Map Lib. 1(T9 W888 Woolworth's Atlas of the World THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES UCLA MAP LIBRARY RECEIVED 2 6 j UN 1970 AND NUMBER. WOOLWORTH'S ATLAS OF THE WORLD CONTENTS Page U brar y List of Principal Cities with Population .... 2 / , Hemispheres ................. 3 Pacific Ocean and Oceanica .......... 4 j f*. \'- I NORTH AMERICA ............ 5 United States .............. 6-7 V'l C Mexico ................. 8 , >o // Central America .......... .... 9 )l I (& Cuba, Porto Rico, Jamaica, West Indies ... 10 SOUTH AMERICA ............ 11 Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia ................ 12 Brazil and Guiana ............ 13 Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay . . 14 EUROPE ................. 15 British Isles ............... 16 England ................ 17 France ................. 18 Holland, Belgium, Denmark and Switzerland 19 German Empire ............. 20 Austria- Hungary ............. 21 Norway, Sweden and Denmark ...... 22 Italy .................. 23 Spain and the Levant ........... 24 Servia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Al- bania, Greece and Turkey ........ 25 Russia ................. 26-27 ASIA ................... 28 India .................. 29 China .................. 30 Japan .................. 31 AFRICA .................. 32 AUSTRALIA ................ 33 United States, Territorial Growth ....... 34 List of Countries and Principal Divisions of the World with Area and Population ...... 35-36 Especially Engraved and Printed at THE MATTHEWS-NORTHRUP WORKS BUFFALO, N. Y. FOR F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. Copyright, 1916, by The Matthews-Northrup Works PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE WORLD WITH POPULATION FROM LAST CENSUS Cities in the United States POP. 1910 Albany, N. Y. . . . 100,253 Atlanta, Ga. . . . 154,839 Baltimore, Mel. . . 558.485 Birmingham, Ala. . 132,685 Boston, Mass. . . . 670,585 Bridgeport, Conn. . 102,054 Buffalo, N. Y.. . . 423,715 Cambridge, Mass. . 104,839 Charleston. S. C. . 58,833 Chicago, 111. . . . 2,185,283 Cincinnati, Ohio . 363,591 Cleveland, Ohio . . 560,663 Columbus, Ohio . . 181,511 Dallas, Tex. . . . 92,104 Dayton, Ohio . . . 116,577 Denver. Col. . . . 213,381 Des Moines, Iowa . 86,368 Detroit, Mich. . . . 465,766 Duluth, Minn.. . . 78,466 Fall River, Mass. . 119,295 Fort Worth, Tex. . 73,312 Grand Rapids, Mich. 112,571 Harrisburg, Pa. . . 64,186 Hartford, Conn. . . 98,915 Honolulu, Hawaii . 52,183 Indianapolis, Ind. . 233,650 Jersey City, N.J. . 267,779 Kansas City, Mo. . 248,381 Lincoln, Neb. . . . 43,973 Little Rock, Ark. . 45,941 Los Angeles, Cal. . 319,198 Louisville, Ky. . . 223,928 Lowell, Mass. . . . 106,294 Manila, Phil. Is. ('03) Memphis, Tenn. . . 131,105 Milwaukee, Wis. . . 373,857 Minneapolis, Minn. . 301,408 Nashville. Tenn. . . 110,364 Newark, N.J... . 