SB 3 fl 7 M 3 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING FOR GRAMMAR SCHOOLS ARRANGED BY CAROLYN H. BRADLEY State Normal School SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA CD *tf CNJ in C\J CALIFOBNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE '1915 GIFT F SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING FOR GRAMMAR SCHOOLS ARRANGED BY CAROLYN H. BRADLEY State Normal School SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE 1 Dl 5 HF ,01 PREFACE. After reading many courses of study, I find it is not the intention of the county boards to turn out experts in bookkeeping, but to give the pupils a knowledge of the fundamentals of the subject. Any pupil, graduating from our elementary schools, should be able to keep a cash account, a personal account, and single ledger accounts. He should be able to make out plain invoices and statements, and to distinguish between debit and credit transactions. In addition, and this is the most important, he should understand the proper form of ordinary business papers, such as checks, receipts, notes, certificates of deposit, due bills, and various forms of orders and business letters. Single entry in nearly all the counties (there are but two or three exceptions) takes precedence over double entry. In fact a system that will enable the pupil to keep simple accounts is all that our elementary schools can give. The single page cash book, and a ledger on journal paper are most frequently advised. Bookkeeping that is not accurate is condemned as useless, and teachers are urged to emphasize accuracy and neatness. The books most often used for reference are : "First Lessons," Williams and Rogers, American Book Co. ; "First Book in Business Methods," Feller & Brown, Rand, McNally Co. ; "Bookkeeping and Business Forms," Witter, C. A. Witter, Redlands, Cal. ; "Comprehensive Bookkeeping," Bogle, McMillan Co. I have printed sample examination sets from the different counties, in order that you may see just what is required. No teacher who knows but the bare .rudiments of a subject can awaken any interest in that subject. It seems hardly fair to the county to study each night a subject perfectly foreign to you and next day to give the results of your uncorrected study to your pupils. Many a graduate has encouraged a boy or girl to work on a set of books outside of school hours and has corrected this set in his spare moments. Others have supplemented an inadequate salary by "straightening out" the book of the "country store" during the evenings or on Saturday. Your work depends on yourself. After the simplest principles are mastered the rest is yours to do or to leave undone. CAROLYN H. BRADLEY. May, 1915. 314080 EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED. One who buys on account is called a Debtor, and one who sells on account is called a Creditor. It is customary to abridge the words and write Dr. for Debtor, and Cr. for Creditor. On the Dr. side of an account we frequently write the word To to indicate indebtedness to us from the person named in the account. We write the word By on the Cr. side of an account to indicate indebtedness by us to the person named in the account. Any kind of value belonging to us is called a resource and any debit owed by us is called a liability. All written or printed obligations usually notes and drafts not payable at sight, for which a certain specified amount is to be received by us are called Bills Receivable. All written or printed obligations usually notes and drafts not payable at sight, for which a specified amount is to be paid by us, are called Bills Payable. A bill of merchandise in which all the articles are enumerated, with the price of each article, is called an invoice. A schedule of unsold articles or goods, estimated at their known cash value, is called an inventory. Coin and all business paper payable at sight, as Bank Notes, Checks, Drafts, P. O. Orders, etc., are called Cash. The Balance of an account is the excess of one money column over the other. Footing Lines are the single lines, usually drawn with red ink, under the money columns to be added. Closing Lines are the double lines, usually drawn with red ink under an account when the account is closed. CASH BOOK ACCOUNTS. Every person should keep a Cash Book. It is customary in actual business to balance this account daily, but the student may balance weekly or monthly as he chooses. It would aid the beginner if he would look upon "Cash" as a person. When money is received or paid in, Cash is debited because it passes into Cash's hands; and when money is paid out Cash is credited, because Cash supplies the money that makes the payment. The left-hand column is for cash received, or "Cash Dr."; the right- hand column is for cash paid out, or "Cash Cr." Enter in the left-hand column the cash on hand and every receipt of cash, and enter in the right-hand column every cash payment. In a double page Cash Book use opposite pages. When you wish to "balance" or close your Cash Account, add the money columns, subtract the total payments from the total receipts, and enter the balance in red ink in the right-hand column. Draw your closing lines, and bring down under the left-hand column, in black ink, this balance, which is the cash on hand for the continuation of business. 