldier requires on the inarch, for drinking and cooking, 6 pints a day, increased in a hot climate to 8 pints, and an equal amount for washing the person. The foregoing are the lowest figures. The hygienic preparations for a campaign, either for the foot or mounted soldier, include a con- sideration of many rules and precautions that are unavoidably broken or impaired by war, but the three requisites of a camping grounds are water, fuel and forage. Bad water is the most dangerous liquid one can drink. The soldier is not dressed or outfitted in obedience to caprices of fashion, but in accordance with the rules of hygiene. All camping grounds are not near to running streams, or water. Marches must be limited to the human strength and necessities, both as regards travel and rest, rations and water. During the period immediately following the capitulation oi Santiago, July, 1898, the Fifth Army Corps obtained its water from the San Juan river, less than a mile away, by means of canteens. Stalwart, fever-stricken men went thirsty because they shrank from the physical exertion involved in walking down a hill a few hundred yards and then stagger back with a load of filled canteens. Aching heads and flushing faces were relieved by water, but the fluid appli- cation was a costly one. Soldiers, insane from heat, exhaustion and fatigue, reeled into any kind of shelter and would there lie prostrate and gasp, their canteens by their side empty. Sights like these> and personal deprivation, quicken one's conception and appreciation. General Viscount Wolseley in his "Soldier's Pocket Book for Field Service," edition 1886, includes in the list of articles to be worn on the person a drinking cup and water bottle. He says : "The best water bottles are those made of ebonite and covered with felt. Those holding a little less than i Yz pints weigh, when empty, 13^ ounces ; when full, 2 pounds 3^ ounces. Our regulation water bottle, that is of wood, holds i and 1-3 pints; weighs when empty, i pound and ? ounce; when full, 2 pounds 10 ounces. Leather water bottle used in Nile expedition, weighs 2 pounds. Moving across a desert, the first and greatest difficulty is water. You must provide for the carriage of at least i gallon per man per diem, with a surplus of spare water of 25 per cent, or whatever your calculation amounts to. In calculating the quantity of water required per man for drinking and cooking, it may be put down as six pints in temperate, and eight HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 7 pints in tropical climates. On desert journeys in summer, when hot winds blow, a man requires two gallons a day, but in autumn or winter three pints a day are sufficient." At Tientsin, China, July 13, 1900, where Col. Emerson H. Lis- cum, ninth infantry, was killed, Lieutenant Abraham Loeb reports that the regiment lay all day in salt water, mud up to their waists, under a hot sun. "Water gave out," he states, "and the men in their frenzied attempts to quench their burning thirst, would drink that dirty salt water, supplying it in short mouth fuls, as it eddied about their forms." Regarding the lack of water at Tientsin, the New York Sun's correspondent reports : "One thing this day should teach the Ameri- can army, one little thing of great importance. I have seen six different breeds of man go into battle today. Every one of them except the American had some contrivance for getting extra water % to the field. It has been a fearfully hot day and the men have suf- fered greatly for water. Our men are notoriously prodigal of the contents of their canteens. They hadn't been on the line two hours before they were running out, and the cry went up for more. But there was no way to get more. The British, French, and Japanese had their donkey carts or mules packed with breakers, but the Americans had nothing and their men had to suffer and stand it as best they could. It is no very great reform to make, but it counts afield." Major William I). Beach, Inspector General U. S. V., (Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry), Inspector General Dept. of Southern Luzon, P. I., states that "officers and some old soldiers will make their can- teens of water last for twenty-four hours if necessary, or else go without ; but the average soldier can not be made to do it, and sick- ness results." It is an axiom in our service to never start on a march or field exercise without filling all canteens. Company commanders inspect before starting to see that this essential is complied with by all. The importance of the canteen as an article of the soldier's equipment in the field cannot be overestimated. Its value in garrison is not generally appreciated, because of the ease with which water can be obtained. A canteen is defined by Webster as being a vessel used by sol- diers for carrying liquors, water or other drink. In the English service the canteen has been made of wood and held three pints. In the United States it is a tin flask. Col. H. L. Scott, in his Military Dictionary of 1864, defines a can- 8 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. teen as a small tin, caoutchouc, or circular wooden vessel, used by soldiers to carry liquor, etc. Captain Thomas Wilhelm, in his Military Dictionary, 1881, says that a canteen is a tin vessel used by soldiers to carry water on the march, or in the field. It is usually suspended by a strap from the shoulder. In the British service the canteen, he says, is made of wood and is called a water bottle. Worcester in his dictionary defines the canteen as a small tin or circular wooden vessel which each soldier carries and uses for water. Chambers' Encyclopedia, edition of 1879, defines canteen as the name given to a vessel used by soldiers to contain whatever beverage may be obtainable on the march or in the field, made sometimes of tin, sometimes of wood. In the British army, the canteen is a wooden vessel holding about three pints, painted blue, and inscribed with the number, or designation of the regiment, battalion and com- pany to which the soldier belongs. The following are stated to be the specifications for the regula- tion U. S. Army canteen, viz. : Made of XXXX tin, circular in shape, 7J inches in diameter, sides oval and smooth ; thickness through, three inches, with a triangular wire loop T soldered on each side to tin loop ; mouthpiece with a rim ; cork capped with tin ; iron wire stem riveted through cork and attached to canteen by a brass chain three inches long, with a ring closed on mouthpiece. Covered first with gray "Petersham," and afterwards with drab duck. The weight of the complete canteen is 12.6 ounces; of the canteen haversack strap, as used by the in- fantry, 6.3 ounces, and of the cavalry canteen strap, 3 ounces. The Commandant, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, (Major S. E. Blunt, Ord. Dept.) furnishes the following information in regard to the manufacture of canteens at that arsenal : "The present regu- lation canteen is made up of sheet tin ; the two halves of the can- teen being formed under presses, soldered together and separate mouthpiece soldered thereto, the triangles for the strap soldered on, and then the canteen covered, first with felt and then with dyed duck of the same material as used for the haversack. After this the cork and chain are added. Inspections are made at each different stage of manufacture and when finally completed before the canteens are packed and transferred to store. The only 'test' made during manufacture is to determine whether the soldering is complete. This is accomplished by placing the nozzle of an air compresser into the mouth of the canteen, plunging the canteen under water, and then HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. C) forcing air into it. If there are any leaks they will be discovered by air bubbling in^the water. If leaks are found the canteen is resoldered and again tested." In the matter of canteens we have not kept pace with other na- tions nor yet with the development and improvements made by in- ventors and industrial establishments in the United States, and which have been made evident by the open air tests made by me and here- inafter described. The canteen now and for many years issued by the Ordnance Department, is a poor affair, inconsistent with the improvements made in other articles of the soldier's equipment issued by the same department. I have found, in the possession of the ist Cavalry or of the 8th Infantry, canteens made of X tin, of XX tin, and of XXX tin. Owing to this lack of uniformity in material, difference in weight and of durability exists. Some of the army canteens vary in capacity four or more ounces, the minimum being 42 fluid ounces. Difference exists, also in the weight, thickness and quality of the felt superimposed upon the flask. These variations are visible to the eye and have been further proven by immersion in water and by flame tests. The present service canteen is defective because it will not pre- serve fluid at a palatable temperature, in either very high or very low temperatures. A cause of this defect is that the tin flask is not covered by enough non-conducting material, viz., good, thick, all- wool felt. First Lieutenant F. L. Knudson, 8th Infantry, a soldier of nearly twelve years' experience in infantry service, says: 'The canteen at present issued to the army is very poor. Its shape is such that it is inconvenient to carry, and its covering not sufficiently thick to keep the water cool. The stopper should be fashioned by having its chain secured on the inside of the canteen, because the present method of fastening it is not solid enough and causes the chain to slip off the neck of the canteen and the stoppers are very often lost. The canteen should be made of material that will not rust." Captain F. H. Sargent, 8th Infantry, says: "Noticed defect in canteen, which should be of such shape as to fit close to the body and should be covered with a good felt, much thicker than the cover now in use, which is of poor material, shoddy and thin." Captain W. H. Hart, Brigade Quartermaster, N. G. S. Minnc- 10 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. *r &er. Aluminum covered by the /z. ; wet, 82 oz. ; holds 86 oz. It is covered with common saddler's felt, f-inch thick, over which there is a canvas cover, whose edges through a por- tion of its circumference are partly laced, instead of being stitched hence openable. The seams along the edges of the flask are per- manently stitched from the nozzle in each direction for a few inches. Originally that is, in May, 1898 the outer covering was com- posed of several thicknesses of blue flannel. The object of having an openable canvas cover, laced for a portion of its circumference, was for the purpose of admitting moisture to the inside felt and to secure the cooling effect due to retarded evaporation. The cover is made in four sections, two around the edge or cir- cumference, the remaining two being applied to each side, or face, of the flask, all joined by being stitched, except where lacing instead of stitching, is used on the circumference of the flask. A similar canteen, having a rigid central support, was carried by me along the Gila, Colorado and Rio Grande rivers twenty-five years ago. This particular canteen also accompanied me, when mounted, in the province of Santiago de Cuba, June- August, 1898, and, later, in the province of Havana. It was my custom to wet it at sunset, and suspend the canteen for the night. It kept water at a lower tem- perature throughout the following day than any other portable appli- ance known to me. l8 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. Complaint is made from the Philippines that the canteens used there always flatten after much usage, the flattening beginning on the side which rests against the saddle blanket. Before the days of railroads in New Mexico, southern Arizona and California, the canteens carried by us, in summer time, were large enough to hold about six pints of water. Existence depended, some- times, upon the contents of a big canteen. They were so large that flattening was prevented, at the expense of weight, by an inside cen- tral rigid support, made of the same metal as the flask, which support was soldered to one-half of the canteen before the halves which con- stituted the faces were put together. THE PARKER CANTEEN. The Parker canteen, like the Pasteur filter, has a tube. The lia- bility of the filtering tube to- fracture by jolting incident to carnage and use, prompts an objection to its adoption for military use in the field. This objection is based on the fragile material from which the tube is made. The filter tube displaces about its own weight of water from the filled canteen, thus limiting the supply of fluid which the canteen would otherwise hold. As water will not normally arise above its own level, it follows that when the canteen is only half full, the filter tube is only half full, etc. These canteens are made of tin, into the composition of which iron enters. Complaint was made by those of the Seventh U. S. Cavalry who drank in the province of Havana, the Vento spring water, or other water of that class, that contact of the fluid with the canteen was followed by chemical action, oxidation, and that the water in the canteen became the color of iron rust. The deposit of oxide in the filter of the Parker canteen closed the pores and it soon ceased to be a filter. The closed end of the tube showed then a deep iron rust color and the w r ater became undrink- able. The Parker canteen was reported on from Headquarters Depart- ment of Havana, April 24, 1899, after consultation with officers of the Second Squadron, Seventh U. S. Cavalry. I have not since been brought in contact with troops provided with any of the Parker can- teens. In my report to the Inspector General, through proper channels, dated April 27, 1899, inspection Seventh U. S. Cavalry, I outlined the following undeniable principles, viz. : 1. Filtration has for its object the removal of suspended matter. 2. Organic matters adhere to the surface presented to the fluid within the flask. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. IQ 3. Water passing- slowly through it makes deposits in the inter- stices. The Parker canteen has a filter tube inside the flask ; it is attached to an ordinary cork capped with a cap of hard rubber material having a removable cap, and a drink is obtained by suction, the fluid percolat- ing through the filter, which appears to be of infusorial earth or stone. The continuance of the action of the Parker filter, or any other filter is limited. Soldiers in the field will not find it practicable to clean the Pas- tuer, Parker, Berkfield or any other kind of filter made of infusorial earth. If the Parker filter is not cleaned, it clogs, and soon ceases to be a filter. For these reasons, apart from its friable nature, it is the opinion of Captain Luther R. Hare, Seventh U. S. Cavalry, and of the other officers of the Seventh U. S. Cavalry, formerly on duty in Cuba, that the Parker filter does not possess sufficient merit to warrant a further trial by U. S. troops. The tube alone weighs eight (8) ounces. The flask weighs six- teen (16) ounces, holds about 56 ounces, avoirdupois, of water, less the amount displaced by the filter. The latter is 54 inches long; diameter, I inch. Experience is a safe guide. Filters were numerous at the begin- ning of the civil war, and the volunteers bought filters numerously at the begining of the Spanish-American war. They were service- able for a while, but campaign exigencies relegated them to the list of non-essentials, where plainsmen and old hunters had already placed them. The objections to the Parker filter for use in a military canteen, aside from its weight, clumsiness, etc., are that it is brittle and liable to fracture, particularly when moist. A crack becomes a structural imperfection. It cracks easily. Unless cleaned and sterilized fre- quently, the pores of the filter become filled with organic matter, which, decomposing, becomes offensive and a good culture bed for micro-organism. The objection that, after some use, it will become a breeding ground for bacilli and germs, is a vital one. . The Parker filter is not capable of efficiently removing bacteria and other micro-organisms from \vater. Frequent cleaning by hot wet, or hot dry, process, is necessary. These processes are not always practicable by soldiers. Cleaning by brushing will \vear away 2O HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. the bougie or tube. Sucb, in any case, will not cleanse below the portion touched. THE ALUMINUM CANTEEN, 60 ox., GERMAN COVER. THE KARLS- RUHE GERMAN ALUMINUM CANTEEN. Through the courtesy of Messrs. George and William Lanz, 183 Lake street, Chicago, 111., I have been furnished with two aluminum canteens, one having a capacity of sixty (60) ounces ; the other forty- three (43) fluid ounces, both flasks fabricated in Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany. The large flask has a German-made felt cover no canvas weight, including carrying strap, fourteen ( 14) ounces. The medium flask has a Lanz cover, and inner cover of the kind patented by Mr. Lanz, August 14, 1900; weight, fifteen (15) ounces. Cuts of the two are shown herewith, (pp. 115, 10.) These canteens were tested by me in the open air, in conjunction with others. In the first tests made, each flask was filled to its full capacity. In the subsequent tests, the amount of water in each was the same, this in order to equalize conditions as much as possible. THE DUBUQUE STAMPING AND ENAMEL CANTEEN, WITH THE PARKER FILTER. It is understood that this is a naked metal flask, coated inside and outside with some kind of agate, vitrified, glazed, incrysted, porce- lained, lava, granite or annealed ware. If it chips like the enameled agate ware used in furnishing officers' mess chests, its use will be dangerous if the chips are swallowed. In composition it is under- stood to resemble the kind of ware commonly used in cooking uten- sils. This type, viz. : uncovered metal, is merelya thing to carry fluid in without pretending to keep the fluid at a palatable temperature. Whatever canteen is adopted, it is essential that the flask be covered with a non-conducting fabric or substance. The lower part of the neck, or nozzle, or mouth-piece, of the Dubuque Enamel canteen forms a right angle with the side-band of the flask, and so cuts away the filter part of the Parker tube, expos- ing the center metal rod. This cutting away causes the friable mat- ter of which the filter is composed to break away from the rod. The jolting incident to transportation would probably cause it to disinte- grate, if used in the Dubuque Enamal canteen, owing to the mechani- cal construction of the neck of the flask. A dealer in white enamel ware, manufactured in Sweden, states that that process of enameling is like that pursued in this country in painting bicycle, frames and then burning on the paint. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. Cart V CUir 21 fyTlt votes of ' reforteer Canteen tnrn 22 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. He has for sale utensils made of the ware, iron base, white enamel and says that they will stand the test of fire without fusing ; in fact that coffee could be boiled in any of the utensils ; but admits that th< ware will chip, little fragments break off, thus exposing the iron base rust then sets in, undermining the rest of the glaze, enamel, vitreous coating or material used to give the metal a porcelain or agate coat ing. Makers of bath tubs have had the same trouble in making th< enamel stick to the metal. The material which enters into the canteen made by the Dubuqiu Stamping and Enamel Company may be of some such combinatior ware as the Swedish lacquered or glazed ware. If it is, a proposition from a would-be contractor to furnish such canteens for military use would incite the condemnatory sense and sentiment of practical soldiers. The Dubuque Enamel canteen is not so good as the present type oi regulation canteen. Tests have proved its worthlessness, except tc carry water in. Its shape is about identical with the wood canteen, or water bottle, contemporaneous with our second war with England. The modern canteen is not of circular, but of oval, gourd, oblong, bottle, or flask shape. THE NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, ALUMINUM CANTEEN FLASK. The New Jersey Aluminum Company, Newark, N. J., submitted to me for test three samples of their aluminum canteen flask. ( See "M," "N" and "O" Test Tables, pp. 64). All are of circular fig- drum, or cheese-box shape. The mouth-piece appears to be soldered on; its diameter is considerably less than that of the orifice in the side piece of the flask, and it is a separate piece of aluminum; the side-rings are inserted in ears riveted to the flask. Each flask appar- ently consists of eight pieces, the rivets not being counted, including the wire loops. The finish is such that no seams are visible. The firm claims that the flasks are made without the use of solder. They are not provided with covers or stoppers. One face is flat, perhaps slightly concave, the other face being convex. The aluminum canteen flask, made by the Newark, N. J., Alum- inum Company, and covered by the Lanz method, f-inch felt, and openable canvas cover (termed in test tables p. 64, canteen "F"), underwent thirty-four tests by me, on as many different days. It has on each side a flat piece of the same metal, aluminum, riveted to the flask. This flat piece is doubled and bent so as to make a loop in which there turns a bent piece of looped wire, which serves to attach the hook, or snap, of the canteen strap to. Three rivets are used in HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CAXTEEX. 23 each flat piece ; no soldering visible ; length of rivets unknown. Xo leakage occurred during any of the tests at the points where rivets were used. Eyelets of the outer canvas cover, Lanz method, are reinforced on the inside by a bit of canvas, folded double. The all-wool felt used as the inner jacket consists of two pieces, each cut with a beveled edge in order to give the jacket a snug fit where joined. These pieces are neatly secured together by stitching of copper or aluminum wire. This firm writes as follows : We are in receipt of your valued favor of the I4th instant, together with the enclosure of the various tests of canteens. We observe that two of ours proved leaky, while the others bursted. We also take note of the fact that other canteens fared no better. These tests are indeed valuable to every manu- facturer of canteens, and you may rest assured that if given another opportunity we are still in the race. We think that we would know how to make a canteen, and confess that we think your tests rather severe. We especially observe your remark of a canteen of the oval type, concaved on the side which comes next to the body, and convex on the outer side, to hold 48 fluid ounces. To prove to you that we can make such canteens (in fact, we have made flasks of just that particular type), we are forwarding to you one under separate cover, which, by the way, you need not return if you care to keep it. There is but one hitch in this particular canteen, that is to fasten the rings by which the canteen is carried. Just as soon as we attempt to rivet there it makes the weakest point in the canteen. We may, however, find some other way to overcome this. We should very much like to send you one of the requisite size, but as there is considerable expense connected therewith to produce it, we hesitate until we hear further from you. You can, of course, readily understand that each and every manufacturer competing in this matter is desirous of ob- taining an order with some profit to himself. It is, therefore, we speak as we do ; we prefer for the present not to make the larger size, which we know would be perfect, especially if made of one piece as you suggest. Now, if you think it would pay us to go into it and make the dies and tools for producing a canteen of that kind, we are willing to take the chances as regards the test, but if there are no prospects, we would very much thank you to tell us so. Thanking you kindly for having given us the opportunity to look over the tests, we remain, etc. THE REYMOND & GOTTLOB ALUMINUM CANTEEN. Some of the canteens to which the consideration of the military men are invited are picnic affairs, suited, perhaps, for a tourist, or a 24 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. bicyclist on a summer outing, but not adapted in construction, vsha capacity, durability or rigidity for military purposes. Of this class is the aluminum canteen, retail price, $1.50, sold by Messrs. Reymond & Gottlob, 831 Broadway, N. Y. Its weight, in- cluding cover, is 8 oz. It is of circular shape, fig-drum, cheese-box appearance, covered with a single thickness of what may be felt. Dimensions, 6 in. cfiameter, 2.\ in. deep. It is not seamless; flask not of one piece. It is said to be spun. No solder is said to be used. The felt covering buttons upon the outer, or convex, base of the flask by flat-headed glove-buttoning fastenings, and the sling, J in. wide, is of strap leather. It is doubtful whether the button fastening method would be durable. Being filled to its capacity (29 fluid ounces) with water having a temperature of 94 degrees F., it was exposed with others in the open air at a temperature varying from 4 degrees F. to 10 degrees F. At the end of four hours the contents dropped to 32 degrees. After an exposure of six hours, the contents were frozen, and it leaked in all succeeding tests. Its resisting, or non-conducting, properties are about the same as the Government regulation service canteen, ordnance pattern, which is protected by "Petersham" (or shoddy felt), and canvas cover. Perhaps it should be rated a little above the Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, aluminum canteen when covered by the single felt German method. Messrs. Reymond & Gottlob are importers of aluminum fancy goods and novelties, branch at 109 Fulton street, factory, 115-121 East Thirteenth street, New York. The firm writes as follows : "We can make the desired canteen, provided it is ordered in fair- sized quantities, and if you could submit a sample of one you think the most useful, we would be thankful to you. We have no connec- tion with any European house, and would not know what is desired for your purpose. We truly believe that our canteen is superior to any one in the market and has no equal. As to durability, it outlasts any one, besides being as pure as gold, and will not rust or change any, and think it is the most useful thing for the army. We are very anxious to have you make a trial, and kindly ask you to report to us the results. Further, wish to say that we have sold these to a good many officers of the U. S. Army, and every one has given our canteens the highest praise. We have tried over and again to get the Government interested in the same, but there seems to be a hitch somewhe r e which we can- not explain. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. of Wales Metal/io, /?