347,469 New Haven. Conn. . 133,605 New Orleans, La. . 339,075 New York. N. Y. .4,766.883 Oakland, Cal. . . . 150,174 Oklahoma, Okla. . 64,205 Omaha, Neb. . . . 124,096 Paterson, N. J. . . 125,600 Philadelphia, Pa. . 1,549.008 Pittsburgh, Pa. . . 533,905 Portland, Oregon . 207,214 Providence, R. I . . 224,326 Richmond, Va. . . 127,628 Rochester, N.Y. . 218,149 Sacramento, Cal. . 44,696 St. Ixjuis, Mo. . . . 687,029 St. Paul, Minn. . . 214,744 Salt Lake City, Utah 92,777 San Francisco, Cal.. 416,912 San Juan, P. R. . . 48,716 Savannah, Ga. . . 65,064 Scranton, Pa. . . . 129,867 Seattle, Wash. . . 237,194 Spokane, Wash. . . 104,402 Springfield, 111. . . 51,678 Syracuse, N. Y. . . 137,249 Toledo, Ohio . . . 168,497 Trenton. N.J. . . . 96,815 Washington, D. C. . 331,069 Wilmington, Del. . 87,411 Worcester. Mass. . 145.986 Youngstown. Ohio . 79,066 Cities in Foreign Countries POPULATION Adelaide, Australia . 1 92 ,000 Alexandria, Egypt . 332,000 Algiers, Algeria . . 172,000 Amsterdam, Hoi. . 595,000 Antwerp, Belgium . 313,000 Asuncion, Paraguay 84,000 Athens, Greece . . 168,000 Bahia, Brazil . . . 290,000 Baku, Caucasus . . 202,000 Bangkok, Siam . . 629,000 Barcelona, Spain . 560,000 Basel, Switzerland . 132,000 Batavia, Java . . . 139,000 Beirut, Turkey . . 150,000 Belfast, Ireland . . 386,000 Belgrade, Servia . 91,000 Benares, India . . 204,000 Bergen, Norway . 77,000 Berlin, Germany. . 2,071,000 Bern, Switzerland . 86, (XX) Birmingham, Eng. . 526,000 Bogota, Colombia . 121,000 Bombay, India . . 979,000 Bordeaux, France . 262,000 Bremen, Germany . 247,000 Breslau, Germany . 512,000 Brussels, Belgium . 664,000 Bucharest, Rumania 338,000 Budapest, Hungary 882,000 Buenos Aires, Arg. . 1,320,000 Cairo, Egypt . . . 655,000 Calais, France . . . 72,000 Calcutta, India . . 1,222,000 Canton, China. . . 900,000 Cape Town, S.Africa 67,000 Caracas, Venezuela . 73,000 Christiania, Norway 244,000 Cologne, Germany . 516,000 Colombo, Ceylon. . 213,000 Colon, Panama . . 26,000 Constantinople, Tur. 1,125,000 Copenhagen, Den. . 462,000 Damascus, Turkey . 350,000 Delhi, India . . . 233,000 Dresden, Germany . 547,000 Dublin, Ireland . . 309,000 Essen, Germany . . 295,000 Florence, Italy . . 233,000 Fu-chau, China . . 624,000 Geneva, Switzerland 126,000 Genoa, Italy . . . 272,000 Glasgow, Scotland . 783,000 Goteborg, Sweden . 168,000 Gautemala, Gautemala 90,000 Guayaquil, Ecuador 80,000 Hague, Holland . . 302,000 Hamburg, Germany 932,000 Ilan-kau, China . . 870.000 Havana, Cuba. . . 320,000 Havre, France . . 136,000 Hyderabad, India . 501,000 Irkutsk, Siberia . . 112,000 Jerusalem, Turkey . 80,000 Johannesburg, S. Af. 237,000 Kief, Russia . . . 501,000 La Paz.Bolivia . . 55.000 Leeds, England . . 446.000 Leipzig. Germany . 588,000 Liege, Belgium . . 171,000 Lima, Peru .... 141.000 POPULATION Lisbon, Portugal . 435,000 Liverpool, England. 