BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA J. A. MEREDITH. Cycleman. A. IT. MEREDITH, Builder. MEREDITH BROTHERS, Bicycle * Builders * and * Repairers AND AGENTS FOR HIIGKEI "WHIIEIELS. Wire Work, Sewing Machines, Organs, Gasoline Stoves and Lawn Mowers. ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 200 W. SECOND SOUTH, A Fine Chance for Investment t CORKER & CO Heal Estate and Investment Brokers, MINING STOCKS AND MINES BOUGHT AND SOLD 251 S. Main St., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. P. O. BOX 70S. OPPOSITE WALKER HOrSK. Twenty years residence in the city, with n large personal uc- i|uaintau. <> assist ucw comers in securing bargains or engaging in bv American and Foreign Patents. Western Agency Established in 1883. J. FRED. CORKER, P. O. Box 708. SOLICITOR OF PATENTS. Office, 251 S. Main. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. J ames , |^c[jonald(,an(iy(] o MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Fine Cream Bon Bons, Chocolate Creams, Quick Selling Penny Goods and Prize Novelties. STRICT ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. 268 and 27O MAIN ST. J: M. CHEISTENSEN, Wholesale Produce Dealer FRESH EGGS A SPECIALTY. -.'(k from Shippers. Consumers can ahva for the host th- Markrts ulTonls. 59 East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. No. 131 to 145 State Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED - Agricultural Implements, Machinery, Ats Vehicles, Engines, FINE ASSORT- MENT OF BUGGIES, CAR- RIAGES & EXPRESS. DELIVERY WAGONS, ROAD CARTS, PHAETONS AND ELEGANT PLEASURE VEHICLES. .. JAS. W. SANDERS. JOII\ C AJIPBELT,. SANDERS&CAMPBELL WOOL BOUGHT OR II A X I>IJK1> OX 4 OM ^1 ISSIO\. P. 0. Box 1534. Correspondence Solicited. Office in Rear of \o. It W. south Temple St., Salt Lake City. TURKISH BATHS Give a Wonderful Effect, in fact tlie Elixir of Life, and Benefit all who make the Trial. R E:\IE BUSIER THE 127 EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET, JUST EAST OF THE KNUTSFORD HOTEL. II. L. BEAVER, Manager, SALT LAKE CONSTRUCTION CO. FRASER & CHALMERS, CHICAGO. L. C. TRENT, / Salt Lake City, Mali, rii >I;ui;m>r, \ Helena, lloiilana. Mining^Maclrinery, Machinery for the Systematic Reduction of Ores by Amalgamation, Concentration, Smelting and Leaching. Builders ol'tlic Honiostake, Granite Mountaiii, Priim l.uni- 111011, \iia< oiKla. Blue Kird, Lexiiiylon aiui l{j-3letalli<- Companies'* Reduction Work*. Hoisting Engines, Geared and Direct Acting, Prospecting and Development Hoists. Builders of Improved Air Compressors and Wire Tram- ways, Frue Vanning Machines and Embrey Concentrator. MOTORS. SOLE WESTERN AGENTS FOR LIDGERWOOD HOISTING ENGINES, And Tyler wire Works Doulle-Criijefl Minim Clotl. Electric Light Plants, Diamond Core Prospecting Drills, Electric Elevators, Concentration Mills, Rand Rock Drills and Compressors, Otis Elevators, Knowles' Pumps, ROOT BLOWERS, Kinpland and Douglas Saw Mills, Shay Patent Locomotives, TELEPHONE 147. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Driver * srcantilB * Co, E, R. CLUTE, Manager, (SUCCESSORS TO BAILEY & SON AND H. L. DRIVER.; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Green and Fancy Groceries, Hay, Grain ani 214 MAIN. ST, (Opoiite Wuttcb Block,) We will make Family Trade a Specialty. All (roods at IJoUom 1'rices for Cash. -Try us before purchasing- Elsewhere. B. K- BLiOCH & CO, PflBST B^EWIflG CO , 9, 11 13, 15, 17, 19 Commercial Street T T^AJKE CITY, POST OFFICE BOX 640. SEARS & JEREMY CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PRODUCE, and Garden Seeds, A Specialty. TELEPHONE 266. 60 Richard St., 8RLT LAKE CITY, UTKH, P. HANSEN, MANAGER. THE NEW NORDEN GROCERY CO. 68 East First South Street. OHOX03E3 C3rH.003E3H.-y. SCANDINAVIAN GrOOI>S A. SFECI A.LTY. Herrings, t u< hovis. Salt Salmon, Mackerel, Scarper, .Kriiigler, Hard Jack, Goat Clieese, Muse Clieesej Sn'iss Cheese, NEW YORK TAILORS, S. E. RITCHIE & CO., flo. 17 East Third South Street. I- 1 NEST IMPORTED and DOMESTIC GOODS AT POPULAR PRICES. Style and Fit Guaranteed. 3,000 SAMPLES IN LATEST NOVELTIES. R. E. EVANS. JAMES KING, JR. & 5 36 South Main St., Salt Lake City, and East Mill Crook, Salt Lake County. FLORAL DESIGNS AND IMMORTELLES A SPECIALTY. ORDERS BY MAIL OR TELEPHONE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN H. FREEMAN, Wliol.'siil.' iiinl Retail D.-al<-r in Fresh and Sail Water Fish, 779 E. FOURTH SOUTH ST. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. B. & 0. TRANSFER CO., Pifrnitilre I/an, Office, 47 West Second South .St. TELEPHONE 586. B. D. BLACKMARR, MANAGER. C. H. CROW% Manufacturer of and Dealer in TEAK, BD55T and EXPRESS HARNESS, - ffl^-^^-^^ TRATED Stuck and Ladies' Saddles a Specialty. WHIPS, SPURS, ETC. Repairing Done Neatly and Cheaply. All k Warranted. The Genuine Uncle Sam's Harness Oil Always on Hand. ! FIRST SOITH ST.. SALT LAKE CITY, ITA1I. B~rPIT n P-? DEQYER-CpLP.*- 'Sth.lfiOfi. Thisdav Ifirst. r ' crn oceaus." ZEBCLON PIKE. H. T, WHEELER Do you want to know about the Rocky Mountains ? Are you interested in Ethnology ? ^^ Do you like good Literature ? || Are you curious about the Cliff Dwellers ? * j A re you fond of Flowers ? / Have you a leaning towards Geology ? Do Minerals interest you ? Would you like to study Crystals ? Is there anything about the West you want to know ? Do you want to know how Gold end Siluer is found ? 1 II JL A ji J rf J-J JL-I L 1 j East Side Baker; and Confectionery, CAKES,, FIRS AND PINE" CANDIES, FRESH BREAD DAILY. 511 East Third South Street. 4% f\ Send One Dollar for a year's IL XII subscr 'P tiOn > which Includes % 1 1 a Premium Cabinet of 20 W Rocky Mountain Minerals, all described. OR, send IO cents for a sam- ple copy. Address THE GREAT DIVIDE PUB. GO. Denver, Colo. MERRICK HOUSE, 155 East Third South St. and Furnished. Rooms at Reasonable Rates by the Day, Week or Month. MRS. E. MERRICK, PROPRIETOR. TELEPHONE 351. Jos. WM. TAYLOR. SALT LAKE'S PRACTICAL UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER I Have the most Complete Undertaking Establish- ment in the United States. Fine Funeral Chapel, Private Parlor, Show Room. Store, Horgiies, ami every eonvenieiiee the business calls for, with the most complete Stock of Funeral Supplies the market affords, at reasonable prices. 19-21-23 South West Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY. ELIAS MORRIS, Builder and Contractor, . . . MANl'FACTriJKR OF . . . Fllli: HUH K. ITiSTKR IV4KIS. \BESTI\I] STOM: t\i> WATER FIFES or AI.I, KI\I>S. / Mosaic Tile for Floors, Wainscotting, Counter Tops, Etc. , Mantels, Grates, Tiles, Monumental Work. Office of PIONEER PATENT ROLLER MILL CO. No. 21 WEST SOUTH TEMPLE STREET. BEEBE'S ART STORE Flct/ure for Oil. Wator < olor. Tapestry. C'liiiia Painting. Klc. Wood and Oullils lor Pyrography or llurnt Wood Etching. OF PYROGRAPHY TAUGHT. STUDIES FOR RENT. v tc v Order. Kast First South Street. ^ SALT LAKE GITY. '. I,. I, A MB. Mine. E.A of PRENGH MILLINERY 55 JS/lSLin Street, Latest Novelties a Specialty. SAI/T I.AliK CITY 1. T. JIOl.VT. J. H. ORIFFIX Mount & Griffin, rn/ii \J\Jnt- ' fil;i!iimolli Vein ol'llic Wesl, * Feet Wired Hulls. Horses an E. Second South St.. Salt I.aUe C'ily. EYKUYTI! 1 \NI) NKA'I'. AUBREY HOTEb, Rates. Sl.OO to *1.1-"> per Day. Special Kates by the Week. Meals. 25 Cents. Cor. Fifth West & Second South Sts., SALT LAKE CITY. HENRY BRIDGEFORD, Manager. A.ROLAND. W.T.SAMPSON. SALT LAKE MEAT CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRESSED BEEF, FORK, MUTTON AND VEAL, HAMS, BACON AND LAUD, SATIS AGKE ^ SFTCCI ALT V. < or. Third Sou tli a ml Fifth West Sts.. SALT LAKE <'ITY. TELEPHONE 451. P. O. Box . HEDBERG, JLNT TAILOR, First-class Gutter and Workmanship. es E. T-HiiriRiD SOUTH: (tppotlti I\ii>'L--ro l -(l It- Brooks* Arcade. SAI/r I, iKi: C'lTY li EAGLE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE GO. City Office: 166 Main. Works: 424 IV. First South. MANUFACTURERS OF- Miiiiiig Machinery, Concentrating Mills, Quartz Mills, Smelting Furnaces, Ore Cars, Car Wheels, Slag- Pots, and all kinds of Mining Machinery. UTAH MEAT MARKET. JOHN .EDWA-RD & CO., Den lei's in Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Corned Beef, Bologna, Sausage,. Etc. 7 '2 AV. IT 1 III XT WOTTTJI XTIIKJ^T. Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered. MRS. M. E. RANDALL, General 4 sent lor High Class Subscription Books, SPECIAL : "CHILDHOOD, ITS CARE AND CULTURE." Room 530, Constitution Building, SALT LAKE CITY. 1'J TELEPHONE No. 316. JEREMY SALT Co. I X( < >KI J OK ATPVJ ). Wholesale I>eal<>a-saiid >laiiu(a lui-ei s of GRADES SALT. . I " T A 1 1 . 1) . ivcl i)(.-c. :n your otti< .;;te!nble MatU- .214 ire ................... a during analysis ..... u.026 1UU.OOO :ial purity. Accord ins t" publisljed figures. Commercial Bay Salt from edc 96 i>er cent, purity. i-ctfully, .1. E. TALMAGE. D. S.D., I'h. D. Address is \orth Sixth West Street, - - SALT LAKE CITY. H. BOUFORD & CO. REAL ESTATE, LOANS AND MINING, Private Money Loaned at Attractive rates of Interest on (Jilt-Edge Security. Bl V. SELL, A\D EXCIIAXOE FARM A\O TITY PROPERTIES. All Itiisiiies* Entrusted to us will receive Prompt Attention. 65 West Second South Street, Room 31, SALT LAKE CITT, UTAH. . O. Jj^nYlS &: Co., CONTRACTORS FOR EXCAVATING, GRADING & RAILROADING, AND DEALERS IN Loam. IHrt. Sand, Gravel and Building Rock ol nil kiiid.s. Estimates i'nniislied on short notice, and ail contract work guaranteed satisfactory. 65 West Second South Street, Room 31, SALT LAKE CITT, UTAH. 13 J . PAINTER. PAPER HANGING GLAZING. ETC. HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPECIALTY. 2H East Third South Street. SALT LAKE CITY, TURNING SHOP, Wood Turning and Scroll Sawing, STAIR, PORCH WORK AND BRACKETS A SPECIALTY. 221 West South Temple St. SALT LAKE CITY. FOUNDRY MflGHINE GO., (Successors to K. Croft & Sons,) IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, ETC. tl itiiiii;- ;iiir.v. B!ailroaHi. 1. It l< II A It 1>SO\. BARTOfl, hYOft & CO., Fresh Meats of all kmds. IJ, LINE STAPLE * AND * GREEN * GROGERIES. TVU'piiont' :srj. and 353 S. \\'est Temple Street. STEPHEN STANFORD & SON, Wm. .Ten; FLORISTS AND ORNAMENTAL GARDLNI ALL KINDS <.F Shrubbery, Bulbs, Greenhouse and Bedding Plants Furnished at Reasonable Prices. IK CUT T^ILOV^ERS. Lfitrns aittl Cetnetery IF'orA- a Sjtccialtt/. GREE : IS: Corner South Temple and Fifth West Streets, OITY, - - less. 15 TELEPHONE 70. 1892. JOSEPH E. TAYLOR I PIONEER | UNDERTAKER I OF UTAH. I FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. The only Casket and Coffin Factory be- tween the Missouri River and the Pacific Coast. Everything in the Undertaking Line Kept in Stock. PATRONIZE HOME-MADE GOODS. Factory and Warcrooins, 251, 253 and 255 E. First South St., LAKE CITY. J. T. ADDONS & GO., House, Sign and Decorative Painting, PAPER HANGING, -Kalsomining, Natural Wood Finishing, Etc. ALL WORK FIRST-GLASS. Office, 131 W. First South, opp. Morgan Hotel, SALT LAKE CITY. A SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM TO CURE. Every Kind of Poison Driven Out and None Put in. Catarrh, Deafness, Paralysis and Pain from Any Cause Removed. Liverand Piles Cured. Also Electric, Vapor and Hot Air Baths S. E. ^TUrai>EV^!> r I\ Room 6, Holmes Building. S4I/T LAKE CITY. Louisville Liquor Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AftD CIGARS, 213 South 3Iain St., Salt Lake City. Agents for \apa and Sonoma C onittirs. California Wine*. Hot flmliants' Lundi Will be Served Free from 11:30 to 1 each Hay. Telephone T2t 17 W. II. ROWF. R. MORRIS. GEO. R. EMERY. .1. \V. SITJOIERH AYS, Pres. V-Pres. V Treas. . Secy. Jlaiiag-er. Rowe, Morris, Summerhays Co., SIKTOSNOI-S to J. W. SUJIJIERHAYS A O. SX\LT LAKE CITY, UTAH, LEATHER MANUFACTURERS, .-^ *. 1>EALERS IX Hides, Wool, Deer and Sheep Pelts, Furs, Etc. PLASTERING HAIR, SALT,. SULPHUR, WOOL SACKS, SHEEP SHEARS, and tlie BEST NATURAL LEAF TOBACCO for SHEEP DIP in the Market. We own the only SHEEP SKIN TANNERY in the Rocky Mountains. WE WANT 1OO,OOO SKINS IMMEDIATELY, FOR WHICH WE WILL PAY TOP MARKET PRICE. Tolei>l\oxie iii> L, 1*. O. KOJSL Our Motto: ''Live and Let Live." ' Small Profits and Quick Returns/* OUNTAIN NURSERY CO., -*a \ Importer. 1 * and Dealers in All Hinds of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees and Flowers. FARMER'S WARD * * * * MEAT MARKET, ALBERT SMITH. Prop. DKAI.HK IN Fresh & Salt Meats, Grain & Hav. CIRCULATING LIBRARY. C'or. Eleventh South and State Sts. Salt Lake City, Amalia lloriiyak & Josepliiiia Colletti, FINE * HUNGARIAN * CIGARS, Wholesale and Retail. OKFJCI-; AND FACTORY : 227 E. Second South St., SALT LAKE CITY. 18 IP. O. Box. Ofvr. Manufacturers of Foreign and American I HEADSTONES AND TABLETS We carry the LARGEST and BEST Selected Stock in Utah, All THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE MARBLE WORKS IN THE CITY. Works, No. 35 West Third South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. EXCOl RAOE HOME IMl STKV. JOHN GIBSON, Fashionable Tailor, Has the Latest Novelties in LONDON UNO NEW YOU STILES Home and Foreign Goods. And a Great Variety of Patterns to select from suitable for Summer, Fall and Winter. Gentlemen can have their own cloth made up in the most fashionable styles on reasonable terms, and a PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. YOU WOULD DO WELL TO CALL ON HIM BEFORE ORDERING ELSEWHERE. 953 Second Street, SALT LAKE CITY. 10 SPORTING GOODS. or Fighing Tackle, Bicycles, Bicj-cle Accessories, dans, Revolvers. Ammunition, Base Ball Goods. Foot Balls, ami Coals, Striking- Bag-s. Pocket Cutlery, Field and Opera Glasses, Hammock.. & **^^ Locksmithmg. M. R. EVANS, 22-24 West Second South Street, SAI/T LAKE CITY, UTAH. AGENT FOR THE ROSIER FANNING MILL. H. D. FOLSOM, Contractor * and * Builder. Special Attention Given to General Jobbing of all Kinds. STORES PITTED UP ON SHORT NOTICE, ALSO WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. KSTIMATEIS G-IVKN. Residence, 22 S. First West St., QRIT IfiKE PITY SHOP IN REAR. DO YOU KNOW That more STUDEBAKER Wagons and Carriages are made and sold each year than any other make? IT IS A FACT. Their Factories at South Bend. Ind., employ over 1,600 men and turn out annually over 50,000 vehicles, ranging in style from the ordinary Road Cart to President Harrison's State Landau. FOR UTAH WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Itl < KltOAlM**. SHEKP CAMPS, ROVXD-VP WAGOXK. NTAC4ES. Wagons I'urthe Farmer, Freighter and Teamster. And a Line of low-priced, durable Buggies especially adapted for country use. THE STUDEBAKER ON THE ROAD. We sell a Hickory Road Cart, in any color for Neat, strong open Business Buggy for 50 00 Top Buggies, any style of spring, for 100 00 AGEXTS I\ EVERY TOW.\. If there is no Agent in your vicinity write to us and we will quote you prices delivered at your nearest R. R. shipping station. CATALOGUE MAILED FREE, STUDEBBKER BROS', MFG, GO,, SA-LT LAKE CITY, UTAH- 21 &: CO., LUMBER DEALERS, Carpenters and Builders, LUMBER, BOORS, SASH FRAMES and BUILDING MATERIAL Jl ill Work in all Us KrauHie* a MILL AND YARD: o. 151 West .\ortfa TVmpIc Sired, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WM. MORRIS. EMYR EYNON. O ing Ms. [ mm CLEANED AND HE-LAID, s H H FlRST-CbflSS WORK GUARANTEED. ; 3 s 61 Orders taken for Furniture Moving Vans, g x H j Orders taken at O'Counor-A Shaffer's Drugstore, '-TiS Muin St : Walker Bros. . 121 S. SECO\I> WEST ST., SALT LAKE CITY. Liberty Park Roller Mills, HEBER H. VWI,ES. Prop. Cor, 91HS.& 9tli E,Sts,, Salt Lake City, DtaH. Manufacturer of C;OI,I>E\ PATE\T, BAKERS* REST, VOWLES' CELEBRATED. WHOLE WHEAT FLO IK, And All Kinds of IMIIILjXj STTJIFIFS, J. BHOflDBEHT, PRACTICAL Watchmaker & Jeweler. Jewelry and Spectacles Repaired, also Ac- cordions, Concertinas and Music Boxes Tuned and Repaired. ITS WEST SALT LAKE CITY, SOUTH TE3IPLE ST., UTAH. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Established 1881. H. C. PARKER. J. M. Jersey Farm I WHOLESALE Ml* RET1H MILK & C Bottle Trade So Orders Prompt! r. O.Box96I. SALTL TRE NHOLM, Mgr. u Rn W. T. CORBIN, T>Tt AY 77. NHJ VVlp DEALERS IS REAM. letted. V Filled. AKE CITY. Pianos and Organs Moved with Care, Office with W. I,. I>ICKARI>. 30 W. SECOXI> SOUTH ST. Res. 325 W. SIXTH SOUTH. FRED. C. LYNGBERG, (Successors to If a 11 a k A Sons.) Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FanciJ * Ejrocerie? L U IX TJ IR, I E S . FISH AND OYSTERS IN SEASON. No, 8 -EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. FRED. C. LYNGBERG, Pioneer Breeder of FflNGY POULTRY, * PIGEONS, * : MBB1T8. Setter, Pug and Newfoundland Dogs, FANCY PIGEONS A SPECIALTY. & co., Successors to BYRON E. HARTWELL, , HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Interfering or Speedy Cutting, Over Reaching or Stumbling Cured. 467. 161, 163 & 165 State St., Salt Lake City, Utah. m H. J. DASSONVILLE, 816N HND GflRRIAGE PRINTER. FIRST-CLASS WORK Shop with FREVERT & CO., Successors to Byron E. Hartweli. 161, 163 and 165 State Street, SfLT LAKE CITY. 25 White House Cigar Stand FRANK W. ALTREE, Proprietor. Wholesale and Retail Dealer i" . FINE KEY WEST AND HAVANA CIGARS AND TOBACCO. A FIXE L1XE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC 1 VIEWS KEPT IN STOCK. 2O8 South Main St. SALT LAKE CITY. THOMAS SPACKMAX. JAMES MACK, JR. Utah Produce and Commission Co,, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in PRODUCE, FLOUR, GRAItf, CHOPPED FEED, BALED HAY, ETC., ETC. We Make a Specialty of Baying and Selling Morgan County Potatoes in Car Lots. Telephone 576. 31 S. West Temple St., Salt Lake City. A MTMlf CONTRACTOR /! ll-llNlY, AND BUILDER, Estimates, Plans and Specifications Furnished. RESIDENCE: 1009 EAST SECOND STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. . R. WATERMAN. E. O. WATERMAN. WATERMAN BROS., BROKERS BONDS AND NOTES BOUGHT. Room 5, Central Block, . S Manufacturer of * OO,OOO I use the best machinery, consequently make the BEST OF BKIC'li. To all contemplating their use I solicit an examination of same at Yard or at Chamber of Commerce, where samples are on exhibition. Ltltl.i: STOCK constantly on hand, and prices to suit the times. Am not to be undersold (quality. compare FOUNDATION AND PAVING BRICK A SPECIALTY. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Residence'. 19 South Twelfth East St., Yards, South Bountiful. JOHN BURT, ORNAMENTAL AND PLAIN Contracting Plasterer RESIDENCE, 236 I STREET, 21st CJUa^d, SflliT bflKE CITY. '27 Sorensen & Nelson Furniture Go,, 23 W. FIRST SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE GITY, UTAH, SflliT QTpnp __ DYE WORKS, TIHMI.4S McKEI.VIK, Proprietor l,:nli s' Clothes Cleaned and Dyed, events* Clothes < !<;JIK\i) KKTAII. I)EA Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves, \iMits for 31. X- I). Steel Ranges and Koynton Hot Air Furnaces' TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. 253 Main Street, Opposite Walker House, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Sears 4 Llddle Co.. HEADQUARTERS FOR PLRTE KND WINDOW GLASS, MRT RND STRINED GLASS, OILS, PRINTS, HND BRUSHES, NO. 33 W. FIRST SOUTH ST.. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. F. E. GREGG & CO., Rooms 8 and 9 Commercial Block, Salt Lake City. BUYS NOTES, BONDS, ETC., AND LOAN MONEY. 29 STRONG BROTHERS' CO., (INCORPORATED.) DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Sausage and Smoked Meats, Etc. HAY AND GRAIN. ORDERS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED PROMPTLY. Xo. 813 K. Fourth South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. First-Glass Suits Made to Order. Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I Carry Full l.iiie* of French, English, Scotch and Domestic <*ool*. 25 West South Temple St., Opposite Temple Slock, - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, METALLURGIST, MIM\(i ElfCHEKR, 20 Years Practical Experience 20 Years Practical Experience. THE SALT LAKE MINING ACADEMY, Thorough Course in Assaying, Chemistry, ^oology, Mineralogy, and Math- ematics. Assaying and Analytical work guaranteed to be correct. H. HIRSCHING, Consulting Chemist and Mining Engineer, Plans Designed and Modern Processes of ail Natural Products a Specialty. ESTIMATES CAREFULLY MADE. Explanation of ' What is Life and Light," in Pamphlet- Form, 50 Cents. Patentee of the "Reduction of Ore." Office, 41 West Second South St.,T- &.V" I Sill LARGIR, UTAH, BROS. Lii/eru and Transfer Company. +J 1 ^ CARRIAGES AND LIGHT LIVERY. No. 40, 42 and 44 S. West Temple Street, 211. Special Attention to Tourists and Visitors, BERDENA" pine Parisian JVIillinery, Parlors. 2O2 and 2O3 3IcC;orniek Building. SA.LT LA.KE CITY- SAM'L C. DAVIS & CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, Washington Avenue and Fifth Street. ST. LOUIS. BERT BROWN, Agent, Hooper & Eldredge Building. 31 MASON & CO. 225 West South Temple, LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, PICKETS, Presed Corner Blocks, Doors, Windows, Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass, Manufacturers of Stairs, Brackets, Mouldings, Store Fittings, and all manner of Mill Work. 32 D. J. HOULAHAN. ELIAS MORRIS. E. GRIFFITH. HOULAHAN, GRIFFITH & MORRIS, (Successors to Uuvall & Mills. Contractors Builders. AND * Contractors in Cement Work, Plain and Ornamental. CEJIEVT WALKS A SPECIALTY. MASON CONTRACTORS FOR CITY& COUNTY BUILDING Office, Cor. State and Fourth South. QJLI T I Al/r PITV Main Office, Room 3O7, Dooly Block. OHL I LWf\L bl I I. Novelty Manufacturing Go,, K \ I J>SOX HltOS.. Props . Bold, Silver and , fJickel Plating BY THE DYNAMO PROCESS. . Watches, Jewelry, Chains, Rings & Tableware Replated & Repaired, Manufacturers of Seal Presses ana Wax Seals, Steel and RuDDer Stamps and Burning Brands. Also all kinds of Brass and Machine Work. Bicycle Repairing, Key Fitting and L.ocR Repairing in all its Branches. Police, Hotel and Society Badges a Specialty. mn iffc mm !! Manufacturers of all Kinds of Novelties. Factory, 61 E. Third South, Salt LakeCity. 33 ENJOY LIFE Who Patronize the ELECTRIC LIGHTED, STEAM TTF 1 r^ VESTIBULED TRAINS of the IV1ILWAUKEE & QT. PAUL IS THE ONLY LINE RUNNING 8OLID TESTIBVLED, STEAM-HEATED AND ELECTRIC- LIGHTED TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN Chicago and Omaha COMPOSED OP JIIAf^NIFICENT SLEEPING CARS AND THE FINEST _ JMning Cars in the World. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS. Any further Information will be cheerfully furnished by Coin. Agt. fV^ "M71 WM^^ WMT TK^ 'T ~mr Trav. Agt. 34 DR. B. H. SEATON, SURGEON DENTIST, CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY, ROOMS 302 AND 303 PROGRESS BUILDING. SALT LAKE CITY. A, HELLBERG. P. LANGREN. YORK PAINTING I Painting, Decorating, Paper Hanging, Calcimining and Frescoing, 108 SOUTH STATE ST., SALT LAKE CITY. Th/oli Saloon and Pool Rooms, W. A. PITT, Proprietor. Nothing but the Choicest Brands of Cigars and Liquors kept in Stock, 245 MAIN ST., SALT LAKE CITY. COLLECTIONS MADE. MONEY TO LOAN. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. INTEREST PAID ON REAL ESTATE. DEPOSITS. B. H. SCHETTLER, BANKER 6O S. East Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH. LINCOLN HOUSE, PAUL, II HIV Proprietor. 68 East First South St., (Opposite Salt Lake Theatre,) SALT LAKE CITY Good L.igrlit and Ventilation. Steam Heat. Everything flew. ., 5Oc. and. $1.OO ItA^JTEH 15 IT THE IT WILL PAY YOU TO HAVE YOUR ANY SIZE OR STYLE DESIRED PICTURES ENLARGED .-.:: AT .-.-.- E. 6. bAfdRENZ' i 48 W, First kthSt, E,niubic..o f .ik. SIGNS. Peterson & Brooun 63 WEST FIRST SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WE PAINT SIGNS ON Metal,, , Ktc, P. O, BOX 358. ESTABLISHED 1864. TELEPHONE 559. JOHN READING, SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST GREENHOUSE: Corner Second East and Second South Streets, SALT LAKE OITY, UTAH. 38 M. KNIGHT. J. W. WEST. R. PAPWORTH, KNIGHT & CO., DEALERS IN- CHOICE BEER M/utton, Yeal and PURE HOME MADE LARD. Sausage a Specialty. J s \fl m WEST, nr Corued Beef is Unexcelled. MANAGER. 101, 103 East Second South St., Cor. State, SALT LAKE CITY. TELEPHONE 213. BERG & BURT, * :> WATCHMAKERS, And Dealers in Jewelry. WORK DONE FOR THE TRADE AT TRADE PRICES. WATCHES, MATERIALS, ATP FINDINGS, ETC , _ AT WHOLESALE. 19 East Third South St., Salt Lake City. J. H. BOWMAN, Contractor : and : Builder OF CITY AND COUNTY BUILDINGS. Cor. State and Fourth South, Salt Lake City. ALEX. I. WYATT, LICENSED BROKER, 262 S. Main St., Salt Lake City. Money Loaned on Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Fire Arms, Etc. A Large Stock of Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. Old Oold and Silver Bought. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. RIVERSIDE POULTRY YflRDS, B. H. HOLLINGWORTH, Life Mumbtr American Laugshan Club. Secretary Utah Poultry Association, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Black, White and Blue FRI2LRS WON. First Pen at Territorial Fair, 1891. First Pen Salt Lake Poultry Show Dec. 9-12, 1891. First Pen, First Cockerel, First, Second, Third and Fourth oil Pullet at Denver, Col., Dec. 14-19, 1891. Eggs and Fowls For Sale. Write For Prices. Satis- faction driven. . Also Best Strains of Light Bralinias, Duff Cochins, Black Wyandottes, Barred & White Plymouth Rocks. Office Clark, Eldredge & Co., 141 W First South. J. S. JETVSJE3IV, -A. j^ _? - t 13 i 22 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH // GAZETTEER 1892-93, CONTAINING A COMPLETE INDEX TO RESIDENTS AND BUSINESS FIRMS OF SALT LAKE CITY, RESOURCES OF UTAH AND RELIABLE BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF THE TERRITORY. STENHOUSE & Co., PUBLISHERS. Printed at the Establishment of the SALT LAKE LITHO. COMPANY, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, by STENHOOSE & Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. F * 0-4- u 40 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. H. STREEPER. President. M. ]{. WHITNEY. Vice-President. JOS. R. SMITH, Sec., Treas. and Mgr. P. O. Box > o. ??:5. The Salt Lake Implement Co., AGENTS FOR WHITELEY MOWERS AND BINDERS. Complete Stock of Sections, Knives, Knife Heads, Guards and Special Repairs for all kinds of 31o*vers made, Hay Rakes, Etc. ______ Complete Stock of Whiteley and Champion Repairs. Distributing Depot for A.mos Whiteley & Co. and Wilson, Whiteley & Co.'s Goods. Headquarters for Fine Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts, Etc. \o. 3tO S. Main St., Salt Lake City. >laiii Stables. Foreign Establishment, Buslinell, Illinois. Whittlesea, England, J,H, TRIMS SONS! The Largest ImDorters ana Breeders of - "-too 20 - English Shire and Hackney Horses IN AMERICA. We liave taken more Premiums 011 Hackneys at the Lead- ing State Fairs than any other firm. Oity, I X L STABLES, 350 S. MAIN STREET, BANCROFT Second. Hand. UTAH NURSERY CO. INCORPORATED', Dealers in and towers of all kinds of Fruit, Ornamental and Shade Trees, ROSES, SHRUBS, VINES, ETC, Packing, Specimen Grounds and Office, Located on Ninth East and South Boulevard. T.tKK TIIK Kil'IU TKA.VSIT STREET AKS. THOROUGHBRED GflLLOWAY GUTTLE, A Few Choice Bulls for Sale. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO UTAH NURSERY co., SUGAR, UTAH Go-Operative Wagon i Machine Go, LEADING IMPLEMENT DEALERS, 6EO. T. ODELL, Gen'l Manager. am OFFICERS: President. HEBER .1. WRAXT. Vice-Prest., JOS. F. SMITH. Sec. tt Trens.. RllLOJI S. WELLS. Asst Sec. & Treas , GRANT HAMPTON. TERRITORIAL INDEX, Resources of Utah- Irrigation, Cereals. Fruits and Flowers. Stock liaising. Timber... Mines and Mining- Conn ties where minerals are found, Mining Districts, Sampling, Smelt- ing. Concentration, Statistics, etc. Natural Gas Miscellaneous Fanning, Stock liaising Climate, Sanitary, etc PAGE. Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. S. Presiding Officers, General Authori- ties. Presidents of Stakes and Bishops Postpffices Territorial Government- Federal officers. Territorial Offi- cers, United States Commissioners. Legislative Assembly, Standing- Committees Territorial Business Guide- Township Description, City and County Government, ete PAGE. 30-3:.! 33 280 TOWNS. Adamsville. Beaver county Alpine City, Utah county A Itu. Salt Lake county American Fork, Salt Lake county Annabella, Sevier county Asays. Giirfield county Ashley. Uintah county Bear River City, Box Elder county .. . . Beaver, Beaver county Benjamin, I'tah county Benson, Cache county Hingham. Suit Lake county I Make city, Emery county Bluff. San Juan county Bountiful, Davis county Brigham City. Box Elder county Brighton. Salt Lake county Brinton. Salt Lake county. Brock. Emery county Burrville, Sevier county Cache Junction, cache county Call's Fort. Box Elder county Cannonville (see also Georgetown), Gjirlield county Castle Dale, Emery county Castle Gate, Emery county Castle Valley. Emery county Cedar City, Iron county ... Cedar Fort. Utah county Central. Sevier county Centre. Tooele county Centreville, Davis county Charleston. Wasatch county Chester, San pete county Circleville. Piute county Clarkston. Cache county Clear Creek (see Tucker). Utah county Clear Lake (see Oasis), Millard county Coalville. Summit county Collinston, Box Elder county Colton (formerly P. V. Junction). Utah county Corinne. Box Elder county Corn Creek < see Kanosh). "Millard CO.. Coyoto, Garrield county Croydon, Morgan county Cub Hill (sec Le\viston)."Cache county Deep Creek (see Idepah P, O.), Tooele county Deseret, Millard county Detroit, Millard county Deweyville. Box Elder county Dover, Sanpete county. . . . 33 Draper. Salt Lake county 33 Dugway, Tooele county 34 Duncan. Washington county 34-5 East Bountiful (see Bountiful). Davis 37 county 3? Echo, Summit county 37 Eden. Weber county 37 Flsinore, Sevier county 38-9 Emery, Emery county 40 Ephraim. Sanpete county 41 Erda (Batterview), Salt Lake county. . 41 Kscalante. Garrield county 43 Eureka, Juab county 43 Kairrield. I'tah comity 43-4 Fairview, Utah county 45-6 Farmington, Davis county 47 Fayette. Sanpete county 47 Ferron, Emery county 47 Fillmore. Millard county 47 Forest City (see American Fork). Utah 47 county 47 Ft. Dnchesne. Uintah county Ft. Douglas (see Salt Lake City), Salt 48 Lake county ' 48 Fountain Green, Sanpete county. . 48 Fremont. Wayne county. . .'. 48 Frisco, Beaver county 49 (.ale (South Jordan), Salt Lake county 50 Garden City, Rich county 50 Georgetown (see also Cannonville). 50 Garfield county 51 Glendale. Kane County 51 (ilen wood, Sevier county 52 Goshen, Utah county 52 Granger. Salt Lake county 52 Grantsville. Tooele county 52 Greenville, Beaver county .' 52 Greenwich. Piute county 53 Grouse Creek, Box Elder county 55 Gunlock. Washington county Gunnison, Sanpete county 55 Hanksville, Piute county 56 llarrisville, Weber county 58 Heber City, Wasatch county 58 Hebron, Washington county 58 Helper. Emery county 58 Henefer, Summit county Holden. Millard county. 58 Honeyville, Box Elder county 58 Hooper, Weber county '. 59 Huntington. Emery count}" 59 Huntsville, Weber county 59 Hyde Park, Cache Bounty HI 68 62-3 M 64 64 67 67-8 69 71 71 TERRITORIAL INDEX. PACJK. Ilyrum City, Cache county 85 Ibepah. Tooek- county 86 Indianola. Sanpete county 86 Ingersoll P. O. (see Deseret). Millard county 8B Inverury, 'Sevier county 86 Johnson. Kane county 86 Joseph. Sevier county 86 Juab. Juab county. .' 87 Junction, Piute county 87 Kama*. Summit county 87 Kanab. Kane county 88 Kannarraville. Iron county 89 Kanosb. Millard county... 89 Kaysville. Davis county 90 Kelton, Box Elder county 91 Kingston. Piute county .." 91 Koosharem. Piute county 92 Lake Shore isee also Benjamin j. Utah county 9*2 Lakelowri. Rich county 03 La Plata. Weber county 93 Lawrence. Emery county 93 Layton > see also Kaysville). Davis co. 93 Leamington, Millard county 95 Leeds .Silver Reef P. O). Washington county 95 Lehi. Utah county 96 Levan, Juab county 99 Lewiston. Cache county 99 Loa. Wayne county " 100 Logan. Cache county 101-21 Long Valley (see Glendale), Kane co. . 121 Losee. Garfield county . 121 Lynne i see Ogden i. Weber county 121 McEhno i see Riverviewi. San Juan county 121 Mammoth. Juab county 122 Mau ti, Sanpete county 122-3 Mantua. Box Elder county 125 Mapleton. Utah county 125 Mary>vale. Piute county 125 May'field. Sanpete county 126 Meadow. Millard county 126 Mendoii. Cache county.' 128-7 Midway, Wasatch county 127 Milburn, Sanpete county 128 Milford. Beaver county 128 Mill Creek. Salt Lake county Millville. Cache county " . 129 Milton. Morgan county 129 Minersville. Beaver county 129 Moab. Grand county 130 Molen i see Ferron City). Emery county 13" Mona. Juab county 130 Monroe. Sevier county. 131 Montezuma. San Juan county 132 Monticello. San Juan county 132 Morgan City. Morgan county 132 Moroni. Sanpete county 133-4 Mountain Meadow (Hamblin P. O.), Washington county 134 Mount Carmel. Kane county 135 Mousley. Salt Lake county- ia5 Mt. Pleasant. Sanpete county 135 Murray. Salt Lake county 138 Nephi, Juab county. . " 140-1 New Harmony. Washington county. . . 144 Newton. Cache county ".. 145 North Ogden. Cache county 145 Oak City (Oak Creek i. Millard county 145 Oasis (also Clear Lake). Millard co ' 146 Oakley, Summit county . 146 Ogden. Weber county 147-84 Ophir. Tooele county 184 Orangeville. Emery county 184 Orderville. Kane county. " 185 Orion. Garfield county 185 Ouray. Uin tab county". 185 Pangui ten. Garfield county 185 Paradise, Cache county 187 Paragoonah. Iron county 188 Park City, Summit county 188-96 Parowan. Iron county. .." 197 Payson. Utah county 198 Peoa. Summit county 201 Peterson. Morgan county 202 Pine Valley, Washington county 202 PAG*. Pinto. Washington county 202 Plain City. Weber county 2112 Pleasant Grove. Utah county 203 Pleasant Valley (see Scorieldi. Emery- county .."... Portage. Box Elder county 205 Price. Emery county _* M Promontory! Box Elder county ;>? Providence, Cache county vo; Provo, Utah county 208-36 Randolph, Rich county 236 Redmond. Sevier county 236 Richfield. Sevier county 236-7 Richmond. Cache county Riter. Salt Lake county .:!'.< Riverdale. Weber county 2.S'.i Riverton. Salt Lake county 239 Riverview, San Juan county Rockport, Summit county 239 Rockville. Washington county 240 Saint George. Washington county . 240-1 Saint Johns. Tooele county 243 Salem. Utah county ." 244 Salina. Sevier county 244-5 Salt Lake, Salt Lake "county - Sandy, Salt Lake county 245-6 Santa Clara. Washington county 247 Santaquin. Utah county ". 247 , Scipio. Millard county 247 Scofield. Emery county 248 Sigard. Utah county 24n Silver City, Juab county 249 Silver Reef. Washingto'n county 249 Slatersville. Weber county 249 Smithfield, Cache county." 250 Smithville. Millard county 251 Snowville, Box Elder county 251 Snyderville, Summit county 251 South Jordan (see Murray). Salt Lake county "... 251 South Jordan (see Gale), SaltLakeco. 251 Spanish Fork. L'tah county 252-:! Spring City. Sanpete county 259-60 Springville. Utah County. .". 260-4 Sterling. Sanpete county 265 Stockton, Tooele county 2ti5 Sugar, Salt Lake county 265 Syracuse. Davis county 265 Taylorsville. Salt Lake countv 266 Teasdale. Wayne county 26H Terrace. Box Elder county 266 Thistle. 'Utah county ....". 266-7 Thurber. Wayne county 267 Tooele City. Tooele county 267-8 Toquerville. Washington county 268 Trenton. Cache county ! . . 269 Tucker. Utah county- .' 269 Tyner. Box Elder county 26'. i Uintah. Weber county. .' Union, Salt Lake county .. 270 Upton (see Coal ville), Salt Lake co. . . 27ti Van Tile. Weber county 270 Vernal. L'intah county 270-3 Vernon. Tooele county 274 View. Weber county 274 Virgen City. Washington county 274 Wasatch, Summit county 275 Wales. Sanpete county 275 Wallsburgh. Wasatch county 275 Wanship, Summit county. 275 Washakie. Box Elder county 275 Washington. Washington county 275-6 Weber (see Morgan City). Morga'n co. 276 Wellington, Emery county 277 Wellsville, Cache county 277 West Bountiful (see Bountiful), Davis county -.'7* West Jordan t also Bingham Junction > . Salt Lake county 278 West Portage (see Portage). Box Elder county 27S White Rocks. Uintah county 278 Willard City. Box Elder county 279 Woodland Postoffice. Summit "county Woodruff, Rich county ". 27n Wood's Cross (see also Bountiful). Davis county 280 TERRITORIAL ADVERTISERS. PAGE Adams G E, genl mdse 272 Adams & Sons Co, lumber 65 Adams & Sons Co (tnc), genl mdse 94 Adamson D N, saloon 88 Ad am son D & Son, roller mills 204 Ajax Wm, genl mdse 50 Alexander H, genl mdse 146 Alhambra Saloou, U S Grant propr 98 Allen Bros, genl mdse 86 Allen Samuel H, physician and surgeon. 137 American Fork Co-op Mercantile insti- tute, genl mdse 36 Anderson A J & Co, contrs and bldrs 174 Anderson Peter E, hotel 73 Anderson & Smith opp 112 Ash W O & Co, hardware 137 Ashby Brothers, boots and shoes 176 Ashley Co-op, genl mdse 273 Aschheim M S, genl mdse 190 Atwood W H, lumber, etc 138 Barlow O F, stage line 273 Ball & Draper, saloon 55 Ballif LH, opp 113 Ballantyne Bros, lumber., 169 Bates H, dairy 193 Bear River City Co-op M & M Institute ... 38 Beaver C C & M Inj-t, geril rndse 39 Beaver W M & Milling Co 40 Bell A J, apiarist ire Bench House, G E Bench 123 Bennion & Bennion, flour 266 Berg O H, contr and buildr 234 Berg & Burt, watchmakers 196 Bertelsen A, genl mdse 131 Bird & Boyer, livery 263 Bithell Sarnl, livery 184 Bjarnson G E, apiarist 258 Blackett Bros, wines and liquors 143 Blomsterberg C II, nursery 234 Blumenthal Henry G, cornice and fur- nace work ... 215 Boardman Thomas, lime '. 218 Boatright W W & Son, blacksmith 180 Bomier Bros, gen'l mdse 128 Booth James, photographer 243 Booth & Wilson, attorneys 226 Boshard J R, grocer 230 Bountiful Co-op Merlnst 44 * Bowen Wm P, stock dealer 257 Bowring & Co, millinery 182 Boyden John & Son, drugs & stationery . 54 Boyer & Bringhurst, gen'l mdse. . .200-258-263 Brandon Mary M & Co, gen'l mdse 51 Bridge Richard, druggist 80. Brigham City Roller Mill Co 46 Brown Adam, gen'l mdse 75 Brown Mrs C, gen'l mdse 124 Brown Mrs M A, millinery 258 Brown S II, tailor . 196 Brown, Terry & Woodruff Co 196 Brooks H S & Son, honey 92 Buell F O, grocery and tinner 80 Bullock B K, apiarist 228 Bullock Henry, apiarist 207 Bullock & Wadley, wagons and coal 204 Burgess II L, stage line 273 Buswell W L, jeweler 176 Butter John, livery 42 Cache Investment* Company 114 Cache Valley Broom Factory 109 Call Lamoni, printer, jewelry repairer 44 Cannon Frank J, The Standard 165 Cannon's Dining Palace 182 Cardon T B, furniture, etc 100 Carlisle II J, barber 112 Carlson & Ernstrom, planing mill 182 Carnaby S & Son, apiarist 256 Carter Miss Hattie E, millinery 118 Caster Mrs M R, genl mdse 129 Cave E & Son, fruits, mineral waters, etc 174 Cazier Bros, clothiers 142 PAGE Cedar City Co-op M & M Inst 49 Cedar City Furniture Co 50 Centrevilie Co-op Merc Inst 51 Charleston Co-op, genl mdse 51 Chester Co-op Inst, genl mdse 52 Child Thomas & Son, tombstones 262 Chipman James, star rollermills, lumber, lime and coal 36 Chip John, florist 181 Christensen H J, genl mdse 114 Christensen A E & Co, genl mdse 73 Christensen Dr J N, dentist 226 Christensen P C. genl mdse 134 Christensen & Pope, harness 272 Clark C R, flour mill 133 Clark D T,. sheep wool 235 Clarkston Co-op Inst, genl mdse 52 Cluff , Booth & Co, undertaker 222 Coalville Co-op Merc Inst, genl mdse 54 Coalville House, I H Ball 54 Connelly F, saloon 139 Connor Bros, saloon and rest 98-265 Consolidated Implement Co 128 Contractors & Builders, Provo 220 Cook F A, amusements, opp 165 Coolidge O F, saloon 124 Cooper, Pyper & Co, hardware 143 Cooper & Co, drugs 42 Corey Bros & Co, livery 168-181 Corry Andrew, agl iniplts & hotel 50 Cosslett Joseph, notions and musical in- struments 49 Cox Elias & Co, genl mdse 84 Cox & Arave, genl mdse 82 Cox & Carroll, genl mde 184 Crane Chas, sheep, merino rams and dogs 89 Cranor J J, groceries and meat market.. . 55 Cross C W, harness, etc 168 Cross Geo E, harness 166-178 Crosby J W, roller mills 186 Crouch James, liquors 265 Curtis T D, saloon 78 Gushing, Hadley & Kay, genl mdse 42 C utler J C & Bro, agts woolen mills 195 Dabling E & Son, genl mdse 275 Dalley, Higbee & Co, genl mdse and agri- cultural implements 49 Dalliemore W J, plumber 176 Daniels Joe E, abstracts 230 Darley Wm F, genl mdse 278 Davis J M, saloon 134 Davis T B, genl mdse 115 Davis Co Bank, bankers 69 Day David F, saloon 94 Deseret Co-op Store, genl mdse 58 Deseret Live Stock Co, sheep 280 Deseret Live Stock Co, genl mdse 280 Deseret Milling Co 121 d'Hemecourt G A, architect 150 Diem John, harness 191 Dixie Roller Mills, flour 276 Dorius J F & Co, furnishing goods, sta- tionery, etc 63 Dotson & Son, genl mdse 128 Douglas G B, blacksmith 180 Dover Chas T & Co, saloon . .1 50 Driver Jesse J, druggist 181 Driver Wm & Son, druggist 177 Duerden Richard, genl mdse 280 Duke Mrs John, hotel 184 Duncan House, John Duncan propr 80 Duncan Mrs John, millinery and hotel. . 80 Dunn James F, hotel 224 Durkin Thos F, Senate Saloon 55 Earll A H, genl mdse 248 Earls Furniture & Carpet Co 195 Edward J R, liquor dealers 120 Egan John, Mint Saloon 55 Eggertsen Sr S P, dry goods, etc 223 Eldredge E. pianos and organs 147-178 Eliason Hilda and Anna, dry goods, etc. . 117 44 TERRITORIAL ADVERTISERS. Ellertson John, genl mdse 130 El siuore Co-op Merc Inst H Elsinore Roller Mill Co 61 Emery County Bank -206 Emery County Merc Co 206 England John, harnessmkr 268 England Thomas, genl mdse 303 Enquirer The. Provo 219 Y-. iiing. coals 196 Ephraim Co-op Merc Inst dnc\ 63 Ercanbrack & Son, genl mdse ... 76 Eureka Hotel, R G Wilson 67 Eureka Lumber Co 66 Evans A: Layten. meat market 94 Excelsior Merc Co, genl mdse 144 Fairview Co-op Merc Inst 68 Farley Bros <>pp 113 Farmers' Union (inc) . genl mdse 94 Farmers' Union Roller Mills The. flour.. 250 Farmington Comr A: Mnfg Co. genl mdse and lumber 7ft Farmington Co-op Merc Inst 70 Fames M H, stones etc 119 Farnsworth K II, furniture 238 Fan- Mrs Ann. millinery 258 Farrer Bros A: Co. genl mdse 229 Farrer J T. genl mdse 4.S Fannce John, genl mdse 184 Fayette Co-op Merc Inst 71 Perron Co-op Merc Inst 71 Finlinson Geo, hotel 145 First National Bank. Logan 108 First National Bank. Provo 216 Folkman J P & Co. genl mdse 203 Foote Mrs C R. hotel 144 Freshwater W II. hardware 222 Gash A I), attorney Gates Furniture Co. The 223 Gibson iv Sinurthwaite, grain, prdce. etc. 17r> Giesy A: Spargo. books, statnry. etc. 152-161-162 Gilie'tt II A: ( !o, glass and paints 168 Glenn John, genl mdse 272 Glemvood Co-op Mercantile Inst ?:> Win. honey 98 Grant Heber J A: Co. insurance ... 174 Grant Wm. music and notions 35 Grantsville Co-op Mercantile Inst 76 Graves tit Stewart, saloon 246 Graves & Vinton. brokers .... 16 Green W R. green grocer 194 Gunnison Co-op Mercantile Inst 78 Guthrie J W. banker, hotel and gen mdse 57 Hadley E R. livery 57 Hales Bros, lumber, etc 253 Hall Geo. Park City Hotel 193 Hall Jesse, apiarist 200 Hammer Hans, livery 98 Hansen & Ek, marble works 118 Hanson A: Borup. blacksmiths 66 Hanson. Staker fe Johnson, lumber 136 Hardcastle John, saloon ... 246 Hardintr ( ' & C< >. genl mdse 279 Har: .n 234 Harpst C A: Son. boots and shoes 187 Hartley J W. saloon 144 Hartman Frank, wines and liquors 200 Hartviksen A: Wilson, real estate 247 HarAvood Jas A; Son, harness, etc 98 Hatch A A: Co. genl mdse 79 Haws Mrs Nancy, dentist Haywood James B. genl mdse . 187 Hazen Geo W. lumber 262 Hedquist Alex, boots and shoes 234 Heiner Bros Com Co. agricultural impts. 133 Heiner Bros Com Co. hotel 133 Henriehseii E C, pottery 223 Henriehsen S A. genl mdse 248 Henroid S J. saloon 273 Hewlett Bros, mineral waters 112 Hindmarsh P P. grocer 228 Holbrook L. hotel 233 Holden Co-op Mercantile Inst 81 Holman Mrs A, genl mdse 247 Holmgren P O. blacksmith 57 Holyoak ^Vm. genl mdse 197 Hone David, genl mdse 40 Hone Geo. honey 92 Honeyville Co-op Mercantile Inst 81 Hoover J W. roller mills Hosford S T. phvsician and >urgeon .. Hotel. Lehi ! n? HoxerJohn. tents, awnings, etc 1S2 Hubbard L E. jeweler 194 Hurt' O W. dentist 226 Hunter R PA; Co. loans 16rt Huntinmon Co-op, genl mdse and btchrs 83 Huntington Oliver B. apiari de Wm A & Co. genl mdse 93 Hyde cv Whitmore, genl mdse 141 Irvine & Barney, dry goods A: clothg. opp 224 Isom. Alice & Co. genl mdse Jacobson I, horseshoeing 118 Jenkins Wm C, saloon 251 Jensen C C. wagonmkr etc us Jenson James A: Co, lumber etc 246 Jensen J C. candy kitchen 116 Jensen J N, contf and bldr 118 Jensen Julius, jeweler Johnson Bros, machinery 84 Johnson John, genl mdse 236 Johnson L. Hour '.'71 Johnson L A: Co. genl mdse . . . . 271 Johnston A J. lumber 272 Jones Bros, genl mdse and butchers 84 Jones S S & Co. genl mdse 218 Jones W R. musical instruments 258 Jorgensen A & J C. lumber 119 Joseph Co-op Store, genl mdse 87 Juab Branch of Levan Co-op Inst 87 Kamas Co-op Inst. genl mdse 88 Kellogg & Corf man, attorney 226 Kennard A: NVood. genl mdse and drugs. . 70 Kimball Bros, real estate, etc 114 Kimball Bros, livery 192 Kind W G. ticket broker opp 168 King John C. dry goods 259 King A; Houtx. attorney 226 Kloppenstine A. Griffin House 42 Knight Newel, livery 229 Kiiowles J C. butcher 116 Kroup'a R J. assayer 226 LaBua S. jeweler and watchmaker 66 Lake Shore Co-op Merc Inst 92 Lamoreaux Mrs L M. millinery 112 Lafiders, Ewer & Scholly. wholesale lum- ber dealers 2 Larkin Geo W A: Son. undertakers... .opp 165 Larsen Miss P L. millinery 13? Law James P. genl mdse 187 Lawson & Power, saloon 112 Layne C E. transferee 181 Layton Milling & Elevator Co 91 Leach C W. apiarist 254 Lee Henry, livery 36 Lehi Commercial and Savings Bank 97 Lehi Opera House 98 Lemmon Hyrum, genl mdse 201 : ig Louis, wines and liquors 129 Lewis John, hotel and bar. lumber and combination fence 45 Lewiston Co-op Mercantile Inst 99 Liddiard Saml it Co. contrs and bldrs 235 Lindquist Chas J A, undertaker 172 Lindquist N A. undertaker 117 Logan Nurseries, The 109 Louder James N, genl mdse 249 Loveless J A, harness, etc 200 Low & Christian, drugs and saloon 39 Lowe Geo A, agricultural implements. 109-178 Lowe Richard, apiarist . 264 Lundahl E W & Co. machinist 115 Lundberg John, blacksmith 118 Lundquist E R. saloon 267 Ly man Mrs Irad. hotel 207 Lynne Mercantile Co 170 McAlister & Son. harness 118 McCaig vi rs Sarah, hotel 70 McCanne A: Tavlor. saloon 200 McChrystal N A: Co. grain and butcher. . . 66 McCurtain A. M 1) 226 McGregor W C, flour mill 197 McLaughlin & Co, genl mdse 192 McMullen A E. stage line 273 McCuarrie R G. furniture 24:- 1 , TERRITORIAL ADVERTISERS. 45 PAGE Orson & Co. genl mdse 131 Malcolm & Huu'hes. genl mdse 256 Malinstroni & Pitzer. blacksmith 139 Manti Co-op Merc lust 123 Manti Roller Mills 124 Mantua Co-op Mere Inst 125 Murchant J A. genl mdse 201 Marks Mrs Anna, .genl mdse 65 Marriott II, blacksmith 42 Marriott Joseph, drugs 140 Marshall Julius, saloon 67 Marquardson & Jensen, ;;enl mdse 62 Mathis Mrs Emma, hotel 206 M ayer Samuel, apiarist 255 Maylield co-op. '.'genl mdse 126 Miekel Geo W, lumber 229 Middleton (I F & Co, marble etc 171 Miles Bros, harness 243 Millburn John B, saloon 207 Miller & Wilson, roller mills 139 Milner Mrs J A. apiarist 236 Mitchell's Standard Feather Washer .... 231 Mona Co-op Merc Inst. 130 Monk Charles, apiarist 256 Moore D M, nurseries 171 Moore J R, genl mdse ...., 273 Moore S P, saloon 228 Moroni Co-op Merc I list 134 M orris R, dry goods 242 Moul ton Mary L, butcher 194 Mt Pleasant Pyramid. The 136 Murdock Bros, saloon and livery 80 Murdock Jos R, real estate Myers & Henrie, genl mdse 187 Neibaur N A, cigars 234 Nelson A & Co, genl mdse 38 Nelsen Bartol, honey and fruit 92 Xephi Co-op Mercantile Inst 143 Nephi Plaster and Manufg Co 141 Nepple Chas C, undertaker 67 New West Academy 180 Newman Bros, cornice works 182' Nielsen Hans S, livery 114 Nielson Mrs N B, hotel 137 Nielson Rasmus, stock breeder 259 Nilsson Bros, genl mdse 131 Oak City Co-op, genl mdse 145 Ogden Equitable Co-op, The 171 <>uden Ensor Institute, Inebriate. ...opp 164 Ogden Milling & Elevator Co 169 Oliver Francis, genl mdse ... 245 Olsen G T & Co, genl mdse, hotel and stabling 62 Olson Ed, books and stationery. 232 Olsten Wm H, physician and surgeon 137 Omenn A P, hotel 137 Orangeville Co-op Mercantile Inst 185 Ormsby O C, M D 119 Owen & Co, saloon 117 Pace James W, saloon 186 Painter John S, wines and liquors 143 Panguitch Co-op Mercantile Inst 187 Paradise Co-op Mercantile Inst 187 Paragoonah Co-op Mercantile Inst 188 Park City Bank, The 190 Parker Edwin, genl mdse and drugs 82 Park Record, The 193 Parmley & Hendershott, laundry 157 Partridge J, genl mdse 145 Pasevitch J, photographer 173 Payson Co-op Merc Inst 199 Payson Co-op Roller Mills 199 Payson Exchange Savings Bank 199 Pearce Wm, brass and iron foundry 172 Pearson Ben F, hotel and saloon 204 Peay Wm. apiarist and fruit 231 Pendleton Calvin D. apiarist 199 Penney E W, hotel 89 Peoa Co-op Merc Inst 202 People's Co-op Merc Inst, The 139 People's Co-op Merc Inst 97 People's Exchange, genl mdse 59 People's Hotel opp 109 People's Merc Co, genl mdse 55 People's Opera House & M Co, genl mdse 44 Petersen E C, genl mdse 238 Petersen H H, genl mdse 86 Peterson James, genl mdse 124 PAGE 255 255 193 233 242 Peterson S, furniture. ... Peterson S, apiarist Peterson & Bert/, soda works Phoenix Studio. Conkling Pickett & Snow, furniture Pierpont & Sons, foundry and niach shop 230 Pinto Co-op Merc Inst. .'. ................. 202 Pioneer Oal Wine Vaults ................. 172 Plymouth Rock Bldg Loan and Savings Assaciation ................... opp 169 Pond Bros, cattle a. id horses ............. 239 Pond Bros & Co, genl mdse ........... 99 Post Pub Co. ................ 167 Potter Amasa. hotel ......... ........ . 200 Poulson C. hotel .................. 238 Poulsen Hans, apiarist ................... 231 Price Bros & Co, genl mdse ............... 75 Price Mrs A E, millinery ............... 242 Proctor Academy. ... ........... opp 225 ProbeTt Wm & Son, bakers ............... 217 Prosser Henry, wines and liquors .. . 184 Providence Co-op, genl mdse ....... : ____ 207 Provo City Undertaking Co ............ 231 Provo Commercial and Savings Bank . . . 224 Provo City Lumber Co ................ 225 Provo Co-op Clothing Dept ............... 217 Provo Co-op Inst ............ opp 217 Provo Woolen i\l ills Co. ..... opp 216 Pulsipher Mrs Ann. genl mdse ......... 84 Putnam One Price Clothing House ....... 174 Pyinm John, hotel ........................ 243 Ramsdell Mrs Julia, genl mdse ........ 239 Randall L, shoes ....................... 179 Rasband Bros, butchers ......... 195 Ray W A. genl mdse and hotel .......... 59 Read J G & Bros, harness. .. ...... 176 Reese Mrs Emma, millinery .. .......... 256 Reid Edward, tailor ................... 124 Reid J K, genl mdse .................... ia5 Rideout & Crapo, genl mdse ............. 246 Rich, Rich & Jennings, attorneys ____ 118 Richards H T. genl mdse . . . . .' .......... 127 Richey, undertaker ..................... 166 Richfield Co-op Mercantile Inst ... . 237 Richfield Mercantile and Produce Co. . . . 239 Richville Milling Co Rimmel Mrs G G, eating house Rio Virgen Mills, woolen Robbins Mrs Mary, hotel Roberts Bros, groceries and drugs Roberts Mrs T 1), milliner Robison Bros, genl mdse Robinson 25 Snow Ashby, St George Co-op .......... 241 Snow . Convenient to Business HEJ^T TERMS MODERATE. ZEULIECT'IRIC COMFORTABLE. Clayton's Block, 214 1 2 S. State St. MRS. H. S. XOWL1X, Proprietress. NEW and CLEAN. AUTHORIZED COPYRIGHT EDITION. IV^DA. THE: By H . RIDER HAGGARD, Author of "She." "Allan Quatermain." etc. With 23 fall page illustrations. By . II. M. Kerr. 12mo. cloth, ornamental. $I.OO. A thrilling book full ... of almost incredible instances of personal daring, and of wonderful revenge . . . The many vigorous illustrations add much to the interest of a book that may safely be denominated as Mr/Haggard's most successful venture in the writing of fiction. Boston Beacon. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO., 15 East 16th St., New York. --BUY J^obinson 3.O O H o e Best in the Market; Made at Home. SENT TO ANY ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. 49 " SALT LAKE CITY, W. FIRST SOUTH ST. UTAH. BARRATT BROS. FURNITUR 166 SOUTH MAIN ST, S ALT IVAK:E CITY, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF k ,_BUT KEEP AS WELL ALL GRADES. You are Respectfully Invited to Examine our Stock. BARRATT BROS, GENERAL INDEX. I'AUE Abbreviations 107 Additions. Removals, etc 55A Alphabetical List of Names 107-779 Business Directory 795 Buyers' Guide. 781-784 General Information 51-94 PAGE Index to Territorial Advertisers 43-46 Index to Territorial Towns 41-42 Introductory 51 A Ladies' Shopping Dept 787 Streets and Avenues 56-64 INDEX TO GENERAL INFORMATION. Amusements Ancient Order Foresters Ancient Order United Workmen Bands Banks and Bankers ... 64 .... 66 .... 66 ...7173 ...75-76 Blocks, Halls. Public Buildings, etc H4-65 Board of Education 77 Board of Health 52 Board of Public Works 52 Building and Loan Associations 75 Cemeteries 76 Chamber of Commerce 77 ( 'hurches and Church Societies 79-80 city Government 52 City Officers 51 County Government 73 Deaths Jan 1 to Nov 1, 1892 93-94 Election Precincts. City and County Exchanges ! ." 93 Fin- Alarm Boxes 54 File Department.. 53-54 Grand Army of the Republic 66 Hospitals and Homes. . : 76 Incorporated Companies Independent Order of Odd Fellows Independent Order of Red Men 69 Industrial Home 76 Knights of Pythias 67 Labor Organizations 80-81 Librarians . 76 Masonic ............. ................... 68 Miscellaneous Clubs. .................. 69-71 Musical Associations ..................... 71 Newspapers ...................... ......... 74 75 Patriotic Order Sons of America ....... ... 67 Penitentiary ............................ 74 Police Department ........................ 54-55 Postoffice ............................... 55 Public Parks .............................. 65 Railroads ................................ 81-83 Religious Associations .................. 80 Schools Private ...... .................... 66 Schools Public ........................ 65 Secret Societies ........................ 66-69 Sons of St George .................. 69 Standing Committees (Chamber of Commerce) ........................... 78 Standing Committees (City Council) ...... 52 Street Railroads ......................... 82-83 Streets, Avenues and Alleys ............. 56-64 69 Temple of Honor Territorial Officers F S Army U S Internal Revenue U S Land Office I' S Paymaster's Department U 8 Surveyor-General's Office I s Weather Bureau 73 76 74 74 74 73 74 I'tah Commission ....................... 73 Vocal Societies .. .73 SALT LAKE ADVERTISERS. Adamson Allan, apiarist 105 Addoms J T & Co, painters 16 All Hallows College XVI Alliston R H 866 Altree F W (White House Cigar Stand) . . 25 American Biscuit& MfgCo. .top margin lines Anderson James & Sons, iron & brass founders VII Angell T J Lumber Co, lumber XII AntretterH margin on cover Appleton I) & Co, publishers 784 Arnold T F, veterinary surgeon 850 Asper Wm & Co, lumber 21 Backman Samuel C.. 864 Barlow-Thompson Grocery Co 102 Barnes & Co ' opp 40 Barratt Bros opp City Index Barton Bros '...866 Barton & Co, clothing Barton, Lyon &Co, groceries & meats Bayly F L & Co, druggists Beaver H L. turkish baths . . . VI 14 N50 2 8 Beebe's Art Store, art goods Berg & Burt, watchmakers 808 and 38 Bergen & Lang, merchant tailors 808 Bishop F M, Insurance Buyers' Guide Biele R M, hair dresser Buyers' Guide Blackhurst Bros, groceries Buyers' Guide Blackhurst Bros, hay and grain 10 Blocb B K & Co, liquors and cigars 4 Bothwell & McConaughy, lumber I Bouford H & Co, real estate 12 Bowman J H, contractor 38 Boyack Mrs Susan, Spanish Fork Hotel.. 103 Breckon Jno T, civil engr . . . .Buyers' Guide Bridgeford Henry, mngr Albany Hotel . . 10 Bridgeford & Hedges 105 Broadbent J, watchmkr & jeweler 22 Brooks Arcade, furn rooms Buyers 1 Guide Brown J, dentist V Brown-Terry & Woodruff Co side margins Brown's Marble Works .... 18 Buckle & Son, tailors Buyers' Guide Burgon & Snell, attorneys 850 Burt John, contracting plasterer ... 26 Burton-Gardner Co . . .backbone and opp 186 B & O Transfer Co. furniture van 6 Calder's Music Palace 844 Callahan M E & Co, nurserymen 98 Cannon Geo Q, & Sons Co. . .side margin lines Carpenter R J, musical merch. . . side margins Chapman & Tripp, dentists. . . .Buyer's Guide 4S SALT LAKE ADVERTISERS. PAGE Chicago. Milwaukee & St Paul R R 33 Christensen J M, wholesale produce 2 Christopherson M 818 Clark Samuel 50 Clayton J & W H. cutlers and locksmiths \ Coalter & Shelgrove Co The, pianos IX Coates H P G, real est. . .bottom margin lines Coates & Sheets, brokers Buyer's Guide Collins Undertaking Co '. 868 Colorado Midland Railway 800 Colorado tV Utah Canning Co.. Buyers' Guide Conkling Sampling Works 848 Conservatory of Music ... 72 Continental Cleaning and Repairing Co.. 854 Cook Miss Lida E . . . . 866 Co-op Wagon & Machine Co 41 Cooper Chas 72A Corbin W T, drayman 22 Corker J Fred, solic of patents 1 Corker & Co, real est 1 Costerisan GeoF. architect Buyers' Guide Cramer C, florist ' 102 ('rook Isaac C Buyers" Guide Crow C H. harness mkr /. 6 Croxford Bros & Bryan, contractors 850 Cutler J C & Bro Inside front cover Dassonville H J. painter 24 Davis J G. broker Buyers' Guide Davis Saml C A: Co, wholesale dry goods 30 Dennis Frank H, mer broker. . Buyers' Guide Denny James M. attorney Buyers' Guide Denver & Rio Grande Ry XIV Deseret Evening News 106 Devine & Robinson, architects, Buyers' Guide Deyo Van K. physician Buyers" Guide Dickert Lorenzo". 792 Dinwoodey H Furn Co cover Dittmann L W After each initial Dogge O H, physician Buyers' Guide Driver Mer Co, groceries 4 Duncan Portrait Co, fine portraits 808 Eagle Cracker Co XII Eagle Foundry & Machine Co 11 Eurdley James W. lumber XV Earls Furniture I tali Produce & Commission Co 25 Utah Soap Mnfg Co opp 58 Valley House margin on cover Van Mrs ME 792 Veneziani Chas ...792 Vowles H H (Utah Milling Co) 22 Wasatch Drug Co ... inside book cover Watermen Bros, brokers 25 Wells F E, artist tailor side margin lines Wells, Fargo & Co. opp 46 Wells Miss Kate 787 Wenger David H, attorney Buyers' Guide Westmininster Improvement Co.. 104 Wheeler H T, baker & confectioner 6 Whitehead L S margin lines and 862 Williams J A, attorney ... Buyers' Guide Wilson & Bynum, attorneys . . .Buyers' Guide Windsor II B & Co, insurance 105 Windsor II B & Co, insurance, Buyers' Guide Windsor H B & Co, national cash register 103 Wismar Wm, wood turning. . . .Buyers' Guide Wolstenholme & Morris : '. 46 Woolley Steam Laundry ... 830 Wright Isaac . -. 868 Wyatt Alex I, broker 38 Younger H B 791 ZCMI cover PLUMBER + AND + GAS * FITTER. Fine Plumbing and Sanitary Work a Specialty. Water Service Laid from City Mains. First-class Work. E. SECOND SOUTH ST., - - - SALT LAKE CITY 135 50 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. FINE TAILORING ALL GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES. MADE IN THIS CITY & c/ ,,-*-. ^o CHICAGO TAILORS, 18 E. First South Street, - - Salt Lake City, Utah. S.A.IMITJIEL Livery, Feed & Sale Stables. (Jentlc Saddle Horses, Fine Buggies. TERMS REASONABLE. jaF~Horses Boarded, and Best of Care. 174 W First Sonlli. ISRAEL EVANS, Pres. M. C. FOX, Sec. & Treas. fletherlanil Fine Stock & Paint Go., n ~ ^ H J. FAUST, Jr., Supt. MANUFACTURERS OF FINE CREAMERY BUTTER is our motto, beginning with handling the cows in the barn to making the milk into butter. It is made by H.. El>. BJE'XEOICT, late butter maker at Vice-Pres. Levi P. Morton's celebrated "Ellerslie Dairy," N. Y., and winner of first prize and gold medal at the great Columbian Food Exposition, Madison Square Garden, N. Y. City, October 1-27, '92. MILK, CKEAM or BUTTER to 406 DOOLY BLOCK, INTRODUCTORY. ALT LAKE CITY, capital of Utah Territory, is the most important city in the great basin bounded by the Rocky Mountains on the east and the Sierras Nevada on the west. As the centre and distributing point of a vast area of country, it is rivalled only by Denver, while its opportuni- ties are vastly greater than those of the Colorado metropolis. Its history, so closely interwoven with the progress and government of the Latter-day Saints, gives it a religious prominence akin to that of Rome and Mecca in Europe and the Orient ; while its natural surroundings vividly recall the scenes of Holy Land. There is no city like Salt Lake in the Western Hemisphere. Bounded on the east and north by the Wasatch range, whose lofty peaks are covered with snow nearly the entire year, Salt Lake City crosses the Jordan, and is gradually extending its suburbs to the foothills of the Oquirrh range on the west and platting additions on the plain to the south. Its altitude is 4,300 feet above sea level. The old city is laid out in the form of a parallelogram, the streets crossing each other at right angles, and every block is of uniform area. The exceptions are noted only in the business dis- trict, and the innovation is of recent undertaking, made necessary by the demands which increased trajde presented for more streets closer together. The streets are lined with stately poplars, and along the gutters flows living water from the mountains, clear enough at most times to invite the pedestrian to stoop and drink. POPULATION. The national census of 1890 gave to Salt Lake City a population of 46,000 souls. A census of the city made the following year increased this aggregate to 57,000. This Gazetteer contains the names and residences of 25,404 adults. Deducting 2,000 names for those duplicated in firms and changes in appendix leaves 23,404. Applying the rule which experience has proved to bring the populations of cities to a close estimate, namely, by multiplying the total number of adults by 3 1 ^ (% less than usual), the product is found to be 73,138. FINANCIAL CONDITION. A business condition which people outside of this city and Territory would list in the catalogue of virtues, and one which commands their astonishment as well as admiration, is fulfilled in the punctuality and rectitude of Salt Lake's merchants and business men. As a rule its people are always found ready to pay their debts. Assignments for the benefit of creditors are of rare occurrence. Although the universal depression in business affects this city and Territory in nearly the same proportion as the other silver States of the Union, business men and owners of realty are not found absolutely '4iard up." Taxes and assessments are promptly paid. The delinquent list will not embrace as many pieces of property as are enumerated in the lists of un- paid taxes of cities of 25,000 population in the States. According to the City Assessor and Collector, fully 92 per cent, of the taxes spread for municipal and school purposes during the coming year of '93 were collected on Dec. 1 of the present year, with one month yet to run before delinquent property is offered fr sale. The assessed valuation of property in Salt Lake from which taxes were collected during the year amounted in the aggregate to $51,000,000. of which $39,000,000 is set down as real and $12,000,000 as personal property. The rate of taxation is 5 mills for municipal and 2 mills for school expenditure. The plan of assessment has been to rate real property at 70 per cent, of a true valuation. Adding 30 per cent, to the real property assessed would bring the true valuation to $68,000,000, which, together with the assessed value of personal property, would run up a total of $80,000,000. The city is bonded in the sum of $1,500,000, paying interest at 5 per cent. A loan for school purposes was negotiated recently in the sum of $150,000, upon which bonds were issued bearing the same rate of interest. Salt Lake 52 A INTRODUCTORY. City bonds have always found competition among New York brokers, and are regarded as gilt-edge securities in the money market. Among a list of at least a dozen cities located west of the Missouri (including Denver and Kan- sas City), presented to the City Council by the last Assessor and Collector of Salt Lake, only one city in the list Portland, Or., received more advan- tageous terms in Wall Street than the metropolis of Utah. A list of banks, national, individual and banking corporations will be found in the business directory of this volume. While it shows no increase in number over that of last year, general trade depression has yet failed to sum- mon any to surrender. None have gone out of business. On the contrary, the Deseret National has increased its capital stock from $500,000 to $1,000, 000, thereby increasing the total amount of capital invested in banks and banking institutions to $6.700,000 BUILDING. For the eleven months of the present year the Building Inspector has issued 578 building permits, 23 of which are classified as business blocks, ex- clusive of public buildings which are in process of erection or were com- pleted this year under permits issued in 1891. The cost of these business blocks is given at $188,240 ; the cost of dwellings erected and in process of erection (555) is set down at $976,628, making the total cost of eleven months' building, $1,164,868. The Inspector is confident that his report to the Coun- cil, which will include the month of December, will increase the valuation given to $1,500,000. The erection of the new City and County Building began in earnest early in the season, and at this writing three stories reveal their elegant propor- tions above the foundation and basement. Next to the great Mormon temple it will be the chief architectural gem of the mountains, and will suggest the style of architecture of the future capitol of the State of Utah. It has just been decided to enlarge the plans so as to make it fireproof throughout. The total value of buildings for which permits were issued in 1891 is re- ported at $2.231,958. When we reflect that this gross amount included such magnificent structures as the Dooly and McCornick blocks, one should be satisfied with the proof which this year's partial report gives of the abiding faith of Salt Lake's people in its future greatness. With the exceptions men- tioned, this year's building operations will favorably compare with those of 1891. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Salt Lake City is justly proud of its water supply, both as to quantity and quality. Within the past year the waters of Parley's Creek have been brought to the city by means of a masonry conduit, and added to the volume given by City Creek and that proceeding from Emigration canyon. A water famine is now an impossibility, as an abundance is assured for a population twice as large as Salt Lake, even for the most lavish purposes of irrigation. Water mains and pipes have been extended even to the sparsely settled dis- tricts, and the work performed is of an enduring character. The expenditures of the Water Department for the ten months ending October 31st of this year have been $225,000. Street paving is a matter which has commanded earnest attention during the past year, with a view of securing that which will prove most durable and permanent. The consensus of public opinion leads in the direction of home material, and already home contractors are at work on Main, First and Second South streets, preparatory to laying down a pavement of Utah asphaltum. Cement sidewalks will line the streets thus paved. The esti- mated cost of this work is $140,000. The pavement of State street, from South Temple to Fourth South, was completed this year at a cost of $70.000. All departments of the municipal government are being enlarged to meet the demands of a growing metropolis. An estimate of the appropri- ations absorbed in carrying out the work of the departments named for the past ten months is furnished by the City Auditor : Fire NO.OOO I City and County Building -fTO.OOO Police 45,000 I Sidewalks . '. 15,OOJ Health 22.000 street 75.000 Sewerage 20,000 street Lighting :.>7,000 Sprinkling 17,000 Cemetery A new city jail and additional fire stations will be erected during 1893. INTRODUCTORY. 53 A MANUFACTURES. From a report made to the Chamber of Commerce, some time ago, the remarkable fact was revealed that Salt Lake City employs more labor, oper- ates more capital and produces greater results in manufacturing than the States of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and the Territory of Arizona combined. There are in successful operation in this city, boot and shoe, knitting and over-all factories, woolen and paper mills, tanneries, confectioneries, fence and mattress factories, cracker factories, show-case makers, brick makers, aerated water works, roller grist mills, cigar factories, vinegar factories, soap making, salt refining, chemical works, glass works, wood working, printing, book binding, brewing, pickle and canning factories, cement works, etc. But perhaps the greatest addition to Salt Lake City's industries is the great stockyards and packing house. When our people cease to place so much dependence on the product of the silver mines, and turn their attention towards absorbing the wealth of other people by producing finished articles from the raw material above and below the earth around them, Salt Lake City will take rank as the Pittsburg of the Rocky Mountains. The discovery of natural gas within easy distance of the city will also give an impetus to manufacture. Already preparations are being made to convey it in pipes to the city and place it in the hands of the man in the foundry and the woman in the house. MINING. Salt Lake City is the headquarters of assayersand capitalists who handle the products of the mines, and from whence the ore and bullion is shipped. The total product of Utah mines for 1891 was valued at $12,000,000. The mining industry is concisely reviewed in pages 5, 6 and 9 of the Territorial Department. RAILROADS. Although what might not be properly termed a railroad centre, its posi- tion and importance justify the claim that the Pacific railroads of the future will either seek this city as a terminal point or stretch their feeders into the capital of Utah. Projects are talked of and even companies are incorporated looking to this end, one of them being the San Francisco, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. The Great Salt Lake and Hot Springs Rail- road is more ambitious than its local title would imply, and will push its track into the Deep Creek mining district, and probably further. . At this writing, what is designated as "Col. Murray's road'' bids fair to develop something more than a paper road, and narrow-guage roads to the coal fields are strongly urged as the best means to inflict blows on the monopoly which reaps 100 per cent, on the supply brought to Salt Lake City. Such a road, if built, will be a feeder to the Utah Central. The two great trunk lines which enter Salt Lake are the Union Pacific and the Rio Grande Western. The following table gives one a clear idea of the traffic of these roads with the business of Salt ,Lake City. The tables are prepared from the be- ginning of the year, with estimates from December 15 : Rio Grande Western. No. cars received at Salt Lake City, machinery, implements and merchandise 4,08? " * coal... ...2,402 Union Pacific. No. cars received at Salt Lake City, machinery, implements and merchandise 6.166 coal 4,310 10,476 Total f . ! 16,965 The Coal Traffic. No. cars Colorado hard coal brought to Salt Lake 1,338 shipped by U. P. Coal Company's Scofield mines 2,559 coal and slack shipped from Rio Grande Western mines 3,&o7 coal from Castle Gate mines .*. 5,647 coke " 515 Tonnage of coal, slack and coke shipped by P. O. Coal Company from all its mines, tons. . .223,333 54 A INTRODUCTORY. EDUCATION, All classes of citizens are fully alive to the importance of public educa- tion. In fact it is the best promoter of changing conditions in Utah, and the effort to eliminate it from politics has met with signal success.' The methods of instruction are the same as those which receive the approval of thr best teachers in the Eastern states. The buildings that have already been erected will favorably compare with those of metropolitan cities else- where. Eight new school buildings were commenced in the summer, some of them already finished and occupied, and a ninth will be erected early in the ->n of 1893. The cost of these buildings, together with the sites, will not fall short of $500,000. The city now contains 29 public schools, with 138 teachers. For the month of November the average attendance was 6,686 pupils, which is considered by the Superintendent as a fair average the year round. In enumerating the number of schools, only such buildings where instruction is directed by a Principal in person are listed. Until the new schools are ready for occupancy, it has been found necessary to rent school room in convenient places in the districts. Denominational schools, necessities of past conditions, still exist, but their usefulness is directed now in the line of normal training. The Catho- lics h^ve an academy and college which receive pupils from the surrounding State* and Territories ; the Episcopalians. Presbyterians and Congregational- i>ts also have academies and schools wheie particular attention is paid to the higher branches of education, and so have the Methodists and other leading denominations in the city. Salt Lake City is also the seat of the University of Utah. There is also a school of short-hand, a commercial col- aud other private institutions of special branches of education. k8 A PLEASURE RESORT. So much has been written about Salt Lake City in this respect, that ex- pivssinns which have found voice elsewhere is the only testimony needed to .support the claim that this city is without a peer on the continent. With its advantages of climate, one may absorb invigoration in even the most ar- duous labor, while at a trilling expense he can enjoy the delights which close Saratoga and Newport to all but millionaires. Medicinal springs abound within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City, and an analysis of their cura- 1 ive properties places them on a plane with the famous Hot Springs of Ar- kansas. The Great Salt Lake will be in the near future, as it certainly de- serves to be. the resort of wealthy pilgrims from all over the country. Dur- ing thf season of 1893 transportation facilities will be greatly enlarged, and public and private enterprise will strongly compete in endeavors to secure the largest share of patronage to the various delightful resorts on its shores. Liberty Park, in the southeastern part of the city, is on the line of electric car travel. Calder's Park. Wagener's Grove and Smoot's Park are fully equipped for all the pleasures sought by picnic parties. The beauties of the City Creek canyon have been imparted to canvas. An hour's drive from any part of Salt Lake towards the canyons of the Wasatch reveals scenery that only the Alps can match. Fort Douglas looks down on the city from the northeast, and is a popular place of visit, especially on Sundays. In one word, Salt Lake City stands unrivalled in its presentation of op- portunities to the man of business and contentment to the man of leisure. It has its theatre and varieties, its clubs and its libraries, its social and be- nevolent societies. There is only one feature of Eastern civilization lacking the Eastern mendicant. Absolute poverty is comparatively unknown. THE GAZETTEER. The compilers of this Gazetteer are proud of their work. The labor it entailed was directed with a view of making it complete in every particular; and in this spirit the canvass proceeded zealously, systematically and con- scientiously. Every feature received careful personarattention. No reliance was placed on information received second-hand, nor on back number edi- tions of "boom" publications and pamphlets. This was the promise we gave our patrons at the start. We now retrieve that promise in our guarantee that the name of every adult in Salt Lake who has an abiding place will be found in this volume. STENHOUSE & Co. SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 1, 1892. THE PACIFIC LUMBER AND BUILDING COMPANY. SUGAR HOUSE WARD. ALMA ELDREDGE, Manager, OH. W. HUHL & CO., ]Werehant Tailors, 74 E. FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. First-Class Work at Reasonable Prices. Salt bake Stables, 226 & 228 S. Main Street, LAKE CITY, ^TELEPHONE 5O8.* - Fine * Carriages * and * Bilggies * for tTotfrists DELIVERED 4T i\V OF THE HOTELS. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO BOARDERS. Light Livery a Specialty, Rates Reasonable, -i HOTEL*TEMPLETON & Cor. Main and South Temple Sts., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Elevator, Steam Heat, Bath Rooms, Electric Bells, Automatic Fire Alarms and all Modern Improvements, with the Fire Escapes inside and outside. Opposite Temple and Tithing Office, one block from Late Brigham Young's residence and Eagle Gate, and adjoining Deseret Museum (all points of interest). DON H. PORTER, PROP. I I I I I I Advertisements IN . . . HERALD COST ONLY Oiie Cent A Word. THE DAILY HERALD. THE SUNDAY HERALD. THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD, PR1\TED III - - - The Herald Publishing Bo, R. C. CHAMBERS, H. U. WHITNEY, President. Bus. Manager. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. APPENDIX CONTAINING ALTERATIONS, OMISSIONS, REMOVALS AND ARRIVALS UP TO HOUR OF ISSUE. Abell Dela, res 45 E Third South. Adams Celia, res 250 W Fourth South. Adams Francilla, voice culture S L College of Music, res 250 W 4th South. Adams Philip (col'd) boot blacK, res 175 W Third South. Adamson Jos, emp Lidays Special M System, res 460 Sixth. Ageair Frank, peddler, res 76 E Second South. Ager Ella, res 330 State. Ager D W, res 330 State. Agrainonte Mrs C F, res 216 W Sixth South. Aiken G D, res 348 Centre. Aird Harriet B, res 104 N State. A it ken O D, res 33i S West Temple. Ajury Frank, emp W Harkins, bds 468 W First South. Alder Geo A & Son, assigned. Alder Paul B, emp French Steam Lndry, res B Y Trust big, Com'l. Alexander A A (col'd), (Hargrave & A), rms Culmer blk. Alexander Wm A, res rm 3 over Turngren Drug Store. Alexander D & Co, dry goods, assigned. Allen Clarence E, Attorney-at-Law, 21 Eagle blk, res 234 Tenth East. Allison D P, res Keysor's Court. tltree & Cartels (F W Altree and M B Bartels), Props The Racket Cigar Stand, 240 S Main. American Kusciiit and >l;nili; Co removed to 442 S Second West. Anderson Benta C (wid Peter), res 246 Seventh East. Anderson Mrs Caroline (Halverson & Co), res 129 Centre. Anderson Charles C, lab, bds 163 W South Temple. Anderson Julius B, lab, res 246 Seventh East. Anderson Lida. res 441 Main. Anderson Miss Lizzie, dressmkr Mather Sisters, res 250 W Third North. Anderson N P, res 174 N Third West. Anestead N J, peddler, res 658 Tenth East. Angell Theodore J, emp W U Tel Co, res 638 First East. Ankerson Cecelia (wid Olrus), res 43 Grace. Applequist John F. bakery, 511 E Third South. Archibald David, res Little Cottonwood. Arden William, lab, res 104 S Third West. Argyle Alice H, res 9 Kendall ave. Arlington Francis, waitress, St James Hotel. Arnold Edwin, res 910 W Fifth South. Arnold Leah H, res 41 E Third South. Arthur Joseph W, printer, bds 9 Lambert Court. Astin Joseph H, farmer, res Church farm. Astin Martha, res Church farm. Averett Harry S, res 605 E Seventh South. Averett Mary, res 605 E Seventh South. Avery Hattie, res 421 S West Temple. 56 A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE-APPENDIX. Babell Mrs Elizabeth, res 247 S First West. Babbitt Gep N, farmer, res Murray. Bader Daniel, mill man, res St James Hotel. Baker E J. rms 212 Main. Baker Thos H, moved from 33 Gladstone blk to McCornick bldg. Baldwin H S, 154 Main. Bamberger L E & J E, removed to 11 E First South. Balser Minnie, pantry girl St James Hotel, res same. Banman Matilda, 412 Constitution blk. Barker F P. meat market, cor Fourth East and Eleventh South, res same. Barker & Knowles ( J C B & Chas K), practical gunsmith, 68 Commercial. Barnes Miss Minnie, res 318 W North Temple. Karratt Bros, Furniture Dealers 166 S M. omitted from Dealers List. see (i.fli~. Barratt Miss Lizzie, emp A Mehesy, res 1 Washington Place, State. Barrell Eli, sol Utah Prod Co, res 153 N West Temple. Bartels M B ( Altree & B>, res 6 Goddard Court. Barton Brothers, Wholesale Boots and Shoes, I W Fletcher agent. 501 Constitution bldg. Batchelor C N, res 217 S Second West. Bates Wm (Owens, Rumel & B). res St James Hotel. Baxter T W, res 375 F. Bayly F L, & Co (F L Bayly), Clift House Drug Store, 280 S Main. Beal Mrs Annie F, elk cloak dept Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 164 S 2d West. Beam Mrs J B, dressmkr, res 246 Seventh East. Bean Arthur E, tailoring and rep'ng rm 2, 21 W 2d South, res 74 W 5th South. Bean J B, East End Supply House, n w cor First South and Eighth East. Beates Rev J F, pastor Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity. Beesley Alvin A, mngr Cromett, Carpenter & Co, res 45 Currant. Bell Chas M, com trav, res 68 G. Belmore F C, emp \Vm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Bemis E, res 30 S First West. Bennett Athel B (Pettee, Bowman & Co), res 316 Fourth East. Bennett Jennie M, res 20 Franklin ave. Bennett W, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Bennett W P, res 364 W Third South. Beunion Harden, abstractor, res 227 W Third North. Benson F W, miner, res 715 Fourth. Benson Wendell, capitalist, res 408 E Third South. Bentley Newman J (B & Rawlings), res 258 S Main. Beiitley & Rawlings (Newman J B & Alfred J R), Successors to O'Connor & Shaffer. 258 S Main. Benton George, miner, res 459 E Fourth South. Berkhoel John B. emp U P R Ry, res 120 W First North. Berry E S, physician, res 24 W North Temple. Berry Joseph, teamster, res 643 Ninth East. Biddlecome George A, res (505 E Seventh South. Biddlecome Maggie, res 605 E Seventh South. Bieber Adolph. jeweler and optican, 143 W 2d South, res 334 S Seventh East. Bird Emma S, res 226 J. Birks William, railroader, removed from 772 Sixth East to 429 W 1st South. Bitters L E, driver Woolley Steam Laundry. Bixby Mrs Catherine, res 165 Seventh East. Black W N. res 244 N Seventh West. Blake E A, car repairer U P Ry. res 529 W North Temple. Blake EF, res 2 Euclid ave. Blakely Gould B, propr Brooks Arcade Dining Parlor and Loans and Invest- ments 221 S Main, res 517 McCornick blk. Bleasdale Howard C, abstractor, res Ninth West and Seventh South. Block William 12, com'l trav. rm 13 Eagle blk. res 150 Mitchell ave. Bockman Rudolph, expman 76. res s e of Liberty Park. Bogan Mrs L, res 260 First. Bolander Edward, letter carrier, bds Senior's Rest, W Second South. lion a ma ii Miss L,ottie, furnished rooms, TO E Second South. Bomietti & Slagle. Templeton Saloon. Templeton Hotel. Bowman J W, mason, bds 338 E Second South. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. 57 A Bowman Oliver S, Sec and Treas Pettee, Bowman & Co, res 336 7th East. Bowriiig Jolin F, Groceries, 66 W First South, res 257 W Fourth South. Bowring Thomas, miller, res 69 S Eighth West. Bracker Pnut, res 76G W Second North instead of 966. Brewer James, harnessmkr Sheets Livery Yard, bds 540 N First West. Brighton Record Co, 393 S Second West. Brinker Charles, brick mnfgr, Mill Creek. Brockbank D E, gunsmith, res 237 F. Brodie Edward, cigarmkr Crescent Cigar Co, res 240 W Second South. Brodie Tliomas (B & Forsyth), res 43 Alameda ave. Brodie & Forsytli (Thomas B & Ebenezer F), Plumbers and Manufactur- ers French Ranges, 217 E First South, Brooks Arcade Dining- I'arlors, Gould B Blakely Proprietor, 270 S State, see adv. Brown D M, res 65 W Third South. Brown Frank, studt 17th Dis, bds 31 N First West. Brown George J, elevator opr Commercial blk, res 532 S Eighth West. Brown Irene E, res 356 S West Temple. Brown J A, baker, res 647 Fifth East. Brow 11 Jay M, Dentist. 107 S Main, see adv. Brown Jennie, res 31 N First West. Brown Jessie B, res 60 N Second West. Brown Mary, res 34 E Seventh South. Brown Walter K, lab, res 322 W Fifth South. Bruff John R, emp Utah Soap Co. Brunker May, res 373 H. Bunting C & Co, Geo Y Wallace pres ; C Bunting vice-pres and treas ; John Flowers sec ; office 13 Deseret Bank bldg. Burningham Wm, peddler, res 27 N Fifth West. Burns Mike, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Burns W M, res 1049 W First South. Burrows Miss Eleanor, Music Teacher, res 354 E South Temple. Burt Ann H, res 226 Seventh East. Bush Jos R, res 72 M. Bushbaum John, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple, Butikofer Rudolph, lab, res 116 S Third West. Butler A A, car emp S L C R R Co, res 185 G. Butler Miss Cecil R, res 104 E Second South. Butler Charles J, barber Knutsford, res 334 S State. Butler George, porter U N R R, res 18 N First West, Butler Malcolm L, wrapper Simon Bros, res 52 Pear. Butler Mrs Mary A, res 347 E Sixth South. Butler Philander, lab, res 104 East Second South. Butler Walter W, painter, res 222 Valeria ave. Butter John, miner, res 15 E Sixth South. Butterfleld Mining Co, Inc, Geo WKell mngr, 49 Scott- Auerbach. Butterworth Miss Maggie, res 312 S Third West. Butterworth William, farmer, n of e 14th South, Mill Creek. Button Bros, Contractors, 10 E Third South. Butts George F, res 566 W Third South. Butts W H, res 556 W Third South. Byers R E, president The Green Chloride Mining Co, res Gresham, "Nob. Cady C C, res 221 W First South. Cahooii .loll ii S, Propr City Liquor Store, 10 E First South, res cor First andD. Caine George R, actor, rms Metropolitan Hotel. Caine Mrs George R, actress, rms Metropolitan Hotel. Caine Miss Georgia, actress, rms Metropolitan Hotel. Caine Margaret A, res 732 Fifth East. Caldwell Elmer, res 154 N Second West. Caldwell Frank, sheepman, res 268 Ninth East. Calendar Mining Co, H Dinwoodey pres, Wm M Stewart vic pres, Wm R Wallace sec and treas, 37-43 W First South. Campbell Edward, res 219 S Seventh West. Campbell George A, res 32 E North Temple. Campbell J W, res 322 E. 58 A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE-APPENDIX. Campbell M L, res 372 Fourth East. Campbell R W, emp Woolley Steam Laundry. Campton Edward, peddler, res 723 State. Caiiis George IF, Editor Mining Age, res 437 Fifth East. Cantlon M, real estate, res 49 Eleventh East. Careless George should read 265 E Second South. Carlisle Sarah, res 4 Folsom ave. Carlo w Mrs Peter, res 728 Sixth. Carpenter Richard J, Music Teacher, moved to 7:5 W Second South. Carr H C, res 2 Emerson ave. Carstensen Alma B, stenographer E A Jenkins, res 940 S West Temple. Carson Eliza D. res 226 Eleventh East. Carter N, drayman, res 101 S West Temple. Castello Thomas, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Central Utah Land & Irrigation Co, Wm H Rowe pres, C W Aldrack vice- pres, Frank Knox sec and treas, office 304-305 Progress blk. Chalker S. res 453 Fifth. Chandler Frank (C & Richardson), res 50 Commercial. Chandler H H, res 112 W First South. Chandler & Richardson (Frank C & Wm E R), Cigar Dealers, 50 Com'l. Chin Chan & Co. Chinese goods, 11 Plum Alley. Christeson C, lab, res 273 W First North. Christiansen N C. res 11 E North Temple. Clark Mrs Annie, res 1029 E Sixth South. Clark Chas. res 1029 E Sixth South. Clark Herbert C, piano tuner 10 W Third South, res "2 Whitaker Court. Clark Laura, res 164 W North Temple. Clawson Eva, res South Temple and V. Clayton J & W H, Locksmiths, Stove Repairers, etc, should read 137 W First South, see page ^Y. Clements Edward, lab, rms 18 Commercial. Cleveland Maggie, res 221 W First South. Cleveland Peter D, cigars and conf 224 W First South, res same. Cochran Mrs Delia, elk Alexander Pillaud at Wonderland flower stand, res 254.^ E Second South. Coffie Thomas E, res 108 Main. Colborn, Skinner & Co, removed to 6-7 Commercial blk. Coieman Mrs E B, res 429 S Main. Colley Charles, grocer cor Sixth and C, res same. Collins C, res 150 Seventh East. Collins C W T . rm 95 Commercial blk. Collins John F, Pres and Mngr Collins Undertaking Co, 125 E 1st South. see adv opp Undertakers. Collins Maria, res 5 Aikens Court. Collins Nellie, res 5 Aikens Court. Collins Robert IT. foreman Tribune bindery, rms Culmer blk. Collins Undertaking Co, John F Collins Pres and Mngr, 125 E First South, see adv opp Undertakers. Columbia Mining & Milling Co inc. TH Harden, pivs : JM Hamilton, vice- president : F Beyle, sec and treas. Constant S C. res 1017 First. Coon Jas, res 618 W First South. Coopep Bertha, res 524 S West Temple. Cooper Edward, mason, bds 2 s s Social Hall ave. Corlins Richard P, actor, rms Manitou. Carum John J. real est & loans, 13 Eagle blk, res Lake Breeze addition. Cosgrove Edward H, cont agt S P Co, res Gladstone bldg. Cottle Stephen W, lab, bds 369 Fourth. Cotton Mary J (wid). res 10th South and Third West. Colborn S IX res 272 State. Covey J. lab, res rear 523 Seventh East. Cowburn Miss Gertrude, res 448 N Sixth West. Cowie Alexander H, res removed to 717 S Main. Cox Eugene, lab, bds Second West and Tenth South. Crandall Eugene F, capitalist, res Tenth East, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. Cremer G, res 209 N Fourth West. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE-APPENDIX. 59 A Crolins Richard, actor, rms Clift House. Croniett, Carpenter & Co (E T C, R JO, A A Beesley & R D Blackmarr), General Music Dealers, 73 W Second South. Cromett Edward S (Cromett, Carpenter & Co. also B & O Transfer Co), res Metropolitan Hotel. Crook F W, res 44 W First North. Crouch Franklin E, bookbinder S L Litho Co, res 958 E Second South. Cowley Lucy (wid Geo), res 81 Vine. Cunningham William, 858 W Eighth South. Dairymen's Association, Fourteenth Ward Assemply Rooms. R E Egan, pres: G Ward secy: H J Faust Jr treas. Danforth Mattie E, res 141 Fifth East. Doughton Michael, expman, res 256 E Fifth South. Davidson Ernest, tinner, res 536 E Fourth South. Davies Ephraim J, res 437 W First South. Davis A M, grocer, 158 S Sixth West, res same. Davis Emily, milliner Mme Lamb. Davis Hattie, res 27 S First West. Davis Mrs N E, res Hotel Knutsford. DeBout Christopher, lab, res 50 Tenth East. Dearingf Harry, bds 256 E Fifth South. DeFard J W, res 814 E Second South. l>< ill on W S (D & McNally), rms 1-2-3 Eagle blk, res 1010 Ninth East, Ueiitoii & Mctfally (W S D & J C McN), Attorneys-at-Law, J -2-3 Eagle blk. Derringer John J, plumber, res 220 W First South. Detwyeler Miss Lena, emp Woolley Steam Laundry 2d S, bet 7th and 8th E. De Valley & Lindsay employment agts, 9 Godbe-Pitts bldg. Diamond Coal Co (Georgie Foote & M E Cummings), 11 E First South. Dickinson Solomon S (D & Marriott), res 58 E Third South. Hit kiiisoii & Marriott (S S Dickinson & J M Marriott), Proprs Palace Meat Market, 265 S Main. Dilley James W (Lewis & D), res 27 Roberts blk. Dodd H L, res 128 N First East. Doggett M B, res 128 Second East. Doherty John L, res 563 W First South. Doran Patrick L, bkpr Symns Utah Grocer Co, bds Walker House. Doty W J, res 254 W Seventh South. Downing Landon L, agt The Red Line Transit Co, 11 Union Nat'l Bank bldg. Drake A L, mining, rms 37 Central blk. Drake Mrs A T, res 1029 First. Drake John, res 9 Herald blk. Drake Kate G, res 1029 First. Duncan B, emp Cullen Hotel, rros Lincoln House. Duncan Clyde, emp Cullen Hotel, rms Lincoln House. Duningen Mrs E L, milliner and dressmkr 134 W First South, rms same. Dunn's Commercial and Collection Agency, Shepard, Cherry & Shepard Attys, 37-40 Com'l blk. Dmisliee & Raney (Alfred D & Samuel R), Real Estate and Loans, 13 Eagle blk. Dunyon Phares, res 154 N Second West. Durie Rhoda (wid Wm H), res 666 S Fourth West. Durr John, peddler, res s w cor Liberty Park and Seventh East. Eakle H, res 645 Seventh East. Cardley J IV, Lumber Dealer, removed to 625 S State. East E M, res 642 E First South. Easton George, res 231 N Third West. Ebersol D C, Emp Wm Harkins. Eckert John, musician, res s e cor Second South & Fourth East. Eckler Anton F, lab, res 876 W Fourth South. Ecklor Elizabeth (wid Peter), res Lake Breeze add. Eckstrom John, peddler, res 338 S Third West. Ed el man C O, res 509 W First South. Edgington Ruth E (wid Walter M), res 138 Eighth East. Egan R B, pres Dairymen's Association, res Wood's Cross. Eichnor Dennis C, Asst Co Attv, 402 Progress blk, res 446 E 3d South. Elbert F F, res 330 State. 60 A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. Eldredge Fred B, res Granger Precinct. Eldredge & Knight, photographers, s e cor State and Third South. Eldridge Carrie, res 50 W Third South. Eldridge Vena, res 50 W Third South. Eliot Adron Andrew, res 704 S First West. Elkin A, res 210 E Fifth South. Elkiii D A, res 210 E Fifth South. Elkin Mrs D A, groc and notions, 304 S West, Temple, res 505 Second East. Ellerbeck II M, Mngr Utah Plumbing & Supply Co, 164 S West Temple. Elliott W M, res 346 W Third South. Ellis Geo, carp, res 35 S Third West. Ellis M B, cond R G W Ry. res 736 W Second South. i:ilmor< Mrs O, Dressmkr, rm 5, 64 W Second South, res same. Elson August, emp Wm Harkins. Emms William, res 231 E Eighth South. Empey Charles A, res 163 B. Endicott William, emp Wm Harkins. Engbede John, res 347 E Second South. Epperson N, res 307 Dooly blk, Evans David, plumber and gas fitter 131 E Second South, nee adv. Eveans Anabella, rms Telluride blk. Eveans John, propr Telluride Block furnished rooms, res same. Eveans Llewellyn J, emp W Bros & F Co, rms Telluride blk. Eveans Miss Mary C. rms Telluride blk. Everett Hannah (wid Addison), res rear 575 Second East. Eyl E C, salesman Pioneer Nursery Co, res 316 Third East. Facer R C, mining expert, rm 308 Progress blk. Fairchild II E, bcls Manitou. Fargo George, carp, bcls 462 S West Temple. Fanning Peter, rms 15 W Seventh South. Farnow Mary, res 976 First. Farnsworth Philo T, supt Horn Silver Mine, res 111 E South Temple. Farron Emma (wid Benj), res 674 Second. Felsted William, res 1175 E Seventh South. Ferguson II V A, res 12H W Second South. Ferguson Thomas. Atty at Law and U S Commissioner, removed to 19-20 Scott- Auerbach block, res State, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. Ferney Jerry, Second Hand Store 332 S Main, res same. Ferrando & Rudclelat, saloon 149 S West Temple. Fields Charles E, housemover. 557 W Second- South, res same. Filton Isaac, res 236 F. Fisher Eliza (wid James), bds 32 E Sixth South. Fisher Elizabeth, res 324 Eighth East. Fitzgerald Ella C, tchr Hammond Hall, res 364 Fourth East. Follett Clayton A, dentist. 6-7 Eagle blk. Foote Mrs Georgie (Foote & Cummings), res 76 E First South. Foote James E, mngr Diamond Coal Co. res 76 E First South. Foote & Cummings (Georgie E F & M E Cummings), Diamond Coal Co 11 E First South. Forcey David E (Forcey, Vincent & Co), res Second West and Tenth South. Forcey, Vincent & Co (David E F, Milo V & David Smellie). Boots and Shoes, 69 W First South. Forsyth Ebenezer (Brodie & F), res Valley House. Fox Moylaii C, removed from 11 E First South to Dooly blk. Franzen Jacob, pressman Herald, res rear 42 S Fourth West. Frew Duncan J, Atty at Law. removed to 19-20 Scott-Auerbach block. res State, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. Frost Miss Lina, res 164 S Second West. Fry Ida M, res 1063 E Second South. Fry Jacob B, butcher 377 State, rms same. Fuller Francis W. lab, res rear 738 Eighth East. Furniss Ella B, res 77 Culmer blk. Furster John, carp, res 138 E Seventh South. Gaines Elizabeth (wid H A), res 92 Centre. Galvin James S, rep M osier Safe & Lock Co, res Hotel Templeton. Gamble Nellie K (wid Frank), res 655 W Second North. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. 61 A Gardiner Alfred (James & G), res 723 Fifth. Gardiner Fred W, Sec and Treas S L Litho Co, res 128 Second East. Gass Aj|S, rms 508 Dooly blk. Gates Sarah H (wid James), res 847 E Ninth South. Gaylord Eugene P, elk W F & Co, res Walker House. Germain C Frederick, res 410 W Second South. Germain Charles F (Rhineheimer & G), res 412 W Second South. Gerino Peter, 128 W Second South. Gibbs W R, res 731 E Sixth South. Gibson Alexander, res 483 Third. Gibbs Lizzie, tchr Sixteenth School. Giesy A K, res 1000 S Eleventh East. Giesy W S, res 1000 S Eleventh East. Gill D R, trav agt George Q Cannon & Sons Co, res 104 S Third W-si.. Gill Elizabeth (wid James), res 711 Fifth. Gleason J J, res 235 W Third South. C*odbe Frank, mining & real est, res 134 Fourth East . Godman Benjamin F, miner, res 244 S First West. Goffney H E, res 264 Main. Golden E E, res 18 Commercial. Good Frank J, carp R G W Ry, res 875 W Third South, Goodmanson Christina (wid Magnusen), res 7 Pugsley's Row. Gordon Mrs Mary, res 432 Elm Park. Gordon Robert, res 432 Elm Park. Goss Chalapha G, mngr Utah Tailoring Co, res 624 S State. Goss Win H (Utah Tailoring Co), res 624 S State. Gotham Amos, Furniture Van, res 250 E Fifth South. Gothe Olo, res Third East bet Ninth and Tenth South. Gould Elizabeth, res 463 W Second North. Gould Robert, res 463 W Second North. Graham J B, res 434 State. Granquist John, barkpr Elk Saloon, res 29 Plum Alley. Graves M, tchr, res 47 E Fifth South. Gray A, elk, res 51 E Second South. Green Thomas (Tullidge & Co), res 434 W Fifth South. Green William, lab, res 624 S Second West. Green William L (Symns Utah Grocer Co), res 64 W Sixth South. Gregory Joshua, carp, bds 915 W First North. Greiner Charley, cook Home Bakery, rms 205 W Second South. Grizzly Mining Co (Inc), Isaac Jennings pres ; E A Hyde vice-pres ; J W Fox Jr treas ; J R Sharp secy, Constitution bldg. Grover Joel F, studt, res 31 N First West. Groves Charles, res 750 W Seventh South. Groves John \V, music dealer, res 110 Oak. Ounnell Arthur J, with Salt Lake News Co, 77 W Second South, res 816 E Seventh South. Gurley C E, accountant 214 Main. Gurnsey D, stock man, res 463 E First South. Gustaveson L, lab, res 273 Eighth East Guthrie R C, res 764 Third. Gwin F L, res 47 Denver Court. Haacke Charles, res 853 W Third North. Haagra M P, bricklyr, res 242 Seventh East. Haddon Mary A, res 1029 E Sixth South. Haddon Joseph A, res 1029 E Sixth South. Haddon John, expman, res 757 W Second South. Haddon Miss Zina, bds 547 S Third West. Hadley Bertha, res 248 W Third North. Haight Duene, grocer elk, rmp. 42 E First South. Haines Charles C, ticket agt Utah & Nevada Ry, rms same. Haines Edward, brick mason, res Garden City. Haines & Davies, merchants 376 W First North. Halberg Herman L, porter Bechtol & Sands, res 874 E Second South. Hall Bros, (M A & G B Hall), Photographers Supplies 38 Richards, scr adv opp Photo supplies. Hall Fannie, tchr Burlington Cong School, res Olift uve. 62 A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. Hall Gideon B (Hall Bros), res 516 Seventh. Hall Marcus A (Hall Bros), res 333 F. Hall Mine R, Robes 22-23 Eagle blk. res same, nr-c ad'-. Hallinan Bert J, bartnclr. rms Clift House. Hallstrom Charles A, teamster, bds 951 E First South. Hallstroni Christina (wid Chas A), res 951 E First South. Hancock diaries R, Proprietor Enterprise House 13 Com'], res same. Haney H E, rms Magnolia House. Hansen John. Manager Scandia Pub Co, 49 Commercial, res 240 Iowa Ave. Hansen William, pressman, res 343 S Third East. Hanson John, expressman, near cor 4th East and 4th South. Hanson John, 418 E Fourth South. Hanson Mrs Maria, laundress, res rear 925 E First South. Hanson Millie, ironer Empire Laundry, res 156 E Third South. Hanson Axele. emp Woolley Steam Laundry, res 521 Fifth East. Hanson Miss Jennie, emp Woolley Steam Laundry, res 645 Seventh East. Harding A L, res cor Fifth East and Tenth South. Harmon Geo J, painter, res 776 S State. Harmon John, emp Cullen Hotel, bds same. Hari & Pogge i L F H & U C P). Jobbers and Retailers in Cigars, 241 S Main ; Successors to L F Harr. Harrison J X, Physician, 9 and 10 Eagle Blk, rms same. Hart Harry, stenographer Corker & Co, rms 251 S Main. Hart Robert, plasterer, res 164 S Second West. Harte Charles T, City Editor Herald, res Walker House. Hartman Cora, res 230 S Second West, Hartman Eli, res 230 S Second West. Hartman Will F. res 230 S Second West. Hartman W T. res 230 S Second West. Harvey Mrs Amelia D, res 558 E Fourth South. Harvey James, painter, res 363 Thirteenth East. Harvey John J, res 450 W First South. Harvey Rebecca R, res 466 S First West. Harvey Thomas, res 466 S First West. Harvey William, res 262 Wall. Harvey William, plumber, res 363 Thirteenth East. Harvey W J. Attorney-at-Law, 412-413 Dooly blk, res 466 S First West. Hays Simon, farmer, res 67 Grape. Haynes Emma L, res 611 S Main. Haynes Martin R. res 611 S Main. Headen David, emp Cullen Hotel, rms same. Healy L J, trav salesman L E Hall, res 29 W First South. Heckner Rev C H, res 405 E Fourth South. Hedjsrer George, Musician, res 3 Ninth East. Henderson John, peddler, res 668 Third East. Henderson Minnie, res 1 Rose. Henderson & Henderson, groceries and meat market. Aberdeen bet Second and Third West. Hendricks John D (H &. Palmer), res 65 W First South. Hendricks & Palmer, International cure for the Liquor Habit, 65 W 1st South. Hennessey Mrs S C, clairvoyant, 29 J W First South. Hennessy J C, res 224 W First South. Henrickson Miss Jennie, res 106 Centre. Henry J H, res 9 Willard Court. Herold B T, fancy grocer and produce broker, moved to 231 S Second West. Higbee R, res 357 E Fifth South. Hill Frank E. rms 13 Commercial. Hill Isaac B, sec Merry Bell Mining Co and elk R G W Ry, res 49 W Fifth South. Hill Karl, Sec S L College of Music. Teacher Piano and Voice Culture, studio same. Hills Jliss Ella, Millinery and Dressmaking, 109 S West Temple. Hiskey llrie I . Sec Pacific Investment Co, 30 Commercial blk. res 377 I. Hodson B F, tchr of piano S L College of Music. Hoffer Barbara, res 41 E Third South. Hoffman H C. Real Estate 9 W Second South, res 217 S First West. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. 63 A Holcomb Asa S, Painting and Decorating, 148 E Second South, res 346 E Fifth South. Holmes E C, res 357 W Third South. Hollberg H, res 515 S Fifth East, Holt Miss Clara, emp A Mehesy, res 1203 W Third South. Holt C L, rms 249 Main. Holt Miss Minnie, teacher of piano S L College of Music. Hook Ella, res 154 N Second West. Hopeling John J, peddler, res 925 E Second South. Hopkins Mrs Laura, res 432 Elm Park. Hopkins Miss Pearl, res 432 Elm Park. Hopkins Wm T, res 432 Elm Park. Horak Stephen, peddler, res 267 W Second South. Hough Wm A, res 454 W Second South. Householder Alma, res 248 W Third North. Housekeeper Miss Low, cigarmkr Crescent Cigar Co, res 235 S State. Howes Mrs Agnes, res 41 S Sixth West. Huffer C C, res 44 E Eleventh South. Humphreys Mrs H, restaurant 108 S State, res same. Hursh Fred W, res 623 Eighth East. Hutchinson C L, res 364 W Third South. Hutchinson I M, painter, removed to 36 Alemeda ave. IliilHi; Bros Manufacturing Co, Muscatine, Iowa, J L Hutcherson Local Manager, 159 S Main, see adv. Hyde Mary A, tchr Hammond Hall, res 364 Fourth East. Hyde William, Editor-in-Chief Herald, res 457 E First South. Ibepah Land and Live Stock Co The, John Ford pres ; Wm L White vice-pres ; John H White secy and treas, office 38 W First South. Individual Hydro-Gas Co, The, Dr A I Groves pres, O A Pincus vice-pres, B K Bloch treas, Louis Bamberger gen mngr. Irving E, lab, res 7 Mortensen's Row. Isaac Sol, res 257 S Main. Isherwood Thomas, expman, res 672 E Fourth' South. Jackson Thomas, peddler, res Hanson's Court. Janies-Speiicer-Batemaii Co, Plumbers, Stoves, etc, 67 S Main. Jayne Rev George E, res 739 E Ninth South. Jensen John F, second-hand store 121 S State, res same. Jensen Peter, propr. Restaurant Shades' Saloon, bds same. Jenson L, lab, res 347 E Sixth South. Johnson C, peddler, res 760 State. Johnson Ellen, res 766 First. Johnson J L, driver, Woolley Steam Laundry, res S Temple bet 8th &9th E. Johnson Margaret W (wid Lucas), res 404 W Third South. Johnson Peter, res rear 844 S Eighth West. Johnson Peter H, Hay & Grain 136 W First South, res same. Jones Jennie, bds Brooks Arcade. Jones J W, carp, res 51 Ninth East. Jones. Thomas, res 337 S Eighth West. Jones Thos E (Jones & Schmidt), bds Star Restaurant. Jones W H, bds Brooks Arcade. Jones & Schmidt (Thos E J & Wm S), Star Restaurant, 56 E First South. Jones & Schroeder (E B J & A T S), lawyers, 97-98 Com'l bldg. Junkin Harry G, elk Drug Store 219 S Fifth West. Kay John, grocer 263 N First West, res same. Kearney Ella, res 123 S Second West. Kearney Lizzie, res 123 S Second West. Kearney Maggie, res 123 S Second West. Kearney Thomas, res 123 S Second West. Kearr Jennie, res 532 First South. Keating Mrs J W, res 72 E First South. Kelley W T, res 51 W Third South. Keough J W, stockraiser, res Hotel Templeton. Kettington J W, teamster, res 837 E Fifth South. Kind Wm G, railroad ticket broker, W B LaVille mngr, Walker House King George, elk, res 537 Ninth East. Kirmas Frederick H, foreman furrier A Mehesy, res 158 S West Temple 64 A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. Knepp Meno. cigarmkr Crescent Cigar Co. res 770 Eighth East. Knight Mrs Barbara, res 171 W South Temple. Kiiowlcleii Geo II, Real Estate agt, removed to 59 E Second South. Krause Franz, expressman, res Perkins add. Krider John, res 47 S West Temple. Krigbaum Henry 31. propr Fashion Oyster and Chop House, 226 S State, res Holmes Block. Laclilan William, 462 S West Temple, res same. Lafitte Mary, res 162 E Seventh South. Lambert & Co (Geo C L, Geo C Lambert Jr & James N Lambert), Proprs 7th Ward Market, Groc, Meat, Prod and Grain, 176 W Fifth South. Landers & EiVer, succeed Landers, Ewer & Scholley, seep 2, Terr Dept. Lasher F W, res 724 E Second South. Lee Annetta, res 141 Fifth East, Leeka C, Dentist, 42 S Main, should read 142 S Main. LeGrande Mrs M, second-hand store 143 W Second South, res same. Leissaver A, second-hand goods 72 E Second South, res same. Lendholm Andrew P, blksmith, res 312 Centre. Lethem James, night watchman Temple Block. Levy A, res 142 State. Lew Mrs Louisa, Christian scientist, res Roberts bldg. Lewis David F, tmstr Park City Ice Co, res 164 S Second West. Lewis Lile L (L & Dilley). res 205 W Second South. Le\vis & Dilley (Lile L L & James W D), Restaurant. 47 Commercial. L.eyson The J H C 1 o, Hugh Mauldin Mngr, 128 S Main, see adv fro:it edge. Lincoln Mary, tchr Seventh School. Lindquist Alex, barbsr, res 43 Jeremy ave. Lindquist Eric, lab, res 43 Jeremy ave. Lindsay David physician and surgeon. 32 O'Meara blk, res same. Lindsley Mrs M E, res 48 E Third South. Long Thomas, res 379 W First North. Lovatt Wm. packer Kentucky Liquor Co, res 835 First. Lowry Geo, mach R G W Ry, res 535 W Third South. Lucas A J & Co (Amos J L & T A Mulholland), meat mkt, 633 Second. Lucy A M, res Sixth and C. Lutkin Samuel H, lab, res 656 W Third North. Lynch Miss Phyllis, elk, res 243 N Sixth West. McAllister Dorothy, dairy, North Salt Lake, res same. McBrine Mrs S A. principal Hunter School. Me Oimi Potter & Co, 75 W First South. McCarthy W S, expressman, res rear 258 E Third South. McClain O L (O S McClain & Co), res 466 S First West. McClary Jack, lab, res w of State, Murray. McClelland Annie, res 344 E First South. McClelland Pearl, res 344 E First South. McClelland-Slawson Mrs, 344 E First South. McClure William, elk A Mehesy, res Central Park, 13th S and State. McCorrl R W. produce peddler, 437 W First South. McCracken James, peddler, res 202 W Third South. McDonald Virgil, res 462 W First South. McDonnell N A J, peddler, res 566 W First North. McElrath John, furniture van, res 1008 S First West. McElroy Ann F (wid Frank B). res 135 B. McFall Celia, res 524 S West Temple. McGie James, trav agt J C Cutler & Bro. McGrath M (widow M) res 145 Seventh East. Mclntyre Miss Alice, tchr piano and organ S L College of Music. McKerness Jennie (J & L McK), removed to 2 Whitaker Court. McKerness Lizzie (J & L McK), removed to 2 Whitaker Court. McKilligan George W, plasterer, res 405 Eleventh East. McLeod Honor, res 49 S Sixth West. McLeod James, lab, res 49 S Sixth West. JlcXally J C (Denton & McN), res 158 Mitchell ave. Macknight Joseph F, res 825 E Fourth South. Macknight Mrs Mary, res 825 E Fourth South. Madsen Jacob, shoemkr, res 601 Sixth East. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. 65 A Madsen J P, trav agt Co-op W & Mach CQ. Mahany J, miner, res 237 Ninth East. Mahany Jennie, res 237 Ninth East. Mann Frank, lab, res 1023 Second. Manning Charles, teamster Park City Ice Co, res 164 S Second West. Marovich B, peddler, res 333 S State. Marriott Joseph M (Dickinson & M), res 253 E Fourth South. Marsh C, asst cashier U P Depot, res 124 M. Martin E A, expressman, res cor Fifth East and Ninth South. Martin J C, res 1162 E Fourth South. Mason J J, grocer, res 345 S Second West. Mather Andrew mason, bds 741 S Main. Matheson John N, blacksmith, res 63 Quince. Maxson A E, genl mngr Singer Sewing Machine Co, res 445 S Main. Meade H B (H B M & Co), res 54 N First West. Meade H B & Co (H B M & Mrs M A Thurman), groceries, 613 E Fourth S. Meads J, res 242 W Third North. Meajorovich M, peddler, res 333 State. Merchant Printing Co, 27-29 W South Temple, see adv. Meslein Fred R, expressman, res 564 E S Temple. Michelsen Miss Lena, clressmkr Mme R Hall, res 838 E Second South. Miles William H, Brush Manufacturer. 343 W Sixth South, res same. Miller A V, civ engr, 305 Progress blk, bds Morgan. Miller C C, res 58 W Sixth South. Miller John H, cook, res 42 W Third South. Miller Mattie T (wicl Wm C), res 227 W North Temple. Miller Mrs M (wid J), res 227 W North Temple. Miller Nils A, merchant tailor rm 4, 4-V E Third South. Millet R D, res 559 E South Temple. Miner George W, painter, bds 473 Fourth East. Miner Mason O, painter, bds 473 Fourth East. Mining Age Publishing Co, Geo Arthur Rice Pres, A F Holden Vice- Pres, J A Pollock Treas, Geo F Canis Sec, 133 S West Temple. Milliron Joseph, M O, 107 S Main. Millner Thomas W, res 738 W First South. Model Home Bakery, Herbert F Wheeler Propr, 159 N Third West. Montague C H, res 513 Second East. Morgan Hotel, Morgan Hotel Co proprs, 144 W First South. Morgan Mary E, res 142 S West Temple. . Morreau Jean, lab, res 212 W Fourth North. Morris George, expman, res 128 E Fifth South. Morris Robert, elk E Braby & Sons, bds 303 Ninth East. Morse S T & Bro, 335 State. Mount Nebo Reservoir & Canal Co, Wm H Tibbals pres, H M McCartney vice-pres, Wm Dieterle sec, A W Tibbals treas, office 706 McCornick blk Mower Mrs Nellie, res 738 W Second South. Mower Miss Sadie, res 738 W Second South. Mulford E, mngr Morgan Hotel, res same. Murnane Theo, lab City Water Works. Murphy Peck & Co, should read Murphy, Peart & Co. Murray Charles, succeeds Manion & Murray, 78 W ]st S, res 46 W 1st South. Naylor Sander, butcher, 854 E First South, res same. Naylor William & Son, feed stable, rear I57i State. Nelsen Miss Amanda, clressmkr Mme R Hall, res 328 E Fifth South. Nelsen Carl, tailor Ch W Huhl, res cor 8th South and 8th West. Nelson Mrs Inga, emp A Mehesy, res 352 W Second North. Nelson James P (S F Spencer & Co), res Mortenson's Court. Nelson Rev M, res 405 E Fourth South. Nephew Geo W, Grocery and Meat Market, 877 E Second S, res same. tfepple C C, Genl Mngr Utah Undertaking Co. 317 S Main. Nelsen Fred, expressman, res 564 E South Temple. Netherland Fine Stock & Dairy Co, removed to 406 Dooly blk, see ad. Neville Mrs H W, bds 236 W Sixth South. Newell E P & Co (E P Newell), Real Estate, 11 W Second S, res 737 Owen. Newell N Fred, lineman R M B Telephone Co, res Englewood add. Neymeyer Wm (F E Wambolt & Co), res 417 E Eighth South. 66 A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. Nichols Joshua R. mining, res 58 Third East. Nichols W, res Star block. Nickum George S, mach R M Jones, res 263 E Sixth South. Nielsen Alfred, lab. res 42 Grape. Nielsen Charles E, stonecutter, bds 833 Fourth East. Nielsen Christopher M, res 741 Fifth East. Nielsen Johanna (wid Hans), res 729 Fifth East. Nielsen John, cabinet mkr P W Madsen, res 676 E Sixth South. Nielsen Laust, res 135 E Fourth South. Nielsen Martin, lab, res 42 Grape. Nielsen Peter, harness mkr, bds 217 S First West. Nilson Axel F, carp, res 230 E Third South. Nolan John, lab, bds 263 S Fifth West. Northwestern Masonic Association of Chicago, William I Birchett agt, 66 Commercial blk. Norton Grove E, mining opr 55 W Second South, rms Metropolitan Hotel. No well Nancy (wid Silas), res 333 E Second South. Nowlin Miss May, dressmkr Mme R Hall, res 214i S State. Nowlin Miss Rye, dressmkr Mme R Hall, res 214i S State. Nugent Henry ^H C Harrison & Co), The Oxford Club, 20 W Second South. Nutting John D, res 216 Eighth East. Nyby H, emp S L Manfg Co. res n s Agricultural Park. O'Brien Joe E, res 505 Fourth East. O'Brien W L, violinist, rms 233 Fourth East. Olsen Karan (wid Gilbren), res 44 E North Temple. Otis Nancy (wid M F), res 172 N Second West. Owen Daniel N, elk, res 280 F. Pacific Insurance I 11 ion. Sam M Donnell Surveyor, 109 Com'l blk. Pacific Investment Co, 30 Com'l blk. Packett Edwin W, lab, res 532 S Ninth West. Page Mrs Amelia J, Propr Parisian Lace and Curtain Cleaning Parlors, 264 S West Temple, res same. Palace Livery Stables, 52 W Third South. Palmer Edw (Hendricks & P), res Denver, Col. Pardee James D, atty-at-law rms 1-2-3 Eagle blk, res 166 Mitchell ave. Parker Harry W, contr frt agt Santa Fe Ry, res 562 S Main. Park Miss Glace, res 735 W First South. Parks Geo W (P & Thompson), res 147 Seventh East. Parks N A, saddler^ res 458 S Fourth West. Parks & Thompson (Geo W P & Ernest D R T), Land and Mining Attys and Notaries Public, rms 4-5 Eagle blk. Parr John C, miner, res Forest Dale. Parratt Geo F. cabinetmkr, res 68 Quince. Parratt J W, peddler, res Third East bet Second and Third South. Parson Mrs Mary, res 361 S Fifth West. Parsons Isaac R, bds 445 Eleventh East. Patterson A (wid John), res 349 W North Temple. Patterson Ellis R, bkpr, res 405 Eleventh East. Patterson Ray, res 510 E First South. Payne John, driver Troy Steam Saundry, res 619 E Fourth South. Pearce William, res 402 N First West. Pedersen Niels, drayman, res 643 S Third West. Penhale G F, res 755 E Second South. People's Lodging House, Paul Blinn propr, 58 Com'l. Perry Heilac J. butcher, bds 269 E Third South. Peterson Anders G, lab. res 353 E Eighth South. Peterson Andrew M, bakery 57 E First South, res same. Peterson Ann Margaretta (wid Jens C), res 451 E Seventh South. Peterson Hans, moulder Eagle F & M Co, res 253 W Second North. Peterson John, emp A Mehesy. res 651 E Second South. Peterson John, helper Silver Bros, bds 253 W Second North. Peterson Nels. teamster, res rear 643 Third East. Peterson Niels A, tailor Jos Baumgarten, rms 54 Franklin ave. Peterson Sarah (wid Lars), bds 645 Fourth East. Peterson Swen J. stone mason, res 324 Eighth East. Peterson Wilhelmina (wid Chas C), res 133 Seventh East. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. 67 A Peterson Wm J, elk C N Peterson, bds 133 Seventh East. Petiteau Alphonse, gardner Liberty Park. Pettee C J, Publisher Western Knight and Mngr Pettee, Bowman & Co, 272 State, res 727 E Eighth South. Pettee, Bowman & Co (C J P, Athel B Bennett & O S Bowman), Book and Jb Printers, 272 S State, see adv. Pettibone Miss Lizzie H, asst tchr Tenth School. Pettingale Chas, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Petro Mining Co, Glen R Bothwell pres, Stanly B Milner sec and treas ; location of mines, Bingham ; office 63-65 Commercial blk. Petrovitzky J, expman, res Seventh West and Third South. Pherson P, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Philips Miss Grace, bkpr Singer Mfg Co, bds 31 S First West. Phillips Harry, brushmkr, res rear 36 Twelfth East. Phillips Henry R, emp Z C M I shoe dept, res rear 36 Twelfth East. Pierce Nelson, bds 23 E Eighth South. Pillaud Alexander, Florist 507 Tenth East, see Ladies'' Shopping Deptmt. Pincus O A, vice-pres The Individual Hydro-Gas Co, res Butte, Montana. Pitt Robert C, painter, res 148 W North Temple. Plescio D, peddler, res 125 S West Temple. Pogge Ulrich C (Harr & P), res 572 Fourth East. Poland Jack, res 348 Centre. Powell Miss Maria L,, Teacher Delsarte Physical Culture, S L College of Music. Poulton Albert E, meat market, 422 S Second West. Power Miss Ethel, 92 Wasateh blk. Power Mrs M E, 92 Wasateh blk. Powers & Hiles, lawyers, rms 26-30 Eagle blk. Pratt Lona res, 15 State. Preffer Emil, waiter, res 533 S Second West. Prescott Mary (wid James), res 190 Back. Putnam F*R, res 555 S West Temple. Quinn Phillip S, farmer, res 15th South & State. Rankin Arch E, res 410 E Second South. Rainy Albert C, res 10th E bet 3d and 4th South. Rawlings Alfred J (Bentley & R), res 258 S Main. Rawlings Mrs Annie, res 22 Almond. Raybould B G, Real Estate, Loans and Notary Public, office 24 W 2d S. Redeker John, shoemkr Z C M I, res 1st West bet 10th and llth South. Reed J, lab, res 424 Third East. Reed Walter, elk, rms 22 E Fourth South. Reed & Goodspeed Mining Co, 27 S State. Rees Jane (wid Thomas Jr), res 153 Ninth East. Rehrman F, real estate agent, res 248 Ninth East. Reid Mrs Mary, res 58 S Sixth West. Reid Robert P, mngr Wasateh Meat Co, res 76 R. Reifil Charles, prop I X L Saloon, 44 E Second South, res 103 Sixth East. Reilly Charles H, prop Elk Saloon, 80 E First South, res 1221 E 7th South. Reilly Clara E (wid Wm), res 530 Third East. Renebelan A H, expressman, res 325 Express ave. Reuber Checketts, peddler, res 47 Marion ave. Reynolds Fred W, Boys' Supervisor School for the deaf, bds same. Reynolds G, bkpr, res 163 Centre. Reynolds John, lab, res 221 S Fifth West. Rhineheimer Emily (R & Germain), res 410 W Second South. Rhineheimer Grocery Co, Rhineheimer & Germain, props, 410 W 2d South. Rice Jacob, painter, 221 S Fifth West. Richards Joseph S, Physician and Surgeon, 306-309 Constitution build- ing, res 559 E South Temple. Richards & Capen, meat market, 245 Eleventh East. Richardson J M, rms 22 Palace Stables. Richardson Wm E (Chandler & R), res 50 Commercial. Rick Rudolph, emp Holmes bldg. Riedel John, tailor S C Stm Dye Wks, res 37 Ninth East. Riley J J, saloonkpr, res 543 E Fourth South. Risley Thomas B, condr U C Ry, res 49 Almond. 68 A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. Bobbins Charles S, drayman, res Sugar House Ward. Robyn Augusta (wid Edw), res 128 E Eighth South. Robyn Leon E, elk Johnson, Pratt & Co. 32 S Main, rms same. Robinson William A (Utah P & G Co), bds 61 E First North. Rogers Miss Marie, emp Woolley Steam Laundry, res 866 E Second South. Roland B, lab, res 537 W Second South. Roman L G. res 357 W Third North. Romney Albert, C!K, res 134 C. Romney Mrs Emma, emp Z C M I, res cor 3d and D. Romney Miss Violet E, res 134 C. Rooklidge J W, ins agt 149 S Main, res 857 E Second South. Rooklidge Thos C, contr, res 857 E Second South. Rose Frederick W, Contractor & Carpenter, res rear 536 S 1st West. Ross D L, rms 34 Richards. Ross George, comp, bds 30 G. Howe Alice E, tchr Third School. Rowland August, butcher, res Union blk. Rush E H, plumber S D Evans. StClair Nina (wid Joseph), res 27 E First North. St Mark's School should read, St Mark's Academy, 115 E 1st South, G N Deyoe principal. St Mary's Total Abstinence Society, meets at Rt Rev Bishop Scanlan's resi- dence first Sunday and last Tuesday in each month ; J J Harvey pres, Nora Gleeson sec. St Patrick's Church, Rev D Keily pastor, cor 4th West and 4th South. Salt L,ake College of Music, Karl Hill sec, 45-47 W First South, see adv. Salt Lake & Deep Creek Ry Co, Col T P Murray pres, N Treweek vice-pres, M H Walker treas, C T Stevenson sec, office 49 Scott-Auerbach bldg. Salt Lake Kews Co, Twitchell & Moon proprs, News Dealers and Stationers, 77 W Second South. Salt Lake Valley Loan & Trust Co. removed 11 E 1st South. Samuelson Alex, lab A J White, bds 23 E Eighth South. Sandberg Furniture Co, J C Sandberg Pres, Fred W Schoenfeld Vice- Pres, Eber Case, Sec and Treas: 108-110 W South Temple, seepage XL Santolini Felice, Confectioner, should read 171 S West Temple. Sargent J D, res 15 State. Scandia Publishing Co, John Hansen propr, 49 Commercial. Scanlin John, lab, res 815 W Third South. Schliep G G, meat market 212 W Second South, res same. Schmidt William (Jones & Schmidt), res Poplar Grove. Schoen N, res 62 W Fourth South. Schofield Charles H, bds 321 Sixth. Sell \varz & Heinecke, Florists and Decorators, llth Easts of llth South. Seals Charles, night watchman, res 42 W Third South. Secrup William, res 20 Post. Seeby Jonas, res 563 W Seventh South. Sehler Henry, real est, bds 58 E Third South. Senior Chop House, Allan P Senior propr, 55 W Second South, res same. Sharp J S. M D, office over Godbe-Pitts drug store. Shay L H, res 407 W Second South. Shay N, peddler, res 171 W Third South. Sheets E I^, Gen'l Agent The American Employers' Liability Insurance Co, 232 S Main. Shi b;stn Harry, Prop The Central Restaurant, 50 W 2d South, res same. Shields Miss Ester, res 23 N West Temple. Sliipler James W, Photographer, 72 to 76 Hooper Blk, res Douglas Place, bet llth and 12th East and 5th and 6th South. Shoemaker Joel, Associate Editor Irrigation Age, res 603 Ninth East. Shoumgee Pete, emp S L P Brick Co. res North Mill Creek. Shriner Sarah W, res 13 Willard Court 6th South, bet W Temple and 1st W. Silver City Gold and Silver Mining Co. Sharp Walker secy and treas, office Opera House blk. Simons Mrs Elliot, bds 121 Ninth East. Simpson John, brakeman U P System, res 535 W Sixth South. Sinclair George J, succeeds Sinclair & Livingston, saloon, 61 E 2d South. Singrey Milt L, comp Tribune job dept, res 959 S Second West. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. 69 A Sjodahl Jamie M, tel editor Deseret Neivs. Skoglund E W, shoemkr 37 Commercial. Slawson C R, res 344 E First South. Slight Thomas Jr, artist, rms 1-2 Lyon blk. Smethurst Frederic, coachman, res rear 258 N Seventh West. Smith A M (wid Enoch), res 268 Ninth East, Smith Mrs Caroline M, res 538 W Third South. Smith John Y, should read Cahoon Jno S, city liquor store 10 E 1st South. Smith Rev J F, res 333 W First North. Smith Justin T, mach R G W Ry, bds 538 W Third South. Smith Leonard J, res rear 158 W South Temple. Smith Mrs L, res 123 W North Temple. Smith Miss Martha P, elk, res 123 W North Temple. Smith Nicholas, res 563 W Seventh South. Smith Thomas F, cutter Mme R Hall, res 22 Eagle blk. Smith & Rybalt, brick mnfrs, Jordan and Tenth South. Snelson J T, res 528 Second. Snelson Lizzie, res 528 Second. Snider Rudolph, porter Morgan Hotel, res same. Snyder Frank B, letter carrier P O, res 246 N First West. Snyder James E, elk H J Osborne & Co, 16 E First South, rms same. Social Wheel Club, Com'l blk. Sorensen Hans, lab, res 724 S Main. South Side Water Co, O J Salisbury, pres ; J B Walden, V P ; W S McCor- nick treas, Francis Hall, secy. Sowclen Joseph, res 7084- S Main. Spraight, Tyler, shoemkr, res rear 553 W First North. Spalding John N, bds Arcade Restaurant. Sprague & Sharp, insurance, Deseret Bank bldg. Stalts C, res 238 S Tenth East. Star Mining Co, E Morris, pres ; T J Steed, V P ; A Stayner, sec; F R Snow, tres Stellman Annie (wid Jacob), bds 337 S Eighth East. Stembork George, brewer S L Brewery, res 613 S Tenth East. Stenbach James, porter The Tunnel. Stephens Frank A, eng R GW Ry, bds 211 S Fifth West. Stevenson Jacob H, comp News, res 368 Stevenson ave. Stevenson James E, lab, res 1060 E Second South. Stewart Catharine (wid Hamilton), res 808 W North Temple. Stewart John J, Wholesale Lumber, 205 S West Temple, res 1067 First. Stewart Mamie, res 574 State. Stirling Charles, elk James Stirling, bds 344 E Fifth South. Stirling William, mach R G W Ry, bds 437 W First South. Stockdale Miss E, dressmkr, res 341 E Fifth East. Stoltz Henry, tailor, res 106 Centre. Stone J H, peddler, res Lee's ave. Fourth North, bet 4th and 5th West. Stone William E, cutter F E Wells, bds 119 N. Stoner William, gardener, bds 547 S Main. Stover John P, butcher, res 176 S Third West. Stowell Miss Etta, res 236 S Second West. Stowell Fannie (wid Edson), res rear 236 S Second West. Stratford Henry, res 432 Elm Park. Strauss Rosa, res 654 E South Temple. Stringer J T, res 367 N Third West. Stroop J H, res 112 W First South. Stumpp Frederick, lab, res 442 S Eighth West. Sullivan C E. res 332 S West Temple. Sun Chun Tai, Chinese goods, 51 Plumb Alley. Sundstadt John, lab, res N Salt Lake. Sundstrum Josephine (wid). res Murray. Surbaugh Mrs Ada, Christian Scientist, 417 McCornick blk. Surtees Mrs Elizabeth, bds 7 Mortons Row. Sutheren John, shoemkr Z C M I, res 624 Thirteenth East. Swede Chas H, peddler, res 143 W South Temple. Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association, meets 1st and 3d Fridays at 8 p m, in Temple of Honor Hall, S L Hoover Master ; W J Irwing rec secy ; J E Brown financial secy. 70 A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE APPENDIX. Tate S H, res 112 W First South. Taylor A V, Land Attorney, 411 Dooly blk. Taylor George F, candymkr, bds 113 Seventh East. Taylor Jolin l FACTORY, v Rooms 62 ami (;:] Commercial Block, HIGHAM X AMOTT, AND Practical Plumbers Gas Fitters. 139 W. FIRST SOUTH ST. SALT LAKE CITY. PROMPTLY ATTEXI>EI> TO. ESTIMATES I I 1C MSII I l>. A. S. HOLCOMB, House and Sign Pointer. Wall Tinting and C' Hardwood Fitiisliiii- a Specialty 154 E. SE'O.M> SOI TH ST. ., Salt Lake City, SMOOT'S PARK AT SUGAR HOUSE, 'h yewr. Finosi Shales MIS in the Territory. Grounds car- peted with trrass. Swings. ( t >noit (irounds, Mirse. Taryi Ktc . Actionable characters or intoxicated - admitted. Pul>li< "'ieties or Private Parties W. C. A. SMOOT, Jr. Transit leaves First South and First UTAH GHZETTEER. Salt Lake City Record, # 1892-3, fe CITY GOVERNMENT. R. N. BASKIN, Mayor. C. E. STANTON, Recorder. E. A. ELLSWORTH, Deputy Recorder. H. T. DUKE, Treasurer. J. L. MAY, Deputy Treasurer. F. J. LEONARD, Assessor and Collector. A. W. RAYBOULD, - Auditor. A. F. DOREMUS, Engineer. SAMUEL PAUL, Marshal and Chief of Police. W. A. STANTON, Chief Fire Department. E. D. HOGE, Attorney. T. B. BEATTY, - Health Commissioner. F. L. HINES, Supervisor of Streets. W. H. RYAN, Supt. Water Works. A. L, HAMLIN, Building Inspector. M. S. THOMPSON, - Sealer of Weights and Measures. J. M. HARVEY, Watermaster. W. F. SHELTON, Supt. Sewer Construction. WM. SHOWELL, - 1 Sanitary Inspector. FRANK A. MEACHAM, - Physician. C. E. OFFENBACH, * Sexton. S. GALEAZZI, . Deputy Dog Tax Collector. 52 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. COUNCILORS. First Precinct M. H. Beardsley, John L. Lawson, C. F. Loof- bourow. Second Precinct H. F. Evans, A. H. Kelly, J. A. Heiss. Third Precinct Eli A. Folland, O. H. Hardy, E. E. Rich. Fourth Precinct -C. M. Bell, F. O. Horn, L. C. Karrick. Fifth Precinct P. J. Moran, A. L. Simondi. C. E. Wantland. Standing Committees of the City Council. Municipal Laws Loof bourow, Horn, Heiss, Simondi and Hardy. Streets Wantland, Heiss, Bell, Lawson and Hardy. Public Grounds Kelly, Beardsley, Simondi, Evans and Rich. Fire Department Heiss, Moran and Kelly. License Loof bourow, Bell and Hardy. Claims Horn, Simondi and Folland. Water Works Moran, Lawson, Evans, Karrick and Rich. Ways and Means Kelly, Beardsley and Folland. Revision Loofbourow, Bell and Moran. Sanitary Regulations and Quarantine Beardsley, Bell, Want- land, Kelly and Hardy. Markets Moran, Evans and Rich. Police Beardsley, Lawson, Moran, Karrick and Folland. Cemetery Simondi, Horn and Rich. Elections Evans, Lawson and Folland. Improvements Horn, Karrick and Rich. Prisons Horn, Evans and Hardy. Finance Bell, Wantland and Heiss. Public Works Simondi, Moran and Rich. Jordan Canal and Irrigation Evans, Beardsley, Ewing, Hardy and Karrick. Enrollment Evans, Simondi and Rich. Sewerage Lawson, Moran, Heiss, Horn and Hardy. Unfinished Business Bell, Beardsley and Folland. Joint City and County Building Loofbourow, Wantland and Bell. Special Street Sprinkling Kelly, Hardy and Karrick. The first named of each committee acts as Chairman. BOARD OF HEALTH. R. N. Baskin, Mayor, Ex-officio Chairman ; T. B Beatty, Health Commissioner ; Fred. 0. Meacham, City Physician ; C. P. Brooks. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. C. L Haines, Chairman ; W P. Noble, Geo. M. Downey, J. C. Conklin, Spencer Clawson. . CITY HALL Located at 1 20 E. First South, contains the following named City Offices : Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer, Auditor, Chief of Police, Assessor and Coilector, Assessor and Collector of Water Rates, SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 53 License Collector and Dep. Treas., City Engineer, Police Justice, Police Headquarters, Police Court, Water Master, Supervisor of Streets, Supt. of Sewers, Sanitary Inspector, Council Chambers. FIRE DEPARTMENT. W A. Stanton, Chief Engineer and Fire Inspector. Headquarters, 130 East First South. M. M. Donovan, Assistant Chief. Quarters, 37 and 39 North Second West. Chas. T. Vail, Supt. Fire Alarm Telegraph and Captain House No. i. Quarters, 132 and 134 East First South. W. E. Henton, Captain House No. 2. Quarters, Engine House No. 2. Wm. Gilbert, Captain Aerial Truck and House No. 3. Quarters, House No. 3. Chas. Foley, Captain Chemical Engine Co., No. i. Quarters, House No. 3. R. S. Conners, Secretary. Headquarters. ENGINE CO. NO. i. Located 132 and 134. E. First South. C. T. Vail, Captain ; H, W. Rouse, Engineer ; Jay J. Clark, Stoker; J. T. Berry, Driver; M. M. Donovan, Driver; W. F. Bates, Pipeman ; F. W. Brennan, Pipeman. ENGINE CO. NO. 2. Located 3 j and 39 N. Second West. W. E. Henton, Captain; H. H. Brough, Engineer; T. F. Chap- man, Stoker; John McMullan, Driver; J. H. Schwartz, Driver; P. J. Sullivan, Pipeman ; John Manin, Pipeman. HOOK AND LADDER CO. NO. i. Located 126 and 128 E. First South. Wm. Gilbert, Captain; Thos. Welch, Driver; J. C. Madsen, Til- lerman ; F. Fitzgerald, Ladderman ; H. L. Myers, Ladderman ; J, J. Sullivan, Ladderman. HOOK AND LADDER CO. NO. 2. Located 3 J and 39 N. Second West. C. E. Stanton, Foreman; Frank McKimmins, Pipeman; E. H. Josephie, Pipeman ; Martin Schmidt, Pipeman ; R. R. Grant, Pipeman. CHEMICAL ENGINE CO. NO. i. Located 126 and 128 E. First South. Chas. Foley, Captain ; W. G. Workman, Driver ; C. H. Montague, Pipeman ; E. J. Randolph, Pipeman. 54 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. HOSE CO. NO. I. Located 124. E. First South. Amos Moreton, Driver Hose Reel and Chief's Buggy ; C. L. Haynes, Foreman ; Howe King, Pipeman ; Dave Griffiths, Pipeman ; Harry Duke, Pipeman ; S. J. Paul, Pipeman. HOSE CO. NO. 2. Located 4.24. W. First South. A. M. Grant, Foreman ; R. L. Conley, Pipeman ; Walter Sher- man, Pipeman ; Frank Shelly, Pipeman : J. A. Greenwald, Pipeman. HOSE CO. NO. 3. Located 138 West Second South. Ike Wolf, Foreman ; Max Lipman, Pipeman ; Art Lowe, Pipe- man ; Chas. King, Pipeman; Joe Cottle, Pipeman. LOCATION OF FIRE ALARM BOXES. No. of Box. Location. 123 Z. C. M. L, Main St. 124 South Temple and Main. 125 First North and Main. 132 Rear Dinwoodey's Store, First South. 134 North Temple and First West. 135 Fourth and C. 142 Fifth and J. 143 Third and K. 213 First South and Seventh East. 214 Third South and Seventh East. 215 Fifth South and Seventh East. 216 First South and Tenth East. 231 First bet Q and R. 234 Second South and Ninth East. 241 Fourth South and Tenth East. 243 South Temple and M. 251 Fifth South and Second East. 312 First South and Third West. 314 North Temple and Thi rd West. 315 North Temple and Sixth West. 321 Third South and Third West, 324 First South and Fifth West. 341 Bet Second and Third South on Fifth West. Fifth South and Third West. Eighth South and Third West. Fourth North bet First and Second West. No. of Box. Location. 12 Commercial and First South. 13 First South and Main. vSecond South and Main. Third South and Main. Sixth South and Main. Second North and Centre. Eighth South and Main. First East and Second South. First East and Third South. First South and Fourth East. Third South and Fourth East. Fifth South and Fourth East. Seventh South and Fifth East. First South and West Temple. Second South and West Tem- ple. Third South and West Temple. Second South and Second West. Fifth South and West Temple. South Temple and First East. South Temple and C. South Temple and J. 14 15 16 17 18 21 23 24 25 26 27 31 32 34 35 36 41 42 43 45 51 52 61 62 342 351 421 South Temple and G. Second and A. Third and F. First North and Second West. Second North and Fourth West. 63 Sixth North and Second West. SIGNALS General alarm will be rung only for fires in the business por- tion of the city; Boxes 12, 13. 14, 15, 21, 23, 31, 32, 34, 41, 123, 124, 132. First taps give the number of first figure, then a short interval, when second figure is noted by taps, thus: II III 23. Keys in buildings on the corners nearest the boxes. To turn in an alarm place key in the box, turn to the right and pull open the door. W. A. STANTON, Chief Fire Department. POL.ICE DEPARTMENT, Headquarters, City Hall. Samuel Paul, Chief of Police and City Marshal ; J. J. Donovan, Captain ; W, W. Gee, Police Judge ; Chas. B. Glenn, Police Clerk. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 55 SERGEANTS. Abe N. Randolph, F. C. Wire, John N. Elinger; Wm. N. Mc- Curdy, Desk ; Samuel J. Paul, Desk ; Felix Oastellino, Desk. PATROLMEN. Jerry Anson, T. W. Armstrong, Carl Birkner, C. S, Blackmarr, Wm. Carey, H. J. Currin, W. H. Carman, Frank Davenport, John Danner, J. J. Duke, W. H. Ford, P. H. Fitzmaurice, W. B Hilton, W. H. Hurd, P. C. Howell, P. L. Johnson, Geo. C. Johnson, Christ. Lund, L. S. Larson T. W. Mathews, T. W. Milner, J. W. Miner, J. C. Peck, Benedict D. Seigfus, Oscar W. Shaffer, Fred M. Shultz, W. J. Sullivan, James H. Sanders, Geo. H. Sheets, A. H. White, A. M. Wil- son, E. M. Yocom, Al. Estes, John Davenport. SPECIAL POLICE. Matt Rhodes, W. F. Hill, B. F. Walker. MOUNTED POLICE. Horace Heath, Richard L. Shannon, R. W. Sherman. PATROL DRIVERS. }. C. Davis, Thos. Hughey. CITY JAILER. Geo. R. Raleigh. POSTOFFKJE. Located in Dooly building, w Sec- ond South. , post- master; A. H. Nash, asst. post- master. Office hours, 8 a m to 6pm. Money Order Department Henry A Rebentisch, Supt money order department. Office hours," 9 a m to 5 p m. Registered Letter Department- Willis N Grant, Supt Register department, T R Brown clerk. Office hours, 9 a m to 6 p m. Postal Stamp Department Eugene T Connor stamp clerk. Office hours, 8 a m to 6 p m. General Delivery Department- May W Davis and Jennie Hawley delivery clerks. Office hours 8 a m to 6 p m. Sunday office hours, 11 a m to 1 p m. Mailing Department L A Billings Supt. Ora Williams, W J Frazier, mailing clerks. General Delivery and Dead Letter Department W A Aubrey Supt, J L Weiler Asst Supt. City Delivery Department Chas. C. Slade Supt. 1 Jas Rigby. 2 F B Snyder. 3 SFNeslen. 4 Ed Best. 5 Ezra Palmer. 6 Ruen H Sholes. 7 FLLibby. 8 Orson Hough ton, 9 WSNaylor. 10 JKO'Ferrall. 11 H E Dewey. 12 L E Sprague. 13 WF Nelson. 14 BL Morse. 15 W S McDonell. 16 S R Skidmore. 17 J AC Nelson. 18 C C Cummins. 19 EdShurtleff. 20 Harry Slade. Substitutes Ed Bolander. W H White. Delivery by Carriers 1, 2 and 3 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 and 5pm. Delivery by General Foot Carriers 8: 30 a m and 3pm. Delivery by Mounted Carriers 8: 30 a m and 2: 45 p. m. Office Hours" 8 a m to 6 p m. daily. Sundays 11 to 1 p m. Janitor R H Sholes Sr. Railway Mail Service, Eighth Division. James L Wilder San Francisco, Supt, Thos Orchard Ogden, chief clerk, D M Torpey, C E Beane, C A Locke, postal clerks. 56 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. <; r i i>r TO PUBL.IC STREETS AXI> OF SALT LAKE CITY. East Temple (or Main) street is the dividing line for streets running East and West. South Temple (or Brigham) street is the dividing line for streets running North and South. Numbers are designated by the initial N or S on streets running North or South, and by the initial E or W on streets running East or West. (Indicating East, West, North or South of the dividing lines.) Streets Running \ortli and South. (Numbers North of South Temple street are designated by the letter N prefixed. South of South Temple street they are designated by the letter S prefixed.) EAST TEMPLE OR MAIN. EAST OF MAIN. First East, Third East, Fifth East, Seventh East, Ninth East, Eleventh East, Thirteenth East, Second East, Fourth East, Sixth East. Eighth East, Tenth East, Twelfth East, Fourteenth East. WEST OF MAIN. West Temple, First West, Second West, Third JWest, Fourth West, Sixth West, Eighth West; Tenth West, Fifth West, Seventh West, Ninth West, Eleventh West. Streets Running East and West. (Numbers east of Main street are designated by the letter E prefixed. West of Main street they are designated by the letter W prefixed.) SOUTH TEMPLE OR BRIGHAM. SOUTH OF SOUTH TEMPLE. First South, Second South, Third South, Fourth South, Fifth South, Sixth South, Seventh South, Eighth South, Ninth South, NORTH OF SOUTH TEMPLE. North Temple, First North, Second North, Third North, Fourth North, Fifth North, Sixth North, Seventh North, Eighth North, Ninth North. (That portion of the city known as the Eighteenth ward, Twentieth ward and Twenty-First ward occupies all that portion of the city east of Main street and North of South Temple street.) Streets running North and South are: A, G, M, 8, B, H, N, T, C, I, O, U, D, J, P, V, I; f; : w ' Streets running East and West are: First, Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, Second, Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth. Eleventh. (In that portion of the city known as the Nineteenth Ward Bench, the streets run in all directions.) The following is the list of streets in this locality: Vine, Grape, Apple, Currant Apricot. Quince, Centre, Oak. Plum. Peach, Pear. Cane, Short, Back or Wall, Almond. Busby's Avenue runs south from Second South, bet First and Second East. Commercial street runs south from First South, bet Main and First East. Folsom Avenue runs west from First West bet South Temple and First South. Franklin Avenue runs south from Second South, bet First and Second East. Martin's Avenue runs west from Main, bet First and Second South. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 57 McDonald's Avenue or Church Street runs south from Fourth South, bet Main and First East. Morris Avenue runs west from Third West, bet First and Second South. Poplar Avenue runs south from Sixth South, bet First and Second East. Pugsley's Avenue runs west from First East, bet Second and Third South. Canyon Road is in the Eighteenth ward. The State Road and First East Street are synonymous. Victoria Place runs west from First East, bet Second and Third South. East South Temple is sometimes called Brigham Street. Suburban and Irregular Streets. A, Lincoln Park. Aberdeen av Coates & Corum, South Gale. Adams, Lake View subdivision. Adams, Walker subdivision. Agate, Warm Springs subdivision. Aikens Court, from 222 W 1st South. Albert, Desky's Fourth addition. Alta, Popperton Place. American av, Glendale add American av, Desky's subdivision. American av, 1st Burlington add. American av, Granite subdivision. Alameda av, from 12th to 13th East, bet E S Temple and 1st South. Almond, from Currant n e then n w thence n e to Apricot. Amos add, 1st South, Superior add, n w of S L Mill and E Co. Amos, Amos add. Andrew, South Salt Lake add. Apple, from First North, at north- ern terminus of West Temple, running north 20 rods, thence west ten rods, thence north to Second North Apricot, from First West, directly east to Capitol grounds. Arapahoe, J H Whalen add. Arapahoe, Jordan Place sub. Arapahoe, Poplar Grove. Arapahoe, DeLong's first add. Arizona, Terrace Heights. Arlington Park, 12th nr 8th. Armstrong av, E and W, bet Main and State, S of Roper. Arsenal, from north end of Main, north to Arsenal block. Ash, Fairview Ashland av, Hamilton's sub. Aahland av, Miles & Hamilton add. Aspen, South Buena Vista sub. Aspen, Ontario sub, bet Second and Third West and Tenth and Eleventh South. Atchison, Buena Vista add. Austen, Kinney & Gourlay's Imp City Plat. Austen av, Superior. Aspen wall. Terr ice Heights add. B, Panorama sub. Bacon, Hyde Park add. Baddley Court, w from 340 S 10th East Balsam, Main St sub. Baltimore ave, Graeber's P O add. Barcley, bet Tenth and Eleventh East, at about Thirteenth South, La Veta Place add. Barrows ave, s from 530 E Second South. Eayfield ave, Prospect Park. Beech, Bast's Grove. Belle ave, Terrace Heights add. Belleview ave, s from 534 East Sixth South. Belmont, Belmont sub. Belmont, North Windsor Place. Bingham, Buena Vista add. Birch, Main Street sub. Bitter, Amos add. Blaine, Byers & Tolles add. Blair, Leadville Place. Blair ave, Blair & Curtis sub. Bluff ave, Hazelmere sub. Blythe's alley, bet First and Second East, s from Second South. Bodwell, Kinney & Gourlay's Imp. City Plat. Bonanza, Ontario sub. Booth ave, east from 633 Eighth to Ninth East. Bothwell, City Park sub. Bough, Bast's Grove. Boundary, La Veta Place add. Bridport ave, from Fifth to Sixth South, bet Fourth and Fifth East. Brixen Court, n from Seventh South bet Ninth and Tenth East. Broadway, continuation of Com- mercial, north. Brooklyn Place, Dolan's sub. Brooklyn Place, Brooklyn sub. Buckeye, Bast's Grove. Bueno, Ehrich sub. Burley, Park Crescent. Butte, Buena Vista add. Byron, Ontario sub, bet Second and Third West, s of Ninth South. C, Lincoln Park. C, Panorama sub California, Burlington Place add. California, New England add. California, South Salt Lake. California, Terrace Heights. California ave, McKeage's 1st sub. Camp Lane, w of Jordan River. Cane, from First West, e to Wall, north of Pear. 58 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Cannon, from Eighth West, bet Sec- ond and Third South, w to Tenth West. Heath's sub. Cannon, Kelsey & GiJlespie sub. Cannon ave. Park Crescent. Canyon Road, First East up City Creek Canyon. Catherine, from Seventh South, bet Twelfth and Thirteenth East, s to Eighth South, Arlington Heights. Catharine, Fremont Heights. Cedar, Bast's Grove. Cement ave, Warm Springs sub. Center ave, bet West Temple and First West, at about Fourteenth South. Centre, n end of Main n w to First West. Central ave. Highland Park. Central ave, Jordan add. Central ave, Sherwood Forest. Central ave, w of Jordan river, from First South s to Third South. Charles, Cobb's add, bet Seventh and Eighth West, near Thirteenth South. Charles ave, Desky's second add. Charles, Kinney & Gourlays Imp City plat. Chesnut, Folsom addition. . Chester ave, south from Fifth South bet Eighth and Ninth East, Cheyenne, Poplar Grove addition. Cheyenne. First Burlington add. Cheyenne. South Buena Vista. Cheyenne, w of Jordan river from Shoshone ave s to Fifth South. Church, s from 40 E Fourth South. Clara, Kinney & Gourlay's Imp City Plat. Clayton, South Salt Lake. Cleveland. McKeage's first sub. Cleveland, South Salt Lake. Cleveland ave, Buena Vista add. Cliff, from Tenth South, bet Eighth and Ninth West, south to Fremont ave, Muscatine Place. Cliff ave, rear 128 Eighth East. Clover, Lynch & Glasman's sub. Clute, Avondale. Coates & Corums sub. Fifth West bet Fourth and Fifth South. Coatesville ave. from Snowden place to Thirteenth East, 3 s of Elev- enth South. Colorado, Burlington Place, west of Jordan River. Colorado ave, from Sixth North, w of Twelfth West, north to Eighth North, Cone & Robert's add. Colorado ave, Glendale Park. Colorado ave, Waverly. Colorado, T'errace Heights. Columbus, Terrace Heights. Commerce Row, north of 150 West Second South. Commercial, First South, bet Main and First East, s to Second South. Concord, New England add, west of Jordan river. Concord, South Salt Lake. Condon, Hyde Park add. Conner ave, Park Crescent. Cooper, Holmes & Henderson's sub. Cottage Row, 601-609 s Sixth East. Cotton wood, Bast's Grove. County, Deskey's Third add. Court, Avondale. Crow's Row, 923-929 ie First South. Cullen, Sunset View add. Culmer. Kinney & Gourlay's Imp. City Plat. Culmer, H M Scott sub. Currant, Second North, from Quince to North First East, passing north of Arsenal block. Curtis. Burlington place. Curtis, Glendale add. Curtis, South Salt Lake sub. Custer, Byers & Tolles add. Cypress. Bast's Grove. D, Lincoln Park. D, Panorama sub. Dalton ave, Hamilton sub. Davenport ave, North Boulevard ad. Davis, Kinney & Gourlay's Imp. City Plat. Dawes, Wood Lawn add. Dearborn, Hamilton sub. DeLong, DeLong's first add. Denver ave, Denver Place. Denver Court, on Third South, bet Fourth and Fifth West. Denver, Buena Vista add. Dexter ave, Thomson's sub. Division, Agricultural Park. Division, Superior. Douglas ave, Steele's sub. Douglas ave, Ehrich's sub. Dow. Kinney & Gourlay's Imp City Plat, Drexel ave, North Boulevard add. Duluth ave. Superior. Dunbar ave, Ehrich's sub. Dunbar ave. from First South, bet Ninth and Tenth East, south to Second South. Dunn, bet West Temple and First West and Eleventh and Twelfth South. West Boulevard sub. Earl's Court, off Fourth South, bet Fourth and Fifth East. Early, Nelson & Early sub. East Boulevard, Denver Place. East Court, e from 431 S Ninth East. Edison ave, Fritsch & Zulclrs 1st ad. Edith ave, Pendleton's sub. Edward ave. Terrace Heights add. Ehrich, Hyde Park add. Elizabeth, Arlington Heights. Elizabeth, Douglas Place. Elizabeth, Fremont Heights, Dtah Soap IT g Co.'s BUT Morals and Conscience., ui H- u.' s g cc . COODCQ O-OlJL UTAH SOAP M J RG CO, 9IAXI JFACTVRERN OF . LAUNDRY & TOILET Sal-Soda, Glauber Salts, Etc. OUR URAIVOH. LAUNDRY. TOILET. Niekel Plate, Pale Sapoue, Commercial, Mountain Ovtieen, Royal Laumlry, I tali. Alabaster Borax. Purity. MY SPECIALTIES: ^^^^^ ) Something New, styled Bridge > Work, being Elegant and Truly WITHOUT PLATES, j Artistic. GOLD AND PORCELAIN-) For the CompUte Restoration of > Badly Decaved or Broken leeth FACED TOOTH CROWNS,] an d Roots. ' Besides these Specialties, I perform with skill and care all operations' in Dentistry. 16 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN DENTISTRY. The compliment accorded me by the profession and the public for the high degree of excellence attained in my work, I trust is sufficient proof that justice and comfort will be assured to my patients. HECTOR GRIS\VOLD. ROOMS I AND 2 UNION NATIONAL BANK (WALKER BROS.) SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 59 Elizabeth, Park Place add. Elizabeth, Sylvan Park sub. Elm, Fairview. Elmer, Park Crescent. Emma, Kinney & Gourlay's Imp City Plat. Emma, J H Whalon add. Ethan, Midland Five-acre Plat add. Euclid ave, from Eighth West, bet First and Second South, w to Ninth West. Archer & Kullack sub. Euclid ave, Larson's sub. Euclid ave, Newport sub. Evans Court, s from 243 West Third South. Everett, Kinney & Gourlay's Imp City Plat. Evergreen, Fountain Place. Evergreen, subdivision of blocks 9 to 12, Fountain sub. Express ave, from Third to Fourth East, one north of Roper. Factory. Kinney & Gourlay's Imp City Plat. Farmers' Ward, Iloper to Thirteenth or Winter, 3d East to Jordan river. Farnam, North Boulevard add. Fayette, West Park. Fayette, Albert Place. Fifth ave, south from West Fourth North, Second w of West Fourth West. Fern, from n First West. First n of Sixth North. Fifteenth, Capital Hill add. Fifteenth, Capital Heights add. Fir, from First West east to Wall, north of Cane. Fir, Folsom add. First, Glendale Park add. First, New England add. Fitzgerald, Dolan's sub. Fleetwood, Hamilton sub. Floral, s from 126 e Second South. Florence, Hamilton's sub. Flossie ave, Desky's Second add. Folsom ave, w side First West, bet South Temple and First South. Folsom's ave, Folsom add. Forest ave, north from 845 East Second South. Fort Douglas ave, Popperton Place. Fourteenth, Capital Hill add. Fourteenth. Capital Heights add. Fourth ave, south from West Fourth South, first w of n Fourth West. Foss ave, Irving Park add. Franklyn ave, from 148 East Second South, south to Third South. Franklin, Dole's add. Frawley, from Fourth South, bet Ninth and Tentn West, south to Fifth south, City Park sub. Fremont ave, from Seventh West, near Eleventh South, w to Jordan river. Fremont ave, Main St sub. Froiseth ave, Hyde Park add. Front, Rock Springs sub. Front, Agricultural Park. Fuller's Hill ave, e from 437 South Tenth East. Fullmer ave, Cummings sub. Fulmer ave, bet Eighth and Ninth South, from Sixth to Seventh W. Gale, from Ninth South, bet Second and Third West, s to Aberdeen av. Galena, from Fourth to Fifth East, first south of Eleventh South. Garfield ave, Kelsey & Gillespie sub. Garfield, from Ninth West, bet First and Second South, w to Tenth W. Garnet, Warm Springs sub. Garnet, Hyde Park add. Gem, Warm Springs sub. Genesee, Albert Place. Gerard, Wilkenson sub. Gertie, Bunnell's sub. Gertie, Desky's Fourth add. Gertie, Desky's Fifth add. Gideon ave, sub of n i 78, plat C. Gilbert ave, Amos add. Gillespie ave, Jordan Place. Girard ave, Wilkinson's sub. Glen, from Fifth South, bet Ninth and Tenth West, south to Jordan River, City Park sub. Glen, Kensington sub. Glen, south of Liberty Park, Park Place add. Glendale, Burlington Place. Glendale, Glendale add. Glover, from Seventh West, bet Third and Fourth North, west to Eighth West. Goddard Court, north of 253 East Second South. Goltz, West Boulevard sub. Goltz, Thorn sub. (Soodhue ave, Geneva add. Goodwin, Avondale. Goodwin, Kinney & Gourlay's' Imp City Plat. Goodwin, H M Scott sub. Gordon Ave, from South Boulevard to Clark, bet Fifth and Sixth E. Gourlay, Kinney & Gourlay's Imp. City Plat. Gourlay, Jenning's N S L add. Grand View ave, n from Fourth South, bet Eleventh and Twelfth East. Graeber ave, Graeber's P O add. Grand ave, Highland Park add. Grand ave, Jordan Place. Grant, Wilke's sub. Grant ave, from Third North, bet Sixth and Seventh West n to Sixth North. Grape, from First North, bet Main and West Temple n w to Currant, Gray ave, Earl D Gray's sub. 60 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Green, from Eighth to Ninth South, bet Sixth and Seventh East. Green, from the n w cor of Capitol grounds n w to city limits. Green, City View add. Gregory, ct from 634 S State. Grey's Row, n s Social Hall Alley. Grove, s line of Arsenal blk. Grove, North Boulevard add. Hamilton, Amos add. Hamilton, Jennings add, North Salt Lake. Hamilton, Kinney& Gourlay's Imp City Plat. Hamilton, Lake View Sub, amen- ded plat. Hamilton, H M Scott sub. Hancock ave, Folsom add. Hannibal, Douglas Heights. Harlan, Dole's add. Harold, Desky's Fourth add. Harris ave, Prospect Park. Harrison, Lake View sub, amended plat. Harrison ave, Buena Vista add. Harvard ave, from Eleventh East at about Twelfth South to Thirteenth East, Park View sub. Harvey's ct, rear 232 S Seventh East. Hawke's ct, rear 635 East Second South. Hawke's ct, s from 636 East Seventh' South. Hay ward ave, Prospect Park. Hazel, from Eighth West, bet South Temple and First South, west to Ninth west, Hunter's sub. Hazel ct, n of 525 E Fifth South. Helena ave, Prospect Park. Helena ave, C P Smith's sub. Hemlock, Holmes & Aiken add. Herbert, Leadville Place. Herbert, Main street add. Hickman ave, Park Crescent. High, C P Smith's sub. Highland ave, Coates and Corum's Lake Breeze. Hill, west from north First West, First S of Seventh North. Hobart, Hyde Park add. Holbrook, from Tenth South, bet Eighth and Ninth west, south to Fremont ave, Muscatine Place. Holland, Hyde Park add. Hooper ave, Jennings' add, North Salt Lake. Hope ave, McKeage's First sub. Hope Ave, South Salt Lake add. Hubert, Desky's Fifth add. Husband's Court, see Pierpoint. Hyam's ave, Avondale. I. Capitol Hill sub. Idaho, Terrace Heights. Illinois, Burlington Place. Illinois, New England add. Illinois, in Glendale Park add. Indiana, Burlington Place w of Jor- dan river. Indiana ave, west of Jordan river, from Eighth South bridge west. Indiana, Glendale Park. Indiana ave, Glendale add. Indiana ave, Desky's sub. Indiana ave, First Burlington add. Indiana ave, Popular Grove add. Inglewood Park ave, from S Ninth East to S Eleventh East, n of Roper. lola ave, Golden Park add. lola ave, Jordan Place. Iowa ave, bet Ninth and Tenth to East Third South. Irving, Bunnell's sub. Isa ave, Bunnell's sub. Isa ave, Rose add. Ivy, Fountain Place, bet Fourth and Fifth West, below Tenth South. Jackson, Lake View sub. Jefferson, Lake View sub. Jefferson, Thorn sub. Jefferson, from Eighth South, bet West Temple and First West, s to Tenth South, Walker's sub. Jefferson, West Drive sub. Jenkins Court, Seventh South bet West Temple and First West. Jennings ave, T W Jennings North Salt Lake add. Jennings ave, from Second W bet North and South Temple w to Third West. Jeremy, bet South Temple and First South, and bet Seventh and Eighth West. Johnston, w of Jordan river, bet Seventh and Eighth South. Johnston. Poplar Grove add. Jordan ave, Eighth South, bet Seventh and Eighth West, s to Tenth South. Justice, Ontario sub, bet Second and Third West and Tenth and Eleventh South. Kansas ave, Wood Lawn add. Kansas, Glendale Park. Kelsey ave, Jordan Place. Kensington ave, Kensington sub. Keysor Court, w s Third East bet Fourth and Fifth South. Kimball, Avondale. Kimball ave, Kimball sub. Kincaid, Wood Lawn add. Knowlton ave, T W Jennings add, N Salt Lake add. Lake, n from 743 E Ninth South. Lake, Eyler & Rees. Lake. Hamilton sub. Lake, Hampton's sub. Lake, Liberty Park add, bet Seventh and Eighth East. Lake View ave, Terrace Heights, SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 61 Lambert Court, s from 25 w Sixth South. La Plata, Clive's sub. Lammert, Hyde Park add. Laramie, South Buena Vista. Laramer, McKeage's first sub. Laramer, S Salt Lake sub. Larch, Bast's Grove. Larimer, First Burlington add. Larimer, Granite sub. Laurel, Popperton Place. La Veta Place, s from Roper, bet Tenth and Eleventh East. Lawrence, Coates & Corum's Lake Breeze. Lawrence, Desky's third add. Lawrence, Holmes & Aitken add. Lawrence, Holmes & Henderson sub. Leadville, Cone & Robert's add. Leaker ave, from 644 e First South. Lee ave, Park Crescent. Left Alley, leading off Seventh South, bet Second and Third West. Lena, Cone & Robert's add. Leverich ave, J H Whalen's add. Lexington, New England add, w of Jordan River. Leyswick ave, w of Jordan river, adjacent thereto from Seventh to Eighth South. Liberty, Liberty Park add, bet Seventh and Eighth East. Liberty ave, n Englewood. Lilac, Popperfcon Place. Lillian ave, Terrace Heights add. Lime ave, Warm Springs add. Lincoln ave, Belmont sub. Lincoln ave, from Eighth South bet Ninth and Tenth East, s to Ninth South, Woodmansee sub. Lincoln ave, s Belmont sub. Lincoln ave, w of Jordan river, Highland Park add. Linden, Bast's Grove. Locust, Fairview. Locust Court, s from 838 E Fifth South. Logan ave, Eighth to Tenth East, first n of Eleventh South. Lorenzo, Desky's fifth add. Lucy, Fox's sub. Lusk,from Tenth South, bet Seventh and Eighth West, s to Fremont ave, Muscatine Place. Lindale ave, C P Smith's sub. Lynn, Kinney & Gourlay's sub. Lynn, H M Scott sub. Lynwood ave, from Boulevard w to Burke, bet Fourth and Fifth East. McClelland ave, blk 29 plat F. McDonald's Row, 38 e Fourth South. McKeage, McKeage's first sub. Madison, Coates & Corum,Hillsdale. Madison, Lake View sub. Maggenette Court, s of 145 w Third South. Main, Main Street sub. Major ave, from Birch to Roper, bet Main and State. Manitou, Earl D Gray's sub. Maple,Coates & Corum Lake Breeze. Maple, Fairview. Maple, Folsom add. Marathon, Jordan add. Margaret, from Seventh South, bet Tenth and Eleventh East, s to Eighth South, Arlington Heights. Marguerite ave, n Boulevard add. Marion ave, Home sub. Mark, Desky's third add. Market Row, n s First South, bet Main and West Temple. Market st, bet Third and Fourth South and Main and West Temple running e and w. Martin's Row, rear 731 s Second East. Martin's Alley, rear w South Main, between First and Second South. Maryland ave, Terrace Heights. Massachusetts ave, Terrace Heights. May, H M Scott sub. May.T W Jennings' n Salt Lake add. Mead, West Side sub. Michigan ave, Fairfield add. Michigan ave, Glendale Park. Midland, Buena Vista add. Midway ave, Jones' sub. Mill ave, Glendale Park add. Military ave, Popperton Place. Mill ave, T W Jennings' n Salt Lake add. Miller's Lane, n from 339 e Sixth South. Minnebeck ave, from Eleventh to Thirteenth East, Second South of East Eleventh South. Minnesota ave, Superior. Minnesota ave, Terrace Heights. Minnie ave, Desky's second add. Missouri ave, Terrace Heights. Monroe, Lake View sub. amended plat. Montague, West Park. Montague Place, Brooklyn sub. Montague, Albert Place. Montana, Terrace Heights. Monterey, Gray's sub. Montgomery ave, Irving Park add. Morgan Row, r 144-148 w Second South. Morris ave, w s Third West, bet First and Second South. Morris, w s Second West, bet South Temple and First South. Mortensen Courts from 228 e Fifth South. Morton, Myers & Tolle's add. Murray, Holmes & Henderson sub. Muscatine ave, from Seve n th West bet Tenth and Eleventh Q f , to Jordan River. ltfc w 62 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Musser's Row, s s Social Hall Alley, I bet South Temple and First S. Myrtle, Capitol ave add, at about Fifteenth South. Myrtle Fountain Place sub, bet Fourth and Fifth West, at about Tenth South. Naples, Flynn's Heights. Naples ave, Park Crescent. Nassau, Maack add. Navajo, w of Jordan river, from Arapahoe s to Indiana ave, Pop- lar Grove add. Navajo, First Burlington add. Nebraska, Terrace Heights. Nebraska ave, Wood Lawn add. Nelson ave, Nelson & Early sub. Nelson Place, Brooklyn sub. Nevada, Terrace Heights. New s from 732 e Seventh South. New, bet South Temple and First South, from Twelfth to Thirteenth East. New Jersey ave, Terrace Heights. New York ave, Terrace Heights. Nicolls Place from Eleventh East to Snowden Place first South of Min- nebeck ave. Oak, Folsom add. Oak, from Currant north to Pear. Ohio ave, Terrace Heights. Ohio, Glendale Park. Ohio, Granite sub. Olive, Park Crescent. Olmstead, Nelson & Early sub. Omaha, west of Jordan River, from Shoshone ave south to Fifth South Oneonta, four blocks west of Jordan River, bet Third and Fourth South and parallel therewith. Ontario Place, east and west from Second West, bet Second and Third South. Ontario, Buena Vista add. Ontario, Jordan Place. Onyx, Warm Springs sub. Opal, Warm Springs sub. Oquirrh, Popular Grove add. Oval ave, changed to Bridport. Orange, Coates & Corum's Lake Breeze add. Orange, Holmes & Aiken add. Orange, Holmes & Henderson sub. Orleans, Doles' add. Ouray ave, Colorado sub, Owen, from Seventh to Eighth South, bet Eighth and Ninth East. Pacific, Buena Vista add. Paddock, Wood Lawn add. Padley ave. Park Crescent. Parley ave, South Belmont sub. Park ave, Glendale Park add. Park ave, from Ninth East at about Twelfth South to Eleventh East, Inglewood sub. Park ave. C S Desky sub. Park ave, from Eighth South, bet Fifth and Sixth East south to Ninth South, Ehrich sub. Park Boulevard, Fifth East, below Ninth South. Parl, Warm Springs sub. Parl, bet West Temple and First West, at about Fourteenth South. Parley ave, South Belmont sub. Parsons ave, s s Second South, bet Ninth and Tenth East. Pasadena, Earl D. Gray's sub. Paul, North Boulevard. Paxton ave, Davis, Sharp & Stringer add. Peach, First West east to Wall, north of Plum. Pear, First West east to Wall north of Peach. Pearce, Rock Springs sub. Pearl, Warm Springs sub. Pennsylvania ave, Terrace Heights. Perkins, Hyde Park add. Pierpont (Husbands' Court), Sec- ond West bet Second and Third South. Pine, west side of Arsenal block. Pine, Folsom add. Pine, HoJmes & Aiken add. Pine, Park Crescent. Pitt, bet Sixth and Seventh West. runs from Third to Fourth South. Plum, from First West directly east to Wall north of Apricot. Plumb alley, n s East Second South bet State and Commercial. Poplar, from Tenth West bet Sixth and Seventh North west to Eleventh West, Clives sub. Poplar ave. north from 224 w Third South. Poplar Court, n s Seventh South bet Sixth and Seventh West. Post, bet Fourth and Sixth West and Eighth and Ninth South. Post ave, from 44 s West Temple. Princeton ave, from Eleventh East at about Twelfth South to Thir- teenth East, Park View sub. Prospect ave, Prospect Park. Pueblo, west of Jordan River from Araphoe south to Indiana ave, Poplar Grove add. Pueblo, First Burlington add. Pugsley's Row, n s Victoria alley. Quince, from Second North east of n First West to Peach. R, Capitol Hill sub. Randolph, sub lots 5, C, 7, blk 83, plat C. Randolph. W est ^ark. Rea ave, Irving Park add. Reading ct, w of 248 s Third East. Red Wood, Bast's Grove. Rees, Kinney & Gourlay's Imp City Plat. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Reggies Terrace, 245 to 259 w Fifth South. Remington ave, Remington Park. Reservation ave, e of Thirteenth East. Rice, Capitol ave add, at about Fif- teenth South. Rice, from Ninth South, bet First and Second East, south, so far as opened. Rice, Linden Park sub. Richmond ave, from Ninth East to Tenth, 1 n of Logan. Rio Grande, from Sixth West, bet Fourth and Fifth South, west to Eighth West, Coates & Corum's sub. Rio Grande, Buena Vista add. River, Glendale Park add. River Drive, Jordan add. Riverside ave, Golden Park. Robert ct, 11 from First South, bet Fifth and Sixth West. Rock, Agricultural Park. Rogers ave, west of Jordan River, from First South to Third South. Rollin, Dole add. Rose, Fountain Place sub, bet Fourth and Fifth West and Ninth and Tenth South. Rosella, 787 n Second West. Rothwell. from Fifth South, bet Ninth and Tenth West, south to Jordan River. Roy ave, Park Crescent. Ruby, Warm Springs sub. Rustic ct, n from 140 w Seventh S. Rustic Row, e from N Third West, first n of West South Temple. Saratoga, Mechling & Fleming sub. Schiller ave, Holmes & Henderson sub. Scott ave, Avondale. Second, Glendale Park add. Seventeenth, Douglas Heights. Sequoia, Bast's Grove. Seward, Agricultural Park. Seward, Rose add. Shady Grove, west from Seventh east, south of Forest Dale, first north of Thirteenth South. Skafer, Terrace Heights add. Sheridan ave, Douglas Heights. Sherman ave, Douglas Heights. Short, " Glassman " sub. Shortidge ave, Irving Park. Shoshoneave. about four blocks west of Jordan River, south of Third South and panallel therewith. Simmons, Nelson & Early sub. Simondi, University sub. Slade Court, west from 240 s Fifth East. Smith ave, same as Thirteenth East. Snarr's Court, south from Sixth South, bet Fourth and Fifth West. Snowden Place, from Minnebeck ave, south, first east of Eleventh East. Social Hall Alley, bet South Temple and First South, east from First East. Somerby, from 741 w Fifth South. South Boulevard, east and west one mile, south of City Limits. South Lake Midland, 5 acre Platt add. Sparta ave, J L Durgin sub. Sparta, north side Sixth North, bet - Fifth and Sixth West. Spring ave, west of Jordan River, from First South south to Third South, Highland Park. Spring, Hazelmere sub. Spruce, Folsom add. Stanley ave,Fritch & Zulch's 1st add Stanley Place, east from 455 Second East. Steffenson ave, from Third to Fourth East, second north of Roper. Stevenson, Terrace Heights add. Strawberry, east side of Arsenal Block. * Stringfellow's ave, south from 131 E Sixth South. Strongs Court, rear 229 East Fourth South. Sullivan ave, bet Second and Third South and Sixth and Seventh West. Sumner, Agricultural Park. Summit ave, Terrace Heights. Superior ave, Superior. Sunnyside ave, Fremont Heights. Sutphin, Waltenspiel's add. Teasdel's alley, rear Teasdel's stores Terrace ave, from South Boulevard north to Coatesville ave, first east of Twelfth East. Third, Glendale Park. Thompson's ave, Terrace Heights. Thompson's Court, west from 736 S Second East. Thorn, Bast's Grove. Terrace ave, from South Boulevard north to Coatsville ave, first east of Twelfth East, Titusville ave, J H Whalon's add. Topaz, Warm Springs sub. Tremont, New England add, west of Jordan River. Tremont, South Salt Lake sub. U, Capital Heights. Uintah, west of Jordan River, from Arapahoe south to Indiana ave, Poplar Grove add. Uintah Place, north from 639 e Fifth South. Union, east from 335 Third East. Union ave, First Burlington add. Union ave, C S Desky's sub. Union ave, Glendale Park add. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Union, bet First and Second South and Fourth and Fifth West. Utah ave. Utah Southern add, west of Jordan River. Utah ave. Flynn's Heights. Utah ave, C P Smith's sub. Utah ave, Terrace Heights. Valera ave, Davis, Sharp & Stringer add. Valera ave. Harrington, Donelly & Newell's sub. Van Buren ave, Prospect Park. Van Buren ave, C P Smith's sub. Vance ave, J Bolton's sub of Cobb's add. Vance, bet West Temple and First West and Eleventh and Twelfth South. Vance, West Boulevard sub. Vernon, Coats & Corum, Hillsdale. Vernon, Cone & Roberts add. Victoria, from State west to Main, bet Second and Third South. Vine, from Centre runs irregularly West, then northerly to Current. Vine, Fountain Place sub. Walden ave, Avondale. Wall, from ( urrant north-westerly to First West. Walnut, Fairview. Walnut, Folsom add. Wasatch, west of Jordan River just south of, and parallel with, Seventh South, Popular Grove add. Wasatch, South Buena Vista. Washington. Walkor sub. Washington, Lake View sub. Washington, South Buena Vista, Plat A. Washington, Hunter's sub. Washington, West Drive sub. Washington ave, w from 538 Second East. Wellington, Douglas Heights. Wellington ave, south from 610 E Seventh South. West Capital, Plat J. West Cannon, n s Seventh West, bet Second and Third South. West, Popperton Place. West Court, north of 831 East Third South. West Lawn Court, east from 56 North Second West. Wheeler ave, west of Jordan River, from First South to Third South. Wheeler ave, Miles & Hamilton add. Whitaker Court, south of 127 West Third South. Whitney ave. Desky's Second add. Wilks, Kinney & Gourlay Imp City Plat. Willard Court, north side of Sixth South, bet First West and West Temple. Williams, Denver Place sub. Willow, Bast's Grove. Windsor ave, e Park sub. Windsor Ave, Miller & Miller sub. Windsor ave, Windsor Place. Winfred, Desky's 5th add. Wisconsin, from Sixth North, near Jordon river, north to Eighth North, Cone & Roberts add. Wisconsin ave, Waverlv sub. Wisconsin ave, Fairfield add. Woodbine ave. Fountain Place sub. Woodbine ave. Remington Park. Woodruff ave, east from 243 South Eleventh East. Worthern, Main St sub. Wren ave, Fairfield add. Wren ave, Waverly sub. Wyoming, Burlington Place, west of Jordon river. Wyoming, Terrace Heights. Xenia court, north from 735 East Third South. Yale Place. Park View sub. Young, Avondale. Young. LaVeta Place add. Yowell ave, Pearson's sub. AMUSEMENTS. Pavilion Theatre s w cor State and Third South. People's Theatre 50 Commercial St. Salt Lake Theatre n w cor of First South and State Sts. Wonderland 37 w Second South. BLOCKS, HALLS, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ETC. Alta Block 30-32 w Second South. Amelia Palace or Gardo House s w cor South Temple and First East. A O U W Hall 33i s West Temple. Auditorium Hall SOU w Fourth South. Auer Murphy Block 16 e First South. Bee Hive House South Temple n w cor State. Board of Trade bldg 152 w Second South. Brook's Arcade bldg State n w cor Third South. Burlington Block s e cor Main and Third South. City Hall 120 e First South. City and County bldgs e s State bet Fourth and Fifth South. Central Block 46 T 48 w Second South. Chamber of Commerce bldg 150 w Second South. Clayton Block 1141 s State. Clayton Block Opp. Tabernacle. Cliffs Hall cor Market and West Temple. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 65 Commercial Block 25 e Second South. County Court House 268 w Second South. County Jail 256 w Second South. Culmer Block 26-32 e First South. Crane Building 232 s Main. Daft Building 126 s Main, Davis Hall M E Church Home, 41 e Third South. Deaf and Dumb Institute 348 n First West. Deseret Bank Building n e cor Main and First South. Denhalter Building 28 w Third South. Dooly Building s w cor West Tem- ple and Second South. Dyer Building 12-14 Commercial. Eagle Block s e cor West Temple and Second South. Enterprise Building 13-21 Commer- cial. GAR Hall 21 w Second South. Germania Hall 146 State. Girard Block 26 w Second South. Gladstone Building 119 s Main. Godbe, Pitts Building 107 s Main. Gustaveson Block 68 e Second South. Hardware Block 33 e First South. Harris Building 236 State. Herald Building n w cor West Temple and First South. Historian's Office 58 e South Tem- ple. Holmes Building 209 s State. Hooper & Eldridge Building 49 s Main. Independence Hall 21 w Third South, I O O F Hall Market St. Karrick Building 234 s Main. Kimball Block s e cor West Tem- ple and First South. Lawrence (Joab) Building lie First South. Lion House n s South Temple, bet Main and First East. Lyon Block 56 w Second South. McCornick Block Main n w cor First South. McKimmins Building n s W Third South, bet Main and West Temple. Masonic Hall 162 s Main. Mercantile Block Main, s w cor Third South. Merriam O'Meara Block 240 s State. Morlan Block 15 and 19 w Second South. Odd Fellows' Hall Market. O'Meara Building 65 w Second South. Opera House Block 36 w Second South. Progress Building 147 and 149 s Main. Raybould Block 258 and 260 s Main. Realty Building e s West Temple, bet Second and Third South. Roberts & Ellerbeck Block 45 and 49 e First South. Scott - Auerbach Building 162 s Main. Snow's Union Block 65 and 73 e Second South. Social Hall 41 s First East. Telluride Block 18 and 24 e Third 'South. Temple of Honor Hall 20 Deseret National Bank bldg. Tribune Building e s West Tem- ple, bet First and Second South. J R and M H Walker Mercantile Block Main s w cor Third South. Union Block 261 s Main. Union National Bank Block n w cor Main aud Second South. Utah Commercial and Savings Bank Block 22-24 e First South. Utah National Bank Building Main s w cor First South. Warwick Block 112 w First South. Wasatch Block Main, s e cor Sec- ond South. PARKS. Arsenal Block North end of Main, east of Centre and south of the line of Second North. Calder's Park w s Seventh East s of Thirteenth South. Capitol Grounds North end of First East. Liberty Park Ninth South, bet Fifth and Seventh East. Pioneer Park Bet Third and Fourth South and Second and Third West. Salt Lake Driving Park s Fifth East, below Twelfth South. Smoot's Gardens Eleventh East and s Boulevard. Washington Square Bet First and Second East and Fourth and Fifth South. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. First School Eighth East bet 7th and 8th South. Second School Seventh South bet Fourth and Fifth East. Third School Seventh South bet First and Second East. Fourth School Seventh South cor West Temple. Fifth School Seventh South cor Third West. Sixth School Fifth South bet Third and Fourth West. Seventh School Fifth South bet West Temple and First West. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Eighth School Fourth South bet First and Second East. Ninth School Fourth South s w cor Fifth East. Tenth School Fourth South s w cor Eighth East. Eleventh School 733 E First South. Twelfth School First South bet Fourth and Fifth East. Thirteenth School Second South bet First and Second East. Fourteenth School Second West bet First and Second South. Fifteenth School Second South cor Fourth West. Sixteenth School First North n e cor Fourth West. Seventeenth School First North bet West Temple and First West. Eighteenth School State bet South Temple and First. Nineteenth School Second West s w cor Fourth North. Twentieth School Second n w cor E. Twenty-first School First n e cor J. Twenty-third School Eighth South cor Tenth West. Davis School Camp Lane. Cone School Cone & Roberts add n Salt Lake. Folsom School North Salt Lake. Folsom Add. Hooper School First West bet Second and Third North. Hunter School North Temple bet Fifth and Sixth West. Whitney School Eighth West cor First South. University School University of Utah First North and Second West High School Clayton Block South Temple opp Tabernacle. PRIVATE. All Hallows' College Fourth East. s w cor Second South. Conservatory of Music Dooly Blk. Deaf and Dumb Institute In con- nection with the University of Utah 348 North First West. Practical Shorthand College 403 Progress Bldg. Rowland Hall 205 First. St Mark's School 115 E First South. St Mark's School for Girls N s First South, bet Second and Third East. St Mary's Academy 146 S First W, Conducted by Sisters of the Holy Cross. Salt Lake Academy 330 E Third S. Salt Lake Business College 76 W Second South. Utah Business College E. L. Kern, proprietor, Wasatch Block. Salt Lake Collegiate Institute 161 Second East. Salt Lake Seminary 41 E Third South. Salt Lake Stake Academy 233 W First North. Spencer Scandanavian School 158 S Second East. University of Utah First North, n w cor Second West. SECRET SOCIETIES. Ancient Order of Foresters of America. Court Pride of Utah, No 7257 A O U W hall, 33.1 s West Temple. Wm H Wood," C R; Richard By- non, SCR: John Waterfall, Treas; J W Ashman, Fin Sec; J A Clark, Rec Sec; Joseph Balyer- ett, S W: J F Miles. J W; S S Markham, S B: W W Evans, J B; J L Cramer. D G C R; Physician, J CHanchett. A. O. U. W. Salt Lake Valley Lodge. No T2. Salt Lake City, Utah : meets Thursday evenings. 33.', s West Temple. J B Taylor, P M W ; R J Deighton, M W : H H Richards, Foreman : - - Moser, Overseer ; J S Darke, Recorder ; E J Swaner, Financier ; Geo A Hill, Receiver. Temple Lodge, No 15, Salt Lake City, Utah ; meets Monday even- ings, 33.^ s West Temple. Jack- son Bolton, P M W : J M Bow- man, M W ; Philip Neder, Fore- man ; Geo Teasdale, Overseer ; L H Gray, Recorder ; Sidney Dawes, Financier ; W Patterson, Receiver. G. A. R. James B McKean Post, No 1, De- partment of Utah ; organized Sept 18, 1878 ; meets second and fourth Mondays of each month. Harry Haines, Com ; C M Brown, Senior Vice Com ; W A Stanton, Junior Vice Com ; T C Iliff, Chaplain ; T C Bailey, adjutant ; C O Farns- worth, Quartermaster: W D Gaby, Officer of the Day , E Swan, Officer Guard : J M Holland, Post Surgeon. James B McKean Woman's Relief Corps Organized January 14th, 1885. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays in each month at 2 p m at G A R hall. Mrs Jennie Jones, Pres; Mrs Sarah Hazel- SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 67 grove Sr, Vice-Pres ; Mrs Berk- ley Jr, Vice-Pres ; Mrs Catherine Bradley, Chaplain ; Miss S L Mon- roe, Sec . Mrs C S Kinney, Treas ; Mrs Taylor, Conductor ; Mrs Payne, Guard. Geo R Maxwell Post No 5 Organ- ized June 10, 1890. Meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7: 30 p m, in G A R hall. S R Weiser, Post Commander ; Eli Price, Sr Vice-Commander ; M M Burd, Jr Vice-Commander ; M M Kaighn, Adjt; B F Walker, Quartermaster ; Joseph Milleron, Sergeant ; John Boyle, Chaplain; M J Showaker, Officer of the Day ; , James A Falkner, Officer of the Guard. George R Maxwell Woman's Relief Corps Organized March 7, 1892. Meets every first and third Wednesday in the month at 2: 30 p min G A R hall. Mrs Joanna Milton, Pres ; Mrs Mary Schenck, Sr Vice-Pres ; Mrs Augusta Schultze, Jr Vice-Pres ; Mrs Liz- zie Klipple, Chaplain ; Mrs Net- tie Palmer, Treas ; Mrs Fanny Reynolds, Sec ; Mrs Elizabeth Walch, Conductor ; Mrs Dorett Hesse, Guard. Patriotic Order Sons of America. Washington Camp No. 2. Meet Wednesdays at hall, Union Block. G W Gamble, Pres ; J C Robinson, Sec. Washington Camp No 5 Mee* Mondays at hall, Union Block. Albert D Elliot, Pres ; Boom, Sec. Washington Camp, No 6 Meet Thursdays at hall, Union Block. C M Johnson, Pres ; G W Gibbs, Sec. Martha Washington Camp POD of America Organized May 13, 1892. Meets every Tuesday at 7: 30pm in Patriotic hall, 261 s Main. Mrs. Fanny Reynolds, Past Pres ; Mrs Jennie Farns- wprth, Pres ; Mrs Mary Schenck, Vice-Pres ; Mrs Samantha Dick- enson, Master of Ceremonies Mrs Nettie Palmer, Chaplain Mrs Addie Vigilini, Conductor Mrs Anna Showell, Sec ; Mrs Emly Dykes, Treas ; Mrs Smith, Financial Sec ; C W Reynolds, District Pres. Knights of Pythias. Grand Lodge of Utah Next session will be held in Ogden second Tuesday in May. 1893. Wm Hus- bands, P G C, Salt Lake City; I L Osborne, G C, Park City ; J E Wiscomb, G V C, Salt Lake City ; J P Meakin, G P, Salt Lake City; H C Wardleigh, GK of R and S, Ogden ; John S Corlew, G M of E, Ogden ; W J McBurney, G M of A, Provo ; A D Tobin, GIG, Salt Lake City ; Harry Liver- more, GOG, Eureka ; C F Rath- bone, G I, Eureka ; F W Hayt, S R, Park City ; L HFarnsworth, S R, Salt Lake City. Myrtle Lodge No 1, K of P Meets K of P hall, Richards avenue, Tuesdays. W W Hall, P C ; Saml Ziegler, C C ; Chas E Marsh, V C ; Wm Young, P ; N P Gray, M E ; Geo E Ford, M F ; Alfred W Bas- sett, K of R and S ; Wm Hamsen, M of A ; Jno Schafer, O G ; Frank Bray, I G. Rocky Mountain Lodge No 3, K of P Meets in K of P hall, Rich- ards avenue, Thursdays. T M Patten, P C; H Covey, C C ; Fritz Miller, V C ; F Kirkendale, M A ; J Y Smith, P ; W W Phillips, K of R and S; R Harrison, M of F ; R Baker, M of E ; F E Seeley, O G. Calanthe No 5 Meet Monday even- ings K of P hall, Richards avenue. W B Holland, P C ; C H Martin. C C ; Thos Kane, V C ; W M Ris- ley, K of R and S ; W B Moreton, M of F ; W M Tillman, M at A : Geo Popp, I G ; A D Tobin, O G ; ThosBMcNair, MofE. Salt Lake Division U R K of P Meets first and third Friday in each month at K of P hall, Rich- ards avenue. W W Hall, Cap- tain ; A D Tobin, Lieut ; Ed Mc- Clelland, Herald; L H Farns- worth, Treas ; W M Risley, Rec ; J W Jenkins, Guard ; Richard Baker, Sentinel. Endowment Rank K of P Meets at Richards avenue. R Shelton, Pres ; Thos C Armstrong Jr, V P; Wm Husbands, Sec and Treas. Ivy Temple, No. 2, Pythian Sisters. Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thurs- days at 2 p. m., and the second and fourth Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. at the new K. of P. Hall. Mrs. Belle Rehrmann, M. E. C.: Mrs. E. Harvin, M. of R. & C. 68 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Masonic. Grand Lodge of Utah, A F & A M Meets on the third Tuesday in January of each year at their hall, 163 s Main street. Watson N Shilling, Ogden, Grand Master ; Albion B Emery, Park City, Dep- uty Grand Master ; Arvis S Chap- man, Salt Lake City, Senior Grand Warden; Robert L Scan- nell, Salt Lake City, Junior Grand Warden ; John Shaw Scott, Salt Lake City, Grand Treas ; Christo- pher Diehl, Salt Lake City, Grand Secretary ; John F Corker, Grand Tyler. Masonic Temple Association 66 Commercial building. Incorpora- ted August, 1891 ; capital stock, $100,000; A M Grant, President; C B Jack, Vice-President ; Chris Diehl, Secretary ; H M Bacon, Treasurer. Masonic Board of Relief Meets every Sunday at the Masonic hall, 163 s Main street, at 11 a m. C B Jack, President ; A S Chapman, C P ; M C Phillips, Secretary. Wasatch Lodge No 1 Meets on the second Friday in each month at their hall, 163 s Main street. Charles B Jack, W M ; Max N Lipman, S W ; T S Matthis, J W ; Henry Monheim, Treas ; J F Jack, Sec ; John F Corker, Tyler. Mount Moriah Lodge No 2 Regu- lar meeting the second Monday in each month at their hall, 163 s Main street. A Scott Chapman, M W ; Daniel Dunne, S W ; Thomas M Surbaugh, J W ; John B Farlow. Treas; Christopher Diehl, Sec ; J Fred Corker, Tyler. Argenta Lodge No 3 Regular meeting the first Tuesday in each month at their hall, 163 s Main street. Robert L Scannell, W M ; Henry F Evans, S W; Wm T Dalby, J W ; John S Scott, Treas : M C Phillips, Sec ; JFred Corker. Tyler. Utah Council No 1, R and S M E Campfield, T J M ; A Scott Chap- man, J D M ; E O George, P C W ; F M Olmstead, Rec. Utah Commandery No 1 K T- Reg- ular meeting the first Thursday in each month at their hall, 163 s Main street. C B Jack, E C ; J F Jack, Recorder. El Kalah Temple A A O N M S Meets the second Wednesday in each month at their hall, 163 s Main street. A M Grant, Poten- tate ; G S Clark, Recorder. Lynd's Chapter No 1 O E S Mrs H P Boom, W M : Saml Paul, W P ; Mrs A M Surbaugh, Treas. Utah Chapter No 1 R A M Regu- lar meeting the first Wednesday in each month at their hall, 163 s Main street. J M Bowman, H P ; L B Smith, K ; H Hill, S ; A M Grant. Treas : M C Phillips, L N ; J Fred Corker, Guard. I. O. O. F. Officers of the Grand Lodge I. O. O.F. of Utah, for 1892. H F Evans, Grand Master, Salt Lake 5 F A Parker, Deputy Grand Master, Provo ; , Grand War- den, Park City; J J Thomas, Grand Secretary, Salt Lake ; J D Jones, Grand Treasurer, Provo ; E D Hoge, J J Thomas, Grand Repre- sentatives. Officers of the Grand Encamp- ment I. O. O. F. of Utah, for 1892. J W Greenman, Grand Patriarch, Salt Lake ; Geo E Lee, Grand High Priest, Bingham; D F Condon, Grand Senior Warden, Park City ; W H Bucher, Grand Junior War- den, Salt Lake ; Theo W White- ley, Grand Scribe Salt Lake ; W H Roy, Grand Treasurer, Salt Lake ; Alexander Rogers, Grand Representative. Subordinate Encampments. (Meeting in I O O F Temple, Market St.) Oquirrh, No 1 Meets first and third Tuesday each month. Instituted July 1, 1873. S P Smyth, Chief Patriarch ; W S Moore, High Priest : G W Jewett, Senior War- den ; W A Pankhurst, Junior Warden ; Theodore W Whiteley, Scribe ; J J Thomas, PGP, Treas- urer. Unity, No 2 Meets sec. and fourth Tuesday each month. Instituted September 22, 1884. Tom Kane, Chief Patriarch; Frank Payne, High Priest ; F J Herman, Senior Warden ; E J Wolter. Junior War- den ; C H Wixson. Scribe ; T J Preece. Treasurer. Subordinate Lodge Cards. Utah Lodge, No 1 Meets Thursday, in I O O F Temple, Market St. In- stituted by Sovereign Grand Lodge, July 29, 1865. C M Ebber- ly, Noble Grand ; Geo A Ensign, Vice Grand ; W J Moore, Secre- tary ; I Watters, Treasurer. SALT LAKE CITY RECOED. 69 Salt Lake Lodge No 2 Instituted by Sovereign Grand Lodge, April 25, 1872. Regular charter issued by Grand Lodge of Utah, Aug 22, 1874. J W Whitecar, Noble Grand ; G W Jewitt. Vice Grand : Jas A Fryer, Secretary ; S W Darke, Treas. Jordan Lodge No 3 Meets Mon- day in I O O F Temple, Market st. Instituted under dispensation of Sovereign Grand Lodge, No- vember 17, 1873. A Isom, Noble Grand ; Martin Schmidt, Vice Grand ; E Caffal, Secretary ; L G Nielsen, Treasurer. Ridgely Lodge No 9 Meets Wed- nesday in I O O F Temple, Market st. Instituted by Grand Lodge of Utah, Jan 27, 1883. Arthur Webb, Noble Grand ; Jas Kelley, Vice Grand ; John Farmer, Secretary ; S Ewing M D, Treasurer. Enterprise Lodge, No 15 Meets Wednesday, in I O O F Temple, Market St. Instituted by Grand Lodge of Utah, Nov. 6, 1890 ; De- los Irish, Noble Grand ; G A Hawks, Vice-Grand ; William Watrous, Rec Secretary; C H Wix- son, Per Secy; E J Wolters, Treas. Fidelity Lodge, No 17 Meets Fri- day, in I O O F Temple, Market St. Instituted by Grand Lodge of Utah, July 27, 1891. J C Han- chett, Noble Grand ; R J Shields, Vice-Grand ; J M Dimmitt, Secre- tary; L P Robinson, Treasurer. Rebekah Lodges. Salt Lake City, Naomi Lodge No. 1 Meets second and fourth Satur- day each month, in I O O F Tem- ple, Market st. Instituted April 9, 1888. Mrs Frances E Pendle- ton, Noble Grand ; Mrs Jennie Culmer, Vice-Grand; Mrs Ann E Budds, Secretary; Mrs J N Mel- ton, Permanent Secretary; Mrs Jennie Farnsworth, Treasurer. Miriam Lodge, No 5 Meets first and third Saturday each month, in I OOF Temple, Market st.; Mrs Bjornson, Noble Grand ; Mrs Coker, Vice Grand ; Mrs Erdine Scoville, Recording Secretary; Mrs Carrie Virden, Permanent Secy; Mrs True Reger, Treasurer. Temple of Honor. Grand Temple of Honor of Utah and Wyoming Meets annually, subject to the call of the Grand Worthy Templar. Geo H Knowl- den, G W T; J W Sammon, G W V T; W B Woods, G W Rec; E L Ray- bould, G W Treas ; W T Harris, G W Chaplain ; James Morgan- sen, G W U ; G J Spencer, G W G. Salt Lake Temple, No. 1 Samuel Ranee, W C T; Chas W Robinson, W V T; Thos Allen, W R ; WAR; W B Woods, W F R ; H D Folsom, W T; N P C Larsen, W U; John Brough, W D U; Jos Moss, W G; Fred Poll, W S. Meets every Thursday evening in Temple of Honor Hall, over Des- eret National Bank, at 7:30 p m. Western Star Council C of C, Thos Allen ; S of C, James Peacock : J of C, Saml Ranee ; R of C, Geo HKnowlden; TofC,WB Woods; Chaplain of C, W T Harris ; M of C, Walter Smithen ; P of C, Jos Moss; W of C, G J Spencer. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday of each month, in the Temple of Honor Hall, over Des- eret National Bank. Red Men. I. O. R. M. Washakie Tribe No. 1, Improved Order of Red Men, meets every Friday evening at P. O.S. of A. Hall, 261 Main. Bruce Garrett, Sachem; A. F. Irwin, C. ofR. Sons of St. George. Meet every Wednesday in Temple of Honor Hall. W L Skews, W M, Wm Doxey, Sec MISCELLANEOUS CMJBS, ETC. Alta Club. Dooly Block Richard Mackintosh, Pres, JE Galigher, V P, James T Little, Sec ; Jos M Stoutt, Treas. American Society of Irrigation Engineers. Meets at call of Pres at 612-613 Pro- gress Blk, A D Foote, Prest ; C L Stevenson, Sec and Treas. Bi-Chloride of Gold Club. Auxiliary, No. 70, Associated Keeley Bi-Chloride of Gold Clubs. W. E. Robinson, pres.; J. R. Nichols, vice-pres.; L. Stenhouse, sec.; D. G. Calder, treas. Meet first and second Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the parlors of the Institute. 70 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Board of Medical Examiners. Allen Fowler, Salt Lake ; Francis S Bascomb, Salt Lake ; Jas Mon- roe Dart, Salt Lake ; McKenzie N Graves, Ogden ; Samuel L Brick, Ogden ; Jos S Richards, Salt Lake Board of Pharmacy. Clarence H McCoy, Salt Lake ; Frank S Druehl, Salt Lake ; Her- bert S Pyne, Provo City ; Wm A Wade, Brigham City ; C E Hurl- but, Ogden. Century Road Club. T O Angell, Chief Centurion ; H R Browne, Vice-Centurian ; A W Caine, Sec & Treas ; O G Hemin- way, mem Centurion Committee. Deseret Agricultural & Manu- facturing Society. Organized under the laws of Utah Territory aad devoted to the pro- motion of domestic industry. Curtis P Mason, Pres ; Wm H Rowe, V P : Heber M Wells, Sec ; Geo D Pyper, Asst Sec : Harry T Duke, Treas. Eclectic Medical Society of Utah. Mercantile blk, Jesse J Murphy, Pres ; F M Ihrig, Vice- Pres ; J W Taylor, Sec and Treas. Harmony Dancing Club. P L Williams, Prest ; Boyd Park, V P ; W E Lake, Sec. The Hebrew Benevolent Society. L E Bamberger, Prest : E M Fried- man, V P ; Alex Cohn, Treas ; Ralph Bamberger, Secretary. Italian Mutual Benefit Society. Basement Wasatch Bldg. P Vin- celli, Pres : S Davi, Vice-Pres : Jos Refla, Sec. Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent So- ciety. Meets in Synagogue first Friday in each month. Mrs Louis Hyams, Pres : Mrs Fred Simon, Vice-Pres; Mrs S Woolf, Sec ; Mrs Joseph Obendorfer, Treas. Ore Producers' Association. Wm F James, Pres ; Wm G Van Home, Sec. Polytechnic Society of Utah. C L Stevenson, Prest ; T C Bailey, Sec; Rms 612-613 Progress Bldg. Republican Territorial Com- mittee. Room 13 Wasatch Bldg, Chas Crane, Chairman ; Jas Devine, V-Chair- man ; Percy S Sowers, Sec ; J M Bowman, Treas. Salt Lake Academy of Medicine. 116 S Main. Dr A C Maclean Pres ; Dr S H Pinkerton, Vice-Pres ; Dr J C E King, Sec ; Dr F S Bascom, Treas. Salt Lake Caledonian Club. S McDowell.pres; D Henderson,sec. Meets in Temple of Honor Hall, fisst and third Tuesday evenings. Salt Lake City Gun Club. Organized Oct 15, 1888; 155 S Main. Reorganized Mar 14, 1890. H Spence, Pres ; D E Rockbank, Sec and Treas ; M B Brown, Capt. Salt Lake Dramatic Association. First South n w cor State Street. Charles S Burton, Pres & Mngr, Heber M Wells, Vice-Pres ; Rich- ard W Young, sec ; Elias S Smith, Treas. Salt Lake Fencing Club. Basement Realty Blk, B J McCon- ville, Pres ; B O Foster, Sec ; H B Windsor, Treas ; Andre de 1'Orme, Maitre d'armes. Salt Lake Medical Society. Meets in Chamber of Commerce Second Monday in each month, Dr G W Foster, Prest ; Dr E F Root, Secretary. Salt Lake Rowing Club. Organized 1888 Officers and Direc- tors 1892: Pres, Nicholas Tre week: Vice-Pres, Grant Hampton : Sec and Treas, J W Rooklidge : Cap- tain, I M Barratt ; Commander, W P Jennings ; Director, J G Doolittle ; Director, PH Ramsden. Salt Lake Social Wheel Club. Commercial Blk. H R Browne, Pres; W W Hail. Vice-Pres ; S E Robins, Sec ; C A Emise, Treas. Meetings Second Wednesday of each month. Salt Lake Sportsman Club. Organized Jan. 1888, Shooting Grounds, Spring Lake. M J. Cheesman, Pres ; R H Terhune, Vice-Pres ; T R Ellerbeck, Sec & Treas ; I M Barratt, Captain. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 71 Salt Lake Turnverein. Meets old Independence Hall. H F Jasper, Prest ; Julius Mayer, Vice-Prest; C Oft, Sec; Oscar Lehman, Cor Sec ; Geo Mueller, Treas ; A A Pannier, First Turn- wart ; Chas Bartz, Second Turn- wart ; Carl Mayer, Chairman Ar- rangement Committee. Scandia Club. 46 E Second South. Meet first and third Friday of each month. AS Backman, pres; C A Erickson, vice-pres; H H Peterson, sec; B B Schroder, treas. The Democratic Society of Utah. H P Henderson, Prest ; F S Rich- ards, V P ; Geo W Thatcher, Sec V P ; A T Schroeder, Sec ; E A Smith, Treas. Tonic Sol Fa Society. Organized 1891 Meet every Tues- day in Fourteenth Ward Assem- bly Hall. Henry Gardener, Jr, Pres ; T C Griggs, Vice-Pres ; H J Walk, Sec ; Thomas Mclntyre, Conductor. Tuscarora Society. 174 S Main. Gen Officers, O W Powers. Grand Sachem; E D Hoge, Senior Sagamore ; C W Hall, Big Medicine man : H T Duke, Kee- per of Wampum ; Morris Somers, Wendigo ; C M Jackson, Chief; F M Schultz, G P Albright, Big Braves ; C M Brown, Scout. University Club of Salt Lake City McCornick Block, meet first Mon- day of each month at Club Rooms. Ellsworth Daggett, Pres; H M McCartney, Vice-Pres ; Wm D Wood, Sec; Seward H Fields, Treas. Utah Dental Association. A S Chapman, Pres ; A B Dunford First Vice-Pres ; E A Tripp, Sec Vice-Pres ; S H Clawson, Treas ; Geo Ellerbeck, Rec Sec ; W H Bucher, Cor Secy. Utah Div League of American Wheelmen. C A Emise, Chief Consul ; M H Mc- Allister, Sec and Treas. Utah World's Fair Commission. 514 Dooly Block. R C Chambers, pres; Richard Mackintosh, vice- pres; E A McDaniel, sec; H M Wells, treas- N A Empey, ex. com. Veteran Fireman's Association. 420 E South Temple. Wm H By- water, Prest ; S R Skidmore, Vice- Pres ; Wm R Adkins, Sec ; R H Hardy, Treas. Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Association. 420 E South Temple. G M Ottinger, Prest ; S R Skidmore, Vice-Prest ; R H Hardy, Cor Sec ; C H Banks, Fin Sec ; W R Adkins, Treas. W. C. T, U. The Territorial Officers are: Pres, Mrs Caroline Reid ; Cor Sec., Mrs Ida Day ; Rec. Sec., Miss Emma Parsons, Provo ; Treas., Mrs E Griffith. Salt Lake City Union Pres, Miss Harriet E Turner; Rec Sec, Miss Leo Mayne; Treas, Mrs Payton; Supt "Exchange," Mrs E Grif- fith; Pres "Exchange," Mrs Sarah Reed; Union numbers 70; meets every Friday at 3 p m in No 18 Commercial st. Gospel temper- ance meetings are held every night in same room. MUSICAL, ASSOCIATIONS. BANDS. Beesley's Quadrille Band. Ebenezer Beesley, Leader; Calder's Music Palace or Solomon's Store. The Central Drum Corps. Meeting every Wednesday evening 7:30 p m at the Z C M I Shoe Factory; E L Emslie,Drum Major; M L Midgley, Capt; C Wells, Sec and Treas: Organized Jan 29,1889. Denhalter Band. Meets 28 W 3d South. E C Parker, leader. First Brigade Band. Organized 1891: A S Zimmerman, Mngr; Anton Pedersen, Musical Director; meet weekly 228 South Main: composed of members of late Gatling and Salt Lake Mili- tary Bands. Hauerbach's Quadrille Band. Organized Oct, 1889; W M Thorn- burg,Prompter: office,69 e Second South. Held Band and Orchestra. Organized June 27, 1887; Joseph Simmons, Sec - and Treas; W G Clark, Mrigr; John Held, Leader; meets every Friday night 19 w South Temple. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENT. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF UTAH. The * Congei'Vator'ij * Department jj; Utah Normal College and Conservatory of Music. ; OFFICE: 3O2 DOOLY BLDG., SALT LAKE. W. A. OGDEN, Supervisor of Music in Pub- lic Schools, Toledo, Ohio. LEONARD MARSHALL, JK, Supervisor of Music in Public Schools, Boston, Mass. FREDERICK A. LYMAN. Supervisor of. Music in Public Schools, Syracuse, N. Y. W. T. EDINGFIELD, Aspen, Colo. W. S. WEBSTER, Glenwood Springs, Colo. EVAN STEPHENS, Salt Lake City. KARL HILL, Salt Lake City. First Term begins Sept. 5, closes Nov. 11. Second " " Nov. 14, " Jan. 27. Third " " Jan. 30, " April 10. Fourth " " Apr. 13, " June 16. All pupils registered in any department of the Conservatory have the following advan- tages: Free Lectures on Musical History and Physiology of the Vocal Organs. Class tessons in Notation. Musical Gram- mar, Chorus Class and .Esthetic Physical Culture. Also admission to the numerous concerts, lectures and pupils' recitals. of DR. R. A. HASBROUCK, PRESIDENT. J. C. WOLFE, VICE-PRESIDENT. J. W. NEWBURX, SEC'Y AND TREAS. KARL HILL, A. B., B. M., DIRECTOR. CONSERVATORY. PIANO: KARL HILL, A. B., B. M.. Director. B. F. HODSON, Miss MINNA HOLT, and Miss F. ADAMS. Assistants. VOICE CULTURE: KARL HILL and Miss MINNA HERZOG. VIOLIN: WILLARD E. WEIHE. CHORUS CLASS, HARMONY AND COMPOSITION. EVAN STEPHEN-*. PIPE ORGAN: Jos. J. DAYNES. GUITAR, MANDOLIN, BANJO, FLUTE, CLARIONET: E. FORD. Miss MARIA L. POWELL. MODERN LANGUAGES: CHAS. VENEZIANI. NOTATION AND SIGHT READINQ, J. C. WOLFE. PHYSIOLOGY OP THE VOCAL ORGANS; DR. R. A. HASBROUCK. For circulars giving terms of tuition, course of studv. faculty and general information, address'THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Dooly Building, Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 73 Juvenile Band. C. H. Barrell, Leader. Ladies' Guitar and Mandolin Club. Mrs Fred Clawson, Pres; R J Car- penter, Conductor: meetC alder's Music Palace. Larsen Quadrille Band. Organized IP 86; Charles Larsen, Leader; C W Ranken, Prompter and Mngr; 67 Commercial st. M. Olson's Orchestra and Brass Bantt. Organized January, 1867; Magnus Olson, Leader and Mngr; meets Calder's Music Hall. Political Band. Formerly Twenty- First Ward Brass Band; organized Oct, 1888; Reor- ganized Nov 1889; meetings held in Twenty-First Ward meeting house every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock; Josiah Burrows, Pres; Orson Allen, Sec and Treas; James S Castleton, leader. Sixteenth Infty, U. S. A., Band. Fort Douglas. Spanish Mandolin and Guitar Club. Meets every Monday at Calder's Music Palace; Frank D Aubray, Pres and Mngr; A H Kelson, Sec and Treas; E G Weitzel, Music Director. Youngdale's Orchestra. Calder's Music Palace Organized Dec 12, 1890; Willard Youngdale, Leader; 6 pieces. West End Band. Organized Aug 1,1891: G II Thomas, Leader and Mngr; 1 n Eighth West. VOCAL. Harmony Glee Club. Organized Sept 15,1889; meets every Saturday evening at 8' o'clock; George Timpson, Leader: James Morgan Sec; Alvin Beesley, Ac- companist. Thomas Mclntyre Glee Class. Organized April 2, 1888; meeting every Sunday at 12:15 p m; W S Owen, Pres; Arthur Reed, Sec and Treas; Thomas Mclntyre, In- structor; Twenty-First Ward meeting house. Salt Lake Choral Society. Organized Nov. 1889, re-organized Sept., 1892. Meet every Monday evening at 7:30, in old I. O. O .P. hall, Union Block. J. D. Spencer pres.; F. K. Gillespie, sec.; Prof. Evan Stephens, Conductor; Prof. Radcliffe, Accompanist. COUNTY GOVERNMENT. The County Court meets at the Court House on the first and third Mondays in each month at 10 a m. Chairman, Hon George W Bartch, Probate Judge. Members Har- vey Hardy, Salt Lake City ; John P Cahoon, Murray ; John Butter, Bingham ; C E Allen, Clerk. Pro- bate Judge, George W Bartch ; County Clerk, Clarence E Allen ; Deputy, Causten Browne, Jr ; Re- corder, John H Rumel, Jr ; De- puty, L M Earl ; Treasurer, Joseph B Toronto. Office in Utah Com- mercial Savings Bank. Assessor, Wm J Lynch ; Deputy, Richard L Conely ; Collector, Leonard G Hardy ; Deputy, Jos U Eldredge ; Attorney, Walter Murphy ; Assist- ant, Dennis C Eichnor ; Sheriff, Andrew J Burt ; Deputies, Joseph W Burt, John Cummock, John D Burbidge, Leo Lecon ; Supt of Schools, David R Allen; Surveyor, Charles P Brooks ; Coroner, Thos. E Harris. TERRITORIAL, OFFICERS. Utah Commission. 137 South West Temple. Governor, Arthur L Thomas ; Secretary, Elijah Sells. Commissioners. The Utah Commission G L Godfrey of Iowa, Chairman ; R S Robert- son of Indiana, Alvin Saunders of Nebraska, J A McClernand of Ill- inois, A B Williams of Arkansas, Elijah Sells of Utah, Secretary, office 137 S West Temple. Judge of Supreme Court Chief Justice Chas. S Zane. Associate Justices , James A Miner, Ogden ; J W Blackburn, Provo. U S Marshal I A Benton. U S Attorney C S Varian ; Assist- ant U S Attorney, F B Stevens. U S Surveyor General's Office, 49 S Main Surveyor General, Ells- worth Daggett ; Chief Clerk, G Parker Norton. 74 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. U S Deputy Mineral Surveyors. (See Business Classification.) U S Land Office, 201 Realty Build- ingRegister, Frank D Hobbs ; Receiver, Hoyt Sherman. Jr. U S Internal Revenue, Realty Build- ing. Room 213 Walter W Bailey. USDep Stamp Col. Wm G Nebeker, dep Rev Col. U S Weather Bureau, Observer's Office, 52 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Observer in charge, George N Salisbury ; Assistant Observer, W D Maxwell. U S Paymaster Department, Office, 112 and 113 Commercial Block- Paymaster, Maj John S Witcher. Territorial Prison. Utah Penitentiary Located four miles S E of City on Parley's Can- yon Road. NEWSPAPERS. Daily. Daily Reporter Nelden. Myers & Co, Props. Distributed free. 21 West Second South. Deseret Evening News Northeast cor South Temple and Main. Or- gan of L D S. Published daily by the Deseret News Publishing Co. $1.00 per month. Salt Lake Herald Published by the Herald Publishing Co, Northwest cor of West Temple and First South. Wm Hyde, editor ; Geo E Blair, business manager. $10.00 per year, $1.00 per month. Salt Lake Daily Stock and Mining Journal Published by Higgins & Higgins, 52 West Second South. Official organ of the Salt Lake Stock Exchange. $4.00. per an- num. Salt Lake Times 26 West Third South. A L Pallock. lessee, Wm E Smythe, editor, L R Britton, business manager. $5.00 per an- num. Saturday edition 12 pages. Salt Lake Tribune 133 South West Temple. Published by the Trib- une Publishing Co. $12.00 per annum. $1.00 per month. Semi-Weekly. Herald Issued by the Herald Pub- lishing Co. on Wednesday and Saturday. $3.00 per annum. News Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Deseret News Publishing Co. $3.00 per year. Weekly. Bikuben (Danish) Issued Thurs- day at $2.0;) per annum. 166 North Main. Deseret Weekly Published by the Deseret News Publishing Co. Is- sued Saturdays. $2.50 per annum. Korrespondenten (Swedish) Pub- lished by Otto Rydman & Co, 39 S West Temple. $2.50 per an- num. Mining Age 26- West Third South. Frank Hall and Geo F Cains, ed- itors. Tribune Issued* Thursday by Trib- une Publishing Co. $3.00 a year. Times 36 West Third South. A L Pollock, lessee. $4.00 per an- num. Utah Freie Presse (German) Pub- lished by Albert Reichelt, 52 West Second South. $3.00 a year. Utah Folksblad (Norwegian and Danish) 75 East Third South. John L Ericksen, publisher. Semi- Monthly. Deseret Eagle Published semi- monthly at the University of Utah. " The i mechanical work on the paper is all done by deaf mutes. Irrigation Age The Smythe, Brit- ton & PooreCo., publishers. $2.00 per annum. 26 W Third South. Juvenile Instructor Established 1866. Office 24 East South Tem- ple. Issued the 1st and 15th of each month by Geo Q, Cannon Sons Co. in the interests of the Sunday Schools. $2.00 per an- num. Geo Q Cannon, editor. Salt Lake Journal of Commerce Office 71 Culmer block. A com- mercial journal published semi- monthly; $2.00 per annum. H L A Culmer, editor and publisher. Children's World, The Merchant Printing Co., publishers, 27 and 29 West South Temple. Literary and educational. Joseph Hyrum Parry, editor. 75 cts per annum. Woman's Exponent Mrs. Emme- line B Wells, editor. 25 East South Temple. 1st and 15th of each month. Inter Mountain Educator W A Corey, editor and publisher. Office 41 South Main. Assistant Pastor. The Rev J B Thrall, editor. Y P S C E, of First Congregational Church, publisher. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 75 Monthly. Contributor, The Constitution building. Junius F Wells, edi- tor ; Geo D Pyper, business man- ager. Lantern, The Published by the students of University of Utah. Rocky Mountain Agriculturalist 403 McCornick block. R W Sloan, publisher. An inter- mountain stock magazine. $1.00 per annum. Rocky Mountain Workman 52 West Second South. Published by Evans & Crawford. $1.00 per annum. Utah Monthly Magazine 19 West South. Temple. The Magazine Printing Co., publishers. Utah Odd Fellow, The 26 West Third South. Official organ of Grand Lodge of Utah Encamp- ment. Published monthly by Ed W Loder; subscription, $1.00 per annum. Young Woman's Journal Office 24 East South Temple. Issued the 1st of each month. Established October, 1889. Geo Q Cannon Sons Co., publishers; Mrs Susa Young-Gates, editor ; $2.00 per annum. It I 1 1 ll \ 4. AND LOAN ASSO- CIATIONS. Deseret Building and Loan Club (local branch); 15 and 17 Morlan Blk; E M Weiler, Pres; Henry Dinwoodey, Vice-Pres; H H Kins- man, Sec; Geo F Felt, Treas; T D Lewis, Atty. National Building and Loan Asso- ciation, The 11 Commercial Blk; H P Mason, Pres; Hoyt Sherman, Jr, Vice-Pres; Boyd Park, Treas: Hudson Smith, Sec. Pioneer Loan r and Homestead Asso- ciation of Salt Lake City, The 6 Wasatch Blk; CH Parsons, Pres; Joseph P Bache, Vice-Pres; A B Sawyer, Sec and Atty; Arthur E Clark, Treas. Salt Lake Building and Loan Asso- ciation, 43 W Second South; Frank E McGurrin,Pres; John T Buckle, Vice-Pres; F L Holland, Treas; D M Schroll, Sec and Mngr. Utah Loan and Building Associa- tion McCornick Blk; Josiah Bar- nett, Pres: II H Terhune, Vice- Pres; A Hanauer Jr, Sec; Fred Simon, Treas. Zion'H Benefit Building Society- State Bank of Utah; 3 s Main; Thomas G Webber, Pres; Wm H Rowe, Vice-Pres; L S Hills,Treas; Thos W Sloan, Sec. Western Loan and Savings Co 24 e First South; Francis Armstrong, Pres; Geo Mullett, Vice-Pres; Clarence Grange, Sec; Jas A Chute, Asst Sec; M E Cummings, Treas. BANKS AND BANKERS. American National Bank, 232 South Main James H Bacon, Pres ; H M Bacon, Vice-Pres; F L Holland, Cashier ; W B Holland, Assistant Cashier. Bank of Commerce, 34 West Second South Boyd Park, President ; S F Walker, Cashier ; S H Fields, Jr, Assistant Cashier. Commercial National Bank, Second South, n w cor Commercial Geo M Downey, President; W P Noble, Vice-President ; John M Donnel- lan, Cashier. Deseret National Bank, 79 South Main L S Hills, President; Moses Thatcher, Vice-President; H S Young, Cashier. Deseret Savings Bank, 79 South Main James T Little, President ; Moses Thatcher, Vice-President ; E A Smith, Cashier. Jones, T R & Co, 161 South Main- Organized 1877. McCornick & Co, n w cor Main and First South. National Bank of the Republic, 149 South Main, Progress Building- Frank Knox, Pres : L C Karrick, Vice-Pres ; J A Earls, Cashier. Schettler, B H, 60 South Main. State Bank of Utah, The Heber J Grant, President ; Wm B Preston, Vice-President; Heber M Wells, Cashier. 1 and 3 S Main. Union National Bank, The, n w cor Main and Second South Joseph R Walker, President; Matthew H Walker, Viee-President ; Morton J Cheesman, Cashier. Utah Commercial and Savings Bank, 24 East First South Francis Arm- strong, President ; P W Madsen, Vice-President; M E Cummings, Cashier. Utah National Bank, s w cor Main and First South Jos M Stoutt, President ; Chas W Lyman, Vice- 76 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. President ; P L Williams, Second Vice-President; AddisonB Jones. Cashier. Wells. Fargo & Go's Bank, 123 &125 South Main, established 1852 Jno J Valentine, Pres ; W F Goad, Vice-Pres; J E Dooly, Cashier. Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Co, 1, 3 & 5 S Main Wilford Wood- ruff, President; Geo Q Cannon, Vice-President ; Geo M Cannon. Cashier. Utah Title Insurance and Trust Co Savings Bank, 160 South Main J E Dooly, President ; W S Mc- Cornick, Vice-President ; A L Thomas, Secretary; E B Wicks, Cashier. LIBRARIES. OOF Library Odd Fellows' Temple, Market Street, 2,000 volumes. W P Rowe. chairman : W T Hopkins, Librarian. Pioneer Library Board of Trade bldg. Chris Diehl, Librarian ; Miss Annie E Chapman, Asst. Librarian : 9.000 volumes. Free Reading Room.- Sub per annum, 13.00. University Library At University of Utah. 12.000 volumes. Open to the public. Free reading room in connection. G Q Coray, Librarian. Territorial Library (Law) Dooly Blk: 4,500 volumes. Board of Control. Arthur L Thomas, Governor of Utah ; Elijah Sells. Secretary of Utah : Charles S Zane, Chief Justice : James A Miner, Associate Justice: John W Blackburn, Associate Justice : Joseph P Bache, elk Supreme Court and ex-officio Territorial Librarian : John C Shipp, Dep Librarian. Company A 16th Infantry Capt Charles H Noble : First Lieut, Samuel W Dunning: Second Lieut, George M Brown. MILITARY. U. S. A. Department of the Platte Post Port Douglas. P O and telegraph station. Salt Lake City. Utah, from which there is connection with post by telephone. Roster of Troops Headquarters 16th infantry, Col Matthew M Blunt commanding regt and post. First Lieut Charles B Tyler, Regl Adjt, Post Adjt and Recruiting Officer : First Lieut Warren H Cowles. R Q M and Post Quarter- master. HOSPITALS I M> HOMES. County Infirmary State road, 1 mile south of city limits. John H Hinman, Supt : Dr A C Maclean, Physician. Deseret Hospital 206 N Second West, Mrs R P Pratt, Physician in charge. Hospital of the Holy Cross First South, bet Tenth and Eleventh East : under the management of the Sisters of the Holy Cross. Industrial Home 145 S Fifth East. Established by act of Congress, "To provide employment and means of self-support for the de- pendent women who renounce polygamy, and the children of such women, of tender age, in said Territory, with a view to aid in the suppression of polygamy therein." The Home is under control of the Utah Commission. Orphans' Home and Day Nursery- Located E s State, half mile south of city limits. The school is non-sectarian, and the Board of Directors is composed of repre- sentatives from every denomina- tion. Mrs. Hyrum Johnson, Pres ; Mrs R H Terhune, Sec; Miss M A Locke, Cor Sec : Mrs J E Bamberger, Treas. St Mark's Hospital Fifth East, N W cor Third South. Rt Rev Abiel Leonard, Pres and Supt : Rev Fred W Morris. Treas : Miss C Markham, Matron : Dr A C Stanclart, physician. Xow build- ing opp Warm Springs. CEMETERIES. B'nai Israel (Hebrew); office. 118 s Main; Fourth st bat Q and R: Alexander Cohn, Warden. City Cemetery Fourth bet O and U: C E Offenback, Sexton. Mount Olivet Cemetery Located on Ft Douglas Reservation bet e Fifth and Sixth South; Elijah Sells, Pres; Edmund Wilkes, Sec: Jas S Chute, Asst Sec; office 22 e First South. Roman Catholic Cemetery Fourth bet Q and R: C E Offenback, Sexton. SALT LAKE PITY RECOUP. 77 BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SAI/T LAKH CITY. OFFICE 49 SOUTH MAIN. Officers. President, R N Baskin ; Vice-President, William Nelson ; Clerk, John B Moreton ; Treasurer, Harry T Duke; Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, J F Millspaugh ; Board of City Examiners, J F Mills- paugh, C L Baxter, Joseph T Kingsbury. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Rudolph Alff, Harry T Duke, William Nelson, Ben G Raybould, William J Newman, John N Pike, Richard W Young, Arthur Pratt, John E Dooly, Chas Baldwin. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Rules William Nelson, Harry T Duke, William J Newman. Committee on Sites and Buildings Benjamin G Raybould, Rudolph Alff, John N Pike, Arthur Pratt, John E Dooly. Committee on Furniture and Supplies John E Dooly, Rudolph Alff, Arthur Pratt, William J Newman, Benjamin G Raybould. Committee on Teachers Harry T Duke, William Nelson, Wm J Newman, Richard W Young, Chas Baldwin. Committee on School VJork Charles Baldwin, William Nelson, William J Newman, Richard W Young, Rudolph Alff. Committee on Finance William Nelson, Harry T Duke, Richard W Young, John N Pike, Chas Baldwin. SALT LA KH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ROOMS : 2nd Floor Board of Trade Building. Open daily from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors first Thursday in each month. OFFICERS FOR 1892. J. W, Donnellan, President. Heber M Wells, First Vice-President, S M Morrison, Second Vice-President. S W Sears, Secretary. G M Downey, Treasurer. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J W Donnellan, H M Wells, N A Empey, M J Gray, W H Rowe, S W Morrison, W H Shearman, A E DeRicqles, J M Ricketts, E B Wicks. 