* W/cvf cfftrwt fee owe detached, t 33 S/ujj w^es. frfaxtrt fy tfo ix C*nU* C* t 26 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. We guarantee every one of ours to be water-tight, and eve soldering can be done on them." THE PRESTON FIELD RATION MESS KIT. Gradually the armies of the world are adopting aluminum fc mess kits, and the Ordnance Department of the U. S. Army has fc a number of years been testing the qualities of aluminum for th: purpose. Owing to the Cuban and Philippine wars, these tests ha\ been somewhat delayed, but during the last year the department he issued to the service, for trial, one thousand sets of the Preston Mes Kit. This kit was patented March 3, 1896, by Lieutenant Guy 1 Preston, U. S. A., and is made by the Scovill Manufacturing Con pany, Waterbury, Conn. The retail price of same, complete, is $4-5< A glance at the illustrations will demonstrate the improY< ment in compactness and convenience over any kit now in use. Bein made wherever possible, of aluminum, it has the additional advantag of increased lightness, and strength as well. Its weight, with cove is 2 Ibs. 5 oz. The only metals used in any way are aluminum, ti and iron, so that no injurious salts can be formed by corrosion. Following is a description of articles of which the kit is con posed : The Canteen Proper. This has a capacity of little over thre pints. It is made of heavily coated tin, soldered at its joints. Tin : used rather than aluminum, because as yet no satisfactory solder hz been found for aluminum, and the canteen could not well be mad without joints. The cork has a cap of aluminum to keep the cornet from crumbling when inside, and cannot be lost because of a chai and bar which hang on the inside of the canteen. Frying Pan. This is made of aluminum with a heavily tinne steel handle, which, when packed, swings back on a hinge and lie flat on the bottom of the pan. A very ingenious and durable devic with a sliding pin, which cannot be lost, is used for holding the hand) in position when in use. The pan is about I inch in depth and fit over the side of the canteen when in the canvas cover. This f ryin pan has a cover, which is its counterpart in size and shape, and fil over the other side of the canteen when inside of the canvas cove; This may be used as another cooking pan or serving dish. It has n handle, but may be locked tightly over the top of the frying par thus making a case for carrying rations or may be slipped loosely ove the frying pan, thus making a fine baker. Cup or Sauce Pan. This is made of aluminum with a heavil HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 2/ tinned steel handle, which, when packed, closes within the cup. When in use, a small gravity catch keeps the handle in its proper position. The cup is strongly reinforced where the handle is riveted on, so that the weight of its contents will not work it loose. This cup, when packed, slips over the bottom of the canteen, which it fits snugly. Canvas Cover. This is very strongly made of the best brown canvas. A strong canvas strap with an adjoining buckle is securely sewed about the bottom end of the cover. This cover may also be furnished with D rings, when desired, to take the regular cavalry carrying strap issued by the Quartermaster's Department. The top of the cover is laced tight about the canteen, leaving but the neck exposed. Inside is a double lining of gray felt, which is secured to canvas. This is to keep the water cool. The aluminum pans are also a help in this respect, as aluminum is a bad conductor of heat. A pocket is sewed to the inside of the canvas to hold the knife, fork and spoon, which are made of steel, very heavily tinned and silver plated. Being made of steel they are strong and can easily be kept sharp, and being tinned they do not become rusty. Captain W. C. Brown, First U. S. Cavalry, is quoted as stating that : "The Preston Mess Outfit is very convenient and suitable for officers' use, but the aluminum sheet used for the frying pan and plate, are rather too thin to withstand the rough usage which they will get in the hands of enlisted men." THE COWLES CAN TEH x. Name of inventor, John T. Cowles, 224 East Washington street, Chicago, 111., alleged to have assigned same to Mr. George Lanz, 183 Lake street, Chicago, a manufacturer of leather goods, and who has furnished ordnance leather equipments to the Ordnance Department U. S. Army, also to English forces now in South Africa. This invention relates especially to army contracts for the use of foot and mounted soldiers, but may be adapted as well for large water receptacles, such, for example, as may be used for carrying a temporary supply of water for horses in cavalry and artillery service. The object of the invention is to provide means for more effectu- ally preserving the temperature of water either in hot or cold weather. For individual use, the flask of the canteen is of the usual double convex type. It is a canteen in combination, basing its merits, in part, upon the physical principle of convection. A covering of fib- rous material is applied to the flask and impregnated with a non-heat- conducting material. There is a filling of corrugated fibrous paper interposed between the fibrous covering and spaced apart from an 28 HISTORY OF Till': MILITARY CANTEEN. outer rigid shell, which encloses the whole. The walls of the shel have rigid supports. The shell has a textile cover. The canteen is provided with the usual nozzle and chained stop- per. The materials used to impregnate the felt, or other fibrous material used as a cover to the flask, are said to be sulphate of alum- inum, common salts, and sulphate of ammonia, or the three mixed. It is stated that the inventor does not desire to be limited to these particular substances, as there are many materials which may be applied to a fibrous carrying substance with greater or less efficiency, the process being to conveniently impregnate the fibrous material by saturating it with a solution of the substance and then drying it out. The covered flask is encased in a shell of sheet metal, spaced apart from the fibrous cover, so as to leave an air chamber. To the case there is applied the usual fibrous jacket, and this, in turn, is enclosed by means of a canvas cover which is openable through a portion of its circumference, the seam along the edge of the flask- being permanently stitched from the nozzle in each direction for a short distance and through the remainder of the circumference of the flask being closed by lacing, so that the canvas cover may be opened for the purpose of admitting moisture to the fibrous material, whereby the cooling effect, due to evaporation, is secured. See "Lanz Canteen" for this form of laced canvas cover. The shell has a cross-rib support applied to its inner face central as to the sides of the flask and bearing against the fibrous cover, so that the shell will not be easily indented. The corrugated paper used as filling is impregnated with a non-heat-conducting material. One form of the shell of the Cowles canteen is corrugated, the corruga- tions being arranged meridianally as to the shell and being of maxi- mum depth across its equator and disappearing at its polar portions. The inventor claims that by the use of the outer covering of felt protected by a close woven fabric, such as canvas, the benefit is secured of the long continued effect due to slo\v evaporation, the felt having been saturated when the canteen is full. The canteens heretofore made have proved inadequate as to means for keeping the water sufficiently cool to be palatable in hot climates. For this reason "the expedient named is supplemented in the canteen forming the subject of this mention, by the metallic casino- enclosing the flask in such manner as to form with the walls thereof an air-space. The advantage gained by this construction is decidedly augmented by the layer of fibrous material applied directly to the flask, and by but partially filling the air-space between it and the casing, this fibrous material being itself a good non-conductor of heat, but being rendered far more efficient in this regard by being HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CAXTEEX. 2Q impregnated with the substances named, which possess very low conductivity. By supplementing these features with the corrugated paper placed with the air-space named, a further marked advantage is secured, not only because of the efficacy of the paper, especially when impregnated with the materials named above as non-conductors, but because of the sub-division of the air-space into numerous cells, thereby preventing the circulation of air and the consequent trans- mission of heat by convection. The principle of the invention is not limited to this, or any other canteen form, but is equally applicable to a flask or tank of any shape. THE LANZ CANTEEN. Name of inventor, William Lanz, and manufacturer, Mr. George Lanz, 183 Lake street, Chicago, 111. The canteen is one of the few articles of equipment that the prop- erly trained soldier will never part with. Every question in war should be considered in the aspect of what men can do, and will do, when fatigued. Mr. George Lanz is a reputable wholesale manu- facturer and contractor for leather goods. He has made a large number of saddle bags, pistol holsters, etc., for the Ordnance Depart- ment, U. S. Army, and for the British service. This invention relates to army canteens and the like, and its object is to provide such a cover for the sheet metal flask, of which such articles are usually composed, that it will more effectually prevent changes of temperature of the contents than has heretofore been accomplished. The usual reliance for acomplishing this object has been a jacket of a substance called felt, or of a mixture of cotton or jute mixed with wool, called felt, covered with canvas, which jacket is so intended that by the process of evaporation the contents of the flask will remain cool. This means for preventing the contents of the flask from becom- ing warm has been inadequate because the outer covering of the can- teen has usually been of finely woven canvas, or like fabric, which is very nearly water-proof, and hence, although water may have been poured upon the canteen, or the latter may have been dipped into water, the moisture would not penetrate the canvas covering, and hence the inner lining of cotton and jute mixed with wool felt would remain dry. The form of construction now in use by the U. S. Army also is, of course, practically valueless as a means of preventing the contents of the canteen from becoming frozen in cold weather. 3O HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. One form of the Lanz invention consists in covering the flask with a material, or a layer of material, having a low heat-conducting character, and placing over the layer an envelope of water-proof material, so that the inner layer will never become wet ; upon this envelope is superimposed the usual jacket, or jackets, of fibrous material, such as felt, and this in turn is covered with canvas or sim- ilar textile fabric, closely woven, so that it is almost impervious to water. This outer cover is openable, its seam being in part formed by lacing, so that it may be readily opened for renewal or for the pur- pose of permitting moisture to freely enter the felt jacket when the canteen is immersed in water. The invention consists further in making the canteen with one of its sides flattened or slightly concave. Drawings illustrating this invention, side elevation, edge view and transverse section, are in the possession of the inventor at Xo. 183 Lake street, Chicago, 111. (See page 31.) ' The flask is the usual rounded double convex form, except that one of its sides is made slightly concave, so that it may rest more easily upon the hip of the user when slung from the shoulder. The flask is provided with the usual nozzle closed by a stopper provided with a chain and ring. A layer of non-heat-conducting material is applied to the body of the flask, preferably granular cork is used for this purpose, and it may be secured to the canteen by first coating the latter with a suit- able cement and then sprinkling the cork upon it while the cement is moist ; or the cork may first be molded into a shell adapted to fit snugly against the side of the flask. Other forms of the Lanz can- teen omit this layer. This layer of material is enclosed in an envelope of water-proof material. For this purpose oilcloth is preferably used, though any material which will prevent water from gaining access to the cork will serve. Upon the envelope is superimposed a layer, or layers, of fibrous material, preferably felt, and this, in turn, is encased in felt, wool, canvas or other fabric. This cover is made in two sections, one applied to each side of the flask, the two being joined by a seam which may be permanently and closely stitched from the nozzle part way round the canteen ; but through a considerable portion of this seam, preferably exceeding one-half of the circumference of the canteen, lacing is used. In use, the lacing is, or may be, opened after the flask is filled, HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 32 HISTORY OK TT1K MILITARY C. \XTKKX . and the canteen, if the water or weather he warm, is then immersed in water so that the felt jacket may become thoroughly saturated. The lacing is now drawn tightly so as to prevent the air from gain- ing access to the felt, and thereby the process of evaporation is greatly retarded, so that under ordinary circumstances the felt will continue moist for a number of hours. The layer of cork, or other material, prevents the heat from pass- ing through the walls of the flask when the temperature of the felt jacket is raised above that of the contents of the canteen, so that the water remains cool and palatable for many hours after the flask is filled. The office of the water-proof envelope is to prevent the layer of non-heat-conducting material from becoming weighted, and hence, in time, foul, and also to prevent the metal of which the flask is formed from corroding. In cold weather the felt is, of course, not moistened, and, being, when dry, an effective non-conductor of heat, it, with the inner layer of cork, or similar material, will prevent the liquid within the can- teen from parting with its heat for a considerable period, so that .he danger of freezing is greatly lessened. While the construction heretofore mentioned may be preferable to any other, the water-proof layer of non-heat-conducting material may be omitted and the jacket of fibrous material be applied directly to the body of the flask, enclosing it within the canvas cover which is openable for the purpose of admitting moisture to the felt, and may then be closed by lacing, so as to greatly retard the process of evaporation. Many of our old soldiers have learned that a woolen stocking leg pulled over a canteen helps to keep the contents cool. An English patent of 1884 describes a canteen with a felt cover- ing and a leather cover laced over it. An Italian patent of 1871 refers to a felt and flannel laced cover for a canteen. It is claimed that neither of these can accomplish what is claimed for the canteens made by Mr. George Lanz, 183 Lake street, Chicago, 111., viz. : Re- tard the evaporation. Experimental tests have been made by Mr. Lanz demonstrating varying and relative results, using a canteen with a leather cover, with a flannel cover, with a canvas cover. The merits of the Lanz made canteen are that it will keep cool water at a low temperature, reduce high temperatured water to a drinkable temperature, or warm liquid at a high temperature, longer than any other canteen now in use by any military power. These results are accomplished by enveloping or casing the can- HISTORY OK TIII-: MILITARY CANTEEN. 33 teen with a non-conducting substance, such as wool, felt, cork or granulated cork, sometimes in conjunction with a certain cement. Another device of his manufacture is to encase the protected can- teen by an outer shell of metal, there being an air-space between the shell and the enveloped canteen. The shell is held away from the canteen by two beveled cork buffers. These buffer heels also protect the canteen. The whole is then covered. It is designed that each soldier shall carry one, suspended by a strap from the shoulder, to carry cool water, hot coffee, or whatever beverage may be obtainable on the march or in the field. It is claimed that the drinkable properties of the liquid continue for a longer period than by any other device patented, or used, by any army. The Lanz canteen is not a tin flask enveloped with a thin mixture of cotton, wool or jute, then canvas covered. The patentee makes the canteen of aluminum, and also of various other metals, or combinations of metals ; likewise of wood, paper pulp, caoutchouc, etc. In shape, the circular form is generally preserved, but one face is convex, the other being concave. When slung, the concave face is next to the body of the wearer. A filter may be fastened to the noz- zle or mouth, if desired. The capacity may be from three pints upward, same as model, Ordnance pattern, U. S. Army. The cavalry model canteen is of larger capacity than the one designated for the equipment and transportation of foot soldiers. The weight of the Lanz canteen is about six (6) ounces in excess of the U. S. canteen of the same capacity, forty-six (46) fluid ounces of water, being twenty (20) ounces of avoirdupois. The following tests are reported by him, five (5) canteens being used : First test. No. I, U. S. canteen, as issued by Ordnance Depart- ment. No. 2, Lanz canteen. No. 3, another Lanz canteen. Tem- perature of hydrant water with which each canteen was filled, fifty- fi ye (55) Fahrenheit. Exposure at rest, 115. Time of exposure, 6 hours. Results: No. i, U. S. canteen, 94. No. 2, Lanz canteen, 76. No. 3, Lanz canteen. 72. Second test. No. i, U. S. canteen, as issued by Ordnance Depart- ment. No. 2, Lanz canteen. No. 3, Improved Lanz canteen. Tem- perature of water at time of filling each canteen, 55 Fahrenheit. Canteens suspended at rest and exposed for 5 hours to a temperature of 135. The exterior surface of each canteen was dry before, and 34 HISTORY OF rrn-: MILITARY CANTEEN. during, the test. Results: Xo. [,U. S. military canteen, 114. X<>. j, Lanz canteen, 90. No. 3, Improved Lanz canteen, 84. Third test. No. i, U. S. canteen, as issued by Ordnance Depart- ment. No. 2 ? Braided Lanz canteen, wet. No. 3, Braided Lanz canteen, dry. No. 4, Arizona canteen, cavalry size, dry. No. 5, Braided Lanz-Cowles canteen, granulated cork cased, dry. Tem- perature of water when each canteen was filled, 55 Fahrenheit. All canteens suspended remained at rest during test. Time of exposure to a temperature constantly of 136 Fahrenheit, 5 hours. Results: No. i, U. S. canteen, 104. No. 2 Braided Lanz canteen, wet, 92 No. 3, Braided Lanz canteen, dry, 94. No. 4, Arizona canteen, cavalry size, dry, 92. ( Memorandum : The quantity of water in the Arizona canteen was double that placed in any of the other canteens.) Mr. Lanz has, he states, tested made coffee, also tea, just off the fire, in his canteens, and then placed them in an ice-chamber and claims that for use in the winter season, Arctic regions, etc., the non- conducting properties of his canteens have demonstrated like superior relative value. He states, also, that he has attached various canteens to men on the march, to horses., moving bicycles, railway cars, etc., thus assimi- lating to conditions of actual service, with results proving the superiority of his inventions. One of his canteens is made of cor- rugated material. In this connection, attention is invited to my report, dated 20 Jan., 1899, from Headquarters, ist Division, 2d Army Crops, Camp Mac- kenzie, Augusta, Ga., reiterating previous recommendation that can- teens should be covered with felt, or wool, inside the canvas cover. It is now recommended that whatever canteen be adopted the flask be thoroughly covered with wool, felt, flannel, or by a non-con- ducting fabric, or substance. The Lanz canteen is based on rational principles. The improve- ments in the service canteen have not kept pace with the developments in every other portion of the equipment or accoutrement of our soldiers ; they have suffered needlessly because not provided with canteen which would keep water at a drinkable temperature in tropical regions and during the heated season. Hence it is recommended that a thousand, or more, be ordered, for issue, trial, practical use in the field, and special reports. Further, that the attention of the Chief of Ordnance, also of the Board of Fortification, Ordnance, and Equipment, be invited to the device. A defect of the U. S. canteen is that the covering will not retain HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 35 Afeta//7'c /7ffs%, opacity 32 f/wd ox. Screw top the /oH/er7?a/f of the 5 be// of the f/asTc ?* re/nova &/e for use as a drink w ctsp. Sulmtite-d, ?> the 36 HISTORY OF TIIK MILITARY CANTEEN. moi'stiire in 1nt weather, hence contents of canteen become unpala- table. Air. George Lanz claims: 1. In combination, a flask, a layer of low-heat-conducting char- acter covering the flask, a waterproof envelope for such covering ; a jacket of fibrous material superimposed upon the envelope and an openable cover of close woven textile fabric for the jacket. 2. In a canteen, in combination, a flask, a layer of granulated cork covering the flask, a waterproof envelope for such covering, a jacket of fibrous material superimposed upon the envelope, and a canvas cover for the jacket, such cover being composed of two sec- tions joined together, in part, by lacing. 3. In a canteen, in combination, a flask, a jacket of uninter- rupted absorbent material therefor, and an openable cover for the jacket made of close woven fabric. 4. He claims the herein described method of retarding the rise of temperature of a liquid in an environment of a relatively higher temperature consisting in enclosing the liquid in a flask moistening the exterior of the flask and retarding the evaporation of such moisture. Some of his canteens are protected by felt 1-8 of an inch in thickness ; some by 2-8-inch felt ; some by 3-8-inch felt ; some by 4-8- inch felt. Some have I -8-inch layer of granular cork; some 2-8-inch cork; some 3-8-inch cork layer next the flask. Some have both felt and cork of varying thickness over the flask but all of the patterns of Lanz canteens have outside, the canvas laced up, openable cover. He claims to use only the best imported piano felt. At Camp Lake View, Minn., during the week iQth to 27th July, 1900, some tests of the Lanz canteen as compared with the U. S. canteen as at present issued by the Ordnance Department, U. S. A., were made by Asst. Surgeon Asa Friend Goodrich, Medical Corps, N. G. S. M., and ist Lieut. Wm. Arthur Carleton, ist Regt. Infantry, N. G. S. M. The Lanz canteen was the property of Capt. Wm. H. Hart, Brigade Quartermaster, Minnesota National Guard. I was present at some of the tests and loaned what I call my Arizona canteen to be tested with the other canteens named. One of the tests involved carrying a canteen attached to the saddle and carried for several hours in a hot sun on a horse in such a manner as to receive warmth from the bodv of the horse. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 37 The following is a copy of the endorsement of the Lanz canteen by Capt. W. H. Hart. Reports were also made by Dr. Goodrich and Lieut. Carleton : "Camp Lake View, Lake City, Minn., July 29, 1900. Mr. George Lanz, Manufacturer and Patentee Lanz Canteen, 183 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. Sir : I am satisfied that when a metal flask containing water is covered with felt that has been saturated with water and the felt then covered with canvas that is laced up tight so as to minimize the access of air, the retarded evaporation operates to keep the con- tents of the flask palatably cool for a longer period, and at a lower temperature, than by any other process known to me. The higher the atmospheric temperature the better, so long as the felt is kept moist. "You sent me for test and trial one of your canteens. The flask held about forty-five (45) fluid ounces. It had a layer of granulated cork stuck on to canvas and varnished, I think. Over that layer was a felt cover about a quarter of an inch thick. Over that was an open- able canvas cover laced up like Colonel Reade's. ''The Government canteen cover is of flimsy material and cannot absorb nearly as much water as a canteen covered with fine piano all- wool felt. "I caused two officers of the Minnesota National Guard to con- duct a series of tests of your canteen at this place a few days ago, as compared with the U. S. Government canteen as issued by the Ord- nance Department, U. S. A. "Col. Reade's canteen, the one he used in June-August, 1898, in Santiago de Cuba, was borrowed for comparative test by these two officers. His canteen was covered with common saddler's felt covered with a laced canvas cover. "Every care was exercised to make the conditions uniform; all canteens were filled at the same time ; quantity of water in each the same ; immersed fairly ; same exposure ; one thermometer used in testing. "My personal judgment is based upon the results of those tests, and you can refer to me as one who condemns the present Govern- ment canteen and would like to see it superseded by the Lanz canteen. "For what sum per hundred can you recover, by your process, the U. S. canteens now in the hands of the Minnesota National Guard? W.H.HART. "Captain and Brigade Quartermaster, "National Guard, State of Minnesota." 38 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. In witnessing these tests, several questions were in my mind : For use in tropical regions 1. Did the inner cork jacket of one form of Lanz canteen do any good? 2. Did the waterproof layer (oilcloth, resin, cement, or varnish), whatever the substance might be, used to protect the inner layer, do any good ? 3. Was the Lanz theory of having next to the flask a layer of material having low heat-conducting properties covered with a water- proof substance in order to prevent water from gaining access to the cork jacket, correct ? 4. If the inner jacket, so isolated, aided to keep the contents of the flask palatable, was it commensurate with the enhanced cost and weight ? 