747, (MX) London, England . 7,253.000 Lyon, France . . . 5JI.OOO Madras, India . . . 519,000 Madrid, Spain . . . 572,000 Manchester. England 715,000 Marseille, France . Mekka, Turkey . . Melbourne, Australia Mexico, Mexico . . Milan, Italy. . . . Montevideo, Uruguay 374,000 Montreal, Canada . 471,000 Moscow, Russia . . Munich, Germany . Naples, Italy . . . Odessa, Russia . . Oporto, Portugal . Osaka, Japan . . . Ottawa, Canada . . Panama, Panama . Para, Brazil . . . Paris, France . . . Peking, China . . _. Pernambuco, Brazil Petrograd, Russia . Prague, Austria . . Quebec, Canada . . Quito, Ecuador . . Riga, Russia . . . RiodeJaneiro.Braz. 1,128,000 Rome, Italy . . . 539,000 Rotterdam, Holland Rouen, France . . St. Etienne, France. St. Johns, N. F. . . Saloniki, Greece . . Santiago, Chile . . Seoul, Korea . . . Shanghai, China . . Sheffield, England . Singapore, Straits Settlements . . . Sofia, Bulgaria . . Su-chau, China . . Stettin, Germany . Stockholm, Sweden Sydney, Australia . Tampico, Mexico . Teheran, Persia . . Tientsin, China . . Tiflis, Caucasus Tokio, Japan . Tomsk, Siberia Toronto, Canada Trieste, Austria . . Tunis, Tunis . . . Turin, Italy. .... Valencia, Spain . . Valparaiso, Chile . Vancouver, Canada. Venice, Italy . . . Vera Cruz, Mexico . Vienna, Austria . . Vladivostok, Siberia Warsaw, Russia . . Winnipeg, Canada . Yokohama, Japan . Zurich, Switzerland. 551,000 80,000 592,000 471,000 599,000 1,618,000 595,000 723,000 540,000 194,000 1,227,000 87,000 56,000 200,000 2.SSS.IMM) 700,000 150,000 1,908,000 225,000 78,000 51,000 350,000 459,000 125,000 149,000 32,000 174,000 378,000 279,000 651,000 455,000 310,000 103,000 500,000 236,000 342,000 637,000 18,000 280,000 800,000 200,000 2,099,000 112,000 377,000 230,000 250,000 428,000 233,000 180,000 100,000 161,000 45,000 2,031,000 108.000 848,000 136,000 394,000 191,000 HEMISPHERES. 4. PACIFIC OCEAN AND OCEAN ICA NORTH AMERICA. 5 6. UNITED STATES UNITED STATES. 7 UNITED STATES, 8. MEXICO CENTRAL AMEKICA. 9 10. CUBA, PORTO RICO, JAMAICA, WEST INDIES SOUTH AMERICA. 11 o A 80 B C M" D 50 F 3u' G 20 12. COLOMBIA, VENEZUELA, ECUADOR, PEBU AND BOLIVIA COLOMBIA, TENEZUELA, ECUADOR, PEBU and BOLIVIA with nrritcrn part of BRAZIL. M IOC 933 100 400 Ml BRAZIL AND GUIANA. 13 BRAZIL ami GUIANA. For Trestcrn part of Brazil ee page 72 14. ARGENTINA, CHILE, PARAGUAY AND URUGUAY in ' S^r^^J^-vrjc Of/,-. | .y ARGENTINA, CHILE, EUROPE. 15 16. BRITISH ISLES ENGLAND. 17 FKAXCK i*4i:^P^PlS&ni EfeiCE^rg^^^^^g -: i.n i * *-A " IS "*^vr"Vi't*-.Mi-*i 1IX. 4 */ y o WKx5f^^.rv /^T ::: ^ u; " OR *~v- (v*T VH\ ^ : ^^^P4^^V ^SaiW^^I ?sdan^Tfls%^ri^ stft^SSf&fiT Sl.L.a: J5 i s * a fec^; K^T^fc^^fe I C ^-/ o/fc/..uSa-' \ / 7 "ft U.^Hs!^^^*^ 1 ' " . -'. '- ; fe$ i'/l '*w MUl I ', ,: :. ^,,, /-,;;,? in 5^S^Sa2 3 Ifepw^^ sjr :^13ILffi=93rca ^^^ 0* 0/J.yon E B l~*- *' *!.'*- C ov.,.. 0' 1 i. M ,..w. e *..!