78 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1892. On Auditing Accounts Heber M Wells, chairman; Wm H Shearman, E B Wicks. On Arbitration F H Auerbach, chairman ; T G Webber, W H Culmer, Jas Glendinning, W C Pavey, B G Raybould. Transportation Bureau Fred Simon, chairman ; John W Don- nellan, ex-officio, George A Lowe, H P Mason, Spencer Clawson, Geo Osmond, Joseph Geoghegan, W C B Allen, Nelson Empey, W H Rowe, Henry Cohn, George T Odell, S W Sears, commissioner. On Finance W S McCornick, chairman ; J E Dooly, H M Wells, T R Jones, Henry W Lawrence, J R Walker, James Sharp. On Commerce L E Hall, chairman ; S W Morrison, Fergus Coalter, Emanuel Kahn, S P Teasdel, W S Henderson, T G Webber. On Manufactures W H Rowe, chairman ; David James, Elias Morris, W P Noble, J A Goodhue, Jacob Moritz, C E Wantland. On Mines and Mining John J Daly, Chairman ; R Mackintosh, Ed Richards, James Glendinning, J H Watts, Harvey Hardy, L E Holden. On Stock Growing, Stock Yards and Packing A E de Ricqles, chairman ; J H White, E D Swann, M K Parsons, Martin Lannan, A G Bast, B F Grant. On Agriculture and Horticulture J A Goodhue, chairman ; A E Hyde, George Arbogast, John R Winder, Jr, Boyd Park. On Wool and Wool Growing W L Pickard, chairman ; James Sharp, Henry Cohn, W L White, C W Lyman, J F Grant. On Immigration and Statistics H V Meloy, chairman ; C E Wantland, J M Ricketts, E F Colborn, Thos C Bailey, John H Leach. On Membership E F Colborn, chairman ; Nelson Empey, W H Rowe, Henry W Lawrence, Rudolph Alff, W H Shearman, S W Morrison, C E Wantland, H M Wells, Louis Cohn, J H Watts. On Public Improvements P L Williams, chairman ; J T Don- nellan, Jacob Moritz, C P Mason, H B Clawson, Sr, W H H Spafford, W W Riter. On Meteorology C F Annett, chairman ; W A Nelden, W F Col- ton, W E Smedley. On Bi-Metallism C C Goodwin, chairman ; R Mackintosh, R C Chambers, E P Ferry, L E Holden, W F James. On Climatological and Sanitary Affairs Dr A C Standart, chair- man ; James Sharp, J B Walden. On Advertising S W Sears, chairman ; Harvey Hardy, H L A Culmer, W C B Allen, C E Wantland, A E de Ricqles, H C Lett, F Trimmer. On Development of Native Products Spencer Clawson, chair- man ; James Glendinning, Elias Morris, H C Lett, J H Gray, W S Simpkins. David James, W H Rowe. On Railways Projected J S Cameron, chairman ; J H Bacon, O W Powers, O J Salisbury, J C Conklin, A W McCune. SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 79 CHURCHES AND CHURCH SOCIETIES. First Baptist Church. Corner Second West and Second South, Rev. Henry Steelman, pas- tor; Geo H Ward, asst pastor. East Side Baptist^Cor Seventh East and Third South, Rev S G Adams, pastor. Catholic. St Mary's Cathedral Second East, bet South Temple and First South, Rt Rev L Scanlan, D D, bishop. St Patrick's Church Cor Fourth West and Fourth South, Rev D Keily, pastor. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. Tabernacle in Temple Block Ser- vices every Sunday at 2pm. Wilford Woodruff, Prophet, Seer and Revelator and President of the Church in all the world ; Geo Q Cannon, First Counselor in the First Presidency ; Joseph F Smith, Second Counselor. See also page 17, Territorial Department. Congregational. First Congregational Church S E cor Fourth East and First South, Rev J Brainerd Thrall, pastor. Young People's Society of Chris- tian Endeavor meets every Sun- day at 6:30 p m. Phillip's Congregational Church Seventh East and Fifth South, Rev. Bartlett, pastor. Episcopal. The Cathedral First South, bet Second and Third East, Rt Rev Abiel Leonard, S T D, bishop; Rev F W Norris, pastor in charge. Meetings in the Guild Room The Ladies' Guild, Tuesdays, at 2 p m. Mothers' meetings, Wednesdays at 1:30 p m. Girls' Friendly So- ciety, Thursdays at 7 p m. Broth- erhood of St Andrew, first and third Wednesday of the month, at 8 p m. Guild of the Iron Cross, the third Friday of every month, immediately after evening prayer, at 7:30 p m. St Paul's Episcopal Chapel Corner Fourth South and Main. St Peters' Chapel Opposite Warm Springs ; a chapel of the Cathe- dral. Hebrew. Temple of B'Nai Israel 249 Fourth East, Moses P Jacobson, Rabbi. Josephite. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Second South, bet Second and Third East, John Larson pres Salt Lake City branch. Services Sunday and Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Lutheran. Norwegian Fritsch's Building, 160 East Second South, Rev. Ikabo, pastor. Sweedish Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church N W cor Fourth East and Second South. Rev F A Linder, pastor. Prayer meet- ing Wednesdays, 7:45 p m. Young People's Society meets at church first and third Thursdays of each month. Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity St Mark's School, Rev J F Beates, pastor. Services Sun- day and Wednesday evenings. Methodist Episcopal. African M E Church 623 S Fourth West, Rev Talbot, pastor. First M E Church 31, 33 E Third South, Rev W D Mabry pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 Em. Ladies' Aid Society meets rst Tuesday of each month, at 2 p m, in church. Epworth League meets every Sunday, 6:3<> p m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, at 8pm. Iliff M E Church E s Ninth East, cor First South, T C Iliff, pastor. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p m. First Scandinavian M E Church 158 Second East, Rev Christian, . Heckner, pastor. First M E Mission Church Cor Sev- enth East and Seventh South, Rev E G Hunt, pastor. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8pm. Presbyterian. First Presbyterian Church Corner Second East and Second South, Rev R G McNiece, D D, pastor. Prayer meetings Wednesdays, at 7:30 p m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor meets Sun- days, 6:20 p m. Ladies' Mission- ary Society meets second Tuesday of each month, at 3:15 p m. La- dies' Aid Society meets first Tues- day of each month, at 2 p m. Westminster Presbyterian Fourth West, bet First and Second South, Rev F L Arnold, pastor. Chris- tian Endeavor Society meets at church at 7 p m every Sunday; Harry Tolles, president. Bethany SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Band. Children's Missionary So- ciety, meetings first Thursday of each month. Ladies' Aid Society meets first Thursday in each month. Unitarian. Unitarian Salt Lake Theater, Rev David Utter, pastor. Miscellaneous. Central Christian Church Services in Federal Court Room, Dooly Block, Rev B F Clay, pastor. Church of Christian Scientists Odd Fellows' Building. Market st, bet. Main and West Temple and Third and Fourth South. in each month at 3 p m in the par- lors of the association. The offi- cials are: Pres. Mrs Dr McKib- bon : Sec, Mrs G F Stiehl, Treas ; Mrs Hudson Smith with a vice- pres from each of the churches. RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATIONS. Salt Lake County Bible Society- Rev J M Breeze, pres : C H Par- sons, sec and depositary. The depository is at Mr Parson's book store, 164 S Main. Salt Lake County Sunday School Association C H Parsons, sec, 164 S Main. Utah Christian Endeavor Union C H Parson, sec, 164 S Main. Utah Sunday School Association Holds a Territorial Convention annually at such time and place as may be determined by the ex- exutive committee. C. H. Par- sec, 164 S Main. Young Men's Christian Association Organized March 9, 1890. Rooms over 61 and 63 East Second South st. Open every day and evening except Sunday. The rooms include gymnasium, tub and shower baths, toilet room', parlor, room for night classes and free reading room. A gospel meeting is held every Sunday af- ternoon at 4 o'clock in the gym- na&ium. Bible training class on Friday night. The Young Men's Debating Club meets on Tuesday night. A noon prayer meeting is held daily from 12:15 to 12:45. officers are: Pres, Hon Frank Pierce : Vice-Pres, F W Metcalf ; Rec Sec, A M Janes ; Treas, F E Hough ton ; Genl Sec, Wildman Murphy ; Asst Genl Sec, Frank E Brown. Junior Branch Meet Mondays and Thursdays at Y M C A hall, 3 to 7 p m. *Wade Loof bourow, Prof Augsburg and George Ward in charge. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y M C A Meets the first Wednesday LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Utah Federated Trades and Labor Council Meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month in Plumbers' Hall, 60 w Second South. President. John W T ood- burn ; Vice-President, John G Smith : Recording Secretary, Ferd S Mier ; Financial Secretary, Albert E Jarinan : Treasurer, Jas Wilkes ; Trustees Wm James, Wm Grundt and Fred Roedel ; Sargeant at Arms, Chris Schmohl. Amalgamated Association of Car- penters and Joiners Meets on the First and Third Tuesdays in each month in the Bricklayers' hall over the W T U telegraph office, Main st. Robert Nelson, Prest ; A Rogers, Rec Secy. Bakers' and Confectioners' Union No 154 Meets in Turners' Hall, Third S bet Main and W Temple. Nicholas Schmitroth, Prest ; I J Strayer, Rec Secy. Barbers' Protective Union Meets over Roberts & Nelden's drug store, main street, once a month. M A Peters, Prest ; C E Marsh, Rec Secy. Brotherhood Carpenters and Join- ers of America No 263 Meets Monday evenings in Bricklayers' hall, 159 S Main. A F Harring- ton, Prest ; H P Olivier, Vice- Prest ; F M Perry, Rec Sec ; R Hoodless. Fin Secy : G M Wyne, Treas. Brewers' and Maltsters' Union Meets in Plumbers' Hall, 60 West Second South, first and third Sat- urday of each month. Fritz Springman, Prest ; Emil Schneider, Sec. Cigar Makers' Union No 224 Meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in the Bricklayers' hall over the W U telegraph office. James McWenie, Prest ; John Shindhelm, Vice-Prest, John H Hanhauser, Fin and Cor Secy ; H A Becker, Rec Secy ; F E Nye, Treas. Cooks. Waiters and Bartenders' Union Meets every Wednesday SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 81 evening at hall, 67 Commercial st. H M Sadler, Prest ; Thos D Colen, Rec Secy. International Association of Ma- chinistsMeets the first and third Fridays of each month in the Plumbers' hall, 60 W Second S. A E Jarman, M M ; R A Wisgarber, Rec Secy. International Brotherhood of Black- smiths Meets the second and fourth Fridays in each month in the Plumbers' hall, 60 W Second S. Ezra Huntsman, Prest ; John Brooks, Rec Secy International Hod Carriers' Union Meets at 159 S Main last Tues- day of each month. Jas Barry, Prest ; Fallin Mickel, Secy. Iron Moulders' Union No 231 Meets the first] Saturday in each month in Temple of Honor hall. Edward King, Prest ; Fred Peters, Secy. Lathers' Protective Association No 1 Meets Wednesday evenings over 18 E Second South. C An- drews, Prest ; Geo Muir, Vice- Prest ; Geo Ellis, Secy ; Wm Wil- liams, Treas ; Chester Marshall, Sergeant at Arms. L B L S Firemen A O U W hall. Meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p m. J McPeate, Master; A M Davis, Vice-Master ; E L Hanking, Sec Operative Plasterers' Protective As- sociation No 68 Meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month over W U telegraph office. M G Allen, Prest ; Chas Hutchin- son, Vice-Prest; Wm Hutahin- son, Cor Secy ; John V Forrester, Rec Secy ; D H Davis, Fin Secy ; James McCullough, Treas. Painters' Union No 1 Meets the first and third Wednesday of each month in - hall. John A Coombs, Prest ; R M Poacher, Rec Secy. Plumbers, Steam and Gasfitters' Union Meets every Wednesday evening at Plumbers' hall, 60 W Second S. John Woodburn, Prest, Albert Kirkwood, Rec Secy. Pressmen and Stereotypers' Union No 41 Meets once a month in Temple of Honor hall. B S Hoag, Prest ; C G Watson, Rec Secy. Retail Clerks' Nat Protective As- sociation Meets every alternate Tuesday in hall over the Ensor Institute, Second S st. Fred S Mier, Prest ; Geo Robinson, Rec Secy. Salt Lake Typographical Union Meets first Sunday in each month in I O O F hall, Market st. H C Fenstermaker. Prest ; Van Gor- don, Vice-Prest ; Mrs E E Sylves- ter, Rec Secy ; S M Stenhouse, Fin and Cor Secy , Miss Sadie Asper, Treas. Stone Cutters' Union Meets every second and fourth Monday in the month, at 60 W Second South street, at 8 o'clock. Chas J Friday, Pres; Geo Goller, Sec. Tailors' Union, Local No 59 Meets every second Tuesday in each month at 159 S Main. F J Scheid- eler, Prest ; John T Peterson, Vice-Prest : Chas R Li nd berg, Secy ; Andrew Peterson, Treas. Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice, Local International No 27 Meets 159 S Main first and last Thursday of each month. Nick Swink, Prest ; Geo Lambourne, Secy ; Joe Ed- wards, Treas. Utah Central Brotherhood of Train- men, No. 325 Meets at Temple of Honor Hall second and fourth Saturdays at 8 p m. Fred Knud- sen, Master; Geo M Jones, Fm Sec; W A White, Asst Sec. Wasatch Division, No 222, B of L Engs Meets every Friday at 8 o'clock in A O U W hall. James Beals, Chief Engr ; S G Pigman, First Engr ; James Yates, First Asst Engr ; G McLane, Second Asst Engr. RAILROADS. A T & Santa Fe R R Co 43 w Sec- ond South. J D Kenworthy, genl agt ; H W Parker and T B Ken- worthy, contracting agents, Burlington Route E E Walker, genl agt; Wm K McAllister, contract agt. 30 W Second South. Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry Office 22 Morlan Blk. T F Powell, travagt. Alex. Mitchell, com' 1 agt. Chicago and Northwestern Ry W L Stannard, genl agt ; H H Mears, trav frt and pass agt. 12 W Second South. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry J E Oglesby, genl agt ; L B Gor- han, trav frt agt ; J L Yundt, trav frt agt. 38 W Second South. Colorado Midland Ry H C Bur- nett, genl agt ; S P Medeira, trav pass agt. 109 W Second South. Penver & Rio Grande Ry W J Shotwell, genl agt; J S Gard, trav frt agt. 82 SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. Missouri Pacific Ry 21 Morlan blk. S V Derrab, commercial agt ; R F Nelson, contracting agt. Red Line Transit Co, Fast Frt N Y C & L 8 & W S Ry V M C Silva. agt, 67 Commercial blgd. Rio Grande Western Ry City ticket office, s w cor Second S and Main st ; office of auditor and genl frt and pass agt, Board of Trade bldg ; local frt office and and frt depot, Third S and Fifth W ; pass station. Second and Third S and Fifth and Sixth W ; Supt's office in pass sta- station bldg. D C Dodge, genl mngr; A E Welby, supt: J H Bennett, genl pass agt ; S H Bab- cock, genl frt agt ; J Brinker, asst frt agt ; Theron Geddes, au- ditor ; W F Colton, cashier. Union Pacific System Operates Oregon Short Line and Utah and Northern Ry Cos. Genl mngr's office, mountain div, Ogden. genl pass and frt office, 201 s Main st ; supt's and other offices at 69 n Third W; pass :depot cor S Temple and Third W ; frt depot, cor First S and Third W. W H Bancroft, genl mngr ; S W Eccles. asst genl frt agt ; D E Burley, genl agt pass dept ; James Sharp, second vice-prest ; Joseph H Young, supt Utah div ; David Patterson, mstr mech. Utah Central Ry General Office 117 Commercial Block ; depot, Eighth South and Main Sts. Pres, Jos Collett ;. vice pres, sec. and treas, E C Henderson , 2nd vice pres, Jos Richardson ; genl manager, J McGregor : genl supt, T J Mack- intosh ; genl frt and pass agt, W W Mackintosh : chief eng and rd mstr, C W Hardy : mstr mech, Jas G By water. STREET RAILROADS. Salt Lake City Railroad Co Hooper blk. Incorporated Jan 24, 1872: capital $1,000,000. A W McCune pres, Jos -S Wells sec and treas, W P Read supt. 21st Ward Line Beginning at the intersection of Third and M Sts, thence along Third St to E, on E to South Temple, on South Tem- ple to Main, down Main to Fifth South, on Fifth South to Second W, on Second W to Eighth South. First South Street Line From 13th E St to Fifth W, and North on Fifth W to Fourth North, with a branch off on North Temple to Jordan River. Second South and Fort Douglas Through the Military Reservation to Fifth S. along Tenth East and Second S to Rio Grande W<^bTii Depot. 1st Ward Line From Liberty Park N to Third South. W to Main, N to First South, W to West Tem- ple. N to South Temple, W to U P Depot, Warm Springs Line From Warm Springs S to Second North, E to First West, S to First North, E to West Temple, S to South Temple, E to Main, S to Fifth South. Eto Fifth East. S to Ninth South. E to Ninth East. Branch from Ninth South-west to Fourth East, S to East Waterloo. Lake Breeze Line From N Temple on Main S to Third South, W to Fifth West. N to First South, W to Eighth West,S to Second South W to Lake Breeze. Sixth Stieet Line From H along Sixth, West to B, S to Third, West to A, S to First, W to State, S to South Temple. W to Main, S to Eighth South and U C R R De- pot. West Temple Line From Main W to West Temple, S to Ninth South. Centre Street Line From Warm Springs via Centre St to Main and First South. Salt Lake Rapid Transit Co 35 Commercial blk. Incorp Jan 14, 1890. Capital $500,000. JS Cam- eron pres : J W Donnellan. vic'- pres : C B Jack, sec : G S Gannett, treas: A M Hinckley, supt; Frank- lin Clark, asst supt. Supt office, room 6, cor State st and Second South st. Main and Second South A^ia State and First to Fort Douglas. Fare to Fort Douglas 10 cents. Main and Second South Via State and First to T. Main and Second South Via State, S co Fourth South and E to Tenth East. State and First South South on State to Murray. Fare to Murray 15 cents. State and First South S to Seventh South, E to Nintk East, S to Twelfth South, thence W to Sev- enth East and South to Calder's Park. To all points beyond city limits 10 cents. State and First South S to Seventh South, E to Ninth East, S to Ro- per, E to Eleventh East, S to Su- SALT LAKE CITY RECORD. 83 gar House Ward and East to Utah Penitentiary. Fare to points be- yond city limits 10 cents. State and First South S to Fourth South, E to Sixth East and S to Exposition bldg and Liberty Park. State and First South S on State to Eleventh South. State and First South Via North Temple W to U P depot. State and First South S on State to Fourth South, W to Fifth West and N to R G W depot. State and First South S on State to Seventh South and W to Pop- lar Grove, White Lake and Race Track. Fare beyond Poplar Grove 10 cents. R G W Depot S on Fifth W to Fourth South, E to State, N to North Temple, W to Third West, N to Fifth North. INCORPORATED COMPAN- IES. Ackerman Printing Co 1 to 11 W First South. John Harris, pres ; O S Thompson, vice-pres : H Hauly, Mary J 40 Hawkins, Harriett.. ..62 Henderson, Mary A . 86 ; Henderson, Janey 19 ; Henderson, John 31 Herschler, Christian. . 46 Hervells, Julia C 36 Hicks, James Marvin. 58 Higley, Annie F 24 Hilton, Annie L 62 Hofer, Jacob 33 Hoffeiness, Peter 82 Hollister, Ovando J. .57 Harnyack, Amalia...39 Harrocks, Oath. Mc8..83 Hunt, Wm.H 70 Hurd, Martin V 43 Irvine Agnes McD. . .68 Isaac, Emma R 32 Jenkins, Wm 79 Jensen, Kirsten 64 Johnson, Aug. A 37 Johnson, John 50 Johnson, Lars 54 Jones, C. R 45 Jones, Elizabeth 69 Jones, Wm. A 29 Joyner, James A 43 Judge, John 47 Keeney, Annie E 51 Kelly, Margaret 81 Kimball, Presendia L.81 j Kimball, Maria L 70 j Kimball, Zula P 31 Kine, Wm. H 49 Lambert, Chas 75 ; Larisch, Jacob 67 J Larsen, Mary Ann... 30 i Larsen. Johanna 54 | Lawrence, Anna 70 | Lee, John M 53 Leggett, Wm 84 Leo, Henry C 55 Livingston, Harriet.. 38 Livingston, Lillie 19 Lloyd, LeahP 54 Long, Lydia East 70 Long, Sto 43 NAME. AGE. 1 Lowry, Hopey 78 ! Lung, Mong 37 Lungberg, Anna 71 j Lutz, Hannah H Lynch, Wm 60 McEvoy, Thos 38 j McGarry, James 26 McGee, Eugene 38 McGregor, Wm 76 McKay, Flora 93 Madden, Ellen 34 Manning, John 71 Marsh, Wm 56 Matthews, Elizabeth. 69 Maxey, David 57 Maxwell, Mary A.... 42 Meddows, Isaac 67 Meears, Elizabeth K.. 84 ' Melligan. Wm 35 ! Mikesell. Annie 24 | Miller, Ann P 22 Miller, John 81 Milne, Peter 23 Miner, Norman P 43 Moffat, PM 79 Morrissey, Mary A.. .32 Mulligan, Pat 38 Neslen, Eliza W 40 Nowlan, Chas 53 Oglesby, Wm N 73 Olsen, John 65 Orm, Thomas 55 Orr, John B 35 Page, Starr O 27 Palmer, Frederick... .77 Parratt, Harriet N . . .79 Pascoe, Elizabeth, L B.39 Payne, Annie 71 Pearson, Alice 32 Peterson, Andrew 60 Phelps, Harrietts. . . .82 Price, GeoW 76 Price, Mary E 61 Quayle, John 90 Raleigh, Nancy 66 Randolph, B Frank. .29 Rasmussen, Bertha M. 69 Rawlings, Ellen 68 Reed, Mary 18 Reese, Jennie D 23 Richards, Henry W. .22 Richards, Sarah G. . . .89 Richardson, JaneC. ..72 NAME. AGE. Rigby, Seth 72 Richards, Mathew 21 Riser. Geo C 73 Roberts, Emma P.... 49 Roberts. Owen 64 Roe, Minnie 35 Ryan, Mrs Annie 27 Sansom, Ann 64 Scallan, Rev N F 48 Schmidt, Emma 31 Scraggie, Archibald . . 85 Shackleton, John 57 Sharp, Lewis R. 52 Sheets, Elizabeth L.. .52 Sheldon, Samuel G. . .72 Shindler, Frederick .. 52 Ship, Austin 84 Shuster, Geo 30 Simons, Sarah E 30 Simson, Geo B F 60 Simpson, Robert 42 Sister M ofSt Alphon- sus Lignori 38 Skewes,WmH 35 Smith, Lucy M 75 Smith, Sarah 86 Sounsen, AC 73 Spillett, Edward 69 Steele, Thomas 37 Stephens, Calvin 82 Tenney, Jacob W 67 Thatcher, Fanny Y.. .42 Thomas, Wm J -.60 Tonneson, Andrew. . .24 Twitchell, Luther 87 Uhr, Gust 26 Valentine, Geo 65 Visino,Ruby 22 Walker, Mary 75 Walter, Harriett M. .26 Wanless, Harry 43 Wells, Cordelia 18 West, Charlie B 32 West wood, Thomas... 70 White, Sarah Teasdel.30 Wilkes, Elizabeth 60 Williams, Jacob 33 Williams. John 61 Williams, Louisa M D.61 Wilson, Agnes J 55 Wood, Ch'rl'te Tabula Young .'.30 Wright, Wm 60 ^T ^^r^r m Van No . 65t Pianos and Household Goods Moved with Care, ORDERS * TAKEN * FOR * CARPET * CLEANING. Leave Orders at Xo. 137 W. Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. 95 UINTAK HOTEL, EUROPEAN PLAN. Everything New and Strictly First- Class. Most Centrally Located House in the City. KATES, - 50c, 75c, AND $1.00 PER DAY. FRENCH & SOWERS, Proprs. 18 Commercial St., SALT LAKE CITY, - UTAH, Special Rates by the Week or to Large Parties and Theatrical People. VERY LITTLE MONEY Is as a Rule of Very Little Service. ~ OUR LINE OP CLOTHING AND Men's Filrnisliiiig Goods Little money will make you look well dressed and will make you feel comfortable. YOU ARE POSITIVELY GUARANTEED IN OUR HOUSE That you get the Best Goods, Best Me, Best Fit And that we have but ONE PRICE, and that the very lowest. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WORLD-RENOWNED KNOX HATS. J P. GARDNER, llVIeiin 96 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PAV0RITE KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, And. All Points EAST AND SOUTHEAST. ONLY ONG CftftNGG OF CARS, which is made in the day time and in a Union Depot. GLGGftNT RECLINING CHAIR CARS Free $ to holders of regular train tickets. :F<-o:r- Additional I :ra fox- meat ion or~ Gall on To S. V. DERRAH, R. F. NESLEN, Commercial Agent, Contracting Agent, Morlan Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. H. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. and T. A., St. Louis, Mo. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. 97 G. B. MARGETTS & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Fish, Oysters and Celery. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED SHIELD BRAND OF OYSTERS. Office and Warerooms, 24 W. First South, SALT LAKE CITY. F, PLftTT CO,, Harness, Saddles, Etc, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Whips, Blankets, Bits and Spurs. We make a specialty of Stock Saddles. SADDLERY HARDWARE. 147 & 149 First East-State Road. SALT LAKE CITY. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KNUDSEN & BAGLEY'S fear 1 ! BarieiJ, pominj, Graced Wheat, ^! Graham Flour, Oat Meal, Corn Meal and ----- * ----- BUY NO OTHER __ MILLS AT COTTONWOOI). CHAS. PEARCE, Tin and Coppersmith, Guttering, Roofing, Etc. Y3Y South. Kiftli East, Salt Lake City. Utah. JAS. G. SMITH. GEO. H. SIMS. Lake Traosfer Co, A SPECIALTY. Office, 227 South WestTemple, Telephone 254. SALT LAKE CITY. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHEP 185O. Office, 5!2 Dooly (Postoffice) Building, M. i:. CALLAHAN & CO., Prop. CITY, - - TJT^JBI. Pilll Line of High Grade IHilrsery Slock, FRUIT A]ffl> OR^AJHEVTAl. TREES, ROSES A M> SHRUBBER1T, XEW AXI> CHOICE VARIETIES. LOCATION OF NURSERIES : Big Cottonwood Ward, opposite Meeting House. P. O. Box 14O6. Reference, Bank of Commerce. Shirts Made to Order and Repairing Neatly Done. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT WORE DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. ROOM 51S DOOLY BLOCK. BOX PNUFSGTURER Plain and Ornamental. 2 Pear St. - - - - Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. 99 CAPITA!,, FIJI,LY PAID, s UHKOOO. SVRPLIJN, - 45,000. Union National Bank, ^SUCCESSOR TO*?- WALKER BROTHERS, Bankers. ( ZEST^ZBLIESIHIDEID 1859.) UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Transacts a General Banking Business on fliiii THE -^CITIES OF THE U. S. AJiD EUROPE SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS/ FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF, RENTS FROM S5.OO TO 92B'.OO PER YEAR. J. /?. WALKER, Prudent. M, J. CHEESMAtf, Cashier. M. H. WALKER, Viw-Pr(>si 17P. Transacts a general banking business. Money loaned on favorable terms. Accounts of merchants, individnaU, firms and corporations solicited. Five 1 aid on savings and lime d. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. McCornick & Co.'s Bank, cor. Main and First South Sts. ESTABLISHED 1873. McCQRNIGK & GO,, BHNKERS, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. A General Banking BusinessTransacted Collections promptly made on all points in the West and Northwest. Careful attention given to consignments of Ores and Bullion. Exchange and telegraphic transfers on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS: New York Importers 1 and Traders 1 National St. Lou>s National Bank of Kansas City First Bank, Kountxe Brothers National Bank. American National Bank. Chicago Commercial National Bank. Denver Denver National Bank. City Nat. Bank. San Francisco-First National Bank, Pueblo First National Bank. Portland, Oregon-* irst N ational Bank. London Martin s Bank (Limited), 68 Lombard St, 102 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BARLOW -THOMPSON 'GROCERY COMPANY. Trie FflNGY GROCERY HOUSE iisr McCornick Block, 14 West First South St., - - Salt Lake City. Headquarters for Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes and Smokers' Articles N WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. Hammerslough, Prop. P. O. Box 813. Salt Lake City, Utah. No. 51 West Second South St. Mail Orders Solicited. We Control the Following Brands of Cigars : 'Wonderland," "Monte Cristo," "Tuscarora," . "Lorlna,' "El Aristocrato," "King Plrj," and '"Vanderbilts." FLORIST, DeGoratorandDesiper, Cot Flowers, Baskets, Bouquets, and Any Floral Designs to Order. Floral Avenue, East of KmiUford Hotel, between nd and Third South Streets. Established 1882. Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. 103 NRTIDNML GR8HRBGI8TER OF DAYTON, OHIO. Retail or Total Adders. Check Printers. General Store Machines. Douhle Machines with Lock liars for two bar- tenders. All Styles and Prices. Call or send postal. H. B. WINDSOR <&, CO., Over American National Bank. 7 IN POUT Kit nii. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. TJ Smead Warming I Ventilating Co. OF DENVER, COLO. Utah Branch Office : 315 Dooly Building, Salt Lake City. Warming and Ventilating Engineers, AND MANUFACTURERS OF Warming and Ventilating Apparatus. IJHO i j _]u i y/rp R s ( > K Tin- Olrhraf fl MiifiKl < loxrl S> stem of Sanitation for Sc-hool HuiMiims. The Smead Dry Closet. Tin- SiiM'at! Ire mating Dry Closet, and the Smead Ventilated Automatic-flushing < lost t. May be used in connection with eithe- the Smead Warm Air system, employing furnaces, or the Smead Steam Mechanical system of Warming and Ventilation. THE SMEAD ASSOCIATE OFFICES. THK SVKAM U'AKMIM. AND VKNTII.AT ston, Chicago, 8t* Paul, Atlanta, Aniiiston, Dallas. -Toledo and Kansas City ^M^;A!). \Vn.i,< A: Co. Hhlhidelphia and i). LiMiTKit Torout'i. Out. T. ('. NOUTHCOTT, Khnira. If. I. and Baltimore. THK BI.AI KMAN X'KNTILATIM. Co., LIMITKD. London, KiiL r land. /. R. MfDDLEMI: It'. C. WESTMINSTER IMPROVEMENT COMPANY INCORPORATED 1892. CAPITAL, - $5OO 3 OOO. HANDLING REAL ESTATE laying out Sub-divisions of and Additions to Salt Lake City, as well as townsites in Salt Lake County and elsewhere. Also handling MINING PROPERTY and placing same in the Eastern States and in Europe. Financial and General Brokers. Offices, 316 Pooly Building. p^ Q^ QQV 388 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. 105 H. B. WINDSOR & CO./ Over* HJ-nemean Rational Bank, FIRE, , , ACCIDENT, ELEVATOR, PLATE GLASS, STEAM BOILER. F. C. ERIDCEFORD. (,'. /;. HEDGES. OOMPANV ^ AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. The Oldest and Most Reliable in the City. BRIDGEFORD & HEDGES, Managers. Hotels, Restaurants, Contractors, Etc., Furnished with Reliable Help on Short Notice, Also Railroad Labor Agents. West Second South St., Up Stairs. Salt Lake City, Utah. Pure Honey in Comb or Extracted. WHOLBSALE AND RETAII,. Box 63. SPANISH FORK, UTAH. THE Evening i S10.00 PER YEAR, POSTPAID. T UNDESIGNED to make this the VERY BEST daily newspaper in the Territory. Every topic of interest will receive prompt, careful, im- partial treatment, Events of public interest from every part of Utah will be energetically sought, and the telegraph will be brought into requisition to supply the news from all parts of the world. We are deter- mined to lead in the matter of news-gathering, at the same time avoiding whatever would be discreditable or out of place in a respectable paper. Fear- lessly to defend the truth, vigorously to oppose wrong-doing, and earnestly to sustain everything that will benefit mankind and advance the interests of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints these will be the aims of the DESERET EVENING NEWS. The DBseret Semi-Weekly News, $3.OO PER YEAR, POSTPAID, Will contain the essence of all news and editorial matter appearing in the daily, in addition to other items of instruction designed especially for the houies the Semi- Weekly will reach. Already the best family newspaper in the West, we hope to make it still better, and more deserving of your pat- ronage. THE WEEKLY, 92.5O Per Year, Postpaid, Will be conducted in the future with a view to supplying every subscriber with the general news in a condensed form, as well as with -other matters of interest. It will also enter and endeavor to fill a special field of journalism keeping a record "of the work being done in various parts of the world by the missionaries of our Church, and in dealing more particularly with relig- ious and doctrinal subjects. Letters from the Elders will be presented, "indi- vidual experiences narrated, verbal reports preserved, statements from the lands where the Gospel has been, is, and can be introduced, and the results to be accomplished. The sermons of the Authorities and the instructions they desire to impart to the Church through the press will, of course, continue to be published. With these objects attained, the Weekly ought to become a paper Latter-day Saint can afford to do without. And others that need not be mentioned, we desire you to become a subscriber to one or more of these papers. They will continue to be, as heretofore, the ORGANS OF THE CHURCH, having the approval of, and, where necessary, being under the supervision of the Presiding Authorities. Address all communications to the Desefet Nms Publishing Co., P. O. BOX C. Salt Liake City, Utah. Remit by P. O. Order, Postal Note, Ban^ Draft, or Registered Letter. CHURCH PUBLICATIONS, Book and Job Printing and Binding, PAPER RILIAC;, STEREOTYPIXCi, ETC., in First- t'las Style. R,H, Officer KoJSSAYERS. 169 S. West Temple Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 107 00 1 UTAH GAZETTEER. ~! RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE CITY 0) o z 1892-3, CD CONTAINING CORRECT ADDRESSES OF HEADS OF FAMILIES, AND ^ ALL ADULTS OVER 16 YEARS, WHO ARE EMPLOYED co WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS. _l J3 60 ^BBE,EVI^.TZOnSTS. CZL s agt agent in < ^ asst assistant lab laborer S S *^ e bds . . . .boards messr messenger ~^ K Z bet OQ CO bartndr . . .bartender mnfg manufacturing stenogr bkpr bldg building tnngr manager tchr blk block ter blksmith . blacksmith X or n north O o elk clerk n s . . north side col'd colored ii w northwest w s west side 30 C conf. confectioner opp ... . opposite U ph comp ... . wid Ml cor corner p o post office W or w west o r* dep deputv > , fe) dept department prin principal vd 73 fu 'P or e Mt 1st first eng engine or engineer pub publishei 2d second "0 3 e s east side real est . real estate 3d third m o. expman.... .. . expressman res residence 4th fourth Z frt freight repr repairer 5tn fifth H 5' gen general Rev Reverend 6th ... sixth m ^B insptr inspector S or s <;r>nth 30 ' OJn 09 For NAMES not found in list proper, see Appendix and List of Deaths. Cfi DO ^r cZ ^^ ^^. DO IL Abbott Mrs Caroline D, nurse, res 731 E Sixth South. 8 Abbott Chas, moulder U P Ry, res 349 W Sixth South. CO Abbott Chas H, comp Deseret News, res 92 Centre. w Abbott Miss Ellen, res 349 W Sixth South. !?8? i_ Abbott Miss Emily, bds 349 W Sixth South. J*~W 5 Abbott Harry M, mining, res 349 S Seventh East. r^l ^4 Abbott Ira S, dairyman, res 731 E Sixth South. ?^^ " Abbott James, moulder, res Murray. The Irrigation Age Pioneer Journal of its kind in tin; World. Offices, Salt Lake. Iou v Abell Miss Delia, tchr S L Seminary, res 52 S Fourth East, j ^ Abell Perry E, carpenter, res 52 S Fourth West. J Abell Ulysses, carpenter, bds 52 S Fourth West. J P Aber Wm M, A B, Prof Languages U of U, res 34 R. < g Abernathy James M, (A & Lingle), res 42 Second East. > o Abernathy & tingle, (Jas M A & Mrs E Lingle), confy, c 65 State, o Abrams Miss Delilah, res 507 Second. (3 Abramson P A, emp Germania Works, res Murray. Q Acher Wm H, dentist, 78 E Second South, rms same. ' Acker Jas S, cashier Grant Bros L & T Co, res 230 S Second W. f- g Ackerman Chas, pressman Ackerman Print Co, res 529 Second. Jjjj Ackerman Geo, pressman Irrigation Age, bds 529 Second. m Ackerman Geo, engineer, res 232 K. ^ Ackerman Jas, carp, res 521 Second. Ackerman Jno H, mngr Ackerman Printg Co, res 529 Second, r S Ackerman Printing Co, (see Inc Cos), s w cor Main and First S. r ; s Ackman Morris, res 55 W Third South. * Ackville Joseph, lab, res 9 Back. Acme Lunch & Chop Stand, (W FSeibert & Co), 20 E Second S. """7 Acme Painting Co, 252^ South Main. ( ^ Acomb John, cond U P Ry, res 433 W Fifth South. 03 Acomb Jno J, bkpr Simon Bros, bds 433 W Fifth South. ^^ Acwell Joseph, lab, res 9 Back. ^5 Acord Abram F, shoemaker Z C M I, bds 460 \V Third North. ^3 Ada Consolidated Mining Co, office Dimvoodey Furniture Co), i3 John H Crippo, Secy and Treas. (See Inc Cos) ^~* Adams Miss Alice, mach opr Z C M I, bds 823 Fifth. ^-+ Adams Alma D, lab, res 1003 Eighth East. ^ Adams Arthur D, app S L Litho Co, bds 271 C. g?S Adams Arthur J, shmkr Robinson Bros, res 112 Pear. J^ pST] Adams Bert, res 1665^ W South Temple. Jto 3 Adams Chas, lab, bds 501 W First South. jfos CO Adams Chas, emp S L C Water Works. |?w Dd Adams Chas, Dep Dog Catcher, rms Roberts Block. Ei3 Adams Chas F, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, rms Brooks Arcade. D A D !/ C D P nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Healers in rAnlVtn & UtrUt, LIMBER m IMPORTED IXD AMERICA* CEMENTS. Cor. 2d Soutli and 3d West. Tel. 255. CO CD CO MOUNTAIN ICE CO. - RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 109 DO "5 Adams David C, bds Walker House. ( ) O Adams Express Co, A G Clark agt, 58 W Second South. ;^g Adams Ezra, farmer, res 833 S Eighth East. Adams Frank, app Times, res alley Fourth East, bet First and ~ tfl Second South Adams Ida, (wid Frank), res alley Fourth East, bet First and P3 Second South. ^3 Adams James D, elk Utah Commission, res 271 C. Adams James M, (Smith & A), res 271 W South Temple. j*. Adams John, lab, res 91 I W North Temple. Adams John, porter R R Exchange Hotel. Adams John, res 271 W South Temple. Adams John A. Real Estate agt, res 409 E Second South. Adams Joseph D, elk, res 271 C. . Adams L, emp Tom McCoy, res alley Fourth East, bet First fl| and Second South. J3 j Adams Marshall, janitor Dooly Block, res rear 231 S First West. v 5 Adams Marshall, res 724 E Fifth South. ^jj J O Adams Martha S, (wid Joseph,) res 823 Fifth. H Q! Adams Miss Mary, res 405 E Second South. 4J (/) Adams Mary (wid M.) res 445 W Third North. V-* P] < Adams Philip, res 376 C. " Adams Phil H, res 23 W Third South. CD PJ < Adams Robt S, bell boy Walker, res same. 5j! O Adams Spencer G, pastor East Side Baptist Church, res 673 East rj Q Third South. Op - Adams Thomas (Waddell & A), res 342 S First West. -^ j ft Adams Wm, eng, res 228 N Fifth West. ft Q Adams \Vm, emp S L C Ry, res 128 W Fifth North. gj xj < Adams Wm J, res 449 W Eighth South. jjj ^ J Adamson Alexander, lab, res W of State, Murray. Adamson David W, studt L D S College, rms 1 58 S West Temple. ^3 Adamson David W, lab, res 158 S West Temple. Q- Adamson Thomas, carp, res 466 Sixth. T| Adamson Thos, Jr, res 466 Sixth. |i| Adamson Miss Jennie, dressmaker, 1588 West Temple, res same. ?. Adamson Wm, carp, bds 466 Sixth. ^ Addleman Frank P, elk Elijah Sells, res 445 W Third South. CD Addoms John F, (Kershaw & A), Eleventh South, bet Fifth g and Sixth East. " Adkins, see Atkins. gj L * Adkins Ernest B, contr, res 359 N Fifth West. Morrison, Merrill & Oo. Lumber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa- cilities and Enterprise Nortn V. P. Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. ^ 110 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ? 2 Adkins Florence J, res 19 Cane. a * Adkins Geo F, pres Utah Pressed Brick and Tile Co, res 19 Cane. Adkins Geo L, mason, bds 19 Cane. II T | Adkins Kate, domestic 1 2 Kendall ave. ^ f " Adkins Wm R, gardener, res 374 Fourth. f Adkison, see Atkinson. ^ ~ Adkison Albert, real estate, res 1 146 E Sixth South. | s Adkison Albert H, broker, res 1146 E Sixth South. ^ * Adkinson Henry R, M, surveyor, res 64 W Sixth South. * Adlard Jabez B, res 619 S Second West. 3 a Admire Squire J, res 164 W Fourth South. 3? t? Affleck David A, teamster, res 860 Second 2 = Affleck Robt, blksmith Frevert & Co, res Mill Creek. 5 Affleck Robt, horseshoer, res 86 N. Affleck Wm P, mach, res 860 Second. Ol~ Affleck Wm P, Jr, res 860 Second. __ UJ Agate Franklin, res A, Eleventh East, West Grand View. ^ w SE Ager David, carp, res rear 345 Seventh East. ^ Ager Mrs Ella, res rear 345 Seventh East. 5 ^ CO Agland W T, lab city street dept. ^ ? 2E Agramonte Mrs Clara F, res 69 W Fifth South. ~ g LJJ Ahern Daniel, car cleaner R G W Ry, res 933 S Fourth West. | *[ CD Ahlquist Carl A, laster Z C M I, res w s Eleventh East, bet r " Jj Eleventh and Twelfth South. -^~ Ahlston Fred, lab, res n s Cannon, bet Seventh and Ninth East, ffl 2 Forest Dale. *-* ^ Ahnder Miss Millie, dressmaker, res 36 E Union Ave. ^ Aiken, see Adkin, Akin and Atkin. ~ rv- Aiken Chas E, furnished rooms, 223 W First South. i UJ Aiken F W, barber, rms Richelieu House. Q Aiken George, lab, res 244 S Fourth \Vest. ^ Ainsworth Chester L, coachman, res 270 W South Temple. ^ ^^_ Ainsworth Clinton, lab, res rear 317 \V Seventh South. -^ _^ Ainsworth Ephraim, lab, res 133 O. (p CO Aird John, lab, res 324 F. ^+ !<^H Airmet Elliot S, elk Heesch-Davies S Co, res 237 G. ***. ^C Airmet John D, carp, res 237 G. Z ^> Airmet John S, painter, res 237 G. CD W Aitken Wm S, emp Neder & Cleland, res 152 N First West. . Aitkin O D, res 124 N State. 5. f } Akert John, lab, res 410 E Second South. 3 Akert Jno H, warehouseman Z C M I, res 825 E Third South. (JQ CO ' Keal Estate Broker, *S3<& I MoDElf to Loan. toons i Specialty. H. I'. G. tOlTES. I E. I. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. K.H. Officer Ho.;ASSAYEBS.SiS T RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 111 -I * i Akin, ^^ Ad kin, Aiken and Atkin. CD Akin De Witt C, bkpr F E Warren Mer Co, res 244 S Fourth E. 3' Albaiiy Hotel, Jesse P Osborne, mngr, 597 W Second *~3 *C3 South. ^o Q Alberg S, emp Harry Haynes, res Murray. CD Albert Ernest, stonecutter, res cor of 7th West and Third South, pr] ^ Albertson Chas H, 751 W First North. Albian Hannah, (wid James), res 252 N Seventh West. 3 ^ Albrand Mrs Jane A, res 423 N Fifth West. C, Q Albrand Wm F, gardener, res 433 N Fifth West. ^ CO Albrand Wm J E, teamster, residence 423 N Fifth West. O3 Albrecht Carl, Howies Row Sixth W bet S Temple and First S. " Albred Florence, res Deseret Hospital. I? Albright Carl, stonecutter, res 59 S Sixth West. Albright Chas C, tailor, res 266 S Second East. 5* Albright Fred, painter, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Albright Geo P, painter, res 729* N Second West. c/> Alcroft John, lab, res 38 Back. EL Alden Frank D, (A and Sutherland), res 317 S West Temple. Alden Gus, shoemaker 230 S State, rms Gustaveson block. Alden Peter, shoemaker Robinson Bros, rms 66 East Second fH South. Alden & Sutherland (FDA and J A S), carpenters and build- ers, 343 S Main. Alder Miss Florence, res 744 S Fifth East. 50 Alder Geo A (Geo A Alder & Son), res 744 S- Fifth East. Alder Geo A Jr, elk Geo Alder & Son, res 744 S Fifth East. * Alder Geo A fc Son, (Geo A Alder), Boots and shoes, 50 j - E First South. ^ PCI Alder Geo D, elk, res 726 S Fifth East. ^ * => Alderson John, res 427 W Second North. ^yj Aldions Miss Hilmer, domestic, 134 S Fourth East. f^ JT^ Aldous Heber B, carp, res 7 Fourth East. 2 j^ ^~j Aldrich Chas W, mngr Swan Lake Reservoir & Canal Co, Pro- jg gress Block, res 29 F, 'a GO 3 Aldrich C, res 72 M. 2 g Aldrich Mrs Cordelia (wid Amos), res 128 W Third South. a j^j Aldrine Christine, res rear Thirteenth Ward Assembly Rooms. 25 Alesbach Jacob, tailor, Buckle & Son, res Cannon, bet Eighth and ^ r^ ffi Ninth West. * jfe CD Alexander Angelina (col'd), res 143 E Third South. r Eg ^"P Alexander Daniel (D Alexander & Co), res Alexander House. o? Rogers, SearlesMo GENERAL INSUHAfiCt ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. -aline Stoves, Refri^rator>. ite. Tin and Copper Ware. Kin. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. IE Siirn of Bie Onn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J House -furnishing G " . 112 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ i in 1 1 i i ^^^^ i i ^^^^^^^^^^_ i ^^^^^a^^^' L B^ M Alexamler I> & Co (Danl Alexander) proprs The Bee Hive, Q " j Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes etc, 68 S Main, K]j Alexander George, teamster, res 313 S West Temple. ,CD i Alexander House. Mrs Julia Alexander propr, Home com- f^Y forts and pleasant surroundings, all street cars pass House, rH 374 S Main. ^-J Alexander Miss Jennie, res 374 S Main. J^t Alexander Jno A, bkpr, res 357 S Second East. ^H Alexander Jno R, bkpr Centennial Eureka M Co, res 357 South Second East. fl^Y Alexander John S, mason, res 241 S Fourth West. ^H Alexander Mrs Julia, propr Alexander House, 374 South j _ _ OMain, res same. ^ ^ Alexander Lucy, (wid Randolph) res 554 E First South. > ^4 Alexander Mrs R (wid Randolph), res 554 E First South. r~^ Y\ Alexander Robt W, grocery store, 65 W First South, res same. H Alexander Mrs Susie, dressmaker, res 651 W South Temple. p-~ Alexander Thos J, res 61 1 W First North. - kH Alexander \Vm, res 125 S Eleventh East. "" ' ^j Aley see Alley. ? Aley Ben, cond U P Ry, res 204 S Fourth West. Si Aley Benj T, cond R G W Ry, res 226 S Third W T est. o" j ^ Alice Gold & Silver Mining Co, (see inc Cos), office Union jjj* ". 5: National Bank. w . * Alisbach Anthony, stonecutter, res 834 W Cannon. Alisbach Jacob, tailor, res 959 W Cannon. " Alff Miss Marie T, res i 5 E Fifth South. C^ Alff Rudolph, Crockery & Glassware, 140 S Main, res 15 East Fifth South. W Alford John, elk Z C M I, res 86 Centre. H 1 Alford Jno W, elk Z C M I, res 86 Centre. H^ Alfreds Aaron, sheep owner, res 358 W Eighth South. C 3 Alfsen Annie (wid Christian), res rear 444 W Fourth North. CD p Alkins Mary, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. OO Alkins Paul, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. " ^^ Alkire Chester H, mining, rms Raybould block. ^ Alky Fred J, elk W S Henderson's, res 6 Thornton ave. **s ^ All Hallows College, Rev Thos Henry, President, s w cor ^ >3 Second South and Fourth East. (See adv, page xvi.) Z -E f i Allan, see Allen. 2* , ^ Allan McCleery M, Mgr The American Tailoring Co, bds Mor- ? *^ gan Hotel. *5 CO * OTTl W I TTI/r/ I Blank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T T TI7 I 1 O DO SflLT LflKE -;;affKg: LITHO, GO, I 52 W. Second South. Telephone 149. I Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 113 Allard Frederick W, coppersmith, res 570 W Fourth South. Allburn John, mason, rms 205 E Fourth South. Allcock Edward, emp Davis, Howe & Co, bds 57 Back. Allcock Isaac, emp Davis, Howe & Co, res 57 Back. Allcock John, mach Davis, Howe & Co, res 57 Back. Allcock Thos G, res Murray. Ij. Allen, see Allan. Allen Albert C, studt U of U, res Ft Douglas. ^ Allen Alexander, res 123 S Fourth East. ^ Allen Andrew, teamster, res 245 S Eighth East. 0) Allen Miss Annie, res Albany Hotel. Allen Asher, cond S L City Ry Co, res 730 Wellington ave. Allen Asler, emp S LCity Ry Co, res 630 E Seventh South. Allen Benjamin F, notary, 99 Commercial block, res Ninth East South of Tenth South. Allen Capt L C, i6th Infty, (Co C), res Fort Douglas. g Allen Catharine, (wid Henry) res 764 W Second South. Allen Mrs Catherine, res Sixth street. Allen Clarence E, elk county court, res 234 Tenth East. CO Allen Miss Cora, res 617 S Sixth East. ^ Allen Miss Cora, domestic, McDonald's court. 92 Allen Miss Daisy, res 1 10 N State. 1-3 Allen David R, registrar and sec faculty U of U and Co Supt schools, res Verona. Allen Dela, domestic, 745 S Sixth East. Allen E C, frt cond U P Ry, res W Temple bet Fourth and Fifth fg South. v < Allen Edward J, shoemaker, Z C M I, res 818 First. gj Allen Edwin J, shoemaker, Z C M I, res 166 N. P_ Allen Emery, brakeman U P Ry. CD Allen Miss Fanny, tchr, bds 633 E Fifth South. Allen Fanny, domestic, 158 N Main. Allen Frank B, machinist, res 68 S Fifth West. K> Allen Geo B, driv Barton Lyon & Co, res cor Ninth East and * -^ Eleventh South. Allen Geo V, eng S L R & C Co, res 29 F. Allen Gertrude D, res 1 10 S State. , J Allen Miss Hannah, res 633 E Fifth South. $ Allen Horace, elk R M B Tel Co, bds Morgan Hotel. ^ Allen James M, collr S L Transfer Co, res 1 10 N State. ft jj Allen Joel F, res 53 Fifth East. Allen John, contractor, res 40 S Jeremy. 1^ r CHAS. B. GOURLAY & CO, 303&305McCornicKBldg., SALT LAKE CITY P.O. Box 42. Telephone 631. Shirts of Every Desmption. Repairing a Special | \VIIITTEMOPiE, COOKE & C0., |phenix In8uran ce Compa "> of KAXE. Room 310, McCornick Building. Brooklyn. New York Assets. 86,778,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597.375.41 ^ 114 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^^ fA .J < Allen John, roofer, res 47 S Jeremy. Q| Allen Jno M, studt L D S college, res 530 W Second North. J ^ i Allen Julia, (wid J M), res 1 10 N State. _j I Allen J Milton, res 1 10 N State. _J * Allen Justus O, emp R M B Tel Co, res 45 i S Fifth East. ^ Allen Miss Laura, res 617 S Sixth East. Allen Martha A (wid Robt), res 805 Sixth. Allen Mrs Mary J, res 117 P. I Allen Matthew, plasterer, res \V S Seventh East, bet Eleventh and Twelfth South. Allen Mattie, res Brooks Arcade. CD Allen Milton, bkpr S L Transfer Co, res no N First East. CD Allen M M, tailor, bds Morgan Hotel. _ Allen Orson, carp, res 34 I. E^l Allen O S, helper Rapid Transit Co, 252 W Seventh South. " ~^ Allen Otis S, teamster, res McDonald's Court. I G Allen Robt, emp Poor Farm, res same. ? l! ID Allen Robt, res 4 1 5 S Tenth East. " E ' Allen Robt M, stone mason, res 633 E Fifth South. CD Allen Samuel, emp Gas Works, res 810 W Third North. . j^ Allen Samuel A, canvasser, bds 1 2 1 S Second West. co H S^ Allen Samuel E, res 847 E Seventh South. ^3 jJJ ;~! Allen Samuel E, Jr, bds 847 E Seventh South. | z j$ Allen Taylor, res 528 S West Temple. 5- (J ^! Allen Thomas, carp, res 1 19 O. * -Q ^- Allen Thomas, lab, bds 415 Tenth East 3 2 ^j Allen Thomas G, wireman E G Holding, res 78 E. 1 Allen Mrs V T, res 245 S Eighth East. | !!! i Allen Willard, plumber, res 34 I. S 1^ Allen Wm, gardener, res 187 N. _ /2 Allen W C B, financial agt, 16 & 17 Union National Bank bldg ^^ res same. "~T Allen W F, brakeman, bds Rio Grande Hotel. wO 1 * Allen Wm J, bartender, les 516 Seventh. !"^ Allen Wm L N, bishop Twenty-First Ward, res 1 16 P. I J^H Allen W T m L N Jr, cont, 34 I, res same. 0^2 Allen Zachariah, res 123 S Fourth East. ^JQ Allender Miss L Myrtle, elk Heber J Grant & Co, res 544 So_ ^q Third East. 5 2 ^j Allerdice Mrs Lydia (wid), res Brighton. ^Hl & Alley Geo H, shoemaker, res 941 Eighth East. jn ^^ Alley Mrs Jessie E, stenog, res 135 W North Temple. ^ SSI T I AKF I ITHn Pn DESIGNS AN D ESTIMATES FOR O4LI LnL LlinU. UU. FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. WORK A SPECIALTY GO R, H,OftaS Go,, ISSHYFRS 169 S. West Temple Salt Lai Citv RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 115 Alley Stephen W, farmer, res 941 Eighth East. Alley Stephen W, Jr, bds 941 Eighth East. Allgood Geo, lime agt, res 258 N Second West. QD Alliance Mining Co, see inc Cos, Chas T Stevenson sec, __ 49 Scott-Auerbach bldg. Allington T M A, carp, res n s Thirteenth South, e of Seventh E. - Allison O V, res 43 E Second South. C"> Allison W, res Lincoln House. " r - Allistoei Richard H, propr Salt Lake Towel Supply Co, "^ O 644 E Fourth South, res same. (See adv under Tozuel Sup) Z3 5 Allred Louis, dairyman, w s Sixth West, two s of Ninth South. CD r^J Allred Payton, Colorado Dairy, res State, s of Thirteenth South. ^' Allsip Samuel, bricklayer, res 643 W South Temple. 2 Alma Mining & Milling Co, see inc Cos, Willis M Ames treas, | ~ |H 352 E Third South. - Almond Miss Carrie, res 243 W Second South. r Almond Miss Clara H, res 243 W Second South. ^ % 3 Almond Jno B, res 243 W Second South. 2 ^ - Almond John H, elk Hughes Prod Co, res 243 W Second S. CD Almquist C, painter, res 59 S State. \ Almquist Gustave A, painter, res 59 S State. * ? ^^ Almy Mrs B R, rms Walker House. *^ Almy Thos J, Secy Daly Mining Co, res 267 S Second East. * ~ Almy Walter, bkpr Ontario Silver Mining Co, res Walker House. . 'Q Alquist Miss Charlotte, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, res 209 Oak. Q" *~~3 Alquist Miss Emily, emp Thos Slight, res 209 Oak. -,*_ Alquist Sophia, (wid Carl G), res 209 Oak. ^5 Aired J W, studt L D S College, res 264 N First West. CO Alseen Alfred (Matson & A), res cor Fifth North and Centre. -* 3 g Alston John, farmer, res Sugar House ward. | 3 Alston Thos, elk L D S church office, res cor 9th E, I2th Sou. 3 ? __-- Alt Miss Ida, res 238 S Second East. | g jrL2- Alt Jacob, Saloon, 109 S Main, res 238 S Second East. > I ; Alt Miss Maggie A, res 238 S Second East. CQ Alt Wm F, bartender J Alt, res 238 S Second East. | *g Alta Block, 30-32 W Second South. ^ 5 Alta Club, The, Richard Mackintosh, Prest; James T Little, ^ sec, Dooly Block. _ Altrce, Frank W, dealer in cigars and tobacco, 240 S \\ C Q Main, res 429 S First West, see adv page 25. ^ 5 CO Alturas Land & Irrigation Co, (see inc Co's), C T Stevenson, 1 5 QQ sec and treas, 49 Scott-Auebach bldg. Irrigation Age Printing House, 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., ! Fine Builders and Hnimc-mr- iiisliinu Hardware. Stoves and Itanu-4's. Refrigerators Sign of Big- Gun. 42 and 44 W. 3d South. and Gasoline Stoves. g 116 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. > Alves John, live stock, res 561, S First West. ^ . Ambler John, lab, res 500 N First West. O jlf Ambrose Ruffen D, bartender, res 125 S West Temple. ' Amelia Palace, s w cor South Temple and State. C o Amelia Miss Rose, housekeeper 553 E Third South. 48 I Amenson O, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. E American Biscuit & Manufacturing Co, Henry Wal- lace mngr, 27 E Third South. (See inside front cover and V) margin. - American Clothing Co, E J Wolter & Co, 25 W Second J &6 South. g .E American Collecting Agency of Utah, Theo Bur- 30 mester mngr, 234 S Main. "O ^ American District Tel Co, United Electric Co Lessee, 20 Com- _^ 7^- mercial. ^-^ ^^ American National Bank, Jas H Bacon pres, F L Hoi- CD * land cashier, 232 S Main. . American Natural Gas and Fuel ?o, Wm C Hall sec, *~ 218 S. Main. /3 American Society of Irrigation Engineers, A D Foote pres, C L Stevenson secy and treas, 612-613 Progress Building. American Tailoring Co, The (M M Allan, mngr, J J r Allan, propr), 50 W Second South. | American Wringer Co, The, household specialties, 135 W First South. Ames, Eames and Heames. ^ Ames Chas A, (C A Ames & Co), mining and real estate, res 352 C ) E First South. CJ Ames C A & Co (C A & Willis M Ames and Sanford Hoag og M D), agts Coplen System of Concentration, 352 E First ,y~ South. r T ^j Ames Chauncey W, draughtsman city engr, res 120 O. H H Ames Chester W, res 352 E First South. t> Ames Eldridge B, res 477 W Seventh South. Z m H I O m r m m H D LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Corner JIain ami First SoiitJi. ^ & 118 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. i ' Anderson Axel, lab, res 115 N \Vest Temple. W Anderson Axel C, tailor Wallace & Co, res 351 E Fifth South, o . Anderson Miss Betsy, res 41 Commercial. oJ C3 Anderson Niels, tailor, 6 Singer block, res same. ^. _ Anderson Geo W, sheepovvner, res 523 Second East. ;=* GO LOANS A SPECIALTY, f ! 1 S k - 1 IYIJDNEY TO LOAN. I SS Eeal Estate Broker, H. p. . mm. I E. i. SHEETS. Room u. ci m<] H.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYERS. 169 S. West Temple Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 119 ^ . o Anderson Carl G, janitor, res 224 W Fourth North. . 'Jo Anderson Carl M, shoemkr, res 154 Centre. H Anderson Carl W, tinner, res 627 S Fourth East. JS Anderson Carrie, domestic, 331 S Main. H Anderson Charles, res 221 S Fifth West. \.j Anderson Charles, lab, res Hyde Park. ""* Anderson Chas, plumber, res, No I Poplar ave. ^ O3 Anderson Chas, shoemkr Z C M I, bds 139 Centre. p^ EE Anderson Chas, day porter Hotel Templeton. Q^ ^ Anderson Chas, lab, res 544 S Third West. El Anderson Chas C, expressman, res 476 E Ninth South. . Q Anderson Chas F, blksmith, res Cleveland ave, s of Hot Springs. ^C Anderson Chas, shoemakr Z C M I, res 129 Centre. 5 Anderson Chas H, stenogr, R G W Ry, bds 270 E First South. ^ Anderson Christian, res 351 E Fifth South. ^ Anderson Christian, painter, res 106 Centre. ^^ Anderson Christian, dairyman, res 920 Fourth East. Anderson Miss Christian, dressmkr, res 176 E Seventh South. i__^ Anderson Clara, domestic, 331 S Main. Anderson Miss Clara, tailoress, J C Cutler & Bro, res 1 06 Centre. Anderson C J, lab, res 42 Grape. QQ Anderson Daniel, lab, res 208 W Fourth North. ""3 Anderson David P, carp, 1175 E Eleventh South. ^3 Anderson David S, carp, Eleventh South bet I2th and I3th Q East. Anderson Miss E. res 208 W Fourth North. C^- Anderson Eldridge H 9 mngr S L Pickle Co, res Brighton. " Anderson Mrs E H, dressmkr, res Brighton. 0) m Anderson Eli S, runner Walker House, res 54 Franklin ave. Anderson Elis L, prop Palace Baths, 27 Commercial, res same. Anderson Miss Eliza, domestic, 1155 Fifth East. Anderson Elizabeth, dressmaker, res 250 W Third North. Anderson Elizabeth (wid Henry), res 235 Eighth East. ^^ Anderson Miss Emma, domestic, 679 S Main. g^ Anderson Ernest, plumber, res 316 Wall. Anderson Ernect, emp S L City R R Co, res 263 Pear. ft|71 Anderson Ernest E, plumber, res 328 Wall. g'O Anderson Miss Esther, res 153 W Fifth South. c<[ w Anderson Frank, min eng and Dep U S Min sur, 58 Board of srQ CO Anderson Frank M, Headlight Restaurant. 2?Z Roprs, Sear IBS i Go,, GE.Nt.HAL ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. 0) UJ o Q. D UJ X SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.} Si- n of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J tun. Ammunition, i im> in- lery. Fishing Tackle and Sporting- <.eatment of Customers. I LA I I U U t UU 1 09 u WEBIM! BISCUIT tHUIUHCTllE CO., Salllake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 121 Anderson James H, reporter Des News, res 317 W Fifth South. Anderson James II, treas and m'ngr Anderson Pressed fjj Brick Co, rooms 50 Richards St. Anderson James S, painter, res 152^ E Ninth South. Anderson Mrs Jane (wid Win), res 425 W Fifth South. Anderson Miss Jane L, res rear 305 S State. Anderson Jedadiah S, photographer, res 123 G. Anderson Jens J, rope maker, res rear 331 E Fifth South. Anderson Johanna, (wid John), res Superior add. Anderson John, res 212 E South Temple. 0) Anderson John, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Anderson John, mason, res e s Ninth East, bet Eleventh and Twelfth South. Anderson John, res 224 W Fourth North. Anderson John, mach R T shops, res 625 S Fourth West. ** Anderson JAN, carp, res York, s of Tenth South. ryT>: Anderson John B, (Kaighn & Anderson), bds St James. M-< H Anderson John B, (Trewhela & A), res 43 E Second South. ~ Q< Anderson John C, plumber, res 316 Wall. > [jj Anderson John E, blacksmith, res 66 Vine. ^ "* J Anderson John G, pres Anderson Pr'sd Brick Co, res 50 Richards. Q3 * < Anderson John M, upholsterer, res 648 Fourth East. ^ ^ (/> Anderson John N, elk, 538 Main, res same. CD H J Anderson Joseph, sec and treas People's Equitable Co-op Assn, 3g res 415 N Sixth West. f^O Anderson Joseph A, (James Anderson & Sons), comp Deseret ^ W co News, res 342 S Third West. M ~ Anderson Miss Katie, dressmaker, res 205 W First South. t| j Q < Anderson Lars, lab, res 305 S State. (^ Anderson Lena, res rear 1538 Fourth East. S Anderson Lorenzo-, studt U~of U, res 174 N Third West. ^ Anderson Louis, res Sherwood add. - Anderson Miss Louisa, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Anderson Miss Lydia, domestic 659 E South Temple. - Anderson Mads P, res Brighton. p Anderson Magnus E, stone cutter, res 529 S Fourth East ^^ Anderson Miss Maria C, domestic, North Salt Lake. Anderson Mrs Marie, res cor Third North and Quince. ps< Anderson Martha, milliner, res 343 E Eighth South. H W Anderson Martin, carp, res 1 06 Centre. Anderson Miss Mary, domestic, 225 W Fourth South. H rn Anderson Miss Mary, res 529 S Fourth East. Ik CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornicKBldg., SALT LAKE CITY. P. O.Box492. Telephone 631. Shirts of Every Description. Eepairing a Special; a: -S ol _J -J < o CD CD CD CD CO GQ CD w: WHTTRIOU, COOKE & CO., IXSl KAXCE. Room 310. McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg Assets. -*2.4^0.728.?4 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets, . 122 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CD 03 00 CD 0*3 Anderson Mary (wid M), res 3 Mortensen Court. Anderson Mary, chambermaid Hotel Knutsford, res same. *J Anderson Mrs Mary B, res n e cor Second West and Tenth ^ South. jg Anderson Mary A (wid George) res 123 G. j2l Anderson Mirinda, domestic, 249 W Fourth South. _W Anderson Myra, domestic, 203 E First South. Anderson M E, stone cutter, res 565 S Fourth East. *|T| Anderson M J, brakeman U P Ry, res 264 W Second North. *JQ Anderson Nels J E, res 866 W Third North. Anderson Nicholi, shoemaker Z C M I, res 129 Centre. Anderson Niels P, tailor, res 540 N Third West. Anderson Olaf, lab, res 9 Morris Row. Anderson Ole, carp, res cor Third North and Quince. Anderson Peter, res 404 W North Temple. Anderson Peter, lab, res Folsom add. Anderson Peter, stone cutter, res 555 S Fourth East. Anderson Peter M, carp, res 60 S Eighth East. Anderson Peter M, res 33 Apple. Anderson Peter S, shoemaker, res rear 305 S State. Anderson Pressed Brick Co, Inc, John G Anderson, pres, 50 Richards. Anderson F , lab, City and Co bldg. Anderson Randall, (col'd) waiter, res 58 Franklin ave. jH Anderson Reginald W, elk H Dinwoodey Fur Co, bds 21 1 Fifth. ^ Anderson Robt C, plumber, res 273 Fifth East. r^ Anderson Robt L, pres Western B P Co, res Tenth South and ^> Second West. Anderson Robert R, bkpr, res 211 Fifth. = Anderson Miss Rosa, dressmkr, res 743 S Eighth West. SJ Anderson Roy P, plumber, bds 1175 E Eleventh South. Anderson Samuel, res 331 E Fifth South. Anderson Samuel, tailor, 175 S Main, res 118 W South Temple, g Anderson Samuel, cond S L C Ry. res 250 W Third North. Anderson S, mach S L B & M Co, res 206 W South Temple. Anderson S, emp S L C Ry, res 769 S Second East. Anderson Samuel P, carp, res w s Third South s of Tenth South. JJc/> Anderson, Scott, sec Western Bill Posting Co and Sign 3103 Writer, res 212^ S State. Jo. Anderson, Scott W, mngr Western Bill Posting Co, res 108 ^IF. Seventh East. 2J Anderson Sena, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. cno or 3 HC3 ICO ^AITIAkFUTHfl PR kithograpning, Printing ana Blank OHLI LHUL LI i iiu, tu. Book Making The Finest in the Westerft 52 W. Second South. Telephone. 249. Country. R.H. Officer KG _; RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 123 pj Anderson Mrs Severine, res 206 W South Temple. O CO Anderson Mrs Sophia, dressmkr, res 174 E Sec6nd South. :~3 Anderson Swan, lab, res 338 W Third South. ^ *j* Anderson Swen W, carp, T, R A Co, res 617 N First West. r**- _, Anderson Tina, domestic, Walker House, res same. P-^ ^ Anderson 9 lion T J 9 Attorney at Law, bds Cullen. O Anderson Mrs Vina, res rear 333 S State. 1 Anderson W F, cond, Rapid Transit, res Swan's Court. Anderson Washington F, physician & surgeon, office and res y 255 Second East. Anderson Willard, tinner Utah Stove & Hardware Co. Anderson Willard E, bartender Wagener's Saloon, res 34 Hazel. Anderson W Clair, soliciter Tribune, res 333 S First West. Anderson Mrs W C, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 333 S First West. >** Anderson Wm, miner, 2 Brick Row, Social Hall ave. Anderson Wm, meat market 134 W First South, res Highland Park, Twelfth West. Anderson Wm F, cond Rapid Transit, res rear 425 W Sixth South. ^_ Anderson Wm N (James Anderson & Sons), res 435 S Third West. Anderson Wm R, mach U P Ry, res 358 Wall. Anderson Wm S, stenogr supt U P Ry, res 158 N West Temple. Anderson Wm T, carp, s s Armstrong ave, 2 w of State. Anderson Neils A, tailor, res 104 E Second South. Andre de 1'Orme, teacher of languages, music, fencing and court *^ interpreter, 43 E Second South, res same. Andresen Niels P, tailor, res 540 N Third West. Andrew Albert F, carp, res 835 S State. Andrew Bros (Saml W & Wm R), blksmiths, 42 W Fourth South. J Andrew Elizabeth (wid Fred C), rms 643 E Third South. Andrew Eugene L, canvasser, bds 916 W Fifth South. Andrew John W, musician H eld's Band, res 267 W Third South, tg Andrew Mary A (wid Frederick), res 835 S State. i >- Andrew Mary E (wid Richard), res 323 S First West. 5 Andrew Orson T, emp Neder & Cleland, res 835 State. Andrew Robt L, elk W S Henderson, bds 538 Third East. g- Andrew Saml W (Andrew Bros), res 809 State. Andrew Wm B (Burton, Groesbeck & A), res 538 Third East. [T* Andrew Wm R, (Andrew Bros), res 823 State. ^ Andrews Albert, del elk, res cor Fourth West and Ninth South CO Andrews Edward, res cor Fourth West and Ninth South. Thp lTliiTn&f-< same. See margin on cover. ^. A O U W Hall, 33^ S West Temple. Apelgren Otto C, comp Magazine Print Co, res I 54 N Second W. ^ Apell John F, lab, res rear 916 W South Temple. Apex Mining Co, M C Fox, secy and treas, 1 1 E First South. C Aplin Edward, foreman Am. Biscuit & Manf Co, res 10 W Fourth t > South. ?3 Apnei Samuel, barber 1135 Main, res 242 W South Temple. J^j Apole, Guseppi, gardener, res 359 S Fifth West. ^* O Apole Antonio, gardener, res 359 S Fifth West. Apple John, lab, S L C R R Co. C3 CO Appleby Miss Grace E, elk R K Thomas, bds 49 Almond. ^ Appleby Miss May V, dressmaker, res 575 S Second West. r g Appleby Wm P, real estate, res 575 S Second West. JJJ" PJ < Appleby Wm R, bottler Denhalter & Sons, bds 575 S Second QJ 5 O West. U O Applegate Robt O, res 167 W Fifth South. ^ 1 - Appleman H (Cohn & A), res 414 9 State. j uj Appleman Sm'l (A & Lieberman), res 66 E Second South. QJ p4 Q Appleman & Lieberinan (Sam'l A & Sam'l L), clothing, 3 Armstrong Lucretia A, (wid John J), res 67 W Third South. W Armstrong Miss Lucy, elk, bds 701 N First West. O . Armstrong Orson, lab, res 50 N Third West. Q Armstrong Robt, emp C R Savage, res 701 N First West. . Armstrong S B, res 50 W Third South. OO P Real Estate Broker, ^Te 1 ^' I fflODBtf to Loan, ^^7 MJU a .Specialty. H. P. . COATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. B.H.OfftoiriBasSAYEBS.EiSS -J RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 127 rr . pL_, ^AJ ^D Armstrong S P, lawyer, 510 Dooly Blk, bds Morgan Hotel. J^ Armstrong Thomas, sheep grower, res 227 H. g' Armstrong Thos Jr, sheep grower, res 227 H. ^ Armstrong Thos C, notary public, 1175 West Temple, res 167 . O S Fourth West. C3 Armstrong Thos C Jr, wholesale dealer in grass and garden p^ ) seeds, hay and grain, 472 W Second South, res 466 W Sec- H ond South. 3 ^^ Armstrong Thos W, policeman, res 1030 W Ninth North. d, Q Armstrong Wm, res 221 S Fifth West. ^ CO Armstrong Wm, photo printer, bds 701 N First West, QQ r Armstrong Wm, bartender, res Rio Grande Hotel. Armstrong Wm, carp, bds Rio Grande Hotel. 15? Armstrong Wm B, genl mdse, 50 N Third West, res same. Armstrong Wm B Jr, draughtsman, bds 50 North Third West. ~ Armstrong Wm C, grocer, 75 E Third South, res 257 E Third E? South. c3 Armstrong Wm F, res 665 E First South. c^ Armstrong Wm J, res 131 E Second South. Armstrong Wm W, collector Geo A Lowe, res 127 N. CO Arnason Arna, res 66 Vine. HI Arden Adelbert F, lab, res 204 S Third West. ^ Arden Clarence B, emp Tom McCoy, res 204 S Third West. Arden Stella, res 204 S Third West. Arden Wm, lab, res, 204 S Third West. ^0 Arnes, Peter, miner, res 40 W Fourth South. Arnold Miss Alice, dressmaker, bds 244 W Sixth North. ' Arnold Allen G ( emp Morrison, Merrill & Co, res 853 W Third 1 North. ^ PC Arnold Cynthia (wid Henry), res 244 West Sixth North. ^V "^ Arnold Elizabeth (wid Henry), res 316 Wall. Q Arnold Ernest H, lab, S L C Ry Co, bds 152 Third East. ^ j~~j Arnold Miss Etta, emp Des Woolen Mills, res Sixth North bet <[ ^ Second and Third West. $ ^ i Arnold Mrs Fannie D, res 152 Third East. a Co i < Arnold Rev Franklin L, pastor Westminister Presbyterian | 2 church, res 7 Iowa ave. Arnold Mrs Hattie, school tchr, res 241 W Second North. g ^ Arnold Henry, div supt S L C Ry, res 330 Wall. a rr, Hn Arnold Hugh A, carp, res Second E, s of Twelfth South. CD Arnold John, carp, res 175 O. ** [g ^ Arnold John, carp, res 219 E Eighth South. o? Rogers. SearlesKo,, GENERAL INSURANCE ROOM 20j CENTRAL BLOCK. Oft I T I A I/ r llnn\IIAnr~Pn 1 H.-a-lruam-rs tor Wrought, Steel and Cast SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. s ar-a iss *sna si-., of Hi? nn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J House -furnishing Good, 128 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^L Arnold John W, elk Snarr & Son, res 328 W Sixth South. ^^ Arnold Miss 'Lizzie, res 155 Third East. : {// Arnold Miss Millie, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. Arnold Orson P, supt cons S L C Ry, res 155 Third East. Q Arnold Orson P, Jr, vice-pres F Platt & Co, res Canyon Road. Arnold Ralph, bds Cullen Hotel. < Arnold Richard, teamster, res 219 E Eighth South. Arnold Sam'l R, lab S L C Ry, bds 155 Third East. PP Arnold Thomas, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. "" Arnold T F 9 veterinary surgeon, Palace Stables, res 318 S West Temple. See adv. -. Arnold Walter/mach Silver Bros, bds 244 W Sixth North. (f) Arnold Willard J, emp S L C Ry, res 924 E South Temple. f^ Arnold Willis C, emp Morrison, Merrill & Co, res 853 W Third UL North. O Arnop Chas K, res 676 E First South. Arnop Emma (wid John), res 676 E First South. I Arnop John W, bill poster W B P Co, bds 676 E First South. Arns Peter, miner, res 40 W Fourth South. .... Arosel Chas, baker Webb & Feveryear, res Centre St. X Arps W F, hostler W D Palmer, res same. O3 5 f Arsenal Park, north end Main, east of Centre and south of the 5" 3 line of Second North. Arthur Charlotte C (wid Joshua), res 9 Lambert Court. Arthur Joshua A, bartndr Cullen, res 627 S West Temple. m Arthur Mary (wid Kin), res 747 S First West. ~O CD Arveson Hans, carp, res 218 S Sixth East. CJ Aryton D J, lab, R G W Ry, res 230 S Fourth West. jj Asbridge Montford W, carp, res 424 W Third North. , 1 Aschheim Edwin L, elk Utah Title Ins & Trust Co, res 767 E ^ js^ First South. CO r ^ Ash Alma, col Z C M I, bds 1172 Emerson ave. H Ash Mrs" Mary (wid), res 429 S Main. 2" P-i Ash Miss Nellie, bds 85 J. JJJ p T -| Ash Thomas, shoemkr Z C M I, res 13 O. Ash Thos, shoemkr Z C M I, res 85 J. ^ Ash Thos H, elevator opr Z C M I, res 13 O. S^S Ash Wm H, shoemkr Z C M I, bds 85 J. ^^ Ashbaugh Lewis S, bartndr, 358 West Temple, res same. f H Ashby Mrs Louisa, (wid), res 509 W First South. H-J Ashley Romanzo J, driver Mountain Ice Co, res 860 S Third ? ^J West. 1/1 SflLT LfiKE| ItiS-i? UHHim I 62 W. Scoua Souiu. Ieiepbne 249. I ^^ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 129 Ashliman Annie, laundress Troy Steam Laundry, res 974 E O Second South. QJ Ashliman Miss Rose, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 974 E Second South. (/) Ashman Miss Alice, mach opr Z C M I, bds 751 E Fifth South. Ashman James, gardener, res 354 Ninth East. Ashman Jas W, res 1141 E Fourth South. Ashman Mary A (wid Wm), res 75 i E Fifth South. > Ashton Brigham W, tchr, bds 133 S Fourth West. * Ashton Edward, painter U P Ry, res 127 S Sixth West. - Ashton Edward T, carp, res 24 S Jeremy ave. Ashton Miss Elizabeth, res 127 S Sixth West. CD Ashton Miss Emily, res 127 S Sixth West. Ashton Geo P, mason, bds 127 S Sixth West. Ashton Joseph, emp Mountain Ice & Cold Storage Co. oJ 22 Ashton Judd W, mach R G W Ry, res 1135 Sixth West, JJf Er^ Ashworth Reuben, emp S L C R R, res 717 Seventh East. -[] Ashworth Thos S, elk Coalter & Snelgrove Co, res 712 E 7th S. * * Aspen Cigar Store, H L Beard, agt, 226 S Main. CO |2uj Asper Albert E, emp Wm Asper & Co, bds 307 Centre. gk Asper Ernest, emp Wm Asper & Co, bds 307 Centre. Sj ^ < Asper Miss Sadie, comp Herald, bds 307 Centre, ^co Asper Wm (Wm Asper & Co), res 307 Centre. ^ Asper Wm & Co (Wm Asper, Wm T & Matthew Noall), 3 O Lumber Dealers, Contractors and Builders, 151 W North ^ SSO Temple. See adv page 21. CD SOD Aspinall Edwin B (A & Dresser), res 503 Eighth East. E-j:- As|iuali fc Dresser (Edwin B A and Norman B D), Book o &3< and Job Printers, 231 S Main. I 5 Astle Alice, laundress Troy S Laundry, bds 337 E Fifth South, g Astle Miss Anna, res 664 Second East. Astle Chas, res 664 Second East. JL Astler David J, grocer 437 N Second West, res same. 10 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry, J D Kenworthy agt, 43 W Second South. -I U Ateley Daniel, res Mortensen's Row. Atherly John, lab, res Martin's Court. ^ Atkins, see Ad kins and Aiken. Atkins Albert E, baker, bds 29 I. Atkins Edward, cook, res 29 I. 30 Atkins Emily (wid John), res 973 First. 3 j{j Atkins Miss Fanny, laundress Troy Steam Laundry, -\ CHAS. 6 GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McComlcKBld2., SALT LAKE CITY, P.O. Box 492. Telephone 631. Shirts or Everj Description. Repairing a Special:) WH1TTEMORE.COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, MoCornick Building. London Attley Henry W, printer, res 753 W First South. 5? Attwell Mrs Martha, res 1088 First jE^ Atwood Geo B, merchant, 870 W Eighth South, res same. en Atwood Millen M, elk, res Eleventh East, cor Eleventh South, cL Atwood Wm, studt U of U, res Murray. ^^ Atwood W H 9 Brick, Coal & Lumber, Murray, res same, CD see adv, Murray Dept. "^ Aubrey Albert G, elk T Aubrey, bds 41 Ninth East. 3 Aubrey Bros (Lorenzo J, Thos Jr, Frank D), barbers, Commer- ^ cial Blk and 271^ W First South. Aubrey Frank D (Aubrey Bros), bds 41 Ninth East. Aubrey Lorenzo J (Aubrey Bros), res 65 Currant. Aubrey Thomas, groc 73 E Second South, res 41 Ninth East. Aubrey Wm A, supt genl del, forv^-ding, inquiry and dead letter list P O, res 709 S Main. Aubrey Thomas, Jr (Aubrey Bros), bds 156 Twelfth East. Audet Z, carp, res Brighton. Auditorium Building:, 300 W Fourth South. Auditorium Hall, Samuel Shill prop, 300 W Fourth South. See adv. Auer Charles (Auer & Murphy), res 22 E First South. Auer & Murphy (Charles Auer and estate of Edmund H Murphy), proprietors The Occidental, 16 E First South. Auer & Murphy Block, 16 E First South. Auerbach Fred H (F Auerbach & Bro), rms 311 Progress Bldg. CD CD CD &* -* l B- ?! =f SALT LAKE LITH9. CO. (2 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY - RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 131 C3 O Auerbach F & Bro (Frederick H & Samuel H), Wholesale 3 and Retail Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Cloaks, Boots, 3 Shoes, Carpets, Upholstery, Boys' and Children's Clothing, C3 144-148 S Main. ~ Auerbach Samuel H (F Auerbach & Bro), res 52 E Third South. ^ Augsburg D R, supt drawing Board of Education, room 2, 49 S CO Main. fx , Augsburg Fred, watchmkr, Princeton ave, e of Ninth East. QJ August Francis, shoemkr Robinson Bros, res 554 W First South. 3 Augustine George G, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 158 E 2d South. 'O Auguston C A, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. C Aukerson Mrs C, res 42 Grape, ^ Auld Theodore, elk Hansen & Co, res 65 S West Temple. Ault John H, fireman U P Ry, bds 54 N Fifth West. Aures Jacob, elk 175 S Main, res 831 E Third South. 3 Ausborne J, store keeper The Knutsford, rms 50 Holmes Bldg. Ausherman Willard C, with City Eng, res 504 W Second North, QJ Austin Dorr, res 24 K, Austin Dorr Jr, elk pass dept R G W Ry, res 462 E First South. 3 Austin Edward P (W H Williams & Co), res 964 W Fourth South. CD Austin George, res 45 i Eighth East. Austin Miss Hattie, trimmer Mme Lamb, res 456 S Second W. Austin James, lab, Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. Austin James Jr, City St Insp, bds 433 Fifth East. Austin Leonard S, supt Germania Smelter, res Germania Station. Averett Harvey S, carp, res 347 E Fifth South. Avery Allen A, lineman, res 425 W Fourth South. Avery Evan, shoemaker, res e s Gail s of Aberdeen. Avery Floy, res 155 S Fifth \Vest. Avery O E, bkpr 1 1 5 S Main, res same. Avery S R, res i 5 5 S Fifth West. Avery Vernile, res 155 S Fifth West. Aveson Robert, comp Deseret News, res 24 M. Aveson Miles, lab, res 230 L. Aveson Robert F, comp Deseret News, bds 24 M. Aveson R Fawcett, comp Deseret News, bds 24 M. Q Avey Olive H, prin Twelfth Ward School, res 127 Dunbar ave. Axtel John, lab, res Lake Breeze. Axtell Levi, dep City Water Master, res 534 Second East. S Axton Miss Esther M, school tchr, res 473 Seventh. QQ Axton John, foreman warehouse U P Ry, res 473 Seventh. CD O m z O m r SB o Irrigation flge Printing House, Estimate* Famished 011 :ill kinds of Work. 26 W. Third Soillll. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., 1 Fine Builders and House-mr- iny Hardware. .Stove* ami ll:n;r's. Refrigerator* Sign of Hi- Gun. 42 and 44 W.2d South. ) and Gasoline Stoves. -' . 132 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Axtori John T, ship clerk Co-op Wagon & M Co, bds 465 Seventh. C/0 Ayer Charles F, farmer, res E Mill Creek. Ayer Edward T, dairyman, res Dow n w cor Hamilton and N. PC ^j= Ayer Edward W, bds Dow n w cor Hamilton and X. g3=^ Ayer Miss Eliza C, res 440 Seventh East. co 5? S3- CO C3 C9 CD "5 03 CO <=> as CD C2. cn CD CO Ayer Frederick, bds Dow n w cor Hamilton, N S L. ^] Ayers A P, brakeman U P Ry. Ayers George, lab, res Camp Lane, w of Jordan. Ayers Heber C, carp, res rear 65 Peach. /} Ayers John C, tanner Rowe, Morris & Summerhays. Ayrton David J, boiler mkr ROW Ry, bds 230 S Fourth West. Ayrton George J, farmer, res E Mill Creek. Ayrton William, gardener, res 230 S Fourth West. o gUY WM. J. LE.MFS BEER. FOF Hotel and Family Use. L. W. DITTMANN, Agent, ^ -o Telephone 334,. 27G S. Main Street. ?=" S 13 go 08 Uj Babbidge John L, waiter, rms Wasatch Blk. OC Babbitt Edgar C, gardener, res Sugar House Ward. Babbitt Miss Elizabeth, res 247 S First W r est. 3 Babcock Charles, watchmkr Joslin & Park, rms Realty Block. Itt Babcock E S, res 932 Eighth East. g | = Babcock S H, elk ft agt R G W Ry, rms Brooks Arcade. 5- j U- Babcock Win J, Vice-Pres Alturas Land and Imp Co, rms 49 JQ O Scott-Auerbach Building, bds Knutsford. ' < jjj Babonelli Edwin A, cond S L C R R, res 326 E Fifth South. OC Baby Saloon, Con Quinlan propr, 70 E Second South. p Lumber of ail kinds, Doors, Window and touta, Ui Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. I ele P h " e RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 133 Bache Joseph P 9 elk Supreme Court and Territorial Libra- O nan, Dooly Block, res 967 Third. Back, see Beck. Q Back John H, salesman Z C M I, res 235 W Third North. Backman, see Beckman. jTj Backman Andrew S, bkpr Knight & Co, res 164 S Sixth West, jjj IJ Backman Geo S, dep Co Recorder, res 37 S Sixth West. Backman Gustav H, dep Co Recorder, bds 30 S Sixth West. l! Backman Rudolph, expressman, res 321 Express ave. I Hark man Samuel C, plumber, tinsmith and coppersmith, 154 S Sixth West, res same. (See adv under Tinsmiths^) Q Backman Wm J, tinsmith S C Backman. [T| Bacon Harvey M, V P Am Natl Bank, rms Brooks Arcade. Bacon James H 9 Pres Arn Natl Bank, res Grand Hotel. Bacon Wm, emp Davis, Howe & Co, res 13 Simondi ave. S*| S^ Bacon Wm, res rear 157 W North Temple. ? Baddley Alfred L, horseshoer Speirs Bros, res 322 S Tenth East, f] Baddley Charlotte (wid Geo), res 338 S Tenth East. ffl Baddley Geo, emp James-Spencer-B Co, bds 338 Tenth East Q Baddley Henry O, frmn Wagener's Bot Wks, res 328 Tenth E. , j Baddley Miss Maria, dressmaker, bds 338 Tenth East. Bader Hugo, emp Mason & Co, res Seventh South, bet Thir- ^ teenth and Fourteenth West. ^^ Badger Geo, grocery store 353 E Fourth South, res same. - Badger Rodney C, pay tel Des Sav Bk, res 44 S Second West, ~j Badger Rodney T, elk McCornick & Co, bds 44 S Second 3 OS _^ 3 Badger Wm H, miner, res w s State, Mill Creek. Badlund Annie, domestic, 586 E South Temple. Baer, see Batr. Baer Emil, elk Brown & Brooks, rms 5 I Mercantile Blk. W Baer Emma, emp Des W Mills, res 251 W Fourth North. C Baer Ferdinand, lab Rowe M S Co, res 251 W Fourth North. Z Baer Frank, driver Bothwell & McConaughy, res 221 South j Third West. ^ Baer Frank L, elk, rms 374 W First South. Baer John, res 834 S Third East. jj Baer Theo, foreman Utah Soap Mnfg Co, res Seventh West n w 7T cor Third North, Bagen Joseph, carp R G W Ry, res 35 Euclid ave. Bagley Chas G, studt U of U, res Murray. > Bagley Clem, carp, res 325 S Seventh East. Morrison, Merrill & Go, Prices and Ksti mates on all kinusof Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- Lombard Investment Co. ^>. IniDrov8(i ^ 134 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M w Z " 5 g Bagley Miss Eliza, res 325 S Seventh East. s \ Bagley James, carp, res 325 S Seventh East. CQ 2 J Bagley JIrs Hary A, Christian Scientist, 2 1 Mercantile Blk. ~ S Bagshaw Fred, carp, res 704 S Main. T ." Bagshaw Susan, tailoress, Gabel, res 704 S Main. H o Bagshaw Susan, domestic, 267 S Sixth East. ^ S Bahrenberg Belle (widow Henry), res 244 S Fourth West. r 3 Bai Catharine (wid Jacob), res 757 E Third South. i 1 Bai Jacob, mesgr F Auerbach & Bro, bds 757 E Third South. ^ % Baile John, teamster, city street dept. - ^ Bailey, see Bayley. 3? :J Bailey Ada, emp Troy Steam Laundry. *t ^ Bailey Alice (wid John), res 1034 E Second South. 5 Bailey Benj F, lab city water wks. ^ Bailey Charles, switchman R G W Ry, res 342 W 3rd South. r*? Bailey Chas, elk 64 S Main, bds Elite Restaurant. ~ LU Bailey Chas N, painter R G W Ry, res 564 W Fourth South. ^ w S Bailey Mrs Clomelia, saleslady Mrs. Deal, res 93 Centre. ^ ZIjj Bailey Elizabeth (wid John), res 610 S First West. 5 *i CO Bailey Elwood, prop Valley House, res same. > ? SE Bailey Mrs Fannie, res 173 W Second South. ? 2 - 1 - 1 Bailey F F, res 447 W First North. ^D Bailey Frank T, brakeman U P Ry, res 449 First North. ^ Bailey Francis T, brakeman U P Ry, res 443 First North. Bailey Francis W, mining, res rear 1 145 E Fourth South. ^1 ^ Bailey Geo, res 224 W First South. ^ Bailey Henry, motorman, S L C Ry, res 312 M. Er Bailey Hyrum W S, baker, res n s loth South W Jordan river. 2J O^ Bailey James, lab, res 352 E Second South. ^ LU Bailey John, cigar mkr Sam Levy, bds U P Hotel. 3 ^3 Bailey John, night watchman city trenches, res 132 S Ninth ca - =5 East. Sg __ Bailey John E, plumber, bds 342 S West Temple. 2i _ Bailey John H, capitalist, res 606 S First West. CO Bailey John H Jr, bds 606 S First West. %D ^ Bailey Ledyard H 9 supt Continental Oil Co, res 24 K. CO * Bailey Mary (wid Thos S), bds H W S Bailey. CD (jj Bailey Mary T (wid Jno A), res 137 W Third South. Q Bailey Owen A, bartndr Delmonico, bds 849 E Fourth South. < Q Bailey Ralph J, bartndr, res Eighth East, bet Third and Fourth S. South. =3* LOANS A SPECIALTY, ASSESS?- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. ^ Real Estate Broker, H. p. G. conii I E. L. SHEETS. Room 12. commercial R.H. Officer & Co., HSSAYEBS.SSS : RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 135 S Bailey Samuel C, tinner, res rear 1 145 E Fourth South. 'CO Bailey Theodore A, eng S L M & E Co, res 2 1 5 W Fifth North. I""" Bailey Tlios C, land atty, Realty Blk, res 524 S Main. ,d Bailey Walter W, dep col Int Rev, bds 137 W Third South. t"~ Bailey Wm, foreman warehouse D M Osborne & Co, res 93 "L: Centre. Bailey Wm E, tinner, res rear 1 145 E Fourth South. .03 Bailey & Hughes (Geo A B and Toby G II), ins agts, 29 Com- rZZ mercial Blk. *SL Bain Albert D, plumber, bds 930 Second. ^ Bain Arthur J, hostler Valley House, res same. O Bain John H, painter, res 930 Second. Bain Miss Lizzie, domestic, s e cor Twelfth East and Second r i South. CD Bain Miss Maud M, res 930 Second. r^ Baine Arthur, Porter Valley House, res same. Li, Baine Calvin, lab, rms 12 E Second South. -^ Baine Kelsey, elk, rms Roberts Block. CD Baird, see Beard. Baird Walter, stonecutter, bds 834 W Cannon. Baird W G, res 547 E First South. Baird W G, studt U of U, bds 547 First. Baker Miss Anna, teacher, res 654 E Third South. ^ Baker Miss Bell, dressmaker, res 100 Apple. Baker Belle, emp Des Woolen Mills, res 100 Grape. Baker Catharine (wid Jacob), res 84 N. Q Baker Chas H, agt, res 24 W Third South. *p* Baker Edw F, bds 538 E Seventh South. Baker Eliza (wid James), bds 927 E Fourth South. (0 Baker Geo R, elk C W Sherwood, bds 729 E Third South. m ||J Baker Henry A, guilder, res 100 Apple. jjZ Baker Irwin C, eng R G W Ry, res 5 1 5 S Second West. +Q AQ Baker John, mach, res 578 S Ninth West. ^30 Baker John W, mach U F & M Co, rms 1 16 N Seventh West. Baker Marshall, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. ^ Baker M E (wid A C), res 35 S Seventh West. B Baker Miss Rena, res 35 S Seventh West. B Baker Richard, mason, res 50 Twelfth East. ^^ * Baker Miss Sarah A, dressmkr, res 50 Twelfth East. W Baker Miss Susie, dressmkr, res 100 Apple. Baker Miss Susie, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, res 100 Grape. Baker T F (T F Baker & Co), res Brighton. Rogers, SearlesKo GENERAL INSURANCE. 1 ' ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. d D SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.} Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 3d South, j Sporting Ooods. uns and Tents for Rent. 136 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ ^^^ ^-^^^^^ ^ ^-i^^^^^^^^^ "III" ^ I I 111^ ^ ^^^^_ ^^p^J Baker T F & Co (T F Baker), genl mdse, Brighton. Baker Theodore J (Baker & Henderson), res 69 First. /A Baker Thos H, mining, 33-34 Gladstone blk. res 60 Richards. *** Baker \Vm C, tmstr T C Armstrong, res 35 S Seventh West. L- Baker fc Henderson (Theo J B, and Chester S H), boots ' and shoes, 46 W Second South. ^J Balanger Adolph, stonemason, res 1037 S First West. OBalch Clifford J, res 276 E First South. Balchen G E, emp U P Ry, res Eleventh South and State. Baldwin Caleb, blacksmith, bds 568 W Second South. O Baldwin Charles (Baldwin & Tatlock), res 229 Twelfth East. Baldwin Charles, blksmith R G W Ry, res 57 N Fifth West. ^- Baldwin Chas H, res 59 N Fifth West. < Baldwin Miss Flora, school tchr, rms Realty blk. Baldwin H T, plumber, res 205 W Second South. ^ Baldwin Miss Ida, school tchr, rms 61 Culmer blk. ^ Baldwin James K, blksmith S L C Ry Co, res 568 W Second South. Baldwin Mrs Martha, res 568 W Second South. Baldwin Wm R, lab, res 568 W Second South. Baldwin & Tatlock (Chas B and E W T), lawyers, Si "JJ"~ Commercial blk. O* * - Ball Miss Amy, res 704 S State. |! j Ball C M, grocery, n w cor Fifth East and Eleventh South, res * 444 E Eleventh South. Ball Emma (wid John P), gen store, /o State, res same. *TJ - Ball Fred, conf, res 524 W Second South. g Ball Henry T, bkpr Noble, Wood & Co, res 603 Fifth. JJ* Ball Miss Isabel, res 704 State. ^ PH Ball John M, res 444 E Eleventh South. j j Ball Mrs J R, res 444 E Eleventh South. H^ Ball Phoebe (wid John P), res 704 State. ^3 ^ 3 Ball R E, civ eng, rms Uintah Hotel. CD Ball Richard, plumber, bds 603 Fifth. ^J Ball Sam'l F (S F Ball & Co), res 563 W South Temple. I J^j Ball S F & Co (S F B and H A Tuckett), confy, 24 S Main. }jf * Ball Thomas A, carp, e s Twelfth East 6 n of South Boulevard. 5 ^ ^ Ball Thomas, peddler, res 10 Back. J 2x2 1 Ball Walter, cook Elite Rest, res 10 Back. ft E i Ball Walter T, porter, res 10 Back. ~ _J Ball Wm, lab, bds 10 Back, ?g Balzarett Louis, stone mason, res 254 E Second Sonth. ^ |j Balzarett Paul, tile mkr Elias Morris, 254 E Second South. 3 : Bamberger Herman, real estate, Hooper blk, res 727 E JO in First South. 0* 5) Bamberger Jacob E, inv broker, vice-pres Centennial- < Eureka Mining Co, 21 Hooper blk, res 539 E First South. < Bamberger L E, teamster city street dept. < Bamberger Louis E, real estate and mining broker, 2 1 Hooper blk, prop Enterprise Livery Stable, 28 E Third South, rms P 21 E Third South. jj] Bamberger Ralph, stenogr Rawlins & Critchlow, rms Realty blk. *" 5 Bamberger Simon, pres Great Salt Lake & Hot Springs o 3 Ry Co, and capitalist, 707 McCornick blk, res 623 E 1st S. | Bame Mrs Barbara (wid Philip, res e s State, bet 1 2th and 1 3th S. g Banfield George, bkpr, bds 167 E Sixth South. Bang Christian J (Bang & Mayers) res 1027 E Second South. I_ Bang Jenson C, butcher, res 1037 E Second South. IO Bang & Mayers (Christian J B and Albert M), meat market * ^ 210 South State. P Bank of Commerce, Boyd Park pres, W W Chisholm ^ vice-pres, S F Walker cashier, S H Fields Jr asst cashier, ^, ^ 34 W Second South. Banks Cornelius H, undertaker J E Taylor, res 846 E 2nd S. ^ _j .J Banks Cornelius H Jr, bricklayer, bds 846 E Second South. Q D Banks John, pattern mkr, res 5 I N First West. Banks Miss Kate, dressmaker, res 846 E Second South. H CHftS. B GOURLAY & CO.J 303 & 305 McCornick Bldg., SALT LAKE CITY. P.O. Box 492. Telephone 631. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Specialty WHITTENORE. COOKE & CO.. I XK TRANCE. Room 310. McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg Assets. $2.450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo. Sweden ."...Assets. $4. 160. 403. 32 o 60 S? QQCA 02 do 00 03 CO CD 138 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Banks W H, waiter Hotel Knutsford, bds same. Banley Miss Emma, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res Essie Court. Bannister C K (B & Burch), res Ogden. Bannister & Burch (C K B and A B), civil engineers rm 2 third floor 49 S Main. Barbee Mrs A G, res 253 S Third East. Barber Chas E, elk, res 259 E Sixth South. Barber Ernest C, elk Barnes Lewis & Co, bds 259 E Sixth S. Barber Hannah (wid Saml), res 259 E Sixth South. Barber H D, elk White & Sons Co. Barber John T, driver Gurney C and Del Co, res rear 248 3rd E. Barber Othello H, bartender U P Hotel, res 245 Second East. Barber Reguel, butcher White & Sons Co, res 365 N Sixth W. Barber Thos P, cook Bond's restaurant. Barber Wm, genl mdse, 179 N First West, res same. Barbour Mrs Annie S, bds 24 Church. Barbour R B, eng S L C Ry Co, bds White House. Barclay Ford O, Pres The Pacific Inv Co, res Walker Hse. Barclay James C, lab, res I Leslie Court. Bard John A, mining, res 415 W First North. Bardon Thos H, plasterer, res rear 723 Second East. Barfoot Mary N (wid Joseph), res 1 08 L. Barfoot Sarah A (wid Joseph), res 759 Second. Barglund Miss Ella, emp Troy S L, res rear 1 16 E Second South. Barglund Emma, (wid), res rear 1 16 E Second South. Bariel J B, dispatcher R G W Ry, bds U P Hotel. Barkdull Henry, res 343 E Eighth South. Barker A, night porter The Cullen, res same. Barker A A, emp city st dept, res cor Eighth S and Tenth E. Barker Albert A, emp U P system, res rear 29 E Seventh South. Barker Andrew, gardener, res 144 Second East. Barker Antonio, lab, res 144 Second East. Barker C, emp city street dept. Barker Catharine (wid), res 575 Seventh West. Barker Ethan A, lab, res 379 Second East. Barker Frederick E, Attorney at Law and Notary, 16 Scott-Auerbach Bldg, res 5 1 1 E South Temple. Barker John, carp, res 5^0 E Third South. Barker John A, agt Mokaska Coffee, res 1029 Second. Barker Joseph C (B & Knowles), res 1265 E South Temple. Barker Mrs Mary, res 379 Second East. Barker Wm, porter Cullen bar, res same. SALT L&KF LITHfi f fi l^ograpmng, Printing ana blank WHL. I L.HIXL. L.I I I IV. LU. g ^ Matinn The Finest in the Wester* 52 W. Second South. Telephone. 249. ouu * ltJLlliy, Country. CD 00 ED 00 CD ana OJ CD CD T1Q3 R,H, Officer i Co,, ASSAYERS. 169 S. West Temple Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 139 Barker Wm C, engr R G W Ry, res 552 W Fourth South. Barker & Knowles, (J C B & Chas K), gunsmiths, 68 Commercial. Barley Geo, temstr S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Barley R, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Barlow Edward, carp, res 816 Second. Barlow James M, res 375 W First South. Barlow James M, res 178 A. -F7 Barlow Mrs Jane F, bds 375 W First South U Barlow Joel H, teamster, bds 375 W First South. Barlow John H jr, studt U of U, res East Bountiful. 5 Barlow Jos S, elk Clark, Eldridge & Co, res 554 N Second Wes. Barlow Sam'l 1U 9 mngr The Barlow-Thompson Grocery Co, res 329 W Fourth North. L Barlow-Thompson Orocery Co, The, see inc Cos, Family Groceries, 14 W First South. (See adv page 102.) Barlow Wm E, res 522 E First South. Barnaby Charles, brakeman U P Ry, res 2 Rustic Row. Barnard Miss Annie M, domestic, 574 W Fourth South. Barnard James S, lab, res 77 G. Barnard Jenet S (wid James), res 77 G. Barnard John E, lab R G W Ry, bds 574 W Fourth South. Barnard Joseph S, brickmkr, res 77 G. ^ J Barnard Wm, lab, res 574 W Fourth South. ~~J Barndtt Henrietta, res 159 E Second South. Barnes Arthur F, treas Barnes, Lewis & Co, res 147 N First West. Barnes Mrs C, typewriter Tribune, res 312 Centre. ^ Barnes Charles W, comp Times, res 704 E Fourth South. Barnes Edward C, studt U of U, bds G F Newland. Barnes Fred, butcher, res 551 S First West. 3 Barnes Geo W, studt U of U, bds 147 N First West. Barnes Henry, foreman pipe layers City Water Works. Barnes Henry, butcher, res 18 J. j^" Barnes Henry (Barnes & Byrne) res Warm Springs. IQ 7" Barnes James (Barnes & Co), res 137 W Second South. Barnes John R, pres Barnes, Lewis & Co, res Kaysville. O Barnes Joseph M, carp, res 529 East Fifth South. _, Barnes Lewis & Co (see Inc Co's) General Mdse, 16 S Main, g-j QJ Barnes Mary T (wid James), res 244 W Second North. U=2 Barnes Matthew, lab, res 18 J. Barnes Mrs Nettie (Barnes & Co), res 137 W Second South. Barnes Otto H, elk G F Culmer & Bros, res 312 Centre. The legation Age Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, OfH<>e, Salt Lake. Denver, Han Francisco, 2 W. 3d Sooth St. 70 Railroad Bldg. 841 Barkt St. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.,}-; Sign of Bis: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2 Barnes Wm F, emp S L C R R, bds Burlington add. j g Barnes Zeno, chief cook Hotel Templeton. j.S Barnes & Byrne (Henry Barnes, Edward Byrne), props jj>*5 Warm Springs, e s Second West, bet 7th and 8th North. g Barnes & Co (James & Nettie Barnes), new and second-hand >-O goods, 137 W Second South. (See adv opp Terr Index) Barnett Josiah, cash McCornick & Co's Bank, bds Alta Club. o Barnett Wm E D, res 603 Third East. O Barnett W I, D D S, res 159 E Second South. o Barney Dr Elvira S, res 24 W North Temple. q ' Barnhart Henry C (Barnhart & Stahl), res 238 E Fourth South.! g Barnhart & Stahl (Henry B and Wm H S),prop Union Saloon, 58 " O E Second South. p Barnum Charles D, carp, res 425 W First South. Barr George, expman, res 427 E Fifth South. '* Barr George W, res 43 Fourth East. r Barr Helen (wid Alfred G), res 768 S Fifth East. Barr Hugh, insptr U P Ry, bds Rio Grande Hotel. *j * Barraclough A W, physician, res Murray. $ Barraclough Geo W, foreman bridge bldg U P Ry. """""" Barratt, see Barrett. -5 Barratt Bros (Isaac M and Caleb R), furniture dealers, 166 S Main, see adv opp City Index. Barratt Caleb R (Barratt Bros), rms 166 South Main. ^3 Barratt Isaac M (Barratt Bros), res 262 S W Temple. CQ Barratt Matilda M (wid John), res 75 N West Temple. \*<\ Barratt Samuel M (Watson Bros) res 75 N West Temple. '^^ Barrell Chas, shoemaker, res rear 242 W Third North. ^H Barrell E, emp S L C R R Co car dept. ^ Barrell Elihu, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 716 E First South. Barrell H Charles, instr Juvenile band, bds rear 60 E S Temple. 2^ Barrell John J, motorman S L C Ry, res 774 Third. rn Barrell Samuel C, elevator boy Knutsford, res rear 60 E S Tern. CO Barrett, see Barratt. Hid Barrett Mrs Anna, res 44 N Second West. S Dd Barrett Miss Belle, res 44 N Second West. l^i njini/rn O nCDlIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnhtn & UtrUt, LUMBER m IMPORTED AND AMERICAS CEMENTS. Cor. 2d Soutlx and 3d West. Tel. CO MOUNTAIN ICE GO 43, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 141 Barrett Clarence, physician & surgeon, res 556 S West Temple. Barrett Geo, motorman R T, res 103 N First West. Barrett Grace, res 68 S Second West. Barrett James, teamster tithing store, res 676 E Sixth South. (ft Barrett John W, contractor, res 872 E Fifth "South. i 3 Barrett Joseph, lab tithing barn, res 872 E Fifth South. Barrett Robert L, lab, res 872 E Fifth South. Barrett Stephen P, bkpr Equitable Life Assurance Society, res - 68 S Second West. H< Barrett W H, cor Foifrth S and First E, Palmer's Stable. Barrett Wm R, carp U C Ry, res Park add, Sugar House Ward. Barrington Robert, res rear 273 S West Temple. Barrington Robt, farmer, res 406 S West Temple. Barrington W A, janitor Progress blk, rms same. CD ~^~ f Barron Dr Harry H, Happy Hour Dental Co, res 212^ State *Z3 ijj >^ Barron Lueretia W, music teacher, res 558 Fourth East. jjj j Barrow Fredrick, elk R G W Ry, res 516 Fourth East. < Barrow James, elk P W Madsen, res 516 Fourth East. ,_ J O Barrow Joseph L, dir Utah Book and St'y Co, bds 516 Fourth E. ^ jj[ Barrow Martha (wid John), res 516 Fourth East. ^J (0 Barrows Miss Anstice, res 544 E Second South. PJ < Barrows ave, 528 E Second South. P (0 Barrows Brigham Y, miner, rms 528 E Second South. CD P, * Barrows Ethan, res 528 E Second South. Q* ? O Barrows Geo W, carp, bds 544 E Second South. W rj Barrows Jos L, elk 72 S Main, res 516 Fourth East. Lj Barrows Susan (wid Manly), res 544 E Second South. P fjj Barry, see Berry. fll Barry Alonzo, driver Grant Bros L & T Co, res same. Ji ^ Barry Clarence, res 326 S West Temple. ^H - 1 Barry John, res West of State, Murray. Barry John, res 606 W Fourth North. 3J Barteh George W 9 Probate Judge and Chairman of County Q. Court, res 357 South First West T| Bartch Miss Minnie A, res 357 S First West. ^ Bartels Hermann W, solicitor Tribune, res 6 Goddard's Court. 3. Barthlow Miss Ida, domestic, res 254 S West Temple. CO Bartholio Reque, lab, res rear 751 E Ninth South. J^T Bartlett Rev Dana W, pastor Phillips Congregational Church, j^J res 216 Eighth East. ' Bartlett Edward E, engr R G W Ry, res 652 W South Temple. | S Bartlett Jesse, teamster, res North Salt Lake. | g Morrison, Merrill & Go, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Ntoek Fa- cilities and Enterprise North U. P. Depot. Money * . proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. . . 142 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ** "3 Bartlett Miss Sadie W, stenogr Studebaker Bros, res 369 S First z West. : * Bartlett Sam C, bartdr Hogle Bros, res 652 S Third East. | 3 Bartlett Venie E (wid W W), res 369 S First West. - j Bartling Wm, mngr N Y Cash Store, res cor Fourth East and H o Tenth South. f^ ^ S Barton Miss Belle, dressmaker, res 157 B, i | I | Barton Brigham, bkpr S P Teasdel, bds 157 B. hj i 5 Barton Mrs B David, res 1 15 S Fifth West. fcH - Barton Miss Eva, res 157 B. U ~ a Barton Fredrick B, elk Barton & Co, res East Capitol st, Capitol W j * Hill. t?j - ~ Barton George D, lithographer S L Litho Co, res 448 W Third ^ 5 W South. u | Barton Miss Grace, res 276 I. ^~ gyT Barton Harry, salesman Symns Grocer Co. UJ Barton Horace W, elk Z C M I, bds 173 J. SE Barton Hyrum B, Real Estate, res no Oak. ^j Barton Isaac, pres Barton & Co, and bishop L D S Nineteenth ~ Ward, res 08 Centre. ? ^7 ^0^ 5E Barton James B (Barton, Lyon & Co), res 720 E South Temple. ~ 2 **! Barton James B, mach Silver Bros, res 173 J. ? S Q Barton, L,y on & Co (James B Barton, Alexander Lyon, r r Darwin C Richardson), Grocers and Meat Market, 351-353 S West Temple. (Seepage /^), ^ 3C Barton Miss Maud, domestic, 46 W Seventh South. ^ tJS Barton Miss May, res 448 W Third South. *S Barton M. E, fireman Knutsford, res same. ^ *Z1 Barton Miss Ruth, res 276 I. 3 UJ Barton Mrs S A, matron Industrial Home, res same. CD Barton Sarah F (wid Wm), res 276 I. O !5~ Barton Senia (wid George), res 448 W Third South. 2J ^^ Barton Thos, res Mortensen's Row. -12 ~ Barton Wm B, bkpr S P Teasdel, res 157 B. ^ CO Barton W W, prmcp Hunter School, res 45 S Seventh West. -* t^ Barton Miss Zella E, bookbinder Deserct News Co, bds 173 J. ^^ -<^ Barton A Co (see inc Cos], Gent's Furnishings, Hats, Caps,&c.- >. 45-47 S Main. (See page 6). Q fjj Bartz Chas H, painter, res 21 W Third South. P _ Bascom Francis S, physician, 435 S West Temple, res same. 3 Q Baskin Robert N, Mayor S L City, rm 15 City Hall, res 17 E 3" First North. JQ GO Real Estate Broker, tTS 8 ^' I MoDBfl to Loan. . f,uu c fptcialty. B. r. 6. CWTES. | 1. 1. SHEETS, ftoon 12, CBmmial Blck. R.H, Officer & Go ^ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 143 *^3 Bassett Alfred W, bkpr Troy Steam Laundry, res 537 South 2 CD Sixth East. ji- Bassett Charles H, bkpr S P Teasdel, res 613 Fourth East. ' ^ ^ Bassett Ernest K, elk S P Teasdel, bds 603 Fourth East, g Bassett Frederick C, bkpr S P Teasdel, res 617 E Fifth South. CD Bassett Mrs Maggie, res 669 E Second South. p^ Bassett Mrs Mary E, res 603 Fourth East. r-v Bassford Henry E, Hay and Grain, 106 W South Temple, res ^ 5: 864 W Third North. C, ^Q Basst J J, res 2 Euclid ave. H3 CO Bast Alonzo G, vice pres The S L Pickle Co, res Brighton. r~* Bast J R, res 166 W First North. r * Bastable Miss Maggie, copyist, res 41 Jefferson, 2 Bastable Maggie, emp Troy Steam Laundry. _g 5 Bastian Herbert, rep Telephone Co, bds 14 W North Temple. Bateman Edwin A, teamster, res West Jordan. ? Bateman James M, farmer and sheep raiser, res West Jordan. e^ Bateman Miss Marion, mach opr Z C M I, bds 404 N First West, cs Bateman Miss Mary J, tchr, res West Jordan. Bateman Wm J, sec and treas James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res (fl 424 Second. [fl Bateman, Wm L, sheep raiser, res West Jordan. Bates Charles C, brakeman U P Ry, res depot yard. Bates Chas R, bartndr Woodbine, res 735 N Second West. Q Bates Myron W, teamster, res 554 S Third West. ^0 Bates Robt, bartndr, res 735 N Second West. Bates Wm, propr Woodbine Saloon, Warm Springs, res 735 N O Second West. z Bates W F, driver City Fire Dept, bds U P Hotel. ^ n""j Bath Daniel M, mason, res 449 N Fifth West. *-^ Bath Miss May, res 445 N Fifth West. ^ Bath Richard, res 810 W Third North. g> * Bath Simon, res 578 W Third North. g i* j Bath S R, emp U Soap Co, res 445 N Fifth West. ^ Bath Wm, gardener, res 445 N Fifth West. ^ } !""; Batley George J, barber Walker House, res 2g Quince. 2 J^ Batley Joseph (Batley & Jennings), res 434 S First West. Batley Joseph W, bartndr, bds 434 S First West. ^^ Batley & Jennings (Joseph Batley, Edward Jennings), | ^ [T"| proprs Golden Lion Saloon, 66 E First South. 5 ju f ^ Batt Miss Emily, teacher Sixth School, res 810 Green. * rri ""3 Batt Hannah (wid Geo), res 338 H. Co Rooers.SearlesJGo GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, <. ENTRAL BLOCK. r> I T* I * I/ ^ IIHnrHIIAnr* f*f\ } Hoa^uartf-rs tor Wrought, Steel and Cusi SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. sat ara SB; iKs-st Mir ii of Bi*r un. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J hing Goodg 144 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. {H Batt John, painter, res 810 Green. 1 Batterson Alfred, painter, res 364 N First 'West. K^J Batty G*o, bartndr Continental Hotel, res 29 Quince. Bauer Mrs Annie (wid John F), res 40 W Fourth South. f^t Bauer Benjamin F, V P and Sec Salt Lake Hardware Co, res rH Cullen Hotel. ^^ Bauer Joseph, elk F Auerbach & Bro, bds. 158 E Second South. J^j Bauman, see Bowman. rH Bauman Frank, emp Utah Nursery, es Ninth East, s of I2th S. Bauman John, emp Des Woolen Mills, res 405 N Second West. \^\ Baumgarten Ernest, brickmason, res 2 West Court, Third South. rH Baumgarten Joseph, Fashionable Tailor, 260 S Main, bds Cullen Hotel. Baumgarten L L, stockgrower, res ?6o S Main. \-4 Baumiller Fredrick, butcher 1 1 E Third South, res same. |^ Baumliz Joseph, restaurant 5 1 Commercial, res rear 48 E Third S. HBaush John B, porter Tivoli Saloon, res 134 E Fifth South. C~} Bawdin J, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. O ^H Baxter Chas H, lab, res rear 938 E Second South. Js\ Baxter Emily (wid Wm). res 8 1 5 E Fifth South. C/> Baxter Glide, emp Grant Bros L & T Co, res 1 36 N West Temple. 5? Baxter John M, elk H A Tuckett C Co, rear 938 E Second South. 5- | Baxter Jos W, elk Robinson Bros, res 427 S Third West. . g Baxter Jos W, miner, res 544 S Third West. ? * Baxter Ollie A (wid Martin), res rear 938 E Second South. 5 Baxter Saml E, elk H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 429 Seventh E. -o - Baxter T Wm, sol R L Polk & Co, res 5 17 First. ' - -^ Bayles Edith, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. S ^""^ Bayly, see Bailey. ^ W Bayly Frank I,, propr Clift House Drug Co, 280 S Main, ^ [ j res s e cor Third E and Tenth So, see ladies' shopping dept. Baysinger Madison W, carp, res rear 655 E Fourth South. C_J Bayliss Miss Emma A, dressmaker, 20 K, bds same. Bayliss Heber W, res 20 K. H^H TT^ , . ^. [~j Bayliss Lorenzo J, carp, bds 20 K. Bayliss Wm, cabinet mkr, res 20 K. utb. Teiepheue 249. I ., Salt Lake City, o 09 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 145 JQ Beach S L, engr, bds Albany Hotel. Beal Edwin H, sal R L Polk & Co, bds 323 E Third South. 33 Beal 'Lizzie, res 53 Fifth East, Beal Thos, plumber, res 164 S Second West. (^ Beam Mrs Josephine, dressmkr 246 S Seventh East, res same. *Q Beamer C D, eng watchman U P Ry. ^ , Bean Miss Addie, student Collegiate Ins, res 10 Fifth East. !"* Bean A J, teamster, res I 5-5 Third. Bean Charles W, floorman Palace Livery Stable, rms same. W Bean Clarence L, hack driver, res 70 E Second South. JL_ Bean Geo D, boiler mkr U P Ry, res 447 W Second South. 30 Bean Harry J, liveryman, res 10 Fifth East Bean Miss Jessie E, studt Collegiate Ins, res 10 Fifth East. Bean Norman, stone cutter, res Tremont House. m Bean Wm, mach U P System, res. 445 W Second South. Hi r Bean Wm H, engr, res 10 S Fifth East. Si | . Beane Arthur E, merchant tailor, Brooks Arcade, res 74 W 5th S. 5 jh Beard Harry L, 34 E Second South. ~* '< Beardall John, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. CO O Beardall, Wm, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. IDL Beardsley Mills H, City Councilman, res 150 E South Temple. CD } Bearnson Julius, stone mason, res 136 S Fifth West. jj^ * Beatie Buelah A (wid H S), res 516 S Third East. CD * Beatie Frank L, res 161 C. o' Beatie Hampton S, elk Z C M I, res 87 Canyon Road. O Beatie Miss Helen, res 512 S West Temple. j, Beatie Jas A, capitalist, res 146 W Fifth South H Beatie, Walter J, sec B B & C M Co, res 55 N W Temple. Beattie Jeremiah, physician, 655 E Second South, res same. p _ J Beattie J, night watchman City Water Works, res Sugar House o Ward. Eg Beattie Wm, carp, res 6 Morton's Row. Beattie Wm, paper carrier, res 656 S Third West. ^ Beatty Geo D, emp E H Anderson, res Brighton. g fieatty Theo I5 9 physician and surgeon 4 Mercantile blk, res p 509 E First South. ^ S Beauregard Miss Chesy, studt, res 3 Whitney Terrace. Beaver Harry L, Knutsford Barber Shop, res 250 S Second East, p^ Bebb Harry O, cond R Transit, res 22 Gregory Court. Bebb Lauren, motorman R Transit, res 22 Gregory Court. ft jj Bebb Shields (wid), res 22 Gregory Court. Bebb Miss Stella, bds 22 Gregory Court. !^ Hj 303&305McCorEicKBl(l2., SALT LAKE CITY. SM IRTISH A KKRS. * I P. 0. B 492. Telephoiie 631. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Special! j WH1TTEMORE, COOKE & CO., J O. O! al D" cb CO "fe CO I- o E, Room 310, McCornick Building. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Assets, $14,880,157.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Milwaukee, Wis Assets, $ 1,630,242.70 146 RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. CO H Bebb Miss Vida, emp Troy S L, res 22 Gregory Court. Bechtol, see Becktol. Bechtol John G (B & Sands), res 530 Third East. Bechtol & Sands (J G B & J R S), props Walker House and bar. Beck, see Bache and Back. Beck A m and us. Comp Yeast Mfr, 1 52 E Second S, res same. Beck Jacob, bds 5 5 North State. Beck John, V P Bullion-Beck & C M Co, res 55 N State. Beck John A Jr, res 76 North State. Beck Julius, lab, res 65 N First West. Beck Mary, res 55 North State. Beck Morris, cond R T Ry, rms 317 W r Seventh South. j^j Beck Robt, carp, res 614 \y First South. ^^ Beck Robt, carp, res 10 Bryan. Beck's Hot Springs fc Batli House, H M McCartney, w J mn g 3/4 miles north of city. 1 1 Becker, see Baker. HI Becker Miss Annie, milliner, bds 123 S Fifth West. | S Becker Chas, bds 523 E Third South. 3 ^ Becker Frederick W, architect, res 123 S Fifth West, 3 Becker Henry A, cigar mkr Carlson Bros, res 135 E 3d South. Becker H J, meat mkt 507 E Third South, bds 523 E 3d South, ? Beckett John L, stenogr frt dept R G W Ry, res 1 56 E S Temple, g Becklund J, emp Gei mania Lead Works, res Murray. g ^ Beckman, see Backman. U = Beckman Caroline (wid Carl G), res 544 Tenth East. ? m Beckman Geo J, mngr Pavilion Theatre, rms Palace Lodging ? ~ House. Beckman S, res 149 S First West. I Beckner, Seigle, elk R G W Ry, res 149 S First West. Beckstead Eleaner (wid George), res 43 Seventh East. O>Q Beckstrand Hyrum, studt L D S Col, bds 555 W Third North. U"" Beckstrand Betty, res 247 E South Temple. '^ Becktol, see Bechtol. 55 -Q Becktol Mrs Jane, res i Rustic Court. H_ Beddley Joseph, marble cutter Watson Bros, res 35 Locust. f>^ Bee Hive, D Alexander propr, dry goods, boots & shoes etc, cjjj 68 S Main. ^m Bee Hive House, n w cor South Temple and State. Bee Hive Mining Co The, see inc co's, H R Watrous sec, 54 ^J Wasatch Bldg. SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY.. R.H, Officer & Go,, O m j F" RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 147 Bee Hive Planing Mill, Wm Cook propr, 826 S State. 00 Bee Hive Restaurant, Wm Earle propr, 47 S West Temple. Beebe Miss Alice, stenogr, res 840 E Seventh South; Beebe's Art Store, C W Beebe propr, 61 E 1st S, see p 8. Beebe C W, prop Beebe's Art Store, 61 E First South, res same. See page 8. Beebe E (wid Edwin), res 61 E First South. ^^ ^ Beebe Ovando C, teller Zion's Savings Bank & T Co, res 126 G. ~ . Beebe James D, cashier Mason & Co, res 521 E Fourth South. ^ Beecher Frank, upholstr Z C M I, res Windsor ave, S of Ninth S. r^: Beecher Frank E, emp Troy S L, res 10 Bellevue Place. Beeeher Joseph H 9 mngr O E Miller Rupture Co, 201 Constitution bldg, res 10 Bellevue Place. Cg Beedall M, elk, res 70 E North Temple. jF; Beeks J W, emp S L C R R Co. Beeman Newell, supt coal mines, res 455 First, r Beer Benj J, paperhanger, res 658 E Third South. , - Beer J B, painter, res 237 E First South. . Beer Win F, physician and surgeon, rms 4 and 5 Culmer ^5 block, res 237 E First South. ^z: Beers Chas, elk, res 1078 Eighth East. IP Beers Edward T, carp, res rear 5 i S Fifth West. ^ Beers Henry A, ship elk Z C M I, res 447 S Second West. T 1 Beers John M, tinner, res 52 Third East. HJ ^~ Beers Miss Louisa, elk T C Griggs, bds rear 5 1 S Fifth West. CO 3 Beesley Adelbert, dir The Barlow-Thompson Grocery Co, res ^_j rear 341 W Fourth North. _ 'ZIJ Beesley Alvin, elk Calder's Music Palace, bds 45 Currant. CO Beesley Ebenezer, musician, res 45 Currant. ^ ^> Beesley Ebenezer Jr, musician, res Sandy. QX-- Beesley Frank, comp Juvenile Instructor, res 45 Currant. Beesley Fred, bkpr Solomon Bros, res rear 555 W Third North. ^ CT/ Beesley Lorenzo, comp Juvenile Instructor, bds 45 Currant. .E Behrens, Mattie A, housekeeper Knutsford, res same. ^ Beifuss Jos H, asst mngr Walker Bros & F Co, res 23 E 7th S. CD *O Beiger G, emp Ger mania Lead Works, res Murray. *2 -r Beitel Eugene F, carp, res rear 80 1 First. Belanger Adolph, stone mason, res 1037 S First West. 3O g Belden Chas H, res 814 Second. O Belden Mrs Nellie, res 273 N First West. O3 Beless James T, eng R Gr W Ry, res 172 W Seventh South. pTJ Bellevue, Idaho, Mining Co, room 7, 49 S Main. Printing HniKP Printers, Publishers and n8nUUbB ' Blank Book Manufacturers 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W.2d South. ) and Gasoline Stoves k. 148 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. O Bell Mrs C E, res 364 N Fifth West. Bell C S, car rep R G W Ry, res lola ave. O fci Bell Franklin, school tchr, res Murray. Z . Bell dec S, printing solicitor, 2 1 W Second South, telephone "S en 602, res 2 Whitney's Terrace. 3g C8 x Bell Harriet (wid Millard), res 457 Fourth. 1^ Bell Hyrum, car cleaner U P Ry, res 457 Fourth. CT g Bell James, starch mnfr, res s w cor Seventh and M. 3O *J Bell James, farmer, res Mill Creek. _ Bell John F, col Mason & Co, res 236 Iowa ave. CUD Bell John L, elk R G W Ry, res 158 N West Temple. B C= Bell J L, elk frt dept R G W Ry, res Grossman's Terrace. 30 la Bell John T, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res 421 E First South. |"O E Bell John W, lab. res s w cor Seventh and M. _ ^ J2 Bell Robt, carp Mason & Co, res 352 S State. - Bell Robt, Jr, plumber, res 352 S State. ^ Bellamy Wm J, lineman, res 531 Twelfth East. fP Bellis Harry E, mngr carpet dept Earl's Furn & Carpet Co, res 346 E Seventh South. fl3 Bellow Geo, genl mdse, 578 W First South, res same. __ Bement Sarah J (wid Bingham),res 629 E Eight South. ~ Bemis John Q, res 975 Third. t Benbrook J H, lab, res I Whitaker Court. ^ *~ Benbrook John H, elk, res rear 125 W Third South. H Bench Miss Lizzie, mach opr Z C M I, bds 626 Seventh. Bench Mark, lab, res 626 Seventh. ^ Benedict A M, mining, res 134 E Third South. f ^ Benedict Chauncey M, col Des Nat'l Bk,bds 376 E Third South. ^ 3 Benedict Chloe Y (wid F E), res 135 C. Benedict Miss F Bertie, res 376 E Third South. Benedict F M, assayer, rms 134 E Third South. Benedict Joseph H, physician 107 S Main, res 376 E 3d S. Benee Phoebe A (wid Geo R), res 26 Tenth East. Benee Wm, painter, res 24 Tenth East. Bengstrom Caroline, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Benham Geo B, printer, rms Roberts blk. Benjamin Samuel, mining, res 218 W Third North. Benner Alice, res 413 Ninth East. Benner J D, chief elk R G Dun & Co, res 972 Third. OO Bennett A, fruit dealer, res 1 24 W First South. Bennett A G, res 5 Richelieu House. Bennett Albert G, reporter Des News, res 873 Third. CD CO CO CD CO MB to Parker & Depue, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. Tele P h " e RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 149 Bennett Athel B, printer, rms 516 S Fourth East. Bennett Benj, miner, rms Lincoln House. Bennett Block, 205 W Second South. Bennett Chas G, notary public, res 205 W Second South. Bennett Chas W (B, Marshall & Bradley), res 813 E 2d South. Bennett David V, carp, res 538 Fourth East. Bennett Edmund M, elk R G W Ry, rms 64 W Second South. Bennett Fred, elk Rivers Bros, res Second West, S of Tenth S. Bennett Geo E, foreman Morrison, Merrill & Co, rms 175 N 3d W. Bennett Geo H, sec Remington, Johnson & Co, bds U P Hotel. Bennett Harry, dely elk Thos McKelvie, bds 835 W Cannon. Bennett James, mach G S L & H S R R, bds U P Hotel. Bennett Miss Jane L, elk C R Savage, bds 371 Fourth. Bennett John F, elk H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 371 Fourth. Bennett John H 9 Genl Frt & Pass Agt Rio Grande West- ern Ry. res 967 E South Temple. rvH >1 Bennett John M, res 27 Ninth East. H ] Bennett, Marshall fc Bradley, (Chas W B, John A, 0- M & Wm M B), attorneys at law, 163 S Main. >8 Bennett Richard, eng Taylor R & A Co, res 371 Fourth. ^ Bennett Stephen D N, mining, res 64 W Second South. j( < Bennett Thos H, bartdr The Congress, res 351 S State. ^ Bennett Wm, emp Z C M I shoe factory, bds 371 Fourth. H * Bennett Wm, elk pass dept R G W Ry, res 6 S First West. 3 Bennett Wm J, time-keeper Z C M I, bds 371 Fourth. ,} O Bennett Wm H, carp S L B & M Co, bds U P Hotel. H < in- lery, I i^liin- Tackle and Sporting Croods. Guns and Tents for Rent. CO UJ Q. O LU 152 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ _^ ^-^ ^ _ _ i . Berry Miss Fanny, domestic, 505 Fourth East. Berry Frederick, bartndr, res 262 S Second West. Berry Harry C. carp, res nr cor 9th East and Eleventh South. p ) Berry James, lab city, res cor First West and First South. Berry John C, driver chem eng fire dept, res 244 W 2d North. Berry John T, driver fire dept, res 257 W Second North. O Berry Joseph, teamster, res 654 Seventh East. Berry Julia (vvid James), res 373 Third. East. Berry Miss Maggie, res 654 Seventh East. Berry May (wid James), res 244 W Second North. Berry Miss Minnie, 654 Seventh East. Berry Mattie, res 654 Seventh East. Berry Owen, lab, res 925 W Eighth South, Berryman Alexander, miner, res 8 1 1 Second. X Berryman Benjamin (Luce & Berryman), res 25 Fourth East. Berryman Samuel P, farmer, res 320 Third East. Bertaguoli Angelo, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. Bertaguoli Martin, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. Berthof Fred N, elk James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 246 E 2d South. Bertolini Ignatius, res 236 E Second South. 2J ! Bertsch P L, bartender, res 219 S Fifth West. O 5 g Besl Adam, lab A Fisher Brewing Co, rms Brewery. Besley Louis S, elk Geo M Scott & Co, res 62 E Seventh South. T _ Besley Miss Susan, bds 62 E Seventh South. Bess Miss Eliza, seamstress, bds 131 Rio Grande ave. ^5 Bess Geo, saloon & store, cor s Boulevard & s w drive, res same. ^ Bess Geo T, bartndr, res 1 2th South bet Main & West Temple. Jg Bess Miss Lenora, seamstress, bds 331 Rio Grande ave. JJJ Bess Oliver, teamster, res Bothwell ave. Bess Oliver C, teamster, res 1 3 1 Rio Grande ave. Bess Robt E, teamster, bds 1 3 1 Rio Grande ave. Bess Thos R, res Big Cottonwood. Bessler Casper, bartndr Knutsford, rms same. Best Alfred, capitalist, res 224 E South Temple. Best Miss Carrie O, res 224 E South Temple. Best Edgar O, mail carrier, bds 224 E South Temple. 5 = Best Elliott M S, agt Morse Coe Shoe Co, 49 S Main, rms $\ same. jfl Best J R, emp S L C R R Co. Best Henry O, studt, res 224 E South Temple. ? Best Herbert O, carp, bds 224 E South Temple. * 8BLT m HHEBiamSCeiTtHllllUffiroilie CO., Salt Lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 153 Best Miss Libbie O, res 224 E South Temple. Best Miss Retta O, res 224 E South Temple. Best Walter, elk Z C M I, res joth East, bet 1 3th and uth S. Best Wm, bartndr Clift House bar, res 48 W Third South. Best Wm, driv Mountain Ice and C S Co, res at ice house. Best W H, electrician, rms 305^ E Second South. Besten Wm V, barber 38 W Second South, res 64 S Third East. Beth Eva, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, res 445 N Fifth West. Beth May, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, res 445 N Fifth West. Bethesda Slate Quarry Co, see inc cos, Geo M Cannon Sec and Treas, 307 Dooly blk. Betts Charles S, civ engr U C Ry, rms 42 Second East. Betz Geo L, contractor, w s Fourth E, s of Harrison, res same. Bevan Heber J, teamster, res 751 Fifth East. "" Bevan Mrs Katharine, res w s Fifth East, s of Twelfth South. Xi Beveridge Alexander, teamster, res 125 Seventh East. Si > Beveridge Andrew E, elk Simon Bros, res 125 Seventh East, ji Beveridge Archie, plumber, res 125 Seventh East. rz* - Beveridge James E, miner, res 125 Seventh East. CO ui Beverley Edward, stoker S L C Gas Co, res 40 S Seventh West. ^ 0) Beverley Emma, res 4 S Seventh West. QJ < Beverley Robert, emp U P Coal Yards. J=J Bewick, Moreing fc Hooper, (T J & T B Bewick, C A CD < Moreing & E Hooper), mining engineers, 29 Central block. 3gj _i Bewick T B (B, Moreing & Hooper), res London, Eng. J* Bewick T J (B, Moreing & Hooper), res London, Eng. ^ g Bews Henry, prop Louisville Liquor Co, 213 S Main, see *< page 16, res 22 E Fourth South. g* 15 Beyer Gus C, blacksmith, res 68 E Second South. ^_ Beyer John, lab, res 407 S Second East. CD Beyer J C, blacksmith, res 68 E Second South. * Beyle Ferdinand (Beyle & Co), res 93 1 First. Beyle fc Co, (Ferd B & M L Hogan), real estate, Dooly blk. ^ Beynon Richard, lab, r/es 646 W First South. * Bi-Chloride of Gold Club, L Stenhouse Sec, Gardo House. U Bickel Miss A, forewoman millinery dept Walker Bros & Fyler ^ 3 Co, bds Mrs Ford's, O'Meara blk. Bickel Miss Jennie, elk Walker Bros & F Co, rms 240 S State. Z Beckford Joseph, blacksmith, res Murray. H 0J Bickford Minnie, domestic, 148 Pear. ft jj Bicknell Joel, carp, res 723 Fifth. Biddle Albert, bartndr The Knutsford, res 135 E Second South. CHAS. B. GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornicKBld2, SALT LAKE CITY. P. 0. Box 492. Telephone 631. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Special 1 1 \ CO * V I'- 1 CO 2 tH CD CO CD u. I IVIHTTEMORE. COOKE & CO., IXSl RAXCE Room 310. McCornick Bui'ding. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg Assets. $8,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets. $4.160.403.22 154 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Biddlecome John N, mason, bds 605 E Seventh South. Biddlecome Rebecca N (wid Jos L), res 605 E Seventh South. Biddlecome Miss Ruby A, res 605 E Seventh South. Bidgood Mrs Maria, res 723 E First South. Bidgood John, gardener, bds 723 E First South. Bidwell G R, res 223 W Fifth South. 5 Bidwell Joseph M, teller T R Jones & Co, res 746 E S Temple. - Biele Rudolph M, French hair dresser and manf all kinds hair goods, rms 27 and 28 Scott-Auerbach bldg. Bierlich Geo G, bartender, res 169 W South Temple. Biesinger Thos, grocer, 68 W First South, res Sugar House Ward. Biesinger Thos J Jr, elk, res Forest Dale. Big Hole Placer Mining Co, see inc co's, Wm G Van Home sec, 172 S Main. Biggs, see Beggs. Biguereau Alexis, steward Walker House dining room, res 462 S West Temple. Bikuben Publishing Co, see inc cos, O J Andersen mngr, 1 66 N Main. Bill Bernard I (Bill Bros), res 216 N First West. Bill Bros (Bernard I & Louis H), Temple Pharmacy, 126 W South Temple. Bill John T, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 216 N First West. Bill Louis H (Bill Bros), res Cleveland, Ohio. Billeter Julius, mach U P Ry, res 523 N Fourth West. Billing Frederick W 7 , mining, res 243 E Second South. Billing John E, harnessmkr, res 276 Wall. Billings Chas G, elk Fred W ScarfT, res 52 S Fifth West. Billings Joseph S, novelty repairing, n w cor First West and First South, res same. Billings Julius, mach, res 523 N Fourth West. Billings Lucius A, supt mailing dept P O, res 52 S Fifth West. Bills Wm A, bishop L D S, South Jordan, res Gale. Bimrose Alfred W, col J Edwards, res 724 E Seventh South. Binder Henry, baker, res 235 W Second South. Binder Wm, emp S L C R R, res I2th Sbet 3rd and 4th West. Binder Wm L, sec and treas Tenth Ward L and B Ass, res 445 West Second South. Bingley Eardley R, lab, res 113 E Eighth South. Bingley Wm, lab, res 113 E Eighth South. Binkey Miss A, res 535 W Sixth South. Binnall Harriet (wid Charles), res 446 S First West. SALT LAKE LITHO CO L ^ographing, Printing and Blank Vi UU * Th e Finest n the Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. Rnnk D00i Finest Country. R.H. Officer Ho., jJSSAYEBS.StSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 155 ~"3 Bintz Wm H, agt Nave, McCord Mer Co 212 Progress bldg, res pj 228 W Fifth South. Birch Chas, night porter Walker House, res same. Birch J, emp Germania L^Vks, res Murray. 5EL Birch John S, draughtsman R Kletting, rms 468 S W Temple. Q[" PS Birch Joseph (Birch Rupture Co), rm 507 Constitution bldg, CZ -^ res same. C/J j Birch Rupture Co (Joseph Birch), rm 207 Constitution bldg. /> Bircher Mrs Caroline, domestic 255 First West. Bireliett W J 9 genl agt Northwestern Masonic Aid Associa- 3 tion, 66 Commercial Blk. 1E5L Bircumshaw, see Birkinshaw and Birkenshaw. Bircumshaw Gertrude, res 380 Wall. 3O Bircumshaw Petrea (wid Joseph), res 1006 E First South. D Bircumshaw Miss Rose, dressmaker, res 380 Wall. Bircumshaw Thos, porter, res 380 Wall. ^ Bird Albert lab, bds 136 S Fifth West. Bird Chas, brakeman U P Ry, res 438 W Seventh South. Si Bird Chas, switchman U P Ry, res 606 S Second West. Bird Mrs Elibabeth H, dressmaker, 328 W Third S, res same. Z3" Bird Mrs Emma C, midwife, res 261 I. Bird Ezra, lab, bds 136 S Fifth West. Bird Geo W (Monheim, Bird & Proudfoot), res 625 Ninth East. Bird James, carp, res 220 S Second West. Bird John, shoemkr, res 226 I. Bird Lucy (wid Edmund F), res 328 W Third South. Bird Nellie, domestic, 309 Second. Bird Miss Rose, emp Troy Steam Laundry, bds 974 E 2d South. Bird Thos H, emp Bechtol & Sands, res 231 Second South. Bird Truman E, cond Rapid Transit, res 555 W Seventh South. Bird Wm, foreman P V Coal Co, res 136 S Fifth West. Bird Wm, Jr, teamster P V Coal Co, bds 155 S Fifth West. Bird Wm H (Bird & Lowe), res 248 S Fourth East. Bird Wm T, emp Wolstenholme & Morris, res 136 S 5th West. Bird fc Lowe (Wm H B, James Lowe), land and mining attys, 212 Realty bldg. Birkelt H, lab S L C R R Co. Birkinhead Isaac, whipmkr, 339 J, res same. Birkenhead Jabez, silversmith, res 618 Sixth. Birkinshaw, see Bircumshaw and Berkenshaiv. Birkinshaw Benj, brickmason, res 530 E Fifth South. Birkinshaw Chas, mason, bds 337 E Fifth South. o m z O m O O Thp iTirtinftf'Tnn Anp A Journal of National lilull ilUu Rfa<1 ty Farmers, luvestors. Contractor, JLJ *J Halt l.k<> Office, 2 W. 3d Moment. , Enginwrs, Etc. Si. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO I OHLI LHriL HHnUWWHRL UU., I i Wholesale and ware. Cutlery. Stove**. Ciuiis. A in muni lion, Sporting Goods Kitfii of Bis Oitn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishingr Tackle. 156 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Birkinshaw Miss Florence, emp Troy S L, bds 524 E Fifth S. Birkinshaw Mary A, emp Troy Stm Ldry, bds 524 E Fifth S. Birkinshaw Win. contr and bldr, res 337 E Fifth South. Birkinshaw Willis, motorman S L C Ry, res 524 E Fifth South. Birkner Chas J, policeman, res rear 520 E Fifth South. Birkner Chris J G, cornicemkr, res 249 E Fifth South. Birks Ernest, res 429 W First South. Birks James D, book agt, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. Birks James T, res 429 W First South. Birks W T, brakeman'U P Ry, res 17 S First West. OD Birrell, see Burr ell. '^ Birrell Alex H, auditor elk R G W Ry, bds 520 W First South. Birrell James H, boilermkr, bds 760 W Seventh South. Birrell John, mach U P Ry, res 520 W First South. Birrell John H, mach U P Ry, bds 520 W First South. Birrell Miss Susie, res 520 W First South. Bisaner C F, canv, 5 1 W First South. Bischof Carl W, dentist, 44 W First South, res same. Bishop Alex L, lab T Bishop, bds 434 N Second West. Bishop Miss Allie, res 39 G. - Bishop Miss Bessie, emp Des W Mills, res 559 W North Temple. ~ Bishop Carroll, barber, res 541 W North Temple. ? Bishop Chas, emp Des W Mills, bds rear 47 Back. . 3 Bishop Frederick T, boiler mkr R G W Ry, res 434 N 2d West. ^ Bishop Chas W, well driver, bds 434 N Second West. Bishop Chas H, fireman, res 343 W First North. ~ Bishop Emeline V, domestic, res 434 N Second West. ^ Bishop Francis M 9 ins agt, 1 5 W Second South, res 39 G. 2 Bishop Henry, lab, bds 5 1 Sixth East. Bishop James, steamfitter J S B Co, res 6 1 3 W First North. *S Bishop John, emp G F Culmer & Bros, res 315 N Second West. C/3 Bishop Mattie, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, res 57 Back. 33 Bishop Mrs Rachel, res 645 W First North. Bishop Thos, well driver, res 434 N Second West. j^ Bishop Thos, lab, res rear 47 Back. -^ Bishop's Storehouse, 1 2 N Main, Wm B Preston presiding bishop. g . _ Bissell Horace S, tinner James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res Ninth ! *T"| East, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. * ^ 3 Bissinger Thos, res Shady Grove ave, Forest Dale. F? C/D Bissett Peter, plumber Nishan & Co, rms Y M C A ^cg Hid Bithell Joseph, miner, res 1 165 Third East. H tt Bithell Joseph P, elk, bds 1 165 Third East. CO CT* 00 DJIDI/CD P nCDIfr Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rMnFVLn & UtrUt, UMBER MD IMPORTED m AMERICAS CEMESTS. Cor. 3d. Soxitti ana 3d. West. Tel. 255. Artificial and Natural Ice. 43. . RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 157 Bitner Benjamin, farmer, res Murray. Bitner Breneman B, res 274 E Fourth South. Bitner Sarah (wid B B), res 274 E Fourth South. Bivens Mrs Caroline, res Fifth E s of S Boulevard. Bixby Maynard, mining expert, res 505 Fourth East. Bixenstein Valentine, stone mason, res Rio Grande Hotel. Bjorklund Ephraim, barber, 16 S Main, res 343 E Eighth South. Bjorklund Erick J, lab, bds 153 Fourth East. Bjorklund Ericka, domestic, res 261 Third East. Bjorklund Frieda, res 515 E First South. Bjorklund Miss Ireka M, dressmkr, bds 153 Fourth East. Bjorklund Matilda (wid Erick), res 153 Fourth East. Bjorklund Sam'l, barber and baths, 2i6S Main, res 75 D unbar ave. CD Bjorkman Andrew, shoemkr Solomon Bros, res 426 Sixth East. CD Bjornsoii A 8 9 physician, 159 E Second South, res same. CD jJV Bjornson Julius, lab, res 136 S Fifth West. H J^ Black Albert C. carp cont and bldr, res 649 Fifth East. Q < Black Geo M, elk C B Durst, rms Alexander House. J Q Black John, miner, res 236 N Fifth West. T UJ Black John, bkpr Elias Morris, res 1 16 N Seventh West. CO ^ ft Black John B, waiter The Tunnel, res rear Midgley blk. CD ^1 ^ Black J E, mining, bds White House. p (/) Black Minnie (wid Christian), res alley Seventh* South, bet T" _ ^ Second and Third West. p-> r Q Black Thos, prop Enterprise House, 13^ Commercial, res 16 E E?: 8) -J First South. => H " Black Mrs Thos, lodging house Auer & Murphy blk, res same. p CO Black Thos D, carp, rms 16 E First South. fj !z Black Wm, emp Houlahan, Griffith & Morris. ^-* H ^ Black Wm V, lab, res 348 S Fourth West. 2J ^1 j Black W A, motorman R T, res 150 E Seventh South. CO Blackburn C E, res 435 E Third South. CD Blackburn Ephraim, studt L D S College, res 356 S First West Q_ Blackburn Flora C, tchr Eleventh School, bds F L Arnold, _ Iowa ave. C Blackburn Hyrum, waiter Cullen Hotel, bds same. 3 Blackburn Martin, rms 164 S Main. JJ5" Blackhurst Bros (H M, David and David G), gro, grain and provisions, 52 E Second South, see adv p 10. Blackhurst David (Blackhurst Bros), res Farmers Ward. " Blackhurst David G (Blackhurst Bros), rms Delmonico Hotel. ^ g Blackhurst Hyrum, M (Blackhurst Bros), res Orchard Place. ^ 5 Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. 241 North 3d West. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Capital 84. 000,000. Surplus 82OO.OOO. COP. MAIN 158 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ 8 e - 2 J * * Blackhurst John G, res cor Twelfth South and \V Temple. Blacklidge Alfred, wheelwright, res Harris block. CQ Blackman Chas, driver Enterprise Stables, res same. 1 B Blackman Chas S, eng R G W Ry, res 652 S First West. 5 Blackmarr Byron D (B & Crommett), res 735 E Eighth South. H o Blackmarr Edwin R, res 735 E Eighth South. ^ S Blaekmarr & Crommett (B D B and Edw S C), transfer and express, office 73 W Second South. t * Blackwood Thomas (col'd) barber, res 430 S State. * i Black Mountain M & M Co, see inc cos, John H Rumel, Jr, Sec, | a 1 1 W Second South. % g 1 Blade Elma, domestic 450 E First South. *t 5 Blair Andrew D, tailor, rms Gladstone block. 3 2 Blair Hannah (wid Edward), res 847 Eighth East. ^ HSair Geo E, bus mngr Herald, res 183 Canyon Road. pr-~ Blair ^lining Co, office Herald Bldg, J M Blair, pres ; Geo UJ E Blair, sec and treas. S Blair Wm, solicitor R L Polk & Co, bds Valley House. ^ Blake Alex, lab U P Coal Yards, res 2 N First West. GO Blake Amanda, res 529 W North Temple. ^* Blake Benjamin, pottery 949 E Eighth South, res same. % * UJ Blake Edward F, eng U P Ry, res 215 S Third West. Q Blake Ira A, painter U P Ry, res 10 Hazel. * 9 221 Blake Miss Jessie, lodgings, res 166^ W South Temple. Blake T N, painter U P Ry, res 449 W Second North. ** Blakeley Gould B, loans etc, 221 S Main, rms 324 Dooly blk. ii- ^* Blakely David E, driv H Denhalter & Sons, rms 36 Eardley's Ct. CD Blakely Geo, plasterer, bds 46 S Second East. ^ 2JI Blakemore Alfred, baker, res 741 W Second North. 3 LU Blakemore John, tinsmith, res 175 Fourth. D Blades B, fireman R G W Ry, rms 1 29 S Second West. O 5j Blakney David A, cook, res 59 E Third South. & ^^ Blanchard Lloyd, calciminer, res rear 250 S Third West. .Zj _ Blanchette Miss Georgia, tchr, res 426 Sixth East. ^ Blandin Chas F, ins agt and lawyer, 91 Com blk, res 419 S Main. *-*> Blank Max, emp U P Ry, res 4 East Court. ^ <; Blanton J P, genl mdse, 509 E Third South, bds 523 E 3d South, j >. Blatner Henry, driver A Fisher Brewing Co, res 122 S loth W. CD fjj Blatt Michael, lab, bds 361 S State. P _ Blattmer Rudolph, teamster, e s I3th East n of i ith South. 3 Q Blauer Annie (wid John F), res 204 W Fourth South. Blauer Fred, gardener, res 252 Fifth East. 0Q Real Estate Broker, %!,. I Monetf to Loan. "EIS^S." MOl J33 Blythe Chas M, emp Dr Standart, bds 43 E Second South. ff ^ Blythe D L, res 1401 W Eighth South. f * Blythe's Court, Second South bet State and Second East. Rogers, SearlesS Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. Steel and Cast Refrigerator*. Ware. Fine SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. I Sign of Big <;.... 42 and 44 W. 2l South, j aipg Good '- 160 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. B'nai Israel Cemetery, Fourth bet L and R. Boag Miss Annie H, mach opr Z C M I^bds 94 Back. - Boag Frank, plumber, rms 157 State. **^ Boag Jeannette (wid Aaron), res 94 Back. Boag Miss Kate, mach opr Z C M I, bds 94 Back. LJ Board of Education, rms 2 and 4, 49 S Main, J B Moreton _J Bogedoel Hans J, exprman, res 50 Marion ave. fj f Bogedoel James, exprman, res 46 Marion ave. Boggs James B, real estate, 394 McCornick blk, res 1105 f I E Second South. OTTT W I TTTATT I Blank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWIin DO SflLT LBKE mruiggiM^ LITHO, GO, I 5U W. Secuud South. Tlepb*D 349. I AMERICAN BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO,, Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 161 Bohannan Richard G, carp, res 653 E Third South. Bohe Miss Eliza, domestic, 45 1 Second East. Bohi Mary, domestic, 603 Third East. Bohling Joseph, lab, bds 752 W First South. Bohling Geo E, elk, bds 752 W First South. Bohling Louis (L Bohling & Co), res 752 W First South. Bohling L . & Co (L B & Wm T Wixcey), 752 W First South. Bohling Ludwig, eng S L City Gas Co, res 752 W First South. LJJ Bohling Sarah J, bds 752 W First South. W Bohman John E, cabinetmkr, res 6 Mortensen's Row. Boil John, auctioneer, res 553 N First West. ^3 Boise Asher, waiter, rms 233 Fourth East. Bolander Edward, mail carrier, res 66 S First West. Bolden Joseph, teamster, res 135 N Sixth West. Boll Geo, emp Mason & Co, res 1 306 E Sixth South. *-y Bollander Edw, emp S L C Ry Co. eg 1 Bollinger Win J 9 mngr Pacific Tin Shop, res 136 9th East. - I- Bollwinkle Emma, emp Des W Mills, res 151 Centre. ~ < Bollwinkle Betsy (wid John), res I ith East West Grand View. C/> I Bollwinkle Frederick, teamster, res 151 Centre St. ^ :OL Bollwinkle Miss Jane, elk, bds 151 Centre St. 2J ^ Bolon T J, brakeman U P Ry, bds Nevada House. 10 Bolser Lewis J, res 618 W First South. 5 * Bolser John, res 618 W First South. JO Bolt Robert S, eng, res 654 W Second North. \O Bolto Mrs Agnes, genl mdse, 724 S State, res same. Jen Bolto Fanny, domestic, 558 S Main. ,- Bolto Francis, carpntr, res 724 S State. ;<. Bolto Miss Mary, res 724 S State. ! J Bolton Curtis E, bkpr, bds 38 O. ' Bolton Jackson, real est and notary, 49 Central blk, res 380. Bolton Precilla O, res Mill Creek. * Bolton Wm H, carp U P Ry, res 413 W First North. **j Bolton Wm H, asst foreman car shops U P Ry, 1 1 3 W ist North. " Bonan James, carp, res 518 N First West. Bond Caroline, domestic, 5 E First North. " Bond Geo, tailor, res 224 S Third East. j Bond Jerome, fireman U P Ry, bds 264 N Fourth West. Bond John W, moulder, res 48 S Sixth West. S ^ Bond Joseph, restaurant, 92 W Second South, res same. ft % U* Bond T C, cond S L C Ry, res 723 S State. Bone Clara, domestic, 222 Tenth East. IL CHAS. B. GOURLAY & CO,; 303&305fflcCornicKBldg., .SALT LAKE CITY. I P. 0. B 492. Telephone 31. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Special! j T A R. CO CO ~c- 00 -^-i CO CD WHITTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597,375.41 162 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CD CO CD CD Q.) Bonenberger James H, foreman M Kopp, res 125 S First West Bonestead Joseph L, lab, res Murray. Bonnell Miss Kate, tchr, bds O'Meara blk. Bonner John, mach, res 643 S Ninth East. Bonner Mrs Nellie, prop Tivoli Lodging House, 247 S Main, res same. Bonner Royal L, res 643 S Ninth East. Bon ii er uil zgi .-, I! SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY.^ CD OD 00 CO B.H. Officer Ko,,ASSAYEBS.^S _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ 163 Bordeii i lias F 9 carriage bldr, blacksmith* and horseshoeing, 123 E Fourth South, res Elm Park, 5th S, bet 4th & 5th E. Borden Thomas, plasterer, bds 228 E Seventh South. Borg Jacob, teamster, res cor Tenth West and Tenth South. Borg Louis P, milk dealer, State, s of Roper. Borggren J A, line repr, R G W Ry. Borglin Miss Mary, res 727 E Seventh South. Borgquist Alvin, studt U of U, bds 236 W Third North. f " ( Borgquist Rasmus A, stonecutter, res 848 E Third South. O Borkman Annie (wid), res [69 W South Temple. "3 Borkman 'Arthur, res 169 W South Temple. Borkman Miss Josie, res 169 W South Temple. 3 Borlace, Thos U, eng, les 7 Jenson's Court. C j r C Borlowe Miss Gelda, domestic, 416 E First South. E < Borse A J, emp Utah Nursery, res e s Ninth East, s of Twelfth S. Bosch Jacob, asst foreman Herald, res 343 Sixth East. cJ Boscha John C, car acct R G W Ry, res 290 W Fourth South. *~^D Boshard Jacob, emp H Denhalter & Sons, bds 32 W Fourth S. j Boshard John, shoemaker, res 32 W Fourth South. 03 Bostable J W, res cor Sixth South and First West. Bostaph Florence, opr W U Tel Co, bds 26 E North Temple. J5> Boston Clothing Co, (Lipman, Nadel & Son), clothing, etc, 73 ^ S Main. Boston Restaurant The, M W Scanlan prop, 59 E Third South. O Boston-Tintic M Co, see inc cos, E Golding Sec, 172 S Main 3 Bostwick Jennie (wid Geo W), res 47 S First West. ;d Bothun, Peter F, school tchr, res 673 E Third South. ^=3 Bothwell David E, elk E A Wolfe, res rear Sixth Dist School. 2 Bothwell Edw, elk E A Wolfe & Co. O Bothwell Glenn R (B & McConaughy), res 37 W Seventh South. j ~ Bothwell Lucien, elk W S Henderson, res 235 W Fifth South. 2 c Bothwell & JUcCoiiaiigliy (Glenn R B and Robt E McC), jj F"| lumber dealers, 232 S First West, see page I. M^ Botmer Herman, janitor, res Eighth West, s of Tenth South. n CD Bothwell Mrs Jennie, boarding house, 235 W Fifth South. outh. McC), h. n u Botsford Eugene N, dispatcher U P Ry, res 6 Whitney Terrace. f Botterson O, res 418 Sixth East. ?2 Botti Mike, stonemason, res 255 W First South. j *? Bottleson Olof, res 418 Sixth East. ' g Bottley Geo J, barber, res cor Quince and Apricot. Bottomfield A (wid John), res 335 W North Temple. T Bouaman Miss Lottie, lodgings, 70 E Second South, res same. irrigation Age Printing House, Mroa(laiidC()mercialprinters - Estimates Furnished 011 all kinds of Work. 26 W. Third South. SALT LAKE HARD WAR ECO' Sis n of IJisr Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) Fine Bnilders and Ilousf-mr- nisliiii- Hardware. NtovN and Kana-fs. Refrigerator*! .Si if n of IJi jr Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d Sou t li . ) and Gaol ine Stoves. . 164 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. O . * Bouchemp Margaret (wid), res 461 S First West. m Bouck Elizabeth (wid John A), res 144 N Fifth West. W Bouck Heber, teamster S N Lumber Co, res 153 N Fifth West. ^~ Bouck Hyrum, eng S N Lumber Co, res 153 N Fifth West. 1 g Bouck Wm C, truckman U P Ry, res 266 N Sixth West. CB i Boud John W, moulder Davis, H & Co, res 48 S Sixth West. E Bouen David, farmer, res Mill Creek. Bouford Henry (H Bouford & Co), res Hazel Court. g Bouford H & Co (Henry B, Henry J Hickok and L C Jar- -^ vis), real estate, loans and mining, room 30, 65 W Second ' CiQ South, see page 12. c Bouford Miss Jennie, cashr Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res Hazel -*3 Court. EZ Boughton Chas, carp, res Delmonico Hotel. Boukofsky Edward, liq drummer, res 565 E Fourth South. Boukofsky Louis E (D L Fulop & Co), bds 565 E 4th S. S^ Boullard Mrs Leona, cashier Wonderland, bds Valley House. +5 Boundy Miss Rose, res 231 W Second South. "c: Bountiful Water Co, see inc cos, O P Pratt sec, 802 Constitu- 3 tion bldg. _ Bourgard Ludoviso, bartndr, res 66 1 S Main. " Bourgeail Wm, res Euclid ave, bet Eighth and Ninth W T est. Bourke, see Burk and Burke. r " CD 00 CD CO S Bourke Edmund, mngr printing dept Smythe, Britton & Poore ^ Co, res 86 Third. Bourne Geo A, studt U of U, bds 413 Fourth East. "T Bourne Geo E, mngr groc dept Z C M I, res 144 W 3rd South. ( ^ Bourne Geo T, elk Z C M I, res 167 K. C ) Bourne James, tent mkr, res 564 E South Temple. ^ Bourne Oscar J, res 241 E Fourth South. Bouvang Miss Tessie, domestic 454 S Main. Bovier Edward, res 430 W Second South. ^_^ Bowden Warren, teamster Mason & Co, bds 141 N Fourth West. J> Bowdle Chas W, photographer, res 427 E Eighth South. ,<3^ Bowdle John R, lawyer and notary, 1 3 Coml bldg, res 45 W 7th S. ( ] Bowen Baker, soliciter The Burton Gardner Co. |?|g _s Bowen Geo N. res 177 L. J^B JlC Bowen James C, grocer, 737 Sixth East, res same. Jgg C_J Bowen Mrs Jane, res 177 S Seventh West. J > /} Bowen John, traveling solicitor Deseret News. jj2 ^^ Bowen Walter, miner, res 653 Sixth. | \^ Bower, see Bauer. s^oa fa IWmn ^niber of all kinds, Doors, Windows acdMldi&^s, U/ IJCjJUlj Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. MOUNTAIN ICE CO TELEPHONE 43. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 165 Bower Albert S 9 physician, 1-2 Central Blk, res 128 N West Temple. . Bowerbank Joseph H, lab, res 445 W Fourth South. Bowers Miss Carrie A, res 222 W Valeria ave. Bowers Miss Clara J, res 222 W Valeria ave. Bowers Daniel H, carp, res 222 W Valeria ave. Bowers Geo W T , elk R G W Ry, bds 2 1 5 W Goltz. Bowers John S, contractor, res 456 S First West. Bowers Miss Lizzie E, dressmkr, bds 215 W Goltz. Bowers Mary A (wid W H), res 215 Goltz. Bowers Shadrach, carp R G W Ry, res 367 S Eighth West. Bowler Isaac, lab, res 343 E Eighth South. Bowles, Geo, cabinetmkr Co-op Fur Co, bds 449 E Sixth South. Bowman Miss Ada, elk, bds 138 N Third West Bowman Alonzo A, real estate agt, rms 105^ E Second South. Bowman Miss Amy, elk R Bowman, bds 55 Pear. ryJV Bowman Andrew G, frt elk U P Ry, res 158 N Third West. ^ |] Bowman Arnold, lab, res 158 N Third West. 0- Bowman Miss Dora, elk R G Dun & Co, bds 55 Pear. >2 Bowman Miss Elizabeth, elk Robt Bowman, bds 55 Pear. t j ^ gj Bowman Mrs Elizabeth, res 158 N Third West. 3 ^4 < Bowman George, appr S L Litho Co. res 743 E First South. Q^ ^ Bowman Jacob, weaver, res 532 N Third West. >_^ (H < Bowman Miss Jean, mach opr Z C M I, bds 743 E First South. ^ 3 Bowman John, emp Des W Mills, res 404 N Second West. v j ^0 Bowman John H 9 contr City & Co Bldg, res 232 W Fifth p^ W jio South, see page 38. ^| Bowman John M (Bowman & Zipt), res 529 S West Temple. < Bowman Joseph, chief cook Morgan Hotel, res same. Morrison, Merrill & Go. Prices and Estimates on all kiuusof Lumber. Prompt delivery and -hipments. 241 North 3d West- 7) O Z N m H I m o m r m OJ m o Bowman Joseph, lab, res 604 W North Temple. Bowman Miss Maggie, res 158 N Third West. Bowman Matilda (wid Robt), res 432 W Second South. Bowman Margaret (wid Wm), res 743 E First South. Bowman Oliver S, printer, res 336 S Seventh East. Bowman Robt, foreman Watson Bros, res 76 Quince. Bowman Robt, genl mdse 5 5 Pear, res same. ** Bowman Miss Tillie, trimmer Mme Lamb, res 48 E First North. Bowman Wm, eng, res Grant bet 4th and 5th North. Bowman Wm, painter, bds 331 W Fifth South. Bowman Wm, stonecutter Watson Bros. Bowman W L, cook Morgan Hotel, res 205 W Second South. Bowring Miss Annie, bkpr Jas McDonald, bds 62 N First West. Lombard Investment Co. | ^ Bran John, porter Star Saloon, res 146 S State. Branborg John, miner, res 969 W Fifth South. Brand Walter, prop German Cafe, 216 S Main, rms Morlan blk. ~* Brandeen N, emp Pioneer Nurseries, res same. Brandes John W, collector, rms 352 S State. Branding Clara (wid Eric F), res 61 Apple. Brandley Carl G, eng S L P L & H Co, res 1009 W First South. Brandley Chas, bottler Fisher Brewery, res 846 W South Temple, gj^ Brandley Henry J, lab, res 954 W North Temple. Brandon Joseph S, elk Sidney W Darke, res Centreville. ft,|TI Brandon Ray F, studt U of U, res Centreville. jQ Brandony Fred, barber, res 214 S First West. Brandt Miss Hilda, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Brannon, see Brennen. Brannon Albert J, cook, rms 436 S West Temple. Branting Miss Emeline, elk, bds 675 Fourth East. Roprs.SearlesiGo GENERAL INSURANCE. " ROOM 20. ENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. pi Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j a mmniiliion, fine ul- lery. Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods. Gnus d Ten t* for Rent. 168 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Branting Franklin (J & F Branting), bds 675 Fourth East. (} Branting Josephine (wid Eric F (J & F Branting), res 67 5 4th E. - Branting J & F (Josephine & Franklin), gen'l store, 675 4th East. Brantzeg Peter O, shoemkr Spencer & Lynch, res 353 nth East. . . Brashos Elizabeth, res 435 Tenth East. Brastow Geo B, asst cashier Wells, Fargo & Co's Bank, res 3 5 Fifth East. Braucher Geo N, barber 235 S Fifth W 7 est, res 922 W ist South. Brauer G E, mach, res 513 S State. Braun, see Brown. OBraun C W, res 30 S First West. go Braunschid Chas, butcher, rms 730 Fourth East. r~. I Bray C Frank, waiter Saddle Rock Rest, res 40 Church. Bray Kate (wid W S), cook, 1 18 E Second South. ^ Brazier Miss Birdie, dressmkr, res I 53 W Seventh South. Brazier Caroline (wid Wm), res 123 W Seventh South. Brazier Chas, teamster, res, 1 17 W Seventh South. O Brazier Mrs Elizabeth, sewer F Auerbach & Bro, res 153 W 7th South. Brazier Frank W, elk Goldsmith & Co, bds 153 W Seventh S, Brazier Geo, baker, res 153 W Seventh South. Si Brazier Geo J, elk Z. C. M. I, bds 153 W Seventh South. e . Brazier Jeter J, bds 153 W Seventh South. jj* t M Brazier Libbie, emp Troy Steam Laundry. TTJ * Brazier Miss Prissie, res 153 W Seventh South. Brazier Wm Baker Am Bus & Mnfg Co, res 145 W Seventh I? South. =5' C-J Breard Theo, gardener, res 506 Tenth East. 5J * * Breckenridge Squire B (col'd), cook, rms Lincoln House. ^ Breckon John T, civil eng 1 20 Com blk, res Ninth East, bet Tenth & Eleventh South. S Breed John, mach U P Ry, bds U P Hotel. CJ Breeze Miss Elizabeth, res 337 N Sixth West. CD Breeze John M (Breeze & Burris), res 747 E Ninth South. 55 Breeze Sam'l, barber 1135 Main, res 306 S Third West. I Breeze Wm H, lab, res 742 W South Temple. JJf Breeze fc Burris. (John M Breeze & Columbus W Burris), jjjse lawyers, 99-100 Commercial Blk. |g i 3 Breinhalt Miss Carrie, res 42 Grape. g. Breinhalt Miss Sadie, res 42 Grape. g^ Breining Fred, emp City Water W, res 69 E North Temple. ?2 Breiting Otto, porter Resort saloon, res 875 W Seventh South. *S 52 W.Sd South. Telephone 249. GO l UU| AMERICAN BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO., Salt lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 169 Brelsford Harry, mngr Natural Gas Co, res Templeton hotel. O Brennan, see Brannon. CO Brennan Geo, blksmith, res 665 E Eighth South. Brennen Wm J, tinner S L Hardware Co, rms 143 W South J"J Temple. Breton Aime, min eng, res 920 E Fourth South. ^2 Breuning Fred, rms 5 i 5 S Second West. ffl Breunsbach Robt, carp, res 462 S First West. jp Brewer C W, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. ~. Brewer Robt, capitalist, res 530 S First West. Brewster Agnes, domestic 678 First. jj Brewster Albert, turner Phoenix Planing Mill, res 830 Sixth. Q3 Brewster Alfred, emp James-Spencer-Bateman Co, bds 976 First. Brewster Arthur, plumber, bds 976 First. Brewster Benj, emp Wagener's Brewery, res 976 First. 53" ** Brewster Miss Clara, mach opr Z C M I, bds 830 Sixth. 5f QJ > Brewster Edward H, tinner, res 269 N. " y-x -i Brewster Edwin, janitor Deseret Natl Bank, res 830 Sixth. 13 U^ Brewster Frederick R, gunsmith, res 146 W Second North. ^}{j| Brewster Geo N, lab, res 976 First. H Brewster Heber C, emp Phoenix Planing Mill, res 830 Sixth. ^ < Brewster Ruth (wid George), res 976 First. 7j Q Breyer Wm B, actor, res 3 1 1 E Fifth South. <* g Brice, see Bryce. -i Brice Mrs Allie C, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 437 Galena. O, Brice Elias, contractor, res 1253 E First South. H iS Brice Geo, elk Godbe- Pitts Drug Co, res 807 Park ave. p^ 5 Bridge Miss Amanda, bds 666 W North Temple. O f^ 5 Bridge James K, plasterer, bds 666 W North Temple. | 5^ Bridge Joseph, plasterer,. res 666 W North Temple. Bridge Joseph B, plasterer, bds 666 W Nortn Temple. 3 Bridge Miss Mary A, elk S L Eguitable Co-op, res 164 N 6th W. ^1 Bridge Robert (Kirk & B), res 164 N Sixth West. N Bridge Robert Jr, bds 164 N Sixth West. j^g Bridgeford Frank C (Bridgeford & Hedges), res 428 E Second S. g _ Bridgeford Henry, Albany Hotel Rest, cor Fifth West ^ > and Second South, res same. * 2 Bridgeford & Hedges (F C B and Geo E -H), S L Em- g ployment Co, 6oj4 W Second South, see page 105. -\ Bridges Mrs Elizabeth M, res 150 E Third South. 2-J Bridges John, farmer, res bet I ith and 1 2th S, e of 1 4th East. Bridges Ossian R, teamster, res 150 E Third South. v (0 J -I u u 303&305McCornicKBl(lg., SALT LAKE CITY. * SKIRTMJLKIK.R.S. * | P. O.Bex 492. Telephone 631. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO, Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Specialty WIIITTEMORE, COORE & CO., Room 310, McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg Assets. $2.4 t iO,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of \hil- mo, Sweden Assets. $4.160.403.22 - 170 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Ei o do 1? m w '2 ceo: H OZ 73 U a- 30C CO do 00 CO 03 O f + South. Sj> 5 CD oo CO Bridges Robert, coppersmith U P Ry, res 164 N Sixth West. Bridgman Willis O, bkpr Wolstenholme & Morris, res rear 235 W Fourth South. Bridwell Geo M, eng McCornick Blk, res 414 W Fifth Brieger Miss Laura, res 135 E First South. Brieger Phillip L (McDowail Co), res 135 E First South. Brien Ellen (wid James), res 1009 E South Temple. -^J Briggs Ada, res 417 W Fourth South. Briggs Albert T, carpet layer Earl's F & C Co, res 136 S 2d W 7 . *P1 Briggs Benjamin F, bds 9th East, 6 South of Roper. *50 Briggs James, farmer, res 9th East, 6 South of Roper. Briggs James L, farmer, bds 9th East, 6 South of Roper. Briggs John, blacksmith, rms cor Ninth East and Eleventh South Briggs L C, res 417 W 7 Fourth South. Brigham Nat M (Brigham & Mclntosh), rm 12, 76 W 2d South. Brigham Perry, bkpr Brigham & Mclntosh, rm 12, 76 W 2d So. Brigham & Mackintosh (Nat M B & Thos J Mel), proprs Utah Oil Tank Line, rooms 12, 76 West Second South. Bright Mary, domestic 417 W Fifth South. Brighton, y 2 mile s w city limits. Brighton Daniel, stage driver, res 849 E First South. Brighton Daniel H, emp S L C Ry, res 845 E First South. Brighton Gem Saloon, Jas F Kresser propr, Brighton. Brighton Hotel, J F Kendall propr, Brighton. Brighton Park, R G Price, propr, Brighton. Brighton Postoffice, C L Jones postmaster. Brighton Public School, senior, cor Poplar. Brighton Robt A, res 857 E First South. Brighton Theatre Co, Edwin W Senior prest, Brighton. Brighton Thomas, motorman S L C Rj, res 841 E First South. Brighton Mrs Thos, res 841 E First South. Brighton Ward Meeting House, L D S, F W Schoenfeld bish, Buena Vista Station. Brighton Ward School, Buena Vista Station. Brighton W r m S, res 849 E First South. Brim Alfred A, miner, res 511 Third East. Brim Christine (wid), res 51 1 S Third East Brim Ira A, mining, res 848 E Seventh South. Brim James F, mining, res 848 E Seventh South. IS* Brimley Ernest, eng E Morris, bds 43 i W Eighth South. Brimley John, fireman Mountain Ice Co, res 437 W 8th South, w Brimley Rachel, elk Fifth Ward Family Store, bds 344 W 8th S. eg ic/> SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. BHttn^SSSS ' 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. COOK maKm 9 Country. CD cna Oft 333 01=3 moo H.H. Officers Go,, ASSAYERS. 169 S. West Temple Salt Lake City GO RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 171 r" _ __ CD Brimley Richard, prop Fifth Ward Store, res 344 W 8th South. ^ Brimley Thos, pressman Deseret News, res 348 W Eighth South. JE) Brimley Wm, lab E Morris, bds 437 W Eighth South. Brinck Wm C, salesman Taylor Bros, res 5 I W Third South. Bringhurst Miss Nellie, res 153 E Seventh South. Brink Chas H Jr, mngr Joslin & Park, res 123 N. Brink Geo, agt, res 652 S Main. Brink Miss Grace, res 642 S Main. Brink Harry S, electrician, res 123 N. Brinker Joseph, asst genl frtagt R G W Ry, res 748 E S Temple. Brinsmaid Susan A (wid Chauncey), bds 962 E Second South. Brinton Caleb D, res 20 E Sixth South. Brinton Chas P, res 652 S Second East. Brinton David B, bishop L D S Cottonwood, res Brinton. Brinton Hyrum, lab, res 663 S Fifth West. Brinton Miss Minnie, dressmkr, res 663 S Fifth West. Brinton Robert, lab, res 663 S Fifth West Brinton Sylvanus G, painter, res 855 Bowring Court. Briscoe Gameliel, lab, res 24 Euclid ave. a Briscoe W H, fireman R G W Ry, res 664 S Fourth West. Bisacher Herman, real estate, res 407 E Third South. Brisacher Solomon, prop St. Elmo Rest 273 S Main, res mf J same. ~~J O Brison Miss Mollie, domestic 830 E Fourth South. Bristow James B, wireman Inter M Elec Co, rms Roberts House. Bristow John, electrician, bds Valley House. Britman Geo, emp Co Poor Farm, res same. ^ Britton Benj B, lather, res 641 E Third South. Britton Elizabeth B (wid Richard), bds 272 S Fourth West. Britton Frederick H, res 372 S Fourth West. 3 Britton Joseph M, bds 372 S Fourth West. _ Britton Louis R, treas & genl mngr Smythe, Britton & Poore Co, Q bds Hotel Templeton. p^" Britton Thomas L, plasterer Temple blk, res s e cor Liberty (Q Park. Britton Wm, cook, res 817 W South Temple. O Brixen Andrew C, broker, res 167 W First South. I , Brixen Court, n from Seventh South, bet Ninth and Tenth East. Q |jj Brixen Miss Mary, res 167 W First South. HZ Brixen Peter C, real est, res 627 Fifth East. S Broacher John J, barber H Christy, rms Palace Lodging House. - Broadbent Miss Annie S, emp J C Cutler & Bro, bds 1 5 P. The Irrigation Age Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World. Offices, Salt Lake. I>enver, San Francisco* 26 W. 3d South St. 76 Railroad Bldg. 8*1 Market St. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO ISSttSss?. SSSLSS: ^^ ^^ ^ "^* 1 kv I ^^ I I HV W J^l I I mm \J ^^'9 f \ Hi 111 H H i 1 1 H !H|M>I*till**" GOOftS Sign of Big: Onn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j and Fishing Tarklo. 0j 172 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. J< Broadbent Jas W, elk Dinwoodey Fur Co, res 563 S Second W. 5 Broadbent John, watchmkr, 178 W South Temple, res .^ same. (See adv.) Ur Broadbent Miss Katie M, res 1 5 P. u. Broadbent Levi, gardener, res 322 W Fifth North. o Broadbent Susie (wid Geo), res 1 5 P. z ** Broadhurst Samuel, farmer, res East Mill Creek. Broadwaters Mary, domestic 264 Sixth East. j^J Broberg David N, mngr Oyster Bay Rest, res 540 Chester av. 2 q Broberg Isaac E, barber 16 1 S Main, res Folsom Add. < o Broberg Johanna (wid Isaac), res rear 260 W Sixth South. O Broberg Miss Josephine, dressmkr, bds rear 260 W Sixth South. 5*0 Brockbank B E, elk Browning Bros, res 237 F. o C Brockbank Daniel E, bkkpr Browning Bros, res 237 F. ^ Brockbank Isaac, rancher, res rear 60 E Fourth South. O Brockbank L T, assayer Union Assay office, res rear 60 E Fourth South. O Brockbank Sam'l, steamfitter James-Spencer-Bateman Co. J5 Brockbank Sam'l stone cutter Watson Bros, res 666 S Fourth W. ffl Brocklehurst John, lab, res Sugar House Ward. ' Brodie Abe, cigarmkr, res 230 Poplar ave. ^ Brodie Miss Gussie, res 230 Poplar ave. 2 5 Brodie Rev Jacob, res 230 Poplar ave. ^ Brodie Louis, cigarmkr Sam Levy, res 230 Poplar ave. a Brodie Max N, elk, res 230 W Fifth South. * Brodien Miss Laura, res I76E Third South. .. Brodt Mrs W H, res 60 E Sixth South. f ) Broecher John J, barber, rms Palace Lodging House. CD Brokmeyer Fred W, second-hand store 330 State, res same. ^ Bromander Nephena (wid Francis), res 182 Centre. Bromley Owen B, boarding, 254 W South Temple, res same. CO Bronett Martha R, res 948 Eighth East. Dd Brook Edward, genl mdse, cor Tenth West and Tenth North, ^a res same. ^ Brook Edward, store & rest, cor Goodwin & Mitchell, N S, res , Q same. ro _ Brook Elizabeth H (wid Thomas), res6i8 Fourth. ** Brookings Wm (col'd), porter Oxford Saloon, res 430 S State. CD Brooks Andrew, lab, rms 362 S State. CO Brooks Arcade, furnished rooms, Maria Schuler propr, n w gj cor State & Third South. ~ Brooks Chas, lab, res 518 Sixth East. PARIfER 9 nCDHC Wholesale and Retail l>ealers in rMnrVLn & ULrUt, LUMBER m IMPORTED AND AMERICAS CEMESTS. Cor. 3d. Houtli and 3d West. Tel. 355. CO 03 to MOUNTAIN ICE GO RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 173 03 _ Brooks Chas, miner, res 428 E Third South. ^ ^ Brooks Chas, eng Mason & Co, res Grant, bet 4th & 5th North. Brooks Chas P (Browne & B), res 204 N State. Brooks Edwin J, elk, res 318 Fourth. * Brooks Elizabeth (wid Thomas), res 318 Fourth. Brooks Emma, domestic 373 S Main. Brooks Fannie (wid), res 52 E Third South. Brooks Finley G, grocer 56 S Main, res 574 E First South. Brooks Fred, elk Geo F Brooks, bds 575 E First South. Brooks Geo F, grocer 573 E First S, res 575 E First South. 0) Brooks Miss Hannah C ; res 575 E First South. Brooks Harrison, res 27 H. Brooks John, foreman Troy S L, res 724 E Sixth South. Brooks John, blacksmith U P Ry, res 259 N First West. Brooks Miss May, res 318 Fourth. J">I Brooks Milton, emp Hotel Knutsford, rms same. fi H Brooks Orson T, painter Neder & Cleland, bds 318 Fourth. Q < Brooks Philip B, carp U P Ry, res 56 Sixth East. j Q Brooks Philip H, painter, bds 643 E Second South. j UJ Brooks Van H (Brooks & Weir), res 244 S West Temple. 1 Sj Brooks Wm, watchman Mason & Co, res 326 N Fifth West. ^1 ^ Brooks Wm H, emp Empire Laundry, res 804 W Third North. ^ (/) Brooks Wm T, elk Cohn Bros, res 56 Sixth East. CD * Brooks & Weir, (Van H B & John Weir Jr), real estate and O3 p ^ loans, 38 W Second South. J) _i Brooksbank Elizabeth (wid Geo), res 634 S West Temple. QQ BO Brooksbank Samuel, lab, res 666 S Fourth West. Cf) Brooksbank Samuel Jr, lab, res 666 S Fourth West. fl| y Broomhead Diana A (wid Wm), res 109 N Second West. = j Q Broomhead Miss May, bds 109 N Second West. ^j j Broomhead Minnie, bds 109 N Second West. _ Broomhead Wm, carp, bds 109 N Second West. Brough Ernest A, electrician, bds 433 W Second North. CL CO Brough Harry H, engr S L fire dept, res 433 W Second North. -r| Brough John, tailor Buckle & Son, res 285 Sixth. ^ Brough Theo, sec Utah & Wyo R R Co, res Parkview add. =3. Ill Brouillard Miss Leonie, tkt elk Wonderland, bds Valley House. CO Brown, see Braun. * ^ Brown Agnes (wid Chas). res 869 E Ninth South. ^J Brown Albert, agent Saml C Davies & Co, wholesale dry ~ goods, 49 S Main. See adv. Brown Albert, miner, res 644 Third East Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Healers. At the front in Stock Fa- cillties and Enterprise JXortli V. P. Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. ^ 174 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. [H J ' ~ ! g Brown Albert J, carp, rms 546 N Third West. = - Brown Albert L, miner, res 342 S West Temple. CQ S * Brown Alex, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res jo N Fifth West. J Brown Alfred, marblecutter, res 483 Seventh. S Brown Alfred, boiler mkr Haynes & Son, res 336 W Sixth N. H * Brown Alma J, teamster T R & A Co, res 730 W First North. ^ -g Brown Andrew, stonecutter, res 6$ N First West. | si Brown Anna N (wid John), res 657 Eighth East. t | Brown Annie (wid Robert), res 73 Oak. ^ Brown Miss Annie L, bds 35 N First West. g Brown Miss Antoinetta, tchr Seventh District School. q? Brown Arthur, emp Walker Bros & F Co, res 35 West Third S. | Brown Arthur (B & Henderson), res 201 E South Temple. 5 V Brown Arthur J, porter S Levy, res 333 S State. Brown Arthur W, collector The Burton Gardner Co. OCf Brown Aurelius, res 281 Fourth. U-l Brown Miss Barbara, bds 73 Oak. Brown Benj B, elk Clark, Eldredge & Co, res rear 349 W 1st S. ? 5 ^ Brown Benj P, farmer, res 146 S Fourth West. 00 Brown B S, emp R G W Ry, res 364 S Seventh West. * ? SS Brown Campbell M, constable, res 149 S State. % 3 UJ Brown Campbell M Jr, elk, bds 149 S State. O Brown Catharine (wid Samuel), res 924 W First North. * S j5 Brown Catharine B (wid Benj), res rear 349 W First South. Brown Charles, elk Z C M I, bds 45 I W Third North. ^ 2 Brown Chas A, wheelwright, res 969 E South Temple. ~+ 2aS Brown Charles A, mining, res 342 S West Temple. CD *5 Brown C C, housekeeper, 135 E Second South. & r Brown Chas W, carp, res w s Third East 3 s of Roper. ___ Brown Chas W, elk, res Third e s Roper, Farmers Ward. ^J ^ Brown Chas W, res 558 N Second West. * ^^ Brown Clarence D, elk Lipman, Nadel & Co, bds 27 Fourth. + <^ Brown Dallas F, bds 149 S State. ^ Brown D J, reporter Deseret News, res 145 N West Temple. > Brown Daniel K (Pierce & B), res Nephi. W Brown Mrs Delia M, cigar mkr, 245 S Main, res 65 W 3d South. P . Brown Daniel S, fish culture, res 255 W First South. 13 C3 Brown David R, condr S L C Ry, res 56 N. -j" Brown Edward, teamster, res w of State, Murray. rrn co Real Estate Broker, tT^t 1 ^' I Moneil to Loan. Dividend - p ^ ing Salt Lake City. I ITiUlJOy UU UUUlb Stocks for Sale. loans a Specialty. H. p. 6. COATES. | E. I. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. H.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYEBS.SSS - RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 175 ^ ^ Brown Edwin O, agt Lievre, Fricke & Co, 714 McCornick CD blk, res w s of Fifth East 3 s of Roper. CO Brown Mrs Eliza L, res 3 1 N First West. r Hj Brown Elizabeth (wid Francis), res bet 8th and 9th E n of I2th S. .^ ^ Brown Miss Elizabeth, comp Ackerman Print Co, res 35 W 3d S. * CD Brown Mrs Elizabeth M, res 35 N Third West. p^j <^ Brown Miss Emma, res 728 W First North. r->. ^ Brown Mrs E, elk 18 S Main, res 728 W First North. ^; Brown Ernest, painter, res 45 I W Third North. C, ^_ Brown Ernest E, mailing elk Deseret News, bds 349 W 1st South. ^ rn Brown E Ben, bkpr Consolidated Imp Co, res 65 E 7th South. Q^ r Brown Miss Eva, emp J C Cutler & Bro, res 78 Pearl. Brown F, teamster city street department. ^ Brown Francis M, carp, res 644 S Third West. Brown Frank E, asst sec Y M C A, res 325 Seventh. Brown Frank C, elk R K Thomas, bds 349 W First South. Brown Fred M, studt, bds 342 S West Temple. e/5 Brown Freeman (B & Carter), res 656 E Eighth South. CD^ Brown F N, plumber, res 63 S State. ^1 Brown George, teamster, bds 78 Peach. tft Brown George, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. Jfl Brown George, emp Alta Club. -y Brown George F, genl frt & pass agt G S L & H S Ry, bds U H- P Hotel O Brown George H, lunch stand 30 W 3d S, res 635 S Main, ^Q Brown George H, eng U P Ry, res 166 S Third West. Brown George H, plumber, res 570 Third East. Brown George J, real estate, res 173 W Second South. Brown Miss Gertrude, dressmkr, res 349 W First South. Brown G M, second lieut i6th inft (Co A), res Fort Douglas. ^V Brown G T, elk G S L & H S Ry, bds U P Hotel. Brown Harry, driver Rich Bros, res same. f* Brown Harry A, waiter Creameri, res 205 W Second South. < jfc Brown Henry, driver Palace Liv Stable, rms 24 j W Third S. ^ Brown Henry W, supt Mercur G M & M Co, res 312 Sixth. ^ H Brown Martin J, lumber agt, res 148 W First North. H f-H Brown Mary Ann (wid Abraham), res 258 N Sixth West. ~ h-J Brown Miss Mary J, res 835 W First North. ?g <^3 Brown Mathew, mach, res 154 Seventh East. & CO - - - - _ 5" OTTT W I 7TT/17 I Blank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWItO DO oBLT LSKE *^^^ LITHO, GO, I 5'^ W. Scuud Soutti. TelephD 249. I HimCAHISCUIT&MimUFJlCTUIilNG CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 177 Brown Miss Nellie, elk Rudolph Alff, bds 363 W North Temple- Brown Orin C, sheep raiser, res 27 E Sixth South. Brown Otis L, mngr Frank Foote Coal Co, res 162 Mitchell ave. Brown Miss Pauline, res 31 N First West. Tfl Brown Peter, res 202 E Fifth South. Brown Peter C, sheep raiser, res 235 Twelfth East. Brown Robt, hostler Grant Bros L & T Co, rms 44 S W Temple, frt Brown Robt Jr, bds 73 Oak. Brown Robt C, eng city water works, res 22 Jeremy. Brown Mrs Rosa (col'd), cook, res 430 S State. Brown Miss Sadie, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, bds 78 Peach. Brown Samuel F, motorman S L C Ry, res 667 S Fourth East. Brown Samuel J, contractor, res 546 N Third West. Brown Samuel W R, mngr Romney Bros & Co, res 89 D. Brown Sarah L (wid Robt), res 167 E Sixth South. 2J &2 Brown Sherman D, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 422 E Fifth S. Jg H>; Brown Sophia (wid Sherman W), res 627 S Main. S ^j KrotviE. Terry fr Woodruff" Co, see inc cos, gents' furnish- ^ ings, hats and caps, and props Troy Steam Laundry, 142 S CO |2[jj Main, see margin lines. *gk Brown Thos J, nursery, 744 W Second South, res same. ^^ Brown Thurman R, asst elk registry dept P O, res 235 I2th E. c ^ Brown Walter C,cond U P Ry, res 835 W First North. 2^2* Brown Walter C Jr, coppersmith, res 835 W First North. S go Brown Walter K, lab, res 460 W Fifth South. O Brown Westley D, elk Pac Ex Co, bds 27 E Sixth South. CD fssto Brown Willey B, lawyer, res 636 S Eighth East. -1 Brown Wm, cigar mkr, bds 316 Fourth East. O &i< Brown Wm, gardener, bds 728 W First North. p Brown Wm, marble wks 35 W Third South, res same. Brown Wm A, hackman, res 860 W Third North. Brown Wm D, bkpr, res 281 Fourth. I_ Brown Wm E, painter P W Madsen, res 45 I W Third North. |O Brown Wm G, blacksmith, res 78 Peach. Brown Wm H, marblecutter Wm Brown, bds 35 W Third South. Brown W H (col'd), waiter Hotel Knutsford. Brown Wm M, baggageman U P Ry, res 363 W North Temple. ^ _ Brown Wm M, elk Z C M I, res 45 I W Third North. Brown Wm R, blacksmith 246 N Second West, res 78 Peach. fl ^ Brown Wm S, painter, res 73 Ninth East. Ql 111 Brown Wm S, lab, res rear 759 S Eighth West. H Brown Wm W, elk Board of Health, res 627 S Main. CHAS. B. GOURLAY & CO 1 303&305ttcCornicKBldg. ( ., SALT LAKE CITY, 1 P. O.B 492. Telephone 6J1. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing Special! j cc ^^ s P 51 I WIIITTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE, Room 310, McCornick Building. London t Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Assets, $14,880,157.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Milwaukee, Wis Assets, $ 1,630,242.70 178 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Brown & Carter (F B & C G C), contrs & bldrs, 19 W Third S .CO Brown & Henderson, (Arthur B & Henry P H), attorneys | at law, 2 1 2 S Main. Browne Causten Jr, dep Co Clerk, res 213 W Second South. Browne Harry B. expert and consulting accountant, 94 Commercial blk, res 76 R, Darlington Place. Browne Richard H (B & Brooks), res 1 34 Fourth East. Browne T Ellis, lawyer, 27 Commercial blk, bds Morgan. ^1 Browne & Brooks, (Richard H B & Chas P B), civil and ^ mining engineers, 49 S Main. s Browning Mrs Alice A, res 303 N First West. * Browning Bros (John M & Mathew S), guns, fishing tackle, etc, = 155 S Main. '* Browning E Thomas, watchman R G W Ry, res 253 Fourth. Browning F, emp S L C R R, rms 8 Times bldg. Brow r ning Frank, stenographer, res 456 Sixth East. g Browning Frank E, bartdr Bechtol & Sands, res 456 Sixth East. D e Browning John M (Browning Bros), res Ogden. Utah. * Browning Juliette (wid), res 9 Lambert Court. * Browning Matthew S (Browning Bros), res Ogden, Utah. g Browning Thos, night watchman R G W depot, res 253 Fourth, 5* 3 Browning Wesley, elk pur dept R G W Ry, res Brooks Arcade. w 7 Browning Wm J, bkpr Cohn Bros, res 652 S West Temple. e> ! Brownell Ed H, newspaper man, res 568 E Brigham. | Brownlee George, mach, res 220 W First South. Brownlee George Jr, mach, res 222 W First South. Brownlee Henry C, mngr adv dept Tribune, rms 475 E 5th S. ^ g Brownlee Wm C, bkpr, res 475 E Fifth South. 5 m Brox Adolph, bkbndr Deseret News, res Farmers' Ward. tr ~ Bruback Theodore, bds Alta Club. Brubaker Chas E, trav agt, res 226 W Fifth South. TT Bruce Alfred L, lab, res 76 T. Bruce Mrs Mary, res 463 W Second North, 9f\ Bruce Robert, boarding, res 343 W North Temple. Bruder Francis, hod carrier, res- 3135 West Temple. Bruere Robt, stockman, res 530 S First West. Bruesch Miss Ada, res 404 S West Temple. Brucsh Belle (wid George), res 404 S West Temple. Bruman Jacob, lab, res 124 E Eighth South. Brumm Sophy, domestic 103 Second East. Brunelli E A, emp S L C Ry, res 326 E Fifth South. Brunholt Miss Carrie, laundress Emp Steam Lndr, res 42 Grape. cr * 5 co o "U > CAI T I AI/C I ITLJH Pfl oALI Lftnt Lllnll. LU. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY -- . R.H, Officer Ho,, ASSAYEBS.^.'X RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 179 Brunker Alexander J, lab, bds 373 H. Brunker Elizabeth (wid Thomas), res 922 E Second South. Brunker Isabella (wid Alexander), res 373 H. 55 Brunker Marshall, salesman Singer mfg Co, rms 373 H, Brunner C O, res 241 S Fourth West. Brunner Reuben E, adv agt Times, rms 135 E Second South. Brunswick Albert, butcher Brant's slaughter house, res same. Brunswick-Balk e-Col lender Co, John Bunce agt, Pro- gress bldg. O m O m r O O Bruton Mrs Anna, bds 941 E Fifth South. "3 Brunton John, foreman Collister, bds Valley House. < Bruton Geo W, comp, res 925 E Seventh South. ^-j Bryan Miss Hattie, stenogr, bds 44 W First South. *!!, Bryan James W, architect Fred Hale, res 44 W First South. E ' Bryan John (Croxford Bros & B), res over Equitable-Co-op, First South cor Richards. _2 Bryan Miss Joy, stenogr, bds 44 W First South. *""3 Bryan John, carp, res 44 W First South y." Bryant Miss Bella, seamstress, res 541 S State. GO Bryant George, teamster U P coal yard. r^D Bryant George, lab, bds 31 N Sixth West. J|> Bryant John, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. _, Bryant Walter, civil engr, rms 78 E First North. r-; Bryce George D, carp, res 437 Galena. CD Bryce George T, elk Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, rms 807 Park ave. T"J ^^ Bryson Helen, domestic 251 E Second South. ~-+ ?1 Buboltz Julia (wid Wm), res 148 N Sixth West. CTD *g Buboltz Richard, barber, bds 148 N Sixth West. ~ q- Buchanan A E, tchr High School, res 405 E Second South. c/3 O Buchanan Alexander, carp, res 463 W Seventh South. CO 3 Buchanan Archibald, lab, bds 463 W Seventh South. f~p Buchanan Alex jr, pressman Star Printing Co, res 463 W 7th S. ^* Z; Buchanan Archibald, elk, res 148 S Third West. "^ Buchanan Burton, driv Gurney Cab Co, res 317 State. fTl GO Buchanan James, miner, res 24 W North Temple. _ Buchanan Miss Kate, emp Empire Steam Laundry, res cor A * O and Fifth. (^ Buchanan Kolls, res Kendall ave. 2D * Buchanan Miss Lizzie, emp French Steam Laundry, res cor A CD c^-< and Fifth. -Q GO Buchanan Thos J, lineman S L P L & H Co, res 733 8th East. CD *^ Bucher Wm H (Whitney & Bucher), res 213 W Second South. 2. Irrigation Age Printing House, 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book rs and House-mr- SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) and Gasoline Stoves w 180 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. "3 Bucholz Wm C, bkpr, res 639 E South Temple. J Buck B B, first lieut i6th Inftry (Co E), res Ft Douglas. 3 fci Buck Edw A, inspector U P Ry, res 65 N First West. Z.E Buck Geo, bookbinder, res 525 Eleventh East. "B fc Buck Mrs Kate D, dentist Happy Hour Dental Co, res 212^ State. Buck Clarion 3T (Happy Hour Dental Co), 212^ State, res same. S Buck Winfred C, res Walker add. _- Buckholt Alida (wid Dick), res 366 E Fifth South. ClO Buckeye Mining Co, The see inc cos, Walter J Beatie sec, 203 Constitution bldg. la Buckhorn Gold and Silver Mining Co, see inc co's, Fred W Cleg- horn sec, 45 Groesbeck blk. _3 Buckle Albert, elk, res 131 E Ninth South. - Buckle Charles C, elk Buckle & Son, res 45 1 Seventh East. * Buckle Geo, sec and treas Tenth Ward L & B Ass, res 525 I ith E. fP Buckle John (Buckle & Son), res 459 Seventh East. '= Buckle John T (Buckle & Son), res 350 Seventh East. CT5 Buckle & Son (John & John T), merchant tailors, 2355 Main. ^^ Buckle Mrs Mabel, res 459 Seventh East. ** Buckle Miss Pearl, res 459 Seventh East. Buckley Miss Alice, dressmkr, res 338 E Sixth South. ^J t5 Buckley Ann (wid James), res 803 E Fourth South. Buckley James, lab, bds 544 E Fifth South. Buckley Jerry, bartender St Elmo Liquor House, res 135 E Fourth South. Buckley Joseph, lab, res rear 338 E Sixth South. Buckley Timothy J, eng U P Ry, res I 50 S Third West. Buckmaster John, comp Times, res 3 Whitaker Court. Buckwalter Calvin S, painter, bds 643 S State. Buckwalter Miss Eliza, res 643 S State. Buckwalter Henry S, canvasser, res 643 S State. Buckwalter Rolston E, driver Peop Equ Co-op, bds 643 S State. CO CTD 00 Buck-well Albert E, mach, res 131 E Ninth South. Budd Chas, bartndr R R Ex Hotel, res same. Budd Ellen (wid Chas), res 525 W North Temple. Budd George, carp and millwright, res 524 N Second West. Jto ( ) Budd Geo E, dairyman, res Wisconsin ave, bet 12 and 13 W. J o? CO 'Budd Geo J, barber 2158 Main, res 655 W Second North. jf g Budel Christian, emp S L Brew Co, res 423 Tenth East. Budner Christian, res 42 Tenth East. ST02 '* Lumber of all kinds, Soors, Window and Uouldings, j Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. Tele P h " e < RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 181 Buhring Henry, mngr M E Buhring, res 3158 Fourth West. Buhring Mrs M E, prop Wasatch Meat Market 22 W First South, res 3 i 5 S Fourth West. Builders' and Traders' Exchange, 39 and 40 Wasatch Blk. Buist Miss Nellie, elk Geo W Davis, res 922 W First South. Bull Annie (wid Joseph E), res 472 Sixth. Bull Hyrum, app Magazine Printing Co, res 80 Quince. Bull Hyrum J, cutter Z C M I, res 80 Quince. Bull Joseph, comp Deserct News, res 224 W First North. Bull Joseph Tr, show printing 237 N First West, res same. Bull Wm, cutter Z C M I, bds 80 Quince. Bullens W S, brakeman U P Ry, res 426 W Second South. Buller Peter, teamster, res 363 First. Buller Miss Theresa, res 363 First. Bullinger Edw L, lab, res rear 856 Seventh East. Bullion-Beck & Champion Mining Co, see inc cos, A E Hyde genl mngr, office 233 Constitution bldg. Bullionville Mining and Reduction Co, see inc cos, Anthony H Godbe sec, 1178 West Temple. Bullock Edwin, mason, res 743 W First North. Bullock Edwin T, bds 743 W First North. O Bullock Francis A, elk U P Ry, res 549 W South Temple, a Bullock H, teamster S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek." * Bullock James, gardener, res 349 W North Temple. CO O Bullock Miss Mary, res 743 W First North. O Bullock Miss Mary, domestic 520 W Second North. o> Bullough Albert, mach, bds 143 N Third West. - Bullough Miss Annie, res 143 N Third West. 31 < Bullough Benjamin, mach, res 143 N Third West. J Bullough David, mach U P Ry, res 422 Twelfth East. Bullough Samuel, mach Eagle F & M Co, res 53 Jeremy. Bult Andrew, emp Utah Soap Co, res 654 W Second North. Bult Robert, fireman U P Ry, res 347 N Sixth West. Bult Robert S, engr, res 654 W Second North. Bult Thomas J, eng U P Ry, res 620 W Third North. Buiice John, agt Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co, Progress bldg, res 25 Twelfth East. Bunce Rebecca A (wid L D), res 435 E Ninth South. Bundy Hank, carp, rms Lincoln House. Bunn Francis H, pressman Herald, rms 349 W Sixth South. Bunnell Ester M (wid Luther), res 582 Third. Bunnell Esther, res 232 N Second West. (JJ IO Z > Z WHOLESALE LUMBER, Track, North of Depot. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., I south. | Improved City Property. . ^ 182 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M S 8 " ; g Bunter Walter D (Keat & B), res Delmonico Hotel. 8 5 Bunton Wm, bartndr, res Delmonico Hotel. CQ J J Burbidge Geo E, bkpr Wolslenholme & Morris, res 155 W 1 a Second North. Burbidge Jesse T, blksmith, res 416 N Second West. H Burbidge John B, dep sheriff, res 246 N First West. ^ Burbidge Joseph E, elk Barnes, Lewis & Co, bds 155 W 2nd N. I S Burbidge Mary (\vid Jas W), res 155 W Second North. t 1 Burbidge Miss Vina, res 155 W Second North. j Burch Alber (Bannister & B), res 4 Bellevue Terrace, Sixth South bet Fifth and Sixth East. 5 g Burchell Mary (wid Thomas), res 528 S State. ^ S Burckhartt Charles T, expman, res 346 E Sixth South. 3 S Burckhartt C Elza (Shelley & B), res 221 S Main. ^ Burcumshaw Miss Mary, emp Troy S Lndy, res 524 E Fifth ~ OcT South. _ _ LU Burd, see Bird. x 5E Burd Alexander, auctioneer, res 920 W First South. J 3 ^ Burd Martin M. carp, res 844 Seventh East. Z + DO Burdett Richard, shoemaker, res 93 1 Third. ^ E Burdett Thomas, shoemaker Solomon Bros, res 931 Third. * % UJ Burdett Wm, baker, 24 S Main, rms Roberts House. ' CD Burgess Miss Annie, emp Geo. Q Cannon & Sons, res 44 N 5th W. * * Z Burgess Miss Flora, domestic 626 E South Temple. Burgess Charles, watchman, res 36 N Fifth West. JP Jj Burgess Geo H, emp Herald, bds 36 N Fifth West. ^ Burgess Jas T R, teamster, res 36 N Fifth West. 3" Burgess Mrs Maria, res 44 N Fifth West. 5 Burgess Mark, teamster, res 1245 E Seventh South. gj Burgess Solon, architect, 147 N Main, res same. Burgess Thomas F, bds 1245 E Seventh South. Burgess Watson W, actor, res 924 E Second South. -3g Burgess Wm F, coachman, res 831 E First South. OJ Burgoise Wm, car cleaner U P Ry, res 29 Euclid ave. CO Burgon Geo A (Burgon & Snell), surveyor and notary public, gg 436 Constitution bldg, res 1200 E Ninth South. CO Bnrgon & Snell (Geo A B & John W S Jr), lawyers, 436 3^ Constitution bldg. j^ #<&/. Burhmann Henry, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Q Burk, see Bourke. < Burk Mrs Jennie, res 243 S Main. 2J, Burk Miss Mary, domestic 144 Seventh East. LOAH5 A SPECIALTY, C -JS'!?- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. ' Real Estate BroSer, H. r. . mm, I R. t. SHEETS. R<.m u. c R.H. Officer Ko,,ASSAYEBS.^^; . RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 183 S Burke J F, lab City Water Works. 'CO Burke Land & Cattle Co, see inc cos, Harry T Duke sec, room 7 | H-; City Hall ~ Burke Wm, live stock dealer, res 55 W Fourth South. H Burkenhead Jabez, lab, res 3 1 8 Sixth. \_: Burkey L E, elk D & R G Ry, res 405 E Second South. Burkhardt Chas, baker, res 57 E Third South. J33 Burkhardt Karl, cook 71 Commercial, res Enterprise House. ~ Burkhart Theo, expman, res rear 346 E Sixth South. ^L Burkhoel J B, elk frt office U P Ry, res 120 W First North. JEr Burleigh Horatio, elev boy Commercial blk, res 1135 Second. CD Burleigh H V, elev opr Commercial blk, res 1135 Second. Burleigh John, claim elk frt dept U P Ry, res 237 Fourth East. Burleigh Wm, lab, res 1135 Second. Burleigh Wm H, carp, bds 1135 Second. Q Buries Thomas, driver J C C Glanfield, res 34 S First West. Burley I> E 9 genl agt U P System. Burlingame E D, comp Tribune, res Court, bet Sixth and Seventh ^_ South. i > Burlingame miss Lilian, stenogr Reilly & Kane, rms 14 ,. Crane bldg. OO Burlington Block, 4 E Third South. Burlington Route, E E Walker genl agt, 30 W Second g U South. CD Burmester Theodore, mngr American Collecting Agency Z3 of Utah, 234 S Main, res 27 Eighth East, Q Burnap Miss Mary, saleslady Simon Bros, res 3 Amos Terrace. Burnett Harry C, genl agt Colorado Midland Ry Co, 109 ^ W Second South, res 68 R. ^ Burnett Miss Lillie, mach opr Z C M I, bds 227 I. Burnett Wm, grocer 225 I, res 227 I. Burnett Wm J, blacksmith Oblad & Knight, res 227 I. Burnfield David, master mech G S L & H S R R, res 355 S ^ Fourth West. , Burnfield Forest D, tel opr, bds 2558 Fourth West. Burnham Edward F, lab, 422 S State. It urn ha in. Hanna, Hunger & Co of Kansas City Mo, Schuyler V Shelp agt, 713 McCornick blk. Burnham Mary A (wid James L) res 669 E Second South. CO Burn, Lawrence, mason, res Big Cottonwood. Z Burns Andrew, maltster, res 847 E Seventh South. * O Burns Miss Annie, comp Times, bds 1044 E Fifth South. CO fioprs, tales IGo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.) Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J utms. Ammnnmon. r me< nt- ler.v. Fi.xhiiitr Tackle and Sport in" GO RBI.T \MV I M8&SUS3533S. 1 1 lyun nn ortL 1 lifmft s^nssrBK M 1 HU, bU, AMERICA BISCUIT &MflliUFflCTORING CO.. Salt lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 185 fj Burrows David, res s w cor Fourth East and Tenth South. Burrows Emma, emp Deseret W Mills, res 447 N Third West. p3} Burrows Harry, butcher Knight & Co, res Hawkes Court. Burrows Jesse, fireman, res w s 3d East, bet I2th and I3th South. CH (ft Burrows John H, bkpr Z C M I, res 176 D. Jp Burrows Josiah (Wm Longmore & Co), res 1021 E S Temple. ^^ Burrows Miss Maria, milliner M J Burrows, bds 176 D. JZJ' .Burrows Mrs M J, importer of French millinery goods, 18 ^ S Main, res 176 D. ^JW Burrows Robert H, butcher Knight & Co, res 130 P. - Burrows Wm, eng, res 840 W South Temple. DO Burrows Wm, lab, res 176 I. Burt Alexander, nightwatchman, res 328 S Third West. Burt Alexander jr, plumber, res 328 S Third West. HI - Burt Allen, elk, bds 236 I. 2. Burt Andrew D, drayman J C W T atson & Bro, res 330 S 3d W. 2* >: Burt Andrew J, sheriffs L Co, 8 Hooper bldg, res County Jail. 5 j Burt Ann O (wid Andrew), res 555 First. ~ - Burt Miss Belle, dressmkr, bds 565 First. tu Burt David M, bkpr, bds 555 First. 5^ jj) Burt Elijah B, stonecutter, bds 555 First. CD < Burt Frank H, stoker fire dept, res 132 E First South. CD Burt Frank H, brakeman Rio G W Ry, bds 211 S Fifth West CD < Burt Geo, lab, bds 545 S Fourth West. 33 2 Burt Geo S, teamster Geo M Scott & Co, res 506 Eighth East. Burt Mrs Harriet, res 564 S Third West. jg {J Burt Miss Harriet E, stenogr Co-op W & M Co, res 328 S *< 5 Third West. j 3 Burt Homer P, bus mngr Empire Mnfg Co, res 641 Fourth East. f __ Burt James G, plasterer, res Seventh, bet H and I. O Burt Jane (wid John), res 404 W Eighth South. 2 Burt Miss Jeanette, bds 328 S Third West. Burt .loll n. contracting plasterer, 236 I, res same, see page 26. ^ Burt John F, watchmkr Alf Berg, res 56 W Second South. j Burt Jno M, elk S L A T G & T Co, bds 565 First. Burt Joseph W, dep sheriff and jailor, res 615 Fourth. Burt Mrs Margaret, res s s 7th. bet I and H. - Burt Mary A (wid Andrew), res 565 First. $ Burt Parley B, elk A J Burt, bds 555 First. fl0> J Burt Peter A. res 553 S Fourth West. ft 3 Burt Peter G, genl store 331 W Fifth South, res 528 S 4th W. ! Burt Peter K, res Seventh, bet H and I. *3 CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO, 303&305McCornlCKBld2., SALT LAKE CITY. * | P.O. Box 492. TeiepkwMiU. Shirts of Ei cry Description. Repairing a Special! i WH1TTEMOIIE, COOKE & CO., CO E'l S* 52 = CD Cl en CD t Room 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, >"ew York Assets, 15,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597,375.41 186 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CD GO 5? CD Burt Willard R, plasterer, res 324 I. * ; Burton Alfred, farmer, bds w s State, s of I2th South. ** j Burton A J, tmstr, S L P B Co, res N Mill Creek. o : Burton Miss Annie, dressmkr Mather Sisters, res rear 248 3d E. * i Burton Chas S, pres and mngr S L Dram Assn, res Lion House, m** Burton Edw L, tchr, bds w s State, s of 1 2th South, r Burton Elbert T, carp Burton-Gardner Co, res Farmers' Ward. Z JB | Burton Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 524 W North Temple. i Burton Ermit C, mngr tin dept S L H Co, res 242 S 4th East. +j|i ! Burton F, plumber, res 522 S Fourth West, i Burton Miss Florence M, res 106 S Second West. I Burton-Gardner Co, The, Dealers in Lumber and Mnfrs : Combination Fence, Hartman Steel Fence and Panel Wire i Fence, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Factory and Office s w cor \ State and Eighth South. See adv on back bone and opp. Burton Geo, mining, bds 330 W Second South. f Burton Geo O, tmstr, bds 571 S Third West, j Burton, Groesbeek & Andrew (R T B Jr, Jno A G and 5 Wm B A), Real Estate and Mining, 49 Wasatch bldg. Burton Harry, night elk The Knutsford, bds same. Burton Heber K, elk, bds 106 S Second West. Burton Henry B, carp, res 630 S Third West. Burton Henry F, bishop Farmers' ward, res State bet 1 2th and JS 1 3th South. Burton Henry F, carp Burton-Gardner Co, res Farmers' ward. Burton Henry O, cond Rapid Transit, res 630 S Third West. Burton Hosea, bds 330 W Second South. cj Burton H B, res 731 S Third West. Burton John, cond S L C R R, res 446 W Seventh South. Burton John, carp, res 571 S Third West. SJ Burton Joseph, lineman Bell Tel Co, bds 14 W North Temple. = Burton Joseph, plumber, res 522 S Fourth West. ^ Burton Joseph, res rear 248 Third East. Burton Joseph, janitor Utah Commission, res Reading Court. Burton Juan, tailor res n s I2th South bet loth and nth East. = Burton Miss Kate F, elk Security Abstract Co, res 118 Second. Burton Lafayette G, civ and min eng and U S Min Sur, 58 }Jj Board of Trade Bldg, res 124 S Second West. jnna Burton Miss Lizzie, res 330 W Second South. S<=- Burton Miss Mary A, res 106 S Second West. w3 Burton Lyman W, elk Des Natl Bank, res State, bet 1 2th and 1 3th South. CD ana oro 100 SALT L4KF LITHO PO Lithographing, Printing and Blank OHLI LHHL LI I FIU. UU. TJ_. V wv;n The Finest in the Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. j Country. R.H, Officer KoJSSAYERS. 169 S. West Temple Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 187 CO Burton Otis A, cond Rapid Transit, res 630 S Third West. Burton Robt T, first coun pres Bp L D S C, res 106 S 2d West. Burton Robt T Jr (B, Groesbeck & Andrew), res 130 S 2d West. Burton Mrs Sarah A, res w s of State s of Twelfth South. t H Burton Miss Sarah A, dressmkr, res rear 248 S Third East. Burton Mrs Susan E, res 330 W Second South. ^ Burton Theodore, farmer, res w s State s of Twelfth South. Officers W. S. Burton, President; W. C. Burton, Manager; Geo. F. Felt, Secretary. Fi rectors W. S. Burton, K. M. Weiler, O. H. Hardy, Elias Morris, I,. G. Hardy, H. Din- woodey, W. C. Burton. The Burton- Gardner Company, DEALERS IN Lumber 1 , Lath, j&ingleg, Cedar 1 po?t$, Etc, MANUFACTURERS OF Combination Fence, Hartman Steel Fence and Panel Wire Fence, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Factory and Yards, cor. Eighth South and State Road. < j j n iJJL1 I Ct 1 1 1 V-^J >VC*.CV^ * -r t.^U/^Vj.UtV^.lV^^JlV-.C4,A ^ 1 JU^/ fc^J W Cl l_ 1 1 A V_,lllLy.H~. Bush Joseph, emp S L C Ry Co, res cor J and Seventh. Bush Joseph A, miner, res 9 Floral ave. Bush Joseph R, mirier, res 1 29 C. Thp Irniinftfrinn Anp A Journal cf National Moment. lliK iPPiydLiuii /iljt! ^i^o^s^^aSEsgt tflHTTEMOIiE, COOKE & CO., IXSURAWCE, Hoom 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, 15,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1.597,375.41 186 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Burt Willard R, plasterer, res 324 I. Burton Alfred, farmer, bds w s State, s of I2th South. Burton A J, tmstr, S L P B Co, res N Mill Creek. Burton Miss Annie, dressmkr Mather Sisters, res rear 248 3d E. Burton Chas S, pres and mngr S L Dram Assn, res Lion House. Burton Edw L, tchr, bds w s State, s of I2th South. Burton Elbert T, carp Burton-Gardner Co, res Farmers' Ward. Burton Elizabeth (vvid Wm), res 524 W North Temple. f >urton Miss Mary A, res 106 b Second West. w , Burton Lyman W, elk Des Natl Bank, res State, bet I2th and gj 1 3th South. HO SALT LUKE LITHO Pfl Lithographing, Printing and Blank WML. I UHI1L. LI I I IV. UU. ^ MoV; nn The Finest in the Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DUUi Jnaim 9> Country.- RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 187 Burton Otis A, cond Rapid Transit, res 630 S Third West. ^fl Burton Robt T, first coun pres Bp L D S C, res 106 S 2d West. |^ Burton Robt T Jr (B, Groesbeck & Andrew), res 130 S 2d West. ^ Burton Mrs Sarah A, res w s of State s of Twelfth South. |_< Burton Miss Sarah A, dressmkr, res rear 248 S Third East. L Burton Mrs Susan E, res 330 W Second South. ^^ Burton Theodore, farmer, res w s State s of Twelfth South, burton Walter E, teamster, bds 571 S Third West. Qj Burton Walter J, elk J C Cutler & Bro, res Burton's Court, ** Burton Walter L, meat market, I 59 E Third South, res 716 First. PJ Burton Willard C, mngr The Burton-Gardner Co, res 324 W 2d S. Burton Wm, lab, w s State, s of Twelfth South. Hp Burton Wm H, eng Troy S Laundry, res 625 S Second West. JH Burton Wm P, teamster, res 571 S Third West. ^^ Burton Wrn R, plumber, res 447 S Third West. ^^ Burton Wm R, lab, res 461 S Third West. J Burton Wm S, pres The Burton-Gardner Co, res 1 18 S 2d West. Burton Wm W, vice-pres Cons Implement Co, res Ogden. Burwick Mrs, emp Utah Steam Laundry. < Busath Christian, mach, res 568 S Fourth West. Busby Andrew E, blksmith, res 756 E Fifth South. Busby Andrew M, contracting plasterer, res rear 537 7th East. Busby George, res 29 Eleventh East. Busby George, teamster Geo M Scott & Co, res 506 Eighth. ^^ Busby Miss Jessie, res 555 Seventh East. ^/ Busby John, watchman, res 306 Eighth East f*\ Busby John E, real est, res 862 Third East. Busby Joseph, res 147 N East Temple. ^^ Busby Joseph A, carp, res 9 Floral ave. > . Busby Mattie (wid Phillip), res 334 S Fourth West. 2J Busby Mining Co, I M Waddell vice-pres, 22 E First South. See inc co's. Busby Miss Nellie, res 555 Seventh East. Busby Thomas B (Wilson & Busby), res 537 Seventh East. P Busby Wm S, bartndr Hogle Bros, res 551 Seventh East. ,,(5 ltns<-li John B, meat market 141 W Second South, res 30 Bj S First West. Q [* Bush Eugene M, eng, res 136 S Second West. + Q Bush James,watchman Deseret News, res rear 21 E South Temple. J3 Bush Joseph, emp S L C Ry Co, res cor J and Seventh. ^ Bush Joseph A, miner, res 9 Floral ave. H 1 Bush Joseph R, mirier, res 1 29 C. ___^________________^^_-^^^^^___-______________^__^_-__-^^_^__ ^^^^^_ yy Thp IrtriTn&f'inn Anp A Journal cf National Moment. /IU U ** ad b >' Farmers, iuvestors, Contractors, En^mers, Etc. 3 D Salt Lake Office, 26 W. 3> Cahoon Wm M, carp, res n w cor Pearl and Second East. jj? [jj Cahoon & Haynes (John P C & Harry Haynes) brick manfs, w Q of State, Murray. C-h 3 Cain Arthur, com trav, res Culmer Blk. Cain George H, com trav, res Culmer Blk. 00 Real Estate Broker, ^fS^' I MoneiJ to Loan, ^^S? Loons a Specialty. H. P. 6. MATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. B.H. Officer iGo.. ASSAYEBS.StSS (-Z RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 191 *^D Cain Robt L, elevator opr Knutsford, rms 16 Culmer Block. C3 Caine Albion W (A W C & Co), res 529 E South Temple. " Caine A W Mngr Calder's Music Palace, 45 W First CD South, res 69 C, Calder David O, asst mgr Calder's Park, res 185 K. t/) Calder Geo, res s w cor Thirteenth South and Seventh East. [T1 Calder Geo E, elk shoe dept Z C M I, res 243 S Fifth East. Calder Miss Malvie, elk Utah B & S Co, res 185 K. Calder Mark W, driver H Denhalter & Sons, res 34 Eardley's O Court. yjj Calder Sam'l H, elk Calder's Music Palace, res 68 C. Calder Walter S (cond street car), res 185 K. O Calder Wm, timekeeper S L C R R Co, res 185 K. z Calder W W 9 mnfrs agt, rms 615 McCornick blk, res 173 K. ^| PC Calder's Musie Palace, David G Calder mngr, 45-47 W ^ -> First South. See adv opp music dealers. - Calder's Park, w s Seventh East s of Thirteenth. ^ J Calderwood Miss Mary, dressmaker Mather Sisters, res 185 E. g -^ j Caldwell, see Colwell and Cadwell. * Caldwell Chas (D Hilton & Co), res 326 K. a Sj ^ Caldwell Chas Jr (D Hilton & Co), res 326 K. S 2 5g Caldwell James B, elk R G W Ry, res 70 M. | JH Caldwell Joseph R, student, bds 336 K. ^ Caldwell J R, res 1 172 Tenth East. ^ EC Caldwell Louis W, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 128 W Third S. & ^ O Caldwell Moroni, lab bds 336 K. r Eg ""3 Caledonia Bakery, Wm R Gallacher propr, 322 E Sixth South, o? Rogers, Searlesi Co GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. V ENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LftKE HARDWARE CO.! Man of Bi* Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) Headquarters for Wrought, Steel and Cast Ranges, Caroline Stovea, Refrigerators , Granite, Tin aad Copper Ware. Fin? Sign of Hi* nn. 42 and 44 W. q omn. j *-*** *"* 192 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ' ~~"^~ ~~" "~"~ ~ ~" ^~~~ ~"" ~~ ~~ ~~ ^ ^ ^ ~~"^^~ ~~ " L_^ T Caledonian Resort, P. W. McCaffrey mngr, 67 Commercial. ~ Calender H L, res Reggel Terrace. ffj Calenghen P H, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ,O ^ Calhoun Albert B, comp Times, res 234 W Second South. Q California Brewery (Henry Wagener propr), 64 E First South. California Collateral Bank, (H Lichtenstein), 3 W < Second South. California Fruit House, A McGrath propr, 224 S Main. f^ California Oyster House, M J Kennedy propr, 256 S Main. UL California Wine Co, I Woolf agt, 136-140 W Second South. mCallaghan John, bricklayer, res rear 60 E Fourth South. Callahan John, res 205 E Fourth South. /A Callahan Martin E (M E Callahan & Co), rms Metropolitan. V ^ Callahan H E & Co (M E Callahan), Pioneer Nurseries, 5 1 2 Dooly blk, see page 98. Callahan Wm J, boiler maker R G W Ry, res 50 Euclid ave. ^J Callaway Alex (col'd), waiter Knutsford, res 335 S Main. ^^ Callaway Robert W (Callaway, Hoock & Co), rms Holmes blk. Callaway Wm F (C, Hoock & Co), res New York. 1 Callaway, Hooek fc Co (Wm F and Robt Callaway and F A H), queensware, 35 W First South. 8. o . Callett Alice, dressmaker, res 36 Almond. Q" ^ 2 Callett Marie, at Woolen Mills, res 36 Almond. =3 S Callett Richard, merchant 36 Almond, res same. li Calicotte Geo, eng R G W Ry, res 557 W Fourth South. Callister Ann (wid Edward), res 143 W Fourth South. "T3 Q Callister Ed H (Star Printing Co), 63 W Seventh South. ~ r ^ Callister Jno E, Star Printing Co, res 1 59 W Fourth South. Callister Thos A (Star Printing Co), res 143 W Fourth South. -* W Calls Wm, car inspector U P Ry, res 233 W Fern, j j Callwell Charles, carp, res 336 K. PO H^ Callwell Charles Jr, butcher, res 326 K. ^ \ Calmus Mrs Mary, res rear 1029 E Sixth South. D" p , Calton, see Cotton. "* Calton Miss Annie, res 812 E Eighth South. - W Calton Miss Emma, dressmkr, res 812 E Eighth South. fcsS Calton W 7 alter, lab, res 864 Lake. < Calton Wm, lab, res 812 E Eighth South. >-J Calton W C, driver Troy S Laundry, res 805 E Eighth South, fj r Cambron Wm, res 206 W Seventh South. 2 t 1 Camencin Jno, shoemaker Spencer & Lynch, rms 854 E Fifth S. ?\ _-H Cameron, see Camorn. - OTTT W f 1TI/T7 I Blank Book Waking; Kelly's Un- 1 T JWITO DO SUIT LRKE s sr^m^- LITHO, GO, I 5:1 H". Scoiia Suutb. Teiephen* lit. I BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO.. Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 193 Cameron Mrs Bell, res 218 Eleventh East. Cameron David, carp Temple Blk, res 212 Eleventh East. Cameron Emmet, lime burner, res cor E Brigham and T. Cameron George, miner, res 126 H. "JJ Cameron John, bricklayer, res rear 235 Eighth East. Cameron J S, pres S L Rapid Transit Co, res Knutsford Hotel. Cameron Miss Kate, mach opr Z C M I, res 218 Eleventh East. Cameron Leathart, lab, res 542 W Eighth South. Cameron Margaret (wid John), res 218 Eleventh East. Cameron Robert, bricklayer, res 218 Eleventh East. G) Cameron Roxiana (wid James R), res 5 I E Fifth South. Camerzind John, shoemaker, res 854 E Fifth South. Camomile Daniel, city sanitary inspector, res 775 S Main. Camomile David A, machinist, res McDonald's Court, rear 431 m W Sixth South. 2, Camomile Fred, lab R G W Ry, res 476 S Fourth West. Si Camomile Jno D (Williams & Co), res 317 W Sixth South. 5 Camorn- James R, res 205 W Second South. Camp Mary E (wid Chas H), res 225 W Fourth South. 2o Campbell Miss Aggie, cashier dry goods dept Z C M I, res 117 C S First West. 3 Campbell Alex, teller Utah Natl Bank, res 30 W North Temple. =* Campbell Allen O, mining 414 Dooly block, res same. CD Campbell Andrew (cbl'd), janitor, res Thirteenth South and ^m Fourth East. O Campbell Mrs Anne, cashier grocery dept Z C M I, res 117 S ^ First West. ^ Campbell A E, supt Germania Lead Works, res Murray. g- Campbell Alex S, bkkpr State Bank Utah, res 32 E N Temple. Campbell Mrs Birdie, milliner, res 1022 E Second South. Q Campbell Mrs Celia (Cornforth, Pond & Co), res 530 E 6th S. O> Campbell Charles, butcher, res 503 Fifth. _ Campbell Charles C, waiter The Manitou, res 140 S State. ^ Campbell Charles H, painter, res 353 Water, Waterloo add. &, Campbell Charles J, canv Singer Sewing Mach Co, res 373 H. p Campbell Miss Christeno, res 645 Sixth East. H S Campbell Cornelius D, elk Joslin & Park, res 344 E South t* Temple. ~ z Campbell Daniel, mason,. res 231 E Eighth South. fl Campbell Dan'l, emp Pioneer Nurseries, res same. Q ^ Campbell Miss Elizabeth, res 645 S Sixth East. I m Campbell Geo A, res 30 W North Temple. J* JJ CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornicKBldu., SALT LAKE CITY, P.O.Bw492. TeUphon* Ml. Shirts of Efry Description. HHITTEMORE, COORE & CO., IXSIRAXCE. Room 310. McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg Assets, 12,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets, $1,160.403.22 194 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CD CO CD Campbell J A, plumber, rms 161 Social Hall ave. Campbell James H, lab, res 503 Fifth. Campbell James M, lab, res 119 S First West. Campbell James W, constable and collector, res 315 S First W. Campbell James W. lab, res Lake Breeze. Campbell Jane (wid), res 1195 First West. Campbell Miss Joan M, res 1195 First W. Campbell Jno (Sanders & Co), res 713 First. Campbell John, emp Heesch, Davies Sanitary Co. Campbell John M, lab, res 1195 First West. Q Campbell Jno W, notary public, with Jennings & Caine, res 75 P. Campbell Lizzie, emp Troy S L, bds 503 Fifth. Campbell Malcolm L, ins agt, res 847 E Third South. j~ Campbell Marcus A, mer 263 S Main, res 530 E Sixth South. CD Campbell Mary (wid Robt) res 30 W North Temple. ^ Campbell Mrs Mary D (wid Robt), res 344 E South Temple. gj Campbell Robt S, chf bkpr Bishops store house, res 32 E North 13 Temple. Campbell Robt W, tmstr T S L, res w s 7th E, bet I ith & 1 2th S. g Campbell Samuel, waiter Hotel Knutsford, bds same. Campbell Saml K (col'd), waiter Knutsford, res 143 E Third S. Campbell Thos, carp, res n s Galena bet Fourth and Fifth East. Campbell Thos K, contractor and dealer in cut stone, office and mill 434 W North Temple, res 175 N Third West. Campbell Wm. emp Dinwoodey Fur Co, res 62 Plum. Campbell W, lab city, res 214 S First West. Campbell Wm, emp S L C R R, res 645 Sixth East. Campbell Mrs William, res 62 Plum. Campbell William H, life insurance agt, res 713 First. Campbell Wm S, foreman Tuddenham & Brain, res 767 3d East. Campbell Willie, Am Dis Tel, res 645 Sixth East. Campbell & Cutler, Kansas City, paints & glass, Wm B Webber agt, 222 W Second South. Campe John H, chief draughtsman at U S Surv Genls office, _ res 63 Apple. 2 if Campie Charley, bricklayer, res 235 S State. Hj^ Canaan Co-op Stock Co, James Andrus prest, Robt C Lund, #fs vice-pres, Edwin G Woolley sec & treas, office 419 Consti-'sto-| tution bldg. Candee Raphael R (C & Everill) res 1 14 S Eighth West. |U Candee & Everill (Raphael C & T J E), well drillers, 114 S || Eighth West. P * CM T I AlfC I ITLIH PH DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR OALI LRRt LllnU. LU. FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. WORK A SPECIALTY. - CD CD Uo 5- K.H, Officer Ho 02 _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 195 C~* , _ . CD Canfield Jas L, lab, res 622 S Third West. ' Canham Robert H, peddler, res 835 West Cannon. Canman Otto, driver Germania bakery, res 59 E First South. 4 a ii ma ii 81111. Germania Bakery, 57 East First S, res same, j: Canmann Otto A, grocer, 573 S Seventh East, res same. C Cannegieter Miss Annie, bds 21 S Seventh West. C/J Cannegieter Frank H, candymaker Jos G McDonald Candy Co, res 21 S Seventh West. CD ~_j Cannegieter Henry, carp, res Murray. CD Cannegieter Jacob S, res 2 1 S Seventh West. "5. ^^ Cannegieter J W, baker, res 21 S Seventh West. F i Cannegieter Wm, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res 2 1 S Seventh W. 30 Canning Geo, sheepman, 460 West Third South. O _r-~ Cannon Abraham H 9 Mngr Deseret News and vice-pres Geo Q Cannon & Sons Co, res w s Eighth W, 2 s of 9th S. JQ z Cannon A K, mach R G W Ry, res 59 S Fifth West. -.J" Cannon Mrs Amanda, res 246 W First South. Si *$ Cannon Miss Amelia T, res bet Tenth and Eleventh S, Eighth W. rj Cannon Angus J, treas Geo Q C Sons Co, res 648 E Seventh S. Z3" 00 Cannon Angus M, Jr, res 863 Third East. **, Cannon Angus M, pres S L Stake of C of J C of LD S, res 241 Jg W First South. Cannon Miss Annie M, res Folsom ave. ^E Cannon August, miner, res 246 W First South. O Cannon Ave, runs E and W, bet Twelfth and Thirteenth South, ""3 and Seventh and Ninth East, Forest Dale add. ^=-J Cannon Boman, deputy U S Marshal, res 461 S Main. *^D Cannon Brigham T, res Eighth West s w cor Roper. 2 Cannon Mrs Caroline Y, res Eighth West I s of Roper. O Cannon Charles M (Dunford, Ellerbeck & C), res 233 F. CO Cannon Mrs Clara, res s s Folsom av. - Cannon Clarence M, comp Juvenile Instructor, bds 246 W 1st S. p^ Cannon David H, sec Geo Q Cannon & Sons Co, res Eighth West and Tenth South. &3 Cannon Mrs Eliza T, res Eighth West s w cor Roper. IP Cannon Esther T, res Eighth West, bet Tenth and Eleventh t } South. Cannon Eugene M, studt University, res 246 W First South. Cannon Geo H, cash Zion's Saving Bank, s e cor Cannon and p^H, Seventh East, Forestdale add. (^ Cannon Geo Q, pres Geo Q Cannon & Sons Co, first counselor S3 in first presidency L D S, res Eighth West cor Tenth South. O m z O m O O Irrigation Uge Printing HOUSe JiailroadandCoimnercialPriDtcrs, Estimate* Fnrnisli*> m r O o Carling Brent C, plasterer, res n e cor Tenth East and Eleventh HI South. Carlisle, see Carlyle. Carlisle, Frank P, farmer, res Mill Creek, j Carlisle Miss Georgia, comp Herald, rms 4 Folsom ave. ~4^ Carlisle James S, farmer, res Mill Creek. M-i H Carlisle John T, farmer, res Mill Creek. Q < Carlisle Richard M, lab, res Mill Creek. \ Carlisle Sam'l H, stone cutter, res Folsom ave. H Q. Carlisle Wm, stonecutter, bds Elite Restaurant. M ^ Carll Wm, cement worker, 531 Second East. ^ 0) Carllie John H, lab, rms 483 Seventh. CH * Carlquist Carl A, res 62 1 S Fourth West. O Carlson Albert, blksmith S L C R R, res 128 E Eighth South. .^O Carlson, Alfred J, lab, res 1043 East Third South, Jljj/) Carlson Andrew M, lab, res 128 E Eighth South. M ^ Carlson Miss Annie, domestic 144 W Third South, p < Carlson Annie A (wid Rasmus F), res rear 156 E Third South. t^ J Carlson Miss Anna, waiter Walker House, rms same. Carlson Anton E, solicitor, res rear I $6 E Third South. Carlson Anton E Jr, pressman Nelden, Myers & Co, res rear * 156 E Third South. CD Carlson August W, treasurer Z C M I, res 32 Quince. J Carlson Bros (Victor, Charlie & Oscar), Salt Lake City Cigar Factory 14 W Second South. Ill Carlson Caroline, washerwoman, res 254 Iowa ave. Carlson Carl A, carpenter T R A Co, res Golden Park add. Carlson Carl A, office boy Bishops Store House, res 23 W First North. Carlson Carl A, cond S L C R R, res 517 Bridport . u. Carlson Carl E, res 556 Tenth East. Morrison, Merrill & Co. Prices and Estimates on all kinusof Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- Lombard Investment Co. ! T Makes J oa " s on C 1 A "PIT 1 A T , Caroline Mine, John Beck supt, 231 Commercial Blk. , , Carpenter Agnes L (wid J C), res 866 E Second South. co Carpenter Chas, coachman M Cullen, res 941 E Fifth South. """3 Carpenter David, machinist, res 629 W South Temple. g Carpenter David E, mach Burton-Gardner Co, res 623 S West Q Temple. Carpenter Edwin 1*, General Sales Agent P. V. Coal Co, ^3- res 5 1 East Fifth South. Carpenter Frank, res 122 East Second South. ^ Carpenter George, rms 123 E Second South. X-, Carpenter Geo E, elk S P Teasdel, bds 376 W Third North. J^ Carpenter James H, miner, bds Elite Restaurant. Carpenter Riehard J 9 Teacher of Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo, 64 Hooper Block, res 866 E Second South. See '^ margins and Ladies' Shopping Dept. r^ Carr Albert, rms 106 Wasatch bldg. Carr Albert E, hostler at Z C M I, 226 Fern. o-fTl Carr Alex, lineman Des Tel Co, res 216 Fern. Carr Alex E, elk Security Abstract Co, res 216 Fern. Carr Chanty (col'd), domestic 17 W Fifth South. ffC Carr Chas, engineer, res 1 3 Stanley place. "2. Carr Clara C, domestic 226 Fern. O Carr C M, dentist 57 Wasatch blk, res same. CO Roprs, Searles i!f Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. 0. D CO O o o SflLTLAKEHftROWARECO.) Sign of Bier Gun. 42 and 44 W. ad South, J .IIIIS. *. Ill III II lilt 1011. I 1114' 4 lit- ler.y. li~tiiii * Carrington Chas W 7 , sheepman, res 271 East First South. Carrington Miss Irene, res 142 N West Temple. Carrington Mary A (wid Albert), res 142 N West Temple. Carrington H R, frt inspector R G W Ry, res 142 N West Tern. Carroll John B, sexton Rom Cath Church, res rear 581 2nd East. Carroll Lemuel F, emp R G W Ry, res 435 W Second South. ^ Carroll Thos, bartndr 67 Commercial, res 260 Fourth East. ! 5 Carroll Walter, elk R G W Ry office, res Second South bet C . ~ Seventh and Eighth West. Carroll Wm 9 Architect, 45 to 48 Mercantile blk, res 363 - Third East. ^"-' Carroll Wm," wood carver, e s 2nd East bet I ith and I2th South. CO QJ Carruthers John, lab, res 251 W Sixth North. Carruthers John Jr, bricklayer, bds 251 W Sixth North. Carruthers Lovicy M (wid Edwin), res 122 E Second South. Carruthers Wm H, blksmith, rms Lincoln House. ^ ^ Carson Amos C, emp F Platt Co. CD p ( Carson D B, policeman, res 534 W Second South, C/5 Carson Frank, bartdr Elk Saloon, res 131 Second East. ^1 Carson Louis E, barber Clift House barber shop, res 362 S State. ?! Carsons Albert, emp S L Hardware Co, res 223 W Sixth South. j[? Carstensen Fred C, mason, res 879 W Ninth South. Carter Miss Carrie W, res 5 1 W First South. Carter Charles G (Brown & C), res 19 W Third South. Carter Chas W (Faldmo & Co), resj429 S First West. Carter Geo W (C & Co), res Valley House. . CO <** T TTTATTI Printing in all its Branches. IT T\I7IfO DO UKK tt&sssSbsJU THO, GO, 1 V " I 52 W. 2d South. Telephone 249. | U1 A 1 1 U ' U U ' .. Salt lake City, RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 201 JQ Carter Mrs H E, tailoress Gabel The Tailor, res bet Tenth and . , Eleventh West and Third and Fourth South. Carter Jesse T, printer, res n e cor South Temple and First W. Carter John, grainer and painter, res 17 Eleventh East. CH Carter John W, cook St James, res 51 W First South. J| Carter Marion, dept col water rates 24 E First South, res 853 E ^ Seventh South. Carter Miss May, elk C W Carter, res 429 S First West. LJ Carter Richard, eng R G W Ry, res 458 W Second South. fls Carter Rutherford B, elk R G W Ry, res cor Riverside ave and Third South. = O Carter Thos, capitalist, res 358 E First South. |. Carter fc Co (Geo W C & Elwood Bailey), Proprietors Valley House, s w cor South and West Temple, see margin on cover. !' Carter W W, res Market. Carthey Frank G (C & Dumbeck), res 127 S Second West. 53. Carthey Robert F, carp Carthey & Dumbeck, res 163 W 3d S. - Carthey & Dumbeck (F G C & R D), plumbers, steam and gas fitters, 302 S West Temple. f-lU! Cartwright Calvin, Dentist, 128 S Main, res same. H Cartwright Mrs Ellen H, res 544 S State. S* Kjl < Cartwright Henry, elk R G W Ry, res 92 [ W Cannon. f, Q Cartwright James H, helper J W Farrell & Co, res 524 First East. 5 Q Cartwright John, groceries 538 S State, res 534 S State. Sg :j Cartwright Jno A, salesman Jas G McDonald Candy Co, res O W-. 534 S State. JD CJ ui Cartwright Thos H, bkpr Z C M I, res 548 S State. H Caruth John, lab, res 853 E Sixth South. Q C-4 -i Casady, see Cassidy. p * Casady Elmor E (E E Casady & Co), res cor 3d East & lOthS. O * Casady E E & Co, (E E Casady), Real Estate &' Loan SJ Agents, rooms 18 & 19 Commercial Block. " Casady John, lab, res 8 Fifth av, bet Fourth & Fifth West. N Casady Leighton, messenger Am D Tel. j* J Casady Miss Lizzie, elk N Y store, res 412 S Second West. p Oi 0) -I -I 111 U Casady Lewis E, real est agt, rms Holmes Blk. Casady, Mrs Rettah, res 412 S Second West. Case Andrew T, res 553 E Fifth South. Case Eber, bkpr, res 352 Sixth East. fl f^ Case Edward R, carp, res 13 W Sixth North. g jj Case Ellen, bds 553 E Fifth South. Case Hy rum, Grocery Store, 479 Fifth East, res same. !* H} CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McComicKBl(lg., SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts of Every Description. So"! " oQ I? OQ (A OZ CO tic 5Z co C3 CD WIHTTDlOliE, tOOKE & CO., IXKURANt'E, Boom 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597,375.41 202 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Case Wm J, comp Herald, res 543 E Fifth South. Casey Julia (wid Henry S), res 173 W Third South. Casey Rignald S, solicitor, res 173 W Third South. Caskey Robert J, prin Collegiate Institute Caskey Wm J, tchr Col Institute, res 161 Second East. Casper Duncan S, res Big Cottonwood. Cassell Miss Matilda O, domestic 16 Fourth East. Cassity Miss Laura, domestic 517 Fourth East. Castelar Christian, tailor, res 169 W Third South. Castelina Frank, desk sergeant police office, res 825 E 4th South. Castellano F, desk sergeant Police Court. Castello Michael, elk P F Collier, bds Valley House. Cattello Thos, teamster Harkins, res 136 W South Temple. Casterline John E, baggage master U P Depot, res rear 226 N Second West. Casting Peter, head cook Walker House, res 161 W 2d South. Castle Chas A, res 329 E Third South. Castle Nelson D, designer Sears & Liddle Co, bds Bon Ton res. Castle Edward, emp Sears & Liddle Co, bds Bon Ton Restaur't. Castle Miss Phoebe, domestic 971 E Fifth South. Castle Wm, physician, res 329 E Third South. Castleton Arthur R (Castleton Bros), res Sugar House Ward. Castleton Bros (Chas L, Wm J, Frank M,-Jas S, Arthur R, Wal- lace C & F S), genl mdse, 736 Second. Castleton Charles L (C Bros), res 283 H. Castleton Frances S (C Bros), res 75 L. Castleton Frank M (C Bros), res 820 Second. Castleton James S (C Bros), res 820 Second. Castleton Wallace C (C Bros), elk Z C M I, res 75 L. Castleton Wm J (C Bros), res 735 Third. Casto S A, res Big Cottonwood. Caswell Chas H, bartndr, rms 129 W Second South. Cater M (wid Wm C), res 923^ Fourth South. Cater Frank M, elk R K Thomas, res 442 First East. Gather H B, bkpr W H Smith, res 820 Third. Catron Wm, res 176 S Third West. Caunell Thomas, tailor, res 858 W South Temple. Causon E D (wid John C), res 226 Eleventh East. Caulton Michael, real estate agt, res 49 Eleventh East. Cavanaugh Dennis, wks Raddon, Williams & Co, rms Culmer Blk. H Cavanaugh Miss Lizzie J, elk S L Abst Co, res 724 E Brigham. ? Cavin Miss May, prop Tontine Hotel 43 Commercial, res same. S l> m O9 crtj ana 01 = moo ICO SALT LAKE LITHO CO Lithographing, Printing and Blank IIU. UU. The Finest in the Western 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. I Country.