5. Would it not be better to discard this inner jacket and sub- stitute a like amount in weight of fibrous or textile material, as in the Arizona canteen which has the felt material applied directly to the flask? Using five (5) Lanz canteens, and two (2) U. S. A. canteens, as issued by the Ordnance Department, I have since witnessed the fol- lowing test : No. i, Lanz canteen, cover 3-8-inch gran, cork ; also 3-8-inch felt and canvas cover. No. 2, Lanz canteen, cover i -8-inch gran, cork ; also 2-8-inch felt and canvas cover. No. 3, Lanz canteen, cover i -8-inch gran, cork ; also 3-8-inch felt and canvas cover. No. 4, Lanz canteen, cover, no gran, cork ; 3-8-inch felt and also can- vas cover. No. 5, Lanz canteen, cover, no gran cork ; i -2-inch felt and also can- vas cover. Nos. 7 and 8, U. S. Government canteens as issued at present. The seven canteens were filled with water of the same tempera- ture 66 degrees F., and at the same time. Quantity of water in each Lanz canteen, one 45, one 46 ounces. All seven canteens were immersed in water for the same length of time about fifteen minutes after the lacing of each of the Lanz canteens had been loosened. The laces in the Lanz canteens were then tightened up again and all seven canteens suspended above the roof of a four-storied build- ing, where full circulation and exposure to air, light and heat, with- out contact, was maintained for six (6) consecutive hours. Beside HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 39 each canteen hung a thermometer, from which hourly readings were taken and outside temperature noted and recorded. At 9 o'clock a. m., temperature was 90 degrees F. At 10 o'clock a. m., temperature was 94 degrees F. At ii o'clock a. m., temperature was 93 degrees F. At 12 o'clock m., temperature was 97 degrees F. At i o'clock p. m., temperature was 98 degrees F. At 2 o'clock p. m., temperature was 99 degrees F. At .3 o'clock p. m., temperature was 99 degrees F. After these six (6) hours' exposure, the contents of the canteens showed temperature as follows fa thermometer had been inserted in each canteen) : Lanz canteen, No. i, 77 degrees F. Lanz canteen, No. 2, 78 degrees F. Lanz canteen No. 3, 78 degrees F. Lanz canteen, No. 4, 78 degrees F. Lanz canteen, No. 5, 77 degrees F. U. S. canteen, 100 degrees F. U. S. canteen, 102 degrees F. On another occasion, three (3) canteens were tested, viz.: Lanz canteen, No. i. Lanz canteen, No. 4. U. S. Government canteen as issued. These three canteens were rilled with water, 66 degrees F., and placed on the roof of a high building, so that one flat side of each canteen was exposed to the sun for seven (7) consecutive hours, from 8.30 a. m. to 3.30 p. m. A thermometer was placed beside each canteen and also inserted into each one after the seven hours' ex- posure. The temperature was noted as follows : 8.30 a. m., outside temperature, 95 degrees F. 9.30 a. m., outside temperature, 105 degrees F. 10.30 a. m., outside temperature, 115 degrees F. 11.30 a. m., outside temperature, 120 degrees F. 12.30 p. m., outside temperature, 125 degrees F. 1.30 p. m., outside temperature, 125 degrees F. 2.30 p. m., outside temperature, 120 degrees F. 3.30 p. m., outside temperature, 115 degrees F. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. coe/r air HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 4! I have personally made the following tests, conducting same from my office, Army Building, St. Paul, Minn. TEST No. 1. Kind of Canteen. Weight of Canteen. Holds ounces. Absorb- ent Capac- ity. Temper- ature of Water when placed in Canteen. Temper- ature of Water at Conclu- sion of Test. Dry 07.. Wet oz. No i U S Government 16 15 24^ 40 I7'2 l8>/2 40 40 82 4 4 :i 86 & 3/2 \lx 42 7 6 7 6 7 7 6 76 9 92 76 7 6 7 No 2 " " No. 3, Lanz, single cork and g-inch felt, can- No 4 Lanz A-inch felt, canvas outside..!.. No. 5, Reade, Arizona, saddler's felt, canvas outside .. Outside temperature: 9 a. m., ; 10 " 86 " 11 " 92 " F. 12 m., 94 " F. 1 p. m. 76 " F. 2 " 93 " F. 3 89 " F. . Canteens suspended over roof. The exterior cover of each canteen was wet before making the test. Time of exposure, at rest, six (6) hours. TEST No. 2. Kind of Canteen. Weig Can Dry ozs. 16 15 25 24^ 40 24 22 htof een. Wet ozs. i7# 1 8^ 40 40 82 34^ 30 Holds ounces 45 46 45 46 86 45 45 Absorb- ent Capac- ity. Tern pera- ture of Water when placed in Canteen. Tempera- ture of Water at Conclu- sion of Test. Xo I US Government I# 3 1 A Jl* 42 10% 8 64 64 6 4 64 6 4 6 4 64 8 9 8 9 7* 7* 76 76 80 No. 3, Lanz, single cork and ^-inch felt, canvas outside. No. 4, Lanz, % -inch felt, canvas outside.. No. 5, Reade, Arizona, saddler's felt, can- vas outside No. 3, Lanz, XXX tin, single cork, J^-inch with waterpoof covering, ^-inch felt. (Loaned by Dr. A. F. Good- rich) No. 4, Lanz, XXXX tin, ^-inch felt, no cork, canvas cover. (Loaned by Dr. A. F. Goodrich) Outside temperature: 9 a. m., 80 deg. F. I p. m., 90 deg. F. 10 " 74 " F. 2 " 93 " F. u " 83 " F. 3 " 92 " F. 12 in., 90 " F. Canteens suspended at rest, above roof, where free circulation and exposure to sunlight and heat, without contact, was maintained for six (6) consecutive hours. The outer, or canvas, cover was saturated before making the test, HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 3. Weight of Absorb- Tf mpera- ture of Tempera- ture of Kind of Canteen. Canteen. Holds ent ounces. Capac- Water when Water at Conclu- Dry ! Wet ity. placed in sion of OZS. | OZS. Canteen. Test. No I U S Qrivfmmpnt 72 Q4. u 7^ 96 No. 3, Lanz, 72 78 No. 4, " 72 7 6 No. 5, Reade, > As described in Test No. 2 As iii Test Xo. 2. 72 SO No. 3, Lanz, 72 78 No. 4, " 72 75 Outside temperature: 8 a. m., 76 deg. F. I p. m., 93 deg. F. 9 " 82 " F. 2 " 92 " F. 10 " 90 F. 3 90 " F. 11 " 92 " F. 4 88 " F. 12 m., 93 " F. Canteens suspended at rest above roof, where free circulation and exposure to sunlight, without contact with one another, was maintained for eight (8) consecutive hours. Covers were wet before making test. TEST No. 4. Kind of Canteen. Weight of Canteen. Holds ounces. Absorb- ent Capac- Tempera- ture of Water when Tempera- ture of Water at Conclu- Dry Wet ity. placed in sion of OZS. OZS. Canteen. Test. No I U. S. Government 78 No 2 " " / 78 ^ No. 3, Lanz, "] 78 77 No. 4, " 1 78 76 No. 5, Reade, ^ As described in Test No. 2 As in Test No. 2. 78 ND. 3, Lanz, j 78 76 No. 4, " | 78 76 Outside temperature, and temperature of water, each hour, in each canteen, during Test No. 4. Hour. Outside c ANTKJiN Temperature No. i. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 3. No. 4. 8 a m 72 78 78 78 78 78 78 7S " 8l 7r '? 7fi 7 :S 7 78 / 1 / ~x 10 " 85 3 78 /" 7C 7 78 7 5 78 /4 76 11 76 II I I " 86 76 7 ^ 76 ' s 76 / u 76 / 78 12 m 87 77 u 7Q /" 77 / u 76 /4 76 7 ^ 76 / 78 I p. m 80 82 86 76 / ? 76 / u 76 2 " 88 80 76 / u 76 /:) /j 76 ~l " 88 y 02 V 1 Q2 / u 77 / u 76 10 76 75 7C / u 76 i " 88 Q2 Q-7 77 76 76 -6 76 y* yj II / u / u /" / w Canteens suspended at rest above roof, where free circulation and exposure to sun- light, without contact with one another, was maintained for eight (S) consecutive hours. Covers were drv before makin"" test. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 43 TEST No. 5. Kind of Canteen. Weight of Canteen. Holds ounces Absorb- ent Capac- ity. Tempera- ture of Water when placed in Canteen. Tempera- ture of Water at Conclu- sion of Test. 104 103 ^ 80 81 80 80 90 90 86 92 Dry ozs. Wet ozs. No i U S Government .... As 14 H 4 in 20 20 20 Test 48 48 48 48 No. 2. 6 6 6 6 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 85t 85* 8 5 t 8 5 t No 2 " " No. 3, Lanz, "j No. 4, " .| No. 5, Reade, }- As described in Test No. 2. No. 3, Lan/, No. 4, " No 2A " " .... No 3A' " " + "Contents spilled before conclusion of test. tThese canteens were exposed one hour only, from 3 to 4 o'clock p. m. JCanteen No. 3 A, is a U. S. Government canteen having a leg of a woolen stocking pulled over its covering. Outside temperature, and temperature of water, each hour, in each canteen, during Test No. 5. i CANTEEN. Hour. Outside Temp. No. i. No. 2. No. 3- No. 4- No. 5- No. 3- No. 4- No. lA. No. 2A. No. 3A. Tin Flask 8 a. m 9 " IO " U " I -> 111 . ... 79 84 88 9i Q4. 80 78 78 80 81 80 78 78 79 Si 80 79 78 80 80 80 80 80 80 82 80 80 80 80 81 80 79 79 80 81 80 78 78 80 82 I p. m. . . . 2 " 3 " ---- 4 " .... IOO 100 IOO 97 1 02 104 103 103 82 80 82 81 81 80 81 80 85 9 85 90 85 86 85 92 Wind, ten miles an hour during this test. Canteens were in constant motion. Four ounces of water taken from each canteen every hour for the first four hours. TEST No. 6. Weight of Absorb- Tempera- ture of Tempera- ture of Kind of Canteen. Canteen. Holds ounces. ent Capac- Water when Water at Conclu- Dr7 Wet ity. placed in sion of ozs. ozs. Canteen. Test. No. i, U. S. Government ?6 98 No. 2, " 76 y 98 No. 3, Lanz, 1 / 76 -7 82 No. 4, " 7 6 80 No. 5, Reade, }- As described in Test No. 2 As give n in T ests 7 6 80 No. 3, Lanz, 1 No s. 2 an cl 5- 7 6 82 No. 4, " 76 82 No. I A, U. S. Government 7 6 9 8 No. 2A, " " 76 98 No. 3A, " " 76 84 Tin Flask (not covered) 76 98 44 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. Outside temperature, and temperature of water, each hour, in each canteen, during Test No. 6. c ANTEEl n. Hour. Temp. No. i. No. 2. No. 3- No. 4- No. No. 3 No. 4- No. j No. lA. 2 A. No. 3A- Tin Flask. 8 a. in . . 9 " - 10 ' . . u " . . 1 2 in 83 78 82 86 86 76 72 72 74 78 76 72 72 75 82 76 74 74 74 7d. 76 74 74 75 7 < 7 6 75 75 75 75 76 76 75 75 7 ^ 76 74 1 76 76 1 7 6 78 ! 74 80 ! 75 82 ! 78 8? 82 76 74 74 74 7 A. 76 80 84 86 86 I p. m . . 2 " i J 4 ' - 90 92 94 92 84 89 94 98 84 9 94 98 76 82 76 g 80 76 H 80 76 78 80 82 77 79 82 82 86 ; 86 90 | 90 92 j 94 92 1 98 76 80 82 84 S 9 92 94 98 During Test No. 6, all of the canteens were constantly in motion, due to the wind. Every hour each canteen was dipped and four (4) ounces of water poured out ; thus the quantity of water in each can- teen was hourly reduced in bulk. The advantage of the cork and felt combined as opposed to an equal thickness of felt covering is scarcely appreciable. FURTHER EXPERIMENTAL TESTS MADE WITH THE U. S. CANTEEN AND THE LANZ CANTEEN. Tests by Second Lieutenant F. W. Healy, Eighth Infantry, and by A. A. Surgeon R. M. Fletcher, Jr. : Lieut. F. W. Healy, Eighth Infantry, filled a canteen, patented by Mr. William Lanz, 183 Lake street, Chicago, 111., with water; temperature, 56 degrees F. The canteen was then placed against the wire fender, or spark arrester, screening the wood fire of the open fire-place, and allowed to remain there for ten (10) hours. At the expiration of that time the temperature of the water in the Lanz canteen was found to be 70 degrees. A Government can- teen, similarly exposed, had a temperature of 82 degrees. On the following day, Lieut. Healy tested the Lanz canteen, also a canteen, Ordnance pattern, issued to a member of Company D, Eighth \j. S. Infantry, in the following wise: Each canteen was immersed in water, temperature, 56 degrees F., for about two minutes, and each canteen was then filled with water of the temperature named. The capacity of the Lanz canteen was 46 fluid ounces ; that of the Government canteen 47 ounces. They were then placed so as to receive in equal proportion the direct action of a wood fire burning in the fire-place of the quarters occupied by Lieut. Healy. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 45 the per sow . for its 46 HISTORY OK Till-: MILITARY CAXTEKX. Four hours later the temperature of each canteen was taken by Acting Assistant Surgeon R. M. Fletcher, Jr., Post Surgeon, Fort Assinniboine, with the following results, viz. : Lanz canteen, 70 degrees ; Government canteen, 74 degrees. The canteens were then thrown into an army wagon and trans- ported up Beaver Creek, ten miles and back; in all, twenty (20) miles. The difference in temperature was then found to be twelve (12) degrees, the Lanz canteen being the lower temperature. The canteens were used on the following day by a party of duck hunters and jolted around for several hours in the sun. The differ- ence in temperature was found to be twelve (12) degrees, the Lanz canteen containing the more palatable water. I am informed that when the application for the Lanz patent No. 655979, August 15, 1900, was pending, the Patent Office cited, as reference against the claims, the following patents : British patents to Blakeny, 1163 of 1884; British patents to Sothcott, 2453 of 1878; Italian patents to Bouffier, 10397 f J une 2 3< x ^79; American patent to Hiramo W. Hanmore, White Plains. X. V., 296955; April 15, 1884; American patent to Brauer, 244374, July 19, 1881. The two American patents are said to be of the least importance, relating simply, Hanmore, to a water cooler comprising a can having its bottom and side walls covered with "a non-conducting covering of raw silk waste and calcined or carbonate of magnesia," and an outer jacket of wood ; and, Brauer, to an ice-house, or ice-box, or refrigerator, in box form, and having hollow walls packed with granular cork, and having an outer wall for enclosing an air space. The Sothcott patent showed a flask encased in either felt or leather. The low conductivity of the cover was the reliance, the patentee not depending upon evaporation and not rendering it pos- sible to practice this method of cooling when he used a leather cover, and not making any provision for retarding the evaporation should he saturate the felt cover The Bouffier patent discloses a flask having a covering of tresses, or braids, of cellular sea weed, straw or paper pulp, including a quantity of air, and an outer covering of cotton or linen cloth, or this outer covering may be of felt or rubber and made detachable for cleaning purposes. The drawings of this patent show a familiar structure, but it HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 47 appears that the principle of action depended upon is entirely differ- ent, the patentee depending simply upon the low conductivity of the material used, and of the air enclosed within its cells, for keeping the contents of the canteen cool. The patent gives no hint of an evaporat- ing process, nor does it describe a construction which provides for the practicing of any such method should it be desired. The Blakeny patent shows a flask, preferably of glass, having an inner covering of felt, and an outer covering of leather, and this outer cover is shown as secured by lacing. No advantage can be secured from a Blakeny evaporation process in a structure made after the specification of this patent, for the rea- son that the leather cover practically wholly prevents evaporation. It is claimed that in all other cases, except the Lanz, means were provided for stimulating, rather than retarding, evaporation. The only devices known to me for securing the cooling action by evaporation may be divided into three classes, viz. : 1. Those in which an outer envelope is saturated by a single application of moisture, as by dipping or sprinkling, and is then allowed to dry out. The present regulation army canteen is an ex- ample of this class. 2. Those in which an outer envelope is continuously saturated by capillary action, a reservoir being supplied from which water is drawn by the fabric of which the envelope is composed. 3. Those in which the receptacle itself has porous walls through which the liquid contents of the receptacle exude. A distinction between the Ordnance pattern army canteen and the Lanz canteen is, that one has its cover permanently attached, and the other has its cover openable. Owing to this difference, there results a different principle of action in practical use of the two devices. It is impracticable to easily thoroughly saturate the one, thus failing to secure the benefits of a prolonged evaporative action. In the other it is entirely practicable to thoroughly saturate by sim- ply unlacing the cover and dipping the canteen and then replacing it. Instances of the second type of coolers, in which there is a con- tinuous water feed to the jacket, are found in the following U. S. patents : Bernhard Moobius, 296432, April 8, 1884, Chihuahua, Mexico. James Goddard Lamb, 568259, Sept. 22, 1896, Wellington, New Zealand. Kingston Gordon, 149852, April 21, 1874, Richmond, N. Y. John Rutten, 102595, May 3, 1870, West Chester, Pa. Albert McDowell, 424125, March 25, 1890, Selma, Cal. 48 HISTORY OK THK MILITARY CANTEEN. In none of these instances is the idea of retarding evaporation present ; on the contrary, means are provided for stimulating it. Most contain suggestions that the device should be located in such position that there will he a circulation of air about it so that evaporation may be permitted. The third type of coolers is found in the following patents : William Morrow and William Symington, 415366, Nov. 19, 1889, Kansas City, Mo. Richard Kelly, 135432, Feb. 4, 1873, Red Bank, Cal. Charles G. Jordan, 273097, Feb. 27, 1883, Catlin, Col. Valentine Stuyvesant, 419230, Jan. 14, 1890, Denver, Col. Jahon V. Frost, 556744, March 24, 1896, Los Angeles, Cal. The Frost shows a cooler made of porous material, such as terra cotta, so that its liquid contents may seep through its walls, which are covered with asbestos. This patent shows an effort to retard evaporation by covering the asbestos with a layer of wool twisted into cords and wound thereabout. It is not a removable cover, and, if applied to a canteen, would operate on a principle different to the Lanz. Other patents are : (a) British patent to Cochran, 508, of 1869. (b) British patent, to Johnson, 1972, of 1888. (c) American patent, to Lazare, 36641, of Oct. 14, 1862. (d) American patent, to Beers, 32541, of June 11, 1859. (d) American patent, to Bournum, 37273. (e) American patent, to Heneage, 31154. (f) American patent, to Pilger, 275697. (g) American patent, to Roumillat, 222158. (g) American patent, to Tunnions, 59875. (h) American patent, to Farciot, 46094. (h) American patent, to Bartholomae, 32744. (i) British patent, to Sombart, 5963, of 1883. (j) British patent, to Girrard, 12792, of 1889. (a) Flask with either felt or leather jacket. Low conductivity of the jacket only reliance for cooling action. (b) Flasjt with tightly fitting canvas cover. (c) Canteen made of leather, rendered waterproof, lined with tinfoil. (d) Both relate to canteens made of wood and without covering. (e) Compartment canteen. (f) Relates to construction of bucket. No outer cover. HISTORY OF Till-: MILITARY CAXTEKN. 49 (g) Both relate to stoppers for bottles or canteens, or the like. (h) Relate to the form of canteen. (i) Flask covered with an absorbent material adapted to be saturated from which there may be free saturation, (j) Cooler with a felt jacket, which dips into an ice or water- filled receptacle, so as to carry the moisture up by capillary action. No provision is made for retarding the evaporation. None of the patents herein discussed contain claims which domi- nate the Lanz canteen, and my conclusion is that the latter does not infringe any existing patent and that the rational, mechanical and physical principle upon which it is constructed make it advisable to purchase a thousand or more for test and report at the hands of troops now serving in tropical or arctic regions. TESTS MADE AT FORT MEADE, S. D. On Oct. 26, 1900, the Post Surgeon, Fort Meade Samuel Melville Waterhouse, Medical Dept., U. S. A. began experimental tests using the Government canteen, as issued by the Ordnance Dept., U. S. A., and the Lanz canteen, patent of William Lanz, 183 Lake St., Chicago, 111. TEST No. i. Weight of tin flask of Government canteen, empty, 12 ounces. Weight of Government canteen, complete, dry, 15 ounces. Weight of Lanz canteen, dry, 17 ounces. Capacity, fluid ounces, of Government canteen, 48 ounces. Capacity, fluid ounces, of Lanz canteen, 40 ounces. Weight of Government canteen, after thorough immersion, 17 ounces. Weight of Lanz canteen after thorough immersion, 23 ounces. Weight of felt covering of Government canteen, dry, i ounce. Weight of felt covering of Government canteen, wet, 6 ounces. Weight of duck covering of Government canteen, dry, 2 ounces. Weight of duck covering of Government canteen, wet, 3 ounces. Temperature of water when put into the canteens, 56 degrees F. Both the canteens were then placed in a hot air sterilizer used^ as an incubator, in separate compartments, at 40 degrees C, equiva- lent to 100 degrees F. After an exposure of one hour, the temperature of water in each canteen was as follows: Government canteen, 95 degrees F. Lanz canteen, 88 degrees F. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. .Saden. Germany J/umft>im 77as?r. ceucred ly theLanx u'th */t trrck Amsterdam 3/ycft felt ; opera b/e canvascover. tkree jotc9. b>y Co/for. GetOG'ty +Z f/W(t r THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 51 TKST Xu. j. The canteens were then replaced in the incubator at the same temperature as above, and at the expiration of another hour, tem- perature was as follows : Government canteen, 102 degrees ; Lanz canteen, 95 degrees. After another hour of similar exposure the temperature was : Government canteen, 132 degrees; Lanz canteen, 118 degrees. TEST Xo. 3. Both canteens dry, no immersion, were filled with water at a temperature of 147 degrees and placed in a cold storage room where the uniform temperature of 38 degrees F. existed. Observations After first hour, Government canteen, no de- grees, F. After first hour, Lanz canteen, 1 16 degrees, F. After second hour, Government canteen, 90 degrees F. After second hour, Lanz canteen, 108 degrees F. After third hour, Government canteen, 74 degrees F. After third hour, Lanz canteen, 97 degrees F. TEST No. 4. Conditions The canteens were filled with water, the tempera- ture of which was 50 degrees, and immersed until the covers were saturated. They were then placed in a hot air sterilizer, the door of which was kept open. The thermometer directly in contact with the hot air registered a temperature of 127 degrees almost uniformly. The observations were as follows : After a lapse of one hour the temperature was, Government, 70 degrees ; Lanz, 66 degrees.' After the lapse of two hours, the temperature was, Government, 78 degrees ; Lanz, 72 degrees. After the lapse of three hours, the temperature was, Government, 82 degrees ; Lanz, 76 degrees. TEST No. 5. Conditions of this test \vere as follows : Canteens were immersed in water till covers were thoroughly saturated. Forty (40) ounces of water of 56 degrees F. was placed in each canteen. The canteens were then suspended four inches above a radiator in the hospital, Fort Meade, S. D., for eight (8) hours and the radiated heat maintained for that period Between 95 degrees F. nd 98 degrees F. 52 HISTORY <>K Till-: MIUTAKY CANfEEtf, For the last two exposures the canteens were placed in direct contact with the radiator, a uniform temperature of 99 decrees F. being maintained. The observations, made hourly, show the following: Expiration of the first hour, 10:45 a - m -< Government canteen, 60 degrees F. ; Lanz canteen, 60 degrees F. Expiration of the second hour, u :45 a. m., Government canteen, 62 degrees F. ; Lanz canteen, 62 degrees F. Expiration of the third hour, 12 45 p. m., Government canteen, 63 degrees F. ; Lanz canteen, 63 degrees F. Expiration of the fourth hour, I :45 p. m., Government canteen, 64 degrees F. ; Lanz canteen, 64 degrees F. Expiration of the fifth hour, 2 145 p. m., Government canteen, 64 degrees F. ; Lanz canteen, 64 degrees F. Expiration of the sixth hour, 3:45 p. m., Government canteen, 66 degrees F. ; Lanz canteen, 65 degrees F. Expiration of the seventh hour, 4:45 p. m., Government canteen, 74 degrees F. ; Lanz canteen, 68 degrees F. Expiration of the eighth hour, 5 :45 p. m., Government canteen, 86 degrees F. ; Lanz canteen 70 degrees F. Under ordinary circumstances the Government canteen will keep water as cool as the Lanz for some hours ; but after the water absorbed by the U. S. canteen has evaporated, the Lanz will keep water at a lower temperature than the U. S. canteen. TEST MADE AT FORT SNELLING, MINN. By Captain A. E. Bradley, Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., Post Sur- geon, with the U. S. A. canteen as issued by the Ordnance Dept., and the Lanz canteen, patented by William Lanz, 183 Lake St., Chicago, 111., Nov. 7 to 13, 1900: Data: Weight of the felt covering, I ounce. Weight of the canvas covering, 2 ounces. Weight of the felt covering, 6 ounces. Weight of the duck covering, 3 ounces. Weight of the tin flask, 10 to n ounces. Weight of Government canteen, dry, 13 to 15 ounces. Weight of Government canteen, with covers on, after immersion 10 minutes, 14 ounces. Weight of Government canteen, with covers on, after immersion 12 hours, 1 8 ounces. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CAXTEEX. 53 Capacity of the Government canteen. 42 to 47 ounces. Weight of the Lanz canteen, dry, 16 ounces. Weight of the Lanz canteen, wet, 10 minutes' immersion, 22 ounces. Capacity of the Lanz canteen, 42 ounces. Weight of canvas cover, Lanz canteen, dry, 3 ounces. Weight of canvas cover, Lanz canteen, wet, 4 ounces. EXPERIMENT No. 1. Time and conditions of exposure. The canteens being filled with water, temper- ature 54 deg., F., were suspended above a direct-indirect radiator for eleven (i i) hours, and temperature of air and each canteen taken hourly. During the succeeding two (2) hours the canteens were placed in contact with the radiator. The following results were obtained, the same thermometer being used: TEMl'EKATURE. Time ' Air. Govt. Canteen. All Wet. Lanz Canteen. All Wet. Lanz Canteen. Wet. 8 a. m 66 70 72 72 86 80 72 73 67 68 72 direct 73 80 54 56 I 61 59 58 57 57 5 contact 72 82 1 $ 57 57 59 59 58 58 57 57 57 with ra 66 70 54 54 5 59 62 62 62 62 62 61 62 diator: 69 74 9" 10 " .... ... n " .. . 12 m ...... i p. m . 2 " ~ " 4 ' c " 6 " At 6 o'clock the canteens were placed in 7 p. in 8 " EXPERIMENT Conditions same as in Kx I p. in No. 2. periment 84 86 96 89 94 92 92 No. i. 56 60 63 64 70 72 73 56 59 63 65 66 66 66 56 t ll 68 68 68 2 " ... . 3 " 4 ' . . 5 " 6 " 7 " ' EXPERIMENT No. 3. The canteens, being filled with water, temperature 54 deg., were suspended above the kitchen range in the hood designed to carry off odors from the kitchen, and observ- ations made hourly: TKMPEKATURE. Time. Air. ! Govt. Canteen. : All Wet. Lanz Canteen. All Wet. Lanz Canteen. Wet Felt. 8 a. m 1 2O <;6 <;6 *6 9" I IO 84 82 74 10 ' I }O I IO 104 04 u " 2OO 128 1 08 JO"* 54 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CAM'EEN. EXPERIMENTS Nos. 4 and T>. In these experiments the canteens were placed in an incubator and observations made hourly. The average temperature of the incubator, a closed box, was 90 cleg. , I 1 '. The results showed practically the same temperature at all hours for all canteens. EXPERIMENT No. 6. A Government canteen and a Lanz canteen were thoroughly wet, and filled with water, temperature 58 deg., F. They were placed side by side on blocks ot wood in an oven of the kitchen range, not touching the sides of the oven. The door was left open. The following observations were noted: TK.M I'EKATURK lime. Air. Ciovt Canteen. Lanz Canteen. ^OO c r II " . . . . . ..................... ^24 I ci -) 08 1 2 m ">84 1 88 III EXPERIMENT No. 7. Three Government canteens and one Lanz canteen, coverings, of all, dry, were suspended out of doors in a tree about thirty feet from the hospital. At 10 o'clock a. m., temperature of air 40 deg. , F., they were filled with hot water, temperature 126 deg., F. Hourly observations were made as follows: Time. TEMPERATURE. Air. 40 41 42 38 3 3f 16 Government Cz No. i. I No. 2. 1 nteens. N<. 3.- Lanz Canteen. 10 a m 126 9^ 81 65 s* 51 4.7 126 92 ;6 62 55 48 A.6 126 74 58 47 42 39 17 126 1 06 90 77 70 62 c8 n " 12 111 I p. Ill . 2 " 4 " . 11 J STORY' OF TllM MI LIT 4V CANTEEN i 4? 55 . naked, 4/urrrirtums f/aak t*>*rf6i 9 OZ.^ /ec rrvea tvrt ,si/ r/>r^s attichect o an a/umirntm, fay, ' (*cac>4 two ^/cces) rt'vettct tvthe ffask 6y meoyrs of two r/'ves. l tTre LanZ. Mfy. Co., /& JLafie 36. c(, ox. wlrere Jealraye *, Cet/er off, y 43 ox . /7ted fie* Canteen awt Stra/3 for US. as prescribed 6y 6.0. V: 5hefiny 00/3 U: Black CeHarLeolher 56 HISTORY OF Ooen Air Tests Made HE MILITARY CANTEEN. Headquarters Dept. of Dakota, j /I. 'ST No. 1. cir TEMPERATURE. Time. Air. Government Canteens. Lanz Canteen. No. i. ' No. 2. No. 3. 40 41 42 38 38 3 * 36 126 9 8 81 65 58 5i 47 126 92 76 66 *4 4 6 126 ? 47 42 39 37 126 100 9 77 70 62 58 11 " 12 ni 2 " . . ^ " 4. " TEST No. 2. Time. TEMPERATURE. Air. Government Canteens. Lanz No. 4- No. No. lA. 172 122 88 68 54 44 38 32 No. 3 A. Stocking Leg Over Canteen. I 7 2 126 9 6 78 64 54 46 40 o ;i. ni 16 18 18 20 18 18 18 19 172 112 78 58 46 36 32 32 172 1 3 2 102 90 7 6 6 4 ' 56 5<> IO " H 12 m ... I p. in 2 " 1 " 4" TEST No, 3. Time. TEMPERATURE. Outside. U.S. Army Ord. Pattern. Capacity 4 3 ozs.** 175 126 78 50 34 34 32 32* Dubuque Stamp. & Enamel Co., Par- ker Filter Capacity 50025.** German Aluminum Flask. Capacity 25025.** Lane Aluminum Flask. Capacity 44 ozs.** Lanz Tin Flask. Capacity 36 ozs.** 9 a. m 5 4 6 6 8 9 9 IO 175 104 50 32 f. 175 9 6 44 32 32 175 154 138 112 94 79 64 56 175 156 122 I O2 86 70 60 5o IT " . 