6 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Cash Account of Raymond Perry. Jan. 1, 1883, cash from father, $3.50. Jan. 2, paid 50 cents for a folder, and 75 cents for stationery. Jan. 6, received $1.50 for three days' work storing wood. Jan. 8, paid $1.25 subscription to Youth's Com- panion. Jan. 10, received $1.25 for a baseball mask. Jan. 13, paid $1.10 for a hat. Jan. 15, balanced my account and find $ on hand. Jan. 18, received $2.75 for hauling apples to market. Jan. 20, paid 75 cents for ammunition. Jan. 22, paid $1 for gloves. Jan. 25, received $2 for cleaning yard. Jan. 26, paid $1.50 for "Shoes of Happi- ness." Jan. 27, received 75 cents for six pigeons. Jan. 28, paid 60 cents for repairing shoes. Jan. 30, balance on hand, $ Albert Brown's Account (Cash). Oct. 1. Cash on hand $1,840 25 Oct. 2. Paid for butter 10 20 Oct. 3. Paid for stationery 6 25 Oct. 4. Paid A. Smith, for account books 12 50 Oct. 5. Received for sales 125 00 Oct. 6. Paid for carriage hire 4 50 Oct. 6. Paid clerk's salary 50 00 Oct. 8. Received of J. G. Green, on account 16 80 Oct. 9. Paid gas bill 5 60 Oct. 10. Paid for merchandise 240 00 Oct. 11. Received for sales 110 40 Oct. 12. Paid for repairing store Oct. 13. Received of John Jones, on account 20 00 Oct. 14. Paid for coal 12 50 Oct. 16. Paid clerk's salary 50 00 Oct. 18. Paid for rent of store 70 00 Oct. 19. Received for sales _' 96 10 Oct. 20. Paid for clothing 28 50 Oct. 21. Paid for merchandise 110 80 Oct. 23. Paid for drayage 16 40 Oct. 24. Received for Mary Mead, on account 23 80 Oct. 25. Paid Bailey & Co. for books 10 20 Oct. 28. Paid for hay _ 12 00 Oct. 30. Balance on hand. Robert Smith's Account With James Dean. April 30, 1914. Worked for the farmer, Robert Smith, 6 days at $2.50 per day. 6th. Received cash $8.50. 12th. Repaired barn and charged $16. 14th. Received 300 Ibs. potatoes at 1^ cents per Ib. 16. Repaired fence and charged $8.75. May 3d. Received cash, $10. 7th. Received vegetables valued at $2.75. 26th. Repaired tools and charged $7.75. June 10th. Received cash $15. 15th. Worked on fence 5 days at $2.50 per day. 21st. Received cash, $10.50. 24th. Received 20 Ibs. bacon at 15 cents per Ib. 26th. Charged him with 5 days' work on house at $3 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 7 per clay. July 5. Worked 3^ days on barn at $3 per day. 10th. Re- ceived cash $6.50. 11 th. Received 18 Ibs. ham at 20 cents per Ib. 18th. Worked three days repairing gates at $2.50 per day. 24th. Re- ceived cash, $5.50. Balance the account July 30th, and bring down the balance. Transactions of a Farmer. January. 1. Cash on hand $1.20. Poultry on hand worth $35. 2. Sold Grace Mason on account 5 cords of wood at $4.50. 3. Bought of James Owen for cash store $20. 5. Paid repairs on wagon $1, shoeing horses $2.50. 6. Sold James Owen on account 2 tons of hay at $8, and bought of him on account dry goods $7.50. 15. Received cash of Grace Mason on account $10. Paid taxes on the farm $28.20. 20. Bought of Grace Mason on account groceries $4.80. 25. Paid cash for 10 turkeys at $4. 30. Feed for poultry this month is worth $1.25, and their care is worth $3. February. 2. Sold 50 boxes pears at 30 cents. 5. Bought of Grace Mason on account groceries $6.45. 20. Paid cash for overcoat $16.50. Sold 5 head hogs for cash $63. 28. Have used 5 doz. fresh eggs worth 22 cents per doz., and have sold to Grace Mason on account 20 doz. eggs at 23 cents. Feed for poultry this month is worth $1.50, and their care $3.25. March. 1. Engaged Herbert Hunn, to do general farm work for me till Aug. 1, at $20 per month and board. 15. Bought of G. Mason on account sundry groceries $9.55. 31. Have used 10 doz. eggs worth 20 cents per doz., and have sold for cash 30 doz. at 22 cents, and 10 doz. at 21 cents. Feed for poultry this month is worth $1.25, and their care $2. Paid cash for lumber to repair poultry house $5. Herbert Hunn has lost 3 days time at 70 cents, and I have given him an order on James Owen for dry goods $10. April 15. Bought of G. Mason on account groceries $7.05; and sold him on account 10 sacks of potatoes at $2.00. 20. Paid H. Hunn cash on account $10. 30. Feed for poultry this month is worth $1.25, and their care $2. Have sold 40 doz. eggs for cash at 15 cents, and 20 doz. to G. Mason on account at 12^2 cents. Have used 10 doz. eggs at 12^ cents. H. Hunn has lost 2 days' time at 70 cents, and I have given him an order on G. Mason for $5. SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Model Cash Book for a Farmer. 1915 Rec'd Paid Jan. 1 Amount on hand 120 00 3 Paid James Owen 20 00 Paid repairs on wagon 1 00 Paid shoeing horses 2 50 15 Rec'd of Grace Mason on account 10 00 Paid taxes on farm 28 20 25 Paid for 10 turkeys at $4 40 00 Feb. 2 Rec'd for 50 boxes pears 15 00 20 Rec'd for 5 head hogs 63 00 Model for General Account for a Farmer. 