/'. r g~. r ' c mnxr, u, ir TNI 4. >. KATTKCM to., iu'Pw.9, HOLLAND, BELGIUM, DENMARK AND SWITZERLAND. 19 &l "'r, I A* 1 *. ,A>D, BELGIUM *,.,, _?*"V?.-* 2O. CEBMA.V EMPIRE AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 21 22. NORWAY, SWEDEN AND DENMARK SORWAT, SWEDES AND DENMARK. CALK OT MILES. 2 T ' ITALY. 23 UM 11 innswiu mown in iuu Y , air cailra * ,oi < ' T "CumpMtimenti." The 0'.' 1'r.' . ii-.,-c into Jl"' x _J{ I Mch the Kingdom of luJv 13 divi.Ud hare the sme names as the Caiiital of the p -i^iiTe COPYS16MT, lit*, 8V THE J. 24. SPAIN, PORTUGAL AND THE LEVANT NOTE. 'Witt fte eioeption at the 3 Baiqiu province*, the provinces of Spain hare the same names u their Caplub, whkli are show on the Hap thus : The 'li vision nanwi ihoon on map. aj* often vledj though DO longer official. . ti, tr THI j. . tunncwi co.. auffAto, . r SERVIA. RUMANIA, BULGARIA, MONTENEGRO, ALBANIA, GREECE AND TURKEY. 25 SERVIA, RUMANIA, BULGARIA, MONTENEGRO, ALBANIA, GREECE AND TURKEY. 26. RUSSIA RUSSIA. 27 28. ASIA INDIA. 29 30. CHINA, JAPAN AND KORKA JAPAN. 31 ' 33. AFRICA I, 8 C AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, FIJI AND SAMOA. 33 34. UNITED STATES, TERRITORIAL, GROWTH COUNTRIES AND PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS OF THE WORLD WITH AREA AND POPULATION United States SQ. MILES Alabama 51 998 POP. 1910 2,138,093 204,354 1,574,449 2,377,549 799,024 1,114,756 202,322 331,069 752,619 2,609,121 325,594 5,638,591 2,700,876 2,224,771 1,690,949 2,289,905 1,656,388 742,371 1,295,346 3,366,416 2,810,173 2,075,708 1,797,114 3,293,335 376,053 1,192,214 81,875 430,572 2,537,167 327,301 9,113,614 2,206,287 577,056 4,767,121 1,657,155 672,765 7,665,111 542,610 1,515,400 583,888 2,184,789 3,896,542 373,351 355,956 2,061,612 1,141,990 1,221,119 2,333,860 145,965 91,972,266 64,356 191,909 1,118,012 7,635,426 6,100 9,000 50,000 55,608 9,130,411 01,102,677 Foreign Countries SQ. MILES POP. Abyssinia 312,000 8,000 000 Arizona 113,956 Afghanistan .... 240,900 6,000,000 Africa 11,514,000 134,000,000 Albania 11,500 850,000 Arkansas 53,335 California 158,297 Colorado . . 103,948 Alberta 255,285 375,000 Algeria 343,600 5,564,000 Delaware 2,370 Alsace-Lorraine. . . 5,604 1,874,014 Andorra . 175 5,231 Dist. of Columbia ... 70 Florida . 58,666 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 785,700 3,000,000 Angola (Portuguese West Africa) . . . 490,800 4,161,000 Arabia 880,000 950,000 Argentina 1,084,000 8,700,000 Georgia .* 59,265 Idaho . . 84 313 Illinois . ... 56,665 Indiana 36 354 Iowa ... . . 56,147 Asia 17,073,000 865,041,000 Australia 2,972,866 4,455,000 Austria 115,909 28,572,000 Kansas 82,158 Kentucky 40 598 Louisiana . .... 48,506 Austria-Hungary . . 261,285 51,366,000 Baden 5,823 2,142,833 Maine 33 040 Maryland ... . 12,327 Baluchistan .... 54,228 414,412 Bavaria 29,292 6,887,291 Belgian Kongo . . . 