12 m I p. m ~ " , ., " 3 ---- 'Slush ice formed frozen withdrawn. **FIuid (Troy) ounces, not avoirdupois. A Preston Mess Kit was also included in Test No. 3, with following results: 10 a. m 175 cleg., F. i p. m loocleg., A p. m 58 cleg. , F. 11 " 162 " F. 2 " 82 " 5 " 50 " F. 12 m 124 " F. 3 " 70 " HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 57 OPEX AIR TESTS MADE OE CANTEENS AND CANTEEN FLASKS AT HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF DAKOTA, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. To facilitate reference, the following alphabetical index is adopted. A. U. S. Army Regulation Service Canteen, Ordnance Pattern: Double Cover felt and canvas. Capacity, 43 fluid ounces, weight 14 ounces, avoirdupois. (See cut A.) A-i. U. S. Army Regulation Canteen; Double Cover felt and canvas. Capacity, 48 fluid ounces. Weight, empty, covers on and dry, 14 ounces, avoirdupois. Weight, empty, covers on and wet, 20 ounces, avoirdupois. AA. U. S. Army Regulation Canteen, manufactured at Rock Island Arsenal, 1900: Double Cover; inner of Petersham felt, outer of dyed duck or canvas. Capacity, 44 fluid ounces. Weight, covers on and dry, empty, 12 and f ounces, avoir- dupois. Weight of tin flask, without covers, empty, 9 and 1 ounces, avoirdupois. B. r. S. Army Regulation Service Canteen, Ordnance Pattern: Double Cover felt and canvas, having also a woolen stock- ing leg drawn over it. Capacity, 45 fluid ounces. Weight 16 ounces. (See cut B.) BB. Three views. (See cut BB.) Combination Canteen and Filter. Canteen is the regulation tin flask and dou- ble cover, made at Rock Island Arsenal, October, 1898, with a specially wide mouth to accommodate the Mrs. Caroline Parker filter. Capacity, filter in, 42 ounces, avoirdupois. Fluid ounces, 40. Weight, filled, filter in, filled, covers on and dry, 59 ounces, avoirdupois. Weight, filter in, filled, covers on, after ten ( 10) minutes' immersion, 64 ounces, avoirdupois. Weight of the tin flask, no cover, empty, filter out, 9 and J ounces, avoirdupois. C. Dubuque Stamping & Enamel Co. Canteen (with Parker Filter in ) : No cover. Capacity, 50 ounces. W r eight 22 ounces. CC Seven views. (See cuts C, CC, CCC.) Enameled Metal Canteen Flask, bought by the U. S., January, 1900, from 58 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. Dubuque, Iowa, Enameling Co. Capacity, 44 and J ounces. Weight, filled, covers on and dry, 64 and f fluid ounces, avoirdupois. Weight, filled, covers on, after ten (10) minutes' immersion, 75 ounces, avoirdupois. Weight of the enameled flask, empty, no covers on, 16 and J ounces, avoirdupois. D. Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Aluminum Flask: No cover. Capacity, 25 ounces. Weight, 5 ounces. (See cut D.) E. U;. S. Army Regulation Service Tin Flask, Ordnance Pat- tern, no cover. Capacity, 45 ounces. Weight, 12 ounces. (See cut E.) F. Aluminum Flask, circular, made in Newark, N. J. Covered by the Lanz method, double cover, felt and canvas. Ca- pacity, 44 ounces. Weight, 16 ounces. (See cut F.) G. Lanz Tin Flask Canteen, circular. Covered by the Lanz method, J inch felt and openable canvas cover. Capacity, 36 ounces. Weight, 25 ounces. (See cut G, four views.) H. Arizona Canteen. Covered with saddler's felt, also by several thicknesses of flannel, and an openable canvas cover, Lanz method. Capacity, 87 ounces. Weight, 34 ounces. (See cutH.) I. Preston Mess Kit, Complete. Double cover, felt and canvas. Capacity, 46 ounces. Weight, 37 ounces. K. Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Aluminum Flask. Covered by the Lanz method, J inch felt, and openable canvas cover. Capacity, 43 ounces. Weight, 15 ounces. (See cut K.) L. Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, Aluminum Canteen, with carry- ing strap. Covered by the German method, single felt. Capacity, 60 ounces. Weight, 14 ounces. (See cut L.) M. Newark, N. J., Aluminum Canteen Flask, circular. No cover. No solder said to be used. Capacity, 48 ounces. Weight, 8 ounces. MM. Newark, N. J., Aluminum Canteen, oblong shape, no seams or solder said to be used. Weight of naked flask, 9 and : ! ounces. Capacity, 42 fluid ounces. Weight, filled, cover on and dry, 56 ounces, avoirdupois. Removable single HISTORY OK T1IK MILITARY CANTEEN. 5 36 42 38 42 42 3 36 40 36 ri:oo " 10 32 3 6 36 38 40 32 3 2 1 1 =30 " 12 3 2 33 32 37 35 32 32 12:00 m . .. 12 3 2 3 2 32 34 33 32 32 12:30 p. m. 12 32 ! 32 32 32 32 32 32 *Leaky. 62 HISTORY OF TJIF, .ITAKY CANTEEN. TKST NO. .TJ. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. Outside 1 emp. i I '""O p 111 - - + 14 J a 14 3 u 14 4*00 " ...... 14 Quantity of water (36 ozs.) same in each canteen. B C D E F G H ~*if 46 44 40 38 32 32 I 56 48 44 38 36 34 32 K 56 38 42 39 36 32 32 L 56 34 34 32 32 32 32 56 32 32 32 32 32 32 56 32 32 32 32 32 32 56 48 44 9 34 3 2 56 46 46 44 36 36 34 TEST No. 33. Hour. +20 20 2O 20 22 22 23 23 112 82 60 48 38 34 32 112 40 32 *II2 * 90 * 68 * 46 * 40 * 34 * 3 2 112 9 76 68 58 50 46 40 112 86 72 60 52 46 $ 112 86 70 58 5o 44 40 36 112 88 68 56 48 42 38 34 112 66 44 34 32 IO'4.C " n*4C " .... I '4<; " 2*4.1; " 3 MS " "W *Leaky. TEST No. 34. Hour. Outside Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Quantity of water same in each cinleen. A B IIO 9 2 74 64 56 48 44 42 C IIO 60 42 36 34 34 34 34 D E F IIO 9 2 74 64 56 50 46 44 G I IO 9 6 84 74 66 60 56 52 H IIO 90 78 70 62 58 54 50 I IIO 94 80 70 62 56 41 K L IIO 78 58 50 44 40 38 36 8:4 50. ill .. ... +32 32 32 33 34 34 34 34 IIO 94 80 68 60 54 5 48 10:4.1; " 11:41; " 12:41; p. m . . ^ " T?C " j 43 TEST No. 35. Hour. 8:40 a. m Outside Temp . +32 33 36 40 41 4' 40 38 Temperature of Water in Canteens. Quantity of water (36 ozs.) same in each canteen. A 1) 116 90 76 64 58 52 50 48 44 c 116 66, 42 40 40 .38 D E F 116 98 82 H 58 54 G 116 100 88 79 72 66 62 58 54 H 116 94 84 74 68 62 58 54 52 I 116 98 86 11 62 56 5 2 50 K L 116 96 82 72 64 59 56 5 2 49 116 82 66 54 48 46 44 42 42 10:40 " 1 1 :4O " I 2 140 p 111 I '4.O " 2 :4O " 5 MO " 4 '4O " HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 36. Hour. Outside Temp. * 2 !~ 26 28 30 32 32 32 32 32 Temperature of Water in Canteens. Quantity of water (^6 ozs.) same in each canteen. A B 116 86 70 60 11 40 4? 36 116 56 40 34 3 2 32 32 32 3 2 D E F G 116 96 84 74 64 60 54 50 48 H 116 92 80 70 62 56 4^ 46 I 116 9 2 80 70 62 54 5 46 44 K 116 90 76 68 68 % 44 42 L 116 76 58 46 42 39 % 36 34 8 * 30 a. ni 116 72 54 44 38 36 35 34 32 116 94 80 68 60 % 44 42 9.30 lO'^O " 1 1 : T.O " 12 "2O P 111 I "JO " i .ju ^.ju "I 1O " 4'T.O " TEST No. 37. Hour. Outside Temp . Temperature of Water in Canteens and Flasks. Each Canteen and Flask filled to its capacity. A B C D E F G H I K L 8- -i - n ni + 22 2 4 28 36 38 38 40 4 38 116 88 66 56 5 48 44 44 42 116 94 76 66 58 52 50 48 42 116 58 40 36 38 II 3 8 38 38 116 56 3 f 36 38 38 40 40 40 116 60 40 38 38 38 40 40 40 116 * 9 6 84 11 60 58 54 52 116 94 82 72 66 62 56 54 52 116 103 9 2 86 78 74 11 64 116 99 84 74 66 62 58 56 5 2 116 9 1 78 70 62 5^ 56 52 50 116 86 68 58 ^8 46 44 42 Q-3C " JO-7C " ... T I 7C " 1 2 7 c p in ..... I "i^ " 2:7; " 3"2C " ... A.-1Z " H-'JJ *Leakv. TEST No. 38. Hour. Outside Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens and Flasks. Each Canteen and Flask filled to its capacity. A B c D IOO 55 3 ? % % 36 38 38 38 E F IOO *88 76 66 62 54 52 50 48 G IOO 86 76 66 62 56 54 50 48 H IOO 96 86 82 74 70 66 62 60 I IOO 88 76 66 62 56 8 4 6 K IOO 86 72 62 58 54 5o 48 46 L IOO 78 62 54 48 44 42 42 40 o ? c a m + 32 32 3 2 I II II IOO 78 6 4 52 48 44 42 42 40 IOO 88 68 60 54 5 2 4 6 44 42 IOO 52 40 36 36 36 38 38 38 IOO 52 40 P 36 38 38 33 Q:?C " lo:^ " 1 1 : T, Z " j 2 : 7 c p ITI I :TC " 2 : T c " 7.->C 4.W " * Leaky. TEST No. 39. Hour. Outside Temp. + 38~ 38 40 40 42 42 40 40 40 Temperature of Water in Canteens and Flasks. Each Canteen and Flask having 36 ozs. hot water. A B c 94 60 48 44 42 42 42 42 40 D E F *94 86 78 70 64 60 56 54 53 G 94 88 78 7<> 62 60 58 56 54 H 94 82 74 68 66 60 56 52 52 i 94 84 76 68 64 58 54 52 50 K 94 84 11 60 58 54 52 50 L 8 : 1 S n ni 94 5 56 11 4 6 44 44 94 78 68 60 54 $ 48 46 94 72 60 52 5 46 44 44 42 0:11; " 10:11; " 1 1:11; " I2'.I5 p. 1Y1 ...... l:i^ " 2 : 1 S " . 7 : 1 < " 4:1 c; " *Leaky. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN, TEST No. 40. Hour 8 :45 a. m Outside Temp. + 12 12 14 14 H 14 H 13 Temperature of Water in Canteens. Quantity of water (36 ozs.) same in each canteen. A ~96~ 68 48 38 32 32 32 32 B 96 74 56 46 32 32 32 32 c 96 42 32 32 32 32 32 32 D E F ~ 76 66 52 44 38 32 32 G 96 80 66 58 50 44 38 34 H ~96~ 78 64 54 48 42 36 32 I K ~96~ 76 62 52 44 40 34 3 2 L 96 62 44 32 32 32 32 32 64 54 46 40 36 32 0:4.^ " . 10:4.5; " ii:45 " - 12:4.^ p. m 1 :4.^ u 2:4^ " . ^:4^ " . *Leaky. TEST No. 41. Hour. Outside Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Quantity of water (36 ozs ) same in each canteen. A j B C D E F G H I I K 98 So 66 54 48 44 40 38 36 l. 8:30 a. in + 10 12 14 18 20 26 26 28 26 9 8 68 52 40 34 32 32 32 32 98 74 58 46 42 38 36 34 32 98 46 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 98 *82 64 % 4 2 4 36 36 98 84 70 62 54 48 44 42 42 9 8 84 68 60 $ 44 42 40 98 78 66 56 48 42 40 38 36 98 66 46 36 32 32 32 32 32 9:30 " . 10:^0 " 11:30 " 1 2 .'30 p. m 1:30 " . 2:10 " 3:30 " . 4:^0 " *Leaky. TEST No. 42. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. Out- side Quantity of water 36 ozs., except in flasks " N" and" O," in the main filled to their Tern. capacity. A B C D E F G H I K L M N 8:15 a. m. 9:15 + 2 4 24 li 94 74 94 48 * 9 f 78 94 82 94 76 94 78 94 76 94 64 94 44 94 44 94 36 io:[5 ' 22 52 60 34 66 70 66 66 68 48 32 32 32 11:15 " 22 40 50 32 56 62 56 56 58 40 32 32 32 12:15 p. m. 22 36 42 32 48 54 50 So 50 34 32 32 32 1:15 " 22 32 40 32 42 50 44 44 44 32 32 32 t 2:15 " 22 32 32 32 38 44 40 40 40 32 32 32 3^5 ' 22 32 32 32 34 42 38 56 36 32 32 3 2 4:15 " 26 32 32 32 3 2 36 38 32 32 32 32 32 f Leaky, t Frozen. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 43. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. Out Quantity in each (36 ozs ) the same, except in Flasks "N, side: filled to their capacity. " "O" and "P," which were L - A H C i D j E 1(1 G H I K L M N O P a, in. 8:I 5 + 4 94 94 94 +94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 9 :I 5 6 64 70 42 7 6 76 72 76 74 60 42 42 32 62 10:15 8 46 52 32 60 64 62 62 60 42 32 32 32 44 11:15 8 34 42 32 48 54 50 50 50 32 32 3 2 34 p. m. 12:15 8 32 34 32 40 48 44 44 42 32 32 1 32 32 1:15 8 32 32 32 32 40 36 36 3<> 32 32 32 2:15 10 3 2 32 ! 32 32 34 32 32 32 32 32 32 3>5 12 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 4:15 12 3 2 32 3? 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 'I.eakv. t Frozen. TEST No. 44. Hour. Out side T. Temperature of Water m Canteens. Cond tions same as in Test No 43. except Flasks "D", "N". "O"and "P", which werefilled. A I! C D E F <; H I i K L I\l N o p a. m. 8:15 +14 1 06 1 06 1 06 1 06 1 06 1 06 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 9 : I5 i8| 72 78 50 50 54 t8o 86 84 86 84 68 48 46 38 66 10:25 22 S4 62 34 32 66 72 72 72 70 ,SO 34 32 32 So 11:15 26 44 52 32 32 32 56 64 62 62 62 42 32 32 32 42 p. m. 12:15 30 40 36 32 32 32 50 58 56 56 54 38 32 32 32 38 i:i5 32 36 42 32 32 32 46 52 52 52 50 36 32 32 33 30 2:15 34 36 4 32 32 32 42 So 48 48 46 36 32 32 32 36 3 :I 5 34 36 38 32 32 34 40 48 48 48 46 36 33 32 32 36 4: IS .U 36 3 3 2 34 34 3"5 46 44 44 42 30 33 33 32 3<> t Frozen. TEST No. 45. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Out Hour, side Conditions same as in Test No. 44. T. A B C D E F G H I K L M . N I p | __ 1 a. in. 8:25 -10 IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO IOO 9 :2 5 8 68 72 36 40 32 t74 80 80 78 56 36 36 32 58 10.25 6 42 52 32 32 j 56 66 64 62 36 32 32 * 40 11:25 5 32 38 32 ' * 42 54 52 48 32 32 * 32 p. m. ' 12:25 4 32 32 * 32 44 42 38 3 2 32 32 1:25 4 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 2:25 2 32 32 32 32 32 32 2 3 2 32 32 32 32 32 3 2 4:25 2 3 2 32 I 32 32 32 32 "'Leaky. fFrozen. GC) HISTORY OF T1IK MILITARY CAXTEEX. Httfti. 9 ox. Capacity <*+ /%/i^ ox. to the f/ask fy weans of /our>r/*ets. p/e />t'ece f/ask,. strrru/9 shaped 7*9jo3 c4u/* test ly the ax. HISTORY OF TIIK MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 4(5. Out- Hour. side Temp 8* 10 a m. ..... -ID Q'lO " IO 10:10 " 8 II'IO " .... 6 I2:IO p. m 4 2:10 " 3 ; l " - 2 4: 10 2 Temperature of Water in Canteen. (Quantity (4, ozs ) being the smie, except in '" "O" and "I'," which were A." "D, filled. AJ n C l) E F G H I K IO2 102 IO2 1 02 IO2 102 IO2 ! IO2 IO2 1 02 68 7 6 3 38 32 7- S 8? 80 76 44 58 32 32 t 60 66 66 6. 62 32 42 32 t 46 52 52 52 46 31 3 2 t 34 4-J 44 42 36 32; 3' 32 34, 38 36 32 t t i t 52 32 32 32 32 32 3 2 32 32 t 32 32 32 3 2 K I, M N O p Q 2 IO2 IO2 IO2 IO2 102 I O2 o 76 3 s 34] 32 32 78 " 62 32 66 2 46 t f f 32 2 3 6 32 42 6 32 36 2 32 t 32 2 t 3 2 2 i 32 t Frozen. JBurstcd. During Test No. 46 the Dubuque enameled canteen froze after two hours exposure and burst open at the seams along the edges, during the next hour. It had forty-five (45) fluid ounces of water, temperature 102 deg., F., placed in it at 8:10 a. m. The variations of air temperature were, (observations made hourly), as follows: -10 deg. ; -8 deg. ; -6 deg. The temperature of the contents of the canteen fell from 102 deg. to 38 deg. after onehour'sexposure;at theexpiration of thesecond hour the fluid dropped to 32 deg. During this test, the enamel splintered off around the edges; liule blisters of enamel, like small volcanoes, bubbled up, and patches of the enamel blew off, expos- ing the metallic base. The cause was simple. The Dubuque Stamping and Enamel Co. canteen is a combination of mineral and metal; the metal contracted; result, disin- tegration. (See illustration - ). TEST No. 47. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. si'dl". ^ Uamlt > (45 fluid ozs.) being the same in each, except in "D," " "N" and "O," which were filled. -V r. C D E F G H I K L M N O Siit; a. m +14 80 80 *8o 80 80 80 80 80 80 So 80 80 go So 9 :I 5 " 16 60 63 32 38 38 68 74 68 74 70 64 34 32 32 10:15 " 20 48 S8 32 32 56 64 60 66 62 52) 32 3 2 32 11:15 " 24 42 48| 32 32 3 2 48 38 42 58 54 42 3 2 32 32 1 2 : 1 5 p. m I : I H " - 26 38 -\A 46 4.2 32 23 r 32 32 42 40 48 44 18 44 4 3-' 36 12 32 32 T.?, 2:15 " 28 32 38 32 32 46 42 44 42 34 3 2 32 32 28 32 36 32 32 36 42 3 s 42 40 32 3 2 3 2 32 4^5 " 28 32 34 32 32 34 40! 381 40 38 32! 32 32 32 *Leaky. t Frozen. TEST No. 48. Hour. Out- side Temp Temperature of Water in Canteens. Quantity of water (45 fli.id ozs ), same in each canteen, except in "A," "D"' "F,""G," -N," "O" and "P," which were filled. A B "to 66 52 42 36 3 2 32 32 3 2 tSo 32 32 32 32 3 2 32 f D 80 38 f E F G H i |K L M N O P Q 80 70 60 % 38 38 34 32 + 140 140138 140 10:00 22 78 1 06 56 00 1 20 126 118 118 IOO 122 124 118 116 1 1 :OO 24 58 86 38 72 102 112 IO2 98 80 106 1041102 98 12 111. 24 48 70 34 60 00 100 88 86 68 94 92 90, 86 p. in. 1:00 28 42 62 32 52 78 92 78i 76 S8 84 80 78 74 2:OO 26 36 5 2 32 44 68 84 68 64 So 74 72 70 66 ;:oo 24 34 46 32 40 62 76 66 58 44 66 64 62 60 4:00 24 3 2 44 32 38 56 72 56 52 42 62 60 58 54 *Leaky. t Frozen. JHursted. TEST No. 54. l'emperature of Water in Canteens. Out- >ur side Temp. Same canteens, conditions, etc., as in Test No. 53, except that a snow storm prevailed most of the time covered by the test. A B c D E F G H 1 K L M N O P Q R S T in. :00 +22 :OOJ 24 170 116 170 132 I 7 106 I/O 146 170 I4O 170 I SO 170 138 170 136 170 128 I70I70I70 146 144 146 170 I 4 2 :OO| 26 . 82 104 70 114 1 2O 132 116 II 4 104 124 126 122 118 :oo 26 > i 66 88 52 94 IO2 1 2O 1 02 98 88 I 10 no'io6 104 n. | :ooi 28 52 74 42 78 9 1 10 SS 86 72 98 9 6 94 90 111. :oo 30 46 66 38 68 80 IO2 80 78 64 88 86 84 80 :oo 30 40 58 36 58 72 92 70 68 56 80 78 74 70 :oo 30 :oo| 28 38 36 52 48 32 32 50 44 64 60 84 So 64 58 62 56 5 46 72 ! 66 70 66 6 4 | 60 64 58 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN, fay/told $ r*f/e fe/t coi/er, Capacity f ox. f/t*rd measure, WerySrt 9 ox HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 55. Out- Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. side Each canteen filled. A B | C D E K G H 1 K L M N O P Q R S 1 T a.m. 8.00 9.00 10.00 tl2 8 8 r 52 5 2 38 32 r 52 *42 36 5 2 42 36 52 42 36 42 34 38 32 52 42 36 52 42 36 52 42 36 52 42 34 II. OO 8 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 ID. 12. OO 10 32 32 32 32 3 2 t 32 32 32 32 p. m. 1. 00 14 32 32 32 32 32 ' 32 32 32 32 2.OO 16 32 32 32 32 t 32 32 32 32 3.00 4.00 18 22 + 32 32 32 32 t V 3 t 32 32 r 32 32 f Leaky. f.Krozen. JBursted. TEST No. 5G. Out Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. side Each canteen filled. Temp. A H c D E I F G H 1 K L M I N O P g | R s T a.m. 7 So *2 4 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 SO So So 8.50 26 4 42 36 * 4 6 46 46 46 42 46 46 46 44 Q-.So 26 34 40 3 2 42 44 42 4 2 38 42 44 42 42 10.50 30 34 36 32 40 42 4 4 36 40 42 42 40 11.50 32 34 34 32 38 40 38 40 34 40 40 40 38 p. m. 12.50 34 34 34 32 38 40 38 40 34 38 40 40 38 1.50 36 34 34 34 38 40 36 38 34 38 40 40 38 2:50 38 36 34 36 36 3 36 38 36 38 38 38 38 3-50 3 36 3i 36] 38 38 38 38 36 J 38 38 38 38 'Leaky. TEST No. 57. Out- side Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens. It rained during part of the time. All canteens filled. A j B | C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R s T -,2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 52 S2 S2 52 S2 S2 34 46 44 40 50 52 46 4 6 48 4 6 4 6 34 4 42 36 42 4 6 50 42 4* 46 44 44 40 40 36 42 44 46 40 44 44 44 42 38 40 38 38 42 44 46 40 42 44 42 42 42 40 40 40 42 44 4 6 40 42 44 42 42 42 42 40 40 42 44 44 42 42 44 42, 42 40 40 40 40 42 42 44 42 42 44 4 2 42 40 40 ,38 4 42 42 42 40 42 42 42 42 "Leaky. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 58. Hour OiU- side Tern. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Every canteen was filled to its capacity. A K c D E F G H I K L M JN O P Q R s T u a.m. 7.45 + 12 54 S4 54 *54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 MS !>.4o 12 14 34 32 38 >2 f 42 38 44 38 46 40 3<> 32 42 42 36 36 42 36 42 36 42 38 10.4;, 4 32| 32 32 32 34 32 32 32 32 32 34 II. 4-. 16 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 3 2 32 32 p. m. 12.45 r6 V ^2 32 32 32 t 32 32 32 32 3 2 1.45 16 32 t 32 32 32 3 2 32 32 32 32 2.4!) 18 t 32 32 32 32 32 32 3 2 32 3.45 18 32 32 t t 32 32 32, 32 *Leaky. fFrozen. TEST No. 59. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour \j ui- side Tern. All conditions identical with Test No. 58. A B c D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T u a.m. 1 7.50 -4 5 2 52| 52 52 5 2 52 5 2 S 2 52 S 2 5 2 52 8.50 9.50 4 4 r r r *3 32 38 32 42 32 32 32 38 32 36 32 36 32 36 36 32 32 10.50 2 32 32 32 t 32 32 32 3 2 32 11.50 O 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 p.m. 12.50 t 32 32 32 3 2 1.50 + 2 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 2.50 2 3 2 32 32 3 2 32 32; 32 3.50 4 j 32 32 32 32 32 32; 32 "Leaky. fFrozen. {Bursted. TEST No. <>0. Out- Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. side All the canteens were filled. Snow fell during a portion of the time covered by test . A B c 1) E F G H I K I: M N O P Q | R s T u S.ooa.m. + 2 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 9.00 " 2 108 104 138 136 136 128 138 142 138 136 142 10.00 " 10 70 64 108 112 114 94 118 118 114 116 II.OO " H 52 42 86 96 94 74 IOO IOO 94 IOO 12.00111. 18 40 32 72 82 80 60 86 86 84 80 86 i.oop. m. 20 34 32 60 70 70 50 74 74 76 70 74 2.OO " 22 32 32 48 60 60 42 64 64 62 60 64 3.00 " 22 3 2 32 42 54 52 36 $6 56 56 52 56 4.00 " 20 32 32 38 46 46 32 50 50 5 46 50 Memorandum made of the fact that Canteen "L" held 60 fluid ozs. when capacity was measured prior to Test No. 37. Owing to dilation due to freezing, its capacity was 64 fluid ozs. when Test No. 60 was made. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 61. 73 Out- Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. side All the canteens were filled A B C I D E F G M i K L M N P Q R s T u 7.5011.111. 8.50 " + 2 172 9 172 66 172 136 172 I 3 172 132 172 112 172 138 I 7 2 I 3 6 172 172 H4 172 n6 9.50 " 4 52 32 I O2 1 08 104! 78 112 106 108 106 no 10.50 " 8 34 32 80 86 84 56 92 86 86 86 88 11.50 " 12 32 32 60 70 66 76 70 72 68 70 12. 5op. in. H 3 2 32 4 8 60 5 6 34 6 4 58 62 58 60 1.50 " 18 32 t 38 50 48 32 54 50 C2 So SO 2.50 20 32 32 44 40 32 46 42 44 42 44 3-50 20 32 32 38 361 32 42 38 40 38 38 t Frozen. TEST No. 62. Hour. Out- side Temperature of Water in Canteens. All the canteens were filled. A 15 c I) E F G u i K L M N P Q R s i | u 8.ooa.m. +20 168 1 68 1 68 1 68 1 68 168 1 68 1 68 1 68 i68'i68 9.00 " 2O 1 08 90 136 138 136 124 140 138 140 140 138 o.oo " 2O 74 54 1 08 116 112 94 118 118 118 114 118 I.OO " 20 52 36 82 96 94 72 106 98 98 96 98 2.OO111. 2O 40 32 64 80 80 86 84 82 80 84 I. oop.m. 20 32 32 So 68 68 48 76 72 70 70 74 2.OO " 22 32 32 42 60 S8 40 66 62 62 60 64 3.00 " 4.00 " 22 2O a 32 32 3 2 3 2 4 46 46 34 32 56 50 54 48 8 Is & TEST No. Hour. Out ide Temperature.of Water in Canteens. All the canteens were filled. T. A B Cl E G H I L o R | S T U V w X 1 * a. in. 8:00 +14 184 184 I8 4 184 184 I8 4 184 I8 4 184 9:00 16 100 90 144 144 130 150 144 144 140 148 10.00 26 7 54 122 122 100 126 122 122 120 124 1 1 :oo 28 54 40 102 I O2 80 1 06 106 IO4 IOO 106 12111. 3 44 34 88 86 66 94 88 88 86 92 1>. Ill i 1 :00 32 40 32 78 : /6 56 82 80 80 76 82 2:OO 3/1 38 32 68 68 SO 72 70 60 68 72 3 :CO 4:00 36 16 $ 58 58 , 56 46 5 6 44 66 62 64 60 64 60 62 56 66 60 74 Out Hour, side HISTORY OK TIIK MILITARY C'AXTKKX, TEST No. (54. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Each canteen was filled. 1. A B C E G H I L Q R| S T U V W X a. in. 7-45 +26 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 8-45 30 40 40 44 44 44 44 46 44 44 46 9 45 34 36 42 42 40 42 42 42 42 44 10. "5 38 38 38 42 42 40 42 42 42 42 42 "45 38 42 40 40 42 42 42 42 42 p. m. 12-45 36 36 33 40 40 38 40 40 40 40 42 i-45 34 36 36 40 38 38 40 40 40 40 40 2-45 34 34 34 38 36 40 38 38 38 38 345 3? 32 34 3 6 3 6 34 38 36 38 36 TEST No. 65. Hour. Out- side Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteen. Each canteen was full. A B (J E G H I ! L Q R S | T U V W X 8.15 a. m QIC " +38 38 4 4 42 42 42 4 38 162 IO2 /6 62 56 5 48 44 42 162 82 56 46 44 44 44 42 40 162 136 II 4 100 90 80 70 66 60 162 138 124 112 102 94 88 84 J7 6 162 132 114 100 88 76 70 64 60 162 118 9 2 78 68 60 54 5 2 46 162 138 118 104 92 82 76 68 62 162 134 112 g 78 70 64 60 162 134 114 100 90 80 72 66 60 162 132 112 9 8 86 76 70 4 60 162 132 112 98 88 78 7 2 A 4 60 162 IOO 74 64 56 52 5 2 46 42 162 76 52 44 44 44 42 * 4 o 40 162 74 5o 44 42 42 42 * vWtaw Jrmy BoHU *M India* Anny &ttlt car&vre fook. *>ikou4 cover. Wo. ai FtasJc Hl Skit A!. /02/c Jndta* Army Bettl* affd Jrajryitry strap . Abunumm ffas&S from tfa. Lanx Af/y. <&, C*i"atcr in Canteens. X~15 ATT 3242 3232403 ._ 32324038138 5232 38 42 38 40 40 ;8!38 344038 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60^ 69 6060 60 42 48 52 42:46 42 42^4 42146 48 4OJ32J42 I 5O 48 38 36 48 42|44J42j42|42 42 44J46 38:32J34 I 5O 34 3632 4034 32 TIT ^ +J v 38 4*4042 40 40 44 44^36 32 42 40 40 40 40,40 4i42|52 3 6 38132,46 38424436343242 384014035323238 383813834321323632 ' 381383432132134 PRACTICAL SERVICE CONDITIONS SIMULATED BY TESTS OF CANTEENS. In making tests of canteens and canteen flasks, effort has been made to simulate conditions of military service as nearly as possible. In every test it has been assumed that a soldier is equipped with a canteen capable of holding about three (3) pints of water; further, that he is in the open air for a period of eight (8) hours, at the expiration of which time his canteen has either been emptied, partly emptied, or refilled. In some of the tests it has been assumed that the season of the year was summer ; in other tests that the season was winter. All canteens, or canteen flasks or water bottles, have been sub- jected to the same, and uniform, tests. In my tests, the present regulation service canteen has been included ; this to aid in consider- ing the question of relative merit. The canteens have not been of the same dimensions or capacity, but the tests have been so varied as to insure fairness. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 77 METHODS OF TESTING CANTEENS, CANTEEN FLASKS, WATER BOT- TLES, ETC., INTENDED FOR USE IN THE MILITARY SERV- ICE, OBSERVED AT HEADQUARTERS, DEPART- MENT OF DAKOTA, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. Every part of each canteen, flask, inner cover, outer cover, cork, etc., was examined as to material, quality, construction, weight, etc. Capacity of flasks in fluid ounces noted. Weight of felt, canvas, duck, or other material employed as cov- ering, separately taken, when saturated. The canteen was then immersed for period varying from thirty seconds to twelve (12) hours, and the total weight taken. The canteen flask was then filled with water, the temperature of which varied from 40 degrees F. to 178 degrees F., and exposed usually for a period of eight days, each canteen having an exposure each day of eight (8) consecutive hours to an open air temperature varying from minus 10 degrees, F., to plus 125 degrees, F. In some cases the canteen flask was not filled when so exposed. In some cases hot coffee or hot tea was used instead of water. In some of the tests the exterior surface of the canteen was wet before the test. In some of the tests the exterior surface of the canteen was dry before and during the test. Experiments were made with both wet and dry covers. Tests were equitable and impartial. No unfair interference with any canteen during a test as by wetting or adjusting was prac- ticed. When conditions or positions or environments were changed during the progress of a test, record of same was noted and made. In some of the tests the canteens were suspended from a trestle or tree, where free circulation and exposure to air, light and heat or cold, was maintained, without contact, for several hours. Some of the tests involved attaching the canteen to the saddle and subsequent transportation for several hours, the canteens being- attached in such a manner as to receive warmth from the body of the horse. In some cases the filled, or partly filled, canteen was thrown into an army wagon and so jolted around for a day more or less on a hunting or fishing trip, the tests being made during the trip or immediately at its conclusion. Mercurial thermometers were used in testing, uniform make, selected for uniform readings. None others employed. Beside each canteen, or between the canteens, wLen suspended 78 HISTORY <>F TIIK MILITARY CAXTKKX. and whenever possible at all. a thermometer was hung from which hourly readings were taken by insertions in the iluid within the canteen. Outside temperature taken hourly on the spot. Ther- mometers were frequently compared and verified. See cut of Trestle used. During some of the tests a few ounces of water were taken from the canteens every hour or so. \Yhen this was done the water was not replaced. The tests cover a period embracing spring, summer, fall, winter, and were made in many localities. During some of the tests the canteen was kept in constant motion by the wind, or by jolting on a moving bicycle, or by pre- vailing rain or. snow storms. In the majority of the tests, tropical condition or frigid conditions did not have to be simulated ; they prevailed. In some cases the canteen was tested by laying on the grass or the ground, on the sand, on a window sill of granite, under canvas, on a government blanket, tent floor, house top or roof ; the position being either flat, tipped tip, etc. Sometimes the cantcents were laid on the snow, or in contact with ice. In exceptional cases, the canteen was placed in a hot air sterilizer, used as an incubator; or in a cold storage room, or beer vault of uniform temperature, thermometer always with it, but I have con- cluded that these, being artificial tests, are unsafe guides. An exceptional manner of testing it was to place the canteen so as to receive the direct action of a fire f ! om a fire-place cr stove ; or in an oven, or the direct or indirect action of a steam or hot air radiator. Some were hung over boilers in such manner as to secure high and uniform temperature. Some were exposed under glass covers exposed to the sun and so placed as to allow free access of air. All of these tests reported from these headquarters were made by one person. No other person handled the canteens or thermome- ters. In these latter tests the canteens under trial, and thermometers, remained in the hands of that person. In cases where a canteen became from any cause too leaky for further use, or burst, or collapsed, it was replaced when practicable by another of the same kind and the latter treated as a new canteen. When a canteen passed through the regular tests, i. e., eight days of eight consecutive hours each, it was subjected to supple- mentary tests to determine its endurance, etc. HISTORY OF Till-: MILITARY CANTEEN. 