1913 Dr. Cr. Jan. 1 Present value 35 00 30 Feed $1.25, care $3 4 25 Feb. 28 5 doz. eggs, family use, 22 cents 1 10 20 doz. eggs, Grace Mason, 23 cents 4 60 Feed $1.50, care $3.25 4 75 Mar. 31 10 doz. eggs, family use, 20 cents 2 00 30 doz. eggs, cash 22 cents 6 60 10 doz. eggs, cash 21 cents 2 10 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 9 Exercises in Statements. On Aug. 1, Herbert Smith began business with Cash on hand, $1725. At the end of the month his merchandise unsold is valued at $580. Cash on hand $735. Clyde Scott's account, debit $275, credit $120. Harry Jackson's account, debit $865, credit $220. S. E. McCurdy & Co., debit $950, credit $1125. Chrisman & Lee, debit $638, credit $550. Burton Moody began business, Sept. 1, with a net capital of $5420. On Dec. 31, his Cash on hand was $1250, merchandise unsold $3274. Bartle & Co.'s account, debit $1150, credit $100. Chester Barker's account, debit $1825, credit $900. W. H. Ferguson's account, debit $500, credit $1400. Henry Matthews' account, debit $350, credit Paul Brown began business without capital. At the end of the year he had Cash on hand $580.40, merchandise unsold valued at $672.25. B. E. Loehr's account, debit $321.50, credit $228.60. Roy Creighton's account, debit $223.70, credit $110.15. Hobart Birk's account, debit $97.65, credit $82.45. A Camber's account, debit $125, credit $916. F. Plummer's account, debit $200, credit $883.30. A merchant began business with Cash on hand $550. At the end of the month his cash account showed a total debit of $968.35, and credit $875.90. Robert Ferguson's account, debit $632.50, credit $427.25. A. E. Crook's account, debit $1050.20, credit $835.50. G. E. Shearer's account, debit $312.40, credit $200. H. Castle's account, debit $650.80, credit $200. I. M. Fisher's account, debit $328.35, credit $150. A and B are partners. A invests $300, B invests $600. When the books are closed at the end of the year, the Cash on hand is $265.50; merchandise valued at $530.40; store fixtures $200. J. Bachman's account, debit $214.25, credit $78.20. Geo. Boehmer's account, debit $54.50, credit $35.15. W. Lynn's account, debit $342.45, credit $164.30. Chester White's account, debit $485.75, credit $524.40. Exercises in Checks. 1. Write your check on the Garden City Bank, payable to Students' Loan Fund, State Normal School, for $50. Date, present time. 2. You owe R. S. Smith $150. Pay him by check on First National Bank. 3. You have received a check from Vera Gilmore for $157.50, payable to your order. Write a copy of this check and indorse it in full to Clara H. Smith. Receipts. 1. Samuel Gordon owes you $180. He pays $150 on account. Write receipt. 2. Lois Salsman owes you $900. She pays you the entire debt. Write receipt. 2 180S5 IO SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 3. Cecilia Spain has requested you to examine her account, make out a statement of what she owes you. Make out the receipt you would give her for the payment of amount due you. Due Bill. 1. You owe Frank Fisher $4.00. Give him an order for that amount payable in apples. 2. Write a due bill which shows Elizabeth McFadden owes you $20 and has given you a due bill payable in money so worded that it is negotiable. Edwin Boyle's Account. March 3. Edwin Boyle began business with cash on hand $630.20, merchandise valued at $742.60, and real estate valued at $4650. March 4. Sold merchandise to Mary Adams on account, $525.50. March 5. Bought merchandise of Paul Brown on account, $936.45. March 6. Paid for repairs on store, $14.50. March 7. Sold merchandise for cash, $415.75. March 8. Received $28.50 as commission for selling goods. (Debit Cash. Credit loss and gain.) March 10. Sold merchandise to John Kelley on his note at 5 days, $372.65. March 11. Received Cash of Mary Adams on account, $220. March 12. Bought merchandise of P. J. Hudson on our note at 10 days, $382.75. March 13. Paid Paul Brown Cash on account, $430. March 14. Sold merchandise to C. R. Campbell on his note at 30 days, $261.75. March 15. Received Cash in payment of John Kelley note due this day, $372.65. March 17. Sold merchandise for Cash, $350. March 18. Bought merchandise of Frank Norton on our note at 60 days, $285.50. March 20. Goods not insured, valued at $23, have been lost by fire. March 22. Paid our note to P. J. Hudson due this day, $382.75. March 24. Sold for Cash our entire stock of goods for $1200. March 24. Sold real estate for Cash, $4500. Make statement and close Prop, account. L. C. Thomas's Account. May 4. L. C. Thomas has on hand a stock of goods valued at $4270.35, also cash on hand and in the bank, $278.45. May 4. Sold to T. J. Roberts on account, 1 washing-machine, $5.25; 1 galvanized tub, $1.50; 5 gals, molasses at 60 cents, $3.00; 1 sack wheat, $4.75. May 5. A. R. Wheeler, a carpenter, has made certain repairs in the store for which we have credited him $38.75. May 6. Received Cash from petty sales, $87.30. SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. II May 7. Bought on account from Nathan, Dohrmann & Co., chinaware and crockery, per invoice, $137.60. Paid freight and transfer on same, $11.25. May 8. Sold to Mrs. Wm. Patterson on account, 8 Ibs. codfish at 12 cents, 96 cents ; 3 bottles salad dressing at 23 cents, 69 cents ; 8 yards alpaca at 95 cents, $7.60. May 9. Bought of Thomas Dorsey two horses, valued at $260. Paid him cash, $60, and gave him our note at 20 days, for $200. May 11. Sold to T. J. Boone on account, 2 bushels rock salt at 45 cents, 90 cents; 1 can asparagus, -35 cents; 1 straw hat, $1.75; 2 pairs silk stockings at $1.50, $3.CO. May 12. Gave A. R. Wheeler an order