- R.H. Officer J Go,, r" RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 203 , . CD ,^J fc_^^ ^j Cawley Edward, stonecutter Campbell's Stone Saw Mill, res 13 OD Stanley Place. ^ ^ Cazier Edmund, mortorman S L C R R, res 1037 S First West. r ^' 3* Cazier James, lab, res 343 Third East. r^*- >T Cazier J S, lab S L C R R Co. tJ Cebert Jack, lunch stand Second South, bet Main and State, res O 230 S Second West. """^ Cebert Tonnie, lunch stand Second South, bet Main and State, fit res 2 3 ^ Second West. Cebert William, lunch stand Second South, bet Main and State, res 230 S Second West. Cecil James B, res w s West Temple, 2 of Ninth South. Cecil John B, res 737 S West Temple. Cederburg August, lab, res Murray. * Cederloof Ephraim, teamstr, res 375 Tenth East. Cederloof John, farmer, res 375 Tenth East. Cederloof Wm, teamster, res 375 Tenth East. _ Cederstrom Axel, driver Sorensen & Nelson, res Mortonsen's ave, Fifth South, bet Second and Third East. i^ Cederstrom Carl, blacksmith R G W Shops, res 171 Oak. Cederstrom Charles, lab R G W W Ry, res 171 Oak. Cederstrom Mrs Christina, tailoress Gabel The Tailor, res North Salt Lake. Ceilander J M, emp German ia Lead Works, res Murray. Cellar James D, lab, res 647 Fifth East. _. Cenner James, porter Alexander House, res same. Cereghino Mrs Jovino, res 438 W Eighth South. ^ Centennial Eureka Mining Co, set inc co's, J D Ken- Odall supt, office 44 W Second South. mm Central Block, 46-48 W Second South. Central Horse Shoeing Shop, J H Kidd prop, 1 3 Franklin ave. Central Park Subdivision, W H McClure & Co Proprie- tors, State Road and Thirteenth South, office 65 W 2d S. Century Road Club, A W Caine sec, 52 W Second South. South, res 749 S West Temple. Chadwick Miss Blanch, school tchr, res Capitol Hill. Chadwick Darwin J (Wilkes & Co), res cor B and Lincoln ave. Chadwick Miss Blanche, tchr i8th Dist School, rms Fourth, Q i e of Capitol Square. IQ Chadwick Miss Grace, school tchr, res Capitol Hill. ^ Chaffee Fred K, night elk Walker House, res same. Chaffin Frank, carp B B dept U P Ry, res 847 E Ninth South. on Age Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Office*. Salt Lake. Denver, Han Francisco^ 26 W. 8d South St. 76 Railroad Bid*. Ml Market St. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO OHLI LHlAL IIHIIUffffHIlL UU M Ammunition. Sporting Good- si -ii of Bis: Oan. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J and Fishing: Tackle. 0J 204 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ fc Chaffin Frank L, carp, 847 E Ninth South. 5 Chaffin C H, cond S L C R R, bds 46 Second East. .3 Chaffin E T, car emp S L C R R. tfr Chalk Creek Coal & Coke Co (see inc C0's), Chas F Blandin, ^ sec, office Mercantile blk. 3 O Chalker Alma, engineer U P Ry, res 344 N Fifth West. z' Chalker James, lab, res 573 W Second North. J Chalker Elmer, engineer U P Ry, res 344 N Fifth West. IJ'g Chalker Sidney, painter and paper hanger, res 378 I. j? C Chalker Sidney, paper hanger, res 326 N Fifth West. < o Chalmers Horace S, peddler, res rear 49 S West Temple. O Chalmers James L, weaver S L Silk Factory, res 54 S West J^j Temple. o C Chalmers John, carp, T-R-A Co, res 620 Fifth. <3 Chamber of Commerce, S W Sears sec, Board of Trade O bldg. fc Chamberlain Amy (wid Jos), res 750 W Second South. O Chamberlain Miss Carrie E, music teacher, res 48 Locust. JJ Chamberlain Frank J, stenographer & typewriter, res 534 W UJ Second South. Chamberlain Edw, carp, bds 142 Fifth East. g ^ Chamberlain George, lab, res 237 J. 2 Chamberlain Jacob, lab, res 237 J. ^ s Chamberlain James, lab, res 657 Sixth. a Chamberlain John, lab, res 237 J. ^ Chamberlain John Jr, shoemkr, res 237 J. _ Chamberlain John D, painter, res 925 E Seventh South. Q Chamberlain Jno M (Taggart & C), 166 E Fifth South. Q3 Chamberlain Lee, miner, res 6th North, bet I2th & I3th West. ^ Chamberlain Miss Lucy, 142 E Fifth South. Chamberlain Mamie, res 534 W Second South. CO Chamberlain Percy E, lab, res 47 Back. p3 Chamberlain Richard T, contr & builder, 142 E Fifth South. ^3 Chamberlain Richard T Jr, bds 143 E Fifth South. (^ Chamberlain Wm H, carp and bldr, res 534 W Second South. , Q Chamberlain Wm H, Jr, tchr L D S College, bds 534 W 2d So. ^g _ Chamberlin Elizabeth (wid John W), 2155 Fourth West. !* 2C hamfoerlm John W (The Star Nursery), 215 S 4th West. - ^ CO Chamberlin Jos, farmer, e s of State n of Eleventh South. f ? CO Chamberlin Jas T, stenog L M Armstrong, res 534 W 2nd South. 'Joa fu Chamberlin Ole E, sign painter Peterson & Brown, res ^4 W B Second South. = * 2 __ __ _ _ f GQ CO CD 00 DAPIfED 9 nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnfVtn & UtrUt, LUMBER AID IMPORTED IHD AIERICAI CEMENTC. Cor. 3d. South and 3dL TVest. Tel. 255. MOUNTAIN ICE CO.. TELEPHONE 43. r^ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 205 Chamberlin Susie A (wid J T), 248 S Fourth West. Chambers Nathaniel G, res 50 E Fifth South. Chambers George S, res 50 E Fifth South. Chambers J Harry, elk Walker B & F Co, res 716 S Main. Chambers Robert C 9 Superintendent Ontario and President Daly Silver Mining Co and Herald Publishing Co, bds Alta Club. ?a Chambers Samuel, farmer, Mill Creek. Chambers Spencer Gr, elk genl del dept P O, res 50 E 5th South. Champ James, bricklayer, res 176 Fifth. Champion Thomas B, lab city, res 1 1 1 Pitts. Champneys Thos W, laundryman, res 1156 E Fourth South. Chance Logan C, elk auditor R G W Ry, res 268 Ninth East. Chance John H, carp, res 970 W Fourth South. Chandler Chas F, tmstr, res rear 645 S Fifth East. iJ >^ Chandler Frank A, trackman R T Co, res 667 Fourth East. H H Chandler Fred, lab S L C R Co, < Chandler Mrs Geo (wid), res 315 Seventh East. J O Chandler George A, res 127 Sixth East. P Chandler George H, blksmith R G W Ry, res 779 W 4th South. J( Chandler George W, butcher, res 523 Chester ave. pj < Chandler Gertie, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. ^_ F (/) Chandler Henry H, agt S L Intelligence office 57 W Third South. CD - * Chandler Maud, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. F O Chandler Nathan J, lab, res Murray. ID rj Chandler Rachel (wid William), res 558 E Fifth South. <5q H " Chandler Miss Rose, dressmkr, res 558 E Fifth South. -^- P jjj Chandler Stephen, lab Temple Blk, res 439 N First West. flj Chaney George, asst city engineer, res Owen. jjj T Chaney Hyrel, elk Schweitzer & Ransohoff, res 729 S Owen. t ^\ -J Chaney Richard O, civil engineer, res 729 South Owen, -^ Chapin A C, res 184 Third. Chapin Miss Lizzie, domestic 344 S Fourth West. O- Chapman Miss Annie E, asst librarian Pioneer Library, res 840 T1 E Seventh South. ^ Chapman A Scott (C & Tripp), res 722 Owen. 5. Chapman Benjamin, farmer, East Mill Creek. CO Chapman Brigham, lab, res 42 W Second South. CD Chapman Isaac B, farmer East Mill Creek. JJJ Chapman Isaac M, farmer, East Mill Creek. " Chapman Jerome, car emp S L C R R Co. Chapman J, lab, res 282 Fourth. g |5 Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa- cilities ami Enterprise North I . P. Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. . . 206 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. tT 1 w * Chapman John J, bricklayer, res 220 Eighth East. _ ^ 1 Chapman Joseph, brick mason, res 543 E Fourth South. r 2 J Chapman Joseph H, lab, res 432 W Second South. a 5 Chapman Joseph S, stone cutter at Temple, res 1055 E S Temple. 2 H Chapman Miss Lottie, domestic 355 W Second South. H o Chapman Miss Louisa, res 432 West Second South. . 5 Chapman Miss Mamie, dressmkr, bds 543 E Fourth South. | Chapman fc Tripp (A S C & E A T), S L Dental Depot, p "2 105 -106 Opera House blk. Chapman Theo F, stoker fire dept No. 2 Eng House, res 1 27 N Second West. 3- g> Chapman William B 9 Green Grocer, Fish, Hay & Grain - = 30 West First South, res same. g Chapman W Albert sec S L Pickle Co, res 171 Q St. ^ Chapman Wm H, assayer, res 1st Burlington add. rv-r Chapman W H, lab city street dept. __ LU Charles Robert, lab, res 605 Seventh South. ^ 5$ E Charlton Geo C, prop Congress Saloon, res 1030 E 2d South. 2 w ^ Charon Arthur J, foreman pressroom Times, res 29 4th East. E ^ CQ Charon Geo, pressman Times, res n w cor 3d South & loth East. % S Charooz Louis, elk 147 S Main, res 428 N Third West. g 2 ^JJ Chase Asa, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 851 E Ninth South. -J. CD Chase Miss Cora, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 839 E 9th So/ ^ Z Chase Cyrus C, farmer, res Eleventh South w of State. Chase Cyrus E, farmer, res Eleventh South w of State. (/) QC Chase Miss E, res 839 E Ninth South ** ^gj Chase Emily (wid), res 122 E Fifth South. Chase H W, elk Golden Eagle Liquor Store, res 749 S West 3 Temple. LU Chase Ira H, carp U P shops, res 148 Pear. ^ D Chase J A, carp, res 148 Pear. 5j Chase J H, carp U P Ry, res 148 Pear. SJ __ Chase May Emily, res 122 Fifth East. -Q " Chase Miriam G (wid Sisson), res 847 Eighth East. CO Chase Samuel D. elk, res 255 E Sixth South. ^* t^< Chase Sisson A, emp F Auerbach & Bro, res 833 E 9th South, f* <; Chase W H, carp, rms 375 W First South. Ll J>* Chase Wm H, packer F Auerbach & Bro, res 839 E 9th South. CD |jq Chatfield Martha (wid Geo), res 21 S Fifth West. P Chatterton Jonathan, eng, res 521 W First South. 5. Q Chatterton Wm, eng U C Ry, res 119 Post. 3 Chauncy Geo, emp City Engineer's office. CJQ OO Real Estate Broker, tT^af'l Monetf to Loan, a Specialty. H. P. G. COATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Bloek. K.H. Officer I Bo.. ASSAYEBS.SJSS -Jj RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 207 *^D Cheatham Lilbern L, res 6 Rose ave. 2 ^ Checketts Reuben, car repairer U P Ry, res Marion ave. ^ Cheesmaii Morton J, Cashier Union National Bank, res s e cor West Temple and Fourth South. Q Chelnisia Miss Babb, domestic 164 S Sixth East. CO Cheney W E, waiter U P Hotel. _ rs\ Cherling John L, cabinetmkr Sorensen & Nelson, res 131 2d E. r->. Cherry Alfred N (Shepard, Cherry & Shepard), res 857 E 3rd S. ^ ^1 Cherry Howard W, printer, res 857 E Third South. C Q Cherry Jas W, stenogr Shepard, Cherry & Shepard, res 857 E H3 CO Third South. g* * Cherry Peter, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. Cheshire Geo, res rear 429 Seventh East. -a Cheshire Geo Jr, harness mkr F Platt & Co, res 1 1 Jefferson. g Cheshire Reuben, harness mkr F Platt & Co, res 429 7th East. ~. Cheshire Wm, lab, res 43 5 Tenth East. Chesney Court, Fourth South bet West Temple and First West. > Chesney James, res 156 W Fourth South. o Chesney Jane F (wid James A), res 455 S First West. Chester Avenue, bet 8th and 9th E and 5th and 6th S. (/) Chester Dean R, bkpr R G W Ry office, res 462 S Second West. f[J Chicago Cheese Co, Wm B Webber agt, 222 W Second South. M Chicago Liquor House, Fred S Hadra prop, 44 and 46 E First South, seepage X. O Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry, Alexander Mitchell ^J Commer'l Agt, T F Powell Travelling Agt, 22 Morlan Blk, see page jj. O * Chicago & Northwestern Ry, W L Stannard gen'l agt, 12 W *"* - Second South. PC Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry, J E Oglesby gen'l agt, 38 >% W Second South. P^ Chicago & Salt Lake Extract & Perfume Co, Wm S Farris, mngr. jfc r~j 131 W Second South. Chicago Tailors (Marohn & Co), 18 E First South. Child Agnes (wid Wm B), res 652 E Second South. ^ 23 [Hi Child Ebenezer N (Neve & C), res 223 Eighth East. | g ^- Child George, bricklayer, res rear 244 Ninth East. Child Joseph, res rear 244 Ninth East. ^ Children W B, Sierra Nevada planing mills, res 254 W South g g| Temple. 5 j^ CD Childs Alvaro D, carp, res 93 1 Third. * r*, "-3 Childs Amanda S (wid Alfred W), res 55 Eleventh East. gj RopaSearlesKo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, ^ ENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. [ Siarn of Btir Gun . 42 and 44 W. 2d Sou t h . J H-artruarwrs for W r. Ranges, Gasoline Stoves, Refrigerator- Granite, Tin and Copper Ware. Fin< House-furnishing Good*. s >w iTJ 208 _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ Q-) ^ -^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ . ^. Chinn John, lab, res 335 S Eighth West. Chipman Albert, elk, res 444 Sixth East. Chipman Richard, real estate agt, res 444 Sixth East. Chisholm Alexander J (Holcomb & C), res 43 S West Temple. Chisholm W W, Sec and Treas Centennial-Eureka Mining Co, res 644 E South Temple. Chittenden Lavina, domestic Manitou. res. same. Chittock Samuel, gardener, res Eleventh East, bet pth and loth S. Cholly H (Landers, Ewer & Co), res Colfax, Wash. Chorow P, car repairer S L C R R. Choules Oliver W, engr U P Ry, res I Morris ave. Chowning George, lab, res 223 E Fourth South. Christel Alfred, rms 169 W South Temple. Christensen, ^^ Christenson and Christiansen. Christensen Albert, elk Trios E Harper, res 230 F. Christensen Andrew (J M Christensen & Co), res 437 4th East. Christensen Anton F, trav agt S L Music Co, res 230 F. ^ ^ Christensen Carl, machinist U P shops, res 138 N Seventh W. :r^ Christensen Carl, bartdr 167 S Main, res 362 S First West. Christerisen Carl, carp, 218 E Fifth South. % Christensen C E, res 59 Centre. 2 Christensen Dorthea, dom 416 Third. O* 9 Christensen Eliza, emp Des Wol Mills, res 155 Centre. S JJ Christensen Elizabeth (wid), res 925 E Fifth South. O Christensen Emma, domestic 60 E First North. ^ j ( ) 6j Christensen Ernest, night watchman Walker Bros & Fyler Co, ^^ rms Mercantile blk. O Christensen Franklin, lab, res 925 E Fifth South. CJ Christensen Geo, lab, w s 9th E, 6 n of Fourteenth South. PL) Christensen Geo, emp S L P Brick Co, res Mill Creek. , _ } Christensen Gertie, domestic 143 Centre Street. Jy*| Christensen Gustaf, photographer, res 33 Apple. _ j Christensen Hans S. lab, res 49 N Fifth West. I i Christensen Helena, res 748 Fourth East. P-H Christensen James, lab, res 42 Grape. [JLJ Christensen Jas, lab city and county bldg. Js^J Christensen Jas A, photo print J R Matsens, res 33 Apple. ^ Christenseii J H A Co, (J M and Andrew), Wholesale i* , ^ Eggs, 59 E First South. (Seepages). ?, Christensen James M (J M Christensen & Co), res 437 4th East. ^ Chriftensen John, lab, res rear 153 Fourth East. ?S? ^ Christensen Joseph, horse shoer D J O'Mahony. 41 " SUIT I.HKRI ii.iTHn."nir " I 5i W. SeCvina Suuih. Telephens S4f. I flMERICAHISCUIT&MllNUFJlCTUHING CO., Sail Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 209 Christensen Miss Josephine M, bds 33 Apple. Christensen Miss Katie, waitress Rio Grande Hotel, bds same. Christensen Mrs Laura, opr Z C M I clothing factory, bds 838 W North Temple. Christensen Lewis, teamster S L Bldg & Mfg Co, res 9th North and Ninth West. Christensen Louis C, teamster, res North Salt Lake. Christensen Lydie, emp Des W Mills. Christensen Maggie, emp Des W Mills, res 15; Centre. Christensen Marie (wid O), res 33 Apple. Christensen Mary (wid Neils C), res Austin, North Salt Lake. Christensen Mrs Mary S, res 533 W Fourth North. JJJ Christensen Niels, seconds-hand store, 107 E Second South, res ~~ 38 Thirteenth East. JTI Christensen Niels C, harnessmkr, res cor 3rd North and Quince. *-* &? Christensen Niels C, mason, res 9th South bet 7th & 8th East. ~-* |2 Christensen Peter M, stone trimmer, rms Lincoln House. Si- Christensen Soren C, tailor, res 61 N Fifth West. ~ *~*< Christensen Soren, porter Walker Bros & Fyler Co, rms same. CO S^O Christensen Walter, carp, res 521 E Seventh South. ~ Q. Christensen Miss Zina, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Q3 2^5 Christenson Alfred, studt U of U, res Moroni, Sanpete county. c^ Sp-0 Christenson Andrew, teamster, res rear 154 N Second West CD ^* Christenson Miss Annie, domestic I Kendall avenue. 3g go Christenson Annie (wid Ularvis), res 33 Apple, basement. O Christenson Carl, bartndr Shade Saloon, res 362 S First West. ^ Christenson Chas, wiper U P Ry, res 138 N Seventh West. **< ^y Christenson Christa, domestic 209 Thirteenth East. g" gg< Christenson Miss Cristie, domestic 563 E Second South. ^ _ ^ J Christenson C E, studt U of U, res Manti, Sanpete county. CD *^ Christenson James, lab, res 217 F. S? Christenson Joseph, elk Historian Office, res rear 349 W 1st So. " * Christenson J M, produce dealer First South, res rear 1 54 N Second West. Christenson Maria, domestic 261 E Third South. p 7" Christenson Miss Marie, domestic I Kendall ave. Christenson Martha, domestic 1 5 5 Centre. Christenson Neil, lab city, res 347 E Second South. Christenson Paul, book agent, res 155 Centre. Christenson Walter, mach Phoenix Mill, 521 E Seventh South. Christian Jno W, salesman P F Collier, res 244 S West Temple. H [J Christian Kate, domestic Grand Hotel. 1L PUAC D nniiDi AY 9 rn isesfcaosiecnittHu., Lrlflo. D buUnLAY & LU,, SALT LAKE CITY. lP.O.Box492. Telephon.6:i. Shirts of Description. Repairing a WHITTEMORE,COORE&CO., li = / Room 310. McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg Assets, $2,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets, $1,160,403.22 210 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CO C/7 t Sfc o LZ CD c f z o w m EP Christian Science Dispensary and Reading Room, I O O F bldg, Market. Christiansen Christina (wid), rms rear 125 State. Christiansen Dena, dom 142 N Main. Christiansen Jens, lab, res 42 Grape. Christiansen John, tailor, res 318 W Third North. Christiansen Miss Josephine, dom 439 E Brigham. Christiansen Niels C, real estate, res 753 E Ninth South. Christiansen Miss Nora, dom 142 N Main. Christianson Andrew F, dairyman, 355 Express ave. Christianson Miss Annie, dom 357 Fourth East. Christianson John, lab, res Murray. Christianson Kamie, res 43 Hazel Court, n of 525 E 5th South. Christian's Row, 856 Lake, n of 745 E Ninth South. Christie Wallace H, trav agt O J Salisbury. Christine Benard, cook, res 1139 E Fifth South. Christjohnson Siverin, carp, res 1005 S Third West. Christen John, tailor Jno Miller Jr, res n s 3d N, bet 3d & 4th W. Christopher Henry, warehouseman B K Bloch & Co, res Alex- ander Blk. Christopherson Annie, dom, res 1063 E Second South. w jj Christopherson Einor, elk, res State, s of Eleventh South. jf Q Christopherson Mrs H (wid), res rear 116 E Second South. g- Z Christopherson Martin, Salt Lake Nursery, e s State, bet nth g CO and 1 2th South. Christy Chas A, tailor Joe Baumgarten, res 28 Union Alley. Christy Hyrum, barber shop 17 W 2d South, res 31 Morlan Blk. Christy Mrs H, milliner 3 1 W First South, res same. Christy Jos, tailor, res 28 Union ave. Christy Ward, elk Golden Rule Bazaar, res 109 Folsom ave. Chugg Edna, emp Des W Mills, res 122 N Sixth West. Chugg Geo W, propr Continental Hotel bar, res 449 W 1st N. Chugg John, motorman S L C R R, res 122 N Sixth West. Chugg Willis, cash boy Schweitzer & Ransohoff, bds 622 N"^ Sixth West. 5 Church of Christ (Scientist), I O O F Hall, Market. Church David J, cigar stand 176 S Main, res Singer blk. 0O Church Farm, e s Second West s of South Boulevard. Z Church of Jesus Christ of L D S, Wilford Woodruff prest. office:! 69 E South Temple. Church of St Mary Magdalen, w s Second East bet South Temple JQ and First South. s. o u * :s so SftLT LAKE LITHO. CO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY R,H. Officer SCo o PI o RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 211 Church Street, Fourth South bet Main and State. Church University, 227 W First North. Churchill Caleb W, carp, res 218 S Second West. Chultz Ernest, teamster, res 324 Twelfth East. Chute Jas A, asst secy W L & S Co, res 410 Sixth East. City Assessor & Collector, Fred J Leonard, office 24 E 1st S. City Bakery (Geo Gebhardt propr), 1 26 W First South. City Blacksmith Shop, 77 E North Temple. ~ City Cemetery, Fourth bet U and N. O City Hall, 120 E First South. ^ City Engineer's Office, rm 17 City Hall. ^ , City Hay Market, John O Mattox prop, Second East, bet Third and Fourth South. _-H City Liquor Store, Joseph Y Smith, 10 E First South. _ City Sump Works, Tenth West, cor West Fifth South. - City Water Works Office, 136 E First South. _^ City Water Works Warehouse, 69 E North Temple. 3 City Weigh Scales, w s Second East, bet Third and Fourth S. ^ City and County Building, e s State, bet Fourth and Fifth S, CO Cioli P B, Fruit Stand, Theatre cor, res 59 State. I Claggett Wm H, barkpr Elk Saloon, rms Lincoln House. J-> Clapp Capt W H, i6th Infantry, res Fort Douglas. Claridge Joseph, lab S L C R R. -,-, tjz Clark A F, res 264 S West Temple. Q Clark Agnes, dressmkr, res 240 W Sixth North. ^ -D Clark Albert O, Agt Denver & Rio Grande Express, 58 W -7* .*c-i Second South, res 421 S West Temple. ^3 Clark Ann (wid B T), res w s Eleventh E, s of Tenth South. QJ CO Clark Miss Anna, domestic 563 W First South. CO g Clark Annie, res 73 N, CO 3 Clark Annie (wid Jeff), res 136 Third East. - Clark Annie (wid Jefferson), res 2 Fifth ave bet 4th and 5th W. 3 :? Clark Miss Annie J, res 722 Fifth. "C Clark A Sophia (wid Abraham), Rooms and Board, res 60 N CO Second West. ^ Clark Mrs Caroline, res Amos add. r-\ Clark Charles, mining, bds 722 Fifth. Clark Charles, res 249 W Second South. _ Clark Chas K, liveryman, res 10 Whitney Terrace. Clark C W, elk The Tunnel, res Telluride Blk. Clark Miss Clara, res 873 E Ninth South. Clark Ed E, res 176 Fifth. r- Irrigation Age Printing House . 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book and SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., Sign of Big^ Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d Koutti. ) and Gasoline Stoves. g 212 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M "~ 5 Clark Edw W, carp, res 240 W Sixth North. 1 . Clark, Eldredge & Co, see inc cos, John E Clark sec, whole- sale Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, etc, 141 and 143 W * +; First South. 1 g Clark Elizabeth, res rear 731 S Third West. *! Clark Miss Emma, res 873 E Ninth South. E Clark Miss Emma, res 54 N Fifth West. Clark Frank, head waiter Hotel Knutsford, bds same. J> Clark Frank, painter, res 365 J. Clark Franklin, asst supt R T, res 762 S West Temple. tU3 Clark Gardner S, rec teller Am Nat Bank, res 532 Second East. .E: Clark Geo, res 731 S Third West. "2 Clark Miss Gertrude, res 353 W First South. |= Clark Harry, elk frt dept U P Ry, res 362 S First West. ^ Clark Harry, comp Herald, res 121 S First West. Clark Harry, tel opr U P Ry, res 362 S First West. ^ Clark Henry F, Merchant Tailor 69 S State, res 284 K. i * See adv on cmer. : Clark Henry W, eng R G W, res 469 W Third South. ^ Clark Herbert, lab, res 353 W First South. Clark House, O P Cravens propr, 161 W South Temple. Clark Hyrum, stone cutter, res 515 S Ninth West. g Clark Miss Ida, elk S L Steam Dye Works, res 60 N 2d West. z Clark James, lab, res 151 W Second North. Q OB Clark James, del elk S L Steam Dye Works, res 60 N 2d West. - Clark James, helper Farrell & Killeen, res 60 N Second West. " Clark James P, stone cutter, res 873 E Ninth South. Clark James P Jr, teamster, res 873 E Ninth South. Clark Jay J, eng fire dept, res Roberts Blk. Clark John, lab city, res 266 D. -^ Clark John, pres Clark, Eldredge & Co, res 305 First. Clark John A, carp T-R-A Co, res I 54 Tenth East. Clark John E, sec Clark, Eldredge & Co, res 79 D. Clark J H, sign writer, res 4 E Third South. Clark Mrs J H. dressmkr, res 4 E Third South. Clark John H, Proprietor Morgan Hotel, bds same. g -s Clark John S, collector J Edwards, res Social Hall alley. Clark John W, shoemkr, res 546 W North Temple. * to CJ Clark Jonah W, shoemkr, res 9 N Eighth West. f? Clark Jos C, book agt, res i Kendall ave. ^cg Clark Joshua R, exhibitor Des Museum, res 385 Fifth. s Clark Laura M (wid John), res W Temple, bet loth and nth S. CD 03 3 CD u> CO CD CO Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. O m r m 03 > H DISTILLED WATER ICE RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 213 Clark C 9 Representing Smith-Wallace Shoe Co rm 711 McCornick blk, bds White House. Clark Lorenzo S, carp, res w s I ith East s of Tenth South. O Clark Miss Lotta, res 610 W First South. Z Clark Louisa, res 375 W Fourth South. Clark Lucinda (wid H), res 425 N Third West. Clark Mrs Marian, res 226 B. Clark Mary (wid), res 353 W First South. Clark Mrs Mary, laundress, res ist South bet 2nd and 3d West. Clark Miss Mary, res 873 E Ninth South. Clark M A, teamster city street dept. Clark Mary E, res 614 W First South. Clark Mrs Mary E (wid Jno F), res 74 Post. Clark Milo, bartender Valley House, res same. Clark Nathan, lab, res Capitol Hill. Clark Newton A, carp, res 1419 W Eighth South. >; Clark Ovis, res 610 W First South ^ Clark Patrick, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. S Clark Reuben, elk Deseret Museum, res 385 Fifth. $ Clark Samuel, Livery, Feed & Sale Stables 174 W First South, see adv, res I W Commercial Row. < Clark Samuel A, res I W Commercial Row. Clark Miss Sarah E. res 9 N Eighth West. t Clark Thomas, exp wagon, res 121 Ninth East. 3 Clark Thomas, res 161 W South Temple. O Clark W Chas, res 722 Fifth. Clark William, bartender Morgan, bds same. Q Clark William, brick yard, rms 254 Centre. < Clark William, erig, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Clark William A, vice-pres Nat Mineral W Co, res Butte, Mont. Clark William A, brakeman, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ~ Clark W B, treas Inland Crystal Salt Co, res Kansas City, Mo. Clark Wm C (D B Hoover & Co), prop Palace Stables, res Fifth South bet Seventh and Eighth West. >-KJ Clark W G, comp Times, res 343 W North Temple. Clark Wm H, real estate agt, res 431 Sixth East. Clark W H, teamster, res 610 W First South. Clark William M, mining, bds 722 Fifth. Clark William N, elk Clark, Eldredge & Co, res 305 First. Clarke Arthur E, bkpr Hotel Knutsford, res same. Clarke Franklin B, asst supt S L Rapid Transit Co, res 762 S J> West Temple. Joint OIL, WHOLESALE LUMBER, Track, North of Depot. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO.. Corner Mnin and First South. | Improved City Property. j- 214 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. a 2 g Clarke Hattie I (wid Frank), dressmkr, res 58 W Third South. Clarke House, Clarke & Copps, props, 161 W South Temple. CQ Clarke Mrs Sophia (wid Abraham), res 60 N Second West. g | Clarke Thomas (C & Copps), res 161 W South Temple. 5 Clarke James W, elk Electric Light Co, rms 22 Commercial. H Clasbey James T, prest S L Hdw Co, res 266 E 2d South. ^ 5 Clasbey Julian E, bkkpr S L Hdw Co, rms Central blk. I s Clausen Andrew (C Bros), res 803 W Fourth South. g Clausen Bros (Hans & Andrew), grocers 539 W Second South. * Clausen Hans (Clausen Bros), res s w cor 4th S and 7th West. j: c Clausen Elizabeth E (wid Hans C), res 409 W Sixth South. SJ 5 Clausen Miss Nellie, domestic res 409 W Sixth South. j S Clausing Mrs Mary A, res 273 N Fifth West. -^ 5 9 Clawson Anna, emp Des Woolen Mills, res 538 N Third West. j_j ^ Clawson Annie E (wid John R), res 424 E Fourth South. O OCf Clawson Emily Y, res 32 Fifth East. _ Clawson Miss Eva A, res 1321 E South Temple. , A & Clawson Mrs Fred, bds 27 E Fourth South. ~ Clawson Miss Henrietta, domestic 1 5 E Fifth South. 2 * Clawson Hiram B, bishop L D S I2th Ward, res 147 E South & Temple. ? JJ Clawson Hiram B jr, sec & treas Little, Roundy & Co, res 169 5. E First South. Clawson Miss Ivie, res 147 E South Temple. Clawson John R, mining opr, bds 424 E Fourth South. Clawson Miss Katie, 32 Fifth East. Q3 Clawson Leo H, warehouseman Spencer Clawson & Co, res 83 Eir Canyon Road. 5 Clawson Miss Lulu, res 32 Fifth East. ^ Clawson Mrs Margaret G, res 3 Third East. Clawson Mrs May, res no State. Q - Clawson Nichli, carpenter, res 714 S Eighth West. Clawson N, motorman, res cor Seventh South & Eighth West. Clawson Selden I, res 57 Third. ^ CO Clawson Sidney B, res 261 Fourth East. JJ Clawson Spencer (Spencer C & Co), res 1 5 S State. CO Clawson Spencer fc Co (Spencer C & Orson T Rogers), 30 Wholesale Dry Goods, 100 Broadway. Clawsou Stanley H, Dentist, 307 McCornick Blk, res 64 Q Second. Clawson Thomas H, dentist, res n w cor S Temple and 3d East. ~ u Clawson Thomas W, broker, bds 424 E Fourth South. . CfQ LOANSASPECUlTV^trSe'o^M MONEY TO LOAN. -*,*,*. Real Estate Broker, H. p. c. tuns. I E. i. SHEETS. Room u. commtrtiai B.H. Officer Ho R . RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 215 = Clay B F, res 68 S Sixth West. Clay Frank B, minister, res 617 S West Temple. O3 Clay Harry, lab Campbell's Stone Saw Mill, res 434 W North Temple. Claybourne Joshua, eng S L B & Manf Co, res 273 Second. "-; Claypool Thomas B, res 222 W Third South: "3 Clays Daniel (Wall & Clays), res 335 Eighth East. .22 Clays Peter, mining eng, res 24 Church. = Clays Miss Theo M, res 137 Fourth East. ^ Clays A W (wid Wm S), res 137 Fourth East. Clayton Albert C, res 104 Third, Canyon Road. O Clayton Annie (wid Wm), res 104 Third. Clayton Block, 214^ South State. CD Clayton Block, opposite Tabernacle. Clayton Miss Carrie, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 104 3d, r*- Canyon Road. Clayton David H, farmer, res 445 W Third South. Clayton Edward F, bkpr E Sells & Co, res 623 Eighth East. Clayton F C, res 134 E Third South. Clayton Isaac A, Secy & Treas S L & Los Angeles R R Co, res 170 B. "^ Clayton John (J & W H Clayton), res 155 F. ^ Clayton J & 1% : H, Locksmiths, Stove Repairers, etc, 137 -3 W Second South. See page X. j= Clayton Miss Lucy L, studt I7th Dist, res I44W North Temple. ^3 Clayton Xophi W 9 Vice-Pres and Gen Mgr Inter-Mountain ! Salt Co, 501 McCornick Blk, res 100 Second. Clayton Newel H, capitalist, res 404 S Second West. Clayton Miss Rose, res 104 Third. & Clayton Mrs Ruth, res 57 E North Temple. ^ Clayton Sarah A (wid Wm), res 144 W North Temple. ~ Clayton Thomas, cutter, res 155 F. Clayton Miss Vickie, school tchr, res 144 W North Temple. Clayton W C, runner Walker House, res same. Q. Clayton Wm H (J & W H Clayton), res 2570. Clayton Wm M, elk 30 W First South, res 147 E 8th South. Cleare Walter H, elk Simon Bros, res 562 Third East. Cleary Patrick, lab R G W Ry, res 506 S Fourth West. Cleghoru Robert, supt Z C M I Drug Store, res 45 N Canyon road. 2 Cleghorne Fred W, secy Buckhorn Gold & Silver Mining Co, " Q res Bingham Junction. (/) Rogers, SearlesKo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.} Siyn of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J l.lllls. \II11III1IIIIIOII. I III.- I HI lery. I i.liiu^ Turk I*- and Sporting Clough Henry T, frt elk R G W Ry, res 45 I W Third South. 5 ^ !j Clough Robert W, baggageman R G W Ry, res 45 I W Third S. ~ U- Clover Dairy Co The, see inc co's, H M Bacon sec & treas 277 c/> ^}uj SMain, ^ ^ 0) Clover Valley Land & Stock Co, see inc co's, C W Lyman sec, Q3 ^fj < office 1 3 Deseret Bank bldg. <-j jg Clovis Frank, lab, res 523 E Sixth South. CD H < Clovis Fred, lab City Water Works. 3g 3 Clovis John W, lab," bds 523 E Sixth South. O? Clovis Wm A, painter, bds 523 E Sixth South. ^ Wg Clovis W F, lab, bds 523 E Sixth South. ^C p^ Q Clowes Annie (wid John), res 75 H. jjj f, 3 Cluhen John, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. ^_ Clute Edward R, Grain and Feed Dealer, res 1063 E 2nd S. o Clute Edwin R 9 sec and treas Driver Merc Co, res 849 E E^ Second South. Coad Edw F (Coad & Coad), res Poplar Grove, West Jordan. ^ Goad James C (Coad & Co), res 158 E Second South. Coad & Coad (James C and Edw F), attorneys at law, 7 Wa- p ^ satch Bldg. H | Coalter Fergus, pres Coalter & Snelgrove Co, res 749 2nd East. ^ Coalter & Siielgrove Co. see inc cos, Music and Musical Z Instruments, 74 S Main, see page IX. SCO ||j Coates Harold P O, mortgage and loans, 1 2 Commercial ft ^ Blk, res 1134 E First South. See bottom margins. +$ HI Coates Lewis B, real estate agt, I O O F hall, res Lake Breeze. J^ JJj CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO, 303&305McCornicKBl(ig., SALT LAKE CITY. r.O.Bw2. Tweph<631. Shirts of Every Description. tf H1TTEMOBE. WKE & CO., INSURANCE, Room 310, McCornick Building. London Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Assets, $14,880,157.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Milwaukee, Wis Assets, $ 1,630,242.70 218 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. C/3 cc en r Cobb Camilla C, tchr, res 105 B. * Cobb Ives E, teller Coml Natl Bank, res 105 B. o Cobb Henry I. elk auditor's office ROW Ry, res 105 B. 5 Cobb James T, journalist, res 105 B. Cobbley John S, fireman R G W Ry, res 426 W Fourth South. ^ Coburn Ernest, brakeman R G W Ry, bds Albany Hotel. z Coby Ben, elk 1 17 S Main, rms 27 S First West. * Cochler George W, contractor, res 138 E Seventh South. * Cochran Ellis L, barber H Christy, res 716 S Main. Cochran Mat, sheep man, res Capitol ave, bet State and Main. Cochran Sanford D, sheep man, res nth S, bet State and Main. Cochrane James H, expressman, res 42 Rio Grande ave. Cochrane Miss Jennet, res 42 Rio Grande ave. Cochrane Miss Mamie, res 42 Rio Grande ave. Cochrane Mrs M G, res North Salt Lake. Cocking William, driver E Braby & Sons, res 1058 E 2d South. 00 I Cocroft Miss Lizzie, res 128 W Sixth South. ~ | Coddington James H, com'l trav, res 244 S West Temple. -g a Cody Edward, emp S L P B Co, res N Mill Creek. Cody George E, lab, res 562 N Second West. Cody Mary E (wid M L), res 444 Fifth East. Coe Henry C, elk Jno F Coe, res 329 E Second South. Coe Jno F, druggist n e cor Third East and Second South, res 329 E Second South. Coe T B, res 368 W First South. Coffin Edwin C, Pres and Mgr E C Coffin Hdw Co, res 1037 1st. Coffin E C Hardware Co, see inc cos, E C Coffin Pres and M^r, Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Stoves, Mill and Mining Supplies, Builders Hardware, etc, 147 S Main. Coffin Manford H, Vice-Pres E C Coffin Hdw Co res 1055 ist. Coggle Chas F, baker, res 276 W Eighth South. Coggle Heber B, mason, res 276 W Eighth South. Cohen Bert, elk J H Leyson Co, res 340 E First South. Cohen Harris, clothing store 66 E Second S, res 414 S State. ^ s2 Cohen H A, pres S L Litho Co, res Morey, Nev. S" Cohen Joseph M, cigar store Main, res 418 Fourth. /t . Cohen L, barber shop 1135 Main, res 340 F First South. Cohen M, prop The Home Restaurant 65 E Second S, res same. Cohen Michael, mngr Cohen & Co, res 65 E Second South. Cohen & Co, Michael Cohen Manager, Variety Store, 65 E Second South. Cohn see Kohn and Kahn. CD CO CD ana CD CD 3 *I * 35 CD CD cna mc/> ICO ^Al T I 4KF I ITHn TO Lithographing, Printing and Blank OH LI LH? L. LIIMU. UU. D ftrt v MoVinn The Finest in the Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. Book Making, T Country. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 219 Cohn Alex (Cohn Bros), res 670 E South Temple, Cohn Bros (Louis & Alex), Dry Goods 116 & 118 S Main. Cohn Harris (Cohn & Appleman), res 41 5 S State. Cohn Henry (H Cohn & Co), res 555 E Second South. Cohn Henry & Co (Henry Cohn), Storage & Commission Hides, Wools & Pelts, 422 to 436 W North Temple. Cohn Herman, hostler Tom McCoy Stables, res same. Cohn Laoz, shoemkr basement 55 E First South, res same. Cohn Leon, res 340 E First South. Cohn Louis (Cohn Bros), res 666 E South Temple. Cohn M H, express elk R G W R Ry, res 6 S First West. Cohn Miss Sarah, res 340 E First South. Cohn & Appleman (H C & H Appleman), clothing store, 66 E Second South. Coit Dwight, guard at Penitentiary, res same. Coker Napoleon B, switchman R G W Ry, res 515 S 2d West. Coker N B, res 454 W Second South. Coker William L, eng R G W Ry, res 5 1 5 S Second West. r Colbath Henry M 9 Lumber & Planing Mill 27 S 3d West, * bds U P Hotel. Colbath Lemuel U, mining opr 1255 Main, res 25 Fifth East. ^ Colbert John S, lab Davis, Howe & Co, res 80 W First North. [ Colbert William S, moulder Davis, Howe & Co, res 80 W 1st N. Colborn Edward F, genl mngr World's Fair T & T Co, rms 22 to 25 Com'l Blk, res 42 R. Colborn Samuel, wood carver T R A Co, res 134 W 2d North. Colclough Francis A, iron moulder, res 225 N Fifth West. Coldwater Charles G, bricklayer, res Poplar Grove. Cole Albert D, lather, res 28 Church. Cole A Judson, res agt A N Schuster & Co of St Joseph, Mo, 227-228 Constitution Bldg, res Manitou Hotel. Cole Charles N, eng, res 172 N Second West. Cole Miss Frances E, res 181 N. Cole George, grave digger, res 1 8 1 N. (D Cole Henry, elk Johnson, Pratt Drug Co, rms John Harmon. pj u Cole Ida, res 2 1 5 Eighth East. Q [ Cole James R, wood carver T R A & Co, res 215 Eighth East, ef Cole J R, res 223 W First South. $ Cole James W, lab, res rear 216 W Fourth North. Cole John, mortorman S L C R R, res 626 Fifth. Cole Ray, messenger W U Tel office, bds 181 N. Cole Mrs Tina, res rear 531 Second East. Thp Irtrtinirfinn Anp A Journal of National Moment. I 11 U lUUull A U U fcudby Farmers, Investors, Contractors, Engineers, Etc. 3 3 Salt JLake Office, 26 W. 3d South St. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO OHLI LHI1L IIHMUflHIlL UU., f Amm , 1Iim oii.s,>oriiiiic4;oo ^ Collins Nellie, res 509 W First South. Collins Robt H formn Irrigation Age bindry, res 5i8S 1st West. Collins Wheeler R, res 63 E Fourth South. Collinson Manassa, driver Clark E & Co, res 175 W 7th South. Collinson Manassa Jr, elk, bds 175 W Seventh South. Collis Alex, painter, res 833 Eighth East. Collishell Thomas E, carp, res 429 S First West. Colorado Club Saloon, John G Riley prop, 151 S Main. Colorado Midland Ry 9 H C Burnett genl agt, 109 W Second South, see adv ^ Colorado and Utah Canning Co, inc, Robert T Miller, h rnngr, 125 W First South. ^ Colquhoun Alex, grocer 203 W Second South, res 506 W Q Third South. UJ Colquhoun Miss Elizabeth M, res 506 W Third South. J: Colson Mrs Jas F, lodging house, 10 E First South, res same. ^ ' ^ Colson Miss Lillian, res 10 E First South. l Colt James E, plasterer, res 529 E Eighth South. CD Coltam John, wood turner, res 58 S Sixth West. QJ ^ !* Colter Frank, lab City Water Works. (J j Colton, see Calton. gq BO Colton Heber, teamster Mason & Co, res 125 N Fifth West. _ 5) Colton Wm F, cash R G W Ry, res s s Fourth South, bet 33 ftJ UJ West Temple and First West. H Q Colton William H, lab, res 330 W Third North. 2? ^j j Colton Willis, tmstr Blackhurst Bros, res Aberdeen Place, Third * _ West, bet Ninth and Tenth South. SJ Coltone Harry E, studt L D S College, res Bountiful. o- CO Columbia Gold Cure for Inebriates, C W Harvey, res -r| Physician, T E Harris mngr, 1518 West Temple. j J Columbia M & M Co, see inc co's, C H Scheu mngr, 26 Com'l Blk. 13 U Comer John J, lab, res 208 E Sixth South. Co' Commercial Block, 25 E Second South. CD Commercial Exchange Saloon, Trewhela & Anderson, J^J props, 45 Commercial. UJ Commercial Mill and Building Co (William Selley, S J New- | S man, Alma Cottam), planing mill, 710 W South Temple. Complete and Select Stork of all kinds of B UILDIXG MA TERIA LS. 241 North 3d West. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., alt Uake " iee: Capital 8 1.000,000. Surplus 8300,000. COP, MAIN lli FIRST SOUTH. ^ & 222 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 3 g J 1 Commercial National Bank, George M Downey pres, s^ W P Noble vice-pres, John W Donnellan cashier, Second J5 South n w cor Commercial. T I Commercial Saloon, P T Nystrom, prop, 42 E First South. -^ Compston E T, contractor, res 5 5 E Second South. | Compton Chas G, res Metropolitan Hotel. *2 Compton Joseph, barber 38 W Second South, res McKimms Blk. I 3 Compton Mrs Matilda, res 231 Second East. | | Comstock Fred, elk R G W Ry. 9 Comstock Saloon The, Wall & Clays props, 23 W 2nd S. 5 i> Comstock Silver Mining Co The, see inc cos, E R Kneass sec, * i 231 S Main. * Condie Mrs Elizabeth W, res 522 S Third West. 5 3 Condie George H, lab, bds 676 S Second West. ~ " Condie Gibson, lab, res 331 W Fifth South. ttf Condie Jos, lab, res 704 South First West. __ LJJ Condie Peter S, stock raiser, res rear 331 W Fifth South. ^ w Condie Robert C, res 676 S Second West. y* ^X Condie Thomas S, sheepman, res 333 W Fifth South. j* * QQ Condon Patrick, miner, res 35 Alameda ave. S Condon Wm (Condon & Nelson), i iS'Coml blk, res 237 W 1st S. ^ 2 LU Condon & kelson (\Vm C & M M N), Attorneys at Law, ? ? CD 118-119 Commercial Block. -^ 5 1 Js Cone, see Cohen and Cohn. "^~ Cone James J (W H McClure & Co), res Canyon City, Col. jj Cone Levi C, res 4th North bet I3th and I4th West. ^ Cone Lorenzo E, lab, res 65 West Third South. J5 Cone School, Cone & Roberts add North Salt Lake. r^ Conely, see Conelly. LiJ Conely Richard L, asst Co Assessor, res 250 Wall. ^^ Conely Samuel H, sealer weights and measures, res 232 W 5th N. i Congo Mining Co, see inc co's, W T Kelter sec, 25 Hooper Blk. ^__ Congress The, G C Charlton prop, 16 E Second South. _ Conliaim Edward, Prop Eastern Misfit Clothing Parlors, 10 E Second South, res 44 E Second South. ^-4 Conhaim Theodore, bkpr Harris Furniture and Carpet House, ^ ^ res 44 E Second South. ^ > Conk Ivins, porter Keeley Institute, res same, P PJ Conk John T, res w s Ninth E, 2 n of Tenth South. O m Conklin Benjamin H, Clerk J C Conklin, res 715 E South " Z3 Temple. Conkling Miss Carrie B, res 39 G. CO Heal Estate Broker, SfESJS 1 1 Mone^ to Loan, goans a Specialty. H. P. G. COATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. 8. H. Officer 1 Go., RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 223 ^j; _ 7^ io nk I in Jeremiah C 9 Mining and Real Estate, 22 Wasatch 5 Bldg, res 715 E South Temple. C/D Conklin Sampling Works, F O Horn Pres ; C B Mark- r3 land Sec, see adv under Ore Samplers. ^ Conlan Henry, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co. Conley, see Conely and Connelly. OO Conley Abraham L, carp U P Ry, res 441 W First North. CO Conley Caroline (wid Solomon), midwife, res 212 W Fourth N. ^ Conley Elizabeth (wid Willard F), res 724 South State. Conley James, lab, res Murray. ^^ Conley Richard L, dep Co Assessor and Collector, res 250 Wall. Conley Timothy W, lab, res Murray. Connary Thomas, res 1 5 Boothwell ave. ZJ* KConne Alexander, carp, res 567 Third East. Connell, see Cornall, Me Connell and 0' Connell. ft Connell Miss Maggie I, res 374 S West Temple. X Connell Miss Margaret B, stenographer U S Marshal's orifice, co h* res 24 H. e^ H Connell Miss Mary L, teacher I4th District School. Connell Timothy, emp City Water Wks, res 69 E North Temple, tft H Connell William J F, comp Tribune, res 374 S West Temple. ff] Connelly, see Conely and Conley. r^ Connelly Anna (wid John), 405 E Fourth South. |fl Connelly A B, carp, rms U P Hotel. M Connelly Catherine (wid D F), res 140 W North Temple. p Connelly F, saloon, Murray, res same. fH Connelly Joseph, res Murray. O ;* Connelly Kate (wid Frank), res 140 W North Temple. Connelly Thomas H, painter, res 738 W First South. ^J P^ Connelly Timothy, emp City Water Wks, res 69 E North Temp. ^JN- > -5 Conner Miss Matilda, domestic, 56 W Fourth. _ Conner Oscar T, miner, res 3 1 W Sixth South. j*J PC Conner Robt S, sec fire dept, res 3 1 W Sixth South. j^ [jj Conner T M, lab city, res 31 W Sixth South. *j i} Conner William P, miner, res 41 W Sixth South. ^ 2j > J Conneray Thomas, car emp S L C Ry, res 259 F. 2 ^ Conniff Osmond M, elk Parker & Depue, res 370 W 2nd S. ^< Connoly Thomas, lab, res 244 S Fourth West. ^-^ Connor Eugene T, elk stamp dept P O, res 547 S West Temple, | ^ ^H Connor John T. tinsmith, res 140 Social Hall ave. * j^ f * Connor Thomas J, miner, res 140 Social Hall ave. r [Jj -j Connors Mrs S, res 545 E Third South. Co Rogers, Seated Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. SN A I T* I I / P 1 Ilinmilftnr O f\ 1 SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 Sign of Big Cnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J Headquarters for Wrought, Steel and Cut KS. sra Hou^-farmum, Od.. 224 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Connors Peter, cook, res 5 I E Second South. ^^ Connors William, foreman City Water Works, res 69 E North ffj Temple. ^^ Conover Miss Ada, res over Bond's Restaurant. Q Conrad Miss Minnie, bookbndr Deseret News, res 929 Lake. Conrad Walter K (Leaver, C & Co), res 256 W First South. 4f . I iroyiSCUIT&MUFUCWfi CO,, Salt Late City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 225 Cook David H, teamster Elias Morris, res 557 W Fourth South Cook David L, lab Elias Morris, res 577 W Fourth South. 0J Cook Eliza (wid Charles H), res rear 164 N Third West. Cook Miss E, emp Utah Steam Laundry. Cook Frederick J. lab S L C Ry, res 342 W Seventh South. Cook George, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. Cook George, tailor, res 122 N First West. Cook Geo H, mason, res 1240 E Twelfth South. J 14 Cook George W, dairyman, res Taylorsville. W Cook Harriet, res 1 1 Kendall ave. Cook Hattie, dressmaker, res 878 E Fourth South. DC Cook John, farmer, res Mill Creek. Cook John, cook W^alker House, bds same. """" Cook John, dairyman, res Taylorsville. Cook John, butcher, res 443 N Second West. *-* gf Cook John A, lab, res 93 Rio Grande ave. Si -+^ Cook Joseph L, electrician Inter-mountain Electric Co, res Riche- 5 Sj] lieu House. ~ ~*< Cook Miss I, id a E, Dressmaker, res 287 K, see adv Ladies' c/> ?2 $ Shipping Department. C g J Cook Mary Ann (wid Chas), res 542 S Fourth West. D ^ < Cook Mary A (wid Chas), res 776 W North Temple. ^ gj<0 Cook Mary E, tchr, bds 312 N Second West. CD ^ * Cook Melvin D, dealer in real estate, Brighton. 3gj gO Cook Melvin P, lab, res North Salt Lake. 3|O Cook Miss Minnie A, music teacher, res 574 Third. [* tfco Cook M J, civil eng, res cor Second East and Seventh South. v< ^-^ Cook Nehemiah C, butcher and grocer, n w cor Qth East and g eJi< 1 2th South, res same. ^ Cook Nehemiah D, mngr N C Cook, bds n w cor Qth East and Q "^ 1 2th South. CD "" Cook Oscar H, liveryman, res 1 18 W First North. Cook Pat H, driver Mountain Ice Co, res at ice house. .^ Cook Quinlan D, mason, res 178 B. QB Cook Samuel J, miner, res 417 Fifth East. JJJ Cook Richard, carp, bds 238 W First South. Cook Thomas, carp, bds 238 W First South. ^ z Cook Walter C, insurance agt, 1042 Major ave. SCO Cook Win, prop Beehive Planing Mill, cor Eighth South and 3 ij State, res 287 K. 3m Cook William, lab, res 70 Peach. lL 303&305McCornicKBld2., SALT LAKE CITY. * StUR-TMAKlKRS. * I P.O. Box 492. Telephone 631. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO, Shirts of Efery Description. Repairing i SpKialtj IVHITTEJIORE, COOKE & CO., I:\SURAX E. Boom 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1.597,375.41 226_ 1 Co< A c<> \P) V" RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. QJ .1 O. 0) CO 1 00 03 CD Cook William N, mach, res Forest Dale add. Cooke Mark, carp, Burton-Gardner Co, res Farmers' Ward. Cooke J. civil eng and supt city and County bldg, res s e cor Second East and Seventh South. C/>" Cooke Walter A (Whittemore, Cooke & Co), res 1047 Major ave. JJQ Cooke Winfield S, comp Times, res 676 S West Temple. CD Cooley Miss Belle, emp French Steam Lndy, res 421 W 1st N. -^ Cooley Miss Clara, emp Utah Steam Laundry. "11 Cooley Miss Clarissa, res 171 W First North. Cooley Henry, farmer, res Third North w of Jordan. 3 Cooley Mary .A (wid Andrew W), res 171 W First North. Coombs Miss Ann E, res 1 54 N. Coombs David A, painter, res 1216 First. _ ^ Coombs George N, painter Utah Paint & Oil Co, res 809 First. Coombs Mrs Harriet, res 154 N. Coombs Hiram S, comp Herald, res 954 Eighth East. 2 Coombs Isaiah M, school teacher, 954 Eighth East. E3 Coombs John A, painter, res 1 54 N. r- Coombs Sam J, mngr Utah P & Oil Co, 1 1 1 E Second South, res 903 E Second South. C^. Coon Miss Belle, res 421 W First North. GO Coon David, lab, res 421 W First North. J2 Coon James, lab, res 421 W First North. . Coon James, teamster, res Twelfth West near Fourth North. ^ Coon Miss Rose, res 421 W First North. Coon Samuel, teamster, res Twelfth West, near Fourth North. Coon W, lab city street department. Coonrod Albert E, pass cond U P Ry, res 64 N Second West. 51 Cooper Albert E (Cooper & Peck), res 44 W First North. Cooper Miss Beva L, res 152 E Fifth South. Cooper Blanche, res 521 S West Temple. Cooper Charles, manf plaster images, 14 N First West, res same. Cooper Charles E, elk Cohn Bros, res 238 E Second South. Cooper F A, Roller Mills West Jordan, res same. Cooper George W, sec and treas E C Coffin Hardware Co, res 42 1 S West Temple. Cooper J H, res 244 S First West. Cooper Miss Kathleen, tailoress Gabel The Tailor, res 261 S Fourth West. Cooper Miss Mabel, dom 408 S First West. Cooper Samuel, capitalist, res 44 W First North. Cooper Mrs Sarah, res 45 1 S First West. CD it SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. R.H, Officers Go., ASSAYEBS.^S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 227 C~* O oo Cooper Thomas, watchman U P Ry, res 261 S Fourth West. Cooper Walter L, elk Roberts & Nelden, res 45 I S First West. 3 Cooper William, lab, res 408 S First West. Cooper William, Prop Roller Mills, Sandy, and General Q' Merchandise, West Jordan, res same. C Cooper William A, elk, res 451 S First West. Cooper Wm A, chf elk Wolstenholme & Morris, res 154 E t/j Fifth South. 05 "ip "' Cooper Wm T, emp Leaver, C & Co, res 752 W South Temple. 3 CD Cooper fc Peck (A E C & Chas W P), groceries etc, 180 W "5. r jg South Temple, see adv. _ Co-operative Furniture Co (sec Inc Go's), O H Pettit 30 Sec & Treas, Wm N Williams Supt, Furniture, Carpets, ^ ^r-; Baby Carriages, etc, 1 1 S Main. ^ E < Co-operative Wagon & Machine Co (see Inc Co's), Geo ^ - T Odell Genl Mngr, 114 to 128 State & Commercial St. _2 See adv over Territorial Index. 2i > 3 Coordts John A, hostler McCoy's stable, res same. j Coot John L, lab, rms Mrs Kidd, Tenth South e Liberty Park. 3 QD Cope Francis W, bkkpr White & Sons, res 535 Fourth. I^i: Cope Geo H, lab Board of Health dept. ^> Cope Miss Ida, bds cor H and Fourth. Cope Ruth (wid Francis), res 535 Fourth. i Copeland Henry F, saloon, res Beck's Hot Springs. O Copeland Medical Institute, W H Copeland Prest, J M *""3 Whitman Genl mngr, A DeMonco, res Physician, T B ) ^-J Mansfield Consult Physician, Progress Block. ifi *^3 Copeland Samuel, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. 2 Copeland W H, Prest Copeland Medical Inst, res Chicago. _ O Coppin William J, eng, res 205 N Fifth West. CD Copps Garrett, saloon 161 W South Temple, res same. O ^z Coray Edna H, res 113 Folsom ave. "H Coray George Q, librarian University of Utah, res 117 J. |f| Coray H K, millman, res 113 Folsom ave. 00 Corbett Bert, lab, bds 163 W South Temple. *|P Corbett Maria, res 660 Fifth East. f } Corbett Mrs Mary, res 35 Eardley's Court. ^ QQ Corbett Otis, teamster, res rear 660 Fifth East. O -< Corbett Thomas, teamster, bds 227 Centre. Corbett Walter J, teamster, res rear 218 W North Temple. ^3 Corbin Henry, lab, res 436 Third East. *"*-^ Corbin Henry, teamster, res 146 W Fifth South. Irrigation Age Printing House, MroiidandCoiiiiiieri!ialpriiit()rs i Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Work. 26 IV. Third South. .>AOIK -a UJ-.*IIOH pu miios PS *M f-f- P 3* aim iiis . 228 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. O ; 30 Corbin John, delivery Bang & Mayers, res 223 S Fourth JIJ ^ . West. CD M Corbin J F C, mngr Silver Grill Cafe, res 372 South Main. -|^ ^ Corbin Mrs L A, millinery, 372 S Main, res same. d 1 $ Corbin Miilard A, barber, res 523 Second East. 1* I Corbin Margaret (wid George), res 223 S Fourth West. E Corbin Wallace, fireman Rapid Transit Co, res 223 S 4th W. ^l! Corbin Walter, eng Rapid Transit, res 223 S Fourth W r est. 30 Corbiu William T, exp and drayman, office W L Pickard m ^ Co, res 325 W Sixth South. o &Q Corcoran Philip, printer, rms Clift House. C~D Core Peter, lab, res 357 S Fifth West. *J Corey George, res 1 1 7 J. q Corey W A, editor and pub Inter- Mountain Educator, 40 S J Main, res 3 1 1 E Third South. Corker Mrs Elizabeth A, prop Grand Hotel 164 E First South, res same. Corker Miss Gertrude, res Grand Hotel. Corker J Fred (Corker & Co), Notary Public, Patent Attor- ney and agt U S Masonic Accident Assn and Iowa Ma- sons' Benevolent Soc, 251 S Main, res 164 E First S, see | ^ page f. r s Corker Miss Lucy, student, res Grand Hotel. * s Corker & Co (John F C & William Roberts), Real Estate and s 5 Investment Brokers, 251 S Main. See adv page i. - Corless Catharine (wid Edward), bds 32 W Seventh South. * ' ~T Corless Robert, brick mfr, res 32 W Seventh South. Corless Miss Rhoda, res 32 W Seventh South. 1 1 00 CO { ) Corless Miss Sarah, domestic 25 W Seventh South. K^ Corless Thos, farmer, res 25 W^ Seventh South. Corless Thos A, laborer, res 19 W Seventh South. Cornell Ezra M (Ware & C), res 65 N West Temple. Cornell Florence, domestic 234 Tenth East. Cornell Mrs F, housekeeper Alta Club. " 00 Cornell Mrs Frances, domestic 958 E Second South. Cornell Thomas, res 958 E Second South. _ Cornelius John, merchant, res 817 First. pT"| Cornick Betsie, emp Jordan Stock Farm, res same. Jto C _ ) Cornick Wm, emp Jordan Stock Farm, res same. jf 8 CO Cornido Peter, lab, res 357 S Fifth West. "Joa Cornforth Henry H (C Pond & Co), 263 S Main, res 58 West B Third South. /ft Vlt Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Windows and ISonldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. MOUNTAIN ICE GO 1 TEI.EPHOJTE 43. 3 O Cfc Coriiibrth 9 Fond & Co (H H Cornforth, S S Pond & Es- tate M A Campbell), The Fair Glassware, Toys, etc, 263 S Main. Cornish Basil H (Roberts & C), Prop California Fruit Stand, res 28 E Second South. Cornwall Jos A, tchr, res Mill Creek. Cornwall Thomas, teamster, res Murray. Corn win A B, U S Mail Carrier, res 254 W South Temple. Corrao Joseph, fruit stand Wonderland, res 348 E Seventh South. Correll Mrs Rctta, res i Kendall ave. Corrie A A, elk T E Harper grocery store, res same. Corrivellan John, bootblack 167 S Main, rms cor State and 3d S. Corsa Marie E (wid Jacob), res 174 W Second North. Corser Harry E. comp Times, res 643 Fourth East. _ Corser Norman D, carp, res 643 Fourth East. * Corum Benjamin L, res Lake Breeze. -J^ Corum John J (J J Corum & Co), res Lake Breeze. M-< h Corum J J & Co (J J Corum), real estate agts, res 545 W 2d S- 0< Cory John W, atty at law, 24 Wasatch Blk, res same. /\ /~* *T~ i i nr* f T t r* * m o tu u Cosby Tripp, laundress Troy S Laundary, res 437 Sixth East. ,_^ CL Cosby T D, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 712 E Fifth South. ^^ * Cosgrove John W, lab, res 263 S Fifth West. Q w Cosgrove Luke, actor, res 164 E South Temple. H-^ * Coshell Wm H, mason, 1074 Eighth East. -~- C Costello M F, salesman P F Collier, res 45 S West Temple. , j O Costerisan Geo F, architect 106 & 107 Com'l Blk, res 7 p^ u; Thornton ave. ^j * Costerisan M Ray, electrician-, res 7 Thornton ave. *^| < Coswig Adolph, mach U P, res 337 S Second West. J Cottage Row, 601-619 Sixth East. Cottam Alma, Com Mill & Bldg Co, res 68 W North Temple. W Cottam Chas S, carp, res 125 N Fifth West. J^ Cottam Heber, teamster Mason & Co, res 123 N Fifth West. jfq Cottam John, wood turner, rms 604 W North Temple. J~ Gotten Caleb B, repair shop 1 30 W South Temple, res 347 W ^[ Ninth South. Gotten Willis, elk Blackhurst Bros), res South Dale ave, bet Ninth & Tenth South. .. Cottingham Geo C, res 224 E Second South. Cottle Clara (wid Henry), res 907 Third. Cottle Harry E, carriage coverer, res 425 E First South. Cottle James L, salesman Singer Mnfg Co, res 369 Fourth. Morrison, Merrill & Co. Prices and Estimates on all kinus of Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- Lombard Investment Co. &4.OOO.OOO. Makes Loans on Imoroved Farms. j| 230 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M fi L J g Cottle Jos W, elk Gray, Ross & Wyatt, res 425 E First South. S * Cottney J N, real est agt, res Poplar Grove. CO j- Cotton Caleb B, shoe repairer, w s South Gale, 3 s of 9th South. J Cotton Nancy (wid J Tasker), w s South Gale, s of Ninth South. " Cotton Willis, driver at 52 E Second South, w s South Gale, s of ^ * Ninth South. il QQ cident Association of Indianapolis, Ind, 29 Commercial & Blk, res Manitou House, P O Box 277. ? 2 ^ L ^ Coughlin Mary E (wid Daniel), res 706 E Fourth South. CD Coughlin Thomas, res 706 E Fourth South. j|j Coulam Geo, carp, res 753 E Second South. ' ~ Coulam Henry Jr, bkpr Tenth Ward L & Bldg Ass, res 162 8th E. ^ ~] Coulam John, carp, res 5 Seventh East. O3 iflS Coulam John C, carp, res 5 Seventh East. ZT ^J Coulee Miss Frances, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 737 Owen. 25 r*- Coulston James, steam fitter, res 423 Sixth East. 0^ LU Coulson Benjamin H, teamster, bds Liberty Park House. ^^ Coult James E, plasterer, res 150 Seventh East. n> > Coult Miss Jane, res 150 Seventh East. ZSE> ^^ Coult Miss Minnie, res 150 Seventh East. OJ _ Coulter E C, engineer R G W Ry, res 204 S Fourth West. CO Coulthurst Miss Alice, teacher, res 138 E Second South. JJ i^ Council Saloon (B K Bloch & Co propr), 13 Commercial. CO <^ Council Burd (col'd), driver Carey- Lombard Lumber Co, res 266 ^Q >" S First West. CD W Countryman Albert W, carp, res 257 W Fifth North. Q _ County Assessor's Office, Board of Trade Bldg. < fZ5 County Clerk's Office, County Court House. ~- County Collector's Office, County Court House. 13 T r\ 3Q LOAR5 A SPECIAL!?, SSS I MONEY TO LOAN. Real Estate Broker, H. p. . COITCS. I E. i. SHEETS. BOOB 12. commercial Biotk. R.H. Officer i Go RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 231 CD County Court House, 268 W Second South. S County Infirmary, e s State n of South Boulevard, J H Hinman, stipt, Dr A C Maclean physician. |2 County Jail, 256 W Second South. Courtney John N, real est & fire ins, room 1 1 Union Nat'l Bank ^ . Bldg, res Poplar Grove add. " Cousins Libby, dom 251 E Third South. o3 Coutant Irving, printer, res 36 Gregory Court. ~| Covert Rynear N, painter, res 523 E Third South. Covey Hyrum, teaming, res 823 First. CZ Covey Enoch, sheep man, res 569 E Third South. Covey John P, mason, res 823 First. Covey Jos P, elk Little. Roundy & Co, res 523 Seventh East. Covey Miss Kate C, res 823 First. Covey Stephen M, sheep herder, res 569 E Third South. Covey William B, sheep herder, res 569 E Third South. Covington Alonzo, miner, res 227 N First West. Covington Edward, miner, res 227 N First West. Covington Henry, calsominer, res 227 N First West. O Cowan, see Cowen. Cowan Alexander (Star Printing Co), res 365 W Sixth S. ^ Cowan Andrew S, comp News, res 613 S Third West. "-3 Cowan Annie (wid Andrew)^ res 629 S Third West. ^ Cowan Charles S, assayer, res 547 S Main. Cowan George S, elk Callaway, Hoock & Co, res 547 S Main. 3 Cowan Miss Jane S, res 547 S Main, p**" Cowan Joseph S, elk S F Spencer, res 547 S Main. Cowan Margaret D (wid Andrew), res 635 S Third West. Cowan Robt D, carp, res 635 S Third West. C0 Cowan William A, pressman News, res rear 635 S Third West. OJ Cowan William B, elk S P Teasdel, res 547 S Main. Cowan William N, pressman Deseret News Co, res 635 S 3rd W. Cowburn, see Colburn and Colburn. Cowburn Henry E, supply agt S L C R R Co, res 448 N 6th W. Q, Cowburn William L, elk, res 461 N Sixth West. Cowen, see Cowan. jj[rn Cowen William H (Mosher & Co), res Swan's Court. asQ Cowie Alex H. private sec of genl supt R G W Ry, res Sixth P South and First West. Cowin J J, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Cowles Warren H, first lieut Tenth infty, reg and post quarter- " Q master, res Fort Douglas. (/) Roprs, Searles Ko GENERAL INSURANCE. 11 ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. till II*. . Ill III 'I II II 10 11. I I1M- I II r- SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. i *- SporJiiiu <;<>o Crabtree Wm A, driver Sears & Liddle Co, res 517 8th East. -I W Crabtree W B, car emp S L C R R, res 523 Eighth East. fg M^H Cracroft Geo W, painter, res 12 Twelfth East. ^^ ^^ Cracroft Jas, painter, res 737 E Fourth South. g H \ Cracroft John E, painter, bds 737 E Fourth South. _H Cracroft Lorenzo, painter, res 854 E Sixth South. , } Cracroft Thomas, painter, res 733 E Fourth South. ^ ,<^ Cracroft Thomas Jr, painter, bds 42 Tenth East. "H C/3 ^HI T I UKR I sj!uas38 1 1 ivun Rfl onLl unAuji<>^^^^^ bu, oi r i H ^HHi CO -I U 111 BISCUIT & MUMMING CO., Salt lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 233 Craft Chas H, res 123 E South Temple. Craig John, contr and bldr, res 321 S West Temple. Craig Miss Sene, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 710 S Main. Crain, see Crane. Crain Eliza (wid Thomas), domestic 253 W Second South. Craine John, eng City and County bldgs, 46 Sullivan ave. Cramer, see Creamer and Kramer. Cramer Christopher, Florist, Decorator and Designer, 43 Floral ave, res same. See page 102. Cramer John, emp City Waterwks, res 222 Third East. Cramer Mrs Margaret, res 58 S Eighth West. Cramer Peter, res 13 Hazel Court. Cramer Stephen, plasterer, res 69 S Eighth West. Crampton Stephen, car emp S L C R R Co. JH Crandall Casper L, physician 48 Culmer Blk, res 740 E First ^- South. 2i Crandall J, res w s Tenth East, S of Tenth South. Crandall Joseph B, physician 48 Culmer Blk, bds 740 E 1st S. ~ Crandall M E Jr, studt U of U, res 244 Fern. lu Crane, see Cram. ; J Crane Adelbert A, real estate, res 253 Fourth East. QJ < Crane Miss Annie, res 356 Twelfth East. c^ 0) Crane Miss Bessie, res 2 Church. 5 < Crane Block, 232 S Main. 3g 2 Crane Charles, Sheep and Merino Rams, res Crane Blk, see O O adv Kanosh Dept. ^ jjj Crane Charles L, sec Utah Pressed Brick & Tile Co, res 934 E South Temple. < Crane Harry M, elevator opr McCornick Blk, res 253 4th East. Crane John L, lab, res 356 Twelfth East. Crane Jno T, city bldg, res 24 Sullivan ave. Crane Louis, bds Sixth West bet Tenth and Eleventh South. Crane M A (wid John K), res 2 Church. Crap Ellwood G, bkkpr Coalter & Snelgrove Co, rms 206 West . South Temple Crapo Chas C, res Sandy. Crapo J, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Crater Anna H, Corset Agency, res 1 76 W South Temple, *% z see adv. S 2 Cravens O P, propr Clark House, 161 W South Temple, res same, ft 3 Crawford Alexander, lab, res 254 Fern. Crawford Miss Alice, waitress Kceley Institute, res same. *4 [J| CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303 & 305 McComiCk Bids., SALT LAKE CITY. F. 0. Box 492. Telephone 631. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a gpciallj o 60 1? CD 05 oZ old CO. I? .-o 3CC O CO oo en 03 flllITTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 810, McCornick Building. London f Bis Gnu. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishing Tackle. 236 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. W ^O A* MM * Cronk W B, emp Hotel Knutsford, bds same. m 5 Crook A J, mining, res 52 Vine. O X Crook Bradford, supt McMurray Inst 28 E Fourth South, -r| 'tt res Fourth West bet Ninth and Tenth South. Crook F, res 1 17 E Third South. z o Crook Rev F W, res 44 N First West. ^ jjJ*J> Crook Isaac C, mngr and treas Globe Mercantile "Assn 28 < ' 3 E 4th S, res 4th W bet 9th and loth S, see adv. j-S Croppin Mrs A, res 346 E Fifth South. J p Crosby Byron R, res 5 Second East. < g Crosby Jessie W, V P Kanab Co-op Stock Co, res Panguitch. ^J > O Crosby John K (Whalon, C & C), res Bountiful. 30 K Crosby Joseph, carp, res 374 I. o c Crosby Joseph (Whalon, C & C), res 374 I. \^ <3 Crosby Joseph K (Whalon, C & C), res 374 I. 9 Crosby Miss Catherine C, tchr, res 1 1 Iowa ave. "E Crosby Robt M, collector Barratt Bros, res 5 Second East. JJ Crosby William, salesman Symns Grocer Co. JJ Crosby William H, foreman Troy Lndy barns, res 5 Second E. m Crosby Wm H Jr, commercial traveler, res 3 1 Second East. Crosby & Co, (Joseph & John K), dealers in Native Curios, 32 Richards. g id* Crosier, see Crazier. S Crosier Miss Eva, res 349 S West Temple. CD J: Si Crosier George W (E M Steele & Co), rms 301 Brooks Arcade. c/> Crosier Mrs G W (wid), 328 Ninth East. ^^ Crosier Mrs J, boarders, res 349 S West Temple. Crosier Mrs Louisa, res 349 S West Temple. Cross Annie (wid Frederick), res 541 S State. Cross Dr R (col'd), res 318 Second East. Cross Richard H, barkpr West Temple Resort, res 242 W 1st S. Cross Wm, carp U P Ry, res 231 N Third West. Crossen David L, car emp S L C R R Co. Grossman Leander C, Vice-Pres and Mngr Inter-Mountain Ab- CO CD CO stract Co, res 969 First. Crouch Charles D, bookbinder S L Litho Co, res 857 E 4th S. Crouch Frank E, bookbinder, res 426 E First South. Crouch Wm, janitor Twelfth Dist School, res 426 E First S. Crouch W, res 958 E Second South. CO Crounar Robt (music tchr), res 469 S Second West. Crouse, see Krouse. | g- Crow Alma H, harnessmkr Chas H Crow, res 921 E 1st South. p"oa ni ni/nn O nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnrVtn & UtrUt, LIMIBER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CEMENTS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in !ER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN Cor. 2d South and 3d West. Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 237 Crow Clias H, Saddle & Harness Shop 58 East First South, * res 906 E First South. See adv page 6. Crow Chas S, harnessmkr C H Crow, res 906 E First South, Crow Frank, emp frt dept R G W Ry, res 906 E First South. (0 Crow George H, asst bkpr Utah Slaughtering Co, res 906 E 1st S. H-^ Crow John E, harnessmkr, res 927 E First South. Crow Thos W, harnessmkr C H Crow, res 906 E First South. Crowlan Patrick, lab, res 161 W Second South. Crowley Benj, lab City Water Works. Crowley Mike, emp W Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Crowley Mike Jr, teamster Harkins, bds 1 36 W South Temple. Crowley Samuel L, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Crown Solomon, solicitor, res 637 E Fourth South. Crowther Miss Annie, dressmkr, res 475 W Sixth South. Crowther Edward F, bds 475 W Sixth South. flj Crowther Edwin D, carp, res 908 S Third West. V _i Crowther Ellen (wid), res rear 244 W Seventh South. V < Crowther Ellen (wid Edward), res 653 S Fifth West. ^ O Crowther Geo, teamster, res 1007 S First West. H Q} Crowther Geo H, lab, 1007 S First West. 4 (0 Crowther Jane (wid Benj C), res 475 W Sixth South. P] < Crowther Mrs Lydia S, dressmkr, 908 S Third West. P CO Crowther Mrs M, res 509 Second East. P, ^ Crowther Sarah D (wid Geo), res 908 S Third West. J O Crowther Shepherd, mach R G W Ry, res 263 W 7th South. j Q Crowther Wm H, res rear 244 W Seventh South. t] , Crowther Wm F, lab, res 653 S Fifth West. J {J Crowther Wm J, carp, res 866 W North Temple. Pj p: Crowtoe Robert, res 145 S Fourth West. U ^1 < Crowton Cyrus, plumber F Crowton & Sons, res Eighth West, 2J bet Second & Third North. C Crowton Fred (F Crowton & Sons), res 430 W Fourth North. SJ Crowton Fred jr (F Crowton & Sons), res Eighth West, bet Second and Third North, jj Crowton F & Sons (F C, R C, F C jr, W C), Plumbers, Steam & Gas Fitters, 25 S West Temple. 13 Crowton Fred J, teamster, res 362 N Eighth West. CO Crowton Miss Nellie, domestic 254 S Second East ^ Crowton Richard (F Crowton & Sons), res 356 N Eighth West. r< Crowton Robt, car oiler U P Ry, res 145 S Fourth West. Crowton Wm C (F Crowton & Sons), res 430 W Fourth North. ^ i Croxall Eliza (wid Jonah), res 323 S First West. | Morrison, Merrill & Go, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa> eilities and Enterprise North V. P. Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. ^| 238 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. |H J g Croxall Mrs Julia, res 210 E Fifth South. = 3 Croxall Oscar W, del elk Driver Merc Co, 261 W Fourth South. CQ J A Croxall Ray, emp Walker, rms same. "! Croxall Vivian, elk Z C M I, res 210 E Fifth South. Croxford Arthur W (C Bros & Bryan), res 343 Ninth East. ^ * Croxford Bros fc Bryan (A W & F S Croxford & J Bryan), 5 *j Contractors and Builders, 44^ W First South. S S Croxford Frederick S (C Bros & Bryan), res 343 Ninth East. t | Crumbley Peter W, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E 2d South. 9 Crump Samuel, canvasser, res 333 Sixth. a Crutcher W E (C & Jones), res Beaver City, Neb. SB | Crutcher & Jones (W E C & E D J), real estate, 43 W 2d South. * 5j Cryder Charles, lab, res Mill Creek. W Cudahy Packing Co The, Wm J De Bruhl mngr, 374 W 2d S. ^~" Cuddy William, bartender Occidental, bds 39 Richards. OCf Cudmore M, lab City Water Works. UJ Cullen Matthew, pres S L C Brewing Co, res 941 E Fifth South." Cullen House Bar, S C Ewing prop, 35 W Second South. 4 Cullen The, S C Ewing Proprietor, 33-35 W Second South. 5. . QO Culliman Patrick E, emp R M Jones, rms 235 B. * ? Cullins George, mining opr, res 415 E Third South. * Cullor Benjamin F, Furniture Repairing, res 1 24 W 2d South. r flAAITV 6. f A North German Fire Insurance Com- II 111 1 lLJuUIl-lj 9 LUURlJ a vV., pany, of Hamburg Assets, 83,450,728.74 INSURANCE. Boom 310, McCornick Building. Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets, 84,160,403.22 242 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ,2 Daggitt Matilda B (wid Robert), professional nurse, 435 S State. HJ Dagson Elling, painter, res 380 Fifth. 53 Dagson Miss Tina, emp French Steam Laundry, res 173 D. y> Dahl August, blksmith, n side Twelfth South bet Tenth and o3i Eleventh East, res s e cor Seventh East and Twelfth South "== 1 Dahl Christian A, eng street roller, res 74 S First West. * Dahlberg Carl, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Dahlberg Hans, emp Germania Lead Works res Murray. -S Dahlin John F, farmer, res 946 S West Temple. . J Dalquist Charles, cond S L C R R, res 413 Fourth. oc ^ Dahlquist Chris, emp Germania Lead Wks, res Murray. * Dahlquist C G, car repairer U P Ry, res Sullivan House. ^ 2 Dahlquist John, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. _. ,2J Dahlquist Lensive, carver Temple, res 250 E Fifth South. ^J Jo J Dahlstedg George, bartender, res 41 I Sixth East. * 8 Dahlstedt Christine (wid Andrew), res 544 Tenth East. z ^f * Dahlstedt George, bartndr The Resort Saloon, res 41 1 6th East, f H ^= | Dailey, see Daly and Daley. 2- jjj * Dailey Howard L, chief elk Hotel Templeton, bds same. J 7 en* Dailey John B, mas mech R G W Ry, res Metropolitan J SE 5 Dailey Thomas C, coachman 929 E Brigham. JJ H *5 Daily Reporter, The, Nelden, Myers & Co, Publishers, 21-3 g = W Second South. ! 2 Daily Thomas B, lab, res Lincoln House. l>alh,v William T. Physician and Surgeon, 17-18 Hooper ^ ^ Bldg, rms Walker House. o 23 | Dale Albert C (Patton, Reese & Dale), res 569 E Second South. J 5 ^ Dale Miss Carrie, milliner, res 746 S West Temple. 2 JJ Dale Miss Carrie, milliner, res 746 S West Temple. 2 JJ Dale Fred, res 1037 Second. .5 = Dale John, bartender Bechtol & Sands, res 746 S West Temple. _ | * Dale Levi H, plumber, res 1022 E Second South. " ^ Dale Mary A (wid John), res 746 S West Temple. s = Dale Nellie, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. SO 11? Dale Miss Nettie J, dressmkr, res 746 S West Temple. *^ J^ ]>ale William H 9 Manager Graves & Vinton Co, Mortgage! Jt Loans, 607 McCornick Block, res 1037 Second. *M Daley J T, elk Z C M I, res 17 W North Temple. H Q Dallas George M, architect, res 1 16 N First West. o_ Dallas John W, cigarmkr Julius Gauer, res 44 W First South. ^Z Dallas Samuel B, carpenter, res 1 16 N First West. ?|fl Dallas Samuel C, architect 602 Progress Blk, res 372 S ist W. Dallas Miss Mary, teacher, res 1 16 N First West. * Cfll T I Al/r I ITLin PH DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR oflLI LAUt LI I ID. LU. FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. WORK A SPECIALTY. R.H. Officer & Go., RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 243 T) o m O m r O CD Dallas Mrs T C, dressmkr, 44^ W First South, res same. Dallie O, emp Dinwoodey Furniture Co. Dallimore Frederick, miner, res 221 E Eighth South. Dallin Cyrus E, sculptor, 105 W Third South, res 423 S West Temple.. Dallin Marshall L, carp, res 571 Fourth. co Dallin Raoul, wrapper Cohn Bros, res 69 C. Dallin Robt J, janitor 76 W Second South, res same. - Dallin Samuel, elk Cohn Bros, res 69 C. CD Dalsgaard Asgegar, res 28 W Sixth South. n= Dalton Albert, lab, res 551 S State. rF Dalton Fred W, studt U of U, res 245 N Fifth West. Dalton Geo F, V P Dalton Gold M & M Co, res Capitol ave. 92 Dalton Gold Mining & Milling Co (see Inc Go's), 62 Hooper blk, F Isaac Jennings genl mngr. Dalton Mining & Milling Co (The) of Utah, C A Ames prest, r Willis M Ames sec, 352 E First South. c- ^j Daly, Dailey and Daley. - Daly John J, mining, res 319 E South Temple. o5 I>aly P J, Attorney -at- Law, 93 & 94 Com'l blk, res 6175 West Temple. jg Daly Silver Mining Co (see Inc Go's), R C Chambers prest & supt, office 125 S Main. ~ Daman Miss Lulu, cigarmkr Eagle Gate Cigar Store, res 174 E "" "g^ Second South. CO >""P Dame John P, painter, res 1 3 W Seventh South. T* ^t-j Danaviel Joseph, engineer Hotel Templeton. ^3 Danaviel Thos, engineer Hotel Templeton. CO CO Dand Jacob, lab, res 917 E Third South. CO ^ Daney Jacob, lab, res 1330 E South Temple. 3 Dangerfield Annie, domestic 658 E Second South. - Dangerfield Benjamin S, delivery elk Sears & Jeremy Co, res 238 3 |=? Eighth East. - Dangerfield ChasJ, tinner James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 45 M. O3 Dangerfield Jabez, plasterer, res 215 Iowa ave. CD TJ Dangerfield Jabez W, comp Herald, res 2 1 5 Iowa ave. s^ Q2 Dangerfield John S, tinner James Spencer-Bateman Co, res 813 oo First ^ _ Dangerfield Maria (wid Charles), res' 13 O. JJ C O Dangerfield Thos, painter, res 1163 E First South. -a CO Daniel John T asst supt Pacific Exp Co, res 125 nth East. GO Daniel Wm H, carp, res 136 Third East. r^ Irrigation Age Printing l 26 W.THIRD SOUTHL Blank (Fine Builders and House-fur- nishing Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, Refrigerators and Gasoline Stoves. *. 244 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 5 Daniels Miss Annie, domestic 43 5 S Fourth West. | . Daniels Daniel L, bkpr, res 113 Second. O & Daniels Miss Emma, domestic 565 S First West. ^ ' Daniels Francis R, res 604 S Main, "jjj Daniels Frank (col'd), waiter Knutsford, rms 335 S Main. * X Daniels Henry, carp, res 276 E First South. E Daniels Mensdorffe H.comp Tribune, res 66 S First West. Daniels Thos, porter E A Hartenstein, res 67 E Second South. {/) Danielson Miss T, domestic 132 Sixth East. Dankowski Ed ward, cabinetmkr, s w cor State and I ith South. ClO Danlon Wm, waiter Walker House Dining Room, bds same. .EE Danner John M, police officer, res 428 E South Temple. "S Danovial Thos, eng Hotel Templeton, res rear 94 Back. ~ Dansie Robert, bishop L D S Herriman, res same. y^ Daran Frank, plastering contractor, res 532 Chester ave. Darcy H J, tinner S L Hardware Co, res 129 W Second South. > Darcy Thomas, driver Park City Ice Co, res 305 W 3d South. -^ Darke Joseph S, stenogr Singer Mfg Co, res 358 E 5th South. C Darke Joseph S, trav salesman Simon Bros, res 938 E 3rd S. <5| Darke Joseph W, elk Simon Bros, res 938 E Third South. Darke Sidney G, comp Herald, res 156 Ninth East. Darke Sidney W, atty at law and notary public, 47 Hooper g Blk, res 358 E Fifth South. s Darley A, waiter Cullen Hotel, bds same. Darling Elmer E (McGurrin & D), res 1031 First. Danner James E, atty at law 23 Central Blk, res same. "T Darnham William, switchman U P Ry, res U P Hotel. f"^ Bars Sidney, mach, res 360 H. C ) Dart Cornelius D, draughtsman Wm Carroll, res 47 Merc Blk. GO ^ Dart Dr James M (D & Parmelee), res 553 E Second South. Dart & Parmelee Drs (Dr J M Dart and Dr G V Parmelee), homoepathic physicians, 48 E Third South. CT ^_^ Dashiell Frank, steward elk Hotel Knutsford, res same. J> Dassonville Henry J, Sign and Carnage Painter, 161 & 165 State, res State, bet loth and nth South. Seepage 24.. Daugherty, see Dougherty. to CO _ Daugherty Barney, lab, res 929 E First South. {XJ Dautel Charles F, carp R G W Ry, res 957 W Cannon. JJo C_ ) Dautel Miss Lizzie, bds 957 W Cannon. jf ? ^} Dautel Miss Missouri, bds 957 W Cannon. ?W ^ Daveler John S, foreman Tribune, res 561 E First South. | 5 j Davenport George F, policeman, res 737 E Ninth South. AT U/ , , Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255 0^ MOUNTAIN ICE GO I TELEPHONE 43. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 245 o z N m I m o m r m m o Davenport John A, policeman, res 703 First. Q Davey Charles, lab, res bet 9th and loth S and 7th and 8th W. 0ft I>avey Charles B 9 Manager Deseret Manufacturing Co, res 213 E First South. JjJ Davey Charles E, asst ticket agt Utah & Nevada R R, res cor Seventh West and Tenth South. Davey Esther, candymkr, res cor Seventh West and Tenth S. Davey Mrs S M, res 213 E First South. Davi Santo, prop Idaho Saloon 125 State, res 126 N. Davidson, see Damson. Davidson Barney E, barber, res rear 623 S Fifth West. Davidson Daniel S, stock raiser, res 536 E Fourth South. Davidson Frank, steam fitter, res 536 E Fourth South. Davidson Harry, coachman 445 S West Temple, res same. Davidson John, prof swimming, res Beck's Hot Springs. Davidson John M, miner, res 544 E Fourth South. Davidson Peter, sheep herder, bds 536 E Fourth South. h Davidson W, res 424 State. < Davidson Walter W, stock raiser, res 905 E Second South, Davidson William, wool grower, res 9th East, bet I ith & I2th S. HE Davidson William, miner, res 238 E Second South. ^j M * Davidson Joseph, tailor F E Wells & Co, res rear 247 2d East. ( ) ^ (/> David Edward, lab, res 326 E Fifth South. H-^ CH * Davie Edwin, lab City Street Dept. ~- Davies, see Davis. l -^t .. O Davies A E, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. rt |l| Davies Alfred M, plasterer, res 427 Ninth East. ^j M- Davies B Henry, vice-pres Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, res 714 j ^ < East South Temple {"^ ~* Davies Edward, tinner, res 1 1 2 Ninth East. * Davies Ed C, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co. ^2 _ Davies Edward M, plasterer, res 427 S Ninth East. J^ * Davies Jno (Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co), agt Wanamaker & ^q CO Brown, res 112 Ninth East. p-^ Davies John, farmer, res Mill Creek. ^J J Davies John Jr, elk Heesch-D Son Co, res 1 12 Ninth East. 1"*^ 111 Davies Jos, dyer, res 656 S Eighth West. > Davies Miss Lucy A, bds 427 Ninth East. Davies Mary A (wid Edward), res 785 First. Davies Morgan, plasterer, res 427 Ninth East. Davies Owen L, res 819 E Third South. Davies Stephen, emp Empire Steam Laundry, res 641 S 3d W. iL WHOLESALE LUMBER, 1 3 U. P. Track, North of Depot. ^ 10 LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO, 1T Corner Vain and First South. | Improved Cltj Property. 4 to 246 RESIDENTS C& SALT LAKE. 9 g Davies Wm M, bkbndr Juvenile Inst, bds 35 E South Temple. g "3 Davis Albert, tailor, res w s Eleventh E, bet 9th and Tenth South. A "2 Davis Albert T, lab, res Camp Lane w of Jordan. g g Davis Albert F, plasterer, res 878 E Fourth South. 3 fa, Davis Albert W (Davis, Howe & Co), bishop Centre Ward L D S, res Centre, West Jordan. 5 "g Davis Albert W Jr, moulder, res Centre Ward, West Jordan. 3 Davis Alfonzo M, res Brighton. e Davis Alice (vvid David P), seamstress, res 44^ E First South. 9 Davis Alma H (D Bros), res 138 N Second West. 5 Davis Amelia J (vvid Thos), res 36 Twelfth East. w Davis Angus L, lab, w s Third East, bet I2th & I3th South. 2 o Davis Miss Annie, res 768 E Second South. * ^ Davis Arthur C, lab city, res I Jenson's Court. Davis A M, barber Brighton, res same. OC Davis Barney E, barber 60 Commercial, res 6135 Fifth West. |^d Davis Miss Belle, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 754 5th E. & w ^ Davis Bros (A H & Wm N), meat market 138 N Second West. 2 I, A Sons (David L. David J and Thos L), Groceries =3^ z Dry Goods, Crockery, etc, and agts Raddom's Microbe ZD Killer, 242 and 244 W South Temple. S _ Davis Miss Dema, dressmkr, res 87 F. Si - Davis Edward, barber, res 513 Second East. jg ^ Davis Edward H, check elk U P frt depot, res 924 W 1st N. co ~j Davis Edward W 7 , carp, res 138 N Second West. ^ j^ Davis Ed, barber Knutsford, res 355 S West Temple. 3D ^T Davis Edwin, res Ninth North w of Jordan. Davis Edwin A, hostler, res rear 250 N Second West. O - Davis Edwin D, check elk Z C M I, res 164 N Second West. ^ ^3 Davis Edwin W, carp, res 164 N Second West. ^f. . Davis Elijah, emp S L C R R Co. * C/j LOANS A SPECIALTY, "SSSS^ | MONEY TO LOAN, ^ws* Real Estate Broker. H. p. . Mini. I E. i. SHEETS. Room it commerrai R.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYEBS.^'S t . RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 247 Davis Miss Elizabeth, res 754 W North Temple. Davis Elizabeth (wid David P), res 1145 Sixth West. GD Davis Elizabeth F (wid Thomas), res 645 W First North. EZ Davis Elizabeth P (wid John S), res 175 E Fourth South. : Davis Emma J, bds Rio Grande Hotel, *-~ -. * Davis Miss Emily, domestic 856 S West Temple. a-T Davis Emma N (wid Dr M L), res 528 E Fourth South. 22 Davis Ezekial S, res s e cor Twelfth South and Ninth East. ^~ Davis Frank, night watchman Hotel Knutsford, res same. ^ Davis Frank, lab, res Camp Lane, w of Jordan. f Davis Franklin D, carp Davis, Howe & Co, res Centre Ward, West Jordan. DO Davis Geo, carp U P Ry, res 54 N Fifth West. CD CO Davis Geo A, car inspector U P Ry, res 62 N Fifth West. Davis Geo H (Geo Mullett & Co), res 553 Fourth Davis Geo H, lab, res rear 548 W Second North. Davis George M, transfer agt Grant Bros L and T Co, res 426 W First North. \ Davis George W, agt, groceries 80 W 1st S, res Canyon Road. ^2 Davis Hall, M E Church Home, 41 E Third South. I Davis Miss Hannah, res 138 N Second West. ^ " Davis Miss Harriet, res 157 W North Temple. ^ Davis Miss Hattie, elk Koltz K Kitchen, res 425 S 2d West. ^ UI Davis Heber, foreman Wm Asper & Co lumberyard, res 648 W Q (L First North. Davis H, emp Pioneer Nurseries, res same. E^, Davis Henry J, trav salesman Z C M I, res 252 W Fifth South. - Davis, Howe & Co (A W D, Amos H, J F Miller estate) foundry and machine shop, 1 27 N First West. C/) Davis James, cond S L C R R, res rear 729 Fifth East. Jj 111 Davis James, emp S L C R R, res 413 W Fifth South. Davis James H, elk, R G W Ry, res St James Hotel. Davis James H, emp Deseret W Mills, res 419 W Third North. Davis James H, Jr, emp Des W Mills, res 419 W Third North. |, Davis John, lab city, res 247 S First West. O Davis J oil 11. Meat Market 107 E First South, res same. , Davis John, lab, w s Twelfth East, 4 n of Twelfth South. j" Davis Mrs J, res 923 E Fourth South. Davis John D, stonecutter, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Davis John F, motorman S L C R R, res 164 N Second West, Davis John G, sheep grower, res 149 N Eighth West. ; Q Davis John L, emp U P ft office, res 144 N Sixth West. CO RopaSearlesKo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.) Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J UiiiiH, Ammunition, rineunt- lery, I ishiii^ Tackle and Sport intj Goods. Giins Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Teats for Rent. . 248 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. (/} Davis John L, Jr, elk S P Teasdel, res 144 N Sixth West. m Davis Joseph C, driver Police patrol, res 943 W First South. Davis J D, emp S L C R R. | Davis Jos F, lawyer, office Realty blk, res w s 3d E bet 1 2th ^^ and 1 3th South. 3t Davis Joseph O 9 Mining Stock Broker 25 Central Blk, res Osame. Davis Jos H, cabinetmkr, res 536 S Third West. f\ Davis Joseph P, bartndr Gem Saloon, res 258 Second East. UL Davis Joshua L, chiropodist, res 28 N First West. Davis Mrs L D, res 425 E Third South. ^| Davis Miss Lottie, res 138 N Second West. I Davis Louis S, elk, res 550 N Second West. QJ UJ Davis Miss Maggie, emp Utah Steam Laundry. X Davis Marie, domestic 165 Centre. Davis Mark, runner U P Hotel, bds same, j^ Davis Mary (wid Thomas), res 123 N Sixth West. ^^ Davis Mary Ann (wid Edward), res 785 First. ^~ Davis Miss Mary Webb, elk general del very P O dept, res 547 S West Temple. Davis Mattie, res 55 Third East. H 2 Davis Miss Millie, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Davis Nathan, carp, res 157 W North Temple. gj Davis Nathan Jr, moulder, res Brighton, i^ Davis Nathan, emp J E Keenan Preserve Co, res 638 N 2d W. Davis Miss Nellie M, res 164 N Second West. p-~ Davis Miss Nevada V, teacher City High School, res 68 Q. Davis Norman, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, res 419 W 3d N. r>"| I>avis Oscar F f principal Hammond Hall, res 306 E 3d S. , } Davis Orlando F, land atty 206 Realty Bldg, res 28 E 7th S. jy* Davis Orvil, bartndr Gem Saloon Brighton, res same. r ^ Davis Miss Rachel H, res 164 N Second West, i i Davis Richard D, lab, bds e s I2th East n of I2th South. M-i Davis R L, elk tel office U P Ry, res 272 N First West. r>> Davis S, eng R G W Ry, res 205 W Second South. S Davis Samuel C & Co, Bert Brown, Traveling Agent, room "J 10 Hooper & Eldredge blk. See adv page 30. ^ Davis Samuel F, lab, res 114 S Sixth West. *""^ Davis Sarah A B (wid Thomas), res 725 First. H Davis School, Camp Lane. 2^ , 1 Davis Stephen, teamster, res 641 S Third West. ^ gf i^ Davis Theophilus M, lab Temple, res 165 Centre. "S. 00 ^ni T 1 IMF I Good^R^L^f^ 1 1 ivun Pfl OnL 1 liftMl | grjJS3rsss:| W 1 ilU, UU, BISCUIT &IJHKT11HG CO,. Salt Lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 249 3 Davis Mrs Thomas, res 254 S West Temple. O Davis Thos, eng R G W Ry. g5 CO Davis Thos, lab U P Ry, res 138 N Second West Davis Thos, lab R G W Ry, res 646 W First South. Cr Davis Thos, engineer Saltair Ry, res 754 W North Temple. J| Davis Thomas A (D & Stringer), bds Manitou. Davis Thos J, plasterer, res 422 Ninth East. Davis Thos L (D L Davis & Sons), res 43 N First West. Davis Thos P, lab, res 138 N Second W 7 est. A Davis Thos S, warehouseman U P Ry, res 138 N Second West. Davis Wellington, elk U P office depot, res 273 N First West. OQ Davis Wm, weaver, res 143 W South Temple. . Davis Wm, plasterer, res 775 E Fourth South. Davis William, gardener, res 67 L. Davis Wm, stone cutter, res 3 Roberts Court. gj > m Davis Wm B, expressman, res 1073 E Third South. gj Davis Wm B, elk Sandberg Furn Co, res 157 W North Temple. - ^ Davis Wm C, elk Geo W Davis, res 923 E Fourth South. STJ Q Davis Wm C, stonecutter Temple, res 4 Roberts Court. y Davis Wm E, barkpr Gem Saloon, res 68 S First West. E^ (0 Davis William H, plasterer, res 878 E Fourth South. SJ < Davis William M, plasterer, res 164 S Second West. e"3 S Davis William N (Davis Bros), res 138 N Second West. 5 g Davis William P, sheepman, res 909 W North Temple. Sg rJ Davis & Stringer (Theodore A D and John T S), real estate and CD ins, 49-50 Commercial Blk. Q ui Davison, see Davidson. Q Davison Frank, lab, res w s of 7th E bet I ith and I2th S. -i Davison Joseph, tailor John Miller Jr, res 347 First East. Davison M R, teamster city street dept. Davison Thomas, (coi'd), hod carrier, rms 361 S Fifth West. Davisson Ira H, architect, res 876 Fourth. Davy E, lab city, res 324 E Fifth South. Dawes Sydney E, mach S L C Ry Co. Dawlson Thomas G, bartender, res 61 N Sixth West. |jj Dawson Anna I (wid Joseph W), res 768 Third. Dawson Chas B, porter Sheets & McPhee, res 625 S Fourth W, | Dawson John W, carpenter, res 186 P. Dawson Joseph S, janitor Rowland Hall, res 764 Third. S CO ||| Dawson Newark, tailor J C Cutler & Bro, res 1 1 S State. g 3 Dawson Thomas G, elk 69 W Second South, res 61 N 6th West. H n Day Miss E T, bds Rowland Hall. * JJj CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCorniCl[Bli2., SALT LAKE CITY. r. . B m. Shirts of Every Description. WI1ITTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 810, McCornick Building. London O DeLong Benjamin P (DeLong & Smith, blacksmiths), res 532 E * Seventh South. DeLong Frank, wiper U P Ry, res 3 1 7 N Fourth West. DeLong Leah, chambermaid Walker House, res same. DeLong L R, res 317 N Fourth West. DeLong Miss Lillian, res 532 E Seventh South. DeLong Wm E, eng W S R Transit Co, res Brighton. DeLong & Smith (B P DeL and J Y S Jr), blksmiths, 119-121 E Second South. De La Plante John, wireman E G Holding, rms Enterprise House, Commercial. De L'Orme Andre, music tchr, rms 43 E Second South. DeLouche Mrs Desire, res rear 29 Sixth East. CD Demars Miss Emma S, rS 237 S Seventh West. Demars Miss Mary E, dressmkr, res 237 S Seventh West. > Deming Hannah (wid Moses), res 833 Eighth East. j Deming Miles, teamster Kidder Bros, res 829 Eighth East. < Demmmg Chas, lab, res Orchard Square. J O I>eHonco A 9 Resident Physician Copeland Medical Institute, H res 63 W Fifth South. C3 J( (/) Democratic Headquarters, McCornick blk. j < Demott Bergen, res 472 E Third South. P (/) Dempsey Edward, lab Germama Hotel, res 146 State. J^ P. * Dempsey Thos D, plumber, res 258 W First North. Q> jjjj O Dempsey Thomas H, collector Freed Furniture & Carpet Co, res S: B jj rear 125 State. =g LJ Denby Wythe, mining & civil eng, 406 Progress bldg, res 174 A. H fg Denhalter Building, 28 W Third South flj - Denhalter Chas H (H Denhalter & Sons), res North Waterloo, ^t 2 ^ Denhalter Henry (H Denhalter & Sons), bds Cullen. 2J *\ -J Denhalter H & Sons (Henry, Charles H & John H), Soda ** - Water Manufacturers, 28-30 W Third South. ^ Denhalter John H (H Denhalter & Sons), res 62 W 4th South. j=L Denhalter Wm E, res 338 E Sixth South. Denl Judson, eng Great Salt Lake & Hot Springs R R, res 54 R G av. 0< J _l u U Denner Chris, elk Wiscomb & Co, rms Dyer lodging house. 55' Denney Chas, comp Deseret News, res 716 E First South. =3 " Denney H E, letter carrier, res Rustic Court. Denney Jabez, lab, res 858 First. < Dennis Clotilda S (wid Chas J), res 9 Willard Court. ^ S Dennis D, res 237 Fourth East. | a P a Complete and Select Stork of all kinds of , B UILDIXG MA TERIA LS. 241 >orth 3d West. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Galt Uahe " iee: Capital 81 000,01)0. Surplus 83OO.OOO. COP, MAIN 3,Ll FIRST SOUTH. . 254 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. fl Dennis Frank H, Broker, res 9 Willard Court. See adv. g 5 Dennis Fred W, elk Recorder, res 128 Eighth East. | J Dennis R W, res 237 Fourth East. ft S Dennis Willard W, res 9 Willard Court. | Denniston Charles M, M D, res 1 5 W Second South. H o Denny Alfred F, tmstr, res 113 Post. ^ S Denny James JI 9 Attorney-at-Law, rm 19 Union National Bank Bldg, res 443 Fourth East. j| Dent George W, motorman, res 16 M. K fa Dent John, porter Eagle Sample Rooms. ' 2 Dent John, motorman S L C R R, rms 408 N Second West. p[ | * Dent John, emp S L C R R, res 849 First South. - E Dent John W, bartndr Ontario, res 67 Second South. JJ Denton Winfield S (Denton & McNally), rms 30 Com'l Block. Denton fc Jletf ally (W S D & J C McN), Attorneys-at- D ^yT Law, 30 Commercial Block. UJ Denver Court, Third South, bet Fourth and Fifth West. SS Denver fc Rio Grande Express Co, A G Clarke, * Agt, 58 W Second South, Branch Office R G W Depot. * S Denver fc Rio Grande Ry, W J Shotwell GenlAgt, 58*? SS W Second South, see page XIV. ~ 3 LU Depue David A (Parker & Depue), res 137 N Main. | 3* f> Derbidge Fred, elevator opr Hotel Knutsford, res same. * ? Z Derbidge Joseph, gardener, res 502 N First West. ^* Derbidge Joseph, res 5 Peach. OC Derbidge Joseph F, res 5 Peach. ^*j Derbidge Joseph F, elev opr Knutsford, res 502 N First West. 4 Derbidge Olive L, school tchr, res 502 N First West. ^Z Derge Albert R, bkpr Mt Ice Co, res 267 Third. Uj Derham Wm, plasterer, res 576 W South Temple. CD CD de Rieqles Alphonse E, Secretary & Manager Union Stock E 2^ Yards Co, 34 Utah National Bank Bldg, res 515 E 1st S. Dermott Michael J Me, brick contr, res 505 Sixth. ^ 1 Derr Miss Edith, res 443 Ninth East. H C/5" Derr Geo W, electrician S L Theatre, res 349 W First North. p^j Derr William, res 349 W First North. <^ Derrali Samuel V, Commercial Agent Missouri Pacific Ry, M ^>, res 650 S Main. 20' r_jj Derrick Alfred, elk, bds Sarah F Derrick. O Derrick Alfred M, cond S L C R R, res 564 E Second South. f ^ Derrick A S, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Derrick Frank S, elk Z C M I, res 222' Sixth East. GO Real Estate Broker, tT^c^'l Monetf to Loan, oans a Specialty. B. P. G. MATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. H.H. Officer l RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 255 - CO *^D Derrick Hyrum, elk Z C M I, res 564 E Second South. CD Derrick Sarah F (wid Alfred), res 218 Sixth East. Derrick Zachariah S, bkpr Z C M I, res 222 Sixth East. *3 Derrick Zachariah T, pattern mkr, res 222 Sixth East. Q Derrick Zachariah W, mach, res 564 E Second South. CD Derrick A, emp S L C R R Co, res 2 s 560 E. prj 3 Derry George E, mason, res Murray. JZH _ Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society. 3 see inc co's, Heber M Wells, Secretary, 60 S Main. C, Deseret Bank Building, n e cor Main and First South. ro Deseret Building & Loan Club (local branch), see inc cos, H H ~ Kinsman, sec, office 15-17 Morlan blk. Deseret Eagle, published semi-monthly at the University of Utah, ^a Deseret Evening News (daily), Deseret News Publishing || Co, publishers, South Temple, n e cor Main. See adv page 106. "~ Deseret Gold & Silver Mining Co, see inc cos, A M j Musser, Secretary, Arthur Stayner, Agent; 14 Hooper blk. ^ Deseret Hospital, Mrs R B Pratt, res physician, 206 N 2d West. ^ Deseret Manufacturing Co, Oils, Soap, etc, Chas B Davey, mngr, Ninth North and Sixth West. Deseret Heat Market, D Hilton & Co, Proprietors, 33-35 E South Temple. Deseret Museum, Salt Lake Literary and Scientific ation. Proprietors, J E Talmage, D S D, Ph D, Curator, Reuben Clark, elk ; 20 E South Temple. Deseret National Bank 9 Lewis S Hills President, Moses Thatcher Vice-Prest, Hyrum S Young Cashier; 79 S Main. O Deseret News Publishing Co, see inc cos, Abraham H ^ Cannon Prest and Mngr, n w cor Main and South Temple, ^ see page 106. ^V- Deseret Salt Company, see inc cos, C W Lyman Secretary, ** office 13 Deseret Bank bldg. jfc Deseret Savings Bank, James T Little President, Moses ^ 2 Thatcher Vice-Prest, Elias A Smith Cashier ; n e cor Main ^ r and First South. ^ g Deseret Semi-weekly ETews, The (Tuesdays and Fridays) JH Deseret News Publishing Co, publishers, Main n e cor South Temple. See page 106. ^ Deseret Telegraph Office, Andrew Wilson mngr, under Deseret ^ Natl Bank. ff ^ Deseret Weekly News, The (Saturdays), Deseret News f r^ Publishing Co pubs, Main near cor S Temple, see page 106. Jj s Rogers, Searlesi Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 Slirn of Bifi- Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J Heartfjuart-rs for Wrought, Steel and Cut Ranges, Gasoline Stove*. Refrigerators, Granite, Tin and Copper War*. Fin* B " . 256 _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ _ I>eseret Woolen Mills Co 9 see inc cos, Frank W Jennings ^ ^ .-^ President and Manager, office and mill s w cor Fifth North - (f) and Third West. _ Desky Hark H 9 Clothing, etc, 74 W Second South, res s w Qcor Tenth South and Second West Desmond Michael, carp, res 892 Third. Desmond M H, carp Tenth Ward L & Bldg Ass, res 1027 Third. Desmond Timothy, teamster Tenth Ward L & Bldg Ass, res 1 027 Third. Denel Miss Emma, res 54 Rio Grande ave. Denel Miss Etta, res 54 Rio Grande ave. Denel Miss Myrtle, res 54 Rio Grande ave. - Denel Judson, engineer, res 54 Rio Grande ave. ^ ^ -^ Deutsch John M, barber 308 S West Temple, res same. fi DeValley John A, res 1133 First. ODevanney Jas, lab city water works, bds Rio Grande Hotel. DeVey A, res 746 E Fourth South. _. DeVey F, res 746 E Fourth South. B Deveraux John, carp S L & H S R R depot, res Twelfth West _ & Ninth North. < * Devillurs A, lab' Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. 2, Si gg Devine Jas (D & Robinson), res 620 Fifth. CD" . g Deviiic & Robinson (Jas D & Jno G R), Architects, 213 =* . ^ Constitution Bldg. ^ Devison Building, 44 E Second South. Devore John J, fireman Hotel Knutsford, res same. DeVry Ferdinand, res 746 E Fourth South. C_3 DeVry Frank, res 746 E Fourth South. g DeVry Miss Gussie, res 746 E Fourth South. TTJ DeWar Wm C, comp S L Litho Co, res 262 E Second South. - Dewein Fred, cigarmkr S Levy, res Lake Breeze add. 5E Dewey Albert, stockgrower, res 255 E Fourth South. Dewey Albert Jr, emp French Stm Ldry, res 526 W Seventh S. CD Dewey Alfred N, lab, bds Alma W Dewey. 5 Dewey Alma W, laundryman, res 526 W Seventh South. * Dewey Mrs Ann, milliner Mrs M J Burrows, res 241 E 4th S. JJ Dewey Miss Belle, res 241 E Fourth South. s Dewey Chas A, foreman United Electric Co, res 241 E 4th S. Dewey Mrs Elizabeth A, dressmkr, res 217 E Fourth South. Dewey Miss Emma, res 241 E Fourth South. Dewey Ernest E, teamster, res 362 W Seventh South. Dewey Harry E, letter carrier, res 6 Rustic Court. GO OTTI H7 f TTT/T7 I >'ank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWIin DO 8 JILT LBKE g;g:Mg- LITHO, GO, I 52 W. Sc..>na South. Ttlepbn 14f. I AMERICAN BISCUIT t HMUfflCTUBIIE CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 257 Dewey Jno H, mining, res 241 E Fourth South. Dewey Jno H Jr, elk R G W Ry, res 241 E Fourth South. Dewey Capt J W, book agt, rms 158 E Second South. Dewey Miss Louie, res 241 E Fourth South. Dewey Thos, tailor Buckle & Sons, res 526 W Seventh South. De Witt Alexander, farmer, res Big Cottonwood. De Witt Byron T, mngr Hub Store 201 W Second South. *ri De Witt Susan (wid John M), res Big Cottonwood. *j De Woody Clyde J, bkpr, res 61 1 S Main. * De Woody John P, contr & bldr, res 61 1 S Main. De Woody Judson B, teamster Hewlett Bros, res 472 E 2d S De Woody Sam S, plasterer, res 472 E Second South. Dexter Miss Emma, domestic 518 S West Temple. Dey Chas C (Dey & Street), res 539 E South Temple. I>ey fc Street, (Chas C D & Jno A S), Attorneys at Law 2 1 2 gj &Z S Main. 15^ I>eyo I>r Van K, Physician & Druggist, s s Twelfth South, - S I- 2 e of Eleventh East. ^ ^^< Deyoe G N, prin St Mark's Academy. |^O Diamond, Kyune & Castle Stone Co, see inc cos, Wm P Minor, E^ CL sec, office 14 Commercial Blk. ^MM tt\ ^^ Diamond Mining Co The, see inc cos, office 38 W Second South, CTD gfl location of mines Eureka, Tintic, J E Oglesby sec and treas. ^ ^* Diamond A V (wid George), res 53 W Third South. 3g go Dibble Clementine (wid Philo), res 118 N Second West. O So Dibble Edwin, studt L D S College, res 75 E First North. jg Dibble Frank, deliveryman CB Durst Groc Co, res cor North v < ^- Temple and Second West. Q gg< Dibble George, elk C B Durst Groc Co, res cor North Temple , ^"* and Second West. CD -s Dick John L, blksmith U P Ry, res 758 W South Temple. SJ Dick Miss Maggie, domestic 60 Richards. * * Dickenson Edward R, auditor's elk R G W Ry. Second West n of Tenth South. " Dickenson William, lab, res s s Fourth w of P. tj j"j Dickerman Charles O, locomotive eng, res 322 W First South. ~ Dickerman Miss Lillie W, tchr, res 306 E Third South. ^ z Diekert Ferdinand, capitalist, res 544 S Main. |4 IMckert Lorenzo, architect, res South ave rear 3 17 W 7th S. SCO Dickie Thomas J, mechanical engineer, res North Waterloo add. ^ Dickinson Lewis S, guard Penitentiary, res 423 E Second South. Dickinson Solomon S (S S Dickinson & Co), res 258 E 3d S. |L CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305lcCornicKBlfl&., SALT LAKE CITY. TlpbonMl. Shirts of Etery Description. ^pairint a Social; j u I T A R. HllllTEMOliE, COOKE & CO., IXKITRAXC'E, Boom 310, McCornick Building. Of I co CO 5 ta CO & C\J CD Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets. $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1.597.375.41 258 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CO CD CO CD CD Dickinson S S A Co (Solomon S D & Joseph Harriott), Wholesale Butchers & Meat Market, 1 1 E Third South. Dickson, see Dickerson, Dickinson and Dixon. Dickson Mrs Ann, res basement 1 10 W First North. Dickson James, res 48 Second East IMckson Win H, Attorney-at-Law 5 1 5 Progress Block, res 62 W Sixth South. Diehl Christopher (C Diehl & Co), Assessor & Collector of Water Rates 24 E First South, res 525 E Second South. Diehl Christopher B, bkpr Com'l Natl Bank, res 525 E 2d South. IMehl Christopher fc Co (Christopher D & Carrol H Ricker), Fire Insurance Agents 66 Commercial Block. Diehl Isaac E, stockman Irrigation Age res 303 Fourth. Diehl Wm S, printer, res cor Fourth and C. Dieterle William, secy & treas Leamington Water & Land Co, res 1263 E South Temple. Dietliker Albert, lab, res 343 Eleventh East. Dietrich Henry, jeweler 157 South Main upstairs, res 235 West Third South. Dietz John M, foreman Eagle Foundry, res 240 N Second West. Dietz Philip, cook Vienna Cafe. Digges Thos, eng Kirk & Bridges brick yards, res Folsom add. Dignamitz C L, bds Manitou. Dillingham Frank A, con R T, res 732 S First West. Dillingham James T, driver Mt Ice Co, res s s 9th S e of 4th W. Dillingham Miss Louise, dom 223 W Sixth South. Dillingham Miss L L, res rear 539 W Second South. Dillingham Wm H, carp, res s s 9th South, 2 w of 3d West. Dillon Edward (Monaca Bros & D), res 5135 State. Dillon Daniel, lab City Water Works. Dillon John, carp, rms Roberts Blk, Broadway. Dillon Michael, lab, res 263 South Fifth West. Dillon Olney, miner, res 225 Fourth East. Dillon William, road supervisor, res Murray. Dillon Wm A, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Dills James M, mechanic, res 770 E Sixth South. Dimmick Edw J, sec McFarlane Drug & Mnfg Co, res Grand Hot. S|2 Dimmick Chas, tar roofer, res 328 E Second South. So-| Dimmick Wilber C, carp, res 934 Eighth East. -"I \ Dimming E H, res 708 E Fourth South. 1(2. Dimmitt J M, res 132 E Second South. f f Di Narda Michael, res 578 W First South. CxO i CD fi SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY.. R.H. Officer HP RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 259 Dingwall Allen G, fireman R G W Ry, res 161 S Fifth West. l>iiiiiiu ( V Harper J, atty at law, 9 Commercial Blk, res 925 Logan ave, Perkins add. Dinwoody Mrs Annie, res 815 E South Temple. Dinwoodey Charles, driver Barton, Lyon & Co, bds 556 S West CD Temple. ^ Dinwoodey Henry, pres Dinwoodey Fur Co, res 330 S 1st W. Dinwoodey H Furniture Co, see inc cos, Furniture, Car- ^ fc pj; pets, Wall Paper, Etc, 37 and 43 W First South, H M Din- g O woodey mngr, see adv back cover. T p jzj Dinwoodey Henry M, manager H Dinwoodey Furniture Co, res JD S 326 S First West. Dinwoodey James G, salesman Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 556 S West Temple. < Dinwoodey Mrs Sarah, res 333 S First West. 3 Dinwoodey Walter J, mgr carpet dept H Dinwoodey Furn Co, ~j res 8 1 5 E South Temple. ^-3 Dinwoody Wm T (Groesbeck & D), res 815 E South Temple. ^j Distelrath Joseph H, bkpr S L Meat Co, res 158 E Second S. GO Dittman Adolph, carp, bds 852 Seventh East. ^ = - t . Dittman August, carp, res 852 Seventh East. Jg IHt t maim Louis W, Agt Wm J Lemp's St Louis Beer and proprietor " The Resort," 276 S Main, Bottling Works 8th S, cor 3d W, res 303 N 2d West. See adv after each letter. O Dix Benjamin F, foreman Utah Nursery Co, res same. ^"3 Dix Orrin, miner, res 122 E Fifth South. -*-* IMx Philip A, Treas and Secy Utah Nursery Co, res s e cor *^D Seventh East and Ninth South. p9 Dix Rie (wid Owen), res 122 E Fifth South. Q Dixon, see Dicker son, Dickinson and Dickson. CD Dixon A J, emp S L C R R Co. Dixon Charles, carp R G W Ry, res 920 W Cannon. Dixon George H, tinner F E Schoppe & Co, res 964 E 3d South. p"| Dixon James, elk, res 48 Second East. QO Dixon John M, lab, res rear 523 Sixth East. IP Dixon John W, carp, res e s Gordon, n of Eleventh South. ( } Dixon Miss Mary S, res 623 E Second South. ^ Doan E E (Berets, Doan & Co), res 275 I. -H Dobbins Albert, expressman, rms 653 E Third South. rj?, Dobbins Greenberry B, carp, res 544 Third East, 03 Dobbs John H, elk J P Sears, rms Clift House. **-* Dobbs J H, carp, res 745 E Fourth South. Irrigation Age Printing House, RailroadandC MmialPriiite ^ Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Work. 26 W. Third South. O m z O m O O SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., j Fine Builders and Honse-rur- ins Hardware, Stoves Ranges, Refrigerators Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) and Gasoline Stoves. 260 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 1"! 5 Dobranich Damian B, piano tuner, res 22 Aberdeen ave. JIJIj ^ . Dobson John W (Smith & D), res 637 Ninth East. C3 O Dobson Thomas, night watchman, res 105 Canyon Road. TI Dobson William M, lab, res 552 S State. CZ C Dodd Amzi, bds 130 Eighth East. Z** "I Dodd Henry L, solicitor R L Polk & Co, res 147 E 2d South. = Dodd Stephen G, Post Chaplain USA (retired), res 1 30 8th E. ^3 Dodds Wm P, res 17 Euclid ave. 3O o> Dodge I> , General Manager R G W Ry, res Denver, Col. m 7- Dodge Wm H (F E Schoppe & Co), res 1321 E South Temple. R fcO Dodson Mrs E, agt cancer medicine, res 26 E Fourth South. C"D Dodson Mrs I B, res 26 E Fourth South. | Dodson John F, contractor, res 45 W Second South. ^O =5 Dodson Orrin C, barber, res 838^ E Fourth South. f^~ Dodson Miss Pet, bkkpr & elocutionist, res 26 E Fourth South. ^ Doe Charles A, bkpr E C Coffin Hdw Co, res 727 Margaret. Doerflinger Frank, emp S L C Brewing Co, res 627 loth East. Dofflemyer Isaac J, propr Clift House barber shop, res 447 Fourth East. | ^ Dogge O H, Physician and Surgeon (Specialist), office 221 W Second South, res same. j = Doggett William H, brakeman R G W Ry, bds Albany Hotel. ' ^ & Doherty Cornelius, salesman Hanson Prod Co, res 5 Folsom ave Doherty John L, mach U P Ry, res 244 S Fourth West. r Doile S S, fireman R G W Ry, bds 21 1 S Fifth West. f ) Dolberg C F, mining, bds Cullen. C 3 Doles L A, formn pipe layers city waterwks, res 556 Chester ave Dolin J, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Doll John, lab city street dept. Dolmenson B, res 760 S State. Dolquist John, weaver Des W Mills, res rear 529 W 4th North. Domain Louisa, cigar mkr, bds 174 E Second South. Don Harry (Acme Painting Co), res 306 Third East. Donahue Bart, waiter U P Hotel. - Donahue Jno R, tailor N Y Tailors, res 203 E First South, i-li Donaldson, see Donelson. C^3 Donaldson Andrew, lab, res 174 S State. < Donaldson Charles M Jr, res rear 29 Fourth East. 3* eg Donaldson Christine (wid Allen), lodgers, res 235 S State. | Donaldson James M, res 437 Second East. /ft VK, Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Kouldim Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. MOUNTAIN ICE GO 1 TELEPHONE 43. O CO *-* (ft RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 261 Done James, carp, res rear 729 Fifth East. Done Miss Maud E, domestic 645 Fifth East. Done Miss May, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 549 E /th South. Done Willard, principal L D S Col, res Lowell Place 5th East, bet 7th and 8th South. Do nelson, see Donaldson. Donelson Mrs Alice, res 1196. Donelson Andrew, lab, res 174 S State. Donelson C M, agt fancy work patterns, res 37 Fourth East. Donelson Charles M Jr, barber, res 35 Fourth East. 0) Donelson Heber J, res 14 N First West. Donelson John C, candy mkr, res 14 N Fifth West. Donelson J M, music tchr, 37 Fourth East. Donkin Charles B, lab, res 1 169 E Second South. Donkin Charles M, elk, bds rear 1 165 E Second South. Donkin James W, res rear 1165 E Second South. r^ >; Donkin Thomas J, farmer, 1 70 Twelfth East. H^j Donley, see Donnelly. Q * Donley Joseph, janitor court house, res 576 S Second West. O z N m H I m o m r m GO m o > Donley Joseph Jr, tinner O Walsh, res 576 S Second West. .^ Donley Joseph, bricklayer, res 324 Second East. j < Donley Patrick, stone mason, res 324 Second East, (/) Donley Thomas E, carp, e s Eleventh East 3 n of Twelfth South. l ^ * , , . 2 Donnell John S, elk Pac Ins Co, res Devereaux House. O Don n ell Samuel M, Surveyor, Mngr Pacific Ins Co, 109 C^ CD Commercial Block, 445 S West Temple. Donnell Wm H, elk P V Coal Co, res T O B Club. S < Donnellan J Tilton (Conway & D), res 643 E First South. -H Doiiucllaii John W, Cashier Commercial National Bank, ^j res 643 E First South. f Donnellan Kenneth J, elk Com'l Nat Bank, res 643 E ist South. ^ Donnelly, see Donley. \ 1 Donnelly James (Harrington & Donnelly) res Ninth East bet Q Tenth and Eleventh South. -^ Donnelly John, sec foreman U P Ry, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Donnelson John R, painter, res 14 N Fifth West. Donnie Emerson J, contractor and builder, res 552 Ninth East. Donovan Frank J, steam fitter, res 1 16 S Sixth West. Donovan John J, Captain Police Force, res 831 E Brigham. Donovan Michael M, Asst Chief of Fire Dept 37 N Second West, bds U P Hotel. a * I I D f\ Prices and Estimates on Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lombard Investment Co. ift4.OOO.OOO. Makes Loans on ImDroved Farms. J| & 262 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M 2 fl * g Donoviel John, mach, bds 5 17 N Sixth West. G ~ Donoviel Julia (wid Joseph), res 517 N Sixth West. CO 2 jb Donoviel Miss Julia, res 517 N Sixth West. J J Donoviel Thomas, lab, res 94 Back. "5 D Doran F, res Arcade Court. j[ ^ Doran Geo, res Murray. W Doran Hugh O Jr, emp Brown's Warble Works, res 349 S West Temple. J-J OcT Doran Hugh O, lithographer, res 349 S West Temple. _^ IJJ Doran Jacob, teamster, res 257 W Fifth North. ^ Dor cm 11* Abraham F, City Eng City Hall, res 226 N 2 w ^f Second West. * OQ Doray Eugene J (E J Doray & Co and A D McNeely & Co), res g ? SE 324 S Main. ? 2 UJ Doray EJ&Co(EjD&AD McNeely), Tea Pot Store, | * O Teas, Coffees, Extracts and Groceries, 324 S Main. * * ^ Dorius Heber C, lab, res 535 Chester ave. Doritz C, emp Hanson Produce Co, res Folsom ave. 2 Dorsey Harry J, Tinner S L Hdw Co, res 155 W Second South. OJ Doscher H W, Pres Empire Stm Ldry Co, res 217 E Third S. =T p Dothett J, emp Mount & Griffith, bds 558 E Second South. 5 CC Doty Wm J, emp Rapid Transit, res 629 W South Temple. Q^ UiJ Dougall Hugh W, invoice elk Spencer, Clawson & Co, bds 49 N 13 ^ West Temple. - = Dougall W B, Supt Des Tel Co, res 47 N West Temple. 3 _ _ Dougall Wm B Jr, tel opr, bds 49 N West Temple. 2J _ Dougherty, see Daugherty. ^O Dougherty Barney J, lab, res 929 E First South. *^+ Dougherty Horatio I, lab, res 473 W Sixth South. CO ^ Dougherty John L, machinist U P Ry, res 244 S Fourth West. 30 ^* Douglas Miss Annie, domestic 435 S West Temple. co [jj Douglas Charles I, Homoepathic Physician & Surgeon Q 76-79 Com'l Block, res 862 E South Temple. Q Douglas James, lab, res 40 S Graeber ave, Postoffice add. m Douglas James, emp Eagle Foundry, res Postoffice add. ^ IMS A SPECIAL!?, "SSffiS?- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. 'SSSS&SS.- * M Estate Broker, H. p. e. MATES. I g. i. SHEETS. Boom 12. comnwroai Biott. R.H, Officer Ho -^ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 263 O r= Douglas James A, farmer, res s s Ninth South e of Fourth West. |2 Douglas Jay H, stenogr R G W Ry Passgr depot, res 273 W OD Second South. - c= Douglas J, switchman R G W Ry, res 342 W Third South. Douglas J E, boilermkr U P Ry, res 342 W Third North. 5 Douglas J H, elk U P Ry, bds U P Hotel, a-: Douglas W R, brakeman R G W Ry, bds Albany Hotel. ~ Doull Alfred, carp, bds 730 E South Temple. r~ Doull Edward, plasterer, bds 730 E South Temple. *^ Doull Frank, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co. _cr Doull Geo D, contractor & builder, res 730 E South Temple. C3 Doull William H, solicitor, res 515 E First South. D>O Douris Captain, mgr Garfield, res 567 N First W. CD Douse William, lab, res 757 S State. Dover Arthur R, stone cutter, res 94 Back. g~ Dover Frank W, emp J E Keenan Preserve Co, res 94 Back. Dover Jos R, stone cutter, res 1065 Third. "Q Dover Joseph R Jr, stone cutter, res 1065 Third. Dover Sarah (wid George), res 1109 Second. Dow August, blacksmith, res s s I2th South, 2 e of 7th East. Dow George N, res 20 Earls Court. ^ Dow Justin G, foreman. Des Wol Mills, res 405 N Second West. ^"3 Dowden Edwin, treas Western Shoe & Dry Goods Co, res 366 ^ Fourth. j=2 Dowds Mrs Win P, dressmkr, res rear 224 W First South. Dowds William P, school furniture and supplies ins, res rear 224 Ei W First South. Dower Edward, stone mason, res 355 W Second South. Dower James E, lab, bds 355 W Second South. CO Dowing E J, barber U P Hotel, res 735 W First South. DJ 111 Dowlin Mrs John C, dressmkr, res 159 W Second South. ^ J Dowling John J, eng U P Ry, res 227 N Sixth West. flfl Downes Miss Lizzie, emp Empire Mnfg Co, res 138 N Third W. Downey Edward, barber U P Barber Shop, res 735 S ist W. %*. Downey George F, elk Com Natl Bank, res 144 S Fourth East. C Downey George UK, Maj U S army (retired), pres Coml Natl Bank, res 145 Fourth East. Downey Lee, brakeman R G W Ry, res 205 W Second South. 2* Downing Joseph C (Graupner & Downing), res 46 E 2d South. <' Downing John N, prop The Tunnel restaurant, res 543 E 4th S. Downs Parley G, bds 765 Third. - ''g ** Dowse Chas H, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res Merc Blk. CO Roprs, tales i Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CNTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Tents for Rent. 264 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. (7~> o Dowse Samuel, motorman S L Rapid Transit Co, res Murray. Dowse Wm S, motorman S L Rapid Transit Co, res 757 S State. ^ Doxey Thomas G, elk Spencer Clawson, res 785 First. Doxey Wm J, elk A J White, bds 785 First. _ Doxey Wm, stonecutter, res 45 Jeremy ave. Doying Chas F, lawyer 5 Central blk, res 324 York, Waterloo. Doying Mrs Mary E, tchr Liberty Park school, res 324 York. Doyle Dan, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Doyle James L, propr Colorado Bakery, res 228 W 3d South. Doyle John B, lab city waterwks. Doyle Wm E (D & Wolf), res 532 Sixth East. Doyle & Wolf (Wm E D & Phillip J Wolf), house moving and ^ raising, 107 Rio Grande ave. -^ Drewy S F, grocer, res 521 E First South. **^ *^C Dreyer Frederick, draughtsman, res 146 S State. P Zg* K 1 Driese Paul, cigarmkr Sam Levy, res rear Eighth Ward School * - H house. , -j , 3 Driggs Appollos G, bishop Sugar House Ward, L D S, res ? g ^^ Shady Grove, w of Fifth. *H. r/o >* RO , bu, (A 4 HHEIIICIimSCUITtHIIIOFIiCTUmie CO,, Salt Lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 265 JQ Driggs Frank M, teacher Deaf school U of U, res cor First . North & First West. Driggs Bishop H E, farmer, res Shady Grove, Forest Dale. Driscoll Cornelius, res 211 Sixth East. C^ Driscoll James N, salesman Sears & Liddle, res 74 N ist West. |Q Driscoll Mike, miner, res 831 W Cannon. ^2 Driver Henry L, res 251 Seventh East. Driver Mercantile Co The, Groceries, etc, Edwin R IJ Clute Mngr, Secy & Treas, 214 S Main, see page 4.. ^ Drommerhausen, Fred D, carriagemkr, res 647 W First North. Drommerhausen Fred W, salesman Hanson Produce Co, res 647 JJ W First North. Drubendorfer J L, res 29 Fourth East. """ Druce Chas F, carp, res 424 W Third North. JJ^ Druce Edgar W, Carpenter and Contractor, res and shop gj 506 E First South. j=* Druce Elizabeth (wid John A), res 203 Third East. Druce Henry, engraver, res 424 W Third North. Druce John, builder and contr, res 506 E First South. CO H 8! Druce Miss Julia, music tchr, res 506 E First South. H Druce Wm D, engraver, res 424 W Third North. SJ KT < Druehl Miss Ella J, studt Rowland Hall, res 268 Second East. CD f, * Druehl Frank A (D & Franken), res 268 Second East. ^ g Druehl fc Franken, (Frank A D & James L F), Drugs, 3 J Toilet Articles, etc, Main, s e cor Third South. O W^ Drury H L, res Clift House. ^D Lp4 uj Drury R Lloyd, civil engr 37 Hooper Blk, res 54 W Third S. ^^ H Drushal Wm S, carp U P Ry, res 524 S Eighth West. O M J Drushal Wm S, machinist, res 1 50 Post. j Dryer Fred, architect, rms 314 Second East Dubei John, merchant tailor 239 W Second South, res same. 0* CO U DuBois Fred, barber Cullen barber shop, res 122 S Fourth W. " Duboise Charles, carp R G W Ry, res 1 1 18 W Third South. |o Duboy Miss Mamie, dressmkr 62 Commercial, res same. J ^ Duckham Samuel, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. Duckworth Chas, eng Union Iron Wks, res 1038 W Third S. Duckworth James, sheep raiser, res 230 W Second North. J^ Duckworth Jos J, proprietor Union Iron Works 542 W % Second South, res 1040 W Third South. ^{^ Duckworth Joseph J, Jr, mach U Iron Wks, res 1038 W Third S. g 3) Duclos Mrs Mary, emp French S Lndry, res 131 Eleventh East. H|jj Dudley Jenny (wid John), res 132 W South Temple. . ^ CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305MccornicKBld2., I SALT LAKE CITY. |r..B4l2. Shirts of Even Description. ' Ifl O 60 S? CQCA en oZ ou 3DC O CO 00 03 C3 CD r WH1TTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, MoCornick Building. London CI Dulton W H, res 1029 E South Temple. DuMars Miss Emma, school tchr, res 237 S Seventh West. = DuMars James, res 237 S Seventh West. = DuMars Miss Mary, dressmkr, res 237 S Seventh West. Dumbeck Rudolph (Carthey & D), res 150 Twelfth East. Dummer Charles, lab S L C R R, res 489 Sixth. Dummer William, lab S L C R R, res 489 Sixth. J=_ Dumont John B (Dumont & Jackson), res 263 W First North. J^H Dumont & Jaekson (John B D and William T Jackson), Meat Market, 102 W South Temple. CD 0X3 01=3 mco ICO SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. R,H. Officer Ho., AS8AYERS. 169 S. West Tempi* Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 267 C-, CO ~"^ Dumphy John, lab city street dept. ^ j^< ]>un II CJ fc Co, Geo Osmond mngr, Mercantile Agency, 502 t3 JS Progress Blk. S Dunbar Alex, blksmith S L R T R R, res 38 S Fourth West. f$- ^- Dunbar Abel C, agt Singer Sewing Mach Co, res 51 9th E. & Dunbar Ave, off E Second South bet Ninth and Tenth East. -Q Dunbar Charles, architect, res Dyer Lodging House. 3 Dunbar David C, asst chief mnfg dept Utah World's Fair Exhibit, m ^ res 27 First. (/) Dunbar Charles R, draughtsman R Kletting. Dunbar Hyrum. bds 405 Second. Dunbar James T (James T D & Co), res 326 J. Dunbar James T & Co (James T Dunbar), City Circulators Herald, Herald office. Dunbar Joseph C, cigar stand " The Tunnel " res 405 Second. Dunbar William C, retired, res 405 Second. CO Duncan Adam, mining operator, res 829 E Seventh South. Duncan Adam Jr, stenogr Young, Young & Moyle, res 829 E /th South. Duncan Alfred D, ins agt, n w cor York and Fourth East. Duncan Alfred E, special agt Penn Mutual Life Ins Co, res 334 W South Temple. Duncan Miss Anna, res 829 E Seventh South. Duncan Benjamin M, res 753 S State. Duncan Chapman, emp Herald, bds 238 Seventh East. Pin Duncan Clyde, elk Tunnel Cigar Stand, rms Lincoln House. . Duncan Densmore T, elk Z C M I, res 238 Seventh East. Duncan Don D, elk, res 934 E Fourth South. Duncan Homer, res 238 Seventh East. , jg Duncan Horace, emp Mount & Griffin, rms 558 E Second South. 7* Duncan James R, cutter Solomon Bros, res 829 E 7th South. Duncan .1 Guy, Resident Agent The Duncan Portrait Co, CO rms 424 Constitution Bldg. (Q Duncan J C, lather, rms Richelieu House.' 2. Duncan Mary (wid Wm), res 669 Eighth East. ^ Duncan Miss Maud, res 622 E Second South. fr" Duncan Portrait Co, W C Duncan Agent 424 Constitu- r>- CO tion Bldg, see adv. UJ Duncan Sam'l A (Hess Paper Co), 150-152 W 2d South. Duncan Miss Sarah L, dressmkr, res 238 Seventh East. Duncan Wm C, Manager The Duncan Portrait Co, 424 Con- stitution Bldg, rms same. Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Office*, Salt Lake. I>cii ver, Aan Francisco 16 W. Id Soith St. 76 Railroad Blfe MllarkttBt. Ik taxation Age SALT LAKE HARD WARE CO.,} E Sign of Bis Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Wholesale and Retail Hard- re. Cutlery. Stove*. Ciun*. imnnition. Sporting Goods Sign of Biff Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishing Tackle. 268 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. to Duncan Wm H, blksmth, res 829 E Seventh South. 5 Duncanson Elizabeth Ann (wid David M), res 102 S 6th West. .Jj Duncombe Miss Angeline, res 422 W Fourth North. Ur Duncombe Miss Carrie, res 360 W Second North. ^ - Duncombe Miss Frances, trimmer Mme Lamb, res 360 W 2d N. o O Duncombe David, sheep raiser, res 360 W Second North. z' Duncombe Henry, sheepman, res 422 W Fourth North. 1 Duncombe Henry, Jr, bds 422 W Fourth North. J7j Duncombe Joseph, sheepherder, res 422 W Fourth ttforth. 2 g Duncombe Robert, bds 422 W Fourth North. Ro < Duncombe Walter, studt, res 360 W Second North. C"D O Dunderwidge Mrs Elizabeth, res State, s of Tenth South. *rQ Dunford, see Durnford. _ -O o c Dunford Alma B (Dunford, Ellerbeck & Cannon), res cor of rn <3 Eleventh South and West Temple. . _ 9 Dunford Alma B, Jr, bds cor Eleventh South and West Temple. "E Dunford Annie (wid James), dressmkr, res 525 Fourth. *$ Dunford Arthur J, carp and stair bldr, res 585 Third. IMmfoiMl. Ellerbeck & Cannon (A B D, G E E and ffl Chas M C), Surgeon-Dentists, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Union Natl Bldg. Dunford Mrs Eliza S, supt The Dunford Shoe Co, res 618 E Brigham. 2 5 Dunford Frank J, boots and shoes 27 W First South, res 132 s W South Temple. CO CO CO Q * Dunford Miss May, dressmkr, res 525 Fourth. Hun Cord Shoe Co, The C*eo, see inc cos, Geo F Gibbs sec and treas, Mrs Eliza S Dunford supt, 14 E First South. I ) Dunford S T (wid Geo H), res rear 137 W First North. 3 Dunford Miss Vinnis, res 618 E Brigham. -. Dungard Frederick, lab, s 5 Twelfth South 5 e of Seventh East. ^ Dunham James T, lab, res 267 W Third North. CO Dunlap Albert, bartndr Comstock Saloon, rms 22 E 3d South. Dd Dunlap Chas M, mach, res 363 S Ninth West. El] Dunlap Fred M, mach R G W Ry, res 438 W Second South. |r^ Dunlap John, furnaceman Eagle Foundry, res 875 W 3d North. f \ Dunlap John Jr, bds s w cor Eighth West and Third North. J _ Dunlap Robert, emp R G W Ry, res 253 S Fifth West. 2C Dunlap Wm H, car repairer U C Ry, res 438 W Second South. * ^ CO Dunlap W O, blksmith R G W Ry, res 408 W Second South, f gj CO Dunlevy J I, special agt New Zealand Fire Ins Co 65 W 2d S. "Jco ] Dunlop Chas M, foreman mach shop ROW Ry, res 363 S B Ninth West. S : nini/rn nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnHtn & UtrUt, LUIBER AXD IMPORTED AND A.UERIUS Cor. 2d South and 3d West. Tel. 235. CD DISTILLED WATER ICE, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 269 CD Dunlop John, lab, res 867 W Third North. Dunlop. Wm K, lab, res 851 W Seventh South. Dunn Miss Anna M, saleslady Mme Lamb, res 234 2d East. Dunn Miss Anne, bkbndr S L Lith Co, res e s I ith E bet 8th - and Qth South. Dunn James, canvasser, res 250 N Second West. Dunn John, painter, res 521 Fifth East. ^} Dunn John B, warehouseman Kahn Bros, res 521 Fifth East. t ^$ Dunn Joseph M, teamster, res 805 Eleventh East. i < Dunn Miss Maria, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 521 5th E. ^^ Dunn Miss Martha, emp Troy S Laundry, res 805 iith East. Dunne Daniel, mining, res 224 N. *tS, Dunne Wm K, moulder, res 780 N Seventh West. . O Dunning Eugene H, res 708 E Fourth South. Dunning Lloyd E, elevator opr McCornick blk, res 708 E 4th S. ' > Dunshee Alfred (Dunshee & Raney), res 313 Fourth. j Dunshee C O, mail elk Times, res 313 Fourth. < Dunshee Earl, elk Times office, res 313 Fourth. ^j O Dunshee Thomas H, real estate agt, res 167 Tenth East. OJ Dunshee & Raney (Alfred D & S Raney), real estate, loans and CD CO investments, Eagle Block. < Dunton J C, eng G S L & H S R R, res U P Hotel. C 1 CO Dupaix John H, genl mdse Brighton, res same. J^" P. * Dupont Charles M, bkpr McCornick's Bank, bds Morgan Hotel. CD jj O Dupont Miss Rosanna, dressmkr Miss J Haight, rms 330 Con- K Q stitution Bldg. ^ tj ^ Duquesne M & M Co, see inc co's, Henry E Boyd, sec and treas. H J2 Durand C F, barber, res Murray. p^ Durant Daniel, foreman City Paving Dept, res 242 W S Temple. 3 ^ Durant Stephen T, elk Clark, Eldredge & Co, res cor Third S -J and Eleventh West. * Durbin Miss Minnie, dressmkr, res Metropolitan Hotel. S3 Durgin Josiah L, real estate, rms 58 E Third South. O, Durnford, ste Dunford. T^ Durnford Annie (wid James), res 525 Fourth. Durnford Arthur J, carp loth Ward L & Bldg Ass, res 585 Third. 3^ Durnford Miss May, res 525 Fourth. Durnham William, switchman U P Ry, res 476 W First South. ^" Durrell John, grocer 61 Apple, res same. j^J Durst Bert M, deliveryman C B Durst Grocery Co, res 264 W Fourth South. . 21 Durst Charles B, Pres C B Durst Grocery Co, res 264 W 4th S. g ti CO U 111 Morrison, Merrill & Go, Lumber Dealers. At tbe front in Stock Fa- cilities and Enterprise North U. P. Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. 270 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. fi - c Durst Claude B, elk C B Durst Grocery Co, res 264 W Fourth S. 8 * Hurst C B Grocery Co, see inc cos, Staple and Fancy Gro- ceries, 74 E Second South. 9 Dunvard Rails B, elk Jones & Dury, res 538 E Second South. ^ Frank (Jones & D), res 521 E First South. < 2 1 Dushane Thomas M, frmn telephone linemen, res 226 Paxton ave. jy ^ 5 Dushane Thomas M, lab, res Second West, bet roth and I ith S. S 3' Dussenberg Dr K C, Homoepathic Physician, rooms 3 Hooper- t g Eldredge Bldg, res same. 9 Dussenberg Dr Mariam Starkey, Homoepathic Physician, rms 5 ;, 3 Hooper-Eldredge Blk, res same. 35 Dust Geo F, bookbinder Irrigation Age, res St Louis ave. * ^ Dust Lillian, res St Louis ave. 6 W Dutcher Miss Eleanor, stenographer Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 58 E Third South. ttf Duthett John, emp Mount & Griffin, rms 558 E Second South. UU ]>uttoii Alvin J, Pres S L Pickle Co 222 W Second South, " res 605 S Main. * 35 ^ Duval Alvin, janitor Jewish Synagogue, res 241 E Third South. * QQ Duval Wm A (Acme Painting Co), res 303 N First West. * ^ 5E Duval & I>on (Wm A D & Harry D), Acme Painting Co, ^ 3 ^ 252^ S Main. CZ3 Duvall A H, emp Houlahan, Griffith & Morris, res 441 Second * 5 g East. Duvall Ed, bricklayer, res 441 Second East. ^ "~ Duvall Geo, lab, res 441 Second East. p^ ^e Duvall Richard (Duval & Mills), res 441 Second East. P ?5 Duvall & Mills (Richard D & Wm S M), contractors, 441 f r- Second East. LU D wight Chas R, dentist, res 253 N First West. CD ^^ Dwyer Miss Edna, res 166 W North Temple. J5 Dwyer Geo, elk Utah Book & Stationery Co, bds 166 W North Temple. K^ _ Dwyer H P, electrician, rms 129 W Second South. ^ *j/2 Dwyer James, florist McCornick blk, res 166 W North Temple. S ^J Dwyer Kathyn, res 166 W North Temple. "<5 Dwyer Miss Margie, res 166 W North Temple. > Dye Caroline E (wid Robert), res 43 1 First. jp W Dye Charles A, auctioneer, res I Rustic Court. O . Dye Daniel A. optician, res I Rustic Court. f Q Dye Robert W, res 153 E First South. Dyer Absalom G, dep U S Marshal, res State, bet 1 1 & 12 So. 3 oo y> Real Estate Broker, ?J. I Monetf to Loan. 1.-5.1J a Specialty. B. P. S. COATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room K, Commmial Block. H H ^ r H B.H. Officer KG., ASSAYEBS-StSS RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 271 ^-5 CO ^J Dyer Altred A, engr U P Ry, res 437 W First North. g Dyer Annie (wid Wm C), res 435 W First North. ^Q Dyer Building, 12-14 Commercial. ^^ Dyer Mrs Frank H (wid), res 144 Sixth East. {*, Dyer Geo E, mngr The Dunford Shoe Co, res 435 W 1st North. g Dyer Harriet M (wid Wm), res 233 Fourth East. GO Dyer Lodging House, Jas S Williams propr, 14 Commercial. r-y CO Dyer Miss Mary M, res 435 W First North. 4^ Dyer Orson C, car emp S L C R R Co, res 435 W First North. ^ Dyer Thos M, teamster Morrison, Merrill & Co, res 37 S Fourth CO West. ^^ Dyer Wm C, emp Mason & Co, res rear 243 N Sixth West. Dyer Wm C, eng Jeremy Salt Co, res 1 1 7 N Fifth West. "o Dyer Wm V, elk Johnson, Pratt & Co, res 435 W First North, .g Dyet Alexander, miner, res 624 E South Temple. Dyet James, miner, res 634 E South Temple. cJ Dyet John, miner, res 634 E South Temple. o> Dyet Joseph, res 634 E South Temple. o Dyet Wm Sr, res 634 E South Temple. Dyet Wm J, miner, res 634 E South Temple. tW Dykeman, see Dickcrman. |J| Dykeman John, carp S L Bldg & Mfg Co, res rear 655 W ^* ..<. Second North. ^ M Dykeman John Jr, carp, res rear 655 W Second North. Q M Dykes Mrs Evana A, res 238 W First South. *Q Dykes Wm L, carp, res 5 Apricot. Dytman Alonzo, shoemkr Z C M I, bds 144 W First North. O Dysart Miss Mary, school tchr, res 530 S Second West. PC" gUY WM. J. LEMP'S BEER.. For Hotel and Family Use. ^ PC L,. W. DITTMANN, Agent, ^ j$ PJ Telephone 384. S76 S. Main Street. 4 ->- ,5 IS Eaby John, lab, res 173 P. Eaby John C, mach Silver Bros, res 173 P. Eade William J, painter Orlando L Ihrig 779 S Main. Eads William J, emp Wm Harkins, bds Germania Hotel. Eager Nathan (Parsons & E), res 264 Sixth East. GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. Rogers, Searlesi Co SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. [ Slim of ttlif Can. 42 and 44 W. 2-J Earl Jane (wid Jonathan), res 436 Ninth East. i Earl Lancelot M, deputy County Recorder, res 453 Fourth. ^ _J Earl Michael, Tailor rear 130 S Main, res n e cor G and 9th, * |f ^^ See adv. g. 1/1 SUIT LflKEI ILITHO.lJir * I 52 W. S*co>d South. Tlepb*a id. I 0) 0) to 111 S ui BISCUIT &MJOFIJCTURING CO., Salt Lake Cily. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 273 Earl Michael W, carp S L C R R Co, res 265 Ninth East. Earl Robert D, trav salesman White S M Co. Earle Wm, propr Bee Hive Rest, 47 S West Temple, res same. Earley Miss Mamie, res 222 State. Earls Benjamin F, Vice-Prest Earls Furniture & Carpet Co, res 3 Fourth East, see adv op p furniture dealers. Earls' Court, n from 437 E Fourth South. Earls Fred A, Agent Barlock Typewriter, res 84 R. Earls Furniture & Carpet Co 9 see Inc Go's, Benjamin F Earls Vice Pres & Mngr, 207 to 211 S State. See adv opp Furniture Dealers and Park City Dept. Earls George W, res 1 136 E Fifth South. gj Earls Jonathan A, cashier Nat Bank of Republic, res 247 E Second South. FT" - Earls William F, sec'y Earls Furniture & Carpet Co, res 668 E 5 First South. Si ^ Earls W S, Genl Agt Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co of Newark, 5 N J, room 91 Com'l Blk, res 84 R. ~ < Earnshaw Alfred M, plasterer, bds 706 W First North. CO g Earnshaw Miss Hattie, res 706 W First North. C o. Earnshaw James A, lab, bds 706 W First North. CL3 ^ Earnshaw Mark, plasterer, res 706 W First North. ^ East Edwin M, cond S L C R R Co, res 534 E Sixth South, CD ^ East Capitol St, continuation of Main, n of Capitol Grounds. g O East Court, Ninth East, bet Fourth and Fifth South. CD O Eastern Hisfit Clothing Parlors, 10 E Second South, ^ 0) Ed Conhaim Propr. v< - Eastman E A (wid Joshua), res rear 145 W Third South. < Eastman Hamlin, atty at law, 16 Scott-Auerbach Blk. J Eastman Hamlin E, solicitor Duncan Portrait Co. Q Eastman Harry G, wood carver, res rear 145 W Third South. Q3 Eastman Elizabeth B (wid Albert), res 361 W South Temple. Eastman Joseph, miner, res 254 W North Temple. ^ Eastman Miss Mary E, res 361 W South Temple. Easton George, boiler mkr Haynes & Son, res Grant, bet Sixth and Seventh West. Easton John M, commercial traveler Tootle, Hosea & Co, Dry 6* Goods, rms 617 & 618 McCornick Blk, res Brooks Arcade, g East Side Bakery, H T Wheeler proprietor, 5 1 1 E Third South. See adv. East Side Baptist Church, cor Seventh East and Third South, Rev S G. Adams, pastor. H Jj CHAS. B GCURLAY & CO.,! I 303&305McCornicKBl(l2., SALT LAKE CITY. I P.O. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Social ij WilTTElOtB, COOKE & CO., IXKVRANC'E, Room 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597,375.41 274 RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. C/3 i I Eaton, see Heaton. i Eaton Fred, conductor R G W Ry, bds Rio Grande Hotel. j\ Eaton Jeremiah B, carp R T Co, res 645 Fourth East. ^Jf Eaton William, mach, res 540 N First West. Ebel Mrs Alice, res 135 J. Ebeling E F, butcher, res Murray. Eberhard Miss Emma B, stenogr Land Office, res 3 Third East. 2 Eberhardt Fred, wire mattress mnfg, res 423 E Second South. Is Eberhardt Ike E, emp Irrigation Age, res 423 E Second South. Eberle Gotleb, baker, res 43 Second South. Eberly Clarence, carp, bds 535 E Fifth South. Eberly Clarence M, carriage bldr Geo A Lowe, res 535 E 5th S. Eberly William V, Pioneer Nurseries, res 535 Main. Eblaender Edward, waiter, res 239 W Second North. Eccles /F F, solicitor U P Ry frt dept, res 523 E Third South. Eccles Silas W, genl frt agt U P Ry, res 438 E Third South. Eccles William, res rear 407 W Second South. Eccles Wm M, butcher, rms 164 S Second West. Eckdohl Elmer, eng S L City Carpet Cleaning Co, res 522 E Third South. Eckelberger Frank, lab, res Twelfth West near Third North. Eckers Jno P, elk A C Smith & Co, res 26 E Eighth South. Eckersley John, packer Dinwoodey Fur Co, res Forest Dale. Eckis Rollin G, mining expert, res 18 W North Temple. ~ | Eclectic Medical Society of Utah, see inc cos, J W Taylor sec and treas, 1 1 3 Seventh East. Eckles Andrew, mason, res n e cor Eleventh S and Seventh East. Eclipse Grocery & Fruit Co, see inc cos, David S Emery Sec and Treas, Fancy and Staple Grocers, 52 E First South. Eclipse Stables, Wm McQuarrie propr, 168 S State. Ecklund John, driver mail wagon, res Palace Stables. Eckmann Morris A, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 55 W 3d South. Eckstrand John, lab, res 338 W Third South. Eddingberg Miss Pearl, domestic 419 S West Temple. Eddington Fred, lab S L C R R Co. Eddington James B, farmer, res rear 619 S Second West. Eddington John A, farmer, res rear 6195 Second West. Eddington Lawrence R, barber under Jones' Bank, res 223 I. Eddington Lilly, hairdresser R M Biele, res 125 E 8th South. Eddington Mary (wid Wm), res 125 E Eighth South. Eddington Miss Mary, opr Z C M I Shoe Factory, bds 125 E Eighth South. 0) H Z a 33 D i O &* D CO :-o D 8 " II m SSLT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIM^TLts FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY.. C3 OD C/D CO CO B.H. Officer Ho., |! SSAYEBS.SJSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 275 Eddington Miss Rose, res 63 W Seventh South. Eddington Miss Sarah, res 63 W Seventh South. Eddington Wm, res 125 E Eighth South. Eddy Miss Ida, housekpr, res rear 2 1 5 Eighth East. Eddy Geo M, electrician, rms 63 S State. Eddy Levi H, salesman Pioneer Nurseries, res 257 S 4th West. Eddy Mary E (wid Wm), res 253 Eighth East. Eddy William, bartndr, rms 133 Fast Third South. Eddy Sarah T (wid B T), res Forest ave. O Q j rn U/ Edelman Charles O, brakeman R G W Ry, res 546 W 3d South. Eders Katrine (wid H), res rear 58 Second East. Edgar Andrew W, fireman U P Ry, res 45 Summerby. Edgar George, engr U P Ry, res 404 West North Temple. CO*Edgar George B, watchman U P depot, res 840 W Third North. Edgar John G, engr, res 324 S Seventh West. Edgar Walter J, fireman U P Ry, res 43 Simondi ave. Edgington Fred, laborer, res 922 E Second South. Edgington Lawrence, barber 161 Main, res 120 Eighth East. Edginton Wm, barber, res 204 Sixth East. j Edholm Christina (wid Wm), res Superior add. = Edholm Olga, studt U of U, res 364 N Second West. ^; Edinburgh Institute The, catarrh and pulmonary diseases, 13, 14 ^- and 15 Holmes Bldg. - Edingfield W T, Regent Conservatory of Music, res Aspen, Col. C Edith Ave, runs E and W, bet 3d arid 4th East, I n of Tenth S. JJJ J=? Edleman Montgomery B, res 651 S State. ~+ Edler August B, bds 349 Eleventh East C"> r * Edler August L, sheep herder, bds 65 N First West ZJ" CQ Edler Charles, farmer, bds 65 N First West. C/3 Z: Edler George B, sheep herder, bds 65 N First West. C/> S. Edler Lars O, lab, res 349 Eleventh East. Edler Miss Lizzie, domestic 24 H. 5" CT/ Edler Mary (wid Charles A), Rooms and Board, res 65 N 1st W. .$: Edler Parley A, emp E Morris & Co, res 65 N First West. ^r Edmonds B, waiter Cullen Hotel, bds same. IQ Edmonds Joseph E, res 273 E Second South. -^ Edmonds Miss Mamie, opr Z C M I cloth factory, res w s Fourth East bet Ninth and Tenth South. CO Edmonds Miss Mattie, opr Z C M I cloth factory, res w s Fourth CD O East bet Ninth and Tenth South. 4S c jg Edmonds Mrs Pamelia A, professional nurse, res 419 S Main. CD pfj Edmonds Robert, picture agt, res 90 L. Irrigation Age Printing House . 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book OH LI LAKt 1 1 Pill WWW Fill I. \J\J.t r and Ranges, IK-fr iterator* line T Hardware, Stove* iffes, Refrif Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Son t h. ) and Gasoline Stoves. 5 276 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Tl > Edmonds Wm, steward Keeley Inst, res 270 Fifth. J^j \ . Edmunds Alfred, packer Sears & Liddle, res 878 E 4th South, t? jf Edmunds David, lab, res 169 South Ninth East. -p| 3 Edmunds Emma (wid John), res 1034 E Second South. ^Z C S Edmunds Francis, cooper, res 751 E Fifth South. 1^ 08 I Edmunds Joseph, car emp S L C R R Co. C Edmunds Mary A (wid John), res 169. Ninth East. Edmunds Lorenzo, lab 169 Ninth East. 3O CO Edmundson Jno (Goodman & Edmundson), res w s Ninth West HTI 7 bet Fifth and Sixth South. fto &O Edmundson Jno M, lab, res Bothwells ave. C"D Edrington R H, emp Grant Bros Co, L & T Stables, res 44 S West Temple. ( Ej Edson Arthur, res Brighton. 2^ Edwall Miss Ida, artist, res 32 Union ave. ^ Edward Alexander, bkpr Watson Bros, res 193 Centre. *= Edward Alexander D, teamster Watson Bros, res 193 Centre. ,*^ Edward Miss Elizabeth, bds 193 Centre. ^ Edward John T (John T E & Co), res 59 Plum. ^ Edward John T & Co (John T Edward), Meat Market 72 W First South, see page n. Edward Libbie, domestic, res 193 Centre. g Edward Miss Marie, dressmkr, res 193 Centre. ^ Edward Mrs Rebecca, res 721 W Third North. Q w Edward Wm, elk Z C M I, res 193 Centre. Edward Wm T, bkpr Z C M I, res 193 Centre. - Edwards Adam, lab, res 523 W First North. r""^ Edwards Carl, jeweler Joslin & Park, res 645 S West Temple. C_J Edwards Chas, switchman R G W Ry, rms 144 S Sixth West o^ Edwards Chas W, porter R G W depot, res 635 W First -yrx North. r-r^l Edwards David, elk Elias Morris, res Pollard's ave, bet South Temple and First South. Edwards Edward, farmer, Sugar House Ward bet I ith and I2th CO CD CO South e of 1 4th East. f } Edwards George (Geo E & Co), res Glen ave. co p Edwards George & Co (Geo E and Julius Sorensen), In- S-j stallment Goods, 341 S State. ^.to ^ 3 Edwards Georgina (wid Vivian), Ladies' Physician, res 406 S J= West Temple. p^j Edwards Harry E, bartender Hogle Bros, res Denhalter Blk. ~| Edwards Hyrum, artist, rms Denhalter Blk. i LH Lumber of all kinds, Boors, Windows and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. MOUNTAIN ICE GO TELEPHONE 43. RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 277 Edwards Mrs Isabell, Proprietress Star Lodging House 54 E First South, res same. Edwards James G, genl mdse, n e cor Terrace Ave and I2th S. Q Edwards John, emp Simkins Brick Yard, res rear 231 7th East. Edwards John, Installment Goods 155 E Third South, res .^ 724 E Seventh South. Edwards John, farmer, Sugar House Ward, bet I ith and I2th S, e of 1 4th East. ^ Edwards John, lab, res 902 W Second North. Edwards John C, agt Walter H Lenny & Co, res 1 16 B. Edwards Jos B, elk Noble Mer Co, res rear 656 S West Temple. Q Edwards Jos, motorman S L C R R, res w s 4th E, 2 n of loth S. |T| Edwards Joseph E, tinner Geo M Scott & Co, bds 461 Sixth E. F" Edwards Joseph N, lab, res rear 235 Seventh East. Edwards Jos W, boiler mkr Haynes & Son, res 229 Read. Edwards Martha (wid Joseph), res 235 Seventh East. > Edwards Miss Mary, dom 167 E Sixth South, j Edwards Richard, hostler M H W T alker, res Chester ave. * Edwards Richard, lab, res 555 Ninth East. .J uj Edwards Ruth (wid Wm), res rear of 666 S West Temple. ^ Edwards Ruth Ann, domestic, res rear 666 S West Temple. H3 ^< Edwards Susan (wid Charles), res 231 Seventh East. Z-^ ^ Edwards Thales H, cond S L C R R, res 746 E First South. H ^ \^ Edwards Thomas, barkpr Baby Saloon, res 70 E Second South. 5 Edwards Vivian (wid Charles), Ladies' Physician, res 642 S ^*Q pP Fourth West. [^ " JJ Edwards Walter A, frmn R G W car shops, res 43 Summerby. ^! PJ H Edwards Watkin, emp Haynes & Son, res 904 W Second North. ^5 " Edwards Wm W, tinner Geo M Scott & Co, bds 461 Sixth E. ^ Egan Edward D, mining operator, res 25 W Fifth South. U"" 1 Egan Ira E, teamster, bds 312 N Second West. ^1 Egan Tamson P (wid Howard), res 312 N Second West. Egan Timothy, capitalist, bds Cullen. -*^ Egbert Miss Anna, teacher, res West Jordan. L-J Egbert Miss Geneva, teacher, res Murray. Egbert H S, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. ^ Egbert John A, bishop West Jordan L D S, res West Jordan. ^ Eger Maximillian, cigar mnfr, res 559 Third East. Eggleston Louis F, painter, res 927^ S Third West. Eggleston Samuel F, frt cond U P Ry, res 735 W N Temple. Eggleston Walter, carp, res 429 S Main. Egli Emil, coffin mkr Joseph E Taylor, res 717 Seventh East. WHOLESALE LUMBER, 1 3 U. P. Track, North of Depot. 10 LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., I Mone ^ ^ - Corner Mnin and First South. | ImprOVCd City Property. ^ 278 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. w g Egli Miss Mary, knitter J E Sherlock, res 617 E Seventh South. e -J Eglund Peter C, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. 2 45 Ehlers Peter, stonecutter, res 620 S Third West. J Eichnor Dennis C, asst county atty 150 Main, res 446 E 3rd S. II Eickhorn Otto, janitor, rms 338 E Second South. ^ e Eighteenth School, State bet S Temple and First. *3 5 Eighteenth Ward L D S Church, A n w cor Second. | 9 Eighteenth Ward Store. Robert Patrick pres, Dry Goods, g Groceries, Boots and Shoes, etc, 163 B. e Eighth School, Fourth South bet First and Second East. g $ Eighth Ward L D S Church, n s Fourth South bet State and 55 S? Second East. 3 o Eigle Theodore, car repr U P Ry, res 769 W Fifth South. w ^ Eikert Miss Edna, domestic 157 S Second West. " Einarson Sorenson, res 603 State. QC Einarson Thomine, (vvid), res 603 State. j^i Eisele Christian, artist 503 Dooly bldg, res 64 W Second South. w 2 Eisman Albert, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. C Eldredge Nancy (wid Ira), s s I2th S 2 e of gth E, Geneva Place f add. CD Eldredge Miss Ruth, res 66 E First North. r*~ Eldredge Wm O, machinist, res Sugar House Ward. Eldredge Miss Vina M, dressmkr, res 250 S State. - Eldredge Alanson, res Mill Creek. P"> Eldridge Ed E, photographer, res 426 E Fifth South. Eldridge Jas A, cattleman, res 55 First. Electric Manufacturing Co, see inc cos, James Moffatt sec and *C3 treas, office McCornick blk. Eleventh School (Bryant), 733 E First South. Eleventh Ward Assembly Rooms L D S, s w cor First South ^3 and Eighth East. Ward Store, J P Freeze propr, 702 E First South, r*~ in Dairy, (McCarroll & Dayton), w s Thirteenth East 3 !p n of Fourteenth South. Elias Edmund C, bkpr, res 376 S Main. CO Eliason Olof L, jeweler and watch mkr 220 S Main, res 635 Third. HI Eliason Oscar, elk, res 617 Third. 5^2 Eliason John, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. ^O Elkin Delia A (wid Archie), confectionery store 304 W Second 30 South, res same. * Elkins Charlotta (wid John), res w s I2th E 5 n of I2th South. o^ 9 Elkins Miss Mary R, res 653 W Fourth North. | Elkins Paul A, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, res 653 W 4th N. Ellarwink Abner, w side Third East bet Tenth and Eleventh S. ^ Eller Peter, stonecutter, res 620 S Third West. J^ Ellerbeck Brigham M, res 47 E First South. Ellerbeck Brothers (Thos R and Witton), wholesale and r p retail Coal, yard 460 W First South, office 49 E First South, /n Rogers, SearlesiGo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.) Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Sooth, j \ mmmiiiioii. fine in- lery. Fishing- Tackle and Sporting Goods. Guns and Teats for Rent. CO UJ o d UJ 280 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Ellerbeck Miss Emma, res s e cor Third and B. Ellerbeck Miss Etta V, bds 32 State. Ellerbeck George E (Dunford, E & Cannon), res 210 N State. Ellerbeck Mrs Henrietta D, res s e cor Third and B. ._ Ellerbeck Horace, elk Utah Plumbing and Supply Co, res cor B and Third. Ellerbeek James O, prop Bay Horse Shoeing Shop, res 573 Third. Ellerbeck Miss May, bds 32 S State. Ellerbeck Thos R (Ellerbeck Bros), res 32 S State. Ellerbeck Thomas W, capitalist, res 32 S State. Ellerbeck Walter S, res s e cor Third and B. *-. Ellerbeck W L, res Third and B. Ellerbeck William L, studt Utah University, res 32 S State. Ellerbeck Witton, (Ellerbeck Bros), res 65 W First North. Ellenor Howels, res 27 S Sixth West. Elleroy G, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. p- * Ellers Miss Matilda, emp Troy S Laundry, res 523 Second East. - Ellery Mrs Charles (wid), res 442 Second East. - Elliot Albert I> 9 Attorney at Law and Notary Public, room + g 8, 56 W Second South, res 217 Eleventh East. 2i PS g Elliot Peter, shoemkr, res West Grand View Add. S Elliott Bradford, nightwatchman County Jail. jj^ p" Elliott David B, farmer, res Mill Creek. ^J _ Elliott Miss Eliza J, housekeeper, res 468 S State. Elliott George, hostler Wickle & Son, res same. ^* Elliott J B, magnetic healer, rm I, 129 W Second South. Elliott Mrs J B, medium, rm I, 129 W Second South. JjJJ Elliott James B, lab, res 224 H. JJJ Elliott Jessie W, prop Gem Saloon, res 258 Second East. Elliott Joseph C, emp Elliott Plumbing Co, rms 1175 Main. Elliott Plumbing Co, see inc cos, J C Elliott Pres and Gen JE^ Mngr, 3155 Main. CD Elliott Wm M, Collector Morris & Merrill Lumber Co, res 153 c/5 N West Temple. I_ Ellis Adrian C Jr, attorney at law 515 Progress Block, res with * Mrs Ford, O'Meara Block. *=?3 Ellis Miss Alice, saleslady C R Savage, res 473 Sixth. Ellis Charles, Secy Greeley Mining Co, 38 Central Blk, res 58 E Second North. Ellis C A (C A E & Goodwin), res 629 E Second South. ?g Ellis Charles E, carp, res 86 M. "2* oo * O7TT W T 7TT/T7I Printing in all its Branches. IT TWIin On SAL! LME h^ w ^ssissfS y fHO, GO, 1 V1U I 52 W. 2d South. Telephone 249. | U1111Ul WUl .. Salt late City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 281 Jg Ellis Charles H, brickmason, res 352 S State. Ellis Edwin B, wireman R M Jones, res 1558 Fifth West. 33 Ellis Edward S, carp, res 555 E Ninth South. Ellis Frank S, carp, bds 555 E Ninth South C, Ellis George, emp Arthur Brown's farm, res same. J| Ellis Geo H, carp, res 81 1 E Sixth South. -^ Ellis Geo S, contr rear 558 Main, res 557 E Ninth South. ^ Ellis Howard, bartndr Cafe de Louvre, res 17 Raybold blk. *^ Ellis Howard, photographer, res 507 Seventh East. U* Ellis James, photographer, res 473 Sixth. Ellis James E, checker Z C M I, res 473 Sixth. DO Ellis Joseph W, foreman paint shop R G W Ry, res 212 S Third West. Ellis Peter, lab, res 404 W Eighth South. "" Ellis Miss Susie E, elk Sainsbury & Johnson, res 473 Sixth. * * Ellis T J, brick contr, res 352 South State, Si > Ellis Wm G, elk Z C M I, res 473 Sixth. j Ellis fc CJoodwin (H E & E R G), Photographers 64 W :: Second South. C/5 W Ellison Chas, student, res 250 Iowa ave. Cjj <0 Ellison Crtas W, res 250 Iowa ave. Q3 < Ellison E, M D, rms White House. ^ Ellison W L, rms Grand Central. CD < Ells George R, farmer, res Little's Farm w of Jordan. ^ _j Ellsworth Edgar H, comp Times, res over Irrigation Age. o ; Ellsworth Elmer A, deputy recorder, res 444 Seventh East. 2 Ellsworth Harry W, elk F G Brooks, res 57 State. ^C 5 Ellsworth Lemuel E, teamster, bds e s I ith E s of Roper. gj 5 Ellsworth Wm M, res e s Eleventh East s of Roper. ^_. ElmendorfT Frederick (F Elmendorff & Co), res St Elmo Hotel, o ElmendoriTF & o 9 (Frederick E & Jno Culp) proprs St SJ ~ Elmo Hotel 271-279 S Main. (0 -i -i u u Elmer Ann (Harvey & E), res Sugar House Ward. ^ Elmer Edward G, emp Alta Club, res 653 S West Temple. Elms Mrs Harriet, laundress, res 149 W South Temple. Elton Chas E, painter, res 636 W First South. Elton Daniel, res 636 W First South. Elton David O, bds 636 W First South. Z Elton Heber C, painter S L & H S Ry, res 636 W First South. S | Elton Isabella E (wid John), res 636 W "First South. ft jj Elton Joseph R, tin plate worker, res 429 W First South. Elvers Carl, miner, res 314 Second East. ^^\ CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO, 303&305McCorniCKBlll2., SALT LAKE CITY, f. 9. itt 492. TtJepkon* Ml. Shirts of Every Description. li oo B'S fs GD CD a. CO CD WHITTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg .. Assets, 12,450,728.74 Scandla Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden. Assets, 14,160,403.22 282 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Elvers E Roy, painter, res 314 Second East. Elvers Martin D, elk U P Ry officfb, res 314 Second East. Elvers Mrs Mary, furnished rooms, res 314 Second East. Elvin James, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Elwell Edward F, lab, res 164 S Second West. Elwell George D, carp, res 623 E Second South. Elwood Robert, farmer, res West Jordan. Emeis C A, bkpr D A Shiley, res Mercantile Blk. Emeis Harry P, elk M R Evans, res 258 S Main. Emeis Henry, physician and surgeon, room 56 Raybould Blk, res same. Emeis Mrs Mary, rms 57 Mercantile Blk. Emerson Avenue runs East and West, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. Emerson Frank H, Chief Inspector Utah Drainage Asso- ciation, 408 Dooly Blk, res 520 Third East. Emery Charles F, lab, res 859 W First North. Emery David S, sec and treas Eclipse Grocery and Fruit Co, res 44 N Eighth West. Emery Miss Edith L, res 43 N Seventh West. Emery Elizabeth D (wid Henry), res 43 N Seventh West. Emery George R, sec Rowe-Morris-Summerhays Co, res 58 N Eighth West. Emery Isaac A, sheepman, res 43 N Seventh West. Emery Louisa (wid Henry), res 634 W South Temple. Emery Miss Mabel, tchr Bryant School. Emery Samuel T, elk Eclipse Grocery and Fruit Co, res 43 N Seventh West. Emery W D, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Emery William L, studt, res 43 N Seventh West. Emmer c on Frank, elk R G W Ry, res 520 Third East. Emmerson Jas, hostler Salt Lake Stables, res 226 S Main. Emms Miss Edith, res 722 E Sixth South. 1 Emms John, res 722 E Fifth South. Ems John E, lab Utah & Montana M Co, res 722 E Fifth South. Empey Nelson A, vice pres Clark, Eldredge & Co and bishop 1 3th Ward L D S, res 4 Second East. Empire Mnfg Co, manufacturers of Underwear, Uniforms, etc, ^ 34 Richards. Empire Heat Co, ) Hilton & Co, 49 E Second South. Empire Steam Laundry Co, see Inc Go's, H V Otto sec'y and treas, c 21 Commercial. 2 m> S3 O Z m CXD 03 CXJ CD cno n> CD CO CD < SALT LAKE LITHO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 248. Lithographing, Printing and Blank Book Making, The Finest in tht Western H.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYEBS.S5SS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 283 &: Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation of f 7 London, Eng, Jennings & Caine agts, 3 Hooper Block. d Emporium Building, Main, s w cor First South. ** ^^ Emsley Jas E, plasterer, res s s Twelfth South, 2 w of Ninth East. L ^>* Emsley Mary (wid James), res s s 1 2th South, 2 w of Qth East. ^^ 2 Endenberg Pearl, dom Grand Hotel. S^ Enders Jacob, res Second South, bet Seventh & Eighth West. r ^ JE? Enders Wm, plumber, res rear 58 Second East. Endicott James, emp W Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. fj\ Enebint Miss 'Alice, emp French S Laundry, res 131 I ith East. Engbeck John, painter, res 261 Canyon Road. Engberg Elof N, res 743 E Second South. Engberg Ephraim O, upholsterer Din Furn Co, res 813 8th E. Engberg Fred, peddler, res Ingleside, Park ave, cor loth East. Engberg Joseph J, fireman ROW Ry, res 226 E Third South. Engdahl Moritz O, bricklayer, res 244 Ninth East. Engebretson Einor, tmstr Tithing yard, res South Bountiful. Engebretson Engebret, res Third North, w of Jordan. Engebretson Ole O, res Third North, w of Jordan. L Engebretson Ole, tmstr Tithing yard, res South Bountiful. Engebretson Gunder, res Third North, w of Jordan. Engelman Joseph, res 345 S Fourth West. Engelman Louis, secondhand store, 124 W Second South, res O 345 S Fourth West. Engels Frank, plumber J W Farrell & Co. Engemann Chas, res 910 W Cannon. Engerman Charles, groc and prov 842 W Third South, res same. Gj Engler A, lab city street department. Engler Aug D, bartndr, res 237 E First South. Engler Frank, bartndr The Tunnel, bds same. ESugler Ia l>. Clothing, Gents' Furnishings and Notions, 13 W First South, res 767 E First South. Engley Andrew, baker, res 534 Chester ave. English George W, eng, res 86 1 E South Temple. English Jesse R, miner, res 86 1 E South Temple. English Robert B, lab, res 531 Second East. g |H Engstrom Miss Edith, bds 323 Ninth East. j{. Q Engstrom John P (E & Erickson, furniture dealers), res 323 Q $ Ninth East. H Q, Engstrom Jos Wm, elk, bds 323 Ninth East. Engstrom & Eriekson (Jno P E & Carl A E), Furniture [j Dealers, 69 E Second South. (R Thp IririinH^inn An? A Journal of National Moment. 1 11 U 11 1 1 U Q Ul U II rVll U I**' by Farmers, luvestors, Contractors, Enginwrs, Etc. D 3 Halt Lake Office, 26 W. 3d SontU St. Wholesale and K.-:M llarl- utlery. Miovf*. Estes Francis M, plasterer, res 809 W Eighth South. CO Estes Thomas B, plasterer, res 81 1 W Eighth South. 3O Euclid Ave, off Eighth West, bet First and Second South. ^ Eureka Consolidated Mining Co, office 21 Union Nat'l Bank o Bldg, S W Eccles prest, W H Remington sec and treas. Eureka Coping Co (Slawter & Walker), 121 S Second 2i West, see adv. 3 GO tttal Estate Broker, tT I HonBfl feo Loan. Loans a Sfecialty. B. P. 6. C01T8S. I B. t. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. R.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYEBS.StSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 287 -- CO Eureka Hill Mining Co see inc co's, Robert J Hilton sec, office 76 W Second South. Eurgens A, chief elk supt office U P Ry, res U P Hotel. -3 European Millinery Show Rm, Mrs L A Corbin, prop, 372 Main. . Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity, Rev J F Beates pastor, * St Mary's School. Evans Ada J (wid Samuel L), res 476 S Fourth West. Evans Miss Ann E, res 223 Third East. Evans Ann H (wid James), bds 663 W South Temple. C, Evans Miss Annie, elk 43 S Main, rms 1044 E Second South. Evans Miss Belle, emp J C Cutler & Bro, res 280 B. Q^ Evans Miss Belle, domestic 445 W Fifth South. Evans Miss Bessie, elk, res 68 E Seventh South. IJ 3 K Evans Bros (J W & Oscar), blacksmiths, 860 W North Temple, -g Evans Charles, emp McCoy livery, res 223 Third East. 55- Q Evans Charles, carp, res 428 W Fourth North. Evans Charles H, mechanic, res 456 W Fourth North. GO Evans Charles M, res 1044 East Second South. o^ Evans Charles R, res 1044 E Second South. Evans Chauncey, carpet layer, res 351 E Fifth South. tW H i:\aiis David, Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, 251 Fifth E. |T| Evans D, emp S L C R R Co, res 480 B. H Evans David, lab, res 312 Centre. Evans David M, contr and builder, res 243 W Third South. Evans D C, lab City Water Works. H Evans D E, pressman Star Printg Co, res 768 S Fourth East. Evans Edward H, carp, res 768 S Fourth East. S Evans Edwin, carp S L & H S R R shops, res 51 1 W First S. 1 . Evans Elias C, delivery elk, res 477 S Third West. prj Evans Elizabeth (wid David W), res 280 B. ^ > > Evans Miss Elizabeth, bds 280 B. - Evans Miss Ella A, elk S L Litho Co, res 716 E Fourth South. ^ PC Evans Emma, res n e cor State and South Boulevard. j^ pjJ Evans Miss Emma, res 434 W Third South. -- * H Evans Emedia (wid), res 312 Centre. ^ 3 | ^ Evans Miss Eva K, res 571 W First South. S 2 ^^i Evans Frank, delivery man, res 218 D. B JH "* Evans George E, lab, res 1044 E Second South. a ^^ Evans George T, elk George A Lowe, res 511 First. | ^ jnr{ Evans Miss Gusta, tailoress J C Cutler & Bro, res 47 Grape. * j^ ^ Evans Hamlet, coppersmith, res 847 W North Temple. r IJJ 3 Evans Harry C, elk W C Pavey & Co, res 518 N Second West, gj Rogers, Searles&Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. H.-a<1-;uarter* for Wrouzht, Sttel and Cajt a H,u.t*rUM^ Q-d.. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.' 1ST! MtriiofBtir Gun. 43 and 44 W. 2d Sooth. J " u 288 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^^ ..^ ^^^^^^^^.^^^^^ L^ ^J Evans Henry F, General Merchandise, 1 1 1 S Fifth West, res 571 W First South. Evans Hyrum, lab, bds 457 W Fifth South. Evans Homer L, comp S L Litho Co, res 7 Apricot. Evans Hyrum H, contr and bldr, 457 W Fifth South, res same, Evans Jas, lab, res rear 1043 E Third South. Evans James, master carp S L Theatre, res 218 D. Evans James D, teamster T-R-A Co, res 132 Second North. Evans James E, elk Cunnington Co, res 511 First. Evans James J, elk Auditor's office R G W Ry, res Clift House. ||[ Evans James S, bkpr, s s Twelfth South 2 e of Thirteenth East. ^^ Evans James S, bkpr T C Armstrong, res Holmes bldg. , _ ftj Evans John, cond S L C R R, res rear 1044 E Second South. ^^ Evans John, dairy and ice cream, res 236 N Ninth West. Evans John, res 66 E Seventh South. Evans John A, sec Des News Co, res 174 B. Evans John E, elk H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 943 Lake. . . ^^ Evans John E (E & Crawford), and Foreman Printing Dept - S L Litho Co, res 716 E Fourth South. Evans John F, chief elk R G W Ry, res 321 Twelfth East. ? ^ Evans John R, car emp S L C R R Co, res 743 E First South. SJ 5 p- Evans John T, emp Grant Bros' L & T Co, res 1 3 N W T. . g Evans Jonathan W (Evans Bros), res 858 W North Temple. * Evans Joseph D, bds 623 W South Temple, fc Evans Joseph H, res 143 W Sixth North. Evans Joseph H, blksmith, res 848 W North Temple. Evans Joseph 31, Manager D M Osborne & Co, res Lincoln ave Highland Park. Evans Joseph P, elk Hardy-Young Co, bds 434 W Third South. Evans J B (wid Benner), boarding house 134 N West Temple. Evans Levis A, stenogr Am Nat Bank, res Grand Hotel. Evans Miss Lillie, domestic, res 457 W Fifth South. Evans Lizette, dressmkr, res 218 D. CD Evans Miss Lizzie, bds 280 B. JQ Evans Mrs Lucy, emp Arbogast Conf Co, res 375 N 2d West. ~ Evans Miss Mamie E, comp S L Litho Co, res 7i6E4th South, jfgf Evans Miss Mary, dressmkr, res 223 Third East. Z^s Fvans Miss Mary A, res 434 W Third South, [g Evans Miss Mary A, res 236 N Ninth West. fg. Evans Miss Mary C, domestic 675 Fourth. 2^ Evans Mary E R, laundress, res 218 D. ?g Evans Mary M, dressmkr, res 511 Street. 4L oo OTTT W F TTT/T7 I 8lank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWITO OO SflLT LBKE mffgft-usg LITHO, GO, I 52 W Scond South. Ttlcphvo* lit. I JJHEBiamS[OIT6HIIIIUFIICTUIII6 CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 289 Evans Minnie, emp Des Wol Mills, res 4th W bet 4th & 5th N Evans Morris R, Guns, Pistols, Bicycles & Sporting Goods, 22 W Second South, res 701 E Brigham, see adv. Evans Moses, blacksmth R G W Ry, res 434 W 3d South. Evans Miss Nettie, dressmkr, bds 1044 E Second South. Evans N, emp Germania Lead Work, res Murray. Evans Oscar, res 858 W North Temple. Evans Paul, emp S L P Brick Co, res Murray. JW Evans Miss Pearl, res 57 W First South. W Evans Miss Rebecca, res 68 E Seventh South. __ Evans Miss Rebecca, domestic 358 E Fifth South. 3CP Evans Richard, butcher 20 S Main, res cor B and Sixth. ^ Evans Richard A, musician, res 280 B. Evans Richard E, res cor Pueblo and Eighth South. m Evans Richard (E & King), res 1470 Indiana ave. 2i Evans Robert A, waiter Walker House dining room, bds same. Si Evans Miss Rosie, asst McGurrin's College, res 8 Mortensen ave. Evans Rudolph, bds 280 B. Evans Samuel, butcher, res 312 Centre. ^/j Evans Miss Sarah, mach opr Z C M I, res 312 Centre. Kvaii.s Sidney I> 9 Undertaker and Embalmer 214 S State, 55 res 538 S Third East, see side margins. ^ Evans Thomas, res 5 1 1 First. CD Evans Thomas, lab Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. ^m Evans T H, foreman U & N shops U P Ry, res 663 W S Temple. Q Evans Thomas H, mach, res 663 W South Temple. 3 Evans T P, lab city waterworks. v< Evans Walter, lab city waterworks. g- Evans Wm, lab Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. Evans Wm, lab, res 223 E Third South. Q Evans Wm, painter, res 223 Third East. QJ Evans Wm, cook Templeton. Evans Wm C, upholsterer H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 945 Lake. ^ Evans Wm C, foreman City Gravel Pit, res 514 N 2d West. as jt Evans Wm E, upholsterer H Dinwoody Furn Co, res 945 Lake. ^^ Evans W E, barber E A Hartenstein 135 S Main. HS Evans Wm H, mason, res 322 W Fifth South. S* Evans Wm H,.blksmth, res 838 W North Temple. z F.vaiis IV in S 9 City Passenger Agent U P Ry, res 362 S B CO First West. $ ^ Evans Wm T, plasterer, res 458 S Fourth West. 53 W Evans Wm W, janitor Com'l Blk, rms 122-123. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 1 , I 303&305McCoraicKBldg., , SALT LAKE CITY. I P.O. Box 492. TMftphoiit 631. Shirts of Evrv Description. Repairing a Special:j A N J O. WHITTEMORE.COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, MoCornick Building. London A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Assets, 114,880,157.00 Northwestern National Ins, Co., of Wii ..._. AsieU, I 1,630,242.70 290 iE? - RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Main, <0 CO d CO cd CD OS 3 QJ CD C/3 CD CD Eyans & Crawford (J E E & T C C), publishers Mountain Workman, 52 W Second South. Evans A King (R E E & James K), florists, 36 S see adv. Evansen Miss Augusta, tailoress, res 73 Grape. Evarts Fred F, waiter Cullen Hotel, res 758 E Third South. Everett Addison, teamster T-R-A Co, res 557 Second East. Everett David, elk Chas Wanless Co, res 42 Somerby. Everett Frederic B, lab, res 42 Somerby. Everett Geo, lab, res 36 N Eighth West. Everett John H C, elk, res 42 Somerby. Everett William, machinist T-R-A Co, res 567 Second East. Everett Wm, machinist, res 567 Second East. Everett Wm F, apprentice boilermkr, res 42 Somerby. Everett Wm T, chief cook Hotel Templeton, res 49 S Flower's Court. ^2 Everett Wm Thos, bailermkr, res 42 Somerby. 5? Everill John, contractor, res 777 W South Temple. f > Everill Miss J H, res 777 W South Temple. ' J Everill T J (Candee & E), res 238 W Fifth North. Q- Everill William R, res 478 Third. CO Ewbank Samuel (Ewbank & Snell), res cor 7th South & ist West. 2 Ewbank & Snell (Sam'l Ewbank & Geo O Snell), Utah and Wes- - tern Employment Co, I 59 S Main. ^q Ewer Mark G (Landers, E & Scholly), 109 W Second South. ^ Ewin James W, carp Mason & Co mill, res 47 S First West. Ewing Alexander C, Physician and Surgeon, I and 2 Mer- cantile Blk, res 537 Fifth East. Ewell Miss Bessie, res 355 W Second South. Ewing Edward, res 334 S State. Ewing Alfred B, electrician, rms 60 Richards. Ewing E A, bds Cullen. Ewing Salathiel, Physician and Surgeon, 132 E Second S. Ewing Samuel C, Proprietor The Cullen, res same. Exeelsior Bakery , Edward Scrace, proprietor, 10 S Main. Excelsior Shoeing Shop, Watts & Fenton, Blythe's Court. Exlund John, emp Palace Stables. Exposition The, D H Fatham, proprietor, Dry Goods and Notions, 266 S Main. Express Street runs east and west, bet Ninth and Tenth South, also bet Third and Fourth East 3 s of Ninth South. Eyer Daniel, miner, res 678 First. OJ CD CD B?- ^ *R t SftLT LAKE LITHO. CO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. OD CXD CO B.H. Officer Ho,, BSSAYEBS.SJSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 291 Eyer Edward T, pres Bountiful Water Co, 302 Constitution Bldg, 3 res North Salt Lake. 3 Eyle Bertha, res 69 E Third South. Eyl E C, Florist, 69 E Third South opposite Knutsford Hotel, j=j res same. CS Eynon Emyr (Morris & E), res 903 W South Temple. C/J Eyre Edward E, pres Germania Lead Works, res San Francisco. fe~ B UY WM J' LEMFS BEER-J^I r^U " For Hotel and Family Use. ^ L,. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. IVIain. Street. CO _^ Fabian Carl C, elk Jungk & Fabian, res 123 Twelfth East. Si 3 Fabian Ferdinand J (Jungk & F), res 123 Twelfth East, -.- Faber Emil A, saloon keeper, res 218 E Second South. OD Fackelman Gregory P, euip Empire Stm Lndy, res 266 S State. > ; Faddies Miss Mary J, dressmkr Mather Sisters, res 18 Quince. ggT Fadzen Ann (wid John), res 367 W First North. ] Fagenberg Edward, carp, res 99 Rio Grande ave. JE; Fagergren A F, emp S L C Ry. Q Fagergren Carl J, shoemkr, res Murray. "TO Fagergren John, shoemkr, res Murray. -*t-i Fahey Patrick, foreman Wm Harkins, res 1 36 W South Temple. ^5 Fahr Christian H (Fahr & Gordon), res 834 S State. 2 Fahy, see Fay and Fahey. Q Fahy Lawrence, lab, res 95 Apple. CD Fair Christena (wid), res 67 W Sixth South. - Fair Mrs Christina, res 251 E Second South. JZ? Fair The (Cornforth, Pond & Co), Crockery, Glassware, Toys, -JT^ etc, 263 S Main. OO Fairbanks Geo, elk S L Rapid Transit Co, res U P Hotel. Fairbanks G W, cond R T R R, res 1 29 S Second West. ( ) Fairbourn Eliza (wid Edward), res Murray. ^ Fairbourn Geo W, farmer, res w s Seventh E, 4 s of I3th South. H Fairbourn Richard, farmer, res North Mill Creek. eg Fairchild Milton A, Chrystal Saloon 237 S Main, res 176 East Third South. GO Fairchild William H, res 176 E Third South. > o m x O m s o Irrigation Age Printing House/ Furnished on all kinds of Work. 26 W. Third South. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., I Sinn of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) an Fine Builder* anl If ouse-mr- nishiiiir Hardware. Stove* and Ranges. Refrigerators of BIJ? Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Son t h . j and Gasoline Stoves. 292 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 2 C8 Fairclough Caroline (wid James), res 644 S Second West. % Fairclough James, lab, res w s Eighth East, 2 n of Tenth South. O Ci Fairclough James, stonecutter, res 246 N Sixth West. X S Fairclough James Jr, car oiler U P Ry, res 246 N Sixth West. "5 8 Fairclough Miss Jemima, bds 644 S Second West. CB x Fairclough Mrs Mary, res 644 S Second West. Fairclough Peter, stone cutter, res 264 W Fifth South. g Faires J W, solicitor E C Co, res 121 S Second West. *J Falco Chas A, miner, res 5 Brick Row, Social Hall ave. _ Falce Miss Selma, domestic 3 Chesney Court. O Falconer Irvine C, stenographer W S Rap Trans, res 462 E ^J First South. -jj Ix=2 Faldmo C F (F & Co), res Tenth South w of Jordan. E Faldmo A; Co (L F & C W Carter), Photographers 207-209 r .= W First South. ^ ^ Falkenburg Frank C (Falkenburg Printing Co), res 450 E ^ Eleventh South. 5 Falkenburg Harry L (Falkenburg Printing Co), res 450 E Eleventh South. 05 Falkenbnrg Printing Co (W S, H L & F C Falkenburg, ^^ Book & Job Printers, 272 S State, see adv. ~ Falkenburg Wm S (Falkenburg Printing Co), res 450 E I ith S. Falkenburg Wm, carp, res Garfield ave Tenth West, bet First ^ "2 and Second South. jr Fallback Miss Annie, domestic 1030 E Second South. 03 00 00 Fallbeck Miss Lend, domestic 326 South Main. Fallentine Chas, teamster city, res 1373 W Indiana ave. ^ Fallhurst Thomas, flour mill, res 745 W North Temple. ^ 3 Fallen John, hostler M H Lipman, bds same. Faltz Ed, cond freight U P Ry, res 230 S Second West. ^ Fant Edvv H, bartndr, res 60 Richards. ^^ Fargo Arthur, contractor, res 462 S West Temple. Farell, see FarrelL Farell Thomas F, bartndr Sullivan House, res 263 S Fifth ^ \Yest. - j Farley Albert B, carp, North Waterloo add. r= w _ Farley Emory, lab, res 528 W Second South. J J p"", Farley Miss Julia A, domestic 574 E First South. Ito (_j Farlinger O Harry, lab, res 101 S West Temple. J a* L/*) Farlinger Mrs O H, housekeeper Alta Club. ^co W Farlow John B, Druggist and dealer in Toilet Articles, | g- McCornick Bank bldg, bds Templeton. TOQ j I j "^^~~"~ ^^~~~"~ ^~~ ^~- ^ ^ ^ -^^ * ' i of all k;::s, Doors. Wisdom and Holdings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. Xi VI 3 O ec cr; DISTILLED WATER ICE. _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ 293 Farlow Miss Margery J, elk 538 Main, res 654 E Third South. ' Farmer Miss Ada, elk Golden Gate Candy Store, res 738 S 1st W. Farmer Jno, elk Geo A Lowe, res 1026 Windsor ave. Farmers Ward Church (L D S), Henry F Burton bishop, w s State bet Roper and South Boulevard. U! ii N Farming Roy, elevator opr Walker House, rius same. Fames Ebenezer (D Hilton & Co), res 47 Pear. Fames Emily, res 47 Pear. Fames Eph L, porter Woodbine saloon, res 735 N 2d West. Fames Miss "Lizzie, dressmkr Walker Bros & Fyler- Co, bds 47 ' Pear. Q Fames Willard H, elk, bds 47 Pear. Farnsworth Arthur, blksmth, res 530 W Fifth South. M Farnsworth Chas E, machinist, res rear 535 S First West. Farnsworth Chas O, real est agt, res 47 E First South. J Farnsworth Geo O, elk, res 47 E First South. J rJ! > Farnsworth Jane E (wid M F). res rear 535 S First West. rH K Farnsworth Louis H, asst cashier The Union Natn'l Bank, res m Q< 535 S First West. J J Farnsworth Philo T, dir The State Bank of Utah, res Frisco, U. ^ J Farnsworth Wm H, bkpr Wolsteriholme & Morris, res rear 535 ^Z3 ^ < S First W T est. g ^ u Farnsworth Winfield, tmstr Eagle Cracker Factory, bds 542 W ^^ -< * Seventh South. ( Farnsworth Miss Zetta, elk, res rear 535 S First West. , N C Farrboune Richard, tmstr S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. 3 W u Farrell, see Far ell. i^J Farrell A J, chfclk R G W Ex Co, res 156 E South Temple. Farrell Barney, lab city waterworks. Farrell Bernard, res 1 29 W Second South. Farrell D A, stenographer 26 Central Blk, res 156 E S Temple. 3^ Farrell James J (F & Killeen) res 350 S West Temple. Farrell John W (J W Farrell & Co), res 37 W First North. Farrell J "W fc Co (John W Farrell), Plumbers, Gas and C Steam Fitters, 137 S Main. Farrell J K, mail carrier, res 134 E Fifth South. ^^ Farrell Thomas J, brick mason, bds Grand Central. Farrell & Killeen (J J F and W J K), plumbers, steam and gas fitters, 69 Market. Farren Joseph, mining, res 227 W Second South. Farrington John, Prop S L Hack Line, 232 S Main, res 76 N Main. Morrison, Merrill & Co, Prices and Estimates on all kinus of Lumber. Prompt Lombard Investment Co. ifc4.OOO.000. Hakes Loans on Imoroved Farms. j| 294 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Sfi g Farrington J, emp Wm Harkins, res 136 W South Temple. a TS Farrington Richard, bds 76 N Main. 2 Farris William S, res Magnolia House. | Farron Walter C, motorman S L C R R, res 836 Sixth. "5 < Fassell Martin, meat market 615 E Fourth South, res 3696^1 E. ^ Fast George F, driver Pacific Exp Co, res 87 F. tS <;* Fastabend Joseph, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. e 5 Faulkerson Julia, re's Denver Court. t g Faulkner R, teamster city, res 1 1 14 E First South. * gj Faurschou Cljris, lab, res 652 Fifth East. g 9 Fausler Lewis C, res 106 N Main. 2 s Faust H J, mining Deep Creek, res 520 S Eighth West. ^< * Faust H tf Jr, Superintendent Netherland Fine Stock and W V Dairy Co, res Morgan. Faust James A, res 520 S Eighth West. Q^* Fawkes Heber C, car repr S L C R R Co. UJ Fawson John, section hand U P Ry, res rear 122 Third East. w 5E Fay, see Fahey and Fahy t I Fay James, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. + . GQ Fayen Mike, lab, res 161 W Second South. ^ ? SET Featherstone John, miner, res 728 S Second West. ? 3 * Jl ^ Featherston Harry, blksmith, res 467 Galena. CD Federated Trades Hall, 60 W Second South. ^* D 1 25 Fee William M, mining, rms 215 S Eighth East. | Feeley Hugh, watchman U P Ry, bds U P Hotel. ^ gj Feeney Hugh, emp U P Ry, res U P Hotel. J^ *^ Feeney Pat, stonemason, res Rio Grande Hotel. CD *J Feeney Thomas S, elk, res 660 S Sixth West. Si rr- Fegen Charles P, emp Clark House, res same. i LU Fehr Christian H (F & Gordon), res 834 S State. Q Fehr Louis, elk R Alf. O = Fehr & Gordon (Christian F & G), barbers 244 S Main. &> Fellows Elizabeth J (wid James N), rms 12 Holmes bldg. -^ _ Fellows Thomas, farmer, Sugar House Ward. ^ CO Fels Mrs Sarah, rms 437 W First South. *-t- ^ Felt Albert W, salesman M D Wells & Co, res 413 Fourth. ^. Felt Chas B, supt Montana Stage Co, res 155 N East Temple. (D W Felt Edward H, res 155 N East Temple. P _ Felt Mrs Elizabeth M, dressmkr, res 222 Ninth East. Q Felt George F, Sec and Treas Burton-Gardner Co and Agent 3" Hammond Typewriter, res 174 A, see aav. (JQ LOANS A SPECIAL!?, 23?!S!?- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. .****,. Real Estate Broker, H. r. . cm:s. I E. i. SBEETS. Room K. commrri,ii Bift. 09 h \L H O III b. DC U (L U -J ffi X 09 KH.OfltailMSttYEIS.2SS . RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 295 CD =: Felt John O 9 Agent M D Wells & Co, 49 S Main. ^E ra Felt Joseph H, elk Z C M I, res 108 Seventh East. pq O^ Felt Sarah (wid Nathaniel H), res 155 N Main. 53 Z Felton Louisa, domestic 570 S Main. "Q "" Feimer Irviii R, Artificial Limbs, 66 S Main, res same. . - * *~ Fenny Thos S, elk, res 666 S Sixth West. j= ^j Fensler Mary, res 106 N East Temple. _ 2 Fenstermaker Hollis C, foreman Times, res 143 W Third South. r~ - Fenton Annie M (wid Thomas), res 537 W Fourth South. E3 ^ Fenton Emma C (wid Thomas), res 404 S Fourth W. Fenton John W, lab, res 537 W Fourth South. Q^ O Fenton Joseph, elk, bds 537 W Fourth South. IXD Fenton Robert A (Watts & F), res 404 S Fourth West. CD Fenton Samuel F, Mangr and Propr Inter-Mountain Elec- D trie Co', res 65 N Second West. r*- Fenton Wallace T, carp, res 436 S Fourth West. Fenwick James, Plumber 61 E Third South, res 220 W First South. Ferando Eugena (F & Rudellat), res 1 14 E Second South. Ferando & Rudellat (Eugena F & Dominick R), California Sa- loon, 149 S West Temple. ^ Ferber L, res 414 State. "-^ Ferbrache John A, agt Kieckhefer Elevator Mfg Co, res 386 F. ^ Ferguson, see Furguson. ^ Ferguson Barlow, Atty at Law, 333 Constitution Block, ^3 res 54 S Jeremy. ^ Ferguson Claude, emp Hotel Templeton. Ferguson Don, foreman Empire S L, res 545 E 3d South. ' TT ~^ Ferguson Douglas G, bkpr French Steam & Hand L, res 121 B. CO Ferguson Ellen B 9 Physician & Surgeon 121 B, res same. Q] Ferguson Fergus, 409 First. j Ferguson Harry, elk Knutsford Hotel, res same. ^O Ferguson Henry A, carp, res 1 120 Second. Ferguson James X, merchant, Helper, Utah, office 43 W 2d South. Q. Ferguson John, farmer, res Keysor's Court. Ferguson J, lab, res rear 444 W Fourth North. * p^ Ferguson Mrs Maggie, res 305 S Second West. Q Ferguson Montgomery J, res 118 Second. gg Ferguson Nim J 9 Attorney-at-Law, 418 Dooly Block. s?C Ferguson Phillis (wid James), res 1 18 Second. 2 Ferguson Wm, barber 235 S Fifth West, res 556 W 3d South. * Q perl Arthur P, real estate 4 Coml Blk, res 1215 Emerson ave. (/) fioprs.SearlesKo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. < ENTRAL BLOCK. SftLT LUKE HARDWARE C0.r Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 3d South, J 1 11 us. . in in ii in i ion, * i net iii' lory. I i-hinu Tackle and Sporting Goods. Gtins Sign of Big Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Tents for Rent. 296 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. C~> DFerm Richard, carp, s s Water bet 3rd and 4th, E Waterloo add. Fernandez H, furniture mkr 64 E Second South, res same. tft Fernstrom Francis L, pubs Swedish Herald Superior add N S L, *** res same. LMB Fernstrom Henry, comp Swedish Herald, bds Francis S Fern- "^ strom. g]~ Ferrebee W E, physician and drugs Murray, res same. OFerres Harry, buggy washer Gurney Cab Co, res 255 W 3rd S. Ferris Kate, res 167 E Third South. Ferris Patrick, res Snarr's Court. Q Ferris Willard S, chief elk Pac Ins Union, res 1 166 E 5th S. ^^ Ferro Thomas, stonecutter, res 1 24 W First South. y^ Ferron August D, surveyor, res e s 2nd E bet loth and nth S. C~} : Finklea E C, lab Rio Grande Hotel. ^ j Finster C Herman, cabinetmkr Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 747 W ^3" 0- First South. .JujFinn Benjamin, lab, res Albany Hotel. Finn John L, barber, res 564 W Fourth South. EJ < Fioresse Martin, fruit store and restaurant, 2178 West Temple. w Fioresse Miss Mary, elk, res 2178 West Temple. < Fippin Saml, driver Utah Steam Laundry, res 57 E Fifth South. Sg 3 Firman Benj R, elk Spencer & Lynch, res 518 S Second West. ^ P Firman Daniel R, contractor, res 518 S Second West. CD H jjj Firman Edward, bottler H Denhalter & Son, res 5 18 S 2d West. ^ Hi Q Firman Miss Lottie, dressmkr, bds 518 S Second West. O "Firman Robert H, motorman R T, res 659 S Second West. j Firman Wm E, foreman H Denhalter & Sons, res 72 R. O First Baptist Church, H B Steelman pastor, s w cor Second ^ South and Second West. I__ First Congregational Church, J Brainerd Thrall pastor, res 416 . CD -I -I 111 yj E First South. First M E Church, Rev W D Mabry D D, pastor, 3 1 E 3d South. P First M E Mission Church, Rev E G Hunt pastor, cor Seventh p East and Seventh South. ^ 2 First Presbyterian Church, Rev R G McNiece pastor, Second pfl South n e cor Second East. H ^ First Scandinavian M E Church, Chr Heckner pastor, 158 J3J Second East. First School, n w cor Eighth East and Eighth South. -j CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO,, 303&305McComiCl[Blll2., SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts of Ever) Description. ffHITTEMORE, COORE & CO., INSURANCE. Eoom 310, McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg _ Assets, 82,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden. .. Assets, $4,160,403.22 298 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. O 6Q r.'- OZ o hi 0. 30C O CO cx5 03 CD "co f First Unitarian Society, Rev pavid Utter pastor, S L Theatre. First Ward Assembly Room L D S, 746 Eighth East. First Ward Pbarniaey, Stanfield & Long proprietors, 702 Seventh East. Finnigan Phil, com trav, res 1033 E Fourth South. Fischer E, miner, res Utah House. Fischer Miss Havie H, milliner, res 357 S Fourth West. Fischer Mary, domestic 86 C. Fish Edward L, elk A C Smith & Co. Fish Edwin, wagon mkr, res 529 Fifth East. Fish Edwin W Jr, painter, res 419 W First North. Fish Frederick A, blacksmith, res 419 W First North. Fish Mary Ann (wid Frederick), res 419 W First North. Fish Maud, emp Nevada House, res 501 W First South. Fishburn Miss Marie, dom, rear 1029 E Sixth South. Fisber Albert, Proprietor A Fisher Brewing Co, res 138 S Tenth West. Fisher Miss Alice (wid), res 636 E Second South. Fisher Allan E, painter, rms Richelieu House. Fisher Miss Anna, res e s Third East 2 s Thirteenth South. Fisher Annie, dom, 613 N First West. Fisber A 9 Brewing Co (A Fisher, Proprietor, Second South, n w cor Tenth West. Fisher A H, rnach U P Ry, res U P Hotel. Fisher Brewing Co Saloon, opp Warm Springs. Fisher Chris, car repairer U P Ry, res 271 W South Temple. Fisher E H, rms Railroad Exchange. Fisher Edward, lab S L C R R. Fisher Edward, lab, res 613 N First W. Fisher Mrs Edith, farmer, East Mill Creek. Fisher Erastus W, studt U of U, res Bountiful, Davis Co. Fisher Ethelbert G, driver Earls Furniture and Carpet Co, res s w cor Twentieth South and Ninth West. Fisher Henry, second-hand store, 242 W First South, res same. Fisher Henry C, lab, bds 242 W First South. Fisher Isaac M, res 771 E South Temple. Fisher James Sr, farmer, res 6 n of E 1 4th S, East Mill Creek. Fisher J A (wid John), res 328 Eighth East. Fisher James S, brickmason, rms Richelieu House. Fisher Madison, farmer, 6 n of E I4th S, East Mill Creek. Fisher Paul, brakeman R G W Ry, res 176 N Sixth West. Fisher Pearl, rms Brooks Arcade. m 03 =5 CD CO cna 03 c* cna 0>CO I ITHn LI I IIU. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 240. Lithographing, Printing and Blank D nn V Tyr-tinn The Finest in the Western DUU * md * m yi Country.^ - R.H. Officer Ko,,ASSAYERS.s"^;;; RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 299 ^ . GO ""3 Fisher Perry, studt L D S College, res 45 Currant. Q~ j Fisher Robert W, physician and surgeon, 2, 3 and 4 Holmes *T3 .22 bldg, res same. ^ ^^ Fisher Thomas L, studt L D S College, res 45 Quince. SEL Fisk Cyrus E, comp Tribune. ^ Fisler Charles F, stenogr Klenke & Co, res 870 S State. *2 Fitt Elizabeth (wid Thomas), res 542 W r Seventh South. 1 Fitt Felix, lab, res 552 W Seventh South. _ Fitt George, stonemason, res 438 W Seventh North. Fitts George, railroad man, res 155 E Fourth South. Fitts Perminda (wid John), dressmkr, res 155 E Fourth South. i Fitz Miss Mary, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 225 S Seventh West. Fitzgerald Edward, fireman, res 2 Poplar ave. Fitzgerald Edward J, boiler mkr, res 866 W Second North. Fitzgerald Miss Ella, tchr S L Acad, res 530 Third East. Fitzgerald Everett, emp fire dept, res 2 Poplar ave. Fitzgerald Frank, fireman, res 2 Poplar ave. n Fitzgerald Frank, farmer, res 2 Poplar ave. Fitzgerald James, stonecutter, rms Lincoln House. m ^ Fitzgerald Miss Kate, res 2 Poplar ave. Fitzgerald Mrs ~Lt 9 Furnished Rooms 129 W Second South, m res same. Fitzgerald Mary (wid), res 2 Popular ave. Fitzgerald Michael (Mirror Saloon 135 S Main), res 821 E First South. Fitzhugli Henry, Civ Eng & U S Dep Mineral Surveyor*^ 54 State, res same. Fitzhugh Nicholas, civ eng G S L & H S Ry, res 54 State. Fitzmaurice Philip H, policeman, res 147 W Second South. j^ Fitzpatrick D, gas fitter, res Albany hotel. Flackelman Geo P, eng Empire Laundry, res 235 S State. Flaherty Frank, rms Brooks Arcade. Flake Abraham (col'd), res 220 S Third West. IQ Flanders Miss Gratia, Music Teacher, res 69 First. 2- Flaneny William, plumber, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ^^ Flashman Frank, elk, bds 576 W Second North. Flashman Harry, elk Alex I Wyatt, res 576 W Second North. g" Flashman Miss Rose, res 576 W Second North. Flashman James T, paper hanger, res 576 W Second North. Flavin J T, res 1401 W Eighth South. JQ Flaym Michael H, lab, res 626 W Third North. pO Fleharty A, comp Tribune, res 744 S First West. +p Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Offices, Salt Lake. Denver, San Francisco K W. M South St. 7C Railroad Bldff. Ml Markrt St. 13 - - SALT LAKE HARD WARE CO., I S i -n of Blgr Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J Wholesale and Ketail Hard- ware, rutlery. Sloven. Gun*. Amniunition.ft|>orting;<*ood*i and Fishing Tackle. 300 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 0) fc Fleishman E C, waiter Walker House, res 251 W Third South. JJ Fleischmaim $r Co, Compressed Yeast, A Beck, Agent, 152 E Second South. Tl ^ Fleming Peter, plumber, res 355 W Second South. Fleming Thomas, printer, res 227 Fourth. ^^ o Fleener A L, res 248 W Eighth South. u' Fleener R O, mngr M S Mick, res 248 W Eighth South. G U g Fletcher Albert T, contractor, res 244 W Seventh South. j.S Fletcher Alice B (wid Wm H), res 629 E Eighth South. I" 1 "! 3*8 Fletcher Charles, eng, res 744 W North Temple. B < g Fletcher Charles W, fireman, bds 744 W North Temple. C5 > o Fletcher Miss Edith, res 744 W North Temple. SD c Fletcher Edwin F, carp, res 426 N Third West, o Fletcher Esther B (wid Francis), res 342 S Third East. 6 Fletcher Harry, mach, S L C R R, res 455 N Third West. Fletcher Herbert W, res 53 W Third South. *g Fletcher Isaiah W 9 agt Barton Bros 5 1 1 Constitution bldg, i r<-> 8i7E First South. JJ Fletcher Jasper (Fletcher & Uhrlaub), res 769 S Sixth East. jfl Fletcher J-W, res 430 Sixth East. Fletcher Miss Mary, res 744 W North Temple. S Fletcher Miss Melvina, res 426 N Third West. ~ & Fletcher Orson N, lab R R, res Murray. i Fletcher Richard, lab, res 844 S Eighth West. Si Fletcher Robt, coachman, res 144 Fourth East. f Fletcher Sam'l, hostler J R Walker, res 726 S First West. ""^ Fletcher Miss Sarah Jane, res 744 W North Temple. -T Fletcher Willard T, yardman J W Eardley, res 948 8th East. QQ Fletcher & Uhrlaub (Jasper F & Frank N U), Union ticket agcy, GO 9 W Second South. ^3 Flimen Hunter, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. ft Flint Abel J 9 Dealer in Oil 45 E First South, res 344 N 3d |*-<*| West, see adv. Flint Fred A, Proprietor Clift House Bar 278 S Main, res 48 ^ W Third South. ^ FlohifT James, cond U P Ry, res U P Hotel. Flohn Jacob, laK res 2 Youngs Row, Church. 2 Flood Jas, saloon 135 S Main, res 455 E Seventh South. ro Floral Avenue, runs from Second South to Third South bet ^Q State and Second East. ;?cg Dd Flory Sidney E, lab, res 1 16 S Fourth West. Dd Flower John, lab, res 63 Quince. CD CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in IER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN Cor. 2d Soxitli and 3d West. Tel. 255. nADI/rn nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnlVtn & Utrut, LUMBER AND IMPORTED AND ULRICAS CEJIESTS. MOUNTAIN ICE GO TEUEPHOJTTS 43. O (0 4-* 0) RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 301 Flower John H, comp Tribune, res 132 W Second North. Flower Joseph A, cond S L C R R, w s 3d East s of loth South, Flowers' Court, bet 8th and pth East and First and Second South, Flowers John, sec Utah Forwarding Co, res 61 W Sixih South. Flowers Joseph, motorman, res 814 First. Flowrase Gus, eng City and County bldgs, Floyd John, res 356 S West Temple. Floyd Matilda (wid Axel), res 759 W Second South. Floyd Miss Minnie, res 759 W Second South. Fluke Edw B, elk J Hirschman, res 53 W Fifth South. Flygare Esperanze A, elk Rivers Bros, res 152 N First West. Flygare Hannah (wid Elias), res 152 N First West. Flygare Miss Hattie, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res 152 N 1st W. Flygare Miss Mamie, elk Walker Bros & Fyler, res 152 N -^ First West. | JV Fogetstrand Miss Eva, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 148 S 2! J West Temple. < Fognolio Geo, lab Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. J Q Fohlin Ernest N, bookbinder, res 824 E Brigham. LJ W Foley M D, pres Remington, Johnson & Co, res Reno, Nev. JL (/) Foley Catharine E (wid Michael), res 235 W First South. * ^ < Foley Chas M, captain fire dept, res 132 E First South. P CO Foley James, blksmith Wm Harkins, res 1 36 W South Temple. JJJ" - * Foley Thomas H, rms 24 S Third West. P O Folkenson Hans P, carp, res rear 248 S Ninth East. D -J Folland Eli A, supt S L Foundry & M Co, res 750 W South J^ H P Temple. CO Folland Henry, patternmkr S L Foundry & Mach Co, res 742 03 Pis W South Temple. -j u u Folland Henry, Jr, mach S L F & Mach Co, res 742 W S Tern. Follett Clayton A, dentist 55^ E Second South, res same. Follett Frank W, cont tmstr, res 303 S Fifth East. ^ Folsom Mrs Anna C, res 12 S First West. CL Folsom Ave, First West, bet South Temple and First South. -n Folsom Iliiiiiian I>, Contractor and Builder, res 22 S First C= West, see page 19. 13 Folsom Hugh B, elk H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res Folsom Add, c/5" NSL. =f Folsom Hyrum P, dealer in real est, res Folsom Add, NSL. r^J Folsom Mrs Levina R, res 752 N Second West. Folsom Miss Martha, res 752 N Second West. g 5 Folsom Miss Minnie J, res 22 S First West. Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa- cilities and Enterprise North V. P. Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. 302 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. S- . w Folsom Miss Olive, res 752 N Second West. B Folsom Miss Ruth, res 752 N Second West. CQ 5 rt Folsom School, North Salt Lake, Folsom Add. 5 g Folsom Wm B, blksmith, res Folsom ave. a Folsom Wm G, studt, res 1 2 S First West. g 'g Folsom Wm H, architect, res 1 2 S First West. Folts Edw P, res Poplar Grove. "g S Fonda Edward M, artist, res 151 S West Temple. P Fongerousse John, baker, res rear 43 S West Temple. OK g Fontenelle Lewis, waiter U P Hotel. Foote Mrs Anna, res 135 B. 6 g, Foote Erastus S, contractor, res 259 S Third East. * JS Foote James, miner, rms 76 E First South. ^ " Foote John B, bds 135 B. i^ [ Foote Mark W, res Thirteenth South, bet State and Main. ^ m Forbes Miss Aggie, dom 164 E Second South. _^_ 3E Forbes Edward, lab, res Eleventh East, Sugar House Ward. E; Forbes Esther E, res 424 Third East. _j Forbes Govenuer M, cashier Geo A Lowe, res 3 Twelfth East. Z * ^* Forbes John, miner, res Eleventh East, Sugar House Ward. ^ Forbes Leon E, contractor, res Burtington add. ? jg Uj Forbes Mary (wid), res Eleventh East, Sugar House Ward. ^^ Forbes William J, tinner James-Spencer- Bateman Co, res 555 W ' * Fourth South. ^X Force F, capitalist, res U P Hotel. rv Forcey D F, shoemkr, res 636 E Fourth South. LU Ford Alfred R, lab, res I Mortensen's Court. S? ^ Ford Miss Alfred, dressmkr, res 160 E Fifth South. h- Ford Charles S, cont and bldr, res 417 S Main. 4 Ford Miss Clara B, companion Mrs Frankenberg, 435 W 2nd S. S j ^ Ford C S, policeman, res 139 Second East. 03 5BS Ford EiiocJi, Professor of Guitar and Mandolin, Conservatory ^ of Music, res 47 E Sixth South. ^ Ford George, lab city, res 1076 W Indiana ave. -^T Ford G E, sec S L P Brick Co, rms Brooks Arcade. -^r Ford John D, comp Deseret News, res 170 Fourth. ^ Ford John D, res O'Meara Blk, 240 State. H^ Ford Mrs J I>, Furnished Rooms O'Meara Blk, 240 S State. P f^ Ford James L, carp, res 523 W First North. Ford Joseph N, studt U of U, res Centreville, Davis county. - Ford Miss Julia, domestic 525 E Second South. j ^ ^ Ford Mary Ann (wid John), res cor Fifth and K. Estate Broker, f s 'c^ I HoneJ to Loan. i Specialty. B. P. 6. C01TES. | K. I. SBECTS, Room 12, Commercial Block. R,H, Officer Ko,,ASSAYERS. 109 S. West Temple Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 303 r CS) 2f^ Ford Matilda (wid Alfred), res 4 Morton's Row. CD Ford Millie G (wid Thomas), res w s Seventh E, 4 s of I3th S. g- SO Ford Miriam (wid Thomas), w s Seventh E, 3 s of Thirteenth S. "-3 O Ford Miss Theresa, res Mrs J D Ford's, 240 S State. ^^ C^ Ford Wm H, policeman, res 536 E South Temple. Ford Wm J, bartdr, rms Palace Lodging House. p^ GO Ford's Hotel, Mrs J D Ford propr, 260 S Main. r-v 6O Foreman Eliza A, res 36 S Second West ^ Foreman Geo W, insurance, rms Walker House. r-* Foreman Mrs Henry, res 436 S First West. ^Q Foreman Huston, emp Hotel Knutsford. y Foreman Joseph, genl agt, res 36 S Second West. Foreman Joseph Jr, packer W H Wilkinson, res 36 S Second W. ^ K Foreman Leander, boilermkr R G W Ry, res 837 W Second S. -g Foreman Roy, emp Walker House, res same. Forest H D, carp R G W Ry, res 213 W Second South. Forest Susana (wid George), res 136 H. c/5 Forester Robt, gardener, res 95 I E First South. e=> Forkner Jacob, lab, res r 1 14 E First South. Formula Baking Powder Co, Stan W Scofield Manager, (/) room 3, 159 Main, see adv. [fl Forn Nader, bricklayer, rms 59 S State. *-? Forney Jerry, harnessmkr, res 358 S West Temple. HH Forney John S, lithographer Western Bill Posting Co, res 358 S Q West Temple. ^Q Forney Miss Lottie E, elk 108 Main, res 358 S West Temple. Forrest Horton D, mach R G W Ry, res 213 W First South. O * Forrester Geo (Forrester & Son), res 323 Fifth East. . Forrester Geo E, auditor R G W Ry, res 318 S West Temple. ' p-^ Forrester Miss Jennie, Straw Milliner 66 S Main (up stairs) ^ i D res 323 Fifth East - Forrester John S (Forrester & Son), res 323 Fifth East. jj*J PC Forrester John V, plasterer, res rear 443 W Seventh South. Forslund Jno A, elk O'Connor & Shaffer, res 258 W North H Temple. ^.J Forslund Oscar A, elk 53 S Main, res 258 W North Temple. ^> Forssell Alfred T, elk Calder's Music Palace, res 304 E. M Forssell John W, bds 304 E. CD Forssell Olaf A T, porter McCornick's Bank, res 304 E, WForster John, engr U P Ry, res 66 1 W Third North. Forster Joseph H, fireman U P Ry, res 66 1 W Third North. Forsythe Catherine (wid James), res 348 W North Temple. Forsythe James, elk, bds 348 W North Temple. L-| Forsythe Miss Jennie, elk R Alff, res 348 W North Temple. Y Fortieth School, w s State, n of South Boulevard. Fortune Robert, hostler McCoy's stable, res I Victoria Terrace. C" ") Foster Amelia (wid Edward), res 9 1 8 W North Temple. kH Foster Amy (wid Wm M), res 1 16 S Third West. ^~ ^^j Foster Miss Aurelia, res 456 S State. CX> Foster Chas H, stone cutter, res 125 N Eighth West. OJ ^ Foster Edward T, contractor & builder, res 156 E Third South. Q" Foster Mrs Eliza, res 6315 West Temple. . g Foster Ephraim, stone cutter, res 17 N Eighth West * Foster Frank P, opera glass stand S L Theatre, res 330 S West 5^ fc Temple. ~O Foster Geo, wood turner, res 631 S West Temple. CD Foster Geo F, turner, res 63 1 S. West Temple. ~^> ^ ' Foster Geo W, phy.-ician & surgeon, res 415 S West Temple. Foster Harriet (wid John) res Gail ave, nr Aberdeen. Foster John H, stock cutter Z C M I shoe factory, res 624 S OT Thirteenth East. Foster Joseph W, stonecutter, res 872 W Third North. ^ Foster Miss Lillie, res 63 1 S West Temple. JJJ Foster Mrs L A, domestic 964 W Fourth South. Foster Martin W, lab, res 918 W North Temple. Foster Miss May E, res 456 State. Foster M, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Foster Robert H, real estate agt, res 435 E Fifth South. i Foster Solon, carp, res 448 State. , 1 Foster Thomas, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Foster Wm D, elk Joe Baumgarten), res 456 State. O7TT W F 7TTAT7 I Hank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWIin f) fl SflLY LBKE rafflggiMg LITHO, GO, I 52 W. Second SouuT Tle^hnt 14t. I HMKlillBISCUIT&MmiUfllCTUfiHECO,, Sail Lake Cil), RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 305 Foster Wm F, driver D & R G Express, res 222 W 3d S. Foster Wm H, Wood Turner and Scroll Sawyer 243^ S Main, res 330 S West Temple. Foster Wm N, wood turner, res 330 S West Temple. 0* Foster Wm R, teamster, res 456 S State. Foster Wm S, driver D & R G Express Co Foukes Heber, res 519 Fifth. Foulger Arthur, mnfr Root Beer 229 Graeber ave, res same. * 1J Foulger Bros (H J and C J), genl mdse, 68 K. Jfl Foulger Burt, elk Little & Roundy Co, res loth S and 2d West. ... Foulger Chas J (Foulger Bros), res 1 26 K. 3C Foulger Herbert J 9 Supt People's Equitable Co-op, res 85 K. gj Foulger Herbert J Jr, elk Peop Eq Co-op, res 85 K. Foulger Susan (wid John), res 733 First. FT Foulger Wm R, packer Goldsmith & Co, res Valera av nr loth S. 2 Foulger Wm T, bkpr Spencer Clawson & Co, res Valera ave, nr H+ Tenth South. 5 Fountain Green Creamery, Jas Yorgason agt, 266^ S Main. Fountain Peter, dairyman, res 753 W South Temple. CO Fourteenth School, 137 S Second West. C Fourteenth Ward Church, L D S, 151 W First South. 55 Fourteenth Ward Store (Chas J Gyllenswan mgr), 159 W istS. JSJ Fourth School, 702 S West Temple. CD Fourth Ward L D S Assembly Hall, 7125 West Temple. g Fourth Ward Market, Eardley & Preece, proprs, 669 S W T. o Fowalson John, lab R G W Ry, res 3 Denver Court. ^3 Fowler Allen, physician & surgeon 1 16 S Main, res same. v^ Fowler Annie, music tchr, res 50 Almond. ~+ Fowler Chas H, bartndr Morgan, bds same. Fowler Charles R, 379 Fourth. Fowler Edmund H, res 147 E Second South. Q3 Fowler Elizabeth (wid Francis), res 87 Grape. Fowler Ernest M, elk Fuller & Young, res 323 Sixth. "T CO Fowler Francis, lab, res 85 Grape. | Fowler Herbert E, elk Clark, Eldridge & Co, res 757 W N T. Fowler James, foreman stonecutters Watson Bros, res 50 Almond. H 5 III Fowler James, lab, res 87 Grape. 6* * Fowler James, blacksmith W Harkins, bds 1 36 W South Temple. M 2 Fowler John, teamster, res 87 Grape. S G Fowler John F, elk Tithing Store, res 579 E South Temple. 3 J U Fowler Judson P (Grass & F), res 30 E Fourth South. gfl Fowler Miss Lela M, res 323 Sixth. H p CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornicKBidg., SALT LAKE CITY, P.O. B 492. Tflepbout 6J1. Shirts of Efery Description. CO S.I CCr ^1 i 1 I I WH1TTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, MoCornick Building. London A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Asset* J14.880, 157.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of AweU, 306 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Fowler Lily L, res 379 Fourth. Fowler Mary J (wid D W), laundress, res 596 W Second South. Fowler M J, res 819 W Third South. Fowler Miss Nellie, res 50 Almond, Fowler Richard, mason, res 50 Almond. Fowler Sandy, lab, res 87 Grape. Fowler Thomas, driver Mount & Griffin, rms Richelieu House. Fowler Thomas S, porter Warm Springs, res 85 Grape. Fowler W G, emp F Platt Co. Fowler Walter G, harness mkr, res 542 Fifth East. Fowler Wm, res 175 E. Fowler Wm H, foreman The Burton-Gardner Co mill, res 450 N Second West. Fowler Wm H, butcher, res 747 W Second North. Fowler William T, real estate agent, res 323 Sixth. Fowles Joseph H, studt U of U, res Hooper, Weber county. Fox Mrs Amelia (Fox & Symons), res 42 1 E Fifth South. Fox Miss Annie, furnished rooms, res 22 E Third South. Fox B G (F & Johnson), res 364 S Main. Fox Carl, emp Hotel Knutsfor'd, bds same. Fox E W, freight cond U P Ry, res depot yard. Fox Jessie M, elk W S & D G Co, res 261 W Second South. Fox Jessie W, res 256 W First South. Fox Jessie W Jr, civil eng 314 Consti'n bldg, res 261 W 2nd S. Fox John W, lab, res 249 N Third West. Fox Miss Mabel/saleslady Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 218 E Jg Second South. * W Fox Moylan C, Capitalist, n E First South, res 225 E F "^ South Temple. ^ Fox Mrs Maud M 9 Milliner ,57 W Second South, res same. X Fox Wm, porter Manitou, rms same. Fox & Symons (Mrs Amelia F & Charles W S), photographers, gf} 322 S Main. m^ Frame Charles, exp driver People's Opera House. TI Francin Mary (wid Jos), e s Twelfth East 6 n of Twelfth South. gJQ Francis Frederick W (Callaway, Hoock & Co), res 284 A. -Q Francis Jas D, cond R T, res 427 W Sixth South. Francis Jno, night engineer Progress blk, res 273 N 3d West. 5^ Francis J D, emp R T R R, res 427 W Sixth South. ?f|| Frances Thos B, blacksmith R G W Ry, res 343 N Sixth West. _. Franeoeur Geo H 9 Attorney-at-Law, 19 Central Block, rms " ' State. SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY _ R.H. Officer Ko., 03 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 307 Francom Jos H, moulder, res 1 10 Post. Francom Miss Mattie, dressmkr, res 10 W. Fourth South. Francom Wm H, blksmth Eagle Foundry, res no Post. Frandensen Ingeber, domestic 137 N Main. 5,3 Frainey James, plumber R Morrison. /> Frank Henry L, freight insp Western W & I Bureau, res 175 - ^ W Fourth South. Frank J Leon, elk Lipman, Wallerstein & Co, res 248 W 6th ; S. ^ - - _ Frank Joseph, gardener, res 357 S Fifth West. ^ Franken James L (Druehl & F), rms 24 E Fourth South. Q i-^ Franklund John W, Harness and Saddle Maker, Tithing Yard, "53 res 343 N Third West. "1 E""* Frankenberg Benjamin S, cook All Hallows College, 43 5 W 2d S. ^3 Frankenberg James C, steward, res 435 W Second Sonth. rf-* Franklin D C, res 213 W Second South. Franklin Miss Nellie, res 222 South State. = - Franklin PAH, Pres New Tintic M & S Co, res e s Fifth East, s of Tenth South. ~^ Franks' Detective Agency, Ed A Franks, Crane Bldg, Main. ^r Franks Edward A (Franks' Detective Agency), Crane Bldg, res I ; 17 Stanley Place. Jjz; Franks Henry, res 1074 Third. ^ Franson Mary (wid Edward), res Twelfth East, n of Twelfth S. E~ Franzen Jacob, pressman Herald. d Fraser Fred H, carp, res 841 E Brigham. -^" 3 Fraser fc Chalmers, Chicago, L C Trent, Director and CO General Western Manager, Manufacturers of Mining Ma- ^ r < chinery, Steam Engines, Boilers, etc, 7 W Second South. _ SQ See page 3. & $m Frashier Charles, lab, res 234 E First South. ^ C3 Frazier Albert R, carp, res 256 W North Temple. Frazier John, cook, res e s Fifth West, 2 n of Tenth South. . tj) Frazier Walter J, elk mailing dept P O, res 3 Rustic Row. .E Fredrickson Mrs Annie (wid), res 152 E Seventh South. ^ Fredrickson Anthony, blacksmith S L C R R, res 432 W 2d S. ^ 1^-3 Fredrickson Miss Gina, opr Z C M I clothing, res Sugar House. CD -< Fredrickson Hettie, dom 60 W Sixth South. ^3 ^^ Fredrickson T, farmer, res w s Ninth East, bet loth and I ith S. QO Free Absalom P Jr, gardener, res s s I2th S bet 3rd and 4th E. ^ Q Free Anna (wid Absalom P), res s s I2th S, bet 3rd and 4th E. c/> ^ Free Elizabeth (wid Absalom), res 975 S Sixth West. CQ Free Elizabeth (wid Alfred P), res 608 S Sixth West. Irrigation Age Printing House, 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book Manufacturers A Fine Builder?* ami House-rur LAKE HARDWARE CO 1 -, OHLI 1.HRL. IIHIlUffHHL. UU., h and Ranges, Refr Sign of Itig Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Soutb. j and Gasoline Stoves .. 308 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 08 Free Frank, farmer, res w s Third E bet Eleventh and Twelfth S. ^ Free John F, real estate, res 273 W Second South. "g aiFree John S, bds s s I2th S bet 3rd and 4th E. Z .E Free Preston S, farmer, n w cor Seventh East and Thirteenth S. "2 Free W A, emp S L C R R Co. ^ Freebairn Archibald, mason, res rear 426 W Seventh South. Freebairn James S, mason, res 426 W Seventh South. * C5 Freebairn Jane (wid Archibald), res 426 W Seventh South. Freebairn Wm P, mason, res 4261W Seventh South. 0J f^^% _ Freed Charles M, mngr Freed Fur & Carpet Co, res 165 E South * tlQ Temple. g .CZ Freed Claud W, elk Freed Fur & Carpet Co, res 165 E S Temple. i5 la Freed Furniture & Carpet Co, see inc cos, C M Freed O Manager, Furniture, Carpets, Upholsterers, 234-2365 State. [^ 3 s e e side lines. - Freed Lester D, prest Freed F & C Co, res 165 E South Temple. g^ Frietzel Frank, painter U P Ry, bds U P Hotel. 3 Freeland Hugh, moulder U F & Mach Co, res 544 W 1st South. \ Freeland John, lab, res Murray. CO Freeman Albert, mason, res 1334 E South Temple. ^^ Freeman Chas, mach, bds Roberts blk, Broadway. ij* Freeman Henry, capitalist, res Knutsford Hotel. J3 ^ Freeman H B, major i6th Infantry, res Fort Douglas. ^J tj Freeman H R, comp Tribune, res Roberts blk. H o Freeman John M, Dealer in Fish, 779 E 4th South, res same, see adv, page 6. Freeman John H Jr, tailor Buckle & Son, res 435 E 9th South. , . T Freeman Mrs Mary A (wid), res 630 E Fourth South. j Freeman Nathan H, emp S L C R R Co, res 821 E 4th South. Freeman Sam'l, porter Freed Furn & Carpet Co, res 618 E 4th S. Freeman Victoria, domestic 664 E First South. Frees Martha J, eng R G W Ry, res 95 Rio Grande ave. Frees Peter, lab White House. Freeze Geo B, bds 669 E Second South. Freeze Miss Jane, 734 E Second South. CO OJ CO CD 00 Freeze James P, pres Freeze Mercantile Co, res 669 E 2d South. |?co ^ Freeze Mrs Lillie, res cor 7th East and Second South. f"^ jT"j Freeze Miss Mamie, bds 669 E Second South. I^to r_j Freeze Mercantile Co, James P Freeze President, Jno TJ! C/} Thorup Vice-President, M S Woolley Secretary, Treasurer^ and Superintendent. French Edw E (French & Sowers), res 18 Commercial. Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Koiilding*. j Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. 3 O CO 0) RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 309 b w CD" u French E F, lab, bds Dyer Lodging House. French Steam & Hand Laundry, Jno Beck, propr, 34 S West Temple. French Thos, elk R G W Ry, rms Board of Trade. Freneb fc Sowers, (Edw E F & Geo S), Uintah Hotel 18 Com'l, see page 95. Freudenthal I M, com Irrigation Age, res 242 W Second South. Freeny Thomas S, elk, res 666 S Sixth West. Frenton John, miner, res 403 S Fourth East, Frevert Chris J (Frevert & Co), res 339 E Second South. Frevert & Co (Chris J F & M J Hartwell) blksmith and car- riage inkrs, 165 S State, see page 24.. Frewin Alfred, treer Z C M I shoe facty, res 170 N Third West. FYewin Arthur, genl mdse, 776 WN Temple, res w of Jordan. " Frewin Miss Dorcas, bds Arthur Frewin. Frey, see Fry. x Frey Daniel, prop Enterprise Brick Wks, South Bountiful, res j same. - Frey H, emp Heesch-Davis Sanitary Co. Uf Frey Miss Ida M, tchr, res Manitou. |J3 Frey John, lab, res Holy Cross Hospital. < Frick John, painter, rms 255 Wall, c" Fricke C Louis, foreman James-Spencer- Bateman Co, res 31 Jefferson ave. S Friedel Albert, driver Model Steam Bakery. J 3 Friedel Geo A, driver Model S Bakery, res 643 Ninth East, g Friedman Emil M (E M F & Co), res 39 S Main. Q Friedman E M & Co (EMF&I M Solomon), clothing etc, 3 39 S Main. Friedman Moritz J, elk F Auerbach & Bro, rms no Progress bldg. Frier John, gas and steam fitter, rms Roberts blk. Frim D, res 72 S Fourth West. Frindsen Annie, domestic 1 30 Fifth East. Fritch A, res 669 Main. Fritsch Adolph, real estate, bds 280 N Main. Fritsch Miss Alma, bds 280 N Main. Fritsch Francis, real estate, res 280 N Main. Fritsch John A, real est 158 E Second South, res 280 N Main. Fritsche Chas H F, driver S L Transfer, res 564 S Fourth West. Fritz Frederick R, mach R G W Ry, res 353 S Ninth West. Fritz Josephine (wid John), res 169 N Second West. o z N m H m O m r m GO H m o WHOLESALE LUMBER, 3 U. P. Track, North of Depot. LC'IBflRD INVESTMENT CO., I Mone J * t L D an Corner Stnin and First South. \ ImprOVCd City Property. . 310 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M co g m Froiseth Bernard A H (Froiseth & Co), Sec and Treas Norway Iron Mining & Mnfg Co, res 28 W Sixth South. CQ 2 J Froiseth A; Co (B A M Froiseth), Real Estate, Loan and ft S Mining Brokers 66^ E Second South. 5 j|J Frost Albert, elk R Alff, res 303 Second East. H o Frost Andrew, farmer, res 303 Second East. S Frost Edwin, blksmith 319 S State, res 337 Second East. I 3 Frost Edwin P, col J W Eardley, res 337 Second East. * Frost Henry, lab, res 1 165^ E Princeton ave. * Frost Henry E, painter, rms 352 S State. *3 c Frost Isaac, stonecutter Watson Bros, res 635 W Third North. 35 g 3 Frost John F, elk R K Thomas, res 413 N Third West 4 3 Frost Mary E (wid Burr), res 222 Fifth East 5 V Frost Miss Nettie, bds 337 Second East. Frost T H, emp S L C R R Co. Q* Frowley Kate (wid Wm), res 3135 West Temple. LU Fruhling Julius F, watchmkr J H Leyson Co, res 4 Goddard Ct. SE Fruin Miss Annie T, res 240 N Sixth West. DO Fry Benjamin F, foreman U P Ry shops, res 354 N Fifth West. * ^ * Fry Grant, porter Walker House, res same. % & '*' Fry Henry, cornicemkr Heesch-Davis & Co, rms Enterprise 3 Q House. * S Z Fry H L, car inspctr R G W Ry, res 178 S West Temple. Fry J A, carp R G W Ry, res 178 S West Temple. ^ Frye Celia, res 521 S West Temple. J^ Frye Ida M, tchr, res Douglas ave. CD Fryer James A, collector Grant Bros L & T Co, res 37 H. J Fryer Robert M, driver H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res rear 765 S 3 Eighth West. Fueller Frank A, elk pur dept R G W Ry, res Brooks Arcade. O ^ Fuger Joseph G, bkpr Silver Bros, res 512 W Fourth North. ^^ Fugate Wilmont S, elk Cullen, res 142 E Sixth South. ^ " Fulkerson Joseph L, bootblack 32 E Second South, res 522 S i^ CO State. Ji- Fulks H C, res 237 E. Fuller Amos, farmer, res Mill Creek. Fuller Charles M, assayer R H Officer, res Brooks Arcade. ft Fuller Frederick C, plumber, res 715 E Fourth South. P Fuller Harvey W, Proprietor N Y Collateral Bank, 7 E Sec- D \ } ond South, res 37 W Sixth South. . 5" Fuller James A, lab, res 758 Second East. (jn OO LOANS A SPECIALTY, C SSSS3^ I MONEY TO LOAN. M Estate BrOkr, H. P. C. CUm. I E. I. SHEETS. Room K. Commerrial Bloft. o 14 0. H.H.Offl8efiBo..ASSAYEBS.aSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 311 fr- * ' W-J 2 Fuller Miss Nida, res 715 E Fourth South. CO Fuller Mrs Rosa B, res 770 E Sixth South. Tj; Fuller William (F & Young), res 715 E Fourth South, Z Fuller William A, comp S L Litho Co, res Poplar, Seventh East, <^ bet Third and Fourth South "a-: Fuller & Young (Wm Fuller & Heber Young), Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 1 10 S Main. CD Fullmer Benjamin, carp, res 351 W Fourth South. 1Z Fullmer David, brick mason, res 436 S Second West. SSL Fullmer David E, foreman Elias Morris, res 542 S Fourth W. |r Fullmer Donald P, carp, res 375 W Fourth South. O Fullmer Eugene B, stone cutter, res 351 W Fourth South. * Fullmer Miss Florence, folder Juvenile Inst, res 351 W 4th S. ^^ Fullmer Geo, mason, res 351 W Fourth South. Fullmer Hannibal G, lab, res 776 South Seventh West. g" Fullmer Jas M, stone cutter, res 367 W Fourth South. Fullmer James W, res 367 W Fourth South. Fullmer Junius B, stone cutter E Morris,res 948 S Eighth West. :_ Fullmer Rhoda A (wid David), res 367 W Fourth South. Fullmer Sarah S (wid David), res 375 W Fourth South. Fulmer Bert, stonecutter, e s of S 8th W 2 n of loth South. ^0 Fulmer Miss Lulu, res 344 E First South. Fulmer Rosaline R (wid), res 344 E First South. ^ Fulop David L (D L F & Co), res 565 E Fourth South. g Fulop Li fc Co (D L Fulop & Louis E Boukofsky), Whole- ;=3 sale Cigars 42 W 7 est Second South, see adv, page II. ^-y Fulton Daniel J, carp, res 10 East Court. Fulton Edwar L, carp, res Lake Breeze. Fulton Miss Sadie A, elk, bds 10 East Court. ft Fultz Daniel E, artist 155 W Second South, res same. ^^ Funk E B, cook Hotel Knutsford, res same. Funk Isaac L, res 47 E Fifth South. Furguson, see Ferguson. Furguson Don, vice-pres Empire S Lndy Co, res 545 E Third South. Furman Robert, motorman R T, res 659 S Second West. Furry John L, carp, res 257 S First W T est. Furster James, studt, res 120 N Main. Furster Miss Hattie, dressmkr, bds 120 N Main. ?C Furster John B, genl mdse 120 N Main, res same. ^2 Furster John B Jr, lab, bds 120 N Main. " O Furster Mrs Mary, carpet weaver, res i 20 N Main. (0 X 09 RopaSearlesiGo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. ENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARD WARE CO.) Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Sooth, J .uns. Mtininiiiiioii. r itM-1 m. lery. Fishing Tackle and Sport Jnsr Good*. Guns Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) and lent* for Rent. . 312 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CT"> C// Futhey Robert S, steam fitter J H Nishan & Co, res 1 14 W 4th S. Q Futhey R S, machinist, bds 18 Commercial. Fyler Henry A (Walker Bros & Fyler Co), res Manitou. LU o WM. J. LEMFS BEER. For Hotel and Family Use. L,. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. Main Street. ^ ' m Gabbott Amos, farmer, res w s State, s of Tenth South. Gabbott Elizabeth H (wid Edward), res 164 W Fourth South. X Gabbott Jane S (wid Edward), res w s State, s of Tenth South. Gabbott John, farmer, res w s West Temple, s of Tenth South. - ~ ^| Gabbott John T, farmer, res West Temple, s of Tenth South. ^^ Gabbott Miss Sarah, res West Temple, s of Tenth South. ^" Gabbott Wm E, farmer, res West Temple, s of Tenth South. ~" ~"~ Gabel Henry F (Gabel, The Tailor), res San Francisco, Cal. g m Gabel, The Tailor, (Henry F Gabel), 65 W Second South. Si B 2 Gaby Charles W, carp, res 530 E Seventh South. C S Gaby Edward, carp, res Waterloo add. ^Q Qy Gaby Wm D, contr and builder, res 530 E Seventh South. JJJ Gadsby Robert, waiter Cafe de Louvre, res Delmonico Hotel. Gage Dr Ellen C, 564 E First South. ~ ~ Gaisford Arthur F, printer, res 673 E Fourth South. 5" Gaisford David, lab, res 673 East Fourth South. CD pT^ Gaisford George M, lab, res 673 E Fourth South. JJJ , ] Gaisford L E, printer, res 673 E Fourth South. ~ }y*| Galately W, emp Wm Harkins. r ^ Galbraith Archie R, imp and breeder of horses, res 6 Believue S > i Terrace. CD ^' Galbraith S O, res 139 Second East. CO rjj Galbraith S V, prop Garfield Ice Cream Parlor, 468 W First S. ^ Gale James O, Grocer and Seed Store 71 E Third South. J~j res 343 E Third South. *^ Oaligher Joseph E, Manager Geo M Scott & Co, rms Scott- Auerbach Bldg. * f i Gallacher Alexander, plasterer, res 824 Sixth. 5^ nJ Gallacher Bert, lab, res Holy Cross Hospital. ^ Gallacher David I, elk 58 S Main, res 143 Centre. "S Gallagher J W, rms Roberts blk. 0" ^Gallagher Stephen -W, carp, res 135 W First North. = 5 Gallagher Wm, res 627 S Main. CO ^4 gj Gallant James W, emp Phoenix Planing Mill. Gallant John, conf and fruits 217 E First South. 3J < Gallon Clarence, dairyman Jordan Bank Dairy, res same. 2 Gallup Oliver, comp Tribune, res 354 Ninth East. g Galvan Patrick, em Wm Harkins. 3 J Gamble Danl W, cont, res 235 S Third West.. CD , Gane W Goff, jeweler 2135 Fifth West, res 834 W First South. JQ S Ganger Chas F, driver Utah S Laundry, res 423 W First North. 5 Gannett George S, sec and treas S L R T, res 20 State, -i Gannett Wm P, sec F E Warren Mer Co, res 442 S West Tern. Ganson Mrs Jennie E, carpet sewer Earls Furn Co, res 203 E O First South. Gantz John M, carp, res 168 Third. * 0) Gapsch Richard, porter Rio Grande Hotel, res same. 10 Garbanati Mrs Elizabeth, res 4 Washington ave. * Garber George, waiter M J Kennedy, rms Palace Lodging House. P ||J Garbett Daniel W, lab, bds 344 W Fourth North. Garbett George R, driver Utah Meat Mkt, res 344 W4th North. - Garbett George R S, res 445 W Fifth North. Garbett John, tmstr, res 45 5 W Fifth North. s 2 ||J Garbett Samuel G, blksmith U P Ry, res 445 W Fifth North. gjj Garbett Wm, lab, res 345 W Fourth North. Gard John S, freight agt R G W Ry, res 3rd E 3 s of loth So. ^ ^ 303 & 305 McComicK Bids., SALT LAKE CITY. * SKIRTMJLKISRS. * I F.O.B4M. niepkou Ml. CHAS. B GOURLAY & COJ Shirts of Every Description. si = * CO WHITTEJiOliE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597,375.41 314 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CD CO f QUIT I AKF OMLI LRnL 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. Lithographing, Printing and Blank Book Making, The Finest in the Western a CD at) Gardiner Miss Carrie, dressmkr Miss Mickelson Scott-Auerbach * bldg, res opp Baptist church. *** Gardiner Frederick, physician and surgeon, res 120 E 2nd S. ot^ Gardiner Frederick W, sec and treas S L Lith Co. SSjjJ Gardner Charles G, atty at law, 407 Progress bldg. Gardner Edward J, carp Burton G Co, res 30 E Eighth South. *O Gardner George F, emp French S Lndy, res 337 W S Temple. ^Jg Gardner George D, tchr, res West Jordan. *|fj Gardner George L, carp, res 837 W South Temple. +Q Gardner Henry, res rear 324 W Second South. * Gardner Henry, dealer in Sewing Machines, Sewing Ma- chine Supplies, Pianos ana Organs 65 E First South, res 356 W Fourth North, see side margins. Gardner Henry, barber 1 18 W South Temple, res same. Gardner J P 9 Clothing and Gent's Furnishings 1415 Main, rms Brooks Arcade, see page 95 Gardner John H, painter, res 137 S Fourth East. Gardner Miss Petroline, dressmkr, bds 554 S State. Gardner William E, emp S L C R R Co. Gardner William H, carp, res 159 N First West. Gardner Wm J, eng Utah Steam Laundry, res 56 N 2d West. Gardner Willis, eng res rear 44 N Second West. Gardo House (Amelia Palace), s w cor S Temple and 1st East. Garey James M, miner, res 231 W North Temple. Garfield Beach Improvement Co, see inc cos, Geo E Hopkins sec, office 208 Land Office bldg. Garfield Ice Cream Parlors, S V Galbraith prop, 468 W 1st South. Garn Miss Elizah, dressmkr, res 221 S First West. Garn Jacob M, mach, bds w s Eleventh E. s of Twelfth South. Garn Sarah J (wid Franklin W), bds w s I ith E. s of 1 2th South. Garn Martin (Pac Lumber Co), res s e corQth Eand I ith South. Garn Phillip J, motorman S L C R R, res Forest Dale. Garn Samuel, carp, res e s Eleventh East, 6 n of Twelfth South. Garnick Geo, mining, res 226 Eleventh East. Garrand Thomas, elk Z C M I, res 553 Third East. Gasper Charles C, lab, res 1060 East Second South. Garner Chas P, car repr R G W Ry, res 34 Pitts ave. Games P J, car emp S L C R R Co. Garrett Bruce, veterinary surgeon, res Eighth West, s of loth S. Garrett Mrs Mary E, Hair Dresser, 401 Constitution Bldg, res 1 68 N Second West. Garrett Robert McC, prop St Elmo barber shop, res 244 S 1st W. eg cna o>na u>=3 moo T1Q9 ICO R.H. Officer & Go., flSSAYERS.s^.'g; RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 315 Garrett Stephen, lab, res 822 Second. Garrick Alexander (Garrick & Holmes), res 404 W Fourth N. Garrick Alexander Jr, flagman U P Ry, res 539 N Third West Garrick Alfred A, studt, res 404 W Fourth North. Garrick W H, boilermkr U P Ry, res 534 N Second West Gawick fc Holmes, (Alex G & Saml H), boiler works, rear 158 W South Temple, see adv. Garrison John S, teamster, res n e cor Galena and Fourth East, r 1 Garrison Wm F, teamster, res n e cor Galena and Fourth East. t__j Garry James M, emp city, res 231 W North Temple. PJ Garry Joseph, miner, res 231 W North Temple. Gartside Wm K, foreman frt dept R G W Ry, res 125 S ;th W. Garvey Kate, res 555 S West Temple. Garvin Wm W, elk, res 206 W South Temple. Garvis Oliver, lab U P Coal Yds, res 728 W First South. Gasser Geo F, elk Cohn Bros, res 446 S West Temple. Gassett John, tmstr, res 528 S Fourth West. Gast Conrad, eng R G W Ry, res 228 E Fourth South. Gatehouse Charles F, bds 64 1 W Third North. Gatehouse Mary A, bds 641 W Third North. L Gatehouse Susanna (wid Wm), res 641 W Third North. Gates Mrs Anna, dressnVkr, res rear 236 E Third South. Gates Berry, porter Eagle Sample rms, res 568 E Sixth South. Gates Chas H, doorkeeper Wonderland, res 236 E Third South. Gates Elmer O, teller Natl Bank of Republic, bds The Manitou. Gates Eugene E, farmer, res 551 Fifth East. Gates Frederick, brick work contractor, res w s Fifth East, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. Gates Herman H, emp French Steam Laundry, res 446 S 1st W. Gates Nathan A, carp, res 551 Fifth East. Gates Mrs Susa Young, editor The Young Woman's Journal, 25 E South Temple, res Provo. Gattung Frank C, awning mkr H Rippe & Co, res 60 E 2d S. Gauer Julius, cigar manf 47 W Second South, res Cullen Hotel. Gauze Anton, waiter, res 217 S West Temple. Gavanetta James, plumber J W Farrell & Co. Gavegan James A (G & Purcell), res 161 Social Hall ave. Gavegan & Purceli (J A G & M A P), plumbers, steam and gas fitters, 123 E First South. J) Gavill James, plumber J W Farrell & Co. H ft Gavin Alexander, lab, res rear 236 E Third South. Gavin Mary Jane, res 160 First. (j (ty HlP IWlfMinn AnP A Journal of National Moment. 111B liuauuu ALG 14 SflLT LAKE HARDWARE CO.,1 of Big Gnu. 42 aod 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishing Tackle. >Vliol< snle and Kelail Hard- ware. Cutlery. Stove*. < - _ -* Gavin Samuel, miner, res 547 S First West. m Gavonyere Peter P, mach, res 29 W Fifth South. C3 Gavsford David, lab City Water Works. Tl Gayler Henry W, painter, res Main s of Tenth South. ^~ Gaylord Claude, elk D B Hoover & Co. 2Z Gay lord Eugene F, bkpr Wells, Fargo &Co, bds Walker House. H^ Gaylord Frank H, mach, res 204 S Fourth West. d Gaylord George, elk, res Main, bet Eleventh and Twelfth South, pj* Gaylord Miss Maud, cashier Cohn Bros Store, res 204 S 4th W. Gaylord Olive S (wid E H), bds Walker House. Gear Hall F, mining, rms 436 S West Temple. -^ 03 cc 03 Gearinge William, harnessmkr, res 540 N First West. Geary Charles J, butcher, res 64 W Fourth South. ** Gebhardt Andrew, propr Idaho Bakery 41 E Second South, res { 43 E Second South. C"D Gebhardt Andrew jr, elk, bds 41 E Second South. CS Gebhardt Geo, propr City Bakery 1 26 W First South, res same. Gebhardt Wm, cook, rms rear 125 State. Geddes Archibald S, secy and treas Barton & Co, res 375 N Third West. Geddes Theron, auditor R G W Ry, res 705 E Second South. ~ Gee Ah, foreman Chinese emp R G W Ry. - Gee Charles, spec'l agt govt land, res Cullen. ^ g Gee Miss Effie E, stenogr Sloan & Tarpey, res 2 Goddard Court. He Gee Wm W, Attorney & Justice of Peace, rooms 14-15 Com'l Blk, res 2 Goddard Court. Geer William H, lather, res 358 S Seventh West. Geisseler Christier, res 1250 Emerson ave. Geisy W S, guard at penitentiary, res same. 03 S CD C^" CO CO Gelzer Alfred, res 28 Church. Gelberg Carl, elk C H Parsons, res 421 Fifth. Gelberg Carl M, tailor, res 421 Fifth. Oemmell Alex, 81 Saloon 62 E ist S, res 127 5th E. Gemmill William, lab U P coal yard, res 137 N Fourth West. ^J Gempeler David, janitor I2th Ward Meetng House, res 161 4th E. *^ Center Edward W, sec and mngr S L Abstract Co, res n e cor fjg Rice and SeconH East, Capitol Ave add. ^Tgo Gentry Mrs Elizabeth, domestic 149 W Sixth South. r^gj Gentsch Fred G, supt Pac Exp Co, res 576 E South Temple. 5 Geoghegan A D, bkpr McCann, Potter & Co, res 333 S ist W. JJJ2 Geoghegan Joseph, Merchandise Broker Commercial Blk, | g- F<*1 res 627 Fifth East. DADI/CTD flCDIFC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rArmtn & Lit r lit, LUBER AMI IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CEMENTS. Cor. 2d JSoutli and 3d West. Tel. 255. Artificial and Natural Ice. TELEPHONE 43. O 09 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 317 Geoghegan Mrs Lulu, stnogr Marshall & Royle, res 333 S ist W. George Brigham, expman, bds 55 S Ninth East. George C P, first lieut i6th inft, charge post schools, res Fort Douglas. George Elias O 9 carp 243^ S Main, res 468 S W Temple. George Elmer E (Possler & G), res 163 W South Temple. George Frank L, piano tuner, res 238 Tenth East. George Henry, res 648 Second East. George Jesse, carp Taylor, Romney & Armstrong, bds 3 1 N First West. . George John, elk, res Murray. George Mary (wid Henry), 55 Ninth East. Z> George Wm G, lab, res 53 N Fifth West. O George Wm H, driver W C Pavey & Co, rms 835 E ist South. O George Wm L, lab, res 542 S Ninth West. George W R, teamster city, res 723 Second East. h Geraghty Edw, porter All Hallows, 376 E Seventh South. j{ Gerard Robt, lab Cement Works, bds 1020 S Fourth West. Q Gerber Miss Alice, res 463 W Second North. . LU Gerber Alice, domestic 261 W Third North. CO "j J; Gerber Hiram, porter Louisville Liquor Co. CD * < Gerbet W, lab city street dept. EH Gerling Chas H, carp T-R-A Co, res 254 W South Temple. J^" * Germania Hall, 146 State. QJ EH ^ Germania Bakery 9 Sim Canman propr, 57 E First South. EEb Germania Hotel, 146 State. ^jjj* H O Germania Lead Works, see inc cos, } M Quay Secy, T R EH CO Jones Mngr, 161 S Main. ijj J!! Germania Station, west of State, Murray. ~ f j Q Gernio Martin P, chief elk White House, res 128 W 2d S. 2J ^j j Germo Peter, car repr U P Ry, res 128 W Second South. CO _ Geron J, emp Wm Harkins. U3 Gerrans M J (wid John), res 2 Chesney Court. Gersback James B, painter, res 515 State. Gerstner, Carl E, upholstr Dinwoodey Furn Co, rms rear 50 N CZ* First West. ZJ Gerstner John J, elk, res Fifth South, w of Jordan. JJJ' Gerstner Joseph, tailor, res Filth South, w of Jordan. Gertz John H, painter 28 E Third South, res 77 D. Gesseler Miss Josephine, elk Jos Corrao, res Lincoln Park, Sugar & House Ward. , ae * Getchell A J, barber, res 313 S West Temple. fi a Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. 241 * or tli 3d West. 0) j j u u LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Galt Uske < apital N ooo. Surplus 82OO,OOO. CCPi MAIN li F!R*T . 318 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 6 ' " . Getchell George S, barber Sheets & McPhee, res 3138 West 2 5 Temple. CQ 2 Gervey Jas, fireman Mt Ice Co, res ice house. " S Gerving Herrman, butcher, res 645 E Eighth South. j Giaque Elizabeth (wid John), res 456 W Sixth South. H o Giauque Arnold G, bkpr Elias Morris, res 450 W Sixth South. h[ ^. S Giauque Julius M, marble cutter, res rear 342 S Third West, g 2 Gibbett Geo, harnessmkr F Platt & Co, res 40 Grape. fa "2 Gibbett Miss Emily, res 40 Grape. 91 fa Gibboney Miss Lilian, sten Irrigation Age, res 826 E Seventh | ~ South. 35 g 1 Gibbons John J, mining, res 344 W North Temple. * S Gibbs Geo F, secy Wilford Woodruff, res 76 C. 5 g Gibbs George W, carp, res 449 E Sixth South. Gibbs George W, carp, res State, bet nth and I2th South. ^ ry r Gibbs Gideon A 9 Civil Engineer 208 Constitution Bldg, res _ Uj 123 N Fourth West. w & S Gibbs Gideon H C, carp, res 123 N Fourth West. 2 w jj! Gibbs James N, blksmith R G W Ry, res 344 S First West. B *j CO Gibbs John E, salesman, res 123 N Fourth West. SS Gibbs Miss Sarah A, dressmkr, bds 123 N Fourth West. ? 2 LU Gibbs William R (W R G & Co), res 167 N West Temple. Q Gibbs W R & Co (W R G & A C McConachie), lunch house, 5 5 " ag W Second South. ^ Gibney William L, bartender Hegney's, res Rio Grande Hotel. JJ? xZ Gibson Alexander, teamster, res 76 G. flj \H Gibson Andrew A, res 1 16 Fourth East. :3" ^X Gibson Arthur B, pres Consumer's Trading Co, res 128 W 6th S. 2J |IZ Gibson Benjamin, cook, res 373 S West Temple. QJ Gibson Fred, waiter Creole Coffee House 121 S Main, res same. 3 CD Gibson Hannah H (wid John P), res 217 W North Temple. 5JT Gibson Jacob, teamster, res West Grand View Add. 3 Gibson James, teamster Jos Wm Taylor, res rear I3th Ward As- 2J, sembly Rooms. C/^ Gibson James, res I 54 N Second West. p^j Gibson James B, packer S P Teasdel, res 514 Second. C/> <3^ Gibson James C, elk Cohn Bros, res 921 W First South. ^q ^>, Gibson James S, elk 328 Main, res 717 Second East. CP rr^j Gibson Jannett (wid John), res 76 G. C) Gibson John. Merchant Tailor, res 953 2nd S, see page 18. Jg f -^ Gibson John, eng G S L & H S Ry, res rear 349 W 1st S. * , Gibson John, emp Mountain Ice Co. j^3 lloal Fstato Broker cmn' e r fi a 1 Blk I Mnnprl fn Tnftn Dividend - Pa y in e lUdirMi UhCl, SaltLakeCityi I ITlUlJKy IU LUdll. Stocks for Sale. Loans a Specialty. H. P. 6. COATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. R.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYEBS.SSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 319 ?*-j Gibson John F, assayer and mining, bds Valley House. Q Gibson Miss Lulu, 157 W Sixth South. CO Gibson Myron C, plasterer, res rear 753 Third East. T^-J Gibson Nathaniel, lab, bds 76 G. ^ Gibson Samuel H, pres Buckhorn Gold and Silver Mining Co, g res 836 S Eighth East. CO Gibson Sarah B (wid Jacob), res 1 1 E s I ith S. CO Gibson Thomas N, driver S P Teasdel, res 76 G. ^^ Gibson Thomas R, res 182 B. t ' Gibson William, lab, res basement I3th Ward Assembly Rooms. ^3 g Gibson William B, driver S P Teasdel, res 583 Fifth. ^ Gibson William H, salesman A Booth Pack Co, res 332 E 6th S. - Gibson William S, res 483 Third. ^a *0 Giese Charles, emp Wagener's Brewery, res same. .g F* Giese Max, comp Herald, rms Culmer Blk. Giesy Wm S, guard at penitentiary. Gieve Thomas, cond S L C R R, res 724 Wellington ave. c/> Gifford F B, rms 226 S Main. o Gifford Fred, lab R G W Ry, res 1 12 W First South. Gilberg Adolph, elk, bds 421 Fifth. \J\ Gilberg Carl M, tailor Cont Cleang and Rep Co, res 421 Fifth. fjj Gilberson Mary (wid Ola), res 603 S Third West. ^4 Gilbert Arthur C, driver D & R G Exp, res 222 W Third South. Gilbert Edgar S, carp U P Ry, res 250 Eighth East. O Gilbert James, gen mdse and bakery, Murray, res same. ^Tj Gilbert James, tinsmith R G W Ry, res 814 W First South. Gilbert Jas A, plumber, res 814 W First South. O % Gilbert Joseph, lab, res 527 E Eighth South. . Gilbert Miss Olive, mach opr Z C M I, res 250 Eighth East. p^ Gilbert Richard, res Murray. *V *-> Gilbert Richard M, emp Hewlett Bros, res 141 E Eighth South. _ Gilbert Thomas, boiler maker R G W Ry, res 335 S Eighth W. ^ PC Gilbert Wm, capt fire dept, res rear 132 E First South. *i 2 PJ Gilbert Willard, miner, res 390 Wall. H 1 Gilbert Mrs Wm, matron city jail, res rear 122 E First South. JJ i 3 Gilbert Wm J, foreman Boiler Wks R G W Ry, res 450 S First f ^ S West. ^ ^ Gilbreath Nelson J, carp, res 453 W 7th Sonth. JJ ^ ^ Gilbreath J N, lab City Street Dept. g> -|-i Gilby Miss Laurina, domestic 22 E Fifth South. 5^ Gilchrist Chas K 9 Attorney at Law 231 S Main, res 535 S }? rt| Second West. Rogers, Sear-less Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 MlirnorBijrenn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J Hi-ailcjuarfrrii for Wrou^it. Sf:':i D<1 Cat Range*, Quollne 8u>re, Refrigerator*, Granite, Tin aad Copper War*. Fine Good*. 320 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ ________. ^^_ ^______^^^_^^_ Infills Francis C, Proprietor Gilds' Pharmacy n w cor State and Third South, res 311 Fifth East. . /A Gilds Pharmacy, Francis C Gilds Proprietor, n w cor State and Third South. " TJ" Giles Ernest, teamster city, res 456 E Fifth South. j Giles Eugene D, ins agt 20 E ist S, res 5 Goddard Court. ^ Giles James J, baker, res 352 N Third West. ^^ Giles Laura A (wid Carlisle), res rear 443 W First North. fy* Giles Robert B, emp Wm Harkins. U,. Gilford Collins, painter U P Ry, res 1 12 W First South. m Gilhespy, see Gillespie. Gilhespy Euphemia M (wid Chas), res 1025 S Second West. tft ^^ Albert J, bookbndr Juvemte Instructor, res 104 S Third West. W/ Gill David R, agi Juvenile Instructor, res 104 S Third West. p^ Gill Elijah, comp Juvenile Instructor, res 104 S Third West. ^^ "- Gill Miss Mary H, bds e s Twelfth East n of Twelfth South. Gill Mercy (wid Richard), res e s Twelfth E n of Twelfth South. Gill Rodchell, barber, res 306 Seventh East. I Gill Thos G, sign writer, res 42 Jeremy ave. ^ Gillespie Alex, boiler mkr, res 825 W North Temple. 2 Gillespie Alex S, brakeman U P Ry, res 646 W Fourth North. 2i B Gillespie Miss Florence, domestic 477 E South Temple. 5 JJ Gillespie Frank K, bds Cullen. --jj| 6 S Gillespie Henry S, elk U P Ry, bds U P Hotel. gj Gillespie James, lab, res 1025 S Second West. _ Gillespie Jas, collar mkr F Platt Co, res Young's Lodging House. ^O _T Gillespie James K (Kelsey & G), res 309 E South Temple. p ^ Gillespie James M, fireman R G W Ry, res 30 S Jeremy. Jg 1 Gillespie James M, lab, res 1013 S Second West. Gillespie John S, lab S N Lum Co, res 819 W North Temple. - -J Gillespie Miss Libbie, bds 5 E First North. H^M Gillespie Lizzie, dressmkr, res 759 W South Temple. C ) Gillespie Mary (wid Alex), res 759 W South Temple. CD p | Gillespie Moroni, stone cutter Temple, res 64 N Seventh West. Gillespie Miss M, domestic 436 S West Temple. Gillespie Peter, stone cutter Temple, res 835 W North Temple. Gillespie Peter K, real est agent, res 406 E Third South. Z&a Gillespie Thomas, blacksmith, res 825 W North Temple. ~3 Gillespie Wm, mason, res 625 W Fourth North. Gillett Carlos N, printer, 446 E Fifth South. S 53 Gillett Celestia A (wid Charles H), res 446 E Fifth South. Gillett Chas D, barber 167 S Main, res 60 E Fourth South. T=J OTTT W T IT T/ T7 I lank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TW II fl Ofl SflU LflKE %?mg LITHO, GO, I fi3 W. Bcond South. Tclepb*n Ml. I (A CO u iii AMERICAN BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 321 Gillett George H, res 135 J. Gillett George H, mines & mining, res Capitol Ave add. Gillett Granville, farmer, res 376 E Fourth South. Gillett Granville M, mach, res 1465 W Eighth South. Gillett John A, carp, res 454 E Fourth South. Gilleylen J R, solicitor E C Co, res 121 S Second West. Gilligan J D, res 732 Seventh East. Gilliland Ralph H, foreman Inter -Mountain Electric Co, bds J 1 * Morgan. Gillingwaters Henry, carp, rms 243 S Third East. _ Gillis M, foreman Ontario mine, rms Walker House. DO Gillitey Wm, emp W Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. gj Gilman Edwin L, elk R G W Ry, res 639 Ninth East. Gilman Edwin W, miner, res 639 Ninth East. m - Gilmartin J E, cornp Irrigation Age, res 149 S Second West. ^-* Gilmer Charles V, mining, bds cor 9th S and i ith E. S3. . Gilmer H C, bds Cullen. H Gilmer Mary (wid John T), res Ninth South and Eleventh East. < Gilmer Salisbury M, bds Ninth South and Eleventh East. O Gilmore J J, tchr, res Granger. 5^ S Gilroy Alfred, teamster, res 442 W First North. Q3 D Gilroy Frank, bartndr, res rear 218 E Second South. ^ ^ Gilson Cyrus L, mining opr, bds 836 Eighth East. CD * Gilson James J, mining opr, bds 836 Eighth East. gg O Gilson Samuel H, mine owner, res 836 Eighth East. CD O Gindrup Miss Mamie, bds 76 S First West. jj3 jj Gindrup Miss Sadie A, domestic 244 Second East. v< Hi Gindrup Sarah (wid John), res 175 S First West. g- Girard Block, 26 W Second South, ^_ - 1 Girlen C H, emp S N Planing Milis, res 254 W South Temple. o Gittens Wm, stonecutter, res Agricultural Park add. W Given Robert A, mason, res 35 Hazel. Givens Charles W, emp French Stm Laundry, res 340 W Third ^ North. Glade Annie I, mach opr Z C M I, res 331 C. Glade Eliza M (wid James), res 331 C. HS Glade Isabella (wid James), res 331 C. Glade J David, folder Z C M I, res 331 C. z Glade James L, emp Z C M I clothing factory, bds 331 C, SCO Glade Margaret E, mach opr Z C M I, res 331 C. $ZJ Glade Wm I, elk S P Teasdel, bds 33 i C. " 5 m Gladstone Building, 119 S Main. HJJ CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO.,1 SALT LAKE CITY. I f . 0. l2. T.tapli.n tl. Shirts of Eiiry Description. i B A N J O. .1 ffHITTEMORE,COORE&CO., I XS TRANCE. Room 310, McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg ~ Assets, 88,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden....... Assets, 14,160,403.22 322 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 0) CO 1 CO CD Glaittli Emil, waiter Alta Club. Glancy Miss Nellie, domestic 435 S West Temple. Glanding Mrs Orphia A, res 223 H. Olaiifield John C C, Star Meat Market 26 W First South, res 34 S First West. Glanville Emory, lab, res 358 Sixth East. ^ Glanville Mrs Esther I, res 358 Sixth East. GO Glanville J, photographer, res 645 E Fourth South. Glasmann William, pres and mngr Buffalo Park Land Co, res ^* m La'ke Point, Tooele Co. CD Glass Miss Bessie B, res 543 Seventh East. r-> Glass Samuel A, elk, res 628 St Louis ave. Glass W H, emp S L C R R Co. Glass William M, carp, res 543 Seventh East. ^j Glassberg Maurice, notions, jewelry, etc, 8 E, Second South, CD res 252 E First South. /> Glavy William, boiler mkr, res 738 W Third North. gj Gleason Amasa L, res 604 Second East. Gleason Elijah, driver Taylor Bros Co, res 604 Second East. " Gleason James C, res 66 1 Ninth East. "_ Gleason John, res 34 W Third South. Gleason John C, com'l trav, res 936 Eighth East. CD Gleason Miss Nora, res 171 S First West. $ Gleason Mrs P, res 171 S First West. =3' Gleason Sunnier. Consulting Physician O E Miller Rupture CfO Co, res 1070 Second. 3g Gleason Thomas, helper Mountain Ice Co, res at ice house. CW Gleason Thomas, cook, res Lincoln House. r Gleeson Elias M, physician and surgeon 564 E Fourth South. =5' Glen Avenue, 7th and 8th South bet 7th and 8th East. Glen Frank W, bkpr Pioneer Nurseries, res Walker House. Glenan R C, res Alexander House. Glendinning Jas, vice-pres Geo M Scott & Co, res 617 E Brigham. Glendinning Robert J, bkpr Geo M Scott & Co, res 617 E Brig. Glenn Alexander, merchant 646 S First West, res same. Glenn Alexander Jr, teamster, bds 646 S First W T est. Glenn Chas B (G & Gunter), res St James Hotel. Glenn D, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. Glenn Miss Elizabeth, domestic 610 S First West. Glenn Harry E, comp Times, res 467 E Second South. Glenn James E, emp S L C R R Co. Glenn John, lab City Street Dept. CD " Sl SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY R.H,OfficerKo.,)!SSAYERS.s"'.^; RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 323 Glenn John, elk A Glenn, res 648 S First West. Glenn Nathaniel H, furniture van, res 105 Rio Grande ave. Glenn & Guuter (C B G & W T G), Attorneys at-Law 402 3 Progress Blk. Glennon Robt C, decorator, res rear 56 N Second West. Glipsia Miss Kate, domestic 130 S Second West. co Glittle Emile, bartender Alta Club, res 29 W Fifth South. CO ^ Globe Bakery (S F Ball & Co), 24 S Main. c/> 1 - Globe Meat Market, Robt Sherwood, 20 S Main. QJ Q Globe Mercantile Association, J C Cook manager, 28 3 r^ E Fourth South, see adv. "SSL P^ Globe Restaurant, Mrs Fannie Napp propr, res 164 W 2d South. C ^~~* Glover Betsy (wid James), res 567 Seventh. 23 ^2 Glover Albert, farmer, res West Jordan. tH Glover James, blksmith, res West Jordan. 3 Glynn John M, lineman Telephone Co, rms Richelieu House. j-J r Glynn Thomas, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ^ Goalen George, driver Utah Stove & H Co, res 176 R. ff> - Goalen Walter, blksmith Silver Bros, res 1 3 1 Second East. o5 Godbe Anthony H, bds 204 N State. ^ Godbe Mrs Mary, res 204 N State. Sj^ Godbe Mnrray C, sec and/ treas Godbe-Scarff Drug Co, res 214 N State. C^ Godbe- Pitts Building, 107 S Main. "g Godbe-Pitts I>rng Co, see inc cos, wholesale and retail drug- ""3 gists, George T Brice mngr, 101 S Main. ^^ Godbe Mrs Rosina, res 134 Fourth East. ^5 Godbe Samuel T, mining, res 1077 Eighth East. CO Godbe-Scarff Drug; Co, W S Godbe pres, George Crismon, ~ vice-pres, Murray C Godbe sec and treas, Fred W ScarfT f"") mngr, 20 E First South. _ Godbe Miss Theresa, tchr 2ist School, res 134 Fourth East, t? Godbe William S 9 pres Pioche Con M & Red Co, 1175 . West Temple, rms J H Latey. * &5 Goddard Miss Annie, emp T S Laundry, res 754 S 5th East. TI5 Goddard Benjamin, com traveler, res 673 Fifth. > Goddard's Court, n s Second South bet 2d and 3d East.. Goddard Miss Emma, elk Woman's Co-op, res 673 Fifth. Goddard Fred P, tel opr U P Ry, res 57 S State. pO Goddard Geo, res I Goddard's Court. CO Goddard Heber S, barber 167 S Main, res 6 Goddard's Court. DO Goddard Henry, lab, res 735 E Third South. O m z O m O O Irrigation flge Printing House, K*timates Farni*liecl on all U iY, 00 CO CD CO House Block. f } Golden Gate Saloon, Sinclair & Livingstone props, 61 E 2d S. - Golden J, carp city street department. M I Golden Michael H, salesman Pioneer Nurseries, res same. C_J Golden Rule Bazaar, J M Pearlman propr, 227 S Main. 5 o Golden Will, emp Mount & Griffin, rms 614 E Second South. .JCO Goldie James A (Kershaw & G), res Roberts blk. | Golding Brigham Y, emp S L C R R Co, res rear 138 S Main.p"oa , Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. 3 O DISTILLED WATER ICE. IMS" RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 325 Golding Miss Florence, res 248 W First North. Golding Geo Q, bartndr Jacob Alt's Saloon, res Second East, bet 4th and 5th South. Golding Heber K, elk Dinwoodey Furn Co, rms 236 W 1st N. Golding John, carp and bridge mkr, res 240 Slade Court. Golding Miss Lydia, North Temple, bet Main and West Temple. Golding Rachel (wid Robert), res 248 W First North. Golding Mrs S, res 217 E Third South. Golding Steve, bartndr Henry Sadler, res 217 E Third South. Goldrainer John A, barber, res 114 S State. Goldrunseri H, lab, res Tenth East and South Boulevard. Goldsmith Louis (G & Co), res Baltimore, Md. Goldsmith Henry, rancher, rms rear 125 State. ~ m Goldsmith & Co, (Louis Goldsmith, H & J Siegel), Whole- sale & Retail Clothiers, Boots, Shoes, Hats & Caps, 61-63-65 S Main. h Goldstrom Sol S, elk E M Friedman & Co, res 535 E 2d South. Q< Goldthait John W, carp, res 573 Tenth East. ^C Goldwater Harry (Hoiheimer & G), bds Walker House. H a Golightly Luke, trunkmkr 64 E Second South, res same. a Golightly Thos, carp, 547 Second Sonth. * Golightly Thos R, baker Am Biscuit & mnfg Co, res 547 2d East. * Good Frank, con R T, res 317 W Seventh South. C Good W F, cond S L Rapid Trans Co, res 732 S First West. Goodall James, lab, res 155 Post. jj Goodall James, mach R G W Ry, res 537 Post. M - ^Goodfellow Jesse, trav agt Sanders & Cambell, res 827 N 3d W. H Goodfellow Jesse, Jr, bds 827 N Third West. H J Goodfellow Jesse L, emp Des W Mills, res 827 N Third West. Goodfellow John H (Woodmansee & G), res 843 N Third West. _ _ Goodfellow John W, res 76 W First South. Goodfellow Mrs Mary, res 426 W Seventh North. Goodfellow Sarah (wid John), res 371 W Seventh North. Goodheart Calvin O, fireman U P Ry, res 254 N Fifth West. Ooodhue Justin A, Pres Utah Nursery, res e s Ninth East, s of Twelfth South. Gooding Charles E, opr W U Tel, res 164 E South Temple. Goodloe George A, carp, res Sugar House Ward. Goodloe Joseph A, carp, res Sugar House Ward. Goodman Elan E, waiter, res 6 Victoria Place. Goodman H T (G & E Stembel), res w s Ninth West bet Fifth and Sixth South. tt id U u > o z N m H m o m r m 03 E > H m o Morrison, Merrill & Co, Prices and Estimates on all kimisof Lumber. Prompt de livery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- Lombard Investment Co. i*4.000.000. Makes Loans on Imoroved Farms. ^j 326 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ fi : g Goodman Joe, porter U P Hotel. fi g Goodman Thomas, packer Z C M I, res 123 J. jj Goodman & Stembel (H T G & Jerome Stembel), job contractors g* J w s Ninth bet Fifth and Sixth South. CM Goodmanson Neils P, res 24 Alameda av. ^ Goodrich Mrs Dr M V, electro- magnetic healer 21 E 3d South. ^ Gove John, emp P J Moran, res 235 W First South. ^J Gowan Miss Emily M, bds 448 N Sixth West. f O Gowan Francis B, lineman, bds 448 N Sixth West. *M Gowan George, teamster, bds 448 N Sixth West. L Gowan Jeannette (wid James), gen'l mdse, 448 N 6th W, res same. Gowdy David, carp, res Utah House. rf Grady D C, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. * ^ Graeber Chas A (Graeber Realty & Invst Co), res Hotel Morgan. ^^ Graeber Realty & Investment Co (C A Graeber), 107 S Main. Graff" Miss Bertha, emp Empire S Laundry, res 303 First West. O Graham Arthur E, comp Tribune, res 457 E Second South. Graham Miss Alice S, res 723 E Seventh South. &^ Graham Mrs Eliza, res 457 E Second South, ^ Graham George, lab, res 351 Seventh. ^^ Graham Geo T, expressman, res rear 435 W Second South, j Graham James B, driver P Margetts, res 538 Tenth East. * . ^^ Graham Jas H, res 530 E First South. ^^ ^^ Graham Jared B, comp Irrigation Age, res 434 S State. Q Graham John, fireman G S L & H S R R, res 657 W 3d North." h Graham John C jr, comp Times, res 457 E Second South. ~-* Graham Joseph A, cashier Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 355 S Si - First West. o" 9 . Graham John B, res 234 State. " P* Graham Mahlon S, picture agt, res 65 N First West. JJJ * Graham Margaret (wid Robt), res 538 Tenth East. ft* Graham Mrs Mary E, res 434 S State. " Graham Robt, motorman S L C R R, res 653 W Third North. -^' ^ ) Graham Robt R, comp Tribune, res Social Hall ave. cS * ' Graham Sarah A, physician, res 16 Curtis ave. JJJ P&J Graham Thomas, res 657 W Third North. i J Graham William, car cleaner U P depot, res 657 W Third North. H^i Graham William C, painter, res 723 E SevPftth South. ^ C_) Grames Miss Amy, dressmkr, res 163 E Seventh South. Grames Walker T, tailor, res 163 E Seventh South. CO Grames William A,, tailor, res 163 E Seventh South. I [~] Granalt Agnes, domestic 267 Fifth East. H^ Grammer Joseph, tinsmith, res rear 846 E Second South. ^: ^ Granby George W, eng Mountain Ice Co, res 921 S Third West. *: J Grand Army Republic Hall, 21 W Second South. 1 Grand Central Lodging House, C S Schmidt prop, 264 j , ^ S Main. ? \ <3^ Grand Hotel, Mrs E A Corker prop, 164 E First South. "j ^ni T i HKF i S^S^&SLS^^. 1 1 iTun OrtLl ImftiM^^^^^ AMERICAN BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO,, Salt lake City, o 09 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 329 23 Grange Clarence, sec W L and Savings Co, res 412 Sixth East. -^ Granite Paper Mills Co 9 see inc cos, George M Cannon ^ sec and treas, Ceorge C Lambert mngr, 40 Richards. Grant Mrs Ada (wid Geo) 405 E Fourth South. Grant Alexander, bartndr, res Murray. Grant Mrs A F, res 420 E Third South. "21 Grant Arthur M, prest Eagle Foundry, res 64 W Sixth South, ffl Grant Bros L 9 Propr The Knutsford Pharmacy 279 State, n z res 627 E First South. CD ^ Gray Eliza, domestic 574 W Fourth South. ^ "*5 Gray Fannie (wid Albert), res 1 1 2 N Fifth West. 3 CO Gray Fanny Stcii house, Teacher of Voice Culture, res ^ CD 5 1 5 S Second West. See adv Ladies' SJwpping Department. Q, *C/5 Gray Frank D R, lab. res 564 Fourth East. . ^|5 Gray F L, comp Tribune, res 214 W Second South. a Gray George R, emp U P Ry, res 126 S Third W. S " Gray James, app S L Litho Co, res 103 W Fourth South. S t^ Gray John, res 420 E Ninth South. C3 g^Gray John A, elk, res 74 Third. ^OQ g Gray John C, New & Second Hand Goods Store 220 State, S3 res same. "j Gray John G, Booth Lee & Gray Attorneys, res 858 W 2d N. 5 = Gray John W, bds 220 State. H- C Gray Lionel H, elk U S Land Office, res 333 S 2d West.- Gray Marcellus (Gray, Ross & Wyatt), res Grand Hotel. So Gray Nathan P, elk Com'l Saloon, res 24 Ninth East. CD CO CD 0X3 CD I AKP I ITHfl PR Lithographing, Printing and Blank LHf L LI I II U. tiU. n nn v, WoVjnn The Finest in the Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DUU * d * m y> Country.. B.H. Officer Ho., HSSAYEBS.ZJSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 331 Gray Nathan P Jr, elk Utah Demurrage Assn, res 23 9th East. Q Gray Peter, quarryman, res 851 E South Temple. t3 Gray Peter M, quarryman, res 213 N Sixth West. _ Gray Ralph, quarryman, bds 922 E First South. r^ Gray, Ross & Wyatt, (M J G, Frank W R, Frank E W), Gents Furnishings 15-17 W Second South. Gray Thos, motorman S L R T Co, res rear 256 W 7th South. Gray Thomas, quarryman, res 67 H. Gray Thos G, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Gray Wm A, ship elk Utah & Mont Mach Co, res 103 W 4th S. Gray Wm H, bkpr Clift House Bar, res 220 S State. Gray Wm J, mach, res 576 Fourth East. Gray Wm M, coll Am Nat Bank, res Grand Hotel, Gray Wm T, teamster, res 1 1 2 N Fifth West. Great Salt Lake Natural Mineral Water Co, see inc cos, E D Woodruff pres. Great Salt Lake Navigation & Improvement Co, see inc cos, P J JFT\ Daly vice-pres, Geo W Blackburn sec and treas, 94 Com- 1 I mercial blk. m ^ Great Suit Lake cV Hot Springs Railway o 9 see inc cos, C E Pearson Secretary, office 705 McCornick blk. ^^ Great Western Trunk Factory, Mrs E Manning prop, 64 E 2d ^J South. Greeley Mining Co, The, see inc cos, Chas Ellis Secretary, 38 Central blk. |T1 Green Albert, emp Wm Harkins, bds 1 36 W South Temple. * ' Green Allen, teamster, res North Salt Lake. Cft) Green Alvin G, res Big Cottonwood. Green Miss Anna, domestic 116 Fourth East. ^ Q Green Annie (wid Geo), res 254 N First West. Green Miss Annie, mach opr Z C M I, res 254 N First West. U Green Azra, tmstr, res 254 Centre. Green Miss Bell, cash Brown-Terry-Woodruff Co, res 232 E (Q Second South. 2- . Green Chloride Mining Co, see inc co's, J M Thomas sec, 23 ^ O'Meara Block. ^ Green Cornelius, carp, w s Ninth East, 5 n of Fourteenth South. pj~ Green Christina (wid Cornelius), w s 9th East, 3 s of 1 3th South. Green David, mason, res 644 S Second West. Green David, lab Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. ^ Green David A, emp R G W Ry, res 74 N First West. pa Green Miss Florence, 445 W Eighth South. E3 ThelMijaiiionAge Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Offices, Salt Lake. Denver, San Francisco 5C W. U South St. 76 Railroad Bid*. Ml Market St. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO,} Si -ii of Biff Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2 d South, J and Whole*aleand lt>t:iii Hard- are. C'utlery. 8tov'*. Cinns. Si -n of Biff Gan. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fisnin? Tackle. 332 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Green George, carp, res 132 State. Green George R, lab, res 158 E Third South. Green George W, Jr, agt Layton Milling & Elevator Co 374 W Second South, res 123 W North Temple. Green George, eng, res Brighton. Green Henry, sec and treas Midgley & Sons Co, res 445 W 8th S. Green James, lab, res rear 534 W Sixth South. t Green James, lab, res w s Gail ave, n of Aberdeen. j*2 Green Jenny O, res 132 State. 2 G Green John A, engr, res Brighton. < Green John, teamster, bds 232 E Second South. O Green John Y, yard foreman Burton-Gardner Co, res 1 52 E 9th S. Green J W, emp Deseret Woolen Mills, res Superior add. Green Joseph, teamster city water works. Green Joseph, teamster, bds 232 E Second South. O Green Joseph, lab, res w s Ninth East, 3 s of Thirteenth South. *E Green Joseph L, carp, res 1009 S First West, "o Green Miss Louise E, domestic rear 534 W Sixth South. JJ Green Mary, Physician and Surgeon, res 405 E Second S. tU Green Miss Mary A, domestic White House. Green Ozzias D, carp, res 335 W North Temple. Green O D, mach, e s Seventh East, s of Eleventh South. r Green O G, res Arcade Court. [ Green River Oil Co, see inc cos, A D Elliot sec, 8 Lyon Blk. Q to Green Robert, car repr S L C R R Co. Green Robert, teamster, res 324 Second East. "T Green Sarah R (vvid Chas), res North Salt Lake. ( ) Green Thomas, mach U P Ry, rms 750 W Seventh South. Q Green Thos, laborer, res n w cor I4th South & 9th East. _^ Green Thos, paper hanger, res 430 W Fifth South. Green W C, res 63 Eighth East. Green Wm, plumber, res 438 W Seventh South. Green Wm, paper hanger, res 430 W Fifth South. Green Wm, 232 E Seventh South. Green William H, painter & paper hanger, res cor O & Third. Green W T, cook city water works. Green Wm, printer, res Superior add. Qreenberg Francis T, Tailor Shop 1 18 W South Temple. * ^ CD res 379 W First North. See page VI. fg? CO Greene Mrs Anna, res 142 S West Temple. ^W Greene Annie (wid J Y), res 726 S First West. 1 Greene Mrs E M, res 457 Second East. CD CD C^" CO CD CTD QRDI/CD nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnlVtn & UtrUt, LUMBER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CEMENTS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in !ER AND IMPORTED AND A Cor. 2d Soutli and 3dL West. Tel. MOUNTAIN ICE CO.. TELEPHONE 43. 3 O C0 <- (A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 333 Greene George E, carp Sierra Nevada Mill, res 132 N State. Greene John, watchmkr, res 1134 E First South. Greene John, carp, res 132 N State. Greene John, elk N Y Collateral Bank, res 1 134 E First South. * Greene Mrs Kate W, furnished rooms, res 74 N First West. >- Greene Mary A (wid Edward), res 232 E Second South. Greene Oliver B, carp Sierra Nevada Mill, res 132 N State. ^ Greene Miss Ollie, domestic 726 S First West. Greene R E, res 457 Second East. Greene William, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. Greenep Robert A. asst bkpr Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 33 1 1st. Greenewald Mrs A, prepress St James Hotel. Greenewald Aaron, res St James Hotel. Greenewald Carl, tailor, res 213 Sixth East. p-~ Greenewald Jacob A, prop St James, res same. * '^ JV Greenewald Jacob A Jr, elk Freed Fur & Carp Co, bds St James. n ^ Greenewald Jacob J, cigar dealer, res 340 Third East. Q < Greenig Geo, elk, rms Dyer Lodging House. H^ J Q Greenig Louis W, butcher John T Edwards, res 18 E 5th South. t\ U Greenig Sarah A (wid Daniel), res 18 E Fifth South. " 3 Ji (j) Greenig Wm H, packer Remington, Johnson & Co, res 622 7th. . ' ^ < Greenlee Harry, collector P F Collier, res 45 S West Temple. F (f) Greenman Chas C, Mayor's elk, res 3 Amos Court. CD _ * Greeuman John W 9 U S Commissioner, 10 Wasatch Bldg, g^ F Q res 3 Amos Terrace. 99 -J Greensides Henry G, carrier Tribune, 517 Second East. gq H ~ Greensides Mary A (wid Henry G), res 517 Second East. CO Greenwall John, lithographer S L Litho Co, res s s 7th South ju bet Third and Fourth West. Greenwall John A, lab, res 455 W Seventh South. Greenwall Karl, tailor Geo Mullett & Co, res 213 Sixth East. Greenwall Samuel, butcher, res 158 N Third West. J 0) _j -1 u u Greenwood Ellen B (wid Geo), res 170 L. Greenwood Ernest A, chief elk R G W Ry, res 785 Fifth. Greenwood Edwin M, comp Times, res 74 N First West. Greenwood John, mach, res 20 E Sixth South. Greenwood Stephen D (Moritz & G), res 67 S State. CO* Greenwood David (G, Macy & Stevens), res 253 S West Temple, ^p Greenwood, Macy & Stevens (David G, Wm M & Chas S), J5 California cigar store and billiard parlors, 231 S Main. Greer John M, real estate, res 206 W South Temple. Greer Orlando J, civil eng, res 10 Fifth East. Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa- cilities and Enterprise JT ortb V. P. Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. . . 334 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. & fi w g Greer Percy, auctioneer, rms 60 Richards. g - Greeson A Benton, circulator Times, res 32 P. 2 Gregg, ^^ Griggs. ft 9 Gregg David L, salesman Utah and Montana Machinery Co, | S res 57 6 SMain. H o Gregg Frank E (F E Gregg & Co), res 225 Twelfth East. ^ Gregg F E & Co (F E Gregg), Loans and Notes, rms 8 and 3 9, Commercial Blk, see page 28. "5 Gregg J C, second lieut i6th inft, res Fort Douglas. * *; Gregg William C, carver and gilder Temple, res 668 First. , Gregg W C, supt Gold Mountain Mining Co, res Big Cottonwood. 35 J Gregory Albert, pressman, bds Valley House. ~ Gregory Ann (wid Albert), res 630 S State. 3 V Gregory Court, 630 S State. -^ Gregory Hanna (wid), res rear 575 Second East. ^^ rv J > Gregory Harry G, eng Morgan, bds Morgan. LU Gregory H G, res 237 C. % W S Gregory Herbert, cash S L Equitable Co-op, res 915 W 1st N. 2 3^ Gregory M A (wid George), res 1221 E Seventh South. ^ *v^ Gregory Wm H, cond R G W Ry, res 244 S Fourth West. * SE Grennan Joseph E, elk R G W Ry. res 263 S Fifth West. 5 S I-*J Gressmen John, expressman, res Brighton. . . I""* Gressmen, John L, lab, res Brighton. ^SL Gressmen Mrs Laura (wid), res Brighton. Gressmen Odin, baker, res Brighton. CD Grether Herman, elk, res 964 E Fourth S. Q3 **^> Grey, see De Grey and Gray. *^ Grey George E, carp, n w cor Curtis and Fourth East. ^1 Grey Harry, con R T R R, res rear 256 W Seventh South. Q^ LU Grey Miss Jessie, opr Z C M I Clothing Factory, ^ CD Grey Sarah, opr Z C M I, rear 55 S Seventh East. 2j~ Grice Mrs Eliza, ladies' nurse, res 824 E Second South. S Grice Francis H, res 824 E Second South. Si "3[ Gridoli Pacific, moulder, rms 59 S State. E? GO" Gries Bros, (Jno B, Frank & Jos M), Parlor Drug Store, 80 co *(*^ { E Second South. CO -<; Gries Bros, (Frank & John B), Restaurant, 36 E Second S. 3D >, Gries Frank (Gries Bros), res 643 E Second South. PT] Gries John B (Gries Bros), res 643 E Second South. CD Gries Joseph M (Gries Bros), res Telluride Block. J f ^ Griesbach George, lab, res 34 E Third South. Z?. Grieve D, emp R G W Ry, res 74 N First West. j^ Lake City. I UlUliOy BO L(]3lL Stocks for Sale. a Specialty. B. P. 6. COATES. | E. I. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. B,H. Officer Ho., ASSAYERS. 169 S. West Temple Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 335 -^J Grieve Edward, carp R G W Ry, res 248 S Fourth West. jEJ Grieve Henry, emp Grant Bros L & T Co, res 44 S W Temple, g- #3 Grieve John R, assayer Union Assay Office, res 225 Fifth. r^-j Grieve Miss Jessie H R A, teacher, bds 225 Fifth. fi; Grieve Simon, patternmkr, res 225 Fifth. g Grieve Simon J, elk, bds 225 Fifth. CO Grieve Wm, lab, res 87 Grape. &D Grieve Wm H, bricklayer, res 87 Grape. *--^ Grieves Thomas, car emp S L C R R Co, res 724 Seventh E. t ' ^Griffin Chas H, res 736 S Fifth East. CO Griffin Daniel S, mngr Mount & Griffin, res 624 E Third South, g* ^^ Griffin Miss Gertrude, res 163 S Eighth East. S Griffin Herbert L, Wholesale Produce, Fruits, W H ;rp Ridgely Agt, 127 W First South, res Ogden. 4= Griffin J 'Harvey (Mount & Griffin), res e s Eleventh East, =. bet Ninth and Tenth South. Griffin James P, elk 124 S Main, res 564 E Third South. "^ Griffin John D, veterinary surgeon, res 176 W Fifth South. Griffin Miss Lulu, trimmer Mrs M M Fox, res s w cor Second South and Eighth West {/) Griffin Rollo M, elk, res 52 S First West. [fl Griffin Wm, res 268 Seventh East. Griffin Wm N, eng, res North Salt Lake. Griffith Miss Annie, res 364 N Fifth West. Griffith James T, res 1 34 N West Temple. Griffith John, teamster, res 130 Eleventh East. Griffith John, res 236 W South Temple. O Griffith Warren M, stenogr and typewriter McCornick Bldg, res ^ 835 E Sixth South. Griffith William, teamster, res 1 30 Eleventh East. ^V Griffith William, res 236 W South Temple. Griffiths Alf, lab, Sixth South, bet Second and Third West. So Griffiths David M, expressman, res 44 Church. \ -a i* Griffiths Edward, res 44 Church. Griffiths Elijah J (Houlahan, G & Morris), res cor Third and P. JJJ 3 Griffiths E W, miner, res 44 Church. Griffiths Miss Hattie, dressmkr, res 44 Church. Griffiths Jos, teamster Pioneer Roller Mills, res 445 W 8th S. * Griffiths Miss Mamie C, elk I3th Ward Store, res 44 Church. g Griffiths Miss Mary A, res 835 E Sixth South. 9 ** Griffiths Mrs Rebecca, 39 Richards. J5 i>i Griffiths Richard, eng U P Ry, res 644 W 2d North. Rogers, Searles Ho GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. OBNTRAL BLOOK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. ) ~ Skrn of Bl Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J Howe- aslquariers for Wrought, Steel and Cut nge*. Gasoline Store*, Refrigrator, Granite, Tin aad Copper War*. Wn SiSCyilliMiOFllCTUIilflG CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 337 Groesbeck Chas S (J M Kennedy & Co), res 5 I W 2d South. Groesbeck Co, Tlie, see inc cos, Hyrum Groesbeck Sec and Mngr, office 61 Wasatch bldg. Oroesbeck Hyrum 9 Manager Wasatch Building and Real Estate Agent, room 61 Wasatch bldg, res 325 W 1st South. Groesbeck Frank, bds 133 -N West Temple. Groesbeck John A (Burton, G & Andrew, and Prest The m Groesbeck Co), res 133 N West Temple, y^ Groesbeck John A Jr, exch teller Utah Natl Bank, res 133 N U* West Temple. _ Groesbeck Jno S (G & Brown), res 45 Wasatch bldg. 3D Groesbeck Jos S, dir The Groesbeck Co, res 80 W First North. Groesbeck Mrs Kate H, res 744 E Sixth South. Groesbeck Miss Nellie, res 27 E Fourth South. PH Groesbeck Nicholas H, director The Groesbeck Co, res Spring- ^ . g ville. Si jjSj . Groesbeck Samuel S, director The Groesbeck Co, res 360 E ~ Sh Sixth South. ^< Groesbeck Sarah, res 80 W First North. C/5 ZtiO Groesbeck Wm, vice-pres The Groesbeck Co. res 27 E 4th South. sen. Groesbeck Wm jr (G & Dinwoodey), res 27 E Fourth South. CD gg* Groesbeck fc Brown (Jno S G & C G Brown), Chemical & =| ^0 Electric Smelters 70 Wasatch Bldg. CD "* Groesbeck & Dinwoodey (Wm G jr & Wm T D), ins agents 66 ^g go Wasatch Bldg. 5 O Groeschner Henry R, mach Eagle Foundry, res 552 W North J3 gj) Temple. v< ^y Groff Bertha (wid Carl), res 331 E Eighth South. g- g| Groff Bertha, domestic 30 S First West. [H- 1 Groff Katinka, dressmkr, res 331 E Eighth South. O *-a Gronlund Nels J, genl store 59 E 2d South, res 176 N 2d West. Q3 Gronway Parry, stone mason, res 947 Lake. Groo Byron, journalist, res 21 First. M Groo Mrs Eliza L, res 367 Fourth East. Groo Geo W, elk at Ontario Mine, res 355 Fourth East. Groo Isaac, nurseryman, 464 Fourth East. H E3 Groo John L, comp Herald, res 367 Fourth East. S* Groo Mrs M J, res 451 Fourth East. j z Groo Sidney, comp Herald, res 464 Fourth East. H 0) Groo Virgil, elk, bds, 355 Fourth East. Q^jJ Groote Frank W, student University of Utah, res Murray. % m 09 LU u Groote Miss Minnie, lodgers, res 244 S West Temple. ^ JJj CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305llcC(iraicl[BlJz., SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts of Erery Description. WHITTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, MoCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg Assets, 13,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden, AaseU, 14,160,403.22 338 RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. ** I Groote Nettie, res 614 W First South. Jl Grose Alfred H, piano tuner, res i Brick Row, Social Hall ave. /I Groshell Edward F, elk Oscar Groshell, res 222 W Fifth South. VF Groshell Fremont H, Western Agt Richason Drug Co, Omaha, Neb, res 222 W Fifth South. Groshell Mary (wid Charles), res State, s of Eleventh South. _ Groshell Oscar, propr Groshell's Ticket Office, Wonderland Bldg, S res 57 Walker Mercantile Blk. = GroshelPs Ticket Office, Oscar Groshell Proprietor, Won- 6/3 . derland Museum Bldg. /J2 = Gross Alfred, emp Am Dis Tel, res cor D and Seventh. 2 * Gross G F, elk Hanauer Smelting Works, res cor Seventh and D. S s Gross Gustav F, printer, res 279 J. S"f Gross Joseph, lab, rms Lincoln House. CD * Gross Samuel, window dresser Goldsmith & Co, res White House. ij] Grosscup Mrs Geneve E, forewoman millinery dept Z C M I, ^z rms 12 Holmes Bldg. " o Grossman Morris M, merchant, res 164 S Second West. * Grosstephan Alex, emp Alta Club. . - Grove Miss Julia C, binder Tribune, res 128 W Second South. ^j Grove William, M D, rms 133 S First West. ,*g| Grovenor Abel, bkpr M Kopp, res 1 102 W Seventh South. ^7 Grover Joel F, studt University of Utah, res 59 Centre. = | Groves Alfred F, attorney, 373 Water, Waterloo add. g-^jj i= | Groves Arthur I, M D, Physician in charge Keeley Institute. J -g "g" Groves Mary A (wid John), res e s 9th East, s of loth South & 3 T Groves N, lab, bds e s Ninth East, s of Roper. {? C ^ Groves William H, capitalist, bds Morgan Hotel. * JJ Jc Grow Edward R, bds 309 N Third West. 2 =5 Grow Mrs Eva R, bds 309 N Third West. _ Grow Joseph S, carp, res 309 N Third West. jj " Grow Julia A (wid Henry), res 373 N Third West. | Grow Miss Julia C, bkbinder, res 373 N Third West. SO \ Grow Leo, painter, res rear n e cor 9th East and I2th South. "^ ^ Grow Orrin, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co. 2 Grow Orrin R, studt, res 309 N Third West. 3^ Grow Theodore M, carp, res 650 W Third North. ^JQ Grow Walter V, painter, res 373 N Third West. o_ Grow Wm H, bds 373 N Third West. 5*2 Growth Nellie, domestic 207 E Second South. ?|tl Grouts A, emp Wm Harkins. Grundfor Andrew, cont, res 726 W Sixth North. H * 3 So li II SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY . /-\ - S.H. Officer tGoJSS*YEBS.SiSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 339 Grundland John L, tailor, res 478 N Fifth West. Grundt William, res Burlington add. Grundy James S, bartndr, res 5th S bet 7th and 8th W, Gruney Charles, teamster, res 257 Paxton ave. Grunter George, farmer, res State, Murray. Grusback George, res 203 E First South. Guccione Giovanni, barber 109 S W Temple, res 1 14 E 2nd S. Guardian Assurance Co of London, M B Sowles agt, .^ * _ 21 O'Meara Blk. I ^ Gudgell George B, elk 64 S Main, res 266 F. Q r^z Gudke Fred, blksmith J J D, res West Jordan. (S3 Guernsey Schuyler C, res 1322 E South Temple. P""* Guest Edward F, farmer, res Murray. CO Guest Thomas, railroad man, res I Chesney Court. [F; Guffy Geo L. elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 137 S West Temple. ": Guhern John, lab, res Eighth W bet Tenth and Eleventh S. - Guinn Jennie (wid J G), res 575 Second East. - Guiraud G G, mngr Baltimore Packing Co, res 43 E Fifth South. "1 Guiver Benj G, tmstr, res 660 W First South. ^r Guiver Benj G,Jr, mason, 660 W First South. i ; Guiver George, butcher, res 58 T. ^ Guiver t Golden H, butcher, res 1 1 34 First. ^ Guiver Harvey, elk 36 S Main, res 660 W First South. { ; Guiver Miss May, opr Z C M I Shoe Factory, res 660 W 1st S. X^ Guiver William H (Guiver & Co), res 96 T. t" ^ Guiver & Co (Fred J, Vincent, Wm H Guiver), groc, 1 206 Second. CO Guistner Con, upholsterer H Dinwoodey Fur Co, res rear 50 N _ = First West. _ 09 Gulbransen C J, painter Tullidge C Co, res 758 E First South. & CZ1 Gulbransen Edward, painter, res 744 Third East. S. Gulbransen Fred, tmstr, res 744 Third East. Gulbransen Nicholas, painter, res 744 Third East. CT Gulbransen Otto, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. Gulick Wm P, res 269 S West Temple. Gulicksen Charles, carp S L Bldg & Manfg Co, res 16 Post, bet Eighth and Ninth North. CD Gull Emily (wid Chas), dressmkr, res 343 E Eighth South. v < Gunderson Peter, lab R G W Ry, res 3 Denver Court. Gindrup Julia, domestic 670 E Brigham. Gunn Benjamin, painter, res 237 J. CO Gunn Harriet (wid John), res 474 Sixth. "g Gunn John, gardener, res 37 Eighth East. irrigation Age Printing House . 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book Manufacturers SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., I SiffnofBigGnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) Fine Builder** and lloase-rar- nishin-,' Hardware. Stove* and Ranges, Refrigerators and Gasoline Stoves. - 340 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 5 Gunn John S, painter S L C R R Co. ^ . Gunn John F, car painter, res 229 J. cf & Oniiiiell Arthur J, Mngr the Owl News Co 49 W Second ^ t South, res 816 E Seventh South. C Gunnell Frank I, bkkpr A C Smith, res 73 Q. w X Gunnerson James S, tailor Joe Baumgarten, res 37 S Eighth E West. O Gunnison Peter, emp R G W Ry, res Sullivan House. S Gunter Walker T (Glenn & Gunter), res 142 N West Temple. Gurley Charles E, accountant & col agency 306 Progress bldg, CUD res Whitney Terrace. C^ .El Gurley C K, real estate agt, res 1053 W First South. -^ Ourney Cab dr Delivery Co, M C Fox Prest, Thos F Mulloy Mngr, 1 1 W Second South. j^ Gurney Edmund A, eng, res 1020 S Fourth West. Gustaveson Block, 68 E Second South. Gustaveson Chas, painter, res 273 Eighth East. ^ Gustaveson Josephine, domestic 819 E Third South CZ Gustaveson Mrs Laura, res 273 Eighth East JJj Gustaveson Miss Matilda, domestic 929 E Brigham. ^ Gustaveson Sarah (wid Chas J), res 273 Eighth East. Gustaveson V, emp Wm Harkins. r s Gustin Thomas, lab, res North Salt Lake. s Guth Frank J, bridge bldr R G W Ry, res W Lincoln ave. ^ Guthridge Henry T, civil eng, res 349 W North Temple. Guthrie James W, res 44 W Eighth South. " Guthrie Mrs Jennie, housekpr Grand Central Lodging House, C ) res same. C 3 Guthrie Mamie; emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. Guthrie Miss M, emp Grand Central Lodging House. Guthrie Ralph, expert accountant 306 Progress blk, res 766 Third. Gutke Fred, propr North Point Dairy, Camp Lane, w of Jordan. Guyer G D, Second Lieut i6th Infantry (Co B), res Ft Douglas. CO CD CO Gwin Frank S (col'd), cook, res 125 S Third West. Gwinn Howell B, M D, rms White House. S Gwinn Miss Lillie, teacher Twelfth School, res 314 Fourth. .^ I L-I Gwinn Miss Nora, teacher Twelfth School, res 314 Fourth. JJ C 3 Gygi Fritz, lab Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. ^^ Gygi Rudolph, tailor Buckle & Son, res 1036 E Sixth South. J Gyllenswan Charles J, mngr I4th Ward Store, res 159 W First's S South. I Parker 1 Dep, Luster of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WflTEB ICE. Tele P h " e RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 341 gUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER._2^_ For Hotel and Family Use. L,. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. Main. Street. U > 33 Z m JJJ \ HI O Haacke Chas A, mach Silver Bros, res 61 Plum. Haag Richard T, res 218 F. Haaga Matthew, brick mason, res 242 Seventh E. Haas Louis F, engraver S L Lithograph Co, res 353 Fifth. Habish Mrs E, res 834 W Cannon. Habish Joseph, died Nov 12, 1892. " Habisch David, Cullen barber shop, res Burton's Court. Habisius C F, coppersmith R G W Ry, res 568 W 4th South. > Hackett Mary A (wid Thos M), res 3 I Euclid ave. j Hackett William R, contractor, res 3 1 Euclid ave. Hackney Stephen M, 2nd lieut i6th inft(Co D), res Ft Douglas, u Hackwell Albert, moulder, bds 9 Back. > ^ (/ Hackwell Henry, quarryman Varley, Joseph & Co, res 9 Back. ^Q < Hackwell Joseph, lab, res 9 Back. Hackwell Miss Lizzie, emp T Slight, res 9 Back. * Haddock Benj, lab, res 434 W Fourth North. _ Haddock Ben, miner, res 760 W Fourth North. H^ 5* Haddock John W, lab, res 437 W Fifth North. Haddock Richard, tanner, res 434 W Fourth North. I Haddock William, lab S L C R R Co. * Haddon Joseph A, lab, res 722 Fifth. Haddon Joseph A, contractor, res 73 N. Haddon Mrs.R, res 757 W Second North. Haden Miss Sophia, res North Salt Lake. Hadley Harry M, conductor U P Ry, bds U P Hotel. Hadley George O, bds 224 W Seventh South. Hadley Mary Ann (wid Geo), res 224 W Seventh South. Hadlord John, lab, res 617 S Second West. Hadra Fred S, Proprietor Chicago Liquor House, 44 and 46 E First South, res 24 Sixth East. See page X. Haenggi Mary J (wid Jacob) res 574 E Sixth South. Haente Frank, lab, res 32 W Fourth South. 1 Hafer George E, V P Utah Undertaking Co, res Pocatello, Ida. > Hagari Olaf, carp, res 856 Fifth East. WHOLESALE LUMBER, a. P. Track, North of Depot. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., I M Hagman John, Jr. tailor, bds 459 W Third North. El - ~ Haginaii John & Son (J and John D Hagman), merchant J> J) g tailors, 173 S State. J^ #*&/. u-j Hagman John D (John H & Son), res 459 W Third North. ^ rr? Hagstrom Peter G, tailor J C Cutler & Bro, res 536 N 3d West. _. LU Hague Mrs Angie, res 214 E Fifth South. , A & SE Hague Charley J, elk Roberts & Nelden, res 43 W Third South, 2 j^ Hague Gus, cook Cullen Hotel, bds same. J ^ QQ Hague James, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 43 W 3d South, E Hague Jos H, bartender 1 15 S Main, res 69 C. ^ Hague Miss Lena, res 214 E Fifth South. ' g Hague Miss Maggie A, elk Auerbach Bros, res 43 W 3d South. * Haigh Arthur, contractor, res 47 Jefferson. Haigh Harriet (wid Jno), res 175 W Seventh South. Haight Chancy, emp W Harkins, bds 1 36 W South Temple, Haight Miss Jennie,dressmkr 3 29 -330 Constitution bldg, res same. Haines, see Haynes. c^ Haines Clayton L, chairman Board Public Works, 16 1 S Main, *$ res same. JQ Haines Horace T, proof reader Times, res 3 1 8 S West Temple. CQ Haines Joseph, car cleaner U P Ry, res 636 W First North. Hakanson John, lab, res 338 W Third South. Halberg Samuel, bartender, res 642 E First South. p Hale Frank, carnage painter, res 605 E Fifth South. W Hale Fred A 9 Architect 120 Com'l Block, res 125 N. Halford Chas, farmer, res w s Seventh East, 2 n of I4th South, i Halket Miss Ada, cashier Knutsford Hotel, res same. Hall Albert J, tailor J C Cutler & Bro, res 873 W South Temple, g^ Hall Allen, saloon Bingham Junction, res same. rt Hall Clarence W. Attorn ey-at- Law, Justice of Peace and HJ Notary Public 218 S Main, res 451 S Second West. LOAS5 A SRCIAITT, ^J?!cT I MONEY TO LOAN. I 8SS?S Seal Estate Broker, H. r. c. nuns. I E. i. SHEETS. Room 12. comm? mai Bitt. R.H. Officer RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 343 \ - .2 Hall Edward J, mach helper, bds 644 W South Temple. '55 Hall Edward S, elk, res 957 E Eleventh South. H Hall Elizabeth J (wid Edward), res 644 W South Temple. t Hall Francis, res Burlington add. h- Hall Miss Irene, opr Z C M I Shoe Factory, res 17 N 7th West. S kJ Hall James H, bootblack P Adams, bds 175 W Third South. ^? Hall Jas R, carp, res n e cor Eleventh South and Third East. jOD Hall Jas R, res 657 W South Temple. EE Hall John, shoemkr, res 248 W South Temple. ^ Hall John, shoemkr, res 255 Wall. <= Hall John, boilermkr U P Ry, res 167 N Third West. Hall John T, stonecutter, res 40 Aberdeen ave. Hall Joseph E, bkpr L E Hall, res 78 E First North. Hall Joseph T, carp, res 219 A. L Hall Lorin, physician and surgeon 231 Sixth East, res same. Q~ mmm Hall Li E, Dealer in White Sewing Machines and Supplies, ^^ lJL 29 W First South, res 78 E First North. Hall Mary E (wid Erastus F), res 35 E First North. :__ Hall Mrs Maud E, Hotel, Murray, res same. - Hall Mrs M J, genl mdse, 248 W South Temple, res same. Hall N S, g-asfitter, res Tremont House. C^ LU Hall Philip J, carp, res 17 N Seventh West. Qj Hall Raymond, dom 158 N Main. g |jj Hall Robert H, boilermkr, res 775 Eighth East. O Hall Mme R, dressmkr 531 S First West, res same. Hall Salina D (wid John C), res 925 Second. E Hall Thomas, stone cutter, res 40 Aberdeen. Hall Thomas, farmer, e s State, bet I2th and I3th South. f Hall Thomas C, real estate, res rear 43 5 Tenth East. Hall Timothy, farmer, res 865 S State. yj Hall William C, Attorney-at-Law, 218 S Main, res 223 Second East. Hall William B, tinner, res 925 Second. Hall William F, comp Times, res 565 S First West. Hall William H, Jeweler, res 247 E Fourth South. Hall William J, painter, res rear 531 N Fourth West. Hall William M, farmer, res State, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. gQ Hall William S, with J B Walden, res Burlington add. Hall William W, Watchmaker Leo Hollander, res 217 E ?C CO Fourth South. 2 Hallen P Wm, teamster, res Ninth West, bet Fourth and Fifth S. " O Haller Abbie, res 1 18 E Third South. CO Rogers, SearlesS Go, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOOK. SflLT LAKE HARDWARE CO. I Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 \V. 2d Mouth, j . 111 tit ii union, r IIK- < in- lery. Fi.hinsr Taokle and Sporting Goods. Gun* and Ten ta for Kent. CO 344 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Halley William E, bartender Hotel Morgan, bds same. m Halliday Frank, lab, res 260 E South Temple. Halliday Thomas L, druggist Godbe Pitts Co, res 917 Second. I Hallock E S, res 47 E First South. w^ Halloren Miss Maggie G, domestic 336 S West Temple. JC Halloway Mrs W, res 467 E Second South. O Hallstrom Charles I, harnessmkr, res 656 Fourth East. Hallstrom Christine (wid Daniel), bds 461 E Eighth South. f\ Hallstrom Hans, harness and saddlery hardware, 169 S State, res LJL 656 Fourth East. Hallstrom John T, tailor, res 461 E Eighth South. Halm, see Holm. Hal in William E 9 genl agt South Pacific Co, res 125 3d East. Halter C A, painter, U P Ry, res 404 F Temple Halversen Art J, elk Fred Lyngberg, res Dyer Lodging House. Halversen Miss Hanna, domestic 32 Union ave. Halversen H V, elk George Arbogast, res Dyer Lodging House. Halverson Charlotte (wid John), res 745 S Second West. Halverson John, mach, res 745 S Second West. ~ Halverson John O (H & Co), res 43 Grape, g Halverson & Co (John O H & Miss C Anderson), props ^ BS W Home Bakery, 149 W Second South. CD 8 Halvorsen Johanas, genl mdse Superior add N S L, res same. ^D pj Halvorsen Joseph, Z C M I shoe mnfr, res Superior add N S L. JJJ ._ Halvorsen Joseph A, Z C M I shoefcty, res Superior add N S L. * Ham James, lab, res 1 24 N First West. Hamann Robt, tailor 251 S Main, res 831 E Third South. Hambleton Chas B, lab, res 2 East Court. Hamblin Miss Lottie C, res 4 Church. CO Hamblin Henry C, carp, res 4 Church. ^^ ^ ^ Hamblin John H, painter 33 W First South, res 64 Plum. r >j Hamblin John T, teamster, res 4 Church. < > Hamer, see Hammer. CD Hamer Miss Clara, cashier F Auerbach & Bro, res 221 N 5th W. CO Hamer Ernest S, plumber, res 227 N Fifth West. Hamer Miss Nellie, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 227 N Fifth W. |!S Hamer Samuel, blksmith U P Ry, res 221 N Fifth West. f Hamer Miss Jane, res 221 N Fifth West. Jg 5 Hamer Sarah (wid Samuel), res 227 N Fifth West. ^~ Hamerbeick Augusta, domestic 221 Second East. 5^ Hamill Samuel B, salesman White S M Co, res 221 S First W. ? " Hamilton Miss Annie, res rear 633 Sixth East. "H. ^Kl T 1 IMF I o^'^r^L^fp^ i T ivun nn OHL 1 Lrti\H | iTiaX a uT m TeSori, r 9 8 :| ul 1 nu, UU, BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO.. Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 345 !5 Hamilton Miss Birdie, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 521 4th E ^a O Hamilton C H, res 266 W Sixth South. CO Hamilton Chas L, dispatcher ROW Ry, res 512 S 8th West Hamilton James C, bishop Mill Creek L D S, res Mill Creek. r* 2 Hamilton James B, portrait artist, res 564 E Third South. Hamilton Jas L, elk C B Durst, rms Telluride Blk. 2 Hamilton James H, Attorney-at-Law 410 Dooly Blk, res [fl 545 E Sixth South. ^ Hamilton John, driver Troy Laundry, res rear 633 6th East. < Hamilton John R, res 241 S Fourth West. ~ Hamilton Mrs J T, res 433 E First South Jo Hamilton Mary (wid), res rear 633 Sixth East. Q Hamilton Miss Mary, res rear 633 Sixth East. Hamilton Robt S, real est agent 22 Central blk, res same. Hamilton Thos M, studt University of Utah, res Mill Creek. ** m Hamilton Wm, res Mill Creek. cS Q^ Hamlin A L< 9 City Building Inspector, 137 S Main, res 1134 " 0^ E Princeton ave. US Q Hamlin George, painter, res 183 Centre. ^-JjJJ Hamlin Harry, painter, .res 66 Plum. * H Hamlin John H 9 House and Sign Painter, rear 1325 Main, 3 K]j ^ res 66 Plum, see adv. s Hamlin Miss Lilian, teacher, res 183 Centre. C^g Hamlin Mrs Mary, nurse, res 417 E Fourth South. J Hamlin Miss Ray, bds 183 Centre. fj} Hamm Jas W, real estate, rms Manitou. C w Hammer, see Hamer, p^ o Hammer Martin, painter, res 226 E Seventh South. O C-4 -J Hammer Paul, portrait painter, res 153 Fourth East. I"" ^ Hammer Paul, Jr, day treas and stage director S L Theatre, 5 res 153 Fourth East. 3 Hammer Robert, tailor, res 2 West Court. ^ Hammer Thorald L, property master Salt Lake Theatre, res ^ K 153 Fourth East. Hammerslough Maurice (M H & Co), res 510 E Third South. Hammerslough H & Co, (M & S Hammerslough), Monte ^ ^ Cristo Cigar Store, 5 I W Second South. See page 102. Hammerslough Samuel (M H & Co), res 510 E Third South. * Hammond Ada, domestic 218 Third East. -^ ||J Hammond Charles M, Notary Public, 34 W Third South, $ 3J res same. Hammond Hall of S L Academy, 330 E Third South. H CHAS. B GCURLAY & CO., sos&sosMccornicKBidg., I SALT LAKE CITY. \ F. Shirts f Erery DescriptioB. !J = * GO A I* WH1TTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, MoCorniok Building. London Hardwin Wm G, emp U P depot, res 248 W North Temple. 9 :u, Hardy Miss Alice, bds 553 E First South. fn Hardy Annie K (wid Rufus H), teacher, res 7 Fourth East. Rogers, Searles Ho GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 SUrn of Biir Pan. 48 and 44 W. 2d South. J ^^ \JJ I .^ \JJ 352 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Hardy Bertha (wid Wm), res 58 Ninth East. Hardy Charles \V, surveyor, res 553 E First South. Hardy Ernest S, warehouseman G F Culmer & Bro, res 360 W Second North. Hardy Esther (wid L W), w s of Ninth E, bet I ith and I2th S. Hardy Miss Ethel, res 243 E Third South! Hardy Mrs Eva P, res 243 E Third South. Hardy George, res s s Eleventh South, w of Seventh East. Hardy George G, elk Hardy- Young Co, res 428 E Second S. Hardy George L, emp Geo M Scott & Co, res 243 E Third S. Hardy Harriet A (wid Leonard W), midwife, res 330 N 3d W. Hardy Harvey, Mngr Midland Investment Co, Real Estate and Mines, Selectman Salt Lake Co, office 1 1 W Second S, res 375 S First West. Hardy James D, carp, res 645 N Second West. ^ O Hardy Jesse W, elk Hardy- Young Co, res I ith S, bet 6th & ;th E. Hardy Miss Jessie, res rear 746 E Seventh South. ^. I Hardy Josiah H, carp, res 128 P. ^- Hardy Leonard G, County Collector and Bishop Second _ Ward L D S, res 1 170 Fifth East. H Hardy Lawrence W (Geo W Jones, R R Ticket Broker), 2i | g$ 230 S Main, res 326 S West Temple. g Hardy Miss Maud, res 375 S First West. 1 Hardy Mrs Sarah C, res 547 E First South. ^ Hardy Oscar H, Treas Hardy- Young Co, res 326 W Sec- ^ ond North. TJ O Hardy Owen S, emp Pacific Lum Co, res w s 9th East, s of I ith S. =5" CJ Hardy Vernon S, mngr G F Culmer Bros, res 33 C. fj pq Hardy William B, bishop L D S Mountain Dell, res same. , 1 Hardy, Young & Co, see ihc co's, Dealers in Dry Goods, - ^ Groceries, Boots, Shoes, etc, 28 and 30 S Main, see margin on cover. ^3 i_i Hare James, lab, res 1 109 Second. P-H Hargrave Robert E (H & Alexander), res 249 E Sixth South. ^ Hargrave & Alexander (Robt E H & A A A), Gladstone Res- I taurant, 47 Commercial. zc , Haringer Albert T, foreman Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass Bot- ^ tling Wks, res 430 W Third North. Harkaway John, farmer, res Murray. Harken Patrick, emp Mason Co, res 135 S Fourth West. ^ Harker Frank, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. ?S Hark i us William, General Contractor, res 1 36 W S Temple. , SflLT Salt Late B|. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 353 Harkins Wm, lab S L C R R. Harkness A R, bds Walker House. Harkness Martin K, miner, res 537 S First West. Harkness Robt, atty-at-law with Bennett, Marshall & Bradley 163 S Main, res 309 E South Temple. Harlen Gustav B, lab, res Murray. Harley Edward J, real est, res 975 E Twelfth South. Harley Miss Margaret E, res 945 E South Boulevard. Harlow Wm L (H & Brace), res 128 W North Temple. Harlow & Brace (Wm L H & Frank E B), Sigh Writers, 224 S Main. Harman Benjamin, lab, res 946 W North Temple. Harman Chas, elk, bds 946 W North Temple. Harman Chas M, teamster, res 123 N Sixth West. m Harman Chas Jr, res rear 144 N Sixth West. S Harman Clarence, City Mngr Singer Mnfg Co, res 274 E Si Third South. 5 Harman David, R R contr, res 946 W North Temple. Harman David J, lab, res 946 W North Temple, CO Harman David R, tmstr, bds 970 W First North. CZ Harman Edwin, cont, res 970 W First North. CD Harman George, lab, bds 970 W First North. jEj Harman Hannah (wid Charles S), res 954 W North Temple. CD Harman Isaac, lab, res 128 N Ninth West. 3g Harman J, emp W Harkins. CD Harman John T, res 217 S First West. Harman Miss Maggie, res 946 W North Temple. v< Harman Maria, res 12 Social Hall ave. g- Harman Mrs Nellie, bkpr Singer M Co, res 274 E Third South. Harmon Richard, bottler, bds 2175 First West. Q Harman Wm M, tmstr, res 135 N Sixth West. Harmoning August, emp Grant Bros L & T Co, res rear 658 E - Third South. ^ Harms Emma (wid), res 107 Pear. w Harmon Jesse M, collector McCoy & Kendall, res 214^ S State. Harmony Dancing Club, P L Williams pres, Boyd Park vice H pres, W E Lake secy. Harnes Chas, lab, res Sugar House Ward. Harnes C E, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. S (/> Harnyok August, cigarmkr, bds 227 E Second South. $IjJ Harper Miss Amy, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 474 W 7th S. g m Harper Edw, carp, res cor Twelfth West and Ninth North. Hjfl CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303 & 305 Mccornicfc Bide., SALT LAKE CITY, P.O. Box 492. Telephone CM. Shirts f Description. ffHTTEJIORE, COORE & CO., RAX Room 310, MeCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets. 15,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York ....Assets, $1.597,375.41 354 RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. res B A S J O. i Harper E, emp Pioneer Nurseries, res same. Harper Geo, gardener, res 474 W Seventh South. Harper Jesse O, fireman, bds 474 W Seventh South. Harper Orson, elk ROW Ry, res Poplar Grove. G Harper Robert A, plumber, res 1 145 E Fourth South. Y Harper Susan (wid Elijah) bds 280 G. T Harper Tlios E 9 Grocery Store 71 E Second South, R. 280 G. Harper Col Wm, eng U P Ry, res U P Hotel. Harard Isaac, lab Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. Harr Lawrence F, Cigar Stand 241 S Main, res 128 E Fifth South. Harrell Mark, cond R T, res 752 E Second South. Harrigan Frank, Contractor Cement Sidewalks, 276 S Main, res 635 S Main. Harrington A Fred, carp, res West Grand View Add. Harrington Berzilla S (Harrington & Donnelly), res Bellevue Park Addition. | Harrington Miss Blanche, res 821 W Third South. " Harrington I>aiil. Atty-at-Law & Notary Public, 312-313 15 1 Constitution bldg, res e s 7th East, bet I ith and I2th South, gj | Harrington Frank A, res s e cor Fourth and F. a Harrington Lucy A (wid Barzilla), res e s Lincoln av, s of loth S. J Harrington Walter B, contractor, res 821 W Third South. | Harrington Wm, waiter Walker House Dining Room, bds same. O| Harrington fc Donnelly (B S H and J D), Real Estate, Mines, Loans and Investments, 9 W Second South. Harris Bagley, lab, res Forest Dale. Harris Benjamin, farmer, res Sugar House Ward bet Eleventh and Twelfth South, e of Fourteenth East. Harris Bernard, miner, res 179 C. Harris Building, 233 State. Harris Butle, emp R G W Ky, bds 42 S Fourth West. Harris Charles F, bill poster W B P Co, res 275 Third East. Harris Edmund G, plumber, res 461 Sixth East. Harris Edward, solicitor Irrigation Age, res 43 Almond. Harris Edward, candy mkr, res 323 Sixth East. Harris Edwin C, carp loth Ward L & B Assn,res443 7th E. Harris Elizabeth (wid Edmund), res 461 Sixth East. Harris Miss Emma, res 323 Sixth East. Harris Mrs E (wid), res 179 C. Harris Fisher S, chf elk Hotel Knutsford, res 736 S Owen. O 3 oo CD GO CD CD CJ tr> CD CD 3! CO CO n, CD Sfl SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY.. R,H, Officer KoJSSAYERS. 169 S. West Tempi* Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 355 Harris Frank, sec W S R Transit Co, res cor 4th E & 2d South. ZZJ 00 Harris Frank (H & Wilson), res 405 E Second South. Harris Furniture & Carpet House (Hyman Harris), o Carpets, Furniture and Fixtures, 238 S State. Harris Miss Hattie, bds 461 Sixth East. Harris H L, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Harris H P, civ eng, res Albany Hotel. Harris H H, farmer, Sugar House Ward. r _ Harris Hyman, prop Harris Furn & Carpet House, res 616 E Z3 ^ Fourth South. 13 7 ; Harris James, stonecutter Watson Bros, res Agricultural Park ad. CD 3 Harris James W, genl store 210 C, res same. 1 Harris Jane C (wid Thomas), res 244 N Seventh West. Q QO Harris Jane E (wid Thomas), res 637 N Second West. O ~" Harris John, mnfg conf 329 Sixth East, res 323 Sixth East. Harris John, res 524 E Second South. ~ r Harris John (col'd), hostler, res 266 S First West. QJ , Harris J, lab Ploulahan, Griffiths & Morris. ^^ Harris John H, attorney-at-law 103 Wasatch bldg, res 21 ESS. g ^ Harris Joseph T, upholsterer R G W Ry, res 443 Seventh East. CD ? : Harris Joshua, carp, res 443 Seventh East. i~ Harris Levi, mess R G W Ry, res 420 S Fourth West. ^" Harris Miss Lizzie, res 323 Sixth East. Z Harris Mary A, nurse, res 524 E Second South. ^ Harris Rebekah (wid Thomas), res 45 I y 2 S Main. 13 Harris Thomas, coal and kindling peddler, res rear 147 S West ^ j Temple. ^ZZJ Harris Thomas E, County Coroner 3175 Main, res 151 S West CO Temple. Harris Thomas F, cook, res 158 E Third South. O CO Harris Thos H, horse trainer, res Sugar House Ward. Harris Wm, emp S L Litho Co, res 323 S Sixth East. C2D Harris Wm, emp S L C R R, res 68 E Seventh South. . Harris Wm, motorman S L C R R, res 131 Second East. ^ Harris Wm T, janitor Tenth School, res 503 Seventh East. *C3 Harris & Wilson (Frank H & E Welsey W), loans and insur- ^r ance, 221 S Main. *' Harrison Mrs Adella, res 257 W South Temple. 9^ Harrison Alexander (col'd), calciminer, res rear 305 S State. O Harrison Miss Carrie, res 109 Currant. o3 Harrison Elias L T (H & Nichols), res 109 Currant. pn Harrison Miss Emma, emp Thos Slight, res 1 12 Pear. Irrigation flge Printing House, RailrosilfindCoiiilliercialpriilte ^ Eatimatca Furnished 011 all Kinds of Work. 26 W. Third Soil til. O Pi O m O o SALT LAKE HARDWARECO,li Sisrn of Ills Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j n Fine Builders and House-mr- Hardware. Stoves d Ranees, Refrigerators d Gasoline Stoves. *? 356 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 2 5 Harrison Miss Florence, res 109 Currant. | . Harrison George, gardener, res 30 L. M Harrison Henry C (H C H & Co), res 221 Second East. 1 Harrison H C & Co (H C Harrison, B Williams and H R Nugent), C Oxford Club, 30 W Second South. c X Harrison James H, engraver, res 1138 E Fifth South. E Harrison James W, lab, res 577 N First West. Harrison Jane E (wid Hyrum H), res 221 Second East. 3) Harrison Joseph H, quarry man, res 112 Pear. Harrison Joseph W, salesman Tullidge & Co, res 73 S. &6 Harrison J W, emp frt dept U P Ry, res 577 N First West. Harrison Lester C, mining, res 218 Third East. P Harrison Mary A (wid Joseph), emp Thos Slight, res 112 Pear. 1 Harrison Robert, shoemkr, res 577 N First West. g~ Harrison Robert Jr, cigar stand 10 E F^irst S, res 577 N First W. Harrison Wm H, elk loth Ward Co-op Store, res 816 E Fifth S. - Harrison & \ i hols. (Elias L T H & Henry W N), Archi- ^ tects, 10 1 S West Temple. C! Harron Jane O, res 459 Third. ^5 Harron Martin, gardener, res 432 W Eighth South. Harrop Miss Annie, waitress Brooks Arcade, res 355 Third E. ^ Harrow Samuel H, comp Deseret News, res 338 W Seventh S. g Harry George, carp, res Eleventh East s of Eleventh South. Harry Joseph F, carp, res w s of Ninth East s of Tenth South. o w Harston Catherine (wid John), res Mill Creek. Hart Mrs Alice, rms 76 First South r Hart Mrs Annie, forewoman Emp Mnfg Co, res 277 C. Hart Charles H (C H H & Co), res 25 Eighth East. CJ Hart Charles H & Co (C H Hart), dealers in coal oil 18 W 2d S. Hart C M, waiter, rms 436 S West Temple. Hart Edwin F, lab, res 222 E Fifth South. Hart Elizabeth, res 675 Fifth East. Hart Frank L, comp Daily Reporter, res 346 E Sixth South. Hart James, emp W Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Hart John, emp W Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Hart Miss Nora B, school tchr, res 346 E Sixth South. ^ Hart Peter E, carp and bldr, res 346 E Sixth South. Hart William T, packer Hewlett Bros, res 675 Fifth East. 5 t-J Harte Charles T, printer, bds Walker House. " CD 03 CD. GO* 03 CO oo MM BO 1 man ml A, Barber Shop, 1355 Main, res ?* 568 Second. B g. Harter John R, gardener, res 571 E Sixth South. ! I WHIP ^er of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Mouldings. LJUy UU Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255 DISTILLED WATER ICE. 3 O 0) 5 RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 357 > O z N m H m O m r m m o CO _J J III U Harter John R, Jr, watchmkr and jeweler, res rear 541 E 6th S. Harter Saml, machinist U P Ry, res 12 Locust. Harter Simon, emp U P Ry, res 12 Locust. Hartford John B, broker, 510 Dooly block, res Walker. Hartig Miss Lizzie, res 436 W Third North. Hartleiner H L, tailor W'allace & Co, rms rear 125 State, Hartley Heber W, elk Am Col Agcy of Utah, res 41 1 N 6th W. Hartman, see Hardman. Hartman Anton, blacksmith, res 32 S Fifth West. Hartman Eli, plasterer, res 352 W North Temple. Hartman Frank, barkpr, res St James Hotel. Hartman Jay, elk W J DeBruhl, rms 374 W Second South. Hartman John, teamster, res 624 S Eighth West. Hartman Wm F, photographer, res 352 W North Temple. Hartwell Byron E, blksmith Frevert & Co, res 26 Seventh East. Hartwell Byron J, painter, bds 26 Seventh East. >: Hartwell David L, bds 26 Seventh East. j Hartwell Miss Ella, bds 124 Sixth East. * Hartwell Miss Jenny, bds 124 Sixth East, u Hartwell Maggie J (Frevert & Co), res 26 Seventh East. J Hartwell Orville E, carp, res i 56 Sixth East. < Hartwell Miss Rose, res 124 Sixth East. tf Harves Henry A, trav salesman Symns Grocer Co, bds Templeton, . Harvey Andrew W, harnessmkr, res 262 Wall. Harvey Barney C (H & Elmer) and Ontario Saloon, 63 W Sec- ond South, res same. J Harvey Miss Blanche, res First South bet 2d and 3d West. Harvey Chester W, Physician and Surgeon, 13 to 18 Mer- 3 cantile Block, res 150 Mitchell ave. Harvey Frank, res 343 W First South. J^ Harvey Fred, carp, res 710 W Third North. jp_J Harvey Israel, elk S J Nathan, res 534 E Fifth South. i^ Harvey Jas M, city watermaster, res 10 Willard Court. >z Harvey John C (J C Harvey & Co), res 343 W First South. Harvey J C & Co (John C Harvey), propr Wagner's Saloon 17 E Second South. Harvey John J, bkpr R G W frght office, rms 314 S ist West. Harvey Mary A (wid Chas), res 367 E Eighth South. Harvey Martha (wid), res 146 S Second West. Harvey Miss Rinda, dressmkr Mme Ross, res 367 E 8th South. Harvey Win J, Attorney-at-Law and Real Estate, res 466 S First West. * to Morrison, Merrill & Go, Prices and Estimates on all kinus of Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., 8 -" Capital 84.000,000. Surplus 82OO.OOO. COL MAIN (LQu FIRST SOUTH, . g, 358 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. w 1 Harvey & Elmer (B C H & A E), Senate saloon 222 S Main. e - Harwood Geo H, lab, res Third South w of Jordan. ji Harwood Jessie, res 308 W Third South. ft S Harwood J T, artist, 516 McCornick Block. 5 j Harwood Miss Lillie, domestic 442 W Sixth South. H o Hasbrouck Richard A, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, 206 Constitution Bldg, res s w cor Seventh E and Roper. I S Haseltine Mrs R, res Albany Hotel. i 2 Haskins Daniel, engr G S L & Hot Sprgs R R Co, res 349 W North Temple. 3 9 Haskins Ezra D, bds Grand Hotel. J Haslam Brigham, butcher White & Sons Co, res 337 N 6th W. 4 - Haslam Bros (Robt H, Joseph H & James N), meat market and 3 W mdse, 517 W First North. Haslam Miss Emma, emp J C Cutler & Bro, Knitting Factory, Of res 767 W Third North. LU Haslam Miss Florence, res 767 W Third North. 5 Haslam Ernest, lab, res 767 W Third North. a 2c Haslam Heber, lab, bds 767 W Third North. CO Haslam James K, carp, res 273 N Fifth West. *S 2E Haslam James N (H Bros), res 359 N Sixth West. ~ 3 JJ Haslam John R, gardener, res 767 W Third North. * J CD Haslam John W, carp, res 544 W Third North. * 5 Z Haslam Joseph H (H Bros), res 353 N Sixth West. ' Haslam Margaret H (wid John, res 337 N Sixth West. ff . gC Haslam Miss Martha J, res 273 N Fifth West. Jy tjj Haslam Robert H (H Bros), res 246 N Fifth West. CD gC Haslam Sarah (wid Robt H), res 323 E Second South. & O^ Haslam Mrs Sarah E, res 639 W Second North. 3 LU Haslam Sarah E, res 320 W Sixth North. CD Haslam Mrs Sarah A, res East Mill Creek. O ^ Hasler Joseph, bartndr, res 574 E Sixth South. J __ Haslet Plumber B, eng R G W Ry, res 722 W First South. "* _ Haslin Annie (wid), res 705 Third East. Jr CO Hassel Miss Mattie, domestic U P Hotel. 2+. Hassett Mary, domestic, res 127 Twelfth East. Hassing Charles, elk, bds 1023 E Fourth South. O Hassing Odin, teamster J A Petersen, res 1023 E Fourth South. Q" Hassing Otto, printer C R Savage, res 1023 E Fourth South. p _ Hastings Robert, stone mason, res Tremont House. 3 Hastings Dorthea C (wid Gad), res 120 H. 5* Hatch Abram, eng U P R Ry, res 660 W South Temple. gn LOANS A SPECIALTY, C SS I g!?- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. I 5S2SSfcB& Beal Estatfi Broker, H. p. G. COITKS. I E. i. SHEETS. Room 12. comm^iai Block. R.H. Officer Ko.,ASSAYEBS.S.^S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 359 *-: O .2 Hatch Mrs Mary A, res 423 N Fifth West. 'CO Hatcher J N, emp U P Ry, rms Culmer Blk. ^ Hatcher Joseph W, elk frt office U P Ry, res 147 E 2d South. 5=1 .c: Hatfield Edward (col'd), lab, res 174 S State. t Hatfield I, res 42 W Third South. -^ Vj Hatfield John F, eng, res 136 N Sixth West. - Hatfield Samuel, brickmkr, res 136 N Sixth West. Q3 Hatheway S, farmer, res 256 W South Temple. p^ :ZI Hatt John, gardener, res 184 D 2t Hatwicker John, res 20 Hazel Court. j=? Hauck C E, brakeman R G W Ry, bds 2 1 1 S Fifth West. O Hauenstein Louis G, elk auditor's office R G W Ry, res 43 1 E Second South. Hauerbach Adolplu jeweler and watchmkr 69 E Second L South, res cor East Capitol and Lafayette. mm* Haurbach James, watchmkr, res 769 Fourth East. UL Hauerbach Julius, elk 69 E Second South, res cor East Capitol and Lafayette. Hauerbach's Quadrille Band, William Thornburg prompter, 69 f > E Second South. Ill Hauerbach William P, elk 69 E Second South, res cor East ^ Capitol and Lafayette. Hauk Mary (wid Alvarus), res 841 E First South. ^3 ||J Haun Charles D, farmer, res West Jordan. Q Hause Joseph, res room 20, 44 W First South. Hauser V, res Fourth South bet Tenth and Eleventh West. Cf Hauswirth John, carp, res 962 W Sixth South. Haven George D, mining, res 454 E Brigham. ^ Havenor William M, cond U P Ry, res 4 Whitney Terrace. 1 ^ Havens Charles, R R ticket broker 109 W Second South, res ^^ ||J 744 S First West. Havens Horace, chef Hotel Knutsford. fft Haverstick Geo B, elk E G Hines & Co, res 165 S West Temp. ^ Havey Geo A, carp, res Sugar House Ward. . Hawkens Miss L W, res 343 W First South. Hawker Miss Amy, res 252 E Third South. Hawker Miss Amy, res 558 E Fifth South. Hawkes Charles, collector Geo M Scott & Co, res 135 Sixth E. s Hawkes Charles T, bkpr, res 135 Sixth East. CO Hawkes Frank W, res 135 Sixth East. Hawkes George, delvyman B K Bloch & Co, res 853 E Third S. * O Hawkes George A, res 135 J. CO Roprs,Searles&Go GENERAL INSURANCE. 11 ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.} Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 3d South, j iiiii*, \inmiiiittioii. frine* nt- lory. Fi-hingr Tackle and Sporting Goods. Guns Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Tent* for Rent. 360 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Hawkes George A Jr, cashier D & R G Exp, res 135 J. Hawkes Geo B, asst assayer R H Officer, res 135 Sixth East. Hawkes Heber, engr U C Ry, res 704 S Eighth West. Hawkes Mary E, tchr, bds 135 Sixth East. ! Hawkes Thomas, umbrellamkr, res rear 853 E Third South. |^ Hawkes Wm, lab, res 843 E Third South. ^ Hawkes Rev Winfield S, res 135 Sixth East O Hawking Frank J, elk Eli L Price, res 261 E Sixth South. Hawkins Bros (Creighton and Riego), carpenters, 648 E 7th S. Hawkins Chas, eng Progress bldg, res 552 W North Temple. Hawkins Creighton (H Bros), res 648 E Seventh South. Hawkins Eleanor C (wid John S), res 877 E Second South. Hawkins Miss Ella, res Hansen's Court. Hawkins Mrs Emma, res 246 W South Temple. Hawkins Geo L. stonecutter, res 748 S First West. Hawkins Geo T, harnessmkr J W Jenkins & Sons, res 142 W ( . First South. Hawkins Mrs Harriet, res 561 E First South. ^J Hawkins John, res 566 Third East. h Hawkins John B, blacksmith, res 565 S State. Hawkins John M, bds 565 State. 2i "Jj" Hawkins Leo, studt, res 648 E Seventh South. 5 ^ Hawkins Mrs Nellie (wid John), res 877 E Second South. p . g Hawkins Richard, lab, res Murray. TjJ * Hawkins Riego, carp Hawkins Bros, res 658 E Seventh South. " - 61 Hawkstratt S, lab city street dept. I? - Hawley Charles M, bkpr McCornick's Bank, res 3 Third East. =3" ^-j Hawley Curtis B, mach, res 52 N First West ED Hawley Cyrus L, paying teller Utah Nat'l Bank, res 953 First. ^ Hawley Miss Jennie, elk gen'l del dept P O, res 414 Sixth East. " Hawley William E, bartndr, res 3 Kendall Terrace, Hawson Lewis, carp, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ^_ Hawxhurst Elisha, carp, res I ith E s of I ith S. p~j Hawxhurst Jacob, carp, res 42 W Sixth South. CO Hay Ann (wid Robert), res 226 G. * Hay Miss Christina, dressmkr 61 Mercantile Blk, res 718 V Second North. Hay James, elk Z C M I, res 226 G. Hay James D, cook Brooks Arcade Dining Parlors, res rear 42 3 Eg First North. Hay James R, elk Z C M I, res 221 C. Hay Miss Mary, bds 226 G. *3 CO . 5" 1 1 ifun o 09 O * fr CO -I J 111 iii JJHEBICllHISCUITtHIIIUFIICTUBlie CO.. Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 361 Hay Miss Rubina, emp Utah Stm Lndy, res 60 N Second West. Hay Sarah, domestic 167 D. Hayden Miss Charlotte E, prin preparatory dept St Mark's School, bds Morgan Hotel. Hayden John, night elk White House, res same. Hayden John H, porter, res 5 Denver Court. Hays Jacob T, elk C H Parsons, rms 157 State. Hayes John, comp Deseret News, res 404 S Fourth West. Hayes John C, elk, res 276 W North Temple. Hayes J F, emp city street dept. Hayes John F, watchman, res 17 N Canyon Road. ^ Hayes Miss Mamie, elk Wm Hayes, res 258 W Third North. QJ Hayes Mrs Mary A, res 232 E Fourth South. Hayes Mrs Sady, dressmkr, res 7 Roberts' Court. Hayes Wm, genl mdse 260 W Third North, res same. gj Hayman Frank T, elk Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 244 S W Tern, jj* Haynes, see Haines. -J Haynes Harry (Cahoon & H), and Dealer in General Mer- ^ Q chandise and Liquors, w s State, Murray. CO w Haynes Henry (H & Son), res 158 N Second West. 5 10 Haynes Hyrum E (H & Son), res 677 N Second West. SJ < Haynes Joseph, lab, res 636 W First North. % Haynes Martin R, real est, res 158 E Second South. P 3 < Haynes $r Son (Henry & Hyrum E Haynes), Boiler Makers, 5g -i Repairing a Specialty, 245 W South Temple, see adv. ? Haynes Miss Sarah H, res 158 N Second West. J jjj Hajs Emily (wid) res 724 E Fourth South. 5 Hays J J, lab U P Ry, res 72 S Fourth West. O 3 Hays Mrs Mary, res 232 E Fourth South. ,- Haystings Martin, carp, res 741 E Fourth South. O Hayward Alfred C, res 606 W Second North. SJ Hayward Arthur G, carp, res 566 W Second North. * Hayward Charles E, upholsterer Barratt Bros, res 363 W 1st N. |o Hayward Frank, plumber J-S-B Co, res 363 W First North. * Hayward Fred F, carp, res Indiana ave, s e cor Cheyenne. Hayward Henry J, pres S L B & Mnfg Co, res rear 341 W 4th N. Hayward Miss K, dressmkr, res 363 W First North. JJJ z; Hayward Sarah A (wid Gammon), res 363 W First North. Hayward Miss S E, dressmkr, bds 363 W First North. H {j| Hay wood, see Hey wood. Q 33 Haywood E, eng city grav train street dept, H jjj Hay wood George, cement contractor, res 852 W South Temple. F ^ CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303 & 305 Mccornicfc Bide., SALT LAKE CITY. P. Box W. TfiepkMi Ml. Shirts of Kvery Description. WH1TTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, MoCornick Building. London * O 6Q M fflCA DCO at Be Haywood George, lab city street dept. Haywood Joseph, lab, res Murray. Haywood J W, bkpr, bds Morgan. *(J5 Haywood Miss Lulu, bkpr Jno McDonald & Sons, res 333 Fourth c Hazeldine Mrs Annie, res 563 E Third South. Hazelgrove Edward W, elk Bradstreet Merc Agency, res 540 E First South. Hazelgrove Henry D, res 540 E First South. Hazelgrove Isaac B, mining supt, res 540 E First South. Hazelgrove Louis J, res 540 E First South. Hazelgrove Walter C, res 540 E First South. Hazel wood E J, mach, R G W Ry, res 7th S and loth W. Hazen George, foreman U P Ry blksmith shop, res 303 N 3d W. S Hazen Robert, res S Temple w of Jordan, o z Hazen Robert Jr, emp S L C Ry, res S Temple w of Jordan. Hazen Samuel, emp S L C Ry, res N Temple w of Jordan. 2 < Hazeur August N, porter Druehl & Franken drug store, res iT^ 7 Denver Court. h Hazlett Andrew, lab, res 226 W North Temple. g a Hazlett Brooks, res 722 W First South. *_ Headlight Restaurant, 21 1 S Fifth West. %2 Headburg, see Hedberg. CO Headburg Albert L, elk S L Hardware Co, res 56 S First W. &P Headburg Philaiiiou T, Inspector Utah Demurrage As- sociation, Dooly Blk, res 443 W Third South. ; Headlund J A, buildr and contr, res York, bet loth and i ith S. -Q Heagren Charles W, cook, res 228 E Fifth South. Heagren Elizabeth (wid John), res 228 E Fifth South. co Heagren Elizabeth (wid John), res 643 S Fifth West. Heagren Harry W, emp S S Dickinson & Co, bds 645 S 5th W. -3 Heagren John, cook city water works, res same. SS Heagren Wm, cook city water works, res same. - C3 Healey E H, lab, res 230 A. CD Healey Fred W, teamster city, res 52 E Second South. 5 Healy Edith, tchr, res 216 Fifth East. Q. Healy Eliot H, lab, res Fifth West and First North. S Healy Fred W, lab, res Prospect Park. Heaps David, pass cond U P Ry, res 1086 Third. r Heaps David E, car insp S L C R R, res 1086 Third. Heaps E, car repairer S L C R R. Heaps Thomas T, lab, res 1086 Third. Hearn Robert B, lab, res Murray. CD 03 =3 03 CO CD crtj CD CO CD CD CD cna 01=3 |TiCO T1CO oto SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. "^!^0,^9ndBlaiik Book Making, 555n^. e -!l^ tht *"""" ICO 52 W. Second South. Telephone 240. B.H. Officer Ho.. ASSAYEBS.ataS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 363 C/3 Heartel Hilding, lab, 339 Express ave. Heartel Mrs Olivia, res 339 Express ave. >C3 Heath Miss Cordelia, res 322 W Third South. Heath Francis D, lab, res 626 S West Temple. & Heath Frederick, farmer, res 626 S West Temple. Heath Frederick G (Yeadon & H), res 1 5 i W Sixth South. Heath Miss Hattie, res 322 W Third South. CO Heath Henry, capitalist, res 322 W Third South. Heath Henry F, carp, res 910 W Cannon. Heath H, mounted policeman, res 105 W Sixth South. Heath H A, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Heath Henry O, farmer, res 153 W Sixth South. Heath Horace A, policeman, res 135 W Sixth South. Heath John F, res Fremont, s of Roper. Heath Joseph A, farmer, res 149 W Sixth South. Heath John W, carp, res' 527 W Third South. Heath Roswell F, carp, res 662 Fourth East. Heath Walter, res 322 W Third South. Heathcote Emily (wid James), res 271 I. L Heaton Henry, mach R G W Ry, res 830 Cannon. Hecker Sidney, asst foreman Tribune, res 135 W North Temple. ~ Heckman Wm J, motorman, res 65 L. " Heckman Jno, switchman R G W Ry, res 224 Valeria ave. Heckner Rev Christian, pastor First Scandinavian M E Church, res 158 Second East. "! Hedberg, see Headburg. Hedfoerg August Li 9 Tailor, res 225 Fern. ftl Hedberg Lawrence, tailor, res Murray. Hedberg Mrs Mary C, res 225 Fern. jg Heddrington Mrs Mary A, res 232 S Fourth West. Hedelins C G, res 32 Union ave. Hedelins Carl W, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 32 Union ave. (/) Hedelins Hilda, domestic 450 E South Temple. tQ Heding Carl, res 437 Hazel Court, off E 4th S bet 5th and 6th E. 2- Hedges George E (Bridgeford & H), res 531 S West Temple. ^ Hedges George W, musician, res 3 Ninth East. Hedges John H, treas Utah Gold and Silver Extraction Co, res I-**" (0 North Salt Lake. Hedman Albert, plasterer, res 727 Seventh South. Hedman Edwin, farmer, res Mill Creek. S. Hedman Miss Gertrude M, domestic 543 E Fourth South. po Hedman Helen, domestic 131 Fourth East. 3 The taxation Age Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World. Offices, Salt Lake. Denver, Man Franclacot _ _ 26 W. 84 South St. 76 Railroad Bldf. 841 Harkit St. SUIT LAKE HARDWARE COJL,,,,,.,.,*,,,,,,^ Sign of Bl? Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) and Fishing Tackle. . 364 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. W Heermance Charles S, pressman, res rear 451 W Seventh South. | Heesch Charles Jr, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, res 740 E X South Temple. j Heesch Mrs C, res 742 E South Temple. Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, see inc co's, John Davies Sec, o Plumbers, Gas, Steam and Electric Fitters and Cornice wjj Manufacturers, 49 E First South, see side margins. 3 <3 Heesch John C, pres Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, res 742 E J.S South Temple. D-g Heesyer Ben, emp S L C R R Co. BO C Hefferman John J, printer, res 223 W Sixth South. C"D > Q HefTern Ed, elk The Tunnel Restaurant, res Dr Sprague's. Hefner H, miner, bds Cullen. -Q Heftcr Miss Sophia, res 69 W First South. rn Q Hefty Addie, bds 725 S First West. " H o Hefty Samuel, contractor and builder, res 725 S First West. Hefty William H, bds 725 S First West. j g Hegg Edward D, spec'l agt R G W Ry, res 44 Somerby. $ Hegiiey James. Proprietor Rio Grande Hotel, res same. J Hegney Joseph, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Hegney Patrick, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. co Heidean Mike, lab, res 534 W Fourth North. Heikes Chas D, lab U P Ry, res 50 S Fourth West. Heikes V S, res 169 S West Temple. If eil John Jr. Pres Mountain Ice & Cold Storage Co, res 860 S Third West. Heil John, teamster city street dept. Heiii Paul. Prop Lincoln House 68 E First South, res same. Heincke Aug, lithographer S L Litho Co, res 333 S 1st West. Heincke Simon (Schwarz & H), res I ith East s of nth South. Heinson T J, foreman Heesch-Davies S Co Cornice Wks, res Second West bet Sixth and Seventh South. Heintz Geo W, elk R G W Ry, res 5 1 5 E First South. Heir John, glass mnfr, res w s 7th East bet I ith and I2th South. Heiser O H, bkpr Mingo Smelting Co, res 5 Kendall ave. Heizmann Maj C L, post surgeon, res Fort Douglas. <- Held C F, emp S L C R R Co. I Held Charles P (Nassau Collection Bureau), 5 14 McCornick * Blh, res 375 Sixth. f CO Held Jacques, jeweler, res 303 E. Held John, engraver and sec Magazine Print Co, res 333 D. Held Miss Pauline, res cor Sixth and E. D ADI/ CD 9 nCDHC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnrVtn & Utrut, IUBBER AND IMPORTED ASD AMERICAS CEMESTS. Cor. 2d Houth and. 3d West. Tel. 255. r - ~ 03 CO CO CD CO MOUNTAIN ICE GO TEL.EPHOSTE 43. 3 O CO RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 365 _ Held's Band and Orchestra, W G Clark mngr, 19 W S Temple. ' Helberg Annie (wid August), res 1 14 S State. Helberg Carl, wks Sorensen & Nelson, res 523 Second East. Helbing Johanna (wid John), res rear 523 Second East. Heldberry Gustave, painter, res 50 N First West. Heldman Charles, cook W R Gibbs & Co, 53 W Second South. Helfred John, res 541 S State. Helgesen Ole, tailor American Tailoring Co, res 106 Centre. 3 Heline William, carp, res 15 Ninth East. < Hellberg August (H & Landgreen), res 235 Canyon Road. ^^ Heller Adolph, butcher S L Meat Co, 2 Denver Court. Hellstrom Charles A, tmstr, res 95 I E First South. Hellstrom Christina (wid Charles), res 951 E First South. Hellstrom Lee, bartndr, res 540 Third East. Helm Elizabeth, res Mill Creek. CD -j >- Helm Joseph, farmer, res Murray. H H Helmle Alex E, lithographer S L Lith Co, res 333 S 1st West. C Q ^ Helme W 7 m, real est, 9 Ninth East. |"^p .T Q Heman John H, tchr languages, res 522 E Third South. UJ Hemenway Oscar, elk Roberts & Nelden, res 234 S Main. J; Hennesey M L, head foreman city, res 537 S Second West. ^ Hemmings Wm, blacksmith, bds 253 S Fifth West. ^ Hemmings W H, blacksmith R G W Ry, res 253 S Fifth West. ^ * Hemphecy James, stone cutter, res 806 W Second South. CO ft ^ Hemphill David E 9 Examiner Graves & Vinton Co. See (Q -i page 16, Territorial Dept. ^j5 H^ Hempstead Miss Annie, bds 175 N Main. _. ft CO Hempstead Miss Florence, res. 321 S Third East. QJ flj H! Hempstead Lulu K, bds 175 N Main. Z=t H Q Hempstead Mary V (wid Chas H), res 175 N Main. 2J ^j j Hemsley Edward, brickmkr, e s Twelfth East, 5 n of I2th S. Hemsley James, brickmason, bds w s I2th E, 3 n of I2th S, S Hemsley Job, mason, s e cor Thirteenth E and Twelfth South. a, Hemsley Richard, mason, w s Twelfth E, 3 n of Twelfth South, -i^ Hemsley Mrs Victoria, bds e s Twelfth E, 5 n of Twelfth South. C Hencley James, lab, res 550 E Third South. Hend Thomas, stonemason, res Grand Central Lodging House. 55 ^ Henderson Miss Bella, res 467 S West Temple. jj[" Henderson Charles A, cashier Studebaker Bros, res I Rose. rj Henderson Charles R, bkpr Studebaker Bros, res 916 S 4th W. Henderson Edward C, res 1009 S Third West. 25 S Henderson E C, emp S L C R R Co, res 183 J. g u ui Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Kiock Fa- cilities and Enterprise North U. P. Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. to 366 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ Henderson Chester S (Bader & H), res 467 S W Temple. 5 Henderson David, elk S P Teasdel, res 32 N Fifth West CQ 5 J Henderson Helen (wid John), res cor ist E and 2nd N. ft 9 Henderson Henry P (Brown & Henderson), res Templeton Hot. H Henderson Jane (wid John), res 852 W First North. H o Henderson Mrs Jane, res 168 W Fourth South. . 5 Henderson Thomas, lab, res w s Lake, Forest Dale add. j Henderson Wilfoer S 9 grocer 277 S Main, res 433 S Main. 2 "8 Henderson William, teamster, res 238 Wall. * Hendley Andrew, baker, res 915 E Fourth South. , Hemdon William V, barber, res 145 W Third South. 5 to Hendricks Edmund, lab, res West Temple s of Tenth South. ~f * ^ S Hendricks Miss Hilda, domestic 1321 E South Temple. 5 Hendricks J D, mng W C T U Restaurant, res 65 W ist S. __ Hendrickson Anna (wid Peter), res 106 Centre. ^ Hendrickson Andrew P, res 173 D. i j j Hendrickson Carrie, bds 106 Centre. w gg Hendrickson Miss Carrie, domestic 535 E Second South. J Hendrickson Garrett, fireman, w s Lake n of Tenth South. 5 ** rvt Hendrickson G, teamster city, res s e cor Liberty Park. ^ ? Sg Hendrickson Jas, lab, res 747 E Ninth South. ? g LLJ Hendrickson Miss Jennie, domestic 535 E Second South. r-% Hendrickson Miss Johanna, bds 106 Centre. * 3* Z Hendrickson Thos L, emp S L C R R Co, res 240 E Brigham. " ^* Hendrickson Albert, teamster, res 713 Eighth. CC Hendrickson Chas, teamster, bds 713 Eighth. *i Hendrickson Lawrence, stonemason, res w s Lake n of loth S. ^X Hendrickson Orville D, miner, res- 71 3 Eighth. J~ Hendrickson Wm H, contractor and bldr, w s Qth E n of I2th S. . i Hendry Daniel, lab, res s s Third N bet 7th and 8th West CD Hendry Hugh B, boiler mkr U P Ry, res 630 W First North. ^^ Hendry Miss Elizabeth, res 248 Ninth East. Hendry James, candy mkr H A Tuckett, res w s 7th E, bet 1 2th and 1 3th South C/5" Hendry Joseph, lab, res First North, west of Jordan. |25 Hendry Malcolm, lab S L C R R, res 8th S, bet 5th and 6th E. ,< Heney U B, machinist, res 630 W First North. P' r_jj Henges Henry C, miller S L Mill & E Co, res 88 Quince. O Henley Ada, res 134 E Third South. I ^ Hennas William, mach, rms 51 E Seventh South. Henne Eliz B, seamstress, res 314 Fourth. 00 Real Estate Broker, tT^t'c^ I MODBJ to Loan. a Specialty. H. P. 6. COATES. | E. I. SBEE1S, Boon 12, Commercial Blotk. B,H, Officer Ho ,,ASSAYERS.SS; RESIDENTS. OF SALT LAKE. 367 r CO -^J Hennefer Abram H, foreman Conklin Sampling Wks, res 873 *g Fourth East. g- ^3 Hennefer Edward E, lab, res 869 Fourth East 3 rc ^ Hennefer William (Hennefer & Son), res 244 3d East. p: Hennefer William H (Hennefer & Son), res State, s of loth South. ^ C3 Hennefer William H Jr, emp Warren Bros planing mill, res 873 prt OS Fourth East. r~). OD Hennefer & Son, barbers 59 E Second South. ^^ Hennessy Michael H, asst Street Supervisor, res 537 S 2d W. c, ^* Henny Miss Lizzie, dom 1525 E Fourth South. ^3 CO Henrietta Mining & Milling Co, see inc co's, Shand Smith sec, Q^ office 743 S West Temple, P O Box 570. Henry George (H & Norell), res rear 375 S State. "^ Henry S A (wid D S), teacher, res 29 S Third West. -g Henry Wm, real estate agt, res 406 E Third South. Henry Wm M, sec and treas The Sampson Mining Co, 602 3" McCornick Blk, res 767 S Main. co Henry & Noreli (George H & G W N), groceries, hay & grain, CD 375 S State. Hensey Bowdle (wid Hans), res s s I2th South, 2 e of 7th East. \J\ Hensgen August, architect, res Glen ave. ffl Henskin Mrs Cora, res cor Seventh South and Seventh East. ^ MBiA Hensler Wm H, salesman Cont Oil Co, res Second South, bet H-< Seventh and Eighth West. O Hensley A H, insp Telephone Co, rms 252 State. Q Henson Miss Otellia, dom 47 S First West. Henson Miss Willena, domestic 767 S Eighth West. O Henton Wallace E, capt No 2 Engine House, res 157 S 2d W. Hepburn George L, emp R G W Ry, res 255 S Fifth West. j: Hepner Mark, lab, res Bothwell ave. * Hepworth Miss Alice, elk Koltz K Kitchen, res 725 W First N. _ Hepworth James (T Hepworth & Sons), res 757 W First North. j*> ^ Hepworth John, butcher, res 571 S Main. Heywood Benj B (Utah Slaughtering Co), res 45 W 1st North. ^J Heywood Charles E, upholsterer, res 363 W First North. 5 m Heywood Ernest M, eng C P Ry, res 363 W First North. H CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303 & 305 McCornicK Bide., SALT LAKE CITY. P-0. B W. TelephoutWl. Shirts of Ewy Description. WIITTEHOIE, (WE & CO., Boom 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York ....Assets, $1,597,375.41 370 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. i N. blk. I Heywood Joseph L, Secy Utah Slaughtering Co, res 45 W ^L Heywood J W, bkpr Inland Crystal Salt Co, bds Morgan. I H Hiatt, see Hie ft and Hyatt. ^r Hiatt Frank T, loans, real est and mines, 16 and 17 Com'l re's Hotel Knutsford. Hiatt G F, carp, res 364 S Seventh West. ^ Hickcox Willis F, elk, rms 65 W First South. Hickenlooper George, studt U of U, res 446 S Second West. 2 Hickenlooper Sarah E (wid Wm), res 446 S Second West. co i Hickey James E, printer, res 311 S Second West. _* Hickman John E, dairyman, res State, bet 1 3th and I4th South. gf Hickman Mary H (wid John W), res rear 346 S 3d West. gj Hickman Mrs M J, res 50 W Fifth South. JB e Hickman Warren D, miner, res 264 Main. CJ | Hickok Mjss A Lulu, stenogr, res 723 Owen. * * Hickok Benjamin R, real estate, res 723 Owen. j oe Hickok Edward J (H Bouford & Co), res 277 E 5th South. J? H " Hickok Luther C, res 45 Ninth East. * jjj Hickok Miss Minnie F, res 723 Owen. c.;" Hickok Sarah A, Groceries and Provisions, 277 E Fifth ? South, res same. jj ^ 5 5 Hicks Christopher, lab, res 643 Ninth East. 06 Hicks C, res 731 E South Temple. .S | Hicks Edwin, gardener, res 473 E Ninth South. _gi Hicks Evelina A (wid Sylvanus), res 473 E Ninth South. E= Hicks Ephraim, res rear 135 E Fourth South. j| 3 Hicks Miss Geneva C, emp R Stenzel & Co, res 453 E pth S. ^ Hicks Harry, carp, res Sugar House Ward. Hicks Henry, lab, res 437 E Eighth South. ^= Hicks H F, carp, res n e cor Ninth East and Twelflh South. __ Hicks H S, Physician and Surgeon, Union Natl Bank bldg, rms same. I Hick James, res 527 E Eighth South. Hicks J S, emp William Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Hicks Joseph N, carp, res 453 E Ninth South. J>~ Hicks L A, res 242 W South Temple. Hicks Sisson N, plasterer, res 517 E Eighth South. j- Hicks William M 9 mngr Western Loan and Savings Co res 410 Sixth East. ^ ji Hidden Horace G, genl blcksmith 121 418 W Second South. E Fourth Sourth, res Hiett, see Hiatt and Hyatt. SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-OLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY.. R,H, Officer & Go., flSSAYERS.s"S.'oS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 371 Hiett Alex H, mac S L C R R, res 339 Second East. c*o Hiett Hayes, mach, bds 339 S Second West. Higbee Robert, lab, res cor Second East and Ninth South. Higby Julia (wid), res 515 W First North. ^ Higby Miss Louisa, domestic 837 E Fifth South. _^ Higginbotham J S (wid), res 434 S State. Higgins Charles C (Higgins & Higgins), res rear 238 E 4th S. S5 Higgins Charles W 9 Physician and Surgeon St Elmo Hotel, r res 649 N First West. -1 Higgins Rev Corydon W, res 528 Second. *2 Higgins Edward V, Attorney at Law, rooms 13 and 14, 76 W "c5 Second South, bds 528 Second. | E ' ' Higgins Eugene L, contr and bldr, res 872 Fourth. |T| CO Higgins John F, The Tunnel Restaurant, res Lincoln House. [ r^ Higgins Miss Lucy T, comp 5 L Stork and Mining Journal, res Grand View add. 1 Higgins Thomas R, Real Estate & Mining Broker, rooms C_I 17-18-19 St Elmo Hotel, res same. *"~3 Higgins Will C (Higgins & Higgins), res 128 W Third South. -1 Higgins fc Higgiiis, (W C & C C), Salt Lake Daily Stock , i . and Mining Journal, S L Litho Co Building. ^ Higgs Alpha J, elk, res 675 E Fifth South. SE Higgs Mrs Eliza T, res 757 W Second North. p- Higgs Jessie B, bkpr Z C M I, res 675 E Fifth South. - n Z Higgs Jed, elk, 675 E Fifth South. ~ ,.3 High School, Clayton Block, opp Tabernacle, South Temple. ^ Higham, see Hyams. f+ i* Higham Ambrose S, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, res 76 H. I gx Higham Miss Annie, res 76 H. QJ { Higham John S, plumber, res 76 H. CO C3 Higham Thomas, gardener, res 76 H. CO ^-^ Higham Thomas S, News circulator, res 381 J. a Cfj Higham William S (H & Amott), res 76 H. * 3" _: Higham & Amott (Wm S H & Chas A), Plumbers, Gas and "C Steam Fitters, 139 W First South, see adv opp municipal fTI rp2 government. CD SU Higley Miss Emma, domestic 308 E First South. ^5 CD Higley Irving M, Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter, office 109 CO E .First South, res 856 E 2d South, see adv opp Plumbers. 30 ^ Higson Alfred R, plumber James-S-B-Co, res 676 Second East. CD Cgr Higson Charles J, plumber, res 229 F. rv-j Higson Frank E, assayer, res 676 Second East. Irrigation ftge Printing Houaft 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book Manufacturers SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., Si -n of Ki j-r Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South . j and Gasoline Stoves. g 372 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 5 Higson Hugh, helper James-Spencer-Bateman Co, bds 676 2d E. ^ . Higson John, foreman sewer dept, res 676 Second East. O &J Hilberg Andrew, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. * ' Hilberg Andrew, carp, res w s nth E bet I3th and I4th S. C Hilberg Christopher, farmer, res e s iith E bet I3th and I4th "I South. E Hilberg C, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. O Hilbert Daniel, carp, res 731 E South Temple. CO Hilbert Leonard, miner, res 244 W Seventh South. Hildebrand T, lab city, res 716 S First West. Qo &6 If lies Ogden (Powers & H), bds Walker House. CD Hilgert Matthew (The Hihgert Shoe Mnfg Co), res 129 E Fourth South, see adv. -no 5 Hilgert Shoe Manufacturing Co (Mathew Hilgert), n ^ jr- . e cor Third South and Main, see adv. ' Hill, see Hills. * Hill Alex, barber, res rear 553 W First North. +~ Hill Miss Alice, res Orchard Square. cr Hill Archibald N, res 373 N Fifth West. j Hill Benj, driver S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Hill Benj F, tank watchman city waterwks Parley's Canyon, res same. g; Hill Mrs Caroline, groceries 373 N Fifth West, res same. ^ 3 Hill Mrs Catherine, dressmkr, res 516 Fifth East. ft K Hill C G, attorney-at-law 404 Progress blk, res 235 W 5th S. Hill Chas, res 770 N Second W T est. r Hill Chas, contractor, res 768 E Second South. Hill Chas E, cabinetmkr H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 485 Fourth. Hill Chas W, trav salesman Clark, Eldredge & Co, res 04.0 /"i i i Cleveland. Hill Daniel, farmer, e s State s of Thirteenth South. Hill David, res 516 Fifth East Hill Mrs Dora, dressmkr Mme Ross, res 126 Ninth East. Hill David T, elk Cunnington Co, bds 236 W Second North. Hill Edward, music tchr, res 624 Seventh. Hill Elizabeth (wid Alexander), res Mill Creek. ^gg ( - Hill Elizabeth (wid Thomas), res Forest Dale. PC Hill Emma (wid Benj), res Orchard Square. C.J Hill Miss Famar, emp Troy Steam L, res Sugar House Ward. FgJ Fenton L, dairyman, res State s of Twelfth South. I Mrs Flora S, music tchr, res 624 Seventh. J^j Hill Frank E, bartndr, rms 135 E Second South. CD CO CD cr* CO B|WGUrB| Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. Tele P h " e < RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 373 3 O CO Hill Fred, fireman U P Ry, res 5 Morris ave, Hill Fred J, Mngr Simpson-Hill Drug Co, res 3 Chesney's Court, 146 W Fourth South. Hill George, lab, bds 62 Post. Hill George, res 770 N Second West. Hill George, res rear 323 S First West. Hill George A, bkpr G F Culmer & Bro, res 715 Third. Hill George E Jr, clerk Co-op W & M Co, res 629 E 8th South. Hill Hannah (wid John), res 446 S Fourth West. Hill Harry C, Sec R M Bell Tel Co, res 148 S West Temple. "Hill Harry E. miner, res 125 W Third South. Hill Henry, n w cor Fourth North and Sixth West. Hill Herman E, capitalist, res 326 S Ma*in. Hill Isaac B, elk R G W Ry, res Waterloo add. Hill James, laborer, res n of Thirteenth South, e of Fourteenth E. % . Hill John, laborer, R G W Ry, res 48 Post. 4 h Hill John, genl foreman U P Ry, res 412 W First North. C\ < Hill John, teamster Houlahan, Griffith & Morris. ^0 Hill John, teamster, res 352 W Seventh South. H S Hill John A, farmer, res Mill Creek. * Hill John A Jr, farmer, res Mill Creek. ^ * Hill John F, farmer, res North Mill Creek. (^ * Hill John W, machinist, res 62 Post. C Hill Joseph, miner, res 530 W Third North. ^ Hill Karl, Director Salt Lake College of Music, Calder's [l] Music Palace. w Hill Mary A (wid James L), res 2 Chesney Court. 5 Hill Mary C (wid James), res 375 W Fourth South. - 1 Hill Miss Martha E, res 373 N Fifth West. Hill Miss Mary J, res 352 W Seventh South. _ Hill Pearley A, barber 38 W Second South, res 373 N 5th W. Hill Paulina M (wid Alexander), res e s State, Mill Creek. Hill Samuel H, Supt Cunnington Co, res 236 W 2d North. Hill Sarah (wid John), res 424 N Fourth West. Hill Miss Sarah, emp Troy S Laundry, res 352 W 7th South, Hill Sidney, cook, res 149 N Third West. Hill Thomas, lab, res Forest Dale. Hill Thomas, packer H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 174 O. Hill Wm, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Hill Wilber F, printer, rms Culmer blk. Hill Wm, lab, res n of Thirteenth South e of Fourteenth East. Hill Wm F, cond R G W Ry, res 349 S First West. TJ H O z N m i m O m r m 00 , y[m\\\ Do,, ^ WHOLESALE LUMBER, Track, North of Depot. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO.I Corner Main nf First South. | . 374 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. C "~~ s = Hill Wm H, lab, res 241 I. e Hill Wm J, porter White House. J/2 2 | Hill Win L, Physician and Surgeon 3 1 2 Progress blk, res same ft S Hill Wm S, emp Emp St Laundry, rms Enterprise House. \ g Hill Wm P, herder, e s State, Mill Creek. H o Hillam Miss Emily R, bkpr Singer Mfg Co, res 675 E 5th So. ^ S Hillam Mrs Mary, res 123 C. | | Hillam Rodney, elk Z C M I, res 675 E Fifth South. i * Hillebrand Joseph, lab, res- 808 W Eighth South. * Hiller Augusta (wid John), res 548 W Fourth South. | Hiller Edgar G, bkpr city assessor, res 270 W Fourth South. | g> Hiller Miss Emma, res 548 W Fourth South. * a Hiller Chas F, mach R.G W Ry, res 548 W Fourth South. * g Hiller John H, mach, R G W Ry, res 563 W First South. Hiller John W 7 , tinsmith R G W Ry, res 346 S Fourth. rv J > Hilliard John, lab, res McDonald's Court. UJ Hillier John, carp, res 757 W North Temple. S Hillier John R, mailing elk Herald, res 757 W North Temple. gj Hillier Miss Sarah, bds 757 W North Temple. i ~ QQ Hillmam Fred, res 82 L. ^ ? SE Hills, see Hill. $* Hills Edgar S, col elk Des Natl Bank, res 126 S First West. Hills Miss Ella, Millinery and Dressmaking, 169 S West * ff Temple, res same, see adv. Hills Eugene, elk, bds 126 S First West. y* Hills Frederic, teamster, res 543 W North Temple. ^ Hills George, harness mkr, res rear 240 N Sixth West. Hills Lewis B, bkpr Deseret Natl Bank, res 126 S First West. & Hills Lewis S, pres Deseret Natl Bank, res 1 26 S First West. 3 Hills Miss Mary J, tchr Burlington Congregational School. Hills Miss M T, res 126 S First West. ' O Hills Thomas, bkpr William Asper & Co, res Cliffs ave. ft) Hillstead Charlotte (wid John), res 335 Seventh East. -Zi 1 Hillstead John E, 343 Sixth East. ' ^ GO Hillstead Mrs Maria P, res 367 Eleventh East. ^ Hillstead Mary (wid Lorenzo D), res rear 40 N Sixth West. Hillstead Nellie (wid David), res rear 40 N Sixth West. Hillstead Robert H, lab, bds 335 Seventh East. Hillstrom Leander, bartndr 45 Commercial, res 540 Third East. P Hilton Allen, nightwatchman Tithing Office, res 136 G. Hilton Charles, cond U P Ry, res 633 W First North. 5" Hilton David (D Hilton & Co), res 136 F. fJQ WANS A 5PECUIT7, 5S?- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. M Estate Broker, H. p. . corns. I E. i. SHEETS. Room 12. commercial eiotk. R.H, Officer RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 375 -> Hilton David A, blacksmith, res 515 Fifth. 3^ Hilton I> & Co (D Hilton, E Fames, C Caldwell, Jr), Des- pq eret Meat Market & Empire Meat Co, 33 & 35 E South ^| Temple and 49 E Second South. ""Q Hilton Fred, lab, bds 163 W South Temple. , Hilton George, motorman S L C R R, res 830 E Eighth South, pT Hilton Geo W, elk, bds 830 E Eighth South. ~ Hilton Henry, moulder, bds 163 W South Temple. ~ Hilton Isabella (wid John), res 636 W First South. ^ Hilton James, bartndr Occidental saloon, res 61 Seventh East. - Hilton James A, blksmith, res 134 N. ^L Hilton Robt J, sec Eureka Hill M Co, res 736 E First South. Ds Hilton Miss S, milliner 59 W 1st South, res 738 E 8th South. CD Hilton Thomas H, res 128 F. C- Hilton Warren J, apprentice, bds 838 E Eighth South. n^ Hilton Win A, lather, res 5 I Vine. Hilton William B, policeman, res 924 Second. -G Hirnes Charles, laborer R G W Ry, res 251 W Third South. Himman P A, rancher, res 244 E Brigham. Hinchliffe Jonathan, peddler, res 28 W First South. Hinckley Alfred M, supt S L Rapid Transit Co, res 164 E ^ Second South. 3 Hinckley Miss Martha A, domestic 528 E Fourth South. Hindle Frank C, head waiter St James Hotel, rms 128 W 2d S. ^ Hindman Miss Blanche, school tchr, res 630 S Second West. ^3 Hindmarsh Thomas, basket mkr, res 902 S Sixth West. ^. Hines Edmund G (E G Hines & Co), res 165 S West Temple. If iiies E O fc Co (E G H, J R Slater, E G Pierce), whole- sale commission dealers, 165 S West Temple. Hines Frank L, street supervisor, res 266 D. Q Hines Samuel, vice-pres New, Tintic M & S Co, res Scranton, Pa. Hing Sam, laundry, 147 S West Temple. Hing Wang, gardener, s s I2th S bet 3rd and 4th E. Hinkle G H, pass cond U P Ry, res Metropolitan Hotel. L Hinley Andrew, emp Model Steam Bakery. Hinman Charles H, bkpr, res 145 Thompson Court. Hinman John H, supt Co infirmary, res n e cor State and I2th S. Hinnen Miss Bertha, elk Deseret Bakery, res 39 Holmes bldg. Hirons Frank, lab, res 4 Washington ave. Hirschbird Miss May, domestic 253 W Fifth South. Hirsching Henry. Analytical Chemist and Mining Academy Q 41 W Second South, res 936 S Second West, see adv. (/) Roprs.SearlesKo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. ENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.) Sign of Bier Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j CO mm 11 >u 1 1011. r ine< m lery. I i-hiiiir Tackle aiiti Sport inar Ooods. & Co (David Hirschler), Wines, Liquors and ^ Cigars, s e cor Fifth West and Second South. Hirschler Gustav, carp, res 254 W South Temple. Hirschman Herbert, elk Hirschman's, res 122 W Fourth South. Hirschiiian Jerome. Boots and Shoes 106 S Main, res 122 W Fourth South. Hirschman Moses, mining supt 106 S Main, bds 122 W 4th S. Hirschvogel Chas A, res cor Eleventh East and Tenth South. Hirschvogel Geo H, elk E C Coffin Hdw Co, res Englewood ad. ^^ Hirschvogel Joseph, draughtsman U S Sur Genl's office, res I ith East, Englewood Park. r~. m Hirschvogel Miss Mary H, res i ith E bet 9th and loth South. f ^ Hirschvogel Miss Matilda, res Eleventh E, bet Qth and loth S. XHirsler C, carp Sierra Nev PI Mill, res 256 W South Temple. Hiskey Claude, elk U P Ry, res 217 S Second West. Hiskey Claude W, vveighmstr U P Ry, res 1 56 S Fourth West. Hiskey Werie U, Secy The Pacific Invstmt Co, res 377 I. Hiskey Virge, elk Rogers. Searles & Co, res 377 I. """ " Hiskey W r m F, sheepman, res 156 Fourth West. ^- > . Hislip Amos, carp, bds Rio Grande Hotel. S3. B g Historian's Office, 58 E South Temple, F D Richards, Historian. O* C g History of Utah The, Geo Q Cannon & Sons Co, pub- jg lishers, Orson F Whitney author, 58 E South Temple. J _ Hitch Mrs Annie M, dressmkr, res 317 S West Temple. Hitchcock Frank, hostler, res West Temple, s of Eleventh S. Hitchcock Ham, hostler, res West Temple, s of Eleventh S. 5" Hitesman Lorenzo, foremn A Fisher's Bottling House, res 832 CD W South Temple. J ,_ J Hjonson Annie, emp Hotel Knutsford. res same. }V{ Hjork Ernest, lab, res 449 Second East. f 1 Hjork John, elk, res 449 Second East. Hjork Louis, painter, res 449 Second East. Hoag, see Hoge. JJJ WHoag Burdett F, press foreman Tribune, res 1 34 W North *T ** "^ Temple. Hoag Chas L, coll W F & Co's bank, res 1260 Emerson ave. ; Hoag Charles M, watchman city water works, res 1260 Emer- ? sqn ave f Hoag Ralph E, bookpr, res 1 260 Emerson ave. Hoag Miss Mary L, bds 1260 Emerson ave. ? Hoagland, see Hogland. 1 1 jyun nn l lil 1 HU, UU, HHEBICIIIIISCUITtHIIIUFIICTUBlie CO.. Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 377 JQ Hoagland Miss Anna, domestic, 574 E First South. Hoagland Clarence A, teamster, bds 925 W Eighth South. p5 Hoagland Frank E (H & Sauther), res 176 W Second South. Hoagland Frank L, teamster, bds 925 W Eighth South. C* Hoagland John, teamster, res 925 W Eighth South. J| Hoagland Louis G (mason), res 915 W Eighth South. ^ Hoagland fc ^outlier (Frank E H & J G S), Second Hand fZ Store, 176 W Second South. J*J Hoban Miss Maggie, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res 218 W f Second South. Hobbs Charles E, bkpr, res 262 E Second South. 3D Hobbs Frank I>, Register U S Land Office, Realty Bldg, 5 res 5 1 8 S West Temple. Hobbs Mrs Gertie, dressmkr, res 8 Jenson's Court. Hobbs John A (Jno A H & Co), res vv s State, 3 s of S Boulevard. * Hobbs John A 4& Co (Jno A & S E Hobbs), Rocky Moun- 4 tain Dairy, w s State, 3 s of S Boulevard, office 165 S West - ^ Temple. rj" 5 Hobbs Mrs Maria, res 1015 Windsor ave. Hobbs S E (Jno A Hobbs & Co), res w s State, 3 s of S Boulevard. = Hodges Wm H, dentist 76 Com'l blk, res Rice, Capitol ave ad. m Hodgert Arthur W, butcher Knight & Co, res, 523 E 5th South. a Hodgert Roy, butcher Knight & Co, res 523 E Fifth South. z Hodgins James, farmer, res East Mill Creek. * Hodgins Joseph, basket mkr, res 149 W South Temple. + Hodgman Newell, res 704 E Second South. Hodgson Elizabeth (wid Isaac), res 566 First. Hodgson Miss Elizabeth A, res 566 First. Hodgson Fannie, domestic 58 W Third South. Hodgson Miss Harriett, opr Solomon Bros, res Sugar H Wd. Hodgson Henry, res e s Twelfth East n of Eleventh South. Hodgson James, lab, bds 566 First. Hodgson Maroni, emp Burton-Gardner Co, res n w cor Eleventh South and Thirteenth East. Hodgson Oliver, treas S L Bldg & Mnfg Co, res 423 Second. Hodgson William, bds 566 First. Hodson James, moulder Lovett's foundry, res 472 Sixth. Hodson Jeffry, farmer, e s Thirteenth East n of Twelfth South. Hoefener Albert, barber U P Hotel, res same. Hoefling John, lab, res 876 E Second South. Hoelzle Geo, res 641 E Third South. Hoentine Phillip, carp, res 971 W Fifth South. Hofer Miss Lydia, mach opr Z C M I, bds 886 W Third North. Hofer Miss Louisa, mach opr Z C M I, bds 886 W 3d North. Hofer Fraugott, lab, res 886 W Third North. Hoffman Archibald, salesman Union Pharmacal Co, res 176 S First West. Hoffman Bertha H (wid John), res 583 Fifth. Hoffman Edward E, miner, res 258 N Seventh West. Hoffman Ellen (wid Hans W), res 265 Fifth. CD CO CD cna 09 CD CD 03 Hoffman Frank, Attorney-at-Law, 231 S Main, res 219 <= Seventh East. OT "^ Hoffman Fritz C, head cook White House. Hoffman H C, real est and loans, 9 W Second South. Hoffman Miss Ida, domestic 1 10 S Second West. Hoffman John, baker Judson's Bakery, rms Richelieu House. Hoffman Kate (wid Daniel), res 1060 E Second South. Hoffman M.(wid M), res 437 Hazel Court. SALT LAKE LITHO CO Lithographing, Printing and Blank Vlfil.1 LJfRL LI I IIU. UU. p. rtlr iyr v; The Finest in the Western 01 = Tina COD 100 52 W. Second South. Telephone 240. Mat-inn The Finest in tht Western ina&lUg, Country.- B.H. Officer t Go RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 379 TO Hoffman M, res Farmer ave, f~ Hoffman Miss Mattie, dressmkr, res 176 S First West. QD Hoffman Peter G, contr and buildr, res 265 Fifth. f-M r^U Hoffman Miss Rose, emp Troy Stm Ldry, res 1060 E Second S. * ^ Hoffman R C 9 Physician and Surgeon, bds Cullen. pH Hoffman Thomas A, carp, res 270 E First South. < ! Hoffman Wm, Laborer, res Fulmer ave. ^^ Hofgren Oscar, peddler, res rear 43 S West Temple. "* Hof heimer Wm H (IT & Goldwater), bds Cullen. Hof heimer fc Goldwater, (Wm H H & Harry G), Agts Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association, cor Third North and Fourth West, telephone 382. Hofheims Barbara (wid Peter), res 252 S Fifth East. Hofhines Joseph, emp frt dept U P Ry, res 358 W First S. Hof lund C, emp Germania Lead Wks, res Murray. Hogal Patrick, lab, res 274 K. Hoge Eiios I> 9 City Attorney, res 1 29 B. Hoge M D, guard Utah Penitentiary, res same. j * Hoggan Agnes (wid Walter), res 858 E First South. Hoggan Alexander, lather, res 221 G. Hoggan David J, lather, res rear 331 Tenth East. ^ ^ Hoggan John C, motorman S L C R R, res 835 E First South. [ Hoggan George, car emp S L C R R Co, res 836 E First South. Hoggan James, conductor S L C R R, res 836 E First South. Hoggan Miss Maggie, res 858 E First South. Hoggan Orson, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Hoggan Orson P, teamster, res 151 Tenth East. Hoggan Orson P Jr, emp Hotel Templeton, res 151 loth E. Hoggan Patrick, lab City Water Works. Hoggan William G, butcher, res 858 E First South. Hogle Bros (James and Owen), Saloon, 174 S Main. Hogle James (Hogle Bros), res 16 Fourth East. (0 Hogle Owen (Hogle Bros), rms Denhalter Blk. Hoglund, see Hoagland. U Hoglund Annie, dom 24 Sixth East. pj ,, Hoglund C, emp Germania Lead Wks, res Murray. Q L Hoglund Miss Gertie, emp Troy S L, res 451 Sixth East. Hoglund Gus, emp Hanauer Smelter, res w s nth East, bet 0? nth and I2th South. PI Hoglund Hilda (wid Charles), cor Third West and Third North, Hoglund Mahilma (wid Charles), res 344 N Fourth West. Hoglund Otto, carp, res 725 S Third East. Thp Imtimrfinn Anp A Journal of National Moment. /IN fcad by Farmers, Investors, Contractors, Enginwrs, Ete. U 15 Salt Lalie Office, 26 W. 3d SOMth St. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO CD E= CB 05 -Male and Retail Hard- C'ullery. Stov***. Cinns. Ammnnit ion. Sporting Goods Sisrn of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishing: Tackle. GO 380 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. -n Hoglund Mrs Sophia, res 45 1 Sixth East. Hogue James W, salesman Singer Mnfg Co. Hoheisel Fred, tailor 563 W Second South, res same. _ Hohnes Chas, lab City and County Bldg. r*- Hoke John L, asst supt waterworks, res 348 N Fourth West. Holbert J, emp Arbogast Conf Co, rms Lincoln House. 55 Holbrook Lafayette, driver Con Imp Co, res Provo, Utah. ^j Holcombe Thos A, storekpr U P Ry, res U P Hotel. 55 Holcomb Asa S (H & Chisholm), res 346 E Fifth South. m Holcomb DeWit C, real est, res Metropolitan Hotel. o Holcomb A C liisliolm (A S H & A J C), Calcimining and C"D House Painting, 1 54 E Second South, see adv. ^ Holden Albert F, Mining Engineering room 16, 76 W 2d =2 South, res 78 W Fifth South. m Holden John N, car carp ROW Ry, res rear 534 W6th South. Ho Id en Liberty E, Capitalist room 16, 76 W Second South, res Knutsford. Holden Nephi P, lab, res 518 Sixth East. Holden Zina, domestic 506 W Second South. Holder Miss Ada, domestic 77 J. Holder Chas, sheepman, res 924 W Third North. | 9 Holder Edwin, elk Z C M I, res 88 I. Holder Harris, bds Fourth, 2 e of P. I Holder James, lab, res Fourth 2 e of P. I * Holder John, carp, res 815 S State. ^ Holder Miss Mary, elk Dr A S Bovver, res 270 W N Temple. Holder Miss Zilla, emp Sainsbury & Johnson, res 88 I. Q Holding Miss Ellen, res 38 Grape. CD Holding Ephraim, dealer in Electrical Supplies 55 W ^ First South, res 164 S Fourth West. Holding Mrs Mary A, res 327 S Second West. CO Hole Hans L, res 36 E First North. Holgate Chris, emp W Harkins. Holgate James, stonecutter, res 824 E Ninth South. Holgate Thomas, lab, res rear 73 N Second West. Holladay George T. mining, res 577 Second. Holland Alice (wid Moses), res 38 Back. Holland Dudley, foreman R M Bell Telephone Co. res 117 W * *! CD Third South. |?g Holland Francis, lather, res 141 E First South. "^^ E& Holland Frank L, cashier Am Nat Bank, res Grand Hotel. iolland John F, bottler Taylor & Price, res 125 W S Temple CD CO M CO PARKER 9 nCDHC Wholesale and Retail Dealers In rflnrVLn & UtrUt, IUUBER ASD IMPORTED ASD AMERICAS CEMEHTS. Cor. 2d *ioutli and 3d West. Tel. 255. MOUNTAIN ICE GO 43 - (A RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 381 Holland William B, asst cashier Am Nat Bank, res Grand Hotel. Hollander Alaclar, Druggist 144 South Main, res same. Hollander I^eo, Jewelery, Watches Etc, 148 S Main, res 38 Sixth East. Hollander John F, furnished rooms, 331 S Main, res same. Hollberg Charles B, groceries 113 E Second South, res 136 M. Hollberg Thomas A, elk, bds 136 M. Holley John, butcher, res 1 1 N Seventh West. Holley & Taylor (John H & Robt B T T), butchers, 371 W South Temple. Holliday Frank, asst eng Culmer Blk, res 260 E Brigham. Hollies Julia A (wid Chas), dressmkr, res 215 Eighth East. Holling Marcus W F, mach, res 31 S Seventh West. CD Hollingbery Arthur J, mngr Nelden, Myers & Co, res Templeton CD Hotel. ffj Hollinger Marcus, brakeman, res 31 S Seventh West. JJ j Hollinger Marcus W F, mach R G W Ry, res 3 1 S Seventh W. U < Hollingshead Mrs Elizabeth S, res 1 16 Fifth East. J O Hollingsworth Joel, res Camp Lane, w of Jordan. U k Hollingsworth Thomas, laborer city, res 266 D. (/) Hollingsworth Thomas, tailor, res 266 D. CD < Holliiigworth Benjamin H, Breeder of Fancy Poultry, ' PC Hooper Edward, (Bewick, Moreing & Hooper), res 277 I. Horsley Harry, car emp S L C R R Co, res 224 F. O jj Horsley Thomas W, lab, res 216 W Sixth South. Horsley Thomas W, res 1076 S West Temple. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCorniDKBl(l2., SALT LAKE CITY. F.O.B.I4M. Twephou.Ml. Shirts of Ever; Description. WHITTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, MoCorniok Building. London r . res 360 H. 3J ^ Houston Jos W, real estate agt 43 W 2d S, res 576 2d East. *2 Houston Neil, emp Des W Mills, res Grant, bet 4th and 5th N. 3 Houston William G, bkpr Gabel The Tailor, res 224 Poplar ave. E~ H Houtz Carl, studt L D S College, res Taylorsville. CO Houtz Mrs Kate, res 744 E Fifth South. ^ Houtz M E (wid J S), res 24 E Sixth South. ZJ Hovey Fredricka C (wid Orlando), res 358 Wall. C/> " . Hovey Henry P, elk Cohn Bros, res 358 Wall. -1 Howaker Mary E, school tchr, res 135 Second East. ^^ ""3 Howard A J, driver Mountain Ice Co, bds 860 S Third West. ^ C- Howard Allan M, elk gen'l supt office R G W Ry, res 164 W jg r * Sixth South. ^"- Howard Edward O, bkpr Union Nat Bank, res 558 S Main. 5S Howard Earl, farmer, res w s 5th E, bet I2th and I3th South. ~ Howard E C, driver Mountain Ice Co, res at Ice House. ^. Howard Harry O, sec and treas Ackerman Printing Co, res 1 1 ^ W First South. 3 Howard John F, elk Z C M I, res 515 Fourth. * < Howard John R, manufacturers agt, res 515 Fourth. Q Howard Lenora J (wid Wm), res 750 S State JZ! Howard Miss Lillie, res 750 S State. 3 Howard Michael, bds Cullen. ^^ Howard Orson, physician and surgeon 128 S Main, res 128 t_-yi Centre. JC^> Howard Thos J, studt University of Utah, res Bountiful. - Howard Thomas, hostler Jockey Club Stable, res same. IQ Howard Thomas, paper mnfr, res rear 38 E Fifth South. ^ Howard Thomas J, eng U C Ry, res 64 E Fifth South. O Howard Mrs T M, elk, bds 225 Fifth. 00 Howarth Miss Alice L, elk C R Savage, res 834 E Fifth South. Q Howarth Miss Amelia, res 80 W First North. tjg Howarth Geo, bds 834 E Fifth South. QQ Howarth John, teamster, res Murray. Irrigation flge Printing House, MroadandComwciaIpriDt ^ Kutimate* Famished on all Kinds of Work. 26 W. Third South. |T| SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.,}: Sigrn of Big- Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2cl South. ) and Gasoline Stove* 388 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. S 3O 5 Howarth Nellie, emp Des W Mills, res 80 W First North. ["H | . Howarth Nephi, photographer Sainsbury & Johnson, res 834 E Q M Fifth South. - n * +; Howarth Thomas, miner, res 830 First. CZ 1 g Howarth Wm C, elk Geo M Scott & Co, res 834 E Fifth S. llouut A 11 tire w. Atty at Law rms 33 and 34 Commercial Blk, res 149 Eighth East. IIJ Howcroft John, teamster, res 925 W Eighth South. 3O Howcroft John, miner, res 38 Back. |T| Howcroft Nephi, well driver, res 850 S Eighth West. PO 6 Howe Amos (Davis, H & Co), res 153 N First West. C"D Howe Charles R, moulder Davis, Howe & Co, res 264 N 1st W. 55 Howe Frank C, studt U of U, res Murray. -^ j Howe Edgar, patternmkr Davis, Howe & Co, res 426 Sixth. l"n g- Howe Edward, real estate, res 576 E Third South. Howe George E, emp Sainsbury & Johnson, res 426 Sixth. Howe Harry, comp Tribune, res 48 S First West. = <*~ Howe John T, res Brighton. Cj Howe Miss Minnie, tel opr Knutsford, res 57 State. y Howe Richard, res e s State Murray. Howell Bernard, tchr Lake View, res 155 N Seventh West. g ^ Howell Miss Bertha, res 154 N Second West. g Howell Miss Effie F, book kpr, res 356 S First West. = Howell Eliza T (wid William J), res 465 E Fifth South. ft % Howell Miss Eva, res 356 S First West. Howell Fannie (wid James), res 1 54 N Second West. r Howell James, res 141 N Seventh West. O Howell James E, lab, res 938 W Third North. CJ Howell Jefferson M, mining, res rear 738 W Second South. Howell Paul C, res i Mortensen's Court. Howell Peter, stonecutter Temple, res 155 N Seventh West. Howell William, elk S P Teasdel, res 273 N. Howells Daniel, mason Temple, res 27 $ Sixth West. Howells James, lab, res 449 W Eighth South. Howells Judah F, stone cutter, res 414 W Second North. Howells Thomas F, tchr, res 62 S Sixth West. g Howells William, mach, res 373 W North Temple. W Howenor W H, frt cond U P Ry, res Whitney's Court. t-J Howenstein Julius W, barber 13 W South Temple, rms 362 S I 00 West Temple CD CO CD CO to Howick Walter, farmer, res 3 n of E I 4 th S, Mill Creek. J| Howitt Andrew, lawyer, res 149 S Eighth East. Parker d j Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. Artificial and Natural Ice. 8" RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 389 3 Howker Miss Amy, emp S & J, res 558 E Fifth South. O Howland Lyman M (Thompson & H), res 614 E Second South. (0 Howland Lyman N, roofer, res 315 Seventh East. Howies Mrs Agnes (wid Thomas), res 41 S Sixth West. Howies David, mason, res 27 S Sixth West. Howies John, stone cutter, res 27 S Sixth West. Hewlett Mark D, elk Wasatch Drug Co, res 758 E Third South. Howies Ann M (wid William), res 623 W First South. Hoy George W, baker Am Biscuit & Mnfg Co, res Fourth West bet Ninth and Tenth South. Hoy George, gardener, 59 E Fourth South. Hoy Sarah (wid John), 766 Fifth. Hoyt Emily S (wid Samuel P), res rear 174 N Third West Hubbard John H, studt L D S College, res 28 N Second West " Hubbard Walter, bartdr The Oxford, rms Arcade Court ^ Hubbard Win E, Real Estate and Insurance 41 W Second ^ > South, res 206 Eighth East. See adv on cover. 0-j Huber Emil, emp R G W Ry, res 18 Euclid ave. 5 Hubert Wilmer E, elk Z C M I, res 47 S First West. ^)u.' Hubler Charles, emp W U Tel, res 241 E Sixth South. ^ <0 Huchins Miss Serriae, res 425 N Third West. ^ < Hudson Mrs Ann, res n w cor Tenth S and Thirteenth East 7^ * Hudson Mrs A J, res Third East and Second South. Hg Hudson Charles, elk W S Henderson, res 228 E Sixth South. _j Hudson John O, Furniture Mover, res bet Eighth and Ninth Q , West and Third and Fourth South. $ Hudson Sidney, res 66 Vine. D Hudson Wm H, prop Parlor Barber Shop, res 223 E Third S. 3 Huffman Robert, teamster, res 705 E Eighth South. Hughes Annie (wid J R), res 51 Jefferson. _ Hughes Charles L, dep city watermaster, res 367 N Third West. ~ Hughes Miss Charlotte A, res 509 S Ninth East Hughes Eliza (wid John), res 704 W South Temple. Hughes Frank, painter J E Taylor, res 217 Tenth East Hughes Francis D, painter Jos E Taylor, res 217 Tenth East. Hughes Francis D Jr, emp Jos E Taylor, res 217 Tenth East. Hughes Fruit & Produce Co (John H Hughes), Whole- sale Fruits, Produce and Commission, 225 S West Temple. Hughes Henry, lab, res 704 W South Temple. Hughes H Jr, teamster Mount & Griffin, rms 614 E 2d South. Hughes John, painter J E Taylor, res 217 Tenth East Hughes John, stonemason, res 135 S Sixth West m r m oo r i M H Morrison, Merrill & Co, Prices and Estimates on all kiiius of Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt Uak * " ice: Capital 8 i.OOO,OOO. -Surplus S2OO.OOO. CCTi MAIN &&U FIRST SOUTHi ^ 390 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. s * " * g Hughes John H (H Fruit & Produce Co), res 537 S W Temple g "3 Hughes John H, real estate agt, res 534 Bridport. A I Hughes John J, carp R G W Ry, res 5 18 S Fourth West. | Hughes John M, plasterer, res 509 Ninth East. 3 t* Hughes John W, reporter Herald, res 350 S West Temple. * Hughes Joseph, bds 704 W South Temple. *S g Hughes Miss Laura, mach opr Z C M I, res 2 1 7 Tenth East. H- g 9 Hughes Miss Lottie, res 217 Tenth East. g 5* Hughes Miss Lottie, emp Troy S Laundry, res 509 9th East. 9 3 Hughes Miss Millie, res 217 Tenth East. "5 Hughes Maggie (wid B), music tchr, res 336 W Second North. 5 Hughes MA, M D, Oculist and Aurist, rooms 510 and 511 * 3 McCornick Blk, res 1068 E First South. * ^ Hughes Mrs Martha P, Physician and Surgeon, 1 1 S First West, res same, see adv Ladies Shopping Dept. QcT Hughes Miss Nellie, dressmkr, res 217 Tenth East. ^ ^ Hughes Miss Rebecca, res 704 W South Temple. w W 5 Hughes Miss Sarah, res 704 W South Temple. 2 g X Hughes Miss Sarah A, ernp Troy Stm Lndy, res 509 9th E. Z * BB Hughes Toby G, agt ^tna L Ins Co, rm 21 Coml Blk. 2 Hughes William A (H & Paul), notary public, res 534 Bridport. 2 Hughes & Paul (W A H & S J P), Real Estate and Loans, j rm 32 O'Meara Blk. ^ Hughey Thomas M, patrol driver, res 729 N Second West. """ fic Hnhl Charles W, Merchant Tailor 74 E First South, res 27 (/) 1 i Locust, see adv opp City Index. ^+ : Hulbert Albert, H A Tuckett Candy Co, res 160 S Ninth East. 5 J2 Hulbert Arthur (H Bros), res 856 E First South. GC Hulbert Bros (Henry and Arthur), Trunk Mnfrs 232 S 3 JfJ Main under Union Natl Bank. -. z Hulbert Henry (H Bros), res 838 E Second South. ^3 Hulbert Miss Minnie, dressmkr, res 138 Ninth East. S^ _ _ Hulbert William, carpet weaver, res 138 Ninth East. -^ -. Hull Agnes (wid H S), res 532 Bridport. CD Hull Aubrey, printer Newcomb's Studio, res Walker Terrace. ^" Hull A (wid Cyrus), dressmkr, res 35 E Fifth South. f* Hull Miss Blanche, school tchr, res 532 Bridport. _ Hull Chas, bkpr, res 214 S State. Hull Chas P, waiter Gries Bros' Restaurant, res 212 S State. - Hull Emily K (wid), res 241 E South Temple. 5. -I Hull Jay K, storekpr R M Bell Tel Co, res 241 E South Tern. 3 . Hull John, fireman U P Ry, res 167 N Third West. OQ LOANS A SPECIALTY, ^ESSJ*- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. M Estate Brofcer, H. p. r, rm:s. I F. L. SHEETS. R ra 12. common) Birk. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 391 O Hull Miss Mollie, school tchr, res 532 Bridport. "c5 Hull Sarah (wid Wm B), res 423 S West Temple. - Hull Samuel, lab, res 165 Ninth East. Hull Thomas E, floor mgr Z C M I, res 136 S Third West. Hull W T m H, contr and bldr, res 44 N First West. "^ Huller Miss Abbie, dressmkr Mme Ross, res 1 18 E 3d South. ^ Hulse Miss Fannie, dressmkr, res 379 F. jOD Hulse James, jobbing smith, basement 38 W 2d South, res 379 F. EE Hulse James H, engr Walker House, bds same. L. Hultman Ester, laundress, rms cor First North and First West. c Humes William T, bkpr, res 314 S First West. Q Hume Mrs Eliza B, seamstress, res 618 Fourth. Hummel Pearl C, res 44 Fifth East. pZ> Hummell Frank P, train dispatcher R G W Ry, res I 57 S 4th W. Hummell Pearl, emp S L C R R Co, res 425 S Fourth West. g" Humphries Miss Alice, res 512 S Ninth West. Humphries John S, carp, res 512 S Ninth West. Humphries Rachel, res 512 S Ninth West. :__ Humphrey Charles S, res 420 E Ninth South. Humphrey Joseph, lab, res Second West, s of Tenth South. . UI Humphreys Hattie, res 1 10 W First North. Humphreys James A, res I lo W First North. Humphreys Nellie, res 1049 W First South. g |lj Hunsberger Wilson M, Auditor's elk R G W Ry, res 246 E 2d S. Q f\ Hunt Charles, res 73 Centre. Hunt Rev E G, pastor First M E Mission Church, res Seventh ^j- South, bet Seventh and Eighth East. Hunt Harry, gardener Liberty Park. ^ Hunt Henry, lab, res 187 N. }^ Hunt Horace H, expman, res 148 Ninth East ^2 Hunt J J, emp S L C R R Co, res 867 Third. Hunt James R, carp, res 5 18 N First West. ^ Hunt Jane (wid Isaac), res 148 Ninth East. *^~ Hunt Joseph, carp, res 867 Third. Hunt Larey, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. , , . Hunt Miss Martha, opr Z C M I Clothing Factory, res 246 N a O Sixth West. gO -" Hunt Peter, car clnr U P Ry, res 246 N Sixth West. Hunt Robert, expman, res 144 Ninth East. CO Hunt Wm, plasterer, w s Third East s of Tenth South. *Z < Hunt Wm, Pullman car clnr U P Ry, res 617 W Third North. ||. Hunt W H, teamster city street dept. flops, SearlesS Go GENERAL INSURANCE. 11 ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.) Mien of Bis: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J .m 111 n union, i IM- m- lery. Fishing; Tackle and Sport ina; Goods. Guns Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 3d South. J and Tents for Rent. ^ 392 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ZZI Hunt Wm H Jr, teamster, res w s Third E s of Twelfth South. ^J Hunt W T, carp, res 1575 Main. fft Hunter Abraham, lab, res 876 W South Temple. W/ Hunter Daniel (Union Meat Co), res 331 First. _ LM Hunter Daniel W, carp, res 909 S Second West. Hunter Elizabeth (wid Adam), res 903 E First South. ^f Hunter George M, elk A Colquhoun, res cor 9th E and loth S. O Hunter Harry, res 425 N Third West. Hunter Harry M D, special agt Equitable Life Ass Society, bds 847 E Second South. O Hunter Isaac, farmer, res 134 Fifth West. Hunter Jacob, bds 124 N Fifth West. ! Hunter James, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. ^^ Hunter James, cond U P Ry, res 54.3 W Fourth South. ^^ Hunter James, shipping elk Z C M I, res 135 H. g Hunter James A, wrapper F Auerbach & Bro, res 543 W 4th S. , ^ ^^ Hunter John, teamster, res 644 W North Temple. ^^ Hunter John, blk Peop Eq Co-op, res 87 Plum. ^J Hunter Robert (Union Meat Co), res 135 H. ~" h Hunter Samuel, elk Freed Furniture Co, rms 158 E 2d South. J? Hunter School, N Temple, bet Fifth and Sixth West. Si Hunter Stephen, res 57 E Seventh South. . Hunter William, upholsterer H Dinwoodey F Co, res 425 Third. JJQ 8 Hunter William P, lab, res 703 E First South. J * Hunter William R, elk Freed Furniture Co, res 158 E 2d South. " Huntington Harriet A (wid Dimick), res 417 W Second North. I? Huntsman Ezra, blacksmith R G W Ry, res 779 W 4th South. 3" Huntsman George A, blksmith, res 779 W Fourth South. JD Hupfer Charles C, elk Chicago L House, bds Acme Restaurant. ^5 Hurd Albert E, plumber, bds 425 Eighth East, Hurd Arthur, res 425 Eighth East. Hurd Aurelius T, bds n e cor State and Twelfth South. Hurd David A, plumber, bds 425 Eighth East. Hurd John W, cigar mkr Carlson Bros, res 425 Eighth East. 55 Hurd Jos H, atty-at-law, 23 Hooper Blk, res 264 7th East. Hurd Miss Sarah A, res 425 Eighth East. Hurd Wm B, res 425 Eighth East. Hurd Wm H, policeman, res 425 Eighth East. Hurley Wm, res 205 W Second South. Hurlson Thomas, hostler, bds 520 W First South, Hurm Henry, miner, res Delmonico Hotel. Hurst Charles A, bkpr Graves & Vinton Co, res 1037 Second. C/Q r< Pfl , bU, IIHEBICIIIIISCUITtHIUUFIiCTUmiie CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 393 Hurst James, expman, res rear 244 W Seventh South. Hurst John M, res Eleventh East, n of Twelfth South. Hurst Thomas J, train mess R G W exp, bds R G VV depot. Hurt Joel J, sheep man, res 565 S First West. (ft Hurte A, saloon 35 S West Temple. Husband John, fireman G S L & H S Ry, res 344 N 5th West. Husband Wm J, carp, res 7 N Eighth West. Husbands Court, Second West, bet Second and Third South. Husbands Charles T, eng U P Ry, res 344 N Fifth West. JW Husbands Charles T, grocer 420 W Second South, res same. Husbands C M, car cleaner U P Ry, res 344 N Fifth West. DO Husbands Edwin M, bcjs 420 W Second South. Husbands Harry H, elk W Shoe & Dry Goods Co, res 420 W " Second South. Husbands Frank J, elk, res 420 W Second South. Husbands Frank J, driver C T Husbands, res 420 W 2d South. Si >I Husbands Wm, U S Gauger, office and res 420 W Second South. - j] Huse Isaac Jr, Supt New West Education, res 317 H. ~ - Huskinson Geo, lab M I & C S Co, res mouth Parley's Canyon. CO iu Huskinson John, lab M I & C S Co, res mouth Parley's Canyon. E^ Huskinson Nephi, mngr Mountain ice houses, res mouth Parley's QJ < Canyon. ^ _Q Independence Hall, 21 W Third South. Indiana National Gas & Pipe Co, see inc co's, John E Redmond oc Sec ' g Industrial Home, 145 Fifth East. Inebinet Miss Alice, res 1106 E Third South. g Inebinet Fred, lab, res 1106 E Third South. * Ingalls Chas E, elk fit office U P Ry, res 23 H. $ Inger F B, machinist, bds Albany Hotel. Jjj Ingerman P, emp Germariia Lead Works, res Murray. . _ Ingersoll Frank W (Thompson & I), res The Manitou. ~ Ingersoll S W, res 1 1 1 E South Temple. Ingersoll Wm, res 1 1 1 South Temple. ^j "g Ingham Charles, res Second West s of Twelfth South. S o Ingham Chas H, packer W L Pickard Co, res 335 W 6th S. Ingham James, mason, bds 335 W Sixth South. Ingham Stephen brick mason, res 335 W Sixth South. Ingham Wm H, edge trimmer Z C M I shoe factory, res 335 o o CD C3 n> CO W Sixth South. Ingraham John S, iron moulder, res 72 S Fourth West. Ingram, Edward J, carpenter, res 65 N First West. Ingram John B, capitalist, bds Knutsford. Inkley Brigham B, lab, res 245 N Seventh West. Inland Crystal Salt Co, see inc cos, F W Meegan sec, rm 8 Union Natl Bank bldg. Inrup Mrs William, res 676 E First South. gg In ter-J* oil ii tui 11 Abstract Co. see inc co's, Arthur Van- I-* anda sec and treas, 55 Commercial Blk. Inter-Mountain Electric Co The, Samuel F Fenton, Pres FgJ and Mngr, 29 E First South. "Jco Inter-Hountaiu Salt Co, see iuc co's, N W Clayton Vice- | Pres and Gen'l Mngr, office 501 McCornick Blk. CO DADl/CD nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnlVtn & UtrUt, IUBBER AHD IMPORTED ISD AMERICAS CUBITS. Cor. 2d Soutli and 3d. TVest. Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 397 Inter-Ocean Land Co, see inc cv's, L M Byers sec and treas, office O 23 O'Meara Blk. (/) lohansen Martin, plasterer, res North Salt Lake I O O F Temple, W T Hopkins Librarian, Market. Iowa Avenue, Second South, bet Ninth and Tenth East. Iowa Iiivery and Feed Stables, Taylor & Price Proprs, 125 W South Temple. Iowa JUasonic Benevolent Society of Oskaloosa, Iowa, J Fred Corker Gen'l Agt for Utah, see page i. Ipson Charles, watchman Troy S Laundry, res 928 E 3.d Sonth. Ipwich Store, Wm Soneman propr, 444 W Fourth North. Ireland Arthur, moulder Davis, Howe & Co, res 127 N 1st W. Si Ireland Edward A, stock grower, res 255 E South Temple. Iremonger Frank, emp Hotel Templeton. . Ireson Miles, res 230 L ftj Irish Charles, bds 67 W Third South. _i Irish Delos, eng Sewer Pumps, res 657 S First West. < Irish Miss Ellen M, opr mach Z C M I, res 841 E S Temple. J O Irish Miss Emily, opr Z C M I clothing factory, res 841 E South H Q! Temple. ^j to Irish Margaret (wid William), res 841 E South Temple. i ' pj < Irish Wm, teamster, res 841 E South Temple. P ^ i r i s h Wm S, cutler, bds 841 E South Temple. CD FJ < Irrigation Age, The Smythe, Britton & Poore Co publishers, Q3 E O 26 W Third South. See right bottom lines. ^ Q Irskine Archibald, plasterer, res 726 First. g^p .. Irvine Miss Bertha, typewriter R G Dun & Co, res 841 State. _ 5? Irvine Miss Euphemia, emp S L Litho Co, res State, bet Eighth j^ and Ninth South. Irvine George, fmn car clnrs U P Ry, res 576 S Fourth West. Irvine George Jr, genl mdse 576 S Fourth West, res same. Irvine Miss Jennie C, res 237 W Second South. ^ j/j Irvine John, Utah P Brick and Tile Co, res 841 South State. CL Irvine John, head insptr U P Ry, res 745 W South Temple. -ri Irvine J B, emp U P Ry, res 576 S First West. = Irvine John K, inspctr cars U P Ry, res 745 W South Temple. S3 ^ Irvine John W, mach U P Ry, res 741 W South Temple. C/D $ Irvine Joseph (J & M Irvine), res 759 Second East. CD Irvine J & M (Joseph and Martha), genl mdse, 759 2d East. 55 ||i Irvine Martha (J & M Irvine), res 759 Second East. " ^ Irvine Miss Margaret, bds 576 S Fourth West. Irvine Robert H, genl mdse 459 Third, res same, Morrison, Merrill & Go, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa- ellities and Enterprise North U. P. Uepot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. & 398 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. a Irvine Thomas L, mach U P Ry, res 644 W South Temple, e g Irvine W E, mach, res 745 W South Temple. 2 A Irvine Wm J, switchman U P Ry, res 576 S Fourth West. J Irvine Wni H 9 Real Estate 16-17 Commercial Blk, res 237 3 Third East. ** Irwin Arthur F, emp R M Bell Tel Co, res 547 S Main. ^ 5 Irwin Clifford J O, Manager for Utah, Kansas Mutual Life | s Insurance Co 3 1 1 Dooly blk, res East Waterloo, P O Box S ? 6o1 ' * g Isaacs John R, res 834 W First North. o Isaacs John, elk frt office U P Ry, res 175 W First North. 5 Isaacson Miss Amanda, domestic Mrs S S Walker 432 S Main. * 3 Isaacson John, lab, res 164 S Second West. V Ischy John, lab, res State s of Tenth South. Isham Edw J, plumber J W Farrell & Co, res 177 C. >* Ccf Isom Miss Addie, bds 177 H. _ IJJ Isom Alfred, dealer in second hand goods 1 16 W First South, ^ w res 177 H. r> J Italian Mutual Benefit Society, Joseph Refla sec, basement ^ 00 Wasatch bldg. SE lurasevich Gus, cook, res Utah House. ? g * JJ Ivan Court, n from 735 E Third South. O Iversen L Moth, rec teller Zion's Savings B & T Co, res 772 2d. * & ^j Iversen Heber C, bkpr Contributor, res 319 E Seventh South. ~ Iverson Emma, res 319 E Seventh South. j Iverson James F, driver Brantmg, res 319 E Seventh South. Iverson Miss Julia, tchr Spencer Home Mission School, res 158 j-J Second East. ^ OC Iverson Miss Mary, city missionary W H M S M E church, res *"$ UU 1 58 Second East. Ivins, Edward G, reporter Times, res 344 E South Temple. P W Ivins Mrs Elizabeth, res 344 E South Temple. _ Ivins Joseph C, bds 344 E South Temple. Q I X It Beer Hall, Charles Reifel Proprietor, 44 E Second Hg South. Real Estate Broker, tT2 I Monetf to Loan. lEEEr gMU a SpecMty. B. P. 6. C01TES. I E. t. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Blotk. .H.Dfflt8riGo..ASSAYEBS.SSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 399 g I X L Store, J P Freeze prop, 904 E First South. 3 E I X L Stable (J H Truman & Sons), J G Truman S L Mngr, JzJ" 3 S 350 S Main, see adv opp Terr Inde&. ^-3 y gUY WM. J. LEMP'S BEER. p^ For Hotel and Family Use. L. W. DITTMANN, Agent, 3 ,12 Telephone 384. 276 S. 3Vtain. Street. C ^ Jack diaries B, sec Rapid Transit R R, res 564 E 1st S. I? G Jack Henry L, teamster, res 1079 Eighth East. Jaek James, chf elk L D S Church office 69 E South Temple, jig' CO res 144 Fifth East. ^3 Jack Joseph C, res 144 Fifth East. co ^ Jaek Joseph F, real estate agt rm 36 Coml Blk, res 564 E e^ ^ First South. CO Jack Rolla J, bartnder Commercial Saloon, res 144 Fifth East. tW CO Jack Mary A (wid Thomas), res 717 Eighth East. ffl R _ Jack Miss May, res 670 S West Temple. g Jack William B, lab, res 670 S West Temple. S Jack William H, res 154 Fifth East. 2E J ac k William L, teamster, res 670 S West Temple. ^ Jack William P, elk, res 717 Eighth East. Uj Jack William T, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 717 Eighth East. IE Jackman Miss Annie R, res 5 1 S Second West. ^j 7 Jackman A Frank, bds 5 1 S Second West ^ ^ Jackman Fred R, elk Pacific Exp Co, res 5 1 S Second West. J>- _J Jackman Miss Lillian, music teacher, res 5 1 S Second West. ^^ Jackman Mrs Victoria M, res 44 E North Temple. ^ -r Jacks Arthur A, lab, res 742 N Second West. % jfe J73j Jacks Mary (wid), res 742 N Second West. $ ~ Jackson Alfred G, deliveryman Cohn Bros, res 152 E Seventh ' 9 23 |-d South. 2 ^Z5 Jackson Miss Ada, domestic E M Weiler 36 E Seventh South. B jjj ^| Jackson Miss Alice, emp J C Cutler & Bro, res rear 652 5th E. ^^ Jackson Miss Annie, emp J C Cutler & Bro, res rear 652 5th E. a r^ Jackson Chas, farming, res 133 W Fourth South. * jfc Jackson C, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. * gj Jackson Charles L, res 223 W Third South. o> Rogers, Searlesi Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. I Kirn of Blip Gun. 49 and 44 W. 2d South. J ters for Wrought, Steel and Cut Gasoline Store*, Refrigerators, Copper WM. Fln t 400 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. r~H Jackson Chas L, elk S P Teasdel, res 221 Iowa ave. ^ ^ j Jackson Chas M, reporter Times, res 223 W Third South. Kjj Jackson Mrs Ellen, elk Mrs M J Burrows. ,O Jackson Enos, painter G F Culmer & Bro, res 435 Fourth. KJy Jackson Frank B, expressman, res 342 Third East. Y~\ Jackson Fred, plasterer, res 1 1 76 S Second West. U-J Jackson Geo, quarryman Varley, Joseph & Co, res N Salt Lake. 01 Jackson Geo, lab, res 547 W Third North. PH Jackson Qcrald P, Attorney-at-Law 515-516 Dooly blk, O rms Culmer blk. KJt Jackson Isaac, lab Houlahan, Griffith & Morris. \^\ Jackson Isaac, res 963 E Fourth South. Jackson Isaiah N, miner, res 571 First. Jackson James, lab, res Albany Hotel. ^-4 Jackson Joseph, farmer, res w s State, Murray. Y\ Jackson Kate (wid Geo), res 10 Floral ave. H Jackson Mrs Mary Ann, nurse, res 284 F. Jackson Nellie (wid), res 869 E Ninth South. M Jackson Peter W, bartndr, res 724 S Third West. iXJ Jackson Samuel, farmer, res Murray. Jackson Samuel B, res 643 E Third South. 2J 14 ' Jackson Smales, lab, res 335 H. Q" S jj Jackson Thomas, lab, res Mill Creek ! g Jackson Thomas, lab, res 244 E Fifth South. . * Jackson T R, painter Brighton, res same. &* * Jackson Wm T (Dumont & J), res 102 W South Temple. "O - Jacob Herman, Watchmkr and Jeweler, 41 W Second South, ~ Q res 866 E Second South. j=y ^ Jacob I>r W H, Surgeon Chiropodist, Manicure and Hair- -3 W dressing Parlor 3 and 4, 24 W Second South, res same. j I Jacobs Adolpli I,, Fire Insurance Agent 408 Progress Blk, ^ res 43 E Second South. CJ Jacobs Charles H, mining, rooms 16 & 17 Union National Bank p"| Blk, res 159 Dunbar ave. Jacobs Frank D, miller, res 968 W Fourth South. W Jacobs Hiram O, col J T Dunbar, Herald, res 246 W 1st South. SC Jacobs John J, miller, res w s Eighth East, bet I ith and I2th S. < Jacobs Joseph G, Gen'l Mngr W S Rapid Transit Co -and i 1 Real Estate Agent, 22 E First South, res 50 W Fifth South. " ^ Jacobs Joshua, res 87 Q. _J Jacobs Louis, 236 W Second South. ^ Jacobs Miss Minnie, res rear 866 E Second South. 3 O CO to 05 HMEBIOmSCUITiMlllUFIICTOmilECfl., Salt Lake Bf. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 401 Jacobs Roy L, carp, rms 144 W Second South. Jacobs Wm, lab, res 1206 E Fifth South. Jacobs Wm E (Jones & J), res 137 N Main. Jacobs Z Henry, sec Spencer & Lynch Co, res 176 N W Tern. Jacobsen Thos E, elk Z C M I, res 441 S Third West. Jacobsen Andrew, elk, res 738 S First West. Jacobsen Lewis, emp R G W Ry, rms 236 W Second South. Jacobson Anna, res 328 Eighth East. Jacobson Miss Annie, emp Emp Mfg Co, res 345 E 9th South. U* Jacobson Antone, carp, res 342 Stevenson Court. Jacobson Balser, farmer, res n of E I4th South, Mill Creek. 3 Jacobson Gustav, brakeman U P Ry, res I Denver Court. CD Jacobson Hans C, waiter, res 745 Third East. Jacobson Herman, elk S Jacobson, bds same. m - _ Jacobson Isaac, lab, res 965 E Fourth South. *-* Jacobsou Jacob B, brickmkr, res 79 Alameda. Si SS m Jacobson James, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. jg Jacobson Joseph, driver Hughes Produce Co, res 738 S Third j^J" ^3! West. s 5 Jacobson Joseph, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. |^jj Jacobson Miss Maria, dressmkr, res Murray. Q3 ggfl Jacobson Miss Mary, Post Mistress, Murray. ^ ^, < Jacobson Moses P, rabbi Jewish Temple B'nai Israel, res Second CD South, bet Third and Fourth East. ^ |g Jacobson Neils M, carp, res 336 E Eighth South. 3^ Jacobson Samuel, clothg store 209 & 213 S Fifth W, res same, jg H^ Jacobson, lab City and County Bldg, res 349 S West Temple. *< uj Jacobush J, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. g 1 IS 9 Jacoby David, tailor Wallace & Co, res 216 Fifth East. P^,-^ ^ J J E-j-J Jaeshke August, bootblk stnd The Tunnel, res 229 C. CD S Jahraus Edwin M, painter J H Gertz, res 252 E Third South. _ James Charles H, res Park Ave, cor Sixth East. James David, pres James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res Kendall Row. ^ James David Jr, boiler mkr, res 716 W Second South. James David W, mngr James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 104 N State. H ? 09 U J U U James Eli, comp Herald, res 655 Fourth. James Fannie E, laundress, res 47 Back. pfl James Miss Fannie E, res 935 E Second South. James Frank, brick mkr, res North Salt Lake. jj James Frank, plumber, Kendall ave. James Frederick, comp Times, res 655 Fourth. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., SALT LAKE CITY. P.O. B2. Shirts of Ever; Description. WHITTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSTRAXC'E, Boom 310, MoOornick Building. London A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Asset*. 114,880,167.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Milwank, WU Aweto, I 1,00^0.70 402 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 164 S D < I James George, blksmith, res 164 N Eighth West. ^C James Henry, teamster, res 172 N Eighth West. t a James Henry C 9 mngr Utah Plumbing Supply Co ^Jr West Temple, res 140 Third. James H F, civil eng, res 355 West Second South. James James, lab, res 513 S State. _ James Jane E (wid Isaac), res 529 Second East. ^ James Jesse B, porter Oxford Club, res 529 Second East. .=3 James John, propr Temple barber shop, 13 W S Tem, res 323 H. 5X3 tf James John, teamster Wm Harkins, res 136 W South Temple. J2 = James John, plumber, res 32 Centre. 52* James John, lab R G W Ry, res 716 W Second South. o5 s James John H, copper smith, res 716 W Second South. James John R, lab, res 676 W First South. James Joseph, hostler Thos G Webber, res 1043 E 3d South. _ James Joseph S, lab, res 935 E Seventh South. e James Joseph S, lab, res 47 Back. e James Leroy B, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek: * James Miss Lillie, res 335 Seventh East. ( * James Mrs Louisa F, gen'l mdse, 608 W South Temple, res same. ___* James Mary Ann (wid George), res 332 E. ,g| James Morgan, blksmth R G W Ry, res 716 W Second South. ^j " James Miss Priscilla, res 6 Church. ^ I James Richard S ( J & Gardiner), genl mdse, 2 1 8 J, res 65 5 Fourth. ^1 James Richard S Jr, cutter Z C M I, res 561 Second, "g James-Spencer-Bateman Co, see inc cos, D W James mngr, < ;? Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Stoves and Tinware, 76 TL* S Main. ea James Sylvester, farmer, res Mill Creek. "5 James Thomas, res 845 E Seventh South. ^ James Thos, reporter, res 935 E Seventh South. J James Thos J, carp Temple, res 335 Seventh East. J James Thos J Jr, carp, res 856 E Third South. James Wm, barber 16 W Second South, rms 28 W First South. ** James Wm, foreman James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 6 Church. g>.s James Wm, plumber, res 104 State. = g James Wm E, tinner, res 162 W Second South. g g James Wm F, supt Maxfield mine, res 117 Second East. ^ E James W F, guard Parley's settling tanks, res Parley's Canyon. J j= James Wm J, cutter Z C M I Shoe Fcty, res 655 Fourth. J? j James & Gardiner (R S J & A G), Utah Candy Factory, 220 J. 1,*" Jameson James W (J & Johnston), res Tehichipa, Cal. CHI T I AI/C I ITLJO Offc DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR OAL I LMP\L LI I lIU. UU. FIRST-OLASS LITHOGRAPHIC CO H Z 33 D m > 5m JQ 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. WORK A SPECIALTY.. 8.H. Officer i Co, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 403 Jameson fc Johnston (J W Jameson & Nat Johnston), U Salt Lake Business College, 76 W Second South. _ Jamison Mrs M B, tchr Twenty-first School, res 129 Dunbar ave. Jamison W F, prin I ith Dis School, res 129 Dunbar ave. Jander George W, foreman bottling works Schlitz Brewing Co, res Grand Central Lodging House. ||| Janes Addison M 9 real estate 249 Main, res 342 W Third South, see side margin. m j; Janes Miss Annie, res 1469 W Eighth South. JL Q I Janes Byron E, assayer J McVicker, res 342 W 3rd S. ^ Janes Charles H, real estate Brighton, res same. C Janes Evan, miner, res 1469 W Eighth South. I Janes Mrs Evan, 1469 W Eighth South. 5 Janes George E, missionary, res 739 E Ninth South. Janes Ide, emp R G W Ry, res 1036 W Third South. , j Janes Isaac, lab, res 529 Second East. "*" Janes J R, emp Eagle Foundry, res 1255 Fifth West. Janes Miss Lillie E, res 342 W Third South. Janes Thomas, lab, res 337 S Eighth West. j Janney Edgar M, res 560 W Second North. Janney Frank G, foreman R T power house, res 663 S 3rd W. C Janney George W, emp R T S R R, res 548 W Second North. i Janney Mary A (wid Thos A), res 548 W Second North. Janney William H, eng R T Shops, res 440 W Eighth South. ^j 5 Janowitz George (G Janowitz & Co), res Leadville, Col. "~ Janowitz G & Co (Geo Janowitz), Wholesale and Retail J2, Liquors, S Simon, Manager, 6 E First South. ^ Janson Gustaf V, shoemkr, res 164 Oak. 1 Janson Johanna (wid John) res 202 Wall. ~J ^ Jaques Britnell L, carp, res 530 E South Temple. ^5 co Jaques Euart P, res 764 W South Temple. CI Jaques Fred A, emp Higham & Amott, res 742 N Second West. r Jaques Jennie L, res 764 W South Temple. . Jaques Heithington L, bds 530 E South Temple. fcp Jaques John, Asst Historian and Recorder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 62 E South Temple, 03 res 530 E South Temple. Jaques John L, carp, bds 530 E South Temple. Jaques W F, elk R G W Ry, res 764 W South Temple. CD Jarman Albert E, machinist R G W Ry, res 727 E First ^ South. CD cu Jarman Charles H,carp, res 627 Second. QQ __ __ - . - Irrigation APP Printing HniiQP Printers, Publishers and imgdllUI AKB rnilllllK nUUbb iR1flnt n V Mannfa . fnpAr 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book Manufacturers SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO, Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Gasoline St 404 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. co Jarrett Joseph W. Cashier Continental Oil Co, res 5 1 5 E. > First South. O fcijarsen Fred, emp Wm Harkins. X .E Jarvis Ezra, stonecutter, res 859 W First North. C c5 Jarvis Henry S, elk Baltimore Packg Co, res 276 N First West. c5 x J arv i s John, lab Houlahan, Griffith & Morris, g Jarvis Joseph H, tmstr, res 1027 Third East. Jarvis Lewis C (H Bouford & Co), rms 277 E Fifth South. 2 Jarvis L, C & Co (L C J, E J Hickok and H Bouford), Rail- _^_ road and General Contractors, 65 W Second South, see adv. Q Jarvis Richard J, tmstr, res 336 Stevenson Court. CI Jaske Charles H, lithographer S L Litho Co, res 250 S \Yest LQ Temple. Jasper Miss Annie, dom 876 S West Temple. .2 Jasper Henry F, painter Tullidge & Co, res Turner Hall. ^- Jasperson Peter C, printer, res n e cor loth South and 3d East. jj^Jay William H, cont and builder, res 476 Third CH Jayne Fred P, stenographer R G W Ry, res 739 E Ninth South. "JE J a > Tne J esse E > stenographer 147 S Main, res 739 E Ninth South. CC Jefferson Mrs Christina, res 332 Sixth East. ^ Jefferson W C, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Jenkins Miss May, res 156 W Seventh South. ^ Jenkins Stewart J (J W J & Sons), res 268 S Fourth West. Jenkins Miss Rose, res 268 S Fourth West. * Jenkins Miss Rose, res 659 S West Temple. H^ a Jenkins Stewart, Harnessmaker J W Jenkins & Sons, res ^jQ < 268 S Fourth West. O ^ Jenkins Thos sr, res I 50 W Seventh South. "-^ g Jenkins Thos H, teamster Eagle Foundry, res 5 Rustic Court. QQ -j Jenkinson Samuel W, upholsterer, res 465 Fifth. 3 Q P Jennens Benj W E, aud elk R G W Ry, res 21 5 D. t^3 L~1 U Jenney W P, mining expert, rms Walker House. Q Jennings Block, n to 23 W First South. 111 ii LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., I "3^" Corner Main and First South. I UnprOVCd WTJ rFOpeny. ^| 406 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. \ Jennings John, electrician, res 634 S Third West. g "g Jennings John, emp G Platt Co. * Jennings John, emp Rapid Transit Co. * J Jennings Joseph A, res 75 First. w Jennings Oliver A, elk Cohn Bros, res 353 Sixth. ? Jennings Theo J, res 1037 S First West. * 3 Jennings T J, cond S L C R R, res 45 1 Hazel Court. I 3 Jennings Thos W, res 172 First. . g | Jennings Walter P, vice-pres, sec and treas Jennings Bros Inv c 3 Co, res 453 E South Temple. rt Jennings Priscilla (wid Wm), res 139 E South Temple. 8 t? Jennings Wm H, res 8 Bellevue Terrace. J 3 Jennings & Caiiie Co, see inc. cos, Insurance Agents, Joseph 5 W E Caine Sec and Mngr, 63-66 Hooper blk. """ Jensen Adolph, mechanic, res McDonald's Court. Jensen Andrew, teamster, res 334 Stevenson's Court. Jensen Andrew P, teamster, res 1 1 76 E Sixth South. Jensen Anna E (wid), res 443 Ninth East Jensen Annie, domestic 635 E First South. Jensen A W, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Jensen Brigham, lab, res e s Seventh East, s of Twelfth South. Jensen Carl, cook Model Coffee House, res 324 Second East. Jensen Carl H L, mach, res 932 W Ninth South. Jensen Mrs Caroline, res Seventh East and Twelfth South. Jensen Carrie Marie (wid Nels), res rear 248 Ninth East. Jensen Christian, emp W Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Jensen Christian, engr Cullen, bds same. Jensen Christian, elk Neve & Child. Jensen Christian, engr, res Mortensen's Alley. Jensen Christian, cook, res 435 Ninth East. Jensen Christian, real estate, res 435 Ninth East. Jensen Mrs Christina, res s e cor Twelfth South and Seventh E. Jensen Daniel, res Mill Creek. ~ Jensen Daniel, bds e s Seventh East, s of Twelfth South. Jensen Miss Dina, res 453 Fourth. Jensen George, rancher, res 824 Fifth East. Jensen George, lab, res 231 Second East. Jensen Hannah, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. Jensen Hans S, emp Geo A Lowe, res 7th W, bet 5th & 6th N. Jensen Mrs Helen, res cor Ninth East and Twelfth South. Jensen Henning B, n s Shady Grove, bet Fifth and Sixth East. . Jensen Hyrum, tchr, res 34 Sixth East. co LOANS A SPECIALTY, c SRSffi*. I MONET TO LOAN. .***. Beal Estate Broker, H. p. e. corns. I E. L. SHEETS. Room n. commercial K.H, Officer Ho RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 407 g Jensen Hyrum, res e s Seventh East, s of Twelfth South, 1 i Jensen H S, lab, res 776 N Seventh West. 3 Jensen James, farmer, res Forest Dale. j R Jensen James C 9 Mngr Security Abstract Co, res n w cor * Capitol grounds. Jensen James, tmstr, res 1 176 E Sixth South. Jensen James C, cond R T, res 622 S Third West. *a-J Jensen James J, stone cutter, res 930 E Third South. S2, Jensen James S, teamster, res s e cor 9th E and 9th S. "c5 Jensen Jens, eng Temple, res 159 W First South. H" Jensen Jens P, lab, res 255 W Seventh South. O3 Jensen Jens S, watchmkr and jeweler, 22 E First South, res P t^ 1 24 Canyon Road, see adv. ^^ s Jensen Johanna, domestic Hotel Knutsford. ^ Jensen Johanna (wid), res 245 Second East. Q" ""* Jensen John, carp, res rear 138 N Seventh West. ^^ CCf Jensen John A, motorman Rapid Transit, res Murray. J|JJ Jensen John A, mortorman R T, res 929 S Third West. ::.._ _J Jensen Joseph, carp, res s e cor Twelfth South and Seventh East, t i ggj Jensen Julia, domestic 570 S Main. . Jensen Julius, lab, res 745 S Second West. j Jensen J P, lab city, res 255 W Seventh South, CD Jensen Miss Laura, domestic, res rear 154 N Second West. ^ ' Jensen Mrs Maria, plain sewing, res 451 E Seventh South. CD CO Jensen Martha (wid Jno), res McDonald's Court. Jensen Mary (wid S J), res 145 S Fourth West. p r E^ Jensen Mary (wid Nels), res 605 Sixth East. -J Jensen Miss Minnie, domestic 328 S State, . O3 Jensen Niels, wood turner, res 633 Fourth East. ^L < jp"1 Jensen Niels, genl mdse Murray, res same. ^y QD Jensen N, emp Wm Harkins. ^ Jensen Nelson D, mason, res I4th South, w of I3th East. TQ Jensen Orson, lab, res McDonald's Court. ^^ C Jensen Orson M, helper Rapid Transit, res 577 E Second South, gj^ & Jensen P, emp Wm Harkins. OD Jensen Peter, lab, res 266 W Sixth South. ftfTl ^S Jensen Peter, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. g>O G3 Jensen Rasmus, gardener, res n s I4th South, bet iith & 13 E. S Jensen Sophia (wid Niels), res rear 261 W North Temple. Ill Jensen Soren, bishop L D S Dry Creek Branch, res Draper. ~ Jensen Susie (wid Matson), res 284 C. ^ J Jensen Swen, lab, res 338 W Third South. L_ ^^ Jensen Theodore, carp, res 58 Marion av. " Jensen Theodore C, cond S L R T, res 622 S Third West. ^ f\ Jensen Thorwald, jeweler, bds 121 Canyon Road. "f^ JJ^ Jensen Willard, elk E N Jenkins, res 158 E Second South. ^ Jenson Andrew, historian, res 154 N Second West. UL Jenson Christopher J, teamster, res 436 S Second West. Jenson 's Court, rear of 626 Fourth East. ^j Jenson Hildus A, mach Novelty Mfg Co, res 61 E Third South. m Jenson James B, teacher, res Sandy. Jenson Mrs Margaret, res 676 W North Temple. X Jenson Matilda (wid Hans C), res 683 Sixth, fenson Miles C, lab city, res 141 N Fourth West. Jenson Niels, lab, rms 208 W Fifth North. Jenson Niels C, quarryman, res 42 S Thirteenth East. Jenson Parley, emp Hotel Templeton. " Jenson Samuel, res 53 N Fifth West. S2 Jepperson Hans, waiter, res 1 1 E North Temple. Si JJ Jepperson Jeppe, sculptor, res 1 1 E North Temple. S Jepperson Joseph E, printer, res 1 1 E North Temple. Jepperson Richard, carver, res 1 1 E North Temple. ^ _ Jepson John, helper R M Jones, res 356 Seventh East. Jeremy Miss Chloe, res 58 N Sixth West. Jeremy David B, barber shop 215 S Main, res 20 S Seventh 3" West. 5? Jeremy Ethan J, res 58 N Sixth West. JJJ Jeremy John, teamster, res 43 S Eighth West. ^ ( Jeremy Mary (wid David), res 576 W Second North. r ^ Jeremy Matilda (wid Thos E), res 818 W First South. i Jeremy Minnie (wid Thos E), res 10 S Seventh West. CD O^ Jeremy Miss Minnie, res 10 S Seventh West. CO j Pjj Jeremy Salt Co, Thomas E Jeremy President, Levi J Read I/J Vice-Pres, Thomas J Almy Secy and Treas, Office and Warehouse 68 N Sixth West, see page 12. s s Jeremy Thomas E 9 President Jeremy Salt Co, res 58 N ?3| Sixth West. Jerome Frank B, miner, res 917 E South Temple. Jerew Felix, carp, res 347 S West Temple. Jerram William, mach Silver Bros, res 447 N Third West. "H ^ ^^ OTTT TI7 T TTTAT7I Printing in all its Branches. I T Ttt7in VI 1 If U I Good Work, Reasonable Prices. I PI U I OfllAl Li M IV Li I Honest Treatment of Customers. I |i I IS 11 Ul U111YJ-1 | 52 w>8d South Telephone 249. 1 U1 - 1 11Ul AMERICAN BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 409 JE Jersey Farm Dairy Co (Parker & Trenholn), location Rio . , Grande track Fourteenth South, see adv. J Jespersen Chris, music tchr, res 618 W Seventh South. Jespersen T, waiter Cullen Hotel, bds same. CH Jesperson Peter C, printer, res cor Third East and Roper. J( Jensen Adolph, civil eng, res 558 E South Temple. *-* JcsNiip Robert J, reporter Tribune, rms 1 10 W First North, res 1 1 1 6 Evans, Denver, Colorado. ** Jewish Synagogue, Temple B'nai Israel, Moses P Jacobson rabbi, *** 240-249 Fourth East. Jewett Ralph C, teamster Harkins, cont, res 136 W S Temple. 3 Jex Moses, lab, res 176 R. Q$ jobes Albert C, hackman, res 68 E Second South. Jockey Club Stables (D D Johnson), Market, see adv. J" Jocuonsen Mary (wid Hans), res rear ijth Ward Assembly Rms. gj Johason Svante, cutter Buckle & Son, res 262 Second East. *-* > Johanes John, lab, res n e cor Eighth West & Tenth South. -i Johansen H R, lab, res rear 751 E Ninth South. rjj Johansen Josephine, res 163 E South Temple. g Johansen Lars, lab, res 36 E First North. ^ < Johansen Peter, upholsterer P W Madsen, res Riverside ave, Qj < Eighth South and Eighth West. CD Johanson Alice, res 36 S Sixth West. 5 < Johanson Andrew A, res 455 Hazel Court. Sg -i Johanson Andrew E, emp Walker House, bds 455 Hazel Court. CD , Johanson Miss Bernice, res 262 Second East. JJ S Johanson Martin, plasterer, res North Salt Lake. s < 5 Johanson Svante, cutter and fitter Buckle & Son, res 262 2d E. g j John Charles, elk Bang & Myers, res Amos add. p.. John Charles, butcher, res 13 W Ninth North. O John David, mason, res 231 Ninth East. SJ Johns Clara (wid Frank), res 336 W Second North. * Johnsing Joseph W, guard at Penitentiary. Johnson Alice, dom 38 Fourth East. Johnson Alexander, lawyer 85 Wasatch bldg, rms same. Johnson Miss Alma, landress Troy S L, res 1 16 E 2d South. Johnson Amos J, comp Tribune, res 1419 W Eighth South. Johnson Andrew, blksmith U P Ry, res 344 S First West. Johnson Andrew, car repairer U P Ry, res 138 N Third West. Johnson Andrew, carp, res 1013 S First West. Johnson Andres H, drayman, res 336 E. Johnson Aingred, carp, res 53 Rosella. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McComicl[Bld., SALT LAKE CITY. f. t. B W. TtiephM* Ml. Shirts f Evry Description. U IN TTL 1 \HlPT J'JUkLT P. P(\ Phenix Insurance Company, of I! Ill 1 1 L JjUll E, I UUKL & IV,, Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 IXSIRAXC'E, Room 310. McCornick Building. Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York ....Assets, W,597,375^1 410 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Johnson Anne S (wid Samuel), res 372 Fifth. Johnson Miss Annie, dom at rms 15 & 16, 44 W First South. Johnson Annie, dom rear 132 E First South. Johnson Annie (wid), res 202 Wall. Johnson Axel, elk Z C M I, res 63 Locust. Johnson A H, lab city, res 336 E. Johnson A Joseph, wool-grower, res 25 I Third East. Johnson Dr A M, specialist, room 13 Grand Central Lodg Hse. ji Johnson Benjamin, res 3 Whitaker Court. Johnson Benjamin, mason, res 25 Fir. i Johnson Benjamin F, bkpr 56 S West Temple, rms same. 1 5 Johnson Bowman W, elk Irrigation Age, res 236 W Sixth S. 5 Johnson Carl J, res 195 Oak. S Johnson Carl O, stonecutter, res 966 First. Johnson Mrs Caroline, laundress Des Hospital, res 206 N 2d W. Johnson Catharine (wid Daniel), res 236 W Sixth South. - Johnson Charles, elk J B Blazer, 43 W Second South, res 612 ~ E Third South. 23 Johnson Charles, lab city street dept. 25 Johnson Charles, lab, res rear 124 N Third West. e Johnson Charles, cigarmkr Saml Levy, res 244 Third East. fc 2 Johnson Charles, emp Fisher Brewy, res ist S, bet 9th & loth W. *" < Johnson Charles E, policeman. 4 JJ Johnson Charles E, vice-pres J & Pratt Drug Co, res 252 E 3d S. 5 I Johnson Charles F, foreman wash rm Troy S L, res 361 6th E. r^ Johnson Charles M, lab, res 819 W Eighth South. p Johnson Charles M, conductor ROW Ry, res 97 R G ave. Johnson Charles O, res 966 First. ^ Johnson Miss Christine, emp Troy S Laundry, res 1 1 1 E 2d S. SJ * Johnson Miss Clara, emp Troy S Laundry, res 141 E First S. 2 Johnson C F, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 361 Sixth East. jjj Johnson C R, res 531 Fourth. CD crtj *j| JS Johnson Charles, st car cond, res 731 E South Temple. CD CL Johnson Charles W, elk J B Blazer & Co, res 612 E 3d South. CO Johnson C W (wid Swen), res 612 E Third South. ^ Johnson C O, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. - > Johnson C W, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. ti!c/> fyJ Johnson David K, cabinet mkr Dinwoodey F Co, res 3 1 S 6th W. JOB Johnson Dena, res n Morris Row. 3 a r Johnson D D, prop Jockey Club Stables, res 541 Third East. Johnson E Gustave, shoemkr, res 137 E Eighth South. Johnson Eber W T m, sheepherder, bds 427 E^ Eighth South. OAIT I I "IT I ITUfl Pfi Lithographing, Printing and Blank OALI LAI t LllnU. LU. Rnnl _ nr-l^n T The Finerin th. Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DUU * m l * m y Country.^ B.H. Officers Go,,^ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 411 Johnson Edwin, lab, rms 203 Eighth East. c - Johnson Mrs Eliza (col'd), res 262 S First West. JJ Johnson Eliza (wid Jos E), res 252 E Third South. J Johnson Elizabeth (wid Peter E), res North Salt Lake. Johnson Ellen, domestic 144 W Third South. Johnson Ellen (wid), res 58 E Second North. - Johnson Elof, spice mnfr, res 268 Second East. Johnson Miss Elsie, domestic 376 E Third South. r " Johnson Emma, domestic 234 E First South, frl *~~3 Johnson Emma (wid Geo L), res rear 738 Eighth East. L J ^ Johnson Emil H, banjo tchr, res 32 Thirteenth East. t~2 Johnson Emil, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. Johnson Eph, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Johnson Eric G, shoemkr Solomon Bros, res 137 E 8th South. Johnson Eva (wid Peter), res 342 E Second South. SE: Johnson E W, carp U P Ry, res 1 10 N Third West. Johnson E W, carp, res 170 N Third West. Johnson Frank, res 327 E First South. ^ Johnson Frank, lab, res Roberts Lodging House. ^^ H ^ Johnson Frank, carp, res 569 E Second South. L . Johnson Frank G, bookbndr Magazine Print Co, res 342 E 2d S.""* ^ Johnson Frank L, dishwasher The Tunnel restaurant. ^ Johnson Miss Freda, domestic n w cor 4th and W Temple. "T"j Johnson Fritz L, horse trainer, n of I4th S 2 e of I ith E. ~*^5 Johnson Gabriel, lab, res 212 E Fifth South. OD Johnson George, res 522 S State. - Johnson George W, printer V T R Laboratory, 56 S West Temple, -,t-j res same. ^ Johnson Gustaf E, shoemkr Robinson Bros, res 137 E 8th S. T) Johnson Gustave, bartndr Bijou Saloon, res 245 Second East. Johnson Gustaye, mngr Western Shoe and Dry Goods Co, -S res 182 Centre. GQ Johnson Gustav A, plumber, res 372 Fifth, p: Johnson Hadley D, atty-at-law, res 226 G. .2 Johnson Hannah D (wid J W), res 747 W First South. (J i-C Johnson Hans T, carp, res w s Third East s of Tenth South. ffl 03 Johnson Harriet (wid Solomon), res 106 E Fifth South. A p i_ Johnson Heku, carp, res 655 Fourth East. H- , j Johnson Henry, carp, res 101 1 S First West. 9 CO Johnson Miss Hilda, res 58 N Second West. F JJ, ^_4 Johnson Hiram (Remington, Johnson & Co), res 126 E. C3 Johnson Hokan, carp, res 655 Fourth East. P The litigation Age A Journal of National Moment. Read by Farmers, Investor!, Contractors, EnginMn, Etc. Sail l,ake Office, 26 W. 3d Somlh St. 30 SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.,1 si -11 of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J Retail Hard- ware. C'ntlery. Stoven. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 413 Johnson Lillie, chambermaid Walker House, bds same. 30 Johnson Louis C, collector Utah & Mont Mach Co, res 414 W Third South. Johnson Mrs Malinda (col'd), res 266 S First West. Johnson Martha (wid Carl), res 58 N Second West. Johnson Miss Mary, dom Mrs B Young, First South, bet First and Second West. Johnson Miss Mary, emp Utah Steam Laundry. Johnson Mary (wid Nels), res 1 24 N Third West. Johnson Mary A (wid Edward), res 417 Fourth. Johnson Mary O R, dressmkr, res 372 Fifth. Johnson Mrs M A, ice cream parlor, 252 Ninth East. Johnson Matilda C (wid Samuel), res Tenth South w of Jordan. CD Johnson Nels T, real est agt 84 Com'l blk, res 465 S 2d West. CD Johnson Niels, carp, res 725 S Third East. CD Johnson Miss Nettie, teacher, res 360 E Seventh South. PD Johnson Oscar, elk 56 S Main. Johnson Otto, shoemkr 913 E Fourth South, res same. Johnson Otto, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. UJ Johnson Otto, dairy 864 W South Temple, res same, CD Johnson Owen E, carp, res 873 E Eighth South. ^D Johnson O E, foreman loth Ward L & Bldg Ass, res 873 E 8th S. ~ CD ' ^ JOilllbOIl \J IL,, 1UL11 VVdl IH CO Johnson Peter, emp W Harkins. X Johnson Peter, res 121 S State. H Q Johnson Peter A, upholsterer, res Riverside ave. fl) -J Johnson Peter H (J & Stalker), res Mill Creek. = H P Johnson Peter L, policeman, rms 122 Wasatch Blk. ^ CO Johnson Peter R, uphosterer H Dinwoodey Fur Co, res 261 ~ ftj !!! W Third North, ~+ O Johiison-Pratt Drug Co, Druggists, etc, P P Pratt Jr, 2J xj j pres, C E Johnson vice-pres, Henry McEwan, sec and treas, CO 32 and 34 S Main. to Johnson Rasmus, lab, res 541 Fifth East. O_ Johnson Richard M, hard wood polisher, res 252 Ninth East. ^ Johnson Robert, tanner, res 633 Sixth East. C Johnson R Bruce, barber, res 67 E Second South. 3 Johnson Robert J, tanner, res 633 Sixth East. J/5 ^ Johnson Robert J, wool sorter, res 633 Sixth East. Johnson Robert M 9 Agent Nebo Salt Mfng Co, 444 Con- ( 09 -I Ul u stitution Bldg, res 404 W Third South. Johnson R W, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. g Johnson Samuel C, lab, res 372 Fifth. H Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS.- 241 North 3d West. Lombard Investment Co. Makes Loans on ImDroved Farms. 414 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. |H j Johnson Sophia, res 409 S Second East. Johnson Sven Fred, printer, res 47 Grape. CQ j| Johnson Theo, stallman McCoy's stable, rms Morris Row. ft B Johnson Thos (Stern & J), res 264 S Third East. J JJ Johnson Thomas, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. H o Johnson Thos A, lab, res 332 Sixth East. ^ S Johnson Miss Tillie, domestic 27 S First West Johnson Trina (wid Andrew) res 79 Alexander. * Johnson T J (col'd). waiter Silver Grill, rms 318 Second East. 91 * Johnson V, barber, Murray, res same. Johnson William, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. g 1 Johnson William, emp S L C R R Co, res Fort Douglas. * Z Johnson W, lab City Street Dept. 3 V Johnson W, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. Johnson W E, emp S L C R R, res 731 E South Temple. Q Johnson William T, millwright, res 346 E Seventh South. _ LU Johnson M W (wid L S), res 404 W Third South. % so m Johnson & Merz (J J and George M). Second Hand Goods, w ^^ Hay and Grain, Provisions, 12 and 14 E Third South. ^ GO Johnson & Stalker (Peter H J & Ben F S), hay, grain, feed and g E vegetables, 1 34 and 1 36 W First South. g ^ IJJ Johnston James, farmer, res 10 E, s of nth South, Perkins add. g. 5. ^3 Johnston George, confectioner, res 71 W Seventh South. Z Johnston James. Propr White House Bar 208 S Main, res " 245 S West Temple. ^ OC Johnston Lars, confectioner, res 71 W Seventh South. 2J tji Johnston L & Co (Lars and Geo), confectionery 71 W 7th South. 3" ^X Johnston Nat (Jameson & J), 76 W Second South. ^^ Johnston W H Jr, First Lieut i6th Infantry, res Fort Douglas. QJ QJ Joice Miss Winifred, domestic Brighton. 3 13 Jolly Oliver, teamster, res 544 W Fourth North. 2^ Jonasson D J (wid S J), res 186 B. 3 Jonasson Edward J, painter Kershaw & Addoms. Si " Jonasson Miss Mary C, elk Z C M I, res 186 B. jg CO Jonasson Mary C, tchr, res 4th East bet 2d and 3d South. co ^J Jonasson Jno E, painter, res 5255 Second West. ^ ^ Jonasson John F, lab, res rear 224 W Fourth North. Z3O ^>< Jonasson Mrs Ulreka, dressmaking, res 525 S Second West. 2 rr^l Jones Addisou B. Cashier Utah Natl Bank, bds Templeton. o Jones Miss Agnes, res 162 S Second West. oJ f -^ Jones Mrs Agnes M, res North Temple, w of Jordan. Z2. Jones Amie (wid John), res 48 Eighth East. J^ GO ' Real Estate Broker, & I Monetf to Loan. (.tans a Special*/. B. P. C. ('OATHS. | E. L. SHEETS, Boon 12, Commercial Block. B.H, Officer Ho RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 415 , CO fee Jones Barbara (wid), res Valley House, ^ DC Jones Benjamin F, commercial traveler, res 213 W 2nd S. !Za o Jones Benjamin W, peddler, res 27 N Fifth W. ^ z Jones Miss Blanche, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 32 S State. _S Jones Brigham F, emp R G W Ry, res 218 Ninth East. ^ Jones Mrs Carrie L, res Brighton. ^ Jones Catherine (wid), res 722 E Fourth South. Jones Catherine Ann, res 155 S Fifth West. 3 *Z! Jones Mrs Charles A, housekpr Enterprise House, res same. C, ^ Jones Charles T, emp Cement Works, res 738 W First North. E3 Jones C H, real estate dealer, res Brighton. oJ 1 CO Jones Daniel, carp, res State, Murray. ^3 Jones Daniel B, farmer, res Murray "^o & Jones David, emp Wonderland, res Twelfth East, bet Sixth and -g Seventh South. CO Jones. David, cond R T, res 247 S First W 7 est. CO Jones David, stone cutter Temple, res 217 Tenth East, c^ ^ Jones Edward, teamster, res rear Folsom add. CD^ ^ Jones Edward R, brick mason, res 333 W South Temple. CO Jones Edwin D (Crutcher & J), res Beaver City, Neb. tW CO Jones Elias, foreman Elias Morris, res Valley House. ffl - . Jones Mrs Eliza A, res 2 1 Cane. ^^ Jones Eliza J (wid Thomas) res 722 E Fourth South. Jones Elizabeth, domestic 671 I. IflE Jones Ellen (wid Richard), res 34 Sixth East. H Jones Elmer B (Jones & Schroeder), res Manitou Hotel. 1 Jones Eugene F, grocer, East Road, s w cor County Road. O 1C Jones Evan B, drug elk, res 1469 W Eighth South. ^~ Jones Exman B, porter, bds 161 W South Temple. ^\ ^ Jones Frank, sheepman, res 223 N Sixth West. ^^ $> ' Jones Frank D, confectioner, res 620 S Eighth West. ^"3 Jones Franz A, agt Jas Yorgason Fountain Green Creamery, res ^ ~ 366^ S Main. ^ ~-* Jones George, emp Rapid Transit R R, rms 614 E 2d South. ^ ~! Jones Geo, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. ^ -- ^-3 Jones Geo A, teamster U P Coal Yard, res 670 W Fourth North. ^d Jones Geo D, mach R G W Ry, res bet 4th and 5th S nr Jordan, i J5 Jones Geo D Jr, teamster, res bet 4th and 5th South nr Jordan. <^ Jones Geo H (J & Dury), res 521 E First South. Jones Geo M, motorman S L C R R Co, res Lake Breeze. Jones George R 9 Lime, Plaster, Hair and Plaster Centre * Pieces, 255 West Temple, res Co Road n of Warm Springs. Ropers, Searles X Go GENERAL INSURANCE. 1 ' ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT UKE HARDWARE CO. I g siirii of Btir Gun. 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J Ho ai1quartrs for Wrought, Steel and Cat Ranges, Gaaoline Stove*, Refrigerators, Granite, Tin and Copper War*. Pine How-firmUMmg CO (f) gg 416 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Jones Geo T, elevator man Dinwoodey Furn Co, rms s w cor 3d West and Second South. Jones George W, R R Ticket Broker 230 S Main, res Ogden, Utah. Jones Harriet (wid Wm A), res rear 42 1 Fourth East. Jones Harvey J (E M Steele & Co), res 218 S Second West. Jones Harvey L, elk city assessor, res 24 E First South. Jones Heber L, lab, res rear 722 E Fourth South. Jones Herman, gents' furnishings 56 E 2d South, res 44 E 2d S. t ^ Jones Hopkin, stonemason, res 222 Ninth East. Jones Hugh, bkpr Valley House, res same. Jones H L R, res 1 77 E First South. Jones Ida B (wid John T), res 568 Third. Jones Isaac, elk, bds 86 Apple. Jones James H, traveling agt George A Lowe, res 652 5th E. ^J Jones James S, hackman, res 412 W Second South. Jones Jane (wid Joseph), res 5 16 W North Temple. C j Jones Jay, motorman S L C R R, res 1034 E Second South. Jones John, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Jones John Jr, special agt Equitable L Ass Society, res 56 W Third South. Jones John, lab, res 737 S Eighth West. Jones John, carp, res North Mill Creek. , , . * Jones John, lab Temple, res 155 S Fifth West. Jones John, car repr S L C R R. & Jones John, emp S L P L & H Co, res 523 W First North. " Jones John A, carp, res Murray. Jones John C, eng U C Ry, res 667 S Third West. jg- Jones John E, carp, res 654 W Fourth North. t Jones John H, foreman shop Geo M Scott & Co, res 238 Wall - Jones Jno R, trunk mnfgr Hulbert Bros, res 676 W First South. Jones John R, blksmith, res 125 S Fifth West. Jones John R, blksmith Eagle Foundry, res rear 40 N 6th West. Jones John W, carp, res 176 E Seventh South. Jones John W, general mdse 56 E First South, res 86 Apple. Jones John W jr (elk Jno W Jones), res 86 Apple. Jones John A, butcher, res 123 Fourth East. Jones Joseph (col'd), barber, res at Coleman House. Jones Jos, porter 216 S Main, res cor 3d South and 5th West. Jones Joshua, lab, res 711 E Seventh South. Jones Miss Julia, res 162 S Second West. Jones Miss Laura, res 142 N Main. SET LRKEI Tle 2X2 HHEBimUMTftMHIIUFIlCTmilB CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 417 Jones Lincoln, cook, res 974 W Fourth South. 3 Jones Miss Lizzie, dressmkr, res 768 W South Temple. fjj Jones Lizzie, emp Troy Steam Lndry, res 722 E Fourth South. Jones Miss Lizzie, res 218 Ninth East. Jones Lottie, emp Troy Stm Ldry, res 722 E Fourth South. Jones Miss Louie, opr Z C M I Clothg Facty, res 724 E 4th S. Jones Mrs Louise (col'd), res 262 South First West. Jones Maggie E, res 125 S Fifth West. Jones Marcus E 9 Geologist and Botanist, 550 Third East, res same. Jones Mary (wid), res 722 E Fourth South. Jones Mary E (wid N V), res 530 W Second South. Jones Mary J, dressmkr, res 620 S Eighth West. Jones Miss May, res 86 Apple. Jones Miss Minnie, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 238 Wall. Jii Jones Miss M B, elk Cohn's, res 32 State. Si - . Jones Mark, engr, res Camp Lane, w of Jordan. ^ Jones Marlow J, cashr Utah Pt & Oil Co, res Grand View add. ; ^3! Jones Mining Co of Utah, see inc co's, T A Reamer supt, res 61 c/D SsO S Seventh West. = ^JJ Jones Mrs Lettia, res 34 S Fourth West. CD gg^ Jones Nathaniel V (Hampton & J), res 162 S Second West. ^ ^ 5 . < Jones Nellie (wid), res 175 S First West. CD : Jones Owen G, miner, res 924 S First West. 3g |O Jo nes Miss Pauline, res 218 Ninth East. H^ Jones Peter, electrician United Elec Co, res 218 Ninth East. ^ cg^ Jones Rachel M (wid Wm R), res 318 Sixth East. **< Uj Jones Reese, teamster Temple, res 1 5 $ S Fifth West. g- ISo Jones Richard, lab. bds 738 W First North. 5-N-J Jones Robert, lab city street department. Q ^ Jones Robert, lab Jeremy Salt Co, bds 738 W First North. > __ Jones Robert, mach, res 363 Tenth East. Jones Robert Jr, brickmason, bds 363 Tenth East. ^ (0 Jones Robert M 9 Electrical Supplies, constructor of Elec- ^ J trie Street Railways, Electric Lights and Mining Plants, 25 p J E First South, res 177 E First South. HS 111 Jones Miss Ruth, res w s Terrace ave, 3 n of Twelfth South. Jones Mrs Sarah, domestic, res 330 S Third West. Jones Miss Sarah, res 738 W First North. SCO Jones Sarah A (wid John), res 149 W South Temple. lli Jones Miss Stella, res 142 N Main. J3 m Jones Stiles D, electrical engineer R M Jones, res 475 E 5th S. j^JJ IL CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., I 503 A 305 ICCffllCt B1&, SALT LAKE CITY. ShirU of Every Description. WHITTEMORE.COORE&CO., INSURANCE. Boom 310, McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg...- Asset*, 12,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden. ...~-. Anieta, 4,100.403^ 418 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. I 00 C3 SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. 00 CD CO CD 1 Jones Susanna (wid Wm), res 905 W First North. Jones Thos, cook, res 39 Post. Jones Thos, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. 3 Jones Thos, stone mason, res 218 Ninth East. CO Jones Tlios. bkpr Beyle & Co and Notary Public 410 Dooly Y Blk, res 142 N Main. J Jones Thos B, miner, res 61 S Seventh West. . Jones Thomas E, res rear 24 E Sixth South. Jones Thomas H, painter Peterson & Brown, res 676 W 1st S. Jones Thomas R (T R Jones & Co), res 363 S Main. Jones T R & Co (Thomas R J & Sylvester J Lynn), Bankers 161 S Main. Jones Thos W, sheepman, res 63 1 W South Temple. * Jones Vernon B,^painter S L Rapid Transit, rms Richelieu House. B Jones Walter C, elk Burton-Gardner Co, res 817 E First South. W Jones Walter E, elk R G W Ry, res 321 First East. o. Jones Wm, res 7 1 1 E Seventh South. _ Jones Wm 9 Manufacturing Jeweler, 64 S Main, res 670 W Fourth North. . Jones Wm C, foreman Empire Laundry, res 33 Richards. | Jones Wm H (J & Jacobs), res 231 Third East. | Jones Wrn H, plasterer, res 631 W South Temple. f Jones Wm H, Jr, emp S L C R R Co, res 670 W Fourth North. S Jones Wm L, bkpr, res 17 Almond. Jones Wm R, elk F Auerbach & Bro, rms 16 E First South. Jones Wm R, tailor, res 620 S Eighth West. Jones Wm R, Jr, adv solicitor Magazine Printing Co, res 418 W Second South. Jones Wm X, res 63 1 W South Temple. Jones Miss Winnie," head waitress Valley House, res same. Jones Mrs Witcher, bds 164 E First South. Jones & Dury (George H J & Frank D), Groceries, etc, 303 E Second South. Jones fc Jaeobs (William H J and W E J), contracting engi- neers, rm 5 49 S Main. Jones & Schroeder (Elmer B J and Albert T S), attorneys at law 95-98 Coml Blk. Jordan Conrad, carp, res 923 W South Temple. Jordan George C, driver Mountain Ice Co, res at ice house. Jordan Sarah J (wid John), res rear 38 Back. Jordan William, cond U P Ry, res U P Hotel. Jorgensen Bertha, emp Hotel Knutsford. res same. CD QJ fl") 00 CD CD CD II R.H. Officer Ho,, ASSAYERS.^. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 419 C"> jE S3 O D H Jorgensen Frederic C, lab, res 528 W Sixth South. 3 | Jorgensen Miss Hannah, domestic 128 N West Temple. o ==:" Jorgenson Miss Annie, domestic St. Elmo, res same. | Jorgenson Annie E, res 768 W Seventh South. Eh O^3 Jorgenson Bertha, domestic St James Hotel, res same. Jjjjlq Jorgenson Rasmus P, upholsterer Dinwoodey Fur Co, res 261 CO W Third North. ey> r 085 Jornandby Rose, domestic 627 East First South. QJ g^ Joseph Harry S (Varley, Joseph & Co), chf eng G S L & 3 H S Ry 709 McCornick Blk, res U P Hotel. -O_ ^yj Joseph Phil, com trav Goldsmith & Co, res St James. CD ri Joseph Wm C, cook Morgan Hotel, res rear 338 E Second S. ^ m ssi Josephi Eric H, elk California Wine Co, rms 138 W Second S. o Joslin Jervis (J & Park), res Denver, Col. Joslin fc Park, (Jervis J & Boyd Park), Watchmakers, =3 !^J Watches and Jewelry, 170 and 172 Main. l_ Jost Julius, butcher, res S Second West, bet loth and nth S. OJ s Jounggreen John, lab, res 152 E Ninth South. ^ Journal of Commerce, H L A Culmer publisher, 52 W -J. ""* Second South. CD rr? Joy Frank D, carp, res Fifth East and Eleventh South. LU Joy Katy, domestic 222 Fifth East. ""^ Joyce Michael, janitor, res 376 E Second South. Judd Edmund, butcher, 526 N First West. "^ Judd Edmund N, butcher, res 346 W Third North. Z Judd John W, Attorney at Law 44 Central Blk, res 17 W 5th S. j3Ej Judd Owens W, elk S L Hardware Co, res 17 W Fifth South, a Judge Frank J, bds 465 Third. Judge Mrs John (wid), res 465 Third. =3 Judge Kate F, bds 465 Third. 2 Judges Louis W, bkpr Z C M I, res 1058 E Fourth South, CO Judkins Frank, teamster Morrison, Merrill & Co, res 273 N " Third West. do Judson Andrew, pressman Nelden, Myers & Co, res 327 I3th E. ,EE Judson Anna B (wid Benj), res 327 Thirteenth East. JjJ Judson John J, agt C D Smith Drug Co 212 Progress bldg, res 3 Third East. CD Judson Mary E, prop Vienna Bakery 303 E Second South, res Q.J 307 E Second South. J= Judson Philander A, mngr Vienna Bakery, res 307 E 2d South. * Jukes James, lab Temple, res rear 421 Fourth East. O3 Julesen Mrs Caroline, res e s 7th East 2 s of I2th South. Irrigation Age Printing House, Mr adfui(ltaiii()fcialpriiit n Estimates Furnished on all kinds of Work. 26 W. Third South. O m O m O o SALT LAKE HARD WAR ECO \JMUI L.HHL. IIHMUffffH IIL. UU. f aml R H11 ~e8, Refrigerators Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Sou t h. j and Gasoline Stores. k. 420 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. "T" 1 - S tf Julian Annie, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. {4-j 5 Julian Miss Eliza, opr Z C M I clothing factory. O &i Julian Herbert, lab, res 742 W Seventh South. -n 1 .E Julian Miss Sarah A, res 742 W Seventh South. ^^ "3 g Julian William, lab, res 742 W Seventh South. Igj co i Jullian William J , lab, res 742 W Seventh South. j Jungk Franz (J v' Fabian), rms 12 Hooper & Eldredge Blk. < Jiuigk & Fabian (F J & F J F), Merchandise Brokers rm : g 1 1 Hooper & Eldredge Blk. Junior Charles, porter, res Midgley Blk. etQ.Iimkiii Harry G> druggist 219 S Fifth West, res 313 4th . Justice James L, mining man, res 231 S First West. Juul Miss Amelia R, res 5 I Eighth East. Juvenile Instructor The. (semi-monthly magazine), Geo Q Cannon ed, office 24 E South Temple, see inside margins. WM. J. LEMFS BEER. For Hotel and Family Use. L- W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. M!ain Street. CJ Kaenz Paul, bricklayer, res Twelfth West and Sixth North. Kabisins Charles F, R G W Ry, 568 W Fourth South. Kabolitz Fritz, res Germania Hotel. Kahler Edward H, Secy Am Col Agcy of Utah, res 102 Pear. Kali H Bros, (Emanuel Kahn), Wholesale Grocers, 131-133 S Main. CO Kahn E (Kahn Bros), res 678 E South Temple. Kahn Henry M, elk Kahn Bros, res 678 E South Temple. Kahn Louis, stenogr Goldsmith & Co, res 56 Canyon Road. C-D 03 CO CO CD CO Kahn Wm (Loofbourow & Kahn), res 56 Canyon Road. Kaighn Maurice E, typewriter Kaighn & Anderson, res 468 S West Temple. 3-| Kaighn Maurice M (K & Anderson), res 259 W Fifth South. Jio Kaighn & Anderson, (M M Kaighn & John B Anderson), Attorneys at Law, rms 4, 5 and 6, 76 W Second South. ^>cg Kaley D H, emp Tenth Ward Lum & Bldg Assn, res 280 Third. | g. Kammerath Hermann, elk, res 846 S Seventh East. A Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Mouldings Cj Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. Artificial and Natural Ice. RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 421 TELEPHONE 43. Kammerath Valentine, tailor Buckle & Son, res 846 Seventh E. Kammerle Miss Amelia, bds 626 Seventh East. Kammerle Fred, carp, res 626 Seventh East. Kammerle Charles, gardener, res 626 Seventh East. Kammerle Miss Anna L, comp Merchant Print Co, res 626 7th E, Kammerle Susanna C (wid Frederick), res 626 Seventh East. Kammerman Emma, emp Troy S Lndy, bds 1161 Emerson ave. Kammerman Frederick, painter, bds 1161 Emerson ave. Kammerman John, painter, bds 1151 Emerson ave. Kampe William, barlcpr Scandinavian Saloon, res 271 E 5th S. Kaiiab Co-operative Stock Co, John Henry Smith pres, o z N m H X m o H m D 09 JI -J 111 Jesse W Crosby, vice-pres, George A Smith sec and treas, L C Miriger genl supt, 78 S W Temple. Kane Charles, bartndr Tivoli Saloon. Kane Thomas (Reilly & Kane), res 6th E bet loth and I ith S. Kapisius Charley F, foreman tin shop R G W Ry, res 568 W Fourth South. Kappel Oscar, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res St James Hotel. Kappele Otto, tailor Wallace & Co, res 134 N West Temple. j|' Kappus George J, lab, res Brighton. tf Karlson Annie, dom 213 Sixth East. < Karren James, cornicemkr, res 746 E First South. Karren Miss Lida, res 746 E First South. * Karren Robt, watchman Eagle Foundry, res rear 332 W North -J Temple. ., Karrick Building, 234 S Main. Ju Karrick Lewis C, vice-pres National Bank of Republic and Min- Q ing Stock broker, res 372 E First South. _ Karlslake Will, carpenter, bds room 15, 44 W First South. Karstadt Chas, carp, res 244 W Seventh South. Karstadt Helena, dom 244 W Seventh South. ^* " Kass Nick (K & Livingston), res 667 S State. ^ Kass & Livingston (N K & G A L), horse shoers 1 2 1 E 4th S. [fq Kassick M A (wid), res 535 South Main. Kast Christina C (wid), res 436 Tenth East. Kast Mrs Edith (wid), res 436 Tenth East. Kast Miss Nora A, res 436 Tenth East. Kasteler Christian, tailor, 251 S Main, res 169 W Third South. Kastrup John F, baker Arbogast Oyster Grotto, res 516 E 1st S. Katholnig Otto, shoemkr, 325^ S Main, res 334 S 4th West Kato Hibmar, tailor Karl Ostby. res W Temple, bet 4th and 5th S. Katz Sargant, carp, res 253 W Third North. Morrison, Merrill & Prices and Estimates on allkiuusofLun North 3d West- LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt Uahe Capital 84. OOO,OOO. Surplus S2OO.OOO. COPi MAIN lud FIRiil SOUTH. * be 422 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. gfl - 9 g Katz Michael S, carp, res 253 W Third North. rt Kauffman Edward, barber St Elmo Barber Shop, res 244 S ist \V. fl 5 Kauffman Harry S, brakeman U P Ry, bds Albany Hotel. 8g Kauhn Albert, res 237 W First South. g h-r-t: Keller H, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Keller John, butcher, res 520 N Third West. Keller Miss Mollie, trimmer J J Duke, res cor First West and North Temple. Keller Neils, deliv elk Jas G McDonald Candy Co, res cor Fifth East and Eleventh South. Keller Wm P, bkpr McCornick's Bank, res 673 Seventh. Kellett John (E A Wolfe & Co), res 257 S First West. Kelley Edward (K & Reilly), res St James Hotel. Kelley Edward, lab, res Lincoln House. Kelley John, butcher, res i N Eighth West. Kelley John J, stonecutter, res 462 S First West. Kelley Mrs Mary, res 744 W Second South. Kelley P A, bartndr 151 S Main, res 437 S Main. Kelley Robert T, emp E N Jenkins, res 73 W Second South. Kelley Wm W, res 341 Third East. Kelley & Reilly (Edw K & Chas H R), The Bijou Saloon, 228 S State. Kellogg Geo, dairyman Jordan Bank Dairy, res same. """"" Kellogg Geo W, emp R G W Ry, res 135 S Fifth West. ? r" Kellogg Henry, emp Saml B Smith's dairy, res same. Si ^ Kellogg U H, lab, res bet loth and i ith S and 5th and 6th W. CD* o . Kellstrom Miss Aggie, res rear 153 Fourth East. J^ . 8 Kellstrom R (wid Robert), res rear 153 Fourth East. JJJ + Kelly Albert H, foreman bindery S L Litho Co, res 418 S First * fti West. Kelly Albert H Jr, elk A W Caine & Co, res 418 S First West. =5" Kelly David J, bookbinder S L Lith Co, res 418 S First West. CD Kelly Eliza, res rear 319 E Seventh South. JJJ Kelly Emma S (wid John B), res 434 S First West. Kelly Ephraim, bookbinder, bds 422 S First West. Kelly Geo B, real est agt, res 245 W Third South. *_ Kelly James, stone cutter, res cor Ninth South & Fourth West. CD Kelly John, bkpr, res 1 1 2 S Tenth West. OO Kelly John J, gasfitter, res 448 W Third South. 1_ Kelly Miss Lillie S, res 422 S First West. ?g Kelly Patrick H, bartender 151 Main, res 437 S Main. ^^ Kelly Robert J, porter F E Warren Mer Co, res same. ? Kelly Philo S, carp, res Grand Central Lodging House. Kelly Willard J, res 422 S First West. ^J Kelly Mrs Wm M, res 744 W Second South. Kelly & Brown, meat mkt, cor First North and Fifth West. "S- I Kelson Mrs Drucil, tchr Twenty-first school. j Kelson Frank, moulder, res 818 E Second South. ^T ^ Kelson George A, harnessmkr, res 203 Eighth East. uj Kelson John H, grocer, 818 E Second South, res same. ^ Kelson Joseph H, emp S L C R R, res 203 Eighth East. ^ < Kelson Walter E, harnessmkr W L Pickard Co, res 818 E 2d S. ? eo Kelson William J, shoemkr, res 203 Eighth East. CD : Kemp Miss Annie, res 148 N Second West. Sg 3 Kemp John Jr, supt S L C Gas Co, res i N Fourth West: O Kemp Wm, tanner, res 148 N Second West. g Kemp Wm C, res 455 N Third West. ^ 5 Kemp Wm J, tanning and wool business, res 148 N 2d West. g 1 5 Kempe Wm, bartndr, res 271 E Fifth South. _ Kempf Calvin, wireman Inter-Mountain Electric Co. O Kempton Miss Addie F, res 421 S Main. S? Kempton Charles W, emp Walker House, res 421 S Main. Kempton J S, teamster, res 316 I. N Kempton R S, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Kenary Wm, cond G S L & H S R R, res 128 N Third West Kenary William H, cond G S L & H S Ry, res 128 N 3rd W. Kendall, see KendelL Kendall Alma S, inspector Health Dept. res 665 S Main. Kendall Avenue, w s West Temple bet Fourth and Fifth South. Kendall Chas, emp 18 E Second South (up stairs). ft^ Kendall Clarence M, carp R G W Ry, res 40 Rio Grande ave. H 5 Kendall George M, carp R G W Ry, res 741 W Fourth South. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCorillCl[Bld2., SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts if Every Description. WH1TTKSJORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE, Room 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York -..Assets, $1,597,375.41 426 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. *. O 60 I? CO Cfl ! oZ ou CO. 30C O Kendall James, carp, res 735 W North Temple. fc* I Kendall J F, hotel Brighton, res same. of 55 Kendall John D, supt Cent Eureka M Co, rm 644 E S Temple. = Kendall John J, res 644 E South Temple. So | Kendall Joseph L, carp, alley 9th East, bet 4th and 5th South. Kendall Owen, rms White House. ~ Kendall Thomas H, elk, 919 Second. Kendall William P, capt and asst post surg, res Fort Douglas. Kendell, see Kendall. Kendell Alfred F, steward St Mark's Hospital, res 917 Second. Kendell Charles F, miner, res I Young's Row, Church. Kendell Henry, cook Arcade Restaurant, res 8th S and 2nd W. Kendricks Edward P, res 252 S State. Kennard Edward, bds 34 J. Kennard Frank F, foreman water service R G W Ry, res 34 J. I a Kennedy Christina (wid D W), res 74 O. ,Q Kennedy Daniel, painter, res 17 O. * -j Kennedy Miss Ella A, dressmkr, res 74 O. Kennedy John C, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Kenny J D, solicitor R L Polk, bds Valley House. Kennedy J L, carp, bds 21 1 S Fifth West, Kennedy John M (J M K & Co), res s e cor 2d W and loth S. Kennedy John W, plumber J W Farrell & Co. Kennedy Michael J, propr California Oyster House 256 S Main, res Mercantile Block. Kennedy Robert J, musician, res 724 E Second South. ^ Kennedy Thomas, elk 1 24 S Main, rms 3 1 N First East. CO Kennedy Wm, plumber, res Raybould Block. Kennedy Mrs W J, res 305 S State. 'CO Kennedy J M & CO, (J M K & C S Groesbeck), Real Es- ^ tate, Mining Stocks and Loans, 20 O'Meara Block. 1 Kennelly James M, mining, res 413 E Second South. "QJ Kenner Roy, bds Eighth, bet E and F. t^ Kenner Scipio A, Attorney at Law, res Eighth, bet E and F. _Kennersley Wm E, buyer H Dinwoodey, res 101 Centre, gjj Kenney George W, emp S L C R R Co. Kenney James A, lab, res 328 Fourth East. mco Kennison Albion A, emp Kidder & Bros, res 659 E 8th South. 20* flfe Kent Joseph, lab, 5 S Fifth West. 3= ^B Kent Rufus, carp, res 441 Galena. Kentucky Liquor Co The, see incccts, John Strickley Secy 1 and Mngr, 11-15 E Second South, see page VII. xu Qill T I Ab'C I ITUH m Lithographing, Printing and Blank OML I LRRL LI I MU, LU. n nnV WoVinn The Finest m tht Western 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DOU * m **my, Country. z z *m *30 m I CD GO CO cna CD 00 CD cna K.H. Officer Ho ..USSAYEBS.StSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 427 5? Kenworthy Jere I>, General Agent Santa Fe Route, res o SEtr: 562 S Main. *d SES Kenworthy Thomas P, contracting agt Santa Fe Route, res 56 ^ W Sixth South. ^5 Kenyon A W, emp Elgin Dairy, res same. oo Kenyon Samuel J 9 Lawyer, Secy and Treas S L Valley fv* Loan & Trust Co, II E First South, res 156 Eighth East. Kenyon Miss Hattie O, tchr elocution and physical culture, 158 ,-< Eighth East, res same. ^^ Kenyon Hoyt, carp City Water Works. fy^ Keppler John T, lab, res Murray. EJ Kerbs & Spiess, wholesale cigars, Sam Woolf agt, 150 S Main. t ^| Kerfoot Samuel H, emp R G W Ry, res rear 36 S Fourth West. ^13 Kerkhoff Henry M, mach R G W Ry, res 217 W Seventh South. S^ Kern Edward, plumber J W Farrell & Co. ^ Kern E 1^ Prop Utah Business College, rm 105 Wasatch Bldg. p?* Kern Hartiu IK Architect and Supt City and County nn 2E Bld g ll ~ 12 Mercantile Blk, res 263 E Sixth South. CD Kerna O, street paver, rms 331 S Main. _ "~D Kernes Thomas A, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co. ^ Kerns Edwin, brickmkr,, bds Windsor Hotel. tZJ) Kerns James, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ^ Kerr Halbut S, supt Sanpete Valley Ry, res Moroni. I ^1 Kerr George, painter, res rear 58 N Second West. *^3 Kerr John R, miller, res Mill Creek. GO Kerr Joseph B (Parsons & Eager), res 430 E Fifth South. JJJ ~OO Kerr Kenneth C, elk Jennings & Caine Co, res 142 N Main. -d Kerr Wm J, prof of mathematics U of U, res 318 Sixth. Co Kerrick John E, carrier Tribune, res 12 Willard Court. CD Kershaw Alexander (K & Goldie), res 76 1 S West Temple. ^^ rH Kershaw Samuel F (K & Addoms), res 80 M. : Kersliaw & Addoms (Samuel F K & John A), painters CO 131 W First South. See page 16. tQ ^ Kershaw & Goldie (Alex K & James A G), contracting stone > *- cutters, 761 S West Temple. JQ C) Kersley Miss Marion, mach opr Z C M I, bds 404 N 1st West. CO Kersley Mrs Sarah, res 404 N First West. E^- Keselle Aaron, cook, res 406 S West Temple. ^J Kesler Alonzo P, bds 64 N Third West. o3 Kesler Anson, stoker S L Gas Works, res 758 W First South, iri -gij Kesler B Frederick, motorman S L C R R, res 64 N 3d West, j Kesler Edgar, teamster, res 534 W Fourth North. The Irrigation Age D u Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World. Office*, Salt Lake. Ioii ver, San Francisco* _ _ U W. M Sontk 8t. 76 Railroad Bid*. Ml Varktt It 21 O A I T I HI/ 1" IIAnniifAnr* OA ^ Wholeleand Retail Hard- Sfl I flKr HflK IWflnr I (ware. Cutlery. S.oy,^. <;,,,,s. OHLI LHriL. IIHIIUff HMU UU. f f Aininuni(ion ^ popUn(ff tiood Sign ofBigr Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishing Taekle. 0J 428 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. fc Kesler Edward, emp Wm Harkins. 