79 In military service any and every canteen is certain to l>c sub- jected to hard usage; to be knocked about, to be bent or battered; hence a fair degree of tensile strength, durability and rigidity is a requisite to be taken into consideration. ALUMINUM AS A MATERIAL FOR CANTEEN FLASKS. The working of aluminum by forging, rolling, stamping, spin- ning, casting, joining and Finishing may yet include the production of an American-made canteen in a single piece suited to military service. Of all the European countries, Italy is probably as far advanced as any in the utilization of aluminum for practical and scientific purposes. In the army, aluminum is there used to make the fuses for the shells of their guns. In the navy for searchlight purposes, furni- ture on board torpedo destroyers, also in the metallic part of telephone apparatus. Aluminum is used in the British army for officers' outfits; for water bottles ; cavalry mess kits ; "Chitral" canteens ; infantry can- teens ; regimental mess utensils and table w r are. The British army infantry aluminum canteen consists of an outside pot about ?J inches in diameter by 7 inches deep, with lid and loose handle for packing, military camp kettle with folding handles and detachable spout, one set of three cups, each with fold- ing handle, nested, and tea ball, all fitting inside kettle. In addition to the above are included 3 plates, knives, forks, dessert and tea spoons, and three condiment boxes. The whole of these are packed in the outside pot, ?J inches by 7 inches, and the total weight is about four pounds. One maker has designed a canteen for either two, three, or four persons, and named it "Chitral." This has proved a great success, as it is a frequent custom for two, three or four officers to mess together, and by combining they can reduce their kit very consider- ably. The "Chitral" canteen consists of a deep outer pot, loj inches in diameter by 10 inches deep, and made of stout metal to stand knocking about. The lid of this is a similar pot which drops over the top, but shallower, and thus forms a telescopic parcel, as it were, in case of extra articles to be crowded into the canteen. Inside this pot are fitted a camp kettle, sugar, tea, cofifee, and flour boxes, tea ball, three condiment boxes, cups and saucers, dinner and soup plates, drinking cups and flask, and wine mugs, these latter all nesting, liquor cups, frying pan with folding handle, knives, forks, dessert and tea spoons, and loose handle for pot and cSo HISTORY OF TH1-: .MILITARY CAXTLEX. cc fro/n t/re JhZuyue Jotva, trantetr*tf Co., Capactfy #? % /fatd, eunces . hreifJrt. /M/ed, ewers on ancL dry, a&otri'/Mn's 4&. tretf &,&//&, .art, efter ten minutes ittrtnersio/tjCLvoirclufyots ? e>Ktrc$>. vftfre errerh bfack /father /ooos IO6 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. and will hope to be in a position to make a definite statement as to what we can do within perhaps eight months from this time." Disadvantages of Aluminum as a Material for Canteen Flasks, from a Mechanical Point of View. After a metallurgist has placed in the hands of the inventor a metal lighter than tin as a material for a canteen flask, the artisan encounters a mechanical difficulty, to wit : In attaching ears, or side pieces, to the flask. There must be something connected either with the flask, or its cover, to fasten the canteen strap or sling to unless the latter goes round the canteen as in the 1864 period of the U. S. A. There are two natural ways of slinging a canteen ; one way is from the shoulder, the other way is from the belt. In either case, the strap must have a method of attachment, as by a hook or snap, with the canteen flask or with some portion of the canteen cover; otherwise the strap must encircle the canteen. This attachment necessitates loops, rings or triangles, eyes, open- ings, etc., on the canteen cover, or ears, metallic side-bar attach- ments, or other fastening device, directly connected with the canteen flask ; hence attached to the latter by solder cr rivet. A disadvantage of aluminum as the material for a canteen flask is that with the present limited knowledge of this metal, it cannot be so soldered to itself as to resist water action. Galvanic action occurs between aluminum and any known solder when wet for a considerable period. Disintegration follows. This should prevent the adoption by any army of an aluminum canteen flask any of the parts of which are joined by soldering. As solder fails to assure a permanent union of aluminum to aluminum, rivets are resorted to in order to fasten the side-ears, cr other metallic contrivance, to the aluminum flask. This is practical, but not believed to be enduring. Leakage follows. A method of reliably fastening ears to an aluminum flask is unknown to me. Tin as a material for a canteen flask does not present any of these disadvantages. Reason Why Old Pattern Canteens Have Been Retained in U. S. Army Since 1874 or 1878. Past attempts to improve, change or retire the army canteen have been blocked by two things, viz.: The representation by a Department head that there were already i -n hand a large stock of old canteens ; hence these unissued relics HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. IO7 of a past period ought, in economic interests, to be disposed of first. Second : The recommendation of the Commanding General that the old stock be disposed of before incurring the expense of a new, or later, pattern. Finally : The orders of the Secretary of War directing that future issues of canteens be confined to existing patterns in stock, and prohibiting any expenditures for new patterns. This injunction applying also to other Infantry and Cavalry equipments. Efforts Made in 1878-9 to Change the U. S. Service Canteen. In General Orders No. 76, Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O., July 23, 1879, there were published extracts from the proceedings, embodying the conclusions, of the Board of Officers convened in Washington, D. C, by Special Orders on Nov. n, 1878, "for the purpose of considering the whole subject of * the equip- ment of troops generally'' ; together with the comments of the Chief of Ordnance, the General of the Army, William T. Sherman, and the indorsement of the Secretary thereon. The Board found the weight of the canteen, half-filled, to be two (2) pounds eight (8) ounces. The recommendations of the Board were disapproved by the Chief of Ordnance, there being then on hand, left from the Civil War, 267,000 canteens which, in the opinion of General Benet, ought to be used up before others were provided. The recommendation of the General of the Army was : 28 "That no other change be made in the present infantry equipment, though a lighter canteen would be desirable.'' General Sherman commented (see page 40, G. O. 76, A. G. O., series 1879) : "The old pattern articles, that is canteens and such, can be issued till exhausted, and the new ones will then follow naturally and without sacrifice on the part of the United States, or of the officers and men who com- pose the army." The views and recommendations of the General of the Army were approved July 19, 1879, by the Hon. G. W. McCrary, Secretary of War, who indorsed the recommendations made by the Board, the Chief of Ordnance, the Quartermaster General of the Army, and General William T. Sherman, as follows: "No change will be made at any time which involves expenditure not clearly within existing appropriations, and great care will be taken to avoid a deficiency." On Oct. 7, 1873, the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A., Brigadier- 1O8 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. General A. B. Dyer, recommended that a Board of Ordnance and Cavalry Officers be assembled to consider "What changes," if any, should be made in * cavalry equipments and accouter- ments, as published by G. O. No. 60, War Department, A. G. O., June 29, 1872. Board was convened by Special Orders Xo. 238, Nov. 29, 1873, modified by Special Orders No. 253, \Var Dept., A. G. O., Dec. 24, 1873. Report of proceedings made from Water- vliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y., May 5, 1874, by Colonel I. X. Palmer, 2d Cavalry, president of the Board. The Board consisted of the following: Col. Innis N. Palmer, 2d Cavalry; Capt. J. J. Upham, 6th Cavalry; Capt. A. Mordecai, Ord. Dept.; Capt. Guy V. Henry, 3d Cavalry, and Capt. L. H. Carpenter, loth Cavalry ; also Capt. William Hawley, 3d Cavalry, in place of Major Henry, re- lieved. The proceedings of the Board, with the action of the War De- partment thereon, were published in Ordnance Memoranda No. 18, 1874. Under the caption "Canteens," page 18, is found the follow- ing: "Canteen. It was discussed as to whether the canteen should be covered with two thicknesses, and felt was suggested as a good material." No other reference by title, to canteen is found in the published report, except, same page, the following : "A resolution was adopted requesting the commanding officer cf the Leaven worth Arsenal to make for the use of the Board the following articles after description furnished : * * One canteen with two cov- erings." And, on page 57, the following: "The Board is of the opinion that to the accouterments should be added a canteen of pattern and material like sample submitted." On page 18 Board expresses opinion that the regular equipments necessary for a cav- alry trooper are as follows : * * * One canteen On page 69, it is stated that "A personal examination has convinced the Board of the superior quality of the manufacture and material of the articles furnished from the government workshops over those obtained by contract, and it is earnestly recommended that, as far as possible, all stores issued to the cavalry by the Ordnance Depart- ment may be made in the Arsenals, believing that to be for the best interests of the service." On May n, 1874, the Acting Chief of Ordnance, Col. S. V. Benet, indorsed proceedings, concurring in recommendations of the Board, but in carrying out the changes, alterations, and additions recommended, suggested "that the large quantity of stores on hand HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. ICKJ of old patterns be utilized and the changes, etc., be made as rapidly as a due regard to economy will permit/' On May 15, 1874, Gen. W. T. Sherman indorsed that he "felt hardly competent to pass judgment on the matter of cavalry equip- ment, and would be governed by the opinions of the cavalry officers who serve on the plains and have abundant experience. The present stock on hand could be exhausted gradually, leaving the new equip- ment to accumulate in store, ready for emergency, or for use after the present supply is exhausted." On May 20, 1874, the Secretary of War, through H. T. Crosby, chief clerk, concurred with the General of the Army and the Chief of Ordnance that the stores on hand of all patterns should be utilized before issue of new patterns except in regard to horse shoes." The Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army, in his annual report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1894, states under head of "Aluminum Equipments" : "Experiments with articles of equipment made of aluminum and its alloys have been continued during the year at various posts and at the Rock Island Arsenal, and very intelligent assistance has been given to the department by manufacturers. Successful results have been obtained in the manufacture of spurs, waist-belt plates, and several minor articles ; but in those cases in which, from their importance as articles of considerable weight, success was hoped for most such as bits, cups, meat cans, picket pins and horseshoes the desired quality of metal has not yet been obtained. A very promising canteen has been designed, but not yet tested by the department, and experiments will be continued as rapidly as possible." Recommendation That Canteens Now Disposable Be Sold. Citation of Statute Permitting It. Recommendation is made, under opinion of Assistant Comptroller Mitchell, and Section 1241 of the Revised Statutes, that all canteens not in the hands of troops be sold as unsuitable for the public service. One of the synonyms of "suitable" is "expedient." An article may be suitable as far as possibility is concerned, and not suitable because it is not expedient to transport it to the place where it might be used, or to the person who could use it. It is thought that the present stock of old pattern canteens are not suitable for militarv service. It is neither wise nor economical I IO HISTORY OI ; THE MILITARY CANTEEN. tc Canteen F/cts/e . for Cava/rif. also carry s(m/i for Infantry -attached inooscttost. Canaattf do ot. froy, ttzijht w ox Jtftrefu/ttffs. Il6 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. CLAIMS or THK L,ANZ MANUFACTURING COMPANY REGARDING THE ' ' LANZ CANTEEN . ' ' 183-9 Lake Street, Chicago 111, August 8th, /poo. 1. That the Lanz Canteen will keep water cool at a low tem- perature, or warm liquids at a high temperature, longer than any other canteen of equal capacity. 2. That the drinkable condition of the liquids carried in the Lanz Canteen will continue for a longer period, either in cold or hot climates, than in any other Canteen of equal capacity. 3. That its method of retarded evaporation secures palatable drinking water in either tropical or arctic regions for a longer time than the Regulation Canteen now used by the U. S. A. 4. That the felt will remain moist for a number of hours longer than the inner cover of felt used on the Regulation Canteen ; hence the water remains cool for many hours longer in the Lanz Canteen than the same amount of water similarly exposed to a high tem- perature in the Regulation Canteen or any other Canteen used in military service, or submitted for experimental trial. 5. These results are accomplished, in part, by a removable, open- able canvas cover, and, in part, by means of an inner cover of felt, the latter being of a quality and thickness superior to the felt used on the Regulation Canteen, and by using a greater quantity of felt as an inner cover than is used on the Regulation Canteen. These covers and methods are explained and secured by U. S. Patent No. 6 55>979> August i4th, 1900. 6. The results are due to the methods observed and materials with which the Lanz Canteen is covered, the latter being compo- nents of the Canteen. The absorbent properties of the Lanz felt cover, and subsequent retarded evaporation, are the agents, in hot weather, to keep the contents of the canteen flask cool. 7. In cold weather, the non-conducting properties of the com- ponents of the Canteen, the covers being dry, tend to preserve the contents of the flask from freezing. 8. The openable and removable cover possesses advantages not possessed by the Regulation Canteen ; it is, with proper care, equal to it in durability. The shape of the patented metallic flask is advantageous and is superior to the Regulation Canteen, all of which entitles the Lanz Canteen to practical trial by troops actually in the field, or in campaign, with a view to its adoption by the United States for use in the military service. 9. Particular stress is laid upon the fact that the merits of the Lanz Canteen are not made so apparent by a short open-air expos- HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. IT? tire of five or six hours, rr less; or by tests made under temperate, or moderate, thermometric conditions as by comparisons made after an exposure of at least eight (8) hours under thermal conditions ranging above blood heat, 96 F., or below the freezing point, 32 F. 10. As a Canteen is always worn by every combatant soldier when in the field, or campaign, as an essential article of personal equipment, but only occasionally worn when troops are in garrison, it is preferred that all tests of Canteens should be made by officers actually on duty with troops in the field, or campaign, and not by officers whose duties confine them to arsenal, or garrison, or depot duty. 11. In hot weather, that is, when the open air temperature is above blood heat, 96 F., the felt covering must be saturated, or moistened, in order to demonstrate the merit of the Lanz method as opposed to the Regulation method of covering the metallic flask. 12. As an important distinction between the Lanz and the Regu- lation Canteen covers is the difference in the material, and the amount of material, with which they are covered, it is essential that the fastenings of the outer cover of the Lanz be drawn up tight, after the Canteen has been immersed, so as to permit air from gaining access, and the process of evaporation thus retarded or interfered with. 13. Only in moderate weather and in winter weather should the felt be left dry. In hot weather the felt must be kept moist. To effect this last named requisite, the canvas cover must be slipped off entirely, or the lacing or fastenings of the canvas loosened. 14. The facility with which the Lanz openable cover can be removed is a decided advantage over the outer cover of the Regula- tion Canteen, because the latter is tightly sewn up around its entire circumference, hence the service Canteen may be immersed in water without properly effecting saturation of the inner cover. 15. As the inner cover of the Lanz Canteen possesses greater absorptive powers than the Government Canteen, it will keep water at a lower temperature for a longer time under similar circumstances than the Government Canteen, hence possesses merits sufficient to warrant a trial in the military service with a view to its adoption in lieu of the Regulation Canteen. 16. In cold, or cool, weather, the felt, of course, is not moist- ened, in which condition it will maintain the heat of the fluid con- tents for a longer period than the Regulation Canteen, and so lessen the danger of freezing. 17. The Lanz Manufacturing Company can furnish Canteens Il8 HiSTOKV OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. and their components of any specified weight or indicated fluid capacity, whether less than, equal to, or greater than, the Govern- ment Canteen, utilizing for the purpose any metal or material, or of any prescribed pattern or model desired, retaining, of course, its non-conducting inner fabric or textile cover, and also retaining the removable, openable, patented outer cover and fastening methods. 18. The advantages of the Lanz Canteen are more than appre- ciated by soldiers when in the field or during a campaign in a tropical region, or on a hot day, because conducive to comfort, effective- ness and health. 19. The Lanz Manufacturing Company claims to be able to produce a canteen flask, retinned after the plate has been stamped into shape, and which may have a piece of zinc soldered to the inside, or, perhaps, a zinc nozzle, the durability of which retinned flask will largely exceed that of the Regulation Canteen, and which will prevent oxidation for at least four times as long as the Regu- lation Canteen. Commendations and recommendations are exhibited by the Company from the following named Army officers: Col. J. M. J. Sanno, i8th Infantry; Maj. P. H. Ray, 8th Infantry; Maj. S. L. Woodward, 1st Cavalry ; Assistant Surgeon A. E. Bradley, Medical Dept. ; Assistant Surgeon S. M. Waterhouse, Medical Dept. ; Capt. Geo. W. Goode, ist Cavalry; ist Lieut. W. M. Whitman, ist Cav- alry; 2d Lieut. H. C. Smither, ist Cavalry; 2d Lieut. F. W. Healy, 8th Infantry ; 2d Lieut. A. V. L. R. de Beaumont, 8th Infantry ; 2cl Lieut L. A. I. Chapman, ist Cavalry; Ordnance Sergeant Alexander Pillow, U. S. A. ; Sergeant J. K. Miller, 3d Infantry. Also from several business and manufacturing firms employing laborers, arti- ficers, etc. Likewise from tourists, bicyclists, sportsmen, officers of U. S. Volunteers, National Guardsmen, etc. The Company supplements its published list of testimonials by two temperature tests, one a hot weather test made on the roof of theLanz factory ; the other a cold weather open air test. In each trial a U. S. Army canteen is also said to have been used in com- parison. Naturally, the results as published, were highly favorable to the Lanz Canteen. The first test covered a period of seven hours. SANITATION AND HYGIENE AS APPLIED TO CANTEENS. The use of polluted water is a factor dangerous to health and ac- counts for the prevalence of disease in localities where other sanitary conditions are beyond reproach. It is the part of wisdom to remove HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. I IQ r ? danger of possible contamination by the use of a canteen which can be completely emptied, drained and even sterilized. By inserting the little finger in the mouth-piece of the present regulation tin flask canteen, there can be felt enough abiding places for pathogenic germs and micro-organisms to make the use of the canteen a dangerous factor after polluted water has once entered the flask. In the regulation canteen, the mouth-piece is either inserted or applied like a spout. In either case, it is a separate piece of sheet tin, soldered on. The projections and rough edges become nesting places for waste matter, and breeding places for things dangerous to health, even after pure or sterilized water has been deposited in it. Soldiers have not access to germicidal supplies, nor can the in- sides of canteens be inspected in the way that health officers inspect milk cans, pans, dairies, and creameries. The present regulation canteen can carry typhoid. As bacteriological examinations cannot be made of canteens where the latter are daily carried as a portion of the field equipment, it would be wise to abandon the present regu- lation canteen and adopt in lieu one differing in material, construc- tion and shape. COMPARISON OF THE ARMIES IN CHINA NARRATIVE BY AN AMERI- CAN WAR CORRESPONDENT ABOUT CANTEENS, OTHER PERSONAL EQUIPMENTS OF A SOLDIER, AND ARMY WATER SUPPLY. The dweller in towns can have no conception of what the lack of a plentiful supply of good water is. Water, to them, like air, is cheap and common. During the interval between our Civil War and the Spanish-American War, the only soldiers of our army who ap- preciated the value of water, and of a good canteen, were such of the military establishment as had service in arid regions in hot weather, and hence had been compelled to rely upon the article of personal equipment named. Thomas F. Millard, writes from China : "Examine military med- ical statistics and you will find that half the ills an army is heir to are directly traceable to the use of bad water. I sometimes wonder whether we Americans shall ever learn some things, and generally sadly reach the conclusion that we never shall. In this problem of army water supply, the Japanese stand for efficiency the Ameri- cans for deficiency, with other nations struggling along somewhere between. The water in North China is so bad that resident Euro- 120 HIST6RY OF Till JkllLITARY CANTEEN. t -D ! , Baden, Gertvafty. d/unr/nunt, /Jask-, (/.S. Army Refutation StruiceCanteeH, no covtr; capacity. 2S OX . Ktiflt v5 ox. Ordnance Pattern, F TTfl-: MILITARY t A XTKK.V. \2J OBSERVATIONS OX THE PEKIX RELIEF EXPEDITION'. By Captain William Crozicr, Ordnance Department, U. S. A. The Chief Ordnance Officer, General Chaffee's Staff, states as follows : From the time of the arrival of the first American troops at Tien Tsin, pth Infantry, plenty was the order of the day. Ginger ale and bottled water were in abundance. The fare was less generous on the march to Pekin. X'o provision was made for supplying the United States troops with water on the march, other than the canteen which each man carried. Other troops were better off in this respect. The British Indians carried \vater in skins on pack mules, and some had barrels upon carts. But there are wells in all the Chinese villages, and these, along the line of march, were not more than a mile and a half apart; and, with the column properly halted, it is as easy to fill canteens from a stationary well as from a stationary cart or mule. The water in the wells was always cool, and, though seldom per- fectly clear, it was never revoltingly turgid, as was that of the rivers and canals; it was drank freely by all the troops of the expedition. X'o other troops made such a time about water as the Americans, who had orders to drink none without boiling it, and had special utensils provided for the purpose. These orders could not be en- forced, however, as thirsty soldiers will not wait even when arrived in camp, for water to boil and cool. Portable filters were provided and were used in the hospital service, one also I observed in the light battery, and one was in the headquarters mess. The charac- teristic ailment of North China, however, seems to come independ- ently of the water ; it attacks nearly all Europeans and Americans during their first summer, not sparing even those who drink nothing but imported waters. With careful inquiry, I was unable to find a medical man who could assign a satisfactory reason, other than it was "in the air." I have neither heard nor read any criticisms of the operations of the Subsistence Department, other than as these were affected by lack of transportation, which suggests an inquiry as to the char- acter and quantity of the latter. The Americans had thirteen four- mule army wagons and one pack train of forty freight mules, be- sides two or three ambulances and a Dougherty wagon. This sup- ply was intended to take care of two regiments of infantry, a bat- talion of marines, a light battery, and the headquarters. 