on T. J. Roberts for $10. May 14. Received Cash for petty sales, $72.60. May 15. Have ordered goods from Hale & Banner, wholesale dealers, as follows: 5 Peerless ice cream freezers; 12 screen doors, 3x6; 10 spades (long handles) ; 5 kegs nails, 8's ; 3 kegs nails, 10's. .Write the order for these goods. May 16. Received of Mrs. Wm. Patterson on account, $5.00. May 18. Loaned Paul Nye $50.00 and received his note at 30 days. May 19. Sold T. J. Roberts on account, 1 rake, 75 cents; 1 patent mop, $1.25; 1 rocking chair, $3.75. May 20. Received Cash for petty sales, $49.80. May 22. Paid Nathan, Dohrmann & Co. on account, $120. May 23. The goods ordered on the 15th have been received, and we have credited Hale & Banner for $79.25. Paid freight on goods, $4.60. May 25. Received for petty sales, Cash, $96.40. May 26. Sold to T. J. Boone on account, 1 small table, $4.75 ; 1 Bissell carpet sweeper, $3.25 ; 2 pairs shoes at $2.00, $4.00. May 27. Bought of D. W. Harray on account, a two-seated wagon, $125. May 29. Gave A. R. Wheeler an order on T. J. Boone for $15. May 29. Paid our note of the 9th, to Thomas Dorsey, due this day, for $200. May 30. D. W. Harray has given Peter Wiggins an order on us for groceries in our store to the value of $8.50, which has been filled. May 30. Paid Hale & Banner, in full of account, $79.25. May 30. Received Cash from petty sales, $127.30. Required a statement. A Tailor's Account. April 3. James Anderson began business with a stock of goods on hand valued at $975.40 ; also Cash on hand and in bank, $327.80. April 4. Sold for Cash, 1 coat and vest (ready made), $14.50. April 5. Paid for coal, 2 tons at $4.75. April 6. Bought of Brown Bros, on account, an invoice of goods amounting to $142.75. April 7. S. C. Wallace has ordered a suit of clothes, $32.50, to be finished Tuesday, the llth, and has paid a deposit of $10 on same. .12 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. April 8. Sold to James Adams on account, 1 suit (ready made), $18.50. Received of him $12 in part payment. April 10. Paid workman's wages, $7.50. Received order from Joseph Reed for 1 spring overcoat, $24, to be finished Thursday, the 13th. April 11. Delivered to S. C. Wallace his suit, ordered on the 7th. Received the balance due on same, $22.50. April 12. Paid rent for April, $50. April 13. Delivered to Joseph Reed an overcoat, ordered on the 10th. Received from him Cash on account, $15. April 14. Received for Cash sales, $38.40. April 15. Robert Patterson has ordered suit, $28.50, to be finished Tuesday, the 18th, and has paid a deposit of $5 on same. Paid work- man's wages, $10.50. April 17. Paid Brown Bros., Cash on account, $75. April 18. Delivered to Robert Patterson his suit, ordered on the 15th, and received his check in full for balance due, $23.50. April 20. Charged James Adams, for cleaning and repairing suit of clothes, $3.50. April 22. Drew Cash for private use, $20. April 24. Bought from Brown Bros, on account, 1 piece serge, 28 yds. at $1.25. April 26. Sold to Joseph Reed on account, 1 pair trousers (ready made), $5.50. April 27. Received for Cash sales, $24.80. April 29. Sold to Robert Patterson on account, 1 pair trousers (readj made), $6. Paid workman's wages, $12. Inventory of goods on hand, $1132.40. A Farmer's Account. Transactions of Andrew Hogan, a farmer : March 1. Cash on hand, $27.45. March 2. Bought of Wm. J. Parsons, 1 bbl. flour, $6.25 ; 20 Ibs. sugar at 6 cents. March 4. Sold for Cash, 1 ton hay, $14. March 6. Paid for repairing wagon, $3.25. March 8. Sold to Wm. J. Parsons, 12 bu. potatoes at 60 cents ; 4 doz. eggs at 22 cents. March 9. Credited Alfred Knox for one week's work, $6.60. March 11. Paid State and County taxes, $21.70. March 13. Credited Geo. Brown for shoeing horses, $2.30. March 15. Sold for Cash, 3 bbls. apples at $2.90. March 17. Bought of Wm. J. Parsons, 1 pair boots, $4.75; 10 yds. sheeting at 18 cents. Paid him $3 on account. March 18. Paid Alfred Knox on account, $5. March 20. Paid traveling expenses to city, $3.85. March 22. Sold for Cash, 1 yoke of oxen, $58. March 23. Credited Alfred Knox for 4 days' work at $1.10, $4.40. SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 13 March 25. Sold Wm. J. Parsons on account, 20 Ibs. butter at 21 cents; 7 doz. eggs at 20 cents. Bought from him 3 gals, molasses at 38 cents ; 6 yds. flannel at 40 cents; 3 gals, kerosene oil at 15 cents. March 27. Credited Geo. Brown for mending plow, $1.50. March 30. Paid for medicines, $1.35. March 31. Sold for Cash, 10 bu. potatoes at 65 cents. Required a statement. MODEL SET 1914-15. Courtesy of JAMES B. DAVIDSON, Superintendent of Marin County Schools. SAUSAUTO, July 1, 1914. Commenced business with Cash, $3000; merchandise, $4000; auto express wagon, $725. J. .Wilson owes me $450. I owe J. Jones $500. 2 Sold James Smith 10 sacks of flour at $2.10, 2 sacks of sugar at $5.50. He paid Cash $15. V Deposited in bank $2000; bought $1500 worth of merchandise from Bowen & Co. ; paid them Cash $2CO, gave them a check for $500 and my note for $600. 3 Sold N. Watson 20 sacks potatoes at $1.10; 10 Ibs. coffee at 35 cents; 10 gals, molasses at 25 cents ; 3 Ibs. tea at 40 cents. 4 Sold L. Harper $250 worth of merchandise. He gave me his note for $120. 