5 Kesler Emeline (wid Frederick), res 52 E First North. .X Kesler E W, res 567 S West Temple. Ur Kesler Frederick, bishop i6th Ward (L D S), res 64 N 3rd W. t - Kesler Fred Jr, Attorney-at-Law room 507 Progress Blk, O o res 521 E First North. ' Kesler J B, printer, bds 64 N Third West. j 2 Kesler Jacob, eng R G W Ry, res 570 W Third North. J-g Kesler Leonard W, eng U P Ry, res 537 W Third North, jjj c Kester C E. mngr job dept Tribune, rms Realty Blk. < Ketchue Fred, res 142 E Third South. O Ketler William T, bkpr Simon Bamberger, rms Realty Blk. ff_j Kettle Walter, res Camp Lane, w of Jordan. o c Keuncl Miss Rose, elk Mueller Bros, rms Delmonico Hotel. <3 Kewin William C, salesman Pioneer Nurseries. O Keyes Richard A, salesman Geo M Scott & Co, res 445 S West Temple. "JJ Keysor, see Kayser. J2 Keysor Ephraim M (J B K & Bro), res 442 Third East. ffl Keysor James B (J B K & Bro), res 442 Third East. Keysor .1 B A Bro (J B and E M), Dental Parlors 2 and 3 Scott- Auerbach Blk, see adv. r A Keysor Moroni, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 442 Third East. Keysor William G, carp 448 Third East. _ OB Keyting William M, mngr Merchants' Club, U C Savings Bank bldg, res 254 W First North. ""7" Khresher Miss Ida, dom 642 S Fourth West. f J Kiad E, lab city street dept. Kiar Peter W, upholsterer Din Furn Co, res 930 W 9th South. Kidd Erastus, res s s Ninth South 2 e of Fourth West. ^ Kidd Ernest L, emp S L P L & H Co, res 26 E Fourth South. CO Kidd James R, res 318 S West Temple. Kidd John H, propr Central Horse Shoeing Shop, res 840 E First South. Kidder Geo C (Kidder & Bro), res 809 Park ave. Kidder Russell W (Kidder & Bro), res Park City, Utah. Kidder & Bro (Geo C & Russell W), lumber 772 Seventh East. Kiddle Eliza L J (wid Edw B), res 88 Quince. C3 Kiddle Thos M, asst engineer Z C M I, res 90 Quince. DD Kiddington Thos, boiler washer U P Ry, res 643 W South Temple. Kiefer Lorenz, teamster Mason & Co, res 141 N Fourth West. DADI/rn nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnlVtrS & UtrUt, LUMBER AND IMPORTED AND A.HEKIW CEMENTS. Cor. 2d Eolith and 3d West. Tel. 255. CD CO CD CO CO CO MOUNTAIN ICE GO M TEUEPHOUTE 43. O Cfl RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 429 DO Kiely Rev Dennis, res 477 W First South. Kier Peter, upholsterer, res 930 W Ninth South. Kiesel Fred J, Pres B K Bloch & Co, res Ogden City. Killeen James, yardman Mason & Co, bds cor South Temple and - Second West. Killeen James, emp Mason & Co, res 271 W South Temple. Killeen James W, plumber, res 513 Second East. ^O Killeen Wm J (Farrell & K), res 355 S West Temple. Killgore Wm W, coml trav, res 70 E Second South. Killpack Geo, expressman, res Poplar ave. Killpack Geo A, canvasser, res rear 249 N Third West. Killpack John, dairyman, res Mill Creek. Killpack Miss Nellie, res 4 Poplar ave. ^ Killpatrick Ben, emp S L C R R Co, res 120 S Sixth West. p^ Kilpack George, salesman J Edwards. ^^ f> Kilpatrick Miss Bessie, res 751 S Fifth West. H [] Kilpatrick Charles M (S L Tea Co), rms 8th East 3d South. < Kilpatrick James P, lab, res 885 S Seventh West. J Q Kilpatrick William, boiler mkr R G W Ry, res 5 I S 5th West. P Kilpatrick William H, mach, res 5 i S Fifth West. g Ji (0 Kimball Albert, elk Union Pharmacal Co, bds Culmer ave. r^ < Kimball Albert H, elk Clark, E & Co, res rear 150 N Main. ^_ F (/) Kimball Alice A (wid Joseph), res 169 N Second West. CD - * Kimball Amanda T (wid Heber C), res 23 W First North. g_ n O Kimball Andrew, trav agt F Auerbach & Bro, res 376 W 4th N. 85 r* Kimball Arthur, emp Am Dis Tel, res 273 Eighth. Op H " Kimball Bessie, school tchr, res 35 W Fifth South. -3- !H Kimball Block, s e cor West Temple and First South. tj Kimball Charles M, comp Times, bds Bon Ton Restaurant. jjj* T ^ Kimball Charles S, trav agt J C Cutler & Bro, res 167 N East jjj ^1 -J Temple. Kimball Daniel H, shipping elk Clark, Eldredge & Co, res Ninth SJ 0T East bet Eleventh and Twelfth South. O. Ill iii Kimball Miss Edna, res 35 W Fifth South. Kimball Edwin, mining, res 124 Sixth East. Kimball Elliot T, transfer agt Grant Bros L and T Co, res 62 E 5. North Temple. CO Kimball Frank D, bkpr McCornick's Bank, res 45 W 1st N. ^D Kimball Miss Freda, res 273 Eighth. ^ Kimball Fred W, railroad man, res 164 S Second West. " _ Kimball Harry F, art glazier Sears & L Co, res 62 E N Temple. J| 8 Kimball Hyrum G, elk Cohn Bros, res 608 S Sixth West. g 5 Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa- cilities and Enterprise North II. P. Depot. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., I Mone J to Loan on Corner Main and First South. | Improved City Property. to 430 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 9 3 Kimball Hyrum W, elk Kahn Bros Grocy, res 608 S 6th W. "3 Kimball John H, emp Grant Sros L&T Co, res 62 EN Temple. Kimball John L, bds 363 S Main. S 1 1 Kimball Julia A (wid John B), res 363 S Main. 9 King Miss Cora, res 641 S First \Vest. ^^ m King Edward, moulder, res 824 W First South. -* King Miss Ella, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res 376 S 1st West. ^ King Emerson W, ship'g elk Co-op W & M Co, res 641 S 1st W. ^-+ King Frank L, secy Mason & Co, res 658 E Third South. ^ "< King Frederick, eng R G W Ry, res 150 S Sixth West. & ^^ King Henry, porter St James Hotel, res same. g3 W King Howard A, carp, res 258 S First West. O - King James (Evans & K), res East Mill Creek, j* C3 King Miss Jean L, stenog County Rec, res Metropolitan Hotel. ^ King John W, res 24 L. m co Real Estate Broker, tT^e'c,^ I Moneg to Loan. a Specialty, a. P. fl. C01IES. I K. I. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. B.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYERS.^S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 431 r - * LAJ King J C E, M I> 9 Physician and Surgeon, 172 S Main, res H K 610 E South Temple. 30 King Luella (wid Edw J), dressmkr, res 637 E Third South. ^ ^ | King Madeline H (wid Adolph), 346 E Seventh South. .5 King Mary (wid Daniel H), res rear 437 Second East. ^ King Minnie, domestic s w cor Rice and 2d E, Capitol ave add. p^ e>- King Oliver, miner, res w s I3th East 2 s of I3th South. JZL King Plinia (wid Thos J), res 248 W Third North, 3 rH King Sidney B, tinner Geo M Scott & Co, res 17 Fourth East. (X ^3 King Thomas H, res 376 S First West. 3 CD King Walter, tailor, rms 374 F. oJ 1 CO King Wm, lab, res 76 K. r C3 King Wm D, blksmith C F Borden, res 767 S Main. I2p ^ King W J, res 950 Logan ave, Perkins add. - Kingdon Ella, emp Des W Mills, res 475 N Fourth West. GO Kingdon Jennett (wid John), res 475 N Fourth West. CO Kingdon Joseph W, emp S L C R R, res 435 N Fourth West, co *^ Kingdon Wm, tinner James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 475 N o ^ Fourth West. CO Kinghorn Geo, motorman S L C R R, res 630 E Seventh South, tfl ^ Kinghorn James, motorman S L C R R, res 724 Wellington av. [fl K * Kinghorn John, res 538 E Seventh South. ^ P^ Kinghorn William, contr, res 630 E Seventh South. >- < i Kinghorn Wm, eng, res 724 Wellington ave. O ^X Kingren Miss Tillie, domestic 406 E Third South. %j H Kingsbury Miss Annis L, zmcvp Juvenile Instructor, bds 203 3d E. Ijj Kingsbury David P, elk, res 256 E Second South. O 2Z Kingsbury Mrs Ellen, res 215 Third East. Kingsbury Geo, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co. ^ Kingsbury George W, plumber, res 215 Third East. ^$> ^ " Kingsbury Joseph C, bds 203 Third East. """O Kingsbury Joseph C, Guard Temple Gate, res 215 Third East. * - Kingsbury Joseph T 9 M A, Professor of Chemistry and Kingsmore Robert, emp Wm Harkins. ^, Kingsman Rudolph, lab Wm Harkins, bds 1 36 W South Tem/ic. | ^ J~* Kingston Fred, canvasser, res 149 N Third West. 5 j^ ^ Kinkead John S, elk auditor R G W Ry, res 246 Sixth East. * g ^ Kinkead Mrs Nellie, saleslady, rms 39 Culmer Block. Co Rogers, Searlesi Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 Mtirn of Blir Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J u Headquarters for Wrou.-.u, .Stetl and Gail Ranges, Oaollne 8u>ve, Refrigwatori. Tin and Copper War*. fioe , - > U 432 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. - ___ - I ^ Kinn Wm, expman, 231 C. ^ , Kinnersley William, elk H Dinwoodey F Co, res 101 Centre. ^jl Kinney Clessoii S 9 Attorney and Counselor at Law 603 and ^ and 605 McCornick Blk, res 820 E Fourth South. f ^ Kinney Mrs C D, rms 55 Wasatch Blk. p^ Kinney George N, mach S L C R R Co, res 6 Washington ave. LJ Kinney J, lab city, res 328 Fourth East. ^j Kinney L*orenzo I> 9 prop Carlton Kennels and real estate Y~\ dealer, res North Salt Lake, sec adv. Kinney Patrick, lab, res 238 W First South. S S Kinney William A, atty at law rms 55 and 56 Wasatch bldg, p[^ res same. OKinsella Gerald, teamster, res rear 1029 E Sixth South. Kinsey Charles H, bartndr Wave Saloon, res 205 W 2nd S. i i Kinsey Charley, res 205 W Second South. ^7\ Kinsey Miss Emma, res 717 S Main Kinsey Miss Etta, res 717 S Main. M Kinsey Ruth E (wid David H), res 717 S Main. O ^ Kinsey Stephen C, clk,bds 7175 Main. Oj Kinsman H H, sec Deseret B & L Club, 15 and 17 Morton Blk. O pH res 274 A. Kinsman Watson J. carp, res Tenth South w of Jordan. Q" i . Kintzel Mrs E J, furnished rooms, 44 E Second South. ^ 2 Kirby Charles, barkpr The Comstock Saloon, res 5 Wash ave. 25 O Kirby John A, mining, res 201 E Second South. 5 f Kirby M, lunch stand GSL&HSRR depot, res U P Hotel. -13 m Kirk Andrew, lab, res 704 S Main. O Kirk Arthur H, plasterer, res 718 S First West. CJ Kirk George, foreman Round House R G W Ry, res 56 Rio -r pT^I Grande ave. J Kirk James H (K & Bridge), res 1018 E First South. CO |y^ Kirk John, lab, res 704 S Main. _ ) Kirk Mrs Mollie, dressmkr, res 26 E Fourth South. Jjj" > i Kirk Robert, lab, res 1 109 Second. JJJ C 1 - 1 Kirk Robert F, res 63-7 E Fifth South. - _ F^l Kirk Samuel C, lab, res 704 S Main. JV^I Kirk & Bridge (James H K and Robert B), brick mnfrs, Folsom ^ add, NSL. ( .-] Kirkbride Fred D, painter R G W Ry, res lola ave. Kirkendall Frank J, bkpr Cunnington Co, res 105 W 5th South. , Kirkendall Isaac, res 152 W Fifth South. t ^ Kirkham Wm, carp, res 32 E Sixth South. c^ - OTTI W I TTl/TT I Blank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWlTfl OH 8J1LT LUKE =-*:~ uITHO, GO, I 62 W. Second Sou ill. Tlrph*o Sit. I 0} J! -J lEiilCiBISCyil&MliNUF/iCTUlG CO., Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 433 1C Kirkman Henry, music tchr, res 373 Thirteenth East. Q Kirkman John, elk Bishop's Store House, res 373 i3th East. Kirkman John, Jr, emp S L C Brewing Co, res 1076 E 4th S, Kirkman Joseph, steamfitter, res 373 Thirteenth East. Kirkoff Henry, mach R G W Ry, res 217 W Seventh South. Kirkpatrick Orien E, emp French Stm Lndry, res s w cor Third |L South and West Temple. Kirkup Miss Mary J, res n w cor loth South and I3th East. ^ Kirkwood Albert S, plumber, res 847 E Third South. JW Kirkwood John, plumber, res 847 E Third South. JL. Kirkwood Robert C, deliveryman Pac Exp Co, res 271 W South 3D Temple. gg Kirschstein Bernard, res w s State, Murray. ~ Kiser Fred, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. m ^ Kissell Errin, cook, res 642 S Fourth West. 5-i Kissick Margaret A (wid James), res 321 E First South. Si ^^ Kister O H, sheep raiser, res 406 E Third South. 5 S|] Kitch, Clarence A, elk J P Sears, rms 252 E Third South. *~*< Kjar Jos, tinner W S & H Co, res 869 W South Temple. ^O |2[jj Kjar Miss Juliette, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 362 E 5th S. j~ g|Q. Kjar Peter W, uphols Dinwoodey, res 928 W Ninth South, CD ? < Kjergaard Louis, carpenter, res s s Washington ave, bet iith JE^ g2<0 and 1 2th East. CD ^^ Klambeck Chas F, contr & bldr, res w s 9th East s of loth S. 55 go Klement Marrier, mining, res 212 W Fourth North. CD 550 Klenke Geo (Klenke & Co), res 864 S State. lco Klenke Henry, bkpr Klenke & Co, res 864 S State. s< ^y Klenke fc Co (Geo K & A H Vogler), Whol Butter, Eggs, g e< Produce, Grain and Commission, 70 W First South. g j li let ting Rieliard K A, Architect rms 1-3, 49 S Main, " "^ res 280 A. CD Klink John G (F E Schoppe & Co), res 5 Rose. Klipple Jas P, painter Phil Klipple, rms 128 W Second South. ^ Klipple Philip, Carriage and Wagon Manufacturer 148 W Second South, res 1025 Second. Kloninger Adolph (K Bros), res 214^ State. ** Kloninger Bros, (Philip & Adolph), Groceries, Teas, etc. P* 10 E Third South. S z Kloninger fhiiip (K Bros), res 957 S Third West. Klonniger Theo, res 957 S Third West. "** Klotz George, cook 71 Commercial, rms Enterprise House. ^ S Klotzbach Wm, gardener James Dwyer, res 166 W N Temple. lL 303&305McCorniCl[Bldg., SALT LAKE CITY. SHIRTMAKIERS. * '1 P.O.Box 4J2.TfiephnWl. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., Shirts of Description. Repairing a SpKial'.j WH1TTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, MoCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg ^. Assets, 18,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden, AaseU, t4,l).403JS 434 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _J _, JJ Kluge John T, barber Knutsford, rms 226 State. JL Knabluch George, mach U P Ry, res Union Pacific Hotel. f m Knapp Fred M, elk Brown. Terry & Woodruff, res 22 E 4th S. VJr Knapp John, mining, res 175 I. Knapp Orson, teamster, res 427 S Third West. Knapp Otto, laborer, bds Rio Grande Hotel. _ Knapton Wm T, painter and paper hanger 55 W First South. S Kneass Albert E, bkpr, res 286 D. =| Kneass Edmund R, notary public, 231. S Main, res 286 D. 5/3 . Knebelan August H, cider dealer, 325 Express ave, res same. yji Knecht Emil, lab, res 265 Mead. /- Knight Miss Amy, bds 1125 E Eleventh South. 5 H Knight Charles, tanner, res 751 S Second West. "g Knight Charlotte (wid James), bds 535 E First South. Ci Knight Miss L C, res 529 E Fifth South. * _^* Knight Curtis L, chief draughtsman R G W Ry, res 220 S 4th W. : g Knight Oswell, farmer, res 524 W Fourth South. S? H c Knight Mrs Elizabeth, res Twelfth East, s of Princeton ave. * j * Knight Frank, peddler, res 335 W Cannon. .* Knight Mrs Frances, princ 8th W School, res 529 E Fifth S. . 5 "eH Knight John A (Oblad & Knight), res 535 E First South. - o Knight John M, blksmith Oblad & Knight, res 535 E ist South, 3 j* ^*1 Knight Joseph, butcher, res 434 W Third North. a 2 = a Knight Louis M, emp Burton-Gardner Co, bds Sugar Hse Ward. 5- i=| Knight Mary (wid Joseph), res 438 N Third West. J g "=E" Knight Merle S, spcl agt Penn Mutual L Ins Co, res 56 E 5th S. D 3 s * Knight Miland (Knight & Co), res 344 W Third North. _ Knight Miss Nellie M, res 524 W Fourth South. | JJ e5 Knight Oscar O, farmer, res 524 W Fourth South. =5 Knight Robert J, mnfr prize candy boxes and grocer, 433 _ ts Sixth cor F, res same. "~ Knight Thomas, res Murray. | Knight Walter, gardener, bds 1 125 E Eleventh South. S, Knight William, painter, bds 535 E First South. "^ Knight William, bookkpr, res 1 125 E Eleventh South. ^.E Knights of Pythias Hall, 60 Richards. | f Knight & Co (Miland K, Richard Papworth, J J ^. Butchers, wholesale and retail, 101 and 103 s South, see page 38. J g Knighton L S, 61 University Place. %1 Knighton Wm, lab, res North Salt Lake. ^^ Knoblanch G A, mach U P Ry, res Bountiful. so W E West), Second o 52 S< LAKE LITHQ. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. B. H. Otttoi Bo.. HSSAYEBS.SJSX RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 435 " ** Kiiowlden Emma 5T 9 Rooms and Board, res 604 S Main. |f| Og Knowlden Frederick, emp T E Harper, bds 217 Fourth East. - Kiiowldeii George H 9 Real Estate and Loans, 92 Com'l blk, res 217 Fourth East. : Knowlden Walter F, elk, bds 217 Fourth East. ui^ Knowles Alva G, carp, res 378 I. * j Knowles A J, emp Wm Harkins. ^c^ Knowles Mrs Augustus S, res State, s of Eleventh South. <0pj; Knowles Charley (Barker & K), rms Washington Place. Knowles Edw J, fireman ROW Ry, res 54 S Fourth West. * . Knowles Mrs F W, res 37 N Sixth West, ^ Knowles Harry A, elk Roberts & Nelden, res State, bet i ith and Twelfth South. Knowles Lewis, bds w s State, s of Eleventh South. fr""" Knowles Miss Sarah, res 37 N Sixth West. UJ Knowlton Abraham B, elk Z C M I, res rear 425 W Sixth South. Knowlton Ephraim Q, col S L Litho Co, res 54 Canyon Road. - Knowlton George, lab, res rear 160 N First West. -^ Knowlton Miss Mamie, tchr, res rear 160 N First West. - Knowlton Miss Mattie, tchr, res 160 N First West. *J Knowlton Miss Topsy, res 80 D. __J Knox Ada C (wid Chas), bds w s Sixth East, s of Ninth South. = Knox Bruce E, elk Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, res 416 Third. S Knox Frank, Prest National Bank of the Republic, res 416 z Third. T" Knox George A, Secy Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, res 416 Third. ^ Knox John, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Knox Katharine (wid William), res 2175 Second West. T JJ3 Knox P W, carp City. ^ c/3 Knox William, carp, res Third South, w of Jordan. Q Knox William H, lab, res 10 Victoria Place. CO Knuckey Albert E, prin 2ist School, res 244 Sixth East. - Knudsen Kerr L, elk Saml Kohn, res 457 Second East. j^ Knudsen Miss Melinda, domestic 731 E Fifth South. "ZZ Knudsen R C (Knudsen & Bagley), res Big Cottonwood, ^ Knudsen & Bagley Roller Flour Mills, Big Cotton- ^- wood. See adv. K nudson Hans P, (Co-op Novdty Manufacturing Co) 61 E Q Third South, res 873 E Fourth South. See page j^. C/3 ^2 Knupple C W, sewing mach agt, res 65 E First South. CD limits ford Pharmacy, Earl D Gray prop, 279 S State. Irrigation Age Printing House, 26 W, THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book Manufacturers SflLTLAKEHARDWARECO.,1- Si?nof Bi?Gnn. 42 and 44 W.2d Soatb. ) a Fine Builder** and IIoii4<-nir- iiisliinx Hardware, Stov'< ml Kaii;;e*i, It ffr iterator* and Gasoline Nloves. . 436 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 2 * Kiiutsford The, Gus S Holmes propr, n e cor State and Third South. MKnutson James, farmer, res Mill Creek. 1 - Koeber Edward W, Civil Engineer and Deputy U S Min- eral Surveyor 108 Opera House Blk, res 567 S W Temple. XMoenen Anthony. Attorney-at-Law 212 South Main, res 46 W Fourth South. Koenig Henry, butcher, res North Salt Lake. 3> Koepsel Ida M, res i Rose. Kohn, ste Kahn and Cohn. Kohn Elias (Washer & K), res 425 S Second West. Kohn Miss Ella, candymkr M Kopp, res 361 W First South. 55 Kohn Miss Emma, candymkr M Kopp, res 361 W First South. "O Kolm Samuel. Clothing & Gents' Furnishings 205 S Main, [Jj res 423 W Second North. - Kolitz Kandy Kitchen Ko (Louis Kolitz), 71 W First South and o 67 E First South. -L pm ' JB Kolitz Louis, propr Kolitz Kandy Kitchen 71 W First South CZ and 67 E First South, res 31 S First West. Konold Armine, fireman R G W Ry, res Husbands' Court. Konold Wm, engineer R G W Ry, res Husband's Court. ^ Koons Cady (wid John M), dressmkr, res 361 W First South, g Koons Miss Ella, res 361 W First South. . "5 Koons Miss Emily R, res 361 W First South. Koons Geo, helper J H Nishan & Co, res 361 W First South. ^ Koons Jno Wm, lab, res 361 W First South. "!T Koons Miss Martha, res 361 W First South. f ^ Koontz Arthur E, brakeman, res 618 S Third West. f i Koontz Emily, dressmkr, res 503 E Second South. ^j Kopp 51, Wholesale and Retail Confectionery 54 W Second ' South, res 558 E Third South, see page VIII. Korrespoiideiiten (Swedish weekly), Otto Rydman Propr, CT 39 S West Temple. Kosiler Lewis, lab, res Albany Hotel. ^ Kosswig Otta, mach U P Ry, res 337 S Third West. Koster F H, lather, res 28 Church. &3 "Z, Kobey Benj, bkpr 1175 Main, res 763 E Third South. = Koch Will S, elk, res 6 S First West. Jto CJ Kraack Wm, peddler, res 255 Wall. I CO Kraft Chas H, treas Spencer & Lynch Co, res 229 E 5th South, ^cg Kraker Anthony, rms 128 W Second South. 1 S. Kraker Mrs Anthony, res 128 W Second South. p"oa CD era 09 CO CO Lusibsr of all kinds, Doors, Window and Mouldings. Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. 1!^ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 437 o z N m H I m O m r m CD Kramer, see Cramer. Kramer George E, comp Herald, rms 157 S First West. Kramer Herman, elk S Jacobson, bds St James Hotel. Kramer John L, lab city waterworks, res 222 Third East. Kramer John M, candy mkr M Kopp 558 E Third South. Kramer Sarah A (wid John), res 222 Third East. Krant Adam, lab, res 917 E Third South. Krant Mrs Mary, res 917 E Third South. Krause Nicholas, tailor, 22 E 2d S, res cor 9th N and 3d West. Krauss Joseph E, fireman R G W Ry, res 354 W Third South. Krebs C Ira, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, 2 1 8 S Main, res 227 W North Temple. Krebs Cyrus R, Atty-at-Law and Notary Public, 218 S Main, res 228 W North Temple. Kreines David, lab, res 65 E Eighth South. Krepser James, blksmith R G W Ry, res 438 W Second South. j( y Krepser Joseph, blksmith R G W Ry, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ^ h Kresser Joe F, prop Brighton Gem Saloon, res Brighton. 5 Krenson Jonathan K, tchr North Granite, res 231 S First West. ~S Krieger Henry F, bartndr Congress Saloon, res Midgley Blk. * J Krigbaum Henry M, Propr Fashion Oyster & Chop < House 226 S State, res 255 E Sixth South. (f. Krim Martin, res Gordon n of Eleventh South. * Kroeger Qustave J, Justice of the Peace and Attorney at Law 107 S Main, res 426 E Fifth South. C Krogh Alfred, lab, res 461 Seventh East. Sr, Krogh Charles W, res 461 Seventh East. ^ - Krogh James M, shoemkr 1 10 E 2nd S, res 461 7th E. H < Krogh K (wid J), res 710 S Main. " Kroll Frank, painter, res 3 East Court. Krolow Vin, architect 34 5-6 and 7 Hooper Blk, res 47 W 6th S. Kropf Fred, lab U P coal yard, res 48 W Fourth South. ^ *| Krotki Max, elk Cohn Bros, res St James Hotel. ^^ - I Krough Charles W, shoemkr, res 46 I S Seventh East. v n w R V bds 21 1 S Fifth West. East. See adv. Krout Wm, heelbinder Z C M I Shoe Factory. WHOLESALE LUMBER ' Trackf North of Depot Mewill & Go WH 5 1TJD1 111 U^ UU, 5 u p Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. * be 438 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. tf g Kroutz Wm, mason, res 303 Eleventh East. | g Krouts Wm, mason city water works, res cor 3d East & 1st S. A * Kruse Carl, lab, bds s s I2th South e of Sixth East. |j Kruse Henry J, miner, res I 54 S Fourth West. w Kuehner A F, tar roofer, rms 328 E Second South. 9 Kuenz Miss Rosa, cashier Mueller Bros, res Delmonico Hotel. j a Kuhn C M, lab, res 218 E Second South. g 3 Kuhn Miss Mollie J, hair dressing parlors, 43 Scott-Auerbach Jg Blk, res same. 9 53 Kuhn Miss Stella, hair dresser M J Kuhn, rms 43 Scott-Auer- bach Blk. Kull Fred, lab Rio Grande Hotel. % o Kullak Louis F, real estate, res 722 S West Temple. * Kunkel Bert, warehouseman 64 S Main, res 1 101 E South Temple. Kunkel Edward, del elk 64 S Main, res 1 101 E South Temple. Kunkel Frank, building contractor, res 230 W Seventh South. Kunkel Solomon, miner, res 1209 E South Temple. Kunsler Mary, domestic 25 E Fifth South. Kuntz Katrina (wid John), res 410 E Second South. jl , Kuntz R H, merchant tailor, bds Morgan. * ? Kunz Sebastian, milkman, res 925 West Cannon. ~ <& Kunz Stephen, lab, res 637 Fourth East. Kupfer Christian, barber Tithing Bldg, res 843 Sixth East. -""" 9 Kuyk Arthur, car cleaner (J P Ry, res 21 S Seventh West. Kyes L J, asst ticket agt U P Ry, res 75 N First East. /yj Kyller Mrs Louise, res 109 N Second West. ^. Kyune Graystone Co, see inc co's, H L A Culmer secy and treas, CD office 70 Culmer Blk. gUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER. For Hotel and Family Use. L.. W. DITTMANN, Agent, - Telephone 384. 276 S. Main. Street. .0 o I,aBarthe J u l< s. Supt D & R G Exp 26 Central Blk, res 156 E South Temple. LaBarthe Jules,. Jr, res 156 E South Temple. LaBee Joseph J, foreman bindery Tribune, res 47 S First West. ^ Labelle C H, architect, res rear 56 N Second West. (JQ UAXS A 5PSSIALTT, e 252* I MONEY TO LOAN. Beal Estate Broker, H. p. G. giZ Lainhart O A, book agt, res 319 S First West. , Laird Edw, director Barnes, Lewis & Co, res Parley's Canyon. co j Laird Wm C, mining, res 134 W North Temple. CD Lake A L, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. H3 [ Lake Earl, bkpr, res 256 W Fourth South. Q CO Lake Humphrey J W, salesman S L Pickle Co, res 975 Third, ZI3 *-^ Lake Silas T, laborer, res 761; W Second North. r - / J pi J ' Lake Street, n s Ninth South, bet Seventh and Eighth East. -J Lake Wm E, bkpr Alice Mining Co, res 256 W Fourth South. . 00 Laker Miss Annie, res 842 E Third South. Si. ; Laker Dashbrook B, studt U of U, bds 512 W Fourth North. CO Laker Edward, Florist 842 E Third South, res same, see adv. - Lakeside Shooting Club, S J Kenyon sec and treas, 155 S Main. 1^3 Lally John, lab, res 313 S West Temple. \ pn Laman G S, grocer, 623 E Second South, res same. 3 Lamb Alfred, car cleaner U C Ry, res 706 S Main. g lainb Charles l< 9 Importer of Millinery 555 Main, res 558 O S Main, see adv. JO S3 Lamb Miss Emma, emp Emp Stm Laundry, res 147 N 7th W. C[ Lamb Emma E, res 650 S Third West. -C g~ Lamb Frank T, elder S D A church, p o box 339. 2Z CO Lamb ^Iiiie, Importer of French Millinery 55 Main, res 558 ' D 3 S Main, see adv, (0 Rogers, Searles Ho,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SUIT LAKE HARDWARE CO. !"!: Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j and T 440 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CT> 111 inn ii 1 1 ion. riiiet lit- hing Tackle Hiid Sport iiiur Goods. Guns Tents for Rent. Lambert Angus M, bkpr Burton-Gardner Co, res 574 S 1st W. ||| Lambert David H, bds rear 344 S First West. ~ Lambert Euphemia M (wid Charles), res 1025 S Second West. ^ J Lambert George C, groc and meat market, 176 W Fifth South, ^^ res same. Lambert George C. Mngr Granite Paper Mills, res 166 W O Fifth South. Lambert George C, Jr, res 166 W Fifth South. /\" Lambert Geo D, cond S L R T R R, res 464 W Seventh South. LJL Lambert James C, res Granger. Lambert James N, lab, res 166 W Fifth South. Lambert Oscar W, died Nov 17, 1892. Lambert P S, canv & col Deseret News, res near Calder's Farm. Lambert Richard G, res e s 7th East, 4 s of 1 3th South. Lambert R Jay, elk Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, res Forest Dale. Lambert R M (wid James), res Sixth West, s of Tenth South. Lambert Thomas J, studt L D S Col, res Mill Creek. Lambouriie Alfred, Artist, 521 Sixth, res same, see adv. Lambourne Charles A, paperhanger, res 465 Fourth. -^ Lambourne Ernest A, elk Z C M I, res 188 E. gj S* Lambourne Eugene A, collector, res 1 18 E. I J5 Lambourne Geo L, tinner Geo M Scott & Co, res 446 N 2d West. C3 6 S Lambourne George W, bkpr Kelsey & Gillespie, res 184 E. CD pj Lambourne John E, cond S L C R R, res 222 F. JJJ __ Lambourne Levi, lab. res 246 Wall. Lambourne Martha W (wid Wm), res 188 E. Lambourne Wm R, paper hanger, res rear 234 E. 13 Lambourne W R, emp S L C R R Co. CD Lambson Alfred B, blksmith, res 75 N First West. CO | 'j Lamond John, coll Mountain Ice Co, res 60 S Third West. ^^ Lamond Thomas, driver Mountain Ice Co, res at ice house. Lamont James, lab S L C R R Co. < > Lament Robert M, lab S L C R R Co. CD LaMott Charles, lab, res rear 338 Tenth East CO Lamph Richard, furnaceman Union Foundry, res 836 W 3d N. ^ Lancaster Miss Emma, res 447 W Third South. 5 S Lancaster Mary (wid Wright), res 447 W Third South. ^^ Lancaster Orson H, lab, res 544 E Fifth South. Land Samuel A, ins agt, res 47 S First West. Landers, Ewer & Seholly (U S L, M G E & H H S), B^ Wholesale Lumber Dealers, 109 W Second South (Dooly^g Blk), see page 2 Territorial Department. 00 Laney fc Stuart (H S Laney and Will I Stuart), Attorneys 5 !j at Law 507 Progress Blk. ~ g Lang Ann (wid), res 45 1 Sixth East. ui Lang Charles, baker, res 314 Second East. Sj '^-J3 Larsen Miss Clara, school tchr, res 318 W Third North. ,-3 Larsen C A, lab, res 43 E Sixth South. t^; Larsen C L, emp Wm Harkins. Larsen D J, blksmith G S L & H S Ry, res 273 W First North. _J '^ Larsen Francis, lab, res 43 E Sixth South. 33 Larsen Fred, emp S L C R R, res cor ist East and 2d North. CD Larsen George, emp S L C R R. -T ^ ^J Larsen Gustaf, lab, res Murray. L OQ Larsen Miss Hannah, emp Troy S Laundry, res Sugar House Wd,"* t5) Larsen Hans, gardner, res State, s of Eleventh South. . Larsen Hans, emp S L C R R Co. rd Larsen Hans P, well driver, res 1052 W Third South. ^^ *^3 Larsen Harry, lab, res 174 S State. ^^/ ^^ Larsen John Sr, carp, res e s I ith E 7 n of I2th S. ^\ "60 Larsen John M, cabinet and pattern mkr 255 7th E, res same. ^ "j~d Larsen Joseph, carp T R A Co, res 847 Fifth East. ^^ CO Larsen Junius M, res 373 E. CD Larsen Maria (wid) res 171 W South Temple. ^ Larsen Mrs Mary, dressmkr, res 604 S Third West. < ' Larsen Mrs Mary, res 456 Hazel Court. G3 Larsen Mary, domestic 260 Fifth East. T Larsen M, waiter Silver Grill Rest, res 62 E Third South. P "g Larsen Niels S, picture age, res I 145 E South Temple. ,,(} CO Larsen Oscar, res 154 S Sixth West. ffi C*3 Larsen Ole, farmer, res cor Eleventh East and Tenth South. A p *"^" Larsen Olens M, violin mkr, res 18 N Seventh West. ^ Q -*^J Larsen Peter, lab, res 5 Victoria Place. $ CQ Larsen Peter J, packer H Din Furn Co, res Sugar House Ward. ^ Qj gij Larsen Miss Rhea, tailoress Marohn & Co, res 326 W North Temple. P Fhp Inrtinftfrinn Anp lUubll 11 U U 3 3 W A Journal of National Moment. Rt ' a(! by Farmer!), lu veston, Contractors, Engines, Etc. Nail Lake Office, 26 W. 3d South Nt. 22 SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO..I- Si -n of Bis Gan. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j a Wholele and It. "Mil Hard ware, fullory. Snv>-. <;MIIS Amniiinii ion. Sport i nu <;> 1 n 17 n n nf"Dlf I!" Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnHtn & UtrUt, LUMBER m IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CEHESTS. Cor. 3d. Soxitli and 3" Larson Olof C, trav agt, res n s Eleventh South I e Seventh E. j Larson Oscar N, bartndr, res 875 E Fifth South. Larson Peter, res 825 Fourth East. Larson Miss Rena, tchr 6th Dist, res 364 N Second West. Larson Rose H, tchr, res 426 Sixth East. CO Larson Mrs Stena, carpet weaver, res 825 Fourth East. CD Larson S P C, inspector hydrants city waterwks. Larson Thos, teamster Grant Bros, res Valley House. JT" Larson & Craig, Brighton Dairy, Brighton. Q3 O Larwell Thos, res Superior add, North Salt Lake. 2: Lasaw Leonard H, painter, res 427 W Sixth South. !-3 Lassan Reinhard, barber 206^ S Main, res same. j Laswell F, res 2 1 7 E Second South. ^~ g Later Samuel S, carp, res 465 W Eighth South. 3 ^ Latey Edwin L, painter, res 156 Social Hall ave. 5 J Latey Jeane (wid Thos H), res 5 I E Sixth South. CO Latey John H, bkpr, res 156 Social Hall ave. S& Latey Ralph, mach, res 156 Social Hall ave. j Latey Wm B, plumber, res 156 Social Hall ave. - Latham Elizabeth (wid Jno), res 343 E Sixth South. C 5 Latham Miss Fannie, dom 540 E First South. Latham James, res 306 S Fourth West. 55" Latimer Annie (wid Thomas), res 273 Fifth. jg" Latimer Annie E, res 530 W T North Temple. Latimer David, sec foreman U P Ry, res 530 W North Temple. - Latimer Henry, studt, 273 Fifth. gg g Latimer John, eng, res 540 W North Temple. w w Complete and Select Stork of all kinds of B UILDING MA TEttIA JLS. 241 Nor til 3d West. Lombard Investment Co. 5*4.000.000. Makes Loans on Imnroved Farms. ^ 446 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. | Latimer J H, res 168 Third. C - Latimer Miss Lizzie, res 273 Fifth. , Latimer Richard H, elk Z C M I, res 273 Fifth. ft S Latimer William G, mach T-R-A Co, res 536 W Third South. J Jj Latter-day Saints Assembly Hall, Temple Block. H e Latter-day Saints College, Willard Done, D B, prin, 233 W I N. ^ 5 Latter-day Saints Tabernacle, Temple Block. | S Latter-day Saints Temple, Temple Block. i "S Latter-day Saints Tithing Office and Yard, South Temple, n e cor Main. 5 2 Laturus John, emp S L C R R Co. 55 g 5 Lauber L A, comp S L Litho Co, rms Richelieu House. 4 3 Laubly Charles A, show case mkr G F Culmer & Bro, res 135 3 5 E First South. Laurell Lawrence O, painter, res 77 Alameda av. ryT Laurenz, see Lawrence. Laurenz Agnes (wid John), res 216 E South Temple. x w Laurenz E J. Portrait Artist, room 6, 128 S Main, res 216 \ w E South Temple. See adv. ? ^ Laurie Chas, res 227 W Fifth North. 2 ' Laursen Hans A (L & Penhaliglon), res 216 W Fourth North. 2 ' Laursen fr Peiilialiglou (H A L & W H P), Blacksmiths i ~ 147 W South Temple. . ^^ Launvell Miss Elizabeth, emp J C Cutler & Bro Knitting Fac- .^ tory, res 244 W Second North CD Laury Andy J, mach R G W Ry, res 5 16 W Fifth South. 2i Lavander Oscar, tailor, res 362 E Fifth South. cD Lavagnino G, supt Old Telegraph Mining Co, room 19, 76 W "f Second South. CD LaVille Wm B, railroad ticket broker Walker House, res 48 JE* Holmes blk. Lavin Andrew P, carp Temple blk, res 48 Locust. 55 Lavin Wm, capitalist, res Mrs Brooks Arcade. Si Law Ernest W, emp Z C M I drug store, res 676 W N Temple. jj Lawless Robt, lab, res 9 Ninth East. CO Lawrence, see Laurenz. ^* Lawrence Mrs Addie icol'd), laundress Manitou, res 142 E 3d S. 333 Lawrence Adley B, res 40 Eighth East. Lawrence Agnes (wid John), res 216 E Brigham. CD Lawrence Edwin, emp Geo Q Cannon & Sons, bds 50 N 5th W. Jjj Lawrence Mrs Emma L, res 50 N Fifth West. Lawrence Frank, painter, res Fullmer's ave, ^ GO Real Estate Broker, . 1175 West Temple, res 1 34 N Main. H Lawrence Herbert W, studt, res 134 N Main. C ^ Lawrence (Joab) Building, n E First South. Lawrence (Joab) Co, see inc cos, M C Fox Pres, Sec and Treas, ^^ CO Dooly Block. r3 Lawrence John, mach, res 50 N Fifth West. -o ^ Lawrence John H, bookbdr Juvenile Instructor, res 5*0 N 5th W. g Lawrence John W, salesman Remington, Johnson & Co, res rear zs. CO 143 W Third. CO Lawrence Joseph, gardener, bds 477 E South Temple. 5 *~- Lawrence Mrs Sadie, dressmkr, res 338 E Second South. ^ Lawrence Thomas, elk Bishop's Store Hse, res cor N & I3th W. CO Lawrence W, rms Roberts Blk, Broadway. \J\ CO Lawrence William A, res 142 E Third South. ffl - m Lawrence William H, elk, res 427 W Sixth South. -^ CC Lawrence William J, mining 1 17 S W Temple, res 134 N Main, jfj ^i Lawson, see Lars en and Larson. Q ^Sj| Lawson Adolph F (Lawson Bros), res 471 Second East. *Q I-"" Lawson Mrs Agnes M, res rear 625 E Second South. 1 Lawson A S, lab, res 260 E Brigham. O 1C Lawson Archibald, lab, res rear 516 W North Temple. t Lawson Miss Belle, emp Title Ins & Trust Co, bds 129 N 2dW. j Lawson Betsy A (wid), res 135 N Second West. ^V ^ y Lawson Miss Blanch, res 129 N Second West. *""3 Lawson Bros (John L and Adolph F), real estate 46 E 2nd S. a& ^T- Lawson Miss Chrisse, music tchr, res 129 N Second West. ^ 2 ^j Lawson C A, waiter Alta Club, res 49 E Sixth South. ^j Lawson Fred, real estate agt, res 465 Second East. |JJ Td Lawson Miss Isabella, emp Abstract Office, County Court House, * jj E^ res 129 N Second West. ^ J>? Lawson James, lab, res 133 M. Lawson James, blksmith, res 129 N Second West. Lawson James P, eng, res 129 N Second West. $ Lawson Jeanette (wid John), res 623 E Second South. Lawson John, blksmith James Lawson, bds same. RopaSearles&Go,. GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. [ Siirii of Biar ttun. 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J Headquarters for Wrouilil, Steel and Oai Ranges, Gasoline Stores, Refrigerators. Granite. Tin and Copper War*. Fin* | 448 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Lavvson John, lab City, res 133 M. Lawson John L (Lawson Bros), res 465 Second East. Lawson John W, elk Simon Bros & Duke, bds 133 M. a } Lawson John W, harnessmkr, Murray, res same. Lawson Mrs Julia, bds 1051 E Third South. C ) Lawson Mary, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. Lawson Miss Maud, res 129 N Second West. Lawson Peter, lab City Water Wks, res 2d S, bet 2d and 3d E. Lawson Sperry W, elk Z C M I, res 623 E Second South. Lawson Thomas, elevator opr Simon Bros & Duke, bds -133 M. Lawson Wm W, blksmith, res 129 N Second West. ^^ ^ I,a ( y 111011 Wm S, Druggist, res 164 E South Temple. \fj Layton Mary E (wid Joseph), res 967 E Fourth South. -^ Laytoii Milling & Elevator Co, of Layton (inc), A B J.L Cook Mngr, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Flour Oand Mill Stuff, 374 W Second South, see adv. Lea Frank C, law studt, res 47 E First South. C } I Lea Samuel H, agt World's Fair, res 47 E First South. Leabo Mary (wid Samuel), res 704 W Second North. . _ Leach James, res 476 E Seventh South. C/> M Leach T F, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. 5? 5 Lead Mining Co, see inc cos, } Barnett sec and treas, office g* g McCornick B Ledqwick Richard, studt L D S College, res 45 Currant. CO Ledwing William T, tinner, res Murray. C Lee Miss Adel, bds 375 N Second West. QJ Lee Bow, laundry, 162 E Third South. j:^ Lee Clara, res ^21 E Fourth South. CD Lee Clare (wid John), res 522 Bridport. 53* Lee Dorr B (Iverson & L), res 264 Seventh East. CD JLee Eddy O (Booth, Lee & Gray), res 418 Douglas ave. . Lee Fanny F (wid Z D), res 375 N Second West. v< Lee Miss E R, atty-at-law 54-57-58 Hooper blk, rms 31 W ^ First North. Lee Heber H, shipping elk Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 170 W Q North Temple. Lee Hop, laundry 58 S West Temple. Lee H S, night elk Cullen Hotel, res same. ^ Lee Miss Irene, emp R M Bell Tel Co, res 375 N Second West, w Lee Jas, teamster, res 724 S Main. Lee James H, elk Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 567 S Second West. H W Lee James M, lab, res 768 Fifth. Lee John, res 821 E Fourth South. ^ z Lee John F, emp Rowe, S & M Co, res 365 N Second West. 0> Lee Joseph Warren, lab, res 375 N Second West. Q ^ " Lee Joseph W, blacksmith, res 127 E Ninth South. J m Lee Josiah N, collector P F Collier, res 45 S West Temple. Hjjj CHAS. B GCURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornicKBllz., SALT LAKE CITY. P. O.Box492. Telephone Ml. Shirts of Efery Description. Repairing a 8pcUlt| WUITTEMORE, COOKE & CO., 1ASIKAXC E. Room 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of Xew York Assets, $1,597,375.41 450 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. T A R. M A W h o i, i if J O. 00 CD C/5 CD iLee Miss Kate, res 379 N Second West. Lee Miss Katharine, emp John C Cutler & Bro, res 375 N 2d W. Lee Llewellyn D, Loans and Insurance 52 Commercial Block, Q res 145 D unbar ave. *J Lee Louisa (wid Thomas), res 123 W Third South. Lee Lydia M (wid Henry W), res 810 E First South. Lee Samuel M, teamster Utah Produce Co, res 574 State. Lee Sing, laundry, 518 W First South, res same. Lee Sing, laundry 325 S Main. Lee Thomas, Genl Road Master R G W Ry, res 141 S 6th W. Lee Wm, lineman, bds 163 W South Temple. a. Lee Wm, second cook Brooks Arcade, rms Albany Ldg House. '""" Leek John, lab, res 453 N Fifth West. lieeka Daniel C 9 Dentist, 42 S Main, rms Brooks Arcade. ^ Leerup William, carp S L Bldg & Manf Co, res 20 Post, bet 8th CD and 9th North. C . Lee Charles M, col Nat Bank of Republic, res 634 W 4th X. 5? I Lees Miss Ellen, tchr, res 746 E Second South. ^ Lees Miss Fanny D, res 746 E Seventh South. % Lees Miss Georgia, res 3 Goddard's Court. EL ? Lees James F, bkpr, res 236 W First North. I Lees John, mach, res 403 First. 5 Lees John, butcher, res 471 N Fifth West. i Lees John N, lab, res 616 W Fourth North. Lees John W, real estate agt, 3 1 1 Dooly Blk, res 3 Lees Josiah, mining, res 634 W Fourth North. Qj Lees Josiah N, res 625 W Fourth North. ID Lees Josiah N Jr, teamster, res 619 W Fourth North. 3^ J Lees Mrs Samuel J, res 746 E Second South. Lees Miss Susanna, res 634 W Fourth North. Lees Mrs Tennie (wid James F), elk John Reading, res 236 1st N. C| Lefler John M, eng, res 873 E Ninth South. '* Lefwor William, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. jj> Legat Henry, bartndr Union Saloon, res 58 E Second South. $? Legenstrom Louisa (wid John), res 766 First. 0|5 Legg Richard G, mining supt, res 524 Second East. ^? _ Leggett Sarah (wid William), res 82 L. g CSJ Lehmann Emil, elk S L C Brewing Co, res same. 3 Lehmann Ernest W, mason, res 123 Q. Leigh John H, gardener, res Brighton. aig Leigh Miss Lulu, res Brighton. ; Leigh Miss Sarah, emp E H Anderson, res Brighton. \ Goddard Ct. CO CD 05 CD CO CO CO CD SALT UKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY . JB A Happy Resolution For You. Make your Home brighter, happier by subscribing at once for THE 'Hn- illustrated 3VCagasiae for .nd (5 iris. The Brightest and Best Bits of Travel Children's Stories Sketches of History Anecdotes of Animals Readings and Recitations Cradle Songs of the Nations Stories of the Children of all Nations, etc. In fact, it is Full of everything good for the Children PUBLISHED TWICE A MONTH. Only 40 CENTS a Year Jos. Hyrum Parry, Publisher, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Subscriptions may be sent in 2 cent stamps. Better Pnptipg fhap Evef. \Voa~U:. THE MERCHANT PRINTING COMPANY JOB Has been thoroughly overhauled, and is better prepared to do MERCANTILE PRINTING, DODGERS #> HANDBILLS, RAILROAD PRINTING, FINE BOOK PRINTING. BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMS tf> INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, NOTES, INVITATIONS ETC And all kinds of JOB PRINTING than ever before. J. H. PARRY, Manager, 27 and 29 w. South Temple St., AI T I AI/P riTV UTAH K.H. Officer *GQ.,ASSAYEBS.!SS.'S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 451 Leighton George, mining, res 63 S State. - ^ Leinbach John, frt cond R G W Ry, res Albany Hotel. ^ Leipsiger H, sec and treas Freed Fur & C Co, res 5 Thornton z ^ ave. g Leishman James H, elk R G W Ry, bds U P Hotel. ui*J Leisy Henry, butcher Hotel Knutsford, res same. ^.^ Leith Caroline E (wid Albert), res 755 S Main. <>d Lelanders Miss Hannah, res 118 N Fifth West. jgp^ Leland Henry, drayman Coalter & Snelgrove Co. Leljenstrom Louisa (wid John), res 766 First. - Lemius Samuel, railroad man, res 726 W Second South. "2L 2^ Lemon John P, switchman R G W Ry, res 144 S Sixth C West. 3C I Lemon Robert B, bartender, bds 61 E South Temple. CD 1 Lemons Dave (col'd), barber 63 W First South, rms Snow blk. ^ LU Lemp's St Louis Beer, Louis W Dittmann agt, 276 S Main, see ^ initial lines. s Lenhart Chas C, electrician, rms 328 State. 2* Lendholm August, shoemkr, res rear 237 S Second East. -^5 Lenhart Hans J, blksmith, res 105 E Second South. ^ Lennon Harry E, elk E O'Reilly, res 1336 E Fifth South. jj Lennon Mary C (wid Jos C), res 1336 E Fifth South. J Leonard Gottfrey, res 224 A. Leonard John E, carp, res East Waterloo. SE Leonard William, lab, res Lindsay's Garden. 2E Lenoir Gustave, elk California Fruit House, res 1 1 Broadway. 31 Lenore Jules, elk, rms Roberts blk, Broadway. lj Lenken Mary (wid Fredk), lodging house 78 E Second South. ^_ Lenroat Adolphine (wid Peter E), res 161 Oak. "5 Lenroat Emily, res 161 Oak. t Lenzi Chas H, grocer 27 Ninth East, res same. O Lenzi Martin, res 34 Sixth East. ^J Lenzi Martin Jr, painter, bds 34 Sixth East. ^ Leonard Rt Rev Abiel S, T D Missionary of Nevada and CZ Utah, res 444 E First South. "^ Leonard Alma, mason, res 536 S Ninth West. -Q Leonard Andrew S, carp, res 431 Galena. Leonard Mrs E, res 641 Second East. Leonard Frank, plumber, .res 525 W North Temple. Leonard Frank, res e s Ninth East, 4 s of Twelfth South. Leonard Frank P, yardman Utah & Mont Mach Co, res 525 W North Temple. Irrigation flge Printing House, MroadandCommercialprin ^ Ktiinatc FnrniMlKMl 011 nil kinds of Work. 26 IT. Third South. m PI O O O A I T I A I/ 1" IIAnniilUnrnn \ Fine Builder* HIM! Ilonse-mr- OAI LAKt HAnuWunr I liiishins Hardware, Stove* sJML.1 I-HIIL. I IHIIUVf I I L. LU., K in<1 Ranses , Refrigerators Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2i South, j and Gasoline Stoves. 452 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ Leonard Fred J, city assessor and collector 24 E First South, ^ . res 163 W Third Sjuth. O |J? Leonard John M, res 641 Second East. 'Z Leonard V, physician and surgeon, res 34 Fir. C Leonhardt Jacob F, tanner, res 925 E Second South. w I Leonhart Neils H, hostler W S McCornick, res I W First North. E Leotard Clarence, emp Troy S Laundry/res 130 Eighth East. O Leotard Miss Clemence A, res 623 Eighth East. co Leotard Leon E, artist, res 623 Eighth East. 7 LeProhon M (LeProhn & Simons), res 1048 W Third South. **O LeProhon & Simons (Edward LeP and Robert C S), civil engrs C^ and surveyors 276 S Main. Leroy Mrs Charlotte A, res 8 Jensen's Court. ~O EE Le Sieur Laura C,-res 243 Sixth East. ;^ Le Sieur St Vrain, supt Wasatch Asphaltum Co 73 Culmer Blk, ^ res 243 Sixth East. r * J Leslie Charlotte (vvid Thomas), res rear 423 W First North. ~ Leslie Court, 423 W First North. C^ Leslie James, cook, res rear 423 W First North. /3 Lessauer Adolph, clothing store 72 E Second South, res same. - Lesser Ernest, moulder, res 402 First West. 9 Lesser Ernest A, breaster Z C M I shoe fac, res 3rd N & 2d W. g Lessi Louis, elk fruit stand cor Theatre, res 59 State. 5 CD Lessing Miss Madge, rms Albany Hotel. Lester John C, Mngr Lombard Investment Co, s w cor of ^ Main and First South, res The Templeton. " Lester Miss Lizzie, res 9 Jefferson. f""^ Lester Miss Rose, milliner, res. 9 Jefferson. r 1 Lester Samuel, res 9 Jefferson, ojy Lester Wm, cont and bldr, res 9 Jefferson. ~~. Lester W r m, painter, res 726 Seventh, rjj Letcher Jerrold R, reporter Herald, res 1 2 1 S First West. (1 Letchfield Charles T, tile setter Salt Lake Stove & Hdwe Co, t> res i 50 N Main. *^ Letson Theo J, engr Silver Bros, res 654 N Second West. Q Lett Col Henry C (H C L & Son), rms 60 Richards. ~ Lett H C & Son, (H C L & Wm H L), Real Estate Agents, = i-l I 27 and 28 Commercial Blk. ^.to C.J Lett Miss Nellie M, bds 339 E First South. jf o? 2 Lett Wm H (H C Lett & Son), real est agents, rms 27 and 28 j?cg Y~^ Com'l blk, res 339 E First South. j~j Levander Oscar, res 362 E Fifth South. i-l I M. CD 00 CD ffD CO to CO /?T U/ Lek of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Uouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West. Tel. 255. TELEPHONE Artificial and Natural Ice. m O (0 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 453 > > tf tt W mmmm CO ki U Leverich Wm H, teamster city street department. Levers Christopher H, lab U P Coal Yards, res 501 W First S. Levey Adolph, Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery, 142 State, res same. Levey David L, Utah Undertaking Co, res Tenth E, bet Fourth and Fifth South. Levey Morris, res Second West, s of Tenth South. Levi Abie, musician, res 422 W Third South. I^fi tf Levy Dave, res 2 1 1 Tenth East. tf Levy Mrs D, dressmkr, res 21 1 Tenth East. ^^ * Levy Flora (wid Max), res 226 Poplar ave. _ C Levy Israel, carp, res 351 Third East. ^ Levy Miss Lillie, res 226 Poplar ave. p^ 5, Levy Miss Lottie, res 152 W Third South. ^j it Levy Louis, elk Lipman, Wallerstein & Co, bds 3 Kendall ave. ^g Levy Maurice M, elk Sam Levy, res 152 W Third South. - L Levy R, clothing, 135 W 2d South, res 2d West & loth South. Z Lievy Sam, Manufacturer and Dealer in Cigars 171 S Main, P res 152 W Third South. -~ Levy Sam M, elk R Levy, res Second West and Tenth South, r^ Levy S J, (Rapid Transit Saroon 333 S State), res 351 S 3d E. Levy Miss Tillie, stenogr 34 Central blk, res cor Tenth South and Second West. Lew Ludwig, lab R G W Ry, res 224 W Fourth North. Lewis Albert, janitor S L Seminary, res 45 E Third South. Lewis Ann (wid Wm), res rear 734 W South Temple. ^ to Morrison, Merrill & Go. Prices and Estimates on all kinus of Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt "" " ise: oo.ono. surplus ^200,000. Coii MAIN und FlSta! SOUTH. J to 454 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M 5, g Lewis Arthur, driver J C Watson & Bros, res Poplar Grove. g "g Lewis Arthur H, lab, res 241 L CQ A I^ewis Archie J, Manager Palace Drug Store, res 322 Dooly si w Lewis Augusta T (wid James B), res 79 D. * * Lewis A H, lab city, res 241 I. h[ *S *j Lewis Carl D, elk Driver Merc Co, res 1 165 Ninth East. s Lewis Carle D, res 1 1 1 1 Ninth East. eg Lewis Catherine (wid David R), res 72 Grape. 5 Lewis Charles, res 234 N Second West. 5 Lewis Charles, lab S L C R R, res 627 N Second West. Lewis Charles, asst janitor Com'l Blk, room 122 same. % o Lewis Charles H, druggist, s e cor ist South and West Temple, res 79 W First South. " Lewis Charles H, contractor and builder, res 933 S Third West. ^W OCT l-^ Lewis Smith, emp Rapid Transit Co. res 22 Gregory Court. ^ ^ Lewis S O, motorman Rapid Transit, res 526 Bridport. 3 Lewis Thomas C (L & Taylor), res 128 W Eighth South. _i I^ewis Thomas I> 9 Attorney at Law 312-313 Constitution ^ J ; * Building, res 636 W First South. 5E Lewis Thomas P, Road Master, res 124 S Fourth West. -g Lewis Walter J, Director Deseret News Co, res 728 W South "^ 32 Temple. '-3 CD Lewis Walter J, lab, res 1 24 S Fourth West. ^ ! Lewis Wilford, emp S L C R R Co. ^O Lewis Wm Henry, Asst Road Master, res 1 24 S Fourth West. :z5 g~' Lewis Wm M, stonecutter, res 636 W First South. Lewis W C, day porter Cullen, bds same. -} Lewis & Taylor (Thos C L & John B T), plasterers 126 W 8th S. c gO Lewiston Charles Y, farmer, res Murray. _ Leyland Miss Agnes, res 927 E Third South. CJ J^p Leyland Charles, blacksmith, res w s Ninth E, 2 s of Eleventh S. cs Leyland Charles, plumber J W Farreil & Co. ^O 7^1 Leyland Henry, expressman, res 927 E Third South. ^ Leyland John, lab, res 927 E Third South. g* Leyland Thomas, blksmith, res e of 9th East s of I ith South. T 2 Leyson John, res rear 134 E Third South. 0,|T| rQ Leyson John H, pres The J H Leyson Co 128 S Main, res Q 2! Butte, Mont. s^ O Leyson The J H Co, John H Leyson Pres and Manager, $C "F" Jewelers 128 S Main. See adv front edge. 2 CO Leyson Minnie (wid Joseph), boarders, res rear 135 E 4th South. * Q Jf 3 Libby F L, letter carrier, res 7 Wasatch Blk. CO Rogers, Searles&Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. CAI T I AI/C" UAnn\i/Anr PA SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. MJ?I of BiK Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Mouth, J and lento for Rent 456 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. - tn Libby Miss Grace, stenogr Nat Bldg Ass, res 341 S State. CD Libby Harry P, elk Day, Rowe & Co, res 235 Twelfth East. Liberal Headquarters, 174 S Main. Liberty Park, Ninth South, bet Fifth and Seventh East. LJclitcnstciii Harry M, Proprietor California Collateral Bank, 3 W Second South, res 35 Morlan Blk. " J *J J Lichtenstein M B, elk California Collateral Bank, res 36 Morlan OBlk. . Lichtenstein Marc A, res 35 Morlan Blk. Lickleder John, butcher S L Meat Co, res cor 3d S and 5th W. Liday Mrs Anna, res 251 S Fifth West. Liday Arthur, prop Liday's Special Messenger System, res En- terprise House. Liday Mrs S, bds 2 1 E Third South. Liday's Special Messenger System, Arthur Liday propr, Enter- C/0 prise House, Commercial. } Liddiard Miss Annie, domestic Hotel Windsor. Liddell Alex, lab Eagle F & M Co, res 272 N Seventh West. Liddell Mariah A (wid E J), res w s 5th E, bet I ith and I 2th S. hLieberman Samuel (Appleman & L), res 66 E Second South. gj Lienhard Gottfried, gardener, res 224 A. Z. ^ Lietz Powell, carp, res 947 E Eighth South. 2 ^ L.ievre. Frieke & Co, Edwin G Brown agt, Importers CD u . g Teas, Coffees and Spices, 714 McCornick Blk. CO . ^ Life George O, lab, rms Lincoln House. ^ Light George, mining, res 256 E Sixth South. ^. Lill Bleun, plasterer, res 255 W First South. =3 Lill D wight, plasterer, res 2^5 W First South. CD Lillie N F, car cleaner Rapid Transit Co. CO Lilya Otto J B, emp Des Woolen Mills, res Superior add N S L ^ Lilya Arthur, emp Des Woolen Mills, res Superior add N L L. ^" Lilya Xictor, emp Des W Mills, res 5th N bet 3rd and 4th W. O. ^ 3 Lilystrom N, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. 5 p Linck Charles C, real estate agt Harris Blk, res 423 S W Temple, f 3 Linck Charles H 9 real estate agt rm 17 Harris Blk, res 423 T"" S West Temple. Linck John H, real est agt 17 Harris blk, res Knutsford Hotel. H^ Linck \Vm H, deliveryman Z C M I, res 825 W Eighth South, j-g* Lincoln Avenue, Eighth South bet Ninth and Tenth East. |J Lincoln Charles, bds es Eleventh East, 2 n of Twelfth South. ^ Lincoln Ellen (wid Frank), res e s I ith East 2 n of I2th South. ' 3 Lincoln Frank, bds e s nth East 2 n of I2th South. H- 00 ^HI T 1 IMF I ^^si'iSJisJSssst 1 1 ivun PR onL 1 LrtMi | girjsssrvss^ss:! 1^1 1 nu, bu, o CO L. 3i 0) wj* H MS CO _i -i U III IL AMERICAN BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO,, Salt Lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 457 Lincoln F G, lab U P Ry, res 50 S Fourth West. Lincoln House, 68 E First South. Lincoln Jerome H, comp, res Star blk. Lincoln John A, solicitor, rms 12 1 S Second West. Lincoln Lorin, lab, bds e s i :th East 2 n of I2th South. Lincoln M E, carp, res Brighton. Lincoln Mrs Mary, furnished rooms, 78 E Second South. Lincoln Miss Orpha, tchr, Box 1512. Lincoln Wm, res 78 E Second South. Lind Axel, mach, res 171 Oak. Lind Harry, tailor Wells & Co, rms Denver House. Lind Mrs Johannah (wid), res rear 153 Fourth East. Lind Joseph, res rear 153 S Fourth East. Lindberg Chas A R, tailor Wells & Co, res 345 E Second South. Lindberg Gustaf A, emp Fourteenth Ward Store. Linden Rev France A, pastor Swedish Lutheran Church, res 379 E Second South. Linden Park, bet First and Second East s of Ninth South. Lindgren Peter, carp, res 439 Hazel Court. Lindgren Miss Selina, dom 37 Wasatch bldg. Lindhardt Hans, blksmith Mt Ice Co, res ice house. Lindhart Jacob, tanner Rowe-Morris-Summerhays Co. Lindholm Albert, plumber Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, bds 31 N First West. Lindholm Anders P, blksmith, res 312 Centre. Liiidholni A, Boot & Shoemkr 230 S State, res rear 237 S Second East. Lindholm Ellen J S, res 3 1 2 Centre. Lindholm Selma E, res 312 Centre. Lindley Miss Mary E, res 609 S Main. Lindsay Brigham, elk Bill Bros, res 24 S Jeremy. Lindsay Miss Edith, actress, res 10 Kendall ave. Lindsay D, res 79 W First South. Lindsay Emma, emp R M Bide, res 24 S Jeremy ave. Lindsay Gordon R, emp Pioneer Roller Mills, res 24 Jeremy ave. Lindsay Henry P, elk H Gardner, res 24 S Jeremy ave, Lindsay Miss Ida, res 24 S Jeremy ave. Lindsay James R, bartndr 1 1 5 S Main, res cor 5th S and 5th E. Lindsay John, res 259 F. Lindsay John S, actor, res 10 Kendall ave. Lindsay Miss Luella, actress, res 259 F. Lindsay Martin S, elk Historian's office, res 345 E Second So. aB e, m (A CD EU Si CD CO CD CD 10 it CHAS. B. GOURLAY & CO., 303 & 305 Mccornicfc Bide., SALT LAKE CITY. F.O.BwW. Shirts of Even Description. * irillTlTllAPH rJUtL I? i. TA London CZ .^j Linnell William H, car cleaner U P Ry, res 536 S Fourth West. O3 Linquist Alex, barber 206^ S Main, res 24 Jeremy ave. S *ir Linquist Victor, teamster, res Shady Grove, Forest Dale add. G Q. Lion Hill Mining Co, see inc cos, Joseph Woodmansee Jr sec, op GO CO CTQ CD f office 56 W Second South. wi Lion House, n s South Temple bet Main and First East. Lipe George, emp W T m Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. 3==_ Lipman Max N (L, Nadel & Son), res 343 E Fourth South. H-Q Lipman Morris H (L, Wailer^tein & Co), res 70 W 5th S. cS' Lipman, Nadel & Son (Max N L, Martin and Louis M Nadel). Sea clothing store 73 S Main. CAITIAlrTIITUn TO Lithographing, Printing and Blank OML I LHrL LI I nu. 1>U. D OO V Makina The Finest in th * Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. OUUB> md Ui Co-jntry.^ R.H. Officer Go RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 459 Lipman, Wallerstein & Co (Morris H L and David W), clothing, Q" 175 S Main. T3 Uppmuii Joseph, County Recorder-Elect, res 603 Third, :rj| Lister Albert W T , res 23 W Sixth South. }5- ^| Lister Miss Olive, res 23 W Sixth South. ^ Lister Wm M, contractor, res 23 W Sixth South. Listmann Chas W, elk Jno B Busch, res 30 S First West. CS) Liston Milton, lab Morrison, Merrill & Co, res 7 Simondi ave, __ qj] bet Second and Third North. "3 Litchfield Chas T, elk U S & H Co, res 150 N Main. Q^ Little Abram, emp Jordan Stock Farm, res same. -* Little Alexander, lab, res 546 S West Temple. -3 Little Brigham L, bds Alta Club. Little Edward S, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ; Little Miss Ella C, res 213 W Second South. S Little Mrs Emily H, res 213 W Second South. r Little Fred W, Real Estate Agent Harris blk, res Manitou m Hotel. g Little James T, Prest Deseret Savings Bank, res 327 E m ^ First South. .^ - Little Jesse C, res 153 E First South. g. Little John C, foreman S L C R R, res 254 W South Temple. CZ Little John, lab, res 733 W South Temple. "^Z] Little John jr, lab, bds 733 W South Temple. "*^3 Little J Frederic, teamster, res 424 W r Sixth South. fin CO Little Jno Z, carp and joiner, res 305 W Fifth South. - Little Miss Mary, milliner, res 546 S West Temple. .* i Little Nellie (wid Feramorz), res 364 E First South. g Little Oron C, elk, res 305 W Fifth South. g T) Little, Roundy & Co, see inc co's, H B Clawson jr Sec & 3* Treas, Crockery & Glassware, Cutlery, Lamp Goods, Etc, Q . 54 S Main. C) Littledike Emma, res 261 Canyon road. (Q Z Littlefair Jno, asst undertaker Jos Wm Taylor, res 722 N 7th W. 2- .2 Littleford Miss Annie, emp J C Cutler & Bro, res 545 W 1st N. E3 i-^ Littleford Enoch, wiper U P Ry, res 545 W First North. Littleford Hannah, bds 43 N Fifth West. C^_ Littleford Seth, janitor U P Depot, res 43 N Fifth West. ^ Littlewood Joseph, carp, res s s Fifth ave, bet Fourth and Fifth CO East, East Waterloo add. Littlewood Joseph M, warehouseman S L Equitable Co-op, res Fifth East, bet Eleventh and Twelfth South. * __ __^_^________^__________^_^^^^^^^___._________^^^^^_^^_^^_____________________^_ Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Offices. Halt Lake. Denver, Ban Francisco 26 ff. 8d South St. 76 Eallmd Bld. Ml Harktt It, SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO I OHLI L.HIM. IIHMUff HIIL. UU M > A *i-n of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and I islii,,- Tarkl. srii.sxi-. . 460 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. W , Littley George, lab, res 628 S Second West. D Littley James, teamster, res 461 S Third West. X Littley Jeanette, bds 628 S Second West. Lium'W L, engr, bds U P Hotel. Livengood Miss Nellie E, dressmkr rm 421 Dooly blk, res 523 o g E Third South. w Liverpool and London and CJlobe of England and the United States, Heber J Grant & Co, Agents. 60 S Main. -j.S Livesy Ellen (vvid John), res 752 E Third South. D^ Livesy Miss Lizzie, res 752 E Third South. U C Livesy Herbert T, res 752 E Third South. >-Q Livingston Charles, Supt Temple Block, res 153 Seventh East. Livingston Charles Jr, Sec and Treas HA Tuckett Candy Co, res 35 Seventh East. 5 Livingston Miss Clara, res 116 E Fifth South. Livingston Edward E, carp, res Keyser's Court. g Livingston Geo A (Sinclair & L), res 229 E Seventh South. g Livingston Kauriee % prop The Court Saloon 379 State, $ cor Fourth South, res 1 16 E Fifth South. m Livingston Thos W, quarryman, res 211 Eleventh East. _ _ Ljungman Helena, domestic 177 E First Seuth. ~ Lloyd Andrew, shoemkr 544 W First South, res same, - j: Lloyd Benjamin, res 7 Euclid ave. S O CD Lloyd Benjamin I, painter U P Ry, res 564 W First South. a Lloyd Diana, emp R M Biele, res 733 W First South. Lloyd Esther, bds 7 Euclid ave. Lloyd Miss Eva, tchr 3d School, res 730 E Seventh South. Lloyd Miss Florence, cashier W S Henderson, res 730 E 7th S. CD CD CO CD CO Lloyd Fred, lab, res Tenth West and Tenth South. Lloyd Fred T, res Tenth South and Tenth West. Lloyd F, farmer, e of Seventh East, bet I ith and I2th South. Lloyd George W, pattern mkr, res 522 W First South. Lloyd Gilbert, carp, res 54 Marion ave. Lloyd Henry, lab, res 47 Bach. Lloyd Henry P, shoemkr, res 544 W First South. Lloyd John, shoemkr, res rear 288 E South Temple. Lloyd John, shoemkr, res Orchard Square. Lloyd John H, painter, res 576 W First South. Lloyd Mary A B (wid John), res 322 Ninth East. Lloyd Thomas, lab, res 78 Q. ^oa Lloyd T F, teamster city street dept. "J Lloyd Thomas H, lab, res 58 Tenth East. nani/PD n C D II C Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rArmtn & UtiUt, LUMBER m IMPORTED AM AMERICAS CEMENTS. Cor. 2cl outti and 3d West. Tel. MOUNTAIN ICE CO 43 - RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 461 CD Lloyd Thomas K, cont 28 E Third South, res 730 E Seventh S. ^^ Lloyd William, porter Hogle Bros, res 351 Fifth. ^ Lloyd William J, shoemkr, res 544 W First South. IS Lloyd William, bartndr James Hogle, res 351 Fifth. J^ Lloyd William T, painter, res 544 W First South. H-^ Lobach G S, car repairer U P Ry, res 218 W First South. prj Lobbenberg Bernhard, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 35 Seventh East. ^O Lobbenberg Gustav A, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 35 Seventh East. ^) Loberg Nelson, elk County Clerk's Office, res 1 29 S 2d West. <^ Lbchrie Peter, Justice Peace 1st precinct, res 731 E 8th South. h^ Lochren Patrick S, tailor Jno Miller Jr, res 224 W 2d South. Lochwitz Adolph, res 223 Eleventh East. . Lochwitz Marcus, res 223 Eleventh East. Lockberg Fred, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. Locke Clarence A, postal elk U P Ry, res rear 234 Second East. ' Locke Miss Ella F, Lieut Salvation Army, res 65 W 1st South. ^^ Locke Miss Martha A, tchr S L Seminary, res 41 E 3d South. Q ^ Lockett Alfred, carp, res e s I3th East, 5 n of I2th South. ^ - Q Lockhart James J, agt The Singer Manf Co, res 256 S W Tem. HI Lockington Wm C, barber H Christy, res 223 E Third South. CO J g: Locks W F, res 124 N Third West. ^ Lockwood Belva, drug elk Gries Bros, res Delmonico Hotel. Q Lockwood Jno C, prop Headlight Rest, res 21 1 S Fifth West. JJJ" * Lockwood Wm S, elk Parlor Drug Store, res Delmonico Hotel. QJ ? Loda Dr Louis, genl agt Union Life Ins Co of Omaha, 84 Coml Erh Jj blk, res I 14 W Fifth South. =g H O Loder Edward W, Publisher Tht Utah Odd Fclloiv, 272 S m 4 (/) State, res 316 Fourth East. jf pj JJJ Lofquist Hans, carp, res 925 E Fifth South. W Q Loftus Daniel C, agt Troy Steam L, res 522 E Third South. 2J Long F J, emp's L C R R, res Patten bldg. = Long George F, finisher Des Woolen Mills, res 521 N Sixth 5 g West. Long John, Pres Inland Crystal Salt Co, res Kansas City, Mo. rr? Long John, lab, res 514 Fifth East. Long John C, barber 241 S Main, res 419 S Fourth West. Long Juliana (wid L L), dressmkr, res 934 Eighth East. Long John V (Stanfield & L), res 655 Sixth East. Long Joseph Frad, lunch stand GSL&HSRR Depot, bds U P Hotel. Long Samuel, elk, res Dyer Lodging House. 2 i Long Sophia (wid John V) res 348 E Second South. * 3 Long Thomas, piano tuner E N Jenkins, res 73 W Second South. Long Thomas, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W S Temple. ^ Long U O, architect, res 47 E Fifth South. f^ Long Wm, fireman U P Ry, res 473 W Second North. 3 Longfellow Christina A (wid Bigellow), res 571 First. ^ Longfellow Miss Mabel, saleslady Arbogast Confy Store, res 571 Hj Uj First. CD CD Longfellow Miss Maud, bds 571 First. ^ 2E Longley Fred W, marble cutter E Morris & Co, res 4 Goddard's Court g Longmaid Miss Annie, res 522 E First South. j^ CO Longmaid John, mining, res 522 E First South. 2 p^j Longmaid Miss Kate L, res 522 E First South. j Longmore Henry, farmer, res 2 n of E I4th South, Mill Creek. J^ Longmore William (Wm L & Co), res 1027 E South Temple. p' LiOiigmore William & Co (Wm L & Josiah Burrows), O Clothing and Gents' Furnishings, 53 W First South. J-f ( \ Longren Peter, res 439 Hazel Court. J^J LongsdorfTSchumer D, dairyman Rocky Mt Dairy, res same. Q GO Real Estate Broker, tTLT^M Monetf to Loan. a Specialty. H. P. 6. COATES. I K. L. SHEETS, torn K. Coramrrrial Block. R.H. Officer Ho,, ASSAYEBS.StSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 463 ^ CO ^ Longson Charles, farmer, res Sugar House Ward, bet iith and 2 Jj ic 1 2th South, e of I4th East. S S Loofbourow Charles F (Loofbourow & Kahn), res 54 Twelfth 3 East. "*"S Loofbourow James W, mining, res 76 I. fe^ 2X2 Loofbourow Wade J, col T R Jones & Co, res 54 Twelfth East. fl* Lioof bourow & Kalm (Chas F L & Wm K), Attorneys- at-Law, 70-73 Commercial Blk. rd Loomis Geo D, dep elk Third District Court, res 3 1 N State. ^ Loper Richard, inmate County Poor house n e cor State and Z2 Twelfth South. g CO Lorange Louis, cook White House, r^ Lord Henry, blksmith Union Irn Wks, res bet Eighth and Ninth T East, n of Twelfth South. .3 Lord Hyrum, blksmith Union Irn Wks, res bet Eighth and Ninth 12 GO East, n of Twelfth South. CO Loring Geo B, physician and surgeon 322323 Dooly Blk, res 5 ^ 470 W Sixth South. c-5 ^ Lossan Rinehart, mach White House, bds same. CO Lou R Henry, foreman S L C R R, 876 E First South. (fl CO Louck I>r .Fake, Chinese Specialist and Surgeon 140 State, fj s m Loud William S, shoemkr, res 568 Third ^ OC Louisyille Liquor Co 9 H Bews Propr, 213 S Main, see JZ 3 Pag* l6 - C ^5 Lounsbery %L Co, agts, New York, R C Chambers supt. H Love Andrew, teamster, res 545 S Fourth West. i , i Love David, emp U C Ry, res 545 S Fourth West. \ DC Love Henry, lab S L C R R Co, res 876 E First South. """ Love James, night yardmaster U P Ry. ^ Love James W, brakeman U P Ry, res 126 S Fifth West. ^ ^ ^ Love John, delivery man Z C M I, res 551 W Fourth South. ^-3 Love John, carp, res 40 Quince. -~ Love Joseph H, fireman U P Ry, res 476 S Fourth West. Q Love Neal, lab city water works, res 537 W Second South. ^M Love Robert, lab, res 131 Rio Grande ave. J *^ Love Sarah A (wid John), res e s gth E 10 s of Liberty ave. zi Love Stephen H, mngr receiving rm Z C M I, res Forest Dale. J>T Lovelady John, cond U P Ry, res rear 423 W First North. . Loveless Watson G, carp, res rear 49 S West Temple. ^^ Lovendale Julius H, emp job office Tribune, res 54 E 1st N. 3 3Z, Lovendale Theodore, printer, res 336 E Fourth South. I C-p Lover W C, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Rogers, SearlesS Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, OBNTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 STi *i*rn of Bla- Gu n 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J H.-itomtab tor Wrouyhi, Su*i an.l Ciuii acolioe Stove*, Refrigerator* and Copper Wkr*. Pine -fmrmUhlmf (H 464 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. O C"> Loveridge L C, Superintendent Tenth Ward Loan & Build- ^ ing Association, res 1 176 E Fourth South. . ' Loveridge Miss Sadie, res 1 176 E Fourth South. r~) Lovesy Edmund S, carp, res 355 S Sixth East. Lovesy Frank C, elk Pacific Exp Co, res 355 Sixth East ^ Lovesy Wm H, chief elk supt office Pac Exp Co, res 355 6th E. ^^ Lovett J T Xr Son (James T & Geo D), Proprietors Home Z Iron Foundry, 44 N Seventh West, see adv. !^2 Lovett Geo D (J T Lovett & Son), res 44 N Seventh West. O Lovett James T (J T Lovett & Son), res 44 N Seventh West. ^ Lovey Henry, janitor St Mark's school, rms 623 W 1st South. Qo Low George, contractor and builder, res 382 F. Low Samuel C, restaurant U P depot, res 209 N Fourth West. ^^ Lowe Arthur J, salesman Geo M Scott & Co, res 438 E Second ~~ M South. ^ ^ Lowe Miss Catharine, res 308 E First South. HLowe Clinton (trav eng Utah & Montana Machiney Co), res 35 C ) Twelfth East. CD fcn Lowe DeWitt Boreal est agt 272 S State, res 469 S 1st West. Y^i Lowe George A, Dealer in Carriages, Wagons and Agricul- CO ^^ tural Implements, 133 to 145 State, res 308 E First South. CO * See adv page 2 Q" Lowe George W, lab, res North Salt Lake. 13 J Lowe James (Bird & L), res 630 K First South. 2J . * Lowe John A, Jr, delivery elk The Barlow-Thompson Grocery 5 E* Co, res 250 W Fifth North. "O _r Lowe Julia A (wid Cornelius), rms 537 E Third South. E=- * Lowe Oakey Q, carp, bds 537 E Third South. ~> ^"^ Lowe Rebecca (wid B M), 2^9 E Fifth South. * PJ Lowell Wm J, lab, res rear 529 W Fourth North. [ j Lowenberg & Co, B Steinman, Jr, agt, mnfs overalls, gloves, etc, DO fc*i office and res 205 Brooks Arcade. E J Lowery Clark, cigar dlr, res 240 E Brigham. p Lowry Miss Alice, knitter, res 315 W Fourth South. ^ Lowry Miss Martha, elk J E Sherlock, res 3 1 5 W Fourth South. j~] Lowry Thomas A, carp, res 315 W Fourth South. ^ Lowry Warren M, steam fitter, res 315 W Fourth South. ^C Lowry Wm B, lab city, res 745 E Fourth South. i H Luby D lab, city water works. H Lucas Amos, butcher, res 107 J. i_J Lucas Mrs C A, modiste rms 421, 422 Dooly Blk, res same. ^^ Lucas Frank J L, elk Fred C Lyngberg, res 812 W Second N. 8HI.T I.HKRI 55Sa I 5J W. SuCon.i snuiL. Teiephn Jit. 3 O (0 HHEBIMIBSCUITiMliiiUFIICTUmiie CO., Salt Lake Bf. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 465 Lucas George, res I 50 Washington ave. Lucas Selina (wid James L) res 812 W Second North. Luce Francis H, tmstr, bds 847 E Third South. T ii/-/? J^^rifvz n & T^rrxrmQrA rfc r>9 g R RlfVPnt.b_ 5-\Dllf h . '' HOME IRON FOUNDRY, J. T. Lovett & Son, Props., 44 N. SEVENTH WEST, - - SALT LAKE CITY. : : IRON CASTINGS : : For Buildings, Machine Shops, Factories, Mines, Mills, Households and Stores. All Kinds of Fencing, Cresting and Light Castings, ALSO STOVE CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. In fact, Castings of any description made to order, and satisfaction guaran- teed in workmanship and price. WE AIM TO COMPETE AVITH FOREIGN IMPORTATION. Postal Cards receive prompt attention. -J u H3 P Luff Geo D, carp, res s s Eleventh South w of Ninth East. Luff George T, carp, res 1 8 1 F. ^ z Luff Harry, carp Temple blk, res 409 Third. Luff Harry jr, elk Z C M I. s ^ Luff Wm, elk, bds 409 Third. U Lufkin Geo E, baggage agt Grant Bros L & T Co, res 627 W ; South Temple. -j CHftS. B GCURUY & CO., 303&305McCOTOicKBl(l2., __ F .SALT LAKE CITY. .$. I P. 0. Box 41)2. Telephone 31. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a 8pclaltj SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 S"B' Ni*rn of Blir CJiin 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J Bipw*"l**M tAxi a Irrigation Age Printing House, 26 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book Manufacturers Fine Builders ami IIoiiMe-fur- SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO./ - - Ranges, Refrigerators Sigrn of Big: Gun. 43 and 44 W. 2l South. ) ami Gasoline Nf > vew. 468 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 5 Lyle John, Propr S L Silk Factory, 54 S West Temple, res ^ . same. O ^ Lyle Peter, lab Gas Works, res rear 54 S West Temple. ' Lyles David C (McDowall & L), res Morgan Hotel. C o Lyman Chas W (L & Wallace), pres N W Forwarding Co 13 08 I Deseret Bank bldg, res 570 S Main. C Lyman Everett E, elk Sykes Drug Co, res 123 Fourth East. O Lyman Francis M, surveyor, s w cor I ith East and I2th South. (0 Lyman Francis M Jr, surveyor, s s 1 3th South 3 w of 9th East. ~"~" Lyman Frederick A, regent Conservatory of Music, res Syracuse, > N Y. Lyman Harry S, collector McCornick's Bank, res 570 S Main. 2 L> man Sylvester C, carp, res Flossies ave. Ejj Lyman Walter C, trav salesman Co-op W & M Co, res 759 W rZT South Temple. ^ Lyman Willard H, salesman Z C M I Shoe Fac,bds 244 Centre. = Lyman W C, mach, res 759 W South Temple. ,T Ismail fc Wallace (Chas W Lyman, Geo Y Wallace), Cap- *g italists, 13 Deseret Bank Bldg. C/2 Lynch Agnes (wid Wm), res 243 N Sixth West. Lynch Cornelius, mach, res 564 W South Temple. g r Lynch E R (wid Patrick), res 233 E Sixth South. g Lynch Miss Florence, bds 1 7 N Canyon. Lynch Hardie, elk Godbe-Scarff Drug Co, res 243 N 6th West. -5 Lynch James C, mining, res 48 Ninth East. Lynch James E, Dep County Ass'r Office, res 626 Fourth East. ^ Lynch Johanna (wid Michael), res 564 W South Temple. L.yncli John C. Assistant Superintendent Mountain Ice & C S Co, res 523 S Second West. CD CO Lynch John T 9 Real Estate Agent and Notary Public, 46 Central Blk, res 23 Canyon Road. Lynch John T, cond R G W Ry, res 514 W Third South. Lynch J C, lab City Water Works. Lynch J T, res 17 N Canyon Road. Lynch Miss Julia, res 17 N Canyon Road. " Lynch Mary (wid Patrick), res 105 C. t - Lynch Miss Mary, res 564 W South Temple. M-H Lynch Stephen H, res 247 E. South Temple. g 3 Iij'iich Win J, County Assessor, Board of Trade bldg, res ^ 859 Fifth East. j Lynch Wm T, head porter Walker House, res 5 I Jefferson. j~j Lynds Henry, res 261 Main. i-i-H - - - CO Parter d Dep Cor. 2d South and 3d West. Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. Telephone 43 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 469 Lynds Henry, teamster city waterwks. Lynds Miss Eleanor, rms Coleman House. Lynds Elijah J, rms Union Blk. Lynds Miss Rebecca, rms Coleman House. Lynds Miss Victoria, rms Coleman House. Lyne Walter C (Paine & Lyne), res 503 First. Lyngberg Miss Alia, res 656 E First South. Lyngberg Miss Annie D, res rear 1 15 N West Temple. Lyngberg August, res 656 E First South. Lyngberg Miss Charlotte, bkpr, res 656 E First South. Iiyiigberg Fred C 9 Groceries, Fish, Game, Blooded Chickens and Dogs, 8 E First South, res 656 E First South, see adv page 23. Lyngberg Fred G, res 656 E First South. Lyngberg Gustave, shoemkr, res rear 115 N West Temple. Lyngberg Mrs Hanna, midwife, res 656 E First South. v< >; Lyngberg Miss Lottie, bkpr Fred C Lyngberg, res 656 E 1st S. "^ h Lynn Harry, emp U P Ry, rms Culmer blk. 3 5 14 mi Sylvester J (T R Jones & Co), Supt Sierra Nevada > Lumber Co, res 32 Fourth East. , -j J Lynn Wm P, County Treas and cashr T R Jones & Co, res 736 ^^ < E First South. ^^ tt Lyon Albert C, farmer, res 442 W First North. H^ . Lyon Alexander (Barton, Lyon & Co), res 177 J. - 3 Lyon Mrs A A (wid), res 1263 E South Temple. ^ Lyon Bloek, 56 W Second South. pq jjj Lyon Miss Bessie, res 445 W Sixth South. ^j 5 Lyon Caroline H (wid John), res 431 Second. 5g ^ Lyon Miss Clara J, res 475 Second. I^oii David R Mnr Maazine Printin Co res 2 D. CO David R, Mngr Magazine Printing Co, res 327 D. Lyon Eliza S, drcssmkr, res 431 Second. Lyon Miss Frankie S, dressmkr, res 78 F. **--* Lyon Miss Gertrude, res 244 Fifth East. *^ Lyon H M, opr W U Tel Co, res 375 W First South. P Lyon James, elk, res 43 i Second. ^J_ Lyon Janet (wid John), res 475 Second. r^ Lyon Joseph C, plasterer, res rear 244 Fifth East. Lyon Joseph Y, harness mkr F Platt Co, res 137 Eighth East. Lyon John J, stone contractor, res 1016 S First West. Lyon Joseph D, plasterer, res 244 Fifth East. Lyon Miss Katie, res 442 W First North Lyon Matt, prop Templeton barber shop, res 337 Second. WHOLESALE LUMBER, U. P. Track, North of Depot. Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. & 470 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 8 P g Lyon Warren H, tchr, res Murray. fi - Lyon William H. capitalist rm 10 Lyon Blk, bds Cullen. ,g S Lyons Henry, policeman, res 746 E Second South. J Lyons Ira, Oculist and Aurist 49 S Main, res 801 Brigham. "5 u Lyons Jennie (wid George), col'd, rms 143 E Third South. ^ Lyons Joseph Y, saddler Platt Harness Co, res 56 Eighth East. Lyons Miss Mabel D, res 53 Franklin ave. 5 S Lyons Wm, elevator opr Scott-Auerbach blk, res 523 E 5th S. g g Lyons Wm, painter, bds Germania Hotel. ^ rjj Lyshon Joseph D, machinist U P Ry, res 663 W South Temple. "5 Lystrop Mrs A C, res 203 E First South. i Lythgoe John, farmer, res Mill Creek. 2 3 Lyttle Alex L, lab, res 546 S West Temple. W Lyttle Harry P, Deputy City Ass & Collector 24 E First South, res 142 N West Temple. i -DUY WM. J. LEMFS For Hotel and Family Use. L,. W. DITTMANN, Agent, f $ Telephone 384. 276 S. Main Street. ~ ;g si MC fj McAcliran John J 9 Physician and Surgeon, 16 Hooper ^ Blk, res same. ^f. McAfee Miss Alice, comp Daily Stock and Mining Journal, res CD 128 W Third South. > McAfee John J, foreman Daily Stock and Mining Journal, res 128 3 W Third South. McAfee William, tinner J-S-B Co, res cor i ith South and State. ^ McAfee William (col'd), boot black, res 67 E Second South. &) McAfTee Wm, lab, rms 67 E Second South. .12 ^ McAhan Tyler W, carriage mkr Utah Carriage Co, res 233 W ^ First South. r+ McAllister Mrs Ann D, res 1 19 S Third West. McAllister B H, miner, res 603 Third East. McAllister Daniel H, miner, res 603 Third East. HcAllister Duncan H, President Utah Book and Station- P ery Co, McCornick Blk, res 66 Centre. McAllister Duncan W, elk Utah B & S Co, res 66 Centre. 5' _ McAllister George S, foreman Z C M I shoe factory, res 66 Centre, (jn co LOANS A SPECIAL!?, *5?Eg^ I MONEY TO LOAN. I SS5S28" M Estate Broker, H. p. . COATKS. I E. i. SHEETS. Room 12. come! oinrk. H.H. Officer! Co.. ASSAYEBS.SiS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 471 3 - . 3 j . McAllister J D H, civil eng, pres South Jordan Canal Co, 208 SI Constitution Bldg, res 241 E Fifth South. SZJ 3 | McAllister J G, res 9 Earls Court. * | McAllister Miss Katie, res 66 Centre ""O Q McAllister Malcolm, comp Deseret News, res 66 Centre. U McAllister Patrick, dairy, res N Salt Lake. McAllister Richard J, bartndr Senate Saloon, rms Clift House. 5 McAllister Moroni H, ticket agt U P Depot, res 155 E Sixth ~ South. { McAllister Richard W, shoemkr, res 448 Eighth East. McAllister Richard W Jr, lab, res 448 Eighth East. f^_ McAllister Wm K, contracting agt Burlington Route 30 W Sec- ?O J ond South, res n e cor Third East and Second South. CZJ : .. McArthur Hanna (wid Herman), res 654 E Third South. McArthur Jno R, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res Morgan Hotel. ^ . McArtin Dan H, carp, res 244 S West Temple. ^ McAuliffe Frank G, fireman R G W Ry, rms 129 S 2d West. _i McBonnough Peter, teamster, rear 643 Ninth East. "^ McBride Miss Anna L, student High School, res 446 S West S Temple. ^ McBride F M, elk Gen Del P O, res 453 E Sixth South. ^ XI McBride John R, atty at law, res 446 S West Temple. ^"3 J McBride Patrick, paver, res 164 Second East. \ - McBride Peter, teamster, res 30 E Second North Q 3 McBride W C, elk U P Ry, bds Morgan Hotel. McBride Wm, 330 W Second South. ' McBrien W J, res 817 Third. CO McBrown Frank, time keeper S L R T shops, res 154 W 7th S. g McBrown William, blksmith, res 532 S Eighth West. ^ - McBurney William J, tinsmith S L Hardware Co, res 8^7 Third. J-? ^ McCabe F B, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. McCabe John, plasterer, res 156 E Sixth South, a McCafferty Jos T, elk 266 S Main, bds 103 S Second West. JS McCaffrey Miss Kate, res N Canyon Road. /* McCaffrey Peter, real estate, res 160 Fourth. 2 McCaffrey Peter W, mngr Caledonian Resort, 67 Commercial, ^ res North Canyon Road. g McCall, see also Me Coll. CD McCall Robert, cond S L C R R, res 9 Midway ave. ,d McCallum Daniel, warehouseman Z C M I, res 403 E. *2 9 McCallum Harry S, Attorney-at-Law, 20 Union National * Q %^ Bank blclg, res St James. (/) GENERAL INSURANCE. 11 ROOM 20, 'CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.) Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J .IIIIS. \IUIIIIIII111OI1, I IIK- t III- lery, I isliin^: Tackle and Sporting- Ooods. Guns and Tents for Rent. 0) LLJ LU 472 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. - ^ ^ ^ ^ - - - - ^___ ^^^ _ -- - . _ ---- W^r ^ McCallum James, tank watchman city watenvks, res same. ( ^ McCann Frank E (McCann, Potter & Co), res State s of Twelfth - South. ,O McCann, Potter & Co (Frank E McC and Chas A P), Wholesale Commission Merchants, Poultry and Game a specialty, 75 W Second South. OMcCardell Peter, res 137 N Fourth West. McCarrick Edward, broker, res 175 W Sixth South. McCarroll Elizabeth ] (wid Jas), res 664 S Sixth West. McCarroll G (McC & Dayton), res Eleventh East, Mill Creek. McCarroll James, emp Elgin Dairy, res same. McCarroll Miss Phoebe, elk Snarr & Son, res 664 S Sixth West. r ~ McCarroll & Dayton (G McC & J R D), props Elgin Dairy, Mill Creek, Eleventh East. X McCarthy Charles, comp, res rear 544 W First South. McCarthy Edward, carp, res 518 N First West. McCarthy John, fireman R G W Ry, bds 552 W Fourth South, McCarthy Peter H, asst stereotyper Tzw^, res 544 W 1st South. McCartin James, mach, bds Rio Grande Hotel. "" - McCartney Henry M, Mngr G S L & H S Ry 705 Me- g < Cornick B!k, res 875 E First South. Si & g McCartney Jerry, foreman U P Ry, res 525 W North Temple. O C S McCartney Wm B, bkpr Both well & McConaughy, res 232 S jj^ g: First West. - _ McCarty Dora, emp Des W Mills, res 462 N Third West. McCarty Everett, elk Times, res 449 Second East. McCarty John D, mining, res Ninth North, Second West. McCaughey James, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res 72 W Fifth JJJ South. JJJ McChe^ey James, lab, res rear 273 W North Temple. McChesney J, lab city, res 180 W South Temple. j McClain, see McLean, Me Lain and MacLean. ~i i i McClain Frank E 9 Wholesale and Retail Cigars & Tobacco CD P-< 280 South Main. Seepage loj. C/5 f-j McClain Rev Josiah, Presbyterian Minister, res e s Eleventh East, .1 j~| bet Tenth and Eleventh South. McClain Miss Kate, domestic 253 W Second South. ^ McClaiu O S & Co, (O S McClain), Real Estate & Mines, s Dooly Block. f McClain W, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. McClain Win O, eng Board ol Trade Bldg, res same. ^ McClairn Wm, stone mason, res 318 Sixth East. 9 HI T 1 fll/F I ^Sw^iSiJSjassss. 1 1 i?un pn * rt L 1 \\t\hh\ g ^ a ^- as -i | LI 1 fl U , b U , mCflHISCUIT&MiUFliCTURIfJG CO.. Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 473 Jg McClarien John, driver Mount & Griffin, rms Richelieu House. McClaskey W M, carp, rms Richelieu House. 33 McCleery Wm, shoemkr 55 E Second South, res 773 S State. McClellan, see McLelland. C| (ft McClellan Mathias, carp, res rear 236 E Third South. |Q McClellan Wm R, elk W S Henderson, res 328 S State. ^ McClelland Geo, carp R G W Ry, bds Rio Grand Hotel. jf| McClelland Jas, mason, res 164 S Second West. JJ* McClelland Thos, farmer, res s e cor Third East and i ith South. JW McClerien John, lab, bds Headlight Restaurant. _ McClernand Hon J T of Illinois, member Utah Commission, DO 137 S West Temple. g McClintock Miss Daisy, res 426 W Second South. ~~" McCloskey Thomas R, paperhanger Tullidge & Co, res 506 E m Third South. 52 McClure George R & Co (George R McClure, Christian P Si Sorensen, Charles Newson), props Ensign Machine Shops, 5 Market. McCloud George, lab Harkins, res 136 W South Temple. CO McClure George R, mach, res 64 Back. C McClure James, lab U P Coal Yard, res 728 W First South. OD McClure Peter, emp Geo R McClure & Co, res 64 Back. ^ McClure William H (W H McClure & Co), 2d E, bet I2th and CD 1 3th South. 9 McClure W H fc Co (W H McC & James J Cone), Proprie- o tors Central Park Subdivision and Real Estate Dealers, 65 jj* W Second South. . ^^ McClusky John J, propr Walker House Rest, 246 S Main, res g 1 same. r _ McCoard James, comp Herald, res 469 W Sixth South. O McColl Hugh, hostler, res 644 E South Temple. JJJ McCormic Miss Helen, res 570 Second East. McComsey Smith, teamster U P Coal Yards, res 134 N 5th W. ^ McConachie Alexander (W R Gibbs & Co), res same. McConahay William M, salesman J H Leyson & Co, res same, j-i McConaughy Robert E (Bothwell & McC), res 323 E 3d South. HS McConnel Henry E, elk Roberts & Neldcn, res 234 S Main. McConnell Annie (wid James), res 48 S First West. < Z McConnell J, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. fl W McConville Bernard J, accountant, res 141 Fifth East. ft jg McCorkle DSL, tchr, res Collegiate Institute. H "1 McCorkle G Frank, res North Salt Lake. ^ [Jj CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornlcKBld2., SALT LAKE CITY. t. 0. BM 412. TtiephMM Ml. Shirts of Every Description. WHITTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg ~. Assets, $8,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden, Assets, $4,160,403^3 474 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ McCornick Block, Main, n \v cor First South. * 5! McCornick E, res 175 W Sixth South. *ft ?g McCornick Henry, bds N Main, n w cor First North. jj^ x* McCornick Miss Lizzie, res 1035 E Third South. . J McCornick Mrs O F, tchr, res Murray. ** * McCornick Sarah (wid Chas), res 1035 E Third South. ^ McCornick W S (McCornick & Co), res cor First North and Z Z Main. *fT| a J HcCornieli: & Co (W S McCornick), Bankers, n w cor Main *JQ 5 a anc * First South. See page 101. McCovey John, res 609 Sixth. McCoy Bradford A stone mason, res Roberts' Lodging House. |l McCoy Clarence H, pharmacist Wasatch Drug Co, res 819 E s J First South. 2 McCoy Ernest L, rms I2"T S First West. S McCoy Frank, miner, rms Lincoln House. ^ McCoy Hezekiah, res rear 46 E Sixth South. 155 McCoy Jas, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 72 W 5th South. Z3 McCoy R, foreman City Street dept. 25 HcCoy Tlios, Proprietor McCoy's Stables adjoining Wonder- land, res 229 E Seventh South, see adv. 2 3 McCoy Wm J, prin Nineteenth School, res 324 Dooly blk. ^ g McCrea Wm, mining, res 462 E First South. fi fi McCue Frank, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. * 4 5 McCullough E C, cond U P Ry, res 176 W North Temple. McCullough John, stone cutter Temple blk, res 535 First. JT McCullough John S, tanner, res 535 First. ^ McCullough Wm W, mason, res 535 First. 2 McCullough William M, tanner, res 527 First. =3 ^ McCullum Chas C, bartndr 35 S West Temple, res 48 S First fg ^5 West. *= McCullum E C, res 633 W First South. O3 McCune, see McEwan. g 0- McCune Alfred W, pres S L C R R Co, res 270 W South CO Temple. ? ^ McCune Alfred W Jr, bds 270 W South Temple. c?3 i McCune Earl V, bds 270 W South Temple. m5> rv" McCune James, emp William Harkens. TJOO McCune Matt, emp S L C R R, res Valley House. Jo. r McCune R M, barber Templeton shop, res Valley House. eJ3 McCune W O, lab store U P Ry, res 234 N Sixth West. McCurdy James D, res 416 S State. QAIT I AKF I ITklD ffl Lithographing, Printing and Blank OML I LHKL LI I HU. LU. p k Wflkinn The Finest in th. Western CD 03 CD =5' cna CD n_~v n 52 W. Second South. Telephone 240. HGOK ^King, Country R.H. Officer Ko.,ASSAYERS'r, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 475 g McCurdy Martha E (wid Solomon P), res 416 S State. jg , McCurdy William N, desk sergeant police station, res 24 W ^ Fourth South. 5< McDaniel Elizabeth (wid Henry), res 80 Apple. ^< McDaniel Jas, stone cutter, res 223 E Fourth South. . McDermitt Arthur M (M Bros), res 238 E Fifth South. ^ McDermitt Joseph (M Bros), res 238 E Fifth South. " McDermitt Bros (Arthur M & J), groceries and meats, cor _- Second East and Fifth South. -73 McDermitt Anna (wid Arthur), res 238 E Fifth South. -; McDermott Thomas, res 244 Second East. MM Qq McDevitt Chas, section foreman R G W Ry, res 175 Post. MM ^~ McDevitt Miss Lucy, res 175 Post. ^\ ""d McDonald, see Macdonald. ^^ ^Ili McDonald Alex, contr & bldr, res w s of Fourth East bet Water 1 *> and York. * McDonald A, foreman city street dept. J McDonald Angus (Sullivan & McDonald), res Jennings' Lane. ^ JZ McDonald Block, 28 and 30 E Fourth South. 2 McDonald Court, 241 W Sixth South. McDonald C J, res 1 172 E South Temple. ^ O^ McDonald Daniel, stone cutter, res 23 Second East. p? McDonald Daniel W, emp Times, res 5 I W Second South. -^-| McDonald David L, studt U of U, res 547 E First South. JIT McDonald Elija, capitalist 527 Dooly Blk, res 431 W 6th S. (yQ McDonald Miss Ella, res 18 E Fourth South. McDonald Mrs E, lodging house 2 1 E Third South, res same. .23 McDonald Miss Flora, res 764 W First South. Z McDonald Frank, farmer, res Big Cottonwood, -55 McDonald Frank, barber Templeton bar shop, res Lake Breeze.^ McDonald Harry, emp F Platt & Co. p* McDonald Henry, plasterer, res 764 W First South. ^ McDonald H, lab city water works. ^ I McDonald James, carp, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ,,(5 _O JfleDoiiald James r (Proprietor Jas G McDonald Candy pj ( ; Co), res cor Fifth East and Eleventh South. Q f ^ MeBonald Jas O Candy Co (Jas G McDonald), Manu- X 9 p> v facturers and Wholesale Dealers in Candies, Nuts, Etc, 268- $ 270 S Main, see page /. Qi GO McDonald Jno, capitalist, res 18 E Fourth South. QO McDonald Jno Jr (John McDonald's Sons), res 18 E Fourth &3 South. Thp iTWinftfrnn Anp \m IPrigdDlDIl AflB of National i 24 cm T i m/r iiannu/Anr on i whoi-Mieand K^MI Sfll LflKt HAnUWAnt I I wnre. Oiflory. Btov*>. <;nn* OHI.I LHIAL. IIHIIU VVHIIL UU., V Annniiniiioii.Sportiii* *irii of Big: Onn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Hsliii.^ I a< Kle _C3 C5 C3 476 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CO McDonald John D, res 333 W Third South. McDonald John H, steward Deseret Hospital, 206 N 2d West. McDonald Junius C, commercial traveler, res up stairs 30 E Fourth South. McDonald J, res Hyde Park. McDonald J B, butcher, res 206 W South Temple. McDonald Miss Marian, domestic 121 S Seventh West. McDonald Miss Marian, res 764 W First South. McDonald M, car emp S L C R R Co. McDonald Wm J, emp U C Ry, res 347 E Eighth South. McDonald Wm C (John McDonald's Sons), res 18 E 4th South. McDonald's John Sons (John Jr & Wm C), Grocers 268 S Main. McDonnel Walter S, mail carrier P O Dept, res 333 S 1st West. McDonnel John D, res 333 S First West. McDonnell Thos J, confectioner, res Harris blk. McDonough Harry C, comp Tribune, res 29 Jefferson. McDonough P, foreman city street dept, res bet 9th and loth E and 6th and 7th South. McDougail Archibald, merchant, res 358 Third East. McDougail A, res 536 Sixth East. McDowall Eugene S, res 367 Sixth. McDowall Samuel (M & Lyles), res 58 E Third South. 3IeI>owall & Lyles (S McD & D C L), Attorneys-at-Law, e BE B I CD CD 14-15 Union Natl Bank bldg. McDowell Lucius, lab, res vv s State bet 3d and 4th South. McDowell Samuel, lab, res 1 1 Victoria Place. McDuff, see MacDiiff. McDufTJohn, prop lime kilns near Hot Springs. McElrath J M, expressman 90, res 557 S Main. McElroy Wm P, purchasing agt R G W Ry, office at Depot. HeEiiany Michael E, Attorney-at- Law, 55 Hooper Block, bds Morgan. McEntire, see Mclntire and Mclntyre. McEntire Charles M, news stand Hotel Knutsford, res same. McEvoy, see McAvoy. McEvoy John, hostler McCoy's stable, res same. McEvoy Patrick, emp Tom McCoy, res 2 Chesney Court. ^_ M IVlcEvoy Thomas, res 229 E Seventh South. McEwan, see McCune, McEwan Frank, res 312 W Second North. McEwan Henry, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. CO oo CD CO CD CTD oo DAD I/CD nCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers In rAnlVtn & UtrUt, LUIBER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAS CEHEXTS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In ;ER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN Cor. 2I McFarland, see McFarlane. h McFarland W C, Capt i6th Infantry, Co K, res Fort Douglas. Ct Q < McFarland Wm P, waiter Hotel Knutsford, rms 143 E 3d S. - "" McFarlane Arthur H, Eastern Mgr McFarlane Drug and Mfg Co, res Chicago. CO McFarlane I>rng fc Manufacturing Co, see inc cos, E CD J Dimmick Sec, 79 E Second South. McGee, see Magie. _ McGee Mary Ann (wid Henry), res 725 Third. OJ ^ McGee Henry, elk Z C M I, res 725 Third. 3: McGee James L, ins agt, res e s I ith East 3 s of I ith South. ^ H ^ McGee Martha, laundress Emp Steam Laund, res 535 W Third Jf) South. U McGhan Henry, res 175 S West Temple. $ O McGhan M F, motorman S L Rapid Transit Co, res 732 S First 2J 5 West. CO McGhie R H, studt University of Utah, res Sugar House Ward. W * McGill Bernard, miner, res 443 S Second West. r->. CO McGill Isabella (wid Adam), res rear 143 W Third South. .^ McGill Jas D, traveling frght agt U P Ry, res 475 E 5th South. C= McGillivray Wm, accountant, res 524 Sixth East. \ft McGilvray John D (John D McG & Co), res Denver, Col. ^' McGilvray John D & Co (John D & Wm McG), cut stone con- =*" tractors, res 21 Sullivan av. McGilvray Wm (John D McGilvray & Co), res 21 Sullivan ave. - U McOinley Jones C 9 Proprietor Golden Gate Candy Store, g g res room 5, 247 S Main. M g . pa Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of . BUILDING MATERIALS. 9241 North 3d West. Lombard Investment Co. CAPITAL &4..OOO.OOO. Makes Loans on Imoroved Farms. 478 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M McGinnis, see Maginnis. McGinnis Irwin, contractor, res 656 W Third North. CQ McGinnis James, cook, rms Lincoln House. McGinnis John L, electrician, res 638 S State. McGinnis Miss Mattie, res 656 W Third North. McGovern Francis H, sec foreman R G W Ry, res 53 S 6th W. [J] McOoverii .John E, Contracting Carpenter, room I, 129 W Second South, res same. McGowan William, emp Wm Harkins. McGowen W R, lab Wm Harkins, res 1 36 W South Temple. McGrail Thomas, wireman R M Jones, bds 638 S State. HcGrath A 9 Proprietor California Fruit House, res 953 E Fourth South. McGrath John, eng R G W Ry, res 513 W Second South. McGrath Joseph P, Manager California Fruit House, res ^ 953 E Fourth South. _^ McGrath J B, car repairer U P Ry, res 523 W First North. x w McGrath Mary (vvid Maurice), dressmaking, res 145 7th East. \ fj McGraw Dennis, eng inspector R G W Ry, res 426 W 2d South. Sy 4 McGravv Hugh, carp, res 666 S West Temple. & McGraw Hugh C, carp and bldr, res 666 S West Temple. * 2 McGraw Thos, res State s of Eighth South. 5. McGregor, see MacGregor. McGregor Chas B, section foreman U P Ry, res 963 W First ~ ' North. JJ 1 McGregor Dan, driver furniture van, bds 46 Second East. G3 McGregor Dan O, lab, res 404 E Eighth South. 3" McGregor Jas, genl mngr U C Ry, res 44 State. 2J McGregor J, stone mason, res Fremont House. QJ McGuffie James, res 425 E Third South. McGuire, see Maguire. ^^ McGuire James, rms 158 E Second South. S McGuire Jas H, bartndr, res Midgley blk. ' 2i McGuire Thos, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. McOurriii Frank E (McG & Darling), Agent Remington JJ Typewriters and Supplies 402-403 Progress Bldg, res 664 CO E First South, see adv. 3O McGurrin Fred T, stenogr 403 Progress blk, res St James Hotel. ^ McGurrin's Shorthand College, Miss E C Curtiss mngr, 413 o Progress blk. Jj HcOurrio & Darling (Frank E McG & Elmer E D), Real S Estate Agents 403 Progress Blk. 3 Real Estate Broker, %? I Monefl to Loan. a Specialty. H. P. 6. COiTES. | E. I. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. H.H. Officer* Co., ASSAYEBS.ata RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 479 ; cfl McHugh, see Me Cue. K McHugh Chas H, motorman S L R T, res 750 S Third West. ^*- 8 McHugh Jas T, mining, res rear 335 Seventh East. z McHenry James W, supt Tithing Barn, res Emigrant House, | Tithing Yard. feo McHugh John, bds 750 S Third West. McHugh Jno H, cond S L R T, res 750 S Third West. Mclnnes Duncan Jr, ins agt 76 W Second South, res 968 E ^ South Temple. ^ Mclntosh, see Mackintosh. _ Mclntosh Bert E, res Husbands' Court. ^ CO Mclntosh Miss Grabe, typewriter, res Husbands' Court, rj-} Mclntosh John Y, res Husbands' Court. -^Q 3 Mclntosh Miss Nettie, typewriter Hughes Fruit & Produce Co, 5 3 res Husbands' Court. 12. D Mclntyre, see McEntire. * CO Mclntyre Adelbert J, elk Con Imp Co, res 91 Rio Grande ave. 5 ^_- Mclntyre Miss Alice, bds 91 Rio Grande ave. cs ^ Mclntyre George C, elk, bds 35 I. ro Mclntyre Samuel, mining, res 130 Fifth East. (fl CO Mclntyre Thomas, elk Z C M I, res 35 I. ft} R ^ Mclntyre Mrs Thomas, genl mdse 39 I. OC Mclntyre William H, res 253 W Second South. ^ Mclntyre William J, sec The Natural Mineral Water Co, Q jgi 65 Hooper Blk, res 151 S First West. ( Mcjapie W J, emp William Harkins. , , , McKaig Reginald H, engr, res w s 9th East, s of nth South. ) -r- McKaskell Mrs Wm (wid), rms Walker House. H McKay, see Mac key. McKay Charles F, bkpr Union National Bank, res 165 E 2d S. *% P. * McKay George, res 129 E Fourth South. ^^ McKay George L, eng, res 814 W Third South. - McKay George N, Prof High School, res 60 E Sixth South. ^ 2 Qi McKay Mrs G N, tchr, res 60 E Sixth South. Cid McKay Hugh, foreman P V June Quarry, res 231 S First West. **" J McKay Jane (wid Jose.-h), bds State s of Eleventh South. *H f 3 McKay John D, lab, res 552 South State. ^ ^>? McKay Joseph, guard Tithing House, bds same. | McKay Samuel, apiarist, res 971 E Second South. Jg 21 McKay Wm, Atty at Law 150 Main, rms 5 Hooper -Eldg Blk. ?^ SL McKague Charles, lab, res 541 W Second South. J5 fI CD McKeague Charles, bkpr Rio Grande Hotel, res 543 W 2d S. ^ . Rogers, SearlesS Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. I fttirn of Bitr Gnn 43 and 44 W. 2d Mouth. J Hi-a'lijusrt^rs for Wrought, Steel and Cai Ranges, Qaaoline Stovet, Refrigrator. Granite, Tin and Copper War*. Fine Good* I 480 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. McKeague John, bkpr, res 543 W Second South. jf* McKean John, lab, res 160 Twelfth East. (J) McKean Miss Ruth G, res 173 N Fourth West. m^m McKean Stephen, stockman, res cor Third North & I2th West. " Q McKean Stephen G, farmer, res 173 N Fourth West. McKean Theodore, stockraiser, res 173 N Fourth West. P*^ ^f McKean Theodore jr, stockman, res cor 3d North & I2th West. McKean Wm, janitor Opera House blk, res rear 2525 Main. McKee, see McGee, McKee Uriah, teacher, res 714 E Fifth South. McKeever Esther (wid Thomas), res 761 Second East. McKeever John, elk R G W Ry, rms 161 S Fifth West. \j) McKeever John, elk stationery dept R G W Ry, res 1 17 S 5th W. * McKeever W P, miner, res U P Hotel. j^L McKellar Angus, blksmith, res 648 Second East. O McKellar Angus Jr, Notary Public and Stenographer 403 Pro- gress Blk, res 648 Second East. McKellar Hugh, lineman S L C R R, res 527 E Eighth South. McKellar Miss Kate, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 648 2d East. McKellow Hugh, lab S L C R R Co. * McKelly Mathew, tmster Utah & Montana Mach Co, res 280 J. gj McKelly Miss Mattie, opr Z C M I shoe factory. Q" . g McKelvey Ampedo A, mining, res 800 E Ninth South. . * McKelvey John, stonecutter, res cor Seventh S and Tenth W. fc JleKelvie Thomas, propr Salt Lake Steam Dye Works, 5 43 South West Temple. See page 2J. O t"""^ McKendrick David, Mngr Paragon Shoe Store, res 527 First E. CJ McKendrick John E, shoemkr, bds 527 First East. McKenna John L, installment dealer, res 155 E Third South. * McKenna Patrick J, Physician and Surgeon 65 W Second South, - res 12 Bellevue Place. McKenzie, McKinscv. 13 McKenzie Alex, umbrella mkr, res 260 E North Temple. ^" McKenzie Brigham, helper James-Spencer-Bateman Co, bds 576 JJ* S West Temple. McKenzie Miss Barbara, res 276 Canyon Road. aco McKenzie David, elk church office L D S, res 576 S W Temple, z-^ McKenzie Edw, blksmith U P Ry, res 33 Richards. J^a McKenzie James, res 236 W Second South. McKenzie Jas A, bartndr Alta Club, res 146 W Seventh South, McKenzie Miss Mary, bds ^76 S West Temple. McKenzie Miss Mary, res St James Hotel. 8HLT LRKEI =B|^H I 52 Vf. Sconu Suuth. Telephn 141. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 481 McKenzie Wm A, carp U P Ry, res 9 Washington ave. McKernan Alexander, rms 5 Central blk. McKerness Jennie (J & L McK), res 138 E Fifth South. McKerness J & L (Jennie &. Lizzie), millinery, 10 W 3d South. McKerness Lizzie (J & L McK), res 138 E Fifth South. H>l4 ihhiii George J (G E Wright & Co), Physician and Surgeon, res 665 E Seventh South. McKimmins Building, n s W 3rd S bet Main and W Temple. JJJ McKimmins Miss Georgie P, res 312 E Second South. ^ McKimmins Miss Elsie E, res 312 E Second South. McKimmins Frank G, travagt Sam Levy, res 312 E 2nd South. IX McKimmins Mark, res 312 E Second South. McKimmins Miss Mary G, res 312 E Second South. McKinnor Malcoem D, emp F Platt Co, rms 49 Commercial. C/D 5? CD McKinnon M. studt L D S College, res 633 W Fourth North. McKinney John S, solicitor, res 121 S Second West. McKinney Phillip E, bkpr B K Bloch & Co, res 524 N 1st W. McKinsey, see McKenzie. McKinsey William, carp, res Burrows' ave, 528 E 2nd South. McKittrick Sadie (wid Robert M), res 235 S State. ^ McKnight Mrs Mary A R, res 825 E Fourth South. Q McKowen Ellen (wid Patrick), res 46 W Fourth South. ^ McLachlan, see McGlanghlin and McLaughlin. CD McLachlan Miss Alice, elk R K Thomas, res 462 S W Temple, gj McLachlan Miss Lilye, res 462 S West Temple. McLachlan William, cont and bldr, res 462 S West Temple. McLaflin John, butcher, rms Roberts Blk. s ^ McLain, see McClain and McLean. g 1 McLain Clark S, eng U P Ry, res 1041 W First South. r _ McLain Frank, eng, res 964 W Third South. O McLarien John, lab, bds Albany Hotel. McLarkey Patrick, bkpr The Comstock Saloon, res Telluride Blk. * McLaughlin, see McLachlin and McGloughlin. ^ McLaughlin Agnes, chambermaid St James Hotel, res same. McLaughlin Miss Agnes, res 627 W South Temple. {* McLaughlin Agnes, res Leslie Court. McLaughlin Miss Anna, res 1027 E Sixth South. McLaughlin Miss Annie, saleswoman, res 161 Social Hall ave. McLaughlin George, fruit store 70 S West Temple, res same. fl CJ McLaughlin Henry Y, trav agt, res 1 162 E Fourth South. QJJ McLaughlin James, miner, res 252 S State. H [J McLaughlin James, mason, res 276 E First South. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornicKBld2., SALT LAKE CITY. * SHIRTMJLKZKRS. * I P. 0. B W. Telephone Wl. Shirts of Eyry Description. Repairing a Special tj WHITTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 310, MoCorniok Building. London A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Assets, $14,880, 157.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Wii AweU, I 1,C30>,70 482 IMc Me Me Me RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M A W D O I, jr J O. i CO CO CO CD McLaughlin James F, builder, res 405 Eleventh East. McLaughlin Joseph, lab, res 828 E First South. McLaughlin Miss Mary, res 627 W South Temple. McLaughlin M, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. McLaughlin Patrick, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. McLaughlin P, wiper R G W Ry, res 223 S Fifth West. McLaughlin Robert, res 1027 E Sixth South. McLaughlin Robert, lab, res 627 W South Temple. McLaughlin Miss S, dressmkr, res 3 1 Second East. McLaughlin Thomas, res 46 Second East McLean, see McClain and McLain. McLean Miss Annie, domestic 23 East Sixth South. McLean Gilbert A, engr, rms rear 731 E Fifth South. McLean John, shoemkr, res 479 N Fifth West McLean Lewis, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. McLeese Stewart, carp Mason & Co Mill, res Morris ave, bet Second and Third South. McLelland, see McClellan. McLelland Edward, res State, bet Eleventh and Twelfth South. McLelland Ellen B (wid Thomas), w s State, s of Eleventh S. McLelland Miss Sarah, bds w s State, s of Eleventh South. McLelland Thomas, farmer, res Galena, bet Third ave and 4th E. McLeod, see MacLeod. McLeod Duncan, boilermkr U P Ry, res 49 S Sixth West. McLeod Mrs Helen, res w s 3d East bet I ith and I2th South. McLeod John, carp, rms Lincoln House. McLeod Miss Mary, elk, res East Waterloo, 3d East bet loth and i ith South. McLeod William, musician, res 839 W Cannon. McMahon Joseph, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. McManamon Barney, miner, res 237 S First West. McMaster Alexander, comp Deseret News, res 28 Ninth East, McMaster Miss Emaline, res rear 865 E First South. McMaster Jos H, comp Herald, res 36 Ninth East. McMaster Margaret D (wid Wm A), res 36 Ninth East. McMaster Miss Mary, res 317 W North Temple. McMaster Sarah (wid Wm A), res rear 865 E First South. McMaster W T m, res 70 M. McMaster W A, car emp S L C R R Co, res 944 E South Tern. McMillan David A, studt U of U, res Murray. McMillan Eliza, laundress, bds Forest Dale. McMillan Guy, lineman R G W Ry, bds 21 1 S Fifth West SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. CD CO CD CD en CD OQ CD CD CD DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. B.H.UBBriGii.JSSAYEBS.SiS.'S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 483 -} II ^ O |5 McMillan Henry O 9 Clerk Third District Court, res 649 E =J g South Temple. McMillan Miss Janet J, teacher, res Murray. O McMillan Jessie F, elk C B Durst Grocery Co, res 276 N 1st W. E?: OJj McMillan Miss Lizzie, teacher, res Mrs Ford's, O'Meara Blk. ] McMillan Miss Lizzie M, emp Troy S Laundry, res Forest Dale, co . g McMillan Michael, farmer, res Murray. od McMillan Milton, contr and bldr, res 512 Fourth East. Q* >(^ McMillan Samuel, res 276 N First West. McMillan William, Chief Cherk U C Ry, res 343 N Fifth a * - West. CD 5E McMills Charles, eng, res 119 Post. _j McMills David, eng, bds 119 Post. o 5 McMinn Miss Mattie, dressmkr, res 521 S West Temple. O ^"~ McMullan John, driver Fire Dept, res 132 E First South. 3 LJJ McMurray Institute The (treatment and cure for alcohol, etc), ^ Bradford Crook supt, 28 E Fourth South. QJ 3 McMurrin Miss Aggie, res 63 E Sixth South. - McMurrin James L, collector Utah Produce Co, res Forest Dale. * * ^5 McMurrin Mrs Jeanette, res 63 E Sixth South. CD ~ McMurrin Joseph, cooper, res 574 S State. jj McMurrin Jos W, elk Bishop's Store House, res 20 E 6th South, l McMurrin Margaret (vvid Robert), res 235 N Fifth West. ^i McMurrin Miss Rebecca R, res 63 E Sixth South. 5E McNair Thos B, sec and treas Houghton-McNair Hardware Co, 2 res 262 Eighth East. 1C McNally J Clifford (Denton & McN), res 158 Mitchell ave. * McNamara Daniel, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. , . McNamara Thos, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. "5 McNeely Albert D (E J Doray & Co and A D McNeely & Co), <*> res 274 E Fifth South. 5 McNeely A D & Co (AD McN & E J Doray), brokers and U commission merchants 324 S Main. m j- McNeil Clinton, rms 169 W South Temple. c McEfeill David, Mngr Lincoln House, res same. 'SI McNeill Finley J, emp S L P L & H C, res 1039 S First West -rt McNerny John, painter, res 123 E Fourth South. r McNiece James, res 637 S West Temple. Mcltfiece Rev Robt O 9 Pastor First Presbyterian Church, res 207 E Second South. S McNulty Hortense (wid Peter), bds Ninth East s of Tenth South. ^ McNulty John, driver M I Co, bds 860 S Third West. Irrigation Age Printing House, RailroadandCoMercialprin ^ *'-*'- * Fnrnishe*! 011 all kinds of Work. 26 W. Tllird Soiltll. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., li ; Sign of Big Onn. 42 and 44 W. 2d Mouth. ) and Gasolln 5 484 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ McNulty Wm, plasterer, res w s Third East s of Tenth South. ^ . McPhee John J (Sheets & McPhee), res 37 Richards ave. O * McPhie Benj, lab, res 138 W Seventh South. * 5 McPhie Chas, lab S L C R R Co. C o McPhie James, janitor, res 756 S First West. 00 I McPhie Mrs Jane, res 756 S First West. E McPhie John, driver Globe Meat Market, res 138 W 7th South. O McPhie Miss Maria, res 138 W Seventh South. McPhie Martin, lab, res 726 S First West. 7 McPhillany Ophelia A (wid J A), res 565 Rose ave. &? McQuarrie Allan, watchman tanks city water works, res same. - McQuarrie Catherine (wid Allan), bds Allan McQuarrie. ^ McQuarrie William, Eclipse Stable, res 446 S West Temple. ^ McQueen William ME, sheriff Salt Lake Co, res 64 3rd S. ~ McRae Daniel, bishop L D S Granger, res same, ^^ McRae Daniel Jr, studt L D S College, res Granger. Jg McRae David, carp, res 257 Eleventh East. ,t McRae Eunice (wid Alexander), res 145 Sixth East. g McRae Joseph, bds 145 Sixth East. {/} McRoberts G, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. McTurney James, bartdr Cullen Hotel. r -McUllah James, plasterer, res 30 Twelfth East, g g McVay John R, carp, res 518 N First West. : | McVety W J A, comp Irrigation Age, res 5 Kendall ave. a McVey Mrs J O, res 34 W Third South. 3IcVicfeer John. Assayer i 50 S Main, res 1 56 E S Temple. ^ McWenia James, cigar mkr Sam Levy. <-> gUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER.. J^ For Hotel and Family Use. L,. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. Main Street. oS CD c? <=> CD CO ^ to - Maack Fred J, printer, bds 727 E Ninth South. i-J 1 Maack George J, sign writer, shop 376 S Main, res rear 159 W ^to CJ Third South. Jo? Maack Theodore W, bds 727 E Ninth South. Maack William, res 727 E Ninth South. | Mabry C W, bds 946 E Eleventh South. S"CQ Parker & Depue, Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Window and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. (0 Artificial and Natural Ice. TELE 4 p r E RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 485 Mabry Emma A, res 136 S Third East. Mabry James L, lab, res 62 W Eighth South, Mabry Rev Wm I>, Pastor First M E Church, res 946 E Eleventh South. Maby Edward G, carp, res 816 E First South. Maccono John, rms 59 S State. Maccono Joseph, carp and bricklayer, rms 59 S State. Maccuaig Andrew, bkpr Carey- Lombard Co, res 144 W First > North. MacDonald, see McDonald. Macdonald Thomas W, elk Geo Mullett & Co, res 321 First. Macdonald Walter R, engr Coml Blk, res 321 First. MacDuff Jane (wid Malcolm), res Hot Springs. MacDuff John, lime burner, bds Hot Springs. - MacDuff Martin, tmstr, bds Hot Springs. Mace Clara E, res 107 Pear. >: Mace Geo, wiper U C Ry, res 856 S Eighth West. J] Mace Miss Isabel, bkpr Brown, Terry & Woodruff Co, res 61 W ? Sixth South. > $ Mace James, car clnr U P Ry, res 856 S Eighth West. ^ J Mace Jno, eng U P Ry, res 634 S Eighth West. j( ^ Mace Richard, eng Commercial blk, res 107 Pear. ^ a Mace Wm, fireman U P^Ry, res rear 137 N Fourth West. H J MacFarlane Elizabeth J (wid Andrew N), res 83 I. 5 MacGee Martha, res 830 W First South. MacGee Rose (wid Jas), res 830 W First South. 00 Maclntire John, salesman E Logan, rms 65 W First South. Q Macintosh Andrew, chief elk Singer Mnfg Co, res 122 3d East. < Mack Edw W, dispatcher U P Ry, res 175 Fir J O Z N m H I m o m r m CD CO Mack Mrs Fannie, res 218 W Third North. Mack Henry M, elk S L Abstract T & G Co, res 55 Currant. Mack James, mason, res 246 Wall. Mack James Jr (Utah Produce Co), res 55 Currant. Mack Roy, emp Walker House, res same. Mack Mrs R (wid Jno W), res 336 Third East. Mack Wm, lab, res Tremont House. Mackay Walter S, studt L D S College, res Mill Creek. : Mackey, see McKay and McKee. Mackey Horace, teamster, res U P Hotel. Mackie Frazer, elk, bds 863 E Seventh South. Mackie John, bkpr for M J Hardin, res 375 W South Temple. Mackie Simon F, civ eng 1 1 5 S Main, res 863 E 7th South. Morrison, Merrill & Prices and Estimates on LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt liake " iee: capital * 1. 000,000. Su rplim S200.OOO. COPi MAIN 111(1 FIRST SOUTH. ^ 486 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M J g Mackintosh, j^ Mctntosh. C * Mackintosh Miss Blanche, res 363 S West Temple. CQ Mackintosh Ellen (wid Daniel), res 174 C. | Mackintosh Daniel J, elk U P Ry, res 344 S Fourth West. 3 Maddison Mathew H, railroad man, res 305 Fifth East. 3 Madeira S P, trav pass agt Colorado Midland Ry, res Hotel Knutsford. O Mader Basil, prof All Hallow's College, res 376 E 2d South. 3 Mader Chas, cigars and tobacco 156 Main, rms e s 2d West bet .13 2d and 3d South. ^ C/0 Madison E W, surveyor, res 305 Fifth East. ^4- Madley J, emp Germania Lead Wks, res Murray. ^^ Madsen Andrew P, res rear 754 Fourth East. Madsen Caroline A (wid Klaus), res rear 248 Ninth East. Q) Madsen Chas C, elk Z C M I, res 33 Fourth East. P Madsen Miss Clara, domestic 32 State. Madsen E, lab City and County Bldg. ^ Madsen Emily (wid Lawrence), res 754 Fifth East. (JQ LOAHS A SPECIALTY, ^SK****- \ MONEY TO LOAN. Beal Estatfi Broker, H. p. e. COATKS. I R. i. SHEETS. Room 12. 8.H. Officer Ho,, ASSAYEBS.^^'S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 487 3 Rogers, SearlesKo,, 1 C Hadseii Mrs E, Millinery and Furnished Rooms, 59 E First S^ ;=j | South, res 33 E Fourth South. C^3 S Madsen Erik, nurseryman, res State, s of Roper, . i Madsen Fred F, laborer, res 564 Fourth East. *"O * Madsen Gertrude K (wid Peter), res 177 E. ^* Madsen J, teamster S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. g ^ . Madsen Mrs Karen, res 349 Express ave. O Madsen Lars P, shipping elk P W Madsen, res 177 E. . JJj Madsen Miss Lotta, res 128 W South Temple. QQ f Madsen Louisa (wid Henry), furnished rooms, 10 Com'l, res ~ CD same. -& jff Madsen Mads P, salesman P W Madsen, res 663 S W Temple. O - Madsen Miss Mary, domestic C Doritz, res Folsom ave. ^J 1 Madsen Peter C, res 754 Fifth East * Madsen Peter E, carp, res 758 E Third South. g" OCT Madseii Peter W, Wholesale and Retail Furniture, Carpets LU and Upholstery, 51-53 E First South, res 615 E 1st South. ~^ """{ Madsen Richard W, salesman P W Madsen, res 615 E 1st South. ^"^ K^ Maeely John, lab, res e s I3th East, 3 n of I2th South. : Magazine Printing Co The, see inc co's, D R Lyon, ^ ^2 Manager, Proprietors The Utah Monthly Magazine, Book "^ ^ and Job Printers, 19 W South Temple. T3 ^ Magesell Joseph, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. 33 6Q Maggenetti John, res rear 143 W Third South. :*fii Maginniss, see McGinniss. ^~\ C^H Maginnis John L, foreman R M Jones, res 638 S Main. _^j Magmy Ernest, hotel steward, res 22 N First West. g Magness J, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. *-< Magneussen Joseph, lab, rms Lincoln House. Jj 5 Magnolia House, 164 S Second West. E Q_< Magnuson Anna C, emp Des W Mills, res 224 W Fourth North, ft Mahaffey John W, repairman City Water Wks, res 67 S State. ^0 -H Mahan Fred O, elk J Hirschman, res 634 Fourth East. $3 Mahan John A, bkpr, res 634 Fourth East. ^^ 02 Mahan John P, organizer A O U W, res 634 Fourth East. ^Q Mahle Lincoln E, baggage agt R G W Ry, res 443 W 3d South. *p^ C3 Mahlstrom Peter, farmer, res West Jordan. Q C Mahoney Miss Abbie, trimmer J J Duke, res 350 S W Temple, gig -r-< Mahoney Dennis, lab, res rear 577 W Fourth South. B? *g Mahoney Michael J, res 216 E Seventh South. 2 ca Mahoney Thomas F, ins, res s w cor Water and Fourth East. " Q t^- Maiben Miss Agnes, domestic 810 E First South. CO GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SflLTLAKEHftRDWARECO.p"; Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2<1 South, j l*. \ III IIIIIIIII 1011. I I IK- ||| lery. I i-hiu- Tackle and Sporliiic Gools. Guns and Tents for Rent. 488 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CT> Main Miss Bessie, bds 444 E Eleventh South. Maines Miss Lillie, domestic 2 Kendall Terrace. Mains Miss Bertha, bds 167 Tenth East. Mains John, res 185 G. Mainstrup Jas P, trav salesman, res 878 E Fourth South. Mair Amasa, elk. bds rear 505 Fourth East. Mair Charles, mining, res rear 505 Fourth East. OMair Henry J, plasterer, res 424 S State. Mair James G, elk Cohn Bros, res rear 505 Fourth East. Mair Mary (wid James) res rear 505 Fourth East. OMair Thomas photographer, res rear 505 Fourth East. Major M G, res 66 Seventh East. ,_ ! Major James F, ins agt, res 710 W Second North. Majors Joseph, lab S L C R R. >-^ Malan John, tailor, res 213 E First South. Malin Miss Anna, res 573 Eighth East. Malin Council B, teamster Calder's Music Palace, res 237 4th E. / ^ Malin George, clerk R G W Ry, res 8 1 1 E Second South. -""" - ^ Malin G H, emp Supply Warehouse R G W Ry, res 807 E 6th S. ~~ Malin Howard, blksmith, res 573 Eighth E. %Q I" Malin Isaac H, farmer, res 573 Eighth East. Hi TJ Malin James E, farmer, res 573 Eighth East. CD* O . Malin James E Jr, teamster city, res 563 Eighth East. jj^ ? * Malin Mrs Mary A, res 225 Fourth East. j ^ ^ Malin Millard F, carp and bldr, res 458 Sixth East. m Malin Samuel B, res 225 Fourth East. *"p Maloy Thomas, carp, res 140 E Seventh South. Mallett Alma, collctr Mt Ice & C S Co, bds 860 S Third \Vest. 5? ( ) Mallon John, lab, res 263 N Third West. J^ Malloy John E, comp, res 346 S West Temple. Malloy Patrick F, hostler I X L Stable, res same. E5 Malloy W E, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. =? Malmquist Carl E, painter, res 261 Canyon Road. CD Malmstrom Vina, domestic 130 Third East. GO Malone Wm R, 423 S West Temple. I_ Maloney, see Moloney. JJg Maloney Bartchley, emp frt dept R G W Ry, res Euclid ave. 5 =a Maloney D J, switchman U P Ry, res U P Hotel. 9%* Maloney Peter, boilermkr U P Ry, res 34 Euclid ave. g. Maloney R, foreman street dept. j" ^ Malquist Bros (Jno & Edward), Proprietors S L Carriage & ? g" Wagon Shop, 1 5 Commercial ave. *g. ____^ * OTTTW T TTTAT7I Printing in all its Branches. I T TH/ITO \/ U U I/ I Good Work, Reasonable Prices. I iTUl O fl li I IA fl l\ IA I Honest Treatment of Customers. I \\ I UI1U1 UillVLX | 52 w>2dsouth . Telephoned. I U1 * 11U| 9 (ti MEBim BISCUIT t MANUFACTURING CO.. Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 489 Malquist Edwin (Malquist Bros), res 249 E Fifth South. Malquist John (Malquist Bros), res 253 S Fourth West. Malquist Miss Mary, emp Troy Stm Laundry, res Superior add. Malstrom C A, emp Germania Lead Wks, res Murray. Malsted Gustaf, carp T-R-A Co, res 208 W Fourth North. Maltese Frank, rms 344 E Second South. Maltese Julia S (wid Salvador), res 344 E Second South. ._- Mammoth Mining Co, see inc co's, J Fred Corker sec, office 251 S Main. W Manason Miss Ellen, res 2 i W First North. _ Manason Mrs Louisa, res 21 W First North. 3O Manca Angelo R (M Bros), res 34 E Third South. Manca Bros (V E M & A R M), Vienna Cafe 153 S Main. Manca Victor E (Manca Bros), res Telluride blk. m Manders Henry, emp Des W Mills, res 149 N Third West. Manes Patrick, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. Si Mangel Ed, lab S L C R R Co. ^ Mangum F A, trav salesman, res 206 W South Temple. ST Mangum Lucretia, emp R M Biele, res 337 Second. CO 01 Manin John, pipeman No 2 Engine House, res 57 N First West. ^ * 31 an it on The, Mrs Emma Wormuth propr, Third South, i Q3 < e of the Knutsford. ^ * Mann Addie (wid Herbert), res 223 S Fourth West. CD g Mann Benj B (B B M & Co), res 1024 Jefferson. sg; ^ Mann B B & Co (Benj B M & Ernest I Young), ins agts, rms 6 o Culmer-Kennett blk. w C^3 u Mann Horace R (Tisdale & M), res Walker House. v < Q Mann Moroni, fireman U P Ry, res 642 W Third North. g J Mann Thomas, lab, res 950 W First South. Mannett John, mach, res 629 W South Temple. O _ Mannit D J, res 618 W F'irst South. & Mannit J F, res 618 W First South. Manning Emeline, res 434 S First West. ^ Manning Miss Fanny L, res 48 E Seventh South. QJ Manning Fred, trunkmkr 64 E Second South, res same. ||| Manning Miss Flora E, res 48 E Seventh South. Manning George E, res 757 S West Temple. Manning George W, cond S L Rap Trans, res 48 E Seventh S. pi Z Manning Hiram C, drayman, res 48 E Seventh South. fl CJ U Manning Isaac L, carp, res 529 Second East. ft J Manning Mrs John, propr Great Western Trunk Factory 64 E ^ PI Second South, res same. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCorQiCl[Bld2., SALT LAKE CITY. r..B4l2. Shirts of Every Description. WIHTTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE. Boom 310, MoCornick Building. 6Q I? OQ (A oz o a CD. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg. Assets, 13,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden. Assets, $4,160,403.23 490 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. *T" CD CX3 CD cna CO en CO CD f Manning John, emp City Fire Dept, res 57 N First West. Manning Mrs Mary E, janitress Seventh Dist School, res 438 S First West. Manning Thomas F, stage carp S L Theater, res 913 E South Temple. Manor Mary O V (wid E E), music tchr, res 233 4th E. Mansfield Jessie D, elk C B Durst Groc Co, res 126 gth E. Mansfield 1< Roy, agt for Utah for Caligraph Writing Ma- chine, Typewriter Supplies, also Notary Public, 105 Coml Blk, res 724 E South Temple. Mansfield Mrs Lytah, dressmkr Miss J Haight, res 317 S 2d W. Mansfield T B, consulting physician Copeland Medical Institute, res Cullen Hotel. Mansfield William M, res 126 Ninth East. Manson Chris, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Manson D, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Manteufel Ernest C, carp Temple, res 721 W First South. Manteufel Ernest T, carp, res 721 W First South. Mantor Childs, physician, res 274 K. Mantrip Sarah (wid James), res 153 Ninth East. Marberg George, teamster Wm Harkins, res 136 W S Temple. Marberg R, emp Wm Harkins, res 136 W South Temple. Marble Lyman, coachman, res 509 E First South. March C, asst cashier U P Ry, res 24 M. Marchbanks Mary A (wid James) res 532 S Second West. Marcroft Hyrum T, lab, res 334 W Eighth South. Marcroft John, lab, res 841 S Third West. Marcroft John, lab, res 338 W Eighth South. Marcroft John J, lab, res 338 W Eighth South. Marcroft Joseph, cond S L R T, res 328 W Eighth South. Marcroft Mrs Rilla, reg 328 W Eighth South. Marcroft Robert, lab, res 328 W Eighth South. Marcroft William H, lab, res 841 S Third West. Marcvick Mark, cook Headlight Restaurant, res same. Margetts Arthur B, lab Utah Brewery, res 326W 2nd N. ~ Margetts Bros (Harry S and Frank E), Books, Stationery ^ and Toys 40 S Main. Margetts Catherine (wid Richard B), res 326 W Second North. Margetts Charles P, elk Dinwoodey Fur Co, res West Temple, bet lothand iith South. Margetts David, elk Z C M I, res W Temple, s of loth South. Margetts Frank E (Margetts Bros), res 433 Fourth East. CD CD moo 100 QUIT I AlfE I ITUH f Lithographing, Printing and Blank OM LI LM? L LI I rlUi t U. QnnV MoVinQ The Finest in th Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. Country. 'Z RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 491 Margetts Fred B, foreman U P Ry, res 460 N Fifth West. K Margetts George B (Geo B Margetts & Co, res 224 E 4th South. 1 g Margetts George B & Co (Geo B Margetts), Fish, Poultry and Oysters, 24 W First South, see page yj. Margetts Harry S (Margetts Bros), res 330 Fourth East. Margetts Mrs Henriette, elk Z C M I, res 716 N Second West. Margetts Henry, elk Margetts & Co, res 716 N Second West. . Margetts Philip, California Wine Depot, 51 W First South, reSj JBr West Temple, s of loth South. . Margetts Philip H, bds 716 N Second West. Q Margetts Richard A, Utah Brewery, res 335 N Second West. C-l Margetts Mrs Richard B, res 326 W Second North. J Margetts Thos B, elk U P Ry, res 344 W Second North. t-^J Margetts Wm J, res 326 W Second North. ^ Marian Joseph, miner, res rear 49 S West Temple. ^^ 1 Hariger Investment Co, 78 S West Temple, W T Stewart Q} 21 Pres; Brig F Stewart Vice-Pres; L C Mariger Sec, Treas and vy* Gen'l Mngr. CD Mariger Lawrence C, Gen Mngr Mariger Investment Co, 78 S West Temple. GO Marihugh Wm, emp S L C R R, res 48 E Eleventh South. t3l Marine Eugene, lab, rms 509 W First South. .: Marine Lewis, lab, rms 509 W First South. ^ Marine Lewis, res 596 W Second South. m ^\ i3 Marine Raphael, res 596 W Second South. Marino James, lab, res 596 W Second South. "CO Mariomieaux Thomas, Attorney-at-Law with Bennett, f "^ Marshall & Bradley, res 558 Third East. CO Marix Leonard P, asst city pass and ticket agt R G W Ry, rms j^ 52 Mercantile blk. f,' Marker James P, carp, bds 823 Fourth East. Marker Anton H, milk dealer, res 823 Fourth East. 2 Market Block, 63 S West Temple. tQ Q Markham Miss Clara, matron St Mark's Hospital, res same. 2. ^ Markliam Speiieer S, Attorney-at-Law 39-40 O'Meara E3 GO Blk, res Second West, s of Tenth South.

d Fishing Tackle. . 492 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. (A , Marks Wm S, school teacher, res 206 W South Temple. JJ Markson Andrew, emp Wm Harkins. X Marlow Mrs (wid), res 454 W Second South. ^ Marnane Thos, emp city water work's. Marohn Fred F (Marohn & Co), res 18 E First South. o g Harohn & Co (F F Marohn), Chicago Tailors, 18 E First ' South. See adv. j & Marovich Marko, Headlight Rest 2 1 1 S Fifth West, rms Cole- J.S man House. Marple H C, foreman Harkins, Contr, res 242 W South Temple. Marriott Elmer, mantle setter Elias Morris, res 1 1 E 3d South. Harriott Joseph, Drugs etc, Murray, res same. See adv a Murray Dept. o Marriott Joseph M (S S Dickinson & Co), res 253 E 4th South. Marsden Ellen (wid Wm), res 238 N Seventh West. ^ Marsden Ellen N (wid Jas), res 438 W Seventh South. g Marsden George T, lab U P warehouse, res 776 W 1st North. -g Marsden John, delivery elk Sears & Jeremy Co, res 238 N tt Seventh West. p[j Marsden John C, teamster, res 238 N Seventh West. Marsh Chas E, barber 34 E Second South, res 257 E 3d South. ^ Marsh Clarence, elk frght office U P Ry, res 124 M. g- Marsh Mrs S E, dressmkr, res 243 W Third South. . S Marsh Wm, lab, res 847 W Seventh South. B & Marshall C H (wid W R), res I Hazel Court ofTE Fourth South 5 bet Fifth and Sixth East. ^~ Marshall Edward, waiter Templeton, res 235 W Third South. - T Marshall Edward C, fireman R G W Ry, res 644 W Second North. Marshall E E, plasterer and contractor, rms 257 E Third South. Marshall Francis, shoemkr 22 N First West, res same. Marshall Frank, lab, res e s Second West, s o Tenth South. Marshall George M, Ph B, Prof English Language and Litera- ture University of Utah, res 130 N West Temple. Marshall Guy, lab, res e s Second West, s of Tenth South. If arshall I>r James E, Physician and Surgeon, office and res 138 E Second South. .Harsh a 1 1 James Y, Atty at Law, rms 515, 516 Dooly Blk. Marshall Jeanette (wid John), res 417 Sixth East. Marshall John A (Bennett, Marshall & Bradley), res 43 Fifth E. Marshall J H, motorman Rap Trans, res 534 W Sixth South. Marshall Miss Kate, music tchr, res I Hazel Court. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in !ER AHD IMPORTED AND AMERICAS Oor. 2d Soxith and 3d West. Tel. 2oo. HA Dl/rn nCTDlIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnlVtn & UtrUt, IOIBER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CEMENTS. MOUNTAIN ICE CO 43. O KO 4-> (A RESIDENTS, OF SALT LAKE. 493 DO Marshall Leonard Jr, Regent Conservatory of Music, res Bos- ( ) ton, Mass. ;r Samuel (Humbug Oil), res 223 E Sixth J South, see page L H-^ Marshall Thos (M & Royle), res 124 Fourth East. C^J Marshall & Royle (Thos M & Jonathan C R), Lawyers, 3 125 S Main. JxD > Marston Miss Maria, dressmkr, res 136 S Third West. -< Martin Abraham, elk S J Nathan, res 341 Third East. ^ Martin Albert S, prin /th school, res 240 Slade Court. _^ Martin Benj F, porter H Christy, res 143 E Third South. Martin Brig, driver Brigham & Mackintosh, res 329 G. ^-^ Martin Chas, res 242 W South Temple. *' Martin Chas E, cigar stand 113 S Main, res 242 W S Temple. "* -j >I Martin C H, U S Commissioner and Atty-at-Law, 65 W Sec- J H I" ond South, res 906 S First West. ^ < Martin Chas S (Cutler & M), res 755 E Fifth South. [iS Q Martin Coomber H, U S Commissioner and atty-at-law, 65 W , UJ Second South, res 906 S First West. CO 0j Martin Edward, mining, 16 Scott-Auerbach blk, res 769 E Third r ' < South. (0 Martin Edward H, res 1 1 5 W Fourth South. CD * Martin Edward T, painter, res Teasdel's Alley. Qj Q Martin Eliza (wid Edward), res 164 Second East. _ -J Martin Eliza (wid Edward), res Teasdel's Alley. QQ H ~ Martin Miss Emma, dressmkr, res 435 Tenth East. - T - CO Martin Esdras, packer Z C M I, res 137 Oak. 01 jj SiJ Martin E J, salesman Pioneer Nurseries. Z-Z ^ & Martin Ezra F, whip mkr W L Pickard Co, res 164 2nd E. j Martin Frank, tinner, res Lincoln House. Martin Frank (col'd), porter Cullen barber shop, res 143 E 3d S. SJ Martin Frank, propr Queen Chop House, 2175 West Temple. CL Martin Frederick, elk Cutler & Martin, res 5 bet I3th & I4th E. -rl Martin Fred H, res 21 1 W Fourth South. E^ Martin Fred S, elk E O'Reilly, res 1 14 E Fifth South. Martin George, emp A Fisher Brew Co, res 138 S Tenth West. C/> Martin George E, teamster, res Folsom's add, North Salt Lake, gp Martin Isaiah, lab Temple, res 604 W North Temple. ^J Martin Isaac J, bartndr, res 604 W North Temple. Martin James H, stone cutter, res 629 W South Temple. p ** Martin Jane (wid Anthony), res 1336 E Fifth South. 1? |- u ui Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Dealern. At the front in Stock Fa- eilitiesand Enterprise North V. P. Depot. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., I Mone * to Loan on Corner Main an i rit-st South. | ImpFOVed City Property. ^ 494 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 8 Martin John, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. Martin Joseph, shoemkr, 306 S Martin Lewis, mining, res 128 B. g i Martin Joseph, shoemkr, 306 S West Temple, res same. ft 9 Martin Louis, coachman 124 Sixth East, res same. 5 ^ Martin Miss Margaret, emp J E Keenan Preserve Co, res 122 W H North Temple. ^ S Martin Miss Martha, milliner Mme Lamb, bds rear 132 S Main, g Martin Maria, laundress, res 390 Wall. " Martin Mrs M, emp J E Keenan P Co, res 122 W North Temple. * fa Martin Mrs Mary (wid), res 430 Seventh East. *j 9 Martin Miss Minnie, res 1336 E Fifth South. Jg g 1 Martin Napoleon B, elk, bds Teasdel's Alley. - Z Martin Ralph, lab, bds 850 S Third West. 5 V Martin Miss Sadie, domestic 820 E Fourth South. Martin Sarah (wid George), res 390 Wall. fr? Martin William B, comp Star Printing Co, res 344 W 8th S. ^ J Martinez Frank, salesman J Edwards. Martinez Juan, dishwasher Keeley Institute, rms 54 Commer- * 3 cial. i M Martinez T F, salesman J Edwards, rs St James Hotel Martinson C, emp S L C R R Co. ~ 3 Martinson William, cond S L C R R Co, res 335 Seventh East. | a Marvin John B, tinner, res 442 Third East. ~ 3 Marvin Sarah, dressmkr, res 442 Third East. Marvich Mark, cook Albany Hotel. t ^ Har.yoii Edward A, genl mngr Crescent Cigar Co 244 S f^ State, res 840 S W Temple. Maryon Percy W, cigar mnfr, res 840 S West Temple. Masden Ephraim, farmer, res 12 E Fifth South. Masden J C, tilleman Fire Dept, res 132 E First South. Masley Alma, lab, res 32 S Fifth West. Mason Alice (wid Peter), res 551 S State. Mason Bros (Henry & Joseph J), Groceries and Lunch Counter, 369 W South Temple. C/} Mason Ambrose T, miner, res Folsom ave. Mason Andrew M, mason, res 104 E Second South. Mason Charles, carp, bds 369 W South Temple. Mason Charles J (Wallace & M), res State, bet i ith and I2th S. mason Curtis P 9 Mngr Utah & Montana Mach Co, res 576 S Main. ( ^ Mason Geo, engr Z C M I shoe factory, res 276 Wall. Mason Henry (Mason Bros), res 369 W South Temple. GO Real Estate Broker, l7S| MonB0 to Loan. taw a Specialty, fl. p. fi. COiTES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. B.H.Dffl6gf*Go..ASSAYEIiS.aas RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 495 Mason H P 9 Treas and Mngr Mason & Co, res 173 E South 2 e Temple. Mason James B, elk R G W Ry, res 345 S Second West. z Mason John J, groceries, res 1 17 N Second West. 5 Mason Joseph J (Mason Bros), res 369 W South Temple. fe Mason J J, res 345 S Second West. _- Mason Wm K, janitor Hammond Hall, res rear 306 E 3d South r~>. Mason & Co (See Inc Cos), H P Mason Mngr, Manufacturers ^3 5 and Dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Etc, Mill c :J 355 Fourth West, Office 225 W South Temple. See page 31. 1 Masonic Hall, 163 S Main. ) Massard Louis, res 1 106 E Third South. 3 Massey Geo W, driver Brigham & Mackintosh, res 48 4th East, -a 3 Masterman Harry W, mach U P Ry, res 358 W North Temple. _|| 3 Masterman H J, head painter U P Ry, res 358 W N Temple, 12. 3 Masters Elwood S, carp, res 550 W Third South. ^ 3 Masters Levi, carp, res 550 W Third South. $ Masterson Sanford, saloon 355 West Temple. Mather Andrew, stonemason, res 318 Sixth East. 3 Mather Miss Georgia (Mather Sisters), res 337 S Second West. (/) D Mather Miss Helen (Mather Sisters), res 337 S Second West. ffl Mather John O, carp, res 337 S Second West. I Mather Sisters (Helen & Georgia), dressmkrs 25 Culmer blk, | Matherson David, emp Des W Mills, res 35 Cain, cor Wall. S Mathews, see Matthews. - Mathews Albert G, elk U C Ry, res 437 W Seventh South. j Mathews B N, studt L D S College, res Taylorsville. O Mathews Clifford L, teamster, res 1 1 2 N Fifth West. ^ - Mathews Eliza (wid John), res 729 Third. Mathews Frank M, lab, res 537 W First North. *%, -* Mathews George R, Asst Prof Utah University, res 68 Q. 3 Mathews Harry, painter R G W 7 Ry, res 50 N Second West. 2& ~ Mathews Joseph D, stone mason, res 335 N Fourth West. ^ 2 Mathews Jos R, lab, res W Temple, s of Eleventh South. Mathews J E, bds Templeton. JJJ Mathews Nephi P, lab, bds 531 W First North. Mathews Thomas, teamster City Street Dept. ^ Mathews Thos, stock man, res 531 W First North. * ^ Mathews Thos W, policeman, res 363 E Sixth South. J JJJ Mathews Mrs W, milliner W, B & F Co, res 741 S Fourth West $ ^ Mathis Theo S, draughtsman U S Surv Genl's Office, res 5.2: f fJ Ninth East. S RooeaSearlesKo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK., SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 E=:ir Hljrn ofBiir Gun 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J Hu*-r.r_U_iM O~d. lit, Steel ar> Copper Wr. Pln , 496 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ _______ _____ ______________ M Mathison Albert, studt L D S College, res 35 Cane. -i Mathison George, carp, res 186 R. Mj Matley John, lab, res 533 W Fourth North. 1 Matsen Chas, mining, res rear 29 Fourth East. f ^ Matsen Chas E, elk Z C M I, res rear 29 Fourth East. ("" P^ Matsen Otto P, shoemkr 1 18 E 2d South, res 828 5th East. L J Matson Andrew, cigarmkr, res 175 S First West. ^S Matson Chas, peddler, res 5th South n w cor Riverside ave. ^^ Matson Ellen, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Matson John, photographer, res 45 S Jeremy. ( > Matson John, res cor Eighth West and First South. P^ Matson John A, plumber Carthey & Dumbeck, res 1 14 N 2d W. Matson John M, carp, res 212 E Fifth South. Hat sou Joseph R, Photograph Gallery, Uintah Bldg, 18 L 4 Coml, res 404 Sixth East, see adv. y/} Matson Miss Mina, tailoress, res rear i 16 E Second South. Matson R H, res 75 S Eighth West. C~~) rH Matter Fred, stonemason, bds Tremont House. CD ^-^ Matthews, ste Mathers. ^^ Matthews Elias G, bds Walker House. CO Matthews Frank, laborer city water works. CD "^"' Matthews Horace J, furnished rms 236 S State, res 741 S Main, jijj' e . Matthews Joseph A, bricklayer, res 462 N Third West. \ % Matthews Oscar L, b >ok agt. res 243 E Third South. 2? C S Matthews Richard, res 172 W North Temple. &* tk Matthews Richard jr, deliveryman Z C M I, res 741 S 4th West. -Q ^T Matthews Thos, lab city water works. ~- CD Matthews Wm C, tmstr, bds 172 W North Temple. S CJ Matthis G C, patent agt, res 254 W South Temple. f-r^l Mattos Joseph, guard Emigration reservoir, res same. * i 1 Mattox E T, deputy weigh master City Hay Market, res same. OO }V*] Mattox John O, city hay market, res 254 S Third East. ^3" r 1 Mattson Christina (wid Olof), res 1 14 N Second West. g- ^T" 1 Mattson Joseph, plasterer, res Mortensen's alley. -g *"^ Mattson Miss Josephina, res 1 14 N Second West. pcj Mauck Carl M. cond S L Rapid Transit, res 27 Gregory Court. {v"! Mauck Thomas, emp Rapid Transit Co, res 27 Gregory Court, j; ^^ Maughn Michael E, mach, res 630 W Second North. sT J Maul Chas F, barber 13 W South Temple. jjf r, Hauldiii Hugh. Mngr J H Leyson Co, res The Knutsford. j Maurer Charles, emp Fisher Brewing Co, res Pollard ave. < t ^^ Maurer Miss Lizzie, elk, bds Pollard ave. , co OTTT W I TTT/17 I Blank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWTin OH 8J1LT LBKE 'a^CT^ L1THD, CD, I 5i W. Swcona Souin. T(slephn J4f. I RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 497 Mauss Miss Mary, dressmkr, res South Cottonwood. Mawson Robert, farmer, res n e cor 3d East and I4th South. Mawson William O, farmer, res n e cor 3d East and I4th South. Maxfield Burns, lab, res 24 E Sixth South. Maxfield Elbsell, farmer, res Mill Creek. Maxfield John W, Proprietor Salt Lake Vinegar Co, res 563 S West Temple. Maxfield Mining Co, see inc co's, Wm G Van Home secy, 1 12 S Main. Maxfield M A, bartndr Murray Exchange, res Murray. Maxfield William E, elk, res State, Murray. Maxson A L, agt Singer Mnfg Co, 106 E Second South, res 256 S West Temple. Maxwell Miss Belle, elk John Hardin, res 812 W North Temple. Maxwell Charles, eng Tuddenham & Brain, bds cor 4th and U. Maxwell George, lab, res Lincoln House. Si Maxwell Isaac, lab, res 1 129 First. I- Maxwell Miss Isabella, res 8 1 2 W North Temple. < Maxwell John JL 9 Florist and Nurseryman 321 E Fifth, co South, res same. C Ul """^ Q. Maxwell John S, gardener, res e s Third East, 3 s Thirteenth S. D JJ Maxwell James F, foreman Tuddenham & Brain, res cor Fourth JEJ and U. CD ^* Maxwell James, florist J L Maxwell, bds 321 E Fifth South. ^ go Maxwell Mrs M, res 103 Second East. "" Maxwell Miss Sarah, res 321 E Fifth South. S0 Maxwell Thomas, bds 321 E Fifth South. C5 _ ^ Maxwell Wm, day watchman R G W Ry, res 812 W North r+ r^r- Q T 1 1 ^^ |g< lemple. g" 1 Maxwell Win D, Asst Observer Weather Bureau, res 442 W o Sixth South. CD Maxwell Wm J, watchman R G W Ry, res 812 W N Temple. ^ May Charles M, lab, res 90 Grape. ^ May Florence, domestic 225 W Fifth North. ae May Frank, col poll tax, res 253 Second. ^H^ May Fred J (Union Meat Co), res 331 First. HS May F, lab city street dept. P May James, teamster E C Coffin Hardw Co, res 5 5 State. I z May John L, dep city treas, res 67 D S CO May Mrs Mary, res 67 D. Q^} May Sarah, res 405 C. 3 m Maybee John, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. CO U _l U u CHAS. B. GOURLAY & COJ ffif SSfgfe 1 P. o. BOI m. Telephone wi. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Spwialtj WII1TTEMOKE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE, Boom 810, MoCorniok Building. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Assets, 114,880,167.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Wil Aweta, I l,880 t 42.70 498 RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. V) H Maycock Miss Lucy E, student L D S College, res 7th South bet ist and 2d East. Maycock Philip S, tchr L D S College, res 7th South bet ist and 2d East. Maycock Thomas, farmer, res 7th South bet ist and 2d East. Maycock Wm E, tel opr, res 3 Morris ave. ^^ Mayen M, lab Houlahan, Griffith & Morris. .ca Mayer, see Maur, Mair, Meyer and Myer. V J 1 Mayer Carl, bartndr Star Saloon, rms .7 Midgley blk. So Mayer Chas, bartndr Germania, rms 135 E Second South. c/>- Mayer Christian, tailor, res 225 J. OD i Mayer J Andrew, storekpr, res 476 W First South. "S-r Mayers Albert (Bang & M), res 717 Sixth East. =-* Mayes M, broker, res 164 W Third South. ** | Mayes Nath, ins agt 65 W Second South, res 164 W 3d South. .E Mayes Mrs V, fashionable modiste, res 164 W Third South. "^ t Mayfield Edward, porter Palace Drug Store, res 46 E 2d South. DC . Mayne Alvadus H, real est and mines 16 Central blk, res 1012 S West Temple. * Mayne David, emp Wm Harkins. p ^ Mayne Emma (wid Jesse), res 413 W Third North. Jg| Mayne Miss Eva, tchr Hooper School, res 56 E Fifth South. 00 - Mayne George, miner, res 436 E Eighth South. * t Mayne Hattie J (wid Clifton E), res 56 E Fifth South. := I Mayne Lee R, real est Central blk, res 56 E Fifth South. Z Mayne Miss Leo, res 56 E Fifth South. J5 Mayne Miss Lou, emp French Stm Lndy, res 41 3 W 3rd N. SE Mayne Meadare, miner, res 751 E Ninth South. jg* Mayne Philender T, pres P T Mayne Tunnel Site & Mining Co, .tr res e s Rice s of Royal. ^ Mayne P T, Tunnel Site & Mining Co, see inc cos, C J Weath- erby sec, office 16 Central Blk. g Maynes E W, elk Maynes, Wells, Scofield & Co, rms 3 1 8 Con- stitution bldg. J^ ^ Maynes Frank, steward Hotel Knutsford, res same. * . 1 Maynes Mrs Jane (wid John), res 176 D. 5^ S= Maynes John A (M, Wells, Scofield & Co), res 185 G. ^Q | * Maynes Joseph W, elk Z C M I, res 755 Fifth. g^ | Maynes, Wells, Scofield & Co (John A M, John W and 5jZ t William S S), Mnfrs' Agts, 318 and 320 Constitution bldg. ?||| f Mazor George, book agt, res 203 S First West. ^ Mazzuchi Joseph, fruit stand 65 */ 2 E Third South, res same. ^ j?5 : D a S m " so SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. R,H, Officer & Co,, USSAYERS. Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 499 ineacham Franklin W, Physician & Surgeon 411 to 414 JT r > O m m r McCornick blk, rms same. < Mead Gilbert L, baggage mstr U P Ry, re.s 537 W First South. Mead W S, res 666 W North Temple. Meade Mrs Emma, res 524 S West Temple. Meade Frank M, electrician, res 524 S West Temple. Meade James A, bds 524 S West Temple. Meads J (M & Co), res 341 S State. Meads Nathan, lab, res 253 Eighth East. Meads & Co (J Meads), proprs Buffalo Saloon 337 S State. Meakin Annie, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Meakin Edward, emp Des W Mills, res 1 50 E Seventh South. Meakiii Juo P, solicitor, res 834 E Fourth South. Mears Annie (wid Henry), res 457 E First South. Mears Miss Etta, bds 457 E First South. Mears H H, trav frt and pass agt Chicago & N W Ry, res 457 E First South. Mears Miss M E, res 457 E First South. Meddows Mrs (wid Isaac), res 754 W North Temple. Mee James C 9 Attorney-at-Law 507 Dooly Blk, res 1276 E South Temple. Meears Geo A 9 Mining and Real Estate, res 132 Sixth East. Meears Miss Adelaide L, res 132 Sixth East. Meeds Arthur, res 1235 E Seventh South. Meegan F W, vice-pres and gen mngr Inland Crystal Salt Co. ""J Meeks Geo W, carriage painter, res 417 E Fourth South. _^ Meeks Jane L (wid Jno), res 417 E Fourth South. C73 Meeks Miss Mamie E, res 417 E Fourth South. ~ Meeks Miss Sylvia, attendant Barnes & Byrne, bds Warm Springs. C/J Meeks Walter J, asst bkpr Geo A Lowe, res 417 E 4th South. CO jj Meekings Abram, hackman, res 137 N Fifth West. o Mehesy Edward, Furrier 220 S Main and Knutsford Hotel, IZ* CJ res 308 W Third South. Q Mehesy Edward Jr, emp Edw Mehesy, res 770 E 7th South. pri C Mehesy Eli, emp Edw Mehesy, res 770 E Seventh South. < 'ZI Mehlinger Edward M, elk Barton & Co, rms St James. -Q Meidlein Jno, baker, res 522 S Second West. ^Sj Meier, Maier, Mair, Meyer, Myer. _ Meier Jas, elk Z C M I, res 65 I E Fourth South. CD x- Meier Magdelina (wid), res 116 S Third West. .2 J2 Meik Frank, lab S L C R R. ^ Meik Joseph F, tmstr, res 1058 E Fifth South. 2, QD Irrigation Age Printing House, 20 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book Manufacturers \ *'** l*iMJ'ri ami Honso-mr- t nlshin Hardware. Stoves f and Ranse s, Refrigerator* Sift n of Biff Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Sou t li . ) and Gasol ine Stoves. .. 500 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. C3 Meilstrop Jens P, drummer, res 865 E Fourth South. ^ Meine Miss Annie, res 336 Third East. "g &i Meine Herman, bds 336 Third East. Z .E Meine Marie (\vid Henry F), res 336 Third East. "C cc Meinecke John, elk Acme Lunch and Chop House, res 330 S a i Second West. Meinhardt John, rms 95 and 97 Coml blk. C3 Meister John E, baker The Knutsford, res same. 2 Melander Nels, lab, res 238 E Fifth South. __ Melendy Mrs V (vvid John), res 139 W Second South. ^Q Melhom Albert H, cook Bond's Res, res 161 W Second South. B C= Mellen Miss Edith, opr Z C M I Clothing Facty, res 576 W .C2 First North. E Mellen Joseph H, cont, res 576 W First North. .2 Meller Otto, res Rio Grande Hotel. ^ - Melligan Wm, carp, res bet 9th and roth S and 1st and 2d W. g^ Melligan Wm, carp, 1019 Washington. * fO Meloy, see Malay. ~ Meloy Henry V, Real Estate Agent 43 Commercial Block, res CO 309 Fourth. *^ Meloy John M, marblecutter E Morris & Co, res Valley House. <- Melton Harry E, elk, res 854 E Fourth South. Melton Jasper N, architect, res 854 E Fourth South. ^ ]j Melton Orlen C, res 441 Second East. S e Mengies John, stonecutter, res 1 3 Stanley Place. Menmur Will, carp, bds 44 W First South. Mentro Ernest, brickmason, rms Lincoln House. * ^ Mentro Wm, stonemason, rms Lincoln House. t Mercantile Block, Main, s w cor Third South. ^Merchants' Club, W M Keyting mngr, 22-24 E ist South. > jflercur Gold Mining & Hilling o, H W Brown Vice- Pres and Supt, room 12 Union National Bank Bldg. Meredith Alfred H (Meredith Bros), res 728 W Second South. Meredith Brothers. (J A & A H), Bicycle Builders and Repairers, 209 W Second South. See page I. I Meredith John, miner, res 214 Centre co _ Meredith James A (Meredith Bros), res 728 W Second South. Jj |-|-| Meredith Oliver R, trunkmkr Hulbert Bros, res 732 W Second Jco ^ 3 South. J| o> CO Merkeson A, emp Wm Harkins. ^Cg Merkley Christopher, carp, res no N Second W T est. Merner Theresa (wid Albert), res 35 E North Temple. Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. e DISTILLED WATER ICE. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 501 2 Merple Cal, foreman Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. O Merriam-O'Meara Block, 240 S State. Merrick Emma (wid), propr Merrick House, res 155 E 3d South. Q Merrick House, Mrs E Merrick propr, i 5 5 E Third South. 2 Merrill Albert M, packer Z C M I, res rear 135 W First North Merrill Clarence, miner, res 441 Fifth East. Merrill Clarence Jr, carp, bds 441 Fifth East. Merrill Edward (Morrison, Merrill & Co), res 68 P. Merrill Miss Eleanor, dressmkr, bds 228 N First West. Merrill Ferdinand D, laborer, res 427 N Second West. o= A < ui Merrill Frank W, music tchr, res 228 N First West. Merrill George A, printer, res 441 Fifth East. Merrill Henry N, res 523 E Seventh South. Merrill Lester, bkpr Z C M I, res 228 N First West. Merrill Miss Madloan, res 226 N First West. Merrill Margaret A (wid Albert), res 228 N First West. Merrill Miss Margaret, res 228 N First West. Merrill Miss Margaret E, artist, bds 441 Fifth East. Merrill Marion, miner, res 226 N First West. Merrill Miss Maud, res 122 N West Temple. J- Merrill Miss M, res 133 A. Merrill Samuel (Morrison, Merrill & Co), res Cheyenne, Wyo. a Merritt Charles, bartnder Eagle Samp Rms, bds Metropolitan. * Merritt Edward A, solicitor, res cor Second South and 8th West 5 Merritt Elmer E, lightning rod agt; res 2155 Fourth West. Merritt Frank H, photographer, res 15 Ninth East, tf Merritt John A, teamster, res 545 W Fourth North. : ftlerritt Samuel A, Attorney-at-Law, 511 Progress Blck, rms same. Merritt William (Carney & Merritt), res 40 E Second South; Merry Bell Mining Co, Wm A Robertson treas, 1 3 Board of Trade Bldg. Mersule Jacob, lab Houlahan, Griffith & Morris. Merwin Andrew B, hack driver, res 149 N West Temple. Merwin Andrew N, pressman, res 256 E Fifth South. Merwin Frank, lab City, res 256 E Fifth South. Merz George, eng Mt Ice and Cold St Co, res rear 1005 S 1st W. Merz George (Johnson & M), rms 21 E Third South. Meserve Frederick H, vice-pres The Smead Warming and Venti- lating Co, 3 1 5 Dooly Blk, res Denver. Meserve William C 9 Agent for Utah The Smead Warming and Ventilating Co, 315 Dooly Blk, rms Brooks Arcade. O rn r m oo > H m o WHOLESALE LUMBER. Track, North of Depot. to Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. . 502 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^T *C _ ._ .__..--- g g Mesick \Villiaiii It, Secretary and Treasurer Mountain Ice g M and Cold Storage Co, res 437 E 2d South. See top margin. j| i Messerli Jacob, lab, res n s of Eleventh South, e of Fifth East, ft S Mesterman Henry, painter U P Shops, res 234 W First North. - j Meteali" Frank W, Principal Deaf Mute Department Uni- H versity of Utah, res cor First North and First West. ^ Metcalf Mrs Florence C, matron Utah School for the Deaf, res cor First North and First West. 1 Metcalf Richard A tchr S L Academy, res 231 Third East, - J Metropolitan Hotel Albert D Tobin, mngr, 76 W Third S. S * Metropolitan Restaurant, Stover & Tobin, proprs, 67 W 5 U Second South. - S Metropolitan Stone Co, see inc cos, H M McCartney mngr, J! g office 705 McCornick blk. Metzger Michael butcher Lannan's Market, res 233 S Main. rr? Mesa Seed Co, Stan W Scofield mngr, rm 3, 159 Main. __ Meyer, see Mazer, Meier and Mycr. rfi w Meyer Alfred C, elk G W Davis, res 225 J. g Meyer Christian, tailor Buckle & Son, res 225 J. j* ^ Meyer Ed\v, butcher 22 W First South, res 103 W 4th South. ^ ? Meyer Edward, butcher, res Second South bet 2d and 3d West. ? 2 Meyer Frank, laborer, res 918 First. ^ Meyer Fred H, elk Z C M. I, res 929 E Second South. * & Meyer Gottlieb, butcher, res 437 Fourth East. " Meyer Gustav, elk, res 315 E Second South. ft Meyer Isador G, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 3 I 5 E 2d South. + Meyer John, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. g Meyer John P (Erdman & M), res 641 Ninth East. Meyer Joseph, farmer, res 1004 W First South. Meyer Julius, fresco painter, res 38 E Fifth South. -^ Meyer Peter, eng S L P L & H Co, res 223 E Fifth South. O j Meyer I>r Theodor, Physician and Surgeon 14-15 Scott- ^ Auerbach Bldg, res 3 i 5 E Second South. -Q " Meyerhoffer John, tailor Goldsmith & Co, res 340 Grand View fl) CO ave. *"* Meyerhoffer John E P, lab, bds 340 Grand View ave. ^ Meyerhoffer Virena (wid John), res 340 Grand View 7 ave. i^J Meyers Fred, elk Z C M I, res 929 E Second South. Meyers Herbert L, pipeman fire dept, res 132 E First South. P Meyers Wm, butcher, res 533 S State. 2. Meyers, Wilson & Co, W J DeBruehl agt, 374 W 2nd South. Michael Henry, lab, res 933 W First North. OQ GO LOANS A SPECIALTY, %ng??- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. Real Estate Broker, H. p. G. COATKS. I E. L. SHEETS. Room 12. romm*rriai Birk B.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYEBS.ZJSX RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 503 Michael Henry Jr, bds 933 W First North. I Michelson Fred P M, messr U C & S Bank, res 66 I. C*3 .5 fi Michelson Miss Helen, dress mkr 30 Scott-Auerbach bldg, rms [ 838 E Second South. . I Michelson James M, carp loth Ward L & Blag Assn, res 66 I. ^ * Michelson Rasmus, bkpr Utah Hdw Co. res 723 S State. Q P* Michelson Peter, farmer, res Second West, bet Tenth and Miksell W, lab city, res 248 Second South, bet icth and i ith W. f j Milan John B, lab R G W Ry, res 49 W Fifth South. Milan J B, res 436 S Fourth West. oo " Milander Nils, res 4 East Court. g* . Mildred John L J, res 72 S Fourth West. . B S3 Miles, see Mills. C S Miles H L, fireman City Fire Dept, res U P Hotel. CD ftj Miles Henry W, bkpr, res 605 E First South. J/J _ Miles John, carp, res 1206 Emerson ave. ^^ Miles John F, Manager P F Collier, res 2445 West Temple. -^ Miles Litchford, blksmith, rms 12 E Fifth South. Miles Milton, asst bkpr Cohn Bros, res cor O and Second. Miles Miss Margaret, bds 137 W First North. CO Miles Orson P (Cunnington Co), res 137 W First North. Miles Wallace, asst mail elk Tribune, res 347 W Sixth South. r ^ Miles Willard E, city poll tax collector. 3. Miles Wm H, elk W B & F Co, res 76 W Fifth South, D Miles Will J, Real Estate and Notary Public 1 1 Union Natl CO Bank, res 65 Centre. Milford Edmund S, dep city water master, res 238 H. Milford Miss Kate, shoe fitter Robinson Bros, res 238 H. Milford Abraham L, steam fitter, res 238 H. Mil lard Mrs Clias, Costumer 877 E Second South, res * g; same, see adv. ?a , ^ Millard Chas, calciminer, res 877 E Second South. 3 Millard Chas, stone mason, res 276 E First South. "S- I MR I sssw^iS^ssisfs. I j Tfun RH liMft | i-rJsss^T^sss:! liilnu, oU, flMlCiBISCUIT&MANUFllCTmG CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 505 JP Millard Edmund L, lab, res 761 Third East. ^ O Millard Edward, carp, res 12 W Seventh North. CO Millard Maria L (wid Chas), dressmkr, res 761 Third East. Millard Samuel H, paper hanger, res 761 Third East. CH (0 Miller, see Mueller. ^Q Miller A, calker city waterworks. ^ Miller Adolph P, res 232 Eighth East. Miller Albert C, grocery store 237 S Fifth West, res same. ^ Miller Alfred, lab, res 545 Tenth East. J* Miller Miss Alice, emp Troy Steam L. Miller Allen, lawyer, res 730 Owen. 30 Miller Andrew J, calciminer, res 273 Eighth East. <->> Miller Argyle T, chf dispatcher R G W Ry, res 426 W 2d S. Miller Augustus B (The Miller Pro & Com Co), 221 S Main, res ^T\ " 712 E Second South.' * Miller Charles, bds 545 Tenth East. QJ > Miller Charles, harness mkr, res 433 E Eighth South. JT j Miller Charles, farmer, res Riverton. |[jj" (J^ Miller Charles, elev opr Culmer blk, res 203 Fourth East. CO L}IU Miller Chas H, marker Utah S Laundry Co, res Court 421 W E^ H 8) First North. SJ ^d< Miller Conrad, carp, res 545 Tenth East. 7^ Miller Chris L, sheep grower, res Murray. (4 < Miller Mrs Christina, res May, North Salt Lake. 3gJ 2 Miller C M, res 333 Thirteenth East. CD O^ Miller Eben, carp, res 1017 E Third South. CD Jjj jj Miller Ed win H, Manufrs' Agent, rms 617 and 618 McCor- P^Q nick Blk, res 1029 First. f, 5 Miller Frank, carp, res York bet Tenth and Eleventh South. Miller Frank, moving van, res 1 175 E Brigham. O Miller Fred, carp, bds 545 Tenth East. Miller Fred, emp U P Ry, res 245 N Seventh West. !_ Miller Fred Jr, lab, res 245 N Seventh West. Miller Fritz, propr Horse Shoe Saloon, res Bingham Canyon. Miller F O, res 854 Fifth East. Miller Geo, emp Wm Harkins, res 574 W Fourth South. *** Miller Gleed, bds 1014 Ninth East. Miller Glen (M & Miller), dramatic editor The Tribune, res 1014 Ninth East. Miller Hans, carp, res rear 751 E Ninth South. Ifliller-Hawley Mortgage Co, The (See Inc Cos] L C 3 " Miller Sec, 38 W Second South. ^2 CHAS. B GOURLAY & C0,i 303 & 305 Mccornicfc BA- SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts of Every Description. Impairing a B)tklt i js II = * C/5 si 5 WHITTEIIORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Room 310. McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597,375.41 506 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. !5 CD CD 03 CD cna CD CO r Miller Horatio M, sewing machine agt, res 414 Sixth East. Miller Hyrum, lab, res 545 Tenth East. Miller Miss Ida, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res 240 S State. Miller Jacob, blksmith R G W Ry, res 743 W First South. Miller James, teamster W J Lemp, res 437 W Eighth South. Miller James, carp Burton-G Co, res 930 W First South. Miller James F, lab, res 245 N Seventh West. Miller James W, lab, res Fourth West s of Eighth South. Miller James W Jr, lab, bds 860 S Third West. Miller Jane (wid John), res 468 S Third West. Miller Miss Jane, res 843 E Sixth South. Miller John, lab, bds 163 W South Temple. Miller John, amalgamator, res 436 S West Temple. Miller John, lab Houlahan, Griffith & Morris. Miller John, contr, res 620 S Second West Miller John, barber, res 652 S Eighth West. Miller John, emp Irrigation Age, bds 1017 E Third South. Miller John, pressman Irrigation Age, res s e cor 3d S & loth E. Miller John, guard Parley's Canyon settling tanks, res Parley's Canyon. Miller John Jr 9 Merchant Tailor 66 W Second South, res 652 S Eighth West. See inside margins. Miller John A, brakeman R G W Ry, res 453 W Fifth South. Miller John H, circulator Tribune, res 803 Second. Miller John H Jr, barber, res 123 M. Miller John M, res 436 S West Temple. Miller John M, coachman Mrs J T Gilmer. Miller Joseph, lab, res 545 Tenth East. ? Miller Joseph, emp S L C Brewing, res 1017 E Third South. Miller Miss Josephine, domestic Mrs Ford's, O'Meara blk. Miller Karl, coll F T Hiatt, res 730 Owen. = Miller Louis, lab, res 165 W Sixth South. ^ Miller L Chas (M & Miller), res 1010 Ninth East. Miller Leroy C, studt U of U, res Murray. Miller L S, res 428 S West Temp;.. Miller Miss Margaret, res 843 E Sixth South. jg Miller Matthew A, janitor Whitney School, res 930 W 1st South. gas Miller Matthew A, Jr, carp Burton- Gardner Co, res 930 W First \ South. 3 Miller M P, lab, res 7 1 5 Second East. Miller Miss May, cashier Schweitzer & Ransohoff, res 712 E Second South. CD QUIT I AKP I ITHd PR Lithographing, Printing and Blank OMLI LMrlL LI I 1U, UU. D he inest '" tht w tern 100 52 W. Second South. Telephont 249. j Country. R.H. Officer RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 507 CD Miller Nels A, cutter The American Tailoring Co, res 247 E U mg Fourth South. ^Jjj Miller Nephi, lab, res Second South bet Tenth & Eleventh West. ZJ| Miller Nephi, emp Fisher Brewery, res 545 Tenth East. ^| Miller Miss Nettie, res 55 S Sixth West. cs$ Miller Produce & Commission Co (A B Miller and H O Miller), ^j 221 S Main. Miller The O E Rupture Co, Joseph N Beecher mngr, PL] Rupture Specialists 201 and 203 Constitution bldg. I "^D Miller Orrin P, bishop L D S Riverton, res Gale. Q Miller Rachel (wid John F), res 245 N First West. i Miller Reuben E, tchir, res Murray. I Miller Reuben P, stock raiser, res Murray. _3 Miller Miss Robenia, dressmkr, res 930 W First South. j ; Miller Robert, plumber J W Farrell. res 36 Floral ave. IS Miller Robert, coal miner, 2 s of I3th S e s Qth E. ^r Miller Robert, baker Webb & Feveryear, res 651 Seventh, ^T Miller Robert B, lab, res 843 E Sixth South. Q Miller Robert F, elk, res 843 E Sixth South. 3 Miller Robert T, mngr Col & Utah Canning Co, res 54 S 4th W. - Miller Roy, lab, res Murray. ^ Miller Miss Ruby M, res 436 S West Temple. ^ Miller Miss Ruce, dressmkr Mme Ross, res 432 Third East. IS Miller Samuel, butcher, res 261 W North Temple. "^3 Miller Sarah J R, prof nurse, res 225 W Second North. CO Miller Thomas, brass moulder, res 134 S Sixth West. -02 Miller T, chief inspector R G W Ry, res 426 W Second South. -*-4 Miller Uriah G, bds Murray. g Miller V G, res 231 S First West. fT^ Miller Walter J, collector, res 803 Second. Miller William, painter and artist, res 552 E South Temple. .5 Miller William, mngr Enterprise Stables, 28 E Third South, bds CO 510 E Third South. PH Miller Wm, bishop L D S, Hunter, res same. .2 Miller W C (wid), res 2^27 W North Temple. ^g Miller Wm C, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 231 Second East. 33 Miller Wm J, teamster, res 620 S Second West. IX Miller W K, emp S L C R R, res 2 [7 S First West. , , Miller & Miller, (Glen & L Chas), Real Estate Investmts, 38 W Second South. _^_j Millet James, plumber, res 220 W First South. 63 Milligate Edward, teamster, bds West Temple, s of loth South. - J Thp Irirtin&f'inn Anp A Journal of National Moment. 1 U 1 U U Ul I 11 U U R (1 >> Farmers, Investors, Contractors, Engines, Etc. jj 3 Halt. Lake Offiee, 26 W. 3d Sowili St. 26 Oil T I Al/r IJJinntlf Anr PA ^ Wholo*aleand KtH Hard- JSfl LflKr HAnUWAnt I I ware. OHIery. nv. nns. OHL.I L.HI1L. IIHIIU VVJ I1L. UU., Y Ammunition. Sporting tiools Si cn of Bis Onn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishing Tackle. 508 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. co ___ Milligate John, lab, res West Temple, s of Tenth South. Milligan Groves, refreshmt stand 60 1 E Ninth South, res same, Milligan Robert J, dancing master, res Clift's Hall. Hilliron Joseph, Physician and Surgeon, and U S Pension Examiner, 54 E First S, res s w cor 7th S and /th E. Mills B E, emp Troy Stm Ldry, res 437 Sixth East. Mills Charles W, cook Cullen Hotel, rms Delmonico Hotel. Mills Charles E, bartndr Baby Saloon, res 10 Whitaker Court. Mills Emil, wireman Inter-Mountain Electric Co. Mills George, elk Z C M I, res 464 Seventh East. Mills George, tmstr, res Tenth South, w of Jordan. Mills George A, lab S L C R R, res 235 Eighth East. Mills George B, salesman Z C M I, res 464 Seventh East. co Mills H, porter 161 S Main, res same. Mills James, carp, res West Jordan. Mills J, teamster S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Mills John, teamster, res 946 W First North. Mills John I, lab, bds 743 E Second South. Mills Joseph, mach, res West Jordan. Mills Milton, elk, res 373 S West Temple. Mills Samuel, lab, res Hot Springs. *g Mills Samuel H, stone mason, res 242 Eighth East, ft Hills William Gill, Lawyer and Notary Public, 26 W ". | Second South, res 88 O. " | Millspaugh Alfred, studt, bds 209 Thirteenth East. Millspangh Jesse F 9 Supt City Schools, office 49 S Main, res 209 Thirteenth East. Millspaugh Nora F (wid Jacob M), bds 209 Thirteenth East. Milne Mrs Annie H, matron Deseret Hospital, res 206 N 2d W. H Milner Chas W, ore concentrator, res 453 Third. Milner Francis, blacksmith, res 728 W First South. Milner Frank C, fireman R G W Ry, res 744 W First South. Milner Harley O (The Miller Prod & Com Co), res 469 Fifth. Milner John, mining, res 134 E. Milner Louis J, res 748 W First South. Milner Maud, res 453 Third. ~g Milner Stanley B, sec Petro Mining & Milling Co 62 Coml blk, !* or> CO CD CO res 138 E. Milner Thos W, policeman, res 738 W First South. fgj Milner Wm G, bartndr, res 536 S First West. ^oa Milton Conrad, Jr, carp, bds 545 Tenth East. ; Milverton Fred W, salesman S L Tea Co, rms 8 E Third East. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In !ER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAS Cor. 2dL Soxitn and. 3d West. Tel. 255. nfini/rn O niTDnCT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnlMin & Utrut, HIRER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CEMENTS. MOUNTAIN ICE GO 4S - RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 509 Miner Annie (wid Samuel), res 245 W North Temple. Miner Aurelius, sec Utah Asphalt & Varnish Co, res 101 N West Temple. Miner Fred W, bds 101 N West Temple. Miner Jno W, policeman, res 473 Fourth East. Miner Miss Lavilla, elk, bds 10! N West Temple. p^ Miner Mrs Lottie, res 64 E Third South. Miner Martin, teamster, res State, Murray. Mineral Palace Saloon, 68 S West Temple. Mines Wm v lab. res Murray. Mingo Smelting Co, see inc co's, F H Officer Treas & Agt, Office 404 Dooly blk. ^ Minkler Miss Ada P, res 530 W Second North. O Minkler Mary R (wid David), res 530 W Second North. Minnie Mining & Milling Co, see inc co's, Jos P Bache secy, CD office 209 Dooly blk. Minor Wm P, Sec Diamond-Kyune Stone Co, res 720 W 2d N. C Mint The, Luce & Berryman props. 18 E Second South. Mire Christina, res Second South, bet loth and I ith West. Mirehoffer James, tailor, res rear 340 Eleventh East. CO j 0) Mission Chapel, Re-organized L D S, 228 E Second South. ^1 ^ Missoula Placer Mining Co, see inc co's, Jesse W Fox Jr, secy, (0 office 229 Constitution Blk. * Missouri Pacific Railway, S V Derrah Commercial Agt ; Qj Q R F Neslen Cont Agt, 2 1 Morlan Blk, see page 96. E?: j Mitchell Alexander, Commercial Agent C M and St Paul Ry, room 22 Morlan BJk, res Logan ave, Perkins Addition. 4 CO Mitchell Miss Alice, res 808 W North Temple. ' Mitchell Alexander R, res Perkins add. ~Z - Mitchell Brigham, res 808 W North Temple. 2J - Mohley Charles, cook Wasatch Rest, res 21 2 J^ State. 3 Mohr W H, speculator, res 313 Fourth. C, Moizan Pierrie J, carp, 356 W South Temple, res 36 S 2d W 7 est. ^ Molina Fred, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. QQ Moleney, see Maloney. Molony Thomas, cook Cafe du Louvre. IJ* Mollop Andrew, exp wagon, res 74 Marion ave bet gth and loth West. = Molter Henry A, carp, res 537 Chester ave. Monahan Wm H, plumber Farrell & Killeen, res 350 S West oo Temple. c^ Mongle Edward, emp S L R R, res 619 Sixth East. Moiilteini 9 Bird & Prouclfbot (Henry M, Geo W B & tW Wm T P), Architects 27-30 Mercantile Block. [T1 Monheim Henry M (Monheim, Bird & Proudfoot), res 38 W Sixth South. Monk C L, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Monk Samuel E, elk D & R G express office, res 258 E Third South. Monroe, see Munroe. O Monroe Charles E, res 334 W South Temple. Monroe Frank (People's Opera House), res 50 Commercial, See adv. *^ Mons Marie (wid P), bds Forest Dale e of Seventh East. Monson Mrs Mary, res 958 E Second South. f*j Monson Olivia (wid OlofT), carpet weaver, res 683 Sixth. ^. Montague Edward, butcher, res Murray. ^ Montague C H, pipeman fire dept, res 43 E Seventh South. ^ Jjj Montague Mrs L A, res 513 Second East. 2 Montague William A, res 36 S Second West. Monte Cristo Cigar Store, M Hammerslough & Co prop, J ** headquarters Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers' Articles, 5 * S S W Second South. B? j^- Monte Cristo Mining Co, see inc cos, Joseph P Bache sec, office * i>v 209 Dooly bldg. G> Rogers, SearlesiGo GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. Refrigerator*. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 S'MW* Sliru of Bi* Gun 49 and 44 W. 2d South. J H^-fmrmi.hlf O~ * Moore Miss Esther, res 107 Second. OJ ^ Moore F, lab city, res 248 W South Temple. Q' g Moore F E, res 112 W South Temple. . m Moore Frank R, r^ 254 W South Temple. ^ Moore Miss Grace E. res 333 S Second West. 5^ ~3" Moore Harry, emp Utah Slaughtering Co, res 238 W 1st South. T> Moore Henry J, bkpr S L C Brewing Co, res 571 Eighth East. ~- Moore John W, elk Golden Eagle Liquor Store, res 3 Church. ^^ Moore Mrs J (wid), res 734 W Second South. Moore J W, painter J H Hamlin. Moore Louis B. bkrp F Auerbach & Bro, res 434 E Sixth South. Moore Laura, res 255 W Fourth South. Moore Miss Lulu, res 254 Third East. Moore Mrs L H, housekrp J R Walker, res 414 South Main. jjj Moore Miss Mary E, Matron Collegiate Institute, res 205 E - Second South. Moore Peter, farmer, res Sugar House Ward, bet Eleventh and 5^ Twelfth South, e of Fourteenth East. ^a Moore Rafael, lab, res 240 N Fifth West. if g_ Moore Rhoda (wid Euria T), res 438 E Sixth South. =" Moore Robert E, tailor, res 705 Fourth. S^j? Moore Samuel, mach Burton-G Co, res State, s of nth South. Jg OQ 3T I It K V I '^^" w.i.s'aiisr- 1 n y u n n n hlll\Li| R"'i"g PQ"e to Any Pattern. I JA 1 1 U U UUl I 5i W. .SeC'jna fcuinij. Tlephn* J4t. I BSCUIT&MJUUFIiCTUBIIIC CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 513 Moore Samuel H, coachman Dr F S Bascom, res 435 S West Temple. Moore Samuel, lab, res.n s Pearl ave, bet State and Second East. Moore Simon, coachman C W Higgins, res 641 N First West. Moore T V, carp, res 28 Church. Moore Wm H, draughtsman U S Sur Gen office, rm 17 Ray- bould blk. m Moore Win J, Notary Public, 52 and 53 Commercial Block, > res Norwood Place Add. Cfl ^^fc ^ Moorhead J, inspector S L P, L & H Co, bds Morgan. _ Moran D J, foreman Wm Harkins, con, bds 136 W S Temple. DO Moran Jefferson, wood turner, res 125 W Third South. JJ Moran J, carp Wm Asper & Co, con', res 125 W Third South. Moran Joseph, lab, res Second West, s of Tenth South. m Moran Patrick J 9 Heating and Ventilating Apparatus, 259 2 S Main, res 36 N State. Si Moran Thomas, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. 5 Moran Wm C, way bill elk Pac Exp Co, res 74 N First West. Moran Wm H, elk Pac Exp office, res 74 N First West. C/j Morandi Frank, res 28 S Sixth West. C Morandi John B, mason, res 28 S Sixth West, CD ^ Morandi Julia, bds 28 S Sixth West. =* g Morck G F, carver at Temple, res 43 Grape. CD ^* Morck Niels A, elk Z C M I Drug Store, res 43 Grape. ^S* go Morcott Miss Bessie, res Murray. CD 50 Morcott Joseph, res Murray. ^ lo) Moreing C A (Bewick & Hooper), res London. v< ^^ Morell Samuel, second-hand and misfit clothing store, 38 E 2d g South, res 5 Victoria Alley. ^ mm Moreton Amos, ladderman fire dept, res 390 F. O Moreton John B, chief elk Board of Education, res 618 E 3d S. Q3 Moreton William B, col White S M Co, res 738 E Fifth South. ^ Morf Fanny (wid Theo M), res 561 Fourth. M Morgan Mrs C A, res w s Eleventh East, s of Tenth South. an (0 -i u ui Morgan Mrs Carrie M, tchr, res Lincoln Park. Morgan David P, photographer, res 504 Third East. Morgan Miss Eliza, res 163 S First West. Morgan Evan, teamster, res 685 Fifth. Morgan Mrs Frances E, res 156^ E South Temple. Morgan Frank, teamster, res 135 N Sixth West. Morgan Frederick W, packer Clark, Eldredge & Co, res 423 W Second South. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO I 3034306 ICMniftBMj., SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts of E?ry Description. Repairing a Specialtj imiTTmiftPF rftJkL I 1 Jt. fA North German Fire II HI! ItlwMuL, tUU&L & tV., pany, of Hamburg Assets, 12,450,728.74 IXKF RAXCE. Scandla Insurance Company, of Mai- Room 810, McCornick Building. mo, Sweden. a^aete, K160.40S^8 514 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Morgan Frank, lab, res 128 N Ninth West. Morgan Geo, res 334 W South Temple. Morgan Geo F, bkpr W F & Co Bank. ^ Morgan Miss Givenfread E, elk Utah Title Ins and Trust Co, re^ CO 754 E Third South. CD c Morgan Harvey (col'd), waiter Knutsford, rms 335 S Main. ^ T Morgan Hotel. J H Clark propr, 144 W First South. it. Morgan Isaac, farmer, res Mill Creek. "^ M Morgan James, blacksmith R G W Ry, res 716 W T Second S. 55" Morgan James S, elk J C Cutler & Bro, res 423 W Second South. 3 Morgan John, res 28 S Tenth West. ^ i* Morgan John, stonemason, res 685 Fifth. ir Morgan John, res 163 S First W. H * Morgan John, rms 169 W South Temple. B Morgan John, res 509 S Eighth East. Morgan John, blksmith R G W Ry, res 28 S Tenth Y\ ^2 Morgan Jno E, switchman R G W Ry, res 124 S Sixth West. ^ _ Morgan Jos C, tilemkr Elias Morris, res 423 W Second South. Q. | Morgan Jos R, salesman Z C M I, res 423 W Second South. j Morgan Miss Mellie, res 163 S First West. a " 5 Morgan Moses W, carp R G W Ry, res 1073 E Third South. g> t Morgan R, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. ^ j- Morgan Wm E, studt Univ of Utah, res 255 N Fifth West. IgjS Morgan William H, lab, res 768 Fifth. OQ i Moritz Carl C (M & Greenwood), res 67 State. ^ Moritz Jacob. Treas & Gen'l Mngr S L C Brewing Co, res Q^ 975 E Fourth South. C"^ Qj Mori!/ V Orc'eiiwood (Carl C M & Stephen G), Novelty ~ !D and General Repairing, W r orks 67 S State, seepage y. ^Q ^ Morlan Block, 15-19 W Second South. T,O M( Morlan Miss Daisy, res 679 S Main. "|2 \IJ Morlan Joseph A (J A M & Co), notary public, res 679 S Main. Q*j| ^ Morlan J A A C^o (J A M & M C Morlan), Real Estate, 20 >g -j^ Morlan Block. *g GO Morlan Monte C (J A Morlan & Co), res 19 E Seventh South. |j ^ Morley Mrs Minnie A, dressmkr, res 351 S State. -" J ^ Morley William, barber 308 S West Temple, res 448 W Sixth gg & South. Vj Morning Star Mining Co, see Inc Cos, Wm A Robertson sec, ."T' office 13 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ?|| Morrello Frank A, fruit store 101 S Main, res 328 W 3d South. 'j Morrin Rev John, prof All Hallows College, res 376 E 2d South, f j CM T I AI/C I ITUn PH DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR oALI LARt LI I till. LU. FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC 62 W. Second South. Telephone 248. WORK A SPECIALTY _ R.H, Officer Ho. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 515 C"D L_i ^^ Morris, see Moritz and Morse. 3 rris Albert C, bkpr Pioneer Roller Mills, res 230 S 3d West 3 ^ Morris Aniron V, mach R G W Ry,.res 31 N Sixth West || Morris Anna (wid Thomas), res State s of Tenth South. 5J= llorris Brick Yard, Office 21 W South Temple, Yard s w cor Eighth South and Third West. CO * g Morris Chas, farmer, res Buena Vista. ^^ l & Morris Chas, lab, res 754 E South Temple. 2O >=^ Morris Chas, lab, res 136 N Ninth West. 3 Morris Dianthe E (wid Wm C), res 560 Second East. "2. : - Morris Miss Dora, res 246 E Second South. C 2E Morris Eli E, painter Harlow & Brace, res 521 W First South. ^Q 3 Morris Elias, Prop Pioneer Roller Mills 53 E North Temple o ct (Houlahan, Griffith & Morris, Hardy, Young & Co, Elias ^ """ Morris & Co Contractors and Builders, Mantels, Tiles, g* JLJ Grates, Fire Brick, Cement Piping, mnfr Mosaic Tiles for Floors and Coping for Gravel Cots, etc, and Bishop I5th O3 Ward L D S, 21 W South Temple, res 230 S Third West see page 8. -Jy ^j Morris Elias & Co- (E M & A E Nichols), Marble and CD Granite Works, 9 W South Temple. 7j Morris Elias P, mason Elias Morris, res 230 S Third West _j Morris Elizabeth (wid Chas), res 960 E Fourth South. izi Morris Ephraim N, baker, res 641 N First West S Morris Ernest E, marble cutter E Morris & Co, res 230 S Third z West. 3C Morris Franklin N. contractor, res 529 W Fourth North. S3 Jlorris Fritz K, mngr S L Keeley Institute, res 1073 Third. Morris George, teamster, res 128 Fifth East ^ Morris George, stonemason, res 254 N First West CO Morris George H, elk Bishop's Store Hse, res rear 754 E 6th S. Q Morris George O, marble cutter E Morris & Co, res 236 S 3d W. CJ Morris George V, mason, res 524 W Third North. - Morris George V Jr, mason, bds 524 W Third North. c Morris Hannah (wid William V), res 523 W First South. "ZI Morris Hannah M (wid George) res 254 N First West ^ Morris Harry, elk Arbogast Confec Co, res 254 E 2nd S. ^j Morris Isador, mining, res 449 E Second South. Morris James, lab, res 544 E Fifth South. 22 Morris James F, emp Mt Ice & C S Co, res 1013 S First West .Q Morris John, second cook U P Hotel. ^ Morris John P, bkpr Pioneer Roller Mills, res 230 S Third West irrigation flge Printing House, MroadaDdCoinDier(!i!ilpriiita ^ Ffttimnt<> Furnished on all K iY,VorU. '26 IT. Third South. ... f|| SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.,} \ Fine Builder** and lloiise-rur- ii i* hi ii XT Hardware. Stoves and Raiig-es, Refrigerators Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j and Gasoline Stoves. g 516 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. > Morris Joseph, real estate, res 254 E Second South. J . Morris Jos R, mining, res 223 W North Temple. O J Morris Mrs Josephine, res 237 Tenth East. * *3 Morris Miss Katie B, studt L D S College, res 236 S 3d West. C o Morris Lee, carp, res w s Southgale, 2 n of Aberdeen. "^ W I Morris Levinia (wid R V), res 2i6B. t Morris Miss Lizzie, emp Troy S Laundry. ^ O Morris L R, horse trainer, res N Salt Lake. 3D 3> Morris Mrs Martha, res 128 Fifth East. l"n T Morris Mrs Mary L, res 236 S Third West. ft fcp Morris Melvm C, bkpr, res Forest Dale add. CD . Morris Moroni, bds 254 E Second South. ^Q r^ Morris Moses I, weighmaster U P Coal Co, bds 449 E 2d S. ^ Morris Nancy C (wid Wm V), res 521 W First South. Q- Morris Miss Nellie, res 230 S Third West. ^^ Morris Nephi L, solicitor Elias Morris, res 236 S Third West. : Morris Orvin, claim elk U P Rv, res 216 B. CD +-~ Morris Peter, teamster, bds 254 N First West. : Morris Richard P (Wolstenholme & M), res 205 N Seventh <5= West. ^ Morris Robert, vice-pres & treas Rowe-Morris-Summerhays Co. res 227 Tenth East. jT Morris Robert R, miner, res 647 E Fourth South. ^ | Morris Robt W, emp Rowe-M-S Co, bds 227 Tenth East. ^ *< Morris' Row, s s Second South, bet Second and Third East. Morris Mrs Sarah, res 615 S Sixth East. P Morris Thomas, stonecutter, res 773 W First North. C"^) Morris Thomas G, trav salesman Studebaker Bros, bds Cullen. r ^ Morris Victor V, bkpr Ellerbeck Bros, res 57 Third. o^J Morris Wm C, draughtsman, res 560 Second East. f^ Morris Wm M (Morris & Eynon), res 903 W South Temple, rjj Morris <& Eynon (Wm M M & Emyr Eynon), Proprietors Salt Lake Steam Carpet Cleaning Works, 903 W South ^>- Temple, See Page 21. Morrow Oeorge, Contractor and Builder 20 Morlan Block, ^ res 632 St Louis ave. o Morrow William, carp, res Rio Grande Hotel. o Morse, see Morite and Morris. m O Morse Brigham L, letter carrier P O, res 26 W Third South. r N Morse Charles R (J S Morse & Sons) res 975 Third. m Ulorse diaries W 9 Attorney at Law McCornick Blk, res W ~j\ ^ 3H W Third South. ^u rH >: Morse Miss Grace, res 252 E Third South. H h Morse Mrs H W, res 252 E Third South. m 0* Morse John D (J S Morse & Sons) res 975 Third. o >, Morse John S (J S Morse & Sons), res 975 Third. ^g p Morse J S & Sons (John S, Charles R, John D), wholesale ^g ^ <[ and retail Lime, Plaster, Cement, Sewer Pipe, etc, 209 S f"""j i tf) Main, see adv beloi>. ^^ K "> rr\ J. S. MORSE & SO^TS, fr) - OFFICE, 209 MAIN ST., WASATCH BUILDING. r^ c/3 *\_a L^ Ul TELEPHONE 241. >**^ 1 J .J F" ^^ Native and Portland Cement, Plaster, Hair, Fir Brick, *T> 3 Fire Clay, Red and Black Mineral. M . * > STOREHOUSE AND YARD, FIRST NORTH AND U. P. TRACK. W Telephone 241. 4- Rings. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, p-^ J Morse Miss Maggie, domestic 969 E South Temple. ^! Morse P N, res 518 Second East. 1^ Morse Philip S, with L E Holden, 76 W Second South. K S^ Morse Sarah L (wid Henry W), res 252 E Third South. P Morse Simon T, astronomer, res 821 W Third South. Morse-Coe Shoe Co, Elliott M S Best agt, 40 S Main. g Mortense Henry, carp, res Garfield ave. > u! Mortense Peter, carp, res Garfield ave. Z Morrison, Merrill & Go, Prices and Estimates on all kitnisof Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt I " 1 " " iea: Capital 84.000,000. Surplus 82OO.OOO. yOL IlIAIN J-T.d FIRijT SOUTH' ^| 518 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CO fl * g Mortensen Mrs Anna, res rear 224 W First South. C -J; Mortensen Mrs Caroline, res 228 E Fifth South. j Mortensen Eva (wid), res 22g E Fifth South. " S Mortensen Jacob, poultry raiser, res Mill Creek. *5 ^ Mortensen Jens P, lab, res rear 751 E Ninth South. ^ Mortensen Miss Mary, domestic 36 Union ave. ^ * Mortenson Miss Anna, dressmkr, res 176 E Third South. | 5 Mortenson Holm, lab, res 57 N First West. 1 Mortenson John, carver Temple, res 10 Mortensen Court. ^ ^| Mortenson Miss May, domestic 152 W Third South. oj i, Mortenson Robert, lab, bds 10 Mortensen Court. U Mortenson Louis C, carp, res N Salt Lake. J * Mortinson Martin, hostler McCoy's stables, res 3 Victoria Ter. 9 Morton Amos, fireman, res 330 F. y - Morton Flora G, bds cor Second East and Seventh South. v Ocf Morton Thomas, elk, rms Lincoln House. ^^ LJJ Morton Thos T H, farmer, res e s Third E s of I2th South. % 59 355 Morton Wm A, comp Juvenile Instructor, res 317 W N Temple. 2 go ^X Morton's Row, Seventh South bet Second and Third East. 5 ^ CO Moseley Asa B, depot agt D & R G Expess, res 58 W Second % S: South. 1 2 ^^ Moseley Chas J, lab, res Hot Springs. J CD Moseley James E, miner, res rear 305 S State. ^~ Moseley Spotsford H, plasterer, res North Waterloo add. Moser Geo, res 14 Euclid ave. (J) Moser Geo, emp R G W Ry, res 623 W First South. ^+ Moser Miss Ltnia, emp Troy Steam L, res 40 W Fourth South, ff Moser Louis, genl store, 870 E Second South, res same. Moses Louis H, teamster, res Flossies ave. ^ Mosgrove Wm, eng The Manitou, res 133 E Third South. -^ Mosher Amos (M & Cowen), res 347 Fourth East. ^ ^ Mosher & Cowan (Amos M & Wm H C), props The Wave E~ Saloon, I54S Main. -Q Moss Charles, coachman C W Bennett, res 86 1 E Third South. Q Moss Mrs Emma, res 14 W Eighth North. *""*" Moss Henry, lab, res Eleventh East, n of Twelfth South. f* Moss Henry, studt U of U, res 74 Third. _ Moss Joseph, real est, res 91 1 E Fourth South. |jj Moss M, emp S L C R R. ^ Moss Thomas, harness mkr J W Jenkins & Sons, res 24 O. 3. Moulton Albert H, tmstr, bds 648 S State. . Moulton Annie (wid James), res 648 S State. CFQ CO LOANS A SPECIALTY, "SESS!?- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. Eeal Estate Broker, H. p. . co.mi I E. i. SHEETS. Room i. commercial eiotk R.H. Officer Ko.,ASSAYEBS.S.^X RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 519 o Moulton Arthur A, Mngr United Electric Co, Agent !- jjj ^ Thompson-Houston Co, res 401 Third. J| lie Moulton Ernest, eng, bds 648 S State. * | Moulton George H, lab, bds 648 S State. . I Moulton Miss Kate E, studt, res 648 S State. * Mount Baldy Mill & Mining Co, see inc co's, W P Miner, secy, Q ** office 21-22 Union Nat Bank Bldg. -^ s^. Mount David T (M & Griffin), res Omaha, Neb. p^ CD Mount Olivet Cemetery Assn, see inc co's, Edmund Wilkes sec, QQ ~E office 22 E First South. fS Mount & Griffin (D T M & J H Griffin), Dealers in Coal -66 O3 and Street Sprinkling Contractors, 166 S Main, see adv. -C= Mountain Ice and Cold Storage Co 9 see inc co's, John CD V" Hiel Jr Pres, W R Mesick Secy and Treas, 860 S Third ( r > West, see left top lines and opp. 3 Mountain Lake Mining Co, see inc co's, James H Moyle secy and Q* treas, 337 Constitution bldg. ~^^ Mountain Nursery, King, Fisher & Co proprs, n e cor i ith South. - * { Mountain Stone Co, see inc co's, W H Jennings vice-pres and t ^ supt, office 70 Culmer bldg. ^^ Mounteer Charles, lab, bds 1026 Second. ^ Z Mounteer Miss Edith, bds 1026 Second. "-3 ^ Mounteer Harold, bds 1026 Second. ^3 9 Mounteer John, bartndr, res 1026 Second. Q CQ Mounteer John, bds 1026 Second. ;j Mounteer John M, res 1026 Second. fx. i Mountford John, boilermkr Haynes & Son, res 373 W N Tem. ^ , Mountney Arthur W, elk U T I & T Co, res s e cor F and Fifth. CO Mountney Fred, elk Rocky Mt Bell Tel, res 334 Centre. c-t; Mousley Pewis H, bishop Mousley L D S, res Bluff Dale. L^ 5 Mowbray C D, res 50 W Third South. Mowbray Melton V, brickmason, res 426 S State, ^U Mower G W, wks F Platt Co. ^ Mowers Eugene P, printer, bds A Grovenor, Third South, w of gjv Jordan. o ^ Mowray Harry, emp S L C R R, res 408 N Second West. am Moyer August, bartndr, res 2 Kendall ave. >O Moyer George W 9 U S Commissioner and Attorney at Law a 42 and 43 Central Blk, res 13 Willard Court. ff Moylan Miss Annie, prop Culmer Lodgings, Culmer Blk, r same. 2 Moyle Miss Edith, bds 1 36 Fourth. * O Moyle Elizabeth (wid James H), res 74 Third. CO Roprs.SearlesiGo GENERAL INSURANCE. 11 ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HftRDWARE CO. j Sign of Biff Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J II IIS. \mmillllIIOIl. I I IK* 1 lit- lery. Fishing Tackle and Sporting: Goods. Guns and Tents for Rent. 520 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. - Moyle Franklin E, emp I M Higby, bds 136 Fourth. Moyle Miss Ida, res 74 Third. Moyle James H (Richards & M), res 401 E First South. Moyle Maggie (\vid James), res 136 Fourth. . . Moyle Miss Minnie, domestic 333 E Seventh S. Moyle Oscar W (Young, Young & M), res 74 Third. Moyle Stephen, stonecutter, res 74 Third. Moyle Stephen L, elk Z C M I, res 74 Third. Moyle Geo W. bookbndr Smythe, Britton & Poore Co. Mueller, see Miller, Mueller Chas F, butcher, res Murray. Mueller Geo (Mueller Bros), res 212^ S State, Mueller Rainhard M (Mueller Bros), res 212^ S State. ^1 11 ell or Bros (Rainhard M & Geo Muller), Bakery and Lunch House 212 S State. Mugleston Bernard, pressman Merchant Printing Co, res 482 . . Second. ^ ^ Mugleston Fred, printer, bds 482 Second. Mugleston Geo, pressman Magazine Printing Co, res 482 Second. """" hMuir Christine S (wid Thomas), res 1015 E Twelfth South. ^- Muir David, bds 557 Second. 22^ ^^ Muir Isabel (wid Thomas), res 557 Second. CD . Muir Miss Isabel, dressmkr, res 557 Second. jj . S Muir John, blksmith, res 569 Second. JJ Muir Joseph, road supervisor, res 1005 E Twelfth South. 1 Muir Joseph D, blksmith, bds 1005 E Twelfth South. I? " Muir Thomas, stonecutter City and County Bldg, res 561 Second. 5" ^3 Muir Thomas W, res 557 Second. CD ^ ^ Muir William, lather, res 557 Second. JJJ PJ Muldoon Mining Co, see inc cos, John H Rumel Jr sec, office 1 1 1 W Second South. EE? t^ Mulford Edwin, elk Hotel Morgan, res same. CJ Mulhall Mrs Emma P, elk Z C M I, res 255 W Sixth North. CD * Mulhall Robert, mining opr, res 356 Fifth East. CO * Mulhall Wm C, elk Geo B Margetts & Co, res 255 W Sixth I W North. 82 H^ Mulholland Anna (wid David), res 703 Fourth. ^c?a <3^ Mulholland David, carp and bldr, res 705 Fourth. 9 zg* i J Mulholland Samuel R, coffin mkr J E Taylor, res 515 Second. [ i Mulholland Thomas A, butcher, res 120 K. S^ | ^ Mullett Chas J, lime burner, res 370 Wall. * g - Mullett Geo (Geo M & Co), res 533 S First West. 00 1 lyun nn bu, BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO., Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 521 J( Mullett George & Co (G Mullett, G H Davis, F A Slade), * O Clothing and Gents' Furnishings, 21-23 E Second South. S CO Mullett Jos E, elk Geo M Scott & Co, res 246 Wall. Mullett Millie, emp Des W Mills, res 370 Wall. C, JO Mullett Rhoda (wid Joseph), res 246 Wall. J| Mulligan Joseph, peddler, res West Grand View add *-* Mulligan Lawrence, bartndr Rio Grande Hotel, bds same. Mulloy, see Malay and Meloy. .* Mulloy Alma, res 444 Seventh East. ~* ^ Mulloy Marion, marble polisher, res 65 N First West. Mulloy Thomas F, Manager Gurney Cab & D Co, res 444 ^O Seventh East. Mulrooney Patrick, mining, res 1014 E First South. Mulryan James, carp, res West Grand View add. ~ Mulryan M J, trav salesman, res Metropolitan. j-j ^ Mumford G M, tchr, res 253 E Fifth South. jj* QJ >^ Mumford James, lab, res rear 125 N Eighth West. ^j Mumford Thomas, stockman, res 653 S Second West. jj^" (J? Mumford Thomas M, lab, res 675 S Second West. }uj Muncy H C, res 177 H. 5[ ^ (0 Munian Wm S, mach, res 862 W Second North 2J ^jj < Munrennen A (wid Riley), dressmkr, res 35 E Fifth South. 7j g Munroe, see Monroe. 5P t^< Munroe Robert H, painter, rms Lincoln House. ^S. 2 Munsee Peter C, lab, res 603 S State. O O^ Munson Andrew, eng Culmer Blk, res 260 E South Temple. p jjjjj Munson Miss Hilda, nurse, res 419 S West Temple. N ^ ffi 5 Munson Hyrum, mining, res Second West, s of Tenth South. j f, 5 Munson James S, prop Alta Restaurant, 56 E 1st South, res same. _. Munson Josephine, domestic 1170 Fifth East. O Munson Peter, lab, res 345 E Second South. Munson William R, bkpr Roberts & Nelden, res 76 R. " yi Munz Jacob, emp Salt Lake Brewery, res 667 Sixth. 10 Murano Charles, shoemkr, res 173^ W South Temple. JJ Murdoch David L, mngr frt dept Z C M I, res 479 First. Murdoch William, bds 479 First. Murdy Samuel, actor Pavilion Theatre, rms 36 W Third South, jjjj Murgenthaler Miss Minnie, res 120 E Second South. R Murphy Albert L, mngr Alex Pillaud, res 507 Tenth East. & {J |i| Murphy Bird, vice-pres H A Tuckett Candy Co, res Sugar O j House Ward. Murphy Miss D, dom 53 Franklin Ave. I^H CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., * 303&305HcCornicKBld2., SALT LAKE CITY. F. 0. B*x 452. Tlepkn 081. Shirts of Efry Description. '.VIHTTEMOIIK. I OOKE & CO., Boom 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597,375.41 522 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^__ r . Murphy Miss Clara, opr Z C M I Clothing Factory. !^i Murphy C H, rndse, n of I2th South, w of Ninth East. ** I-s^ Murphy Edmund H, bds 463 E First South. o^ S^".2 Murphy Miss Ella, tchr Ninth Dist, res 706 E Fourth South. JJI S|l Murphy Elmer, elk Jones & Schroeder. m^ Murphy Elmer E (Buss & M), res 240 S State. Murphy E B, tmstr S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Z Z 2 Murphy Frank, candy mkr H A Tuckett Co, bds 938 E 2d S. *|H .2^ Murphy James M, cond U P Ry, res 2 Roberts Court. *jg h Marphy Jesse J, physician and surgeon, 210 to 215 Constitution > Bldg, res same. {jjcc Murphy John, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. c Murphy John C (J C M & Co), res 545 E Third South. |S Murphy J C & Co (J C M and Chas W Caffall), Mnfrs of CCL Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals and Dies, 218 S Main. Murphy Joseph, teamster city street dept. GO Murphy J Harry, foreman round hse U P Ry, res 349 W North O Murphy Joseph, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. m CD CO ana c: CD g E Temple. ^ Murphy J M, elk frt dept R G W Ry, res 216 S Fourth West. .O Murphy J P, mach U P Ry, res 637 W South Temple. c/5 Murphy J T, mach, res 349 W North Temple. ClO Murphy Miss Lida, domestic 444 E First South. .EE Murphy Miss Louisa, res 349 W North Temple. j Murphy Miss Maggie, dressmkr, res 44 Ninth East. Murphy Martin J, res 242 Third East. J5 d Murphy Mary (wid John) res 242 Fourth East. n CO Murphy Mary A, 463 E First South. C3 Murphy P, waiter, rms Lincoln House. =3 * Murphy Mrs Priscilla, res 433 F. = K Murphy, Peck & Co 9 dealers in General Merchandise, s w =* cor Twelfth South and Ninth East. 03 Murphy T E, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. gg "^ Murphy Thomas B, lab, res Eleventh West and Ninth South. Murphy Walter, County Attorney Hooper Blk, res Uintah S Place. Murphy Wildman, genl sec Y M C A, res 325 Seventh. Murphy Wm, mining man, res 820 Green. Murphy Wm F, special agt Penn Mut Life Ins Co, res Sugar House Ward. Murphy Wm J, boilermkr Haynes & Sons, res Rio Grande Hotel. : Murray Amore W, mason, res 133 W Third South. i5 QJIIT I AKC I ITHfl m Lithographing, Printing and Blank OHL I LRnL LI I IIU, LU. n^v MoVinn The Finest in the Western 62 W. Second South. Telephone 248. B * ffl a* m Q Country f 01=3 moo D U PffipprftPn flOOJlYCDO 169S - ffl ' st ' Tei " l> " K, H, I IbBF & UU,, WOO A I C HO, Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 523 3 Murray Miss Anna, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 938 W ist South. Q jg^ Murray Arthur G, repairer R M B Tel Co, res 562 W ist North. 1l3 2=5 Murray Chas (Manion & M), rms 65 W First South. ^2 Murray Chas, elk Klenke & Co, res 870 State. ^^ Murray Chas F, emp Sierra Nev L Co, res 1073 Eighth East. ^ " Hurray David S, Genl Supt Rocky Mountain Bell Tele- phone Co, bds Alta Club. CO Murray Edward, emp U P car shops, res 523 \Y First North. _. ^ Murray Fred, elk Simon Bros, res 1073 Eighth East. ""3 Murray Geo H, real est and mining broker, rm 20 Coml 1 Q bds Cullen Hotel. i Murray Miss Georgia W, stenographer Hanson Produce Co, resf" 1 47 S First West. | Murray Grant, helper J H Nishan & Co, res 18 Commercial. ' Murray Henry D, rms 20 Commercial blk. S Murray H E, lab city water works dept. ^ Murray Jabez, emp Des W Mills, res 519 N Fourth West. -^- Murray Jabez W, lab, res 519 N Fourth West. Q Murray J, lab city water works. ^^ 3 Murray James, miner, res rear 216 W Fourth North. - Murray John, carp, res Sugar House Ward. ^Q ( Murray John F, res Brighton. CZ Murray Martin, expressman, res Second South, w of Jordan. ^Zj Murray Pat, tailor, res Valley House. *5 Murray Peter, res rear 527 W First North. CO Murray Postoffice (South Cottonwood), Miss Mary Jacobson P M. ^_ Murray Thomas H, welldriver, res Brighton. _^_i Murray Thomas P, Real Estate & Mining Broker, Rooms 20-21 Commercial Blk, res Templeton Hotel. rvi Murray Wm, expressman, res 938 W First South. Murrian W S, mach U P Ry, res 862 W Second North. g S Murtaugh Mme A, dressmkg rms 74 Hooper Blk, res same. <-Q Musgrave Wm, pastry cook, res 242 W Third North. (Q Z Musgrave Wm H, confectioner S F Ball & Co, res 206 W South 2. .2 Temple. j=3 ^ Musser A Milton, acting Fish Commissioner for Utah, office 60 E South Temple. r*- C^M Musser Mrs Anna S, res 747 E Seventh South. , j Musser Mrs Belinda P, res 114 Canyon Road. C~* CO Musser Miss Eva S, artist, res 747 E Seventh South. ^ ^_i Musser Joseph W, stenogr Barlow Ferguson, res 779 E 2d S. po S3 Musser Lena, emp Troy Steam Laundry. ^ The litigation Age Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Offices, Salt Lake. Denver, San Francisco* 26 W. M South St. 76 Ballroad BKfc. Ml Harkrt It CHI T I Ill/r Ilinnilfinr OA 1 Wholesale and Klail Ifaru- Sfl LflKt HAKUWAnr I I ware. Cutlery. Slov^. Cintis OHL - 1 LHI1L. IIHIlUfff HIIL. UU. f Y Aminiinilioii.Sportiutf (ioods Si-n of Bi$ Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Flsliiii- Tackle. 524 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CC fc Musser Mrs Mary W, res 779 E Seventh South. 3 Mutual Life Insurance Co of New York The, Louis Hyams Dist Manager, 86 Commercial Blk. *Ur Muzzell Hiram, carp S L Theater, res 52 [ E Fifth South. Muzzell John, cleaner Salt Lake Theater. o o Myer, see Maier, Meier and Meyer. !*J4> Myer Gustave, floor walker F Auerbach & Bro, res 315 E 2d U J!j South. Myers Ann (wid*Geo), res 410 E Fourth South. !* ,uy C Mye South. I Myers Archibald J, baker, res 324 Second East. < * Myers Charles, butcher S S Dickinson & Co, rms 135 E Second C^ c Myers Edward, plumber, res rear 521 Fifth East. o Q Myers Mrs Frances, res 324 Second East. O Myers Frank E, driver E Sells, res 918 First. ^ Myers Frank, dairyman Jordan Bank Dairy, res same. *J Myers Frank, lab, res 918 First. g Myers Harley P, motorman S L R T R R, res 931 S 3d West. ft) Myers James, elk Z C M I, res 651 E Fourth South. Ifl Myers John, farmer, res Murray. Myers John, lab city water works. "m Myers John, eng, res 128 C. g Myers John H, steam and gas fitter J-S-B-Co, res 129 C. Myers J H, lab, res 256 W South Temple. 02 Myers Owen, brick and stone contractor, res 1000 S 2d West. Myers Peter (Nelden, M & Co), res St James Hotel. ~" Myles, see Miles, - r Jlyles Alex 9 Plumber and Gas Fitter, 69 E Third South, res 521 Fifth East, see adv. Mylett Grims, lab, res w s 8th East, bet I ith and I2th South. oo gUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER. .^ For Hotel and Family Use. L,. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. Main. Street. CO CD CO Nadel Louis M (Lipman, N & Son), res 343 E Fourth South. Nadel Lawrence, res 343 E Fourth South. Nadel Martin (Lipman, N & Son), res 343 E Fourth South. Naeff Charles T, elk, res 449 S First West. TVliolesale and Retail Dealers In n A n 17 C" D R C D Jf C ioesae an etal eaers n rAnKtn & UtrUt, IOREII AMD IMPORTED AND UERICAX CEMENTS. Cor. 2d South and. 3d. \Vest. Tel. MOUNTAIN ICE CO.. TELEPHONE 43. O to o RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 525 Q^ Naeff Mary (wid H R), res 449 S First West. Nagel Edward C E, emp Empire S Laundry, res Times bldg. Nagle E, emp Empire S Laundry, res Hotel Morgan. Naisbitt, see Nesbitt. Naisbitt Elizabeth (wid Henry), res 453 Third. Naisbitt Harry O 9 Vice- President Spencer & Lynch Co, res 48 G. Naisbitt Henry W, elk Z C M I, res 218 E. Naisbitt Miss Katie E, elk, res 218 E. Naisbitt William H, packer Z C M I, res 453 Third. Naish Thomas, mach, res Forest Dale. Naish Thomas Jr, elk 38 S Main, res Forest Dale, Naismith Andrew B, moulder Silver Bros, res 630 W ist North. CD Napper Albert, eng Am Biscuit Mnfg Co, res 430 Third East. Napper Charles, coll H Dinwoodey F Co, res 430 Third East. CD Napper George R, baker Am Biscuit & Mnfg Co, res 430 3d East. Napper John, ship elk Am Biscuit & Mnfg Co, res 148 E South Q < Temple. j Q Xasli Albert H, Postmaster, res 1271 E South Temple. H U Nash B F, driver Mt Ice & C S Co, res 860 S Third West. Nash Charlotte (wid John), res 3 1 7 W North Temple. CD Nash John, lab, res 317 W North Temple. P (0 Nash John P, shoemkr, bds 317 W North Temple. , ^ * Nash John W, lab, res 1005 S First West. D p Q Nash Michael, trunkmkr Jos I Gallacher, res 667 N 2d West. Si Q) -J Nash Miss Sarah E, dressmkr 66 E Second South, res same. ^ H ~ Nash Thomas, s m opr Young Bros Co, res e s 6th East 2 s of p (/) Shady Grove. Nash Wm F, lab, res 576 W South Temple. *Zj Nassau Collection Bureau, 514 McCornick Block. Natatorium The, D Ferguson mngr, 34 S West Temple. ^ Nathan Samuel J, clothing 165 S Main, res same. JJ Nation Wm, res 818 E Second South. Q, National Base Ball Park, State, s of. Tenth South. Rational Building & Loan Association, 1 1 Com'l Blk, H P Mason Pres, Hoyt Sherman Jr Vice-Pres, Boyd Park Treas, Hudson Smith Sec. Ill ^ ^ Nattress John T, elk Taylor Bros Co, res 232 W 6th N. Nattress Miss Lizzie J, attendant Chapman & Tripp, res 244 g Third East. 1 Morrison, Merrill & Go, Lumber Dealer**. At the front in Stock Fa- eilitles and Enterprise North V. P. Depot. LG'lBflRD INVESTMENT CO., I Moa( * to Loan on .?/.*;* and First south. \ Improved City Property. . . 526 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. C 1 -g Xattress Nicholas, porter 67 Coml, res 158 W South Temple. I Natural Anti-Fat & Kidney Cure Spring Co. The, J/2 g J George A Burgon Pres, Douglas A Shiley Vice-Pres, Jos ft % W Stoutt Treas, John C Shipp Sec. Springs situated Naylor David M, bds 168 Third East. ^ z Xaylor Edward, farmer, bds- 269 E Second South. Jj g Naylor Miss Eliza, dressmkr, bds 168 Third East. _ Naylor Mrs Fanny, res 335 E Third South. . Naylor Geo (X Sons & Warburton), res 1276 Ninth East. i i i Naylor Geo, emp Bazaar Sale Stable, res 269 E Second South. ^ & 5g Naylor Geo, sheep raiser, res e s Twelfth E 2 n of I2th South. 2 2 ! Naylor Geo H, blksmith, res 543 Eighth East. jjj ^ QQ Xaylor G Hanmer (N Sons & Warburton), res 543 8th East. Sg Naylor Miss Katy, dressmkr, res 168 Third East. js 2 LU Naylor Miss Lottie, hairdresser, res 168 Third East. 2. S 3 Naylor Miss Louisa C, res 1271 Ninth East. ' & 21 Naylor Miss Lydia, res 1 68 Third East. ^* Naylor Miss May, res 335 E Third South. ^ GC Naylor Raymond C, collector, bds 1271 Ninth East. r^ t^j! Naylor Thaddeus W (N Sons & Warburton), res 1276 9th East. S. ^X Xaylor Thomas CJ, Barber 1135 Main, res 168 Third East, c^ ^ Naylor Walter, elk, bds 335 E Third South. * i i Xaylor Wm, propr Bazaar Stables 157^ State, res 269 E 2d S. Q CII Xaylor Wm S, letter carrier, res n s loth South 2 e of 9th East. 02 2~ Xaylor Winnie, domestic 227 Centre. ^ Xaylor, Sons & Warburton (George, G Hanmer, Thaddeus W gg Naylor and Joseph C Warburton), horseshoers IS7/4 S gj GO* State. w p^; Neal Walter S, lab, bds 298 Centre. ,<3^ Xeal Wm C, capitalist, res 298 Centre. h-^ >. Xeal Wm D, plumber, bds 298 Centre. P r_jj Xeale Geo, lab, res 548 W Seventh South. ^ Xealley Chas D, deliveryman Bang & Mayers, res 424 E 4th S. f ^ Nealson Christine, dom 55 First. Hj Nealson Mrs Christina, res n side I4th South bet nth & !3thE. Keal Estate Broker, ^"gfSci?? 1 1 HoDBlI feo Loan, a Specialty. H. P. 0. C01TES. E. L. SHEETS, Boom 12, Commercial Block. 8.H. Officer *Go.,ASSAYERS.S5; RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 527 r ** u Nealson Nels, lab, res 806 W Eighth South. 3 jjj Nealson Olif, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. 30 Nealson S, carp, res w s Thirteenth East, n of Fourteenth South. *$ g| Nebeker Byron D, farmer, res 376 N Fourth West. . s Nebeker Elizabeth (wid Geo), res 376 N Fourth West. ^ Nebeker Miss Ella M, school teacher, res 344 N Fourth West, p-^ ** Nebeker Ernest E, farmer, res 376 N Fourth West. (>. . Nebeker George D, farmer, res 376 N Fourth West. ^2 Nebeker John L, sec Hardy- Young Co, res 556 W Third North, r-* * n Nebeker Lorena (wid John), res 446 W Second North. O Nebeker Marcellus L, cashr S P Teasdel, res 344 N Fourth W. Q^ ^^ Nebeker Maria L (wid George), res 344 N Fourth West. TI3 Nebeker Miss Maud, bds 446 W Second North. 2? ^ Nebeker Miss Vilate K, music tchr, res 376 N Fourth West. CD Nebeker Walter D, printer, res 344 N Fourth West. G^ Nebeker Wm, bds 446 W Second North. ^ Nebeker Wm G, Deputy Collector Internal Revenue 213 Realty co ^ Blk, res 334 N Fourth West. ' Nebeker Wm P, bkpr, res 377 W Seventh North. CO Neckelby H, lab city, res 821 W Eighth South. tfl C0 Neder John H, elk Neder & Cleland, res 255 E Fifth South. [fl B - Neder Philip (N & Cleland), res 255 E Fifth South. Q tfeder & Clelaiicl (Phil N and George M C), builders of _ J Carriages and Wagons and Blacksmithing, 158 W 1st S. O 4 Needham Albert B, elk Z C M I, res 642 S West Temple. ^ H- Needham Charles W, bds 648 W Fourth North. LU Needham David F, motorman, res 308 M. O : Needham David S, emp S L C R R, res rear 1 10 W First North. Needham Edward, elk, res 41 1 Second East. Needham Edward H, sheep raiser, res 421 Second East. ^V- _J Needham Elizabeth (wid James), res 543 S First West. ^"3 Needham Jonathan, boiler mkr Haynes & Son, res 336 W 6th S. ** ^7 Needham Lorenz, electrician, res 648 W Fourth North. * a* t~2 Needham Martha (wid William, res 642 S W Temple, ^ ^2* Needham Mary A, (wid Jonathan), res 648 W Fourth North. ^ 5 j Needham Miss Nellie, domestic 548 S First West. 8 2 i Needham Thomas B, bartndr, res 642 W South Temple. 5 Needham Walter S, elk R K Thomas, res 548 S First West. J - ^, Needham Wm, agt Z C M I, res 539 S First West. | ^ Needham Wm, teamster, res 648 W Fourth North. 5 -^ Needham Wm A, elk Z C M I, res 539 S First West. f rr, Neel Mrs Mary M, res 171 W First North. Rogers, Searles&Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, OBNTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. ( *iirn of Bi*r Gun. 49 and 44 W. 2d Sooth. J ' 1(juart*rs for Wrought, Steel and Cai ;es, a&toline Storei, Refrigerators, ite, Tin and Copper War*. Pint HMM-ftraUhiftg Good*. 528 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ("* Neelands Abraham, tin and sheet metal worker, res 162 W 2d S. J^ Neeley J Frank, gas fitter, res 503 E Second South. ^} Neeley Wm T, carp, res 503 E Second South. ' Neff Francis, teacher, res Mill Creek. C} Neff Miss Hattie, teacher, res East Mill Creek. C~~) rH Neff John, bishop East Mill Creek Ward L D S, res same. ^H Neibaur Mrs Elizabeth (wid), res 722 E Fourth South. XJ Neibaur Elizabeth (wid Alex), res 538 S West Temple. Neibaur Emily (wid Isaac), res 237 Second East. Neibaur Isaac, lab city, res 237 Second East. yj Neiberg Oscar, candy mkr, res 206 W South Temple. I Neice John, emp Elgin Dairy, res same. ONeidhart C R, waiter Cullen Hotel, bds same. Neil George, lab, res Camp Lane w of Jordan. H Neil J W, bds Cullen Hotel. ^^ Neilson, see Nelsen, Nelson, Nielson, Nillson, Nilson and Nilsson. i j Neilson Amos, lab, res rear 58 N Second West. C ) Neilson Antone S, carp S L Bldg & Mnfg Co, res 3 I Aberdeen. ^D fco Neilson August, porter T R Jones & Co, res Mill Creek. LQ Neilson Carl, tailor Ch W Huhl, res cor 8th West and 8th South. C/> ^^ Neilson Christian, miner, res Mortensen's Court. 5? Neilson David, watchman, "res 167 B. " p Neilson Ernest C, painter, res 427 W Sixth South. g Neilson Miss Hannah, domestic, res 910 E Fourth South. SJ Neilson Hans, fireman Troy S Laundry, res 645 Sixth East. &* Neilson Herold, miner, res 50 N First West. -^ _r Neilson James, emp city water works, res 223 F. p-^ Neilson James, tchr, res Murray. S Neilson John, cabinetmkr P W Madsen, res 676 E Sixth South. 2J t-M Neilson Joseph, hostler, res 376 E Third South. * [ ] Neilson Josephine, emp Troy Steam Laundry. DO H^ Neilson Laura, domestic 308 W Third South. 5" ^3 Neilson Miss Maria, head waiter Valley House, res same. g- p Neilson Michael, mach Sierra Nev L Co, res loth West, bet 1st t and 2d South. j~J Neilson Minnie, domestic Walker House, rms same. Neilson M, emp Wm Harkins. ~ ^ Neilson Olof, marble worker 186 N, res 894 Third. r ' Neilson Peter, lab, res Albany Hotel. ' J f i Neilson Peter M, harnessmkr J W Jenkins & Sons, res 2 17 S Fifth g ,_J West. ^^ Neilson Miss Tillie, music tchr, res 124 N Third West. , oo r>TTT tt7 f TTT/ F7 I Blank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWITO O fl SflLT LKKE goSgiMg- LITHO, CO, I 5u W. Soconu Snuth. Telephvn* lit. I BiSCyil&MHiiyTOIIING CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 529 _ Neiman Mrs Alvina, grocery 1036 W Second North, res same. O Neimoyer George A, lather, res 5 1 8 E Third South. 0J Neimoyer William A, plasterer, res 518 E Third South. Nelden Frank H (Nelden, Myers & Co), rms Richelieu blk. CH \>ld<*ii, Myers fc Co (Frank H N, Peter M & Arthur J J0 Hallingbery), Printers and Publishers, 21 W Second South, ^ Telephone 602. l_j Nelden Wm A (Roberts & Nelden), res 231 S Sixth East. Jjj Nelgore Geo, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Nelsen, see Neil son, Nils on, Niels on, Nillson and Nils son. Nelsen Axtel, contracting brick mason, res 28 Union ave. 3d Nelsen Chas, vegetable vender, res 736 E Third South. jjJJ Nelsen Emil, waiter Walker House Cafe, res 460 E 5th South. " Nelsen Fred, director Heesch-D Co. Nelsen Miss Mary C, res 24 Union ave. * J* Nelsen Miss Phoebe, res 736 E Third South. Si i^ Nelson Albert, lab, res 1 1 Almond. i^j Nelson Alfred, painter, res Superior add. ^" < Nelson Alfred, carp, bds 42 Grape. ft Nelson Miss Alma, dom Keeley Institute. ^ I J Nelson Andrew, carp, res 260 E South Temple. CD ^ Nelson Miss Annie, domestic 52 E Third South. c^ jco Nelson Anthony, tailor, res 317 Express ave. CD ,* \>I*on Anthony, mngr Scandia Second Hand Co, res 78 sg ;O S West Temple. |O Nelson Anthony M, salesman White Sewing Machine, res Third jjjj I co East bet Eleventh and Twelfth South. *< ig Nelson Axel F, carp U P Ry, res 230 E Third South. j i< Nelson Miss Beand, domestic 52 E Third South. Nelson Bernhard, elk Freed Fur Co, res 224 E Fifth South. o Nelson Mme B A, dressmkr, res 240 S State. SJ Nelson Carl P, peddler, res 318 Stevenson Court. Nelson Charles, heloer J H Nishan & Co, res Second West bet ^ North and South Temple. * Nelson Charles, farmer, res Forest Dale. Nelson Charles H, saloonkpr, res e s State bet I2th and I3th S ^2 *** Nelson Charles M, elk, res 333*E Second South. ^ Nelson Charles O, lab, res 362 S State. g Z Nelson Chris, emp William Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Nelson C, teamster S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. ., M Nelson C P Emil, waiter, res 460 E Fifth South. Nelson David, watchman, res 167 B. CHftS. B. GOURLftY & P.O. BOX m. Telephone wi. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing* Special', j WIHTTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Boom 310, MoCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg ~ Assets, 12,450,728.74 Scandla Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden. Assets, $4,160,403^3 ^ 530 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. E Nelson Edw (E N & Co), res 317 Express ave. >o Nelson Emelia, dom 317 W North Temple. eo Nelson Miss Emma, res 40 Fir. Nelson Miss Eva (Grant & N), res 77 N State. Nelson Miss Floy, cashier W C T U Home Rest 65 W 1st So. Nelson Frank, steam fitter, res rear 216 W Fourth North. Nelson Fred C (Heesch-Davies & Co), res 464 E Eighth South. Nelson Frank J, eng U P Hotel, bds same. ~l Nelson Fred J, eng French Steam L,.res 352 W Second North, -o Nelson Fred J, mach, res 426 N Third West. g ^ CO ^TO Nelson Miss Hanna, res 29 Fourth East. jjo Nelson Hans, expman, res 504 Second East. o$ Nelson Miss Hilda, dressmkr, res 29 Fourth East. ,=j Nelson Ida, cook 831 E First South. "So Nelson Jasper M, real estate agent 46 E Second S, res same. s= Nelson Johanna (wid Hans), bds Deseret Hospital. ^ Nelson John, emp Grant Bros' L & T Co, res 44 S W Temple. a^> Nelson John, res 61 Plum. +E1 Nelson John, tailor Empire Mfg Co, res 714 W Second North. r ^g Nelson John W, smelter, res 407 W Second South. . Nelson Joseph, Asst Treas L D S College, res Bee Hive House, South Temple. g Nelson J C A, mail carrier P O Dept. to g Nelson Lawrence, elk Walker Bros & F Co, res 73 N Second W. J - 1 Nelson Miss Mamie, comp Tribune, bds 233 S West Temple. o 2! Xelsou JI Jl a reel I us. (Condon & N), res 357 S Second E. g Nelson Miss Margaret, comp Tribune, bds 233 S West Temple. U r = Nelson Martin, car t >, res 42 Grape. 5 *o Nelson Miss Mary, waitress The Boston Rest, res 59 E 3d S. ? ^ Nelson Millie, domestic I 5 S State. .8 jS Nelson Niels, blksmith, res 1034 W Second North. *& Nelson Miss Netta, res 29 Fourth East. w E Nelson Nina, domestic 528 S Main. *t "P. * Nelson Miss Norah, domestic 606 S First West. " o Nelson Ole (Weatherson & N), res Lincoln House. 01 >" Nelson Ole, pastor Seventh Adventist Church, res 641 4th East. 1 Nelson Miss Olivia, emp City Bakery, res 1 26 W First South. J Nelson Olof, lab, res 215 Fern. Nelson Peter, car repr R G W Ry. Nelson Peter, stonecutter, res 368 S Second West. Nelson Peter J (Sorensen & N), res 353 E Fifth South. Nelson Philip W, barber Cullen barber shop, res 214^ S State. OA! T I AI/C I ITUn PA DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR OflLI LAI\t LlmU. UU. FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. WORK A SPECIALTY H m r RH.OfflEBriGo.JSSflYEBS.ZiaX RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 531 S Nelson Robert E, carp, res 840 W Third South. |O 3 Nelson Miss Tillea, domestic 2175 Second West *1 Nelson Watts (col'd), oyster house 27 W First South, res same. P kelson William, Managing Editor Tribune and President OS Board of Education, res 233 S West Temple. _.3 Nelson William Jr, reporter Tribune, res 233 S West Temple. *j|| Nelson William F F, mail carrier P O dept, res 729 Fifth East ^ Nelson Wilford N, painter, res Superior add. OP^ Nelson Wyatt C, plasterer, res 118 E Third South. Nemoyer Wm E, plasterer, res 5 1 8 E Third South. * m Nephew George, butcher, res 306 Ninth East, OC Nepple C C, director Utah Undertaking Co, res Eureka, Utah. ^j Neps Charles, mason, res Second West, s of Tenth South. 5J Neqvest Miss Sofer, domestic E M Stowell, Husbands Court, rear I 230 S Second West. i , j Nerden Thomas, lab, res N Salt Lake. DC Nervins Patrick, lab, res 854 W Second North. """ Nesbitt see Naisbitt. Nesbitt Benjamin B, steward Manitou, rms same. J^j Nesbitt Mrs B B, prop The Manitou Dining Room, rms Manitou. - Nesbitt George, stone cutter C and C bldg, res 2d W s of 1 2th S. QC \4>sli1t James A 9 Physician and Surgeon, res 57 E 3rd S. |ij Neslen Albert E, driver, bds 313 Third. ' Neslen Alfred C, lab res 865 E First South. gg Neslen A, emb S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Neslen Edger, plumber James-S-B-Co, res 313 Third. Neslen -Richard F, cont agt Mo Pac Ry, res 313 Third. C5 Neslen Robert F, res 313 Third. ' Neslen Miss Nellie, c\k Z C M I, res 313 Third. ^ Neslen Samuel T, letter carrier P O dept, res 18 W 7th S. w Neslen William F, supt S P Teasdel, res 315 Second. C Neslen William S, res 58 Euclid ave. f Ness John, cigarmkr Saml Levy, bds U P Hotel. . Ness John L, shoemkr, res 916 E Fourth South. JJP Ness Louis O, bds 916 E Fourth South. Mess Miss Louise, dressmkr, res 141 S Fourth West. 2J Q3 Ness Raynor L, upholsterer Sorensen & Nelson, res 916 E 4th S. *"< Ness Wm A, engr Templeton Hotel, res 361 Ninth East. ^^ Nessel Joseph, res 129 W Second South. J^ CD Nessell James, res Fifth South and Second East. ^O Nessell Joseph, Grocery and Meat Market s w cor Fifth South "^ O- and Second East, res same. ^ Irrigation Age Printing Housft 20 W. THIRD SOUTH Blank SALT LAKE HARD WARE CO.,; Sigrnof BtgGnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d Won Mi. ) Fine ISuildors ami House-rur- iiisliin^ Hardware. Stove* and Ranges, and Qasoline Stoves. g 532 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Jg ^^ _^^^_^i^^^ ' ^ Nesserle Jab, lab, res Gordon, n of Eleventh South. m ^ . Nester Leopold S, carp, res State, Murray. CD O M Netcher Charles, lessee Jordan Bank Dairy, res Tenth North and "Hj ' Thirteenth West. Ejg C Xetiierlaml iiive Stock and Hairy Co 9 see inc cos, M C 335 * I Fox Secy and Treas ; office Dooly Blk. See adv. ~""j C Neuenschwander Albert, emp Utah Soap Manufacturing Co, res f~ 0) 48 Simondi ave. co Neuenschwander John, grocery store s w cor Third South and 7 Fourth West, res 342 S Third West. ^O Neuenschwander Mary E, res 48 Simondi ave. . Neuhahn Conrad, res 520 Bridport. 3O r^ Neuhausen Chas M, architect R Kletting, res rear 150 W 5th S. ""O Ejj Neunham Thos, teamster, res e s i ith East 3 n of I2th South. | fZ~ Nevail Ed, lab city street dept. 5 ^Neve Miss H S, elk 53 S Main, res 685 Third. CD J= Neve John, bds 685 Third. & Neve Soren P (N & Child), res 685 Third. C= Xeve & Cliild (S P N & E N C), Furniture, Carpets, Wall /3 Paper and Curtains, 39-41 E First South. Neville Chas A (col'd), barber, res 63 W First South. r Neville Edward, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. gj Nevins Patrick, lab city waterwks. | Sew American Gas & Fnel Ca 9 sec inc cos, Jno F Wood- man Sec, office 218 S Main. ^ Newbanks Wm F, janitor Keeley Institute, res same. " Sewbern J W, Sec and Treas Conservatory of Music, res 542 *> Second East. See page 72. C ) Newcomb Chas H, grocery store 353 E Fourth South, res same. Xeweomb Marion W 9 Photographic Studio, 34 and 35 Scott-Auerbach Blk, res 1026 E Second South. Newcomer Henry, eng R G W Ry, res 566 W Third South. Newell Ebon P, real estate, res 737 S Owen. Xewell M A 9 Resident Surgeon U P Ry, 7 Karrick Block, - CD g Nichols Quincy B, agt Life Indemnity and Investment Co, Sioux City Iowa, res 24 E Sixth South. +* Nichols Wm, driver Henry Denhalter. ^ Nicholson John, journalist, res 224 Fifth. CD Nicholson John Jr, bds 224 Fifth. & Nicholson Joseph, comp Deseret News, res 905 S West Temple. jjj Nickelby Henry, lab, res 812 W Eighth South. Nickerson Benjamin H, motorman Rap Trans, res 154 W 7th S. ^ Nickerson Grant H, Civil Engr, res 253 N First West. Nickerson H B, motorman S L Rap Trans, res 154 W 7th S. ^ ^ Nickleby Harry, lab, res 812 W Eighth South. jj Nicleese Stewart, carp, res s s Morris ave. *H Nickless J R, Homcepathic Physician, rm 8, I 29 W Second S. Nickless Miss Mabel A, rm 8, 129 W Second South. Nickum Daniel L, trav agt, res 216 E Seventh South. J Nickum George S, mach R M Jones, res 216 E Seventh South, pfl - Nickum James W, elk, res 216 E Seventh South. Q Nicol Elizabeth ( Wm), res 122 Third East. 5 _ Nicol John, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. gq IQAHS A SPECIALTY, S!ZS!?- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. Real Estate Broker, H. p. . COATES. I E. i. SHEETS. Room 12. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 535 ; ; Robert W, Contracting Electrician, 67 S Main, res 122 Third East. & Nicol Uphemia, res n e cor State and Twelfth South, c Nicol William L, com'l trav, res 122 Third East. "j Nitzgen Frank, bds Germania Hotel. ^ i i Niver Nora, domestic 54 Twelfth East P i Nixon Jane (wid Wm), res 421 Seventh East. C/5 Nixon Joseph E, carp, res 563 E Third South. .1 Nixon Wm, lab, bds 421 Seventh East. JSf Noall Mathew (Wm Asper & Co), res 512 W Fourth North. *=?a Noall Simon, carp, res 520 W Fourth North. 9 3f Noall Wm T (Wm Asper & Co), res 520 W Fourth North. Noble Charles, emp Troy Stm Ldry, res 805 E Eighth South. 5^ Noble C H, Capt i6th Infantry, Co A, res Fort Douglas. Noble Duncan, lawyer, res 338 H. 1EL Rfll Y I IMF I G^^eiSiJftssssa. 1 1 ifun nn OrtL 1 hn(va | gTid T ^r t en ,vei%rs| 1^1 1 HU, OU, BISCUIT aMflKOFACTORINfiCO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 537 Jj Noble Fred W, res 629 E South Temple. Noble James, bookbndr Ackei man & Co. 33 Noble John, shoemkr, res 338 H. Noble Persey L, mining broker, res rear 44* N Second West. CH Noble Warden P, prest W P Noble Mer Co, res 629 E Brigham. *p Noble, Wood & Co (W P N & Sherman R Wood), wholesale +-A Hats, Caps & Gloves, 158 Main, warehouse Kelly bldg. ._- Noble W P Mercantile Co, W P Noble. pres, A B Gibson, JO vice-pres, Ralph Zwicky sec and treas, office 158 S Main. U* Nobles Bates, emp Grant Bros L & T Co, res 44 S West Temple. Nock Enoch A, stationer R G W Ry, res 8 Whitaker Court. 3O Nolan John H, plumber J W Farrell, res 36 Floral ave. 2 Nolton Thomas J, sign writer, res 829 First. Noonan Jno, lab city water works, res Rio Grande Hotel. fTl Nord N, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. ^- Nord Olif, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Si Norberg Hyrum, sheepman, res 555 Seventh. Nordberg Adolf C, coppersmith, res 51 Apple. rr* Nordberg Augustus C, mach, bds 5 I Apple. CO Nordberg Ole J, carp, res 53 Rosella. ^ Nordbye OJaf M H, lab, res 77 Plum. D Xordcii Mercantile Co 9 inc, Andrew Winberg pres, Mar- jjj^ tin Christophersen sec, Andrew Jensen treas, Groceries, etc, CD 68 E First South. 3g Nordquist Albert, coachman M H Walker, res 5 17 S W Temple, o Nordquist Axel R, coachman J R Walker, res 647 S First West. ^ Nordquist Mrs Ida, dressmkr, res 647 S First West. *< Nordquist John A, res 517 S West Temple g 1 Nordvall August A, custodian U of U, res same. Norell Gust W (Henry & N), res rear 375 S State. O Noren Andrew, miner, res 246 Seventh East. 2J Normon John W, marble cutter E Morris & Co, res 92 T. Norman J W, res 169 W South Temple. ^ Norrell Albert G> Attorney at Law and U S Court Comr, Wasatch Bldg, res same. Norrell Robert, elk Lipman, Wallerstein & Co, res 372 W 2d S. ^2 Norrell Wm O, Spcl Agt U P Ry, res 127 Wasatch Blk. Norris Miss Annie, opr Z C M I shoe factory. < z Norris Elijah, del elk Jno McDonald Sons, res 234 Eleventh E. Ht0 Morris Rev Fred W, rector St Mark's Cathedral, res The J Rectory, 231 E First South. ^ m Norris John, elk Jno McDonald Sons, res Perkins add. * CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO.,1 303&305McComicKBl(l2., SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts of Every Description. WH1TTEMOR1, COOKE & CO., RANCE, Boom 810, MoCornick Building. London Q9 01=3 moo 71 CO ICO QUIT I KVf I ITHfl ffi Lithographing, Printing and Blank 1U ' LU ' Book Making, L h Snf; y n .!l tht We8tern 52 W. Second South. Telephone 248. O. Officer Ko,, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 539 Nugent Henry, rms Brooks Arcade. Nugent Thomas, lab, res 425 S Fourth West. Nugent Thomas, res Murray. Nunn Miss Alice, milliner Mrs N G Burrows, res 29 ^ W First f South. Nunn Annie (wid Chas), res 29^ W First South. Nunn Charles, coachman Jos E Taylor, res 131 Second East. \niiii Charles W 9 Veterinary Surgeon, s e cor First South and West Temple, res 29^ W First South. Nunn Wm, tmstr Tithing Yard, res 174 O. Nurberg Niels, emp W M Harkins. ^. Nuslim Frederick, carp, res 564 E South Temple. ]\ T nte Benjamin, Mngr R L Polk & Co, 74 S West Temple, rms 357 S First West. Nutt Miss Caroline, dom 41 1 W Sixth South. Si Nutt James, plasterer, res 41 1 W Sixth South. 2^ Nuttall L John, carp, res 653 S Third West. pj-| 2 Nuttall L John, Jr, carp at Temple, res 653 S Third West. Q Nuttall L J, elk L D S Church office, res Provo. -3 Nuttall Thomas C, mach S L C R R, res 723 S Third West. - Nuxoll Frank, tailor Wells & Co, bds Valley House. -j} Nyberg E, emp Germania Lead Wks, res Murray. CZ Nyberg Oscar W, conf G Arbogast, Oyster Grotto, res 206 W IS South Temple, *^D Nybro Miss Osy, dom Rocky Mountain Dairy. CO Nyby Chris, carp, res 36 Marion ave, bet Ninth and Tenth - M West. --J Nye Miss Emma, dressmkr 23 Equitable Co-op blk. Frank J, Manager American Wringer Co 135 W First South, res same. Oeo Li, Attorney-at-Law 33-34 Commercial Block, res ~ 308 E First South. CO Nye Frederick E, cigarmkr Saml Levy, res U P Hotel. Nye K (wid Eph), dressmkr 23 W Second South. E Nyquist John A, watchman R G W Ry, res rear 259 S Fifth Nylund C, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. H H 53 West. i_ Nystrom Joseph, bds 180 C. ? *j , i Nystrom Peter T, Commercial Saloon 42 E First South, H n res 1 80 C. ' |J ,^_i Nystrom Theodore, elk, bds 180 C. 5 Nystrom T L, bds 180 C. A Journal of National Moment. The legation Age 28 crs eo C2 03 o CD 1 Wholesale and Ketail IIar O'Lorenshaw Timothy, emp S L C R R Co. j. j O'Mahony Dennis J, horseshoer rear 235 S State, res s w cor C S Fourth East and Seventh South. ^"^3 J O O'Mahony Miles J, bkpr Farrell & Killeen, res 349 Second E. U Q| O'Malley Miss Ann, res 26 Gregory Court. C3 CO O'Malley Thos F, porter Golden Eagle Liquor store, res 26 CI3 < Gregory Court. CO O'Meara Block, 63 to 69 W Second South. JJ^" 5 O'Meara Michael J, capitalist, bds Morgan Hotel. D O O'Meara Win P, Real Estate 44 O'Meara Blk, res 3 1 6th E. Eh ji. O'Melving J C, Rd Master & Div Engr U P Ry, res 445 S Main. Jg O'Neil James, cook Famous Coffee House, res Utah House. g O'Neil Wm, bartdr Clipper Saloon, res 68 W Third South. gf O'Neill Miss Mary, res 235 W Second South. z ^O'Niell Thomas, cigar mnfr 61 W First South, rms same. 2J -J O'Regan Eugene, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. co O'Reilly E, clothing store 210 S Main, res 528 S Main. W O'Reilly Frank, runner The Templeton, bds same. Q, O'Reilly James J, elk E O'Reilly, res 47 E Second South. -^ O'Reilly John B, police officer City Creek, res 273 I. C O'Reilly Thomas B, bkpr E O'Reilly, res 528 S Main. O'Rourke James T, mason, res 518 N First West. C/3' Oakason Hans, res 936 E First South. rg Oakden Mrs A F, propr Luvinia House, 55 E 3d South, res same. Oakden Miss Laura, res 55 E Third South. Oakden Robert, bds 5 5 E Third South. Oakey Miss Gertrude, hair dresser Mrs H Christy, res 5 1 5 S State. Complete and Select Stork of all kinds of BUILD ING MATERIALS. 241 North 3d West. _J U U Lombard Investment Co. i^^.OOO.OOO. Makes Loans on Lnoroved Farms. . 542 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M W g Oakey Miss Sarah, opr Z C M I clothing factory. g Oakey Thomas (Phcenix Planing Mill Co), res 515 State. CQ 2 jS Oakley Edgar S, lab, res W Temple bet loth and I ith South. ft S Oaksen Albert, bds 936 E First South. ] ' Oatman George B, res mngr Wonderland, rms 232 S Main. H Oberg Albert, carp, res rear 521 Fifth East. ^ 5 Oberg Carl John, eng, res 764 W South Temple. | S Oberg Johannah (wid Peter E), res 171 Oak. *; "2 Oberg Selma, domestic 204 S State. * S- Oberhansii Mrs Barbara, nurse, res 70 W Fifth South. j Oberndorfer Jos, bkpr Freed Fur and Carp Co, res 321 S Main. *g g> Oblad Ephraim T, blksmith Oblad & Knight,' res 534 4th East. * 5 Oblad John F (O & Knight), res 534 Fourth East. J! Oblad Wm H, blksmith Oblad & Knight, res 534 Fourth East. Oblad & Knight (John F O & John A K), Blacksmiths and ^ O^r Wagon Makers, 115-117 E Second South. _ Uj Obray Samuel B, plumber, res State bet I ith and I2th South. x w 25. Occidental The, Auer & Murphy Props, 16 E First South. | ^j Odd Chas, lab, res 54 Apple, 5 ^ CO Odd Fellows' Hall, Market. 2 * 2- Odea Andrew, lab, res Folsom add, North Salt Lake. "J 2 UJ Odea Joseph, lab, res Folsom add, North Salt Lake. H. Q Odell George T 9 Genl Mngr Co-op Wagon & Mach Co, res * 254 Fourth East. ^ Odell Harry (O & Son), res rear 523 Sixth East. JJ 1 QC Odell Harry, lab, res 637 W South Temple. CD !jj Odell Joshua F. bds 254 Fourth East ^3" X Odell Thos G, inv elk Co-op W & M Co, res 254 Fourth East. 2J ^Z Odell Walter, kalsominer. res 759 Second. O3 Odell Wm G (Odell & Son), res 523 Seventh East. =3 CD Odell Wm J, kalsominer Odell & Son, res Camp Lane. Ca " 55j Odell & Soil (Wm G and Harry), Kalsominers and White- 3 washers, 128 W First South. OJ, Odemar Adoiph, lab Temple, res 425 E Sixth South. C/0 Odemar Adoiph, foreman cement wk H, G & Morris, res Sec- JJJ ^ ond West, bet Sixth and Seventh South. CO . Odson John, real estate and loans, 47 W Second South, res 405 D [T^ E Second South. O Officer Frank H. Treas Mingo Smelting Co, Offices 405 < t ^ and 406 Dooly Block, res 86 F. ZIT. Officer Robert H (R H Officer & Co), res 86 F. =| r S^ Krokor ^mmermi Bit, I Mnnpif fn I rmn Dividcnd - Pa y in i UKCI, salt Lake City. I iTlLlllKy CO LDall, Stocks for Sale. a Specialty, n. P. 6. COATES. | F, L. SHEETS, lloom 12, Commercial Block. R.H, Officer Ho,, ASSAYERS. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 543 - - : - CO Officer K II A Co (Robert H Officer) Assayers & Chemists, 2 169 S West Temple. 3>: Olson Albert M, elk, bds 85 M. ^^ Olson Andrew, lab, res cor lola and Riverside ave. ^ c5 Olson Miss Annie, domestic 929 E Brigham. Ij^oJ Olson Anton, painter, res 778 S State. O3 |gfl Olson Axel, lab, res 738 W Fourth North. ^.^ Olson Axel, mason, res 106 Centre. CD *""* Olson Bert, lab, rms 235 S State. ^m |Q Olson Chas, draughtsman H H Anderson, res First South bet Q H^ Third and Fourth West. es-. Olson Chas, elk S L Equit Co-op, res s s Third South bet Tenth v< BMV (/) uj and Eleventh West. ^-+ ||5 Olson Chas, elk Taylor Bros Co. IS -i Olson Chas O, lab, res 353 Eleventh East. Q" 5 Olson Christian W, bartndr, res 344 E Fifth South. ^ _. Olson Christian, teamster, res First North w of Jordan. - Olson Miss Christine, dom Wm Husbands, res 420 W 2d South. ~" Olson Edward, janitor Dooly blk; res rear Board of Trade Bldg. Olson Miss Emma F, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 474 W 1st S. Olson Miss Engrad, dom 352 E First South. H U Olson Frank, actor, rms 43 E Sixth South. J* Olson Frederick C L, lab, res 750 S State. M Olson George, foreman laborers City and County Bldg, res 954 S Fifth East. Ill Olson George, painter, res 778 S State. Olson Gustaf P, shoemkr Spencer & Lynch Co, res 157 Centre. CH&S, B GOURLAY & CO, 303 & 305 McCornicK Bldg., SALT LAKE CITY. P. 0. B*x 492. Telephone Ml. Shirts of Efry Description. Repairing a Special! j WHITTEMORE.COORE&CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, McCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg _ Aeseta, 18,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden, Assets, H160,403JB2 546 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. o 3 CD C/3 CO CD C/5 Olson Miss Hannah, dom White House. Olson Hans, tailor, res 54 Franklin Avenue. Olson Henry, plasterer, bds 263 Eleventh East. Olson John, carp, res cor lola and Riverside ave. g Olson John, lab, res First North, w of Jordan. T Olson John, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. A Olson John F, wood turner, res 303 Sixth. -fj **" Olson Joseph, painter, res 778 S State. US. A Olson Lars, lab, bds 247 X Third West. i> Olson 3Iagmis, Guitar, Mandolin and Violin Teacher, office, d. j* Calder's Music Palace, res 85 M, see adv. *~" jj- Olson Marie (wid Isaac); res 165 Centre. &, Olson Mogus, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. ^ 3$ Olson Nelson P, lab, res 338 W Third South. CD iv Olson Peter, warehouseman Kahn Bros, res 751 W First North. C/3 o. Olson Peter E, shoemkr Solomon Bros, res 263 Eleventh East. QJ : Olson Rosa, domestic, rms 242 Seventh East. | Olson Shore D, carp, res 474 W First South. ^ Olson Miss Sophia, res 778 S State. 5 | Olson Miss S, Music Teacher Calder's Music Palace, res 85 M. I Olson S D, carp, res 474 W First South. 05: Olson Theodor S, fireman R G W Ry, res Roberts Court. Olson Miss Zina, domestic, 509 E First South. Q Olund John, miner, res 195 Oak. CO CD CO CO 03 CD CD A CD 01 > Omaha Live Stock Co, see Inc Cos, G Y Wallace sec, 12-14 Deseret Bank bldg. Omaha & Grant Smelting & Refining Co, A Hanauer agt. Oman Charles, emp W U Tel, res 56 N. Oman Lewis, lab, res 56 N. Oman Matilda (wid Loui*), res 56 N. Ongley Alice, emp Emp S Laundry, res 918 S Third West. Ongley Geo S, emp Clark, Eldredge & Co, res 918 S 3d West. Onion Edward M, auctioneer, rms 47 E First South. Ontario Court, Second West bet Second and Third South. Ontario Saloon, B C Harvey propr 63 W Second South. Ontario Silver Mining Co, see Inc Cos, R C Chambers supt, office 125 S Main. Onterson D, stone cutter, res cor Byron and Bonanza. Onuseat Bertha (wid), res i ith East bet 9th and loth South. Onuseat Charles, farmer, res nth East bet 9th and loth South. Onuseat Charles, gardener, res 1 146 Eleventh East. Openshaw Joseph (Wiscomb & Co), res 27 H. I! SLT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY - R.H. Officer J Go,, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 547 " IP gjj Openshaw Mrs Mary, res 62 i W First North. Openshaw George, res 29 H. "^ Openshaw James, emp U P coal yards, res 831 N Third West. S P Openshaw John, carpet weaver, 615 W First North, res same. Q" & Openshaw Jonathan E, collector Utah National Bank, res 625 C W First North. g Opera House Block, 34-38 W Second South. /> ^ Operhasli Miss Lilian, domestic [27 N West Temple. CO ^ Ophir Consolidated Mining Co The, see inc co's, Daniel Harring- - ton, secy. Ophir Hill Mining Co, see inc cos, T R Jones Treas and Mngr, - office 251 S Main. 3O j Opohonzo Mining Co, see inc cos, Wm Hatfield secy. ^ J Oppenheimer Miss Emma, elk 122 S Main, res 123 N West 23 Temple. C/5 1 , j Oppenheimer Elias S, bkpr Goldsmith & Co, res 123 N West ~ Temple. Si Oppenheimer Miss Jennie, cashier Goldsmith & Co, res 123 N ^_^ West Temple. 5 Orban John, capitalist, res 264 W Fifth South. Orem Albert J, wholesale notions, 67 W First South, res 704 W Second North. j Orem Frank M, elk A J Orem, res 704 W Second North. J Orem Walter S, elk A J Orem, res 704 W Second North. Orgill Edward, tchr, res South Jordan. ^ Orlob August, cabinet mkr, res 133 I. j Orlob Christian, bkpr and stenogr Z C M I, res 137 J. 5 Orlob C A F, bkpr and stenogr Z C M I, res 137 J. 1 Orlob Thorvald, elk Z C M I, res 827 Second. ^ Orphans' Home and Day Nursery, e s State n of Twelfth South. a.) Orr Earl, plasterer, res Gordon, Sugar House Ward. ^ Orr Edward, lab city water works. f *k Orr George, stenogr Utah & M Mach Co, res 103 Second East. _ Orr John, baker, 50 Tenth East. JjjP Orr Jacob, lab, res 573 Seventh East. r Orr Robert H, lab, res 34 Fir. _g Orr Thomas A, elk S J Nathan, res 625 E Second South, k- Orton Caleb, lab, res 363 W Fourth South. *' Orton Charles, carp, rms 216 W Second South. & Orton Li B 9 Jeweler, 1 10 S Main, res 52 S First West. .p Osborn Frank L, res 805 W Fourth South. cu Osborn George, emp U C Ry, res cor 2d South and 9th West. QQ ; Irrigation flge Printing House, Railr()ai)a dC( " iim(!rcialprilito ^ FntiuiMloN I urmshrtl on all kinds of Work. 2O IV. Mill*! South. O PI X O m O O FtneBiiild*r*anl House-mr- I lil/r" 1 1 A n Rill ft n r O A ^ FtneBiii LflKr HAnDuvQRr I [***&** Hardware. Stoves L-MI1L. IIMIlUff Hni.UU., and ifa , Rang-es, Refrigeratora Si-n of Biff (in 11. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) and Gasoline Stoves. 548 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. I" + ~* J 5 Osborn Henry, emp Des W Mills, res 728 W Fourth North. m ^ . Osborn James, rms 121 S First West. a O ^ Osborn James R, timekeeper U P Ry, res 1 2 i N First West. "H *: Osborn John W, lab, res 669 Fifth East. ^ C o Osborn Judge Marcus B, res 33 Ninth East. z w I Osborne Ann (wid Edward), res 485 Eighth. ~ C Osborne Miss Annie, res 485 Eighth. f" Osborne I> M & Co, Auburn, N Y; Joseph M Evans Local 35 Mngr, Harvesting Machinery, 59^063 Market. _ Osborne Elisha H, carp, res Indiana, s of Cheyenne. &6 Osborne Henry J (H J Osborne & Co), res 521 S West Temple, g ~ Osborne II .1 A Co (Henry J Osborne), Real Estate, Loans 30 and Mining, rm I Auer & Murphy Blk. "*3 ~ Osborne Jesse P, Mngr Albany Hotel, res same. [^ ~ Osborne John E, asst steward The Knutsford, rms Holmes bldg. ^ Osborne John L, carriage blacksmith, res 417 W Second North. J 'Osborne Kib S, galv iron cornice mkr, res 367 Eleventh East,. m tZ Osborne Mrs Nellie, mngr 22d Ward Store, res 738 W Fourth c: North. /j Osborne Mrs Mollie, linen room Knutsford, rms Holmes blk. Osbourne Miss Mary, res 58 E Second North. r Osbourne O J, cook Cullen Hotel, bds same Oscarson Fred, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. s Oscarson J, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. ft Osmond George, Mngr R G Dun & Co 502 Progress blk, res 127 Twelfth East. ;p Ostbum Mrs Wilhelmina, res 105 I E Third South. C ) Ostby Karl, tailor 73 W First South, res 41 Floral ave. C_J Ostby Karl S, Prop The London Tailoring Co 272 S State, eg CTD 00 CD CD CD res 105 E Second South. Osterberg Miss Anna M, bkpr Brown, Terry & Woodruff, res PJ 69 First. Osterholt K T, lab Temple, res rear 5 I S Fifth West. Ostland Miss Eureka, res 174 E Second South. Ostler David J (O Bros), res 437 N Second West. Ostler Miss Fanny, res 628 W Fourth North. g=co - Ostler Joseph (Ostler Bros), res 437 N Second West Jgo H Ostler Miss Lola, dom 445 S Main. Jgg Ostler Oliver (Ostler Bros), res 437 N Second West. Ostler Oliver R, salesman, res 628 W Fourth North. .JjSS Ostler Oliver R Jr, elk Pacific Exp Co, res 628 W 4th North. | g- Ostler Walter, elk Godbe, Pitts Drug Co, res 628 W 4th North. Parker d Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. Artificial and Natural Ice. - RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 549 3 Ostler Bros (Oliver, Joseph & David J), Groceries 433 N Second W T est. Ostrander Edward, elk People's Lodging House, res 58 Com'l. Ostrom J P, mining expert, bds Albany Hotel. Oswald Geo P, boot & shoemkr 32 E Second South, res 564 E South Temple. Oswald James, moulder, res 553 Seventh East. Oswald John R, iron moulder, res 721 E Third South. Oswald Robert, iron moulder, res 721 E Third South. m Oswald Wm, sheepman, res 721 E Third South. Ott Edw J. asst mngr Baltimore Packing Co, res 153 E 1st S. O Ott John VV, elk Hughes Produce Co, res 225 S West Temple. Ql Otterbourg Haurice A. JI I> (O & Payne), res 6 Central blk. Otterbourg fc Payne (M A O & Edw P), Proprietors The Utah Medical Dispensary and Surgical Institute, 6 Central Block. 0^ Otterstatter John E, emp S L Hardware Co, res The Manitou. fri 5 Otterway Mrs Emily, domestic 175 Post. HQ Ottesen Mrs Lena, res 443 W Second North H Ottinger Adolph, emp Des VV Mills, res 535 N Fourth West. ^g Kll < Ottinger George M, artist 381 Third, res same. p*") it Ottinger Geo M Jr, coll Taylor-Romney-Armstrong Co, res 381 > ^ to t? Third. r i t* Ottinger Wm M, opr C R Savage, res 381 Third. Q^ Ottis Murray, res 244 W First North. ^ LU Ottley Ellen (wid Thomas), res 557 Fourth. H g Otto Harry V, sec and treas Emp S Lndy Co, res Telluride blk. -> Ottson N, lab city water works. Overstreet Miss Elizabeth M, tchr Collegiate Institute, res 161 Second East. Overstreet Wm, porter 151 S Main, rms Lincoln House. Oviatt Frank, emp Wm Harkins, bds 1 36 W South Temple. Owen Albert E, waiter Cafe du Louvre, rms Lincoln House. Owen Andrew, lab, res cor Frawley and Fourth South. Owen Charles L, elk 48 W Second South, res same. Owen Charles M, civil eng, res 103 Second East. O.wen Daniel W, druggist Farlow's Drug Store, McCornick Blk. Owen Frederick, elk F Auerbach & Bro, rms 329 E 3d South. Owen Henry, miner, res 149 N Eighth West. Owen Hyrum J, emp A Fisher Brew Co, res 8th West, bet 1st and 2d North. Prices and Estimates on Morrison, Merrill & Co, m i LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt Iiake offiee Capital SI.OOO.OOO. Surplus 82OO.OOO. COP. MAIN 10(1 FIRST SOUTH. . . 550 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. L_| g if L^ M - Owen John W, stenogr Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co, res 35 S g 5 Seventh West. TO g J Owen Madison F, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 329 E 3d South. * ft S Owen William D, res 274 F. B Owen William D Jr, trav salesman Z C M I, res 130 J. H o Owen William G, carp T-R-A Co, res 544 W First South. hr . 5 Owen William S, trav salesman Z C M I, res 138 J. \ Owens Mrs Frances, nurse, res 334 S State. 2 Owens Henry T (O, Rumel & Bates), res St James Hotel. * U Owens James D, emp Tom McCoy, res 45 Jefferson. ~ T Owens John, stone cutter, res 65 Back, j- g Owens, Rumel & Bates, cont carps and bldrs, rms 18 and 20 St hr James Hotel. ZJ ^ Owens Mrs Sarah, emp J E Keenan Preserve Co, res Back. _ Owens William, watchman J E Keenan Preserve Co. v rr r Owl The, Xews Co, D J Lewis prop, 49 W Second South. Owl Saloon, R L Springer prop, 127 W Second South. Oxford Club (D C Harris & Co), 30 W Second South. J Oxford The, Enzensperger Bros props, 32 W Second South. gUY WM. J. LEMFS For Hotel and Family Use. L.. W. DITTMANN, Agent, _ Telephone 384. 276 S. Main Street. ^ *+ ;p Pabst Brewing Co, B K Bloch & Co agents, 17-19 Com- 3 mercial. Pabst Fred, Pres Natural Mineral Water Co, res Milwaukee, Wis. O Pabst John B, carp A Fisher Brew Co, res 1015 W First South. &) Pacific Express Co, The, Joseph A Sanborn Agent, F C ^ Gentsch Supt; genl office 1.8 E First South, depot office ^ CO South Temple, n w cor Third West. ^-h r i Pacific Hedge Co, The, see inc cos, Fred Simon Secy; office Me- Cornick's Bank. Pacific Investment Co, The, see inc cos, U U Hickey Sec ; office 41 and 42 Commercial Blk. P Pacific Lumber Co, see inc cos, Alma Eldredge Pres arnd 13 f ] Mngr, Eleventh E, s w cor S Boulevard. See adv opp City -3" Index. (JQ GO 10ASS A 8PECUIT7, c S'S k ' I MONEY TO LOAN. l SS5fffc'g!; Real Estam Broker, H. p. o. num. I E. i. SBEETS. Room K. comiwTi:ii R.H. Officer & Go., ASSAYERS.^^S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. v 551 _ Pacific States Savings, Loan & Building Co, of San Francisco, -^- t Cal, Hampton & Jones agts, 240 Constitution bldg. ^ | Pack Julia I (wid John), res 167 N West Temple. \ 5 Pack Marion E, bkpr The Contributor, res Ninth East, bet Elev- "^ * enth and Twelfth South. ^\- Pack Miss May, dressmkr Mather Sisters, res 1 14 W First N. Q Pack Ward E Jr, bkpr, res 1 14 W First North. : Packard John Cfc, Pres Eureka Hill Mining Co, bds Walker pr] j House Q/3 j Paddison Lewis C, lab R G W Ry, res 42 S Sixth West. Paddock Alonzo G, -mining, res cor K and Seventh. *G& OD Paddock Mrs A G, authoress, res cor K and Seventh. 1 Padozzi Dominick, stonemason, res 59 S State. , ^ Paer Theo, emp Soap Factory, res 48 Simondi ave, bet 2d & 3d N. ; Page Anetol H, chief cook Cullen Hotel, res 264 S W Temple. Q" 2 Page Edward J, second hand store 1 10 W 1st S, res 3 8th E. ;* Page Frank, lab, res Folsom add. J Page Henry, chief elk Utah Commission, bds Alta Club. ; * j Page John (Page & Co), res rear 341 W Sixth South. t ^ ; Page Lavina S (wid John), res 355 W Sixth South. ,, \ Page Lily L, domestic 253 E First South. CO : Page Miss Louisa, opr Z C M I Clothing Factory. *~3 J Page Thomas W, lab, res 355 W Sixth South. ^ 9 Page Thomas, emp R G W Ry, res West Jordan. CD GO Page William, res 134 North Main. ~i Page & Co (John P and Sarah E Griffiths), genl rndse, 341 W ^3- ^ Sixth South. ^J Paine James E (Payne & Lyne), res Grand Hotel, ^ 03 Paine William J, bkpr Kahn Bros, res Valley House. j^ ^ Paine & I^yiie (James E Paine, Walter C Lyne), Wools, ^^ GO Hydes, Pelts, etc, 151 State. See Buyers' Guide. ~ ^- Paist Lafe, res 60 1 E Ninth South. 3 _ Palace Drug Store, J G Jacobs propr, 79 W Second South. ^* ^ Pallerson Miss Annie, res 573 S First West. J 0^ 03 Pallerson Miss Bertha, res 573 S First West. i 03 Palmer Miss Annie, dom 925 W Eighth South, ft.|T| rn Palmer Edward, motorman S L Rapid Transit Co, res 408 N ?D ro Second West. s5 g Palmer Elizabeth (wid Lewis E), res 371 W Seventh North. -C p^ Palmer Elizabeth (wid Jas), res 606 S Second West. 22 CQ Palmer Ezra, letter carrier P O dept. O (X3 Palmer Fred G, contr, res 222 N First West. CO Rogers, SearlesJ Go GENERAL INSURANCE. IJ ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWIRE CO.p Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j u us. . 111 IIMI fin i on. rmM IK lery, I i^liin^ Tackle ami Sport inu: Goods, iiuus fetigrn of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Tents for Rent. 652 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. D Palmer G E, prest Niagara M & S Co, res Philadelphia, Penn. Palmer Geo F, mason, res 807 W Eighth South. Palmer G H, capt 1 6th Infantry, Co B, res Fort Douglas. Palmer John F, well driver, bds 606 S Second West. Palmer John H, teamster, res 606 S Second West Palmer John T, rms 3 I S First West. Palmer Lewis F, prop Star Chop House, rms 3 1 S First West. O Palmer Ligboun P, elk street supervisor, rms 130 Third East. Palmer Mary Ann (wid Fred), res 408 N Second West. Palmer Mifflin, blksmith, res 512 S State. O Palmer M E, res 223 W Fifth South. Palmer Miss Nellie M, domestic 556 S Second W T est Palmer Obed A, Mining Engineer and U S Deputy Mineral C Vi Surveyor 57-58-59 Chamber of Commerce bldg, res 659 E *I^ t Sjuth Temple. C/0 Palmer Royal A, mason, res 606 S Second West. } Palmer Theresa C, dressmkr, res 408 N Second West. C ) Palmer Thos, porter Clift House Barber Shop, res 362 S State. Palmer Wm, contractor, res 556 S Second West. ^ h Palmer Wm D, livery stable 125 E Fourth South, res same. gj Palmer Wm F, teamster, res rear 252 W Sixth South. d?. j^- Palmquist Bros (David A & Chas E), Groceries and Pro- | o . visions, 105 E First South. CD ^ ~ Palmquist Chas E (P Bros), res 827 E Sixth South. 5 ^ - Palmquist David A (Palmquist Bros), res 827 E Sixth South. ^^ fil Palmquist Elias D, shoemkr, res 827 E Sixth South. ^ t T Palmquist Joseph W, blacksmith, res 827 E Sixth South. O Palmquist William, bds 827 E Sixth South. CD ^ ^ Pan American Mining and ?I ill ing Co, seeinc co's, W CO A Graves Manager, office 12 Union National Bank Bldg ro Pancake Mrs Juliete, res 764 Third. Pannier Arthur A, eng J C Murphy & Co, res 135 W 6th South.. Q. Panquist Fred, emp White House. P. Panter A, second-hand clothing, 22 E 2d South, rms Richelieu &* House. Papworth Richard (Knight & Co), res 225 W Fifth North. Papworth Richard Jr, butcher Knight & Co, res 3 Hawkes Ct. I?" 3 Paradice William, plumber J W Farrell & Co, rms Dyer L H. \^ Paramore Miss Alice, emp Troy S Laundry, res 1029 E 6th S. * | Paramore Mrs Ann, nurse, bds 1133 E Fourth South. Paramore Miss Eliza A, bds 1 133 E Fourth South. Paramore Fred T, wool grower, res rear 1029 E Sixth South. CO O7TTWT7TTAT7I Printing in all its Branches. IT TWITO OH \l 1 U U I Good W6rk, Reasonable Prices. I f U| il fl 1 1 I I V rl r\ lV I Honest Treatment of Customers I 1 4 I Ilia fcSflUl llillYJ_l I 52 w igd South . ^Telephone 249 | " 1 L * * *-" ^ v e ork. CHHISCUIT&MliHUFJlCTlNGCO l) SalUakeCity. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 553 J3 Paramore George, stonemason, res rear 1029 E Sixth South. . , Paramore George Jr, stone mason, res rear 1029 E Sixth South. S3 Paramore Joseph, fireman S L Brewery, res rear I 145 E 4th S. Parce Felson, retired, res 23 E Eighth South. CH Pardee James D, atty at law 507 Dooly Bik, res 166 Mitchell ave. H Pardoe Florence, domestic 428 S Second West. -^J Pardoe William, lab, res 458 W Sixth South. Parish Caroline (wid Francis E), res 747 W First North. .. J Parish Franklin E, elk, bds 747 W First North. f Park Allen T. farmer, res e s State, North Mill Creek. Park Arthnr H, motorman S L C R R, res e s 4th E s of loth S. ** Park Avenue, Eighth and Ninth South bet Fifth and Sixth East. Q^ Park Boyd (Joslin & P), res 468 S Main. Park Charles, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. JJJ 1 Park City Sampling Mills, office 41 Scott Auerbach bldg. * . Park Hamilton G, emp Z C M I, res 1 14 Third South. jg- h Park Harry W, cont agt Santa Fe Route, rms 562 S Main. < Park James, bds e s State, North Mill Creek. ^ O ParK James, tinner, 147 S Main, res 118 W First .North. o! Park John R, res 166 N State. E; | Park Miss Margaret B, res 468 S Main. S2 * Park Mary W (wid Wm), res 735 W First South. : Park Samuel C, Mngr Wasatch Drug Co, res 468 S Main. Park Wm George, lab, res 735 W First South. Sg* Q Park Wm G, farmer, res e s State, North Mill Creek. jj Parker Bertha, chambermaid Walker, rms same. Jg ^H y Parker Miss Caroline, dom 9 i 5 W First North. v < H Parker Charles E, elk B K Bloch & Co, res 357 S Fourth West. & - 1 Parker Charles G (S A Parker & Bro), res 406 E Third South. p Parker Charles H, teamster, res Tola, w of Riverside ave. CD Parker Charles W 7 , Saloon, 1 15 S Main, res 357 S 4th West. SJ Parker Daniel, elk Rowe-M-S Co, res 521 W First South. * CO Parker Edward C, bricklayer, res 914 S Third West. IO J Parker Edwin C, bkpr H Denhalter & Sons, res Cullen Hotel. Parker Edwin S, rmagr H Denhalter & Son, rms 246 Sixth East. tlJ Parker Francis W, miner, res 218 H. Parker Frank JL (Parker & Depue), res 519 Fifth East. - Parker Frederick, teamster Parker & Depue, res 5 S and 5 E. Parker F C, lab, res 17 S Fifth West. Ill Parker F L, real estate agt, res 519 Fifth East. Parker Harry W, elk A W Caine & Co, rm 12, 54 W 2d South. Parker Henry W (P & Trenholm), res 450 E Fifth South. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., . * 303 & 305 McCornicK Bldg., SALT LAKE CITY. P.O. B4W. Twepbune Ml. Shirts of Every Description. EpairiB(ft8>eialtj WBITTEMOBE, COOKE & CO., i>si it AX i;. Boom 310, McCornick Building. Phenix I JIM inn ire Com puny, of Brooklyn. New York Af&ete, $5.773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, $1,597,375.41 - 554 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. o '7 Parker Isaac X, elk Geo A Lowe, res 77 W Fifth South. - Parker Miss Jane, res 175 Fifth West. ?3? Parker Joseph, plumber, res rear 423 W First North. ocn r Parker Leonidas C, contr. res 425 W Fourth South. Parker Miss Lizzie, milliner, res 357 S Fourth West. Parker Marguerite (wid Wm R), res 1 7 S Fifth West. % Parker Mrs Margaret E, dressmkr, res rear 457 W Third South. 7 Parker Merian E (wid W B), dressmkr, res rear 528 S State. E Parker Mrs M S, housekpr Walker House, res same. Parker Miss O, res 175 Fifth West. Parker Orson H, teamster, res 538 W Second Xorth. Parker Robert W, contractor, bds 450 E Fifth South. Parker Simon A (S A P &' Bro), res 406 E Third South. Parker Susan (wid Wm B), res 208 W Fifth North. Parker S A & Bro (Simon A & Chas G), brick work contractors, 406 E Third South. Parker Thos R, salesman Klenke & Co, res 442 W 2d North. Parker Thos S, night elk U P Hotel. Parker William G, studt, res 357 S Fourth West. Parker Wm H, lab, res 519 E Fifth South. Parker Sr Depue (Frank L Parker, David A Depue), Whole- sale and Retail Lumber Dealers and Cement, n e cor Third West and Second South. See left bottom lines. Parker fc Treiiholm (Henry W P & J M T), Jersey Farm Dairy, Box 961. See adv. Parkerson Jas, bkpr R G W Ry, res 205 E Fourth South. Parkin W L, salesman J Edwards. Parkinson Eugene, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 636 E 4th S. Parkinson James T, elk frght dept R G W Ry, res 636 E 4th S. Parkinson Wm B, Physician & Surgeon 47 E First South, res same. Parks Andrew J, waiter The Manitou, res 131 E Second South. Parks E I, comp Herald, rms 60 Richards. Parks Geo W (P & Thompson), res 144 Seventh East. Parks John O, wiper U P Ry depot, res 125*8 Third West. Parks dr Thompson (Geo W P & E D R T), Land and Mining Attorneys, 57 W Second South. Parlor Drug Store, Gries Bros Proprietors, 80 E 2d South. fParmelee Geo V (Dart & P), res 48 E Third South. Parmenter L, res O'Meara blk. Parr George, watchman S L B & Mnfg Co, res rear 127 N 2d West. QAIT I Ak'P I ITHfl ffl Lithographing, Printing and Blank OHL I LHuL LI I nU. UU. p nn v MaVinn The Finest in the Western GO O 00 2. z < y CO a u H C O D- are CD CD CD 62 W. Second South. Telephone 248. Country R.H. Officers Go,, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 555 3 Parratt Andrew W, elk Tullidge & Co, res 523 W 6th South. Q 2^ Parratt Geo W, packer H Dinwoodey F Co, res 523 W 6th South. ^ rt Parratt John W, cabinetmkr, res 51 Plum. _ rjg Parratt Philip, cook, res Utah House. r^" t| Parratt William, peddler, res 5 I Plum. ^ Parrish Mrs Ella, res North Salt Lake. . Parry, see Perry. C50 Parry Barnard, res 44 S Fifth West. _ $_^ Parry Mrs Caroline, res 154 N Seventh West. ^J ""3 Parry David, lab, res 165 Post. -y^ Parry David M, printer, bds 104 S Fifth West. 73j Parry David G, bricklayer, res 606 W First South. -i Parry David R, contractor and builder, r:s 606 W First South. I Parry Edward R, elk, res I54'N Seventh West. Parry Edwin F, pr'mter Juvenile Instructor, res 29 N W Temple. S Parry Elizabeth (wid John), res 154 N Seventh West. ^. Parry Ellen (wid Edw), res 104 S Fifth West. Fi-1 ^T Parry E W, lab, res 33 S Fifth West. ^ Parry Fannie, res 606 W First South. m ^ ^ Parry George, lab, res 33 S Fifth West. - Parry Gromway, stone cutter Temple, res 947 Lake. > 2i Parry Harriet P (wid John), res 608 W South Temple. ^ Parry Henry E, foreman Juvenile Instrtictor, res 624 W S Temple. ^Zj Parry James, mason, res State, Murray. | *^3 Parry Miss Jane, res 33 S Fifth West. X) Parry John, miller E Morris, bds Valley House. ^ - Parry John, lab, res 596 W Second South. .$2 Parry Joseph 1 1, y rum. mngr Merchant Printing Co, 27 and 29 W South Temple, res 4 I E North Temple, see adv*. j^ 3 Parry Joseph, lab, res 44 S Fifth West. Parry Joseph R, mason, res 44 S Fifth West. . Parry Leo, brickmason and contr, res 768 W South Temple. GQ Parry Lewis S, stonecutter, res 745 W South Temple. tQ p: Parry Miss Lottie, bds 33 S Fifth West. 2- .2 Parry Miss Minnie, domestic, res 423 S West Temple. ? ^ Parry Miss Nettie, res 33 S Fifth West. P3 Parry Rudolf, bricklayer, res 768 W South Temple. g* Cj^. Parry Thos R, painter U P Ry, res 615 W First South. ^ Parry Wm, lab, res 33 S Fifth West. 00 Parson Alfred, lab, res 537 W Secfond South. jg TJ Parson H T, emp S L C R R Co, res 775 E Fourth South. po C3 Parson John A, bartndr, res 516 N Second West. 3 TheMgatiionAjei?. Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Office*, Salt l, Patterson Ada, tchr i ith School, res 331 S Main. r^ Patterson Agnes (wid Robert), res 763 E First South. d Patterson Annie (wid Niels), res 22 N First West. 13 Patterson Charles, musician, res 22 N First West. C/5' Patterson Clarence G, carp, bds 46 E Sixth South. ^" Patterson David, master mech U P Ry, res 71 Centre. Patterson Hyrum S, carp, bds 763 E First South. Patterson Miss Joanna, res 349 W North Temple. % S Patterson J, coach cleaner R G W Ry, res 651 W S Temple. jf g Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Dealem. At the front in Stock Fa- cilities and Enterprise Xorlli U. P. Depot. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., I Mone * to Loan on comer Main ami Ftt-st south. \ Improved City Property. . 558 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. [H 1 Patterson Mrs Mary, boarding, res 349 W North Temple. C Patterson Mrs Nellie, res 28 W First South. CQ 2 J Patterson Robt L, carp, rms 46 E Sixth South. ft S Patterson William, coml trav, res 275 M. * J Patterson Wm E, Attorney at Law, res Uintah Hotel. H Patterson Wm F, condr S L Rapd Trans, s e corner Ninth South h[ ^ S and Fourth West. * g Patterson Wm J, emp R G W Ry, res 65 I W South Temple. Patterson W S, Master Mech S L C R R Co, res 855 E 3d S. ** g Patton Thomas M (Patton, Reese & Dale), res Richelieu Hotel. ~ Patton, Reese & Dale (Thomas M P, \Vill R and A C Dale), 55 g 5 plumbers and gas fitters, 12 E Second South. ~ = Patty Arthur, elk Hubbard & Patty, res 4 Kendall Terrace. 3 W Patty Robert, elk Hubbard & Patty, res 4 Kendall Terrace. Paul Adam M, miner, res 5 I E Seventh South. rr? Paul Albert L, carp, bds 573 Second _ _ - UJ Paul Ann (wid Wm), res 573 Second. ^ w 2E Paul Miss Barbara, res rear 537 Ninth East. gj Paul Elizabeth H (wid James P), res rear 537 Ninth East. ~ * CQ Paul Miss Ellen R, res 5 I E Seventh South. * ? Paul Hiram R, res 837 Lake. r" 2j UJ Paul Joseph E, mach Silver Bros, res 837 E Fourth South. ? 3 f^ Paul Joseph K, carp, res Brighton. sr 2^ Paul Miss Lotta R, elk Tenth Ward Store, res 537 Ninth East. ^ Paul Miss Maud, res 537 Ninth East. QC Paul Samuel, Chief of Police, res 563 E Second South. t|Ji Paul Samuel J (Hughes & P), notary public, res 1 166 Emerson av. 8J < Paul Warren (Webber & Co), res 357 First. 3 Paul William H, chief claim elk ROW Ry, Board of Trade Bldg. ^ Uj Paulsen Miss Bertha, res 573 S First West. ^ CD Paulson Annie (wid Peter), res 47 Back. 03 *^ Paulson Edward M, lab, res 47 Back. Paulson Edward M, mason, res 540 N First West. Paulson F N, studt University of Utah, res Brinton, S L Co C/0 Paulson Miss Nellie, res 47 Back. J3 ^ Paulson Nellie, domestic 540 N First \Vest. j <3^ Paulson Peter, res 203 E First South. tj ^>, Paulson Samuel, farmer, res Sugar House Ward, bet iith and 9 f T^J 1 2th South e of I4th East. O Pautsch Miss Agnes, elk J E Sherlock, res 860 Ninth East. f--} Pautsch Mrs Florentine, res 860 Ninth East. j Pavey Jos R, mason, res 44 S Fifth West. oo Heal Estate Broker, ^t'c^'l Mone^ to Loan, oaas a Specialty, fl. P. G. C01TES. I E. I. SHEETS, Room It Cnimfrrial Illork. B.H.Dffl88riGo..ASSAYEBS.SiS5; _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 559 Pavey W Chas (W C P & Co), rms 1 13 S West Temple. 5g Pavey W C & Co (W Chas P), Wholesale Wooden and g- Willow Ware, 1135 West Temple. s < Pavey Walter D, bkpr McCornick's Bank, res 59 Mercantile blk. . 5 Paymaster's Dept USA, Maj John S Witcher paymaster, 1 12- ^ 113 Commercial blk. ** Paxton Avenue, Second West bet Ninth and Tenth South. r->T . Payne Alden E, bkpr Kidder & Bro, res 659 E Eighth South. ^ Payne Edw P, II I> (Otterbourg & P), res 70 E 2d South. r-\ *^3 Payne Geo E, boiler mkr U P Ry, res 149 W South Temple. ^ ^ Payne Geo E, res 242 W South Temple. oJ* ^^ Payne Henry, res 851 Fourth East. r C3 Payne James, shoemkr 205 State, res 564 Brigham. 2? p5 Payne Miss June, type writer, res 851 Fourth East. -g CD Payne John, driver Troy S Laundry, res 354 Ninth East. *p2 Payne John, contractor, res Third South w of Jordan. E> Payne Wm J, bkpr Kahn Bros, bds Valley House. co ** Payson George, wiper R G W Ry, res 476 S Fourth West. CD^ Payten Alfred, dairy, res State s of Twelfth South. CO Peabody Alfred H, gen bkpr Coml Natl Bank, res 209 8th East. (fl ^ Peabody Mine E J 9 Cosmetic Parlors 43, S Main, res 1 29 W ffl r - Second South, see adv. *r^ ^ Peach James, elk Colorado Bakery, rms 4 E Third South. I Peacock Coal & Mining Co (Inc), George W Overstreet pres, O i^ John F Dodson vice-pres, R E Dodson sec, Isham B Dod- Q son treas. LU Peacock James, checker U P Ry, res 281 F. O ' Pead Mary E (wid Parley), res 346 S West Temple. 3 Pead Parley, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 346 S W Temple. Peak Andrew B 9 Dentist 2 and 4 U C & S Bank bldg, res ^ j 920 E Third South, ^"3 Pearce, see Peirce and Pierce. *> fyT Pearce Charles, tin and coppersmith 737 Fifth East, res * ^ rr2 same, see adv. ^ j Pearce Edward, mach R G W Ry, bds Albany Hotel. ^ 3 Pearce Elizabeth (wid James), res 763 Second. Pearce Frances S, bkfolder, bds 763 Second. Pearce James G, painter, res 763 Second. a Pearce John J, stock man Juvenile Instructor, res 763 Second. Pearce Samuel P, cond R G W Ry, rms 5^8 W Second South. 9 *+ Pearce Miss Sarah A, bkbinder Juvenile Instructor, res 763 2nd. J5 r^ Pearcy Miss Leannah, domestic Hotel Windsor. 5 Rogers, SearlesS Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, OKNTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 Slir.i of Bi* eon. 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J H r Wrought, Steel and Can ne Stove*, Refrigerators, and Copper War*. Flo* 560 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. (7") Pearl Avenue, runs e and w bet Eleventh and Twelfth South also bet State and Second East. Pearlman Harold V, elk, bds 50 W Third South. Pearlmah Julius M, elk Golden Rule Bazaar, res 50 W 3d South. Pearlson Wolf, lab, res 214 S Fourth West. Pearse Lucien C, stenogr frght dept U P Ry, rms Metropolitan Hotel. Pearson Arthur, res Brighton. Pearson Chas E, Sec'y GSL&HSRy, 710 McCornick Blk, res Bountiful. Pearson Duane W, window trimmer Walker Bros & Fyler Co, rms Telluride blk ^ _ Pearson Emma, res 405 S Third East. Pearson Mrs Hattie A, elk Walker Bros & F, rms Telluride blk. Pearson Henry, engineer Deseret Nezvs, res 224 H. Pearson Henry M, stockman, res 751 E Ninth South.* Pearson Isaac, emp Grant Bros L & T Co, res 44 S W Temple. . . - ... r __ f _ ._,._,. O VV 1CU1U1C. f"H Pearson Joshua, tanner, res 664 W Third North. ^^ Pearson Mary E (wid Henry C), res 252 E Third South. """ O< Pearson Oliver, inach S L C R R, res 40 Rosella. 55 rH Pearson P, emp Gtrmania Lead Works, res Murray. 2i "~ " Pearson Wm, mn^r J C Cutler & Bro Knitting Factory, res o' c . 320 W Sixth North. jjg ^ 3 Pearson Wm, moi.l Jer, res Poplar ave, n w cor Vine. TJJ S Peart Jacob, farmer, res i ith South, bet State and Main. ^ Peart John G, merchant Sugar House Ward, res i ith South, bet IJ "^ State and Main. ~T P"*> Peart Olynthus L, farmer, res iith South, bet State and Main. JJf C-J Peart Miss Vilate, saleslady C R Savage, res I ith South, bet JJJ fV^ State and Main i ^ Pease V H, mail contractor, res 675 Fourth. k^ ( Peaslee W C, Physician and Surgeon, i and 4 Coml Block, f ^ res 433 E First South. cE i i Peck Alfred, del elk 56 S Main, res 173 N First West. Jo DH Peck Chas W (P & Cooper), res 1020 W South Temple. I_ pij Peck Charles W Jr, elk, bds 1020 W South Temple. ? }V^ Peck Cyril, tmstr, res 163 N First West. ^=? .^ Peck David H, tmstr, res 209 W First North. fe^ t ^ Peck Dorr, tmstr, res 172 W North Temple. Peck Miss Edith, res 173 N First West. Peck Mrs Elizabeth, res 721 S Fourth West. J^ Peck Esther L (wid Martin H), res 173 N First West. " SflU LUKE | IUTHO. G(L | 52 W. StfCoBd South. Teieph*n* 141. i o CO BIMiMMCTlie CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 561 Peck Miss Gertrude, elk. bds 1020 W South Temple. Peck Herman A, mach U P Ry, res 644 W Third North. Peck James L, civil eng, 508 Constitution Bldg, res 16 N Fifth West. Peck John L, porter Hanson Produce and Com House, res 55 W First North. Peck Joseph A, blksmith 10} N First West, res same. Peck Louis, painter, res 854 W Third North. Peck & Cooper (Chas W Peck, Albert E Cooper), Grocers, 1 80 W South Temple, see adv. Peckot Bias, cook, res 174 E Second South Peclersen Anton, Director Brigade Band and Teacher of Piano, res Superior add, see adv. Pedersen Ole B, bartender Wm Schade, res rear 125 State. Pederson Hans, moulder Eagle Foundry, bds 352 W 2d North. 52 ~ Pederson Henry, moulder Silver Bros, res 352 W Second North. Si 5= ^ Peduzzi Dominick, stone cutter, rms 59 S State. 5^ 1^ Peebles Edwin L, carp U P Ry, res 174 N Third West. S^ Peebles Elwin, car builder U P Ry, res 174 N Third West. ^O 2^5 Peery Lyman H, peddler, res 558 E Fourth South. C ||^J}[ Peete Stanley T, rms Mercantile blk. Q3 |g<0 Pehrson N, stone splitter City & Co bldg, res 735 E 9th South. JEJ ^< Peiler John M, lab R G W Ry, res 253 E Fifth South. CD *""^ Peirce, see Pearce and Pierce. j* ggg Peirce Eli H, solicitor Heber J Grant & Co, res 487 First. o Sd Peirce James M, res Forestdale add. ^j-j s& Peirce Nephi P, mach, res 451 W Seventh South. v-< uj Peirpont James, boilermkr, res 543 Eighth East. g- l^Q Peirpont Miss Florence, res 543 Eighth East. |S-i Peirson Caroline (wid Ray N), res rear I3th Ward school house. Q 3 Peirson John P, res West Jordan. CD m ^ mm Peirson W J, lab city street dept. * Peistrup Miss Dora M, domestic I 29 E Fourth South. M Pelfer Mrs Adelaide, res 262 S Seventh West. Pells Thomas, miner, res 10 Washington ave. Pelz Emil E, bkpr Jacob Engler, res 3 1 1 E Third South. Pembroke Herbert, printer, res 264 W Second North. Pemberton John, carp, res Twelfth West and Eighth North. ^ z Pence Charles J, atty at law, 17-20 Merc Blk. res 157 9th E. fl CO Pender Hopkins C, lab, res Eleventh East n of Twelfth South. ^ij Pender LaCell, saloon I ith E n of I2th S, res same. J HI Pender M S, bartndr, res 533 Chester ave. H [Jj 09 u -i u bi CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McComiCl[ BA- SALT LAKE CITY. F.O.BoxitZ. Telephone 631. Shirts of Every Description. Impairing a Special (j INSURANCE, & fA \ Perry James, mason, res 3 Poplar ave. * CO Perry James E, res 925 E Seventh South. ~ Perry Jeremiah C, lab, res 1224 E Fifth South. CO Perry John, miller P P Roller Mills, rms Valley House. C/> Ferry John A, Mngr Aberdeen Poultry Yards, 41 Aber- ^ deen, res same. I ^ Perry Joseph C, dairy, res Sugar House Ward. E 5 Perry L H, peddler, res 706 Fourth East. { i Perry. Miss Maggie, tchr, res Sandy. Ct '* Perry Owen R, mason, res 37 N Fifth West. n * _ Perry Pierre O. bkpr, res s w cor 5th East and Eleventh South. Perry Thomas R, painter U P Ry, res 615 W First South. Perry Wm G, mach, res 18 S Pitts ave. ^ Perry W G, lab R G W Ry, res 356 S Seventh West. Perry Wm H, farmer, res s side I ith South w of 5th East. CO Peters Fred, lab, res 459 W Eighth South. Peters Fred Jr, moulder U P Ry, res 459 W Eighth South. Peters John, lab, res 254 W Fern. Peters John A, porter Am Natl Bank. Peters Miss Matilda, domestic 415 S West Temple. Peters Jlax A, Propr Opera House Barber Shop & Bath =* Rooms, 38 W Second South, res 264 W Fourth South. ^ Peters Richard, painter, res Navajo s of Indiana ave. J c Peters Urban J W, Mngr Litho Dept S L Lithographing Co, r?g res 137 N Main. 1 S3 Peters Wm, carp, res lola ave, w of Riverside ave. p- a Parter & Depoe, Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Window and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. Tele P hone RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 565 Peters Wm, moulder, bds n e brickyard, 2ist Ward. Peters Wm Jr, candymkr J G McDonald, bds n e brickyard, 2 ist Ward. Petersen Albert, tailor, res 1 06 Centre. Petersen Anna, domestic Grand Hotel. Petersen Miss Augusta, res 66 Vine. Petersen Caroline, res rear Thirteenth Ward Assembly Rooms. Petersen Henry, moulder Silver Bros, res 1 14 N First East. Petersen Henry H, elk 53 S Main, res First S, bet 2d and 3d E. Petersen H E, emp Wm Harkins. Petersen H O, tailor, res 47 Grape. Petersen James, waiter, res 24 W Seventh South Petersen Miss Jennie, cook, rms 242 Seventh East. Petersen John, moulder Silver Bros, res 1 14 N First East. Petersen John, laborer, res 131 E First South. Petersen Lauritz W, res 1 13 Second. Petersen Miss Lena, dressmkr, res rear 437 Second East. Petersen Miss Lena, domestic 36 Union ave. Petersen Mrs Lena, housekeeper 338 E Second South. Petersen Mrs Lizzie, laundress, res 874 E Second South. Petersen Ole B, porter 167 S Main, res rear 125 State. < Petersen Peter, lab S L C R R, res Social Hall ave. x Petersen Peter G, carp Temple, res 5 I Rosella, bet 6th and 7th N. Petersen Robert, elk White & Sons Co. Petersen Walde'mar H 9 Butcher, Grand West View Add, Sugar House Ward, tu Petersen Waldemar H, Jr, butcher, res 385 Fifth. Peterson Albert N, tailor Am Tailoring Co, res 106 Centre. ^ Peterson C J, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Peterson Miss Diana, domestic 363 S Main. -^ " Peterson Daniel, bds 1 14 S State. C C/0 Peterson Miss Emma, domestic 30 Floral ave. * Peterson Englehas, bds w s Jordan River s of Indiana ave. A Peterson Erick J, groceries 1 1 6 E Second South, res same. i Peterson Ernest, carp, res 208 W Fourth North. C Peterson Frederick, expman, res 320 Steffenson ave. \ Peterson Frederick, bds 1 1 26 Fourth. " 3 Peterson Frederick, res 643 Third East. Peterson Frederick, carp, rms 528 W Second South. (T LOANS A SPECIALTY, C SS!2S'* I MONEY TO LOR Eeal Estate Broker. H. p. G. cum. I E. t. SHEETS. Rom i. cnimr-m B.H. Offleeri Co., ASSAYEBS.S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 567 _ Peterson Frederick F, expressman, res 320 Steffenson ave Peterson F (wid Jas), res 357 Third East. Peterson Fred G, teamster, res rear 753 Third East. Peterson Geo, expressman, res 337 Third East. *"O Peterson Geo, motorman S L Rapid Transit Co, res 317 W Seventh South. Peterson Geo A, cond S L C R R, res rear 754 Fourth East. -^ Peterson Miss Gertie S, res rear i 16 E Second South. . Peterson Miss Gunnell E, res rear 1 16 E Second South. Q^ Peterson Hans, res 114 State. Peterson Hans, teamster, res 61 N Fifth West. -03 Peterson Hans, bds 337 Third East. O Peterson Hans, lab, res 815 S Fourth West. CD Peterson Henry, moulder, res 1 14 State. Peterson Hugo, comp Dcserel Nevus, res 273'}. Zj" Peterson Mrs Ingra, res 114 State. Peterson James, waiter Cullen Hotel, bds same. Peterson James, lab, res e s State s of Tenth South. Peterson James, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Peterson J. emp Germania Lead Wks, res Murray. Peterson James C, carp, res 32 Union ave. Peterson Jennie, emp Des W Mills, res 208 W First North. Peterson John, carp, res 633 E Fifth South. Peterson John, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Peterson John A, Groceries and Emigration Agent, 156 E Second South, res same. I" Peterson John F, shipping elk Cunnington Co, res 821 N 3d W. - Peterson John H, lab, res rear 655 E Second South. Peterson John J, shipping elk Studebaker Bros, res 364 E 7th S. ^ Peterson J C, res 32 Union Ave. S Peterson J C, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. 2L Peterson John T, tailor Wells & Co, res 560 N Second West. ^ Peterson Mrs Karron O, res rear 655 E Second South. Peterson Lewis, tailor John Miller Jr, res 24 W Third South. S3 Peterson Miss Lina, res n s Fourteenth South e of Ninth East. 3 Peterson Louis R, lab, res rear i 56 E Third South. 5 Peterson Ludwig, elk, res 264 E Seventh South. X3j Peterson Magdalena, carpet weaver 625 Third East, res same. SJ Peterson Marie G, res 171 Oak. IT Peterson Margreta (wid Gustav), res 380 C. 55 Peterson Mrs Margaretta A plain sewing, res 45 i 7th S. " Q X3 Peterson Martin, lab, res 338 E Second South, (f) Rogers, SearlesiGo,. GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. I" Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2<1 South, j MM*, v mmiiiiiiioii. rinet in- lery, Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods. Guns and Tents for Rent. CO 568 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Peterson Miss Mary, domestic 715 E South Temple. ^ ||| Peterson Mrs Mary, res Keyser's Court. Peterson Mary, chambermaid Hotel Knutsford, bds same. /C Peterson Mary (uid Hans), res e s I3th E 2 n of I4th S. Peterson Miss Minnie H, dom 326 S First West. -^ Peterson Mons, tailor Ch W Muhl, res i \v I3th schoolhouse. ^_ Peterson Nelson, farmer, Mill Creek. . Peterson Xels, lab, n s Water, Waterloo Add. ~^ Peterson Niels W, carp Temple, res 183 J. ~ Peterson Olif, tailor, 1 10 S State, res rear 43 Grape. Peterson Orvill E, studt L D S College. gp Peterson Oscar, lab, res 344 N Second West. ^ m Peterson Oscar F, bkpr W U Tel Co, res 485 Fourth. ^** Peterson O P, lab city, res 256 E Fifth South. '"., X Peterson Paulina (wid Fredchof), res 17 Mortensen's Court. ^y t Peterson Peter, lab, res 603 S Third West _ Peterson Peter, eng S L C Brewery, res 507 Eleventh East. Q-- Peterson Peter, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Peterson Peter, emp Wm Harkins. "~ "" """ Peterson Peter, car repr S L C R R Co. *- * . Peterson Peter, miner, res 754 W Ninth South. R 2 Peterson Peter O, bartndr, res 46 E Sixth South. C S Peterson P O 9 Wagon and Carriage Maker, i mile s of Mur- Q ^ ray, res same. JJ _ Peterson Peter S, waiter, res 236 J. - Peterson Rasmus, farmer, res e s I3th East 2 n of i^th South. -5 ^ ~ Peterson Rasmus, lab, res Mortensen Court. Jj-J Peterson Robert, cigar maker, res 208 W Fourth North. CD Peterson Samuel, farmer, res w s of 3d East bet loth & i ith So. JJ Peterson Samuel J, yard foreman Co-op W & M Co, res 703 Fifth East. ' EF Peterson Sophie, chambermaid Hotel Knutsford, res same. ^ Peterson Miss Stena, domestic 607 S Main. CD Peterson Swen O, carp, res rear 655 E Second South. c/5 Peterson S, carp r res Garfield ave bet nth and I2th South. Peterson W N, student U of U, res 270 W North Temple. ? Peterson & Brown, (Chas P & James A B), House and Jj? Sign Painters, 63 W First South. See page j6. .3! Petrovitzky Abraham, res 160 Third East. ~- Petrovitzky Miss Ester, res 160 Third East. ~ Petrovitzky Jacob. Utah Loan Office, i 5 E Second South. ^ 2 Pett Frank, salesman Geo Edwards & Co, res Glen ave. "= CO ^ O7TTW T 7TTAT7I Printing in all its Branches. I T TWfin \l U U U I Good W5rk, Reasonable Prices. I f U ' OfllAl lAfllALil Honest Treatment of Customers. I |_V I I) . V/I1L11 U111VLA | 52 w -2 d South. .Telephone 249 | "^AllWi BISCUIT & MANUFACTURING CO.. Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 569 JQ Pettee C J 9 pub Western Knight, 272 State, res same. Pettegrew Caroline C (wid David), res 550 Eighth East. J Pettis Albert H, carp, bds Eleventh East, n of Twelfth South. Pettit Brovver, farmer, res 133 S Fourth West. CH Pettit Charles, lab, res 747 VV Second North J( Pettit Charles, farmer, res Ninth North and Thirteenth West. ^ Pettit Miss Daisy, domestic rear 445 W Eighth South. p_- Pettit Edwin, res 908 S Second West. jA| Pettit Edwin J, teamster Hewlett Bros, bds 908 S Second West, y* Pettit Miss Emma, milliner Walker Bros & F Co, res 908 S Sec- ond West 3D Pettit Esther (wid Andrew), res 445 W First South. ^ Pettit Ethan A, farmer, res nr Jordan River, N S L. _ Pettit Ezra, res 675 E Seventh South. PH Pettit Ezra, Jr, lab, res 675 E Seventh South. * ' . Pettit Ira, retired, res 373 Fifth East 22. Pettit Lewis, teamster Parker & Depue, res 151 S Fourth West. ~ < Pettit Orson H 9 Secy and Treas Co-op Furniture Co, res 373 IT" Fifth East. C/5 o! Pettit Parley P, elk Paine & Lyne, res 675 E Seventh South. 5= \ Pettit Miss S Addie, tchr, bds 445 W First South. Q3 * Petty Edward J, florist and gardener, res 622 E Second South. J=j * Pew William, music tchr, res 657 S State. CD Pewtress George H, teamster Home Coal Co, res 531 S State. sg Q Peysert Milton S, opr R G W Ry, res Cottage 9, Denver Court, o jj Peyton Frank H, bkpr Fraser & Chalmers, rms Constitn bldg. ^ H HI Peyton Gill S, Gen'l Mngr Pine Grove Gold Recovery Co, ^C H 9 res 3 1 2 Sixth. g- Pfau Chas A, stonecutter, res 4 Lambert Court. Pfister Casper, brewer, res 1224 E Fifth South. O Pfleiderer Charles, cook, res 373 S West Temple. S2 Pfoutz Elizabeth (wid John S), bds 4195 West Temple. Pfoutz Gilbert B, Oculist and Aurist 419 S West Temple. w res same. * Phelan Patrick, capitalist, bds White House. Phelps Albert W, paperhanger Rivers Bros. "^ S Pheips Mrs Annie, domestic 22 E Third South. Phelps Chester C, blksmith, res 635 S State. R Z Phelps Henry E, genl mdse 64 S West Temple, res cor 303 SCO Fourth. ftj Phelps James, decorator, res 206 W South Temple. I m Phelps Pharaoh, bds 333 Fourth. ^ [Jj CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McComicKBl(l2., SALT LAKE CITY. f. 0. Bu 412. Ttlephoni Ml. Shirts of Every Description. R,airiBcaB>*felt, U IMTlTMhPl 1 fJUlL'L 1 A 1 . Til London ml Philips Harry, elk M C Philips, res 351 Second South. jjjjj Phili3s James E, miner, res 540 S Ninth West. Philips Miss Jessie, cashr Druehl & Franken, res 3 I S 1st W. Z Z Philips Miss Julia, bds 3 I S First West. *P1 Philips Moses C, cigar store Dooly Blk, res 351 E 2nd S. *)JJ Phillips Allen E, cook Creamerie Rest, res 518 N First West. Phillips A Binon (wid Benjamin), res 469 S Second West, o Phillips Congregational Church, D W Bartlett pastor, cor Seventh _ East and Fifth South. :r=5 Phillips Congregational School, Seventh East and Fifth South. -N Phillips David, emp Houlahan, Griffiths & Morris. ca Phillips David M, lab, res 564^ North Temple. SSg Phillips Miss Frances, res 351 E Second South. ? CD jfo Phillips Hamlet, mining, res 528 N First W r est. , 5. "^ui Phillips Ishmael, bishop Union Ward L D S, res same. 'cna CD Phillips James, lab city. cJj Phillips Jennie, emp Des W Mills, res 564 W North Temple. Phillips Jennie, emp Des W Mills. $ Phillips John, porter Clift House Bar, res Clift House. c Phillips John, lab R G W Ry. res 2 Roberts Court. ^H ic ^ Phillips John (Geo Partello & Co), res 275 Second East. g- ctf ~~ Phillips John A, res North Salt Lake. j^ 1 -Jj Phillips John, res First South, Highland Park add. p *- "3 Phillips J J, bkpr Hotel Morgan, res same. 2 ^ Phillips John M, elk W S Henderson, res 63 E Fourth South. =s | >> Phillips John Y, blksmith S L C R R, res Canon bet Second "$ and Third South. jj_ Phillips L Z, cond S L Rap Tran, res 129 S Second West. ^ 'g Phillips Mary A (wid Andrew J), res 403 Fourth East. a 3 Phillips Mary A (wid William), res 160 C. 5 ^ Phillips M W, emp S L C R R Co. 5 Phillips Mrs N, res 817 W South Temple. Phillips Mrs Phoebe, comp Juvenile Instructor, res 469 S 2d W Phillips R V, brakeman R G W Ry, rms Albany Hotel. ;? Phillips Samuel B, miner, res 665 S State. So. Phillips Miss Tillie, res 351 E Second South. w3 Phillips Wm G, watchman Z C M I, res 505 Third. c = Phillips Wm J, cond S L C R R, res 505 Third. iS IAKC IITHfi ffi Lithographing, Printing and Blank LRnL LI I llUi LU, D 0ft V MaVinn Th e Finest in tht Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 240. 1>uu * n IU U Country. H.H. Officer i Co.. ASSAYEBS.SJSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 571 m .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i^ ^^ ^ ^^^_ ^J Phillips Wm J, res 417 Fifth East. EC Phillips Wm W, engr, res 518 Sixth - est, bet ^, ^) North and South Temple. ^t _ Pickering Edward, shipping elk The S L Pressed Brick Co, res* 242 E Sixth South. CO Pickering Ernest, plasterer, res 911 W North Temple. T ^ Pickering E, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. P i i Pickering Frank, car emp S L C R R Co. u (5 "^ Pickering Henry, lab, res 911 W North Temple. u! ca Pickering John E, lab, res 911 W North Temple. Q ^ ^i- Pickering Mary Ann (wid Henry), res 91 1 W North Temple. X Q ^u Pickering Simeon, res 223 K. D ^ Pickering Willard R. carp, res 687 Fourth. ^ JJ, ^J Pickering William, carp R G W Ry, res 135 S Fifth West. ^ Pickering Wright, gen'l mdse, 460 Seventh East, res same. P If n Fhp I^infif'inn Anp A Journal of National Moment. lllU lUClulL 11 U U toa* 1 by Farmers, Investors, Contractors, Engfnwrs, Etc. D 3 Salt Lake Office, 26 W. 3d South St. 3O cc SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO 15KTSM3?. sr.'^.n M . w " t-l **!!: IIW fimiL. UU. f f Ammunition. Sporting 4iool sijfii of Bi: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2*1 South. J and Fishing Tackle. 572 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Tl Pickett John W, lab, res 12 Locust. HI Pickett Lottie, res 12 Locust. Pickett William, painter Peterson & Brown. -p Pickle Robert, elk, res Tenth South near Jordan. G Pickle Thomas, plasterer, res Tenth South, near Jordan. Picknell Elizabeth (wid John), res 1216 First. Picknell Hannah W (wid John H), res 653 S Main. ^ Picknell Urban, carp, res 649 S Main. 335 Pieo Felix, res 59 State. IT Piepgrass Henry, lab, res Twelfth South, w of Second West. fcc Pierce, see Pearce and Peirce. C"! Pierce Alice (wid Edwin H Jr), res 657 S First West. ^ Pierce Amanda M (wid Joseph), res 872 E Fifth South. nc Pierce Mrs Annie, forelady Z C M I Clothing Factory, res 402 I"T N First West "~ Pierce Brigham, teamster, res 271 W South Temple. Pierce Mrs Eliza, dressmkr, bds 435 E Second South. Pierce Elmer G (E G Hines & Co), res St James Hotel. Pierce Frank, Attorney at Law 307 McCornick Blk, res 25 E Fifth South. Pierce Frank, Pres Y M C A, res 434 State. . *g Pierce James, tmstr People's Equitable Co-op, res 763 Second. 'Z -' Pierce J G, carp U P Ry, res 380 C. ^ g Pierce John, butcher, res 873 E Twelfth South. S | Pierce L M, res 657 S First West. o CD Pierce Nephi, teamster, bds 380 C. Pierce Robert, teamster, res 271 W South Temple. Pierce Watson (P & Brown), res 243 Sixth East. Pierce William, cutter Z C M I clothng fac, rest 402 N 1st W. Pierce & Brown (W S P and Daniel K B), School Supplies 510 Constitution bldg. Piercey Mrs Anna, tch, res 737 S West Temple. Piercey John F, elk, res rear 727 S W Temple. Pierpont John K, mac S L C R R, res 843 E South Temple. Pierson Izzie C, messr supt U P Ry, bds 457 Eighth East. Pierson William J, lab, res 437 Eighth East. , Pigman Samuel G, eng R G W Ry, res 534 W Second South. Pigman S J, eng R G W Ry, bds 21 1 S Fifth West. * * Piggott Mrs Abbie, res 337 E Sixth South. J' Pike Edward, elk Utah Book & Staty Co, res 115 Centre. ^o Pike Ethel, res 115 Centre. : Pike John E, bkpr Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, res 115 Centre. f~? CD Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i:il AND IMPORTED AMI AJIERlf AX Oov. 2<1 Wo u tli and 3d West. Tel. 255. D /ID LTD nSrnifCT Wholesale and Retail Dealers In rAnALn & Utrut, LUMBER AND IMPORTED m AMERICAS CEMENTS. TEL-EPHOtfE 43. 3 O (0 0* x> MOUNTAIN ICE CO DO M RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 573 Pike John N, collector Con Imp Co, res 1.15 Centre. Pike Mrs Mary, res 73 I. Pike Robert, farmer, res es Qth East, 5 n of I4th South. Pike William, res e s Qth East, 4 n of I4th South. Pike William T, farmer, res e s Qth East, 4 n of I4th South. Filer Michael, lab, res rear 577 W Fourth South. Pilgerrin John J, carp, bds 523 E Third South. Pilgerrin Will M, carp, bds 523 E Third South. ^ Pilland Alexamler, Florist, 507 Tenth East, res same. Pillsbury George S, stone-cutter, res 938 Eighth East. .* Pilsbury G S, res 46 Second East. Pine Grove Gold Reeovery Co 9 Gill S Peyton General ^ Manager, room 12 Union National Bank Bldg. f ) Pine James, propr East Drive Saloon, s w cor 5th E and !2thS. CD Pinfeertoii Samuel H 9 Physician and Surgeon, 409-410 CD McCornick Blk, res 535 S Main. ^3 Pinkerton Thomas G, elk Z C M I, res 548 S First West. CI^ Q < Pinneo Frank M, comp Tribune, res 1039 S First West. J Q Pinney Alfred J, bookbinder S L Litho Co, res 534 N 2d West. *"^3 1 IjJ Pinney William, Building Supt, office 2-4, 49 S Main, res CO n j 534 N Second West. O ^ Pinney Wm D, carp, res 528 N Second West. (/) Pinnock Henry H, res 876 E Fourth South. J"~ *Pinnock & Wheeler (Harry H P & Jesse H W), genl mdse, 880 S Q E Fourth South. E?: -J Pioche Con Mining & Reduction o 9 Wm S Godbe O Pres, 117 S West Temple. CO Pioneer Library Association, see inc cos, Chris Diehl sec, Miss 3f iii ZU Anna Chapman librarian, Board of Trade bldg. *-- * Q Pioneer Loan & Homestead Assn, C H Parsons pres, A R CD _j Sawyer sec and atty, 6 and 7 Wasatch Bldg. CO Pioneer ^Turseries The, M E Callahan & Co, Big Cotton- tf wood Ward, opp Meeting House, office 512 Dooly blk. Jjj^ see page 98. Pioneer Park, bet 3d and 4th South and 2d and 3d West. C Pioneer Patent Roller Hills, Elias Morris Prop, 53 E 3 North Temple. JJJ' Pioneer Sampling Mills, 41-42 Scott-Auerbach bldg. Pioneer Show Case Factory (G F Culmer & Bros), show rooms ^ and office 17 Commercial ave. ^ Piper, see Pyper. ^ g Piper Edward, tinner James-Spencer-Bateman Co. H m Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. . 241 Worth 3d West. 09 -J -J Ul u Lombard Investment Co. Makes Loans on Iinnroved Farms. j 574 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. & g w g Piper Edwin, fireman U P Ry, res 651 W First South. g S Piper Elmer, elk Perkins & Co, res 651 W First South. j Piper Geo, mach U P Ry, res 65 I W First South. g< S Piper Harry, elk C H Lewis, res 65 I W First South. 3 ^ Pischel Wm, stengr Bennett, Marshall & Bradley, rms Realty Blk. H Pitcher Charles, bnckmkr, rms 352 S State. ^ 5 Pitchers Edward R, warehouseman Sears & Jeremy Co, res 108 $ 3 Seventh East. 5 * Pitman Miss Clara C A, artist, res 351 S State. * Pitman Enos J, jeweler, res e s Third East, n of Twelfth South. 75 9 Pitman Thomas, carp, res 26 E Fourth South. 55 |f Pitman Wm, trav agt Kentucky Liquor Co, res 333 S State. ^< 5 Pitman Wm J, elk Kentucky Liquor Co, res 351 S State. 5 9 Pitman Wm D, jeweler, res e s Third East, n of Twelfth South. Pitt Miss Alice, res Eleventh East, West Grand View. Q Pitt Harold JI, Supt Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, res 176 W North Temple. Pitt James, res 445 W Fifth South. Pitt John, lab, res Second West, s of Tenth South. Pitt Joseph, painter, res w s Eleventh E, bet I ith and I2th S. Pitt Mark A, inv elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 176 W N Temple. Pitt Mary J (wid Thomas D), res 605 E First South. Pitt R C. yard master U P Ry. Pitt William A, Proprietor Tivoli Saloon, 266 E Fifth South, see page 34.. Pitt William H, cond S L C R R, res 624 W First North. Pitt William H Jr, bds 624 W First North. Pitt William W, supt Bradstreet's Agency, res 176 W N Temple. Pitts Albert, plumber, bds i 30 Seventh East Pitts Alvin, yard master U P Ry, res 148 W North Temple. Pitts A B, asst insptr city water works. Pitts Benton, cond S L R T, res 244 W Seventh South. Pitts Miss Clara, res 445 W Fifth South. Pitts Miss Ellen, emp Utah S Laundry, res 704 S Main. C/f Pitts Harry J. emp W U Tel, res 436 E Fourth South. Pitts Isabel M (wid Wm H), res Walker House. Pitts James S, brick mason, res 445 W Fifth South. Pitts James W, res 130 Seventh East. Pitts John E, teamster, res Sixth North bet Fifth and Sixth W. Pitts Merella (wid John W), res 6th W bet 5th and 6th S. Pitts Miss Merella, res Sixth West bet Fifth and Sixth South. Pitts Joseph B, brickmason and cont, res 455 W Fifth South. c/5 Iteal Estate Broker, & I Monefl to Loan. ';r r &oans a Specialty. R. P. G. COATES. | E. L. SHMTS, Room 12, Coiium-mal Work. R.H. Officer Ho,, ASSAYERS.i^S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 575 ~~ V^/J Pitts Joseph W, brickmason, res 445 W Fifth South. 2JJ Pitts Robert L, policeman, res 616 St Louis ave. Q' a< Pitts Robert L, telegraph opr, res 17 E Eighth South. Pitts Sarah (wid Edward B), res 425 W Fourth South. Pitts S Vance, salesman Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn, res 456 ' W Fourth North. pq Pitts Miss Susan, tailoress Gabel the Tailor, res 704 S Main. ZL Place Miss Elizabeth, tchr Fifteenth School. 3 Place Joseph A, salesman ' Freed Fur & Carpet Co, res bet C, State and Main and Tenth and Eleventh" South. jj^ Plair Annie (wid), res 625 N First West. Q^ Plaisted Frank H, frt elk U P Ry, res 1235 Emerson ave. Plaisted Miss Jessie, res 1235 Emerson ave. Up Plaisted Joseph, patternmkr, res 1235 Emerson ave. Plaisted Ralph S, stock elk Tribune Job Printing Co, res 132 W jig- Second North. c? Plaisted Tirzah (wid Joseph), res 1235 Emerson ave. GO Plant Bros (James G & Walter T), cigars and tobacco, 34 E 2d S. o^ Plant Cecil, emp Gas Works, res 806 W Eighth South. Plant Charles M, blksmith, res Sugar House Ward. tO Plant James G (Plant Bros), res 20 E First South. ("fl Plant Walter T (Plant Bros), res 20 E First South. ^ Plant Walter, emp Hotel Knutsford. Platt Alonzo W, harnessmkr F Platt & Co, res 142 Third East. O Platt Charles, mason, res Seventh East, s of Calder's Park J$ Platt Charles A, emp Des W Mills, res Holmes blk. Platt Eliza (wid Francis), res 142 Third East. Platt Miss Eva, photo retoucher, bds 142 Third East. Platt Franklin B, pres F Platt Co, res 261 E Third South. Platt F Co, see inc cos, Joseph C Platt Sec and Treas, Whole- ^ sale and Retail Harness, Saddlery, Hardware, etc, 147-149 S . State, see page 97. j*j Platt Hervey, supt Des W Mills, rms Holmes blk. g j Platt H, res 75 N State. 3 Flatt Joseph C, Sec and Treas F Platt Co, res 143 3d East. ^ J Platt Miss Louise, dressmkr, res 142 Third East. Plattner Rudolph, teamster, res I ith E s of Fourteenth South. B Platts Charles, brickmason, res e s 7th E 2 n of i.4th South. Platts Emily (wid John), res 29 Quince. Platts George, butcher, res 286 Wall. Platts James, mason, res 29 Quince. r g Platts Parley, stonemason, res 18 Quince. Co Rogers, Searlesi Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT UKE HARDWARE CO. J Err i.rn of HI* Gnu. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J H.-rmr,UhJ. &~u Steel and Cai Refrigerator*. War*. Pin'- m 576 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ [JJ ||| * tfj Player Alma O, teamster, res 473 N Sixth West. Player Miss Anna, res 726 W Second North. Player Betsey (wid Chas W), res 726 W Second North. Player Frederick, farmer, res 726 W Second North. _ Player Miss Hattie, res 726 W Second North. Player Heber J, blksmith S L C R R, res 255 N Fifth West. Player Joseph, stonecutter city and county bfdg, res 515 N Fifth West. Player Miss Laura, res 726 W Second North. Player Mary E (wid Henry), res 128 N Sixth West. Playter Geo J. comp Tribune, res 224 Centre. Pleasant Valley Coal Co, see inc cos, Chas W Drake, Vice- Pres, Sec and Treas, rm 8 Board of Trade bldg. Plietz John, plumber, rms 161 Social Hall ave. Pluhm Andrew, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Plumb H M, brakeman R G W Ry, res Albany Hotel. _ Plumer Lincoln, actor, rms 244 E South Temple. m ^ Plumhof Louisa (wid), res 157 S First West. Plumley Addison, carp, res I 13 S Fifth West. """" PI 11111 111 er Charles G, Physician and Surgeon, 36 Mercan- %3 M tile Blk, res 254 S Third East. S . Plummer Wm R, Home Bakery, 159 N Third West, res same. O . * Plumquist J, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. J * Poage Gratton E, coml traveler, res w s 1 3th E, 6 n of 1 2th S. JJJ fc Podzuvety Marie (wid), res rear 216 W T Fourth North. - Pogge Ulrich C (Harr & Pogge), 241 S Main. ^ f*j Poland John, electrician S L Telephone Co, res 244 S Fourth W. 33" r 1 Pole Richard, mach U P Ry, res Poplar Grove. CD Police Headquarters, Samuel Paul Chief, 120 E First South. j^J Polk R L & Co, Benjamin Nute Mngr, Directory Publishers, * Herald Bldg, 74 S West Temple. S?. Poll Miss Elsie R, res 969 E Fourth South. g_ Poll Frederick R, contr and bldr, res 969 E Fourth South. CD Poll Frederick \\ T , carp, res 969 E 'Fourth South. C/5 Poll Joseph, glazier Sears & Liddle Co, res 947 E Fourth South. I Poll William F, res 360 Ninth East. Pollard Court, w s Sixth West bet South Temple and First South. ^ Pollard Mary Ann (wid Joseph), res 36 S Sixth West. f Pollard Miss Mary, res I ith E bet 9th and Tenth S. Pollock Alexander L, rms Manitou. S Pollock Elizabeth C (wid William R), res 363 W Fourth South. ? Pollock Miss Hattie, knitter J E Sherlock, res 363 W 4th S. " SflLY CO., Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 577 Pollock Miss Clara, res 363 W Fourth South. Pollock James A. Bonds and Stocks, 77 Coml Blk, res 78 W Fifth South. Pollock Robert J, foreman stable Gurney Cab, rms 317 S State, Pollock Samuel J, miner, res 2175 Second West. Polytechnic Society of Utah, C L Stevenson pres, T C Bailey sec, rms 612-613 Progress bldg. Pomeroy Charles E, capitalist, res 36 W First North. *.** Pomeroy Ralph, plumber, bds 36 W First North. Pomeroy Mrs Rhoda, tchr i6th (Hunter) School, res 36 W First North. jg* Pond Samuel S (Cornforth, Pond & Co), res 536 S Main. QJ Pons Charles, cond S L C R R, res Dyer Lodging House. Pons Mrs Esther, res 453 Fifth JJJ 1 Pool Wm H, res 637 S West Temple. jrj Poore Will Hall, Sec Smythe, Britton & Poore Co, res Hotel Templeton. h Pope Miss Edna, elk, bds 775 Fourth East. ^" < Pope H L, res Kendall Terrace. CO O Pope James M, bds 775 Fourth East. !^ 0. Pope Jane (wid John), grocer 41 i E Eighth South, res same. 9J ' Pope John, cond U C Ry, res 765 Fourth East. ^ Pope Louis R, brakeman U C Ry, res 775 Fourth East. * Poplar Avenue, 3d South bet 1st and 2d West. 5g| O Poplar Street, 7th East bet 3d and 4th South. CD O Popp George W, tchr Salt Lake Business College. JJ3 ^ Popper Joseph, porter, rms over Mrs E Madsen's, First South, v ^ bet Main and State. 3" Poppleton Miss Annie, res 627 W Third North. j J Poppleton Charles, car cleaner, R T Co, res 445 W 2d South. O Porcasi l.ouis. Model Barber Shop, Basement Wasatch Bldg, 9j res 128 E Second South. " Porcher Mrs Anna, res 26 S. 10 Porcher Robert M, painter, res 565 Sixth. Jj Porney George, expressman, res rear 246 Seventh East. Port Mary (wid Wm), res 44 N Eighth West. Porter Alvin, lab, res 776 E Third South. Porter A Elizabeth, res 444 S Fourth West. Porter Charles F, elk U S & H Co, res Sears-Jeremy bldg, Richards ave. Porter Daniel F, lab, res Tenth South, w of Jordan. Porter Don H, Proprietor Hot Templeton, res same, see adv. CH&S. B GOURLftY & CO., 303 & 305 McCornicK Bids., SALT LAKE CITY, P.O. Box 492. Telephone Ml. Shirts of Efwy Description. Repairing a Speelaltj mUTTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE. Boom 810, MoCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg _ Assets, 18,450,728.74 Scandla Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets, 578 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. QJ =3 CO" GO CD CO CD CO c/> Porter Freeman B, Mingo Smelting Co, res Dooly Blk. Porter George A, lab, res 444 S Fourth West. Porter George E, lab, res 444 S Fourth West. Porter Henry J, teamster, res 444 S Fourth West. Porter John D, carp, res Brighton. Porter Lloyd, Attorney- at- Law and Notary Public, 17 Cen- CO tral Blk, res same. , .^ Porter Mrs Lucie J, res 362 S West Temple. Porter Mary E (wid Robt A), res 444 S Fourth W,est. Porter Miss Mattie E, tchr Thirteenth School, bds 544 2d East. Porter Rosella F, binder Juvenile Instructor, res 444 S 4th West. Portier Ferdinand, mngr French Steam & Hand Laundry, res 62 S Second West. Portier Louis F, emp French Steam Laundry, res 62 S 2d West. Portier Mine Liydia F, French Hand Laundry, 62 S Second West, res same. w Posser James, lab, rms 362 S State. .- | Post Aaron S, miner, res 35 Floral Avenue. I Post Clias H. bkpr Union Stock Yards Co, res 515 E ist.S. 1 Post Germain. Attorney 52-53 Commercial Blk, res 442 S $ | Fifth East. ^ Post John, res Twelfth South & Fifth East. O Post M E, mining, rms Brooks Arcade. Q o Post Offiee (Albert H Nash P M), Dooly Blk s w cor W _ Temple and Second South. i | Post Orson, lab, res 845 Seventh East. Post Versel, waiter The Tunnel, res 35 Floral avenue. Post William H, farmer, res 35 Floral ave. Potten Thomas O, dairy Second West s of Twelfth South. Potter Miss Ada, tchr Fifteenth School, (Whitney.) Potter Annie E (wid Charles) res State s of Eleventh South. ft Potter Charles A (McCann, Potter & Co), res State s of I2th S. ? Potter George, eng R G W Ry, rms Albany Hotel. g|^ Potter John, lab, res 137 N Fourth West. Q|| Potter William S, cont and bldr, res 674 First. 25 J Potts Samuel W, butcher, res 9 N Third West. Sj[ Potts Miss Sarah, res 9 N Third West. ?li Pouch Florentine (wid Peter), res 860 Ninth East. So-| Poulk Hyram R, lab, res 848 Lake. '<* I Poulsen Agnes, res 123 Twelfth East. ?| a Poulsen Anna, domestic 524 S Main. Poulsen James C, brick mason, res 59 Alameda ave. CO CD CD CO CD o; SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY k O. Officer* Go ^_ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 579 Poulsen Peter, lab, res 203 E First South. o Poulson Annie (wid Peter), res 540 N First West. 3 Q ^ Poulson Christopher, coachman Le Grand Young, bds same. 3 z|| Poulson Hans Jacob, lab, res 33 Vine. "^ Poulton Albert E, butcher, res 445 S Third West. S: JJJ jj Poulton Florence, res 424 S Second West. . S Poulton James, gen mdse 424 S Second West, res same. CO *&i Poulton James C, pressman Descret News, res 538 S 2d West. __ j^ Poulton James H, salesman Z C M I, res 428 S Second West. QJ Poulton Louisa, music ichr, res 424 S Second West. 3 L^ Poulton Oakey, res Second West s of Fourteenth South. 2-5 Poulton Walter J, elk Z C M I, res 358 W Fifth South. CD -J Pour Charles, car emp S L C R R, rms 7 Times bldg. _, * Powell Abraham, lab, res 390 Wall. Powell Charles E, res 274 A. LJ-* Powell George, Vice-Pres United Electric Co, res 20 Commercial. -3 p Powell G F, bds Cullen Hotel. : Powell James, plasterer, res 542 W Eighth South. CD ^ Powell Jane (wid Joseph), rts 476 S Fourth West. Powell Jesse, night porter Hotel Knutsford, res same. ~y ^T Powell John, driver J C Watson & Bros, res Fourth West, bet CD jj Fourth and Fifth South. -j Powell John, teamster, res 413 S Third West Powell John R, lawnmower, res 549 E Seventh South. ^ Powell Joseph, gardener, res 1124 Ninth East. SEE Powell Martha (wid Thos), res 125 A. Powell Robert C, paperhanger H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 340 F. Z Powell Theodore F, Contracting Agent C, M & St Paul Ry, rm _ 22 Morlan Blk, bds Cullen Hotel. Z3 Powell Thomas, gardener, res 755 Sixth East Powell Thomas W, salesman Sierra Nevada Lumber Yards, res O 147 N Fifth West. U Powell Toso, stonemason, rms 59 S State. ^5 Powell Wash (col'd), porter P V Coal Co, res 28 E 7th South. C Powell Washington, coachman C J Weatherby, res 415 S Main. J-7 Powell William D, gardener, res 1220 Ninth East. C3 Powell William J, ranchman, res 723 Sixth East. ^jj Power James H, bds Eighth North and Thirteenth West. Power John W, mining, res Thirteenth West and Eighth North a- Power M E, res 223 W Fifth South. *--. Power William A, farmer, res 8th North and I 3th West. Q Powers Etta, tchr Seventh School. Irrigation flge Printing HOUSe, RailroadandCommercialPrinten, -"---- FnrnfKltod on :ill kiV>ls of Work. %G W. Third South. O m x O m O O SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.. Sisrn of Bisr Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) and <;asol i u<> St. v-*. d House-nil*- Hardware. Stoves g 580 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 5 Powers Miss Amy, res 350 S West Temple rn ^ . Powers James X, Atty-at-Law, res 472 Eighth. CD O j Powers Louisa E (wid Michael L), dressmkr, res 350 S W Tem. "H *: Powers Orlando W (P & Hiles), res 28 J. 5 C o Powers Stephen, cook Templeton Hotel, res Delmonico Hotel. z w I Powers fr Hiles (O W Powers & Ogden Hiles), Attorneys- ^j at- Law, 24 W Second South. CZ O Powert William, stone cutter, res rear 240 W Third South. -*^ 5) Pratt Mrs Alice], res 121 S First West. 7 Pratt Arthur, Territorial Auditor and Recorder of Marks fcO and Brands, I and 2 Hooper Bldg, res 202 G. 2 Pratt Arthur E, attorney-at-law, 5 Hooper Blk, res 54 6th East. 3D "2 Pratt Belinda (wid Parley P), bds I 14 Canyon Road. I}-* 5 Pratt Charles R, bds 229 W Second North. -H Pratt Charles W, studt U of U, res Sugar House Ward. c"D ^ Pratt Delia A (wid Orson), res 358 N Fifth West. C3 Jg Pratt Elizabeth (wid Parley P), res 408 W Third North. ,*S Pratt Ernest L, bartndr Walker Hse bar, res 431 E First South. J~ Pratt Ernest M, artist, res cor Currant and Second North. % Pratt H ariuel. U S Commissioner and Attorney-at-Law, 5 - Hooper Blk, res 215 G. * r Pratt Irvine E, bds 582 Third. Pratt Juliet (wid Orson), res 508 E Third South. Pratt J P, res 1 1 Kendall ave fa C Bi 05 * Pratt Laron, comp Deseret News, res 239 W North Temple. * Pratt Lorus, artist, res rear 358 N Fifth West. " Pratt Louis, electrician, bds 582 Third. CD Pratt Louis J, carp S L Bldg~ & Mnfg Co, res U P Hotel. CJ Pratt Marion R (wid Orson), res 372 W Third North. Pratt Mark C, res 582 Third. Pratt Mary (wid P P), res e s Fifth East bet I2th & I3th South. Pratt Mary Ann (wid Orson), res 239 W Second North. Pratt Miss Maud E, music tchr 239 W North Temple, res same. Pratt Miss May, saleslady Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 356 W 09 CO GO CO CD 00 Second North. M Pratt Melson R, cond S L C R R, res 2 i 5 W Read. gjg '- Pratt Milando, vice-pres & treas Bountiful Water Co 302 Con- ^ stitution Bldg, res 229 W Second North. prJ Pratt Milando Jr, elk D M Osborne & Co, res 229 W 2d North. ^ c Pratt M R, emp S L C R R Co, res 215 Spring. ~ Pratt Nephi, special agt New York Life Ins Co, res 356 W Second North. Parker & Depue, Lober of all kinds, Doors, Window and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. Artificial and Natural Ice. RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 581 O 2 ^ [fl , ffj fTl Pratt Nephi Jr, collector Dinwoodey Fur Co, res 356 W 2nd N. Pratt Nathan N (Pratt & Co), rms rear 240 W Third South. Pratt N & Co (Nathan Pratt), blksmiths, res 240 W Third South Pratt Orson, cigar mkr Sanil Levy, res 139 W Second South. Pratt Orson, music tchr 54 Sixth East, res same. Pratt Orland G, lineman Des Tel Co, res 556 S First West, Pratt Ortherus P, sec Bountiful Water Co 302 Constitution bldg, res 465 Second. Pratt O.G, emp S L C R R Co, res 261 W Fourth South. Pratt Parley P, res rear 233 Canyon Road. Pratt Parley P Jr, pres Johnson-Pratt Drug Co, res 75 F. Pratt Miss Pearl, res 372 W Third North. Pratt Robert, lab, res 556 S First West. Pratt Mrs Romania B 9 Physician Deseret Hospital, 206 N Second West, res same. Pratt Royal R, solicitor, res 372 W Third North. . Pratt Ruby, bds 372 W Third North. ^ Pratt Thomas H, studt L D S College, res 645 Seventh East, 5 Pratt Valton M, music tchr, res 239 W Second North. JjJ Pratt Miss Viola, tchr vocal music, res 229 W Second North. _3 -< Q Preece Albert, teamster, res 74 W Seventh South. Q^ J Preece Ann (wid John), res 74 W Seventh South. _g Preece Elizabeth (wid John), res 74 W Seventh South, p^ u Preece Mrs Elizabeth, res 378 Third East. ^ c Preece Hyrum, lab, res 378 Third East. *S^ 3 Preece Joseph H (Eardley & P), res 74 W Seventh South. Preece Parley P, res cor Third East and Fourth South. E^ Preece Moroni, driver E Sells & Co, res loth South & 5th East. j2 Preece Thomas I, butcher, .res 631 S Main. 1^ Preefer Emil G, waiter Headlight Rest, res 5338 Second West. ^E Preefer Martha (wid Frederic), res 533 S Second West. !^ Prentiss Chas (P & James), res Clift House. Prentiss & James (Chas P & J R J), Famous Coffee House, 16 - Commercial. Prescott Miss Elizabeth, domestic, res 620 W St Louis ave. Preston James S, mach Rapid Transit Co, res 224 W Second South. Preston Robert, res rear 1 34 W North Temple. Preston Robert A, res 253 E Third South. Morrison, Merrill & 10 Prices and Estimates ands North 3d West LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salc " ake " iea oipif i $1.000.000. surplus s-joo. ooo. Cor, MAIN mi FIRST SOUTH* 4 be 582 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. |s - * g Preston William B. Presiding Bishop L D S, res 74 W North Temple. fi Preuss Frederick E, physician, 320 Dooly blk, res same. g| Preuss Mrs Hannah, res 325 Thirteenth East. g w Price Miss Anna C, res 160 S Third West. * g Price C J, emp Alta Club, re^ cor 2d West and 2d South. ** jj Price Chas Stanley, elk school board, res 227 W North Temple. g ^ Price Edwin E, bottom finisher Z C M I Shoe Factory, res 8 1 g Vine. 3 Price Eli 1 9 Groceries 254 S Main, res 46 W Seventh South. rt Price Elias, lab, res 1253 E First South. Price Elizabeth (wid John), res 8 1 Vine. 2 i Price E M (wid G W), res 55 S Fifth West. * g Price Fred W, painter R G W Ry, res 733 W First South. " Price Fred, studt University of Utah, res 331 First. CX. Price George, mngr S L City Cleaning and Upholstering Co, res _ ^y 543 Seventh East. 5 Price George F 9 Planing Mill, rear 5 i S Fifth West, see adv % o j ^ Price James, janitor First M E Church, res 160 S Third West. 5. Price Jane (wid Thomas), res 437 W First South. Price John, farmer, res Murray. ^ 3 Price John R, bartender, res 66 Grape. Price John F, lab Arthur Brown's farm, bds the same. * 3 Price Lorenzo, carp, res 169 E Ninth South. Price Lorenzo, farmer, res 1 176 E Tenth South. ^ Price Lorenzo L, carp, res 169 E Ninth South. ^ Price Miss Mamie, bkpr Utah Book and Stationery Co, res 465 CD Second. Si Price Phil, res 321 Thirteenth East. B Price Rees, blksmith Silver Bros, res 633 J. Price Robert, res 164 S Second West. Price Robert, elk Driver Mer Co, res 160 S Third West. Price R G, pleasure gardens, Brighton. Price Robert B, res 523 E Seventh South. Price Mrs R G, trimmer J J Duke, res 63 Culmer Block. Price Miss S A, res 55 S Fifth West. Price Thos D, lab, res 160 S Third West. Price Walter L (W L P & Co), res 442 S West Temple. Price Walter I, & Co, (W L P & E Y Taylor), Poultry, Game and Fruit, 64 Main. Price Wm, tile setter, res 772 W South Temple. _ Price Wm, stonecutter, res 516 Fifth East. IOAR5 A SPECIALTY, e 25SSS?* I MONEY TO LOAN. Peal Estate Broker, H. p. . wim I E. L. SHEETS. Room vt. tm\\\w\*\ R.H. Officer * Co,, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 583 ^ ^ -^ ^______ ^_^ . Price Wm, carp, bds Albany Hotel, Price Will L, prop Elite Restaurant, 28 W First South, res 32 27 S Twelfth East. % Price Wm M, carp zoth Ward L & Bldg Assn, res 595 W 2d S. "O O Priebs Gottlieb, teamster bds Germania Hotel. ^3^ u Prichard Mrs E S, res 3 5 I S State. Q B Prichard Thomas, res 351 S State. Q Friday Chas ], rockcutter, res rear 437 Sixth East. pr^ rr Priday Miss Elizabeth, res rear 437 Sixth East. Q3 2 Priday Miss Louisa, emp Irrigation Age, res rear 437 6th East. _ Priday Miss Reeny, res 330 W Seventh South. -G& ^ Priday Samuel, stone cutter, res 330 W Seventh South. Pride of the Hills, The, Mining Co, see inc co's, D A Shiley g sec'y, 1 1 W Second South. ^ Pride of the West, see inc cos, } C Jensen sec, office Security Q~ - Abstract Co. j Priescott David, res 227 Centre. J Priestly Frank C, constructor Electric Light Co, res 47 S 1st W. Priestley Miss Grace L, res 533 S Fourth West. < \ SE Priestley Jno, comp Herald, res 533 S Fourth West. ,, Z Prindle Chas, solicitor Cullen, bds same. 03 C Prindle Mrs Jane H, nurse, res 148 W First North. EEJ Prindle Frank J, carp, res 148 W First North. ^ - Pringle Alexander, stone cutter City & Co bldg, res 176 F. Q 23 Pringle Miss Jessie, mach opr Z C M I, bds I86.M. ^ Pringle Miss Lillie, opr Z C M I clothing factory, res 186 M. ^3- ^j Pringle Marion (wid Robert), res 1 86 M. CD Pringle Miss May, opr Z C M I clothing factory, res 1 86 M. .. j Pringle Robert, teamster, bds 1 86 M. {yj ^r Printy Valentine, bartndr Gaiety Saloon, res 264 W 2d North. ^^ Pritchard Alfred E, elk 2Oth Ward store, res 464 Sixth. TT Pritchard Miss Elizabeth, dressmkr, res 464 Sixth. 5-f! C3 Pritchard George, carp, res 464 Sixth. ' TJf ~ pg Pritchard J, lab city, res 464 Sixth. $0b Pritchard Miss Pattie, dressmkr, res 464 Sixth. 2 Pritchard Wm H, elk S L Hdw Co, res 442 S West Temple. ^ Pritchett James B, mngr Horse Shoe Saloon, res 432 S 4th W. ^ Pritchett James B Jr, elk, res 432 S Fourth West CD Prior James A, collector Grant Bros L & T Co, res 37 H. *HT Prior John, farmer, res bet I ith and I2th S e of 14th E. g Proctor Adam V, check elk Z C M I, res 428 Eighth East. ^ Proctor Miss Anna, res 428 Eighth East. Rogers, SearlesS Go GENERAL INSURANCE. 11 ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SAL LAKE HARDWARE CO l^.vs^'saayss* OHLI LHRt imnuvwnriL. uu. v s ort lns G * ods . Ouns Sign ofBigr Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d Noutli. j and Tents for Rent. 584 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Proctor Elizabeth E (wid John), res 428 Eighth East. Praetor Miss Hattie, bkbinder Deseret News, res 428 8th E. 1_ ff\ Proctor Joseph, emp S L C R R, res 666 Ninth East. **J Proctor Royal, teamster, res Big Cottonwood. } Proctor William J, elk Kentucky Liquor Co, res 428 8th E. j> Progress Building, 147 and 1498 Main. ^ Prospect Park, s s Tenth South I mile w of Jordan. Prospect Park Brick Co, B A M Froiseth mngr, mnfrs Hand Made Brick, 166^ E Second South. Prosser John W. Western Agent Nicholas Kuhnan Co, 50 O Commercial, res Morgan Hotel. Proudfoot Ernest, res 16 1 E Sixth South. C/0 Proudfoot William T (Monheim, Bird & P), res 161 E 6th South. Prout Henry B, elk Con Imp Co, res 649 Eighth East. Provine Henry F, elk ROW Ry office, res Washington ave, bet iith and I2th East. ) Provis Miss Annie L, trimmer Mrs M J Burrows, res 627 6th E. C H Provis Richard S, res 627 bixth East. " Provo ^Voolcn Hills, John C Cutler & Bro Agents, 36 S c/>; Main, see inside front cover. gj Pruhs Rudolph F C, upholsterer Din Fur Co. res Forest Dale. =? JJ Prye Mrs Ann A, res bet I ith and I2th South, e of I4th East. j e . Pugh Mrs Emily H, res 518 S Fourth West. CD " * Pugh Henry T, lab Temple, res 446 S Second West. c/5 ^ " Pugh William J, music teacher, res 657 S State. .^ & Pugmire Elizabeth (wid Jonathan), res 173 W Third South. H. " Pugsley Mrs Clarissa, res 575 N Second West. 3 CD Pugsley George, switchman U P Ry, res 575 N Second West. D ( 5 Pugsley John R, bds 341 W Fourth North. CO Pugsley Joseph E F, Supt S L Soap Co, res 263 W Fifth North. ro Pugsley Phil, capitalist, res rear 341 W Fourth North. Pugsley Philip Jr, bkpr S B & M Co, res 323 W Fourth North, n. CJ Pugsley Row, n s Victoria Alley. 2* Pugsley Wm H, lab, bds rear 341 W Fourth North. f Pulliam Lee O, cook Brooks Arcade, res Culmer Block. Pulling Miss Sarah Ann, laundry, res 27 N Fifth West. Pullman H, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Pullman H Jr, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Punnie Mary Ann (wid Claude Clive), res 60 S Second West. Purcell Miss Mary, dressmkr, res 161 Social Hall ave. Purcell M A (Gavegan & P), res 161 Social Hall ave. Purdey A T, emp 109 Main, up stairs. Qfll T I MV I o'Sai^iSJis^iSss. 1 1 ifun pn Ortlil UAAQStfSSES%^nU. UU, 0) H HHEBICimiSCUITtHIIIIUFIICTUBIlie CO., Sal! Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 585 Jj Purtell Thomas, car insptr R G W Ry, res 535 W 6th South. Purtell Thomas, carp U P Ry, res North S.ilt Lake S Putnam El..i C (vvid Nathaniel F), res 131 Eighth East. Putnam Graham F (Jane & Putnam), res 131 Eighth East. C. Putnam John F, bds 131 Eighth East. U Puzey Frank H, photographer C R Savage, res 236 D. ^ Puzey Henry, wagonmkr, res 236 D. Puzey Seli la R, dressmkr, res 236 D. **: Puzey William C, bkpr, res 236 D. Pyle W L, stone cutter, res 557 W Second South. Pyle W S, stone mason, res Tremont House. Pyper, see Piper. QJ Pyper Alexander C, elk, bds 416 Fifth. Pyper Brigham T, painter and paper hanger, res I 121 E 6th S. J^ Pyper Charles J, plumber, bds 416 Fifth. . Pyper C*'0 I> 9 Asst Editor The Contributor, Notary Public, h and Court Com for the Third Judicial District of Utah, 62 < S Main, res 123 Third. O Pyper James M, elk L D S Tithing office, res 416 Fifth. OL Pyper James W, tinsmith, bds 416 Fifth. 5~ * Pyper Jane F (wid Alex C), res 1 121 E Sixth South. 33 * Pyper Miss Mary, res I 121 E Sixth South. r-j * Pyper Robert A, lab, res 551 Eighth East. P 3 Pyper Wm, bds 416 Fifth. 3jg I gUY WM. J. LEMPS BEER._^_ 1 5 ' For Hotel and Family Use. ,-* L. W. DITTMANN, Agent, ^L Telephone 384,. 276 S. Main Street. O OJ W -I U ii <-+ Quails Wm F, lab city waterwks, res Indiana ave. w of Jordan. Qualtrough Elizabeth M, tchr First School, res 161 E 6th So. * Qualtrough Elmer M, res 161 E Sixth South. ^ S Qualtrough Miss Frances, comp Herald, res 161 E 6th South. Qualtrough Frank, comp Herald, res 161 E Sixth South 555 Quay Jos M, sec Germania Lead Wks, res San Francisco, Cal. H C0 Quayle Ernest, sheep grower, res W Temple s of loth South. ft ^ Quayle Henry, sheep grower, res I ith S bet Main and W Tern. ^ fTi Queen Chop House, Frank Martin prop, 217 S West Temple. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., SALT LAKE CITY F. 0. Box 42. Tephon 6S1. Shirts of Ever) Description. IXKIK AX K. Room 310, McCornick Building. I'ii^nix liiMiranre Company, of Brooklyn, New York Asset*, fft. 773,550. 83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the Citj- of New York Assets, $1.597,375.41 586 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. O? Q 1J ifel e Chas, res 44 E Second South. *^ oor Q u igg Mining Co, M R Evans pres, John R McBride sec and ohj treas, 22 W Second South. jP Men* Quillen John P, bartndr Hogle Bros f res 204 W Fourth South. ^ T5co Quillen Mary (wid Miles Q), res 204 W Fourth South. X C CC^M Quillen Wm J, barkpr White House Bar, res 204 W 4th South, zjl h? Quimby Mrs Ella, res 56 W Third South. *M u* Quinlan Con, prop Baby Saloon 70 E Second South, res same. *M a- Quinlivan Edward, bricklayer, res 344 E Second South. f MI vor, Kan Francisco* J6 VT. M South St. 76 Railroad Bhi. 841 Market It. 31 - ' - SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., f .,,,; Sisrn of Big Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishing Tackle. . 588 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. -n 2 Raleigh Hyrum, car emp S L C R R Co, res 348 Centre. I"T D Raleigh Joseph H, prospector, res 303 N First West. X Raleigh Philip M, bds 303 N First West. -r * Raleigh William, bds 348 Centre. CI r Rail Silas D, carp Mason & Co Mill, res 26 S Fifth West. g Rails Durward, elk, bds 353 E Third South. ui- Rails Melvin S, with city eng, res 353 E Third South. _ \ <3 Rails William A, lab, res 538 E Second South. ^ j.S Ralph John, steward Hotel Morgan, bds same. PT D" Ramel Henry L, draftsman city eng, res 271 I. &z C Ramey Lizzie (wid Jessie) res 72 W Second South. C"T >. Q Ramie E, book agt, rms Richlieu House. Rampton Wm, mngr wholesale dept H Dinwoodey Furn Co, res -^c 3 "8 '53 C. [T g Ramsden Percy H, supt cement sidewalks, res 361 Sixth. * Ramsperger Gus H, comp Tribune, res 259 W 7th South, g Ramstrom Fred, yardman Vienna Cafe, res rear 642 E 1st South. - > Ranee Chas H, elk 108 S Main, res 633 E Fourth South. $ Ranee Fred, elk, bds 633 E Fourth South. yj Ranee Samuel, photographer, res 633 E Fourth South. __ Ranee Samuel J, solicitor, bds 633 E Fourth South. *g Ranee Thomas W, solicitor, bds 633 E Fourth South. .f Rand Chas B, packer Z C M I drug dept, res Centre Ward. ^ \ Rand Harry, bds 128 S Sixth West. CD CD CD 03 CO Rand John L, lab, res 128 S Sixth West. Randall Albert M, elk S L Hardware Co, res 155 W 2d South. Randall Brigham Y, prop Murray Bakery, res Murray. Randall Miss Daisy, domestic St Elmo Hotel, rms same. Randall George W, waiter The Manitou, res same. Randall Heber J, studt U of U, bds 31 N First West. Randall James, lab, res 887 S First West. Randall John J, lab, res 86 Centre. Randall LeGrand S, brick mkr, res 775 N Second West. Hn ii dull JIrs Mildred E, Subscription Books 530 Consti- tution bldg, res same, see page 1 1. ^^ Randle James, junk dealer, res 536 S Ninth West. r . Randle Joseph C, lab, res 536 S Ninth West, Randle Miss Louise, res 536 S Ninth West. Randolph A B, res 557 W Second South. j? Randolph A N, sergeant police, res 436 E Eighth South. :?o Randolph Mrs B F, tchr, res Farmers' Ward. : Randolph Edmund J, pipeman fire dept, res Holmes Blk. ^ - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^-^-^ ^ - _^_^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^^_ ^ n II n 17 r n O FICDlflT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnlVtn & Utrut, LUMBER AXD SPORTED AMI AMERICAN CEHESTS. Cor. 3d. Soutla. and 3d ~West. Tel. 25*5. MOUNTAIN ICE GO M TELEPHONE 43. 3 O CO <*-* 0) RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 589 Randolph Frank, 219 S Fifth West. Randolph Frank, res rear 44 N Second West. Randolph Hattie, teacher Eleventh School. Randolph Mollie (wid Benj F), res State, s of Eleventh South. Randolph Mrs M D, dressmkr, res 403 Sixth East. Randolph W W, res 557 W Second South. Randolph William W, grocer, 557 W 2d South, res 964 W 2d S. Rands George, gardener, res 239 W Seventh South. ^ Rands Miss Kate, domestic 239 W Seventh South. Rands Miss Mollie, res 239 W Seventh South. Rands Joseph W /T , wiper U P Ry Co, res 273 G. Rands William, wiper U P Ry Co, res 273 G. Raney Albert C, lab, res 349 Tenth East. Raney Samuel (Dunshee & Raney), bds 313 Fourth. m Range Valley Cattle Co, see inc ca's, J S Scott sec and treas, 218 ^2 JV S Main. n ^ Rankin Alexander, emp U P frt office, res 544 W First South. Q < Rankin A L, motorman R Transit, res 732 S First West. J Q Rankin Colon W, res 544 W First South. U W Rankin David, plumber, bds 554 W First South. ' ) Rankin Frank, painter R G W Ry, res 812 W North Temple. < Rankin Miss Jane, emp J C Cutler & Bro, res 544 W 1st South. (/) Rankin Miss^ Maggie, emp J C Cutler & Bro, res 544 W 1st S, - * Rankin Miss Sarah, res 544 W First South. tj o Ransohoff Aurelia (wid Nicholas S), res 35 Seventh East B r^ Ransohoff B Frank, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 35 Seventh East H ^ Ransohoff Leopold G (Schweitzer & R), res 35 Seventh East. tj 0) Ransohoff Nelson A (Schweitzer & R), res 35 Seventh East. ' Ransohoff N S, res 35 Seventh East. U ^ Ransom Alfred, butcher, res 40 N Sixth West. -I Ransom John, res rear 237 Second East. Ranson Alfred, elk A Smith, res 40 N Sixth West Ranstenter Susanna (wid Conrad), res 276 W First South. <- Rapharl M, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. -T^ Rapp Frederick, res North Salt Lake. Rapp Richard E. carp, res 629 W South Temple. 13 Rarick W D, carp T-R-A Co, res 271 S West Temple. Rasche Patrick H, emp S L Brewery, res 941 E Fifth South. jjj[" Rash Armand H, cigarmkr, rms 32 E Sixth South. g Rask Charles, blksmith Oblad & Knight, res 38 I3th East Rask Charles, lab, res 38 Thirteenth East. p S5 Rask E (wid Edward), res 38 Thirteenth East. H g 09 j -i u u Morrison, Merrill & Co. Lumber Dealers. At the front In Stock Fa- cilities and Enterprise North V. P. Depot. LC"1BftRD INVESTMENT CO., I Mon< * to Loan on Corner Haiti and First South. | Improved City Property. . ^ 590 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. "2 Rasmussen Hans S, finisher Din Fur Co, res 23 S Eighth West, g Rasmussen Hilda (wid Rasmus), res 848 Lake. 2 Rasmussen Hyrum, butcher, res 221 N Sixth West. ft S Rasmussen James, tailor, res 79 Alafneda ave. 5 j Rasmussen Jens, cutter Empire Mnfg Co. H Rasmussen Jens, well driver, res rear 317 W Seventh South. ^ Rasmussen Louis, mason, res 363 Curtis. g Rasmussen Mary A (wid Niel), res 256 Ninth East. j| Rasmussen Neal, bartndr Mineral Palace, res 249 Eleventh E. * 2 Rasmussen Niels, bkpr L D S Tithing Office, res 745 Ninth E. * 9 Rasmussen Petra C (wid Charles O), bds 460 E Fifth South. g U Rathbone Martin N, Special Agt New York Life Ins Co, res 21 - ~ Eleventh East. 5 Rathbone J, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. ^ Rathjen Henry, miner, res 741 S Main. rr? Ratliff John, lab, res 864 S Eighth West. i i i Rauck Peter, farmer, res E Mill Creek. ^^ Rauhof Arthur H, salesman Cohn Bros, res 24 F. ^^ Raum Charles M, elk W S Henderson, res 328 S State. Rausch, see Raasch. Rausch C E, elk Gustave Kroeger, res 324 Fourth East. Rausch Ernst, emp Cunnington Co, res Capital Ave add. Rauscher Aug, physician Murray, res same. Rautter Louis, carp Temple, res 1 1 E North Temple. Rawlings Frank J, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 462 Third East. Rawlings Oscar W, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 462 Third East. Rawlings Wm, shoemkr, res 462 Third East. Rawlins Joseph L (R & Critchlow), Delegate to Congress, res 233 First. Rawlins Joseph S, bishop South Cottonwood Ward L D S, res South Cottonwood. Rawlins & Critchlow (J L R & E B C), Attorneys-at-Law, 23 to 27 Hooper blk. Rawson John F, studt Univ of Utah, res Florence, Weber Co. Ray, see Rea. Ray Alfred W, candymkr, res 139 Centre. Ray Miss Annie, res 27 Franklin ave. Ray Mrs Annie, res 17 Victoria Place. Ray David C, shoemkr, res 567 Tenth East. Ray Edward, eng, res 139 Centre. ( ^ Ray Mrs Ella, dressmkr, res 5 1 2 S Fourth East. Ray Enoch, plasterer, res 49 Dunbar Ave. c/5 : : Blk, I H/[nnprl fn Tn&n Divldend - Pa y in g ' Salt Lake City. I mUIldlj CO LOdU, Stocks for Sale. 7- H. P. 6. COATES. | E. I. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. R.H. Officer m, ASSAYERS.Zii'S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 591 co g 00 2 . Ray Mrs Florence, res rear 164 N Third West. * Ray Harmon, res 768 Fifth East. jjj S Ray James, lab, res Bothwell Ave. ^ < Ray Robert H, lab, res 567 Tenth East. ^ I - s Ray Wm, lab U P Ry, res 164 N Third West. ^ Raybould Albert W, Auditor Public Accts, res 528 S W Temp. P^l ^ Raybould Block, 258 and 260 S Main. ^* - Raybould Beiij O 9 Real Estate and Loans, 108 Opera * ~^ House Blk, res 441 S West Temple. tD Raybould Edward L- 9 Expert Accountant, office Walker rv JS House, res s w cor- York and Fourth East. OO Raybould George H, carp, cont and bldr, res 643 S West ^ 1*3 Temple. 3 Q Raybould Theodore C, elk, res 258 S Main. "=* CD Raybould Wm F 9 Furnished Rooms Raybould Block, 258 CD" .S3 S Main, res same. ^ Raymond Minnie L (wid F W), mngr Hotel Windsor, res same. c/> ^* Raynolds, see Reynolds. S Raynolds Alice, school teacher, rms 214 Centre. ._ 3 Raynolds Florence, res 214 Centre. ^\ ~ Raynor James, lab J H Nishan & Co, res 922 W Ninth South. J * Rea, Ray. *^ZL ^ Rea Henry H, real est, 49 Com'l blk, res 723 E Fourth South. J^ J Read, see Reed and Reid. J"J ^ Read Chas, mining, res 70 Fifth East. ^J Read Chas M, physician & surgeon Union blk, res same. ^ LU Read James, lab, res 3.2 S Fifth West. ^ ~ Read James, car emp S L C R R Co, res 320 S Main. ^ - Read Joseph, boilermkr R G W Ry, res 848 W Cannon, ^ ^ Read J W, res Thompson's Court. C-I Read Marion, lab S L C R R Co. ^ *^ Read Mary A (wid John), res 261 Fourth. rri ft? Read Samuel Oeo 9 London News Depot, American and * ^ European newspapers and books 249 S 5th W, res same. Read S W, emp S L C R R Co, res 249 S Fifth West. J Read Walter P, Supt S L C R R, res 222 J. p"^ Read Wm C, supt street paving, res Manitou. S! Reader Wm M, bricklayer, res 133 W Third South. ^^ Reading Chas J, florist John Reading, res 219 Second East. Reading Court, rear 248 Third East. B Reading Edward, res Brighton. Reading Mrs Elizabeth, res 235 Iowa ave. Rogers, Searles&Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. OINTRAL BLOCK, SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. I Headquarters for Wrought, Steel and Cai Range*, Gasoline Store*. Refrigerators Granite. Tin and Copper War*. Tinr *iiirn of Bl* Gun 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J "f*rUhi*i 00*4. 592 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Reading John. Florist, basement Utah Natl Bank, Green L Houses 214 E Second South, res 219 2d East, see pape 37. - Reagan Jesse A, lab J W Farrell & Co, res 342 S Main. ft ) ^ Reager J W, elk Eagle Drug Store s e cor 2d S and W Temple. -J Realty Building, e s W Temple bet Second and Third South. Reamer Miss Dora, elk Mme Rhine, res 61 S Seventh West. Reamer Theodore A, carp, res 61 S Seventh West. J Reardon John, steam fitter, res 133 E Third South. 1 Reasoner Calvin, journalist, rms 156 Social Hall ave. Reasoner Wm H, elk Earls Furniture & Carpet Co, res same. j Reaugh Samuel E, civil engr, res 967 E Fourth South. Rebel Charles, saloonkpr, res 44 E Second South. Rebentisch Henry A, Money Order elk P O, res cor First North and Fourteenth West. ( Rech John E, barber 34 E Second S, res ill Rio Grande ave. ^ Reckmeyer George W, bds Morgan Hotel. Reckmeyer Mrs George W, trimmer Miss N C Reckmeyer, bds Morgan Hotel. ' Reckmeyer Miss Nellie C, Millinery 33 E First S, bds Morgan. Red Uiie Transit Co, V M C Silva General Agent, Eastern <> Fast Freight Line, Commercial Block. 2, Redden John, res 1316 E Sixth South. O* Redeker Henry F, 1 aster Z C M I shoe factory, res First West, ^ g bet Tenth and Eleventh South. * * Redeker Wm H, lab, res First West, bet loth and I ith South. I? Redick D T, porter Mint Saloon, res 67 E Second South. ^Tl Redfern Thomas H, steamfitter, res 1017 Washington. ~ Redfield Homer E, contr and bldr, res C, Lincoln Park. jg 1 ^ Redman Benjamin, lab, res rear 443 W First North. JJJ H Redman Benjamin F, mngr U P coal yards, res 160 First. j Redman James, as-ayer, res 205 W Second South. S? M Redman James P, cement finisher, res 355 W Second South. j^ 5 Redman John, fireman R G W Ry, res 58 S Sixth West. CD t Redman Victor, lab, res Murray. JJJ ^ Redmond Fred, assayer R H Officer, res 205 W 2nd South. ' ] Redmond John, lab, res vv s 6th West 2 s of 9th South. Reed, sec Read and Reid. Reed Albert, farmer, res w Jordan river and Ninth North. 5 Reed Annie, domestic 24 Fifth East. < Reed Arthur T, inv elk Z C M I, res 77 J. Reed Charles A, spec agt Northwestern M Life Ins Co, res 314? S First West. OTTTW f TT/r7 1 Blank Book Making; Kelfy's Un- I T T\nr JO f> O SflLT LUKE awjgiyysg LiTHO, GO, I 52 H*. Suconu South. Tlephn Jit. I IJHEBICHHISCUIT&MliNUFACTmilB CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 593 Reed David, emp S L C R R, res 524 E Fifth South. Reed Egbert R, printer, res 2d East bet yth and 8th South. Reed Elliot, carp, res 626 S Third West Reed George, gardener, res w s 3d East bet I ith and I2th S. Reed George W, capitalist, res 77 J. Reed George W Jr, elk Z C M I drug dept, res 77 J. Reed Mrs James (wid), res 535 E Fifth South. Reed James, bds w s W Temple, s of Eleventh South. Reed James, motorman S L C R R, res 320 M. \ft Reed John, warehouseman Z C M I, res w s W Tern, s of I ith S. JL Reed John, chief elk Mas Mech office R G W Ry, res 30 N r Seventh West. gg Reed John, lab, res e s Gordon, n of Eleventh South. Reed John W, saddle mkr J W Jenkins & Sons, res Thompson Ct. Reed Philip, cook Silver Grill Cafe, res 60 Commercial. . J Reed Robert, butcher, rms Revere House. Si Reed Sarah (wid Chas H), res 33 Ninth East. 5 Reed William T, elk Tuddenham & Brain, res 77 J. Reed William W, collector, res 22 E Fourth South. ^ c 5 Reedall Miss Cora G, elk, bds 70 E North Temple. E Reedall Miss Eliza G, bds 70 E North Temple. S Reedall Miss Florence, cashier S L P L & H Co, res 70 E North g Temple. CD Reedall Henry S, mining, res 70 E North Temple. ^m Reedall Mark, car accountant R G W Ry, bds 70 E N Temple, o Reedal Mrs M G, res 70 E North Temple. 3 Reeder Charles W, res 770 E Sixth South. v< UJ Reeder John S, bartndr Elk Saloon, res 304 E Third South. *-^ " Reeder John W, cond S L C R R, res 770 E Sixth South. Reeder Miss Laura, res 770 E Sixth South. Q Reeder Miss Lucinda, res 770 E Sixth South. CD Reeder Samuel W, collector R D Winters, res 770 E 6th S Reeder T H, emp S L C R R, res 770 E Sixth South.. Rees John W, blksmith and wagon mkr, res 532 Fifth East. Rees W, res 763 State. Rees William, plumber and tinner, res 557 S Main. HS Reese Alfred C, license insptr city hall, res 43 1 E First South. P Reese Brigham, farmer, res w s 7th E 3 n of I4th S. Reese Miss Dolly E, res 755 S Main. fflCO Reese Elizabeth (wid John), res 343 E Sixth South. 3 ij Reese Edward W, miner, res i 54 N Seventh West, ^ m Reese Edward W (E W R & Co), res 755 S Main. CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornicKBl(l2., SALT LAKE CITY. P.O. Box W2. TeiephMM.CSl. Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Specialtj WH1TTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE, Boom S10, MoOorniok Building. London A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Assets, $14,880,157.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Wll Assets, I 1,680^42.70 IN 594 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. J J Q :D H 2 gc z: Reese E W & Co (E W R and Caroline E Leith), grocery store 779 S Main. Reese Miss Emily, bds 755 S Main. Reese Enoch L, sheep raiser, res 20 N Fifth West. Reese Fred, res Brighton. Reese Geo K, emp Church Farm, res same. Reese Geo K, bkpr Jas W Eardley, res 738 Fourth East. Reese Hannah (wid Enoch), res 561 N First West. Reese Mrs Hilda, milliner, res 122 E Second South. Reese Hilda, res 524 H. Reese Isaac J, sheep raiser, res 561 N First West. Reese John H, contr, res 1 16 N Main. Reese John D, bkpr, res Metropolitan Hotel. Reese J D, emp Wm Harkins. Reese Lee, sheep man, res 20 N Fifth West. Reese Miss Louisa, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 333 E First South. Reese Miss Mamie, elk 53 S Main, res 333 E First South. Reese M, emp Wm Harkins. Reese Phillip L (Waltz & R), res Metropolitan Hotel. Reese Rolo, lab, res 405 N First West. cd Reese Miss Ruth, bds 333 E First South. Reese Sarah E (wid Enoch), res 1 16 N Main. Reese Willard R, foreman Hewlett Bros, res 732 Fourth East. Reese Will (Patton, Reese & Dale), res 557 S Main. Reese Wm, lab, res 937 E Third South. Reese W M, lab city street dept. Reesman Aggie, res 1020 S Fourth West. Reever Rueben C, mining, res 140 W Sixth South. Reeves Miss Belinda, res 276 N Sixth West. Reeves Bros (F H, F A & C H), Painters and Decorators, 149 W South Temple. Reeves Clarence H (Reeves Bros), res 338 W Fifth South. ^ Reeves Enoch, lab, res 1 1 59 E Second South. Reeves Francis H (Reeves Bros), res 829 W Seventh South. Reeves Frederick A (Reeves Bros), res 338 W Fifth South. Reeves Hyrum A, Supt loth Ward Co-op, res 718 E 3d South. * Reeves Jane (wid Henry), res 338 W Fifth South. ^ f Reeves John, expressman, res 449 Eleventh East. o Reeves Jno A, chief elk frght dept U P Ry, res 457 E 2d South. H Reeves John R, plumber Farrell & Killeen, res 720 E 3d South. * Reeves Miss Mary, res 1159 E Second South. Reeves Sylvester, painter, res 841 S Third West. , V) H Z o 33 D DQ < D O CO H OH u * D 9 SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY " m r O H.H.OffltBrlGo..j|SSAYEBS.Z;a.'5; RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 595 3 I? Reeves Vinnie L, emp Dinwoodey Furn Co, res 718 E Third jj|g South. QS p;- Reeves Wm J, pressman S L Litho Co, res 718 E Third South. zi Refla Antonio, bds State, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. 5j Refla John, bds State, bet Tenth and Eleventh South, |j 3 Refla Jos, Propr California Fruit Stand, res State, bet Tenth . and Eleventh South. ^eo Regan John, pipeman fire dept, res 132 E First South. Dp.; Reger James W, elk Palace Drug Store, res 5 Kendall ave. Reger Joel, lab, res 5 Kendall ave. jL-f R- e gg e l Louis, capitalist, res 225 W Fifth South. -^ Reggel Samuel, speculator, res 255 W Fifth South. -J Rhengreen P, mach ROW Ry, res Muscatine Place. t Rehrman Fred (F Rehrman & Co), res 248 Ninth East. 1 Rehrman F fc Co (Fred Rehrman), Real Estate, 18-19 LL.I Commercial Block. r^" Reich Hugo C, lessee Wasatch Bldg, res same^ Reiche Carl, teamster, bds 860 Ninth East, r Reiche John, res 860 Ninth East. ^ Reiche Miss L, bds 860 Ninth East. ~ Reiche William, driver, bds 860 Ninth East. LJJ Reichelt Albert (R Bros), res 647 E Fourth South. J Reichelt Bros (Albert & Emil), pubs Utah Freie Presse, Kelly & Co bldg. S Reichelt Emil (R Bros), res 647 E Fourth South. CO ^ Reichmann Gustav A, pkr Dinwoodey F Co, res 27 S 6th West. T* ZZZ Reid, see Read and Reed. E Reid Miss Annie, res 219 N Seventh West. QJ ^^ Reid Clifton R, emp Warm Springs Bath House, res same. CO "5 Reid David W, physician Ensor Institute, res same. ^ * Reid Miss Dora, res 60 Centre. __. O Reid George F, bds 45 N Sixth West. 3 CJ Reid H, emp Dinwoodey Fur Co. ^ Reid James, res 4 5 N Sixth West. C= Reid James G, lab U P Coal Yard, res 45 N Sixth West. S 'jjj Reid John B,.clk S P Teasdel, res 765 W North Temple. ^ 73 Reid John G, night watchman, res 219 N Seventh West. Q Reid Levi J, vice-pres Jeremy Salt Co, res North Point. 3Q Reid Levi W, bishop L D S, North Point, res same. Reid Miss Lizzie, res 430 Seventh East. S Reid Miss Lizzie A, res 60 Centre 2 ft Q^ Reid Malcolm J, bkpr, res 60 Centre. Printing HniISP Printers, Publishers and nmiiiig nuubc, R1 , R , f f 20 W. THIRD SOUTH. Blank Book Mannfaeturen SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO, niv Itui : Rhodes William, farmer, res Murray. ** P* &Z Rhodes W A, foreman city street dept. 1 Rhodes W E, mach U P Ry, res 84 North. ^ Rice Ambrose, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. ;~ Rice Clinton P, comp Tribune, res 744 S First West. Rice Dean Jr, elk, res 450 W Second South ^ Rice George Arthur. Pres Geo Arthur Rice & Co Bank, 3 Eureka; Propr Rice's Tintic Sampling Works, 60 1 McCor- nick Bldg, res 140 A. O Rice Henry A, lab, res 453 Fifth. 3 Rice Harry J, lab, bds Liberty Park House. ^ Rice James H Co, glass, Wm B Webber agt, 222 W 2d South. ^ Rice Paul, carp, res 632 Seventh East. r-+ Rice Thomas C, car insp, res 450 W Second South. Rice Warren, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Rice Wm S, lab, res 453 Fifth. fl) Rice's Tintic Sampling Works, George Arthur Rice D Prop, Office 60 1 McCornick Bldg. 3 I ^ Rich Adam, lab, 544 Fourth East. Rich A C, emp S L C R R, res 103 N Second West. (JQ 00 IOAHS A SPECIALTY, c 'c B !^ I MONEY TO LOR l S2?3r Beal Estate Broker. H. p. . Mini I E. i. SHEETS. Room K. conwmi i!i f t R.H, Officer & Go RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 599 - _ - h Rich Bros (Edwin E, Jr, and E H), Meat Market, 774 W | North Temple. s Rich Carter, engr R G W Ry, res 9 Denver Court. fe Rich Charles, lab, bds 163 W South Temple. Rich Charles, teamster Bothwell & McConaughy, res s e cor Sixth South and Seventh East. j Rich David, carp, res e s Seventh East, bet loth and i ith S. __5 Rich Dela, res Tenth W bet Second and Third South. ^ Jg Rich Edwin E, Mngr People's Forwarding Co, res 760 W ry-% North Temple.' O3 Rich Edwin E Jr (Rich Bros) and cash People's Forwarding Co, -&z res 776 W North Temple. O Rich Miss Elsie E, stenogr People's Forwarding Co, res 760 W CZD North Temple. Rich Ernest H (R Bros), res 776 W North Temple. " Rich Frederick, res e s Seventh E bet loth and 1 1 South. Rich Fred C, timekeeper S L C R R, res 540 N Second West. Rich John, res 860 Ninth East. Rich John, teamster S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Rich Lorenzo, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Rich Mrs Mary Ann, mngr 5th Ward Co-op 370 W 7th South, ^ res 735 S Third West. -3 Riche M, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. 33 CO Richards Miss Carrie, res 344 S First West. Q Richards Miss Edith, dressmkr Miss J Haight, res 344 S 1st W. Z3 Richards Edward, Real Estate and Miner, res 163 Eighth East. Richards Ernest E, elk Fraser & Chalmers, res 160 C. Richards Miss Flora, res 654 Third. Richards Franklin I>, Historian and Recorder the Church of Jesus Christ of L D S, 62 E S Temple, res Ogden, Utah. Richards Franklin S (R & Moyle), res 175 A. Si Richards G M, lab at Temple, res 35 Cane. jO ^2 Richards Henry P, salesman Z C M I, res 159 Second. (S3 Richards Hyrum H, plasterer, res 257 W Seventh South. J^ QQ Richards Isaac, lab, res 245 Eleventh East. o T p^ Richards James W, tentmkr, res Floral ave. (53 Richards Joseph, res 175 A. jzj Richards Joseph, rms Brooks Arcade. -~ Richards John R, solicitor R L Polk & Co, res 445 S Main. sC "^ Richards Joseph S 9 res 559 E South Temple. 2 C3 Richards Joseph T, Attorney-at-Law 337-340 Constitu- ' Q t^- tion Bldg, res 175 A. CO Rogers, Searles Ho GENERAL INSURANCE. 1 ' ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARD WARE CO.) Sign of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J latins, Ammunition, i m<- < m. lery, Fishing Tackle and Sporting- Ooodn. ft mis and Tents for Rent. CO LU 600 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CD Richards Levi W, elk, res 160 C. -} Richards Lorenzo H, car emp S L C R R Co, res 64 S 5th W. " Richards Richard, carp, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Richards Miss Rosa, domestic 941 E Fifth South. LJI Richards Sam, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. K.^ Richards Dr Stephen L, veterinary surgeon Constitution Bldg, , . fj res Ninth East, bet i ith and I2th South. ^ ^ Richards Samuel W, architect, res 344 S First West. ^~* A Richards Warren A, engraver J W Whitecar, res 466 Sixth. Richards Wm B, real estate, res e s Ninth East bet Eleventh and ^^j Twelfth South. j Richards W H, res 329 State. m Richards W P, res 329 State. Richards W V, capt i6th Infantry, Co G, res Fort Douglas. X Richards fr Moyle (Franklin S R & Jas H M), Attorneys- at-Law 337340 Constitution Bldg. Richardson Albert, baker Home Bakery, res 159 N Third West. / 4 Richardson Alex W, draughtsman R Kletting, res Eighth West - bet Third and Fourth South. " Richardson Aurelius M, Gaiety Cigar Store 143 S Main, res ^-* 630 E Third South. Si B 53 Richardson Darwin C (Barton, Lyon & Co), res 235 W 4th S. o" C S Richardson Edward J, barber, res 630 E Third South. ^ { Richardson George H, plasterer, res 889 S Seventh West. Richardson George R, elk James-S-B Co, res 634 S 2nd W. _r Richardson James, bds 843 E South Temple. J ^ ^ Richardson James S, medicine mnfr 630 E 3rd S, res same. 3" Richardson Jeiemiah Jr, piano salesman, rm 20, 20 E 1st S. JJJ Richardson John, shoemkr, res 546 Sixth East. JjJJ Richardson Joseph, carp, res 455 W Third South. Richardson J M, rm 16 Telluride blk. S? _ ) Richardson Sylvester, teamster, res rear 770 N Second West. pEj Richardson William E, cigars and tobacco 1 3 E Second South, CD res 80 D. 55 Richardson William H, elk Barratt Bros, res 456 S 2nd W. .1 Richelieu The, E F Hanna Manager, n e cor Third East and ?!J Second South, see adv. "^z Riches Isaac, farmer, res s w cor State and Eleventh South. ^ Riches John, farmer, res w s i ith East, 2 n of I4th South. Richmond and Anaconda Consolidated Mining Co, see inc co's, ~ W C B Allen secy, office 16-17 Union Nat Bank Bldg. ? Richville Robert G, real estate, res 124 W Second South. "S RK1 T I IMF I o^^s^aS^ i T jvun nn OML 1 lirtMi | B^TM.^.rOp.gL hi 1 flU, UU, Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. 601 J( Rick Delia, domestic 475 E Fifth South. ^ Rick Gus, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Kicker C'arrol H (Christopher Diehl & Co), General Agent Cfl Conneticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. CH Ricketts J M, capitalist, bds Knutsford. H Ricketts Mattie, domestic The Manitou. ^2 Ricketts William H, mining engineer, res 134 W 4th South. Rickie Gus, emp Wm Harkins. ^ Ridd Brigham A, carp Wm Asper & Co, res 664 W 4th North. Ridd Heber, emp Wm Harkins. Ridd Wm B, rock quarry, res 429 N Sixth West. ~JG Ridd Wm J, trav pass agt U P Ry, res 429 N Sixth West. Riddick Thos, porter Mint Saloon, res 67 E Second South. Riddell Thos, comp, res 530 S Second West. JJ 1 Riddle Miss Effie, tchr, res Realty blk. * * . Riddle John C, tailor, res 37 Ninth East. jg- Riddle Joseph, switchman U P Ry, res 622 W Fourth North. < Riddle Mary J, domestic 909 S Second West. ^" Riddle Robert, miner, res in Realty blk. C/5 o! Riddle Mrs Susan M, res 1 1 1 Realty blk. J Ridenour Henry (Hansen & R), res^228 E Third South. S* * Ridgely Win H, elk H L Griffin, res 52 S First West. . Ridges Mrs Adelaide P. res 431 W Third North. Ridges Alfred J, carp, res 364 W Fourth North. -5g Q Ridges Alfred J Jr, bkb Irrigation Age, res 364 W 4th North. jj Ridges Miss Claribel, res 427 W Third North. CO y Ridges Ernest, bricklyr, res 435 W Third North. s ^ Ridges Joseph H, cont and bldr, res 427 W Third North. Q Ridges Miss Louie, res 427 W Third North. p -Ridges Milton, joiner Temple, res 427 W Third North. O Ridley Joseph, marble cutter, res 35 Locust. 3J Rieben Mrs Annie, res 32 E Fifth South. * Rieben Miss Annie, res rear 32 E Fifth South. |S3 Rieben Miss Emma, res rear 32 E Fifth South. Rieben Samuel, carp, res rear 32 E Fifth South. Riendcau Mrs A, res 726 W Second South. Ricndeau Miss Alice, res 726 W Second South. ^~ Riendeau Joseph M, res 726 W Second South. P3 Riepen Fritz, Proprietor Tunnel Saloon, 42-44 W Second s {Jj III South, res 609 E South Temple, see adv 3 Riepen Mrs Margaret, res 318 S West Temple. H jjj Riepen Miss Tena, res 318 S West Temple. ^ ^ CHftS. B GOURLAY & CO, 303&305McCornicKBld2., SALT LAKE CITY. F. 0. Bra W. Tiephon Ml. Shirts of Every Description. Eepalrlnralpeltltf Illlll IL-HOKL, lOOKt & CO., Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 IXSl'RAX'E. Greenwich Insurance Company, of Room 310, McCornick Building. the City of New York ....Assets, $1,597,375.41 ^ 602 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. w i5 Riefele Charles, res 103 Sixth East. + 00 Rigby Bros (C S & J), grocers, dry goods, meat market, 422-424 Q O C/D S West Temple. JJ Rigby Miss Catharine E, res 144 W Fourth South. Rigby Charles S (Rigby Bros), res Farmers Ward. * Rigby George F, elk Simpson-Hill Drug Co, res 144 W 4th S. z Rigby James L, farmer, res Fifth East, s of Tenth South. .3, -"^ i Rigby Jane (wid James), res 171 E Third South. ^ OC'D Rigby Miss Jane, res 144 W Fourth South. .cg Riley Joseph, farmer, res Mill Creek. g, Riley Patrick H, saloon 151 S Main, res 437 S Main. >c: Riley Mrs Wm (wid), res 530 Third East. CD Rimmel Charles B, cond S L C R R, res 729 W N Temple. fg 3 Rindfleish Carl, eng S L C Brewery, res 1 130 E Fifth South. ci Ringwood Miss Althea, res 922 E Fifth South. jaxS Ringwood Charles P, lab, res 922 E Fifth South. Ringwood Joseph, car emp S L C R R. Ringwood Miss Theresa, emp Troy S Lndy, res 922 E 5th S. Ringwood William M, motorman S L C R R, res 38 K. ^ Rinkel Adolph, book binder, res 541 W Second South. Rio Grande Hotel, James Hegney Proprietor, 221 S Fifth 5 West. ?$* QAIT I ftk'F I ITMfl TO Lithographing, Printing and Blank OHLI LWnL LI I MU, UU. ^ nn t M a vinn I he F ine$t '" th * western 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. B.H. Officer * Co.. RSSAYEBS.ZJSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 603 p _______ _. _ __^_^_ ^_ ^ _ ^ _ _ __ ^_ ^ _ _____ D Rio Grande Western Ry, D C Dodge Gen Mngr; A E |jjj Welby Supt; J H Bennett Gen Pass Agt; S H Babcock Gen 32 Ert Agt; J Brinker Asst Frt Agt; Theron Gecldes Auditor; i| W F Colton Cash. Gen Offices Board of Trade Bldg; City ^3E Ticket Office s w cor Second South and Main; Passenger 60 Depot W Second South bet Fifth and Sixth West, see page a.' XIII. . Riordan Edward, boiler mkr U P Ry, res 763 W South Temple. ^^ ^ Ripke Herman, lab, res 823 S Seventh West. Pi Ripley F E, lab City water works, res 473 Seventh. Q Ripley S Benj , foreman repairs city water works, res 473 Seventh. D3 Rippe August, elk Henry Rippe & Co, Res 60 E Second South, i 3 Rippe Fred C, head waiter Hotel Templeton, res same. ; 3 Rippe Henry (Henry Rippe & Co), res 60 E Second South. *g Rippe Henry Jr, elk H Rippe & Co. res 60 E Second South. Rippe Henry $r Co (Henry Rippe), Tents and Awnings, 221, Canvas, Flags, Wagon Covers, Etc, 60 E Second South. Li- Rippeto Edward H.bkpr, res 81 Apple. CD Rippeto Huge D, mining expert, res 8r Apple. L ^ Riser, see Reiser. to Riser Geo C, heel burnshr Z C M. I shoe fac, res 245 N 5th W. 15} Riser Jessie G, packer Barnes, Lewis & Co, res 73 N 2nd W. .: Riser Miss Nellie, opr Z C M I shoe facy, res 245 N Fifth West. rz! Riser Samuel, res 38 S Seventh West, ^ Risley Wm M, carp R G W Rv, res 729 E Fourth South. Ritchie Elmer E (Ritchie & Ritchie), res 610 E South Temple. "CO Ritchie Rev Geo, res 517 S Fifth East. ^ Ritchie Joseph, foreman city water works, res 3 Swan's Court. CO Ritchie Morris L (Ritchie & Ritchie), res 610 E South Temple. C^ Ritchie Spencer E (S E Ritchie & Co), bds Brooks Arcade. p: Ritchie S E & Co (S E Ritchie), New York Tailors, Clift House corner. See page 5. 2 Ritchie & Ritchie (Morris L & Elmer E), Attorneys- at- Q Law, 58-59 Commercial Blk. w "p: Riter Geo W, res 325 E Fourth South. M CO Riter Jos B, elk Z C M I, res 373 Third East. A ^ ^ Riter Miss Susie, res 325 E Fourth South. Jf Q ^^ Riter Wm D, res 325 E Fourth South. j) ^ Riter W W, capitalist, res 349 E First South. ^0, CO Riter Thomas, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. ~3 Ritter G Bentley, painter, rms [58 E Second South. P t 1 Ritter Louis, painter, res Utah House, R Thp iTtrtinftf'Tnn Anp A Journal of National Moment. ID 11 U U Re* 4 by Farmers, luvestorx. Contractors, EnginMrs, Etc. 3 3 Nail Lake Office, 26 W. 3d Somli St. 32 SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO,}H; Si-n of Big: Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j and F Wholesale and Ketnil Ilaru- C'litlery, 8lov". I Roberts Frederick, junk dealer, rear 524 W 2nd S, res same. 3D fi h Roberts Griffith P, mach U P Ry, res 24 S Sixth West. C Q < Roberts Henry, draughtsman Temple, res 750 S West Temple. | j Q Roberts Hugh, carp, res 1 17 I. Jj UJ Roberts James, teamster City Street dept. C3 *}j Roberts Jane (wid Griffith), bds 24 S Sixth West. CD ^ Roberts John, news stand 266^ S Main, res Grand Central ~ P 0j Lodging House. """ * Roberts John, eng R G W Ry, res 8 1 2 W North Temple. S p Q Roberts John J, policeman, res 655 N Second West. - 0) -J Roberts J J, emp S L C R R Co, res 91 1 W North Temple. =g H P Roberts John L, prop Roberts House, res 12 E Second South, '" of) Roberts John L (col'd), lab, res 220 S Third West. flj S Roberts Joseph, emp Fred Roberts, res Ontario add. ^5 ** g Roberts J W, boiler washer R G W Ry, res 8 1 2 W N Temple. _j Roberts Miss Kate L, artist rm 419 Dooly blk, res 558 S Main. CO Roberts Miss Lillie, emp Troy Steam L, res 714 E Third South. tf Roberts' Lodging House, Jno L Roberts prop, 12 E 2d South, jjjj^ Roberts Mary W, dressmkr and tailoress, res 274 E. _ Roberts Phillip, stonemason, res 30 Grape. C Roberts Tillie, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Roberts Wm, lab, bds 163 W South Temple. 55" Roberts Wm, emp Washer & Kohns. ^3" Roberts Wm (Corker & Co), res 321 S Eighth West. Roberts fc Cornish (A R & B M C), Denver Barber Shop, & 206^ S Main. <% g Roberts & Ellerbeck Block, 45-49 E First South. | a _=^MBT' 7^ 5 Complete and Select Stork of all kinds of B UII;I> IX G M A TERIA JLS. 241 North 3d Went. i i 4 Ul ui Lombard Investment Co. . ooo. ooo. Makes Loans on ImDroved Farms. 4 be 606 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. g a Roberts fc Xeldeu (Wm A Nelden), Wholesale Druggists, 5 15 234-236 S Main. J5 * Robertshaw James, lab, res rear 547 W Third North. J Robertshaw John, emp Grant Bros' L & T Co, res 354 W 3d N < Robertshaw John, lab, bds 545 W Third North. Robertshaw Walter, lab Varley, Josephs & Co, bds 545 W 3d ^ ^ North. 9 3 Robertson Alexander A, rec teller W, F & Co Bank, res 1166 3* rt Fifth East. ^ 3 Robertson Casper L, with W W Mackintosh, res 373 S Main. * s Robertson Charlotte (wid Wm), res 623 Sixth East. 5 S? Robertson Miss Ellen R, res 623 Sixth East. * Robertson Frank, res 205 S Second West. ^ tf*^ Robertson James, res 30 E Second North. uj Robertson John W, quarryman, res 623 Sixth East. ^^ QCf Robertson Nicholas A, atty-at-law with Bennett, Marshall & UJ Bradley, res Cullen. -^ so Robertson If oil R S, of Fort Wayne, Ind, member of Utah 2 x Commission 137 S West Temple. ~ ^ GO Robertson Wm, res 61 E First North. " S Robertson Wm A, treas Mary Bell Mining Co and bkpr P V 2 % Coal Co rm 13 Board of Trade bldg, res 61 E First North. 1 ^3 Robins, see Robbins. 5 Robins Adaline (wid Chas), res 1196. Robins John H, carp, res 269 Fourth. CD 2 Robins LeGrand, lab, bds 119 B. 2J, :^ Robins Mary (wid John), res 216 B. ?5 Robins Orvan, elk, bds 2 16 B. * rv Robins Phcebe A (wid John), res rear 58 N Second West. 03 LU Robins Willis J, baker, res 126 W First South. ^^ Robinson Ada, col'd, (wid Wm), res 38 Floral ave. ^5 Robinson Alvin N, carp, res 2 1 Gregory Court. ^E Robinson Annie F (wid Wm), res 42 Wilson's ave. Si ^ Robinson Arthur (R Bros), res 933 E Sixth South. ^ ^O Robinson Miss Bertha, tchr kindergarten Rowland Hall, res 55 c/3 ^* W Fourth South. CO -^ Robinson Bros (Arthur & John), Shoe Manufacturers and 3D I> Dealers, 49 W First South, see adv opp City Index. fjj Robinson Charles, res 835 Third East. O _ Robinson Chas E, lab, res 610 S Third West. oJ f \ Robinson Chas F, ins agt, res 971 Third. Z. Robinson Miss C L, res 55 W 7 Fourth South. ^ GO ~ roker *"*! Bik, i w nnpf f f, n y n h n oMA&*-p*j**t URCl, Sa i t Lake City. I lUUilDy CU LUdll. Stocks for Sale. a Specialty. R. p. 6. COATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12. Comm.-mal 8. H. Officer* Co.. ASSAYEBS.SSSI; RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 607 ^2 . Robinson Chas W, shoemkr Robinson Bros, res 313 Sixth. 5 {J Robinson Drucilla, nurse 835 Third East, res same. r|2 Robinson Eliza (wid Thos), res W Temple bet loth & I ith S. < Robinson Elizabeth (wid J R), res e s Terrace ave 3 n of !2thS. ^o . s Robinson Eli, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Robinson Ezra C, studt L D S College, res 45 Currant. ^3 ^ Robinson Frank, carp, res 64 Sixth East. . Robinson George G, teamster Morrison, Merrill & Co, res 449 ^ W Second North. j *^D Robinson George L, elk M H Desky, res 74 W Second South. r->. J^ Robinson G W, driver Grant Bros, res 433 W Second South. CO ^ Robinson G W, res 27 S West Temple. T3 Robinson Guy, studt U of U, res 526 E Third South. = Robinson Harry, mngr Caledonian Resort Saloon 67 Commer- "^ O cial, res 906 S First West. CD' .S? Robinson Harry, carp, res 104 E Second South. Robinson Homer F, emp Tribune, res 42 Wilson's ave. ^g Robinson Jennie, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. Robinson Jeremiah L, shoemkr, res 610 S Third West. ^ C3 Robinson John (Robinson Bros), res 753 Fifth East. jjf Robinson John, expressman, res 664 W Second North. * Robinson Jno, iron moulder Utah Foundry & Machine Co, res *Z1 ^^ 46 Back. Jlj J Robinson John, bricklayer, res 619 E Fourth South. ^ 4 Robinson John (Robinson Bros), res 753 S Fifth East. *& ' Robinson J A, bkpr S L R & C Co, res 29 F. ^ LU Robinson Jiio C 9 Notary Public and General Agent, Utah ~_; Agency of National Building & Loan Association of Los H-) - Angeles, Cal, 15 E Third South, res same. ^ - Robinson Jno G (Devine & R), res 717 Eighth. -1 Robinson Jno M, foreman Z C M I Shoe Factory, res 554 2& Fourth East. gv O^T Robinson John T, lab, res 69 N Eighth West. r** Robinson John T, contr & bldr, res 717 Eighth. ^ o, Robinson Jno W, bartndr Senate Saloon, res 463 E 5th South. ^ ^ Robinson Latimer P (Robinson & King), res 55 W Fourth S. ^ J Robinson Lewis C, stenogr R G W Ry, res 2 i Gregory Court, a SJ S Robinson Phillip H, porter Congress Saloon, res 3 Denver Court. ^ ^^ Robinson Mrs Ray, Hair Dressing and Manicure Parlors, . Jv ^-H 25-26 Mercantile Blk, res over Singer Mfg Office. v rj* ^^ Robinson Robt, res Cullen Hotel. -v Robinson Thomas C, baker, res rear 39 S West Temple. 5* RogeaSearlesiGo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, CBNTRAL BLOCK, SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 1; Sitrn of Bitr Gun 43 and 44 W. 2d South, j Ho artquarters for Wrought, Steel ana Cajt Ranges, Gacollne Store*, Refrigerator!. Granite, Tin ad Copper War*. Fine m 608 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ( Robinson Thomas M, contr, res 5 Whitney Terrace. _ Robinson, Mrs T W, res 55 W Fourth South. (Jj Robinson Walter E, lab, res 610 S Third West. Robinson Wm, emp R G W Ry, bds 95 Rio Grande av. Q Robinson Wm, section fmn R G W Ry, res rear 564 W 4th S. Robinson Wm A, wiper R G W Ry, res 95 Rio Grande ave. ^* < Robinson Wm E, res 1263 E South Temple. Robinson W J, bkpr McCornick's Bank, res 375 Second East. P^ Robinson & King (Latimer P King), Druggists and Pre- O " scription Pharmacists, 347 S West Temple. I Robison Joseph L, special agt N Y Life Ins .Co, res 97 1 Third. Robson Alice (wid Edward), rms 442 Fifth East. Robson Ester, opr R M B Tel Co, res 1019 Windsor ave. ^^ Robson Maria (wid Wm), res 1019 Windsor ave. Robson Margaret (wid James), res 343 E Sixth South. Robson William G, merchant Park City, res 572 Fourth East. Rocca Eugene, emp Walker House, res same. Rocca Jane (\vid Louis), res 44 E Second South. Rocca Louis, janitor City Hall, res same. Rochofsky A, clothing, res 763 E Third South. C^> M Rock Hiram, farmer, res Camp Lane, w of Jordan. Rock Jacob, mach U P Ry, res s w cor 4th East and 1 2th South. Q' . g Rock Melvin S, emp R T R R Co, res 22 Gregory Court. * * Rock Spring* 4 'osil Co, Wolstenholme & Morris Agents, 2J fa office W Second South, Yards 376 S Third West. 5 Rock Thomas, farmer, res county road w of Jordan. T3 f"^ Rockafellow A G. asst undertaker S D Evans, res 214 S State. C } Rockett Robert, slipper mkr, res 764 First. -+ Rockwell Christina (wid), res 133 S First West. Rockwell Miss Libbie, res 133 S First West. & Rockwood Julia A (wid A P), res w s i ith E 3 n of 1 3th S. DO Rockwood Samuel, farmer, res w s i ith E 3 n of 13 S. zs' Rockwood Susetta (wid A P) res w s i ith e 2 n of 1 3th S. ^- Rocky Mountain Agriculturist, R W Sloan editor and --j prop, 405 and 405 McCornick Blk. Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co, see inc cos, D S *co Murray genl supt, office 2nd floor Joab Lawrence bldg. 5^ Rocky Mountain Cigar Factory, L G Nielsen prop, 135 E 4th S. J^, Rocky Mountain Club (Keat & Bemtin). 30 W Second South. *Zs_ Rocky Mountain Cough Syrup Dispensary, 71 Culmer Blk. %*= Rocky Mountain Dairy (John A Hobbs & Co), w s55? State, 3 s of South Boulevard, office 165 S West Temple. ,|| 00 OTTT H7 I TTT/T7 I Blank Book Making; Kelly't Un- I f TWfin Ofl 8BLT LUKE ^ar^^yg LITHO, GO, I 5i K. Sscona Suuih. Tlephn 14t. I 0) BiSCOII&MUmCIUlG CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 609 3 Rocky Mountain Workman, Evans & Crawford, Pub- lishers A O U W organ, 52 W Second South. Roadcap F, overseer street work, res 326 E Fifth South. Rodda Wm H, mach R G W Ry, res 31 1 S Eighth West. Rode Henry, barber Coml Barber Shop, rms Young's Lodging House. Rodehaver John A, mngr M E Rodehaver, res 234 Second East. Rodehaver Mary E, grocer,- 153 E Third South, res 234 2d E. Rodell Fred (Rodell & Blinn), res 58 Coml. tfl Rodell & Blinn (Fred R and Paul B), People's Lodging .L- House, 58 Commercial. 33 Rodemaker P, lab city, res 330 S State. Roden Robert, stone cutter, s s I3th South, 4 w of 9th East. ~ Rodford George, accountant, res 645 W Second North. m - Rodgers, see Rogers. Rodgers A F, elk store U P Ry, res U P Hotel. Si ^ Rodgers A W, carp Com Mill & Bldg Co, res 65 N First West. 5 Rodoni Chas, res Second South, cor Franklin ave. Roe Watkin L, comp Herald, res 229 Fern. C/3 *V Roehling Chris, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. RofTThos A, studt B H Seaton, rms 303 Progress blk. Q3 Rogers, see Rodgers. :jj Rogers Alexander (Rogers & Co, also Wasatch Milling Co), CD 152 Fourth East. Rogers Alex Jr (Rogers & Co), res 47 E First South. Rogers Miss Alice, elk, bds 675 Second. ^3 fe Rogers A F, elk U P Ry, res U P Hotel. *S~ jj| Rogers Augusta (wid Samuel), res 36 P. g- Rogers Chas, lab, res 596 W Second South. Rogers Chas G, comp Deseret News, res 75 Second. 3 Rogers Charles L, carp, res 675 Second. Q3 Rogers Chas W, elk C R Savage, res 221 C. Rogers Frank, tmstr P V Coal Co, res 419 S Second West. Rogers Harry, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Rogers Hosea L, genl mdse, n e cor Eleventh East and Four- teenth South, res same. H 3 Rtigers James, temstr, res 1225 E Sixth South. P Rogers James, tinner, res 732 E Fourth South. ^ Rogers James Jr, bkpr Utah National Bank, res 152 Fourth E. Rogers John B (R & Co), res 152 Fourth East. Rogers John H, lab, res 866 E Second South. Rogers John T, emp Wonderland, res 1225 E Sixth South. ^ Hj 09 U u CHAS. B GGURLAY & C0.,| 1 303&305McCoraicKBldz., SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts of Description. KepairingaSpeeiall| ffOITTEMORE.COORE&CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, MoCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Cm- pany, of Hamburg. Assets, 12,450,728.74 Scandla Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden. Assets, K160,4Q3,28 610 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 4 Rogers John P, carp, res 20 P. Rogers Joseph, expressman, res 1225 E Sixth South. Rogers Joseph J, Atty-at-Law, 56 W Second South, res 516 E First South. ^ Rogers Lewis B (Rogers, Searles & Co), res 876 S W Temple. Rogers Mary (wid Richard), res 1225 E Sixth South. Rogers Orson T (Spencer, Clawson & Co), res 1 1 1 Third, Can- yon Road. Rogers Miss Sarah, dressmkr, res 675 Second. Roger*. Sear I e* & Co, (L B Rogers, J W Searles), Insur- ance Agts, room 20 Central Blk. See margin lines. Rogers Susan R (wid Fred C), tchr Ninth School, res 45 1 East Fifth South. Rogers William A, lab, res 685 Second. Rogers & Co (Alex, Alex Jr & J B), Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 45 E First South. - : Rogu oil Ernest G. Attorney-at-Law and Notary, Union I Natl Bank Bldg, res 959 Third. Rohde Jens T, dairy, res North Salt Lake. G TJ T A. IMC A. IV T> O Ts IV & A. IV o. * Roll W 7 m, elk, 26 S Fifth West. | Roller Alonzo L, mach ROW Ry, res 415 S Seventh West. CO CO CCL Q- GZ O GC SALT LflKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephont 249. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY =3, co" CD CD CO CD O?l Rollings Miss Mattie, trimmer Mme Lamb, res 462 Third East. mmm Rollins E H fc Sons, Bankers, Geo F Penhale Manager. Q County, Town and School Bonds and Warrants purchased, ^ i 1 6 Union Natl Bank Bldg, see adv. | Romaine George R, dentist 309 McCornick blk, res 52 E 1st S. Romaine George R, watchmkr 67 S State, res 355 W 2d South. Romaine Mrs L E, dressmkr, bds 355 W Second South. Romine Daniel D, stone mason, res 449 Second East. Romney Benjamin F, elk Union Natl Bank, res 227 E. Romney Bros & Co (Heber J, Geo Jr & Miles A Romney & Nephi Y Scofield), gen mdse 89 D. Romney George, bishop Twentieth Ward (L D S) and mngr Taylor- Romney- Armstrong Co, res 355 Third. Romney Geo Jr, foremn wholesleshoe dept Z C M I, res 355 3rd. Romney Geo E, sec and treas Taylor- Romney- Armstrong Co, res 359 Third. Romney Heber Jr, collector Co-op W & M Co, res 122 C. Romney James, stonecutter Elias Morris, res Valley House. Romney Jane W (wid Joseph), res 227 E. Romney Joseph M, elk Z C M I, res 341 First. Romney Mrs Margaretta Anna, res 167 D. CD o> 00 0> CD CD f R.H. Officer! GD..IISSAYERS. 169 S. West Tempi* Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 611 Romney Miss Mary J, res 227 E. Romney Miles A, mngr Z C M I carpet dept, res 126 D. Romney Orson D, asst mngr Taylor- Romney-Armstrong Co, res 136 D. Romney Samuel, real estate agt, res 313 Fourth. Romney William G, printer, res 271 Fourth. Romney William S, cashr Z C M I, res 355 Third. Ronan James, carp, bds 246 Wall. Ronan Patrick, mason, res 246 Wall. Ronqvist Lars, shoemkr Spencer & Lynch Co, res 157 Centre, Rood Charles L, bkpr Daly S Mnfg Co, res 221 Fifth East. Rood Mary A (wid Luther A), res 221 Fifth East. Rooks C Leland, bkpr U C & S Bank, res 37 S Second West. Root E Frank, Physician and Surgeon, office and res 136 S West Temple. Root Mrs Susie B, teacher elocution and physical culture, 136 S We^t Temple, res same. Roote F M, mngr H Gardner, S mach agt, rms Lincoln House. Roper Agnes (wid Chas), res Bowring's Court, rear 257. Roper Charles H, bartndr, res 374 F. Roper George D, barkpr Baby Saloon, res Ellerbeck Blk. Roper William, emp Davis, Howe & Co, res 445 W 3d North, Roqueta Salvador, agt Thos O'Neill, rms 61 W First South. Rordame Alfred, musician, res 135 E Fourth South. Rose, see Ross. Rose Miss Annie, dressmkr, res 242 W Sixth South. Rose Antoine, lab, res 596 W Second South. Rose Miss Bernie, res 527 Seventh East. Rose Charles, emp Wm Harkins, bds 468 W First South. Rose Charles E, comp, res rear 536 S First West. Rose Edward, emp H Denhalter & Sons. Rose Miss Emma, res Orchard Square. Rose Frederick W, carp, res Orchaid Square. Rose F W Ji% Clerk Driver Mercantile Co, res rear 536 S First West. Rose Geo, emp Wm Harkins, bds Alta Restaurant. Rose Geo, lab, res 527 Seventh East. Rose Inez, domestic 1026 Windsor ave. Rose Miss Lily, res Orchard Square. Rose Nels, painter, res 351 Express ave. Rose Nickle, emp W Harkins, bds 468 W First South. Rose Mrs Sarah, res 1255 West Temple. Irrigation flge Printing House, RailroadaDdC Mercialprint ^ Fcim:,l,.. I ur-iii- l,..,l ,, tlM kiVnl of Worli. 'ifi W. Third South. CO GO 0> 3 T3 CD SO o o 3 CO 03 CD O m x O m r O O SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., l Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 14 W. 2*1 South. ) n t ni<- Ituil'l'-rs ami II <>ns--t u r ^ Harl\<>. Stove*. and Kuiim-s. K'fr iterator* n d Gasoline Stove**. ^ 612 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 3 fl Rose W T m T Jr, carp, res Orchard Square. ^ ^ Rose Wm W, elk, res I 2 E Second South. O 6J Rose Wilburn, res n w cor Eleventh South and Twelfth East. T| 1 . Resell Charles, baker S F Ball & Co, res 88 Quince. ^ "^ g Rosenberg Annie, chambermaid Hotel Knutsford, res same. ec X Rosenblatt Nathan (R & Sapiro), res 63 E Eighth South. Rosenblatt A Napiro (Nathan R & Joseph Sapiro), Utah g Junk House 63 E Eighth South. g Rosenbough Miss Ella, dom 115 Fourth East. " Rosenlund John, blksmith, res 345 E Second South. ^ ClO Rosental R E, salesman J Edwards. ^ _^ Rosinquist V, emp Wm Harkins. 33 -Q Ross, see Rose. ~O E Ross Alexander M, stone cutter, res 23 Second East. [^ Ross Miss B, laundry, 359 S Fifth West. -3 Ross Charles J, elk C R Savage, res 30 G. Q "' Ross Daniel L, mngr Empire Mnfg Co 40 Market, res same. H Ross Mme Emma V, dressmkr 24 Mercantile, res same. 'EE Ross Frank W (Gray, Ross & Wyatt), res Cullen Hotel. ^3 Ross Fred W Jr, Cigars and Tobacco 272^ S Main, res _ rear 536 S First West. *g Ross George J, elk James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 30 G. CT - .' Ross James, stonemason, w s 8th E bet I ith and I2th S. . ^ Ross James W, miner, bds 216 W Fifth South. B J Koss John C. treas Western Bill Posting Co, res 9 Iowa ave. Ross John L, lab, res 423 N Fourth West. ^ Ross Mary A (wid David), res 259 W Second North. Ross Robert (col'd), waiter Manitou, rms 335 S Main. Ross Robert R, elk U S Land Office, res W Temple s of I ith S. e/5 ^ Ross Sarah E.(wid James), res 30 G. Ross Sarah (wid William), res 425 W Fifth South. Ross Sprague D, real estate agt 70 Coml Blk, res 730 S 5th E. Ross William, miner, res 342 E Second South. Ross William, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. Ross Winfield S, mining, res 216 W Fifth South. / ^ Rosse James, Furniture Store 17 E Second South, res same. ;? "1 Rosser John R, mach U P Ry, res U P Hotel. J Rossiter Wm, steam fitter James-Spencer-Bateman Co. ^.gj C ) Rossiter Miss Elizabeth, res 523 Eighth East. .1 o OO Rossiter Wm A, Vice-Pres loth Ward Co-op Store, res 617 jfg Eighth East. 1 g Rossiter Wm S, collector, res 523 S Eighth East. Fo ___ ^ __ _ ___ ____ ^ ^ ^ * * lumber of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. Artificial and Natural Ice. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 613 TELEPHONE 43. 7* o z m m o m r DO > Rostron David R, cond S L Rap Trans R R Co, res 531 2d E. Rossy Adolph, mason, res 422 N Eighth West. Rothull Ellen (wid Samuel), res 747 W Second North. Rothwell John, res 375 W South Temple Rounds S P Jr, Tribune Job Printing Co, bds Morgan Hotel. Rounds Wm, teamster Utah Oil Tank Co, bds 73 E Seventh S. Roundy Adelbert, Pres Little, Roundy & Co, res 515 E 1st S. Roundy Mrs Elizabeth D, res 422 W First North. Roundy J L, Vice-Pres Little, Roundy & Co, res 515 E First S. Rounseville A G (Lindsay & R), rms 844 W First South. Rourke Catherine (wid Charles), res 336 Seventh East Rourke Charles, plumber James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 336 Seventh East. Rourke Elizabeth H, dressmkr, res 336 Seventh East, Rouse Ollie D, carp, res 745 W Fourth South. . Roussellon Rev Morris, prof All Hallows College, res 376 E Second South. ^ Rowe E Everett, bkpr Old Jordan & Galena Mining Co, res 5 Waterloo add. Rowe Herbert H (Day, Rowe & Co), res 44 E Fifth South. Rowe J M, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. < Rowe Miss Lulu, res 85 First. * it owe, Horris fc Siiminerliays Co, see inc co's, J W Q Summerhays Mngr, Dealers in Hides, Wool, Pelts, and r Leather Mnfrs, 63 S Third West. See page 77. ^ Rowe Wm H, Asst Supt Z C M I and Mngr Z C M I Shoe Factory, res 85 First. See Front Cover. J Rowe Wm P, butcher, res 463 S West Temple. -J Rowe Wm T, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 19 Earl's Court. Rowen Lucien G, real estate and mining, res 167 Tenth East. Roweson M, lab city street dept. Rowland Benjamin, lab, res 537 W Second South, Rowland Benjamin W, lab, res 537 W Second South. Rowland Hall, Boarding School for Young Ladies, 205. First. Rowland John W, lab, res 537 W Second South. Rowland Miss Maud, res 537 W Second South. Rowland Morgan W, lab, res 537 W Second South. Rowntree Miss Hannah, saleslady R K Thomas, res 352 W 2d N. Rowntree Miss Jennie, saleslady R K Thomas, res 352 W 2d N. Roxborough Alexander, lab, res 1020 Eleventh East. Roxborough George, lab, bds 1020 Eleventh East. Roxborough John, gardener, res 1020 Eleventh East. Morrison, Merrill & Co, Prices and Estimates un all kinus of Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt ^ e " iee: Capital 8 f. 000.000. Surplus S2OO.OOO. COTi KA1R 9tUJ FIRST S3UTF, i 614 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. G 8 g Roxborough Mrs Susana, res 1020 Eleventh East. SL = Roy William H (R & Whiteley), res cor R and Second. 2 | Roy & Whiteley (W H Roy & T W Whiteley), Salt Lake Fruit S and Produce Co, 2275 West Temple. ^ Jj Royer Julus, res Roberts Blk. H Roylance W G, res 553 E First South. ^ > Royland Frank, foreman U P Ry, res 525 W North Temple. | 5 Royle Jonathan C (Marshall & R), res 635 E First South. * Royle J, lab city waterworks. * :; Roys F, physician and surgeon, res 343 Fifth East. ^ T Ruban Miss Clara, dressmkr, res 442 Third East. % Ruban Eliza (wid Jno J), res 442 Third East. * 5 It ii ha n John J, Shoemaker, 177 W South Temple, res same. 5 W Rude James, elk St Elmo Hotel, res same. ^ Rudd Geo W, billiard and pool table repairer, res 349 S West rv" Temple. UJ Rudellat Dominick (Feraude & R), res 1 14 E Second South. SE Rudman Benj. blksmith U P Ry, res 56 S Sixth West. ZJ Rudy Henry, stock raiser, res 214 S Fourth West. QQ Rudy John B, sheep man, res 249 W Fourth South. E Ruffner Mrs Clara E, rms 158 E Second South. ljlj Rufi Jacob, laster Z C M I shoe factory, res 244 Ninth East. Q Rugg Benjamin J, eng R G W Ry, res 226 E Third South. 5j R 1J gg Henry, foreman round house R G W Ry, res 226 E 3d S. Rugg Jno, eng res 226 E Third South. Rule Elbert S, second hand store 14 E Third South, res same. Rulenskee Elo, lab, res 736 Third East. Rulensku Elir, tinner Heesch-Davies S Co, res 338 E 7th S. Rumel Miss Annie, milliner, res 235 S Fifth East. Rumel Arthur A (Owens, R & Bates), res St James Hotel. Rumel Chas B, cond S L C R R, res 329 W North Temple. Rumel Miss Eliza, dressmkr, res 358 Fifth East. Rumel Jacob, bds 358 Fifth East. Rumel James E, res 735 W First South. GO Rumel John H, res 235 Fifth East. Rumel John H jr, res 174 W First North. Rumel Joseph, emp S L C R R, res 27 N Fifth West. Rumel Joseph C, lab, res 735 W First South. Rumel Miss Lizzie, dressmkr, res 358 Fifth East. Rumel Orson, receiving teller Des Natl Bank, res Forest Dale. f ] Rumel William, bkpr, res 343 Third East. Hum field Hi ram S 9 sec Geo M Scott & Co, res 46 S 1st W. LOAHS A SPECIAL!?, c S5rsS5S L I MONEY TO LOAN. 1 SS?2 Real Estate Broker, H. p. . wins. I E. L. SHEETS. Room K. commrmi R.H, Officer & Go., ASSAYEBS.^S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 615 b Rumley James M, marble cutter E Morris & Co, bds Valley Hse. f Rundla Walter C, carp, res 352 E Seventh South. | Rundquist Charles F, blksmith, res 364 C. 6 Rundquist Fred, driver P W Madsen, bds 615 E First South. Runstedt Charles, emp Am Dist Tel, res 15 Currant. Runstedt Charles G, tailor, res I 5 Currant: j Rupp Bert S, carp, .res 724 S Eighth West. ^ D Rupp George M, teamster, res 805 W Eighth South. _, j Rupp Joseph M, carp, res rear 704 S Eighth West. r^ - Rush Josiah G, lab U P Coal Yard, res 56 W Third South. 3 Rush Josiah R, bartndr Silver Dollar Saloon, res 463 Third E. -^ ; Rush Edward H, Director Heesch-Davies Co, res 725 W 2d N. ^ Rush Samuel B, blksmith, rms 56 W Third South. CD f Rushton Don C, elk Z C M I, res 672 S Eighth West. s Rushton Edward J, carp, res 357 W Fifth South. ^ I Rushton Edwin, Pres Greeley Mining Co, 38 Central Block, res J 353 W Fifth South. j Rushton Edwin H, teamster, res 357 W Fifth South. - Rushton Frederick, brickmason, res 353 W Fifth South. Q- Rushton Samuel, lab, res 643 W Third North. Rushton Samuel Jr, lab, res 643 W Third North. ^ Rushton Sarah (wid Edwin), res 353 W Fifth North. "~3 Russell Alexander, lab. res 263 S Fifth West. ^ Russell Aimer N, engr R G W Ry, res 712 W First South. Q Russell Claude Y, steam fitter J-S-B Co, res 578 Eighth East :=3 Russell Miss C, res 578 Eighth East j Russell David J, shipping elk Remington-Johnson Co, res 334 W Sixth North. Russell Miss Effie, res 141 S First West ^ Russell Ether, comp S L Lith Co, res 223 Sixth East. ^-^ Russell George, contractor and builder, res 527 E 7th South. ' Russell Hazel (wid), res 141 S First West Russell Henry A, elk A Hollander, bds Walker House. ^ Russell Henry K, comp Herald, res 819 E Fifth South. ^JN Russell Henry W, eng, res 819 E Fifth South. o^ Russell Miss Jennie, res 578 Eighth East afTI Russell Miss Jessie, res 578 Eighth East. Russell John, eng, res 455 Eighth East. Russell John B, tinner, res 643 Ninth East. Russell Jonathan M, watchmkr, res 162 Second East 2 Russell Margaret C, res 527 E Seventh South. " Q Russell Nany (wid Joseph), res 27 E First North. CO Rogers, Seated Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.! Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J Units, Ammunition, fine < in- lery, Fishing Tackle and Sporting- Ooods. Onns and Tents for Reul. f* 616 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. c LL . D Russell Miss Maud, elk Natural Mineral Water Co, res i^ First West fl M s a Russell Myra (wid Robert), res 578 Eighth East '5 Russell Miss Pearl, comp Woman s Exponent, res 578 8th East, pr Russell Wm, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. ^ Russell William J, carp T K Lloyd, bds St James Hotel. , Rust Almond M, lineman S L C R R, rms 32 Second East , ORustedt Charles J, tailor, res I 5 Currant ^ Rustedt Hilda, domestic, res I 5 Currant. |; Rustic Court, off W /th South, bet West Temple and 1st West. ^ Ruth Henry W, trav salesman Hansen & Co, res 349 S 1st West. & Ruth Miss Jessie, bds St James Hotel. ^ Ruth Louis J, salesman G A Lowe, bds St James Hotel. ^ Ruth Miss Winnie, res 349 S First West. Rutherford Miss Annie, dressmkr, bds 68 S Sixth West / Rutherford James M, trav salesman S L Mill & Elevator Co, res pi 167 W Fifth South. Rutherford John L, lab, res 68 S Sixth West Rutherford Lawrence, bds 438 N Third West. h Rutherford Margaret A (wid Robert), res 438 N Third West. Rutishauser Miss Eliza, dressmkr, res 276 W First South ^ Rutishauser Susana (wid John) res 276 W First South. a 5 Rutlidge John D, miner, res 857 E Second South. CD " - Rutlidge William, driver S L Meat Co, res cor 3rd S and 5th W. JJj C . " Ruto Annie (wid Joseph), res 174 E Second South. & Rutt Charles J, emp U P Ry freight dept, res 271 W S Temple. 5 - Rutt Levi M, assayer, res 635 Fourth. p ~ Ryan Benjamin J, res 457 Second East ^"""^ Ryan Dennis, teamster city water works. C/D Ryan Dennis, sect foreman U P Ry, res cor S Temple and 9th W. ~ Ryan Ed, waiter The Tunnel, ies 360 E South Temple. Ryan E, wiper R G W Ry, res Rio Grande Hotel. Q Ryan Frank, lab, hds Rio Grande Hotel. CD Ryan George, mine owner, res 1143 E Second South. C/3 Ryan G, lab city street dept. Ryan Henry, teamster Wm Harkins, res 136 W South Temple. ^^ Ryan Jno, foreman derricks city and county bldg, res 5 50 4th E. ^? Ryan John E, hostler Dr Pinkerton, res same. ic Ryan Miss Mamie, comp Magazine Printing Co, res 550 4th E. * - Ryan Patrick, res 267 Sixth East. Ryan P, res 732 E Eighth South. Ryan Phillip J, shipping elk Simon Bros, res 324 Second East. GO ^ni T 1 1WF I Ortli 1 LfWlA | Mid BISCUIT t MUKTUBIHG CO,, Salt Lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 617 *g Ryan R J, res 457 Second East. Ryan Thos A, cutter Z C M I Shoe Factory, res 550 4th East. 33 Ryan T D, rms 63 S State. Ryan Walter, baker Cullen Hotel, res Lambert Court. (^ Ryan William, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. Q Ryan William H, supt city water works, 'res 273 Seventh East. ^ , Rybolt James A, brick contractor, res 1010 S First West. J~J Rvdelus Alfred, res 17 S First West. * ' P" /% Rydman Miss Lillie, comp Korrespondentcn, res 24 Second East. vM Rydman Otto (Otto Rydman & Co) res 24 Second East. - Rydmaii Otto & Co, Proprs Korrcspondenten, 39 S West 30 Temple. CD Rynders George, collector Herald, res 1 68 K. Rynders Mary (wid George), res 114 L. m Ryser Samuel, carp R G W Ry, res 38 S Seventh West. 2 Rytting W, driver Ellerbeck Bros. CD ,S "DUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER.JJ^ 3- For Hotel and Family Use. % L. W. DITTMANN, Agent, < Telephone 384. 27G S. Main Street. JEJ * CD 2 s W ; St Ann's Orphan Asylum, under direction of Sisters of the Holy jjj* 2 Cross, 309 E First South. *^ 5 St Clair Connel A, elk U P Ry, res 450 W First South. g- 3 St Clair Frank P, elk Freight Dept U P Ry, res 450 W ist S. St Clair George, painter, res East Mill Creek. Q St Clair John C, cik Freight Office U P Ry, res 450 W ist S. Q3 St Clair Wayman P P, Freight Agt U P Ry, res 450 W ist S. j[ St Elmo Hotel, F ElrnendorfT & Co, European, 271 and 279 w South Main. St Elmo Liquor House. J Sondheim prop, 3d S and Main, p^ St Elmo Restaurant, S Brisacher prop, 273 South Main. , HS St George C, res 556 S West Temple. * St George Kate (wid Charles D), rms 135 E Second Sjuth. J z St James Hotel, A Greenewald prop, 321 South Main. HC0 St Mark's Cathedral, Rt Rev Abiel Leonard S T D, Bishop; ft 3 Rev Fred W Norris, pastor ; n s First South, bet Second 3 m and Third East. ^ [Jj eo -i j U U CHflS.BGOURLaY&CO, 303&305McCorilicKBl(lg., SALT LAKE CITY. r. 0. BM m. Twephon* S1. Shirts of Evert Description. WHITTEMOKE, COOKE & CO., Room 310, McCornick Building. Phenix insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, 85,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York -..Assets, $1,597,375.41 -618 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CO o 2 o: H CO Q z < u CO Q w &+ O cu f St Clark's Hospital. 272 S Fifth East; near completion, new building opposite Warm Springs. ?pf St Mark's School, 1 15 E First South. r St Mark's School for Girls, n s 1st South, bet 2d and 3d East. St Mary's Academy, Conducted by Sisters of the Holy XF Cross, 146 S First West. =,- h f St Mary's Cathedral (R C), Rt Rev L Scanlan D D, Bishop V G, * u- Second East, bet South Temple and First South. St Paul's Chapel (Episcopal), Rev W M Lane pastor, Main, s e cor Fourth South. . St Peter's Chapel (Episcopal), Chapel of the Cathedral, opp Warm Springs. : Sabine James, contractor and builder, res 185 G. Sacquist Gus, emp S L C R R Co. Saderup Christian, bottler H Denhalter & Sons, res 521 4th East. Sadler Alma C, dep elk L G Hardy, res 356 S First West. Sadler Alonzo, lab, res 326 S Third West. Sadler Elmer J, comp S L Litho Co, res 216 Eighth East. Sadler George, lab, res 326 S Third West. Sadler Harry M, cook, res 27 Lambert Court. Sadler Henry, Wholesale and Retail Wine and Liquor, 223 and 225 S Main, res Eleventh East, bet Ninth and Tenth South, see adv. Sadler Henry W, elk, res 727 S West Temple. Sadler James, res 326 S Third West. Sadler Jane, res 35 Centre. Sadler Joseph T, elk, bds Henry Sadler. Sadler Joseph W, tmstr, res 326 S Third West. Sadler Samuel, gardener, res 287 G. Sadler Wm, res 723 W North Temple. Sage Frank, architect, res 318 E Second South. Sage Henry, elk, res 5 Euclid ave. Sage Timothy K, lithographer, res 154 Mitchell ave. Sagegaurd James, motorman R T, res 317 W Seventh South. Sagers Adam, tmstr, res 437 W Fourth South. Sagers Miss Marian S, dom 28 E Fifth South Sahler Christian, capitalist, res 58 E Third South. Sahler Henry, real est, rms 58 E Third South. tSaile J E, lab city street dept Sailor Charles F, bartndr Louisville Liquor Co, res 161 E Third South. Salisbury Mrs Nancy H, res rear 235 W Fourth South. CJUTIAIeTIITUn ffl Lithographing, Printing and Blank OWL I LHf L LI I IIU. tU. p ^ W a Vinn The Finest tn the Western 52 W. Second South. Telephone 249. bOOK l Country 5 R.H, Officer Ko.,flSSflYERS,s"...^oi RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 619 Sailsbury Warren H, res rear 235 W Fourth South, jgj Sainsbury Brice W, carp and bldr, res 403 Fourth. >5 Sainsbury George A, emp Sainsbury & Johnson, res 363 Fifth. -< Sainsbury Hyrum (S & Johnson), res 423 Seventh. 5L ""^ Sainsbury John H, finisher C R Savage, res 363 Fifth. Sainsbury Martha (wid John), res 363 Fifth, a- Saiiisbury & Johnson (Hyrum S & Chas E J), Photog- CO raphers and dealers in Photographers' Supplies, 56 S West *:j Temple. . Salina Stock Co, R C Chambers pres, E A Ireland mngr, office P"* with Ontario Mining Co. i3 Salisbury Edmund, lab, res Stewart add. * 3 Salisbury Eliza D (wid Wm), res 272 Third East. | ^ Salisbury George N, Weather Bureau Observer, res 518 2d East gg Salisbury Nancy H (wid Henry), res 247 W Fourth South. Salisbury O J, vice-pres New Am Gas & Fuel Co, res 574 E 1st S. 21. Salisbury Sarah (wid Benjamin), res 1 1 3 S Sixth West. _ S^ Salisbury Warren H, ruler S L Litho Co, res 247 W 4th South. | 1 1 CD Salisbury Wm F, Pac Exp agt U P depot, res 272 Third East. "~3 Salisbury Wm T, bds 247 W Fourth South. CO Salm Victor, lab, res 945 W First North. "" ^ Salmon Mary M (wid George B) res 353 Sixth. -& Salmon Wm W, meat market 185 E, res same. ^ Salomon Alfred, carp, res e s Second East s of Tenth South. ^5 Salomon Fred W, res e s Second E bet Tenth and Eleventh So. Salt Ernest W, elk S L Equit Co-op, res 250 W North Temple. "CO Salt John, tinsmith R G W Ry, res 1 1 8 S Sixth West. "ip^ Saltair Beach Co, see inc ce's, N W Clayton genl mngr, 501 00 McCornick blk. ^- ' Saltair Railway Co The, see inc co's, Nephi W Clayton treas, 501 jz: McCornick blk. g Salt Lake Abstract, Title Guaranty & Trust Co, see inc co's, E * W Center sec, office 150 S Main \.< editor, 20 N Main. Salt Lake City Brewing Co The, see inc co's, Jacob Moritz Vice-Pres & Mngr, 471-481 Tenth East. 5 Salt Lake City Foundry & Manufacturing Co, see inc co's found- ers & machinists, Eli A Holland supt, 133 S Third West. g Salt Lake City Oas Co, P L Williams Pres, H P Hender- *> son Vice-Pres, W S McCornick Treas, Jas Moflfat, Sec, 6 W First South. See adv. m Salt Lake City Glass Works, 7th North, bet 7th & 8th West. _ Salt Lake City R R Co, see inc co's, Walter P Read supt, office Hooper Bldg. 5* Salt Lake City Sewer Pump, n e cor 5th South & Jordan River. s Salt Lake Collegiate Institute The, Rev R G McNiece D D Pres, 161 Second East. Salt Lake Construction Co, L S Austin pres and mngr, plumb- ers and gasfitters 61 State. _^ Salt Lake Daily Stock and Mining Journal, Hig- gins & Higgins props, Kelly Blk 52 W Second South. Salt Lake Dental Depot, Chapman & Tripp props, Opera House Blk 36 W Second South. Salt Lake Dramatic Association, see inc co's, Charles S Burton pres and mngr, prop S L Theatre, office same. Salt Lake Driving Park Association, 5th E bet I ithand I2th S. Salt Lake Employment Office, Bridgeford & Hedges props, 60^ W Second South, see page 105. Salt Lake Ensor Institute, 46 E Second South. Salt Lake Equitable Co-operative Institution, see inc cos\ William Langton pres, treas and mngr, 42 and 44 W First South, see page II. Salt Lake Fencing Club, see inc co's, B O Foster sec, basement Realty Blk. DADI/CD nCDlfCT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rArmtn & UtrUt, LUMBER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CEMENTS. CToi*. 2d JSoutli and 3d. West. Tel. 255. MOUNTAIN ICE GO i TELEPHONE 43. 3 O CO J ft Q < ^ George E Blair business mngr, William Hyde editor in ^ chief, n w cor W Temple and First South, see adv. Salt Lake Implement Co, William H Streeper President ; ' Joseph R Smith Secy and Treas, 370 S Main, see adv. Salt Lake Iron, Lime and Rock Co, see inc co's, W G Van Home CD secy, 172 S Main. >: Salt Lake Intelligence Office, Henry H Chandler Agent, 57 W j2 H Third South. C < Salt Lake Journal of Commerce, H L A Culmer Editor ^ Q and Publisher, 71 Culmer Blk. in Salt Lake Keeley Institute The, see inc co's, H M Me- CD Jj Cartney Secy and Treas ; F K Morris Mngr ; Dr Arthur I ^-^ ^ Groves Physician in charge, Gardo House, see cover. 4) Salt Lake Lime & Rock Co, see inc co's, J T Stringer mngr, 18 CD ^ Commercial Blk. O3 5 Salt Lake Lithograph Stone and Marble Co, see inc co's, M E McEnany Secy, office 55 Hooper Bldg. OP ^ Salt Lake Lithographing Co, see inc co's, T K Stevens _ CO Vice-Pres and Mngr, Lithographers, Book and Job Print- QJ !il ers, Bookbinders, etc (see Kelly & Co), 52 W Second 3 Q South, see margins. j Salt Lake Mattress Co, office 46 E Second South. -Salt Lake Meat Co (Wm T Sampson), Wholesale and Eg Retail Mtats, n e cor Third South and Fifth West, see adv. CL Salt Lake Mill and Elevator Co, see inc ccts, B R Town- -n drow Jr Secy, office N Salt Lake, see adv opp Flour Mills. Jj-j Salt Lake 3Iusic Co, George S Smith Proprietor, 62 W 3_ Second South. Salt Lake Nursery, Martin Christopherson Proprietor, e side ^" State, bet Roper and South Boulevard, see adv. ^* Salt Lake Pickle Co, see inc co's, A J Button Pres ; J G Jacobs Treas and Vice-Pres ; W A Chapman Secy and || * Mngr, Works at Brighton, 222 W Second South, see margin. Morrison, Merrill & Co, Lumber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa- cilities and Eiiterpriwe North U. P. Depot. LtriBaRD INVESTMENT CO., I ami nrst south. | Improvett City Property. 622 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Salt Lake ^fews Co The, Twitchell & Moon Proprietors, 77 W Second South. _ Salt Lake Pickle Co, The, see inc cos, \V A Chapman Secy and 9 Mngr, 222 VV Second South. 5 Salt Lake Power, Light & Heating Co, H P Hender- H son Pres, P L Williams V P, W S McCornick Treas, James 5 S Moffat Secy, 6 W First South. See adv. \ s Salt Lake Press Club, room 31 Central Block. $ Salt Lake Pressed Briek Co The, see inc cos, W S Sim- * g kins Treas and Mngr, office 37 S West Temple, yards Eleventh East and Fourteenth South. 35 g> Salt Lake Rapid Transit Co, see inc cos, A M Hinckley 4 3 Supt, office 35 Commercial Blk. "* 5 9 Salt Lake Soap Co, see inc cos, Harry T Duke Secy, 21 ^ Union National Bank Bldg. Q Salt Lake Salt Works, A Whitworth propr, 667 N Second W. LU Salt Lake Seminary and Xormal Training Sehool, ^ Prof J A Smith, A M, principal, 41 E Third S. See adv. ^ Salt Lake Silk Factory, John Lyle propr, 54 S West Temple. QQ Salt Lake Soda Water Co, H Denhalter & Sons props, 2$ 5E and 30 W Third South. UJ Salt Lake Stables, Henry Carrigan Mngr, 226 South Main. r> See adv opp City Index. ^ Salt Lake Steam Carpet Cleaning Works, Morris & Eynon props, 903 W South Temple. See page 21. ^ QC Salt Lake Steam Dye Works, Thomas McKelvie propr, pa Jjg office 43 S West Temple. See -page 27. < Salt Lake Theatre Orchestra, George Careless mngr, Salt Lake *jj ^j Theatre. -g i Salt Lake Theatre, Salt Lake Dramatic Assn props, First South CD CD n w cor State. 02 Z gait Lake Towel Supply Co, Richard H Alliston Prop, 644 E Fourth South. See adv wider Towel Supplies. {55 Salt Lake Transfer Co, Smith & Sims Props, 227 S West ^ C/T Temple. Salt Lake Tribune, Tribune Printing and Publishing Co ~ Publishers. jj* Salt Lake Valley Loan and Trust Co, see inc co's, Sam jp' J Kenyon Sec and Treas, 1 1 E First South. O Salt Lake Veteran Volunteer Fire Assn, 420 E South Temple. j" Salt Lake Vinegar Co (John W Maxfield), Vinegar Mnfrs, P Murray. ^ Itpnl Ftfafr Broker ^m mer al ^ I fflnnprl *n I nan Dividend - pa 7 in g liedl LMrllt UhCI, Sa i t L ake C i ty / I lUUlJoy BO LUdll, Stocks for Sale. oans a Specialty. H. P. G. COATES. | E. 1. SHEETS, Room 12, Commi-rrial Block. R.H. Officer Ho,, ASSAYERS.SJSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 623 g Cg> |g . Salt Lake Wire Mattress Co, 171 S Third East. 3 5 Salt Lake Wood Working Co, George F Price Prop, 49 S" ^2 S Fifth West. g? < Salt Lake & Los Angeles By Co, ^* inc co's, N W Clay- ^ ^^ ton Genl Mngr, office 501 McCornick Blk. Salvation Army Barracks, 133 W First South. t^3 Sampson Miss Edith, res 124 W Sixth South. ** - Sampson Win T, Prop Salt Lake Meat Co, cor Fifth West : 5 and Third South, res 231 W Third South. g *Z3 Sampson Fred, barber, res 124 State. r->. -S3 Sampson Miss Gertrude, res 124 W Sixth South. CO Sampson James, sheep raiser, res 623 S First West. ^ Sampson Mining Co, see inc co's, W M Henry Sec and jj? Treas, office 602 McCornick Block. CD Sampson R B, comp Deseret News, res 124 W Sixth South. /y3 Sampson Thomas W (S L Meat Co), res 231 W Second South. * Sampson William T (S L Meat Co), res 231 W Second South. c/> &j Samschou Chris, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. E^ Samson Bert, bds 239 E Third South. . j"~ Samson Henry F, miner, res 239 E Third South. Samuels Sam, Representing Stern, Lauer, Shohl & Co, res I ^r 37 Canyon Road. tZ. r"- Samuelson Charles, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. J^ J Samuelson Frederick, farmer, res w s 9th East 4 n of I4th South. JjJ *2 Samuelson Martha, domestic 78 E First North. -A/ Samuelson Peter, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. -^ LLJ Saiiborn I>r Charles O, Prop Utah Medical and Surgical J^ Institute 64 S Main, res 157 S Second West, see adv. ^-j - Sanborn Geo B, res 532 S Ninth West. ^ * Saiiborn Joseph A, Agt Pacific Express Co, res St James * j Hotel. ^ ^^ Sandberg Albert H, bds 28 Union ave. i>i (y?" Sandberg Edward, bds 28 Union ave. I-. I Sandberg Fred R, carp, res 361 E Eighth South. $ ^ | Sandberg John C (Sandberg Furn Co), res 1 1 2 W South Temple, x Jq _J Sandberg John C Jr, carp, res 517 W First South. ~j Sandberg John S, crimper Z C M I shoe factory, res 217 Oak. , JJ} &i Sandberg John S Jr, teamster, res 217 Oak. jf ^ 22 Sandberg John W, carp, res rear 828 Fifth East. S Jj >-^H Sandberg Mrs Julia, res 517 W First South. m r Q Sandberg Miss Julia C, res 5 17 W First South. * ^ ^ Sandberg Ludwig, bds 217 Oak. 5* Rogers, SearlesS Go GENERAL INSURANCE. 1 ' ROOM 20. OKNTRAL BLOCK, SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 SE'lr^l Mirn of Biff Gnn. 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J *~-uu*t <** ght, Steel and Cut tore*, Refrigerators, Copper War*. Pint 624 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ Sandberg Nels J, expman, res 326 Steffenson Court. Sandberg Miss Sarah, elk 122 S Main, res 217 Oak. Sandberg Signe (vvid Christian), res 28 Union ave. Sanders, see Saunders. Sanders Albert, butcher, res Murray. Sanders Bros (James and Orson), meat market, res Murray. Sanders Elbert M, lab, res lola ave near Riverside ave. Sanders Miss Florence M, res 98 Apple. Sanders Heber S, studt L D S College, res Murray. Sanders James, bootblack I 5 I S Main, res 305 State. Sanders J, teamster S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Sanders James (Sanders Bros), res Murray. Sanders James H, lab, res 10 Twelfth East. Sanders James W (S & Cambell), res 98 Apple. Sanders James W Jr, bds 98 Apple. Sanders Rev James W (col'd), res 417 W Fifth South. Sanders John W, moulder, res 650 S Third West. C""3 Sanders Julia, lab, res bet loth and I ith S and 2nd and 3rd W. Sanders Laura (wid Hans), res 77 Plum. Sanders Orson (Sanders Bros), General Mdse, res Murray. _ Sanders Raphael, bds 98 Apple. QJ Sanders Soudra, emp Taylor Bros, res 276 W First South. ~ Sanders Samuel S. brakeman U P Ry, bds U P Hotel. 13 Sanders Miss Sarah, domestic 650 S Third West. 5 Sanders Walter C, butcher, res 435 E Ninth South. S** Sanders W C, harness maker, res Capitol Hill. ^ Sanders Wilson J, bkpr, res 98 Apple. Sanders fc Campbell (J W S & Jno C), Wool Dealers, of- 3 fice 422-436 \V North Temple, see adv. Sandersen Christian, carp, res 234 E Fifth South. 5^ Sanderson Emma, bds 859 S Seventh West. OP Sanderson Henry W, lab, res Mortensen alley. Sanderson Hyrum, lab, res 8 Mortensen alley. Sanderson Levi E, painter, bds 1095 Eighth East. Sanderson Levi S, painter, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Sanderson Mary E, bds 859 S Seventh West. Sanderson Michael, tailor S E Ritchie & Co, res. 5 2 Pitt. - Sanderson Sanders, carp, res rear 846 Seventh East. Sanderson Wesley, painter, res 1095 Eighth East. Sanderson W M, res 859 S Seventh West. Sands John R (Bechtol & S), res 526 Third East. Sanford Ida, bds 436 S Fourth West. r TTT/T7 1 B|ank B kMakin ^ ; Kei| y' $ Un ' i T T^pun LillKll I S R r ^n S g e Dony STn'y" Pattern.' I \\[ [ {[\J , I f>V W Seci.-nj Souih. Telephn J4t. I 3 O 05 4^ S2 05 HHEBimilSCyiT&MlilSUFJiCTmillBCO., Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 625 Sanford Margaret W (wid John D), res 532 S Second West. Saiiford Miss Margaret, res 532 S Second West. Sanford Samuel S, loc eng, res 532 S Second West. Sandhal Carl J, paper mnfr, res 529 W North Temple. Sanfors Neils, res 8 Hazel Court. Saniger John H, emp Tenth Wd L & Bldg Assn, res 1174 Emerson ave. Saniger John H Jr, carp, res 1 1 74 Emerson ave. Sanger Nat, mnfg optician 1 1 W First South, res 69 W 2d So. W Sangio Miss Annie, domestic 9 Earl's Court. _ Sanpete Valley Railway Co, see inc cos, H S Kerr supt, office 1 5 30 Central Blk. Sanquist Charles, lab R G W Ry, res 3 Denver Court. ~ Sansom Benjamin, bds 318 Second. m - Sansom Charles R, bkpr, res 318 Second. J** Sansom Fred C (S & Lyon), res 124 N State. SI Sansom Thomas, lab, res 818 First. 5 h Santa Fe Route, J D Kenworthy genl agt 43 W Second South. < Santolini Felice, confectr and fruits 1 17 S W Temple, res same. ^ 3 Sapiro Joseph (Rosenblatt & S), res 65 E Eighth South. C o. Sapp Miss Laura C, stenogr World's Fair T & T Co, res 415 Q} S Main. ^ Sargent Milton, lab, res 205 E Fourth South. CD * Sarp William A, lab, res Utah House. ^3* O Satterthwaite Miss Annie, elk Peoples Eq Co-op, res 263 Can- CD O yon Road. 3 Saturn Mining Co, Zane & Putnam agts 414 Progress bldg. *< U! Sauer Joseph, cigarmkr Crescent Cigar Co, res 357^4 4th East, g < Saunders, see Sanders. ^~* Saunders Hon Alvin, of Nebraska, member Utah Commission, Q" *^ 137 S West Temple. OJ San ii dors Benj F 9 Live Stock Dealer '3 Jennings Blk, res J 3 617. Sixth, see adv. K ^ Saunders David, res 303 Thirteenth East. QB Saunders Demas A, carp, res 303 Thirteenth East. Saunders Mrs D H, res Sugar House Ward. H 2 Saunders Ephraim L, elk Excelsior Bakery, res 105 I3th East. p5 ^ Saunders Miss Hannah, res 303 Thirteenth East. Z z Saunders John W, elk Excelsior Bakery, res 115 I3th East. RjCO Savage Charles R 9 Art Bazaar 12-14 S Main, res 80 D. ^ij Savage Geo L, mngr C R Savage, res 121 D. Jj m Savage Miss Ida, res 80 D. H jjj 09 -i u u CHAS. B GCURLAY & CO., . * I f. . 303&305SCWLMBU2., SALT LAKE CITY Shirts of Every Description. Repairing a Special) j WH1TTEMORE, COORE & CO., I XS TRANCE. Room 810, MoCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg ~. Assets, 12,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets, 14,160.403.23 (526 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. n- j| Savage John W, barber Will Wright, rms Enterprise House. fl* Savage Lucinda W (wid Alden A), furnished rooms, 24^ W Third South. 3 j Savage Miss Lute A, res 80 D. | 53 Savage Ralph G, photographer, res 413 Third. %*z Savage Roscoe E, framemkr C R Savage, res i ith South, bet Main and State. Savery Benjamin S, elk, res 72 S Second West. Savery Charles D, stenog Williams .& Van Cott, res 405 E Second South. Saville Anna (wid Thomas), res 240 N Sixth West. Saville Mrs Carrie (wid George), res 33 N, Saville Ernest, farmer, e s of Seventh East, 3 s of I3th South. Saville George, genl mdse, e s of Seventh East, 2 s of i3th South, res same. Saville Harry M, elk, bds e s Seventh East, s of I3th South. Saville James W, studt L D S College, res Mill Creek. Saville James W, farmer, bds e s Seventh East, s of 1 3th East. Saville James W, pres Eclipse G & F Co, res 261 Fifth. Saville Mrs Jessie A, res George Saville. Saville Jesse, bldr and cont, res 734 S West Temple. Saville Josiah, shoemkr, res 276 E. Saville Miss Lizzie, res 240 N Sixth West. Saville Maurice J, del man Eclipse Gro & Fruit Co, res 262 5th. Saville Walter, bds 33 N. Savory Benjamin L, elk Rogers & Co, res 72 S Second West. Sawyer Abial B 9 Attorney-at-Law, room 6 Wasatch Bldg, res 763 E Fifth South. Sawyer Miss Emma, domestic, res 133 N West Temple. Sawyer Frank, lab, res 472 Sixth. Sawyer Mary, res 125 State. Sawyer Mattie (wid F M), res 175 Fourth West. Sawyer May, res 234 W Third South. Sawyer William teamster, res 523 S State. Sawyer William L, del elk Remington-Johnson Co, res 523 First East. Sax John, elk, res 121 S State. r Saxman Joseph H, warehouseman Rogers & Co, res 63 5 E 2d S. Saxman Simon G, grocer, notions, etc, 625 E 2d South, res sme. Saxton Minnie, emp Des W Mills, res 448 N Sixth West. Saxton Simon, farmer, res Sugar House Ward, bet I ith and I2th South, e of 1 4th East. 0) o Q H 80 * n r Cd h D O CO H u z a S< UKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-OLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. C/2 H.H. Officer Ho,, ASSAYEBS.EJSX RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 627 03 |f Saxton Thomas, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. S* Scandia Second Hand Co (E Nelson & Co) Herald Bldg. szT Scanlan Rt Rev Lawrence, I> I> 9 Bishop R C Diocese '5[g of Utah, res n e cor B and South Temple. 3 Scaiilaii Matthias IV (Propr The Boston Restaurant, 59 E ^ JJJjj Third South, res same. JjJ ^ Scannell Robert L, bkpr U & M Mach Co, res noW 5th South. Scappatura Antonio, bds 324 Second. Scappatura Frank, bds 324 Second. Scappatura Mrs Maria, bds 324 Second. Scappatura Vincent, civil eng, res 324 Second. ^ Scarborough A (wid), res 452 E Third South. Scarborough Miss Annie, wks Utah Steam Laundry. Scarborough Miss Clara, res 216 E Sixth South. I"" Scarborough Miss Clara, wks Utah Steam Laundry. Scarff Fred W, Mngr Godbe-Scarff Drug Co, res 5 1 5 E First South. Scarlet Eli, carp G S L & H S R R, res 775 N Second West. Schackleton John (S L Barbers' Supply Co), res Eleventh South and Fifth East. Schade Wm, saloon 167 S Main, res 630 E Second South. Schaelling Charles, engr, res 852 W South Temple. Schaelling Louis J, mach R G W Ry, res rear 229 S Fourth W. Schafer, Shaeffer, Shafer and Shaffer. ~n Schafer Ernest, dishwasher Bond's Rest, res same. I^j" Schafer Louis A, cook Bond's Rest, res 169 N Third West. CO Schaffer Albert, porter Gibson Club Rooms, cottage 3 Denver T* Court. SchafTer Frank, blksmith R G W Ry, res rear 752 W S Temple. CD SchafTer F R, res 1 18 E Third South. CO Schaffer John, waiter Saddle Rock, res 8 1 2 E Second South. ^ Schaffer Joseph (col'd), waiter Knutsford, res 318 Second East. _ , Schanfield Fred W, uphols, res Brighton. ^ Schank Arnold, salesman Jas G McDonald Candy Co, res 621 S Third West. JJ 1 Schank John F, tailor, res 122 E South Temple. CD Schank Louis, elk W S Henderson, res 122 E South Temple. CS Schank Robert, bds 122 E South Temple. Schansenbach Theo, sec and treas B K Bloch & Co, res Ogden. 30 Scharer John, butcher, res 467 E Fifth South. Scharer John, teamster, res 1276 E Fifth South. Scharer Miss Lena, res 1276 E Fifth South. Irrigation Age Printing House, J[ r %v F JSS er " i ss W U THIRD SOUTH! Blank Book Bannfaetaren SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., Flu* ItiiilUerM and H iiistiin^ llarcluar* and Ranges, Kefrigeratorii and Gasoline Stoves. g 628 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^g 5 Schas David, peddler, res 252 E First South. -, ^ . Schas Jacob, res 252 E First South. O O ^ Schas Mark, Amer Loan Office 1 1 1 S Main, res same. TI "5 Schas Mrs Rebecca, res 252 E First South. C Schaufelberger Henry E, floor walker W B & F Co, res Morgan ^g * I Hotel. ] Schauffelen \Vm, res 450 Sixth East. * Scheele C E, cook, rms Lincoln House. S) Scheib Chas, emp Hotel Knutsford, bds same. ^ Scheiber Harlan, emp Am Dist Tel Co, res Fourth West bet &O Second and Third South. Scheid Miss Elsie, res cor Fifth East and Fourth South. 30 - Scheid Karl A, stenogr Pac Ins Union, res 376 Fourth East. "O ^ Scheid Lambert M, elk, res cor Fifth East and Fourth South. _^ ^~ Scheid Valentine, brickmkr, res cor Fifth East and Fourth South. cJ ^ Scheid William Tine, comp Tribune, res cor 5th E and 4th S. O *= Scheideler August, lab, res 966 W Second South. ^ .tS Scheideler Fred J, tailor, res 966 W Second South. ^ Scheidler George, lab city water works. ^ Scheller Bert, elk Eli L Price, res 558 Fourth East. Scheller George, emp H Autretter, res 558 Fourth East. r Scheller Jacob, tailor, res 558 Fourth East. fi Scheller Samuel, teamster, res 558 Fourth East. = Schenck George C, special agt Equitable Life Ass Society, rms ft Walker House. ^ Schenck T, samp Beck Samp Co, res w s 9th E, s of loth S. " Schetts Miss Julia, tailoress, res rear 337 E Fifth South. CD Scherer Jacob F, foreman Campbells Stone S M, res U P Hotel. CJ Schermer Charley, eng R G W Ry, res 442 W Third South. Schenell Charles W A, time keeper R G W, res 455 W 4th S. Schermerhorn C Howard, secy and treas Niagara M & S Co, res Knutsford Hotel. Schettler Bernard H 9 Banker and Broker, 60 S Main, res 359 E South Temple, see page XL c co Schettler Cornelius D, paying teller B H Schettler, res 359 E South Temple. ~ Schettler Ernest F, elk B H Schettler, res 359 E South Temple. Schettler P H, res 225 Fourth. Schettler Elizabeth (wid), res 225 Fourth. Scheu Charles H (Tousey & Scheu) res 1037 First. Scheulhelm J, cigar maker, bds U P Hotel. | ^ Schick W M, res Oneida Station. Fjg Parker & Depue Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. ^ m * CD RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 629 Schiller H E (S & Theis), res 318 E Second South. Schiller & Theis (H E S and L T), Continental Cleaning and Repairing Co 5 I W Second South, see adv. Schindhelm John, cigar mkr Samuel Levy, res U P Hotel, Schindler Frederick, carp, res 575 Ninth East. Schindlcr Miss Louisa, res 575 Ninth East. Schindler Maggie (wid), res 575 Ninth East. Schindler Miss Martha, res 575 Ninth East. Schirock William, hack driver, res 131 W Third South. Schiwitcky Jacob, Tailor and Clothes Cleaner 123 S State. Schlecht Joseph, baker Edward Scrace, res 61 Apple. Schliep Gcu G, meat market 212 W Second South, res same. Schliep Julius, tailor Wells & Co, res W r est Temple bet Third and Fourth South. CD ji ^ u S LJ 33 O Z N m H I m o m H m o r m Schlitz Joseph Brewing Co, Kentucky Liquor Co agts, I [ & 15 K Second South. > Schlotter August, brewer, res Emigration Canyon. ^t Schlundt August, lab, res 408 Wall. 0- Schluter Bros (Wm H and John J), plumbers 129 W 1st South. JL Schluter John J (S Bros), res 255 N Third West. Htf Schluter Phoebe Ann (wid Wm), res 255 N Third West. ^A< Schluter Walter, transfer agt Grant Bros L & T Co, res 255 N P J Third West. P Schluter Wm H (S Bros), res 166 W First North. S Schmalhorst J W, dep city watermaster, res Johnson, I ith West, bet Seventh and Eighth South. pr| Sefimidt Bros (Jno A, Frank O & fPeter), Iron Cornices, c Metal and Slate Roofers, Washington Place. See adv. Schmidt Carl S, stenogr B K Bloch & Co, res St James Hotel. Sehniidt Chas J 9 Propr Grand Central Lodging House, 264 S Main, res same. Schmidt Ernest, Garfield Beach, res 415 E Third South. Schmidt Frank O (Schmidt Bros), res 13-15 Washington Place. Schmidt John A (Schmidt Bros), 13-15 Washington Place. ^^ Schmidt Mrs Kate, prop Germania Hotel, 146 S State, res same. "** Schmidt Martin H, bricklayer, res Burlington add. Schmidt Peter (Schmidt Bros), res Helena, Montana. Schmidt Wm, waiter St James Hotel, res Poplar Grove. j^ Schmieder Miss Fannie, res rear 135 E Fourth South. Sehmiere J O 9 Mngr Cafe Du Louvre, res 164 W 7th S. Schmittroth Nicholas, formn Model Steam Bakery, res rear 642 Ninth East. WHOLESALE LUMBER, Track, North of Depot. MorlrliTJ 7i Hn WH lYjerrill 6( uo, 3 n- P . Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. 630 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. g Schneeberger Marie, domestic 2 1 1 Seventh East. fi - Schneider Fred J (S & Yingst), res 662 S State. 2 i" Schneider & Yingst (Fred J S & Wm D Y), butchers, 662 S & | State. "5 I* 50 Scare Wm T, elk Z C M I, res 4 Iowa ave. Searle Eber, dairy, res Second West 3 s of Twelfth South. Searle Mrs Eliza, res 909 W First North. Searle John C, driver Z C M I, res 865 E First South. Searle William, res n e cor State and 1 2th South. Searles James W (Rogers, S Co), bds Cullen Hotel. Sears Miss Drucilla, cashier Sears & Jeremy Co, res 756 E 2d South. Sears Edgar P, res 76 J. Sears Miss Etta, asst cashier Sears & Jeremy Co, res 756 E 2d S. Sears George D, tmstr Board of Health, res 636 Third East. o Sears Isaac, Pres and Mngr Sears & Jeremy Co, res 756 E Second South, see adv. 5 Sears Miss Isabel, res Thorndyke add. " Sears Miss Isabella, res 80 Third. Sears John, res s w cor Galena and Fifth East. Q Sears John J, elk Sears & Liddle Co, res 223 Seventh East. Sears John P, res 252 E Third South. Jw Sears Nathan, pres Sears & Liddle Co, res 229 W 1st South. J Sears Septimus W, res Thorndyke add. co Sears S W, res 80 Third. Sears William, bkpr Sears & Jeremy Co, res 756 E 2nd S. $ Sears William G, bkpr Sears & Jeremy Co, res 756 E 2nd S. c Sears fc Jeremy Co, see inc cos, Isaac Sears pres and mngr, { !E ^ wholesale and retail dealers in Flour, Grain, Feed and Gar- 1 ri ~ den Seeds, car lots a specialty, 60 Richards, see page 5. \ Sears & TJddle Co, see inc cos, Nathan Sears pres and mngr, j <+. "0 Paints, Oils, Etc, Show Cases and Art Glass, show case fac- j ^ tory rear 227 W First S, office 33 W First S, see pape 28. j 5 >> Seaton Albert, druggist B H Seaton, Progress Blk, rms 303 J g Progress Blk. x Jj _ Seaton Benj H, Dentist Progress Blk, res same, see page 34.. .g 'g Seckel Miss Rose, saleslady Mrs Deal, res 9 Kendall Terrace. 'EL 3 Seckels Louis, real estate, res 45 E First North. J ^ Second District School, 725 E Seventh South. Second Ward Assembly Hall (L D S), s s Seventh South bet untry. B.H. Officer HP,, ASSAYEBS.SJSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 635 5? Sedstrom Mrs Louise, res 171 Oak. SEc Seeden J G, lineman S L C R R Co. o Seedon Thos, driver B & O Transfer Co, res s w cor Third West rij and Second South. ^5 Segmiller Frank, studt L D S College, res 555 W Third North. C*O Seegmiller Frank, brakeman R G W Ry, res Albany Hotel. oJ Seeley, see Selley. Seeley F E, caulker city water works, res 461 S Third West, * Seeley G R, machinist R G W Ry, res 5 16 W Third South. _ Seeley Isaac, farmer, res 2 n of E I4th South, East Mill Creek. C Seeley Monroe P, brakeman U C Ry, res 1 3 E Eighth South. |X*1 Seeley Wm J, horse dealer, res Folsom add, North Salt Lake. 3 Seerup Wm, carp, res 20 Post, bet Eighth and Ninth West. > 3 Segler James W, carp, res Eleventh East n of Twelfth South SU Segsgord James, motorman Rapid Transit, res 3 17 W 7th South. ^^ Sehy Jno, lab, res McDonald's Court. P^*. Seibert Tony, dishwasher Acme Lunch & Chop House, res 230 12: S Second West. [T] CD Seibert Wm F, Acme Lunch & Chop House, res Delmonico "0 Hotel. L CQ Seidenfaden Wm, cloth coverer J E Taylor, res 86 1 E 1st So. "* tIJ} Seidenstricker Conrad, elk Auditor's office, res 243 W Second . South. rd Seidler Otto F, bartndr The Resort Saloon, res Kendall ave. *^ Seidner Martin, barber 12 W First South, res s s First South bet |O First and Second West, ~G9 Seitke John, painter J Midgley, res 137 E Second South. " Seigler J W, carp, res e s Eleventh East 2 n of Twelfth South. CO Seigrist Chas, driver M E Steele & Co, res 28 E Fourth South. CD Seiwert Jos, emp S L C Brewing Co, res Park ave, Lynwood ad. ^ Selander Miss Hannah, tailoress J C Cutler & Bro, res 118 N Fifth West. C^ Selby Chas, asst roadmaster R G W Ry, res 544 W 3d South. Q Selby Hammond, lab, res Utah House. p: Selby John B, elk The Exposition, res 103 S Second West. (J co Selden James G, lineman S L P. L & H Co, res 919 Second. B CO Selegrath Charles, engr R G VV Ry, bds 2 1 1 S Fifth West. fr- Self Alfred J, brakeman U P Ry, res 723 S Third West. 4. Q -*-* Self John, genl mdse n w cor Aberdeen and South Gale, res same. to ) Self Mrs Rebecca, res rear 723 S Third West, jd Selford George, street paver, rms 331 S Main. ] "Seligman Isadore, trav salesman B K Bloch & Co. The Irrigation Age 34 SALT LAKE HARD WARE CO.,} cc CE . r . s Wholesale and K<>tail Hard- ware. Cutlery, Stove*, (iiins f Ammunition, Sporting GooI Severance Edwin D, civil eng and surveyor, res 62 K. h Severance Fred L (S Bros), rms 1 1 Roberts blk. ^ Sevier Mining Co, see inc co's, W J Beatie sec, office 233 Consti- J Q tution bldg. LU Seward Geo W, brick contr, res 527 E First South. CO 9: Sewell Edw, dairyman, res Centre Ward. CD ^ Sewell Fred G, assayer J W Currie, res 54 W Seventh South. pi Sewell Isabell (wid S G), profesional nurse, res Provo. * 1 Sewell James, quarryrnan, res 19 Peach. j F Q Sexton Edward, elk Pac Ins Union, res 1 166 E Fifth South. E2: J5 -i Seyboldt Charles G, baker Arbogast Confectionery Store, res ^jj* H ^ Delmonico Hotel. < CO Seymore Charles D, life ins, res s s Water, bet 3d and 4th East. H W Shackleton & Soreiisen, (Wm P S & P A S), props Salt ~i "j Q Lake Barbers' Supply Co, 1 3 1 W Second South. 2J 2 Shackleton Wm P (Shackleton & Sorensen), res Eleventh South, CO _. bet Fifth and Sixth East. tf Shaeffer, see Schafer, Shafer and Shaffer. O - Shaeffer Montgomery, carp, res 369 E Third South. -^ Shafer, see Schafer, Shaffer and Shaffer. C Shafer, Burr L, elk S L Hdw Co, res 59 E Second South, 3 Shafer Daniel, engr, res 830 W First South. J/J* Shafer Miss Eliza, elk Idaho Store, 225 W 1st South, res same. ^3" Shafer Frank, blksmith R G W Ry, res 752 W South Temple. Shafer George C, Guard at Penitentiary, res same. Shafer Harry H, res 564 Seveenth East. 2^ Shafer James A, miner, res 21 1 W Fourth South. % g 5 5 Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. 241 North 3d West. (0 -J J 111 bi Lombard Investment Co. Su^.000.000. Makes Loans on Imoroved Farms. 638 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. -f fl ' 2 Shafer John D, real estate agt, res 337 Eleventh East. 5 Shafer James M, Bartender Silver Dollar Saloon, res rear CQ 244 N Sixth West. ft S Shafer Miss Laura, saleslady Mme Lamb, res 2 Clift ave. ^ ^ Shafer Phoebe (wid John), res 5 1 2 S State. H Shaff Lewis, lab, res 235 S Third West. ^T Shaffer, jr*? Schafer, Shaeffer and Shafer. Shaffer Charles R, elk Klenke & Co, res 870 State. Shaffer Francis E, chf elk eng dep R-G W Ry, res 254 S W T. * 5 Shaffer Frank R, director S D A Missionary Society. * P O Box 339. ~ ^ Shaffer Fred, cook Gries Bros Rest, res Lincoln House. ^ Z Shaffer John, lab, res 1-130 E Third South. 5 5 Shaffer J A, lab City Water Works. Shaffer M, carp City and County bldg, res 369 E Third South. r^? Shaffer Orson W, policeman, res 516 W Second North. i i Shaffer Samuel, plasterer, res 567 Sixth. -^ & S Shaffer Wilbur E (O'Connor & Shaffer), res 658 S 1st W. i 3 Shagogue Clair, painter, res 205 W First South. * Shame J W, civil eng, res Albany Hotel. % Shank Arnold, elk James G McDonald, res 62 1 S Third West. ^ 2 Shank Harvey M, hostler Jockey Club Stables, res cor First * West and South Temple. Shannon Harry V, bds 3 Rustic Court. Shannon Richard L, mounted policeman, res 3 Rustic Court. ,-,' Shannon Thomas B, porter Studebaker Bros, res 66 1 7th E. QJ Shannon Thomas F, plumber, res 220 W First South. Shannon William G, carp, res 554 E First South. < Sharkey Emma (wid Robert), res 243 Fifth East. O3 Sharkey Ralph R, driver H Denhalter & Son, res 243 5th E. Sharkey William H, lather, res 1057 Eighth East. " Sharp Miss Aggie, res 41 1 E South Temple. ^2 Sharp Alma, driver H Denhalter & Son, res 447 W 3d South. L5 Sharp Annie (wid Wm), res 260 S First West. Sharp Annie (wid John), res 409 First. C/5 Sharp Miss Cecilia, res 411 E South Temple. V* Sharp Chas, res West Jordan. 3O Sharp David J, studt, res 409 First. ^ Sharp Edward C, res 447 W Third South. O Sharp Miss Floss, res 447 W Third South. Jjj { ^ Sharp Frank, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Z2. Sharp Geo, lab, res Eighth West s of Tenth South. ^ CO Fstafp Rrnk^r tommwdni Bik, I Mnnprf fn Irian Dlvidend - Pa y in g LHfUt UKCI, Salt Lake city> I iuUDKy DO LUdn. Stocks for Sale. w a Specialty, fl. P. G. COATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Dlork. a CD CO CO CO CO B.H. Officer & Co., ASSAYERS. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 1(59 8. HVsl Temple Salt Lake City 639 CD D Sharp Geo T, comp Herald, res 733 S West Temple. Sharp Geo W, eng The Knutsford, res 340 W Sixth South. Sharp James, dir Des Natl Bank, res 41 1 E South Temple. Sharp Jennie, res Stanley Place. Sharp John, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Sharp John, capitalist, Deseret Bank bldg, res 477 E So Temple. Sharp John, cond G S L & H S R R, res 146 N Third West. Sharp John, stock raiser, res Redwood Road near 6th South. Sharp John N, exchange elk Deseret Natl Bank, res 26 E. Sharp Joseph, mining, res 409 First. Sharp J Stewart, physician and surgeon 5-6 Union blk, res same. Sharp Lorenzo, elk Z C M I, res 650 E Third South. Sharp Margaret (wid Joseph), res 5 1 1 E Brigham. Sharp Miss Margie, elk Z C M I, res 409 First. Sharp Mate L (wid Win), res 764 Fourth East. Sharp Miss Pearl, res 447 W Fourth South. Sharp Sarah (wid), res 3 Stanley Place. Sharp Sophia (wid John), res 439 E South Temple. Sharp Walter, emp W U Tel, res 764 Fourth East. Sharp William, mining, res 409 First. Sharp William (Wolstenholme & S), res 444 S Fourth West. Sharp William, plumber J W Farrell & Co. Sharp Wm H, lab, res 609 Sixth East. Sharpels Jos, farmer, res s of E I3th South, East Mill Creek. Sharpnack Frank, cook, res 164 S Second West. Shaughnessy John, hostler Grant Bros L & T Co. Shaughnessy J J, lab, res 67 W Third South. Shaughnessy Michael, mining opr 49 S Main, rms same. Shavers Albert E, porter 14 E Second South. Shaw Albert, carp, res Murray. Shaw Ann (wid Joseph), res 409 N Fifth West. Shaw Annie (wid Joseph), res 1 1 Almond. Shaw Miss Clara A, emp Des W Mills, res 1 1 Almond. Shaw Elias, carp, res 734 W South Temple. Shaw Eliza E (wid O B), res 248 W North Temple. Shaw Frederick, sheepman, bds 734 W South Temple. Shaw Geo, mach, bds 734 W South Temple. Shaw Harry, lead pipe mnfr, res 432 W Fifth North. Shaw James K 9 Real Estate and - Loans, 29^ E Second South, res 233 E Seventh South. Shaw John T, painter, res 409 N Fifth West. Shaw Joseph, emp Cullen Hotel, bds same. CO co n. CO CD tfl m o > < H fo ** ^^ *s 5 ' Rogers, Searlesi Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. OBNTRAL BLOCK SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 siiru of Biir Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2 South and Fourth West. 5? ^ Shearman, see Sherman. ^' ffl g Shearman Wm H, pres Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, res 513 E 2nd S. 13 O g Shearman Wm H Jr, bkpr Utah Coml Bank, res 513 E 2nd S. ? pj Sheeran Martin, foreman Mason & Co, res 238 First North. SS* Sheets Alexander, mach U P Ry, rms 525 W North Temple. -Q -_r Sheets Annie, res 36 E Seventh South. -~ Sheets Edward Lt 9 Loans and Stocks, 12 Commercial Blk, ^ ^""^ res 1 002 Lake. Sheets Edwin, lab, bds w s Fifth East s of Tenth South. - Sheets Elijah F, bishop Eighth Ward L D S, res 349 2nd E. CD Sheets Frederick L, emp S L C R R, res 349 Second East. Sheets Geo A, policeman, res 1 1 5 Eleventh East. Sheets Heber S, lab, bds w s Fifth East s of Tenth South. jjj Sheets Jedediah S, bds w s Fifth East s of Tenth South. Sheets John A, lab, res 1 1 10 E First South. aco Sheets John J (S & McPhee), res 1 120 E First South. -r^ Sheets J August, 1 1 12 E First South. -"J^ Sheets Milton M, bds 349 Second East. f Sheets Nephi M, prop feed stables Tithing Yards, res cor Fifth g^ East and Tenth South. 4JS 3 Sheets Otto F, fireman R G W Ry, res 525 W North Temple, '.fl 5T oTTi w i Try/f7 1 BiankB ok r r f ak A ng; Ke! L y>8 ,y n 1 1 T^pun nn V I 1 !/ U I surpassed Flat Opening Book*. I M I onlAi lAnl\H| ^V^"^/..",^^- |klinu, bU, S HHEBIOIIISCUITiMlillUFIICTUmiC CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 641 *Q Sheets Samuel L (Sutton & S), res 36 E Seventh South. Sheets & McPhee (Jno J S & Jno J McP), barbers, 22 E 1st So. "S ShefTeld Henry S, elk Bee Hive Store. Sheffield Wm'S, lab, res 3 Fifth ave, bet Fourth and Fifth West. C, Shegien Peter, dairy, res 560 W South Temple. |Q Shegren Peter, lab, res 560 W South Temple. Shell Chas, teamster, bds I Morton's Row. Shell George D, miner, res 176 W North Temple. JJJ Shelley Asa L (S & Burckhartt), res 337 Ninth East. Shelley Hannah A, res 79 W Fifth South. Shelley Hattie A, res 48 W Fifth South. 3O Shelley Hattie S, elk Utah Title Ins & Trust Co, res 312 E 2dS. S Shelley Miss Lizzie S, res 312 E Second South. Shelley Nettie M, tchr 7th School, res 29 W Fifth South. . Shelley & Burekhartt (Asa L S & C Elza Burckhartt), jx-T Curiosity Store, 221 S Main. * 5^ Shelly Frank B, trav agt U P Coal Co, res 5 1 5 E First South, 5 S h Shelmerdine Martha A (wid Jas), res 236 E Third South. rjj" ^< Shelmerdine MISS Mildred, res 236 E Third South. CO |^O Shelmerdine Nephi, elk, bds 236 E Third South. 5 n Shelmerdine William H, lab, bds 236 E Third South. QJ z^ Shelp Edgar I>, Rep Turner & Jay, 714 McCornick Block, j=? gy, res Brooks Arcade 5 ^ * Shelp Schuyler V, Rep Burnham, Hanna, Munger & Co, g* go McCornick Block, res 577 E Fourth South. O 35 O Shelton Frank M, res 342 Seventh East. |0 Shelton George R, teamster, res 451 W Fourth South'. s ^ ^- Shelton George S, asst pressman Tribune, res 451 W 4th South, g" |g< Shelton Rebecca C (wid Fred W), res 342 Seventh East. f- ^~* Shelton Robert, res rear 447 W Fourth South. O ^ Shelton Thomas, coachman E H Parsons, res 547 E 2d South. SJ Shelton Win F, Supt Sewers 136 E 1st S, res 342 Seventh E. Shepard, see Shepherd and Sheppard. 1^ Shepard, Cherry & Shepard, (Harry O S, Alfred N C & * Edward E S), Attys-at-Law, 37-40 Commercial Block. Shepard Edward, teamster, res 183 J. Shepard Edward E, (Shepard, Cherry & Shepard), res 212 Eighth East. g Z Shepard Harry O, (Shepard, Cherry & Shepard), res 212 SCO Eighth East. 3 Shepard Riehard B, (Shepard, Cherry & Shepard), res 334 ^ n Ninth East. H Jj CHflS. B GCURLAY & CO.,1 1 303&305McCornicKBida., SALT LAKE CITY, I P.O. Box W. Shirts of Evr.\ Description. KepairlngaSpecialti WH1TTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, MoCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburg. Assets, 18,450,728.74 Scandla Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden. Assets, 14,160,403^8 642 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. O Y T A. . T* T> O T^ TV IB A. If J O. CO CD CO CD CD C/0 53" Sheparson Harry F, salesman Hanson Produce Co, rms 65 S West Temple. Shepherd, see Shepard and Slieppard. Shepherd Edward B, carp, res 35 E Seventh South. Shepherd Miss Jennie M, res rear 624 Fourth. Shepherd John, teamster, res 624 Fourth. Shepherd Robert, motorman, res 222 L. Sheppard, see Shepard and Sepherd. Sheppard Ernest, lab, bds 458 W Fourth North. Sheppard F G, emp S L C R R. Sheppard George, watchman H Din Furn Co, res 87 Plum. Sheppard George H, emp Simon Bamberger, res 87 Plum. Sheppard Wm, hackman, res 458 W Fourth North. Shepler J, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. Sherer John, eng Constitution bldg, res 306 S Fourth West. Sheridan Adelia, dom 23 E Eighth South. : Sheriff Ann (vvid Wm), 407 Fourth. ~ Sherlock John E, Knitting Factory, 25 W First South, res same. Q > Sherloak Steve, pressman S L Litho Co, res' 356 S First West. 1 Sherman, see Shearman. | Sherman Hoyt, Jr, receiver U S Land Office, res 201 Douglas, * ^^ Sherman John I, barber shop, 167 S Main, res cor Ninth East < v^g and Tenth South. ZIJ Q Sherman N Albert, architect, 13 Const'n bldg, res 1 18 Centre. CKJ j > Sherman Park Gardens, R G Price prop, Brighton. ^ | Sherman Walter, policeman, 405 E Fourth South. QJ J? Sherman W, rms Constitution blk. ]* f/J Sherriff John, foreman stone cutters City and County bldgs, res ^^ ^ S* T T J 176 H. CD GO Sherrell Samuel C, contractor and builder, res 1026 Ninth East. MJ Sherwood Charles W, meat market, 727 E Third South, res sme. J Sherwood Miss Ida, domestic 27 E Sixth South. Q* Sherwood Robert, Globe Meat Market, 20 S Main, res Third S South, w of Jordan. Sg Shetter Henry, cond S L R T, res Ninth South and Fourth West. g| Shetter John A, mach Rap Trans Co, res 634 S Third West. fl ? Shettla, Mrs C E, res 362 S West Temple. jd| Shettle Christina (wid Henry B), res 646 S Main. * Shettle John A, min'g and mill'g, 30 Morlan Blk, res 646 S Main. J"T Shide Henry, teamster, res 338 E Second South. jf| _ Shiek William J, rhnfrs agt 58 W Second South, bds Manitou. j Qi Shields David W, elk E C Coffin Hardware Co, res 9 Peach. F CD SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-OLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. H.H. Officer Ho,, JSSAYEBS.SJSX RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 643 -3 Shields Peter, teamster, res 463 S Third West. I S Shields Robert J, elk W S Henderson, res 246 E Second South. 13 Shields William J, Gaiety Saloon 143 S Main, res 286 G. Shields Martha (wid), housekeeper county jail. Q Shiley Douglas A 9 R R Ticket Broker 1 1 W Second South, g res 263 W First South. CO Shilhanet Susette, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. Shill Charles G, gen'l mdse, 358 N Third West, res same. gj Shill George, farmer, res rear 345 S Second West. Shill Samuel, Proprietor Auditorium Hall, 371 S Second r3 West, res same. CD Shiller Jacob, tailor C W Huhl, res 558 Fourth East. Shilling L J, mach R G W Ry, res 229 S Fourth West. O Shinning Miss C, domestic 229 E First South. O Shimming Herbert J 9 genl mdse 537 N ist W, res same. 3 Shimmin Orson A, teamster, res 747 Third East. ^ Shirnmin William, calker city water works. QJ Shindler Joseph, res 540 N Third West. Shingleton Isaac, lab, bds 276 N Sixth West. ^ Shingleton Richard, fireman U P Ry, res 170 N Sixth West. CD Shingleton Stephen, genl store 276 N Sixth West, res same. Shingleton Stephen, fireman U P Ry, res 663 W First North. Shingleton Stephen Jr, eng, res 346 N Sixth West. Shingren Mrs Louisa (wid), res 141 Pear. Shi n nick Charles C, Physician and Surgeon 33-34 Mercan- tile blk, res 349 E Fourth South. Shipler Harry, elk P F Collier, res 485 Second. Shipler J W, Artistic Photographer Hooper blk, res 105 E Fifth South. Shipp Miss Delta, res 18 S Main. Shipp Mrs Ellis R 9 Physician and Surgeon 34 Seventh East, res same. See adv. Shipp John C, dep elk Supreme Court, res 70 M. Shipp Lizzie, res 38 Seventh East. Shipp Maggie C, Physician & Surgeon 18 S Main, res same. Shipp Milfbrd B, Physician and Surgeon 34 Seventh East, res same. Shipp Richard A, medical studt, bds 34 Seventh East. Shipp Walter C, bds 16 S Main. CD ^ Shippick Miss Hattie, domestic 58 Fourth East. *g- Shires Alfred, upholsterer, res 426 Hazel Court. EX Shires Miss Alice, res rear 38 East Fifth South. irrigation flge Printing House, Railroadaii(iCoBiiiercialp fa ^ KMimMlvs FnrnislKxl on nil Kisuls of Work. 2(5 W. Third South. O PI X O m r O O SflLT LAKE HARDWARE CO., llarl\\ :ir<. Stove* JS*s, Kofrigerators Si}?n of Big 6an. 42 and 44 W.2d South. ) and Gasoline Stove**. g 644 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. IJ, > Shodohl J M, emp Deseret News, res 6 Lambert Court. p^ ^ . Shoebridge Edward B, res 167 C. CD O ? Shoebridge Miss Minnie, cashier Spencer & Lynch, res 167 C. ~n ' Shoebridge Mrs Sarah A, res 90 Grape. -g C Shoemaker Bruce A, emp Empire Stm Ldry, res 359 S I ith E. ^g w I Shoemaker Clarence P, emp Barnes & Byrnes, res same. C Shoemaker Mrs E (wid), res Tenth North and Thirteenth West. f~ O Shoemaker Wm, janitor, res Fourteenth W and Ninth North. CO Shoenberger Adolf, tailor Eastern Misfit Clothing Parlors, res - 24 S First West. SO Shold John A, lab, rms 362 S State. 2 Sholdebrand Albert, roofer, bds 555 Sixth West. 3O 2 Sholdebrand Eliza (wid John), res 55 S Sixth West. Sholdebrand Henry H, peddler, bds 55 S Sixth West. [^ ~ Sholdebrand John, roofer, bds 55 S Sixth West. ^ ^Sholes Alvira, dressmkr, res 214 S Eighth West. CD Jg Sholes Julia A (wid), res rear 522 E Third South. - ^ Sholes Rueben H, spec! del and janitor P O, res 214 S 8th E. C= Sholes Reuben H Jr, letter carrier P O, res 118 W Fifth South. /2 Shore James, blksmith 625 Fifth, res same. ^ Shore James Jr, blksmith, res 625 Fifth. r Shore William, blksmith, res 625 Fifth. g Short Archibald (col'd), lab, res rear 39 S W 7 est Temple. | Short Arthur E, night foreman Hanauer Smelting Works, res ^ 63 Eighth East. ** Short Benjamin L, emp U P Ry, res 223 S Fourth West. " Short F M, propr The Casino, res 668 S West Temple. CD Short Robt M, mngr F M Short, res 668 S West Temple. C ) Short Wm B, day foreman Hanauer Smelting Works, res 63 S 'Eighth East. Shorten John B, mason, res 217 W Fifth North. Shorten John E, barber 169 S State, res rear 237 Fourth East. Shorow Peter, machinist S L C R R Co. Shostdt Oliver, lab, res 731 E Ninth South. Shotwell Miss Anna, cook, res rear 132 E First South. Shotwell J W, bds The Manitou. *? - Sliotwell William J, Gen Agt D & R G Ry, bds Temple- J PC ton Hotel. C3 Shouw John, painter, rms rear 125 State. Showaker Charles F W, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, res Paxton ave. i 5* Showaker James, plumber J W Farrell & Co. Foa ______^______-___ ______^______________________^^____- ____ **^ Lumber of all kinds, Boors, Window and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. CD OD eg Artificial and Natural Ice. TELEPHONE 43. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 645 111 Showaker William J, carp, res Paxton ave. Showell A E, lab, res 424 Third East. . Showell A M, emp city water works, res 557 Fourth East. Showell Frank J, cigarmkr Saml Levy, res 165 Ninth East. Showell Mary Ann (wid George), res 165 Ninth East. Showell Richard O G, foreman reservoir city water works, res 557 Fourth East. Showell Thomas, liveryman, res 424 Third East. Showell William H, city sanitary insptr, res 424 Third East. Shower Consolidated G & S Mining Co, see inc co's, W E Lake sec, office Union Natl Bank. Shreiber Florence, emp Des W Mills, res 9 Back. Shreiber Marian (wid Lewis), res 9 Back. Shriver Charles H, res 13 Willard Court. Shroeder Paul, cook Cullen Hotel, bds same. Shugreii Mrs O I, Music Teacher, res 538 Fourth East. >: Shugren Olof I, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 538 Fourth East, h Shultze Fred M, policeman, res Holmes bldg. 5 Shupp Charles F, carp, res 714 E Third South. Shurtliff Brigham B, bartndr, res 134 E Fifth South. J Shurtliff Edgar D, letter carrier P O, res s s I ith South, w of < Fourth East. Silva George, gardener, res rear 655 E Fourth South. ~ Silva T JI C 9 Agt The Red Line Transit Co, 67 Commercial CD Block, res 957 First. ^ Silver Bros (Joseph A, Hyrum A & John A), Founders and 3 Machinists, 149 W North Temple Silver Bros (Geo D H & F W), groceries, hay, grain, fruit, etc, O 745 E Second South. 3 Silver Dollar Saloon. C R Wright Propr, 241 S Main. ^ Silver Edward T 9 Physician and Surgeon, 8-10 Mercantile ^ Block, res same. i-h Silver Emma, res 435 E Third South. Silver Fred W (S Bros), res 435 E Third South. Silver George D H (S Bros), res 743 E Second South. J^" Silver George J, mach S L C R R, res 143 W North Temple. P _ Silver Grill Cafe, J F Corbin mngr, 6 E Third South. f ) Silver Hyrum A (S Bros), res 266 Centre. Silver John A (Silver Bros), res 442 N Third West, gn OO LOANS A SPECIALTY, c r e S L I MONEY TO LOftN. I 8SffB' Real Estate Broker, H. p. G. COATKS. I E. i. SHEETS. Room 12. commercial eiork. B.H. Officer & Go,, ASSAYERSX RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 647 Silyer Joseph, Book Agent, res 435 E Third South. T^ ,; Silver Joseph A (Silver Bros), res 633 N First West. P^3 si Silver Joseph M, carp, res 450 W Second South. ^CJ c Silver Joseph W, bds 743 E Second South. ID ^. Silver Lead Mining & Milling Co, see inc co's, J Fred Corker -^- sec, office 25 I S Main. * Silver Mary L P (wid Wm J), res 65 Peach. ^ ^ m Silver Wm J, mechanical engineer 143 W North Temple, res . O same. /^ r Silverthorne Harry J, elk CoJin Bros, res rear 243 W 3d South. - |_ Silverthorne Joseph H, elk, bds rear 243 W Third South. -^5 O3 Silverwood Chas E, res 340 W North Temple. O -C Silverwood Wm E, bkpr Continental 'Oil Co, res 340 W North CD |T" Temple. r Simkins Jos, deliveryman Eli L Price, res 49 Twelfth East. g" a Simkins S, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. ^ Simkins Wm S, Treas & Mngr The Salt Lake Pressed Brick -&$ UJ Co, and Manufacturer of Brick, res 49 I2th East, seepage 26. ^^ j Simlore Oscar, carp, res 212 E Fifth South. ^^ Simmons Daniel P, com'l trav, res 1059 First. ^^ Simmons Frank, tailor, res Fifth South and Grand ave. ^ Z Simmons Frank, emp Grant Bros L & T Co, res 44 S W Tern. ""3 jjj- Simmons Fred S, hostler J H Anderson, res 153 W 5th South. ^3 * Simmons Frederick W, elk R K Thomas, res 473 First. ^Q Simmons Henriette W (wid Joseph), res 379 Fifth, ;i jJ Simmons Joseph, mason Temple, res N Temple, w of Jordan. !"**" py Simmons Jos F, land atty, 14 Hooper Bldg, res 385 Fifth. , , Simmons Miss Josephine, comp Woman's Exponent, res 379 Fifth. CD Simmons Mrs J (wid), res 1 144 E Fifth South. ^ c^_< Simmons Linville L, elk C R Savage, res 385 Fifth. ^^ ^ Simmons Louis W, Nassau Collective Bureau, res 385 Fifth. ~ Q_ Simmons Rachel E (wid Joseph), res 385 Fifth. jjO Simmons W H, salesman Symns Utah Grocer Co. ^ Simmonds Wm J, baker, bds 327 W South Temple. ^^ C3 Sims George H (Sims & Smith) res 22 East Fifth South. ^- Sims Joseph, drayman, res 428 S West Temple. *,m '-zr Sims & Smith (George Sims & John J Smith), props Salt Lake xQ QQ Transfer Co, office Realty Place. g ^[ C Simms Lorie, teamster, res Forest Dale. y^ .2 Simms Maurice, tailor Wells & Co, res St James. g2 -^ Simms Miss Myra, stenogr Frank Pierce, res North Salt Lake. * Q QQ Simms Wm, porter Cullen Hotel, res same. (0 Roprs.SearlesiGo GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. >jBNTqAL BLOCK. CAI T I Ill/r" UJinnMfAnr PA 1 wuns..\mmnninon. nnetut. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.} .s&jjssfssJSf^.s- Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j and Ten to for Rent. 648 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. C" Simon Brothers (Fred & Louis), Wholesale Millinery and Q Dry Goods, 21 W First South. Simon Mrs Elizabeth, res S Victoria Place. Simon Fred (Simon Bros), res 41 i S West Temple. ^ Simon Henry, baker and conf, 45 W Second South. J^, Simon Joe, prop Little Germaine Chop House 71 Commercial, *^ res 521 Fifth East. O Simon Joseph (Simon Bros), res 127 Ninth East. /-- Simon Louis (Simon Bros), res 64 F. > Simon Sigmimcl, Mngr Clipper Saloon, res 444 S West * O Temple. Simondi Augustine L, Councilman Fifth Precinct, rms Manitou. /} Simons Caroline (wid H^* t Simons Henry, assayer, bds 146 Third East. C/]jj Simons Miss Jennie, tch I2th School, res 146 Third East. Simons Joseph (T Simons & Co), res 765 E First South. Simons Joseph W, elk T Simons & Co, res 12 i Ninth East. Simons Miss Laura H, tchr, res 146 Third East. ^^ H Simons Thomas (T Simons & Co), res 221 Fern. Simons Thomas, elk, res 146 Third East. Z?. Simons Thomas H, lab, bds opp Warm Springs. ^ e . Simons Wilson, elk T Simons & Co 127 Ninth East. CD "I m Simons & Co (Thomas and Joseph), grocers 127 Ninth East. c/5 ^ Simpson Arthur, painter, res 432 W Eighth South. * fc Simpson Charles, R, elk Simpson-Hill Drug Co, res 515 E Fifth * j South. Simpson Miss Christina, res 435 S Third West. Simpson Edward, shoemaker Z C M I, res 176 R. C/5 Simpson Francis, cont, res 528 W Seventh South. - Simpson George, farmer, res Sugar House Ward, bet iith and ~" 1 2th South, e of I4th East Simpson Mrs Geo F (wid), res 5 1 5 E Fifth South 2J P) ' Simpson Gertrude (wid George), res 70 Grape. 5^ " Simpson-Hill Drug Co, Fred J Hill Manager, Drugs,- Toilet Articles, etc, So W Second South. - Simpson H G, painter U P Ry, res U P Hotel. ^ Simpson John, moulder, res 626 S Third West. JL|? * EL Simpson John R, porter The Tunnel, res 143 E Third South, Simpson Jos W, gen'l mdse, n e cor Simpson ave and Seventh East, Forest Dale, res same. Simpson Miss Lillie, domestic 60 E Fourth South.. O7TTCT7 T 7TTAT7I Printing in all its Branches. IT TWITH DO \l 1 U U I Good W5rk, Reasonable Prices. I Mr : O fl lA I IA fl l\ Li I Honest Treatment of Customers. I li I L) U i l/llLll LilllVLV | 5 , w>gd gouth 1Telephone 249.J "^ A llWl W Wl HM[PICiBISCUII&MliflOF/iCTURI!iG CO.. Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 649 Simpson Maggie, emp Troy Steam Laundry. Simpson Miss Margaret H, res 528 W Seventh South. Simpson Martin, carp, res 448 E Sixth South. Simpson Miss Parthina, res 528 W Seventh South. Simpson Robert, miner, res 158 W South Temple. Simpson Robert, moulder, res 69 N Eighth West. Simpson Robert T, eng U P Ry, res 663 W First North. |"fl Simpson Reuben, mach S L C R R, res I 138 E Third South. ^ Simpson Stephen, mach, bds 663 W First North. * Simpson Thomas, emp S L C R R, res 177 H. *~~ Simpson Wendell P, tinner S L Hardware Co, res w s 3d West CQ bet 6th and 7th South. CD Simpson Thomas, teamster, res 40 Aberdeen ave. ^ r ^ Simpson William, painter R G W Ry, res cor Qth W and 2d S. CO Simpson William, stone cutter, res 13 Stanley Place. 5? Simpson William, lab. res 506 S Third West. 5? Simpson William A, lab, res rear 346 S Third West. Simpson William B, fireman R G W Ry, bds 663 W 1st North. =3 Simpson Wyatt, painter R G W Ry, res rear 726 W 2d South. 2 Sims George (S & Smith), res 22 E Fifth South. Sims & Smith (George Sims and John J Smith), props Salt Lake 3 Transfer Co, office Realty Blk. Sinclair Geo J (S & Livingston), res 716 Second East. Sinclair I Louis, tailor, res 152 E Seventh South. Sinclair Peter, bartndr Golden Gate Saloon, res 150 E 7th South. Sinclair Peter Jr, cigarmkr, bds I 50 h Seventh South. CD Sinclair & Livingston (Geo J S & Geo A L), Golden Gate Saloon, 6 1 E Second South. O Singer Chas A, lab, res 34 E Third South. r~ Singer Haiiufacturing Co The, A L Maxson Genl Agt, 106 E Second South. 3 Singrey Milton L, printer, res 153 Fourth East. ^^ Sinn Arthur, res 32 Fourth East. W Sinn August, printer, res First Burlington add. ^ Sinnett James, ernp U P frgt house, res rear 473 Seventh, Sipperley Alvinza F, res Brooks Arcade. - > Sipperley Alonzo F Jr, elk Gray, Ross & Wyatt, res Brooks > 2 " Arcade. g Sirrine Emily W (wid S D), res 457 E Fourth South. -j Sirrine Leon, stud Whitney & Bucher, res 457 E Fourth South. 2 3 Sirrine Miss Mabel, res 457 E Fourth South. Sirrine Samuel F, mining opr, res 457 E Fourth South. H CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO, SALT LAKE CITY. f..B42. Shirts of Ever) Description. tVHITTOOKIUtWkE&lU., IXSURAXCE. Room 810. McCornick Building. Pbenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets. $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York ....Assets, 81,597,375.41 650 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. *? : S g GO O GO Q z < y GO Q uu C O cu -;Sissell Edwin O, res 148 S Fifth West. 6 a1 Sisson Chas W, ticket elk R G W Ry, res 121 S Seventh West. c^? Sixteenth School, 474 W First North; new building 758 W owl First North. oc/)js Sixteenth Ward Meeting House (L D S), 1 30 N Fifth West. * Sixth School, Fifth South, bet Third and Fourth West, JEh I Sixth Ward Church (L D S), 444 S Third West. -guj Sixth Ward Co-op, Mary C & Ellen R Watson mngrs, general .5. mdse, 479 S Third West. ^ 2<= Sjoblorn Andrew, groceries 130 W First South, res same. .! Sjoquist Gustaf, emp S L C R R, res 208 W Fourth North. ~! Skabo Rev E, Lutheran minister, res 433 Third East. O X Skean Joseph, studt U of U, res 270 W North Temple. Skeen Moroni, res i 54 N Second West. Skelton Miss Annie, res 132 W South Temple. Skelton Miss Mary, dressmkr, res 132 W South Temple. Skewes Charles H (Wm S & Son), res 365 E Third South. Skewes Robert B, emp Wm Skewes & Son, res i 5 Floral ave. Skewes Sarah (wid William), res 15 Floral ave. Skewes William & Son (Charles H Skews), Undertakers and Embalmers 18 E Third South, see margin on cover. Skidmore Edward, bkpr A C Smith, res Sugar House Ward. Skidmore E, teamster S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Skidmore Miss May, res 253 Ninth East Skidmore Samuel R, letter carrier P O, res 253 Ninth East. gj Skidmore Miss Tessie, milliner Simon Bros, res 253 Ninth East. J Skidmore Thaddeus, bds 253 Ninth East. ~ c Skidmore Henry B, sawsmith 122 W 1st S, res East Mill Creek. 5 Skilihorn Wm H, engr, res 325 N Sixth West. : Skillicom James H, stonecutter, res 457 W First North. a Skillman Mrs Mabel A, bds 568 E South Temple. Skillman Wm, res 568 E South Temple. >G Skinner Robert, stonecutter, res 252 S State. i Skoglund Erick W, shoemkr, res Superior add, N Salt Lake. 3 Skowsen S K, emp W Hawkins. C Skradder Charlotte, res 141 E First South. ^ Slack Mary (wid James) res 1041 E Fourth South. ~ Slade Charles C, supt mail carriers P O, res 43 E Fifth South. ^ a t Slade Emily (wid Henry), res 43 E Fifth South. - Slade Fred A (George Mullett & Co), res 323 E 7th South. ^ Slade George W, res 240 Slade Court. ?5 Slade Harry J W, coll mail P O. res 161 W Seventh South. CD C/ 03 =5 S3 03 2 O cc 5 = crc 3 a c: cc 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240 I ITHn TO Lithographing, Fruiting and Blank LI i iu. tu. Book Making The Finest in tht Western /he Finest Country. R.H. Officer KasSAYEBS.uutS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 651 Slade Herbert O, bartndr, res rear 643 Ninth East. C> Slade Miss Lillian M, dressmkr 8 Denhalter block, res 43 %2^ . Fifth South. sEjj Slade Oscar F, elk Com'l Saloon, res 232 S Fifth East. ^< Slade Miss Ruth, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res' 43 E Fifth ^:| South. ^ Slage Chris (B6nnetti & S), res St Elmo Hotel. CO . Slater, see Sleater. Slater Mrs Abbie, opr Z C M I shoe fac, res 237 E Sixth South. pj; Slater Frederick C, shoemkr, res 643 S Fifth West. *"^ Slater Henry, elk Roberts' Lodging House, res 14 E 2d South. ^ Slater Joseph R (E G Hines & Co), res St James Hotel. t~:j Slasson Miss Sarah H, res 83 N. ] Slaughter Charles, yardman German Cafe, res Lincoln House, j Slaughter Edward H, butcher J C C Glanfield, res 229 Qth East. ^^ Slaughter Samuel C, butcher J C C Glanfield, res 2 Crosman'sy^ 5E Terrace, bet 4th and 5th West on First. _* -^ Slawter Edward C (S & Walker), res s w cor loth S and Qth E. M I r Slawter & Walker (Edward C S & James M Walker), ^ Eureka Copying Co, 1 2 1 S Second West, see page 22. ^j Sleater, see Slater. - Sleater Henry M, comp Journal of Commerce, res 562 N 2d West. ^ Sleater Robert G, Mngr Grocer Printing Co, 52 W Second South, res 562 N Second West. "^Zj Sleater Robert S, comp Journal of Commerce, res 562 N 2d W. "*^3 Sleater William M, pressman, res 507 N First West. CO Slight Joseph, res 212 Pear. - Slight Joseph S, emp Thos Slight, res 101 Pear. _^_j Slight Miss Lillie, res 1 1 2 Pear. g ^ Slight Miss Matilda C, bds 112 Pear. T) Slight Miss May. bds 112 Pear. Slight Thomas, Paper Box Manufacturer, 112 Pear, res * . same. Sec adv. \*~\ CQ Slight Thomas Jr, artist, office and res \j Back. 2. =; Slimmer Charles W, lab, res 276 N First West. .2 Slimmer George, emp Walker House, rms same. r^ Slinkard Wm R, railroad man, res 167 S Fourth West. r-* 8 " ^ Sloan Alex, Lecturer Wonderland, res Valley House. EL. Sloan Chas, emp J E Keenan Preserve Co, res 638 N 2d West. p~" < , , Sloan Edward L, ins agt, res 130 N Second West. O CO Sloan Emma J (wid Edward L), res 1041 E Fourth South. -7^ Sloan Phcebe L (wid Edw L), res 164 E South Temple. Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Offices. Salt Lake. Dearer, San Francisco* 36 W. Sd South St. ?6 Railroad Bldf. 141 Market It 35 SALT LAKE HARDWARE C0..1FH; Si-n of Bljy Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j and F Wholesale and Retail Hard- C'utlery, Stoves. Gnns. inanition. Sporting Goods Fifth iii: Tackle. w 652 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. tt fc Sloan Robert W. (S & Tarpey) and publisher Rock Moun- tain Agriculturist, res 556 Eighth East. a X Sloan Sarah, res 63 W Fifth South. Ur Sloan Thomas W, Secy Zion's Benefit Building Society, res 164 t c E South Temple. o o Sloan Walter J, elk Adam Spiers, res 1041 E Fourth South. j3 Sloan fc Tarpey (R W S and D P T), American Casualty j ? Ins & Security Co 401 and 402 MeCornick Blk, see adv. l' O Rooms 400 to 405 MeCornick Block, General Agents Utah, Idaho, Montana and Nevada, for American Casualty Insurance & Security Co. fo , WE SELL,: Employers' Liability. Guarantee Bonds. Steam Boiler, *, Elevator, Vehicle. Public Liability, Railroad Liability and Iiicli- ** vicinal Accident Insurance. THE STRONGEST ! CHEAPEST ! BEST. 2 _ Smalley George C, carp, res Major n of Eleventh South. ^ Smart Cecil T, res East Mill Creek. - Smart Mrs Hilda, res 161 Oak. . "3 Smart Thomas, farmer, res 1.6 1 Oak. B Sinead Warming and Ventilating Co The. office 3 1 5 Dooly Blk, J B Badger pres, F H Meserve vice-pres, O L Badger sec, D H Kurd treas, William C Meserve agt. Associate offices : Boston, Chicago, Toledo, Elmira, Phil- O CD adelphia, Washington, Kansas City, Anniston, Toronto, ca 09 03 London, Denver, San Francisco and Salt Lake, see page 104.. Smedley Angus, studt L D S College, res Bountiful. Smedley William B, bkpr, bds 67 1 E South Temple. Smedley William E (W E Smedley & Co), res 671 I. Smedley W E Xr Co (William E S and John W Rooklidge), Insurance Agents, 149 S Main. Smeed F B, lather, res 28 Church. ^g= Smelcer Sidney, emp Liday's Special Messenger System, res i- 1 * Enterprise House. ^ Smellie David (Forcey, Vincent & Co), bkpr Calder's Music f g Palace, res 318 Twelfth East ^00 Smellie Miss Jane, res 318 Twelfth East. f g Smellie Miss Mary, res 318 Twelfth East. D * D I/ C D nCDUL" Wholesale and Retail Dealers In rAnKtn & Utrut, LUMBER AHD IMPORTED AID AMERICAS CEMENTS. Cor. 2d Soxitli and. 3d West. Tel. 255. MOUNTAIN ICE GO I TELEPHONE 43. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 653 Smeltzer Sylvanus B, foreman D & R G car dept shops, res 514 "*^ W Third South. Smethurst Miss Annie, res 305 S Second West. Smethurst Mrs Emma N W, res 305 S Second West. Smethurst Walter, teamster, res 305 S Second West. Smethurst William, lab, res 305 S Second West. Smiley Frank, shoemkr, res 623 S First West. Smith, see Schmidt, Schmitt and Smythe. > Smith Aaron, contr and bldr, res 91 Rio Grande ave. Smith Miss Agnes, res 850 E First South. Smith Albert, Ves Third East bet Eleventh and Twelfth South. ' Smith Albert, elk auditor's office R G W Ry, res 642 3d East. ^ Smith Albert, farmer, res 1 3th South near Church Farm. CD Smith Albert C (A C S & Co), res 256 S West Temple. CD Smith ACfcCo(ACS&JT Clasbey), Druggists 179 S CD Main. !xD \ h Smith Alexander, blksmith, res Murray. ^ Smith Alexander, teamster, res 467 Galena. Q Smith Alexander, blksmith, res 603 Second East. , UJ Smith Miss Alice A, capt Salvation Army, rms 65 W ist South. CD 2 ^ Smith Alvin, col Cohn Bros, res 261 .S First West. CD ^ Smith Alvin B, emp Samuel B H Smith, res same. Smith Alvin B, ranchman, res 672 E Fourth South. JJJ" * Smith Alvin F, res 143 N Second West. O3 ^ ^ Sm i Hi A mo* K 9 Physician and Surgeon 107 S Main, res 43 Eh J -i Third East. 3 H ^ Smith Miss Amy, elk County Recorder, bds 123 W N Temple. fy CO Smith Andrew, usher L D S Church office, res 33 E 6th South, gf y Smith Andrew Jr, carp, res 720 Third East. ^ Q Smith Andrew F, baker Am Biscuit Mnfg Co, res 603 2d East. 2J j Smith Miss Angie, elk Utah Title Ins & Trust Co, res 123 W CO North Temple. Ctf Smith Mrs Ann, res 268 Ninth East. J=L Smith Ann (wid Wm), res 435 Eleventh East. -^ Smith Anna C, tel opr, res 705 Third East. Z Smith Arthur J, harnessmkr J W Jenkins & Sons, res 167 E * ill Seventh South. J/J" Smith Asa B, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 373 Third East. jgj" Smith Mrs Augusta, music tchr and artist rm 7 Gladstone blk. Smith Austin L, mach R G W Ry, res 538 W Third South. U Smith A W, prin I4th Dist school, res 161 Second East. 25 5 Smith Bathsheba W (wid Geo A), res 122 N West Temple. | g Morrison, Merrill & Go, Lumber Dealer*. At the front in Stock Fa- cllities and Enterprise North U. P. Depot. LCWIBftRD INVESTMENT CO., 1T Corner Main and First South. I Improved City Property. . 654 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 50 g "g Smith Miss Bertha, res 91 Rio Grande ave g 5 Smith Miss Bertha M, res 53 Franklin ave. j| J Smith Benjamin, groceries 2558 Fifth West, res same. ft* & Smith Benjamin E, carp, res lola ave, w of Riverside ave. ^ jjj Smith Brigham Y, emp Hewlett Bros, res 705 Third East. H Smith Calvin J, mngr Columbia Art Co, res 344 E First South. ^ 5 'Smith Miss Caroline, res 725 W Third North. * 3 Smith Mrs Carrie I, domestic 438 E Third South. 5 1 Smith Chalmer J, carp, res 321 S West Temple. * fa Smith Charles, bkpr State Bank of Utah, res 75 E First North. | ~ Smith Charles, lab H A Tuckett Candy Co, bds 848 E ist Si g> Smith Charles Jr. circulator Tribune, res 803 First. 4 = Smith Charles D, shoemkr 34 Tenth East, res same. 5 g Smith Charles F, emp Troy S Laundry, res 437 Sixth East. Smith C G, lineman S L C R R Co. fff Smith Charles H, driver Keeley's C K, res 25 Fullmer ave. UJ Smith Charles J, eng U P Ry, res 435 S Fourth West. SE Smith Charles M, genl ins agt, res 320 D. ^! Smith Charles R, lab, n s I2th South, 2 w of .1 3th East. Smith Mrs Charles S, res 538 W Third South. Smith Mrs Colby (Stephens & S), res 226 E Third South. Smith C I> Drug Co, John J Judson Mngr, 212 Progress Block. Smith Miss Cumorah, res 672 E Fourth South. Smith Cyphus J, dairyman Rocky Mountain Dairy, res same. Smith Daniel, foreman Watson Bros stone yards, res 737 S Third West. Smith David, lab, bds 803 First. Smith Don Carlos, wheelwright, res 1 74 W Xhird South. Smith Miss Donnett, res 333 W First North. Smith Miss Edith A, cshr Western Shoe & Dry Goods Co, res 123 W North Temple Smith Edmund F, lab, res 642 Third East. Smith Mrs Edna L, res 143 N Second West. Smith Edward, lab Elliott Plumbing Co, res 353 W First South. Smith Edward, machinist, res 60 N Second West. Smith Edward H (Weber & Smith), res 241 E Sixth South. Smith Edwin D, elk M H Desky, res 34 Tenth East. Smith Elias A, cash Deseret Savings Bk, res 123 W N Temple. Smith Miss E Maud, bds 730 S Third West. I *j Smith Eliza M (wid), res 173 L. Smith Elizabeth (wid James), res 725 W Third North. GO Heal Estate Broker, tT^ I Honeg to Loan. Zcaas a Specialty, fl. p. . COATES. | E. 1. SHEETS, Room 12. Commrrfial Blnfl. B.H.DfflKftGo..ASSAYEBS.aa5; RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 655 - - CO Smith Mrs Ella, res 415 S Seventh West. Smith Miss Ella, typewriter Bradstreets Mercantile Agency, bds St James Hotel. | Smith Ellen (wid Henry), res 433 E Eighth South. | Smith Ellen D (wid Geo H), dressmkr, res 738 Eighth East. Smith Emma (wid Henry W), dressmkr, res 125 S West Temple. , , Smith Mrs Emma, dressmkr, res 238 W Third North. j^ Smith Ernest, emp H A Tucket Candy Co, bds 848 E 1st South, g Smith Ernest, lab, res 433 E Eighth South. ^ Smith Mrs Esther, res 137 Oak. 3 Smith Ferdinand, barber, res 54 r W Second South. p* Smith Miss Florence, opr Z C M I Clothing Factory, res 737 S - Third West. -TJ Smith Miss Florence, res 672 E Fourth South. g Smith Frank, blksmith, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ^. Smith Frank, blksmith 5th West, bet 4th and 5th South, res rear 447 W Fourth South. 5 Smith Frank, Proprietor Theatre Saloon, 76 E First South, ^ res 1 1 8 Third East. Smith Frank B, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. (/) Smith Frank B, lab, res 48 E Seventh South. m Smith Frederick, laundry, res 362 E Fifth South. M Smith Frederick E, mach R G W Ry, res 233 S Seventh West *~ Smith F Kent, res 43 Third East." Q Smith Glenn A, elk Clift House, res same. jrj Smith G H, lab City Water Works. Smith Grant H, Attorney-at-Law and Notary, 29 Morlan ) Blk, res 231 Third East. j-j Smith George, carp R G W Ry, res 526 W Third South. Smith George, drayman, res 229 E Fifth South. *\. ? Smith George, stove fitter Z C M I, res 17 N Seventh West. Smith George, steam fitter, res 629 W South Temple. ao Smith Geo A, bkpr, bds 642 Third East. ^ 2 Smith Geo A, Sec and Treas Kanab Co-operative Stock Co, res * ^ 23 N West Temple. gj Smith Geo N (S & Dobson), res 637 Ninth East. Smith George S, propr Salt Lake Music Co 60 W Second South, res 128 ' W* Third South. Smith Geo S, trav salesman C A Smith & Co, res Clift House, g Jg Smith George S, plumber, res 63 N Seventh West. $ ^ Smith Geo S, trav agt Remington-Johnson Co, bds White House. fjj Smith Hamilton M, exp wagon, res 576 W Sixth South. g* Rogers, SearlBsl Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.} Siirn of Bis- Gnu. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J Headquarters for Wrought, Steel and Gael Ranges, Gasoline Stoves, Refrigerator*, Granite, Tin sad Copper War*. Fin* 656 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Smith Hannah M (wid Geo), res 823 W First North. M Smith Harriet (wid Robert R), res 537 W First North. Q Smith Harry, asst S L Theatre, bds 3 1 8 C. /r ) Smith Hattie (wid Wm), res 65 Peach. Smith Mrs Helen Blazes, res 243 S Main. C") Smith Henry J, carp, res rear 723 S West Temple. ^* Smith Henry D, driver Bothwell & McConaughy, res 738 8th E. ^ Smith Herbert J, engr R G W Ry, res 464 W Third South. ^j Smith Hiram J, teamster, res 459 E Fifth South. C~^ Smith H J, engr R G W Ry, res 268 S Fourth West. ^ Smith H J Jr, fireman R G W Ry, res 268 S Fourth West. ^ Smith Horace, bds 231 Third East. Smith Horace H, bds 848 E First South. Smith Hudson, Secy National Building & Loan Association, res 205 Twelfth East. Smith Hugh W, bkpr People's Forwarding Co, res 850 E ist S. Smith Hyrum, sheep man, res 37 Sixth East. C~") Smith Hyrum D, invoice elk Z C M I, res 17 P. CD Smith Hyrum E, studt L D S College, bds 143 N Second W 7 est. Smith Hyrum J Jr, salesman Co-op Fur Co, res 464 4th East. C/> Smith Isaac N, contractor, res 415 N Second West. Smith James, fireman R G W Ry, rms 429 W First South. ~ Smith James, miller J R Smith, bds same. Smith James, lab Wm Asper & Co, bds 727 W Third North, 3J Smith James, mason, res North Salt Lake. S** Smith James, team>ter, res 437 W Fourth South. n3 Smith James A, brickmason, res 628 W North Temple. Smith J A 9 Principal Salt Lake Seminary, res 45 E 3d South. *-* Smith Mrs J A, tchr Salt Lake Seminary, res 45 E 3d South. Smith James F, packer Dinwoodey Fur Co, res 457 W 2d N. & Smith James F, yard foreman Wm Asper & Co, res 727 W 3d N. OQ Smith James H, teamster Bothwell & McConaughy, res 357 ^3" S Second West. g- Siuith James J1 9 Real Estate Agt and Notary 57 E Second i South, res 714 E Third South. Smith James N, electrician S L C R R, res 32 Second East. *co Smith Jay M, elk, bds 231 Third East. |^ Smith James R, Roller Mills Eighth East bet Eleventh and r^ Twelfth South, res same. |a Smith James T, furnace man U P Ry, res rear 127 N 2d West. ?? Smith James W, miner, res 540 W Third South. 4?^ Smith Jennie W (wid), res 804 Sixth East. J| O7TT TI7 F TTT/TT I Blank Book Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWITf! OH 8BLT LflKE g^s^Mg LITHD, GO, 52 W. Secono South. Tlcpbn >4f. I HHE8IHI BISCUIT tMAIIUFIltTUmie CO., Salt Lake Cily. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 657 Smith Miss Jennie, chief opr R M Bell Tel Co, res 33 E 6th So. Smith Miss Jennie, elk V T R Laboratory, res 34 Tenth East. Smith Miss Jennie, res 603 Second East. Smith Jessie (wid Jas), knitter Des W Mills, res 336 W 6th N. Smith Miss Jessie, emp Des W Mills, res 336 W Sixth North. Smith. Miss Jenta, res 672 E Fourth South. Smith John, carp, res w s i ith East, s of I2th South. +r* Smith John, lab, res Mill Creek. ^ Smith John, ranchman, res 174 W Third South. ^ Smith John, teamster City street dept. Smith John, emp Wm Harkins. jg Smith John, teamster J R Smith, res same. QJ Smith John, wiper R G W Ry, res 103 Rio Grand ave. Smith John, foreman R G W Ry Yard, res 552 W Third South. - Smith John, res St Elmo Hotel. g* Smith John, lab, bds Liberty Park House. jg 1 Smith John A (Jno A Smith & Son), res 7 Kendall ave. h Smith John C, auctioneer, res 226 E Third South. ^^ < Jmith John C, cond U C Ry, res 450 E Eighth South. O Smith J Fewson, Civil and Mining Engineer, 136 I, res sme. J o. Sin i I li J Fewson Jr, Surveyor and Civil Engineer, 49 S Main, E? res 615 Second. Smith John G (S & Sims), res 437 W Fourth South. & - Smith John G. moulder U P Ry, res 566 W First North. 3J O Smith John G Jr, lab, bds 566 W First Forth. O O Sm Mil John Henry, Pres Co-op Furniture Co, res 23 N J^ West Temple. *< y Smith Jno H, (Jno A Smith & Sons), res 7 Kendall ave. . J < Smith John H, driver Grant Bros L & T Co, res 59 Richards, j J Smith J H, music teacher Brighton, res same. CD Smith Jno K, mechanic, res n e cor nth East and I4th South. Sj - Smith John M, brass and iron foundry 171 W First North, res ^_ same. |O Smith John N, electrician S L C R R Co. jjj Smith Jno R 9 Real Estate & Loans, 6 Scott- Auerbach Blk, P res cor Thirteenth East and Twelfth South. Smith John S, res Twelfth South n w cor Thirteenth East. J Smith Jno T, motorman S L C R R, res 433 W Fifth North. $ Smith John W, contr & bldr, res 19 W First North. H 00 Smith John Y, watchman L D S church office, res 603 2nd E. g 33 Smith John Y Jr (DeLong & Smith), 121 E 2d S, res 615 2d E. H [J Smith Joseph, res 763 E First South. ^ CHAS. B GCURLAY & CO, 303&305McCornicKBldu., SALT LAKE CITY. Teiopboiiettl. Shirts of Eiery Description. impairing a Spetiallj ffJIITTEMOPiE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE, Boom 810. IfrOorniok Building. London O z N m H X m o m r m 03 H rn D -< to Money to Loan on Im- PI Utah /Idaho. ^ 4 62 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. M " g Snarr Daniel H (S & Son), res 260 \V Sixth South. "3 Snarr Jas H, foreman S L C R R barn, res 445 W Sixth South. GO 328 W Sixth South R, res 338 W Sixth South! Snarr Thomas, cond S L C R R Co, res 425 W Sixth South. 9 Snarr Thos S, capitalist, res 425 W Sixth South. j jj Snarr & Sons (Jas T & Daniel H), genl mdse, 324 W Sixth S. g ,5 Snailham Miss Kate, domestic 41 1 S West Temple. rt Snedaker Clara (vvid John), res Murray, c 5 Snedaker Miss Ella, dressmkr, res 43 1 E Fourth South. rt Siiedalter John F, D D S, 47 E First South, with Dr T A * v Clawson, res 331 G. 2 o Snedaker Lee, bkpr J H Bowman, res 417 E Fourth South. * ^ Snedaker Lee C, bkpr W L Pickard Co, res 374 Earl's Court. " Snedaker Miss Lizzie, comp Tribune, res 431 E Fourth South. OC Snedden Frank, plumber J W Farrell & Co, res 86 M. ^ Snedden Robert, plumber J W Farrell & Co, res 355 Third E. 5 Sneed Athan G, cond R G W Ry, bds 2 1 1 S rtfth West. OC Sneeston Wm, cook The Boston Rest, res 59 E Third South. ^T Snelgrove Charles R, Secy and Treas Coalter & Snelgrove Co, * ? res 744 S West Temple. ^ 3 Snelgrove Edward, shoemkr, res 323 E Second South. J 5* ^2 Snelgrove Edward S, bkpr S L C R R, res 263 E First South. ? & ^g Snelgrove George H, salesman S P Teasdel's, res 326 5th East. rv ^ Snelgrove Joseph, elk, bds 323 E Second South. +** i i i Snelgrove Miss Maria, domestic 871 E Sixth South. ^. ^E- Snelgrove William K, lab, res 323 E Second South. }_ Snell George H, Inter-Mountain Salt Co,, bds Templeton, *~ QC Snell George O (Ewbank & S), res 938 S Second West. 3 J Snell Mrs G W, res 28 E Fourth South. 22 Snell John, contractor, res 573 S First West. O """^ Snell John M, lawyer, res 34 Centre. & _ Siiell John W 9 General Merchandise, 225 W First South, ^ - res 32 Centre. ^ ^ Snell Joseph J ( J J Snell & Co), res 106 W First North. ^+ ^ Snell J J & Co (Joseph J Snell), Real Estate, Lime, Plaster and Building Rock, 26 Wasatch Blk. r>* Snell J W Jr (Burgon & S), res 22 Centre. (D ^-^ Snell Mrs Nettie Y, res 33 First. P - Snelson John, builder and contractor, res 349 Fifth East. -H Snider, see Snyder. 5" - Snider Charles, driver R G W Exp, rms Depot office. gn GO LOANS A SPECIAL!?, SS?2K3??- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. Real Estate Broker, H. p. e. MATES. I E. i. SBEETS. Room n. commm M work. B.H. Officer JGo..ASSAYEBS.aSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 663 . Snider Christian, carp, res 226 E Seventh South. * Snider Frank L (Snider & Sons), res 133 W Second North. | Snider John (Snider & Sons), res 160 N First West, | Snider John E (Snider & Sons), res 160 N First West. CQ Snider John H, brick mason, res 704 S Seventh West. ^- CU Snider Sylvia (wid John), res 146 N First West s Snider & Sons (John, John E & Frank L), stone and brick con- -^ 5 tractors, 1 60 N First West. j^ n= Snively Emma (wid), cashier Manitou, rms 32-33 Holmes bldg. tyn .J2 Snyder Joliii J, Mortgage Loans, 35 and 36 Hooper Block, - res 1072 E First South. * r= Snyder Wm A, barber, res Whice House. O H Snyder Wm D, with John J Snyder, res 55 S State. ! _ Snow Annie (wid Erastus), res 61 E First North. *"^ Snow A E, vice-pres The Dunford Shoe Co, res Brigham City, pf" . Utah. TTi Snow Miss A M, res 375 Second East. ^^ _j Snow Charles M, painter, res 250 Spring. """^ Snow Franklin R, sec and treas Consolidated Imp Co, res 276 ^2 SE Canyon Road. 2E Snow George A 9 Gen Mngr Consolidated Implement Co, res ^ 329 Fifth. ^-3 | Snow George W, Civil and Mining Engineer, 49 S Main, ^ res 570 E Third South. g ~*i Snow Moroni, director Con Imp Co, res Provo City. ^ f^ Snow Lorenzo Jr, pres The Dunford Shoe Co, res Brigham City. C^, Snow Mary (wid Zera), res rear 372 W Third North. "CD Snow Peter N, painter, res 250 Spring. 3 Snow S R, salesman Con Imp Co, res 276 Canyon Road. U* Snow's Union Blk 65-75 E Second South. GJ ^p Snowball John T, painter Utah Paint & Oil Co, res 38 K. Snowball Ralph, quarryrnan, res 38 K. TD Snowball Ralph T, butcher, res 38 K. \ ^E Snowball Thomas F, butcher, res 38 K. ^ Snowden Annie (wid Sidney C), res 770 S State. ^ Snowden Julius, lab, res 708 S Main. -g Snowden Robert J (R J S & Co), res 334 W First South. p^ Snowden R J dr Co (Robert J Snowden), dealers in Second Hand Goods 1 10 First South. SH. Snyder, see Schneider and Smder. 2 ^ Snyder Albert E, elk Acme Lunch and Chop House. " Q Q^ Snyder Benjamin, lab, bds 523 N First West. (0 Rogers, SearlesS Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.) feign of Big Oun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, J 1.11 IIS. -.Ill III II II I [1011. I |ll- |||. ler.y. I i.hiuu Tackle an * Solomon Miss Josephine, res 405 N Fourth West. o? ** . Solomon Nathan R, res 830 W First South. CD PJ Solomon Richard, shoemkr Solomon Bros, bds 405 W 3rd N. ~ Solomon & Lewis (Isaac S & Geo L), proprs The Favorite Z3 Saloon, 218 S State. 2 ^-|Q| Solomonson Barnett, peddler, res 536 E Third South. H Solomson Benj, peddler, res 760 S State. K^ < Somers P S, res 264 E First South. f, * Sommer Morris, asst mngr California Brewery, res Knutsford. ^_ ^ Q Sornsen Edward, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. ^ Soiidlieim Joseph. Prop St Elmo Liquor House, res St fj}% Elmo Hotel. ^ uj Sondstrom Miss Johanna, res 21 W First North. H Sonnedecker Itfeviii W 9 Attorney-at-Law 307 McCornick O C-< -i Blk, res 463 W Fourth South. | Soper Addie, res 454 W Second South. * Soper Eugene A, res 454 W Second South. 13 Soper Geo, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. Soper Henry, teamster Co op Fur Co, bds 464 S Seventh East. rf> K J Sorensen, see Sorenson. Sorensen Anna D (wid David), res rear 522 E Third South. ||J Sorensen Andrew C, lab, res 218 E Fifth South. Sorensen Christian, dairyman, res Ninth South bet 3d & 4th E. Sorensen Christian M, bkpr Clark, Eldredge & Co, res Ninth East s of Eleventh South, ||| Sorensen Christian P, machinist, res 61 Back. Sorensen Christian P, driver Grant Bros L & T Co, res 24 ' Union ave. O;* CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., ! 303 & 305 McCornicK Bids., SALT LAKE CITY, |r.t.B4H Shirts of Every Description. IYIUTTEMOKE,COOKE&CO., Boom 310. MoCornick Building. Pbenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Asset*. $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York -..Assets, $1,597,375.41 . 666 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. GO CO 03 cs CD O ri CD h I 05 = Sorensen Christian P (R G McClure & Co), res 63 Back. Sorensen Miss Christina, domestic 444 Seventh East. Sorensen Edward C, res 476 E Eighth South. Sorensen Miss Ella, waitress The Boston Restaurant, res 59 E Third South. Sorensen Hans, yardman Con Imp Co, res 816 Fifth East. Sorensen Hans, lab, res 58 Hazel. Sorensen Hans, lab, res rear 531 S State. H Sorensen Hans S, elk Z C M I, res 1023 E Fourth South, o Sorensen James, carp, res 153 Fourth East, a Sorensen John P (Sorensen & Nelson), res 673 Sixth South, o Sorensen Julius (Geo Edwards & Co), res 476 E Eighth South. Sorensen Lizzie (wid Eric), bds 58 Hazel. 5 Sorensen Miss Mattie, domestic 435 Seventh East. m Sorensen Miss Mary, domestic 158 W Third South. Sorensen Miss Mary, domestic 432 Hazel Court. Sorensen Minnie, chambermaid Walker House, res same. Sorensen Peder A (Shackleton & S), res 865 W Ninth South. Sorensen Rettie (wid H C), boarding house n e cor Eleventh East and Twelfth South. Sorensen fc kelson, (J P S & P J N), Furniture, Carpets, Baby Carriages, etc, 23 W First South. See page 2J. Sorensen Mrs (wid) res 328 E Fifth South, g Sorenson, see Sorensen. -J Sorenson Andrew, lab, bds 603 S State. S3 Sorenson Miss Annie, domestic, res 2d W s of Tenth South, c Sorenson Miss Augusta, res 349 Seventh East. Sorenson Axel, teamster J W Eardley, res 603 S State. Sorenson Christian, lab Tuddenham & Brain. Sorenson David, emp H Rippe & Co, res 853 W First North. Sorenson Eliza C (wid S H), res e s Third E 2 s of Ninth So. Sorenson Emma (wid), res 349 Seventh East. Sorenson Frederick, farmer, res 264 E Seventh South. ^ Sorenson Geo N, studt U of U, res 262 W North Temple. O Sorenson Hans, lab, res 723 E First South. Sorenson Hans, expman, res e s Third East 2 s of Ninth South. Sorenson Isaac, tmstr J W Eardley, res 603 S State. Sorenson John, gardener, res rear 331 Tenth East. Sorenson John J, farmer, res Tenth East, nr Third South. Sorenson Julius, real est, bds 476 E Eighth South. Sorenson Knud, stablemn Mt Ice Co, res Ice House. Sorenson Knup, emp Husler's Mill, res same. CD 2 QJ 03 3. CD =ET CTQ CD CO CD CD CD cna fflGO HC3 ICO SALT LAKE LITHO. 52 W. Second South. Telephone 24. Lithographing, Printing and Blank , The Finest tn the Western |) Country R,H. Officer Ho RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 667 Sorenson Linar, emp Bee Hive Planing Mill, res 603 S State, i Sorenson Michael, tailor Buckle & Son, res cor Seventh and C. Francis Hall secy, 1255 Main. *^ p7* Southam Benjamin, eng Jennings Blk, res N Mill Creek. l_j p^*. Southam Edwin, lab, res s s Social Hall ave. l*J ( } Southam Fred, emp Heesch-Davies Sani'ry Co, res s s S Hall ave. j*"* ""3 Southam Joseph, emp H-D Sanitary Co, res s s Social Hall ave. ," - Southam Josiah, lab, res s s Social Hall ave. 3} Southam Miss Mary, music tchr, res s s Social Hall ave. pn* dZ Southam William, eng S L C Gas Co, res 24 Back. I ^ i Souther Joseph G (Hoagland & S), res cor 9th E and loth S. ^\ *^D Southern John, lab Z C M I shoe factory, res 624 I3th East. ^^ CO Southern Pacific Co Genl Freight and Passenger Agency, j -09 D R Gray Genl Agent, 18 E First South J^ -*-* Southern Pacific Express Co, A G Clark Agent, 58 W ^> Second South. >-^ CD Southron A D, waiter U P Hotel. 4L* _* Sowers George D (French & S), res 18 Commercial. * " Sowers Percy S, mining, res 264 E First South. j CO Sowl Joseph, lab, res 596 W Second South. ^ Sowles ftlelvin B 9 Insurance, Real Estate and Notary Public rms 21, 22 and 23 O'Meara Blk, res 130 Third East. u ^ Spackman fc Mack (Thomas S & James M Jr), Props Utah H u CO Produce & Commission Co, 3 I S West Temple. Seepage 25. Q L C^, Spackman Thomas (S & Mack) res Morgan, Utah. /- \ Spafford Elmer C, civil eng, res 841 E Seventh South. 2i^ ^O Spafford Wellington, motorman S L R T R R, res 730 S State. ft -^-i Spafford Wm H H (Wm H H Spafford & Co, res 840 E Seventh & South. P ^ ^ ^ _ ^i >^__ ^-^ __^__^_^ Thp Irirfinfi^inn Anp * Journal of National Moment. lllU llllUublUll llLIu R*Jby Farmers, luvestor., Contractors, Enters, Etc. I) 3 Salt Lake Office, 26 W. 3d South St. 36 SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO I *#" -""""- tffl.l L.HI1L. IIHIIUf rHIIL. UU., > Ammunition, Sporting Goods Si-n of Bis: un. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Flatting Tackle. 668 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. T| co - - -- -ij Stafford William II II A Co (William H H S and ^ Charles B Jack), Real Estate 36 Commercial Blk. } Spahr George B, eng Dooly Blk, res 1 149 Eleventh East. -7-, Spalding John N, carp, w s 5th East bet ith and I2th S. G Spalding Thomas, bottler W J Lemp's B Wks, res 467 W ;th S. =c Spang Frank J, barber Knutsford, res 1 1 8 W First North. Spangler Joseph A, tinner, res 158 E Second South. ^ Sparks Benjamin W, hostler Jockey Club Stables, res same. ^p Sparks Dwight C, electric repairer S L C R R, res 244 E ml South Temple. &o Sparks Mahala (wid Wm), res 318 E Second South. C"D Sparks M, res 250 Second East. Sparks Quartus S, capitalist, res 232 W First South. -^ Sparks Thos J, gardener, res Third East s of Eleventh South. HI Sparks Wm, elk, bds 232 W First South. ""* Sparling John R, ins solicitor, res 222 W Third South. Spaulding Thos U, eng at Sample Mills, res 555 W 7th South. * Spear Charles, electrician McCornick bldg, res 244 S 4th West. Spears, see Spiers and Speirs. Spears Albert C, candymkr, res 1017 Third. Spears Andrew J, janitor Constitution bldg, res s e cor Main & Fifth South. Spears John, fruit dealer, res 4 Commercial Row. Speed Wm, carp, res rear 358 W Eighth South. H o Speight Henry F, lab, res rear 553 W First North. e*3 cc CD 4 Speirs, see Spear and Spiers. Speirs Adam, Bishop Tenth Ward L D S, Prop Tenth Ward ^ Store 424 Eighth East, res 731 E Fifth South. Speirs Adam C, farmer, res 731 E Fifth South. Speirs Alfred, blksmith, res 824 E Sixth South. Speirs Miss Anna, res 503 Seventh East. Speirs Bros (Harrison & Geo A), Blacksmiths, 68 Commercial. Speirs Chas H, teamster, res 522 S Third West. Speirs Edgar F, elk, bds 73 1 E Fifth South. Speirs Miss Effie, res 731 E Fifth South. Speirs Ernest, elk Adam Speirs, res 731 E Fifth South. * Speirs George, quarryman, res 503 Seventh East. Speirs Geo A (Speirs Bros), res 824 E Sixth South. Speirs Geo A Jr, lab, res rear 754 E Sixth South. Speirs Harrison (Speirs Bros), res 453 E Fourth South. Speirs Miss Jessie, res 503 Seventh East. Speirs Miss Mary, res 731 E Fifth South. CD GO 03 CO CD CO CO QADl/rD nCDIJC Wholesale and Retail Dealers In rAnlVtn & UtrUt, LUBBER AND IMPORTED AND IHERICAX CEMENTS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAN Cor. 3d. Soutli and. 3, Pres Spencer- Lynch Co, and Pres Salt U Lake Choral Society, res 31 N First East. Spencer Miss Josephine, authoress, res 151 Social Hall ave. Spencer Mark (James-Spencer-Bateman Co), res nth S & State, c Spencer Martha K (wid Orson), res 35 Fifth East. 3 W Spencer Newman, col S L P L & H Co, res 4 Kendall Terrace. JJJ' Spencer Owen H, elk C & N W Ry, res Social Hall ave. =3" Spencer Pomeroy, plumber P J Moran, res 149 Social Hall ave. Spencer Samuel F (S F Spencer & Co), res 75 N. & Spencer S F & Co (Samuel F S and James P Nelson), Real % Estate and Loans, 44-45 O'Meara Block. Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. 241 North 3d West. u LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt " ske Capital $4,000,000. Surplus $2OO,OOO. COPi MAIN iud FIRST SOUTH. , ^ 670 _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ H 3 ~~ "~~~ Spencer Sarah J (wid Daniel), res State nr nth South. g I Spencer Scandinavian School, 158 Second East. CQ ^ j? Spencer Susannah F, res 413 Third. ft 9 Spencer T J, elk, res Social Hall ave.< 5 JJ Spencer Wm S, train dispatcher U P Ry, res 141 W 7th South. H Spencer & Liynch Co (Inc), Jno D Spencer Pres, H G . S Naisbett Vice-Pres, Zebulon Jacobs Sec, Chas H Kraft Treas, Boots and Shoes, 124 S Main. "2 Spener James E, mining, res 206 W South Temple. * fc Sperry Miss Emma, res 243 W Sixth South. | Sperry Chas A, del elk, res 261 W Sixth South. 5 g> Sperry Mrs Ellen B, res Third East s of Tenth South. * 5 Sperry Geo H (Weight & S), res 271 W Sixth South. JJ g Sperry Harrison, bishop Fourth Ward (L D S), res 243 W Sixth * South. >^r Sperry Harry W, teamster J W Eardley, res 243 W 6th South. Uj Sperry Miss Minnie, res 243 W Sixth South. Sperry Wm A (Eardley & S), res 257- W Sixth South. 1 Spicer Wm N, farmer, res 606 W Second North. J ^ Q3 Spier, see Spear and Speir. ^ J5 Spier William, solicitor Templeton Hotel, res 211 S First West. ? % UJ Spiking James H, res 173 W Second South. . . ffc Spiking Thomas W, elk George W Jones, res 173 W 2nd S. SS Spillett Frances (wid Edward), res 1 84 D. ^* Spilman Charles, salesman R M Jones, rms Gladstone Blk. JJ 1 QC Spilman B M, bkpr R M Jones, bds Morgan. CU Sjji Spiring Emma (wid William), nurse, res 66 Vine. 13" Spitz David, bkpr Mountain Ice & C S Co, res 860 S 3rd W. 2? Z Spitz Israel, solicitor, res Brighton. QJ g Spitz Samuel, elk Blackhurst Bros, res 132 E Second South. Splain Charles L, res 540 E Seventh South. Q " ^^ Spohr Charles S, architect 65 Wasatch bldg, rms same. 3 Spooner Albert M, real estate agt, res Delmonico Hotel. JJJ, " Spoor Scott, driver B & O Transfer Co, res 264 W 2nd S. GO" Spoor William, lab, res 313 S West Temple. JJJ ^j Sprague Miss Bessie G, stenogr C S Varian, res 360 Centre. CO -^J Sprague Clarence B, bds 360 Centre. 3O ^>, Sprague Helen (wid E J), res 360 Centre. O r T ^ Sprague Miss Johannah H, stenogr clerk Third District Court, o res 360 Centre. jg p^j Sprague Miss Juno, res 46 State. n+, Sprague Len E, mail carrier P O dept, res 44 S State. ^jj 00 tai Estate Broker, -cSM Moneif to Loan. a Specialty. B. P. 6. C41TES. I E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Bliwk. R.H. Officer & Go., RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 671 -_ . (^} Sprague, Lindey, mail carrier, res 46 State. c Sprague Mary W (wid Samuel L), res 44 State. 3 Sprague Minnie, teacher Fourteenth School. "-3 z Sprague Samuel L, Bailiff Third Dis Court, res 46 State. 5 Sprague William B, bkpr T R Jones & Co, res 360 Centre. = Spratt Arthur, res 520 W First South. p^ flu Spray Timothy, lab, res 751 Fifth East. p>. Spriggs Cyrus H, res 523 E Fourth South. <* Spring Creek Irrigation Co, see inc co's, ] H Brinton secy and C, rilj treas. E3 Springall A D, fireman R G W Ry, res 47 S Fifth West. ^ CO Springall James, carp, res 123 Eighth East. r^j Springall Mrs Mary A, res 537 W North Temple. Up G Springer Angus, butcher Utah Slaughtering Co, res N Salt Lake, -g S Springer Bernhardt, res rear 58 Second East. OD Springer Elliott B, lab, res 358 Sixth East. 3" CO Springer Gustav, butcher Utah Slaughtering Co, res N Salt Lake, c^ ^ t Springer John, bartndr Hegney's, Rio Grand Hotel. c^ ^ Springer R Louis, The Owl Saloon 127 W Second South, res CO I2 9 W Second South. tfl CO Springhall Joseph, lab, res 564 Seventh East. ffl s m Springman Fritz, lab A Fisher Brewing Co, rms brewery. *-? QC Sproat Ann (wid Christopher), res 95 Apple. I Sproat Christopher W, elk Philip Margetts, res 5 S 1 3th West. O Z^ Sproat John W, bartndr, res 95 Apple. Q h Sproul Francis, gardener, res e s of State, s of Tenth South. 1 i Sproul Frank, drayman, res Farmers' Ward. IE 'Sproul Robenia (wid Francis), bds 850 E First South. "" Spruce Street, bet Tenth and Eleventh South, running East and ^ West, Fruitvale add. pj* Spry Miss Flora, res 573 W Second North. *"^ Spry George H, teamster, res 264 N Fifth West. *> - Spry Philip, Merchant Tailor, 25 W South Temple, res 567 ? Squires Benjamin F, barber Walter Squires, res 754 E Sixth S. v Squires Bros (Willard J., Jas & John C), 12 E First South. | ^ Z Squires Mrs Ella, res 1 20 N State. ^ ^ 3C, Squires Harry, barber Walter C Squires, rms Des Bank Bldg. * rt CD Squires James (Squires Bros), res 72 E. Rogers, Searlesi Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. OBNTRAL BLOCK, SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.) *lirn of Biar Gun 49 and 44 W. 2d South, j Headquarters for Wrought, Steel and Cat Ranees, Oa*ol1ne Storet, Refrigerator*. Granite, Tin and Copper Wan. Fin* . 672 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. JLm Squires John C (Squires Bros), res 754 E Sixth South, ^^ Squires J Willard (Squires Bros), res~88 E. W< Squires Phineas L, farmer, res Austin, North Salt Lake. ^" Squires Miss Rachel, res 754 E Sixth South. Q Squires Miss Sarah E, res 754 E Sixth South. Squires Spencer, bds 120 N State. < Squires Walter C 9 barber 3 Des Bank Bldg, res 1 24 Canyon Road. rC Staat Philip, baker, res 126 W First South. 1 Staats Charles B, carp, res 50 Seventh East. I Stacey James, lab, res North Salt Lake. tt\ S tace y J onn > tab, res North Salt Lake. \fj Stacker Henry A, foreman S L Litho Co, res 516 N 1st West. -^ Stadtlander John H, carp, res 41 1 W Second South. UL Stadwick Miss Phcebe, res n e cor State and I2th South, O Stafford David W, col P F Collier, res 137 W Third South. Stafford David W, Notary Public, 37-40 Commercial Blk, C~"> Ires Mrs Ford's, Merriam-O'Meara Blk. ^ J Stafford Wellington B, cabinet mkr, res 837 E Sixth South. _ Stageman Mrs A (wid), dressmkr, res rear 118 E Second South. CO H Stagg Nick, lab, res Utah House. OLJ m Q Stahl Dan, emp William Harkins. Q" g Stahl John, foreman Mount & Griffin, res 558 E Second South. 13 : * Stahl William H (Barnhart & S), res 244 E Fourth South. SJ * Staines Lillias T (wid William C), res 475 Second. 5^ T Staines Priscilla M (wid Wm C), res 125 A. -^ c 3 Staines William Charles, vice-pres Cunnington Co, res 461 2nd. CJ Staines William C. emp S L C R R Co, res 71 1 Fifth. H f^*\ Stair Frank E, tinner E C CofBn Hdwre Co, rms Clift House. ^ Stalker Benjamin F (Johnson & S). res 338 State. & ^ Staller R L, res 55 j^ W First South. TO j Stam Peter W, tailor and cutter, res 64 Eighth East. H H Stambeige Alfred, mach Silver Bros, res 62 Plum. 5" P-i Stamm Charles M, carp, res West Grand View add. JJ r T ^i Stanchfield Abner J, mining, res 274 E Fourth South. ^4 Standard Henry, lab, res 857 Second. xc> J~J Standard Sewiug Machine, H Gardner Agent, 65 E First s^ ^ South, j^ stele margin. jT^ ** Staiidart Albert C, Physician and Surgeon, res 413 S West f^ ( Temple. ft 53 * iJ Standing James V, lab, res 974 E Third South. v?? ^ Standish Henry, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. 41 CO - J5T \ TTj/n I BlankBookMakin8:; Kellyf * Un " I T TVUfl Pfl U/lKHI '^"g 6 DonV STn'y" Pattern'.' ILllnUi UUl I 52 W. Scond South. Tl*pbn lit. I ., Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 673 Standish Henry H, carriage trimmer Frevert & Co. Standrod Mrs George L, res 46 S First West. Stane J E, carpenter, res 346 S Seventh West. Stanfield Louisa (S & Long), res 718 E Seventh South, 0) Stanfield fc Long (Louisa S & John V L), First Ward Phar- macy, 702 Seventh East. Stanford Albert B, plumber, res 603 W South Temple. Stanford Cyrus J (Stanford & Son), res 552 W South Temple. Stanford Miss Harriett, res 603 W South Temple. CW Stanford James E, bds 603 W South Temple. JL-. O Stanford Miss Ruth, res 603 W South Temple. 3O Stanford Stephen (S Stanford & Son), res 603 W South Temple. ^ Stanford Stephen A, plumber 137 S Main, res 1093 8th East. Stanford Stephen fc Son (Stephen & Cyrus), Florists, 603 m W South Temple, see page 14. ** Stanley C B, asst mngr R L Polk & Co, res Hotel Morgan. Si Stanley Frank, Mngr Eagle Cracker & Mnfg Co, res 860 S 5 ^ j] Eighth West, see adv. < Stanley Frank, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. C/3 ft Stanley Mining Co, see me co's, W T Ketler see, office 706 Me- C ^k Cornick blk. 55 Stanley Miss Nellie, opr Z C M I Clothing Factory, res 334 E |Ej South Temple. CD Stanley Richard H, mining opr, res 225 Fourth East. ^m Stanley T A, emp S L C R R Co. O Stanley Sarah R, elk Eagle Cracker & Mfg Co, res 858 S 8th W. =3 Stannard W T m L, genl agt C & N W Ry 12 W Second South, v res 1 6 Willard Court. * Stanrod Chas, res 36 Union ave. Stansfield Miss M L (MacMasters & S), res 831 E Fourth South. ^^ Stanton Charles E, City Recorder, res 437 Fifth East. Stanton Miss Clara M, stenogr Harris & Wilson, res 523 3d E. ^r 3 yt Stanton Daniel W, miner, res 523 Third East. ^ * Stanton Daniel P, miner, bds 523 Third East. QB Stanton William, mason, bds 523 Third East. p Stanton William A, chief fire dept 130 E First South, res same. H 3 111 Staples David M, lab, res 1 02 S Sixth West. P Staples Miss Laura, res 102 S Sixth West. S z Staples Miss Mary, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 102 S 6th West. Staples Wm, painter, rms Richelieu House. Star Chop House, Lewis F Palmer propr, 57 W First South. Star Meat Market, J C C Glanfield, 26 W First South. H CHSS. B GCURLAY & CO., 303 & 305 McCornicK Bide., SALT LAKE CITY, P.O.BulK. Telephone ttl. Shirts of Efery Description. Repair ing Special tj WIHTTTMAIH? fWtl/l? 1*, TA - London & Lancashire Fire Insurance II ml ILlTIUllL, tUUKL & IU., Co., of Liverpool Assets, $14,880,157.00 INSURANCE. Northwestern National Ins. Co., of 810, MoCorniok Building. Milwant*^, Wii ...^Aweto, I 1,830^42.70 674 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ Star Mining Co, see inc cds, Arthur Stayner sec'y, McCornick -^ Block. Star Printing Co (J E & E H Callister & Alex Cowan), =3_ Book and Job Printing 70 S West Temple. C/5 G Star Restaurant, Jones & Schmidt proprs, 56 E First South. OD I Starbuck Isaac J, res North Salt Lake, 2o 5! Starkey John W, furnished rooms 3 Kendall Terrace. K ' Starkey Miss Rose, dressmkr, res 3 Kendall Terrace. I^ 1 A. Starley John, gardener, res 705 Fifth. CD* S Starley Stephen, gardener, res 51 Vine. j3 Starmer Willard R. cook, res 33 Eleventh East. .__ .J. Starr Anna B (vvi.d Jared), res 274 E Fourth South. A Starr Mrs F, nurse, rms 60 Holmes bldg. | 35 State Bank of Utah, The, Heber J Grant Pres, Wm B =g" Preston Vice- Pres, Heber M Wells Cashier, 1-3-5 S Main. ^ See adv. Staten Albert C, variety store 26 S Main, res same. 2j @ | Staub George C, cook, res 679 S State. O- Staub John, res Germania Hotel. S? 1 Stauffer Frederick, medical studt, res 38 N First West. | Stave C W, elk F Auerbach & Bros, rms 135 E Second South. g> 3: Stay Joseph, gardener, res rear 737 Sixth East. ^ Op Stay Joseph H, landscape artist, res 236 W Sixth South. Q2 Stayner Arthur, Promoter of Industries 318 McCornick OQ Blk, res 465 First. , h| Stayner Arthur Jr (S Bros), res cor nth S and 7th E. p^ * Stay 11 er Bros Arthur Jr and Horace), Special Agents c? (Jj Equitable Life Assurance Society of the US, 318 McCor- nick Block. Q CO Stayner Miss Cora, saleslady, res 72 Grape. MJO Stayner C Fred, Teacher Conservatory of Music Dooly Blk, - |3 res 72 Grape, see adv. s ; Stayner George C, elk Arthur Stayner, res 465- First. Stayner Horace (S Bros), res 2 s of Eleventh South on State. Steadbeck Peter A, tailor, res 803 Third East. Q-i Steadman M J, steward Hotel Templeton. Q* Steadman Mary (wid Samuel S), res 432 W Second South. 1^ Stearns Charles C, res 703 Third. ^^j 3 Stearns Mrs, tchr Fourteenth School. J"T S i_-: Stebbins Charles A, mngr Mrs D M Brown's cigar factory, res f |j 65 W Third South. j'j Q Stebbins Charles L, cigar mkr Mrs Brown, res 65 W 3d South. ? j Oil T I *l/r I ITUffc OH DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR OALl LARt LllnU. UU. FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. WORK A SPECIALTY O, Officer RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 675 D S Stebbins Frederick A, mining, res 237 Ninth East. g Stecher Paul W, watchmkr Joslin & Park, rms Realty blk. QjzT Steck Heber, butcher Geo Thurgood, bds 259 W Third North. 3 zS Steedman R R, First Lieut i6th Infty, Co I, res Fort Douglas. S 83 Steel Alexander, carpet weaver, res 853 E Eighth South. 5" Jjd Steel Mrs Fanny, res 847 E Eighth South. . S Steel John, blksmith Silver Bros, res 267 W Second South. ^ ^02 Steele Charles, res 564 E Fourth South. cx> 2^ Steele George W, com merchant, res 564 E Fourth South. 0^ Steele Irvine W, liveryman, res 532 Sixth East. ^j Steele Lovell, porter Merc blk, res 250 S Third West. . ^ Steele Lovell, res Fifth West, bet Second and Third South. ^ Steele MeU E (M E S & Co), res 564 E Fourth South. 3D a Steele M E & Co (M E Steele, G W Cozier, H J Jones), g Wholesale Commission Merchants, 167 S West Temple. ^3 LU Steele Thomas, (col'd), res rear 250 S Third West Jo 3C Steele Wesley W, Proprietor West Temple Resort Saloon, s 145 S West Temple, res People's Lodging House. Si ^j Steelman Rev Henry B, pastor First Baptist Church, res 673 E ^ 9 Third South. HT pyT Steers Elijah M, carp, res e s 7th E, n of Cannon ave, Forest Dale. G LU Steers William C, brick mason, res 755 L. J Steihle E T, elk, rrns 135 E Second South. Stein August, elk Inter-Mt Abstract Office, 5 14 Constitution bldg. S Stein Clara P, res 514 Constitution Bldg. 582 Stein Fred, draughtsman Vin Krolow, res 77 N State. 3C Stein Frank, cook Fashion Rest, res 122 Third East. 5 Stein George, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W S Temple. .,_ Stein H O, emp Wm Harkins. "3 Stein Louis, brewer A Fisher Brew Co, res 846 W S Temple. j Stein O J, waiter U P Hotel. O Steinback George, emp S L Brewery, res 613 Tenth East. C-D Steiner Catharine, (wid John), cheese dealer, res 835 E Third S. ^ Steiner Heber J, florist, bds 835 E Third South C Steiner Martin, tailor Wells & Co, res rear 125 State. ' Steinman B Jr, agt Lowenberg & Co, rms Brooks Arcade. 13 Stem Wm P (Stem & Johnson), contractors, res 264 Third E. ^ Stembel Jerome, emp Symns Utah Grocer Co, res Second East, bet Tenth and Eleventh South. v_ Stembel Jerome (Goodman & S), res e s Second E, s of Tenth S. % Stenchmeyer Barney, expressman, res rear 338 E Second S. QQ Stenhouse Fanny (wid T B H), res 515 S Second West. irrigation flge Printing House, Railroiulaii(1(!()ffllliwci lprillt ^ "-" -it.** Furnished on all kind* of Work. 26 IV. Third Soutll. o > o m z O m SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO, l er** aul llmisr-iur- Hard WH re. Stove** ffes, Refrigerators Si-ii of Big Go 11. 42 and 44 W. 2d South . ) and Gasoline Stoves. 5 676 _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ | Stenhouse F J (Stenhouse & Co), res 3 57 S ist West, P O Box 783. ^ . Stenhouse George T, solicitor Utah Gazetteer, res 5 I 5 S 2d W. O U Steuhouse Garner S. (Stenhouse & Co), res 357 S First X 'Z West; P O Box 783. " Stenhouse Lorenzo, Mngr Stenhouse & Co, Kelly blk, res I 357 S First West, P O Box 783. E Stenhouse Lorenzo M, emp Stenhouse & Co, rms 357 S ist W. g Stenhouse Serge M, res 238 W Fifth South. 35 Stenhouse Walter, bkpr, res 5 [ 5 S Second West. - Stenhoiise & Co (F J & G S Stenhouse), L Stenhouse Mngr, CUD Directory Publishers and General Advertising Agents, Kelly .EE blk, P O' Box 783. -g Stenson E R, dispatcher U P Ry, res U P Hotel. ^ Stenzel Richard O (R Stenzel & Co), rms 4 E Third South. Steiizel R & Co (Richard O Stenzel), Mnfg Furriers, 4 E Third South, see adv. - Stephen J R 9 Prop White House, res same. SS, Stephen Matthew G, solicitor P F Collier, res 4 Kendall Terrace. d Stephens, see Stevens. Stephens Chas, lab, res Twelfth West near Fourth North. Stephens Miss Eliza, dressmkr 128 S Main. Stephens Mrs Emma (Stephens & Smith), res 547 South Main. * Stephens Evan. Condr Salt Lake Choral Society and Taber- nacle Choir, res 43 Alameda ave. * Stephens Frank B 9 Attorney-at-Law 45 Commercial Bldg, * res 1 77, Thirteenth East. ^ Stephens Isaac N, repairman Telephone Co, res 547 S Main. C ) Stephens M, emp H Haynes, res Murray. Stephens Maria (wid Jno F), res 167 E Sixth South. Stephens Oscar, mach U P Ry, res 349 W North Temple. _-. Stephens Peter, lab, res North Salt Lake. T Stephens Richard, mason, res Second East, n of Kensington ave. H < Stephenson, see Stevenson. Stephenson James, baker, res 566 W First North. Stephenson James, waiter, res 254 N First West. ""J^ C \ Stephenson J, comp Deseret News, res 360 E Stephenson's ave. fjjg - Stephenson Miss Mary, res 566 W First North. Jfc PC Stephenson Miss Margaret, domestic, 941 E Fifth South. ^gj C 3 Stephenson Stuart, mining opr, res 340 Fifth East. Sterling, see Stirling. .sf g- Sterling James D, elk of Stake L D S and stenogr W Woodruff, 1 res 746 Ninth East. 3 2* Parker & Depoe, 101 Cor. 2d South and 3d West. Tel. 255.' Artificial and Natural Ice, TELEPHONE RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 677 Sterling Miss Rachel, matron Orphans' Home, res e s State n of Twelfth South. Stern, leaner, Sliolil fc Co, Cincinnati, Clothing, Sam Samuels Agt, rm 712 McCornick blk. Stetler Jay, waiter Templeton, res 135 E Second South. Stetter Mrs Ella E, Furnished Rooms, 135 E Second South. Stevens, see Stephens. . Stevens Andrew, lab, res 916 Ninth East. fe Stevens Chas (Greenwood, Macy & S), res 231 S Main. Stevens Charles, eng Cullen, bds same. Stevens Charles, emp S L C R R, rms 637 E Third South. to' | Stevens Charles, lab Temple, res I2th West, near 3d North. I Stevens Charles E, porter Joslin & Park, res 142 E 3d South. |N| Stevens Charles W, teamster, res Grant, bet Sixth and Seventh Seventh West. Stevens Edward J, elk Famous Coffee House, res Uintah Hotel. >: Stevens E F, canvasser, res Dyer Lodging House. ^ Stevens E, teamster city street dept. 5 Stevens Frank, eng R G W Ry, res Albany Hotel. Stevens James, lineman Telephone Co, rms Richelieu House. j Stevens J E, teamster city water works, res 266 Valera ave. A < Stevens James H, General Contractor, room 69 Commercial o> Blk, res same. 5 Stevens James W Jr, millwright, res 417 E Second South. 3 Stevens Julius D, supt New Tintic Mining and Smelting Co, res The Cuilen. Stevens Miss Lottie, res 417 E Second South. , Stevens L A, car emp S L C R R. < Stevens Mary Ann (wid Richard), res 38 L. Stevens Richard, stone cutter, e s 2d E bet I ith and I2th S. Stevens Robert, lab, res 38 L. Stevens Sarah (wid Alfred G), res 350. J Stevens Thomas D, gardener, res 244 W Fifth South Stevens Thomas M, Vice-Pres and Mngr Salt Lake Litho- graphing Co, res 35 G. Stevens Will C, actor, rms The Manitou. ** Stevenson Albert W, res 224 M. Stevenson Alfred W, bkpr Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assn, res 356 N Third West. Stevenson Miss Amelia, res 353 E Eighth South. Stevenson Benjamin, res 3 1 5 Fourth. Stevenson Charles, eng Cullen Hotel, bds same. o z N m H m o m r m DO to Morrison, Merrill & Co, Prices and Estimates on all kinds of Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. te 678 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 9 g Stevenson Charles I^ C E, Pres Polytechnic Society of g s Utah, Sec & Treas Am Soc Irr Engineers, Progress Block, S -| res 3 1 5 Fourth. g | Stevenson Charles T (Treweek & S), Sec Barnes Sulphur g Co, Alliance Mining Co, Etc, rms 49 Scott-Auerbach Blk. 9 Stevenson Christian, res 368 Stevenson Court *j T3 Stevenson Edward, apiarist, res 1 1 8 S First West. g Stevenson E A, driver Mountain Ice & C S Co, res 860 S Third g g West. c 5 Stevenson Ezra T, bkpr Sierra Nevada Lumber Co, res 118 S fl First West. Stevenson George, salesman Symns Utah Grocer Co. 2 o Stevenson Gustave, res 353 E Eighth South. * ^ Stevenson Miss Hattie, tchr Thirteenth School. " Stevenson Henry A, eng Cullen Hotel, res 462 S First West. Stevenson Henry L, genl mdse, res Big Cottonwood. Stevenson J, emp William Harkins. Stevenson James, porter Clipper Saloon, res 254 N 1st West. Stevenson John, carp, res 5 1 8 S First West. Stevenson Leopold G, porter Golden Eagle Liquor Store, res Edgewood add. Stevenson Mrs Louisa, res n w cor Simpson and Lake, Forest Dale add. Stevenson Mary R (wid James G), res State, North Mill Creek. Stevenson Robert B, assayer, res 315 Fourth Stevenson William H, salesman Studebaker Bros Mnfg Co, res 413 Fourth East. Stevenson Julius, farmer, res Murray. Stevenson Mary (wid James), res 462 S First West. Stevenson M, emp Wm Harkins. Steward, see Stewart and Stuart. Steward George E, res 219 S Seventh West. Steward H A, emp Wm Harkins. Steward Miss Mamie, domestic, res rear 338 E Second South. Steward Robert C, quarry man, res 640 Tenth East. Steward Samuel, emp Wm Harkins. Steward Thomas, quarryman, res 627 Tenth East. Steward William G 31, Assayer, 1 1 5 S Main, res e s Sixth East, s of Tenth South. Stewart, see Steward and Stuart. Stewart Archibald H, band sawyer Sierra Nevada Mill, res 206 W South Temple. CO - LOANS A SPECIALTY, C S52S*- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. I 5SSSS?' Real Estate Broker, H. p. . COATKS. I E. i. SHEETS. Room 12. cmm<>rmi Riork. 8.H. Officer & Go., ASSAYEBS.SJSS J RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 679 J v Stewart Archibald H Jr, chief dispatcher U P Ry, res 266 W 3 t 1 Second North. 5 p Stewart Benjamin F, saloonkeeper, res Revere House. . ft Stewart Brigham F, vice-pres Mariger Invest Co, res Arizona. . Stewart Charles, carp, res 271 W South Temple. u Stewart Charles, Merchant Tailor rear Tribune, res 353 N ^ Fifth West. O Stewart Henry, teamster Everill, Josephs &Co, res 216 Wall. g Stewart Mrs H S, propr Revere House, res same. Stewart John J, mnfrs' agt 18 E First South, res 46 2nd E. OD Stewart Joshua S, teamster city, res 25 I Fourth East. *= Stewart John W, eng R G W Ry, res 532 S Second West. ^ "" Stewart Joshua B, farmer, res Second West s of Tenth South. ^jr Stewart Mrs Mary J 9 Dressmaker 366 S West Temple, 3 res same. CD Q* Stewart Mrs Molly E, res 204 Sixth East. LlJ Stewart Richard, cont and bldr, res 38 M. ~j Stewart R D, elk city engineer's office, res 15 Willard Court. ^ Stewart W C, rms Richelieu House. Q "' : Stewart Wm, lab, res 78 E Second South. ^ Z Stewart Wm M, M D, prof U of U, res 38 Fourth East Q Stewart Wm T, pres Mariger Inv Co, res Kanab, Kane Co. Stewart Wm W,.eng, res rear 56 N Second West. ^ CQ Stidham Thomas K, turner Burton-Gardner Co, n w cor Emer- o -*-* l son ave and I3th East. jP EX Stiefel Alexander, drayman, res 337 W First South. ^j ^4 Stiefel Alfred, mach R G W Ry, res 337 W First South. ^ Stiefel Maurice, elk E M Friedman & Co, res 548 E 4th South. ^ ^ Stiehl George F (S & Creighton), res 836 Fifth Fast. ^ Stiehl fc Creightoii (G F S and D C), Dentists, 312 Me- ^2 f3 Cornick Block. See page jr. ft pr Stienbach George, brewer S L C Brewery, res 613 Tenth EastJ ^^ ^ Stiffler Miss Luella, tchr Utah School Deaf Mutes, res cor First '^ C3 North and First West. gb QQ Stiles A A (wid R M), artist, res 445 S Main. y=^ Stiles Laurence, res 445 S Main. CO Stillman Charles F, farmer, 8 n of E I4th Sjuth, East Mill Creek, ^ Stills Mrs Emma, janitress 78 E Second South. .2 Stilwell Dixon, dishwasher, bds Rio Grande Hotel. *^ Stimson Bert, packer S P Teasdel, res 484 Third. CO Stimson Charles, res 415 S Main. C^- Stimson Charles, res 624 State. Roprs, Searles it Co GENERAL INSURANCE. 11 ROOM 20. ^ENT^AL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Tents for Rent. 680 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. "T Stimson Charles, res 352 E First South. C mi j Stimson Frank C, asst engr W S Rap Trans Co, res 352 E Third "^ /f\ South. -' *** Stinback John C, porter The Tunnel, res 67 E Second South. * Stinchcomb Charles L, elk Simpson-Hill Drug Co, res 146 W ^, Fourth South, Chesney's Court, ^ Stine Kate (wid C H), res 732 Fourth East. OStinson Charles, res 415 S Main. Stinson E R, dispatcher U P Ry, res 306 N Second West. ^ Stirling, see Sterling. Stirling Charles, teamster, res 344 E Fifth South. Stirling James, Dealer in Groceries and Genl Mdse, 344 E (y) Fifth South, res same. CD Stirling James D, elk Deseret News, res 746 Ninth East. ^^ Stirling Wm F, res 437 W First South. C/] Stobb Miss Nancy, domestic 553 E Second South. ^ Stobbart Mrs Elizabeth, res 7 Morton's Row. f-] Stock John, lab, res w s Lake 2 n of Cannon ave, Forest Dale ad. " Stockdale Amelia (wid Wm F), res 525 S Fourth West. c/) h Stockdale Fred M, elk R K Thomas, res 453 Third. gj Stockdale Wm, farmer, res n of E Fourteenth South, Mill Creek. :v JJ Stockdale Wm H, cashier R K Thomas, res 5255 Fourth West. ^ o . Stockehan Mrs Eleanor M, res 373 S West Temple. . n Stocker Alex, carp, res cor Second South and Ninth West. J/5 Stocker Fred, emp Model Steam Bakery. *^ fc Stocker Henry A, engr S L Litho Co, res 516 N First West. " Stockpole Ernest, carp, res 962 W Sixth South. ^ ^ Stockton Mining & Smelting Co, see inc co's, S E Vance sec and CD ^ * treas. C/5 Stoddard Miss Effie, dressmkr, res 417 E Fourth South. ca Stoddard Miss Essie, res 417 E Fourth South. { Stodeney John, mach R G W Ry, res 149 S Fifth West. <> CJ Stoker Robert, lab Silver Bros, res 358 N Third West. 2* Stokes Christopher, porter Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, res 729 N 2d W. CO Stokes Colin C, elk Roberts & Nelden, res 4 Jensen Court. ; Stokes Jane (wid Robert), res 375 W Seventh South. : ' - 1 Stokes William B, res 605 S Main. ^ Stokes William B, mason, res 430 Constitution Bldg. i|> Stolhandske Andrew, lab, res 958 E Fourth South. ^ Stolhandske Miss Mary, res 958 E Fourth South. S-r Stolhandske Miss Mamie, res 958 E Fourth South. ^ Stoiman Mrs Otto, res 334 W South Temple. ^ RBI T i UK v i G^^gLJMssss. 1 1 ivun nn Ortli 1 LrtMl I lTl^f^ e ^S:| lil 1 HU, UU, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 681 Stolz William, marble cutter at Brown's Marble Works, res Clift House. Stomstall Gerhardme (wid August), res 45 Seventh East. Stone George B, carp, res 133 S South Sixth West Stone George E, 'hostler Jockey Club Stable, res same. Stone Harry, lab, res 36 Busby ave. Stone John E, carp R G W Ry, res 346 S Seventh W T est. Stone Samuel S, elk Wiscomb & Co, res 518 Second East. Stone Seth S, elk Wiscomb & Co, res 518 Second East. Stookey Stonewall J, farmer, res 149 W Sixth South. Storer George H, commission merchant, les 2 Thornton ave. Storer George W, candymkr M Kopp, res 177 S State. Storer John P, groceries, cor Seventh West and Fourth South, Rio Grande ave. Story James, lab, res 45 N Seventh West. Stout Eli H, contractor, res Flossie's ave, Stout Eli H Jr, teamster, res Flossie's ave. Stoutt Miss Fannie S, res 56 W Fourth South. Stoutt Joseph Iff, Pres Utah National Bank, res 56 W Fourth South. Stoutt Miss Romaine M, res 56 W Fourth South. Stover George H (Stover & Tobin), res 2 Thornton ave. Stover & Tobin (George H S and Alfred D Tobin), Props Metropolitan Restaurant 67 W Second South. Stover J P, res 410 W Second South. Stowe Howard S, supt warehse Jeremy Salt Co, res 64 W 2d S. Stowe John, elk U P Ry, res 43 N Seventh West. Stowe Joseph, storekeeper The Cullen, res 64 W Second South. Stowell Edison M, sheep raiser, res Husbands Court rear 130 S Second West. Strange James, cond, res Brighton. Stratford Henry, res 443 Fourth East. Strathouse Frank, driver Mountain Ice Co, res at ice house. Straub George C, cook German Cafe, res 679 S State. Straubel Geo A R, bartndr Occidental, bds 39 Richards. Srraup Delia L, tchr Fourteenth School, res 833 E Sixth South. Straup I> Newton, Attorney at Law Powers & Hiles, res 833 E Sixth South. Strauss Miss Annie, opr Z C M I clothing facy, res 831 E 3rdS. Strauss Miss Rosa, res 140 E Sixth South. Strauss Sol, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 140 E Sixth South. Streadbeck Peter A, tailor 803 Third East, res same. c, B m CD CO QJ CD C/D 53 CD O CD 10 q> HP1 3n H CHAS. B GGURLAY & CO., 303&305McCornlCKBld2., SALT LAKE CITY. F. . B 492. TtiepkoM Ml. Shirts of Every Description. WIIITTEMORE.COORE&CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, MoCornick Building. North Gnnan Fire Insurance Com pany, of Hamburg. Assets, 12,450,728.74 Scandla Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets, K160,403.28 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. o -; Street John A (Dey & Street), res 333 Ninth East Q-T Streeper William H, pres S L Imp Co, res Centreville. IStrehl William. Grocer, 133 W Second South, res same. j Strickland Charles A, pattern mkr, res 368 Seventh. j Strickley George F, salesman Kentucky Liquor Co, res 229 S Second West. * Strickley John, mngr Kentucky Liquor Co, res 229 S 2d West - Strickley Joseph B, salesman Ky Liquor Co, res 229 S 2d West > Strickley Miss Laura B, res 229 S Second West Strickley Miss Nellie, bkpr Cullen Hotel, res 229 S 2d West. C^s! Stringam George, ins, res 344 Edith ave. "! Stringam George N, bkpr Heber J Grant & Co, res n s Roper nr O a Third East Stringam Henry, salesman Spencer, Clawson & Co, res e s Third k East nr Tenth South. Stringam John, bkpr H J Grant & Co, res 42 Third East. Stringam Nathaniel, miner, res 144 N Second West. Stringham Susan A (wid Bryant), res 42 Third East Stringer Alonzo P, studt, res 169 W Sixth South. Stringer J H, baggage office U P dept, res 206 W South Temple. Stringer Jno T (S & Carney), and real est, ins & loans, rooms 49-50 Com'l Blk, res 169 W Sixth South. Stringer & Carney (J T S & G H C), S L L & R Co 19 Com'l Block. Stringfellow Geo, real est, res 128 E Sixth South. Stringfellow Joseph W, bds 128 E Sixth South. Stringfellow Samuel A, bds 1 24 E Sixth South. Stringfellow Samuel S, farming & real estate, res 124 E 6th S. Strock John, stonecutter Watson Bros, res Forest Dale. Stromberg Miss Annie L, dressmkr, res 238 Third East. Stromberg B (wid Jas), res 238 Third East. Stromberg Miss Leda, res 238 Third East. Strong Alma E, elk Strong Bros, res 837 E Fourth South. Strong Arthur D, elk Strong Bros, res 894 E Fourth South. Strong Bros Co (see inc cos), General Merchandise and Meat Market 813 E Fourth South, see page 29. Strong Ernest, emp S L Lith Co, res 849 E Fourth South. Strong Harriet (wid William), res rear 829 E Fourth South. t Strong Hyrum, vice-pres The Strong Bros Co, res 807 E 4th Strong James T, pres The Strong Bros Co, res 849 E 4th S. Strong John A, elk The Strong Bros Co, 353 Eighth East Strong John T, elk Pacific Exp Co, res 243 Third East CAI T I AkT I ITHD ffi Lithographing, Printing and Blank OWL I LW L, LllliU. LU. R nn U Mokinn The Finest in the Western 62 W. Second South. Telephone 248. DUU * **my, Country 2 m> CO O CO Q Z O CO Q tU c O CL S. 8, H. Officers Go., RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 683 C/0 Strong Maud, bds 829 E Fourth South. g~ C3 Strong Wm H, supt The Strong Bros Co, res rear 825 E 4th S. Q 2^- Strong W J, sec and treas The Strong Bros Co, res 934 E 4th S. Eg Stroop John H, mngr Midland Pottery Co, res 224 S First West. r*- !g Stropp J A, res 224 S First West. < Struble David C (S & Willis), res 108 W First South. ^ Struble J T, res 108 W First South. CO . Struble & Willis (David C S & Irving J W), proprs Bon Ton_^ Restaurant, 108 W First South. _^ Struhs Ernest, lab P V Coal Co yard. ' D Struhs -Ernest, lab, res 12 W Sixth North, } Struhs John, tailor, res 2 West's Court. JT3J Struhs Joseph, emp P V Coal Yard, rms 2 West's Court. |j Stryker Christian, dairyman, res e s State, s of Tenth South. I Stuart, see Steward and Stewart. j Stuart Daniel, capitalist, res 676 W Third North. ^E. Stuart H, emp Wm Harkins. MM ^ Stuart Joshua, teamster, res 251 Fourth East. J^IT Stuart Will I (Laney & S), res 61 1 Progress Blk. ^1^ Stubbs John, lab, res South ave, rear 317 W Seventh South. ^-^ Stucker Madelina, plain sewing, res rear 866 E Second South. _ Stucker* Miss Rose, laundress, res rear 866 E Second South. fi3 Studebaker Bros Manufacturing Co, Charles H Vin- son Manager, Carriages, Wagons, Harness and Saddles, 35 "^Zj S Main, see page 20. FTI "^ Studebaker Jacob C, painter, res 535 W Third South. CO Stuilin Amos, emp Deseret Woolen Mills. Stull H, emp Mount & Griffin, bds 558 E Second South. _2 Stull James M, Attorney-at-Law, 19 Central Blk, res 55 E g ^ Second South. /-T} Stump J, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. Sturrock Henry (J D McGildvey & Co), res 940 W Second South. . Stutterd J Henry, elk Joslin & Park, bds 164 E Second South. GQ Stylin Emma, emp Deseret W Mills, res 538 N Third West. Z Suburban Barber Shop (John Squires & Son), 754 E 6th South. .2 Suckolt Miss Bertha, res 744 E Sixth South. 4^ Sudbury Edward, elk, bds 267 Canyon Road. ^ Sudbury Edward, gardener, res Brighton. f"x Sudbury Fred W, elk S R Marks & Co, res 267 Canyon Road. ^ j Sudbury Samuel, mnfr brick Brighton, res same. CO Sudbury Samuel J, res 252 E Second South. J3 Sudheimer Henry W, elk frt office U P Ry, res East Waterloo. Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Offices, Salt I,ke. Denver, Han Franclsca _ _ 16 W. 8d South St. 76 Railroad Bldf. Ml Harktt It 37 SALT LAKE HARDWARE C0.,li; Wholowale and Kotail liar i rare. <'utlery. Siovos. Ciu i immiiiiition, Sporting <*ools Sign of Big Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 3d South. ) and Fishing Tackle. . 684 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 2 Suehs William, trunk mkr James I Gallacher, res Young's Lodging House, Commercial. X Sufkin Samuel, res 258 Second West. Sugar House Ward Meeting House (L D S), n s Twelfth South bet Eleventh and Twelfth East. o Sugden J W, pattern mkr loth Ward L & Bldg Assn, res 3 N ur Seventh West. | & Sugden Walden, carp loth Ward L & Bldg Assn, res 3 N 7th W. j.S Sugden William, carp, res 3 N Seventh West. D*j Sulleen Mary (wid Gustave), res 1 14 N State. J C Sullender James M, elk Brown, T & W Co, res 235 W 5th S. >-< Sullivan Miss Anna, res 501 W First South. Sullivan Con, lab city street dept. Sullivan Cornelius J, lab, res 1148 Fourth West. 5 Sullivan Dan, plasterer Thomas Estes. Sullivan Dennis A, fireman S L C Fire Dept, res 513 W 2nd S. g Sullivan Frank J, tchr penmanship, rms w of P O up stairs. *> Sullivan House, John Sullivan prop, 263 S Fifth West. $ Sullivan James W (Sullivan & McDonald), res 507 Second. p|j Sullivan J W, lab city street dept. _ Sullivan James J, driver Fire Dept, res 10 Jensen Court. Sullivan John, lab, res 121 S State. jf Sullivan John, propr Nevada House, res 501 W First South. "a Sullivan John W, comp Irrigation Age, res 226 W 2d South. < Sullivan John W, lab, res rear 276 W North Temple. Sullivan Miss Julia, res 513 W Second South. Sullivan Miss Libbie, res 501 W First South. _~ Sullivan Miss Maggie, res 501 W First South. ^ Sullivan Michael, res 501 W First South. Sullivan Michael J, policeman, res 513 W Second South. ^S Sullivan N R (Geo J Hanley & Co), res 1029 E South Temple. Sullivan Patrick J, pipeman Eng Co No 2, res 5 1 3 W 2d South. Sullivan Richard S, mach Utah & Mont Mach Co, res 525 W North Temple. Sullivan & McDonald (J W S & Angus McD), excavating contrs, 272 S State. ^i Sullivan Thomas, lab, res 1145 Fourth West. I- 1 Sullivan Mrs T (wid), res 758 Second East. * \ Summerhays Caleb E, bds e s 7th E s of Cannon, Forest Dale. Sf| Smumerhays Joseph W, Mngr Rowe-Morris-S-Co, res es ^ Seventh East 3 s of Cannon, Forest Dale add. "i Summers Wm, tmstr, res, 334 K. gl &HCDIIC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in UtrUt, LUMBER A\D IMPORTED AND AMERICAS CEMENTS. Cor. 2d Soutli and 3d West. Tel. 255. CD MOUNTAIN ICE GO M TELEPHONE 43. 3 O CO RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 685 Sumner E T, res 224 W Second South. Sumner Wm, trav salesman, res 628 W St Louis ave, bet Fourth ;! McCornick Blk. ^ H Surbaugh Thos M, jeweler, room 417 McCornick Blk. f~ < Surratt Robert L, buggy washer Jockey Club Stables, res same. ^2 Q Survis Louis O, cook, res 63 Pear. HI Survis O L, solicitor Duncan Portrait Co. 1 Survis Wm R, candymkr Jas G McDonald Candy Co, res 46 S W Fourth South. Suter Miss Emily, dom Mrs Ford's, O'Meara blk. CD * Suter Frank R, cook, res 36 N Fifth West. Q Suter Jane R, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. Q) -J Sutherland Miss Agnes G, dressmkr, res 47 W Sixth South. QQ H jp Sutherland Allen, bkpr, res 47 W Sixth South ]' CO Sutherland B, res 353 Fourth. J33 H y Sutherland Bert R, carp, res 177 C. j Sutherland Charles, rms Brooks Arcade. 2 Sutherland Jabez *, Attorney-at-Law, 54-56-57 Hooper _ Blk, res 21 First. Sutherland John A (Alden & S)> res St James Hotel. CL Sutherland Peter, porter 45 Commercial, res 10 Plum Alley. Tl Sutherland Thomas G, elk Z C M I, res 8 Back. 5 Sutton Henry W, sheep man, res Brighton. Sutton John, gardener, res 819 E Fifth South. CO Sutton Luther B, elk Zion's Bazaar, res 175 Q. CD Sutton Richard S (Sutton & Sheets), res Hunter Ward. JJJ Snl Ion & Sheets (Richard S S & Saml L S), Horseshoers, * _ Victoria Place. ^ Suviggi Salla, emp Wm Harkins. to ui Morrison, Merrill & Co, I. amber Dealers. At the front in Stock Fa- Cilitieg and Enterprise North U. P. Depot. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Main atni First sontit. | Improved City Property. 686 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Swain Albert, porter Auer & Murphy, res basement 106 W 1st N. Swain Mary (wid Robt H), res 866 E Second South. Swain Moroni, electrician Inter Mt Elec Co, res 866 E 2d South. Swain Nephi, painter, res 866 E Second South. Swainson Lena, bds 1027 Third East. Swainsori S, carp, res 1027 Third East. Swalberg Lars F, moulder Silver Bros, res 236 W Sixth North. Swan Alexander M, emp S L C R R, res 563 W First South. Swan Barbara (wid Wm), res 563 W First South. Swan Daniel N, elk U S Marshal, res 1 120 S West Temple. Swan Douglas A, bkpr Des Nat Bank, res 210 Canyon Road. Swan Edward, res 2 1 2 Third East. Swan Emma F, teacher Sixteenth School. Swan George, bkpr James Sharp, res 436 S Third West. Swan George, elk Utah Plumbing and Supply Co, res 216 W Second South. Swan George, treas Well Annie Mining & Milling Co, res 38 E Fifth South. Swan George C, bds 210 Canyon Road. Swan James, plasterer, res 544 S Ninth West. Swan Lake Reservoir and Canal Co, see inc co's, Frank Knox secy and treas, office 304 Progress Blk. Swan's Court, s side Second South, bet Second and Third East. Swanbeck Miss Annie, domestic 65 N Second West. S wander John, baker, res 352 W North Temple. Swaner Emma L (wid Christian J), res 331 Tenth East. Swaner Fpliraini J 9 Manufacturing Jeweler, 107 S Main, res 318 Tenth East. Swaner John C, Apiarist, res 331 Tenth East. Swaner Helen G (wid John), res Big Cottonwood. Swaner John A, bds 349 Tenth East. Swaner Joseph E, condr S L Rap Trans R R, res 327 Tenth E. Swaner Lizzie, bds 349 Tenth East. Swaner Reuben F, bds 331 Tenth East. Swaner Wm G, lab, bds 331 Tenth East. Swank Jacob, blksmith Silver Bros, res 558 W North Temple. Swanson Miss Annie, waitress Rio Grande Hotel, res same. Swanson Fred, shoemkr 1 10 S State, res 174 S State. f T] Swanson James, teamster, res 1176 E Sixth South. Swanson John, carp, res 343 N Second West. c+ Swanson Miss Lena, domestic 1 16 S First West. Swanson Paul, elk, res n w cor Lake and Tenth South. CO Real Estate Broker, &Sfi| Monetf to Loan, &oau a Specialty, fl. P. 6. COATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. 8. H. Officer* Go.. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 687 Swartwood H C, baggage agt U P depot, res 124 N Third West. ^3 i j Swartz Jacob H, driver Salt Lake Fire Dept, res 248 W North 3 Temple. *~3 I J Swartz Otto, cook Acme Lunch & Chop Hse, 233 W 1st S, ^ '2 Swedenborg John, lab, res 164 Oak. ^ Swedish Herald, F S Fernstrom pub, Superior, N S L. Swedish Lutheran Church, Rev France A Linden pastor, cor Second South and Fourth East. ^j Sweeney Miles J, res 224 E. C^, Sweet Frank W, elk Chicago Liquor House, res 218 Fifth. Sweet Leroy D, carp, res 130 P. QQ Sweet Murten F, carp, res 170 O. Swenson Adam, laundry 328 Fourth East, res same. I? Swenson Albert, cook, res Mortensen's Alley. Swenson Miss Alma, emp Utah Steam Laundry. 55" Swenson Andrew, tailor Joe Baumgarten, res 224 E. ^^ Swenson Andrew J, shoemkr, res 29 Apple. to Swenson Andrew J, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 224 E. <=^ Swenson Annie (wid Jno), res 26 W Fourth South. 1O Swenson Miss Annie, emp Troy Steam Laundry. W Swenson Miss Celia A, res 26 W Fourth South. fTl Swenson Christine, chambermaid Hotel Templeton. ^2. Swenson Miss Dollie, domestic 436 Seventh East. H- Swenson Miss Emma, domestic 356 S W T est Temple. O Swenson Frank A, studt U of U, res 26 W Fourth South. 20 Swenson Mrs Hannah C, midwife 224 E, res same. Swenson Ingre, domestic 414 S Main. - Swenson John, lab, res 260 E South Temple. ^j ~ Swenson Joseph B, studt, res 26 W Fourth South, >< Swenson Miss Julia A, dressmkr, res 24 W Fourth South. ^ y * Swenson Mrs Mary, res 106 Centre. Swenson Minnie, res 12 Social Hall Alley. fjj 7 Swenson Peter, carp, res 1 10 Oak. 2 jfe Swenson Peter, carp Temple blk, res 271 Centre. ^ ^ Swenson Miss Selma, res 29 Apple. Swenson Miss Tillie, domestic 364 S Main. Swenson Miss Tillie, res 237 Tenth East. Swift John Dean, genl agt and broker, res 726 Ninth East. v ^" Swift Sarah (wid Wm), res 928 E Fourth South. [ i>, Swinger Chas, condr ROW Ry, res 523 W First South. * f Sykes David A, Physician & Surgeon rooms 1-2-3 Culmer r gj Blk, res 1017 First. e* Rogers, SearlesiGo,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20, OBNTRAL BLOCK, SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. 1 Sirn of Bia- Gnn 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J Headquarter* for Wrought, Steel and Cat Ranges, GaoHn Store*. R*frigrmtor. Granite. Tin ad Copper Wi Uoo--fr.Uhlf 688 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Sykes Clias B, Sec'y & Treas Sykes Drug Co, res 213 Fifth tT{., East. H Sylies Drug Co, see inc co's, C B Sykes Sec'y and Treas, ^ y Drugs and Medicines, n e cor State and First South. Sylvester Alfred, bds 1165 Emerson ave. C""> Sylvester Arthur, gardener, res 1 165 Emerson ave. Sylvester Mrs E E, comp Tribune, res 139 Fifth East. Sylvester James, painter, bds 1 165 Emerson ave. Sylvesterson Carrie, domestic, e s 7th East 2 s of Cannon. Symms Miss Myra, stenog Frank Pierce. Symms Wm, elk Cohn Bros, res 340 E First South. . Symns A B, pres Symns Utah Grocer Co, res Atchison, Kan. Symns Chas W, mngr Symns Utah Grocer Co, bds Templeton. S.v inns Utah Orocer Co The, inc, A B Symns Pres, W L Green Vice-Pres, Harry Barton Sec, George W Steven- son Treas, Wholesale Grocers, 335 and 337 W 2d South. Symons, see Simons. Symons Aaron, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 340 E First South. Symons Benj, carp, res 469 Eleventh East. Symons Charles W (Fox & S), res 625 E Fifth South. OO Symons Miss Eva, res 625 E Fifth South. QJ Symons George, com trav, res 340 E First South. Symons Harry, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 340 E First South. Z3 Symons Miss Hattie, res 625 E Fifth South. 5 Symons Isaac N, elk, res 340 E First South. 5^ Symons J, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. -^ Symons Thomas, grocer 56 Eighth East, res same. . Symons William S, elk Cohn Bros, res 340 E First South. Syphus Theodore C, motorman S L C R R, res 706 S Main, Syvertsen Hulver, farmer, res Big Cottonwood. & Syvertsen Jens, farmer, res Big Cottonwood. OT gUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER.JJ^- For Hotel and Family Use. C/5 L. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. Main Street. + - *!p3 T 1^ ft ""^ Tadyman John, blacksmith, res 10 South, bet 2d and 3d West, ft 55 " Taft John O, architect, res Lincoln ave, s of Tenth South. 4? Tagg J L, lab, res 65 W First South. 'H IJKRI =SH;?gg|UTHfl. RfT ' I 52 W. Sucunu Sou tli Telph*DM Mi. I 0) >HEBIHIBSCOIT&MlillUFIiCTU8llieCO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 689 Taggart Charles Y (T & Chamberlain), res 330. Taggart David S, trav pass agt U P Ry, res 5358 Main. Taggart Mary F (wid Eldon), res 761 E Fourth South. Taggart William W, elk, res 330. Taggart & Chamberlain (C Y T & J M C), Pianos and Organs, 876 First. Talantic Mining and Milling Co, see inc co's, Joseph W Musser +rt secy and treas. Taibot Edward L, mach, res 285 C. Talbot Egbert M, emp R M Jones, res 814 First. Talhurst Mrs Rosanna, res 745 W North Temple. Talhurst William H, mach R G W Ry, res 604 W North Tern. S3 Tall David S, c6mpjuyent/e Instructor, res 71 N Sixth West. Tall Miss Elizabeth, res 71 N Sixth West. ' JJJ - Tall George, blacksmith, res 71 N Sixth West. JJJ Tall George S, ice cream dealer, res 55-N Sixth West. jjj >: Tall John W, mach R G W Ry, res 743 W North Temple. 5 Tall Miss Sarah, res 71 N Sixth West. 3 < Tallas Joseph H, cond, res 567 S First West. CO ft Talmage James E, D S D, Ph D, curator Deseret Museum ^ Jj 20 E S Temple, res 333 E Seventh South. SJ < Tamburo Peter, res 28 S Sixth West. CD co Tamburo Thomas, genl mdse 28 S 6th W, res 445 W istS. < Tameman Rose, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. j3g % Tamplin Frederick, carp, res Thirteenth East n of Emerson ave. g O Tanner George, emp S L C R R, res 13 Stanley Place. CD co Tanner William, lab, res 676 Thirteenth East. ui < E--Q Tapletsky Michael, lab, res 425 S Second West. O Tarbell Samuel W, grocer, s w cor I ith S and 4th E, res same, p Tarkelson Tarkei E, carp George A Lowe, res 137 Oak. Tarnstrom Miss Augusta, domestic, 535 S Second West. Tarpey Dominick P, land agt, 401 McCornick Blk, res Eleventh I__ East bet Seventh and Eighth South. IN; Tarrant Henry J, carp, res Ninth North and Fourth West. Tasker Daniel L, employment office, 205 S State, res same. g Tate Charles H, lab, res State, s of Tenth South. Tate Clara, res 37 Almond. Tate Francis, contr, res 227 Centre. Tate George, carp, res 35 Cane. Tate George, lab, res 570 N First West. Tate George H, motorman S L C R R, rms 12 Locust. Tate Sarah (wid George), res 570 N First West. > -\ CHfiS. B GIURLftY & CO., SALT LAKE CITY P. 0. Box 42. Telephone CM. Shirts of Eierj Description. to-pairing Special -J WII1TTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INNURANC'E, Boom 810, MoCorniok Building. London A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., of Liverpool Asset*. 814,880,167.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Milwaokwj, Wli Aweto, I 1,830^42.70 I 690 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. |j Tate Joseph, teamster, res 570 N First West. I 30 Tate S H, res 362 S First West. "^ Tatliaiu I>avicl H, The Exposition, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings, 266 S Main, res 103 S Second West. i S Tatlock Erasmus W (Baldwin & Tatlock), res 826 E Seventh S. \** Taufer Henry, mason and apiarist, res 330 Twelfth East. Taufer Louis, teamster, res 336 Twelfth East. Tavey Joseph, baker, res 334 E South Temple. Tavey Peter, drug store Brighton, res same. Taylor Albert P, elk pass dept U P Ry, res 58 Third East. Taylor Alfred H, elk Johnson-Pratt Drug Co, res rear 335 7th E. Taylor Miss Alice, bkbndr Deseret News, res 214 Fifth. Taylor Alvin V, Atty-at-Law and Notary 417 Dooly blk, res 1222 Ninth East. J Taylor Ann (wid John), res 423 Sixth East. Q O Taylor Miss Annie, res 5 Eleventh East. v T 2 g Taylor Arthur F, lab, res 5 12 S Eighth West. 5 I ^ <; Taylor Miss Blanche, cashier People's Equit Co-op, res 704 W J m S CQ Third North. g g oT^ Taylor Brigham O, dentist, bds Sugar House Ward. P > < Taylor Edward T, miner, res 27 J. 5JQ Taylor Edward W, atty-at-law 83-84 Commercial blk, res 962 E % Second South. eoW Taylor Edwin, carrier Deseret News, res 335 Seventh East. cjg Taylor Elizabeth (wid Wm), res 815 E First South. j Taylor Elizabeth, res 127 S Second West. ( Taylor Miss Elizabeth, emp Troy S Lndry, res 527 Chester ave. 70 Taylor Miss Ella K, trimmer Mme Lamb, res 132 W S Temple. * 0*1 T I AI/C I ITLIH Pft DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR OALI LUnt LllnU. UU. FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. WORK A SPECIALTY. H.H. Officer Ho ^ |T| ["" o RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 691 3 S Taylor Mrs Emma, res 1076 E Second South. 53 Taylor Miss Estella, dom 132 Sixth East. - Taylor Enger M (wid Wm), res 51 Eighth East. =i Taylor Ezra O, Surgeon Dentist 316 McCornick Blk, res J3i Sugar House. 5 3 Taylor F, teamster city, res bet cjth & loth East & 6th & 7th S. . j Taylor Miss Florence, res 423 Sixth East. eo Taylor Frank D, carp T-R-A Co, res 61 N State. ge^ Taylor Frank Y, mining, res n e cor 7th East and I2th South. Taylor Fred, cook Hotel Knutsford, res same. * Taylor Fred, printer, bds 264 N First West. ^ Taylor Frederick, res 636 S First West. -J Taylor Dr F W, res 264 N First West. tcx Taylor George, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Taylor George, painter, bds 527 Chester ave. LU Taylor George, farmer, res North Mill Creek. Taylor Geo A, carp, res Tenth South and Second West Taylor George H, bishop Fourteenth Ward L D S, and pres > Taylor-Romney-Armstrong Co, res 158 W Third South. ^5 Taylor George H, lab, res N Mit&Creek. ^ Taylor George H, painter, res 226 Tenth East. , j Taylor George H, res 49 S First West. Taylor's Hall, 157 W South Temple. _ Taylor Hamner E, painter, res 226 Tenth East. TT| 5E. Taylor Mrs Harriet C, res 226 Tenth East. ~ ^ Taylor Henrietta, res 533 S First West. CO HI Taylor Henry, carp, res rear 358 Sixth East. T* -5 Taylor Henry E, carp, res 159 W Third South. i - Taylor Henry G, pressman S L Litho Co, res 737 W 7 3d North. QJ ^3 Taylor Hiram W, stock raiser, res 1 167 Eleventh East. CO w Taylor Miss Hattie, domestic s e cor Third and B. jt* CO Q Taylor Isabella (wid John), res West TempleJs of nth" South. :i C_D Taylor Jabez, carp, res 728 E Second South ' 13 k Taylor Jabez Jr, carp, bds 728 E Second South. C: Taylor Jabez W, Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, 1 1 3 'ZI Seventh East, res same. CD Q Taylor James E, miner, res 741 S Main. ^S jj Taylor James H. motorman, res cor U and Second. Taylor Jane (wid George E), res 448 Third East. 3O 8- Taylor Jedediah, emp S L C R R, res 474 Fourth. JJ S Taylor Jedediah, janitor L D S College, res 233 W First North, -a -g Taylor John, car emp S L C R R, res 728 E Second South. Irrigation Age Printing House, 28 W. THIRD SOUTH. O H I T" I A I/ 1 I I A PI Ol AJ 1 n I" r*f\ SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., lor* anl Ho Hard war*'. and J{:my-'H. Refrigerator* ofBifrGnn. 42 and 44 \V. 2*1 South. I M4 Gasoline StovvM. i. 692 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 2 * Taylor John, tmstr, res 5 Eleventh East. > t Taylor John, driver Ml Ice & C S Co, res 860 S Third West O W Taylor John A, carp, res 741 S Main. ^ Taylor John A (col'd), barber 66 W First South, res 351 N | g Fifth West. * Z Taylor John B, plasterer, res 359 Eleventh East. E Taylor John B, res 32 Richards. Taylor J B, civ engr, bds Arcade Restaurant. Taylor J Clark (H B Windsor & Co), Genl Agent Utah, Idaho and Montana for Penn Mutual Life Ins Co, and Am CUD Employers' Liability Ins Co, 232 S Main, res 62 Second. . See Adv Backbone, -^ Taylor J E, car emp S L C R R Co. ^ Taylor John F, tailor, res 423 Sixth East. Taylor J H, motorman S L Rap Tran, res cor V and Third. Taylor John J, lab, res 5 Eleventh East. 'ay lor John Iiii 9 Attorney-at-La\v, rms 5-6, 24 W Second S South, res same. cn Taylor John W, real est agt 332 Constitution bldg, res n e cor ^ 1 3th South and 7th East. f " Taylor Joseph, lab W J Tuddenham & Co, res 73 T. % Taylor Joseph, emp W U Tel, res 73 T. g Taylor Joseph E, Undertaking Parlors and Casket Factory, 251-253-255 E First South, res same. See page 15. 5JJ 1 Taylor Joseph S, elk Geo Mullett & Co, res 127 S 2d West. ^ Taylor Joseph W, teamster, res cor T and Second. T Taylor Joseph Win, Undertaker, 21-23 S West Temple, res 12 Folsom ave. See page 7. CD C"D 2. c/T 03 CO layior MISS iS^atie, dressmkr, res 933 ii rourtn boutn. HTawlrkr IVTicc T^"nl"ip r<=c ? ic\ ^\f^rc\r\f\ T^acf 00 Taylor Margaret T (wid John), res 33 S First West. e/> Taylor Miss Margaret, res 33 S First West. C \ Taylor Marion, hack driver, res 335 Seventh. _.-, Taylor Miss Mary, res 33 S First West. Taylor Mary A (wid), res 555 Ninth Fast. C_J Taylor Miss Mary H, res 1 18 E Third South. Taylor Mrs Mary A, emp Troy Stm L, res 527 Chester ave, g?Z Taylor Mary (wid Geo), res 324 W Seventh South. . Taylor Mrs Matilda, res 469 W Sixth South. SToa *9 -J < f 1 Taylor Mrs Kate, propr American Hotel, res 224 W 2d South Taylor Miss Katie, dressmkr, res 933 E Fourth South. Taylor Miss Katie, res 330 Second East. Taylor Lizzie, emp Troy Stm L, res 49 S First West. Taylor L F (wid G H), res bet 8th and 9th E n of I2th South. Xi W Dumber of all kinds, Doors, Windows and Uoulii&gi, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. Tele P h " e RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 693 Taylor Miss May, res 158 W Third South. Taylor Miles R, elk R G W Ry, res 53 i W First North. Taylor Miss Minnie, res 127 S Second West. Taylor M George, res 330 Second East. Taylor M G, lab city street dept. Taylor M R. elk Master Mechanic's office R G W Ry, res 531 W First North. Taylor JIoscvs W, Real Estate, 66 S Main, res 45 S 1st W. Taylor Nephi Y, 338 First West. Taylor Otis M, tinner, res 421 S Main. Taylor Mrs P H, res 224 W Second South. j ^j Q 2 Taylor Roht B T (Taylor & Holley), res 103 N Second West. Taylor-Romiiey-Armstroiig Co, see inc ccts, George Romney mngr, O D Romney asst mngr, Lumber, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Planing Mills, Contractors and Builders, i blk e of U P Ry depot. See page II L ^ Taylor Samuel B, shoemkr, res 377 W South Temple. ^ Taylor Stanley F, ins agt, res 704 W Third North. < Taylor Stanley H, hackdriver, res 244 E South Temple. f, Taylor Stephen, miner, res 226 Tenth East. "* Taylor Thomas E (Taylor Bros Co), res 49 S First West. ^< ,,. Taylor Thomas T, carp, res i 18 E Third South. Taylor Washington W, sheepman, res 815 E First South. J Taylor Wm, bkpr W H Wilkinson, res 218 W Second South. C Taylor Wm, harnessmkr W L Pickard Co, res 933 E 4th South, ^j O Taylor Wm, mach, res 739 S Second West, or, Taylor Wm (Wm T & Co), res 50 Franklin ave. M Taylor Win fc Co (Wm Taylor), Practical Hatters, 264 S State. See adv. Taylor Wm A, tailor 423 Sixth East, res same. * Taylor Win A, Asst Manager Tribune, res 134 W North 2 Temple. ^ Taylor Wm' B, lab, res 739 S Second West. ^^ Taylor Wm H, plasterer, bds 933 E Fourth South. ^^ Taylor Wm W, farmer, res 8 I 5 E First South. Taylor Wm W, barber, res 419 W Fifth South. Taylor fc Price (E Y T & Walter P), Proprs Iowa Feed & in Livery Stable, 125 W South Temple. Taysum Miss Alice, dressmkr, 453 Second, res same. Taysum Alonzo F, comp Herald, res 379 Fifth. Taysum Andrew J, plasterer Temple, res 453 Second. Taysum Andrew J Jr, elk, bds 453 Second. WHOLESALE LUMBER, U. P. Track, North of Depot. to Lombard Investment Co. Si4-.OOO.OOO. Makes Loans on ImDroved Farms. 4 694 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ g Taysum George, bkpr, res 453 Second. g rt Taysum Rolla G, journalist, res 248 Third East. A I Teakle Thomas W, elk Z C M I, res 815 W First North. y Teasdale George, res 579 E South Temple. g w Teasdale George E, res 121 E Eighth South. * 9 Teasdale Mrs Lillias, res 579 E South Temple. * 3 Teasdel Albert D. elk S P Teasdel, res 373 E South Temple. Teasdel Francis R, elk, bds 373 E South Temple. | 3 Teasdel Henry A, bkpr Des W Mills, res 153 W Sixth South. \T c 5 Teasdel Miss Mary, res 373 E South Temple. * Teasdel Samuel P, Genl Mdse 132 to 138 S Main, res 373 * E South Temple. 2 o Tehan T, foreman R G W Ry, res Albany Hotel. ** ^ Telander Tell M, wagonmkr, res First S bet 1st and 2d West. Telfer Rev John, Asst Prin Salt Lake Seminary, res 41 E DC Third South. .^ > ^ Teller .fir* John. Matron Salt Lake Seminary, res 41 E % Third South. 2 & Telfer Walter, contr and bldr, res 288 J. J g ^ Tellock Lawrence, res rear 371 W Fourth South. x 2 Telluride Block, Select Furnished Rooms, Mrs Annie Fox ? 2 Proprietress, 22 E Third South. g, ^ Telsted Wm, shoemkr, res 1175 E Seventh South. ^f Tempest John H, accountant, res 265 W Fourth South. """"" Temple The (L D S), w s Main bet North and South Temple. (/} * 1 1 Temple of Honor Hall, 20 Deseret Natl Bank bldg. *+ Temple of Music, E N Jenkins Prop, 73 W Second South, g P Temple Pharmacy, Bill Bros Props, 1 26 W South Temple. ' OC Templeton The, Don H Porter prop, see Hotel Templeton 3 ^ and adv. ^ 2 Templeton Mrs M (wid Isaac), res 128 S Main. ^ ^D Templeton Miss Mollie, tchr Twenty-first School. 5^ _ Templeton Robert, tailor, res 69 N Eighth West -Q - Temvoorde Andy P, barber Model Barber Shop, res 23 1 W Fourth CD g South - ** ^J Tennant Thomas A, stock raiser, res 174 Main. ^ ^ Ten iiey H r alter H O H" cial Blk, rms same. CD ! r Terrill David P, res 34 W Third South. % Terrill Stephen, miner, res 358 W Third South. g" Terry Ann (wid Henry), res 630 E Fourth South. jj Terry James, cook, res 273 Eighth. " J Terry James Jr, emp Am Dist Tel, res 273 Eighth. J Terry Joshua P (Hess Paper Co), res 637 E Third South. S Terry L L, vice-pres Brown, Terry & Woodruff Co, rms 60 ^^ Richards. "j~ 31 Tetherstone John, miner, res 728 S Second West. *~3 E^ Tetterman George C, tinner James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 49 ^ - Commercial. ^ S \ Teuscher Gottfried, mason, res 262 S Second West. ^33 K"| Teuscher John, lab, res rear 153 Fourth East. Teuscher William, mason, res rear 153 Fourth East. CD Tevis Lloyd, vice-pres Ontario S M Co, res San Francisco, Cal. c-Qp Thacker Marie (wid John), res 21 Cane. jjj - Thacker John, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. ^ Tliaekeray George W 9 Mining Operator, 604 S Main. Thackeray Oscar T, painter, res Lake Breeze. ^0 *T3 Thackston Robt, lab, res 463 W Second North. ' ^ 1 I ' ' J TJf) ^ Thair George A, bds Templeton. ft^ fhane Henry, collector, e s Second E, bet I ith and I2th South, c*^ ,2 Thatcher Mrs Anne, res 54 E North Temple. afTl ^ Thatcher Hoses, Pres Bullion-Beck and Champion Mg Cos, xQ p^ res Logan City. a _O Thayer Alfred S, res mngr A Booth Packing Co, res 3 JTQ ( Kendall ave. 2 ^ Thayne Henry, salesman Studebaker Bros, res e s Second East, * Q r\ bet Tenth and Eleventh South. (/) Rogers, SearlesS Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK. SflLT LAKE HARDWARE CO.p B &Si Mrn of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South, j aud Tents LU III 1011. r 1 !! < II! i- 1) in IT Tackle and Sporting Goods. Guns Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J aud Tents for Rent. . 696 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. CO Theis Leonard (Schiller & T), res 318 E Second South. mThelin John V, shoemkr 41 S Main, res 85 Apple. Thelkeld J, waiter Cullen Hotel, bds same. I Theobald Stephen, emp G S L & H S Ry, res rear 223 W 2d S. Theobald Wm, elk, bds 223 W Second South. Thiede Charles, saloon Murray, res same. OThiele E, Physician and Surgeon, 214^ S State, res same. m Third Judicial District Court, Hon Charles S Zane Judge, Dooly ^ Building. LJL Third School, Seventh South bet First and Second East. Third Ward (L D S) Church, n s Seventh South bet State and f Q Second East. ^O Thiriot Edward (Empire Meat Co), res 34 R. Q Thirkill Annie, dressmkr, res 35 J. X Thirkill Chas, glazier Mason & Co, res 624 First. Thirkill Ellen (wid Chas), res 35 J. Thirkill Frank E, carp, res 274 E. Thirkill John Wm, carp, res 274 E. Thirteenth School, n s Second South bet 1st and 2d East. -^ """"" Thirteenth Ward Assembly Rooms, n s Second South bet State gj and Second East. ^ ft 55 Thistle Rock Co, see inc co's, M R Evans Mngr, office 22 W O C S Second South. CD gj Thomas Arthur F, elk, res 443 S First West. JJJ _ Thomas II on Arthur T^ 9 Governor of Utah, office 137 S " West Temple, res 163 E South Temple. t ^ Thomas Benjamin F, bartndr Walker House, res 633 J. ^ ' Thomas Benj F, porter, bds 633 Sixth. CD Thomas Chas E, steward Hotel Morgan, res 651 S Second West. CO Thomas Chas J, custodian Temple blk, res 760 Ninth Erst. ~ Thomas C L, tank man Mt Ice & C S Co, res 860 S 3d West. Thomas Daniel, driver Jeremy Salt Co, bds 763 W First North. Q, Thomas David, emp S L C R R Co. CD Thomas D, bkpr Wm Harkins, res 39 E North Temple. CO Thomas David J, butcher, res 13 N Eighth West. Thomas David P, Real Estate Agt & Notary 400 Progress | Bldg, res 328 Centre, see adv. * Thomas Edward, mining, res 127 N West Temple. j, Thomas Edward P, carp, res rear 205 E Fourth South. Thomas Elias, stone mason, res 312 N Third West. : ^ t ^ Thomas Elias, lab, res 1 1 Almond. Thomas Miss Ella, res 163 E South Temple. Rni Y i IMP i eoodw^^^^p^ i T ifun nn oML 1 urtl\& I STtfaarysaR&| lill-nUi bU, 6ISCUIT& MANUFACTURING CO.. Salt lake City, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 697 J| Thomas Elmer, mining opr, res 409 Fourth East. Thomas Mrs Emily E (wid Benj), res 135 E Ninth South. 33 * Thomas Frederick S, mngr R K Thomas, res I Kendall Terrace. * Thomas Geo, lab, res 312 N Third West. C^ Thomas Geo H, General Merchandise I North Eighth West, J| res same. *-^ Thomas Gus, check room Hotel Knutsford, res same. JZJ Thomas H, blksmith, res n e cor Ninth East and Twelfth South. J^ Thomas H E, miner, res 543 E Sixth South. U* fls Thomas H J, res n w cor Emerson ave and Eleventh East. Thomas James (col'd), waiter Manitou, res 318 Second East Z3O Thomas James M 9 Attorney-at-Law, Rooms 21, 22 and 23 O'Meara Blk, res Hyde Park add. Thomas J B, bds Manitou. m Thomas Jeukyn, Dentist, 16 S Main, res 39 E North Tern. i ** . Thomas J E, roach R G W Ry, res 527 N First West! Si P^ Thomas J H, blksmith, res n e cor 9th East and I2th South. 0< Thomas John, tailor, bds I N Eighth West. ^O Thomas John J, coppersmith U P Ry, res 25 Eighth East. Hoi Thomas Miss Julia, res 429 S Main. J t~4 Thomas J J, private secy Gov Thomas, res n w cor Emerson ave Q3 K^ < and Eleventh East. ^ f, * Thomas John M, fruit peddler, res 143 W South Temple. CD *0 Thomas Miss L K, dressmkr 521 S West Temple, res same. =g Q Thomas Margaret (wid Daniel), res 256 N Seventh West. ^ k Thomas Mary (wid John), res 980 First. jj* U-4 H! Thomas Mat, solicitor Rocky Mountain Agriculturist, res 39 E *< H North Temple. g- fH J Thomas Moroni J, bldr and contr, res cor Pear and Wall. Thomas Nellie (wid Milton), res 10 Fifth East. O * Thomas Richard K, Dry Goods, 26 to 32 E First South, 3J res 443 S First West. CO Thomas Richard J, cashier Penn Mut Life Ins Co 2-3 Commer- ^ cial blk, res 164 E South Temple. Thomas iliss Sadie, Dressmaker, 431-433 Constitution ^^ U Bldg, res same. See adv. Thomas Samuel, surveyor, res 333 Sixth. Thomas Samuel, res 675 W South Temple. ^ . Thomas Seek, studt University of Utah, res 274 Wall. SCO U Thomas Thomas, teamster, res 1 3 N Eighth West ft jj Thomas Thomas, Groceries and Provisions, cor First South and ^ m Sixth West, res same. $ ^\ CHSS, B GOURLAY & CO., 303 & 305 MccornicK Bldg., SALT LAKE CITY. f. BM m. Twephom Ml. Shirts of Ever) Description. WHITTEHOBE, COOKE & CO., TgSWS^-223&Jf i*mii 1XSIRAX E. Boom 310, McCornick Building. Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York ^..Assets, $1,597,375.41 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. '= Thomas Thomas, night watchman City and Co Bldg, res 326 H. 5 Thomas Thomas C, frmn Jeremy Salt Co, res 763 W First CD 00 03 North m] Thomas Thomas F, night watchman, res 633 Sixth. Thomas Thomas F Jr, collector Herald, res 633 Sixth. Si Thomas Thomas J, teamster, res 557 W First North. ^, Thomas Thomas P, stonecutter, res 156 W Second North. ^ Thomas Wm, supt Western Cement Wks, res Rio Grande Hotel. ^ "^ i Thomas Wm, bds 13 N Eighth West. "Lo Thomas Wm, night elk U P Ry, res U P Hotel. S." Thomas Wm Jr, emp U P Ry, res U P Hotel. s Thomas Wm H, driver E G Hines & Co, res 165 S W Temple. -^ Thomas Wm O, mngr Western Cement Works, res Rio Grande Hotel. "S w Thomas.on Emeline (wid), res Murray. ~S Thomason Wm C, lab, res Murray. J5 1 " Thomassen F, res 281 B. ^j-" Thomassen Olaf, bkpr Singer Mnfg Co, res 215 Third East. 21 Thompson Alfred, bds Cullen. = K Thompson Anthony S, driv A Fisher Brew Co, res 1 26 S lOth W. ; Thompson Arthur, res 1 1 1 E S Temple. J2 Thompson Arthur, studt, rms Manitou. > Thompson Block, 70 W Second South. to Thompson Charles B, draughtsman Thompson & Weigle, res 425 - -J E Third South. o oi Thompson Charles L (T & Weigle), 206 W South Temple. c Thompson C T, emp S L C R R. fr"" Thompson Charles W (Thompson & Howland), res 428 E 2d S. o > Thompson David, lab G S L & H S R R, res i 22 S 4th W, g Thompson David A E, bricklayer, res 476 N Third West. tf Thompson David W, studt U of U, res Ephraim, Sanpete Co. } ;& Thompson Eliza M (wid Charles), res rear 242 W Third North. W = Thompson Elizabeth, propr Thompson Blk, res 70 W 2d South. ."5 ^ Thompson Ernest D R (Parks & T), res 222 Tenth East. % Thompson Ezra, pres The Barlow-Thompson Grocery Co, res n c e cor Fourth North and Second West. % Thompson Frank B, carp Frevert & Co, res Cascade, bet loth (" and nth South. -J Thompson George W, chf elk Cullen Hotel, res same. 55 Thompson Harry, res 444 E First South. g Thompson H, emp city waterworks. 5 Thompson Mrs J D (wid), res 164 E First South. F ^AIT I AKF I ITHd Pfl Lithographing, Printing and Blank OML I LHSn L LI I llUi UU. Tj rt/v v WnVinn The Finest in the Western 62 W. Second South. Telephone 249. Book Making, B.H. Officer Ho., HSSAYEBS.ZJSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 699 Thompson Jerred L, supt B B and water service ROW Ry, res 824 E Fourth South. S Thompson John, bricklayer, res 472 N Third West. _< Thompson John (col'd), waiter Knutsford, rms 318 Second East. ^| Thompson John B, real est, loans and mining stocks, 38 W Second South, res 558 S Main. Thompson John C, mngr Empire Steam Laundry, res 910 E Fourth South. Thompson John C, real estate agent, 150 Main, res 910 E 4th S. 5 Thompson John T, carp, e s 1 2th East, 3 n of Twelfth South. ( t ; Thompson John W, waiter Alta Club, res rear 223 W 3d South. ^ Thompson J M, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Thompson Joseph M, licensed vendor, res 306 S First West. _ Thompson Joseph R, bootblack, res Colorado House. f~~ Thompson Julius (T & Ingersoll), res Manitou. Thompson Miss Katie, opr Z C M I Clothing Factory, res Sugar House Ward. ^-Thompson Miss L C, domestic 329 Fifth. Thompson Louis, res 142 E Third South. Thompson M S, sealer of weights and measures, bds Cullen. Thompson Mamie L, tchr Ninteenth (Hooper) School. Thompson Mary A E (wid John), res 462 N Third West. Thompson Mary Jane (wid David), res 103 N Second West, j Thompson Matilda (wid Wm), res e s I2th E 3 n of 1 2th South. '^ Thompson Mervy R (wid Robt B), res 103 N Second West. Thompson Nathan, res 64 Mercantile blk. Thompson Miss Nellie, mach opr Z C M I, res I9th Ward. Thompson Miss Nellie, res rear of 242 W Third North. Thompson Nels, elk freight office U P Ry, res 2 1 5 N 5th West. Thompson P, emp S L C R R Co. Thompson Peter O, res 404 Sixth East. ^ Thompson Robt M, lab, res Sugar House Ward, bet I ith and 1 2th South east of I4th East. p^ Thompson R S, lab, res w s I ith East bet I ith & I2th South. CD Thompson Thos R, bkpr Wiscomb & Co, 71 Wasatch Bldg. F* Thompson Thos P, stonecutter Temple, res 156 W 2d North. 52 Thompson Willard D, attorney-at-law 515 Progress blk, res 164 E First South. Thompson Wm, bds Cullen. Thompson Wm, packer for Clark, Eldredge & Co, res w s Terrace 2 n of Twelfth South. Thompson William, hostler Gurney Cab & Delivery Co, res same. The Irrigation Age SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., I O3 02 CQ CD O2 Wholesale and K**;H Ifnnl- ware. Cutlery, 8fov<. <>unw. Amnmnit ion, ft|>rtiu&r Goods Si?n of Bis; Gun. 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Fishing: Tnckle. TOO RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Thompson William A, real estate, res 558 W Sixth South. Thompson William P (Silck & T), res 73 W First South. Thompson & Rowland (Chas W Thompson & Lyman N H), pitch and gravel roofers, 428 E Second South. Thompson & Ingersoll (Julius Thompson & Frank W Ingersoll), Attorney-at Law, 17-20 Mercantile Blk. Thompson & Weigle (Chas L T & S S W), Architects and Superintendents, 89-128 S Main. Thomson C J (C J & W A Thompson), treas Greeley Mining Co and notary public, res 841 E Ninth South. Thomson C J & W A (Christopher J & William A), Real Estate, Loans and Mining, 38-39 Central Blk. Thomson Charles A, lab, bds 841 E Ninth South. Thomson David, boot and shoemkr 324 S Third West, res 376 S Third West. Thomson Miss Emma, res 824 E Fourth South. Thomson Ernest E, bds 841 E Ninth South. Thomson Miss Eva, res 824 E Fourth South. Thomson Hyrum, night watchman City Water Works, res 521 S Fifth West. Thomson James, vice-pres Greeley Mining Co, 38 Central Blk, res Provo. gj ,g Thomson Jeremiah L, lab, res 824 E Fourth South. * Is Thomson John, farmer, res e s I3th East, 7 n of I2th South. B 5 Thomson Mrs J B (wid), druggist 2155 Fifth West, res 518 S Fourth West. Thomson John S, P M Sugar and genl mdse n e cor Twelfth South and Twelfth East, res same. Thomson John W, bridge foreman R G W Ry, res Jenson's Crt. Thomson Nannie M, res 6 Jenson's Court. Thomson Orson S, vice-pres Ackerman Printing Co, res 517 Eleventh East. Thomson Retta (wid), res 33 E Sixth South. Thomson Robert M, lab, res Twelfth East, Sugar House Ward. Thomson Robert S, farmer, res Sugar House Ward. Thomson Thomas, lab, res Sugar House Ward. Thomson Wm, tailor, res 529 S Fifth West. Thomson W A (C J and W A Thomson), res 558 W 6th S. Thorley Thomas A, res 280 B. &3 Thorn Miss Carrie, res 50 W Fifth South. Thorn Alfred C, farmer, bds 150 W Sixth South. Thorn Miss Edith K, res 150 W Sixth South. DADI/CD nCDKET Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rAnRtn & UtrUt, LUMBER AND IMPORTED AND AMERICAS CEMENTS. Cor. 3d Soxitti and 3d. West. Tel. 355. MOUNTAIN ICE GO 43 - RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 701 00 Pi hi U Thorn E<1 win I, Physician and Surgeon, rm 24 Eagle Blk, res 50 W Fifth South. Thorn Miss Maggie, res 150 W Sixth South. Thorn Miss Maud, res 50 W Fifth South. Thorn Reuben C, lab, res 150 W Sixth South. Thorn William, bishop Seventh Ward (L D S), res 150 W 6th S. Thorn William S, lab, res rear 150 W Sixth South. ?O Thornberg Alma F, upholsterer Z C M I, res 372 E 5th South. Thornberg Benjamin F, upholsterer U P Ry, res 372 E 5th S. Thornberg Benjamin F, real est, res 79 F. Thornberg Miss Emma, dressmkr, bd#372 E Fifth South. Thornberg Miss Mary, dressmkr 372 E 5th South, res same. Thornberg Miss Sadie, cashier Olsen's Bakery, res 372 E 5th S. Thornberg William F, upholsterer, bds 372 E 5th South Thorne Adelbert T, contr and bldr, res 406 E Third South. >! Thorne Bros (Fred A & Geo), Furnished Rooms, n Broad- H way. < Thorne Fred A (Thorne Bros), res Louisville, Ky. Q Thorne George (Thorne Bros), res 1 1 Broadway. UJ Thorne John A, driver Salt! Lake Hardware Co. Thorne John H, res 429 S Main. ^ Thorne Joseph W, carp, res 663 S First West. (0 Thorne Miss Louise, res 663 S First West. CD * Thorne Miss May, res 663 S First West. Q Thorngren Frank, carp GSL&HSRR shops, res 63 Grape. -J Thornstorff Mary (wid August), laundress, res 206 Ninth East. QQ ^ Thornton Arthur L, stenogr Freight Office R G W Ry. CO Thornton Clarence W, contr, res 865 S Seventh West, y Thornton F, lab city street department. 2 Thornton Frank W, fireman R G W Ry, res 734 W Second S. * j Thornton Frederick, lab, res 872 First. Thornton J P, res Telluride Blk. Thornton Mrs S E, res 447 W Third South. CL Thornton Wm, studt U of U, res 168 N Second West. -T| Thorogood Edwin W, confectioner, res 41 S Fifth West. j Thorp G M, agt churns, res 236 S First West. Thorp J T, res 436 S Fourth West. W Thorpe Miss Clara, res 214^ S State. Jo Thorpe Miss Flora, res 214^ S State. ^J Thorpe G M, trav salesman Singer Mnfg Co, bds 373 H. Thorpe Geo W, bottler W J Lemps Bottling Works, res 358 W | Eighth South. Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS, 241 North 3d West. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Salt " ake of "' : Capital 84.000,000. Surplus 82OO.OOO. COP. KA1N 4 HI FIRST 702 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Thorpe Henry T, teamster, res 1 5 Eighth East. Thorpe Hyrum E, painter, res w s i ith East, n of nth South. | | Thorpe J T, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res 413 W 4th South, ft 9 Thorpe Miss Lizzie, res 358 W Eighth South. 2 g Thorpe Lydia (wid Theodore), res 1 5 S Eighth East. H Thorpe Mary (wid Wm), res 358 W Eighth South. j S Thorpe Mary A, housekeeper, res 361 E Third South. * Thorpe Mrs Rebecca, res 214^4 S State. % * Thorpe Walter, bottler L W Dittman, res 358 W Eighth South, j R Thorson Anna, domestic 74 N First West. Thorsson Theodore, waiter St James Hotel, res 204 E 3d South, g g> Thorstrom Andrew, teamster, res 751 Third East. # ~ Thorup Hermann A, carp Temple, res 731 Ninth East. 5 g Thoriip Hermann F F, Florist, 752 E Eighth South, res _ same. Thorup Jensen J, res 760 E Eighth South. 9 Thorup Mrs Jensona, res 760 E Eighth South. Thorup John T, vice-pres Freeze Mer Co, res 723 Ninth East, g Thorup Joseph, elk Z C M I, res 731 Ninth East. Thrall J Brainerd, Pastor First Congregational Church and <% Editor Assistant Pastor, res 416 E First South. Thrasher Miss Ida, domestic 406 S West Temple. Threlkeld John, waiter Cullen, res 422 W Third South. Thulin Albert, emp Deseret W Mills, res 77 Plum. - Thulin Julia, emp Deseret W Mills, res 77 Plum. Thulin Mrs Junda, res 257 Centre. Thummison Miss Sophia, emp Troy Stm L, res 729 Fifth East. : Thunell Miss Mamie, milliner W B & F Co, res 258 W N Tern. 5 Thurgood George, butcher 204 N Fifth West, res 259 W Third ^ North. Thurgood Miss Hattie, domestic U P Hotel. Thurgood John E, studt U of U, res Bountiful, Davis Co. Thurman Wayne, salesman, res 355 W Second South. Thurston C F, painter, res 909 W First North. Thurston Lucy J (wid Moses), res 234 E First South. Thurston Walter A, First Lieut Company D, i6th Infantry, res C Fort Douglas. Tibbals Helen M, res 753 S West Temple. Tibbals W H, res 753 S West Temple. J Tibbits Emma, tchr Fifteenth School. Tibbits George W, Oculist and Aurist 1 7- 1 8 Scott-Auerbach \ blk, res 669 S Main. GO Real Estate Broker, * I Honefl to Loan. cajw a Specialty. H. P. 6. MATES. | E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. H.H. Cite t Go.. ASSAYEBS.aas RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. * 703 ~~ Tibbitts E B, bds Manitou. c Tibbitts James L, miner, res 2 1 Third East. g' sTibbling Miss Edla, domestic 451 E Fifth South. jTibbs Peter T, eng Constitution bldg, res 146 S Third West. ^ STidd William, carp, res 628 S Fourth West. Tiefel George, boiler mkr U P Ry, res 271 W South Temple. p^ Tiernan Charles F, bkpr, bds 831 E First South. _ Tiernan Frances, res 831 E First South. 3 ! Tiernan John, pres Cunnington Co, res Grand Hotel. C^ I Tiernay Caroline (wid Dennis), res Delmonico Hotel. ^ ) Tiernay William, cond U P Ry, res U P Hotel. oJ* ' Tilbourn Moroni, lab, res 331 N Sixth West. | Tilden Austen, res Chicago add. 15* ! Tilden J A, mortorman S L Rapid Transit. [ Tilden J Filmore,- plasterer, res 457 Eighth East. 55- ) Tillett James H, comp Tribune, res 716 S West Temple. > Tillett John H, barber Aubrey Bros, rms Kimball Blk. oo ; Tilli Carlo, res 505 W First South CD^ " Tillman James, teamster, res 231 N Fourth West. ) Tillman Miss Lena, mach opr Z C M I, res 231 N Fourth West. CO > Tillmaii I>r Wm M, Dentist 172 S Main, res 621 S West HI r Temple. p* Tilton Edward W, veterinary surgeon, res Delmonico Hotel. j Timmins Fred M, motorman S L C R R, res 468 Third East. O \ Timmins Thomas, grinder, res 425 W Seventh South. %Q Timmony John B, atty-at-law rm 45 Commercial blk, res 726 j Margaret, Arlington Heights. I Timms Miss Annie, artist, bds 133 T. Timms Mrs Eva, res 126 N First West. ^ ^ Timms Avery W J (Phcenix Planing Mill), res 125 T. ^ f Tim in* Bros & Oakey (John W A and Avery J Timms & ""3 Thos Oakey), Props Phoenix Planing Mill Co, 141-145 S ^ T Third West. 2 jfe |*j Timms John W A (Phcenix Planing Mill Co), res 253 Sixth. ^ ~^ Timms Wm, carp, res 133 T. o j Timms Wm J A, carp and bldr, res 807 Third. ^II! Timpson Alma W, res 343 W First North. J>J Timpson Elizabeth F (wid Wm), res 621 W First North. ,_ Timpson George W, elk Z C M I, res 23 I N Fifth West Timpson John H 9 General Merchandise, 580 W North Tern- JJ j_t ~* pie, res 153 N Fourth West !_z~ Timpson Nephi S, elk, res e s 7th East, 2 n of Cannon ave. o> Rogers, SearlesS Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 2O. OBNTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. I BTSWB'Sftg *irn of Hi* 6un. 49 and 44 W. 2d Sooth. J -**'* * 704 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Tingey Amelia J (wid Lehi S), res 245 W North Temple. sf\ Tingey Frank S, elk Z C M I, res 124 W First North. \JJ Tingey John, bishop Seventeenth Ward L D S, shoemkr, i3oN " Second West, res same. ^^ Tingey Joseph S, foreman Job Dept Deseret News, res 249 W North Temple. Tingle John M, col Irrigation Age, res 341 Second East. Tingle Robert, comp Nelden, Myers & Co, res 341 Second East. Tinioli George, lab, res 203 Fourth East. Tintic Iron Co, see inc co's, C W Lyman secy, office 13 Deseret Bank Bldg. .-^ Tintic Mining and Smelting Co, New, see inc co's, P A Franklin *-* \f) pres, office 34 Central Blk. Tipler William A, res Albany Hotel. Tipton F H, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. O Tipton Henry, blksmith Malquist Bros, res 4th West, bet 4th and 5th South. I Tipton Robert, supt Liberty Park, res Liberty Park House. Tipton Thomas, chief acct R G W Ry, rms Constitution Bldg. ^ _ Tipton Sylvester, blksmith Malquist Bros, res 1 5 Com'l ave. 2 H Tiren Nicolini (wid M), res rear 727 E Ninth South. SJ 2 Tisdale John N (T & Mann), res 934 E Second South. g Tisdale Thomas R, pressman Tribune, res 264 E Third South. =J Tisdale & Jlanii (John N T & Horace R M), General Agts J New York Life Ins Co, 309 Dooly Block. "T Titt Felix, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. ^ Titt Frederick I, contr and bldr P O box 1681, res Third East 33 and Curtis. 53 Tivoli Lodging House, Mrs Nellie Bonner propr, 247 S Main. jjj Tivoli Saloon. W A Pitt Propr, 245 S Main. See page 34.. " Tjodohl J M, tel editor Deseret News, res 27 W Sixth South. E5 Tobias Marks (M Tobias & Son), res 224 S State. Tobias H & Son (M & Samuel L), State St Grocery, 224 S CD State. 5 Tobias Samuel L (M Tobias & Son), res 224 S State. Tobias Wm H, elk 108 S Main, rms St James Hotel. Tobiason Theodore, carp, res 443 Third East. ^p Tobiu Alfred I> (Stover & T), and Manager Metropolitan [3 Hotel, res same. Tobin Miss Ella, res 225 W Second South. Tobin Jno, lab city water works. ? S Todd Grant, cook Vienna Cafe, res 356 N Third West. SHLT LflKEI 'ILITHO.lif " 52 V. Scona South. TltphB Mf. I HHEBIOIBISCOITiMlillUFIlCTUHIC CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 705 ""~^~""~~ Todd Marshall, notary public 41 W Second South, res Waterloo add. Tofte Karter, treas McFarlane Drug & Mnfg Co, res Delmonico Hotel. Toles Andrew, waiter Hotel Knutsford, bds same. To 1 hurst < Bias E 9 Dentist 142 S Main, res 90 Vine. Tolhurst Ed G, janitor Scott-Auerbach Blk, rms same. Tolhurst Edwin J, bds 745 W North Temple. LJ Tolhurst Thomas F, miller S L M & E Co, res 745 W North " Temple. Tolhurst Wm H, mach, res 604 W North Temple. Tolles Seth H, collector S L Vinegar Co, res 766 W South QJ Temple. Tolles Mrs W J, bds Cullen. Tollitt David, stonecutter, bds 133 O. JJ Tollitt Mary (wid David), res 133 O. jg 1 Tomlinson Chas, lab, res North Salt Lake. Tomlinson Henry B, lab, res 343 Waterloo, Waterloo Add. Tomlinson John E S, foreman Eclipse Stables, res 168 S State. CO Tomlinson Wm N, elk Z C M I, res 642 S West Temple. Tomney Peter, saloon keeper, res 45 I S Main. Toausou A B, Editor and Prop Brighton Star, res Brighton. C3 Tonkin Fred J, stone mason, res 1 16 N Second West. < Tonneson Tones, plasterer, res 12 Pitt. -jjj 3 Tontine Hotel, May Cavin prop, 43 Commercial. O Tooker H B, stenog Pass Dep U P Ry, res 273 W 2d South. JQ (0 Toole Wallace, salesman J Edwards. g Toolsen Nellie (wid Swen), rear 743 E Ninth South. Q < Tootle, Hosea fc Co, of St Joseph, Mo, J M Easton Agt, p 617 and 618 McCornick Block. O Toronto Annie (wid Joseph), res 209 Third. Toronto Frank, emp Neder & Cleland, res 645 W South Temple. * Toronto Jonathan J, elk Z C M I, res 34 A. Toronto Joseph B, res 34 A. Torp Carl, porter 143 S Main, res 77 Plum. Torpey Daniel M, res 637 S West Temple. Toulson Miss Martha, domestic M H Walker, res 454 S Main. J Tousey George H (Tousey & Scheu), res Grand Hotel. Tousey & Scheu, (Geo H T & Chas H S), Real Estate and Mines, 26 and 29 Commercial Blk. Q 3J Tovey Mrs Lizzie, dressmkr, res 428 Fifth. H jjj Tovey Wm H, elk Z C M I, res 428 Fifth. T CHUS. B GQURLftY & COJ I 303 & 305 BCComiCK 81(12., SALT LAKE CITY. 1 P.O.Box 4W.Te.ephiie Ml. Shirts of Eien Description. Brpalrlng a Special t| WH1TTEMORE, COOKE & CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, MoCorniok Building. North German PI re Insurance Com- pany, of Hamburr. Asset*, 18,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden Assets, $4,160,403.28 706 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Q h CO CO -5 CO CD CO CD Tower Miss Lillian A, stenogr, res 138 W Third South. Tower Tourists 9 , Robert R Anderson propr, cor A and 6th. Towle Thomas H, carp, res w s Seventh E, bet I ith and i2th S. Towles Andrew, waiter Knutsford, res 9 Victoria Place. To \vles Charles C, waiter Knutsford, res 9 Victoria Place. To wild row Benjamin R Jr 9 Secy and Mngr Salt Lake Milling & Elevator Co, res 1046 E First South. Townsend Miss Abigail, milliner, res 171 F. Townsend Miss Ada, emp Troy Stm. Lndry, res s e cor Eighth South and Fourth West. Townsend Anna (wid John W), res 543 S Fifth West. Townsend Arthur, elk, bds 475 W Eighth South. Townsend Charles H, printer, res 171 F. Townsend Elizabeth (wid James), Furnished Rooms War- wick Blk 112 W First South. Townsend Miss Harriet, emp Troy Steam Laundry, res 475 W Eighth South. Townsend Miss Jessie, emp Troy Stm Lndy, res 475 W 8th S. Townsend Miss M, milliner, bds 171 F. Townsend Rosanna (wid James), res 171 F. Townsend William, miller, res 475 W Eighth South. Townsend William M, lab, res 543 S Fifth West. Tracy Alberton, carp, res 458 E Seventh South. Tracy Fred W, carp, res 18 Bryan. Tracy J H, bkpr Mount & Griffin, rms 232 S Main. Tracy Mrs 31, Dressmaker rm 210 Progress Blk, res 318 Sixth East, see adv Ladies' Shopping Dept. Trainor George, carp, res Rio Grande Hotel. Trapp Joseph, lab S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. Trapper Mining Co The, see inc co's, A Miner sec, office 232 Constitution bldg. * Traughbor Eugene, reporter Tribune, res Realty blk. L J* Traugott Hofer, lab Watson Bros, res 56 Simondi ave. ^j Traung Chas F, litho S L Litho Co, res 73 Centre. jj; Traver Clarence E, asst bkpr Am Natl Bank, res Hotel Morgan. Traverse Charles C, comp Irrigation Age, res 311 S 2d West. Traverse J Jasper, blksmith R G W Ry, res 31 1 S 2d West. Trayner Jacob H, emp Des Tel, res 558 N Third West. Trayner John, carp, res 558 N Third West. Treadwell Wilbur A, plasterer, res 268 N Second West. Trebby Willard A, tinner, res 87 Plum. Treboul Mrs Martha (wid), res 57 E Seventh South. CD CO Q3 CO CD o> CD CD SALT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Ttlephont 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. R,H. Officer Ko,, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 707 &s - ? 5 g Trees Martha, domestic 666 E South Temple. $ 3 Tregeagle James E, emp Woolley S Laundry, res Glendale Park. ^* Q!z r Treharne Miss Alice, res 135 S Sixth West. zS Treharne John H, bricklyr, res 135 S Sixth West. o2j Treharne Miss Sarah A, res 1358 Sixth West. Q" g3 Treharne William G. lab, res 135 S Sixth West. .S Treharne William H, bricklyr, res 135 S Sixth West. %&2 Treider Christian, pres McFarlane Drug & Mnfg Co, res Chicago. C/> g<^ Tremayne Elizabeth (wid Wm H), res 552 E South Temple. Tremayne George, bds 552 E South Temple. ^3 ^yj Tremayne Joseph A, teamster, res 544 E South Temple. r -1 Tremayne William H, assayer Hanauer Smelter, res 357 E 4th S. ^ Tremont House, 557 W Second South. 3O Trenholm J M (Parker & T), res 1 4th S and R G W Ry track, g Trent Edward C, bds 206 W First North. LU Trent L 01 Truman J H (J H Truman & Sons), res Whittlesea, Eng. Truman W E (J H Truman & Sons), res Bushnell, 111. Truman J H ifc Sons, (J H, J G, H H & W E), Importers and Breeders of English Shire and Hackney Horses, 350 S Main, Main Stables Bushnell, 111. See adv. Trumbo Andrew J (Trumbo Bros), res 24 Fifth East. Trumbo Mrs A L, res 373 S Second West. Trumbo Bros (Jno, Geo & Isaac), U S Confectionery Co, 24 5th E. Trumbo George A (Trumbo Bros), res 24 Fifth East. Trumbo Howard T (Trumbo Bros), res 2 j. Fifth East. Trumbo John (Trumbo Bros), res 24 Fifth East. Trumbo Miss Kate, res 24 Fifth East Trumbo Mary M (wid John K), res 24 Fifth East. Trumbull Mrs E B, prop Delmonico Restaurant, 57 E 2d South. Trumbull Edward B, mngr Delmonico Rest, res 57 E 2d South. Trump Charles J, packer Geo M Scott Co, res rear 45 i 8th East. Trump Mary A (wid Benjamin), res 550 Eighth East. Truscott Eliza, seamstress, res 255 W First South. m Truxler Louis, florist, res 1048 E Fifth South. O u Tsue Yuen Chung, Chinese goods, 140 State. ^ O Z N m H m o m r m 03 JO > H H w Tucker Benjamin, teamster, bds 872 W South Temple. ^ < Tucker Miss Claudia E, res 229 S Fourth West. ( 7j g Tucker Geo M, bds 229 S Fourth West. C^ g Tucker Harvey, lab, res w s 3d East bet I2th and I3th South. / -J Tucker Miss Hattie, emp Troy Stm L, res 216 E Sixth South, h C) ? Tucker Henry, res North Mill Creek. f H $ Tucker H B, hostler S L Stables, res 226 S Main. ; 5 Tucker Horace D, breaster Z C M I shoe factory, res First South J j w of Jordan. Tucker Horace H, breaster Z C M I shoe factory, res Highland J; Park, First South. Tucker James, engr S L Electric Car Wks, res 373 W N Temp, i 0J Tucker Jas, tailor 62 E Second South, res 237 Sixth East j Tucker Miss Melissa A, res 216 E Sixth South. : Tucker Nevada, laundress, bds 216 E Sixth South. Tucker Miss Pinke R, emp Utah Steam Lndry, res 216 E 6th S. - Tucker Rebecca (wid Samuel), res 216 E Sixth South. Tucker Samuel, bottler A Fisher Brew Co, res 872 W S Temple. ^ Tucker Mrs S, bds 216 E Sixth South. Tucker Samuel, lab, res 26 Sullivan ave. Tucker Samuel S, carp, res 229 S Fourth West. Tucker Sarah (wid George), res 872 W South Temple. Morrison, Merrill & Co, Prices and Estimates on all kiixisof Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- Money to Loan on Im- * proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. 710 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. - g Tucker Stephen, lab, res 450 E Eighth South. g rt Tucker Wm, res 41 E First North. * Tucker William C, carp, bds 229 S Fourth West. g Tuckerman Frank, stage carp, rms 218 E Second South. ^j - Tuckett Mrs Agnes, emp H A Tuckett Candy Co, res 846 E ' First South. fl 5 3 Tuckett Albert E F, res 973 E First South, g 5 Tuckett Charles H F, candy mkr H A Tuckett Candy Co, res Jg ? 973 E First South. c 5 Tuckett Miss Eva, elk, bds 973 E First South. rt Tuckett Henry, res 973 E First South. Tuckett Henry A, pres and mngr H A Tuckett Candy Co, res 844 E First South. * ^ Tuckett H A Candy Co, The, see inc cc>s, C Livingston _ Sec and Treas, Candy Manufacturers, 447 W First North. ^^ CSC Tuckett M I (wid Joseph), plain sewing, 3 Roberts blk. ^ - ^^ Tuckett Mercy L, emp H A Tuckett Candy Co, bds 973 E istS. w ^ Tuckett William F, res 973 E First South. 9 g Tuckfield Charles B (Tuckfield & Son), res 2-4 Washington Place. 3 4 ^ Tuckfield Elizabeth M (wid James), res 557 Fourth, ^ ? Tuckfield George A, portrait artist, res rear 45 1 Sixth East. ? J Tuckfield Jos W (Tuckfield & Son), res 3 Washington Place. | S ^ Tuckfield & Son (Charles B and Joseph W), machinists and ** & T foundry, Washington Place off State. Tuddenham Mary (wid William), res 665 Second. r/y 1 i Tuddenham William J (T & Brain), res 663 Second. -+ j Tuddenham & Brain (W J T and Charles J B), Contract- g> 1^. ors and Brick Mnfrs, rear 39 S West Temple. GC Tufts Don Carlos, farmer, res e s 3rd East s of I2th S. *{ Tufts Elbridge, res 634 E Sixth South. -g. Tullidge Edward W, journalist, res 270 E Third-South. O SD Tullidge Ernest J, painter res 16 P. & _ _ . Tullidge Frederick J, stone cutter, res 1055 E South Temple. - Tullidge John (Tullidge & Co), res 3 19 S First West. Q f^P Tullidge Miss Kate, res 319 S First West. *+ ~~~* Tullidge Miss Nellie, res 319 S First West. ^. ^ Tullidge & Co (John T & Joseph S Scott and Thomas Green), 2 Art Decorators, 249 S Main. CD W Tumley Hial, cond S L R T, res 750 S Third West. - Tumee Wm, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. 2. Q Turcott Joseph M, carriagemkr, res 74 S First West. 3 . Turedu A E, lab, res 663 S State. OQ co . LOANS A SPECIAL!?, ^TS'c^M MONEY TO LOAN. ***,. DM.! Estate Broker. H. p. . mm. I n. t. SHEETS. Room 12. R.H. Officer & Go., ASSAYEBS.S5X C RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 711 3 ' Turk Mrs Carrie, res 263 W South Temple. j=j J Turkolson Tomina (wid Michael), res 630 W First North. j i Turn Verein Hall, 21-23 W Third South. ^ Turnbow Ann (wid Samuel), res 1 86 K. Turnbow Frank, carp, res Second West s of Twelfth South. Turnbow Jos A, teamster, res 338 W Seventh South. * r Turnbow Robert F, farmer, res s e cor Pearl and State. O Turnbull John S, printer, res 160 W South Temple. "c5 Turnbull Samuel, cornice mkr Heesch-Davies S Co, rms 44^ H- W Second South. O3 Turner Miss Annie, housekeeper 537 E Third South. jfjf Turner Charles, tmstr, res Burlington Add. s Turner George A, tmstr, res Burlington Add. CD ^J Turner George A, Jr, res Burlington Add. "" a Turner Miss Harriet E, tchr Salt Lake Seminary, res 537 E r**- QC" Third South. UJ Turner Miss Hulda, dom Rio Grande Hotel. -G _ j Turner James, baker, bds 423 W Second South. B Turner James M, baker, res 423 W Second South. ' Turner Joseph H, plasterer, res Murray. !^ Turner Miss Mary, res Burlington Add. CD Turner Mason, bricklayer, res 373 N Sixth West. ""* Turner Miss Royina M, res rear 164 N Third West. CO Turner Thomas (col'd), lab, res 125 S Third West. ii Turner Thomas H, deliveryman Z C M I, res 31 N First West. - E^* Turner Walter Y, tinner James-S-B Co, res 8 E First South. r^- -*-J Turner W D, studt University of Utah, res Murray. - QQ Turner William C, light'g rod agt, res 566 W Second South. ^ Turner William W, Gravel Roofer, res 464 W 2d North. CO Turner fc Jay, Wholesale Hats, Caps and Gloves, Room 714 fTl Q- McCornick Blk, Edgar D Shelp Agent. ^2 _ Turnes Peter, Pete's Place Saloon, 71 Com'l, res 369 S State. 2 Turneson John, pattern mkr Silver Bros, res 12 Pitt. 30 C\3 Turngren Daniel, mining opr, res 318 E Eighth South, QO Turnley H, emp S L R T, res 750 S Third West. yr-i Turpin Jane (wid Jessie), res 347 Eighth East. m CS3 Turton William, loan broker, 236 S State, res 40 R. g Turton William Jr, elk Win Turton, res 40 R. -' Tuscarora Society see page Ji, 174 S Main. ^5 Tusher Wm, brickmason, res 262 S Second West. CS3 Tussey Fred, drayman Frank Miller. ^Q E^- Tuttle C A, millwright, res cor P and Third. (0 Rogers, Searles&Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. ^BNTBAL BLOCK. * t-m. o n i ~r i Ai/r 1 1 ft n nui A nr" r*f\ SftL LflKfe HuKu wAnr f. l **y< ***i~ racki* nn .i OHL.I i-HT\L. llUilU VinilU UU. Sporting Ciool*. Tuttle Miss Julia A, dressmkr, res 545 W Fourth North. Tuttle Mary A (wid Elanson), res 545 W Fourth North. Tuttle Miss Millie, dressmkr, res 545 W Fourth North. Tuttle Reuben M, teamster, res 545 W Fourth North. Twelfth School, 426 E First South. Twelfth Ward Meat Market (J E Butler propr), 462 E Second South. Twelfth Ward Meeting House (L D S), 161 Fourth East. Twelfth Ward Store, (Ebenezer Woodford propr), 458 E Second South. O Twentieth School, Second, n w cor E. 5 Twentieth Ward Co-op Store, Edwin Wright manager, Dry Goods, Groceries arid General Merchandise 465 E South Temple. Twentieih Ward Meeting House (L D S), Geo Romney bishop, Second, n w cor D. ^ ^ Twenty-fifth School, e s State, Murray. Q Twenty-first School, First n e cor J. Twenty-first Ward Meeting House (L D S), n s First bet J & K. "^ Twenty-ninth School, n e cor 5th East and I4th South. *-* Twenty-second School, Second West s w cor Fourth North. ^-> TJ~" Twenty-second Ward Meeting House (L D S), n s 3d North bet ^ , 3d and 4th West. O3 i Twenty-third School, Eighth South cor Tenth West. 5 ^ ~ Twide Anna, domestic 255 Seventh East. fc Twiggs John T S, farmer, res W Temple s of ( ith South. ^2? " Twiggs Martha (wid John), res W Temple s of I ith South. CD Twiggs Thomas, farmer, res W Temple s of I ith South. CD C J Twitchell Cyrus (Twitchell & Moon), res 52 Eighth East. o Twitoheli & Hoon (Cyrus Twi/chell & C I Moon), Proprs " Salt Lake News Co, 77 W Second South. Tw r ombly Howard M, printer, res 348 E Fourth South. Q_ C _ ) Tyback Alexander, lab Goodman & Stembel. CD Tydeman James H, blksmith, res 479 N Fifth West. CO Tye Caroline (wid Jesse), res 155 S Fourth West. Tye Miss Anna, dressmkr, res 153 S Fourth West. 5f Tye Jesse W, carp, bds I 55 S Fourth West Tyler Benjamin F, porter Knutsford Hotel. * Tyler Mrs Bessie V, res cor Mitchell and Hamilton. ^ Tyler Celestia (wid Albert), res 225 G. *I Tyler Charles R, First Lieut i6th Infty (Com Band), res Fort? Douglas. "H ^Hl T I MV I JSawSr^iSijaasssa. 1 1 Tvun OfiL 1 hfWlA Teno ' cusr U nU. .dohe,epb4 AHEBICHIISCUITtHIIIIUFJICTUmilG CO,. Salt lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 713 Tl ^ Tyler George A, porter Wells, Fargo & Co Bank, res 1147 E O Fifth South. 33 Tyler Harry W, carp, res w s Thirteenth E, 2 s of Emerson. Tyler Miss Hermione, comp Tribune, res 225 G. C^ Tyler John E, salesman J H Truman & Sons, res Gordon, Park J| View add. *-0 Tyre George G, paying teller Union National Bank, res 857 E ~. Second South. Tyson Edward B, Architect, 508 Constitution Bid, res 233 Hill. JW T3UY WM. J. LEMFS " For Hotel and Family Use. L. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. ^76 S. Main. Street. ~~ * ^Q Uden George, janitor Holmes bldg, res 612 E Third South. co f-}j{j Uhanson Mrs Elna, res rear 158 W Third South. H* Uhll Joseph, carp, res 129 W Second South. Q3 Kjl < Uhrland Frank N (Fletcher & U), res 1155 Emerson ave, JEJ f. * Lincoln Park. CD fg Uintali Hotel, French & Sowers Props, 18 Commercial, see ^m o P*g*95- Mjj Ukerwitz Mrs Hugo, tailoress, res 52 E First South. J3 ^ UJ Ulmer Frank M (F M U & Son), res 1 3th E 2 n of Emerson av. ^ H o Ulmer F H fr Son (F M & L M Ulmer), Architects, 540-541 g- C^ -J Constitution bldg. Ulmer Fred D, surveyor, res I3th East 2 n of Emerson ave. 3 * Ulmer Lyman M (F M U & Son), res Thirteenth East 2 n of CD Emerson ave. Umber Miss Alice, domestic Jos J Rogers, res 516 E 1st South. "*"TJ Underbill Isa, res 216 E First South. Underbill Rose, res 216 E First South. ** ||| Underwood Ben E, night watchman Eighth Ward Square. Underwood Fannie (wid John), res 26 W Third North. Underwood James T, brickmason, res 764 E Sixth South. Unger Albert, engineer, res 524 W Second South. flCO ||| Unger Charles W 9 physician and surgeon, res and office 14 W Fourth South. Unger Chas W Jr, musician, res 14 W Fourth South. CHftS. B GOURLAY & CO., 303&305ttcCornicl[Blil2., SALT LAKE CITY. !.. 412. Shirts of Evm Description. WHITTE.1IOKE, COOKE & CO., '%SLiwSSW2Saj;iiMM IXSt'RAX'E, Greenwich Insurance Company, of Boom 310, McCornick Building. the City of New York ....Assets, $1,697,375.41 ^714 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Q| Union Assay Office, M S Hanauer mngr, res 131 S Main. *. 60: Union Block, 261 S Main. *^ cP Union Carriage Works, G C Beyur prop, rear 323 S State. ^* OKO* Union Foundry, Schumacher & Wells prop, 542 W 2nd S. J^ : Union Gold and Silver Co-operative Mining Co (inc), Robert G m^ [; Sleater pres, Lorenzo Cracroft vice-pres, W C Meserve sec, ^Q John R Middlemiss treas & genl mngr, office 316 Dooly Blk. z JJ| - Union Intelligence Office The, 1155 Mam. ;-^ E Union Iron Works, Joseph J Duckworth prop, 542 W 2d S. +_ . = Union Light and Fuel Co, see inc cos, W H Remington sec, 1 8 ^* * W Second South. CO O y CO Union Heat Co, (Fred J May, Robt Hunter & Danl Hunter), 54 E First South. Jj Union Mutual Life Ins Co, Portland, Me, Geo D Alder mngr, * fc 401 McCornick Blk. Union National Bank Block, n vv cor Main and Second South. Union National Bank The, Joseph R Walker president, Matthew H Walker vice-pres, Morton J Cheesman cashier, Main, n w cor Second South. See page pp. Union Pacific Hotel, B F Whittemore propr, South Tem- ple, n e cor Third West. See adv on cmer. Union Pacific Mining Co, see inc co's t F T Hiatt sec, 352 S Main, g Union Pacific System, D E Burley Genl Pass Agt, S W Eccles Asst Genl Frt Agt, W H Bancroft Genl Mngr, Genl CD OU GO CD QZ O CL t Office 20 1 S Main, Passenger Depot n w cor Third West and South Temple, Freight Depot First South, n w cor Third West, Shops w s Third West, bet North and South Temple. CD Union Pharmacal Co, see inc co's, W B Webber mngr, 222 W Second South. Union Stock Yards Co, secincco's, A E De Ricqles secy a> and genl mngr, office over Utah National Bank, yards two S. miles n of Hot Springs. a Union Ticket Agency, Fletcher & Uhrlaub, 9 W Second S South. g United Electric Co, see inc co's, A A Moulton mngr, a Electrical Supplies and Construction, also agts Thompson- Houston, 20 Commercial. United States Confectionery and Ice Cream Co, _ Trumbo Bros props, 24 Fifth East. United States District Attorney, Charles S Varian, 87 and 90 H^ Commercial Block. ?CD United States Express Co, 18 E First South. SALT LAKE LITHO CO Lithographing, Printing and Blank OHLI LHRL. LI I IIU. UU. ^ Makinn Th Fin $t '" th We.ttm 62 W. Second South. Telephone 24. DUU *- a*lliy, Country. R.H, Officer KoJSSAYEBS. 169 S. West Tempi* Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE, 715 _oo United States Gas & Oil Co, see me co's, John B Taylor sec and Q treas. t3 U S Land Office, Frank D Hobbs register, Hoyt Sherman Jr ^ receiver, 201 Realty blk, U S Marshal, Irving A Benton, Dooly bldg. United State* Masonic Accident Association of Fitchburg, Mass, J Fred Corker Gen Agent for Utah, CO 251 S Main. See page i. m ^ U S Revenue Dep Collector, Walter W Bailey, Realty blk. U S Paymaster's Dept, Maj John S Witcher paymaster, 112-113 Com'l blk. U S Surveyor-General's Office, Ellsworth Daggett Sur- veyor-General, 49 S Main. \ U S Weather Bureau, Geo N Salisbury observer-in-chief, Wm D Maxwell asst, 52 Board of Trade bldg. * University Club, Ellsworth Daggett pres, H M McCartney vice- pres, Wm D Wood sec, S H Fields Jr treas, top floor Mc- Cornick bldg. University School, University of Utah, 1st North and 2d West. . University of Utah, Joseph T Kingsbury, M A, Acting President, First North n w cor Second West. See pages 10 m and ii Territorial Dept. g. Unsworth David, bds 273 N Sixth West. ^ Unsworth Mrs Jane, res 273 N Sixth West. "T"i Unsworth Joseph, teamster, bds 273 N Sixth West. ~^5 Updegraff John F, pres Utah Steam Laundry Co, res 359 4th E. CO Uplinger Richard M, cabinetmkr Earls F & C Co, res 1 1 Earl's - Court. ^ Ure Albert A, res 6 S Sixth West. - Ure Albert S, emp Commercial Saloon, res 723 W South Temple. Ure James, farmer, res cor Sixth South and Sixth West. * Ure James W, grocer 719 W South Temple and baggage mstr .t: UP Ry, res 16 S Sixth West. CQ Ure James W Jr, elk Clark, Eldredge & Co, res 16 S Sixth West. & p: Ure Jeannette (wid James), res 6 S Sixth West. .2 Ure Miss Lucinda, elk, bds 16 S Sixth West. 4^ Ure Miss Maggie, dressmkr Mather Sisters, res 18 Quince. p Ure Robert A, salesman Clark, Eldredge & Co, res 549 W f< , South Temple. ^ , Urie George L, engineer Eagle Foundry, res 155 N Third West. CO Urie Violet (wid James), res 155 N Third West. ^ Urry Charles, carp, res Thirteenth West and Ninth North. The legation Age Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World, Offices. Halt I.nke. DenTer, Ban Francisco* MW. MftMtktt, 76 Railroad Bli. Ml Markit It 39 SALT LAKE HARDWARE C0.,ji; Wholesale and Retail Hard- rare. Cutlery, Stove*. Cuu. .iiiiuu (i i ( ion. Sporting -Q Allister Mngr, Books, Stationery, Holiday Goods, etc, 72 S *g Main. -^j Utah Brewery, estate of R B Margetts prop, R A Margetts mngr, rn 5 317 N Second West. ~* Utah Business College, E LKern Prop, rm 106 Wasatch S * Utah Candy Co, Gardiner & James props, 220 J. $ Utah Carriage Co, J J Thornton prop, 230 S First West. Tjj Utah Central Railway Co, see inc ccts, J McGregor Genl _ Mngr, T J Mackintosh Genl Supt, office 116-117 Commer- *g cial blk, depot Eighth South and Main. 1 ^ Utah Coffin and Casket Factory, Joseph E Taylor prop, 251, 253 and 255 E First South, see page 75. H o Utah Collateral Banking Co, Iverson & Lee props, 9 W 5 Second South, seepage VII. Utah Colonization and Improvement Co, see inc cos, W J Gron- lund sec. Utah Commercial and Savings Bank Block, 22-24 E First South. Utah Commercial and Savings Bank, Francis Arm- strong pres, M E Cummings cashr, 22-24 E First South. Utah Commission, G L Godfrey Chairman, 137 S West Q Temple. Utah Demurrage Association, F H Emerson Chief In- spector, 408 Dooly Blk. Utah Dental Association, A S Chapman pres, George Ellerbeck, rec sec, Opera House Blk. Utah Driving Park Association, J K Gillespie mngr, w s Fifth East near Twelfth South. Utah Exposition Building, e s 6th E bet 5th and 6th S. Utah Freie Presse, A Reichelt, Editor and Publisher, 52 W Second South. DADI/CTD n 1C DHC Wholesale and Retail Dealers in rArwtn & UtrUt, LUMBER AUD IMPORTED AND AMERICAN CEMENTS. Cor. 2d Hoxitli and. 3d. West. Tel. MOUNTAIN ICE CO M TELEPHONE 43. O Cfl *- (A ff 0< J H RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 717 00 Utah Forwarding Co, see inc cos, J Flowers sec, office 1 3 Q- Deseret Bank Bldg. Utah Foundry and Machine Co, Robert Croft & Sons props, 137 W South Temple. Utah Gazetteer, Stenhouse & Co, pubs, 52 W Second South, i g pobox 783. pq Utah Gold and Silver Extraction Co The, see inc cos, 3 Gill S Peyton rnngr, office rm 1 2 Union Natl Bank Bldg. J^O Utah Hardware Block, Commercial s w cor First South. >-< Utah House, August Treppman Prop, 214 S First West. ^ Utah Lime and Cement Co, see inc co's, Josiah Barnett secy and ^^ treas, office McCornick Bank, Varley, Josephs & Co, *S> Lesees. O Utah Loan and Building Association, see inc co's, A Hanauer Jr CD secy, McCornick Blk. ^^ >^ Utah Mattress and Manufacturing Co The, see inc co's, H M Din- j2 ^" woodey -secy and treas, 37-43 W First South. J-^ < Utah Medical and Surgical Institute, Dr Charles O 2 Sanborn Proprietor, 64 S Main, see adv. Utah Medical Dispensary and Surgical Institute The, Drs Otter- bourg & Payne, room 6 Central Bik. < Utah Milling* Co The, inc, H H Vowles Pres ; S H Vowles " (0 Secy, Manufacturers of the Best Grades of Flour in Utah, Jo" * 855 E Ninth South, see adv. P Q Utah Mining Co, see inc ca's, W S Crismon secy and treas, office (Q -J room i U C & Savings Bank Bldg. . A Gibbs sec and treas, 230 Constitution bldg. Utah & Western Employment Co, Ewbank & Snell props, 150 c, S Main. O Utter David, pastor Unitarian Church, res 509 E South Temple. Q^ CO Uvedale Arthur, Piano and Voice Culture Dooly blk, rms " ,7 { same. 2? I T3UY WM. J. LEMFS BEER, For Hotel and Family Use. L,. W. EUTTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. Main Street. s . Vahrenkamp Fred H, office elk Beck's Hot Springs, res same. ^ Vail Charles T, captain and electrician Fire Dept, res 80 1 First. J^ Vail Charles E (C E Vail & Co), bds Knutsford. E Vail C E & Co (Chas E Vail), mdse brokers, 8 Union Nat'l Bank. ZQ " Vail Elmer A, civ eng G S L & H S Ry, rms 709 McCornick blk. LJ Valentine Herman B, lab, res North Salt Lake. E Valentine Martha (wid), res 928 E First South. ^ ~ Vallen John, res 66 Vine. ^ Valley House, Carter & Bailey Proprs, cor South and West ^ f * Temple. See adv cover, Valley-Tan Remedies, C E Johnson propr, laboratory 54 S West r*, Temple. S ^ Vallsten John, stone mason, rms 331 S Main. 1 ^ Van G G, druggist, res 162 Third. x Co VanAlstein Charles, pres Utah Mnfg Co, res 360 E ;th South. | 2 VanAlstein Dora, res 360 E Seventh South. g, ^j VanAlstein Edward H, policeman, res 267 W Second South. y Vananda Arthur J, sec and treas Inter-Mountain Abstract Co, res J rvi Douglas ave, West Grand View. Vanatta James, lab, res 286 Wall. * 5 VanAuker Charles S, rubber stamps, res Waterloo Add. Co RogeaSearles&Go GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. OBNTRAL BLOCK. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. I 1=1: Siirn of BUr Qua. 49 and 44 W. 2d South. J H^*-fUh for Wrou^ni, Steel and > W 0) CA!IB!SCyiI&MlliOFliCTURING CO,, Salt Lake Cily. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 721 VanHouten Peter Jr, assayer, res 32 H. VanHouten Thomas, bds 32 H. VanHouten Wm W, -carp, res 32 H. Vanlnwegen George A, solicitor R L Polk & Co, res 1 38 E 2d S. VanMeter Arthur, trav agt Utah Nursery Co, res 22 H. VanMeter Harry C, collector Geo A Lowe, res 271 L. VaiiMeter Joseph, Atty at Law and Collections, 4 Crane fri Bldg, res 271 L. ^ VanPelt John A, mining, res 1050 E Fourth South. * VanPeyma Case, lab, res 854 W Second North. VanSickle Leon, stonemason, res 60 N Second West. g^ Van Steeter Henry Jr, mach, res 645 W South Temple. O3_ VanSteeter Joseph J, lab, res 168 N Ninth W T est. VanSteeter John, teamster city street deptmt. VanTress Jane L (wid Dr E M), res 415 S Main. ' JJJ * VanTromp Charles, carp, res 645 E Eighth South. jjjj ->: VanValkenburg Charles A, elk, res 148 E Sixth South. *s|j VanValkenburg Charles H, res 34 E Second South. 5 VanValkenburg Emma J (wid Wm W), res 244 S Third West. Cg |8 VanValkenburg John, bds 244 S Third West. gg VanValkenburg William, elk, bds 244 S Third West. 535 < VanVechten Philip V O, cashr frt office U P Ry, res 445 S C ^u West Temple. o< VanVeeter H, night eng city street dept. 3 3 VanVeeter J J, teamster city street dept gO VanVoorhis Mrs Anna E, furnished rooms, res 468 S W Temple. CD !=a(/> VanVoorhis Lemert C, bkpr Union Nat Bk, res 468 S WTem.^ 5- Varey Charles A, eng Dooly Blk, res 466 E Second South. o |< Varey Madame Carrie, dressmkr 361 E 2nd S, res same. I ^ Tariaii diaries S 9 Attorney at Law and U S District At- O torney 87 and 90 Commerclial Blk, res 817 E Second. Varley Charles A (V, Joseph & Co), res 245 W Fifth North/ I_ Varley John (Varley, Joseph & Co), res 239 W Fifth North. Varley, Joseph Sr Co 9 (Wm, Wm Jr, John and Chas Varley & H S Joseph), Manufacturers of Lime, and Contractors, 5* ~ Richards st. See adv. ^ ^ ^ Varley Marie, domestic, res 239 W Fifth North. ^ Varley William (Varley, Joseph & Co), res 239 W Fifth North. S Varley William Jr (Varley, Joseph & Co), res 245 W Fifth N. Varnes E M, res 60 Eighth East. Q 3) Varnes James A, mining, res 665 Sixth. Vaughan H A, carp, rms 670 S West Temple. CO U z 111 CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO., I 308fcl05.IC6ltitt.BHti JSALT LAKE CITY. Teiepbout 681. Shirts of Kien Description. Repairing i Kpeclaltj eJTTEPRE, A COORK & CO., Room SlO.'SoCorniok 'Building. pany, oi uamuurg..... .... -~r;iT7 Scandia Insurance Company, or Mai- mo, Sweden ~~- 72 . 2 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. S!< Vaughan John, architect, res n w cor Ninth E a nd Eleventh S, (0 1 Vaughn John H, emp Grant Bros L & T Co, res Pitts ave, , - Vaulet M, emp S L C R R Co. 5 1 Veatch Carlton W, real estate, 2^2 Fourth East, res same. ^ 1 ^ Vccchio Gueseppe Del, lab, res 10 S Second West. Vedder George, carp and bldr, res 271 W South Temple. ^ Velin Andrew G, tailor Ch W Huhl, res 72 E First South. 4U Velline William, printer, res 10 Floral ave. m Vencell Frank, coal screener R G W Ry. Vene Mrs Augusta, res 343 Eleventh East. Yeiieziani Charles, A M, Ph D, Tchr of Mathematics and Languages, rms 423 Dooly Blk, res 427-428 Dooly Blk. Venselli Frank, lab R G W Ry, res depot yards. Venselli Peter, tailor, res State, s of Eleventh South. ^ j Verse Mrs A (wid), res 341 E Fifth South. m O Vermyla Leo, emp U P Hotel. Z " Vescelius George H, studt R Kletting, res 436 S West Temple. _J < % Vescelius John H, mach S L C S R R, res 436 S West Temple. j 2 S Vecelius V, mach S L Electric Co, rms 436 S West Temple. m " Vesehoff Frederick G, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 60 E 4th S. g g Vesehoff Henry, merchant tailor, 25 1 S Main, res 60 E 4th S. 5- > Veshe C, lab R G W Ry, res 340 S Fifth West. o Q 3 JO z Vestesen Sven, carp, res 577 Fourth. Veteran Fireman's Hall, 420 E South Temple. in PJ CL U f Veteran Volunteer Firemen's Association, G M Ottinger pres, C J H Banks fin sec, 420 E South Temple. g J Vetterli John, mechanic, res 449 S First West. B g Viallet Louis, res n s I ith South bet 5th and 6th East. J |q Vickers George, butcher, res 645 W First North. p ~ Vickers Miss Rose, res 645 W First North. Viderborg Mary (wid Carl), res 515 Second. JJ Vienna Bakery, Mary E Judson propr, 303 E Second South. Vier Wm F, elk White & Sons Co, res 539 Fourth East. A Viglini Wm E, (V & Corless) res 1256 E South Temple. Viglini & Corless (Wm V & Robt C) Brick Mnfrs, 37 S W Tern. ;^ Vilander Oscar, res 217 S Second West. 5JQ Vincent Alma L, elk 124 S Main, res 167 N Sixth West. 3 Vincent Brigham H, bds 644 E Third South. 0>O Vincent Charlotte (wid Thos), res 38 S Fourth East. cJJ Vincent Daniel, res 167 N Sixth West. i Vincent Daniel H, elk Peop Equit Co-op, res 637 N 2d West. ' Vincent Miss Eliza, res 644 E Third South. 70 ^ < C1I T I AI/L" I ITUn PA DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR OALI LAIVt LllrlU. UU. FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC 2 W. S.c.nrf South. T.l.phont 249. WORK A SPECIALTY O. Officer K r\ m F" RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 723 jE ss - - 3 g Vincent Frank, elk, bds 644 E Third South. S Vincent Frank A, Painless Dental Parlor, 1 1 E Third Q ;z-~ South, res same. * p Vincent Frederick J, res 1 1 1 1 First. O^ Vincent Geo C, blksmith, rear 644 E Third South. Jjjj Vincent Harry J, packer Z C M I, res cor 6th West and 1st S. BS Vincent Henry T, collector Z C M I, res 267 Fourth East. Vincent James, lab S L C R R Co, res 644 E Third South. Vincent James J, teamster S L Brg Co, bds 644 E Third South. Vincent John, elk Z C M I, res 167 N Sixth West. Q ^r Vincent John, teamster S L C Brg Co, res 644 E Third South. CD Vincent John H, elk Spencer & Lynch, res 167 N Sixth West. - J Tineent Milo (Forcey, V & Co) and Agt Smith- Wallace Shoe Co, res 665 W Fourth North. " Vincent Robert, Prop Clift House 280 S Main, res same. J^J Vincent Wm J, emp S L Litho Co, res 644 E Third South. p^ Vine George, plasterer, res 938 E Second South. 3 Vine Geo H, piano tuner Coalter & Snelgrove, res 938 E 2d So. ^jr Vine Wm, plasterer, bds 938 E Second South. -" Vinegar Margaret (wid Louis), res rear 153 Fourth East. B Vinelli Peter, tailor Wallace & Co, res State bet I ith and I2th S. LI_I Vinkler Mrs Katrina, res 683 Sixth. { Vinson Byron L, watchman city water wks, res 442 W 3d South. Vinsou Charles H, Mngr Studebaker Bros Mnfg Co, bds ^1 ^ Cullen. -V ^^ Vinterose Miss Annie, res 33 Vine. p" Virden George, vet surgeon, res 238 N First West. JL^ ^ Virden Geo Jr, butcher White & Sons Co, res 238 N First West. _^. Virden W S, butcher White & Sons Co, res 258 N First West. *D =3 Virtue Frank A (F A Virtue & Co), res 167 E Sixth South. J? 2 Virtue F A fc Co, (Frank A Virtue), Real Estate, 42 O'Meara O Block. -3 Virtue William, contr, res 125 W Third South. QQ Virtue W D, res 303 N First West. p^ d> Visser Edward A, mgr Carey-Lombard Lumb Co, res 425 I ith E. < "o3 Vissine 7 Andrew, plumber J W Farrell & Co. 22 C3 Vissing Jacob P, agt, res 865 W South Temple. *2 r*- Vissing Wm C A, shoemkr 247 S West Temple, res same. ^ Vissing Wm C A, Jr, helper J W Farrell & Co, res 247 S W T. jg> ^ Vissing Wm Elien Thomas, furrier, res 247 S West Temple. ** Vitrol G M, emp T R Jones Bank, rms 373 S Main. "^ fyi Vittenberg Christian P, carp, res 515 Sixth. lrri s ati0 !! & SALT LAKE HARDWARE C0., Fine Biiildor* and Honse-fiir- iiisliiux: Hardware, Stove* and Ranges, Refrigerators Sirn of Big- Gnn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) and Gasoline Stoves. 5 724 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. % Vodever Christian, emp S L C Brewery, res 432 Tenth East. . Voelker Mrs Josephine, res w s Thirteenth E, 5 n of 1 2th S. 2 c Vogel Walter, chemist, 320 Dooly Blk, res Kendall Terrace. ^ ' Vogler August H (Klenke & Co), res 870 State. C S Vohan David E, lab, res 273 N Sixth West. Vohel Henry, elk W J DeBruhl, rms 320 Dooly Bldg. Volet Lewis, lab, res Albany Hotel. CZ Volke Philip, lab, res 222 E Fifth South. co Vollmer Adolph T, asst secy Alta Club, res 39 Almeda ave. 7 Von W L, mngr Manitou Turkish Baths, The Manitou, res sme. * jjJP Von Edulkrantz William L, masseur Turkish Baths', res 262 E C Second South. 33 ; Von Elm Jacob H, lab City, res First West and Fern. =5 Von Trott Mrs Anna, res 134 W North Temple. IZ] 53 Ton-lea H H, President The Utah Milling Co, res 938 Ninth -3 ^ East, see adv. O Jg Vowles Sylvester H, secy Utah Milling Co, res 938 Ninth East. ^__ _ ^^ 03 gUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER. TT/-- 13 s^+ci'l n *-, A TT^__:I__ TT For Hotel and Family Use. L. W. DITTMA1VJV, Agent, Main Street, r Wach Emil, bds 713 N Second West. Wac h Frederick, printer, res 713 N Second West C ~ J wjj tf a / ianne H> gr Cer 7I3 N Second West > res . }^ a ^ e I s T aac M (Waddell & Adams), res rear 342 S 1st W. ,X 3 ^ e MlSS Mar y M - res rear 342 S First West. Waddell Robt A, storekeeper city water works, res 227 W North Temple. Waddell & Adams (Isaac M W and Thomas A) Lawyers UC and S Bank Bld g' res 22 E F irs * South! car P- res '49 E Eighth South. CD CD wTVT'S'Jif 1 ' Jr ' rS ' 49 E Eighth South. Wade Mrs Belle, res Brighton M C-J Wa, e Eibert M, real estate agt, res Brighton. f S? Henry C, miner, res 650 E Fourth South. *& Wade Joseph C, painter, res 5 , 6 W North Temple. ' Joseph D.studt U of U, res 446 W Second North. ?W *"f Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Window and Mouldings, Cor. 2d South and 3d West. Tel. 255. DISTILLED WATER ICE. T6le P"" e RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 725 Wade Miss Jennie, bds 149 E Eighth South. Wade John H, nnach, res 5 I S Fifth West. Wagener, see Wagner. Wagener Barney, stone cutter City and County bldg. Wagener Miss Bertha, elk Telephone office, res 371 E Third S. Wagener's Bottling Works, 50 Commercial. Wagener's Brewery and Pleasure Gardens, mouth of Emigration Canyon. Wagener Chris, elk California Brewery, res 371 E First South. Wagener George C, painter U P Ry, res 255 First East. Wagener Henry, Prop California Brewery, Emigration o z N m x m O m r m CD Canyon, res 371 E First South. Wagener Miss Margaret, mngr California Brewery, res 371 E First South. " Wager Frank, stenogr Pac Exp Co, res 122 E Second South. Wager George, lab, res rear 94 Back. > Wager Mrs Rhoda, emp J E Keenan Preserve Co, res 94 Back. .j Wager Thomas G, carp, res rear 94 Back. fTJ : Wagner, see Wagener. in Wagner Edward J, trav salesman, -res 255 Tenth East. j cc Wagstaff Albert, farmer, res n w cor 3d East and I2th South. ^Q < Wagstaff Alexander, warehouseman Paine & Lyne, res 543 E f } Seventh South. H-< < Wagstaff Arthur, bds Fifth East s of Galena. Q^ _j Wagstaff Frederick, teamster Burton-Gardner Co, res 543 E ,_g Seventh South. p^ jjj Wagstaff Hiram, res 1018 Windsor ave. ^| E Wagstaff John, farmer, res n s I2th South bet State and 2d East. <=J 3 Wagstaff Joseph A, mechanic, res e s nth East 2 s of nth S. t Wagstaff Moroni W, car emp S L C R R, res 854 E 7th South. ^ Wagstaff William, nurseryman, res 543 E Seventh South. p2 Wagstaff William, gardener, res 3d East s of I2th South. ^^ Wagstaff William, farmer, res Fifth East s of Galena. ZZ Wagstaff Wm G, farmer, res Fifth East, s of Galena. 2 Wah Chung, laundry, 150 E Second South. ^ Wahlberg Edwin, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. - Wahlberg Mrs H, laundress, res 28 Union ave. T^ Wahlberg Mrs Mina, emp Troy Stm Ldry, res 28 Union ave. j*^ Wah Lee, laundry, 565 W Second South. Wahlquist August, blksmith, res 933 E Third South. ^ Wahlquist Charles A, lab, res 933 E Third South. Wahlquist Henry, elk, bds 933 E Third South. WHOLESALE LUMBER. 3 U. P. Track, North of Depot. Lombard Investment Co. sS4-.OOO.OOO. Makes Loans on Improved Farms. ** 726 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ^ g Wahlstrom Mrs Eva M, res 43 Grape. A ~ \Vah Quong, laundry, 252 W Second South. Wailey Jacob, res 153 E Seventh South. Wakefield Washington W, res 53 W Third South. Waker Miss Amy, elk Cohn Bros, res 361 E Third South. * I Walch Jos, lab, res s of Ninth South, 2 w of Third West. ~ 1! Walden Ira A, butcher, res 64 N Second West. Walileii Jos B 9 Real Estate, Loans and Investments 150 S 55 s Main, res 436 Seventh East. . c y Waldman Henry, tinner, res 422 W Third South. S Waldo Mrs Emma, decorator, res 524 First. * Waldo William P, painter, res 524 First. J c Waldon James W, elk, res 167 E Sixth South. N * Waldon Mrs Lena, rms 352 S State. ~ Waldron R S, Zion's Bazaar Clothing Store 2175 Main, res CC 235 Ninth East. ^ Walford R J, emp Wm Harkins. 5 Walgren Jens P, express wagon, res 1020 W Second North. Walk Henry J, baker & confectioner Brighton, res same. 5 ^ | Walker Albert E, barber Gordon & Fehr, res 738 W South * * Jg Temple. g Walker Alex, stonecutter, res 13 Stanley Place. jjjj Walker Amelia, emp Troy S Laundry. * S Z Walker Miss Amy, saleslady Cohn Bros, res 361 E Third South. Of Walker Benjamin F, detective, res 259 W Fifth South. //\ jj Walker Bros & Fyler Co, see inc co's, H A Fyler Man- in- ager, General Merchandise, s w cor Main and Third South CD ; Walker Charles A, res 414 S Main. W flC Walker Charles G, wagonmkr, res w s nth East, bet nth and 3 1 2th South. z Walker David, gardener, res 555 E Fourth South. O 3 Walker David, gardener, res West Grand View add. - Walker David Jr, barber, res 366 Sixth East. J3 GO ^ a !! : Wallace & Co (Robt Wallace), Merchant Tailors, 26 W 5 ^ j Second South. Wallace & Mason (J Y W & C J M), hay and grain, 226 W Jj% ui Second South. C ^ $ Wallen C A, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. < Waller Arthur, emp Mountain Ice & C S Co, bds 860 S 3d W. ^ Waller Joseph, emp Mountain Ice & C S Co, bds 860 S 3d West. CD < Wallerstein David (Lipman, W & Co), res 634 S Main. 5 2 Walley Joseph, farmer, 2 n of East I4th South, Mill Creek. o tt Walley Thomas A, vice-pres Utah Asphalt & Varnish Co, res UP Hotel. ^ pn o Wallgram Miss Gertie, dom Utah School for the Deaf, res cor g 1 , 3 First North and First West. Wallgram Miss Jennie, cook Utah School for the Deaf, res cor Q First North and First West. Wallis James, shoemkr, res 938 W North Temple. Walls Thomas, Dairyman, w s State, s of 1 3th South. ^ Wallquist Andrew J, res rear 447 W First North. Walquist Henry, elk W E Smedley, res 933 E Third South. Walquist Miss Theresa, res 933 E Third South. Walquist Wm, emp Liday's Messngr Sys, res Enterprise House. P Walsh, see Watch, Welch and Welsh. % z Walsh Miss Amelia, laund, emp Steam L, res 1 1 Goodhue ave. fl CO Walsh Albert H, mngr M A Walsh, res 673 Third. 3 Walsh David, lab city waterworks. Walsh Mrs Ellen, res 665 W First North. CD J .1 U u CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO, 303&305McCoraicKBl(l2., SALT LAKE CITY, f. t BM M. TtlipkM* Ml. Shirts of Krry Description. WHlTTEMORE,COOkE&CO, INSURANCE, Boom 810, MoOomiok Building. London A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co , of Liverpool Asset*. J14.880, 167.00 Northwestern National Ins. Co., of Wi - 730 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. C/D C/3 CB Walsh Heber C, musician, bds 673 Third. Walsh Henry, brakeman U P Ry ? re* 830 W First Nor Ji. Walsh Henry Jr, brakeman U P Ry, res 830 W First North. Walsh John, guard Tithing yard, res 525 Eleventh East Walsh John, janitor Union Nat Bank blk, res same. Walsh John, night watchman Tithing Yard, res Farmmgton. Walsh John', lab city Water works. . Walsh John, janitor Central blk, res 424 W Fourth South. * Walsh John Jr, elev opr Progress bldg, res 424 W 4th South. I Walsh Joseph C, emp W U Tel, res u Goodhue ave. '- Walsh Mrs Wary A (wid O S), Stoves and Tinware, 77 W First South, res 673 Third. Walsh Oliver S, tinner M A Walsh, res 673 Third. Walsh Thomas, lab city water works, bds 75 Third. Walsh Thomas H, col U P Exp Co, res 257 E Sixth South. Waltenspiel Theodore C, Eagle Gate Cigar Store 72 E ist South, res 636 St Louis ave. Walter Charles H, lab, res 247 S First West. Walter Clarence R, tchr, res Murray. Walter Wm, carp Brighton, res same. \l altermire Elmer W 9 Instr Penmanship Utah Business College, res 105 Wasatch bldg. . *? o S Walters Alfred N, jeweler Joslin & Park, res 562 Third East. CD aa Walters Charles, Veterinary Surgeon, office Sykes Drug Co, res 363 E Eighth South. - Walters Charles, lab U P Coal Yards, res 654 W First South. Walters Henry, shoemkr, res 946 W First North. = Walters Henry H, emp frt dept U P Ry, res 553 W First North. ^ Walters Jesse L, carp, res n e cor Galena and Fourth East. >> Walters John T, sheep herder, res 946 W First North. crq cu CO 2 J3 Walters Robert, genl mdse West Jordan, res same. >_ W T alters Miss Sarah, emp French Stm L, res 946 W Fi irst North. - Walters Sarah (wid Geo), res Mill Creek. ; 3 Walters Wm, lab, res West Jordan. | o Waltie Chas G, tinner, res 704 S First West. o> ro Waltie Mrs Elizabeth, bds 704 S First West. Walton F W, studt Univ of Utah, res Centerville, Davis Co. Walton Charles, farmer, res Murray. Walton Ephraim, farmer, res Murray. ^2SZ Walton George, farmer, res Murray. Walton George W, janitor U S Marshal's office, res cor Ninth c North and Third West. T1OO zc/> QUIT I IKF I ITHfl m Lithographing, Printing and Blank 1Ui bu - Book Making, * * We$ttrn 62 W. Second South. Telephone 24. R.H. Officer KoJSSAYERS>uul'c RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 731 Walton John, lab, res 665 Ninth East. c - Walton John H, lab, res 627 Third East. Jj Walton John J, bkpr Z C M I, res 246 Ivan Court. Walton Orson, farmer, res Murray.- Waltz John B (Waltz & Reece). res 631 S Main. Waltz & Reece (John B W & Phillip L R), R R contractors, 276 S Main. Waltz Josephine (wid), res 654 N Second West. Waltz Mary, dressmkr, res 654 N Second West. Wambolt Fred E, elk, res 870 W Eighth South. Wambolt Samuel, cook, res N Salt Lake. Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia, John Davies agt 608 Progress Bldg. ] Wanless Alexander, lab, res Riverside ave. Wanless Charles, pres and mngr Charles Wanless & Co, res 546 1 S First West. Waiiless diaries & Co. see inc cos, Charles Wanless pres and mngr, 120 S Main. Wanless Fred, sec Charles Wanless & Co, res 841 S 3rd W. ^^ Wanless James, lab, res 548 W Seventh South. . W 7 annebo Edward, carp Hotel Knutsford, res same. ^ Waiitland diaries E, Real Estate Agt 235 S Main, res 1155 E Sixth South. ^Zj Wantland Wm M, genl agt 235 S Main, res 1 155 E 6th S. ~^E) Wany Lee, gardener, res 146 E Second South. CO War Miss Lizzie, res 1036 E Sixth South. War John, res 1036 E Sixth South. _^_j Warburton Joseph, bishop First Ward (L D S), res 667 7th E. C^ Warburton Joseph C (Naylor Sons & W), res 745 Sixth East. Warburton Joshua C, tinner, res 667 Seventh East. Warburton Samuel E, res 667 Seventh East. .t^ Warburton Wm H, carriagemkr, res 657 Seventh East. 3 Ward Adolphus P, res 217 W Fourth South. CZ Ward Charles E, carp U P Ry, res 60 N Second West. .2 Ward Clyde M, comp Tribune, res 509 Seventh East. S^* Ward Dennis, lab, res 230 W Second South. t? H ^ Ward Emery, guard Penitentiary, res same. V Q Ward E W, res cor F and Fourth. Q j Ward George, dairyman, res e s Ninth E, 4 s of Twelfth South. Hn OD Ward George H, asst pastor First Baptist Church, res 213 W ^3 Second South. j CO Ward Harry, lab, res e s Ninth E, 4 s of Twelfth South. ($ 3 * , , . Tlip Imtinftf'inn flap A Journal of National Moment. 1 liu II I lUQ bll llll U R* a( ' !> Farmers, Investors, Cnntractors, Enpiner S , Etc. iJ U W (Salt Lake Office, 26 W. 3d So(h St. SALT LAKE HARDWARE C(U Kiirn ofRtsr Onn. 42 and 44 W.2d South.) Wholesale and Retail Hard- ware. Cutlery. Stoves. Ciiinn. Ammunition, NportitigrGood* Si-n ofBls Cinn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. ) and Fiehins; TaeUlo. T.;-2 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. co __________^ . Ward H, lab city, res 745 E Ninth South. Ward Harvey W, lab, res 372 N Sixth West. Ward Henry C, Capt Co E, 6th Infantry, res Fort Douglas. Ward James, condr S L C R R, res 655 S Second West. Ward John A, studt U of U, res 255 N Eifth West. -~ Ward Joseph, head cook U P Hotel, res 219 W Third South. Ward Joseph, cigar mkr, res 347 E Sixth South. IIJ Ward Joseph H, Editor S L City Beobackter, res 258 Sixth 30 East m Ward Mrs Josephine H, dressmkr 258 Sixth East, res same. Ward Manford A, car insptr U P Ry, res 372 N Sixth West. Ward Mrs Sarah, res 758 Sixth East. Ward Thomas, res 827 W First North. Wardle I J, vice-pres South Jordan Canal Co, 208 Constitution bldg, res Riverton. Wardon James, lab, res 66 L. Wardrobe Isabella (wid John), res 188 C. Wardrop Abram, emp S L B & Mnfg Co, res 534 E 5th South. Wardrop James M, director S L B & Mnfg Co, res 444 E 2d S. Wardrop John, vice-pres S L B & Mnfg Co, res 214 W 1st N. Wardrop John Jr, emp S L B & Mnfg Co, bds 214 W 1st N. ~ Ware Miss Nellie, dom 828 E Fourth South. 3 Ware Rachel S (wid David), res 330 N Third West. * 3 Ware Walter E (Ware & Cornell), 68 Hooper blk, res 378 F. B e Ware fc Cornell (W E W & E M C), Architects 68 Hooper - Blk. - Wareing Mary (wid George), res 123 C. Warenski Edward C, genl mdse Murray, res same. Warenski Edward J, elk Edward C Warenski, bds same. WarhurstThos K, wood mldr Mason & Co, res 155 S 4th West. Warm Spring*, Barnes & Byrne proprs, res Second West n of Seventh North. Warman E B (wid Henry), res 473 W South Temple. 2 Warmbath Miss Hannah, res 3 i 5 S Fifth East Warmbath Max, barber shop 161 S Main, res 315 Fifth East. Q Warmbath Miss Priscilla, res 3 1 5 Fifth East. Warn Bros (Geo & Samuel), carpenters 125 W Third South >- Warn Geo (Warn Bros), res 125 W Third South. ^ * 3 Warn Samuel (Warn Bros), res 125 W Third South CO Warner Edward J, real est agt, res 5 .9 S Fifth East. ^ OT - Mrs Elizabeth, res 143 E Eighth South. - r J hn A, furnished rooms, res 206 W South Temple. ^ ~~"^ ___ _ __ __^__^__ PARKFR RFPilC Wholesale and Retail dealers in UtrUt, LUMBER AID IMPORTED AND AMERICAS CEMESTS. Cor. 2d Houtli and 3d West. Tel. 255 03 CO 03 r*j "e: TO "O3 CD O as CO 03 CTD MOUNTAIN ICE GO 4S - 3 O CO RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 733 03 Warner M Rush, Mngr for Utah Equitable Life Assurance ^~ Society 301-302 McCornick Blk, res 723 E Fourth South. 9 Warner Miss Sallie, res 206 W South Temple, Warner Wm J, lab city water works, res 1 106 E Third South. ^^ Warner Wm J, lab, res 8 East Court. , j Warnock John, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple, p^ Warnock Clarence S, elk Hugh Anderson, res 654 E 3d South, r^ Warr John, lab, res 1036 E Sixth South, ^p Warr Miss Lizzie, res 1036 E Sixth South. ^^ Warr Miss Nellie, wks Utah Steam Laundry, res 1036 E 6th S. .^ Warren Bros (Oliver P M & Samuel P), Planing Mill, Con- tractors & Builders, rear 54 E Second South. J^ Warren F E Mercantile Co, Wm P Gannett Sec and O Treas, 73 W Second South. CD Warren George E, carp, res Burlington Add. , CD ^ Warren Herbert ]% T , Physician and Surgeon, rms 528 to 3 h 532 Dooly Blk, res same, C^ ^ Warren Oliver P M (Warren Bros), res 1073 E Sixth South. Q Warren Samuel P (Warren Bros), res 125 W Third South. UJ Warren Thomas, dairy, res I2th West nr 3d North. C3 k Warren Walter E, carp Warren Bros, res East Waterloo. CD ^ Warren Walter J, boat bldr Barratt Bros, res 264 W S Temple. ' p Warwick Block, 1 12 W First South. ^" ^ Warwick James L, drug elk A Hollander, res 304 S W Temple. QJ 4 S Warwick William, printer, res 304 S West Temple. E?: -J Warwood John, mach U P Ry, res 27 N Fifth West. =3 H ^ Wasatch Asphaltum Co The, see inc co's, H L A Culmer sec and ^ CO treas 71 Culmer blk. J UJ Wasatch Building, The Grpesbeck Co proprs, Main cor 2d South, ^j H Q Wasateh Drug Co, Drugs and Assayers' Materials, Samuel 2J ^j j C Park Mngr, 236 S Main. See inside back cover. CO _ Wasateh Milling Co, see inc ccts, A Rogers Pres and Mngr, CU office 45 E First South, Mills, State, Mill Creek. ^ Wasateh Restaurant, Wise & Larsen Props, 50 E Second .^ South. d Washburn Clementina M (wid Samuel), res 128 Second East. Washburn Miss Meta M, music teacher, res 128 Second East. J75" Washer, see Woersher. 7-* Washer Joe (W & Kohn), res 425 S Second West. Washer fc Kohn (Joe W & E K), Proprietors the Western ^ Iron and Metal Yard, 425 S Second West. <% S Washington Edward, bootblack, 38 W 2d S, res 5 Denver Court, g m u Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. 241 Aortli 3d West. . ,,r-oT-j*r-i/T /*/! Salt Iiake Office: LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., Capital 84.000.000. Bnrpln* 82OO.OOO. 601. MAIN aSCl flfol SJUlfl. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. |H I | Washington Howard (col'd), porter, res 4 43 E Third South. ' I \ Washington Market, Doy, Rowe & Co props, 3 1 5 S Main J/J 5 2 Washington Richard, cook Saddle Rock Rest, resLmtah Hotel. ft S Washington Zina (wid Chas C), res e s Terrace ave, 3 n of 1 2th S. $ Washington Square, bet 1st and 2d East and 4 th and 5 th South. H e Watanabe K, res 62^ Commercial. . 5 Waterfall Annie, nurse, res 35 S Jeremy. Waterfall Benjamin, pressman, bds 35 S Jeremy. ~ Waterfall John, eng, res 35 S Jeremy. , Waterfall Rebecca M (wid John), res 68 E Seventh South. S. 3 Waterfall Wm, eng, res 35 S Jeremy. S> Waterman Bros (Noble R and Edgar D), Brokers, rm 5 fT] Central blk, see page 25 5 2 Waterman Edgar D (Waterman Bros), res 134 W Sixth South, .j ] _ Waterman Noble R (Waterman Bros), res Park Terrace. \J cr? Waterman Ralph E, stenogr 5 Central blk, res Park Terrace. _ 5 Waters Henry, lab, res 570 W Second South. x E Waters Nellie, res 250 S Third West S ^ Watkins Mrs Eva, res 164 S Second West. J ^ S Watkins Fannie (wid Jas), res 438 S First West. x ' 25 Watkins Harry P, elk Hof heimer & Goldwater. 5 5 LU Watkins John A, res 159 W Second South. JL Q Watkins Seth, farmer, res n of E I 4 th South, Mill Creek. Z Watkins Mrs Susan, dressmkr, res 24 G. ^ Watkins Thomas, carp, res 24 G. ^ QC Watmough Mary A E (wid William), res 48 Locust. flj ^ Watrous Mrs Glenora, res 764 Third. 3" tf WatroiiN H K, Attorney at Law and Notary Public 54 W^a- 2J satch Blk, res same. O3 i . i Watrous William G, cont and bldr, res 391 F. Z3 CD Watson Miss Agnes, res 474 S Third West z Watson Alexander, cont, res 474 S Third West S Watson Alexander R, elk H (John & Co, res 41 S Fifth West. O3 ' Watson Alexander Jr, drayman, res 452 S Third West. C/5^ Watson Miss Angie, res 356 E Seventh South. JJ p^ Watson Brothers (Joseph M Watson, Robert Bowman and CO <^ Samuel M Barrett), Stonecutters, Contractors and Builders, ^g >, ntels and Tombstones, s e cor S Temple and W Temple. CD C T] Watson Charles, stereotyper, res 344 Curtis, Edgewood add. Q Watson Charles G, stereotyper, res 344 Curtis, Edgewood add. < Q Watson Charles W, miner, res 213 Fifth East. . Watson D C, res 156 W Seventh South. =3 Heal Estate Broker, tT^ 1 ^ I Monefl to Loan, H. P. 6. COATES. I E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. R.H, Officer Ho RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 735 g| Watson Mrs Ellen, res 21 S Fifth West. S3 K Watson Mrs Ellen R, elk Sixth Ward Co-op, res 558*5 4th W. g' ^3 S Watson Miss Eva, opr Z C M I Clothing Factory, 'res Camp ""d Lane, w of Jordan. . r?| Watson Geo F, teamster, res 558 S Fourth West o Watson Hugh (J C Watson & Bros), res 424 W Fifth South. pq CM Watson Hugh, lab, res 474 S Third West. Watson Miss Ida, emp Troy Steam Lndy, res 426 S Sixth East. 3 v _<~* Watson James B, painter, res 456 N Sixth West. C, :2 Watson James C (J C Watson & Bros) grocer 370 W Fifth ^ CD South and bishop Sixth Ward (L D S), res 506 S 4th West. QQ GO Watson James C Jr, driver J C Watson & Bros, res 550 S 4th W. TJ j Watson J C & Bros (J C, Hugh & Jno), draymen and transferers U? 66 S Main. S Watson James M, sheep-owner, res rear 5135 Fifth West. jjjs' C& Watson James R, grocer 735 E Third South, res same. CO Watson John, lab, res 603 Sixth. < ^ Watson John (J C Watson & Bros), res 530 S. Third West. o^ > Watson John R, teamster, res 474. S Third West. ro Watson Joseph, carp, res 356 E Seventh South. CO Watson Joseph M (Watson Bros), res 34 Locust. ffl s _ Watson J David, drayman J C Watson & Bros, res 454 S 3d W. ^ QC Watson Joseph M (Watson Bros), res 34 Locust. j Watson Mary (wid James), res 35 Locust. 55 Watson Mrs Mary C, res 506 S Fourth West. . ^0 I Watson Miss May, res 356 E Seventh South. Watson Nellie (wid Samuel), select fur rms, 60 Richards. I Watson Miss Nellie, res 506 S Fourth West. 3 " Watson Robert, contractor, res 461 S Third West. ^ Watson Robert G, driver J C Watson & Bros, res 506 S 4th W. ^* f Watson Robert G Jr, bds 449 S Third West. Watson Rose, domestic 54 W Sixth South. j- Watson Shadrack C, res Camp Lane, w of Jordan. g jfe Watson Sophronia A R (wid James), res 524 N Third West. $ ^ Watson S C, car oiler U P Ry, res Camp Douglas, is Co Watson Thomas F, claim elk R G W Ry, res 369 S First West. | 2 Watson Thomas R D, wagonmkr, res 221 B. g, JJj Watson William, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co, res 221 B. Watson William, carp, res 356 E Seventh South. ^ Watson William A, teamster, res 558 S Fourth West. ^C Watson William H, wheelwright T-R-A Co, res 356 E 7th S. r gj CD Watson William R, driver J C Watson & Bros, res 428 W 5th S. Co -J ' Rogers, Scariest Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK, SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO.} SI* i, of Blr Gun. 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J Headquarters for Wroucht, Steel and Ci Kaneen, Oa*olin 8U>Te, Refrigwrntom, Granite, Tin d Copper Wart. Sine CO 736 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Watson Mrs Winnie, cook Gladstone Rest, res 43 Commercial. Watt Robert, emp Grant Bros L & T Co, res 12 Locust. Watters Abraham, res 253 Third. Waiters Ichcl J, Pawn Broker, 51 E First South, res 253 - Third, cor of E. Watters Martha, res 253 Third. Watters May, domestic 1 160 Fifth East. Watters Miss Nellie, res 570 W Second South. Watters Will W, elk Cohn Bros, res 253 Third. CD Watts Alma, res 185 B. Watts David J, barber, bds 178 B Watts Elmer, "res 182 B. Watts John H, Real Estate, Mining Broker and Notary Public, 43 W Second South, res Metropolitan Hotel. Watts Linford (W & Fenton), res 59 W Fifth South. Watts M, restaurant 128 W South Temple, res same. Watts Richard A, cook Keeley Institute, res 775 Third East. Watts Thomas L W, cook Elite Restaurant, res Hansen's Court. CD Watts & Fenton (L W & R A F), horse-shoers Blythe Court. - Wave Saloon The, Mosher & Cowen proprs, 154 S Main. Cn " Wayne William, lab Varley, Joseph & Co, res 467 N 3d West. CD ! B Waynick Rev Grade C, res Pennsylvania ave, bet 5th and 6th E. Q" B % Waynick Mrs Mary A, tchr of art S L Seminary, res E Waterloo. 13 6 3 Weadon Carrie, chambermaid Walker House, res same. SJ pj Wearing William S, porter Monte Cristo Cigar Store, res same. SS* - Weatherby Charles J, sec T P Mayne Tunnel Site & -o _ " Mnfg Co, Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages 16 Central Blk, res 415 S Main. S Weatherson Alex (W & Nelson), res 69 Commercial. DC LiJ CO DC Weatherson & Nelson (Alex W & Ole N), American Shooting & Gallery 69 Commercial. DO Weaver Edward'E, cond S L R T, res 626 S Third West. 5" C_J Weaver John B, emp Colorado Saloon, res 53 Centre. g- p"| Weaver Miss Nellie, elk William Weaver, bds 736 W N Temple, jg Weaver William, grocer and baker 736 W N Temple, res same. ^_ Weaverling Miss Jennette F (Happy Hour Dental Co), res 212 ^ x DO S State. ^ Webb Albert T, res rear 517 Fifth East. Webb Arthur, bds 637 E Third South. *g . Webb C J, res 446 E Third South. Webb Mrs E A, furnished rooms 1 19 S Main, res same. 5^? Webb Chauncey G, res 446 E Third South. ' J SflLT LBKEIliSBSi ILITHO. W. * I fci V\ . Suconu Suuih. Tuplu lit. I O CO 4-> V) 0) e!SCL : iI&MJlliUFJlCTm6CO l ,SalUakeCity. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 737 Jj Webb Miss Effie, cashier Eclipse Groc & Fruit Co, res 446 E ^ Third South. 33 Webb Elias, driver Webb & Feveryear, res (for Ninth and E. Webb Miss Eliza, bookbndr, res s w cor E and Ninth. CH Webb Fred O, bkpr U P Ry, res 168 H. JQ Webb Geo H, carp, res 462 S West Temple. Webb Harriet (wid Samuel), res Big Cottonwood. I- Webb Helen H (wid Samuel), res rear 621 Fourth. JJJ Webb Henry, elk Webb & Feveryear, res 273 L. U* Webb Hugh P, elk Utah Forw.Co, res Lincoln ave, Highland Park. 3D Webb Miss Mabel S, music tchr, res 336 N Second West. gj Webb Milton S, carver Sierra Nev L Co, res 336 N 2d West. Webb Miss Lillie, dressmkr, bds 462 S West Temple. H"l Webb Robert S, cond S L C R R, res 272 N Seventh West. * zxf Webb Sampson, basket mkr, res cor 6th West and 8th South. * 2^ Webb Samuel, engr Amos Howe Co, res 257 N Sixth West. S|] Webb Thomas (W & Feveryear), res. 105 H. ^* ^< Webb Watson T, foreman Sierra Nev Lumb Co, res 336 N c/> I^O Second West. g| Webb Wm, elk, bds cor E and Ninth. . S 52? < Webb Wm C, col Rocky Mountain Bell Tel Co, res Lincoln c^ &$(/> Ave, Highland Park. 5 ~* Webb fc Feveryear (Thomas W and Chas F), 46 W First sg go South. O 55 O Webber Aubery C, lineman R T, res rear 451 W Seventh South. jjg| 0a Webber C R, cond S L R T Co, res 386 S Third West. *< g- B Webber Clinton R, cond S L R T Co, res 638 S Third West. JjjJ p2< Webber Edw, elk E N Jenkins, res 158 E Second South. S J Webber H A (Webber & Co), res 284 C. O *"* Webber Harry A, electric lineman, res 638 S Third West. E^ Webber Isaac M, second-hand merchant, 157 S State, res 284 C. - Webber John J, emp Utah Stm Ldry, res 45 S West Temple. w Webber Marshall (Webber & Co), res 284 C. Webber Miss May A, studt Rowland Hall, res 284 C. Webber Thomas O, pres Zion's Benefit Building Society, ^ and genl supt Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution, - res 131 Second. 4 Webber William B 9 mngr Union Pharmacal Co and man- H0> ufacturers' agent, office 222 W Second South. ft 33 Webber & Co (Marshall W & Warren Paul), second-hand store, 3 HI 157 S State. ^5 V) U _J U U CHAS. B GOURLAY & CO, SALT LAKE CITY, P. 0. liox 492. Teiepbout (SI. Shirts of Every Description. Bepairing* Special! j ffniTTEMORE,COOKE&CO., INSURANCE. Room 310, MoCornick Building. North German Fire Insurance Cm- pany, of Hamburg _. Assets, 12,450,728.74 Scandia Insurance Company, of Mai- mo, Sweden. Assets, $4,160,403.28 738 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. O 3 OJ 00 CD CO CD qi Q; (0 CO KI Cad QL Weber, see Webber. Weber Ed, salesman F E Warren Merc Co, rms Fntch Blk. Weber John, emp Utah S Lndry, res Roberts Blk, Broadway. Weber John, moulder, res 13 Hazel. Weber Margaret (wid), res 340 Grand View ave. Weber Otto (Weber & Smith), res 976 First. Weber & Smith (Otto W & G Smith), barbers, 230 S State. Webley Fred J, comp S L Litho Co, res 229 N Seventh West. Webster J H E, Gen'l Solicitor Whitney's History of Utah, office Historian's Office, res 734 E South Temple. Webster John, lab, res 946 W North Temple. Webster Maud H, principal Twentieth school. Webster Wm, emp Wm Harkins. Webster Wm, miner, bds 163 W South Temple. Webster \V S, regent Conservatory of Music, res Glenwood Springs. Col. - Webster & Soil, Broom Manufacturers West Jordan, see adv. I Weeks Chas B 9 Attorney-at-Law 48 W Second South, res Capitol Ave add. 1 Weeks Chas H, real est, res 935 Logan ave, Perkins add. | Weeks McClary, cigars & tobacco, 48 W Second South, res CD Capitol Ave add. "S, Weeks M C, cond S L R T, res 39 E Seventh South. Weeks M C, cond S L R T, res 48 E Seventh South. Weeks M C, res 729 N Second West. Weeks Oliver F, tel operator, res 961 W Fifth South. Weer Henry H, carp, 653 W Fourth North. Weeter John C, real est agt, 70 Com'l Blk, res Hotel Morgan. Weggeland Annie (wid Daniel L), res 3 I4th S w of I3th E. Weggeland Miss Annie, bds 372 E Sixth South. Weggeland Daniel A, artist, studio and res 372 E Sixth South Weggeland George A, studt U of U, res 372 E Sixth South. Weggeland William, driver Mt Ice & C S Co, res 860 S 3d Weggeland William A, studt U of U, res 372 E Sixth South. Wehrkamp Charles, elk F Auerbach & Bro, res 231 E 4th S. CD 5 5S =3 OL 05 CO CD CD CD >A w>- aft * * CD Weidner William E, elk Walker Bros & F Co, bds 1 18 E 3d S. g Weigel Simon J (Thompson & W), res 607 S Main. Weight Elias C, grocer 93 1 W First South, res same. Weight Frederick H (W & Sperry), res 634 S First West. jalg Weight Mary (wid Frederick), res 610 S First West. ~| tt Weight & Sperry (Frederick H W & George H S), Grocer- ies and Meat Market, 470-472 S First West, SftLT LAKE LITHO. CO. 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FOR FIRST-CLASS LITHOGRAPHIC WORK A SPECIALTY. R.H. Officer Ho,, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 739 . , O I" fs Weigreen Neils T, blacksmith, 196 Green, res same. 8 Weihe Mrs Boletta (wid), res 267 W Third North. 3 * Weihe Willarct E, Concert Violinist and Teacher, Calder's g_ Music Palace, res 372 W Third North, see adv. Weihe Samuel, trav salesman Simon Bros, res 21 W First South, d 23 Weiler Miss Amelia, res 676 S Main. ^S Weiler Miss Edith, priv secy E A McDaniel, res 676 S Main. ex> * Weiler Elijah M, vice-pres Utah Mining Co, 22 E First South, OU res 36 E Seventh South. w Weiler Miss Gerda Bell, res 676 S Main. 12. * ~ Weiler H W, butcher Murray, res same. OE- Weiler Henry W Jr, barber, res Murray. 3O 3 Weiler Jacob, bishop Third Ward (L D S), res 153 E 7th South, g 5 Weiler Jacob M, asst elk M O Dept P O, res 676 S Main. K Weiler Joseph L, asst supt Carriers Dept P O, res 153 E 8th S. ^ 1 Weiler Mary A (wid Joseph), res 676 S Main. 1C Weiley Jacob, res 153 E Seventh South. Si ~" Weinal Alice (wid Jno), res 25 S Second West. S m Weinal Ellen R (wid Jno), res 255 Second West. J^ Weinberger Jacob, importer of wines and liquors 69 W Second c South, res 444 S West Temple. J^ Weingarten Solomon, cigarmkr Sam Levy, res 220 State. ,i Weir Andrew J, emp R G W Ry, rms 570 W Second South. J Weir Miss Ella, tchr Eighth School, res 529 E Fifth* South. 5g Weir John Jr (Brooks & W), res 244 S West Temple. _ Weis Lorenzo, res 575 Seventh West. T- Weiser Solomon R, elk, res 317 S West Temple. C2 Weisgerber R A, mach U P Ry, res 5 1 S Fifth West. 1 Weiskopf Matthew, baker Walker House Dining Room, bds same. ~ Weist John H, com trav, res 521 E Third South. ^ Welby Arthur E 9 supt R G W Ry, res 137 N Main. g Welch, see Welsh and Walsh. f * Welch Frank H, coppersmith, res 805 W Fourth South. . Welch James E, mach R G W Ry, res 508 W Fourth South. |2P Welch John, mason, res 1223 E Seventh South. SI Welch Julia (wid Henry W), res 805 W Fourth South. 03 Welch Thomas W, driver city fire dept, res 132 E First South. * Welcher A, fireman R G W Ry, bds Rio Grande Hotel. Welden F L, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel. g Well Annie Mining & Milling Co, see inc co's, John L Nebeker ^O sec, office 314 Constitution Bldg. Q- Weiler James S, eng, bds 216 E Seventh South. O PI X O m Irrigation flge Printing House, RailroadaDdComreillpri to ^ rurnisliol on nil ItiVids of Work. 2 W. Tllird Soillll. r-f-ktiiinff-rrk ^ Fliielluillr*niil II SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO , hr'^iir'u" Si-nof Kijr nn. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J and Gasoline Stoves RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Welles John T, collector Sierra Nevada Lumber Co, res 434 E . Welling Henry, waiter Gries Bros' Restaurant. gWellmann Augusta H (wid Henry), res 417 Sixth East 1 -jj Wellmann Eugene, helper Mt Ice & C S Co, res 860 S 3rd W. "g g Wellock William, shoemkr 55 E 2nd S, res 773 S State. * I Wells A W, physician, rms 63 S State. E Wells Mrs Caroline C, res 324 N First West. g Wells Charles H, bkpr State Bank of Utah, res 323 Second. Z Wells Daniel H, night elk and acct Templeton, res same. Wells D Scott, messr State Bank of Utah. tU9 Wells Miss Edna M, elk, bds 180 G ,E= Wells Mrs Emmeline B, editor and pub Woman's Exponent, res "2 25 E South Temple. ^ Wells E R, night elk Hotel Templeton. Wells, Fargo & Co's Bank, John J Valentine Pres, John E Dooly Cashier, 123-125 S Main. See adv opp Municipal ^- Government. S Wells, Fargo & Go's Express, A G Clark agt, 58 W 2d South. 1 Wells Francis L, res 430 Fourth. y Wells Gershorn B F, bkpr The Contributor v res IOO2 Lake. Wells Hannah (wid James), res 1 1 8 Ninth East. Wells Hannah C (wid Daniel H), res 1002 Lake. g Wells Heber M, Cashier State Bank of Utah, res 180 G. * s Wells Henry R, miner, res 1 1 8 Ninth East. ft Wells James, invoice elk Z C M I shoe factory, res 573 Second. * Wells James K, miner, bds 118 Ninth East. ~ Wells John (Maynes, W & Schofield), res 28 Ninth East. Wells John T W, lab, res 434 E South Temple. CD c-3 52. CJ Wells Joseph S, secy and treas S L C R R Co, res 176 G. Jg Wells Junius F, Editor and Publisher The Contributor, 239 Constitution Bldg, res 62 First. Wells Jliss Kate, Coloring Artist, 418 McCornick Blk, res CTD 323 Second. See adv. Wells Louis R, salesman Z C M I, res 323 Second. Wells Lydia A (wid Daniel), res 323 Second. Wells Miss Margaret, waitress White House, res 63 State. ? *V Co. Wholesale Boots and Shoes, John G Felt 5 g agt, 49 S Main. jj?a 1 Wells M J, traveling fit agt R G W Ry, bds Morgan Hotel. | Wells Miss Nellie, res 53 Franklin ave. Artificial and Natural Ice. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 741 TELEPHONE 43. Wells Phares, carp, res 434 E South Temple. Wells Pheris, teamster, res 616 E First South. Wells Robert, painter, res w s 8th East, bet I ith and I2th South. Wells Rufus B (Schumacher & Wells), rms 542 W Second South. Wells Rulon S,. secy and treas Co-op W & M Co, res 101 Second. Wells Stephen A, bds 323 Second. Wells Stephen F, bds 323 Second. Wells Susan H (wid Daniel H), res 323 Second, Wells F E, The Tailor, 7-9 W First South, see right inside margin. Wells Victor P, bds 140 A. Wells William, iab, res Rio Grande Hotel. Wellman E E, lab, res Utah House. """ Welmore Meerel, emp W S Bath House, res same. Welner August, patternmkr Silver Bros, res 549 W 3d North. > Welner Gustave, pattern mkr Silver Bros, res 63 E First South. _j Welsh, see Welch and Walsh. - Welsh Geo J, carp, rms 236 W Second South. u. Welsh Isadore L, elk Simon Bros, res 654 Third. a. Wenderholm Oscar E, lab, res 273 N First West. < Weiiger I>avid H 9 Attorney-at-Law, room 22 Central Blk, res 457 W Fourth South. * Wenlff Oscar, res 432 S Third East. It Werb Geo, mach R G W Ry, res 2 Kendall ave. 7 Werling Miss Lily, res 152 W Third South. Werner James, lab city street dept. E Werner Mrs Rosa, res 625 Sixth East. 3 Wescott F, lab city paving dept, res 206 W South Temple. Wescott Capt H F, contr, res 145 W Third South. Wescher August, shoemkr 561 W Second South, res same. Wesley John E, Herbal Physician 205 First East, res 228 E Sixth South. Wesley Thomas B, fireman, res 49 Almond. West Alma H, carp, res 332 W T Fifth South. West Byron A, teamster, res 233 S Second West. West Caleb W, lawyer, bds Walker House. O z N m H m o m r m 00 m o West Catherine A (wid Jesse), res 737 S Eighth West. West Chas J, butcher Utah Slaughtering Co, res 552 E 5th So. West Chas J, bkpr Houlahan, Griffith & Morris, res 429 S Fifth East. West Cornelius, contr and bldr, res 715 Fourth. to Morrison, Merrill & Go, Prices and Estimates on all kinusof Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. be 742 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. C * g West End Baud, G H Thomas leader, i X Eighth West. - C S West Geo H, driver Symns Utah Grocer Co, res 335 W Fifth I Z South. & 1 West Jabez W (Knight & Co), res 552 E Fifth South. 1 3 C West Jabez W, plumber, res 83 Q. * West Jesse, mason, res 322 W Fifth South. - ^ West John C, helper James-Spencer- Bateman Co, res 83 Q. S = West J C, bkpr Houlahan, Griffith & Morris, res 427 Fifth East. ~ 1 West J E, emp Grant Bros' L & T Stables, res 44 S W Temple. West John G, lab, res 83 Q. s ~ West John W, shoemkr, res 83 Q. JV 'I West Jordan Post Office, Wm Cooper Jr P M, \Vest Jordan. % o West Miss Lenora, res 233 S Second West. * g West Martha (wid Chauncey), res 233 S Second \Vest. h "7 ^est Miss Nellie, hair dresser, res 322 W Fifth South. x* OCf West N Thomas, mason, res 728 S Eighth West. _ ^ W T est Orson M, mason, res 767 S Eighth West. % . 5 West Miss Polly, domestic 487 First. West Side Rapid Transit Ry, see inc cos, J G Jacobs genl mngr, 2 . office Eagle Bldg. : j West Temple Resort, W W Steele prop, 145 S W Temple. j West Walter L, brakeman U C Ry, res 62 W Eighth South. \ ^ West William, driver James-Spencer-Bateman Co, res 83 Q. ' ^ West William L, bartndr The Senate, res 451 y 2 S Main. Q, Westberg Waldemar S, glazier Sears & Liddle Co, res 1109 S Q I 1 First West. j" ^ Westbrook Arthur, cook Grand Hotel, res 43 W Third South. 5 ; West Chester Fire Ins o of X Y 9 Heber J Grant & Co 5 OC Agts, 60 S Main. Ji| Westerfield Samuel B, real est, res Cullen Hotel. * 2^ \\ T esterland W, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. ZD Westerman Arthur, teamster Morrison, Merrill & Co, res 441 W S Third North. -^ - Westerman Elizabeth (wid Jonathan), res 445 W Third North. (I Westerman Fred, lab, res rear 237 Second East. Westerman Jonathan, teamster H Dinwoodey Fur Co, res 443 f W Third North. i Western Bill Posting Co, R L Anderson Pres, Scott An- g derson Gen Sec, S W Anderson Gen Mngr, Bill Posters, Distributors and R R Advertising Agts, 40 Richards. : Western Cement Co, see inc co's, C W Lyman sec, 1 3 Deseret I Bank bldg;. (K CO . LOAH5 A SPECIALTY, *3r2gg- 1 MONEY TO LOAN. - fieal Estate Brofcer, H. p. G. Mini I E. L. SHEETS. Room 12. commercial Block. B.H. Officer Ho., ASSAYERS.^S RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 743 . O Western Cornice Works, G F Culmer Bros proprs, 71 Culmer, ^^ blk, factory 17-19 Com'l ave. P>3 Western Miss Eliza, res 971 E Third South. Western Iron and Metal Yard The, Washer & Kohn ^ Props, 425 S Second West. Western Joseph, elk Charles H Peterson & Co, res 971 E 3d S. Q Western Julius C, lab, res 642 S Fourth West. Western Loan & Savings Co, see inc co's, Wm M Hicks mngr, rms 6 and 9 Utah Com'l & Savings Bank Bldg. Western Pipe Co, A V Miller chf engr, 305 Progress Blk. Western Shoe fc I>ry Goods Co, see inc co's, Boots Shoes, Dry Goods and Notions, Gustave Johnson Supt, 51- ?O 53 S Main. |=3 Western Union Telegraph Co, M B Brown Mngr, 157 *"* S Main. g- Westervelt George, Attorney-at-Law, 407 Progress Block, res same. Westfall Hyrum, lab, res 644 W North Temple. Westlund Christina, laundress Utah School for the Deaf, res cor First North and First West. Westlund Miss Mary, dom 47 E Fifth South. ^ Westlund Wm, lab, res Murray. ""3 Westmi lister Improvement Co, see inc cos, John R ^ Middlemiss sec'y and mngr, Dooly Blk. See page 104.. Q Westminister Presbyterian Church, Rev F L Arnold pastor, Z3 Fourth West bet First and Second South. Weston Mrs A C, res 331 E Sixth South. Western 'Miss Emma, emp J L Whytock, res 1 18 E Sixth South. Weston Frank, res 1 18 E Third South. /> Weston Miss Hilda, waitress Brooks Arcade Dining Parlors, res ^-^ 331 E Sixth South. Weston John F, steward Cullen, bds same. ^O Westwood Elizabeth (vvid John), res 7th East s of I3th South. '^ Westwood Joseph, teamster, res 924 W Third North. g/v Westwood Margaret (vvid Thomas), res 635 W First North. Westwood William G, genl mdse 39 N First West, res same. a,|Tl Westwood Elizabeth (wid John), res 33 N. JO Wettleton J T, carp, rms Lincoln House. c J Wetzel Dick H, carp, res 563 S Fourth West. PC Wetzel Edmund M, carp, res 571 S Fourth West. Z Wetzel Edmund M Jr, pile driver, res 476 W Sixth South. Wetzel Erastus M, pile driver, res 470 W Sixth South. CO Rogers, SearlesJ Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. OENT3AL BLOOK. SftLTLAKEHftRDWARECO.p'i Sign of Big Gun. 42 and 44 W. 2d South. J ai I i-hiiiy: Tackle and if.,rtiiii? <*OO<|M. State, n 1 2th South. C/ Wheatley Miss Dora, music tchr, res 151 W Sixth South. Wheatley Jane (wid John), res 705 Sixth. Wheatley Mrs Kate M, proprietress Delmonico Hotel, res same. Ci Wheeler Miss Abbie V, cashier Geo M Scott & Co, res 260 W g Fourth South. (Z Wheeler Miss Althea, tehr Second School, res 260 \V 4th So. " Wheeler Florence, emp Des W Mills, res 626 W Second North. ^/ n Wheeler Frances A C (wid Thos), w s I2th E, 5 no of I2th So. 2 Wheeler Frank W, lawyer 44 Central Block, res 167 E 6th So. =3 Wheeler Miss Georgia, tchr I7th School, res 260 \V 4th South. E S . Wheeler Jesse H (Pinnock & W), res 878 E Fourth South, CC ^ 2 Wheeler John G, meat market 223 W First South, res 260 W c/3 C Fourth South. -^ ^ Wheeler Joseph, elk F Auerbach & Bros, res 276 I. * ^ """ ~ Wheeler Joseph Jr, elk, bds 276 I. CD Wheeler Miss Lottie E, emp Solomon Bros, res Sugar Hse Wd. Ct ^ ^ Wheeler Miss Louie, res 260 W Fourth South. C/: Wheeler Minnie, emp Des W Mills, res 626 W Second North. o Wheeler Robert H, mach L E Hall, res 425 W First South. Wheeler Rose, emp Des W Mills, res 626 W Second North. LJ Wheeler Thomas, lab, res 626 W Second North. 1 Wheeler Thomas A, farmer, res Murray. 5^ 4 Wheeler William, lab, res 535 E Seventh South. Wheeler William, brakeman U P Ry, res 125 N Fifth \Vest. Wheeler William C, cond U P Ry, res 125 N Fifth West. -' Wheelhouse Frank W, lab, res 847 W Seventh South. : Whetstone Reuben B, miner, res ion Winsor ave. 1| Whillock Mrs Mary, domestic 175 E Fourth South. ^ Whipple Alexander S, carp, res 578 W Third North. Whipple Miss Amy, tchr, res 564 W 7 Third North. OTTTW T7TT/T7I Printing in all its Branches. IT TH/fin DO \V\ U U k I Good wSrk, Reasonable Prices. I ' U I OlilAl lAlll\lil Honest Treatment of Customers. I K I 1)11, 1 * LA I 52 W. 2d South. Telephone 249. | * * " ** I WWi l[PICflyiSCUIT&MiUFliraiNG CO,. Salt Lake Cily. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 745 JT( Whipple Henry E (W & Goss), res 223 E.Third South. Whipple Miss Ida, res 564 W Third North. 33 Whipple J B, real estate Brighton, res same. Whipple Jennie B, res 76 W Second South. CH Whipple John, carp, res Brighton. JQ Whipple Nelson W, painter, res 436 N Fifth West. ^^ Whipple Rachel (wid Nelson W), res 436 N Fifth West. jfj Whipple Robert J, carp, res 564 W Third North. " Whipple Susan A (wid Nelson W), res 564 W Third North. JW Wliipple <& Ooss, (Henry E W & Warren D G), Contract- ors and Builders, 223 E Third South. 3d Whitaker, see Whitecar and Whittaker. Whitaker Charles C, stockman, res 125 W Third South. Whitaker Court, Third South, bet West Temple and First West. HI " Whitaker Fred L, res 610 W First South. 2, Whitaker George, sheep man, res 123 W Third South. Si L. Whitaker George A, cigar mkr Sam Levy, res rear 246 7th E. - ' Whitaker J C, sheep man, res 123 W Third South. ~ Whitaker John H, barber St Elmo Barber Shop, res 244 S 1st W, CO Whitaker John M, stenogr and typewriter 513 Constitution bldg. 5; res 975 Garfield ave bet I ith and I2th South. flU Whitaker Myron E, sheep man. res 5 Whitaker Court. ^ Whitaker Siras, sheep man, res 9 Whitaker Court CD Whitall Samuel R, Capt Co H i6th Infantry, res Fort Douglas. White Miss Ada, dressmkr, bds 843 E South Temple. White Albert J, Real Estate, 57 E Second South, res 23 E Eighth South. , White Alfred, lab, res s s I2th South 3 e of I3th East. Q 1 White Alfred J, farmer, res e s I3th East 2 n of I2th South. White Andrew J, res W Temple s of loth South. CD White Andrew, mason, bds 824 E Ninth South. 22 White Miss Anna, domestic 437 W First South. White Mrs Annie, res 824 E Ninth South. w W T hite Ared H, policeman, res 571 S Second Wesl. White Barnard, pres Consolidated Implt Co, res Ogden, Utah. White Charles, storekpr Walker House dining room, bds same. ^2 White Charles E, barber 206 }4 S Main, res 349 W 1st South. W T hite Charles L, elk Am Clothing Co, res 158 E 2d South. - Z White Claudius', studt University of Utah, res 525 Second. White Daniel, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. 3 jj White David, mason, bds 824 E Ninth South. White David, lab City Water Works. * ^5 CHftS. B GGURLftY & CO., 303&305McCorilicKBl(l2., SALT LAKE CITY, f. 0. BM 4U. Telephone Ml. Shirts of Every Description. ffHITTEMOKE, COOKE & CO., Boom 310, McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets. $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York Assets, tl. 597,375.41 .-746 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. s White David H (White & Sons Co), res 266 N Second W r est. .-'- White Edward, former, res 3 s of e I3th South, Mill Creek. " 1 White Edward Jr, farmer, res 5 n of e Hth South, Mill Creek. | White Elizabeth (wid Elijah), res 233 L. oc/)> White Ernest A, teacher 6ist school, res 256 Seventh East. KM White Mrs E A (W & Williams), res 23 E Eighth South. h Wnite Fred, lab, bds Rio Grande Hotel, og! White Frederick, lab, rms 358 W Second South. SL White Fred H, city policeman, res 571 S Second W T est. !<= White George, harnessmkr, res 525 Second. C ! White George, teamster, res Twelfth East n of Twelfth South. z~* White Geo E, plasterer, res s w cor loth East and nth South. 1* White George H, switchman U P Ry, res 69 S Fourth West. White Miss Hannah, dressmkr, res 843 E South Temple. White Henry, lab, res 260 W North Temple. White Henry David, lab, res 527 W First North. White Henry E, driver Peop Equit Co-op, res 233 L. White Herbert, bds 233 L. White Herbert A, res 553 E Ninth South. White H L, cond S L R T, res 438 W Seventh South. White House, J R Stephen prop, 206 S Main. White Isaac N, carp, res 1 36 Centre. White Isaiah (I White & Son), res 29 State. White Isaiah & Son (Isaiah and John T), homcepathic physicians, 29 State. White James, stonecutter Watson Bros, res 824 E Ninth South. White James, mason, res 754 E South Temple. White John, farmer, 4 n of E I4th S, Mill Creek. White John, elk S P Teasdel, res 225 Iowa ave. White John A, cont, res 843 E South Temple. Wliite John H, pres Utah Slaughtering Co and treas and mngr White & Sons Co, res 266 N Second West. White John M, miner, res 821 Green. White John T (I White & Son), res 29 S State. White Joseph, emp Alta Club. White Joseph, carp, res 466 Sixth. White Joseph P, B S, lab asst in chemistry and physics, Univer- sity of Utah, res 521 Fourth East. * t White Miss Lizzie, emp Woolley S Laundry, res 521 4th East. White L M, res 843 E South Temple. White Margaret (wid Joseph), res 466 Sixth. White TVIiss Martha I, res 272 N Second West. o L. CO O z (X CO Q Z o CO a UJ c O 0- CD GO 5? CS) CD cna CD CO CO Cfl^ c= ICO QAIT I AKP I ITHfi TO Lithographing, Printing and Blank OHLI LHrtL LI i iu. i>u. gook Makina Thc Finest ln th * Western 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. H.H. Officer I Go,, RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 747 SK White Martin, lab, res Utah House. Q 5? White Miss Mary Ann, res 343 W North Temple. SEEK White Miss Mary M, res 272 N Second West. -^ ' $ White Matthew, Capitalist, 444 Constitution Bldg, res 404 r+ W Third South. White Matthew, plasterer, res e s 1 3th East, 6 n of 1 2th South. White M, emp S~L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. CO White Nora, bds 843 E South Temple. _- White Mrs Rosana M (W & Williams), res 23 E Eighth South. \J White Orreit A, Real Estate 57 E Second South, res West Temple, s of Eleventh South. White Richard T, lab, res 121 I. White Sarah (wid John), res 758 Sixth East. White Sarah M, genl mdse, 256 Seventh East, res same. White Sewing Ulaehine Co, L E Hall agt, 29 W ist S. White Thomas, lab city water works. White Thomas C, bkpr Utah Slaughtering Co, res 272 N 2d W. fn White Walter H, plasterer, rms Richelieu House. White Warren P, carp Tenth Ward L & Bldg Assn, res 933 F Fourth South White William, pres White & Sons Co, res 272 N Second West. White William, lab, res Rio Grande Hotel. White William, janitor Ninth Ward Dist School, res 514 5th E. White William, moulder U P Ry, res 1 16 N Seventh West. White Wm, teaming S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. ITS White Wm, teamster, res 830 E Ninth South. ^J White Wm, lab, res 624 Fifth East. ~CO White Wm B, elk Z C M I, res rear 256 Seventh East. ~d White W H, emp Heesch-Davies Sanitary Co. 1^ CO White Wm H, mail carrier P O dept, res 624 Fifth East. CD White Wm J, paper hanger, res 233 L. - White William JL 9 Genl Mngr Utah Slaughtering Co, res 272 N Second West. IQ CO White Wm M, res 240 E South Temple, W T hite Wm M. architect, res 209 Paxton ave, f^ pr White J B & Bro, Portland cement, W J De Bruhl agt, 374 W Second South. {Zj" White & Sons Co, see inc cos, John H White Treas and Mngr, Wholesale and Retail Butchers, 34 W First South. See adv. >^ White & Williams (Mrs R M W & Mrs E A W), Real pO Estate Agents, 57 E Second South. 3 Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World Offices, Salt I.nke. Denver, Sail Frnncinca _ 1C W. 8d South St. 76 Railroad Bldf. MlHarktlt. .-.-,. i . r r- r* r\ 1 Wholesale and ftotnil Ifnrd- CAI T I AlfC UARniAfARF I I ware. Oitlery. MIOV-. c;un*. OML LAfVL llllnUfIlinLuU. p lAmmniiltion:SporMaico- Wiggins Alta, tchr Eighteenth School. Wiggms Joseph M, res Albany Hotel. g ' ^ _ Wiggi11 Ann ( wid EH), res 166 W North Temple. * seal Estate Broker, *s*3j*.\ Monetf t Loan : &***a& t tidtr. l.p.Q.ctSS.1 ElSHEm ^c^fors, J stocks lor Sale. E. L. SHEETS, Room 12, Commercial Block. R.H. Officer RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 751 Wight Warner A, Supt Bldgs for Miller & Miller, res 361 | jc W First North. 5- 3 2 Wightman Wm R, bkpr Utah Slaughtering Co, res 1 18 I ith E. '""3 c^T < Wightman R V, tinner, res 451 E Fifth South. ^^ ^5 Wigren August, blksmith, res 196 Back. ^ Wigren Axel T, emp Clark-Eldredge Co, res 603 N 2d West. ** Wigren Nels T, blksmith, res 196 Back. . Wigton Christopher W, ins agt, rms Realty bldg. 3 ^ Wigton Wm I, elk Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res Realty Blk. C, * : -n Wiik Miss Wilhelmine (dom), res 649 E South Temple. ~ O Wilber Mercantile Agency, Shepard, Cherry & Shepard agts, QQ 37-40 Commercial blk. T3 Wilbraham Henry M, lab U P Ry, res 266 W North Temple. I? 3 Wilbur C H, niining, res 65 W Sixth South. Wilcken Chas H, res 603 Seventh East. 55- Wilcken Mrs Dora, res 603 Seventh East. Wilcken David, plumber, rms 603 Seventh East. u* Wilcken John M, lab, res 623 Eighth East. CD^ Wilcox Arthur H, eng, res 464 N Second West. CO Wilcox Chas E, cond S L R T, res 750 S Third West. Wilcox Chas F, Physician & Surgeon 306-309 Constitution ffl Bldg, res 1 18 S First West. J Wilcox Edwin, M D, res 246 W Second South. J Wilcox Ernest L, lab, res 543 W Third South. E Wilcox GustaV L, lab, res 543 W Third South. 3Q " Wilcox Gustav, cook, res 611 W First North. J Wilcox Mariah W, res 246 W Second South. Wilcox Ralph Leo, emp Margetts Brewery, res 275 N 3d West. J ".Wilcox Mrs Rachael, res 61 1 W First North. H| ., Wilcox Rodney L, switchman U P Ry, res 461 S 2d West. J>- Wilcox Walter E, janitor I4th Dis School, res 543 W 3d South. Wilde Arthur, bartndr 143 S Main, res 717 S First West. jijj 7 Wilden Joseph, bartndr M Livingston, res 1 16 E Fifth South. j^ Wilder Annette (wid James), res 473 W Second North. 3 ^ Wilder Edward B, Dept U S' Mineral Surveyor, 159 S Main, res 623 E Fourth South. Wilder Fred, emp U P Ry, rms Culmer Blk. Wilding George, lab, res 748 W Second North. on "* Wilding Henry D, teamster, res 758 W Second North. fl i>, Wilhamson George, emp S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek. * jfc Wilhoite Samuel H, Cigar Stand, 238 S Main, res 544 E r gj South Temple. fo Qnonlpo I On GENERAL INSURANCE. , d 1 1 D 5 tf U U , , ROOM 20 . OBNTRAL BLOOK . SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. IE Kiirti of Bi* Gun. 43 and 44 W. 2d Sooth. J * eii<1quarters for Wrought, Steel and Cii ee, naaoline Stoves, K<-fri({raton., ranite, Tin and Copper War*. Fin t 752 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. , . J . ^ * rH Wilkerson Edwin T, hostler Palace Stables, res 457 W 3d South. M ^ J Wilkes Albert D, elk C R Savage, res 403 Seventh. > M Wilkes Heber, elk C R Savage, res 403 Seventh. >* ^H Wilkes Joseph G, carp Com Mill & B Co, res 65 N First West. ^ ^> Wilkes Thomas E, carp, res 403 Seventh. *^ M Wilkes & Chadwick (Chas S W & Darwin J C), Land and Q Mining Attorneys, Realty Blk. ^> O Wilkie George, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. hH Wilkie Samuel, blksmith, res 62 W Eighth South. OWilkin Ann M (wid August), res 318 Second. C/3 Wilkin Frank P, elk E A Wolfe & Co, res 27 Gregory Court. M Wilkins John T, baker Eagle C Factory, res 758*5 W Temple. ^ ^ Wilkins Sarah Ann (wid Stephen) res 7585 West Temple. LJ Wilkinson Alice ('wid Abel), res 9th East s of loth S. C") Wilkinson Charles, brakeman U P Ry, res 242 W S Temple. CD ^O Wilkinson Conrad G, genl mdse 418 E Fifth South, res same. Y\ Wilkinson John, stone cutter, res ws I ith Ebet 1 3th and I4th S. OO Wilkinson John C, mining, res 716 S West Temple. CD * Wilkinson Nicolas, car cleaner U 4 P Ry, res 32 [ W N Temple. Q" Wilkinson Robert E, bkpr Hughes F & Produce Co, res 142 13 S N West Temple. 2J Wilkinson R JI orris, Coal Dealer, Real Estate and No- $ tary,.Godbe-Pitts Drug Store, res w s gth E n o I 2th S. -^ - Wilkinson Will iam H 9 Wholesale Crockery and Glassware . 220 W Second South, res 218 same. S Wilky Thomas B, farmer, res 6 Roberts Court. 2? Willard Court, Sixth South bet West Temple and First West. ^ Willard Harry M, supt C and C bldg, res 503 E Second South. DO Willard James, lab Houlahan, Griffith & Morris. 3" Willard James, janitor Twenty-first Dist School, res 25 M. g- Willard Miss Lottie \*, Landscape and Marine Artist, 421 ^ S West Temple, see adv. Willard Samuel H, eng R G W Ry, res 538 W Third South. 7^ Willden Miss Martha, dom 133 W Fifth South. Willes, see Willis. , r f Willes .Miss Elizabeth M, elk, res 425 Fourth. Willes Elizabeth W (wid Wm), res 425 Fourth. Willes Miss Marina, elk, bds 425 Fourth. Willes Wm J, druggist Z C M I, res 429 Fourth. T 7TT/T7 I BlankBook Making; Kelly's Un- I T TWIin OH LMK -sssr^^x^ LllnO, CO, I 52 V\ . Swcuuu SIIULU. liephu J4f. I Salt Lake Cly. O CO _ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. _ 753 Willes W & E (Elizabeth), genl store, 425 Fourth. Willetts Mrs Letitia (wid), res 627 Tenth East. Willey Edward, elk Utah S & H Co, res 104 E Second South. Willey James, lab, res 425 W Sixth South. Willey Joseph, emp S L C R R Co, res 769 E Third South. Willey P P, emp S L C R R Co, res 769 E Third South. Williams A L, cook Tunnel Restaurant, res Harris blk. Williams A L, rms 430 Constitution bldg. Williams Albert, hostler rear 326 S West Temple, res same. Williams Miss Alice, res 56 N First West. Williams Hon B, of Arkansas, member Utah Commission, o>. C\\T 4- nr~~>~i~ CD 137 S West Temple. Williams Alma D, elk A J Williams, res 149 S Fifth West Williams Andy L, res 605 S Main. Williams Annie (wid W D), res 56 N First West. Williams Anthony W, cook The Tunnel, rms 6 Harris Blk. |2 - Williams Arch M, elk W C Pavey & Co, rms 230 W Second S. 5 Ss|] Williams C A, elk E A Wolfe & Co, res 2 Morris Row. **"*< Williams Catharine (wid Wm), res 36 N Sixth West. j*zV Williams Miss Carrie B, res 605 S Main. J SKO. Williams Mrs Celeste, res 248 W Third North. OJ c?^ Williams Charles, teamster S L P Brick Co, res N Mill Creek, c-j gy, Williams Charles A, engr R G W Ry, bds Rio Grande Hotel. CD ^* Williams Charles A, elk, res 2 Morris ave. sgg go Williams Charles F, steam fitter, res 747 S First West. 550 Williams Charles T, lab, res 738 W First North. jg eszto Williams Chris, tailor F E Wells, res n w cor 3d E and 2d S. *-< g_ y Williams Clarence, teamster, res 747 S First West. gjj g|< Williams David C, saloon Murray, res same. r 55 J Williams David J 9 Utah Advertising Co, 430 Constitution o *"" a Bldg, res same, 3^ Williams David J, mason, res 159 N Sixth West. Williams Miss Dora, res 747 S First West. ^ Williams Edward, lab, res 76 1 S Eighth West. Williams Edward S, lab, res Murray. p Williams Edward T, waiter White House. Williams Edwin S, blacksmith, res 757 E South Temple. Williams Egbert, bkpr Nat Building and Loan Association, res ^ 410 Constitution Bldg. Williams Eliza M (wid Samuel), res 765 Third. ft 3j Williams Mrs Elizabeth, res 27 N Fifth West. Williams Elizabeth T (wid Thomas), res 835 N. CO CHftS. B GOURLAY & CO., SHI:R.TMJL:K:]E]R.S. * 1 F. o. Bai 492. 303&305McGornicJ[Bll2., SALT LAKE CITY. Shirts of Every Description. ^pairing 8pecialtj ffHlTTEMORE,COOKECO, III S! 51 o Q H z If Boom 810, MoCorniok Building. London Williams William, emp Electric Light Works, res 747 S 1st W. r* SZ Williams William, gardener at Temple, res 545 W 3d North. ; Williams William, emp Haynes & Son, res 27 N Fifth West. B Williams William, lab, res 29 N. ' Williams William, fireman U P Ry, res 634 W Third North. ^ \Villiams William O, elk Auditor's office R G W Ry, res East - -' Waterloo. I Williams William, lab, res Murray. S. Williams William, lab, res 603 W South Temple. Williams Wm E, tinner F E Schoppe & Co, res 214^ S State. : Williams William F, solicitor Utah Adv Co, 430 Constit'n Bldo- _5 Williams William F, bkpr, res rear 248 Third East. C_) Williams William G, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 450 S Second W ^ Williams William' H, bartndr, res Murray Williams William H (W H Williams & Co), res 964 W 4 th S Williams W H & Co (W H W & E P Austin), manufrs Williams' Improved Lightning Cure, 964 W Fourth South Williams William J, lab Temple, res 27 N Fifth West. 1 1 a ins William ], Supt Co-op Furniture Co, res 37 N U est Temple. _ Williams William R, teamster city res 29 N ZG Williams William R, elk, res 56 N First West. CJ W; jams William S, teamster, res 738 W First North. CO CTD SO ^ CD CO OJ CO CD w-r ' . ams William Thomas, boiler mkr, res 27 N Fifth West. H illiam. & Van Cott (P L W and W VanC), Attorneys at Law 41 to 45 Hooper Blk. | VUWiSl South and 3d West. Tel. 255.' i DISTILLED WATER ICE. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 757 Williams & Webster (John O W and J H E W), agts History of O Utah, 60 E South Temple. Williamsburg City Fire Ins Co of Brooklyn, Heber J Grant & Co agts 60 S Main. Williamson Charles S, foreman Herald, res 160 E Fifth South. Williamson Delana E, comp Herald, res 641 S Fourth East. Williamson Miss Emma, bkbinder, bds 844 -Second East. Williamson Mrs Harry, res 141 Second East. Williamson John, shoemkr 172 W 7 S Temple, res 261 W 6th N. Williamson John A, lab, res 925 W Sixth South. Williamson Maria (wid James J), res 844 Second East. Williamson Mary, dom i 56 Social Hall ave. Williamson Peter S, Cutter John Miller, Jr, 66 W Second South, res 640 S Eighth West. " Williamson Rose, emp R M Biele, res 261 W Fourth South. Williamson Miss Rose, bds 844 Second East. > Williamson Samuel, bkpr S L Mill & Elevator Co, res 729 N ~ _j Second West. J- Williamson Mrs Dr Sarah E, res 468 S State. J u Willie Christian, tailor, res 527 Ninth East. v. Willie Edward, helper Mont Ice & C S Co, res 860 S 3d West. < Willie Jno C, packer F Auerbach & Bro, res 527 Ninth East. J Willingbeck Caroline (wid Christian P), res 753 Third East. - Willis, see Willes. _ Willis Frank E, overseer Deseret W Mills, res Whitney ave. ? Willis Geo W, bkpr S R Marks & Co, res 232 Centre, f Willis Guy, rec teller Union N Bank, res 41 Jefferson. c Willis Irving J (Struble & W), res 108 W First South. _j * Willis Jesse, switchman, res 126 N Seventh West. Willis J, painter, res 568 E South Temple. Willis Wm S, proofreader S L Tribune, res 135 W N Temple. Willis W W, teamster Wm Harkins, res 136 W S Temple. Willis Vera, emp Des W 7 Mills, res loth South and 2d West. Willison Samuel, blksmith Wm Harkins, bds 136 W S Temple. \yillit Henry L, R R contr 159 S Main, res 65 W 1st South. Willman Andrew P, cigar mkr Sam Levy, res 446 4th East. Willmott Mary (wid Wm), res 173 Fourth. Willoughby John, gen mdse 42 Tenth East, res same. Wills A W, physician, res 1 20 W Seventh South. Wills Edward J, notary public 235 S Main, res Dyer Lodging House. Wills Robert, nurseryman, res 464 N Fifth West. WHOLESALE LUMBER, ' J U. P. Track, North of Depot. o z N m H m O m r m DO 10 Lombard Investment Co. SUt-OOO.OOO. i 758 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. g Wills Robert, lab, res Sugar House Ward. G -J Willsey Wm P, tinner S L Hdw Co, res 172 W S Temple. fl a Willson, see Wilson. J Willson Barbara, res 32 S Fifth West.. Willson James W, carp, res 8 S Tenth West. Willson Joseph W, carp, res 44 S Fourth West. Willson Wm E, lab, res 32 S Fifth West 9 3 Willson Wm G, lab, res 30 S Eleventh West. ~ | Willson Wm J, yard hand T-R-A Co, res Janes' add, loth West. [T * 5 Wilmer Sam, trav salesman, res 684 E South Temple. H- ?. t \Vilschefski Ferdinand, mining, res 541 Bridport 35 l c Wilschefski Franklin E, res 541 Bridport. * e Wilson, see Willson. ^ W Wilson Abraham, butc.her, res 324 F. """" Wilson Alexander, emp Western Cement Co, bds 1020 S 4th W. v^ Ocf Wilson Alonzo M, policeman, res 526 Bridport. 