927,200 15,000,000 Belgium 11,373 7,424,000 Bhutan 20,000 250,000 Massachusetts .... 8,266 Michigan . . . 57,980 Minnesota 84,682 Missouri 69,'420 Montana 146,572 Bohemia 20,065 6,827,261 Bolivia 440,000 . 2,521,000 Borneo 243 843 1 441 838 Nebraska 77,520 Nevada 110,690 New Hampshire . . . 9,341 New Jersey 8,224 New Mexico 122,634 Bosnia and Herzego- vina 19,768 1,898,044 Brazil . . . . 3,300,000 24 308 000 British Central Africa 39,315 1,061,207 British Columbia . . 355,855 392,000 British East Africa . 434,200 7,244,000 British Honduras . . 8,600 41,000 British Isles .... 121,390 45,366,000 Brunswick 1 418 494 339 New York 49,204 North Carolina .... 52,426 North Dakota .... 70,837 Ohio 41,040 Oklahoma 70,057 Oregon 96,699 Bulgaria 43*300 4 75 9 *000 Pennsylvania 45,126 Burma 230*839 12*1 15*217 Rhode Island . 1 248 Canada, Dominion of 3,759*365 7*,205',000 Cape Colony .... 277,000 2,565,000 Celebes Islands . . . 71,470 851,905 Central America . . 206,700 5,375,000 Central Asia (Russian) 1,366,832 10,957,400 Ceylon 25 500 3 643 000 South Carolina .... 30,989 South Dakota .... 77,615 Tennessee . . . 42,022 Texas 265,896 Utah 84,990 Vermont 9,564 Virginia . . 42,627 Chile 293*000 3*552*000 China . . 1,497000302110000 Washington 69,127 West Virginia .... 24,170 Wisconsin 56,066 Wyoming 97 914 Colombia 466,000 5,071 *000 Corsica . 3 367 288 820 Costa Rica 18 690 420*000 Crete 3,365 353*206 Continental U. S. . . 3,088,519 OUTLYING TERRITORY, ETC Alaska Territory . . . 590,884 Hawaii Territory . . . 6,449 Cuba ... 44 000 2 469 000 Denmark .... 15,593 2 775*000 Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo) . 18,750 708,000 Dutch East Indies . 736,400 38,000,000 Ecuador 118,000 1,500,000 Egypt 247,900 11,287,000 Philippine Islands ('03) 115,026 England 50 850 34 043 000 Europe 3,864,000 455!326,*000 Guam 210 Fiji Islands .... 7,435 153,704 Panama Canal Zone . . 474 Soldiers and sailors sta- tioned abroad . . . Total Outlying .... 716,555 Grand Total .... 3,805,074 ] French Equatorial Af- rica (French Kongo) 579,500 9,000,000 French Indo-China . 256,500 16,596,000 French West Africa . 680,600 12,061,000 Galicia 30 321 8 160 783 German East Africa . 372,300 7i665,000 COUNTRIES AND PRINCIPAL DIVISIONS OF THE WORLD Continued Foreign < German Empire . . German South-West Countries Sq. MII.KS 210,260 318,000 121,633 IH.H.-.0 838,000 43,640 95,000 50,000 30,500 11,070 2,966 44,276 125,613 39,770 1,856,500 32,360 139,430 - 110,540 4,840 ) 261,300 51,000 292,000 86,000 40,000 405,800 65 998 228,600 363,000 251,832 5,068 1,131 767,300 1,076,000 5,600 176,000 295,800 34,710 12,772 59,500 27,985 49,680 313,000 310,372 104,663 49,550 361,000 9,392,000 124.710 21,428 75,000 376,722 48,340 33,300 POP. 64,926,000 95.000 45,370.530 4,821.000 14.000 2,119.000 296,000 86,000 49,000 2,500,000 1,282,051 554,000 20,886,000 85,000 315,157,000 4,382,000 400,000 34,671,000 843.000 73,383,000 30,098,000 2,540,000 15,508,872 2,100,000 529,000 10,716 259,891 3,153,000 12,740,000 456,000 639,958 106,442 15,160,000 1,800,000 516,000 3,464,000 3,120.000 1,194,000 6,213,000 5,000,000 352,000 243,000 1,000,000 1,857,108 1,085,000 600,000 17,000,000 129,521,000 2,392,000 492,000 500,000 2,523,000 528,000 337.000 Foreign Paraguay Countries SQ. MILES 100,000 635,000 440,000 43,804 34.264 1.1,1110 2,184 134,616 706,834 670,500 408,500 :,:;. 500 6,659,000 2,095,680 8,754,680 8,170 38 9,299 251,700 5,789 30,405 33,900 245,000 4,807,000 9,935 4,000 550,000 68,000 6,856,000 380,070 192,000 35,600 161,612 172,928 15,956 26,215 814,000 114,290 64,600 683,000 10,880 11,312 474,340 3,088,519 3,805,074 69,000 364,000 87,884 7,473 975,920 91,400 ,156,000 1 7,534 POP. 850,000 9,500,000 4,586,000 11,960.500 5,540.000 820,000 94,000 40.165,219 2,003, (XXJ 605,813 1,617,000 7,508,000 35.165,000 140,841,000 176,016,000 1,254,000 11,291 870,077 492,000 4,806,661 4,760,000 4,548,000 8,150,000 9,788,000 3,743,447 75,572 2.000,000 310,000 55,556,000 408,558 19,083,000 2,676,000 4,029,503 5,522,000 3,831,000 191,211 2,000,000 1,686,000 1,781,000 19,382,000 1,891,000 1,116,282 5,973,000 91.972,266 101,102,677 1,279,000 2,756,000 1,315,551 2,032.000 282,114 9,464,000 647,000,000 2,437,574 Persia . Peru Great Britain .... Greece Poland . Portugal Portuguese Guinea . Prince Edward Island Guiana, British . . . Guiana, Dutch . . . Guiana, French . . . Haiti Quebec Queensland .... Rhodesia Rumania Hesse .... Honduras . . Russia in Asia . . . Russia in Europe . . Russian Empire . . Hungary Indian Empire . . . Ireland S:m Marino .... Sardinia Italian Somaliland . Italy Saskatchewan . . . Japan (and Possessions Scotland Scrvia Siberia Sicily Libya . Sierra Leone .... Sinkiang Liechtenstein .... Luxemburg .... Madagascar .... Manchuria Somali Coast Protec- torate (British) . . South America . . . South Australia . . . Mecklenburg-Schwerin Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Straits Settlements . Sumatra Mongolia Sweden Montenegro .... Morocco Mozambique (State of East Africa) . . . Natal Switzerland .... Tasmania Tibet Transvaal Tunis ... Netherlands (Holland) Nepal ... . . Turkey in Asia . . . Turkey in Europe . . Tyrol and Vorarlberg Union of South Africa United States, Conti- nental United States (with all possessions) . . Uruguay .... New Brunswick . . . Newfoundland (with Labrador) .... New Guinea .... New South Wales . New Zealand .... Nicaragua Nigeria Venezuela Victoria . ... North America . . . Norway Wales Nova Scotia .... Oman Western Australia. . West Indies .... World 57 Wurtemberg .... Ontario Orange River Colony. Panama . j UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. I >rm L9-Series 4939 GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER Syracuse, N.Y. Stockton, Calif.;