5 Sold S. Turner 25 sacks onions at $1.95; 5. .sacks of flour at $2.10. Received Cash, $17.50. 6 Paid the clerk $15; telephone $2.40. 7 Sold J. Ross merchandise to the amount of $425.75. He paid Cash, $240. 8 Bought an 'office desk for $42.50. 9 Sold for Cash merchandise to the amount of $429.70. Bought for Cash merchandise $75.50. 12 Sold C. A. Miller 200 Ibs. peaches 4 cents ; 500 Ibs. apricots at 3 cents and 50 sacks flour at $2.10. He gave me his note for $100. 14 SUGGESTIVE: EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 13 Bought of Bowen & Co. $50 worth of merchandise. Gave them a check for $40. Cash sales, $247.50. 14 Sold J. Smith $127.50 worth of merchandise. Sold N. Watson mer- chandise amounting to $925.40. He gave me his note for $725. 16 I paid $200 on my .note of the 2d. L. Harper paid $70 on his note of the 4th. C. A. Miller paid his note of the 12th in full. Cash sales, $197.50. 17 Received Cash on account of James Smith, $91.40; L. Harper paid $75 on his account. 18 Sold N. Watson $500 worth of merchandise. He paid $625.35 on account. Cash sales, $405.40. 19 The Student drew $15 for private use. Debit Student with this amount. Gave Bowen & Co. my check for $140. 20 Bought some store fixtures of A. B. Stone for $147.50 and gave my note for same. 22 J. Ross paid $92.40 on his account. L. Turner paid $19.70. Paid J. Jones $340.50. Inventory, merchandise, $2500; inventory, auto, $720. SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Journal. Sausalito, July 1, 1914. 1 Cash Invested Cash $3,000 00 1 To Student n $3,000 00 2 Mdse. Invested Mdse. 4,000 00 1 To Student }y 4,000 00 3 Expense Put an auto express in business 725 00 1 To Student n 725 00 3 J. Wilson Wilson owes me 450 00 1 To Student )y 450 00 1 Student We owe J. Jones on account 500 00 3 T. J. Jones 500 00 2 4 T. Smith Sold Smith Mdse. 32 00 2 To Mdse. 32 00 M 1 Cash Received Cash 15 00 4 To Smith n 15 00 4 Bank Deposited in bank 2,000 00 1 To Cash m 2,000 00 2 Mdse. Bo't Mdse. of Bowen & Co. . 1,500 00 4 To Bowen & Co. M 1,500 00 4 Bowen & Co. Paid them Cash 200 00 1 To Cash n 200 00 4 Bowen & Co. Gave them my check 500 00 4 To Bank n 500 00 4 Bowen & Co. Gave them my note 600 00 5 To Bills Pay. . 600 00 3 5 N. Watson Sold Watson Mdse. 29 20 2 To Mdse. 29 20 4 5 L. Harper Sold him Mdse. 250 00 2 To Mdse. }J 250 00 5 Bills Rec. Received his note 120 00 5 To Harper 120 00 5 6 S. Turner Sold him Mdse. 59 25 2 To Mdse. M 59 25 1 Cash Received Cash on account 17 50 6 To Turner 17 50 6 5 Expense Paid clerk $15 ; telephone $2.40 17 40 1 To Cash 17 40 $14,015 35 $14,015 35 i6 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Am't forward Sausalito, July 7, 1914. $14,015 35 $14,015 35 6 2 J. Ross To Mdse. Sold Ross Mdse. 425 75 425 75 1 6 Cash To Ross Received on account 8' 240 00 240 00 3 1 Expense To Cash Bo't office desk 42 50 .42 50 1 2 Cash To Mdse. Sold Mdse. for Cash 429 70 429 70 2 1 Mdse. To Cash Paid cash for Mdse. 75 50 75 50 6 2 C. A. Miller To Mdse. Sold Miller Mdse. 128 00 128 00 5 6 2 4 Bills Rec. To C. A. Miller Mdse. To Bowen & Co. He gave his note 13 Bo't Mdse. of Bowen & Co. 100 00 50 00 100 00 50 00 4 4 Bowen & Co. To Bank Gave them my check 40 00 40 00 1 2 4 2 Cash To Mdse. J. Smith To Mdse. Sold Mdse. 14 Sold Smith Mdse. 247 50 127 50 247 50 127 50 5 2 N. Watson To Mdse. Sold him Mdse. 925 40 925 40 5 5 5 1 Bills Rec. To N. Watson Bills Pay. To Cash Rec'd his note 16 Paid on my note to Bowen & Co. 725 00 200 00 725 00 200 00 1 5 Cash To Bills Rec. Harper paid on his note 70 00 70 00 1 5 Cash To Bills Rec. Miller paid his note in full 100 00 100 00 1 2 Cash To Mdse. Cash sales to date 197 50 197 50 1 4 Cash To J. Smith Rec'd Cash on account of Smith 91 40 91 40 $18,231 10 $18,231 10 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Am't forward 17 Sausalito, July 17, 1914. $18,231 10 $18,231 10 1 Cash 5 To Harper 5 X. Watson 2 ToMdse. Paid on his account 18 Sold him Mdse. 75 00 500 00 75 00 500 00 1 Cash 5 To N. Watson He paid Cash 625 35 625 35 1 Cash 2 ToMdse. 1 Student 1 To Cash Sold for Cash, Mdse. 19 Student drew out Cash 405 40 15 00 405 40 15 00 5 Bowen & Co. 4 To Bank Gave them my check 140 00 140 00 3 Expense 5 To Bills Pay. 1 Cash 6 To J. Ross Bo't fixtures and gave my note 147 50 22 Rec'd from Ross on account 92 40 147 50 92 40 1 Cash 6 To L. Turner Rec'd Cash from Turner 19 70 19 70 3 J. Jones 1 To Cash Paid Jones on account Ledger. 340 50 340 50 $20,591 95 $20,591 95 1914. W July 31 Prcs. W Student. 1914. 1 $500 00 July 1 4 15 00 "1 orth 8079 30 J 1 T *i //ii i T 1 1 1 1 Net Gain Pres. Cap. $3000 00 4000 00 725 00 450 00 4 T 9 3 juiy ji $8594 30 $8594 30 Aug. 1 $8079 30 i8 SUGGESTIVE; EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Cash. July 1 5 7 8 13 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 22 22 Aug. 1 Balance July 1 " 2 " 8 13 July 31 Gain Aug. 1 Inventory 1914. July 1 " 8 " 19 Aug. 1 Balance July 1 Aug. 1 Balance 1 $3000 00 July 2 1 15 00 " 2 2 17 50 " 6 2 240 00 " 8 2 429 70 " 8 3 247 50 " 16 3 70 00 " 19 3 100 00 22 3 197 50 July 31 Balance 3 91 40 4 75 00 4 625 35 4 405 40 4 92 40 4 19 70 $5626 45 $2735 55 Mdse. 1 $4000 00 July 2 1 1500 00 " 3 8 75 50 4 3 50 00 " 4 631 70 4 " 8 " 8 " 13 14 " 14 " 16 " 18 18 July 31 Inventory $6257 20 $2500 00 Expense. 1914. 