1 - 1 - 1 Wilson Alvin L, mach S L R T R R, res 1 1 29 First. ^ Wj j Wilson Andrew, mngr Des Tel Co, rms Cannon House. Wilson Andrew J, butcher, res 820 W South Temple. * 00 Wilson Miss Annie, emp Troy Steam L, res 874 W South Tern, & j Wilson's Avenue, 4th West bet South Temple and First South, g j* Wilson B, emp Wm Harkins, bds 136 W South Temple. O Wilson Benjamin S, cabinetmkr, res 1121 Third. ^ Wilson Carrie, domestic 2 1 3 W Fifth North. """"" Wilson Chas, lab, res 258 W South Temple. (/) jj Wilson Christopher C, confectionery stand 5 E Second South, *-H res 250 Second East ff P Wilson C M, assayer, res 133 W Third South. GC Wilson Delancy (W & Busby), res Delmonico Hotel. JJ Wilson Delia S (wid Lewis E), res 447 E Ninth South. ^ 2 Wilson Dougald C, lab, res 373 N Fifth West ^ Wilson Edward, lab, res s w cor I ith East and I ith South. ~ ,._ Wilson Elizabeth (wid Thos), res 445 W Third North. -^ ^ Wilson Emily, res 213 W Fifth North. Wilson Miss Emily C, res s s Second West, 2 w of N State. t *"+ Wilson Elmer T, lab, res I Morten's Row. ^ Wilson E Wesley (Harris & W), res cor Qth East & loth South. 1^ Wilson Franklin E, propr Burlington Add Store 1401 WEighth CD South, res same. & _. Wilson Frank I,, Mngr New York Tailors, res 50 E ist S. 5. Wilson Frank, fireman Walker House, bds same. 13 . Wilson Frank W, eng, res 768 S Third West. CTQ LOANS A SPECIALTY, c ss-ffigj^ I MONEY TO LOAN, M Estate Broker, n. p. . COATKS. I F, L. SHEETS. Room 12. conmf R. H. Officer & Go,, JSSAYERS.-" " "~ 169 S. West Temple Salt Lake City RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 759 ,s fc . Wilson Frederick T, elk Arbogast Conf Co, res 213 W 5th N. ^* ft Wilson G W, salesman Pioneer Nurseries, res same. I Wilson H, baker Saddle Rock Rest, res 5 10 W Fifth South. ~E* | Wilson Harry H, res 237 Sixth East. Wilson Miss Hattie, res 53 Franklin ave. 7^" Wilson Henry E, miner, res 213 W Fifth North. CD Wilson Henry R, cook, res 510 S Third West. 5 Wilson Miss J A, comp Ackerman Printg Co, res 64 E 2nd N. JTQ Wilson Jefferson D, carp, res 138 Eighth East. QO . Wilson John, paper ruler Deseret News, res 462 W First South. ~ Wilson John, carp, res e s /th S bet 2nd and 3rd E. "G = Wilson John, eng, res 136 N Ninth West. " Wilson John L, carp, res I Morton's Row. r Wilson John E, teamster, res 705 Fourth. v Wilson John R, carp, res 1256 E Twelfth South. Q" .T Wilson John R, comp Tribune. j Wilson Joseph, res 27 S West Temple. J Wilson Joseph P 9 Manager Hotel Morgan, res same. Wilson Joseph W, milling engr, res 237 Sixth East. f ) 5 Wilson Julia (wid James), res 64 E Second North. >_, Z Wilson J T, emp S L C R R Co. ^ Wilson Miss Katie, bookbinder, res 768 S Third West. 1 Wilson Mrs Lavina, res 338 Wall. ^ 2 Wilson Lawrence, photographer 361 E Second South, res same, a j Wilson L A, bkpr Bishop's Store House, res Capitol Hill. p3 ^ Wilson Lena, domestic 137 N Main. ^T _j Wilson Miss Mamie, opr R M Tel Co, bds 64 E Second North. 3 Wilson Margaret (wid John), res s w cor I ith East and I ith S. ** J Wilson M, tchr Twenty-first School. ~ Wilson Margaret (wid James), res 139 N Third West. ^2 Wilson Mrs Mary E (wid Frank), res 768 S Third West. ^pr Wilson Matthew H, painter Temple Blk, res 249 W Reed. ^ 2 Wilson Miss Mattie, comp Ackerman Printing Co, res 64 E % 3 Second North. 8gb Wilson Miss Mattie, tailoress S E Ritchie), res 274 E Third S. -^ Wilson Miss Mattie, domestic, res 423 Sixth East. 3 Wilson Miss Maud, tailoress, res 417 E Second South. jC Wilson Morgan B, electrician, res 53 Centre. .5 Wilson Miss Phoebe, dressmkr Mather Sisters, res 526 W 2d N. Z Wilson Rose Ellen (wid John), res 525 W North Temple. Wilson Samuel G, porter U C & S Bank, res 17 Euclid ave. Wilson Sandy, lab, res 874 W South Temple. Rogers, Searlesi Go,, GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. >. Wilson Win A, Mining Engineer, 317 Dooly Block, res 405 ^ OE Second South. Wilson Wm A (W & Bynum), res 426 Dooly Block. Wilson & Bynum (Wm A Wilson and W W Bynum), Attorneys -at Law, rms425 Dooly Block. Wilson W E, res 32 S Fifth West. Wilson Wrn H, bartndr Louisville Liquor Co, res 63 Pear. OO Wilson William L, brick mason, res 447 E Ninth South. Wilson William P, tinner F E Schoppe & Co, res 174 W South !^ X Temple. Wilson W W, condr S L R T R R, bds 48 E Seventh South. f- >. Wilson & Busby (Delaney Wilson & Thos B Busby), Delmonico Of ^^ Saloon, 55 E Second South. i ^~ Wilt Mattie, teacher Eleventh School. C/> Wilton Mark, elk Phil Margetts, res 462 Fifth. QJ g Wiltworth' Jeffrey, res 674 N Second West. Winberg Andrew W, mngr Norden Mercantile Co, res 560 N -3 : 2 First West. D g Winberg Andrew W Jr, mining, res 564 N First West. c/3 j| , Winberg Miss Camilla, bds 560 N First West. -^ '] Winberg ^Nliss Eva, res 560 N First West. 12. Winberg Miss Josephine, furnished rooms, res 110 W 1st North. --Ji Winberg Miss Sarah, elk, bds 560 N First West. 5 Winchester R C, genl agt J Dewing Co, rm 207 Realty Bldg. CO ( ^ Winchton Mark J, agt Continental Fire Ins Co of N Y, 406 jjgi K^ Constitution Bldg, res Morgan Hotel. r ^ Winder Miss Ellen, res 608 W South Temple. d. Winder John R, second counselor presiding bishop L D S, res 2J 5 5 Third East 5 Winder John R Jr 9 sec and treas Utah Stove and Hard- ^~ ware Co, res 55 Third East. Winder William C, res n s I3th S bet 3rd and 5th E. -^ Windsor Harry B (H B Windsor & Co), res Crane Blk. Windsor H B & Co (Harry B W and J Clark Taylor), In- ^B surance and National Cash Register agts, I Crane Bldg, see%* pages /oj and 105. Windsor Hotel, Mrs M L Raymond mngr, 202 W 3rd S. I/} T 7TTAT7I Printing in all its Branches. IT TTf/Iin OH LflKE U^^ssswssssi. y fHO, GO, 1 x " I 52 \v. 2d South. Telephone 249. |^ 1111 ^' 1 ^^ AMERICAN BISCOIT i MANUFACTURING CO,, Sail Lake City, (fl RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 761 Winegar Alvin J, carp, res 363 N Third West. Winegar Miss Anna C, bds 435 N Fifth West. 35 Winegar Annie M (wid Alvin), res 453 N Fifth West. Winegar Wm, lab, res rear 248 W North Temple. CH Winer J, carp, res 534 Second East. *Q Winer John E, carp,- res 805 E First South. ^, Winfield W, agt Babbitt's Soap Co, res U P Hotel. jfj Wing Geo F, res Thirteenth East n of Twelfth South. Wing Henry, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. JW Wing Sam, Chinese Drug Store and Chinese and Japanese -* Fancy Goods, 36 Commercial, see adv. 3D Wing Wan, laundry 259 S Fifth West. |jg Wingo Edward E, res s w cor Ninth West and South Temple. ~" Wink John, res 141 E First South. m Winkless Joseph, mason, res 417 W Sixth South. i Winkless Miss Lillie, res 417 W Sixth South. 2i ^ Winkless Miss Polly, res 417 W Sixth South. 5 35J Winkworth Frances M, lab, res 1024 E Fourth South. "" 5 Winkworth Wm E, physician, res 1024 E Fourth South. C/5 Winn Alfred, finisher Z C M I Shoe Factory, res 457 W 1st N. j= <0 Winn Jane (wid Thomas), res 338 H, QJ < Winn Wm F, waiter California Rest, res Swan Court. ^ S Winslow Joseph II, Mngr Walker House, res same. CD g Winslow L C, cond R G W Ry, res U P Hotel. 3 ^ Winslow Mrs Lucy L (wid), res 3 Morris ave. CD * Winslow John, brakeman, res 242 W South Temple. j-j* uu Winsness Geo P, elk R G W Ry purch office, res 405 5th East. s < o Winter Alexander, prop Home Bakery, rms 205 W 2d South. * -4 -J Winter Anna (wid Thos W), res 712 S Fourth West. ^ i Winter Arthur, elk L D S Church office, res 352 N 3d West. o Winter C John, lab Rowe-M-S Co, bds 260 N Fifth West. Winter Daniel, bds 260 N Fifth West. - ^s CD Jl J U U Winter Hyfuni N, carp, res 451 W Seventh South. Winter James, sheep raiser, res 230 W Second North. Winter Jno, teamster, res 476 S Second W 7 est. Winter Miss Mary, dom 258 S Second East. "32 W 7 inter Mary, res Sugar House Ward. Winter Miss Nora, res 476 S Second West. Z Winter O, emp S L P Brick Co, res North Mill Creek. fl CO Winter Richard G, teamster, res 476 S Second West. ft ^ Winter Samuel, pressman, bds 260 N Fifth West. Winter Stephen H, stone cutter Temple, res 260 N Fifth West. J^[J CHflS. B GGURLAY & CO., 303&305mcCornicKBlii2., SALT LAKE CITY. f. 0. Bx 4)2. Ttjephon* 631. Shirts of Every Description. ffHlTTEMORE,COOKE&CO., Boom 310. MoCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York ....Assets, Jl.597,375.41 762 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. GO CO Winter Thomas G, teamster, res 464 S Second West. Winter Thos W, drayman, res 476 S Second West. Winterbottom Wm J, poultry man, res 461 S Third West. Winters Alex, Bakery and Lunch Stand 35 W Second South, res same. Winters Edgar E 9 Atty-at-Law 212 S Main, res 761 E- Fourth South. Winters George, carp, bds 712 S Fourth West. Winters Harry, farmer, res Sugar House Ward, bet Eleventh and *JQ Twelfth South, e of Fourteenth E. "O ==5 Winters Johanna (wid Thomas W), res 712 S Fourth West. Winters Miss Lizzie, lodgers, res 148 W South Temple. Winters Riley I>, Atty-at-Law 212 S Main, res 333 Second. Winterrood Alonzo, condr S L C R R, res 44 S Fifth East. Wintworth Wm, motorman, res 275 J. Winwood A, emp S L C R R Co, res 225 G. Winzel James W, steam fitter S L Hdw Co, res 18 Com'cl. Wire Frank C, police seargeant, res 20 S Twelfth East. \Virns Miss Martha, res 650 E Fourth South. Wiscomb Arthur W, elk, bds 278 D. Wiscomb George A, elk Cunnington & Co. res 278 D. Wiscomb George A Jr, lab, bds 278 D. . j Wiscomb Jane C (wid George) bds 760 E Ninth South. g Wiscomb Walter C, elk, bds 278 D. Wiscomb John E (Wiscomb & Co), res 762 E Ninth South. CD GO CD 5" CTQ CD SJ CD o S3 Wiscomb Walter J, elk, res 235 H. o c Wiscomb William W (Wiscomb & Co), res 760 E 9th South. E? H 'Z Wiseouib & Co (John E, Wm W Wiscomb & Jos Openshaw), o 5 Grocers, 58 E First South. = * Wise John C (W & Larson), res 863 E Second South. % o rt Wise & Larson (John C Wise and John Z Larson), Wasatch cs ~ H Restaurant, 50 E Second South. CO = Wiseman Catharine (wid John), dressmaker, rear I So W South CD Temple, res same. g- g Wiseman Charles F, lab, res 63 Grape, basement. QC > Wiseman Frank, blksmith U P Ry, res 303 N Third West. Wiseman George, motorman S L C R R, res 750 E 5th South. Wiseman George W, licensed vender, res 447 Eighth East. Wiseman Miss Ida, emp Utah Steam Laundry. 5 Wiseman Miss Kate, emp Utah Steam Laundry. 03 Wiseman William R, lab, res Sugar House W r ard, bet I ith and c=5 1 2th South, e of I4th East. SALT LAKE LITHO CO Lithographing, Printing and Blank IIU. UU. The Finett in tht Western 62 W. Second South. Telephone 240. j Country. R.H, Officer RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 763 gs \Vishart William, carp T-R-A Co, res Connor and Roberts add. 2 . Wismar Emil, carp, bds 878 W First South. 2lE Wismar John, res 875 W First South. ^2 Wismar Wm John, mill hand S Nev Lum Co, res 878 W 1st S. Sl< Wismar William, carp S Nev Lum Co, res 878 W 1st South. ? Wismar William Jr, wood turner, res 878 W First South. Wissing Jacob B, res 865 W South Temple. - Wissing Thomas E, porter Meads & Co, res 5155 State. - Witcher Arthur B, elk Marshall & Royle, res 1 24 4th East. -^) Witcher Major John S, paymaster USA rms 31-32 Com'l blk, res 232 E South Temple. Witcher John S Jr, Physician and Surgeon, 23-24 Morlan Blk, res 232 E South Temple. Witcher Miss May, res 232 E South Temple. Withers Anna Belle (wid Thomas), res 65 Grape. Withey C H, sec Eagle Foundry & M Co, res 64 W 6th South. Wittenberg Miss G, domestic 544 E First South. Witter Clara V, res 443 E First South. ^- Wittmaack Ferdinand W, grocery, 326 S State, res same. L C-} Witzell Ernest G, watchmkr John Daynes, res Pearl ave. ** ^^ Witzell Oliff N, repairman Caider's Music Palace, res 559 S CO Fourth East. ^i? Wixcey Miss F, res 752 W First South. .& Wixcey Miss M T, dressmkr, res 752 W First South. -. ; Wixcey William T(L Bohling & Co), res 752 W First South. Wixon Charles H, chief elk U S Land Office, res e s State s of Twelfth South. Wogensen Jacob W, lab, res 357 E Fifth South. . Wogensen Soren C, gardener, bds 357 E Fifth South. \^ Woh Hop, laundry 75 W Third South. ^ Woh Sue laundry 1 5 1 W South Temple. JE2 Wolcott George, carp, res 535 Chester ave. fr-j """* Wolcott Jacob H, lawyer, res 573 Tenth East. jj 2 Wolcott Miss Mary J, tchr, res 573 Tenth East. Q O Wolf, see Wolfe, Wolff, Woolf and Woolff. ;H Wolf Charles A, lab, res 558 W Noith Temple. A |H CO Wolf C V, res 160 E Second South. V ^ Wolf Elias, junk dealer, res 613 S State. Wolf Mrs Esther, bds 107 Rio Grande ave. Wolf Miss Freda, res 160 E Second South. Wolf Henry, res 160 E Second South. Wolf Nathan, res 160 E Second South. HIP iTtmnftf^inn Anp A Journal of National Mome AN Read by Farmer*, luvestorg, CnntreeUrs, Enpinwrs, A11U AlliyUUlUil J-AIJU NaU J ^ alte imice, 26 W . 3d So th nt. inwrs, Etc. St. 42 as CO CD CO 1 /i i- i i/r 1 nanntifjmr on 1 wholesale ana K*taii iiar Woman's Exchange, Mrs E Houghton Proprietress, 42; E First South, see aav. _J Woman's Exponent (semi-monthly), Mrs Emmeline B !-* Wells Editor and Publisher, 25 E South Temple. Women's Christian Temperance Union, Restaurant, Eg? J D Hendricks Mngr, 18 Commercial. 7?aa Women's Co-op Merc & Mnfg Inst, M I Home prest, Gladys | p-3 tx] Woodmansee sec and treas, 63 E First South.* Q & Wholesale and Retail l>ealers in , LOIBER ASD IRTED AID AIERIUI CEBESTS. Cor. 2d Houtli and 3d West. Tel. 255 MOUNTAIN ICE CO I TEI^EPHOtfE 43. 3 O W +* 0) ffi RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 765 Women's Industrial Christian Home Ass'n, Jeanette H Ferry prest, Mrs S A Barton matron, 145 Fifth East. Wonderland, Wonderland Amusement Co props, 37 W 2d South. Wonderland Amusement Co, Geo B Oatman Mngr, Proprs Wonderland, 37 W Second South. Wonnacott Wm, res 5 I Eighth East. Wood Abraham, mason, res 429 S First West. Wood Augustus M, real estate agt, office with L C Karrick, ^ res 54 S State. Wood A T, painter 272 State, res 727 E Eighth South. Wood Mrs Catherine, res 623 W First South. fe Wood Chas, millwright, res 60 N Second West. jgj Wood Chas, carp, res 362 S First West. { } Wood Chas H, carp, res Culmer blk. ( } Wood Chas M, bkpr Tisdale & Mann, res 726 E Third South. J">I Wood Clara, dom 234 E First South. H I- Wood C S, waiter Templeton, rms 135 E Second South. ^ Wood David, merchant Park City, res rear 623 W First South. Q Wood Edward, elk at H Dinwoodey Furn Store, res 408 Wall. T] HI Wood Edgar E, collection elk McCornick & Co, res 728 E 3d S. C3 Wood Fanny (wid G .B), res 522 Fourth East. CD ^ ^ Wood Fanny (wid Samuel), res 938 E Second South. i 03 Wood Frank, hostler Gurney Cab & D Co, res 222 W 3d South, r * Wood Fred A, emp Hotel Knutsford, res same. 2 p S Wood G, emp Germania Lead Works, res Murray. $ J Wood Geo, lab, res 421 W First North. H ^ Wood Geo T, drayman, rms 257 E Third South. 4 CO Wood Gus M, boatman Garfield, res 46 State. flj S Wood Herman R (Noble, Wood & Co), res 64 W Second South. Si "1 Q Wood James A, vice-pres Barnes, Lewis & Co, res Erda, Utah. CD 5 Wood J F, res 628 S Fourth West. CO Wood John F, teamster, res 54 S First West. &j Wood John F, carp, res 273 S Second West. Wood Joseph, butcher Ninth Ward Meat Market, res 408 Wall. Wood Joseph L, elk Goldsmith & Co, res 22 E Fourth South. c: Wood Joseph M (W & Armstrong), res 257 E Third South. Wood Joseph W. elk Goldsmith & Co, res 22 E Fourth South. JJJ' Wood Manton A, mining, res 501 N First West. Wood Nathan H, lab, res 548 S Fourth West. Wood Silas P, carp, res 339 E Second South. Wood William Jr (Wm W & Sons), res 532 E Second South. & s Wood William D, res 41 Wasatch Blk. Complete and Select Stock of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS. 241 North 3d West. CQ hi ui LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO., "VTJTli. Capital 8*.000,000. Surplus 820O,OOO. COL HAIN W flftST 53UT8, . 766 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. |H I - Wood W E, cond S L R T, res 750 S Third West. S 5 Wood William F, gardener J R Walker, res 621 S First West. . CO [ | Wood Wm H, window dresser Geo Mullett & Co, bds Morgan. * ft S Wood Wm W (Wm Wood & Sons), res 532 E Second South. - H Wood Wm & Sons (Wm & Wm W Wood;, meat market, 532 E H Second South. . 5 Wood fe Armstrong (J M W & W C A), Grocers, Hay & Grain, 19 W Third South. "S Woodard, see Woodward. * * Woodard Annie B (wid Henry J), res 222 Third East. 3 Woodard Chas H ; blksmith, res 717 S First West. | * Woodard Miss Emily M, res 222 Third East. [T] 2 Woodard Miss Minnie, res 222 S Third West. ^ * g Woodard Mrs M P, res 717 S First West. L. Woodard Wm H, brakeman U P Ry, res 47 S Sixth East. ^ > Woodbine Saloon The, Warm Springs, Wm Bates Prop, _ res same. ^ M Woodburn Franklin, lab, res 554 E First South. g g Woodburn Jno inspector city water works. jj * Woodburn Jno F, school teacher, res e s Twelfth East, 4 n of * Twelfth South. g S Woodbury Miss Carrie C, res 831 W First North. ft S Q Woodbury Clara R (wid Nathaniel), res 831 W First North. Z Woodbury Frank, lab Temple, res 256 W Seventh South. ^ Woodbury Frank B, printer, bds rear 536 S First West. J^ OC Woodbury John, printer, res 252 W Sixth South. QJ iji Woodbury John Howard, slereotyper Deseret News, res 242 W 3" Sixth South. 5 t \Voodbury John T, librarian L D S College, res Sugar Hse Wd. ^ Woodbury Louisa (wid William J), res 737 Sixth East. 13 CD Woodbury Miss Rebecca, elk D L Davis & Sons, res 831 W Q - First North. 3 Woodbury T C, capt 1 6th Inft (Co F), res Fort Douglas. C Woodbury Thomas H, nurseryman, res 574 S First West. CO Woodbury Thomas H Jr, well driver, res 252 W Sixth South. JJJ Woodbury Thomas J, nurseryman, res rear 536 S First West. CO Woodbury Thomas L, pressman Deseret News, res 252 W 6th S. jq Woodford Charles W, bds 458 E Second South. CD Woodford Ebenezer, General Merchandise, 458 E Second Q South, res same. < Woodford Edwin, elk, res 138 Fifth East. ~+ m Woodford George L, elk Pac Ins Union, res 138 Fifth East. =3 c/5 9* Real Estate Broker, "-<. I Monetf to Loan. i Specialty. H. P. fl. MATES. | g. L. SHEETS, EMU K, Commercial Block. 8. H. Officer! Co.. ASSAYEBS.SSS RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 767 ^2 Woodford Joseph T, carp, res 458 E Second South. 5jlWoouford Louisa, res 138 Fifth East. HZa g Woodhouse Robert, blksmith George A Lowe. >~3 ~ z Woodman James F 9 pres Centennial-Eureka Mining Co, ^0 "^S res 220 S State. ^ Woodman John H, sec Cunnington Co, res 220 S State. pq e* Woodman John W, elk C H Parsons, res 714 E Fifth South. . Woodmansee David (W & Goodfellow), res 234 N First West. 3 Woodmansee Daniel L, bkpr Barratt Bros, res 234 N 1st W. C Woodmansee Miss Edith L, tchr, res 839 S Lincoln ave. Woodmansee Edwin G, cont and bldr, res s w cor loth South QQ and loth East. Woodmansee Eleaser S, builder, res North Waterloo add. I? Woodmansee Miss Emma, elk R K Thomas, res 725 E 2d S. -ei Woodmansee Miss Emily, dressmkr, res 725 E Second South. 5* Woodmansee Miss Emily H, res 309 Fifth. Woodmansee Frank H, photographer C R Savage, res 309 Fifth, v* Woodmansee Frank M, contr and bldr, res 344 Edith ave. c^ Woodmansee Miss Gladys, secy Woman's Co-op Mer Inst and CO music teacher, res 309 Fifth. vfl Woodmansee Hattie (wid Henry), res 716 S West Temple. fll .. Woodmansee James H, miner, res 244 W First North. Woodmansee John H, mngr Browning Bros, res 180 P. * * Woodmansee Joseph, Real Estate, 56 W'Second South, O 5 res 725 E Second South. yO ' Woodmansee Joseph Jr, cont and bldr, res 839 Lincoln ave. jj Woodmansee Mrs Lavinia, res 839 Lincoln ave. E Woodmansee Roland H, mining, res 309 Fifth. ^j !"" Woodmansee Miss Sylvia, res 839 Lincoln ave. ^ _ Woodmansee Walter, elk, bds 309 Fifth. J^" F * Woodmansee Miss Winifred, school tchr, res 839 Lincoln ave. Woodmansee & Goodfellow (David Woodmansee & John H f^ Goodfellow), groceries and grain 76 W First South. j^ Woodruff Abram O, bkpr Zion's Savings Bank, res 5th East n 3 ^ of nth South. Woodruff Albert, hostler Palace Livery Stable, res 222 W 3d S. Woodruff Arthur L, elk R G W Ry, res 374 E i ith South. | Woodruff Elias, printer, bds 337 E Sixth South. OB ' Woodruff Asahel H, foreman Dry Goods Dept Z C M I, res a Fifth East, n w cor Eleventh South. Woodruff Edward D, pres Brown, Terry & Woodruff Co, res r gj 986 Third. Rogers, Searles Ho GENERAL INSURANCE. ROOM 20. CENTRAL BLOCK, SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO. IS Steel and Cm Rerrlrtn, Niirn of HI* . 43 and 44 W. 2d South. J H~~-*IMM ~4-."~ 768 RESIDENTS OP SALT LAKE. Li ^ Woodruff George C, fireman U P Ry, res 346 N Third West. Woodruff H A, res Fifth East n of Eleventh South. ^ Woodruff James J, packer Z C M I, res 726 Fourth. * * Woodruff Lucius L, real estate, res 905 E Third South. - Woodruff Lucius S, farmer, res 250 Eleventh East. Woodruff Marion, teamster, res e s 3d East 4 n of loth South. Woodruff Miss May, elk 40 S Main, res 726 Fourth. Woodruff Russell C 9 Real Estate 16-17 Com'l Block, res 632 S Main. Woodruff Mrs Sarah D, res Third East, s of Tenth South. IJJ Woodruff Wendell P, real estate, res 250 S Eleventh East. 1 Wood ruff Wilford, Pres Church of Jesus Christ of L D S, ff\ Pres Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Co, Pres Zion's Co- CO operative Mercantile Institution ; office State, n w cor South CD Temple, res w s Fifth East s of Roper. Woodruff Wilford Jr, teamster Z C M I, res 337 E Sixth South. | Woods Albert O, lab, res 74 Post. Woods Alfred, carp, res Ninth North and Fourth West. O Woods Miss Amelia, dressmkr, bds rear 5385 West Temple. I_ Woods Arthur A, comp S L Lith Co, res 853 E Fifth South. CO H Woods Elizabeth (wid James), res 247 S First West. 5? o Woods Frank, night watch Gurney Cab and Deliv Co, res same ~ Woods Herbert G, emp Jas C Woods, res 853 E Fifth South O , Woods James-C, meat market 754 E 4th S, res 853 E 5th S , Woods James C, carp, res 850 S West Temple. CO Woods James T, mnfg confectioner 227 W 1st S, res same. Woods Miss Jennie, res 148 W South Temple. Z2 Woods John, res Butler. Woods John, lab, res 749 State. . Woods Miss Lucy, domestic Samuel B H Smith dairy, res same. J-J Woods Mrs Mary, res C 3 8 S West Temple. O Woods May E (wid James N), res 751 E Fifth South. Woods Miss May, dressmkr, res 751 K Fifth South. Q Woods Newton, butcher S L Meat Co, res cor 3 d S and 5th W. 5 We 5 Parker, res n e cor State and Twelfth South. U7? ^ mud B ' painter ' res 538 S West Temple. U7 ' S ' meat market 45 Third res same. \\T J -\ir-ii- *rjy ***ivi A_,ci3L, ics s< Woods William B, painter, res 538 S West Temple. Woodward, see Woodard. Woodward Charles H, carp, res 858 Seventh East. saa saaa&'s jftaar* p -^.i ~ SM LflKEIlitliilUTHO. CO, ' O CO +* (D liHEBICIU BISCUIT AMIIIIUFIiCTUmilB CO., Salt Lake City. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 769 Woodward Mattie S (wid Samuel), res 35 Fifth East. Woodward Robert R, emp H Denhalter & Sons. Woodward Wall C, res 441 Second East. Woody J O, printer, res 150 E Third South. Woodzley Miss Jane, res 266 N Second West. Woolf, see Wolf, Wolfe and Woolff. Woolf E, peddler, res 754 Second East. Woolf Isaac, wholesale liquors, 136, 138 and 140 W 2d South, HI rms Telluride blk. JW Woolf Jesse, trav agt I Woolf, rms Brooks Arcade. Woolf Moss, commercial trav, res 658 Third. 133 Woolf Samuel, agt Kerbs & Spiess 1150 S Main, res 654 Third. Q Woolfenden Miss Florence, elk 121 S Main, res 333 Fourth. Woolley Albaroni H 9 Mngr Eclipse Groceries and Fruit I" 1 "! Co, res 447 Third East. zxT Woolley Miss Alice, stenogr Western Loan & Saving Assn, res * 15^ 134 E Third South. 2s *~ Woolley Amos M, carp, res 316 E Fourth South. ^Sc Woolley Ashbel D, real est agt 8 Hooper blk, res 329 3d East. < |^O Woolley Caroline P (wid John M), res 447 Third East. s-550. Woolley Edwin G (Woolley, Lund & Judd, of St George), res 6 gJ cj? Fourth East. C3 g^ Woolley Edwin O Jr, Editor Ogden Standard, res 6 4th E. D o^< Woolley Eliza K (wid Frank A), res 332 E Fourth South. 3jgj go Woolley Miss Ella, mach opr Z C M I, res 937 Second. ScO Woolley Emanuel, laster Z C M I shoe factory, res 937 Second. Jg tfjjso) Woolley Miss Fanny, res 216 Second East. *< ^Ul Woolley Fred R, studt, res 6 Fourth East. g 1 g< Woolley George E (Woolley Steam Laundry), res 216 ^ ^ J Second East. O ^3 Woolley Henry A, sec S L Bldg & Mfg Co, res 251 E 3d South. 2* - Woolley Miss Harriet A, res 324 E Fourth South. - Woolley H Smith, studt L D S College, res 59 Centre. ^ Woolley Mrs Lillie, res 332 E Fifth South. Woolley, JLuml fc Ju Bo.. ASSHYEBS.SSS . RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 771 ^ D H Worthen Herbert, mason, res 625 Second. S Worthen John, lab, res 7 1 5 S Second West. OszT Worthen John A, mason, res 625 Second. zg Worthen Joshua M, mason, res 715 S Second West. o. O^ Worthen Manly A, mason, res 625 Second. Jjjgj Worthen Sarah J (wid S H), res e s i ith East 4 n of I2th South. ?r ^ Worthen Samuel H, elk 32 S Main, res Sugar House Ward. ^ * Worthen Walter R, res West Jordan. C/> Worthington Elizabeth (wid John), res over 27 W First South. S Worthington Henry, elk Tithing office, rms over 27 W 1st Sou. ^ ^r Worthington Hyrum J, peddler, res I Morris Row. Jp" ri Worthington Miss Mamie, straw worker, res rear 27 W istSou. 2zf Worthington Orson H, emp Tithing Office, res Holiday, Big j^* *2 Cottonwood. CD Worthingtoii Union, M I> 9 Physician and Surgeon rooms 3 * JJ i on Raybould Blk, res same. CO I Worwood John, mach U P Ry, res 71 S Fifth West. -^ s Worwood Robert P, tinsmith U P Ry, res 27 N Fifth West ^r Wray Jos H, motorman S L C R R Co, res 408 N Second West. ~+ Wren Jos R, solicitor, res 121 S Second West. jjp" jpy-T Wretberg Emanuel, lab, bds w s I2th East, 2 n of I2th South. LU Wretberg Gustaf M, res w s I2th East, 2 n of I2th South. j Wretberg John P, mach, res w s I2th East, n of I2th South. Wretberg Mary (wid J P), res w s I2th East, 2 n of I2th South. ^ Wright Abraham R, cont and bldr, res 335 Third. Z Wright Alfred J, res Murray. 31 Wright A G, comp Tribune, 16 E First South. Ej Wright Carrie, dom 2 Twelfth East. IH Wright Charles, carp, res 315 Thirteenth East. =3 Wright C C, lab S L C R R. jj~ Wright Charles L, lab, res rear 739 S Second West. Q CD Wright Charles R, Prop The Silver Dollar Saloon, res 210 ^^ E Second South. ^Q Wright clwin 9 Supt Twentieth Ward Co-op, res 335 Third. CI Wright Ernest B, res 216 E Seventh South. "o5 Wri S nt Elias S, physician and surgeon, 50 E First S, res same. "C3 Wright F Edward, tmstr, res 210 E Seventh South. Q Wright Francis N, cont and bldr, res Culmer Blk. Wright George E (G E Wright & Co), bds 665 E 7th South, a^. Wright Oeorge E & Co (George E W and George J Mc- H Kibbin) Props Park Terrace Pharmacy, 502 E Third South. QQ Wright Hannah (wid), res 355 Seventh West. Irrigation flge Printing House, RailroadandCoffifficrcialprintc ^ KfttimatfM Furnished on all kind* of Work. 2G IT. Third Soiltll. SALT LAKE HARDWARECO,l Sign of Biff Onn. 42 and 44 W. 2d Nonth. j n Fine Builders and llousc-mr- shinx Hardware. Stoves id Range**, Refrigerators Hign of Biff Onn. 42 and 44 W. 2d Sonth. } and Gawol i ne Stoves. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. ~ n Q .^ .^^ _____^__^___ ._jo Wright Mrs Hannah M, 61 E South Temple. .^ > Wright James W, carp T-R-A Co, res 307 E. O W Wright Capt John D, res 21 S First West. -T| 1 ~ Wright John D, gardener, res rear 734 S West Temple. GI "g g Wright John R, carp, res 256 W Fifth South. I ec i Wright John W, carp, res 183 I. j E Wright Joseph B, foreman Rowe-Summerhays-Morris Co, res f West Jordan. Wright Leon, res 256 W Fifth South. Wright LeRoy R, tinner Walsh, res 256 W Fifth South. &D Wright Lorenzo B, barber 235 S 5th West, res 73 W ist South, g .JE Wright Miss Lottie, dressmkr, res South Cottonwood. 30 -^ Wright Mary A (wid Abraham R), res 256 W Fifth South. Ez Wright Mrs May L, res 164 S Second West. *"*"} Wright Robert, res 925 W First North. ' Wright Robert, sexton Mt Olive Cemetery, res 1 350 E 5th South. ^Wright Robt W, teamster Am Biscuit & Mnfg Co, res 210 E - SI Seventh South. d Wright Thos C, ward at Penitentiary, res same. JJ^ Wright Thos, laborer, res 65 N First West. _ Wright Waiter R, teamster, res 210 E Seventh South. Wright Wm A, teamster, res 644 S Sixth East. - Wright Wm B, solicitor Stenhouse & Co (Utah Gazetteer), res 71 Grape. * Wright Wm B Jr, cond S L C R R Co, res 226 N Ninth West. Wright Wm J, barber 62 E First South, res 965 Seventh East. ~ Wright W K, First Lieut USA, Prof of Military Science and Tactics, and Asst Prof of Mathematics, University of Utah, Res 75 First. cb CO Wright Wm S, stone cutter, res 4 Lambert Court. Wrin Joseph R, canvasser, bds 1 2 1 S Second West. Wyatt Alexaiider I, Pawnbroker, Watchmaker & Jeweler, and Dealer in Gold and Precious Stones, 262 S Main, res same. Wyatt Frank E (Gray, Ross & Wyatt), res Greeley, Colo. Wyatt Bertie I, elk Alex I Wyatt, res 262 S Main. . Wyatt James C, cond R G W Ry, res 537 W First South. f _J3 Wyker M R, mining, res Capitol Hill. 5- to CJ Wyland C R, comp Tribune, res 1 12 W First Soufh. I > Wyne George M, carp, res First South e of Twelfth East. ^Q Wyne Homer W, elk 156 Main, res ist S e of Twelfth East. Fred, plasterer, res rear 153 Fourth East. Lumber of all kinds, Doors, Cor. 2d South and 3d West Tel. Artificial and Natural Ice."?" is 09 '*"* K. "* i r ""'" i *^ * c\ ! fH > I; i 1 j j. RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 773 PATRONIZE THE CELEBRATED -RUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER._2^ 1) -* For Hotel and Family Use. L,. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. 276 S. IVtain Street. X X It C K Co 9 J D Cummings pres and supt, dealers in Gen- eral Merchandise, Mill Creek, see page 128 Territorial Dept. gUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER.JI .. For Hotel and Family Use. Li. W. DITTMANN, Agent, Telephone 384. . 376 S. Main Street. J -^ir \ ^Jui Yankee Elgin S, res 957 E Eleventh South. H tc Yanson A, emp Wm Harkins. < Yard Edward J, chief eng ROW Ry, res Springville. g Yard Wm John, elk Z C M I, res 227 N Fourth West. g Yardly Miss Caroline S, artist, bds 955 Logan ave. -i Yardly Miss Elizabeth E, bds 955 Logan ave. ; Yardly Miss Helen, stenog, bds 955 Logan ave. Yardly Thomas, elk, res 955 Logan ave. D Yardly T, lab city street dept. 3 Yardsdorfer Frank, emp Singer Mfg Co. Yates Benjamin, lab city water wks, res Rio Grande Hotel. Yates Charles, bricklayer, rms 205 W Second South. Yates James A, eng U P Ry, res 672 W South Temple. Yates John, lab, bds 266 N Sixth West. Yates John O, teamster, res 343 W North Temple. Yates Joseph E, trav salesman E C Coffin Co, res 139 Centre. Yates Margaret F (wid Wm), res 672 W South Temple. Yates Wm, cigar stand 109 S Main, res 128 N Sixth West. Yates Wm, expman, res 656 W Third North. Yates Wm, tmstr Wolstenholme & M, res 266 N Sixth West. Yates Wm T, lab, res 266 N Sixth West. CO -j -i u u Yeadon iJIrs Esther, Herbalist Physician, room 18 Union Natl Bank Bldg, res 454 Main. Morrison, Merrill & Co, Prices and Estimates on all kinus of Lumber. Prompt delivery and shipments. 241 North 3d West- Money to Loan on Im- proved Farms in Utah & Idaho. - 774 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. Yeadon Geo E (Y & Heath), res 916 S Fourth W r est. j S - Yeadon fc Heath (Geo E Y & Fred G H), Real Estate Agts, 150 S Main. Yeager Frank H, well driver, res w s 5th East s of loth South. "5 Yeager Henry H, brick mnfr, res w s 5th East bet loth and e nth South. ; | Yeager Hyrum, blksmith, res w s 5th East bet loth and I ith S. s Yearenson Mrs Mary, res 5 Aiken's Court. - 5 Yeark Mrs L, res 235 W First South, S Yearks John, stone cutter, res n s I ith South e of 5th East. g a, Yearsley David, merchant, res 136 N First West. M Yearsley Gerald R, bds 136 N First West. * ^Yeatman J A, tchr Hammond Hall, res 236 Iowa Ave. W W Yellow Jacket Mining Co, see inc co's, F F Eccles sec, office 21- 22 Union Nat Bank bldg. ttf Yelton P, emp S L C R R, res 275 Fifth East. UJ Yenne John N, carp, res 768 Second. ^ w ^ Yerby F B, res 242 W Third North. 3; Yetter Charles A, cook W C T U Home Rest, res 18 Com'l. 5 4 CO Yingst William D (Schneider & Y), res 662 S State. ^ ' : Yocum Elmer M, policeman, res 248 S Graeber ave, bet loth I Young James, farmer, res n s E I4th S nr Bishop Neff, East >, Young Phineas H, capitalist, re^ 61 W South Temple. fi J Young Phoebt C (wid), res 628 Fifth East. =T U^ Young Racey W, res 457 E Second South. 2 ^}jjj Young Richard W (Young, Young & Moyle), res 86 C. H to Young Royal B, pres Young Bros Co, res Forest Dale. 2J ^ < Young Royal P, elk 38 S Main, res Forest Dale, fj 2 Young Samuel, brick mason, rms 205 W Second South. t^ g Young Sarah (wid John), res 856 E Third South. 3 -J Young l>r Seymour B, Physician and Surgeon, office and ^ O, res 48 Fourth East. CD F1S Young Seymour B Jr, res 48 Fourth East. pLJ 5 Young Thomas, contr, rms 158 E Second South. O* (^ j Young Wrs W T , res 59 Third. f J Young Willard, res 33 First. Young Wm, lab, res 265 C. 3 Young Wm C, trav salesman Simon Bros, res 21 W 1st South. I Young Wm G, propr Young's Lodging House 49 Commercial, _W res 979 Ninth East. Young W H, waiter Cafe Du Louvre, res 6 Rustic Court. Young Woman's Journal The, Susa Young Gates ^ editor, (monthly magazine), office 24 E South Temple. ^ 2 Young, You Big & Moyle (Le Grand and Richard W Young ! and Oscar W Moyle), Attorneys-at-Law 9-11 over Deseret _| National Bank. 2^ Young Zeth, porter U & N Ry, res 18 N First West. Young Mrs Zina D H, res 146 Fourth. H CHAS. B GCURLAY & CO.J SALT LAKE CITY. I r. Shirts of Kvery Description. WfllTTEMORE, t'OOKE & CO., IXSURAXC'E, Boom 310. McCornick Building. Phenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, New York Assets, $5,773,550.83 Greenwich Insurance Company, of the City of New York ....Assets, $1,597.375.41 778 RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. s Youngberg Miss Annie, tchr I4th School, res 148 S W Temple.*' .* Youngberg Mrs Carrie (wid), res 148 S West Temple. *{ fpf Youngberg Carl F, miner, res 172 Social Hall ave. g J ' \ Youngberg Frederick G, res 29 Floral ave.. >- : Youngberg Gustave A, emp Cullen Hotel bar, res 29 Floral ave. J w .i Youngberg Nels E, teller U C & S Bank, res 531 7th East. _V hs Youngberg Oscar J, propr Scandinavian Saloon, res 213 6th E. |gr Youngblood Mrs Peter T (wid), res 18 E Johnston. I" 1 - 1 Youngdale Christine (wid Niels), res 951 E First South. !<= Youngdale Willard, musician, res rear 761 S Eighth West. m O (x. CO O CO a z < O CO a cz O CL t ~ Younger Hiram B 9 Academy of Dancing, Odd Fellows' Temple, Market, res same. See adv. Younger Millard F, bkpr, res I O O F bldg, Market. Youiiger's Academy of Dancing, H B Younger Propr, I O O F Bldg, Market. See adv. Younggren Gabriel, lab, res 1 39 E Ninth South. Younggren John, yardman The Burton-Gardner ^Co, res 139 E Ninth South. Youngson Bailey C, capitalist, res 251 W Fifth South. Yowell Everett P, elk Miller Produce Co, res 251 Wall. Yundt James L, cont agt C, R I & P Ry, res 4 Thornton ave. gUY WM. J. LEMFS BEER.J For Hotel and Family Use. It. W. DITTMANtf, Agent, Telephone 384. ', CD 22 5? C2. 03 GO CD crq S. Tvlain Street. CD CD CO ere 0>D Zabel Wm F, lab, res 5 Euclid ave. Zane Hon Charles S 9 Chief Justice Supreme Court and Judge Third Dist Court, Dooly Bldg, res 115 Fifth East. Zane Franklin A, res 115 Fifth East. Zane Mrs Jessie, res 261 Second East. Zane John M (Z & Putnam), res 115 Fifth East. Zane Miss Margaret E, stenogr Third Dist Court, bds 115 Fifth Sco East. Zane A Putnam (Jno M Zane & Graham F P), Attorneys- at-Law, 415 Progress Blk. Zang Miss Eliza, domestic 4 Folsom ave. Zarbock Jane (wid), res 775 E Sixth South. iS SALT LAKE LITHO CO Lithographing, Printing and Blank WHI - ' ^HIll. LI I I'Vi tU. p AA v UqVinn The Finet m the Wettern O oa 2 W. Second South. Telephone 249. Book Making, 5; Mry .. B.H. Officer &Go.,ftSSAYERS.^ RESIDENTS OF SALT LAKE. 779 g^ Zarbock Ferdinand H, elk Bishop's Store House, res 775 E 2Sc Sixth South. !SjS Zarbock Theresa (wid Julius), res 775 E Sixth South. rzJj Zeck R B, res 109 Currant. ^5 Zell Clement J, barber Model Barber Shop, res 231 W 1st South. c/D Zieglee A, asst janitor Commercial blk, rm 122. oJ Zeigler Samuel M, steward Saddle Rock Rest, res 232 5th East. Ziegler Miss Carrie, milliner Walker Bros & Fyler Co, res Brooks t E-H Arcade. |^ Ziehl Carl, blksmith G Lail, res 233 W First South. Q Zimmerman Albert S, bkpr Hanson Fruit & Produce Co, res 959 ] S Second West. , ^ Zimmerman G, lab, res n w cor loth East and I ith South. i "1 Zimmerman Wm, butcher, ne cor Eighth West and South Tem- S^jf pie, res 876 W South Temple. ^* Zimmerman W, motorman S L R T Co, res 956 W 7th South. ^* Zink John, elk J P Gardner, res Highland Park add. 2S Zion's Benefit Building Society, see inc co's, Thos W Sloan secy, I 1 1 { 1 1-5 S Main. T) Zion's Co-operative Mercantile Institution, see inc " 2 co's, Thomas G Webber Supt; Wm H Rowe Asst Supt, 21 " 3} and 31 S Main, see front cover. ^ 3 _C Z H I Drug Department, Robert Cleghorn Manager, ^j 1 1 2-1 [4 S Main. *iH) Z C M I Tannery, n s Fourth North, bet First and Second West. CO Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Co, Wilford Woodruff, ~CO P res 5 Geo M Cannon Cashier, s w cor Main and S Temple gj see adv. CQ Zipf Oscar R (Bowman & Z), notary public, 505 Progress Blk, CD res 227 Eleventh East. -H Zirkle T A, emp Grant Bros Co L and T Stables, res 44 S West *-* Temple. CO Zollig Mary, lunch counter R G W Ry depot, rms same. ^ Zorbaugh Miss Grace S, tchr Utah School for the Deaf, res cor p: First North and First West. ^ Zuber Albert, elk T Hepworth & Sons, res 739 W First North. CO Zuckshwerdt Christian, tailor Joe Baumgarten, res 5 1 S Sixth CX West. -^J Zuckschwerdt Eugene, res 5 I S Sixth West. Q Zuellich Leopold F, daughtsman city engineer's office, res 134 ^ -J W North Temple, -i Zwicky Ralph, treas Consumers' Trading Co, res 638 E 3d S. The Irrigation Age Pioneer Journal of its kind in the World. Offices, Salt Lake. Denver, Ban Francisco* _ _ K W. Id South St. 7 BailTMd life MlHarkitli. 780 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. rah Medical^Surgical Institute PERMANENTLY LOCATED FOR THE CURE OF ALL CHRONIC, NERVOUS, BLOOD AND SEXUAL DISEASES. ALLMALE; &FEMALE CURED A PEREECT ABSOLUTE REMOVAL o< ORGANIC .STRICTURE 1 ' AND EXAMINATION FREE. ACROSS EYES STRAIGHTENED IN ONE MINUTE . * .OUR OWN Medicines FRIENDLY TALK COSTS NOTHING V^ ^TREATMENT CATARRH CURED. ^DISEASES OF THE EYE. EAR MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH SL/RGICA REPRESENTATIVE DEALERS, SALT LAKE CITY. ARCHITECTS. Costerisaii George F, Architect, 106-107 Commercial Blk. Deviiie & Robinson, Architects, 213 Constitution Bldg. Hale Fred A, Architect, 125 Commercial Blk. Kletting Richard K A, Architect, Rms 1-3, 49 S Main. Thompson & Weigel, Architects, Rm 89, 128 S Main ATTORNEYS. Denny James M, A ttorney-at-law, Rm 19, Union National Bank Bldg. Hamilton James M, Attorney-at-law, Rm 410, Dooly Blk. Wenger David H, Attorney-at-law, Rm 22 Central Blk. Williams J A, Attorney-at-law, 404 Progress Blk. Wilson & Bynum, Attorneys-at-law, Rm 425, Dooly Blk. BAKERIES. Simon Henry, Bread, Pies, Cakes & Confection- ery, 45 W Second South. BLACKSMITHS. Oblad & Knight, Blacksmiths and Wagon Makers, 115-117 E Second South. BOOKS & STATIONERY. Owl News Co, Dealers in Books, Stationery and Eastern Periodicals. 49 W Second South. BROKERS. Coates & Sheets, Real Estate and Money Brokers. 12 Commercial Block. Davis J G, Mining Stock Broker, (Member of S. L. Stock Exchange), Office, 25 Central Block. Dennis Frank H, Merchandise Broker, 9 Willard's Court. Froiseth, Bernard A M, Real Estate, Loan and Mining Broker, 66^ E Second South. I versoii & Lee, Utah Collateral Banking Co, 9 W Second South. Waterman Brothers, Note, Bond and Mining Brokers, 5 Central Block. Wyatt, Alex I, Licensed Collateral Broker, 262 S Main. BUTCHERS. Knight & Co, Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal and Pork ; J W West, Manager. 101-103 E Second South. Rich Bros, Dealers in Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, Corned Beef, etc., 774 W North Temple. CANNING GO'S. The Colorado & Utah Canning Co, Manufacturers of Canned Goods, Vinegar, Pickles, Cider, Sauer Kraut, Horseradish, Jellies and Preserves, Wareroom, - 125 W First South. 782 BUYERS' GUIDE. CIGARS, ETC. Ilammerslougn M & Co, Monte Cristo Cigar Store, 51 W Second South. CIVIL ENGINEERS. Breckon John T. Civil Engineer, 120 Commercial Block. Hanson Andrew P, Civil Engineer and Deputy U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Room 517 Dooly Block. CONFECTIONERY & CIGARS Manufacturer of Fine Candies, and dealer in Cigars, etc. 54 W Second South. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS SIM NOII J T, Contractor and Builder. All work Guaranteed. 349 S Fifth East. CRACKER MANUF'RS. American Biscuit and Manufacturing Co, Henry Wallace, Manager, Manufrs Choice Crackers and Cakes. DENTISTS. < hap man & Tripp, Dentists. Salt Lake Dental Goods Depot. 105-106 Opera House Block. Keysor J B & Bro, Dental Parlors, 2 and 3 Scott- Auerbach Block. DRUGS Retail. Bayly F L. & Co., Druggists. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded. 280 S Main. Gries Bros, Parlor Drug Store. Stationery, Fancy Goods. Notions, Confectionery, etc. Cor Second South and State. Stan field & Long, First Ward Pharmacy. Drugs, Medicines, Books and Sta- tionery, Cor 7th E and 7th S. DRUGS Wholesale. Roberts & Wholesale Druggists. 234 and 236 S Main. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Exposition, The D H Fatham, Propr. Dry Goods and Notions. 266 S Main. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. McE\van Mrs I, Salt Lake Employment Office. Good Help Furnished. Dry Goods, etc. 69 W First South. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Price W E, & Co, Dealers in Poultry. Fruits and Vegetables. 64 S Main. FURNISHED ROOMS. Brooks Arcade, Elegantly Furnished. Electric Lights. Mrs M Schuler. State St, opp The Knutsford. Stetter Mrs Ella E, Elegantly Furnished Rooms in Good Location. 135 E Second South. FURNITURE. Earls Furniture & Carpet Co, Leaders in Furniture and Carpets. Benjamin F Earls Vice-Pres and Mngr. 207-211 S State. FURRIER. IHehesy E, Practical Furrier, Fancy Far Dresser and Taxidermist. 220 Main St, and The Knutsford. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Kloninger Bros, Groceries, Teas, etc. 10 E Third South. Lindsay Mrs B, Dealer in General Merchandise. Cor First and K Sts. This business for sale. Well es- tablished. Good reasons for selling. BUYERS' GUIDE. 783 GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CONTINUED. Peck & Cooper, Dealers in Groceries, Fruits, Con- fectionery, Canned Goods, etc. N E Cor South Temple and First W. Strong Brothers Co, Dealers in Groceries, Meats, Hay and Grain. 813 E Fourth South. Timpsoii John II. Groceries, Dry Goods, etc. 580 W North Temple. GROCERIES. Blackhurst Bros, Dealers in Groceries,- Hay and Grain, and Commission Mer- chants. Telephone 23. 52 E Second South. HAIR DRESSERS. Biele R M, French Hair Dresser & Perfumer. Parlors, 27-28 Scott- Auerbach Bldg. HARNESS, ETC. Platt F Co, Wholesale and Retail Harness, Saddlery, Hardware, etc. 147- 149 S State. See page 97. HORSERADISH. Touse M, Pure Home-made Horseradish. 246 N Second West. HOTELS. Rio Grande Hotel, James Hegney, propr, 221 S ~ Fifth West. INSURANCE AGENTS. Bishop Francis M, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Agent. 15 W Second South. Taylor J C, General Agent Utah, Idaho and Montana for Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co, and American Employers' Liability Ins. Co. 232 S Main. Windsor H B & Co, Insurance and National Cash Reg- ister Agents. 1 Crane Bldg. JEWELERS. Berg Alf, Watchmaker, and dealer in Dia- monds, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. 62 W Second South. Stvaner M B, Watchmaker and Manufacturing Jeweler, dealer in Clocks, Watches, etc. 107 S Main. JUNK DEALERS. Stirling James, Pioneer Scrap-iron dealer of Utah. All kinds of Old Iron, Copper, Brass and Lead bought in car- loads or less. 344 E Fifth South. LUMBER. Price George F, Planing Mill, Lumber, Sash and Blinds. Rear 51 S Fifth West. Tenth Ward Lumber and Building Assn, L C Loveridge, Supt. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Builders' Hard- ware. Planing Mill. Builders and Contractors. 758 E Fourth South. MERCANTILE ASSN. Crook Isaac C, Mngr and Treas Globe Mercantile Association. 28 E Fourth South. PHYSICIANS. Deyo Dr Tan K, Physician and Druggist. S side Twelfth S. 2 E of Eleventh E. Dogge p H, Physician and Surgeon, (Special- ist.) 221 W Second South. Shinnick Charles S, Physician and Surgeon. 33-34 Mercantile Block. Residence, 349 E Fourth South. linger Or Charles W, Physician and Surgeon. 14 W Fourth South. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Taggart & Chamberlain, Dealers in Pianos, Organs, etc. 876 First. 784 BUYERS' GUIDE. PLUMBERS. Elliott Plumbing Co, J C Elliott, Pres and Genl Mngr. 315 S Main. Morrison Richard. Plumbing. Gas and Steam Fitting. 213 S State. PRESERVER OF FLOWERS. Perry C; G, Funeral Flowers Preserved. Grand, Cheap and Everlasting. Gold medal prizes at Salt Lake Fair 1888, 1889, 1890, 1892. 268 E Fifth South. PUBLICATIONS.^ Hagazine Printing Co, (inc), D R Lyon. Manager, 19 W South Temple. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Waterman Bros, Brokers. Bonds and Notes Bought. Room 5, Central Block. SALOONS. Tivoli Saloon and Pool Rooms, W A Pitt, Prop. Choicest Brands of Cigars, Wines and Liquors. 245 Main Street. SOAP MANUFACTURERS. I tali Soap .tlaiifg Co. Harry F Kincaid, Mngr. Manu- facturers of Laundry and Toilet Soaps, etc. Office and factory. Fourth W, bet Third and Fourth N'. TAILORS-Merchant. Buckle & Son, Merchant Tailors, 235 S Main. TENTS AND AWNINGS. Smith & Adams, Tents, Awnings, Etc. 32 E Second South. WOOD TURNING. Wismar William, Electric Turning Shop, Wood Turning and Scroll Sawing. 221 W South Temple. WOOLEN GOODS. Cutler John C & Bro, Agts Provo Woolen Mills. Mer- chant Tailore, etc. 36 Main Street. WOOL AND HIDES. Paine & Lyne, Dealers in Wool, Hides and Grow- ers' Supplies. Agents Hazard Powder and Cooper Sheep Dip. 151 State Street. Rowe, Morris, Sumnieriiays Co, Dealers in Hides, Wool. Deer and Sheep Pelts, Furs, Etc. 63 S Third West. Sanders & Campbell, Wool Dealers. Wool bought or handled on commission. P O Box 1534. Office and Warehouse, 422 W North Temple. iltogether a most charming book." Chicago Times. By JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS author of "Uncle Remus.'* With 23 Illustrations by E. W. Kemble, anil Portrait of the Author. 12mo. Cloth, 81.5O. The personal and in some respects the most important work which Mr. Harris has pub- lished since Uncle Remus." Many will read between the lines and see the autobiography of the author. In addition to the stirring incidents which appear in the story, the author presents a graphic picture of certain phases of Southern life which have not appeared in his books before. There are also new examples of the folk-lore of the negroes, which became classic when present- ed to the public in the pages of "Uncle Remus. 1 ' "The book is in the characteristic vein which has made the author so famous and popular as an interpreter of plantation character." Rochester Union and Advertiser. "Those who never tire of Uncle Remus and his stories with whom we would bejaccounted will delight In Joe Maxwell and his exploits." London Saturday Review. "The story is well told throughout, and is certain to rank among Mr. Harris's best works. To say the least, it is the most interesting literature of the kind recentlv published." Richmond (\&), Times. "A charming little book, tastefully gotten up ...... Its simplicity, humor and individuality would be very welcome to anyone who was weary of the pretentiousness and the dull obviousness of the average three volume novel." London Chronicle. For sale by all booksellers; or will be sent by mail on receipt of price by the publishers, D. APPLETON & CO., 1, 3 & 5 Bond Street, New York. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. 785 C. J. PETTEE, Manager, ATHEL B. BENNETT, O. S. BOWMAN, Pub. ik Western Knight." o Sec. and Treas. PETTEE, BOWMAN & CO., Successors to Falkenburg Printing Co , BOOK-:AND-:-JOB-:-PRINTING Fine Commercial and Society Printing a Specialty. 272 STATE STREET, ^. fT uo rlTV vmin Basement Brooks Arcade. MLl LilRL till, 11 AH. THE GOLDEN EAGLE. HENRY SADLER, Proprietor. Importeii Wholesale LiqilorDealer GIGJM UNO GIGBRETTES, 223 AND 225 S, MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City, Utah. P. O. Box IOI.V Telephone 435. Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Company, Manufacturers of SASH, DOO^S, BUILDS, MOUliDlJSlGS, ETC. Hardwood Interior Finish a Specialty. : 15O MAIN STREHJT, SA.LT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Presented by J. i. HUTCHERSON, Local Manager. 786 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. J. G. MIDGLEY, J. W. FARRELL, 1). W. JAMES. L. S. AUSTIN, PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT. TREAM'IIKi;. SECRETARY ZDIiRIECTOIRS : I). W. JAMES, J. G. MIDGLEY, B. M. ELLERBECK, J. W. FARRELL, R. MORRISOX. B. >i . !: r i,i:it I* i-:c- K . Manager. THE- AND SUPPLY CO Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers in PLUMBING, ) GAS PITTING 'GOODS, and STEHM 164 South West Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. LADIES' SHOPPING DEPARTMENT. F. j^AYLY & CO PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARRRri.I.Y COMPOUNDED. JDRUGGJSTS. 280 S. MAIN ST SALT l.AKI: CITY, UTAH. 1 m^ ; -a^ J : f MRS. FiW STMIIOrSK MAY, H Kent ore a from the. Face, it's Freckles find B BOARD OF REGENTS. W. S. McCoKNK K, T. (>. WEBBER, W. E. SMEDLEY, CHAS. S. BUKTON, N. W. CLAYTON, Lor is (JOHN. The Departments which are represented are : Piano, Violin, Voice Culture. Organ, Guitar, Mandolin, Delsarte, Elocution, Spanish, French. Italian, German. *-^S> FAC U LT Y . 5<^ Its membership embraces, the foremost artists and teachers of the west, and it may be affirmed that no Conservatory west of Chicago can lay claim to so admirably efficient a corps of teachers. H. S. KROUSE, Director Concert Pianist, Teacher of Piano, Harmony, Theory, and Conductor. WILLARD E. WEIHE, Director Concert Soloist, Teacher of Violin. Or- chestral and String Quartette Classes. KAIILHILL, A B., B. M Teacher of Piano and Voice Culture. MAGNUS OLSON Teacher Guitar, Mandolin and Violin. B. F. HODSON and ALICE MC!NTYRE Teachers of Intermediate Piano. Miss MINNIE HOLT and Miss FRAXCILLA ADAMS Teachers of Primary Piano. Miss M. L. POWELL Teacher of Elocution and Delsarte Physical Culture. CHAS. VENE/IANI. A. M., Ph. D Italian. Spanish, French and German. The course of study is divided into Primary, Intermediate, Collegiate and Normal It re- quires from thri'e to six years to graduate. Each department is so arranged that a pupil may he Kin from the foundation in the proper methods, and completing any course ol study here, may enter the conservatories of Europe without undoing anything that has been done. It is a c,,m mon thing for pupils seeking admission into the great conservatories in Europe to have to undo a great amount of their former work, on account of its being faulty : this will be obviated in all branches, and especially so in the violin of Prof. Weihe. Prof. Weihe having studied under the best masters of Europe, has the most approved methods of bowing, and thereby is able to take pupils from the first principles through the highest style of artistic playing, 'Hi I LADIES' SHOPPING DEPARTS AL. PILLAUD, Prop- A. L. MURPHY, Manager. LAFAYETTE FLORAL ESTABLISHMENT. Decorative AND Budding Plants Cut Flowers AND Floral Designs, DECORATION IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Trees. Plants. Seeds. Ete. eiiieiit Ornamental Vases for Outside lleeoralioii. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. :ice and Greenhouses : City Branch : 5O7 S. Tenth East St, Wonderland Building. Telephone 629. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. LADIES' SHOPPING DEPARTMENT. TlROf. H. B. YQHNGER'S o f QL ASSES: Ladies' and Children's, Saturday at 2 p. m. Ladies' and Gentlemen's, Tuesday at 8 p. m. Instructions same evening from 8 to 10. and Social from 10 to 12. Hall Rented for Balls, Parties, Concerts, Etc. H. B. YOUNGER, Odd Fellows' Building, Market St. Mrs. Ray Robinson. .ll 1 tL(tll Ltlkl I'll}. < Professional or Amateur Outfits. -^^C A M E R A S ,-^-^ IMates, Prepared Papers, ami Chemicals Always in S'fock. BROS, :iNKicliardsSt., Salt Lake City, Utah. S SAIHK THOMAS, -i- MODISTE. 431-433 Constitution Itldg. J. G, MUrphy & Go,, Manufacturers of Steiicil.s. Si' a Is. Nteel and Itubber Stamps, .^_ _ Key 4 lif<'lis. liad^os. 218 Main St., SALT LAKE CITY. LADIES' SHOPPING DEPARTMENT. . UeriezuiNi, ft, M,, FH. D M UNIV. OF HEIDELBERG, . of Mathematics and Astronoitoy in the University of Utah . during the pat two years, >;.ene<>olv Block, Kooms - "<>1 to prepare Pupils for College. The u umber of pupils will necessarily l>e limited to not more tintn ten. MS the Instruction -.riven will tie personal, not ii TUITION. $75 PER TF.RM OF TEN WEEKS. Including Board and Room at Dr. Ventfziani's Residence, $150. Ad.iress 1'. <>. Hux 14US. SALT LAKH CITY. MRS, M, EVAN, M-D,, 167 Third Street, Salt Lake City, OPPICI HOUM* : 2-4 P.M. THE HUBERT SHOE KCO, We make si Specialty of Deform.- We take a Plaster of Pnri fast of each foot, ami guarantee a perfect fit. POSITIVELY NOTHING BUT fIRST CLISS WORK DONE. N. E. cor. Main and Third South. MISS GRATIA FLANDERS, * I'UMI \\\\ THEORY OF MUSIC ENDORSED BY Ktnil \. "'ate St.. Chi Frederick (irant Gleaxon. Auditorium, Chi- inary. For Uniu and iiarticiiiar>, appl) to St.. Salt Lake City Clfll FLORISTS, Decorators and Landscape Gardeners. GARDENS LAID OUT AND ATTENDED. Funeral designs a specialty. Wedding and church decorations furnished in artistic styl**. Importers and manufacturers of and de'alers in Ornamental Grasses and Moss Goods. Special attention given to mail or- ders. First class work guaranteed. llth East, S of llth South St. Grand View Addition. Sugar p. o Salt Lake City, Utah. LORENZO DICKER!, MANUFACTURER OF Relief Maps of Utah Territory. Perfect in Every Respeet. NRVFI TY * Must be Seen to b Every Office should Hat e One. 317 W Seventh South Street. LADIKS' SI TOPPING DEPARTMENT. 793 RENCH AND STEAM T AUNDRY D. FERGUSON, Mngr. F. FORTIES:, Supt. 34 S. WEST TEMPLE ST. TEL. NO. 434 SPECIALTIES: Collars JIIK! t nils. Miii (s. Lace 4 urt;iiiis. ltl;inK< Is and Flannels. M ir 1 ^ and Fiqe piece? done hj [land, FLANNELS WASHED BY HAND. Special KatoK to Families. Rough l>ry Work >< I'oiiinl. > ->i 4 oWOItK (AI,l.i:i) FOB AND DELIVERED.* f < W 7 ^ want your Trade. Give us a Trial. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 794 LADIES' SHOPPING PEP NOT PAINLESS DENTIST ooo BUTo o o Painless Dentistry An advance of Fifty Years at one Stride in Modern Dentistry! Dr. Griswold Fills Teeth Without Pain, ' lion in tho effort ' <\ in

  • - th without : DR. GRISWOLD has secured the exclusive right to use the "Hale method for painless filling" in Salt Lake City, and is Dr. Hale's Gen- eral Western Agent. ' ROOMS 1 AND 2 UNION NATIONAL SANK BUILDING. GQasatch Drug Co., O2 Q. >i iv / QI ZpD (o)outr[ IVJam t,, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Chemicals, fjedicineg, ^Toilet Hftieles,^ cioj^ns. Send Your Prescriptions to Orders Carefully Attended. COME AND SEE US. LADIES' SHOPPING DEPARTMENT. Representative Dealers. COMPILED FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF STRANGERS. IK. Ill VI \i:S A SOLOIST AND II \< II I It IR. ,T. CARPENTER'S CIIITAR, MANPOL.IN & BANJO STTJDIO 64-67 Hooper Block, First South, bet. Main & State. IMIOTiTET> HTRIIVOW. C. F. STAYNER, Room *s Hooper Bid's. Res. T2 Grape St. MAGNUS OLSON, TDE3 ^^OUBR. OF 1 VIOLIIV, GUITAR and MANDOLIN. OLSON'S OHCHKSTUA AND BRASS BAND for Pinios. l j arties, Etc. Any number of liieces supplied from either. lies. 85 M St., LEAVE ORDERS AT CiLDER'S 2 1st Ward. MUSIC STORE. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. M/SS ELLA HILLS, 10! s. West Temple St., SALT LIKE CITY. Mrs. Van Horn's Studio, ('< INSTITUTION BUILDING. China Painting Tauurlil in all its Brancbes. Also Firing. THE ONLY SET KiLX IN UTAH. ORDERS SOLICITED. - MRS. J. H. VAN HORN, 79 S St., SALT LAKE CITY. Dr. Ellis R. Shipp, Office and Res. 34 S. Seventh East, TKLEPHOKK 355. SALT LAKE ITT. jVIiss Maria L, Powell, TELLURIDE BLOCK. TKACHER OF DEL5ARIE PHYSICAL CULTURE, SOCIETY GYMNASTICS - - - - - AND ELOCUTION. Prof. H. S. Krouse, TEACHER OF Piano, Thorough Bass, Har- mony, Counterpoint and Vocal. MRS.H.S.KROUSE, TEACHER OF AR~f '. 1M Sixtt East St., SALT LAKE CITY. W. E. WEIHE, Teacher of- At ('alder** Mn>i<- Palace. 4r A 47 W. First South St.. SAI/F TAKE CITY. Miss MODISTE, * Rooms 517 and 518 Constitution Building, .SAI/T LAKE CITY. M'ss Kate Wells, * GOLOR1ST * //7 Crayon, Pastel Water Colors of PHOTOGRAPHS. Us Mornirk Block, SALT LARK ('II V, ITUI. FOR THE COMPLEXION,* For < l< ;msi nu and Beautifying the Complexion. Remove* all blemislies from tlie face, cures Pimples, Black Heads, Moth Patches. Removes Freckles. Tan and L,iver Spots. As a Skin Medicine it has no equal. Sur- passes all others, being^ perfectly harmless, contains nothing of a poisonous nature, no Acids or Corrosive Medicine, no Lead or other nostrums that destroy and spoil the Complexion. Perfectly safe. Te whenever desired. FIRST-CLASS HOME COOKING. WOMAN'S EXCHANGE, 42 EAST FIRST SOUTH ST. BREAKFAST, 7 TO 9, LUNCH, 12 TO 2:30, DINNER, 5 TO 7:30. MRS. E. HOUGHTON, PROP. SUNDAY, BREAKFAST, 7 TO 10, DINNER, 12 TO 3. PROF. THOS. RADCLIFFE, Professor of the PIANO, PIPE, and THEORY. 838 East South Temple Street, SA.JL.T LATtE CIT\ r . MISS mm LINCOLN, TEACHER OF Piano and Voice Culture. CONCERT AND RECITAL ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. Conservatory Building, 43 East Third South St SALT LAKE CITY. MRS. M. E. MILLARD. Gostifmer, MASQUERADE SUITS ALWAYS ON HAM. 877 East Second South St., SALT MliF, CITY. ITT AH. MISS GRATIA FLANDERS, Piano and Theory of Music. , ) EMU LIEBLING, 245 State St., Chicago. Endorsed r FREDERIC GRANT QLEASON, Auditorium, Chicago " ) H. M SCOTT, D. D., Chicago Theological Seminary For terms and particulars apply at 54 Canvon Koad, - - SALT LAKE CITY. A, H, CRATER, MME. !-Sol- Agent for O. S. Corsets, Waists and Braces. MME. WILLIAMSON'S Combination Health Corset, Bacfc Supporting Corset and Improved Shoulder Brace. 170 West South Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY. > Country orders promptly filled. Correspondence solicited. MISS L. L WILLARD, Lantape-:-in-:-Oil, 48 East Third South St., SAI/T LAKE CITY. MRS. M. TRACY. Dressmaking * Parlors, ROOMS 21O and 211 PROGRESS BUILDING, SALT LAKE CITY, - - UTAH. . eadon, Room 18, Union Ml Bank Bldg., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Flans, Details and. Specifications. ISt im;if <>s (;iveii for all kinds of Buildings. Special Attention Given to Modern Sanitary Improvements. Drainage, Ventilation, Heating, Etc. OFFICE, MERCANTILE BLOCK, SECOND FLOOR. it. IEOI n It. E. >l< < <\ tl < IM BOTHWELL & McCONAUGHY, I>ea/lers in AND ALL KINDS OF Alsopull Stock of Oak& Ash Lmmbei* OFFICE, 232 S. FIRST WEST. Telephone- 579. P. O. Bov 914. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. HELIENI * * * NEW HOUSE. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW FURNITURE. !,<< ;il ed in Hie Hest Residence Portion ofi" the City. Only two blocks from the Business Center. Rooms 35c., 50c., 75c. and $1.00 per day and $1.75 to $4.00 per week. Electric Cars pass the doors to all depots and every part of the city. Rooms large and Pleasant (Joo;l Restaurant and Dining Room in the House. Regular Meals 25 cts. C or. Third East and Second South St*.. FRANCIS FRITSCH, PROP. Salt Lake City. E. F. HANNA, MANAGER. OIL OF HUMBUG. An Internal and External Oil for Man and Beast. The Most Satisfactory Fraud and Humbug o( the 19th Century. Wholesale and Retail at all First-Class Houses. DR. S. MARSHALL, PROP. SALT LAKE CITY. II Salt Lake Equitable Co-op, CAPITAL, $100,000. Cor. First South and Richards Sts., 42 & 44, WHOLESALE A\I> RETAIL GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY :- * * FOR * * v * v v AND * * v CLOTHING I,A\C;TO\. TIIOS. n. \OTT. I'resitlenl. Vio-PresiI*iit, Hannfacturers of the Olebrated Queen Elizabeth and Napoleonita Cigars 3STO Voi k it.v. Branch 42 IV. Second South St.. 1'ndcr Bank of" Commerce. Salt I^ake C ity. Ill C-iEO. II. TAY l.oi;. President. F. AKMSTKOXG. Vicc-Presidem. CKi). J{()MNKV. Manager. 0. 1). ROMNEY, Ass't Mana-rr. <;K<) Iv ROMNKy. Secretary and Treasurer. TAYLOR DIRECTORS. H. Taylor. . F. Armstrong. H. ,). 1,'omney Win. F. Armstrong. w ^ ARMSTRONG CO., Contractors & Buiders, STEAM PLANING MILL. LUMBER YARD. SASH AND DOORS. ALL KINDS OF PICKETS, 'T" AND "G" FLOORIN(J. SHINGLES AND LATH, RUSTIC AND CEILING. CEDAR POSTS, MOULDINGS, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. OAK. WIRE DOORS AND WIRE SCREENS. A Complete Stock of Building Material. OFFICE AND YARD : One Block East of U. P. R. R., Nos. 3O1, 303 fc 3O5, W, SOUTH TEMPLE STREET. TELEPHONE 267 1892. IV SALT LAKE Building and Manufacturing Co., LUMBER DEALERS, CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS. Mill Work in All Its Branches, Sash, Shingles, Builders' Hardware, Doors, Frames, Hardwood, Paints, Boxes, Sash Weights, Plate & Sheet Glass. Office and Mill, 32 to 40 N. Second West Street, CITY, UTA.H Liberal Discount to Dealers, TELEPHONE, 345. V TELLURIDE BLOCK ROOMS. LARGE CLOTHES CLOSETS IN EACH APARTMENT. Suites from sitt.oo to S 1O.OO. First-Class in Kvery Respect. 22 E. THIRD SOUTH ST., NEAR MAIN, SALT LAKE CITY. MRS. ANNIE FOX, Prop. J. BROWN, . -,,' East First South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. DKALKR GENTS' AND BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING, DYEING, REPAIRING AND CLEANING NEATLY DONE. US West South Tempie St., - - NAI.T LAKE ITV VI BARTON & COMPANY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS AND- ] HATTERS, ! 47 nycA-insr STIRIEIET, SALT I,A li i; C IT\ . VTAH People's Opera Hoilse, COMMERCIAL ST., SALT LAKE CITY, The Mosi iin-a v. Jewelers and Loan Brokers. Money l,o;iiioIE C 4 SK, KI: iso\ i 1:1,1. IW PRICE. /! ISIIWI^ WrUatorQnxVrleammmG&HmplvtBCatm* Jill (I J HJMt.|o S ueofall kinds of Musical Instruments. THE SAI/F LAKE Mt'SK' I>EAI,EKS. ., LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST. --- 74= STR.EET. Salt Lake Woodworking Co G. F. PRICE, MANAGER. OK Wood K[&ntel$, Inside and Outride Fiqigh MOULDING, CORNER BLOCK, Stair Work, and Door and Window Frames. 31 S. FIFTH WEST ST., - - SAI/T LAKE C'lTY. J. & ^AT. H. Late of Commercial Street, 137 WEST FIRST SOUTH STREET, CUTLERS AND LOCKSMITHS, And Newby's Full Line of ADJUSTABLE STOVE REPAIRS, Fire Backs, Front Grates, Basket Grates. Dampers. Covers. Scrapers. Bottom (.rates. F.nd Linings, Grate and Frame, Cross Pieces. Lifters. Pipe Dampers. Outside Fire Bowl (for plain ie Fire Pots (for Hard and Soft Coal Stoves), Round Bottom Grates (will replace or lit any Heater). Top Section for Hotel Ranges (with Improved Feed for Coal). Mica, Stove Rods. Nickel Plated Knobs. Nickel Plated Urns. CHICAGO LIQUOR HOUSE, FRED S. HADRA, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IN Whiskies, Wines and Imported Liquors, AL.E AXD PORTER, DOMESTIC, KEY WEST AND HAVANA CIGARS. 44 and tf E. J-Vrs-/ tinuth St. re ft. Sail Lk< C////. SOLE X'.F.XT roil IMPORTED MUENCHEXEPv LOEWEM'.KA C. XI Collections Made. Money to Loan. Stocks Bought and Sold. Interest Paid on Real Estate. Deposits. B. H. SCHETTLER, 60 S. East Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ROBERT EITE, -MANUFACTURER OF- Seventh West, bet Fifth and Sixth South Sts., SJL3L.T X^IKIIE CITY. SANDBERG FURNITURE CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in all Kinds of School Furniture a Specialty. Screen Doors and Windows. JOBBING AHD REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. log A 11O W. South Temple Street, Salt Lake < il.v. JOHN H. SNIDER, and Dea-ler in Bee-keeper's Supplies. 704 S. Seventh West Street, SALT LAKE CITY. XII T, J, RNGBLL LUMBER CO i NOT Dealers in 'f LATH, SHINGLES, POSTS, SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. ?,n,i var,i. 625 State Street, Salt Lake City. IsTO. 438. INCORPORATED 1890. TELEPHONE 334. P. O. BOX 297. Mfy 00. F. NT.VSrJEY, Superintendent. MANUKA' i riJKlJS OF ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY (OK, mm WEST and SEVEM1I SOUTH STREETS. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. All Orders Promptly Attended to. RIO GRANDE WESTERN THE Standard Gauge THROUGH THE , Choice of Three Distinct Routes, THE . . . THE WORLD. Two Fast Express Trains Daily EACH WAY BETWEEN DENVER. ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR CARS! Free of Clisirge. Direct Connections made in I iiioii Depots. The Most Thoroughly Equipped Railway in the West. D. G. DODGE, A. E. WELBY, Genl. Mgr. Supt. J. H. BENNETT, <;. F. *i i. A. XIV "Scenic Line of the THE DENVER AND SST RIO GRANDE RAILROAD PASSING THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY En Route to and from the Pacific Coast. THE POPULAR LINE TO nirs,AsDen AND GRAND JUNCTION. THE MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO TriniiM, Santa Fe 6 New Mexico Points Reaching nil ihe principal towns and mining camps iii Colorado, Utah and New Mexico." THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE LIAE TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS. All through trains equipped with Pullman Palace and Tourist bleeping Cars. For elegantly illustrated descriptive books free of cost, address . T. JEFFERY, A. S. HUGHES, S. K. HOOPER, Prea't and Gen'l Mgr. Traffic Manager. Gen'l Pass. 4 DENVER, COLORADO. JAS.W.EARDLEY Ilumber I ALL KINDS OF BUILDING SUPPLIES AT LOWEST RATES. Combination Fence Factory. 44 E, FOURTH SOUTH STREET, One-half Block West of Eighth Ward Square. SALT LAKE CITY, TJTA.H. XVI Thi* Institution was opened as a Boarding and , September, 1886. The fact that in the short space of two 11 number steadily increased from FORTY to nearly HUNDRED STUDENTS is the best proof of its popularity as a seat of learning. The course of studies includes all grades from minin aduates. The ENGLISH COURSE comprises a thorough ATION HIGHER MATHEMATICS, CHEMISTRY, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. GEOLOGY and ASTRONOMY. ANCIENT AND MODERN LAN- 1 TREEK, LATIN, GERMAN, FRENCH and SPANISH are taught without extra charge. THE BLTSIXESS COURSE comprises SIN- GLE AMI DOUBLE ENTRY. BODK-KEEPING, BANKING, COMMERCIAL COR- \CE and INVOICING, carried on through the entire course, ."itlemen who complete this course may enter with confidence of sue ifiting Houses, Banks, Insurance or Newspaper offices. The College being responsible for the proficiency of all who carry the certificate of this department. Painting, Draining, Vocal and Instru- ' Music taught by highest talent. Telegraphy is a special study rms an extra charge. Experimental Chemistry is followed by students of the higher course. Nothing has been omitted in the appointment of the Institution that can tend to promote the health and comforts of students. .Discipline is firm, while tempered with mildness. Students are required to attend military drills. Students may enter at any time. For further particulars and admission, add: ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE, Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. EMBRACING A CLASSIFIED LIST or ALL TKADES, PROFESSIONS AND PURSUITS IN THE CITY OF SALT LAKE, FOR THE YEARS 1892-3, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. HEADINGS MARKED * ARE ADVERTISERS' HEADINGS. Abstracts of Title. Inter-Mountain Abstract Co, 55 Commercial blk. Salt Lake Abstract, Title Guarantee & Trust Co, 150 S Main. Security Abstract Co The, Main, n e cor First South. Utah Title Insurance and Trust Co, 160 S Main. Academies and Colleges. (See also page 66. ) All Hallows College, 376 E Sec- ond South, see page XVI. McGurrin's Short Hand College, 412- 414 Progress bldg. Mansfield's Short Hand School, 104 Commercial blk. Conservatory of Music (Dept otthe Utah Normal College), 301- 306 Dooly blk, see page 72. University of Utah, First North, n w cor Second West, see, pages 10 and 11 Territorial Dept. Utah Business College, \Va- satch Building. Yeneziaiii Chas A M, Ph D (College Preparation), 427-428 Dooly blk, see adr. Accountants. Browne Harry R. 94 Commer- cial Blk. Gurley Charles E, Whitney Terrace. McConville B J, 25 E First South. McGillivray Win, 524 Sixth East. Raybould E L, Walker House. Rodford Geo, 645 W Second North. Thackeray G W, 604 S Main. Advertising Agents. Stenhouse & Co, 52 W Second South, P O box 783. Utah Advertising* Co (D J Wil- liams), 430 Constitution Bldg. Western Bill Posting Co, 40 Rich- ards. Agricultural Implem'ts. Consolidated Implement Co, 154 to 164 State. Co-operative Wagon & Ma- chine Co, 112 to 130 State, see top Terr Index. Grant Brothers Livery & Transfer Co, 40 S West Tem- ple, see page 30. Lowe G A, 133-145 State. Osborne O M & Co, 49 to 63 Market. Salt Lake Implement Co, 370 S Main, see page 40. * Air Compressors. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Second South, see front cover and page 3. Apiarists. Judsoii Anna, 327 Thirteenth E. McKay Samuel, 971 E Second South. Snider John II, 704 S Seventh West, see page XL Swaner J C, 331 Tenth East. Taufer Henry, 330 Twelfth East. Architects. Anderson H H, 253 Canyon Rd. Angell T O, 35 Gregory Court. Becker Fred W, 123 S Fifth West. Burgess Solon, 147 N Main. 796 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Architects. CONTINUED. Carroll W m, 45-47 Mercantile C osf ei i*an Geo F, 106 Commer- cial blk. Dallas S C, 602 Progress bldg. Davisson Ira H, 876 Fourth. Devine & Robinson, 213 Con- stitution bldg. Dryer Fred, 314 Second East. Folnorn Wm H. 12 S First West. Hale Fred A, 120-121 Commercial llausen Julius, 1007 S 3d West. Harrison & Nichols, 15 Kimball blk. Hensgen August, Glen ave. Holmberg Hans H, 26 S Fifth ^ est. Hopkins Geo E, Holmes bldg. Keiller David T, 120 Commercial blk. Kern M D, City & County bldg, idv. Kleit ing R K A, 49 S Main. Krolow V in, 37 Hooper bldg. La Belle C H, 56 N Second West. Long U O, 47 E Fifth South. Melton Jasper N, 854 E 4th South. Reif A, 246 W Eighth South. Richards S W, 344 S First West. Moiiheim. Hird & Proudfoot, :;> Mercantile blk. Perkins F H, 35 Mercantile blk. Sage Frank, 318 E Second South. Sherman N A, 536 Constitution bldg. Spohr Chas S, 65 Wasatch bldg. Taft J O, Lincoln ave. Thompson & Weigel, 128 S Main. Tyson E B, 508 Constitution bldg. llmcr F M & Son, 540 Consti- tution bldg. Ware & Cornell. 68 Hooper bldg. Young Joseph D C, Temple blk. Artesian Well Borers. Bishop Thos, 434 N Second West. Co-op Wagon & 31 Co, 130 State. Howcroft Nephi. 850 S Eighth West, Woodbury T H Jr, 252 W 6th South. Artificial Limbs. Fenner I R, 66 S Main. Artists. Brown Chas G, 114 Wasatch bldg. Dimeaii Portrait Co, 424 Con- stitution bldg. see a tlr. Eureka Copying Co. 121 S Sec- ond West. Edvall Miss Ida, 32 Union ave. Fonda E M, 151 S West Temple. Fultz D C, 155 W Second South. Hamilton J B, 564 E Third South. Lanibounie Alfred, 521 Sixth, see a<1. >'. Laureiiz E G, rm 6. 128 S Main, see atlr. Leotard Leon E, 623 Eighth East. Monroe S L, 64 W Second South. Miller Wm. 552 E South Temple. Ottinger G M, 3S1 Third. Pitman Miss Clara C A, 351 S State. Pratt Ernest M, cor Currant and Second North. Pratt Lorus, rear 358 N Fifth West. Reeves F H, 829 W Seventh South. Roberts Kate L,, 419 Dooly blk, see adr. Severance Bros, Roberts blk. Slight Thomas, Jr, 1-2 Lyon blk'. Smith Mrs Augusta. Progress blk. Stay J H, 236 W Sixth South. Tuckfield G A, 451 Sixth East. Weggeland D, 372 E Sixth South. Well* Jliss Rate, 418 McCornick blk, see Iiss Lottie I,, 421 S West Temple, set adv. Yardly Miss Caroline S. 955 Logan ave. Assay ers. Austin E P, 764 W Fourth South. Currie J W, 159 S Main. Hodges W A, 115 S Main. Horn & Markland, Opera House blk. Jones M E. 550 Third East. Mc-Vicker John. 150 S Main. Officer Robert 11 & Co, 169 S West Temple. SK top margin. Park City Sampling Mills, 41 Scott- Auerbach bldg. Pioneer Sampling Mills, 41-42 Scott- Auerbach bldg. Steward W G M, rms 7-8, 115 S Main. Union Assay Office, 131 S Main. Assay ers 9 Materials. Roberts & \eldeii, 236 S Main. Attorney s-at-L,aw. Allen C E, 21 Eagle blk. Anderson T J, Dooly blk. Armstrong Lavanda M, 61 Com'l blk. Armstrong S P, 510 Dooly blk. Baldwin & Tatlock, 81 Com'l Blk. Marker F E. 16 Scott- Auerbach Bldg. Bennett, Marshall & Brad- ley, 163 S Main. Blandin Chas F, 91 Com'l blk. Booth, L,ee & Gray, 63 to 65 Com'l blk. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 797 Attorneys-nt-I^aw. CONTINUED. Bowdle John R, 13 Com'l blk. Bowman & Zipf, 505-6 Progress blk. Boyd Chas W, 53-54 Scott- Auerbach blk. Breeze & Burris, 99-100 Com'l blk. Brown W B, 636 Eighth East. Brown & Henderson, 212 S Main. Browne T Ellis, 27 Com'l blk. Burgoii & Siiell, 436 Constitu- tion bldg. Burmester Theo, 3-4 Karrick blk. Byers Wni A, 21 O'Meara blk. Cabell Richard 11,53 Hooper blk Cannon John M, 332 Constitution bldg. t'oad & Coad, 7 Wasatch blk. 1 oiidozi & \elsoii, 118-119 Com'l blk. Cory JoTm W, 24 Wasatch blk. Cromer Wm II, 16 Scott- Auer- bach blk. Grossman L C, 55 Commercial blk. Cushing John J, 215 W 5th South. Daly P J, 93-94 Commercial blk. Darke S W, 44-47 Hooper bldg. Darmer James E, 23 Central. Davis Orlando F, 206 Realty bldg. Deiitoii & Mentally, rms 1, 2 and 3 Eagle Blk. Oey & Street, 212 S Main. li< ksoii W II, 515 Progress blk. IHiiiiiiiy Harper J, 8 and 9 Com- mercial blk. Doying Chas F, 5 Central blk. Eastman Hamlin, 16 Scott-Auer- bach blk. Eichnor D C, 150 S Main. Elliott Albert O, 8 Lynn blk. Ellis A C Jr, 515 Progress blk. Ferguson Barlow, 333 Consti- tution bldg. Ferguson Jtf G, 418 Dooly blk. Fraiicoeur Scott, 19 Central blk. Frew D J, O'Meara blk. Gardner Chas G, 407 Progress blk. Gee War W, 14-15 Com'l blk. Gilchrist C K, 231 S Main. Glenn & Gunter, 402 Progress blk. Gregg Frank E, 8-9 Com'lblk. Groves Alfred F, 373 Wa'er. Hall C W, 218 S Main. Hall Wm C, 218 S Main. Hamilton James M, 410 Dooly blk. Hamilton R S, 22 Central blk. Harkness Robt, 163 S Main. Harrington Daniel, 312 Consti- tution bldg. Harris John H, 103 Wasatch blk. Harvey Win J, 312 Dooly blk. Higgins E V, 13-14, 76 W 2d South. Hill C G, 404 Progress blk. 1 1 oil in an Frank, 231 S Main. Howat Andrew, 33-34 Com'l blk. Hurd J II, 23 Hooper blk. Jack C B, 35 Com'l blk. Jackson Gerald B. 515-516 Dooly blk. Johnson Alexander, 85 Wasatch blk Johnson H D, 226 G. Jones & Schroeder, 95-98 Com- mercial blk. Judd John W, 44 Central blk. Kaighn & Anderson, 76 W Second South. Kenner Scipio A, Dcscret News office. Kenyon Samuel J, 11 E First S. Kesler Fred Jr, 507 Progress. Kinney S, 603-605 McCornick blk. Kinney W A, 55 Wasatch blk. Koeiien Anthony, 212 S Main. Krebs C Ira, 218 S Main. Kroeger Gustave J, 107 S Main. L,aney & Stuart, 507 Progress blk. Lee Miss E R, 54-56-57 Hooper blk. Liewis Eugene, 310 Dooly blk. L,ewis S 11, 218 S Main. Lewis T D, 312 Constitution bldg. Loofbourow & Kahn, 70-73 Commercial blk. McBride John R, 446 S West Temple. McCallum II S, 20 Union Nat'l Bank. McEiiany HI E, 55 Hooper blk. McDowall & Lyles, 14-15 Union Nat'l Bank bldg McKay Wm, 150 Main. Marionneaux Thos, 163 S Main. Mar kit am S S, 39 O'Meara blk. Marshall J Y, 515 Dooly blk. Marshall & Royle, 125 S Main. Martin C II, 65 W Second South. Mee James C, 507 Dooly blk. Merritt S A, 511 Progress blk. Mills Wm Gill, 26 W 2nd South. Miner Aurelius, Comtitution bldg. Morse Chas W, McCornick blk. Moyer Geo W, 42 and 43 Central, blk. Murphy Walter, 56 Hooper blk. Noble Duncan, 338 H. Worrell A G, Wasatch bldg. IVye Geo L., 33 and 34 Coml blk. Olseii Oliver, 11 W First South. Pardee James D, 1, 2. 3 Eagle blk. Parks & Thompson, 4 and 5 Eagle blk. Patterson Wm, Uintah Hotel. Pearson E, 710 McCornick blk. Pence Chas J, 17-20 Mercantile blk. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Attorneys-at-kaM . ilXUED. 'Pierce Frank, 306 and 307 Mc- Cornick blk. Porter Lloyd, rm 17 Central blk. Post Jet-main, 52 and 5o Com- mercial blk. Powers James N, 472 Eighth. Power* X Hiles. Eagle blk. Pratt Arthur E, 5 Hooper bldg. Ruuliii* X Critclilow. 23-27 Hooper blk. Reilly & Kane, 59-60 Wasatch Richard* & Moyle. 337-340 Con- stitution bldg. Ritchie X Ritchie, 59 Comlblk. Rogers J J, 56 W Second South. Robertson N A, 163 S Main. Romioii Erne*t Ci. 12 Union Nat Bank bldg. Sawyer 4 B. 6 Wasatch bldg. Scott E II. 12 Union Nat Bank bldg. Senior E W, Brighton. Shepard, Cherry & Shepard, 37 and 40 Commercial blk. Smith <;raiit H, 29 Morlan blk. Soimedecker \eviii W. 307 McCornick blk. Stephen* Frank B, 45 Com'l blk. f raup I> Xewton, with Powers & Hiles, Eagle blk. Still I .lame* .11. 19 Central blk. Sutherland Jabez G, 54, 56, 57 Hooper blk. Taylor Alvin V. 417Dooly blk. Taylor Edw W. 83-84 Com'l blk. Taylor John Lu. Eagle blk. Thomas .lames 31, rms 21-23 'Meara blk. Thompson Willard B, 515 Progress blk. Thompson & Ingersoll, 17-20 Mercantile blk. Timmony John B, 45 Com'l blk. Vail Home W m G, 172 S Main. Van Meter Joseph, 4 Crane big. Variaii C S. 87-90 Com'l blk. W addell & Adams, 22 E First South. Walcott Jacob H. 573 Tenth East. W atrous II R. 54 Wasatch blk. Week* Chas B, 48 W Second S. VVenser o H. 22 Central blk. Westervelt Geo, 407 Progress blk. Wheeler F W, 44 Central blk. VVhiltemore C O, Union Nat'l I'.ank bldg. Wiu-tfiiis Russell, 1, 2, 3 Eagle blk. Williams James A, 404 Prog- ress blk. Williams & VaiiCott. 41-45 Hooper blk. Wilson *c By num. 425 Dooly oik Winters Edgar E, 212 S Main. Winters Riley D, 212 S Main. Young Morris J. 457 E 2d South. Young, Young &, llo.yle. 9-11 over Deseret Nat'l Bank. Zaiie & Putnam, 415 Progress blk. Art Supplies. Beebe Art Store, 61 E First South, sfi- \ Jenkins J W &, Sons, 78 E Sec- ond South. Rippe Henry & Co, 60 E Second South. Smith & Adams, 32 E Second South, sec ad>: opp. Bakers Whol esa 1 e. American Biscuit and Mnfg Co. 27 E Third South. Eagle Cracker and Miifg Co. 720-722 S Second W, see page XII. Rix C E H, 550 Second East. Bakers V Con feet ion ers. Apple quist John F, 511 E Third S. Ball .* F & Co. 24 S Main. Colorado Baker y (J L Doyle), 4 E Third South. Eagle Cracker and 3Infg Co, 720 S Second West, see paqe XII. Erdmann & Meyer, 555 Ninth East, Gebhardt Andrew, 41 E Second South. Gebhardt George, 126 W 1st South. Gilbert James, Murray. Halvorsen & Co, i49 W Second South. Idaho Bakery, 41 E 2d South. Model Home Bakery, 159 N Third West. Mueller Bros. 212 State. Olsen Chas, 266 S State. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 799 Bakers A Confectioners. CONTINUED. Peterson Andrew M, 57 E First South. Plummer Wm, 159 N Third West. Randall B Y, Murray. Rix C E H, 550 Second East, Scrace Edward, 10 S Main. Si in on Henry, 45 W 2d South. Vienna Bakery, 303 E Second South. Walk Henry J, Brighton. Weaver Wm, 736 W North Temple. Webb & Fe very ear, 46 W First South Winters Alex, 235 W Second South. Badges and Medal*. Kiiudson Hans P, 61 E Third South. Bands. (See pages 77-73.) Banks and Bankers. American National Bank, 232 S Main. Bank of Commerce, 34 W Second South. Commercial National Bank, 2d South, n w cor Commercial. Deseret National Bank, 79 S Main. Deseret Savings Bank The, 79 S Main. Jones T R & Co, 161 S Main. McCoriiick & Co, n w cor Main and First South, see adv page 101. National Bank of tbe Re- public, 147 S Main, seepage 100. Rollins E II & Sons, 16 Union Nat'l Bank bldg, see a connections at Denver with limited trains for the East via Burlington & Rock Island routes. The Colorado Midland is THE BEST, SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE EAST. H. C. BURNETT, General Agent. IO9 W. Second South, Dooly Blk., SALT LAKE CITY, S. P. MADEIRA, T. P. A. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 801 Basket Makers. Hindmarsh Thomas, 902 S 6th West. Bath Rooms. (See also Barbers) Anderson E L, 27 Commercial. Beck's Hot Springs, 3^ miles n of City. Bjorklund Samuel, 216 S Main. Gordon &Fehr, 244 S Main. Natatorium The, 26-34 S W Temple. Peters Max A, 38 W Second S. Warm Springs, es Second West, bet Seventh and Eighth North. Beer Wholesale. L,emp's St Louis, LWDittmann Agt, 276 S Main. (See initial lines.) Pabst's Milwaukee, B K Bloch & Co Agts, 13-19 C9m'l, see adv. Belting and Hose. *Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Bill Posters. Western Bill Posting Co, 40 Richards. Billiard Halls. (See Saloons) * Billiard Table Hamifrs. Urmisw ick-fBalke-Colleiider Co, Progress bldg. Birds. Alf Rudolph, 140 S Main. Cooper Clias, 14 N First West. Blacksmiths. '(See Horseshoers and Wagon makers) Andrews Bros, 40 W Fourth South. Bordeii C F, 123 E Fourth South. Brown W R, 246 N Second West. Cox Henry, 7th E and 12th S. Dahl August, 1013 E 12th S. DeLong & Smith, 121 E Second S. Folsom W B, 219 W S Temple. Forsberg J & Sons, 761 N 2nd W. Frost Edwin, 319 State. Grass & Fowler, 127 W S Temple. Hooton H W, Garden City. Laursen & Penhaliglon, 147 W IstS. Lawson James. 139 N Second West. Lundberg Fritz, 409 W Fifth South. McKellar Angus, 323 State. Malquist Bros, 15 Commercial ave. Peck J A, 111 N First West. Pendleton A M, 240 W Third South. Pratt Nathan, 240 W Third South. Rees John, 532 Fifth East. Rosenlund L, 174 W First South. Shore James, 625 Fifth. Spiers Bros, 68 Commercial. Union Iron Works, 542 W 2d S. Weigren Nels, 196 Green. Blank Book Maiiufrs. Cannon Geo <$ and Sons, 24 E South Temple, see side margin*. Deseret ]\ T ews Co, n e cor Main and S Temple, seepage. Salt Lake Lithograph Co, 52 W Sec- ond South, see bottom margins. Smytlie, Britton & Poore Co, 26 W 3rd S, see bottom margins. Tribune Job Printing Co, 133 S West Temple. Boarding Houses. Anakin Mrs Bessie, 273 N Third W. Andersen P G, 41 Commercial. Both well Mrs Jennie, 235 W 5th S. Bromley Owen B, 254 W S Temple. Bruce Robt, 343 W North Temple. Cannon House, 206 W S Temple. Clarke H I, 58 W Third South. Crozier Mrs J, 349 S West Temple. Corker Mrs E A, 164 E 1st South. Epley Solomon, 267 W 2d South. Evans Mrs J B, 134 N West Temple. Griffiths Mrs Rebecca, 39 Richards. Hollander J F, 331 S Main. Knowlden Emma N, 604 S Main. Knox Mrs Katharine, 217 S 2d West. Leyson Mrs Minnie, 135 E 4th South. Magnolia, 164 S Second West. Mikesell Sarah. 28 N 2d West. Nowlin Mrs H S, 214* 8 State. Smith T G M, 271 W South Temple. Smitlison Sisters, 230 S Second West. Taylor Mrs P H, 224 W 2d South. s Wilcox W E, 543 W Third South. Young Mary E, North Salt Lake. Boiler Covering. Crowther F & Sons, 25 S West Temple. Boiler Makers. Garrick & Holmes, 149 W N Temple, see culr. II ay lies & Son, 243-245 W South Temple, see adv. Boilers and Engine*. Frazer & Chalmers, 7 W 2d South, see page 3. Utah & Montana Machinery Co, 269 S Main. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. Mercantile Association , . and Troas. I. C. CROOK, 28 E FOURTH SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY. Personal Attention of a Competent Coi*ps 9* Solicitors. Correspondents in all States, Canada and JWexieo. Accounts Posted, Balanced, Collected. - - - - - Claim Adjusters, Rent Collectors, Statement Distributors, for pi ROMPT. GEXTEEI. COLLECTIONS. JLOIR PATROXAKE SISTA1XED. Local Records of Credit Statements Kept on File for the Benefit of Subscribers. RATES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION. Attention Given to all Orders left at Rof/e * Co., -45 E 1st SotitJi. . J EXCLUSIVE RETAILER OF HEAD LIGHT OIL AND GASOLINE. TELEPHONE 107 SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. BOTTLE TRADE A SPECIALTY. JERSEY FARM DAIRY CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in linttle Trade Solicited. Orders p. o. BOX 961. SALT LAKE CITY. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 803 * Bolts. Miller E M, rms 617-618 McCor- nick bldg. Bookbinders. Cannon Ceo Q & Sons, 24 E South Temple, see side margins. Deseret ftews Co, South Temple n e cor Main, see page 106. Salt L,ake Litho Co (Kelly & Co), 52 W Second South, see mar- gins and opp Lithographers. Smythe, Britton & Poore Co, 26 W Third South, see bottom mar- gins. Tribune Job Printing 1 Co, 133 S West Temple, see adv. Booksellers & Stationers. Bentley & Ravt lings, 258 South Main. Cannon Geo Q & Sons, 24 E South Temple. Margetts Bros, 40 S Main. Owl News Co, 49 W 2d South. Parsons C II, 164 S Main. Read Samuel Geo, 249 S5th W. Salt Lake News Co, The, 77 W 2d South. Savage C R, 12-14 S Main. Utah Hook & Stationery Co, 72 S Main. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Boots aucl Shoes. {Manufacturers. ) Robinson Bros, 49 W 1st South, see adv. Solomon Bros, 70 S Main. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. (Wholesale) Barton Bros, I W Fletcher western agt,- 322 Constitution bldg. Morse-Coe Shoe Co, 49 S Main. Smith-Wallace Shoe Co, 711 McCornick blk. Solomon Bros, 70 S Main. Tenney Walter H & Co. 64 Hooper blk. Wells >1 D & Co, 49 S Main. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. (Retail) Baker & Henderson, 46 W 2d South. Dunford Frank J, 27 W 1st South. Dunford Shoe Co The, 14 E 1st So. Forcey, Vincent & Co, 69 W First South. Goldsmith & Co, 65 S Main. Hirschmaii Jerome, 106 S Main. Mullett O & Co, 21-23 E Second South. Robinson Bros, 49 W 1st South. Solomon Bros, 70 S Main. Spencer & Lynch Co, 124 S Main. Teasdel S P, 132-138 S Main. Walker Bros & Fyler Co, Mercantile blk, Main s w cor 3d South. Western Shoe & Dry Goods Co, 51-53 S Main. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Boot ami Shoemakers. (See also Boots and Shoes. ) Alden Gus, 230 S State. Bergstrom C M, 1055 E Third South. Bird John, 226 I. Card well Wm A, 123 L. Chamberlin John Jr, 237 J. Clark J W, 9 N Eighth West. Colten C B, 130 W South Temple. Gushing Robert, 144 Eighth East. Fagergren John, e s State, Murray. Hanson Bent, 407 E Third South. Hilgert Shoe Mnfg Co The, cor Third South and Main. Holm J P. 244 E Fifth South. Hylander Hans, 177 C. Katholnig Otto, 325} S Main. Krogh J M, 110 E Second South. Larson John, 41 S Main. Larson John, 109 E First South. Lawrence Geo. 357 E Fourth South. Lindholm A, 230 S State. Lloyd A P, 544 W First South. Loud W S, 568 Third. McAllister R W, 448 Eighth East. Marshall Frances, 22 N First West. Martin Joseph, 306 S W Temple. Murano Charles, 173] W 8 Temple. Nielsen Joseph, e s State, Murray, Vic l*o ii Hanson, 71 E 2d South. Noble John, 338 H. Oswald G P, 32 E Second South. Paragon Boot and Shoe Re- pairing Co, 11 W S Temple. Payne James, 205 State. Richardson John, 546 Sixth East. Ruban John J, 177 W South Temple. Saville Josiah, 276 E. Swanson Fred, 110 State. Taylor Sam'l B, 377 W South Tern. Thomson David, 324 S Third West. Tin gey John, 130 N Second West. Vissing W C A, 247 S West Temple. Wescher August 561 W 2d Souih. Wetzel John, 61 W Third South. Williamson John, 172 W South Tern. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Bicycles and Tricycles. Browning Bros, 155 S Main. Caiiie A W & Co, 52 W Second South. ,cc lower edqe. i:i ans M R, 22 W Second South, see page 19. .leiiseii Jens S, 22 E First South, see ad>'. >1< K'ditli Bros, 209 W Second South, sec page 1. Bottlers. (Beer.) California Brewery, 64 E 1st South, Hitfiiiaini L, W, 276 S Main, see. Initial line*. Fisher A Brewing Co, Second South, n w cor Tenth West. Salt Lake City Brewing Co The, 471-481 Tenth East. (Mineral I Vaters. ) Denhajter H & Sons, 28-30 W Third South. ll \\ h It Bros Soda Water Co, 744-746 State, see adv. Bowling Alleys. Alt Jacob, 109 S Main. Box Manufacturers. Slight Thomas, 112 Pear, see adv. * Braces. Miller E 31, rms 617-618 McCor- nick bidg. Brass Finishers. Knudson Hans P, 61 E Third South, see page 32. Brass Founders. Anderson James & Sons, 344 W Fifth South, see page VII. Davis, Howe & Co, 127 N 1st West. Eagle Foundry and Machine Co. 424 W First South, see page II. Silver Bros, 149 W North Temple. Brewers. California Brewery, office 64 E 1st South. Fisher A Brewing Co, Second South, n w cor Tenth West. Salt Lake City Brewing Co The, 481 Tenth East. Utah Brewery, 317 N Second West. Brewers 9 Agents. Bloch B H & Co, 17-19 Commer- cial, see page 4. Dittmann L, W, 276 S Main, see initial lines. Kentucky Liquor Co The. 11 to 15 E 2d South, see paye VII. Brick Manufacturers. Anderson Pressed Brick Co, 50 Richards. Atwood W H, Murray, see adr Mar ray Dcpt. Brunker Chas, Mill Creek. Cahoon & Haynes, w s State, Mur- ray. Enterprise Brick Co, Bountiful. Frey Daniel, South Bountiful. Goff J, West Jordan. Prospect Park Brick Co, 66i E Sec- ond South. Salt Lake Pressed Brick Co, 37 S West Temple. Si 111 k i ii * IV m S, 49 Twelfth East. see page 26. Smith & Rybalt, Jordan River and Tenth South. Sudbury Samuel. Brighton. Tuddenham & Brain, 39 S West Tern. Utah Pressed Brick & Tile Co, 217 S Main. Viglini & Corless, 37 S W Temple. Brokers. (See Mortgage Loans and Loans) Adkison Albert H, 1146 E 6th South. Allen W C B, 16 and 17 Union Nat Bank bldg. Ames Charles A & Co, brokers, mining, 352 E First South. Bam herder J E, (investment) 11 E First South. Bamberger L E, (mining) 11 E First South. Blair George E, (mining) Herald office. Burton, Groesbeck & Andrew, (mining), 49 Wasatch blk. Campbell Allen G (mining). 414 Dooly blk. Conklin J C, (mining). 20 Wa- satch bldg. Corker J F & Co, (mining) and investments, 261 S Main, seepage 1. Davis Charles, (mining) 163 S Main. Davis J G, (mining and stock) 25 Central. Dennis F H, (merchandise) 9 Wil- lard Court. Eiseman Simon, (bonds and stocks), 706 McCornick blk. Fletcher & Urhlaub,( ticket) 9W Sec- South. Froiseth B A 31 & Co, (mining), 66 l o E Second South. Geoghegan Joseph, (merchan- dise), 10 Com'l blk. Groshell Oscar, (ticket) Wonderland Museum bldg. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 805 Brokers. CONTINUED. Hardy Harvey (mining), 11 W Second South. Havens Charles, (ticket), 109 W Second South. Hiatt Frank T, (mining), 16 and 17 Commercial bjk. Higgiiis T R, (mining), 17-18 St Elmo Hotel. Jacobs Charles H, (mining), 16-17 TTTii^V. -\Tofl T3o~V K1/I,v. Treweek & Stevenson (mining and stock), 49 Scott- Auerbach blk. Tribe Henry (mdse), Herald bldg. Turton William, 236 S State. Vail OE & Co (mdse), 8 Union Nat Bank bldg. Waterman Bros (mining), 5 Central blk, see adv. Watts J H (mining), 43 W 2nd S. Westervelt George (stock) 407 Prog- ress blk. Whalon, Crosby & Crosby, (minim?). 32 Richards tral blk. Meears George A, 132 6th East. Mining O S & Co (mining)Dooly blk. Moon Arthur T, (ticket) 209 S Main. Moon O A, (ticket), 11 W Second South. Murray George H, 20 Com'l blk. Noble Persey L (mining), rear 44 N Second West. Norton GE (mining), 55 W 2d South. Osborn Henry J (mining), Auer & Murphy blk. Pollock Jas A (bonds and stocks), 77 Com'l blk. Raybould B G (real estate), 108 Opera House blk. Rea H H (real estate), 99 Com'l blk. Rollins E II & Sons (County, Town and School Bonds), 16 Union Nat Bank bldg, see adv. Shaw Jas K (mining). 29i E 2d So. Sheets E L,, 12 Com'l blk, see margins. Shiley D A (ticket), 11 W 2d South. Stewart J J (Manufacturers'), 205 S West Temple. Taylor C E & Co (ticket), 109 W Second South. Terrell Samuel S (bonds and stocks), 68 Com'l blk. Thompson John B (notes and stocks), 38 W 2d South. Tousey & Scheu (mining), 26-29 Com'l blk. Building Material. Asper William & Co, 151 W North Temple, see page 21. Kidder & Bro, 772 Seventh East. Mason & Co, 225 W South Tem- ple, see page 31. Taylor - Ronmey-Armstrong Co, South Temple s wcor Second West, see page III. Morrison, Merrill & Co, 241 N Third West, see bottom margins. *Buildiug Paper. Morrison, Merritt & Co, 241 N Third West, see right bottom lines. Miller E M, rms 617-618 McCor- nick bldg. Building and Loan As- sociations. (See Page 75.} Business Colleges. (See Academies and Colleges^) Butehers Wholesale. Cudahy Packing Co, 374 W 2nd S. Dickinson S S & Co, 11 E 3rd S. Knight & Co, 101-103 E 2nd S. Salt Lake Meat Co, 5th W n e cor 3rd S, see adv. Utah Slaughtering Co The, 22-24 E First South. 806 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Batchers Retail. Anderson Wm, 134 W First South. Ban* & Mayers, 210 State Barker F P, cor 4th E and llth S. Barton, Lyoii & Co, 351-353 S West Temple. Becker H J, 507 E Third South. Braby E & Sons, 700 E 7th South and 301 9th Easi. Buhring M E, 22 W First South. Burton W L,, 159 E Third South. B ii sell John B, 141 W 2d South. Butler J E, 462 E Second South. Cook N C, 905 E 12th South. Davis Bros, 138 N 2d West. Davis John, 107 E First South. Day, Rowe & Co, 311 S Main. Deseret Meat Market (D Hil- ton &Co), 33-35 E South Temple. Dickinson S S & Co, 11 E Third South. l>n in out & Jackson, 102 W S Temple. Edward Jolin T & Co, 72 W 1st South, see page II. Empire Meal Co, 49 E 2d South. Fassell Martin, 615 E 4th South. Ficke H D, 65 E Fifth South'. la 11 field John C C, 26 W First South. Globe (Robt Sherwood), 20 S Main. Ilaslam Bros, 517 W 1st North. Henderson & Henderson, Aberdeen. llcpworth T & Sons, 62 W 1st South. Ilolley & Taylor, 371 W South Temple. Hayes Wm, 258 W Third North. Kelley & Brown, cor 1st North and 5th West. Knight & Co, 101-103 E Second South, see page 38. Lambert Geo C, 176 W 5th South. l,;in 11 a 11 Martin, 233 S Main. Lees John. 471 N Fifth West. Lucas Amos, 107 J. .\epliew George W, 877 E 2d South. Nessell Joseph, s w cor 5th South and 2d East. Palace- Meat Market, 265 S Main. I'eterseii W II, W Grand View add. Poulton A E, 422 S 2d West. Raddon, Williams & Co, 654 9th E. Rich Bros, 774 W North Temple. Richards & Capen, 245 llth East. Rigby Bros, 422 424 S West Temple. Rodehaver M E, 153 E 3d South. Salt Lake Meat Co, 3d South, n e cor 5th West. Salmon Wm W, 185 E. Sanders Bros, Murray. Schliep Geo G, 212 W 2d South. Schneider & Yingst, 662 State. Sherwood C W, 727 E 3d South. South John. 32 W First South. Star Meat Market, 26 W 1st S. Strong Bros Co, 815 E 4th South. Thqmas David J, 13 N 8th West. Thurgood George, 204 N 5th West. Union Meat Co, 54 E 1st South. Wambolt F E & Co, 417 E 8th S. Wasatch Meat Co, 22 W 1st South. Weight & Sperry, 470-472 S 1st W. Weiler H W, State, Murray. White & Sons Co, 36 W First South, see ad>-. Wilson A J, 464 W First South. Winter Alexander, 212 W 2d South. Wood William & Sons, 532 E 2d S. Woods James C, 754 E 4th South. Woods William, 459 Third East. Zimmerman W, n e cor 8th West and South Temple. Calei miners. Blanchard Lloyd, 250 S 3d West. Haraldson K, 404 Sixth East. Harrison Alexander, 305 S State. Holcomb & Chisholm, 154 E 2d S. Millard Charles, 877 E 2d South. Miller Andrew J. 273 8th East. Odell & Son 128 W First South. Simpson J W, 133 S First West. Canned Goods. Colorado & Utah Canning Co, 125 W First South. *Caiivas. Rippe H & Co, 60 E 2d South. Carpet Cleaners. Salt Lake Carpet Cleaning Co, 90 W S Temple, see page . J l. L, S Whitehead, 363 W 9th S, see adv opp & margin lines. Carpet Weavers. Hulbert Wm, 138 Ninth East. Larson Mrs Stena, 825 4th East. Openshaw John, 615 W 1st North. Peterson Magdalena, 625 3d East. Steel Alexander, 853 E 8th South. Carpets and Oil Cloths. Co-operative Furniture Co, 11 S Main. Diiiwoodey H Furniture Co, 37-43 W 1st South, see coven Earls Furniture & Carpet Co. 207-211 State, see adv opp Furn Dealers. Freed Furniture & Carpet Co, 234 State, see side margins. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 807 Carpets aucl Oil Cloths. CONTINUED. Harri Furniture & Carpet House, 238 State. Madsen P W, 51-53 E First South. So re 11 sen & Nelson, 23 W First S, 826 page 27. Walker Bros & Fyler Co, Main s w cor 3d South. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Carriage an.i: Clothing-Retail. American Clothing Co, 25 W Second South. Appleman & Lieberman, 66 E Sec- ond South. Barton & Co, 45-47 S Main, see page 6. Cohn & Appleman, 66 E 2d South. Desky M, 74 W Second South. Eastern Misfit Clothing Par- lors. 10 E Second South. 810 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. SMITH'S .A,OTH DAIRY. Pare Milk and Cream Delivered to any Part of the City. n r* J - Me Coke. Salt Lake City Gas Co, 6 W First South, see adv. Cold Storage. Mountain Ice & Cold Storage Co, 864 S Third West, see right top lines and opp 519. Collection Agents. American Collecting Agency of Utah, 234 S Main. Buss & Murphy, 95-98 Com'l blk. Dunn's Commercial & Col. Agency, Shepard, Cherry & Shepard attys, Com'l blk. Glohe Mercantile Associa- tion, 28 E Fourth South, see adv. Nassau Collection Bureau, 514 Mc- Cornick blk. Utah Collection Agency, 37-40 Com- mercial blk. Colleges. (See Academies and Colleges and page 66.) Combination Feiiees. Burton - Gardner Co The, State, s w cor 8th South, see back bone and opp 186, Armstrong T C Jr, 472 W Sec- ond South. Commission Merchants. Black hurst Bros, 52 E Second South, see page 10. Cutler & Martin, 41 S West Temple. DeBruhl Wm J, 374 W 2d South. Hanson Produce Co, 65 S West Temple. Ilines E J & Co, 165 S West Temple. Klenke & Co, 70 W First South. McCann, Potter & Co, 75 W 1st South. rchants. union .Pacific Coal Co, 53 W 2d S. Wilkinson R M, s e cor Main and First South. Wolsteiiholme & Morris, 53 W Second South, see adv. *oal Tar. Salt Lake City Gas Co, 6 W 1st South, see adv. w ooiie u A <& Co, 143 W 2d South. Compressed Yeast. Fleishmanii & Co, 152 E Second South. *Conceiitratioii Hills. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Sec- ond South, see page 3. 812 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Confectioners-- Whole- sale. 4rbogast Confectionery Co, 108 S Main and 48 E First South. Kite R, 7th West and 5th South, see page XL Harris John, 329 Sixth East. Johnson L & Co, 71 W 7th South. Keeley A C, 330 S Main. Knight R J, 433 Sixth. Kolitz Kandy Kitchen Ko. 71 W 1st South. Kopp M, 54 W Second South, see IHHJI I'lII. McDonald J G Candy Co, rear 268 S Main, see page 1. Tucket t II A Candy Co, 447 W First North. I tali Candy Co, 220 J, see adv. ConfectionersRetail. Abernathy & L,iiigle, 65 S State. ii bouasf Confectionery Co, 108 S Main and 48 E First South. Ball F & Co, 24 S Main. Elkin D, 304 W Second South. Gallant J, 217 E First South. Golden Gate Candy Store, 252 S Main. Johnson Mrs M A, 252 Ninth East. Kay J, 120 W South Temple. Kolitz L, 71 W First South and 67 E First South. Kopp M, 54 W Second South, see i>'Y ail>: Thompson & Howland (gravel), 428 E Second South. Turner Win W (gravel', 464 W Second North. Copper. Miller E 31, Rooms 617 and 618 McCornick bldg. Cornice Manufacturers. Culmer G F& Bros, 17-19 Com'l ave. Schmidt Bros. Wash Place, see adv. James-Spencer-Bateman Co, 67 S Main. Woolley T II, 457 Third East. Cosmetic Parlors. Bradley Mrs L, I (Bloom of Lilies) Keysor's Court, see adv. Mly 31 me E J, S Main. Costumers. Hillard >Irs C, 877 E 2d South, see Rnine Mme K, 270 S Main. Cracker ^Manufacturers. American Biscuit & 3Ianu- facturinsrCo, 27 EThird South. see /"/N/V7f front cover cmd top ////:< r. *Cutlery. Z C 31 1, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Curiosities. Crosby & Co, 32 Richards. Shelley & Burckliartt. 221 S Main. Dairies. Abbott Ira S, 731 E Sixth South. Allred Louis, 6th W, s of 9th South. Allred P. State, s of 13th South. Anderson C, 920 Fourth East. Ayer Edw T. N Salt Lake. Borg, L P. state, s of Tenth South. Brighton Dairy, Larson & Craig, Brighton. Christiansen A F, 355 Express ave. Clover Dairy Co, 277 S Main. Colorado Dairy, State, bet 12th and 13th South. Cook Geo W, Taylorsville. Elgin Dairy, McCarroll & Dayton, Eleventh East, Mill Creek*. Evans Jno, 236 N Ninth West. Fountain Green Creamery, 266 *.> S Main. Fountain Peter, 753 W S Temple. Hansen Jens, 450 Pearl ave. Hill Fenton L, State, s of 12th S. Hobbs Jno A & Co, Rocky Mtn Dairy, office 127 S Main. Jersey Farm Oairy Co, Rio Grande Track and 14th South. P O Box 961. See adv. Jordan Bank Dairy, 10th N and 13th West. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 815 Dairies. CONTINUED. Killpack John, Mill Creek. Kunz Sebastian, 925 W Cannon. Larson J L, 362 N Second West. McAllister Dorothy, N Salt Lake. McAllister Patrick, N Salt Lake. McCarroll & Dayton, Mill Creek, Marker Anton H, 823 Fourth East. Netherlaiid Live Stock and Dairy Co, Dooly blk, see adv. Patten Thos O, Second West and Twelfth South. Perry Joseph C, Sugar House Ward. Peyton Alfred, State s of 12th S. Reusser G, Farmer's Ward. Rohde Jens T, North Salt Lake. Rocky Mountain Dairy, 165 S West Temple. Sin ilh S B, Riverside add. Smith W H, Centreville. Sproul Francis, Farmer's Ward. Stryker Christian, e s States of 10th South. Walls Thomas, w s State s of 13th South. Ward Geo, e s 9th East s of 12th S. Daneing Academies. Cliffs Dancing Academy, Market cor W Temple, and GAR Hall. Younger II B, Odd Fellows' Temple, Market, see adr. Dentists. Acher Wm H, 78 E Second South. Barnett W I, 159 E Second South. Bischof Carl W, 44 W First South. Brown John, 107 S Main, see page V. Can* C M, 57-58 Wasatch blk. Cartwright Calvin, 128 S Main. Chapman & Tripp, Opera House blk. 36 W Second South. Clawson Stanley H, 307 Mc- Cornick blk. Pollett C A, Eagle blk. Griswold Hector, 1 Union Nat Bank bldg, see adv opp Street Guide. Happy Hour Dental Co, 212* S State. Hodges Wm H, 76 Com'l blk. Keysor J B & Bro, 2-3 Scott- Auerbach blk. Leeka D C, 142 S Main. Nichols Frank C, 3-4 Union blk. Painless Dental Parlors, il E Third South. . Peak B, 2-4 Utah Com'l & S Bank. Romaine Geo R, 309 McCornick blk. Seal on II II. Progress blk, see adr. Snedaker John F, 47 E 1st South. Stiehl & Creighton, 312 McCor- nick Blk, see page 31. Taylor Ezro O, 316 McCornick blk Thomas .feiikyn, 16 S Main. Tillman Win II, 172 S Main. Tolhurst Chas E,142 S Main. Vincent Frank A, 11 E 3d S. Whitney &Bucher, 7 and 8 Mercan- tile Blk. Whytock Jas L, 38-39 Mercantile blk Whytock Hugh A, 105 Opera House 01 lv Designers. Whitecar J W, 212* State, set advt Detective Agencies. Franks' Detective Agency, Crane Bklg. Directory Publishers. Polk R L & Co, 74 S West Temple. Steiihouse & Co, 52 W Second S, P O Box 783. Dogs. Kinney L, I>, North Salt Lake. Lyngberg F C, 8 E First South, seepage 23. Draymen. Blackniarr & Crommett, 73 W Second South. Smith & Sims, 227 S West Temple. Watson J C & Bros, 66 S Main. Dressmakers. Adamson Miss Jennie, 158 S West Temple. Alexander Mrs Susie, 651 W South Temple. Allen Mrs M J, 117 P. Anders Miss Millie, 36 Union av. Andersen Miss Katy, Social Hall av. Anderson Elizabeth, 250 W 3d N. Anderson Mrs E H, Brighton. Anderson Mrs Katie, 205 W 1st S. Anderson Miss Rosa, 743 S 8th West. Anderson Miss Sophia, 174 E Second South. Baker Miss Sarah A, 50 12th East. Bayliss Miss Emma A, 20 K. Beam Mrs Josephine, 246 7th East. Bird Mrs E H, 328 W Third South. Clark Miss Agnes, 240 W 6th North. Cook Miss Lida E, 287 K, see adv. Crismon Jennie A, 127 S 2d West. Dallas Mrs T C, 44^ W 1st South. Demars Miss Mary E, 237 S 7th West. Duboy Miss Mamie, 62 Com'l. Dunford Miss May, 525 Fourth. Esterholdt Miss E, 167 E 3d South. Felt Mrs E M, 222 Ninth East. Gates Mrs Anna, rear 236 E Third South. 816 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. CARLTON KENNELS. Largest Collection of PHRE- BRED INTHI WEST. ALL REGISTERED AND PRIZE WINKERS, Headed by the Famous Stud Dog, "General Blueher' Address L. D. KINNEY, Prop., North Salt Lake. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 817 Dressmakers. CONTINUED. Grames Miss Amy, 163 E 7th South. Groo Mrs E L, 367 Fourth East. Ilaiiilit Miss Jennie, 329 Con- stitution bldg. Hamlin Miss Ray, 183 Centre. Hall Mine R, 22-23 Eagle blk, see adv. Hay Miss Christina, 61 Mercantile blk. Hill Mrs Catharine, 516 Fifth East. Hills Miss Ella, 109 S West Tem- ple, see adv. Hitch Mrs Annie M, 317 S West Temple. Hollies Julia A, 215 Eighth East. Jacobson Miss Maria, Murray. Keep Miss Louisa, 128 N State. Kimball Mrs M F, 421 Dooly blk. King Luella, 637 E Third South. Larsen Mrs Mary, 604 Third East. Lawrence Mrs Sadie, 338 E 2d South. Lawrence Mrs G A, 347 E 2d South. Lucas Mrs C A, 421 Dooly blk. Livengood Miss Nellie E, 421 Dooly blk. Lyon Miss F S, 78 F. McGrath Mary, 145 7th East. Mather Sisters, 25 Culmer blk. Mayes Mrs V, 164 W 3d South. Michelsoit Miss Lena, 31 Scott- Auerbach blk, see adv. Miller Miss Robenia, 930 W 1st S. Mortinson Anna, 176 E 3d South. Mounteer Miss Edith, 1026 Second. Murtaugh Mme, 74 Hooper blk. Nash Miss S E, 66 E Second South. Nelson Miss Hilda, 29 Fourth East. \o\vliu Miss Maria, 2141 South State, see adv. Nye Miss Emma, 23 Equitable Co- op bldg. Olson Miss A C, 303 Sixth. Palmer Theresa C, 408 N 2d West. Peterson Miss Torena, 36 Union av. Pritchard Miss Patti, 464 Sixth. Randolph Mrs M D, 403 Sixth East, Rose Miss Annie, 242 W 2d South. Ross Mme E V, 24 Mercantile blk. Rourke Elizabeth H, 336 7th East. Rumel Miss Eliza, 358 Fifth East. Rumel Miss Lizzie, 358 Fifth East. Rutherford Miss Annie, 68 Sixth W. Schultz "Mrs Susan, 843 Lincoln av. Shearer Mrs D E, rear 357 4th East. Sholes Alvira, 214 Eighth East. Slade Miss Lillian M, 8 Denhalter blk. Smith Ellen-D, 738 Eighth East. Smith Emma, 238 W Third North. Snedaker Miss Ella, res 431 E 4th S. Stein Clara P, 514 Constitution bldg. Stephens Miss Eliza, 128 S Main. Stephens & Smith, 4 E Third South. Stewart Mrs Mary J, 366 S West Temple. Stoddard Miss Effle, 417 E 4th South. Sutherland Agnes G, 47 W Sixth South. Swenson Julia A, 24 W 4th South. Taysum Miss Alice, 453 Second. Thirkill Annie, 35 J. Thomas Miss Sadie, 431-433 Constitution bldg, see adv. Thornberg Miss Mary, 372 E 5th S. Tracy Mrs M, 210 Progress blk. Tye Miss Anna, 153 S Fourth West. Watkins Mrs Susan, 24 G. Whitehead Jennie, agt System of Square Measurement Cutting, 142 E First South. Whittle Miss E A, 62 Mercantile blk. Whittle Mrs Eliza A, 61 Mercantile blk. Wiseman Catharine, rear 180 W South Temple. Druggists Wholesale. Clark Eldredge& Co, 141-143 W First South. Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, 101 Main. McFarlane Drug & Mfg Co, 79 E Second South. Roberts & Nelden, 234-236 Main. Smith A C & Co, 179 S Main. Smith C D Drug Co, 212 Pro- gress bldg. Union Pliarmacal Co, 222 W Second South. Z C M I, 112-114 S Main, see ade front cover. Druggists Retail. Bayly F L, & Co, 280 Main see ad. Beiitley Rawlings, (successors to O'Connor & Shaffer) 258 Main. Bernhisel Martin, 237 W 2d S. Bill Bros, 126 W S Temple. Coe John F, n e cor 3d E 2d South. Deyo Van K, Twelfth South, 2 e of Eleventh East. Druehl & Fran ken, s e cor 3d South and Main. Ferrebee W E, Murray. First Ward Pharmacy, 702 Seventh East. Gilds' Pharmacy, F C Gilds, n w cor State and Third South. Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, 101 S Main. Godbe-Scarft* Drug Co, 20 E First South. Gray Earl D, 279 State. Gries Bros, cor Second South & State. Hollander A, 144 S Main. Hoover D B & Co, 10 W Second South, see adv. slg t SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. R. S. JAMES. A - GARDINER. UTftH CftNDY FftCTORY, U-HOLESALE MANUFACTURERS ft FOR JOBBERS ONLY, Our Cioocls are Positively Pare. OQQ J Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed. **- * Park and Landscape Gardening a Specialty. alt L^He N^ r 5 e M. C'HRISTOPHERSOX, Prop. REFERENCES: Deseret National Bank and State Bank of Utah. Location. Slate Road. P. O. Box 417. .SALT LAKE CITY. SCEfllC UTflH- o @ Twenty Plates of Utah Scenery with Descriptive Letterpress by Alfred Lambourne. Price $5.OO and $25. OO. Address ALFRED LAMBOURNE, 521 Sixth St, Salt Lake City. UTAH'S ONLY HAT FACTORY. - HATS MADE AND RESHAPED. cfc Silk Hats Blocked and Reshaped while you wait. Work for the Trade at Eastern Prices. State St., Salt Lake City, Utah. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 819 Druggists Retail. CONTINUED. .loll ii son -Pratt Drim Co, 32-34 5 Main. .In IB kin II G, 219 S Fifth West, Lewis Chas H, s e cor First South and West Temple. Marriott Joseph, Murray, xee ad. Palace Drug- Store, 79 W 2d S. Park Terrace Pharmacy, (\ E Wright & Co, 502 E 3d South. Parlor Drug: Store, Gries Bros, 80 E Second South. Robinson & Him;. 347 S West Temple. Simpson-Hill Drug Co, 80 W Second South. Stan field & Long-, 702 7th East. Smith .4 C & Co, 179 S Main. Sykes Drug* Co,ne cor State and First South. Tavey Peter, Brighton. Temple Pharmacy, 126 W So Temple. Thomson Mrs J B, 215 S Fifth West. Wasatch Drug Co, 236 S Main. see inside back cover. Wright G E & Co, s e cor 5th East and 3d South. Z C IU I, 112-114 S Main. I>ry 4 .J MM Is Wholesale. Aucrbach F & Bro, 144-148 S Main. BiBriiham, Haniia, Muiiger 6 Co, 713 McCornick blk. Clawsoii. Spencer & Co, 100 Broadway. Simon Bros, 21 W First South. Teasdel S P, 132-138 S Main. Tootle, Hosea & Co, 617-618 Mc- Cornick blk. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Dry Qoods Retail. Auerbach F & Bro, 144-148 S Main. Bee Hive (D Alexander). 68 S Main. Cohn Bros, 116-118 S Main. Davis D E, & Sons, 242-244 W S Temple. Hardy, Young & Co, 28-30 S Main, see margin on cover. Jacobson Samuel, 209-213 S 5th W. New York Cash Store, 114 W 2cl S. People's Equitable Co-op As- sociation, 7-9 S Main. Salt Lake Equitable Co-op Inst, 42-44 W 2st S, see page II. Schweitzer & RansohoflT, 122 S Main. Simon Bros, 21 W 1st South. Tatham David II, 266 S Main Teasdel S P, 132-138 S Main. Thomas R K, 26-32 E 1st South. Walker Bros & Fyler Co. - \v cor Main & Third South. Western Shoe & Dry Goods Co, 51-53 S Main. ZCM I, 21-318 Main. see adv fronL cover. * ]>uek. I, 21-31 Main, see ndr front Z C cover I>.yers & Scourers. Page Amelia. 2(54 S West Tempi. -. Antretter Henry, 57 Richards St, see margin on con r. Salt Lake Steam Dye Works, 43 S West Temple, seepage 27. Eggs Wholesale. Christenseii J M & Co, 59 p] 1st South, seepage 2. Electric Apparatus ami Supplies. Holding E G, 55 W First South. Inter-Mountain Electric Co, The, 29 E First South. Jones R M, 25 E First South. United Electric Co, 20 Comrc'l. *Electric Bells. J ames-Speiicer-Batemaii Co, 67 S Main. Knudseii Hans P, Novelty Man- ufg Co, 61 E 3d South, see p 32. Electric Light Cos. Salt Lake P, L, & Heating Co, 6 W First South, see adv. * Electric Light Plants. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Sec- ond South, see advp 3. * Electric Motors. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Sec- ond South, see adv p 3. Nicol R W, 67 S Main. Electricians. Holding E G, 55 W First South. Electro-Plating. Knudsen Hans P, 61 E Third South, see p 32. * Elevators Electric. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Sec- ond South, see p 3. S20 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. DON' Theatrical People, Jobbers and all who have been sending east for trunks don't any more. We make them any size, them to DOIT pi Particularly request people who are afraid they cannot V I" get as good Trunks here as f L* in the East to call and we will convince them that we are do- ing just as fine work as any Eastern house and our prices are the lowest in ^ the city If you do not have time to ^ think it is call, and want your trunk fixed, /about time that drop us a postal card and we S c ^- t, A will send for it and return jf a Clt y of this Slze had when wanted. S first-class Trunk Factory? We also carry a full liue ^Xwhere everything is warranted as is^veTeS^oilSt 011 ^^represented; where you can have your Cases, Collar & Cuff S trunk or valise repaired at a reasonable price 1 Books, ^ and done when promised ? If your old trunk don't suit you, exchange it on a new one. COME and see us. We can show you the largest stock of Trunks and Traveling Bags in the citv, and everything for the traveling public at . I. GALLAGHER'S,^- TRUNK MANUFACTURER, 2O7 Main Street, Wasatch Building. Salt Lake City. Card Cases. Purs- es, Ladies' Hand Bags, Silk Hat Boxes. style or quality, and make suit'you. "We are" continually adding the latest improved trimmings for our goods, and all the latest nov- elties in Traveling Bags and Leather Goods. Have you seen the mysterious purse you can't open unless you know how? We have the Paragon Folding Purse; no frame to break; most roomy and least bulky purse made. HAYNES & SON. Boiler Makers. Old Boiler Tubes Lengthened by Lap Welding. Water Jackets made and repaired with dispatch. P. 0. Box 525, Shop 243-245 W, South Temple, Bet. 1st and 2nd West, Salt Lake City. . STENZEL & CO., (Late with Noble. Wood & Co.) MANUFACTURERS OF-, FINE FURS. Complete Line of All Kinds of Furs in Stock and Made to Order. Sealskin Garments a Specialty. Furs Altered, Repaired and Lined in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. Highest Prices Paid for Raw Furs. No. 4 E. Third South, Corner Main, SALT LAKE CITY. as TOM'S CJLBIN, Sold by all Booksellers Sent postpaid by HOUGHTON, & MIFFLIN & & CO., 4- Park Street, BOSTON, MASS. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 821 * Embroideries & L\ Maxwell John L, 321 E 5th Sonth. Pillaud Alexander, 507 Tenth East and Wonderland bldg. Reading John, basement Utah National Bank, and 214 E Second South, seep 37. Reynolds Chas J, 25 K. Schwarz & Heinecke, llth E, s of Eleventh South. Stanford, Stephen & Son, 603 W South Temple, see p 14. Tltorup II F F, 752 E 8th South. Truxler L, 1048 E Fifth South. Flour & Feed. (See Grocers, Commission.} Armstrong T C Jr, 472 W Second South. Blackhurst Bros, 52 E Second . South, see p 10. Gale J O, 343 E Third South. Johnson & Merz, 12-14 E Third South. People's Forwarding Co, 24- 26 E Second South. Perkins & Co, 309 E Second South. Sears & Jeremy Co, 60 Richards, see f) 5. Taylor-Spackman Co, 153-155 W South Temple. Flour Mills. Beniiion & Bennion, Taylors- ville, see p 266 Territorial Dept. Cooper Wm, West Jordan. Kiiudsen & Bagley, Big Cotton- wood, see adv. Lay to ii Milling & Elevator Co, 374 W Second South, see adv Layton, Terr Dept. Miller & Wilson. Murray, .< atlr. Pioneer Roller Mills. 53 E North Temple, M. p 8. Salt La ke Mill & Elevator Co. office North Salt Lake, see ad>- <>/>}>. Smith J R, Eighth East, bet llth and 12th South. Utah Milling Co The (iwc). 857 E Ninth South, see p 22. Wasatch Milling Co, 45 E First South. Forwarding Companies. Northwestern Forwarding Co, 13 Des Bank bldg. People's Forwarding Co, 24- 26 E Second South. Utah Forwarding Co, 13 Des Bank bldg. Founders $r RIaeliiiiists. Anderson J & Sons, 344 W Fifth South, see p VII. Davis, Howe & Co, 127 N 1st West. Eagle Foundry & Machine Co, 424 W First South, see p II. Eovett J T & Son, 44 N Seventh West, see p 464. Miller Thomas, 134 S Sixth West. Salt Lake City Foundry & Mfg Co. 133 S Third West. Silver Bros, 149 W North Temple. Smith John M, 171 W First North. Union Foundry, 542 W 2d South. Utah Foundry & Machine Co, 137 W South Temple. *Fresli Flowers (Pre- served.) Perry G G, 268 E Fifth South. Fruits Wholesale. California Fruit House, 224 S Main. Cutler & Martin, 41 S W Temple. Griffin H L, 127 W 1st South. Hanson Produce Co, 65 S West Temple. Hughes Fruit & Produce Co, 225 S West Temple. McCann, Potter & Co, 75 \\ First South. Taylor-Spackman Co, 155-157 W South Temple. Fruits Retail. (See also Confectioners^) California Fruit Stand, 28 E Second South. Eclipse Grocery & Fruit Co. 52 E First South. Fioresse M, 217 S West Temple. McLaughlin G, 70 S West Temple. 824 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Fruits Retail. ( ONTIXUED. Mac co no & I,essi, Theatre I'm it Mazzuchi Joseph, 65i E3d South. Pendlcton W C, 60 E 2d South. Price W L & Co, 64 S Main. Salt I^ke Fruit & Produce Co, 227 S West Temple. Santolini F, 171 S West Temple. Furnace Bars. Lovett J T & Son, 44 N 7th West, page 464. Furnaces. James-Speneer-Bateman Co, 67 S Main. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W 2cl S, page 3. Salt Lake Hardware Co, 42-44 \V 2d South, see margins & cover. Scott Geo M & Co, 168 S Main, see adv back bone. * Utah Stove & Hardware Co, :U K First South. Furnished Rooms. Aiken Chas E, 223 W 1st South. Alexander House. 374 S Main. Angell Mrs M, 437 E Third South. li rooks Arcade, n w cor State and Third South. Borkman Annie, 169 W S Temple. Clarke & Copps, 161 W S Temple. Clift House, Main, n w cor 3d S. Cunningham Mrs Lydia. 133 E 3d S. Elvers Mrs Mary, 314 Second East. Enterprise House, 13} Comrc'l. Fitzgerald Mrs L,, 129 "W 2d S. Ford Mrs J D, 240 State. Fox Annie. Eagle blk. Hollander John F, 331 S Main. Kintzell Mrs E J, 44 E Second So. Knowlden Km ma \ ,604 SMain. Landreth Mrs Jennie, 58 E 3d South, Lincoln Mary, 78 E Second South. Luvinia House, Mrs A F Oaklund prop, 55 E Third South. Lynds Mrs Elizabeth, 261 S Main. Miulseii Mrs E, 59 E First South. Madsen Louisa, 10 Commercial. Magnolia House, 164 S Second W. Matthews H J, 236 S State. Power Mrs M E, 119 S Main. Raybould Wm F. Raybould blk, 258 S Main. Rocca Mrs J. 44 E Second South. Savage Mrs L W, 241 W Third South. Schmidt C J. 264 S Main. Schuler Mrs Maria, Brooks Arcade Scott Mrs Martha, 250 S West Tern. Smith Miss Polly, 125 S West Tern Stetter Mrs Ella E. 135 E Second South. Telluride Block, 22 E 3d South. Thorne Bros, 11 Broadway. Tovinsend Elizabeth, 112 W First South. Van Voorhis Anna E, 468 S West Temple. Von Trott Mrs Anna. 134 W North Temple. Wallace Mrs F C ? Crane Blk. 232 S Main. Warner J A, 206 W South Temple. Watson Nellie, 60 Richards. Webb Mrs E A, 119 S Main. Wheatley Mrs Kate M, Del- monico Hotel. Williams J S. 14 Commercial. Winberg Miss Josephine, 110 W 1st North. Windsor Hotel, 202 W Second South. Furniture. Barnes & Co, 137 W Second South, see adv. Co-operative Furniture Co, 11 S Main. Dinwoodey H Furniture Co, 37-43 W First South, see cover. Earls Furniture & Carpet Co, 207-211 S State, see adv opp. Engstrom & Erickson, 69 E Second South. Freed Furniture & Carpet Co, 234-236 S State, see side mar- gins. Harris Furniture & Carpet House, -238-242 S State. Madsen P W, 51-53 E 1st South. \eve & Child, 39-41 E 1st South. Sandberg Furniture Co, 108 and 110 W South Temple. So re use ii & Nelson. 23 W First South, see page 27. Furniture Vans. B & O Transfer Co, 73 W Second South. Glenn Nathaniel II. 137 W Sec- ond South. Gotham A, 203 E Third South. Hudson J O, Eighth West, bet 3d and 4th South. McElrath J M, 557 S Main. Miller F, 1175 E South Temple. Mitchell C F, 62 W 2d South. Watson J C & Bros. 66 S Main. Furriers. Mehesey E, 220 S Main and The Knutsford. Nohle W P Mer Co, 158 S Main. Stenzel R & Co, 4 E Third South, see adv. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE, 825 Galvanized Iron Cornice. Jaiiies-Speiicer-Batenian Co, 67 S Main. Schmidt Bros, Washington Pl'ce, see adv. Gas Companies. ake C South, see Salt Lake City Gas Co, 6 W First adv. Gas Fitters. (See Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters.} Gazetteer Publishers. Polk R L & Co, Herald bldg. Steiihouse & Co, 52 W 2d South, P O box 783. Glass Plate A Window. Culmer G F & Bro, 71 Culmer blk. Mason & Co, 225 W S Temple. Sears & L.iddle Co, 33 W First South, see page 28. Gold, Nickel and Silver Platers. Knudsoii Hans P, 61 E Third South, see page 32. Grates and Mantels. (See Mantels and Grates.} General Merchandise. Anderson A P, 703 N Second West. Armstrong W B, 50 N 3d West. Atwood G B, 870 W 8th South. Baker T F & Co, Brighton. Ball Emma, 704 State. Barnes, Lewis & Co, 16 S Main. Barber Wm, 179 N First West. Bellow Geo, 578 W First South. Bess Geo, W Temple and 12th S. Blanton J P, 509 E Third South. Braby E & Sons, 301 9th East, and 700 E Seventh South. Branting J & F, 675 Fourth East. Brook Edward, cor Goodwin and Mitchell, N Salt Lake. Brooks Finley G, 56 S Main. Brown John, 276 W N Temple. Bolto Mrs Agnes, 724 S State. Bowman Robt, 55 Pear. Burlington Addition Store, 1401 W Eighth South. Burt Peter G, 331 W Fifth South. Carlgrew Carl A, cor Bodwell and May, N Salt Lake. Case H, 479 S Fifth East. Cartwright John, 538 S State. Castleton Bros, 736 Second. Collett R, 36 Almond. Colley C, cor Sixth and C. Cooper W m, West Jordan. Cunningham Peter, 1129 E 4th S. Davis I> L, & Sons, 242-244 W South Temple. Dupaix J H, Brighton. Eard-ley & Preece, 669 S West Temple. Eardley & Sperry, 635 S Main. Eleventh Ward Store, 702 E First South. Fifteenth Ward Store, 340 W First South. First Ward Store, 637 Sixth East. Foulger Bros. 68 K. Fourteenth Ward Store, 151 W First South. Frewin A, 776 W North Temple. Gallagher J, 653 Fifth East. Gilbert J, Murray. Glenn A, 646 S First West. Goff & Co, West Jordan. Goss P F, 67 E Third South. Gowan Jennette, 448 N Sixth West. Gronlund N J, 59 E Second South. Halvorsen J, Superior, N Salt Lake. Hardy, Young & Co, 28-30 S Main, see margin on cover. Harris J W, 210 C. Haslam Bros, 517 W First North. Haynes H, w s State, Murray. Hayes Wm, 258 W Third North. Hi< kok Edw J, 277 E 5th South. Home Mrs Sophrina, State, bet 10th and llth South. Irvine Geo Jr. 576 S 4th West. Irvine J & M, 759 Second East. Irvine Robt H, 459 Third. James Mrs L F, 608 W South Temp. James & Gardiner, 218 J. Jensen Niels, Murray. Jones John W, 56 E First South. Kelson J H, 818 E Second South. Knight R J, 433 Sixth, cor F. Lamburo Thomas, 28 S Sixth West. Lewis John S, 54 Grape. I Jiulsay Mrs B, cor First and K. Mclntyre Mrs Thomas, 39 I. Murphy, Peart & Co, s w cor 12th South and 9th East. Nielson Hans P, 406 N 3d West. Ostler Bros, 433 N 2d West, Page & Co, 341 W 6th South. People's Equitable Co-op Ass'n, 7-9 S Main. Pinnock & Wheeler, 880 E 4th S. Poulton James, 424 S 2d West. Eeynolds A J, 176 N Second West. Pickering Wright, 460 7th East. Romney Bros& Co, 89 D. Salt Lake Equitable Co-op, 42-44 W 1st S, see page II. Sanders Orson, e s State Murray. 826 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. General Merchandise. TINTED. Saville Geo, 7th East s of 13th S. Speirs Adam. 424 Eighth East. Slcldouay Bros, 701 E 7th South. Simons Tim-, 221 Fern. Simpson Jos W, n e cor Simpson ave and Seventh East. Shill Chas G. 358 N Third West. Shingleton S, 276 N Sixth West. , Miimmiiiu Herbert J, 537 N First West. Smoot Iftbert C, n w cor llth E and 12th South S 11 el I .liio W, 225 W First South. Stirling .la*. 344 E Fifth South. Stevenson H L, Big Cottonwood. IVaMlel S P, 132-138 S Main. Tenth Ward Co-op Mer Ins, 760 E Fourth South. Timpsoii Jno H, 580 W North Temple. Thomas Geo II, 1 N Eighth W. Twentieth Ward Co-op Store, 465 E South Temple. Walters Robert, West Jordan. Westwood Wra G, 39 N 1st West. Wilkinson C G, 418 E Filth South. Williams Sarah. 943 E South Temp. Willes W & E, 425 Fourth. Willoughby J, 42 Tenth East. Wood ford E, 458 E Second South. World .1 T. 400 N Second West. \ I. C R. Mill Creek. Gents* Furnishing Goods Wholesale. /: C' n I. 21-31 S Main, *//,/.- 4 iJe 11 is" Furnishing; Goods Retail. American Clothing Co, 25 W Second South. Barton & Co, 45-47 S Main, see p 6. Brown-Terry-Woodrnff Ce, 142 S Main, see margin lines. Freidman E M & Co, 39 S Main. Gardner J P, 141 S Main, tee p 95. Goldsmith & Co, 61-65 S Main. Gray. Ross & W yatt, 15-17 W 2d South. Lipman, Nadel & Son, 73 S Main. Lipman, Wallerstein & Co, 175 S Main. >l n I left Geo & Co. 21-23 E Second South. Nathan S .1. 165 SMain. \oble W 7 I Mercantile Co, 158 S Main. O'Reilly E. 110 8 Main. Groceries Wholesale. Blackhurst Bros, 52 E Second South, see p 10. Clark. Eldredge & Co. 141-143 W First South. Cunniiigtoii Co, 21 E 1st South. Hanson Produce Co The, 65 S West Temple. Stalin Bros, 131-133 S Main. McDonald's J Sons, 268 S Main. Xave-McCord Mer Co, 213 Progress blk. Remington-Johnson Co, 18-20 W Second South. Rogers & Co, 45 E First South. Symns I tali Grocer Co, 335- 337 W Second South. Tootle. Hosea & Co. 617-618 McCornick blk. Z C 31 I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Groceries Retail. Abbott Nettie M. 613 E 4th South. Alexander R W T . 65 W First South. Anderson Andrew P. 703 N 2d West. Armstrong Wm C, 75 E 3d South. Aubrey Thos, 73 E Second South. Badger G, 353 E Fourth South. Ball C M. n w cor 5th East & llth S. Balmforth C, 264 W South Temple. Barlow-Thompson Grocery Co The, 14 W 1st South, see adv. Barton, Lyon & Co, 351-353 S Wt-st Temple, see adv. Bergstrom Chas M, 1043 E 3d South. Biesinger Thos, 68 W First South. Illai klmrst Bros, 52 E Second South, see page 10. Bohling L & Co, 752 W 1st South. Bowen J C, 737 Sixth East. Bowring J F, 66 W First South. Braby E & Sons. 700 E 7th South. Brooks F G, 56 S Main. Brooks (T F, 573 E First South. Burnett W. 225 I. Burt P G, 331 W Fifth South. Butter J E, 464 E Second South. Butterworth Mrs A, 300 S 3d West. Canmann O A. 573 Seventh East. Carlgrew C A, cor Bod well and May, North Salt Lake. Case llyrum. 479 Fifth East. Chapman W B, 30 W 1st South. Clausen Bros, 539 W Second South. Colquhoun Alex. 203 W Second S. Cook N C, n w cor Ninth East and Twelfth South. Crockett Agnes. 112 Post. Cunnington Co. 21 E First South. Davis A M, 158 S Sixth West. Davis D L & Sons, 242-244 W South Temple. Davis Geo W. 80 W First South. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 827 Groceries Retail. CONTINUED. Day, Rowe & Co, 311 S Main. DeLaney L, 679 S State. Donkin J W, 1165 E Second South. Do ray E J & Co, 824 S Main. Driver Mercantile Co, 214 S Main. Durrell John, 61 Apple. Durst C B Grocery Co, 74 E Second South. Eclipse Grocery & Fruit Co, 52 E First South. Edwards James G, n e cor Terrace ave and 12th South. Eleventh Ward Store. 702 E 1st South. Eppstein Joseph, 325 S First West. Evans H F, 111 S Fifth West. Farnsworth Geo H, cor S Temple and Seventh West. Fifteenth Ward Store, 340 W 1st S. Fifth Ward Co-operative Store, 370 W Seventh South. Fifth Ward Family Store, 607 S 3d West, Foulger Bros, 68 K. Freeze Mercantile Co, 69 Main Gale James O, 71 E Third South. Quiver & Co, 1206 Second. Goss Peter F, 67 E Third South. GrisssTC (Fifteenth Ward Store) 340 W First South. Hard in M J, 373-375 W S Temple. Hanson C M, 744 Third East. Harper T E, 71 E Second South. Henderson W S, 277 S Main. Henry & Norell, 375 State. Hickok Sarah A, 277 E Fifch South. Hill Mrs Caroline, 373 N 5th West, Husbands C T, 420 W 2d South. Irvine G Jr, 576 S Fourth West. Jones E F, Brighton. James R S, 218 J. Jones & Drury, 303 E Second South. Kay J, 120 W South Temple. Kelson J H, 818 E Second South. Kloiiiiiger Bros, 10 E 3d South. It n iu lit R J, 433 Sixth, cor F. Lambert G C, 176 W Fifth South. Langhran T, llth E and llth South. Lenzi O H, 27 Ninth East. Lewis J S, 54 Grape. Lyngberg F C, 8 E First South, see page 23. McDougall A, 358 Third East. Marietta G B & Co, 24 W 1st S. Mason Bros, 369 W South Temple. Mayer J A, 476 W First South. Meade H B & Co, 613 E 4th South Miller A C, 237 S Fifth West. Moser L, 870 E Second South. Murray C, 78 W First South. Neighbor's Grocery Store, 719 W S Temple. Nessel J, cor 5th South and 2d East. Neuenschwander Jno, cor Third S and Fourth West. Newcomb C H, 353 E Fourth South, Norden Mercantile Co, A W Win- berg Mngr, 68 E First South. Ostler Bros, 433 N Second West, Page & Co, 341 W Sixth South. Palmquist Ifiros, 105 E First S. Peck & Cooper, 180 W South Temple. Peterson Chas N & Co, 75 E 2d S. Peterson Erick J, 116 E Second S. Peterson J A, 156 E Second So. Pinnock & Wheeler, 880 E 4th S. Pope Jane, 411 E Eighth South. Price Eli L,, 254 S Main. Randolph W W, 557 W 2d South. Reese E W & Co, 779 S Main. Iligby Bros, 422 S West Temple. Rodehaver Mary E, 153 E 3d South. Rogers & Co, 45 E First South. Saxman S G, 625 E Second South. Self J, n w cor Aberdeen and South Gale. Silver Bros, 745 E Second South. Simons & Co, 127 Ninth East. Simpson J W, n e cor Simpson ave and Seventh East, Forest Dale. Sjoblom A, 130 W First South. Smith B, 255 S Fifth West. Snarr & Sons, 324 W Sixth South. State Street Grocery, 224 S State. Strehl W, 133 W Second South. Storer J P, cor 7th W & 4th South. Strong Bros Co, 813 E Fourth South, seepage 9. Tarbell S W, s w cor llth S & 4th E. Tea Pot Store, 324 S Main. Teasdel S P, 132-138 S Main. Thomas T, cor First South and Sixth West. Thomson J S, n e cor Twelfth South and Twelfth East. Tobias M & Son, 224 S State. Ure J W, 719 W South Temple. Wach M H, 713 N Second West. Wambolt F E & Co, 417 E 8th South. Watson J C, 370 W Fifth South. Watson M A, successors J R Wat- son, 725 E Third South. Weaver Wm, 736 W North Temple. Weight E C, 931 W First South. . Weight & Sperry, 470-472 S First West. Willoughby J, 42 Tenth East. Wilson Franklin E, 1401 W Eighth South. Wiscomb & Co, 58 E First South. Wittmaack Ferd W, 326 S State. Wolfe E A & Co, 143 W Second South. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. p. L. WILLIAMS, PRES; H. P. HENDERSON, VICE-PRES: W. S. McCORNICK. TREAS ; JAS. MOFFATT. SECRETARY. , f\V> OFFICE, 6 WEST FIRST SOUTH, "U SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, T S NOW prepared to furnish Incandescent Electric Lighting, by the Thomson-Houston System, and Arc Electric Lighting by either the Thomson- Houston or the Western Electric System, for private residences, business houses, public halls, churches and manufac- tories. A steady, uniform and continuous light guaranteed at a mini- mum cost. Applications received at the Company's office for the above methods of lighting, at any point within the corporate limits of the city, by either the meter or contract system, for monthly service. SALT bflE CITY GAS CO|V[PAriY. Office, 6 West First South. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Coke and Coal Tar constantly on hand and for sale at the Company's Works, Corner South Temple and Fourth West Streets. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE, 829 Groceries Retail. CONTINUED. Woodmansee & Goodfellow, 76 W First South. Wood & Armstrong, 19 W Third South. Woolley Albaroni H, 447 3d East. Guns A Sporting* Goods. Browning Bros, 155 S Main. Coffin E Hardware Co, 145 S Main. Cuiuiingtoii Co, 21 E 1st South. i:\ ans M R, 22 W Second South, see adv. Salt Lake Hardware Co, 42- 44 W Second South, see margin* and cover. Scott CJ M & Co, 168 S Main, see adv back bone. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cor , \ Hardware V Stoves. Coffin E C Hardware Co, 147 S Main. Cuimiiigton Co, 21 E 1st South. f; i iiiiis T C, Fifteenth Ward Store, 340 W First South. Houghtoii - >l< \aii Hard- ware Co, 12 E Second South. James - Spencer - Batemaii Co, 67 S Main. Salt I, like Hardware Co, 42-44 W Second South. Scott Geo M & Co, 168 S Main, see adv on bade bone. Utah Stove & Hardware Co, 34-36 E 1st South, see top margins. Walsh Mrs Mary A, 77 W 1st S. Wanless C & Co, 120 S Main. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see adv front cover. 0- Harness and Saddles. Crow C II, 58 E 1st South, see page 6. Franklund J W, Tithing Yard. Hallstrom H, 169 S State. 'Jenkins J W & Sons, 78 E 2d S. Lawson J W, e s State, Murray. Pickard W L, Co, 30 W 2dS. I'latt F Co, 147 State, see adv. Studebaker Bros Mills Co, 35 S Main, see page 20. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see adv front cover. ll:iis. Caps and Furs- Wholesale. Johnson-Fife Hat Co, 616 Mc- Cornick blk. Noble, Wood & Co, 52 W 2d South. Turner & Jay, 714 McCornick blk. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. 830 SAtT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. O. A. WOOLLEY. GEO. E. WOOLLEY. WOOLLEY Steam Laundry. Neatness and Promptness our Watchword. The Patronage of Our Friends Solicited. Rough Dry Work 5 Cents Per Pound. SALT LAKE CITY, Office with Barton & Co., 45-47 Main St. Laundry 143 Hinth East. Telephone 119. UTAH. SCHMIDT BROS.. Manufacturers of Sheet Metal Cornice METAL and SLATE / Washington Place, Works: ;- State Street, ) Bet. 5th and 6th South, I', ft. Box 447. SALT MKE CITY. PRACTICAL VYatGhmaker 12 E First South St., Three doors East of Godbe's Corner, SALT LAKE CITY. Sealer in Watcies, 'Clocki ani Jevelrj, All Repairs Neatly Done and Warranted. DAVID B.THOMAS, GENERAL 400 REAL ESTATE AGENT. Progress Bldg., .Main St. Notary SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 831 Hals. Caps and Furs Retail. Barton & Co, 45-47 S Main, see page 6. Brown, Terry & Woodruff Co, 142 S Main, see 'margin lines. Gardner J P, 141 S Main. Mullett Geo & Co, 21-23 E 2d S. Noble W P Mercantile Co, 158 S Main. Wolter E JT & Co, 25 W2d South. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see adv front cover. Hatters. Noble, Wood & Co, 52 W 2d South. Smyth Richard, 318 C. Taylor & Co, 264 S State, see adv. Hay A 4 1 nisti oim T C Jr, 472 W 2d S. Bassford Henry E, 106 W S Temple. Blackhurst Bros, 52 E 2d South, see adv. Butler John E, 466 E Second South. ilia pin an W in B, 30 W 1st S. Henry & Norell, 375 State. Johnson & Merz, 12-14 E 3d S. Johnson & Stalker, 134 W First S. People's Forwarding Co, 24- 26 E Second South. Perkins Co, 309 E Second South: Sears , Jeremy Co, 60 Rich- ards, see page 28. Silck Chas & Co, 123 E Second So. Silver Bros, 745 E Second South. Taylor-Spackman Co, 155-157 W South Temple. - Wallace & Mason, 226 W 2d South, Woodmansee & (loodfellow, 76 W First South. Wood & Armstrong, 19 W 3d S. Health Resorts. Beck's Hot Springs and Bath House, 3^ miles n of City. Warm Springs, Second West, n. of Seventh North. Herb Beer. Daynes Thomas, 24 F. Hides, Pelts and Furs* Colin H & Co, 422-436 W N Tern. Paine & Lyne, 151 S State. Rowe -Morris - Sunimerhays Co, 61-63 S Third West, see page Sanders & Campbell, 422-436 W North Temple, see page 2. Horse Collars. (Manufacturers and Dealers) Platt F Co, 147-149 S State, see page 97. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. *Hoistiiig Engines. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Second South, see page 3. Hoisting Engines. Udgerwood. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Second South, see page 3. Horse Radish. Keenan J E Preserve Co, 4th W n e cor 5th North, see inside 6acA- cover. Salt Lake Pickle Co, 222 W Second South, see left side margins. To use M, 246 N Second West. Chicago & Salt Lake Extract and Perfume Co, 131 W Sec- ond South. Horseslioers. (See also Blacksmiths.) Bay Horse Shoeing Shop, 15 Plumb Alley. Delong& Smith, 119-121 E 2d South. Frevert & Co, 165 S State, seepage 24. Frost E, 319 S State. Kidd J H, 13 Franklin ave. Kass & Livingston, 121 E 4th South. McKellar A, 648 Second East. Xaylor Bros & Warburton, 157 A S State. Pendleton A M, 240 W 3d South. Pendleton A J & Son, 63 Com- mercial. Sutton & Sheets, Victoria Place. Watts & Fentoii, Ely the's Court. Hospitals. (See page 76.) Hotels. Albany Hotel, 597 W -Jd South, see adv. Beck's Hot Springs, 3A miles n of city. Clarke House, 161 W South Temple. Clift House, (European), Main n w cor Third South. Cullen The, 33-35 W 2d South. Enterprise House (European). 13i Commercial. .::. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Hotels. \ TINTED. :;mia Hotel, 14<; Stat.-. Grand Hotel, 164 E 1st South, jlr.tfl Brighton Brighton. Hotel Morgan. 144 W 1st South. Hotel Templeton, Don H Porter Propr, s t> cor Main ,S: S Temple, see fi'lf. llotc'l Windsor. '20-2 W :M South. Kiiutsford The, State n e cor E Third South. Magnolia House, 164 S2d West. >l;mitou. 3d South, 1 E of The Knutsford. Metropolitan Hotel (Europ'n). 76 W 3d South. Miffliu House, 358 \V First South. Railroad Exchange Hotel. 379 W Smith Temple. Kio Grande Hotel, 221 S 5th W. St Elmo. European). F Elmen- dorff & Co. 271 S Main. St .la IIK-S Hotel, 321 S Main. Sullivan House, 263 S Fifth W-st. TontiiR'. Miss May Cavin. 43 Coin'l. Tremont House, 555 W 2d South. I iiitali Hotel. (European), 18 Commercial ave, see page 95. 1 iiion Pacific Hotel, S Temple ii r cor 3d West, seeadc on cover. Valley House, Carter & Co. cor W & S Temple, see margin on (<><> ,-. Walker House. 246 S Main. White House. 20< S Main. House Furnishing CM oods Z C >l I. 21-31 S Main., set: front ((>)< r. House Clovers. (See Contractors^} lee Cream Mnfrs. tibogast Confectionery Co, 108 S Main & 48 E First South. Evans John, 236 N Ninth West. Garfield Ice Cream Parlor, 468 W First South. Johnson Mrs M A, 252 Ninth East. Morrison Thomas H, 43 Rosella. Tall Geo S. 55 N Sixth West. 1 T S Confectionery Co, 24 Fifth East. lee Dealers. Mountain Ice & Cold Storage Co, 860 S Third West, see left top Park City Ice Co, 302 S Third West. Installment Goods. American Wringer Co, The, 135 W First South. Edwards Geo &, Co. 341 S State. Edwards J, 155 E Third South. Installment Houses. Freed Furniture & Carpet Co. i'U-236 S State, set >-/<7<:- lines. Institutes. Edinburgh Institute The catarrh), Holmes bldg. Columbia Gold Cure for Int.-briates, 151 S West Temple. Copelaiid Medical Institute. Progress block. McMurray Institute, 28 E Fourth S. Salt Lake Ensor Institute, 46 E 2d S. Salt Lake Keeley Institute. Tlie, Gardo Housr. $& cowr. I tali Medical and Surgical Institute. Dr Chas O Sanborn propr. 64 S Main, sse JN Guardian Assurance Co of London, \V E Smedley & Co agts. Progress blk. Hartford Fireliis Co of Hart- ford. Heber J Grant & Co Agte, 60 S Main, see top edge. Hamburg-Bremen of Germany. H Anderson Agt, 131 S Main. Ham burg-Madgebnrg of Ger- many, Fuller & Young Agts, 110 S Main. Hecla of Si Paul. L Hyams & Co Agts, 86 Com'l blk. Helvetia Swiss Fire, St Gall, Switz- erland, L Hyams & Co Agts, 86 Com'l blk. Home Fire Ins Co of Ifali. Heber J Grant & Co Agts, 60 S Main, see top edge. Home In Co of \ Y. Heber J Grant & Co Agts, 60 S Main. Home >I iitnai of California, Rogers. Searles & Co Agts, 20 Central blk, *cc bottom margins. Imperial Ins Co of England, Rogers, Searles & Co Agts, 20 Central blk, see bottom marc/in*. Ins Co of \orth America of Philadelphia, Heber J Grant & Co Agts, 60 S Main. Lancashire Ins Co. of Manchester, W E Smedley & Co. agts. Pro- gress blk. Lion Fire Ins Co of England, Rogers, Searles & Co, agents, 20 Central blk, sec bottom margins. London Assurance, of England, Hugh L Anderson agt, 131 S Main. London & Lancashire Fire Ins Co, of Liverpool, Whitte- more, Cooke & Co, agts, McCor- nick blk. see top mary/nx. Manchester Assurance Co, of Man- chester. W E Smedlef & Co, agts Progress blk. Manufacturers' & Builders' Fire Ins Co. N Y, N Mayes agt, 65 W 2d S Merchants' Ins Co. of Newark, N J W E Smedley & Co, agts, Pro- gress blk. Michigan Fire & Marine Ins Co of Detroit, Harris & Wilson, agts, 221 S Main. National Assurance Co, of Ireland, runway & Donnellan agts, 29 Commercial blk. National Fire Insurance Co. of Conn, Rogers, Searles & Co, agts, 20 Central blk. see maryim*. Xewark of A T e*vark. \ T J. Ful- ler & Young, agts, 110 S Main. \ew Hampshire, of Man- chester. \ II, Fuller & Young, agts, 110 S Main. York Indent riterg Agency* * f, F M Bishop, agt, Morlan blk ; 15 W Second South. New Zealand Fire Insurance Co, F W Olmsted agt, 65 W 2d South; North America, F M Bishop agt, 15- 17 Morlan blk. North British & Mercantile of Eng- land. Hugh Anderson agt, 131 8 Main. Northern, of England, Hugh Ander- son agt, 131 S Main. \orth German Fire Insur- ance Co of Ilamberg, Whitte- more. Cooke & Co agts. McCor- nick blk. see top mai'f/ui*. Northwestern Masonic, Chicago, C Diehl & Co agts, 66 Com'l blk. Northwestern \atiosial In- surance Co of Milwaukee, Mis. Whittemore, Cooke & Co, agts, McCornick blk, sec ??<<'/'////.-. Oakland Home Insurance Co of Oak- land, Cal, W E Smedley & Co agts, Progress blk. Orient of Hartford. Hugh Anderson agt. 131 S Main. Palatine of Manchester, Eiig-, Fuller & Young agts, 110 S Main. Patriotic Assurance Co of Dublin, Harris & Wilson, 221 S Main. People's Fire Insurance Co of Man- chester, X H, N Mayes agt, 65 W Second South. Phoenix Assurance Co of London, W E Smedley & Co agts, Progress blk. Pho?iiix IMS Co of Brooklyn, tf Y, Whittemore, Cooke \' Co agts. McCornick blk, see margins. Phoenix of Hartford. Hart- ford Conn, A L Jacobs & Co agts, Progress blk. Prussian Xat of Stetliii. Fuller &: Young agts, 110 S Main. Queen Ins Co, N Y, Harris & Wil- son agts, 221 S Main. Reading Fire Ins Co of Read- ing Penn, Jennings &: Caine agts, 63 Hooper blk. Reading of Pennsylvania, Jennings & Caine agts, 63-66 Hooper blk. Rochester German of Rochester N Y, C Diehl & Co agts. 66 Coml blk. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 835 Insurance Companies Fire. CONTINUED. Royal Exchange Assurance ol London, H B Windsor & Co agts. 232 S Main, see page 103. Roval Fire Ins Co, H W Lawrence agt, 117 S West Temple. Royal of Liverpool, Eng- land, H W Lawrence agt, 117 S West Temple. St. Paul German ol St Paul, L Hyams & Co, 86 Coml blk. St Paul of Minnesota, Hugh Ander- son agt, 131 S Main. Security of New Haven, C Diehl agts, 66 Coml blk. Scania Insurance Co ol Mai- mo, Sweden^ Whittemore, Cooke & Co agts, McCornick blk. see top margin*. Scottish Union and National of Eng- land, Hugh Anderson agt, 131 S Main. Svea ol Gothenburg, Fuller & Young agts, 110 S Main. Southern Insurance Co of Xew Or- leans, Harris & Wilson agts, 221 S Main. Springfield Assurance Co of Spring- field, Mass, W E Smedley & Co, agts, Progress blk. Spring Garden Insurance Co, Philadelphia, F M Bishop agt, Morlan blk, 15 W Second South. State Investment & Insurance Co of San Francisco, Harris & Wilson, 221 S Main. Sun Fire Office of London, W E Smedley & Co agts, Progress blk. Sun Insurance Co of San Francisco, Harris & Wilson agts, 221 S Main. Syndicate ol Minneapolis, Fuller & Young agts, 110 S Main. Traders, Chicago, C Diehl & Co agts, 66 Commercial blk. Traders' Insurance Co, Chi- cago, 111, F M Bishop agt, Morlan blk, 15 W Second South. Trans-Atlantic Fire Iiisur- once Co ol Hamburg, A L Jacobs & Co agts, Progress blk. Union Assurance Co, London, Louis Hyams & Co, 86 Com'l blk. United Firemen's Ins Co, Philadelphia, F M Bishop agt, Morlan blk, 15 W Second South. I IB i *. Coiitvay Ai, Donnellau, 29 Com- mercial blk. Corker .1 F life and accident), 251 S Main, .see pa & Chadwick, Realty blk. Lath* A Shingles. (See Lumber?} Laundries Steam. Empire Steam Laundry, 21 Com- mercial. French Steam Hand Laundry. 34 S West Temple. Troy Steam Laundry, 142 S Main, a *'W/ ///a, :. Western Cement Co, (and cement). 13 Deseret Bank bldg. White J B & Bro, (and cement), 374 W Second South. Lithographers. Salt Lake Litho Co. 52 W Sec- ond South, see margins. Lithographing Stone. Salt Lake Lithographing Stone and Marble Co. 55 Hooper bldg. Liquors. (See Wines and Liquors?} Live Stock Dealers and Breeders. Aloes John, 561 S First West. Brown O C (sheep), 27 E 6th South. Brown P C (sheep), 235 12th East, Burke Land & Cattle Co, 7 City Hall. Burke Wm, 55 W Fourth South. Carrington C W (jsheep >, 241 E First. Clover Valley Land & Stock Co. 12 Des Bank bldg. Crane Chas L, Crane bldg. Eldredge James A, 55 First. Hapgood H F, White House. Hardy Leonard G. 1170 Fifth East. Herron Geo W, 160 W 7th South. Davidson D, 536 E Fourth South. Davidson W (sheep), 9th East, bet llth and 12th South. Davidson W IV, 905 E 2d South. Ireland E A, 255 E South Temple. Jeremy T E (sheep), 58 N Sixth West, p. W. GARDINER, See. & Tfeas. SEE OTHER 3IDE SUCCESSORS U ILIIU. O N S O L I D ATED WITH KELLY & COMEAI (INCORPORATE 5") t^s ' sis ' ^~~\/7 ' jp.. /// / /if)> WteZ/f /// / ^ -^ / ^ fr MJ > at/s/ // r KELLY & CO. (INC.) 'SALT LAKE LITHO CO J-CONSOUDATED. SALT LAKE LITHOGRAPHING CO, SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 839 Live Stock Dealers and Breeders. CONTINUED. Johnson A J (sheep), 251 3d East, Johnson J L, 824 E South Temple. Jones T W, 631 W South Temple. Kaiiab Co-op Stock Co, 78 S West Temple. Keeney J W, 445 S West Temple. Kingsburg S S (sheep), 23 6th East. McKean T, 173 N Fourth West. McKean T Jr, cor 3d North and 12th West. Miller C L (sheep), Murray. Miller R P, Murray. Needham E H, 421 Second East. Netherlaiid Live Slock and Dairy Co, Dooly blk, see adr. Norberg H, 555 Seventh. Omaha Live Stock Co, 12-14 Deseret Nat'l Bank bldg. Paramore F T, rear 1029 E 6th South. Parson* & Eager, 3 Jennings blk Parson* Elias II, 547 E Second South. Pearson H M, 751 E Ninth South. Quayle E (sheep), West Temple s of Tenth South. Quayle H (sheep) llth South bet Main and West Temple. Range Valley Cattle Co, 218 S Main. Reese E L (sheep), 20 N Fifth West. Reese Lee (sheep), 20 N Fifth West. Rigby S T (sheep), West Temple, bet 10th and llth South. Rigby Wm (sheep), 144 W 4th South. Rigby Wm S (sheep), 144 W Fourth South. Rudy Henry, 214 S Fourth West. Salina Stock Co, 125 S Main. Sampson James, 623 S 1st West. Saunders B F, 3 Jennings blk, see adv. Sheets E F, 349 Second East. Smith S H B, 672 E Fourth South. Truman J H & Sons, 350 S Main, see adv opp Terr Index. Utah Sheep Co, White & Sons Co. Whitaker M E, 5 Whitaker Court. Whitaker S, 9 Whitaker Court. Whitney J J, 451 Fourth East. Winter J, 230 W Second North. Livery and Feed Stable*. Bamberger L E, 28 E Third South. Carrigan H, 226 S Main, see adr opp City Index. Clark S, 174 W 1st South, see adv. Eclipse Stables, W McQuarrie, 168 State. C*rant Bros Livery & Trans- fer Co, 40-44 S West Temple, see p 30. Iowa Feed & Livery Stable, 125 W South Temple. McCoy T, 39 W Second South. adv. McQuarrie Wm, Eclipse Stable, 446 S West Temple. Nay lor Wm & Son. rear 157.', State. Palace Stables, 52 W Third S'outh. Palmer W D, 125 E Fourth South. Sheets N M, Tithing Yards. Steele I W, 532 Sixth East, Taylor &, Price, 125 W 2d South. Wickel & Son, 333 State. Loeksmiths $r Bellhaiig- ers. Baker & Knowles, 68 Commercial. Clayton J & W II, 137 W First South, see page X. Knudsen H P, 61 E Third South, see page 32. Evans M R, 22 W Second South, .see adv. Loans. Bamberger Herman, 150 S Main. Blakeley Gould B, 221 S Main. Boufbrd H & Co, 65 W 2d South , see p 12. Casady E E, 18-19 Com'l blk. Coates Harold P G, 12 Com'l blk, see bottom margins. Corker J F & Co, 251 S Main, see p 1. Corum J J, 13 Eagle blk. Deseret Building & Loan Club (Lo- cal Branch), 15-17 Morlan blk. l> nits lice &Raney, 13 Eagle blk. Froiseth B A M & Co, 66.V E 2d S Fuller H W, 7 E 2d South. Graeber Realty & Investment Co, 107 S Main. Graves & Vintoii Co, 607 Mc- Cornick Block, see page 16 Terr dept. Cire^s F E & Co, 8-9 Com'l blk. Harris & Wilson, 221 S Main. Hampton & Jones, 240 Constitution bldg. Hannaman C L. 110 S Main. Hiatt Frank T, 16-17 Com'l blk. Houston J W, 43 W 2d South. Irvine W H, 16-17 Com'l blk. Lee L D, 52 Com'l blk. Lombard Investment Co, 11 W First South, see left top lines. Mariner Investment Co, 78 S West Temple. Miller & Miller, 38 W 2d South. Montgomery W J, 166 S Main. Moore W J, 52 Com'l blk. Olsen Oliver, 1 and 2, 11 W First South. Pacific Investment Co Tlie, 41 Com'l blk. Salt Lake Building & Loan 4ssn, 43 W Second South. 840 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. . FULLER. Prest. Directors: JOHN SIDDOWAY. Vice.Presideiit. .IAS. >f. MI< HE1.SEX. A. JI. MISSER. W. L,. BINDER. Sec'y and Treas. H. A. REEVES. JOSHIA HARRIS. L. C. LOVERIDCJE. Superintendent. HEXRY COl'LAM. TENTH WARD Lumber & Building Association, INCORPORATED MARCH. 1890. WJiolesalf and K<-f ail Uealerni in Lunjber 1 , Lalsh, picket?, h, Dow?, Etc,, BUILDERS' HRRDWflRE. BflR FIXTURES, COUNTERS, ETC. GONTRflGTORS flND BUILDERS, 758 East Fourth South Street, Telephone No. 502. SALT LAKE CITY. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 341 Loans. rOXTIXUED. Salt Lake Valley Loan & Trust C 1 o, 11 E First South. Shaw .1 It, 29 1 ., E Second South. Sheets E L, 232 S Main. Siiyder .1 J, 35 Hooper bldg. Spafford W H H & Co. 36 Coml blk. Terrell S S, 68 and 69 Com'l blk. Thompson John B, 38 W 2d South. Turton Wm, 236 S State. Utah Loan & Building Assn, Mc- Cornick blk. Virtue & Righter, 55 W 2d South. WeatherbyC J, 16 Central blk. Western Loan & Savings Co, 22-24 E First South. Woodruff Russel . 16 and 17 Commercial blk. Yeadon & Heath, 150 S Main. Zion's Benefit Building Society, 1-3 S Main. locomotives 81i:iy Pat- ent. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Sec- ond South, see p 3. Lodging Houses. Alexander House, 374 S Main. Black Mrs Thos W, 16 E First S. Blake Mrs Jessie, 166 1 ., W S Tempi. Colson Mrs Jas F, 10 E First South. Donaldson Christine, 235 S State. Enterprise House, 13 Commercial. Germania Hotel, 146 State. Grand Central, C J Schmidt, 264 S Main. Groote Miss Minnie, 244 S W Tempi. Knox Katharine, 217 S Second W. Leadville House, 49 E 2d South. Lenken Mary, 78 E Second South. Lincoln House, P Hein prop, 68 E First South. Luvinia House, 55 E Third South. McDonald Mrs E, 21 E Third South. Magnolia House, Mrs Mattie E Smith, 164 S Second West. VowliEi Mrs II S, 214] S State. People's Lodging House, 58 Commercial. Roberts' Lodging House, 12 E 2d S. Roil ell & Bl in n, 58 Commercial. Star Lodging Honse, 54 E 1st South. Tivoli, Mrs Nellie Bonner, 247 S Main. Utah House, 214 S First West. Young Wm G. 49 Commercial. Luhri eating Oils. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W 2d South, see p 3. Utah & Montana Machinery Co, 259 S Main. I, umber Dealers. As per Win & Co, 151 W North Temple, see adv p 21. Atwood W H, Murray, see mil- Murray dept. Both well & McConaughy. 232 S 1st West; see p L Burton-Gardner Co, The, s w cor State and 8th South, *. backbone. Cahoon J P & Bros, w s State, Murray. Carey-Lombard Co, n w cor Second South and Second West. Coibath H M, 27 S Third West. Eardley J W, 44 E Fourth South, see p XV. BluUii; Bros Miil^Co, 150 Main, see adv. Kidder & Bros, 772 Seventh East. Landers, Ewer & s< holly. 109 W Second South, see page 2 Terr Dept. Leaver, Conrad & Co, 255 ^V South Temple. mason & Co, 225 W South Tem- ple, see page 31. Morrison, Merrill & Co, 241 N Third West, see right bottom lines. Pac-iftc Lumber Co, llth East, s w cor South Boulevard, see adv Parker & Depiie, n e cor Third West and Second South, see left bottom lines. Salt Lake Building & Manfg Co, 32- 34 N Second W, see page IV. Sells E & Co, 150-152 W 1st South. Lumber Wholesale. Smith Wm H, 74-75 Com'l blk. Stewart J J, 205 S West Temple. Landers, Ew er & Scholly, 109 W Second South, see page 2 Terr Dept. * machinery. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W 2d South, see page 3. I'tah & Montana Machinery Co, 259 S Main. Machinist*. Allen F B, 68 S Fifth West. Davis, Howe & Co, 127 N 1st West. Eagle Foundry & Machine Co, 424 W 1st South" see page 11. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W 2d South, see page 3. Hiiudseii Hans P, 61 E Third South, see page 32. Lovett J T & Son, 44 N 7th West. see adv. IVlcClure Geo R R & Co, Market. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GIIDE. machinists. < UN-TINTED. Moritz &. Greenwood, 67 State. see page 9. Silver Bros, 149 W North Temple. I Hion Iron Works. 542 W 2d South. Manicure. Biele R M. 27-28 Scott-Auerbach l.ldg. Crock well Eliza. 353 Fourth. Kuhn Miss M. 43 Scott-Auerbach block. JIattress Jlamitaetiirers. Utah Mattress & Mnfg Co. 37-43 W First South. Mantels A < rates. Morris Klias & Co, 21 W South Temple. See p 8. Tiidcleiiliam & liiaiii. 39 S West Temple. I'lali SI ore & Hardware Co, 34 K First South. Watson Bros. 79 W South Temp. Man iiTaet iirers Agents. Annett Chas F, 15 Central blk. Barker J A coffee , 1029 Second. nest E M S (Morse-Coe Shoe Co), 49 S Main, Bintz W H (Nave-McCord Mer Co., 212 Progress bldg. Calder W W. 615 McCornick blk. Consolidated Implement Co. 158 to 162 State. Consumers' Commercial Co. Cul- mer block. Co-operative Wagon and Machine Co, 114 to 128 S State. We Hi uh! W J. 374 W 2d South. Felt Joint C;. M D Wells &Co>, 49 S Main. Groshell F H . Richardson Drug Co >. 222 W Fifth South. Howard JR. 515 Fourth. Jones B F, (cigars), 213 W 2d South. Jones Franz A, 366 1 ., S Main, May lie*, Wells, Schofield Co, 318 to 321 Constitution bldg. Miller Edwin M. 617 McCornick bldg. Phillips M C, 109 W Second South. Shiek W J, 38 W Second South. Wyeth Hardware & Manufg Co, ( J ' C Hooper agt). 212 Progress blk. Mercantile Agencies. Bradstreet's Merc 4geiicy. The, 60 Commercial blk. Dun R G & Co, 502 Progress blk. Wilber Mercantile Agency, 37-40 Commercial blk. .t| ere ha lit Tailors. (See Tailors.] Jlesseiiger Companies. American I>is't Telegraph Co. 20 Commercial. Liday's Special Messenger System, Enterprise House, Commercial. Jletal Workers. Jaiiie*-$pericer-l!ateniaii Co. 67 S Main. Schmidt Bros, 13-15.Washington Place, see adv. Jlid wives. Bird Mrs Emma. 261 I. Graham Mrs S A, 16 Curtis ave. Hardy Harriet A. 330 N 3d West. Langton Mrs H, 911 W First North. Swenson Mrs Hannah C, 224 E. 3Iecliciiies Proprietary. Marshall Samuel. 223 E Sixth South, see page I. Richardson J S, 630 E Third South. Rocky Mountain Cough Syrup Dis- pensary, 71 Culmer blk. V T R Laboratory. Chas E Johnson prop, 50 S West Temple. Milk Dealers. (See Dairies.) M illiiiery Wholesale. Auerbach F & Hro. 144-14^ S Main. Simon Bros. 21 W First South. Z C M I. 21-31 Main, w frnut covet. Millinery Retail. Burrows Mrs M J. 18 S Main. Christy Mrs H. 31 W First South. Corbin Mrs L A, 372 S Main. DuKeJ J,19W First South. Deal Mrs B F. 43 S Main. Forrester .firs Jennie, straw] 66 S Main, see adv. Fox Mrs Maud M, 57 W 2d South. Hills Miss Ella. 109 S WestTem- ple, see adv. Lamb Mme, 55 S Main, see adv. McKerness J & L. 10 W Third S. Reckmeyer Miss N C, 33 E 1st S. Rhine Mme Kate. 270 S Main. Woman's Co-op Merc &: Mnfg Inst, 63 E First South. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 843 Hilling Machinery. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Sec ond South, see page 3. Utah & Montana machinery Co, 259 S Main. Z M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover- Mineral Specimens. Crosby & Co, 32 Richards. Mehesy E, 220 S Main and Knuts- ford Hotel. Shelley Burkliartt, 221 Main. Mineral Water. Oeiihalter II Sons, 28-30 W Third South. Hewlett Bros Soda Water Co, 744-746 State, see margins Terr Dept. Natural mineral Water Co, 61-65 Hooper blk. lliuiiig 1 Supplies. Coffin E C Hardware Co, 147 S Main. Cuiiiiiiigtoii, 21 E First South. Salt Lake Hardware Co, 44 W Second South, see margins and cover. Scott CJeo M & Co, 168 S Main, see adv backbone. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Mining Brokers. (See Brokers?) Mining Companies. Ada Consolidated Mining Co, 43 W First South. Alma Mining & Milling Co, 352 E First South. Ames C A & Co, 352 E First South. Anchor Mining Co. McCornick Bk. Apex Mining Co, Dooly blk. Barnes Sulphur Co, 49 Scott-Auer- bach bldg. Belleyue, Idaho Mining Co, 49 S Main. Big Hole Placer M Co, 172 S Main. Black Mountain M & M Co, 11 W 2d South. Blair Mining Co, Herald bldg. Boston-Tintic Mining Co. 172 South Main. Buckhorn Gold & S M Co, 45 Groes- beck bldg. Bullion-Beck & Champion, 233 Con- stitution bldg. Bullionville Mining & Reduction Co, 117 8 West Temple. Calendar Mining Co, 37-43 AV 1st S. Centennial Eureka >Iininu Co, 44 W Second South. Columbia Mining & Milling Co. i'l Co, 352 E First South. Deseret Gold & Silver Mining Co, McCornick blk. Duquesne M & M Co, H E Boyd. Emma Mining Co (limited), 163 S Main. Eureka Consolidated Mining Co, 21 Union National Bank bldg. Eureka Hill Mining Co, 76 W Second South. Gold Mountain Mining Co, 20 Com-, mercial block. Golden Gate M and M Co, Opera House block. Greeley Mining Co, 38 Central blk. Green Chloride Mining Co, 23 O'Meara block. Hailey Hill Mining Co, 212 8 Main. Henrietta Mining and Milling Co, 743 S W Temple. Idaho Gold Mining Co, 22 Wasatch bldg. Lead Mining Co, McCornick blk. Lion Hill Mining Co, 56 W 2d S. Lucky Bill Mining Co, 314 Consti- tution bldg. Lucky Boy Gold Mining Co, 49 Scott- Auerbach blk. Lucky Boy Mining Co, 76 W Second South. Mammoth Mining Co, 251 S Main. Maxfleld Mining Co, 112 S Main. Mayne P T, Tunnel Site & M Co, 16 Central blk. Mercur Gold M & M Co, 12 Union Natl Bank bldg. Merry Bell Mining Co, 13 Board of Trade bldg. Minnie M & M Co, 209 Dooly blk. Missoula Placer Mining Co, 229 Con- stitution bldg. Modoc Chief Mining Co, 49 Scott- Auerbach bldg. Mohawk Con M & M Co, 65 Com- mercial blk. Monte Cristo Mining Co, 209 Dooly bldg. Morning Star Mining Co, 13 Cham- ber of Commerce bldg. Mount Baldy Mill & Mining Co, 21- 22 Union Natl Bank bldg. Mountain Lake Mining Co, 337 Con- stitution bldg. >l n hi oo n Mining Co, 11 W 2d South. 844 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED 18GO. CALDER'S MUSIC SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS OF STEINWAY & SONS, MASON & HAMLIN,. BEHR BROS. & KIMBALL, * AND THE UNEQUALED ORGANS OF MASON & HAMLIN AND K1MRAII We carry everything necessary for the conducting of a FIRST-CLASS MUSIC BUSINESS Guarantee all Goods, Defy Competition in Quality. And Sell on Easy Terms. 45 and 47 W First Sonth St. (** for caui, g ,e,) SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 845 Companies. CONTINUED. New Tintic Mining & Smelting Co. 34-35 Central blk. Niagara Mining & Smelting Co. 507 McCornick blk. Northern Spy Mining Co, McCor- nick Bank. Norway Iron Mining & Mnfg Co, 62 ! E Second South. Old Jordan & Galena Mining Co, 76 W Second South. Old Telegraph Mining Co, 76 W Second South. Ontario Silver M Co, 125 S Main. Ophir Con, 312 Constitution bldg. Ophir Hill Mining Co, 251 S Main. Pan American Mining & Milling 12 Union National Bank bldg. Peacock Coal & Mining Co, 26 E Fourth South. Petro Mining & Milling Co, S B Milner sec, 02 Com'l blk. Phoenix Silver Mining Co, 18 Com'l blk. Pioche Con M & R Co, 117 S West Temple. Pride of the Hills, 11 W 2d South. Pride of the West, under Des Natl Bank. Quigg Mining Co, 22 W Second South. Reed & Goodspeed Mining Co, 27 S State. Richmond & Anaconda Consld M Co, 16 Union Natl Bank bldg. Sampson Mining Co, 602 Mc- Cornick blk. Saturn Mining Co, 414 Progress bldg. Sevier Mining Co, 233 Constitution bldg. Shower Con G & S M Co, Union Natl Bank. Silver Lead Mining & Milling Co, 251 S Main. Stanley Mining Co, 706 McCornick blk. Star Mining Co, McCornick blk. Stockton Mining & Smelting Co, 20 O'Meara blk. Tintic Iron Co, 13 Deseret Bank bldg. Trapper Mining Co The, 233 Con- stitution bldg. Utah Mining Co (Deep Creek), rm 1 22 E First South. Union Pacific Mg Co, 352 S Main. Well Annie Mining & Milling Co, 314 Constitution bldg. Yellow Jacket Mining Co, 21-22 Union Nat Bank bldg. York Mining Co, 49 Wasatch bldg. Yosemite Mining Co, 161 S Main. Hilling- machinery. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W 2d South, see p 3. Utah & Montana Machiiiei > Co, 259 S Main. Monumental Works. Brown IV in, 35 W 3d South, see p 18. Morris, Elias & Co, 9 W South Temple. Wat go 11 Bros, s e cor S Temple and W Temple. Mosaic Tiles. Morris Elias, 21 W South Tem- ple, see p 8. Mouldings and Finish. (See Lumber and Planing Mills) Tenth Ward Lumber & Bldg Assii, 758 E 4th South, see p 840. Museums. Deseret Museum, 20 E South Temple. University of Utah, First North, n w cor Second West, see page 10 and 11, Terr Dept. Wonderland, 37 W 2d South. Mortgage Loans. (See also Brokers.} Graves & Viiiton, 607 McCor- nick blk, see page 16, Terr Dept. Lewis E, 310 Dooly blk. Miller-llawley Mortgage Co The, 38 W Second South. Sriyder J J, 35-36 Hooper blk. Weatherfoy Chas J, 16 Central blk. Music cV Musical Instru- ments. ('aider's Music Palace, 45 W First South, see adv opp. Coalter & Siielgrove Co, 74 S Main, see adv. Cromett, Carpenter &Co,73 W Second South. Day ties J, 66 S Main. Taggart & Chamberlain, 876 First. Temple of Music (E N Jenkins), 73 W Second South. Salt Lake Music Co, 62 W Sec- ond South. Young Bros Co, 38 S Main. 846 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. JIusie Tea<*liers. Barron Cucretia W. 558 Fourth East. Crounar R. 469 S Second West. Careless G, 265 E Second South. Carpenter R J. 73 W 2d South, :(1 L'llH' N" y'l>i"(l dent. Carrington C S. 237 E 4th South. Chamberlain Miss Carrie E, 48 Locust. Clive W C. 45 S First 'West, Conservatory of Music, 302 Dooly blk. sfc p 72. Dayton Miss Jennie. 838 E Fourth South. del'Orme Prof Andre, 74 Main. Donelson J M, 37 Fourth East. Druce Miss Julia. 506 E First South. Cook Miss M A. 574 Third. Flanders Miss Gratia, 69 First, "/'. Fowler Miss Annie, 50 Almond. Gray Fanny Steiihouse (voice culture), Calder's Music Palace. idv. If erzog Miss Minnie, Dooly blk. Hill Edw, 624 Seventh. Hill Miss Flora, 624 Seventh. Hill Karl, Calder's Music Palace. Jackman Miss Lillian. 51 S 2d West, Jespersen Chris, 618 W 7th South. Johnson Emil H (banjo), 32 13th E. Kennedy Robt J, 724 E Second S. Kirkman Henry, 373 Thirteenth E. K rouse Harry S. Calder's Music Palace, sec a'. Pew Wm, 657 S State. Poulton Louisa, 424 S Second West. Pratt Miss Maud E, 239 W North Temple. Pratt Orson, 54 Sixth East. Pratt Valton M, 239 W 2d North. Pratt Miss Viola ( vocal 1, 229 W Second North. Wm J, 6.17 S State. Radclifle Thomas. Tcinplf. see '/<; N 2(1 \V-st. Robinson Mrs Ray. 2i> Mercan- tile blk. Slmgreeii MrsO I. 53s 411, EMSI. Smith J II, P.riu-hton. Stayiier C Fred, Conservatory of Music, Dooly blk. gft n t ir. Stephens Evan. Director Cal- der's Music Palace, r's 43 Alanx-da ave. I'vedale Arthur. Gladstone blk. Van 'Boon a Alton//., M54 K 5th S. Walsh HeberC. 673 Third. Washburn Miss Mila M, 12-S2d East. \\Ybb Miss Mab.-l S, 336 N 2d West. Weihe Willard E, Calder's Music Palace, *<< nflr. Wheatley Miss Dora. 151 W Sixth S. W i Ilia m s Mrs Grace 1,, 410 Constitution. Woodmansee Gladys, 309 Fifth. Youngclale W. rear 761 8 8th West. Xews Dealers. London Xews Depot. Saml Geo Read. 241 S Fifth West, Margetts Bros, 40 S Main. Owl New* t'o. The. 49 W 2d S. Parsons II, 164 S Main. Pratt E L, Walker House. Roberts John, 266 1 ., S Main. Salt La lie Xe\vs Co (Twitchell & Moon), 77 W Second South. I'tah Book & Stationery Co. 72 S Main. Newspapers. (Set page ,4.) Natural American Gas x Tnel Co 218 S Main, sre 05 Progress blk. Diehl Christopher, 66 Com'l blk. Oarke S W, 44-47 Hooper blk. Froiseth BAM, OB 1 * E Second South. Fuller Will, 110 S Main. ( Jreeson A B, Irr Age. Ciregrg F E, 9 Coni'l blk. Hall C W, 218 S Main. Hammond C M, 34 W 3d South. Harrington D, 312 Constitution bldg. Harris F, 221 S Main. Hiskev W U, Commercial blk. Hurd J H, 23 Hooper blk. Hyanis ., 86 Com'l blk. Irvin C J O, 311 Dooly blk. Jones T, 410 Dooly blk. Kane T, 59-60 Wasatch bldg. Kahler E H, 3-4 Karrick blk. KIIIIK V C S, 603-605 McCornick blk. Kenyon S J, 11 E First South. Kneass E R, 231 S Main. Krebs C I, 218 S Main. Lewis S H, 218 S Main. McCallum H S, 20 Union Nat'l Bank bldg. MeEnany M E, 55 Hooper blk. McKellar A, 403 Progress blk. McNally J C, Commercial blk. Mansfield L R, 105 Commercial blk. Mayne A H, Central blk. Middlemiss Jno R, 316 Dooly blk. Mills Win Gill, 26 W 2d South. Mills Wm J. 11 Union Natl Bank Bldg, Montgomery W J, 166 Main. Moore Wm J, 52-53 Com'l blk. Morlan Joseph A, 679 S Main. Morlan M C, 20 Morlan blk. Nelson J M, 46 E Second South. Parks Geo W, 57 W Second South. Pierce Frank, 307 McCornick blk. Post Jerinain, 52-53 Com'l blk. Porter Lloyd, 17 Central blk. Pyper Geo D, 238 Constitution bldg. It oliriii ;nt F, 19 Commercial blk. Ritchie E E, 58-59 Commercial blk. Robinson John C, 15 E 3d S. Roarnoii Ernest G, 12 Union Nat Bank bldg. Rogers J J, 56 W 2d South. Rogers Lewis B,20 Central blk Rooklidge J W, rear Nat Bank of Republic. Sheets E L, 232 S Main. Smith ttrant II, 29 Morlan blk Smith James M, 57 E 2d South Stafford David W, 37-40 Com'l blk. Staten Albert C, 26 S Main. Stein August, 55 Com'l blk Street John A, 212 8 Main. Stuart Will I, 507 Progress blk Taylor 1 V, 418 Dooly blk. Taylor John Lu, Eagle blk. Thomas D P, 100 Progress blk. Thompson E D R, Eagle blk. Thompson J B, 38 W Second South. Thomson C J, 38 Central blk. Timmony J B, 45 Commercial blk. Todd M, 41 W Second South. VanCott W, 43-48 Hooper blk. Warnock C, 131 S Main. Watrous H R, 54 Wasatch bldg. Watts J H, 43 W Second South. Weir J J, 38 W Second South. Whittemore R B, 310 McCor- nick blk. Wills E J, 235 S Main. Winters R O, 212 S Main. Woolley A D, 8 Hooper blk. Woolley Edwin G, 419 Const' n bldg. Young Heber, 110 S Main. Zipf Oscar R, 505 Progress blk. Notions Wholesale. (See also Dry Goods.] Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Xovelty Works. Billings J S, n w cor First West and 1st South. Hiiudseii Hans P, 61 E Third South, seep 32. Moritz & Greenwood, 67 S State , seep 9. Nurserymen. (See also Florists. ) Callahan M E & Co, 512 Dooly blk, see page 98. Christophersoii Martin, e s State, bet llth and 12th S, see acfou Brown Thos J, 744 W Second South. Groo Isaac, 464 Fourth East. Laker Edward, 842 E Third S. see adv. Madsen Erik, State, s of Tenth S. Mountain \ms>i>. Kast Mill Creek. Maxwell J L,, 321 E Fifth South. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. E Xiirserymen. CONTINUED. Mikel John, Brighton. Pioneer Nurseries, Tlie, 512 Dooly blk, sec p 98. Salt L,afce Nursery- State, s of Roper, see adr. Star Nursery, The, 215 S Fourth l T tali Nursery Co, Eleventh and South Boulevard, see adv. Willis Robert. 464 N Fifth West. Woodbury T H, 574 S First West. Xurses. Abbott Mrs Caroline D. 731 E 6th S. Bradshaw Mrs Florence, 318 E 2d S. Clark A Sophia, 60 N Second West. Collins Mrs Maria H, res 362 S West Temple. Cram- Mary A. 2 Church. DraiiH-r Emilia, 2,'U East 3d South. Edmonds Mrs Pamelia A, 419 Main. Grace Mrs Eliza, 824 E 2d South. Hamlin Mrs Mary, 417 E 4th South. Hutchings Miss Sarah, 425 N 3d W. Jackson Mrs M A, nurse, 2S4 F. Lewis Catherine, 72 Grape. Miller Sarah J R, 225 W 2rt North. Paramore Mrs Ann, 1133 E 4th S. Parker Miss Jane, 17 S 5th West. Prindle Mrs Jane H, 148 W 1st N. Robinson Drucilla, 835 3d East . Spiring Emma, 66 Vine. Winter Mary, Sugar House Ward. Oculists & Aurists. (See also Physicians.} Burvow Arthur W, 51 Com/1 blk. Hughes M A, 510 McCornick blk. Lyons Ira, 49 S Main. >Ic- ifliraii J J, 16 Hooper blk. Pfoutz G B, 419 S West Temple. Tibbits G W, 17-18 Scott- Auerbach bldg. Office Supplies. (See also Books and Stationery} i a JIM A W & Co, 52 W Second South see adv an lower edge. Margette Bros, 40 S Main. Parsons C H, 164 S Main. Salt Lake \ews Co, 77 W Sec- ond South. Itsili BooK & Stationery Co. 72 SMain. Oil Clothing. ' Z C >I I, 21-31 S Main, se&Jrbtk cow r. Oils. Brigham & Mackintosh, 76 W Sec- ond South. Continental Oil Co, Sixth West, bet Second and Third South. Flint A J. 45 E First South, see * 1 K t 1. \ H v ,.* - -. ,:- '_- -.--...::-.- '- li: - ' --,:* -V.; T. F. ARNOLD, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. F4I \C 1 > 1 4fU 1 v 5t42W^rlSrtfc, Salt Lake Otf. Td. Ml. ' Croxford Brothers & Bryan, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, OFFICE: 2, 44 W. First Hoatfc. MALT LAKE ill > F. LjgAYLY&CO^ ^ PRESCRIPI ULLY COMPG SALT LAKH SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 851 * Photograph or** Sup- plies. Hall Bros. 38 Richards, see > low. Physician*. Anderson W F (R), 255 2d East. Barney E S, 24 W ^Vorth Temple. Barrett C, 556 S West Temple. Bascom F S iR), 435 S West Tern. Beattie Jeremiah, 655 E 2d South. Beatty T M, (R) 4 Mercantile blk. Beer Win F (R). 4-5 Culmer blk. Benedict J M (R), 107 8 Main. Berry E S, 24 W North Temple. Bj or 11 so ii A S. 159 E 2d South. Booth e Geo H, 174 E 2d South. Bower A S iR), 1-2 Central blk. Boxell Will A (Physio-Medi, 44.! W 1st South. Burrows A W, 51-54 Com'l blk. < aiiUvell I, S, 310 Constitution bldg. Castle Wm. 329 E 3d South. Crandall Casper L, 48 Culmer blk. Crandall Joseph B, 48 Culmer blk. Dalby Wm T (R). rms 17-18 Hooper blk. Dart & Parnielee (Horn), 48 E Third South. DeMonco A. Progress blk. l>< iniisloii C H, 15 W 2d South. Oeyo Van 14 (R), 12th South, 2 e of llth East, Dossre o II (Spec), 221 W Second South. Douglas C I Horn)' 76-79 Com'l blk. Dussenberg K C ^Hom), 49 S Main. Dussenberg M S (Horn). 49 S Main. Ellison E, White House, Emeis H (R), 56 Raybould blk. A (R), 1-2 Mercantile Euiug S Ri, i3-j K Second South. Ferguson Ellen B (R), 121 B. Ferrebee VV E, (R) Murray. Fisher R W (R), 2-3-4 Holmes bldg. Foster Geo W (R), 415 S W Tern. Fowler Allen (R), 116 S Main. Gage Ellen C, (R) 564 E 1st South Gardiner F W, 120 E 2d South. Gleasou Sunnier, (R) 201-20'} Constitution bldg. Goodrich Mrs Dr M V (electro-ma^ netic), 21 E 3d South. Graham Sarah A, 16 Curtis ave. Green Dr Mary (R), cor Fourth East and Second South. Groves Arthur I (R), Keeley In- stitute. Harrison J N (R), 9-10 Eagle blk. Hasbrouck Richard A (Eel), 206 Constitution bldg. Haiicliett J C, ,'112 McCornick blk. Heron J II, 215 Progress blk. Herman F M, 1 and 2 Raybould blk. Hicks H S, (R) Union Nat'l Bank bldg. Iliggiiis C W (Eel), StElmo Hotel Hill Wm L ? 312 Progress blk. Ilotfnian R C, Cullen Hotel. Howard O (R), 128 S Main. Hughes Mrs Martha P, (R) 11 S First West, see adv. Houston S, 452 E Second South. Johnson A M (Spc), 13 Grand Cent'l. King J E (R), 172 S Main. Lees J W. 3 Goddard's Court. Leonard V, 34 Fir. Lindsay David, 32 O'Meura blk. I,oi in ^ G B (R), 322-323 Dooly blk. Louck Dr Jake, (Chinese), 140 State. McAchraii John J,(R)16 Hooper blk. DEALERS IN BROS., RS IN PHOTOGRAPHERS' SUPPLIES,: _ > We supply a full line of all goods regularly used in Professional or Amateur Photography. The only Exclusive Supply House between Denver and San Francisco. We save you Money, Time and Freight. Correspondence Solicited. 38 RICHARDS STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Physicians. COSTEStJBD. ina 1> J, 65 W2cl South. McKibbiii Geo J, R 665 E 7t .Maclean .4 C, (R) 5 Central blk. Mansfield T B, Progress bldg. Mantor Childs (B), 274 K. Marshall J E. (R 13* E2d South. MeachamFW. R 411-414 Mc- Cornick blk. Meyer Theodore. (B) 14 Scott- Auerbach blk. Milliron Joseph. (Bi 54 E First :th. Murphy Jusse J, 210-215 Const itu- tution bldg. \esbitt James A. 57 E 3d South. \ewell M A. 7 Karrick blk. \ewtoii Samuel E, 44 E 2d S. Nickless J R, 12<> W Second South. Mies II O. R 1 217 E South Temp. i'nger Chas W, 14 W 4th South. Otterboiirgr & Payne, (special- ists), <> Central Blk. Parkinson W B. R 47 E 1st S. Peaslee W C. 1-4 Com'l blk. Pfoutz'Gilbert B, (R) 419 South West Temple. Pilikertoii S H, (Kj. 409-410 McCornick blk. Pliinimer Charles i, (B), W Mercantile blk. Pratt Mrs R B,(B) 20(i N 2d W>t . Read Chas M. Union blk. Richards Jos S (R), 306-309 Con- stitution bldg. Root E F, fR) 136 S West Temple. Roys F, 343 Fifth East. Sail born C O. 64 S Main, see ".- OI>P. C'oalter & Siielgrove Co. 74 S Main, set L> Daynes J, 66 S Main. Gardner H. 65 E First South. margins. Jenkins EN, 73 W Second South. Mariner Investment Co. 7- - West Temple. Rivers Bros. 45 E Second South. Salt Lake Music Co. 62 W 2d South. . Tasjuu't & Chamber lain. 876 First. Temple of'Miisic*. 73 \V 2d South. Warren F E Mercantile Co. W P Garnett sec and treas, 73 W 2d South. Young Bros Co, 38 S Main. Piano Tuners. Clark Herbert C, 10 W 3d South. Dobranich D B, 22 Aberdeen ave, George Frank L, 238 10th East. Grose A H. 62 W Second South. Grose F (T, 62 W Second South. Grove Alfred, 1 Brick Row. Social Hall ave. Jenkins E X 73 W Second South. Long Thos, 73 W Second South. Nisley W O. Calder's Music Palace 45 W 1st South. Taggart Chas Y, 33 O. Vine Geo H, Coalter & .Snelgrove Co 74 S Main. Picltlf Mil Irs. Keeiiaii James E Preserve Co, 4th West n w cor 5th North, /- 7.1/vcA' CO' Salt Lake Pickle Co, 222 West Second South, see s/t?.- mariins. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 853 Pictures and Frame*. Lewis David, 226 7th East. Rivers Bros, 45 E 2d South. Savage C! R, 12-14 S Main. IMauing Hills. (See also Sash, Doors & Blinds.'] AN per Win & Co, 151 W North Temple, see page 21. K 11 r ton -(ward 11 cr Co, s w cor State and Eighth South, *!n Co, 32-42 N Second West, see p IV. . Salt Lake Wood Working Co, 49 S Fifth West. Taylor-Romiiey - Armstrong Co, one block East U P Ry Depot, see page ILL Tenth Ward Lumber &, Building Association, 758 E Fourth South, sec page 840. Tims Bros & Oakey, 141-149 S Third West. Warren Bros, 54 E 2d-South. Plaster Image*. Cooper C, 14 N First West, see dr. Plasterers. (See Contractors. ) Platers--OoIm i nufoii -Johnson Co. 18-20 W Second South. Salt Lake Hardware Co. 42-44 W Second S, sc margins and cover. Scott Geo 31 & Co.- 168 S Main, see a fir bad-bone. I tali & Montana Machinery Co, 259 S Main. Z C .11 I. 21-31 S Main..- Power Companies. Salt Lake Power. Light X Heating Co. 6 W 1st S. a Preserves. Heeiian James E P Co. Fourth W, n w cor Firth N, '&< CO' Printers Book and Job. Ackerman Printing Co, s w cor Main and 1st South. Aspiiiall & Dresser. 231 S Main. Bull Joseph Jr. 237 X 1st West. Cannon Geo Cfc & Sons Co, 24 E South Temple, s margin U Deseret Xew s Pub Co. n w cor Main and S Temple, scr p 1 06. Grocer Printing Co. 52 W 2d South. Magazine Printing Co, 19 W South Temple. Merchant Printing Co Joseph Hyrum Parry Mngr, L'7-29 W S Temple, gee fir. \eldeii, Myers & Co. 21 W 2d South, tel 602. Pettee, Bowman & Co. 272 State. >re mcm-ym li Collier P F. 45 S West Temple. Corey W A. 41 S Main. Culmer H L A, 71 Culmer blk. Ericksen J L, 75 E Third South. Evans & Crawford. 52 W Sec- ond South. Deseret Xew s Pub Co, n w cor Main and South Temple, we p 106. Grocer Printing Co. 52 W 2d youth. Herald Publishing Co The. West Temple, n w cor 1st South. adv, Hess & Co. 150-152 W 2d South. Iliggins & Higgins. 52 W 2d South. Loder E W, 26 W Third South. Magazine Printing Co. 19 W South Temple. Merchant Printing Co. 27-29 W South Temple, see adv. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 855 Mining A^e Pub Co, 133 S West Temple. Y< l Co, 26 W 3d South, see right bottom lines. Thrall Rev J B, 416 E First South. Tribune Printing & Pub Co. 133 S West Temple, see adv. Utali Gazetteer, (Stenhouse & Co), 52 W 2d South,. P O Box 783. Wells Emmeline B. 25 E South Temple. Wells Junius F, Constitution bldg. Williams & Webster, 60 E South Temple. Pump*. Coffin E C Hardware Co, 147 S Main. Co-operative Wagxm & Ma- chine Co, 114-128 State and Comrcl, see adv orer Terr Index. Cuimingtoii Co, 21 E First So. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Sec- ond South, see p 3. Salt Lake Hardware Co, 42-44 W 2d S, see margins and cover. Scott Qeo M & Co, 168 S Main, see adv backbone. Jali & Montana Machinery Co, 259 S Main. Utah Plumbing Supply Co. 164 S West Temple, see adv. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Railroads. (See also pages 81-82.) Railroad Supplies. Miller Edwin M, rms 617 and 618 McCornick bldg. Real Estate. Adkison A, 1146 E 6th South. Ames C A & Co. 352 E 1st South. Archer L L, Com'l blk. Ramberger Herman, 11 E 1st South. Bamberger L E, 1 1 E 1st South. Beggs James B, 394 McCornick blk. Beyle & Co, 410 Dooly blk. Blazer J B & Co, 43 W 2d South. Bolton Jackson, 49 Central blk. Boil ford H & Co, 65 W 2d South. Brixen Peter C, 627 Fifth East. Brooks &, Weir, 38 W 2d South. Burton, Groesbeck & tn- drew, 49-50 Wasatch bldg. Cannon Geo M, 331 Constitut'n bldg. Casady E E, 18-19 Com'l blk. Casacly L E, Holmes 1,1k. Clive J II, 18 Harris hlk. Coates Harold I c;, 12 ( Om 1 blk, sec If ft Ion;-,- nmrynix. Conklin J C, 22 WaSatch bhlg. CookMelvin 1), Brighton, Corker & Co, 251 S Main. Cromer W H, 168cottrAuerbacft blk. Corn in J J & Co, Eagle blk. Courtney J N, nn 11 Tnion Natu'l bldg, Grutcher & Jones, 43 W 2d South. Darling Elmer E, 307 Progress hldg. Davis & Stringer, 49-50 Coin'l blk. Decker FranK, Warwick blk. Dunshee&Raiiey, 13 Eagle llk. Fritsch J A, 158 E Second South. Froiseth & Co, 66^ E 2d South. Fuller & Young, lio S Main. Garfield Beach Improvement Co. 208 Realty blk. Graeber Realty & Investment Co, 107 S Main. Grosbeck H, 61 Wasatch bldg. Hamilton R S, 22 Central blk. Hamm J W, Manitou Hotel. Hammond C HI, 34 W 3d South. Hannaman C L, 110 S Main. Hampton & Jones, 240 Consti- tution bldg. Hardy H, 11 W Second South. Harrington & Donnelly, 9 W Second South. Harvey Wm J, Dooly blk. Henry Wm, 406 E Third South. Hiatt F T, 16-17 Com'l blk. Higgins Thos R, 17-18 St Elmo Hotel. Hoffman 11 C, 9 W 2d South. Holcomb D C, Metropolitan Hotel. Home Edward, 58 Com'l blk. Houston Jos W, 43 W 2d South Hubbard WE, 41 W 2d South, see cover. Hughes & Paul, 32 O'Meara blk. Irvine W H, 16-17 Com'l blk. Jack Joseph F, 36 Com'l blk. Jacobs J O, Eagle blk. Janes AM, 249 S Main. Janes Chas H, Brighton. Jennings & Caine, 63-66 Hooper blk. Johnson N T, 13 Com'l blk. Kelsey Eli B. 150 S Main. Kelsey & Gillespie, 112.W 2d South. Kennedy J >I & Co, 20 O'M.-ara blk. Knowldeii G II, 59 E 2d South. 856 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Real Estate. 1 I TNTKI). Kullak L F. 722 S West Temple. Lapham Wm, 251 S Main. Lawrence H W, 117 8 West Temple. Lawson Bros, 46 E Second South. Lees John W, 311 Dooly blk. I.ett II C' & Son. 27-28 Com'l blk. LinckCC, 17 Harris blk. Linck Charles H, Harris blk. Linck John H, Harris blk. Little Fred W, Harris blk. Lowe DeWitt B, 272 S State. Lynch J T. 46 Central blk. Lyoo IV II, 10 Lyon blk. lit Claiii O S X Jo, Dooly blk. JlcClure W II & Co, 6:> W 2d South. >U4,m rin F E, 403 Progress blk. Mariner 1 11 vestment Co. 78 S West Temple. Mayne A H, 16 Central blk. Mayne L R, Central blk. Mcfeara i A, 132 Sixth East. Meloy H V, 48 Commercial blk. 9fiddlemlss J R, Dooly blk. sec V 104. Miles W J. 11 Union Natl Bank bldg. Miller & Miller, 38 W 2d South. Moore W J, .">2-53 Commercial blk. Morlaii J II & Co. 20 Morlanblk. Morris J, 254 E Second South. Murray G H, 20-21 Commercial blk. Nelson J M, 46 E Second South. Newell E P & Co, 11 W 2d South. Odson J, 47 W Second South. Osborne H J & Co, 1 Auer & Murphy blk. Parker PL, :>n> Fifth East. Raybould Benj G, 108 Opera House blk. l!ea II II, 49 Commercial blk. Relirman F & Co. 18 Com'l blk. Richards W B. e s 9th East, bet llth and 12th South. Senior F J. Brighton. Senior & Edmunds, 7<> W 2d S, see sid< /n I'tjin*. Shaw James K, 29i E 2d South, SlKM-ts Ed word L, 232 S Main. Sin i Hi James 31, 57 E 2d South. Smith John R, 6 Scott-Auerbach bldg. Siiell J J Co. 20 Wasatch blk. Siiyder J J, 35-86 Hooper blk. Sowles 3IeIviii B. 21-23 O'Meara blk. Spafford Wm H H & Co. 36 Com'l blk. Spencer S F & Co, 44-45 O'Meara blk. Taylor C E & Co, 109 W 2d South. Taylor J W. 332 Constitution bldg. Taylor 31 W, 66 S Main. Thomas I> P, 400 Progress bldg. Thompson J B, 38 W 2d South. Thompson J C, 150 Main. Thomson C J & W 4. 38-39 Cen- tral blk. Tousey & Scheu 26-29 Com'l blk. Trimmer F, 22-23 Union Nat'l Bank bldg. Veatch C W, 242 Fourth East. Virtue & Ri^hter, 55 W 2d S. Walcieii Jos B, 150 S Main. Waiitland C E, 46 E Second S. Waterman Bros, 5 Central blk. see page 25. Watts John II, 43 W Second S. W eatherby Chas J, 16 Central block. Weeter Jno C, 70 Commercial blk. Westertield Saml B, Cullen Hotel. Westminster Improvement Co, Dooly blk. see page 104. Whalon. 'Crosby & Crosby. 32 Richards. White Albert J, 57 E2d South. White O A, 57 E Second South. White & W illiams. 57 E 2d S. Whipple J B, Brighton. W ickersham T A. 2<> E 2d S. Wicks E , 160 S Main" Wilkinson R 31. s e cor Main & First South. Wood A M. with L C Karrick. W r oodmansee Joseph, 56 W Second South. Woodruff Lucius L, 905 E 3d South. Woodruff R C, 16-17 Com'l blk. Woodruff W P, 250 S llth East. Woolley A D, S Hooper blk. Wormuth Zealous, The Manitou. Yeadoii & Heath, 150 S Main. Restaurant*. Acme Lunch & Chop House, W J Seibert. 20 E Second South. Albany Hotel Restaurant, s e cor Fifth West and Second South. Alta Restaurant. 56 E First South. Andersen P G. 41 Commercial. Arbogast Confectionery Co, 108 S Main and 48 E First South. Arcade, 127 S Main. Ball S F & Co, 24 S Main. P>aumliz Jos, 51 Commercial. Bee Hive, 47 S West Temple. Bernardis Nicholas A. 226 State. Bond Joseph, 92 W 2d South. Bon Ton, 108 W 1st South. Boston Restaurant The. M \V Scan- Ian. 59 E 3d South. Brown Geo H, 30 W 3d South.- Brisacher Solomon i'St Elmo), 273 S Main Brook Edward, cor Goodwin and Mitchell, N Salt Lake. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 857 Restaurants. CONTINUED. Brooks Arc-side Dining Par- lors, -70 S State. Bridgeford cor 5th West and 2d South. Cafe D-e Louvre,, 13i Com'l. California Oyster House, 256 S Main. Carlgrew Carl A. cor Bodwell and May, N S L. Cobert J, 2d S, bet State and Main. Central Restaurant, The. 50 W Second South. Creole Coffee; House, 121 S Main. Delmonico, E B Trumbull, 57 E 2d South. Elite Restaurant, Wra L Price, 28 W First South. Enterprise Restaurant, 212 S State. Famous Coffee House, 16 Com'l. Fashion, H M Krigbaum, 226 S State. Fioresse Martin, 217 S West Temple. German Cafe,-216 S Main. Gladstone, B H Robbins, 47 Com- mercial blk. Globe Restaurant, 24 S Main. Gries Bros, 56 E Second South. Hanson Bros, 246 S Main. Headlight, 211 S Fifth West. Home Restaurant, 65 E 2d South. Humphreys Mrs IT, 108 S State. Kennedy J M, 256 S Main. Kirby M. G S L & H S R R depot. Kralgbauui II s, 326 S State. Lewis & IMlley, 47 Commercial. Little Germaine Chop House. 71 Commercial. Low S C, U P depot . Mason Bros, 369' W South Temple. Metropolitan (Stover & Tobin), 67 W Second South. Model Coffee House (G H Brown). 30 W Third South. Montana, Murray. Mueller Bros, 212 S State. Oyster Bay, The, R Lafiver prop, 239 S Main. Prentiss & James, 16 Commercial. Price W L (Elite), 28 W 1st South. Queen Chop House, 2178 West Tern. - Railroad Exchange, T E Jones prop 377 W South Temple. Richelieu The, n e cor Third East and Second South, see adv. Robbins Bob II, 47 Com'l. St Elmo, S Brisacher, 273 S Main. Scanlan Matthias w, 59 E 3d South. Seibert W F & Co, 20 E 2d South. Senior A P, 55 W Second South. Silver Grill Cafe, 6 E Third South. Trumbull Mrs E 15, 57 E 2d South. Tunnel The, 42-44 W 2d South. Vienna Cafe, 153 S Main. W C T U Exchange, 18 Com'l. Walker House, 246 S Main. Wasatch, 50 E Second South. Walls M, 12S W South Temple. Winter Alexander, 235 W 2d South. Wise & Larson, (Wasatch), 50 E Second South. Woman's Exchange, 42.1 E 1st South, see Ladies' Shopping dept. Work David, Murray. Resort*. (See also Parks, page 65. ) Calder's Park, w s 7th East s of 13th South. Gariield Beach, South Shore Great Salt Lake. Pleasure Gardens, Brighton. Saitair Beach, s e shore Great Salt Lake. Smoots' Park, llth East and S Boulevard, see adv. 'Warm Springs, Barnes & Byrne, n end Second West. *Rock Drills Raiul. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W Sec- ond South, see page 3. Roofer*. (See Contractors^] Root Beer. Daynes Thomas, 24 F. Foulger A, 229 Graeber ave. Rope Makers. Miller Edwin M, rms 617-618 McCornick bldg. Rubber Clothing. Z M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Rubber Goods. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see adv front cover. Rubber Hose. Z V M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Rubber ami Leather Belting. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Rubber Stamps. Knudsen Hans P, 61 E 3d South, see p 32. Murphy J C & o, 218 S Main, see adv. VanAuker C S, Waterloo add. 858 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Rupture Specialists. Birch Rupture Co, 507 Constitution bldg. Miller The O E Rupture Co. 201-203 Constitution bldg. Saddle A Harness Muirs. (See Harness and Saddles?) Sate Deposit Vault*. Oeseret \ational Bank, 79 8 Main. \atioual Bank of* the Re- public. 149 S Main, see p 100. Salt Luke Abstract, Titlo, Guaranty & Trust Co, 150 S Main. I iiiou \ational Bank The. Main n w cor 2d South, see p 99. I fall Yalional Bank, sw cor Main and 1st South. /Jon's Savings Baiik& Trust 9 C'o. s w cor Main and S Temple. see adv. Saloons. Alt Jacob, 109 S Main. Auer & Murphy. 1(> E 1st South. liaby Saloon. Con Quinlan, TO E 2d South. Buffalo. 337 S State. Barnhart & Stahl 5* E 2<1 South. Batley & Jennings. HH E 1st S. Bechtol & Sands, Walker House. 250 S Main. iJt-ck's Hot Springs. Bess Geo. W Temple & i2th South. Bijou Saloon The. Kellev & Reillv. 228 S State. Board of Trade Sample Room. I Woolf propr. 138 W 2d .Smith. Brighton Gem Saloon, Brigh- ton. Caledonian Resort, 67 Commercial. Cappuccio G, 125 S West Temple Casino The, F M Short, 238 S Main. C ity Liquor Store. 10 E First South. Charltbn G C, 16 E Second South. Chrystal, 237 S Main. Clarke House Sample Room, 161 W South Temple. Cliff House Bar. Fred A Flint 278 S Main. Clipper, 6 E First South. Colorado Club Saloon, 151 S Main. Commercial Exchange, 45 Commercial. Com stock The, 23 W 2d South Connelly F, Murray. Corner Saloon. Murray. Court The, 379 State. Davi Santo, 125 State. Delmonico Saloon. 55 E 2d South Eagle Sample Rooms, 71 W Second South. Elk Saloon, 81 E First South. Elk The, 49 Com'l. Elliott J W, 59 W First South. Favorite The, 218 S State. Ferrando Ruddelat, 149 S West Temple. Fisher A Brewing Co. opp Warm Springs. Flint F 4. 278 S Main. Flood J, 135 S Main. Fountain, C W Parker. 115 S Main Gaiety, 143 S Main. Gem Saloon. Brighton. Gemmill A (81), 62 E First South. Golden Gate Saloon, 61 E 2d South. Golden Lion. 66 E First South. Harvey J C & Co, 17 E 2d South .- Haynes H, Murray. Hegitey J, Rio Grande Depot. Hirschler O & Co. s e cor Fifth West and Second South. Ilobeiii E. 146 S State. Hogle Bros, 174 S Main. Horse Shoe Saloon, 15 E 2d South. Idaho, 125 State. I V I. Beer Hall, Chas Riefel, 44 E Second South. Jaiiowitz G & Co, 6 E 1st South. Johnston J. White House. Lewis G M, 470 AV First South. Lollin J, 129 S Main. Mineral Palace. 68 S West Temple. Mint- Saloon (Luce & Berryman is E Second South. Morgan Hotel Saloon. 144 W Second South. Mosher & Cowan (Wave), 154 S Main. Mirror (M Fitzgerald). 135 S Main. Nelson Chas H, e s State bet 12th and 13th South. New Louvre. J G Schmierer mngr, 13 Commercial. \eu man S B (16 , 72 E 1st South. X.v strom P T. 42 E First South. Owl, The. 127 W Second South. Fender L C, cor llth E & 12th South. Pete's Place Saloon, 71 Commercial. Rapid Transit Saloon, 333 S State. Resort The, 276 S Main. Riley.P H, 151 S Main. R R Exehange, 379 W South Temple. St Elmo Liquor House. St Elmo Hotel. St Louis Beer Hall (Carney & Mer- ritt\ 40 E Second South. Sadler Henry, 225 S Main. Senate, Harvey & Elmer, 222 S Main. Scandinavian Saloon. 51 E Second South. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 859 Saloons. CONTINUED. Shade Wm, 167 S Main. Shields W J. 143 S Main. Silver Dollar, 241 S Main. Sinclair & Livingstone, 61 E Second South. Smoot W C A Jr, n w cor llth East and 12th South, see adv. SnmllK'im Joseph, St Elmo Hotel. Star Saloon, 146 S State. Templeton, Templeton Hotel. Ternes Peter, 71 Commercial. Tivoli, 245 S Main, see page 34. Theatre, 76 E First South. Trewliela & Anderson, 45 Commercial. Tunnel The, 42-44 W Second S. Union, Barnhart & Stahl, 58 E 2d S. Wagener's, 17 E Second South. Wall & Clays, 23 W 2d South. Wave The, 154 S Main. West Temple Resort, 145 S West Temple. Wilson & Busby, 55 E Second South. Woodbine The, Warm Springs. Wright Chas R ; 210 E Seventh So. Youngberg O J. 51 E Second South. Sad Irons. Miller Edwin M, rms 617-618 McCornick bldg. Salt Manufacturers. Deseret Salt Co, 13 Deseret Bk bldg. Inland Crytal Salt Co, 8 Union Natl Bank bldg. Inter-Mouiitaiii Salt Co, 501 McCornick blk, see adv next page. Jeremy Salt Co, 68 N 6th West. see p 12. Nebo Salt Mnfg Co, R M Johnson agt, 444 Constitution bldg. People's Forwarding Co, 24- 26 E Second South. Salt Lake Salt Works, 667 N 2d W. Sampling Works. Conklin Sampling Works The, 102- 104 Opera House blk. Horn &, Markland, Opera H'se blk, see adv. Mackintosh R, 41-44 Scott- Auer- ba?h bldg. Rice's Tiiitic Sampling Wks, 601 McCornick blk. Scott & Anderson, 218 S Main. Sanitary Engineers. Smead Warming & Ventilat- ing Co The, 315-316 Dooly bldg. see p 104. Sash, Doors and Blind*. (See also Planing Mills). Asper Wm & Co, 151 W North Temple, see p 21 . Burton-Gardner Co The, s w cor State and First South, see adv on Lack bone, Carey-Lombard Lumber Co, n w cor 2d South and 2d West. Commercial Mill & Building Co, 710 W South Temple. Huttig Bros Mnfg Co, 150 S Main, see adv. Leaver, Conrad & Co, 255 W S Temple. Mason & Co, 225 W S Temple, seep 31. Morrison, Merrill &, Co, 241 N 3d West, see right bottom lines. Parker & Depue, n e cor 3d W and 2d S, see left bottom lines. Tenth Ward Lumber & Bldg Assn, 758 E 4th South, see p 840. Saw Filers. Clayton J & W H, 137 W 1st S, see p X. Heusser Jake, 29 Commercial. Skidmore H B, 122 W 1st South. Saws. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. School Supplies. Margetts Bros, 40 S Main. Parsons C H, 164 S Main. Pierce & Brown, 510 Constitu- tion bldg. Utah Book & Stationery Co, 72 S Main. Schools and Colleges. (See pages 65-66.) Seals. Knudson Hans P,61 E 3d South, see p 32. Murphy J C & Co, 218 S Main, see adv. Sculptors. Dallin Cyrus E, 105 W 3d South. Secoiid-Hand Goods. Andrews K A, Gladstone blk. Barnes & Co, 137 W 2d South, see adv. BrockmeyerF W, 330 State. Butler T, 56 S West Temple. Christensen N, 107 E Second South. 860 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. JAMES JACK. Pros. X. W. CL.AYTOX, Vice-Pres. and Geiil. [. A. CLAYTOS. Secy. ami Treas. INTER-MOUNTAIN -t^-C O Iwl F JL 1ST Y, MANUFACTURERS OF Refined Table, Dairy, Hide and Milling Salt, CITY, 50 1-503 McCornick Building. P, 0, Box 1192, Telephone 390, SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 861 Second-Hand Goods. CONTINUED. . Cohn & Appleman, 66 E 2d South. Engelman L, 124 W Second South. Ferney J, 332 S Main. Fisher H, 242 W First South. Gray ,1 C, 220 State. Iloagland &, Souther*, 176 W Second South. Isom A, 116 W First South. Johnson J F, 121 S State. Johnson & Merz, 14 E 3d South. Lapin Wm, 62 E Second South. LeGrande Mrs M, 143 W 2d South. Lessauer A, 72 E Second South. Mclntosh J Y & Co, 20 E 3d South. Mick M S, 328 S Main, see ad>: Morell Samuel, 38 E 2d South. Page E J, 110 W 1st South. Panter A, 22 E Second South. Parsons Hyrum, 167 S State. Renter A, 22 E 2d South. Rule E S, 14 E 3d South. Scaiiclia Second Hand Co, (E Nelson & Co), Herald bldg. Siiowdeii R J &Co, 110 W IstS. Webber & Co, lf>7 S State. Wolf William, 160 E 2d South. Needs. Armstrong T Jr, (Wholesale), 472 W 2d South. Driver Mercantile Co The, 214 S Main, seepage IV. Gale James C, 71 E 3d South. Mesa Seed Co, 159 Main, see adv. Kloiiiiiger Kros. 10 E 3d South. Sears & Jeremy Co, 60 Richards seepage -7. Reading J, 214 E 2d South and 219 2d East, see p 37. Sewer Pipe. Morse J S & Sons, 209 S Main, see adv p 517. Morris E, 21 W South Temple, see pS. Sewing Ulaehiiies. Gardner II, 65 E First South, sec side margins. New Home. J Daynes, 66 S Main. Singer Manufacturing Co, 106 E Second South. Standard Sewing Machine Co, 65 E First South, see White Sewing Machine Co. 29 W First South. Young Bros Co (Domestic), 38 S Main. Sheet Metal Workers. Miller E M, Rooms 617-618 Mc- Cornick bldg. Shirt Manufacturers. Gourlay C B & Co, 503 McCor- nick blk, see bottom maryi.n*. Grant & kelson, 518 Dooly blk. Shoemakers. (See Boot and Shoe Makers^ Show Case Hiif'rs. Pioneer Show Case Factory, 17 Commercial ave. Sears & Lidclle Co, 3;J W First South, see p 34. Shovels. Miller E M, rooms"617 and 618 Mc- Cornick bldg. Sign Writers. (See House and Sign Painters^) Silk II ii Irs. Salt Lake Silk Factory, 54 S West Temple. Smelters. Chemical & Electric Smelter (Gervase-Brown Process), Groes- beck & Brown, 70 Wasatch bldg. Germania Lead Works, 161 S Main. Hanauer Smelting Works, McCor- nick Bank. Mingo Smelting Co, 404 Dooly blk. Omaha and Grant Smelting Co, Mc- Cornick Bank. Soap Mnfrs. Deseret Mnfg Co, 9th North and 6th West. Salt Lake Soap Co, 21 Union Nat'l Bank bldg. Utah Soap Mnfg Co, 460 N 4th West, see adv. Soda Water lliiirs. Hewlett Bros Soda Water Co, 744-746 State, .see margin* 7< rri- torial Dept. Salt Lake Soda Water < <. 28- 30 W Third South. Solder. Miller E M, rooms 617-618 McCor- nick bldg. Sol iei tors. Well Cteo S (printing), 21 W 2d South, tel 602. Corker .1 F (patents), 251 S Main. 862 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Specialists Hernia. Birch Rupture Co, 507 Constitution bldg. Miller Tlte O E Rupture Co, 201-203 Constitution bldg. Sporting Goods. (See Guns and Sporting Goods) Stair Builders. (See also Carpenters^) Asper Wm & Co, 151 W North Temple, see p '!> Stationers. Bentley & Rawlings, 258 S Main. Caiiie A W & Co, 52 W 2d South, see aeZi 1 on lower edqe. Cannon Geo <| & Sou* Co. 24 E South Temple, sec margin lines. Hess Paper Co, 150-152 W 2d S. Margetts Bros, 40 S Main. Salt JLake Litho Co (Kelly & Co), 52 W 2d South, see margins. Salt Lake Xews Co, Eagle blk. Owl Xews Co, 49 W 2d South. . Parsons C H, 164 S Main. I 'tali Book & Stationery Co, 72 S Main. Z C IH I, 21-31 S Main, sec front cover. Steam Carpet Cleaners. .Morris & Eynon, 903 W S Tem- ple, see p 21. Whitehead L, S, 363 W 9th South, see adv below. Steam Engines. Fraser & Chalmers, 7 W 2d South, see p 3. L,o*ve Geo A, 133-145 State, see p '2. I tali & .Montana Machinery Co. 259 S Main. Steam Fitters. (See Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters.') Steam Fittings. (See Hardzvare) Steel Stamps. Hnudson Hans P, 61 E Third South, see p 32. Murphy J C & Co, 218 S Main, see adv. Steam .rimlmi. Salt Lake Barbers' Supply Co, 131 W Second South. Stencil*. Druce Henry, 424 W 3d North. Kiiudsen Hans P. 61 E Third South, see p 32. Murphy J C & Co, 218 S Main. we adv. Stenographers. Barker F E, 16 Scott- Auerbach bldg. Falconer I C, 462 E 1st South. Griffin Warren M. McCornick blk. Hardie J C, 404 Progress blk. Lee Miss E R, 54-56-57 Hooper blk. Lew Miss Lillie. 34 Central blk. L S. VHITEHEAQ CARPE CLEANING. Feather and Mattress Renovating ..... er. SALT LAKE CITY W. Xinth South Street, - SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 863 Stenographers. CONTINUED. McGurriii Frank E, 403 Pro- gress blk. McGurrin Fred T, 403 Progress blk. McKellar Angus Jr, 403 Progress blk. McMasters & Stansfteld, 424 Dooly blk. Sprague Miss Bessie G, 87 Corn'l blk. Sprague Miss J II, 360 Centre. Steiihouse Garner, 52 W 2cl S. Whitaker John M, 513 Constitution bldg. Young- Eugene, 9-11 Des Natn'l Bank bldg. 9 Supplies Caine A W & Co, 52 W 2d South, see lower edge. Deseret IVews Pub Co, n w cor Main & S Temple, see page 106. Herald Publishing Co, W T, n w cor First South, see adv. Stock Yard*. Union Stock Yards Co, 3-4 Utah Natn'l Bank bldg. Stone Quarries fc Healers Bethseda Slate Quarry, 307 Dooly blk. Diamond, Kyune & Castle Stone Co, 14 Commercial blk. Metropolitan Stone Co, 705 McCornick blk. Morris E, 21 S W Temple, seep 8. Mountain Stone Co, 70 Culmer blk. Peterson F G, 753 Third East. Snell J J, 26 Wasatch blk. Salt Lake Lime & Rock Co, J T Stringer mngr, 19 Commercial blk. Thistle Rock Co,22 W 2d South. Varley, Joseph & Co, Richards, see adv. *Stoiie Sawing*. Campbell T K, 434 W North Temp, Morris E, 21 S West Temple, seepS. Watson Bros, s e cor South Tem- ple and West Temple. Storage & Commission. Colin H &, Co, 422-436 W North Temple. DeBruhl W J, 374 W 2d South. People's Forwarding Co, 24- 26 E Second South. Stove Casting*. Clayton J & W II, 137 W First South, see p X. Lovett J T & Son, 44 N Seventh West, see adv. Stoves. (See Hardware and Stoves.) Straw millinery. Forrester Miss Jennie, 66 S Main (up stairs). Railway and Financial Agents. Middlemiss & Co, 316 Dooly blk, see p 104. Subscription Books. Collier P F, 45 S West Temple. Hess Paper Co, 150-152 W Sec- ond South. Randall Mrs M E, 530 Constitu- tion bldg, seep 11. Sugar Unfrs. Utah Sugar Co, Hooper blk. Street Railways. (See also pages 82 and 8j.) Tailors Merchant. Anderson N, 6 Singer blk. Baumgarten Joe, 260 S Main. Bean A E, rms 2-21 W 2d South. Bergen & l.;i nn . 35 S W Temple, see adv. Buckle & Son, 235 S Main. Clark H F, 69 S State, see adv on cover. Cutler J C & Bro, 36 S Main, see inside front cover. .. Dubei John, 239 W Second South. Earl Michael, rear 132 S Main. Gibson John, 953 Second, see page 18. Greenberg F T, 118 W South Temple. 1 1 ii 111 Ch W, 74 E First South, see adv. Marohn & Co, 18 E 1st South, ee adv. Miller John Jr, 66 W 2d South, see side margins. New York Tailors, 50 E First South. Olsen Emil, 157 S Main. Schwitzki J, 65 E Second South. Spry Philip, 25 W South Temple, see adv. Wells F E, 7-9 W First South, see side margins. Wallace & Co, 26 W 2d South. S64 SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. SMITH &: Manufacturers of and - in .. TENTS, WAGON COVERS, lins, Mining Hose, Ore Bass, Etc- AWNINGS A SPECIALTY. 32 E. Second South .Street, Salt LaJ^e City, - - CONTINENTAL GLEJPG and REPHIRING GO H. E SCHILLER, Manager, 51 . Second South Street. - - Salt Lake City TINNER AND COPPERSMITH Spouting, Roofing, and all Kinds of Repairing done at Lowest Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Also. 154 S. Sixth West Street, - SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 865 Tailors Repairing. Continental Cleaning & Re- pairing Co, 51 W 2d South. Cook G, 122 N First West. Davies John, 608 Progress blk. Erickson August, 38 E 2d South. Greenberg Francis T, 118 W South Temple. Grundland J L, 578 N Fifth West. Ilaginaii ,1 oli 11 & Son, 173 S State, see adv. Hamann Robert, 251 S Main. Krause N, 22 E Second South. Land D, Brighton. Lapin Wm, 62 E Second South. London Tailoring Co, 272 State. Olseii E, 157 S Main. Ostby K, 73 W First South. Parsons E, 775 W North Temple. Peterson O. 110 S State. Schiller &'Tlieis, 51 AV Second South, xcc adr. Seare Wm, 327 W South Temple. Stewart C, rear Tribune bldg. Struhs J, 2 West's Court. Taylor Wm A, 423 Sixth East, Utah Tailoring Co, 508 Dooly blk. Vesehoff H, 251 S Main. Wanamaker & Brown (John Davies agt , 608 Progress bldg. Tsimicr*. Rowe, Morris & Summer hays Co, 63 S Third West see page 17. Z C M I, 21-31 Main, see front cover. Taxidermists. Meliesy JE, 220 S Main and The Knutsford. Starley John, 705 Fifth. Teacher of Languages. Andre del'Orme, 43 E 2d South. Veneziani Charles, 427 - 428 Dooly blk, see adv. Teas, Coffees ami Spices. Doray E . J & Co, 324 S Main. IJevre, Fricke & Co (whol), 714 McCornick blk. Salt Lake Tea Co, 8 E and 3d South. Telegraph Companies. Deseret Telegraph Co, under Deseret Nat Bank. Western liiioii Telegraph Co, 157 S Main. Telephone Companies. Rocky Mountain Bell Tele- phone Co, 2d floor Joab Law- rence bldg. * Tents and Awnings. Co-op Wagon Machine Co, 112-130 State. Jenkins J W & Sons, 78 E 2d South. Rippe Henry & Co, 60 E 2d S. Smith & Adams, 32 E 2d South, see adv opp. Theatres. Salt Lake Theatre (capacity 1500), 1st South n w cor State. Shill S (Auditorium), 371 S Second West, see adv. People's Opera House, 50 Com'l, see p VI. Wonderland, 37 W 2d South. Ticket Brokers. (See also Brokers.} Fletcher Jasper, 9 W 2d South. Groshell Oscar, Wonderland Museum bldg. Havens ( 'harles, 109 W 2d South, Dooly blk. Jones Geo W, 230 S Main. Kind "W G, 244 S Main, see adv Moon Arthur T ( Wasatch Ticket Broker), 209 S Main. Shiley D A, 11 W 2d South. Timber Agents. Brown Martin J, Wasatch bldg. Wall G L, Cullen Hotel. Worden F W, Cullen Hotel. Tin, Copper fc Sheet Iron Workers. Backmaii Samuel C, 154 S 6th West, see adv opposite. Bollin^rer Wm J, 136 Ninth East. Connor J T, 140 Social Hall ave. Hopfenbeck Anton, 129 W First South, P O Box 1615. James-Spencer-Batemaii Co, 67 S Main. Neelands A, 162 W Second South. Patton, Reese & Dale, 12 E 2d S. Pearee Charles, 737 Fifth East, see adv. Salt Lake Hardware Co, 42-44 W Second South, see top margins. Scott Geo M & Co, 168 S Main, see adv backbone. Schoppe F E & Co, 253 S Main, see adv. Wanless Chas Co, 120 S Main. Tin Plates. .lliller Edwin M, rooms 617-618 McCornick blk. 866 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. Tinware. Jiimes-Spencer-Bateinan Co, 67 S Main. Salt L,ake Hardware o, 42-44 W 2d South, see top margins. Scboppe F E & Co, 253 S Main, SPP Adv Scott Geo 91 & Co, 168 S Main, see adv backbone. JV a ii less Chas Co, 120 S Main. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Title Insurance. Salt L,ake Abstract, Title Guaranty & Trust Co, 150 M. Security Abstract Co, Tlie, under Des Natn'l Bank bldg. Utah Title Insurance & Trust Co, The, 160 S Main. Tobacco. (See Cigars & Tobacco]. Towel Supply. Salt Lake Towel Supply Co, 644 E 4th South, see adv below. Transfer Companies. Salt Lake Transfer Co, 227 S West Temple. Blackmarr& Crommett, 73 W 2d S. Grant Bros Livery & Trans- fer Co, 40 S West Temple, see ad . Gurney Cab & Delivery Co, 11 West Second South. Trunk Manufacturers. Gallaclier J I, 58 and 207 S Main, see adv. Great Western Trunk Factory, Mrs Jno Manning, 64 E Second South. Hulbert Bros, under Union Nat'l Bank. Z C >I I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. . H. PROPRIETOR SALT LAKE TOWEL SUPPLY P. O. Box 6O3. 644 E. 4th South, Salt Lake City. BARTON BROTHERS I. W. FLETCHER, Western Agt, - Room 501 Constitution Building, SAI/T LAKE CITY. :** !** 519, 521 Delaware Street, KANSAS CITY, MO. Parents \ MERCHANTS { THAT WANT TO SAVE MONEY should ask their merchants for BARTON BROTHERS' Missed I and Child's School Shoes. Will find it to their benefit to INSPECT OUR GOODS BEFORE ORDERING ELSEWHERE. '-MISS LID A E. COOK,-:-' MODISTES. -28Y K. SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 867 Truss Mnirs. Birch Truss Co, 507 Constitution bldg. Miller, The O i: Rupture Co, 201-203 Constitution bldg. Trust Companies. Salt Lake Abstract, Title Guaranty & Trust Co, 150 S Main. Sa It Lake Valley Loan & Trust Co, 11 E First South. I tali Title Insurance & Trust Co, 160 S Main. Ziou's Savings & Trust Co, n w cor Main and South Tem- ple, see adv. Turkish Baths. Maiiitou Turkish Baths, The Manitou. Typewriting Haehiiies. Anderson's Short-Hand Typewriter, Andre de 1'Orme, 43 E 2d South. Bar lock, F A Earls agt, 84 R. Callgraph The, L Roy Mansfield agt, 105 Com'l blk. Crandell Typewriter, Andre de 1'Orme, 43 E Second South. Hammond, GeoF Felt, 840 State, see adv. Remington Typewriter, F E McGurrin agt, 403 Progress bldg, see adv. Yost (Miller & Miller), 38 W Second South. Typewriter Supplies. Caine A W & Co, 52 W 2d South, see lower edge. McGurrin F E, 402-403 Progress bldg. Mansfield I, R, 105 Com'l blk. Utah Book & Stationery Co, 72 8 Main. Umhrellas 9 Parasols, etc. McKenzie A, 260 E North Temple. IN i in i Bros, 265 State, see adv. . E. DEALER IN * REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS r AIVI SUPPLIES. 408 Progress Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.- Auditorium Only Hall in tbe City Fitted Specially for , DANCING AND AMUSEMENT. Commodious, Well Heated and Ventilated. Seating Capacity, 600. HT E Cor. Second Wet and Fourth South. PRICES REASONABLE, For Terms apply to SA.3ITJEL HILL, Two doors North of Hall. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. Collins Undertaking Co 125 E. First South, Salt Lake City. Undertakers and Embalmers. A Full Stock of Metallic* and Hardwood i'askets. Home-made and Imported Coffin*. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Trimmings, Robes, Shoes, Flowers, Etc Orders by Mail orTelegrraph Promptly Attended to. Telephone 403. SHIPPING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. J. GRANT. . NELSON. Custom : Shirt : Shirts .Made to Order and Repairing H OTEL AND RESTAURANT WORK DONE ON SHORT NpTICE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Country Orders (riven Special Attention. 518 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City. WRIGHT'S HOTEL. Home Comforts. -:- Commodious Sample tiooms. Rigs Furnished for Drummers and Tourists: SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. 860 Undertakers. Collins riidertakiiig Co, 125 E First South, see adv. Evans S D, 214 S State, see mar- gins. Skewes Wm & Son, 18 E Third South, see margin on cover. Taylor J E, 251-255 E First South, see p 15. Taylor J W, 21-23 S West Temple, see p 7. Mali Undertaking Co, 317 S Main. U IS Army Paymaster. Witcher Maj J S, 112-113 Com'l blk. U S Commissioners. Booth H E, 63-6.-> Com'l blk. Ferguson T, 19-29 Scott- Auerbach block. *. r< < aima n J W, 10 Wasatch blk. Martin C II, 65 W 2d South. Moyer O W, 42-43 Central blk. Norrell A C, Wasatch bldg. Pratt Harmol, 5 Hooper blk. Upholsterers. Co-operative Furniture Co, 1.1 S Main. Diliivoodey II Furn Co, 37-43 W First South, see adr on con r. Freed Furn & Carpet Co, 234- 236 S State. #<< N/V/r I hies. Lecuyer F F, 123 E Second South. Sorenseii & \elson. 23 W 1st S, see page 27. Meve & Child, 39 E 1st South. Workman () G, 63 8 First West. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main, SPP front COW/ 1 . Worlds Fair Commission Utah World's Fair Commission Dooly blk, R C Chambers. Prest ; Richard Mackintosh, V P : Nelson A Empey, Executive Commis- sioner: E A McDaniel, Sec'v : ITVlM-r M Wells, Treasurer. Veterinary Surgeons. Arnold T F, Palace Stable, see ad'-. Garrett Bruce. 8th W s of 10th S. Griffin John D, 176 W Fifth South. Nunn Chas W, s e cor First South and West Temple. Richards S L, Constitution bldg. Tilton Edw W, Delmonico Hotel. Walters Charles, Sykes Drug Co. Young Albert C. w s Fifth East, s of Ninth South. Vinegar Salt Lake Pickle Co, 222 W Second South, see margin. Salt Lake Vinegar Co, Murray. Wall Paper. IMiiwoodey II Furn Co, 37-43 W 1st South, see adv back cover Mldgley J & Co, 137 E 2d South. Rivers Bros, 45 E Second South Tullidge & Co, 249 S Main. Utah Paint & Oil Co. Ill E 1st South. Z C HI I, 21-31 S Main, see front cover. Warming A Ventilating Apparatus. Mora 11 P J, 259 S Main. Smead Warming & Ventilat- ing Co The, 315 Dooly blk. .v-r p 104. Watelies, Clocks and Jewelry. (See Jeivelry and Watches^) Berg Air, 62 W 2d South, see adv. Broadbent J, 178 W South Temple. Daynes J, 66 S Main. Eliason O L, 220 S Main. Hauerbach 4, 69 E 2d South. Hollander L,, 148 S Main. Iverson & L,ee, 9 West Second S. Jensen J S, 22 Elst South, see a<1>: Joslin & Park, 170-172 S Main. Jacob H, 41 W Second South. Liechtenstein II, 3 W 2d South. Ley son, The J H Co, 128 S Main. see adv front edge. Maynes, Wells. Schofield & Co, 34 S Main. Reiser H, 12 E First South. Swaner M B, 107 S Main. Watters I, 31 E First South. Wyatt A I, 262 S Main. Z C M 1, 21-31 S Main, see fro, it cover. Well Drillers. Bishop T, 434 N Second West. Co-operative Wagon & Ma- chine Co,' 112-130 State, M ndr-. Oandee & Everill, 144 S 8th West. Howcroft Nephi, 850 S 8th West. Woodbury T H Jr, 252 W 6th South. Whip Hiifgrs A Dealers. Birkinhead I, 339 J. Jenkins J W & Sons. 7s ]<; Sec- ond South. Pickard W L&Co. 30 W Second South. Platt F Co, 14Y-149 S State, #*. p 97. Z C M 1, 21-31 S Main. ,s< , front con ,-. 870 SALT LAKE BUSINESS GUIDE. * Window Shade*. Z C' M 1, 21-31 S Main, sec front Wilier and Liquor*. (See Saloons) Auer & Murphy. 16 E First South. Blocb B M & Co (whol and retail) 15-19 Commercial, see page 4. Chicago Liquor House (FredS Hadra), 44-46 E 1st South, see p X. Garfield Liquor House (G M Lewis), 470 W First South. Hirschler D & Co, s e cor Fifth West and Second South. I lad i a F S, (whol and ret). 44-46 E First South, see p X. Janowitz G & Co, 6 E 1st South. Kentucky Liquor Co, (whol & ret), 11-13 E Second South, see adv. Louisville Liquor Co, (whol & ret), 213 S Main, seep 16. Margetts P, 51 W First South. Sadler H, (whol and ret), 223-225 S Main, see adv. Weinberger J, 69 W Second Souih. Woolf I, (whol and ret), 136-140 W Second South. Window Glass. Miller E M, rooms 617-618 Mc- Cornick bldg. Wire Cloth. Miller E M, rooms 617-618 Mc- Cornick bldg. Wire Hattr esses. (See also Furniture) Burton-Gardner Co, The, s w cor State and 8th South, see adv on backbone. Salt Lake Wire Mattress Co, 171 Third East, rtali & Montana Machinery Co, 259 S Main. Wire Tramways. rras<'i & Chalmers, 7 W Sec- ond South, xee p 3. Wire fc Cut Xails. Miller E M, rooms 617 and 618 Mc- Cornick bldg. Wood Turners. Electric Turning Shop. 221 W South Temple, see p 13. Foster W H, 243H S Main. Jensen N, 633 Fourth East. Salt Lake Wood Working Co. 49 S Fifth West. Wood A Coal. (See Coal and Wood. ) Woodworking jflaeh. Utah & Montana Machinery Co, 259 S Main. Wooden A Wallow Ware Wholesale. Pavey W C & Co, 113 S West Temple. Z C M I, 21-31 S Main,.** front cover. Wool Dealers. Faiiie &, Lyne. 151 State, see Buyers Gnn1< . Pickard W L & Co, 30 W Second South. Howe - Morris - Sumiiierhays Co, 63 S Third West, see page 17. Sauiiders & Campbell. 422 W North Temple, see page 2. Woolen Goods ftliifrs. Cutler J C & Bros. 36 S Main, see inside front coi-tr. Empire Manfg Co, 34 Richards. Woolen Mills. Deseret Woolen Mills Co. s w cor Fifth North and Third West. Provo Woolen Mills, J C Cutler & Bro agts, 36 S Main, .-. ;//>/Wr front rorer. Wrapping Paper V Hag*. Granite Paper Mills Co. 40 Richards. Hess Paper Co. 150-152 W Second South. Taylor-Spacknian Co. 155 157 W South Temple. Yeast manufacturer. Beck A, 152 E Second South. Zoological (warden*. Buffalo Park, w of Garfield Beach. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. 8?i New American Gas & Fuel Co., **** 218 S. MAIN, W. 0. HALL, President, O. ,T. SALISBURY, Vice-Prest . .JOHN W. DONELLAN, Treasurer, JOHN H. WOODMAN, Secretary, \V. If. ROWE, Director. CAPITALIZATION, $5.000,000, 500,000 SHARES, *,' -- -^^ PAR VALUE, $10 PER SHARE. M> trio* OF <; AS FI r,i.i> LAKE SHORE, DAVIS CO. Twelve Miles North of Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. AMERICAN GAS& FUEL CO., 218 S. MAIN STREET, Salt THE QUALITY of the gas is of the very best, both for heating and illuminating, and for the amount of development, in the opinion of gas experts, the Company's Gas Field and Wells show equally well, if not better, than in any other field yet known. Gas is found at a depth of some 800 feet, and the yield of some of the wells, on an average, is nearly 5,000,000 cubic feet in twenty-four hours. SALT LAKE ADVERTISEMENTS. 873 (JQasateh Drag Co., 236 <>o\Jitt] IV]am SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. , Chemical^ Jfjedieineg, CIQ-JLR.S. Scud Your Prescription* Jo Vs. Orders < a re till I, v Attended. COME AND SEE US. EVERY VARIETY I /" ^^^^ C MALT, WHITE WINE OF - =