1 he four- mule wagon is considered to be distinctly superior to the means of transportation of supplies employed by the British, Japanese, Russians, or French. * * * The American train had one man UcS IllSTOKY OF THE MJLiTAKV CANTEEN. to four mules, all the loaded animals being driven in a bunch with a bell-mare leading. Here also was economy of numbers, although perhaps the Japanese provision of a man to each animal was a necessity, as their ponies are all stallions, and their train at a halt was a bedlam of flying heels and wild snorts, it was more dan- gerous to pass than a Chinese outpost. A large proportion of the Japanese transportation consisted of pack animals ; the British Indians had nothing else; the inferiority in economy, when con- trasted with the American system, is striking, when it is noted that it requires the same number of mules to carry 1,000 pounds on packs as will haul 3,000 pounds in our army-wagon. The Ameri- can pack train carried ammunition only, for which purpose it could not have been replaced, as it afforded the only means of maintaining a first reserve supply in constant readiness for immediate distribu- tion to the firing line. The pack saddles of the different nation- alities were, in their effect on the animals, of about equal merit. Occasional sore backs were noticed in all the trains, but the Ameri- can required the most skillful packer. # : ;< * * * * * Within three days after the arrival at Pekin, bottled waters and fancy groceries began to make their appearance in the American commissary and within a week there was abundance of these for all. If a sufficient number of four-mule wagons, the most rapid and economical transportation yet devised for countries in which they can go at all, and with a very little help they can do marvels in the way of trail covering, be supplied to carry all the men's bag- gage, except their arms and canteens, and, in addition, a sufficient number of armed men to act as train guards, riding either in the seats with the drivers or on others provided, these men would be sufficiently fresh to do the loading and ether extra work, and the whole organization would.be made more economical and serviceable than one provided with coolie corps. FURTHER OPEN AIR TESTS MADE OF CANTEENS INTENDED FOR USE IN MILITARY SERVICE, MADE AT HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF DAKOTA, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. (For description of various canteens tested see pp. 57-61 this report; also further description given below.) Specifications, etc., of Canteen "A A". Canteen "AA" is the regulation service pattern canteen, manufactured at Rock Island Arsenal, 1900, and issued to me direct from there. It has double cover Petersham felt inner, and dyed duck, or canvas, outer cover. rt A cur T HISTORY ()! Tin-: MILITARY CANTEEN. 129 Capacity 44 fluid ounces, 45 and 2-4 ozs. avoirdupois. Weight, empty, covers on and dry, avoirdupois, 12 and J ounces. Weight, filled, covers on and dry, avoirdupois, 58 and ounces. Weight, filled, covers on, after ten minutes' immersion, avoirdupois, 63 and 2-4 ounces. Weight of the tin canteen flask, empty, no covers on, avoirdupois, 9 and 2-4 ounces. This canteen was sent for and used by me in order to have a standard of comparison, and because of variations noted in other canteens issued to the First Cavalry, Eighth Infantry, and other organizations from which I received them, termed "U. S. Army Regulation Service Canteen, Ordnance Pattern," or "U. S. Army Regulation Service Tin Flask, Ordnance Pattern", etc. In all tests made after Test No. 68, all three of these service canteens, or flasks, were used. Tests were conducted as described on pp. 43-4, this monograph, and by the same person, using the same thermometers. Specifications of Canteen "BB". Canteen "BB" is a combina- tion canteen and filter. Canteen is of the regulation tin flask type, double cover regulation felt or Petersham inner, and dyed duck or canvas outer. Made at Rock Island Arsenal, October, 1898, with a specially wide mouth to accommodate the Mrs. Caroline Parker Filter. Capacity, filter in, 40 fluid ounces, 42 ounces avoirdupois; filter out, fluid 45 ounces, avoirdupois, 46 ounces. Weight, filled, covers on and dry, filter in, 59 ounces avoirdupois. Ditto, after ten minutes' immersion, 64 ounces avoirdupois. Weight of the tin. flask, empty, no cover, filter out, 9 and J ounces avoirdupois. Weight of filter, including soft rubber top, 3 and -J ounces avoirdu- pois. Weight of duck, or canvas, cover, dry, I and 2-4 ounces. Weight of same after ten minutes' immersion, 3 and J ounces avoirudpois. Weight of water absorbed by the canvas cover, i and 2-4 ounces. Weight of the Petersham felt, or inner cover, dry, I and 2-4 ounces. Weight of same after ten minutes' immersion, 7 and 2-4 ounces avoirdupois. Weight of water absorbed by the inner cover, 6 ounces avoirdupois. Weight of the canteen ''BB", empty, covers on and dry, filter out, 12 and f ounces avoirdupois. Weight of the canteen, empty, covers on and dry, filter in, 16 ounces avoirdupois. Specifications of Canteen "CC". The canteen purchased by the United States for trial, in December, 1898, or October, 1898, from the Dubuque Stamping and Enamel Company, has been described, and the objections to enameled metal as a material for canteen flasks dwelt upon, in previous pages of this monograph. In the test tables it is termed canteen "C". 130 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY C'AXTKK.Y. B 6/.. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. Out side Each canteen was full. COVERS DRY. All of the canteens were suspended from a trestle, so that free circulation obtained. 1 . A A- I A A 1! li 1! C C; E G H i L Q R s T u v \v x 8.00 am 9.00" + 4 8 50 170 120 I7O 170- I7O 106 130 144 1701 1 70:170 126 13'-; yS 170 152 170 I 5 8 170 154 I7O 170 132 152 170,170 150144 170 170 I/O 146 150 122 I7 ? 96 170 92 10.00 " S2 94 74104 122 100 112 72(130 144 132 110 132 126126 126,1^0 ,96 68 *66 1 I.OO " 56 80 66! 90 1 08 86 96 641118 136 118 94 118 1141116 112 114 82 62 60 I2.OOIH. 58 72| 62 80 91 76 84 62 1 06 122 106 86 1 06 104 1 02 102 IO2 74 60 c8 i.oo pin 60 66 62 72 84 70 76 62 96 112 94i 78 98 94 92 92 92 70 60 S8 2.OO " 58 64 S8 661 78 66 72 58 90 1 08 86 72 89 88 88 84 86 64 S8 56 3.00" S8 62 58 66 72 62 68 S8 84 IOO 80 68 84 82 80 80 80 62 58 58 4.00 " 60 58 62! 70 60 64 58 78 94 74 64 80 74 76 74 74 60 58 5.00 " 58 58 58 62 66 6oi 62 58 74 92 72 62 74 72 72 7 72 58 58 58 F,eaky. Leakage occurred in Canteen "X" at the point where the stirrup shaped loops were c'amped to the sides of .he flask by means of four rivets. The Parker filter in Canteen "1)H" was found to be broken, having separated from the soft rubber top. Breakage thought to be occasioned by leaving the flask, filter in, against steam radiator. TEST No. 70. Hour. Outside Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Conditions same as i n preceding Test. ALL COVERS T)K\. A |A-I A A B B15 c c E G V L Q R S T U v 46 52 54 56 58 60 60 58 56 54 \v \ 7 AC a m "^46 46 4 S So 54 5 s $ 54 46 48 50 52 54 54 54 54 54 54 46 48 5 52 54 54 56 54 54 54 46 48 50 52 54 54 56 5r 6 5 6 54 4 6 48 4 8 50 50 52 54 54 52 54 46 48 48 50 52 54 56 54 54 54 46 48 50 50 i 56 54 54 54 4 6 4 8 4 8 4 8 50 50 52 54 54 52 46 46 4846 4848 5050 5052 5054 5054 5 2 |54 52|54 50|54 46 50 52 54 56 it $ 56 46 50 52 52 U $ $ 46 46 4848 5050 5250 5252 5454 5654 5454 5454 5454 46 48 48 48 50 52 52 52 52 52 46 48 4 8 50 50 5 2 54 54 52 52 46 46 48 46 50*48 50: 48 50; 50 54 52 54 52 54 54 54 54 54 52 8 AC " 48 AC " CO y ^to J 10 AC I C4 n-45 " ! 54 12.45 p m 58 I AC " .. S 2 l -t3 J i AC 54 " AC " t >4 J'HO JT- A AC " .- 54 ^Leaky. Leakage in Canteen "X" as in preceding test. Temperature of "V," the Eveking, Westphalia, Canteen, rose above that of the air, and remained above that of its environments for a period of eight (8) hours. Aluminum Canteen "L," the Karlsruhe, leaden, one; also, the Lanz tin flask. Canteen "Q" rose above the atmospheric temperature. Note should be made that none of the canteen covers were wet, or moistened. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 71. 133 Open air test in sun for six (6) hours, followed by three (3) hours in the shade. Each canteen was full. All covers dry. All of the canteens were suspended from a trestle, so that free circulation prevailed. Test made on the roof of the L, Army Building, Headquarters Department of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn. I Out- Hour side Temperature of Water in Canteens. ,Tem. A A- I A A B HH C C 1 E G H I i L o R s T U V w X a.m.l 7.50 +58 4 8 48' 4 8 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 4^ 4 8 48 48] 4 8 48 48 * 4 8 s.50, 60 9.50 70 58 60 56 50 60 54 50 S4 52 5 6 54 58 54 S8 48 So So 50 52 66 54 68 58 48 SO 50 54 54 50 S2 54 S8 '54 58 56 S<8 10.50 63 11.50 70 64 66 64 58 66 62 56 60 58 62 62 64 64 68 52 56 52 54 56 58 70 72 62 64 56" 58 54 S6 58 56 60 58 64 68 62 64 60 60 p.m.) I2.'i0 72 70 68 64 64 64. 66 70 S8 S6 60 74 66 62 60 60 60 70 66 64 1.50 60 70 66! 66 66 66 65 70 60 S8 62 74 66 64 62 62 62 7 66 6/j 2.50 60 66 6 4 | 64 64 64 64 64 60 S8 62 70 66 62 62 62 62 66 62 62 3.50 60 64 62 62 64 62 64 62 60 S8 60 68 66 62 60 60 60 64 62 6?! 150 60 62 6o ! 62 62 62 ! 62 60 60 58 60 66 6* 62 60 60 60 62 62 60 "Leaky. COMMENT. Temperature of "A" - Regulation Canteen held above that of the air during the las 1 three hours. Temperature of "L" Karlsruhe, Baden, aluminum, German single felt-covered canteen ranged and kept above that of the air during the closing eight hours of the test. Soeral other canteens rose to a temperature above that of the atmosphere, and kept above it, dur ing the three closing hours that the trestle was in the shade. Note should be made of the fact that none of the covers were wet, or moistened, before or during this test. TEST No. 712. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Hour. Out- side All the canteens were full, covers dry, suspended from a trestle und^r glass (storm window eight panes of glass, each 20x17 inches) placed nearly horizontally above the canteens in such a manner as to admit free circulation of the air. Trestle stood on roof of L of Army Building, St. Paul, Minn. A A- I A A B H B C C I E G H i L Q R S T u V w x a. in . q. IS *6o 56 S6 56 56 S6 56 56"; 56 S6 S6 S6 56 S6 S6 56 56 56 56 56 10. 15 60 S8 60 S8 S8 60 60 60 S8 S8 S8 60 S8 S8 60 58 *6o 11.15 70 62 62 60 bo 60 60 62 60 58 58 62 60 60 60 58 60 62 62 62 |>. m. 12.15 /o 64 64 62 62 64 64 66! 60 60 60 64 62 62 62 62 60 66 62 64 i. IS 64 64 66 64 64 64! 66 68j 62 62 62 66 64 64 64 62 62 68 64 66 2.15 66 66 66 66 64 66 66 68 62 62 62 68 66 64 64 64 64 70 64 66 * Leaky. 134 HISTORY OF TIll'l MILITARY CAXTliKX. TEST No. 73. Out- Hour , side Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens' Conditions: Under glass i preceding test. i A A- I A A B B B C C li G H i LJQ R s T u v w a. m . 8.15! +50 56 56 56 56 s6 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 o. I c 54 56 56 58 56 56 58; 56 58 58 56 58 58 58 10. 15 56 56 56 58 56 56 58 56 58 58 58 58 58 58 11.15 58 56 56 58 56 56 58 56 58 58 58 58 56 58 p. m . 12. IS 60 56 .58 58 58 58 58 .56 58 58 58 58 58 58 ! 15 60 58j S8 58 58 60 58' 58 60 58 58 58 58 58 2.15 60 58' 60 60 60 60 58 60 58 58 58 58 58 3-15 60 60 58 58 60 60 00 60 60 60 60 58 58 58 58 58 60 60 60 60 & 58 58 -n ',n OC OC 5-*5 58 58 58 58 58 58! 58 60 58 60 60 58 58 I TEST No. 74. Hour. Out- side Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Open-air test, canteens all full, covers dry, suspended from trestle, free circu of air. atio A A- I A A B B B C C K C. H I L Q R S T i" V \Y X a. m . 7.40 +53 50 50 5 50 50 50 50 50 5o 5<> 50 5 2 48 48 48 48 52| 52 46 52 48 54 54 9.40 4 S 48 48 48 4 8 50 52 46 52 50 54 54 10.40 52 48 4 8 48 48 52 52 48 52 50 54 54 11.40 54 50 50 5o 50 52 52 50 52 50 54 54 p. m. 12.40 56 52 52 52 52 54 54 50 52 52 54 54 1.40 56 54 54 52 54 56 54 52 52 52 54 54 2.40 56 54 54 54 54 56 54 52 54 54 54 54! * 3-4 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 52 54 54 54 54 4.40 54 54 54 54 54 54 , 5* 52 54 54 54 54 I Hour. TEST No. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Outside canteens full, covers dry, suspended from tres- tle, under glass same as in Test No. 72. A A A B C C E L Q R S T U o 3O am ...... "^"62 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 10*^0 " ' 68 60 60 60 60 62 58 58 60 60 60 58 i i 10 " 66 62 62 62 60 62 58 62 60 62 60 60 I "> ^O P HI - 1 64 6? 6*1 62 62 64 60 64 64 62 62 60 I 7O " 64 6 1 64 6/| 6-1 66 62 64 6 4 64 64 62 1 o u . T* 2.30 " : 62 64 64 64 64 64 62 64 64 64 64 62 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN 135 BB Canteen ctett&fe Coders . Afaole at Jfo^k. Jafanoi /fr- Afr*. Caroline ftr * is the reyts/atic* irt Mask a*icZ- t, Oct. /898 ti/r'6Ji a sjotctaliy tvriele rrroutJi 4 St'/tcr. ' * net's 2 T.A 14. -7.6 7,6 7,6 36 -7.8 -7.6 -7.8 -7.6 -7.S Q.40 " ^2 12 12 12 12 IA 12 -34 2A 32 32 34 IO.4O " 36 T.2 12 12 i? $ 12 1? 7.7 7? 3? 17, 11.40 " ^8 T.2 12 14- 36 38 14. 12 32 32 34 31 I2.4O p. 1TI 12 12 12 12 18 14, 14. 72 32 24 24. I 4O " & 12 12 12 12 3^ 12 14. 73 22 24. 22 2.4.0 " ^8 12 12 12 12 -7,8 14 14. 12 2-7 12 34 3-40 " 36 32 32 32 32 38 3 2 32 32 32 32 32 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 137 The following data and specifications regarding Canteens "AA,' "BB," "CC," and the Lanz Canteens "Q" and "U" are given. "A A." ozs. "BB." ozs. "CC." ozs. Lanz "Q." ozs. Karls- ruhe. Lanz "U." ozs. Weight of the canteen, empty, covers on and dry ' 129 7O Weight of the canteen, filled, covers on and clrv rSl av f..Z .. J 9 I 7 Weight of canteen, filled, covers on^ after ten (10) minutes immersion. . .. Weight of the canteen flask, empty, no ->? av 631 av 9i 045 av 74 av 07^ av 77i av TI 3 01 av 774 av Weight of water in canteen flask Wt. of the duck, or canvas cover, dry. Wt. of the duck, or canvas cover, after ten (10) minutes immersion j 45 av U4 fd I-T il j If it j 44l av U3 fd If ?'4 t * ' ^49 av U5i fd 3^ rl J44 av U2| fd 3k rl Weight of the water absorbed by the canvas cover . rl ll z z J-i 5-t Weight of the Petersham, felt, or inner 1 a , i *2 T 1 q& Wt. of the Petersham, felt or inner cov- er, after ten(io)minutes Immersion.. Wt. of the water absorbed by the Peter- sham, felt, or inner cover *2 7i 6 A 2 74 6 ioi SI 3i isi n 1 3S i5i TT i Weight of the canteen, covers on and dry, filter in, empty 16 2 * 1 2 Weight of the canteen, filled, covers on and dry filter in Weight of the canteen, empty, filter out covers on and dry I2 Wt. of the canteen, filled, filter in, cov- ers dn, after ten (10) minutes immer- \\ T l of water in canteen filter in i ( 42 av Wt. of water in canteen, filter out Weight of the tin flask, empty, no cover, filter out ...... . .... .... .... j I {40 fd J 4 6 av < 45 fd of Wt. of filter, including soft rubber top. . Wt. of the enameled flask, empty, no covers on. ......... ...... ...... a i6i Wt. of duck, or canvas cover, and lelt 7l 4i Wt. of duck, or canvas cover, and felt combined, after ten (10) minutes im- in 17 Wt. of water absorbed by felt and can- vas cover combined ' III I2i A discrepancy exists in comparing the gross weight of a canteen, covers on, after immersion, as a whole, in water for ten (10) minutes, as opposed to the result obtained by separately immersing and then weighing separately, the components of the canteen. This difference is due to the fact that the felt and canvas covers take up more water when off the flask of the canteen than they do when on the flask. Illustration. The gross weight of Canteen "AA," covers on, after ten (10) min- utes immersion, canteen filled, was 63!^ ounces, while the aggregate weight of same, separately weighed, after saturation of the covers, was 6534' ounces, avoirdupois. 138 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. RECOMMENDATIONS, ETC. It is feconunended that the further manufacture, purchase, or issue, of the present service canteen cease, and that it be replaced by a canteen of different material, construction and shape. That all canteens of the present regulation patterns, now in Arsenals or Depots of the U. S., be sold as unsuitable. for the public service, after proper inspection and survey. This under the law of 23d March, 1825, upon which Section 1,241, Revised Statutes, is based. That the Lanz method of covering be adopted for the tin can- teen flasks now in process of fabrication at the Rock Island Arsenal. By the time that the 98,284 tin flasks now there have corroded, a better material may be decided on. Aluminum is cheapening con- stantly. The regulation canteen is not durable. It is poor economy to continue it in service. The opinion and estimate of the man who carries and uses the canteen is preferable to the opinion or estimate of the man who made it. Fidelity to the welfare of the former, rather than the interests of the latter, prompts the recommenda- tion. The Bidon of the French Army is said to have been deter- mined by the men-in-ranks. Dr. Nicholas Senn, of 532 Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, 111., is quoted as stating that the regulation can- teen invites epidemics by sheltering the insidious disease germ. Further, that practical tests have demonstrated that there are other canteens having merits above that of the regulation canteen. Chang- ing the material of the flask from sheet tin to enameled ware is the application of a false, even a dangerous, remedy. When a soldier raises a canteen to his mouth for the purpose of taking a drink, his lips embrace the rim of the neck of the flask so that the turned edges of the nozzle will come inside of his mouth. The lips of the drinker should not touch the fabric from which the cover of the canteen is made. If the present pattern of canteen be retained, it is recommended that an openable outer cover of textile fabric be adopted instead of an outer cover fastened round the edges ; further, that the inner cover now in use be replaced by a cover of all-wool felt of at least three times the weight, in ounces, of the present inner covering. When an openable cover is laced up over the moistened felt, evaporation is retarded when the temperature of the atmosphere is considerably above temperate and the fluid contents of the canteens thus kept at a palatable temperature for the soldier's use. The physical principle involved is manifest. It is also evident that when the temperature of the atmosphere HISTORY OF Till-: MILITARY CANTliKX. 139 is considerably below temperate, a canteen flask covered as recom- mended, inner felt not being moistened, will keep its contents at a palatable temperature for the soldier's use longer than if the present pattern and material of canteen coverings are retained in the service. The modern canteen is not of circular, but of oval, gourd, oblong bottle, or flask, shape. It is recommended that one of these shapes be adopted for the U. S. Army conteen flask ; also that the side of the flask that is next the body be flattened or slightly concaved, the other side being convex. I am of the opinion that the inner cover, that is, the one superimposed upon the flask, should be of absorbent material. Further, that the lacing method for the outer cover, extending partly around the edges of the flask, is durable as well as simple. Destructive criticism is of no value in bringing about the solu- tion of a problem. Certain existing facts in regard to the present service canteen have been stated. The settlement, remedy, and alternative, is commonplace and feasible. It consists in retiring the present regulation canteen issued to the Army, and adopting, in lieu, the Lanz Canteen. Perhaps some one else will devise a better one; no one has, as yet, done so, or submitted a canteen which fulfills so many of the required qualifications of rational sense and principle desired in a canteen, as the Lanz Canteen Company, of Chicago, 111. The U. S. Army should have the best that is offered. The Department having in charge the selection and issue of canteens should be in sympa- thetic touch with outside developments. An objection advanced against the use of the Lanz Canteen is that the inner cover of all-wool felt will attract moths, and Govern- ment property thus be eaten up. Equally purile is the objection that as the inner cover of the Lanz Canteen is thicker in substance than the present regulation inner covers, it will soak up more water and tlnrs increase the weight that the soldier has to carry ; of course, it will. The inner cover has functions; one function is to absorb several ounces of water in warm weather, when immersed. Unused idle canteen jackets of wool-felt may be eaten by moths if not pro- tected just as storekeepers protect furs and woolens. Omelets cannot be made unless eggs be broken. Practical soldiers in the field would not object to a few ounces increased weight caused by the absorbent capacity of the felt covering, in view of the gain in palatablencss of the fluid within caused by the soaked cover and 140 HISTORY OF TFIK .MILITARY CAXTEEX. f/aak, ctrcu/ar, mad* in. /Vetvark Wi/as . ++cx.- t #eif4t ,/6ox. fsftUVS S^CH>. jr'rtre /eakaye ityaft o , /Ke/T, /I fa mi num. Catrteen Flask, circu/ar. Hty. /6 OZ.. , /r 3'/f ox. ol Aluminum Canteen. . Capacity, 9 cz. t> 8cz, Scale: feakaye &*yan HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 14! succeeding- retarded evaporation secured by the outer canvas cover, in an arid region or on a sweltering day. Believing that the canteen which most effectually performs its functions, viz. : to carry and preserve the temperature of the fluid it contains, either in hot or cold weather, to be the best for the mil- itary service, I recommend the Lanz Canteen as best fulfilling these requisites. The new Lanz Canteen is of aluminum, one piece, oblong shape, one face concave, opposite side convex, covered, with 4-8 inch all- wool felt; openable (3 piece) outer cover; has strap with rings in end to go round the flask and cover, through loops in latter. The new Lanz Canteen is an ounce or so heavier, dry, and ab- sorbs much more water than the government canteen. The remov- able canvas cover permits rapid saturation of the felt covering, when immersed, saturation being effected in a very few minutes. A Gov- ernment canteen, which had been used, absorbed only one ounce of water in ten minutes, while the loose felt covering showed a capacity to absorb five ounces. Twelve hours' immersion of this canteen caused it to absorb only four ounces. The fixed canvas covering prevents access of water to the felt. The felt not being saturated loses its small amount of moisture comparatively soon and with the passing of evaporation the contents of the canteen soon become warm. The Lanz Canteen absorbs its water quickly and its canvas cover placed dry over the wet felt retards evaporation and keeps the con- tents cool for a much longer period than the regulation canteen. Further, trials have proven that the Lanz Canteen will keep fluid at a palatable temperature in an Arctic region longer than the U. S. canteen will. The flask of the Lanz Canteen is lighter than the U. S. canteen and holds more water ; further, the openable cover of the Lanz Canteen is as enduring as the U. S. cover, and possesses advantages that the U. S. cover does not possess. The shape of the Lanz Canteen is considered an advantage by officers and men who have had field experience and who have tried it. Attention is invited to drawings of six aluminum flasks, divested of their coverings, kept for sale by Mr. Lanz. Their capacities vary from 9-100 to 1.7 liter; none are circular in shape; all are oval; all are concave on one side, the opposite side being convex; some are dull finish lusterless some are polished ; some have flat bottoms, these last can stand up ; some have drinking cups ; some of the tops are screw tops. 142 HISTORY OK T1IK MILITARY CANTEEN. My statements, opinions and recommendations regarding can- teens have been based upon original test or examination, and not upon communicated information. As regards the Lanz method of insulating canteens, my pre- possessions were favorable, because the system seemed a common- sense one and the methods rational. Neither theory or bias, how- ever, influenced my investigations nor my recommendations. I did not accept the claims, tests, or results, or conclusions of any manufacturers of canteens, or material for canteens, or the com- ponents of canteens. I made my own tests. The methods of tests and manner of making experiments arc- described on p. 77. Fluid versus Avoirdupois, Measurement It has been assumed throughout this monograph, that 455 and 7-10 grains constituted the fluid ounce, which is 18 arid 2-10 in excess of an ounce avoirdu- pois. Manufacturers often state that the capacity of a flask is so-and-so many ounces, meaning ounces avoirdupois, not liquid measure. TINNING AND RETINNING SHEET STEEL USED IN MAKING CANTEEN FLASKS DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESSES OF TINNING AND OF RETINNING MALLEABLE IRON AND STEEL PLATE. The specifications for the regulation army canteen itemize that it shall be "made of XXXX tin, circular in shape, 7 and J inches in diameter, sides oval and smooth, thickness through, three (3) inches", etc. As the Ordnance Department has, for more than a generation, been making, or contracting for the making of canteen flasks "of XXXX tin", no treatise or monograph about military canteen is complete unaccompanied by a reference to sheet metal goods rr articles of iron or steel coated with tin. The coating of articles of iron and steel ware with zinc, or, as the process is generally known, "galvanizing" them, as a means of retarding oxidation and for other reasons, is an industry about which there is no mystery. The tinning of malleable iron, or of steel, is an easy process to master. The price of the metal used to tin articles makes the cost of the material more than the labor cost. The tinning of sheet steel, such as is used in making canteens and the retinning of tin ware, are special processes. It is understood that the terms "X", or "XX", or "XXX", or HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 143 "XXXX" tin, as applied to sheet tin, refer to the thickness of I lie metal plus its tin coating. Further, that four cross tin, or "XXXX" tin, is a sheet of tinned steel plate, thicker than three cross tin, "XXX" tin, that has been pickled, cleaned, immersed ; first in a bath of molten tin ; second, into a bath of hot tallow, or oil ; third, passed, while the tin is still melted, through steel rollers running in the hot oil, that strip off all superfluous tin, leaving a thin, smooth, coating. The tinplate used in making the regulation canteens that I have tested, has a coating of tin of about three (3) pounds to the box of 112 sheets of 14 x 20, or, say, .0138 pounds per square foot, two sides. The best grade of tinplate made by the American Tinplate Com- pany is known as "AAAA Charcoal", and has a coating of five (5) pounds to the box, or .023 pounds per square foot. Either of these coatings is very light, and the action of the dies in drawing or stamping the canteen sides into shape injures the surface to some extent and has a tendency to make it porous, thus causing the steel plate to soon rust through the coating of tin. The Lanz Manufacturing Co., of Chicago, claims that the proper way to make tin canteens is to retin them by the process employed on all fine stamped tinware ; that is, to retin the sides of the canteen after they have been stamped into shape and before the sides have been soldered around the edges. The process of retinning differs from the process of tinning the plate above outlined, and is as follows. No pickling is required. In retinning the article is dipped by hand : first, into hot beef tallow or palm oil ; second, into molten tin ; third, it is drawn by hand through a pot of hot oil which gives a smooth, bright surface but does not remove the tin as do the rollers in making the plate. After the tin has "set," the article is hand rubbed in flour. The coating left on the plate is equal to about 45 pounds to the i ,000 square feet, or .045 pounds per square foot, or nearly three times as much tin as is found on the surface of the average regula- tion canteen. This