1 $725 00 6 17 40 July 31 Inventory 31 Loss 2 42 50 4 147 50 $932 40 $720 00 J. Wilson. 1 $450 00 July 31 Balance $450 00 $450 00 $2000 00 200 00 17 40 42 50 75 50 200 00 15 00 340 50 2735 55 $5626 45 1 $32 00 2 29 20 ? 250 00 2 59 25 2 425 75 2 429 70 2 128 00 3 247 50 3 127 50 3 925 40 3 197 50 4 500 00 4 405 40 2500 oo .$6257 20 $720 oo 212 40 $932 40 $450 oo $450 00 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 19 July 22 July 31 John Jones. 4 $340 50 July 1 Balance 159 50 1 $500 00 $500 00 $500 00 Aug. 1 Balance $159 50 1914. July 2 14 J. Smith. 1914. 1 $32 00 July 2 3 127 50 16 July 31 Balance 1 $15 00 3 91 40 53 10 $159 50 $159 50 Aug. 1 Balance $53 10 Bank. July 2 1 $2000 00 July 2 " 13 19 July 31 Balance 1 $500 00 3 40 00 4 140 00 1320 oo $2000 00 $2000 00 Aug. 1 Balance $1320 00 Bowen & Co. July 2 " 2 " 2 " 13 19 July 31 1 $200 00 July 2 1 500 00 " 13 1 600 00 3 40 00 4 140 00 Balance 70 oo 1 $1500 00 50 00 $1550 00 $1550 00 Aug. 1 Balance $70 00 1914. July 16 July 31 Bills Pay. 1914. 3 $200 00 July 2 Balance 547 50 19 1 $600 00 4 147 50 $747 50 $747 50 Aug. 1 Balance $547 50 N. Watson. " 18 2 $29 20 July 14 3 925 40 "18 4 500 00 July 31 Balance 3 $725 00 4 625 35 104 25 $1454 60 $1454 60 Aug. 1 Balance $104 25 2O SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. L. Harper. July 4 2 $250 00 July 4 2 $120 00 17 4 75 00 July 31 Balance 55 oo $250 00 $250 00 Aug. 1 Balance $55 00 Bills Rec. July 4 2 $120 00 July 16 3 $70 00 " 12 3 100 00 16 3 100 00 14 3 725 00 July 31 Balance 775 oo $945 00 $945 00 Aug. 1 Balance $775 00 L. Turner. 1914. 1914. July 5 2 $59 25 July 5 $17 50 " 22 19 70 July 31 Balance 22 05 $59 25 $59 25 Aug. 1 Balance $22 05 J. Ross. July 7 2 $425 75 July 7 2 $240 00 " 22 4 92 40 % July 31 Balance 93 35 $425 75 $425 75 Aug. 1 Balance $93 35 C. A. Miller. July 8 2 $128 00 July 12 3 $100 00 July 31 Balance 28 oo $128 00 $128 00 Aug. 1 Balance $28 00 Loss and Gain. July 31 $212 40 July 31 $631 70 July 31 Net Gain 419 30 $631 70 $631 70 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 21 Balance. Aug. 1 Cash $2735 55 Aug. 1 Jones $159 50 1 Mdse. 2500 00 1 Bowen & Co. 70 00 1 Expense 720 00 1 Bills Pay. 547 50 1 Wilson 450 00 Aug. i Prcs. Cap. 8079 30 1 Smith 53 10 1 Bank 1320 00 1 N. Watson 104 25 1 Harper 55 00 1 Bills Rec. 775 00 1 Turner 22 05 1 J. Ross 93 35 1 Miller 28 00 $8856 30 $8856 30 Balance Sheet July, 1914. Model Set Dr. Cr. Res. Lia. Loss Gains Student $515 00 $8175 00 Cash 5626 45 2890 90 $2735 55 Mdse. 5625 50 3757 20 2500 00 $631 70 Expense 932 40 720 00 $212 40 J. Wilson 450 00 450 00 J. Jones 340 50 500 00 $159 50 J. Smith 159 50 106 40 53 10 Bank 2000 00 680 00 1320 00 --- Bowen & Co. 1480 00 1550 00 70 00 Bills Pay. 200 00. 747 50 547 50 N. Watson 1454 60 1350 35 104 25 I,. Harper 250 00 195 00 55 00 Bills Rec. 945 00 170 00 775 00 I/. Turner 59 25 37 20 22 05 J. Ross 425 75 332 40 93 35 C. A. Miller. 128 00 100 00 28 00 Net Gain 419 30 Pres. Worth 8079 30 $20,591 95 $20,591 95 $8856 30 $8856 30 $631 70 $631 70 22 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Questions for the Examination of Applicants for Teachers' Certifi- cates, Monterey County, December, 1914, Courtesy of GEORGE SCHUI.TZBERG, Superintendent. Bookkeeping. Jan. 1, 1914. Began business with cash, $230. Jan. 2. Bought merchandise on my note, $820. Jan. 3. Sold merchandise to Peter Ball on account, $125. Jan. 4. Sold merchandise, on note, $360. Jan. 5. Bought merchandise of J. M. Collins, on account, $730. Jan. 6. Received note of Peter Ball on account, $80. Jan. 8. Paid interest due in cash, $6.95. Jan. 9. Sold merchandise for cash, $70. Jan. 10. Received cash on notes, $440. Jan. 10. Received cash for interest, $10.20. Jan. 11. Paid cash on note, $740. Jan. 12. Paid interest in cash, $3.25. Jan. 14. Sold merchandise on note, $425. Jan. 15. Sold merchandise for cash, $190. Jan. 16. Gave J. M. Collins note on account, $240. Jan. 17. Received cash for interest due, $12.80. Jan. 18. Peter Ball gave me note on account, $60. Jan. 20. Paid cash for set of books for store, $14.40. Jan. 20. Paid interest in cash, $9.20. Jan. 23. Paid on note of 2d inst, $75. Jan. 26. Sold merchandise on account to Peter Ball, $230. Jan. 30. Received cash on notes, $485. Jan. 30. Received interest in cash, $20. Jan. 30.- Sold merchandise on account, $105. Jan. 30. Paid freight bill in cash, $35. Jan. 30. Paid salary of clerk, $50 cash. Bought for cash 3 cords of wood at $8 per cord for store. Bought 20 bbls. flour- at $4 per bbl. on account. Merchandise inventory, $609. Enter accounts correctly in cash book and journal, post to ledger, make trial balance, close ledger accounts and make a statement of resources and liabilities. Use your own name as the proprietor. SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 23 BOOKKEEPING SET NUMBER THREE As per Board of Education. Courtesy of PERLE SANDERSON, Superintendent of Schools, Colusa County. COLUSA, March 1, 1915. John Smith began business with the following resources and liabilities : Merchandise $5,000 00 Cash 2,000 00 O. Robinson, account 250 00 J. Baum, account 300 00 He owes L. L. Hicok 400 00 and E. Weyand 200 00 Mar. 2. Deposited in Colusa County Bank, $500. Mar. 3. Sold Fred Ohrt merchandise, $40 on account. Mar. 4. Sold O. Robinson, on account, merchandise $35, and received from him cash on account $60. Mar. 5. Bought from J. Baum, merchandise, $80 on account. Mar. 6. Sold L. L. Hicok, merchandise, $90 on account. Mar. 7. Sold E. Weyand, merchandise, $120 on account. Mar. 8. Sold Ed. Graham, merchandise, $80 on account. He gave Smith an order on L- L. Hicok for $40. Mar. 9. Sold O. Robinson, merchandise, on account $85. Mar. 10. Received an order from Joe Baum on E. Weyand for $60 to apply on Baum's account. Mar. 11. Sold Sam Small, merchandise, $90 on account. Mar. 12. Bought of E. Weyand, merchandise, $80 on account. Mar. 13. Sold E. Graham, merchandise, on account $90. Cash sales, $80. Mar. 14. Bought of Smith & Co., merchandise, $80, and gave them a check on Colusa County Bank for the amount. Mar. 16. Sold L. L. Hicok, merchandise, $150 on account. Mar. 18. Received an order from J. Baum on- L. L. Hicok for $90 to apply on Baum's account. Mar. 20. Sold E. S. Holloway 50 yards carpet at $2 per yard. He paid $50 cash, balance on account. Mar. 21. Paid cash for advertising, $80. Cash sales, $90. Mar. 22. Sold O. Robinson, merchandise, $75 on account. Mar. 23. Sold J. Baum, merchandise, $130 on account. Mar. 24. Sold E. Weyand, merchandise, $95, and he paid cash on his account, $60. Mar. 25. Bought bill of merchandise and gave my check for same on Colusa County Bank, $60. Mar. 26. Sold Fred Ohrt, merchandise, $120; he paid $80 cash, bal- ance on account. Mar. 27. Sold E. S. Holloway, furniture, $85 on account. Mar. 28. Deposited in Colusa County Bank $600. Mar. 29. Sold Sam Small bill of merchandise, $100. He paid $60 cash, balance on account. 24 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Mar. 30. Sold E. S. Holloway, merchandise, $140. He paid $80, bal- ance on account. Mar. 31. Took an inventory, found merchandise, $3,400.00. Write the order received from Joe Baum, on E. Weyand. Bookkeeping Diploma. Courtesy of GEORGE UNDERWOOD, Superintendent of Humboldt County. EUREKA, California, May 1, 1912. Student commenced business with resources and liabilities as follows : Cash, $3500; note of J. B. Lynd for $175, due in 15 days; account against W. S. Moody of $240. Student owes Brown Bros, on account, $160; and C. N. Doane holds his note for $90, due the 30th inst. Bought of Brown Bros, stock of merchandise amounting to $2796.50, paying cash $2000, and balance on account. May 2. Sold Wm. Hoist for cash, 10 sacks of sugar, at $6.50; 20 sacks potatoes, at $1.25; 10 cases kerosene for $70. May 3. Sold Sarah Keys on account, 1 sack sugar, $6.75 ; 5 gallons kerosene, $1.75; 1 sack potatoes, $1.30. May 4. Bought of J. L. Lewison invoice of merchandise amounting to $565.20, paying cash. Sold merchandise for cash, $360. May 5. Sold S. C. Jones 100 sacks of sugar at $6.40; 10 sacks of coffee at $34 per sack. Terms, 3 per cent discount in 10 days. May 7. Paid clerk's salary in cash, '$25 ; rent, $10. Sold 100 sacks of potatoes at $1.15 per sack to Wm. Hoist on account. May 8. Paid Brown Bros, cash on account, $500. May 9. Sold Upton Smith 10 sacks of coffee at $34 per sack. Terms, 10 days. May 10. Bought of J. L. Lewison invoice of merchandise, $1216.25 on account. May 11. -Received cash in full of Sarah Keys, $9.80. Paid cash for miscellaneous expenses, $14.80. May 12. Sold F. L. Austin on note at 30 days a bill of merchandise amounting to $876.40. May 14. Paid Brown Bros, cash on account, $200. May 15. Received cash S. C. Jones for bill of 5th inst., $980, less the discount of $29.40. May 16. Received of Upton Smith cash on account, $200. May 16. Paid J. L. Lewison cash on account, $1000. Sold Wm. Hoist on account 100 scaks of potatoes at $1.20. May 18. Received of Wm. Hoist cash for $115 in payment of bill of 7th inst. May 19. Drew $100 for private use. May 21. Received cash for J. B. Lynd's note of 1st inst., $175. May 22. Received cash on account of W. S. Moody, $150. May 23. Sold Upton Smith on account 100 sacks of sugar at $6.45. May 24. Bought of Brown Bros., at 10 days, merchandise amounting to $896. SUGGESTIVE: EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. 25 Inventories: Merchandise, $2212.75; expense, $10. Journalize, post, make statement showing resources and liabilities and net gain or loss, and close the ledger with proper ruling. Neatness and legibility will count for much. Bookkeeping. (Wednesday, 9 to 12. 50 Credits.) Courtesy of DAN H. WHITE, Superintendent of Solano County Schools. May, 1914. 1. Write a letter to the Emporium, San Francisco, ordering five different articles, enclosing a check for the same. 2. Define a certificate of deposit and write one. 3. Write to a business firm applying for a position as bookkeeper, stating your previous experience, and naming two references. 