retinning process, or Lanz method, of making canteens pro- duces more durable ones, hence more desirable ones, than the tin- ning method. They should last three to four times as long as the regulation canteen now issued by the military establishment. They cost somewhat more, but are worth more. The Lanz Manufacturing Co. also suggests, in addition to retin- ning the flask, that either a small piece of zinc be soldered to the 144 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. inside, or that the nozzle of the canteen be made of zinc, as it is a well known fact that zinc and tin plate, soldered together, cause a slight galvanic action, which seems to prevent oxidation to some extent. If any kind of tin canteen is retained in service, the advantages to be gained by the adoption by the U. S. of the Lanz method arc unquestionable. Such is accordingly recommended, coupled with the further suggestion that this statement be referred to the Board of Ordnance, Fortification and Equipment, and also to the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A. I have inspected creamery, also cheese factory, appliances and dairy utensils at 316 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., and elsewhere, made of XXXX Charcoal tin, retinned after they had been stamped into shape by the process observed by Mr. Lanz. Some of these utensils, milk cans, separators, and other appli- ances had been in use for several years and subjected to very much the same kind of banging round that a soldier gives his canteen, but, in general, they showed only slight traces of rust, even in milk- vats submerged in moving water. The different processes of the coating of sheet metal goods and articles of iron and steel with zinc "galvanizing" them; also of tinning malleable iron, wrought iron, and steel ; also of retinning the latter ; in other words, the methods of coating with zinc and tin by immersion, are described and explained by W. T. Flanders, of Nashua, N. H., in a practical treatise, edition 1900, published by David Williams Co., 232-8 William St., N. Y. No description is known to me of processes of. covering thin plates with aluminum of tin. The difficulties of a reliable solder would not appear to apply to such. If a tenacious coat of tin could be applied to a thin sheet of aluminum of requisite strength, durability, etc., the sheets of the latter so coated can be joined as securely as in the present regulation tin canteen, it might be an improvment upon the present service canteen. In a recent communication received from the New Jersey Alumi- num Company, of Newark, N. J., the firm states : "We are for- warding you today by express two canteens made of aluminum, and all one piece, there being no seam or solder used. You will also observe that we have covered these in a crude way with felt, since you advocate not sending them naked. Our principal object now is to find out whether we have made a canteen that will stand the test such as you are liable to give it and as to whether we have caught your idea as to shape. These which we sent you would be the most HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 145 convenient to make. What we are after principally now is to find out whether we have made a canteen that will stand the test. We can readily make improvements as to covering and stoppers later on. We have spent some little money to produce these two samples and we sincerely hope that they will meet all requirements. We would thank you to acknowledge receipt and inform us later what the results are." The Indian Aluminum Company, Limited, Manufacturers and Importers of Aluminum Ware, Mount Road, Madras, British India, write as follows : "We have read your letter in the Aluminum World of February, 1901, and as there appears to be a reluctancy in coming forward on the part of some of the American manufacturers, we beg to for- ward you a sample of our 2-pint aluminum water bottle. We manu- facture many patterns of different sizes, but this is a pattern which we have supplied many regiments in India. It is made out of one single piece of aluminum, without seams of any kind whatsoever, nor is it spun or pressed as in the case of the water bottle of German manufacture. We have entirely superseded the German manufac- ture of water bottles in India, and many officers have reported most favorably on the water bottles that we have supplied their regiments with. ''We regret to state that we do not quite understand your method of testing, but if you will be good enough to point out any flaws in the sample sent you, we would esteem it a favor and be quite pre- pared to remedy the defect in our future supply. "We have made these bottles on one or two occasions of a size large enough to contain a gallon. The Indian water bottle appears to be shaped like one of the cork sections of a life preserver belt. One face is concave, so as to fit close to the body. The outer face is convex. Ends are rounded. Top has four ventilating eyelets. The whole is covered with felt, or felted cloth, the thickness and weight of which are not described. It is not stated whether or not there is an inner cover or any sub- stance between the felted cloth and the flask. It is provided with a carbine hook. See cuts No. loi-b, IO2-C. It would be improved by the addition of an openable canvas cover over the felt to retard evap- oration in hot weather. One pattern has a carry strap about its mid- dle, buttoned by overlapping on the outside. Another pattern has a leather carry strap extending over its edges, also under the bottom. The strap is held in place by four leather loops, the latter being stitched to the felted cloth cover. 146 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. The New Jersey Aluminum Co., Newark, N. J., manifests activ- ity and submits two oblong-shaped aluminum canteens, differing only in capacity, of its most recent manufacture. No seams or solder said to be used. Method of construction is not explained. In this report they are designated "MM" and "NN" respectively. Canteen "MM" Weight of naked flask, 9 and J ounces ; capac- ity 42 fluid ounces. Weight, filled, cover on and dry, 56 ounces, avoirdupois. Canteen "NN" Weight of naked flask, 7 and J ounces ; capac- ity, 38 and \ fluid ounces. Weight, empty, dry cover on, cork in, 8 and J ounces, avoirdupois. Weight, filled, cover dry, 49 ounces, avoirdupois. Both have removable single felt covers, laced up on one side only, Lanz method ; high collar. BOARD OF ORDNANCE, FORTIFICATION AND EQUIPMENT. It is submitted that the reports regarding canteens and the tests made thereof by me have shown: ist. The advantages and disad- vantages of the Lanz Canteen and cover system as compared with the Regulation Canteen. 2d. The advantages and disadvantages of the Lanz Canteen system as compared with other canteens differ- ing from it in material, construction, or shape. 3d. The suitability of the Lanz Canteen for the use of troops in campaign, in the field, or on the march. If the selection of a canteen rested with troops inured to tropical service, it is believed that they would choose the Lanz in preference to the Regulation Canteen or to any experimental canteen now under consideration. There are certain obstinate facts hard to ignore. One is ex- pressed tersely and comprehensively by Captain Alfred E. Bradley, Asst. Surgeon, Medical Dept, U. S. A., after a series of tests made at Fort Snelling, Minn., of the Regulation Canteen versus the Lanz Canteen. He writes : "The outer cover of the Regulation Canteen prevents the access of water to the felt. The felt, not being satur- ated, loses its small amount of water comparatively soon, and, with the passing of evaporation, the contents of the canteen soon become warm. The Lanz Canteen absorbs its water quickly, and its canvas cover, placed dry over the wet felt, retards evaporation and keeps the contents cool for a much longer period." This statement of fact is, in a nutshell, a substantiation of the majority of the claims of the Lanz Canteen. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 147 Success means the displacement of somebody, or something 1 , or the survival of the strongest. Naturally, the Department charged with the manufacture and issue of canteens wants to continue to make the same. It follows that tests and experiments with a device originating with any inventor should be conducted along lines of the Department rather than those formulated by the inventor as essential in order to demonstrate the superiority of his device. The Board of Ordnance, Fortification and Equipment is not cir- cumstanced to conduct canteen tests in anything like the manner in which they would be tested by a soldier in the ranks in campaign time, in any climate, hot or cold. The Board measurably relies upon tests, experiments, etc., made by those whose facilities, environments and opportunities enable them to do detail work. It is recommended that the tests, experiments and recommenda- tions regarding the Regulation Canteen versus the Lanz Canteen, and other canteens presented for use in the military service, or reported by the Inspector General, Dept. of Dakota, on dates in September, October and November, 1900, and transmitted to the Inspector General of the Army, through official channels, be referred for the consideration of the Board of Ordnance, Fortification and Equipment. TEST No. 78. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Each canteen was full. All covers were dry. All of the canteens were suspended from a trestle so that free circulation prevailed. A AA B 94 86 80 78 76 74 74 72 70 68 c c E H L Q R s T 94 86 80 76 76 74 74 72 72 68 u 7.-2C a. m +52 56 62 66 66 72 72 66 66 64 94 82 76 72 72 72 70 72 70 68 94 82 76 72 70 70 74 70 68 66 94 84 78 76 74 74 70 74 70 68 94 76 70 68 68 68 82 68 66 64 94 90 86 84 82 82 76 80 78 76 94 84 78 76 74 74 80 74 70 68 94 92 88 86 84 82 78 78 74 72 94 9 84 82 78 78 78 74 72 70 94 11 82 80 80 74 76 72 70 80 7 f 76 74 74 74 70 70 8. 35 " Q.T5 " 10.35 " 11.^5 " 12. ^5 p. m 1. 75 " 2.35 " 7.7% " 4-3S' " 148 HISTORY OP TllE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 79. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Each canteen was full. All covers w canteens were laid on a stone (gran the sun, and remained so exposed :re dry. All of the tejwindow sill, in for nine (9) hours. A A A B c c E H L Q R s T j U 7 40 am *6 4 66 68 72 1 86 82 74 60 6 4 64 68 72 74 76 78 80 80 60 64 6 4 68 72 74 76 78 80 80 60 62 6 4 66 70 M 78 80 80 60 62 62 64 68 70 74 76 78 78 60 66 66 70 74 76 80 82 80 78 60 62 62 64 66 68 70 72 72 72 60 6 4 66 68 72 76 78 80 82 80 60 62 64 66 68 72 74 76 76 76 60 62 64 66 70 72 74 76 78 78 60 64 64 66 68 72 74 76 78 78 60 60 62 62 64 64 66 66 68 68 72 72 74 76 76 78 78 78 80 78 8.40 " 0.4.0 " 10.40 ' 11.40 " 12.40 p ill 1. 4O " 2.4O " 7.4.O " 4-40 " TEST No. 80. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Each canteen was full. All felt covers were wet. Can- vas covers were not immersed. A A A B c c E H L Q R s T U 1 62 62 62 62 62 62 60 60 7 TC a m t66 68 76 78 78 80 78 72 72 72 60 62 62 64 68 72 72 72 50 58 60 60 62 62 62 62 60 60 50 58 62 62 62 62 62 62 60 58 5o 58 58 60 60 62 62 60 58 58 5 60 72 76 76 76 76 76 74 72 5 54 56 f 60 62 64 64 64 64 50 58 62 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 50 56 f 60 62 62 62 62 60 58 50 54 g 62 66 66 62 62 62 5 54 f 60 62 64 64 64 64 64 50 IS 60 60 62 62 62 60 60 8.^q " Q ^ " JO 7C " II. " " 12. "\^\ D in I.-2C " 2.n " i is 4-35 " TEST No. 81. Honr. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Each canteen was filled. All felt, or The canteens were suspended from L of the Army Building, St. Pat. tact. Free circulation of air preva other covers were wet. a trestle placed on the , Minn. Not in con- iled. A 4 6 64 66 64 62 68 M 76 74 A A B 46 58 64 6 4 62 60 62 62 60 58 C C E ~t 64 74 ^ 76 78 82 78 74 74 H L MM Q 46 58 62 64 60 62 60 60 58 58 R S T u 7.40 a.m 8 4.0 " +72 82 84 8 4 80 8 4 8 4 74 74 74 46 60 64 64 62 60 62 64 62 58 46 60 66 66 62 62 60 60 60 63 46 54 g 62 64 64 64 64 62 46 60 64 64 62 62 64 6 4 64 68 f 64 66 66 64 64 66 66 68 68 46 f 62 64 62 62 62 60 60 60 46 60 64 62 60 60 60 60 60 60 46 60 62 62 62 60 60 60 60 58 46 60 64 64 62 62 62 60 60 60 9. 4.O " . T- IO 4O 1 1 40 " 12.40 p. in I 4.0 " 2 4.O " -3. 40 " 4-40 " HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 82. 149 Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Each canteen was filled. Canteens "A" Regulation and "Q," also "R" and "S" Lanz had dry covers. All other canteens were immersed for ten (10) minutes. Open- able canvas covers were not immersed. All of the can- teens were laid on a stone (granite window sill in the sun and remained so exposed for nine (9) hours. A 48 58 6 4 72 78 82 84 86 86 86 A A ^8 f 60 64 66 70 74 78 82 84 B c c E H L 48 56 60 62 66 70 76 80 82 82 MM Q R s T u 48 56 f 62 64 68 70 70 70 70 7 AS a m +68 72 76 78 80 82 84 84 82 80 48 62 66 68 68 72 72 74 48 f 60 62 64 66 68 72 76 76 48 6 4 72 Si 86 86 84 4 8 56 58 & 64 64 66 68 68 4 8 I 8 62 64 68 72 78 82 86 84 48 11 60 64 68 72 76 11 48 54 I 8 62 66 70 74 76 76 76 48 54 56 62 66 70 72 74 76 76 4 8 t 62 66 63 7o 72 72 70 8 AS " . 9 A C " TJ .. jo /iC U,4.C " 12 AS T3 III ... I AS " 2 AC IAC 4-45 " TEST No. 83. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Each can for ten not imi from a Buildir () hou teen was filled. All canteens were immersed 10) minutes. Removable canvas covers were nersed. All of the canteens were suspended trestle placed in the sun on the roof of the Army ig, St. Paul, and remained so exposed for eight rs. A A A B c c L MM Q R s T u 62 68 68 68 62 7 AS a., m *lo 78 78 84 88 88 78 72 50 62 64 66 68 70 74 78 78 50 62 64 66 66 68 70 68 66 5 62 64 66 66 68 68 68 64 62 64 64 66 66 68 66 62 50 66 70 76 80 86 86 84 80 5 62 64 66 66 70 70 70 70 5 62 64 66 68 70 70 70 66 64 68 68 70 68 64 50 58 62 62 66 68 70 70 68 50 62 64 66 66 68 68 68 64 50 62 64 66 68 70 68 68 64 8 AS " 9.45 " IO AS " 1 1 -AS " 12. AS P. ni I AS " 2 AS " 3-45 " TEST No. 84. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. All of the canteens were filled. Each canteen was im- mersed for ten do) minutes. Openable canvas covers were not immersed Allof the canteens were then laid on a stone (granite) window sill in the sun, on the roof of the Army Building, St. Paul, Minn., and remained so exposed for nine (9) hours. A A A 5 60 66 70 70 72 72 74 76 78 B C C 5 64 72 82 88 92 86 86 86 84 L MM Q R 50 58 62 66 70 74 74 74 76 76 s 5 f 62 66 68 72 72 72 74 74 T 50 58 64 68 70 72 70 72 72 72 u Is 62 66 68 70 70 72 72 72 8. 1 S 3- ni . ... +70 72 82 88 84 84 80 84 84 80 5 62 68 72 72 76 80 82 84 84 64 70 70 72 70 7 2 72 72 50 60 64 68 70 70 70 72 72 72 64 68 70 74 76 78 80 80 5O 62 66 72 74 $ 82 50 f 62 66 68 72 72 72 74 74 Q I S " 10. 15 ' 1 1 . 1 S " 12 I S p in I . I S " 2. 1C " 7 T r " A. 1C " 5-15 " HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 85. Hour. Outside Temperature Temperature of Water in Canteens. All of the canteeus were filled. Each canteen was im- mersed for ten (10) minutes. Openable canvas covers were not immersed. All of the canteens were then suspended from a trestle in the sun, exposed on the roof of the L of Army Building, St. Paul, Minn. A A A B c c E L MM Q R s T u 7.45 a. m +80 86 92 94 100 100 100 IOO 92 90 50 68 70 72 74 82 90 94 98 98 50 6 4 68 70 72 72 78 82 86 90 50 66 70 72 72 76 76 78 76 78 5o 64 68 72 72 72 7 2 74 74 74 50 68 80 86 88 94 98 IOO 102 IOO 5 66 70 72 74 78 82 9 92 94 50 66 70 72 74 74 78 84 88 90 50 62 66 70 72 74 74 76 80 78 |0 60 6 4 68 70 76 76 80 82 82 i 66 70 74 76 76 80 80 80 i: 68 70 72 72 74 76 76 74 5 62 66 70 72 74 76 78 80 78 8.4.1; " Q.4.C " lO.A 1 ^ " II. 4^ " 12.45 p. m 1-4? " 2.41; " 7.4C " 4-45 " TEST No. 86. Hour. 7.45 a. m Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Conditions : Same as in preceding Test No. 85. A ^8 68 72 74 78 88 94 98 98 96 A A B c c E L MM ^8 68 74 76 78 80 82 88 92 92 Q ^8 64 68 72 74 76 78 78 80 80 R "? 60 66 70 74 78 80 82 82 82 s T "48 64 70 72 7 6 78 82 82 82 80 U 48 60 66 70 M 80 82 84 82 +86 9 92 96 98 104 104 104 94 94 48 66 68 72 74 76 80 88 92 94 4 8 66 70 72 74 76 78 78 78 78 48 68 70 74 74 % 11 78 4 8 70 80 88 94 IOO 102 102 9 8 94 48 68 70 74 76 80 84 90 96 94 48 62 66 70 72 \l g 80 8.41; " Q.4.C " IO.4H " 11.45 " 12.45 p. m. I-4S " 2.4.S " 7.4C " 4-45 ' TEST No. 87. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. All of the canteens were filled. All of the canteens were immersed, both covers on, for ten (10) minutes before being exposed to the sun, suspended from a trestle placed on the roof of the L of the Army Building, St. Paul, Minn. A A A B 50 62 68 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 c c E L MM Q R 50 60 64 66 68 72 74 74 76 76 s T 5 62 68 68 70 70 70 72 70 68 u 5 62 64 66 68 70 70 72 74 74 7.4^ a. m.. + 7 8 80 84 88 88 90 90 88 80 So 5 66 70 70 76 80 86 88 86 84 5 64 68 68 68 68 % 78 78 5 64 66 68 68 68 68 68 72 72 50 74 82 88 88 92 92 90 86 84 50 66 70 70 72 H 84 82 82 50 6 4 70 70 70 7 2 80 86 86 84 50 60 64 66 68 68 68 70 72 72 ^8 64 66 70 70 70 72 72 72 8.4S " 0.4. S " y TO 10.41; " ii. 4=; " I2.A< p m I.4C " 2.4^ " ^.4<; " 4-45 ' HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 88. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Conditions same as in Test No. 87. A 50 54 58 62 68 76 80 82 82 A A 50 1 f 60 64 68 72 72 B C C 50 58 i 66 68 E L MM 50 r 60 60 66 72 76 76 Q 50 54 54 56 58 58 60 62 64 Oil R s 50 54 54 56 62 66 66 66 T u 11 70 72 78 80 80 78 76 76 ON ON ON ON ONOn On On On On 4^-f^tOtoOOOONONtOO 1 64 70 72 78 80 82 82 82 80 50 f 60 62 68 74 76 76 50 54 I 62 64 66 66 50 54 58 58 62 62 62 50 54 56 56 60 62 64 04 8 45 " Q A r " 10. AC " II AC " 12 45 p m 2 AC " 3 AC " 4 4j TEST No. 89. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. All openable canvas covers were removed before immers- ing the felt covered canteens for ten (10) minutes. The dry canvas covers were then replaced over the wet felt and canteens exposed same as in Test No. 88. A A A 50 f 60 62 6 2 64 66 68 70 70 B Te g 62 64 66 66 68 68 c c 50 58 & 62 66 66 66 66 66 E 50 66 70 i 86 86 88 86 L MM 50 f 60 62 64 66 68 7o 76 78 Q 50 54 56 ? 60 66 68 70 72 74 R 5 62 62 62 64 66 68 70 72 72 s T 50 & 62 64 66 68 68 70 70 u +64 66 72 72 82 82 88 82 82 80 5 f 60 62 64 68 74 78 82 82 58 6O 62 6 4 66 70 70 76 78 50 54 58 66 68 70 70 72 5 56 58 58 60 66 68 68 68 68 8 40 " 94.O " IO.4.O " I I 4.O " 12.40 p. m 1 . 4.O " "> 4O " 'vAO " 4-40 " TEST No. 90. Hour. Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Canvas and felt covers immersed for ten (10) minutes before commencing test. A A A B C C E L MM Q R S T U 7.4C a. m. +62 62 64 60 62 60 62 6 4 66 64 56 58 58 58 58 58 60 60 52 56 1 58 60 60 On ONOn On On On On On On On 00 O 00 00 ON ON ON ON-**, to 52 54 56 56 58 58 52 f 62 58 62 62 62 60 62 64 ON ON ONOn On On On On On On O O O 00 oc oo oo ON-. to On ON ONOv On On On On On On OOO O OOOOGCONONONIO 52 52 54 56 56 56 58 58 58 60 ONOn OnOnOnOnOnOnOnOn O OO OO ON ON ON ON ON-f^ to ON ONOi On On On On On On On O O 00 00 ON ON ON ON (0 tO On ONOn On On On On On On On 00 O 00 OO ON ON ON ON-F>- to 52 54 54 56 56 56 58 58 58 58 S.AC " Q 4.C " IO.AC " 1 1 AC " 12 45 p m 2.4C " 4-45 " HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 91. Hour. 8.00 a. m. 9.00 " . 10.00 " ii.oo " . 12.00 m. . i.oo p. m. 2.00 " . 4.00 " 5.00 " . Outside Tempera tvre. +72 76 80 84 84 86 84 84 86 88 Temperature of Water in Canteens. All canvas covers removed before immersing canteens for ten (10) minutes. Canvas covers then replaced over wet felt, before commencement of test. A A A C C MM 52 f 64 66 68 68 68 68 70 70 52 52 62 62 641 64 66 68 68| 72 58 62 64 66 68 70 70 72 TEST No. 92. Hour. 8.00 a. m 9.00 " .... 10.00 " ii.oo " 12.00 m- ... i.oo p. m. ... 2.00 " 3.00 " .... 4.00 " 5.00 " .... Outside Temperature. 68 70 70 62 60 58 58 62 Temperature of Water in Canteens. Both canvas outer, and felt inner covers immersed for ten (ro) minutes before commencement of test. AAABCCE L MM Q 50 50 62 58 S^ 54 52 52 52 TEST No. 93. Hour. 9.00 a. m Out- side Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens. All canteens filled and covers dry. A 52 60 72 82 86 90 92 90 88 A A B c c E 52 6 4 80 88 92 96 94 90 90 L MM li 72 78 86 90 92 90 90 Q "i 6 4 7 o 74 80 82 84 84 R 52 58 66 M 80 82 84 84 s 52 58 66 70 76 So 82 84 84 T P 66 70 76 80 84 u 52 58 66 70 76 80 84 84 86 Y* ZT +82 84 9 92 100 9 8 9 2 9 9 52 62 70 78 86 90 90 90 90 68 74 82 86 90 90 90 n 68 76 82 88 90 90 88 70 78 86 90 90 90 90 I 2 I 2 64 64 74 72 80 78 84 84 88 86 86 84 86 86 86 86 IO OO " II.OO " 12.00 m 1 .00 p. m 2 OO " 3 OO " 4.00 " S-oo " HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. TEST No. 94. 153 Hour. Out- side Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens. All canteens filled and covers dry except Canteen "T," the covers of which wene wet. A V A B 54 62 70 72 74 74 74 74 76 76 c c 54 62 68 74 74 74 % E L 54 64 70 74 76 \\ 88 92 MM Q R s T "i 68 70 72 74 74 74 76 74 u 54 62 66 72 72 74 74 74 76 78 Y* 54 64 72 80 82 86 88 90 90 92 zf +82 86 100 100 IOO 96 98 IOO 98 92 54 64 70 72 72 11 86 9 96 54 62 68 72 72 74 74 78 82 86 54 68 78 88 9 94 94 96 96 96 54 54 66 62 7 2| 68 74| 72 76 74 76; 76 76! 76 80 76 88 ; 78 92! 78 8 6 4 68 7 ^ 76 78 80 82 68 70 72 74 74 76 78 78 54 64 72 78 82 86 86 90 90 90 8 4.0 " 9A.O " 10 40 " II AO " . I 2 40 P 111 .... I 4O " 2 4.0 " . 1 AO " 4-40 " TEST No. 95. Hour. Out- side Temp. Temperature of Water in Canteens. Conditions: Same as in Test No. 94. A 54 70 % 78 82 88 94 96 96 A A B c c E L MM Q R S T u Y* zt 7.30 a. m 8 30 " +86 9 2 IOO IOO 104 104 104 IOO 96 92 54 M 78 78 78 78 82 84 86 54 68 72 78 78 78 78 78 76 76 54 68 H 76 76 78 78 74 76 54 72 78 84 96 98 100 IOO 98 96 54 72 74 78 80 80 82 84 90 90 54 7 2 74 78 80 80 80 84 90 9 2 54 70 74 76 76 76 78 78 76 76 70 72 78 80 80 82 82 8 4 S 68 72 76 78 78 78 80 78 It 72 7 6 78 78 78 78 76 76 72 76 76 76 78 80 76 78 & 11 86 90 92 92 92 92 8 11 84 88 90 90 92 90 Q 1O " IO ^O " 1 1 TO " . I "> ^O p 111 1. 10 " . 2 ^O " 1 1O " 4-30 " ^DESCRIPTION OF CANTEEN "Y." From Messrs. Hermann, Schutte & Co., Cannstatt a Necker. Germany. Aluminum, 99% pure, drawn and pressed out of one solid piece. Mouthpiece, two pressed parts. No cover. Weight of flask, 8^ ozs. Capacity, 46 fluid ounces. Weight, filled, 57*4 ounces, avoirdupois. tDESCRlPTlON OF CANTEEN "Z." Circular Aluminum flask, made by the Griswold Manufactur- ing Co., Erie, Pa. Cast, including lug, from a wood pattern and wood core box. No cover. Weight of flask, 17-% ounces. Capacity, 52 fluid ounces. Weight, filled, 72 ounces. 154 HISTORY OF Tilt: MILITARY CANTEEN. RECORD OF CANTEEN "F." Synopsis of tests, open-air,- made at Headquarters, Department of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn., of the Newark, N. J. Aluminum Flask Circular Canteen; no solder said to be used: Covered by the Lanz method with ^-inch felt; openable canvas cover. Capacity, 44 ounces. Weight 16 ounces. Termed in this monograph, Canteen "F. " No. of Tests ." 33. Frozen in Test No. 30; also in No. 38. Test No. 33, leakage first noticed. Test No. 38 leakage established. No. of Test. . Outside Temperature. Temperature of Water in Canteen. Maximum. Minimum. Maximum. Minimum. 30 + 8 + 7 + 54 + 32 Frozen withdrawn. 31 12 10 52 32 32 14 14 56 32 33 23 20 112 32 Leaked after first hour. 34 34 3 2 no 44 35 32 116 48 36 32 25 116 42 37 40 22 1 16 5 2 38 36 3 2 100 48 Leaked. 39 42 38 94 52 " 40 H 12 96 32 " 41 28 10 98 36 " 42 26 22 94 32 43 12 4 94 32 " 44 34 14 1 06 38 " $ - 2 Zero. -10 10 74 102 32 32 47 +28 + 14 90 34 48 18 H 80 32 Frozen. 49 18 8 I3O . 34 Leaky. 24 4 50 32 51 16 S 56 32 52 H 2 I 7 8 32 " 53 28 18 1 68 38 54 30 22 170 44 55 22 8 52 32 56 38 24 50 38 57 42 32 52 42 58 18 12 54 32 " 59 2 - 4 5 2 32 " 60 20 '+ 2 170 38 u 61 20 Zero. 172 32 " 62 22 20 168 32 " Highest... + 4 2 -10 + 178 + 32 The record of Canteen "F," covering a period of thirty-four (34) days, is given in extenso in order to illustrate, practically, the thoroughness with which all tests were conducted. My tests were not based on any theory. My recommendations have been based upon the results of numerous tests under varying conditions. Aluminum and its alloys is such a satisfactory metal to make canteen flasks of if the metal could be satisfactorily soldered that I part with it with reluctance. The aluminum manufacturers have not yet, to my knowledge, succeeded in making a canteen flask that will meet the requirements of the military service. HISTORY 01' THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 155 A COMPARISON. THE REGULATION VERSUS THE LAN/ CANTEEN. Thought was applied and experiments conducted in the U. S. Army more than a quarter o.f a century ago to the solution of the question of how to keep water in a tin canteen palatable in a hot region. It resolved itself into the adoption of the present Regula- tion Canteen. The formation of judgment regarding a canteen suitable for military use is slow work. It is easy to arrive at a con- clusion regarding a device that is merely a receptacle to hold liquids in for the consumption of tourists, sportsmen, and bicyclists, on a summer outing. My conclusions are that the Regulation Canteen fails to secure the benefits of a prolonged evaporative action for as long a time as the Lanz Canteen does. The Lanz Canteen prevents rapid changes of temperature of its contents. Its shape and method of construction, both as regards the metallic flask and its components, the covers, differ from other canteens. The means, methods and principles involved, physical, mechanical and rational, are elsewhere described in this monograph. In cold weather, the dry felt is an effective non-conductor of heat. In hot weather the saturated canvas encased cover of all-wool felt applied to the filled metallic flask continues moist for a number of hours longer than any other canteen, hence possesses the merit of keeping the fluid contents cool and rehshable for a maximum period. A defect of the Regulation Canteen is that it is impracticable to easily thoroughly saturate the inner felt, or Petersham, cover. After a little field service, the outer canvas cover accumulates grease, dirt, etc., to such an extent as to become nearly water-proof, despite immersion ; hence there is little cooling action by evapora- tion. Herein one of the advantages of the Lanz Canteen applies, because it has an openable cover, whereas the Regulation cover is permanently attached, unless the stitches are cut. The musket carried by our army during the civil war period, 1861-5, could put an enemy out of action at a range of 600 yards, but the effective range of the Springfield muzzle-loader was limited as compared with the Cal. 30 U. S. Magazine Rifle, sheathed pro- jectile, with which our troops are now armed. The energy and penetration of the latter at a range in excess of two miles is known. The determination of the relative merits of the old caliber .45 small firearm of projection, as compared with the rifle at present in the hands of our soldiers, should not rest upon the limitations of the Springfield, but upon the far-reaching powers of the Krag-Jorgenson. I5 h HISTORY OF T.HK MILITARY CAXTEKtf. As il is with firearms, so it is with canteens. For a number of hours, say, six, the Regulation Canteen will, under ordinary circumstances and moderately uniform temperature, keep water as cool as the Lanz ; but, after the water absorbed by the covers of the Regulation Canteen has evaporated and the con- tents thus begun to rise in temperature, the Lanz Canteen will con- tinue to keep its contents at a lower, therefore more relishable, tem- perature than the Regulation Canteen. for Cant tens. &&rfAt/HCCe . frra.de in for As rube, , Germany, far/?i3/red fior test 6y the Lowz. Canteen Co., Chicago, 111. A full and impartial consideration of the merits of a canteen intended for use in the field, during a campaign, or on the march, cannot be said to have been effected until the canteen has been given exhaustive tests assimilating to such practical tests as would be given it by soldiers in any climate, hot or cold. My official reports show that I have given numerous canteens these tests in environments of outside temperature varying from minus ten (10) degrees F. to plus one hundred and twenty-five (125) degrees F. My conclusion and recommendation is that the Lanz Canteen warrants a trial with a view to its adoption in the U '. S. Army. HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 157 Factors to be taken into consideration in the selection of a Can- teen intended for use in the Military Service. Aluminum. ' Spun. Cast. Pressed. Stamped. Welded. Rolled, or Sheet, Metal. M \TERIAL Tin. Ebonite. \ Wood. Enameled Metal. Tinned " Galvanized " ^ Other Metals. / r Side Pieces, Ears or Single Piece * Construction . . Loops, attached to flask. Joined Pieces Loops attached to Cover. f Oval Concave-convex faces Oblong.. Covex faces. Gourd Cylindrical. Shape Bottle shaped Flat. Circular One face flat, opposite I face curved. Durability. Flask <{ \\T i . CANTEEN -<. vv eignt. Capacity. All-wool Felt. ' Inside Cover * Felted Cloth. Sponge Cloth. ( '.omponents. . . - Duck, or Canvas. Outside Cover... 1 ' Any textile fabric. Leather. - Mouth Piece. Stopper. Chain. '. Triangles, or Side Pieces. Queries. Can air-pressure be utilized in lieu of the inside water-pressure used, as stated by the Pittsburgh Reduction Co., in shaping spun aluminum canteen flasks? Will a cast aluminum flask prove as durable as a flask of spun aluminum? How can triangles, ears, lugs, or rings be substantially fastened at the sides of an aluminum flask, and thus do away with a strap around the cover? By what method is the Canteen Flask made? I5& HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. "Uber Feldflaschen und Kochgeschirre aus Aluminum. 1m Augt- rage des k. Kriegsministeriums bearbeitet von Dr. Plagge, Stabsarzt, und Georg Lebbin, Chemiker. (Canteen and cooking utensils of aluminum. Prepared by direction of the war ministry by Dr. Plagge, staff surgeon, and George Lebbin, chemist.) 100 pp. Ber- lin, 1893" : EXTRACT. "Three kinds of tests : (1) Rough, practical usefulness. (2) Durability, wearing qualities and cost from an eco- nomical point of view. (3) Question of hygiene and harmfulness or harmlessness of aluminum vessels. . The final result of these tests and trials amount to this : That neither from a practical nor from an economical point of view essential arguments against the feasibility of using aluminum field flasks exist, and that from a sanitary standpoint such flasks can be utilized without the least hesitation. * :: # :: * * * # * Regarding the rough practical usefulness, the question arises whether or not the taste of the fluid contained in the aluminum flask is in any way changed. This is not the case. Neither water, nor coffee, nor water mixed with vinegar; beer, wine, brandy (cog- nac) and other spirituous liquors, lemonade, etc., show a change in taste, particularly no after-taste of aluminum, even after the con- tents had remained in the flask for a week. Although a change in the taste of the contents of a properly cleaned aluminum flask does not occur, there are some liquids which appear to be unsuited to be kept for any length of time in such flasks. They become cloudy or muddy and cause the formation of spots or stains. Among them are, as practical tests in the army have demonstrated, brandy (cognac) which, after only twenty-four hours' preservation in the flask, particularly in a warm temperature, caused the formation of peculiar dark brown spots or stains on the inside of the flask. In order to determine the nature of the spots, tests were made with various liquors, i. e., three kinds of cognac, two kinds of Nordhauser (corn whisky), herb liquor, Dantzig Goldwater and Kuemmel. ********* These experiments proved that aluminum flasks are not adapted for a lengthy preservation of such liquids as cognac, etc., which, HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 159 although not losing particularly in taste, lose their appetizing quali- ties by becoming clouded, the discoloration being caused by loosen- ing of the stains from the flask and mixing with the liquor. This, however, hardly impairs the practical usefulness of the aluminum flask for the army. A soldier generally carries coffee or water in his flask, not liquor, the latter being, particularly on marches, at least in the infantry, expressly prohibited. Of other liquids carried in the flask, coffee, the standard drink of the marching soldier, should be considered ; but the stains created by it (amounting to the size of a pin head after 24 hours) are so inconsiderable that all practical objection will disappear when it is considered that the coffee, which in itself is not entirely clear, does not lose its taste and is generally kept in the flask for a much shorter period. Another kind of stains of whitish color in aluminum field flasks must be considered. They are caused by leaving water standing quiet in an aluminum vessel for any length of time. Although the resistance of the metal to the action of the water, and especially of distilled w 7 ater, is undoubted, yet weak solutions of salt, which are contained in most of our drinking waters, bring about the above mentioned phenomenon, after the water has remained in the vessels for hours. These stains resemble the brandy stains to a great extent, but are of a lighter color, being yellowish-white, and feel firm and sandy, while the cognac stains are of an even, loose or spongy nature. Those whitish stains also appear much slower, generally not after several days. ********* So far as the question of economy is concerned, it is to be em- phasized that the aluminum field flasks during these many and varied tests and experiments, continued for months, including their being placed in incubators and shaking apparatus (the latter imi- tating the movement of a marching soldier), have shown them- selves as very durable and strong, and that a leakage has never occurred. Whether, in this respect, they will satisfy the demands of field service, can only be demonstrated by practical carrying tests. As the softness of the metal facilitates a possibility of damage to the flask, it is a matter of importance that lately a number of sure methods of soldering aluminum have been found, which process, as is well known, was not quite successful at first." I6O HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. The Patton Paint Company, Milwaukee, Wis., (see p. 104), writes : "We have come to a point now where we desire to get hold of the canteen itself made of wood and will ask you to inform us whether you know of such a canteen already made up. If not, we shall be obliged to have a few made by some wood working com- pany, as we are now ready to give the paint a test on the canteen as it will be used in service." The Griswold Manufacturing, Company, Erie, Pa., (see pp. 48-9), writes as follows: "In reply to yours in regard to the can- teen, would say, we had to make several changes in our pattern, which delayed us in getting out the sample. We have this all fin- ished, so we will be able to make castings to-day or to-morrow, and expect to be able to send you sample for your test the very first of next week. We trust this will not be too late, and that you will hold your tests open so you can include our sample in the same. We know we can be successful in making a cast canteen all in one piece, which would certainly be much stronger than the sheet alum- inum one, and there will be no rivets projecting through, which are weak points, as it soon corrodes around the rivets. We shall cast a lug on the outside on which to fasten the ring for the strap. Trusting you can, therefore, hold the tests open, and assuring you we will send sample in a very few days, we remain," etc. Hermann, Schutte & Co., Importers and General Commission Merchants, 24 and 26 W. 4th St., New York, write as follows : "One of our friends called our attention to your article in the Aluminum World of March, 1901. We understand from this that you take great interest in aluminum articles, especially canteens for the U. S. Army, and as we represent the largest manufacturer in the world who makes a specialty of aluminum canteens and cook- ing utensils for military purposes, having supplied all the European armies and still supplying them with all they need in this line, we are sure we could give you some valuable information and success- fully compete with any manufacturer in this line of goods. We would be only too pleased to furnish you with "samples which you might test and also with lowest quotations, if you will have the kindness to inform us what you may need to make your test, and also give you any other information which might possibly interest you and which we are in a position to furnish." The above mentioned firm Messrs. Hormann, Schutte & Co. again write : "We confirm our previous letter and have taken tin- HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. l6l liberty of sending you a sample of an aluminum canteen, which we just this moment received from our manufacturer. 'This canteen has heen drawn and pressed out of one solid piece of pure aluminum plate, 99 per cent pure aluminum. "The mouthpiece consists of two pressed parts to give strength to the neck. "In case that this canteen should, in your opinion, not have resist- ance enough, it is easy for the manufacturer to make them out of a heavier plate with a thicker wall. "The size, shape, etc., the manufacturer would be willing to make absolutely in accordance with your instructions. "Kindly test this canteen thoroughly and see whether the same would come in every respect up to your expectation and answer your purpose thoroughly. "We would be much obliged to hear from you." Messrs. Herm. Weissenburger & Co., Cannstatt a. Necker write as follows : "We thank you for your kind favor of loth instant, but not seeing our way to compete successfully with the U. S. manufacturers on account of heavy duty, we have decided to keep back, although the order would suit us very well. "We have invented a new helmet, a combination of Aluminum, leather and Pegamoid, light and rigid, perhaps with this article, which we can protect in the U. S., we shall have better luck. We shall send you a sample later." The Griswold Manufacturing Company, Erie, Pa., (see also pre- ceding pages 48-9 and 87), write again: "We are shipping you by American Express today, prepaid, sample of cast Aluminum flask. We are sending you this flask without any cork, as we were in a great hurry to ship it to you. Did not have time to make the metal trimmings and chain that you would require on the cork. These small details we can easily fix any requirements you would want. "This flask was tested with water pressure of 50 pounds to the square inch. It stood the test all right, except we bent out the flat side slightly. Would say, this flat side is a little thinner than the other. "This flask was cast from just a wooden pattern and wood core box. It is difficult to hold the core exactly true. If we should make them we would use metal patterns and core boxes, and fit up so they would come exact even thickness, and we hope then to get them a trifle lighter. l62 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. "Of course, we understand the flasks would have to be furnished with felt or cloth covering, we presume also the chains and straps, but our idea in sending you this bare sample is to get your opinion whether a cast flask is practical, and if there would be any chance of it being adopted. If so, we stand ready to go ahead at once and get up a more perfect sample, equipped with all details, coverings, etc. "This flask, of course, is heavier than one made of sheet alumi- num, and we did not know but the weight would be against it. On the other hand, it is a good deal stronger, and there are no rivets through the same where the chains are fastened on, which is a very weak point on a sheet aluminum flask, as the water will immediately begin to corrode around the rivet heads. "Also, there are no joints or soldered places in the flask. We trust this will reach you in time for you to include it in your report, and we await with interest your reply. "We stand ready to make any changes, and to furnish you with completely fitted up sample, as you may request. "We also believe this flask is a little larger than the regulation requirements." The Indian Aluminum Company, Limited, Madras, British In- dia, (see page 77), writes again as follows: "Since the dispatch of our letter of the 2ist ultimo, we have received the copy of the Aluminum World for March and have read with much interest your letter, wherein we note that the articles submitted to you for test are experimented with until they are practically destroyed. We cannot claim that our water bottles are indestructible, but we cor- dially invite the severest test and we feel sure that in the matter of strength and durability our goods will compare most favorably with those manufactured anywhere else. We also note your sugges- tion that naked flasks should not be sent to you, but here we would point out that any covering that we could put on them would have to be imported by us, and this would materially add to the cost, whereas should you decide to place an order with us we have no doubt that some firm in America would undertake the cover with material to be approved of by you. As it has occurred to us that the sample we sent you was rather small, we are now sending you a second bottle, to contain three pints." The real way to find out the merits of a canteen is to carry it and depend upon it for the fluids that you drink. The man who carries the canteen is usuallv indfferent as to its HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. 163 material or construction and ignorant as to its theories, principles, or components. He is a judge of results, though, just as a marks- man knows what the effectiveness of his rifle is, when he has become accustomed to the practical use of the firearm. The average man is more interested in what the canteen does than in what it is. He has no reliable means of proving what it is, but he needs no advice to tell him what it does. He makes no experiments or comparative tests ; he has no opportunity to do so. He accepts the canteen issued to him as the best type and product of its class. He knows that water from the Regulation Canteen may be usable without being relishable or palatable. If given a chance to test the Regulation Canteen with the Lanz Canteen, it is believed the veteran would pronounce the latter a success. Until the arc-electric or incandes- cent electric lights came we. never knew what flying animals were in the air, but we then found myriads of strange bugs immolated beneath the lights. Just as illuminating gas was superseded by the electric light, an improvement is demanded in the shape, construc- tion and material of the Regulation Canteen. There are two ways in which to fully and impartially consider the merits of any article of equipment intended for a soldier's use. One preliminary way is to master in a workmanlike wise the practical details of its materials, construction, and principles in- volved. The other way is to assume in postulatory kind of wise that certain results will follow a certain theory or conception. But these reasoning processes or conclusions are sometimes proved untenable, or erroneous, by practical demonstrations. When these presumed conclusions are upset by the results of practical test, experiment or trial, the winner is entitled to the benefit. In these canteen tests something more than tentative methods have been practised. Every canteen has been placed on trial, and judg- ment and recommendations succeeded, not preceded, the trial. The conclusion is that the Lanz method is the best type for the military service. An opinion to the contrary expressed by any one who has not practically and thoroughly tested all of the devices, but entrenches himself behind an opinion as a fortress, is not entitled to weight. Human labor cannot supply what nature has denied, but can simulate it. A good canteen is a necessity for which a soldier in the field would willingly exchange such luxuries in life as clothing, tobacco and solid food particularly if he is a hunter who has 164 HISTORY OF THE MILITARY CANTEEN. drank from cool springs of icy water hidden away in dark crevices in glades where shadows are never broken by the sun. The ways in which the Regulation Canteen may be made the vehicle for the transportation of an impure water supply are shown, in part, in the quoted letter from Mr. Joseph A. Steinmetz. Outbreaks of malarial fever have followed the use of impure water. The Regulation Canteen aids .to spread infection, because, as a water carrier, it can carry the germs of fever., and because of the practical impossibility of sterilizing its contents by the soldier in the field. The substitution of a canteen differing in material, construction and shape, would partly obviate these dangers. The Patton Paint Company, Milwaukee, Wis., (see p. 104), writes again as follows: "Canteens of wood, if they can be rendered absolutely impervious to w 7 ater and so treated that they will give no taste to liquids which they hold, will be found more satisfactory than canteens made of metal or of any composition which would be practicable for service. "We are conducting a series of experiments which lead us to be- lieve that we have found a process of treating wood in such a way that a canteen turned out of a solid block can be coated on the inside with our special preservative paint and will resist the action of water, tea and coffee, giving no taste, and holding at an equable tempera- ture any liquid which a soldier would be using in active service. "These experiments, while they convince us of the possibility of fulfilling all the conditions to be met in actual use, will need some six months longer to enable us to guarantee the permanency of re- sults which must be obtained if we are to back our statements with the reputation of the Patton Paint Company. "The advantages of wood for holding water are obvious. Wood is among the best non-conductors of heat. It is stiff and hard, hav- ing considerable strength for resisting strains, blows and jars, with sufficient elasticity to resume its shape after undergoing almost any treatment but that of being crushed or broken. "In tropical climates wood canteens will be found to keep the water and other potable liquids at a lower temperature for a longer time than tin, iron, or any other metal (whether enameled or other- wise). "In resistance to cold, wood' has equally high efficiency. It will withstand the freezing temperature better than any other substance of which canteens could be made. "The only objection to the use of wood for making canteens is HISTORY OK THK .UIUTARY CAXTEEN. 165 lliat it is affected by the liquids that it contains. All liquids contain- ing water permeate the pores of natural wood and under this influ- ence the fibers rapidly undergo deterioration. The wood decom- poses slightly if it has no chance to dry out and soon begins to taste cf organic matter. After continued use, unless it is frequently washed and sterilized, the taste of the liquid contained becomes so unpalatable and the odor so unbearable that the wooden vessel must be discarded. - "In the special paint which we are making for covering the inside of wood canteens w^e claim that we have obviated all the difficulties which could be urged against the making of canteens from wood, and that we have retained all the advantages of the wood canteen and also those of an iron canteen which is enameled. "The wood with changes of temperature will not expand and contract as iron does, to the extent of chipping and cracking the coating. "In other respects the wood canteen, with inside coating of our enamel paint specially prepared for this purpose, will answer all the requirements of an enameled metal canteen and will at the same time preserve all the advantages of the old-time wooden vessel. "This paint will be found to be absolutely impervious to water. Tea and coffee will not affect it, and liquids used in it will not taste as they would of an ordinary paint. A beverage containing a small amount of alcohol will do it no harm. The paint will stand any temperature from 150 degrees F. to far below the freezing point. The paint which we have recommended for this purpose we have carefully prepared to withstand any possible changes to which a canteen would be subject in the army service, from Arctic to tropical climates. "Hot tea and coffee could be poured into this canteen and would not affect it adversely unless kept for a long time at a temperature exceeding 150 degrees. "In fact, where a soldier can stand the exposure, either to heat or cold, this canteen can be used, we believe, with perfect satisfac- tion. "We shall be glad, if this matter is taken up in future, to submit to yon the results of our experiments in this line, and shall hope to see the wooden canteen adopted in the United States Army." Mr. E. Dederick, of 2016 Cherry St., Milwaukee, Wis., writes: "I read in the Milwaukee Sentinel that you are trying to arrange for a preparation for lining the inside of a wooden canteen. I have a preparation which when applied either to wood or iron forms a l66 HISTORY OF Till: 'MILITARY CANTEEN. coating like stone; this can be made any color except white; its natural color is slate. I have it in refrigerator boxes, where it has been used for the last seven years and is as good now as when first put on. It can be used for a great many things : covering for refrigerator pipes, to keep them from corroding; lining between double floors to keep them from leaking ; also on vats that are liable to leak a coating of this does the business. "If this should interest you, if you write me I will send you some samples on wood and iron and you can test them/' The Patton Paint Company, of Milwaukee, Wis., writes again as follows : "The basis of my argument in favor of the paint which we recommend for wood canteens rests upon the fact that the paint is applied to wood rather than to any metal surface. If the same paint were applied to metal, it would act in much the same way as enameled metal-ware acts. It would chip, crack and scale with the expansion and shrinkage of the metallic surface upon which the. enamel is baked. "The great weakness of all enameled metal-ware is the fact that the enamel is applied to a substance which has a much larger co- efriciency of expansion than a substance which, like wood, is com- posed of fibers brought together and amalgamated under the law of growth and which has therefore intercellular spaces which take up the larger portion of motion that would ensue upon expansion of the fibers and therefore expand, when they do so, more slowly than the metal, which, from its lack of intercellular spaces, must at once yield to the force acting upon it in either enlarging or reducing the molecular orbit. "The immediate result of the chipping and cracking of the en- amel is that the liquid is admitted to immediate action upon the metal, which oxidizes and permits still further disintegration of the enamel, which in this way starts the process of undermining the enamel covering, so that chips are set free and small and large quantities are allowed to escape with the water, to be swallowed by the soldier. "Serious trouble could arise in the way of poisoning if the enamel were composed, as is frequently the case, of white lead, which is more or less soluble, and which might easily affect the soldier, inde- pendent of the swallowing of small particles or chips loosened from the enamel covering. "The excessive weight of enameled metal as compared with can- teens made from wood, aluminum or tin, does not come so much from HISTORY OF THE M.IL1TARV CANTEEN. l6/ the enamel itself, as from the weight of the metal upun which it is super-imposed." 1 am indebted to the Western Felt Works, 787 to 797 South Canal St., Chicago, Ills., for the formula and the process methods of a test for determining the amount of wool in felt, or any wool, or part wool, fabric. It should be known to every inspector of covered canteen flasks, or of woolen clothing or material furnished for the use of the com- batant land or naval forces of the United States. In courtesy to the company the test cannot here be given. Sponge belongs to the vegetable kingdom. Mixed with an ani- mal product wool the resultant compound sponge-felt may be open to some objections ; perhaps resembling those found, prac- tically, by the French navy when cellulose, composed of the ground fibre of the cocoanut, was tried, in compressed form briquettes to close the openings made and prevent the inflow of water, even if penetrated by projectiles the protection of buoyancy method, so called. As sponge grows in the water, and is used wet, it is at its best when wet ; should be offered for sale wet. Sponges, when dry, are hard, rough and easily torn ; when wet, sponges are much less easily torn. The difference between sponge and fish-glue and gelatine in dried and soaked state applies to sponges. The strongest sponge is easily torn by pulling across the grain. The fair test is with the grain everything has a grain. Wooden columns support buildings when placed with, or along, the grain, but wood across the grain can easily be broken. 'WE'VE DRUNK FROM THE SAME CANTEEN. BY MILES O'REILLY. There are bonds of all sorts in this world of ours : Fetters 'of friendship, and ties of flowers, And true lovers' knots, I ween. The boy and the girl are bound by a kiss, But there's never a bond, old friend, like this, We have drunk from the same canteen. CHORUS. The same canteen, my soldier friend, The same canteen; There's never a bond, old friend, like this, We have drunk from the same canteen. l68 HISTORY OF TIN-: MILITARY ( "ANTEEN. It was sometimes \\UUT, and sumctiincs milk, SomctiiiK's apple-jack, fine as silk: lint whatever the tipple has been, \Ye shared it together in bane or bliss, And I warm to yon, friend, when I think of this, \Ye have drunk from the same canteen. The rich and the great sit down to dine, And quaff to each other in sparkling wine. From glasses of crystal and green ; But I guess in their golden potations they miss The warmth of regard to be found in this, We have drunk from the same canteen. We've shared our blankets and tent together, And marched, and fought, in all kinds of weather, And hungry, and full, we've been. Had days of battle, and days of rest, But this mem'ry I cling to, and love the best, We have drunk from the same canteen. For when wounded I lay on the outer slope, With my blood flowing fast, and with little hope, On which my faint spirit might lean, Oh, then I remember, you crawl'd to my side, And bleeding so fast, it seemed both must have died, We drunk from the same canteen. Upon the recommendation of the Inspector General, U. S. Army, the publication of the foregoing report was authorized by the Honorable, the Secretary of War, under date of 27th April, TQOT. Lieut. -Colonel & Inspector General, U. S. V (Major 4th U. S. Infantry), Inspector General, Dept Dakota. YC 03038