4. Write a due-bill. Write a receipt for money paid on account of rent. 5. Enter the following in Day Book, Ledger and Cash Book. Make a statement showing the net gain or loss : J. R. Jones of Suisun began business Oct. 1, 1910, with the following assets: Cash, $1200; merchandise, $1200. Oct. 2. Sold John Hammond 60 cords of wood at $6 ; 25 sacks coal at 80 cents. Received cash on account, $250. Oct. 3. Bought of Geo. Young & Co. 150 cords of wood at $5.50; 30 sacks coal at 65 cents. Paid cash $350, balance on account. Oct. 4. Paid rent of store, cash $60. Oct. 5. Sold C. Corning on account 60 gals, gasoline at 15 cents; 10 cords wood at $6.50. Oct. 6. Bought of Standard Oil Co. on account 200 gals, gasoline at 8 l / 2 cents; 150 gals, kerosene at 23 cents. Oct. 7. Paid cash for shoeing horse, $1.50, and for repairing and painting wagon, $25. Oct. 8. Cash sales of merchandise for week, $400. Oct. 9. Sold John Hammond 100 gals, gasoline at 12^ cents ; 25 gals, kerosene at 30 cents. Oct. 10. Paid clerk for the week, $25. Oct. 11. Sold R. Smith 8 cords wood at $7. Oct. 11. Paid Standard Oil Co. cash for invoice of Oct. 6. Oct. 13. Bought a horse for $150. Oct. 14. Cash sales of merchandise, $150. Merchandise on hand per inventory, $1500. 26 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. For Graduation. (Bookkeeping.) Courtesy of GEORGE SCHULTZBERG, Superintendent of Monterey County Schools. May, 1914. Journalize and post the following transactions, using your own name as proprietor : SALINAS, CAL., Dec. 1, 1913. Engaged in the furniture business, under the following conditions: Invested cash, $1500; promissory note for $1000 signed by W. P. Spencer, in my favor, dated Nov. 1, 1913, due two months after date, with interest at 6 per cent ; stock of furniture valued at $6500. I owe Smith & Taylor on account, $1000. Dec. 2. Sold M. Fillmore on Jiis .note at three months., without interest, 1 set enameled furniture, $75 ; 1 do. mahogany, $275 ; 1 rose- wood bureau, $100. Dec. 3. Sold J. Truman for cash, 1 walnut settee, $50 ; 1 library table, $20; 6 parlor chairs, at $5. Dec. 4. Paid for labor, cash, $50 ; sold A. W. Smith, on account, 1 brass bedstead, $30 ; 1 extension dining table, $45 ; 6 dining chairs, at $3; 1 mantel clock, $32. Dec. 5. Received cash of A. W. Smith on account, $25 ; paid Smith & Taylor cash on account, $500; paid cash for rent, $50; sold E. Holland for cash, 1 marble top dresser, $75; 1 cherry bedroom suite, $125. Make a Trial Balance and write out the notes referred to in the set. MODEL SET A. Actual questions given by- Siskiyou County board December, 1914. Courtesy of W. S. PARKER, Superintendent. Bookkeeping Eighth Grade. W. B. Smith commences business this day by investing: Cash, $1600; merchandise, $1450. He owes M. E. Grant $95 on account. Nov. 2, bought merchandise from Dean & Co., $145; paid cash, $60; balance on account. Nov. 3, paid for wood, $8.75 ; stationery, $3.50. Cash sales, $98.50. Nov. 4, paid M. E. Grant $40 on account. Nov. 5, sold Fred Martin merchandise for cash, $120. Nov. 6, thieves stole merchandise from store, $25. Paid freight charges, $8.90. Nov. 8, sold J. W. Bird merchandise, $165 ; received cash, $75 ; balance on account. Nov. 9, gave $10 to a cheritable institution. Ten cash sales $215. Took inven- tory and found merchandise $1000. SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Cash Book. Nov. 1 Investment $1600 00 2 Dean & Co., on account $60 00 3 Wood 8 75 3 Stationery 3 50 3 Sales 98 50 4 M. E. Grant, on account 40 00 5 Merchandise 120 00 6 Freight charges 8 90 7 J. W. Bird, on account 75 00 9 Charitable institution 10 00 9 Ten sales 215 00 $2108 50 $131 15 Balance en hand $1977 35 $2108 50 $2108 50 Balance $1977 35 28 SUGGESTIVE: EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. November, 1915. 1 1 W. B. Smith Cr. $3050 00 Cash $1600 00 Mdse. 1450 00 1 ft W. B. Smith Dr. 95 00 Acc't due M. E. Grant 1 M. E. Grant Cr. 95 00 Bal. of acc't 1 2 Dean & Co. Cr. 145 00 Mdse. 1 Dean & Co. Dr. 60 00 Cash on above purchase 1 4 W. B. Smith Cr. 40 00 M. E. Grant on acc't 6 Memorandum 25 00 *Mdse. stolen by thieves 1 7 J. W. Bird Dr. 165 00 Mdse. 1 J. W. Bird Cr. 75 00 Cash on above purchase 1 9 W. B. Smith Dr. 10 00 Cash for private use *NoTE. Since this amount has decreased the inventory by $25 no record is made of this in single entry ledger. In double entry ledger, as it is a direct loss, debit the Loss and Gain account and credit Merchandise. SUGGESTIVE; EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Ledger Model Set A. W. B. Smith. Nov. 1 M. E. Grant 1 95 00 Nov. 1 Investment 1 3050 00 9 Cash 10 00 Net loss 17 65 Pres. worth 2927 35 3050 00 3050 00 Pres. worth 2927 35 M. E. Grant. Nov. 4 Cash 1 40 00 Nov. 1 Bal. of acc't 1 95 00 Balance 55 oo - 95 00 95 00 Balance 55 00 Dean & Co. Nov. 2 Cash 1 60 00 Nov. 2 Mdse. 1 145 00 Balance 85 oo 145 00 145 00 Balance 85 00 J. W. Bird. Nov. 8 Mdse. 2 165 00 Nov. 8 Cash 2 75 00 Balance go oo 165 00 165 00 Balance 90 00 SUGGESTIVE EXERCISES IN BOOKKEEPING. Statement of Resources and Liabilities. RESOURCES Inventory 1000 00 Personal accounts, receivable 90 00 Cash, balance of Cash Book 1977 35 Total Resources 3067 35 LIABILITIES Personal accounts, payable 140 00 My present worth Investment 3050 00 2927 35 Due M. E. Grant 95 00 Draw by M. B. Smith 10 00 Net Investment 2945 00 Net Loss 17 35 Bill Form. Miss Gertrude Rowell 222 South 14th St., To HARRISON P. SMITH, DR. Terms May 9, 1915. 2 Tire holder straps .20 40 1 Double tire lock 75 1 Safeguard oval mirror 1 75 1 Model D Schebler carburetor 9 25 4 Goodrich inner tubes 37x4^2 4.20 16 80 28 95 Cr. by cash Bal. due 10 00 18 95 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY AN INITIAL PINE OP 25 CENTS YC 25248 HI UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY