ROE LOCKWOOD & SON, 411 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Aimc Albir Allet: Amp Ance Andr Andr A nqu Aragi Arna Arno Aubo Audi: Azais Balbi Ballai Balza Barai Barbi Barth Batissier. Be?Aidoux (Mine.) Bcaumarchais. Bdlia et Pujol. Bellange. Berangcr (de) Campari (Mine.) Capeliiaic. Cazotte. Cliampagnsc. Cliampfleury. Charriih'o. Delecluse. Delille. Depping. Resauziers. Descaptes. Destouches. Gautier (Tli.) Gavarni. Genlis (Mine, de) Genoude (de) Girardin. Girardin (Mine.) 1 — Godescard. AUTHORS' NAMES. Salvandy. Maistre (IT. de) Orbigny (d 1 ) Grandville. Malebrancbe. Ostervald. Sand (Georges.) Guerin (Leon) Malherbe. Pascal (Bl.) Sandeau. Guizot. Marg. de Valois. Periers. Sarrazin. Guizot (Mme.) Marivaux. Perrault. Scarron. Hoffman. Marmier (X.) Pitre Chevalier. Scribe. Houssaye. Marmontel. Planche. Segur (le cte. de) Hugo. Massillon. Pougoulat Senancour (de) Janin (Jules) Masson (M.) Poussin. Sevigne (Mme.) Karr. Maury. Prevost (l'abbe) Soulie. Klee. Mennecbet. Rabelais. 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(Coutit:,ujl at ihn (fid nf the bnok) FRENCH AND SPANISH EDUCATIONAL BOOKS, PLELISHED BY ROE LOCKWOOD & SON, Booksellers and Importers, 411 Broadway, New York. A full description will be found in another part of this book. FRENCH. Manesca's Oral System of Teaching French. Meadows' French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. nouvelle grammaire francaise, par noel et chapsal. CoRRIGE DES ExERCICES FRANCAIS. lecons et modeles de lltterature francaise, par chapsal. Le Siege de la Rochelle, par Mme. de Genlis. Le Vicaire de Wakefield, par Goldsmith. CEuvres Completes de Moliere. CEuvres Choisies de Moliere. CEuvres Completes de J. Racine. CEuvres Choisies de J. Racine. De l'Allemagne, par Mme. De Stael. AVENTURES DE GlL BLAS DE SaNTILLANE, PAR Le SAGE. Fables de La Fontaine. One Hundred Engravings. Atala, Rene, par Chateaubriand. Paul et Virginie, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. Elisabeth, ou Les Exiles de Siberie, par Mme. Cottin. Conversational Phrases Classified, by J. L. Mabire. 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ENGLISH AND EltENCH. exhibiting tfb pronunciation of the french in pttee english sounds; the parts of speech; gender of fkencii nouns; regular and irregular conjugations of verbs; accent of english words; list of the usual christian and proper names; and names of countries and nations. BY F. C. MEADOWS, M. A, OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PARIS. COMPARED WITH, AND CORRECTED ACCORDING TO THE CELEBRATED WOEK or NOEL AND C II A PS A L. BY FELIX J. B. KCESTLEE, ATTHCR OF A PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL FRENCH GRAMMAR NEW YORK: ROE LOCKWOOD & SON, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, No. 411 BROADWAY. 1S55. • • • Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S55, by EOE LOCKWOOD & SON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. EDUC V I DEFT, FORMATION OF THE TEXSES. The tenses are divided into primitive and derivative. The primitive tenses are those from which the derivative are formed. There are five primitive tenses, which are: the present of the infinitive, the present participle., the past participle, the present of the indicative, and the preterite definite. The present of the infinitive forms two tenses. 1st. The future by changing r, oir, re into rai, ras, ra, rous, res, ront ; as,par!er, je parlerai; jinir, tufiniras; recevoir, il recevra ; rendre, nous rendrons, etc. 2d. It forms the conditional by changing r, oir, re into rais, rais, rait, rions, riez, raieni; as, etudier, fetudierais ; bcitir, il batiraii ; devoir, vous devriez ; dpprendre, ils apprendraient. The present participle forms three tenses. 1st. The three persons plural of the indicative present, by changing ant into ons, ez, ent; as, parlani, nous parlons, vous parlez, Us parlent. Except the third person plural of the third conjugation, where evant is changed into oirent; as, recevant, ils recoivent. 2d. It forms the imperfect of the indicative, by changing ant into ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient; as, punissant,ye punissais, tupuniesais, etc. Sd. It forms the present of the subjunc- tive, by changing ant into e, es, e, ions, iez, ent; as, vendant, qiceje rende, que tu vender, etc. Except the third conjugation, where evant is changed into oive, oives. oive, oivent. The past participle forms all the compound tenses by prefixing the auxiliary avoir or etre; as, j'ai parte; il est alle ; elle a fini ; nous etumsventcs, vous aurez fini, ils sera lent arrives, etc. The present of the indicative forms the imperative by suppressing the personal pronouns, tu, nous, vous, and by dropping the s in the second person singular of the first conjugation; as, tu paries, parle; nous finissons, finissons ; vous recevez, receves ; vous vendez, vendee. The preterite definite forms the imperfect of the subjunctive by adding se to the second person singular, as: tu parlas, que je parlasse, que tu parlasses, qu'il Cparldt, que nous parlassions, que rous parlassiez. qu'ils parlassent; tu finis, que je finisse, que tu finisses, qu'il fi nit, que nous fin issions, qua vous finis*iez, qu'ils fi dissent ; tu recus, que je recusse, que tu recusses, qu'il rer.ut, que nous recessions, que vous rer-ussiez, qu'ils reeussent ; tu vendis, que je vendisse, que tu rendisses, qu'il vendit, que nous vendissions, que vous vendissiez, qu'ils veil' dissent. TABLE OF THE VERBS. 1st Auxiliary. | 2d Auxiliary. | Verbs in er. 1 Verbs in Ix*. Verbs in re. INFINITIVE MOOD. Avoir. Etre. | Farler. | Finir. [ PRESENT PARTICIPLE. Yendre. Ay ant. | Etant. 1 Parian*. \ Fiaissant. \ PAST PARTICIPLE. Vendan*. Eu. | Et6. | Parle. | Fini. 1 INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Vendu. J'ai. Je suis. Je parle. Je finis. Je vends. Tu as. Tu es. Tu paries. Tu tints. Tu vends. II a. 11 est. 11 parle. U fin«. 11 vend. N. avons. N. sommes. N. parlons. N. finis-ions. N. vendons. V. avez. V. etes. V. paries. V. fimssez. V. vendes. lis ont. lis sont. lis parlen*. Us finisse)i<. Us vended. IMPERFECT TENSE. J'avais. J'etais. Je parlais. Je finissais. Je vendais. Tu avais. Tu etais. Tu par late. Tu finissais. Tu vendais. 11 avait. 11 etait, 11 parlait. 11 fmissait. 11 vendaii. N. avions. N. etions. N. parlions. N. finissiows. N. vendions. V. aviez. V. etiez. V. parlies. V. Gnisxiez. V. vendies. lis avaient. lis tjtaieut. Us parlaienr. Us finissaien(. Us xendaient. PAST TENSE DEFINITE. J'eus. Je fns. Je parlai. Je finis. Je vend is. Tu eus. Tu fus. Tu parlas. Tu finis. Tu vendis. 11 eut. 11 fut. U parla. 11 finil. 11 vend/?. N. eumes. N. fumes. N. parldmes. N. N. vendimes. V. eu.tes. V. futes. V. parities. V. finises. V. vendiies. lis eurent. lis fureut. Us pa,r\tirent. Us 6nirent. Us vendirent. FUTURE TENSE. J'aurai. Je serai. Je pari erai. Je finirai. Je vendrai. Tu auras. Tu seras. Tu parleras. Tu fimVas. Tu vendras. 11 aura. 11 sera. 11 parlera. 11 finira. 11 vendra. N. aurons. N. serons. N. pailerons. N. finirons. N. vendrons. V. anrez. V. serez. V. parlerez. V. finirez. V. vendres. lis auront. lis seront. Us parleron*. Us hniront. Us vendroni. CONDITIONAL MOOD. J'aurais. Je serais. Je parlerais. Je finirai*. Je vendrai.?. Tu aurais. Tu serais. Tu parlerais. Tu finirais. Tu vendrais. 11 aurait. 11 serait. 11 parleroit; 11 fin ir ait. 11 vendrai*. N. aurions. N. serions. N. pari ertons. N. finirions N. vendrions. V. auriez. V. seriez. V. parleriez. V. Quiriez. V. vendries. lis auraient. lis seraient. lis parleraient. Us finiraient. Us veudraie?i*. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Aie. Sois. Parle. Finis. Vends. Ayons. Ayez. Soyons. ParloHS. Fin issons. Vendons. Soyez. Paries. Finissez. Vendes. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. Que j'aie. Que je sois. Que je parle. Que je finite. Que je vende. Que tu aies. Que tu sois. Que tu paries. Que tu fin isses. Que tu vendes. Qu'il ait. Qu'il soit. Qu'il parle. Qu'il fin isse. Qu'il vende. Que n. ayons. Que n. soyons. Que n. parltona. Que n. finissions. Que n. vendions. Que v. ayez. Quo v. soyez. Que v. parlies. Que v. flnissiez. Que v.vendies. Qu'ils aient. Qu'ils soient. Qu'ils patient. Qu'ils finissenl. Qu'ils veude»i. PAST TENSE. Que j'eusse. Qua je fusse. Que je parlasse. Que je Que je vendisse. Que tu eusses. Que tu fusses. Que tu parlasses. Que tu finisses. Que tu vendisses Qu'il eut. Qu'il fut. Qu'il parlai. Qu'il fini*. Qu'il veudii. Que n. eussions. Que n. fussions. Que n. parlassions. Que n. finissions. Que n.vendission. Que v. eussiez. Que v. fussiez. Que v. parlassi'es. Que v. finissiea. Que v. vendissies Qu'ils eussent. Qu'ils fussent. Qu'ils parlassen*. Qu'ils finissenl. Qu'ils vendissejif * Many grammarians make a particular class of the verbs in oir, but their model of conjugation being applicable to seven verbs only, it lias been omitted. SOUNDS OF THE VO short or ; ish. a (At at. can?. aid Fayed. grave open (e lei [ait ' or I It ci.-eum-^ - fleX - Laie Fr. Pronunei i CaTi, papa, pah-pah. I oA,a-vo-cat, uh-vo-khah. ' ah, pate, pahte. ah, \yi . bah. ' die, dOjrit, dai-ghhh. ' ai, b\e, ; ;'f, ar-maie. \et, U-vre, ?' '--. English. eight. ev. | «, p*me, I <"''. dt l_ei, 1 u'f, J «Vi I : 1 ey, maitre, peine, ob. hjeL dai-teL lei. teyte. pro-try. mey-tr. hey. mute >rt •ira! come, e, coram*, come. lonj | e C uh, m«,te,le. rtiuh,luh,lu?i. ea ZuM. / «?•. /«A. ( uh, neeud, inih. Sea C uhe, jeuue, hjuhene. \ uhe, queue, kufte. rl i lonj; short • 6 os long ? short Jut j/i^. no /be aux, ic. lonj long $ short J7. e, lit. ' ee, v : ee, vie, [e?, I; ■ i.-au, C oe, pole, , repos, (_ oe, sauce, •'en, I eu, salut, C eu, rhume, < eue, rne, I eue, re fas, Pronunciation, le. ■'e. b:er. oh. ruh-poe, soei sah-leu. reuem. feu. ou too. oo, bout, ou icooeJ. iooe, et oue I ooe, boae, b, oi oo-ah, 1 -aft. f r.i oo-ah. boite, boo-dht. long / oie oo-dh, joie, hjoo-dh. ( cis 00- jO'ir-iiyr Refer to the primitive soon I compound rowel em en, ea, ain, ein, im, in, SOUNDS OF THE NASAL SYLLABL EITnEIt AT THE BEGINNING, THE ilTDDLE, OK AT THE END OF TT0ED3. ] an, I em. r like a an - . 1 - r Fr. amble, I bien, vain, impdt, index, Pronunei ang-bl. aug-gl. ang-pang. ang-fang. byaing. faing. rain;!. rui saing. ain i aing-dec/:s. imm, iun, om, on, urn, un. nuale. \ ong, in congress. v.7ig. in hunger. Fr. Pronunciation irarv: inne, ombre, affront, parfum, im-ra ■ irt-nai. ah-frong. bung. ah -j hung. . final, derived from Latin wor.i Bounded om. ■' or ;/ ; also in proper name3. is pronounce I 019 or aiag. OBSERVATIONS. 1 G is placed after every r.asp.l syllable to prevent the sharp sound of in r, r n. 1 H. preceding j or g, destroys the sound of d, combined with t. sh articulation of • two CO!.- :i G.t inq, fol lowed by ;/, represents exactly the nasal liquid syllables, which have no equiv ale:. i in English, by transposing in pronunciation the n, and ;', after g, as ■ gna. ing-ye, gni. ing- gne. ing-yo, :/>ih, gne. ing-yeu, 4 TT. placed after a vowel, affixes to that vowel its primitive short sound. B Ghe, lengthens the pronunciation of the final nasal syllables. Yuh. represents the liquid sound of I or 11, \ nronrun( . P( .i verv s i 10rt represents the sound of guttural e, $ pronounced very suort. 7 ' x . c, at th-.- end of words, open an.l . . the final syllable. ABBREVIATIONS USED IX TFIE DICTIOXARY. s. m. Substantive masculine. s.f. Substantive feminine. s. m. pi. Substantive masculine plural. s.f. pi. Substantive feminine plural. adj. Adjective. adj. poss. Adjective possessive. adj. deal. Adjective-demonstrative. pron. Pronoun. pron. pers. Pronoun personal. pron. poss. Pronoun possessive. pron. deal. Pronoun demonstrative. pron. rel. Pronoun relative. v. aux. Verb auxiliary. v. a. Verb active. v. n. Verb neuter. va. n. Verb active and neuter. v. rf. Verb reflected. pres. Present of the indicative. imp. Imperfect. pret. Preterit. /ut. Future. cowl. Conditional. imper. Imperative. pres. sa ! >j. Subjunctive present. imp. subj. Imperfect of the subjunctive. pres. p. Participle present. p. pari. Participle past. ad. Adverb. prep. Preposition. conj. Conjunction. iiitrrj. Interjection. 1. First conjugation, 2. Second conjugation. 3. Third conjugation. 4. Fourth conjugation. OBSERVATIONS. A letter, or syllable, such as e, se, le, ve, following an adjective or participle, shows it is feminine. The infinitive of the first conjugation always ends in er; the second, in ir; the third, in oir; and the fourth, in re. The infinitive only is given, in this dictionary, when the verb is regular. When a tense of an irregular verb is conjugated like the same tense of the regular conju- gation to which it belongs, it is omitted in the dictionary. Derivative tenses formed regu- larly are also omitted. A NEW FKENC-H AND ENGLISH ■> I w ' c dictionary: PART I. EXHIBITING THE PRONUNCIATION OF THE FRENCH EY CORRESPONDENT ENGLISH SOUNDS. ABA ABA A, ah, sm. A, first letter and vowel of the alphabet. Marque a. l'a, utai -Lai-nh-lah, pint-. exp, an honest man. A, nh, pr. to, at, on, in, with, within, into, after, about, according to, for, of, against, by. A, ah, 3 per.*. ■*. pres. ind. of avoir, act. and auxil., has, is, are; possesses, enjoys, re- ceives. Abaisse, ah-bayax. .*/. bottom crust of a pie, under crust of any pastry. Abajssbment, ah-bayfis-mang, sm. abase- ment, depression, fall, humiliation, degra- dation, disgrace, abjection, meanness, pov- erty. . ABAISSER, ahhaysai, ra. 1. r. to abuse, let down, lower, depress, cast down, humble, de grade, disgrace: bring low; spread; cutoff. S'adaissep., s'ah-bay-sai, vref. to debase, vil- ify, humble one's self; stoop, decrease, subside. AbaiSSEOB, ah-bay-sur, sm. abductor, de- pressor. Abalocrdir, ah-bah-loor-decr, ra. 2 r. to stupefy, stun, make stupid with ill treat- ment, hebetate. Abandon, ah-bang-dnnff, sm, giving up, re- linquishing, forsaking; fprlomness, mis- ery; depravity; carelessness; dereliction; desertion, neglect. A l'abaxdox, ah-lah-bang-dang, ail. at ran- dom, at sixes and sevens ; in disorder, cm- fusion, at everybody's mercy, without the means of living. Abandonne, ah-bang-do-nai, sm. profligate, rake. AbandonnEE, ah-bang-do-nai e, sf. profli- gate, prostitute, abandoned shameless wretch. Ar.AXDox.vE, -e, ah-bang-do-nai, nnie. adj. solitary, unfrequented, wild, abandoned ; shameless, vicious, corrupted in the high- est degree. Abansonnement, ah-bang-donn-mang, sm. abandonment, cession of property; al cation, denouncement, desistance ; rlegra- dation, profligacy, prostitution, extreme depravity, wickedness. Abandonner, ah-bang-do-nai, ra. 1 ;•. to abandon, forsake, desert ; give over, leave off ; prostitute. S'abaxdonner, s'ah-bang-do-nai, vref, to abandon, indulge, disgrace, prostitute one's self; to trust, give way, yield, submit, de- pend upon ; despond. Abaque, ak-back, sm. abacus, counting-table; mathematical table ; uppermost part of a column. Abasourdir, ah-bah-zoof+deer, ra. 2 r. to stun, deafen, stupefy, hebetate, dull, blunt ; dismay, overwhelm, afflict, astonish, amaze, terrify. Abatage, ah-bah-tahje, sm. expense, or la- bor of cutting trees ; a mason or carpenter's lever. Abata>"t, ah-bah-tang, sm. shutter, screen, shade, awning ; folding flap of a table or counter. Abatardir, ah-bah-tar-deer, ra. 2 ?-. to de- base, adulterate, corrupt, admix, mar, in- jure, spoil. S'abatardir, s'ah-bah-tar-deer, vref. to de- generate, degrade, make one's self con- temptible. Abatar dissident, ah-bah-Car-deece-mang, sm. degeneracy, adulteration, debasement, corruption, perversion, contemptibleness, meanness, vileness. Abat-fai.m, ah-bah-faing, sm. large joint of meat. Abat-jour, ah-bah-hjoor, sm. sky-light, transparent blind, curtain that decreases the light. Abatoir, ah-lah -tno-ar (vide obs. table of sounds), sm. slaughter-house, butchery, shambles. Abats, ah-lah, pres. ind. of abattre, pull down, overthrow. 7 ABE ABN Abattement, ah-bai-mang, sm. dejection, languor, weakness, sadness, affliction, dis- couragement, lowness of spirits, despond dency. Abattkui:. '/«-'/('/*»-<«>•,.<.'/«. t" T !er,'ir Bjjg id.4ci(*i Abattis, SJi-Sah-tee, sm. ofial, r&bblwh, slaughter, destruction, demolition, waste, ove-'th:o\v, eo. it'n J^n.cLUl'/i'i;.- down of trees, A:c, iriUuis ' Ae.',,t:-: 'A-// (•*•,? 7. 4 irr. :o p«Yl down; lower; fell ; overthrow, knock down, kill ; weaken, diminish ; expedite, remove, dis- patch. Abattre bien du bois, to dispatch much business. S'abattre, s'ah-hatr, vref. to fall ; abate ; give way ; founder ; despair ; despond. Abattu, -E, ah-bah-teu, -e, adj. faint, weary, languid, feeble, sad, afflicted ; low-spirited, depressed, dejected, melancholy, heavy, dull. Abattures, ah-bah-leure, sf pi. lopped or broken branches, underwood crushed and broken down ; young trees trampled down by stags. Arat-vent, ah-bah-vang, sm. pent -house, shed, shelter ; porch, slight temporary cov- ering. Abat-voix, ah-bah-voo ah (vide obs. tab. of sounds), .sm. canopy of a pulpit, ceiling over the front of the stage, reverberatory sound. Abbatial, -e, aJi-hah-syal, adj. belonging to an abbot or abbess, of the abbot or of the abbess. Aebaye, ali-bay-ye, sf. abbey, abbacy; rights, possessions, privileges of an abbot or ab- bess. Abee, ah-bai, sm. abbot, clergyman, Romish priest. Abbesse, ali-bayss, .if. abbess, superior of a nunnery or abbey, directress of a monastery. Abceder, ab-sai-dai, vn. ir. to turn into an abscess. Abces, ab-sey, sm. abscess ; imposthume, swelling, collection of purulent matter in a cyst. Abdalas, ab-dah-la7i, sm. Persian monk or friar. Abdication, ab-de-Jcahsi/ong, sf abdication, resignation, voluntary surrender of a claim. Abdiquer, ab-de-kai, va. 1 r. to abdicate, re- sign. Abdomen, ab-do-menn, sm. abdomen, lower belly. Abducteur, ah-deuJi-tur, sm. abductor, mus- «ile drawing back the members, abducent muscle. Abduction, ab-deulc-syong, sf. abduction, im- pulse. Abecedaiue, dh-bai-sai-dayre, sm. primer, hornbook ; person unacquainted with any thing. Abecher, ah-baishai, va. 1 r. to feed a}-oung bird. Abee, ah-baic, sf. dam, bank, mole, spout ; bay. Abe'ille, ah-bay-yuh, sf. bee, insect that makes honey, (fig.) industrious and care- ful person. Abequer, ah-bai-hai, va. 1 r. to feed a youns: bird. Aberration, ah-bair-vah-synna. sf. aberra- tion, slow perceptible deviation from the common track. 8 Ab£tjr, aJi bay-teer, vn. 2 r. to stupefy, besot, deprive of sense ; infatuate, make to dote. S'aketir, fi'ah-bay-teer, vref to grow foolish, stupid, dull ; become dissolute, brutify one's self. An hoc et ab iiac, ab-oi-ef-ab-ak, ad. at random, confusedly, without order, promis- cuously. Alhorrer, ali-bor-rai, va. 1 r. to abhor, nate, detest, abominate, look on with ab- horrence. S'aehorrer, s'cih-bor-ray, vref. to detest one's self ; look upon one's conduct with abhorrence. Abigkat, ah-be-hjali, sm. horse, cattle, sheep- stealing, robbery of any cattle from the fields. Abime, ah-beem. sm. abyss, hell, pit, gulf; misfortune, destruction, perdition, ruin, mystery. Abtmek, ah-bee-mai, va. 1 r. to ruin, destroy, overwhelm, undo, crush ; vn. fall into tin abyss. S'abimer, s'aJi-hee-mai, vref. to ruin, undo one's self; plunge, rush, fall into difficul- ties, distress ; study with close application, muse deeply. Ab-intestat, -e, ab-amg-tess-taJi, -t, adj. in- testate, dving without a will, wanting a will. Abject, -e, ab-TijrJc, -t. adj. abject, mean, worthless, contemptible, pitiful, deserving scorn. Abjection, ab-hjek-syong, sf abjection, meanness, servility, debasement ; humilia- tion ; baseness, meanness of mind, extreme degradation. Abjuration, ab-Jijen-rah-Fi/ong, sf. abjura- tion, recantation, declaration of change of opinion, forswearing, attestation, declara- tion upon oath. Abjurer, ab-hjeu-rai, va. 1 r. to abjure, re- cant, retract, forswear, renounce, promise upon oath. Ablactation,, sf ablacta- tion, weaning of an infant, discontinuance, deprivation of suck, withdrawing from the breast. Ablaqueation, ab-7ah-Jcooai-a7i-syang, sf. ablaqueation, opening of the ground about the roots of trees, plants, ?\ to keep in suspense, deceive, delude, Hatter, encourage, feed with vain hopes. Abois, ah-boo-ah (vide obs. tab.), ttmp. last gasp ; at bay ; difficulty ; distress, point of death. £tre AVX ABOIS, eytr-oh-zah-boo-ah (vide obs. tab.), vn. to be in the greatest distress, at the point of death, at the last gasp, hold no longer. Abolir, ah-bo-leer, ra. 2r. to abolish, annul, destroy. S'abolir, a' ah -bad err, vref. to cease, discon- tinue ; be abolished, disused, put an end to, left off. Abolissement, ah-bo-lece-mang, sm. abolish- ment. Abolition, ah-I>ode-xyong, sf. abolition, dis- use, interruption, discontinuance, break- ing off. Abominaele, ah-bo-me-nabt, adj. abomin- able, hateful, detestable, odious, abhorrent. Abomi.vablement, ah-bo-me-nahl-miiiif/, ad. abominably, hatefully, most odiously, de- testably. Abomination", ah-bo-menahsyong, sf. abom- ination, hatred, detestation, abhorrence. Abomixer, ah-bo-me-nai, ra. 1 r. to abomi- nate, abhor, detest, hate utterly, look on with abhorrence, loathe, feel or have the greatest aversion. Abo>t>amment, ah-bong-daJi-mang, a<£ abun- dantly, in plenty ; amply, in great quanti- ty, more than sufficiently, to a superfluous degree. Abondaxce, ah-bong-dangst, sf. abundance, plenty. Abondant, -e, ah-bong-dang, -f, adj. abun- dant, plentiful, exuberant, superfluous, fully stored. Abonder, ah-bong-dai, vn. 1 r. to abound, have or be in great plenty, overflow; crowd, swarm. Abonder ex son* sens, to be conceited. Abonne, -e, ah-bo-nai, -e, smf. subscriber to a newspaper, course of lectures, theatre, society. A bonne "ie nt, ah-honn-mang,sm. agreement, subscription, contract for a tree admission. Abonneu, ah-ba-nai, ra. 1 r. to rate, com- pound, agree, for a periodical admission or reception. S'abon'ner, 8 1 ah-bo-nai, vref. to subscribe, bargain, compound, buy the periodical ad- mission. Abo.nmr, aJi-bo-neer, ra. 2 r. to mend, im- prove, meliorate, better ; correct any bad quality. S'ABONNIR, s'ah-bo-neer, vref. to grow better, reform, improve, amend ; change for the better. ABORD, ah-bor y am. access, approach, land- ing, arrival, resort, meeting, onset, attack, brunt. Avoir l'abop.d noux, to be affable. P'abord, dah-btjr, adv. at first, first, imme- diately. De prime abord, duh-preme-ahbar, ad. im- mediately, at first sight, at once, without delay. (1*) Abokdable, ah-bor-daM, adj. accessible, of easy access, accostab'e, that may be easily approached. Abordage, aJi-bor-daje, sm. the boarding of ships, shock, conflict, running foul of oco another. Aborder, ah-bor-dai, ra. 1 r. to board, at- tack, charge, accost, meet, approach ; ad- dress, salute, apply to first, examine, dis- course upon. Aborder, ah-bor-dai, land, disembark; go on land, come on shore, arrive at, repair. Ab-origenes, ab-o-re-hjeyne, smp. aborige- nes ; earliest natives, first inhabitants of a country. Abortif, -ve, ah-bnr-teef, -teer, adj. abortive, untimely, happening before the natural time. Abolchement, ahd/onsji-mang, sm. confer- ence, interview, discussion,' parley, talk, oral treaty. A boucher, ah-boo-shai, ra. 1 r. to confer, parley, treat by word of mouth, talk, dis- cuss a subject. S'aboucher, s'ah-boo-sJiai, vref. to have an interview, a conference, conversation, talk together. Abougri, -e, ah-boo-gree, adj. stunted, de- formed, ill-shaped, disfigured, ugly, thick and squat. Abouquement, ah-baok-mang, sm. addition of fresh salt ; fresh salt heaped upon old. Abouquer, ah-boo-kai, ra. 1 r. to add, heap fresh salt, coacervate new and old salt to- gether. About, ah-bao. .<•»!. end, remainder, end cut aslope, extremity formed in an oblique manner. Aboute, -e, ah-boo-lai, -taie, adj. placed end to end, corresponding at the ends, joined together at the end, set within one another at right angles. Aboutir a, ah-booteer, vn. 2 ;-. to end, meet, tend, border upon, have in view ; terminate. S'aboutii:, s'ah-boo-teer, vref. to bud, blos- som, put forth young shoots ; burst, suppu- rate, draw to a head, grow to pus, become purulent. ABOUTISSAN'T, -e, a, ali-bao-tr-aang, -t, adj. bordering upon, terminating, adjoining, close to, near. Aboutissants, alid:on-ie-f.aiu/h, amp. ends, bounds, limits, abuttals ; circumstances, particulars. AboutisseVlEST, ah-boa-tece-mang, sm. eking- piece, suppuration, drawing to a head. Ab-ovo, ab-orn, adv. Lat. exp. from the be- ginning, from the commencement, from the first. Aboyant, -e, ah-laa-ah-yang, -t, adj. bark- ing, growling, snarling, grumbling, mur- muring. Aeoyer, ahboo-ah-yai (vide obs. table of sounds), ra. 1 r. to bark, grumble ; blame, clamor at. Aboyer X LA LUNE, ah-boo-ah-yai-ahdah- lenitr (vide obs. table of sounds), (prov. exp.) to utter vain threats, revile in vain, show impotence. Aboyecr, -euse, ah-boo-ah-yur, -i/uhze (vide obs. table of sounds), smf. barker ; slan- derer ; satirist, reviler, eager pursuer, dun. AbrEGE, ah-brai-hjai, am. epitome, abridg- ment. 9 ABS ABS Abregemknt, ah-braihj-mang, sm. abridg- ment, contraction, abbreviation, concise- ness, breviat. En abrege, ang-nah-brai-hjai, ad. summari- ly, briefly, concisely, in a few words, lines, pages. AsKEiiER, ah-brai-hjiii, va. 1 r. to abridge, contract, diminish, .shorten, abstract, cur- tail. Abreuver, ah-bruh-vai, va. 1 r. to water, soak, drench, imbibe, prime, fill with, over- whelm. S'abueover, s'ali bruh-vai, vref. to drink, soak, quaff, gorge; thirst, wallow, wade ; dissolve, melt away, imbibe, draw in, ab- sorb, swallow up. Abreuvoir, ah'-bruh -voo-ar, (vide obs. table of sounds), sm. watering-place ; defect in the growth, of trees, gap ; opening between two stones. Abreviateur, ah-brai-vyah-lnr, am. abbre- viator, abridger.abstracter, writer of abridg- ments or compendiums, epitomist ; short- hand writer. Abueviation, ah-brai-vyah xynng, sf. ab- breviation, contraction, shortening, re- trenchment. Abri, ah-hree, am. shelter, shed, screen ; sha- dow, shade ; refuge, asylum ; defence, pro- tection. A. l' abri, nhlnh-bree, ad. screened, shelter- ed, under covert, tinder the protection or sanction of. Abrioot, ah-bree-Jcoh, sm. apricot (kind of peach or plum). Abricotier, ah-bree-7cO'tj/ai, am. apricot-tree. Abriter, ah-bre-tai, va. 1 r. to screen, shel- ter, shade, defend from the weather, cover with mats. Abri vent, ah-bre-vang, am. garden-mat, screen, shelter from the wind, slight tem- porary covering. Abrogation, ah-bro-ghah-syong, a/, abroga- tion, repeal, revocation, recall, reversal, disannul, &c. Abroger, ah-bro-hjai, va. 1 r. to abrogate, re- peal, annul, reverse, cancel, revoke, recall. S'abroger, s'ah-bro-hjai, vref. to wear out of use, cease, decay, lose an established cus- tom. Abroutissement, ah-broodfce-mnnr/, am. the nipping or browsing of buds, leaves (by cattle). Abrouti, -e, ah-hroo-te, -c, adj. nipped, browsed, destroyed (by cattle), blasted be- fore full growth. Abrupt, -e, ab-reupt, adj. abrupt, sudden, hasty, unprepared ; broken, craggy, rough, rugged. Abrltto (ex or ab), egz or a 1 ) ab - reap ■ to. Lat. ad. immediately, suddenly, without preparation, on the spur of the moment, without consideration. Abrutir, ali-breu-teer, va. 2r. to besot, stu- pefy, dull, hebetate, brutify, deprive of sen- sibility. S' ABRUTIR, s'aJi.-breu-teer, vref. to grow sense- less, stupid, dull, depraved, degrade, vilify one's self. Abrutissement, ahdiveu-tera-mnnrj, am. stu- pidity, gross ignorance ; brutishness ; de- pravity, corruption, degradation. Absence, ab-sangss, af. absence, inattention, distraction, heedlessness ; want, privation. 10 Absent, -E, ah -sang, -', adj. absent, dis- tracted, inattentive, regardless, unmindful, heedless. S'absenter, sfab-sang-tai, vref. 1 r. to ab- sent one's self, keep out of the way, with- draw, play the truant, neglect one's occu- pation. Abside, ab-seed, if. arch, vault, segment of a circle, figure in the form of a semicircle. Absinthe, ab-saingt, af. wormwood ; grief, affliction, sorrow, misery, adversity, mis- fortune. Absolu, -e, ab-so-leu, -e, adj. absolute, posi- tive, peremptory, tyrannical, fixed in reso- lution. Absolument, aft-so-feu-mang, ad. absolute- ly, positively ; wiihout restriction, peremp- torily. Absolution, ab-so-leu-syong, af. absolution ; acquittal, discharge, acquitment, deliver- ance. Absolutoihe, ab-so-leu-too-ar (vide obs. table of sounds), adj. absolutorj - , clearing of i lie crime. A is .i.yant, ab-sol-vang, pros. par. of abvou- dre, absolving, acquitting. Absorbant, ab-sor-bang, am. adj. absorbent, draining, sucking up humors, lymphatic. Absorber, ab-sor-bai, va. 1 /•. to absorb ; suck, swallow up, drain, draw off gradual- ly, consume. Absorption, ab-sorp-ayonr/, sf. absorption, swallowing up, a gradual draining of any fluid. Absoudre, ab-soodr, va. 4 ivv. to absolve, clear, acquit, discharge, deliver from an offence. Ansous, ab-soo, pres. ind'. and p. part of ab- soudre, absolve or absolved, acquit or ac- quitting. Absoote, ab-soot, af. general and public ab- solution (from the pope) upon Maunday Thursday. Absteme, ab-slet/me, adj. abstemious, sober, abstinent, temperate. S'acstenant, sab-stuh-nang, pres. part, of s'abstenir, abstaining. S'abstenir !>:•:, sab-stuh-neer, vref. 2 ivv. to abstain, forbear, refrain from, deprive, de- ny one's seif. Aestenu, ab-stuh-neu, p. part, of s'abatrmiv, abstained. Abstergent, -e, ab-stair-Jijang, d, .«. adj. abstergent, cleansing, purifying, wiping away. Absterger, ab-siair-hjai, va. 1 r. to absterge, cleanse, wipe (wounds, ulcers), melt, dis- solve (bile), discuss, disperse any humor or swelling. Abstersif, -ve, ab-stair-neef, -v, adj. abster- sive, cleansing, purifying, discussing any humor. Abstersion, ab-stair-syong, af. abstersioii, ablution, purgation, dispersion of any humor. Abstiens (.ie m'), hjuh-mab-styaing, 1 pers. s. pres. ind. of s'abxtenir, I abstain. Abstiendrai (je m'), hjuh-mab-styuing-drdi, 1 pers. s. fut. of s'abstenir, I shall or will abstain. Abstienne (je m'), hjuh-mah-styenn, 1 pers. s. pres. subj. of s'abstenir, I may abstain. Abstinence, ab-ate-nangaa, af. abstinence, forbearance, temperance ; fasting. ACA ACC Abstinent, -e, ab-stt-nang, -t, adj. abstinent, temperate, sober, forbearing any gratifica- tion. Austins (je m'), hjuh-mdb-rtaing, 1 pers. s. pret. def. of s'adslemr, I abstained. Abstractif, ve, abstrack-teef r, adj. ab- stractive, expressing abstract ideas or power of abstracting. Abstraction', ab-strack-syong, ef. abstrac- tion; separation, disjunction, absence of mind. Abstractivejtent, abstrack-teeo-mang, ad. abstractedly, with abstraction, simply, without addition. Abstraire, ahstrayre, va. 4frr. to abstract, separate, epitomize, abridge, contract, cur- tail. Abstrait, -e, ab-ntray, -t, adj. and p. part. abstracted, separated, absent of mind, dis- tracted, unmindful. ABSTRAIT, abstray, sm. abstract, essence, epitome, summary, abridgment, contrac- tion. Abstratant, ab-strai-yang, pres. part, of aJistraire, abstracting. Arstrus, -e, abstreu, -.:«, adj. abstruse, hid- den, dark, difficult to understand or con- ceive. Absurde, abseurd, adj. absurd, contrary to reason, foolish, inconsistent, void of sense. Absurdement, ab-seurd-mang, ad. absurdly. unreasonably, in a foolish or absurd man- ner. Absurdite, ab-seurd-de-tai, sf. absurdity, unreasonableness, nonsense, want of judg- ment. Abus, ah-beu, sm. abuse ; bad custom ; dis- order, error ; seducement ; rude reproach. Abuser, ah-beu-zui, va. 1 v. to abuse, de- ceive, impose upon; seduce, debauch; treat with rudeness; make an ill use of; misconstrue. S'abuser, s'ah-beu-zai, vref. to mistake, de- ceive one's self; to be mistaken, flatter one's self. Abuseur, ah-beu-zm; sm. abuser, deceiver, seducer ; impostor, cheat, knave, rogue, scoundrel. Abusif, -te, ah-heu-zeef. -v. adj. abusive, de- ceitful, improper, insolent, contemptuous, scurrilous. Aeustvement. ah-heit-zp.ev-mrin'j, ad. abu- sively, deceitfully, reproachfully, in a scur- rilous manner. Abuter, ah-beu-tai, va. 1 r. to toss up for the first throw ; join end to end ; abut, border upon, meet. Acabit, ah-rali-bef, sm. quality, taste of fruit (good or bad), (fig.) nature, habit, temper. Acacia, ah-han-syali, sm. acacia; a drug. Academicien, ah - kah ■ lai, va. 1 r. to overwhelm, crush, oppress, torture, plague ; heap, load with. Accaparement, ahdcah-p'ir-mnnn, sm. en- grossment, monopoly, forestalling, antici- pation. Aci'aparer, ah-kah-pah-rai. va. \r. to fore- stall, engross, monopolize, gain possession of before. Accapareur, -EUSE, ah -kah - pah -rnr, -z, sm/. engrosser, forestaller, monopolist ; sor- did buyer. .UcAREit, ah-kah-rai, va. 1 v. to confront, stand face to face, oppose one evidence to another ; compare one thing with an- other Acceder A, ak-sai'hii, va. \r. to accede, yield to ; ratify, agree, consent to ; accept. Accelerateur, alcsai-lai-rah-iur, sm. accel- erator ; adj. increasing, accelerating, pro- moting motion. Acceleration, ak-saidai-rah-si/ona, sf. ac- celeration, quickness ; increase of motion ; haste. Accelerer, ak-saidai-rai, va. 1 r. to accele- rate, hasten, quicken motion ; hurry. Accent, ak-sang, sm. accent, tone, modifica- tion of the voice, expressive of the passions or feelings. Accentuation, ak-sangdeu-ah-si/ong. sf. ac- centuation, mark or stress upon words, in- tonation. Accentueb, aJi-sangteu-ai, va. 1 r. to accen- tuate, write, or pronounce properly, place the accent. 11 ACC ACC Acceptable, ah-sep-tabl, adj. acceptable, pleasing, grateful, agreeable, received with gladness. Acceptant, -E, ak-sep-tang, -I, smf. accepter, receiver, accipient ; person who agrees to a thing. Acceptation, ak-sep-tah-synng, sf. accepta- tion, voluntary reception ; acceptance ; meaning. Accepter, ak-sep-tai, va. 1 r. to accept, take, receive with pleasure; embrace, welcome, await. Accepteur, ak-sep-tur, sm. accepter, endor- ser, ratifier, person who accepts a bill, note, &c. Acceptilation", ak-sep-le-ldh-syong, sf. re- mission of a debt, discharge, acquittance from a payment. AcceptiO-N", ak - sip -syong, sf. acception ; choice, preference ; meaning, received sense of a word. Acces, ak-sey, sm. access; approach, admit- tance ; paroxysm, swoon, fit ; increase, ad- dition. Accessible a, ak-ces-seehl , adj. accessible, easy of, approach, (fig.) affable, courteous, complaisant. Accession, ak-ces-synng, sf. accession; ad- dition, increase, augmentation; produce, advantage. Accessit, ak-ces-seet, sm. distinguished mark of competition ; the second-best premium. Accessoiee, ak-ces-soo-ar, sm. accessary, ac- complice, partaker, confederate, associate, colleague. ACCESSOIRE, ak - cs-soo-ar, adj. accessary, additional, contributive, circumstantial, in- cidental. Accident, ak-se-dang, sm. accident, chance, casualty, contingency, fortuitousness, mis- fortune. Par accident, par-ak-se-dang, ad. acciden- tally, fortuitously, by chance ; unluckily, by ill luck. Accidental, -le, ak-se-dang-if-l, adj. acci- dental, fortuitous, non-essential, falling out by chance. Accidentei.lement, ak -se - dang - iel - mang, ad. accidentally, by chance, fortuitously, casually. Accise, akseeze, sf. excise, tax, duty levied upon commodities or provisions of anysort. Acclamateur, ah-kHah-maJl-tur , sm. shouter, applauder, commcuder, concurrent in ap- plause. Acclamation, aJi-klali-mah-syong, sf. accla- mation, shout, applause, praise, commen- dation. Acclamper, ah-klang-pai, va. lr. to clamp, strengthen with clamps, brace, consolidate. Acclimater, ah-kle-ntah-tai, va, lr. to in- ure, accustom to a climate, (fig.) reconcile to one's habits. S'acclimater, s'aJi-kle-mah-tai, vref. to in- ure, accustom one's self to a climate ; be seasoned, habituated, (fig.) be reconciled to one's ways. Accointance, ah -koo-aing -tanass, sf. ac- quaintance, familiarity, knowledge, friend- ship, intercourse. Accolade, ah-ko-lad, sf. embrace, hug; dub of knighthood, accollee ; brace (in writing). Accole, -e, ah-ke-lai, -r, adj. joined together, united by a brace ; tied up. 12 Accoler, aJi-ko -hii, ra. 1 r. to embrace, prop, join together, or in one sum ; dish two things together ; hug. Accomwodable, ah-ko-mo-dahl ', adj. accom- modable ; suitable, that may be adjusted. Accommodagk, ah-ko-mo-duhje, sm. cooking of meat, hair-dressing; fitting up. Accommodant, -e, ah-ko-mo-dang, t, adj. accommodating, complying, good-natured, easy, complaisant, desirous to please. Accommodation, ah-ko-mo-dah-syong, sf. ac- commodation, conveniency. Accommode, -E, ah-ko mn-dai, -e, adj. dress- ed, decent, adjusted, made up. Accommode.ment, ah-ko-mod-mqng, sm. ad- justment ; agreement, reconciliation, ac- commodation, composition. Accommoder, ah-ko-mo-dai, va. 1 v. to ac- commodate, clean, dress, cook, mend, suit, settle; reconcile. Accommoder sa maison, to settle one's affairs. S'accommoder, n' ah-ko-mo-dai, vref. to dress, prepare, suit, comply with, make up, be satisfied with. S'arcommoder de qwdque. chose, to make bold or free with a thing. Accompagnateur, ah-kongpahiiiy-yuh-tur, sm. accompanier (in music). Accompaonement, ah - kong-pah ■ ing - yuh- mang,sm. accompaniment '; pomp, retinue; harmony, appendix. ACCOMPAGNER, ah konqpah-inqyiii ', ra. 1 p. to accompany, attend ; match, join with ; escort. S' ACCOMPAGNER DE, s'ah-korirj pah-inrj-yai, vref. to associate with ; be accompanied or attended by. Accompli, -e, ah-kong-ple, -e, adj. perfect, polite, elegant, excellent; accomplished, finished, fullilled. Ac< omplir. ah-kong-pleer, va. 2r. to accom- plish, fulfil, finish. S'accomplir. .<; ah-kong-pleer, vref. to be ful- filling, fulfilled ; accomplishing, accom- plished. AccostPLlSSEMENT, ah-kong-pleess-mang, sm. accomplishment, fulfilment, perfection, completion, performance. Accoqdinant, -E, ah-lco-ke-nang , -t, adj. en- ticing, wheedling, engaging. Accoquiner, ah-ko -ke-nui, va. lr. to entice, cajole, beset, insnare. S'ACCOar/iNER, s'ah-ko-ke-nai, vref. to grow fond of, to be bewitched with. Accord, ah-kor, sm. agreement, consent, concord, harmony. D'accord, d'ah-kor, ad. willingly; agreed; granted. Tomber d'accord, to consenr. Ace irdap.le, ah-kor-dahl, adj. grantable, allowable, admissible. Accordailles, ah-kor-dah-ytdi, sfp. affiance, marriage-contract, espousals, betrotl Accordant, -e, ah-7a>r-dang, ■/. adj. harmo- nious, suitable to ; agreeing in sound, adapted to each other. Accorde, ah-Jcor-dai, sm. bridegroom, one betrothed, new-married man. Accordee, aJi-kor-daie, sf. bride, new-mar- ried woman, one betrothed. Accorder, ahkor-dai, va. lr. to accord, grant ; reconcile ; tune. S'accorder, t? ahkor-dai, vref. to agree, to suit, concur, join. Accordeur, ah kor-dur, sm. tuner of musi- cal instruments. ACC ACC Accordoir, ah-kor-doo-ar ( vide obs. table of sounds), y/n. tuning-key, tuner, instru- ment for tuning. Accoke, ah-kor, sm. prop, stay, support, that on which any thing rests. Accorer, ah-ko-rai, va. lr. to prop, sustain, support, bear up. ACCOKT, -E, ah-kor, -t, adj. courteous, com- plying, affable, subtle. Accortise, ahkor-teez, sf. civility, affabili- ty, complaisance, slyness. ACCOST able, altkostaM, adj. accostable, af- fable, familiar, accessible. Accostek, ah-kas-tai, va. I r. to accost, ap- proach, speak, come up. S'accoster, s'ah-kos-tai, vref. to associate, approach, keep company with. Accoteme.nt, ah-kot-mang, sm. causeway ; friction, attrition. Accoter, ah-ko-tai, va. lr. to prop, support, lean on one side. S'accoter, s'nh ko-fai, vref. to prop, support one's self sideways, lean against. Accotoir, ah-ko-ioo-ar (vide obs. tab. &c), sin. leaning prop, prop, stay, support. Accouchee, ah-koo-shaic, sf. woman in child- bed. Accouchement, ah-koosh-mang, sm. child- birth, labor. ACCOUCHER, alt-koo-shai, va. 1 r. to deliver or lay a woman. Accoucher, ah-koo-shai, rn. lr. to lie in, be in childbed, be delivered, give birth to. Accoucheur, ah-koo-shur, sm. man-midwife, practiser of midwifery. Accoucheuse, ah-koo-shuhze, sf. midwife, practiser of midwifery. S'accouher, s'ah-koo-dai, vref. 1 r. to lean on one's elbow. Accocdoir, ah-koo-doo-ar ( vide obs. table of sounds), sm. leaning place, elbow prop. Accouple, ah-koopl, sf. couple, leash, leath- er thong ; brace, band. Accouplement, ah-koopl-mang, sm. couple, brace, pair (of animals or things), copula- tion, match, union. Accouple r, ah-koo-plai, va. lr. to couple, pair, yoke, match ; marry. S'accoupler, s'ah koo plai, vref. to couple, pair, unite, copulate. Accourant, ah-koo-rang, pres. part of ac- courir, running to, hastening to. Accourcir, ah-koor-seer, va. 2r. to shorten, cutoff; abridge, contract. S' ACCOURCIR, ft 1 ah-koor-seer, vref. to diminish, shorten, decrease. Accourcisseme.vt, ah-koor-seessmang, sm. contraction, abridgment. Accourir A, ah-koo-reer, rn. 2irr. to run to, hasten, hurry, come, or go to. Accourrai, ah-koor-rai, fut. of accourir, will run to. Accocrs, ah-koor, pres. iud. of accourir, hasten to. Accouru ,ah-kno-ren, p. part, accourir, run to. ACCOURUS, ah-koo-reu, pret. def. of accourir, ran to. Accoutrement, ah-koo-truh-nvxng, sm. ac- coutrement, dress ; garb, equipage ; trap- pings, ornaments. Accoutrer, ah-koo-trai, va. lr. to accoutre, dress, equip, rig. S'accoutrer, b' ah-koo-trai, vref. to dress queerly, accoutre one's self. ACCOUTUMANCE, ah-koo-tnt-mnngss, sf. cus- tom, habit, use, habitual practice. ACCOUTUMER, ah-Jtoo-teu-mai, va. lr. to ac- custom, use, habituate, inure. S'accoutumer a, s'ahkoo teumai, vref. to accustom, use, inure one's self to. Accoutume, -e, ah-koo-teu-mai, -e, adj. cus- tomary, usual, ordinary. A l' accoutume, ah-lah-koo-teu mat, ad. as usual, according to custom. Accouve, -e, ah koo-vai, -e, 2>art. constantly seated by the fireside. Accredits, -e, ah-krai-de-tai, -e, adj. wor- thy, respectable, estimable, accredited. Accrediter, ah-krai-de-tai, togivo credit, power ; bring into vogue. S'accrediter, s' ah-krai-de-tai, vref to get a name, gain credit, bring one's self into repute. Accretion, ah-krai-syong, sf. accretion, in- crement, growth. Acc'ROC, ah-kro, sm. rent, tear ; hook ; stop, delay, hinderance. Accrocuement, ah-krosh-mang, sm. catch, contest ; obstacle ; difficulty ; delay. Acchocher, ah-kro-tshai, va. 1 r. to accroach, hang upon, hook, catch,' 1 grapple ; delay, stop, hinder. S'accrocher, s'ah-kro-shai, vref. to hang, fix, seize upon ; lay hold ; be caught. Accroiee a, (used only with /aire), fare- ah-kroo-nr, va. 4irr. to make one believe, persuade. E.N' faire ACCROIRE A, ang-fair-ah-kroo-ar, v. to impose upon, deceive, make one be- lieve. S'e.v faire ACCnoiKE, s'ang-fnir-ah-kroo-ar, vref. to be self-conceited, think, presume too much of one's self, be proud. Accrois, ah-kroo-ah, ind. pres. of accroitre, increase. Accroissant, ah-kroo-ah-sang, pres. part, of accroitre, increasing. Accroisseme.nt, ah-kroo-ass-mang, sm. in- crease, growth, addition. Accroitre, ah-kroo-atre, rn. n. 4 irr. to in- crease, improve ; advance. S'accroitre, s'ah-kroo-ahti^vrcf. to increase, grow, augment, swell. AcCROUPI, -e, ah-kroo pe, -e, adj. squat, cowering close to the ground ; moping. S'ACCROUPIR, s\ih-kroo-peer, vref'. 2 r. to squat, sit cowering close to the ground ; mope, drowse, be stupid. ACCRU, ah-kreu, p. part, of accroitre, in- creased. Accrue, ah-kreu, sf. augmentation, exten- sion, addition, increase. Accrus, ah-kreu, pret. def. of accroitre, in- creased. ACCROUPISSEMEN'T, ali-kroo-pece-mang, sm. squat posture ; drowsiness, stupidity, mel- ancholy, insensibility. AcCRU, -E, ah-kreu, -e, adj. increased, abun- dant, exuberant, swelled. Accueil, ah-kuh-yuh, sm. reception. Faire un bon, 011 mauvais accueil, to give a good or bad reception. Accueii.lant, ah-kuh-yang, pres. part, of accueillir, welcoming. Accueille, ah-kuh-yuh, pres. ind. of accuei' llir, welcome. Accueillerai, ah-kuhyuh-rai, fut. of ac- cueillir, shall welcome. 13 ACH Accueillir, ah-kuh-yeer, va. 2irr. to receive kindly, welcome, surprise, overtake, fall upon. Accul, ah-kule, sm. street without outlet, blind-alley ; palisade ; low hedge ; small bay ; straitness. Acculer, ah-ku-lai, va. lr. to drive to a corner, straiten, keep back. S'acculer, & ah-ku-lai, vref. to stand in a corner, or against a wall. Accumulation, ah-ku-meu-lah-syong, sf, ac- cumulation, heaping together, acervation. Accumuler, aliiu-meu-lai, va. 1 r. to accu- mulate, heap up, hoard, acervate. S'accumuler, s'ah-ku-meu-lai, vref. to in- crease, augment, run on. Ace us able, ah-ku-zabl, adj. accusable, bla- mable, culpable, impeachable. Accusateok, ah-ku-zah tur, sm. accuser, im- peacher. Accusatif, ah-ku-zah-teef, sm. accusative, fourth case of declinable nouns. Accusation, ah-ku-zahsyong, sf. accusation, charge, impeachment. Accusatrice, ah-ku-zah-trece, sf. accuser, impeacher. Accuse, -e, ah-ku-zai, -e, smf. culprit, pris- oner at the bar, party accused. Accuser, ah-ku-zai, va. 1 r. to accuse, im- peach ; complain, reproach ; reveal, dis- cover, show, acknowledge, display, call. S'accuser, s'ah-ku-zai, vref. to accuse, blame one's self, confess. Acerbe, ah-sairb, adj. sour, acid, sharp; harsh ; crabbed. Acerbite, ah-sair-he-tai, sf. acerbity, sour- ness, asperity, sharpness. Acere, -e, ah-sai-rai, -e, adj. sharp ; keen ; (steely, hard) severe ; astringent, acute, mordant. Acerer, ah-xai-rai, va. 1 r. to steel, temper, indurate ; sharpen, bite. Acescent, -e, ah-ses-sa>ig, -t, adj. acescent ; inclinable to sourness. Acete, -E, ah-sai-tai, adj. acetous, sourish, acid, sharp. Aceteux, -se, ah-sai-tuh, -ze, adj. acetous, acetose, sourish. Aceteuse, ah-sai-tuhze, sf. sorrel, sort of dock. Acetique, ah-sai-trek, adj. made of or ex- tracted from vinegar. Acetique acide, or Acetum alcalise, ah- sai-tom-al-cah-lee-sai, sin. distilled vinegar. Achalandage, ah-shnh-lang-dnhje, sm. agen- cy, skill, custom, (in trade) retail. Aciialander, ah-shah-lang-dai, va. lr. to get good custom. S'achalander, s'ah-shah-tang-dai. vref. to get, draw, bring, attract customers. Acharnement, ah-sharn-mang, sm. fury, rage, animosity. Acharner, ah-shar-nni, va. lr. to exasper- ate ; set on ; animate ; enrage. S'ACHARNER, s'ah-shar-nai, vref. to fall furi- ously upon ; pursue with eagerness. Achat, ah-shah, sm. purchase, bargain, stip- ulation. Ache, ahsh, if. sort of parsley, wild parsley, smallage. Achek<, ahshaie, sfp. worms, bait for fish, food for birds. Achements, ash-mangh, smp. hatchment, escutcheon, family arms. 14 ACQ 1 Acheminement, ash-meen-manff, sm. prepa, ration, means, step ; introduction, begin, mng. Acheminer, ash-me-nai, va. lr. to prepare, set on foot, forward. Acheminer un checal, to teach a horse to keep the road. S' ACHEMINER, s'axfi me-nai, vref. to set out, begin, advance, continue. Acheter, ash-tai, va. 1 r. to buy, purchase, acquire, manage by money. Acheteur, ash-tur, sm. buyer, purchaser, chapman. Acheteuse, ash-t'ihze, sf. buyer, purchaser. Acheve, -e, ash-vai, -e, adj. complete, per- feet, finished, accomplished, rare, excellent; arrant. Achevement, ah-shayv-mang, sm. comple- tion, end, accomplishment, perfection, ele- gance, ornament. Achever, ash-vai, va. 1 r. to finish, end, complete, perfect, accomplish, polish, con- clude ; put to death. Achever de Loire, to drink all up. S'achever, s 1 ash-vai, vref. to be fulfilling, finishing, accomplishing. Achoppement, ah-shop-mang, sm. hinder- ance, obstacle, impediment ; stumbling- block, eyesore. Achores, ah-shore, smp. achor, herpes; thrush ; cutaneous inflammation. Acide, ah-seed, sm. acidness, sourness, sharp- ness, tartness. Acide, ah-seed, adj. acid, sour, sharp, tart. Acidite, ah-se-de-tai, sf. acidity, sharpness, sourness. Aciduler, ah-se-deu-lai, va. 1 r. to acidulate, make sour, piquant. Acidule, -e, ah-se-deu-lai, -e, adj. acidulat- ed, sourish, tart. Acier, ah-syai, sm. steel ; sword, weapon; hardness. Acolyte, ah-ko-leet, sm. acolyte, clerk pro- moted to the highest of the four minor or- ders of the Romish priesthood. Aconit, ah-ko-ne, sm. aconite, wolFs-bane ; poison. Acoustique, ah-koos-teek, sf. acoustics, theo- ry of sounds. Acquereur, ah-kai-rur, sm. acquirer, pur- chaser, gainer. Acquerir. ah-kai-reer, va. 2 irr. to acquire, gain, purchase, buy, procure. S'acquerir, s'ahkni-reer, vref. to be ac- quired, gained ; gain, procure. Acquerrai, ah-kair-rai, fut. of acquerir, will acquire. Acquet, ah-key, sm. acquest ; acquisition, purchase, profit. Acquiere, ah-kyaire, pres. subj. of acque- rir, may acquire. Acquiers, ah-kyair, pres. ind. of acquerir, acquire. Acquiescement, ah-kyaisv-mang, sm. acqui- escence, consent, compliance. Acquiescer X, ahkyay-xai, vn. lr. to ac- quiesce, consent, comply, yield. Acquis, ah-kee, sm. acquirement, attainment, science, knowledge. Acquis, ah-kee, p. part, and pret. def. of ac- querir, acquired. Acquisition, ah-keze-syong, sf. acquisition, gain, purchase. Acquit, ahke. sm. acquittance, discharge, receipt. ACT ADI ACQUIT DE DOUANB, ak-kt-duh-duoan, sm. coeket, permit. Acquit, (at billiards) lead, first play. Acquit (jouer a l'), hjoo-ai-ahlah-ke, v. to win or lose ; stake, hazard. A l'al'QUIT, ah-Vah-ke, ad. quits. Par acquit, par-ah-kc, upon one's receipt. Acquit (par maniere d'), pai-mahnyayre- d'ah-ke, ad. negligently ; for fashion's sake. Acquit a caution, ah-ke-tahko-syony, sin. certificate, dischaige. Acquitter, ah-ketai, va. lr. to acquit, dis- charge, fulfil, exonerate, clear, set free. S'acquitter de, s'uhketai, vie/, to per- form, discharge, execute ; fulfil, pay oft. Acquitteme.vt, ahkeel-mang, sm. acquit- ment, discharge, acquittal. Acre, uhkr, sm. acre; forty perches in ^ length and four in breadth. Ache, ahkr, adj. sharp; sour, tart; acrid, corrosive; acrimonious. Acrete, ah kiuhtai, sf. acritude, sharpness, tartness, biting heat, severity, ill-humor. Ackimonie, ah-kie-mo-nee, sf. acrimony, corrosiveness ; severity. Acrimonieux, -SE,ah kre-7no-nyuhe, -ze,adj. acrimonious, corrosive, sharp. Acromion, ah-kro myoug, sm. acromion, crooked back, high shoulders. Acro.nique, ahkro-neek, adj. acronical, ri- sing or setting of a star at sunset. Acrosperme, ah-kio-sperm, sm. mushroom, fungus ; upstart. Acrostiche, ah-kross-teesh, sm. acrostic; short poem of which the combination of the first letter of each line forms a name. Acrostiche, ah-kross-teesh, adj. acrostic, obscure enigmatical., ah ■ kio tayr, smp. acroters, small pedestals without bases. AcrOteriasme, ahkro-tai-ryassm, sm. am- putation of a limb. Acte, act, sm. act, action, deed, exploit ; de- cree ; thesis. Actes, ahct, snip, records, rolls, acts, public registers. Acteur, ak-tur, sm. actor, comedian, per- former. Actif, -ve, ak-teef, -v. adj. active, quick, nimble, diligent, laborious. Action, ak-syong, sf. action, act, deed; agency, manner of delivery ; fight, battle ; suit at law ; share in stock. Actions de grace, ak - syongh - dull - grahss, sfp. thanksgiving. Actionnaike, ak - syn - nnire, sm. stockhold- er ; partner, sharer in a concern. Actions er, ak-syo-nai, va. lr. to sue at law, prosecute. Activement, ak-teev-mang, ad. actively, busily, effectively. Activer, ak le-iui, ra. lr. to spur, instigate, stir up, put into action. Activite, ak-te-ve-tai, sf. activity, nimble- ness, quickness ; vigor, energy ; readiness of wit. Actrice, ak-trece, sf. actress, player, come- dian, performer. Actualite, ak-teu-ah-le-tai, sf. actuality, reality, present existence. Actuel, -le, ak-teu-el, -/, adj. actual, real, effective, present ; habitual. Actuellement, ak-teu-el-mang, ad. actually, presently, effectively, now, really ; indeed. Acutangle, ah-ku-tang gl, sm. acute angle. Acutangui.aire, ah kit -tan 1///11 laire, adj. acutangular, having acute" angles. Adage, ah-dahje, sm. adage, maxim, pro- verb, pithy sentence. Adagio, ah-duh-hjto,sm. adagio, slow time; ad. slowly. Adamantin, -e, ah-dah-mang-taing, -teen, adj. adamantine, hard, indissoluble; hard- hearted ; barbarous. Adaptation, ah-dap-tah-syong, sf. adapta- tion, fitness of one thing to another, conve- nience. Adapter, ah-dap-lai, ra. 1 r. to adapt, ap- ply, fit, suit, proportion. S'adapter, s'uh -dap-ten, vref. to conform, comply with, yield. Addition, aJi-de-syong, sf. addition, addita- ment, accession ; adjunction. Additionel, -le, ah-de-syo-nel, d. adj. addi- tional, adjunctive, supplementary. Additioner, ah-de syo-nai, va. lr. to add, cast up, sum, compute, annumerate. Adducteur, ah - dtuk - tur, sm. adducent muscle. Ademption, aJi-davgpesyong, sf. ademption, revocation, of a will, an against. S' adosser, s'ah-dosai, vref. to lean one'3 back against ; stand back to back. Adouber, ah-doo-bai, va. 1 r. to repair, mend, stop holes; set aright, adoo'o (at chess). Adouci, ah-doo-se, sm. polish, attrition, smoothness ; elegance ; soft grinding-stono. Adoucir, ah-doo-seer, va. 2 r. to soften, sweeten ; appease, mitigate, temper, tame. S'adoucir, «' ah-doo-seer, vref to become sweet, mild, tame ; relent, remit. Adoucissage, ah-doo-se-sahje, sm. allay, layer, softening. Adoucissant, -e, ah-doo-se -sang, -t, adj. soft- ening, mitigating. AdOUCISSEMENT, ah-doo-seece-mnng, sm. al- leviation, softness, lenity, mitigation, abate- ment. Apoucisseur, ah-doo-se-sur, sm. glass grind- er or polisher. Adoue. -e, ah-doo-ai,-e, adj. coupled, paired, matched. AER AFF An patreS (ALI.E), al-la i-ad -pah-tres, Lat. dead; gathered to liis fathers. Adragante, ah-drah-gangt, sf. adraganth, gum tragacanth. Adresse, ah-dress, sf. address; direction; skill, dexterity, cunning ; office ; petition, application. AdreSSER, ah-dray-sai, va. 1 r. to address, direct, send; dedicate. Adresser, ah-dray-sai, tn. 1 r. to hit, touch, attain, reach, light on. S'adkesser, a' ah-dray-sai, rrcf. to apply, speak ; attack, insult, atfront ; have re- course to. Adroit, -e, ah-droo-ah, -t (vide obs. table of Bounds), adj. dexterous, clever, skilful; cunning. Aduoitlmext, ah-droo-at-mang (vide obs. table of sounds), ad. dexterously ; cun- ningly. Apulateur, ali-deii-lak-tur, sm. adulator, flatterer, fawner, wheedler. Adulation, ah-deu-lah-syotig, sf. adulation, flattery, servile courtship. Adulatrice, ah-deu-lah-treece, sf. flatterer, wheedler, cajoler. Aduler, ahdeu-lai, va. 1 r. to flatter, extol, wheedle, fawn, cringe. Adulte, ah-deutt, smf. adult; adj. grownup ; arrived at maturity. Adulters, ah-deul-tayre, sm. adultery, vio- lation of the marriage-bed. Adultere, ah-deul-tayre, smf. adulterer, adulteress, violator of the marriage-faith. Adultere, ah-deul-tayre, adj. adulterous, guilty of adultery. Adulterer, ah-deid-tai-rai, va. 1 r. to adul- terate, commit adultery ; corrupt by ad- mixture. Adulterix, -e, ah-deul-te-zaing, -reen, adj. illegitimate, spurious, adulterine. Aduste, ah-deust, adj. adust, scorched; burnt up ; overheated. Adustion, ah-deuss-tyong, sf. adustion, burn- ing heat. Advextice, ad-vang-teece, adj. casual, acci- dental, fortuitous ; foreign, extraordinary. Advextif, -ve, ad-cang-teef, -v, adj. adven- titious, adventive ; advening, extrinsically added. Adverbe, ad-vairb, sm. adverb, qualifying word joined to a verb or adjective. Adverbial, -e, ad-vair-byal, -I, adj. adver- bial, of the quality of an adverb. Adverbialemext, ad-vair-byal-mang, ad. adverbially, in the manner of an adverb. Adverbialite, ad-vair-hyah-le-tai, sf, ad- verbial form, word used adverbially. Adversaire, ad-vair-sayre, smf, adversary, opponent, antagonist, enemy. Adversatif, -ve, ad-vair-sah-feef, -v, adj. adversative, different, opposite, contrary ; restrictive. Adverse, ad-rairsi, adj. adverse, contrary ; opposite ; calamitous, afflictive ; unlucky, unfortunate. Adversite, ad-vair-se-tai, sf. adversity ; affliction ; distress. Aere, -e. ah-ai-rai, -e, adj. airy, high in air, exposed to the air, composed of air ; unsub- stantial. Aerer, ah-airai, va. lr. to air, expose to the air ; take the air; dry, warm, purify, by the fire. AERIF.x, -HE, ah-ai-ryang, -ryain, adj. aeri- al, consisting of air, inhabiting theair, high iu the air. Aerier, ah-ai-ryai, va. 1 r. to fumigate, per- fume ; purify the air. Aerographie, ah-ai-ro-graph-fee, sf. aerog- raphy, description, theory of the air. Aerologie, ah-ai-rolo hjee, sf. acrolgy, the- ory and property of the air. Aerchaxcie, ah-ai-ro-mang-see, sf. aero- mancy, divination by the air, and its phe- nomena. Aerometre, ah-ai-ro-maytr, sm. aerometer, instrument to weigh the air. Aerometrie, ah-ai-ro-mai-tree, sf. aerome- try, art of weighing the air. Aeroxaute, ah-ai-ro-nole, smf. aeronaut, sailer through the air. Aerophobe, ah-ai-ro-fab, smf. one afraid of the air, or of the light of the sun. Aerophobie, ahai-ro-fo-bee, sf. fear of the air, or of the light of the sun. Aerostat, ah-ai-ro-stah, sm. ball, balloon, vessel or machine filled with gas, to sail through the air. Aerostatique, ah-airo-stah-teel\ adj. aero- static, belonging to flying machines. Aerostier, ak-ai-ro-styai, sm. contriver, manager, director of a flying machine. Affabilite, ah-fah-be-le-lai, sf. affability, affableness ; condescension ; civility ; easi- ness of manners. Affable, ah-fabl, adj. affable, condescen- sive, civil, courteous; easy of manners. Affablemext, ah-fah-bhdi-mang, ad. affa- bly, courteously, civilly. Affadir, ah-fah-deer, va. 2 r. to flatten; disgust ; cloy ; make, render, grow insipid. Affadissemext, ah-faji-deess-mang, sm. in- sipidity ; disgust ; fulsome praise ; want of taste, life, or spirit. Affaiblir, ah-fai-bleer, va. 2 r. to weaken, enfeeble, enervate ; lessen ; depress, de- crease, dispirit. S'affaiblir, s'ah-fai-bleer, vref. to grow weak, dispirited ; decay, decrease, dimin- ish. Aff.ublissemext. ah-fai-bleess-mang, sm. weakness ; depression ; enervation ; debil- ity, diminution of strength, spirits. Affaire, ah-faire, sf. affair, business; man. agement, transaction, thing, matter ; con- cern, duty, dispute, action ; trouble ; scrape. Se tirer d' affaire, to recover. Faire lien ses affaires, to prosper. Affaire, -e, ah-fai-rai, -e, adj. busy, bust, ling ; meddling. AFFAisSEMEXT,«/!-/"e.?.wHa7).7, sm. depression, weakness ; debility. Affaisser, dh-fai-sai, va. 1 r. to depress, press down ; overwhelm ; weaken, dispirit, deject, sink. S'affaisser, s'ali-fai-sai, vref. to sink down, subside, diminish. Affai.e, -e, ah-fah-lai, -e, adj. wind-bound, confined by contrary winds. Affaler, ah-fah-lai, va. 1 r. to press, lower forcibly ; weigh down. S'affaler, t? ah-fah-lai, vref. to sail too near a coast, difficult to clear off. Affame. -e, nh-fah-mai, -e, adj. voracious-, famished; greedy; scanty. Affamer, ah-fah-mai, va. 1 r. to famish;- starve ; reduce. 17 AFF AFF Affeagement, ah-fai-ahje-mang, sm. en- feoffment ; investiture of a manor, office, benefice, possessions. Affeager, ah-fai-ah-hjai, va. 1 r. to enfeoff, invest with dignities, possessions. Affectation, ah-feck-tah-syopg, />/. affecta- tion, conceit ; awkward imitation, false pretension. Affecte, -e, ah-feck-tai, -e, adj. affected, conceited, stiff, full of affectation, not easy, not natural. Affecter, ah-feck-tai, va. 1 r. to affect, de- sire earnestly ; aspire to ; appropriate ; en- tail ; assume a false appearance, constrain- ed manner. S' affecter, s'ah-fecJe-tai, pre/, to grieve, mourn, sorrow ; be sad, dejected, in pain for something past. Affectif, -ye, ah-feck-teef, -v, adj. affective, touching, pathetic. Affection, ah-feck-syong, sf. affection, love, tenderness ; sensibility, devotedness ; good •will. Affectionne, -e, ah-feck-syo-nai, -e, adj. affectionate, fond, tender ; warm ; zealous, full of affection. Affection"* em ent, ah-feck-syo-nai-mang, ad. affectionately, fondly. Affectionner, ah-feck-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to love, fondle, fancy ; be fond of, concerned, interested. S'affectioxner, s' 'ah-feck-syo-nai, vref. to delight, have pleasure in ; attach, apply one's self to. Affect ueusement, ah-feck-ten-tthze-mang (vide obs. 4, tab. <£c), ad. affectionately, lovingly, tenderly. Affectueux, -se, ah-feck-teit-uhe, -ze (vide obs. 4, tab. &c), adj. affect nous, affection- ate, pathetic. Affermer, ah-fair-mai, va. 1 r. to farm, lease, rent. Affermir, ah-fair-meer, va. 2 r. to strength- en, secure, fix, support. Affermir am pied, to make one's self secure. S'AT¥EB.'x.i'R 1 s , ah-fair-nieer,vref. to strength- en, consolidate, be corroborated, confirme*. Affer.missement, ah-fair-meess-mang, sm. prop, support ; confirmation ; security, de- pendence. Afferon, ah-fai-rong, sm. tag, ferrule, tin or brass, point put to the end of a stay- lace, &c. Affete, -e, ah-fai-tai, -e, adj. full of affect- ation ; studied with over-much care ; con- ceited, odd. Affeterie, ah-fait-ree, sf. affectation, affect- edness ; niceness, awkward imitation. Affetto, affectuoso, ah-fet-to, ah-feck-teu- o-zo, ad. gratefully, tenderly, slowly, with sensibility. Affichf., ah-feesh, sf. bill, placard, adver- tisement, notice. Afficher, ah-fe l shai, va. 1 r. to post up, publish, advertise. S'afficher, s'ah-jUk-shai, vref. to set up for, proclaim, expose one's self notoriously. Afficheur, ah-feshur, sm. bill-sticker, pub- lisher, advertiser. Affide, -e, ah-fe-dai, -e, smf. confidant ; adj. trusty, faithful. Affiler, ah-fflai, va. 1 ?•. to sharpen, edge, wire-draw, spin into length; exaspe miuilter. Lanuuc bicn ajjUc, a glib tongue. 16 Affiliation, ah-fe-le-ah-syong, sf. affilia- tion, association, incorporation, adoption. Affii.ier, dh-fe-lyai, va. 1 r. to adopt, ad- mit, incorporate ; initiate. S'affilier a, s'ah-fe-b/ai, vref. to be admit- ted, received into an association ; join a society. Affiloikes, dh-fe-ioo-ar (vide obs. 6, tab. Ac), sfp. whetstone, grindstone, pincers. Affinage, ah-fe-nahje, sm. affinage, refine- ment of metals. Affiner, ah-fe-nai, va. 1 r. to refine ; cheat ; clear up ; sharpen ; strengthen. S'affiner, s'ah-fe-nai, vref. xo clear up, brighten ; diminish, thin. Affinerie, ah-fe.en-ree, sf. refining smithy ; wire-forge ; rolled wire. Affineur, ah-fe-nur, sm. refiner; gold or silver smith. Affinite, uh-fe-ne-tai, sf. affinity; connec- tion, relation; convenience; conformity, disposition. Affinoir, ah-fe-noo-ar (vide obs. 6, tab. &c), sm. hatchel, flax, or hemp-comb. Affiquet, ah-fe-kay, sm. small prop ; knit- ting-sheath, stay. Affiqcets, ah fe keye, map. baubles, gew- gaws ; show of toys or trifles. Affirmatif, -TE, ali-fte i -ma-i erf -v,adj. af- firmative, positive, peremptory. Affirmation, dh-feer-mah-syong, sf. affir- mation, declaration ; oath ; confirmation. Affirmative, ah-feer-mah-teev, sf. affirma- tive, confirmation, positiveness, actuality. Affirmativement, ah-feer^ma-teev-mang, ad. affirmatively, positively. Affirmer, ahfeer-mai, va. 1 r. to affirm, declare, maintain, swear ; make affidavit. Affixe, dh-feeks, sm. affix. Affleurer, ahfluh-rai, va. 1 r. to level, flatten, equalize, smooth ; dilute, temper -, touch, join. Afflictif, -ye, dh-fleek-teef, -v, adj. afflic- tive, painful ; corporal. Affliction, ah-jteek-syong, sf. affliction, pain, grief, melancholy ; distress ; misfor- tune, disgrace. Affligkant, -e, ah-fle-hjang, -t. adj. afflict- ing, afflictive, grievous, distressful, melan- cholic. Affliger, ah-jle-hjai, va. 1 r. to afflict, grieve, torment, trouble ; mortify. S'atfliger de, s'ah-jte-hjai, vref. to grieve, fret, repine, lament ; be low spirited ; af- flict one's self. Affluence, ah-fleu-avghss (vide obs. 4. table of sounds), sf. affluence ; plenty; concourse. Affluent, -e, dh-JUu-ang, -t (vide obs. 4, tab. &c.), adj. affluent, flowing, abundant, exu- berant, wealthy. Affluer dans, ah-fleu-ai (vide obs. 4), vn. 1 r. to flow, crowd ; abound, concur ; resort. Afflux, ah-fleu (vide obs. 4, tab. &C), sm. afflux, affluence, flow ; increase. Affoler, ah-fo-Jai, va. 1 /•. to infatuate, strike, affect with excessive passion, love ; dote upon. S'affolir, s'ah-fodeer, vref. 2 r. to grow foolish with excessive passion ; veer, de- viate, become irregular. Afforage, ah-fo-rahje, sm. assize ; excise duty ; ancient manorial tax, tax. Afforer, ahfo-rai, va. 1 r. to assize, tax; fix a price on. AFF AOCr Affouage, ali-foa-ahjc, sm. fuel, expense of fuel ; right of cutting forest-trees for fuel. Affouagement, ah-foo-ahje-mdug, sm. enu- meration of houses or fires. Affourcuer, ah-foor-shai, va. 1 r. to moor across, cross ; stride over. Affouragemext, ah-foo-raJije-mana, sm. provender, fodder, forage; food fur horses and other cattle. AFFOURAGER, ah-foo-rah-hjai , va. 1 r. to fod- der, leed cattle. Affraiciur, ah-frey'Skeer, vn. 2 r. to fresh- en, cool, grow fresh, strong. Affrancui, a!i fraii;/ -she, sm. freedman, slave manumitted. Affraxchie, ah-frang-shee, sf. freedwornan, Ac. Affraxchir, ahfrang-sheer, va. 2 v. to free, set free, deliver, disengage, exempt, pay postage. Affratichir une lettre, to frank. S'affi:anciuk, s\ih-f rang -sheer, vref. to get rid of, shake off, exempt, deliver one's self. AffRaxchisse.vext, all frang -shress mang , sm. freedom ; exemption, discharge, de- livery. Affkes, ahfr,- sfp. affright, terror, fright, great dread ; extreme fear. Affretemext, ah-frel-mang, sm. freight ; hire of a ship. Affreter, ah-frai-tai, va. 1 r. to freight, hire a ship. Affreteur, ahfrai-tur, sm. freighter, hirer of a ship. Affreusemext, ahfruhze-mang, ad. fright- fully, horribly. Affreux, -SE, ahfruhe, -z, adj. frightful, terrible, hideous. Affriander, ahfreanr/dai, ra. lr. to give dainties ; allure, entice, make dainty, bring up to dainties. S' affriander, s\ihfreang-dai, vref. to use dainties, accustom one's self to dainties, be fond of delicacies. Affrioler, ah-fre-o-tai, va. 1 r. to allure, entice ; flatter, persuade, coax with dain- ties, with kind, flattering, deceitful words. Affriter, ah-frt-(ai, va. 1 r. to season a new frying-pan with butter. Affront, ah'frong, sm. affront ; insult ; out- rage ; reproach. Affro.vte, -e, ah-fron/j-tai, -e, adj. opposite to, facing each other. AFFROXTER,"rt/i-/ro)i.7 -fan, va. 1 r. to affront ; face, encounter; provoke, offend, insult; cheat, cozen. Affroxteur, ah-frong-tur, sm. affronter; impostor, cheater, swindler. Affro.nteuse, ah-froiuj-luhze, sf. affronter, deceiver, swindler. Affublemf.xt, ah-feu-bluh-mang (vide obs. 4, tab. Ac), Am. veil, cloak, muffler, wrapper. Affubler, ah-feu-blai (vide obs. 4, tab. &c), va. 1 r. to veil, muffle, wrap, hide, conceal. S'affueler, s' ah-feu-blai (vide obs. 4, tab. Ac), vref'. to veil, muffle, wrap, disguise one's self. Affusion, mk-feu-syong (vide obs. 4, fab. Ac), sf. affusion, pouring one thing upon another. AffOt, ahfeu (vide obs. 4, tab. Ac), sm. carriage of a cannon ; ambush, wait. AffCt(£tre a l'), eijlrah lah-feit (vide obs. 4, tab. Ac), vn. irr. to lie in wait, watch, lurk ; bo placed in ambush. AffutaGE, ah-feu-tahje (vide obs. !, tab. Ac), sm. elevation, direction, level of a cannon; dressing; sharpening; setting; whetting ; set of tools. AffOter, ah-feu-tai (vide obs. 4, tab. Ac), va. 1 )•. to mount, level, direct a cannon ; sharpen tools. AffOtiau, -x, p. ahfeu-te-o (vide obs. 1, tab. Ac. ), am. gewgaw, toy, bauble, trifling finery, bagatelle. A FIN que, ah-faing-Jiuh, eonj. gov. subj. that, to the end that. Afin de, ah-faing-duh, pr. gov. inf. in order to, to. Aga, ahgah, sm. Turkish commander. Agacaxt, -e, ah-gah-sang, -t, adj. attractive -, enticing ; provoking, smart. Agace. ah-gOss, sf. shrew, babbling or wheedling woman ; magpie. Agacemext, (ihgass-viant/, sm. allurement; acidity ; provocation, irritation ; excite- ment. Agacsr, ah-gah-sai, va. 1 r. to set teeth on edge ; excite, provoke ; allure, entice. Agacerie, aJi-gahs-ree, sf. winning, attract- ive manner ; encouragement; levity ; pro- vocation. Agacix, ah -gah-saing, sm. excrescence, corn, horny tumor. S'agaillardir. s'ah-gali-yar-fieer, vref. 2 r. to get merry, cheerful, healthy, tipsy, bold, to freshen. Agapes, ahghap, sfp. love-feasts of the prim- itive Christians. Agapetes, altghah-pai/t, *fp. agapeta\ vir- gins living in sisterhood. Agaric, ah-ghah-reek,sm. agaric, mushroom drug used in physic and dyeing stuffs. Agate, ah-ghal, sf. agate; gilder's burnisher. Agatis, ah-gkah-tee, sm. field devastation, havoc by beasts. Age, iihje, sm. age, time, years, century ; _ youth, old age. Age, -e, ah-Xjai, -e, adj. old, stricken in years ; aged. Baa age, infancy. Agexce, ah-hjangss, sf agency ; commis- sion ; office of an agent. Agencement, ah-hjangss-manr/ , sm. order, disposition, arrangement, adjustment, com- bination. Agexcer, ahhjangsai, va. 1 r. to adjust, dispose, arrange, fit, set in order. S'AGEXCER, sUih-fijang stii, vref. to deck, trim, rig one's self; meddle, interpose olii- ciously.- Agenda, ah-hjaing-dah, sm. notes, remarks ; memorandum- book. Agexouiller, alije-non-yai, va. lr. to make one kneel, or go on one's knees. S'AGEXOUiLLER,.s'«/^>-/it>o-!/«i, vref. to kneel, bend, rest on the knee. Agf.nouilloir, ahje-noo-yoo-ar, sm. kneel- ing-stool, hassock, thick mat, low board. Agext, ah lijang, sm. agent, deputy, factor ; broker, director, agitator, manager. Agext de chaxge, ah hjang-duh shanghje, sm. exchange, stock broker. Agglomeration, ah-glo-mai-rah-syong, sf. agglomeration, mass, body, ball, colles-tion, crowd. Agci.omerer, ah-glo-mai-rai,va. 1 r. to col- lect, assemble ; gather up in a hall, as thread, snow; wind up, Ac. S'aggloiierek, s'ah-olo-mai-rai, vref. to 19 AGN AGE collect, assemble, throng, crowd together, troop, march in a body, Agglutinants, ah-gleu-te-nangJi, snip, ag- glutinants, unitive medicines, cohesive remedies. Aggi.utinatif, -ve, ah-gleu-te-na-teef, -v, adj. agglutinative, procuring agglutination. Agglutination, ah-gleu-te-naJi-eyong, sf. ag- glutination, union, cohesion. Agglutiner, ah-gleu-te-nai, va. 1 r. to agglu- tinate, unite one part to another, bind, con- solidate. Aggravant, -e, ahgrah-vang, -t, adj. ag- gravating ; provoking. Aggravation, ah-grah-vah-syong, sf. aggra- vation, provocation. Aggrave, ah-grav, sf. second monitor}-, church fulmination ; admonition, warning, threat. Aggravement, ah-grav-mang, sm. excite- ment, aggravation, swelling, augmenta- tion, increase of matter or fever. Aggraver, ah-grah-vai, va. 1 r. to aggra- vate, irritate, inflame ; provoke ; make heavy or worse. S'aggraver, s ! 'ah-grah-vai, vref. to increase; become heavy, grievous, painful, afflictive, insupportable. Agile, dh-hjeel, adj. agile, nimble, quick, active ; lively ; industrious. Agilement, uh-hjed-mang, ad. actively, nimbly, quickly, readily. Agilite, ah-hje-le-tai, sf. agility, nimbleness, quickness, activity. Agio, ah-hje-o, sm. exchange ; interest ; dis- count ; brokerage. Agiotage, ahJije-o-tahje, sm. stock-jobbing ; usury ; commerce. Agioter, ah-hje-o-tai, va. 1 r. to buy and sell in the funds, deal in the stocks; intrigue. Agioteur, ahhje-o-tur, sm. stock-jobber, dealer in the stocks ; intriguer. Agioteuse, ah-hje-o-tuhze, sf. intriguer, pro- curess, bawd. Agir, ah-jeer, va. 2 r. to act, do, deal, nego- tiate, transact ; sue, prosecute ; behave. Be quoi s'agit-il ? what is the matter? Agir contre quelqu'un, to prosecute at law. II s'agil de voire vie, your life is in clanger. AgiSSANT, -E, ah-hjee-sang, -t, adj. active, stirring, efficacious. Agitateur, ah-hje-tah-tur, sm. agitator ; fac- tionary, caballer, intriguer ; fomenter of factions. Agitation, ah-Tije-tah-syong, sf. agitation ; trouble ; uneasiness, perturbation ; impa- tience. Agiter, aTi-hje-tai, ra. 1 r. to agitate, actu- ate, move ; disturb, disquiet ; bandy, dis- cuss, controvert. S'agiter, s'ah-hje-tai, vref. to bustle, stir ; be uneasy, anxious, full of inquietude, be discussed. Agnat, ah-gnah, sm. collateral descendant of the male line. Agnation, ah-gnah-syong, sf. agnation, de- scent from the same father in a direct male line. Agneau, -x, p. ah-ing-yo-e (vide obs. 3, tab. &c), sm. lamb ; meek person ; innocent. Agnel, ah-ing-yell (vide obs. 3, tab. ifcc. gn. liq.), sm. ancient French gold coin. Agneler, nh-ing-i/uh-lai (vide obs. 3, tab. &c. gn. liq.), vn. 1 r. to yean, bring young. 20 Agnelet, ah-ing-yuh-lai (vide obs. 3, tab. &c. gn. liq.), sm, lambkin ; simpleton. Agneline, ah-ing-yvh-leen (vide obs. 3, tab. etc.), sm. lamb's wool, fleece of a lamb. Agnelins, ah-ing yai-laingh (vide obs. 3, tab. &c. gn. liq.), lambs' skins, wool of un- shorn lambs ; ancient French gold coins. Agnes, ah-ing-yess (vide obs. 3. tab. Ac), sf. modest, innocent young girl; simpleton. Agnus, ag-neuss (vide obs. 4, tab. &c), sm. relic, religious wax image representing a lam b. Agnus-CASTus, ag-neuss-l,assleuss (vide obs. 4, tab. &c.), sm. the chaste tree, a shrub with pliant branches. Agonie, ah-go-nee, sf. agony ; death-bed ; great pain ; anguish ; distress ; affliction ; anxiety. Agonik, ah-go-neer, va. 2 r. to insult, out- rage, load with injuries, abuse, tire. Agonisant, -e, ah-go-nee-zang, -t, adj. dying, in the pangs of death. Agoniser, ah-gonee-zai, vn. 1 r. to agonize ; be dying in excessive pain ; to distract, tor- ment. Agrafe, ahgraff,sf. clasp, hasp, hook, han- dle, brace. Agrafer, ah-grah-fai, va. 1 r. to clasp, fas- ten, hook, shut with a hasp. Agraire, ah-grayre, adj. agrarian, relating to fields or grounds, to the division of land. AGRANDIR, ahgrang-deer, va. 2 r. to aggran- dize, extend, enlarge, lengthen ; raise ; ag- gravate. S'AGRANDIR, s'oh-grang-decr, vref. to widen, grow up, increase ; be enlarged, raised, promoted. Agrandissement, ah-grang-deess-mang, sm. aggrandizement, enlargement ; rise, pro- motion ; fortune. Agreable, ahgraiabl, smf. spark, gallant, beau ; belle ; pleasure. Agreable, ah-grai-abl, ad/, agreeable, pleas- ing, convenient, acceptable ; graceful, at- tractive, gentle. Avoir agreable, or tour agreable, uJl- voo-ar, poor, v. aux. to like. Agreablement, ah-grai-ah-blvh-mang, ad. agreeably, pleasantly. Agreer, ah-grai-ai, ra. 1 r. to approve, ac- cept, receive, allow; ratify; rig a ship. Agreez que je vous disc, give me leave to say. Agreer a, ah-grai-aij vn. \r. to please, like ; become, suit ; be agreeable, pleasing, acceptable. Agkeeur, ah-grai-itr, sm. dresser; rigger of a ship. Agregat, ahgrai-ghah, sm. aggregate, as- sembly, meeting, collection ; crowd, mass, multitude. Agregation, ah-grai-ghah-syong, sf. aggre- gation, association, conjunction, admission, confused heap. Agrege, ah-ejrai-hjai, sm. fellow, under pro. lessor, substitute ; union of heterogeneous or dissimilar parts. Agreger, ah-grai-hjai, ra. 1 r. to aggregate, associate, admit, receive, conjoin ; mnke an aggregation or aggregate. Agrement, ah-grai-mang, sm. agreement; agreeableness, advantage, pleasure, recrea- tion, amusement, consent, approbation , elegance ; ornament. AID AIG Agremens, ah-grai-manffh, amp. ornaments ; music, dancing, accompaniments ; charms ; trimming. Acres, ah gray, snip, rigging, tackling of a ship. ACRESSER, ah-gray-sai, va. 1 r. to aggress, attack, invade. AGBESSBUR, a/t-graysur, sm. aggressor, as- saulter, invader. Agression, ah-gray-syong, a/, aggression; assault ; invasion. Agreste, dh-grestt, adj. agrestic, rustic, wild, uncultivated ; uncivil ; sharp, sour, poignant. AgReteur, ah-grai-yur] sm. wire-drawer, spinner of wire. AGRtoULTEUK, ah-gre-Jceul-lur, sm. husband- man, farmer, cultivator. Agriculture, ah-gre-keul-teare, s/. agricul- ture, husbandry ; art of cultivation or farming. S'aGRIFfer a, s^ah-gre/ai, va. re/ 1 r. to fasten, cling to ; stick fast, lay hold of, claw. Agriote, ah-gre-ott, sf. egriot, wild cherry, black cherry. Agripper, ah -//re -pai, va. \r. to gripe, seize ; pilfer ; lay hold of, catch eagerly. Agro.vome, ah-gro-nom, sm. agriculturist ; writer on agriculture. Agrouper, ah-grao-pai, va. 1 r. to aggroup, assemble, huddle together, bring into one group. Aguerrir,, va. 2 r. to train up for war ; inure to the hardships of war, dis- cipline. S'aguerrir, s'ah-gay -reer, vref. to grow warlike ; inure, accustom one's self to. Aguets (etke aux), eytr-oh-zah-gueye, to lie in wait, lurk, watch, observe, spy. Aguets (sete>"iraux), zah- gueye, to lie in wait, lurk, watch, observe, spy. Aguets (se jiettre aux), suh-metreoh-zah- gueyc, to lie in wait, lurk, watch, observe, spy. Ah, «7?, int. ah ! oh ! alas ! expressive of joy, grief, admiration. Aha.n, ah-ang, sm. labor, effort, trouble, pain ; toil, cry. Ahaner, ah-a'h-nai, vn. 1 r. to labor hard, toil, sweat, pant ; cry out. Aheurte, -e, ah-ur-tai, -e, adj. obstinate, wilful, perverse, stubborn. Aheurtement, ahurlt-mang, svi. wilfulness, stubbornness, obstinacy, perverseness. AHEURTER, ah-ur-tai, va. I r. to fix in a res- olution, make obstinate ; oppose, contra- dict. S'aheurter, s'ah-ur-tai, vref. to resolve, de- termine ; be stiff, obstinate, contrary, con- tumacious. A hi, ah-ee, int. oh ! oh dear! (expression of pain, grief, ic). Ahuri, -e, ah-eu-re, -e, adj. stupefied, ama- zed, stunned, scared ; giddy-brained, wild, unsettled. Ahukir, ah-eu-reer, va. 2 r. to astound, as- tonish, stun, scare, perplex, worry, strike all of a heap. Ai, en, 1 pers. sing. pres. ind. of avoir, have. Aide, aid, s/. aid, assistance, help, succor, relief, support ; chapel of ease. A Vaide I help, ho ! Aide, aid, sm. assistant, auxiliary, helper, colleague. Aide dk camp, aid-duh-kang, sm. aid-de- camp. Aide major, aid-7>iahhjor, sm. adjutant, petty officer. Aide de cuisine, aid - duh - ku - e - zeen, sm/. under-cook. Aide de chirurgien, aid -duh -she -rear' hjyaing (vide obs. 4, tab. &c), sm. sur- geon's mate. Aide a maqon; aid-ah-mah-song, am. mason or bricklayer's man. Aider, ay-dai, va. lr. to aid, help, assist, relieve, succor. S' aider, s' ay-dai, vre/. to assist, help, aid, relieve, succor one another. S'aider de, a' ay-dai, to make use of, help one's self to, make free with. Aides, ayd, s/p. aids, taxes, excise ; royal subsidies. Aie, ai, pres. subj. andimper. of avoir, have, may have. Aie, ahyuh, int. oh ! oh ! (exclamation of pain, sorrow, &c). Ai'EUL, ahyul, sm. grandfather, a father's or mother's father. Aieule, ah-yull, s/. grandmother, a father's or mother's mother. Aieux, ah-yuhe, smp. ancestors, forefathers, progenitors. Aigle, aygJ, sm. eagle ; man of superior ge- nius ; great genius. Aigle, aygl, sm. Germany : pulpit ; reading- desk in the Koman church. Aigle, aygl, s/. standard, such as Roman eagle ; imperial eagle. Aiglon, ay-glcmg, sm. eaglet, young eagle ; young eagle without beak and talons. Aigre, aygr, sm. acidity, roughness ; acri- mony, sharpness. Aigre, aygr, adj. acid, sour, rough ; ill- natured, severe, harsh ; brittle, shrill. Aigre de cedre, aygr-duh-mydr, sm. sher- bet, juice of lemons or oranges mixed with sugar and cedar juice. Aigre doux, -ce, ay-gruh-doo, -ss,adj. sweet and sour ; sharp and mild. AlGREFIN, -E, ai-gruh-/aing, -j'een, sm/. swindler, sharper, cajoler ; haddock. Aigrelet, -te, ai-gruh-lay, -t, adj. sourish, tart, acescent ; sharp. Aigrement, ay-gruh-mavg, ad. sharplj', se- verely ; rudely. Aigremoine, ay-grah-moo-aicne, a/, agrimo- ny, liverwort. Aigket, -te, ay-gray, -tt, adj. sourish, sharp ; shrill, piercing. Aigrette, -e, ay-grai-tai, -e, adj. tufted, tuf- ty, adorned with a tult. Aigrette, ay-grett, s/. egret ; tuft, bunch of feathers ; flowers ; diamonds ; shell. Aigreur, ay grar, .<■/". sourness ; sharpness ; acrimony ; severity, discontent ; spite, spleen. Aigreurs, ay-gruhre, s/p. heart-burning ; hatches too hard (in engraving). Aigrir, ay-greer, va. 2r. to sour ; afflict ; irritate ; incense ; exasperate. S' aigrir, s'ay-greer, vre/ to sour, grow sour, angry ; provoke, irritate one another. Aigit, -E, ay-gu, -e, adj. sharp pointed; acute ; shrill ; sharp • smart ; subtle ; vio- lent. 21 AIM AJO Aiguade, ay-ghad, sf. supply of fresh water ton board of a ship). Faiee aiguade, fare-ay-ghad, to take fresh water on board of a ship. Aiguaii,, ai-gah-e, sm. dew-drop. Aiguayer, ai-yai-yai, r«. 1 r. to wash, soak, water, rinse ; cool. Ai jue-marine, ayg-ma7i-reen, sf. aqua ma- rina ; beryl (a precious stone). Aigciere, ay-ghee-ayre, sf. ewer, basin. Aiguieueb, ai-ghee-ai- raie, sf. ewer-fall, basin-full. Aiguili.ade, ai-qu-e-yad. sf. goad, pointed in:t ument to drive oxen forward. AlJUILLE, ai -gu -e-yuh, sf. needle, bodkin, hand of a clock or watch, index ; spire. Aiguilles, ai-gu eyaie, sf. needle-full., ai-gu-e-ycri, va. Ir. to couch the cataract, cleanse silk with needles. Aiguillette, ai-gu-e-yeit, sf. tag; shoulder- knot; trimming; slice. Aiguii.leter, ai-gti-e-yiih-tai, va. 1 r. to tag, tie with tags or points, cut slices. Aigi'illktiek, ai-gu-e-yuk-tyai, sm. trim- ming, lace, tag maker. Aiguu.lier, ai gu-e-yai, sm. needle-maker ; needle-case. Aiguili.ox, ai. gu ■ e - gong, sm. sting, goad ; incentive, motive, spur. Aiguillonner, aic/u-e-yo-nai, va. \ r. to sting, goad, spur on, incite, animate, en- courage. Aiguisement, ai- ghee: -viang, sm. whet, sharpness ; incentive, refinement. Aiguiser, ai ghee-zai, va. 1 r. to whet, sharp- en ; incite, quicken, refine. S'aiguiser, s'ai-ghee-zai, vref. to get keen, sharp pointed; grow smart, witty, quick, ingenious, hungry, angry, sarcastic. Ail, aulx, p. ah-yuh, oe, p. sm. garlic, a strong scented and tasted bulb. Aile, ell, sf. wing, pinion; ale; aisle of a church; sweep of a windmill; protection, patronage. J'en ai dans Vaile, I am un- done. Aile, -e, ai-lai, -e, adj. winged, swift, nim- ble, active, rapid. Aileron, ail-rong, sm. pinion ; fin ; console ; shelf; ladle of a water-mill. Aili.ade, ah-yahd, sf. garlic sauce or ragout. Aille, ah-yuh, pres. subj. ot alter, may go. Ailleurs, ah-yurhe, ad. elsewhere, in an- other place. D'ailleurs, 'ai-mai, vref. to love, be fond of one another. Aine, ayne, '/.groin; rod to dry fish upon, leather joint in instruments. Aine, E, ey-nai, -e, sinf. adj. eldest, elder, first - born son or daughter ; brother or sister. ALnesse, ey-ness, sf. primogeniture, seniori- ty, eldership. Ainsi, aing-se, ad. thus, so, therefore, in consequence of this or that. II est ainsi fait, that is his temper. Ainsi soit-U, amen. Ainsi que, aing-se-kuh, conj. as — as ; as well — as ; so — that ; even as — so. Air, air, sm. air ; wind ; manner ; look, mien, gesture, action, gait, demeanor; song, tune. En I'air, extravagantly. Airain, ai-raimj, sm. brass ; impudence, boldness. D'airain. d'airaing, adj. brazen ; impudent, hard, unpitying. Aire, aire, sf. barn or thrashing floor ; ae- rie ; area ; superficies ; points of the mari- ner's compass. Aiuee, ai-raie, sf. sufficient number of sheaves laid down for thrashing, bain -floor full. Airer, airai, va. 1 ;•. to nest; make or build a nest, or an aerie. Ais. eyh. sm. shelf, board, plank ; pasteboard ; shingle ; screen. Aisance, ai-zangss, sf. ease, competency; wealth ; easy manners ; ready money. Aisa^ces, ai-sangsse, sfp. privy, place of re- tirement, water-closet. Aise, ayze. sf. ease, conveniency, leisure ; content, gladness, pleasure. Vous -ne serez pa« bien aise que je vous dise la re'rile, 30U will not like to have me tell you the truth. Aise (vivre a son), veevr-uh-sou-ayze, (pop. exp.) to live comfortably. Aise (£tre a. son), aytr-ah-sonayze, to be at ease, in easy circumstances. Aise (en prendre a. son), ang-prangdr-ah- son-ayze, (pop. exp.) not to trouble one's self about any thing. Aise (k'en prendre qu'a. son), n'ang- prangdr-lcnh-^on-aijze. (pop. exp.) not to put one's self out of one's way; not incom- mode one's self. A l'aise. ah-Vayze, ad. easily, convenient- ly, with ease. Aise, ayze, adj. glad, joyful, well-pleased, delighted. Aise, e, ay-zai, -e, adj. easy, convenient, commodious ; free, clear, natural ; rich, wealthy. Homme aise ii fucher, a passion- ate man. Aisement, ay-zai-mang, ad. easily, without trouble, conveniently, readily, freely. Aisselle, ay-sell, sf. arm-pit, arm-hole, cavi- ty under the shoulder. Aissette, ai-se/t, sf. hatchet, small axe, ad- dice ; cooper's hammer. Aissieit, ay-syuh, sm. axle-tree ; axis of a globe. Aitres or Etres, eyfr, snip, range, dispo- sition ; rooms, ways of a house. Ajonc, ah-hjonc, sm. thorny broom ; reed, rush, sedge. ALB ALE AJ0URE, -E, ah-hjoo-rai, -e, adj. exposed to light, cut out, transpierced. Ajournemext, ah-hjoom-mang,8iri. adjourn- ment ; delay ; citation ; appointment, as- signation. Ajourner, ah hjoor-nai, va. 1 r. to adjourn, summon ; appoint ; delay. Ajoutage, ah-hjoo-tahje, sm. additament, addition ; supplement. Ajocter, ah-hjoo-tai, va. 1 r. to add, in- crease ; augment, subjoin. S'AJOUTEK, is* ah-hjoo-tai, vref. to join, unite, associate with ; enter, be initiated in. A.JOUTOIR, ah-joo-too-ar, sm. spout, tube, fixed to another, jet of a fountain (vide obs. 6, tab. '• to dis- til ; puzzle ; refine. S'alambiqukr, s'ah-lang-be-kai, vref. to pnz- zle one's brain ; refine loo much ; torment one's self. Alan, ah-lang, sm. mastiff, bear-hound, bull- dog. Alarguer, ah-lar-gai, vn. 1 r. to take sea- room, stand off, keep clear. Alarmant. -e, ah-lar-mang, -t, adj. alarm- ing, terrifying, surprising. Alarm e, ah-lanne, sf. alarm, sudden fear, apprehension, fright. Alarmek, ah-lar-mai, va. 1 r. to alarm, sur- prise, startle ; give or sound the alarm, dis- turb. S'alarmer, & ah-lar-mai, vref. to be alarmed, terrified ; take the alarm ; be frighted at. Alarmiste, ah-lar-meest, sm.. spreader, di- vulger, propagator of bad news. Albatue, al-bahtr, sm. alabaster ; fair com- plexion ; whiteness. Albekge, al-berhje, sf. early peach ; alberge, Albergier, al-ber-hjyai, sm. alberge-tree. Alrtque, al-beek, sf. soft white chalk, chalky substance. Albra.v, al-brang, sm. young wild duck. Albrene, al-brai-nai, adj. maimed, shat- tered, in a sad condition, speaking of a bird shot. Albreser, al-brai-nai, ra. 1 r. to go in quest of wild ducks, shoot wild ducks. Albugine, -e, al-beu-hje-nai, -e, adj. albu- gineous, resembling an alhugo, of white color. Albugo, al-beu-go (vide obs. 4.), sm. albugo, white spot upon the cornea of the eye. Album, albomm, sm. album, memorandum- book. Alcaoe, al-kad, sm. alcaid, judge or justice of the peace in Spain. Alcai'que. al-kah-eek, adj. alcaic, consisting of two dactyles and two trochees. Alcali, al-kah-le, sm. alkali, fermentative substance ; fossil salt. Alcalin, -e, al-kak-laing, -lt>en, adj. alka- line, having the qualities of alkali. Alcalisation, al-kah-le-eah-syoitg, sf. alka- lization ; act of alkalizating. Alcaliser, al-kah-le-zai, va. 1 r. to alkali - zate, make alkaline. Alcana, al-kah-nah, sm. alcana, Egyptian plant, yellow dye. Alchimie,, sf. alchemy ; hermet- ical philosophy ; chimerical possibility of transmuting metals. Alchimique, al-she-meek, adj. alchemical, relating to alchemy. Alchimiste, al-she-meest, sm. alchemist, ov.e versed in the science of alchemy. Alcohol, al-ko-ol, sm. alcohol, highest rec- tification of spirit of wine. Alcoholiser, al-ko-o-le-zai, va. 1 r. to alco- holize, rectify spirits until wholly dephleg- mated. Alcoran, alko-rang, sm. alkoran, hook oi Mahometan precepts, Mahometan bible. Alcove, al-covp, sf. alcove, recess, part of a chamber in which is placed a bed. Alcvon, al-se-yong, sm. halcyon, kingfisher, kind of zoophyte. Alcyonien, -ne, al-s?yo-nyaing,-nyenn, adj. halcyon, placid, quiet, happy. Alderman, al-der-man, sm. alderman, mem- ber of the corporation of Loudon. Alectoiuenne, ahleck-to-ryKnn.sf. supposed stone in the liver of a cock, alectoria. Alegre, ahlaygr, adj. cheerful, brisk, nim- ble, ready. Alegrement, ahdaygruh-mang, ad. cheer- fully, briskly ; readily. Alegresse, ah-lai-gress, sf. joy, alacrity, mirth ; shouts of joy. A l'excontre, ah-Vang-lcongtr, ad. against ,- to the contrary, by. Alene, ah-layne, sf. awl, bodkin, pointed instrument to bore holes. Alerter, ahlainyai,sm. awl-maker ; sieve, bolter, searce. Alexois, ah-lai-moo-ah (vido obs. G, tab. &c), sm. garden-cresses. Alextir, ah-lang-teer, va. 2 r. to slacken, re- lax ; repress : make less quick. S'ai.entik. s' ah-lang-teer, vref. to slacken, relax, flag, neglect, be remiss, abate, languish. Alentour, ah-lang-loor, ad. around, round on every side, about. 23 ALT ALL Alentours, alt-lang-toore, smp. neighbor- hood ; places around ; friends ; courtiers ; inmates. Alepine, ah-lui-peen, sf. gall-nut ; silk and woollen stuff. Alerion, ah-lai-rynng, sm. spread eagle, without feet and beak. Alerte, ah-lertt, sf. sudden alarm ; warning of danger, watch, vigilance. Alerte, dA-lert, adj. alert, brisk, lively, vigi- lant, watchful. Alerte, ah-lert, ad. int. up, up 1 take care ! be upon the watch. Aleseu, ah-lai-zai, va. 1 r. to bore a cannon ; polish, Die. Alesoik, ahlaizoo-ar, sm. machine to bore cannons (vide obs. 6, tab. &c). Alestii:, ah-lees-teer, va. 2 r. to enlighten, ease, disburden, get rid of. Alette, ah-lelt, sf. small wing ; side ; jamb ; door post. Alevin, at-vaing, sm. young fry ; fish to stock a pond with. Aleviner, af-ve-nai, va. 1 r. to stock a pond with young fish. Alevjniek, al-ve-nyai, sm. small pond to breed fish. Aleu (franc), frangk-ahduh, sm. freehold; free tenure ; allodial lands. Alexandiun, -e, ahlffi-sanq-draing, dreen, adj. Alexandrine ; poetical measure of six feet. Alexiphar.miq.ue, ah-Jay-Jcse-far-mee7e, adj. alexipharmic, antidotal, driving away poison. Alezan, al-zang, sm. bayard, bay horse, sor- rel horse. Alezan, -e, al-zang, -n, adj. sorrel, cf a fawn color, bay. Aleze, ah-leyze, sf. small warm wrapper for sick persons ; small shelf. Alfange, al-fanghje, $/. species of lettuce planted in April. Algarade, al-ghah-rad, sf. insult, taunt, af- front, bravado. ALGEBRAiyuE, al-hjai-hrah-eek,adj. algebra- ical, relating to algebra. Algebue, al-hjayhr, sf. algebra, calculation by letters ; tiling difficult to comprehend. Algebriser, al-hjai-bree-zai, vn. 1 r. to study algebra ; speak or write upon algebra. Algebriste, al-hjai-breest, sm. algebraist, person acquainted with algebra. Algide, alhjeed, adj. f. algid, cold, chill, algific. Algitazil, al-gnn-ah-zeel, sm. alguazil, catch- pole ; bumbailiff. Algue, alg. sf. sea-weed, sea-grass washed ou the s:;nd. Alibi, ahlebc, sm. sing, alibi, absence from a place. Alibiforai>\ ah-le-he-fo-raing, sm. evasion, pretence, subterfuge. Alibile, ah-lebecl, adj. alible, nutritive, nu- tritious. Aliboron, ah-leho-mr.g, sm. ignoramus ; pretender, stupid ccr.ceited fellow, ass. Alichon, aJi-le-shortg, sm. mill dam, mill- cog ; cog, shelf. Alidade, a'.ile-dad, sf. quadrant, cross-staff, instrument 'A rr>2ns'irat;on and astronomy. Alienable, ah le-j/ai-nabl, adj. alienable, transferable, alterable. Alienation, ah-Uyainah-syong, sf. aliena- tion ; transfer, aversion ; madness, folly ; change, sale., -e, ah-le-yai-nai, -np. hade- winds. Aliter, ahde-tai, va. 1 r. to reduce •, confine to bed. S'aliter, s'ali-letai, vref. to keep file's bed ; go to bed, be bedrid. Ai.ite, -e, ah-le-tai, -e, adj. bedrid, confined to bed, in bed. Alkali, al-kah-le, sm. alkali, fe-mentive sub- stance ; fossil salt. Alkalisation, alkah-le zah-ryong, sf. alkii- lization, act of alkali/ati'ig. Alkaliser, al-kah-lezai, va. 1 r. to alkali - zate ; make alkaline. Alkerimes, al-kair-mess, sin. alkermes, con- fection of kermes be-ries. Allaises, ah-layze, sfp. railing, range of bars across a stream. Allaitement, ah-letl-mang, sm. lactation, giving suck. Allaiter, ah-lai tai, va. 1 r. to suckle, nurse at the breast, give suck. Allant, ah-lang, sm. goer, walker, visitor, rambler, active man. Allants, ah-tangh, smp. goers, ramblers, intruders, visitors ; vagabonds, beggars, rogues. Allant, -e, ah-lang, -t, adj. active, light, ready ; fond of gadding about. Allechement, ah-letthmang, sm. allure- ment, flattery, persuasion, seduction. Allecher, alt-lai-shai, va. 1 r. to allure, flat- ter, persuade, seduce. Allee, ah-laie, sf. alley, walk, entry, pas- sage ; going. Allees et venues, ahlaizai-vnve (vide ALL ALL obs. 4?, sfp. pains, steps, trouble taken in a transaction. Allegateur, ah-lai-ghah-tur, sm. alleger, affirraer, declarer. Allegation, ah-lai-ghah-nyong, sf. allega- tion, affirmation, declaration ; excuse, plea, defence. Allege, ah-layhjn, sf. lighter, tender, pon- ton ; prop, support, sill of a window, low wall. Allegeance, ah-lai-hjcmgss, sf. alleviation, comfort, relief; allegiance, lenity. Allege. me XT, ah-lahje-mang, sm. diminution of weight, alleviation, ease, relief. Alleger, ahlai-fijai, va. 1 r. to lighten, un- load, ease, relieve ; mitigate. ALLEGtR, an-iai-hjeer, va. 2 r. to lessen, un- load ; thin, diminish ; sharpen. Allegorie, al-lai-go-ree, sf. allegory, figu- rative discourse or picture ; fiction, image, figure, picture. Allegorique, al-lai-go-reel; adj. allegori- cal, figurative, imaginary. Allegoriquement, al-lai-go-reek-mang, ad. allegorically, after an allegoiieal manner. Allegoriser, al-lai-go-ree-zai, va. 1 r. to allegorize, turn into allegory, form aa alle- gory. Allegoriseur, al-laigo-reezur, sm. writer of bad allegories. Allegoriste, al-lai-go-reest, sm. allegorist, explainer of allegories. Allegre, al-laygc, adj. cheerful, gay, brisk, nimble, ready. Allegremext, al-lai-gruh-manj, ad. cheer- fully, briskly, readily. Allegresse, ah-tai-gress,, alacrity, mirth ; shouts of joy. Allegro, allai-gro, sm. quick, lively, gay, brisk tune or movement. Allegro, al-laigro, ad. briskly, lively, merrily, with spirit. Ai.leguer, allai-gai, va. 1 r. to allege, ad- vance, cite, quote ; produce. Alleluia, allai-leu-yah, sm. allelujah, praise God, holy exultation, shouts of joy ; sorrel. Allemand, al-mang, sm. German tongue, the German. Allemande, al-mangde, sf. allemande, dance ; slow music ; German woman. Aller. 1 irr. to go, be, march, set to, proceed ; conduce; fit; last. AVer h grands pas. to go very fast. Aller a (a cms, to grope along. Jl y va de voire vie, your life is at stake. Comment va votre sante? how is your health? Aller, ah-lai, sm. going, departure; resource; means; advantage ; expedient. Aller (S'e>"), ore/, to go, go away, go from ; be spent ; throw away; discard ; wear; run out ; melt ; evaporate, dissolve. Aller de (y), v. monop. to be concerned; be at stake. Aller (faire ex), comp. va. 4 irr. to take out ; hunt; drive, send away ; match. Aller (laisser), comp. va. lr. to give up, relinquish, let go. Aller a (se laisser), comp. vref. to yield, submit, give way to. Aller contke, on. to resist, oppose, forbid, prevent. Alleser, al-laizai, va. 1 r. to bore ; polish, file ; widen the bore of a cannon or gnn. Allesoir, aldai-zoo-ar ( vide obs. 6. tab. fcc), (2) sm. boring instrument ; piercer, borer, gimlet. Axled (franc), frangk-ahJuh, sm. freehold ; free tenure ; allodial lands. Alliage, ahlyahje, sm. allay or alloy, mixture, combination of metals". Alliance, ah-lyangsse, sf. alliance, connec- tion, union, mixture ; league, coalit Ai.i. ie, -e, ah-h/ai, -e, smf. ally, relation, con- federate, partner. Allie, -e, ah-lyai, -e, adj. related ; confeder- ate, united, allied. Allier, ah-h/ai, sm. net to catch birds, net for partridges, quails, HGKXEST,ah-l(mghje-mang,sm. addition- al length ; supplement ; delay, protraction. Allocable, ah-loo-abl, adj. allowable, law- ful, grantable. Alloue, ah-loo-ai, sm. judge of a district ; journeyman, unprivileged workman. Allouer, ah-loo-ai. va. I r. to allow, indem- nify ; admit ; grant ; pass in account. Allocvi, -e, ah-loo-ve, -e, adj. voracious, ravenous, greedy, insatiable. Alluchox, ah-leu-shong. sm. cog, tooth, catch of a wheel (vide obs. 4. tab. &c)., ah-leume, sf. firebrand, piece of wood kindled (vide obs. 4, tab. &c). Allumelle, ah-leu-mell, sf. blade of a knife, furnace (vide obs. 4, tab. &c). Allumer, ahleu-mai, va. 1 r. to kindle, light, inflame ; excite, raise, foment (vide obs. 4, tab. &c). S'allcmer, s'ah-leu-mai K vref. to kindle, break out ; be kindled, inflamed, take tire (vide obs. 4, tab.). Allcmette, ah leu-melt, sf. match, spunk, touchwood (vide obs. 4, tab. Ac). Allumeur, ah-leu-mur, sm. kindler, foment- er; incendiarv; lamp or candle lighter (vide obs. 4). Allure, ahleure, sf. gait, walk ; conduct, manner, way ; tread of a horse (vide obs. 4, tab.). Allusion*, ah-leu-zyong, sf. allusion, hint, implication ; indirect praise or blame. 25 ALT AMA Alluvion, al-leuvyong, sf. .alluvion, wash; accretion ; increase of land by the water- side. Almageste, al-mah-h jest, sm. almagest, very ancient collection of astronomical observ- ations. Almanach, al-mah-nali, sin. almanac, cal- endar. Almandine, al-mang-deen, sf. almandine, coarse ruby. Aloes, ah-loo-ess, sm. aloes, precious tree, perfume ; medicinal juice. Aloetique, ah-lo-ai-teeh; adj. aloetical, sweet scented. Alogie, ah-lo-hjee, sf. alogy, absurdity, im- pertinence, unreasonableness. Aloi, ahlo-ah, sm. alloy, standard ; quality; condition; abatement, diminution (vide obs. 6, tab. &c). Alors, ah-lor, ad. then, at that time; in that case ; therefore. Alose, ah-loze, sf. shad, kind of sea-fish com- ing up rivers. Aloser, ah-lo-zai, va. 1 r. to jrloze; flatter, wheedle, praise, extol, celebrate, magnify. Alouette, ah-loo-ett, sf. lark, small sing- ing bird. Alouette de mer, ah-loo-ctt-duh-maire, sf. sea-pie ; kind of fish. •* Alourdir, ah-loor deer, va. 2 r. to stupefy, hebetate ; make heavy. S'aloordik, s'ah-loor-deer, vref. to become heavy, dull, stupid, sottish. Alouvi, -e, ah-loo-ve, -e, adj. voracious, rav- enous, insatiable, wolfish. Aloyage, ah-loo-ah-yahje (vide obs. 6, tab. &c), sm. alloy, mixture, baser metal mixed in coinage. Aloyau, ah-Ioo-ah-yo, sm. sirloin of beef, short rib of beef (vide obs. 6, tab. &c). Aloyer, ah-loo-ah-yai, va. 1 r. to alloy, mix one metal with another, join; abate. Alpha, al-Jah, sm. first Greek letter ; be- ginning, commencement. Alphabet, al-fah-bay, sm. alphabet, letters, primer, horn-book, elements of speech, &c. Alphabetique, al-fah-bai-teek, adj. alpha- betical, according to the letters. Alphabetic* (jem en t, al-fah-bai-teek-mang, ad. alphabetically. Alpine, al-peen, adj. mountainous, hilly, belonging to the Alps. Alpiste, al-peest, sm. canary-seed, millet, canary-grass. Alpiou, al-pyoo, sm. stake, wager doubled at play. Ai.qcifoux, al-7ce-fooe, sm. blacklead, pot- ter's ore, sulphurate of lead. Alts ! alt, int. stop 1 hold ! enough! no more of that ! done ! Alter able, al-tai-rabl.adj. alterable, change- able, mendable. Alterant, -e, al-tai-rang, -f, adj. causing thirst ; producing changes, alterant. Alteratif, -ve, al-tai-rah-teef, -v, adj. al- terative, productive of a gradual change or operation. Alteration, al-lai-rah-sycmg, sf. alteration, adulteration, perversion, change, trouble, coolness ; counterfeit, diminution. Altercation, al-tttir-hahsyong, sf. dispute, contest, debate, controversy.' Altere,-e, al-tai-rai, -e, adj. thirsty; alter- ed, changed ; adulterated. 26 Altere, -e, al-tai-rai, -e, smf. greedy, cov- etous, griping miser. Alterer, al-tai-rai, va. 1 r. to alter, change, adulterate, debase ; pervert, corrupt, cause great thirst. S'altekeu, s'al-lai-rai, vref. to impair, cor- rupt oni's self; turn bad. Alternat, al-tair-nah, sm. alternacy, alter- nateness, action performed by turns. Alternatif, -ve, al-tair-nah-teef, -v, adj. alternate, reciprocal, mutual. Alternative, al-tair-nah-teece, sf. alterna- tive, option, choice. Alternativement, al-tair-nah-teev-mang, ad. alternately, reciprocally, by turns. Alterne. al-tairn, adj. altern, alternate, reciprocal, successive, acting by turns. Alterner, al-fair-m/i, va. and n. J r. to al- ternate, perform alternately; change things in turn. Alterquer, al-fair-kai, va. 1 r. to debate, dispute, contest, contend. Altesse, al-tess, sf. highness; title of princes; supremacy. Altiek, -e, aliyai, -re, adj. haughly, proud, lofty, arrogant. Altie;;e.\ient, al-tyayrc-mang, ad. proud- ly, haughtily, arrogantly ; with pride. Altimetre, al-te-maytr, sm. altimeter, quad- rant, cross-staff. Alti.metrie, al-le-mai-tree, sf. altimetry, mensuration of altitudes or heights. Altingat, al-taing-gah, sm. verdigris, rust of brass. Alude, ah-hude, sf. roan leather, colored sheep's leather (vide obs. 4, tab. &c). Aludel, ahleu-dell, sm. aludel, subliming pots. Alum or ALUX, ah-Iung, sm. alum, mineral salt, of an acid taste, sulphate of alumine. Alumelle, ah-leu-mell (vide obs. 4, tab.), sf. blade of a knife ; cassock without sleeves. Alumine, ah-ieu-meen, sf. pure clay, basis of alum. Alumiere, ah-leu-myayre (vide obs. 4, tab.), sf. alum mine, place where alum is wrought. Alumine ex, -se, ah-leu-rne-nuhe, -ze, adj. aluminous, consisting: of alum. Alunkr, ah-leu-nai, va. 1 r. to steep or dip in alum water (vide obs. 4. tab.). Alunii;re, ah-leu-nyayre, sf. alum manu- factory. Alveole, al-vai-ol, sf. socket of a tooth ; cell of a bee. Alvine, al-veen, sf. sea-wormwood, evacu- ation, discharge. Amabilite, ah-mah-be-le-tai, sf. amiability, loveliness, amiableness. Amadis, ah-maJi-deess, sm. end of a sleeve, cuff, ruffle ; shell. Amadote, ah-mahdott, sf. amadot, a pear. Amadou, ah-mah-dnoe, sm. tinder, spunk, touchwood, combustible fungus. Amadouement, ah-mah-dooe-mang,sm. cajo- lery, enticement, affected fondness. Amadouer, aJi-mah-doo-ai, va. 1 r. to flat- ter, caress, entice, wheedle, coax. Amadoueur, ah-mah-doo-ur, sin. flatterer, fawner, coaxer, tinder maker or dealer. Amaigri, -e, ah-mey-gre, -e, adj. wasting, lean, consumptive, emaciated. Amaigrir, ah mey-greer, va. 2 r. to make lean, diminish, lessen. AMB AME Amaigrir, ah-nifij-fjrcer, vn. 2 r to grow thin, lean, fall away. S'am.ugrir, s'dh-mty greer, vref. to dry up, shrink, diminish, waste, wither, pine away. Ahaigrissement, ah-iney-greess-mang, sm. emaciation, extenuation, waste, leanness, meagreness. Amalgamation, ah-mal-ghnh-mah-stjong, sf. amalgamation, compound, mixture. Amalgams, ah-mal-gham, cm. semi-metal, amalgam, metallic mixture ; union, mix- ture. Amalgamer, dh-mal-ghah-mai, va. 1 r. to amalgamate, conjoin, blend, mix. S'amalgamer, s'ah-mal-<]htth-mtii, vref. to unite, associate with, confederate. Amande, ah-mangde, sf. almond, kernel, su- gar-plum, piece of crystal cut like au al- mond. Amande, ali-mang-dai, sm. almond milk, drink made of pounded almonds and milk. Amandier, ah-mang-dyai, sm. almond-tree. Amant, -e, ahmcuig, -t, smf. lover, sweet- heart, suitor ; gallant, paramour. delaisse, ah-mang-dai-lai-sai, sm. lovelorn, forlorn. Amante delaissee, ah-mangle-dai-lai-saie, sf. lovelorn, forlorn. Amaranthe, ah-mah-rangte, sf. amaranth, love-dower. Amaranthe, ah-ma7i-rangle, adj. amaran- thine, of amaranth color. Amaeiner, uh-mah-re-nai, va. 1 r. to man a ship taken; inure, accustom to the ;e.i. S'amakiner, s'uh-mah-re-n'ii, vref. to use, inure, accustom one's self to the sea. Amarque, ah- mark, sf. sea-mark, buoy, bea- con. Amarrage, dh-mah-rahje, sm. anchorage, mooring anchors ; ship-duty paid for an- choring in a port. Amarke, ah-mar, sf. cable, rope, tackle to fasten a ship. Amaf.rer, ah-mah-rai, va. 1 r. to anchor, fasten, moor a ship. Axarres, ah-inakre, sfp. cheeks, side-posts of a wind-beam or crane. Am as, ah-maft, sm. heap, pile, mass, collec- tion, crowd, mob. AXASSER, ak-mah-sai, va. 1 r. to amass, ac- cnmulate, heap up ; assemble, collect ; gather, store up. EPavasser, s'ah-mah-sai, vref. to increase, pile up ; meet, collect, associate, join. AmaSSETTE, ah-mah-sett, sf. scraper, spatula, spattle, painter's knife. Amateloter, ah-viatt-lo-tai, va. 1 r. to di- vide a ship's crew, alternate sailors, give each sailor a mate. S'amateloter, s'ah-matt-ln-tai, vref. to as- sociate, unite to, clear uncultivated lands. Amateur, -trice, ah-mah-tur, -ireece, smf. lover, admirer, virtuoso. Amatir, ah-mah-teer, va. 2 r. to deaden, dull, unpolish gold or silver. AMAUROSE, ah-mo-roze, sf. amaurosis, dim- ness of sight., (di-mah-znne, sf Amazon; warlike woman ; virago ; yellow parrot. Ambages, ang-bah-njess, sfp. ambages, pre- amble, circumlocution ; idle words, multi- plicity of words. Ambassade, av.g-bah-sad, sf. embassy; er- rand, message. Ambassadeur, ang-bah-sah-dur, sm. ambas- sador, envoy, deputy ; messenger. Ambassadrice, ang-bah-aah-drefve, sf. am- bassadress ; woman sent on a message. Ambesas, angb-zahss, sm. ambs-ace, double ace, aces, two aces. Ambiant, -e, ang-be-ang, -t, adj. ambient, surrounding, encompassing. Ambidextre, ang-be-dekfttr, s. anil adj. am- bidexter, ambidextrous ; double dealer, double dealing. Ambigu, ang-be-gu, sm. medley of dishes ; mixture ; olio, game at cards. Ambigu, -e, ang-be-i/u, -e, adj. ambiguous, doubtful, equivocal ; having two mean- ings. • Ambigcite, ang-be-gu-elai, sf. ambiguity, equivocation, doubtfulness ; duplicity of signification. AmbigiJment, ang-be-geu-mang, adj. ambig- uously, doubtfully. Ambitieusement, ang-be-st/uhzf-mang, ad. ambitiously, ostentatiously, pompously. Ambitieux, -se, aiig-be-syvhe, -ze, adj. am- bitious, ostentatious, covetous, greedy; high-minded. Ambition, ang-be-syong, sf. ambition, great desire, pride, emulation. Ambitionner, ang-'je-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to desire, seek, covet eagerly ; affect ; be am- bitious. Amble, amgbl, sm. amble, easy pace ; dainty walk. Ambler, ang-blai. vn. 1 r. to amble ; pace; move easily ; walk daintily. Ambleur, anff-bhtr, sm. officer of the king's stables; ambler, pacer. Ambre, ang-hr, sm. amber, sort of yellow gummy substance. Amdrer, ang-brui, va. 1 r. to perfume with ambergris. Akerette, ang-brett, sf. purple-sweet sultan; musk -pear ; amber-seed ; lnusk-majlows. Ambroisie, ar-g-broo-ah-zee, sf. ambrosia: exquisite food ; oak of Jerusalem ; food of the gods. Ambroisien,-ne, ang-hroo-ah-ssyaing,-syenn. adj. ainbrosian, exquisite, delicious. Ambulant, ang-tieu-lang, sm. exciseman ; tide-waiter ; stroller (vide obs. 4, tab.). Ambulant, -e, ang-beu-iang, -t, adj. roving, strolling, wandering, (vide obs. 4, tab.). Amoulatoire. ang-beu-lah-too-ar, adj. am- bulatory: fickle; wavering ; changeable. Ame, ahm, sf. soul, mind, spirit, ghost, life; heart ; breast ; conscience : person ; people. _ Bendre I'&me, to give up the ghost. Ame, ahm, sf. bore; valve ; sounding-board; motto, emblem ; small wood in the middle of a fagot. Ame, -e, ah-mai, -e, adj. well-beloved (term used in chancery). Amelioration, ah-mai-lyn-rah-syong, sf. melioration, improvement, amendment, advancement. Ameliorer, ali-uuii-h/o-rai, va. 1 r. to me- liorate, better, mend; improve; reform, S'ameliorer, a^ah-mai-lyn-rai, vref. to mend ; reform ; grow better. Ameliorissement, ah -ii:' i i-lyo-reess-nxmff, sm. improvement, amendment ; reform- ation. A-mkme. ah-meyme, ad. in one's power ; at one's option or choice. AMI AMO Amen, ah-menn, am. so be it ; so it is ; end. Amen a (dip.E), deer-ah-menn, v. 4 irr. to consent, agree, approve. Amen (jcsuu'a), hjeas-kah-ah-menn, ad. to the end. Amenagement, ah-mai-nahje-mang, ftrn. sale, retail ; partition, division of wood for fuel or building. Amenager, ah-mai-nah-hjai, ?'«. 1 r. tore- tail, sell wood for fuel, or timber for build- ing. Amendable, ah-mang-dahJ, adj. mendable, reparable ; corrigible ; finable. Amende, ah-mangd,sf. flue, penalty; mulct; forfeit. Amende honorable, ah-mangde-o-rto-rabl, sf. reparation of honor; public acknowl- edgment of injury. Amen dement, ah-mangd-mang, sm. amend- ment, improvement ; modification; reform; manure. Amender, ah-mang-dai, va. 1 r. to amend, correct, rectify, meliorate ; fine; manure. S'amender, s'ah-mang-dai, vref. to improve; reform ; grow better ; correct one's self. Amene, ah-muh-nai, sm. summons, call of authority ; citation ; order to appecr. Amener, ah-muh-nai. va. 1 r. to bring, con- duct ; introduce ; cause ; induce ; yield, bring to. Amenite, ah-mai-netai, sf. amenity ; pleas- antness ; agreeableness. Amenite de caractere, — dnhkah-rak- laire, sf. sweetness, mildness, gentleness of disposition. Amenite de style, — duh-steel, sf. fiorid- ness, elegance of style. Amenuiser, ah-mai-neu-ee-zai, va. 1 r. to plane, diminish, lessen, thin, reduce. Amer, ah-mair, sm. gall, bitterness; bitter remedies, bitters. Amer, -e, ah-mayr, -e, adj. bitter; cruel; severe; painful, grievous, calamitous; sa- tirical ; hurtful. Amerement, ah- may r- man (j, ad. bitterly, painfully, grievously, cruelly, severely, calamitously, satirically. Amers, ah-mayre, snip, beacon, sea-marks, light-house. Amertume, ah-mayre-leume, sf. bitterness, affliction; malice, hatred ; severity; satire. Ametiiyste,, sf. amethyst ; sm. humming-bird, sort of colibri. Ameublement, ah-muhbl-mang, sm. furni- ture ; goods ; movables. Ameitblir, ah-muhe-bleer, va. 2 r. to con- vert into movables, to stock a farm. Ameublissement, aJi-muhe-bleess-mang, sm. conversion into movables, stock. Ameulonner, ah-muhe-lo-nai, ra. 1 r. to stack, heap, pile up corn, hay, &c. Ameutement, ah-muhte-mang, sm. mob, se- dition, crowd, popular commotion ; pack of hounds. Ameuter, ah-muhe-tai, ra. 1 r. to raise, col- lect, stir, excite a mob; forma pack of hounds. S'amkuter, s'ah-muhr-fai, vref. to assemble, collect, crowd ; conspire ; riot. Ami, -e, ah-me, smf. friend ; well-wisher ; sweetheart ; companion. Ami, -e, ah-mr, -e. adj. friendly ; propitious; favorable, kind, courteous ; salutary ; beneficent. 28 A-mi, ah-me, ad. amid, half, in the middle, amidst. Amiable, ah-myabl, a> - hjeek, adj. amphibological, doubtful, obscure, ambig- uous, homonymous. Amthibologiquement, ang - fe -bo -lo - hjeelc- mang, ad. amphibologically, doubtfully, ambiguously. Amphigouri, ang-fe-goo-re, sm. nonsense; foolish discourse ; trifles ; absurdity. Amphigourique, ang-fe-goo-reek, adj. bur- lesque, nonsensical ; unmeaning ; foolish ; obscure ; affected. Amphitheatre, ang-fe-tai-ahtr, am. amphi- theatre; first gallery, place with circular seats above one another. Amphore, ang for, sf. vase with two handles, ansated vase ; measure of liquids. Ample, angpl, adj. ample, long, wide ; dif- fuse ; full; spacious, capacious, extensive. Amplement, ang-pluh-mang, ad. amply, ful- ly, widely, largely ; diffusively ; liberally. Ampleur, ang-plur, sf. ampleness, fulness, width ; length ; size ; extent. Ampliatif, -ve, ana -pie -yah -teef -r, adj. complicating, extending, enlarging, in- creasing, adding. Ampliation, ang-ple-yah-si/ong, sf. amplia- tion, enlargement ; duplicate, exaggera- tion ; adjournment. Amplier, ang-pJe-yai, va. 1 r. to ampliate ; enlarge ; extend ; adjourn ; delay ; exag- gerate ; defer. Ajiplificateur, ang-ple-fe-lmli-tur, sm. am- plifier, enlarger; diffuse writer. Amplification, ang-ple-fe-kah-syong, sf. amplification, exegesis, extension, enlarge- ment, diffusedness. Amplifier, ang-ple-fyai, va. \r. to ampli- fy, diffuse, extend, increase, enlarge, ex- aggerate. Amplitude, ang -ple-lende, sf. amplitude, horizontal extent ; width, size, greatness ; abup dance. Ampoule, ang-pnoU, sf. bubble, blister, ves- sel ; pustule ; vial. Ampoule, -e, ang-poo-lai, -e^adj. bombastic ; swelled up ; high-flown; pedantic. Ampoulette, ang-pon-lett, sf. hour-glass on board of a ship ; stick of a sky-rocket ; peg. Amputation, ang-peu-tah-syong, sf. amputa- tion, cutting off, separation (vide obs. 4). Amputer, ang-peu-tai, va. 1 r. to amputate, cut off; lop, prune; chop off (vide obs. 4). Amulette, ah-meu-lett, sf. amulet ; charm ; talisman ; spell (vide obs. 4, tab.). AMUNITIONNER, ah-men-ne-syo-nai, ra. lr. to victual, provide, store with provisions. Amure, ah-meure, sf. fastening, rope ; string, cord. Amurer, ah-meii-rai, va. 1 r. to moor ; tie, fasten ; stretch a rope, cable, &OGYNE,ang-dro-7ijeen. adj. androgynal, hcnnaphroditical, partaking of both sexes. Androide, ang-dro-eed, sm. automaton ; _ moving and speaking machine. Ane, ahnn, ,i nah-leest, sm. annalist, writer of annals, chronicles, &c. Annate, ah-natt, sf. annats, first fruits, first year's revenue paid to the pope by a new beneficiary. Anneau, -x, p. ah-no, -nop, am. ring, curl of hair ; measure of fire-wood. ANNEE, ah-iuiie, sf. year, twelvemonth (an- nee expresses a continuation of time). 32 Annee bissextile, ah-naie-be-seks-teel, sf. leap-year. See An. Annele, ann-lai, sm. serpent with black rings. Anneler, ann-lai, va. 1 r. to curl the hair; ring a hog. Annelet, ann-lai, sm. annulet, little ring, circle of gold or silver, thin wire. Annf.lure, aiiii-lruip, sf. hair dressed in curls ; curling of hair (vide obs. 4). Annexe, an-neks, sf. annexation, union ; conjunction ; chapel of ease. Annexer, an-neks-sui, va. 1 r. to annex, conjoin, unite. Annexion, an -neks -syong, sf. annexion, union, annexment. Annihilation, an-ne-e-lah-syong, sf. annihi- lation, destruction, perdition, nothingness. Annihiler, an-ne-e-lai, va. 1 r. to annihi- late, annul, destroy, reduce to nothingness. Anniversaire. ak-ne-iair-sayr, sm. anni- versary, yearly return of a particular day. Anniversaire, ah-rie-vair-eayr, adj. anni- versary, annual, yearly, returning every year. Annonce, ah-nongss, sf. advertisement; no- tice of a play ; banns of marriage. Annoncer, ak-nuiig-sai, va. 1 r. to announce, publish, proclaim, foretell, make known, give out the play. Annonceur, ah-nonrj-sur, sm. advertiser, publisher, proclaimer ; comedian giving out the play. Annonciade, ahnnng-syad, sf. annunciad ; military order ; religious order. Annonciation, ah-nong-sya-syong, sf. an- nunciation, lady-day. Annotateur, an-no-'tah-tur, sm. annotator, commentator; writer of notes. Annotation, an-no-tah-si/ong, sf. annotation, explication, note ; inventory. Annoter, an-no-tai, va. 1 r. to note, date, make a list of; describe goods seized, dis- trained. Annuaire, an-neu-ayr, sm. almanac; cal- endar; yearly publication (vide obs. -11. Annuel, -le, an-neu-ell, adj. annual, yearly, every year (vide obs. -1). Annuellement, an-neu-ell-mang, ad. annu- ally, yearly, every year (vide obs. 4). A^nuite. an-neu-e-tai, sf. annuity, yearly rent, yearly income ; allowance ; payment for life. Annulaire, an neu-iayre, adj. annular, an- nulary, like a ring (vide obs. 4, tab. &c). Annexation, an-neu-lahsydng, sf. abroga- tion, revocation, repeal, rescission of an act (vide obs. 4). Annuler, an-neu-lai, va. 1 r. to annul, re- peal, revoke, invalidate, break off, make void (vide obs. 4). Anoelir, ah-no-bleer, za. 2 r. to ennoble, raise to nobility, aggrandize, elevate, make famous. ANonLissEMENT, ah-no-hlerss-mang, sm. en- noblement, rank of nobility ; elevation, dignity, exaltation. ANOOIN, -E, alt-no-daing, m. -deen, f. adj. anodyne, mitigant, lenitive, assuasive; sin. (fig.) sweetener. Anoie, ah-noo-ah, sf. idiocy. Asomal, -e, -aux, m.p. ah no-mal, -moe, m.p. adj. anomalous, irregular, deviating from rules. ANT ANT Anom.iLIE, ah-nn-ma/t-lrc, sf. anomaly, ir- regularity, deviation from rule. Anon, ah-nong, sm. foal of an ass, heavy, dull, stupid boy ; dolt. Anonnement, dh-nnn-mang, sm. hesitation (in reading), stammering, misreading, blunder of words. Anonnek, itli-no-iHU, ru. 1 r. to read, speak with hesitation, stutter, falter; foal, bring forth a foal. Anonyme, ah-no-neem, sm. anonymous, un- named author, person, ifcc. Anonyme, ah-no-neem, adj. anonymous, unnamed, nameless. Anse, a?ig*e, sf. handle, ear (of a pot, bas- ket, X.c.) ; creek ; oval arch. Anseatwe, ang-sai-ah-teek, adj. hanse (united in commerce). Anseatiques (TlLf.ES), veel-zang-sai-ah-teek, sfp. hanse towns. Anser, ang-sai, no. 1 r. to put a handle to. Ansette, ang-sett, sf. small handle, small ring. Antagonistic, ang-tah-go-neensm, sm. an- tagonism. AntagOniste, ang-tah-go-neest, sm/. antag- onist, opponent, adversary ; enemy. Antarctio.ce, ang-tark-teek, adj. antarctic, of the southern pole. Antecedemment, ang-tai-saidah-mang, ad. antecedently, previously, before. Antecedence, ang-tai-sai-dangss, sf. ante- cedence, priority. Antecedent, -e, ang-tai-sai-dang, -t, smf. and adj. antecedent ; prior, preceding, foregoing. Antecesseur, ang-tai-sess-sur, sm. anteces- sor; leader ; professor of civil law. Antechrist, ang-tai-kree, sm. Antichrist, false prophet. Anteciens, angtai-syaing, snip, antoeci, inhabitants equidistant from the equator, under the same meridian, in opposite zones. Antediluvien, -ne, ang-tai-de-leu-i-yaing, -vyenn, adj. antediluvian, prior to the del- uge. Antenne, ang tenn, sf. sail-yard ; pole of the sail. Antennes, ang-tenne, sfp. feelers ; horns or antenna? of insects. Antefenultiem e, ang - tai - pai - neuJ - tyem, adj. preceding the last but two (vide obs. 4, tab.). AnterieuR, -e, ang-iai-ryur, -e, adj. ante- rior, prior, former, previous, fore. Anterieurement, ana-tai-ryur-mang, ad. anteriorly, before, previously. Anteriorite, ang-tai-ryo-re-iai, sf. ante- riority, priority, previousness. Antes, angle, smp. pilasters, square columns placed in front of edifices. Anthologie, ung-to-lo-Jijee, sf. anthology, collection of select fragments of poetry, flowers. Anthrax, ang-traks, sm. anthrax, scab or blotch (burning the skin) ; butterfly. Anthropologie, ang-tro-polo-hjee, sf. an- thropology ; doctrine of anatomy ; ethics ; humanity joined with divinity. AHTHROPOPHAGES, an-tro -po-fahje, 8ttlf. an- thropophagi, man-eaters, cannibals, mons- ters of cruelty. Anthuoi'oi'uagie, anq-tro-po-fah-hjee, sf. (2*J anthropophagy, eating of human flesh, extreme cruelly. Anti, angle, pr. against, before, contrary to ; much used in composition. Anticbaubre, ang-te-shanghr, sf. antecham- ber ; vestibule ; lobby, hall. Antichresis, ang-te-hrtyze, sf. antichresis; mortgage. Antichretien, -ne, ang-te-krai-tyaing, -tyenn, adj. autiehrisiian ; contrary to Christianity. Antichristianisme, ang - te - kream ■ te - ah- neessm, sm. antichristianism ; opposition to Christianity. Anticipation, ang-ie-se-pahsyong, sf. anti- cipation, foretaste ; antecedence ; usurpa- tion. Anticiper, ang-tee-se-pai, ra. 1 r. to anti- cipate, forestate, forestall, prevent ; go be- fore. Anticiper sur, ang-teesepai-seitre, rn. 1 r. to encroach upon ; usurp ; antedate ; in- vade. Anticceur, ang-te-kur, sm. anticor ; pre- ternatural swelling opposite to the heart of a horse. Antidate, ang-te-datt, sf. antedate, date ear- lier than the real time. Antidater, ang-te-dah-tai, va. 1 r. to ante- date, date something before the real time. Aktidotaihe, ang-tee-do-iayre, sm. dispens- atory ; pharmacopoeia ; collection of re- cipes or medical prescriptions. Antidote, ang-te-dott, sm. antidote; counter- poison ; preventive. Antienne, ang-tyenn, sf. anthem ; holy song, hymn. Antifebrile, ang-te-fai-breel, sm. and adj. antifebrile; febrifuge; good against fevers. Antilogie, ang-te-lo-hjee, sf. antilogy; con- tradiction, inconsistency, incongruity. Anti.moine, ang-te-moo-ahnn, sm. antimony, mineral substance of a metallic nature. Antimonarchique, ang -te -vio-nar -sheek, adj. antimonarchical ; against single su- premacy. Antimonial, -e, ang-te-mo-nyal, adj. anti- monial ; made of antimony. Antinephretique, ang-le-nai-fraiieek, adj. antinephritic, good against diseases of the reins and kidneys. Antinomie, ang-te-vo-mee, sf. antinomy; ap- parent or true contradiction between two laws. Antipape, ang -te -pap, sm. antipope ; usur- per of the popedom ; enemy to popery. Antipathie, ang-te-pah-tee, sf antipathy, involuntary aversion ; dislike, hatred. Antipathique, ang-te-pahteek, adj. antipa- thetical, opposite, repugnant, contrary, averse. Antiperistase, avg-te-pai-re sfahze, sf. anti- peristasis; opposite; of a contrary quality. Antipestilentiel, -LE, ang-tepes-te-lang syel, -1, adj. antipestilential ; efficacious against the plague. Antiphonaire, ang-te-fo-nayre, sm. anthem- book ; book of hymns set to music. Antipuonier, aug-te-fo-nyui, am. anthem- book ; book of hymns. Antiphrase, ang-le-fi'ahze, sf. antiphrasis ; opposite meaning of words ; irony. Antii'HRASER, ang-te-frah-zui, vn. 1 r. to speak or write ungrammatically. 33 APA APL Antipode, ang-te-pod, sm. antipode ; contra- diction ; diametrical opposition. Antipodes, ang-te-podde, smp. antipodes ; people living ou the diametrical side of the globe. Antiptose, ang-te-ptoze, sf. antiptosis, po- sition of one case for another. Antiquaille, ang-te.-kah-yuh, sf. antique; ancient remain ; antiquity. Antiquailles, aug-te-kah-yuhe, sfp. old stuff; rubbish ; pieces of no value. Antiquaire, ang-tt-hai/re, sm. antiquary; virtuoso ; lover or studier of antiquity. Antique, ang-teek, sm/. antique; ancient monument, statue, picture, &c. Antique, ang-leek, ad), antique, ancient, old, advanced in years. A l'antique, ah-l'ang-teek, ad. after the manner of the ancients ; after the old way. Antiquite, ang-te-ke-tai, sf. antiquity ; old times ; remains of old times ; old age. Antisciens, ang -te-syaing, smp. antceci (vide Anteciens). Antiscorbutique, ang-te-scor-be.nteek, adj. antiscorbutic ; good against the scurvy. Antispasmodique, aug-tespahss-mo-deek, adj. antispasmodic. Antistrophe, ang-testroff, sf. antistrophe ; responsive ode ; the second of every third stanza. Antithese, ang-te-teyze, sf. antithesis; op- position, contrast, transposition of letters, &c. Antithetique, ang-te-tai-teek, adj. antithet- ical, full of antitheses. Antoiser, ang-too-ah zai, va. 1 r. to pile up dung ; make a dunghill. Antonomase, ungtono-mahze, sf. antono- masia ; name of profession used for a prop- er name, and vice versa. Antke, a.ngtr, sin. autre, cavern, den, cave, cavity ; grotto, groove. S'anuiteu, s'ahneu-etai, vref. 1 r. to be benighted, surprised with the coming on of the night. Anus, ah-neuss, sm. anus, fundament ; ori- fice of the rectum (vide obs. 4, tab.). Anxiete, ang-kseyai-iai, sf. anxiety, troub- le, solicitude, perplexity, great uneasi- ness. Aoriste, o-reest, sm. aorist; perfect inde- finite in the Greek language. Aorte, ah-orte, sf. aorta ; great artery rising out of the left ventricle of the heart. AoOt, ooe, sm. August ; harvest ; harvest- time. AoOte, -e, ah-ooe-(ai, -e, adj. ripened by the heat (in August). AoOter, ah-ooe-tai, va. 1 r. to ripen by the sun (in August). AoOteron, ahoote-ronq, sm. reaper; har- vester ; worker at the harvest. Apaiser, ah-pai-zai, va. 1 r. to appease, quiet, assuage, compose ; pacify, reconcile. S'apaiser, s'ahpai-zai, vref. to calm ; soft- en ; lessen ; become easy, pacified. Apanage, ah-pah-nahje, sm. appanage; ap- pendix ; appendage ; consequence. Apanager, ah-pah-nah-hjai, va. 1 r. to por- tion ; endow with an appanage. Apanagiste, ali-pah nah-hjeest, sm. posses- sor of an appanage. A -part, ah-par, ad. apart ; separately, dis- tinctly ; aside ; at a distance. 34 Aparte, ah-par-tai, sm. apart ; soliloquy - t speech supposed not to be heard. Apathie, ah-pah-tee, sf. apathy ; insensibil- ity, exemption from passion. Apathique, ah-pah-teek, adj. insensible, void of feeling, emotion, or passion. Apepsie, ah-pai-psec, sf. apepsy, indigestion, loss of natural concoction. Apercevable, ah-pair-suh-vabl, adj. per- ceivable, perceptible, observable, Apercevoir, ah-pair-xuh-voo-ar, va. 3 r. to perceive, discover, observe, remark, com- prehend, descry, spy out. S'apercevoir, s'ah-pair-siJi-roo-ar, vref. to observe, find out, see, perceive, discover, understand. Apercu, ah-pair-seu, sm. summary; sketch, outline, note, observation, compendium, abridgment (vide obs. 4, tab.). Aperitif, -ve, ah-pai-re-teef, -e y adj. aperi- tive, aperient, gently purgative, opening, promoting secretions. Apetale, ah-pai-tahll, adj. apetalous ; with- out petal. Apetissement, ap teesx-mang, sm. curtail- ment, diminution, contraction of distant objects. Apetisser, ap-te-sai, va. 1 r. to shorten, di- ^ minish, lessen, contract, shrink, curtail. S'apetisser, s'ap-te-sai, vref. to shrink, di- minish, shrivel, contract itself, become short or less. A-peu-pres, ali-pidie-prey, sm. approxima- tion, approach, nearness ; ad. nearly, al- most. Aphelie, ah-faidee, sf. aphelion ; remotest distance of the orbit of a planet from the sun. Apherese, ah-fai-rei/ze, sf. aplwresis, cut- ting off of the first letter or syllable of a word ; amputation. Aphonie, ah-fo-nee, sf. aphony, loss of voice or speech. Aphorisme, ah-fo-reessm, sm. aphorism, maxim, proverb, general proposition. Aphronatron, ali-fro-nah trong, sm. mu- riatic salt, carbonate of soda. Aphronitre, ah-fro-neetr, sm. saltpetre, vol- atile salt, soda. Aphtes, afte, smp. sores or pustules in the mouth. Api, ah-pe, sm. api, small delicate apple (white and red) ; small salad, smallage. A pic, all-peek, ad. apeak, perpendicularly, in an upright position. Cote a pic, a bold shore. Apiquer, ah-pedcai, va. 1 r. to raise, set up, erect perpendicularly. Apitoyer, ah-pe-ton-ah-yai, va. 1 r. to ex- cite pity, compassion ; affect, move. S'apitoyer, s'ah-]>e-ioo-ali-yai, vref. to com- miserate, pity, be moved, affected, com- passionate. Aplanir, ah-plah-neer, va. 2 r. to plane, smooth, level ; raise, remove difficulties or obstacles. S'aplanir, s'ah-plali-neer, vref. to flatten, become smooth, even, easy. Aplanissemest, ali-plah-neess-martg, sm. plainness, flatness, smoothness, level, re- moval. Aplatir, ahplah-teer. va. 2 r. to flatten, beat down, level ; dull, depress, sink, press down. APO APP S'aplatir, s , ak-plah-teer, vref. to sink down, lhitten ; become flat, dull, insipid. Apt atissement, ah-plah-teess-mang, sm. de- pisssion, flatness; insipidity, dulness. Aplatisseur, a/i-plah-te -sur, sm. flatter (person). Aplatissoir, ah-plah (e-soo-ar, sm. flatter (thing). Aplets, ah-pley, strip, herring-nets. Aplomb, an-pkmg. sm. perpendicular, up- right direction, perpendicular position. Aplomb (AVOIR de l"), v.aux. to stand up- right, firm ; to conduct one's self with pro- priety, decency. Apkbe, ap-naie,s/L shortness of breath, want of respiration. Apocalypse, ak - po - 7,-nJi - leepss, .'/.apoca- lypse; mysteiy; sacred allegory; St. John's Revelation. Apocalyptiqie, ah -po - 7iah ■ Jeep ■ tee!:, adj. apocalyptical, mystical, prophetic. Apocope, ah-po-hop, sf. apocope ; elision of the last letter or syllable ; fracture. Apockyphe, ah-po-kreef, adj. apocryphal, concealed, unknown, suspicious, doubtful. Apodictique, ah-po-deek teek, adj. apodicti- cal, demonstrative, evident. Apogee, ah-po-ltjaie, sm. apogfron, apogee ; greatest distance of a planet from the earth. Apographs, ali-po-graff, sm. transcript, copy; description; image, representation. Apollo.vies,, sf. feasts conse- crated to Apollo. -POLogetique, a7i-podo-7ijai-feek, adj. apo- logetical, defensive, palliative; extenua- ting. Apologie, a7t-po-lo-7tjee, sf. apology, de- fence, excuse, justification, eulogy, praise, commendation. Apologiste, ah-podo-hjeest, sm. apologist, defender, vindicator, advocate, praiser. Apologue, ah-po-log, sm. apologue, moral fable or story ; allegory, emblem. Apomecometrie, ahpo-maiko-maitree, sf. apomecometry, mensuration of distant ob- jects. Apophthegme, dh-poff-tegmra, sm. apoph- thegm, proverb, saving, maxim, leading truth. ApophyGE, ah-po-feclij, sf. apophyge ; apo- thesis. Apophyse, ah-po-feez, sf. apophysis ; pro- cess. Apoplectique, ah-po-pleck-teek, adj. apo- plectic, of apoplexy. Apoplexie, ah-po-pJer7i-see, sf. apoplexy, stupefaction, insensibility, sudden depriva- tion of the faculties. Apostasie, ah-poa-tah-zee, sf. apostasy, re- nunciation, defection; escape from a con- vent. Apostasier, a7ipos4a7i zi/at, vn: 1 r. to apos- tatize, renounce, forsake one's religion ; desert a party. Apostat. ah-pos-tdh, sm. and adj. apostate; renegade, forsaker of religion; revolter; deserter ; apostatical. Aposteme, cih-po.t-teyme, sm. aposteme. im- posthume, tumor, abscess, hollow swelling. Aposter, ah-pos-tai, ra. 1 r. to post, place, station, appoint, fix, direct spies, &c. Apostillateur, ah-pos-te-f/ali-tur, sin. anno- tator ; expositor, commentator, writer of notes, (fcc. Apostille, ah-pos-te-yuh, sf. marginal note, remark, critical observation, annotation, postscript. Apostiller, ah-pos-te-i/ni, va. 1 r. to com- ment, annotate, expound, explain, write notes, a postscript. Apostolat, ah-pos-to-lah, sm. apostleship, apostolical office, dignity, ministry. Apostolique, ahpos-iodeek, adj. apostolical, conform to the doctrine of the apostles, de- livered by the apostles. A L' APOSTOLIQUE, ah - i 'a7i - pas - to - lec7c , ad. apostolically, holily ; in the manner of the apostles. Apostoliquemext, ah-poa-to-leek-mang , ad. apostolically ; in the manner of the apostles. Apostrophe, ah-po-stroff, sf. apostrophe; insult, reproof, censure ; diversion of speech ; mark of a contraction ; elision of a vowel. Aposti:opher, ah-po-stro-fai, va. 1 r. to apos- trophize ; accost ; address ; reprove ; ceu- sure ; insult ; affront. Apostropher d'ux souflet, ah-po-stro-fai- dnng-soo-flay, -vretr, va. 'lr. to impov- erish, beggar, deprive, exhaust, diminish, reduce ; make poor, S' APPAUVRIR, s'ahpovreer, vref. to impov- erish, reduce, exhaust one's self; decay : get poor. Appauviussement, rih-po-vreess-Tnang, sm. impoverishment ; diminution, waste, decay. Afpealt, ah-po, sm. bird-call ; call, whistle; quail-pipe ; decoy-bird. Appel, ah-pel, sin. appeal, citation, call, challenge, cartel ; assemblage, muster. Appelant, -e, uh-plang, -t, smf. appellant, claimant ; summoner, challenger. Appeler, ah-plai. va. lr. to name, call, muster, beckon, fetch, send for, invite, in- voke, challenge, appeal. S'appeler, s'ah-plai, rref. to be called, named ; call one's self; one's name be. Appellatif, -ye, ah-pel-lah-teef, -v, adj. ap- pellative, generic ; common to the same kind or species. Appellation, ah-pel-lah-syong, sf. appella- tion, appeal, summons ; name, utterance of single letters. Appendice, ah-paing-.deess, sm. appendix, supplement ; adjunct, concomitant. Appendre, ah-pang-dr, va. 4r. to append, attach, tie, suspend, hang up ; add a sup- plement. Appentis, ah-pang -tee, sm. shed, pent- house ; temporary shelter for cattle or carts, &.C. Appercevable, ah pair-suh-vahl, adj. per- ceivable, perceptible, observable. Apfesantir, ah-puh-zang-teer, va. 2 r. to stupefy, dull, hebetate,' besot ; overweigh, overload, preponderate; make heavy. S'appesantir, s\ih -pith - zang - teer, rref to grow dull, stupid, indolent ; be made heavy. S'appesantir sur, s'ah-pv.h-zang-tee.r, vrej. to insist upon, dwell, comment at large. Appesantissement, ah-puh-zang-teess-mang, sm. heaviness, dejection of mind ; afflic- tion ; depression of spirits. Appetence, ah-pai-tangse, sf. appetence, earnest desire, eagerness to obtain or enjoy. Appeter, ah-pai-tai, va. 1 r. to desire, covet earnestly ; aim at, aspire to ; attempt ; draw near. Appetibilite, ahpai-tc-bcde-tai, sf. appeti- bility, desironsness. Appetible, ah-pai-teebl, adj. appetible, de- sirable, wished with earnestness. Appetis, uh-pai-tce, smp. chives, small onions. APP APP Apfetissa.vt, -e, ah-pai-tesang, -t, adj. rel- i s 1 1 i 1 1 ;jt , provocative; desirable, charming, lovely. Appetit, ah-pai-tee, sm. appetite ; keenness of stomach, violent longing; avidity; in- clination ; affection. A i/.wtki'it DE, ah-Vah-pai-tee, ad, expr. through a desire of, ifcc. APPETITIF, -VE, uh-pal te-terf -v, adj. appe- titive, desirable, coticupiscible, impressing desire. APPETITIOW, aJi-pai-te-syong, sf. appetitiou, desire, appetency, concupiscence; Aipietrir (S'), s'uh-pyai-trecr, vref. 2r. to fade, weir away; grow worse, get worse and worse ; lose its lustre. Applaudir, ah /doe-deer, va. 2 r. to applaud, commend, praise, clap hands ; approve. S'applaudir, s'ali'ploe-deer, are/, to glory, boast, be proud of one's self. Applaudir a, ah-ploe-dqer, va. 2 r. to con- gratulate, felicitate, approve. S'applaudir DE, s'ali-ploe-deer, vref. to re- joice, exult, be glad ; hug one's self. Applaudissement, aK-ploe-deess-mang, sm. applause, plaudit, approbation of pleasure. Applacdisseur, ak-ploe-de-sur, sm. applaud- er. commender, praiser, extoller. Applicable a, ahplekuhl, adj. applicable, suitable, agreeable. Application, ah-ple-hah-syong , sf applica- tion, intenseness of thought ; close study, attention, meditation. Applique, ah-pleek, sf. ornament of precious stones to set off another ; hinge, groove, inlay ; art of inlaying. Appliquf.R, ah-ple-kai, va. 1 r. to apply, lay on, fit, adapt ; give, bestow, devote, set to ; keep at ; have recourse to. S'applio/jer. s'ah-ple-kai, vref. to appro- priate, attribute, take to one's self; study, ply, fix ihe mind upon. Appoint, ah-poo-aing, sm. change ; over- plus ; remainder (paid in silver or pence). Afpointement, ah-po-i-aingte-mang, sm. ap- pointment, salary ; decree ; maintenance. Appointer, ah-poo-aing-tai, va. 1 r. to ap- point ; refer, deliberate, decree ; give a sal- ary ; mill, fold cloth. Appoixteur, ah-poo-aing-tur, sm. appointer, delayer ; umpire, arbitrator, peacemaker. Afport, ah-por, sm. market-place, market ; deposit, property (brought in marriage). Apportage, ah-por-tahje, sm. porterage, car- riage, portage. Apporter, ah-por-lai, va. 1 r. to bring, con- vey; cause, produce, procure ; employ ; al- lege ; raise, start, announce. Apposer, ah-po-zni, va. 1 r. to appose, put, apply, set, insert ; stick up. Apposition, ah-po-ze-fsyong, sf. apposition, position of the same case ; junction of ho- mogeneous bodies. Appreciable, ah-prai-tiydbl, adj. appreci- able, estimable, valuable. Appreciateur, ah-prai-syah-tur, sm. ap- praiser, valuer, esteemer. Appreciatif, -ve, ah-prai-se-ali-teef, -v,adj. of estimation, valuation. Appreciation, ah-prai-syah-syong, sf. ap- praisement, valuation, price set upon a thing. Apprecier, ali-prai-syai, va. 1 r, to appre- ciate, appraise, value, rate, estimate, set a price upon. Apprehender, ah-prai-ang-dai, va. 1 r. to apprehend, lay hold on ; seize ; fear, dread, think on with terror. Apfrehensif, -ve, ah-prai-ang-neef,adj. ap- prehensive, timid, fearful, timorous. Apprehension, aa^prai-ang-sj/ong, sf. ap- prehension, uneasiness, RSr ; conception, judgment, opinion. \ Apfrenant, ah-pruh-nang, pres. part, of apprendre, learning. Apprendre, ah-prangdr, va. iirr. to learn, study, gain knowledge ; discover, be in- formed, hear, understand, know. S'apprendre a, it ah-prangdr., vref. to ac- custom, habituate, iuure one's self to; to instruct one's self. Apprenne, a/i-prenn, pres. subj. of appren- dre, may learn. Apprennent, ah-prenn, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of apprendre, learn. Apprenti, -e, ah-prang-te, -e, smf. appren- tice, novice, learner. Apprentissage, ah-prang-ie-sahje, sm. ap- prenticeship ; apprenticehood ; trial, ex- periment. Faire son apprentissage, to serve. Mettre en apprentissage, to bind out. Appret, ah-prey, sm. preparation, season* ing ; stiffening, gum. Appreta, p. prepa- ratives, preparative. Apprkter, (ihprey-tai, va. 1 r. to prepare, dress, season ; stiti'ea ; polish, smooth, dis- pose. S'appreter a, s'ah-prey-tai, vref. to get ready, prepare one's self; be in expecta- tion; Appreteur, ah-prey-tur, sm. dresser, pre- parer ; painter on glass. Appris, ah-pre, p. part, and pret. def. of op- prendre, learned. Apfrivoisement, ah-pre-vnn-az-mang, sm. tameness ; taming of animals, gentleness. Apprivoiser, ah-pre-voo-a-zui, va. 1 r. to tame, reclaim, make gentle ; subdue ; fa- miliarize. S' apprivoiser, s'ah-pre-voo-a-zai, vref. to grow tame, familiar. Approbated;:, ah-pro-hahtitr, sm. appro- ver, applauder ; commender, al lower. APPROBATIF, -ve, ah-pro-bah-tecf, -v, adj. approving, deserving approbation, of ap- probation. Approbation, ah-pro-bah-syong, sf appro- bation; consent, approval ; attestation, sup- port ; pleasure, satisfaction. Approbatrice, ah-profiah-treess, sf appro- ver, applauder, commender, allower. Approchant, -E, ah-pro-shang, -t, adj. ap.- proximate, near to, nearly like. Approchant de, ah-pro-shang, pr. about, near to, close to, at no great distance from. Approchant, ah-proshang, ad. nearly, closely, thereabout. Approche, ah-prosh, sf. approach, access, advance, nearness, in favor with. Approcher, ah-pro-shai, va.l r. to approach, advance, draw near ; have access. S'approcher de, s' 'ah-pro-shai, vref. to re- semble nearly, come up, amount, rise to. Approfondir, ah pro-fung-deer, va. 2 r. to deepen ; dig ; search, examine, sift, inves. tigate; dive, fathom, explore. Approfondissement, ah -pro -fong - deess- profoundness, depth ; research, examination, investigation 37 APT AEB Appropriation, ah-propre-yah-syong, sf. appropriation; peculiar claim ; application, adaptation. Approprier, ah-pro-pre-yai, va. 1 r. to ap- propriate ; clean, fit up genteelly ; adapt, fit, apply ; claim, annex ; alienate. S'APPROPRIER, i 1 ah-pro-pre-yai, vref. to take, usurp, claim ; appropriate, arrogate, attribute to one's self. Approuver, ah proo-vai, va. 1 r. to approve; to pass (accounts). Afprovisionnement, ah-pro-ve-zyon-mang , sm. provisions, victuals, supply, stores. Approvisionner, ah-pro-ve-zyo-nai, va. 1 r. to provide, supply, store, furnish with ; to victual. Approvisionneur, ah-pro-ve-zyo-nur, sni. provider, purveyor, caterer. Approximation, ah-prok-se-maJi-syang, sf. approximation, approach, nearness to, con- tinual advance. Appui, aJi-peu-e, sm. prop, stay, support ; help, succor, protection, favor ; protector, comforter, defender (vide obs. 4). HaHteur d'appui, breast-high. Point d'uppui, sup- port. Appui-main, ah-peu-e-maitig, sm. painter's staff, maul-stick (vide obs. 4). Appui-pot, ah-peu-e-pp, sm. trivet, small iron stand ; tripod (vide obs. 4). Appulse, ahpeii-eez, sm. appulse, contact: proximity, nearness (of one planet to an- other). Appuyer, ah-peu-ce-yai, va. 1 r. to prop, sus- tain, lean; help, protect, favor ; excuse, authorize. Appuyer, ah-peu-ee-yai, rn. 1 r. to rest, bear, press, insist, dwell upon; be supported, left. S'appuyer sue, s' ah-peu-ee-yai, vref. to lean; rely, depend ; recline, lie, rest, con- _fie-trah-syo»g, «/. arbitra- tion, decision, compromise ; estimation, valuing:. Arbitke, ar-beetr, sm. arbiter, judge, um- pire, arbitrator; freewill ; despot. Akbitrek, ar-be-trai, ra. 1 r. to arbitrate, decide, determine, judge of; value, prize, estimate. Arborer, arhorai, ra. 1 r. to raise, hoist, set up, hang out, suspend ; adopt, join, de- cline one's self openly for. Arborisatiox, ar-bo-rt-zah-syong, sf. arbori- zation. Arborise, -e, ard>o-re-zni, -e, adj. tufty, leaved, foliaceous, furnished with foliage. Arboriste, ar-bo-reest, smf. arborist, one versed in the study of trees. Arbodse, ar-booze, sf. arbute-berry ; tree- strawberry. Arbousier, arboo-zyai, sm. arbute, straw- berry-tree. Arbre, arbr, sm. tree ; axle-tree ; beam ; shaft ; mast. Arbre de Diane, arhr-didi-dyahn, sm. tree of Diana, a foliaceous solution of mercury and silver made with nitrous acid. Arbkisseau, -x, p. ar-l/re-so, sm. arboret, small tree ; shrub ; bush. Arbuste, ar-beust, sm. arbuscle, small shrub. Arc, ark, sm. bow ; arch ; arc ; segment of a circle. Arcade, ar-Jcad, sf. arcade, continuation of arches, piazza, bridge of spectacles. Arcane, ar-kann, sm. arcanum, secret; nostrum ; secret alchemical operation ; red chalk, ruddle. Anc-BODTAXT, ar-hon-tang, sm. buttress ; pil- lar ; head of a party ; stay, prop. Arcbouter, ar-bfjo'tai, ra. 1 r. to prop, sup- port, strengthen with props or buttresses. Arceau, -x, p. ar-so, sm. arch of a door, window, or vault; small arch ; half cylin- drical piece to keep a broken limb steady. Arc-en-ciel, ark - any -sy ell, sm. rainbow, iris, brilliant semicircle of various colors seen in showery weather. Archal, arsha), sm. wire, metal drawn into slender threads. Archaxge, ark-anhje, sm. archangel ; high- est angel. Arche, arsh, sf. arch (of a bridge) ; ark ; medley (of people). Archee, ar-shaie, sf. archeus, vitality ; effi- cient cause, principle of life. Archelet, arshhiy, sm. drill bow, small bow (to drill holes). Archer, ar-shai, sm. archer, arcubalister, bowman, police officer, thief-taker. Cette femme est im franc archer, that woman is a termagant. Les archets du guet, the patrol (at Paris). Archet, ar-shay, sm. fiddlestick, bow, tester of a cradle, low canopy ; small steel bow. Archetype, ar-shai-teep, sm. archetype, ori- ginal; pattern, model; standard. Arciiecr, ar-sheure, sf. curvature, bent. In- flexion, crookedness, arcuation, incurvation. Akcheveche, ar • shai - vay - shot, sm. arch- bishopric, diocese, jurisdiction of an arch- bishop, archiepiscopal palace. Auciievkque, arshai-vayhe, sm. archbishop, metropolitan superintending the conduct of other bishops. Arciii, ar-she, pr. arch, preposition prefixed to many words to denote superiority or ex- cess. Ar.i'HiniACON'AT, ar - she ■ dyali -ko-naJi, sm. archdeaconship, office of an archdeacon. ArchIDIACONE, ar - she -dya/i ■ ko ■ nai, sm. archdeaconry, dignity, office, jurisdiction of an archdeacon. Akchidiacre, arshe-dyahkr, sm. archdea- con, a bishop's substitute. Archiduc, ar-she-deuk, sm. archduke, title given to princes of Austria and Tuscany (vide obs. -1). Archiduche, ar-she-deu-shai, sm. archduke- dom, possession, title, quality of a duke. Archiduchesse, ar-she-ileu-shess, sf. arch- duchess, wife, sister, or daughter of an arch- duke. Archiepiscopal, -e, ko pal, de, adj. archiepiscopal, belonging to an archbishop. Archiepiscopat, ar-ke ai peessdeo-pah, sm. dignity, office of an archbishop. Archipatelin, ar-shepat doing; sm. arch- knave, cheat, smooth-faced rogue, fawner, flatterer. Archipedant, ar-she-pai-dang, sm. arch- pedant, conceited ass, affected speaker, ar- rant fool. Arciiipel, ar-she-ped, sm. archipelago, iEge- an sea, cluster of islands. Aiuhipretre, ar -she- prey tre^ sm. arch- presbyter, chief priest. Archiprltre, ar-sheprey-trai, sm. jurisdic- tion, office of an arch-presbyter, of a chief priest. ArchiteCte, ar-sJtetekt, sm. architect, build- er, contriver ; maker. Architecture, ar-she-teck-tcure, sf. archi- tecture, art, science of building (vide obs. -1). Architrave, ar-she-trav, sf. architrave, en- tablature between the chapiter and frieze. Architresorier, ar-she-trai-zoryai, sm. aich-treasurer ; chief treasurer. Archives, ar-sheev, sfp. archives, ancient records ; record office, registry ; memoirs, annals. Archiviste. ar-she-reest, sm. archivist, keep- er of the records, recorder. Archivolte, ar -she-voltt, sf. archivault, upper contour of an arch, semicircular ar- chitrave. Archontat, ar-knnglah, sm. dignity, office of an archon. Archoxte, ar-7congte, sm. archon, chief ma- gistrate of Athens or of other Greek cities. Archure, ar-sheure, sf. drum. Arcon, ar-song, sm. saddle-bow ; bow ; vine- twig. Aitgoxs (perdreou vider les), parrdr, oo, te-ilaiday-zur-snnghe, comp. v. to be thrown off the saddle ; be at a loss, be at a nonplus. Arctique, ark-teck, adj. arctic, northern, septentrional. Arctium, ark-syomm, sm. burdock, sort of mullein. 39 AEG AEG Arcturus or Arcture, arlc-ieu-reman, or -teure, sm. Arcturus, Charles's wain (vide obs. 4). Ardemment, ar-dah-mang, ad. ardently, eagerly, affectionately, with zeal, ardor. Ardens, ar-dangh, snip. St. Anthony's fire, erysipelas ; iguis fatuus, will with the wisp, &c. Ardent, -E, ardang, -t, adj. ardent, burn- ing, fiery, red ; fierce, vehement ; zealous, fervent, eager, passionate, affectionate. Ardeur, ar-dur, s/. ardor, heat; fire, viva- city, activity ; zeal, affection, love, cour- age, eagerness. Ardillon, ar -de -pong, sm. tongue of a buckle, &c, small point. ArdoiSE, ar-doo-ahze, sf. slate, a gray fossil stone used to cover houses,or to write upon. Ardoise, -e, ar-doo-ah-zai, -e, adj. slaty, of a slate color, covered with slates. Ardoisiere, ar -doo-ah- zyayre, sf. slate quarry, pit where slates are dug. Ardre, ardre, va. 4 r. to burn, scorch, con- sume (seldom used). Ardu, -e, ar-deu, -e, adj. arduous, lofty, hard to climb ; difficult (vide obs. 4). Are, ar, sm. area, square, each side contain- ing fourteen English yards. Arene, ah-rayne, sf. shore sand, gravel ; arena ; duct to carry off the water out a mine. Arener, ah-ray-nay, rn. 1 r. to sink down, lose height, decline, be depressed. Areneux, -se, ah-rai-nuhe, -ze, adj. are- nose, arenaceous, sandy, consisting of sand, tinsolid. Areoi.e, ah-i-ai-ol, sf. little bed in a garden, small area, small variegated halo round the moon, narrow rim round the eyes, nipple, Ac. Areometre, ah-rai-o-maytr, sm. areometer, instrument to ascertain the gravity or den- sity of fluids. Areopage, ah-rai-o-pahje, sm. areopagus, highest tribunal in Athens ; assembly of wise men, of virtuous magistrates. Areopagite, ah-rai-u-pah-hjeett, sm. judge, member of the areopagus. A\i£oTiQ.UF.,ah-rai-o-terl\adj. areotic (med.). Arer, ah-rai, vn. 1 r. to drag, drive an- chors, lose mooring. Arere, ah- ray re, sm. axle-tree, pin on which circumvolves or turns the wheel of a mill. Arete, ah - rayte, sf. fish-bone ; angular edge, ridge ; edge, tumor on the hind legs of a horse. Arganeau, ar-gah-no, sm. large iron rinsr (at the beam end of the anchor to fix the cable). Argemone, ar-hjai-monn, sf. thorny poppy, soporiferous plant. Argent, ar - hjang, sm. silver ; money, wealth ; argent. Bourreau d'aryent, a spendthrift. Argent (vif), veev-ar-hjang, sm. quicksilver, mercury, mineral substance. Argent-monnayt:, ar-hjang-mo-nay-yai, sm. coin, silver coin, payment in silver coin. Argent-blanc, ar-hjanq-hlany, sm. silver coin, money made of silver. Argent comftant, ar-hjang-cong-tang, sm. ready money, instant or immediate pay- ment. 40 Argent vierge, ar -hjang -vyairhje, sm. pure silver, silver ore. Argent trait or file, ar-hjnng-truy or fe-lai, sm. silver wire, spun silver. Argent mignon, ar-hjaiig-ming-yong, sm. spare money, pocket money, pocket al- lowance. AwbENT mort, ar-hjang-mo>\ sm. unprofita- ble money, dead money, money that yields no interest. Argent en barre, ar-Jijang^arig-bar, sm. ready money, quick return : great profit. Argent fait tout, ar-hjang-fag-too, prov. expr. money makes the mare lu go ; riches more than wit. Argent de chat, ar -hjang -duh-shah, sm. mica, very shining metal. Argental, -e, ar-hjang-tuM, adj. argental. Akgente, -e, ar-hjang-tai, -e, adj. silvery ; silvered over, shining like silver, be- sprinkled with silver. Argenter, ar-hjang-tai, va. 1 r. to silver, plate, cover with silver ; adorn with mild lustre. Argenterie, ar-hjanle-ree, sf. plate, silver- plate ; vessel, ornament. Argenteux, -SE, ar-hjang-tiiJie, -ze, adj. moneyed, rich in money, full of money. Argentier, ar -hjang -tyai, rm. silversmith ; purser, steward ; intendant. Argentifere, ar-hjang-te-fair, adj. argen- tiferous. Argentin, -e, ar-hjang-tning. -ieen, adj. silvery, clear, canorous, bright ; mild, sil- ver-colored. Argentine, ar -hjang -teen, sf. silver-weed, silver-thistle (a plant). Argenture, ar-hjangteure, sf. silver-pla- ting', plated work ; silvering (vide obs. 4). Argile, ar-hjeel, sf. argil, clay, potter's clay. Argileux, -se, ar-hjehihe, -ze, adj. argil- lous, argillaceous, clayey, consisting of argil, clayish. Argonaute, nr-go-nnte, sm. nautilus (a shell- fish) ; butterfly; Argonaute. Argot, ar-go, sm. dead bough, stub ; cant, gibberish. Argoter, ar-go-tai, va. 1 r. to cut the dead extremity of a bough above the eye ; lop off; prune. Argousier, ar-goo-zyai, sm. thorny shrub. Argousin, ar-goo-zaiiig, sm. low officer on board a convict ship or a galley ; sergeant over the convicts. Argue, argg, sf. wire-drawer's work-shop; machine to wire-draw gold; large ship; argosy, carrack. Arguer, ar-gu-ai, va. 1 r. to wire-draw, spin into wire, gold, silver, Ac. Arguer, ar-guni, va. 1 r. to argue, dispute; reprove ; find fault with. Argument, ar-gu-mang, sm. argument, sub- ject, summary, proof, controversy. Argumentant, ar-gu-mang-tang, sm. ar- guer, reasoner, disputant, controvertist. Argumentateur, ar-gu-mang-tah-tar, sm. proposer, propounder of arguments. Argumentation, ar-gu-mang-tuh-syong, sf. argumentation, reasoning ; act of reason- ing. Argumenter, ar-gu-mangtai, vn. 1 r. to argue, reason, offer reasons ; dispute, per- suade by argument. ARM ARN Argus, ar -i/cuns, sm. argus ; spy; clear- sighted man. Argutik, argu-see, sf. quirk, cavil, subtle device, repartee, sharpness, smartness, cunning* Ariaxisme, aJi-re-yah-ncessni,sm. Arianism, doctrine of Arius. Aride, ah-reed, M'ii, postulate ; taking up of the Virgin Mary into heaven, holyday. Asson'na>'ce, ah-so-nangse, sf, assonance, rhyme, consonance, reference of one sound to another. Assonnant, -e,, -I, adj. assonant, resembling the sound of one another, con- form in sound. Assouti, -E, ah-sor-le, -e, adj. stocked, pro- vided, suited, fitted ; paired, matched. Assortiment, ah-sor-te-many, sm. sortment, match, set, suit ; stock, collection. Assortir, ah-sor-teer, va. 2 r. to assort, join, match ; supply, sort, stock, store, choose, select, put in order. Assoktiu a, ah-sor-teer, vn. 2 r. to suit, match, agree with, be matched. S'assoutir, s'ah-sor-teer, vref. to get a stock, provide one's self with. Assortissant, -E, ah-sor-te-sang, -t, adj. pair- ing, matching, suiting, fitting, conform. Assote, -e, ah-so-tai, -e, adj. assotted, fool- ishly fond, infatuated. Assoter, ah-so-tai, va. 1 r. to assot, infatu- ate, make foolish. S'assoter, s J ah-so-tai, vref. to dote foolishly upon, form a foolish attachment. AssouriR, ah-soo-peer, va. 2 r. to make sleepy, lull to sleep ; mitigate, suspend, ap- pease, suppress ; stifle, quiet, hush, deaden. S'aSSoupir, *■' ah-soo-peer, vref. to grow or feel sleepy, drowse, slumber, nap, be drowsy. Assoupissant, -e, ah-soo-pe-sang, t, adj. sleepy, drowsy, causing sleep, lethargic ; Btupi I, dull. Assoc i-issEMEXT, ah-soo-peess-mang, sm. drowsiness, heaviness, slumber ; careless- ness, negligence ; suppression. Assouflir, ahsoo-pleer, va. 2 r. to supple, make pliant, soft, flexible, compliant, duc- tile, tractable. S'assocplir, s'ah-soo-pleer, vref. to bend, grow supple, flexible, tractable, Assourdir, ah-soor-deer, va. '1 r. to deafen, stun, make deaf; darken, keep down. S'assourdir, s'aJi-soor-deer, ore/", to deafen, grow deaf. Assouvir, ah-soo-reer, va. 2 r. to satiate, satisfy, fill, gratify, glut. S'ASSOUVIR DE, s'ult-stio-veer, vref. to glut upon, devour; satisfy ; delight in. Assouyissement, ah soo-verss-inaii/j, sm. vo- raciousness, inordinate desire, gratification, brutal delight. AsstJJETTiR, ahseu-hjay-teer, va. 2 r. to sub- ject, fix, reduce to submission, subdue, con- strain, expose, make liable (vide obs. 4). S'asscjettir, s" ahseu-hjay-teer, vref. to sub- mit to, be subservient, subject, bind one's self to. AST ASSUJETTISSANT, -e, aii-seit-hjay-te-sano, ■(, adj. slavish, hard, laborious, mean, servile (vide obs. 4). Assujettissement, ah-seu-hjay-teess-mamj, sin. subjection, compliance, assiduity, sla- vishness, obligation, constraint, depend- ence (vide obs. 4). Assurance, ah-seuranyse, sf. assurance, con- fidence, trust; firmness, steadiness; bald- ness; safety, security: insurance (v. obs. 4). Assure, ah-seure, sf. gold or silver thread, used for embroidery (vide obs. 4). Assure, ah-seu-rai? sm. proprietor exempt from loss by insurance (vide obs. 4). Assure, -e, ah-seu-rai, -e, adj. assured, cer- tain, sure, confident, bold ;' impudent, im- modest (vide obs. 4). Assukemen't, ah-seu-rai many, ad. assured- ly, certainly, indubitably ; boldly ; impu- dently, sure enough (vide obs. 4). Assurer, ah-seu-rai, va. 1 r. to assure ; sup- port ; secure, make sure ; insure; embolden, encourage ; make fast, affirm, attest (vide obs. 4). S'assurer, s' 'ah-seu-rai, vref. to assure one's self, make sure o&bc. sure, bespeak, secure, seize upon (vide obs. 4). Assureur, ah-seu-rur, sm. assurer, insurer, underwriter (vide obs. 4). Astelle, ah-stell, sf. splint, bolster, compress for a wound. Astereometre, ass-tai-rai-o-maytr, sm. as- tereometer, instrument to calculate the ri- sing and setting of the stars. Asterisme, ass-tai-reessm, sm. asterism, con- stellation, assemblage of splendors. AsTERISQUE, ass-tai-reesk, sm. asterisk, star, mark in printing ; plant. Asthenie, ass-tai-nee, sf. asthenia, extreme debility, weakness. Asthmatique, ass-mah-teeJc, adj. asthmati- cal, short-breathed, troubled with an as! li- ma. Asthxie, assrn, sm. asthma, short breath, fre- quent and difficult respiration. Astic, ass-tcek, sm. polisher, tool made of wood or bone to polish. Asticoter, as.s-te-lo-tai, va. 1 r. to vex, tease, plague, contradict (for trifles). Astiquer, ah-stekai, va. 1 r. to polish. Astragale, ass-trah-yal, sm. astragal, little round moulding, ring at the top and bottom of a column ; sham liquorice. Astral, -e, ah-stral, adj. astral, starry, Qf the stars, relating to the stars. Astre, astr, sm. star, brilliant light ; great character, beauty, or genius. Astre du jour, astr-deu-hjoor, sm. sun, great luminary (vide obs. 4). Astke de la nuit, astr-dlah-neu-e, $m. moon, luminary of the nijrht. Astreignant, ah-strai-ing-yant, pres. part, of astreindre, constraining. Astreigne, ah-strai-iny-yuh, pres. snbj. of astreindre, may constrain. Astreignis, ah-strui-iny-yee, pret. def. of astreindre. Astreindre, ass-traiyndr, va. 4 irr. to con- strain, force, compel, subject ; confine, press, bind, tie up. S' ASTREINDRE, s'ass-traingdr , vref. to bind, tie, subject, confine one's self to; to stick to. Astreins, ah-straing, pres. ind. of astrtiiv dre, constrain. 47 ATI! ATT Astreint, ah-siraing, p. part, of astreindre, constrained. Astriction, ass-treeck-syang, ef. astriction, contraction, binding tip. Astringent, -e, ass-traing-hjang, -t, adj. as- tringent, binding, contracting. Astrolabe, ass-tro-lab, sm. astrolabe, cross- staff, quadrant. Astrolatrie, as-tro-lah-tree, sf. -worship, adoration of the stars. Astrologie, ah-stro-lo-hjee, sf. astrology, knowledge of the stars, divination. Astrologique, ah-stto-lo-hjeek, adj. astro- logical, relating to astrology ; professing astrology. Astrologue, ah-strolnrj, sm. astrologer, di- viner by the stars ; foreteller, predicter. Astromancie, ah-stro-mang-see, sf. divina- tion, prediction, foretelling by the stars. Astronome, ah-stro-nomm, sm. astronomer, observer of the celestial bodies and their motions. Astronomie, as-tro-no-mee, sf. astronomy, science of the celestial bodies. Astronomique, ah-stro-no-rneek, adj. astro- nomical, belonging to astronomy. Astronomiquement, ah-siro-novieek-mang. ad. astronomically, in an astronomical manner. Astuce, av-teicss, sf. cunning, artifice, sly- ness, deceit ; art, skill, knowledge ; craft. Astucieusement, as-teu-syuhze-mang, ad. cunningly ; artfully, craftily (vide obs. 4). Astucieux, -se, as-teu-syuhe, --eca DE, o-dsah, pr. on this side. Au- depa de la riviere^ on this side of the river. Au-dela de, o-dlah, pr. beyond, on the other side. Au-tiKVANT, o-diang, pr. against, before, over -against. Au-devant de (aller), m. 1 irr. to go to meet ; anticipate, provide for or against, secure, make sure. Au-DEVANT DE (aller), rn. 1 irr. to prevent, be beforehand, anticipate, obviate ; encoun- ter, brave, oppose. Audience, o-dyangsse, sf. audience, atten- tion, hearing ; reception ; auditory ; court of justice, people present. Audiencier, o-dyang-syai, sm. crier of a court, verger, grand auctioneer, state-officer, or minister. Auditeur, o-de-tur, sm. auditor ; hearer ; student ; lawyer ; judge. Auditif, -ve, o-de-teef, -v, adj. auditory, con- veying sound, having the power of hearing. Audition, o-de-syong, sf. audition, hearing, examination, judicial trial. Auditoire, o-de-too-ar, sin. auditory, audi- ence hall ; collection of people, congrega- tion, meeting. Auge, ohje. sf. trough, tray, tub, hod ; chan- nel ; bucket., o-hjaie, sf trough-full ; tray-full. Auget, o-hjaty, sm. bird-seed drawer or trough ; spout of a mill-hopper. Augment, og-mang, sm. augment, increase, jointure, dowry. Augmentatif, -ve, og-mang- tah-teef -v, adj. increasing, augmenting, productive of more. Augmentation, og mang-tahsyong, sf. aug- mentation, increase, addition. Augmenter, og-mdng-tai, ra. 1 r. to aug- ment, increase, raise, make bigger or larger, enlarge, magnify, aggravate, add. S'augmeNTer, sfag-mang-tai, vref. to in- crease, enlarge, expand, grow bigger or larger. AUGURAL, -f, n-gu-ral, adj. augurial, belong- ing or relating to an augur. AUGDRE, o-gure, sm. augur, diviner ; prog - nosticator ; prophet. Augure. o-gure, sm. augury, omen, prognos- tication, foretelling, prediction, presage, prophecy. AUGUKE (OISEAU DE MAtJVAlS), OO-aJl-ZO-dldl- mo-vey-zo-gure, sm. hateful man or woman ; bringer of bad news. Augure (MAUVAts). mo-tay-zo-gure, sm. ill bodement, bad omen, unlucky beginning or appearamce. AOGURER, o-gu-rai, va. and n. 1 r. to augur, guess, conjecture; presage, foretell, predict; announce. ACGVSTE, o-guste, adj. august, great, awful, grand, royal, magnificent, venerable, ma- jestic. AUGDSTEMENT, n-guss-tith-mang, ad. majes- tically, with dignity, grandeur, sublimely, grandly. Aucustin, ogusne-taing. sm. Augustine or Austin friar (monk oi the order of St. Au- gustine) ; printer's type Augustine, o-gusse-teen. sf. Augustine nun, nun of the order of St. Augustine ; foot- stove. Aujourd'hui, O-hjoor-deu-e, sm. to-day, this day, the present time: ad. now-a-days, in the present age. Aulique, o-leek, adj. aulic. Conseil aulique, cong-say-yo-hek, aulic council. AuuiiUE, o-lecl:, sf. theological thesis to ob- tain the degree of doctor. Aumailles, o-mah-yuh, sfp. horned cattle, black cattle. Aumone, o-mone, sf. alms, charity, relief, assistance ; beggary. Aumonee, o nwr-naie, sf. distribution of bread to the poor (so many times a week, or after a funeral). Aumoner, o-moe-nai, va. 1 r. to bestow alms; pay a fine for the poor ; be condemned to pay a fine. Awn ones fieffes, lands given to the church for alms, frank almoin. Aumonerie, o-mone- ree, sf. dignity, office of an almoner ; almonry. Aumonier, o-moe-nyai, sm. almoner, chap- lain. Aumonier, -e, o-moe-nyai, -aire, adj. chari- table, beneficent, benevolent, kind in giving alms. Aumusse, o-meuss, sf. cowl, hood lined with fur (worn on the arm in summer by canons). Aunage, o-nahje, sm. alnage, measurement by the ell, yard. . Aunaie, o-naie, sf. plantation of alder-trees. Aune,, sf. ell, measure containing a yard and a quarter. Tout du long de Valine, soundly. Aune (mesurer a l'), muh-zeu-rai-ah-l'oene, va. 1 r. to judge by appearance or looks. Aune (mesurer a son), mirfi-zen-rai-ah- song-noene, v. to judge of others by one's self, think others as bad as one's self. Aune, orne, sm. alder, a tree having leaves resembling those of the hazel. Aunee, o-naie, sf, elecampane, starwort. Auner, o-nai, va. 1 r. to measure by the ell ; beat. Auneur, o-nur, sm. alnager, inspector of the assize of cloth ; ell-measurer. Auparavant, o-par-ah-vavg, ad. formerly, in times past, before, heretofore. Au pis aller, opee-zah-lai, ad. e.rj>. let the worst come to the worst, happen what may. Aupres de, o-prey, pr. near, nigh ; close to ; about ; by ; to ; next to. Eh t bien aupres de, to be in the good graces of any one. Aupres, o-prey, ud. hard by; close by; near; not far off. Aurai, o-rai, fut. of avoir, shall or will have. Aurais, o-rey, cond. of avoir, would have. Aurelie, o-rai-lee, sf. aurelia, chrysalis, first change of a maggot. Aureole, o-rai -nil. sf. glory; crown; blaze of light round the head. AURICUXAIRE, o-re-ku-layre, adj. auricular, secret ; told in the ear. AURICDLE, o-re-kule, sf. auricula, bear's ear, a flower. Aurifere, o-refayre, adj. auriferous, pro- ducing gold. \ikifiquf, o-re-feek, adj. convertible, trans- mutable into gold. 51 AUT AVA Aurillas, o-re-ydh. Cheval aurillas, shuh- val-o-re-yah, sm. long-eared horse. Auripeau, o-re-po, sm. tinsel ; Dutch metal ; imitation of gold leaf. Aurone, o-ronn, sf. southernwood, wild wormwood. Aueoue, o-rorr, sf. aurora, dawn, break of day ; beautiful virgin ; east ; butterfly ; ser- pent ; cardamomum ; yellow color. Aurors boreale, o-rorr-ho-rai-al, sf. au- rora borealis, northern lights. Auscultation, os-kule-tah-syong, sf. auscul- tation, hearkening, listening to. Auspice, os-peess, tin. auspice, omen, presage, protection, favor, influence, patronage, sup- port. Aussi, o-se, ad. also, so, too, but, as, truly, likewise. Auss t que, o-se-kuh, conj. as, so — as. Aussi bien, o-se-byaing, for, because; as well. Aussj peu, ose-puhe, as little ; ever so little. Aussitot, o-se-toe, ad. immediately, instant- ly, without delay, out of hand. Aussitot que, o-se-toe-fcuh, conj. as soon as. Aussitot dit, aussitot fait, o-se-toe-de, o-se- toe-fay. ad. exp. no sooner said than done. Austere, os-tayre, adj. austere, severe, rude, harsh, rigid ; sour, astringent ; simple, chaste. Austekemf.nt, os-tayre-mang, ad. austere- ly, severely, rigidly, in an austere manner. Austerite, os-tai-re-tai, sf. austerity, severi- ty ; strictness, cruelty ; harsh discipline ; acidity, sourness. Austral, -e, os-tral, adj. austral, southern. Autan, o-tang, sm. south wind. Autant, o-tang, ad. as much, so much ; as many, so many. Autant que, o-tang-kuh, conj. as much as ; so — as ; as far as. Je suis autant que vous, I am as good as you. D'autant mieux, d'o-tang-myuhe, ad. the more the better. D'autant moins, d" o-tang -moo -a ing, ad. the less, so much the less. D'autant plus, d' o-tang -pleu, ad. the more ; so much the more (vide obs. 4, tab.). D'autant, d' o-tang, ad. much, very much, too much, so much. Autel, oe-tell, sm. altar, communion-table. Auteur, oe-tur, sm. author, creator, maker; inventor ; writer, composer ; cause ; au- thority ; work. Authenticity, o-tang -te-se-tai, sf. authen- ticity, authority, genuineness. Authentique, o-tang -teek, adj. authentic, genuine, provable, certain, irrefutable, public. AUTHENTIQUEMENT, o-tang -teek-mnng, ad. authentically, in an authentic manner. Autobiographie, o-to-be-o-grah-fee,sf. auto- biography. Autocratie, o-to-krah-see, sf. autocrasy, ab- solute or despotic government. Autocephale. o - to -sai -fal, sm. one's own master or ruler. Autochthones, o-tock-tone, smp. aborigines, earliest inhabitants of a country. Autocrate, o-lo-krahte, sm. autocrat. Auto-da-fe, o-to-dah-fai, sm. auto-da-fe, sol- emn execution of death. Autographe, o to-graff, sm. autograph, a person's own writing, original writing. Automate, o-lo-matt, sm. automaton, ma- 52 chine having the power of motion within itself; stupid fellow. Automatique, o-to-mah-teek, adj. automatic. Automnal, -e, o-tom-naL, adj. autumnal, belonging to autumn. Automne, o-tonn, smf. autumn ; fall of the leaf. Autonomie, a-tono-mee, sf. autonomy, liv- ing according to one's own mind. Autopsie, o-to-psee, sf. autopsy, ocular de- monstration ; meditation. Autorisation, o-to-rc-zah-syong, sf authori- zation, establishment by authority, permis- sion, power. Autoriser a, o-to-re-zai, va. 1 r. to autho- rize, give authority, impower, justify, prove a thing to be right. S'autoriser, s'o-to-re-aai, vref. to get credit, power, be authorized, permit one's self. Autorite, o-to-re-tai, y'. authority, legal power, influence, credit, support, counte- nance, testimony, credibility. Autour, o-toor, ai»- goshawk, a hawk of a large kind. Autour de, o-toor, pr. about, round, near to. Autour, o-toor, ad. round, about, round about. Au travers, 1 travers, o-traii-vair, prep. through, across. Autre, otre, pron. mf. other, another. Comme dit I'autre, as the saying is. Donnez-moi autre chose, give me something else. Autrefois, o -truh -foo-ah, ad. formerly, heretofore, in former times, in times past (vide obs. 6). Autrement, o-truh-mang, ad. otherwise, in a different manner ; in other respects. Autrepart, o-truh-par, ad. elsewhere, in another place, in some other place, some- where else. AutruCHE, o-treush, sf. ostrich ; tall stupid man. Estomac d'autruche, ess-to-mah-d'' o-treusli, sm. great eater, glutton, gourmand (vide obs. 4). Autrui, o-treu-e, pron. others : other people. Auvent, o-vang, sm. pent-house, shed, slight roof, a slope against a wall. Auvernat, o-vair-ndh, sm. coarse red heavy wine made in Orleans ; auvernat, sort of grape. Aux, oe, art. mfp. to the, in the, with the (formed of the preposition a and Us con- tracted). Auxese, ok-sayze. sf. auxesis, amplification, exaggerated representation, diffuseness. Auxiliare, oik - se - lyayre, adj. auxiliary, helping, assisting. Auzometre or Auxometre, o- zo-maytr, oak zo-maytr, sm. auzometer, instrument to ascertain the power of glasses. AvACHIR (S'), s'ah-cah-sheer, vref. 2 r. to grow spiritless, dejected, feeble, lose vigor ; flag, flat, hang down. Avage, ah-vahje, sm. hangman's fees levied on market days in France. Avais, ah-i-ay, imperf. ind. of avoir, had. Aval, ah-val, sm. endorsement, security, caution, surety for payment. Aval, ah - val, ad. downwards, down the river, westward, towards the west. Aval (vent d'), vang-d'ah-val, sm. westerly wind. AvalaGE, ah-vah-lahje, shi. availing, going AVA AVA down the river ; letting down liquids in a cellar. AVAI.USO.V, (ih-rnh-hii rush of water, lioor, ■zong, sf. torrent ; impetuous accumula- tion of stones, sudden squall of wind. Avalanche, uh-fult-ltinr/shf, sf. mass of dis- solving snow, detached and falling down with awful effects from snowy mountain--. Avai.a.nt, -f., ah-rah-lang, -t, adj. going down the stream, ebbing, refluent. Avai.assk, ah-vah-lass, sf. impetuous tor- rent, flood, rush of water ; continuance of the westerly wind. Avai.i:. -E, ah rahlai, -e, adj. pendulous, pendent, hanging down. Avai.ek, ah-vah-laie, sf. length of web done at i 'iice without unrolling:. Avaler, ah-vah-lai, va. 1 r. to swallow ; long for ; put up, pocket ; endure mortifi- cations without complaining; ; cut, take off, let down. Acaler du vin dans la care, to let wine down into the cellar. Avaler des eouleuvres, to pocket an affront., ak-vah-lai, dr. 1 r. to go down the current ; run down. S'avalek, s'ah-vah-lai, vref. to sink, de- press, flag, go down. Avaleuk. -se, ah-vahlur, -luhze, smf. glut- ton, gourmand ; simpleton, dolt. Avaleur, -se de couleuvres, -duh-koo- lular, smf. toad-eater, mean parasite. Avaleuk, -se de chakrettes ferrees, -duh-fhahrayte fay -rate, bully, braggado- cio, puffing boasting person. AVALOIRE, ah-vah-loo-ar, sf large throat or swallow ; glutton ; crupper ; inclosure to catch salmon (vide obs. 6). Avaloire (quelle), hell - ah - rah -loo -ar ! what a guzzler ! what a gormandizer ! what a throat ! Avalure, ah-vahleure, sf. hard swelling on the foot of a horse ; disease of some ani- mals. Avakce, ah-rangse, sf. advance, start, pro- gression ; anticipation ; projection ; ad- vance-money; step, offer, tender ; progress. Avance (par or d'5, par or d'ah-vangs«>, ad. beforehand, before the time ; by anticipa- tion, before. Avancement, ah-vangse-mang, sm. advance- ment, improvement, progress ; preferment, approach, elevation. Avancek, aJi-vangsai, va. 1 r. to advance, start, anticipate, forward, improve, expe- dite, promote, raise, pay beforehand ; trust ; hasten ; set up. L'horloge avance, the clock goes too fast. S'avancer, s'ah-vang-nai' vref. to come, move, go forward, make a fortune, im- prove, engage one's self. Avanie, ah -rah -nee, sf. premeditated in- sult ; affront ; ill-treatment ; extortion of the Turks over the Christians to raise their ransoms. Aya.nt, ah-vang, sm. prow, head or forepart of a ship. Ava.vt, ah-vang, pr. (denoting priority) be- fore, in preference to, prior to, superior to. Ava.nt, ah-vang, ad. (denoting motion, pri- ority, progress, depth) forward, hitherto, further, onward, deep. far. Ava.nt (e.v). aiig-n' ah-vang, ad. forward, on- ward, progressively. Metlre en arant, to propose. Aller en uvant, to go forward. Ava.nt QUE (subj.), Avast DE (inf.) rr -»0- ali-rang huh, -duh, before. Ayastage, ah-vang-tahje, sm. advantage, superiority, profit ; gift, endowment* privi- lege, honor, victory ; odds; opportunity; swiftness. AVAKTAGER, ah-vang-Udihjai, ra. 1 r. to advantage, benefit, promote, bring for- ward, favor. Avantageusement, ah - rang -iah - lijuhze - viang, ad. advantageously, opportunely, to m veniently, profitably. Advantageux, -se, ah'vang-tah-hjuhe, -ze, atlj. advantageous, profitable, useful, con- venient ; noble, grand, handsome. Avantageux, -se, ah-vang -tah-hjuhe, -ze, smf. and adj. person proud, presumptuous, bold, vain, taking advantage over. Avant-bec, ah-vang-beck, sm. projecture, jutting out, jutting stone. A v ANT-BRAS, ah-vang-brah, sm. the arm, from the elbow to the wrist. AVANT (THEMIS' COUVERT, ah - Vang - shliJl - maing-koo-oair, sm. first covert way. Avant-cozuk, ah-rang kur, sm. antestom- ach, pit of the stomach ; anticor, preter- natural swelling in a horse's breast. Avast corps, ah-vang-cor, sm. projecting building, jutting ornaments. Avant-cour, ah-vang-koore, sf. fore-court, fore-yard. Avant-coureur, ah-vang-koo-rur, sm. fore- runner, harbinger, prognostic, warning. Ayast-courriere, ahvang-koo ryayre, sf. forerunner, harbinger ; dawn, break of day, aurora. Avast-dersier, -E, ah - rang - dair - nyai, -aire, smf. last but one ; penultima. Avant-FAIRE-droit, ah-vang -fair e-droo-ah, sm. interlocutory judgment ; decision (vide obs. 6). At ant-fosse, ah-vang-fo-sai, sm. fore ditch, first trench. Avant-garde, ah-vang-ghard, sf. avant- guard, vanguard. Avant gout, ah-ranggooe, sm. foretaste, anticipation, successful trial. Avant-hier, ah-vangtyair, sm. day before yesterday. Avastis, ah-vangtaing, sm. layer of a vine, scion. Av a nt-jour, ah-vang-hjoor, sm. twilight, faint light before sunrise. AVANT-LOGIS, ah-vang lo-hje, sm. fore build- ing, wing of a building. Ayant-main, ah-vang-maing, sm. palm of the hand ; fore-hand stroke ; fore-hand, head, neck, shoulders of a horse. Avast-midi, ah-vang-me-de, sm. before noon, forenoon. Avant-mur, ah-vang -meur, sm. outward wall. Avant-pied, ah-vang-pyai, sm. upper-leath- er ; instep ; fore-foot. Avast-propos, ah-vang-pro-poe, sm. pre- liminary conversation ; preamble, preface. Avant-poste, ah-vang-post, sm. fore-poet, advanced post. Ava.nt-quakt. ah-vang-kar, sm. warning of a clock before the hour, quarter, or the half hour. Avast-scene, ah - vang ■ seyne, sf. prosce- nium, space between the drop-scene and orchestra. 53 AVE AVI Avant-toit, ah-rang-too-ah, sm. projecting roof, roof over a portico, gallery, piazza (vide obs. C). Avant-train, ah - rang - train ff, sm. fore- wheels, beam, splinter-bar of a coach, &c. Avant-veille, ah-rang-ray-yuh, sf. day be- fore, the eve. Avake, ah - rarrc, smf. miser, covetous wretch, niggard, griper. Avaiie, ah-rarre, adj. avaricious, covetous, griping, sordid, stingy, parsimonious. Ayarement, ah-var-mang, ad. avariciously, covetously, in a stingy manner. Avarice, ah-vdh-reess, sf. avarice, covetous- ness, insatiable thirst after money, stingi- ness. Avaricieux, -se, ali-vah-re-syuhe, -ze, adj. avaricious, covetous, stingy, mean. Avaricieux, ah - rah -re -syuhe, sm. sordid wretch, miser, niggard. Avaricieuse, ah-vah-fesyuhze, sf. sordid woman, pinch-penny. Avarie, ah-vah-ree, sf. average, damage ; shore-duties. Avarie, -e, ah-vah-ryai, -e, adj. averaged; damaged, spoiled by sea-water. Avaries, ah-rah-ree, sfp. average; loss, damage by sea-water. Avariek, ah-vah-re-ai, to damage. A-vau-l'eau, dh-vo-Po, ad. exp. down the river ; to no purpose. Ave or Aye-Maria, ah-vai-mah-ryah, sm. ave, prayer to the Virgin Mary, short time ; small bead of a rosary, one out of the ten. Avec, ah-veck, pr. with ; for ; against ; by ; in, withal, among. Avec tela, lor all that. D'avt c, from. Aveindre, ali-vaingdr, va. 4 irr. conjugated like craindre, to reach, fetch, take down or out. Ayeline, av-lecn, sf. filbert, fine hazel-nut with a thin shell. Avelinier, av-le nyai, sm. filbert-tree. Avexai;e. av-nahje, sm. avenage, oats paid to a landlord ; rent in kind. Avenant, -e, av-nang, -t, adj. njrreeable, pleasing, genteel, well-looking, suitable. Avenant (a l'), dh-V av-nang, ad. in pro- portion, in case. Avenement, ah-ren-mang, sm. coming ; ac- cession, promotion. Avemr, av-neer, sm. future, time to come, futurity ; posterity ; summons. Avenir, av-neer, adj. future, to come, that shall or must be. Avenir, av-neer, mono. v. like venir, to happen, chance, fall out. A i.' avenir, ah-Pav -neer, ad. henceforth, for the future, hereafter, for the time to come. Avent, ah-rang, sm. advent, coming of our Saviour ; four weeks before Christmas, time of devotion. A VENTURE, ah - rang - teure, sf. adventure, event, accident, chance, hazard ; story ; intrigue ; fortune ; enterprise, love (vide obs. 4). A l'aventure, ah-l'ahrangteure, ad. at chance, at random, at a venture, without intention. D'A VENTURE, d'ah-vang-teure, ad. by chance, perchance, perhaps, peradventure, it may be. 54 Par ayenture, par-dh-vang-teure, ad. by chance, unexpectedly, suddenly, at a time when unthought of (vide obs. 4). Aventurer, ah-rang -ten - rai, va. 1 r. to venture, expose to hazard, risk, put to a venture. S'aventurer, s'ah-vang-teu-rai, vref. to hazard, run the risk, engage in, make at- tempt (vide obs. 4). Ave.ntureux, -SE, ah - rang - ten - r idle, -ze, adj. venturous, daring, ' bold, fearless ; ready to run hazards (vide obs. 4). Aijve.nturier, ah-rang ieu-i i/ii i, sm. adven- turer; fortune-hunter, swindler; volun- teer, stockholder ; privateer (\ ide obs. 4). Aventuriere, ah-varig-ieu-ryayre\ sf. ad- venturer, cozener ; strumpet . gad-about (vide obs. 4). Avenue, av-neu, sf. avenue, alley; walk of trees before a house (vide obs. 4). Averer, ah-vai-rai, va. 1 r. io aver, declare positively, certify, assert, prove ; make one's self sure. • Averse, dh-vairse, sf. heavy shower, sud- den and heavy shower. A-VERSE, dh-vairse, ad. as hard as it can pour ; abundantly. Aversion, ah-vair-syong, sf. aversion, re- pugnance, disgust ; hatred, antipathy, de- testation, dislike. Averti, ah-rair-te, sm. advice, warning, caution, previous notice. Avertin, ah-vaii -iaing, sm. madness, frenzy, craziness ; whim; caprice. Avertineux, -SE, ahra ir-te-mihe, -ze, adj. mad, frantic ; crazy, broken-wilted. Avertir, ah-vair-t' er, va. 2 r. to inform, give notice or information ; warn, cau- tion. Avertissement, ah-vair-teess-mang, sm. in- formation, notice, warning, caution, ad- vice, admonition, advertisement; defence. Ayertisseur, ah-vair-ie- sur, sm. herald, crier ; advertiser. Aveu, -x, p. ah-vuhe, sm. acknowledgment, confession, concession ; approbation, con- sent, testimony, character ; fealiy. Aveugle, ah-vuhegl, adj. blind, without sight ; ignorant, unlettered, without knowl- edge, implicit. Aveugle ne, -e, ah-vuhegl-nai, -e, adj. born blind, stone blind. A l'aveugle, en aveugle, ad. exp. blindly ; without knowledge, without judgment. Ayeuglement, ah - vithe -gluh - many, sin. blindness, want of sight ; ignorance, in- tellectual darkness, error, illusion. Ayeuglement, ah - viihe - glai - inang, ad. blindly, inconsiderately,' without judg- ment; rashly; implicitly. Aveugler, ah-vuhe glai, va. 1 r. to blind, make blind ; deprive of reason, judgment, dazzle, deceive. Aveugler, ah-vuhe-glai, ra. 1 r. to erect, build against ; block, stop, shut up. S'aveugler, s'dh-vvne-glai, vref. to shut one's eyes ; deceive, flatter one's self. Aveuglette (a l*), ah-Pah-vuhe-glett, ad. groping in the dark ; headlong, without thought, rashly. Avez, ah-rai, 2 pers. pi. of aroir, have. Avide, ah-reed, adj. greedy, hungry ; eager, earnest, desirous ; covetous, parsimonious, niggardly. AVI AVO Avidemext, ah'veed-mang, ad. greedily, eagerly, voraciously, with avidity, with great desire. Avidite, ah-ve-de-tai, s/. avidity, greedi- ness, eagerness, ardent desire, appetite; thirst. Avii.i, -B, ah-ve-le, -e, adj. vile, abject, con- temptible, base, mean, worthless, sordid, wicked, abandoned. Avii.u:, uh-ve-leer, ra. 2 r. to vilify, debase, disgrace, abuse, defame ; abate, lessen, diminish. A.VILIR, ah-vc-leer, vn. 2 r. to become con- temptible, mean, worthless ; lower, less- en, be reduced in price. S', s'uhve-leer, rref. to vilify, dis- grace, demeau, humble one's self; de- crease. Aviussa.vt, -e, ah-ve-le-sana, ■(, adj. con- temptible, disgraceful, humiliating-. Avilissement, ah-oe-teess-mang, sm. abase- ment, degradation, baseness, vileness ; humiliation ; profligacy. Avine, -e, ah-ve-nai, -e., adj. seasoned with wine, drunken, inebriated, given to habitual inebriety. Avinkk, ah-ve-nai, va. 1 r. to season with wine ; intoxicate, inebriate, make drunk. Ayirox, ah-ve-rong, sm. oar, long pole with a broad end to drive and direct boats. Avironner, ah-ve-ro-nai, ra. 1 r. to row, impel by rowing, drive forward by oars. Ayironxier, ah-ve-ro-tiyai, sm. oar-maker; rower, manager of the oars. Avis, ah-vee, sm. advice, counsel, opinion, intelligence, motion, instruction, notice, warning; news, account, advertisement. Prendre les avis, to put to vote. Avis (DONNEDR, -SE D'), do - nur, -nuhzp- d'ah-ven, sm/. projector, schemer, contri- ver ; busy-body, meddling person. Avis (barque d'), bark-d' ah-vee, sf. dispatch boat, ship carrying orders to or bringing news from a fleet. Avis (aller aux), to scout, go cut in order to observe the enemy's motions privately. AviSE, -B, ah-ve-zai, -e, adj. prudent, cau- tious, wise, circumspect, discreet ; crafty, subtle, cunning. AviSER, ah-ve-zai, va. 1 r. to advise, coun- sel, inform ; perceive ; understand ; think ; spy out. Aviser, ah-ve-zai, vn. 1 r. to consider ; spy ; descry; warn; look to; think of; re- solve ; judge, think advisable. S' AVISER, b' ah-ve-zai, ore/, to avise, think of; bethink one's self to; take into one's head, devise, contrive. Avisement, ah-veez-mang, sm. contrivance, opinion, thought, device ; information, ad- vice. Aviso, ah-ree-zo, sm. dispatch boat, ship with dispatches to a fleet. Avitaillement, ah-ve-tah-yuh-mang, sm. victualling, provisions, stores., ah-vetah-yai, va. Ir. to victual, store with provisions, supply with food. Avitailleur, ah-ve-tah-yur, sm. victualler, purveyor, agent victualler. Aviver, ah-re-vai, va. 1 r. to brisk up ; en- liven ; polish ; rub lightly ; spread ; hew, fell. Avives, ah-veeve, s/p. glandulous swelling ; vives. Avivoir, ah -ra- voo-ahr, sm. (instrument) polisher ; burnisher. AvocaSSER, ah-vo-kah-sai, vn. 1 r. to be a pettifogger, petty lawyer, a would-be ad- vocate. AVOCASSERIE, ah-vo-kass-rcr, sf. office, pro- fession, business of a pettifogging attorney. Avoi'at, ah-vo-Icah, sm. advocate, barrister, lawyer; defender, protector, vindicator, mediator. AVOCAT CONSULTANT, ah-vo-Lnh-long-seuh tang, sm. chamber counsellor (vide obs. 4). AVOCAT l'LAIDANT, ah Co-/. (lit -])l,l,/-i king, sm. pleader, counsel, barrister, advocate. AvoCATE, ah-vo-katt, s/. advocate, media- trix; protectress; advocate-general's lady., ah-voo-ahn, sf. oats, a grain with which horses are led. AvoiNES, ah-coo-uhn, s/p. standing oats, fields of oats. AVOINE (Farine D'), /aJi-reen-d'ahvoo-ahn, oatmeal, flour made by grinding oats. Avon;, ah-ro^-ar, sm. property, wealth, riches ; substance ; gain, profit ; money, payment. Avoir, ah-voo-ar, va. and aux. 3 irr. to have, possess, carry ; get, have got ; enjoy, obtain ; be. Avoir du Men, to be rich. II y a, there is. // .(/ a ici, here are. Avoir faim, ah-voo-ar -j'aing, v. idi. to be hungry. Avoir GRAND FAIM, ali-roo-ar-grang-faing, to be very hungry (vide obs. G). Avoir Soif, ah-voo-ur-soo-aff, v. idi. to be thirsty. Avoir grand soif, ah-voo-ar-grang-soo-aff, to be very thirsty (vide obs. 6). Avoir chaud, ah-vooar-shoe, v. idi. to be warm or hot. Avoir grand chaud, ah-voo-ar-grang-shoe, to be very warm or hot (vide obs. 6). Avoir froid, ah-voo-ar-/roo-ah, v. idi. to bo cold. Avoir grand froid, ah-voo-ar-grang-/roo- ah, to be very cold (vide obs. 6). Avoir beau, ah-voo-ar-bo, v. idi. to try in vain, be in vain, to no purpose (vide obs. G)* Avoir beau, belle (l'), P ah-voo-ar -bo, -bell, v. idi. to have a favorable opportu- nity to do it. Avoir (y), ce- yah -voo -ar, v. mono. conj. thus : eell-yah, there is or are ; edl-yah- vay, there was or were ; eell-e-eu. Avoisiner, «/t - voo -ah- ze- nai, va. 1 r. to border upon, touch, stand near to, be con- tiguous, neighbor. Avons, ah-vong, 1 pers. pi. pres. ind. of avoir, have. Avoute, -e, ah -vor-iai, -e, adj. stunted, blasted, imperfect ; deformed ; unsuccess- ful ; inexpedient, ill-contrived. Avortement, ah - vort - mang, sm. miscar. riage, abortion, premature birth ; failure, unhappy event of an undertaking. Avorter, ah-vor-tai, va. 1 r. to miscarry, have an abortion ; slink ; fail, be unsuc. cessful, fall short of. Avorton, ah-vor-tong, sm. abortion, abor- tive, stunted person or animal ; careless or untimely production ; little ugly deformed person. Avoue, ah-voo-ai, sm. avowee, proctor, at- torney, solicitor ; patron, supporter. AVOUEB, ah-voo-ai, va. Ir. to own, confess, 55 BAA BAC avow, justify, declare openly, acknowl- edge ; approve, authorize. S'avouek, s'ah-poo-ai, vref. to acknowledge, declare, confess one's self. Avouekie, ah-voo-ree, sf. advowson, right to present to a benefice. Avoyer, ah-voo-ah-yai, sm. magistrate in some towns of Switzerland. Avril, ah-vre.e, sm. April, fourth month of the year, prime. Axe, aks, sm. axis, axle-tree ; gnomon ; trunk ; stem. Axillaire, ak-seel-layre, adj. axillary, be- longing to the arm-pit. Axinomancie, ak-se-no-mang-see, sf. divina- tion by the stroke of an axe. Axiome, ak-syomm, sm. axiom, incontest- able proposition ; maxim ; proverb. Axiometre, ahk-se-o-meytr, sm. tell-tale. Axonge, ak-songhje, sf. suet ; tallow ; grease, fat ; vitreous or glassy scum. Ayant, ai-yang, pres. part, of avoir, having. Ayant-cause, ai - yang - coze, sm. heir, in- heritor, representative. Ay or Ai', ah-yuh ! int. ay ! oil ! ah ! Ayez, ai-yai, 2 pers. pi. imper. and 2 pers. pi. pies. subj. of avoir, have. Ayons, ai-yong, 1 pers. pi. imper. and subj. of avoir, let us have. Azaphie, uh-zah-fee, sf. indistinctness of the voice, inarticulateness, confusion of sounds. Azerole, az-rol, sf. Neapolitan medlar, small red fruit or berry. ■ Azerolier, az-ro-lyai, sm. Neapolitan med- lar-tree. Azi, ah-ze, sm. curds, coagulation of skim- milk with vinegar. Azime, ah-zeem, adj. (see Azyme). Azimut, ah-ze-meut, sm. azimuth, arch be- tween the meridian of the place and a given vertical line (vide obs. 4). Azimutal, -e, ah-ze-meu-tal, adj. measuring or representing the azimuth (vide obs. 4). Azoodynamie, ah-zo-o-de-nali-mee, sf. loss of strength, debility, weakness. . Azote, uh-zntt, sm. azote, base of the atmo- spherical air : adj. azotic, gas azote, azotic gas. Azotii, ah-zott, sm. principle, cause of metals; mercury. Azotique, ah-zo-teek, adj. azotic. Azur, ah-zeure, sm. lapis lazuli, stone of an azure color ; azure ; blue enamel. Azur, ah-zeure, sm. azure, blue, faint blue, sky color (vide obs. 4). Azure, -e, ah-zeu-rai, -e, adj. sky-colored, blue (one of the seven primitive colors). Azyme, ah-zeem, sm. and adj. unleavened, not fermented, not mixed with fermenting matter. Azymes (fetes des), fayte-dey-zah-zeem, sfp. feast of the unleavened bread among the Jews. Azymite, ah-zc-meet, smf. one who lives upon unleavened bread, a Jew. B. B, he. Etre marque au b, to be blind of one eye. Baa, bahah, sm. baa, cry of a lamb or sheep. 56 Babeau, hahdjoe, sm. ghost, phantom, spec- tre ; word of tenor used to frighten chil- dren. Babel, bah-bell, sf. place of confusion, med- ley of people, noisy society or assembly. Babel (tour de), iaore-dvh-bah-bell, sf. con- fusion, disorder, revel, uproar, riot, noise. Babeurre, bah-bidire, sm. buttermilk, whey separated from the butter. Babiche, bah-beesh, sf. lap-dog, lady's little dog fondled in the lap. Babichon, bah-be-shong, sm. lap-dog, lady's little dog. Babil, buh-be-yuh, sm. prate, prattle, tattle, chat, empty talk, talkativeness, loquacity, unmeaning conversation. Babillage, bah-be-yahj, sm. babbling ; chat- ter ; tattle. Babillard, -e, bahd>e-yar, -d, smf. prater, prattler, chatterer, trifling talker; tell- tale, teller of secrets, babbler. Babillard, -e, bah-be-yar, -d, adj. indis- creet, prating, chattering, full of talk ; babbling, tale-telling. Babiller, bah-he-yai, vn. \r. to prate, chat, prattle, babble, chatter, tattle ; tell-tale, reveal secrets., bah-been, sf. lip of some animals, as horse, cow, ape, cat, dog, itc. Babiole, bah-byol, sf. toy, bauble, trifle, gewgaw, plaything. Babord, bah-bor, sm. larboard, left side of a ship coming from the stern ; low vessel. Babouche, bahdmosh, sf. slippers, sandals (shoes used among the Turks and Siamese). Babouin, bah -boo- aing, sm. baboon ; gro- tesque figure ; mischievous child ; mouth, lips ; phiz. Babouine, bah-boo-een, sf. ape, little mis- chievous girl ; ugly woman. Babouixer, bah-boo-e-nai, ra. \r. to play the buffoon, play antics, monkey tricks. Bac, bah, sm. ferry, flat-bottomed boat, ves- sel of carriage ; vat, stone basin, trough. Bacaliau, bah-kahdyo, sm. stock-fish, drieM cod or ling. Baccalaureat, bah-kahdo-rai-ah, sm. bach- elor's degree, first degree to doctorship. Bacchanal, bah-kah-nal, sm. great noise, uproar, tumult, confusion. Bacchanals, bah-kah-nal, sf. drunken feast, revelry, loose jollity, debauch, wassail. Bacchan ales, bah-kah-nal), sfp. bacchanals, dance of bacchantes, drunken feasts of Bacchus. Bacchanaliser, hah-kah-nahdee-zni , vn. to revel, feast with loose and clamorous mer- riment. Bacchante, bah-kanyie, sf. termagant, scold- ing turbulent woman, scold, virago ; bac- chant. Bacha, bah-shah, sm. bashaw, viceroy of a piovince in Turkey. Bache, bash, sf. tilts, coarse linen cloth to cover carts, &c, dragging nets ; tub ; tem- porary shed ; tent. Bachelette, bah-shuh-lett, sf. young and pretty girl, girl who has a lover, damsel. Bachelier, bah-shididyai, sm. bachelor of arts, student who has taken his first de- gree ; knight, lover ; unmarried man. Bacher, bah-shai, va. \r. to tilt, cover, overspread with coarse cloth, raise a tent or shed. BAF BAI Bachique, bahsTieeh, adj. drunken, merry, joily, jovial. Bachon, bah-shong, sm. washing-tub, large open vessel of wood to carry water, A.e. BaCHOT, bah-sho, sm. wherry, light boat used on rivers, ferry. Bachotage, Ixih-shit -tahje, sm. crossing of a river, ferriage, business of a wherry-man. Bachoteor, bah-sho-twr, sm. ferryman, keep- er of a ferry, boatman. BACBOTTE, /«(/( • slmtt, sf bucket, trough, small wooden vessel to hold water. Bacile, bah-seel, sm. sea-fennel, samphire (a plant preserved in pickle). Backgammon, back-ghah-mong, sm. back- .garumon, play or game with dice and table. Baclage, bah-klahje, sm. tier or row of ves- sels in a port ; custom-house duty, shutting of the port. Baclee, bah-Jdaie, tzdj.f. frozen over, blocked up ; concluded, settled, terminated. Baclee (riviere), re-cyayre-bah-klaie, sf. river frozen over. (affaire), ah-fayr -lah -llaie, sf. affair, business settled, concluded, ter- minated. BACLER, lah-Mai, va. 1 r. to bar, chain, fasten a door, window, boat, ld of a ship to put in corn, dam to chain water. Bardot, bar-do, eta. small mule that cat the muleteer ; drudge ; mule ; incomplete book. Barge, barhje, sf. hay-stack ; flat-bottomed boat for pleasure or burden ; pile of fagots. Barguigkage, bar - guing - yahje, sm. bar- gaining, haggling', boggling, wavering, irresolution, hesitating. Barguigner, bar-guing-yai (gn.liq.) en. l /•. to bargain, haggle, boggle, waver, h tate. BarguiGNEUR, -se, hnr-guinrj-yur, -yuhze. smf. bargainer, haggler, waverer. Bakil, bah-re. sm. barrel, cask, rundlet. tube of a gun : cylinder. Barillage, bah-re-yahje, sm. emptying cf barrels; filling of bottles, bottling. Barillet, bah-re-yay, sm. small barrel ; keg ; barrel of a watch. Bariolage, bah-ryo-lahje, sm. odd mixture of colors, confused mixture of colors. Barioler, bah-ryo-lai, va. 1 ''. to mix colors. streak, paint, variegate without order, daub, speckle. Bariolure, bah-ryo-leure, sf. speck, spot, blot, mark, made bv discoloration (vide obs. i). Barlong, -ue, bar-long, -g, adj. uneven, longer on one side than on the other. Baunabite, bar-nah-beet, sm. Barnabite, a friar. BARNACnE, bar-nash, sf. barnacle, bird like a goose. Barometre, bah-ro-maytr, sm. barometer, weather-glass. Baron, bah-rong, sm. baron ; a degree next to a viscount. Baroxxage, bah- ro-nalje, sm. baronage, dignity of a baron. BARON ne, bah- ronn, sf. baroness, lady or widow of a baron. Baroxnet, bah-ro-nay, sm. baronet, heredi- tary degree below a baron and above a knight. Baroxxie, bah-ro-nee, sf. baron ; demesnes of a baron ; that honor or lordship that gives title to a baron. Baroque, bah-rocl;, adj. odd, unequal, un- even, irregular, rough. Baroscope, bah-ro-scop, sm. baroscope. Barot, bah-ro, sm. beam, joist, rafter. Barque, bark, sf. bark ; small ship, craft, large boat. Barquerolle, barh-rol, sf. little boat, small vessel without mast : fishing-boat. Barrage, bah-rahje, sm. turnpike money, toll, toll-gate, turnpike. Barrager. bah-rah-hjai, sm. toll-gatherer. Bar RE, bar, sf. bar; bolt; spar; stroke; line ; whipstaff ; cross-bar, barrier ; lever ; pole. Barres, barrhe, sfp. bars ; part of a horse's nether jaw ; prison. Barreau, -x, p. bah-ro, -oe, p. sm. wooden or iron bar, rail ; court of justice, profu- sion of the law, lawyers. Barrer, bah-rai, va. 1 r. to bar, fas* stop, hinder, obstruct ; prevent ; scratch out ; erase ; knit fast ; sear. Barrette, bah-re(t, sf. small cap, bonnet ; cardinal's, doge's, or noble Venetian's red cap ; small bar or plate. CI BAS BAS Barricade, bah-re-Jead, sf. barricade, stop, bar, obstruction ; intrenehment. Barricader, bah-re-kah-dai, va. 1 r. to bar- ricade, stop, obstruct, bar. Barriere, bah-ryaire, sf. barrier, barricade, intrenchment ;' liinderance, obstruction, rail, ga'te, turnpike, field gate. BARRKiUS, bali-reek, sf. hogshead, tun, butt, squat and lusty person. VIA.RBOIR, bah-roo-ar, sm. long thin piercer, wimble, instrument to bore boles (vide jbs. 5). Barnes, barse, sfp. lead or tin boxes, canis- ters in which tea is brought from China. Bartavelle, bar-tah-vel, sf. large red par- triage. Bas, -se, bah, -se. adj. low, shallow, mean, base, inferior, cringing, servile, dishonor- able, despicable, mercenary, cheap, short, poor, small. Les eaux sont basses chez lui, tilings are at a low ebb with him. Faire main basse, to put all to the sword. Bas-fond, bah-fong, sin. flat, shallow, place at sea where the water is shallow ; shoal, low ground. Bas-pecfle, bah-pubpl, sm. populace, vul- gar, common people ; rabble, mob. Bas-prix, bah-pree, sin. cheapness, low price, moderate rate, easy purchase. Bas-relief, bah-riih-lyaiff, sm. bass-reiief, ornamental painting or sculpture. Bas, bah, sm. bottom, foot, depth, end, lower part, extremity ; stocking, hose. Bas, bah, ad. low. down, below, off, yonder ; softly. Parler bas. to speak low. A bas, ah-bah, ad. down, upon the ground. Ex-bas, ang-bah, ad. down, downwards, be- low. Ici-bas, e-se-bah, ad. here below, in this world. La-bas, lah-bah, ad. yon, yonder, at a dis- tance, within view. Par-bas, par -bah, ad. downwards. Par-bas (par haut et), par-hoe-ai-par-bah, ad. upwards and downwards ; far and near. Ex-bas (de haut), duh-hoe -tang -bah, ad. from top to bottom ; with contempt. Basalte, bah - zalt, sm. black marble, ba- saltes ; very hard lava, touchstone. Basane, bah-zann, sf. tanned sheep's skin ; leather for bookbinding. Basane, -e, bah-zah-nai, -e, adj. tawny, swarthy, dusky, sun-burnt, tanned. Bas bord, bah-bor, sin. larboard, left hand side of the ship when facing the head. Bascule, bass -hide, sf. sweep; see-saw, counterpoise, equilibration. Base, bahze, sf. base, basis, foundation, sup- port ; pedestal ; chief ingredient. Baser, bah-zai, va. 1 r. to settle, establish, found, lay the basis, fix firm, raise, build. Se baser, suh-bah-zai, vref. to rest ; prop one's self, depend, rely upon. Basilic, bah-ze-leek, sm. basilisk, cockatrice, serpent said to kill by looking; kind of cannon ; sweet basil. Basilicox, bah-ze-le-lcong, sm. basilicon, ointment, tetrapharmacon. Basilique, bah -ze-leek, sf. stately church ; court of justice; large hall; basilic vein, basilic. /Sasin, bah-zaing, sm. dimity, fine fustian or cotton cloth. 62 Basoche, bahzosh, sf. basoche, a company formed of the lawyers' clerks in the par- liament of Paris. Basque, basic, sf. flap or skirt of a coat. Basque, basic, smf. Basque, native of French Biscay, Biscayan. Basque (courir comme us), koo-reer-com- ung-bask, idi. v. 2 in: to run swiftly, be swift-footed. Basse, bahss, sf. bass, bass voice, singer, or instrument, bass sound. Basse contin ce, bahss - kong - 1 e - neu, sf. thorough-bass (vide obs. 4). Basse-taille, bahss - tah -yuh, sf. counter- tenor, middle part of music. Basse de viole, bahss - duh - rydl, sf. bass* viol, instrument used for the bass sound. Basse-cour, bahss-koor, sf. poultry-yard, in. ner court, court of offices. Basse-cour (nouvelles de la), noo-vell- dlah-bahss-koor, sfp. Grub-street news. v. Basse-fosse, banss-fosse, sf. dungeon, sub- terraneous prison, close prison. Basse-voile, bahss-voo-ahU, sf. main or fore sail, sail of the mainmast. Bassement, bahss-mang, ad. meanly, lowly, poorly ; in a low mean style ; dishonorably. Basser, bah-sai, va. to give a lustre to cloth. Basses, bahss, sjp. shallows, flats, shoals, shelves, ridge of rocks. Bassesse, bah-sess, sf. baseness, meanness, vileness ; mean or base action ; low style. Basset, bah-say, sm. terrier, dog that fel- lows his game under ground ; little man, with short legs and thighs. Bassette, bah - sett, sf. basset (a game at cards). Bassiers, bah - syai, smp. fiats ; heaps of sand in rivers. Bassin, bah-saing, sm. basin, small pond, wet dock, hollow place to hold liquids ; circular plain. Bassixe, bah-seen, sf. pan, large flat brass pan used by confectioners, chemists, Ac. Bassixer, bah-se-nai, va. 1 r. to warm a bed with a warming-pan ; foment ; water, sprinkle plants, . BAtisse, bdh-teess, sf building of a house, masonry. BAtisseur, biih-te-sur, sm. builder ; archi- tect ; one fond of building ; bad builder. Batiste, bah-teest, sf lawn, cambric, fine linen. BAton, bhh-tang, sm. batoon, staff, walking- stick, club, cudgel ; truncheon, marshal's staff. BAtonnf.r, bah -to -nai, va. 1 r. to cudgel, beat with a stick ; score, strike out, cancel, stretch., bhh-tonai, sm. tip-cat ; small stick pointed at both ends, with which chil- dren play. BAtonnikr, hah to • nyai, sm. chairman of lawyers ; staff-bearer ; constable ; beadle. Bats, bah, prcs. ind. of battre, beat. Battage, bah • tahje, s/. thrashing of corn, beating of wool. Battant, bah -tang, sm. clapper; folding - door ; batlet. Battant, -e, bah - tang, -t, adj. working ; sympathetic ; beating. Battant l'oxil, bah-tang-Vuh-yuh, sm. cap, elegant morning cap (put on Villi seeming carelessness). Batte, batt, sf beetle, rammer ; hammer ; bolster of a saddle ; beater ; battledore ; sloping bench ; harlequin's wand. Batte-A-beurre, batt-ah buhre, sf churning staff, milk stirrer. Battement, batt -mang, sm. beating; ap- plause, plaudit, clapping of hands, of wings, &c, stamping ; shock ; attack ; iron bar. Batterie, batt-ree, sf battery, fighting, scuffle ; battle ; cover of the powder-pan ; beating of the drum, playing ; ways and means. Batterie de cuisine, batt - ree ■ duh -l;eu - e- zeen, sf. kitchen utensils. Batteur, -se, bdli-iur, -tuhze, smf beater, boxer, person fond of giving blows. Batteur, -se de pave, bah-tur, -tuhzeduh- puh-cai, smf. idle person, vagabond, pick- pocket, strumpet, rambler. Batteur d'OR, bah-tur-d'or, sm. gold-beater. Batteur en grange, bah-tur-avg-granghje, sm. thrasher ; one who thrashes corn. Batteur, -se d'estrade, bah - tur, - tuhze- daiss-trad, smf. scout, spy ; one fond of prying. Battoir, lah-too-ar, sm. battledore ; batlet ; beetle ; rammer (vide obs. l>). Battre, batr, ra. 4 irr. to beat, strike, knock, mix : shuffle ; torment, shake, agi- tate, stir ; pull down ; defeat ; pound ; wash ; thrash; coin ; churn ; convince. Battre le fer, batr ■ luh fair, v. 4 irr. to exercise one's self in fencing. Battre la semelle, —lah-suh-vieU, to travel on foot ; ramble. Battre le pave, —luh pah-vai, to ramble about the streets. Battre l'estrade, —Vaiss-trad, to send out scouts. Battre la CAMPAGNE, —lahlangpahing- yuh, to speak at random, be deranged ; "wander, rove. Battre monnaie, —mo-naye, to coin ; mint, stamp metals for money. Battre des mains, — day-mainghe, to clap, applaud, praise by clapping the hands. Battre quelq.u'UN en ruine —heil-kuhng- ang-reu-een, to run one down. Battre les oreilles k,—lay-zo-ray-yuh, to stun one's ears with. Battre l'eau, — Vo, to work, labor, toil in vain. Battre les cartes,— lay-Tcarte, to shuffle the cards ; play mean tricks. Battre le beuuRE, —luh-buhre, to churn, make butter. Battre, batr, vn. iirr. to beat, move, pal- pitate ; go ; shine ; throb. Battre bien du. pays, to travel a great way. Battre aux champs, —oeshanghe, to set out, depart ; start. Battue froid, —froo-ah, to receive coldly, admit unwillingly, 63 BEA BEC Se t.attre, suh-hatr, vref. to fight, contend, contend in battle. Ss FAII4E battke, suh - faire - batr, comp. vref. to get one's self beaten. Battu, -k, hah-teu, -e, adj. and part, beaten, cast down, low, dejected, dispirited (vide obs. A). Lev yeux battux, black and blue. Battu (che.uin), shuh - maim/ - bah ■ tea, sm. beaten, frequented path, road, or track. Battu de la tempkte, huh - tea - dlah tang - pet/te, sm. tempest-beaten, tempest-tost (videobs. 4). Battu de l'oiseau, bah-len-duh-loo-ah-zo, sm. overwhelmed with misfortunes, losses, disgraces. Battus (avoir les tbux), ah - voo - ar - ley- zifuhe. hah tew, v. aux, one's eyes to be heavy, dead. Battues de (avoir oreilles), ah-voo- ar-ley-zo-ray-yuh-bah-feue, v. aux. to have one's ears stunned with ; be tired with often hearing j Battures, bah-tewre, sfp. breakers shelves; shoals (vide obs. 4). Baubi, bo-be, sm. harrier; foxhound; large hound. Baud, boe, sm. stag-hound : Barbary hound. Baudet, bo day, sm. ass; very ignorant man . sawyer's tressel. Baudrier, bo-dre-yai, sm. shoulder-belt. Bauge, bohje, sf. soil of a wild boar; mortar, cement, plaster made of clay and straw. Baume, home, sm. balm, balsam; ointment. Bau.wier, boe-myai, sm. balsam-tree. Bacque, bake, sf. sea-weed cast on shore used for manure. Bavard, -e, bah - var, -d, smf. babbler, tell- tale ; prater, boaster, everlasting; talker. Bavaroeis, bah-var-dai, vn. 1 r. to blab, tell secrets; talk idly; boast. Bavakderie, bah - varde - ree, sf. prattle. babble, idle talk ; telling of secrets ; (toast. Bave, bar, sf. slaver, drivel, slabbering; .saliva, foam. Baver, hah- vai, vn. 1 r. to slabber, slaver, drivel, dripple, foam. Bavette, bah-vett, sf. bib, slabbering-cloth. Baveur, -SE, bah-vur, -vuhze, smf. slub- berer, slaverer, driveller, idiot, fool. Baveuse (chair), shair-baA-vuhze, sf. proud flesh. Baveux, -se, bah vuhc, -vuhze, adj. slab- bering, slimy. Batoche, -e, bah - vo - shai, -e, adj. rough, dim, clumsy, not cleanly done. Bavocher, bah-vo-shai, to spot, print dimly, trace imperfectly. Bavochure, bah - vo - sheure, sf. imperfect, rough, dim sketch (vide obs. 4). Bavolet, bah-vo-lay, sm. country woman's head-dress. Bayer, bay-yai, vn. 1 r. to gape, stare with open mouth, gaze. Bazar, hah-zar, sm. public repository, gen- eral market; place of confinement in" the East. SJdeli.ium, bdel -le-yom, sm. bdellium, aro- matic gum from the Levant. Beant, -e, bai-ang, -t, adj. wide open, large, gaping, yawning. Beat, -e, bai-ah, -t, smf. and adj. sancti- monious, saintly ; hypocrite ; one who feasts without paying scot. Beatification, bai-ah-tefe-Tcah-syony, sf. 6i beatification, acknowledgment by the pope of sanctity ; glory. Beatifier, bai-ah -le-fyai, va. lr. to beatify, rank among the saints. Beatifique, bai -ah-te.feek, adj. beatific, blissful, heavenly happiness, enjoying ce- lestial bliss. Beatilles, bai-ah-te-yuh, sfp. tit-bits, nico bits; cock's combs, sweet-breads ; things put in ragouts or sauces. Beatitude, bai ah-te-teud, sf. beatitude, blessedness, felicity, happiness (vide obs. 4). Beau, bo, sm. excellence, perfection, beauty, fineness, every thing excellent, perfect, ad- mirable, or beautiful. Beau ideal, bo e-dai-dl, sm. celestial, ima- ginary, visionary, ecstatic beauty, fancy sublime. Beau, bo, adv. in vain, vainly, to no pur- pose, without effect. Beau (tout), too bo, int. hold ! stop ! enough ! take care ! gently 1 not so fast ! softly ! peace ! Beau, bel, belle, bo, bell, belle, adj. mf. beautiful, handsome, fine, fair, agreeable, excellent, happy, good, great, admirable, useful, (,adj. holy, sacred, con- secrated, hallowed. Benite de cour (de l'eau), dlo-bai-neet- duh-koor, sf. idi. exp. court promises, false protestations. Benitier, bai-ne-tyai, sin. holy-water ves- sel ; basin containing the holy water at the door of Roman Catholic churches. Benjamin, bainghjah-maing, sm. favorite, pet, darling child, youngest child. Benjoin, baing-hjoo-aing, sm. benzoin, aro- matic gum, medicinal resin. Bequillard, bai-ke-yar, sm. old man walk- ing on crutches, old infirm man ; dotard, cripple. Beq.uii.le, hai-kee-yuh, sf. crutch, support used by cripples. Bequiller, bai ■ le - yai, va. 1 r. to dig up weeds (in a garden), weed, root out weeds. Bequiller, bai-ke-yai, vn. 1 r. to make use of crutches, walk' on crutches ; beat with a crutch. Bequillon, bai - 7ie - yong, sm. weed-book, pointed stick to root' out the weeds. Bercail, bair - leak - yuh, sm. sheep-fold, sheep-cot, inclosure for sheep ; pale. Berceau, -x, p. bair-so, -oe, p. an. cradle; arbor, bower ; beginning ; vault ; hull of a ship. Berceau (au or pes le), o or dey-luh-bair- so, ad. exp. from one's cradle, from one's infancy. Bercer, bair-sai, va. 1 r. to rock, lull, quiet ; amuse, feed with vain hopes, deceive. Se bercer, suh-bair-sai, vref. to hope vain- ly, flatter one's self, build castles in the air. Bergame, bair-gam, sf.coa.rse tapestry, cloth woven in regular figures. Bergamotte, bair-gah-mott, ff. bergamot ; essence, perfume ; scented snuff. Berge, bairJije, sf. beach, steep bank ; shoal ; barge, small boat. 66 Berger, bair-ftjai, sm. shepherd, swain ; rural lover ; pastor. Berger (l'heure du), Vuhre-deu-bair-hjai , idi. exp., sf. the happy moment (vide obs. 4). Bergere, bair ■ hjayre, sf. shepherdess , sweetheart ; mistress ; woman's head-dress, cap ; sola. Berg erie, hairhje-ree, sf. sheepfold ; flock ; congregatio . BERGERIE (ENFERMER LE LOUP DAN'S LA), ang-fair-mai-luh-loo -dang-lah-baii //jr-ree, idi. v. 1 r. to set the fox to watch tho geese. Bergeries, bairhje-ree, s/'p. pastorals, idyls, bucolics, eclogues, rural poems. Bergeronnette, bairhje-ro-netl, sf. water- wngtail, pretty little bird black and white ; country lass. Berichot or -chon, bai-re-sJio or -shorty, sm. hedge-sparrow, sparrow living in bushes. Berle, buirll, sf. water-parsley. Berline, bair-leen, sf. berlin, carriage of a particular foim drawn by four horses. Berlingot, bair-lainggo, sm. chariot, small carriage of pleasure, phaeton. Beri.ue, bairleue, sf. momentary dizziness, flash, glare ; dimness of sight (vide obs. 4). Berlue (avoir la), ah - voo - ar - lah - bair - lene, idi. v. aux. to be dazzled, see dimly, imperfectly ; judge wrong (vide obs. 4). Berjie, bairnt, sf. narrow path, foot-path, covered way. Bernable, bair-nabl, adj. deserving to be tossed in a blanket ; ridiculous. Berne, bairnn, sf. toss, leap, jump, skip in a blanket ; raillery, satirical joke. Bernement, bairn many, sm. toss in a blan- ket ; ridicule, satire, banter, laughing- stock. Berner, bairnai, va. 1 r. to toss in a blan- ket ; ridicule, expose to laughter, bamer, rail}-, play upon. Berneur, -se, bair-mtr, -vhze, smf. tosser up ; satirist, banterer, person who ridicules. Bernique, bairneek, adj. not at all ; not in the least. Berniquet, lair-ne-kay, sm. chest, bin to hold flour, &c. ; beggary, misery, distress-. Berniquet (etre au), tytr-b-bair -ne-kai, idi. v. aux. to be reduced to beggar}-, be a beggar. Besace, buh-zasse, sf. bag, wallet ; beggar's bag. Besacier, bnli-zaJi-syai, sm. beggar, mendi- cant ; bag-carrier ; pedler. Besaigre, buh-zaygr, adj. sourish, some- what sour. Besaigue, buhzaygg, sf. pointed tool at both ends. Besant, buhzang, sm. bezant, ancient gold coin struck at Byzantium. Besicles, buh-zcekl, sf. spectacles, glasses. Besicles (prendre ses), prangdr-sey-bvh- zeekl, idi. r. 4 irr. to consider well, take good measures. Besogne, buh-zo-ing-yuh (gn. liq. see tab.) sf. work, labor, toil, employment ; feat, deed, management. Besogne faite (aimer), ai-mai-buhzo ing- yiili-fett, idi. v. 1 r. to hate work, be idle. Besogne (tailler de la), tah-yai-dloh-buh- zo-ing-yuh, idi. v. 1 r. to harass, plague, give trouble, cut out work. BIA BIE BES0GXE (ETRE Or SB METTRE EX), f.yfror tsuh-nuttrany-buh-zo inyyuh, idi. v. to bo- gin, set about. Besogxeux, -se, buh-so-iny-uh, -uhze, adj. poor ; needy. Besoi.v, bvh-zoo-aing, sm. need, want, occa- sion, lack, necessity, exigency ; poverty, indigence. Besoi.v (avoir), ah-roo-ar-buh-zoo-aing, i<1i. r. uux. to want, require, be iu need of (vide obs. 6). Bestiaire, bes8-tyayre, sm. beast-fighter. Bestial, -e, bjesx-tyal, adj. bestial, beastly, brutal, cruel ; brutish. Bestialite, bdss-tyaJi-le-tai, sf. bestiality, quality of beasts ; depravedness. Bestiasse, bessjyass, sf. ninny, simpleton, tiifier, foolish person. BkSTIAOI, bess - ti/oe, smp. cattle, herds, flock. Bestiole, bess-tyol, sf. small animal, insect ; young fool, dunce. Beta, bey-tah, sm. very dull, stupid, foolish, ignorant man. Betail. bai-tah-yuh, sm. cattle, herd, flock, four-footed domestic animals of pasture. Bete, beyte, sf. beast, animal; stupid per- son, fool : brutal savage man ; game at cards. Une michante bete, cunning. Bete facve, beyte-fove, sf. stag, deer, hind. Bete xoire, beyte-nno-atr, sf. wild boar. Bete asixe, beyte-ah-zeea, sf. ass ; simple- ton, dolt; ignorant person. B£te farouche, beytefaJi-roosh, sf. wild beast, uncivilized person; misanthrope. Bete (uxe bosxe), euan-bonn-beyte, sf. cun- ning deceitful person ; hypocrite ; back- biter. Bete (fairs la), faire-lahbeyle, v. 4 irr. to be looe 1 or beasted. Betel, bai-iell, sm. betel, sort of tobacoo. _ IjETEME.vt, beyte-mang, ad. foolishly, stupid- ly, sillily. Betille, bai-tee-yuh, sf. muslin. BftTtSE, bey -feeze, sf. stupidity, foolishness, ignorance ; absurdity, folly, stupid action. Eetoixe, bai-too-aim, sf. betony (a plant). Betoires., sfp. trenches filled with stones to absorb the water ; indraught. Bette, betl, sf. beet, name of a plant. Betterave, bett-rcum, sf. beetrave, beet- radish, beet, red or white. Beuglemext, buke-gluh-mang, sm. bellow- _-. loving of oxen, e-nai, va. 1 r. to plough , dress, dig a second time ; say two masses ; do duty in two parishes. Binet, be-nay, sm. socket, nozzle of a can- dlestick ; saveall. Binocle, be-noakl, sm. binocle, telescope fitted with two tubes to see a distant object with both eyes ; bandage. BlOGRAPHE, beyograff, sm. biographer, writer of lives. Biograprie, be-yo-graih-fee, sf. biography, historical account of the lives of particular men. Bipedal, -e, be-pai-dal, adj. bipedal, two feet in length, two feet long. Bii'EDE, bc-ped, sm. and adj. biped, animal with two feet. Bio'-t:, Leek, sf she-goat, suckling-goat. Biquet, be-lcay, sm. kid; money-scale, scale to weigh gold, i.-me-nvlte, -ze, adj. bituminous, (ompounded of bitumen, fat, unctuous. BiviAUiE, be-vyayre, adj. meeting of two roads, leading to two ways. Bivoie, be-voo-uh, sf. parting of a road, two ways. Bivouac, be-voo-ark, sm. double night-watch, extraordinary watch during the night in the open air. Bivouaquer, be-voo-ah-kai, vn. 1 r. to keep watch during the night in the open air ; be without shelter. Bizarre, be-zarhe, adj. odd, whimsical, ca- pricious, fantastical, singular, eccentric, huraorsome. Bizarrement. liezar-mang, ad. oddly, fan- tastically, whimsically. Bizarrerie, bezar-ree, sf'. strangeness, whim, caprice, humor, fantasticainess, ec- centricity. Blafard, -e, bldh-farhe, -d, adj. pale, wan. dim, faded. Blaikeau, -x, p. blay-ro, -oe, p. sm. badger, bruck, a wild animal. Blamable, blah-mabl, adj. blamable, cul- pable, faulty. Blame, blahm, sm. blame, reproof, reprehen- sion ; reprimand; fault, crime, hurt. Blamer, blah-mai, va. 1 r. to blame, censure, reprimand, charge with a fault ; reprove publicly. Se blamer, suh-blah-mai, vref. to impute the fault to one's self; acknowledge one's error. Blanc, blany, sm. white, whiteness, white- color, blank ; whiting : mark. Blanc, blanche, blany, blangsh, adj. white, clean, pale ; pure, innocent, spotless. Carte blanche, blank. Fer blanc, tin. Blanc-bec, blang-bec, sin. raw young man, novice, young man without experience. Blanc de baleine, blang ■duh-bah-leyne, sm. spermaceti. Blanc-manger, blang -many -h ja i, sm. blane- manger., ragout made of the white of a fowl. almonds, milk, rice, &c. Blanc-seino, blang -suing, sm. carte-blanehe, blank paper signed. Blanch aille, llang-shah-yuli, sf. fry, young fish, small fish. Blanciiatre, blang -sb'ahtr, adj. whitish. somewhat white, pale, wan. Blanche, blangt-h, sf. minim; Whitehall at billiards ; sea-swallow. Blanchement, blangsh-mang, ad. cleanly neatly, in or with clean linen. Bunciiet, Wang-shay, sm. white flannel un der a waistcoat ; printer's blanket; strainei . Blancheur, blangshitr, sf. whiteness, pale- ness ; p".rity, cleanliness. 69 BLE BOC Blanchiment, blang -she-mang, sm. bleach- ing ; wash ; prepared aqua fortis ; refiner's workshop. Blanchir, blang -sheer, va. 2 r. to bleach, whiten, wash, purify, blanch; prove inno- cent; vindicate; smooth, polish. Blaxchir, blang sheer, vn. 2 r. to grow or become white, whiten ; grow old, gray- headed ; spend, graze ; prove abortive. Se blanchir, suh-blang -sheer, vref. to justify one's self, prove one's innocence. Blanchir au soliel, blang-shee-oso-lay-yuh, v. to bleach, whiten, blanch. Blanchissage, blang-she-sahje, sm. wash, washing, linen washed, bleaching, whiten- ing. Blaxchissant, -e, blang-she-sang, -t, adj. whiteuing, bleaching ; foaming, hoary, gray, white, snowy. Blanchisserie, blang -sheess-ree, sf. bleach- ing-field ; place to whiten linen, i— loir, sf. broadside; tack ; vol- ley of abusive language. Bokdement. borde-mang, sm. forcible seizure of a ship, boarding; edge, rim. Border, bor-dai, va. 1 r. to border, edge, lace, hem ; line ; trim, fringe ; board. Bordereau, -x, p. borde-ro, -oe, p. sm. note, in' morandum-book, account. BoEDURE, Lor-deure, sf. border, edge, frame, rim. Boreal, -e, bo-rai-al, adj. boreal, northern, northerly, septentrional. Boree, bo-raie, sm. boreas, north wind. Borgnk, hor-iiig-ynh (gn. liq. see table', smf. Rndadj. person blind of one eye ; one eyed. Borgne (un conte), wig-congie-bor-ing-yuh, sm. old woman's story, tale. Borgne (un cabaret), utig-lhoh-lah-my- bor-ing-yuh, sm. hedge ale hou^e, paltry tavern, ill-frequented house. Borgne (un compte), ung - eortgte - bor - ing - yuh, sm. confused account, uneven money. BORGNESSE. hor-ing-yess (gn. liq. see tab.), sf. one-eyed woman or girl ; driveller. Borne, bornn, sf. bound, limit, stone, post, end, land-mark. Borne, -e, bor-nai, -e, adj. limited, narrow, shallow, small, moderate, uninformed, ig- norant. BOU BOU skk, bor-pai, va. 1 r. to bound, limit, x, edge, end ; restrain, confine ; cutoff. ■ ki:. 8uh -bor-nai, vref. to confine. limit one's suit', be contented, satisfied with. \OYER, hor-wmnh-yai, va. 1 r. to shut one eye, to judge of or observe a lineation or level. Bosquet, bos-hay, sm. grove, thicket, plan- tation of trees. Boss age, bo-sahje, am. bossage, embossment, jut, eminence; relief, vising work. Bosse, boss, sf. boss, bunch, lump, knob; lling, rise; relievo, model, figure. B,0Sselage, bosse -Idhje, am. relict', emboss- ment, rising work. ;eler, bosse -hti, va. 1 r. to emboss, en- grave with relief, work in relief. B -w.i'RE, bosse - leure, sf. crimping of leaves, contraction, shrinking (vide obs. 4). Bossette, bo-sett, sf. boss, stud, stud on a b: idle ; winker. Bosso, -k, bo*eu, -e, smf. and adj. kump- back, hunchbacked; uneven, unequal, tor- tuous. BOS5UER, bo-seu-ai. va. 1 r. to bruise; raise bumps ; dint, batter, deface (vide obs. 4). Bot, bo, adj. in. joined only to pied. Pied- bol or pieds-bot, pyai-bo or pyaie-boj club- foot. Botaxique, bo-tah-neek; sf. botany, knowl- edge of plants. Botaxique, bo-tdh-neek, adj. botanical, bo- tanic, relating to herbs, skilled in herbs. Bot\xiste, bo-tah-neest, smf. botanist; one skilled in plants. Botaxologie, botah-no-lo-hjee, sf. botanolo- gy, discourse upon plains. Botte, bolt, sf. boot ; bunch, bundle ; heap ; barrel ; butt ; thrust ; hank ; bottle of hay, &c ; step of a coach. Bottes, botte, sr'p. clods of dirt sticking to the shoes in dirty weather. Bottes (a propos be), ah-pro-poe-duh-bot/e, ad. exp. without cause, without reason ; by the by. BOTTELAGE, botte - lahje, sm. hay binding; bottling. Botteler, bot-lai, va. 1 r. to bind hay, Ac. ; tic. Bottei.eur. bot-lur, sm. hay-binder, one who bottles. Botter, bo-tal, va. 1 r. to make or put ou boots. Se cotter, suh-bo-tai, vref. to put on one's boots ; clog one's shoes with mud or snow. B (TTIER, bo-lyai, sm. boot maker or sell . Bottine, bo-teen, sf. half boot, buskin, 1 1 it ; jockey boot. Bouard, boo-ar, sm. sledge, minter's ham- mer. Bore, book, sm. he-goat, goat-skin, leathern bottle. Boucax, boo-ka^g, sm. hut. Wretched hovel, place to smoke flesh or fish, house of ill- fame, paltry ale-house. Botv \xi:i;. b to - bah ■ nai. va. 1 r. to smoke, grill meat ; dry by smoke ; make a great noise, quarrel, vex. teiise, torment. Boci" LHEH, boo-kah-nai, m. 1 r. to hunt wild oxen, raise a great smoke. Eoucan'ier, boo-hah-rvyai, sm. buccaneer, hunter ; one who smokes, dries flesh or fish by smoke ; pirate. BOUCASSIN, boo-kah-sainy, sm. bocasine, kind of fustian. BouCAUT, boo-koe, sm. hogshead, barrel to import or export good BOUCHE, booshe, sf. mouth ; aperture; open- ing; entrance; man; speaker; people; animal. Avoir bonne bouche, to be secret. Trailer a bouche, to treat nobly. Bonne bouche, bonn-booslie, sf. dainties, tit-bit, delicacies ; hope, fair prospect, smiling thought. BoucnE a bouche, boo.die - ah -booshe, sm. face to face, interview, parley, oral treaty, conversation, agreement. BOUCHER, hoo-shaie, sf. mouthful, morsel ; small quantity. Bouche, -e, boo -share, -e, adj. dull, stupid, heavy, Inmpish, without judgment. Boucher, boo-shai, va. 1 r. to stop, cork, shut, stuff, obstruct, prevent ; pay, repair ; plant, build. Boucher, boo-shai, sm. butcher; blood- thirsty man, unskilful surgeon. Bouchere, boo - shay re, sf. butcher's wife, woman that sells meat ; cruel woman. Boucherie, booshe-ree-. sf. slaughter-house, shambles, meat market ; slaughter, but- chery, cruelty, murder, battle, carnage. Boucherie (viaxde de), vyavgde - duh- booshe-ree, sf. butcher's meat. Bouche trou, booshe-troo, sm. substitute, person or thing put in the place of another. Boucheture, booshe-teiire, sf. ditch, fence, inclosure, monnd, hedge ; obstruction, stop, stoppage. Bouchoir, boo - shoo- ar, sm. stopple ; iron face, door, back of the oven ; any thing that fills up the mouth of any vessel (vide obs. 6). Bouchox, boo - shorty, sm. cork, stopple, wisp, bush ; hedge ale-house, paltry tav- ern ; bunch, rumple, bundle. liorcHO.v.N'ER, boo-sho-nai, ra. 1 r. to rub with a wisp, rumple ; caress, cajole ; make much of. Bouchoxxiee, boo-sho-nyai, sm. cork cutter or seller. Boucle, boockl, sf. buckle ; ring, curl ; ear- ring, prison. Boucler, boo-Jdai, va. 1 r. to buckle : ring ; curl ; invest, shut up ; finish ; conclude, make au end of. Bouclier, boo-lde-yai, sm. shield, buckler ; defence, protection ; defender, protector. Boucox, boo-kong, sm. poison ; affront, of- fence. Bouco.x (ataler le), ah - vah - la i - lull - boo- kong, va. 1 r. to swallow an affront. Bouder, boo-dai, vn. \r. to pout, look sul- len, angry, discontented ; glout. Bouder, boo-dai, va. 1 r. to look cross at one, be angry, displeased with ; deprive one's self. Boudeuie, boode-ree,sf. pouting ; wrangling, perverse humor, discontent. Bouderie (AVOIR Quelque), ah-voo-ar-kelck- bood-ree, v. aux. to be wrangling, angry, dissatisfied (vide obs. 6). BouDEUR, -se, bijodur, -dtdize, smf. and adj. sullen, sulky, morose ; one who pouts, is dissatisfied. Boudix, boo-daing, sm. pudding, sausage ; roll ; curl ; small portmanteau. Boudi>" N"0IR, boo-dainrj-noo-ar, sm. black- 73 BOU BOU pudding, gut filled with hog's fat and blood (vide obs. 6). Boudin BLANC, boo-daing-blang, sm. white- pudding ; gut filled with certain mixtures of flour, milk, eggs, and white of capons, Ac. Boudine, boo-deen, sf. rising knot on the sur- face of apiece of glass, formed by the blow- pipe. Boudiniere, boo-de-nyayre. sf. funnel, tun- nel, pipe used to make puddings. Boudoir, boo-doo - ar, sm. cabinet, closet, private room, lady's retiring room (vide obs. 6). Boue, looe, sf. dirt, mud, filth, mire ; mean- ness, sordidness ; wretched state ; misery ; matter, pus. Bouee, boo-aie, sf. buoy, piece of cork or wood fixed to a weight ; sea-mark. Boueh, boo-ai, va. 1 r. to render ductile, pliant, beat down, flatten, beat with a hammer ; hammer. Boueur, hoo-ur, sm. scavenger, one who cleans the streets. Boueux, -se, boo-vhe, -ze, adj. dirty, muddy, miry ; dim, splashy, danby. Bouffant, boo-fang, sm. bouffant, ornament worn round the neck b} r ladies. Bouffant, -e, boo-fang, -/, adj. puffing, swelling, swelled out. Bouffee, boo-faie, sf. puff; blast ; fit; breath- ing, start. Bouffek, boo - fat, va. 1 r. to blow, puff, swell into size ; eat, gorge ; glut. Bouffer, boo-fai, vn. 1 r. to blow up, swell with the wind. Bouffette, boo-fett, sf. tuft of ribbons put to one end of the head-band of a bridle. Bouffi, -e, boo-fe, -e, adj. swelled with, puffed up', bombastic, pompous, high- sounding. Bouffik, boo-feer, va. n. 2 r. to swell, raise, bloat ; be swelled, puffed, turgid. Bouffissuke, boo-feseure, sf. swelling, pro- tuberance, morbid tumor ; bombast, fus- tian ; big words (vide obs. 4). Bouffon, boo-fong, sm. buffoon, jester, jug- gler, mimic ; butt, laughing-stock, object of ridicule. Bouffon, -ne, hoo-fong, -form, adj. comical, facetious, droll, lauprhable, farcical, wag- gish, full of buffoonery. Bouffonner, hoo-fo-nai, va. 1 r. to play the buffoon, droll, jest, divert by words or ac- tions. Bouffonnerie, boo-fonn-ree, sf. buffoonery, low jests, scurrile mirth, practice of a buf- foon. Bouge, bnohje, sm. small hut ; dirty apart- ment ; rim, curve, circlet ; fine sieve ; con- vexity. Bouge, boohje, sm. middle of a barrel or cask. Bouge, boohje, sm. budget or bag. Bougeoir, boohjoo-ar, sm. fiat candlestick with a handle, bed candlestick (v. obs. 6). Bouger de, boo-hjai, vn. to stir, go out of, change ; be steady, assiduous. Bougie, boo-hjee, sf. wax-candle, wax-light, taper ; bougee. Bougier, boo-hjyai, va. 1 r. to wax or cere •with wax the selvage of cloth to prevent it from ravelling. Boug^in, -ne, lioo-gong, -aonn, smf. grumbler, .74 murmurer, mutterer, repiner, one that frets and complains. Boi'GONNEli, boo-go-nni, vn. 1 r. to grumble, murmur, mutter, be always finding iault, fret. BOUGRAN, boo - grai.g, sm. buckram, cloth stiffened with gum ; stiffness, pomposity, affectation. Bouillant, -E, boo-yang, -t, adj. boiling hot, hasty, passionate, vehement, ardent, fiery. Bouillant, boo-yang, pres. part, of bouillir, boiling. Bouille, boo-yvh, 1 and 3 pers. sing. pres. subj. of bouillir, may boil. BOuillent, boo-yvh, 3 pers. pi. pres. hid. and subj. of bouillir, boil. Bouillez, boo-yai, 2 pers. sing. pres. ind. of bouillir, boil. Bouilleur, boo-yur, sm. distiller, rectifier of spirits. Bouilli, boo-ye, sm. boiled meat. Bouillie, boo - yte, sf. pap, food made of bread boiled in water. Bouillie pour les chats, boo-yee-poordey- shahe, sf vain, fruitless labor, useless toil, unprofitable undertaking. Bouillir, boo-yeer, vn. 2 irr. to boil, work, ferment, be agitated, made with. Bouillir de la viande (faire), faireboo- yetr -dlah -vyangde, comp. 4 irr. to boil meat. Bouilloire, boo-yoo-ahre, sf. kettle, boiler. Bouillon, boo-yong, sm. broth, bubble; ebullition, effervescence ; impetuosity, ar- dor ; bad speculation, unlucky underta- king ; puff, froth, foam. Bouillon blanc, boo-yong-blang, sm. mul- lein (a plant). Bouillonnement, boo-yonn-mang, sm. boil- ing, bubbling up, ferment, effervescence. Bouillonner, boo-yonai, vn. to bubble up, ferment, effervesce; gush out ; puff up. Bouillons, boo-yong, 1 pers. sing. pres. ind. of bouillir. Bouillote, boo-yolt, sf. small tea-kettle, cof- fee-pot ; game at cards. Boulanger, boo ■ lang - hjai, sm. baker or bread-seller. Boulanger, boo -lang -hjai, va. n. 1 r. (o bake bread, sell bread. Boulangere, boo - lang -hjayre, sf. baker- woman or baker's wife. Boulangerie, boo-lanhje-ree, s/'. bake-house, baker's trade, baker's shop ; baking. Boule, boolc, sf. ball, bowl ; globe, sphere ; marble, taw. Jouer a la boule, to play at bowls. Bouleau, -x, p. boo-lo, -oe, p. sm. birch- tree ; birch, rod, correction. Bouledogue, bool-dog, sm. bull-dog, dog of a particular form, and remarkable for his courage. Bouler, boo-lai, vn. 1 r. to raise, swell ; puff up ; pout as pigeons do. Boulet, boo-lay, sm. bullet, ball ; pastern. Boulette, boo - hit, sf. little ball ; forced- meat ball. Bouleux, boo-luhe, sm. short thick horse ; drudge ; drudger ; steady laborious work- man. Boulevard, bool-var, sm. bulwark, bastion, curtain ; public walk ; fortress. Bouleversejient, bool- vairsse -viang, sm. overthrow, ruin, destruction, defeat; dis. order, confusion. BOU BOU Bouleverser, bool-vair-sai, va. Ir. to over- throw, throw down, demolish ; destroy, ruin ; disorder, put in confusion. Boulevue (a or a la), ah or ah - lah - bool - cewr, ad. exp. inadvertently, heedlessly, negligently. Boulikr, boo-Jj/ai, tan. earthen vessel or vase. Boulimie, boo-lemee, sf. inordinate hunger, attended with waste and decay. BOULJN, boo -law;i, sm. pigeon-hole, in a dove-house, pigeon's nest ; putlog, hole for the beam of a scaffold. Bouline. boo-leen, *f. bowline, rope fastened to the middle part of the outside of a sail, tack. Boui.ine (aller a LA), alt -lai-ah -lah -boo- o > n, r. 1 in-, to sail with a side wind, tack ; shuffle in an affair. Bouxiner, boo-le-nai, ra. 1 r. to tack, sail with a side wind ; shift, evade, shuffle in an affair ; steal, rob in a camp. Boulineur, boo-le-nur, sm. robber, thief (in a camp) ; marauder. Boulingrin, boo-la&ng-graing, sm. bowling- preen, grass-plot, smooth level to play at bowls. Boulon, boo-long, sm. bolt, iron-pin, beam of a balance, pin of a pulley. BoULONNER, boo-lo-nai, ra. 1 r. to fasten with a bolt or pin, bolt. BorjQUEj bool;, .•. to hunt after old books ; read old books. BOUQUINEUR, boo -J;e - >iur. sm. bookman, bcok-worm ; student too closely fixed upon books. JUINISTE, boo-Tte-neast, sm. man who sells or buys old books, dealer in second-hand bo BODB A CAN, boo - rah - 1th a ng, sm. barra can , strong thick camelot. Boukaca.vnier, boo-rah-hah-nyai, sm. bar- racan, merchant or weaver. BouRBE, boorbe, sf. mud, mire, tilth, slime ; thick matter, pus. Bourbeux, -se, boor-huhe, -ze, adj. muddy, turbid, miry, foul with mud ; slimy, dirty, impure, dark, dull. BotTRBIER, boor-l.yai, tm. slough, puddle, dirty plash ; had affair ; gross intemper- ance, sink of vice. Bour billon, boor-be-yong, sm. suppuration, pus, thick matter from a sore. Bourcette, boor-sett, sf. corn salad. Bourdalou, boor -da h- lour, sm. hat-band, narrow ribbon round the hat with a buckle; oval bidet. Boukde, boorde., sf. fib, lie, evasion, trick, deceit, imposition, falsehood, sham. Bourdillox, boor-de-yong, sm. slip of wood cleft to make casks, staff, staves. Bourdon, boor-dovg, sm. pilgrim's staff; drone ; hairy buzzing fly ; great hell ; base sound ; omission. Bourdonnant, -k, boor - do- nang, -(, adj. buzzing, humming; whispering, prating. Bourdonnement, boor-donn-mang, sm. hum, buzzing; tinkling noise in the ear ; whis- per, huzza. Bourdonner, boor-do-nai, vn. 1 r. to hum, buzz, mutter, murmur, applaud ; whisper. Bourdonset, boor - do ■ nay, sm. lint, linen scraped into a woolly substance to lay on sores. Bourg, boor, sm. borough, market-town, small town with a corporation. Bourgade, boor -ghad, sf. small borough, large village. Bourgeois, boor-hjoo-ah, sm. burgeois, bur- gess, citizen, freeman of a city ; commoner ; ship-owner. Bourgeois, -e, boor-hjoo-ah, -z, adj. belong- ing to a citizen ; fit for a citizen ; too famil- iar. Bourgeoise, boor -hjoo-ahze, sf. citizen's wife ; silver coin ; tulip (a flower). Bourgeoisemext, boor-hjoo-ahzf-mavg, ad. like a citizen, after the manner of trades' folks. Bourgeoisie, boor-hjoo-ah-zee, sf. freedom of a city ; citizens, body of the citizens. Bourgeon, boor-hjong, sm. bud, shoot; pimple, wheal. BOURGEONNER, boor-hjo-nai, vn. 1 r. to bud, put forth young shoots ; break out in pim- ples. Bourgmestre, boorghe - mestr, sm. burgo- master, chief magistrate of a city. BouRGOGNE, boo-yuitiy-i/idi, sm. .Burgundy, wine of Burgundy. Bourguignox, boor-guing-yong, sm. sort of grape. Bourrache, boo-rash, sf. borage, a plant. Bourrade, • boo - rad, sf. caff, blow, push, thrust ; assault, attack ; smart reply. Bourrasque, boo-rasck, sf. sudden storm ; tit of passion ; ill humor, whim, caprice ; popular commotion soon over. Bourre, boore, sf. wadding, cow's hair ; trash in writings to fill up ; useless thing. Bourreau, -x, p. boo-ro, -oe, sm. hangman, headsman, executioner ; cruel inhuman person ; remorse, passions. Bourree, boo-raie, sf. fagot, bundle of brush- wood, chatwood, bavin. BOURREE (danse), sf. boree, a step in dan- cing. Bourreler, booe-ruh-lai, ra. 1 /•. to ill-use ; . torment, rack, torture. 75 BOU BOIT r. to stuff; ram, quarrel, reprove Bourrelet or Bourlet, boore - lay, sm. cushion for the head, pad, frontlet worn by children beginning to walk. Bourrelier, boore-lyai, sm. pack-saddle, collar, harness-maker. Boukrer, boo-rai, va. 1 thrust ; beat, ill-use, rudely, be redundant. Bourriche, boo-reesh, sf game-basket, long oval wicker basket to send game, &c. Bourrique, boo-reelt, sf. ass, she-ass ; sorry horse ; stupid, ignorant, foolish person ; hand-barrow. Bourriquet, boo-re-kai, sm. ass's colt ; hand- barrow. Bourru, -E, boo-reu, -e, smf. and adj. mo- rose, cross, peevish ; capricious, whim- sical, odd; austere, Ungovernable (vide obs. 4). Bourse, bourse, sf. purse, bag ; hair-bag ; an- nuity from a college ; exchange ; money, wealth. Bourse (ooupeur de), kon-pur-duh-boorse, sm. pickpocket, highwayman, public rob- ber. Bourse (demander la), duh-mang-dai-lah- boorse, va. 1 r. to make one deliver his money. Bourse a part (f aire), faire-boorse-ah-par, v. 4 irr. to keep one's own money. Bourse d'autrui (vivre sur la), nieeor-seur- laJi-boorse-d'o-treu-ee, v. 4 irr. to live at the expense of another (vide obs. 4). Bourse plate (avoir la), ah - voo - ar - laJi - bourse-plait, irti. v. aux, to have very little money (vide obs. 6). Boursette, boor-sett, sf. small purse, very little money. Boursier, boor-syai, sm. purser, treasurer ; purse maker or seller ; bursar ; student having a pension in a college. Boursiller, boor-se-yai, vn. 1 r. tribute, give, collect a joint sum gathering. Bo u rsou fflage, boor -soo -ftahje, sm. bom- bast ; pomposity ; swelling, bloatedness. Boursouffle, -e, boor - xoo -flat, -e, adj. bloated, swelled, fat, big ; bombastic, high- sounding, pompous. Boursouffler, boor -soo jlai, va.\ r. to swell, puff up ; bloat ; write pompously, in a bom- bastic manner. Bous, boo, pres. ind. ofbouillir, boil. Bouse, booze, sf. cow's dung, soil, dung of oxen. BousillaGE, boo-ze-yahje, sm. mud walling, mixture of mud and stubble ; work badly done. Bousiller, boo-ze -yai, va. 1 )•. to make a mad wall ; work ill ; bungle, botch, spoil a work. Bousilleur, -se, boo - ze-yur, -yuhze, sm/. bungler, botcher, dabbler ; one who raises a mud wall. Boussole, boo -sol, sf. mariner's compass; guide, leader ; model ; rule. Bout, boo, sm. end, tip, bit, button, ferrule, chape, nipple, heel-piece, .butt. Un bout de plume, a stump of a pen. Mettre a bout, to put to a nonplus. Bout d'aile, boo-dtlle, sm. pinion, quill of the wing. Bout de manche, bood-mangshe, sin. cuff, bracelet, false sleeve. 76 to con- make a Bout d'homme, boo-dom, sm. short man, shrimp, dwarf. Bout (haut), hoe-boo, sm. upper end of the table or room, best place ; upper hand. Bout (bas), bah-boo, sm. lower end of the table or room, worst place. Bouts rimes, booe-re-maw, smp. rhymes; poesy, poetry, verses unfinished. Bout d;:s dents (hire du), reer-deu-boo-df-y- dunghe, v. 4 irr. to laugh against one's will (vide obs. 4). Bout (mettue la patience a), m'etr-lah- pah-syangse ah-boo, v. 4 irr. to put in a passion. Bout de (venir a.), vvh-neer -ah-boo, v. 2 irr. to succeed in an enterprise, overcome. Bout de champ (a tout), ah-too-bood-shang , ad. cxp. every moment, on every occasion, incessantly. Bout a l'autre (d'US), dungJi - boot - ah - loetr, ad. exp. from the beginning to the end. Bout du compte (au), o-hoo-deu-congte, ad. exp. after all, upon the whole, happen what may. Boutade, boo-tad, sf. flight of genius ; fit of ill humor, whim, freak, fancy; sally of the soul. Boutargue, bootarg, sf. eggs of salt fish pickled in vinegar, caviare, sturgeon's eggs pickled. Bout en train, boot-ang-traing, sm. decoy- bird ; boon companion ; overseer. Boute-feu, boot-fuhe, sm. incendiary ; fac- tionary ; firebrand, promoter of quarrels. Bouteille, boo-Ui-yuh, sf. bottle ; wine ; liquor, E TRANCHES, 1/ooah-yo-duli-trang- ehaie, sm. branch of a trench. Boyau (coriie a), kord-ah-booah-yo, sf. cat- gut, fiddle-stiing, string for musical in- struments. Boyaux (descente de), dai - sangle - dvh - booah-yoe, sf. rupture, preternatural erup- tion of the gut. Boyaudikr, booah-yo-dyai, urn. maker or seller of musical strings made of guts. Bracelet, brah-slay, am. bracelet, ornament worn above the wrist, ingot of gold. BRACHET, brah-shay, sm. setter, setter dog pointer. BraChiale, brah-kyal, adj. brachial, be- longing to the arm. BraCHYGRAPHE, brah -It ' - graf, sm. short- hand writer, stenographer. Bracmane, brak-man, sm. ancient philoso- pher, Indian priest. BraCONNER. brah-ro-nai, vn. \r. to poach, destroy, kill, steal, carry off game pri- vately. Braconnier, brali - co - nyai, s?n. poacher, game stealer, destroyer ; one who kills game upon his own iands for the sake of pleasure. B rague. bray, sf. covering of the sides of a lute ; plu. trowsers ; love intrigues ; merry life ; burlesque style. BragDER, brah-gai, in. to lead a joyous life, be dissipated ; boast, brag, play the brag- gart. Brahhahs or Brake, brah-man, brahme, sm. Indian priest or philosopher. Brai, brai, sm. tar ; springe to catch birds ; ground barley to make beer. Braies, braie, sfp. hose, trowsers, clouts; rags, slops. Braies nettes (sortie d'cxe affaire), v. 2 irr. to come off clear, with flying colors. Braillard, -e, brah-yar, -de, swr\ and adj. brawler, wrangler, noisy talkative person. Braillemext, brah- yuh - many, sm. howl, howling of a dog or of other animals. Brailleb, brah-gai, vn. 1 r. to bawl, hoot, be noisy, obstreperous ; brawl, wrangle. Brailleur, -se, bmliyur, -yuhze, smf. and adj. 'o ,lf i talker ; brawler, scold ; noisy, obstreperous. Braiment, brai-mang, sm. braying of an a-s, discordant singing. Braike, braire, in. 4 irr. to bray, make an offensive noise ; speak, sing, shout, com- plain in a vociferous manner. Braise, braize, sf. burning cinders, red-hot coals ; coke, live or dead cinders. Beaisier, brai-zyai, Sm. trough to hold dead cinders. Brait (il), eel-brey, ,°> pars. sing. pres. ind. of braire, he or it brays. BraiziERE. brai-zyayre, sf. stew-pan, extin- guisher lor coals. Brameu, brah-mai, mi. 1 r. to rut, cry, or call, as a deer; long for, desire to come together. Bran, brang, sm. excrement, ordure, evacu- ation. Brah de Judas, brang-dvih-hjeu-dah, sm. freckles, small discoloration raised in the skin by the sun (vide obs. 4). Bran de son. branyd-sony, sm. coarsest part of bran. Brancard, brang-kar, sm. litter, portable bed, hand-barrow, chairman's horse, shaft of a chaise. Beanchage, brang-shahje, sm. branchiness, branches, boughs. Branche, brangsli, sf. branch, bough ; line, family ; antler, shaft. Brancher, brang-shai, ra. 1 r. to hang upon a tree a highwayman, freebooter, Ac. Brancher, brang - thai, vn. 1 r. to perch, roost, sit or roost in a bough. Branche-ursine, brang fih-eur -seen, sf. acan- thus, bears-foot (vide obs. 4). Bkanchu, -E, hrang-sheu, -e, adj. branchy, full of branches, spreading, ramous (vide obs. 4). Brande, brangd, sf. heath, furze, gorse, wild shrub ; poor land. Brandebourg, brarig-dnh-boor, sm. surtout. riding-coat ; ornamental lace in the form of a button-hole. Branderie, brangdree, sf. distillery, place where spirits are extracted from grains and purified. Bkandevix, brangd - vaing, sm. brand}-, strong liquor distilled from wine or grains. Brandeyinier, -e, brangd-ve-nyai, -re, smf. distiller ; spirit-dealer ; suttler, camp pur- veyor. Brandi, -e, brang-de, -e, adj. unexpected, sudden, not provided against. Brandi (enlevek un tout), to carry off a man unprovided against. Brandillement, brany - de - yuh - many, sm. swinging motion, waving to and fro. Brandiller, brang-de-yai, va. 1 r. to wave to and fro, swing, shake about ; seesaw. Se brandiller, suli-brang-de-yai, vref. \r. to swing, shake one's self about ; fly back- ward and forward on a rope. Brandilloire, brang-de-yoo-ar, sf. swing, seesaw. Brandir, brang -deer, va. 2 r. to brandish, shake, toss, wave, play with, flourish ; stay, strengthen. Brandon, brang-dong, sm. brand, firebrand, lighted wisp of straw, lighted stick. Brandonner, brang-do-nai, ra. 1 r. to set up burning beacons in a field or at the door of a seized property. Branlant, -e, brany-lang, -t, adj. shaking, tottering, loose not fast. Branle, brangl, sm. alternative motion, agi- tation ; uncertainty, irresolution ; impulse, start, circular dance ; hammock. Branle de sortie (faire danser ux),/aire- dang-sai-ung-brangl-duh-sor-tee, v. 4 irr, te turn out of doors. ' 77 BRA EKE BRANLE A l"XE AFFAIRE (DONNE R LE), do- nai-lii/i-brangl-ah-unn-ah-faire, v. 1 r. to set an affair a-going. Branle (mener le), muh-nai luh-brangl, v. 1 r. to lead the dance ; to be the fiddle of a company. Branle gai (fou or foli.e comme le), foo or fol-come-iuh-brangl-gay, prov. exp. as merry as a grig. Branle-gai, brunglgai, sm. brisk and lively dauce. Branlement, brangl-mang, sm. shaking 1 , tot- tering motion, agitation ; jogging, pushing. Branler, brang - lai, va. 1 r. to move, agi- tate, shake, stir, jog, drive to and fro. Branler, brang-lai, vn. 1 r. to totter, trem- ble, waver ; be unsteady ; unsettled, afraid. Branler au manche, brangdai-o-mangsh, v. 1 r. to waver, be irresolute, totter, de- cline, lose popularity. Branler devant qcelqu'un (n'oser), n'o- zai-brang-lai-duh-vang-kayl leung, vn. 1 r. to be in continual awe of one. Branloire, brang -loo-ar, sf. seesaw, swing, swinging rope (vide obs. 6). Buaque, brak, sin. brach, setting dog, setter, blunderer ; giddy person. Bkaquemart,, sm. short broad- sword, cutlass, sabre, scimitar, falchion. Braquement, brak-mang, sm. levelling, pointing of a cannon or gun. Braquer, brah-hai, va. \r. to point, level, direct a cannon, gun, telescope, «£c. ; push on one side. Braques, brah, sfp. claws of a lobster, craw- fish, or crab. Bras, brah, sm. arm ; person ; might ; power ; strength, courage, valor; large bough; claw; inlet; canal, strait. Vivre de ses bras, to live by one's labor. Demeurer les bras croises, to stand with one's arms across. Braser, brhh-zai, va. 1 r. to solder, braze, unite metals ; work. Brasier, hi oh zj/ai, sm. red-hot fire ; burning coals or wood ; furnace ; pan full of burn- ing fuel. Brasiller, brdh-ze-yai, va. \r. to broil, cook hastily on the coals ; reflect light, sparkle. Brassage, braJi-sahje, sm. coinage, mintage ; fees of coinage. Brassaf.d, briali-sar, sm. armlet, armor for the arm ; leather cuff, bracer. BraSSE, brass, sf. fathom, measure of six feet. Brassee, brah-saie, sf. armful. Brasser, brah-sai, va. 1 r. to stir, agitate, shake, brew, mix ; devise, contrive, plot ; mud, make turbid. Brasserie, brass-ree, sf. brewhouse, place where drink is made. Brasseur, -sf, brah-sur, -suJize, smf. brewer, brewer's wife or female brewer. Brassieres, brah-syayre, sfp. cinctures, bandages to keep the body firm and up- right. Brassin, brah-saing, sm. vat, copper, large boiler ; brewing. Brasure, brah-zeur, sf. soldering, joining of two metals (vide obs. 4). Bray ache, brah - vash, sm. braggadocio, braggart, puffing, boasting fellow, bravado. Bravade, brah - oad, sf. bravado, threat, challenge, bluster, disguised cowardice. 7S Brave, brav, smf. s.ndadj. brave, courageous, noble, great, valiant ; spruce, polite, civil. Brave, brav, sm. bravo, hector, bully, swag- gerer, blusterer, turbulent noisy fellow. Bravement, brav-mang, ad. bravely, in a courageous manner, gallantly, cleverly, very well. Braver, brah-vai, vn. 1 r. to brave, face, encounter,defy, affront, insult; hector,bully. Bravoure, brah-voore, sf. bravery, courage, magnanimity, bravura, difficult piece of music. Bravoures, brah-voore, sfp. great deeds of valor, high feats, noble exploits, achieve- ments. Brayer, brai-yai, sm. truss, bandage; leather thong of the clapper of a bell, leather pocket. Brayer, brai-yai, va. 1 r. to tar, smear over with pitch. Brayettf, brai-yet, sf. flap ; slit, aperture. Brebis, brnh-bte, sf. sheep, ewe; foolish silly person. Breche, brtdsh, sf. breach ; notch, gap, hole, deficiency, infraction, injury, wrong, dam- age. Breche-dent, breish-dang, adj. wanting fore-teeth or a fore-tooth. Brechet, bruh-shay, sm. brisket, part of the breast. Bredi-breda, bruh-debndt-dah, ad. helter- skelter, in a hurry, with precipitation, without order. Bredouille, brvh-dao-yuh, sf. double game ; two points at backgammon. Bredocillement, bruh-doo-yuh-rnang, sm. stutter, stammer, gabble, confusion, non- sense. Bredouiller, bruh-doo-yai, vn. 1 r. to stut- ter, stammer, hesitate, gabble, talk non- sense. BreDOUILLEUR, -SE, bridi-doo-yur, -ynhze, smf. stutterer, stammerer, gabbler, foolish chattering person. Bref, bref, sm. brief, church calendar, pray- er-book ; permit. Bref, -ve, bref, brer, adj. brief, short, con- cise ; succinct, laconic. Bref, href. ad. in short, shortly, briefly, concisely, in a few words. Brehaigxe, brai-ai-ing-yvh, adj.f (applied to female animals), barren, sterile, not pro- lific. Brelan, bruh-lang, sm. brelan, game at cards ; gaming-house. Brelander, bruh-lang -dai, vn. 1 r. to game continually, be forever in a gaming-house. Brelandier, -ere, bruh-lang-dyai, -re, smf. gamester, gambler, cheat. Brelic-breloque, bruh-leek-bruh-loaJi, ad. higgledy-piggledy, confusedly, heedlessly, without thinking. Brelle, brel, sf raft, float of timber. Breloque, bruh-loalc, sf. trinket, bauble, gewgaw, trifling piece of finery, toy ; ped- ler's box. Breluche, bruh ■ leush, sf. drugget, coarse kind of thread and woollen cloth. Bremf, breitne, sf bream, fresh-water fi sh. Brequin, bruh - /cuing, sm. wimble, borer, gimlet. Bkesil, brai-zeel, sm. Brazil-wood, Brazil. Bresiller, brai-ze-yai, va. 1 r. to break into bits, cut small ; dye with Brazil-wood. BR I BRI Bresillet, brai-ze-yai, sm. inferior Brazil- wood. Bbetagnb (nkveu a la mode de), cousin once removed; Bretailler, bruh-tak-yai, m. 1 r. to fight for a trifle, fence, tilt ; bully. Bretailleur, brxih-tah yur,sm. tilter, bully, lover of sword-fighting. Bretavder, bruh-toe-dai, vn. 1 r. to crop the hair too short, the ears of a horse, .'ce. BRETELLE, bruh-tell, sf. strap, leather thong ; braces. BretelleS (en avoir jcsqu'aux), involved in a bad affair. Brette, b'ret, sf. sword, long sword; ludi- crous style ; Indian morel. Brette, -e, bray - tai, -e, adj. indented, notched, toothed, jaggy, denticulated. Brette R, bray-tai, en. 1 r. to seek quarrels for the sake of lighting, tilt, light with a sword. Bretter, tray-tai, va. 1 r. to scrape, carve with a sharp tool, produce a rough surface. BRETTE0R,&ray-<«r, sm. tilter, fencer, swords- man ; bully, hector, lover of sword-fighting. Brette re, bray-teure, sf. denticulation, jagg, indent, notch ; sharp points of a tool (vide obs. 4). Bkeoil, bruJt-yuh, sm. coppice, copse, un- derwood. Breuvage, brvh-vdhje, sm. drink, beverage, potion, draught ; drench, poisoned liquor. Breve, brea, sf. quick time ; short syllable ; produce of one melting. Brevet, brUh-vay, sm. commission, grant, warrant ; expedition, letters-patent, inden- ture, bill of lading. Breveter, breyv-tai, va. 1 ;•. to grant a com- mission, letters-patent, give a warrant. Brevtaire, brai-vyaire, sm. breviary, daily prayer-book of the Roman Catholic church. Beevite, brai-ve-tai, sf. indistinct or gut- tural sound of a vowel. Bribe, breeb, sf. lump of bread, &c.\ scrap ; inju licious and misapplied quotations. Bricole, bre-col, sf. strap across the chest of a horse ; rebound (of a ball at billiards), back-stroke. Bricoi.ES, bre-col, sjp. chairman or porter's leather straps. Bricole (de or par), duJi or par -lire- col, ad. e.vp. indirectly, in a round-about way. Bricole a (do.nxku une), do-uai unn-bre- col-ah, v. 1 r. to impose upon. Bricole (jouer de), lijoo-ai-duh-bre-col, v. 1 r. to use indirect means, act deceitfully. Bricoler, bre-co-lai, va. 1 r. to twirl in one's mouth scalding hot victuals ; prepare, set to. Bricoler, bre-co-lai, vn. 1 /•. to drive side- long ; shuffle, evade, play mean tricks, act in a round-about manner. Bricolier, bre-cO'lyai, ttm. off-horse, horse either in front or by the side of the shaft horse. Bride, breed, sf. bridle, reins ; stay, loop ; restraint, curb, check. La main de la bride, left hand. .1 loute bride, full speed. Bride abattie (aller a), ah-lai-ah-breed- ah-bah-teu, v. 1 irr. to go full speed, lose no time, pursue briskly (vide obs. -1). Bride en main dans une affaire (aller), arlai-breed-ang-maing dangh- zunn-affaire, v. 1 irr. to act prudently in an affair. Brider, bre-dai, va. 1 r. to bridle, curb, re- strain, govern, keep* in awe, subject, con- line, bind. Bridon, bre-dong, sm. snaffle, lighl bridle. Brie, bree, sf. rolling-pin, round piece of wood to mould paste. Brief, -ve, bre-ef, -tee, adj. brief, short, con- cise ; narrow, contracted. Brier, bre ai, va. 1 r. to roll paste. Brievement, bre-ec-many, ail. briefly, con- cisely, quickly, in a few words, in short. Brievete, bre-ev-tai, sf. brevity, concise- ness, shortness, fewness of words. Brigade, bre-ghad, sf brigade, division of forces, troop, band, party. Brigadier, ate - ghah - dyai, sm. brigadier, commander of a brigade. Brigand, bre-ghang, sm. highwayman, ex- tortioner, exacter ; itndiseiplined s< Idler. Brigandage, bre-gharig-dahje, sin. highway robbery ; exaction, extortion ; plunder,, rapine, pillage, depredation ; disorder • bad administration. Brigandeau, -x, p. bre-yhana-do, -e, p. sm, young thief, robber, depredator. Brigander, bre-ghang-dai, vn. 1 r. to rob, thieve, plunder on the highway ; extort, exact. Beigan'tin", bre-yliang-tainy, sm. brigantine, small vessel ; portable bed. Brignole, Irring-yol, sf. plum from Brignole in Provence. Bkigue, breeg, sf earnest solicitation, cabal, faction, party, active canvassing. Briguek, bre-gai, va. 1 r. tosolicit, sue, make interest for, try to obtain, wish earnestly for. Brillamment, bre-yali-many, ad. in a bril- liant manner, splendidly, with lustre. Brillant, bre-yang, sm. brilliant, diamond of the first cut; lustre, splendor, brilliancy. Brillant, -e, bre-yang, -t, adj. brilliant, shining, sparkling, bright, splendid, witty ; glorious. Brillanter, bre-yany-tai, va: 1 r. to cut a diamond into angles ; shine with an artifi- cial lustre. Briller, bre-yni, vn. 1 r. to shine, sparkle, glitter ; be eminent, conspicuous ; splendid. Brilloter, bre-yo-tai, vn. 1 r. to shine in a less sphere, emit faint rays. Beimbale, brainy bid, sf. handle of a pump, brake, kneading trough. BRIMBALER, brainy-bah-lai, vn. Ir. to swing, set a going backward and forward, ring bells badly. Bri.meorion*, brainy -bo - ryony, sm. bauble, gewgaw, trifle, trinket, trifling finery. Brin, brainy, sm. bit, slip ; spring, stem, shoot ; little morsel, mouthful ; figure, size. Bow de brin, round wood. Brin a brin, braina-nah-brainy, ad. exp. bit by bit, little by little, slip by slip, succes- sively. Beinde, brainyd, sf. toast, health, wish of happiness in drinking, draught. Beinde (porter une), por-tai-unn-braingd, r. 1 r. to drink a person's health, invite to drink, pledge one. Beingue (GRANDE), grangd-braing-gnh, sf. tall gaunt ill-made woman ; ill-shaped horse. BRINGUES (en), any-brainy-yuh, ad. rxp. in pieces, at sixes and sevens, helter-skelter, without order. BEO BKO Brioche, bre-yosh, sf bunn, cake, sweet bit-ad ; blunder, awkwardness. Briox, bre-yong, sm. moss, substance grow- i:iyr upon the bark of trees. Brique, breek, sf. brick, mass of burnt clay ; loaf shaped like a brick, solid lump. Briquet, bre-lcay, sm. steel (to strike a light); short sword. Briquet (battbe le), battr-luh-bre-kay, v. -i irr. to strike a light. Briquetage. breek ~ taJtje, sm. brickwork, bricks, imitation of bricks. Briuueter, breelc - tai, ru. 1 r. 1o imitate brickwork ; paint in imitation of bricks. Briquetier, breehtyai, sm. brick maker or seller, bricklayer. Briqueteiue, bree.k-tree, sf. brickkiln, brick- field, brick making. Bkis, bree, sm. breaking open of a seal or door; escape, evasion; wreck, shipwreck. BriSABLE, bre-zal>l, adj. brittle, fragile, that may be easily broken. Bbisants, bre-zanghe, smp. shelves, break- ers, rocks even with the surface, broken waves. Brisk, breeze, sf breeze, gentle gale, cooling air, west-wind. Brise-COU, breeze-koo, sm. dangerous place, breakneck, narrow and steep staircase ; horse-breaker. Brisees, brezaie, sfp. tracks, steps, examjd ;, limits; consequence; rivalry, competition, contest. Brisees de (marcher sur les), mar-sliai- seur-ley-bre-zaie-duh, v. 1 r. to follow the example of. Brise-glace, breeze-glass, sm. buttresses of a bridge, stakes to stop the ice. Brisemext, breeze-niang, sm. fracture, break; deep contrition ; breaking, dashing of the waves. Briser, bree-zai, va. 1 r. to break, split ; crush, bruise ; weaken, rend, destroy, dis- solve. Briser, bree-zai, vn. 1 r. to leave off, desist suddenly, put art end to one's discourse. Se briser, suh-bree-zai, vref. 1 r. to break, split, separate from, fold up, lengthen, con- tract. Brise-vext. breeze-vang, sm. shelter, shed, mat put before young plants to secure them from the weather. Briseur, bree-zur, sm. breaker, bruiser. BrisoiR) bree-zoo-ar, sm. brake, instrument for dressing hemp, flax, straw, &c. (vide obs. 6). Brisque, breesk, sf. brisque (game at cards), ten and ace Brisuue, bree - zeure, sf. fracture, broken piece. Brizomaxcie, bre.-zo-inang-see, sf. divina- tion, foretelling by dreams. Broc, bro, sm. iug, pitcher, large vessel to hold liquor. Brocaxtage, bro-hang-tahje, sm. Droker-s business ; dealing in second-hand goods. Brocaxter, bro-kang-tai, vn. n. 1 r. to buy, sell, exchange, barter, keep a stall in 'a fair, deal in pictures, curiosities, ,tc. Brocaxteur, -se, bro-kang-tur, -tultze, smf. broker, dealer in old household good?, pic- tures, curiosities, «fcc. BroCard, bro-kar, sm. raillery, lampoon, fling, severe remark, slight satire ; brocket. 80 Brocaeder, bro-lcar-dai, va. 1 r. to rail at, scoff, sneer ; sting, bite, lampoon, cast sa- tirical jests. Brocardeur, -Se, bro-kar-dur, -dithze, smf. lampooner, satirist, scribbler, scoffer, saucy scorner. Brocart, bro-kar, sm. brocade, silken stuff variegated. Brocatelle, bro-kaJi-tell, sf. imitation of brocade (stuff), variegated marble. Broche, b/oi-h, sf. spit, broach ; knitting- needle; faucet,stick;rod.puncher,stem;tusk. Brociiee, bro-xhaie, sf. roasting, roast meat ; rod of candles. Brocher, bro-shai, va. 1 r. to broach ; broid- er ; knit ; stitch ; sketch ; write, compose in a hurry ; pile up tiles, slates, Are. Brn- cher un clou, to strike a nail into a horse's foot. Brochet, bro-shai, Km. pike, fresh-water fish of prey. Brocheton, brosh-tong, sm. youns: pike. Brochette, bro-shef, sf. skewer, small stick to feed young birds. Brocheur, -se, bro - ahur, -ze, smf. book- stitcher, knitter, weaver. Brochoir, bro-shoo-ar, sm. farrier's shoeing hammer. Brochure, bro-sheure, sf pamphlet, small book, book unbound, book-stitching (vide obs. 4). Brocoli, brn-co-le, sm. broccoli, cabbage, sort of cauliflower. Brodequix. brod-kaing, sm. buskin, half- boot lacing in front, high shoe worn by tragedians. Brodequixs, brod - kainghe, amp. screw- boards in which the legs were compressed with wedges. Broder, bro - dai, va. 1 r. to embroider, broider ; embellish, beautify, amplify, ex- aggerate. Vous brodez comme il fauC, you flourish. Broderie, brod-ret>, sf. embroidery, varie- gated needlework ; embellishment, exag- geration. Brodeur, -se, bro - dur, -duhze, smf em- broiderer, embellisher, romancer. Brodeur (autaxt pour l::j, o-tang-poor- luh-bro-di/r, pror. exp. so much for the embellishing of the story. Brodoir, bro-doo-ar, sm. bobbin, small pin of wood with a notch. Broii:, broo-ah, sf. brake, instrument for dressing hemp. Broiemext, broo-ah-manq, sm. pounding, grinding ; trituration, pulverization. BRONCHER, brong-sluii, vn. 1 r. to stumble, trip ; blunder, i'ail, err. fall into a fault. Broxchotomie,, sf. bron- chotomy, incision of the windpipe to pre- vent suffocation. Broxze, brongze, sm. bronze, brass ; medal ; cannon ; impudence ; cruelty. Broxzer, brong-zai, va. 1 /■. to paint in bronze color, model, take ca?ts. Broquart, bro-kar, sm. brocket, red-deer two years old. Broquette, brokelt. sf tack, very small nail. Brosse, broxs, sf. brush, pencil ; rude as- sault, shock. Brosser, bro-sai, vn. 1 ;•. to brush, rub with a brush, sweep with a brush, move with haste, fly over. BRU BRU BSOSSIER, brosyai, sm. brush maker or sel- ler, brasher. Bkou, broo, sm. the rind of a walnut or cocoa-nut. BROCAGE, broo-afije, sm. fog, thick mist, moist denBe vapor. BROOKE, broo-aie, sf small rain of little du- ration ; thin fog or mist. BROUET, broo-ay, sm. milk porridge, gruel, thin broth. Bkouette, broo-ett, sf. wheelbarrow, car- riage drawn by a man, mean coach drawn by a bad horse. BROOETTER, broo-ay-tai, va. 1 r. to drive a wheel-barrow, carry in a wheel-barrow. BROUETTECR, broo-ay-tur, sm. porter, chair- man that carries people in a wheel-barrow. Brouettier, broo-ay-tyai, sm. laborer em- ployed to carry mud, <£c, in a wheel-bar- row. Brouhaha, broo-ah-ah, sm. uproar, con- fused noise, clapping or hissing, hubbub. BEoriLi.A.\ii>'i, broo-yah-me-ne, Km. medley; obscure meaning or affair ; undeflned ob- ject, plaster for a horse. BfiOpiLLARD, broo-yar, sm. fog, thick mist ; unconnected discourse ; day-book, dimness of sight. BkouiIlard (papier), pah-pyui-broo-yar, sm. blotting-paper. Brouillement, broo-yuh.-m.ang, sm. mixture, confusion ; grinding and mixing of colors. BrouilleR, broo-yai, va. 1 r. to mix con- fusedly, shuflle, jumble; set at variance', perplex ; embroil, scribble over. Se r.sumiLLER, suli-Lroo-yai, vref to grow dark; overcast; confuse; perplex one's self; quarrel, fall out, be out. Brouillerie, broo-yuh-ree, nf. misunder- standing, quarrel, broil, dissension, differ- ence, dispute. Brouillon, broo-yong, sm. sketch, rough draught, day -book, foul copy ; fomenter of quarrels ; giddy, hare-brained person. Brouillonxer, broo-yo-nai, va. \r. to scrib- ble, scrawl, write unskilfully, inelegantly, in a hurry. Brouir, broo-eer, va. 2 r. to scorch, burn, dry up ; be blasted, blighted, nipped, dried up, BROUISSORE, broo-e-sewre, sf. blight, blast, mildew ; disappointment, baik, frustra- tion (vide obs. 4). Broussailles, broo - xah - yah, sfp. briers, brambles, thorns, bushes, furze, fern, broken branches. Broussin, broo-saing, sm. heap of tumbled branches ; excrescence on the maple-tree. BliOCT, broo, sm. young sprig, shoot; brow- sing of trees or grass, green rind of the shell of walnuts, cocoa-nuts, &c. Brouter, broo-tai, va. 1 r. to browse, nibble grass, eat branches of trees or shrubs. Brouttlles, broo-tee-yuh, *fp. waste branch- es ; small wood in a fagot ; trifles, toys, gewgaws. Brover, broo-ah-yiii, ra.l r. to pound, grind, pulverize, braise ; brood, give one's self to dismal thoughts. Bboteor, h.oo-iih-yur, sm. grinder; hemp or flax dresser. Broyo>", broo-ah-yon, sm. pestle, brayer ; snare. BRU, breu, sf. daughter-in-law, son's wife. Mutant, breu-ang, sm. yellow-hammer (a bird). BroEE, breu • axe, sf. evaporation of the Stream of hot bread, »tc. (vide obs. i). BRUGNON, breu-ing-yong, sm. nectarine, a kind of peach and plum with a smooth skin (vide obs. 4). Bruin E, breu-een, sf. drizzling rain, thick mist, cold slow rain (vide obs. 4). Brother, breu-e-nai, v. monop. to drizzle ; fall in cold slow drops (vide obs. 4). Bruire, breu-eer, vn. 4irr. (used only in the infinitive 3 persons of the imperf. of indie. pros, part.) to roar, rattle, peal. Brotssement, breu-eess-mang, sm. roar, peal, rumbling noise, deep murmur. Bruit, breu-c, sm. noise, uproar ; report, rumor; fame, reputation, celebrity; con- tention, quarrel. Avoir bruit ensemble, to fall out. Le bruit court, it is said. Bruit (kaire du), faire-deu-breu-e, v. 4 irr. to make a noise, be angry, discontented ; famous, renowned (vide obs. 4). Bruit (avoir du), ah-ioo-ar-deu-breu-ei v. aux. to quarrel, squabble, differ, fight, find fault with. Bruit (a. petit), aJt-ptee-breu-e, ad. ei-p. secretly, without pomp, at a small expense. Bruit (a brand), ak-grang-breu-e t ad. exp. with great clamor, pompously, with osten- tation. Bkulaxt, -e, breue-Jang,~t, adj. hurning,hot ; lively, animated, full of fire, ardently long- ing after. Brule, breue-lai, sm. burnt taste or smell, something burnt. Je. sens le brule, I smell something burnt. Brule, -e, breue-lai, -e, adj. burnt, too much done, overdone ; fanatic, enthusias- tic. Cerveau bride, fanatic., breule-mang, sm. burning, com- bustion, conflagration, fire, great heat ; en- thusiasm (vide obs. 4). Bruler, breue-lai, va. 1 r. to burn; set fire to, consume ; parch, dry up, scorch, scald, overheat (vide obs. 4). Bruler, breue-lai, vn. 1 r. to burn, be on fire ; be inflamed with passion, &c. ; wish earnestly ; be in love (vide obs. 4). Se bruler, suh-lneue -lai, vref to burn one's self, run headlong into difficulties. Se eruler a la chandelle, suh-brcve-lai- ah - lali - shang - deli, vref. to be caught by- appearances, fall into danger, love, . c. BRULEUR DE MAISONS, Ireue-lur-diib-viay- zonghe, sm. ill-looking man, man in rags and tatters. Brulot, breue-loh, sm. fire-ship; broiled meat much salted and peppered ; burnisher ; firebrand, incendiary (vide obs. 4). Brulure, breu-leure, sf. burn, scald, scar caused by a burn (vide obs. 4). Brumal, -e, breu-mal, adj. brumal, winterly, belonging to the winter. Brume," breum, sf. thick fog at sea or at the fall of rivers (vide obs. 4). Brumeux, -be, breu, - muhe, -ze, adj. foggy, misty, cloudy, dark (vide obs. 4). Bruit, brung, sm. brown color, dark hair, brown shade. Bruit, -e, brung, brunn, adj. brown, dusky, dark ; gloomy ; melancholy, dismal, sad. Bruit, -E, brung, brunn, emf. dark or brown man or woman. £1 BUA BUE Bru.vatre, breu-nahtr, adj. brownish, of a light brown (vide obs. 4). Brune, bruJine, sf. brown or dark woman or girl ; dusk of the evening, dusk. Brunei, -te, breu-nay, -t, adj. brownish, of a light brown color. Brunei, breu-nay, sm. young man of a brownish complexion, with dark hair and eyes. Brunette, breu-nett, sf. brown girl with dark eyes and hair ; brown beauty ; love song. Brunir, breu-neer, va. 2 r. to burnish, pol- ish : vn. turn brown, be sunburnt. Brjjnissag!;, brcu-ne-sahje, sm. burnishing, polish, gloss given by attrition, lustre. Brunisseur, breit -ne-sur, sm. burnisher, polisher, glosser (vide obs. 4). Brunissoir, breu-ne-.ioo-ar, sm. burnishing tool, commonly a dog's tooth set in a stick, burnisher. Brunissure, breu-ne-senre, sf. polishing, polish, gloss given to stuffs, handles, ri;u:sQUEME-\T, beur-lesk-mang, ad. in a burlesque manner, ludicrously, ridiculously. Bursal, -e, beur-sal, adj. pecuniary, of money ; consisting of, relative to money. Bus, beit, pret. def. of bolrc, drank. Busard, beu-zar, sm. buzzard, voracious hawk ; blockhead, dunce, stupid man. Buso, beusk, sm. busk, piece of steel, wood, or whalebone to strengthen the stays. Buse, beuz, sf. buzzard ; ninny, simpleton, blockhead, dunce (vide obs. 4). Busqcer, beuss-lcai, va. 1 r. to stiffen, prop, support, put a busk. Buste, beust, sm. bust, statue down to the breast ; deal chest full of raisins. But, beu, sm. butt, mark ; aim, intention, design, end ; laughing-stock, jest. But a but, beut-ah-beu, ad. exp. even, quits, even hands (vide obs. 4). De BUT E>" blanc, dub-beut-euig-blanij, ad. exp. directly, without any preamble. Buter, beu-tai, va. 1 r. to prop, support, but- tress, strengthen with buttresses. Buteh, beu-tai, nt. 1 r. to hit the mark, aim at, endeavor to reach or obtain ; guess. Se buter, euh-beu-tai, vref. to butt one an- other ; clash ; determinate, resolve, contra- dict, oppose. Buti.v, beu-taing, sm. booty, plunder, pillage, spoil : riches, profit, prize. Butiner, beu-tt-nai, va. 1 ;-. to plunder, pil- lage, spoil, carry off by rapine. Butou, beu-tor, sm. bittern, heron ; dunce, simpleton, foolish 6tupid person. Butte, beut, sf. hillock, mark, mound of earth ; point, aim, goal, butt. BuTT'-i a (f.TRE EN), eytr-ang-beusah, v. aux. to be exposed to (vide obs. 4). Butter, beu-tai, va. 1 r. to prop, support ; raise a mound of earth (vide obs. 4>. Buvable, beu-vabl, adj. drinkable, that may be drunk, potable (vide obs. 4). BuYETIBS, -e, beitv-tyai, -re, sin/, ale-house keeper, publican. Buvette, beu-vett, sf. ale-house, public house, tippling-house, eating-house, cook-shop. Buveur, -se, beu-mtr, -vuhse, sm/. and adj. tippler, toper, drunkard ; tipsy, drunk, in- ebriate. 1. Buvotter, beu-vo-tai, ra. 1 r. to sip, drink little and often, tipple the whole day. Buze, beuz, sf. nozzle of a pair of bellows ; tube, pipe. c, Qk, sah, int. come on ! quick ! now ! well and good ! Ca, sah, ad. here, in this place. Ca. et IA, xali-ai-hih, here and there, everywhere, up and down, hither and thither. £a, sah (abbr. for cela), pron. that. Qa ira, sah-e-rah, ad. exp. that will do, go on. Cabale, kah-bal, sf. cabal, secret science of the Hebrew rabbins ; junto of men, intrigue, conspiracy, faction, club; occult science. Cabaler, kah-bah-lai, en. 1 r. to cabal, plot, intrigue, form a conspiracy, schemes of mischief. Cabaleur, kah-iali-lur, sm. caballer, in- triguer, plotter, conspirator, promoter of factions. Cabaliste, kah-bali-leest, sm. cabalist, adept in the traditions of the Hebrews. Cabalistique, kah-bah-Ieess-teck, adj. cabal- istic, mysterious, secret, occult, dark. Caban, kali-bang, sm. sailor's thick woollen cloak, with a cape and hood. CABANE, kah-ban, sf. cottage, cabin, hut; small house ; flat-bottomed boat covered over. Cabaret, kah-bah-ray, sm. ale-house, public- house, tavern ; tea tray, board, or equipage. Cabaretier, -e, kah-bar-tyai, -re, sm/. ale- house or tavern keeper, publican. Cabas, kah-bah, sm. wicker-basket, frail car- riage, old and paltry carriage. Cadestan, kah-bess-tang, sm. capstan, cylin- drical machine to lift heavy bodies. Cabillaud, kah-be-yoe, sm. small cod ; chub, cheven. Cabinet, kah-be-nay, sm. cabinet, closet, pri- vate room, set of boxes or drawers for curi- osities, summer-house, study, privy. Un homme de cabinet, a studious man. Cabinet de verdure, kah-be-nayd-vair- deure, sm. bower, green arbor. Cable, ka/d.l, sm. cable, great rope fastened to the anchor ; cable's length, or 120 fath- oms. Caeleau, kalt-Mo, sm. small cable, thickish rope. GABLER, kdJt-blai, va. 1 r. to twist ropes to make a cable, to make ropes. Caboche, kali-bosh, sf. large-headed nail, old nail ; head, pate, noddle. CabociiON, kah-bo-shong, sm. small nail ; precious stone polished uncut ; noddle- headed person. Cabotage, kah-bo-tahje, sm. sailing along the coast, coasting, knowledge of a coast, of its shelves and currents. Caboter, kah-bo-tai, rn. 1 r. to coast, sail by the coast, be acquainted with a coast. Cabotier, kah-bo-tyai, sm. coaster ; coasling- ship, trader. Cabotin, -e, kah-ho-taing, -teen, sm/ itiner- ant, player, strolling player. Cabrer, khh-brai, va. n. 1 r. to provoke, ex- asperate ; rouse, excite; prance, irritate. Se cabrer, suhkah-brai, vref. to lise u]>on the hind feet ; be refractory ; fall into a passion. Cabrer un cheval (faire), faire-7.ah-brai- ung-shuh-val, v. 4 irr. to make a horse rear on his hind legs. S3 CAD CAG Cabki or Cabril, kah-bree, sm. young kid. Cabriole, kuh-brc-yol, sf caper, leap, jump ; cabriole. Faire la cabriole, to be hanged. Caerioler, kah-bre-yo-lai, in. 1 r. to caper, leap, jump ; make caprioles, cut capers. Cabriolet, kah-breyo-lay , sm. low carriage, cabriolet, curricle. Cabrioleur, -se, kaJi-bre-yo-litr, -luhze, smf. caperer, dancer, cutter of capers. Cabron, kah-brong, sm. skin of a kid. Cabus (choux), shoe-7eah-beu, smp. common white-head hard cabbage, headed cabbage. Cacade, kali-kad, sf. imprudence, cowardice, fit of foolish anger, useless undertaking, disappointment. Cacade (faire une jiauyaise), faire-vnn- mo-veyze-Iidh.-'kad, v. 4 irr. to be sadly balked in an undertaking. Cacao, kah-kah-n, sm. cocoa, chocolate nut. Cacaoyer, kah-kah-o-yai, sm. cocoa-tree, species of palm-tree. Cacaoyere, kah-kali-o-yaire, sf. plantation of cocoa-trees. Cache, hash, sf. hiding-place, secret corner, lurking-place, concealed closet. Cache, -e, kah-shai, -e, adj. deceitful, re- served ; solitary, retired, living alone, gloomy. Caciiemire, Jcash-meer, sm. Cashmere, In- dian shawl or imitation. Cacher, kali-shai, va. 1 r. to hide, conceal, secrete, withhold from light or knowledge. Se cacher, suh-Jcah-shai, vref. to cover one's self, withdraw, abscond ; live retired. Cachet, kah-sliay, sm. seal, engraved stamp, signet, impression, mark ; style. Cacheter, Jcash-tai, va. 1 r. to seal, shut, close, mark with a stamp, confirm, attest by seal. Cacheter (pain a), paiiig-ah-kushtai, sm. wafer, paste made to close letters. Caciiette, kah-shett, sf. little place to hide things or one's self in, lurking-place, dark corner. Caciiette (en), ang-kah-shett, ad. exp. se- cretly, under-hand, privately. Caciiexie, kah-kcrk-see, sf. cachexy, general debility of the vitals. Caciiot, kah-shoh, sm. dungeon, dark and narrow prison, subterraneous prison. Cachotterie, kah-shot-ree, nf. affected se- crecy or mystery ; half whisper. Caciiou, kali-shoo, sm. cashew-nut, cashew- tree. Cacochyme, Jeah-Jco-sheem, adj. cacochymic, ill-complexioned, ill-natured, cross. Cacociiymie,, sf. caeochymy, depravation of the humors from a sound state ; ill-humor, crossness. Cacopiionie, kah-ko-fo-nee, sf. cacophony, bad sound of words, want of harmony. Cadastre, kah-daitr, sm. doomsday book, book in which the estates of the kingdom are registered. Cadavereux, -se, J;ah-dah-vai-ruhe, -ze, adj. cadaverous, deathlike, dreadfully pale. Cadavre, Jcah-daJivr, sm. corpse, corse, dead body. Cadeau, kah-do, sm. feast, entertainment ; gift, present ; flourish. Cadenas, kad-nah, sm. padlock, lock hung upon a stable to hold on a link. Cadenasser, kad-nah-sai, va. 1 r. to pad- lock, fasten with a padlock. S4 Cadence, kah-dangse, sf. cadence, fall ; fall of the voice ; flow of verses or periods, tone of sound. Cadence, -e, kah-dang-sai, -e, adj. cadenccd, musical, harmonious. Cadencer, Jcah-dang-sai, va. 1 r. to cadence, quaver, write harmoniouslv, dance grace- fully. Cadenette, kad-nett, sf. long twisted hair hanging down, tresses. Cadet, kah-day, sm. younger or youngest brother, cadet, junior, young man ; volun- teer in the army. Cadette, kah-delt, sf. younger or youngest sister ; paving-stones ; small cue to play with at billiards. Cadi, kah-de, sm. cadi, judge, magistrate among the Turks. Cadis, kah-de, sm. cheap serge, coarse wool- len stuff. Cadole, kah-dol, sf. latch, tmall bolt, spring, catch, fastening. Cadran, kah-drang, sm. dial, dial-plate. Cadran solaire, kah-drang-so-layre, sm. sun-dial, gnomon. Cadrature, kah-drah-teur, sf. the whole ac- tion or movement of a clock or watch (vide obr>. 4). Cadre, kahdr, sm. frame, picture-frame. CADRER, Lah-drai, va. 1 /■. to frame, form, fit one thing to another ; to plan, invent. Cadrer, kah-drai, en. 1 r. to agree, suit, answer, quadrate, be accommodated. Caduc, -que, kal/.-deuk, -e, adj. frail, perish- able ; old, weak, decayed ; infirm, decrepit, worn out. Caduc (Age), alije-lcah-deuk, sm. old age. Caduc (mal), mal-kah-deulc, sm. falling sick- ness, epilepsy (vide obs. 4). Caducee, kah-deu-saie, sm, caduceus. Mer- cury's wand, staff of office ; tipstaff (vide obs. 4). Caducite, kah-deu-se-tai, sf. caducity, de- crepitude, hist effects of old age ; ruinous state ; tendency to fall (vide obs. 4). Cafard, -e, kah-far, -d, smf. and adj. hyp- ocrite, bigot ; hypocritical, deceitful, coun- terfeit. Cafarderie, kah-fard-ree, sf. hypocrisy, cunning, bigotry, grimaces of a bigot. Cafe, kah-fai, sm. coffee, coffee-house. Cafetier, -e, kah-fuh-tyai, -re, smf. coffee- house keeper. Cafetiere, kali full -tya i/r'', sf. coffee-pot. Cafier, kah-fyai, sm. coffee-tree. Cage, Jtaiije, sf. cage, coop, inclosure of twigs or wire ; menagerie ; lattice ; jail, prison. Cagee, kah-hjaie, sf. aviary, brood of birds hatched ami reared in a cage, cageful. Cagnard, -e, kah-ing-yar, -d, smf. idler, sluggard, lazy person ; idle, lazy ; coward, poltroon. Cagnarder, kah-ing-yar-dai ', vn. 1 r. to lead a lazy life ; be afraid, pusillanimous. Cagnariuse, kah-ing-i/ar-deeze, sf. idleness, laziness, sloth, sluggishness ; cowardice, want of courage. Cagneux, -se, kalt-ing-yuhe, -ze, adj. bandy- legged, bow-legged, having crooked legs or feet. Cagot, -e, kah-go, -t, smf. and adj. hypo- crite, bigot ; hypocritical, deceitful, coun- terfeit. CAL CAL Cagotekie, kah-gol-ree, sf. hypocrisy, bigot- ry, cant of a bigot. Cagotishe, kah-go-teesm, sm. hypocrisy, false affected devotion, bigotry. Cague, kagg, sf. Dutch fishing boat or vessel. Cabibr, kah-yai, sm. small writing-book; course of written lectures, written resolu- tions ; folded sheets of a book. Cahin caha, kah-aing-huh-ah, ad. cxp. so so, middling, neither well nor ill ; with much ado. Caiiot, knh-oh, sm. jolt, shock, shog, shake, concussion, rough motion of a vehicle. CAHOTAGE, kah-o-tahje, sm. jolting, shaking, roughness of a vehicle or road. Cahoteu, kah-o-tai, va. n. 1 /•. to jolt, shake, toss up and down on rough ground. Cahotte, kah-eute, sf. hut, cottage, hovel, mean habitation (vide obs. 4). Caic or Ca?qoe, kah-eek, sm. skiff, shelf; ketch, English ship. Caiec. ka/i-yvhe, sm. sprout, stem of a bulb or onion ; offset. Caili.c, kah-yuh, sf. quail, a bird of game and passage. Caille, -e, kah-yai, -e, adj. curdled, curdy, coagulated, concreted, full of curds and whey ; coagulation of milk. Cailleeotte, kah-yuh-bot, sf. curds and whey, milk-pan ; hazel-tree. Caillebotter, kah-yuh-bo-tai, va. 1 r. to curd, curdle. Caii-le-lait, kah-yuh-lay, sm. rennet, runnet, flower that coagulates milk. Caillemext, kah-yuh-mang, sm. curdling of milk, coagulation, concretion. Cailler, kah-yai, va. 1 r. to curdle, curd, coagulate, turn to curds. Cailleteau, -x, p. kah-yuhto, -e, p. sm. young quail. Caillette, kah-yett, sf. babbler, gossip, talk- ative man or woman ; runnet. Caillot, kah-yoh. sm. clot of blood, concre- tion, gore, grume. Caillot-kosat, kah-yoh-ra-zah, sm. rose- water pear. Caillo(T, -x, p. kahyoo, -e, p. sm. flint, peb- ble ; flint-stone. Cailloctage, kah-yoo-tahje, sm. heap of stones, road-work, breaking of stones. Caiman, kah-e-mang, sm. crocodile, alligator. Caisse, kayss, sf. chest, coffer, treasury, bank-office, cash, cash-book ; case ; drum. Caissier, kai-syai, sm. cashier, cash-keeper, treasurer ; chest, box, trunk maker. Caisson, kai-song, sm. covered wagon, to carry provisions and ammunition. Cajole r. kahhjo-lai, va. 1 r. to cajole, wheedle, flatter, soothe, entice, persuade by soft words. Cajolerie, kah-hjol-ree, sf. cajolery, flattery, wheedling, enticement, persuasion by kind words. Cajoleur, -se, kah-hjo-lur, -luhze, smf. ca- joler, flatterer, wheedler, coaxer. Cal, teal, sm. callosity, hard skin on the hands or feet, excrescence, horny sub- stance. Calaisox, kah-lay-zong, sf. depth of a ship from deck to bottom. Calamrocr, kah-lang-boor, sm. calambac. Calamiie, kah-lah-me-tai, sf. calamity, mis- fortune, misery, distress, melancholy event. Calamiteux, -se, knh-lah-me-tuh, -ze, adj. calamitous, unfortunate, wretched, miser- able, distressful. Calandre, kah-langdr, sf. calender, hot- press, press to smooth cloth ; sort of lark. Calandrer, kah-lang-drai, va. 1 r. to calen- der, smooth, hot-press cloth. Calandreur, kah-lany-rf, ur, s,n. calanderer, glosser, polisher, hot-presser. Calcaiue, kal-kayre, adj. calcareous, chalky, impregnated with chalk, limy. Calcedoine, kal-sai-doo-ann, >/. chalcedony, wdiite agate, kind of precious stone. Calcinatiox, kal-se-tiah-syong, sf. calcina- tion, chemical pulverization, redaction to powder. Calciner, kalse-nai, va. 1 r. to calcine, burn up, reduce to a polverizable calx. Se calciner, suh-ka) '-se-nai, vref. to become a calx by heat, calcine. Calcul, kal-kule, sm. calculation, computa- tion, reckoning, account; stone, concretion. Calculable, kal-ku-labl, adj. computable, countable, that may be calculated. Calcltlateur, kal-ku-lah-tur, sm. calculator, computer, accountant, reckoner; projector. Calculer, kal-ku-lai, va. 1 r. to calculate, compute, reckon ; adjust, project, devise, contrive. Calculeux, -se, kal-ku-luhe, -ze, adj. calcu- lous, stony, gritty. Cale, kal, sf. small wooden wedge ; beam, sloping ground ; lead of a line; bay; duck- ing ; ship's hold ; flat cap for men and women. Porter la cale, to wear a livery. Calebasse, kal-bass, sf. gourd, bottle made of a gourd. Caleche, kali-ley sh.sf. calash, small carriage, chariot ; silk folding covering worn over the head by ladies full-dressed. Caleqon, kai-song, sm. drawers, men and women's under-dress. Caleeaction, kah-lai-faeksyong, sf. calefac- tion, heating of any thing, state of being heated. Calembourg, kah-lang-boor, sm. quibble, pun, ridiculous homonymy. Calendes, kah-kiiiydi-., sfp. calends, first day of the month among the Romans, convoca- tion. Calendes Grecques, kah-langde-grayk, prov. exp. at latter lammas, never. Calendrier, kuh-hing-dre-yai, sm. calendar, register of the year, almanac. Calendrier Gregorien, kah-lang-dre-yai- grai-go-rj/aing, sm. Gregorian calendar. Calenture, kah-lang-teuTe, sf. tropical fe- ver, burning fever, in the torrid zone. Calepix, kal-puing, sm. book of extracts, memorandum-book. Caler, kah-lai, va. 1 r. to stay, level, wedge up ; lower, strike, yield, submit. Caler la voile, kah-lai-lah-voo-all, prov. to lower one's tone, yield, submit. Calf at, kal-fah, sm. calking, oaknm, calker. Calfatage, kalfah-tahje, sm. calking of a ship, stopping of the leaks. Calfatek, kal-fahtai, va. 1 r. to calk, stop the leaks of a ship, pitch, tar. Calfeutrage, kal-fuhetrahje, sm. stopping of chinks, cracks, crevices, clefts with paper, &c. Calfeutrer, kalfuhe-trai, va. 1 r. to stop holes, chinks, cracks, crevices with paper, , sm. caprice, whim, freak, fancy, maggot, oddness, particularity. Capricier (se), sith-lcah-pre-syai, vref. to n !>>pt through whim ; take huff or pet. Capricieusement, kah-pre-syuhze-manffi ad. capriciously, whimsically, through fancy. Capricieux, -s::. kah-pre-syiJtc, -zc, culj. capricious, whimsical, fanciful, freakish, humprsome. Capiucorne, kali-pre-corn, sm. Capricorn, i of the zodiac ; winter solstice. Caprier, f.xth-Ttre-yai, sm. caper-bush — its buds are pickled for eating. Caprisant (po.uls), pone-k-ah-pre-sartg, sm. uneven pulse ; unequal, irregular. Capsulaire, fcap-seu-layre, adj. capsular, hollow like a chest. Capsule, kap-scide, sf. case, wrapper, en- veloped husk containing the seed of plants. CAptateur, hip - tah - tur, sm. inVeigler, wheedler, deceiver, fortune-hunter. Captation, kap-hiJi-syong, sf. captation, in- veigling, interested attentions. Captat H ':"., /,-- 1 p-fah -too-ar, «(//. fraudulent, deceitful, artful, interested, not sincere. Capter, kap-tai, ca. 1 r. to inveigle, wheedle, allure, persuade to something bad or hurt- ful. Captteux, -sf,. kap-syuhe, -ze, adj. captious, insidious, insnaring ; given to cavils, eager to object. Cai'Tiei'Seme^t. kapsyuhze-mang, ad. cap- tiously, with an inclination to cavil. Captip, -ve, Ltip-tfrf, -teen, smf. and adj. captive, slave, prisoner ; confined, shut up, not free. CAPTIVER, l.-ap-ti'-vni, ra. 1 r. to captivate, take prisoner ; bring into bondage ; charm, subdue. Captivite, kap-te-ve-lai, sf. captivity, sla- very, servitude ; great confinement. Capture, 7cap-teure, sf. capture, prize ; booty, plunder ; seizure, arrest. Captures, kap-teu-rai, ra. 1 >-. to capture, arrest ; seize, plunder, pillage, take forci- bly (vide obs. 4). Capuce, kah-peiiss, sf. cowl-hood, upper cover of a friar's or nun's head. CAPCCHON, kah-peu-shong, sm. capuchin, cloak and hood worn by capuchin friars (vide obs. 4). Capucik, Jcah-peu-saing, sm. capuchin friar; affected and trifling preacher. Capucinade, Jcah-peuse-nad, sf. ridiculous sermon, unconnected discourse. Capucise, kah-peu-seen, sf. capuchin nun, nasturtium (i pickle and plant), (vide obs. 4). Caqu age, kah-lcahje, sm. curing and barrel- ling of salt herrings, "GT quatre),«»A, sott,fqp,foU-ah-vawgte-7ca4tr- kah-rah, idi, phr. arch-fool, raving mad. S9 CAR CAE Caravane, l;ah-rali-iaii, sf. caravan, troop or body of merchants or pilgrims ; light wagon. Caravanier, kah-rah-vah-nyai, sm. leader or driver of a caravan. Caravanserail, Icah-rah-van-sai-rah-yuh, sm. caravansary, house for the reception of travellers. . Caravelle, kah-rah-vell, sf. Portuguese galley ; caravel. Carbatine, kar-bdhrteen, sf. hide of i beast fresh killed. Carboncle, kar-bongkl, sm. carbuncle, phlegmon, inflammation, burning tumor, red spot, pimple ; ruby, jewel. CARBONADE, kar-bo-nad, sf. carbonado, meat cut across and broiled, grillade, broiling. Carcan, kar-kang, sm. iron collar ; carca- net, necklace ; collar of jewels. CarcaSSE, kar-cass, sf. carcass ; frame, skeleton, main parts ; lean person, bag of bones. Carcinome. kar-se-nome, sm. cancer, corro- sion, virulence, cancerous tumor. Cardamoms, kar-dah-mom, sin. cardarno- mum, medicinal seed. Carde, kard, sf. card ; stalk of an artichoke, or a beet leaf. Cardee, kar-daie, sf. card-full, carding, • quantity carded at once. Carder, kar-dui, vat. 1 r. to card, comb wool. Cardeur, -SE, kar-dur, -dnhze, smf. carder, wool carder or comber; wool -stapler. Cardialgie, kar-de-yal-njee, sf. heart-burn- ing, pain at the stomach, acrid humor. Oakdiaque, kar-dyack, adj. cardiac, cordial, reviving, invigorating. Cardier, kar-dyai, sm. card maker or seller. Cardinal, -ux, p. kar-de-nal, -oe, p. sm. cardinal, chief governor of the church ; red parrot ; red butterfly. Cardinal, -e, kar-de-nal, adj. cardinal, principal, chief. Caedinalat, kar-de-nah-ldh, sm. cardinal- ate, cardinalship, office, rank of a cardinal. Cardinale, kar-de-nal, sf. cardinal, red flower. Cardon, kar-dong, sm: cardoon thistle, arti- choke, esculent plant Careme-, kali-reyme, sm, lent, quadragesi- mal fast, time of abstinence. Faire careme, to keep lent. Carenage, IxHi-rai-nahje., sm. careening, Stopping of leaks ; careening place, dry dock. Carkne, kah-vyne, sf. keel and sides of a ship ; careening, stopping of leaks. Caiiexeii, 7cdh-rai-vai, va. 1 r. to careen, calk, stop up leaks ; pitch, tar, smear with pitch. CareSSANT, -e, kali-rai-sang. -t, adj. caress- ing, fond, kind, tender, indulgent, full of fondness. Caresse, kah-ress, sf. caress, endearment, fondness. Caresses (faire bien des), fairs&byaing- dey-kah-resse, o. i irr. to make much of, welcome. Caresser, kan-rai-sai, rn. 1 r. to caress, endear, fondle, make much of; stroke, pat. GAR"6ais0K, kar-gay-song,sf. cargo, freight, lading of a ship, time of lading ; bill of lading. 90 Carguer, kar-gai, ra. 1 r. to shorten the sails with brails, reef, haul up. Caricature, kuh-re-kah-teure, sf. carica- ture, ridiculous picture, overcharged med- ley of figures. Caricatcrer, Jcah-re-Icah-teu-rai, ra. 1 ;•. to caricature, satirize in painting ; over- charge. Carie, kah-ree, sf. caries, rottenness, cari- ousness, putrefaction. Carier, kdh-re-yai, va. 1 r. to rot, taint, make putrid, bring to corruption. Carillon, kan-ryong, sm. chime; scolding, jangling, making a noise, brawling. Carillon (VAiRE),faire-kah-ryong, v. 4 in-. to make a fine uproar, break every thii g. Carillon (battu, -e, "A double), bah-teut-e, ah-doobl-kah-ryong, ad. cxp. beaten sound- ly. Carillonnement, ka.Ti-ryonn-m.ang, sm. chiming, jingling of bells. Carillonner, kah-ryo-nai,va. lr.tochime, jiugle, play upon musical bells. Carillonneur, kah-ryo-nur^ sm. chiruer, player upon bells ; noisy, jolly fellow. Carmagnole, kar-mah-ing-yoL, sf. dre?s, dance, tune, song much in vogue at ihe time of the Revolution. Cakme, Jtarme, sm. Carmelite, monk of the order of white friars ; sort of pear. Carmin, kar-maing, sm. carmine, bright red or crimson color, cochineal. Carminatif, -ve, kar-me-nuhrteef -teev,adj. carminative, belonging to carminatives. Carnage, kar-nahje, sm. carnage, .--laughter, havoc ; massacre ; heaps of flesh. Carnassier, -e, Jcar-nah-syai, -syayre, adj. carnivorous, voracious, ravenous, flesh- eating. CarnaSSIere, kar-nah-sj/ayre, sf. pouch, bag, sportsman's basket: Carnation, kar-nah-syong, sf. carnation, flesh color, rosy compleNion ; pink. Carnaval,, sm. carnival, pub- lic masquerades, holidays before Lent. Carne, karn, sf. angle, corner, square end. Carke, -e, kar-nai, -<=, adj. of liesli color, pale red, blossom color. Garnet, kar-nay, wn. account-book, fmall memorandum-book ; day-book, dfebt-1 ook. Carnivore, kar-ve-vor, adj. carnivorous, eating flesh, vpracious. Caron, kdh-rong, sm. fat rasher of bacon, slice of fat pork. Caronade. kah-ro-nad, sf. short cannon used on board a ship, mortar. Caroncule, kah-rcmg-kule, sf. small gland, excrescence. Caroter, kah-ro-tai, vn. 1 r. to play low, game very low, venture very little. Carotte, kah-rott, sf. carrot, garden root ; twist of tobacco. Carpe, Icarp, sf. carp, fresh-water fish. Carpe pamee, carp-pah-maie, sf. affected person, woman full of affectation. Carpe, karp, sm. wrist, part between the hand and upper arm. Carpeau, kar-po, sm. small carp, young carp, male carp. Carpette, kar-pette, sf. packing-cloth, coarse striped woollen cloth. Carpillon, kar-y>e-ycmg, sm. young carp, young man who has not been out of his native place. CAR CAS CabQDOIS, l:ar-lx>o-ah, sm. quiver, case for arrows. Carre, fail", sfi stature, height, size, form, shape, figure, appearance, stake: ( ■<■■■ d'un chupi in, crown of a hat. Homme d'une bonne cane, well made about the shoulders. Les Carres d'ua Soulier, toe of a shoe. Carre, kdh-rai, sm. square, parallel, die, rule, bed, breast, quadrangle, squadron, square root. Carre, -E, kah-rai, -e,adj. square, cornered, parallel ; strong, well-set. Car ree (partie), par-tee-kah-raie, sf. com- pany of two men and two women. CaRREE (PERIODE), pai-re-yod-knh-raie, sf. numerous and well-supported periods. Carreau, -x, p. kih-rn, -e, p. sm. square; spot of ground ; cushion; pane ; diamond at cards ; file, Dutch tile; goose, tailor's smoothing iron. Carreau depierre, ham- mered stone. Carreau de terre cuite, square tile or brick. Carrbaux, kali-roe, snip, thunderbolt ; bolt, arrows, Hashes of lightning. Oarrefour, kar-foor, sm. cross way, place where several streets, roads, or paths meet. Carrelage. kar-lahje, sm. pavement ; pa- ving ; expense of pavement or of paving. Carreler, kar-lai, va. 1 r. to pave, floor with stone or brick ; mend old shoes. Carrelet, kar-lay, sm. packing-needle ; small sieve ; flounder. Carrelette, kar-lelt, sf. fiat file, fine polish- ing file. Carreleur, Jtar-lur, sin. pavier ; cobbler; strolling shoe-botcher. Carrelure, kar-leure, sf. new soles and heel pieces to old shoes or boots. CARREMENT, kdr-rai-mang, ad. equally on all sides, at right angles, in a square. Carrer, kah-rai, va. 1 r. to square, reduce to a square, form with right angles. Se carrer, suh-lali-rai, vie/, to strut, walk with affected dignity ; stake high, wager. Carrei, kah-ray, sm. rope yarn ; tortoise. Carries, kah-ryai, em. quarryman, digger in a quarry, stonecutter. Carriers, kaJi-ryayre, sf. quarry, stone pit or mine, pit where stones are di;g. Carriere, Jcah-ryayre, */. race-ground, ca- reer ; course ; race ; life ; time, office, pro- fession. Dormer a cheval carriere, to run at full speed. Se donner carriere, to gratify one's fancy. Carriole, kah-ryol, sf. small tilted cart, light wagon. Carrosse, kah-ross, sm. coach, carriage of pleasure or state. Carrosse (cheval de), shuh-val-duh-kah- ross, sm. coach-horse ; clownish stupid fel- low. Carrossee, kaJi-ro-saie, sf. coach-load, full number of persons. CARUOSSIER, kah-ro-eyai, sm. coach-maker, :h-horse. Carrousel, kah-roo-zel, sm. carousal, festi- val ; tilt, tournament. CARRURE, bah-reure, t>f. breadth of shoulders or coat ; superfices of a square (vide obs. 4'. Carte, hart, sf, card ; bill of fare ; bill, visit- card; map; cushion; tailor's goose. Faire les cartes, to deal cards. Carte marine, kart-mah-reen, sf. sea-chart, delineation of coasts. Carte-blanche, kart - Uang/ih, tf. carte- blanche, full power, free-will. Danner carte blanche, to give full liberty. Cartel, ttar-tell, sm. cartel, challenge, stip- ulation, proposal. Cartero, kart-ro, sm. small letter-bag; small portfolio. Cartesi an*isme, tear - tai - zyah ■ neessm, sm. philosophy of Descartes. Cartesien, kar-tai-zyaing, sm. ("artesian, partisan of Descartes' philosophy. Cartier, kar-ti/ai, sm. card maker or seller ; wrapping-paper. Cartilage, fair - te - lahje, sm. cartilage, smooth solid substance not so hard as a bone ; gristle. Cartilag,INEUX, -se, kar-te-kthhje-nithe, -ze, adj. cartilaginous, consisting of cartilages, gristles. Cautomancie, kar-to-mang-see, sf. fortune- telling by cards. Carton, Jcar-tong, sm. pasteboard; band-box; cartoon, painting or drawing upon large paper. Cartonner, kar-to-nai, va. 1 r. to put a pasteboard cover ; add a leaf to a book. L Cartonnerie, kar-lone-ree, sf. pasteboard manufactory. Cartonnier, kar-to-nyai, sm. pasteboard maker or seller. Cartouche, kar-toosh, sf. cartouch ; charge, cartridge, case 'of paper filled with gun- powder. Cartouche jaune, kar-toosh-hjone, sf. dis- honorable dismission out of the army. Cartulaire, kar-teu-laijre, sm. collection of grants, of charters. Carus, kah-reuss, sm. excessive drowsiness, lethargy, morbid drowsiness. Carvi, kar-re, sm. caraway, caraway-seed. Cas, kah, sm. case, accident, adventure, event, conjuncture, occasion, circumstance; fact, matter, object, subject ; esteem, value; situation. Cas pendaele. lah-panij-dabl, sm. criminal action, hanging matter. Cas d'dne Personne (faire), faire-kah- d'unn-pair-son, v. 4. irr. to esteem, value a person. Cas que (poser le), po-zai-luh-kah-kuhe, conj. suppose that. Au cas que, o-kah-kuhe, conj. in case that. Cas (en tout), ang-too-kaJi, ad. exp. what- ever happens, may happen. Casanier, -e, kah-zah-nyai, -re, adj. fond of staying at home, domestic, idle, lazy, inac- tive, cowardly. Casanier, kah-zah-n>/ai, sm. close stayer at home ; lazy drone ; coward ; owl., kah-zack, sf. great coat with wide sleeves ; loose robe, morning-gown. Casaque (TOURNER), tOOr-nai-k'lh-Z'trJ:, y. 1 r. to change sides, forsake one's party. Casaquin", kah-zah-kninfi, sm. short gown, bed-gown ; jerkin, jacket. Cascade, kass-kad, sf. cascade, waterfall, cataract ; unconnected discourse ; non- sense. Case, knhz, sf. point at backgammon; square in a draught-board ; hovel, mean house. Casemate, kahz-mat, sf. casemate, platform, vault or arch of stonework ; fox-hole. 91 CAS CAT 1 ?•. to be or -ze, adj. brillle, snapped. head- CaSEMATER, kahz-mah-Vii. ra. 1 r. to fortify, erect bastions defended by a casemate. Caser, kuh-zai, tu. 1 r. to appoint to some office, if., invest; set in order; take a point at backgammon. Caserne, kah-zairn, sf. barrack, building to 1 i Ige soldiers. Caserner, kah-zair-nai, va lodge in barracks. Casilleox, -se, leahse-yuhe, fragile, apt to break, easily Casimir, kuh-ze-meer, sm. cassimere, Casque, hash, sm. casque, helmet, piece, armor for the head. CassaiiE, kah-sad, sf. lib, story, falsehood, lie, Ham, sham. Cassades (donker des), do-nai-dey-1cah-sad, v. 1 ;•. to tell fibs, stories; romance, lie, forge, invent. Cassant, -e, kah-sang, -t, adj. fragile, brittle, apt to break, easily snapped or broken ; weak. Cassation, kass-sah-syong, sf. cassation, re- peal, abrogation, annulling. Cassave, kah-savoe, sf. cassavi-bread, flour] ofcassavi, arrow-mot. Casse, Icass, sf. cassia ; penease ; case ; break- ing of an officer; crucible, steel comb. Casse-cou, kass-koo, sm. break -neck, unsafe place, uneven ground; precipice. Casse-noisette, kuss-noo-ah-zett, sm. nut- crackers. Casse-.noix, ka^s-noo-ah, sm. walnut-crack- ers. Casse, -e, Jtah-sai, -e, adj. broken, old, in- firm, weak, trembling. Casser, kah-.iai, va. 1 r. to break, crack, bruise, crush, destroy ; repeal, abrogate, disband, suppress, turn out, dissolve. Cassek la tete a, kah-sai-laJi-teyte-ah, v. 1 r. to shoot ; blow out the brains. Se CASSer, suh'kah-sai, vref. to break, grow weak, old, infirm. Se CASSER I.A tete, suh-7cah~sai-ldh-teyte, ntf. to study too hard ; torment one's self. Se casser le cou. suh-kaji-gai-tuh-kooe, vref. to break one's neck ; ruin one's self. Casserole, kass-rol, sf. stewpau, a culinary utensil, saucepan. Casse-tete, Icasft-teyte, sm. heady wine, liquor, itc. ; puzzle-brain ; intent study. Cassette, kali-sett, sf. casket, small box for jewels or letters ; privy purse. Casseur, kah-svur, sm. strong, vigorous man; cracker, bouncer ; boaster, bragger. Casseur de raquettes, tcah-sur-duh-rah- kt-tt, sm. great boaster, braggadocio. Cassidoink, Jtass-se-doo-ann, sf. chalcedony, a precious stone. Cassier, kah-xym, sm. cassia-tree, a tree pro- ducing a sweet spice. kah-sren, sf. small country-house. Cassolette, kah-so-letl, sf. perfume bottle or pan, scent-bottle; odor, perfume; bad smell. Cassonade, kah-so-nad, sf. brown sugar, powdered sugar, sugar unrefined. Cassuke, kah-seure, sf. fracture, breach, separation, breaking of a bone, Ac. (vide obs. 4). Castagnettes, kass-tah-ing-yett, sfp. casta- nets, small shells of ivory or wood which dancers rattle. Caste, Jtast, sf. tribe, clan, distinct body or sect of people ; class, condition. 93 Oastille, kass-te-yvh, sf. altercation, dispute, debate, trilling quarrel. Castor, kass-tor, sm. castor, beaver, hat, beaver-hat. Castration, kass-trah-syong, sf. castration, act of gelding. Casoalite, kah-zeu-ah-le-tai, sf. casuality, accident, thing happening by chance ; per- quisite. Casuel, -le, kah-zen-el, adj. casual, acci- dental, fortuitous, unexpected, unforeseen, f agile. CaSUEL, kah-zeu-el, sm. profits, perquisites, casualties. CaSuellement, kali-zf-K-rl-mang, rid. casu- ally, accidentally, by chance, unexpected- ly, fortuitously. Casutste, kah-zeu-eest, sm. casuist, theologian who settles cases oi conscience, divine (vide obs. 4). Cataciirese, kah-tah-kreize, sf. catachre- sis, over-strained figure ; inconsistency of word-. Cataclysme, kith tah-kleessm, sm. cataclysm, inundation, deluge: shower-bath. Catacombes, kah-tah-Jcongha, sfp. catacombs, grottoes, vaults to bury the dead or heap bones. Catadoupe, kah-iah-doop, sf. waterfall, cat- aract, cascade, spout. Catafalque, kah-tah-falk, sm. funeral cano- py ; temporary monument set over a bier or coffin. Catalectes, kah-tah-lecJcte, smp. collection of poems, fragments, impeifect pieces. Catalepsie, kah-iah-lep-see, sf. catalepsis, momentary privation of sense and motion ; insensibility. Catalkpiique, kith tah-lep-teeJe, adj. catalep- tic, deprived of sense and motion, insensi- ble. Catalogue, kah-lahlng, sm. catalogue, list, roll, enumeration of particulars. Cataplasme. kah-tah-plassm, sm. cataplasm, poultice, plaster, soft mollifying applica- tion. Catapclte. Jeafi-tah-peult, sf. catapult, halis- ta, warlike engine to shoot stones ; cross- bow, brake-sling. Cataracte, kah-tah-rackt, sf. cataract. water- fall, cascade, spout; crystalline dimness, catarrh. Se CATARACTF.r., snTi-kah taJi-racJclai, vref. 1 r. to giow dim, be affected with a crys- talline humor. Cataekhe, kah-tarhe, sm. catarrh, sharp serous deduction from the glands, suffusion of sight ; rheum. CATARRHEUX, -SE, Irili-tnl.-rnl '■/>, -Z'\ adj. catarrhous, proceeding from a catarrh, from a violent cold in the head. Catastrophe, kah-tass-troff, sf. catastrophe, chief and final event, fatal end, tragical conclusion. Catechiser, kah-tai-shee-zai, va. 1 r. to cat- echise, question, interrogate, examine; give instructions ; try to persuade ; give one his cue. OaTECHISME, Icah-tai-shrrssm. sm. catechism, questionary instruction concerning reli- gion. Catechiste, kahtai-shpcst, smf. catechist, in- structor in the fundamental principles of religion. CAU CAV CaTECHUMENE, kah-tai-ku-mnin, smf. cate- chumen, novice iu the rudiments of Christi- anity. Categorie, kah-tai-go-ree, sf. category, class, rank, predicament ; order of ideas ; nature, quality, character. Categoriquem k.nt, kah - tad-go ■ reek-mang, ad. categorically, with precision, timely ; pertinently, completely. Cathartiqce, kah-lar-"(eek, adj. cathartic, purgative. CaTHEDRale, kahtai-dral, sf. cathedral, head church of a diocese, episcopal church. Cathedrant, kah-tai-drdng, em. professor, lecturer ; president at a thesis. Catholicisms, kah-lo-le-seessm, sm. catholi- Cism, catholic religion, adherence to the catholic church. Cathoi.icite. kah-tn-le-se-tai, sf. Catholicism, catholic faith, catholic adherence ; catholic- church or country. Catholicox, kak-to-le-7cong, sm. catholicon, electary, universal medicine. ('atuouque, kah-to-leek, adj. catholic, uni- versal, general. Catholique, kah-to-leek, smf. Roman Cath- olic, papist, adherer to the communion of the pope and church of Rome. CatholiQDEMEKT, kah-to-leek- / mavg , ad. in a catholic manner, like a catholic. Cati, kah-te, sm. starching, stiffening ; gloss, lustre ; preparation to hide the defects of cloth. Catimiri (e>"), ang-kah-te-me-ne, ad. secret- ly, slyly, by stealth, clandestinely, pri- vately. Catin, kah-taing. sf. immodest woman, wan- ton, rambler, strumpet. Catik, Jcah-teer, ra. 2 r. to stiffen, starch ; gloss ; press ; hot-press defective cloth or stuff. Catoptrique, kah-lop-lreek, sf. catoptrics, vision by reflection. Cacchemar, koashrfnar, sm. night-mare, in- cubus, morbid oppression in the night upon the breast. Cacchemar (doxxer le), donai-hdi-knash- mar, r. 1 r. to tell long tedious stories ; tire, lull to sleep. Cacdataire, ko-dah-tayre, sm. train-bearer; attendant, page. Caudebec. lcode - beck, sm. caudcbec hat, coarse hat made of wool. Causalite. ko-zahle-tai, sf. causality, agen- cy, quality of causing. Caosatif, -ve, ko-zah-teef -teev, adj. causa- tive, expressive of a cause or reason. Cause, koze, sf. cause, reason, motive, oc- casion ; interest ; lawsuit ; trial, right. Eire en cause, to sue one at law. Cause u'appel, koze-dah-pel, sf. action upon appeal. Cacse de (A), ah-koze-duh, prep, for, on ac- count of, for the sake of. CacSER, ko-zai, ra. 1 r. to cause, effect, pro- duce, occasion, excite ; criticise, blame, slander. Causer, ko-zai, vn. 1 r. to talk, blab, prattle, babble, speak ill of. Cacserie, koze-ree, sf. chattering; babble, idle talk, senseless prattle, chit-chat, slan- der. Cacsf.CR, -se, ko-zur, -zuhze, smf. talker, babbler, prater, prattler, slanderer. CATTSEUSE, ko-zuhze, sf small sofa ; conver- sation, stool. Cacsticite, kass-te-se-tai, sf. severity of lan- guage, satirical Barcasm, mordant expres- sion or style. Cacstique, koss-teck, adj. caustic, corrosive ; satirical, mordant, censorious. Cauteleusemext, kote - luhze - tn&ng, ml. cautelously, warily, slyly, craftily, with cunning. Cadteleux, -se, kott-luhe, -ze, adj. cautelous, prudent, cautious; cunning, sly, artful. Cautere, ko-tayre, sm. cautery, artificial ulcer, issue. Cauterisation, ko-tai-re-zah-syovg, sf. cau- terization, burning with hot irons. Cauteriser, ko-tai-re-zai, xa. \r. to cau- terize, burn with a caustic or burning ap- plication. Caution, ko-syong, sf. security, bail, surety, insurance, guarantee. Cactiox (£tre scjet, -te A), eytr-seU-ltjayt- ah - ko - syong, v. aux. to be doubtful, sus- picious, not to be trusted. Caution bocrgeoise, ko ■ syong - boor - lijqo- ahae, sf. good security. Cautionnement, ko-syon-mang, sm. cau- tioning, bailing, becoming security ; mort- gage. Cactioxner, kp-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to bail, guarantee ; be answerable for. Cavalcade, kab-val-kad, sf. cavalcade, pro- cession on horseback ; short journey on horseback. Catalcadocr, kah-ral-kah-door, sm. equer- ry, master of the horse. Cavale, kah-val, sf. mare (the female of a horse). Cayalerie, kah-xal-ree, sf. cavalry, horse troops, horse. Cavalier, kah-vah-b/ai, sm. cavalier, horse- man ; knight ; trooper ; gentleman ; spark. Cavalier, -e, kah-zah-lyai, -re, adj. cava- lier ; gay, sprightly; free, easy ; brave, generous"; haughty ; blunt, disdainful. Cavaliere (A la), ah-lah-lah-rah-h/ayre, ad., exp. gentlemanly ; arrogantly, disdain- fully. Cavai.ieremext, kah-rah-lyayre-mang, ad. cavalierly, bluntly, rudely, haughtily. Cave, kav, sf. cave, cellar, vault ; case for bottles ; stake at play ; flagon ; hollow, cavern, den. Caveau, -x, p. kah-m, -e, p. sm. small cel- lar, vault in a church, repository for the dead. Cavee, Jcah-vaie, sf. subterraneous way, hol- low way, arched way. Cavei:, i.ah-cai, va. 1 r. to hollow, mine, deepen ; lay down a sum of money at cards, equal the stakes. Cavehke, kah-vairn, sf. cavern, hollow place in the ground. Cayerxecx, -se, kah-vair-nujie, -se, adj. cavernous, hollow, excavated, full of cav- erns. CaveSSON, kav-song, sm. cavesson, snaffle, nose-band, muzzle, check, bit for a bridle. Caviar, kah-ri/ar, sm. caviare, eggs of a sturgeon salted. Cavin, kah-vaing, sm. defile, hollow way favoring the approaches to a place. Cavite, kah- re-tat, sf. cavity, hollow, hol- lownese. 93 CEL CEN Ce, cet, cette, ces, suh, set, sett, scy, de- mon, art. this, that, these, those. Ce, suh, sm. this, that, it. Ce que, Kuh-Icuh, sm. what, that, which. C'est a savoir, to wit. A ce que, that. C'est pouuquoi, sei-poor-hio-ah, ad. there- fore, for tills, for that, for this reason ; in recompense. Ce n'est PAS QUE, suh-nei-pah-kuh, conj. sub. not that. Ceans, sai-ang, ad. within, at home, here. Ceans (le maiTice de), Itih-mnytr-duh-sai- ang, sm. the master of this house. Ceci, suh-se, demon, pron. m. this, these, this thing, these things. Cecite, sai-se-tui, sf. cecity, blindness, pri- vation of sight. Cedant, -e, sai-dang, -t, sm/. granter. Ceder, sai-dai, va. 1 r. to cede, yield, re- sign, give up ; make over. Ceder, sai-dai, vn. 1 r. to yield, submit, obey, listen to, follow, give up ; be over- come. Ceiiille, sai-de-yuh, sf. comma placed under c, thus c, before a, o, u, to give it the sound of s. Cedrat, sai-drah, sm. lime, lemon, citron, lemon-tree, &c. ; citron-water. Cedre, saidr, sm. cedar, cedar-tree. Cedule, sai-deul, sf. bill, promissory note ; appeal ; removal of a cause to a superior court. Ceignant, say-ing-yang, pres. part, of cein- dre, girdling. Ceignis, say-ing-yee, pret. def. of ceindre, inclosed. Ceindre, saingdr, va. 4 irr. to inclose, en- circle, surround ; girdle, put on. Ceins, suing, pres. ind. ot ceindre, girdle. Ceint, suing, p. part, of ceindre, girdled. Ceintre, -e, suing -trai, -e, adj. arched, vaulted, curvated, inflected. Ceinturs, saing -teure, sf. girdle, waist, zona, belt, cincture, ce.stus ; inclosure, cir- cumference. Ceinturette, saing-teu-rett, sf. thin leather belt, ornamental band round the waist. Ceintuuikr, saing-teu-ryai, sm. gilder, belt maker or seller. Ceinturon, suing -teu-rong, sm. belt, leather girdle, sillc, . CENTRIPETE, snnrj-tre-pett, adj. centripetal, tending to the centre. Centuple, .s, sm. and adj. centuple ; hundred-fold (vide obs. 4). Ckntlfler, sang-teu-plai, ra. 1 r. to cen- tuplicate, make a hundred-fold (vide obs. 4). Centuriateur, sang-teu-re-ah-tur, em. cen- turiator, historian distinguishing times by centuries. Centcrie, sang-teu-ree, sf century, age, hundred years (vide obs. 4). Centurion, sang-teu-ryang, fin. centurion, officer who commands a hundred men, cap- tain. Csp, °a», sm. vine, plant that bears the grape. Cependant, suh-pang-dang or epang-dang, ad. yet, for all that, nevertheless ; in the mean time. Cependant, suh-pang-dang, conj. neverthe- I .-. however, notwithstanding that. CEi'UALALGiE,sa£-/a't-fa^-''jee: sf. cephalalgy, headache. CBphalique, sai-faMeeli; adj. cephalic, re- lating to the head, good for the head. Ce::at, sai-rah, am. cerate, oi.ttmer.t mad of wax and oil, healing pomatum or plaster Ceudere, aair-bayr, sm. ce.berus; irg o hell with three heads ; brutal porter, jailer, , -e, p. .«»;. hoop, ring, net ; any thing circular ; circle. Cf.rcelle. eair-eell, a/, teal, wild water-fowl. Cercle, aairkl, sm. circle, circular band, hoop ; ring, circumference ; assembly, company, series. Cercl::r, aair-ktai, va. \ r. to hoop, en- circle, encompass, surround, confine ; move round. Cerclier, sair-ldeyai, sm. hooper, cooper, maker or seller of hoops. Cercceil, suir-kuh-yuh, sm. coffin, tomb, dea. h. Cercceil (mettre au), mcttr-o-sair-kuh- yuh, v. 4 irr. to cause the death of one. Ceremonial, sui-rai-mo-nyal, sin. ceremo- nial, outward form ; ritual, book of rites and forms in the Romish church. Ceremonial, -e, sairai-mo-nyal, adj. cere- monial, formal, stiff; observant of old forms. Cekfmonie, sai-rai- mo -nee, sf. ceremony, outward right, external form in religion ; formality. CEREIIONIE itraiter EN), trai-tui-any-sai- rai-mo-nee, v. 1 r. to give a magnificent repast. Ceuemonieux, -se, aai-rai-mo^nyvihe, -ee, adj. ceremonious, formal, full (if ceremony. Cerf, serif*, am. stag; hart, male red deer. Cerfeuil, siur-i'i'h-t/uk, sm. chervil, escu- lent and umbelliferous plant ; soil of pars- ley. Ceri-volant, sair-vo-lang. sm. paper kite; scarab, horn beetle. CERISAIE, suh-re-zaie, sf. plantation of cher- ry-trees. CERISE, suh-reeze, sf. cherr}- ; red color. Cerisier, auh-reesyai, am. cherry-tree. Cerne, saint, am. circle traced upon the earth or sand; black rim round the eye-, livid color round a sore. Cerneau, -x, p. stir-no, -e, half of the kernel of an unripe walnut. Cerner, sair-nai, va. 1 r. to dig round a tree, take out the kernel of an unripe wal- nut. Cernes (avoir les tecx), ah-voo-ar-ley- zyuhe-sair-naie, r. aux. to have one's eyes surrounded with black and blue spots. Certain, sair -taing, sm. certainty, that which is real and fixed. Certain pour l'incertain (quitter le), ke-lai-luh-sair-taing- poor-laing-aair-taing, v. 1 r. to quit a certainty for an uncertainty. Certain, -e, aair-taing, -tain. adj. certain, sure, true, indubitable ; fixed, determined ; some. Certain (before a noun, indefinite, as), Us CERTAIN homme, ttng-sair-tavng-nom, a certain man. Certain (after a noun, definite, as), Us HOMME certain, ung-nom-sair-taing, s. man that can be relied upon. Certainement, sair-tain-mang, ad. cer- tainly, surely, assuredly, without fear or doubt. Ceutes, sairt, ad. certes, certainly ; in truth, indeed, truly. Certificat, sair-te-fe-kah, sm. certificate, testimony, written evidence. CertifiCatedr, sarr-te-fe-Jmh-tur, ««. vouch- er, security for a security. Certification, aair-te-fe-kah-syong, sf. at- testation, testimcn3% evidence, confirmation. Certifier, eair-te-fyai, va. 1 r. to certify, attest, give evidence ; bail, secure a secu- rity. Certitude, sair-te-teud, sf.. certitude, cer- tainty, exemption from doubt, full assu- rance. Cerumen, sai-reu-men, sm. cerumen, wax of the ear (vide obs. 4). Ceruse, sai-reuze, sf ceruse, white-lead. Cervaison, sair-vai-zong, sf. stag-hunting season ; time for venison. Cerveau, x, p. sair-vo, -e, p. sm. brain, tm- derstanding, sense, judgment. Ceeveau (s'alembiquer le), a'ah-lang-be- kai-hih-sairvo, vref. 1 r. to puzzle one's brains about. Cerveau creux (avoir le), ah-voo-ar-luh- sair-i:o-kruhe, v. aux. to be a little crack- brained. Cervelas, sairv-lah, sm. thick short saus- age, large gut filled with minced meat. 93 CHA CHA Cervelet, sairv-lay. sm. back part of the head, hind part of the brain. , Cervelle, sair-vell, .<-/. brain ; reason, sense, judgment, understanding, intellect. Tenir quelqu'un en cervelle, to keep in suspense. Cervelle (tete Saks), teytesang-sdirrvell, sf. blundering, hare-brained person. Cervical, -e, wir-ve Teal, adj. cervical, be- longing to tbe upper part of the neck. Cervier (louf), loo - sair • vyai, sm. lynx, spotted beast remarkable for speed and sharp sight. Ces, sey, demon, art. prnf. these, those. Cesar, sai-zar, sm. Roman emperor ; em- peror ; great general ; very brave man. Cess ant, -e, sai-sang, -t, adj. ceasing, sus- pended, stopped, discontinued. Cessante (toute affaire), toot-dk-faire-sai- sangt, ad. exp. before anything; first of all ; at first. Cessation, sessah-syong, sf. cessation, in- termission, discontinuance, interruption. Cesse, sess, sf. (used without any article be- fore it), cease, ceasing, pause, intermission, interruption. Cesse (sans), sang-sess, ad. exp. incessantly, •without ceasing, without intermission, al- ways. Cesser, say-sai, va. n. 1 r. 10 cease, leave oil', discontinue, stop, give over ; fail ; be at an end. Cessible, sess-seeble, adj. cessible, that may be ceded, easy to give away. Cession, sai-syong, sf. cession, transfer, res- ignation, giving up. Cessionnaire, sai-syo-nayre, smf. and adj. cessionary ; granter ; grantee. Ceste, sest, sm. cestus, girdle ; leather gaunt- let lined with lead for pugilists. Cesure, sai-zeur, sf. cesura, last syllable of a word beginning the next foot ; pause, rest. Cet, nay (before a vowel or h mute), m. ; cette, set, f. demon, art. this, that. Cet ace, -e, sai-tah-sai, -e, adj. cetaceous, of the whale kind. Ceux, celles, suhe, sell, demon, pron. mfp. they, these, those. Chablage, shah-blahje, sm. fees or labor of a water-officer, tidesman, tide waiter. Chabler, shaJi-blai, va. 1 r. to fasten a cable to, to raise, lift up, drag, &c. Chablis, shah-blee, sm. boughs, branches broken down by the wind, wind-broken branches. Chabot, shah-bo, sm. miller's thumb, bull- head, small fish living in brooks. Chacun, -e, shah-kung-lceunn, pron. indef. every one, each. (This pronoun is never used with a noun.) Chafouin, -e, shu-foo-aing, -een, smf. and adj. mean-looking person ; lean, ugly, little ; polecat. Chagrin, shah-graing, sm. chagrin, ill-hu- mor, vexation, displeasure, affliction, trouble, spite, anger; sadness, melan- choly ; shagreen. Chagrin, -e, shah-graing, -green, adj. mel- ancholy, sad, morose. Chagrinant, -e, shah-g re-nan g, -f, adj. vex- atious, afflictive, troublesome, morose. Chagrine, -e, shah-gre-nai, -e, adj. made in imitation of shagreen. Chagrin er, sha-grc-nai, va. 1 r. to chagrin, grieve, vex ; afflict, cause trouble or sorrow. 96 Se chagriner, suh-shah -gre -nai, vref. to fret, grieve, vex one's self. Chaine, sheine, sf. chain ; warp; link ; ridge ; bond ; series, concatenation, continuity. Chaineau, -x, p. shai-no, -e, p. sm. wooden or leaden pipe, gutter. Chainetier, sheine-tyai, sm. chain-maker. Chainette, shci-rtctt, sf. small chain of a watch, &c. ; curb chain ; necklace. Chainon , shei-nong, sm. ring, link of a chain. Chair, shair, sf. flesh meat ; skin, complex- ion ; carnality ; corporal appetites, human nature, man. Chair vive, shair -veer, sf, quick, quick flesh, sensible parts. Chaire, shairc, sf. pulpit; professorship; presidentship ; divinity ; bishop's see ; ora- tory. Chaise, shayze, sf. chair, seat, arm-chair ; chaise ; sedan, post-chaise ; frame. Chaland, -e, shah-larig, -d, smf. buyer, pur- chaser, customer ; flat -bottomed boat. Chale, shah!, sm. shawl. Chalet, shah-lay, sm. hut, cabin in Switzer- land where cheese is made. Chaleur, shah-lur, sf. heat, warmth ; ar- dor, vivacity, fire ; strong affection, zeal, passion. II fait line grande chaleur, very hot weather. Chaleureusement, «7ia7i - luh - ruhze - mang, ad. ardently. Chaleureux, se, shall -bdi-ruhe, -ruhze, adj. ardent ; glowing ; animated ; having nat- ural heat. Chalodpe, shah-loop, sf. shallop; small ves- sel, sloop ; long-boat. Chalumeau, -x, p. shahdeu-mo. -e, p. sm. stalk of straw, reed ; tube, siphon ; pipe, cylinder ; flute, flageolet (vide obs. 4). Chalumet, shah-leu-may, sm. end of a pipe, small tube, siphon (vide obs. 4). Chamade, shah-mad, sf. chamade, beat of drum declaring a surrender or parley. Chamailler, shah-mahyai, vn, 1 r. to fight, scuffle, wrangle, dispute, altercate, vocifer- ate. Chamaillis, shah- mail -yee, sm. squabble, dispute, quarrel ; skirmish, affray, riot. Chamarre, -e, shah-mah-rai. -e, adj. em- broidered, laced ; bombastic, pompous, high-sounding. Chamarrer, shah-mah-rai, va. 1 r. to em- broider, lace ; cover, load, overcharge ; daub. Chamarrure, shah -mail- reure, sf. lacing, embroidery, lace-ornament ; galloon, trim- ming ; daubing (vide obs. 4). Chambellan, shang-bay-lang, sm. chamber- lain, officer of the king's chamber. Chambranle, shang-brangle, sm. jambs of a door or window ; mantlepiece. Chambre, shangbr, sf. chamber, room ; hall, court of justice. Chambre a cow her, bed- chamber. Robe de chambre, night-gown. Faire la chambre, to sweep the room. Chambre haute, shang-bruh-hote, sf. house of lords. Chambre basse or des communes, shangbr- bass or dei-lco-meun, sf. house of commons. Chambree, shang-biaie, sf. sleeping-rocm ; room full of people, full house ; night's re- ceipt. Chambrelan, shangbr -lang, sm. chamber workman ; lodger who occupies one room. CI LV CHA ChaKBRER, shajig-bn i", vn. 1 r. to mess, live together in the same room; speak pri- CHAMBRETTE, shang -brett, sf. small room, closet. Chamsrier, shang-bre-yai, son. chamberlain, ■r who lias the care of ihe chambers. CHAHBRIERE, sluing -bre-yayre, sf. chamber- maiil ; housekeeper ; bed-candlestick ; cart- prop. CHAMBRILLON, shang-bre-yong, s/. very young chambermaid, young maid-servant. CHAMEAU, -\, p. shah-mo, -c, p. smf. camel, beast of burden, camel-hair; Dutch pontoon., shum-lyni, am. camel -driver. Ohamelle, shah-mal, sf. she-camel. Chamois, shah-moo-ah, am. chamois, wild- goat ; shammy-leather. ChamOISEUR, shah-moo-ah-zur, sm. shammy- leather dresser ; glover. Champ, shang, sm. field, ground; matter, subject, occasion ; space, compass, extent. Gagner lea champs, to run away. Champ de bataille, shang-dnh-liah-lah-yuh, sm. field of battle. Champ CLOS, shang-ldoe, sm. inclosure, in- closed ground ; list. Champ (sur le\ aevr4ch-shang, ad. cxp. immediately, without delay ; upon the spot. Champ (a tout bout de), ak-too-boo-duh- ehang, ad. cxp. every moment, incessant- ly, without ceasing. Champs (maisondes), thaysdng-dey-sJtangTie, sf. country seat, country house, villa. Champs (ALLER aux), ah-lui-oc-shanghc, r. 1 irr. to go to the country. Champs (battre aux), battr-oe-shanghe, v. 4 irr. to decamp, march off. Champs (se mettre aux), auh-meitr-oe- shanghe, vref. 4 irr. to fall in a passion. Champs et V autre a la ville (avoir on ceil aux), ah-voo - ar - ung - nuh - yuh -oe - shanghe - ai - - all - lah - reel, to have a watchful eye upon every thing. CHAMPAGNE, shang-pah-ing-yjh, sf. cham- pagne, excellent wine. CHAMPART, shang-par, sm. field-rent, rent upon some manorial lands. Champaiiter, shang-par-tai, ra. 1 r. to col- lect field-rents. Champarteur, shang -p>ar-tur, sm. collector of field-rents. ChampLtre, shang-peytr, adj. rural, rustic, suiting the country ; plain, simple, honest. Champignon, ahang-peeng-yong, sm. mush- room ; bright spot in the wick of a candle. Champion" onniere, tshang-peeng-yo-nyayre, sf. mushroom -bed. Champion, shang -pynng, am. champion, combatant, stout warrior, hero. Chance, shangsse, sf. chance, hazard, for- tune, good-luck ; disgrace, ill-luck ; mis- fortune, displeasure. Chancelant, -e, s/t'tngsse-hing, -t, adj. tot- tering, infirm, unsteady ; wavering, unde- termined, irresolute. Chanceler, shangsse-lai, vn. 1 r. to totter, reel, vacillate, waver ; stagger ; be irreso- lute ; unsettled. Chancelier, sliangssedyai, sm. chancellor, officer of the highest power and dignity. Chanceliere, shangssc-lyayre, sf. chancel- lor's lady ; box or basket lined with fur to keep the feet warm. (5) Ciiancellemlnt, aha ng-sell-mang, sm. reel- ing, tottering, unsteadiness; irresolution, wavering. Chancellerie, shang-stll-ree, sf. chancer} , court of equity and conscience. Chanceux, -se, shang-suhe, -se, adj. luckj unlucky.fortuitous, chanceable, accidental, casual. Chancir, shang-seer, vn. 2 r. to grow mouldy. Se chancir, auh-shang-aeer, vref. to grow mouldy. Chancissure, ehangse-seure, sf. mouldiness, State of being mouldy (vide obs. 4). Chancre, shang!. r, sm. chancre, virulent and poisonous ulcer, caries ; canker-worm destructive to trees. Chancreux, -SB, shang -Icruhc, -ze, adj. chancrous, ulcerous ; worm-eaten, rotten. Chandeleur, shapgde-lmr, sf. candlemas, purification of the Blessed Virgin. Chandelier, ehangde-lydi, sm. candlestick, chandelier ; chandler, candle maker or seller. Chandelle, shang -dell, sf. candle, light made of wax or tallow. Chandelle de glace, icicle, — de veille, rushlight. Chandelle (se brCler a la), suh-breu-lai- ah-lahshang-dell, vref. to run into danger in avoiding it (vide obs. dt). Ohanfrein, shang-fraing, sm. forehead of a horse ; black plume of feathers for its head. Change, shanghje, sm. exchange ; change ; bank ; interest ; place of exchange. Per dre an change, to lose by the bargain. Faire le change, to be a banker. Prendre le change, to mistake. Change (donner le), do-nailuh-shanghje, to deceive, cheat, defraud, impose upon. Changeant, -e, shang hjung, -t, adj. incon- stant, volatile, unsteady, changeable, fickle. Changement, shanghje-rnahg, sm. change, alteration, revolution, variation, variety, mutation. Changer, shang -hjai, va. 1 r. to change, alter, barter, transform, displace. Changer de, shang-hjai-duh, vn. 1 r. to put on, change, remove to, turn over. Se changer, suh- shang -hjai, vref'. to change, shift ; correct, mend, alter one's conduct. CiiANGEUR, sliang-hjur, sm. banker, money- changer, stock-broker. Chanlatte, shang-latt, sf. long piece of narrow board used to support the tiles of houses. Chanoine, shah-noo-ann, sm. canon, pre- bendary, dignitary in a cathedral church. Chanoinesse, shah-noo-ah-ness, sf. canon female prebendary ; nun of the order ot St. Augustine. Chanoinie, shah-noo-ah-nee, sf. canonry, benefice in a cathedral or collegiate church. Chanson', ehang-song, sf. song, ballad, lay, strain, tune ; trifle, thing. Chansons, shang-songhe, sfp. idle stories, trifles, nonsense, foolish conversation. Chansons que tout cela, nonsense. (HANSON (VOILA BIEN UN E AUTRE), VOO-ah lah-byaing-neun-otr -shang -song, idi. exp. it is quite another thing. Chansonner, shang-so nai, va. 1 r. to lam- poon, make songs again»t one. Chansonnette, slumg-so-nett, sf. little song, lay, love song, ditty. 97 CHA CHA Chansonniee, -e, shang-so-nyai, -re, smf. m:i!;er of sougs : ballad-singer ; collection of songs. Chant, shang, sm. singing, tune, air ; canto ; warbling ; crowing. Lejrtain-chaiUjChuTCh- music. Chant du coq, shang-deu-kock, sm. cock- crow ; daybreak ; dawn of day (vide obs. 4). Chantant, -e, shang-fang, -t, adj. singing ; musical, harmonious, tunable, suitable to songs. Chanteau, -X, p. shang-to, -e, p. sm. first cut of a loaf; first cut of the holy bread ; last plank of the bottom of a cask. Chantepleure, shangte-pluhr, sf. funnel, cock, pipe, spout. Chanter, shang-tai, va. 1 r. to sing ; praise, celebrate ; tell, scold, reprimand. Chanter pouilles a, s7iang-tai-pdo-yith-ah, v. to abuse, treat with rudeness. Chanter la gamme a, shang-tai-lah-gham, v. to check, reprimand, reprove, chide. Chanter, shang-tai, vn. 1 r. to sing ; speak ; squeak ; crow ; warble ; confess ; lug out ; pay ; consent. Pain a chanter, consecra- ted wafer. Chanterelle, shangte-rell, sf. treble string ; call-bird; musical glass. Chantecr, -Se, shang -tur, -tuhze, smf. singer. Ciiantier, shang-tyai, sm. wood-yard ; car- penter's shop ; beam under casks ; dock- yard ; place of the materials for build- ing. Chantourne, shang -toor-nai, sm. head-piece of a bed, covered with stuff. Chantre, shangtr, sm. chorister ; singer in cathedrals, in concerts ; singing-boy. Chantre du Parnasse, shangtr'-deu-par- nass, sm. poet, writer of poems or songs. Chantre du pont-neuf, shangtr-deupong- nuhf, smf. ballad-singer. Chanteerie, shang -truh-ree, sf. chantry ; chief chorister's prebend, office, "eeie, shar-lah-tann-ree, sf. char- latanry, quackery ; imposition, cheat, puff- ing up". Chaulatanisme, shar-lah-tah-neessm, sm. quackery, charlatanry. Charmant, -e, shar-mang, -t. *>"age, ehah-ro-nahje, sm. cart- wright's trade, work, expense. Charrue, shah-reu, sf. plough, instrument of agriculture ; agriculture (vide obs. 4). Chaf.te, sharlt, sf. charter, privilege, im- munity, exemption ; bill of rights. Charte-partie, shart-par-Ue, sf. charter- party, contract of which each party has a copy. Chartil, shar-teell, sm. frame of a cart, long cart; shed, pent-house fir carts, Ac. Ciiartre, snartr, sf. prison ; place of secu- rity; charter, archives, title-deeds, letters- patent ; atrophy, rickets. Chartreuse, shar -trvhse, sf. Carthusian monastery ; Carthusian nun ; small lone house in the country. Chartrecx, shar -truhe, sm. Carthusian friar or recluse ; species of gray cats. CHARTRIER, shur-treyai, sm. charter-house ; keeper of charters; registry. Ch as, shah, em. eye of a needle ; starch mado up. Ciiasse, shahsse, sf. shrine, case containing 99 cha CHA sacre I relics, &c, mounting of telescopes, spec acles ; chape ; handle. Chassk, ehass, sf. chase, hunting:, shooting, coursing ; pursuit ; game ; quest, ferreting. Chassk (pays de), pai - ye - duh - ehass, sm. shooting or hunting country. Chasse (garde-), gard- shags, sm. game- keeper. Chassis a (donner la), do^nai-lah-shass-ah, v. 1 /•. to pursue eagerly. Chasse (niEN'nuE), prangdr-shass, v. 4 irr. to run away, fly from danger. Chasse, shah-sai, sin. side step in dancing. Chasse-avant, shass-ah-oang, sm. overseer, superintendent ; foreman, instigator. Ch >.s e-chiens, shass-shyaing, cm. porter, doorkeeper. Chassecoqoins, ehass-Tco-kaing, sm. par- ish bea lie. CHASSE-COUSiss, shass-koo-zajng, sm. bad wine ; stiff foil. Chasselas, shass-lah, sm. excellent white grape. Chasse-maree, shass - mah - raie, sm. fish- cart; fish-carrier; fish-boat, shallop. Chasse-modches, shdss-moosh, sm. fly flap- per or broom. Chasser, shah-sai, m. 1 r. to chase; hunt, drive, pursue ; dismiss, send away, remove, banish. CnASSER un dot.iestique, shah-8ai-vng~do- mess-teeh, v. 1 r. to turn away a servant. Chasser au fusil, shah-sai-o-/eu-ze, v. 1 r. to shoot, go a shooting (vide obs. J). Chasseresse, shassress. sf. huntress, wo- man that follows the chase. Chasseur, shah-sur, sm. hunter, huntsman, shooter, fowler, sportsman. Chasseuse, shah-suhze, sf. huntress, woman who delights in the chase. Chassie, nhah-see, sf. thick viscous matter round the eyes, blearedness. Chassieux, -se, shah-syuhe, -ze, adj. blear- eyed, dim with rheum or water. Chassis, shah-see, sm. frame, sash, window, lattice. Chassoir, shah-soo-ar, sm. cooper's driver, wedge to drive the hoops. Chaste, shast, adj. chaste, pure, uncorrupt, undented ; free from barbarisms, neat, ele- gant. Chastemen't, shast - many, ad. chastely, purely. Chastete, shass-tuh-tai ', sf. chastity, purity. Chasuble, shah-seubl, sf. sacerdotal vest- ment worn by priests saying mass. Chasublier, sh '.ih-seu-blc-yai ', sm. maker or seller of ecclesiastical vestments. (/HAT, shah, sm. cat ; sort of ship. Chat (petit), ptee-shah, sm. little dear. Chatte, shaft, sf. she-cat, puss ; little dar- ling ; dainty woman. CHATAIGNE, shah-tai-iny-yuh, sf. chestnut; brown color. Cn ATA1 G N E i : a I n , sh ah -ta i-ing -yah -raie, sf. plantation, grove of chestnut-trees. Chataignier, shah-tai-ing-yai, sm. chest- nut-tree. Chatain, -e, shah - iaing, -taine, adj. of chestnut color, light brown. Chat CERVIER, shah-sai fi-ryai, sm. lynx, spotted beast remarkable for speed and sharp sight. Chateau, -x, p. shall -to, -e, p. sm. castle, | 100 fortress ; manorial-house ; country-seat ; villa. Chateaux en Espagxe. shah-toe-zang-ness- pah-inyi/uh, snip, castles in the air, vain projects. Ciiatelain, shaht-laing , sm. castellan ; lord of a manor, governor, judge of a chatel- lany. Chatelet, shaht-lay, sm. small castle ; pris- on in Pari-. Chatellenie, shah-tell -nee, sf. chatellany, jurisdiction of a castellan. Chat-huant, shah-eu-ang, sm. owl ; recluse, solitary man (vide obs. 4). Chatiadle, shdh-tyable, adj. deservingchas- tisement, correction ; punishable. Chatiek, shah-tyai, va. 1 r. to chastise, pun- ish, correct, reduce to order and obedience, polish. Chatiere, shah-tyayre, sf. cat-hole; snare to catch cats ; drain, gutter, water-pipe. Chatimest, shah te.-nia 'eiiie, sho-drann-ree, sf. brasier's work, trade, or manufactured articles. Chaudronnier, sho-dro-nyai, sm. brasier, tinker, manufacturer in brass. ClIAUFFAGE, shofahje, sm. fuel, firing, year- ly consumption or expense of fuel. Ciiauffe, shofe, sf. furnace; fuel necessary for melting the ingredients. Chauffe-ciue, shofe-seer, sm. chafe-wax ; officer in chancery, fitting the wax for the sealing of writs. shofe- If, sm. warming-pan, brass pan filled with hot coals. OiiAfFFE-riKi.s, shofe-pyai, sm. warming- footstool, stool with hot coals or a hot iron in the inside. cue t'n uffer, sho-fai, ia. 1 r. to warm, heat; make hot ; cannonade ; attack briskly. J>f. CHAUFFER, suh-sho-fai, vref. to warm one's .self. Chaufferette, ehofe-reit, sf. warming-foot- Btoolj chafing-dish, portable fire-grate. Chauffeeie, shofe-ree, sf. foundry, forge where iron is made into bars. Chauffeur, sho-far, sm. blower, one who supplies the forge or furnace with' fuel. Chauffoir, sho-fooar, am. common warm- ing-place in large establishments ; stove, warm cloth for a sick person. Chaufour, sho-foor, sm. lime-kiln, fabric to burn stones to lime. Chaufournier, sho-foor-nyai, sm. lime ma- ker or seller. Chaulage, sho-lahje, sm. steeping of the corn in lime-water before sowing it. C hauler, sho-lai, ru. 1 r. to steep corn in lime-water before it is sown. Chauhe, ehome, sm. stubble ; stubble-field, stalk of corn ; thatch. Ciiau.mer, sho-mai, va. ?t. 1 r. to cut or pull out stubble, thatch, cover with stubble. Ciiaoiiere, slio - myayre, sf. hut, cottage, thatched house. Chaumin'e, sho-meen, sf. small thatched hut or cabin. Chaussant, -e, sho-sang, -t, adj. easy to put on, fitting easily, elastic. Ciiausse, shosse, sf. scarf worn by bachelors, professors, magistrates; filtrating-bag. Chaussee, sho-saie, sf. causeway ; bank ; highway. (';; AUSSE-piED, shosse -pyai, sm. shoeing- horn, leather strap. Chausser, sho-sai, va. 1 r. to put on shoes or stockings ; make shoes, boots, Ac. Chausser cn arere, sTio-sai-ung-Ttarbr, ». 1 r. to lay manure at the foot of a tree. Chausser le coinvvts^sho-sai-IuJi-ho-teurn, v. to write or act plays, be a tragedian. Se chausser, mih-sho- sai, vref. to put on one's shoes, stockings, etc. Se chausser d'une opinion, sith - sho - sai- deunn-o -pe- nyong, vref. to be stanch in one's opinion. Chaussetier, shosse-tyai, sm. hosier, maker or seller of stockings, hose, &c Ciiausse-trape, shosse -trap, sf. caltrops, chevaux de frise. trap to catch foxes, bad- gers, &c. Chaussette, sho - sett, sf. under stocking, stocking without foot. Ciiausson, sho-song, sm. sock, buskin, half stocking, light flat shoe, sandal. Ciiaussure, sho-seur, sf. shoe, boot, stock- ings, .,, CHEF-iVcE. \ i:»; 1 ■ V./.y -duhrr, SM». 'master- piece,' capltaP ].ert'o.-m; nee, cu ; (.'!' |xcel ichae. ( hef-ueu, tfieff-tydPti fm chief, court of a d^i-i-**, nv.nor-'jo&ae, >psiy(i])^'l p}ac ■■. Chef r>E 1'alt;, s&ff-ck'fepgr'-ieJsPi) ving-"-, leader, instigator, head of a riotous 8oilj\ ' 1 Ciielix, shuh-laing, sm. shilling ; coin worth twelve pence. Chemin, shuh-maing, sm. way, road, path : means, expedient ; custom, use ; course, passage ; access ; manner, mode. Sc mettre en chemin, to set out on a journey. Cheminee, shuJt-mc-iuiie, sf. chimney, flue ; fireplace, hearth ; fire, fireside. Cheminee (mariage fait sous la), m«h ryahje-fay-soo-lah-sh uh-me-naic, idi. pfo*. marriage made without the usual formali- ties. Chemineh, shuh-me-nai, v». 1 )•. to go, walk; advance progressively ; flow ; push on. Chemise, shuh-meeze, sf. shirt, shift ; wrap- per ; envelope. Chemisette, shuh-me-zeUe., sf. under-waist- coat, small flannel or cotton under-shirt ; short jerkin. Chenaie, shey-naie, sf. plantation "of oak- trees, grove of oaks. Chenal, shuh-na!, sm. channel, canal ; cur- rent of water ; mill-dam. Chenapan, shuh-nah-pang, sm. rogue, vil- lain, bandit; vagabond, wicked wretch. Chene, sheyne, sm. oak. vert, sheyne-vair, sm. holm oak, evergreen oak. Cheneau, x, p. shey-no, -e, p. sm. young oak ; gutter, pipe, leaden pipe. Chenet, shuli-nay, sm. andiron, iron stand to bear the wood or fuel. Cheneviere, shen-vyayre, sf. hemp-field. Cheneyis, shen-vee, sm. hemp-seed. Chenevotte, shen-vott, sf. beaten stalk of hemp, bundle of stalks. Cheneyotter, shen-votai, va. 1 r. to shoot forth weak twigs or suckers ; beat hemp stalks. Chenil, shuh-ne, sm. dog-kennel; dirty- house, bad lodging. Chenille, shuh-nee-yuh, sf. caterpillar ; very- ugly person ; silk velvet twist. Chenu, -e, sliuh-neu, -e, adj. hoary, white with age, with frost ; gray-headed. Cher, -e, shair, -e, smf. sad. adj. dear ; costly, high ; beloved, darling ; valuable, scarce. Cherciier, shair-shai, va. 1 r. to search, seek ; look for, try, explore ; inquire, ex- amine, search out, pursue. Cliercher a faire, to endeavor to do. Chercher A, shair-shaiah , rn. 1 r. to seek to, endeavor, attempt, try. Chercher noise or querelle, shair-shai. noo-ahze or kuh-rell, v. 1 r. to pick a quar. rel. CHERCHEUR, -se, shair-shur, -shuhze, smf. searcher, seeker, inquirer, examiner, pur, suer. Chere, shayre, sf. cheer, treat, entertain ment, feast ; reception. Chere (faire bonne or MAUVAisE),/ai>c /rn, nt or iiin-cayze-shayre, v. 4 irr. to livo well or badl}-. CHEREMENT, shayre-mang, ad. dearly, ten- 101 CHE CHI derly ; passionately ; at a hig}i jiricg, cou- Cm:- JR sKesi-reer, va tr. In ,'uerish^iondle, love teYiderly ; ssppttrt, shelter ; nurse up. Chersonese, mair-so-nayze, sf t penineillu, piece of }an«! almwpt'^ii r<3unded by water., <;he''-T':, \l atr-ta», sf. high price, dearr-^sr, - .^e:a't ; .>! sVarci''y." , * - *• ' - -'Cherubix, shai-reu-baing, am. chenib. ce- lestial spirit next in order to the seraph. Cherubique. shoi-reu-beeJe, adj. cherubic, angelical, ofcherubine essence (vide obs. 4). Chervis, shair-tee, sm. chervil, garden plant. Chetif, -ve, skai-teef, -v, adj. vile, contempt- ible ; mean, pitiful ; sorry ; poor. Chetivement, shai-ieev-itutng, ad, pitifully, meanly, poorly, despicably, sordidly. Cheval, shuh - va!, sm. horse. Chevaux, shuh-voe, snip, horses ; hard-working men. Voyager a cheval, to travel on horseback. CHEVAUX (MONTER SUR SES GRANTS), motlff- tai-sewr-sey-grang-shuh-voe, v. 1 r. to lly in a passion. Cheval echappe (un petit), uttg-ptee-shuh- cal-ai-shah-pai, sm. young libertine, rake. Cheval fondu, shvh-cal-fong-deu, sm. leap- frog, imitation of the jump of frogs ; chil- dren's play. Cheval de nois, yhuh-val-duh-boo-ah, sm. wooden horse, hobby-horse ; stupid fellow. Ohevaler, shvh-vah-lai, va. 1 r. to prop, stay, erect frames of timber on the side of a building. Chevalerie, shuh - vol - ree, sf. chivalry, knighthood, military dignity ; birth, noble ancestry. Cmevalet, shuh-vah-lay, sm. wooden horse ; bridge of a stringed instrument ; easel ; tressel, buttress, prop. Chevalier, shuh-vah-lyai, sm. chevalier, knight; nobleman; defender, protector. Chevalier d'honneur, shuh-vah-Tyai-do- nur, sm. first gentleman-usher. Chevalier d'indostrie, shuh-vah-lyai- doing -deus -tree, sm. sharper, swindler, tricking fellow. Chevalier du guet, shuh-oah-lyai-dei^gay, sm. captain of a watch on horseback (vide obs. 4). Chevalier de la coupe, shuh-vah-lyai- dlah-Icoop, sm. great toper, guzzler, drunk- ard'. Chevalier de la .tarretiere, shuh-vah- Jyai - dull - lah - hjar - iyayre, sm. knight of the garter. Chevaline (bete). bei/fe-siiuh-vah-leen, sf. horse or mare ; hard worker. Chevauchee, shuh-vo-shaie, sf. judges' cir- cuit, visitation of the judges for holding assizes. Chevaucher, sludi-vo-shai , to ride on horseback ; write or print crookedly ; fly up and down. Chevau-legeii. shuh-vo-lai-hjtii, sin. gentle- man of the light-horse, commanded by the kinir of France. Chevecier, tihai-vvh-si/ai, sm. vestry-keeper; treasurer of a collegiate church. Chevelu, -e. shev-leii, adj. hairy, long- haired ; fibrous, full of filaments ; sur- rounded with rays. Chevelure, shev-leur, sf. head of hair; ra- diation of a comet ; leaves ; fibres, fila- ments of plants. 102 Chevet, shuh-vay, sm. bolster, pillow to sup- port the head; pad, quilt, compress for a wound. Chevetre, shuh-veytr, sm. halter; beam; iron clamp ; bandage. Cheveu, -x, p. shuh culi. -r, p. sm. hair, fibre, filament, thread. II ne. tint qu'h un cheveu, within a hair's breadth. Cheveux (faux), /oe-shuh-vuh&, snip, false hair, wig, peruke, periwig, frontlet of hair. Cheveux (tirer uxe comfaraison par les), te-rai-eun-Tiang-pah-ray-zong-par-ley- shuh-vuhe, v. to make a forced comparison. Cheveux (faire dresser les), fair e-dray- sai-ley-shuh-vuhe, r. 4 irr. to make one's hair stand on end. Cheville, shtth-vee-i/uh , sf. peg. pin; re- dundancy; principal agent ; broach, botch. Cheville du pied, shuh-vee-yuh-deu-pyai, sf. ankle-bone (vide obs. 4). Cheville (tkouver a chaque thou unf), troo - vai -ah - sh ack-t roo-un n-sh uh - 1 1 e-i/uh, idi. r. 1 r. to find a cure for every sore. Cheville, -e, shuJis-vee-yui, -e, adj. strong, robust, vigorous ; redundant ; close set ; branchy. Cheviller, shuh-vee-yai, va. 1 r. to fasten with pegs or pins ; twist, wring. Chevillette, shuh-vee-yetl, sf. small peg, bookbinder's peg. Chevillox, shuh-iec-ymHj, sm. cross-bar of the back of a chair, turner's pee:. Chevillure, shuh-vee-yeur, sf. antlers of a stag, deer, Arc. (\ide obs. 4). Chevre, shew, sf. she-goat ; crane ; saw T yer's stand. Chevre (prendre la), pfangdr-lah-shevr, v. 4 irr. to fly into a passion ; be sullen or sulky without a cause. Chevreau, -X, p. shuh-vm, -e, p. sm. kid. Cl'EVRE-FEUILLE, shay-vi vh-fuh-j/uh , sm. honeysuckle, woodbine. Chevre-pied, shdy-vruh-pyai, adj. goat- footed, having goat's legs. Chevrette, ihuh-vi /It, sf. doe, shrimp; small andiron; crow; tripod; syrup-pot. Chevueuil, sher-ruh-yuh, sm. roebuck. Chevrier, shuh-vre-yai, sm. goatherd, one employed in tending goats. Chevron, shuh - vrong, sm. rafter, joist, secondary timber; chevron, military badge. Chevrotement, slaih-v rot-mang, sm. tremor or shake in singing. ChevroteR, shuh-rrotai, rn. 1 r. to bring forth kids; fret, skip, tremble or shake in singing. Chevrotix, ahuh-vro-taing, sm. kid's skin, tanned and dressed. Chevrotixe, shuh-rro-tecn, sf. small angu- lar bullet, shot to kill deer, Ac. ; shake i f the voice. Chez, shaie, prep, at, to, with, among, amongst, to the house of. Chez-SOI (avoir ux), ah-voo-ar.-ung-shaie- soo-ah, to have a home, house of one's own. Chiasse, shyasse, sf. scum, dross of metals ; dirt of flies, insects, Ac. ; lowest people. Chiaoux, shyah-oo, sm. Turkish bailiff". Chicane, she-lcarin, sf. chicane, sophistry, wrangle ; trifling contest, objection, chi- canery. Chicaner, she-hih-nai. va. 1 r. to criticise, censure without cause, disturb, vex, tor- ment. cm cno CHICANER, she-kaU-nai, vn. 1 r. to chicane, quarrel, cavil, wrangle with, litigate. CHICANER LE TERREIN, she-kah-nai-luh-tei- ruing, r. 1 r. to dispute the ground ; iij^lit bravely. * Chicanerie, she - hann • ree, sf. chicanery sophistry, wrangle, ill-founded contest. CillCAKlER, -e, 8he-kak-nyui, -re, smf. chi- caner, caviller, petty sophister. CBICHE, sheath, adj. stingy, parsimonious, Sparing, niggardly, near, avaricious. CHICHE (POIS), pno-aJi-sheesJi, sm. chick-pea, gray pea, vetch. Chichement, sheesk - tnang, ad. stingily, parsimoniously, miserly, sordidly. GmCOIT, she I. ■hi;/, am. coss-lettuce. v'iikoree, she-ko-raie, sf. endive, succory, esculent plant. Chicot, 8he-kah, sm. stump, brokeu stick or branch ; broken tooth. CllICOTEK, sht-ho-ini, in. 1 r. to contest about trifles, wrangle, quarrel, dispute, argue. Chicotin, she-ko-taing, sm. bitter juice, of such plants as wormwood, gentian, hare- hound, N, shetxig-yvig (^n. I?q.)v d». nape ; hind-hair inrne 1 ap in a bunch. CiIImere. she-mayre, sf. chimera ; vain and wiVJ fancy ; |ilius,o>) of t'.o mind. ,Chi.«ERiice. sh\-m.ji-r ',;. id]' c'ti-rierical, faneiua, ceius.iry, I:^,, tvitast-i';. Chimeriquement, she-mai-rcek-mang, ad. chimerically, vainly, wildly. Chimte, she-mee, sf. chemistry, analysis of bodies, solution by fire. Chimique, she-meek, adj. chemical, made by chemistry, relating to chemistry. Chimiste, .; vn. 3 i/;rj (upec'.in :hi inani- tive and i/a!jt participle only) 'to fall.' Choisir, shoo -ah-zeer, va. 2 c to choose; select, picKou'.o el«cJfc,*spp"ologiste, kro-no-lo-hjeest, sm. chro- nologist, computer or explainer of past events. Chronologue, kro-no-log, sm. chronologer. professor or expositor of the periods of time. Ohronometre, kro-no-meitr, sm. chronome- ter, instrument for the exact mensuration of time. Chuysalide, kre-za-leed, sf. chrysalis, aure- lia, first change of the maggot. Chrysocolle, kre-zo-kol, sf. gold solder, borax ; precious stone. Chrysolithe, kre-zo-leet, sf. chrysolite, green and yellow precious stone ; transparent topaz. Chrysoprase, kre-zo-prahze, sf. green em- erald ; precious stone. Chd, -e, shea, p. part, of choir, fallen down. Chucheter, sheu-shuh-tai, vn. 1 r. to chirp, pip, call as a sparrow, &c. Chuchotement, sheu-shot-mang, sm. whis- per, low sound, low soft voice (vide obs. 4) Chuchoter, sheu-shotai, vn. 1 r. to whisper, speak in a low voice, whisper in one's ear. Chuchoterie, sheu-shot-ree, sf. whispering, speaking softly in one's ear before another person. ChuchoteuR, -SE, sheu-shottir, -tuhzr, smf. whisperer ; low speaker ; private talker. Chut, sheut, int. hush ! peace ! silence [ be still ! no noise ! hold your tongue 1 Chute, sthevi, sf. fall ; overthrow ; ruin; downfall ; degradation ; cataract, cascade; cadence, death (vide obs. 4). Chute d'humeurs, sheut-deu-muhre, sf. de- fluxion, overflow of humors (vide obs. 4). Chute des feuilles, slieiit-dey-fuh-yuit, sf. fall of the leaves ; autumn. Chyle, sheell, sm. chyle ; white juice formed CIG cm in the stomach by the digestion of the ali- ment. Cuyi.fux, -se, she-luke, -se, sm. chylous, consisting of chyle. Ci, se, ad. hero; in this place, in this state. Cl-APRES. se-ah-prey, ad, hereafter, after- wards, by and by. Ci-contre, se-konntr, ad. close, near, hard by. Ci-joint, -E. se-hjon-aing, -t, adj. annexed, joined, added, united. Cl-DERRIERE, se - day ■ ryayre, ad. behind, backward. Ci-dessoC-S, -se-duJi-sooe, ad. underneath, be- neath, under, below, under here. Ci-dessus, se-duh-seu, ad. aforesaid, before, above (vide obs. -1'. Ci-devant, se ■ dtth - zany, ad, heretofore, formerly, anciently. Ci off, sehjee, 3 per." sing, pres. indie, of the verb gesir, 2 irr. here lies. Oiboire, se-lioo-ahre, sot. pix. sard vase to keep the consecrated Uost ui Koman churches. Cibocle, zt-boul, sf. leek, scallion, smail onion. Ciboulette, se-boo-lett, *f, chives, pot-herb. Cicatrice, se-kah-treess, sf. cicatrice, scar, mark ; impressure ; stain, -cause of re- proach or injury. <'icatricule, se-kah-tree-kule, *f. small scar; white spot on the yolk of an egg. ClCATRISANT, -E, se-kah-t ri e-za n't , -t, STO. and adj. cicatrisant ; caustic application ; inducing a cicatrice. Cicatrise, -e, se-kah-tree-zai, ■>,. 1 r. to heal, close, coalesce, join the parts together. Cicero, se-smi-ro, sm. pica, particular sized type or letters in printing. .:kole, se-sai-rol, sf. sweet-scented pea ; vetch. Cicutaire, se-ku-tayre, ff. water-hemlock, very poisonous plant. Cid, seed, sm. Arabian chief, commamler. Cidre, seedr, sm. cider, juice of apples ex- pressed and fermented. Ciel, cieux, p. syell, si/uhe, p. sm. Leaven ; sky ; firmament ; God ; air, country, cli- mate, temperature. Ciel de lit, ciels de lit, p. syell-duh-le, sm. canopy, tester, top of a bed. Ciel d'un tableau, ciels de tableaux, p. syell-dung-tah-blo, syell-didi-tah-bloe, p. sm. Bky of a picture. Ciel d'cne carriere, ciels de carrieres, p. syeXl-deunn-h(Lh.-Tya.ire, duh-hah-ryayre, p. sm. first bed-layeror stratum of a quarry. Cierge, syairlje, sm. wax taper : pi. foun- tains, jets, spouts of water. ClEDX, syuh&, smp. heavens, Cod's temple. Cigale, ee-ghal, sf. grasshopper ; small sum- mer insect hopping in the grass. Cigale de her, se-ghal duh-mayre, sf. squill, shrimp ; sea crawfish. Cigare or ClGARRE, te.-r/har^ sm. cigar, small roll of highly flavored tobacco from Cuba. ClGOGRE, se-go-ing-yuh, sf. stork ; bird of passage. CiguE, -oegtte, sf. hemlock, poisonous plant Cil, set 11, sm. (seldom used in the sing.) Cils, p. eye-lashes. Cilice, se-leess, am. haircloth, sackcloth; part of dress worn in mortification. Cjlle.ment, eee-yiih-mong, sm. twink, wink, winking, twinkling, quick motion of the eye. Ciller, see-yai, va, 1 r. to wink, twinkle, shut and open the eyes in a convulsive or sly manner. Cime, seem, sf, top, height, summit, pitch, eminence, ascent, elevation, celsitude. Ciment, se-mang, sm. cement, cohesive mat- ter ; bond of union in friendship, union. Ciment (A chaux ET a), ah-shoe-zni-ah-st- mang, ad. exp. firmly, immovably ; ir- revocably. Cimenter, se-mang-tai, rn. 1 r. to cement, join, bind, unite with cement ; consolidate, strengthen. Cimeterre, seem-tair^ sm. scimitar, short and recurvated sword ; sabre, falchion. Cimetiere, seem - tyayre, sm. cemetery, churchyard; unwholesome place or country. Ci.mier, se-myai, sm. crest ; haunch ; rump. Cinabre,, sm. cinnabar, vermilion ; mineral consisting of mercury and sulphur. Cineraire, se-nai-rayre, adj. containing the ashes of a dead body. Cineration, sc-nai-rahsyong, sf. cineration, reduction by fire to ashes. Cinglage, saing gl ah je, sm, ship's course in 24 hours ; hire, payment of sailors. Cingler, saing-glai, va. 1 r. to lash ; wlr'j pelt, rattle : en. scud along, steer with full sails. Cinq, saingk, sm, and adj. five, cinque . Arabian figure., saing -kang - tain, sf. fifty, five tens, fifty years of age. ClNQUANTE, saing -kangte^ adj. fifty. Cinquantenier, saing -kangte- nyai, sm. com- mander, captain, chief of fifty men. Cinquantieme, sainq-lang-fytmm, smf. and adj. fiftieth ; fiftieth part, ie. Cinquieme, saing-kyem, smf. and adj. fifth ; fifth part, •■ conscrirc, circumscribed. ClRCONSCRlVANT, seer-kony-skree-vang, pres. part, of circoitscrire, circumscribing. Circonscriyis, seer-kong-skree-vee, pret. def. of circonscrire, circumscribed. Circonspect, seer-kongss-pect, adj. circum- spect, cautious, attentive, watchful, care- ful ; discreet, prudent. Circonspection, seer-famgss-pecfc-st/ong, sf. circumspection, prudence, discretion ; cau- tion, watchfulness. Circonstance, seer -kongss-tangss, sf. cir- cumstance, occasion, occurrence, incident, conjuncture, accident ; event, state of af- fairs. ClRCONSTANCES ET DEPENDANCES, seer- lcongsa-iangss-zai-dai-pang-dangsseySfp. ap- purtenances. Circonstancier, seerdcongsstang-syai, va. 1 r. to circumstance, point out, particular- ize, detail minutely. Circonvallation, seer-Tcong-vahdah-syong, sf. circumvallation, intrenchment ; fortifi- cation. Circonvenir, seerdcongve-necr, va. 2 irr. to circumvent, cheat, impose upon? deceive. ClRCONYENTl O.N' , seer-kong-vang-syon Clapet, klah-pay, sm. valve, flap, sucker of , a pump. Clapier, klah-pyai, sm. cony-burrow ; rab- bit-hutch ; tame rabbit ; purulent humor under "the skin. Clapir, Mah-peer, vn. 1 r. to squeak shrill like a rabbit. Se clapir, suh-klah-peer, vref. to lie squat, sit cowering, sit close to the ground ; be indolent, inactive. Claque, Mack, sm. dress hat, folding hat, opera hat, worn under the arm. Claque, Mack, sf. slap, smart blow or stroke with the palm of the hand, clog. Claquedent, Mack-dang, sm. starved beg- gar, naked wretch ; chatterer, brawler, wrangler. Claque.ment, Mack-many, sm. chattering, chatter ; plaudit, clapping, applause. Claquemurer, klaek-meu-rai, va. 1 r. to confine in a narrow prison, imprison, shut up, keep from liberty (vide obs. 4). Se- claquemurer, suh klaek-meu-rai, vref. to shut one's self up ; seclude one's self, meddle with domestic or household con- cerns-4vide obs. 4). Claque-oreilles, klack-o-7-ay-yuh, sf. broad slouched hat ; slouch, clown. Claquer, klah-kai, va. and n. 1 r. to slap ; clap hands, applaud ; chatter with cold or fear; lash; command authoritatively. Claquet, klah-kay. sm. clack of a mill, bell that rings when the corn-trough is empty. Claqueur, Mah-kur, sm. hired clapper, ap- plauder at theatres, mean, venal flatterer. Clarification, kla-re-fekah-syony, sf. clar- ification, clarifying ; cleanness from impu- rities. Clarifier, Mah-re-fyai, va. 1 r. to clarify, purify, clear. Se clarifier, suh-klah- re-fyai, vref. to grow clear, transparent ; brighten. Clarine, klah-reen, sf. small bell on the neck of cattle feeding untended in forests, Ac, Clarinette, klah-re-nett, sf. clarinet, wind instrument. Clarte, klar-tai, sf. clarity, brightness ; clearness ; light, brilliancy, splendor ; per- spicuity ; transparency. Clas, ktah, sm. knell, passing bell ; bell ringing either immediately after death or at the funeral. Classe, klahss, sf. class, rank, order ; school ; college; form; number; study. Durant 7iies classes, while I was a schoolboy. Classement, klahss-mang, sm. classification, disposition, order, distribution into classes. 107 CLI CLO Classer, Mah-sni, va. 1 r. to class, dispose, distribute, range into stated method or order. Classique, Ida.h -seek, or/7/, classic, of classes ; relating to ancient authors ; of the first or- der or rank. Claudication, Mo-de-kah-syorig, sf. claudi- cation, lameness, imperfection or weakness of limbs. Clause, Jcloze, sf. clause, condition, stipula- tion, proviso, expressed or tacit article, convention. Claustral, -e, Mo-stral, ad. clanstral, mo- nastic, of a cloister, of religious retirement. Clavaire, Mah-vayre, sm. register, keeper of archives, secretary. Claveau, -x, Uah-ro, -e, sm. centre-piece or ornament of an a> - ch ; rot ; scab : pi. stones cut wedge-wise to form vaults, arches. Clavecin, Mur-saing, sm. harpsichord, mu- sical instrument. Claveciniste, klav-se-neest, sm. harpsichord player or maker. Clavele, -e, Jdav lai, -e, adj. scabby, mangy, infected with the rot. Clavette, Mah-vett, sf. iron or wooden pin, peg, knob; scutcheon of a lock, . 1 r. to wink, shut one's eyes, blink ; hint, con- nive, seem not to see. Clignotement, kfeeng-yot-mang (gn. liq.). sm. convulsive or habitual shutting of the eyes, winking, blinking. Clignoter, kleeng-yo-tai, vn. 1 r. to shut and open one's eyes in quick succession, wink, blink. Climat, kle-mah, sm. climate, clime, region, track of land, country, temperature. Climaterique, Me- muh-tai*-'reek, adj. cli- macteiic, periodical productive of a great change in the body. Climax,, kle-macks, sm. climax ; gradation, ascent ; rhetorical process of argument and expression. Clinciie, klaifigsh, sf. latch, cateh at a door moved by a string or handle. Cltncaille. Vide Quincaille. Clin d'ceil, klaing-duhyuh, sm. twinkle, quick motion of the eyes ; trice, instant, stroke. Clin d'ceil (en vs), ang-nvng-klaivg-dah y»h, ad. exp. in a trice, in an instant. Clinique, kle-neek, adj. clinic, clinical, keep- ing the bed through sickness. Clinquant, klahig-kang, sm. tinsel ; false lustre ; outward show ; superficial merit. Clique, kleek, sf. gang, party, club; genlle tap with the palm of the hand on a fleshy part. Cliquet, Jde-kai, sm. catch, snap, stopple, latch ; clack of a mill, lasting and trouble- some noise. Cliqueter, klcrk-tai, vn. 1 r. to click -clack, make a clacking noise. Cllquetis, Meek-tee, sin. clashing of swords ; snapping of small bones against one another. Cliquettes, kle-kett, sfp. ossicles, castanets, small bones or pieces of wood rattled against one another. Clisse, kleess, sf. splint ; small hurdle ; close texture of osiers or twigs. Clisser, kle.sai, ra. 1 r. to splinter, secure with splints ; inclose with small hurdles. Clivlr, Ide-rai, va. 1 r. to cleave, divide skilfully, split. Cloaque, klo-uclt, sm. common sewer, sink ; filthy place, dirty house or person. Cloche, Mosh, sf. church-bell ; bell-glass ; blister, dish-cover, stewing pan, cup of a flower. Fondre la cloche, to examine mi- nutely. Cloche-pied (a), ah -klosh -pyai, ad. exp. hopping upon one foot. Clochement, klosh-manq, sm. hobble, limp, hrflt. Clochek, klo-shai, vn. 1 r. to hobble, limp, walk lamely ; be incomplete, defective, er- roneous. Clocher, klo-sJiai, sm. steeple, turret of a church ; parish. Clochette, klo-sheit, sf. small bell, hand bell ; bell-flower. Cloison, kloo-ah-zong, sf. partition, division, separation, inclosure. Cloisonnage, Moo-ah-zo nahjc, sm. making of a partition or of partitions. Cloitre, kino -ithtr, sm. cloister, piazza, square ; monastery, convent ; religious retirement. COA coc Cloitrer, Jd'ioith-trai, vn. 1 r. to cloister, shut up ; immure, confine, deprive oi' liberty. ClOITRIER, -E, 7doo-a7>-tre-i/ai. -?v, sm;'. and adj. friar, nun ; cloistered, claustral, soli- tary, retired. Clopin CLOPANT, Mo-paing -Jclo -paiiff, ad. exp. hobbling along ; up and down. Clopinek, teto-pe-nai, vn. 1 >'• to hobble along, snaffle, halt, walk with difficulty, Oloforte, klo-portt, sm. wood-louse, mil- leped (an insect). ClORE, IJ'ivr, va. n. 4 irr. to close, shut, in- close, surround ; finish, conclude ; make an end. Clos, Woe, 8m. close, inclosure, inclosed space of ground. Clos, -k, fctoe, -c. adj. and p. part, of clore, close, inclosed, shut fast ; secure ; secret. Closeau, -x, klo-zo. -r, sm. small close; small garden ; small farm. Clossemknt, 7doss-mang, sm. clucking, hen's call of her chickens. Closser, Mo - sai, vn. 1 r. to cluck, call chickens. Cloture, ldoc-ieur, sf. inclosure ; conclu- sion, end ; vow, monastic seclusion ; last sitting ; last performance (vide obs. 4). Clou, Moo, $ni. nail, tack ; stud, boss ; boil ; knob ; bud. Clous de girofle, Idooe-duh-hje-rofl, smp. cloves ; valuable spice. Clou a crochet, 7doo-a7i-7cro'-s7iay, sm. tenter, hook on which things are stretched; difficulty. Clouer, )doo-ai, va. 1 r. to nail, fasten with nails, fix firmly. Clouter, 7doo-tai, va. 1 r. to stud, adorn with studs. Clouterie, Jdoot-rer, /if. nail manufactory, nail work, nail trade. Cloutier, Idoo-tyai, sm. nailer, nail maker or seller. Club, Hub, sm. club, assembly, meeting, political, o-s7iong-dmair, sm. por- poise, porpus, sea-hog. Cochon (petit), puh-te-7co-shong, sm. pig, young sow or boar, slovenly boy, dirty fel- low. Cochonnee, ko-s7to-naie, sf. litter of pigs. Cochonner, ko-sjionai, vn. 1 r. to pig, far- row, bring forth pigs ; work slovenly. Cochonnerie, ko-sTiifn-ree, sf. filthiness, nas- tiness, hoggishnc^s ; indecency ; stinginess. Cochonnet, 7co-s7io-nay, sm. twelve-sided die ; jack, small bowl thrown out for a mark. Coco, ko-ko, sm. cocoa, coooa-nut ; cocoa- tree. Cocon, 7>o-7iong, sm. silky shell or envelope of a silk-worm, &,c, turning jnto an aurelia. 109 COE COH Cocotif.r, ko-ko-lyai, S7n. cocoa-tree ; spe- cies of palm-tree. Coc-Sigrue, kock-se-greue, sf sea-locust. Coctio>', lcock-syong, sf. coction, boiling; concoction, digestion, maceration by heat. Code, kod, sm. code, book of the civil law ; collection of statutes, by-laws, &c. Codetenteur, ko-dai-tang-tur, em. joint de- tainer. Codicillaire, ko - de - se -Jayre, adj. of the codicil, contained in the codicil. Codicille, ko-de-te-yuh, sm. codicil, append- age to a will. Codille, ko-dee-yuh, sm. codiile, winning of the game at ombre and quadrille. Codille (gagner), gah-irtg-yai-Iio-dee-yuh, v. 1 r. to win the game without playing the cards. Codonataire, ko-do-naJi-layre, em/, and adj. copartner, sharer in a received dona- tion ; divided, shared. Coefficient, ko-ai-fe-syang, sm. coefficient, power uniting its action with that of an- other. Coegal, -E, ko-ai-glial, adj. coequal, advan- tageous alike to both parties, alike in bulk or quality. Coemption, ko-amp-syong, sf. coemption, reciprocal, mutual purchase. Coercible, ko-air-seebl, adj. coercible, that may be or ought to be restrained. Coercitif, 'VE, ko-air-se-teef -v, adj. coer- cive, that may restrain by authority or punishment. Coetat, ko-ai-tali, sm. country, state, sove- reignty governed by two or more rulers. Coeternel, -le, ko-ai-iair-nell, adj. coeter- nal, eternal with another. Cceur, Jmr_, sm. heart.; stomach ; soul ; mind ; vigor ; energy, courage, valor, bravery, in- trepidity ; honor, sensibility ; delicacy, feeling; affection, love, tenderness, core. Cela me tient au cozur, that lies heavy on my heart. Bien aime du cozur, a bosom friend. Cceur odvert (parler a), par-lai-ah-knr- oo-vair, v. 1 r. to speak openly, with sin- cerity. Cceur joie (s'en dosser a), sang-do-nai- ah-kur-hjoo-ah, vie/. 1 r. to take one's fill of. Cceur (ouvrir or decharger son), oo-rreetr or dai-shar-hjai-song-kur, v. 2 irr. and 1 r. to unbosom one's self, discover one's thoughts. Cceur que de (n'avoir rien tant a), nah- voo-ar-ryaing-iang-tah-kur-kiih-didt, v.aux. to have no greater desire than to. Cceur (diner, Souper par), die-nai, son-pai- parkur, v. 1 r. to go without one's dinner or supper. Cceur jkun (a), ah-kur-hjuna, ad. exp. fast- ing, with an empty stomach ; soberly. A contre cceur, ah-kongtr-kur, ad. cxp. against one's will, unwillingly, reluctantly. Par cceur, par-kur, ad. by heart, from memory. De bon "cceur, duh-bong -kur, ad. willingly, very willingly, with great pleasure. De tout mon cceur, duh-too-mong-kur, ad. exp. with. all my heart, most willingly. Coexistent, ko-eg-zees-tang, -t, adj. coexist- ent, simultaneous, existing at the same time with. 110 Coexistence, ko-eg-zeess-tangsse, sf. coexist- ence, simultaneous existence. Coexister, ko-eg-zeess-tai, vn. 1 r. to coexist, be in being at the same time. Coffiner (se), suh-ko-fe-nai, vref 1 r. to bend, bow, be incurvated, jut over ; curl, turn up. Coffre, knffr, sm. coffer, chest, trunk, box, frame ; hollow lodgment across a dry moat. Coffre fort, koffr-for, sm. iron chest, strong box to secure money or valuable things. Coffrer, ko-frai, ra. 1 r. to secure ; incar- cerate, put in prison ; shut up in a chest. Coffret, ko-fray, sm. small chest, trunk, box, casket. Coffretier, Ico-fruh-tyai, sm. trunk maker or seller. Cognac, ko-ing-yak, sm. aqua vitse, brandy. Cognasse,, s/. wild quince. Cognassier, ko-ing-yah-syai, sm. quince- tree. Cognat, kog-nah, sm. kinsman, kindred, re- lation by the female line. Cognation, kog-nah-syong, sf. cognation, kindred, relation, participation of the same nature. Cognee, ko-ing-yai, sf hatchet, small axe. Cognee (aller au bois sans), rik-lai-o-hoo- ah-sang-ko-ing-yai, v. 1 irr. to undertake a thing without means. Cognee a l'arbre (mettre la), mettr-lah- ko-ing-yaie-ahdarbr, v. 4 irr. to begin an undertaking. Cognee (jeter le masche apres la), hjuh- taiduJi-mangsh-ah-prfy-lali-ko-ing-yaie, v. 1 r. to abandon an affair in despair of suc- cess. Cogne-fetu, ko-ing-yidi-fai-teu, sm. pains- taker to no purpose, person laboring hard npon trifles. Cognf.r, koing-yai, va. 1 r. to knock, drive in ; beat, thump, maul. Se cogner, suhkoing-yai, vre/. to hurt one's self against ; knock, beat one another. Se cogner la t£te contre ps mur, suh- ko- ing-yai-la h-teyte-congtr-ung-meur, v re/. 1 r. to rush headlong into difficulties ; un- dertake an impossibility (vide obs. 4). Cohabitation, ko-ah-be-tah-tyong , sf. co- habitation, living together. Cohabiter, ko-ah-be-tai, va. 1 r. to cohabit, live together. Coherence, ko-ai-rangsse, sf. coherence, co- hesion, state of union ; connection, depend- ency ; texture of a discourse, consistency. Coherent, -e, ko-ai-rang. -t, adj. coherent, suitable to,; regularly adapted ; consistent, united. Coiieritier, -e, ko-ai-re-tyai, -re, em/, co- heir, coheiress., equal sharer of an inherit- ance. Cohesion, ko-ai-zyong, sf cohesion, adhe- sion, union, connection, dependence. Cohobation, ko-o-bah-syong, sf cohobation, returning of a liquor upon that from which it was extracted. Cohober, ko-o-bai, va. 1 r. to cohobate, pour the distilled liquid upon the same matter, Ac; distil again. Cohorte, ko-ortt, sf. cohort, troop of soldiers, &c. ; company of about .500 foot ; body of ■warriors. COL COL Cohue, ko-eu, sf. petty court of justice ; rout, mob, tumultuous assembly, great crowd. Cot, -te, kooah, -te, adj. quiet, still, peace- ful, tranquil, undisturbed. Coi (SE TENIR), suh-tuh-Hcir-kooali, vref. 2 irr. to remain still or quiet, stand apart. Coiffe, koo-uhff, .»/. coif ; cap, hood, head- dress ; caul ; lining of a hat, ite. Coiffe, -E, kooah-fai, -e, adj. ravished, transported, fond, smitten ; eared ; lucky. Eire Men coiffte, to have a fine head of hair ; also, to have one's hair well dressed. Coiffer, koo-iih/ai, va. 1 r. to cover, dress, set off one'shead, intoxicate; mix, cap. Coiffek, koo-ah-fai, vn. 1 r. to fit, suit, be- come. Se coiffer, suh-koo-ah-fai, vref. to cover one's self, dress one's hair ; get drunk. Se coiffek de, suh-7coo-uh-fai-duh, vref. to take a whim in one's head ; be smitten with, be fondly attached to. Coiffeur, -se, koo-ah-far, -fuhze, smf. hair- dresser ; lady's "hair-dresser. Coiffure, koo-ah-feur, sf. head-dress, dress- ing, ornamenting of the hair ; hair of the head. Coin, koo-aing, sm. corner, angle ; retired spot ; wedge ; coin, clock of a stocking ; place. II lietit bien son coin, he keeps his ground. Coincidence, ko-aing-se-dangsse, sf. coinci- dence, concurrence, tendency to the same end. Coincident, -e, ko-aing-se-dang, -I, adj. co- incident ; concurrent, consistent, equiva- lent. Coincide?., ko-aing-se-dai, vn. 1 r. to coin- cide, concur, agree, tally, tend to the same point. Coing, kooaing, sm. quince. Coing (jaune comme un), hjone-kom-ung- koo-awg, adj. as yellow as a quince. Col, kol, sm. collar, neck, stock ; mouth ; canal ; strait ; defile. Colachon, kodah-shong, sm. Italian lute, in- strument with a long finger-board. Colere, kodayre, sf. choler, bile ; anger, wrath, passion, fury, rage. Colere. lco-layre, adj. choleric, passionate, irascible, angry, hasty. Coi.eki: (SE mkttre EH), «>dt-mettr-ang-ko- layre, vref. 4 irr. to fall in a passion, be angry. Colerique, kodai-reek, adj. prone to anger. Colibri, ko-le-bree, sm. humming-bird; little bedizened figure ; pretty little man. Colifichet, ho-le-fe-tihay, sm. bawble, toy, trifle, gew-gaw ; trifling and useless orna- ment. COLiMAgON", kodc-mah-song, sm. snail. Colin" MAli.LAKD, ko- laing - mah - yar. am. blindman's-buff ; play in which one blind- folded seeks the others. Colin tampon, kodaingtang-pong, sm. beat of the Swiss drum ; thing of no conse- quence. Colique, Ico-Jeek, tf. colic, gripes, disorder of the stomach or bowels attended with great pain. CoxiSEE. ko-le-zaie, sm. Coliseum, Vespa- sian's famous amphitheatre at Rome. Collateral, -aux, p. kolAdh-iai-ral, -r<»\ sm. and adj. collateral ; one standing in equal relation to some ancestor. Collateur, kol - lah - fur, sm. collator, ad- vowee ; one who compares copies, manu- scripts. Collatif, -te, koldnh-t.ri)\ .,., n dj. collated, conferred, bestowed together, belonging to one another. Collation, koldah-syong, sf. collation, nd- vowson, bestowing of a benefice; com- paring of one copy with another. Collation, ko-laJi-sgotig, sf. collation, light meal between dinner and supper ; cold meat supper. Collationner, Jcol-la7i-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to collate, place in an ecclesiastical benefice ; compare copies, manuscript. Collationner, ko-lah-syo-nai, vn. 1 r. to eat something betwee-n dinner and supper, take a light supper. Colle, knll. sf. paste, glue, size, cement, viscous and tenacious mixture. Colle, koll, sf. fib, story, falsehood, impo- sition. Collecte, kodeckt, sf. collect, short prayer ; tax -gathering, tax, poor's rate. Collecteur, kn - leek- tur, sm. collector, gatherer ; tax-gatherer. Collectif, -ve, kodeck-teeff, -v, adj. collec- tive, accumulative ; expressing a multitude. Collection, ko - leek - syong, sf. collection, heaping up ; compilation, selection of pas- sages. Collectitement, kodeck-teev-mang, ad. col- lectively, in a general sense, in a body, generally. College, ko-laihje, sm. college, community; place set apart for learning ; assembly. Collegial, -E, kodailijyal, adj. collegiate, of a college, relating to a college. Collegien", kodai-hjyaing, sm. student of a ' college. Collegue, ko-leg, sm. colleague, associate, adjutor, partner in office or employment. Coller, kodai, va. 1 r. to stick, paste, glue, size ; clarify with isinglass. Coller du vin, kodai-deu-vaing, v. to clarify wine with isinglass (vide obs. 4). Se coller, suh-ko-lai, vref. to cake, stick to one another, lie close, adhere. COLLES SUR UN OB.JET (AVOIR LES YEUX), ah-roo-ardey- zyuhe -ko date - seur - wig- ob- hjaie, v. aux. to look steadfastly at. Collerette, kol-rett, sf. tippet. Collet, ko-lay, sm. collar, cape, neckcloth ; neck, band ; snare. Colleter, koduh-tai, va. 1 r. to collar, take by the throat : vn, to wrestle, set snares, catch game. Se colleter, suli-ko-hihdai, vref. to collar each other, seize one another by the throat. Collier, ho-hjai, sm. necklace, string of Deads or precious stones ; collar, ring. Collier de misere, kodyni-duh-me-zayre, 8th. laborious employment, painful profes- sion. Colline, ko-hen, sf. hill, hillock, declivity ; sloping ground. Colline (gag nee la), gah-ing-yai-lah-ko- leen, v. 1 r. to run away, take to one's heels. Collision, koldc-zyong. sf. collision, clash ; conflict of two bodies ; opposition; contra- diction. Collocation, koldo-kali-synng, sf. colloca- tion, classification of orders ;' order of pay- ment. Ill COL COM Colloque, kol-lolc, sm. colloquy, confer- ence, talk, conversation, dialogue. Colloquer, kol-lo-kai, va. 1 r. to collocate, rank ; arrange, order, regulate payment. Colluder, koldeu-dai , vn. 1 r. to collude, conspire in a fraud ; deceive, cheat, im- pose upon. Collusion, koldeu-zyong, sf. collusion ; im- position, deceit, fraud ; double-dealing. Colldsoire, hol-leu-zoo-aihre, adj. collusory, fraudulently concerted, done by collusion. Collusoirement, kolleu-zooahre-mang, ad. collusively, by collusion, in a manner fraudulently concerted. Collyre, kodeer, sm. collyrium, ointment for the eyes. Colombage, ko-long-banje, sm. row of up- right joists to form a partition, timber of a partition. Colombe, kodongbe, sf. dove ; upright joist ; symbol of peace. Colombier, ko- long-byai, sm. columbary, pigeon-house, dove-cot ; place where pi- geons are bred. Colombier (attirer les pigeons au), ah-te- raidey-pelijong-zo-ko-longbyai, v. 1 r. to draw in customers. Colombin, -E, ko-long -bainff, -been, adj. col- umbine, of purple and red color. Colombine, kodong-been, sf. pigeon's dung ; columbine, a flower; also a female char- acter in a pantomime. Colon, ko-long, sm. planter ; colon, largest of the intestines. Colonel, kodo-nell, sm. colonel, chief com- mander of a regiment. Colonelle, ko-lo-nelle, sf. the colonel's com- pany, first company of a regiment. Colonie, kodo-nee, sf. colony, plantation, tract of land inhabited and cultivated by emigrants. Coloniser, kodo-nee-zai, va. 1 r. to colonize, people, stock with inhabitants. Colonnade, ko-lo-nad, sf. colonnade, circu- lar peristile, range of pillars, piazza. Colonne, kodonn, sf. column ; round pillar ; monumeut ; bed-post ; half a page ; prop, defender ; long file of troops. Coi.ophane, kodo-fan, sf. colophony, resin, substance used to rub the bow of some stringed instruments. Coloquinte, kodo-kyaingte, sf. coloquintida, bitter-apple ; violent purgative. Colored, ko-lo-rai, va. 1 r. to color, mark with some dye ; palliate, excuse ; make I plausible. Colorier, kodo-ryai, va. 1 r. to paint well, lay on colors properly ; color prints, \ sm. duel, single fight. Combats, kong-bah, pres. ind. of combattre, fight. Combattant. kong-bahdang, sm. combatant, champion ; antagonist ; soldier, warrior. Combattre, kong-batlr, va. and n. ■! irr. to combat, fight, struggle with, oppose, resist ; dispute, repress. Combattre des deux bords, to engage on both sides. Combien, kong-byaing, sm.. price ; measure, quantity, &c. Combien, kong-byaing, ad. interrog. how much? how many? to what degree? how? Combien vaut cela ? what is the price of that ? Combinaison, kong -be-nay -zong, sf. combina- tion ; association ; league ; union, conjunc- tion ; commixture of bodies. Combiner, kongbe-nai, va. 1 r. to combine, join together, associate ; agree, accord ; link in union. Comble, kongbl, sm. top ; height, roof of a building, summit ; fulness ; over-measure, highest degree. Comble (pour), poor-kongbl, ad. exp. for in- crease, in addition to. Comble (de fond en), duh-fong -tang -kongbl, ad. exp. completely, entirely, utterly ; from top to bottom. Comble, kongbl, adj. heaped up ; over full ; excessive ; angular ; not equal. Comble, -e, kong-biai, -e, adj. full, overload- ed, raised to the highest pitch of. Combleau, -x, kong-blo, -e, sm. cordage to pull the cannon. Combler, kong-biai, va. 1 r. to fill, load, heap up ; lavish ; forfeit. Comblette, kong-blett, sf. cleft, parting, slit in the foot of a stag, &c. Combriere, kong-bre-yaire, sf. large fishing- net. CombuGER, kong-beu-Jijai, va. 1 r. to soak, steep, imbibe, season with water. Combustibilite, kong-beuss-te-bclcini, sf. combustibleness, aptness to take fire. Combustible, kong-beuss-teeble, sm. combus- tible, inflammable matter, fuel, coal, wood, &c. Combustible, kong-beuss-teeble, adj. combus- tible, inflammable, igneous, susceptible of fire. Combustion, kong-benss-tyong, sf. combus- tion, conflagration, burning; tumult, riot, hurry, confusion, hubbub (vide obs. 4). Comedie, ko-mai-dee, sf. comedy, dramatic satire on the lighter faults of private life. Comedie, ko-mai-dee, sf. theatre, play-house, play ; hypocrisy, deceit ; laughter ; ridicu- lous actions. Bonner la comedie, to make sport for others. Comedien, -ne, ko-mai-dyaing, -dyenn, smf. comedian, player, actor, actress; dissem- bler. COM COM Comestible, 7co-ihes-teebl t adj. eatable, Rood for eating: pi. victuals, provision of food. CoMETAIRE, kn-mai-tayre, adj. cometary, of a comet, relating to a comet. COHETE, ko-mett, sf comet, eccentric heaven- ly body, luminous by reflection ; sky-rock- et, ribbon, .came at cards. ( lOMlCES, fto-meess, smp. assemblies of the Ro- man people ; meeting, assembly, congress. COMIQUE, ko-meek, sm. comic subject, actor, poet, writer, &e. COMIQUE, ko-metk, adj. comic, comical, ludi- crous, merry, pleasant, jocose, ridiculous, laughable. COMIQUEMENT, ko-meek-mang, ad. comically, in a pleasant or comic manner. COMITE, ko-meet, sm. subaltern officer on board of a galley, who makes the slaves row. Comite. ko-me-tai, sm. committee, meeting, assembly; small party ; small private din- ner. Comma, ko-mah, sm. comma, distinctive mark of clauses, noted thus (,). Commandant, ko-mang-dang, am. command- er, chief, governor, head office - . Commande, ko-mangde, sf. commission, or- der, command. Commande (de), duh-ko-mangde, adj. and ad. exp. ordered, bespoken ; feigned ; ex- pressly, made on purpose, at band. Mala- die de commande, feigned sickness. Commandement, ko-mangde-mang, sm. com- mandment ; mandate, precept ; command, injunction, authority, power. Commandement (avoir a), ah-voo-ar-ah-ko- mangde-mang, v. aux. to have at command. Commander, ko-mavg-dai, va. 1 r. to com- mand, order, prescribe, bid ; bespeak ; over- look. Commander a, ko-mang-dai-ah, vn. 1 r. to rule, rule over, have power, authority, command over ; subdue. Commanderie, ko-mangde-ree, sf. command- ery, benefice attached to the body of the knights of Malta. Commandeur, ko-mavg-dur, sm. knight-com- mander ; overseer ; steward. Commandite, ko-mang-deet, sf. partnership or firm in which one advances the money and the other his assiduity. Commandite (SOCIete en), so-se-yaitai-ang- ko-mang-deet, sf sleeping partnership. CoMME, horn, ad. like, in the same manner as, almost, how ; in what manner. II est comme rela, it is his way. C'omme quoi? how? Comme cela, so so. Comme, learn, conj. as, because, whereas, see- ing that, as much as, when, since, so as. Commemoration, ko-mai-mo-rah-syong, sf. commemoration, act of public celebration. CoMMENgANT, -E, ko-mang-sang, -t, smf. be- ginner, tyro, youngster. Commencement, ko-mangsse-mang, sm. be- ginning, commencement, date, origin, early times ; principle, first cause. Commencer, ko-mang-sai, va. 1 r. to com- mence, begin ; undertake ; give or learn the first rudiments. Commensal, -aux, p. ko-mang-sal, -soe, p. sm. and adj. one admitted to the same table, that cats at the same table. Commkns u.itk, ko-ma-ng-saji-le-tai, sf. com- mensality, fellowship or right of table. Commensurabilite, ko-mang-seu-ra-he-le- iai, sf. commensurability, equal measure or proportion (vide obs. 4). Commensurable, Ico - mang - sm - rail, adj. commensurable, reducible to the same mea- sure. Comment, ko-mang, ad. interrog. how? in what manner? why? for what reason? Comment, ko-mang, int. what ! how 1 Commentaire, ko-mang -tay re, sm. commen- tary, comment, exposition, annotation, elu- cidation, interpretation, remark, glossary ; historical memoirs. Commentateur, ko-mang-tah-tur, sm. com- mentator, expositor, annotator, writer of historical memoirs. Commenter, ko-mang-tai, vn. 1 r. to com- ment, annotate, expound, write notes, en- large ; speak maliciously. Commerage, ko-mai-ralije, sm. gossiping. Commekqable, ko-mair-sabl, adj. that may be negotiated, transferable, current, passa- ble. Commercable (billet), be-yay-ko-mair-sabl, sm. good safe bill. Cohmercant, -e, ko-mair-sang, -te, smf. trader, merchant, trafficker. Commeuqant, -e, ko-mair-sang, -te.. adj. trading, commercial, of trade, traffic, com- merce. Commerce, ko-mairsse,sm. commerce, traffic, trade, exchange of goods ; communication, correspondence ; society, intimacy, inter- course, acquaintance. Commerce delavie or du monde, ko-mairsse- duh-lah-vee or deu-mongde, sm. knowledge of the world (vide obs. 4). Commerce de nouvelles, ko-mairtse-duh- noo-vdl, sm. intercourse of news, corre- spondence. Commerce de GALanterie, ko-mairsse-duh- ghah-langt-ree, sm. intrigue, love affair. Commercer de, ko-mair-sai-duh, vn. 1 r. to commerce, trade, traffic, negotiate, hold intercourse. Commercial, -aux, p. ko-mair-syal . -syoe, p. adj. commercial, of trade, traffic, com- merce. Commere, ko-mayre, sf. gossip, god-mother ; newsmonger, prater, chatterer. Commets, ko-mey, pres. ind. of commettre, commit. Commettant, ko-may-tang, sm. employer, constituent, one who intrusts another with his concerns. Commettre, ko-mettr, va. 4 irr. to commit ; intrust, employ ; appoint ; compromise ; expose ; perpetrate, do a fault or crime. Se commettre, suli-ko-me.ttr, vref. to commit, compromise, betray, expose, venture one's self. Commination, ko-me-nah-syong, sf. commi- nation, threat, denunciation of punishment. Comminatoire, ko-me-nah-ioo-ahre, adj. comminatory, threatening, denunciatory. Commis, ko-mee, sm. clerk, writer ; deputy - r exciseman. Commis, ko-mee, p. part, and pret. def. of. commettre, committed. Commiseration, ko-me-zai-rah-syong, sf. commiseration, pity, compassion, sensibili- ty, humanity. Commissaire, ko-me-sayre, sm. commissary, delegate, deputy • commissioner ; overseer. 113 COM COM Commissaire DE guerre, ko-me-sayre-duh- ghayre, sm. muster-master. Commissaire de police, ko-me-sayre-duh- po-leess, sm. justice of the peace. Commissaire des pauvres, ko-me-sayre-day- poevr, s?n. overseer of the poor. Commissaire priseur, ko-me-sayre-pree-zur, sm. auctioneer ; sequestrator. Commission, ko-me-syong, sf. commission, charge, mandate, office; message ; tribunal; agency. Commissionaire, ko-me-syo-nayre, sm. agent, factor, steward ;.messenger, message-bearer. Commissionner, ko-me-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to commission, empower, appoint. Commissure, ko-me-seur, sf. commissure, joint, place where one part is joined to another. Commodat, ko-modah, sm. voluntary loan, to be returned in kind at a fixed time. Commode, ko-rnod,sf. chest of drawers, com- mode, bureau, woman's head-dress. Commode, Jco-mod, adj. commodious, conve- nient, suitable, useful, mild, easy ; lax, favorable. Commodement, ko-mo-dai-mang, ad. com- modiously, conveniently ; agreeably, with ease. Commodite, ko-mo-de-tai, sf. eommodious- ness, conveniency ; favorable opportunity ; proximity. Commodites, ko-mo-de-tai, sfp. privy, neces- sary house ; place of retirement. Commodites d'une maison, ko-mo-de-taie- deun-mai-zong, sfp. accommodation. Commodore, ko-mo-dorr, sm. commodore, commander of a squadron of ships. Commotion, ko-mo-syong, sf. commotion, tu- mult, disturbance, perturbation, agitation, disorder of mind. Commuable, ko-meu-abl, ndj. commutable, changeable, possible to be changed (vide obs. 4). Commuer, ko-meu-ai, va. 1 r. to commute, exchange, change, mitigate (vide obs. 4). Commun, ko-mung, sm. commonalty, gener- ality, bulk of the people, vulgar, inferior servants. Commun, -e, ko-mung, -meunn, adj. common ; public, general ; vulgar, mean ; frequent, ordinary, usual. Commun (en), ang-ko-mvng, ad. in common, together, in society, jointly. Communaute, ko-meu-noe-tai, sf. commu- nity ; religious society, corporation ; body of, profession (vide obs. 4). Communaux, ko-meu-noe, smp. pasture of the commons ; common pasturage. Commune, ko-meun, sf. corporation, politic body of a town, &c. ; parish. Communes, ko-meune, sfp. commons, house of commons (vide obs. 4). Communement, ko-meu-nai-mang, ad. com- monly, generally, usually (vide obs. 4). Cela se dit communement, that is a common way. Communement parlant, ko-meu-nai-mang- par-lung, ad. exp. generally speaking. Communiant, -e, ko - meu-ne- ang, -t, smf. communicant, partaker of the Lord's sup- per. Communicable, Tco-meu-ne-kabl, adj. com- municable, talkative, sociable, easy of ac- cess, catching (vide obs, 4). 114 Communicatif, -ve, ko-meu-ne-kah-terf. -teev, adj. communicative, imparting knowledge, &6. Communication, ko-meu-ne-kah-syong, if. communication, intercourse, correspond- ence, conversation, conference ; society. Communier, ko-meu-wyai, va. and n. 1 r. to communicate, receive or administer the sacrament. Communion, ko-iwu-nyong, sf. communion, celebration of the Lord's supper, fellow- ship. Communiquer, ko-meu-ne-kai, va. 1 r. to com- municate, impart, produce, have corres- pondence. Se communiquer, suh-ko-meu-ne-kai, vref. to be familiar, sociable ; converse freely. Commutatif, -VE, ko-meu-tah-teef, -teev, adj. commutative, transferable (vide obs. 4). Commutation, ko-meu-tah-syong, sf. com- mutation, alteration ; exchange, ransom. Compacite, kong-pah-se-lai, sf. compactness, firmness, density, closeness. Compacts, kong-packt, adj. compact, firm, solid, close, dense ; brief, concise. Compagne, kong-pah-ing-yuh, sf. companion, consort, friend, partner ; wife ; mate. Compagnie, kong-pah-inq-ye, sf. company, society, association, fellowship, partner- ship ; corporation, subdivision of a regi- ment. Compagnon, J;ong-pah-ing-yong, sm. com- panion, compeer, friend, partner, associate ; fellow-journeyman. Compagnon (traiter de pair a), tray-tai- duh-pair-aJikong-pah-ingyoiir/, v. 1 r. to be hail fellow well met. Compagnonage, kong - pah - ing - yo - nahje, sm. companionship, fellowship, society of journeymen, time served after one's appren- ticeship. Comparable, kong-pah-rauJ, adj. compara- ble, equal to, like, similar, of equal regard. Comparais, kong-pult-rey , pres. ind. of com- parative, appear. Comparaison, kong pah-ray-zong, sf. com- parison ; parallel ; resemblance, confor- mity ; confrontation. Comparaissant, kong-pafi-ray-sang, pres. part, of romparaitre, appearing. Comparaitre, kong-pah-reytr, vn. 4 irr. to appear, answer in a court of justice. Comparant, -E, kon/j-pah-rang, -1, smf. and adj. appearer ; appearing, answering in a court of justice. Comparatif, -ve, kong-pah-rah-teef, -v, sm. and adj. comparative ; parallel. Comparativement, kong-pah-rah-teee-mang, ad. comparatively, by comparison. Comparer, kongpah-rai, va. 1 r. to com- pare, assimilate, equal, parallel, confront. Se comparer a, suh-kong-pah-rai-ah, vrrf. to compare one's self, vie with, think one's self equal. Compartiment, 7,ong-par-te-mang, sm. com- partiment, compartment, division ; plot in a garden. Comfaru, Jmng-pah-reu, p. part, of com- paraitre, appeared. Comparus, kong -pah -reu, pret. def. of com- paraitre, appeared. Comparction, kong-pnh-reu-syong, sf. ap- pearance in a court of justice (vide obs. 4). Compas, kong-phh, sm. compass, circle, com- COM COM passes ; space, room, limits ; inclosure, cir- cumference ; moderation. t'oMPAS DE COBDONNIEB, kong-p'ah-duhdior- do-ni/ai, an. shoemaker's size, gauge. Compas DE PROPORTION, koity-pah-duh-pro- por-syong, an. sector, instrument to mea- sure or lay down angles. Compas DE mer, kong-phh-duh-mair, sm. sea-compass, card and needle of mariners. Compassement, kong-pass-mang, an. mea- suring ; cold and affected circumlocution ; remote tendency of talk. Compasser, kong-pah-sai, va. 1 r. to measure with compasses ; proportion ; weigh men- tally, consider, order well. Compassion*, kong-pahsyontf, *f. compassion, pity, commiseration, sensibility, painful sympathy. Compatibilite, Jcong-pah-te-be-le-tai, ff. com- patibility, consistency, harmony, suitable- ness. Compatible, kong-pdh-teehl, adj. compatible, suitable to, fit for, consistent with, agree- able. Compatir a, Jtong-pah'-ieer-ah, on. 2 r. to compassionate, commiserate, pity, sym- pathize , suit, agree ; bear with. Compatissant, -E, kongpalite-sang, d. adj. compassionate, inclined to pity, humane-, sensible, tender. Compatriote, kong-pah-tre-yoti, sm/. coun- tryman, countrywoman, one bom in the same country. Compendium, kong-paing-de-yom, sm. com- pendium, abridgment, summary, breviate. Compensation, kong-pang -xah-syong, sf. compensation, remuneration, requital, equivalency. Comfenser, knng-pang-sai, va. 1 r. to com- pensate, recompense, counterbalance, coun- tervail. Comperage, kong-pai-raJije, an. duty of a god-father and god-mother ; gossiping, tattle ; tippling. Compere, kong-payre, sm. god-father; gos- sip, sponsor ; compeer, jovial fellow, cun- ning blade. Competsmmext, long - pai - tali • mang, ad. competently, sufficiently, adequately, suit- ably. Competence, iong-pai-tangsse, sf. compe- tency, power of judging, capacity ; com- petition. Competent, -e, kong-paidang. -t, adj. com- petent, capable ; sufficient, suitable ; qual- ified, fit, consistent with. Competer, kemg-pai-tai, vn. 1 r. to belong, be the province or business of. Competiteur, kongpaidr-tur, an. competi- tor, rival, opponent, candidate, concurrent. Compilateur, kong-pedahdur, am. compiler, plagiary ; collector of passages from va- rious authors. Compilation, kong-pedah-syong, sf. compila- tion, collection ot passages from various authors, assemblage, coacervation. Compiler, kong-pedai, va. n. 1 r. to com- pile, collect from various authors ; write, compose. Complaints, kong-plaingte, sf. complaint, accusation ; remonstrance against. Complaire, kong-playre, vn. 4 irr. to be complaisant ; please, humor, comply with, gain the approbation. j Se complaire. suhdcong-phiyre, vrtf. to take delight or pleasure in, please, admire one's self. Complais, kong-jdey, pres. ind. of complaire, please. Complaisance, Jcong-play-zangsse, sf. com- plaisance, complacency, civility, desire of pleasing; attention; condescendence. Complaisant, -e, kong-play-zang, -t, adj. complaisant, civil, attentive, courteous, de- sirous to please. Complaisant, kong-plai-sang, pies. part, of complaire. pleasing. Complant, kong-plang, an. vineyard, ground planted with vines and trees. Complement, kong-plai-mang, sm. comple- ment, completion, perfection, complete set or provision. CoyiPLvr, kong-play, sm. completeness, whole, totality. Complet, -E. kong-play, de, adj. complete, perfect, full, entire ; finished, ended, con- cluded. Completement, kong-plait-mang, sm. com- plement, fulfilling, accomplishment ; act of completing. Completement, kong-playte-mang, ad. com- pletely, entirely, fully, in a complete man- ner. Completer, kong-plaidai, va. 1 r. to com- plete, perfect, finish. Complexe, kong-plecks, adj. complex, com- posite, of many parts. Complexion, kong-phek-synng, sf. complex- ion, constitution, habit of body ; disposi- tion, humor, inclination Complexionne, -e, kong-pleck-syo-nai, -e, adj. of a constitution, good or bad tem- pered, framed, constituted. Complication, kongpledMh-syong, sf. com- plication, involution, mixture, compound. Complice, kong-pleess, sm/. and adj. com- plice, accomplice, confederate ; united in a league or plot. Complicite, kong-ple-sedai, sf. confedera- tion, participation in a crime, &c. Complies, kong-plee, s/p. last evening pray- ers in the church of Rome. Compliment, kong-ple-mang, sm. compli- ment, congratulation, civility. Complementer, kongple-mangdai, va. and n. 1 r. to compliment ; flatter ; make or pay compliments. Complimenteur, hong -pie - many - fur, sm. complimenter, flatterer, one given to com- pliments. Complio.ce, e, Tcong-ple-kai, -e, adj. compli- cate, confused, complex ; compound of many parts. Compliquer, krmg-ple-kai, va. 1 r. to com- plicate, entangle, form by the union of several parts. Complot, kong-plo, sm. complot, plot, con- spiracy, confederacy in some secret crime, criminal union. Comploter, kong-plodai, va. 1 r. to complot, form a plot, conspire. Complu, kong-pleu, p. part, of complaire, pleased. Complus, kong-pleu, pret. def. of complaire, pleased. COMPONCTION, kong-pongk-syong, sf. com- punction, remorse, repentance, contrition. Comforter, kong-pordai, va. and n. 1 r. to 115 COM CON comport, bear, permit, allow, endure; agree, suit. Le temps le comporte, the time requires it. Se comporter, suhkong-por-tai, vref. to be- have, act, conduct one's self. Compose, kong-po-zai, sm. compound, mass of ingredients united together, mixture. Compose, -e, kong-po-zai, -e, adj. composed ; sedate ; calm, serious, grave, circumspect, reserved. Composer, kong-po-zai, va. 1 r. to compose, form a mass ; calm, quiet ; adjust, ar- range, dispose, settle. Composer, kong-po-zai, vn. 1 r. to agree, yield to ; capitulate, come to terms ; com- pound. Se composer, suli-hong-po-zai, vref. to feign, dissemble, make a show of what one is not, to obtain some end ; consist in, be formed of. Composite, knng-po-zeet, sm. composite, mix- ture of the Ionic and Corinthian orders.^ Composite, kong-po-zeel, adj. composite ; compounded; divisible exactly, conclu- sive. Compositeur, Imng-po-ze-tur, sm. composer, compositor, compounder. Composition, kong-poze-syong, sf. compo- sition ; mixture, incorporation ; arrange- ment, disposition ; agreement, stipulation ; junction. Composteur, kony-poss-tur, sm. composing, setting stick. Compote, kong-pott, sf. sweetmeats, fruits preserved with sugar, stew. En COMPOTE, ang-ki/ng-pott, ad.exp. too much boiled ; done ; bruised, mauled black and blue. Comprehensible, kony-prai-ang-seell, adj. comprehensible, intelligible, conceivable. Comprehension, kong-praiang-syong, sf. comprehension, apprehension, rapacity, knowledge ; inclusion. Comprenant, kong-pruh-nang, pres. part, of comprendre, understanding. Comprendre, kong-prangdr, va. 4 irr. to comprehend, include, comprise, contain ; mention ; apprehend, conceive, perceive. Comprenne, kong-prenn, pres. subj. of com- prendre, may understand. Comprennent, kong-prenn, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of comprendre, comprehend. Compresse, kong-press, sf. compress ; pad, quilt, bolster for a wound. Compressibiute, kong-pray-se-be-le-tai, sf. compressibility, capability of compression. Compressible, kong -pray - seebl, adj. com- pressible, yielding to pressure, that may be compressed. Compression, kong-pray-syong, sf. compres- sion, compressure ; oppression ; weight, heaviness. Comprimer, kony-premai, va. 1 r. to com- press, press close, contract,repress, prevent. Compuis, kong-pree, p. part, and pret. def. of comprendre, comprehended, understood. Compromets, kong-pro-mey, pres. ind. of compromettre, compromise. Compromettre, kong-pro-mettr, va. 4 irr. to compromise ; expose, embarrass, bring into question. Compromettre, kong-pro-mettr, vn. 4 irr. to compromise, refer to arbitrators, make mu- tual concessions. 116 Se compromettre, suh-kong-pro-nnt/r, vref. to compromise one's self, exceed one's power, itc. Compromis,, sm. compromise, deed of agreement. Compromis, kong-pro-mee, p. part, and pret. def. of compromettre, compromised. Comptable, kong-tabl, sm. and adj. account- ant ; accountable, responsible, answerable. Comptabilite, kong-tah-be-te-tai, sf. respon- sibility ; office of accountant ; office. Comptant, kong-tang, sm. and adj. money ; ready ; as, argent comptant, ready money. Compte, kongte, sm. account, profit, advan- tage ; report ; supposition, responsibility, bargain. Compte borgne, kongte-bor-ing-yuh, sm. sus- picious account. Compte rond, konyte-rony, sin. even money, exact payment. Compte (au bout du), o-boo-deu-kongte. ad. exp. at last, after all, every thing consid- ered. » A compte, ali-kongte, sm. money on account, payment in part. Compte, -e, kony-tai, -e, adj. counted, de- liberate, circumspect, wary, slow. Compte (tout), too-kony-tai, ad. exp. every thing considered, deducied. Compter, kony-tai, va. 1 r. to count, sum up, compute; pay; esteem, value, regard, expect, wait for ; reckon, think. • Compter, kony-tai, vn. 1 r. to come to a set- tlement, close, discharge an account, rely, depend upon, intend. • Compteur, kony-tur, sm. accountant, ac- comptant, computer, reckoner, calculator. Comptoir, kong-too-ar, sm. counter, count- ing-house; office, factory (vide obs. 6). Compulser, kony-peul-sai, va. 1 r. to sum- mon, call in a court of justice, examine registers in a court (vide obs. 4). Compulsoir, kony-peul-soo-ar, sm. warrant ; compulsion ; power of compelling in a court. Comput, kony-peu, sm. computation of time, calculation, astronomical supputation (vide obs. 4). Computiste, konypeu teest, sm. computist, calculator, chronologist, one skilled in computation. Comte, kongte, sm. count, title of foreign nobility, earl. Comte, kony-tai, sm. county, earldom ; shire. Comtesse, kony-tess, sf. countess, lady of an earl, or of a foreign count. Concasser, kony-kali-sai, va. 1 r. to pound, beat, grind with a pestle ; bruise, mangle with blows. Concatenation, kong-kah-tai-nah-syony, sf. concatenation, series, chain, connection ; climax. Concave, kong-kav, adj. concave, hollow, excavated. Concavite, kongkah-ve-tai, sf. concavity, hollowness. Conceder, kong-sai-dai, va. 1 r. to concede, grant, admit. Concentration, kony-sany-trah-si/nng, sf. concentration ; meditation, thoughtfulness. Concentre, -e, kong-sang-trai, -e, adj. medi- tative, thoughtful, melancholy, silent ; very strong. Concentrer, kong-sang-trai, va. 1 r. to con- cox CON centrate, draw towards the centre ; con- ceal ; meditate, muse deeply. Se CONCEN'trer, suh-lcongsang trad, vref. to be sad, melancholy, thoughtful, coneen- trate one's self. CONCENTRIQtJE, kortg-sang-treek, adj. con- centrical, having a common centre. Conception, fcong-sep-xyohg, sf. conception; apprehension ; notion, idea, sentiment, pur- po.-e. conceit, thought. Conception i.ourde, kong-sep-ayougdoorde, sf. dull genius. Conceftif, -vk, kong-sep-teef, -r, adj. con- ceptive, capable to conceive, productive. Concernant, kong - sair - »«»g, prep, con- cern in. u: ; upon; relating to. Concerner, kong-sair-nai, va. 1 r. to con- cern ; relate, belong to ; interest, engage, disturb, make uneasy. CONCERT, kong-sair, am. concert ; symphony, harmony ; consent, concurrence, mutual understanding. CONCERTANT, -E, kongsair-tang, -te, sm/. performer in a concert, musician. Concerts, -e, kong-sair-tai, -e, adj. con- certed, resolved, agreed upon unanimous- ly, studied, affected, adjusted, composed. Concerter, kong-sair-tai, va. 1 r. to con- cert, project, settle iu private ; contrive, adjust. Concerter, kong-sair-tai, vn. 1 r. to give a concert, play in a concert, perform a part of music. Se concerter, suh-kong-sair-tai, vref. to advise together, settle by mutual commu- nication. Concerto, kong-aair-to, sm. piece of music adapted to several instruments or a full orchestra. Concession, kong-say-syong, sf. concession ; grant. Concessionnaire, kong-say-syo-nayre, am/. grantee, receiver by grant or indulgence. Concetti, kong say-tee, smp. fine thoughts; jests, witty repartees; conceit, fancy, re- pute, esteem. Concevablb, kongsse-vaM, adj. conceivable, imaginable, intelligible, comprehensible. CoNCEVOIR, kongsse-voo-ar, va. 3 r. to con- ceive, imagine, comprehend, understand ; invent, express (vide obs. 6). Concevoir, kongsae-voo-ar, vn. 3 r. to con- ceive, think, have an idea of; become pregnant. Se concevoir, siih-kongsse-voo-ar, vref. to be easily understood (vide obs. (J). Conche, kongsh, sf. salt-pit, second bed of a salt-marsh. Conchoide, kong-ko-eed, t>f. conchoid, curve line approaching perpetually near to a straight line without taction. Conchyliologie, kong-ke-le-o-lo-hjee, sf. con- chology, treatise on the nature of shells. Concierge, kong • syairhje, smf. steward, housekeeper, keeper of a palace, &C, jailer. Conciergerie, kong-syairhje-ree, sf. stew- ardship, housekeeper's lodge or office ; prison. Conctle, hong-seel, am. council ; assembly of persons to consult together, body of privy counsellors. Concilia rcle, lcongse-lyah-beul, am. con- venticle; illegal assembly ; secret meeting of conspirators (vide obs. 4). Conciliant, -e, kongse-lyang, -te. adj. con. ciliaiing ; gentle, mild, peaceable, pacific, soothing. CONCILIATEUR, - TRICE, 7.0/1// - ae. ■ h/nli - fur, tretsa, sm/. conciliator, peacemaker, recon- ciler. Conciliation, kong-sedyah-nyong, sf. con- ciliation, friendly mediation ; agreement, reconciliation. Conciliek, kong-se-lyai, va. 1 r. to concili- ate, gain ever ; reconcile ; acquire, gain, attract. Se concilier, suh-kong-selyai, vref. to pro- cure, gain, acquire, obtain ; agree together. Con CIS, -e, tang-see, -re, adj. concise, brief, short, compressed. Concision, kong- see -sq/ong, sf. concision, conciseness, brevity, shortness, compres- sion. Concitoyen, -ne, long - se - too - ah - yaing, ■yenn, sm/. fellow-citizen ; burgess ; coun- tryman, countrywoman. Conclamation, kong-klah-mah-syong, a/. conclamation, outcry. Conclave, kong-klav, sm. conclave, assem- bly of cardinals ; private apartment. Conclaviste, kong -klah-c teat, sm. member of the conclave. Conclu, kong-kleu, p. part, of conclure, con- cluded. Concluant, kong-kleu-ang, pres. part, of con- clure, concluding. Concluant, -e, kong-kleu-ang, -te, adj. con- cludent, decisive, regularly consequen- tial. Conclure, kong-kleur, va. and n. 4 irr. to conclude, finish, terminate ; agree upon ; infer, decide, determine, convince. Conclus, kong-kleu, pres. ind. and pret. def. of conclure, conclude, concluded. Conclcsif, -VE, kong-kleu-zeef, -v, adj. con- clusive, decisive ; determinate, consequen- tial, fixed (vide obs. 4). Conclusion, kxmg-kleu-zyong, a/, conclusion, determination, decision ; consequence ; close, end, upshot (vide obs. 4). Conclusion, kong-ldeu-zyong, ad. in short ; briefly ; in one word (vide obs. 4). Conclusions, kong-kleu-syonghe, a/p. de- mands, pretensions ; request ; award. Concombre, hong-kongbr, am. cucumber (a plant). Concomitance, kong-kp-me-tangsse, sf. con- comitance, union, concurrence, conjunc- tion, association. Concomitant, -e, kono-ko-me-tang, -te, adj. concomitant, conjoined, concurrent, united with. Concordance, hong-kor-dangsse, if. con- cordance, agreement ; relation, fitness ; concord. Concordant, -e, kong -kor -dang, -t?, adj. concordant, agreeing, correspondent, suit- able. Concordat, kong-kor-dah, sm. concordat, compact, convention ; agreement. Concorde, kong kord, sf. concord, agree- ment ; peace, union, harmony, consent ; grammatical relation. Concorder. hong-kor-dai, vn. 1 r. to be in unison, agree, concur ; he united with. Concourant, -e, hong-koo-rang, -te, adj. concurrent, acting in conjunction, con- comitant. 117 CON CON Concourant, Tcomg-koo-rang, pies. part, of concourir, concurring. Concourir, kong-koo-reer, vn. 2 irr. to con- cur, conjoin, agree ; conspire, contribute ; stand in competition. Concourrai, kong-koor-rai, fut. of concou- rir, will concur. Concourrais, kong -koor -ray, condit. of con- courir, would concur. Concours, kong -koor, sm. concourse, con- currence ; union, conjuuction, combination of agents. Concours, kong-koor, pres. ind. of concou- rir, concur, Concouru, kong-koo-reu, p. part, of concou- rir, contributed. Concourus, kong-koo-reu, pret. def. of con- courir, concurred. Concret, -e, kong-kray, -te, adj. concrete, fixed, coagulated ; firm, solid, formed by concretion. Concretion, kong-kray -syong, sf. concre- tion, concrete, adherence, coagulation ; in- crustation, petrification. CONCrjBlSTAGE, kong-ku-be-nalije, sm. concu- binage, state of living with a woman not married. Concubine, kong -ku-been, sf. concubine, mistress. ' Concupiscence, kong-ku-pe-sangsse,sf. concu- piscence, irregular desire, libidinous wish. Concupiscent, -e, kong-ku-pe-sang, -te, adj. concupiscent, libidinous, lecherous. Concupiscible, kong-ku-pe-seebl, adj. con- cupiscible, impressing desire. Concurremment, kong-ku-rah-mang, ad. jointly, in concurrence, in competition. Concurrence, kong-ku-rangsse, sf. concur- rence, competition ; conjunction, union, combination, help. Concurrent, -e, kong-ku-rang, -te, smf concurrent, competitor, rival, opponent. Concussion, kong-ku-syong, sf. concussion, vexation, extortion ; imposition, shock. Concussionnaire, kong-ku-syo-nayre, sm. extortioner, exacter. Condamnable, kong - dali - nab] ', adj. con- demnable, blamable, culpable, criminal. Condemnation, kong -dah-nah -syong, sf. condemnation, sentence of punishment. Condamner, kong-dah-nai, va. 1 r. to con- demn, find guilty, doom to punishment, blame, censure, shut up. Condamner une porte, fenetre, &c, kong-dah-nai-eun-port, fuhneytr, jj»c, to nail, stop, shut up a door, window. Se condamner suhkong-dah-nai. vref. to condemn, accuse, blame one's self. Condensation, kong -dang -sah-syong, sf. con- densation, thickening. Condenser, kong -dang -sai, va. 1 r. to con- dense, make thick, close, weighty ; con- solidate. Se condenser, suh-kong-dang-sai, vref. to condensate, grow thick, dense, compact. Condescendance, Icong -day -sang -dang sse, sf. condescendence; compliance, affability, courteousness. Condescendant, -e, kong-dai-snngdang, -1e, adj. condescensive, courteous, compliant, civil, complaisant. Condescendre a, kong-day-snngd rah, rn. 4 r. to condescend, stoop, bend ; yield, con- sent, comply with. 118 Condigne, kong -deeng -yuh, adj. condign, suitable, deserved, merited. Condiment, kong-de-mang, sm. condiment, seasoning, sauce, relish. Con disciple, kong-de-seepl, sm. condisciple, schoolfellow. Condition, kong - de - syong, sf condition; rank ; profession, state, nobility ; place, situation, offer, stipulation ; temper. A condition, souscondition, ahkong-de- syong or soo-kong-de-syong, ad. on, upon condition. A condition QUE, ah-kong-de-syong-k\ih, conj. governing the subj. mood, on condition that, provided that. Conditionne, -e, kong-de-syo-nai, -e, adj. conditioned, having qualities or properties, good, bad. Conditionnel, -le, kong-de-syo-neV, adj. conditional, restrictive, depending upon circumstances. Conditionnellement, kong - de - syo-nell- iiutng, ad. conditionally, according to cir- cumstances. Conditionner, kong-de-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to restrict, limit ; qualify ; dispose, make, work, arrange well or badly. Con dole ance, kong-do-lai-angsse, sf. condo- lence, condolement, grief, sorrow for the afflictions of another. Conducteur, kong-deuk-tur, sm. conductor, leader, guide, manager, overseer, director. Conductrice, kong-deuk-treess, sf. conduc- tress, manager, woman at the head of an establishment. Conduire, kong-deu-eer, va. 4 irr. to con- duct, lead, guide ; attend, accompany ; in- spect, direct, manage ; command, govern. Se conduire, suh-Jtong-deu-eer, vref. to con- duct, behave, guide one's self; be master of one's conduct (vide obs. 4). Conduis, kong-deu-e, pres. ind. of conduire, conduct. Conduisant, Jcong-deu-e-zang, pres. part, of conduire, conducting. Conduisis, kong-deu-e-zee, pret. def. of con- duire, conducted. Conduit, kong-deu-e, sm. conduit, canal, pipe, conveyance of waters (vide obs. 4). Conduit, -e, kong-deu-ee, -t, p. part, of co/i- duire, conducted. Conduite, kong-deti-eet, sf. conduct, man- agement, care, economy ; leading of troops, convoy ; behavior, life, good or bad. Condyle, kong-deel, sm. knuckle, joint, ar- ticulation, prominence of the fingers, knees, ankles, "Que. ko igke, sf. conch, shell, sea-shell ; spiral shell used by the Tritons ; cavity of the ear. Conqcerant, kovg-kai-ravg, sm. conqueror, victor, vanquisher. Conqcerant, -e, kong-kai-rang, -te, adj. victorious, conquering, superior in contest. Conquerant, kong-kai-rang, pres. part, of conqucrir, conquering. Conquerir, kong-kai-teer, va. 2 in-, to con- quer, vanquish, overcome, subdue, sur- mount, win, gain by conquest. Conqaterrai, kong-kair-rai, fut. of conqvi- rir, will conquer. Conqcerrais. Tamg-kair-ray, condit. of«m- querir, would conquer. ConQCKte, kong-kayte, sf. conquest, victory, subjection, acquisition, success. CONiiCiE!:!:, kong-kyair, pres. subj. of con- qudrir, may conquer. Conqatterent, kong-kyair, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. oiconqu Conquiers, kong-kyair, pres. ind. of conque- rir, conquer. m Conquis, kong^kee, p. part, and pret. def. of conquer ir, conquered. Consacrer, kongsah-krai, ,-,,. ] ,-. to conse- crate, devote; dedicate, sacrifice; employ, sanction ; ordain. Se cossacrer, Ruh-kovg-sali-krai, vref. to devote one's self, give one s self up wholly, perpetually. Consanguin, -E, kong-sang-gh ting, -yheen, a<1j. related by the father's side. Consanguinite, kong-sang-gue-ne-tai, sf. consanguinity, relation by blood on the father's side. Conscience, kong-syangsse, sf. conscience, knowledge of ourselves, real sentiment, pri- vate thoughts, scruple, difficulty. En* conscience, ang-kong-syangsse, ad. exp. indeed, in truth, upon one's word. Consci encieusement, koni/ - syang - syuhze - many, ad. conscientiously, honestly, truly. Consciexcietjx, -se, kong - mjang - syuhe, -syuhze, adj. conscientious, scrupulous, ex- actly just. Conscription, kong-skreep-syong, sf. con- scription, enrolling. Conscrit, kong-skre, sm. and adj. conscript, raw soldier; novice ; Roman senator ; regis- tered, drawn by ballot. Consecrateur, kong-sai-kra7i-tiir. sm. con- secrator, ordainer, priest who says mass. Consecration, kong-sai-kruh-sgong, sf. con- secration, sanctification, dedication to God, declaration of holiness. Consecctif, -YE, kong-sai-ku-tei if, -v. adj. consecutive, successive ; consequential, fol- lowing. Uonsecctivemext, kong-sai-ku-teev-mang, elsiv<" terruption. ad. consecutively, successively, without in- Conseil, kong-sai-yuh, sm. counsel, advice, direction, deliberation, prudence; secrecy; scheme ; design ; council, assembly, body of privy counsellors ; consultation." Conseiller, kong-sag-i/ai, sm. counsellor, adviser, judge ; member of a council; bosom friend, confidant. Conseiller, kong-sai-yai, va. Ir. to counsel, give advice or counsel ; advise, inform. Conseilliere, kong-say-yayre, sf. counsel- lor's wife ; adviser, confidant, bosom-friend. CONSEILLEUR, -SE, kong-sny-y u r. -yuhse.Smf. (familiarly) adviser, officious person, inter- meddler, busy-body. Consens, kong-sang, sm. accepted resigna- tion of a benefice ; consent. Consens, kong-sang, pres. ind. of consenlir, consent. CONSENTANT, -E, kong-sang-t'iug, -1", adj. consenting, willing, ready, complying, fa- vorable to. CONSENTANT, Icong-sang-tang, pres. part, of consenlir, consenting. CoNSENTEMENT, kimg-sangte-mang, sm. con- sent. agreement, approbation, acquiescence, compliance. CONSENTIR a, kong-sang-U'frnli. m. 2 irr. to consent, agree to ; adhere, acquiesce, comply with. Consentir, kong-sang-teer, va. \r. to author- ize, sanction, justify, adhere to. CoNSEQUEMMENT. kong-sai-kah-mang, ad. consequently, necessarily, by or in conse- quence, accordingly. CONSEQUENCE, kong-sai-kangsse, sf. conse- 121 cox CON quence, deduction, conclusion ; importance, moment. Consequent, kong-sai-kang, sm. consequent, consequence, effect, result, inference. Consequent, -e, kong-sai-kang, -te., ad. con- sequent, deductive, consistent, just, ra- tional. Conservateur, kong-sair-vah-tur, sm. con- servator, preserver, protector, defender ; keeper. Conservation, kong-sair-rah-syong , sf. con- servation, continuance, protection, preser- vation. Conservatoire, kongsair-vah-too-ahre, sm. conservatory, asylum ; school of music, painting, kc. Conservatoire, kongsair-vah-too-ahre, adj. conservatory, preservative, preventive. Consekvatrice, kong-sair-cah-treess, sm. preserver, protectress ; keeper. Conserve, Icong-sairve, sf. conserve, pre- serve, sweetmeat, comfit, comfiture. Conserves, lcong-sairve, sfp. glasses to assist or preserve the eyes. Conserve, -e, kong-sair-vai, -e, adj. sound, fresh, strong 1 , green, vigorous. Conserver, kong-sair-vai, va. 1 r. to con- serve, take care of, watch, keep, preserve, retain, defend, maintain. Se conserver, suh-kong-sair-vai, vref. to keep, take care of one's self; wear well, carry one's age well. Considerable, 7cong-se-da4-rdbl, adj. con- siderate, great, important, worthy of con- sideration, valuable, respectable. Considerablement, kong-se-dai-rah bluh- mang, ad. considerably, much, in a great degree. • Considerant, -E, 7iong-se-dai-rang, -te, adj. considerate, attentive, prudent, circum- spect. Consideration, 7cong-se-dai-rah-syong, sf. consideration, regard, thought, attention, reason, importance, note, influence. Considerations, kong-se-dai-rah-sj/ong, sfp. observations, reflections, ideas, views. Considerement, 7,-ong-se-dai-rai-mang, ad. considerately, with prudence, coolly, cau- tiously. Considered,, 7,ong-se-dai-rai, va. 1 r. to con- sider ; examine, ponder ; appreciate ; re- quite, reward ; esteem, value ; have a re- gard for. Consign AT aire, kong-seeng-yah-tayre, sm. trustee, depositary^ Consignation, kong-seeng-yah-sj/ong, sf. con- signation, consignment, deposit, trust. Consigne, kongseeng-yuh, sm. commissary, who registers the names of strangers coming into a fortified town. Consigne, Jcong-seeng-yuh, sf. order, watch- word ; trust, deposit. Consigner, kong-seeng-yai, va. 1 r. to con- sign, commit, intrust, deposit ; insert, give the watchword ; register. Consist an ce, kong-seess-tangsse, sf. consis- tence ; denseness ; coagulation ; content ; appendage ; appurtenance. Consistant, -e, kongseess-tang, -te, adj. con- sistent, consisting in ; firm, solid, ' fixed, compact. Consister a, en, or dans, 7;ong-seess-tai-ali. ang, or dang, vn. 1 r. to consist, be com- posed of, comprised, contained in. 122 CoNSlSTOIRE, long-seess-too-nhre, sm. consis- tory, assembly, of cardinals, ecclesiastical court. Consistorial, -E, -AUX, p. kong-seess-to-ryal, -rgoe, p. adj. consistorial, of an ecclesiasti- cal court. Consistorialement, knng - seess - to - ryal - mang, ad. in an ecclesiastical court, consis- torial form. Consolable, kong-so-hihl, adj. consolable, comfortable, susceptible of alleviation. Consolant, -e, kong-so-lang, -te, adj. con- solatory, giving comfort, relieving from suspense. Consolateur. -trice, kong-so-lah-tur, -treem, smf. consolator, comforter, consoler. Consolation, kongso-lahsyong, sf. consola- tion, comfort, solace, alleviation of misery. Console, hong-sol, sf. console, projection, bracket ; pier-table ; stand, tablet, sup- porter. Consoler, kong-so-lai, va, 1 r. to console, comfort, cheer ; relieve, mitigate, alleviate, solace. Se consoler, suh-kong-so-lai , vref. to com- fort one's self, forget one's grief, be more composed. Consolidant, -e, kong-so-le-dang, -te, adj. consolidant, adhesive, strengthening. Consolidation, Jcong-so-le-daJi-syong, sf. consolidation, reunion, solid mass, combi- nation of two bills ; interest added to the principal. Consolider, knng-sode-dai, va. 1 r. to con- solidate, harden, heal up ; combine two bills into one, add the interest to the capital. Se consolider, suh-hong-sode-dai, vref. to consolidate, grow firm, hard, solid ; reun';e. Consommateur, lcong-so-mah-tur, sm. con- sumer, accomplisher, fulfiller, perfecter. Consommation, 7;ong-so-ma7ts>/ong , sf. con- summation, consumption, completion, per- fection, end ; death ; sale, retail. Consomme, kungso-mai, sm. jelly, broth, rich soup. Consomme, -e, kong-so-mai, -c, adj. consum- mate, complete, perfect, accomplished. Consommer, kong-so-mai, va. 1 r. to con- summate, complete, perfect ; consume, boil to rags. Consomption, kong-songpe-syong, sf. con- sumption, waste ; gradual wasting of mus- cular flesh. Consonnance, kong-so-nangsse, sf. conso- nance, harmony, rhyme ; consistency, con- gruence ; concord, agreement. Consonnant, -E, kong-so-nang, -te, adj. con- sonant,- harmonious, consonous, agreeing in sound. Consonne, kong-sonn, sf. consonant, letter that cannot be sounded without a vowel. Consorts, leong-sor, smp. consorts, associ- ates, partners. Consoude, Jcoiig-sood, sf. comfrey (a plant). Conspirant, -E, lumgspe-rang, -te, adj. con- spirant, concurrent, conjoint, acting at the same time. Conspirateur, kong-spe-ra7i-iur, sm. con- spirator, plotter, conspirer. Conspiration, kong-spe-rah-syohg, sf. con- spiration, conspiracy, plot, conjuration. Conspirer, kong-spe-rai, va. an J n. 1 /•. to conspire, concert, plot ; agree together, tend to, contribute, concur. CON CON ITKK, long-speu-ai, va. 1 r. to spit in or upon, look upon one with contempt. Constable, kongsteM, am. peace-officer. CONSTAMMENT, kong-Stah -jikiii;/, ail. con- stantly, perpetually ; firmly, courageously; uniformly. Constance, kong-stangsse, sf. constancy. liness, perseverance, resolution, firm- - : consistency, lasting affection. Constant, -. , kxmgstang, -te, adj. constant, firm, let severing ; certain, invariable, reso- lute. Constater, kang-stah-fai, va. 1 r. to confirm, prove true, state past doubt. Constellation, fcong-stel-lah-syong, sf. con- stellation, cluster of fixed stars denominated by animals, Ac. Consteli.e, -t:. &ong-8tel-lai, -e, adj. bom, made, or clone under a certain constellation ; starlike ; bright ; illustrious. Coster, kong-stai, monop. v. 1 r. to be cer- tain, evident. Consternation, knng-Mair-nah-syong, sf. consternation, terror, dread ; astonishment, amazement. CONSTERNER, long-stair-nai, va. 1 r. to terri- fy, affright, dismay ; astonish, surprise, alarm, perplex. Constipation, kong-ste-pah-syong, sf. consti- pation, stoppage, obstruction. Constiper, kong-ste-pai, va. 1 r. to consti- pate, obstruct, make costive. CONSTITTJANT, knng-ste-te.t-ang, sm. constitu- ent ; constituter (vide obs. 4). Constituent, -e, kong-ste-teu-ang, -te, adj. constituent, elemental, essential ; appoint- ing. Constituer. kong-ste-teu-ai, va. 1 r. to consti- tute, appoint, depute; raise, establish, settle, assign, place (vide obs. 4). CONSTITUEK UNE PENSION, J.onff-sfr-tfn-rti- eun-pang-syong, v. to settle an annuity (vide ] obs. 4). Constitution", kong-ste-teu-si/ong.sf. constitu- 1 tion, statute, order, decree ; law ; annuity; i d ' ition; establishment; temper, com- 1 ] lexion. Constitution de rente, annuity. Rentier a constitution, annuitant. Constitution x aire, kong-ste-teu-si/o-nayre, sm. partisan of the bull Unigenitus. CONSTITUTIONN EL, -LE, kong-Ste it -■u-sj/n-iit-l, •I, adj. constitutional, consistent with the constitution ; radical, legal. kong-strcek-tur, sm. constrict- or, muscle that compresses or contracts. Constriction, kong-etreek-syong, sf. constric- tion, compression, contraction. Constringent, -e, kong-straing-hjang, -te, adj. constringent, binding, compressing. Construction, ltong-streidi-/n/ong, sf. con- struct;'!:, structure ; order, disposition; ex- planation, meaning (vide obs. 4). Constrctre, Kong stri u-eer, va. 4 in-, to con- struct, build, erect; form; construe, ex- plain. Construis, kong-streu-ee, pres. ind. of con- 're, construct. Cokstruisant, kongstreu-e-sang, pres. part. of'v. structing. Construisis, kong-streu-e-se, pret. def. of con- st* ■ I ructed. Const i:uit, -e, kong-streu-ee, -t, p. part, of ructed. CONSU BSTANTIALITE, kong-seub-stang-syah- le-tai, sf. consubstantiality, unity and iden- tity of substances (vide obs. 4). CONSUr.STANTIEI., -LB. loii;/-sntl>-.-t*)>. unwillingly, reluctantly, against one's will. Coxtre cocp. kmg-truk-koo, sm. repercus- sion, rebound ; consequence of an unlucky event. Coxtre-daxse, kong-truh-dangsse, sf. coun- ter-dance, light and sprightly dance. Coxtre-dater, koiig-iruh-dah-tai, ra. 1 r. to counterdate, put another date. Coxtredire, kong-truh-deer, ra. i irr. to contradict, contest, controvert, deny, op- pose verbally, be contrary to. Coxtredis, kong-truh-de, pres. ind. and pret. def. of conlredire, contradict, contradicted. Coxtredisaxt, kong (ruh-de-zang, pres. part. of conlredire, contradicting. CONTREDISANT, -e, kong-truh-de-zang, -te, adj. contradictious, contradicting, inclined to contradict. Coxtredit, kong-truh-de, sm. contradiction, contrary reply, denial, answer opposite to. Coxtredit (sans), sang-kong-truh-de, ad. exp. certainly, without objection, without reply. Coxtredit. -e, kong-truh-dee, -t, p. part, of conlredire, contradicted. Coxtredits, kong-truh-dee, smp. testimonies, proofs, evidences of the contrary. Coxtree, kong-traie, sf. country, tract of land, region. COXTREFAQOX. kong -truh -fall -song, sf. piratic copy of a book, . counter- fort, pillar or prop that supports a jutting wall. Contre-GARDE, kong-truh-ghard, tf. coun- terguard, small rampart with parapet and ditch ; officer of the mint. 125 cox CON Contre-jour, kongtruhljoor, sm. reflected light, contrary light. A coxtre-jour, ah - kong - Unit - hjoor, ad. exp. against the light, in a contrary point of view. Coxtre-lettre, kong-truh-lettr, sf. secret act of abrogation, writing containing a de- feasance. Coxtre-maitre, kong-truh-meytr, sm. mas- ter's mate ; overseer, foreman. Coktke-BANDEMEHT, kongtr-mangde-mang, sm. countermand, repeal of an order. Coxtre-maxder, kongtr-mang-dai, ra. 1 r. to countermand, repeal, reverse, contradict an order. Contre-marche, Jcongtr-marsh, sf. counter- march ; change of measures, alteration of conduct. Coxtre-marque, kongtr-mark, sf. counter- mark, additional mark on bales of goods ; check. Coxtre-mixe, kongtr-meen, sf. countermine; opposition ; stratagem to defeat a design. Coxtre-.mixer, kongtr-me-nai, va. 1 r. to countermine, counterwork ; defeat by se- cret measures. Coxtre-mixeur, kongtr-me-nur, sm. coun- terminer, secret opposer of measures. Contre-mot, kongtr-moh, sm. counter-watch word. Contre-mui:, kongtr-meur, sm. countermure, wall built up behind another wall. Contr'-ordre, kongtr - ordr, sm. counter- mand, repeal of an order. Contr'-OUVERTURE, kongtr-oo-vair-teur, sf. counter-opening, opening on the contrary side. Coxtre-partie, komgtr-par-tee, sf. counter- part ; second part (in music) ; opinion, par- ty, contrary system. CONTRE-PERCEit, Iconglr-pair-sai, va. 1 r. to pierce in a contrary direction. Coxtre-peser, kongtr -puh-zai, va. 1 r. to counterpoise, equiponderate, act with equal power. Coxtre-pied, Jcongtr-pyai, sm. counterpace, contrary measure ; contrary sense ; reverse, wrong scent. CONTRE-FOIDS, J:nngtr-poo-ah, sm. counter- poise, eqiiiponderauce, counterbalance; rope-dancer's pole. CONTRE-POIL, kongtr-poo-all, sm. wrong side or way. A co>"tre-poil, ah-kongtr-poo-att, ad. exp. against the grain, perversely, in the wrong sense. Coxtre-point, kongtr-pooaing, sm. counter- point, opposite point, harmony in music. Coxtre-poixter, kongtr -poo-wing -tax, va. 1 r. to quit ; countercheck ; thwart, oppose. CoXTRE-P01SON,7congtr-poo-ah-zong,sm. coun- ter-poison, antidote (vide obs. 6). Coxtre-rcse, kongtr -reuze, sf. cunning op- posed to cunning ; scheme against scheme (vide obs. 4). Contre-Saldt, konglr-sah-leu, sm. return of a salute. Coxtre-saxglox, kongtr -sang -glong, sm. leather strap fixed to the saddle to buckle the girt. Contre-scarpe, kongtr-scarp, sf. counter- scarp, side of the ditch next to the camp ; covert-way, glacis. Coxtre-SC'el. Iconntr-seU, sm. counter-seal. 12G Coxtre-sceller, Icongtr-say-lai, va. 1 r. to counter-sea). Coxtre-seixg, kongtr-saing, sm. counter- sign, frank, official signature. Coxtre-sexs, kongtr -sang, .<;/!, misconcep- tion, wrong sense or side, misconstruction. A coxtre-sens, ah-kongtr-sang, ad. exp. in a wrong sense or side, falsely, erroneously. Coxtre-sigxer, Jmngtr-neeng-yai, va. 1 r. to countersign, put an official sign or seal ; frank from postage. Coxtre-temps, kongtr -tang , sm. unforeseen event, mischance, disappointment, unsea- sonable time ; countertime. A coxtre-temps, ah-kongtr-tang, ad. exp. unseasonably, unluckily, at a wrong time. CONTEB-TIBER, kongtr-te-rai, va. 1 r. to coun- terdraw, copy a design with transparent and tracing paper. Contrev allatiox, kongtr-vaJi-lah sl/ong, sf. contravallation, fortification to hinder the sallies of the garrison. Coxtrevexaxt, kong-tnih-vvh-nang, pres. part, of con trevenir, contravening. Coxtrevexaxt, -E, kong-trult-r xli-/iang, -te, smf. and adj. contravener, infringer, op- poser, transgressor. OONTEEVENIR, kongtr-0u7l-neer, en. 2 irr. to contravene, oppose, infringe, transgress, violate. Coxtre-vent, kongtr -rang, sm. outside shut- ter. Coxtre-vexter, kongtr-vang-tai, vn. 1 r. to put outside shutters, strengthen a fence, Ac, with oblique prop;. Coxtrevexu, kong-tndi-ruh-ntu, p. part, of contreven ir, contravened. Ooxtre-verite, Aongtr-iai-re-tai, sf. irony, speech contrary to the meaning. Coxtreviexdrai, kongtr-vyaing-diai, fut. of contrevenir, will contravene. Coxtreviexdrais, kongtr-r yainy-drcy , con- dit. of contrevenir. Coxtreviexxe, kongtr-vytnn, pres. subj. of contrevenir. Coxtreviexxext, kongtr-vyenn, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind of contrevenir. Coxtreviexs, kongtr-vyaing, pres. ind. of contrevenir. Coxtrevixs, kongtr-vaing, pret. def. of «>h- trevenir. Coxtre-visite, kongtr-ve-zeeU, sf. second ex- amination, inquiry, search, guest. CoXTRIBUABLE, kongtre-beu-alil, adj. con- tributive, liable or able to pay taxes. Coxtribuer a, kong-tre-heu-ai-ah, in. 1 r. to contribute, bear a part ; assist, co-ope- rate, have a share in (vide obs. 4). Contribution, kong-tre-leu-syong, sf. con- tribution ; tax ; levy. Contrister, kong-treess-iai, va. 1 r. to con- tristate, sadden', make sorrowful, grieve. Contrit, -e, kong - tie, -ie, adj. contrite, worn with sorrnw, penitent, repentant. Contrition, kong-tre-syong, sf. contrition, repentance, penitence, sorrow for sin, Controle, kong-trole, sm. control ; con- troller's office or fees ; check, power ; criti- cism, censure. Controler, kong-troe-lai, va. 1 r. to con- trol, verify, register ; criticise, censure, find fault with. Controi.eur, kong-troe-Ucr, sm. controller, director, supervisor. CON CON Coxtr6leur, -se, Jeong-troe-lur. -luhze, smf. controller, carper, caviller, critic. CONTBOUTEB, komj-troo-vai, va. 1 r. to in- vent, misrepresent, falsify, intimate falsely. Coxtroverse, kong-tro-vairss, sf. contro- versy, debate, dispute. Coxtroverse, -e, long-trovair-sai, -e, adj. contested, disputed, controverted. Coxtkoveksiste, kong -tro -vair -seest, sm. controvertist, disputant. Coxtitmace, kong-teu-mass, sf. contumacy, contempt or disobedience of a judicial or- der. Contumace, kong tea-mass, smf. and adj. appellee disobeying a judicial order. ContumaCer, kong-teu-mah-sai, va. 1 r. to disobey an order of court ; outlaw, non- suit, cast for non-appearance (vide obs. 4). Coxtcs, -E, Jcong-teu, -ze, adj. contused, bruised. Contusion, kong-teu-zyong, sf. contusion, bruise, hurt (vide obs. 4). Coxvaixcaxt, -E, kong-va ing-kang, -te, adj. indisputable, undeniable, evident. CONVAINCRE, kong-vainkr, va. 4 irr. to con- vince, confute, satisfy, free from doubt ; convict. Se convaincre, suh-kong-raingkr, vref. to ascertain the truth, ifcc, to persuade one's self. Convaincs, kong-raing, pres. ind. of con- vaincre, convince. Convaincu, kong-raingkeu, p. part, of con- vaincre, convinced. Convainquant, kong-vaing-kang, pres. part, of convaincre, convincing. Convainqcts, kong-vaing-kee, pret. def. of convaincre, convinced. Convalescence, kong -rah- ley -sangsse, sf. convalescence, recovery. Convalescent, -e, kong-vah-leg-sang, -te, smf. and adj. convalescent, recovering fmm illness. ^ Convenable, kongve-nahl , adj. convenient, decent, expedieut, fit, suitable, proper. Convenablemext, Icongve-nah-bluh-mang, ad. conveniently, suitably, in a proper manner. CONVENANCE, kongve-nangsse, sf. conformi- ty, similitude ; reach ; decency, propriety, agreement, suitableness, liaisons de con- renance, plausible reasons. Convexaxt, kongve-nang, sm. covenant; Scottish confederation in 1580 and 1G3S. Convexaxt, -e, kongve-nang, -te, adj. be- coming, graceful, suitable, fit, proper, de- cent. Coxvex'AXT, kongve-nang, pres. part, of con- vener, suiting. Coxvexir, kongveneer, vn. 2 irr. to agree to, adhere, own ; suit, become, fit ; please. Coxvexir, kongve-neer, r. monop. to be proper, fit, expedient ; to suit, become. Se coxvexir, suh-kongre-neer, vref. to suit one another, agree together. Coxvexticule, kong-vang-te-kule, sm. con- venticle, assembly, meeting for worship, congregation. Convention, kong-vang-syong, sf. conven- tion, agreement, compact; union, coali- tion; assembly, marriage contract. Coxvextioxxel, -ut kong-vang-syo-nel, -I, adj. cunventionaljBBpulated, agreed on by contract. Conventioxxellement, kong-vang-syo-ncl- mang, ad. conventionally ; by contract or compact. Convextuel, -le, kongvang-teu-el, -I, adj. conventual, monastic, belonging to a coil- vent. Coxvextuellemext, kong-vamg-teu-el-mang, ail. conventually, in a convent, in society (vide obs. 4). Coxvexu, kongve-neu, p. part, of convenir, agreed. Convergent, -e, kong-vair-7ijang, -te, adj. convergent, tending to one point, meeting. Converger, kong-vair-hjai, vn. 1 r. to con- verge, tend to one point, meet. Conveus, -E, kong-vair, se, adj. (used with fi'ere or stair) servant of a convent, serv- ing brother or sister. Coxversatiox", kong-rair-sah-syoiig. sf. con- versation, familiar discourse, intercourse. Coxverser, kong-vair-sai, vn. 1 r. to con- verse, discourse familiarly ; study, medi- tate, be conversant with. Conversion, kong-Joair-syong, sf. conver- sion, transmutation, reformation ; change of religion. Converti, -e, kongvair-te, -e, senf. convert, convertite, proselyte. Convertible, kong-vair-teebl, adj. converti- ble, transmutable, changeable. Coxvertir, kong- vair -tier, va. 2 r. to con- vert, transmute ; reform ; appropriate ; proselytize. Se coxvertir, svlt-kong-vair-teer, vref. to convert, be converted, reform, turn into. Cox vertissement, kong - vair - teens - mang, sin. change, conversion, alteration. Coxvertisseur, kong-vair-le-sur, sm. con- verter, maker of converts or proselytes. Coxvexe, kong-vecks, adj. convex, rising in the external form of an orb. Coxvexite, kong-veck-se-tai, sf. convexity, protuberance, external form of an orb. Conviction, kong-veek-syong, sf. conviction, confutation, evidence, detection of guilt ; persuasion. Convie, kong-vyai, sm. guest, person invited to a repast. Convienbrai, kong-vyaing-drai, fut. of con- vener, will suit. Conviexdrais, kong-vyaing-drey , condit. of convener, would suit. Coxviexxe, kong-vyenn, pres. subj. of con- venir, may suit. Coxviexxext, kong-vyenn, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of convener, agree, suit. Coxviexs, kong-iyaing, pres. ind. of conve- ner, suit. Convins, kong-vaing, pret. def. of convenir. agreed. Convier, kong-vyai, va. 1 r. to invite, in- cite, engage ; entreat. Convive, kong - veec, sm. habitual guest, boarder. Convocation, kong-vo-kah-eyong, sf. convo- cation, assembly, meeting. Convoi, kong-voo-ali, sm. convoy; escort, guard from place to place ; funeral proces- sion. Coxvoitable, kong-voo-ah-tahl, adj. eoveta- ble, desirable, pleasing, delightful, eoncu- piscible for. Coxvoiter, kong-voo-ah-tai, va. 1 r. to covet, desire earnestly, inordinately. 127 COQ COE Convoiteux, -se, lcong-voo-ah-tuhe, -se, smf. and adj. covetous person, envier ; miser. Convoitise, Jcong-voo-ah-teeze, sf. covetous- ness, immoderate desire, cupidity ; ava- rice. Convoler a, kong -vo-lai- ah, m. 1 r. to marry again ; marry. CoNVOQUER, kong-vo-kai, va. 1 r. to con- voke, convocate, call together, summon to an assembly. Convoyer, kong-voo-ah-i/a i ', va. 1 r. to con- voy, escort, guard from place to place ; at- tend. Convulse, -e, kong-veul-sai, -e, adj. convul- sed, seized with convulsions. Convulsif, -ve, Jcong-veul-seef, -ve, adj. con- vulsive, spasmodic, giving twitches. Convulsion, kong-veul-syong, sf. convulsion; spasm, commotion (vide obs. 4). Con vulsionn aire, Icong-veid-ai/o-nayre, smf. and adj. person subject to convulsions, pro- ductive of fits. Cooblige, ko-o-ble-hjai, sm. co-obligee, joint obligee. Cooper ateur, -trice, ko-o-pai-rah-tur, -treess, smf. co-operator, fellow-worker, joint promoter of the same end. Cooperation, ko-opai-rah-syong, sf. co- operation, joint labor ; concurrence. Cooperer a, ko-o-pai-rai-ah, vn. 1 ?■. to co- operate, labor jointly, concur, tend to the same end. Copartageant, -e, Jco-par-fdk-Jijang, -te, smf. and adj. coparcener ; copartner, hav- ing a share. Copartager, ko-par-(ahhjai, va. 1 r. to share, divide, partake with others ; sepa- rate. Copeau, -x, ko-poe, -e, sin. chip, shaving. Copie, ko-pee, sf. copy, transcript ; manu- script ; original ; picture drawn from an- other. Copier, Ico-pyai, va. 1 r. to copy, transcribe ; imitate, mimic. Copieusement, ko - pyuhze - many, ad. co- piously, abundantly, in great quantity ; diffusely. Copieux, -se, kopyuhe, -ze, adj. copious, abundant ; diffuse. Copiste, ko-peest, sm. copier, transcriber ; plagiary, servile imitator ; mimic, prompt- er. Coproprietaire, ko-pro-pre-yai-tayre, smf. joint proprietor or owner, parcener. Copter, kop-fai, va. 1 r. to toll a bell, strike with one side of the clapper. Copulatif, -ve, ko-peu-lah-lcef, -v, adj. cop- ulative. Copulation, ko-peudah-syong, sf. copulation. Copule, ko-peull, sf. copula, union of the sub- ject and predicate of a proposition (vide obs. 4). Coq, kok, sm. cock ; male of some fowls ; weather-cock ; leader, head. Coq de bruyere, kok-dnh-breu-e-yayrc, sm. heath-cock (vide obs. -1). Coq de harais, kok-duh-mah-ray, sm. moor- fowl. Coq de bois, kok-duh-boo-ah, sm. pheasant. Coq d'Inde, ko-daingde, sm. turkey-cock. Coq a l'ane, kok-ahdahn, sm. cock and a bull story ; nonsense. Coque, kok. sf. shell, husk. (Euf a. lacoque, ithjf-ah-lah-kok, sm. egg In the shell. 128 Coquelicot, kok-le-ko, sm. small wild red poppy. CoqueluChe, kokdeush, sf. hcoping-cough ; hood ; favorite of the day. Coqueluchon, kokdeushong, sm. small hood, cowl (vide obs. 4). Coquemar, kok-mar, sm. kettle, boiler. Coquesigrue, kok-se-greue, .■./sea-fowl, sea- stork : pi. castles iu the air ; chimerical schemes, idle stories (vide obs. 4). Coquet, ho-kay, sm. cock-boat, small-boat. Coquet, -te, ko-kay, de, smf. and adj. fop. coquette ; gay, airy, fond of dress, affecting love. Coqueter, ko-kuh-tai, vn. 1 r. to coquet, pre- tend love, flirt. Coquetier, kok-tyai, sm. huckster, cadger, higgler, seller of eggs or fowls ; egg-cup. Coquetterie, ko-kayte-ree, sf. coquetry, gal- lantry, flirtation, affectation of .lore. Coquillage, ko-ke-yahje, sm. shells, shell- fish ; shell-work. Coquille, ko-kee-yuli, sf. shell, conch; mould; arch of a niche ; wrong letter. Coquille (sortir de sa), sor-teer-duh-sah-ko- kee-yuh, prov. v. 2irr. to be just out of one's shell, be very young. Coquille (rentrer dans sa), rang-trai- dang-sah-kn-kee-yuh, proc. v. 1 r. to get again ; be replaced in one's situation ; re- form ; keep within bounds. COQUILLES (VENDRE BIEN SES), Tangdv- byai ng-sey-kokee yuh, prov. v. 4 r. to sell at a very high price. Coquillier, ko-ke-yoi. sm. collection or box of shells ; place covered with shells. Coquilliere, ko-ke-yayre, sf. and adj. shelly stone or ground, shell-quarry. Coquin, ko-kaing, sm. thief, rogue, knave, rascal ; coward, wretch ; base, worthless person. ,UIK, -E, ko-kaing, -keen, adj. lazy, beg- arly, thievish, idle, infamous, dissolute, debauched. Coquine, ko-keen, sf. thief, prostitute, aban- doned woman ; (fam.) little rogue. Coquiner, kokenai, vn. 1 r. to beg, pilfer, thieve, lead an idle, indolent life. Coquinerie, kodceen-ree, sf. roguishness, knavery, villany, wicked tricks or dispo- sition. Cor, kor, sm. corn, hard excrescence ; horn. Cor de chasse, kor-duh-shass, sm. hunting- horn, French horn. A cors et a oris, ah-kor-zai-ah-kree, ad. cxp. with hue and cry. Corail, -raux, p. ko-rah-yuh, -roe, p. sm. coral, red and stony sea -plant of great hard- ness in and out of the water. Corbeau, -x, kor-bo, -e, sm. raven ; iron crow or lever; cramp-iron, grapple. Corbeille, kor-bay-i/uli, sf. light osier or wicker basket for bread or fruit ; corbel ; jewels. Corbeillee, kor-hayyaie, sf. contents of a basket. Cokbillard, kor-be-yar, sm. hearse ; un- wieldy carriage ; great barge. Coubili.on, kor-beyong, sm. small basket ; crambo (a game). Cordage, kor-dahje, sm. cordage, ropes ; cord. Corde, knrd, sf. cord^tring, rope ; halter, chord ; cable. COR COK Corde de drap, kord-duh-drah, sf. thread of cloth. Corde dk hots. kord-d uh-hoo-ah, sf. cord of wood, pile eight feet long, four high, and four broad. Corde a son arc, kord-nh -son-ark, prov. sf. resource, means, expedient, way. Corde (GROsSE), gros-kord, prov. sf. main point, chief cause, or reason. Corde. -e, farr-dai, -e, adj. corded, stringy, twisted, tortive, wreathed. Cordeac, -x, leor-dOf -e, sm. line, string, measuring cord Cordeler, kord-lai, va. 1 r. to twist, con- tort, twine, interweave. Cordf.i.ette, kord-lett, sf. small cord or line, string, twist. Cordelier, kor-duh-lyai, sm. Franciscan friar, cordelier. Cor deli ere, kor-duh-h/nyre, sf. Franciscan nun ; girdle, necklace ; knotted string ; serge. Cordelle, kor-dell, sf. small string ; (fig.) string, link. Corder, kor-dai. va. 1 r. to cord, make ropes, twist ; tie. bind with a rope ; measure wood. Se corder, suh-kor-dai, vref. to grow stringy, be easily twisted or entangled. Corderie, kord-ree, sf. rope manufactory, rope-making, rope-yard, rope-work. Cordial, kor-dyal, sm. cordial, strengthen- ing draught or potion. Cordial, -e, kor-dyal, -7, culj. cordial, com- forting, reviving, invigorating ; hearty; sin- cere. Cordialement, kor-dyal-mang, ad. cordial- ly, heartily, sincerely. Cordialite, kor-dyah-le-tai, sf. cordiality, heartiness, sincerity. Cordier or Cordik, kor-dyai, sm. cord, rope maker or seller. Cordon, kor-dang, sm. twist, string, twine, thread ; band ; row ; edge ; lace ; girdle. Cordon (grand), grang-kor-dong, sm. badge of honor, high dignity of some order, knight. Cordon-bleu, kor-dong-Uuha, sm. blue rib- bon, order of the Holy Ghost ; knight of the Holy Ghost. Cordon ner, kor-do-nai, va. 1 r. to twist, wreathe, entwine, edge. Cordonnerie, kor-donn-ree, sf. trade, busi- ness, shop of a shoemaker ; shoe or boot making or shop. CORDONNET, kor-do-nay, s7n. small cord, twist, lace, loop ; edging. Cordon nier, kor-do-nyai, sm. shoe or boot maker or seller. Cordonniere, ko-do-nyayre, sf. shoemaker's wife. Cordon-rouge, kor-dong-roohje, an. broad red ribbon of the order of St. Louis ; knight of St. Louis. CORIACE, ko-ryass, adj. coriaceous, leathery ; tough ; bard, avaricious, who pays badly or unwillingly. Coriandre, ko-re-yangdr, sf. coriander (a plant), aromatic si Corinthien. ko-raing-tj/a&ig, sm. and adj. Corinthian ; fourth of the five orders of I architecture. Co:: me, harm, sf. sorb, service-berry. Cormier, kor-myai, sm. sorb, service-tree. CORMiiK.vN, kor-mo'-raiig, sm. cormorant, bird ; that preys upon fish ; glutton, gormand. (6*) CoRNAC,/«or-;i«<7.-, .*/;/. ehphant-dri ver;g:oom that takes care of elephants. Cornaline, kor-ttah-lten, sf. cornelian (pre- cious stone). CORNS, komn, sf. horn ; hoof; feelers, an- tenna of insects ; point, angle, corner. Cornb d'abondance. km iih • d'ah - bang - dangsse, sf. horn of plenty, cornucopia, abundance. CORNS, -e, kor-nai, -e, adj. corny, hornv, hard like horn ; corned, pickled, preserved in salt. Cornee, kor-naic, sf. horny tunicle of the eye, cornea ; sort of jasper. Corneille, hor-iify-yuh, sf. crow, bird that feeds upon carrion. CoRNEMENT, korne-mang, sm. tingling noise in the ear. Cornemuse, korn-meuze, sf. bagpipe, instru- ment with pipes made of a hide inflated with wind. Corner, kor-nai, on. 1 r. to sound or blow the horn, speak in a trumpet to a deaf per- son, tingle. Cornet, kor-nay, sm. cornicle, small horn, ink-horn ; dice-box ; paper rolled in the form of a cone. Cornet a bouquin, kor-nay-tah-hoo-kaing, sm. bugle-horn, horn. CoRNET-ACOCSTiQCE,/.-or-Ha?/-fa7i-A-oo.«.«e-te<7,-, sm. trumpet to help the hearing, speaking- trumpet. Cornette, kor-nett, sf. cornet of a troop ; woman's morning-cap ; corn-flower ; crest or tuft of a bird. Corneur, kor-niH-, sm. herdsman ; news- hawker, guard of a coach, etc., post-boy ; noisy fellow. Corniche, kor-neesli, sf. cornice, ornamental projection on the top of a wall or column. Cornichon, kor-ne-shonu, sm. small cornice ; kid's horn ; small cucumber, gherkin. CoRNlERE, kor-nyayre, sf. gutter, water-pipe carrying the water from the roof of a house. Oornillas, kor-ne-yah, sm. young crow. Cornouille, kor-noo-yuh, sf. cornel, corne- lian cherry or berry. Cornociller, kor-noo-yai, sm. cornel-tree, cornelian-tree. Cornu, -e, kor-nen, -e, adj. horned ; angular ; protuberant ; false, bad, foolish, extrava- gant. Cornue, kor-neue, sf. cucurbite, chemical vessel, called body (vide obs. 4). Corollaire, ko-ro-'layre, sm. corollary, con- elusion, inference, consequence, demonstra- tion. Coronaire, ko-ro-nayre, adj. coronary, like a crown or wreath. Coronal, -e, ko ro-nal, -?, adj. coronal, of the top of the head. Coroner, ko-ro-miir, sm. coroner, English officer of justice who inquires into the cause of any violent death. Corporal, kor-po-ral, sm. corporal, square piece of linen on which are placed the chal- ice and host. Corporation, kor-po-rah-syova- , sf. corpora- tion, body politic, association, society. Corporel, -le, kor-po-rM, adj. corporal, cor- poreal, material, bodily, substantial. Corporellement, kor-po-rell-mang, ml. cor- porally, bodily, in a corporal manner. Corporifier, kor-po-re-fyai, va. 1 r. to im- 129 COE COE body, invest with matter, substantiate ; assemble. Se corporifier, suh-kor-po-re-fyai, vref. to imbody, coalesce, unite into one mass, co- agulate, concrete. CORPS, leor, sm. body ; being ; corpse ; mass, collection ; strength ; pandect ; society ; army ; regiment ; stem, original. 77 fait bon marche de son corps, he is free of. Vin qui a da corps, strong-bodied wine. Corps de jcpe, kor-duh-hjeup, sm. stays, bodice, ladies' waistcoat quilted with whalebone. Corps de logis, kor-duh-lo-hjee, sm. adjunct, wing, or side of a house. Corps de fer, kor-duh-fair, sm. steel back- board. Corps de u.kTAii,i,E,kor-duh-bah-lah-yuh, sm. main army. Corps de garde, kor-duh-ghard, sm. post, military station ; guard-house ; scouts, ad- vanced posts. Corps mort, kor-mor, sm. corpse, dead body, corse. Corps (UN drole de), ung-drole-duli-kor, sm. comical fellow, merry companion. Corps (pauvre), pocr-kor, sm. poor creature, simpleton, inactive man or woman. Corps (malin), iii'thdaing-kor, sm. cunning fellow ; arch blade. Corps a corps, kor-zali-kor, ad. exp. closely, from hand to fist, body to body. Corps perdu (a), ah-kor-pair-den, ad. cxp. headlong, fearlessly, eagerly, warmly; with zeal. Corps defendant (a. son), ali-snng-kor-dai- fang-dang, ad. exp. unwillingly, against one"s will. Corpulence, Jcor-pea-Iangsse, .«/". corpulence, size, bulkiness of body, fleshiness. Corpulent, -e, Jeor-peu-lang, -te, adj. corpu- lent, fleshy, bulky, of great size. CORPUSCULAIRE, kor-peuss-ku-layrc, adj. cor- puscular, comprising bodies, consisting of bodies. Corpuscule, kor-peuss-kide, sm. corpuscle, small body, atom, indivisible particle. Correct, -e, ko-reckt, adj. correct, exact, ac- curate, free from defects or faults. Correctement, ko-reckt-mang ,ad. correctly, exactly ; accurately, without faults. Cokrecteur, ko-reck-tur, sm. corrector, re- prover, rebuker, examiner, reviser. Correctif, ko-rerh-tp.r-ff, sm. corrective, as- suagement, mitigation. Correction, ko-reck-syong, sf. correction, punishment ; reprehension, admonition ; ac- curacy, exactness; revisal, amendment, reformation. Suit/ correction, with per- mission. Corregidor, Ico-rai-hje-dor, sm. corregidor, justice of the peace in .Spain. Correlatif, -ye, ko-rai-lah-teeff, -r, adj. correlative, having a reciprocal relation. Correlation, Ico-rai-lali-syong, sf. correla- tiveness, reciprocal relation. Correspondance, ko-r ess-pong -dangsse, sf. correspondence, relation ; intercourse, re- ciprocal intelligence, friendship. Correspondant, Ito-ress-pong-dang, sm. cor- respondent ; trustee. Correspondant, -e, l;o-r ess-pong -dang, -te, adj. correspondent, corresponsivc, answer- able, adapted, suitable. 130 Correspondre, Jco-ress-pnngd r, rn. 4 r. to correspond, answer, suit, agree, keep up a correspondence. Corridor, ko-re-dor, sm. corridor, gallery ; covert-way round a fortification. Corriger, ko-re-hjai, ra. 1 r. to correct; punish, reform, amend, improve, cut off, revise, rectify ; temper. Se corriger, suh-ko-re-hjai, vref. to amend, reform, grow better. Corrigible, ko-re-hjeebl, adj. corrigible, punishable, alterable. Corroboratif, -TE, ko-ro-ho-rdll-terff, -r, adj. corroborative, corroborant, strength- ening, invigorating. Corroborer, ko-io-bo-rai, ra. 1 r. to cor- roborate, strengthen, invigorate, make strong; establish, confirm. Corroder, koro-dai, ra. 1 r. to corrode, eat away by degrees, gnaw, waste, wear away gradually. Corroi, ko-roo-ah, sm. last dressing of a hide ; overlaying of clay in the inside of a pond to retain the water (vide obs. G). Corrompre, ko-rongpr, ra. 4 r. to corrupt, infect, spoil, vitiate, deprave, debauch ; bribe ; diminish, disturb. Se CORRO.mpre, snhko-rongpr, vref. to grow vicious, bad, or putrid ; putrefy, corrupt, become depraved. Corrompu, -e, J.'o-rong-peu, -e, adj. corrupt- ed, spoiled ; loose, depraved, dissolute. Corrosif, -TE, ko-ro-zeejf, -r, adj. corrosive, corrodent, gnawing, wasteful, destructive, wearing away by degrees. Corrosion, ko-ro-zyong, sf. corrosion, cor- rosiveness, acrimony, destruction. Corroy'er, ko-roo-ah-yai, ra. 1 r. to curry, dress leather ; plane ; join ; overlay : mix. Corroteur, ko-roo -ah-yur, sm. currier, leather-dresser. Corrupteur, -trice, ko-reiip-tttr, -treess, smf. corrupter, seducer, clebaucher (vide obs. 4). Corruptibility, ko-rciip-te-be-le-tai, sf. corruptibility, susceptibility of corruption. Corruptible, ko-reup-teebl, adj. corruptible, susceptible of corruption, that may be bribed. Corruptif, -te, Iw-reup-teeff, -r, adj. cor- ruptive, tainting, vitiating; bribing. Corruption, ko-revp-syong, sf. corruption ; depravation ; putrescence ; bribery • per- version of principles. Cors, korh, snip, antlers, horns, branches of stags, deer, • re -hangte, sm. corybante, priest ofCybele; Phrygian juggler. Cobthbe. ho-raingbe, sm. corymbus, cluster of berries ; compounded discous flower, such as tbe daisy or marigold. COBYMBIFERE, ko-raing-hc-fai/re, adj. co- rymbiferous, bearing fruit or berries in bnncbes. Coryphee, Jto-re-faie, sm. leader of the choir; (fig.) chief, head of a sect, party, «- teille sur le cole, to empty a bottle. Coucher en jour, to have one's eye upon one. * Frier Dieu a. son coucher, to say one's prayers at night. Coucher ex joue, koo-shai-ang-lijooe, va. 1 r. to level a gun, pistol, Ac, at one. Coccher, koo-shai, vn. 1 r. to lie down, sleep, repose ; pass the night at an inn. Se coucher, suh-ioo-shai, vref. to go to bed, stretch one's self; sit, fall below the hori- zon. Couchette, fooo-shett, sf. couch, small bed without tester and curtains ; sofa-bed. Couciikcr, -SB, loo-shur, -shiize, suit', couch- fellow, bed-fellow; (fig.) find-fault, cavil- ler, surly person. Couci COUCI, lioo-se-lcao-se (cosi cosi, from the Italian), ad. so so, indifferently, nearly so, thus. Coucou, 7,'OO-Jcoo, sm. cuckoo, bird of pas- sage ; strawberry -plant that blossoms but bears no berries. Col'de, loud, sui. elbow, joint of the arm be- low the shoulder ; any bend or angle. Coude (hausser le), ho-sai-luh-hnod, prov. exp. v. 1 r. to drink hard. Coudee, koo-daie, sf. elbow-room ; cubit or foot and a half; freedom from confinement. C0UDEES (TRANCHES), frany.-h-L-ori-daic, sfp. freedom, liberty, free-will, independence. Couder, koo-dai, va. 1 r. to bend, curve, crook, inflect in the form of an angle. Coudoyer, koo-doo-ah-yai, ra. 1 r. to elbow, push with the elbow ; push, drive. Coudraie, koo-draie, sf. plantation of hazel- trees. Coudre, koodr, sm. hazel, filbert tree. Coudre, koodr, va. 4 irr. to sew, stitch, work on with a needle ; unite, assemble, join. Coudrette, Tcoo-drett, sf. (poet.) hazel-grove, plantation of hazel-trees. Coddrier, koo-dre-yai, sm. wild hazel-nut- tree. Couexxe, koo-an. sf. sward, skin of bacon ; 132 whitish incrustation upon the blood in in- flammatory diseases. Couex.veux, -se, koo-ah-niihe, -ze, adj. cov- ered with a skin, sward, or an incrusta- tion. Coulage, koo-lohje, sm. gradual emission, dropping, wasting, waste of liquors, Ac. Coulammext, koo-lah-mang, ad. fluently; in an easy manner ; copiously. Coulant, koo-lang, sm. diamond-necklace ; precious stone ; jewel, movable ring, sli- der. COULANT, -e, koodang, -t, adj. fluent ; run- ning ; agreeable ; easy ; facile ; ready, co- pious, smooth, voluble. Coitle, koolni, sm. quick sliding-step (in dancing), slide ; first couch ; cast ; outlet of water. Coulee, knndaie, sf. running hand ; mouth of a furnace. Coulemen't, kool-mang, sm. dropping, emis- sion, waste running out of a fluid. Couler, lioo-lai, va. 1 r. to flow, strain ; cast, soak; slide, slip slyly; insinuate; insert, convey, add, slur, spend, pass. La rif/itc coule, the grapes drop off. Couler a fond, koo-lai-ah-fong, (pror. exp.) va. and n. 1 r. to sink, ruin, undo, destroy, be ruined, &c. Couler, koo lai, vn. 1 r. to leak, drop, slip, flow, circulate ; pass, run on ; glide ; sink. Secocleu, suh-koodai, vref. to enter, slip, sneak in, slide, creep, steal in by stealth and imperceptibly. Couleur, koolur, sf. color, tint ; complex- ion ; appearance, pretext ; ornament ; suit at cards. Couleurs, kooduhre, sfp. livery. Porter les couleurs, poi-taidey-kooduhre, r. 1 r. to be a footman. Les gens qui portent les cou- leurs, servants in livery. Couleuvre, koo-luhvr, sf. snake, (fig.) vex- ations, sorrows, mortifications, crosses ; disappointments. Couleuvres (avaler des), ah-vahlai-dey- kooduherr, (pror. exp.) v. 1 r. to swallow many bitter pills. Couleuvreau, -x, koodnli-vro, sm. young snake, young of a snake. Coulis, koo Ice, sm. gravy, jelly, essence of meat. Coulis (vext), rangdioodee, sm. ventiduct, wine coming through cracks, chinks, crev- ices, apertures, Ac. Coulisse, Jcoodeess, sf. groove, side scene, space between the scenes ; channel. Coulisse (princesse de), praing-sess-duh- koodeess, sf. actress. Couloir, koo-loo-ar, sm. milk-strainer, filter; passage, gallery ; vent. Couloire, koodoo-ahr (vide obs. G), sf. cul- lender, culinary instrument. Coulure, koodeur (vide obs. 4), sf. running; fusion ; mildew, blight. Coup, koo, sm. stroke, blow, percussion, bruise, wound ; load, aim, hit ; draught ; bout ; act ; shot ; peal, firing ; throw, move. Se hater de faire son coup, to hasten the execution of one's design. Coup de roiNG, kood poo-aing, sm. fisiieuff ; blow with the hand clenched. Donner des coups de jioing, to cuff. Coup de pied, kood-pyai, sm. kick, kick- ing. cou cou Co it n'otiL, koo-duh-yuh,sm. glance, snatch of sight ; point of view. Coup i>r. main, hood-maing, em, sudden and successful attack, timely assistance. Pren- dre une place il'un coup de main, to take a town without cannon. Corr i>i: DENT, kood-dang , sm. bite, mouth- ful ; home thrust. Colt d'oxgi.e, koo-dong-gl, sm. scratch, laceration with the nails. Coup he grace, hood -gi rhfute, sm. finishing stroke, death-blow, ruin of a person. Coup DE languk or BEC, hood-uxng-g or beclc, gm, slander, calumny, invective. Coit D'EPEE, koo-dai-paie, sm. thrust with a sword. Colt de Jarxac, kood-jar-nacb, sm. mortal blow given cowardly ; treacherous deed or action. Colt D'ETAT, koo-dautah, sm. piece of poli- cy, bold undertaking, violent measure. Colt de theatre, koo-duh-lai-ahtr, sm. striking effect, sudden change ; surprising event. Coup de maitre, kood - meytr, am. well planned and executed action, well-concert- ed scheme. Cocp d'essai, koo-day-say, sm. first attempt, trial; sketch; light or unfinished produc- tion. Colt de tete, kood-teyte, sm. giddy, rash action. Coup de Sa> _ g, kond-sang, sm. extravasation of the blood in the head. Coup de foudre, kood-foodr, sm. thunder- bolt ; unforeseen and unexpected event, stunning blow. Colt de fortune, kood-for-teun, sm. lucky and unexpected chance. Coup DU ciel, koo-deu-syell, sm. providen- tial, divine interposition (vide obs. -1). Colt de tonneee, koo-duli-to-nayre, sm. thunderclap, peal of thunder ; stunning blow. Colt de soleil, kood-so-lay-ynh, sm. sud- den sunbeam affecting or darting upon the head. Colt de vent, kood-vang, sm. gust of wind, souall. Colt de mer, kood-mair, sm. mountainous surge, great rolling wave. Colt de siflet, kood-se-flay, sm. whistle, whistling, signal. Colt de fouet, kood-foo-ay, sm. lash, lash- ing. Colt de baton, kood-liah-tong, sm. cudgel- ling, beating with a stick. Coup de pinceau, kood-paing-so, sm. stroke of the pencil. Coup de plume, kood-plrum, sm. dash of the pen ; erasement (vide obs. 4). Colt de ciiapeau, hood-»hah-pc\ sm. pull- ing down of the hat. salutation. Coup de partie, kood-par-tee, sm. winning throw, move, or stroke. Coup de lancette, kood-lang-sett, sm. prick of the lancet, bleeding, opening of a vein. Colt de filet, hood-fe-lay, sm. draught; complete sweep ; (fig.) great profit. Coup de fusil, kood-f'-u-zc, gun-shot. Coup d"ami, koo-dah-me, sm. friendly turn, timely assistance. Coup fourre, koo ■ /do - rai, sm. mutual thrust, secret overreach. Colt montk. koo-mong-tai, sm. result, final issue of a scheme, plot, &c. Coup perdu, hoo-pair-deu, sm. lost time, un- successful event, random shot, &C. Coup (MAUTAIS), mo-vey-koo, sm. wicked ac- tion, crime, misdeed. A COLT sOu, cth-koo-scur, ad. certainly, in- dubitably, without fail (vide obs. 4). Af::es colt, ah-prey-koo, ad. too late. Tout d'un colt, too-dung-koo, ad. all at once, immediately ; without Stopping. Tout a coup, toot-ah-koo, ad. suddenly, has- tily, on a sudden, unexpectedly. Pour le coup, poor-luh-koo, ad. now, for this time. Coup sur coup, koo-seur-koo, repeatedly, at every turn ; one after another. A TODS coups, ah-tooekooe, ad. very often ; on every occasion ; every time, &.C. Dv premier coup, deu pridi-myai-koo, ad. exp. at the first, at the onset. Encore UN coup, ang-kor-ung-koo, ad. exp. once more (vide obs. 1). Coltable, koo-pahl. smf. and adj. culprit, criminal ; culpable, guilty ; blamable. Coupaxt, -e, koo -pang, -(, adj. cutting, sharp, keen, edged. Coupaxt, koo pang. sm. edge, keenness, cut- ting part of a blade, tool, &c. Coupe, loop, sf. cut, cutting ; form, shape, fashion ; cup ; division ; dependence. Coupe, koo-pai, sm. coupee, step or motion in dancing. Coupe, -e, koo-pai, -e, adj. intersected, lying across, traverse, out ; mixed ; short ; un- connected ; divided. Coupe-gorge, koop-gorhje, sm. cut-throat place ; gaming-house ; any place of extor- tion. Coupe-jarret, koop-hjah-ray, sm. murder- er, assassin, cut-throat, ruffian. Coupelle, koo-pell, sf. coppel, test, instru- ment used to refine gold and silver. Coupe-paille, koop-pah-yuh, sm. straw-cut- ter ; machine to cut straw. Coupe-pate, koop-p'aht, sm. dough-knife. Colter, koo-pai, va. 1 r. to cut, separate, divide, carve, hew ; cross ; mix, geld ; ob- struct, stop ; interrupt, silence ; puzzle ; kill, murder. Couper chemin a quelqu'un, to stop one's way. Colter, koo-pai, vn. 1 r. to cut, make a coupee ; cut short, abridge. Se couper, suh-koo-pai, vref. to contradict one's self; cross one another; be separa- ted. Colter la parole, koo-pai-lah-pah-rol, v. 1 r. to interrupt, silence. Colter court, koo-pai-koor, v. 1 r. to cut short, abridge, epitomize, curtail ; put an end to. Couper du vix, &c, koo-pai-deu-vaing, (J-r., v. 1 r. to put water to wine, &c. Couper la racixe or pied a, koo-pai-lah- rah-seen or pyui-ah, v. 1 r. to root out, eradicate, prevent. Couper la tete, koopaidah-teyte, v. 1 r. to behead. Colter la bourse, koo-paidah-hoorse, v. 1 r. to rob, steal, thieve. Couperet, koop-ray, sm. cleaver ; hatchet. Colterose, koop-roze, sf. copperas, kind of vitriol ; cutaneous disease, pimples, blotches. 133 cou cou Coupeuose, -e, koop-ro-zai, e, adj. full of pimples, blotches, red pustules. Coupe-tkte, koop-leyte, sm. leap-frog, boys' play. CouPeur, -se, koo-pur, -puhze, smf. grape- cutter, vintager. Coupeur DE BOURSE, koo-pur -dull -boorse, sm. cut-purse, pickpocket, thief, robber. Couple, koopl, sm. couple ; pair, man and wife ; brace, two, male and female ; chain : sf couple, brace, two things. Coupler, hoo-plai, va. 1 r. to couple, chain together ; lodge two together. Couplet, koo - play. sm. couplet, stanza. Couplet satirique, koo play-sah-te-reek, sm. lampoon. Coupleter, koo-phth-tai, va. 1 r. to lam- poon, satirize, expose to derision. Coupoir, koo-poo-ar, sm. cutting or paring knife, sharp tool (vide obs. 6). Coupole, koo-pol. sf. cupola, dome, spherical summit of a building. Coupon, koo-pong, sm.. cutting, remnant, shred ; draught, check. Coupure, koo-peure, sf. cut, wound ; (fig.) contraction, abridgment, cutting off, re- trenchment (vide obs. 4). Cour, koor, sf. court, yard ; princely reti- nue, council, court of justice. Cour (basse), bass-koor; sf. poultry-yard. Cour (iiomme de), om-duhkoor, sm., cour- tier ; fawner, flatterer. Cour (ami de), ah-tnee-dith-Jcoor, sm. insin- cere friend, one who professes more than lie means to do. Courage, koo-rahje, sm. courage, bravery, fortitude ; soul, heart ; zeal, ardor ; intre- pidity, passion. Courage, koo-rahje, int. courage ! cheer up ! be of good cheer ! Courageusement, koo-rah-hjuhzc-mang, ad. courageously, bravely ; with firmness, pa- tience. Courageux, -se, koo-rah -hjuhe, -zc, adj. courageous, brave, intrepid ; persevering, patient. Couramment, koo-rah-mang, ad. fluently, readily, with facility ; rapidly. Courant, koo-rang, pres. part, of cowrir, running. Courant, koo-rang, sm. current, running stream, course ; way, custom ; progress. Tout courant, too-koo-rang, ad. exp. easily, without hesitation, readily. Courant, -e, Jam-rang, -t, adj. running; flowing; current. Cliien courant, a hound. Courante, koo-rangt, sf. courant, couranto ; nimble dance ; hasty news ; diarrhoea, short-hand writing. Courbatu, -E, koor-bah-tcu, -e, adj. founder- ed, sorely fatigued (vide obs. 4). Courbature, koor-bah-teur, sf. excessive fa- tigue, soreness of feet ; painful weariness (vide obs. 4). Course, koorb, sf. and adj. curve -, arch ; pair of horses dragging a boat ; gourdi- ness ; swelling on the legs of horses. Courbe, koorb, sf. crooked limber or piece of wood, rib of a ship ; curb. Courbe, -e, koor-bai, -e, adj. curvated, bent, bowed, arched, vaulted, crooked. Courber, koor-bai, va. 1 r. to curve, bend, crook, inflect, incline ; curb, check, re- strain. 134 Courber, koor-bai, vn. 1 r. to bend ; submit, yield to, comply, give way. Se courber, suh-koor-bai, vref. to give way, bend, bow, submit, comply with ; stoop. Courbette, koor-bctt, sf. curvet, leap, bound, frolic, prank ; cringe, servile civility. COURBETTES (FAIRE DES), faire-dey-konr-bett, prov. exp. v. 4 irr. to cringe, flatter, bow to, crouch. Courbetter, koor-bai-tai, vn.l r. to curvet, leap, bound, frisk. Courbure, koor-leitr, sf. curvature, inflec- tion, fold, plait, crookedness ; elongation. Courcaillet, koor-kahyay, sm. quail-pipe ; call of the quail-. Courcet, koor-say, sm. bill-hook, hatchet, pruning-knife. Couree, koo-raie, sf. tar, liquid mixture of pitch, tallow, sulphur, resin, •. to court; woo. Courtois, -E, koor-too-ah, -zc, adj. courteous, well-bred. Courtoisement, koor - too - alize - mang, ad. courteously, in a civil manner. Courtoisie, koor-too-ah-zee, sf. courtesy, civility. Couru, -e, koo-roo, -c, adj. fashionable, in vogue. P. part, of courir, run. Courus, koo-reu, pret. def. of courir, ran. Cousant, koo-zang, pres. part, of coudre, sewing. Couseuse, koo-zuhze, sf. sempstress, seam- stress. Cousin, koo-zaing, sm. gnat, midge. Cousin, -e, koo-zaing, -zeenn, smf. cousin, relation. Cousinage, koo-zc-nahje, sm. kindred, rela- tive. Cousiner, koo-ze-nai, va. 1 r. to call cousin ; claim kindred with the great ; sponge. Cousiniere, koo-zc-rtyayre, sf. burdensome relations ; gauze curtain against gnats. Cousis, koo-zee, pret. def. of coudre, sewed. Cousoir, koo-zoo-ar, sm. frame to stitch books. Coussin, koo-saing, em. cushion, soft pad. Coussinet, koo-se-nay , sm. small cushion or pad to carry burdens on the head, roller, fillet, bandage ; bag. Cousu, -E, koo-zeu, -e, adj. slender, hollow ; made of ; marked ; discreet. P. part, of coudre, sewed. Cousu, -e d'or, koo-zeu, -e dor, idi. exp. very rich, made of money. COUSU, -E DE BLESSURES, koo-zeu, -e-dult- blay-seure, idi. exp. covered with wounds. COUSU, -E DE PETITE VEROLE, koo-zcit, -e- duh-pieet-vai-rol, much marked with the small-pox. Cousde (douche), hoosh-koo-zeu (vide obs. 4), idi. exp. secrecy ; close lips ; mum ! CotfT, kooe, sm. cost, expense, charges. Couteau, -x, koo-to, -e, sm. knife ; dirk, dag- ger. Couteau DE Chasse, koo -to - dshasse, sm. hanger. Couteau a deux tranchants, sm. idi. exp. double-dealer, backbiter. Couteaux tires (a), alikoo-toe-te-rai, snip. idi. exp. at drawn daggers ; at variance, at enmity. Coutelas, koot-l'ah, sm. cutlass, broad cut- ting sword. Coutelier, koo-tuh-lyai, sm. cutler, hard- war em an. Couteliere, kootuh-lyayre, sf. sheath ; cut- ler's wife. Coutei.lerie, koo-tcll-ree, sf. cutlery, hard- ware. 133 CRA CRA Couter, kooe-tai, va. n. 1 r. to cost, be worth, stand in. JJ argent ve lui coiite quire, he knows not the value of money. Tout lui coiite, he acts against the grain. Couteux, -SE, kooe-tuhe, -ze, adj. costly, expensive. Coutier, koo-ty it, sm. tick weaver or seller. Coutit, koo-te, sm. tick, ticking, strong linen. Coutre, kooetr, sm. coulter, sharp iron of the plough. Ooutume, I.oo-teum, sf. custom, habit. Coutumier, -E, koo-teu-mi/ai, -re ivide obs. 4), adj. customary, usual, ordinary. Couture, koo-teur (vide obs. 4), if. seam ; scar ; suture. Couture, -e, koo-teu-rai, -e (vide obs. 4), adj. scarred. Couturieke, koo-teu-ryayre, sf. seamstress, mantua-maker ; sewer ; dress-maker. Couvaisox, Jcoo-vay-zong, sf. brood, brood- ing-time. Couvee, koo-vaie, sf. brood, covey, hatch ; progeny. Couve.nt, Jcoo-vang, sm. convent, monastery, nunnery. Couvee, Icoo-vai, va. 1 r. to brood ; devise; hatch, sit on eggs. Couvercle, koo-cairkl, sm. cover, lid. Couvert, koo-vair, sm. plate, knife, fork, and spoon ; laying of the cloth ; cover, shelter, refuge ; shade, envelope. Mettre son bien a couvert, to secure one's property. A couoert, under shelter. Couvert, -e, koo-vair, -t, adj. dressed ; hid- den, insidious ; dark. P. part, of coucrir, covered. Couverte, koo-vairt, sf. enamel ; covering. Couverture, koo-vair -tear, sf. blanket; rug; cover ; roof; wrapper. Couverturier, koo-vair-teu-ryai, sm. blan- ket weaver or seller (vide obs. 4). Couvet, koo-cay, sm. foot warming-pan. Couveuse, koo-cuhze, sf. brooding hen. Couvi, koo-ce, adj. and sm. addle ; unpro- lific. Couvkant, koo-vranff, pres. part, of coucrir, covering. Couvre, koovr, pres. ind. of coucrir, cover. COUVRE-CHEF, koovr-sheff, sm. cap, head- dress, head-band. Couvre-feu, koocr-fuhe, sm. fire-cover ; cur- few. Couvre-pieds, kooor-pyaie, em. small cov- erlet to cover the feet. Cocvreur, koo - vrttr, sm. slater, tiler, thatcher. Couvrir, koo-vreer, va. 2 irr. to cover ; con- ceal, hide ; shelter, defend. Une voix qui couvre les autres, a voice that drowns others. Se couvrir, suh-koo-vreer, vref. 2 irr. to lower; put on one's hat ; cover one's self ; acquire ; take advantage of. Se coucrir richement, to dress richly. Couvius, koo-vree, pret. def. of coucrir, cov- ered. Crabe, Itrah, sm. crab, sort of lobster, sign of the zodiac. Cracier, krah-byai, sm. crab-eater, small American heron. Crac, krak, sm. crack, sudden noise. Craciiat, krah-shah, vm. spittle. Craciie, -e, krah-shai, -e, adj. very like, re- sembling. 136 Crachement, krash-mang. sm. spitting. Cracher, krah-shay, va. 1 r. to spit ; eon- tribute. Cracheur, -se, krah-shur, -shuhze, smf. spitter. Crachoir, krah-shoo-ar (vide obs. 6), spit- ting-pan. CrachOtemen't, /.- rail -shot -mang, sm. fre- quent spitting. Cractioter, krah-sho-tai, vn. 1 r. to spit little and often. Craie, krey, sf. chalk, white fossil ; bole. Craignant, krai-vng-yang, pres. part, of craindre, fearing. Craig.nis, krai-ins, idi. v. 1 r. to press, urge, dis- tress. CROUPIOK, kroopyony, sm. rump. Croufir, hroo-peer, on. 2 r. to stagnate; wallow. Croupissaxt, -E, kroQ-pe-$an", dah-mahdpyong, idi. v. to outdo. Dameuet, dam-ray, sm. lady's man, spark. Damier, dah-myai, sm. draught-board. Damnable, dah-nabL adj. damnable. Damxablemext, dah - tiak -bluh- man rj, ad. damnably. Damxatio.v, dali-nah-syong, sf. damnation. Damxer, dah-nai, va. 1 r. to damn. Damoiseac, -x, dah • moo - uh - zo, -e, sm. young spark. Damoiselle, dah-moo-ah-zell, sf. damsel. Daxdix, dang -daing, sm. ninny. Daxdixemext, dang-deennjiuuuj, sm. fool- ish talk. Daxdix er, dang-de-nai, vn, 1 r. to speak foolishly. Se daxdixer, suh-dang-de-nai, vref. to see- saw. Da.vger, dang-hjai, sm. danger, risk, peril. Daxgkuei'sement, danghje - ruhze-mang, ad. dangerously. Dangereux, -se, danghje-ruhe, -ze, adj. dangerous. Daxs, dang, pre}}, in, into ; with, within. Daxse, dangsse, sf. dance. Dansek, dang-sai, va. and n. 1 r. to dance. Daxsedr, -se, dang-sur, -suhze, smf. dan- cer. Daud, dar, sm. dart. Dakder, dar-dai, va. 1 r. to dart ; fling., dar-dwr, sm. Singer. Dariole, dah-ryol, sf. custard. Darxe, darxni, sf. slice of fish. D.YKSE, dnrssr, sf. wet- luck. Dartre, dartr, sf. ringworm, tetter. Data ike, dah-tayre, sm. chancellor of the pope. Date, dat, sf. date, epoch, day of the month or year. Dater, dah-lai, va. 1 r. to date, note the time. DaTEK DE LOIX, dah-tai-duh-'oo-ui ..■;, i, v)i. 1 r. to die. Decelement, dai-sail-mang, em. discovery. Deceler, dai-suh-lai, va. 1 r. to discover, disclose. Decembre, dai-sanjhr, sm. December. Decemment, dai-eah-mang, ad. decently. Decemvir, dai-sem-veer , sm. decemvir, one of the ten magistrates of ancient Rome. Decemvieat, dai-sem-ve-rali, sm. decenivi- rate. Decence, dai-sangsse, sf. decency. Decennal, -e, dai-sen-naL, d, adj. decen- nial. Decent, -e, dai-sang, -t, 'adj. decent, be- coming. Deception, dai-sep-syong, sf. deceit, fraud. Decerner, dai-sair-nai, va. 1 r. to award. Deces, daisey, sm. decease, death. Decevant, -e, dai-suh-vang, -t, udj. deceitful. Decevoir, dai-suh-voo-ar, va. 3 r. to de- ceive. Dechainement, dai-sheyne-mang, em. in- vective. Dechainer, dai - shey - nai, va. 1 r. to un- chain ; spur on, excite. Se dechainer, suh-dui-shey-nai, vref. to break loose, rail, inveigh against. Decharge, dai-sliarhje, sf. discharge ; ac- quitment. La sentinelle fit sa decharge, the sentinel fired his piece. Dechargement, dai-sharhje-mang, sm. un- loading. Decharger, dai-shar-hjai, va. 1 r. to dis- charge ; unload. Se decharger, suh-dai-sliar-hjai, vref. to run into ; unload one's self; clear up. Decbargecr, dai-shar-hjur, sm. wharfinger. Decharmer, dai-shar-mai, va. 1 r. to dis- enchant. Decharne, -e, dai-sliar-nai, -e, adj. ema- ciated. Decharne (style), steel-dai-shar-nai, sm. dry style. Decharner, dai-shar-nai, va. 1 r. to cut off the flesh from the bones ; reduce the flesh. Dechaussement, dai-shosse-mang, sm. ex- cavation round the foot of trees and teeth. Dechausser, daishoe-sai, va. 1 r. to air the root of trees ; open the gums, bare the legs and feet. Se dechausser. suh-dai-.ihoc-sai, vref. to pull off one's shoes. Dechaussoir, dai - shoe - soo ■ ar, sm. tooth lancet (vide obs. 6). Decheance, dai-shai-angsse, sf. forfeiture. Dechet, dai-shay, sm. diminution, waste. Deciieveler, dai-shev-lai, va. 1 r. to ruffle the hair. Dechiffrable, dai-she-frabl, adj. explica- ble. Dechjffrement, dai-she-fruh-mang, sm. ex- planation. Dechiffrer, dai-she-frai, va. 1 )-. to de- cipher. Dechiffreur, dai-she-frur, sm. decipherer. Dechiqueter, dai-sheek-tai, va. 1 r. to slice ; pink. DechiqueteuR, dai-sheek-tur, sm. pinker. Dechirage, dai- she-rahje, sm. tearing; breaking up of boats, " a NT, dai - hjoo - ah - ing - yang, pres. part, of dejoindre, disjoining. Pejoignls, dai-hjoo-uh-iug-ye, pret. def. of dejoindre, disjoined. Pejoindue, dai-hjoo-aindre, va. 4irr. to dis- join. Dejoins, dai-hjoo-aing, pres. ind. of dejoin- dre, disjoin. Dejoint, -e, dai-hjoo-aing, -t. p. part, of de- joindre, disjoined. Dejcciier, dai-hjeu-sliai, va. n. 1 r. to drive away from the roost ; rise, come down. Pe la, duk-lah, ad. thence ; for that reason. Pe la (de gl et), duh-sah-ai-duh-lah, ad. exp. up and down, here and there. De la (au), o-duh-lah, prep, beyond, on the other side. Delaerement, dai-lah-bruh-mang, sm. ruin, decay. Pelabrer, dai-lah-brai, va. 1 r. to tear, rend; disorder. Se delabrer, suh-dai-Iah-lrai, vref. to go to ruin. Pelacer, dailah-sai, va. I r. to unlace ; un- tie. Pelai, dai-lay, sm. delay, deferring, stay, stop. Delaissement, dai-less-mang , sm. forlorn- ness. Delaisser, dai-lay-sai, va. 1 r. to forsake, abandon. Delassement, dai-lass-mang, sm. relaxation; rest. Pelasseu, dai-lah-sai, va. 1 r. to relax ; re- fresh. Se delasser, snh-dai-lah-sai, vref. to rest, divert one's self. Pelateur, dai-lah-tur, sm. delator, informer. Delation, dai-lah-syong, sf. accusation, im- peachment. Delatter, duilah-tai, va. 1 r. to unlath. Delave, -e, dai-luh-vai, -e, adj. faded, faint in color. Delayant, -e, dailay-yang, -r, smf. imdadj. diluter, diluent, attenuant. Delayer, day-lay-yui, va. 1 r. to dilute, make thin. Delectable, dai-ltck-tabl, adj. pleasing, de- lightful. Delectation', dai-leclc-tah-syang, ef. pleasure. Delecter, dai-leclc-tai, va. 1 r. to delight, re- joice, please. Se delecter, suh-dai-leck-tai, vref. to de- light in. Delegation, dai-lai-ghah-syong , sf. commis- sion. Delegatoire, dai-hii-ghah too-ar, sf. dele- gatory ; transferable.' Delegue, dai-lai-yai, sm. delegate, deputy. 147 DEM DEM Deleguer, dai-lai-gai, va. 1 r. to depute, appoint. Delestage, daidessdahje, sm. taking out of the ballast. Delester, daidessdai, va. 1 r. to take out the ballast. Delesteur, dai-less-tur, sm. taker out of the ballast. Deliberant, -e, daide-bai-rang, -t, adj. wa- vering, hesitating. Deliberatif, -ve, daide-bai-rahdeef, -v. adj. deliberative. Deliberation, daide-bai-rah-syong, sf. con- sultation. Delibere, -e. daide-bai-rai, -e, adj. easy ; resolute. Une chose dMiMree, a thing re- solved on. De propos delibere, on purpose. Deliberement, daide-bai-rai-mang, ad. ad- visedly. Deliberer, daide-bai-rai, vn. 1 r. to delib- erate. Delicat, -e, daidekah, -t, adj. delicate; nice. Delicatement, dai-lc-kat-mang, ad. deli- cately. Delicater, daide-kah-tai, va. 1 r. to fondle; pamper. Delicatesse, dai-le-kahdess, sf. delicacj' ; scruple. Delice, daideess, sm. sing. ; Deuces, s/p. delights. Deliciecsement, dai-le-syuhze-mang, ad. deliciously. Delicieux, -SE, daide-syidie, -ze, adj. deli- cious, sweet. Delicoter (se), snh-dai-lekodai, vref. \r. to shake off its halter. Delie, daidyai, sm. hair-stroke, fine stroke. Delie, -e, daidyai, adj. fine, thin, slender; subtle. La lamjue deliee, facility of ex- pression. Delier, daidyai, va. 1 r. to untie, nncord, release. Delineation, dai-lenai-ah-syong, sf. first draught. Delink cant, -e, daidaing-kang, d, sm/. •offender. Delire, daideer, sm. delirium, alienation of mind. Delirer, daide-rai, vn. 1 r. to be light- headed, dote. Delit, dai-le, sm. crime, offence, fault. Pris en flagrant delit, taken in the act. Delivrance, daide-vrangsse, sf. delivery ; release ; deliverance ; rescue. Delivrer, dai-le-vrai, va. 1 r. to deliver; free. Delogement, daidohje-mang, sm. change of lodgings ; decampment. Deloger, daidodijai, va. 1 r. to dislodge, drive away. Deloger, daidodijai, vn. 1 r. to remove, go away. Deloger sans trompette, daidodijai-sang- trong-pet, idi. exp. v. 1 r. to march off with- out beat of drum. Deloyal, -e. daidoo-a7i-yal, d, adj. disloyal. Deloyalement, daidoo-ah-yal-inang, ad. disloyally, unfaithfully (vide obs. 6). Deloyaute, daidoo-ah-yo-tai, sf. disloyalty ; perfidy. Deluge, dai-leuhje, sm. deluge, flood. Deleter, dai-leudai, va. \r. to unlute. Demagogue, dai-mah-gog, sm. ringleader. Demaigrir, dai-may-greer, vn. 2 r. to grow * fatter. 148 Demaillotter, dai-niah-yO'tai, va. 1 r. to unswathe. Demain, duh-maing, ad. to-morrow. Demancher, dai-mang-shai, va. 1 r. to take off the handle. Se demancher, sidi-dai-mang-shai, vref. to be unhinged ; take a bad turn. Demande, duh-mangde, sf. demand; question. Demander, duh-mang-dai, va. 1 r. to ask, entreat, beg ; interrogate ; claim ; want ; require. Demandeur, -se, duli-mang-dur, -duhze, smf. petitioner, asker ; dun. Demandeur, -deresse, didi - mang - dur, -dress, smf. demandant, plaintiff. Demangeaison, dai-mangdijai -zoug. sf. itch- ing. Demanger, dai-manghjai, vn. 1 r. to itch. DemaN'TELEMENT, dai-mang teil-uiang, sm. dismantling, pulling down. Demanteler, dai-mangtedai, va. 1 r. to pull down. Demantibuler, dai-mang-te-beudai, va. to break, put out of order. Demarche, dai-marsh, sf. step ; gait ; at- tempt. Faire les premieres demarches, to make advances. Demarier, dai-mali-ryai, va. 1 r. to divorce, disunite. Demarquer, dai-mar-kai, va. 1 r. to take off the mark. Demarrer, dai-maTi-rai, va. \r. to unmoor. Demasquer, dai-mas-kai, va. 1 r. to unmask, show. Se demasquer, suh dai-mas-kai, vref. to pull off the mask. Demastiquer, dai-mas-te-kai, va. 1 r. to uu- cement. Demater, dai-mah-tai, va. 1 r. to take down the mast. Demele, dai-meydai, sm. strife, quarrel. Demeler, dai-meydai, va. 1 r. to separate, perceive ; unravel ; elucidate ; quarrel. De- meler tin differend, to decide a difference. Se demeler de, suh-dai-mey-lai, vref. to ex- tricate one's self. Demeloir, dai-meydoo-ar, sm. large-toothed comb. Demembrement, dai-mang -bruh-mang, sm. dismembering ; division ; partition. Demembrer, dai-mang-brai, ca. 1 r. to dis- member ; separate ; divide. Demenagement, dai-mai-nahje-mang, sm. change of house ; removal of goods. Demenager, dai-mai-nah-hjai, va.n. 1 r. to remove, transfer goods. Demence, dai-mangsse, sf. madness, loss of reason. Etre en demence, to be deranged. Demener (se), suJi-dai-muh-nai, vref. 1 r. to bustle, make a stir, stir about. Demens, dai-mang, pres. ind. of dementir, contradict. Dementant, dai-mang -tang, pres. part, of de- mentir, contradicting. Dementi, dai-manq-te, sm. lie, contradiction; balk. Dementir, dai-mangdeer, va. 2 irr. to give the lie, contradict ; speak or act contrary to. Se dementir, suh-dai-mangteer, vref. to be- lie one's self, be inconsistent. Vn liomme qui ne se dement point, a man of uniform consistency. Demerite, dai-mai-reet, sm. demerit; blame. Demeriter, dai-mai-re-tai, vn. 1 r. to lose DEM DEN the esteem, friendship, good-will, Sec. ; do amiss. D&MESURE, -v.. dai-muh-zeu-rai, -e, adj. un- bounded; excessive; huge. DlMESUREMENT, dai-muh-zvu-rai-mang, ad. excessively, without bounds. Demets, dai-mey, pres. ind. of demettre, dis- place. Dkmettant, dai-mey -twig, pres. part, of di- nt tin , dismissing. Demettre, dai-mettr, va. 4 irr. to dismiss ; displace. Se demettre, suh-dai-mcttr, vref. to resign ; dislocate one's limbs. Pemel'bleme.nt, dai-muhbJ-mnng, sm. mov- ing of furniture, unfurnishing. Demeubler, dai-muh-blui, va. 1 r. to un- furnish. Demeurant, duh-muli-rang, sm. remainder. Demetrant.-e, diih-muh-rang.-t, adj. living. Pemeure, duh-mithie, sf. dwelling, house. DEMEURER, duh-muh-rai, vn. 1 r. to dwell; live ; stay. Demi, ttuh-me, ad. almost, half. A demi, ali-duk-me, ad. exp. by halves ; im- perfectly. Demi, -e, duh-me, -e, adj. (indeclinable be- fore a noun, declinable after it), half, semi. Demi-doczaine, diih-me-doo-zain, sf. half a dozen. Demie, duh-mce, sf. half an hour. Demi-luxe, duh-meeleiiii, sf. half-moon. Demi-metal, duh-me-mai-tal, sm. semi-metal. Demi-once, duh-me-ongsse, if. half an ounce. De.uis, dai-mee, p. part, anil pret. def. of di- mettre, put out of joint, displaced. Demi-savant, duk-me-sah-vang, sm. smat- terer. De.mi-savoik, duh-me-sah-voo-ar, sm. super- ficial knowledge. Df.mi-secret, duh-me-suh-kray, sm. half- known secret. Demi-setier, duhme-suh-tyai, sm. half a pint. Demi-solde, duh-me-snJd, .*/'. half-pay. Demi-soupir, duh-me -soo -peer, sm. pause equal to a quaver. Demission, dai-me-syong, sf. resignation. Demi-teixte, dttlt-ute-taiiiate, sf. neutral tint. Demi-to.v, duh-me-tong, sin. semitone. Democrate, dai-mo-icrat, sm. democrat. Democracie, dai-mo-krah-see, sf. popular government. Democratique, daimo-krah-teek, adj. pop- ular. Demoiselle, duh-moo-ah-zdl, if. lady ; miss ; unmarried lady ; rammer. Demolir, daiino-leer, va. 2 r. to demolish, pull down. Demolition, dai-mo-le-syong, sf. destruction, rubbish. Demon, dai-mong, sm. demon, evil spirit. Demoniaque, dai-mo-nyack, adj. devilish ; bad. Demonstrated^, dai-mongssetrah-tur, sm. demonstrator, elucidator. Demonstrate, -ve, dai-mongsse-lrah-tteff, -», adj. demonstrative, conclusive. Demonstration, dni-mongsse-trah-syong, sf. demonstration ; proof, mark. Demonstrativement, dai-mongsse-trah-teev- lnnnrj, ad. clearly, evidently. Demonter, dai-mong-tai, va. lr. to dismount, unhorse ; take to pieces ; confuse. Demontrer, dai-mong-trai, va. 1 r. to de- monstrate. Demoraliser, dai-mo-rah-lc-zai, va. 1 r. to corrupt. Demokdre de, dai-mordr, vn. 4 r. to let go; recede. Demouvoir, daimoo-voo-ar (used in the in- finitive only), va. 3 irr. to indemnify for the giving up of a pretension. Demunir, dai-meu-neer, va. 2 r. to unpro- vide. Demurer, dai-meu-rai, va. 1 r. to take down a wall. Denantir (se), suh-dai-nang-teer, vref. 2 r. to give up. Denatter, dai-nah-tai, va. 1 r. to untwist, undo. Denature, -e, dai-nahteu-i-ai, -e, adj. un- natural. Denatuker, dai-nah-teu-rai, va. 1 r. to al- ter, change. Denegation, dai-nai-ghah-nyong, sf. denial. Deni, dai-ne, sm. denial, refusal. De.viaise, -e, dai-nyey-zai, -e, smf. knowing man, woman. Deniaisement, dai-nyeyze-mang , sm. bought wit. Deniaiser, dai-nyey-zai, va. 1 r. to cheat, trick ; sharpen. Se deniaiser, suh-dai-nyey-zai, vref. to grow witty, smart. Deniaiseur, dai-nyey-zur, sm. cheat, shar- per, guller. Denicher, daine-sliai, va. 1 r. to unnestle, dislodge, turn out. Denichetc, dai-neshai, vn. 1 r. to march, brush off. Denicheur, dai-ne-shur, sm.rouser; bum- bailiff. Denioheur de merles, dai -ne-shur -duh- mayrle, idi. exp. sm. sharper, swindler, guller. Denier, dai-nyai, va. 1 r. to deny, disown ; disregard. Denier, duh-nyai, sm. denier, farthing ; in- terest. Denier a Dieu, duh-nyai-ah-dyuhe, idi. exffr sm. earnest-penny. Denier de poids, duh-nyai-duh-poo-ah, sm. pennyweight. Denier vingt, duh-nyai-vaing, sm. five per cent. Denier TmGT-Ci"Sler, dai-pnr-lai, va. 1 r. (always pre- ceded by ne, and followed by pas), to speak continually. Depars, dai-par, pres. ind. of tdeparlir, di- vide. Depart, dai-par, sm. departure; ds-part. Departager, dai-par-tah-hjai, va. 1 r. to give the casting vote. Departant, dai-par-tang, pres. part, of de- partir, dividing. Departement, dai-part-mang, sm. depart- ment. Departir, dai-par-teer, va. 2 irr. to divide ; allot. Se departir de, suh-dai-par-teer, vref to give up ; desist. luJ Depasser, daipah-sai, va. 1 r. to exceed; unthread ; outdo ; overshoot ; overstep. Depaver, dai-pah-vai, va. 1 r. to unpave. Depatser, dai-pay-e-zai, va. lr. to send abroad ; mislead. Depecement, dai-pess-maiig, sm. cutting up. Depecer, dai-puh-sai, va. lr. to carve, slice; cut up. Depkche, dai-peyshe, sf. dispatch. Depecher, dai-pey-shai,vu. lr. to dispatch ; kill. Se depecher, suh-dai-pey-shai, vref. to make haste. Depeignant, dai-pai-ing-yang, pres. part. of depeindre, describing. Depeignis, daipai-ingye, pret. def. of de- peindre, described. Depeindre, dai-paingdr, va. 1 irr. to de- scribe, express. Depeins, dai-paing, pres. ind. of dt'pcindre, describe. Depeint, -e, dai-paing, -t, p. part, of depein- dre, described. Depenaille, -e, daip-nali-yai, -e, adj. cover- ed with tatters. Dependamment, dai-pang-dah-mang, ad. dependently, with dependence. Dependance, dai-paiig-dangsse, sf. depen- dence. Dependant, -e, dai-pang-dang, -t, smf. and adj. dependant ; dependent, subject. Dependre, dai-pangdr, va. 4 r. to take down. Dependre de, dai-pangdr, vn. 4 r. to depend; result ; proceed ; be in one's power. Depens, dai -panghe, smp. costs, expense, charge. Defense, dai-pangsse, sf. expense ; pantry. Depenser, dai-pang-sai, va. 1 r. to spend ; buy ; waste. Depensier, -e, dai-panq syai, -re, smf. and adj. spendthrift, prodigal ; extravagant. Deperdition, dai-pair-de-syong, sf. destruc- tion, loss. Deperir, dai-pai-reer, vn. 2 r. to waste, decay. Depeiussement, dai - pai ■ reess -manff, sm. decay. Depersuader, dai-pair-seu-ah-dai, va. 1 r. to undeceive. Depetrer, dai-pey -trai, to disen- tangle, deliver. Se depetrer, suh-dai-pey-trai, vref. to get rid of. Depeuplement, dai-puhpl-mang , sm. depop- ulation. Depeupler, dai-puh-plai, va. 1 r. to depop- ulate ; kill. Depiecer, dai-pyai-sai, va. 1 r. to pull to pieces, dismember. Depilatif, -ve, dai-pedah-teeff, -v, adj. de- pilatory. Depilation, dai-j>e-lah-syong, sf. abrasion of the hair. Depilatoire, dai-pe-lah-too-ar, adj. depila- tory. Depiler, dai-pedai, va. 1 r. to take off the hair. Depiquer, daipe-kai, va. 1 r. to reconcile ; make up. Se depiqcer, suh-dai-pc-kai, vref to be rec- onciled. Depit, dai-pe, sm. spite, vexation; pet; anjrer. Avoir da depit, to be angry. Crever de depit, to be ready to burst with vexation. DEP DEP K.v depit de, ang-dai-pe-duh,prep. in spite of. Depiter, dai-pe-tai, va. 1 r. to mutiny; spite. Se depiter, suh-dai-pe-tai, vref. to take the pet ; fret. Deplacement, dai-plass-mang, sm. dis- placing. Deplacer, dai-plah-sai, va. 1 r. to displace, remove. Dkpi.aire a, dai-playre-ah, pb. 4 iVr. to dis- plcase, olfend. JVe vous deplaise, by your favor. S.: deplaire, nuh-dai-playre, vref. to be a burden to one's self, grow weary of; dislike. Depi.aisance, dai-plai-zangsse, sf. dislike; reluctance. Deplais, dai -play, pres. ind. of deplaire, displease. Deplaisant, dai-plai-zanff, pres. part, of de- plaire, displeasing. Deplaisant, -e, dai-plai-zang, -t, adj. dis- agreeable. Deplaisir, dai-plai-zeer, sm. grief, affliction, trouble. J'enaiun grand deplaisir, I am very sorry. Dlpi.anter, dai-plang-tai, va. 1 r. to dis- plant, pull up. Deplantoir, daiplang-lno-ar (vide obs. 6), sm. digger. DEplatrer, daiplah-trai, va. 1 r. to take off the plaster. Deplier, dai-plc-i/ai, va. 1 r. to unfold, open. Deplisser, dai-plesai, va. 1 r. to unplait. Deplorable, dai-plo-rabl, adj. lamentable, sad. Deplorablement, dai-p7o-rah-bluh-mang, ad. lamentably, miserably. Deplore, e, dai-plo-rai, -e, adj. hopeless, lamentable. Deplorer, dai-plo-rai, va. 1 r. to lament, bewail. Deployer, daiploo-ali-yai, va. 1 r. to dis- play. Hire de gorge deployee, to laugh out. Deplu, dai-pleu, p. part, of deplaire, dis- pleased. Deplumer, daipleu-mai, va. 1 r. to deplume. Deplus, dai-pleu, pret. def. of deplaire, dis- pleased. Depolir, dui-po-leer, va. 2 r. to unpolish. Deponent, dai-ponang, .sin. deponent. Depopulariser, dai-po-peudah-re-zai, va. 1 r. to make or render unpopular. Depopulation*, dai-popeu-lah-syong, sf. de- population ; havoc, waste. DEPORT, dai-por, sm. first-fruits of a living. Deport (sans), sang-dtii-por, ad. exp. with- out delay. Deportation", dai-por-tah-syong, sf. trans- portation. Deportement, dai-port-mang , sm. behavior, conduct. DEporter, dai-por-tai, va. 1 r. to banish, transport. Se peporter, svh-dai-por-tai, vref. to recede, desist. »S'e deporler de ses pretensions, to with ilra w. Deposant, -e, dai-po-zang, -t, smf. and adj. deponent. Deposer, dai-po-zai, va. 1 r. to depose; lay down. Depositaire, dai-po-ze-tayre, smf. deposi- tary, trustee ; confidant. Deposition, daipo-ze-syong, sf. deposition. DEposseder, dai-po-sai-dui, va. lr. to dis- possess. Depossession, dai-pu-sey-sijow/, sf. dispos- sessing. Deposter, dai-poss-lai, va. 1 r. to dislodge, drive away. Depot, dai-poe, sm. deposit ; sediment. Depoter, dai-po-tai, va. 1 r. to take out of the pot. Depoudrer, daipoo-drai, va. 1 r. to take out the powder. Depouille, dai-poo-yuh, sf. spoil ; clothes ; skin ; inheritance ; booty; plunder; slough. Avoir la depouille de quelqu'un, to succeed one. Depouillement, dai-poo-yuh-mang, sm. di- vesture ; destitution ; self-denial. Depouiller, daipoo-yai, va. 1 r. to divest, deprive, strip, skin ; gather. Se depouiller, sidi-dai-poo-yai, vref. to strip one's self. Depourvoir, dai-poor -voo-or. va. 3 irr. (only used in the pres. inf. and the p. part.) to deprive of provisions, necessaries. Aa depourvu, unawares. Se depourvoir, suh-dai-poor-voo-ar, vref. to bereave, leave one's self destitute. Depourvu, -e, daipoor-veu, p. part, of de- pourvoir, deprived. Depravation, daiprah-vah-syong, sf. de- pravity. Depraver, dai-prah-cai, va. 1 r. to deprave, corrupt. Deprecatif, -te, dai-prai-kah-teeff, -v, adj. deprecative. Deprecation, dai-prai-lcah-syong, sf. ear- nest prayer. Deprecier, dai-prai-syai, va. 1 r. to under- value. Depredateur, dai-prai-dah-tur, sm. robber, plunderer. Depredation, dai-prai-dah-syong, sf. rob- bing, plunder. Depreder, dai-prai-dai, va. 1 r. to plunder, pillage. Deprenant, dai-prvh-nang, pres. part, of de'prendre, unfixing. Deprendre, dai prangdr, va. 4. irr. to unfix, untie. Se deprendre, suli-dai-prangdr, vref. to renounce, quit. DepreN'NE, dai-prenn, pres. subj. of de- prendre, may untie. Deprennent, dai-prenn, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of deprendre, untie. Depres, duh-prey, ad. near, at hand, not far off. Depression, dai-pray-syong, sf. pressure ; affliction. Deprier, dai-pre-yai, va. 1 r. to disinvite, countermand. Deprimer, dai-pre-mui, vn. 1 r. to depress ; vilify. Depris, dai-pree, p. part, and pret. def. of deprendre, untied. Depriser, dai -pre- zai, va. 1 r. to under- value ; despise. Depuis, duh-peu-ee, ad. since, ago, pas*. Depuis, duh-peu-ee, prep, from, for. Depuis cinq heures jusqu'a six, from five to six o'clock. Depuis quand, duhpeu-ee-lang, interr. ad. how long? Depuis peu, duh-peu-eo-puh, ad. exp. very lately,' not long since. Depuis long-temps, duh-peu-ee-long-tang, 151 DEE DES ad. exp. long ago, a long time since, this great while. Depuis que, duh-peu-ee-kuh, conj. since (vide obs. 4). Depuratif, -ve, dai-peu-rah-teeff, -v, adj. cleansing, purifying. Depuration, dai-peu-rah-syong, sf. purify- ing (vide obs. 4). Depuratoire, dai-peu-rnh-too-ar, adj. puri- ficatory (vide obs. 4 and 6). Depurer, dai-peu-rai, va. 1 r. to depure ; clarify (vide obs. 4). Deputation, dai-peu-tah-syong, sf. public message (vide obs. 4). Depute, dai-peu-tai, sm. deputy, delegate. Deputer, dai-peu-tai, va. 1 r. to depute, commission (vide obs. 4). Dequoi, duh-koo-ah, sm. means, something (vide obs. 6). Dequoi vivre (avoir), ah-voo-ar-duh-koo- ah-veevr, v. aux. to have something to live upon. Deracinement, dai-rah-scen-mang, sm. un- rooting, eradication. Deracinek, dai-rah-se-nai, va. 1 r. to eradi- cate ; destroy. Deraison, dui-ray-zong, sf. want of sense ; foolishness. Deraisonnable, dai-ray-zo-nabl, adj. un- reasonable. Deraison nablement, dai-ray-zo-na7i-bluh- mang, ad. unreasonably, out of reason. Deraison nement, dai-ray-zon-mang, sm. nonsense. Deraisonner, dai-ray-zo-nai, vn. 1 r. to speak nonsense. Derange, -e, dai-rang-hjai, adj. irregular ; out of order. Derangement, dai-ranghe-mang, sm. mis- conduct ; confusion, disorder ; trouble. Deranger, dai-rang-hjai, va. 1 r. to dis- place ; disturb. Se deranger, suh-dai-rang-Jijai, vref. to lead an irregular life ; leave one's home or place. Derate, -e, dai-rah-tai, -e, adj. nimble, ex- peditious. Derechef, duli-ruh-sheff, ad. anew, afresh, again. Deregi.e, -e, dai-rai-glai, -e, adj. irregular, disorderly. Dereglement, dai-rai-gluh-mung, sm. ir- regularity. Dereglement, dai-rai-glai-mang, ad. with- out moderation, without self-command. Deregler, dai-rai-glai, va. 1 r. to disorder, corrupt. Se deregler, suh-dai-rai-glai, vref. to lead an irregular life. Derider, dai-re-dai, va. 1 r. to unwrinkle ; enliven. Se derider, suh-dai-re-dai , vref. to lay aside one's cares or gravity ; relax ; grow cheer- ful. Derision, dai-re-zyong, sf. laughing at; scorn : mockery. Derisoire, dai-re-zoo-ar, adj. mocking, ridiculing (vide obs. 6). Derivation, dai-re-vah-syong, sf. deriva- tion ; extraction. Derivatif, -ve, dai-re-vah-teeff, -v, adj. de- rived or taken from. Derive, dni-reev, sf. deviation, turning aside ; paddle. 152 Derive, dai-re-vai, adj. derivative. Deriver, dai-re-vai, va. 1 r. to unrivet ; de- rive ; drive off. Dernier, -e, dair-nyai, -re, adj. last, ut- most, highest, greatest. Dernierement, dair -nyayre- many, ad. lately, not long ago. Derobe, -e, dai-ro-bai, -e, adj. stript of its skin or husk ; private ; extracted ; inter- mediate. A des heures derobees, at spare hours. Derobee (a la), ah-lah-dai-ro-baie, ad. exp. by stealth. Derober, dai-ro-bai, va. 1 r. to steal ; hide ; draw out, take off or away. Se derober, suh -dai-ro-bai, vref. to avoid, fly from. Se derober de la justice, to fly from justice. Derogation, dai-ro-ghah-syong, sf. deroga- tion. Derogatoike, dai-ro-ghah-too-ar, adj. de- rogatory. Derogeance, dai-ro-hjangsse, sf. disparage- ment. Derogeant, -e, dai-ro-hjang, -t, adj. derog- ative, degrading. Deroger a, dai-ro-hjai, vn. 1 r. to derogate, degrade. Deroidir or Deraidir, dai-raydeer, v. 2 r. to supple. Se deroidir or deraidir, sah-dai-rai-deer, vref. to be pliant or eas}\ Derougir, dai-roo-lijeer, va. 2 r. to take off the redness. Se deijougir, suh-dai-roo-hjeer, vref. to be less red. Derouillesient, dai -roo-yuh-mang, sm. rubbing out of the rust. Derouiller, dai-roo-yai, va. 1 r. to rub off the rust. Se derouiller, suh - dai - roo - yai, vref. to brighten ; acquire easy manners. Derouler, dai-roo-lai, va. 1 r. to unroll. Deroute, dai-root, sf. rout, defeat ; disorder. Mettre quelqu 1 un en deroute, to put to a non- plus. Derouter, dai-roo-lai, va. 1 r. to mislead ; counteract, defeat, render abortive. Derriere, dai-ryayre, sm. hind part, back. Derriere, dai-ryayre, prep, behind, at or on the back. Elle est bossue par derriere, she has a crooked back. Dervis, dair-vee, sm. Mahometan monk. Des, dey (contraction of de les), art. def. mfp. of the ; some, any. Des, dey, prep, from ; since, not later than. Je le ferai des ce soir, I shall do it this very evening. Des que, dey-kuh, conj. as soon as, since that, when. Des aujourd'hui, dey-zo-Jijnor-deu-e, ad. exp. this very day, to-day (vide obs. 4). Des lors, dey-lor, ad. exp. from that time, since then. Desaeusement, dai-zah-beuze-mang, S7n. un- deceiving (vide obs. 4). Desabuser, dai-zuh-beu-zai, va. 1 r. to un- deceive. Desaccorder, dai-zah-kor-dai, va. 1 r. to untune ; embroil. Desaccoupler, dai-zah-koo-plai, va. 1 r. to uncouple. Desaccoutumer, dai-zah-kooteu-mai, va. 1 r. to disaccustom, wean of a habit. DES DES Dksachala.nder, dui-zah-shahdang-dai, va. 1 r. to decry, speak against a shop. Des.ufami:. -E, dai-zah-fah-mai, -e, adj. replete, full. DISAFFECTION, dai-zali-fcck-syong, sf. dis- affection. Desaffectionner, dai-zah-feck-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to disaffect. Desagknckr, dai-zah-hjangsai, va. 1 r. to put out of order. Desagreable, dai-zah-grai-aU, adj. dis- agreeable. Pes vi; REABLEMENT, dai-zah-grai-abl-mang, ad. in a disagreeable manner. Desagreer, dai-zuh-grai-ai, va. 1 r. to un- rig. Desagrement, dai-zah-grai-mang, sm. un- pleasantness ; vexation. DeSAJUSTER, dai-zah-hjeusse-tai, va. 1 r. to disorder (vide obs. 4). Desalterer, dai - zal - tai - rai, va. 1 r. to quench the thirst. DESANCRER, daizang-lcrai, va. n. 1 r. to weigh anchor. Desaffareii.ler, dai-zah-pah-ray-yai, va. 1 ;■. to nnmatch. Desapflication, dai-zahple-kah-syong, sf. inattention. Desappliquer, dai-zah-ple-kai, va. 1 r. to make inattentive. J}±SArpoinTEVLE5T,dai-zah-poo-aingte j mang, sm. balk. Desappointer, dai-zah-poo-aing-tai, to disappoint. Desapprenant, dai-zah-pruh-nang, pres. part, of desapprendre, forgetting. Desapprendre, dai-zah-prangdr, va. 4 irr. to forget. Desapprenne, dai-zah-prenn, pres. subj. of desapprendre, ma}' forget. Desapprennent, dai-zah-prenn, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of desapprendre, forget. Desappris, dai-zah-pree, p. part, and pret. def. of desapprendre, forgot, forgotten. Desapprobateur, dai-zah-pro-bah-tur, sm. cen surer. Des a pfrof.atrtce, dai-zah-pro-bah-treess, sf. fault-finder. Disapprobation, dai-zah-pro-bah-syong, sf. censure. Des appropriation, dai-zali- pro • pre - yah- syong. sf. surrender. Desapproprier, dai-zah-pro pre-yai, va.l r. to take from. Se DESAPPROPRIER, suh-daizah-pro-pre-yai, vref. to give up. Desapprouver, dai-zah-proo-vai, va. 1 r. to censure. Desarqonner, dai-zar-so-nai, va. 1 r. to un- horse ; confound. pBSARGENTER, dai-zar-hjang-tai, va. 1 r. to rub offihe silver ; strip of money. Desarmement, dai-zar-muh-niung, sm. dis- arming. Desakmkr, dai-zar-mai, va. 1 r. to disarm ; appease. DftSARROI, dai-zah-roo-ah, sm. complexity (vide obs. G). Disassembler, dai-zah-sangblai, va. 1 r. to part. Desassortir, dai-zah-sor-leer, va. 2r. to dis- join, unsort. Disassortissemeni, dai-zah-sor-teess-mang, sm. unsorting. (7*) Desastre, dai-zasstr, sm. disaster, accident, misfortune. Desastrecx, -se, dai-sass-truhe, -ze, adj. disastrous. Desayantage, dai-zaJi-vang-tahjc, em. the worst ; loss. Desavantageux. -se, ditl - zah - vang - tah - hjuhe, -ze, adj. disadvantageous; ill-chosen. DeSAVANTAGEUSEMENT, dai - zah - rang- tah- hjuhze-mang, ad. with disadvantage. Desaveu, -x, dai-zah-vuh, -e, em. denial, re- fusal. Desaveugler, dai-zah-vuh-glai, va. 1 r. to undeceive. Desavouer, dai-zah-voo-ai, va. 1 r. to dis- own ; deny. Desceller, duh-say-lai, va. 1 ;•. to unseal ; unfix. Descendance, duh-sang-dangsse, sf. descent, race. Descendant, -e, duh - sang - dang, -t, adj. descendant. Descendants, duh-sang-danghe, smp. pos- terity. Descendre, duh-eangdr, va. 4 r. to descend, lower. Descendre id' un ton, to sing a note lower. Descendre, duh-eangdr, vn. 4 r. to alight ; search into ; examine ; come from ; rush upon. Descents, duh-sangte, sf. descent ; irruption ; rupture. Description, duh-skreep-syong, sf. descrip- tion ; inventory. Desemballage, dai-zang-bah-lahje, sm. un- packing. Desemballer, dai-zang-bah-lai, va. 1 r. to unpack. Desembarquement, dai -zang-barl: -mavg t sin. landing. Desembarquer, dai-zang-bar-kai, va. 1 r. to land. Desambourber, dai-zang-boor-bai, va. 1 r. to disengage from a miry place. Desemparer, dai-zang-pah-rai, va. n. 1 r. to forsake ; disable. Desempeser, dai-zang -puh-zai, va. 1 r. to soften. Desenchainer, dai-zang-shey-nai, va. 1 r. to unchain. Desenchantement, dai-zang-shai\gte-mang, sm. disenchantment. Desenchanter, dai-zang-shang-tai, ra. 1 r, to break, dissolve the spell ; cure of a pas- sion. Desenclouer, dai-zang -Moo -ai, va. 1 r. to unnail. Desenfiler, dai-zang-fe-lai, va. 1 r. to un- thread. Desenfler, dai-zang-Jlai, va. 1 r. to remove or abate the swelling. Se desenfler, suh-dai-zang-jlai, vref. to cease swelling. Desf.nflure, daizang-fleur, sf. abatement of the swelling (vide obs. 4). Desenivrer, dai-zang-ne-vrai, va. 1 r. to sober. Desenlacer (se), suh -dai-zang -hih - sai, vref. 1 r. to extricate, disentangle one's self. Desennuter, dai-zang-neu-e-yai, va. 1 r. to divert, amuse. Se pesennuyer, suh -dai-zang -neu-e-yai, vref. lo divert one's self. 153 DES DES Desenrayer, dai-zang-ray-yai, va. 1 r. to disengage. Desenrhumer, dai-zang-reu-mai, va. 1 r. to cure of a cold or cough (vide obs. 4). Se DESENRHUMER, Sllh- dlli - rjntg -reil- mai, vref. to get rid of one's cold or cough. Desenroler, dai-zang-roelai, va. 1 r. to disengage. Desenrouer, dai-zang-roo-ai, va. 1 r. to cure the hoarseness. Desensevelir, dai-zangsev-leer, va. 2 r. to disinter ; take out of its shroud. Desensorceler, dai-zang-sorsselai, va. 1 r. to cure of a spell or passion. DesenSORCELLEMext, da i -zang-sor - sell- mang, sm. breaking up of a charm or pas- sion. Desenteter, dai-zangtey-tai, va. 1 r. to put out of conceit ; unprejudice. Se desenteter, suh-dai-zang-tey-lai, vref. to lose one's prejudice. Desentortiller, dai-zang-tor-teyai, va. lr. to untwist. Desentkaver, dai-zang-trah-vai , va. 1 r. to unfetter. Desenvenimer, daizang-vuhne-mai, va. 1 r. to free from venom. Desert, dai-zair, sm. desert ; solitude ; re- tirement. Desert, -e, dai-zair, -t, adj. desert, solitary. Deserter, dai-zair-tai, va. 1 r. to desert ; forsake. Deserteur, dai-zair-tur, sm. deserter. Desertion, dai-zair -syong, sf. desertion ; forsaking. Desertion de cause, a nonsuit. Desespere, -e, dai-zesspai-rai, -e, sm/. and adj. desperate, hopeless ; furious man, wo- man. Desesperejient, dai-zess-pai-rai-maiig, ad. desperately, furiously, madly. DEsesperer, dai-zess-pai-rai, va. 1 r. to vex, provoke. Desesperer, daizess-pai-rai, vn. \r. to des- pair, despond. Se desesperer, suh-dai-zess-pai-rai,vref. to lose all hope ; vex, torment one's self. Desespoir, dai - zess • poo - ar, sm. despair; grief. Vest won desespoir, that vexes me. Deshabille, dnizah-be-yai, sm. undress ; morning-dress. Deshabiller, dai-zah-be-yai, va. 1 r. to un- dress. Se deshabiller, suh-dai-zah-be-yai, vref. to pull off one's clothes. Deshabituer, dai-zahbeteu-ai, va. 1 r. to disaccustom. Se deshabituer, suh-daizah-be-teu-ai, vref. to lose the habit or custom. Desheriter, dai-zaire-tai, va. \r. to disin- herit. Desheurer, dai-zuh-rai, va. 1 r. to change the hour. Deshonnete, dai-zo-neyte, adj. indecent, un- civil. DESHON'NfcTEMENT, daizo-neyte-mang, ad. indecently. Deshonnktete, dai-zo-neyte-tai, sf. indecen- cy ; dishonesty. Desiionneur, dai-zo-nur, sm. dishonor, dis- grace. Dishonorable, dai-zo-no-rahl, adj. dishon- orable. Deshonoraelement, dai -za-no- rah - biuJi- mang, ad. dishonorably, shamefully. 151 Deshonorer, dai-zo-no-rai, va. 1 r. to dis- honor, disgrace. Designation, dai-zeeng-yah-syong, sf. desig- nation. Designer, dai-zeeng-yai, va. 1 r. to describe; appoint. Desincorporer, dai-zaing-kor-po-rai, va. 1 r. to disembody. Desinence, dai-ze-nangsse, sf. termination. Desinfatuer, dai-zaing-fah-teu-ai, va. 1 r. to wean of a prejudice or passion. Desinfecter, dai-zainff-feck-tai, va. 1 r. to free from infection ; purify. Disinfection, dai-zaing-feck-syong, .'./.clear- ing of infection. Desinteresse, -e, dai-zair.g-tai-ray-sai , -e, adj. disinterested, not selfish. DEsiNTERESSF.MENT,da£-zai/?"S, dyah-blo-tuinyh, smp. chocolate- lozenges. Diabolique, dyah-bo-lee7c, adj. diabolical, wicked, mischievous. Diaboliqueme>'T, dyah-bodeelc-mang, ad. diabolically. Diacode, de-yahdcod, sm. syrup of poppies. Diaconat, dyah-ho-nah, sm. deaconship. Diaco.nesse, dyah-ko-nrss, sf. deaconess, fe- male officer in the primitive church. Diacre, dyahder, sm. deacon. Diademe, de-yah-deyme, sm. diadem; crown; royalty. I'iagnostique, deyah-gnosse-leelt, sf. and adj. particular symptom ; symptomatica!. Di agon" ale, de-yah-go-nal, sf. line from angle to angle. Diagonalemen'T, de-yah-yo-nal-many, ad. diagonally. Diaiue, de-yayre, adj. f. ephemeral, of a day. Dialects, dyahdeckt, sm. dialect, idiom, speech. Dialectictex, dyahdeeh-te-syainy, sm. gram- marian ; logician. Dialectique, dyahdech-teeic, sf. logic, art of reasoning. 157 DIF DIL DlALECTIQUEMENT, (hjall-lcclc-tt tk-mang, ad. in a logical manner. Dialogue, dyah-log, sm. dialogue, interlocu- tion. Dialoguer, di/ah-lo-gai, rn.n. 1 r. to write or introduce dialogues ; debate. Diamant, dyah-mang, sm. diamond ; jewel. Diamantaire, dyah-mavg-tai i c, sm. dia- mond cutter or teller, lapidary. Diametral, -e, dyah-mai-lral, adj. diame- tral. Diametralement, dyah-mai-trahmang, ad. diametrically ; directly. Diametre, dyah-mettr, sm. diameter, equal intersection. Diantre, dyang-lr, int. the deuce ! Diapason, dya'-pah-zong, sm. octave, perfect concord. Diafiiane, dyah-fan, adj. transparent, pel- lucid. Diaphaneite, dydh-fah-nai-e-tai, sf. transpa- rency. Diapkoretique, dyah-fo-rai-teek, adj. sudo- rific. Diaphragms, dyah-fragm, sm. midriff, mid- dle division. Diapre, -e, de-yah-prai, -e, adj. variegated, diversified. Diarrhee, de-ydh-raie, sf. diarrhoea, flux. Diastole, de-yass-tol, sf. lengthening of a short syllable ; dilatation. Diatomuue, de-yah-lo-netk, adj. ascending with progressive sounds. Dichotomie, de-ko-to-mte, sf. half of the moon. Dictame, deek-tam, sm. dittany. Dictamen, deek-tah-mang, sm. inward con- sciousness. Dictateur, deek-tahtur, sm. dictator, person of authority. Dictature, deek-tah-teur, sf. dictatorship ; authority (vide obs. 4). ..Dictee, deekdaie, sf. dictation, writing of a lecture or course. Dicter, deek-tai, va. 1 r. to dictate, pro- nounce distinctly every word taken down. Diction, deek-synnq, sf. style, expression. Dictionnaire, deek-syo-nayie, sm. diction- ary. Dicton", deeli-tong, sm. maxim, saying, pro- verb. DiDACTiQUE, de-dack-teek, adj. preceptive, instructive. Dierese, de-yai-rayze, sf. solution ; separa- tion of syllables. Diese, de-yayze., sm. and adj. semitone, rising by semitones ; sharp. Diete, dyayte, sf. diet ; assembly of princes. OlETE (faire), faire-dyayte, v. 4 irr. to tat little, abstain from food. Dieu, dyuh, sm. God, supreme being, creator. Ell? jura ses grands dieux, she swore by all that is sacred. Les dieux paiens, heathen deities. Diffakant, -e, de-fah-mang, -t, adj. censo- rious. Diffamatecr, de-fah-mah-tur, sm. defamer, calumniator. Diffamation, de-fah-mah-syong, sf. calum- ny. Diffamatoire, de-fah-mah-too-ar, adj. de- famatory, calumnious (vide obs. G). Diffamer, de-fah-mai, va. 1 r. to defame, dishonor, belie. 158 Differemment, de-fai-rali-mang, ad. differ- ently. Difference, de-fai-rangsse, sf. difference ; distinction. Differencier, de-fai-rang-syai, va. 1 r. to distinguish. Different, de-fai-rang, sm. dispute; quarrel; debate. Different, -e, de-fai-rang, -t, adj. different, unlike ; various. Differer, de-fai-rai, va.n. 1 r. to defer, de- lay ; differ. Difficile, de-fe-seel, sm. difficulty, objection. Difficile a, de-fe-seci-uh, adj. difficult, hard, puzzling. Difficilement, de-fe-seel-manq, ad. with difficulty. Difficulte, de-fe-kuletai, sf. obstacle ; diffi- culty, objection ; obscurity ; question. Difficultulux, -se, de-fe-kule-leu-nhe, -ze, adj. captious (vide obs. 4). Difforme, de-form, adj. deformed, ugly, dis- figured. Dif former, de-for-mai, va. 1 r. to deform, disfigure. Difformite, de-for-me-tai, sf. ugliness; ir- regularity. DiffcS, -E, de-feu, -ze, adj. diffuse, long. Diffusement, de-feu-zai-mang, ad. diffusely. Diffusion, de-feu-zyong, sf. copiousness, ex- uberance (vide obs. 4). Digeste, de-hjest, sm. ancient code of laws, pandect. Digestif, -ve, de-Jijess-tecf, -v, adj. causing digestion. Digestion, de-ljess-tyong, sf concoction ; ex- ecution, digestion. Digitale, de-hje-tal, sf. fox-glove. Digne, deenq-ynh, adj. worthy ; conformable to. Digne DE FOI, decng-yuli-duh-foo-ah, adj. credible (vide obs. 6). Digne.mknt, deeng-yuh-mang, ad. worthily; very well. Dignitaire, deeng ye-tayre, sm. dignitary ; state-officer. Dignite, deeng-ye-lai, sf. dignity ; prefer- ment ; rank. Digression, de-gray -syong, sf. transition, de- viation. Digue, deeg, sf. causeway ; bank ; impedi- ment. Dilaceration, de-lah-sai-rah-syony, sf. tear- ing in two. Dilacerer, de-lah-sai-rai, va. 1 r. to tear, rend. Dilapidation, de-lah-pe-dah-syong, sf. fool- ish expense ; embezzlement of the public money. Dilapidf.r, de-lah-pe-dai, va. 1 r. to lavish money foolishly ; rob the public money. Dilatation, de-lah-tah-syong, sf. extension ; increase. Dilater, de-laJi-tai, va. 1 r. to extend, ex- pand. Dilatoire, de-lah-too-ar, adj. tardy, slow, causing delays (vide obs. 6). DiLEjrME, de-lemm, sin. dilemma ; difficulty. Diligemment, de-le-hjah-mang, ad. diligent- ly- Diligence, de • le - hjangsse, sf. assiduity, quickness ; expeditious public coach. Diligent, -e, de-le-hjang, -t, adj. assiduous, active, attentive. DIE DIS Diligenter, de-le-hjang-tai, va. and n. 1 r. to hasten, speed. Se diligenter, suh-dede-hjang-lai, vref. to make haste. Dimanche, itp-maiifjahe, sm. Sunday. r>i.ME, deem, sf. tithes. Dimension, de-many-syony, sf extent, bulk ; capacity. Diminuf.r, de-me-7WU-ai, va. 1 r. to dimin- ish. Diininw '■>• de voiles, to shorten sail. Diminutif, -ve, 'DO>", daing-dong, sm. turkey-cock; ninny. DlNDoNNEAU, -X, p. daing-do-no, -e, p. sm. turkey -pout ; young fool ; simpleton. DlNDONNIER, -E, dniny-do-nyai, -re, sm/. seller or keeper of turkeys. Pine or DINER, dee-nai, sm. dinner. Dinee, dce-nnie, sf. place, expense of dinner. i)i>"Ei:, dee-nai, vn. 1 r. to dine. Diocesain, -e, de-yo-sai-zaing, -zain, sm/. and adj. diocesan, of the diocese. DlOCESE, de-yo-sayze, sm. bishop's jurisdic- tion. Pioptrique. de-yop-treek, sf. science of the reflection of light. Diphthongue, deef-Umg-gue, sf. diphtliong. Diplomatique, de-plo-mo-teek, adj. diplo- ruatical. Diflomk, dfi-plome, sm. diploma, certificate of a privilege. Dire, deer, va. iirr. to say, tell, speak, re- cite ; relate; mean; scold; prescribe; warn. Ceta ne dit rien, that is nothing to the purpose. Qu'cst-ce que cela cent dire, what signifies that ? Je nesais que dire de tout cela, I do not know what to think of all that. Dire aa logon, to recite. Dike (sans), song-deer, ad. exp. quite natu- ral, simpk'. Dire (c'est-a.-), sey-tah-deer, ad. exp. that is to say. Se dike, suh-deer, vref. to give one's self out for. Dire, deer, sm. word, assertion, saying, re- port. Dire de (au), o-deer-duh, prep, according to. Direct, -e, de-reckt, -t, adj. straight, direct. Directement, de-recli-tvh-mang, ad. direct- l.v. Diuecteur, -trice, de-reck-iur, -treesn, xmf. director, governess, manager, superintend- ent. Direction, de-recli-syong, sf. conduct ; ten- dency. Directoire, de-reak-too-ar, sm. directory, guide (vide obs. f>). DikYger, de-re-hjai, va. 1 r. to direct, con- duct, rule. Se DTRIGER vers, suh-de-re-ijai-vair, vref. to walk towards ; aim at. Dirimant, -e, de-re-mang, -(. adj. annulling, dissolving. Pis, dee, pies. ir.d. andpret. def. of dire, say, said. DlSANT, de-zang, pres. part, of dire, tc'.ling. DiSANT (bie.n), by aing -de-zang, adj. m. well spoken, eloquent. DlSCALE, deess-kal, sm. tare and tret, allow- ance for waste. DlSCERNBMEKT, dc-sairn-many, sm. judg- ment. Discerner, de-sair-nai, va. 1 r, to discern, judge. Disciple, deseepl, sm. disciple, scholar, pu- pil. Disciplinable, de-se-ple-nahl, adj. capable of instruction. Discipline, de-sepleen, sf. education ; cor- rection. Discipliner, de-se-ple-nai, va. 1 r. to edu- cate ; chastise. Discontinuation, Seem - hong -te- neu -ah- syong, sf interruption, breaking off. DlSCONTINUER, deess-kiiny-te-nen-ni . va. 1 r. to leave off ; cease ; give over (vide obs. 4). Disconvenance, deess- kongce- nangxse, tf, disproportion, inequality ; difference. Disconvenant, deess-konff'Vuh-nang, pres. part, of disconvenir, denying'. Disconvenir de, deess-Icong-vuh-neer-duh, vn. 2 irr. to deny ; be unsuitable. Disconvenu, deess-kong-vuh-fieu, p. part, cf disconvenir, denied. Disconviendrai, deess - long - vyaing - drai, fut. of disconvenir, will deny. DlSCON'VIENDRAlS, deeSS-kong-V ;/" in f] -drey, condit. of disconvenir, would deny. Disconvienne, deess-kony-vyenn, pres. subj. of discorivenir, may deny. Disconviennent, deess-kong-vyenn, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of disconvenir, deny. Disconviens, deess-kong-vyaing, pres. ind. of disconvenir, deny. Disconvins, deess-hong-va&ng, pret. def. of disconvenir, denied. Discord, deess-kor, sm. discord ; disagree- ment. Discord, -e, deess-kor, -d, adj. discordant ; out of tune. Discordant, -e, deess-kor-dany, -t, adj. in- harmonious. DlSCORDE, deess-J.ord, sf. discord, dissension, strife. Discorder, deess-kor -dai, vn. 1 r. to be out of tune, jar. Discourant, deess-koo-rang, pres. part, of discourir, discoursing. Discocreur, -se, detss-koo-rur, ruhze, smf. great talker, chatterer, prater. Discourir, deess-koo-reer, vn. 2 rrr. to con- verse, talk. DlSCOURRAI, deess-koor- rai, fut. of discourir, will talk. Discourrais, deess-koor-rey, condit. of dis.- tourir, would converse. DlSCOURS, deess-koor, pres. ind. of discourir, discourse. Discours, deess-koor. sm. discourse, speech, conversation. // tient cPe'tranges discours, lie talks strangely. DisCOURTOIS, -u, deew-hoor-too-nh, -se, adj. discourteous, uncivil, rude (vide obs. • . DlSCOURTOISIB, deess -];oor - too - nil -zee, sf. rudeuess, incivility, discourtesy. 159 DIS DIS DiscoURU, deess-JtQO-reu, p. part, of discou- rir, discoursed. Discourus, deess-koo-reu, pret. def. of dis- rourir, conversed. Discredit, deess-krai-de, sm. discredit, want of trust. Discret, -e, deess-kray, -t, adj. prudent, wise, modest. Discketement, deess-Jcrai- tuh -mang, ad. discreetly. Discretion, deess-krai-syong, »/. prudence, self-command ; wisdom. Disculper, deess kule-pai, va. 1 r. to excul- pate, clear. Discussion, deess-ku-syong, sf. examination ; debate. Dismission de lien.", distraining of goods. Discuter, deess-ku-tai, va. 1 r. to discuss, examine, debate ; distrain. Disert, -e, de-zair, -t, adj. eloquent ; learn- e 1, copious. Disertement, de-zairie-martg, ad. eloquent- ly, learnedly ; at large. Disette, de-zett, sf. want, scarcity, famine. Disetteux, -se, de-zay-tuhe, -ze, adj. needy, in want. Diseur, -SE, de-zur, -zulize, sm/. teller; (iron.) Cue speaker. Disgrace, deess-grahsse, sf disgrace; mis- fortune. Disgracie, -e, deess-grah-syai, -e, adj. out of favor; deformed. Disgracier, deess-grah-syai, va. 1 r. to withdraw one's favor, protection from. DiSGRACiETJSEMENT,deex*-9rn/(-N,y«7i5e-?»07»,7, ad. ungraciously, unpleasantly. Disgracieux, -SE, deess-grah-syuhe, -ze, adj. disagreeable. Disjoignant, deess-hjoo-ah-ing-yang, pres. part, of disjaindre, disjoining. Disjoignis, deess-hjao-ah-ing-ye, pret. def. of disjoindre, disjoined. Disjoindre, deess-hjoo-aingdr, va. 4 irr. to separate, sunder. Se disjoixdre, suh-deess-Jijoo-aingdr, vref. to fall in pieces. Disjoins, deess-hjoo-aing, pres. ind. of dis- joindre, disjoin. Disjoint, -e, deess-hjoo-aing, -f, p. part, of disjoindre, disjoined. Disjonctif, -ve, deess-Jijongke-teijf, -v, sm/. and adj. disjunctive. Disjonction, deess-hjongke-syong, sf part- ing, separation. Dislocation, deess-lo-kah-syong, s/. joint put out. Disloquer, deess lo-kai, va. 1 r. to put out of joint ; divide, disperse ; puzzle. Disparais, deess -pah- rey, pres. ind. of dis- paraitre, disappear. Disparaissant, deess - pah - ray - sang ', pres. part, of disparaltre, disappearing. Disparaitre, deess-jjah-reytr, vn. 4 irr. to disappear, vanish. Disparate, deess-pali-rat, sf. and adj. in- congruity ; ill-suited, unconnected. Disparite, deess-pah-re-tai, sf. inequality, difference. Disparition, deess-palt-re-syong, s/. disap- pearance. DiSPAEU, deess- pah -rea, p. part, of dis- p-irallre, disappeared. Disparus, deess-pah-reu, pret. def. of dis- paraltre, disappeared. ' 1G0 Dispendieux, -SE, deess-pang-dy uhe, -ze, adj. expensive. Dispensaire, deess-pang-'sayre, sm. dispen- satory ; dispensary. Dispensateur, -trice, deess-pang-sdh-tur, treess, sm/. distributer, dispenser. Dispensation, deess-pang-sah-syong, s/. dis- tribution. Dispense, deess-pangsse, sf. exemption ; per- mission. Dispenser, deess-pang-sai, va. 1 r. to ap- point; distribute; exempt; weigh; prepare. Se dispenser, suh-deess-pang-sai, vre/. to excuse or exempt one's self from ; forbear. Disperser, deess-pair-stii, va. 1 r. to scat- ter ; disorder ; squander ; separate. Dispersion, dtess-pair-syong, sf. scattering, spreading. Dispos, deess-poe, adj. m. nimble, active, healthy, ready. Disposer, deess-po-zai, va. 1 r. to arrange, prepare ; induce. Je me dispose entiere- nient, I am resolved on it. Se disposer a, suh-deess-po-zai-dh, vre/. to prepare one's self to. Dispositif, deess-po-ze-teejf, sm. intent of a decree. Dispositif, -ve, deess-po-ze-teejf, -v. adj. pre- paratory. Disposition, deess-po-se-syong, sf. order, de- sign, tendency; inclination; fitness. Disproportion, deess-pro-por-syong, sf. un- suitableness ; disparity ; inequality. Disproportionne, -e, deess ■ pro - por • syo- nai, -e, adj. unsuitable, incongruous; ab- surd. Disproportionner, dress-pro-por-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to disproportion ; join unsuitable things. Disputable, deess-peu-tabl, adj. controverti- ble (vide obs. 4). Dispute, deess-peut, sf. contest, quarrel. Disputer, deess-peu-tai, va. and ?!. 1 r. to contend; debate; quarrel. Disputeur, deess-peu-tur, sin. arcruer. Disque, dees?,; sm. coit ; disk ; face of the sun or planet. Disquisition, deess-ke-ze-syong, s/. disputa- tive inquiry. Dissecteur, de-seck-lur, sm. anatomist. Dissection, de-seck-syong, sf. anatomy, dis- section. Dissemblable, de-sang -blab!, adj. dissimilar, unlike. Dissemblance, de - sang -blangsse, sf dissi- militude. Disseminer, de-sai-me-nai, va. 1 r. to scat- ter, spread. Dissension, de-sang-syong, sf. discord, strife ; dissent. Dissequer, dc-sai-kai, va. 1 r. to dissect; examine minutely. Disseciueur, de-sai-kur, sm. anatomist ; analyzer. Dissertateur, de-sair-taJi-tur, sm. expound- er, haranguer. Dissertation, de-sair-tah-syong, s/. minute controversy. Disserter, de-sair-lai, va. 1 r. to discourse ; examine minutely. DissmiLAiRE, de-se-mcdayre, adj. dissimi- lar, unlike. Dissimulateur, -trice, de-se-meu-lah-tur, -treess, sm/. dissembler ; hypocrite. DIS DIV Dissimulation, de-se-meu-lah-syong, sf. dis- sembling ; hypocrisy (vide obs. 4). DlSSIMULE, -E. de-se-meu-lai, -e, adj. crafty, canning, artful (viile obs. 4). Dissimuler, dese-meti'Iai, ra. and n. 1 >■. to hide, disguise, feign ; play the hypocrite. Dissipateur, -thick, de-se-pah-tur, 4reess, mil/, spendthrift. Dissipation, de-se-pdhsyotig, sf. dispersion, waste ; prodigality ; debauch. DlSSiPER, de-se-pai, va. 1 r. to lavish, scat- ter ; distract ; relieve ; relax ; drive away. Sedissiper, suh-de-se-pai, vref. to take some relaxation ; disperse, disappear, vanish. DlSSOLU, -E, deso-leti, -e, adj. dissolute, de- bauched (vide obs. 4). Dissoluble, de-so-leubl, adj. separable, dis- soluble (vide cbs. 4). Dissolument, de-so-leue-manff, ad. looselj-. Dissolutif, -ve. de-KO-leu-teeff, -v, adj. dis- solving, melting (vide obs. 4). Dissolution, deso-leusyong, sf. separation, debanch (vide obs. 4). Dissolvant, de-sol-vang, pres. part, of dis- soudre, dissolving. Dissolvant, -e, de-sol-vang, -t, smf. tmdadj. dissolvent ; melting-. Dissonnance, de-so-nanghsse, sf. dissonance, discord. DlSSONNAHT, -e, de-so-nang, -t, adj. discord- ant, out of tune. Dissoudre. de-soodr, va. 4 irr. to melt ; abolish; dismiss; break; annul; dissolve. Dissous, de-soo, pres. ind. of dissoudre, dis- solve. Dissous, -te, de-soo, -t, p. part, of dissoudre, dissolved. Disscader, de-seu-ah-dai, va. 1 r. to dis- suade (vide obs. 4). Dissuasion, de-seu-ah-~yong, sf. dissuasion (vide obs. 4). Dissvllabe, de-se-lab, sm. And. adj. dissylla- ble, of two syllables. Distance, deess-tangsse, sf. distance ; differ- ence. Distant, -e, deess-tang, -t, adj. remote, re- moved far off. Distension, deees-fang-sgong, sf. distention, extension. Distillatecr, deess-te-Iah-tur, sm. distiller, extractor. Distillation, deess-te-lah-syong, sf. distilla- tion ; extraction. Distiller, deess-te-lai, va. 1 r. to draw by distillation. Se distiller en larmes, eiih-deess-te-lai- ang-larmhe, idi. exp. vref. to melt into tears. Distinct, -e, deess-taingkt, -t, adj. different, apart ; clear. Distinctement, deess-taingke-tuh-mang, ad. in a distinct manner, clearly. Distinctif, -ve, dtess-taing'ke-teeff, -v, adj. distinctive. Distinction, deess-taingke-syong, sf. distinc- tion ; difference ; rank ; superiority ; expo- sition. Distinguer, deess-taing-gai, va. 1 r. to dis- cern ; note ; judge. Se distinguer, suh-deess-taing-gai, vref. to be eminent ; make one's self known. Distique, deess-teeck, sm. distich. Distortion, deess-tor-syong, sf. contortion, limb out of joint. Distraction, deess-tracksyong, sf. inatten- tion ; separation ; absence ofmind. Distraire, deess-trayre, va. -J irr. to sepa- rate ; perplex ; dissuade. Se distraire, suh-deess-trayre, vref. to relax one's mind. Distrats, deess-trey, pres. ind. of distraire, distract. Distrait, -e, dress-trey, -t, p. part, of d\s- traire, distracted. Distrait, -e, diess-lray, -t, adj. inattentive ; absent ofmind. Distrayant, deess-trai-yang, pres. part, of distraire, distracting. Distribuer, deess-tre-beu-ai, ra. 1 r. to set in order ; divide ; bestow, grant. Distkieuteur, -trice, deess - tre -beu - tur, -treess, smf. divider ; bestower ; distributer. DlSTRIBUTIF, -VE, deess-tre-beu-tm fY , -v, adj. distributive (vide obs. 4). DISTRIBUTION, deess-tre-beu-syong, Sf. distri- bution, division. District, deess-treek, sm. district, circuit of authority. Dit, de, sm. saying, maxim, proverb ; one's word. Dit, -e, de, deet, adj. done, concluded, settled ; surnamed. Un dit, it is reported. Le sermon est dit, the sermon is done. Dit, -e, dee, -t, p. part, of dire, told. Dites (vous), voo-deet, 2 pers. pi. pres. ind. of dire, you say. Ditiiyramee, de-te-rangbe, sm. song in hon- or of Bacchus ; ode in irregular stanzas. Diton, de-tong, sm. interval of two tones. Diuretique, de-yu-rai-teek, adj. diuretic. Diurnal, de-yure-nal, sm. book of prayers for every day. Diurne, de-yurne, adj. diurnal, daily, ephem- eral. Divaguer, de-vah-gai, wi. 1 r. to ramble; digress. Divan, de-vanq, sm. divan ; council ; assern- bly. Divergent, -e, de-r air -h Jang, -t, adj. part- ing from one point. Divers, -e, de-rair, -se, adj. different, un- like : plur. many. Diversement, de -vairse -mang, ad. di- versely. Diversifier, de-vair-se-fyai, va.l r. to varie- gate, change. Diversion, de-vair-syong, sf. diversion ; re- laxation. Diversite, de-vair-se-tai, sf. variety, differ- ence. Divertir, de-vair-teer, va. 2 r. to turn off, embezzle. Divektir, de-vair-teer, va. 2 r. to divert, amuse, please. Se divertir, suh-de-vair-teer, vref. to amuse one's self. Se divertir de, suh-d> -ru i r-tcer-duh, vref. to laugh at. Divertissant, -e, de-vair-te-sang, -t, adj. amusing, comical. Divertissement, de. - vair- teess - mang, sm. amusement, recreation. Dividende, de-re-dangde, sm. share ; num- ber to be divided. Divin, -e, de-raing, -veen, adj. divine ; of God ; excellent. Divinateur, -trice, de-ve-nah-tur, -treess, smf. prophet, seer, diviner. 1C1 DOG DOM Divination, de-ve-nah-tyong, sf. prediction ; conjuration. Divinement, de-veen-mang, ad. divinely ; perfectly. Diviniser, de-ve-ne-zai, va. 1 r. to deify ; praise excessively. Divinite, dc-ve-nc-tai, sf. divinity, God ; deity ; beauty. Diviser, de-vee-zai, va. 1 r. to divide, sepa- rate, part. Diviseur, de-ve-zur, sm. divisor, divider. Divisibility, de-ve ze-be-U-tai, sf. divisibility. Divisible, de-ve-zeebl, adj. separable, sus- ceptible of division. Division, de-ve-zt/ong, sf. division ; partition, discord, misunderstanding. Divorce, de-vorsse, sm. separation, disunion, dissolution of marriage. Divorcer, de-vor-sai, in. 1 r. to be divorced, separated. Divulgation, de-veul-ghahsyong, sf. divul- ging ; publication. Divulguer, de-reul-gai, va. 1 r. to make public, proclaim. Dix, dee, before a consonant ; dcez, before a vowel ; deess, final ; am. and adj. ten. Dix-huit, decz-eu-eet, sm. and adj. eighteen (vide obs. 4). Dix-huitieme, deez-eu-eet-ycm, ord. adj. eighteenth (vide obs. 4). Dixieme, de-zyem, sm. and ord. adj. tenth. Dixiemement, dee-zyem-mang, ad. tentlily. Dix-neuf, deez-nnf. sm. and adj. nineteen. Dix-neuvieme, deez-nuh-vyem, sm. and ord. adj. nineteenth. Dix-sept, deess-sett, sm. and adj. seventeen. Dix-seftieme, deess-say-tyem, sm. and ord. adj. seventeenth. Dizain, de-zaing, sm. stanza of ten verses. Dizaine, de-zain, sf. ten, ten things, tithing. Dizeau, -x, p. de-zo, -e, p. sm. heap of ten sheaves of corn, «tc. Docile, do-seell, adj. gentle, tractable, teach- able. Docilite, do-sede-tai, sf. readiness to learn ; compliance. Docte, dokt, sm. and adj. learned, erudite. Doctement, doM-mang, ail. learnedly. Dooteur, doJc-tur, sm. doctor ; learned man. Docteur regent, doh-tur-rai-hjavg, sm. professor. Doctoral, -e, dok-to-ral, adj. doctoral, of a doctor. Doctorat, dok-to-rah, sm. rank of a doctor. Doctokf.rie, doic^tor-ree, sf. public disputa- tion for a doctor's degree. Doctrinal, -e, dok-tre-nal, adj. containing doctrine, of doctrine. Doctrine, dok-treen, sf. doctrine, tenets; teaching. Document, do-ku-mang, sm. title; proof; direction. Dodiner (se), suh-do-de-nai, vref. 1 r. to take great care, make much of one's self. Dodo, doe-doe, sm. nurse's song to lull the baby to sleep, lullaby. Dodo (fairs), faire-doe-doe, idi. exp. r. 4 irr. to sleep. DODU, -E, do-di-ii, -e, adj. plump, fat, jolly. Dogat, do-ghah, sm. dignity of doge. Doge, dohje, sm. doge, chief magistrate of Venice. Dogmatique, dog-mah-tneJi, sm. and adj. dogmatical, magisterial ; positive. 162 Dogjiatiquement, dog-malt-tcek-mang, ad. dogmatically; positively. Dogmatiser. dog-mah-iee-zai, ni.\ r. to teach a false doctrine ; assert positively. Dogmatiseur, dog-mah-tte-zur, sm. dogma- tiser. Dogmatiste, dog - viah - teest, sm. bold ad- vancer of principles. Dogme, dng-muh, cm. established principle, settled notion, tenet, dogma. Dogue, dog, sm. mastiff. Dogcix, doguine, do-gaing, do-gueen, S7iif. young mastiff. Doigt, doo-ah, sm. finger. Doigt du pied, doo-ah-deu-pyai, sm. toe. Doigt de Dieu, doo-ah duh-dyuh, sm. power of God. Doigt de vin, &C, doo-ahd-vaing, sm. little wine, &.C. Doigtier or Doigtie, doo-ay-tyai, sm. fin- ger stall, thimble. Dol, dol, sot. fraud, cheat, deceit; tambourine. Doleance, do-lai-angsse, sf. complaint, dole- fulness. Dolemment, do-lah-mang, ad. mournfully, dolefully. Dolent, -e, dodang, -t, adj. doleful, melan- choly ; sad. Doler, dodai, va. 1 r. to rough-hew ; smooth with a plane. Doliman, dode-mang, sm. theatrical Turkish dress. Doloike, dodoo-ar, sf. plane, addice, axe. Dom, don, sm. claustral appellation of honor. Domaine, domain, sin. domain, demesne; estate. Domanial, -e, domali-nyal, adj. belonging to a domain. Dome, dome, sm. dome, cupola, hemispheri- cal arch. Domesticite, do -mess-te-se-tai, sf. servile condition, servants. Domestique, do-mess-teek, smf. servant. Domestique, do-mess-teek, adj. domestic ; private ; familiar. Domestiquement, do-mess-teek-mang, ad. privately, unceremoniously. Domicile, do-me-scell, sin. habitation, dwell- ing. Domiciliek (se), suli-do-me-sedyai, r.rrf. 1 r. to fix one's abode, accustom one's self to. Dominant, -e, do-me-nang, -(, adj. dominant, presiding, ruling over. Dominateur, -trice, do-me-na7t-tur, -treess, smf. and adj. ruler, tyrant ; domineering, authoritative. Domination, do-me-nah-syong, sf. power; tyranny ; dominion. Dominer, do-rne-nai, va. ?!. 1 r. to rule over, domineer. Dominicain, -E, do-me-nedcaing, -kain, smf, dominican or white friar, nun. Dominical, -e, do-mc-ne-kal, -e, adj. of the Lord's day. Domino, do-mc-no, sm. short black cloak ; masquerade dress. DCMINOTERIE, do -me -not -ree, sf. colored paper manufactory or shop. Dominotier, do-me -no - tyai, sm. colored paper stainer or seller. Dom mace, do-mahje, sm. damage; havoc; loss ; prejudice ; detriment. Dommage (c'est), se'j-do-vudije, idi. cxp. it is a pity. DOS DOU DOMMAGEABLE, do-mdh-hjabl, ad}, detri- mental, anrtful, prejudicial, injurious. Do.mptable, dong-tabl, adj. conquerable tamable. Domptkr, dona-tai, va. 1 r. to conquer, sub- due, overcome. Dompteur de, dtmg-tur-duh, sm. tamer, sub- duer. Dox. dong. sm. gift, present ; knack ; Span- ish title for a gentleman. Donataire, do-nah-Utyrt, smf. donee, re- ceiver of a donation. DOXATEUR, -TRICE, do-nahtur, -ireess, smf. donor, giver. Donation, do-nah-syong, sf. grant, deed of donation. Donc, donk, conj. then, therefore, for this reason. Doxdox, dong-dong, sf. plump jolly woman. DOKJOK, dong-hjoiig, sm. strong-built turret ; small pavilion on the top of a house. Doxxaxt, -E, do -wing, -t, adj. generous, liberal : (used with ne before it) stingy, parsimonious. Doxxer, do-nod, va. 1 r. to give, bestow, grant. Donner caution, to put in bail ; — jour, to set a day. Se donner, suh-do-7iai, vref. to attribute, appropriate to one's self. Se donner du bon temps, to pass one's time merrily. Do.nxeur. -se, do-nur, -nuhze, smf. (iron.) giver, distributor. Doxt, dong, pron. reJ. of whom, which, whose, whereof. Doxzelle, dong-seU, sf. (iron.) damsel ; wo- man of easy virtue. Dorade, do-rad, sf. goldfish. Dorexavaxt, do-rai-nah-vang, ad. hence- forth, for the future, after this, hereafter. DORER, do-rai, va. 1 r. to gild ; illuminate ; soften. Doreur, -SE. do-rin\ -ruhze, smf. gilder. Dorie>", do-ryaing, sm. and adj. Greek dia- lect or music. DoRiQUE, do-reek, sm. and adj. Doric dialect or architecture. Dorloter, dor-lo-tai, va. 1 r. to fondle, make much of. Se dorloter, suh-dor-to-tai, vref. to take great care of one's self. Dormant, dor-mang, rvlj. and pres. part, of dormir, asleep ; sleeping. Dormeur, -se. dor-mur, -muhzc, smf. sleep- er ; drone ; siuggard. Dormecse, dor-muhze, sf. easy chair or car- riage with a bed. Dormir, dor-meer, vn. 2 irr. to sleep; be inactive, dead. Dormir d'un bon aommeil, to slumber. Dormir, dor-meer, sm. sleep, slumber, re- pose. Dormitif, -te, dor-me-teeff, -v, sm. and adj. causing sleep, opiate. Dors, dor, pres. ind. of dormir. sleep. Dortoir, dor-too-ar, nm. dormitory, sleep- ing-place (vide obs. 6). DoRTJEE, do-reur, sf. gilding; yellow wash. Dos, do, sm. hack. Mooter un cheval a dos, to ride without a saddle. Dos d'axe, do-dithn, sm. angular ridge, Sec. Dose, doze, sf. dose ; portion ; quantity ; mix- ture. Doser, do-zai, va. 1 r. to dose, proportion ; mix. Dosseret, doess-ray, sm. frame of a saw ; small pilaster. Dossier, dpesyai, sm. back of a chair, bed, coach. &c. ; lile for paper . Dossiere. doe-syayre, sf. back-strap of a horse. Dot, dot, sf. dowry, portion ; prii>; >•>. Dotal, -e. do-tat, adj. of the dowry, consti- tuting the marriage portion. Doter, do-tai, va. 1 r. to portion, endow with a fortune. Dottaire, doo-ayre, sm. dowry, .iointure. DOUAIRIERE, doo-ah-ryayre, sf. dowager; (iron.) old lady. Douaxe, doo-an, sf. custom-house duty. Douaxier, doQ-ah-nyai, sm. custom-house officer. Doublage, doo-bJahjc, sm. double ; folding ; joining of two threads; second coat. Double, doo-bl, sm. copy ; twofold; twice as much. Double, doo-bl, adj. double ; artiflcious ; act- ing two parts. Doublemext, doo-bhih-mang, ad. doubly. Doubler, doo-blai, vn. 1 /-. to double, fold ; line ; multiply ; pass round. Doublet, doo-blay, sm. false jewel ; two deuces at cards, dice, . Dtnaste, de-naste, sm. petty sovereign prince. DySASTiE, dc-nass-tcc, sf. dynasty, sover- eignty. Dyspeesie, dcess-pep-see, sf. bad digestion. DTSSENTERIE, de-sangte-ree, .<■/. dysentery. Dysurie, dc-zeu-ree, sf. retention of urine. E. Eat, -x, p. o. oe, p. sf. water, rain; humor. M< tire de Veau dans son vin, to cool his passion. Eire tout en eau, to be in a great sweat. EAU-BENITE, o-lai-neet, sf. holy-water; promises. Eau-claike, o-l.layre, sf. loss of time. Eau-douce, o-doosse, sf. fresh- water, river- water. Eau-de-hbb, ode-mair, af. sea-water, salt- water. Eau-de -FONTAINE, ode-fong-tayue, af. spring- water. Eau -de -source, ode-soorsse, af. spring- water. Eau-UE-ptjits, ode-peu-ee, af. well-water (vide obs. 4). Eau-de-riviere, ode-re-ryayn% af. river- water. Eau-de-rose, ode-raze, sf. rose-water. Kau-de-tie, ode-ree, af. brapdy. Eau-D'Hongrie, o-dong-grec, af. Hungary- water. Eau-forte, o-fortt, af. aquafortis. IOat/X-BASSES, oe-hasse, afp. want of money. Ebaiiir (s'), sai-bah-ter, vref. 2 r. to be , amazed. Ebaiiissemext, ai-bah-eess-mang, am. amaze- nient. BBARBER, ai-bar-hai, va. 1 r. to clip, cut off. EbaRBOIR, ai-bar-boo-ar, sm. shears. Ebaroui. -e, ai-bah-roo-e, -e, adj. dried, split _ by the sun. Ebat, ebatteme>~t, ai-bah, ai-bat-mang, sm. sport. Eeats (je m'), Jijuh-mai-lah, pres. ind. of . s'tibattre, I divert myself. Ebattre (s ; ), sai-batlr, vref. 4 irr. to divert . one's self. Ebauei, -e, ai-bo-be, -e, adj. astonished, sur- , prised. EbauChe, ai-boshe, sf. sketch, rough draught. Euaucher, ai-bo-shai, va. 1 r. to sketch, de- sign. EbatjCHOIR, ai-bo-shoo-ar, sm. chisel. Ebaudir, ai-bo-deer, va. 2 r. to amuse, di- vert. Pebaudir, sai-bo-deer, vref. to be merry. Ebk or ebbe, ebb, sf. reflux of the tide. Ebe>~e, ai-bayv, sf. ebony. Efe>"ER, ai-lai-nai, ia. 1 r. to stain wood . like ebony. Ebenier, aihai-nyai, sm. ebony-tree. Ebeniste, ai-bai-neest, sm. cabinet-maker. Eelouir, ai-bloo-eer, va. 2 /•. to dazzle ; de- ceive. Eelouissaxt, -e, ai-bloo-e-sang, -t, adj. daz- , zling. Ebi.ocissemext, ai-bloo-cess-mang, sf. daz- zling. Ebokg>"er, ai-bor-ing-yai, va. 1 r. to blind ono eye. Ebouillir, aiboo-yeer, vn. 2 irr. to boil . away. Eboulement, ai-oool-mang, sm. rolling down. Ebouler (s'), sai-boo-lai, va. 1 r. to roll, fall, tumblo down. Eeoulis, ai-loo-lcc, sm. heap of falling earth, 'cheme>"t, ai-brangshe-mang, sm. lop- , I 1 '"?- Ebrancher, ai-lranq-shai, va. 1 r. to lop, cut off. £bra>"LE3IE>"T, ai'brangle-mang , sm. shock. 165 ECU ECU Ebuanler, ai-brang-lai, va. 1 r. to shake; astonish. S'ebkanler, sai-brang-lai, vref. to move, give way. Ebrechee, ai-brai-shai, va. 1 r. to notch, jag. Ebrekee, ai-bruh-nai, va. 1 r. to clean an infant. EbrjiitEk, ai-breu-e-tai, va. 1 ;•. to make pub- lic. S'ebuuiter, sai-breu-e-tai, vref. to be known, public. Ebullition, ai-beu-le-syong, sf. boiling up (vide obs. 4). Ecaciiement, ai - leash - mang, sm. bruise, crush. JScacher, ai-kah-shai, va. 1 r. to bruise, crush. Ecacheur D'OR, ai-kah-shur-dor, em. gold- beater. HiCAILLE, ai-k'ah-yuh, sf. shell; scale. Ecaili.e, -e, ai-kah-yai, -e, adj. scaly, of shells. Eoailleu, ai-kaJi-yai, va. 1 r. to scale ; imi- tate shells. S'ecailler, sai-Jcah-yai, vref.Xo peel off. Ecailleux, -Se, ai-kah-yuhe, -ze, adj. scaly. Ecale, ai-kal, sf. hull, husk, shell. Eoalee, ai-kahdai, va. 1 r. to shell, strip off. S'ecaler, sai-kah-lai, vref. to peel, come off. Ecaebooillee, ai-kar-boo-yai, va. 1 r. to bruise, squash. Ecaelate, ai-kar-lat, sf. scarlet, bright red. ECARatTILLEMENT, ai-kar-kte-yuh-mang, sm. wide opening of, spreading of. Ecauquiller, ai-kar-kee-yai, va. 1 r. to open, straddle. Ecart, ai-kar, sm. deviation, error ; discard- ing. Faire v.n ecart dans un discours, to digress. Faire des ecarts, to spend extrava- gantly. A l' ecart, -e, ahdai-kar, ad. exp. aside, by, apart. Ecarte, -e, ai-kar-tai, -e, adj. remote, soli- , tary. Im'aetele, -e, ai-kartdai, -e, adj. quartered. ECaetelek, ai-kartdai, va. 1 r. to quarter. Ecartee, ai-kar-tai, va. 1 r. to remove, sep- arate. jBcarter du droit chemin, to mislead. S'ecarter, sai-kar-tai, vref. to ramble, re- cede. Ecci.esiaste, ay-klai-ze-yast, am. Ecclesias- tes. Ecclesiastique, ay-klai-ze-y ass-trek, sm. TCc- clesiasticus; clergyman, priest, churchman. Ec'( lesiastique, ay -kiwi '-ze-yass-teek :, adj. ec- clesiastic. Ecclesiastiquement, ayklai-ze-yass-teek- mang, ad. in an ecclesiastical manner. ficEEVELE, -e, ai-sair-vlai, -e, adj. han5-" brained, giddy. E.'uafaut, ai-shah-fo, am. scaffold, timber frame. Euiiafaudage, ai-shah-foe-dahje, sm-. scaf- folding. ECHAFADDER, ai-shah-foe-dai, vn. 1 r. to scaffold. Eciialas, ai-shah-lah, sm. prop for a vine, Ac. Echalassement, ai - shah -lass -mang, sm. propping. Eciialasser, ai-shalidali-sai, va. 1 r. to prop vines, &c. Echaliee, ai-shah-lyai, sm. hedge, fence of branches. 166 Echalote, ai-shahdot, sf. shallot, scallion. Echancrer, ai-shang-krai, va. 1 r. to slope. Echancrure, ai-shang-kreur, sf. slope. iVhange, ai-shanghe, sm. exchange, barter. Echanger, ai-shang-hjai, va. 1 r. to ex- change, barter. Ecu anson, ai-shang-son, sm. cup-bearer, steward. Echansonnerie, ai-shang-son-ree, sf. stew- r ardship. Echantillon, ai-shangte-yong, sm. sample, pattern. EviiantillONNER, ai-shang-le-yo-nai , va. 1 r. to give a sample, examine by the standard. Echappade, ai-shah-pad, sf. wrong stroke, slip. Echappatoire, ah-shah-pah-too-ar, sf. come off; shift, subterfuge, evasion. Echappee, ai-shah-paie, sf. omission, over- sight, Echappee de tce, ai-shah-paid-veiie, sf. snatch of sight, vista, prospect. Echappee, ai-shah-pai, va. 1 r. to escape, avoid. Echapper, ai-shah-pai, vn. 1 r. to get, slip, drop away. II lui echup}ia une 'parole, he let fall a word. S'echapper, sai-shah-pai , vref. to make _ one's escape. !Echarde, di-shard, sf splinter. Echardonner, aishar-do-nai, va. 1 r. to „ pull out the thistles. Echarpe, ai-sharp, sf. scarf, sling. Echarpek, ai-shar-pai, va. 1 r. to slash, cut in pieces. Echars (vents), vanghe-zai-shar, snip, shift- ing winds. Echasses, ai-shasse, sfp. stilts. £chaueoule, -E, ai-sho-boo-lai, -e, adj. full of pimples. Echauboulure, ai-sho-boodeur, sf. pimple (vide obs. 4). Echaude, ai-shoe-dai, sm. folding chair ; cake. Echauher, ai-shoe-dai, va. 1 r. to scald. S'echauder, sai-shoe-dai, vref. to smart; , lose. ECHAVT>om,ai-sltoe-doo-ar, sm. scalding-pan; _ gaming-house, bagnio. Echaudoire, ai-shoe-doo-ar, sf. slaughter- > house (vide obs. 6). £chauffaison, ai-shoe-fai-zong, sf. efflores- _ cence. Echauffement, ai-shofe-mang, sm. over- ^ heating. ^chauffer, ai-shoe-fai, va. 1 r. to heat, stir up. S'echauffer, sai-sho-fai, vref. to overheat one's self, grow warm or angry. Echauffouree, ai-shoe-fgp-raie, sf. skir- mish. Echauffure, ai-shoe-feur, sf. pimple, blotch (vide obs. 4). ECHAUGUETTF, ai-shoe-gnyte, sf. watch -tower. Echeance, ai-shai-angsse, sf. term of pay- ment. Echec, ai-sheck, sm. check ; defeat ; attempt ; awe. IJCHECS, ai-sltey, smp. chess. Echelette, ai'shdett, sf. small ladder. ECHELLE,ai-s7teZZ, .«/'. scale-ladder; stomacher. Echelles, ai-shell, sfp. sea-ports in the Le- _ vant. Echelon, aish-long, sm. round, rundle step. ECL E( '< >, aiah-ne-yai, va. 1 r. to destroy caterpillars. Echeaxt, aishai-ang, pres. part, of echoir, happening. Eciief.nt, ai-shay, 3 pers. pi. prts. inch of fchoir, are due. Eciierka, ai-shey-rah, fat of tchoir, will fall. Echerrait, ai-ehey-ray, condit. of echoir, woul I expire. £.11 et, ai-shay, 3 pers. sing. pres. ind. of ichmr, falls due. ficHEVEAU, -x, p. aish-ro, -c, p. s;h. skein. Schevele,-e, ai-shev-lai, -e, "'(/. dishevelled. ficHEViN, aish-vaing, sm. alderman : provost Eciievixage, aisJi-ve-nahje, am. provost's office. ficHiM '. ai-sheen, sf. chine, spine ; back-bone. Ei'hkn ::■ ai-she-naie, sf. chine of pork. Schiner, ai-ehe-nai, va. 1 r. to chine ; beat; kill. EcHnjiiEK,c(i'-*7ie-/.7/a?', sm. exchequer; chess- board. Echo. ai-Ico, sm. echo, repeater. EcnoiE, ai-shoo-ah, pres. snbj. of echoir, may happen. Echoyait, ai-shoo-ah-yay, imperf. of echoir, was due. Ecnor.:, ai-shoo-ar, vn. 3 irr. to fall, happen (vide obs. 6). Echoit. sing-., £choiext. pi. ai-shoo-ah, pres. ind. of echoir, is due ; happens. Echoppe, ai-shop, sf. shed, stall ; graver. &HOCESEST, ai-shooe-mang, sm. stranding.- Echouei:, ai-shoo-ai, va. n. 1 /•. to strand ; fail. Faire echouer (tin vaisseau), to drive ashore. Echu, -e, ai-sheu, p. part, of echoir, expired, become due. £chus, ai-sheu, pret. def. of tchoir, expired. Ecimer, ai-se-mai, va. 1 r. to lop the heads of trees, &c. £cLAnocssER, ai-7dah-boo-sai, va. 1 r. to splash. Ecladocssure, ai-klah-boo-seur, sf. splash- ing (vide obs. 4). Eclair, ai-klair, sm. flash of lightning ; me- teor. Eclair (comme l'), komm-lai-ldair, ad. exp. in a trice. ECLArr.riR, ai-klair-seer, va. 1r. to clear; inform. S ? ecla ::ciR, sai-Jdair-seer, vref. to clear up ; dive. Eclair 'tssemext, ai-Jdair-seess-mang, sm. expli- lion. Eclaii:;. -E, ai-klay-rai, -e, adj. bright ; learned: Eclaire'i, ai-klay-rai, va. 1 r. to light; in- struct : spy. Eclairer, ai-klay-7-ai, vn. 1 r. to sparkle, glitter. Eclaxciie, ai-Jdangshe, sf. leg of mutton, , Bigot- Eclat, ai-ldah, sm. splinter ; lustre ; pomp ; • noise. Eclat re toxxerre, ai-klah-duh-to-nayre, .-i,i. peal of thunder. Eclat de rire, ai-klahd-reer, sm. burst of laughter. Eclataxt, -e, ai-ldah-tang, -(, adj. bright ; glorious. Eclati.u, ai-klah-tai, vn. 1 r. to burst ; shine; break out. Edater de rire, to burst into laughter. Eclipse, ai-ideepsse, sf. eclipse; disappear- ance. £clipser, ai-kleep-sai, va. 1 r. to eclipse ; ob- scure, cloud. R'eclipser, sai-kleep-sai, vref. to disappear. Kcliptique, ai-kleep-teek, sf. and adj. eclip- tic. ficLisSE, ai-Meesa, sf. splint ; cheese-vat. EcLISSER, ai-klesai, va. \r. 1o splinter. Ecloppe, -E, ai-klo-pai, -e, adj. hobbling ; infirm. Eclore, ai-Jdor, vn. 4 in: to hatch; expand; dawn. Lejour vient d? eclore, it is break of , day. Eclorext, ai-ldor, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of fclora, hatch. fic'LOS, -e, ai-ldo, -s, p. part, of eclore, hatched. Eclose, ai-kloze, pres. subj. of eclore, may hatch. Eclot, ai-klo, 3 pers. sing. pres. ind. of eclore, expands. Ecluse. ai-Meuse, sf. sluice, flood-gate. Eclusee, ai-kleu-zaie, sf. discharge of water through floodgates (vide obs. 4). &C0LE,"ai -kol, sf. school; college; sect; ex- perience. Ecolier, -E, ai-ko-lyai, -re, smf. scholar ; _ novice. Econduire, ai-kong-deu-eer, va. -iirr. to dis- miss, reject, get rid of. Ecoxdcis, ai-kong-deu-e, pres. ind. of econ- r duire, dismiss. Ecoxduisaxt, ai-kong-deu-e-zang , pres. part. of econduire, dismissing. Ecoxduisis, ai-kong-deu-e-zee, pret. def. of econduire, got rid of. Ecoxdcit, -e, ai-kong-deu-ee, -t, p. part, of econduire, dismissed. EcONOME, ai-ko-nom, smf. manager. Ecoxome, ai-ko-nom, adj. saving, frugal, thrifty. Ecoxo.MiE,«i-A-o-?!0-mee, sf. frugality; saving. EcoxOMiQCE, ai-ko-no-meek, adj. frugal, _ saving. Ecoxomiquemext, ai-ko-no-meek-mang, ad. frugally ; with economy. Ecoxomisek, ai-ko-no-me-zai, va. 1 r. to save; spare. Ecorce, ai-korsse, sf. rind, bark ; shell, out- side. £corcer, ai-kor-sai, va. 1 r. to bark, peel, husk. Ecorcher, ai-lor-shai, va. 1 r. to skin, scratch ; extort. S'ecorcher, sai-kor-shai, vref. to tear off one's skin. Ecorcherie, ai-korshe-ree, sf. slaughter- _ house. Ecorchecr, ai-kor-shur, sm. butcher ; ex- acter. IJCORCHURE, ai-kor-sheur, sf. laceration. Ecorxer, ai-kor-nai, va. 1 r. to dishorn ; curtail. Ecorxifler, ai-kor-HC-jiai. va. \r. to sponge. EcORXiFLEiiiE, ai-kor-ne-fluh-ree, sf. spon- ging- Ecorxifleur, -SE, ai-kor-ne-jlur, -fluhze, smf. sponger. Ecorxure, ai-kor-neur, sf. corner off. Ecosser. ai-ko-sai, va. 1 r. to shell, husk. ficossEUR. -SE, ai-ko-sur, -suhze, smf. one _ who shells. Ecot, ai-ko, sm. share; ordinary; parly; club ; stump. 167 ECR EFF ficoiJANE, ai-ltoo-an, />/. rough file. Ecouaxer, ai-koo-ah-nai, va. 1 r. to rough- file ; reduce. Ecouer, ai-koo-ai, va. 1 r. to curtail, cut off the tail. Ecoufle, ai-koofle, sm. kite, hawk. Ecouleme.vt, ai-kool-mang, sm. flow ; emis- sion. Ecouler (s'), sai-koo-iai, ore/. 1 r. to run out ; elapse. ECOURGEON, ai-koor-hjong, sm. early barley. Ecourter, ai-Jioor-tai, va. 1 r. to cut off too short. ECODTAKT, -e, ai-koo -tang, -t, sm/ and adj. hearer. Ecoute, ai-koot, sf. listening-place ; private box. Ecoutes (etre atjx), eytr-oe-zai-koo/e, idi. cxp. to be listening, attentive to ; spy. Ecouter, ai-koo-tai, va. 1 r. to hear, listen, receive. S'ECOTJTEK, sai-koo-tai, vref. to indulge one's self. S'ecouter jjacfcr, to hear one's self talk. ECOUTETTR, -se, ai-koo-tur, -tuhze, sm/. lis- tener. Ecouteux, ai-koo-tuhe, adj. m. skittish, shy. Ecoutille, ai-koo -tee- yuh, sf. hatchway, hatch. ficouviLLOX, ai-koo-ve-yong, sm. mop. ficouviLLONNEE, ai-koo-ve-yo-nai, va. 1 r. to mop. £cran~, ai-krana, sm. screen. EcRASEMENT, ai - kraz - mang, sm. crush, crushing. Ex: RASE, -e, ai-krah-zai, -e, adj. too flat, short, low. Ecraser, ai-krah-zai, va. 1 r. to crush ; un- do ; ruin. Ecrkjiek, ai-kray-mai, va. 1 r. to skim off the cream, <&c. Ecreter, ai-kray-tai, va. 1 r. to takeoff the top of a wall, A:c. ECREVISSE, ai-kruh-veess, s/. craw-fish; can- cer. Ecrier (s : ), sai-kre-yai, vref. 1 r. to exclaim ; cry out. ficRiN", ai-kraing, sm. casket, jewel-box. Ecrire, ai-kreer, va. 4 irr. to write; com- pose. Ecris, ai-kree, pres. ind. of ecrire, write. Ecrit, ai-kre, sm. document ; writing ; agree- ment. Ecrit, -e, ai-kree, -t, p. part, of ecrire, writ- ten. Ecriteau, -x, p. ai-kre-to, -c, p. sm. sign ; bill. Ecritoire, ai-kre-too-ar. sf. inkhorn. Ecriture, ai-kre-ttur, if. writing. Ecriture sainte, ai-Jcre-teur -saingte, sf. bible. Ecrivaix, ai-kre-vaing, sm. writer; author; purser. Eikivant, ai-kre-vang, pres. part, at ecrire, writing. Ecrivis, ai-kre-vee, pret. def. of e.nrire, wrote. Ecrou, ai-kroo, sm. the hole of the screw ; record of imprisonment. Ecrouei.les, ai-kroo-til, s/p. king's evil, scrofula. Ecrouer, ai-kroo-ai, va. 1 r. to register a prisoner. Echouir, ai-kroo-eer, va. 2 r. to harden a metal. 1CS>"T, ai-kroo -cess -many, sm. hardening. Ecroulement, ai-krool-mang, sm. falling down. Ecrouler (s')., sai-kroo-lai, vref. 1 r. to tum- ble, sink. Ecrouter, ai-krooe-tai, va. 1 r. to take off the crust. Ecru, -e, ai-Jereu, -e, adj. raw, unbleached ; scorious (vide obs. 4). Ecu, ai-keu, sin. shield ; crown-piece. Eoueil, ai-kvh-yuli, sm. shelf ; danger ; trial. Ecuelle, ai-ku-ell, sf. porringer. Ecuellee, ai-k'/ny-htie, sf. porringer-full. Eculer, ai-ku-lai, va. 1 r. to tread dowu the heel. Eucme, ai-kume, sf. scum; froth; foam, dross. Eoumer, ai-ku-mai, va. and n. 1 r. to scum ; skim ; foam. Ecumer LES MEKS, ai-ku-mai-ley-mayre, va. to pirate. Ecumeur de mer, ai-ku-mur-duli-mair , sm. pirate. Ecumeur, -se de maemtte, ai-ku-mur, -muhze-duh-mar-meet, idi. exp. sm/. spon- ger, parasite. Ecumeux, -SE, ai-ku-muhe, -ze, adj. foamy, frothy. v Ecumoire, ai-ku-moo-ar, sf. skimmer. Ecurer, ai-ku-rai, va. 1 r. to scour, rub, _ clean. Ecureuil, ai-ku-ruh-yuh, sm. squirrel. ECUREUR, -SE, ai-ku-rur, -rnltz>>, smf.scourex. Eccrje, ai-ku-ree, s/. horse-stable ; horse- retinue. Ecusson, ai-ku-song, sm. escutcheon, shield. Eccssonner, ai-ku-so-nni. ua. 1 /•. to ingraft. Ecussonnoir, ai-ku-so-noo-ar, sm. grafting- knife (vide obs. G). Eccyer, ai-ku-e-yui, sm. esquire; equerry; rider. Edente, -e, ai-dang-tai, -c, adj. toothless, without teeth. Edenter, ai-dany-tai, va. 1 r. to pull, break r the teeth. Eoifiant, -E, ai-de-fyang, -t, adj. edifying. Edificateur, ai-de-/e-kah~tur, sm, architect Edification, ai-de-fe-kah-syong, sf. edifica- tion. Edifice, ai-de-fess, sm. fabric, building. Edifier, ai-de-fyai, va. 1 r. to edify ; teach; improve. Edile, ai-deeU, sm. edile ; magistrate. Edilite, ai-de-le-tai, sf. magistracy. Edit, ai-de, sm. edict, proclamation ; ordi- nance. Editeur, ai-de-tttr, sm. editor ; publisher. Edition, ai-de-syong, sf. edition; publication. Edredon, ai-di ■uh-dong, sm. finest down. Education, ai-deu-kah-syong, sf. education (vide obs. 4). . Edulcoration, ai - dcul • ko ■ rah - syong, sf. sweeteuing. Epulcorer, ai-deul-ko-rai, va. 1 r. to sweet- , en. Eduquer, ai-den-kay, va. 1 r. to educate. Efaufiler, ai-foe-fe-lai, va. 1 r. to unravel. Kff arable, ay-/ah-sabl, adj. that may be effaced. Effacer, ay-/ah-sai, va. 1 r. to erase ; re- pair ; excel. Effaqure, ay-/ah-seur, sf. rasure, scratch (vide obs. 4). EFF EGE Effa:;e, -E, ay-fah-rai, -e, adj. confused; ired, aghast. Effarer, ay-fah-rai, va. 1 r. to scare, con- fuse. S'effarek, say-fah-y-ai, vref. to be bewil- dered. Effakocciier, ay-fah-roo-shai, va. 1 r. to frighten. S'effaroocher, say-fah-roo-sJiai, vref. to startle. Effectif, -te, ay-feck-teeff, -r, adj. sure, certain. EFFECT i vement, ay -feck - teev - many, ad. truly. Effectver, ay-feck-ttu-ai, ra. 1 r. to real- ize . vide obs. 1)., -k, ay-fai-me -nut, -e, smf. and adj. effeminate. Effev.i.ner, uy-fai-me-nai, va. 1 r. to effem- inate. Effervescence, ay-fair-vay-sangsse, sf. ardor. Effet. ay -fay. sm. effect: bill; event; movable?. Mettre en effet, to bring to pass. Pour cet effet, therefore. Effectllek, ay-fuh-yai, va. 1 r. to strip off the leaves. Efficace, ay-fe-kasse, aJj. productive of ef- fect. Efficace, ay-fe-kasse, sf. efficacy, virtue, power. Efficaceiie>~t, ay-fe-7;asse-mang, ad. effect- ually. Efficacite, ay-fe-7;ah-se-tai. sf. efficacy, vir- tue. Efficient, -f., ay-fesyang, -t, ad], efficient. Effigie, ayfe-hjee, sf. image ; portrait ; figure. Effile. ay-felai, sm. fringe ; fringed dress. Effile, -e, ay-fe-lai, -e, adj. long, thin, ta- per, lank. Effilek, ay-felai, ra. 1 r. to unravel ; thin. Effiloqcer, ay-fe-lo-kai, va. 1 r. to make wadding. Effilcre, ay-fe-leur, sf unravelling. Effla.vq.ue, -e, ay-flang-kai, -e, smf. and adj. thin tall man or woman ; emaciated. Efflanquer, ay -Jiang -J/ai, va. 1 r. to make lean. S'efflaxquer, sai-flang-kai, vref. to lose flesh. Efflecrer, ay-Jluh-rai, va. 1 r. to skim, glance on. Effoxdkek, ay-fong-drai, ra. 1 r. to search, break, gut. Effosdeilles, ay-fong-dre-yuh, sfp. dregs. Efforcer (s'), say-for-sai, vref. i r. to try, strive, vie. Effort, ay for, sm. struggle; labor; strength, act. Effraction", ay-frack-syong, sf. breaking in. Effratakt, -e, ay-fray-yang, -(, adj. dread- ful. Effrayer, ay-fray-yai, va. 1 r. to frighten, terrify. Effuene, -e, ay-frai-nai, -e, adj. unbridled, licentious. Effriter, ay-fre-tai, va. 1 r. to unfertilize. Effroi, ay-froo-ah, sm. fright, terror. Effro.vte, -v., ay-frong-tai, -e, smf. and adj. bold, impudent ; brazen face. Effrovtehent, ay -frong -tai-mang, ad. boldly. Effronterie, ay-fronqte-ree, sf. impudence. (2) Effrotable, ay-froo^xh-yaltl, adj. fright- ful ; excessive (vide obs. 6). Effroyablement, ay-froo-ah-yabl-mang, ad. dreadfully, horribly (vide 008. 6). Effusion, ay-feu-zyong, sf. effusion. Egai., egaux, p. ai-ghal, -ai-goe, p. sm. and adj. equal, like. Cda m'est igal, all one to me. EGALE3TEKT, ai ■ glial -many, ad. equally, alike. Egaler, ai-ghah-lai, va. 1 r. to equal ; ni fitch ; be even. S'egaler, sai-ghah-Iai, vref. to vie with ; paragon. Egalisatiox, ai-ghah-le-zah-ayong, sf. even- ness. Ecaliseb, ai-ghdh-lee-zai, va. 1 r. to make equal. Egalitk, ai-ghah-le-tai, sf. equality ; uni- formity. Egard, ai-ghar, sm. regard, consideration ; care. A man egard, upon my account. A l'egard de, uh-lai-ghar-duh, prep, in re- spect to. Etr egard, eu-ai-ghar, prep, considering (vide obs. 4). Egare, -E, ai-ghah-rai, -e, adj. bewildered, wild. EcAREHENT, ai-gJtar-mang, sm. error, fault. Egarer, ai-ghah-rai, va, 1 r. to mislead ; mislay. S"egarer, sai-ghah-rai, vref. to go astray; ramble. ISgayer, ai-gay-yai, vr. 1 r. to enliven; lighten. S'EGAYER, sai-gay-yai, vref. to make one's self merry. Egide, ai-hjeed, sf. shield, buckler ; protec- tion. £gla>"tier, ai-glang-tyai, sm. sweet-brier- tree. Egla>*ti>*e, ai-glang-teen, sf. wild rose. Eglise, ai-gleeze, sf. church. £glogue, ai-glog, sf. eclogue, pastoral poem. Egohi>"e, ai-go-eenn, sf. hand-saw. Egoiser, ai-go-e-zai, vn. 1 r. to talk much of one's self. EcofSHE, ai-go-eessm, sm. self praise or love. Egoiste, ai-go-eest, sm. self praiser, lover. Egorger, ai-gor-hjai, va. 1 r. to cut the throat ; kill. ; ruiu ; rob ; injure ; cut to the quick. EGOSILLER (S'), sai-go-ze-yni , vref. 1 r. to make one's self hoarse with shouting or r singing. Egout, ai-goo, sm. gutter, drain ; sewer ; sink. Egoutter, aigoo-tai, va. 1 r. to drain, pour in drops. S'egoutter, sai-goo-tai, vref. to fall in drops. Egouttoir, ai-g'oo-too-ar, sm. drain, sink. £gratigner, aigrah-teeng-yai, va. 1 r. to scratch. Egratig>~ecr, -se, ai • grah - teeng - yur, -yvhze, smf. scratcher ; worker in eyelet- holes. Egratigncre, ai-grah-teeug-yeur, sf. scratch (vide obs. -1). Egren'er, ai-gruh-nai, va. 1 r. to husk seeds, &c. S'egrener, sai-gruh-nai, vref. to shed its seeds. Egrii.lard, -e, ai-gre-yar, -d, smf. and adj. spark, grig; sprightly; wanton': cunning. 169 ELE EMB Egriser, ai-gree-zai, va. 1 r. to grind dia- monds. Egruceoir, ai-greu-hjooar, sm. grater (vide obs. 4 and 6). Egruger, ai-greu-hjai, va. 1 r. to pound (vide obs. 4). £grugecre, ai-greu-hjuhre, sf. pounding. Egueuler, ai-ghuhdai, va. 1 r. to break the neck. S'eguecler, sai-ghuh-lai, vref. to strain one's voice. Eh ! ay, int. ah ! aha ! Eh bien ! ay-byaing, well. Eiionte, -e, ai-ong-tai, -c, adj. shameless, impudent. Ehoupper, ai-oo-pai, va. 1 r. to lop the top of a tree. £jaccler, ai-hjah-ku-lai, va. 1 r. to dart. Elaboration, ai-lah-bo-rah-syong, sf. elabo- ration. Elaboure, -e, ai-lah-boo-rai, -e, adj. elabo- rate. Elaguer, aidah-gai, va. 1 r. to prune, re- trench. fiu.y, ai-lang, sin. elk; leap ; rapture. Elance, -e, ai-lang-sai, -e, adj. thin and tall, slender. Elancemknt, ai-langsse-mang, sm. leap; transport ; twitch ; length. Elancer, ai-lang-sai, vn. 1 r. to twinpre. S'elancer, sai-lang-sai, vref. to rush, fall upon. Elargir, ai-lar-Jijeer, va. 2 r. to widen ; en- large. S'elargie, saidar-hjeer, vref. to extend, grow wide. Elargissement, aidar-lijeess-mang, sm. en- largement. Elargissure, ai-lar-hje-seur, sf. eking-piece. Elasticite, ai-lass-te-se-lai, sf. elasticity, spring. Elastique, ai-lass-teek, sm. and adj. elastic, springy. Electeur, ai-leck-tur, sm. elector. Electif, -ve, ai-Ieck-leeff, -y, adj. elective. Election, ai-leck-syong, sf. election ; choice. Electoral, -e, ai-leck-to-ral, adj. electoral. Elector at, ai-leck-to-rah, sm. electorate. Electrice, di-leck-treess, sf. electress. Slectkicite, ai-hck-tre-se-tai, sf. electricity. Electriqoe, ai-lerk-treek, adj. electrical. Electriser, ai-leck-tre-zai, va. 1 r. to attract. £lf.ctuaire, aideck-teu-ayre, sm. electuary. Elegamment, ai - lai -ghah - mang, ad. ele- gantly. Elegance, ai - lai - ghangsse, sf. elegance, beauty. Elegant, -e, ai-lai-ghang, -t, smf. and adj. elegant, fine. Elegiaque, ai-laidije-yack, adj. mournful, dismal. Elegie, ai-laihjee, sf. elegy, mournful song. Element, aidai-mang, sm. element, first principle. Elementaire, ai-lai-mang-tayre, adj. ele- mentary. Elephant, aidai-fang, sm. elephant ; paper. Elevation, ai-lai-vah-syong, sf. height; grandeur. Elevatoire, aidai-vahtoo-ar. sm. raiser up m (vide obs. 6). Eleve, ai-lev, smf. scholar, pupil, disciple. Eleve, -e, ail-vai, -e, adj. high, lofty, exalt- ed ; raised. 170 Elever, ai-luh-cai, va. 1 r. to raise, build.; educate. S'elever, sai-luh-vai, vref. to rise ; break out. Elevure, ail-veur, sf blotch, pimple. Elider, ai-le-dai, va. 1 r. to cut off; take away ; elide. £ligibilite, aidedije-be-le-tai, sf. eligibility. Eligible, ai-le-hjeeU, adj. eligible, prefera- ble. S'elimer, sai-le-mai, vref. 1 r. to wear out. Elire, ai-leer, va. 4 irr. to elect, prefer. Elis, ai-lee, pres. ind. of elire, elect. Elisant, ai-le-zang, pres. part, of Hire, elect- , ing. Elision, aide-zyong, sf. elision, cutting off. Elite, ai-leet, sf. choice ; flower ; prime. Elixir, aideek-seer, sm. elixir ; quintessence. Elle, ell, pron. pers. f. she ; her ; it. Ellebore, ell-lai-bor, sm. hellebore. Ellipse, aydeepss, sf. ellipsis, omission. Elliptiqce, uydeep-teek, adj. of an ellip- sis. Elocution, ai-lo-ku-syong, sf. oratory, elo- cution. Eloge, ai-lohj, sm. praise ; commendation ; eulogy. Eloigne, -e, ai-loo-ah-ing-yai, -e, adj. dis- tant (vide obs. 6). Eloignement, ai-loo-ah-ing-yuh-ma/ig, sm. _ distance, absence ; aversion ; negligence. Eloigner, ai-loo-ah-ing-yai, va. 1 r. to re- move ; delay (vide obs. 6). S'eloigner, sai-loo-ah-ing-yai, vref. to with- draw. S'eloigner de, sai-loo-ah-iiig-yai-duh, vref. to avoid ; depart from ; neglect ; fail. Elongation, ai-long-ghah-syong, sf. elonga- tion. Eloquemment, ai-lo -kah-mang, ad. elo- quently. Eloquence, ai-lo-kangsse, sf. eloquence. Eloquent, -e, ai-lo-kang, -t, adj. eloquent. Elu, -e, aileu, adj. and p. part, of elire, elected ; chosen, elect. Elucidation, ai-leu-se-dah-syong, sf. expo- sition. Elcder, ai-leu-dai, va. 1 r. to avoid slyly. Elus, ai-leu, pret. def. of Hire, elected. Elysee, ai-le-zaie, sm. place of eternal bliss. Elysees (champs-), shaiKjhje-zaide-zaie, snip. happy fields. Email, emaux, p. ai-mah-yuh, ai-moc, p. sm. enamel. Ejiaillek, ai-mait-yai, va. 1 r. to enamel ; _ adorn. Emailleur, ai-mah-yur, sm. enameller. Emaillcre, ai-mah-yeur, sf. enamelling. Emanation, ai-mali-nah-syong, sf. emana- tion. Emancipation, ai - mang - se - pah - syong, sf. freedom. Emanciper, aimang-se-pai, va. 1 r. to set free from. S'emanciper, sai-mang-se-pai, vref. to take liberties. Em aner, ai-mah-nai, vn. 1 r. to issue, flow from. Emauger, ai-mar-hjai, va. 1 r. to cut, write on the margin. Emballage, ang-bah-lahje, sm. packing up. Emealleu, ang-bahdai, va. 1 r. to embale, pack np. Emballeur, ang-bahdur, sm. packer ; fibber. EMB EMI Embargo, ang -bar-go, sm. embargo; prohi- bition. Embakquemext, ang-barlc-mang, sm. em barking. Embarquer, ang-hir-Jcai, va. 1 r. to em- bark ; engage. S'embarquer, sang-bar-kai, vref. to go to sea ; engage. EmbarraS, angbali-r'ali, sm. stoppage; per- plexity. Embarrassant, -e, ang -bah -rah -sang, -t, adj. puzzling. EmbarraSSER, ang-bah-rah-sai, va. 1 r. to perplex. S'embarrasser r>E, sang-bah-rah-sai-duh , vref. to entangle, clog, perplex, trouble one's self. Embater, ang-bah-tai, va. 1 r. to pack-sad- dle* ; clog. Embacchage, ang-ho-shahje, sm. hiring; de- coying. Embaucher, ang-bo-shai ', va. 1 r. to engage, entrap. Embaucheur, ang-bo-shur, s?n. enticer, in- veigler. Embaumement, ang -borne -mang, sm. em- balming. Embaumer, ang-boe-mai, va. 1 /•. to embalm. Embegui.ver, ang-bai-ghee^nai, va. 1 r. to put on a biggiu, put in one's head. S'embeguiner, sang-bai-ghee-nai, vref. to be infatuated. Embellir, ang-bay-leer, va. 1 r. to embel- lish, adorn. Embeu.issement, ang -bay -leess -mang, sm. ornament. EMBERLUCOQUER (S'), sang-boir-teu-lcokai, vref. 1 r. to take a fancy, be fond of. Embesog>"e, -e, ang-buh-zoing-yai, -e, adj. busy. Emblaver, ang-blali-vai, va. 1 r. to sow with corn. Emblavure, ang-hlah-reur, sf. corn-field. Emblee (d'J, dang-blaie, ad. exp. at first, without difficulty, in a trice. Embi.ematique, ang-blai-mah-teek, adj. figu- rative. Embleme, ang-bleyme, sm. emblem, allusive picture. Emboire, ang-boo-ar, va. i irr. to coat with oil or flax ; imbibe (vide obs. G). Embois, ang-boo-ah, pies. ind. of emboire, imbibe. EmboiteMENT, ang-boo-altl-mang , sm. inser- tion. E.MBoiTER, a'ng-boo-ali-tai, va. 1 r. to insert. Emboitcre, ang - boo-ah-teur, sf. juncture (vide obs. 4 and 6). Emboive, ang-boo-ahve, pres. subj. of em- boire, may imbibe. Emboivext, ang-boo-ahve, 3 pera. pi. pres. ind. and pres. subj. of emboire, imbibe. Embonpoint, ang-bong-poo-aing, svi. plump- ness. Embordurer, ang-bor-deu-rai, va. 1 r. to border (vide obs. 4). EmbouCHKHENT, ang-boosh-mang, sm. bit- ting ; blowing. EhbOITCHER, ang-boo-shai, va. 1 r. to bit; blow ; hint. S'EMBOTJCHEB, sang-boo-shai, vref. to fall, run into. Embouchoir, ang-booshoo-ar, sm. mouth- piece of a horn, trumpet, &c. Embouchure, ang-boo-sheur, ef. mouth. Embouuuer, ang-boo-kai, va. 1 r. to enter a strait, canal. Embourber, ang-boor-hai, to bemire; involve. S'embourber, sang-boor-bai, vref. to sink in the mire ; involve one's self in difficulties. Embourser, ang-boor-sai t va. 1 r. to im- burse. Embrasement, ang-briih'e-mang, sm. inflam- mation ; fire ; commotion ; fervor of mind. Embraser, ang-brah-zai, va. 1 r. to inflame. S'embraser, sang-brah-zai, vref. to kindle. Embrassade, ang-brah-sad, sm. embrace, hug. Embrassement, ang-brasse-mang, sm. em- bracement. Embrasser, ang-bruh-sai, va. 1 r. to em- brace ; choose. Embrasure, ang-brah-zeur, sf. embrasure (vide obs. 4). EmBROCHER, ang-bro-shai, va. 1 r. to put upon the spit. EmbrouillE, -e, ang-broo-yai, adj. obscure, confused. Embrouilleme>"t, ang-brooe-yuh-mang, sm. confusion. Embrouiller, ang-brooe-yai, va. 1 r. to em- broil. S'embrouiller, sang-brooe-yai, vref. to be- wilder one's self. EmbruiNB, -e, ang-breu-e-nai, -e, adj. blast- ed (vide obs. 4). Emekume, -e, ang-breu-mai, -e, adj. fbggy, misty. EmbRyon, ang-bre-yong, am. unfinished pro- duction. EMBU, ang-beu, p. part, of emboire, imbibed. EmbOche, ang-beushe, sf. ambush ; snare (vide obs. 4). Embus, ang-beu, pret. def. of emboira, im- bibed. Embuscade, ang-beuss-Jcad, sf. lurking-place (vide obs. 4). EmbuSQUF.r (s'), sang bmss-kai, vref. to lie in ambush ; lurk, lie' hidden. Embuvaxt, ang-beu-vang, pres. part, cf em- boire, imbibing. Emendee, ai-mang-dai, vn. 1 r. to amend, reform, SmERAUDE, ai-mai-rode. sf. emerald. Emergent, ai-mair-hjang, adj. m. emergent. Emeri or emeril, em-ree, sm. emery, iron ore. Emerillon", ai-mai-re-yong, sm. merlin, _ small cannon. Emerilloxxe, -e, ai-mai-re-yo-nai, -e, adj. brisk, lively. . Emerite, ai-mai-reet, adj. m. annuitant. Emersion, ai-mair-sgong, sf. emersion. Emerveiller, ai-mair-vay-yai, va. 1 r. to astonish. S'EMERVEILLER, sai-mair-vay-yai, vref. to wonder. Emetique, ai-mai-teek, sm. and adj. emetic. Emeus, ai-muhe, pres. ind. of emouvoir, move. J5MEUTE, ai-midit, sf. commotion, tumult. Emeuve, ai-muhe, pres. subj. of emouvoir, may move. Emeuvent, ai-mvhv, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. and pres. subj. of dmouvoir, move. Emier, ai-myai, va. 1 r. to break into small pieces. 171 EMO EMP Bmietter, ai-myai-tai, ra. 1 r. to crumble bread. Emigrant, -e, ai-me-grang, -I, smf. and adj. _ emigrant. Emigre, -e, ai-me-grai, -e, adj. emigrated. Emigree, ai-me-grai, vn. 1 r. to go to an- other country. Emincer, ai-maing-sai, va. 1 r. to cut in thin slices. Emixemment, ai-me-nah-mang, ad. emi- nently-. Eminence, ai -me-nangsse, sf. eminence, height. Eminent, -e, ai-me-nang, -t, adj. eminent ; imminent. E.minentissime, ai-me-nang-le-scem, adj. m. most eminent. Bmissaire, ai - me - sayre, sm. spy, secret agent. Emission, ai -me-syong, sf. emission, dis- charge. Emmagasiner, ang-muh-ghah-ze-nai, va. 1 r. to lay up. Emmailloter, ang-mah-yo-tai, va. 1 r. to swathe. Emmancher, ang-mang-shai, va. 1 r. to haft; dress. Emmancheur, ang-matig-shur, sm. hafter; dresser. Emmannequiner, ang-man-ke-nai, va. 1 r. to put in a hamper. Emmariner, ang-mah-re-nai, va. 1 r. to Ct a ship. Emmenagemext, ang-mai-nahje-mang, am. furniture of a house, settling. Emmenagek, ang-mai-nah-)ijai, va. 1 r. to move to another house. S'emmenager, sana - mai - nali - lijai , vref. 1 r. to furnish one's house, settle one's self. Emmener, ang-muh-nai, va. 1 r. to carry away. Emmenotter, ang-muh-no-tai, va. 1 r. to manacle. Emmieller, ang-myay-lai, va. 1 r. to mix with honey. Emmitoufler, ang-me-loo-ftai, va. 1 r. to muffle up. Emmortaiser, ang-mor-lai-zii, va. 1 r. to set in a mortise. Emmuseler, ang-metfze-lai, ra. 1 r. to muzzle. Emoi, ai-moo-ah, sm. anxiety, flutter. Emollient, -e, ai-mo-lyang, -t, smf. and adj. softening. Emolument, ai-mo-leu-mang,itm. profit, gain. Emonder, ai-mong-dai, va. 1 r. to lop, cut r oif ; pick. Emondes, ai-mongde, sfp. loppings of trees. Emondeur, -se, ai-mong-dur, -duJize, smf. picker, lopper. Emotion, ai-irto-syong, sf. agitation, trouble; tumult. Emotter, ai-mo-tai, va. 1 r. to break the clods. Emoucher, ai-moo-shai, va. 1 r. to flap, hunt Hies ; drive away. Emouchette, ai-moo-s'hett, sf. horse-net to keep off the flies. Emouciieur, ai-moo-shur, sm. trifler, fly- catcher. Emouchoir, ai-inon-shoo-ar, sm. fly-flap. Emoudre, ai-moodr, va. 4 irr. to whet, sharpen. Emoclant, ai-moo-lang, pres. part, of emou- dre, sharpening. 172 Emoeleur, ai-moo-lur, sm. knife-grinder. Emoule, ai-moo-leu, p. part, of emoudre, , sharpened. Emoulus, ai-mooleu, pret. def. of emoudre, r sharpened. fijlOUSSER, ai-moo-sai, va. 1 r. to dull, blunt. Eiiouvant, ai-moo-vang, pres. part, of emou- voir, moving. Emouvoir, ai-moo-voo-ar, va. 3 irr. to move (vide obs. 6). S'emouvoir, sai -moo - voo-ar. vref. to be agitated, disturbed ; revolt ; rise again. Empailler, ang-pah-yai, va. 1 r. to fill with straw. Empailleur, -se, ang-pahyur, -yuhze, smf. worker in straw. Em'palement, ang-pall-mang, sm. empaling. Empalee, ang-pah-lai, va. 1 r. to empale. Empan, ang-pang, sm. span. Empanacher, ang-pah-nah-shai, ra. 1 r. to plume. Empaqueter, ang-pach-lai, va. 1 r. to pack up, inclose. Emparer de (S'), sang-pah-rai-duh, vref. 1 r. to seize upon, invade. Empasme, ang-passm, sm. perfume], ab- sorbent. Empatement, ang-phlit-mang, sm. founda- tion, base. Empater, ang-pah-lai, va. 1 r. to paste ; fat- ten with paste. Empaumer, ang-poe-mai, va. 1 r. to strike, clutch, grasp ; take advantage of. Empau- mer la parole, to engross the conversation. Empechement, ang-peyshe-martg, sm. im- pediment. Empeciie, -e, ang-pey-shai, -e, adj. busy, oc- cupied. Empecher, ang-pey-shai, va. 1 r. to hinder, prevent. S'empecher DE, sang-pey-shai-duh, vref. to refrain from. Empeign'E, any-pay -ing-yuh, sf. vamp. Kmpenner, ang-pay-nai, vn. 1 r. to feather. Kmpereur, angpe-rur, sm. emperor, head of kings. Empesage, angpe-znhje, sm. starching. Empeser, ang-j>uh-zai, ca. 1 ;-. to starch. Empeseur, -se, ang-puh-zar, -znhze, smf. starcher. Empester, ang-pess-tai, va. 1 r. to infect ; emit a smell. Empetrer, angpey-trai, va. 1 r. to hinder ; involve. S'empetrer, sartg-pcy-trai, vref. to entangle one's self. Empiiase, ang-fhhze, sf emphasis ; affected stress. Emphatique, ang-fah-teeJ.; adj. forcible, striking. Emphatiquement, ang-fah-teelc-mang, ad. strongly. Emphitiieose, ang-fe-iai-oze, sf. long lease, lease from 10 to 99 years. Emphitheote, ang-fe-tai-ot, smf. holder of a long lease. Empietement, ang - pyaite - mang , sm. en- croachment. Empietek, ung-pyai-tai, ra. n. 1 r. to en- croach. Emfiffrer, ang-pe-frai, va. 1 r. to cram, stuff; fatten. ' S'empiffreu, sang-pie-frai, vref. to gorman- dize. EMP ENC Empilement, ang -peell -many, sm. piling up. K.Mru.Ki;, ang-pe-tai, va. 1 r. to pile, heap, raise up. Empire, ang-peer, sm. empire ; right ; power; sway. Empirer, ang-pe-rai, va. n. 1 r. to make, grow worse. Empirique, ang-pe-reek, sm. and adj. quack, pretender. Empirishb, ang-pe-re&tm, sm. quackery. Emplacement, ang-plaxs-niring, sm. ground plot. Emplatre, ang-pUihtr, sm. plasterer, cata- plasm. EmpLETTE, ang-plett, sf. purchase. Emplir, ang-pleer, va. 2 r. to fill. Emploi, ang-ploo-ah, sm. business; office. Employe, ang-ploo-ah-yai, sm. clerk. Employer, ang-ploo-ah-yai, va. 1 r. to em- ploy, spend (vide obs. 6). S'employer a, sang-ploo-ah-yai, vref. to ap- ply one's self to ; exert, interest one's self. Emplumer, ang-pleu-mai, va. 1 r. to feather. S'emplumer, aang-pleu-mai, vref. to make money ; grow rich ; repair one's losses. Empocher, ang-po-tshai, va. 1 r. to pocket ; grasp. Empoigxee, ang-poo-ah-ing-yaie, sf. handful, gripe (vide obs. 6). Empoigner, ang-poo-ah-ing-yai ', va. 1 r. to gripe ; squeeze, lay hold of. EmpoiS, ang-pno-hh, sm. starch. Empoisonnement, ang- poo - ah - zon - many, sm. empoisonment (vide obs. G). Empoiso>">*er, any-poo-ah-zo-nai, va. 1 r. to poison (vide obs. 6). Empoisonneur, -SE, ang - poo - ah - zo - mir, -mthze, smf. empoisoner ; bad cook. Empoisser, ang-poo-ah-sai, va. 1 r. to smear over with pitch, tar (vide obs. 6). Empoissoxnement, ang- poo - ah - son-mang, sm. stocking with fish (vide obs. G). Empoissonner, ang-poo-ah-so nai, va. \r. to stock a pond, &c, with fish (vide obs. 6). Em porte, -E, ang-por-tai, -e, adj. hasty, pas- sionate. Emportement, ang-porl-mang, sm. fit of pas- sion. Emporte-piece, arig-port-pyess, sm. pun- cheon ; satirist. Emporter, ang-por-tai, va. 1 r. to carry, take away ; tear ; drag ; gain ; raise. lis ne Vemporteront pas de la sorte, they shall not go away with it so. S'emporter, sang-por-tai, vref. to fly into a passion. S'EMPORTER CO>"TRE, sany-por-tai-lonr/tr, idi. exp. vref. to inveigh, declaim against. Empoter, ang-po-tai, va. 1 r. to pot; pre- serve in pots. Empourpre, -e, ang - poor - prai, -e, adj. clothed in purple. Empiieigxant, ang-prai-ing-yang, pres.part. of empreindre, impressing. Emfreignis, ang-prai-iny-ye, pret. def. of empreindre, impressed. Empreindre, any-praingdr, va. 4 irr. to im- press. Empkkins, any-praing, pres. ind. of em- preindre, impress. Empkeixt, -E, angpraing, -t, p. part, of em~ preindre, impressed. Empueixte, ang-praingte, sf. impression. Empkesse, -e, ang-pray-sai, -e, smf. and adj. eager, active, zealous, attentive, med- dling person. EMPRESSEMENT, ang-pressmany, sm. eager- ness, zeal. Avoir det empressemens pour quflqu'un, to be officious. Empresses (s*). eomg-prai-sai, vref. 1 r. to act with zeal, take much pains. S'empresser pkes de, sang-prai-sai-prey- dtdt, idi. exj). vref. to insinuate one's sell'. Emprisonxement, ang-pre-zon-mang, sm. imprisonment, confinement. Empkisoxner, ang-pre-eo-nai, va. 1 r. to im- prison. Emprunt, ang-prtmg, sm. money borrowed. Vipre d' emprunt, to live upon trust. Emprunt (beaute d'), lo-tai-dang-prung, sm. borrowed beauty. Emprunt (vertu d'"), vair-teu-dang-prung, sf. semblance of virtue (vide obs. 4). Empruxte, -e, ang-prung-tai, -e, adj. stiff, affected. Avoir Pair emprunte, to have an awkward look. Emfrunter, ang-prung-tai, va. 1 r. to bor- row ; assume. Emprunteur, -se, ang-prung-tur, -lulize, smf. borrower. Empuantir, ang-peii-ang-teer, va. 2 r. to emit an offensive smell, putrefy. Empuantissement, ang-peu.-ang-tems-m.ang, sm. offensive smell, putrefaction. Empyree, ang-pe-raie, sm. and adj. highest heaven ; formed of fire. £mu, -e, ai-vieu, adj. and p. part, of emou- voir, moved ; agitated. Smus, ai-meu, pret. def. of emouvoir, moved. Emulateur, ai-meit-lah-tur , sm. rival. Emulation, ai-meu-lah-syong, sf. contest, rivalry. JImcle, ai-meul, smf. competitor, rival. Emulgent, -e, ai-meul-hjang, -t, adj. emul- gent (vide obs. 4). Emulsion, ai-meul-syong, sf. emulsion. En, ang, preconj. pron. of, with, from, by it, them, some, any. En, ang, prep, in, into, whilst, with, for, ifcc. En avast, ang-nah-vang, ad. forward. En haut, any hoe, ad. above, up stairs. En bas, angbah, ad. below, down stairs. En dedans, ang-duh-dang, ad. within. En dehors, ang-duh-or, ad. without. En tant que, ang-tang-kuh, conj. as. Encadrement, ang-mthdr-mang, sm. fra- ming. Encadrer, ang-Jcah-drai, va. 1 r. to frame. Encager, ang-hah-hjai, va. 1 r. to encage ; confine. Encaissement, ang-lcaysse-mang, sm. in- casing. Encaisser, emg-Jcay-sai, va. 1 r. to pack up. Encan, ang-lcang, sm. public sale. Encanailler, anyhih-nah-yai, va. 1 r. to mix with low persons. S'ENCANAILLER, s'any-lalx-nah-yai, vref. to associate with low persons, degrade one's self. ENCAPUCHONNER (S'), s'ang-lali-peu-sho-nai, vref. 1 r. to dress in a hood. Encaquer, ang-lcah-lcai, va. 1 r. to barrel, cram. Encastrement, ang-Mss-truh-mang, sm. en- chasing. Encastrer, angdeassdrai, va. 1 r. to set in ; enchase. Encavement, ang-lcav-manq, sm. cellarage. 173 ENC ENC Encayer, ang-kah-vai, va. 1 r. to put in a cellar. Encaveur, ang-kah-vur, sm. cellar-man. Enceignant, ang sai-ing-yany, pies. part, of enceindre, inclosing. Enceignis, ang-sai-ing-yc, pret. def. of en- ceindre, inclosed. Enceindre, ang-saingdr, ra. 4 irr. to sur- round. Enceins, ang-saing, pres. ind. of enceindre, surround, inclose. Enceint, -e, ang-saing, -t, p. part. of encein- dre, inclosed. ' Enceinte, ang-saingt, adj. pregnant, with child. Enceinte, ang-saingte, sf. inclosure. Encens, 'ang-sanglte, sm, incense ; flattery. Encensement, ang-sangsse-mang, am. flat- tery. Encenser, ang-sang-sai, va. 1 r. to cense, perfume ; extol. Encenseur, ang-sang-sicr, sm. praiser ; flat- terer. Encensoir, ang -sang -soo-ar, sm. censor. Enchain ement, ang-nhayn.e-m.ang. sm. se- ries ; union. Enchaixer, ang-shey-nai, va. 1 r. to en- chain ; join. Enchainure, any -shay -neur, sf. links. Enchantement, ang - shangle - many, sm. charm. Enchanter, ang-shang-tai, va. 1 r. to charm, delight. Enchanteresse, ang-shangte-ress, sf. and adj. enchantress, irresistible woman ; sor- ceress. Enchanteur, ang-shang'-lur, sm. and adj. enchanter; charming; ecstatic. Enchaperonneu, ang-sJiap-ro-nai, ra. 1 ;; to hood. Enchasser, ang-shah-sai, va. 1 r. to en- chase ; infix. Encuassure, ang-shah-seur, sf. setting in metal (vide ohs. 4). Enchere, ang-shayre, sf. outbidding, auc- tion. Melt re h Peiichire, to sell by auction. Mettre line enchere. to outbid. Voits en paierez lafolle enchere, you shall pay dear for your rashness. Encherir, ang-shai-reer, va. 2 r. to outbid ; raise the price ; surpass, outdo. Encherisse.ment, ang-shai-reess-mang, sm. rise. Encheeisseur, ang-s7iai-re-sur, sm. outbid- der. Enchevetree, angshe-vey-trai, ra. 1 r. to halter. S'enchevetrer, s' angshe-vey-trai, vref. to bewilder, confuse one's self, get into diffi- culties. Enchevetruee, angshe-vey-treur, sf. chim- ney-piece ; hurt ; entanglement. Enciiifrenement, angshe-fren-mang, sm. stoppage in the nose. Enchifrener, ang-she-fruh-nai, va. 1 r. to cause a stoppage in the nose. Enchifrene, -e, ang-she-fruh-nai, -e, adj. ■who has a stoppage in the nose. Enclave, ang-klav, sf. boundary ; field or land included in another's property. ENCLAVER, angdclah-rai, va. 1 r. to inclose, infix, insert. Enclin, -e a, ang-klaing, -Ideen-ah, adj. prone, inclined. 174 Encloitrer, ang-kloo-ali-trai, va. 1 r. to cloister, immure (vide obs. 6). Enclore, ang-klor, ra. 4 irr. to inclose, fit in, shut. Enclos, ang-ldoe, sin. inclosure ; inclosed ground. Enclos, ang-klo, pres. ind. of enclore, inclose. Enclos, -e, ang-klo, -~, p. part, of enclore, inclosed. Enclouer, ang kloo-ai, va. 1 r. to nail up ; lame. Enclouure, ang-Jdoo-eitr, sf. prick of a nail ; vexation, trouble, difficulty. Encluke, ang-Ideum, sf. anviV (vide obs. 4). Encocher, ang-ko-shai, va. 1 ;-. to pull the bowstring with the arrow. Encoffrer, ang-ko-frai, va. 1 r. to coffer ; lay up, imprison. Encognure or encoignure, ang ko-ing-yeur, sf. corner, angle; coin (vide obs. 4). Encolure, ang-ko-leur, sf. chest of a horse ; mien, appearance of a person. Je Je rr-con- nais a V encolure, I recognize him by his air. Encombre, ang-kongbr, sm. hinderance, vex- ation. Encombrement, ang-kongbr-mang, sm. clog, load ; burden. Encombrer, ung-kong-brai, va. 1 r. to en- _ cumber, impede. A l'encontre, ah - Vang - kongtr, prep. against. Encore, ang-kor, ad. again ; yet, still, as yet, also. Encorne, -e, ang-kor-nai, -e, adj. horned, with horns. Encouragement, ang-Jeoo-raJije-mang, sm. encouragement ; incentive ; support. Encourager, ang-koo-rah-Jijai, ra. 1 r. to give courage. Encourant, ang-lsao-rang, pres. part, of en- courir, incurring. Encourir, ang-lcoo-reer, va. 2 irr. to incur, deserve. Encourrai, ang-koor-rai, fut. of encourir, will incur. Encourrais, ang-koor-rey, condit. of encou- rir, would incur. Encouks, ang-koor, pres. ind. of encourir, incur. ENCOURTT, ang-koo-reu, p. part, of encourir, incurred. Encourus, ang-koo-reu, pret. def. of encou- rir. Encrasser, ang-krah-sai, va. 1 r. to smear with grease. S'encrasser, s'ang-krah-sai, vref. to grow greasy, low, contemptible ; degrade one's self. Encre, angkr, sf. ink. Encrier, ang-kre-yai, s7n. inkstand. EncroOter, ang-krooe-tai, ra. 1 r. to in- crust, envelop. S'encrouter, s' 'ang-krooe-tai, vref. to crust, gather or contract a crust. Encuirasser (s'), e'ang-ku-e-rctftsai, vref. 1 ;-. to grow rusty, dirty, covered with a hard ca^e. Encuvement, ang-kuve-mang, sm. putting in a tub. Encuver, a?ig-ku-rai, va. 1 r. to put in a tub. Encyclofedie, sf. course of the sciences, circle of knowledge. Encyclopedique, ang-se-klopai-deek, adj. of all the sciences. ENF ENF Enden'te, -E. ang-dang-tai, -e, a>lj. indent- ed ; eating heartily. ENDETTER, ang-dai-tai, vr. 1 r. to put into debt. S'E.MiKTTEn, s'asig-dai-tui, vref. to run into debt. ExnKVE, -e, ang-dai-vai, c, $mf. and adj. furious, passionate. Endevek, ang-dai-vai, va. 1 r. to be much vexed. Exdk.ver (faire;, faire-ang-dai-vai, comp. r. i irr. to vex. Endiarle, -e, ang-dyaJi-hlai, -e, adj. furious, very bad. Endimancheu (s - ), s'ang-de-mang-sJiai, vref. 1 r. to dress fine; put on one's best clothes. Endive, ana-deev, sf. endive. Endoctrinf.r, ang-docfc-tre-nai, sa. 1 r. to instruct ; liint Endommager, ang-db-mak-hjai, va. 1 r. to damage. E.NDORMEIJR, -se, ang-dor-mur, -muhze, snif. cajoler. Endokmant, ang-dor-mang, pres. part, of endormir, lulling to sleep. Endormir, angdor-mecr, va. 2 r. to lull to sleep ; tire. S'endormir, s'ang-dor-meer^ vref. to fall asleep. Ils'endort an plus fort de sea af- faires, he neglects his business strangely. EJTDORMISSEMEJIT, ang-dor-meess-mang, sm. drowsiness. Endoks, ang-dor, pres. ind. of endormir, lull to sleep. Endosse, aug-doess, sf. trouble, toil, burden, charge. Endossement, ang-doess-mang, sm. endorse- ment. Endosser, aug-doe-sai, va. 1 r. to put on; endorse. Endosseur, ttng-doe-sur, sm. endorser. Endroit, ang-droo-ah, sm. right side ; place. Montrer par le btl endroit, to show to the best advantage. Enduire, vng-deu-eer, va. 4 irr. to over- spread (vide obs. 4). Enduis, ang-deu-e, pres. ind. of eaduire, overspread. Enduisant, ang-deu-e-zang, pres. part, of enduir-e, covering. Exdcisis, ang-deu-e-zee, pret def. of enduire, overspread. Exdcit, -e, ang-deu-ee, -t, p. part, of m£u, ang-7ijangd>ai,sf. stride, long step. Enjambement, ang-lijangbe-rnang, sm. link- ingof two syllables in a verse. Enj amber, ang-hjang-itai, va. n. 1 r. to stride; run into. Enjaveler, ang-7javdai, va. 1 r. to bind into sheaves. Enjec, ang-7iju7i, sm. stake, wager. Enjoignant, ang~hjoo-a7i-ing-yant, pres. part, of enjoindre, enjoining. En'joignis, ang-njor>-ah,-ing-ye, pret. def. of enjoindre, enjoined. Enjoindre, ung-hjoo-aingdr, ra. -1 irr. to en- join ; order. E.vjoin's, ang-hjoo-aing, pres. ind. o^ enjoin- dre, enjoin. Enjoint, -e, afig-hjoo-aing, -te, p. part, of en- joindre, enjoined. Exjoler, ang-lijoe-lai, va. 1 r. to wheedle, cajole, entice. En'.toeeue, -se, ang-7joe-lur, -hilize, smf. wheedler, cajoler. Enjoeivement, ang-hjo-leev-mang, sm. orna- ment. Ex.ioliver, ang-7ijo-le-^vai, va. 1 r. to embel- lish, adorn. EXQ ENS Enjoliveur, any-hjo-le-vur, sm. adorner ; seller of trinkets. Enjoue, -k, any-hjoo-ai, -c, adj. lively, merry, cheerful. Enjouement, angJijooe-mcuig, tnn. liveliness. Enlacement, ang-luss-man;/, sm. entangling; maze. Enlacer, atig-lah-sai, va. 1 r. to lace; puzzle, entangle. Eni.aidir. ang-lay-deer, va. n. 2 r. to make, grow ugly. Enlatdissement, ang-lai-decss-mang, sm. disfigurement. Enlevement, aiiy-ltv-mang, sou rapture ; rape. Enlever, anrj-hih-rai, va. 1 r. to raise, carry off; takeaway; transport- EnleoerhVen- nemi, to take from the enemy. Enlever Ufferement, to whip up. Enlu miner, ang~leu-iae-nai, va. 1 ;•. to color. Enlumineur, -SE, ang-leu-me-nur, -nuhz", smf. colorist. Enluminure, angf-7eu-mt-neur.i »/. coloring; studied flondness of style. En'ntxi, -a, en-me, -e, smf. enemy, foe; fiend. Enxemi, -e, en-me, -e, adj. inimical, adverse., ung-no-lleer, va. 2 r. to ennoble, distinguish. Ennui, ang-neu-e, sm. weariness; irksome- ness (vide obs. 4). Ennuyant, -e, ang-neu-e-yang, -te, adj. te- dious, wearisome. Ennuyer, any-ni-ii-e-yai, va. 1 /•. to weary; tire (vide obs. 4). S'ennuver, s-any-neu-e-yal, vref. to tire, be unsettled. Ennuyecsement, ang-neue-yuhze-mang , ad. tediously. Ennuyeux, -se, ang-neu-e-yuJi, -ze, adj. tire- some, fatiguing. IJnonce, ea-nang-sai, sm. statement. £noncer, ai-nong-sui, va. 1 ;•. to expose, de- clare, submit. S"enoncer, s'ai-nong-aai, vref. to express one's self. Enonciatif, -ye, ai-nong-syah-teef, -re, adj. declarative. Enonciation, ai-nong-syah-syong, sf. expres- sion ; declaration. Enorgueillir, an-or-guh-yeer, va. 2 r. to make proud. S'EXORGUEII.lik, -s 1 an-or-guh-yeer, vref. to grow proud. E-norme, ai-norm, adj. huge; enormous, _ dreadful. Enormement, ai-nor-mai-mang, ad. exces- sively. Enormite, ai-nor-me-tai, sf hugeness ; atro- city. Enquerant (s ? ),, pres. part, of s'enquerir, inquiring. Enquerant, -e, ung-kai-rang, -t, adj. in- quisitive. Enquerir de (s'), s\ing-l;ai-reer-duh, vref. 2 irr. to inquire. Enquerrai (je m'), hjidi-mang-key-ral, fut. of s'enquSrir, I will inquire. Enquerrais (je m'), lijuh-mang-kcy-rey, condit. of s' enquerir, I would inquire. Enquete, ang-kayte, sf. inquiry; search. Enqukteur, ang-haytur, sm. inquirer; in- quisitor. Enquiere (je m?), hjuh-mang-lcyair, pres. subj. of s'enqudrir. (S*) Enquierent (s'), aang-hyair, 3 pers. pi. ind. and subj. of s'enqudrir. ENQUIERS (je m'), hjuh-mahg-kyai, pres. ind. of s'engiuSrir, I inquire. Enquis (je m'), hjuh mang-Jcee, pret def. of s'inqiierir, I inquired. Enquis, -e, angkee, -s, p. part, of s'enqutrir, inquired. Enraciner (s'), s'any-ruli-se-nai, vref. 1 r. to take root. Enrage, -e, ang-rah-hjai, -e, adj. mad, fu- rious, impetuous. Enrageant, -e, ang-rah-hjang, adj. vexa- tious, provoking. Enrageu, ang-rah-hjai, vn. 1 r. to be mad ; in a great passion. Enrager (FA.jRE),faire-ang-rah-hjai, camp. v. 4 irr. to vex, torment, drive one mad. Enrayer, ang-ray-yai, en. 1 r. to furrow; put the spokes or trigger. E.nuayure, ang-rayyeur, sf first furrow, trigger ; putting of the spokes. 'EnREGiKEKTER,ang-rai-hJe-man^-tai, va. 1 ?•. to form a regiment, enlist. Exregistrement, ang-rai-hjeess-lruh-maiu/, sm. registering. Enregisteer, ang-rai-hjeess-trai, va. 1 r. to register, record. Enrhumer, aug-reumai, va. 1 r. to give, cause a cold (vide obs. 4). S'li.NitHU-MELi, s'ang-reu-mai, vref. to catch a cold. Enrichir, ang-re-sheer, va. 2 r. to enrich. S'enrichik, s' ang-re-sheer, vref. to grow rich. Enrich issement, ang-re-shtess-viang, sm enrichment; ornament. Enrolkment, ang-rola-mang, sm. enrolment, listing. Enroler, ang-roe-lai, va. \r. to enrol, regis- ter. S'enroler, s 1 'ang-roe-lai, vref. to enlist, be a soldier, &c Enrouement, ang-rooe-mang, sm. hoarse- ness, Enrouer, ang-roo-ai, va. 1 r. to make hoarse S'ENROUER, s'any-roo-ai, vref to make one 1 self grow hoarse. Enuocii.lkr, ang-roo-yal, va. 1 r. to rust, make dull. S'enrouii.ler, s'ang-ruo-yai, vref. to grow rusty ; dull. Enroulement, ang-rool-mang, sm. rolling up. Enrouler, ang-roo-lai, va. 1 r. to roll up, wrap round. Ensap.lement, ang-sah-Lluh-mang , sm. sand bank. Ensahler, ang-sali-blai, va. I r. to run upon sands. Ensacher, ang-sah-shai, va. 1 r. to put in a sack or bag. Ensanclanter, ang-sang-glang-iai, va. 1 r. to stain with blood, smear with gore. Enseigne, anysay-i/iy-yah, sm. ensign (offi- cer). Ensf.igne, anasay-ing-yuh, sf. sign ; flag. Enseignement, aiig-say-ing-yuh-mang, sm. instruction. Enseigner, ang-say-ing-yai, va. 1 r. to teach; inform. Enselle, -e, ang-say-lai, -e, adj. saddl backed. Ensemble, ang-sangbl, sm. whole ; harmony ; mass, 177 ENT ENT Ensemble, ang-sanghl, ad. together, jointly. Ensemenc3me.nt, ang-smangsse-mang, sm. sowing. Ensemencee, ang-smang-sai, va. 1 r. to sow. Enserrer, ang-say-rai, va. 1 r. to put in a green-house, shut up, contain. Ensevelir, ang-sev-leer, va. 2 r. to shroud ; conceal. S'ensevelir, s'ang-sev-her, are/, to bury one's self. Ensevelissement, ang-sev-leess-mang, sm. putting in the shroud ; retirement ; solitude. Ensevelisseur, -se, ang-seo-le-sur, -suhze, sm/. dresser of the dead. Ensorcellement, ang-sor-sell-mang, sm. magical spell ; charm. ENsoRCELEU.antf-so/s.s-Zaj, va. 1 r. to bewitch; charm. Ensorceleur, -se, ang-sorss-lur, -hthze, sm/. sorcerer, sorceress ; charmer, bewitcher. Ensoufrer, ang-soo-/rai, va. 1 r. to dip in brimstone. Ensuit (il s'), eel-sang-seu-ee, pres. ind. of s'ensuivre, it follows from. Ensuite, ang-seu-eet, ad. afterwards ; then. Ensuite de, ang-seu-eet-duh , pre}), after. Ensuivant (s ? ), sang-seu-e-vang, pres. part. of s'ensuivre, ensuing. Ensuivi, ang-seu-e-vee, p. part, of s'ensuivre, followed. Ensuivit (il s'), eel-sang-seu-e-iee, pret. def. of s'ensuivre, it followed from. Ensuivre (S'), s'ang-seu-eevr, vie/. 4 irr. to follow ; ensue, take place. Entablement, ang-tah-bluh-mang, sm. en- tablature. Entacher, ang-tah-shai, va. 1 r. to stain, tarnish. Entaille, ang-tah-yuh, s/. notch, jag, indent. Entailler, ang-tah-yai, va. 1 /•. to notch, indent. Entame, ang-tam, s/. first cut of a loaf. Entamer, ang-tah-mai, va. 1 r. to begin ; enter upon. Entamtke, ang-tah-meur, sf. slight cut. En tant que, ang-tang-kuh, conj. as, because. ENTASSEMENT, ang-tass-mang, sm. heap. Entasser, ang-tah-sai, va. 1 r. to heap, hoard up. Entasseur, -se, ang-tah-sur, -suhze, sm/. miser. Ente, angle, sf. graft, small branch inserted. Entement, angte-matig, sm. grafting, inser- tion. Entendement, angtangde-mang, sm. judg- ment. Entendeur, ang-tang-dur, sm. wise man. Entendre, ang-tangar, va. 4r. to hear, un- ( derstand ; insinuate ; mean. Faites comme vous Ventendrez, do as you think best. S'entendre, s'ang-tangdr, vie/, to under- stand one another ; connive. S'entendre a, s'ang-tangdr-ah, vre/. to have skill in. Entendu, ring -tang -deu, sm. conceited man. Faire I'entendue, to be proud. Entendu (bie.n), byaing ang-tang-deu, ad. exp. certainly, without doubt. Entendu que (BIen), byaing-ang-tang-deu- kuh, conj. on condition that. Entendu, -e, ang-tang-deu, s one another. EktrbCHAT, ang-truh-sJuih, sm. caper, dan- cing-step. Entrechoqcer (s'), (Pong-tTuh-sho-kai, vref. to collide ; contradict, oppose one another. E-Vtre-couper, ang-truh-koo-pai, ca. 1 r. to intersect ; interrupt ; separate. Entbe-dechirer (S')i ■•>'" c ""yelopper, angve-lo-pai, va. 1 r. to en- velop, inwrap, hide ; conceal ; surround. Enveloppe discours, intricate discourse. S'enyelopper, s' angve-lo-pai, vref. to wrap one's self up. Enyenimer, angve-ne-mai, va. 1 r. to poison ; infect ; irritate. Enyerguer, ang-vair-gai, va. 1 r. to fasten the sails. Enverkai, ang-vey-rai, fut. of envoyer, will send. ENVERRAIS, ang-vey-rey, condit. of envoy er, would send. En vers, ang-vair, sm. wrong side; con- trary sense. En vers, ang-vair, prep, towards. A l'envers, ah-lang-vair, ad. exp. on the wrong side ; the wrong side outwards. E;,vi (a L'), ah-huig-ve, ad. exp. in emula- tion of. Envie, ang-vee, sf. envy ; need , desire ; jealousy. ' Celafait envie, that makes one's mouth water. Avoir envie de J aire, to in- cline to do. E.nvier, ang-vyai, va. 1 r. to envy, covet, wish for. Estieux, -se, ang-vyuhe, -ze, smf. and adj. envier ; envious. Environ, angve-rong, prep, about. Environ, ang-ve-rong, ad. nearly; almost. Environs, ang-ve-ronghe, amp. neighboring places. Environner, ang-ve-ro-nai, va. 1 r. to sur- round ; adorn ; attend ; invest. Envisages, ang-ve-zah-hjai, va. 1 r. to look at, revolve ; foresee. Esyoi, ang-voo-ah, am. message ; last stanza ; dedication ; envoi. ENVOlSINE, -e, ang-voo-ah-ze-nui, -e, adj. surrounded with neighbors. Envoler (s'), s'cuig-vo-lai, to fly away, take flight ; fleet ; vanish ; disap- pear. 180 Envoye, ang-voo-ah-yai, sm. envoy. Envoyer, ang-voo-ah-yai, va. 1 r. to send. Envoyer QUERIR, ang-voo-ah-yai-hai-reer, comp. v. to send for (vide obs. 6). Eolipyle, ai-o-le-peel, sm. ventilator. Epacte, ai-packt, sf. epact, supplementary _ days. Epagneul, -e, ai-pah-ing-yul,-l, smf. spaniel. Epais, ai-pey, sm. thickuess ; thick. Epais, -se, aipey, -pess. adj. thick, dense, _ close ; heavy ; dull ; clownish ; rude. Epaisseur, ai-pay-sur, sf. thickness; depth; density. Epaissir, ai-pai-seer, va. 2 r. to thicken. Epaississement, ai -pay -seess -mang, sm. thickening. Epamprer, ai-pangprai, ra. 1 r. to prune. Epanchement, ai-pangshe-mang, sm. effu- „ sion. Epancher, ai-pang-shai, va. 1 r. to shed ; spill ; open. S'epanciier, s'ai^ang-shai, vref. to diffuse ; trust. Epandre, ai-pangdr, va. 4 r. to pour ; scat- ter. S'epandre, s'ai-pangdr, vref. to spread ; ex- tend. Epanouir (s'), s 1 ' ai-pah-noo-cer , vref. 2 r. to expand ; bloom ; unfold ; cheer up. Epanouissement, ui-p>ah-noo-eess-mang, sm. _ opening. Epanouissement de cceur, de rate, ai- pah-noo-eess-inangar, -ss, adj. diffuse, widely spread. Eparvin, ai-par-vaing, sm. spavin. Epate, -e, ai-pah-tai, -e, adj. short, thick and flat ; without a foot. Epaule, ai-pole, sf. shoulder. Epaule, -e, aipo-lai, -e, adj. broken-shoul- dered, Epaulee, aipo-Jaie, sf shouldering ; help. Epaulement, ai-polr-mang, sm. buttress ; gabions. Epauler, ai-po-lai, va. 1 r. to break, disjoin the shoulder ; assist, help. Epaulette, ai-po-lett, sf. epaulet ; shoulder- knot. Epave, ai-pav, sf. and adj. sea-weed, wrack; strayed. Epe autre, ai-poe-tr, sm. small brown wheat; rve. Epee, ai-paie, sf. sword ; military man. Prendre Vepee, to turn soldier. Epeler, aip-lai, va. 1 r. to spell. Eperdu, -E, ai-pair-deu, adj. affrighted ; be- witched ; dismayed (vide obs. 4). Eperdument, ai-pair-deue-mang, ad. pas- sionately ; to distraction (vide obs. 4). Epeklan, ai-pair-lang, sm. smelt. EPI EPR Eperox, (lip-rang, sm. spur; beak-head, buttress. » fiPEROXXER, aip-ro-nai, va. 1 r to spur. lOXXlEU. aip-ro-nyai, sin. spurrier. Epervier, ai-pair-igii, sm. sparrow-hawk; net. Epiiebe, ai-feybe, sm. pubescent youth. Epiiemere, aifai-maijre, adj. ephemeral, of a day. Epiihmerides, ai-fai-mnireed, sfp. journal ; daily motions and situations of planets. EphidroSE, ai-ft-droze, sf. excessive perspi- ration. EpuoreS, aiforc, snip, ephori ; magistrates. En, ai-pe, sm. ear of corn, spike-head of balusters. Epiale, ai-pyal, adj. f. continual, with heat and cold. Epice, ai-peess, sf. spice ; fee. rain d'epice, gingerbread. Epicene, ai-pe-aeyne, smf. and adj. termina- tion applicable to both genders. Epicer, ai-pe-sai, va. 1 r. to spice. Epicerie, ai-pecss-ree, sf. spicery ; grocery. Spicier, ai-pe-syai, sm. grocer. EnrcRiEX, -xe, ai-p" ku-ryaing, -ryenn, adj. luxurious, fond of pleasure. Epidemie, ai-pe-dai-mee, sf. prevailing dis- order. ifiiMDEUiQUE, ai-pe-dai-meeJi, adj. catching, general, prevailing. Epiderme, ai-pe-dairme, sm. scarf-skin, cu- ticle. Epier, ai-pyai, va. n. 1 r. to spy, -watch, seize ; ear. Epierrer, ai-pyay-rai, va. 1 r. to clear of stones. Epiel*, ai-pyuh, sm. spear used in stag-hunt- ing. Epigrammatique, ai-pe-grah-ma-teek, adj. pointed. Epigrammatists, at-pe-grah-mah-tees1 t sm. •writer or repeater of epigrams. Epigeamhe, ai-pe-gram, sf. short pointed satire. Epigraphe, ai-pe-graf, sf. inscription, de- vice. Epilepsie, ai-pe-lep-sce, sf. convulsion, mo- mentary loss of sense, fit. Epileptiqite, ui-pe-hp-teek, smf. and adj. convulsed. Epilogue, ai-pedog, sm. short poem at the end of a play, &c, craving patronage. EpilOGOER, ai-pe-lo-gai, va. u. 1 r. to find fault, carp. Epilogueur, ai-pedo-gliuhr, sm. carper, caviller. Epixards, ai-pe-nahr, snip, spinage. Epixe, aipeen, sf. thorn, thorn-bush, prickle, sting. Epine blaxche, ai-peen-Uangshe, sf. haw- thorn. Epixe xoire, ai-peen-noo-ar, sf. blackthorn. Epixe yixette, aipeen-ve-net, sf. barberry- bush. Epixe DU DOS, ai-peen- den-doe, sf. back-bone. Epixette, ai-pe-net, sf. spinet, harpsichord. Ei'iKECX, -SE, ai-pe-nuhe, -ze, adj. thorny; vexatious. Epixgle, ai-paing-gJ, sf. pin; peg. Epixgles, ai-paing-g!, sfp. present ; pin- money. Epixclier, -e, ai-paing-gle-yai, -re. smf. pin- maker. Epixiere, ai-pe-nyaire, sf. hawthorn. Epixiers, ai-pe-nyaie, smp. thorn-boshes. Epipiiaxie, ai-pe-fah-nee, sf. twelfth tide. Epique, ai-pe.ek, adj. epic, narrative, heroic. Episcopal, -e, aS-peess-lco-pal, ailj. episcopal. Episcopat, at-peess-Jco-pah, sm. bishopric. Episcopaux, ai-peess-ko-poe, snip, episcopa- lians. EPISODE, ai-pe-zod, sm. incidental narrative. Episodiqce, ai-pe-zo-deek, adj. episodic. Episser, ai-pe-sai, va. 1 r. to splice. Epissoir, ai-pe-soo-ar, sm. rope-maker's tool. Epissure, ai-peseur, sf. splicing. Epistolaire, ai-pecss-to-lair, adj. of letters. Epitaphe, ai-pe-taf, sf. epitaph, inscription. Epithalame, ai-pe-tah-lam, sm. nuptial song, poem. Epitiiete, ai-pe-teyte, sf. qualifying adjec- tive. Epitome or epitome, ai-pe-tome or ai-pe-to- _ mai, sm. epitome, abridgment. Epitre, ai-peetr, sf. epistle ; letter ; dedica- tion. Eploke, -E, ai-plo-rai, -e, adj. weeping, full of tears. Eploye, -e, ai-ploo-ah-yai, -e, adj. expanded. EpluChage, ai-pleu-shahje, sm. picking. Epluciier, ai-pha-fliai, va. 1 r. to pick. Eflucheur, -se, ai-pleu-shur, -shuze, smf. ^ picker. Eplcchures, ai-pleu-sJieure, sfp. pickings. Efoixte, -e, ai-poo-aing-tai, -e, adj. blunt ; dull. Epoixter, ai-poo-aing-tai, va. 1 r. to blunt. Epois, ai-poo-afi, sm. top antler of a stag. EpoXGE, ai-ponghje, sf. sponge. Epoxger, ai-pong-hjai, va. 1 r. to sponge. Epopee, ai-po-paie, sf. epic or heroic poem. Epoque, aipok, sf. epoch ; era ; particular date. Epoudrer, ai-poo-drai, va. 1 r. to dust, free from dust. Epouiller, ai-poo-yai, va. 1 r. to free from lice. EpOUMOXER (S'), s' ai-poo-mn-nai ', vref. 1 r. to fatigue one's lungs ; vociferate., ai-pon-zuh-yuh, sfp. wedding. EpOUSE, ai-)iooze, sf. wife, spouse; consort. Epocsee, ai-poo-zaic, sf. bride. Epocser, ai-poo-zai, va. 1 r. to marry, es- pouse, wed. Epousseter, ai-2)oo$s-tai, va. 1 r. to brush ; beat, bang. Epoussette, ai-poo-sett, sf. brush ; dusting- cloth. £pouvaxtable, ai-poo-vang-tabl, adj. fright- ful. Epouvaxtaelemext, ai-poo-vanq-tah-hluh- mang, ad. frightfully ; extremely. fipouvAXTAiL, ai poo ■ vang - tab. ■ i/uh, sm. scarecrow ; bugbear ; very ugly person. Epoutaxte, ai-poo-vangte, sf. fright, sudden fear. Spouvaxter, ai-poo-vang-tai, va. 1 r. to frighten. S'epolvaxter, s' ai-poo-vang-tai, vref. to be terrified. fipoux, ai-pooe, sm. husband, bridegroom. Epp.eigxaxt, ai-prai-ing-yang, pres. part, of epreindre, squeezing out. Epreioxis, ai- prai-ing -ye, pret. def. of ipreindre, squeezed out. Epreixdre, ai - praingdr, va. 4 irr. to squeeze out, 1S1 EQU EKU Epreins, aipraing, pres. ind. of epreindre, squeeze out. Efbeint, -e, ai-prainff, -te, p. part, of epreindre, squeezed out. Epreintes, ai-praingte, s/p. intestinal pains. Epeendre (s'j, s'ai-prangdr, vref. 4 irr. like prendre (only used in the p. part, and the compound tenses), to be struck with. Epreuve, aipruo, sf. trial ; proof; test. A Vepreuve de la pluie, proof against rain. II est a toute dpreuve, proof against all temptation. Epris, -E, ai-pree, -ze, adj. and p. part, of s'eprendre, struck with ; charmed. Epuouye, -e, aiproo-vai, -e, adj. unaltera- ble ; sure. Eprouver, ai-proo-vai, va. 1 r. to try, feel ; suffer. Eprouvette, ai-proo-vett, sf. cupel ; probe ; gauge. Epucer, m&eu-sai, va. 1 r. to kill fleas. EpuisablE*, ai-peu-e-zabl , adj. exhaustible. Epuisement, ai-peu-eeze-mang, sm. exhaus- tion ; weakness ; reduction. Epuiser, ai-peu-e-zai, va. 1 r. to exhaust; debilitate. Epurer, ai-peu-rai, va. 1 r. to purify. Equarrir, aikah-reer, va. 2 r. to cut square. Equ arriss, sm. squaring, expense of cutting square. Equarissement, ai ■ kah - reess - mang, sm. squaring. Equarissoir, ai-kah-resoo-ar, sm. bore. Equateur, ai-koo-ah-tur, sm. equator; great circle equidistant from both poles. Equation, ai-koo-ah-syong , sf. equation. Equerre, ai-kayre, sf. square, a measure. Equestre, ai-ku-estr, adj. on horseback. Equiangle, ai-ku-e-ang-gl, adj. of equal angles. EQC I distant, -E, ai-ku-e-drrss-tang, -te, adj. equidistant ; at the same distance. Equilateral, ai-k-u-e-lah-tai-ral, adj. with, or of equal sides. Equiliere, ai-ke-leebr, sm. equipoise. Equinoxe, ai-ke-noks, sm. equal days and nights. Equi.voxial, -e, ai-ke-nok-syal, adj. equi- noctial. Equipage, ai-ke-pahje, sm. retinue ; imple- ments ; crew. Equipee, ai-ke-paie, sf. foolish undertaking. Equipement, ai-keep-mang, sm. accoutre- ment, equipment ; equipage. Equiper, ai-Iie-pai, va. 1 r. to fit out ; use ill. S'equiper, s'ai-ke-pai, vref. to supply one's self. Equipollence, ai-ke-jw-langssc, sf. equal force. Equipollent, -e, ai-ke-po-lang, -te, adj. of equal force. A l'equipollent, ah-lai-ke-po-lang, ad. exp. equally, in proportion., ai-ke-podai, va. n. 1 r. to be equivalent. Equitable, aike-tabl, adj. just, conform to justice. Equitablement, aike-tah-bluh-mang, ad. justly. Equite, ai-ke-tai, sf. right ; justice. Equivaille, ai-lce-vah-yuh, prcs. subj. of equivaloir, may bo of equal value. Equivaili.ent, ai-ke-vah-yuh, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. and subj. of equivaloir. 182 Equivalant, ai-ke-v'ali-lang, pres. part, of equivaloir, being of^qual value. Equivalent, -e. ai-ke-vah-lang, -te, adj. equal in value. Equivaloir, ai-ke-vah-loo-ar, vn. 3 irr. to be of equal value. Equivalu, ai-ke-vah-leu, p. part, of equiva- loir, been of equal value. Equivalus, ai-ke-vah-leu, pret. def. of equi- valoir, was of equal value. Equivaudrai, ai-ke-vau-di'ti, fut. of Equi- valoir, will be of equal value. Equivaudrais, ai-ke-vau-drey, condit. of equivaloir, would be of equal value. Equivoque, ai-ke-vok, sf. double meaning. Equivoque, ai-ke-vok, adj. ambiguous; doubtful. Equivoques, ai-ke-ro-kai, vn. 1 r. to equiv- ocate. Erable, ai-rabl, sm. maple-tree. Eradication, ai-rah-de-kah-syong, sf. root- . ing up. Erafler, ai-rah -ftai, va. 1 r. to graze, scratch. Eraflure, ai-rah-fleur, ."t, ay-syang, sm. consciousness. Esclandre, ess - klangdr, sm. disgracing brawl or accident. Esi lavage, exs-klah-vanje, sm. slavery. Esclave, ess-klao, smf. and adj. slave, cap- tive. Escogriffe, ess-ko-greeff, sm. tall ill-made man ; shark, sponger, bold intruder. Escompte, ess-kongte, sm. discount. Escompter, ess-hong -tat, va. 1 r. to dis- count. Escopette, css-ko pelt, sf. small carbine. Escorte, ess-kort, sf. guard, retinue ; train. Escortek, es»-kor-tea, va. 1 r. to guard, con- voy ; attend. Escocade, css-koo-ad, sf. detachment of in- lantry. ESCOURGBE, ess-koor-hjai, sf. scourge, scour- ging. Escocrgeon, ess-koor-hjong, sm. early bar- ley. Escousse, ess-koosse, sf. leaping, spring. Esc rime, ess-creem, sf. fencing; wrestling, skill. Escrimer, ess-Jcre-mai, vn. 1 r. to fence. S'eserimer de qitelque chose, to dabble. S'escrimer, «' 'ess-kre-mai, vref. to dispute, argue. Escki.meur, rsskre-mur, sm. fencer, wrestler. ESCROC, ess-krok, sm. sharper, cheat; rascal. ESCROQOER, ess-kro-kai, va. 1 r. to cheat, trick out. ESCROQUERIE, ess - krok - ree, sf. cheating, sharking. ESCROQUEUR, -se, ess-kro-kur, -JcuJtze, smf. swindler. Espace, ess-pass, sm. space ; place, room ; extent. Esp a CEMENT, ess-pass-mang, sm. space. Espaceu, ess-pah-sai, va. 1 r. to leave a space. t ESPADON, ess-pah-dong, sm: sword held with both hands. Esfadonnf.k, ess-pah-do-nai, vn. 1 r. to light with a heavy sword. Espagnolette, ess-pah-ing-yo-lett, sf. fine ratteen. Espalier, ess-pah-lyai, sm. hedge of low fruit-trees. Espece, ess-payss, sf. species, kind, sort. Especes, ese-paysse, sfp. money ; coin ; com- modities. Esferance, ess-pai-rangsse, sf. hope. Esperer, ess-pai-rai, va. 1 r. to hope, ex- pect. Espiegle, ess-pyaigl, smf. and adj. wag ; mischievous. Espieglerie, ess -pyegl- ree, sf. wildness, pranks. Espion, ess-pyong, sm. spy, scout. Espionage, ess-pyo-naije, sm. secret obser- vation, informing. Espionner, ess-pyo-nai, va. 1 r, to spy, watch closely, inform. Esplanade, ess-plah-nad, sf. open space of ground. Espoir, ess-poo-ar, sm. hope. Esponton, ts*-poiiirj, sm. half pike. Esprit, ess-pre, sm. spirit ; soul ; mind ; ge- nius. L'n bel esprit, a wit. Esprit fort, freethinker. Reprendre sea esprits, to re- cover one's self. Esquif, ess-keeff, sm. skiff, small light boat. ESQDILLE, ess-kee-yuh, sf. splinter. Esquinancie, ess-lee-nang-see, sf. quinsy. ESQUIPOT, ess-ke-po, sm. barber's money-box. ESQUlSSE,, sf. sketch; rough draught. ESQUISSER, ess-ke-sai, va. 1 r. to sketch, out- line. Esquiver, ess-Jie-vai, vn. n. 1 r. to avoid. S'esqliver, tfess-ke-eai, vref. to make one's escape. Essai, ay-say, sm. trial, attempt ; pattern ; test. Es&UK, ay -saing, sm. swarm ; crowd. Ess.u.mer, ay-say-mai, to swarm; crowd. ESSAKGEK, ay-sanghjai, xa. 1 r. to soak foul linen. ES8ARTER, ay-sar-tai, va. 1 r. to clear land from trees. Essayeb, aj/say-yai, va. 1 r. to try, at- tempt ; assay. 1S3 EST ETA Essayeue, ay-say-yur, sm. assayer. Esse, ess, sf. iron pin, piece of iron shaped like S. Esseau, -x, ay-so, -e, sm. small curved hat- chet. Essence, ay-sangsse, sf. essence ; nature ; odor. Essentiel, ay-sang-syel, sm. chief point, ob- ject. Essentiel, -le, ay-sang-syel, -I, adj. princi- pal. Essentiellement, ay-sang-syell-rnang, ad. essentially, in an important manner. Essieu, ay-syuh, sm. axletree. Essoe, ay-sor, sm. flight ; soar ; freedom. Prendre Vessor. to fly high. Essoree, ay-so-rai, va. 1 r. to dry in the air ; dry up. S'essoker, s'ay-so-rai, vref. to tower, soar up. Essoriller, ay-so-re-yai, va. 1 r. to crop the ears, &c. Essouffler, ay-soo-Jlai, va. 1 r. to put out of breath. S'essouffler, s' ay-soo-Jlai, vref. to be out of breath. Essui, ay-seu-e, sm. drying-place. Essui-main, ay-seu-e-maing, sm. towel. Essltfer, ay-seu-eyai, va. 1 r. to wipe ; dry; be exposed to ; put up with ; dry up. Est, ey, 3 pers. sing. pres. ind. of etre, is. Est, est, sm. east, quarter of the rising sun. Est (vent d'), vang-d'est, sm. easterly wind. Estacade, ess-tak-kade, sf. palisade, railing. Estafette, ess-tahfet.t, sf. courier, express. Estafier, ess-tah-fyai, sm. livery-servant ; (iron.) tall footman, bad women's bully. Estafilade, ess-tah-fedad, sf. slash, cut in cloth. Estafilader, ess-tah-fedah-dai, va. 1 r. to slash. Estaminet, ess-tah-me-ney. sm. club of drunkards and smokers ; public-house. Estampe, ess-tangpe, sf. print ; stamp. Estamper, ess-tang-pai, va. 1 r. to stamp ; cut out. Estampille, ess-tang-pe-yuh, sf. stamp, sig- net ; stamp office or officer. Estimable, ess-te-mabl, adj. worthy of es- teem ; good. Estimateur, ess-te-mah-tur, sm. appraiser ; judge. Estimation, ess-te-mah-syong, sf. valuation. Estime, ess-teem, sf. esteem, high value, re- gard. Estimee, ess-te-mai, va. 1 r. to value ; es- teem ; think. Estive, ess-teev, sf. ballast. Estoc, ess - tok, sm. long narrow sword : sword's point ; trunk ; lineage ; genius ; invention. Estocade, ess-to-kad, sf. long sword; thrust; cheat. Estocader, ess-to-kah-dai, rn. 1 r. to give thrusts ; contest warmly, dispute. Estomac, ess-to-mah, sm. stomach ; appetite. Estomaquer (s'), s' ess-to-mah-kai, vref. to be affronted, offended at. Estrade, ess-trad, sf. elevated floor of an .al- cove. Estrade (batteur d'), bah-tur-dess-trad, sm. scout. Estrade (battre l'), battr -less-trad, v. 4 irr. to scout, spy. 184 Estragon, ess-trah-gong, sm. tarragon. Estramacon, ess-trali-mah-song, sm. back- sword. Estramacon (COUP d'), koo-dess-lrah-mah- song, sm. gash. Estramaconxer, ess-lrah-mah-so-nai, va. 1 r. to clash. Estropie, -e, ess-Uo-pyai, -e, smf. and adj. cripple, lame. Estropier, ess-tro-pyai, va. 1 r. to cripple, maim. Esturgeon, ess-teur-hjong, sm. sturgeon. Et, ai, conj. and ; yet ; also. Et cjetera, ait-sai-tai-rah, sm. and the rest, „ so on. Etablage, ai-tah-blahje, sm. stable expense. Etable, ai-tabl, sf. hog-sty, cow-house ; out- house. Stabler, ai-tah-blai, va. 1 r. to stall or sty. Etabli, ai-tah-ble, sm. shipboard ; joiners' bench. Etablir, ai-tah-bleer, va. 2 r. to establish ; fix; begin; settle; appoint; deduct; prove: form. Etablir Vetat de la question, to state the question. S'etablir, s' ai-tah-bleer, vref. to settle, set up. Etablissement, ai-tah-bleess-mang, sm. es- tablishment ; settlement ; institution, situa- tion. Etage, ai-tahje, sm. story ; degree ; condi- tion. Etager, ai-tah-hjai, va. 1 r. to thin ; shade the hair. Etai, ai-tay, sm. cable, great rope of a ship. Etaim, ai-taing, sm. nne carded wool. Etain, ai-taing, sm. pewter, compound metal. Etais, ai-fey, imperf. of etre, was.* Etal, ai-ial, sm. butcher's stall. Etalage, ai-tah-lahje, sm. display; show; „ dress. Etaler, ai-tahdai, va.l r. to expose, display. S'etaler, s'ai-tah-lai, vref. to enlarge upon; , fall. Etaleur, ai-lah-lur, sm. stall-keeper ; petty trader. £talier, ai-tah-lyai, sm. stall-butcher. Etalinguer, ai-tah-lain-gai, va. 1 r. to bend the cable to the ring of the anchor. £talon, ai-tah-long, sm. stallion ; standard. Etalonnement, ai -tali -Ion- mang, sm. stamping of weights or measures. Etalonner, ai-tah-la-nai, va. 1 r. to stamp weights, &c. Etalonneur, ai-tah-lo-nur, sm. overseer of weights. JStamage, ai-tah-mahje, sm. tinning. Etamer, ai-lah-mai, va. 1 r. to tin, cover with tin. IStameur, ai-lah-mur, sm. pewterer. Etamine, ai-tah-meen, sf. bornbasin ; sieve; trial. Etamine (passer par l'), pah-sai-pnr-l'ai- tah-meen, idi. exp. vn. 1 r. to undergo a severe examination. £tamure, ai-tah-meur, sf. pewter for tinning. Etanchement, ai-tangshe-mang, sm. stanch- ing- Etancher, ai-tang-shai, va. 1 r. to stanch, stop, dry up ; appease, satisfy. Etancon, ai -tang- song , sm. stay, prop, sup- port. ETANgoNNER, ai - tang - so-nai, va. 1 r. to prop, stay. ETI ETK Etaxg, ai-tang, srn. pond. ftTANGUE, ai-tang gue, sf. large pincers; nippers. fiTAMT, ai-tang, pres. part, of etre, being. Etape, ai-tahp, sf. mart ; storehouse ; pro- visions ; soliliers' allowance upon a march. Etapier, aitaJi-pyai, sm. victualler. Etat, ai-tah, sm. state, condition, way; kingdom. Regler Ve'tat, to settle the gov- ernment. L'n roup t, sm. writer or preacher of the gospel. fivANGILE, ai-vamg-hjeel, tin. gospel. Evanouir (faire), faire - ai ■ vah - non - eer, comp. v. 4 irr. to annul, destroy, cause to faint. Evanouir (s'), sai-vah-noo-eer, vref. 2 r. to faint ; vanish Evanouissement, ai-vah-noo-eess-mang , sm. swoon. Evaporation, ai-vah-po-rah-syong, sf. dissi- pation ; giddiness. Evapore, -E, ai-rah-po-rai, -e, smf. and adj. hare-brained ; giddy-braiDed, thoughtless. Evaporer, ai-vah-po-rai, va. 1 r. to give way to. S'evaporer, s'ai-vah-po-rai, vref. to fly off; addict one's self to. £vaser, ai-vaJt-zai, v. lr. to widen, expand. S'evaser, s'ai-vah-zai, vref. to widen, spread. Evasion, ai-vah-zyong, if. excuse, subter- fuge. Evix'HE, ai-tey-shai, sm. bishopric ; episco- pacy. Eveil, ai-vay-yult, sm. warning, hint. Eveille, -E, ai-vay-yai, -e, adj. smart, quick, waggish. Eveiller, ai-vay-yai, va. 1 r. to awaken, wake, rouse. Evenement, ai-vain-mang, sm. eveut ; end. Event, ai-rang, sm. flat taste ; vent ; touch- hole, ventilator. Eventail, ai-rang-tah-yuli, sm. fan. Evantailuste, ui-vang-tah-yeest, sm. fan- maker. Eventaire, ai-vang-tayre, sm. flat fruit - basket. fivENTE, -E, ai-vang-fai, -e, adj. giddy ; flat. " Eventbr, ai-vang-tai, va. 1 r. to fan, air ; discover. S'evanter, s'ai-vang-tai, vref. to grow flat. fivENTOIR, ai-vang-too-ar, sm. fire-fan. Eventrer, ai-vaiuj-trai, va. 1 r. to rip open, split. Eventuel, -le, ai-vang-teu-ell, adj. eventual. Eventueli.ement, ai-vang-teu-eU-mang , ad. in the event. Eveque, ai-veyke, sm. bishop, prelate. EXC EXE Aversion, ai-vair-ryong, sf. overthrow; ruin. EvERTUER (s'), s'ai-vair-ttu-ai, pre/. 1 r. to rouse, endeavor, exert one's self. Eviction, ai-veek-syong, tf. ejectment ; evi- dence. Evidemment, ai-v-dah-mang, rid. evidently. Evidence, ai-ve-datigsse, sf. evidence. Evident, -e, ai-ce-dang, -te, adj. clear ; man- ifest Evider, ai-ce-dai, va. lr. to unstarch ; cut a slope. Evier, ai-vyai, sm. sink. Evincer, ai-vaing-sai, va. 1 r. to dispossess ; eject. Evitable, ai-ve-tahl, adj. avoidable, evitable. Evitee, ai-ve-taie, sf. room to turn round. Evitek, at-ce-fot, pa. 1 r, to avoid ; spare. Evocable, av-vo-kabl, adj. liable to appeal. Evocation, ai-vo-kah-syong, sf. appeal ; con- juring:. EvoCATOIRE, a i-rodtah-too-ar, adj. removing to another court. EVOLUTION, ai-volru-syong, sf. evolution. Etoquer, ai-vo-kai, va. ir. to conjure up; appeal. Ex, eks, prep, (which placed before a noun, denotes a former rank or office), late, before. Exacte, ay-gzak-f, adj. accurate; strict; punctual. Exactement, ay-gzakte-mang, adj. exactly. Exacteur, ay-gzak-tur, sm. extortioner. Exaction, ay-gzak-syong, sf. extortion. Exactitude, ay-gzak-te-teud, sf. assiduity, precision, accuracy ; care. Exagerateur, ay-gzahdijai-raJilur, sm. am- plifier. Exageratif, -ve, ay-gzalidjai-rah-feeff, -v, adj. hyperbolical, exaggerating ; excessive. Exageration, ay-gzah-hjai-rah-syong, sf. heaping together ; hyperbole ; excess. Exagerer, ay-gzah-hjai-rai, va. 1 r. to ex- aggerate. ExxLTATJOJf, ay-gzal-tah-syong, sf. exaltation, height ; rank : power. Exalted., ai-gsal-tai, ra. lr. to extol : praise. Examen, ay-r/zah-maing, sm. examination. Examixateur, ay-yzah-me-nah-tur, sm. ex- aminer. Examiner, ay-gzah-me-nai, va. 1 r. to ex- amine. S'examiner, s'ay-gzah-me-nai, vref. to dive into one's self. Exarchat, ay-gzar-shah, sm. sub-patriar- chate. Exarque. ay-gzarrk, sm. sub-patriarch. Exasperation, ay-gzass-pai-rah-syong, sf. irritation. Exasferer, ai-qzass-pai-rai, va. 1 r. to irri- tate. S'exasperer, s'ay-gzass-pai-rai, vref. to be raging. Exaucer, ay-qzo-sai, va. 1 r. to grant, attend to. Excavation, eks or essdiah-vah-syong, sf. cavity. Excaver, eks or ess-kah-vai, va. 1 r. to hol- low. Excedant, aylsai-dang, sm. overplus. Exceder, ay-hsai-dai, 1 r. to exceed ; tire. Excellemment, ay ksaydah-mang, ad. ex- cellently, to an eminent degree. Excellence, aydrmydangsse, sf. excellence. Excellent, -e, ay-ksay-lang, -ie, adj. excel- lent Excellentissime, aydtaay-laUg te-seem, adj. most excellent. Exceller, aydci,oydai, va. 1 r. to excel, sur- pass. Excentricite, aydisang-tre-setai, sf. devia- tion. Excentrique, ayd;sang-treek,adj. deviating; irregular ; anomalous. Excepte, ai-ksep-tai, prep, unless ; except ; save. Excepter, ay-kseptai, va. 1 r. to except. Exception, ay-Taep-syong, sf. exception. Exces, ay-ksey, sm. excess; debauch ; riot. Excessif, -ve, ay-ksay-Reeff,-v, adj. excessive. Excessivement, ay-Ksay-seev-mang, ad. ex- cessively ; exceedingly. Excise, ay-kseeze, sf. excise ; duty. Excitatif, -ve, ay-kse-tah4eeff, -v, ad. ex- citing. Excitation, ay-kse-tali-syong, sf stirring up. Exciter, ay-kse-tai, va. 1 r. to excite, stir up. Exclamation, eks or ess-klah-mahsyo/ig, sf. exclamation ; shout. Exclu, eks-kleu, p. part, of exclure, excluded. Excluant, eksddeu-ang, pres. part, of exclure, excluding. Exclure, eks or essddeur, va. iirr. to ex- clude ; hinder ; except. Exclus, eks-kleu, pres. ind. and pret. def. of exclure, exclude, excluded. Exclusif, -ve, eks or ess-leu-zeeff, -zeev, adj. excepting, exclusive. Exclusion, eks or ess-kleu-zyong, sf. exclu- sion, exception. ExcLUSiVEMENT,e£s or ess-kleu-z'-ev-mang, ad. exclusively. Excommunication, eks-ko-meu-ne-kah-sycmg, sf. excommunication. Excommunier, eks-ko-meu-nyai, ra. 1 r. to excommunicate. Excoriation, eksko-ryah-syong, sf. raising or loss of the skin. Excorier, eks-ko-ryai, va. 1 r. to strip oSf the skin ; flay. Excrement, eks-krai-mang, sm. excretion. Excrementeux, -SE, eks-krai-mang -tune, -ze, adj. excretive, excremental. Excretion, eks-krai-syong, sf. separation of animal substance. Excroissance, eJcs-kroo-ah-sangsse, sf. ex- crescence. Excursion, eks-kure-syong, sf. excursion. Excusable, eks-ku-zabl, adj. pardonable. Excusation, eks-ku-zah-syong, sf. plea. Excuse, eks-kuse, sf. excuse, apology. ExcuSER, eks-ku-zai, va. 1 r. to excuse ; par- don ; disengage. S'excuser, 8'ek8-Jcu-sai, vref. to decline. Exeat, ay-gzai-at, sm. leave, permission. Execrable, ay-gzaidcrabl, adj. hateful, de- testable. Execrablement, ay-gzai-krah-bluli-mang, ad. abominably, odiously. Execration, ay-gzai-krah-syong, sf. curse, horror. Execrer, aik-sai-krai, ra. 1 r. to abhor, de- test, Executer, ay-gzai-ku-tai, va. 1 r. to put into execution ; do ; perform ; put to death ; dis- train. Executeur, ay-gzai-ku-tw, sm. executioner. ExECUTEUR, -TRICE, ay-gzai-kutur, -truss, smf. trustee. Execution, ay-gzai-ku-syong, sf. execution. 187 EXO EXP Execctoire, ay-gzai-ku-too-ar, mi. writ of execution ; executory. Exemplaire, ay-gzang-playre, sm. model, example. Exemplaire, ay-gzang-playre, adj. exem- plary. Exemplairement, ay-gzang •playre-mang^ ad. in an exemplary manner. Exemple, ay-gstangpl, sm. example, pattern. Exempt, ay-gzang, em. bailiff. Exempt, -e, ay-gzang, -te, adj. exempt, free. Exempter, aygzangtai, va. 1 r. to exempt, free. Exemption, ay-gzangpe-sj/ong, ef. privilege, freedom. Exerceb, ay-gzair-sai, va. 1 r. to exercise, train up. S-exercer a, s'ay-gzair-sai-ah, vref. to prac- tise, apply one's self to. Exercice, ay-gzair-seess, sm. exercise, prac- tice ; trouble ; duty. Exergue, ay-gzairg, sm. inscription, date on a medal, coin, &c. Exfoliation, eks-fo-lyah-syong, sf. exfolia- tion, peeling off. Exfolier (s'), s' ' eks-fo-lyai, vref, 1 r. to shell, peel off, scale. Exhalaison, ay-gzah-lay-zong, sf. exhala- tion. Exhaler, aygzahlai, va. 1 r. to exhale, vent. S'exbaler, s'ay-gzah-lai, vref. to evaporate. Exhaussement, ay-gzoess-mang, sm. eleva- tion. Exhausser, ay-gzoe-sai, va. 1 r. to raise up. Exheeepation, aygzai-rai-dah-syong, tf. disinherison. Exhereder, ay-gzai-rai-dai, va. 1 r. to dis- inherit. Exhiber, ay-gze-bai, va. 1 r. to exhibit ; show. Exhibition, ay-gze-be-syong, sf. producing. Exhortation, ay -gzor-tah- syong, sf. exhor- tation. Exhorter, ay-gzor-tai, va. \r. to exhort, in- cite. Exhumation, ay-gzeu-mah-syong, sf. disin- terring, taking out of the grave. Exhumer, ai-gzeu-mai, va. 1 r. to disinter, take out of the grave. Exigeant, -e, ay-gze-hjang, -te, adj. difficult to please. Exigence, ay-gze-hjangsse, sf. want, need ; distress. Exiger, ay-gze-hjai, va. 1 r. to demand ; force. Exigible, ay-gze-hjeebl, adj. requirable. Exigu, -e, ay-gze-yu, -e, adj. minute, small, exile. Exiguite, ay-gze-gu-e-tai, sf. diminutiveness. Exil, ai-gzeell, sm. exile, banishment. Exile, -e, ay-gze-lai, -e, smf. exile, person banished. Exiler, ay-gze-lai, va. 1 r. to banish, exile. Bxistant, -e, ay-gzeess-tang, -te, adj. alive, living. Existence, ay-gzeess-langsse, sf. being, life. Exister, ay-gzeess-tai, vn. 1 r. to exist ; live ; be. Exode, ay-gzod, sm. exodus ; catastrophe ; farce. Exorable, ay-gzo-rabl, adj. exorable ; in- clined to mercy. Exorbitamment, ay-gzor-be-tah-mang, ad. excessively, exorbitantly. 188 Exorbitant, -e, ay-gzor-be-tang, -te, adj. ex- cessive. Exorciser, ay-gzor-se-zai, va. 1 r. to exorcise, adjure. Exorcisme, ay-gznr-seessm, sm. form of ad- juration. Exorciste, ay-gzor-seest, sm. expeller of evil spirits. - >». Exorde, ay gzord, sm. exordium, preface. Exotique, ay-gzo-teek, adj. foreign, not indi- genous. Expansible, eks-pang-seebl, adj. capable of extension. Expansif, -ve, eks-pang-seeff, -v, adj. expan- sive. Expansion, eks-pang -syong, sf. extent: width. Expatrter, eks-pah-lre-yai, va. lr. to banish. S'expatrier, «' ekspaJi-tre-yai, vref. to leave one's country. Expectant, -e, eks-peck-tang, -te, smf. ex- pectant, waiting. Expectation, eks-peck-lah-syong, sf. expecta- tion, hope. Expectative, eks-pcck-tah-teev, sf. expectan- cy. Expectorant, -e, eks-peck-to-rang, -te., smf. and adj. expectorative. Expectoration, eks-peck-to-rah-syong, sf. spitting. Expectorer, ekspeck-to-rai, va. 1 r. to spit, eject spittle. Expedient, eks-pai-dyang, sm. and adj. means ; resource ; necessary, fit, proper, suitable. Expedier, el;s-pai-dyai ', va. 1 r. to dispatch, hasten, send ; kill ; finish. Expeditif, -VE, eks-pai-deteeff, -teev, adj. expeditious ; speedy, quick. Expedition, eks -pai - de - syong, sf. haste, speed : plur. dispatches. Expejmtionnaire, eks-pai-de-syo-nayre, sm. writer of dispatches ; transcriber; clerk. Experience, eks-pai-ryangsse, sf. practice ; trial. Experimental, -e, eks-pai-re-mang-tal, adj. experimental, by trial. Experimente, -e, eks-pai-re-mang-tai, -e, adj. tried ; skilful, wise by experience. Experimenter, eJcs-pai-re-mang-tai, va. 1 r. to try, practise, know by practice. Expert, eks-pair, sm. arbitrator, umpire ; valuer. Expert, -e, eks-pair, -t, adj. skilful, dexter- ous. Expiation, eks-pe-yah-syong, sf. atonement. Expiatoire, elcs-pe-yuh-ioo-ar, adj. expia- tory. Expier, eks-pyai, va. 1 r. to expiate, atone for. Expiration, eks-pe-rah -syong , sf. breathing; end ; term ; evaporation. Expirer, eks-pe-rai, va. n. 1 r. to breathe out; die ; end, become due. Expletif, -VE, eks-plai-teejf, -teev, adj. use- less. Explicable, eks-ple-kaU, adj. explainable. Explicatif, -TE, eks-ple-kah-tceff, -teev, adj. explicative. Explication, eks-ple-kah-syong, sf. exposi- tion. Explicite, cks-ple-seett, adj. clear ; precise. Explicitement, eks-ple-seelt-mang, ad. plain- ly- Expliquer, eks-ple-kai, va. 1 r. to explain ; show. EXT EXU S'expliqcer, s'eks-plc-kai, tref. to explain one's Bel£ Exploit, eks-ploo-dh. sm. feat ; deed ; writ. Exploit d' assignation^ a summons. — de s/"/', tf. bankruptcy : failure. Faim, faing, sf. hnnger ; immodi rate desire, avidity. Avoir faim. to be hungry. Faineant, -e, fay-nai-ang, ■>/', tmf. and adj. sluggard ; lazy, idle, inactive. Faineanter, fay-nai-ang-tai, vn. 1 r. to loiter, be idle, inactive. Faineantise, fay-nai-ang-teeze, sf. sloth, laziness ; idleness. Faire, fayre, va. n. 4 irr. to do, make ; act ; be ; produce ; write ; execute ; cause ; ex- cite ; shuffle. Faire fairs, fayre-fayre, comp. r. 4 irr. to order, bespeak, command. Faire a (se), tuh-fayre-ah, vref. to inure one's self to. Faire fort de (se), tuh-fayre-for-duh, vref. to take upon one's self to; rely, depend upon. FAL PAE Faire accroire (s'ek), a'ang/ayre-ah-kroor ar, (■■■.nf>. vrrf. to be conceited; deceive, impose upon. F \i<, /■;/, pros. itul. of /aire, do, make. wu.K, /uh-zabl, adj. practicable. VS, /ay -sang, sin. pheasant;. FaisANDeau, -x,/ay-zang-do, -e, sin. voting: pheasant. FaBAHDER, fay-zang-dai, va. 1 r. to give or hare the taste of venison. Faisanderie, fay-zangde-ree, sf. pheasants' breeding place. FAISANDIER, fay-zany -dyai, am. breeder, s. 11 (r of pheasants. Faisant, /uh-zang, pres. part, of /aire, ma- kin.L'. Faisceau, -X, fay-sn, -e, sin. bundle; focus; fasces. Faiseur, -se, fuJizur, -euhze, tmf. doer, maker. Faisselle, /ay-seU, a/, cheese-rat. F.\ir. /ay, »»n. tuA, action ; point ; violence. Fait, -v., /ay, -te, adj. and p. part, of /dire, done, ma le, ended ; used to ; gTOwn up, adult. (Test fait dn mot, I am undone. Comme il/aut, as it should be. Comlnen faita-voua ce drap ? how much do yon ask for that cloth'/ Qu'en aoezvoua it faire? What i-; that to you f Faire navoir, to send word of. Faire voir, to show. II fait ehaud, it is warm weather. Fait a fait, fay-tah-fay, ad. exp. in pro- portion. Tout a fait, too-tah-fay, ad. exp. entirely, quite. De fait, duh-fiy. ad. rxp. truly, indeed. En fait de, any fay-dull. prep, in point of. £ti:k ai: fait, eytr-o-fay, idi. exp. v. aux. to know. Faitack,/' y -taliy, sm. roofing of a house. Faite, feyte, sm. ridge of a house, top ; high- est pitch. FARES, feyte, 2pers. pi. prcs. ind. and im- per. or /aire, make, do. Fait-exfbxs, fay-teks-prey, sm. concerted affair. Faitieue, fey-tyayre, tf. pantile; beam; cross pole. Faits or iiai't faits, fey or hoe/ey. smp. feats, exploits, great deeds, noble actions. V MX, f y, *'"• load, burden, weight. Fakir, /ah-keer, am. Mahometan friar. Palaise, /ah-layze, if. steep coast ; shelves. PaLAISBR, fih-lay--ai. rn. 1 r. tO dash against the coast or shelves. Fm.i:ai. \, /al-bah-lah, am. furbelow. FALLACl i. i'-il tah-tyithze-mnng, ad. fallaciously, deceitfully. Fallacietsx, -&z, /al-lan-tyvhe, --<■, adj. fal- laci Faiaait (it), eel/ahdey, imperf. of /ailoir, it is necessary. Falloir, /ah loo-ar, mono. v. 3 >>»•. to be nary, requisite, obliged; must. Fallu, fan-leu, p. ]i:irt. of faUoir, been necessary. Fallot (IL), flfih-bu, prct. def. of f ailoir, it wu-< necessary. Falot,/'(/i-/ >. am. large lantern; beacon. FA LOT, -K.fih-I'i, -t. am/, and adj. comical, ridiculous, impertinent man or woman. Fai.OTEM ENT, filt-l"t-iiiaiiy, ad. comic illy. Falourdi, fah-loord, */. great bundle of rafted logs of wood. Fai.sifi<'atki"i:, /. p. with the help, by the means of. Ex faveor de, ang-fuh-vur-duh, prep, on account, for the sake, in behalf of. FAYEURS./ttA-cuAre, .«/>). good graces; tokens of love, marks of attention. Favorable, fah-vo-rabl, adj. kind ; propi- tious. Pavorablemknt, fah-vo -rabl-mang, ad. kindly. Fatori, -te, fah-vo-re, -reet, smf. favorite; minion. Favoki, -te, foil - vo - re, -reet, adj. most agreeable ; pleasing, attached to. FavoriseR, fah-vo-ree-zai, in. 1 r. to treat kindly: support ; be propitious. Feage, fai-ahje, sm. feoffment; fief, feudal. Feal, -e, feaux, pm. fai-al, fai-oe, atlj. faithful, trusty. Febricitant, -e, fai-bre-se-tang, -te, adj. feverish. Febrifuge, fai-bre-feuhje, sm. febrifuge. Febrile, fai-bred, adj. febrile ; of, from a fever. Feces, fayss, sfp. dregs, lees, sediment. Fecoxd, -e, fai-kong, -de, adj. fruitful; abundant. Fecoxder, fai-Tcong-dai, va. 1 r. to impreg- nate. Fecox dite, fa i ■ "hang - de - (ai, sf. fertility, abundance. Fecgle, fai-kule, sf. mealy substance ; sedi- ment. Feculexce, fai-Ttu-langsse, sr'. sediment. Fecglext, -e, fai-ku-lang, -te, adj. foul, full of dregs. Federaliser, fai-dai-rahdee-zai, va. 1 r. to confederate, join in a league. Federatif, -ve, fai-dui-rah-teeff, -teev, adj. leagued. Federe, -e, fai-dai-rai, -e, smf. and adj. federacy; allied. Fee, faie, sf. fairy; enchantress. Feerie, faie-ree, sf. spell, magic ; enchant- ment. Feigxaxt. fai-ing-yang, pres. part, of fein- dre, feig'.iiii.:. Feigxis, fai-iwj-ye, pret. def. of feindre, feigued. Feixdke, fainglr, va. 4 irr. to feign, dis- semble. Feixs, faing, pres. ind. of feindre, feign. Feixt, -e, faing, -te, p. part, of feindre. Feixte, faingte, sf. feint ; artifice ; fiction. FAle, -e, fey-lai, -e, adj. slightly cracked ; wild. Feler, /ey-Zat, »''<• 1 r. to crack slightly. Felicitation*, fai-le-se-tah-sgong, sf. felicita- tion. Fkli cite, fa i-le-se -tai, sf. happiness, bliss. FfaiCiizu, fai-le-se-tai, va. 1 r. to congratu- late. Felox, -xe, fai-long, -Ion, adj. disloyal; felon, cruel. (9) Feloxie, fai-lo-nee, sf. treason, cruelty; felony. FELOGQUE, fax-tool: , sf. small open boat with six oars ; felucca. Fklure, fey-lew, sf. slight crack. Femelle, fuh-mttt, sf. and adj. female. Feminin, -e, fai-me-naing, -neen, adj. femi- nine. Feminiser, fai-me-ne-zai, va. 1 r. to make feminine. Femme, fam, sf. woman ; wife. Prendre femme, to marry. Femme de charge, fam-duh-sharje, .^/'.house- keeper. FEJHLELETTB, /am-teW, sf. silly weak woman. Fexaisox, f uh-no y-zong, sf. hay-making. Fexdaxt, fang-dang, sm. cleaving blow; braggart. Faire le fexdaxt, fayre-liili-fang-dang, idi. exp. v. 4 irr. to boast, bluster. Fendeur, fang-dur, sm. cleaver of wood, &c. Fexdoir, fang-doo-ar, sm. axe, hatchet. Fexdre, fangdr, va. 4 r. to cleave, split, di- vide. La ti'.e me fend, my head is ready to split in two ; I have a violent headache. Fexdu — Homme bien fendu, a long-legged man. Se fexdre, suh-fangdr, vrrf. to part, sepa- rate, break. Fex£trage, fuh-ney-trahje, sm. windowing. FexCtre, fuli-neytre, sf. window. Fenil, fuh-ne-yiui, sm. hay -loft. Fexocil, fuli-noo-yuh, sm. fennel. FEXOUiLLETTE./iJi-)ioo-;/t», .'/•*. fennel-brandy. Fexte, fangte, sf. cleft, crack ; graft. Feodal, -e, fai-o-dal, adj. feudal, held of another. Feb., fair, sm. iron ; dagger ; sword. JIanier le fer, to wear the sword. JBattu le fer, to tilt, fence. Fer a cheval, fair-ali-shuh-tal, sm. horse- shoe stairs. Fer a repaSSER, fair-ah-ruh-pah-sai, sm. smoothing-iron. Ferai, fuh-rai, fut. of faire, shall or will do. Ferais, fuhyreg, condit. ol faire, would make. Fer-blaxc, fair-blang, sm. tin. F&nBi^NTiER, fair-blang-tyai, sm. tinman. Fer de cheval, fair - duh - shuh - vol, sm. horse-shoe. Fers, fayre, smp. irons, chains, fetters ; sla- very. Feret, fai-ray, sm. ferrule, tag. Ferial, -k, fay-re-yal, adj. devoted to labor, work. Ferie, fairee, sf. week-day, working-day. Ferir, fai-reer, va. 2 irr. to strike: used only in the present of the infinitive, as, Sans coup ferir, sang-hoo-fii-reer, without stri- king a blow., fair-lax, va. 1 r. to furl the sails. F r.Ryi age, fair-mahje, sm. rent, produce of a farm. Fermant, -e, fair-mang, -te, adj. close, at the end of. Ferxe, fairm, sf. farm. Ferme, fairm, adj. firm ; strong ; fast, reso- lute. Ferme, fairm, ad. courageously, steadily. Fermemext, fair -muh-mang, ad. firmly, strongly. Ferment, fair-mang, sm. leaven, ferment. Fermextatif, -VE,fair-mang-tah-terff, -teev, adj. fermentative, causing fermentation. 193 FAI FIC Fermektatiox, fair-matig-tah-syong, sf. fer- mentation ; commotion, agitation. Fermexter, J'air-mang-tai, va. 1 r. to fer- ment. Feemee, fair-mai, va. 1 r. to shut, close; fold. Farmer la main, to clinch one's fist. Fermer a la clef, fair-mai-ah-lah-ldai, v. to lock up. Fermer au verrou, fair-mai-o-tay-roo, v. to bolt. Se fer.-.iee, suh-fair-mai, vref. to shut ; join. Feemete, fairm-tai, sf. firmness ; courage, energy. FERMETijRE,/atVffi-tewr, sf. closure. Feemier, -e, fair-inyai, -re, smf. farmer. Feemoir, fair-moo-ar, sm. clasp ; chisel. Feroce, fai-ross, adj. wild; cruel; savage. Ferdcite, /ar-ro-se--<7H-r«, sf. little young girl ; lass. Filleul, fe-yul, sm. god-son. Filleule, fe-yul, sf. god-daughter. Filon, fe-tong, sm. vein of metal in a mine. Filoselle, fe-lo-zel, sf. coarse silk. Filou, fe-loo, sf. pickpocket ; rogue ; sharper. Filouter, /Woo-to?', va. n. 1 r. to rob artfully; cheat, swindle ; take in. FlLOUTERlE, fe-loot-rce, sf. cheating, swind- ling. Fii.s, fee, sm. son. boy. Faire le beau file, to set up for a beau. Filtration, feel-trah-syong, sf straining. FlLTRE, feeltr, sm. strainer, filter. Viltrer, feel-trai, va. 1 r. to strain, clarify. Filure, fe-leur, sf. twist, thread : spinning. Fis,faing, sf. end ; limit ; conclusion ; death. Fis,fawg, sm. essential; chief joint. ,■ Fin. -E,faing,feen, adj. fine; thin : delicate; skilful; crafty; exquisite; excellent. 11a matois, cunning fellow. Finage, fe-nahje, sm. jurisdiction, district. Final, -e, fe-nal, adj. last, ultimate; mortal. Finalement, fe-nal-mang, ad. ultimately, in or at the end, at last. Finance, fe-nangese, sf. ready money; ex- chequer ; revenue. FiNANCER, fe-nang-sai, va. n. 1 r. to pay ; dis- burse. Financier, fe-nang-syai, sm. treasurer. Fisavciere, fe-nang-syayre, sf. printed hand- writing ; financier's wife. Finasser, fe-nah-sai, vn. 1 r. to use mean ways. Finassecr, -SE, fc-nah-suh, -suJize, smf. sharper. FiNASSERiE,/e-naw-rfe,/»/.petty trick, artifice. FlNAUD, -E, fe-noe, -node, smf. and adj. crafty man, woman. 193 FLA FLO Finement, feen-mang, ad. slily, artfully. FiNESSE,/e-?ies.5, sf. cunning ; skill ; delicacy. Fixet, -te, fe-nay, -le, adj. artful ; sly. Fiximext, /e-ne-ma>i<7, sm. finishing. Finir, fe-neer, va.n. 2r. to finish, conclude, perfect ; cease, end, die. Fixisseur, fe-ne-sur, sm. finisher. Fiole, fyole, sf. phial, small glass-bottle. Fi rm A hent, feer-mah-mang,sm. heavens, sky. Fis, fee, pret. def. of /aire, did, made. Fisc, feesk, sm. public revenue, treasury. Fiscal, -e, feess-cdl, adj. of the exchequer, treasury. Fissure, fe-seur, sf. cleft; chink. Fistule, feess-tetd, sf. fistula, ulcer. Fistuleux,-Se, feess-teu-luhe,-zr:, adj. fistular. Fixation, feek-sah-syong, sf. valuation ; era ; fixity. Fixe, feels, adj. steady ; firm ; constant ; stated ; sure. Fixemext, feeks-manff, ad. firmly; in the face. Fixer/ feefc-sai, va. 1 r. to fix ; strengthen ; determine ; consolidate. Se fixer a, suh-feek-sai-ah, vrcf. to resolve, settle. Fixite, feek-se-tai, sf. fixity, coherence. Flacon, flah-kong, sm. tlagon, decanter. Flagellation, flrth-]ije?-lah-syoiig,sf. lushing. Flageller, flah-hjel-'lai, va. Ir. to whip, lash. Flageolet, flah-hjo-lay, sm. flageolet, small flute. Flagorner, flali-gor-nai, va. Ir. to praise, flatter meanly. Flagorxerie, flah-gorn-ree, sf. base flattery. Flagorxeur, -Se, flah-gor-nur, -nuhze, smf. mean flatterer, sponger, parasite. Flagrant delit, flah-yrang-daile, sm. the very act, deed, fact. Flairer, flai-rai, va. n. 1 r. to scent, smell ; track. FLAiREUR,./7«y-rKr,sOT. feast-hunter, sponger. Flambaxt, -e, jlang-bang, -te, adj. flaming, bright. Flambh, jlnngbe, sf. flower do luce. Flambe, -e, flung-bai, -e, adj. burnt ; missed ; lost. Flambeau, -x, flana-bo, -e, sm. lighted torch ; light. Flambek, flang-bai, va.n. 1 r. to singe, scorch; blaze. Flamberge, flang-bairJije, sf. long broad- sword, falchion. Flamboyant, -e, flang-boo-ah-yang, -te, adj. gleamy. YhA.yiBOYETi,flang-boo-a7i-j/ai, to gleam. Flamme,./?«/!//i, sf. flame ; fire ; love ; passion. Flammeche, flah-mesh, sf. spark ; thief in a candle. Flammerole, flam-rol, sf. meteor ; flash of light. Flax, flang, sm. custard ; counter used at cards. Flanc, flang, sm. flank, side. Flanconnade, flung-ko-nad, sf. thrust in the side. Flandrix, flaiig-drainq, sm. tall lank fellow. Flajtelle, flaJi-nell, sf. flannel. Flanquer, flang-kai, va. Ir. to flank; fetch a blow. Flaque, flark, sf. small pool of stagnant water ; puddle, dirty plash. Flaquee, flah-kaie, sf. dash of water. FLA«UEi;,//aA-Avi;,ra. 1 r. to dash, besprinkle. FLASQUE,)fa67c, sj\ flask, powder-horn; bottle. 196 Flasque , flask,adj. flabby, soft; flaccid, weak. Flatter, flah-tai, va. 1 r. to flatter ; caress ; praise falsely ; deceive ; wheedle, make believe. Se flatter, suh-flah-tai, vrcf. to hope, trust. Flatterie, flatt-ree, sf. flattery, false praise. Flatteur, -se, flah-tur, -tuhze, smf. and adj. flatterer ; flattering, deceitful ; agreeable. Flattedsement, flah-tuhze-mang, ad. agree- ably ; deceitfully. Flatueux, -Se, flah-teu-uhe, -ze, adj. windy. Flatuosite, Jlah-teu-o-ze tai, sf. wind. Fleau, -x, Jkii-o, -oe, sm. scourge ; aliliction ; flail. FleOhe, flesh, sf. arrow; beam; expedient. Flechir, Jlai-sheer, va. n. 2 r. to bend, fold ; appease ; relent ; submit. FLECHissABLE,./7honor, disgrace one's self; wither, fade away. Fletrissure, flai-tre-seur, sf. fading; dis- grace ; stain. Fleur, flur, sf. flower; beauty; youth; choice. A fleur de, ah-flur-duh, prep, level with, even with. Ajleur de lerre, even with the ground. Fleur de farine, flur-duh-fah-reen, sf. flour. Fleur de lis, flur-duli-lee, sf. flower de luce, iris. Fleuraison, fl.uh.-ray zong, sf. blooming sea- son. Fleuudeliser, flur-duJi-lee-zai , va. 1 r. to stamp, adorn with flowers de luce. Fleurer, fluh-rai, vn. 1 r. to smell. Fleuuet, fluh-ray, sm. foil ; ribbon ; step. Fleurette, ftuh-rttt, sf. floweret ; love tale. Fleurette (coxter), fymg-tai-fluh-rett, idi. exp. v. 1 r. to make love, wheedle, caress. Fleuri, -E, fluh-re, -e, adj. florid, embel- lished. FLEURiR,y7i(7i-reer, va. n. 2 irr. to flourish ; prosper. Fleuriste, fluh-reest, sm. florist, lover of flowers. Fleuron, fluh-rong, sm. flourish ; privilege. Fleuve, flur., sm. great river. Flexibility, flerk-se-be-le-tai. sf. pliancy. Flexible, flcck-seebl, adj. flexible, pliant; ductile. Flexion, fleck-syong, sf. bending, contrac- tion. Fi.ibot, fle-bo, sm. fly -boat ; sloop under 100 men. Flibustier, fle-beuss-iyai, sm. buccanier. Flic-flac, fleek- flack, sm. and ad. click- clack. Flocox, flo-kong, sm. flake, lock of wool, &c. Floraisox, flo-ray-zong, sf. flower season. Floral, -E,'flo-ral, adj. floral ; of flowers. Flqrextike, flo-rang-teen, sf. figured satin. FOL FON Flores (faire), fayre-flo-ress, idi. rxp. v. 1 irr. to (.■nt it Bguie, live expensively. Florin, flo-raiug, sm. florin, coin of various value. FLORISSAIS, flo-rt-seg, imperf. ind. otflemir, was prospering. Florissant, jlo-rc-sang, pros. part. ufjleurir, prospering. FLORISSANT, -e, Jlo-re-sang, -te, adj. flourish- ing. Fi.ot, fto, stn. wave, surge, billow, tide : float. Y a-t-il encoreflntt Is it flood-tide yetV A fi.ot (KTRE), tytr-ah-jlo, idi. c.c]>. v. attx. to be afloat. Flots, jloc, snip, abundance ; affluence ; crowd. A flots. ahrfloe, nd. exp. in plenty, in crowd. Plottage, flo-tahje, sm. floating ; drifting ; raft. Flottant, -e, flo-tang, -e, adj. floating ; wa- vering. Flotte,./?'V/, sf. Beet, number of ships. Flotter, flo-tai, va. n. 1 r. to float; waver. Flottille, flo-tee-yuh, sf. small fleet: Floc, ftoo, sm. light delicate stroke in pairit- ing. Fltjant, -E,fleu-ang, -te, adj. blotting. Fluctuation, jleuk-teu-ahsyong, sf. fluctua- tion ; indecision ; wavering. Fldctueux, -se, fleuJc-teu-uhe, -ze, adj. fluc- tuant ; wavering ; agitated. Fluer, fleu-ai, vn. 1 r. to flow, run off. Fluet, -te, fleu-ay, -te, adj. delicate, tender. Fltjide, jteu-eed, sm. fluid ; juice ; liquid. Fll'IDE, fleu-eed, adj. fluent, liquid. Fi.cmiTE, fleu-c-de-t'ii, sf. fiuidness. Flute, fleute, sf. flute ; flat-bottomed boat : plur. shanks ; means of success. FHde Hol- landaise, a fly-boat. Vaisseau arme enftiite, a store-ship. Fluter, flene-tai, vn. 1 r. to play upon the flute ; drink, tipple. FlOteuk, fieue-tar, sm. flute-player. Flux, fleue, sm. flux, tide ; agitation. Flux ft re/lux, flowing and ebbing. Flux de sang, jleue-dsang, sm. blood} 7 flux. Flux be BOUCIIE, flcue-dboosh, sm. loquacity, incessant prating. Fluxion, tleulc-syong, sf. rheum ; swelling ; defluxion. FcETEs,yW)-. all at once. A foison, ah-foo-ah-zong, ad. exp. in plenty. FoisoNNER,/oo-aft-20-nai, vn. 1 r. to abound. Fol, /'of, adj. m. tused before a vowel instead of/bw), mad. FOLATRE, fodahtr, adj. playful, lively, wag- gish. Foi.atrer, fo-ldh-trai, vn. 1 r. to frolic, sport. Foi.atuerie, fodithtr-ree, sf. frolicsomeness ; pranks. Folichon, -NE.fodeshong, •ahem, a./;, wag ; frolicsome, playful, lively, wild. Folie, fo-lee,sf. folly; madness; imprudence. Folli:,/o/, odj.f. (oiful or foil), mad ; wild ; frolicsome. Folle.ment, J'ol-mang, ad. madly, foolishly ; wildly. Follet, -te, fo - lay, -to, adj. frolicsome ; merry, gay. Follicdlaire, fol-leJcu-layre, sm. and adj. journalist, of newspapers. Follicule, fol-le-kule t sm. follicle; capsule; husk. FoyiESTAiiOXjfo-mang-taJi-si/ong, sf'. steep- ing. Fo.menter, fo-mang-tai, va. 1 r. to foment. Fonce, -E,fo>ig-sai, -e, adj. rich in money; learned ; deep. Foscvn, fong-sai, va. 1 r. to bottom ; flatten ; pay ; disburse ; fall, rush upon. Foncier, -E, fong-syai, -re, adj. landed. Fo>"clEREMENT,/f)m;-.vyrt,yre-»u(W7, ad* fully. Fonction, fongke-syong, sf. office ; duty ; charge. Fond, fong, sm. bottom ; essential ; subject. A fond, ah-fong, ad. exp. thoroughly ; to the bottom. Au fond, o-fong, ad. exp. in reality, truly. De fond en comble, duh-fong-tang-hong-bl, ad. exp. utterly ; from top to bottom. Fond sur (fairs), fayre-fong-seur, idi. exp. v. 4 irr. to rely, depend upon. Fond de CALE, fong-dkal, sm. hold of a ship. Fond de lit, fong-dle, sm. tester of a bed. Fondamental, -E, fong-dah-mang-tal, adj. fundamental, essential, first. Fondamentale.ment, fong - dah - mang - ial- mang, ad. fundamentally, essentially Fondant, fong-dang, sm. dissolvent. Fondant, -e, fong-dang, -te, adj. melting. Fondateur, -TRICE, fong-duh-tur, -treess, smf. founder. Fondation, fong-dah-syong, sf. basis ; rise ; cause ; donation. Fondement, fong-de-mang, sm. foundation. Fonder, fong-dai, va. 1 r. to found; insti- tute ; endow ; rest ; ground ; establish. Se fonder sur, suh-fong-dai-seur, vref. to rest, rely, depend upon. Fonderie, fongde-ree, sf. foundry, casting- house. FoNDEUR,/o»7--a7i-j/CM', va.n.l r. to ful- minate ; ruin; batter; storm; overthrow; explode. FOU FEA Fouee, foo-aic, sf. bird-catching by fire-light. Fouet. "foo-ay, sm. whip ; whip-cord ; whip- ping ; lashing. Fouette, -e, foo-ay-tai, -e, adj. whipped ; striped. Fouk.tter, foo-ai-tai, va. 1 r. to whip, flog ; lash. FouETTEUK,/V>o-rty-?ur, sm. whipper, lasher. Fouger, foo-hjai, va. 1 r. to root, turn up ; grub. Fougeraie, fonhje-raie, sf. ferny ground. Fo\jG&R"E,foo-hjayrc, sf. fern. Fougue, foog, sf. fit of passion ; fire, spirit. Fougueux, -SE, foo-ghuhe, -ze, adj. fiery, irascible. Fouille, fooe-yuh, sf. search underground. Fouille-au-fot, foix--yo-po, sm. little scul- lion. Fouillf.r, foo-e-yai, va. n.l r. to search into; rummage ; deepen. Fouine, foo-een, sf. pole-cat, fitchew. For/IB, foo-eer, va. n. 2 r. to dig, rake up. Foulard, foo-lar, sm. silk handkerchief. Foule, fool, sf. crowd, multitude, great num- ber. En foule, ang-fool, ad. exp. in profusion. Foulees, foo-lai, sfp. light traces of game. Fouler, foo-lai, va. 1 r. to press down ; op- press ; squeeze; trample upon ; full. Fouler aux pieds, foo-lai-oe-pyai, idi. exp. v. to despise. Se fouler, suh-foo-lai, vref. to sprain one's leg, &c. Se fouler les una les autres, to be hard on one another. Fouleuie, fool-ree, sf, fullery; fulling-house. Fouleur, foo-lur, sm. fuller; grape-presser. Fouloir, foo-loo-ar, sm. fulling hammer or press ; rammer. Foulon, foo-long, sm. fuller ; fulling-mill ; fuller's earth. Foulque, foolk, sf. moor-hen. FOULURE, foo-leur, sf. sprain ; fullage. Four, foor, sm. oven ; bakehouse ; kiln. Fourbe, foorb, sf. cheat, fraud, trick, impos- ture. Fourbe, foorb, smf. cheater, impostor, de- ceiver. Fourbe, foorb, adj. deceitful, cunning, crafty. FouRBEE,/oor-6at, va. 1 r. to deceive, cheat. Fourbekie, foorbe-ree, sf. imposture, fraud. Fourbir, foor-beer, va.2 r. to furnish, polish. Fourbisseur, /oor-6e-*ur, sm. furbisher ; cut- ler. FouKBissuRE./ow-fce-seur, sf. polishing. Fourbu, -E, foor-beu, -e, adj. foundered. Fourbure, /oor-ieur, sf. foundering. Fourche, foorshe, sf. pitchfork, fork. Fourcher, foor-shai, vn. 1 r. to branch out, have horns ; divide into branches. FouRCHETTE,/oor-.s7ic«, sf. fork, table-fork. Fourchon', foor-shong, sm. prong of a fork. Fourchu, -E, foor-sheit, -e, adj. forked, bi- furcated, shooting into two heads. Fourchure, foor-shexir, sf. bifurcation ; di- vision into two branches. Fourgon, foor-gong, sm. poker; wagon. FouRGO>'N"ER,/<.w-.7o-«a£, va. 1 r. to stir the fire ; rummage ; poke ; toss up and down ; • tumble. Fourmi,, sf. ant. Fourmiller, foor-me-yai, vn. 1 r. to crowd, Swarm ; feel a tingling sensation. Fourmilliere, foor-me-yayre, sf. ant-hill ; crowd. FouRXAGE,ybo?--n«7ijV,.<7??. expense of baking. Fournaise, /oor-nayse, sf. furnace; crucible; great heat. FOUENEAU, -x, foor-no, -e, sm. stove ; mine. Fournee, foor-naie, sf. batch. Fourni, -E,foor-ne, -e, adj. thick, tnfted, full. FounmEii, foor-nyai,sm. public oven-keeper. Fournil, foor-nee, sm. public bake-house. FOVRNIWE^T JbOT-ne-mang,8m. powder flask. Fournir, foor-neer, va. 2 r. to provide, sup- ply; complete ; procure ; suggest ; produce. Fournir, foor-neer, va. 2 r. to contribute, provide. Fournissement, foor-neess-mang, sm. share; sequestration. Fournisseur, /oor-ne-sw, sm. furnisher. Fourniture, foor-ne-teur, sf. furniture, fur- nishing ; provision, trimming. Fourrage, foo-rahje, sm. fodder; forage. Fourrager, foo-rah-hjai, va. 1 r. to forage, plunder, lay waste ; entangle, rummage. Fourrageuk, foo-rah-hjur, sm. plunderer, pillager. Fourre, -e, foo-rai, -e, adj. full ; precipi- tate ; mutual ; plated ; secret. Fourreau, -x,foo-ro,-e, sm. scabbard; cover; case. Fourrer, /oo-rai, va. 1 r. to put, thrust, in ; fur ; give slily; plate. Se fourrer, suh -foo-rai, vref. to dress warmly; introduce one's self, meddle with. Fourreur, /oo-rwr, sm. furrier, skinner. Fourrier, foo-ryai, sm. quarter-master. Fouhriere, foo-ryayre, sf. wood-yard; pound (prison in which beasts are inclosed). Fourrure, foo-reur, sf. fur. Fouryoiement, foor-voo-ah-mang, sm. de- viation. FouRVOYER,/oor-roo-aA-2/aJ, va. 1 r. to mis- guide. Se fourvoter, suh-foor-voo-ali-yai, vref. to go astray. Fouteau, -x,foo-to, -e, sm. beech-tree. Foyer, foo-ah-yai, sm. hearth, fire; house; green-room ; focus : plur. country, native place. Fracas, frafi-kah, sm. rupture, great crash, noise, clatter, bustle. Fracasser, frah-kah-sai, va. 1 r. to break in pieces. Fraction, frak-syong, sf. broken part. Fraction:* aire, frak-syo-nayre, adj. frac- tional. Fracture, frak-teur, sf. fracture, discon- tinuity; breaking off. Fracture, -e, frak-teu-rai, adj. broken. Fragile, frah-hjetl, adj. frail, brittle, weak. Fragilite, frah-hjede-tai, sf. brittleness, weakness. Fragment, frag-mang, sm. fragment, imper- fect piece, broken part. Frat, fray, sm. fry, spawn, collision. Fraichement, freyshe-mang, ad. coolly, lately; freshly. Fraicueur, fray-shur, sf. coolness, bloom, freshness. Fra'ichir, fray-sheer, vn. 2 r. to freshen. Frais, frey, sm. coolness, fresh air, cool. Frais, fraiche, frey, freyshe, adj. fresh, cool, new, vivid ; blooming, beautiful. Vin frais, wine newly tapped. Frais, frey, smp. expenses, costs, charges. II est de grands frais, he is very expensive. Frais, frey, ad. coolly, newly, lately, freshly. 199 FRA FEE FRAISE, frays*, sf. strawberry, collar, ruff. Fraise de veiu, frayze-dvh-vo, sf. calf's pluck. Fraiser, fray-zai, va. 1 r. to plait ; knead ; husk. Fraisette, /rajy-aeff, sf small ruff. Fraisieu, fray-zyai, sm. strawberry-plant. Framboise, friing-boo-ahae, ff. raspberry. Fraaiboiser, frang-boo-dh-zai, va. 1 r. to dress with raspberry -juice. Framboisier, frdng-boo-ah-zyai, sm. rasp- berry-bush. Franc, frang, sm. franc, livre, French coin worth ten pence English. Franc, -nE,frang,frangs}ie, adj. frank, free; sincere ; arrant ; complete ; bold ; natural. Franc, frang, ad. without disguise ; openly. Franqais, frang-sey, sm. French tongue. En box franqais, ang-bong-frang-sey, ad. exp. frankly, openly, plainly. Franqais, -e, frang-sey, -ze, smf. and adj. French ; French man or woman. Francaise (a. la), ah-lah-frangsei/ze, ad. exp. after the French fashion or custom. Franc-alletj, frang-Tcah-luh, sm. freehold. Franchement, frangnhe-Tnang, ad. frankly. Franchir, frang-sheer, va. 2 r. to overleap, overcome; disregard; throw aside; resolve. Franchir le mot, to speak plainly. Franchise, frang-sheeze, sf. frankness; open- ness ; sincerity; franchise. Franciser, frang-see-zai, va. \r. to French- ify, impart French manners. Se franciser, svh-fravg-see-zai, vref to adopt French manners, dress, Ac. Franc haqon, frang-mah-song, sm. free- mason. Franc MA(;oziXEKiE,frang-mah-sonn-ree, sf. freemasonry. Franc parler, frang-par-lai, sm. freedom of speech. France, franghje, sf fringe. FRANGER, frdng-hjai, va. 1 r. to fringe. Frangipane, frang-hje-pan, sf. pastry made of cream, almonds, Ac; frankincense. Franqite, franlie, adj. of the Levant, Turk- ish ; composed of various languages. Franquette (a la bonne), ah-lah-ban-frang- Jeett, ad. exp. without ceremony ; freely. Frappant, -e, frah-pang, -te, adj. affective, moving. Frappe, frap, sf. stamp ; stamping ; set of moulds. Frappe, -e, frah-pai, -e, adj. infected with ; struck ; stamped ; masterly. Frappement, frap-mang, sin. striking; clap- ping. Frapper, frah-pai, va. 1 r. to strike ; im- press ; affect ; astonish ; surprise ; move. Frapper dans la main, to shake hands. Frapper de la MONNAiE,/raft-pof-tflaA-mo- ney, v. to coin, stamp money. Frapper des mains, frah-pai-dey-mainghe, v. to applaud, clap hands. Frappeur, -se, f rah -pur, -puhze, smf. striker ; beater. Frasque, frank, sf unintentional speech, Ac. FRATER,/raA-tair, sm. surgeon's boy; barber. FRATERNEL, -le, frah-tair-nel, -I, adj. broth- erly. Fraternelleaient, frah-tair-nel-mang, ad. in a brotherly manner. Fraterniser, frah-tuir-nce-zai, in. 1 r. to live like brothers. 200 FRATERNITE,/ra7i-tair-ne-fci i,sf brotherhood. Fratricide, frah-tre-seed, sm. murder of a brother. Vu.WDE.frode, sf. fraud, deceit, cheat, artifice. Frauder, fro-dai, va. 1 r. to defraud ; smug- gle. Fraudeur, -se, fro-dur, -duJize, smf. de- frauder. Fr auduleuseaient, fro - deu -luhze - mang, ad. by fraud, deceitfully. Frauduleux, -se, fro-deu-luhe, -ze, adj. fraudulent ; full of artifice, trickish. Fraye, -e, fray-yai, -e, adj. practicable; frequented. FRAYER,/ra.7/-?/a?, va. n. 1 r. to trace; pre- pare ; graze ; agree ; spawn ; wear out. Frateur, fray-yur, sf. fright, dread, terror. Fredaine, f nth-den, sf. frolic, wild prank, trick. Fredon, frvh-dong, sm. trill, quaver. Fredonneaient, fruh-donn-mang, sm. qua- vering. FREDONNER,/n<7i-"E, fre-pong, -pon, smf. and adj. rogue ; roguish. Friponnee, fre-po-nai, va. n. 1 r. to trick, cheat. FripONNERIE, fre-ponn-ree, sf. roguish trick. Friqcet, fre-kay, sm. small sparrow ; Cat ladle. Frire, freer, va. n. 4 irr. to fry, fritter. FRIS, free, prcs. ind. of frire, fry. Frise, freeze, sf. frieze; coarse woollen cloth. FRISEB, free-zui, va. n. 1 r. to crisp ; graze ; curl. Frison, fre-zong, sm. short under-petticoat ; streak. Frisoiter, fre-zo-tai, ra. 1 r. to frizzle often. Frisquette, freess-kett, sf. printing frame. Frisson, fre-xong, sm. cold fit, shivering fit. Frisson nement, fre-sonn-mang, sm. slight cold fit. Frissonnek, fre-so-nai, vn. 1 r. to shiver; shudder. Feisure, fre-zeur, sf. hair-dress; curls. FRiTiLLAiRE,//e--o?),7-tyayre,s/'.frontier,rnarches. Froxtiere, frong-lyuyre, adj. frontier, bor- dering. FRONTiGNAN,//-on<7-. to hasten, make haste, speed. Gagxer sort, ghah-inq-yai-seur. v. to have, gain the advantage over : extend. Se gagker, suh-ghali-ing-yai, ore/. 1 r. to be catching, infectious. Gagoi, ghah-guee. sf. plump jolly woman. Gai, -e, gai, -e, adj. gay ; merry ; agreea- ble ; pleasant. Gai, gai, ad. gayly ' stop ! not so fast ! hold ! Gaiement, gaie-mang, ad. cheerfully, heart- ily. Gaiete, gaieiai, sf. cheerfulness, liveliness. De gaiete de cceur. duh-gai-tai-dkur, ad. exp. wantonly, for the sake of mischief, fun. Gaillard, ghah-yar. sm. galliard, fine, mer- ry, jolly- fellow ; cheat, sharper. Gaillard, -e, ghah-yar, -d, adj. brisk, live- ly, giddy. Gaillardk, ghah-yard, sf. wanton ; lively dance. Gaii.lardemext, ghah-yar d-mang, ad. mer- rily. Gaillaudise. ghah-yar-deeze, sf. fun, sport, joy. Gain, going, sm. prain. profit, advantage. Gaine. geyne, sf. sheath, case; small pedes- tal. Gainier, gey-nyai, sm. sheath maker or seller. Gala, ghah-lah, sm. royal entertainment; rout. Galammext, ghah-lah-mang, ad. gallantly. Galant, ghah-lang, adj. agreeable ; civil, polite. Galant, -e, ghah-lang, -te, smf. and adj. gallant, inclined to courtship. Galaxterie, ghah-langte-ree, sf. gallantry. Galaxie, ghah-lack-ftee, sf. milky way. Galbanum, glial - bah - nom, sm. galbanum (gum). Gale, ghal, sf. itch, manse ; scab. Gali . ghah-laie, sf. galley, printer's board. GALERE, ghah-layre, sf. galley ; hard labor. Galerie, ghal-ree, sf. gallery ; exhibition ; spectators ; covert-way. Galerien. ghah-lai-ryaing, sm. galley-slave. GALEUNE,,7^a/t-?ai>/j,R/.north-westerly wind. Galet, ghah-lay, sm. pebble ; pebbled sea- shore. GALETAS, ghal-tah, sm. garret ; mean apart ment. ('.alette, ghah-UU, sf. flat broad paste cake. Galeux, se, ghah-luhe, -ze, smf. and adj. scabby ; mangy. Galimafree, ghah-le-mah-fraie, sf hotch- potch. Galimatias, gJiah-Je-mah-iyah^sm.nonsense. Galiox, ghah-lyong, sm. galleon, Spanish ship. Galiote, ghah lyntt, sf galliot, brigantine. Galipot, ghah-le-po, sm. rosin; frankin- cense. Galle (noix de), noo-ah-dghal. sf. nntgall. Gallican, -b, ghal-le-kang, -hat), odj.French, of the French church. Gallicisme, ylial-le-seessm, sm. Frencli ex- pression. Gallon, ghah-long, sm. measure of four quarts. Galochk, ghah-losh, sf. galoche, clog ; wood- en shoe. Galon, ghah long, sm. galloon, lace; round box. Galonner, ghah-lo-nai, va. 1 r. to lace, broider. Galonnier, ghah-lo-nyai, sm. galloon-ma- ker. Galop, ghah In, sm. gallop ; full speed. Galopade, gliah-lo-pad, sf. galloping; ex- pedition. GALOPER, ghahdo-pai, va. n. 1 r. to gallop; hasten. Galopin, ghahdo-paing, sm. errand boy or man. Galvaxique, ghahl-vah-neel; adj. galvanic. Galvanisme, ghahl-oah-neessm, sm. galvan- ism. Gamaciies, ghah-mash, sfp. spatterdashes. Gambade, g hang -bad, sf. gambol, silly an- swer. Gambader, ghang-bah-dai, vn. 1 r. to gam- bol, frisk, skip, dance. Gambiller, ghung-be yai, vn. 1 r. to kick about. Gamelle, ghah-m*U, sf. large wooden bowl. Gamin, ghah-maing, sm. urchin ; black- guard-boy. Gamme, ghamm, sf gamut, scale of music. GAMME (CHANTER LA), shang-ta i-lah-ghamm, idi. exp. v. 1 r. to scold, reprimand, chide. Gamme (changer de), shang - hjai - duh~ ghamm, idi. exp. v. 1 r. to alter one's tone. Ganache, ghah-nash, sf. horse's nether jaw ; dull person. Gangrene, hang-groyne, sf. gangrene. Se gangrener, suh-kang-grai-nai, vref. 1 r. to mortify. Gangreneux, -SE, Jcang-grai-nnhe, -ze, adj. mortified, gangrenous. Gaxse, qhanqsse, sf. coop, narrow barid of silk. Gaxt, ghang, sm. glove. jai, sm. safe. Garde-marine, ghard-mah-recn, sm. admi- ral's guard ; cadet. Garde-meuble, ghard-muh-bl ', sm. ward- robe. Garde-notes, ghard-not, sm. notary, attor- ney. Garder, ghar-dni, va. 1 r. to keep; pre- serve ; set apart ; watch over ; protect ; secure ; fulfil. Dieu nous en garde, God forbid. II s'ew garder a bien, lie will take care not to do it. Garder a (en comer a.), ang-do-nai-ah- gJiard-dai-ah, idi. exp. v. 1 r. to make one believe. Garder, ghar-dai, rn. 1 r. to take care; watch, avoid (this verb takes que after it). Se HARDER de, suh-ghar-dai-duh, vref. to be far from ; take care that. Garde-robe, ghard-rob, sf. wardrobe; closet. Garde-role, ghard-role, sm. master of the rolls. 204 Gardeus, -se, ghar-du>\ -duhze, sm/ herds- man, herdswoman. Gardien, -se, ghar-dyaing, dyenn, smf. and adj. guardian ; protecting ; watchful. Gardon ghar-dong, am. roach. Gare ! qiuir ! int. out of the way ! beware ! take care ! Garenne, ghah-ren, sf, warren, park for rabbits. Garennier, ghah-ray-nyai, sm. warrener. Garer, ghah-rai, va. 1 r. to moor, fasten. Se garer, suh-ghah-rai, vref. to go out of the way ; take care ; secure one's self. GaRGARISER (se), suh-ghar -ghah-ree-zai, vref. 1 r. to wash one's mouth with medi- cated fluids. Gargarisme, ghar-ghah-reessm, sm. garga- rism. Gargote, ghar-gott, sf. nasty, poor eating- house. Gargoter, gliar-go-tai, vn. 1 r. to tipple; eat filthily ; haunt public-houses. Gargotier, -E, ghar-go-tyai, -re. smf. low publican. Gargouille, ghar-goo-yuh, sf. gutter, spout, drain. Gargouillee, ghar -goo-yaie, sf. rush of water. Gargouillement, ghar-goo-yuJi-mang, sm. gargling ; rumbling noise in the stomach. GARGOUILLER, ghar-goo-yai, vn. 1 r. to pad- dle ; dabble ; (iron.) gargle ; gurgle. Gargouillis, ghar-goo-ye, sm. noise of a gutter, gurgling of a stream, bottle, &c. Gargousse, ghar-gooss, sf. cartridge. Garnement, gharnn-mang, sm. libertine, rake. Garni, -e, ghar-ne, -e, adj. furnished. Garxir, ghar-neer, va. 2 r. to furnish ; trim ; provide ; fortify, surround. Se garnir de, suh-ghar-neer-diih, vref. to provide one's self with. Garnison, ghar-ne-zong, sf. garrison ; bai- liffs. Garnisseur, ghar-ne-sur, sm. furnisher. Garniture, ghar-ne-teur, sf. furnishing. Garou (loup), Voo-gliah-roo, sm. were-wolf; surly man, misanthrope. Garrot, ghah-ro, sm. withers; stick. Garrotter, ghah-ro-tai, va. 1 r. to tie fast ; bind. Gascon, -ne, ghass-kong, -kon, smf. and adj. gascon ; boaster, vaporer. Gasconnade, ghass-ko-nad, sf. gasconade, boast. Gasconxer, ghass-ko-nai, vn. 1 r. to boast, brag. Gasconnisme, ghass-ko-neessm, sm. boasting. Gaspillage, ghass - pe - yahje, sm. waste of money ; prodigality ; disorder. Gaspiller, ghass-pc-yai, va. 1 r. to squander away one's fortune, money, /ne, sf. torture; uneasiness; distress. Gexealogie, hjui-nai-ah-lo-hjee, s/. genealo- gy, lineage. Genealogique, hjai-nai-ah-lo-hjeeli, adj. genealogical; of descent. Gexealogiste, hjai-nai-ah-lo-hjeest, sm. genealogist, tracer of descents. Gexer, hjey-nai, va. lr. to force; gall; clog ; vex, tease. Se gkxer, suh-hjey -nai, vref to restrain one's self. General, hjai-nai-ral, sm. general, com- mander, chief ; greatest number. General, -e, hjai - nai - ral, adj. general ; vague ; usual. Generalat, hjai-nai-rah-lah, sm. rank of a general. Generale, hjai-nai-ral, sf general, beat of drum. Generalemext, hjai-nai-ral-Tfi»ng, ad. iu general. Generalises, hjai-nai-rah-leesai, ra. 1 r. to generalize, arrange under general heads. Generalissime, hjai-nai-rah-le-seem, sm. chief. Generalite, hjai-nai-rah-le-tai, sf. gener- ality. Generateur, -trice, hjai - nai - rah - tur, -treess, adj. generating, productive. Generatit, -ve, hjai-nai-rahrteeff, -teev, adj. generative, productive, prolific. Generation, hjai-nai-rah-syong, sf race ; age. Genereusement, hjai-nai-ruhze-mang, (id. trenerously ; nobly ; liberally. Geneeeux, -se, hjai-nai-ruhe, -ze, adj. gen- erous ; liberal ; magnanimous, cordial. Geneeique, lijii-nai-reelc, adj. generic. Geneeosite, hjainai-ro-ze-tai, sf. generosi- ty; liberality; magnanimity; benevolence. 205 GEO GIG Genese, hjuJi-naijze, sf. Genesis:, first book of Moses, production of the world Genet, hjuh-net/, sm. broom, juniper. epineux, Jijuh-ney-aipenuhe, sm. furze. Genet, hjuh-nay, sm. genet, small Spanish horse. Genette, Jijuh-iiftt, sf. wild cat ; snaffle. GeNEVRIER, hjuh-nai-vre-yai, sm juniper bush. Genie, hjai-ner, sm. genius, imagination ; nature ; disposition ; talent, wit Genievre, hjuh-nj/ayvr, sm. juniper ; gin. Genisse, hjai-neess, sf heifer. Genital, -e, h}ai-ne-Ud, adj. generative. (iENiTiF, hjai-'ne-leej?, sm. genitive case. Geniture,' lijai-nr-trnr. sf. shapeless forma- tion ; (iron.) child, progeny Genou, -x, hjuh-noo, -e, sm. knee; ball; curb; knot. Genouillere, hjuh-noo-yayre, sf. top ot a boot ; knee armor or cover. Genre, hjangr, sm. gender ; kind ; species ; sort ; way. Ge.vre humain, hjang r-eu-maing, sm. man- kind. Gens, hjanghe, sp. people; persons; servants. De tellfs gens, such people. Gens de mer. seafaring people. Tons Irs gens everybody. Gens de condition, hjunghe-dirh-knng-de- syong, smp. quality people, gentlefolks. Gens ' d'eglise, hjanghe - dai ■ gleeze, snip. clergymen, clergy. Gens de guerre, hjanghe ■ dc/hayre, snip. soldiers. (Jens d'hoxneur, hjanghe- do -nvr, smp. creditable folks, honorable people. Tetites gens, pteet- hjanghe, sp. common people. Beaucoup de gens, bo-koo-dhjanghe, snip. many people. Gent, hjanqt, sf. nation; people; clan; race. Gent, -e, hjang, -te, adj. agreeable; genteel; pretty. Gentians, hjang- syann, sf. felwort, bald- monv. GENTiL,7yan.,sm..carcelage, prison fees. Geole, hjole, sf. gaol, jail, prison. iiU--3 Geolier, -e, Jijoe-lyai, sm. jailer, keeper of a prison. Geomancie, hjai-o-mang-see, sf foretelling by figures. Geomancien, -ne,, ■syenn, sm. geomanccr : caster of figures. <;e<»metral, hjai-o-mai-tral.. acZi. o/ geome.- try. . . Geometre. hjai-o-mai/tr. sm. geometrician. Geometeie. hfai-o mui-tree, s;'. geometry. Geometrique, hjai-o-mai-lreek, ad£. geo- metrical G eometriquement, hjai-o-mai-treekvnang, ad. geometrically. Georgiques, hjai-or-hjeeJc, sfp. georgir-s , science of agriculture. Geranium, hjai-rah-nyoni, sm. stork'bHij geranium. Gerbe, hjairb, sf sheaf: bundle. GerbEE, lijair-baie, sf'. bundle of straw. Gerber, hjair-bai, va. 1 r. to bind into sheaves, pile up. Gerce, hjairsse, sf'. wood-louse, milleped. GrERCER, hjairsai, va. I r. to chink, crack, chap. Gerc/CRE, hjair-seur, sf chink, crack flaw. Geker, hjai-rai, va. 1 r. to conduct, manage. Gerfaut, hjair-fo, sm. gerfalcon, hawk. Germain, -e, hjair-maing, -mayn, adj. first cousin. German-dree, hjair-mang-draie, sf. german- der (plant). Germe, hjairm, sm. germ; bud; seed; source; origin. Germer, hjair-mai, in. 1 r. to sprout, shoot, bud. Germination, hjair -me- nqh- syong, sf, sprouting. Gerondif, hjai-rong-derff, sm. gerund, ver- bal noun. Gesier, hjai-zyai, sm. gizzard. ■ Gesir, hjaizeer, vn. 2 irr. to lie, be buried. Ci-qit, here lies. GeSSE, hjess, sf vetch, sort of pea. Gestation, hjess-taJisyong, sf. pregnancy. Geste, hjest, sm. motion, gesture : plu. feats. Gr.siE de t£te, hjest-duhieyte, sm. nod. Gesticilateue, hjes - te - kit - hih ■ tur, sm. speaker full of action. Gesticulation, hjess - te - ku - lull - syong, sf. gesticulation ; too much action. Gesticuler, hjess-te-lat-lui, in. 1 r. to speak with too much action. Gestion, hjess-tyong, sf. administration; care. Gibbeux, -SE, ftje-buhe, -ze, adj. convex; humpbacked. Gibbosite, hje-bo-ze-tai,sf. convexity; hump. Giceciere, hjeeb-syuyre, sf. pouch ; game- bag ; scrip. Gibelet, hjeeb-lai, sm. gimlet : prank. Gibelotte', hjeeb-lott, sf. fricassee of chick- ens, &c. Giberne, hje-bairn, sf. cartouch-box. Gibet, hje-bay, sm. gallows ; gibbet. Gibier, hje-byai, sm. game ; dupe ; prey. GmiER de potence, Jije-bt/ai-dpotangsse, idi. exp. sm. reprobate ; Newgate bird., hje-boo-laie, sf. March shower, lain and hail shower. Gibover, ]je-boo-ah-yai, rn. 1 r. to shoot, hunt with a gun. Giboyeur, hje-boo-ah-yur, sm. sportsman. Gigantesque, hje-ghang-tesk, adj. gigautic, big. GLA GNO Gigot, hje-rjo, sm. leg of mutton, hip joint, gigot GiGOTTEB, Jiji-/o-tai, v)>. 1 r. to kick one's legs Gigue, hieeg, sf. jig ; taH frisky girl ; romp. Giguer, itji -.lj. icy ; cold, indif- ferent. Glaciers, glah-syayre, sf. ice-house ; cold place Glacis, glah-see, sm. sloping bank; esplanade. Glacon, glah-song, sm. piece of ice ; cold reception. Gladiateur, glah - dyah - tur, sm. sword- player. Glaieul, corn-flag, sword-grass. Glaire, glayre, sf. glaire, viscid matter. Glaireux, -se, glay-ruhe, -ze, adj. full of glaire ; slimy, ropy, viscid. Glaise, giayze, sf. clay; fuller's earth: argil. Glaiser, guiy-zai, va. 1 r. to glaze ; overlay with clay or a shining substance. Glaiseux, -se, glay-zuhe, -ze, adj. clayey; of clay Glaisiere, glay-zyayre, sf. clay pit. Glaive, glayc, sm. glave, broad-sword, fal- chion. Glanage, glah-nahje, sm. gleaning, picking. Gland. gUiiig, sm. acorn ; mast ; tassel. Gla.vde, glangde, sf. gland ; tumor ; ex- crescence. Glandule, glang-deul, sf. small gland. GLAND0LEUX, -se, glah -tlen -hike, -ze, adj. glandulous ; of or in the glands. Glane, glann, sf. handful of gleanings. Glaxe d'oignons, glann-do-iixg-yonghe, sf. rope of onions. Glane de poires, glann-duh-poo-ahre, sf. cluster, bunch of pears. Glaner, glaJi-nai, va. 1 ;•. to glean; pick up. Glaneur,-se, glah-nur, -nuhze, sm/'. gleaner. ( rLANORE, ghili-nrur, sf. gleaning. GLAPIR, gtah-peer, ism. 2 r, to yelp ; squeak. Glapissant, -e, glah-pe-sang, -te, adj. yelp- ping ; shrill. Glapissement, g1ah-peess-mang,sm. yelping. GrLAS, glith, sm. knell, tolling bell. Glebe, glaybe, sf. glebe; soil, clod, ore; glow-worm. Glissade, gle-sad, sf. slide, slip, sliding. GrLISSANT, -e, gle-sang, -te, adj. slippery, ticklish. Glisser, gle-sai, ra.n. 1 r. to slide, glance. Se glisser, siih-gle-sai, vref. to slip, creep in. Glissoire, gle-sou-ar, sf. slide. GlissedR, -se, gle-sur, -snhze, smf. slider. Globe, glob, sm. globe, sphere, round ball ; earth. Globule, glc-beul, sm. globule, small globe. Globtjlehx, -se, glo-beu.-lu.he, -ze. adj. glo- bulous. Gloire, gloo-ar, sf. glory ; fame ; praise. Glorieusement, glo-ryuhze-mdiiq, ad. with glory. Glorieux, -se, glo-ryuhe, -ze, adj. noble ; great ; proud. Glorification, glo-re-fe-lcah-syonq, sf. glori- fying. Glorifier, glo-re-fyai, va. 1 r, to glorify. Se glorifier, suh-glo-re-fyai, vref. to be proud of, boast, glory in. Gloriole, glo-ryol, sf. vain glory, vanity ; pride. Glose, gloze, sf. gloss; comment, exposition. Gloser, glo-zai, va. 1 /•. to gloss, criticise. Gloseue, -se, glozur, -zuhze, smf. glosser, critic. Glossaire, glo-sayre, sm. vocabulary of ob- scure words, glossary. Gloss ateor, g'lo-suh-lur, sm. commentator. Glossographe, glo-so-graff. sm. writer on languages, scholiast, commentator. Glossopetees, glo-su-paytie, smp. petrified teeth of fishes, Ac. Glctte, glot, sf. glottis; head of the windpipe. Glouglou, glou -gloo, sm. guggling. Glouglouter, glop-gloo-ta i,vn. 1 r. to gabble - gabble like a turkey-cock. Gloussement, glaosse-mang, sm. clucking. Glousser, gloo-sui, vn. 1 r. to cluck, call as a hen. Glouton, -ne. glon-tong, -tnnn, smf. and adj. glutton, gluttonous, greedy. Gloutonkeme-NT, qtoo-tonn-mang, ad. greed- ily- GlouTONNERIE, gloo-lonn-rer, sf. gluttony Gl0, gleu, sf. glue, cement, bird-lime. Gluant, -B, gleu-ang, -te, adj. sticky. Gi.U.vr, -x, gleu-o, -c, sm. lime-twig. Glues, gleu-ai, va. 1 r. to glue. lime. Glui, rjleu-e, sm. thick thatching-straw, thatch. Glutikedx. -se, gleu-te-nvhe, -ze, adj. gluti- nous, sticky, viscous, adhesive. Gnome, gnome, sm. imaginary genius pre- siding over the subterranean treasures. GNOMIQUE, gno-meel., adj. sententious, ener getic. Gnomon, gno-monq, sm. index, hand of a sun- dial. Gnomonique, qno-mo-neeli, sf. art of dialling. 207 GON GOU Go (tout pe), too-dgo, ad. exp, freely ; all at once. Gobe, gobb, sf. poisoned bait to destroy ani- mals. Gobelet, gab-lay, sm. goblet, cup ; juggler's box. belir, gob-laing, sm. goblin; phantom; fairy : elf. GOBELOTTBR, goh-ln-lni, rn. 1 r. to drink little and often; tipple, guzzle. Gobek, qo-bai, va. 1 r. to gobble ; gulp ; eat fast Goberger (SB), suh-go-bair-hjai, ere/. I r. to mock ; be at one's ease ; indul .-■■ one's self. Goberges. go-bay rhje, sfp. bottom boards of a bedstead. Gobet, go-bay, sm. mouthful, snap ; hasty meal. Gobeter, gob-tax, va. 1 r. to plaster, cement. Gobeor, -se, go-bur, -bukze, emf. gobbler; glutton. Gobi.v, go-lain;/, sm. hunchback ; ill-; man. Godailler, go-dah-yai, m. 1 /•. to be tipple. Godailleur, go-dah-yur, sm. great drunk- ard, BOt. GODELUREAU, -X, god-lCVHTO, -c, sm. fop, spat k, beau, Godekot, god-no-e, sm. puppet; little ugly man. Godbt, go-day, em. rammer, pipe; funnel. diche, go-deesh, adj. foolish, ridiculous, silly. GouivEAi", -x, go sm. hot veal-pie; hash-pie. Godror, go-drong, sm. puff, round plait ; oval edge. Godko.vxee, go-d va. 1 r. to set in pul Gogo (a), ah-go-go, ad. exp, in abundance, in clover. Vivke a cjor.n, veevr-ah-go-go, idi. exp. v. 1 irr. to live in clover, feast, live well. Goguerard, -r. gog-nar, -d, em/, ami adj. jester , pleasant Goguerabjder, gog-nor-dai, vn. l r. to jeer, jest, rally ; excite merriment ; joke. GOGUERARDERIE, gog-nard-ree, if. rail] joking. GdGUETTBS, gn-g heytt, sfp. merry 1 in mor, talk. Goirfre, goo-aing/r, sm. gormandizer, glut- ton. i Ioinfrek, goo-aingfrai, vn. 1 r. to gorman- dize. GoiRFRERIB, go-aing-fruh-rt:e, s/. gluttony, guttling. tTSE, goo-ahtr, sm. glandulous swelling. GoiTREDX, -8E t go-ah-trvTie , -zr, adj. subject to glandulous swellings. Golee, golff, sm. gulf, bay. opening into land. Goxxe, gomm, sf. gum, visci 1 substance. Gommek, go-mai, va. 1 r. to gum, close with gum. Gommeux, -sz,go-mu7tr, se, adj. gummy, full of gum. Gommier, go-myai, sm. gum-tree. Gond, gong, .-. to cleanse the inside of bottles, ,Vc., with a brush. ru, -e, goor, d, adj. numb, stiff with cold. Gourde, goord, sf, gourd, bottle, dollar. GOURDIR, goor - titling, sm. cudgel, club, bludgeon. GOURGARDIRE, goor-gang-deen, sf. strumpet, jade. Gourmade, goor-mad, sf. fisticuffs, blows. Gourmand, -E, goor-mang, -de, sm/. and adj. gormand, glutton ; gluttonous, ravenous. GOURHARDER, gonr-iitnng-dai, va. 1 r. to check, chide, abuse, curb. Goubkahdise, goor-mang-deeze, sf. gluttony. Got SHE, goorm, sf. strangles ; scald, affected gravity. Gourmer, goor-mai, va. 1 r. to curb, cuff. Se gourmer, euh-goor-mai, vre/. to puff one's self. Gourmet, goor-may, sm. taster of wine, &c, good judtre ; who loves dainty bits. GOURMETTE, goor-melt, sf. curb; restraint, check. Gousse, goos-i, sf. hull, husk, shell, cod. Gousset, goo-ssay, sm. arm-pit, gusset ; fob ; seat. GBA GRA -;;(. taste, appetite; Inclination, way. Viandt d<- havtgoitt, meat high-sea soned. Got tk or Go'Ctkr, gooe-tai, em. Innebeon, lunch. GoOter, gooe-tai, va. 1 r. to taste, try ; ap- prove. GoOTER, g ■■ In i, rn. 1 r. to take a lunch. Goutte, tfoott, tf. drop; catarrh ; gout. Goutte a o< hjtte, in fit- ah goat, aa\ exp. drop by drop, by degre Goutte, v. aa. (used with ;ie before the verb), not at all. 7TELETTE, , adj. gentle, civil, agreeable, graceful, courteous. GrACLLITE, i/riili-^t -Ii -till. tf. slendcriii SS. Gradation, grah-dah-eyong, ef. regular pro- gre8s. G KM>r..rjrad, sm. degree, dignity; rank; post. Grader, grah-dai, va. 1 r. to dignify ; gradu- ate. Gradin, grah-daing, sm. step: plur. benches, seats. Graduation-, grdh-deu-ah-eyong, tf. gradua- tion, progression. GrADCE, -e, grah-deu-ai, adj. graduate; graduated, divided into di GrADUEL, -le, grnli-il' Hi '. ■!. K-lj. gradual. Gradubllembnt, grah-deu-ell'mang, ad. by degrees, gradually. Graduer, grah-dt u-ai, ra. 1 r. to graduate ; increase by degrees. Gradtkr (SE i'aikf.i. tlih-fayre-grah-deu-ai, v. 4 irr. to take one's Graillon, grah-yong, em. remnant, scrap of meat. Grain, grazing, sm. grain: seed; weight; particle. Grain ii>- i/i •!'. hailstone. G rain E, grayne, tf. seed, kernel. Grains (mauvaise), mooayatygrayne, (di exp. tf, bad crew ; school-boys; lack. Graisse, gre*e, tf. grease; fat; plumpnet Graissbr, gray-eai, va. 1 »-. to grease ; anoint. 1 1 raissbux, •SK,gray-tuhe, ■ze,adj gr< i '..fat. GRAHKN, l/rtl/l-llirii, sm. grass; dog's 1 1 1; wim aire, grah-mayre, tf. grammar, rudi- ments. I I UAMM Alt: IK N.-NK,. '/'""'' -"'".'/-)'.V"i;/'/,-)7/i»;i «, suit', grammarian, correct Bpeaker. Grammatical, -e, grah-mah-te-kai, /riiliiii/!-'\.'^.str.'md. sandy shore; greave. Grever, gruh-cai, va. 1 r. to aggrieve ; op- press. Gribouillage, grc-boo-yahje, sm. scribble, scrawl. Gribouii.ler, gre-lioo-yai, va.l r. to scribble. G ribouillette, gre-lx)oyett, sf. scramble. A. la gribouillette, ah-lah-gre-boo-yelt,ad. exp. eagerly; slovenly; helter-skelter. Grieche" gre-yagsh, adj. f. noisy ; sharp ; speckled. Grieciie (pie), pee-gre-yaysh, sf. scold, ter- magant. OKI GEO Grief, gre-yeff, sm. hurt ; affront ; offence ; wrong. Gkief, -\e, gre-yeff, -yec, adj. grievous; sad; heavy. Grievemext, gre-yr-mang, ad. grievously. Gkievete. gre-yev-tai, sf, atrocity, blackness. Griffk, greeff, sf. claw; talon; grasp; ra- pacity. Griffe (cofp de), loo-dgreeff, idi. exp. sm. slander, calumny; printed signature. Griffer, grt-faiy xa. 1 r. to scratch; seize; catch. Griffon, gre-fong, sm. griffin, ; file ; large paper. Gkiffoxxage, gre-/o-nahje, sm. bad writing. Gi:iffo>"N"er, gre-fo-nai, va. 1 r, to write, draw badly, make a rough sketch. Griffoxxecr, -SE, gre/u-nur, -nuhze, sm. scribbler. Grigxox, greeny-gong, sm. hard-baked crust of bread; hard biscuit. Grigxoter. greeng-yo-tai, rn. 1 r. to nibble. Grigoc, gree-goo, sm. gripe-penny; curmud- geon. Gril, gre, sm. gridiron ; (fam.) suspense ; anxiety. Grillade, gre-yad, sf. grillade, broiling of meat. Grillage, gre-yahje, sm. grating ; wire- work ; trellis ; lattice. Grille, gree-yuh, sf. grate; gridiron; brasier. Griller, grt-yai, va. 1 r. to grill, broil ; rail in ; cloister ; burn ; die with heat. Grillox, gre-yong, sm. cricket. Grimace, gre-mcua, sf. grimace ; affectation. Grimacer, gre-mah-sai, to make faces. Geimacerie, g re-mass -ree, s/. mimicry, fop- pery. Grimacier, -e, gre-mah-syai, -re, an/, and adj. buffoon; formalist, hypocrite; affected. Gkimacd, gre-mo, sm. dunce ; thickskull. Grimaude, gre-mode, sf. trollop ; slovenly- woman. Grimaud, -e, gre-mo, -de, adj. stupid, dull ; slovenly. Grime, greem, sm. ridiculous old man on the stage. Grimoire, gre-mno-ar, sm. conjuring-book, obscure discourse or writing. Grimpaxt, -e, graing-pang, -te, adj. scan- dent, climbing. Grimfer, graiitjpai, vn. 1 r. to clamber, rise. Grimpereac, -x, grawgpe-ro, -e, sm. wood- pecker. Gri.mpeur, -se, graingh-pvr, -puJize, sm/. climber. Gkixcement, graings^e-mang, sm. gnashing. Grincer, graing-sai, on.] r. to gnash, grind. GrinGOTTER, y rainy go-tai, vn. 1 r. to war- ble ; hum. Griotte, gre-yoit, s/. egriot, black hard cherry. Griottier, gre-yo-tyai, sm. black hard cher- ry-tree. Grippe, greepp, s/. whim ; caprice ; hatred ; aversion ; influenza. Gripper, gre-pai, va. 1 r. to catch ; steal ; seize. Se guipper, suh-grepai, vre/. to shrivel; take whims, be maggoty, capricious. Grippe-soc, greepp -soo, sm. gripe, catch- penny. Gris, gree, sm. gray color. Gris te lix, gree-dlaing, sm. gridelin, gray color. Gris,-e, ^r««,-se,a*, ho-bair-hjong, sm. habergeon, cuirass. "Hubert, ho-bair, sm. hauberk, coat of mail. Fief be Haubekt, fyejf-dahlio-bair, sm. ten- ure by knight's service "Hausse, hoess, ,<■/ rise, lift, increase raising. 'iIacsse-col, hoess-kol, sm. gorget armor. 'HabsSEHENT, hoess-niaiii], sm. lifting, rais- ing, rise. "HaI'SSEMEXT d'epaULES, liorss - man/j -dai- pole, sm. shrug of the shoulders. 'HaBSSER, hoe-sai, va. n. 1 r. to raise, lift up, increase; shrug up \ grow tall. Hawtser letemps, to drink hard, --lecceur, to raise one's spirits, make proud. Se hausser, suh-hoe-sai, rref. to rise up ; stand on tiptoe ; clear up ; increase. 1 HAi"T,7io'?,; height; summit, eminence. 'Haut, -e, hoe, -te, adj. high : tall , great ; eminent ; loud ; noisy ; proud ; haughty. "Haut, hoe, ad. high ; aloud ; proudly. Par- ley haut, to speak loud or big. E.\" haut, anghoe, ad. exp. above ; up ; aloft, overhead ; up stairs. P'en haut, dang-hne, ad. exp. from above. 'Hautaix, -E, hoe-taing, -tenn, adj. proud, haughty. 'HAUTAlNBMEHT,fioc-fc»n-»ian.(/, ad. proudly. 'Haut-bois, hoe-boo-ah, sm. haut-boy, wind instrument; strawberry. 'Haut-bord, Iw.-bor, sm. large vessel, ship. 'Haut-de-CHauSSE, hoe-d-shoesse, sm. breech es, hose. 'IlAUTE-COXTRE,7io?e-/i.-o?J.(^r,s/. counter-tenor. 'IIaute-cour, hute-koor, sf. high court of jus- tice. 'IIaute-futaie, hote-feutey, sf. tall trees. 'Haute-justice, hot-hjeuss-teess, sf. seiguori- al court of justice. 'Haute-lice, hotc-leess, sf. hanging; tapestry. 'Haite-maree, hole-mahraie, sf. high water. 'Hautemext, hote-mavg, afe-r«7i -yuh,. '■/.counter-tenor. 'Hauteur, hoe-tur, sf. height ; eminence ; depth; greatness; pride; sublimity; rising ground. 'Habt-fOND, hoe-fonff, sm. shallow water. 'Haut-gout, hoe-gooe, sm meat high season- ed or scented, high seasoning. 'IIaut-mal, hoe-mat, sm. falling-sickness. 'Have, 7?a7(i?, adj. pale; wan, lean; disfigured. 'Havir, hah-veer, j-a. n. 2 r. to scorch ; parch. 'Havre, hither, sm. harbor, haven, port. 'Havre -sac, havr-sael;, sm. knapsack, tool- bag. "Hate-hate ! hay-hay ! int. gee-ho ! 'He ! hai ! int. ha ! oh ! He-eiex, ai-byainff, int. and ad. well ! what ' how ! 'TIeaumier, hoe-myai, sm. cherry-tree. HebbOHABAIRE, eb - do -mah - day re, adj. weekly. IIebdomabier, cb-do-mah-dydi, sm. one who officiates for a week. Heberseb, ai-hair-hjai, va. 1 r. to lodge, shelter. Heeete, ai-bai-t'ti, ■<, gmf. and adj. dolt, dunce ; dull, blockish, blunt. Hebeter, ai-bai-tai, va. 1 r. t" stupefy, dull. Hf.braio.ue, ai-bran-edc, adj. Hebrew. Hebraisaxt, ai-brah-e-zanq, sm. Hebricien, one skilful in Hebrew, Hebraist. Heeraisme. ai-brah-eesm, em. Hebrew idiom. Hebreu, ai-brulie, sm. and adj. m. Hebrew language ; Hebrew. Hecatombe. ai-khali-tongbe, sf. hecatomb; sacrilice of 100 cattle, great sacrifice. Hectogramme, aik-to-grahm, sm. 100 grams (weight). Hectolitre,, sm. 100 qaiarts. Hectometre, aik-to-meytr, sm. 100 yards. Hegire, ai-hjeer, sf. hegira, day of Mahom- et's flight trom Mecca. Heiduque, ay-deuk, sm. Hungarian foot-sol- dier ; servant dressed like a hussar. Helas ai-lahss int. alas! well-a-day ! 'HELEK,7«nVai. »o.l /•. to hail; call to; salute. Heliaque. ai-le-yafk, adj, heliacal, emerging from or falling into the lustre of the sun. Helice, ai-lees, sf. spiral line round a cylin- der : great bear. Helioscope, ai-le-o-skop, sm. helioscope; sun- glass. Heliotrope, ai-le-o-trope, sm. turnsol ; sun- flower. Hellexisme, el-Jai-neessm, sm. Greek idiom. Hellenists, cl-lai-neest, sm. man skilled in Greek. Hem ! em ' int. hem. Hematose, ai-mah-toze, sf. formation of the blood. Hemeralopie, ai-mai-rah-lo-pee, sf. weak- ness of sight. Hemerodrome, ai-mai-ro-drom, sm. courier. Hemi, ai-me, adj. indeclinable (entering into the composition of many words), half ; semi. Hemicycle, ai-me-seekt. sm. semi-demicircle. Hemixe, ai-meen, sf. antique measure. Hemisphere, ai-metss-fayre. sm. half of the globe Hemispiiep.ique, ai-meess-fai-reek, adj. half- round Hemistiche aimeess-feesh, sm. half a verse. Hemoptique, ai-mop-teek, smf. and adj. spit- ter of blood . spitting blood. Hemoptysie. ai-mop tt-zee, sf. spitting of blood. Hemof.ragie, ai-mo rah-hjee, sf. violent flux Qf blood, hemorrhage IlEMORROiDAL. -E, hi mo-ro-e-dal, adj. he- morrhoidal, of the piles. Hemorroides, ai-mo-ro-ced, s/p. piles, eme- rods. HEXnECAGOXE, aing-dni-kah-gon, sm.- and adj. figure of eleven sides or angles. Hi'.n.viu, hah-neer, vn. 2 r. to neigh. 'HE>>"isSF.MENT,7/a7!-/i««-J/iO».'/,'' , »i. neighing. Hepatique, ai-pah-teek, sf liverwort. Hepatique, ai-pah-teek, adj. o/the liver. Heptagone, 'ptahgon, sm. and adj. hepta- gon, figure with seven sides or angles. Heptamerox, ep-tah-mai-rong, sm. seven days' occurrence, division of a week into seven days. Heptarchie, ep-tar-shec, sf. heptarchy, sev- enfold government. IIeraldique, ai-ral-dcclc, adj. of or to her- aldry. 215 HER IIEU 'Heraut, liai-ro, sm. herald, harbinger. Herbace, -e, air-bah-sai, -e, adj. herbaceous. Herbage, air-bahje, sm. grass; pasture, meadow. Herbageux, -SE, air-bah-hjuh, -ze, ad. pro- ducing much grass. Heube, airb, sf. grass ; turf, verdure ; pas- turage. En herbe, ang-nairb, ad. exp. beforehand. Herbe (mauyaise), mo-vayze-airb, idi. exp. sf. ill weed ; wicked person or child. Herber, air-bai, va. 1 r. to dry on the grass. Herbette, air-bett, sf. herbelet, short grass. Herbeux, -se, air-buhe, -ze, adj. grassy, cov- ered with grass. Hekbiej|, air-byay, sm. herbal ; description of plants. Herbiere, air-byayre, sf. herb-woman. Herbivore, air-be-vor, adj. herbivorous, eat- ing grass. Herboriser, air-bo-ree-zai, vn. \r. to gather simples. Herboriseur, air-bo-rce-zur, sm. herbalist. Herboriste, air-bo-reest, smf. herbarist, sim- plist. Herbu, -e, air-beu, -e, adj. herbous, grassy. 'Here (i'auvre), poevr-nayre, sm. and adj. poor wretch ; lean, meagre ; poor. Hereditaire, ai-rai-de-tayre, adj. heredita- rj", descending by inheritance. Heredit AniE.~&EXT,ai-rai-de-tayre-7nang,ad. by inheritance. HEREmiE,ai-rqi-de-tai,sf. heirship; heritage. Heresiarque, ai-rai-ze-ark, sm. leader in heresy. Heresie, ai-rai-zee, sf. heresy ; schism. Heretique; airai-teek, smf. and adj. heretic. 'Herisse, -e, Jiai-re-sai, -e, adj. bristly ; bris- tled up - peevish ; surly ; morose, puffed up with. 'Herisser, hai-re-sai, va. 1 r. to bristle ; star- tle ; raise ; make one's hair stand on end. 'Herisson, hai-re-song, sm. hedge-hog ; piece of timber traversed with spikes. 'Herissonne, -E, hai-re-sonai, -e, adj. prick- ly ; bristly. 'Herissonser, hai-re-so-nai, va. 1 r. to plas- 1er anew. Heritage, ai-re-tahje, sm. inheritance ; her- itage. Heriter, ai-re-tai, vn. 1 r. to inherit. Heritier, -E,ai-re-tyai,-re,smf. heir, heiress. Hermandade (SAIn'te), saingte -air -many - dad, sf. soldiers of the Inquisition. Hermaphrodite, air-mak-fro-deet, sm. and adj. hermaphrodite ; uniting both sexes. Hermetique, air-mai-teek, adj. chemical. Hermetiquement, air-mai-teek-mang, ad. hermetically. Hermine, air-meen, sf. ermine, fur. Hermitage, air-me-tahje, sm. cell of a her- mit. Hermite, air-meet, sm. hermit ; solitary ; re- cluse. 'Herniaire, hair-nyayre, adj. of or to her- nias. 'Hernie, hair-nee, sf. hernia, rupture. 'Hernieux, -se, Imir-nyuhe, -ze, adj. dis- eased with a hernia. 'Heroi'-COMique, hai-ro-e-lco-meelc, adj. he- roi-comical. 'Heroide, hai-ro-eed, sf. piece of heroic poetry. 'Heroine, 7wH-ro-ee?i,,f/.|'eniale hero, heroine. 216 'Heroique, hai-ro-cd; , adj. heroical, of a hero. 'Heroiquement, hai-ro-eek-mang , ad. he- roically. 'Heroisme, hai-ro-eessm, sm. heroism; valor. 'Heron, Jiai-rong, fin. heron, hern. 'Herosneau, -x, hui-ro-no, -e, sm. your.g hern, 'Heronniere, hai-ro-nyayre, sf. heronry. 'Heros, hut-roc, sm. hero; chief character of a play, etc. 'Herpe, hairp, sf. herpes, cutaneous inflam- mation. 'Herpetiqtje, hair-pai-teek, adj. of a ring- worm, scabby. 'Hersage, hair-sdhje, sm. harrowing. 'Herse, hairsse, ff. harrow; portcullis; rails. 'Her.ser, hair-sai, va. 1 r. to hariov.-. 'Herseur, Jiair-sur, sm. harrower. 'Hersillon, hair-se-yong, sm. piece of tim- ber traversed with iron spikes put across a passage, &c. Hesitation, ai-ze-tah-syong, sf. hesitation. IIesiter, ai-se-lai, vn. 1 r. to hesitate,' waver. Heteroclite, ai-tai-io-kleet, adj. heteroclite ; odd, particular, unlike. Heterodoxe, ai-tai-ro-docks, smf. and adj. heterodox. IIeterodoxie, ai-tai-ro-dock-sce, sf. devia- tion from the established opinion. Heterogene, ai-tai-ro-hjayne, adj. opposite, dissimilar, heterogeneous. Heterogeneite, ai-tai-ro-hjai-nai-e-tai , sf. opposition of nature ; dissimilar part. IIeterosciens, ai-tai-ro-syainghe, snip, hct- eroscians. 'Hetre, heytr, sm. beech-tree. Hetj ! ith! int. hem ! good-lack ! lack-a-day! Heur, ur, sm. luck ; fortune ; chance. Heure, nr, sf. hour; time; moment. II est sept heures, it is seven o'clock. Heure (bonne), bonn-ur, sf. convenient time. Heure derniere, finale, ur-dair^nyayre, fe-nal, sf. death ; last hour. Heure du berger, ur-deu-bair-hjai, idi. exp. sf. love's hour. Heure indue, ur -aing-deue, sf. late, im- proper hour. A i, 'heure, ah-Vur, ad. exp. at the appointed lime. A cette heure, ali-set-ur, ad. exp. now, this moment. D'heuke en heure, dur-ang-nur, ad. exp. every hour. Sur L' HEURE, seur-lur, ad. exp. instantly. Tout a l'heure, too-tah-lur, ad. exp. imme- diately, just now, forthwith. A la EONNE HEURE, ahdah-bon-ur. ad. exp. well and good ; so much the better. D'heure a autre, dur-ah-oelr, ad. exp. at all times. A toute eeure, ah-toot-ur, ad. exp. at ev- ery hour. De bonne heure, duh-bon-ur, ad. exp. early, betimes ; soon. Heures, v.hre, sfp. prayer-book, formula- y of prayers, euchology. Heureusemext, uh-ruhze-mang, ad. happi- ly, luckily, fortunately. Heureux, -se, uh-ruhe, -ze, adj. happy lucky ; blessed. 'Heurt, hurt, sm. shock; hurt, knock; harm. 'Heurter, hur-tai, va. 1 r. to hurt; hit; knock down or at ; offend ; shock. IIIV HON S~ ii:;li:ter, suh-hur-iai, vref. to hurt one's self or one another. 'HkuKTOIR, hur-tooar, am. knocker. Hexagone, oig-xoh-ffon, am. and adj. figure of six sides'; hexagonal, having six an- gles. IIex.avf.I50N", aig-znh-mai-rong, em. hook or work in six parts. IlEXAMEruE, aiif-i'ih-mni/tr. sm. and adj. m. verse of six feet, hexameter. Hiatus, e-ynh-teus, sin. breach, hiatns. : IIibou, he-boo, sm. owl, solitary, unsociable man. 'HiC, heel; sm. difficulty; knot; chief point; rub. 'Hidecsemfxt, 'HlDSUX, -se, heduhe, -ze, adj. hideous, dis- trusting. 'Hie, hec, sf. rammer ; pa vior's beetle ; heavy club. Hieble, e-yaybl, tf. wall-wort; dwarf-elder. Hiek, e-yair, sm. yesterday ; day last past. Hier ausoik, e-yaii-o-soo-ar, sm. last night ; yesternight. 'Hierarchie, he-yai-rar-shee, sf. rank of angels ; ecclesiastical government. 'IIierarchiqce, he-yai-rar-sheek, adj. of angels. 'Hierarchiquemen'T, he - yai - rar - sheelc- mang, ad. in a hierarchical manner. Hieroglyphe, yai-ro-gleeff, sia. emblem ; figure. Hieroglyphique, yai-ro-glc-feek, adj. figu- rative. HlEROGLYPliIQtTEMEN-T.?/i i-rn-gls-feck-mang, ad. emblematically, typically. Hieroguai'HIE, yai-ro-y rali-fee, sf. holy wri- ting. Hilarite, e-lah-re-tai, sf. merriment ; gay- ety ; joy. Hile, eel, sm. hilam ; black spot. Hippiatrique, e-pe-yah-treek, sf. veterinarv art. Hippodrome, e-po-drom, sm. race-ground, riding academy or school. Hipfogriffe, e-pogreeff, sm. -winged horse. Hippomaxie. epomah-nee, sf. love of horses. Hippopotame, e-po-po-tam, sm. river, sea horse. IIirondelle, e-rong-dell, sf. swallow. Hispanisme, eess-2)ah-7ieessm, sm. Spanish idiom. 'Hisser, Jie-sai, va. 1 r. to hoist, raise up, lift. Histoire, eess-too-ar, sf. history, story. Histoire (autre), ottr-eess-too-ar, idi. exp. .if. another thing. Histories, eess - to - ryaing, sm. writer of events. IIistorier, eess-to-ryai, va. Ir. to embellish, set off. Historiette, eess-to-ryett, sf. story, novel, tale. Historiographe,, sm. wri- ter of history ; historian. Historiqtje, eessto-reek, adj. historical. Historicjcement, eess-to-reek-mang, ad. his- torically. Histrio.n", eess-tre-yong, sm. strolling player. Hiver, ee-vair, sm. winter ; old age. Hiverxage, ee-vair-nahje, sm. winter-dress- ing, rest. Hivernal, -e, ee-vair-nal, -e, adj. of winter, winterly. (10) Hiveuner, er-vnir-nai, vn. 1 r. to winter ; pass the winter. S'mvERNER, s'ee-vair-nni, vrtf. to inure one's self to cold, harden one's self. Ho 1 o, int. ho ! ho ! 'Hobereatj, -x, hob-ro, -e, sm. hobby ; dolt ; country -squire. 'Hoc, hock, sm. loss ; profit ; gain ; prize ; certainty. 'Hoca, ho-khah, sm. hoca, frame of chance. 'IIoche, hash, tf. notch, score, jagg. 'HoCHEMENT, hash-man;), sm. .shaking of the head. 'Hoche-queue, hosh-kuhe, sm. water-wag- tail. 'Hocher, ho-shai, va. \r. to shake ; stir up ; jog. 'Hochet, ho-shay, sm. child's coral ; play- thing. Hogner, o-ing-yai, vn. 1 r. to grumble ; murmur. noiR, oo-ar, sm. heir : pht. children. HoiRlE, oo-ah-ree, sf. inheritance. 'Hola, ho-lah, sin. hinderance, interposition ; stop. 'Hola 1 ho-lah! int. and ad. halloo ! gently, enough, stop. 'Holemeni, hole-mang, sin. screeching of the owl. 'Holer, hoe-lai, vn. 1 r. to screech ; scream. Hollandais -e, ho-lang-day, -ze, adj. Dutch. Hollander, ho-lang-dai, ca. 1 r. to clarify quills. Holocauste, o-lo-koest, sm. burnt sacrifice. Hom ! om! int. hum ! indeed? 'Homard, ho-mar, sm. lobster ; sea-fish. Hombre, onghr, sm. ombre ; game at cards. Homelie, o-mai-lee, sf. homily ; Christian lecture. \ Homeopathie, o-mai-o-pah-tee, sf. homoeopa- thy. Homicide, o-me-ser.d, sm. murder; bloodshed. Homicide, o-me-seed, emf. murderer, mur- deress. Homicide, ome-se"d, adj. bloody, murderous. Hommage, o-mahje, sm. homage; respect: plu. duty. Hommager, o-mah-hjai, sm. homager. Hommasse, o-mass, adj. manlike; befitting a man. Homme, omm, sm. man. Homme fait, omm-fay, sm, grown man. Hommee, o-maie, sf. day's work of a man. Homceopathie, o-mai-o-pah-tee, sf. homoe- opathy. Homogese, o-mo-hjayne, adj. of the same nature. Homogeneite, o-mohjai-nai-e-tai, sf. same nature. Homologation, o-mo-lo-ghah-syong, sf. con- firmation of an act by law. Homologue, o-mo-log, adj. m. correspond- ing, alike. Ho.mologcer, o-mo-lo-gai, va. 1 r. to con- firm. Homoxyme, o-mo-neem, sm. and adj. equivo- cation, ambiguity, doubtful, ambiguous. 'Hongre, hong-gi; sm. and adj. in. gelding; gelt 'Hongrer, hong-grai, va. 1 r. to geld, cas- trate. Hon.\£te, o-neyte, sm. that which is honest ; true. HonnEte, o-neyte, adj. honest ; affable ; civ- 217 IIOE HOU il ; polite ; courteous ; obliging ; gracious ; decent ; modest ; kind. Honnete homme, o-nt-yle-omm, sm. honest man. En honnete homme, genteelly. Honnete femme, o-neyte-fam, ef. chaste woman. Homme honnete, omm-o-neyte, sm. civil man. Femme honnete, famm-o-neyte, sf. civil woman. Honnktement, o-neyte-mang, ad. honestly; with honor ; sufficiently ; much. Honnetete, o-neyte-tai, sf. honesty; affa- bility ; kindness ; modesty ; civility ; pres- ent. Honneur, o-nur, sm. honor ; fame ; glory ; modesty. Honneurs, o-mdire, smp. dignities, titles. 'Honnir, lxo -nter, va. 2 r. to disgrace; abash. 'HONI, hone, am. evil, disgrace ; dishonor. 'Honi SOIT QUI MAL Y pense, ho-ne-soo-ah- l:e-mal-e-pa»gsse (idi. exp. and motto), evil be to him who evil thinks. Honorable, o-«o-ra&Z,a«y.honorable; noble. Honor ablement, o-no-rah^ffluh-mang, ad. nobly. Honoraire, o-no-rayre, sm. and adj. free; honorary. Honorer, o-no-rai, ra. 1 r. to honor, rever- ence. Honorifiqce, o-no-re-feelc, adj. honorary. ; Honte, hongte, sf. shame, contusion, in- famy. 'Honte (avoir), ah-voo-arhonyte, v. aux. to be ashamed. 'Honteusement, hong ■ tuhze - many, ad. shamefully. 'Honteux, -se, hong-tuhe, -ze, adj. shame- ful ; bashful. Hopital, -tacx, oe-pe-lal, -foe, sm. hospital. 'Hoquet, ho-hay, sm. hiccough ; shock ; jolt ; rub. 'Hoqueton, hole-long, sm. cassock, gabar- dine. Horaire. o-rayre, adj. horary ; of an hour. 'Horde, hord, sf. horde; clan; tribe; gang. 'Horion, ho-ryony, sm. thump, violent blow, cuff; rap. Horizon, o-ree-zong, sm. horizon, boundary of sight. Horizontal, -e, o-re-zong-tal, adj. horizontal. Horizontalement, o-re-zong-tul-mang, ad. horizontally. Horloge, or-lohje, sf. clock, horologe. IIORLOGER, -E, ordo-hjai, -re. sm/. clock, watch maker ; clock-maker's wife. Horlogerie, or-lohje-ree, sf. clock, watch making. Hormis, or-mee, prep, but, except, saving. Horographie, o-ro-grah-fee, sf. horography. Horoscope, o-ross-lcop, sm. horoscope, cast- ing of one's nativity. Horreur, or-rur, sf. horror ; dread ; antip- athy ; very ugly person or thing. Horrible, or-reebl, adj. horrible ; dreadful ; hideous. Horriblement, or-re-hluh-mang, ad. horri- bly. 'Hors, hor, prep, except, out ; out of. Hors dedoute, beyond question. "lions d'ozuvre, hor-duhevr, sm. by-dish; digression. 'HORS-ffiUVUE, hor-zuhevr, adj. in front. 213 IIortolage, or-to-lahje, sm. beds of pot- herbs. Hospice, oss-peess, sm. hospital ; asylum ; refuge. Hospitalier, -E, oss-pe-tah-lyai, -re, smf. and adj. person, hospitable, kind to stran- gers. Hospitalite, oss-petahde-lai, sf hospitality. Hostie, oss-tee, sf. victim, sacrifice; host. Hostile, oss-teel, adj. hostile ; adverse ; op- posite. Hostilement, oss-teel-mang , ad. in a hostile manner. Hostilite, oss-te-letai, sf. hostility ; paper- war. Hote, ote, sm. landlord, host ; lodger ; guest. Hote (table d'), tabl-dote, sf ordinary. Hote (compter sans son), hong-tai-sang- song-note, idi. exp. v. 1 r. to reckon with- out one's host. Hotel, oe tell, sm. hotel ; genteel inn ; noble- man's house. Hotel-died, oe-tell-dyuhe, sm. hospital (in Paris). Hotelier, -e, oe-luh-lyai, -re, smf. inn- keeper. Hotellerie, oe-tell-ree, sf. inn, house for travellers. Hotesse, oe-tess, sf. hostess ; landlady. 'Hotte, hot, sf. scuttle, dorser, panier; basket. 'Hottee, ho-taie, sf. scuttle full, dorser-full. 'Hottelir, -SE, ho-tur, -tuhze, smf. dorser- carrier. Houache, oo-ahsh, sf. wake. 'Houblon, hoo-blong, sm. hop, plant used in brewing. 'Houblonner, hoo-blo-nai, ra. 1 r. to hop. 'Houblonniere. hoo-blo-nyayre, sf.hop field. 'Houe, hooe, sf hoe, tool to cut up the earth. 'Houer, hoo-ai, va. Ji. 1 r. to hoe ; cut, dig with a hoe. 'Houille, hooe-ynh, sf. fossil coal ; pit coal. 'Houillere, hoo-e-yair, sf. coal-pit. 'Houle, hooll, sf surge ; billow ; blade. 'Houlette, hoo-lett, sf. shepherd's crook ; dibble. 'Houleux, -se, hooduhe, -ze, adj. surgy, bil- lowy. 'Houppe, hoop, sf. knob, puff; tuft; top, bunch. 'Houppelande, hoop-langde, sf. loose great- coat. 'Houpper, hoo-pai, va. 1 r. to tuft ; comb wool. 'Hourailler, hoo-rnh-yai, vn. 1 r. to hunt with little yelping dogs. 'Houraillis, hoo-rah-yee, sm. pack of little yelping dogs. 'HourdaGE, hoor-dahje, sm. rough masonry. 'Hourder, hoor-dai, va. 1 r. to rough-work walls. 'HouRET,7ioo-ra)/, Km. small bad hunting-dog. 'Hofri, hoo-re, sf. woman of Mahomet's par- adise. 'Hourque, hoorh, sf. narrow-sterned Dutch ship. 'Hourvari, hoor-vah-re, sm. uproar ; great noise. 'Housard, hoo-zar, sm. hussar, Hungarian horseman. 'Houspiller, hooss-pee-yai, va. 1 r. to wor- ry; pull ; tug. 'Houssage, hoosahje, sm. sweeping; letting down of the shingles of a wind-mill. hum II YM 'Houssaie, lion-say, sf. plantation of hollies. 'HOCSSE, hoosse, sf. horse-cloth ; cover; case. 'HOUSSER, hoo-sai, va. 1 r. to sweep ; rub over ; dust. 'HOUSSINE, hoo-secn, sf. switch; flexible twig. 'Houssiner, huo-se-nai, va. 1 r. to switch ; lash. 'IIoussoir, hoo-sooar, sm. broom ; besom ; brush. 'Houx, hooe, sm. holly, dwarf oak. 'lIoYAU, -x, hoo-ah-yo, -e, sm. pickaxe, mat- tock. 'HuCHE, hevsh, sf. hutch ; kneading-trough. 'liui'HEU, heu-shai, oaA r. to halloo, shout to. 'Huchet, heu-shay, sm. speaking-trumpet. Hue, eice, int. gee-ho ! carter's call. 'IIuee, heu-aie, sf. shouting ; hooting. 'Huee, Keu-ai, va. n. 1 r. to shout ; hoot at. 'Huguenot, -te, hevg-np, t, smf. Calvinist. 'Huguenote, heuy-not, sf. stew-pan ; oblong kettle. IIuile, eu-eel, s/. oil. Huiler, eu-e-lai, va. 1 r. to oil ; anoint. Huileux, -SE, eu-e-lithe, -ze, adj. oily; fat. Huiliek, ea-e-lyai, sm. oilman; cruet-stand. Huis, eu-ee, sm. door, old word. HuiSSERIE, eu-eess-ree, sf. door-frame. Huissier, eu-e-syai, sm. door-keeper; bailiff; tipstatf ; verger. 'Huit, heic-c, sm. and adj. eight (t silent be- fore a consonant, sounded before a vowel). 'Huit de chiffre, heu-ee-duli-shij/r, sm. bandage. 'Huitai>", heu-e-taing, sm. stanza of eight verses. 'IIuitai>"E, heuetaynn, s/. eight days. 'Huitieme, heu-e-ti/aymc, sm. andadj. eighth; eighth part, day, &c. 'Huitiemement, heu-e-tyayme-mang, ad. eighthly. Huitre, eu-eetr, sf oyster; ninny. Hu'itrier, -e, eu-tetryai, -re, sm/. oyster man, woman. Hulotte, eu-lott, .«/. screech-owl. Humain (genre), lijangre-eu-maing, sm. mankind, human race. Humain, -e, eu-maing, -menn, adj. human ; humane ; kind ; benevolent. Humainement, en -menn-mang, ad. human- ly; humanely; kindly. Humainement pahlant, eu-menn-mang -par- king, idi. ex)>. ad. according to the notions of men. Humains, eu-mainghe, smp. men. Les hu- mains, mankind. Humaniser, eu-mah-nee-zai, va. 1 r. to civi- lize ; humanize ; soften. S'iiumaniser, s'eurmah-nee-zai, vre/. to grow gentle, humane, benevolent. Humanists, eu-mah-neeit, sm. humanist; grammarian, philologer. Humanite, eu-mah-ne-tai, sf. humanity ; kindness ; tenderness. Hlmanites, eu-mah-ne-taie, s/p. philology, grammatical studies, human learning. Humble, ung-bl, adj. humble; respectful, modest. Humblemf.nt, ung-bluh-mang, ad. humbly. Humect ant, -e, eu-meck-tang, -te, adj. cool- infr ; refrigerant, refreshing. Humectation, eu-meck-tah-syong, s/. moist- ening, wetting, humectation. Humecter, eu-meck-tai, va. 1 r. to moisten, wet. 'Hr/MBR, heu-mai, va. 1 r. to sup up. Humeral, -e, eu-mai-ral, adj. numeral. Humeur, eu-mur, sf. moisture; disposition; temper; sulkiness ; whim. Humide, eu-meed, sm. damp, moisture. Humide, eu-meed, adj. damp, moist ; wet. IIumidement, eu-meed-mang, ad. in a damp place. Humidite, eu-me-de-tai, .«/. damp. Humiliant, -e, eu-me-tyang, -tie, adj. morti- fying ; low ; disgraceful ; shameful. Humiliation, eu-me-Jydh-syong, s/. mortifi- cation ; shame ; disgrace. IIi'milier, eu-me-lyai, va. 1 ;-. to humble. S'humilier, s'eu-me-lyui, vre/. to humble one's self. Humilite, ett-me-le-tai, s/. humility; mod- esty; submission ; deference. Humoral, -e, eu-mo-ral, adj. of humors. Hi'MORiSTE, eu-mo-reest, sm/. and adj. humor- ist, humorsomc, peevish, difficult to please. 'Hune, henn, s/. scuttle of a mast. 'Hunier, heu-nyai, sm. top-mast, top-sail. 'Huppe, heupp, .«./. tuft, pewet. 'Huppe, -e, heu-pai, -e, adj. tufted ; high ; dignified ; skilful, clever ; crafty. 'Hure, heurr, s/. wild boar's head ; jole : mane ; (iron.) head of hair. 'Hurlement, heur-luh-mang, sm. howlii;g ; mournful cry. 'Hurler, heur-Iai, vn. 1 r. to howl. Hurluberlu, eur-leu-bairdeu, sm. and adj. m. madcap ; rattle-headed ; giddy. En hurlubei:lu, ang-neur-hu-bair-leu, ad. exp. inconsiderately; giddily. 'Hussard, heu-sar, sm. hussar. 'Hutte, heutt, sf. hut; poor cottage. 'Hutter, heu-fai, va. 1 r. to fasten the yards. Se hutter, suh-neu-tai, vie/, to lodge in a hut. Hyacinthe, eyah-saingte, s/ hyacinth. Hyades, e-yahde, s/p. hyades; constellation. Hyduaulique, ee-dro-teek, sf. and adj. hy- draulics ; science of conveying water ; hy- draulic. Hydhe, eedr, s/. hydra ; avoiding one evil to fall into a greater ; venomous serpent. Hydrocele, ee-dro-sell, sf. watery rupture. Hydrographe, ee-dro-grajf, sm. hydrogra- pher ; one who draws sea-maps. Hydrographie, ee-dro-grah/ee, sf. hydrog- raphy; art of navigation. Hydrographique, ee-drograh-/eek, adj. of the sea. Hvdromel, ee-dro-meU. sm. honey and water. Hydrophobe, ee-dro-/ob, sm/. and adj. who dreads water. Hydrophobie, ee-dro-/o-lee, sf. dread of water. Hydropique, ee ■ dro - peel; sm/. and adj. dropsical. Hydropisie, ee-dro-pe-zee, sf. dropsy. Hydropote, ee-dio-pot, sm/. water-drinker. Hydroscope, ee-dro-skop, sm. water-clock. Hydrostatique, te-dro-stah-steth; sf. and adj. hydrostatics, weighing of fluids ; hy- drostatical. 1Iyemal,-e, e-yai-mul, «'7/.hyemal; of winter. Hyene, e-yenn, s/. hj-ena. Hygiene, e-hje-yayne, sf. regimen; diet. Hymen, Hymenee, °-menn, sm. e-mai-naie, sm. marriage ; god of marriage. Hymne, eemnn, sf. hymn, religious song of praise. 219 ICO IL exag- Hyperbole, ce-pair bol, ff. tion. Hyperbolique, ee-pair-bodeek, adj gerated. Hypereoliquement, ec-pair-bodcek-mang, ad. with exaggeration, by hyperbole. HyperbOREE, ee-pairboraic, adj. northern, in the north ; hyperborean. Hypercritique, ee-pairkre-teck, smf. and adj. captious critic ; critical beyond use. IIyp'ocondre, cc-po-kongdr, sin. hypochon- driac. Hypocondriaque, cc-po-kong-dre-yack, adj. melancholic. Hyfocondrie, ce-po-kong-drec, ff. melan- choly. Hypocras, ee-po-krahss, sm. drink of wine, sugar, and cinnamon ; sweet drink. Hypocrisie, ee-podcre-zee, sf. hypocrisy. Hypocrite, ee-podn-eet, smf. and adj. hypo- crite. Hypostase, ee-po-stdhze, sf. personality; sed- iment. IIypostatique, ee-pos-tahdcek, adj. personal. Hypothecaire, ee-podai-kayre, adj. of or to a mortgage. Hypothecairement, ee-po-tai-kayre-mang, ad. by mortgage. Hypotheque, ee-podayck, sf. mortgage, deed, pledge. Hypothequer, ee-po-lai-1'ai, va. 1 r. to mortgage. Hypothese, ce-podayze, ff. supposition. Hypothetique, ee-podai-teek, adj. condi- tional. IIypothetiquement, ee-po- tax - leek - mang, ad. conditionally, upon supposition. Hypotypose, ee-pode-poze, tf. vivid descrip- tion. Hyssofe orHvsOFE, ee-sop or -zop, sf. hyssop. I. I, ee, sm. I. Droit, -e commeun I, droo-ah, 4- kom-eung-ee, idi. exp. adj. as straight as an arrow. Iambe, e-yangl>r t fin. iambic, foot of a verse, composed of a short and long syllable. Ibis, e-beess, sm. stork, feeding on serpents. Icelui, Icelle, eessdeu-e, ee-sell, pron.rel. he, him, it, she, her, it. Ichneumon, eek-nuh-monq, sm. ichneumon, Pharaoh's rat, animal that breaks the eggs of the crocodile. Ichnographie, eek-no-grah-fee, sf. ground- plot. Ichor, eedcor, sm. ichor, thin watery serous humor. Ichoreux, -SE, ee-ko-ruhe, -ze, adj. thin, watery, serous. Ichtyologie, eekde-yodo-hjee, ff. doctrine of the nature offish, ichthyology. Ichtyophage, eek-te-yo-fahje, smf. fish-eater. Ichtyophagie, e.ek-te-yo-fahdijee, .-./.fish diet. Ici, e-see, ad. here, in this place, at this time. DHci Id, thither. Jufqu'iei, hitherto. Ici-pkes, ese-prey, ad. exp. near; hard by, close. Ici bas, e-se-bhh, ad. exp. here below ; in this world. Iconoclaste, ecdco-noddast, sm. breaker of images. 220 Iconolatre, eedco-noddhtr, sm. worshipper of images. Iconologie, ee-ko-nododijee, ff. doctrine of images, iconology. ICTEiiiQUE, eekdai-veek, adj. afflicted with the jaundice ; good against the jaundice. Ideal, ee-dai-al, sm. ideal beauty, perfection. Ideal, -e, ce-dai-al, adj. mental ; imaginary, chimerical ; fanciful ; illusive. Idee, ee-daie, sf. idea ; notion ; chimera ; thought. Idem, ee - dem, sm. and ad. used to avoid repetition, the same, ditto, &.C Identifier, ce-dang-te-fyai, va. 1 r. to iden- tify, prove a person or thing to be the same. S t identifier, s 1 ee-dang-tef yai , rref. to prove one's self to be the same person. Identiqde, ee-dang-teek, adj. the same, identic. Identiquement, ee-dang-teek-mang, ad. iden- tically, in an identical manner. Identite, ee-dang-tedai, ff. identity ; same- ness. Ides, eed, sfp. ides, particular days among the Romans. Idiome, ee-dyom,sm. idiom; peculiar ex- pression ; dialect. Idiopathie, ee-dyo-palidee, sf. primary dis- ease. Idiot, -e, ee-dyo, dt, smf. andadj. idiot; silly, foolish. Idiotisme, ee-dyodeessm, .sot. peculiarity of expression ; imbecility of mind. Idolatre, ee-doddhtr, smf. idolater, worship- per of images, pagan ; Gentile. Idolatre, ee-do-lahtr, adj. idolatrous, of idolatry. Idolatrer, ee-dodah-trai, va. n. 1 r. to wor- ship idols ; love to excess; adjure idolatry. Idolatrie, ee-do -Valid ree, sf. worship of ima- ges ; excessive love ; adoration. Idolatrique, ee-dodahdreek, adj. tending to idolatry. Idole, te-d.oll, sf. idol; image ; beauty ; man high in power, beautiful, idiot. Idylle, ee-deel, sf idyl, short poem; eclogue. If, eef sm. yew-tree, tree of tough wood. Ignare, eeng-yar, adj. very ignorant. Igne, -e, eeg nai,-e, adj. fiery, igneous, of fire. Ignicole, (cg-nekol, smf. worshipper of fire. Ignition, eeg-ne-syong, sf. kindling ; setting on fire., eeg-nr-rom, adj. vomiting fire. Ignoble, eengyobl, adj. mean of birth; base; worthless. Ignoblement, eeng - yob ■ luh • many, ail. meauly. Ignominie, eengyo-me-nce, sf. disgrace ; re- proach. Ignohinieusement, eeng - yn - me - me - idize- mang, ad. ignoraiuiously ; disgracefully. Ignominieux, -se, eeng-yo-we-nyuhe,-ze, adj. ignominious ; disgraceful ; infamous. Ignoramment, eeng-yo-rah-mang, ad. igno- rantly. Ignorance, ecng -yo -rangsse, sf. want of knowledge. Ignorant, -e, ceng-yo-rang, de, smf. and adj. illiterate man, woman ; untaught ; unac- quainted with. Ignore, -e, eeng-yo-rai, -e, adj. unknown ; not noted. Ignorer, eeng-yo-rai, to be ignorant of. Il, eell, pron. m. sing, he ; it. 1MB I MM Ile, ed. ■-/'. island ; isle. IleS, etlr, snip, lower bowels. Ilet, ee-hv/, sm. small island. Ili aque, ee-le-yack, adj. of the lower bowels, iliac Illegal, -e, eel-lai-ghal, adj. contrary to law. Illegalement, eel - lai - glial - mang , ad. il- legally. Illegalite, eel-lai-ghah-lelai, sf. illegality. Illegitime, eel-lai-hje-ttemm, adj. illegiti- mate. Illegitimement, eel-lai-lije-teemm-mang, ad. in an illegitimate manner. Jllegitimite, eel-lai-hje-te-me-tai, *f. illegi- timacy ; illegitimate birth. Illettre, -e, eel-lay-trui, -e, adj. illiterate, ignorant. Illiberal, -e, eel - le - lai - ral, adj. mean, illiberal. Illicite, eel-le-seet, adj. unlawful, illegal. Illiciteme>"T, eel-le-seet-mang, ad. unlaw- fully. Illimite, -e, eelde-me-tai, -e,adj. unbounded. Illumin ateur, eel-leu-me-nah-tur, sm. illu- minator ; enlightener. Illuminatif, -ve, eel-leu-me-nah-teeff, -leer, adj. illuminative, enlightening. Illumination, ed-leu-menah-syong, sf. illu- mination ; festal light. Illumine, -e, ed-leu-me-nai, -e, adj. enlight- ened ; adorned with festal lights. Illuminer, eel-leu-me-nai, va. 1 r. to illu- mine ; illuminate ; enlighten. Illusion, eelleu-zyong, sf. false show; error; chimera ; fallacy. Illusoire, eebleu-zoo-ar, adj. captious; vain; frivolous ; chimerical , useless. Illusoirement, eel-leu-zoo-ar-mang, ad. in a deceitful manner ; falsely. Illcstrateur, eel-leuss-trah-tur, sm. exposi- tor ; panegyrist ; encomiast. Illustration, ed-leuss-trah-syong, sf. glory ; elucidation ; illumination. Illustre, eeldeustr, sm. and adj illustrious; renowned ; famous, distinguished. Illustrer, eel-leuss trai, va. 1 r. to brighten with honor ,• elucidate •. clear. Illustrissime, eddeuss-tre seemm, adj. most illustrious ; most renowned. Ilot, eedo, sin. small island. Ils, eel, pron. m, plur. they Image, ee-mdhje, sf. image; statue; picture; likeness ; idea ; prin< : beautiful woman without sense and animation Imager, -e, ee-mah-hjai,-re, smf. print-seller. Imaginable, ee-mah-hje-nabl, adj. conceiv able. Imaginaire, ee-mah-hje-nayre, adj. ideal, fancied, visionary, chimerical. Im agin ATI F, ve, ee-mah-hje-nah-teeff, -leer, adj. full of invention ; ingenious ; intel- ligent. Imagination", ee - mah hje ■ nnh - syong, sf. fancy ; idea ; thought , chimera ; vision. Imagine, -e, ee-mahhje-ndi, -e.adj. thought, contrived, conceived, planned, invented. Imagixer, ee-moh -hje-nai, ml r. to imagine. S'imagixer, s'ee-tnaJt-hje-nai, vref. to fancy ; represent to one's sell, believe. Iman, ee-mang, s;n. imnn, Mahometan priest. Imbecile, aing-bai-sed, smf. and adj. idiot ; feeble, weak, silly, foolish, imbecile. Imbecilement, aing -bai -seel -mang, ad. foolishly, in a stupid manner. Imbecillite, a!n/ai, e, adj. fond of pleasure; sensual, devoted to sense. Immuable, eem-meu-abl, adj. stable ; con- stant, immutable, fixed. Immuablement, eem-meuab-luh-mang, ad. immutably, unchangeably. Immumte, eem-meu-ne-Uii. sf exemption, privilege ; freedom ; discharge. Immutabilite, eem - men (ah - be - le - iai, sf. duration ; invariableness, immutability. Impair, -e, aingpair, -e, adj. unequal, odd. Impalpable, ai'ng-pal -pabl, adj. not tangible. Impardonnable, aing-par-do-nabl, aitj. un- pardonable, irremissible. not to be forgiven. Imparfait, aing-par fay. sm.imperfect tense. Imparfait, -e, aing-par-fay, -te, adj. imper- fect. Imparfaitement, aing -par -fayte-manq , id. imperfectl}'. in an imperfect manner. Impart ageable, aing par ■ tah lijabl adj indivisible. Impartial, -e, aing par syal, adj. just, equitable. Impartialement, aing-par syat-mang, ad. impartially, without regard to party or in- terest. Impartiality, aing-par -syah-le-tai . *f x equi- tableness ; equity , uistice impartiality. Impassibii.ite, aing-pafi \e kp ; » lai, y°. ex- emption from suffering : impassibiiity. Impassible, aing-rob seebt, adj. insensible. Impatiemment, aing-pah-syah-nwng, ad. impatiently ; with eagerness, great desire. Impatience, aing-pah-syangsee, sf. impa- tience ; eagerness ; vivacity, anger. Impatient, -e, aing-pah-si/ang, -te, adj. im- patient ; uneasy ; anxious ; ardently de- sirous. 222 Impatienter, aing-pah-syang-tai, va. 1 r. to tire, weary, teaze, vex, provoke ; anger. S'impatienter, s 1 aing-pah-syang-tai, vref. to be, grow impatient ; lose patience. Impatroniser (s r ), s'aing-pah-tm-uee-zai, vref. 1 r. to introduce one's self, get the upper hand in a house. Impayable, aing-pai-yabl, adj. insolvable ; inestimable ; admirable, wonderful. Impeccabilite, aing-pay-hhah-be-le-tai, sf. exemption from sin, from fault or failure. Impeccable, aing-pay-lchabl, adj. incapable of sin. Impenetrabilite , aing-pai-naHraJi-bc-h - tai, sf. impenetrability, discretion; reserve. Impenetrable. aing-pai-nai-lra'J, adj. im- penetrable ; hard ; compact; thick ; solid. lMPENETRABLEMENT,a(n<7-pa£-««£-r«<7!-W!(. 7 t- niang, ad. impenetrably. Impenitence, aing-pai-ne-tangsse, sf. obdu- racy, disregard of God's threatening or mercy. Impenitent, -e, aing-pai-ne-tang, -te, smf. hardened sinner ; despiser of God's mercy. Impenitent, -e, aing-pai-ne-tang, -te, adj. obdurate. Imferatif, aing-pai-ruh-tecff, sm. imperative mood. Imferatif, -ve, aing-pai-rah-teeff, -feev, adj. absolute, imperious, decisive, overbearing. Imperativement, aing-pai-rah-teev-mang, ad in an imperious manner. IiiPEU.ATRiCE,aing-pai-rah-treess,sf. empress. Imperceptible, aing-pair^sep-teebl, adj. im- perceptible , impalpable ; invisible; insen- sible. Imperceptiblement, aing-pair-sep-tc-bluh- mang, ad. imperceptibly, by degrees. lMPEHDABi-E,aiwj7-potr-!"cta6?,a<7j.inamissible. Imperfection, aing-pair-feck-s-yong, sf. de- fect, fault, imperfection, blemish. Imperial, -e, aing-pai-ryal, adj. of an em- peror ; imperial, royal. Imperiale, aing-pai-ryal, sf. roof of a coach, imperial lily. Imperiaux, aing-pai-ryoe, smp. imperialists. Imperieusement, aing ■pai-ryuhze-maitg, ad. imperiously, with arrogance. Imperiecx, -SE, aing-pai-ryuhe, -ze,adj. im- perious ; proud ; haughty, arrogant. Imperissable. aingpai-re-salA, adj. everlast- ing, indestructible, imperishable. Imperitie, aing-pai-resce, sf. unskilfulness ; ignorance ; unfitness ; inexperience. Impermutabi.e, aing-pair-meu-tabl, adj. in- alienable, that cannot be exchanged. Imtersonnel, aing-jwir-so-neU, adj. m. im- personal, unvaried by persons. Impersonnellemf.nt, aing -pair - so - nell - mang, ad. impersonally. Impertinemment, aingjiaii-ie-nali-mang, ad. in an impertinent manner. Impertinence, enng-pair-te-nangese, sf. im- pertinence ; indiscretion ; folly ; rude lan- guage. Impertinent, -e, aing-pairte-nang, -te, smf. and adj. impertinent ; intrusive ; foolish ; meddling. Imperturbability, aing-pair-teur-bah be-le- lai, sf. coolness; constancy ; firmness. Imperturbable, aing-pair-teur-babl, adj. cool ; firm ; constant ; immovable. Imperturbablement, aing pair -tewr -bah - bluh-mang, ad. firmly ; in a steady manner. IMP IMP / Impetrable, aing-pai-tralJ, adj. obtainable. Imfetrant, -e, aing-pai-trang, -te, urn/, and adj. patentee ; grantee. Impetration, aing-pai trah-sgong, sf. grant, boon. Impetrer, aing-pai-trai, va. 1 r. to obtain by prayer. Impe CUEUSEMENT, aing-pai-tcu-xthze-mang, ad. with impetuosity. Impetueix, -se, aing-pai-teu-uJie, -ze, adj. impetuous, violent ; vapid. ImpjstuositE, aing-paitm o-ze-tai, sf. rapidi- ty ; violence ; vehemence ; force. Impie, awg-pee, adj. impious; profane. Impiete, aing-pyai-tai, sf. impiety, irreligion. Impitoyable, aing-p&too-ah-yabl. adj. un- merciful ; cruel ; inexorable ; pitiless. lyivnoY AJii.y.yiv.ST.alDg-p'.'-tnn-nliijalil-mang, (< '. unmercifully, without pity. Implacabilite, aing-plah-bitah-be-le-tat, sf. inexorableness ; irreconcilable enmity. Implacable, aing-plah-kabl, adj. inexorable; inflexible ; irreconcilable ; malicious. Implan'tei;, aing-plang-tai, va. 1 r. to im- plant, infix, insert, place ; ingraft. Implexe, aing-pleck*, adj. implex; intricate. Implication, aing-ple-khah-syong, sf. impli- cation. Lmplicite, aing-plesect, adj. inferred, com- prised. Implicitement, aing-pJe-seetmang, acl. in an implicit manner, by inference. Impliquer, amg-pie-Jcai, in. 1 ?■. to imply; comprise ; infold ; involve ; entangle. Implorant, -e, aing-plo-rang, -te, smf. and adj. implorer ; petitioner ; suppliant ; sup- licant. . Imploker, aing-plo-rai, va. 1 r. to supplicate. Impoli, -e, aing-pole, -e, adj. uncivil ; rude ; coarse. Impolimext, aing-pnde-mang, ad. uncivilly. Impolitesse, aing-pa-le-tess, sf. rudeness. Impolitique, aing-po-le-teelt, adj. impolitic; imprudent ; indiscreet. Importance, aing-por-tangsse, sf. conse- quence; advantage; moment; consideration. D'importance, daing-pijr-taitgsse, ad. exp. stoutly. Important, -e, aing-por-tang, -te, adj. of consequence ; momentous ; weighty. Importation, aiag-por-tah-syong, sf. impor- tation. Importer, aing-por-tai, va. 1 r. to import ; imply. Qu'importe ? Jcaing-portt, idi. exp. what does it signify? of what consequence? N'importe, naing-portt, idi. t.cp. no matter ; it is of no consequence ; go on. Que m'importe? huh-m'aiiig-poitt, idi. exp. what is it to me ? what does it concern me ? Il importe, eel-aing-portt, v. monop. it con- cerns ; it is of consequence, moment, fcc. II in importe de la vie, my life is concerned. 1MPORTCN, -e, aing-por-tung, -tenn, smf: and adj. troublesome person ; tiresome ; plaguy. Importunement, aing-por-teu-nai-mang, ad. importunately ; unseasonably. Importuner, aing-por-teu-nai, va. 1 r. to tease ; harass ; tire ; vex ; torment. Importl'nite, afng-por-teu-ne-taij sf. impor- tunity ; tiresome assiduity. IwoBAOLK,aing-p(Hsabl, adj. subject to taxes. Imposant, -e, aivg-po-zany, -te, adj. grave, sedate, majestic, commanding respect, awe. Imposer, aing-po-zai, va. 1 >•. to impose; tax; lay on ; enjoin ; accuse wrongly ; daunt. En imposer A, angtiaing-po-zai-ah, idi. exp. va. 1 r. to deceive ; abuse ; command re- spect, -tur, adj. m. deceitful ; illusory ; tending to deceive by false ap- pearances. Imposture, aing-pnss-teur, sf. imposture ; cal- umny ; hypocrisy; illusion; false appear- ance. Impot, aingpoe, sm. tax ; duty ; impost ; ex- cise. Impotent, -e, aing-po-tang, -te, smf. and ad}. impotent. Imprattcable, aiug-prah-te-khall, adj. im- possible. LiiPRtc Alio* ,aing-prai-7,hali-ft/ong,sf. curse. Ijiprecatoire, aing-prai-trhah-too-ar, adj. imprecatory ; cursing ; wishing evil. Impregnable, amg-prai-ing-yabl, adj. in- saturable ; impenetrable ; impregnable. Impregnation, arng-prai-ing-yah-syong, sf. saturation, sucking, drinking in. Impregner, aing-prai-iny-i/ai, va. 1 r. to sat- urate, imbibe ; prepossess ; fill the mind with. Imprenable, ainq-pruh-nahl, adj. unattaina- ble ; not to be taken, gained ; out of reach. Imprescriptible, aing-pray-acreep-teebl, adj. not authorized by law, illegal. Impression, aing-pray-syong, sf. print; print- ing; pressure; idea; thought; persuasion. Impressif, -VE, aingprai-stcf, -re, adj. im- pressive. lMFREVOYANCE,ai'»7 pray-voo-ali-yangsse, sf. improvidence ; imprudence ; want of fore- cast. Imprevoyant, -e, aivg-pray-vooal>i;ang,-te, adj. improvident, imprudent, wanting fore- cast. Impreyu, -e, aing-pray-reu, adj. unforeseen. Imprime, aing-rtremai, sm. book ; pamphlet. Impuimer, aing-prt-mai, va. 1 r. to print; stamp. Imprimerie, aing -preemm-ree, sf. press; printing. Imprimeur, aing pre-mnr, sm. printer. Improbability, aing-pro-bah be-le tax, sf. un- likelihood ; improbability. Improbable, aing-pro-babl, adj. incredible. Improbablement, tiing-vro-bab-lvh-mang*, vd. improbably, without likelihood. Improbateur, -trice, aing -pro -bah -tw, -treess, smf. blamer, eensurer, one who dis- approves. Improbation, amg-pro-bah-syong, sf. cen- sure, blame; animadversion, condemnation. Improbite, iting-probe-tai, sf. want of hon- esty. Impromptu, aing-prcmgpe-teu, sm. and adj. impromptu ; sudden ; extemporal. Impropre, aing-propr, adj. unsuitable; unfit. Improprement, aingprop-ruh-inanq, ad. un- fitly. £23 IinA IXC Impropriate, ainy-pro-pre-yaitai, sf. unfit- ness. Improuver. aing-proo-vai, va. 1 r. to disap- prove, blame ; censure ; condemn. Improviste (a l'), ah-laing-pro-veest, ad. exp. without forethought, all at once, unawares. lllPRVT>EltMEHT,aing-preu-dah-mang, ad. im- prudently, inconsiderately. Imprudence, aing-preu-dangsse, sf. impru- dence ; imprudent action. Imprudent, -e, aing-preu-dang, -te, smf. im- prudent, indiscreet person. Imprudent, -e, aing-preu-dang, -te, adj. im- prudent, injudicious, indiscreet. Impubere, aingpeu-bayre, adj. under age, in nonage, not adult. Impudemment, aing-peu-daJi-mang, ad. im- pudently ; insolently, without shame. Impudence, ai ng -peu-dangsse, sf. impudence, boldness, audaciousness. Impudent, -e, aing-peu-dang, -te, smf. and adj. impudent, shameless, wanting modesty. Impudicite, aingpeu-de-se-tai, sf. immodesty, licentiousness. Impudique, aing-peu-deek, smf. and adj. in- decent, immodest ; unchaste. Impudiquement, aing-peu-deek-mang, ad. li- centiously, in an unchaste manner. Impuissance, aing-peu-e-sangsse, sf. impo- tence ; inability ; incapacity. Impuissant, -e, aing-peu-e-sang, -te, adj. im- potent; unable; ineffectual; wanting power. Impitlsif, -ve, aing-peul-seef, -seev, adj. im- pulsive; moving; impellent. Impulsion, aing-peull-sgong, sf. impulsion ; instigation ; incitement. Impunement, aing-peu-nai-mang, ad. with impunity ; without punishment. Impuni, -¥., aing-peu-ne, -e, adj. unpunished ; suffered to continue in impunity. Impunite, aing-peu-ne-tai, sf. impunity; ex- emption from punishment. Impur, -e, aing-peur, -re, adj. impure ; adul- terated ; corrupted ; immodest. Impurete, aing-peure-tai, sf. impurity ; im- modesty ; unchastity. Imputation, aing-peutah-syong, sf. accusa- tion without proof; compensation. Imputer a, aing-peu-tai, va. 1 /-. to impute ; charge with ; attribute to ; apply. S'imputer, s'aing-peu-tai, vref. to impute, ascribe to one's self. Ixabordable, ee-nah-bor-dabl, adj. inaccessi- ble. Inabrite, -e, ee-nah-lre-tai, -e, adj. unshel- tered. Inaccessibility, ee-naclc-say-se-be-le-lai. sf. unaccessibleness, impossibility of approach. Inaccessible, ee-nack-sayseebl, adj. inacces- sible. INACCOMMODABLE, ee-nah-ko-mn-dahl, adj. unfeasible, unmanageable, impossible. Inaccordable, ee-nah-kor-dabJ, adj. repug- nant. Inaccostable, ee-nah-koss-tabl, adj. inacces- sible. Inaccoutume, -e, ee-nah koo-teu-mai, -e, adj. unaccustomed, unused ; new. Inactif, -ve, ce-nackteef, -teev, adj. idle, in- dolent. Inaction, ee-nacJc-syong, sf. rest ; leisure ; idleness ; indolence ; carelessness ; indiffer- ence. . Inactivite, ee-nacJi-ie-ve-tai, sf. sluggishness. 224 Inadmissible, ee-nad-me-seebl, adj. not ad- mittable. Inadvertence, ee-nad-vair-tangsse, sf. inat- tention ; negligence ; carelessness. Inalienable, ee-nah-lyai-nabl, adj. inaliena- ble. Inalliable, ee-nah-lyabJ, adj. not fusible ; unfit. In alter able, ee-nal-tai-rabl,adj. unalterable. Inamissible, ee-nah-me-seebl, adj. not to be lost. Inamovible, ee-nah-mo-veebl, adj. irremov- able. Inanime, -e, ee-nah-ne-mai, -e, adj. inani- mate, lifeless. Inanite, ee-nah-netai, sf. vanity; futility. Inanition, ee-nah- ne-syony, sf. emptiness of body. Inapplicable, ee-nah-ple-kabl , adj. not ap- plicable. In application, ee-nah -pie -kali -syong, sf. heedlessness, indolence, negligence. Inappliqce, -e, ee-nah -pl> -kni, -e, adj. heed- less, inattentive, careless ; indolent. Inappreciable, ee-nah-prai-syabl, adj. ines- timable ; precious, invaluable. Inaptitude, ee-nap te-teud, sf. unfitness, inap- titude ; incapacity. Inarticule, -e, ee-nar-te-kulai, -e, adj. inar- ticulate. Inassociable, ee-nah-so-syabl, adj. not asso- ciable. Inassorti, -e, ee-nahsor-te, -e, adj. unsorted, ill-suited, unfit, discordant. Inattaqcable, ee-nah-tali-khabl, adj. not as- sailable, that cannot be attacked. Inattendu, -e, ee-nah-tang-deu, -e, adj. un- expected, sudden, not provided against. Inattentif, -ve, ee-jiah-tang-teef -teev, adj. heedless ; careless ; negligent ; indolent. Inattention, ee-nah-tany -syong, sf. heedless- ness. Inauguration, ee-no-gu-r ah -syong, sf. inau- guration ; investiture by solemn rites. Inaugurer, ee-no-gu-rai, va. 1 r. to inaugu- rate ; invest ; consecrate. Incalculable, aing-khal-ku-labl, adj. incal- culable. Incantation, aingkhang-tah-syong, sf. en- chantment, magical charms, spells. Incapable, aing-khah-palil, adj. unable, unfit. IsCAPACTTE.aing-kah-pah-se-tai, sf. inability. Incarceration, aing-khar-sai-rah-syong, sf. imprisonment ; confinement. Incarcerer, ainy-khar-sai-rai , va. 1 r. to imprison ; confine ; put in prison. Incaunadin, -e, aing-khar-nah-daing , -deen, adj. of flesh-color, pale-red. Incarnat, -e, aing-khur-nah, -t, sm. and adj. flesh-color. Incarnation, aing-Khar-nah-syong, sf. in- carnation ; assuming of body ; breeding of flesh. Incarne, -e, aing-khar-nai, -e, adj. incar- nate ; imbodied with flesh. Incarner (s'), s'aing-kkar-nai, vref. 1 r. to assume human nature ; form new flesh. Incartade. aing-khar tad. sf. sudden insult ; improper jest : plur. folly, extravagance. Incendiaire, aing-sang-dyayre, smf. incen- diary : adj. very seditious, turbulent. Incvsr>iE,aing-sang-dte,sm. great fire; broils. Incendier, aing-sang-dyai, va. 1 r. to set fire to. INC INC Inceration, aing-sai-ruJt-syong, sf. covering with wax, inceration. Incektain, aingsair-taing, s»i. uncertainty. IsiKKT.'.iN, -e, aingsair-taing, -tenn, adj. doubtful. Incektainement, aing-sair-icnn-niang, ad. doubtfully ; with uncertainty. Incertitude, aing-aair-te-teud, sf. uncertain- ty ; instability; mutability. IntCESSAittiE&T,aing-€ay-tah-mapg-, ad. short- ly, without delay, incessantly ; continually. Incessant, -e, aing-mysang, -te, adj. cease- less ; perpetual, continual ; without end. Incessible. aing-say-seebl, adj. not cessible. tNCESTE, aing-sesf, sm. incest. Incestueisement, aing-seen-teu-uJize-mang, ad. iucestuously, unnaturally. Incestceux, -se, aing-sees-ttu-uhe, -ze, adj. incestuous, unnatural. Incidemment, aing-sc-dah-mang, ad. occa- sionally, by chance; now and then. Incidence, aing-se-dangsse, tf. incidence. Incident, aing-sc-dany, sm. event ; casualty; bap. Incident, -e, aing-se-dang, -te, adj. casual ; fortuitous ; occasional ; happening. I>"Cide>'ter, aing-sc-dang-tai,ua. 1 r. to cavil. Incineration, aing-se-nai-rah-syong, sf. burning, reducing to ashes. Incirconcis, -E, aing-seer-kong-see, -seeze, smf. and adj. uncircumcised ; not mortified. Incirconcision, avng-seer-ltong-see-sj/ong, sf. uncircumcision ; want of humiliation. Inciser, aing-see-zai, va. 1 r. to make an in- cision ; cut lengthwise under the flesh, , adj. inconsistent ; contrary; inconsiderate. Inconsider ation, aing - hang - se - dai • rah - syong, sf. want of thought ; imprudence ; inattention. 21:5 INC IXD Inconsidere, -e, aing-kong-se-dui-rai, -e, sin/, and adj. inconsiderate ; thoughtless ; careless. Inconsiderement, aing - kong - Re - dai - rai- mang, ad. thoughtlessly ; imprudently. Inconsistance, aing-kong-seess-tangsse, sf. inconsistency ; absurdity. Inconsistant, -E, aing-kong-seess tang, -te, adj. inconsistent ; not suitable ; absurd. Inconsolable, aing-kong-so-labl, adj. incon- solable. Inconsolablement, aing - kong - so - Jah - luh- mang, ad. without hope of consolation. Inconstamment, aing-kongxse-tah-mang, ad. unsteadily ; without any certainty. Inconstant e, aing-kongsse-tangsse, sf. un- steadiness ; instability ; mutability. Inconstant, -e, aing-kongsse-tang, -te, sm/. and adj. changeable, fickle ; unsteady ; va- riable. Incontestabilite, aing-Jcong-tess-tah-be-le- tai, r/. indisputable proof ; evidence; cer- tainty. Incontestable, aing-kong-less-tabl, adj. in- contestable; incontrovertible ; indisputable. Incontestablement, aing-kong-iess-tab-luh- mang, ad. indisputably, assuredly. Inconteste, -e, aing-kong-tess-lai, -e, adj. granted. Incontinence, aing-kong-te-nangsse, sf. in- continence. Incontinent, aing-kong-te-nang, ad. without delay ; immediately ; at once. Incontinent, -e, aing-kong-te-nang, -te, adj. incontinent. Inconvenable, aing-kongve-nabl, adj. unfit. Inconvenance, aing-Jcongve-nangsse, sf. un- fitness ; impropriety ; want of justness. Inconvenant, -e, aing-kongve-nang, -te, adj. ill-befitting, improper, unsuitable. Inconvenient, aing-kong-vai-nyang. rvi. in- convenience; trouble; hinderance; difficulty. Inconvertible, aing-kong-vair-teebl, adj. not changeable ; intransmutable ; incon- vertible. Incorporation', aing-kor-po-rah-st/ong. sf. union ; junction ; mixture ; incorporation. IFCORPOREL, -LE, ainy-kor-po-rel, -I, adj. spiritual ; immaterial ; unbodied. Incorporer, aing-kor-po-rai , va. 1 r. to im- body. S'incorporer, s' 'aing-kor-po-rai ', vref. to co- alesce; join; grow together; unite in a mass. Incorrect, -e, aing-ko-reckt, -t, adj. incor- rect; not exact, irregular; imperfect; faulty. Incorrection, aing-ko-reck-syong, sf, inac- curacy ; imperfection ; want of exactness. Incorrigibilite, ainq-ko-rn-liji-be-le-tai, r/. hopeless depravity ; indoeility ; obstinacy. Incorrigible, aing-ko-re-hjetbl, adj. incorri- gible. Incorruptieilite, aing-ko-mip-tf-he-Je-tai, sf. incapacity of decay ; equity ; honesty. Incorruptible, aing-ko-rettp-teeil, adj. in- corruptible, undecaying ; upright ; honest. Incorruption, aing-ko- reup-syong , sf. inca- pacity of decay ; incorruption. Incredibility, aing-krai-de-be-le-tai, sf. in- credibility ; incredibleness. Incredule, aing-krai-deul, sm. and adj. un- believer, infidel, hard of belief. Incredulite, ainglcrai-deu-le-tai, s/. incre- dulity ; unbelief; want of faith. Inckee, -e, aing-krai-ai, -e, adj. uncreated. 226 Incriminer, aing-kre-me-nai, va. 1 r. to ar- raign. Incroyable, aing-kroo-ah-yabl, adj. incred- ible ; surpassing belief. Incroyablement, aing - kroo - ah - yob - luh- mang, ad. in an incredible manner. Incrustation, aing-kreuss-tah -syong, sf. forming of a crust ; scab. Incruster, aing-kreuss-tai, va. 1 r. to incrust; insert; lay over ; cover with. Incubation, aing-ku-bah-syong, r/. sitting upon eggs ; incubation. Inculpation, aing-kule-pah-syong, r/. accu- sation. Inculper, aing-kule-pai, v,a.\ r. to impute to. Inculquer, aing-kule-kai, va. 1 r. to impress, inculcate, instil ; infuse ; insinuate. Inculte, aing-kult, adj. rude ; untaught. Incurabilite, aing-ku-rah-be-le-tai, sf. incu- rability ; impossibility of cure. Incurable, aing-ku-rabl, adj. incurable. Incurie, aing-ku-ree, r/. carelessness ; negli- gence ; inattention ; indolence ; apathy. Incursion, aingkure-syong, sf. incursion. Inde, aingde, sm. blue color : sf. India. Indebrouillaele, aing-dai-broo-yahl, adj. inextricable ; inexplicable ; too confused. Indecemment, ainy-dai-sah-mang , ad. inde- cently. Indecence, aing-dai-sangsse, sf. indecency. Indecent, -e, aing-dai-sang, -te, adj. unbe- coming. Indechiffrable, aing-dai-she-frabl, adj. il- legible; obscure; intricate; dark; reserved. Indecis, -e, aing-dai-see, -ze, adj. undecided. Indecision. aing-dai-see-zyong. sf. indecision. Indeclinable, aing-daikle-nabl, adj. inde- clinable, not varied by terminations. Indecrottable, aing-dai-kro-taU, adj. not polishable ; inexplicable ; abstruse ; dark. Indefectibilite, amff-dai-fecIe-le-be-le-taijSf. perfection ; exemption from decay, defects. Indefectible, aing-dai-ferk-teebl, adj. un- failing ; perfect ; not liable to decay or de- fects. Indefini, -e, aing-daife-ne, -e, sm. and adj. indefinite ; unbounded ; illimited. Indefini.ment, aing-dai-/:-ui-ina.iij, ad. in- definitely, without any limitation. Indefinissable, aing-dai-j'e-ne-sabl, adj. tin- definable ; inexplicable ; unaccountable. Indelebile, aing-dai-lai-beei, adj. indelible; not to be effaced, blotted out, annulled. Indelibere, -E, aing-dai-te-bai-rai, -e, adj. unpremeditated, done heedlessly, without thought. Indelicat, -e, aing-dai-le-khah, -te, adj. in- delicate. Indelicatesse, aing-dai-h-khah-trs'', sf. in- delicacy ; want of delicacy, of manners. Indemnisation, aing -dam "nt-zah-syong, r/. indemnification ; reimbursement. • Indemniser, aing-dam-ne-zai ', va. 1 r. to in- demnify, secure against loss ; reward ; com- pensate. lNDEMNiTE,rci'/i<7-dam-Jie-?'TLViTi.,-'£.,aing-dang-tai.adj. without teeth. Independamment, aing-dai-pang-didi-mang, ad. independently ; without regard to, be- sides. Independance, aing-dai-pang-dangsse, sf. independence; freedom, exemption iromties. IND IND Independant. -e, aing-dai-pang-dang, -te, adj. Independent ; free ; not controlled. Indestkuctibilite, aing-desa-treuk-te-be-te- tni, sf. indestructible nature. Indestructible, aing-dess-treuk-teebl, adj. indestructible ; unperishable. Ixdetermination, aing -dai - fair -me -nah- syong, sf. irresolution ; indecision. Indetermine, -e, aing-dai-tair-mc-nai, -e, adj. irresolute ; unsettled ; unfixed ; indef- inite. Indeterminement, aing - dai - fair - me - nai- viang, ad. indefinitely ; without restriction. Indevinable, aing-duh-ve-nabl, adj. insolv- able. Indevot, -e, aing-dai-vo, -tt, smf. and adj. irreligious. Indevotement, aing - dai - volt - many, ad. without religion ; in an indevout manner. Indevotion, aing -dai- vo-syong, sf. irre- ligion. Index, aing-decks, sm. index ; table of con- tents. Indicatif, -ye, aing-de-khah-teeff, -iecv,adj. indicative ; showing, pointing out. Indicatif, aing-de-khah-teeff, sm. indicative mood. Indication, aingde-khah-syong, sf. sign ; symptom. Indice, aing-deess. sm. sign; symptom; table. Indicible, aing-deseebl, adj. inexpressible. Indiction, aing-deek-syong, sf convocation of a council ; period of 15 years. Indienne, aing-dyenn, sf printed calico. IHDJFFEREMMEHT, aing-de-fai-rah-mang, ad. indifferently ; coolly; without choice. Indifference, aing-de-fai-rangsse, sf in- difference; coolness; want of affection. Indifferent, -e, aing-de-fai-rang, -te, smf. and adj. indifferent; unconcerned; passable. Indigenat, aing-de-hjai-nah, sm. right of a native. Indigence, aing-de-hjangsse, sf. distress ; want. Indigene, aing-de-hjayne, adj. native to a country ; indigenous. Indigent, -e, aing-de-hjang, -te, smf. and adj. poor ; needy. Indigeste, aing-ae-hjext, adj. indigest, undi- gested ; crude ; not well digested ; con- fused. Indigestion, aingde hjess-tyong, sf. indi- gestion. Indignation, aing-decng-yah-si/ong, sf in- dignation. Indigne, aing-deertg-yuh, adj. unworthy ; bad; odious; blamable; base; undeserving. Indigne, -e, aing-deeng-yai, -e, adj. indig- nant ; full of anger and disdain ; raging. Indignement, aing -deeng-i/uh-mang, ad. unworthily ; basely ; meanly ; undeserv- edly. Indigner, aing-deeng-yai, va. \r. to irritate. Indignite, aing-deeng-ye-tai, sf indignity ; insult. Indigo, aing-de-go, sm. indigo ; anil ; blue dye. Indigoterie, aing -de- got -ree, sf. indigo manufactory or plantation. Indigotier, aing-de-go-tyai, sm. indigo-tree ; indigo manufacturer or seller. Ihdiqcer, aing-de-kai, va. 1 r. to point out. Indirect, -e, aing-dc-reckt, -t, adj. indirect; hidden. ndirectement, aing-de-recktmang, ad. En an indirect manner, underhand. NniSOERNABLE, aing-de-sa ir-nabl, adj. not visible; (indiscernible; invisible. ndisciplinable, aing-deseple-nabl, adj. in- docile ; unruly ; untractabfe. ndiscipline, -e, aing-dese-ple-nai, -e, adj. undisciplined; untaught; uninstrncted. NDISCRET, -E, aing-deess-kray, -te, smf. and adj. indiscreet; imprudent; inconsiderate. ndiscretement, aing - deess ■ krayte - mang, ad. indiscreetly ; without prudence. ndiscretion, aingdeess-krai-syong, sf in- discretion ; rashness, imprudence. NDISPENSable, ainy-dcess-pang-subl, adj. necessary ; indispensable. ndispensablement, aingdeess-pang-sabl- rnang, ad. necessarily ; indispensably. ndispose, -e, aing-deess-po-zai, -e, adj. in- disposed ; out of order; angry ; set against. NDISPOSER, aing-deess-po-zai, va. 1 r. to in- dispose ; set against ; make unfavorable. ndisposition, aing - deess -po - ze - syong, sf. slight illness ; dislike ; alienation. ndisputable, aing-deess-peu-tabl, adj. in- contestable ; incontrovertible. ndisputablement, aing - deess - pen - tabl- mang, ad. certainly; without opposition. NDISSOLCBILITE, aingdi- so-lcu-be-le-tai, sj\ indissolubility ; stableness. ndissoluble, aing-de-so-Ieubl, adj. indis- soluble ; insoluble ; binding for ever. ndissolublement, aing-de-so-Uubl-mang, ad. indissolubly ; in an obligatory manner. ndistinct, -e, aing-deess-luingkt, -te, adj. confused. ndistinctement, aing-deess-taingkte-mang, ad. confusedly ; without distinction. ndividit, aing-deve-deu, sm. individual ; single being ; person. ndividuel, -le, aing-de-ve-deu-el, -1, adj. individual ; personal ; single. ndividuellejient, aing-de-ve-deii-elJ-mau'j, ad. individually ; singly, numerically. ndivis, -E, aing-de-vee, -ze, adj. undivided. Par indiyis, par -aing-de-vee, ad. exp. jointly. "ndivisibilite, aing'-dc-ve-ze-be-le-tai, sf. last degree of division ; indivisibility. ndivisible, aing-de-ve-zeebl, adj. indivisible. ndivisiblement, aing -de-ve-zecbl-mang , ad. in an indivisible manner ; indivisibly. n-dix-huit, aing-de-zeu-eet, sm. octodecimo; sheet divided into eighteen leaves. ndocile, aing-do-seell, adj. unteaehable. un- manageable ; stubborn; not submissive. NDOCILite, aing-do-se-le-tai, sf indocility. ndolence, aing-dodangsse, sf. laziness ; in- dolence ; apathy ; freedom from pain. NDOLENT, -e, aing-do-lang, -te, smf. and adj. lazy ; careless ; insensible ; indifferent. NDOMPTABLE, aing - dong -tab!, adj. uncon- querable, untamable ; invincible. ndompte, -e, aing-dong-tai, -c, adj. untam- ed ; wild. n-douze, aing-dooze, sm. duodecimo ; sheet divided into twelve leaves. NDU, -E, aing-deu, -e, adj. late ; ill-timed ; unfit ; untimely ; not suitable. ndubitable, aing-deu-be-tabl, adj. unques- tionable ; certain ; sure. ndcbitablement, aing-deu-be-tabl-mang, ad. undoubtedly ; certainly. NDUCTION, aing-deuk-syong, sf. induction ; enumeration ; consequence. 227 INE INF Induire, aing-deu-eer, va. 4 irr. to excite ; urge on ; induce ; persuade ; infer. Induis, aing-deu-ee, pies. ind. of induire, in- duce ; excite. Induisant, aing-deu-e-zang, pres. part, of induire, inducing. Induisis, aing-deu-c-tee, pret. def. of induire, induced.' Induit, -e, aing-deu-ee, -te, p. part, of in- duire, induced. Indulge.'.iment, aing-deull-lijah-mang, ad. with indulgence ; without seventy. Indulgence, aing-deull-hjangsse, sf. indul- gence ; forbearance. Indulgent, -e, aing-deidl-hjang, -te, adj. in- dulgent. Indult, aing-deult, sm. privilege. Indultaire, aing-deull-tayre, am. possessor of a benefice by' an indult. Indument, aing-deuc-mang, ad. unduly. Industrie, ain'g-deuss-tree, sf, skill ; intelli- gence ; cunning; labor; profit. Vivred'in- duslrie, to live by one's wits. User d'in- dustrie, to use cunning. Industrieusement, aing - denss - tre-yulize- mang, ad. industriously ; skilfully. Industriecx, -se, airtg-deuss-tre-yuhe, -ze, adj. skilful ; assiduous ; done skilfully. Inebranlable, ee-nai-brang-labl, adj. firm; steady ; immovable ; unshaken. Inebranlaelement, ee-nai - brang - labl- mang, ad. steadily ; in a firm manner. Ineclairci, -e, ee-nai-Mair-se, -e, adj. un- taught. ' Inedit, -e, ee-nai-de, -deetl, adj. not printed. Ineffaeilite, ee-nay-fah-bc-le-lai, sf. inef- fability. Ineffable, ee-nay-fabl, adj. unspeakable. Ineffacable, fe-nay-fih-sabl, adj. indelible. Inefficace,, adj. inefii- cacious. Inefficacite, ce-nayfe-khah se-tai, sf. in- efificacy. Inegal, -e, ee-nai-'jhal, adj. unequal; fickle; odd. Inegalement, ee - nai - glial - mang , ad. un- equally. Inegalite, ee-nai -ghahde-tai. sf. inequality. Inelegajiment, le-nai-lai-ghah-many, ad. without elegance. Inelegance, ce-nai-lai-ghangsse, sf. in- elegance. Inelegant, -e, ee-nai-lai-ghang , -ie, adj. in- elegant. Ineligible, ee-nai-le-lijeebl, adj. ineligible. Inenarrable, ee-nai -nah-rabl, adj. un- speakable. Inefte, ee-nept, adj. unfit ; impertinent ; ab- surd. Ineftie, ce-nep-«ee., sf. unfitness ; absurdity. Inepuisable, te. - nai - pen - e - zabl, adj. inex- haustible ; not to be dried up or spent. Inekte, ee-nai) (t, adj. dull, sluggish ; indo- lent. Inertie, ee-nair-see, sf. want of activity ; dulness. Inespere, -e, ee-ness-pai-rai, -e, adj. unex- pected. Inesferement, ee-ncss-pai-rai-mang, adj. suddenly, unexpectedly. Inestimable, ee-ness-te-mabl, adj. inestima- ble. Inetendu, -e, ee-nai -tang-deu, -e, adj. unex- tended ; without dimensions. A C Q Inevident, -e, ee-nai-vc-dang, -ie, adj. ob- scure. Inevitable, ce-nai-ve-iabl, adj. unavoidable. Lnevitaele.ment, ee-nai-re-tabl-mang, ad. unavoidably ; necessarily ; inevitably. Inexact, -e, ee-neg-zackt, -t adj. inaccurate. Inexactitude, eenty-zaek-te-leud, sf. inac- curacy; want of exactness. Inexcusable, ee - necks - Jcu - zabl, adj. inex- cusable. Inexecution, ee-neg-zai-ku-syong, sf. non- performance ; breach of contract. Inexorable, ee-neg-zo-rabl, adj. inexorable. Inexorablement, ee-neg-zo-rabl-mang, ad. inexorably ; without pity or mercy. Inexperience, ee- necks -pai-ryangsse, sf. want of knowledge ; inexperience. Inexperimente, -e, ci- ted, -e, adj. inexperienced ; wanting knowl- edge. Inexpiable, ee-necks-pe-yabl, adj. inexpiable. Inexplicable, ee-necks-ple-khaLl, adj. inex- plicable. Inexprimable, ee-necks-pre-mabl, adj. inex- pressible ; ineffable ; beyond expression. Inexpugnable, ee-necks-peu-gnahbl, adj. im- pregnable ; not to be taken by force. Inextinguible, ee-necks-tuing-ghee-bl, adj. unquenchable ; inextinguishable. Inextirpable, ce-necks-teer-pabl, adj. not to be rooted out ; unmovable ; irremediable. Inextricable, ee-necks-tre-khabl, adj. inex- tricable ; intricate; confused; obscure. Infaillibilite, aing-fahye-be-le-tai, sf. in- fallibility ; exemption from error. Infaillible, aing -fah-yetbl, adj. infallible. Infailliblement, aingfah-yceblnuing, ad. infallibly ; certainly ; without failing. Infaisaele, aing -fay -zabl, adj. unfeasible. Infamant, -E, aing-fah-ruang, -te, adj. igno- minious. Infame, aing-fahme, smf. and adj. infamous; shameful ; unworthy; filthy ; unbecoming. Infamie, aing-fah-mee, sf. infamy; disgrace. II lui a dit miUe infamies, he has called him a thousand names. Infant, -e, aing -fang, -ie, smf. infant, in- fanta. Infanterie, aing-fangle-ree, sf. foot-soldiers. Infanticide, aing-faug-te-setd, sm. infanti- cide ; murder, murderer of a child. Infatigable, aing-fa/i-te-ghabl, adj. indefat- igable ; unwearied ; continual ; incessant. Infatigablement, aingfalt-te-ghabl-mang, ad. indefatigably, without ceasing. Infatuation, aing-fah-teu-ah-syong, sf. in- fatuation ; bewitchment ; predilection. Infatuer, aing-fah-leu-ai, va. 1 r. to infat- uate ; prepossess strongly ; fascinate. Infecond, -E, aing-fai-kong, -de, adj. sterile, barren. Infecondite, aing-faikong-de-lai, sf. steril- ity. Infect, -e, aingfeckt, -t, adj. fetid, tainted. Infecter, aing-feck-iai, va. 1 r. to infect; taint. Infection, aing-fecksyong , sf. infection. Infeodation, aingfai-o-dah-syong, sf. en- feoffment, infeudation. Tnfeodeu, aing-fai-o-dai, va. Ir. to enfeoff. Inferer, aing-fai-rai, va. 1 r. to conclude, infer. Inferieur, -E, aing-fai-ryur, -r, smf. and adj. inferior. INF I Nil Inferieurement, aing-/ai-ryur-mang, adj. in an inferior manner. Inferiority, aing -fai-ryo-rc-lai, sf. infe- riority. Infernal, -E, aiv.g-fairnal, adj. hellish. Infertile, aing-/air-teell, adj. unfruitful. Infertility, aing-fair-tede-tai, sf. unfruit- fulness, sterility ; barrenness. Infester, aing-fess-tdi, rn. 1 r. to plunder ; spoil ; devastate : tease ; plague ; torment. Infidei.e, aing-fe-dell, smf. and adj. unfaith- ful person ; false ; perfidious ; inaccurate. Infidele, aing-fe-dell, smf. unbeliever. Infidelement, aing - fe - dell - mang, ad. un- faithfully ; treacherously. Infidelite, aittg -fe-dai -le-tai, sf want or breach of faith, memory, promise ; treach- ery. Infime, aing-feem, adj. lowest ; mean ; base. Infini, -e, aing-fe-nt, ,-e, sm. and adj. infini- ty ; infinite ; endless ; unbounded. A l'infini, ah-laing-Jfe-ne, ad. exp. without bounds ; without measure ; for ever. Infiniment, aing/e-ne-mang, nd. infinitely. Infinite, aing-fe-ne-tai, sf. infinity. Infinitif, aing -fe-ne-teeff, sm. infinitive mood. Infirmatif. -ve, airfg-feer-mahdeeff, -teev, adj. annulling ; nullifying, invalidating. Infirme, aing/eerm, ism/, and adj. weak ; frail. Infirmer, aing-/eer-mai, va. 1 r. to invali- date. Infirmerie, aing feerm-ree, sf. infirmary. Infirmier, e, aing-feer-myai, -re,sm/. over- seer ; keeper of an infirmary. Infirmite, aing-feer-me-tai, sf. infirmity. Infixer, aing-feeks-sai, ra. 1 r. to drive in. Inflammabilite, ai ng-jluh-mah-bede-tai, sf. inflammability ; inflammable nature. Inflammable, aing-Jlah-mabl, adj. inflamma- ble. Inflammation*, aing-fluh-mahsyong, sf. in- flammation. Inflammatoire, aing-jlah-mah-too-ar, adj. inflammatory. Inflexibility, aing-fleck-se-hede-tai, sf. in- flexibility ; obstinacy ; stubbornness. Inflexible, aing-fleck-xeehl, adj. inflexible. Inflexiblement, awg-fleck-seebl-mang, ad. inflexibly : inexorably ; without pity. Inflexion, aing-fleek-xj/ong, sf. inflection. Inflictif, -ve, aing -fleek-ieeff , -teev, adj. in- flictive. Infliction, aing-jleek-syong, sf. infliction. Infliger, aing-jle-hjai, va. 1 r. to inflict. Influence, aing-fituangsse, sf. inflaence ; ascendant ; power. Influer, aing-fleu-ai, vn. 1 r. to communi- cate ; impart, make an impression. In-folio, aing-fodyo, sm. in folio, folio book. Information, aing/ormah-syong, sf infor- mation ; intelligence. Informe, aing-f'orm, adj. informous, shape- less ; imperfect ; incomplete ; undigested. Informer, aing-for-mai, in. 1 r. to warn ; inform ; instruct ; inquire ; make an in- quest. S'informer de, s'aing-/or-7)iai-duh, vref to inquire. Infortune, aing-for-teunn, sf. misfortune ; calamity; misery; distress. Infortune, -e, aing-/or-teu-nai, adj. unfor- tunate ; miserable ; unhappy. Infracteur, aing/rack-tur, sm. transgres sor. Infraction, aing-/rack-syong, sf. violation ; breach. Infranchissable, aing-frang-sKe-sail, adj. impassable; not to be trespassed upon. Infkequente, -e, aing-frai-khanq-tai, -e, adj. unfrequented; lonely; solitary, re- mote. iNFKUCTCErjSEMENT, aing -freak - ten - idizc- mang, ad. in vain ; to no purpose. iNFRtfcTUEUx, -SE, aing-/reuk-leu-uhe, -ze, adj. fruitless ; vain, unprofitable. Infls, -e, aing-j'eup, -ze, adj. inborn ; in- nate ; natural ; not adscititious. Infu.ser, aing -/ cue zai, va. n. 1 r. to infuse ; soak, steep in ; macerate. Infusible, aing-/eue-zeebl, adj. infusible; insoluble ; that cannot be dissolved. Infusion, aing-/eue-zyong, sf. infusion ; in- stillation ; inspiration. Ingambe, aing-ghangbe, adj. nimble ; agile. Ingenier (s'), s'aing-hjui-nyai, ore/. 1 ;•. to plan means of success; ransack one's brains. Ingenieur, aing-hjui-nyur, sm. engineer. Ingenieusement, aing -hjai -nyuhze - mang, ad. ingeniously ; with skill, cunning, wit. Ingenieux, -SE, aing-hjai-nyuhe, -ze, adj. ingenious; inventive; witty; possessed of genius. Ingenu, -e, aing-hjai-nen, adj. open; fair; candid ; ingenuous ; artless ; honest. Ingenuite, aing - hjai - neu - e - Uii, sf. frank- ness ; openness ; fairness ; candor. IngenOment, aiug-hjai-neu-mang, ad. open- ly ; fairly; candidly; frankly. Ingerer (s'), a'aing-njai-rqi, vref. 1 r. to meddle with ; take upon one's self. Ingouvernable, ai/ig -goo -vair -nabl, adj. unruly. Ingrat, -e, aing-grah, -ft. sm/. and adj. un- grateful man, woman; ingrate; unthankful. Ingratitude, aing-grah te-ieud, sf. untuank- fulness ; ingratitude. Ingredient, ainy-grai-dyang, sm. ingre- dient. Inguerissable, aing-gai-re-sabl, adj. incu- rable. In HABILE, ee-nah-heell, adj. incapable ; un- qualified ; unfit for. Inhabilite, ee-nah-be le-tai, sf. inability. Inhabitable, ee-nah-be-tabl, adj. uninhabit- able. Inhabite, -e, ee-nah-bedai, -e, adj. unin- habited. Inhabitue, -e, ee-nahbeteu-ai, -e, adj. un- accustomed ; not used to. Inharmonieux, -se, ee-nar-nw-nyuhe, -ze, adj. without harmony ; unmusical. Inherence, ee-nai-rangsse, sf. coherency. Inherent, -e, ee-nai-rang, -te, adj. innate ; inborn. Inhibition, ee-ne-le-syong, sf. prohibition. Inhospitalier, -e, ee-noss-pe-tahdyai, -re, adj. inhospitable; wild; savage; danger- ous. Inhospitalite, ee-noss-pe-tah-le-tai, sf. in- hospitality. Inhumain, -e, ec-neu-maing, -menu, sm/. and adj. inhuman ; cruel ; barbarous. Inhumainement, ce-neu-menn-mang , ad. in a cruel, barbarous manner. Iniiumanite, ee-neu-mah-ne-tai, sf. inhuman- ity ; cruelty ; barbarity 229 INO INS Inhumation, ee-neu-mah-synng, sf. burial : burying ; obsequies ; funeral rites. Inhumer, ee-neu-mai, va. 1 r. to bury. Inimaginaele, ee-ne-mah-hje-nabl, adj. in- conceivable, unimaginable. Inimitable, ee-ne-metabl, adj. inimitable. Inimitie, ee-ne-meiyai, sf. enmity ; aversion. Inintelligible, ee-naing-teU-lt-hjeebl, adj. unintelligible; incomprehensible ; obscure. Inique, ee-neek, adj. iniquitous ; unjust ; wicked. Iniquement, ee-neek-mang , ad. unjustly. I.niquite, ee-ne-ke-tai, sf. injustice; malice. Initial, -e, ee-ne-syal, adj. placed at the be- ginning ; incipient ; initial. Initiation, ee-ne-se-yah-syong, sf. initiation. Initie, -e, ee-ne-syai, -e, smf. and adj. ad- mitted member ; initiated ; entered. Initier, ce-ne-syai, va. 1 r. to initiate ; ad- mit into ; instruct in the rudiments of an art. Injecter, aing-hjeck-tai, va. 1 r. to inject, dart. Injection, aing-hjeck-syong, sf. injection. Injonction, aing-hjongke-syong, sf. com- mand. Injure, aing-hjeur, sf. injury ; wrong ; out- rage ; reverse ; inclemency. Injurier, aing-hjeu-ryai, va. 1 r. to offend ; abuse ; revile ; taunt. Ivtjxmir.vsv}&EST,aing-hieu-ryuhze-ma7ig,ad. in an injurious manner. Injurieux, -se, aingdjeu-ryithe, -ze, adj. in- jurious ; offensive ; outrageous ; unjust. Injuste, aing-Jijeust, 6m. and adj. injustice ; unjust ; iniquitous ; wrongful. Injustemfnt, a i ng-hjeust-mang, ad. unjust- ly ; wrongfully ; in an unjust manner. Injustice, aing-hjeuss-teess, sf. injustice; wrong ; injury ; detriment. Inlisiele, aingde-zeebl, adj. illegible. Innavigable, ee-nah-ve-ghabl, adj. innavi- gable. Inne, -e, een-nai, -e, adj. inborn ; innate ; natural. Innocemment, ee - no - sah - mang, ad. inno- cently, undesignedly ; without deceit ; fool- ishly. Innocence, ce-no-sangsse, sf. innocence. Innocent, -e, ee-no-sang, -ie, adj. innocent ; guiltless ; guileless ; candid ; simple. Innocent, ee-no-sang, sm. dolt; dunce; thick -skull. Innocenter, ce-no-sang-lai, va. 1 r. to ab- solve ; free from guilt ; declare innocent. Innombrable, ee-nong-brabl, adj. innumer- able. Innombrablement, ee-nong-braM-mang, ad. without number ; innumerably. Innome, in-no-mai, adj. m. unnamed. Innomine, -e, in-no-me-nai, -e, adj. without name. Innovateur, in-no-vdh-tur, sm. innovator. Innovation, in-no-vah-syong, sf. innovation. Innoveu, i'n-no-vai, va. n. 1 r. to innovate. Inobservance, ee-nob-sair-rangsse , sf. dis- respect ; irreverence ; disobedience ; inci- vility, inattention. Inobservation, ee-nob sair-wh-syong, sf. contravention; infraction; violation ^trans- gression. Inoccupe, -e, ee-no-Jeu-pai, -e, adj. vacant ; at leisure. In-octavo, ee-nocJc-tdh-vo, sm. octavo book ; sheet divided into eight leaves. 230 INOCULATEUR, -TRICE, eeno-kuda7i-Otr,-treess t smf. inoculator ; grafter ; propagator. Inoculation, ee-no-hu-lah-syong, sf. iuocu- lation ; artificial communication. Inoculer, ee-no-ku-lai, va. 1 r. to inoculate. Inoculiste, ee-no-kudeest, smf. supporter of inoculation. Inoffensif, -ve, ee-no-fang-secff, -seev, iq, sf in- terdiction ; prohibition ; suspension. Interdire, aing-tairdeer, va. 4 in: to for- bid ; interdict, suspend ; astonish ; surprise. Interdis, aing -lair -dee, pres. ind. and pret. clef, of interdire, interdict, interdicted. Interdisant, aing -tab- ■ de-sang, pres. part. of interdire, forbidding. Interdit, aing-tair-de, sm. interdict. Interdit, -e, aing-tair-de, -rfert, adj. and p. part, of interdire, interdicted ; astonished ; confounded ; struck dumb. Interessant, -e, ainff-tai-ray-sang, -te, adj. interesting; important; attractive; affect- ing. Interesse, -e, aing-tai-ray-sai, -e, smf. miser ; niggard ; party concerned. Interesse, -e, aing-tai-ray-sai, -e, adj. sel- fi-h ; covetous ; interested ; concerned. Interesser, aing-tai-ray-sai, va. 1 r. to in- terest ; associate ; entice ; engage ; affect. S'interesser, a 1 aing-tai-ray-sai, vref. to feel interested, concerned for ; favor. Interkt, aing-tai-rey, sm. interest ; profit ; favor ; advantage ; kindness ; impression. II y va de mon int&ret, it concerns me. Interieur, aing-tai-ryur, sm. inside ; part within; heart; thoughts; house ; private life. Interieur, -e, aing-tai-ryur, -r, adj. inte- rior ; inner ; internal ; intrinsical. Interieurement, aing-tai-ryurr-mang, ad. inwardly; within ; in the heart, mind. Interim, aing-lai-reem, sm. meantime ; in- tervening time ; interim. Interjection, aing-tair-hjeck-syong, sf. in- terjection ; intervention ; interposition. Interjeter, aing da ir-hjuh-tai. va. 1 r. to appeal from ; transfer a cause from. Interligne, aing-tair-lceng-yuh, sm. inter- lineation ; line written between two others. Interligner, aing-tair-leeng-yai, va. 1 r. to interline ; write between two lines. Interline aire, aing-tair-le-nai-ayre, adj. interlined ; written betweeu two lines. Inteklocuteuu, -XRICE, aing-tair-lo-ku-lur, I XT INT s, atnf. interlocutor ; one that talks with another. Interlocution, aing-tair-lo-ku-ayong, sf. in- terlocution ; preparatory proceeding in law. InTERUK'UTOIRE, aing-tairdo/.tiio >-nr, adj. interlocutory. Interlope, ain/f - fair - top, sm. and adj. smuggler; interloper; smuggling. Ikterloqueb, aing-tair-lo-1iaii va. n. 1 r. to astonish ; puzzle ; stun ; grant an interlocu- tion., aing-tair-mayd, am. interlude. Intermediate, aing-ttxir-mai-dyoyrt, am. and adj. mediator ; intervening, interpo- sing. Intermedial -e, aing-tair-mai-di/ah, -ft, ttdj. intermediate; intervening; interposed. Interminable, aing-tair-me-nabl, adj. end- less. Intermission, aing-tair-me-syong, sf. inter- mission ; pause; interruption; interval. Intermittence, (!W';-/(iir-»ie-fuw;,«, sf. dis- continuation ; interruption ; cessation. Intermittent, -e, aing-tadr-me-tang, -te, adj. coming by tits ; intermittent. Imeuse, aing-tairn, am. and adj. intern; inward. Internonce, aing-tair-nongsse, sm. inter- nuncio. Interpellation, aing-tair-pdlah-syong, sf. summons ; call upon. Interpeller, aing-tair-pel-lai, va. 1 r. to summon ; cite ; call up. Inteepolateur, aing-tair-po-lah-tur, sm. in- terpolator, one that foists in counterfeit pas- sages. INTERPOLATION, aing t-tair-po-la7isyong, sf. addition to the original matter ; interpola- tion. Intekpoler, aing-tair-po-lai, ra. 1 /•. to in- terpolate; insert; add to the original matter. Interposeb, aing-tuir-po-zai, ra. 1 r. to meditate ; interpose ; place between. Interposition, aing-tair-po-zesyong, sf. in- terposition ; intervention ; mediation. Interfretatif, -ve, aingtair-prai-tah-teeff, -teev, adj. serving to elucidate ; interpreta- tive. Interpretation, aing-tavr-prai-tah-syong, sf. explanation ; exposition ; elucidation. Interprets, aing-tair-prayfp,eni , interpreter ; translator ; expounder ; expositor. Interpreter, aing-tair-prai-tai, ra. 1 r. to interpret; explain; elucidate; translate. Interregna, aing-tair-ray-ing-yxih, sm. va- cancy of the throne ; interreign. InterrOGATEUR, aing-tai-ro-ghah-tur, sm. interrogator ; examiuator ; inquisitor. Interrogate, -ve, aing-tai-roghah-teeff, -teev, adj. interrogative. Interrogation, aing-tai-ro-ghali syong, sf. interrogation ; question ; inquiry. Inteerogativement, aing-tai-ro-ghah-teeu- Mtrt>i<7,ae, aing-tess-taing, -teen, adj. in- testine, internal ; interior ; domestic. ntestinal, -E, aing-tess-te-nul, adj. intes- tinal, of the bowels. ntimation, aing-te-mah-syong, sf. intima- tion ; summons ; signification. ntime, aing-teem, smf. and adj. intimate ; familiar ; inward ; inmost ; deep. ntime, -e, aing-te-mai, -e, smf. defendant. NTiMEMENT,cn'H9-te«n-m«ni7, ad. intimately; familiarly; closely; in close friendship. NTIMEE, aing-te-mai, va.l T. to summon ; as- sign ; point out ; signify ; appoint. ntimidation, aing -te -me - dah - syong, sf. threat ; threatening ; intimidating. NTIMIDEB, aing-te-me-dai,va.\r. to frighten. i'intimider, s'aing-te-me-dai, vref. to be afraid. ntimite, aing-te-metai, sf. intimacy. ntitule, aiiig-te-teu-lai, sm. title of an act, or of a deed. ntituler, aing-te-teu-lai, va. 1 r. to entitle; prefix with a title. ntolerable, aing-to-lai-rabl, adj. insuffer- able ; not to be endured ; insupportable. ntolerance, aing-to lai-rangss, sf. intoler- ance ; inflexible rigor ; want of toleration. NTOLERANT, -E, aing-to-lai-rang, -te, smf. and adj. intolerant ; unwilling to tolerate. STOLERASTiSME,aing-to-lai-rang-teessm, sm. aversion to toleration. ntonation, aing - to - nah - si/ong, sf. intona- tion. ntraitable, aing-tray-taht, adj. hard ; dif- ficult; surly; unruly; obstinate; headstrong. NTRANSITIF, -VE, aing-trang-se-tceff, -teev, adj. intransitive ; imrausmutable. 233 INV ISA Intrepide, aing - trai-peed, adj. fearless; bold. Intrepidement, aing-trai-peed-mang, ad. boldly ; fearlessly ; daringly, Intrepidite, aing-trai-pe-de-tai, sf fearless- ness ; boldness ; assurance ; pride. Intrigant, -e, aing-tre-ghang, -te, smf. and adj. intriguer ; busybody ; intriguing. Intrigue, aing-ireegg, sf. intrigue ; plot ; incident ; intricacy ; trouble ; love-affair. Intriguer, aing-tfe-gai, va. n. 1 r. to vex ; intrigue ; harass ; disturb ; make uneasy. S'intriguer, s'aing-tre-gai, vref. to toil hard; take great pains ; endeavor. Intrinseque, aing -truing -sayke, adj. intrin- sic ; inward ; internal ; in the nature of. Intrinsequement, aing-traing-saykp-mang, ad. intrinsically ; naturally ; within. Introducteur, -trice, aing -tro-deulc-tur, -treess, smf. introducer. Introduction", aing-tro-detik-syong, sf. intro- duction ; entrance ; rudiment. Introduire, aing-tro-deit-eer, ra. 4 irr. to in- troduce ; insert; infix; begin. S'INTRODUIRE, s'aing - tro - den, - eer, vref. to gain entrance, favor, or footing. Introduis, aing-tro-deu-ee, pres. ind. of intro- duire, introduce. Introduisant, aing -tro -deu-e- sang, pres. part, of introduire, introducing. Introduisis, aing-tro-deu-e-zee, pret. def. of introduire, introduced. Introduit, -e, aing-tro-deu-ee, -t, p. part, of introduire, introduced. iNTROir, aing-tro-ett, sm. beginning. Intromission, aing-tro-me-syong, sf. inser- tion ; driving, sending in ; intromission. Intronisation, aing-tro-ne-zah-syong, sf. installation of a bishop, ifcc. Introniser, aing-tro-ue-zai, va.l r. to install a bishop, &c. Introuvable, aing-troo-vabl, adj. not to be found. Intrus, -e, aing-treue, -ze, smf. and adj. in- truder ; intruded ; introduced slily. Intrusion, aing-treusyong, sf. intrusion ; forcible possession ; encroachment. Intuitive, aing-teu-e-teeo, adj. intuitive; seen by the mind only. Intuition, aing-teu-e-syong, sf. intuition ; mental perception ; immediate knowledge. Intuitivement, aing-teu-e-teev-mang, ad. in- tuitively, by immediate intuition. Intumescence, aing - leu - may - sangsse, sf. swell ; swelling ; tumor. Inusite, -e, ee-neu-ze-tai, adj. not in use. Inutile, ee-neu-teell, adj. useless; superflu- ous ; excessive ; exuberant. Inutilement, ee-neu-teell-mang, ad. useless- ly ; without use ; in vain. Inutilite, ee-neu-te-letai, sf. uselessness; in- utility ; unprofitableness. Invaincu, -e, aing-raing-ku, -e, adj. uncon- quered ; unvanquished. l^v alidk, ai ng-rahdetd, smf .find ad j . invalid. Invalidement, aing - rah - leed - tnang, ad. without validity, without force. Invauder, uingrah-le-dai, va. 1 r. to in- validate ; deprive of force ; annul. Invalidite, aing-vah-le-de-tai, sf". invalidity. Invariabilite, aing-rah-ryah-be-te-lai, sf. constancy ; invariableness. Invariable, aing-vah-ryabl, adj. unchange- able ; constant ; invariable. 234 Invariablement, aing-rah-ryabl-marig, ad. without variation ; constantly. Invasion, aing-cah-zyong , sf. invasion. Invective, aing-ceck-ttcr, sf. invective. Invectiver, aingverk-te-Kui, va. n. 1 r. to abuse ; inveigh ; rail at ; outrage. Inventaire, aing-vang-tayre, sm. inventory. Inventer, aing-iang-'tai, va. 1 r. to invent. Inventeur, -trice, aing-vang-tnr, -treess, smf. inventor ; inventre'ss ; fibber. Inventif, -ve, aing-raytg-teeff, -tetv, adj. in- ventive ; ready at expedients. Invention, aingvang-syong, sf. invention. Inventorier, aing-vang-to-ryai, ra. 1 r. to make an inventory ; take an account of. Inversable, aing-vair-sabl, udj.iivm; solid; that cannot be overturned. Inverse, aing-vairsse, sf. inverted : inverse. Inversion, aing-vair-syovg, sf. inversion, change of order or time. Inyestigateur, -trice, aing-vess-tt- -ghah- tur, -treess, smf. inquirer; searcher; exam- iner. In vestig ATION, aing-vess-te-ghah -syong, sf. investigation ; clot-e inquiry, research. I.NVESTiK, aing-vess-teer, va. 2 r. to invest ; surround ; besiege ; circumvent. Investissement, aivg-vess-teess-mavg , sm. investment ; investing ; blockade. Investiture, aing-vess-te-teur, sf. investi- ture ; installation ; given possession. Invetere, -e, aing-vaitui-rai, -e, adj. invet- erate. Inveterer (s'), s'aingvaitairai, vref. to grow inveterate ; difficult to cure, root out. In vincible, aing-vaing-seebl, adj. invincible. Invinciblement, aing -vain g-seebl-mang, ad. invincibly ; in an insuperable manner. In-vingt-Cjuatre, uing-iaingte-Uiatr, sm. sheet folded in 24 leaves. Inviolabilite, aing-ve-yo-lali-be-le-tai, sf. inviolable prerogative ; saeredness. Inviolable, aing-ve yo-labl, adj. sacred; in- violable ; permanent ; invariable. In violablement, aing-r- -yo-lalil-mang, ad. inviolably; sacredly; without failure. Invisibilite, aing-ve-ze-be-le-tui, sf. invisi- bility ; imperceptibleness to sight. Invisible, aing-ve-zetbl, adj. invisible. Invisiblement, aivgvezeelA-mang, ad. in an invisible manner ; imperceptibly. Invitation, aing-ve-tah-syong, sf. invitation. Invitatoir, aing-ve-tah-too-ar, sm. invita- tory ; inviting ; exciting. Inviter, aing-ve-tai, ra. 1 r. to invite; excite. Invocation, aing-vo-khah-syvng, sf. invoca- tion. Involontaire, aing-vo-long-tayre, adj. in- voluntary, not done willingly. Involontairement, aing - vo - long - tayre- mang, ad. involuntarily, against one's will. Invoquer, aing-vo-kai, va. 1 r. to invoke. Invraisemblable, aing - vray -sang - blabl, adj. unlikely. Invraisemblance, aing-vray-sang-blangsse, sf. unlikelihood ; improbability. Invulnerable, aing-veulnai-rabl, adj. in- vulnerable ; secure from harm. Ionique, ce-yo-neek, adj. Ionic. Ionien,-ne, ee-yo-nyaing,-nyenn,adj. Ionian. Iota, e.e-yo-tah, sm. iota ; jot ; point ; tittle. Ipecacuanha, eepai-khah-ku-ah-nah, sm. ipecacuanha ; vomitive powder. Irai, e-rai, i'ut. of alter, will go. IRE JAC Irais, e-ray, cowlit. oCallrr, would so. Irascible, ee-rah-stcbl, adj. irascible; irri- table. Ike, eer, sf. anger; rage; violent passion; ire. Iris, ee-reess, sm. rainbow ; in*. Ikonte, ce-ro-ncc, g/. irony ; raillery ; lam- poon. Iroxique. ee-ro-neck, adj. ironical; satirical. Ikoniquemext, ee-ro-neek-many, ad. ironi- cally. Irkaihatiox, eer-rah-de-yahsyong, $>f. illu- mination, emission, expansion of light. Irraisoxxable, eer-ray-zn-na'il, adj. irra- tional ; void of reason, understanding. Irr Also xx a element, eer-ray-zo-nabl-many, (id. absurdly; without reason. Irrationnel, -le, eer-rah-syo-nel, -I. adj. in- congruous ; inconsistent ; without relation. Irrecevable, eer-ruh-suh-vabl, adj. unfit. Irreconci liable, eer-rai-kongse-lyabl, adj. irreconcilable; implacable; unappeasable. Irrecoxciliabi.EJIE.nt, cer-r ai-kong -se-hjabl- mang, ad. in an irreconcilable manner. Irreductible, eer-rai-deuk-teebl, adj. irredu- cible ; not pulverable. Irreflechi, -e, eer-rai-flai-slie, -e, adj. in- considerate ; thoughtless ; said at random. Irreformable, cer-rai-for-mabl, adj. unrc- formable ; not to be altered. Irrefragable, eer-raif 'rah-ghabl, adj. irre- futable ; superior to argument. Irregclarite, eer-rai-yu-laJt-re-tai, sf. ir- regularity ; deviation from rule. Irr£gulier, -e, eer -rai-gu- hjai, -re, adj. irregular. Iuregulierement, eer-rai-gu-hjay re-many, ad. irregularly ; without method, rule. Irreligieusement, eer-rai-le-hjyunze-mang, ad. with impiety, irreligion. Irreligieux, -SE, eer-rai-le-hjyuhe, -ze, adj. irreligious ; impious ; profane. Irreligion, eer-rai-le-hjyony, sf. impiety. Irremediable, eer-rai-mai-dyabl, adj. incu- rable. Irremediablemext, eer - rai - mai - dyabl- mang, ad. without remedy or cure. Irremissible, eer-rai-me-seebl, adj. unpar- donable; irremissible ; not to be pardoned. Irremissiblement, eerrai-me-seebl-mang, ad. without mercy, forgiveness. Irreparable, eer-rai-pah-rabl, adj. irrepar- able. Irreparablement. eer-rai-pah-rabl-many , ad. irreparably; without recovery, amends. Irreprehensible, eer-rai-prai-ang-seebl, adj. irreprehensible ; unblamable ; irre- proachable. Irrepreiiensiblejient, eer - rai - prat - ang- seebl - many, ad. irreproachably, without blame. Irreprochable, eer-rai-pro-shall, adj. irre- proachable ; free from blame, reproach. Irreprochablement, eer - rai -pro - shabl- many, ad. in an irreproachable manner. Irresistiele, eer-rai-zeess-tedd, adj. irresist- ible. Irresisti element, eer-rai-zeess-lcebl-mang , ad. irresistibly ; without opposition. Irresolu. -e, eer - rai - zo - leu, e, aulj. unde- termined ; not fixed : irresolute. Irresolument, eer-rai-zo-leu-mang, ad. in an irresolute manner. Irresolution, eer-rai-zo-leu-xi/ong, .. 4 irr. to receive the sacrament. Jour (ktre de), eytr-duh-hjoor, v.aux. to bo upon duty, in attendance. Journal, -aux, hjoor-nal, oe, sm. journal ; diary ; day-book ; daily paper. Journalier, hjoor - nah - lyai, sm. day -la- borer. Journalier, -e, hjoor -nah -lyai, -re, adj. daily, uncertain. Journai.iste, hjaor-nah-leest, sm. writer of journals ; journal it. Journee, hjoor-naie, sf. day ; day's work, day's journey ; daily pay ; battle. JOURNELLEMENT, hjoor-ntV-iniiixi, ad. daily. Joute, hjoot, sf. tilt ; mock fight ; debate ; dispute. Jouter, hjoo-tai, vn. 1 r. to tilt; mock fight; dispute. JOUTEUR, hjoo-iur, sm. tilter; fencer; swords- man. 2o7 JUP JUS Jouvence, hjoo-vangsse, sf. youth. Jouvence (FONTAINE de), foiig-layne-duh- hjoo-vangsse, sf. renovating spring. Jouvexceau,-x, hjoo-vang-so, -e, sm. young man. Jouve.n*celle, Jtjoo-vang-sett, sf. young girl. Jovial, -k, hjo-vyal, adj. ga}' ; merry ; live- ly ; pleasant; agreeable; fond of pleasure. Jovialement, hjo-vyal-mang, ad. merri^- ; gayly. Joyau, -x, hjoo-ah-yo, sm. jewel ; gem. JOYEUSEMENT, hjoo-ah-yuhze-mang, ad. with joy ; gladly ; merrily ; joyfully.' Joyeusete, hjno-ah-yuhze-tai, sf. joke. JOYEUX, -SE, hjoo-ah-yuhe, -ze, adj. joyful. Juhe, hjeu-bai, sm. church gallery. Jubilation, hjeu-be-lah-syong, sf. rejoicing ; feasting ; great treat. Jubile, hjeu-be-lai, sm. public festivity. Jubiler, hjeu-be-lai, va. n. 1 r. to rejoice ; grant an annuity to a servant. JUCHER, SE JUCIIER, Jijeu-shai or suh-hjeu- shai, am. 1 r. to roost ; perch. Juchoir or Juc, hjeu-shoo-ar or hjeuk, sm. roosting-place ; roost. Judaique, Jijea-dah-eek, adj. Jewish. Jud.user, njeu-ddh-ee-sai, vn. 1 ;•. to con- form to the Jews ; Judaize ; live like the Jews. Judaisme, hjeu-dah-eessm, sm. Jewish reli- gion ; Judaism. Judas, hjeu-dah, sm. traitor. Judicature, hjeu-de-kah-teur, sf. judicature; judge's office, dignity, etc. Judiciaire, hjeu-de-syayre, sf. judgment ; sense; power of judging. Judiciaire, Jijeu-de-syayre, adj. judiciary; passing judgment upon. Judiciairement, hjeu-de-syayre-mang, ad. in justice, in a judiciary form. Jijdicieusement, hjeu-de-syuhzc-mang, ad. judiciously; with judgment. Judicieux, -se, hjeu-de syuhe, -ze, adj. ju- dicious ; done, said frith judgment. Juge, hjeuhje, sm. judge ; arbitrator ; ap- praiser ; estimator. JuGement, Ttjeuhje-mang, sm. judgment, sentence ; decree ; opinion ; sentiment. Juger, hjeu-hjai, to judge ; dis- cern; form an opinion; pass sentence; foresee ; guess ; conjecture ; think ; believe. Jugulaire, hjeu-gu-layre, adj. of the throat; jugular. Ju_;uler, hjeu-gu-lai, ra. 1 r. to cut the throat ; strangle ; rob of one's money ; ha- rass. Juif, -ye, hjeu-eeff, -eet\ smf. and adj. Jew, Jewess ; Jewish ; of the Jews. Juillet, hjeu-e-yai, sm. July. JuiN, hjeu-aing, sm. June. Juiverie, hjeu-eeo-ree, sf. Jews' quarter. Julep, hjeu-lep, sm. julep. Julienne, hjeu-lyenn, sf. gilliflower. Jumart, hjcu-mnr, sm. jumart; mixture of a bull and mare ; of a horse and cow. Jumeau, -elle, hjeu-mo, -melt, smf. and adj. twin ; twin-born ; born at the same birth. Jumeaux, hjeu-moe, smp. twins; gemini (sign of the zodiac). Jumelle, hjeu-mell, sf. female twin. JuiiENT, hjeu-mang, sf. mare. JUNTE, hjongte, sf. Spanish council; junto; cabal. Jui'E, hjeup, sf. petticoat. 235 Jupiter, lijeu-pe-tair, sm. Jupiter, planet between Mars and Saturn. Jupo.v, hjeu-pong, sm. under-petticoat ; short petticoat. Jurande, hjeu - rangde, sf. wardenship ; wardens. Juratoire, Jijeu-rah-too-ar, adj. f. giving oath ; juratory. Jure, lijeu-rai, sm. juryman, jury; warden of a company. Jure, -e, hjeu-rai, adj. sworn. JuREMENT, hjeure-mung, em. oath. Jurer, hjeu-rai, va. n. 1 /•. to swear. JuilEUR, hjeu-rur, sm. swearer. Juridiction, hjeu-re-deeli-syong, sf. jurisdic- tion ; competence ; tribunal ; district. Juridique, hjeu-re-deek, adj. juridical ; ac- cording to law, justice, legal form-;. Juridiquement, hjeu-re-deek-mang , ad. ju- ridically; in a legal manner. Jurisconsulte, hjeu -reess - hong • seidl, sm. counsellor ; jurisconsult. Jurisprudence, hjeu-reess-preu-dangsse, sf. science of the law ; jurisprudence. Jurists, hjeu-reest, sm. civilian. Joron, hjeu-rong, sm. oath ; habitual swear- ing in conversation, anger, usu-te-fyai, vref. to clear one's sell"; prove one's innocence. Jcvenil, -E, hjeii-ruh-neel, -!, a !j. young ; youthful ; juvenile. Juxta-position, hjeuks-tajtcpo-zp-sgong, sf. apposition; external addition of parts. K. KABAC, IhrtJi-t'ah, .'in. Russian public-house. Kabin, khah-baing, sm. temporary marriage among the Mahometans. Kagne, khah-ing-yuh, sf. very fine Italian paste, dough, or pastry. Kaleidoscope, khah-lai-e-do-skop, sm. erer- varying prism ; kaleidoscope. Kali, khah-le, sm. sea-wee 1, of the ashes of which glass is made ; kali ; alkali. Kan or Kiia.v, khang. sm. Tartar prince, chief, commander ; Eastern bazaar. Kebhes, kair-mess, sm. kermes ; oak-apple; oxide of antimony ; red sulphate. Kermesse, kair-mess, sf. .annual Dutch fair. Kilo, ke-lo, sm. thousand (French weight and measure). Kiox, kyang, sf. swelling of the uvula. Kiosqce, kyosk, sm. Turkish pavilion. Knout, noot, sm. bastinado, whipping, pun- ishment in Russia. Korbax, kor-bang, sm. Oriental feast. Kouan, koo-cmg, am. carmine plant, Ktkielle, ke-ryeV, sf. long string or series. Ktste, Jieest, sm. tumor; swelling; cyst. L. La, lah, def. art. fern, of le, the ; as, La table, lahlnbl, sf. the table. La, lah, preconj. pron. her, it. (This pro- noun is always governed by a verb, before which it is placed.) La, bth, sm. note of music. La. lah, ad. there ; thither ; to that place, point. La-la, lahdah, ad. exp. so so ; pretty well, come come ; softly ; gently ; not so fast. Li hact, iuh-hoc, ad. exp. there above ; up stairs. La bas, lah-lah, ad. exp. there below, down. Li DESSUS, lah-dseue, ad. exp. thereupon; upon that ; up there. La DESSOUS, lah-dsooe, ad. exp. under that. La DEDANS, lah-duh-dang, ad. exp. there within ; in that place. La Contke, lah-kongtr, ad. exp. hard by; against that. De-la, duh-lah, ad. exp. thence ; from that place, time ; for that reason. Par-la, pardah, ad. exp. through that place; that way. LABEUR, (ah-bur, sm. labor; toil; work, pains. Labial, -e, lah-be-yal, adj. uttered by the lips. L ■. .IE, -E. lah-be-;/ai,-e, adj. formed with lips. Labile, lah-beel, adj. /. slippery ; failing; frail. Laboratoibe, bilt-bo-rah-t. \ r . to till; plough ; toil ; work hard ; suffer much ; endure. Laboureur, lah-bno-rur, sin. farmer; plough- man ; husbandman ; tiller. LabURNE, lah-hf ion, sm. laburnum. Labyrinths, Idh-be-raingte, sm. maze. Lac, lack, sm. lake. Lacer, lah-sai, ra. 1 r. to lace. Laceration, lah-sai-rah-syong, sf. tearing ; rending. LaCERER, hih-sai-ral, ra. 1 r. to tear ; rend. Laceron", lass-rang. sm. sow-thistle. Lacet, lali-say, sm. lace ; snare ; cord, noose. Lacecr, bih-sur, sm. laeeman. Lache, lahdi, sm. coward ; scoundrel. Lache, lafish, adj. slack; loose; relaxed; indolent; idle; effeminate; cowardly; base. LAciie, li.ihsh, ad. loosely; not fast, not firmly. Le temps est lache, close sultry weather. LachemeNT, lithsh - mang, ad. meanly; cowardly; effeminately; without generosity. Lacher, Ihh-shai, va.l r. to unbend; slacken; loosen ; let slip ; abandon ; desist from. Ld'her prise, to let go one's hold. Lacher le pied, to lose ground. Se lAciier, suhdah-shai, vref. to slacken ; fly off ; unbend ; speak at random. Lachete, lahsh-tai, sf. indolence ; effemina- cy ; idleness ; cowardice ; base action. Lacis, lah-see, sm. net-work, netting. Lacon'iqce, uA-ho-fieek, adj. short ; brief. Laconiqcement, lah - ko - neek - mang, ad. briefly ; concisely ; in few words. Laconisme, lah-ko-neessm, sm. short, pithy expression ; concise style. Lacrymal, -e, lah-kre-mal, ad. producing tears. Lacrymatoire, lah-kre-meh-too-ar, adj. lachrimatory, containing tears. Lacs, lah, smp. snares ; knot ; fascination. Lacte, -e, lack-tai, -e, adj. milky ; lactary. Lacuxe, laJi-kune, sf. defect ; want ; gap ; discontinuation ; interval ; blemish. Ladanuh, lah-dah-nong, sm. opiate. Ladre, ladr, sm. miser. Ladre, ladr, adj. leprous; sordid; avaricious. Ladrerie, lah-druh-ree, sf. leprosy ; sordid- ness. Lagon, lab-gong, sm. small sea-water lake. LAGCHE, lah-gune, sf. small lake, pool in marshes. Lai, lay, sm. lay, ditty ; ballad ; layman. Lai, -e, lay, -e, adj. laical ; not of the clergy. Laid, -e, lay, led, adj. ugly; deformed; dis- agreeable. Laidekon, led-rong, sf. ordinary woman. Laidecr, lay-dur, tf, ugliness ; deformity. Laie, laye, sf. female of the wild boar, wild sow. Laixage, lay-nahje, sm. woollen goods or trade. 239 LAM LAP Laine, layne sf. wool ; fleece ; short thick curly hair. Lainek, lay-nai, va. 1 r. to raise the nap of cloth. Lainerie, layne-ree, sf. woollen trade or manufactory. Laineux, -se, lay-nuhe, -ze, adj. woolly. Lainier, lay-nyai, sm. wool-stapler. Laique, lah-eek, sm. and adj. laical ; of the laity. Laisse, less, sf. leash ; hat- Dan d ; band ; string. Laisses de la mer, sea-wreck. .Laisse it, lay-sui, va. 1 r. to quit ; abandon ; leave; forget; deposit; yield; neglect; suffer. Laissez-moi, let me alone. Laisser la vie, to lay down ones life. Se laisser aller, to yield. Laisser-aller, lay-sai-ah-lai. sm. negli- gence ; abandonment ; insensibility. Lait, lay, sm. milk. Laitage, lay-tahje, sm. milk -food, butter, cream, cheese, curds. Laitance or Laite, lay-tangsse or lett, sf. milt ; roe of the male fish. Laite, -e, lay-tai, -e.adj. with a soft roe. LAiTERiE,toi ree,sf. dairy, place to keep milk. Laiteron, lett-rong, sm. sow-thistle. Laiteux, -se, laytuhe, -ze, adj. milky, full of milk. Laitier, lay-tyai, sm. milky scum on melt- ing metal ; milkman. Laitiere, lay'-tyayre, sf. milk woman, maid. Laiton, lay-long, sm. latten ; brass. Laitue, lay-teue, sf. lettuce. Laize, layze, sf. breadth of cloth, or stuff be- tween the two selvages. Lama, lahmah, sm. Tartar priest. Lamaneur, Idh-maJi-nur, sm. coast pilot. Lambeau, -x, lang-bo, -e, sm. shred ; tatter ; fragment. Lambin, -e, laing-baing, been, smf. and adj. drone ; sluggard ; slow, inactive. T,AMinsER, langbe-nai, to drone; loiter. LAMBOURDE,?a)!.f/-tow/-(Z,.'./.chalk; mark; joist. Lambris, lang-bree, sm. wainscot ; mansion. IjAMbrissagf., lanfjbre-sahje,sm. wainscoting. Lambrisser, langbre-sai, va. 1 r. to wainscot. Lame, lamm, sf. blade ; swordsman ; billow: gold or Dutch leaf; shrew. Lame, -e, lah-mai, -e, adj. laminated, plated. Lamentable, lah-mang-tabl, adj. mournful ; sad. Lamentablement, lah-mang-labl-mang, ad. mournfully ; with grief, sorrow. ItAXE&TAiiO&Jah-mang-tah-sytmffiiif. lament. Lamen'ter, lan-mang-tai, va. 1 r. to bewail. Se lamenter, suh-lah-mang-tai, vref. to mourn. Lamie, lah-mee, sf. very large shark. Laminage, lah-me-nalje, sm. plating, grind- ing of glades, &c, reducing to a uniform thickness. Laminer, lah-me-nai, va. 1 r. to plate. Lamin oir, lah-me-noo-ar ,sm. plating machine or tool. Lampas, lang-pass, sm. lampass, lump of flesh in the roof of the horse's mouth. Lampe, langpe, sf. lamp ; Spanish camlet. Lampee, lang-paie, sf. bumper ; brimmer. Lamper, langpai, va. n. 1 r. to drink full bumpers. Lamperon, lungpe-rong , sm. socket of a lamp. Lampion, lang-pyong, sm. small lamp of glass, Ac. 240 Lamproie, lavg-proo-hh, sf. lamprey. Lance, langsse, sf. lance ; lancet ; flag-staff. Baixser la lance, to submit. Lancer, lang-sai,va.l r. to dart; launch; cast. Se lancer, suh-lang-sai, vref. to rush, launch out. Lancette, lang-sett, sf. lancet. Lancier, lang-syai, sm. lancer ; lance-maker. Yj AXC15 AST, -E,lang-se-nang,-te, adj. shooting. hANQOlR,lang-soo-ar,sm. sluice ofa mill-dam. Landes, langde, sfp. heaths ; dry passages. Landgrave, langde-gr.av, sm. landgrave, titlo ofa German prince. Landguaviat,, sin. land- graviate. Landier, Jartg-dyai, sm. large andiron. Laneret, lann-ray, sm. small hawk; laneret. Langage, lang-ghahje, sm. liinguage ; style ; peculiar manner of expression. Lange, lang/ije, sm. swaddling clothes. Langoureusement, lang-goo-mlize-mang, ad. in a languid manner ; feebly. Langoureux, -se, Icaig-goo-ruhe, -ze, adj. languid. Langouste, lang-goost, sf. lobster ; grasshop- per. IjASGUEJang-g.sf. tongue; language; speech; fluency ; idiom ; isthmus. Donner da plat de la langue, to flatter. Langue (coup de), Aou-dlang-g, idi. exp. mti. slander. Langue (prendre), prangdr-lang-g, v. 4 irr. to inquire ; ask questions about. Languette, lang-gaytt, sf. small tongue. Langueur, hing-gur, sf. faintness ; weak- ness ; indolence ; effeminacy ; idleness. Langueyage, lang-gai-yahje, sm. examina- tion of a hog's tongue. Langueyer, langgai-yai, va. 1 r. to exam- ine a hog's tongue to sec if it is leprous. Langueyeur, lung-gai-yur, sm. examiner of a hog's tongue. Languier, king - ghe - ai, sm. smoked hog's tongue. Languiu, lang-gueer, vn. 2 r. to languish ; pine away; wait with impatience; sigh after. LaNGUISSAMMENT, lang-gue-sah-mang, ad. languishingly ; in a tender manner. Languissant, -e, lang-gue-sang, -te, adj. lan- guishing ; languid ; feeble ; dull. Lanier, lah-nyai, sm. lanner ; female hawk. Laniere, lah-vyayre, sf. long narrow leather strap. Lanifere, lah-ne-fayre, adj. woolly; bearing wool. Lansquenet, langsse-huh-nay, sin. German foot-soldier ; game at cards, lansquenet. Lantern e, lang-taimn, sf. lantern, turret. Lanterne soukde, lang-tairnn-soord, sf. dark lantern. Lanterner, lang-tair-nai, va. n. 1 r. to put off with vain prom : ses; tease with nonsense; hesitate ; lose time on trifles. Lanternes, lang-tairne, sfp. nonsense. Lanternerie, lang-tairn-ree,sf. irresolution; foolish difficulty ; nonsense ; idle stories. Lanternier, -e, lang-tair-nyai, -re, smf. lantern-maker; lamplighter; dallier; trifler. Lanugineux, -se, lali-neu-hje-nuhe, -ze, adj. downy ; covered with soft hair. Laper, lah-pai, vn. 1 r. to lap ; lick up. Lapereau, -x, lap-ro, -e, sm. young rabbit. Lapidaire, lahpe-dayre, sm. dealer in stones or gems ; lapidary ; diamond-cutter. LAS LAY Lapidatiox, lah-pe-dah-si/ong, sf. stoning. Lapidf.k, lah-pe-dni, va. I r. to stone; kill by stoning ; declaim violently against. LapIDIFH'ATIO.V, lali -pe-de-fe- /.huh- sgong, sf. formation of stones ; stony concretion. Lapidifier, tak-pe-de-fi/ai, va. 1 r. to form into stone ; reduce metals to stone. LATCH, lah-paing, sin. rabbit. Lapine, lah-peen, sf. doc rabbit. Lapis, lah-press, sin. lapis, blue stone streak- ed with white ; lapis lazuli. Laps, laps*, sin. lapse; flow; glide; space; fall. Laps, -e, lapss, adj. lapsed ; fallen from faith. Lapset re la ps, lapss-ai-ruh-lapss, adj. time- serving apostate. Laquais, lan-key, sm. lackey; footman; foot- boy. La que, faefc, sf. gum-lac ; lake; purple color. Laque, hick, sm. lacker ; Chinese varnish ; china-ware. Laquelle, lah-bell, pron. rel. f. of leqnel, which. Larcin. lar-saing, sm. theft ; robbery ; pla- giarism. Laud, Jar, sm. bacon : Larder, lar-dai, va. lard ; swine's grease. 1 /•. to lard ; fatten ; sf. larding pin. thin narrow slice of sarcasm ; jeer ; sup- lampoon. Lardoire, lar-doo-ar, Lardo.v, lar-dong, sin bacon. Lardox, lar-dong, sm. piemen t. Larfs, larhe, smp. (poet.) house ; household- gods. Large, larhje, sm. breadth ; wideness ; high sea. Eire an large, to have elbow-room. Large, larhje, adj. large ; wide ; vast; great. Large, larhje, ad. with too great extent. Largekest, larhje-mang, ad. liberally; in an ample manner ; abundantly. Largesse, lar-hjess, sf. liberality ; donations; gifts. Largeur, lar-hjur, sf. width, breadth; extent. Largo, lar-go, ad. very slowly, in music. Largue, largg, adj. offing ; open. A LA largue, ahdah-largg, ad. exp. off at sea. Larguer, lar-gai, va. n. 1 r. to let go, carry full sails. Larigot, lah-re-go, sm. small flageolet ; or- gan-stop. A tire larigot, ah-tecr-lah -re-go, ad. exp. excessively ; without moderation ; like a fish. Larix, lah-reelis, sm. larch-tree. Larme, larm, sf. tear ; drop ; small quantity. Larmoyant, -e, lar-mooah-gang, -te, adj. in tears. Larmoter, lar-mooah gai, vn. 1 r. to weep. Larrox, lah-rong, sm. thief, swindler. LARROx>"EAC,-x,?aA-ro-7jp,-i?,s»t. young thief. Larves, larve, sfp. warraering souls of the wicked ; hobgoblins, evil genii. Las, -se, lah, Vahsse, adj. tired ; fatigued ; harassed ; weary ; teased to excess. Las, lahss I alas ! alack ! alack -a-day ! Lascif, -ve, lah-seeff, -seev, adj. lascivious; wanton. Lasciyement, lah-seev-mang, ad. loosely. Lascivete, Idh-seev-tai, sf. wantonness. Lassant, -e, lah-sang, -te, adj. tiresome; te- dious. Lasser, lah-sai, va. 1 r. to tire ; weary ; tigue. (ID fa- Se lasser, suh-lahsai, vref. to grow tired, weary. Lassitude, lah-sa-teud, sf. weariness. Laste, last, sm. last ; two tons' weight. Lataniku, lah-tah-nyai, sm. American palm- tree, the leaves of which serve to cover houses. Latent, -e, lah-tang, -te, adj. hidden ; secret; concealed. Lateral, -e, lah-tai-ral, adj. of oron the side. Lateralement, lah-tai-ral-mang, ad. side- wise. Latin, lah-taing, sm. Latin tongue : plur. an- cient Romans ; western Catholics. Latin, -e, lah-taing, -teen, adj. Latin ; of La- tiura. Latiniser, lah-te-nc-zai, va. n. 1 r. to Latin- ize ; use Latin words ; speak Latin. Latinisme, lah-te-neessm, sm. Latin idiom. IjAtixiste, lah-te-nf-est, sm. adept in Latin. Latinite, lah-te-ne-tai, sf. Latin tongue, au- thors. Latitude, lah-te-teud, sf lajitude ; breadth ; extent; space; freedom of action. Latrie, lah-trce, sf. worship of God alone. Latrines, lah-treen, sfp. place of retirement. Latte, latt, sf lath. Latter, lah-tai, va. 1 r. to lath ; to fit up with laths. Lattis, lah-tee, sm. lathing; covering of laths. LAVDASXJiiJo-dah-nom, sm. soporific tincture. Laudes, lode, sfp. morning prayers ; lauds. Laureat, lo-ral-ah, sm. and adj. m. laureate, laureat. Laureole, lo-rai-oll, sf. spurge-laurel ; me- zereon. Lacrier, lo-ryai, sm. laurel; bay; glory; victory ; bay-tree. Lavage, lah-vahje, sm. washing; plash; squash. Lavaxde, lah-rangde, sf. lavender. Lavandier, lah-rang-dgai, sm. gentleman of the eury chamber. Lavandiere, lah-vang-dgngre, sf. laundress. Lavasse, lah-vass, sf heavy shower ; sudden rain ; too great a quantity of water in auy thing. Lave, lav, sf. lava ; sulphureous overflowing of a volcano. LAVE-MAixs,Zau-7na?H<7, sm. wash-hand basin. Lavement, lav-mang, sm. washing, injection. Layer, lah-vai, va. 1 r. to wash ; clean ; wa- ter; bathe; justify; exculpate; purge. Je m'en lave les mains, I wash my hands of it. Se layer, suh-lah-vai, vref. to bathe, wash, clear, justify oilo*s self. Laveton, lav-long, sm. coarse short wool or flock. Lavette, lah-vett, sf. dish-clout ; cloth to rub dishes. Laveur, -se, lah-vur, -vuhze, smf. washer. Layeuse -D'ecuelles, lah-vuhze-dai-ku-ell, idi. exp. sf. scullion, dish-wasber, scourer. T,AXis,lah-vee,sm. wash, in drawing, painting. Layoir, lah-roo-ar, sm. washing-place; laver; scullery ; sink. Lavure, lah-veur, sf. washing ; dish water or wash ; suds. Laxatif, -ye, laclc-sah-teeff, -teev, adj. laxa- tive ; opening. Layer, lay-yai, va. 1 r. to trace, open, cut a road or lane in a forest, &c. Layetier, lag - yuh ■ Ujai, sm. box -maker, trunk maker or seller. 241 LEN Layette, lay-pelt, sf. small box ; trunk; cas- ket ■ chest'; drawer ; child-bed linen. Lazaret, lah-zah-ray, sm. hospital, lazaretto. LAZZi,?a/i-se,s»i.drollery; jest; gesticulation. Le, luh, def. art. m. the. Le, luh, preconj. pron. him ; it ; so (this pro- noun is always governed by a verb, before which it is placed). Le, lai, sm. breadth of cloth between the lists. Leche, layshe, sf. thin slice. Leche doigt (a), ah-layshe-doo-ah, ad. exp. in a small quantity ; sparingly. Leche fkite, layshe-freet, sf. dripping-pan Lecher, lai-sha'i, va. 1 r. to lick; lap; elab- orate. . Le^on", Itih-song, sf. lesson ; advice; lecture. Lecteur, leck-iur, sm. reader ; lecturer. LectriCE, leck-treess, sf. reader. Lecture, leclc-teiir, sf. reading; perusal; knowledge ; study. Legal, -e, lai-qhal, adj. legal ; lawful. Legalement, lai-ghal-mang, ad. according to law, ill an upright manner. Legalization. laighah-le-zah-syong, sf. legal testimony ; sanction ; certificate. Legaliser, lai-ghah-lezai, va. 1 r. to author- ize ; make lawful ; legalize. Legalite, loiqhah-le-tai, sf. lawfulness. Legat, lai-ghah, sm. spiritual ambassador. Legataire, lai-ghah-tayre, smf. and adj. leg- atee ; legatary ; endowed with a legacy. Legation, lai-ghah-syong, sf. embassy. Lege, layhje, adj. m. empty ; light. Legendaire, lai-hjang-dayre, sm. writer of legends ; legendary. Legende, lai-hjangde, sf. legend ; long and tedious storv ; inscription. Leger, -e, lai-hjai, -re, adj. light, nimble ; thin ; fickle ; inconstant ; volatile ; giddy ; trifling. Legere connaissance, smattering. Legerement, lai-hjayre-mang, ad. lightly. Legerete, lai-hjayre-tai, sf. nimbleness ; lightness; agility; levity; giddiness. Legion, lai-hjyong, sf. legion ; great number, body of infantry, regiment. Legionnaire, lai-hjyonayre, sm. and adj. of a legion ; legionary soldier. Legislateur, -trice, lai - hjcess - lah - tur, -treess, smf. lawgiver; institutor of laws, legislator. Legislatif, -ve, lai-hjeess-lah-tecf, -leer, adj. of making or giving laws ; legislative. . Legislation, lai-ljeess-lah-syong, sf. institu- tion of laws ; legislation. Legislature, lai-hjeess-lah-teur, sf. govern- ment ; administration. # Legiste, lai-hjeest, sm. civilian ; counsellor. Legitimation, lai-hje-te-mah-syong, sf. legit- imation ; right of lawful birth. LEGiTiME,7ar-7i/e-tee?nm,*/.legitirflate portion. Legitime, lai-hje-teemm, adj. lawful ; just ; equitable ; natural ; founded on reason. Legitimement, lai-hje-teemm-mang, ad. ac- cording to law ; lawfully ; with reason. Legitimer, lai-hjete-mai, va. 1 r. to make lawful. Legitimite, lai-hje-te-me-tai, sf. legitimacy. Legs, lai,sm. legacy; bequest; remembrance. Leguer, lai-gai, va. Ir. to bequeath ; endow. Legume, lai-gume, sm. legume ; pulse. Legumineux, -se, lai-gu-me-nuhe, -ze, adj. of pulse. Lemme, lemm, sm. lemma ; pause ; silence. Lendemain, lanqde-mainq, sm. next day. 242 LEV Lendore, lang-dor, smf. and adj. sluggard ; lazy. Lenifier, lai-ne-fyai, va. 1 r. to assuage ; mitigate ; lenity ; appease ; calm. Lenitif, -ve, lai-ne-teef, -teen, sm. and adj. lenitive ; comfort ; assuasive ; emollient. Lent, -e, lang, -te, adj. slow ; negligent ; careless ; dull ; heavy ; inactive. Lente, tangle, sf. nit, egg of a louse. Lentement, langte-mahg\ad. slowly; tardily. Lenteur, lanq-iur, sf. slowness ; dulness. Lenticulaire, lang-te-Jcu-layre, adj. doubly convex ; of the form of a lens ; lenticular. LeNtille, lang-tee-yuh, sf. lentil, freckle; lens. Lentilleux, -se, lang-tee-yuhe, -ze, adj. freckly. Lentisque, langteesl; adj. mastich-tree; len- tisk. . Leonin, -e, lai-o-naing, -neen, adj. of the lion; profitable to the strong side ; with rhymes in the middle and end of a verse. Leopard, tai'-o-;)rtf,sm.leopard, spotted beast. Lepre, laupr, sf. leprosy ; scaly distemper. Lepreux. -se, lai-pruhe, -ze, smf. and adj. leper ; leprous. LeprOSERIe, lai-jyroze-ree, sf. lazaretto. Lequel, luh -Lei, pron. rtl.m. which, who, that. Les, ley, def. art. mfp. the. Les, lei/, preconj. pron. mfp. them (this pro- noun' is always governed by a verb, before which it, is placed). Lese, layze, adj. f. offensive ; impious ; aim- ing at- Lese-majeste, layze-mah-hjess-tai, sf. high- treason. Leser, lai-zai, va. 1 r. to offend; hurt; wrong. Lesine, lai-zcenn, sf. sordidness ; stinginess. Lesiner, laizenni, vri. 1 r. to save sordidly. Lesinerie, lai-zeenn-ree, sf. sordid habit, ac- tion. Lesion, lai-zyong, sf. wrong ; damage ; pre- judice. LesquelS. ley-tell, pron. rel. mp. which; who. Lessive, lay-seec, sf. lye ; washing of linen. Lessiver, lay-se-vai, va. 1 r. to wash in lye. Lest, lest, sm. ballast ; lastage ; cargo. Lestage, less-tahje, sm. lastage ; freightage. Leste, lestt, adj. spruce; neat ; nimble ; light ; skilful ; clever ; bold ; without ceremony. Lestemext, less-tuh-7iiang, ad. neatly, clev- erlv. Lester,, va. 1 r. to load with ballast. LeSteur, less-tur, sm. lighter, loading boat. Lethargie, lai-tar-hjee, sf. lethargy, morbid sleep. Letiiargique, lai-tar-hjeeJ;, adj. sleepy by disease; drowsy; indolent; insensible. _ Lettre, laytr, sf. letter; order; bill; invoice; type : plur. letters ; science ; belles lettres. Lettre de chanqe, bill of exchange. Lettre, -e, lay-trai, -e, sm. and adj. scholar; man of letters ; literate ; learned. Lettrine, lay-treen, sf. capital letter ; small indicative letter. Leur, lur, possess, art. mf. their. Leur, lur, preconj. pron. mfp. to them; placed before the verb. Le leur, la leur, les leurs, luh-lur, lah- lur, ley-luhre, possess, pron. mf. theirs. Let/ere, luhre, sm. bait ; lure ; enticement. Leurrer, luhe-rai, va. 1 r. to lure ; entice. Levain, luhvaing, sm. leaven; rancor; cause; origin ; germ ; ferment. LIB LIG Levant, luh-vang, an. and adj. m. east ; ori- ent ; Levant ; easterly ; oriental ; rising. Leva.ntin, -e, luh-vang -taing, -teen, smf. and adj. native of the east ; oriental. Leve, layv, sf. bat; mall. Levee, luh-vaie, .<•/. harvest ; opening of the letter-box; rising; levy; recruiting; cause- way. Lever, hih-rni, eft. 1 r. to raise ; lift up ; re- move ; gather ; cut ; levy ; takeoff. Ltvr le camp, to break up. t'aire lever une per- drix, to spring a partridge. Se lever, suhluh-vai. ore/, to rise ; stand up. Levek, luh-vai, fin. rising. Leveu du soleii,, luh-vni-deu-so-lay-yuli, sm. sunrise ; morning ; daybreak. Leveur, luh-vur, sm. lifter ; raiser ; gatherer. Levieb, luh-vyai, sm. lever. Leviere, luhvyaire, sf. large rope. Levis (pont), pong-luh-vee, fin. draw-bridge. Levite, lai-veett, an. Lcvite, Hebrew priest. Levitiqce, lai-ve-teek, fin. andadj. Leviticus; Levitical ; of the Levite*. Levraut, luh-vroe, sin. leveret ; young hare. Levre, Iciyvr, sf. lip. Levrette, luh-vrett, ff. female greyhound. Levrier, lai-rre-yai, fin. greyhound. Levron, luh-vrong, fin. young greyhound, beautiful Italian greyhound. Levcre, luh-reur, ff. yeast ; rind of bacon ; first row of meshes. Lexicographe, lerk-se-l;o-graff, sin. writer of dictionaries ; lexicographer. Lexique, leck-seek, fin. Greek dictionary, &c. Lezard, bti-zar, fin. lizard, small animal. Lezarde, lai-zardd, ff. chink, crevice in a wall. Liais, lyey, sm. very hard freestone. Liaison, lyay-zong, sf. tie ; junction ; union ; hair-stroke; intimacy; connection; mortar; brace. LiAiSONNEn, lyay-zo-nai, va. 1 r. to bind; join together ; cement. Lian't, -E, lyatig, -le, sm. and adj. mildness ; compliance ; affable ; courteous ; complai- sant. Liaud, hjar, sm. farthing. Liardek, lyar-dai, vn. 1 r. to club pence ; give a very small sum ; pay a penny at a time ; stint. Liasse, lyaJX, sf. bundle of papers, string, lace. Libation, le-Lah-syijii'i, ff. pouring of wine, Ac. Libelle, libel; defamatory writing; exposition ; declaration ; specification. Libeller, le-iay-lai, va. 1 r. to specify; de- clare in a legal manner. Liberal, -e, le-bai-ral, adj. generous ; benefi- cent ; munificent; bountiful; liberal. Liberalement, lebai-ral-mang, ad. with lib- erality, in a becoming manner. Liberalite, le-bai-rahde-tai, ff. generosity ; munificence ; present ; gift. Liberateur, -trice, le-bai-rah-tur, -treess, smf. deliverer ; preserver ; saver. Liberation, le-bai-rah-syong, ff. delivery ; release ; discharge. Liberer, le bai-rai, va. 1 r. to discharge ; free ; exempt ; disengage. Se liberek, snh-tebai-rai, vref. to free one's self from, deliver one's self. Liberte, le-bair-tai, ff. freedom ; boldness. Libertin", -e, le-bair-taing, -teen, smf. and adj. rake; libertine; licentious, irreligious. Libektixage, le-bair-tenafije, em. licentious- ness; volatility; irreligion. LlHERTINER, le-bair-lenai, vn. 1 r. to lead a disorderly life ; be dissipated. lARKMRE,le-b+iiyre,siu. bookseller; librarian. Librairie, le^ray-ree, sf. bookselling ; com- pany of booksellers. Libratio.v, le-brah-syong, sf. liberation. Libre, leebr, adj. free ;'bold ; indiscreet; li- centious ; easy ; graceful ; unemployed. Libkeme.nt, le-bruh-inang, ad. freely; with- out ceremony ; familiarly. Lice, leess, sf. list ; competition ; tapestry. Licence, le-sangsse, sf. liberty; permission; license; licentiousness; disorderly conduct. Licencie, le-sangsyaA, an. licentiate. LiCEisclEUZsr,le-sa7ig-see-mang, fin. disband- ing of troops. Licencier, le-sang-syai, va. 1 r. to licentiate; set at liberty ; disband troops. Licencieusement, Te-sang-tyuhze-mang, ad. licentiously, in a disorderly manner. Licenciecx, -se, le-sang-syuhe, -ze, adj. li- centious ; disorderly ; indecent ; immoral. Licitation, le-se-tah-.-yong, sf. sale of landed property. Licite, le-seet, adj. lawful ; legal ; allowed. Incitement, le-setti-mang, ad. lawfully. Liciter, le-se-tai, va. 1 r. to sell by auction. LlCORNE, le-kornn, sf. unicorn. Licou, -x, le-lcoo, -e, sm. halter; hanging-rope. Licteur, lick-titr, sm. Iictor ; beadle. Lie, lee, sf. sediment ; dregs ; lees ; populace. Lie, lee, adj. joyful ; merry ; gay ; glad. Chere lie, shay re-lee, sf. merry feast, living. Liege, lyaihje, sm. cork, green oak, cork- tree. Z,iiGEr.,lyai-7ijai,va. 1 r. to fit with cork; cork. Lie>", leyaing, sm. band ; bandage ; strap ; bond ; union ; bondage ; subjection. Lier, lyai, va. 1 r. to tie; bind; join together; mix ; unite ; oblige ; constrain ; brace. Un discours bien lie, a coherent discourse. Se lier, suh-lyai, vref. to engage ; thicken ; league. Lierre, lyayre. sm. ivy (plant). Liesse, lyess, sf. joy ; liveliness ; merriment. Lieu, lyuh, sm. place; country; cause; means; subject ; passage ; rank ; birth ; origin. Ves has lieux,lhc earth. Enaucun lieu, nowhere. Lieux, lyuJte, smp. necessary-house, privy. Ai" lieu de, o-lyuh-duh, prep, instead of ; far from. Au lieu que, o-lyiih-7cuh, cam. whereas. Lieu de (tenir), tuh-neer-tyuh-duh, v. 2 far. to supply ; fill the place of ; be equivalent to. Lieue, lyuhe, sf. league, three miles. Lieur, iyur, sm. sheaf-binder. Lieutenance, lyuh-tnangsse, sf. lieutenancy. Lieutenant, lyuh-tnang. sm. lieutenant. Lieutenant de ROI, lyuh-tnang-duh-roo-ah, sm. lord lieutenant. Lievre, lyayvr. sm. hare. Ligament, Ifrgnah-mang, sm. ligament. Ligamenteux, -se, leghah-mang-tuhe, -ze, adj. stringy ; ligamentous ; of ligaments. Ligature, le ghah-teur, sf. bondage. Lige, leehje, sm. and adj. vassal ; liege ; sub- ject ; loyal ; bound by feudal tenure. Lignage, leeng-yahje, sm. liueage ; origin ; birth. Ligne, leeng-yuh, sf. line. Lignee, leeng-yaie,sf. race ; issue ; offspring. Lign'eul, leeng-yul, sm. suoemakei's twine. 2i3 LIN LIT Ligneux, -SE, leeng-yuhe, -ze, adj. woody ; like wood. Ligue, leegg, sf. league; combination; faction. Liguer, le-yai, va. 1 r. to unite ; ally ; join in a league. Se liguer, suli-legai, vref. to confederate. Ligueur, -SE, le-ghur, -ghuhze, sm. leaguer ; confederate ; caballer ; intriguer. Lilas, le-lah, sm. lilac ; pipe-tree. Limace, le-mass, if. slug ; large Die ; Archi- medes' screw. LlMACON, le mah-song, sin. snail. Limaqon de mer, le-mah-song-dmair, sm. periwinkle ; sea-snail. Limaille, le-mah-yuh, sf. filings ; limature. Limaxde, le-mangde, *f. burt ; bret, flat-fish. Limbs, Iningbe, sm. limb ; border ; glory : plur. limbo. Lime, leentm, sf. file ; lime ; cockle ; tusk. Limer, le-mui,' va. 1 r. to file ; polish. Limeuu, le-mur, sm. filer; polisher. Limier, le-ntyai, sm. bloodhound ; spy ; in- former. Limitatif, -tive, le-me-tah-teejf ', -teev, adj. limiting; circumscribing. Limitation, le-me-tah-syong, sf. restriction ; determination ; fixation. Limite, le-meett, sf. limit ; bound; restriction. Limits, -e, le-me-tai, -e, adj. fixed ; deter- mined. Limiter, le-me-tai, ra. 1 r. to limit ; restrain. Limites, le-meet, sfp. boundaries ; borders ; confines ; frontiers. Limitrophe, le-me-troff, adj. contiguous; ad- joining • bordering upon. Limon, le-mong, sm. mud ; slime ; clay; lime ; shaft. Limonadi?, le-mo-nad, sf. lemonade ; drink made of sugar, water, and juice of lemons. Limonadier, -E, le-mo-nah-dyai, -re, smf. lemonade seller or maker. Limoneux, -se, le-mo-nuhe, -ze, adj. muddy. Limoxier, le-mo-nyai, sm. thill-horse ; lime- tree. Limoxiere, le-mo-rtynyre, sf. thill : shafts. Limousin, le-moo-zaing, sm. rough-casting mason. Limousin age, le-mao-ze-nahje,sm. rough -cast. Limpide, laing-peed, adj. clear ; pure ; trans- parent. Limfidite, laing-pe-de-tai, sf. clearness ; pu- rity. Limure, le-meur, sf. filing; limature. Lin, laing, sm. flax ; lint; linen, linseed. Linceul, laing-sul, sm. shroud; winding- sheet. Line AIRE, le-nai-ayre, adj. of lines ; linear ; oblong ; long and of the same width. Lineal, -e, le-nai-al, adj. of lines; by de- scent. Lineament, le-nai-ah-mavg, sm. feature; sketch. Linge, laingltje, sm. linen ; body or house- linen. Linger, -e, laing-hjai, -re, smf. linen-draper ; seamstress. Lingerie, lainghje-ree, sf. linen drapery, press. LlXGOT, laing-go, sm. ingot ; mass of metal. LiNGOTniiKEJaing-go-tyayre, sf. ineot-mould. Lingual, -e, laing-gu-ai, adj. of the tongue ; uttered by the tongue. Lingue, laing-g, sf. ling, cod very lean and green. 244 Linguiste, laing-gu-eest, sm. linguist. Lixgcistiqce, laing-gu-eeps-teek, sf. philolo- gy ; comparative study of languages. Lixiere, le-nyayre, sf. flax-field ; woman flax seller or gatherer. Liniment, lent-mang, sm. balsam ; oint- ment. Linox, le-nong, sm. lawn ; very fine white linen. Linotte, le-noll, sf. linnet ; Bmall singing- bird. Linteau, -x, laing-to, -e, sm. lintel. Lion, -xe, lyong, lyonn, S7tif. lion, lioness. Lioxceau, -x, lyong-so, -e, sin. young lion. Lippe, leepp, sf pouting under-lip. Lippee, le-paie, sf. mouthful ; bite. Fraxche lippee, frangsh-le-paie, sf. free scot, at other people's expense. Lippitcde, le-pe-teud, sf. blearedness. Lippu, -E, le-pe.u, adj. thick-lipped. Liquefaction, le-lmai-facksyting, sf. melt- ing. Liquefier, le-kuai-fyai, va. 1 r. to melt, dissolve. Liqueur, le-kur, sf. liquor ; strong drink ; dram. Liquidation, leke-dah-syong, sf. clearing ; settling, closing of an account. Liquide, le-keed, sm. and adj. liquid sub- stance ; soft ; clear ; free ; unclogged. Liquider, le-ke-dai, va. 1 r. to clear ; settle. Liquidite, le-ke-detai, sf. liquidity ; fluency. Liquoreux, -SE, le-ko-ruhe, -ze, adj. lus- cious. Lire, leer, va. 4 irr. to read, peruse ; study ; know. Lis, lee, pres. ind. of lire, read. Lis, Icfss. s7n. lily. LISA NT, le-zang, pres. part, of lire, reading. Liserage, leeze-rahje, sm. embroidery ; bor- der. Liserer, le-zai-rai, va. 1 r. to embroider the edge. Liseur, -SE, le-zur, zidize, smf. reader ; lover of reading. Lisible, le-zeebl, adj. legible ; agreeable to read. Lisielement, le-zeebl -many, ad. legibly; clearly. Lisiere, Ic-zynyre, sf. selvage ; list ; border ; edge, leading-string. Lisse, leess, sf. and adj. cross-beam of rails ; twine ; polisher ; smooth ; sleek ; glossy. Lisser, le-sai, va. 1 r. to gloss ; polish ; smooth. LlSSOIR, le-soo-ar, sm. polisher ; burnisher. Liste, leest, sf. list ; roll ; catalogue ; series. Lit, le, sm. bed ; bedding ; marriage ; chan- nel. Lit de plume, leed-pleem, sm. feather-bed. Lit d'axge, le-danghje, sm. tent or canopy bed. Lit de repos, leed-ruh-poe, sm. couch ; seat of repose. Lit de camp, leed-lcang, sm. field or folding bed. Lit a roulettes, lce-ah-roo-lett, sm. truckle- bed. Litaxies, le-tah-nee, sfp. litany ; long and tedious enumeration. Liteau, -x, le to, -e, sm. wolfs den : phtr. red or blue stripes on the edge of linen. Litharge, le-larhje, sf. litharge, vitrified lead. LOG LOQ Litiere, le-tyayre, sf. litter; straw ; bed ; dung. Litige, le-teehje, sm. lawsuit ; process in law. Litigieux, -se, le-te-hjyuhe, -ze, adj. dispu- table. Lithe, leelr, sf. black girdle round a church. Litre,, sm. quart. Litron, le-trong, sm. quarter of a peck. Litteraike, k-tai-iayre, adj. learned; of letters. Litteral, -e, le-tai-ral, adj. word for word ; tothclctter; with close adherence to words. Litter a i.eji est, le-tui- ml- mo ng.nd. literally. Litterateur, le-tai-rah-tur, sm. scholar. Litteratuke, le-tai-rahteur, sf. learning ; literature. Littoral, -e, le-to-ral, adj. of the shore ; near, frequenting the shores: littoral. Liturgie, le-teur-hjec, sf. liturgy". Liturgique, le-teur-hjeek, adj. of the liturgy, of prayers. Litre, lyeur. sf. cart-rope. Livide, le-veed, adj. livid ; black and blue. Lividite, le-ve-de-tai, sf. lividity ; discolora- tion. Livraison, le-vray-~ong,sf delivery of goods. Livre, leevr, sm. book ; volume. Livre, leevr, sf. pound; livre, French coin worth nearly ten-pence halfpenny English. Livree, le-vraie, sf. livery, dress of men- servants ; mark ; characteristic. Livrer, le-vrai, va. 1 r. to deliver ; give ; abandon; give up; betray. Livrer bataille, to join battle. Se livrer, s'dt-le-vrai. vref. to put one's self in the power of ; confide in ; abandon one's self. Livret, le-vray, sm. small book. Lobe, lobe, sm. lobe : lap of tire ear. Local, lo-khal, sm. place : extent ; situation. Local, -e, lo-khal, adj. of a place ; belong- ing, natural to the place ; local. Localite, lo-khahde-tai, sf. property of the place. Locataire, lo-khah-tayre, smf. lodger ; ten- ant. Locatif, -tive, lo-khaJi-teeff, -teev, adj. of the tenant. Location, lo-khah-syong, sf. letting ; hire. Loche, losh, sf. loach, little fresh-water fish. Locher, lo-shai, va. v. 1 r. to shake ; be loose ; go on badly, slowly ; totter. Lochet, lo-shay, sm. narrow spade. Locomotive, lo-ko-mo-teev, sf. locomotive. Locustelle, lo-keu-stell, sf. locust. Locution, lo-ku-syong, sf. expression, phrase. Lof, loff, sm. loot' of a ship. Logarithms, lo-ghah-reetm, sm. logarithm. f Loge, 1'ihj, sf cottage ; hut ; kennel, lodge ; box ; stall ; booth. Logeable, lo-hjabl, adj. habitable, fit to dwell in. Logement, lohj-mang, sm. lodging; lodg- ment. Loger, lo-hjai, va. 1 r. to lodge, harbor, con- fine. LoGER, lo-hjai, vn. 1 r. to lodge ; dwell ; stay. Se loger, suh-lo-hjai, vref. to take a lodg- ing ; retire ; build a house for one's self. Logf.tte, lo-hjell, sf. small cottage, hut, lodge. Logeor, lo-hjur, sm. lodging-house keeper. Logicien, lo-hje-syaing, si/t. logician; rea- soner. Logique, lo-hjeek, sf. logic ; art of reason- ing. Log is, lo-hjee, sm. lodging ; home ; house ; inn. LOGOGRIPHE, lo-go-greeff, sm. riddle ; rebns. Logomachie, lo-go-mah-shee, sf. contention in or about words. Loi, loo - ah, sf. law ; decree ; authority ; power. Gens de loi, hjanghe-duh-ioo-ah, smp. law- yers. Loin, loo-aing, ad. far; afar off; a great way off. Loin de, loo-aing-duh. prep, and int. far from. Loin DE, loo-aing-duh, coiij. (governing the inf.) far from. Bien loin de, very far from. Loin que, loo-aing-kuh, conj. (governing the sub.) far from. Au LOIN, o-loo-aing, ad. exp. in a remote place. De loin, duh-loo-aing, ad. e.rp. at a dis- tance ; from afar, afar off. Parens de loin, very distant relations. De loin a or en loin, duh-loo-aing-ah or ang-loo-aing, ad. exp. now and then ; but seldom. Loin d'ici ! loo-aing-de-se, int. hence ! away ! begone ! out of my sight ! Lointain, loo-aing-taing, sm. distance. Lointain, -e, loo-ainq-taing, -tenn, adj. dis- tant. Loir, loo-ar, sm. dormouse. Loisible, loo-ah-zetbl, adj. lawful. Loisir, loo-ah-zeer, sm. leisure. Lok, lock, sm. lohock ; electary ; linctus. Lombaire, long-bayre, adj. of the loins, reins. Lombard, long-bar, sm. pawnbroker. Lombes, longbe, snip, loins ; reins. Long, -UE, long, long-g, adj. long ; diffuse ; slow. Long, long, sm. length ; extent ; end. Tout du long, all at length. Le long de, luh-long-duh, prep, along ; by ; all the time of. Au long, o-long, ad. exp. amply, in a dif- fuse manner. A la longue, ah-lah-long-g, ad. exp. in the long run ; imperceptibly. De longuemain, duh-tong-g-maing, ad. exp. long before ; a long time since. Long - temps, long - tang, ad. a long time since ; long ago ; a long while. Longanimite, long-ghah-ne-nie-iai, sf. for- bearance; patience; forgiving disposition. Longe, longhje, sf. leather strap ; loin. Longevite, long-hjaive-tai, sf. length of life. Longitude, lortg-hje-teiid, sf. longitude ; dis- tance of a place east or west from a me- ridian. Longitudinal, -e, long-hje-teu-de-nal, adj. extended in length. Long-JOINTE, -E, long-hjoo-aing-tai, -e, adj. long-jointed ; too long. Longuement, long gmang, ad. at length ; in detail ; during a long time. Longuet, -te, long-gay, -le, adj. pretty long. Longueur, long-ghnr, sf. length; extent; slowness : plu. delays ; obstacles ; long passages. Lopin, lopaing, sm. bit, morsel ; lunch. Loquacite, lo-koo-ah-se-iai,sf. too much talk. LOQUE, lock, sf. tatter; rajj. Loquet, lo-kay, sm. latch ; catch at a door. Louueteau, -x, lock-to, -c, sm. small latch. 213 LOU LUM Loquette, lo-kett, sf. small rag ; lock of wool. LORGNER, lor-ing-yai, va. 1 r. to ogle ; leer ; to covet ; wish for ; aim at. Lorgxerie, lor-ingyuh ree, sf. ogling ; leer- ing. Lorgnette, lor-tng-yett, sf. spymg-glass. Lorgxeur, -SE, lor-ing-yur, -yuhze, smf. ogler. Lorgxon, lor-ing-yang, sm. eye-glass. Loriot, lo-ryo, sm. yellow-bammer ; baker's kneading-trough. Lors DE, lor-du/i, prep, when ; at the time that. Desxors, dey-lor, ad. ezp. from that time ; in consequence of. Pour lors, poor-lor, ad. exp. then ; at that time ; in that case ; it being so. LORSO.UE, lors-huh, conj. when ; whilst ; du- ring. Losaxge, lo-zanghjr. sf. lozenge. Lot, lo, sm. lot ; portion ; share ; condition ; fate. Loterie, lott-ree, sf. lottery ; chance ; un- certainty. Loti, -e, lo-tc, -e, adj. endowed ; gifted ; por- tioned. Bien loti, -e, byainglo te, -c, adj. fortunate, happy. Mal-loti, -e, mal-lo-te, unfortunate, unhap- py, ill-fated. Lotiox, la-syong, sf. lotion ; ablution ; wash- ing. Lotir, lo-teer, va. 2 r. to allot ; distribute by lots. Lotissage, lo-tfl-sfihje, sm. test of minerals. Lotissemext, to teess-mang, sm. division into parcels ; sortment. Lotissedr, lo-te-sur, sm. distributor; divider. Lotte, lott, sf. eel-pout, fresh-water fish. Louable, looabl, adj. laudable; praisewor- thy. Louablemext, loo-abl-mang, ad. laudably, in a praiseworthy manner. Louage, loo-ahje, sm. hire ; rent ; letting out. Louan'GE, loo-anghje, sf. praise ; thankful- ness. Louaxger, looang-hjai, va. 1 r. to praise ; extol. Louaxgeur, -se, loo-ang-hjur, -Tijuhzr., smf. and adj. praiser ; adulatory ; flattering. Louche, loosh, sm. suspicious appearance ; obscurity ; ambiguity. Louche, loosh, sf. wooden spoon ; gouge ; loach. Louche, loo*h, adj. squint-eyed ; thick ; ob- scure ; ambiguous ; confused. Loucher, loo-shai, vn. 1 r. to squint; look awry. Louer, loo-ai, va. 1 r. to hire, let on hire ; praise; bless; return thanks. Se louer, suh-loo-ai, vref. to engage one's self; sing one's own praise; be satisfied with. ' Loueur, -se, loo-ur, -uhze, smf. hirer; praiser ; fawner. Louis-D'OR,?oo-e<°-rW, sin. louis-d'or, French gold coin worth about 18 English shillings. Loup, loo, sm. wolf; wild dog; Saint An- thony's fire ; black velvet mask. Loup-CER\'ier, loo-sair-vyai, sm. lynx. Loup des eaux pouces, loo-dey-zoe-dooess, • sm. pike, river fish of prey. 246 Loupe, loop. sf. wen ; knob ; magnifying- glass ; lump of purified iron, lump of ore. Loup-Garou, loo-ghah-roo, sm. were-wolf; misanthrope ; surly man, unsociable man. Loup-marin, loo ■ mah- raing, sm. sea-dog. Lourd, -E, loor. -de, adj. heavy; weighty; dull ; slow. Lourdefaute, a gross fault. Lourdeaud, -E, loor-do, -dode, smf. and adj. lob ; dolt ; dunce ; awkward ; clumsy ; lumpish. Lourdemext, loord-mang, ad. heavily. Lourderie, loord-ree, sf. breach of man- ners; blunder ; awkwardness; oversight. Lourdeur, loor-dur, sf. heaviness, weight. Lourer, loo-rai, va. 1 r. to link ; join ; unite. LOUTRE, tootr, sf. otter, amphibious animal. Louve, loove, sf. she-wolf; jade ; gad-aiiout. LouVET, lio-vay, sm. anthrax ; inflammatory cutaneous fever. Louveteau, -x, loove-to, -e, sm. young wolf; whelp. Louveter, loov-tai, vn. 1 r. to whelp. Louveterie, loov-lree, sf. wolf-hunting pack. Louvetier, loov-tyai, sm. head huntsman of the wolf hunt. Louvoyer, loo-voo-ah-yai, vn. 1 r. to veer ; tack about ; change often one's plans. Louvre, loovr, sm. palace of the French king in Paris ; magnificent palace or mansion. Loyal, -aux, loo-ah-yal, -yoe, adj. loyal ; true ; genuine ; faithful ; honest. Loyalemext, loo-ah-yal-mang, ad. truly ; faithfully ; with fidelity. Loyaute, loo-ah-yo-tai, sf. loyalty ; upright- ness ; integrity ; frankness. Loyer, loo-ah-yai, sm. rent ; salary; reward. Lu, leu, p. part, of lire, read. Lubie, leu-bee. sf. whim ; fancy ; maggot ; crotchet ; cross fit. Lubricite, leu-bre-se-tai, sf. lust. Lubrifier, leu-bre-fi/ai, va. 1 /-. to smooth ; make slippery; lubricate. Lubrique, leu-breek, adj. wanton. LU3RIQUEMEST, leu-breeh-maug, ad. wan- tonly. Lucarxe, leu-hharnn, sf. skylight. Lucide, leu-secd, adj. clear ; bright. Lucifer, leu-se-fair, sm. Lucifer, Venus when it precedes the sun. Lucratif, -ve, leu-lnah-teeff, -teev, adj. profitable ; lucrative. Lucre, leukr, sm. profit ; gain ; lucre. Luctueux, -se, teuk-teu-uhe, -ze, adj. plain- tive ; lamenting ; complaining. Luette, leu-eft, sf. uvula. Lueur, leu-ur, sf. light ; glimmer ; faint ap- pearance ; spark. Lugubke, leu-gu-br, adj. mournful ; sad. Lugubremext, leu -gu - bruh - mang, ad. mournfully ; dismally. Lui, leu-e, p. part, of luire, shone. Lui, leu-e, disj. pron. m. he, him. Lui, leu-e, precanj. pron. mf. to him, her, it. Lui-meme, leu-e- meu me, disj. pron. m. him- self. Luire, leu-eer, vn. Airr. to shine. Luis, leu-e, pres. ind. of luire, shine. Luisaxt, leu-e-zang, pres. part; of luire, shining. LuiSAWT, leu-e-zang, sm. gloss. Luisaxt, -e, leu-e-zang, -te, adj. bright. Luisis, leu-e-zee, pret. def. of luire, shone. Lumiere, leu-myayre, sf. light; candle; day; life ; knowledge ; learned man. LYC MAC Lumigxox, leu-meeng-ffortg, am. wick of a burning candle ; bit of a candle, &c. Lumixaire, leu-me nayre, sm, luminary; lu- minous body; star. Lumineux, -SE, leu-me-nuhc, -zc, adj. bright; shining ; luminous ; clear. Luxaire, leu-nayre, adj. of the moon. Luxaire, leu-nuyre, sf. moon-wort; station- flower ; honesty. Lux.visox, leu-nay -eong, sf. lunation ; revo- lution of the moon. Luxatique, leu-naJiteek, smf. and adj. mad man, woman ; insane ; fantastic Luxdi, lung -de, sm. Monday. Luxe, leuiin, ttf. moon; month; chubby face; whim ; fancy; lit of lunacy. Luxette, leu-nett, tf. spying-glass : plur. spectacles. Luxette d'appeoche, leu-nett-dah-prosJi, sf. telescope. Luxette a facettes, leu-netl-ali-fahsttl, sf. multiplying-glass. Luxette" de volaille, lev-nett-duh-vo-lah- yuh, sf. fowl's merry -thought. Lupix, leu-paiii'j, sm. lupine. Lus, leu, pret. del. of lire, read. Lustrage, letus-trahje, sm. glossing. Lustral, -E, leuss-tral, adj. lustral. Lustratiox, lenss-trak-syong, sr'. purifica- tion, pagan ceremony of purifying. Lustre, leuss-tr, sm. lustre; gloss; splendor; brilliancy; chandelier; five years. Lustrer, leuxs-trai, va. 1 r. to gloss. Lcstrixe, leuss-treen, sf. lute-string, shining silk stuff. Lut, leut, sm. lute ; clayey cement. Luth, leut, sm. lute, instrument. Lutatiox, Itu-tah-syoug, sf. luting. Luter, l'ii-tai, va. 1 r. to lute. Lutheraxisme, leu-tai-rah-neessm, sm. doc- trine of Luther ; Lutheranism. Lutheriex, -XE, leu-lai-ryaing, -ryenn, sm/. and adj. Lutheran ; of Luther. Luthier, leu-tyai, sm. lute maker, seller ; instrument maker, seller. Lutix, leu-tainy, sm. elf; sprite ; brawling brat ; wag ; bustler. Lutixer, leu-te-nai, va. n. 1 r. to torment ; harass ; tease ; be obstreperous. Lutrix, leu-traing, sm. chorister's desk. Lutte, leutt, sf. wrestling ; struggle. De haul lutte, by main force. Lutter COXTRE, leu-lai-kongtr, in. 1 r. to wrestle; struggle; strive; resist. LrTTECR, leu-tur, sm. wrestler. Luxatiox. leuTc-sah-ftyQng, sf. disjoining; putting out of joint ; luxation. Luxe, leuks, sm. pomp ; ostentation. Lcxer, leuk-sai, va. 1 r. to disjoint. Ss luxer, suh-leuk-sai, vnf. to grow out of joint. Luxure, leuk-seur, sf. luxury. LuxURIAXCE, leuk-seu-ryanysse, sf. luxu- riance ; exuberant growth. Luxurieusemext, leulc - seu - ryuJize - many, ad. luxuriously; deliciously. Luxurieux, -se, huk-sm-ryuhe, -ze, adj. prone to luxury ; luxurious. Luzerxe, leu-zairnn, sf. lucerne. Luzerniere, leu-zair-nyayre, sf. lucerne or trefoil field. Lycantuuope. le-khany-trmp, sm. madman, who thiuks himself a wolf, and rambles all night. Lycaxtiiropie, le-Jdiauy-tro-per, sf. lycan- thropy ; wolfish madness. Lycee, le-saie, sm. Lyceum ; place for pub- lic exercises or debates ; academy of arts and sciences. Ly.mphatio.ue, laingfahteek, adj. of the lymph. LYMPHE,fa/n.7/ l v/-transparent water: lymph. Lynx, lainyks, sm. lyux, swift and sharp- sighted beast. Lyxx (avoir des yeux de), dh-vao-ar-dey- zyuhe-dlainyks, r. /i'l/-an7-/i , OIJ7-f? - «/i;< - mang, ad. unluckily ; unfortunately. Malf.xcontreux, -SE, mal-ang-kong-truh ■z°, adj. unlucky ; unfortunate. Mal-F.x-poixt, maJ-ang-poo-aing, adj. indis- posed ; distressed ; in a sad condition. Malextexdu, mal-ang-tang-deu, sm. mistake ; blunder ; misunderstanding. Malentexdu, -e, mal-ang-tang-deu, -e, adj. misunderstood ; mistaken. Male teste ! mal-pett, int. plague on it ! 24.9 MAL MAN Mal-ktre, mal-eytr, sm. lassitude ; uncom- fortable situation. Malevole, mah-lai-vol, adj. malevolent. Malfaqon, mal -fah - song, sf. bad texture ; fraud. Malfaire, mal-fayre, vn. 4 irr. to harm ; hurt (this verb is used in the infinitive only). Malfaisant, -e, mal-fay-zang, -t, adj. ma- lefic ; mischievous ; hurtful. Malfait, -e, mal-fay, -t, adj. ill made or done. Malfaiteur, mal-fay-tur, sm. malefactor. Malfame, -e, mal -fah - inai, -e, adj. of ill fame. Malgracieusement, mal-grah-syuhze-mang , ad. with a very ill grace ; uncivilly. Malgracieux, -se, mal-grah-syuhe, -ze, adj. rude ; uncivil ; unmannerly. Malgre, mal-grai, prep, in spite of; against the will ; notwithstanding. Bongre malgre, bon-grai-mal-grai, ad. exp. willingly or unwillingly. Malhabile, mal-ah-beell, adj. awkward ; un- skilful ; unhandy ; unfit. Malhabilement, mal-ah-beell -mang, ad. un- skilfully ; awkwardly ; clumsily. Malhabilete, mal-ah-beeU-tai, sf. awkward- ness ; want of judgment ; incapacity. Malheur, mah-tur, sm. misfortune; disaster; ill luck ; sad eveut. Malheureusement, mah -luh -ruhze -mang, ad. unfortunately, unhappily. Malheureux, -se, mahdtih-ruhe, -ze, smf. wretch ; unfortunate person. Malheureux, -se, maJi-Jiih - ruhe, -ze, adj. unhappy ; unfortunate ; miserable, pitiful. Malhonnete, mahrlo-negte. adj. rude ; un- civil ; indecent ; dishonest ; wicked. Malhonnetement, mah-lo-neyte-mang, ad. uncivilly ; Indecently ; dishonestly'. Malhonnetete, mah-lo-neyte-lai, sf. rude- ness ; incivility ; indecency. Malice, mah-leess, sf. malice ; ill-will ; mis- chief. Malicieusement, mah-le-syuhze-mang, ad. maliciously ; with malignity. Malicieux, -se, mah-le-syuhe, -ze, adj. mis - chievous ; spiteful ; malicious. iIalignement, iiiahdeeng-yuh-mang, ad. ma- lignantly ; with ill intention. Malignite, mah-leeng ■ ije-tai, sf. malignity. Malin, -ligne, mah-laing, -leeng-yuh, adj. malignant ; malicious ; satirical ; hurtful. M aline, mahdeen, sf. spring- tide. Malixe, mahdeen, sf. Mechlin lace. Maungre, mah-laing-gr, adj. sickly; weak, of a sickly and delicate constitution. Malintentionne, -e, mah -laing- tang -syo- nai, -e, adj. evil disposed. Malitorne, mahde-torn, smf. and adj. awk- ward, ungainly person. Maljuge, mal-hjeu-hjai, sm. unjust verdict; error in judgment ; wrong sentence. Malle, ma?, .«/'. mail ; trunk ; portmanteau. Malleabilite, mahdai-ah-bedetai, sf. mal- leability, quality of enduring the hammer. Malleable, mah-lai-abl, adj capable of be- ing spread by the hammer ; malleable. Malletier, mal-tyai, sm. trunk, hox maker, seller. Mallette, mahdett, sf. small trunk. Mallier, mahdyai, am. pack-horse; thiller., mal-muh-nai, va. 1 r. to use ill ; beat. 250 Malotru, -e, mah-lo-treu, -e, smf. and adj. unlicked cub ; slut ; contemptible ; vile ; dirty ; slovenly ; deformed. Malpeigne, -e, malpay-ing-yai, -e, smf. scurvy feliow ; sloven ; trollop. Malpropre. mal-propr, smf. and adj. sloven; slut ; dirty ; slovenly ; negligent of dress. Malproprement, mal-propr -mang, ad. in a slovenly manner ; dirtily. Malproprete, mal-propr-tai, sf. uncleanli- ness ; filthiness ; slovenliness. Malsain, -e, mal-saing, -senn, adj. unwhole- some ; sickly ; dangerous. Malseant, -e, mal-sai-ang, -t, adj. unbe- coming. Malsonnant, -e, mal-so-nang, -t, adj. offen- sive ; repugnant ; contrary. Malt, malt, sm. malt ; beer ; ale ; fermented barley. Maltote, mahtote, sf. onerous tax; exaction. Maltotier, mal-toe-tyai, sm. custom-house officer ; tax-gatherer ; exacter. Maltraiter, mal-tray-tai, va. \r. to use ill ; abuse ; injure ; wrong. Malvf.illance, mal-ray-yangsse, sf. ill-will. Malveillant, -e, mal-vay-yang, -t, smf. and adj. malevolent ; ill-disposed. Malversation, mal-vair-sah-syong, sf. em- bezzlement ; mean artifices. Malverser, mal -vaii- -sai, vn. 1 r. to em- bezzle ; misapply, waste ; misconduct one's self. M alvoisie, mal - too - ah - zee, sf. malmsey ; muscadine ; sweet wine. Malvoulu, -e, mal -voo-leu, adj. hateful; hated ; abhorred ; seen with an evil eye. Ma man, mah mang, sf. mamma; mother. Mamelle, mah-mell, sf. breast. Mamelon, mammlong, sm. nipple ; peak. Mamillaire, mah-me-layre, adj. like a nipple. Mammaire, mam-mayre, adj. of the breast. Manant, mah-nang, sm. rustic, clown. Manch«, mangshe, sm. handle ; haft. II brante an manche, he is wavering. Manche, mangshe, sf. sleeve ; leathern pipe. Manche (la), lah -mang she, sf. channel. Manche a balai, mangshe-ahbah-lay, sm. broomstick or staff. Mancheron, mangshc-rong, sm. ploughtail. Manchette, mang-shett, sf. ruffle. Manchon, mang-shong, sm. muff; glass cyl- inder ; mouthpiece of metal pipes. Manchot, -e, mang-sho, -It, smf. and adj. maimed of one hand or arm, haudless. Mandat, mang-dah, sm. mandate. Mandataire, mang - dah - tagre, sm. manda- tary. Mandement, mangde-mang, sm. order ; in- junction ; mandamus. Mander, mang-ddi, va. 1 r. to inform ; order, send for. Mander, mang-dai, va. 1 r. to let one know ; acquaint one with. Mandibule, mang -de-beull, sf. mandible; inferior or lower jaw. Manpille, mang-dee-yuh, sf. footman's great- coat. Mandragore, mang-drah-gor, sf. mandrake. Manducation, mang-dtu-khah-syong , sf. eat- ing ; manducation. Manege, mah- nayhje, sm. riding -school ; management ; intrigue ; artful conduct. Manes, mahne, snip, shades ; departed spirit. MAN MAR Maxgeable, mang-hjabl, a", mar-shai-o-foo-aing, sm. hay-market. Marche atjx nEr.BF.s,mar-shai-oe-zairbe, sm. green or herb market. Marche avx poules, mar-.shai-o-poole, sm. poultry -market. Marcre at/X cecfs, mar-shai-oe-zuhe, sm. egg-market. Marche a la yiande, mar -shui-ah-lah- vyangde, sm. meat-market. Marche a la volaille, mar-shai-uhduh-vo- lah-yuh, sm. poultry-market. Marche-fied, marsh-pyai, sm. footstool. Marcher, mar-shai, sm. walking; gait; step ; walk. Marcher, marshal, vn. 1 r. to walk; march; tread ; go ; move ; precede ; advance. Marcher droit, mar-sJuii-droo-ah, vn. 1 r. to be upright ; behave one's self well. Maucheur, -se, mar - shur, -shuhze, sm/. walker. Mahcotte, mar-hott, sf. layer, sprig, shoot, twig. Makcotter, mardio-lai, ra. 1 r. to set layers. Marbi, mar-de, sm. Tuesday. Mardi GRAS, mar-de-grah, sm. Shrove Tues- day. Make, mar, sf. pool, puddle ; small pond. Marecage, muh-i ai-lhahje, sm. marsh; bog; swamp ; fen. Marecageux, -SE, mah-rai-lhidi-hjuhe, -zr, adj. marshy ; swampy ; boggy. Marechal, mah-raishal, sm. farrier ; mar- shal, chief officer in the army. Marechal-des-logis, mah-'rai-slial-dey-lo- hjee, fm. quarter-master. Marechal - dk - camp, mah - rai -shal - duh - Ichang, sm. adjutant-general. " 252 Marechale, mah-rai-shai.sf. marshal's wife. MARECHALERlE,maA-rai-AAa?-ree, */. farriery. MarechaUSSEE, mah-rai-sho-saie, t/. police horsemen in France., mah-raie, sf. tide; fresh sea-fish. La maree monle, the tide is rising. Maueyeuk, mah-ray-yur, sm. cadger; fish carrier, seller. Marge, marhje, sf. margin ; time ; means ; leisure. Margelle, mar-Jijell, sf. parapet of a well. Marger, inar-bjui, va. 1 r. to leave, make a margin ; lute the mouth of a furnace. Marginal, -e, mar-lije-nal, adj. written on the margin. Margot, mat-go, sf. magpie ; loquacious wo- man. 11 -\,mar-gno-yee , sm. plash; puddle. Margrave, riiar-grav, sm. margrave; Ger- man sovereign. Margkaviax, mar-grah-viah, sm. margravi- ate. Marguerite, mar-greet, sf. daisy. Margcillerie, mar-guie-yuh-ree, sf. church- wardenship. Marguiller, mar-guee-yai , sm. churchwar- den. Mari, mah-re, sm. husband. Mariable, mah-ryabl, adj. marriageable. Mariage, mah-ryuhje, sm. marriage; wed- lock ; wedding ; portion. Marie, -e, mali-ryai, -e, sm/. bridegroom; bride. Maries, mah-ryai, va. 1 r. to marry ; join ; match. Sv.ziAniER,siih-mah-ryai, vref. to get married. Marieur,-se, rnali-i yur,-ryahze, em/, match- maker. Marin, mah-raing, sin. sailor; seaman. Marin, -E, mah-raing, -recn, adj. of the sea ; marine. Marinade, mah-re nod, sf. pickled meat . pickle. Marine, mah-rem, sf. marine ; navy. Marine, -e, muh-renai, -e, adj. soaked in pickle. Mariner, mah-rc-nai, va. lr. to pickle. yiAUi3GOUi'8,mahraing-goo-aing,sm. midge, gnat ; musquito. Marinier, viuh-re-vyai, sm. boat, barge man ; mariner ; seaman. Marionnette, vi", mah-rong, sm. large chestnut; buckle of hair; cracker; skyrocket; brown color. Marrox d'Ixde, mah - rang - daingde, sm. horse-chestnut. Marroxner, mah-ro-nai, va. n.\ r. to dress in great curls ; mutter ; grumble. Marronxier, mah-ro-ngai ,sm. chestnut -tree. Marrox n i er d'Inde, mah-ro-nyai-diingde, sm. horse-chestnut-tree. MARS, marss, sm. March; great warrior; luro ; planet : plur. spring seeds. MARSOUIX, mar-soo-aing, sm. porpoise ; sea- hog. MartaGOX, mar-tah-gong, sm. mountain-lily. Marte, marlt, sf. marten ; marten fur. Marteau, -X, mar - to, -e, sm. hammer ; knocker ; clapper. Martel, mar-tell, sm. hammer ; uneasiness ; care. MartelAGE, mar-tuh-laltje, sm. mark on trees to be felled. Martele, -e, martt-lai, -e, adj. elaborate ; harsh. Marteler, mar-tuh-lai, va. 1 r. to hammer ; harass. Martelet, martt-lay, em. long-handled ham- mer. Marteleuk, marti-lur, sm. foreman of the forge. Martial, -e, mar-syal, adj. warlike ; brave ; soldierly. Martin, mar-taing, sm. martin. Martinet, mar-te-nay, sm. martinet ; cat-o'- nine-tails ; flat candlestick ; forge-hammer. Martingale, mar - taing ■ glial, sf. martin- gale. Martin pecjieur, mar-taing-peyshur, sm. kingfisher. Martin sec, mar-taing-seck, sm. autumn pear. Martre, martr, sf. marten ; marten fur. Martyr, -e, mur-teer, adj. martyr , great sufferer. Martvre, mar-leer, sm. martyrdom ; death ; extreme suffering. Martyriser, mar-le-ree-zai, va. 1 r. to mar- tyr ; torture ; torment cruelly. Martyroi.oge, mar-te-ro-lohje, sm. register of martyrs ; martyrology. Mascarade, mass-khah-rad, sf. masquerade ; disguise ; maskers ; ridiculous song, "T,?nai - -/4-o-?ie.;/-6-an<7, pres. part, of nieconnaitre, forgetting. Meconnaitre, mai-ko-wytr, ta. 4 irr. not to know again; forget; disown; despise. Se meconnaitre, suh-mai-ko-neyir, vref. to forget one's self; take liberties. Meconnc, mai-ko-neu, p. part, of meconnai- tre, not known. Meconnps, mai-ko-neu, pret. def. of mecon- naitre, forgot. Mecontent, -e, mai-Jcong-lang, -t, adj. dis- satisfied, discontented ; displeased. Mecontentement, ma idcong-tangte-mang, am. discontent ; displeasure ; ill humor. Mecontenter, mai-kong-tang-fai , ta. 1 r. to displease ; make angry ; dissatisfy. Mecoxtents, mai-kong-tanghe, smp. malcon- tents. MecREANT, mai-krai-anrj, sm. miscreant, in- fidel. Mecroirr, mai-kroo-ar, va. 4 irr. to disbe- lieve ; disown ; abnegate. Medaille, mai-dahyuli, sf. medal. Medaillier, inai-duh-yai, am. cabinet of medals. Medailliste, mai-dah-yeest, am. medallist. Medaillon, mui-dah-yong, am. medallion ; locket. Medecin, mai-dming, sm. physician. Medecine, mai-daeen, tf. physic ; medicine. MEDECINER, mai-dsv.-nai, va. 1 r. to physic. Medial, -e, mai-dyal, adj. middle; interme- diate. Meoianoche, mai-dya-nosh. am. meat repast after midnight of a fast-day. Mediaxte, mni-dyangte, sf. mediant. Mediat, -e, mai-dyah, -t, adj. interposed ; mediate. Mediatemext, mai-dyalt-mang , ad. by a se- condary cause ; in a mediate manner. Mediatf.ur, -trice, mai-dtyah-tur, -treess, smf. mediator; mediatrix; interposer. Mediation, mai-dyah-xyong, sf. intervention. Medical, -e, mat-dc-khal, adj. of physic; ) medical. Medicament, tnai-de-khah-mattg, sm. medi- cament: plur. drugs, doctor's visits. Memcamentaiue, mai-de-khah-mang-tayre, adj. of composing medicines ; physical. Medicamenter, mai-de-khah-mung-tai, va. 1 r. to physic ; administer medicines. Medicamenteux, -se, maide-khah-matuf tuhe, -se, adj. medicamental, physical. Medicinal, -e, mai-de-se-nal, adj. healing, medicinal, gentle ; assuasive ; mollifying. Mediocre, mui-dyockr, am. and adj. moder- ate ; middle, middling ; indifferent. Mediocrement, mai-dyockr-mang, ad. mod- erately ; indifferently ; so so. Mediocrite, mai-d yo-kre-tai, sf. mediocrity. Medike de, mui-deer-duh, in. 4 irr. to slan- der, detract ; revile; speak ill of. Medis. mai-de, pres. ind. and pret. def. of me'dire, slander, slandered. Medisance, mai-de-zangsse, s/. slander ; cal- umny. Medisant, -e, mai-dezang, -t, am/, and adj. slanderer; calumnious; slanderous. Medisant, mai-de-zang, pres. part, ol' medire, slandering. Medit, mai-de, p. part, of me'dire, slandered. Meditatif, -ve, mai-de-tah-teeff , -v, adj. con- templative ; meditative; thoughtful. Meditation, mai-de tah-syong, sf. medita- tion ; deep thought ; contemplation. Mediter, 7nai-de-tai, va. »?. 1 r. to think ; muse ; deliberate ; resolve ; intend. MEDiTERRANEE,maj--a7wi~ flei-N" midi, any -plainrj -me-de, ad. exp. openly ; publicly ; in the face of day. Mie, mee, sf. crumb ; nurse ; governess ; mistress ; darling. Miel, my ell, sm. honey. MlELLAT, myay-lah, sm. honey-dew ; sweet dew. Miellecx, -SE. myay-luhe, -ze, adj. honeyed; dulcet ; mellifluous ; luscious ; insipid. MlEN, myaing, sm. my own. Miens, myainghe, snip, my relations, friends, or servants. Mie>", mienne, myaing, myenn, possess, pron. mf. mine. Miette, myelt, sf. little crumb; vcrv little bit., myuhe, ad. better ; rather ; best. Jhiimerais mieux, I bad rather. II vaut mieux, it is better. A QCi MIEUX, ah-kee-mynhe-myuhe, ad. exp. in emulation of each other. Mignard, -e, meen-yar, -d, adj. delicate ; tender ; endearing ; gentle ; affected ; soft. Mign'ardemen't, meeng-yard-mnng, ad. deli- cately ; in a pretty, gentle manner. Migxarder, meeng-yar-dai, va. 1 r. to affect soft manners or delicacy ; fondle ; make much of. Se, snh-meeng-yar-dai, vref. to indulge one's self. Mignardise, meeng-yar-deese, sf. delicacy; affectation ; little attention ; soft words. MlGNON, -se, meeng-yong, -yon, smf, darling; favorite : plur. minions. Mignon, -e, meeng-yong, -yon, adj. delicate; genteel; agreeable, pleasing; pretty; spare. Papa mignon, dear papa. Mignonnement, meeng-yon-mang, ad. deli- cately ; prettily ; in a genteel manner. MlGNONNETTE, meeng-yon-nett, sf, lace-edij- ing. Mig.voter, meeng-yo-tai, va. 1 r. to fondle ; caress ; endear ; make much of. Mignotise, meeng-yo-leeze, sf. fondling ; ca- ress ; great indulgence. Migraine, me-grayne, sf. megrim. Migration, me-grah-syong, sf. changing of place; annual passage ; migration. Mijauree, me-hjo-raie, sf. affected woman ; prude. Mijoter, me-hjo-tai, va. 1 r. to boil gently; fondle ; caress ; indulge. Mil, meell, adj. (indeclinable ; used only be- fore the date of the Christian en;>, thousand. Milan, me-lang, sm. kite, bird of prey. Milaneau, -x, me-lah-no, -e, sm. young kite. Miliaire, melyayre, adj. miliary ; produ- cing - small eruptions like millet seed. Milice, me-leess; sf. militia ; standing force of a nation. Milicien, me-le-syaing, sm. militia-man. Milieu, me-lyuhc, sm. middle, heart, centre, medium ; temper. Au milieu, o-me-lyuhe, ad. exp. between ; among ; in ; in the middle. Au milieu do tout cela, for all that. Militaire, me-le-tayre, sin. soldier. Militaire, me-le-tayre, adj. military; sol- dierly ; warlike ; of a soldier. Militairement, me-le-tayre-mang, ad. in a military manner. Militant, -e, me-le tang, -t, adj. militant. Militer, me-le-tai, va. 1 r. to argue ; contro- vert. Mille, meell, sm. and adj. thousand ; mile. Mille-feuille, meell -fuh-yuh, sf. milfoil; yarrow. Mille - fois, meell -foo- ah, ad. exp. very often ; many times ; repeatedly. Millionaire, meel-lai-nayre, sm. and adj. thousand years ; millenary ; of a thousand. Mille -pieds, meel-pyai, sm. milleped. Millesime, meel-lai- zeem, sm. date of a medal, Ac. Millet, me-lay, sm. millet, see !. Milliade, me-lyadd, sf. revolution of a thou- sand years. Milliaire, me-lyayre, adj. of a mile or miles. Borne milliaire, lorn-mc-lyayre, sf. mile- stone. Milliard, me.-h/ar, sm. thousand millions. Milliasse, me-lyass, sf. vast number, world., me-lyayme, sm. and adj. thou- sandth. Millier, me-lyai, sm. thousand. Million, mc-iyong, sm. million ; great num- ber. Millionnaire, medyo-nayre, smf. and adj. very rich ; person worth millions. 259 MIN MIS Millionieme, medyo-nyayme, adj. million;]). Milord, me-lor, sm. my lord ; lord. Mime, meem, sm. buffoon ; imitator ; mimic. Mimique, me-meek, adj. mimic ; imitative. Mimologie, me-mo-lo-hjee. sf. mimicry. Minable, me-nabl, adj. exciting ; deserving pity ; pitiable. Minage, me-nahje, sm. measure ; measurer's fees. Minauder, me-noe-dai, vn. 1 r. to affect pleasing manners; smile affectedly, simper. Minauderies, nie-node-ree, sfp. affected airs and graces ; playful glances. Minaudier, -E, smf. and adj. person full of affected airs. Mince, maingsse, adj. thin ; slender ; small ; poor. Mine, meen, sf. face ; countenance ; figure ; appearance ; mien ; look ; mine ; six bush- els. Faire bonne mine a, to look kindly on. Porter la mine de, to look like. Mine de plomb, mcen-duh-plong, sf. black- lead. Mines, me-nai, vn. 1 r. to make a mine ; ex- cavate ; dig ; hollow ; weaken ; exhaust ; consume slowly. Mineral, -aux, me-nai-ral, -roe, sm. min- eral. Mineral, -e, me-nai-ral, adj. mineral; of ore. Mineralogie, me-nai-rah-lo-hjee, sf. miner- alogy. 'M.iKERALOGJSTB,me-nai-rah-lo-hjeest,sm. min- eralogist ; lecturer on fossils ; mineralist. Mineralogique, me-nai-rah-lo-lijeck, adj. of mineralogy ; of the doctrine of iossils. Minerve, me-nairv, sf. beautiful and pru- dent woman ; poetical genius or fire. Minet, -te, me-nay, -t, smf. little puss, kitten. Mineur, me-nur, sm. mineralist ; miner. Mineur, -E, me-nur, smf. minor ; one under age. Mineur, -e, me-nur, adj. smaller ; less ; minor. Mineure, me-nur, sf. second proposition. Mingrelin, -e, maing-gruh-laing, -Jeenn, adj. debile ; feeble ; languid ; emaciated. Miniature, me-nyah-teur, sf. miniature. Miniaturiste, me-nyah-teu-reest, smf. minia- ture painter ; limner. Miniere, me-nyayre, sf. mine ; peat ground., me-neem, sm. and adj. monk, min- im ; brown ; least ; smallest ; dark gray. Minimum, me-ne-momm, sm. least value or degree. Ministers, me-necsstayre, sm. office; min- istry. Ministeriel, -le, me-neess-tai-ryel, -I, adj. ministerial. Ministre, me-neestr, sm. minister; agent; delegate ; ambassador ; priest ; superior. Minium, me-nyomm, sm. vermilion ; red lead. Minois, me-noo-'ah, sm. beautiful, attractive face ; pleasing features. Minon, me-nong, sm. pussy, puss, cat. Minorite, me-noietai, sf. minority ; under age. Minot, me-no, sm. three bushels, three bush- els-full. Minotaure, me-no-tor, sm. centaur ; Sagit- tarius. Minuit, me-ne.)i-e, sm. midnight. Minuscule, me-neuss-lcule, sf. small letter. Minute, me-neut, sf. minute ; small writing ; copy; rough draught; GOth part of a degree. 260 Minuter, me-neu-tai, va.n. \r. to minute; make the rough draught ; project. Minutie, me-neu-see, sf. trifle; worthless thing ; minuteness. Minutieusement, me-neu-syuhze-mang, ad. very exactly. Minutieux, -se, me-neu-syuhe, -ze, adj. tri- fling ; frivolous ; over nice. Mioche, myosh, sm. child ; little boy ; brat. Mi-parti, -e, me-par-te, -e, adj. bipartite ; divided into two parts equal but dissimilar. Miquelet, meek-lay, sm. bandit. Mirabelle, me-rah-bell, sf. small yellow plum. Miracle, meraclrt, sm. miracle; wonder. Miraculeusement, me-ra - Tta - luhze-mang, ad. in a miraculous manner. Miraculeux, -SE, me-rah-kU-luke, -ze, adj. miraculous; wonderful; admirable. Mirage, me-rahje, sm. dazzling; flashes of light. Mire, meer, sf. sight of a gun ; aim. Mirer, me-rai, va. v. 1 r. to observe atten- tively; aim at; look through; have in view. Se mirer, suh-me-rai, vref to look at one's self in the glass; admire one's self or merit. Miuliflore, meer-le-flor, sm. young beau, fop. Mirliton, meer-le-long, sm. small pan-reed. Mirmidon, meer-me-dong, sm. mannikin ; upstart. Miroir, me-roo-ar, sm. lookihg-glas3. Miroiterie, me-roo-at-ree, sf. looking-glass manufacture or trade. Miroitier, me.-roo-ah-tyai, sm. looking-glass maker or seller. Miroton, me-ro-tong, sm. hashed meat with onions. Mis, -e, mee, -ze, adj. put ; placed ; dressed. Bien mis, well clothed. Mis, mee, p. part, and pret. def. of meitre, put. Misaine, me-zayne, sf. foresail. Misanthrope, me-zang-trop, sm. hater of mankind ; surly, morose, cross man. Misanthropes, me-zang-tro-pec, sf. misan- thropy. Misanthropique, me-zang-tro-pee7c, adj. af- fected with misanthropy ; surly ; cross ; morose. Miscellanees, me-sel-bth-naie, sfp. miscel- lanies; literary collection of various kinds. Miscible, me-seebl. adj. miseible; compatible. Mise, meeze, sf. stake ; deposit ; account ; bidding ; currency ; fashion ; dress. De mise, duh-meeze, ad. exp. in the fashion ; sociable ; current. Mise-iiors, meeze -or, sf. advance money; disbursement. Miserable, me-zai-rahl, smf. unfortunate man, woman ; wretch ; rogue ; worthless woman. Miserable, me-zai-rabl, adj. unhappy ; in- digent ; wretched ; fatal ; worthless ; vile ; despicable. Miserablement, me-zai-rabl -many, ad. in a miserable manner ; unhappily ; meanly. Misere, mc-zayre, sf. indigence; distress; calamity ; misfortune ; trouble ; difficulty. Miserere, mc-zai-rai-rai, sm. iliac passion or violent colic ; moment. Misericorde, me - zai - re • hord, sf. mercy ; clemency. MOD MOI Miserioorde ! me-zai-rekord, inlerj. mercy on me ! Misei;ico:;dieusement, me.-zai ■ re - Ttor- (h/uhzf-iiKinn, ad. mercifully ; with pity. MlSEitU'ORDlEUX, -SE, me-zai-re-kor-dyuhe, -ae, adj. merciful ; compassionate. Missel, me- sell, em. mass-book ; missal. Mission, me-syong, sf. mission ; embassy. Missionn aire, me-syo-nayre, sm. missionary. Missive, me-stcv, .<-/. letter; missive; letter sent. Mitaine. me-tayne, sf. mitten. Mite, meelt, sf. mite; weevil; very small particle. MiTii:;ii)ATE, me-tre-dat, sm. treacle; anti- dote. Mitigation*, me-te-ghah-jtyong, sf. abatement. Mitigeu, me-fedijai, nt. 1 r. to mitigate; soften ; mollify ; alleviate ; moderate. Mito.v, me~tong, sm. mitten ; glove without fingers. MrrONNER, me-io-nai, ra. lr. to let simmer gently; fondle; make much of; manage with dexterity. Mitoyf.n, -ne, me-too-ak-yaing, -yenn, adj. dividing ; middle ; belonging to both. Mur mitoyen, ineur-me-too-ah-yaing, sm. partition wall. Mitraille, me-trah-yuh, sf. old iron or brass ; small coin ; balls loaded with old nails, t:-PiETE,mongde-p>/ai-tai, sm. benevo- lent pawnbroking establishment in Paris. Monte, -e, mong-tai, -c, adj. set up ; high ; carried up ; provided with ; heated; exalted. Montee, mong-taie, sf. small staircase; step; slope ; ascent ; flight ; rise. Monter, mong-tai, rn. 1 r. to go up ; riso ; climb ; ascend ; grow up ; increase. Monter a cheval, mong-tai-ah-shuh-val, rn. to rido on horseback. Monter a foil, mohg-tai-ah-poo-al, rn. to ride on tho bare back, without a saddle. Monter a sa ciiambre, mang-tai-ah-mh- shangbr, vn. to go up to one's room or bed- chamber. Monter en cnAiRE, mong-tai-ang-shaire, vn. to preach. Monter sur le theatre, mong-tai-aeur-luh- tai-ahtr, vn. to be a comedian. Monter aux nues, mong-tai-oe-neue, rn. to fly into a very great passion. Monter sur un akbre, mong-tai.eeur-ung- narbr, rn. to climb up a tree. Monter sur mer, mong-tai-seur-mair, rn. to go on shipboard ; embark. Monter sur le trone, mongtai-seur-luh- trone, vn. to ascend the throne. Monter sur ses ergots, mong-tai-senr-sey- zair-goe, rn. to raise one's voice with pas- sion. Monter sur ses grands chevaux, mong- tai-seur-sey-granghe-shuh-voe, rn. to speak haughtily. Monter a la t£te, mong-tai-ahlali-leytc, rn. to go up or fly into one's head. Monter en graine, mong-tai-ang-grayne, rn. to grow up the seed. Monter sur l'horison, mong-tai-seurlo- ree-zong, rn. to rise ; dawn. Monter a l'echelle, mong lai-ah-lai-shell, vn. to go to tlie gallows. Monter sur l'eciiafaud, mong-tai-eeur-lai- shah-fo, vn. to go to tlie block ;' be beheaded. Monter a la breciie, mong-tai-ah-lah- brayshe, vn. to mount the breach. Monter, mong-tai, va. 1 r. to mount ; lift up, raise ; arrange ; join ; put together. Monter un cheval, vtong-tui-ung-shuh-val, ra. to ride a horse. Monter un vaisseau, mong-tai-ung-vay-so, va. to be on shipboard, embarked. Monter un violon, *dee AOX MOOCHES, eytr-tangdr-oe- mooshe, v. aux. to be touchy ; take the pet. Moucher, moo-shai, va. 1 r. to wipe a child's nose ; snuff the candle, &c. Se moccher, suh-moo-shai, vref. to blow one's nose. Moucherolle, moosh-rol, sm. gnat-snapper, bird. Moucheron, maosh-rang, urn. gnat ; small fly ; snuff of the candle. Moucheter, moosh-tai, va. 1 r. to pink; spot. Mocchettes, moo-shayte, sfp. snuffers. Moucheture, moosh-teur, sf. pinking; spots. Moucheur, mooshur, sm. candle-snuffer. Mouchoir, moo-shoo-ar, sm. pocket handker- chief, neck handkerchief. Mouchure, moo-sheur, sf. snuff of the candle. MOODRE, moodr, va. 4 irr. to grind ; maul. MOOE, mooe, sf. pouting ; wry face. Faire la moce, fayrelih-uwoe, v. 4 irr. to pout ; look sullen ; make a wry face. Mooette, moo-ett, sf. sea-gull ; sea-mew. Moofle, moofl, sf. mitten ; large glove with- out fingers ; enameller'stool : masc. fat face. Mocfler, moo-Jiai, va. 1 r. to swell the cheeks. Mouillage, moo-yahje, sm. anchorage. Mouille, -e, moo-yai, -e, adj. soaked ; wet ; filled with. Mouille-eouche, moo-yuh-boosh, sf. berga- mot. Mouiller, moo-yai, va. 1 r. to wet ; soak ; anchor. Mouillette, mooyM, sf. long thin slice of bread. Mouilloir, vioo-yoo-ar, sm. spinner's water- pan. Mot'iLLURE, moo-yeur, sf. wet ; moisture. Moolage, moo-lalije, .sm. moulding; grinding. Moolant, moodang, pres. part, of moudre, grinding. Moole, moot, sm. mould ; model ; pattern. Jetteu zs molle, hjuh-tai-anghnool, va. lr. to cast. Mol'le, mool, sm. muscle, shell-fish. (12) MOULER, moo-lai, va. 1 r. to mould ; take an impression; cast; measure wood. Mouleur, moo-lur, sm.caster, modeller; wood piler or inspector. Moulin, moo-laing, sm. mill ; A vent, ah- vang, wind ; a L'eao, ah-lo, water. MOULIN A BRAS, moo- lain;/- nail ■ brhh, Sill. hand-mill. Moulin (faire venir l'eait al) fayre-ouh- nter-loo-moo-laing, idi. exp. v. 4 irr. to bring grist to the mill ; benefit. Moulin age, moo-le-nahje, sm. silk's last dressing before it is dyed. Mouline, -E, moo-le-nai, -e, adj. worm-eaten. Moulinet, moo le-nay, am. small wind-mill wheel ; turnstile ; capstan ; tourniquet. Moulinier, moo-le-nyui, am. silk-dresser. Moult, riioolt, ad. much, a great deal (old word). Moulu, -E, moo-leu, -e, adj. and p. part, of moudre, ground ; mauled ; bruised with blows. MouluRE, mou-leur, sf. moulding. MoULUS,7noo-ieu, pret. det'. of moudre. ground. Mourant, -e, moo-raiig, -t, adj. dying; lan- guishing ; very pale ; faint. Mourant, moo-rang, pres. part, of mourir, dying. Mourir, moo-reer, vn. 2 irr. to die, expire. Se mourir, suh-moo-reer, vref. to bo dying ; linger, waste, be going out, as a candle, &c. Mouron, mou-rong, sm. chick-weed. Mourrai, moor-rai, fut. of mourir, will die. Mourrais, moor -ray, condit. of mourir, would die. Mourus, moo-reu, pret. def. of mourir, died. MouSQUET,moo«s-fozy, sm. musket, hand-gun. Mousqcetade,' mooss kuh-tad, sf. discharge of muskets. Mousquetaire, mooss-ltuh-tayre, sm. musket- eer. Mousqueterie, mooss-l-ayte-ree, sj. volley of small-shot. MousQUETON,moo.«-A-u7i-to/ig' ) sm. musketoon; short gun ; blunderbuss. Mousse, mooss, sm. cabin-boy, young sailor. Mousse, mooss, sf. nio»s ; foam ; froth ; spume. Mousseline, mooss-leen, sf muslin. Mousser, moo-sai, in. 1 /■. to froth ; foam ; lather. Mousseron, mooss -rong, sm. small white mushroom. MooSSEOX, -Se, moo-suhe, -ze, adj. frothy ; foamy. Mousson, moo-song, sf. trade-wind, monsoon. Moosso, -E, moo-seu, e, adj. mossy. Moustache, moose-tosh, sf. mustaches; whis- kers. MOOT, mooe, sm. must ; new wort ; new wine. Moutarde, moo-tardd, sf. mustard. Moutardier, moo-lar-di/ai, sm. mustard-pot; mustard maker or seller. Mouton, moo-tong, sm. sheep ; mutton; ram- mer. Moutons, moo-tonghe, smp. foaming billows. Moutonne, -e, moo-to-nai, -e,adj. frizzled ; curled. Moutonner, moo-to-nai, va. n. 1 r. to frizzle; curl ; foam ; grow curled. Moutonnier, -e, moodo-nyai, -re, adj. like sheep ; following the example of others. MOOTORE, moo -teur, sf. grinding of corn; grinding money ; meslin. 265 MUL MUS Mouvant, moo-vang, pres. part, of mouvoir, moving. Mouvant, -e, moo-vang, -t, adj. quick; mov- ing. Mouvement, moove-mang, sm. motion ; im- pulse ; agitation ; sensation ; ferment. Mouvement (de son propre) duh-song- propr -moove-mang, ad. exp. of one's own accord. Mouver, moo-vai, va. 1 r. to stir the mould of a flower-pot, Ac; take a sugar-loaf out of its mould. Mouvoir. moo-ron-ar, va. 3 irr. to move ; stir; agitate; incite; instigate; start. Se mouvoir, suh-moo-voo-ar, vref. to be in motion ; stir ; act. Moyen, moo-ah-yaing, sm. means ; way ; expedient : plur. riches ; resources. 77 n'y a pas moyen de leur parler, there is no speaking to them. Au moyen DE, o-moo-ah-yavig-duh , prep, for, in consideration of; by means of. Moyen, -ne, moo - aft • yaing", -yehn, adj. middle ; mean ; middling ; moderate. Moyennant, moo-ah-yay-nang, prep, for; by the means of; with the help of. Moyen- nant que, provided that. Moyenner, moo-ah-yay-nai, va. 1 r. to pro- cure by the intervention of; mediate. Moyeu,, sm. nave ; yolk ; pre- served plum. Mu, -e, men, p. part, of mouvoir, moved. Mu, -e, meu, -e, adj. moved ; stirred. Muable, meu-abl, a Ij. mutable, changeable; unstable ; unsteady. Mucilage, vieu-se-lahje, sm. viscous matter ; mucilage. Mucilagineux, -se, meu-se-lah-hje-nu7ie, -ze, adj. slimy ; viscous ; mucilaginous. Mucosite, meu-Jro-ze-tai, sf. mucousness ; slime ; viscosity. Mue, meue, sf. moulting ; moulting-timc ; casting of the skin ; coop. Muer, meu-ai, vn. 1 r. to moult ; change skin, &c. Muet, -te, meu-ay, -t, adj. dumb man, wo- man ; mute ; silent ; secret. Mufle,, sm. muzzle. Mufti, meuf-te, sm. high-priest of the Ma- hometans ; mufti. Muge, meuhje, sm. mullet, fi>h. Mugir, meu-hjeer, vn. 2 r. to low ; bellow ; roar ; speak too loud. Mugissant, -e, inoo-lije-sang, -t, adj. roaring; bellowing ; mugient. MuGiSSEMENT, meu-hjeess-mang , sm. roaring; lowing; bellowing. Muguet, men -gag, sm. lily of the valley ; adonis ; spark ; gallant; Muggeter, meu-g.uli-tai, va. 1 r. to court ; woo ; endeavor to please a woman. Muid, meu-e, sm. hogshead. Moxatse, meu-laktr, smf. and adj. mulatto ; born of a mulatto. Mule, rneiM, sf. she-mule; slipper: plur. chilblains. Ferrer la mule, fay-rai-lah-meull, v. 1 r. to profit by a bargain. Mulet, meu lay, sm. mule ; mullet. Moletier, meull - iyai, S7>i. mule-driver ; horseboy ; muleteer. Mulct, meu-lo, sm. field-mouse. Multiple, meul-teepl, sm. and adj. multiple; number containing another several times. 206 Multipliable, meul-te-plc-yabl, adj. capable of being multiplied. Mdltipliant, meul-te-ple-yang, sm. multiply- ing-glass. Multiplicands, meul - te - pie - Jdiangde, sm. number to be multiplied. Multiplicateur, meul-te-ple-ldiah-tur, sm. multiplier ; multiplicator. Multiplication, meul-te-ple-Jchah-syong, sf. multiplication. Multiplicite, meul-te-file-se-tai, sf. multipli- city ; infinite number. Multiplier, meul-te plc-yai, va. 1 r. to mul- tiply ; increase ; Accumulate. Se multiplier, 8uh-meul-te-ple*yai, vref. to increase ; augment ; multiply. Multitude, meul-te-teud, sf. multitude; vast number ; throng ; vulgar. Municipal, -e, me.u-ne-se-pal, adj. of a cor- poration ; municipal. Municipality, meu-ne-se-pah-le-tai, sf. cor- poration ; guild. Munificence, meu-ne-fe-sangsse, sf. liberal- ity ; benevolence ; munificence. Munir, meu-neer, va. 2 r. to provide ; store ; supply ; furnish with. Se munir de, suh ■ meu - - duh, vref. to provide, arm ; fortify one's self with. Munitions, meu-ne-syonghe, sfp. ammuni- tion; materials of war. Munitions de bouche, meu-ne-syonghe- dooosh, sfp. provisions ; victuals. Munitionnaire, meu - ne - syo - nayre, sm. army, navy commissary. Muqueux, -se, meu- 7cuhe, -ze, adj. slimy; viscous ; mucous. Mur, meurr, sm. wall. Mur mttoyen, meurr-me-too-ah-yaing, sm. partition-wall. Mur d'appui, meurr-dah-peu-e, sm. parapet- wall. MOr, -E, meure, adj. ripe; mature; old; worn out ; wise. Muraille, meu-rah-yuh, sf. wall. Mure, meure, sf. mulberry. MOrement, maturely; with due consideration ; wisely. Murkne, meu-rayne, sf. lamprey. Murer, meu-rai, va. 1 r. to wall. MOrier, meue-ryaij sm. mulberry-tree. Murir, meue-reer, va. n. 2 rt. to mature; ripen ; grow ripe. Murmurateur, -trice, meur-meu-rah-tur, treess, sm. murmurer. Murmure, vteurmeur, sm. murmur. Murmurer, meur-meu-rai, vn. 1 r. to com- plain ; repine ; mutter ; murmur. Musaraigne, meu • zuh - rui - iny - yuh, sf. shrew-mouse. Musard, -e, ineu-zar, -dd, smf. and adj. loit- erer ; t.ifler ; lazy ; loitering. Muse, meusk, sm. musk, perfume. Muscade, meuss-khad, sf. nutmeg. Muscadelle, meu ss-l:hah -dell, sf. musk -pear. Muscadet, meuss-l;hah-day, sm. muscadel, sweet grape ; sweet wine. Muscadier, meuss - hhah - dyai, sm. nutmeg- tree. Muscadin, meuss-ldiah-daing , sm. muscadine pastil ; scented fop, coxcomb. Muscat, meuss-Jchah, sm. muscadine grape, wine ; muscat. Muscat, -te, meuss-Jdiah, -te, adj. musky ; fragrant ; sweet of scent. MYT NAK Muscle, meusskl, am. muscle. MuscULAJRE, "" utx-liu-layre, adj. muscular ; of the muscles. Musculeux, -SB, menus - ku - lithe, -ze, adj. brawny ; strong ; vigorous ; musculous. Muse, meuzr, sf. muse; poetical genius: plur. poetry ; belles lettres. MuSEAU, -X, meu-zo, -e, em. muzzle; snout; nose of a beast. Musee, meu-zaie, am. repository of curiosi- ties ; museum. Musi liere, meuze-lyayre, sf. muzzle. MUSER, meu-zai, en. 1 r. to trille ; loiter; misapply one's time. Musckoli.e, meuse-rol, sf. nose-band. Musette, meu-eett, a/, bagpipe. Museum, iiiru • zni- omm, sin. repository of curiosities ; museum. Musical, -e, mnt-ze-khal, adj. musical ; har- monious ; melodious. Musica.ement, m< u-ze-kJial-mang, ad. in a musical manner ; harmoniously. Mi sic::. N\ -se, men- ze -syaing, -syenn, smf. musician. MuSiQOE, meuzeek, sf. music. MUSQUER, mems- kai, va. 1 r. to perfume with musk. Musulman, -e, meu-zeul-mantj, -mann, emf. and adj. Mahometan ; Mussulman. Mutabilite, meu-tah-be-le-tai, >/.changeable- riess ; instability ; uncertainty. Mutation, meii-tah-syong, sf. change; alter- ation ; mutation. Mutilation, meu-te-lah-syong, sf. mutilation; unskilful abbreviation. Mutiler, meu-te-lai, va. 1 r. to mutilate. Mutin, -E, meii-tuing, -teen, inlj. obstinate; headstrong ; stubborn ; mutinous. Mutineu (se), suh-meu-te-nai, vie/. 1 r. to mutinj' ; raise against ; revolt. Mutineiue, iiicu-teeii-ree, sf. obstinaej-; stub- bornness ; mutiny. Mutuel, -le, meu-teu-el, -1, adj. reciprocal ; mutual ; alternate ; acting by turns. MuTUELLEMENT. inen.-teil-eU-liUlii(j, lid. mu- tually ; in a reciprocal manner. Myographie, mt-yo-grahrfee, of. description of the muscles ; myograph} - . Myologie, me-yn-lo-hjee, sf. doctrine of the muscles ; myology. Myope, me-yop, smf. and adj. short-sighted person ; myops ; purblind. Myopie, me ■ yo -pee, sf. shortness of sight ; myopy. Myriads, me-ryad, sf. ten thousand; my- riad ; vast number. Myrobolan, me-ro-bo-laiig, sm. sort of dried Indian plum ; mjTobalan. Myrrhe, meerr, sf. myrrh, precious gum. Myrte, meertl, sm. myrtle. Mystere, meess-tayre, em. mystery; secret. Mysteiueusement, meess-lai-ryuhze-mang, ad. secretly ; in a mysterious manner. Mysterieux, -se, meess-tai-i yuhe, -ze, adj. mysterious. Mysticite, meess-te.-se-tai, sf. refinement of religion; deep research into Bpiritualessence. Mystifier, meess-le-fyai, va. 1 r. to ridicule a person in an allegorical manner. Mystique, metss-teeic, adj. secret ; obscure ; mystical. Mystiquement, meess-teek-mang, ad. mysti- cally. Mytiiologie, me-lo-lo-hjee, sf. mythology. Mythologique, me-to-lo-hjeelc , adj. mytho- logical. Mythologiste or Mythologue, ma-to-lo- hjeext, me-to-log, sm. mythologist, explainer ot fables. N. N'abot, -e, naJi-bn, -tt, smf. dwarf, elf. Nacarat, nah-khah-rah, sm. and adj. inde- clinable, clear ; lively, gold color. Nacelle, i,ah sell, sf. small boat. Nacre, nakr, sf, mother of pearl. Nadir, nah-aeer, sm. nadir, point opposite to the zenith. Naffe, naff, sf. scented water. NaGE, nahje, sf. swimming ; sailing. A la nage, ah-lah-nuhje, ad. exp. by swim- ming. Ltue e.v nage, eytr-ang-nalije, v. aux. to be in a great perspiration. NAGEOIRE, nah-hjoo ar, sf. fin ; cork ; blad- ders ; small float on a pail, /7-teess-«na»0,sjn. security. Napiite, riafft, sf. liquid bitumen, naphtha. Naffe, napp, .'/.table-cloth; butcher's cloth. Nappe d'eau, napp-do, sf. sheet of water. HAQxns,nah-kee, pret. def. ofnaitre, was lorn. Narcisse, nar-seess, sm. daffodil, narcissus. Narcotique, nar-ko-teek, sm. and adj. nar- cotic. Nard, narr, sm. spikenard, oily plant. Nargue de, nargg-duh, idi. exp. fig (or. who cares for; plague on. Di/e nargue de, to laugh at. Faire nargue x,fayre nargg-ah, v. 4 irr. to laugh at ; defeat, get the better of, excel. Nargueb, nar-gai, va. 1 r. to threaten, defy. Naeine, nali-rem, sf. nostril. NAROUOIS, -e, varkooah, -ze, adj. sharper, cheat ; cant ; cunninjr, crafty. N ARRATEUR, nak-rah-tnr, ■'»(. relater, teller. Narratif, -ve, nah-rah-teeff, -v, adj. narra- tive. Narration, nah-rah-syong, sf. account, re- lation. 267 NE NEG Narf.e, na/t-rai, sm. recital, relation, account. Narrek, nah-rai, va. 1 r. to relate, tell. Nasal, -e, nah-zal, adj. nasal. Nasard, nah-zar, sm. organ stop. Nasarde, nahzardd, sf. fillip on the nose. Nasarder, nah-zar-dai, va. 1 r. to fillip one's nose ; jeer, banter, ridicule. Naseau, -X, nah-zo, -e, sm. nostril of an ani- mal. Nasillard, -e, nah-ze-yar, -dd, smf. and adj. person who speaks through the nose. Nasiller, nah- ze-yai, vn. 1 r. to speak through the nose. Nasse, nass, sf. fishing-basket ; snare. Natal, -e, nah-tal, adj. natal, native. Natation, nah-tah-syong , sf. swimming. Natif, -ve, nahteeff, -v, adj. native, born. Nation, nah-syong, sf. nation, people. National, -^nah'-syo-nal, adj. of the country. Natitite, nah-te-ve-tai, sf. birth, nativity. Natron, nah-trong, sm. carbonate of soda. Natte, natl, sf. mat, texture of straw, &c. ; tresses. Natter, nah-lai, ra. 1 r. to mat, twist, plait. Nattier, nah-tyai, sm. mat maker, seller. Naturalisation, nah-teu-rah-le-zali-syong, sf. investing with the privileges of a native. Naturaliser, nah-leu-rah-le-zai, va. 1 r. to naturalize ; use to the climate. Naturalisme, nah-teu-rah-leessm, sm. natu- ralness ; system of material existence. Naturaliste, nahteu-rah-leest, sin. student in physics ; naturalist. Naturalite, nah-teu-rah-le-tai, sf. right of a native; privilege of naturalization. Nature, nah-teur, sf. nature, universe ; spe- cies ; constitution, disposition, temper. Naturel, nah-teu-rel, sm. temper, constitu- tion, disposition : plur. aborigines. De son naturel, naturally. Naturel, -le, nah-teu-rel, -?, adj. natural, artless, easy, frank, sincere, unaffected. Juye naturel, a proper judge. Naturellement, nah-teu-rell-mang, ad. nat- urally, with frankness, artlessly. Naufrage, no-frahje, sm. shipwreck. Naufrage, -e, no-frdk-hjai, adj. wrecked. Naufrager, no-frah-hjai, va. i r. to wreck. Naulage, no-lakje, sm. freight ; fare. Naumachie, no-mah-sJiee, sf. mock sea-fight. Nausee, no-zaie, sf. rising of the stomach. Nautile, no-teell, sm. nautilus, shellfish. Nautique, no-leek, adj. nautical, of the sea. Nautonnier, no-^o-ny/'ii, sm. sailor; boatman. Naval, -e, nah-val, adj. naval, of navigation. Navee, nuh-vaie, sf. boat-full, barge-full. Navet, ?iah-vay, sm. turnip, plant. Navette, nah-vett, sf. rape, plant ; censer ; shuttle. Navigable, nah-ve-ghalil, adj. navigable. Navigateur, nah-ve-ghahtur, sm. sailor, sea- man. Navigation, nah-re-yhahsyong, sf. naviga- tion, voyage, sailing. Naviguer, nah-ve-gai, sm. 1 r. to sail, navi- gate ; steer ; pass by water. X-vvire, nah-veer, sm. ship, vessel, sail. NAYRER, nah-vrai, va. 1 r. to afflict ; over- whelm with grief; break one's heart. Ne, nuh, ad. (this particle is always followed by pas or point, placed after the verb), no ; not. II dit plus qu'il, he talks more than he does. Je u'e/i sais rien, I know nothing of it. 268 Ne, -e, nai, -e, adj. and p. part, of naitre, born; sprung from, descended. Neanmoins, nai-ang-moo-aing, ad. neverthe- less, yet, for all that, however. Neant, nai-ang, sm. nothing, naught. Met- tle au neant, to make void. Nebuleux, -se, nai-beu-luhe, -ze, adj. misty, cloudy ; nebulous. Necessaire, nai-say-sayre, sm. competency. Necessaire, nai-say-sayre, adj. necessary, needful, requisite, indispensable. Necessairement, nai-say-sayre-mang, ad. necessarily, indispensably ; infallibly. Necessitast, -e, nai-say-sc-lang, -t, adj. compelling. Necessite, nai-say-se-tai, sf. compulsion, ur- gency ; indispensableness ; want, need, in- digence. De necessite, duh-nai-say-se-tai, ad. exp. absolutely ; by all means ; necessarily. Necessiter, nai-say-se-tai, va. 1 r. to com- pel, force. Necessiteux, -se, nai-say sc.-luhe, -ze, adj. poor,, needy, indigent, in want. Necrologe, nai-kro-lohj, sm. register of the dead. Necrologie, nai-kro-lo-hjee, sf. necrology. Necrologique, nai-kro-lo-hjeek, adj. necro- logical. Necromance or Necroiiancie, nai-kro- mangsse or mang-see, sf. conjuration of the dead. Necuomancien, -ne, nai-kro-mang-syaing, -syenn, smf. conjuror, enchanter. Nectar, neck-tar, sm, exquisite drink; nectar. Nef, nayff, sf. nave of a church ; water-mill. Nefastb, nai-fast,adj. inauspicious, ill-omen- ed. Xefle, nayfl, sf. medlar, fruit. Xeflier, nai-flyai, sm. medlar-tree. Negatif, -ve, nai-ghah-ieeff, -v, adj. denying. Negation, nai-ghah-syong, sf. denial. Negative, nai-ghah-teto, sf. negative ; refu- sal, denial ; denying particle, as, not. Negativement, naighah-teev-mang, ad. neg- atively ; with denial. Neglige, nai-gle-hjai, sm. undress ; morning- dress. Neglige, -e, nai-gle-hjai, -e, adj. unnoticed, forgotten, neglected; unadorned; irregular. Negligemment, nai-gle-hjah-mang, ad. care- lessly, in a negligent manner. Negligence, nai-gle-hjanysse, sf. negligence. Negligent, -e, nai-gle-hjang, -t, adj. negli- gent, careless, indolent, inattentive, lazy, idle. Negliger, nai-gle-ltjai, va. 1 r. to neglect, slight ; lose ; omit ; postpone. Se negliger, suh-nai-gle-hjai, vref. to be, or grow, careless of one's self, of one's duty. Negoce, nai-goss, sm. traffic, commerce, trade ; intrigue. Faire le negoce, to carry on trade. Negociable, nai-go-syahl, adj. salable, ven- dible, marketable, fit for commerce, trade. Negociant, 7iai-gt>syang, sm. merchant. Negociateur, -trice, nai-go-syah-tur, -treess, smf. negotiator, agenf, mediator, mediatrix. Negociation, nai-go-syah-syo'ig, sf. negotia- tion ; traffic ; discount ; exchange. Negocier, nai-go-syai, va. n. 1 r. to nego- tiate ; traffic, trade, transact business. Negre, -SSE, naygr, nay-gress, smf. negro. Negrerie, nai-gruh-ree, sf. negro-market. NEZ NOG Negrier, nai-gre-yai, sm. negro ship or sell- er, African trader. Negrillo>', nai-gre-yong, sm. little negro. Neige, nayhje, sf. snow ; extreme whiteness. // tombe tie la neige, it snows. Neige k, nay-hjai, r. memop. 1 r. to snow. Neigeox, -SB, nay-hjuhe, -ze, adj. snowy. Xk.nni, nah-ne, a ct,smf. convert; neophyte. Xei'iiretique, naifrai-teek, adj. nephritic. Nepotisms, nai-po-teessm, sm. authority, right of nephews. Nekeide, nai-rai-eed, sf sea-nymph. N£RP,nair l «m. nerve; sinew; strength, vigor. Neboli, nai-ro-lc, sm. orange-ilower-water, essence of oranges. Xsiii'Ku.x, nair-prung, sm. buck-thorn. Nekver, nair-vai, va. 1 r. to cover with sin- ews. Neuveux, -se, nair-vuhe, -ze, adj. strong, vigorous. Nervin, nair-vaing, sm. and adj. bracer of the nerves, fortifying, strengthening the nerves. Nervore, nair-veur, sf. covering with sin- ews : plur. mouldings ; edging. Net, -te, nay, -It, adj. clean ; smooth ; neat ; clear ; empty ; irreproachable ; precise ; frank. Net, nay. sm. correct copy ; whole, amount. Net, nayt, ad. plainly; all at once ; sincerely. Nettsment, nay tie- many, ad. cleanly ; frankly. Nettete, naytte-tai, sf. cleanness, clearness. Nettoiehest, nay-too-ah-mring, sm. clean- ing, clearing, cleansing. Nettoyer, ftay-too-ah~yaiy va. 1 r. to clean, clear ; sweep ; win ; drive away ; free. Necf, nun, sm. nine. Neuf, nujf, num. adj. indecl. nine, ninth (this word is pronounced nujf, final, nuh before a consonant, mm before a vowel or silent h). Neuf, -ve, nujf, uuv, adj. new, raw, inexpe- rienced ; awkward, stiff. XzVTV..\L]zy.E.ST,nuhtral-mang,ad.Tienira.Uy. Neutralite, nuh-trah-le-taij sf. neutrality, indifference, impartiality. Neutre, nuhetr, sot. and adj. neuter, neutral, indifferent, impartial. Neuvaine, nuh-venn, sf. nine days' prayers. Neuvieme, nuh-vyemn, sm. and adj. ninth part, ninth. Neuviememe>*t, null -vyemm- many, ad. ninthly. Neveu, nuh-vuh, sm. nephew, brother's, sis- ter's son. Nez, naie, sm. nose; face ; sagacity, foresight. Nez a NEZ,naie-zah-naie, ad. exp. face to face. Pied de sez, jyyai-dnaie, sm. shame, mortifi- cation. Tirer l.ES VERS du NEZ, te-rai-ley '-vaire-deu- naie, idi. exp. r. 1 r. to pump, worm out. Baigner dc se/., say-ing-yai-deu-naie, idi. exp. v. 1 r. to want courage ; bleed at the nose. Xi, ne, rouj. neither, nor. Niable, ne-yabl, adj. deniable, refntable. Niais, -e, nyey, -ze, smf. and adj. simpleton, ninny; harndess, foolish, silly, innocent. Niaisemeht, nyeyze-mang, ad. foolishly, sil- lily, iu an idiot like manner. Niaiser, nyey-zai, in. 1 r. to talk, behave sillily, play the fool ; trifle, loiter. Niaiserie, nyeyze-ree, sf. silliness, foolish- ness, trille, nonsense; silly thing, behavior. Niche, neesh,sf. niche ; kennel; trick, wag- gery. NiCHEE, ne-shaie, sf. brood, whole nest of birds, &c. ; meeting of rogues. Nicher, ne-shai, va. n. 1 r. to put, place ; make one's nest ; nestle, house, seitle. Se KICHEB, svh-ne-shai, vref. to nestle, settle, fix one"s self in a place. NlGHET, ne-shay, sm. nest-egg, egg left in the nest. 'Siciiom,ne-shoo-ar,sm. breeding-cage; roost- ing-place ; iron bed. Xid, ne, sm. nest ; house ; bed ; hiding-place; progeny. Nidoreux, -se, ne-do-ruhe, -ze, adj. unpleas- ant to taste or smell ; musty ; fetid. Niece, nyess, sf. brother's, sister's child. Niklle, nyell, sf. mildew; bishop's-wort. Xieller, nyay-lai, rn. 1 r. to mildew ; blast. Xier, nyai, va. n. 1 r. to deny, contradict ; disown. Nigaud, -e, nc-goe, -d, smf. and adj. simple- ton ; silly, foolish, simple, not sharp. Nigauder, ne.-goe-dai, rn. 1 ;■. to stand tri- fling, play the fool, trifle away one's time. NiG.\VDEiUE,ne-gode-rer, sf. silliness, foolery. Xille, nee-yuh, sf. tendril of a vine ; small handle. Nimbe, naingbe, sm. glory ; circle of rays. Xipper, ne-pui, va. 1 r. to supply with clothes, fit up. XippES,«eep,^/ clothes ; furniture; movables. Nique, neek, sf. game ; contempt, mockery, sport. Faire la NIQDE, fayre-lah-neek, v. 4 irr. to show one's contempt, deride, scorn. Xitouche (SAINTE), sainte-ne-toosh, sf. prude, demure woman ; hypocrite. Xitre, neelr, sm. nitre, saltpetre. Nitreux, -se, ne-lruhe, -ze, adj. nitrous. Nitriere, ne-tre-yayre, sf. nitrous vein of earth. Niveau, ne-vo, sm. level, plane, even surface. NlTELEB, neev-lai, va. 1 r. to level, equalize. Niveleur, neev-lur, sm. leveller ; surveyor. Xivellement, ne-vell-mang, sm. surveying. Nobiliaire, no-he-lyayre, sm. and adj. peer- age-book ; noble. Noble, nobl, sm. nobleman, noble ; English coin worth six shillings and eight pence. Noble, nobl, adj. exalted, illustrious, mag- nificent ; generous, liberal ; great. Noblement, nabl-mang, ad. nobly. Noblesse, no-bless, sf. nobility; nobleness; greatness ; excellence ; dignity ; magna- nimity. Noce, noss, $f. wedding-feast : plur. nuptials ; marriage ; wedding. Nocher, no-shai, sm. pilot ; steersman ; boat- man. Noctambcle, nock - tang -beull, smf. sleep- walker ; somnambule ; noctivajrant. Noctill'QUE, nock-te-leuk, adj. night-shining, luminous in the night. 269 NON NOU Nocturne, nork-leurn, sm. and adj. nocturn ; nocturnal ; nightly. Nodus, no-deuss, sm. node ; knob ; knot ; swelling on the bones. Noel, no-ell, sm. Christmas; Christmas-carol. Nceud, nuh, sm. knot; tie; joint; union; difficulty ; chief point ; intrigue ; node. I Voila le nceud de Vajfaire, there lies the difficulty. NoiR, noo-ar, sm. black ; negro. NoiR, -E, noo-ar, adj. black ; livid ; loul ; dark ; gloomy ; atiocious ; odious. Noiratre, noo-ar-ahlr, adj. blackish ; in- clined to black. Noiraud, -E, noo-ar-oe, -d, sm/. and adj. ■ dark ; brown man or woman. [Noirceur, noo-ar-sur, sf. blackness ; black spot ; atrocity ; enormity. Noircir, noo-ar-seer, va. n. 2 r. to blacken; defame ; asperse ; grow black. Noircissure, noo-ar-se-seur, sf. black spot ; bruise ; blackening. Noire, noo-ar, sf. crotchet in music. Noise, noo-ahze, sf. quarrel ; dispute ; strife ; squabble ; noise. Noisetier, noo-ahztyai, sm. hazel. Noisette, voo-ah-zett, sf. hazelnut. Noix, noo-'ah, sf. walnut ; kernel. Nolis or Nolissement, no-lee, no-leess-mang, sm. freight ; hire of a ship. Noliser, no-lee-zai, va. 1 r. to freight ; load ; embark. Nom, no»g, sm. name ; title ; fame ; birth. Nom de guerre, assumed name. Nomade, no-mad, smf. and adj. wanderer : wandering ; errant. Nombre, nongbr, sm. number ; multitude. Nombrer, nong-brai, va. 1 r. to number, count ; reckon ; calculate ; tell. Nombreux, -SE, nong-bruhe, -ze, adj. numer- ous ; harmouious. Nombril, nong-bre, sm. navel ; focus ; centre. Nome, nome, 'sm. district ; jurisdiction; tune. Nomenclateur, no-mang-klah-tur, sm. no- menclator; one who knows or tells the names. Nomenclature, no-mang-klah-teur, sf. na- ming ; vocabulary ; set of names. Nominal, -e, no-me-nal, adj. nominal. No.MiNATAiRE, no-me-nah-tayre, sm. king's presentee. Nominateur, no-me-nah-tur, sm. patron ; ad- vowee. Nominatif, no-me-nah-teeff, sm. nominative. Nomination, no-me-nah-syong, sf. advowson. Nommement, no-mai-niang, ad. namely. Nommer, no-mai, va.l r. to name ; elect ; declare. Se nommer, snJi-no-mai, vref. to be called or named ; one's name to be. Non, nong, sm. and ad. no. Nonagenaire, no-nah-hjai-nayre, a/J.ninety years old : four score and ten years old. Nonante, no-nangte, num. adj. indecl. ninety. Nonantieme, no-nang-lyemm, sm. and adj. ninetieth. Nonce, nongsse, $m. nuncio; spiritual mes- senger. Nonchalamment, nong-sliah-lah-mang, ad. carelessly ; in a supine manner. Nonchalance, nong-shah-langsse, sf. indif- ference ; carelessness ; indolence. Nonchalant, -£,nong-shah-lai)g, -t,smf. and adj. careless ; negligent ; lazy ; supine. 270 Nonciature, nong-syah-teur, sf. nuncio's office or dignity ; nunciature. Nonconformiste, nong-kong-for-meest. jm/. dissenter ; nonconformist. Nonconformite, nong-kong-for-me-tai, sf. nonconformity ; refusal of compliance. Nones, 7ionn, sfp. nones ; none-prayers. Xonnain, no-naing, sf. nun ; sort of pigeon. Nonne, nonn, sf. nun. Xonnette, no-nelt, sf. young nun. Nonobstant, non-nob-pstang, prep, notwith- standing ; however ; for all that. Non-paiement, nong-paie viang, sm. default of payment; non-payment. Nonpareil, -le, nong - pah - rai - yuh, adj. matchless, incomparable. Xonfareille, nong-pah-rai-yvhe, sf. narrow ribbon ; sugar -plum. Non plus ultra, nong-pleu-zeul-trah, sm. utmost ; the most that can be. Non-residence, nong- rai -ze *dangsse, sf. failure of residence; non-residence. Non-usage, nong-eu-zahje, sm. disuse. Xon-valeur, nong -rah-tiir, sf. deficiency; unprofitable property ; waste. Nord, nor, sm. Dorth ; septentrion. Nordester, nor-dess-tai, en. 1 /-. to steer or decline towards the northeast. V Nordouester, nor - doo - ess - tai, vn. 1 r. to steer or decline towards the northwest. Normal, -e, nor-mall, adj. normal ; regular. Nos, nor, posssss. art. mfp. our. Nota, uo-tah,sm. observation; remark; note: ad. exp,. observe ; mark ; take notice. Notable, no-tabl, adj. remarkable ; consider- able. Notablement, no-tahl-mang, ad. notably. Xotaire, no-lay re, sm. notary. Notamment, no-tah-mang, ad. principally. Notakiat, notah-ryah, sm. notary's office. Notarie, -E, no-lah-ryai, -e, adj. registered, drawn by a notary. Note, nott, sf. note ; mark ; observation ; stain ; comment ; remark. NOTES, no-tai, vn. 1 r. to note ; remark. Noter d'infamie, no-tai-daingfah-mee, va. 1 r. to brand ; disgrace. Noteur, no-tur, sm. music-copier. Notice, no-teess, sf. extract ; short account ; concise description ; review of a book. Notification, no-te-fe-khah-syvng, sf. notifi- cation. Notifier, node fyai, va. 1 r. to notify. Notion, no-syong, sf. notion ; knowledge ; thought. Xotoire, no-too-ar, adj. notorious ; clear. Notoikement, no-too-ar -mang, ad. noto- riously ; evidently ; publicly. Notoriete, no to-re-yai-tai, sf. notoriety. Notre, notr, possess, art. inf. sing, our LE NOTRE, LA NOTRE, LES NOTRES, lull, latl- voetr,, possess, pron. ours. Noue, nooe, sf. pantile ; swamp ; gutter. Noue, -E, noo-ai r -e, adj. rickety ; knotty ; connected. , Nouer, noo-ai, va. n. 1 r. to tie ; knot ; join ; form. , Nouet, noo-ay, sm. linen bag filled witn drugs infused in water. Noueux, -SE, noo-uhe, -ze, adj. knotty. Nougat, noo-ghah, sm. almond-cake. Nourrain, nooraing, sm. young fry. Nourri, -E, noore, -e, adj. suckled ; very full ; well-formed ; florid ; abundant. NUA NUT Nourrice, ttoo-reeaa, sf. wet-nurse. Nourriciek, noo-re-eyai, sm. foster-father. Nourricier, -e, noo-rp'Si/ai, -re, adj. nutri- tive. Nourkir, noo-rcer, va. 2 r. to nourish; suckle ; educate; maintain; feed. Se nourrik, suh-noo-reer, vrrf. to live upon. NOURKISSANT, -E, noo-resang, ■(, a:, ong-g'l. sm. rail ; claw; talon; hoof. Onglee, ong-glaie, sf. intense cold; numb- ness at the fingers' ends. Onglet, ong-glay, sm. guard; puncheon; meter. Onglette, ong-ghlt, sf. flat graver ; nail notch in a blade. Onguent, ong-ghang, sm. ointment. Onirocritie, o-ne-ro-kre-see, sf. interpreta- tion of dreams. Onirocritique, onr.-ro-kre-teek, adj. inter- pretative of dreams ; oneirocritical. Onocrotale, o-no-kro-tal, sm. bittern. Onomatopee, o-no-ma-io-paie, sf. word imi- tating the sound of the thing signified. Ont, ong. 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of avoir, have. Onyx, o-neeks, sm. onyx ; semipellucid gem. Onze, ongze, sm. eleven, eleventh day. Onze, ongze, num. adj. indecl. eleven ; elev- enth. Onzieme, ong-zyemm, sm. and adj. eleventh. Onzieuement, ong-zyem.m-m.ang, ad. in the eleventh place. Oolithes, o-odeet, sfp. petrified shells. Opacite, o-pah-se-tai, sf. opacity; solidity. Opale, o-pal, sf. opal ; precious stone reflect- ing various colors. Opaque, o-pack, adj. cpacous ; dark; ob- scure. Opera, o-pai-rnh, sm. musical drama; opera- house ; troublesome business. Operateur, -trice, o-pai-rah-tur, -treess, sm/. operator ; operatrix ; quack. Operation, o-pay-rah-syong, sf. operation. Operer, o-pai-rai, va. n. 1 r. to produce ef- fects ; work ; act; operate ; form. Opes, opp, smp. holes to bear the rafters. Ophite, o-feet, sm. spotted porphyry; ophites. Ophthalsiie, of-tal-mee, sf. disease of the eyes. Opiat, o-pyaht, sm. electuary ; paste for the teeth. Ofilation, o-pedah-syong, sf. obstruction. Opiler, o-pe-bii, va. 1 r. to obstruct; block up. Opinant, o-pe-naug. sm. adviser ; opinionist. Opiner, o pe-nni. vn. 1 r. to advise ; counsel. Opiniatre, o pc-nyithtr, smf. and adj. ob- stinate stubborn; firm; constant; vigorous. Opiniatrement, o-pe-nyahtr-martg, ad. ob- stinately ; with vigor, perseverance. Opixiatrer, ope-uyiili trai, va. 1 r. to main- tain obstinately ; persevere; make obstinate. S'opiniatrei:. s'o-pe-nyah-trai, trref. to be obstinate, bent upon ; resolute, firm. Opiniatkete, o-pe-nyah-truh-tai, sf. obsti- nacy ; stubbornness ; constancy ; persever- ance. Opinion, o-pe-nyong, sf. advice; opinion; sentiment; belief; persuasion ; fancy. Opium, o-pyomm, sm. opium, sirup of poppy. OPPORTOH, -e. o-por-tung, -trim, adj. season- able ; propitious; favorable. Opportunement, o pnr-teu-jiai-mang, ad. seasonably ; just in time. Opportunity, o-por-teu-ne-tai, sf. opportuni- ty, favorable occasion. Opposant, -e, 0-po-zang, -te, adj. opponent. Oppose, o-po-zai, sm. contrary ; contradic- tion. Oppose, -e, o-po-zai, -e, adj. opposite ; fa- cing; contrary ; contradictory ; repugnant. Opposer, o-po-zai, va. 1 ;•. to obstruct; place in front ; object ; reply ; oppose. S'opposer a, s'o-po-zai-ah, tref. to oppose; dissent ; object to ; differ from. Opposite, o-po-zeet, sm. contrary. A l ; opposite, ah-l'o-po-zeet, ad. exp. lacing; over against ; in front of. Opposition, o-po-zesi/ong, sf. hinderance ; obstacle ; contrariety ; repugnance. OppreSSE, -E, o-pray-sai, -e, adj. short breathed, asthmatic, troubled with asthma. Oppresser, o-pray-sai, va. 1 r. to suffocate, stop the breath. Oppresseur, o-pray-sur, sm. oppressor; per- secutor. Oppressif, -ve, opray-seeff, -srrr, adj. op- pressive. Oppressiyement, o-pray-seev -mang, ad. in * an oppressive manner. Oppression, o - pray - si/ong, sf. tightness; suffocation ; oppression ; tyranny ; perse- cution. Opprimer, o-pre-mai, va. 1 r. to oppress ; crush ; subdue ; tyrannize over ; persecute. Opprobre, o-probr, sm. shame ; ignominy ; reproach. Optatif, op-lah-ieeff, sm. optative mood. Opter, op-tai, va. n. Ir. to choose; select; adopt. Opticien, op-te-syaing, sm. optician. Opti.misme, up-te-mecssm, sm. all for the best. Optimiste, op-le-meest, smf. believer in op- timity. Option, op-syong, sf. choice ; election ; op- tion. Optique, opteek, sf and adj. optics ; vision ; visual. Opulemment, o-peu-lah-mang, ad. with opu- lence ; richly ; opulently. Opulence, o-peudangsse, sf. riches ; wealth ; affluence. Opulent, -e, o-peudang, -te, adj. wealthy ; affluent. Opuscule, o-peuss-kule, sm. small literary work ; pamphlet. Or, or, sm. gold ; money ; riches ; bright yellow. Or, or, conj. now ; but. Oracle, o-rakl, sm. oraclo ; person famed for wisdom ; best writer of the day. Orage, o-rahje, sm. storm; sudden misfor- tune ; commotion ; revolt ; great passion. Oragecx, -se, o-rah-hjuhe, -ze, adj. stormy. Oraison, o-ray-zong, sf. oration; speech; orison. Oral, -e, o-rai, adj. verbal; uttered by mouth ; oral. 275 ORE OKI Orang OUTANG, o-rang-oo-lanrj, sm. baboon, jocko monkey of human height. Orange, o-ranghje, 'sf. orange. Orange, -e, o-rang-hjai, -e, adj. of orange color. Orangeade, o-rang-hjad, sf. sherbet. Orangeat, o-rang-hjah, sm. candied orange- peel. Oranger, o-rang-hjai, sm. orange-tree. Orangere, o-rang-hjayre, sf. orange-woman. Orangerie, o-ranghje-ree, sf. plantation of orange-trees ; orangery. Orateur, o-rah-tur, sm. man of eloquence; orator ; speaker. Oratoire, o-rah-too-ar, sm. oratory; private place for prayers. Oratoire, o-rah-too-ar, adj. florid ; rhetori- cal ; oratorical ; befitting an orator. Oratoirement, o-rah-too-ar -mang, ad. in an eloquent manner. Oratorio, o-rah-to-re-yo, sm. sacred drama set to music ; oratorio. Orbe, orbb, sm, globe ; sphere ; orb ; circle ; planet. Orbiculaire, or-be-lcu-layre, adj. circular; spherical. "Orbiculairement, or-be-ku-layre-mang, ad. spherically, in a circular form. Orbite, or-beett, sf. orbit ; socket of the eye. Orcanette, or-lihah-nett, sf. orchanet, herb. Orchestique, or-hess-teek, sf. art of dancing or playing at tennis. Orchestre, or-kesstr, sm. orchestra. Ordalie, or-dahlee, sf. ordeal ; trial ; single combat, in the middle ages. Ordinaire, or-de-nayre. sm. daily fare; use, custom ; post ; post-office ; bishop. Ordinaire, or-de-nayre, adj. usual ; custom- ary ; middling, common ; vulgar. X l'okdinaire, ah-lor-de-nayre, ad. exp. as usual ; according to custom. D'ORDINAIRE, dor-de-nayre, ad. exp. mostly; commonly ; usually. Pour l' ordinaire, poor-lor-de-vnyre, ad. exp. for the greatest part ; generally. Ordinairement, or-de-nayre-mang, ad. gen- erally ; usually ; commonly. Ordinal, -e, or-de-nal, adj. of order; ordinal. Ordinand, or-de-nang, sm. candidate for priesthood. Ordinant, or-de-nang, sm. bishop who con- fers the order of priesthood. Ordination, or-de-nah-si/ong, sf. conferring of priesthood ; ordination. Ordonnance, or-do-nangsse, sf. ordinance ; law. . Ordonnateur, or-do-nah-'ur, sm. and adj. m. regulator; orderer; disposer; governor. Ordonner, or-do-nai, va. \r. to regulate; arrange ; direct; order; prescribe ; ordain. Ordre, ordr, sm. order ; disposition ; state ; duty ; rule ; rank ; situation ; command. Ordure, or-deur, sf. filth ; dirt ; ribaldry. Ordurier, -e, or -deu-ryai, smf. indecent person. Ordurier, -e, or-deuryai, -re, adj. immod- est ; offensive ; indecent. Oreades, o-rai-ad, sfp. mountain nymphs. Oreillard, o-ray-yar, sm. flap-eared bat. Oreillard, -e, o-ray-yar, -d, adj. flap-eared. Oreille, oray-yuh, sf ear; auricle; fold. Oreille d'ours, o-r'ay-yuh-doorsse, sf. au- ricula. Oreiller, o-ray-yai, sm. pillow. 276 Oreillette, o-ray-yelt, sf. small ear-ring; auricle. Oreillons, o ray-yonghe, smp. tumors ; ear- tufts ; skin-parings for glue. Oremus, o-rai-menss, sm. prayer. Orfevre, or-fayrr, sm. goldsmith ; silver- smith. Orfevrerie, or-fai-vruh-ree, sf. goldsmith's trade or ware. Orfraie, or-frey, sf. ospray ; ossifrage, sea- eagle. Orfuoi, orfroo-ah, sm. embroidered border of gold, silver, ", or-todang, sm. ortolan, small bird. Orvale, or-val, sf. clary, herb. Orvietan, or-vyaitang, sm. supposed anti- dote, quack medicine ; nostrum. 'SlxRCa±SDT>'oRViiT.\s < 7nar-slmnj-dor-r!/ai- tang. sm. mountebank ; quack. Os, oe, sm. bone. II ne /era pus de vieux os, he will not live long ; he will die young. Oscillatio.v, oseel-lah-syong, sf. motion back- ward and forward ; oscillation. Oscillatoire, o-seel-lah-too-ar, adj. moving backward and forward; oscillatory. Osciller, -seel-lai, rn. 1 r. to move backward and forward ; oscillate. Ose, -e, o-zai, -e, adj. daring ; bold ; pre- sumptuous ; rash. Oseille, o-zay-yuh, sf. sorrel, acrid plant. OSER, o--ii, va. n. 1 r. to dare; have the bold- ness, courage, presumption of. Osbraie, oze-raye, sf. plantation of osiers, willows. Osier, o-zyai, sm. osier: osier-twigs. Osselet, o slay, sm. small bone ; ossicle. Osseme.VTS, o-smnnghe, smp. bones. Osseux, se, o-suhc, -ze, adj. bony, of bones. Ossification-, o-se-fe-Mahsyong, sf. change into bony substance ; ossification. Ossifies, o-se-fyui, va. 1 r. to change into bone. S'O sifier, s'o-sc-fi/ai, tref. to grow into bone. OSSU, -E, o-seu, adj. with large bones. Ostensible, oss-iang-seebl, adj. apparent; evident, demonstrable ; ostensible. OsTENsini.EMENT, oss-tang-seebl-mang, ad., in an ostensible manner ; evidently. Ostentation, o&stang-tah-syong, sf. ambi- tious display ; boast ; vain show. Osteocope, uss-tai-o-kop, adj. aching of the bones. Ostrace, -E, oss-trah-sai, -e, adj. shelly, of shells. Ostracisme, oss-trah-seessm, sm. ten years' banishment at Athens; ostracism. Ostracite, oss-lralt-seett, sf. petrified ovster- shell. Ostrelin', oss-iruli-laing. sm. easterly people in respect to a northern nation. Ostrogoth, oss-lro-go, sm. ill-bred man; bar- barian. Otage, o-iahje, sm. hostage. Otaigie, o-tat-hjee, sf. ear-ache. Ote, oe-tai, prep, except ; but ; save. Oter, oe-fat, va. 1 r. to take away; remove ; cut off; deprive ; rid ; take back. S'oter, s' oe-tai, vref. to remove ; withdraw . deprive one's self. Ottoman, -e, oto-mang, -mann, smf. and adj. Mahometan ; Turkish. Ottomane, oto-mann, sf. large sofa ; couch. Otr, oo, conj. or; cither; otherwise. Ou, oo, relative pron. and ad. which ; what ; where; whither. Ou me. redaisez-vous? what do you reduce me to ? D'ou, doo, undad. of or from which; what ; whence. D'ou ites-vous ? of what country are you? Ouaille, oo-ah-yuh, sf. sheep ; fig ; one of a pastor's flock. Ouais ! oo-ey! int. lack-a-day! heyday! hey' Ouate, ooat, sf. wadding ; soft stufffor quilt- ing. Octater, oo-ah-tal, va. 1 r. to stnff with wad ding. Oubli, oo-ble, sm. forgetfulness ; oblivion. Oublie, oo-blee, sf. wafer ; very thin cake. Ocblier, oo-ble-yai, va. 1 r. to forget ; omit ; neglect ; pardon ; leave out ; be unmindful of. S'oublier, s'oo-ble-yai, vref. to forget one's self; fail in one's duty ; stow proud. Oubliettes, oo-ble-yctt, sfp. secret death, in a dungeon. Oublieur, oo-ble -yur, sm. wafer maker or seller. Oublieex, -SE, oo-ble-yuhe, -ze.adj. forgetful. Ouest, oo-est, sm. west ; westerly wind. Ouf i ooff ! int. O ! pho ! Oui, oo-e, sm. and ad. yes ; yea ; ay, so. On lui dit qu'oui, he was told so. Oui-da, oo-e-dah, ad. exp. willingly ; with all my heart ; yes certainly. Oui-DIRE, oo-e-deer, sm. hearsay ; report ; rumor. Ouie, oo-ee, sf. hearing. Ouies, oo-ee, sfp. gills of fishes ; holes on a violin. Oui'R, oo-eer, va. 2irr. (this verb is used only in the infin., pres. ind., pres. subj., and com- pound tenses), to hear ; listen attentively ouv PAG Oui', -E, oo-ee, p. part, of ouir, heard. Ouis, oo-ee, pres. ind. of ouir, hear. Oui'SSE, oo-eess, pres. subj. of ouir. OuragaN, oo-rah-ghang, am. hurricane. Ourdir, oor-deer, va. 2 r. to weave ; plot ; plan. OuRDlSSOlR, oor-deesoo-ar, sm. loom. Ourler, oor-lai, va. I r. to hem ; edge ; border. Ourlet, oor-lay, sm. hem, edge of cloth sewed. Ours, oorsse, sm. bear ; unsociable man. OuRSE, oorsse, sf. female bear ; north. Oursin, oor-saing, sm. sea-hedgehog, shell- fish. Ourson*, oor-song, sm. bear's cub. Ourvari, oor-rah-re, sm. great uproar ; re- call of the pack of hounds. Outarde, oo-tardd, sf. bustard. Outardeau, -x, oo-tar-do, -c, sm. young bus- tard. Outil, oo-tee, sm. tool. Outille, -E, oo-te-yai, -e, adj. furnished with tools. Outiller, ou-teyai, va. 1 r. to furnish with tools. Outrage, oo-trahje, sm. abuse ; insult ; af- front. Outrageant, -e, oo-lrahhjang, -te, adj. of- fensive ; injurious; abusive; insulting. Outrager, oo-trah-hjai, va. \r. to abuse ; injure. Outrageusement, oo-trah-hjuhze-mang, ad. in an injurious manner ; furiously. Outrageux, -se, oo-trah-hjuhe, -ze, adj. of- fensive; affronting; abusive; injurious. Outrange (a.), ahoo-lrangsse, ad. exp. to the utmost ; beyond measure ; excessivel}'. Outre, ootr, sf. leather-bottle ; gourd. Outre, ootr, ad. besides ; further ; on the other side. En outre, ang-nootr, ad. exp. moreover ; be- sides. D'outre e>" outre, doolr-ang-naotr, ad. exp. through ; from one end to the other. Outre, ootr, prep, beyond ; above ; besides. Outre, -e, oo-lrai, -e, adj. excessive ; exag- gerated ; extravagant ; angry ; indignant ; penetrated. Cheval outre, shuh-val-oo-trai, sm. horse spent with fatigue. Outrement, oo-trai-mang, ad. excessively. Outremer, ootr-mair, sm. ultramarine color. Outre-mesure, oo(r-muh-zcur, ad. exp. be- yond measure ; too much ; excessively. Outre-passer, ootr-pah-sai, va. 1 r. to tres- pass ; exceed ; go beyond. Outrer, oo-trai, va. 1 r. to overwork ; ex- ceed ; overstep the bounds ; exaggerate ; incense ; exasperate. Ouvert, -e, oo-vair, -te, adj. and p. part, of ouorir, opened ; open ; accessible ; frank ; sincere; declared; running; exposed. Ouvertement, oo-vair t-mang, ad. openly. Ouverture, oo-vair-teur, sf. opening; chink; hole ; beginning ; overture. Ouverture de cceur, ou-vair-teur-duh-kur, sf. sincerity ; frankness. Ouverture d'esprit, oo-vair-teur-dess-pre, sf. penetration ; judgment ; understanding. Ouvrable (jour), hjoor-oo-vraU, sm. week- day. Ouvuage, oo-vrahje, sm. work; workman- ship ; production. 278 Ouvrage, -e, oo-vrah-hjai, -e, .adj. figured ; wrought. Ouvraxt, oo-vrang, pres. part, of ouvrir, opening. Ouvrant, -e, oo-vrang, -te, adj. opening; rising. Ouvre, oovr, pros. ind. of ouvrir, open. Ouvre, -E, oo-vrai, -e, adj. diapered; wrought. Ouvreur, -SE, oo-vrur, -vruhze, smf. opener; box-keeper at theatres. Ouvrier, -e, oo-vre-yai, -re, smf. work man or woman. Ouvrier, -e, oo-vre-yai, -re, adj. working ; chief. Ouvrir, oo-vreer, va. 2 irr. to open ; begin ; spread. S'ouviUR, s'oo-vreerjVref. to expand, disclose; open one's mind. Ouvris, oo-vree, pret. def. of ouvrir, opened. Ouvroir, oo-vroo-ar, sm. workshop, work- ing-place. Ovaire, o-vayre. sm. ovary. Ovale, o-val, sm. figure in the shape of an egg. Ovale, o-val, adj. oval, ovate. Ovation", o-vah-syong, sf. Roman triumph ; ovation. Ovipahe, o-ve-par, adj. produced by eggs ; oviparous. Oxycrat, ocJc-se-krah, sm. mixture of water and vinegar, oxycrate. Oxymel, ock-se-mel, sm. mixture of honey and vinegar, oxymel. Oxyrriiodin", ock-se-ro-daing, sm. liniment of oil and rose vinegar, oxyrrhodine. P. Pacage, pah-khahje, sm. pasturage, pasture. Pacager, pah-khah-hjai, vn. 1 r. to feed, graze. Pacha, pah-shah, sm. Turkish viceroy of a province, bashaw. Pacificateur, pah-se-fe-khahtur, sm. peace- maker. Pacification, pah-se-fe-khah-syong,sf. peace- making. Pacifier, pah-sefyai, va. 1 r. to pacify, ap- pease. Pacifique, pah-se-feek,adj. pacific, peaceable, quiet ; gentle, mild, pliant. Pacifiquement, pah-se-feek-mang, ad. qui- etly. Pacotille, pah-kote-yuh, sf. seaman's ven- ture; small quantity of goods; parcel, bundle. Pacte, packt, sm. agreement, contract, com- pact. Pactiser, pack-tee-zai, vn. 1 r. to stipulate ; agree. Padou, pah-doo, sm. ferret, narrow silk and thread ribbon. Pagaie, pah-gaie, sf. paddle, Indian oar. Paganisme, pah-ghah-neessm, em. heathen- ism. Page, pahje, sm. page, young gentleman at- tending on a great person. Eire hors dk page, to be one's own man. Page, pahje, sf. page, side of the leaf of a book. Pagn'e, payingyuh, sm. negro's cincture. Pagnon, pah-ing-yong, sm. fine black cloth. Pagode, pah-god, sf. pagod, Indian idol or temple. PAL PAM Paien, -ne, pah-yaing, -yenn, mnf. pagan, heathen. Paien, se, pah-yaing, -yenn, adj. heathen- ish, pagan. Paillard, -e, pahyar, -dd, smf. and adj. luxurious ; wanton person. Paillardise, pah-yar-deate, sf. wantonness Paillasse, pah -passe, sm. merry-andiew ; clown. Paillasse, pnhyasse, sf. straw mattress. PAILLASSON, pnh yahsonff, sm. garden mat. Faille, pith-yuh, »/. straw; chaff ; flaw. Horn- pre la pailie aeec, to fall out with. Paillek, pahyai, sm. farm-yard ; stack of straw. Paillet, pah-pay, sm. and adj. spring of a lock, Ac; pale. Paillette, pah-yett, sf. spangle ; lamina ; gold-dust. Pailleur, -se, pah yur, -yuhze, smf. seller of straw. Pailleux, -se, pahyuhe, -ze, adj. flawy, de- fective. Paillon, pah ynng, sm. large spangle ; sold- er ; handful of straw. Pain, bread, loaf; food, sustenance. Pain a. cacheter, paing-nah-khash-tai, sm. a wafer. Pain benit, paimj-bai-ne, sm. holy bread. Pain celeste, puing-sai-lest,sm. communion, sacrament. Pain de vie, paingduh-vee, sm. word of God, Bible. Pain quotidien, paing-lco-te-dyaing, sm. daily work, labor, business. Pain d'efice, paing-daipeess, sm,. ginger- bread. Pain cuit, paing-lnt-e, sm. competency. Pair, pair, sm. peer; equivalent; par. Se titer du pair, to distinguish one's self. Pair, pair, adj. m. equal, even, alike, similar. De pair, duh-pair, ad. exp. with equality, on a par. Paire, pair. sf. pair, couple, brace. Paikesse, pay-res*, sf. peeress, lady of a peer. Pairie, pay-ree, sf. peerage, peerdom. Pais, pey, pres. ind. of paltre, graze. Paisible, pay-zeebl, adj. peaceable, quiet, mild - sedate, steady, undisturbed. Paisibi.eme.vt, pay-zeebl-mang, ad. quietly. Paissant, pey -sang, pres. part, ot'paitre, gra- zing. Paisseau, -x, pay-so, -e, sm. prop ; pole for vines, &.C. Paisson, 2 m y- s0 »gi sm - graMng, pasture; stretcher. Paltre, peytr, va. n. 4 irr. to graze, feed on grass. Se paitre, suh-peytr, vref. to feed upon. Paix, pey, sf. peace, tranquillity, reconcilia- tion, concord, calm, repose, rest. Paladin, pahlah-daing, sm. paladin, knight- errant. Palais, pah - ley, sm. palace, magnificent house; court; palate of the mouth. Gens de palais, lawyers. Palanquin, pah-lang-kaing, sm. covered car- riage borne on the shoulders of slaves, pa- lanquin. Palatin, pah-lahtaing, sm. palatine. 'pA.lATls,-E,pah-lah-taing,-teen,adj. palatine. Palatinat, pah-lah-te-nah, sm. palatinate. Palatine, pah-lah-teen, sf. fur tippet ; pala- tine's wife or daughter. Pale, pal, sf. floodgate, sluice ; flat end of the oar. Pale, phhl. adj. pale, wan. languid., puh-laie, sf, row of stakes ; strong fence. Palefrenier, palfruh-nyai, sm. groom. Palefroi, palfiooah, sm. palfrey, small la- dy's hoise. Paleographie. pah-lai-ograh-fee, sf. art of deciphering ancient writing. PalerON, pal-rong, sm. shoulder-blade; shoulder. Palestre, pah-lesstr, sf. place for bodily ex- ercises, palaestra. Palet, payday, sm. quoit ; discus. Palette, pah-letl, sf. battlerloor ; spattle ; pa- lette ; printer's slice ; small bleeding vessel. PaleuK, pah-lur, if. paleness, wanness. PALIER, pah-lyai, sm. landing-place ; seg- ment. Palinodie, pah-levo-dee, sf. recantation., pah-leer, va. n. 2 r. to make, grow pale. Palis, pah-lee, sm. stake ; palisade, fence. Palissade, pah-le-sad, sf. palisade, row of stakes. Palissader, pah lesah-dai, va. 1 r. to in- close, fence, fortify with palisades. Palissant, -e, pah-te-sang, -le, adj. growing, turning pale. Palisser, pah-le-sai, va. 1 r. to nail up trees. Palladium, pah-lah-de-yomm, sm. defence ; security, protection, support. Palliatif, pah-le yahteeff, sm. palliative. Palliatif, -ve, pal-Je-yah-teeff ', -leev, adj. mitigating, extenuating, palliative. Palliation, pal-le-yah-syong, tf. favorable representation, extenuation ; disguise. Pallier, pal-le-yai, va. 1 r. to represent fa- vorably, palliate ; color, disguise. Pallium, pal-le-yomm, sm. pall, mantle of a Roman Catholic archbishop. Palme, palm, sf. palm, branch of the palm- tree ; victory, triumph. Palme, palm, sm. hand-breadth, measure. Palmier, pal-myai, sm. palm, date tree. Palombe, pah-longbe, sf. wood-pigeon ; ring- dove. Palon, pah-long, sm. small shovel; spattle. Palonnier or Palonneau, pah-lo-vyai, pah-lo-no, sm. spring-tree bar of a coach. Palot, pah-lo,sm. countryman, rustic, clown; spade ; stake ; pole. Palpable, pal-pahl, adj. perceptible by the touch ; evident, manifest, plain. Palpablement, pal-pabl-mang, ad. plainly, evidently. Palper, pal-pai,va.\ r. to feel, touch, handle. Palpitant, -e, pal-pe-tang, -te, adj, panting; beating ; Buttering. Palpiter, pal-pe-tai, vn. 1 r. to beat ; flutter; palpitate. Paltoquet, pal -to-lay, sm. coarse ill-bred man ; rustic, churl. Pame, -e, pah-mai, -c, adj. in a swoon ; ga- ping. Pamer. pah-mai. vn. 1 r. to faint, swoon. Se pamer mh-pah-mai, vref. to faint away. Pamoison, pah-moo-ah-zong, sf. fainting lit. Pampe, pcmgpe, sf. leaf of corn, barley, &c. Pamphlet, pani. eulogy. Panegyriste, pah-nai-hje-reest, sm. encomi- ast. Paner, pnh-nai, va. 1 r. to cover meat with crumbs of bread. P ajjeree, pann-^raie, sf. basket-full. Paneterie, pann-tree, sf. pantry. Panetier (grand), grang-pann-iyai, sm. pantler. Panetiere, pann-iyayrc,sf. shepherd's scrip; small hat ; short under-petticoat ; crook. Panic, pah-neelc, sm. millet ;, plant. Panicule, pah-ne-hule, sf. fleshy membrane. Panier, puh-nyai, sm. basket ; pannier, ham- per. . Panique (terreur), tay-rur-pahneeh, sf. sudden and groundless fear, panic. Panne, pann, sf. plush ; hog's fat ; face of a hammer ; fur of ermine, &c. Panneau, -x, pah-no, -e, sm. panel ; square ; pane of glass; pannel ; gin, trap, snare. Panneton, pann-tong, sm. key-bit. Panonceau, -x, paJi-rtong-so, -c, sm. small pennon; escutcheon; coat of arms. Panorama, pah-tio-rQh-mah, sm. panorama. Pansage, ' pang-saJije, sm. rubbing, dressing, cleaning of a horse. Pansard, -e, pang-sar, -dd, smf. and adj. paunch-bellied person. Panse, pangsse, sf. paunch, belly. Pansement, pangsse-mang, sm. dressing of a wound ; rubbing, dressing of a horse. Panser, pang-sai, va. 1 r. to dress a wound ; rub, curry, dress, clean a horse. Pantalon, pang -tali-long, sm. pantaloons ; pantaloon, buffoon. Pantalonnade, pang-tah-lo-nad, sf. buffoon- ery ; pantaloon's dance. Pantheon, pang-iai-ong, sm. pantheon, tem- ple formerly of all the gods, now of all ihc great men. Panthere, pang-tayre, sf. panther ; lynx ; pard, spotted beast. Pantiere, pang-lyayrc,sf. draw-net for wood- cocks. Pantin, pang taing, sm. jack-a-dandy. Pantographe, pang-to-graff, sm. drawing, copying machine. Pantomime, pang-to-meem, sf. and adj. m pantomime, spectacle in dumb show. Pantoufle, pang-toojl, sf. slipper, pantofle. 280 Paon, pang, sm. peacock, fowl. Paonne, pann, sf. pea-hen. Paonneau,-x, pah-no, -e, sm. young peacock. Papa, pah-pah, sm. papa, father. 1'apaele, pah-pabl, adj. fit to be made a pope. Papal, -e, pah-pal, adj. of the pope, papal. Papaute, pnh-poe-tai, sf. popedom, papacy. Pape, pap, sm. pope, bishop of Rome. Papf.gai, pap-gai, sm. mock-bird to shoot at; popinjay. Papf.lard, -e, pap-lar, -dd, smf. hypocrite, dissembler. Papelardise, pap-lar -deeze, sf. hypocrisy. Papeline, pap-leen, sf. poplin, silk stuff. Paperasse, pap-rasse, sf. waste paper ; old useless writings. Paperasser, pap-rah-sai, vn. 1 r. to be al- ways scribbling ; consult or sort old manu- scripts. Papeterie, pah-puh-tree, sf. paper mill or trade. Papetier, pahp-tyai, sm. paper maker cr seller. Papier, pahpyai, sm. paper ; journal ; day- book ; note ; billet ; letter of exchange. Papier monnaie, pah-pyai-mo-ney, sot. bank note ; paper money. Papiers, pah-pyaie, snip, papers ; writings ; documents ; title-deeds ; memoirs. Eire sur les papiers de, to owe money to. Papillon, pah-pe-yong, sm. butterfly ; fickle man ; beautiful and lively young woman. Papillonnace, -E, pah-pe-yo-nah-sai, -e, adj. resembling a butterfly ; beautifully variegated. Papillonner, pah-pe-yo-nai, vn. 1 r. to flut- ter about ; fly from one to another object. Pafillotage, pah-pe yo-lahje, sm. putting of the hair in papers ; florid nonsense. Pafillote, pah-pe-yott, sf. curl of hair in paper; spangle of gold, silver, ai-nal, adj. penal ; of punish- ment. Penalite, pai-nah-le-tai, sf. penalty, punish- ment. Penard, pai-nar, sm. old libertine. Penates, pai-natt, amp. household gods; house ; home, abode ; fireside. Penaud, -e, pnk-no, -de, adj. confounded; abashed ; disconcerted ; struck dumb. Penchant, pang-shang, sm. declivity, slope, decline ; propensity, inclination. Penchant, -e, pang-shang, -te, adj. inclining, leaning, declivous, aslope ; ruinous. Penche, -e, pang-shai, -e, adj. inclined, af- fected. Penchement, pangshe-mang, sm. bending, bowing, inclining, nod. Penchek, pang-shai, va. n. 1 r. to lean, bend, incline ; decline ; be favorable to. Se pencher, suh-pang-shai, vref. to bow, stoop, bend ; lean, loll. PENDABLE.^an^ rf«W,ad/.deserving hanging. Pendaisox, pangdayzong, sf. hanging. Pendant, pang-dang, am. pendant ; ear-ring; bob ; streamer ; match. Pendant, pang-dang, prep, during. Pendant que, pang-dang-kuh, conj. whilst, while. Pendant, -e, pang-dang, -te, adj. hanging, pending. Pendard,-e, pangdar, -dd, smf. rogue; jade. Pendeloque, paugde-lock, sf. drop; bob; crystals ; (iron.) tatter, rag hanging down. Pendentif, pang-dang -tteff, sm. projecting arch. Pendiller, pang-de-yai, en. 1 r. to dangle, bob, swing, hang to and fro, vacillate. Pendre, pangdr, va. n. 1 r. to hang, suspend. Pen DC, pang-deu, sm. person hanged. PENDCLE, pang-deull, sf. clock. Pendule, pang-deull, sm. pendulum. P£ne, peyne, sm. bolt of a lock. Penetrabilite, pai-nai-lrah-be-le-tai,sf. pen- etrability ; impression. Penetrable, pai-naitrabl, adj. penetrable. Penetrant, -e, jminai-trang, -te, adj. sharp, discerning, acute, sagacious ; insinuating ; affecting. Penetratif, -ve, pai-naitrah-leeff, -leev, adj. penetrative. Penetration, pai-nai-trnh-syong, sf. under- standing, sagacity, judgment, acuteness. Penetre, -e, pai-nai-trai, -e, adj. grieved, afflicted ; contrite, repentant. Penetrer, pai-naitrai, va. n. 1 r. to pene- trate; discover; dive into; conceive ; enter. Penible, pai-neebl, adj. painful ; laborious, hard. Peniblement, pai-neeblmang , ad. painfully. Peninsule, pai-naing-seull, sf. peninsula, chersonese, neck of land. Penitence, pai-ne-langsse, sf. repentance; penance. Penitencerte, pai-ne-tangsse-ree, sf. peni- tentiary's court, dignity, office. Penitencier, pai-ne-tang-syai, sm. peniten- tiary ; casuist. Penitent, -e, pai-ne-lang, -te, smf. and adj. penitent, repentant, contrite for sin. Penitentiel, -le, pai-netang-syel, -I, adj. penitential. Pexn age, pay-naJtje, sm. plumage of a hawk. Penne, penn, sf. barb, of an arrow ; quill. Penny, pay-ne, sm. small English copper coin, twelfth part of a shilling. Penombre, pai-nongbr, sf. imperfect shadow, penumbra. Pensee, pang-saie, sf. thought, idea ; senti- ment ; pinion ; design, intention. Penser, pang-sai, va. n. 1 r. to think, iraa gine, believe, judge, conceive, fancy. Pen ser a vous, have a care of yourself. Qu?e:i pensez-vous ? what think you of that ? Penser, pang-sai,sm. thought ; way of think - ing. Penseur, pang-sur, sm. thoughtful man. Pensif, -ve, pang-seeff, -seev, adj. thought- ful, pensive. Pension, pang-syong, sf, boarding house cr school ; board ; pension; annuity. Se met- tre en pension, to go to board. Pensionnaire, pang-syo-nayre, smf. board- er ; pensioner. Pensionnat, pang-syo-nah, sm. boarding school ; boarder's room in a college. Pensionner, pnng-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to give a pension, grant an annuity. Pensum, paing-song, sm. punitory task. Pentagone, pang-lah-gon, sm. pentagon, fig- ure with five angles. Pentagone, pang-tah-gon, adj. pentagonal. Pentametre, pang -tali- maytr, sm. Latin verse of five feet, pentameter. Pentatecque, panglah-tuch, sm. five books of Moses, pentateuch. Pente, pangte, sf. slope, declivity, inclina- tion ; course ; valance. Pentecote, pangte-lcote, sf. Pentecost, Whit- Sunday. Penture, pag-teur, sf. iron-work, hinges of a door, &c. Pencltieme, pai-neul-tyemm, sf. and adj. last syllable but one ; last but one. Penurie, pai-neu-ree, sf. poverty, indigence, penury. Peotte, pai-ott, sf. round shallop, Dalmatian ship. Pepie, pai-pee, sf. pip, disease in birds. Pepier, pai-pyai, vn. 1 r. to chirp ; pip. Pepin, puh-paing, sm. kernel ; stone. Pepiniere, 7)aj-pe-n?/ayre,.'i/.nursery-ground. Pepinieriste, pai-pe-nyai-reest, sm. nursery- man. Perqant, -e, pair-sang, -te, adj. piercing, sharp, shrill, acute ; lively ; penetrating. Perce (en), ang-pairsse, ad. exp. broached. Perce, -e, pair-sai, -e, adj. pierced ; open ; light. Perce-lettres, pairsse-laytr, sm. letter pier- cer or file. Percement. pairsse-mang,sm. piercing; hole. Perce-neige, pairsse-nayhje, sf. snow-drop, flower. Perce-oreille, pairsse-o-ray-yuh, sm. ear- wig. Perce-pierre, pairsse-pyayre, sf. sea-fennel, saxifrage. Perceptible, pair-sep-teebl. adj. leviable; visible, perceivable, sensible, perceptible. Perception, pair-sep-syong, sf. receipt ; per ceptiou. 287 PEE PER Percer, pair-sai, va. 1 r. to pierce ; bore ; broach ; make a hole or opening ; penetrate; go through. Percer, pair-sai, vn. 1 r. to issue ; pierce out ; rise ; grow or become conspicuous. Percevoir, pair-suh-voo-ar, va. 3 r. to re- ceive, collect ; perceive, discover, observe. Perche, pairsh, sf. perch, fish; pole; roost. Percher, pair-snai, va. n. 1 r. to raise, lift up ; perch, roost, light. Perchoir, pair-shoo-ar, sm. roost, perch, roosting-place. Perclus, -e, pair-kleu,-ze, impotent, helpless. PERgoiR, pair-soo-ar, sm. piercer, awl. Percussion, pair-ku-syong,sf. stroke, shock. Perdable, puir-dabl, adj. losablc, liable to loss. Perdant, pair-dang, sm. loser at play. Perdition, pair-de-syong, sf. havoc ; dissi- pation ; extravagance ; perdition, eternal death. Perdre, pairdr, va. 4 r. to lose, miss ; spoil, ruin ; bewilder ; corrupt ; discredit, dis- honor. Se perdre, suh-pairdr, vrtf. to lose, ruin, be- wilder one's self. Perdreau, -x, pair-dro, -e, sm. young par- tridge. Perdrigox, pairdre-gong, sm. large plum. Perdrix, pair -dree, sf. partridge. Perdu, -e, pair-den, -e, adj. lost ; useless ; unprofitable ; desert ; far away ; as a last resource. Enfants perdus, avg-fanghe-pair-deue, smp. forlorn hope of an army. Heures perdues, urrhe-pair-deue, sfp. leis- ure hours, spare hours. Pere, payre, sm. father : phir. ancestors. Pere aux-ecus, payre-oe-zai-kue, idi. exp. sm. very rich man. Peregrination, pai-rai-gre-nah-syong, sf. pilgrimage ; travel, journey. Peremption, pai-rangpe-syong, sf. crush ; extinction ; peremption. Peremptoire, pai-rangpe-too-ar, adj. deci- sive, conclusive, peremptory. Peremptoirement, pai-rangpe-too-ar-mang, ad. peremptorily, absolutely. Perfectible, pair-feck-teebl, adj. susceptible of perfection. Perfection, pair-feck-synng, sf. perfection. Perfections ement, pair-feck-syonn-mang, sm. completement, perfection, finishing. Perfectionner, pair-feck-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to perfect, complete, finish, perfectionate. Se PERFECTIONNER, suh-pair-feck-syo-nai, vref. to improve, mend ; perfect one's self. Perfide, pair-feed, smf and adj. traitor, trai- tress ; perfidious, treacherous, unfaithful. Perfidement, pair-feed-mang, ad. perfidi- ously. Perfidie, pair-fe-dee, sf. treachery, breach of faith. Perforation, pair-fn-rdh-syong, sf. boring. PERFORER,pai/--/o-r«i'.i! to bore; pierce. Pericarde, pai-re-khardd, sm. thin mem- brane, purse of the heart, pericardium. Pericarpe, pai-re-kfiarp,sm. husk, hull, cod. Pericliter, pai-re-kle-tai, vn. 1 r. to run the risk ; be in danger ; threaten ruin. Pericrane, pai-re-krahn, sm. membrane of the skull, pericranium. Peridrome, pai-re-drom, sm. piazza; covered walk. 288 Perigee, pai-re-ljaie, sm. and adj. nearest distance from the earth, perigee. Perihelie, pai-re-ai-lee, sm. and adj. nearest point of a planet to the sun. Peril, pai-re-yuh, sm. danger, peril, hazard. Perilleusement, pai-re-yulize-nuHvj, ad. dangerously, perilously. Perilleux, -se, pai-re-yuhe, -ze, adj. dan- gerous. Perimer, pai-re-mai, vn. 1 r. to stop proceed- ings, nonsuit. Perimetre, pai-re-maytr,sm. circumference. Periode, pai-ryodd, sf. circuit, revolution of a planet ; round of time ; epoch ; complete sentence. Periode, pai-ryod, sm. pitch ; summit. Periodique, pairyo-dtek, adj. regular ; pe- riodical. Periodiquement, pairyodeek-mang, ad. at stated times ; in a regular manner. Pekioiciens, pai-reai-syaiitghe,s»ip.peT\ceci, inhabitants living under the same parallel. Perioste, pai-ryost, sm. membrane that cov ers the bones, periosteum. Peripateticien, -he, pai-re-pahtai-te- syaing,-syenv,smf. andurfj. follower of Aris- totle ; walking philosopher, peripatetic. Peripatetisme, pai-re-pah-taitetsm, sm. doctrine of Aristotle. Peripetie, pai-re-pai-see, sf. sudden change; catastrophe ; conclusion, ending. Periphrase, pairefrazz.sf. circuit of words, circumlocution ; periphrasis. Periphraser, pai-re-ftah-zai,va. \r. to use indirect expressions. Pekipneumonie, pai-7 eep-nnh-mo-nee, sf in- flammation of the lungs, peripnenmony. Perir, pai-reer,vn. 2r. toperish, die; belost. Perisciens, pai-re-syainghe, snip, inhabit- ants of the frigid zones, periscii, periscians. Perissable, pui-re-sabl, adj. perishable, de- structible. Peristtle, pai-re-steell, sm. piazza ; circular row of pillars ; walk under pillars. Peritoine, pai-re-too-ann, sm. cawl ; mem- brane inclosing the bowels, peritoneum. Perle, pairll, sf. pearl. Perle, -e, pair-hri, -e, adj. pearled ; glrbu- lous ; exquisitely done ; set with pearls. Permanence, pair -mah-vangsse, sf. dura- tion, stability, permanency. Permanent, -e, pair-mah-navg, -te, adj. sta- ble, immovable, unshaken, permanent. Permeable, pair -mai -all, adj. passable; permeable ; may be passed through. Permets, puir-mey, pres. ind. of permeltrc, permit. I Permettant, pair-mey-tang, pres. part, of permettre, permitting. Permettre, pair-metr, va. 4 irr. to permit. Permis, pair-mee, sm. permit. Pret. def. of permettre, permitted. Permis, -e, pair-mee, -ze, adj. and p. part, of permettre, permitted, allowed : lawful. Permission, pair-me-syong, sf. leave, allow- ance. Permutant, pair-meu-tang, sm. exchanger, permuter. Permutation, pair-meu-tah-syong, sf. ex- change ; different disposition of quantities. Permuter, pair -meu-tai, va. 1 r. to exchange, make an exchange, permute. Pernicieusement, pair-ne-syuhze-mang, ad. in a pernicious manner. TEE PEE Pernicieux, -se, pair-ne-syuhe, -ze, adj. hurtful, bad, dangerous, prejudicial, perni- cious. Peuonnelle, pai-ro-neJt, sf. foolish chatter- ing woman ; silly vulgar woman or girl. PeRORAISON, pai-ro-ray-zong, sf. conclusion of a discourse, peroration. Perorer, pai-ro-rai, va. 1 r. to discourse, make tedious speeches, harangue. Perpendiculaike, pair-pang-de-ku-layre,sf. and adj. perpendicular. Pekpendiculairement, pair -pnnt) -de-ku- layre-mang, ad. perpendicularly. Perpendicularite, pair-pan;/ dtku-lah-re- iai, sf. perpendicular position. Pekpendicule, pai r- pang -de-k ale, sm. plum- met. Perpetuation; pair-pai-teu-ah-synng, sf. incessant continuance, perpetuation. Perpetuel, -le, pair-pai ten-el, -I, adj. con- tinual, incessant, perpetual. Perpetuellement, pair-pai-teueU-mang, ad. incessantly ; habitually ; frequently. Perpetuer, pair-pai-leu-ai, va. 1 r. to make perpetual ; eternize ; perpetuate. Se perpetuer, suh-pair-paiteu-ai, vrcf. to last for ever ; remain ; continue. Perpetuite, pair-pai-teu-e-tni, sf. eternal duration ; eternity ; perpetuity. A perpetuite, ah-pair-pai-teu-e-tai, ad. exp. for ever and ever. Perplexe, pair-plecks, adj. perplexed ; un- easy. Perplexite, pair-pleek-se-tai, sf. anxiety ; embarrassment; distraction of mind. Perquisition, pair-ke-ze-syong, sf. thorough search ; accurate inquiry, perquisition. Verros, pa>/-rong, sm. circular outside stone stairs. Perroquet, pay-ro-kay, sm. parrot ; folding chair; top mast or sail; person repeating mechanically. Peuruche, pay-reush, sf. small parrot. Perruque, pay-reuk, sf. wig ; peruke. Pekruquier, pay-rea-kyay, sm, peruke, wig maker or seller ; hair-dresser. Pers, -e, pair, pnirsse, adj. bluish gray. Perse, pairsse, sf. Persian; Persian calico. Persecutant, -e, pair-sai-ku-tang , -te, adj. troublesome ; tiresome ; teasing ; persecu- ting. Persecuter, piir-sai-kn-iai, va. 1 r. to har- ass ; vex ; tease ; fatigue ; torment ; per- secute. Persecuteur, -TRICE, pair-sai-ku-tur, -treess, smf. persecutor ; troublesome person. Persecution/, pair-eai-ku-syong, sf. persecu- tion. Perse veramment, pair-sai-vai-rah-mang, ad. with perseverance ; continually. Perseverance, pai r-sai-vai-rangsse, sf. con- stancy ; steadiness ; persistance ; persever- ance. Perseverant, -e, pair-sai-vai-rang, -te, adj. constant ; continual ; perseverant. Perseveres, pair-sai-vai-rai, vn. 1 r. to persevere ; persist ; continue firm ; not give over. Persicot, pair-se-ko, sm. persicot, spirituous liquor. Persienne, pair-syenn, sf. small Venetian blinds. Persiflage, pair-se-flahje, sm. jocular irony; raillery. (13) Persifler, pair-se-flai, va. 1 r. to jeer; banter. Persifleur, pair-se-Jlur, sm. banterer; jeerer. Persil, pair-se, sm. parsley, plant. Persillade, pair-se-yad, sf. slices of beef stewed with parsley ; parsley-sauce. Persille, pair-se-yai, adj. m. green-spotted cheese. Persistance, pair - seess • tangsse, sf. per- sistency. Persister, pair-seess-tai, vn. 1 r. to persist. Personnage, pair-so-nahje, sm. considerable person; character; appearance; personage. Personnaliser, pair-so-nah-lee-zai, va. 1 r. to personify ; represent ; personate. Personnalite, pair-so-nah-le-tai, sf. person- ality ; egotism; invective; personal satire. Personne, pair-sonn, sf. man; woman; person. Personne, per-snnn, pron. indcf. (always preceded or followed by ne, when affirma- tive), none ; nobody ; anybody; not, no one. Personnel, pair-so-nel, sm. temper ; con- stitution ; disposition ; egotism. Personnel, -le, pair-so-nel ', -t. adj. personal. Personnellement, pair-so-nell-viang, ad. personally. Personnification, piir-so-ne-fe-kaJi-syong, sf. personification ; allusive representation. Personnifier, pair-so-ne-fyai, va. 1 r. to personify ; change from a thing to a person. Perspectif, -ve, pairssepeckteeff, -teeo, adj. visual. Perspective, pairsse-peek-teev, sf. perspec- tive ; view • distance ; prospect. Perspicacite, pairsse-pe-kah-setai, sf. quick- ness of apprehension ; ready conception. Perspicuite, pairsse-pe-ku-e-lai, sf. perspi- cuity ; clearness of style. Perspiration, pairsse-pe-rah-syong, sf. per- spiration. Persuadant, -e, pair-sea-ali-dang, -te, adj. persuasive ; engaging ; enticing ; winning. Persuader, pair-seu-afi-dai, va. n. 1 r. to persuade ; induce ■ influence. Se persuader, suh-pair-seu-ah-dai, vref. to imagine ; fancy ; persuade one's self. Persuasible, pair-seu-ah-zeebl, adj. easily persuaded, convinced ; persuasible. Persuasif, -ve, pair -sea-ah-zee ff, -zeev, adj. persuasive; persuasory ; convictive. Persuasion, pair-seu-ah-zyong, sf. persua- sion ; belief; conviction; opinion. Perte, pairtt, sf. loss ; damage; absence; death. A perte, ah-pairlt, ad. exp. with loss ; out of. Vend re a perte, to sell at a loss. Pertinemment, pair-te-nah-nuinq. ad. to the purpose ; appositely ; pertinently. Pertinent, -e, pair-te-nang, -te, adj. perti- nent ; fit. Pertuis, pair-teu-ee, sm. hole; opening; strait ; frith. Pertuisane, pair-teu-e-zann, sf. partisan, halberd. Perturdateur, -trice, pair-teur-bah-tur, •treess, sm. disturber, perturbator. Perturbation, pair-teur-bah-syong, sf. emo- tion ofthc mind ; disquiet ; trouble. Pervenche, pair - vangshe, sf. periwinkle, plant. Pervers, -e, pair-rair, -sse, smf. and adj. wicked, depraved man or woman. 289 PET PEU Perversion, pair-vair-syong, sf. change to worse ; perversion. Perversite, pair-vair-se-tai, sf. wickedness; depravity. Pekvertir, pair-vair-leer, va. 2r. to pervert; Corrupt. Pervertissement, pair-vair-teess-mang , sm. perversion ; perverting ; change to worse. Pervertisseur, pair -vair-le-sur, sm. per- verter. Pesamment, puh-zah-mang, ad. heavily. Pesant, puh-zany, sm. weight; lead pin- cushion. Pesant, -e, puh-zang, -te, adj. heavy; weigh- ty ; slow. Pesanteur, puh-sang-tur, sf. heaviness; dulness ; weight ; bulk. Pesee, puh-zaie, sf. weighing; whole weight. Pese-liqueur, payze-te-kur, sm. hygrometer. Peser, puh-zai, va. v. 1 r. to weigh ; exam- ine ; dwell upon ; be worth or burdensome. PESE0K, puh-zur, sm. weigher. Peson, puh-zong, sm. steelyard. Peste, pestt, sf. plague ; pest ; contagion ; ruin ; mischievous child. Pester contre, pess tai-kongtr, vn. 1 r. to inveigh against; rail at. Pestifere, pess - te -fayre, adj. pestilential; infectious; mischievous; destructive. Pestifere, -e, pess-te-fai-rai, -e, smf. and adj. infected with the plague. Pestilence, pess-tedangsse, if. plagria ; con- tagion. Pestilent, -e, pess -te-lang, -te, adj. conta- gious. Pestilentiel, -le, pess-te-lang-syel, -I, adj. infectious. Pestilentieux, -se, pess-tedang-syuhe, -ze, adj. destructive ; pestilential ; mischievous. Pet, pay, sm. crack ; report; sound. Petale, pai-tat, sf. petal, leaf of a flower. Petarade, paidah-rad. sf. horsc"s crackling; vain boast ; putting play-bill ; sudden noise of crackers. Petard, paidar, sm. petard ; piece of ord- nance ; cracker. PETAuniiR, pai-tar-dai, va. 1 r. to biow up with a mortar ; batter down. Petardiek, paidar-dyai, sm. bombardier; petard-maker. Petase, pai-tazz, sm. broad-brimmed hat. Petaud (cour dii roi), Iconr-deu-roo-ah-pai- toe, i&i. exp. sf. Dover court ; place wher^j every one is master. Petaudiere, paidoe-dynyre, sf. bear-garden; Dover court ; Tower of Babel. Petecuiale, paidai-kc-ya!, adj. f. producing pestilential spots. Peter, paidai, vn. I r. to crack ; report ; make a noise, crackle ; bounce. Peteur, -se, paidur, -tuiize, smf. flatulent person. Petillant, -e, pai-te-yang, -te, adj. spark- ling. PETii.i.EMENT,pni'-i'e-;/«7(-»ia??f/, em. crackling. PetiEler, pni -te -yai, vn. 1 r. to crackle; sparkle; wish for'; desire earnestly. Petit, puhde, (generally) young one; little boy : phir. common, poor people. Petit, -e, puh-te, deett, or pte, ptcett, adj. little ; small, young, mean ; low ; pettv. Petit lait, pteday, sot. whey ; buttermilk. Petit fiis, pte-fee, sm. grandson. Petit peuple* pte-pupl, sm. common people. 21)0 Petit sombre, pte-nongbr, sm. few people ; small number. E.N" petit, ang-pte. ad. exp. summarily ; in a little space ; compendiously. Petit a petit, pteett-ah-pte, ad. exp. by little* and little ; by degrees. Petite, puh-teett or pteet, sf. little, young girl. Petite FiLLE.p:M-/e-?/t;ft,.>./.grand-daughter. Petite guerre, pteet gay ie, sf. sham-fight ; skirmish. Petitement, picett-mang, ad. meanly; poor- ly ; stingily ; in a small quantity. Petite niece, pteett-nyaisse, sf grand-niece. Petite oie, pteet-oo-dh, sf. giblets; trimming; ornaments of garments. Petitesse, pte-tess, sf. smaiiness ; littleness ; meanness. Petites maiso.n*s, pteet-may-zonghe, sfp. iu- natic asylum ; bedlam, madhouse. Petite verole, pteelt-vai-rol, .of. small-pox. Petit gris, pte-gre, sm. ostrich's down, squir- rel's fur, minever. Petition, pai-te-syong, sf. petition. Petition n aire, pai-te-syo-nayrc, sm. peti- tioner. Petitionner, pai-te-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to pe- tition. Petit maitre, ptc-meytr, sm. fop ; coxcomb ; dandy. Petit neveu, pte-nuh-vuit, sm. grand-nephew. Petitoire, pai tedoo-ar, sm. and adj. de- mand ; petitioning ; petitory. Peton, puh-tong, sm. small foot. Petoncle, pai-tongkl, sf. cockle, shell-fish. Petree, pai-traie, adj. f. stony; full of rocks. Petrification, pai- tre-fe- Ah ah -syong, sf. turning to stone ; petrification. Petkifier, paidre-fyai, va. 1 r. to change to stone ; petrify ; astonish ; confound. Se petkifier, sun paidre-fyai, ore/, to be- come stone, petrify. Petri, -e, pai -tie, e, adj. full; made up; abounding ; replete. Petrin, pai-traing, sm. kneading-trough. Petrir, pai-treer, va. 2 r. to knead. Petrissage, pai-tre-sahje, sm. kneading. Petrisseur, -se, pai-tre-sur, suhse, smf. kneader. Petrole, pai-troT, sm. ''quid bitumen, float- ing on spring water ; petrol ; heath. Petto (in), inn-petto, (ital.) ad. exp. within one's breast ; secretly. PiiTUi.AMMEST,paideu-!n. plunderer; robber; pla- giary. Pn.ox, pe-long, sm. pestle. PlLOBI, pe-lo-re, sin. pillory, place of punish- ment. Pilorier, pe-Jn-ryai, va. I )•. to pillory. Piloselle, pe-lo-zell, sf. mouse-ear, plant. Pilotage, pedo-tahje, em, pile-driving; pilo- tage. Pilote, pe-lolfsm. pilot; steersman; manager. PlLOTEE, pe -lo- tai, va. n. 1 r. to drive in piles ; steer. Ph.otis, pe-lo-tee, sm. strong stake or post driven in the ground to build upon. Pilule, pedeidl, sf. pill, small medicinal ball. Pimb&CHE, paing-beyshe, sf. silly conceited woman. Pimeht, pe-mang, sm. Jamaica pepper ; all- spice. Pimpant, -E, paing-pang, -le, adj. showy ; elegantly dressed; superb; pompous; grand. Pimprenelle, pain-pruh-nell, sf. pimpernel. Pin, paing, sm. pine-tree. Pinacle, pe-nuckl, sin. pinnacle; height; top. PlNASSE,pe-nasse,s/'. pinnace; transport, ship. Pince, paingsse, sf. claw ; crow ; lever; pin- cers, snare ; rim ; pinch ; fore under part of the hoof. Pi-VCE, -E, paing-sai, -e, adj. affected; formal. Pixceau, -x, paing-so, -e, sm. pencil ; paint- ing ; style of a poet or an orator. Fixcee, paing-saie, sf. pinch; small quantity. Pixcelier, paingsse-lyai, sm. brush-pot. Pince-maille, puingxse-mah-y ah , smf pinch - penny ; miser ; covetous wretch. Pincer, paing-sai, va. 1 r. to pinch; squeeze; arrest ; jeer ; satirize ; nip ; bite. Pince-sans-rire, paingsse-sang-rcer, smf. sly dry nipper. Pincette, paing-sett, sf. nippers : phtr. twee- zers ; fire-tongs. Pi.vcf.ur, -se, paing-sur, -sirfize, smf. person fond of pinching, nipping. Pi>"Chebec, pat ngshe- beck, sm. pinchbeck, compound metal resembling gold. Pinchixa, paing- she-nah, sm. coarse woollen cloth. PiNgox, paing-son, sin. pinch-mark; tip of a horse-shoe. Pindarique, paing-dah-reek, adj. of Pindar. Pindariser, paing-dah-ree-zai, on. 1 r. to speak or write affectedly. Pindariseur, pning-dah-ree-zur, sm. affect- ed speaker or writer. Pine ale, pe-nai-al, adj.f. pineal. Pineau, -x, pe-no, -e, sm. very black grape ; palm-tree. Pixnee, pe-naie, sf best dried cod. Pinnule, pe-neidl, sf. fright of the cross-staff. Pinque, paingke, sf. pink, narrow-sterned ship. PlNSON, paing-snny, sm. chaffinch, bird. Pintade, paing-ladil, sf. Guinea-hen. Pixte, paingte, sf. pint, pint-full. Pioche, pyosh, sf. pick-axe, mattock. PlOCHER, pyo-nnai, vu.n.Xr. to dig with a mattock ; work hard ; take great pains. Piox, pyong, sm. man, at draughts ; pawn, at chess. PlONNER, pyo-vai, rn. 1 r. to take for several times running each a man or pawn. PluNXIER, pyo-iii/ai, sm. pioneer. Pipe, peep, sf. pipe ; small wedge, Pipeau, -\,pe-po, -e, sm. reed; small pipe ; bird-call. Pipee, pe-paie, sf bird-catching with a call. Piper, pe-pai, va. 1 r. to catch birds with a call ; entrap, decoy ; cozen ; cog ihe dice. PlPERIE, peep-ree, sf. cheat, cheating, jug- gling. Pipeur, pe-pur, sm. cheat, sharper. Piquant, pe-khang, sm. point; prickle, thorn ; sting. Piquant, -e, pe-khang t -te, adj. prickly, sharp; acid ; pungent ; tart ; smart ; lively; satiric. Pique, peek, sm. spade, suit of cards. Pique, peek, sf. pique, falling out, quarrel ; grudge ; bickering. Pique-cceuf, peek-buff, sm. drover. Pique-nique, peek-neek, sm. clubbing for a meal. Pique-puce, pcek-peuss, sm. Franciscan friar. Piquer, pe-kai. va. 1 r. to prick ; lard ; stitch; sting ; vex, offend ; excile; induce; spur on. Piquer. pe-kai, vn. 1 r. to be prickly, pointed; offensive ; sharp. Se piquer, svh-pe-kai, vref. to be angry, dis- pleased, offended at ; pretend to ; glory in ; set tip for. Piquet, pe-kay, sm. small stake ; pole ; peg ; piquet, game at cards. Piquette, pe-kett, sf. bad wine or liquor. Piqueur, pe-kur, sm. head huntsman; jockey; overseer ; one who lards meat. Piquier, pekyai, sm. pikeman. Piqure, pe-kure, sf. pricking ; sting ; quilt- ing ; pinking. Pirate, pe-ralt, sm. pirate, sea-robber. Pirater, pe-rah-tai, vn. 1 r. to pirate, rob by sea. Piraterie, pe-ratt-ree, sf. piracy. Pire, peer, sm. worst. Pire, peer (comparative of mauvais, bad), adj. worse. Le, la fire, luh, Jali -peer (superlative of mauvais), adj. the worst. Pirogue, pe-rvg, sf. small canoe. Pirole, pe-rol, sf. winter-green, plant. Pirouette, pe-roo-ett, sf. whirling, turning round rapidly upon one leg ; whirligig. Pirouetter, pe-roo-ay-tai, vn. 1 r. to whirl round. Pis, pee, sm. udder ; dug. Pis, pee (compar. of mal, badly), ad. Urorse. Le pis, luh-pee (superl. of mal), ad. worst. De mal ex pis, duh-mal-ang-pee, ad. exp. worse and worse. Pis-aller, pee zah-lai, sm. last resource. Au pis aller, o-pee-zah-lai, ad. exp. let the worst come to the worst ; at the worst. Piscine, pe-seen, sf pond, pool. Qui pis est, kepce-zey, ad. exp. what is worse. Pissat, pe-sah, sm. animal discharge. Pissenlit, pesang-le, sm. dandelion, plant. Pisser, pe-sai, va. n. 1 r. to discharge, make water. Pisseur, -se, pe-sur, -sulize, smf. person ma- king water. Pissoir, pe-soo-ar, sm. water-recess. Pissotek, pe-so-tai, rn. 1 r. to make water often and little at a time. 293 PLA PLA Pistache, peess-tash, sf. pistachio-nut. Pistachier, peess-tah-shyai, sm. pistachio- tree. Piste, peesst, sf. track, trace; footstep. Pistole, peess-lol, sf. pistole, gold coin. Pistolet, peess-to-lay, sm. pistol, pistolet. Piston, peess-tang, sm. sucker of a pump. Pitance, pe-tangsse, sf. pittance, portion. Pite, peet, sf. mite, very small coin ; silk- aloes. Piteusement. pe-tuhze-mane-lulie, -ze, adj. pitiful, wretch- ed ; cross. Pitie, pe-tyai, sf. pity, compassion, feeling. Piton, pe-long.'sm. hook, pin, nail, skewer with a round hole at one end. Pitoyable, pe-too-ah-yabl, adj. pitiful, mo- ving compassion ; paltry, despicable. Pitoy a element, pe-too-ah-yabL-mang. ad. pitifully ; in the worst manner possible. Pittoresque, pe-to-resck, adj. picturesque ; expressed happily. Pittoresquement, pe-to-resck-mang, ad. in a picturesque manner. Pituitaiue, pe-teu-e-tayre, adj. conducting the phlegm, pituitary. Pituite, pe-teiireett, sf. phlegm, pitnite. Pituitel'x, -sv,pe-feu-e-tu]ie,-ze,adj. abound- ing in phlegm, pituitous. PrvERT, pe-vair, sm. plover; lap-wing, bird. Pivoine, pe-voo-ann, sm. bull-linch. Pivoine, pe-voo-ann, sf. peon}-, plant. Pivot, pe-vo, sm. pivot ; hinge. Pivoter, pe-vo-tai, vn. 1 r. to shoot perpen- dicular roots ; revolve upon a pivot. Placage, pla-hhahje, sm. veneering, inlaid work. PLAgAGE, plah - sdhje, sm. distribution of places in a market or fair. Placard, plah-khar, sm. placard, posted bill; libel. Placarder, plah-khar-dai, va. 1 r. to post up ; libel. Place, plass, sf. place ; room ; situation ; of- fice ; dignity ; rank ; square ; exchange ; fortress. Placer, plah-sai, va. 1 r. to place, put, fix, settle. Placet, pldh-say, sm. petition ; stool. Plafond, plah-fong, sm. ceiling, inner roof. Plafonner, plah-fo-nai, va. n. 1 r. to ceil ; paint proportionable figures on a ceiling. Plafonneur, plah-J'o-nur, sm. plasterer ; stucco-painter. Plage, plahje.sf. flat shore ; climate; country. Plagiaire, plak-hjyayre, sm. and adj. pla- giary. Plagiat, plah-Jij i/ah , sm. plagiarism, litera- ry theft. Plaid, play, sin. plaid, Highlander's cloak ; pleading. Plaider, play-dai, va. n. 1 v. to plead ; de- fend ; allege ; Epeak in behalf of. Plaideur, -se, play-dur, -duhze, smf. liti- gious person. PLAIDOIRIE, play-dno-ah-ree, sf. profession of barrister ; pleading. Plaidoyable (jouk), hjoov-play-doo-ah-yahl, sm. court-day ; law-day. Plaidoyer, play-doo-ah-yai, sm. pleading, plea. Pi.aif.. pleye, sf. wound, sore; pain, affliction. Plaicnant, plai-ing-yang, pies. part, of plaindn . pitying. 29i Plaignant, -e, play-ing-yang, -In, smf. plain- tiff, complainant. Plaignis, plai-ing-ye, pret. def. of plaindre, pitied. Plain, -e, plaint/, plenn, adj. smooth, even, plain. Plain -chant, pjlaing-shang, sm. church- music. Plain-pied, plaing-pyai, sm. rooms on the same floor. De plain pied, duh-plaing-pyai, ad. cxp. on a level. Plaindre, plaingdr, va. 4 irr. to pity, com- miserate ; do or give reluctantly. Se plaindre, suh-plaingdr, vref. to groan ; lament, complain ; grudge one's self. PlaINE, plenn, sf. plain, flat open country. Plains, plaing, pres. ind. of plaindre. pity. Plaint, -e, plaing, -te, p. part, of pluiiidre, pitied. Plainte, plaingte, sf. groan, lamentation, complaint, grief. Plaintif, plaing-teeff, sm. plaintiff. Plaintif, -ve, plaing-teeff, -ten, adj. doleful, plaintive, sorrowful. Plaintivement, plaing-teev-mang, ad. in or with a plaintive voice, dolefully. Plaire a, playre-ah, vn. 4 irr. to please. A Dieu ne plaire, God forbid. FliU a Dieit que, would to God that. Se plaire a, suh-playre-ah, vref to delight, take pleasure in, love ; thrive in. Plais, play, pres. ind. of plaire, please. Plaisamment, ploy-zah-mang,ad.p\ensnr\t1y. Plaisance, play-zangsse, sf. pleasant retire- ment ; delightful prospect. Plaisant, plai-zang, pres. ind. *of plaire, pleasing. Plaisant, play-zang, sm. merry-man, jester. Plaisant, -e, plai-zang, -If, adj. pleasant, agreeable ; merry, comical, ridiculous ; im- pertinent. Plaisanter, play-zavg-lai, va. v. 1 r. to de- ride ; jest, joke, make one laugh. Plaisanterie, play-zangte-rte,sf joke, pleas- antry, merriment, raillery. Plaisanterie a part, play-zangtercr-ah- par, ad. exp. seriously, in good earnest. Pi.aisir, play-zeer, sm. pleasure, joy, amuse- ment ; will ; sanction, grace, favor. A plaisir, ah- play-zeer, ad. exp. with care ; at leisure ; designedly. Par plaisir, par-play-zeer, ad. exp. by way of amusement ; to see if; by way of trial. Plan, plang, sm. plan, draught ; scheme, pro- ject ; level surface. Plan, -E, plang, plann, adj. level, flat, even, plain. Planche, plangshe, sf. plank, board ; plate ; shelf ; bed in a garden. Plancher, plang-shai, sm. floor ; ceiling. Planchette, piang-skett, sf. small plank or shelf. Plancheyer, plang-shay-yai, va. 1 ?-. to floor or ceil. Plancon. plang-song, sm. twig for planning. Plane, plann, sf. plane, tool for smoothing- wood. Planer, plah-nai, va. 1 r. to plane, smooth with a plane. Planer, plah-nai, vn. 1 r. to hover ; Mutter in the air. Planetaire, plah-nai-tayre, sm. orrery. Planetaire, plah-nai-tayre, adj. planetary. TLA PLI Pla.nete, plah-nett, sf. planet, celestial bodj' illumine:! by the sun. Planeur, plah-nur, sm. polisher. PtANlMKTRiE, plah-ne-mai-irer, sf. art of measuring planes. Planisphere, plah^ieess-fayre, sm. sphere e 1 on a plane, planisphere: Plant, plang, sin. young tree, plant, fit for transplanting; plantation; nursery. Plantage, plang-tahje, sm. planting, plants. Plantain, plang-taing, sm. plantain, herb. Plantard, plang-(ar,sm. twig for planting. Plantation, plang-tah-syang, sf. plantation of trees ; colony, settlement. Plants, pile-sai, va. 1 r. to plait; fold; double. PliSSUKE, ple-seur, sf. plaiting ; folding. Plomb, ploitg, sm. lead; plummet; shot; bullet. A plomb, perpendicularly. Plombagine, plang-bah-hjeen, sf. blacklead. Plo.mbe, -e, plong-bai, -e, adj. glazed; lead- ed ; livid. Plomber, plong-bai, va. 1 r. to varnish, do over with lead ; lead ; plumb ; plug. Plomberie, plongbe-ree, sf. plumber's works or manufactures ; plumbery. Plombeur, plong-bur, sm. lead-maker. Plombier, plong byai, sm. plumber ; lead worker or seller. Plongeon, ploiig-hjang, sm. diver ; plungeon, sea-bird. Plonger, plong-hjai, va. n. 1 r. to plunge; im merge ; dip ; sink ; dive ; drive in. Se plonger dans, suh-plong-hjai-dang, vref. to plunge into ; abandon one's self to. Plongeur, plong-hjur, sm. plunger; diver. Ployable, ploo-ah-yabl, arfj'.pliable, flexible. Plover, ploo-aJiyai, va. 1 r. to bend ; bow. Plu, pku, p. part, of plaire and of pleuvoir, pleased ; rained. Plcie, pleu-ee, sf. rain. Plumage, pleu-mahje, sm. plumage; feathers. Plumasseau, -x, pleu -mail- so, sm. quill; wing-feather ; pledget. Plumassier, pleu - mah - syai, sm. feather seller or dresser. Plume, pleumm, sf. feather; quill; pen; plume ; author; style; writer. Plu.meau, -x, pleu-mo, -c, sm. small feather- broom. Plumee, pleu-maie, sf. pen-full of ink. Plumer, plcu-mai, ca. 1 r. to pick, strip off the feathers ; plume. Plumet, pleu - >nli. PoiSSOH d'avril, poo-ah-song-duhvre, sm. April fool. PoiSSONS, poo ah-songhe, smp. pisces or two fishes, one of the twelve signs in tin- zodiac. I'ntssoNNAiLi.E, poo-ah-so-naJi-yuh, sf. small fishes ; young try ; trash. Poissonnerie, poo-ah-sonnree, .<■/. fish-mar- ket Poissonnepx, -se, poo-ah-so-nulie, ze, adj. l fishy ; abounding in fish. PoiSSONNIER, poo ah-so-nyaiy sm. fishmonger. PoiSSONNIEBE, pooah-so-nyo yre, sf. fish-wo- man ; fish-kettle. Poitrail, poo-ah-trahyuh, sm. breast of the horse ; poitrel. PuITRINaire, poo-ahtre-nayre, smf. and adj. consumptive ; phthisical. Poitrinal, -E, poo-ah-tre-nal, adj. put upon the breast. Poitrine, poo-ahtreen, sf. breast. Poitrinieke, poo-ah-tie-nyayre, sf. breast board or beam. Poivrade, poo-ah-vrad, sf. pepper and vine- gar sauce. Poivre, poo-arr, sm. pepper. Poivree, poo-ah-vraie, sf. peppcrwort. Poivrer, poo-ah-vrai, ra. 1 r. to pepper. Poivrier, poo-ah-vre-yai, sm. pepper-plant ; pepper-box. Poivriere, poo-ah-vre-yayre, sf. pepper-box. Poix, poo-'ah, sf. pitch. Polacre or Polaque, po lacier or -lack, sm. Polish horseman: sf. polaque or polacca, light vessel. Polaire, pu-tayre, adj. polar ; near the pole. Pole, poli', sm. pole, extremity of the axis. Pole.miqi'e, po lai-meek, sf. written dispute. PoLEitiyUE, po-lai-meek, adj. controversial ; disputative ; polemical. Poli, po-le, sm. polish ; gloss ; lustre ; purity; elegance ; perfection. Poli, -e, po-le, -e, adj. polished ; bright ; glossy ; smooth ; pure ; elegant ; chaste ; polite ; gentle ; civil ; complaisant. Police, po-leess, sf. police ; policy. Police d'assurance, policy of assurance. Policer, po le-sai, va. 1 ;■. to establish a po- lice, regulations ; civilize ; polish. Pouchinel, po-leshe-nrll, sm. punch, buf- foon of the puppet-show ; poor jester. Poliment, po-le-mang, sm. polish ; gloss ; lustre. Poliment, po-le-mang, ad. politely ; civilly. Polir, po-leer, va. 2 r. to polish ; smooth ; revise ; correct ; perfect ; adorn ; make ele- gant of manners ; qualify for society. Polisseur, -se, po-le-sur, -suhze, smf. pol- isher. Polissoir, po-le-soo-ar, sm. burnisher ; pol- isher, tool. Polisson, po-le-song. sm. little dirty boy ; impudent man ; debauchee ; libertine. Polisson, -ne, po-le-song, -sonn, adj. mis- chievous ; libertine ; licentious ; indecent. Polissonne, po-le-sonn, sf. licentious woman. PoLISSONNER, po-le-so-nai. n>. 1 r to speak or act licentiously; play mischievous tricks. Polissonnerie, pnle-sonn-ree, sf. mischiev- ous trick • waggery ; indecence ; joke. 297 POM POP Polissure, po-le-seur, ef. polishing. PoliteSSE, po-le-tess, sf. politeness ; courtesy; good breeding ; gentility ; civilization. Politique, po-le-teek, sm. politician. Politique, po-te-teek-, sf. politics ; science of government ; administration ; cunning. Politique, po-U-teeJe, adj. political ; crafty : artifieious ; skilful ; circumspect; wise. Politiquement, po-le-teeh-mang , ad. politi- cally; cunningly ; artfully ; skilfully. Politique!!, po-le-te-kai, vn. 1 r. to speak of politics ; presume on superior abilities. Pollue, -e, pol-leu-di, -e, adj. defiled. POLLUER, pol-hu-ai, vn. 1 r. to pollute ; profane ; defile. Pollution, pol-leu-syong, sf. pollution ; pro- fanation. Polonaise, pn-lo-nayze, sf. polonese, lady's dress or dance ; braiding. Poltron, -NE, pol-trong, -tronn, smf. and adj. poltroon ; coward ; pusillanimous ; fearful. Poltronnerie, pol-tronn-ree, sf. cowardice. Polyanthea, pole yang-tai-nh, sm. alpha- betical collection of common-places. Polyedse, po-le-yay&r, sm. solid figure with many sides ; polyhedron. Polygams, po-le-ghamm, smf. polygamist. Polygamie, po-te-gJtah-mee, sf. plurality of wives or husbands ; polygamy. Polyglotte, po-le-gloit, smf. and adj. lin- guist; polyglot ;' written in several lan- o-i 1:1 -. to grow to a head. PoMAir.r.Aii;, pomm-raie, sf. orchard of ap- ple-tre ■-. 2V6 sm. pommel. -e, in/j. dapple ; va- with close small Pommette, po-mett, sf. small knob of wood or metal ; cheek-bone : plur. knots on the wristbands. Pommier, po-myai, sm. apple-tree ; apple- roaster. Pompe, pongpe, sf. pump ; pomp ; splendor ; pride. Po.mper, portg-pai, va. n. 1 r. to pump ; worm out ; tipple. Pompeusement, pongpuhze-mang, acZ.pomp- ously. Pompeux, -se, pong-pulic, -ze, adj. magnifi- cent; sumptuous; superb; brilliant: studied. Pompier, pong-pyai,sm. pump-maker; pump- er ; fireman. Pompon, pong-pong, sm. trinket ; affected display. Pomponner, pong-ponai, va. 1 r. to deck ; set off. Ponce, ponqsse, sf. ground charcoal in a little bag to trace the outlines of a drawing, &c. Pierre-ponce, pyayre-pongsse, sf. pumice- stone. Ponceau, -x, pong-so, -i, sf. porcelain; china; china-ware. POBC-EPIC, por-haipeek, sm. porcupine. POHCHAISON, por - shay - zong, sf.. wild-boar season. Porciie, porsh, sm. porch; portico; covered walk. PORCHER, por-shai, sm. swineherd. Pore, por, sm. passage of perspiration; pore. Poreux, -SE, po-rufie, -ze, adj. porous. Porosite, po-ro-ze-tai, sf. quality of having pores. Porpiiyee, por-feer, sm. porphyry. Porpiiyrisee, por-fe-ret-zai, va. 1 r. to grind upon porphyry. Porreau, -x, po-ro, -e, sm. leek ; wart. Port, por, sm. port; harbor; wharf; burden; carriage ; postage ; haven ; air ; mien. Yaisseau dc grand port, large ship. Pren- dre port, to get into port. Portage, por-taJije, sm. price of carriage ; portage. » Portail, por-tah-yuh, sm. portal ; front gate of a church. PORTAHT, -e, por -tang, -te, adj. bearing; close to, very near ; in health. PORTATIF, -te, por -tah-teejj ', -teev, adj. port- able. Porte (la), lah-porlt, sf. the porte, court of the grand seignior. Porte, portt, sf. door ; gate ; entrance. Porte cochere or Grande porte, portt-l-o- shayre or grangde-portt, sf. gate. Porte de derriere, portt-duli-day-ryayre, sf. back-door ; evasion ; subterfuge. De porte ex porte, duh-portt-ang -portt, ad. exp. from house to house. A porte close, ah-portt-kloze, ad. exp. se- cretly ; without witness. Porte-brisEe, portt-bre-zaie, sf folding door. Porte-vitree, portt-ve-traie, sf. glass door. Porte a deux battaxts, portt-ah-duhe-bah- tanyhe, sf. folding door. Porte-balle, portt-bal, sm. pedlar; hawker. Porte-chape, portt-shnpp, sm. cope -bearer. Poute-crayox, portt-kray-yong, sm. pencil- case. YoRTE-CROix,por(t-kroo-ah,sm. cross-bearer. PORTE-CROS8E,porft-&7-oss,OTl. crosier-bearer. Porte-dieu, porU-dyuh,sm. viaticum-bearer, last rites to prepare the parting soul. Porte-drapeau, -x, portt -drah-po, -e, sm. ensign. Portee, por-laie, sf. brood; litter; distance; reach ; compass ; extent; power; capacity. A lapor't'e au fluff, within musket-shot. PORTE-ENSEIGXE, portl-any say-itiy-yuli, sm. ensign. Porte-epee, portt-aipaic, sm. belt; sword- bearer. Porte-ETENDard, pnrlt - ai -tang- dar, sm. standard-bearer ; cornet. Porte-etriers, portai-lreyaie, amp. stir- rup-straps. Porte-FAIX, portt- fey, sm. porter; street- porter. Porte-feuille, portt-fuli-yuh, sm. portfolio; pocket-book. Porte-maliiecr, portl-muh-lur, sm. bringer of ill-luck. Porte-hanteau, -x, pnrtt-mang-to, -e, sm. portmanteau; cloak-bearer; tow of pegs in a hall. PORTEMENT, portt-mang, sm. bearing of the cross. Porte iwstr'e, p>orlt-monglr,sm. watch stand or cushion. PORTE-MOUCHETTES,pwM-?noc>-s7ieft,s»j. snuf- fers-tray. Porter, por-ter, sm. porter, kind of strong beer. Le porter haut, set up for a man oi figure. Porter, por-tai, va. Ir. to carry, bear; wear; hold ; have ; direct ; lead ; endure, suffer ; order, prescribe ; declare, express ; induce. Porter, por-tai, vn. 1 r. to be with young ; lean upon ; rest ; reach ; carry ; bear. Se porter, suh-por tai, vref. to go ; be ; do. Se porter a, suh-por -tai-ah, vref. to be in- clined; addict; abandon, apply one's self to. Se porter four, suh-por -tax-poor , vref. to claim. Porte-respect, portt-ress-peck, sm. fire-arm; badge of dignity ; grave appearance. Porteur, -se, por-tur, -fuhze, smf. porter ; bearer ; carrier ; basket-woman. Porte-vext, portlvan/, sm. ventiduct. Porte-verge, portt- vairhje, sm. verger; beadle. Porte-voix, portt- voo -ah, sm. speaking- trumpet. Portier, -e, por-tyai, -re, smf. porter; door- keeper. Portiere, por-tyayre, sf. coach-door ; door- curtain. Portiox, por -syong, sf. part; allotment; share. Portique, por -tec!;, sm. portico; piazza; Zeno's sect or doctrine. Portor, por-tor, sm. black marble with deep yellow veins. Portraire, por-trayre, va.. 4 irr. to portray, represent; paint; describe. Portrait, portray, sm. likeness ; resem- blance • picture ; description ; portrait. Posage, po-zahje, sm. work and expense of laying down stones, os$t-dat, sf. date later than the time. Postdater, posst-dah-tai, va. 1 r. to postdate. POSTE, posst,sm. place ; office ; employment; military station ; post. Poste, po*si dire, poor-aing-se-deer, ad. exp. if one may say so ; in some way ; almost ; as it were. Pour et CONTRE, poor-aikongtr, sm. pro and con. Pour-boike, poor-boo-ar, sm. something to drink ; small gratuity, over and above. Pourceau, -x, poor-so, -e, an. hog ; swine; great sloven. POURCHASSER, poor-shah-sai, va. 1 r. to strive to obtain; pursue with eagerness, obstinacy. Pourfe>"pre, poor-fangcPr, va. 4 r. to cleave; part asunder. Pour parler, poor-par-lai, sm. conference ; parley. Pourpier, poor-pyai, sm. purslain, plant. Pourpoi.nt. poor-poo-aing, sm. doublet. Pourpre, pooipr, sm. purple fever; purples; purple color. Pourpre, poorpr, sf. purple dye ; badge of royalty. Pourpre, -e, poor-prai, -e, adj. purple. Pourpris, poor-pree, sm. inclosnrc. Pourquoi, poor-koo-aJi, sm. cause ; reason. Pourquoi? poor -koo - ah, interr. ad. why? for what reason? for what ? C'est pourquoi. sey- poor -koo -ah, conj. therefore ; so ; so that : thus. Pourrai, poo-rai, fut. of pouvoir, will be able. Pourrais, poo-rey, cond. of pouvoir, would be able. Pourri, poo-ree, sm. rottenness ; rotten part. Pourrir, poo-reer, va. n. 2 ■/■. to rot; spoil ; corrupt ; putrefy ; remain ; linger. Pourkiture, poo-re-teur, sf. rottenness, cor- ruption ; putrefaction. Poursuis, poor-seu-i; pres. ind. of poursui- vre, pursue. Poursuite, poor-seu-eet, sf, pursuit; pressing solicitation ; assiduity ; persecution : plur. proceedings. Poursuivant, poor-seu-e-vang, pres. part, of pours uivre, pursuing. PoURSUIVANT, poor-si'it-c-rang, sin. pursuer ; lover; follower; candidate'; prosecutor. Poursuivi. poor-seu-e-vee, p. part, of pour- suivre, pursued. Poursuivis, poor-seu-e-vee, pret. def. of pour- sit irre, pursued. Poursuivre, poor-seu-ccvr,va.4 irr. to puis: i. ; follow; persecute ; tease ; harass ; sue for. Poursuivre en justice, to prosecute at law. Pouutant, poor-tang, ad. nevertheless; how- ever; for all that; notwithstanding. PotJRTODR, poor-toor, sm. circumference. PO0RVOTR, poor-voo-ar, ca. 3 irr. to provide; furnish ; supply. Por/RVOIR a, poor-voo-ar-ah, rn. to provide for ; look to ; take care ; give ; confer ; be- stow. Se pocrvoir de mh-pnor-voo-ar-duh, vref. to supply one's self ; apply, sue for. Pourvoirai, poor-roo-iih-rai, fut. of pour- voir, will provide for. Pourvoirais, poor-voo-ah-rey, cond. of pour- voir, would provide for. Pourvois, poor-voo-ah, pres. ind. of pour- voir, provide for. Pourvoyant, poor-voo-ahyang, pres. part. of pourvoir, providing for. Pourvoyeur, -se, poor-voo-ah-yur, -yuhze, sm. purveyor ; provider. Pourvu, poor-veu, sm. incumbent. Pourvu QUE, poor-veu-kuh, conj. provided that ; on condition, in case that. Pourvu, poor-veu, p. part, of pourvoir, pro- vided ; supplied. Pourvus, poor-veu, pret. def. of pourvoir, provided for. Pousse, pooss, sf. shoot ; pursiness ; suffo- cative exhalation. Pousse, -e, pooe-sai, -e, adj. vapid ; dead ; choked. Poussee, pooe-saie, sf. jutting out ; pursuit. Pousser, poo-sai, ra. n. 1 ;■. to push; thrust; shove ; impel ; force ; drive ; urge ; attack; shoot ; pant. Se pousser, suh-poo-sai, vref. to push one's self forward in the world. Pousseur, -se, poo-sur, -mthze, smf. pusher. Poussier, poo-syai, sm. coal or gunpowder dust. Poussiere, poo-syayre, sf. dust. Poussif, -ye, poo-seeff, -seer, adj. pursy. Poussin, poo-saing, sm. young chicken. Poussiniere, poo -se- nyayre, sf. chicken- coop ; pleiads, northern constellation. Poutre, pootr, sf. beam. Poutrelle, poo-trell, sf. small beam. Pouvant, poo-vang, pres. part, of pouvoir. being able. Pouvoir, poo-voo-ar, sm. power ; ability ; force ; authority ; credit ; command ; inter- est ; liberty. Pouvoir, poo-voo-ar, va. n. 3 irr. to be able; possible ; have in one's power. Pouvoir plus (n'en), nang-poo-roo-ar-pleu, to be quite fatigued, jaded, spent. Se pouvoir que, suh- poo-voo-ar -huh, monop. v. to be possible. Se pouvoir faireque, suh-poo-voo-arfayre- kuh, monop. v. to be possible. 301 TEE PEE Prag.vatique, prag-mah-ieek, sf ordinance. Prairie, pray-rte, sf. meadow; pasture- ground. Praline, prhli-leen, sf. crisp almond. Prame, pramm, sf. flat-bottomed boat. Puaticable, prtih • te -khabl, adj. feasible; practicable ; passable ; performable. Praticien, prah-te-syaing, sm. practitioner. Pratique, prahteek, sf. practice; use; cus- tom, execution ; experience ; customer. Pratique, prah-teek, adj. practical. Pratiques, prah-teek, sfp. intrigues; under- hand dealings ; secret practices. Pratiquer, prah-te-kai, va. n. 1 r. to prac- tise ; exercise ; frequent ; associate with : bribe. Se pkatiquer, suh-prah-te-kai, vref. to prac- tise ; exercise, use one's self to. Pre, prai, sm. meadow; pasture -ground, ground appointed for a duel or fight. Prealabi.e, prai-ah-labl, adj. prior; pre- vious ; before. Av prealable, o-prai-ahlalh ad. expr. first of all ; beforehand ; previously ; first. Prealablement, prai-ah-labl-mang, ad. pre- viously ; beforehand; first of all. Preambule, prai~ang-beull, sm. introduc- tion ; preface ; preamble ; vague, super- fluous discourse. Preac, -x, prai-n. -e, sin. small meadow; jail-yard ; green ; open space in a market. Pkkb;:xi)E. prai-bangde, sf. prebend; stipend. Precendier, prai- bang -dyai, sm. prebend- ary. Pkecaire, prai-kayfe, sm. revocable grant. Precaire, prai-kayre, adj. precarious ; ca- sual. Precairement, prai -Tcayre -mang, ad. pre- cariously ; in a revocable manner. Precaution, prai-lco-syong, sf. precaution. Precactionne, -e, prai-ko-syo-nai, -e, adj. prudent; cautious; circumspect; careful. Precautionner, prai-ko-syo-nai, va. 1 r. to precaution ; warn beforehand ; guard against. Re prec a utionner, suTv-prai-Jeo-syo-nai, vref. to provide, take measures against. Precedemment, prai-sai-dah-mong. ad. be- fore, precedently, formerly. Precedent, prai-sai-dang, sm. and adj. pre- cedent, preceding, former, going before. Precedes, prai-sai-dai, ru. 1 r. to precede, go before. Precepte, praisept, sm. precept, instruction, 1 • son ; rule, maxim; sentence. Preceptedr, prai-sep-tur, sm. tutor, teacher, instructor, preceptor, schoolmaster. Preceptoral, -e, prai-sep-to-ral, adj. in- structive ; becoming a preceptor ; magiste- rial. Preceptorat, prai-sep-to-rah, sm. precej>tor- ship. Preceptoeiale, prai-srpto-ryal, sf. and adj. canonical prebend affixed to the choristers' preceptor. Precession, prai-say-syong, sf. going before. Preche, preysh, sm. sermon, discourse ; church. PRECHER, preyshai, va. n. 1 r. to preach; extol. Precheur, prey-shur, sm. preacher; fault- finder. Prechedse, prey-sJiuhzK, sf. everlasting talk- er : fault-finder; foolish 'reasoner. 302 Precieuse, prai-syuhze, sf. prude, finical woman. Precieusement, prai-syuhze-mang, ad. with great care ; preciously. Precieux, -se, prai-syuhe, -ze, adj. valua- ble, precious ; very useful ; dear ;' affected, over nice. Precipice, prai-se-pecss, sm. precipice. Precipitamment, praise-pe-fah-mang, ad. in a hurry, hastily, with precipitation. Precipitation, prrai-se-pe-tah-syrmg, sf. very great hurry, precipitation ; subsidency. Precipite, prai-se-pe-tai, sm. precipitate. Precipite, -e, prai-se-pe-tai, -e, adj. hasty ; violent. Precipiter, prai-se-pe-tai, va. 1 r. to hurl down, precipitate, plunge ; hurry ; accel- erate. Se precipiter, suh-prai-se-pe-tai, vref. to rush into ; fall ; run after ; hurry ; subside. Preciput, prai-se-peu, sm. endowment. Precis, prai -tee, sm. summary, abstract; abridgment. Precis, -e, prai-see, -;'>. adj. fixed ; deter- mined ; precise; just; neat; exact; con- cise ; dear. Precisement, prai-se-zai-mang, ad. exactly. Preciser, prai-se-zai, va. 1 r. to fix, deter- mine ; speak to the point. Precision, prai-se-zyong, sf brevity ; pers- picuity ; exactness, precision. Precoce, prai-koss, adj. ripe before the time, premature ; precocious, forward, too early. Precoces, prai-koss, sfp. early cherries. Precocite, prai-kn-setai, sf. prematurity. Precompter, prai-kong-tai,ra. 1 r. to deduct. Preconisation, prai-ko-ne-zah-syang, sf. commendation, praise; report; proclaiming. Preconiser, prai-kn-nee-zai, va. 1 r. to de- clare openly ; extol, praise highly. Preconiseur, prai-ko-nee-zur, sm. praiser. Precurseur, prai-kure-sur, sm. forerunner, harbinger, precursor. Predeceoer, prai-dai-sai-dai, vn. 1 r. to die before, predecease. Predeces, prai-dai-sey, sm. predecease. Predecesseur, prai-dai-say -sur, sm. prede- cessor. Predecesseurs, prai-dai-say-surre.smp. an- cestors, forefathers, ancient natives. Predestination, prai-dess-te-nah -syong, sf. preordination, immutable decree. Predestine, -e, prai-dess-te-nai, -e, smf. and adj. elect, chosen, predestinated. Pkedestinee, piai-dess-te-naie, sf. irreversi- ble decree, predestination. Predestine!:, prai-dess-te-nai, va. 1 r. to pre- destine, predestinate, appoint beforehand. Predetermination, prai-dai-Uxir-me-nah- syong, sf previous determination, resolu- tion. Predeterminer, prai-dai -tair-me-nai , va. I r. to predetermine ; confine by previous de- cree. Predicable, pfai-de-kTialil, adj. affirmable. Predicament, prai-de-khah-mang, sm. pre- dicament ; reputation ; celebrity ; fame. Predicant, prai-dekhung, sm. Protestant preacher or minister. Predicateur, prai-de-khah-tur,sm. preacher. Predication, prai-de-khahsyong. sf. preach- ing, sermon, religious exhortation. Prediction, prai-detk- syong, sf. foretelling, prophecy, declaration of future events. TEE PEE Predilection, pm i-de-leck-syong,^f. partial- ity ; preference ; prepossession. Pkedike, prai-deer, ca. 4 irr. to foretell. PrSdis, prai-dee, pros. ind. and pret. clef, of pr&dire, foretell, foretold. PrEDISAHT, prai-dezang, pres. part, of pre- dire. foretelling. Pkkdit, -e, prai-dee, -te, p. part, of prt'dire, foretold. Predominant, -e. praido-mr-nang, -te, adj. prevalent; supreme ; prevailing. Predominer, prai-do-me-nai, va. n. 1 r. to prevail ; exeel ; predominate. Preeminence, prai-ai-me-navgtse, tf. supe- riority; precedence; pre-eminence; priority. Preeminent, -e, prai-ai-me-nang, -te, adj. excellent ; superior ; pre-eminent. Preexistant, -e, prai-eg-zeess-tang, -te, adj. existing before, preceding in existence, pre- existent. Preexistence, prai-eg-zeess-langsse, sf. prior existence, pre-existence. Preexisted, prai-eg-zeess-tai, vn. 1 r. to pre- exist, have a prior existence, exist before- hand. Preface, prai-fass, sf. introduction, preface. Prefecture, praifeck-teur, sf. prefecture ; office, function of prefect. Preferable, prai-fai-raH, adj. preferable ; more eligible. Preferableuent, pra-fa i-rabl-mang, ad. in preference, preferably, by choice. Preference, prui-fai-rangsse,sf. preference, choice. Treferer, prai-fai-rai, ra. 1 r. to prefer. Prefet, prai-fay, sm. prefect; magistrate. Prefix, -e, prai-feelc.t, adj. fixed, appointed, determined ; prescribed ; agreed upon. Prefixion, prai-feeksyong, if. appointment, settled time ; prefixion. Prejudice, prai-bjea-deess, sm. wrong, dam- age, loss, huii, injury, detriment. Prejudicial 1 ,!.!'., prai-hjeu-de-syaW, adj. hurt- ful, injurious, detrimental, prejudicial. Pre jddicier, prai-hjeu-de-sgai, vn. 1 ;•. to prejudice, hurt, injure, impair. Prejuge, prai-hjeu-hjai, sm. prepossession; presage, foreboding ; infatuation ; prece- dent. Prejuger, prai-hjeu-hjai, va. n. 1 r. to fore- see, conjecture, presume, augur, prejudge. PRELASSER (8E), fiith-praidnii-S'ii, vref. 1 r. to strut, walk with a'fected dignity. Prelat, prai-lah,sm. prelate, higli dignitary. Prelation, prai-lah-syong, sf. preference. Prelatcre, prai-lahteur, sf. dignity of a prelate, prelacy, prelature. Pr.i.LE, preyle, sf. horse-tail; plant for pol- ishing. PrELEGS, prai-lay, sm. legacy, to be paid be- fore the division of a property. Preleguer, praidai-gai, va. 1 r. to bequeath a legacy, to be paid before the division of a property. Preler, prey-lai, va. 1 r. to rub, polish. Prelevement, prai-lev-mang, sm. raising of a legacy before the division of the inherit- ance. Prelever, praiduh-vai, va. 1 r. to raise a legacy before the division of the inheritance. Prelimin'aire, prai-le-me-nayre, adj. previ- ous ; introductory ; proemial ; preliminary. Prelim enairement, prvi-le-me-nayre-mavg, ad. first of all, previously before any thing. Prelire, prai4eer,va. 4 rrr. (like lire), to read and correct a copy before it is printed. Prelude, prai-leud, am. prelude, short musi- cal introduction to a piece of mu , Preluder, praideu-dai, en. 1 /•. to prelude ; give an idea or specimen of. Premature, -e, prax-mah-teu-rai, -e, adj. premature, too soon, or early. Prematurement, prai-man-teu-rai-maTig, ail. too soon, prematurely. Prematurite, piai-mahdeu-re-tai, sf. pre- maturity, precocity. J Premeditation, prai-mai-de-tah-si/ong, .-f. premeditation, previous consideration*. i Pkemedite, -e, prai-mai-ilctui, -< . adj. con- ceived, projected, contrived beforehand. Presieditek, prai-mai-de-tai, va, 1 r. to pre- meditate ; form, contrive, conceive beluie- hand. Phemices, prai-meess, sfp. first fruits. | Premier, -e, pruh-myai, -re, smf. and adj. first. Premierement, first. Premisses, prai-meess, sfp. premises. Promotion, prai-mosyong, tf. innate im- pulse. Pre.munir, prai-meu-neer, va. 2 r. to fortify, guard against ; forewarn. Ss premunir, suh-prai-meu-nter,vref. to pro- vide against, or one's self with. i';: emunissement, prai-meu-neess-mang, sm. premonition, anticipation. Prenable, pruh-nabl, adj. ma}' be taken ; re- ducible. Prenant, pruh-nang, pres. part, of prendre, taking. Prenant, -e, pruh-nang, -te, adj. receiving; catching. Prendre, prangdr, sm. taking ; choice ; de- cision. Prendre, prangdr, va. 4 r. to take ; steal ; seize ; receive, accept ; exact ; catch, arrest; swallow ; understand ; conceive ; explain. Se Jaisser prendre, to yield. Se prendre, svh-prangdr, vref. to fix ; co- agulate ; freeze, congeal ; be taken. Se prendre a, suh-prangdr-uh, inf. to catch at ; take to ; begin ; apply one's self to. S'en prendre A, s , ang-pravgdr-ah, idi. exp. vref. to lay the blame upon. Se prendre de, suiiprangdr-duh, vref. to take to. S'y prendre bien or MAL, s'eprangdr- byaing or mal, idi. exp. vref. to take the right or wrong way. A tout prendre, ah-too-prangdr, ad. exp. taking every thing into consideration., Preneur, -se, pruh-nur, -nulize, smf. taker; lessee. Prenne, pren, pres. subj. of prendre, may take. Prennent, prm, 3 pers. pi. pros. ind. and subj. of prendre, take ; may take. Prenom, prai-nong, sm. first or Christian name. Prenotion, prai-no-synng, sf. imperfect no- tion ; surmise ; superficial knowledge. Pre -occupation, prai-o-Tcu-pah-syong, sf. prepossession ; infatuation ; preoccupation. PreoccDFEr, prai-o-ku-pai, va. 1 r. to pre- possess ; preoccupy ; fill with prejudice. Preopinant, prai-o-pe-nang, sm. first, voter. PreopineR, prai-o-penoi. vn. 1 ;\ to vote first ; to be the first to advise. 303 PEE PEE Preparage, prai-pah-rahje, sm. preparing*. Preparatif, prai-pah-rah-teeff, sin. prepara- tive. Preparation, prai-pah-rah-syong, sf. prep- aration. Preparatoire, prai-pah-rak-too-ar t adj. preparatory ; previous ; antecedent. Preparer, prai-pah-rai, va. 1 r. to prepare. Ss preparer, suh-prai-ptlt-rni, vref. to make one's self ready ; take previous measures. Preponderance, prai-pong-dai-rangsse, sf. superior influence, weight ; credit, interest. Preponderant, -e, prai-pong-dai-rang, -te. adj. preponderant ; casting ; decisive. Prepose, prai-po-zai, sm. overseer. Preposer, prai-po-zai, va. 1 r. to set over; give the charge of; prepose ; put before. Preposition, prai-po-se-sytmg, sf. preposi- tion. Prerogative, prai-ro-gkah-teeo, sf. peculiar advantage; exclusive privilege; prerogative. Pres, pre>/, prep, near, by ; almost; hard by. Pres or De PRES, prey or duh-prey, ad. exp. hard by, at hand ; within a little while. A feu pres, ah-puh-prey, ad. exp. almost, about, nearly. A cela pres, ali-slah-prey, ad. exp. save ; except. Pres a pres, prey -zah -prey, ad. exp. close to one another ; one after another. Presage, prai-zahje, sm. prognostic, omen. PresaGER, prai-zah-lijai, va. 1 r. to forebode, foretell, portend, presage ; conjecture. Presbyte, press-beet, smf. person who can only see distant objects. Presbyteral, -e, press -be - iai- ral, adj. priestly. Presbytere, press -be -tay re, sm. parson's house. Presbyterianisme, press - be - tai - re - yah. - neesm, sm. Presbyterians' doctrine ; Calvin- ism. Presbyterien, -NE, press -be -tai- ryaing, -ryenn, smf. andac//. Presbyterian ; (jalvin- ist. Prescience, prai-se-yangsse, sf. fore-knowl- edge. Prescriptible, prai-slcreep-teeW, adj. possi- ble to be prescribed. Prescription, prai-skreep-syong ,sf prescrip- tion. Prescrire, prai-skreer, va. v. 4 irr. to pre- scribe ; order ; direct ; acquire by prescrip- tion. Se prescrire, suh-prai-skreer, vref. to be lost by prescription ; impose upon one's self. Prescris, prai-skree, pres. ind. of prescrire, prescribe. PRESCRIT, -E, prai-skree, -le, p. part, of pre- scrire, prescribed. Prescrivant, prai-skre-vang, pres. part, of prescrire, prescribing. Prescrivis, prai-skre-vee, pret. def. of pre- scrire, prescribed. Preseance, prai-sai-angsse, sf. precedence. Presence, prai-zangsse, sf. presence ; aspect. En presence de, ang-jira i-zangsse-duh, ad. exp. before, in the presence of. Present, prai-zang, sm. gift, present ; pres- ent time. Present, -e, prai-zang, -te, adj. present ; __ ready. A present, ah-prai-zang, ad. exp. now, at present. 301 Presentateur, prai-zang-tah-tur, sm. ad- vowee. Presentation, prai-zang -tali- syong , sf. pre- sentation. Presenteiient, praizangte-mang, ad. pres- ently. Presenter, prai-zang -tai, va. 1 r. to present, oiler ; exhibit, show; introduce; deliver. Se presenter, suh-prai-zang-tai, vref. to show one's self or itself; appear; come; introduce one's self. Preservatif, prai-zair-vah-teeff, sm. pre- servative ; preventive ; antidote. Preservatif, -ve, prai-zair-vah-tecff, -teei, adj. preservative; preventive, hindering ill. Preserver, prai-zair-vaT, va. 1 r. to pre- serve. Presidence, prai-zc-ditngsse, sf. presidency. President, prai-ze-dang, sm. president. Presidents, prai-ze-dangte, sf. president's lady. Presider a, prai-ze-dai-ah, va. n. 1 r. to preside. Presidial, -iacx, prai-ee-dyo.l, -dyoe, sm. presidial court or judge. Presidiai.ement, prai-zc-dyal-mang,ad. per- emptorily ; without appeal. Presomptif, -ve, prai-zongpe-teeff, -leev, adj. presumptive ; apparent. Presomption, prai-zongpe-syong, sf. pre- sumption ; pride, arrogance ; conjecture. Presomptueusement, prai-zovgpe-U u-uhse- mang, ad. in a presumptuous manner. Presomptueux, -se, prai-zongpe-teu-uhe, -ze, adj. proud, haughty ; presumptuous. Presque, press-kuh or pressk, ad. almost, nearly. Presqu'ile, press-keel, sf. peninsula. Presq.u'ombre, press-kongbr, sf. penumbra. Pressahiient, pray -son -mang, ad. press- ingly. Pressant, -e, pray-sang, -1c, adj. pressing ; urgent ; acute ; sharp ; violent. Presse, press, sf. press; crowd, throng; hurry. Presse, e, pray-sai, -e, adj. pressed ; hur- ried ; urgent; harassed; attacked; pur- sued ; brief, concise. Pressens, prai-sang,Tpves. ind. of pressentir. Pressentant, prai-saitg-taity, pres. part, of pressentir, foreseeing. Pressentiment, prai-sang-te-mang, sm. fore- boding, presentiment ; shivering fit. Pressentir, prai-sang-teer,va. 2 irr. to fore- see ; find out ; discover ; perceive ; sift. Presser, prai-sai, m. n. 1 r. press, squeeze, crowd ; urge ; hasten ; pursue close ; en- treat ; be urgent. Se presser, suhprai-sai, vref. to hasten ; lay close. Pressier, pray-syai, sm. pressman, presser. Pression, praysyong, sf. pressing ; compres- sion. Pressoir, pray-soo-ar,sm. press-house; press. Pressurage, pray-seu-rahje, sm. pressing; liquor ; press-fee. Pressurer, pray-seu-rai, va. 1 r. to press, crush ; squeeze out, extinct. Pressureur, pray-seu-rur, sm. presser. Prestance, press-tangsse, sf. noble port, pres- ence, air, mien, countenance. Prestant, press-tang, sm. principal stop of !he organ. Prestation de sf.rment, press-tah-syong- duh-sair-mang, sf. taking of an oath. PEE PRI PresTE. jjrcsst, adj. quick, nimble ; clover, skilful. Pkeste, presst, int. quick ! make haste ! at once 1 Prestement, presst-mang, ad. in a hurry ; cleverly. Prestesse, press-tea*, sf. nimbleness, activity. Prestige, press-teehj, sm. illusiou ; fascina- tion. Prestigiateuk, prcss-te-hje-yah-tur, am. con- jurer, enchanter, juggler, magician. Prestissimo, preas-te-se-mo, ml. very quick. Presto, press-to, ad. quick, make haste. Prestolet, press-to-lay, sm. gay young priest. Presumer, prai-zeu-mai, va. ». 1 r. to pre- sume, suppose, conjecture, imagine ; have too good an opinion of. Presupposer, prai-seu-po-zai, va. 1 r. to take for granted, presuppose, imagine. Presupposition, prai-seu-po-ze-tyung,*/. pre- supposition. Prescre, prai-zeur, .-/. runnet. Pr£t, pre;/, sm. loan. Fret, -e, prey, -te, adj. ready ; dressed ; serv- ed up ; prepared, set in order, arranged. PrSTANTAINE (COURIR la), loo-reer-lali-prai- tang-tenn, v. '2 irr. to ramble, gad about. Pretendant, -e, prai-tang-dang, -te, sm/. pretender. Pretexdrk, prai-tangdr, va. n. 4 r. to pre- tend, claim, aspire, aim at ; intend ; require. Pretendu, prai-tang-deu,sm. future husband. Pretendu, -e, prai-tang-deu, -e, adj. false ; supposed; doubtful; pretended; sell-calling. Pretendue, prai-tang-deue, sf. future wife. Pr£te-xgm, preyt-nong, sm. one who lends his name, or takes another's labors under his name. Pretentieux, -SE, prai-tang-syuh, -ze, adj. affected. Pretention, prai-tang-syong, sf. claim; hope ; project ; aim : plur. good opinion of one's merit ; desire of shining. PrETER, prey-tai, sm. lending, loan. Preter, prey-tai, va. n. 1 r. to lend ; afford ; stretch ; extend ; be ample, copious. Vous leur pretez tela, you father that on them. Se preter a, suh-prey-tai-dh, vref. to com- ply with; favor; bear; humor; counte- nance. Preterit, prai-tai-re, sm. preterit or perfect tense. Preteuition, prai-tai-re-sj/ong, sf. preten- tion, omission of the heir's name. Preteur, prai-tur, sm. pretor, Koman judge. Prkteur, -se, prey-tur, -tuhze, smf. lender. Pretexte, prai- teclcst, sm. pretence, false allegation or appearance, subterfuge. Pretexter, prai-tecli8-tai,va. 1 r. to pretend. Pretintaille, j.rai-tainy-tuh-yuh, sf. trim- mings ; trinkets : plur. trivial appendages. prai-taing-tah-yai, va. 1 r. to trim, set off, decorate, embellish. Pretoire, prai-tooar, sm. judgment-hall. Pretorien, -ne, prai-to-ryavag, -ryenn, a>1j. pretorian, judicial, of the pretor. Pretre, preytr, sua, priest. Pretresse, prey-tress, sf. priestess. Pretrise, prey-lreeze, sf. priesthood. Preture, prai-tfur, ff. pretorship. Preute, pruv, sf. proof; mark ; token ; tes- timony. Preux, prulie, sm. and adj. brave, valiant ; generous. Prevala.nt, prai-vah-lang, pres. part, of pre- valoir, prevailing. Prevaloir, prai-oah-loo-ar, vn, .') irr. to pre- vail ; have the advantage over. Se prevaloir, auh-prai-vahdoo-ar, vref. to take advantage of; value one's self upon ; glory in. P REV ALU, prai-vah-leu, p. part, of jtrcvaloir, pre vailed. Prevalus, prai-vah-leu, pret. def. of pre'va- loir, prevailed. Prevarioateur, prai-vah-re-khah-tur, sm. caviller ; shuffler ; prevaricator. Prevarication, prai-vah-re-Jchdh-aj/ong, sf. shuffle : cavil, mean artifice, prevarication. Pkevariquer, pray-vdh-re-kay, vn. 1 r. to quibble, shuffle, cavil, prevaricate. Pkevaudrai, prai-vo-drai, fut. of prevaloir, will prevail. Prevaudrais, prai-vo-drey, condit. of preva- il ilr, would prevail. Pkevaux, prax-vo, pres. ind. of prevaloir, ] ire vail. Prevenance, prair-nannsse. sf. kind atten- tions ; anxious desire to oblige ; complai- sance. Puevenant, -e, praiv-nang, -te, adj. prepos- sessing, agreeable ; civil ; complaisant ; ready to oblige. Puevenant, praiv-nang, pres. part, of preve- nir. preventing. Prevenir, prui-vuh-neer, va. 2 irr. (like venir), to prevent; anticipate; prepossess; hinder, prejudice. Se prevenir, suh-prai-vuh-neer, vref. to be prepossessed or prejudiced. Se prevenir pour, to take a liking to. Prevention, prai-vang-syong, sf. preposses- sion; prejudice; prc-occupation; prevention. Prevenu, -e, prev-neu, adj. and p. part, of prevenir, prevented; prepossessed; sup- planted ; vain ; proud ; arraigned. Previs, prai-vee, pret. def. of prevoir, fore- saw. Prevision, prai-ve-zyong, sf. foresight. Prevoir, prai-voo-ar, va. 3 irr. to foresee. Prevoirai, prai-voo-ah-rai, fut. of prevoir, will foresee. Prevoirais, prai-voo-ah-rey, condit. of prd- voir, would foresee. Prevois, prai-voo-ah, pres. ind. of prevoir, foresee. Prevot, prai-voe, sm. provost ; judiciary magistrate. Prevotal, ■'E,prai-vo-tal, adj. of the provost; irrevocable. Prevotalement, prai. - ro - tal - mang, ad. without appeal ; irrevocably. Prevote, prai-vo-tai, sf. provostship ; juris- diction of the provost. Prevotance, prai-voo-ah-yangsse, sf. fore- sight; forecast; carefulness, Prevoyant, prai-voo-ah-yang, pres. part, of prevoir, foreseeing. Prevoyant, -e. prai-voo-ah-yang, -te, adj. provident ; cautious ; prudent. Prevu, prai-veu, p. part, of prevoir, fore- seen., pre-yai, sm. guest. Prie-uieu, pree-dyuh, sm. prayer-desk. Frier, pre-yai, va. n. 1 r. to pray ; beg ; in- vite. Priere, pre-yayre, sf. prayer ; entreaty ; petition. 305 PEI PEO Prieur, pre-yur, sm. prior. Prieure, pre-yuhre, sf. prioress. Prieure, pre-yuh-rai, sm. priory. Primat, pre-mah, sm. primate. PRiMATiE,p/-e-Mia/i-see, sf. primacy ; primate- ship. Primaute, pre-mo-tai, sf. precedence ; pre- eminence ; first hand at play. Prime, preem, sf. superfine Spanish wool ; primero, game at cards ; sea-insurance. Prime, preem, sf. prize for the encourage- ment of commerce, ifcc; first canonical hour. De prime abord,» duh-preem-ah-bor , ad. exp. at first ; at first sight. Primer, pre-mai, va. n. 1 r. to precede ; sur- pass ; have a decided advantage over. Primecr, pre-mur, sf. new state ; beginning of the vegetable season. Primevere, preem-vayr, sf. primrose; bear's ear. Primicier, pre-me-syai, sm. dean, in some churches. Primipile, pre-me-peeU, sm. first centurion. Primitif, -ve, pre-me-teeff, -teev, adj. primi- tive. Primitivement, pre-me-lcev-mang, ad. prim- itively. Primo, pre-mo, ad. first ; in the first place. Primogeniture, pre - mo - hjai - ne - teur, sf. birthright ; eldership ; seniority. Primordial, -e, pre-mor-dyal, adj. primi- tive ; original ; primordial. Prince, praingsse, sm. prince. Princesse, praing-sess, sf. princess. Princesse de coulisse, praing-sess-duh- hoo-leess, sf. actress. Principal, praing-se-pal, sm. chief point; capital sum; principal head of a college, raing-tah-ayai, -re, adj. vernal. Printemps, praing-tang, sm. spring ; youth. Priorite, pre-yo-re-tai, sf. priority; prece- dence. Pris, -e, pree, -ze, adj. seized ; caught ; cap- tured. Pris, pree, p. part, and pret. def. of prendre, taken ; took. Prise, preeze, sf capture ; prize ; plunder ; taking ; hold ; power ; quarrel ; scuffle ; pinch ; dose. Etre en prise, to be in danger. Prise e, pre-zaie, sf. valuation ; appraise- ment. Pkiser, pre-zai, va. 1 r. to prize; value; rate ; esteem. Priseur, pre-zur, sm. auctioneer ; appraiser. FRiSKA.iire-rai, em. place of retirement; privy. Prive, -e, pre-vai, -e, adj. private ; domestic ; tame ; deprived ; bereft ; stript off. Priver, pre-vai, va. 1 r. to deprive ; bereave ; tame ; familiarize. Se priver de, suh-pre-vai-dith. vref. to ab- stain from ; grow tame ; familiar. Privilege, pre-ve-layhje, sm. privilege ; ex- clusive right; prerogative ; advantage. Privilegie, -e, pre-ve-lai-Jijyai, adj. privi- leged. Privilegier, pre-ve-lai-hjyai, va. 1 r. to grant a privilege ; invest with rights. Prix, pree, sm. price ; value ; worth ; prize ; merit ; excellence ; reward. Au prix de, o-pree-duh, ad. exp. in compari- son of. Prix pour prix, pree-poor-pree, ad. exp. every allowance made. Probability, pro-bahbe-le-tai ', sf likelihood. Probable, pro-babl, adj. likely ; probable. Probablement, pro-babl -mnng, arf.proba.b\y. Probante, pro-ban gte, ad j.f. authentic; con- vincing. .. Probation, pro-bah-syong, ^/.novitiate; trial. Probatoire, pro-bah-too-ar, adj. probatory; serving for trial. Probe, prob, adj. honest ; upright ; just ; virtuous. Probite, pro-be-tai, sf uprightness; honesty. Problematique, p> ro - k' ,n - mah - teelt, adj. doubtful ; uncertain ; problematical. Problem atiquemf.nt, pro - blai - mah - teeJc - Viang, ad. problematically : doubtfully. Probl'eme, pro-blayme, sm. problem. Procede, pro-sai-dai, sm. conduct ; proceed- ing. Proceder, pro-sai-dai, ra. 1 r. to proceed ; arise from ; act ; be at law. Procedure, pro-sai-deur , sf. proceeding; legal procedure. Proces, pro-sey, sm. lawsuit ; process ; ac- tion. Faire le proces a, to condemn. Proces verbal, pro-sey-vair-bal, sm. verbal process. Pkocessif, -ve, pro-say-seeff, -stev, adj. litigious. Procession, pro-say-syonff, sf. procession. Processionnel, pro-say-syo-nell, sm. formu- lary of hymns and prayers used in proces- sions. I'kocessionnellement, pro -say -syo-nett- mang, ad. in procession. Prochain, pro-shaing, sm. neighbor; every fellow-creature. Prochain, -e, pro-shaing, -shenn, adj. next ; near. Puochainement, pro-she nn-mang, ad. next. Proche, prosh, adj. close ; near ; nigh ; little distant. pROCHE, prosh, prep, and ad. near; hard by ; close to ; by. De proche en proche, duh -prosh -ang- prosh, ad. exp. one after another ; close or near to one another. Proches, prosh, snip, relations; relatives. Proclamation, pro-ldah-mah-syong, sf. pro- clamation. Proclamer, jiroddah-mai, va. 1 r. to pro- claim. PROCONSUL, pro-kong-seul, sm. proconsul. PRO PRO Procoxsulat, pro-kongsew-lah, sm. procon- sulsbip ; office, dignity of proconsul. PROCREATION, pro-krai-ah-syong, sf genera- tion. PrOCREER, prokrai-ai, va. 1 r. to beget; produce. PROCUR ateur, -trick, pro- ku-rahtur,-treess, smf. proxy ; deputy ; agent ; manager. Procuration, pro-ku-rah-syong, sf. letter or power of attorney ; procuration. Procurer, pro-ku-rai, va. 1 )•. to procure. PROCUREUR, pro-ku-rur, sm. solicitor; at- torney. Procureuse, pro-ku-ruhze, sf. (iron.) attor- ney's wife. PRODIGALEHENT, pro - de ■ glial - man g, ad. lavishly, with profuseness, prodigality. pRODIGALITE, pro-de ghah-le-tai, sf. profu- sion. Pkodige, pro-deenj, sm. prodigy ; phenome- non. Prodigieusement, pro-de-hjyiihze-mang, ad. prodigiously ; in a wonderful manner. Prodigieu.X, -SE, pro-dc-hjyuhe, -ze, adj. prodigious ; amazing ; wonderful ; innu- merable. Prodigce, pro-deeg, sm. prodigal ; spend- thrift. Prodigue, pro-deeg, adj. lavish ; wasteful ; prodigal. Prodiguer, pro-de-gai, ra. 1 r. to lavish ; waste; squander; expose; hazard; venture. Proditoiremext, pro-dc-too-ar-mang, ad. treacherously ; in a perfidious manner. Prodcctif, -ve,, -teev, adj. fruitful ; fertile ; productive. Production, pro-deuk-syong, sf. product ; production ; performance ; proof. Prodcire, pro-deu-eer, va. i irr. to yield ; produce; cause; expose; show; introduce. PrOdcis, pro-deu-e, pres. ind. of produire, produce. Puoduisaxt, pro-deu-e-zang, pres. part, of produire, producing. Puodcisis, pro-deu-e-zee, pret. def. of pro- duire, produced. Produit, -e, pro-deu-ee, -le, p. part, of pro- duire, produced. Prodcit, pro-deu-e, sm. product ; produce ; revenue ; result. Profaxateur, -TRICE, pro -/ah -nali -fur, -treess, sm/. profaner ; polluter ; violator. Profanation, pro-fah-nah-syong, sf. profa- nation ; irreverence to holy things. Profaxe, pro-fan, sm. layman ; profaner. Profane, pro-fan, adj. profane ; irreverent. Profaxement, pro-fan-mang, ad. profanely. Profaxer, pm-fali-nai, va. 1 r. to profane ; dishonor ; disgrace ; put to wrong use. Proferer, pro-/ai-rai, va.\ r. to articulate; pronounce ; utter ; speak ; tell ; say. Profes, -SE, pro-fag, -/ens, smf. and ml'. monk or nun who has made vows of retire- ment. Professer, profay-sai, va. 1 r. to declare openly ; acknowledge publicly ; exercise ; teach. Professeur, pro -fay - sur, sm. professor; teacher. Profession, pro-fay-tryong, sf. public con- fession ; declaration ; profession ; state ; condition. Professor at, profay-so-rah, sm. professor- ship. Pkofii., pro-feel, sm. side face ; half face ; profile. Profiler, pro-fe-lai, ra. 1 r. to represent the side face ; draw, paint in a profile. Profit, pro/e, sm. advantage ; emolument ; gain ; utility ; profit. Faites en voire profit, make the best of it. Profitable, pro-/e-tabl, adj. useful ; advan- tageous. Profiter de, pro-fe4ai-duh, m. 1 r. to gain advantage ; make impiovemeuts ; grow ; profit ; be of use. Profond, -e, pro-fong, -de, adj. deep ; pro- found ; great ; extreme ; low. Pkofox dement, pro -Jung - dai -raang, ad. deeply. Profondeur, pro-fong-dur, sf. depth ; pro- fundity ; impenetrability ; incomprehensi- bility. Profusemext, pro-feu-zai-mang, ad. with profusion ; lavishly ; prodigally. Profusion, pro-feu-zyamg, sf. lavishness ; extravagance ; prodigality. Progexie, pro-hjai-nee, sf. progeny ; off- spring. Programme, pro-gramm, sm. public notice of a school-exercise for the prize ; sketch of a public festival or of a story. Progres, pro-grey, sm. progress; improve- ment. Progressif, -VE, pro-gray -seeff, -seer, adj. progressive. Progression, pro-gray-tiyang, sf. gradual or intellectual advance ; process. Progressivemext, pro-gray-sef e-mang , ad. progressively ; by gradual steps. Proiiibe, -e, pro-ebui, -e, adj. illegal; pro- hibited. Proiiiber, pro-e-bai, ra. 1 r. to forbid ; pro- hibit. Prohibitif, -ve, pro-e-be-teejf, -teev, adj. prohibitory. Prohibitiox, pro-e-be-si/ong, sf. interdict. Puoie, proo-ah, sf. prey; plunder : conquest. Projectile, pro-hjeck-teei, adj. impelled for- ward ; projectile. Projection, pro-hjeck-syong, sf. shooting upwards or forward ; delineation ; crisis of a chemical operation. Projectcre, pro-hjeck-teur, sf. jutting out ; projecture. Projet, pro-hjay, sm. project; scheme; plan; sketch. Projeter, pro-hjuh-tai, va. n. 1 r. to project; scheme ; contrive ; cast forward ; jut out. Prolation, pro-tah-syong,sf. quavering, trill- ing on the same note or syllable ; prolation. Prolegomexes, pro-lai-go-men, smp. intro- ductory observations ; previous discourse. Proletaire, pro-lai-tayre, sm. man without property. Prolifique, prole-feek, adj. prolific ; gen- erative. Prolixe, pro-leeks, adj. long ; tedious ; dif- fuse. Prolixement, pro-leekss-mang . ad. prolixly. Prolixite, prodeek-se.-lai, sf. diffusion ; tire- some length ; prolixity ; want of brevity. ProLOCUTEur, pro-lo-ka-tur, sm. speaker; prolocutor. Prologue, pro-log, sm. preface; introduc- tion ; prologue before the beginning of the play. Prolongation, pro - long - ghah - si/ong, sf. 307 PEO PEO lengthening 1 ; delay ; postponing ; prolon- gation. Prolonger, pro-long-hjai, va. 1 r. to pro- long ; extend ; continue ; draw out ; put off. Promenade, promm-nad, sf. walk; walking. Promener, pro-muh-nai, in. 1 r. to take out a walking ; exercise gently ; touch lightly ; cast here and there. Se puomener, suh -pro -muli ■ nai, vref. to walk ; take a walk ; go on or in. Promenoir, promm-noo-ar, sm. walk. Prom ESSE, pro-mess, sf. promise ; note of hand. Promets, pro-mey, pres. ind. of promettre, promise. Promettant, pro-may-tcmg, pres. part, of promettre, promising. Prometteur, -SE, pro-may-tur, -tuhze, sm/. promiser. Promettre, pro-mettr, va.nAirr. to promise. Se promettre, suh-pro-metlr, vref, to hope ; flatter one's self with ; resolve firmly. Prominence, pro-tne-nangssse, s/. jutting out. Promis, -e, pro-mee, -ze, adj. and p. part, of promettre, promised ; due. PrOMISSION (TERRE De), tai/re-duh-pro-me- syong, sf. rn-ouiised land ; (.lig.) fruitful country. Promontoire, pro-mong-too-dr, sm. head- land ; cape ; promontory. Promoteur, -trice, pro-mo-tur,, sm/. forwarder ; eiicourager ; advancer ; pro- moter. Promotion, pro-mo-syong, ef. preferment ; exaltation ; advancement; promotion. Promouvoir, pro-moo-ro-ar, va. ?, irr. to elevate ; exalt ; advance . promote. Prompt, -e, prong, -ie, adj. sudden ; quick ; rapid; swift; ready; active; diligent; irascible. Promptement, prong te-mang, ad. quickly. Promptitude, prong -te-teud, sf. readiness ; quickness; anger; fit of passion. Promu, pro-meu, p. part, of promouvoir, promoted. Promulgation, pro-vieuU-ghah-syong, s/. publication ; open exhibition. PROMULGUER, prn-rii'-nHgai, va. 1 r. to pub- lish ; make known by open declaration. Prone, prone, sm. Sunday-lecture at church; sermon ; tedious lecture of advice. Proner, proe-nai, va. n. 1 r. to extol ; cry up ; read long tiresome lectures of advice. Proneur, -se, proe-nur, -nuhze, sm/. prais- er ; great talker ; giver of long advices. Pronom, pro-noun, sm. pronoun ; word used instead of a noun or name. Pronominal, -e, pro-no-me-nal, adj. pro- nominal. Prononce, pro-iwng-sai, sm. verdict; sen- tence. Prononcer, pro-nong-sai, ra. n. 1 r. to pro- nounce ; utter ; deliver ; declare ; give one's opinion. Prononxiation, pro-nong-syah-syong, sf. pronunciation ; utterance ; delivery. Pronostic, pro - noss - teek, sm. prediction; omen ; presage ; prognostic. Pronostication, pro-noss-te-lhah-syong, .<•/. foretoken ; foretelling ; prediction'. Pronostiquer, pro-noss-te-lai, va. 1 r. to predict ; foretell ; prophesy ; prognosticate. Pronostiqueur, pro-noss-tc-kur, sm. fore- teller. 308 Propagande, pro-paA-gliande, sf. congrega- tion for the propagation of Christianity. Propagateur, 2 }ro ~P a h ghah-tur, sm. pro- moter. Propagation, propah-gah-syong, s/. propa- gation. Propager, pro-pah-hjai, va. 1 r. to promote; increase ; propagate ; diffuse. Propension, pro-pa ng-syong , sf. inclination; tendency; disposition; propensity. Propiiete, pro-/eyte, sm. prophet; holy writer. Prophetesse, prn-/ai-tess, sf'. prophetess. Propiietie, pro-/aisee, .<■/. divine inspiration; prediction ; prophecy. Propiietique, pro-/ai-teeli, adj. prophetical. Prophetiquement, pro-fai-tt cl.-nuing, ad. prophetically ; in manner of a prophecy. Prophetiser, pro-/ai-tee-zai, va. 1 r. to pre- dict by divine inspiration ; foresee. Propice, p> ro ~P eess * adj. favorable ; propi- tious. Propitiation, pro-pe-se-yah-syong, s/. atone- ment. Proi'Itiatoire, propese-yah-ioo-ar, adj. propitiatory ; making propitious. Proportion, pro-por-si/ong, sf. suitableness; conformity, proportion ; agreement ; con- formity. A proportion de, ah-pro-por-syong-duh, prep, in proportion to. Proportionne, -e, pro-por-syo-nai, -e, adj. proportionate; adjusted; suitable; fit. PliOPORTIONNEL, -LE, pro-por-syo-nel, -1, adj. proportional, having the requisite pro- portions. Proportionnellement, pro - por- syo - nell- viang, ad. in a proportional manner. Proportionnemext, pro-por-syo-nai-mang, ad. in proportion ; proportionally. Pboportiowner, pro-por-syo-nai, in. 1 r. to proportion ; acjust ; lit ; make to suit. Propos, pro-poe, sm. resolution ; conversa- tion ; talk ; discourse ; purpose. A propos, ah-pro-poe, ad. exp. to the pur- pose ; seasonably ; now I think on it ; in good time. De propos delibere, duh-pro-poe-dai-le- bai-rai, ad. exp. on purpose ; designedly. Proposable, pro-po-zabl, adj. may be pro- posed. Proposant, pro-pozang, sm. proposer ; pro- posing. Proposer, pro-po-zai, va. 1 v. to propose ; offer ; promise ; indicate ; design for. Se proposer, suh-pro-po-zai, vref. to intend; propose ; design ; offer one's self to. Proposition, pro-po-ze-syong, sf. proposi- tion ; proposal ; oiler ; previous condition. Pain de proposition, piaing-duh-pro-po-ze- syong, sm. show-bread. Proposition d'erreur, pro-po-ze-syong- dair-rur, s/. writ of error. Propre, propr,sm. property; peculiar quality. Propre, propr, adj. proper; same; self; own ; fit ; suitable ; literal ; primitive ; radical ; clean ; becoming ; genteel. Ses propres paroles, his own words. Le nom propre, the family name. Proprement, propr -man g, ad. properly; exactly ; particularly ; neatly ; with care ; cleanly. Propret, -te, pro-pray, de, sm/. and adj. affectedly clean and neat ; nice ; spruce. PEO PRO Proprete, propr-tai, sf. cleanliness ; neat- ness. PropRSTEUR, pro-prai -tur, sm. pretor's lieutenant among the ancient Romans. Propkietaire, p>ro-pre-yui-tayrt, sm. pro- prietor. Puopriete, pro-prr-yai-ttti, tf. property; pro- priety ; inheritance; demesne ; estate. Prorata de (al"), <.•]•> u-iuli-tali-duh, ad. e.rp. in proportion to. PROROGATION, pro-ro-ghah syong, sf. proro- gation ; prolongation ; delay ; protraction. Proroger, pro-ro-hjai, va. lr. to prolong; protract ; ])iit off; delay; prorogue. PrOSAIQ.ce, pro-zah-eek, adj. prosaic., pro-zah-tur, sm. prose writer. Proscenium, pro-sai-ne-yomm, sm. front arch of the stage supported by lofty pillars. Pr,osi'ripteur, prow - kreep - tur, sm. pro- scriber. Proscription, pross-hreep-syong, sf. doom to death or confiscation ; proscription; out- lawry. Proscrire, pross-7:rccr, ret. 4 irr. to pro- scribe. Proscris, pross-kree, pres. ind. of proscrire, proscribe. Proscrit, -e, pross-kree, -te, p. part, of pros- crire, proscribes. PrOscrit, prosskre, sm. outlaw. Proscriva>"T, pross-kre-vany, pres. part, of proscrire, proscribing. Proscrivis, pross-kre-vee, pret. def. of pros- crire, proscribed. Prose, proze, sf. proze. Proselyte, pro-zai-leet, smf. convert ; prose- lyte. Proser, pro-zni, vn. 1 r. to write in prose. Prosodie, pro-zodee, sf. prosody ; art of reading or writing verses. Prosodique, pro-zo-deek, adj. prosodiacal ; of the rules of prosody. Prosopopee, prozo-po-pnie, sf. personifica- tion ; prosopopoeia, figure in rhetoric. Prospectus, pross-perk-teuss, plan of a work; short description of the contents. Prospere, pross-payre, adj. prosperous; suc- cessful ; happy ; propitious. Prosperer, prosspai-rai, en. 1 r. to pros- per. Prosperite, pross pai-rc-iai, sf. success ; happiness ; good fortune : idur. happy events. PrOSTERNATION, pross-tair-mth-syony, tf. prostration ; falling down in adoration. Prosternement, prose -tairn-mang, sm. prostration ; falling on one's knees. Prosterner (Se), sithpross-tair-nai, vref. 1 r. to fall down or on one's knees in adora- tion. Prostituee, pross-ie-teu-aie, tf. abandoned woman. Prostituer, pross-te-teu-ai, va. 1 r. to pros- titute ; vilify ; degrade. Prostitution, pross-te^teu-syong, sf. abase- ment ; degradation. Prostration, pross-trdh-syong, sf, dejection: depression. PrOTASE, pro-tazz, sf. protasis ; introduction of the argument of a play. Prote, prolt, sm, corrector of proofs ; fore- man. Protecteur, -trick, pm-terk-lur, -trees*, smf. protector, protectress ; defender. Protection, pro-teck-tyong, /■/'. protection ; support; defence; shelter ; favor. Protee, pro-taie, sm. time-server ; dissem- bler ; proteus. Protege, -E, pro-tailijai, -r, smf. favorite ; fondling ; foster-child ; dependent. Proteger, pro-tai-hjai, ta. 1 /■. to protect. Protestant, -e, pro-tess-tang, u, smf. and adj. Protestant. Protestantisme, pro-tess-tang-U >s,sm, sm. Protestant religion ; Protestantism. Protestation, pro-less'tah-et/ong, sf. protes- tation. Protester, pro-tess-tai, va. 1 ?■. to protest ; swear. Protet, pro-try, sm. protest ; summons. PROTOCOLS, pro-to-kol, sm. original copy, protocol. Protonotaire, pro-to-no-tayre, sm. head- register ; prothonotai y. Prototype, pro-to-teep, sm. exemplar ; ori- ginal of a copy ; prototype ; archetype. Protuder ance, pro -feu- bai - rangsse, sf. prominence ; protuberance. Prou, proo, sm. and ad. good ; profit; ad- vantage ; much ; enough. Proue, prooe, sf. prow ; head ; forepart of the ship. Prouesse, proo-ess, sf. prowess ; bravery. Prouver, proo-vai, va. n. 1 r. to prove; evince. Provediteur, pro-rai-do-tur, sm. purveyor ; overseer, ancient magistrate of Venice. Provenant, -e, prot-nany, -te, adj. arising; proceeding; coming; emanating from. Proyende, pro-vangde, sf. provender. Provenir de, pro-vuh-tieer-duh, vn. 2 irr. (like venir), to proceed, arise, spring ; ema- nate, issue. Provenu, prov-neu, sm. profit ; gain. . Proverbe, pro-vairb, sm. common saying; adage ; proverb. Proverbial, -e, pro -vair -hyal, adj. pro- verbial. Proverbialejient, pro-vair -byal '-many , ad. proverbially ; in a proverbial manner. Providence, pro-ve-danysse, sf. providence. Provigner, pro-veeng-yai, va.nA r. to prop- agate by layers ; increase ; multiply. Proviw, pro-vainy, sm. shoot of a new-laid vine. Province, pro-vaingsse, sf. province; county; shire. Provincial, -e, pro-vainy-syal, smf. and adj. provincial ; stiff ; affected ; unpolished. Provincialat, pro-vainy-syah-hth, sm. pro- vincial's office, dignity, or jurisdiction. Proviseur, pro-ve-zur, sm. rector of a col- lege, "iSME,£>eer-ro-Hee.?.«7n..<;m.skepticism; universal doubt; profession of universal doubt. Pytiiagoricien, pe-tah-go-re-syaing, sm. Py- thagorean, follower of Pythagoras. Pytiiagorique, pe-la7i-go-reek, adj. of Py- thagoras, pythagorean. Pytiiagorisme, pe-lah-go-reessm, sm. doc- trine, opinion of Pythagoras. Pythie, pe-tee, sf. priestess of Apollo at Delphos. Py^thonisse, pe-to-neess, sf. prophetess, di- vineress ; sorceress, witch, fortune-teller. Q. Quadragen AiWE,koo-ah-drah-7ijai-nayre,sm. and adj. forty years old ; of forty. Quadragesimal, -e, koo-ah-drah-hjai-ze-mal ', adj. quadragesimal ; of or to Lent. Quadragesime, hoo-ah-drah-hjai-zeem, sf. Lent ; Lent time ; first Sunday in Lent. Quadrangulaire, koo - all - drang - g>i - layre, adj. square, having four right angles. Quadrat, kah-druh, sm. quadrat (in print- ing). Quadrature, koo-ah-drali-teur, sf. quadra- ture ; squaring ; quadrate. QuADRIE»N"AL, -E, kon-afi-dre yen-nal ', adj. of four years ; once in four years, quadrennial. Quadrilateee, koo-ahdredah-tayre, sm. and adj. figure, quadrilateral, of four sides. Quadrille, kah-dre yuh,sm. quadrille; game. Quadrille, kah-dre-yuh, sf. troop of horse for a carousal. Quadrupede, koo-ah-dreu-payde, sm. and adj. quadruped ; having four feet. Quadruple, koo-ah-dreupl, sm. undadj. four- fold, four times, quadruple. Quadruples, Jcoo-ah-dreu-plai, va. v. 1 r. to double, be doubled twice, quadruplicate. Quai, kai, sm. quay, of a river. Quaiche, tesh, sm. ketch, sort of vessel. 311 QUA QUE Quaker or Quacre, Quakeresse, koo-ah- ker, koo-aclcr, koo-ah-lcuh-re&s, smf. quaker, sect of Christians. Qualificatecr, Uiah-le-fe-khah-tur, sm. ex- aminer ; inquisitor. Qualification, khah ■ le -fe - TcJiah - syong, sf name ; quality ; character ; qualification. Qualifier, khah-le-fyai, va. 1 r. to qualify. Qualite, lhuh-le -tui, sf. quality; nature; disposition ; temper ; habit ; nobility; rank; property; qualification; accomplishment. Quand, kJiang, ad. when, at what time, .tc. Depuis quand, duh-peu-ee-khang, interr. ad. since what time? how long is it since? Quand jie:je, khang-meyme, ad. exp. though, although, even if. Quanquan, khang-khang, sm. bustle; uproar; libel ; slander ; calumnious report. Quant a, khang-tah, prep, as to ; as for. Quant a. soi, khang-tah-soo-ah, sm. impor- tance ; consequence ; high hand. QUANTES QUE (TOUTF.S FOIS ET), tOOtt-foO-dh- zairkhangte-kuh, adj. fp. whenever that; as often as ; when. Quantieme, Ichang-tyemm, sm. and adj. day, place ; rank, 11- mang, ad. exp. so so; indifferently'; mid- dling. Quelque, kelek, adj. some ; any ; whatever ; whatsoever : ad. about ; nearly. Quelque peu, kelck-puh, ad. eip. somewhat; in some degree ; a little. Quelque chose, kelck-shoze, emf. something ; any thing ; aught. Quelquefois, kelck-foo-ah, ad. exp. some- times ; now and then ; from time to time. QUELQU'UN, -UNE, QUELQUES-UNS, -UNES, kelck-ung, -eun, kehk-zungJie, -zeune, pron. smf. somebody, some people. Qu'f.N PIRA TON, khang-de-ra-tong. sm. what will the people say? what will bo said about it? Quenotte, kuh-nott, sf. child's tooth ; first tooth. QUENOUILLE, kuh-noo-t/uh, sf. distaff; bed- post. Quenouillee, kuh-noo-yaie, sf. distaff-full. Querelle, kuh-rdl, sf. quarrel; dispute; strife. Quereller, kuh-ray-lai, ra. n. 1 r. to quar- rel ; scold ; reprimand ; pick up a quarrel with. Se quereller, suh-kuh-ray -lay, vrcf. to squabble. Querelleur, -Se, kuh-ray-hir, -luhze, slur'. and adj. brawler; wrangler; quarrelsome; irascible. Querir, kai-reer, va. 2 irr. (used only in the infinitive after the verbs envoyer, oiler, venir), to fetch. I Questeur, keu-ess-lur, sm. questor; treasurer. Question, kess-tyong, sf. question ; debate ; rack. Questionnaire, kess-tyo-nayre, sm. torturer. Questionner, kees-tyo-nai, va. 1 r. to ques- tion ; interrogate ; ask questions. QUESTIONNEUR, -SE, kegs - tyo -nur, -nuhze, smf. questioner ; examiner ; querist ; in- quirer. Questure, keu-es-teur, sf. treasurership. Quete, keyte, sf. seeking; search; quest; collection ; asking, begging of alms. QUI RAB Qusteb, 7;r;/-/f. Queteur, -se, key-tur, -tuhxe, sm/. beggar, alms-gatherer ; mendicant friar or nun. Queue, kiihe, sf. tail; stalk; cue; handle; trail ; train ; end ; file ; rear ; series ; con- clusion. A la queue, ahdnh-kuhe, ad. e.rp. one after ' another ; in a file at the end, Qui, Ice, ret, pron. mf. who; whom; which; that. Unje ne sais qui. a low fellow. Qui que ce soit, ke-ksuhsoo-ah, pron. w. whoever, whosoever. Quia (a), ah-ku-e-yah, ad. exp. at one's wit's end ; at a stand ; at a nonplus. QoiBUS, ku-e-bewia, sm. money ; silver. QuiCONQUE, ke-kongke, prnn. m. (without plur.) whoever; whosoever; anybody. Quidam, ke-dang, sm. certain man, woman, or person. Qitetisme, ke-yaiteessm, .sm. tranquillity of mind, doctrine of quietists. Quietiste, ke-yai-leest, sm/. quietist. follower of the doctrine of Molinos, a Spanish piiest. Quietude, ke-yai-teud, sf. repose; re^t. Quignon, keeng-yong, siti. luncheon of bread. Quillage, ke-yahje, sm. ship-duty, on its first coming into a port. Quille, ke-yuh, sf. nine-pin ; keel. Qltller, ke-yai, vn. 1 /-. to try who shrill play first by throwing the nearest nine-pin to the bowl. Quillier, kedyai, sm. square plot of the nine pins. Quinaud, -e, ke-noe, -de, adj. ashamed; con- fused ; foolish, silly. QUI>'CAILLE, QUINCAILLERIE, kaing -khah- yuh, kaing-khah-yuh-ree, sf. iron-ware. Quincailler, kaing -khah - yai, sm. iron- monger. Quinconce, kaing -kongsse, sm. quincunx. Quindecagone, kaing • dai- khah -gann, sm. figure of fifteen sides. Quines, keen, smp. two fives or cinques. Quinola, ke noduh, sm. knave of hearts (at reversis). Quixquagenaiee, keu - aing - koo - ah - hjai - nayre, am/, and adj. fifty years old. QviNQXJAGESiMSJieu-aing-koo-ah-hjai-zeemm, sf. fiftieth part ; quiuquagesima Sunday. Quixquenxal, -E, keu-aing-keu-enn-nal, adj. lasting five years ; once in five years. Quinquina, kaing-ke-nah, sm. Jesuit's-bark. Quin'T, -E, Idling, -te, sm. and adj. fifth part ; fifth. Quixtaixe, Ttaing - tenn, sf. quintain; post with a turnip-top, qmntin. Quintal, -taux, kaing-tal, -toe, sm. hundred- weight. Quixte, kaingle, sf quint ; sequents of five ; violent cough ; whim ; oddity ; fancy ; sud- den ill-humor. Quixte-feuille, kaingte-/uh-yuh, sf cinque- foil, plant. Quixtessexce, Icainq-tay-sangsse, sf. celestial substance ; quintessence. QuiSTESSESClKTi, kaing-tay-sang-syai, va. 1 r. to refine; subtilize, extract the quintessence. Quixteux, -se, kaing -tuhe, -ze, adj. capri- cious ; humorsome, whimsical ; restifT. Quintuple, kaing -teupl, sm. and adj. five- fold. QUINTUPLES, kaing-teu-plai, ra. n. 1 r. to re- peat five times ; add fourfold. U-0 Quixzaix, kaing-zaing, sm. fifteen nil. Quixzaine, Icaing-zenn, sf. fifteen ; fortnight. Quixze, kaingze, sm. and num. adj. fifteen ; fifteenth. QuiSZIEME, kainq-zyemm, sm. and ord. adi fifteenth. Qui rito quo, ke-pro-ko, sm. mistake. Quittance, ke-tangsse, sf. receipt; discharge. Quittaxcer, ke-tang-sai, va. 1 r. to give a receipt, discharge, or quittance. Quitte, keetl, adj. quit; clear; free; dis- charged ; delivered ; rid of. En ctre quitte h bon marche, to come off easily. Quitte a, keett-ah, ad. exp. at the risk of. Quitte a quitte, keett-ah-kectt, ad. exp. quit; even. Quittemext, kcett-mang, ad. clear; clear and free. Quitter, ke-tai, va. 1 r. to quit ; leave, for- sake ; let go ; pull off ; yield ; desist from ; exempt. Qui va la 1 ke-vahdah, who is or goes there? Qui VIVE? ke-veev, who goes there? Ltre sur le qui vive, eytrseur-luh-ke-veev, idi. exp. r. aux. to watch ; be uneasy, fear- ful ; touchy ; punctilious. Quoi, koo-ah, sm. and ret. pron. what? some- thing; which, that, wherewith. Voila Men de quoi sc j'urher, those are great reasons for making one angry. Quoi ! koo-ah, int. what ! how ! how now ! QUOIQ0E, koo -ah kith, conj. (governing the suhj. mood), though ; although. Quolibet, ko-le-bay, sm. jest ; pun ; quibble; quirk. Quolibetier, kode-bai-tyai, sm. punster ; quibbler. Quote-part, kott-par, sf quota ; share. Quotidiex", -xe, ko-te-dyaing, -dyenn, adj. daily. Quotient, ko-syang, sm. quotient. Quotite, ko-te-tai, sf. quota ; share ; aliquot part. R. Rabachage, ran - bah - shaJije, sm. tiresome repetitions. Rabacher, rah-b'ah-shai, va. n. 1 r. to say the same thing over and over; make tire- some repetitions. Rabacheur, -se, rah-haJi-shur, -thuhze, sm/. one who says, repeats the same thing over and over. Rabais, rah-bcy, sm. abatement, deduction. Rabaissement, rah-bai/sse-mang, sm. dimi- nution ; decrease ; humiliation ; disgrace. Rabaisser, rah-bay-sai, ra. 1 r. to lower ; diminish ; repress ; depreciate ; humble. Rabat, raJi-bah, sm. neck-band ; tipping, at nine-pins ; drawback. Rabat-joie, rahbali-hjoo-hh, sm. balk ; dis- appointment ; morose person ; check. Rabats, rah bah, pres. ind. of rabattre, abate. Rabattre, rah-hattr, va. 4 irr. to flatten ; lay down ; bate ; abate ; lower ; lessen ; humble; persevere. Rabattre, rah-bnttr, vn. 4 irr. to turn, take to ; bend one's steps. Se rabattre, suh - rah - battr, vref. to fall upon ; light ; sit down ; descend ; leave one's way to go to. 313 EAC EAD Rabattu, -E, rah-buh-teu, -e, adj. flattened ; smoothed ; levelled ; blunt. Tout compte, tout rabattu, ton-kong-tai, too-rah-bahteu, idi. exp. all duly consider- ed ; alter all. Rabbin, rah-baing, sm. rabbin ; rabbi ; doc- tor among the Jews. Rabbin age, rah-be-nahje, sm. study of the Rabbi's books, or of the Hebrew. Rabbinique, rah-be-neek, adj. of the Rabbins. Rabmnisme, rah-be-neessm, sm. doctrine of the Rabbins ; Judaism. Rabbiniste, rah-be-neest, sm. follower of the Rabbins' doctrine ; Jew. Rabetir, rah-bcy-leer, va. n. 2 r. to stupefy ; make, grow stupid. Rable, rahbl, sm. back of a hare, rabbit, --se,sm. abstract; epitome. RACCOURCI, -e, rah -knor-se, -e, adj. con- tracted ; too short ; shortened. A bras RACCOURCI, ah-brah-rah-koor-se, ad. exp. with all one's might. Raccourcir, rah-koor-seer. va. 2 r. to short- en ; contract, abridge ; make shorter. Se raccourcir, suh-rah-koor-seer, vref. to shrink ; shrivel ; diminish. Raccourcissement, fall - koor- seess - many, sm. shrinking; shortening; contracting.' Racooutrement, rah-kon-i ruh-mang , sm. mending ; piecing ; patching. Raccoutkeu, rah-koo-trai, ra. 1 r. to mend. Raccoutumer (se). suh - rah - koo - teu - ?nai, vref. 1 r. to reaccustom one's self to. RACCROCHER, rah-kro-shai, va. 1 r. to hook again ; stitch ; meet with. Se RACCROCHER, suh-rah-kro-shai, vref. to recover one's self; get up again ; be recon- ciled 314 Race, rass, sf. race ; extraction ; birth ; ori- gin ; family ; kindred ; breed ; kind ; cast. Raciialander, rah-nhah-lang-dai, va. lr. to bring back customers. Rachat, rah-shah, sm. buying again; redeem- ing ; recovery ; redemption ; delivery ; ran- som. Racuetable, rash-tabJ, adj. redeemable. | Racheter, rah-shah-tai, va. 1 r. to redeem ; | purchase again ; ransom ; compensate. i Se racheter, suh-rah-shuh-lui, vref. to free; redeem one's self. Rachitique, rah - she - teek, adj. rickety; knotty. Rachitis, rah-she-tee, sm. rickets; distemper. Rachitisme, rah-she-tcessm, sm. stunted and knotty growth of corn, Ac; rickets. Racinage, rah-se-nahje, sm. vegetable dye. Racine, rah-seen, sf. root; origin; beginning. Raciner, rah-se-nai, va. n. 1 r. to dye with roots ; spring up : take root. Racle-boyau, -x, rarkl-bao-ah-yo, -e, sm. catgut scraper ; vile fiddler. Racler, rah-klai, va. 1 r. to scrape ; grate ; rake; strike off corn, &c. Racleur, rah -Mar, sm. scraper; catgut scraper. Racloir, rah-kho-ar, sm. scraper, tool. Racloire, rah-kloo-ar, sf. strickle. Raclure, rah-kleur, sf. scrapings. Racolage, rah-Jco-lanje,sm. enticing to enlist. Racoler, rah-ko-lai, va. 1 r. to entice to en- list. Racoleur, rah-ko-lur, sm. enticer to enlist. Raconter, rah-kong-tai, va. lr. to relate; tell. Raconteur, -se, rah-knng4ur, -tuhze, smf. relater. Racornir, rah-kor-neer, va. 2 r. to harden. Se racornir, suh-rah-kor-neer, vrrf. to grow horny. R acquit, rah-ke, sm. regaining ; winning back. RaCQUITTER, rah-ke-tai, va. 1 r. to regain ; recover ; indemnify. Se racquitter, suh-rah-ke-tai, vref. to re- cover one's loss ; regain ; bring back. Rade, rad, sf. bay ; road for ships. Radeau, -x, rali-do, -e, sm. raft ; float of tim- ber. Rader, ra7i-dai, va. 1 r. to strike off with the strickle ; bring into a bay or road. Radial, -e, rah-dyal, adj. emitting rays; formed of rays ; of the radius. ■ Radiant, -e, rah-dyang, -te, adj. shining ; sparkling. Radiation, rah-dyah-syong, sf. erasement ; razAire ; emission of rays ; radiation. Radical, -e, rah-de-khal, adj. primitive ; original. Radicalejient, rali-de-khal-mang, ad. radi- cally. Radication, raJi-deJJiah-syong, sf. fixing deep ; shooting roots ; radication. Radicule, rah-dekule, sf. small root, radicle. Radie, -e, rah-dyai, -e, adj. radiated ; in form of rays. Radieux, -se, rah-dyiihe, -ze, adj. radiant ; glittering ; bright ; full of rays. Radis, rah-de, sm. radish ; esculent root. Radotage, rah-do-lahje, sm. nonsense; silly discourse ; dotage. Radoter, rah-do-lai, vn. 1 r. to speak non- sense ; talk foolishly ; dote ; rave. EAG EAL Radoterie, rah-dolt-ree, sf dotage ; non- SCl)^'. Radotecr, -SE, rah-do-lur, -tuhze, smf. do- tard. Radodb, rah-dooh, sm. careening' ; calking ; refitting of a ship. Radouber, rah-duo-bui, va. 1 r. to refit ; ca- reen. RADOr/CiB, rah-dooseer, va. 2 r. to sweeten ; soften ; calm ; appease ; allay. Se radoucir, euh-rah-doo-seer, ire/, to grow sweeter, softer, milder : relent. Radoucissehent, rah-dooseesa-momg, sm. milder change ; change for the ln-tter. Rafale, rah-ful, sf. squall ; sudden gust of wind. Raffaisser (se), suJi-rahfaysai, vref. 1 r. to sink again ; subside. Raffermir, rah -fair - meer, va. 2 r. to strengthen. Se raffermir, nA-rah-fair-meer, vref. to grow stronger ; more firm or fast. rIffermissemext, rah-fair-meess-mang,sm. strengthening ; strength. Raffixage, rah-fe-nahje, sm. refining. Raffixe, -e, rah-fe-nm ', -e, niij. refined ; subtle, delicate ; cunning ; skilful ; crafty. Raffixemext, rahfeen-ntang, sm. refine- ment. Raffixer, rah-fe-nai, va. v. 1 r. to refine, purify ; search into ; subtilize ; polish. Se raffixer, suh-rahfe-nai, vref. to grow pure, more refined, elegant ; sharp, less credulous. Raffixerie, rah-feen-ree, sf. sugar bake- house. Raffixeur, rahfe-nur, sm. sugar-refiner, refiner. Raffoler, rah-fo-tai, vn. 1 r. to have a strong passion, wish for. Rafi.e, rah-fl, sf. pair-royal at dice ; grape- stalk ; sweep-net. Rafler, rah-flai, va. 1 r. to sweep away stakes, &c. Rafraichir, ray-frey-sheer, ra. 2 r. to re- fresh; cool; repair; receive; pate off; renew. Se rafraichir, siui-rah-frey -sheer, vref. to grow cool, cooler ; eat ; recruit one's self. Rafraichissaxt, -e, rah-frey-she-sang, -te, adj. cooling ; refreshing ; mitigating. Rafraichissemext, rah-frey-sheess-mang, sm. refreshment. RAFRAici]is.sEMEN"TS,ra7i-/Wy-*7iees6i-7?ia7)(77ie, smp. provisions. Ragaillardir, rah-gliah-yar-deer, va. 2 r. to rejoice ; recreate ; reanimate ; make merry. Rage, rahje, sf. rage ; madness ; fury ; vio- lent fit of anger ; cruelty, mania. Ragot, rah-go, sm. and adj. grumbler ; mur- murer ; dwarf, thick and short. Ragoter, rah-go-tai, vn. 1 r. to grumble ; murmur. Ragout, rah-gnne. sm. ragout ; meat stewed and highly seasoned : enticement. RagoCtant, -e, rah-gooe-tang, -h-. adj. sa- vory ; delicate ; dainty ; agreeable ; inter- esting. Ragouter, rah-gooe-tai, ra. 1 r. to provoke ; revive one's appetite ; excite desires. Ragraffer, rah-grah-fai, va. 1 r. to hook; clasp again. Ragraxdir. rah-grang-dcer, r stiffness ; obstinacy. Raidir, ray-deer, va. n. 2r. to stiffen ; make, grow stiff. Se raidir, suh-ray-deer, vref. to stiffen ; re- sist ; withstand ; oppose ; bear up against. Raie, raie, sf. stroke of the pen ; line ; fur- row ; streak ; strike ; thornback ; skate. Raifort, rai-for, sm. horse-radish, plant. Railler, rah-yai, va. n. 1 r. to rally, jeer ; banter. Se railler de, suh-rah-yai-duli, sm. to laugh at ; make game of; deride. Raillekie, rah-yuh-ree, sf. raillery ; jeer ; banter ; jest ; joke ; satirical merriment. Raillerie A part, rah-i/uh-ree-ah-par t ad. exp. in good earnest. Railleur, -se, ra/i-yur. -yuhr.e, sm. jeerer ; joker ; banterer ; mocker ; scoffer, jester. Raixette, ray-wtt, sf. rennet, apple. Raixure, raynevr, sf. groove. Raipoxce, rai-pongsse, sf. tampion, plant. Raike, rayre, vn. 4 irr. to rut. Rais, rai, sm. spoke of a wheel. Rais, rai, sm. ray ; beam of light. Raisin, rai-zaing, sm. grape. RAISING, rai-ze-nai, sm. confection of grapes. Raison, rai-ztmg, sf. reason ; sense ; judg- ment ; justice ; matter ; cause ; motive ; satisfaction ; argument ; proof. Comme de RAISON, lomm-duJi-rai-zong, ad. exp. as it should be ; as it is fit. A plcs forte raison, ah-pleu-fortt-rai-zonff, ad. exp. much more, much less. A raison de, ah-rai-zong-duh, prep, at the rate of. Raisoxxable, rai-zo-nabl, adj. rational ; rea- sonable ; just; right; proper; wise: ju- dicious. Raisoxnablemext, rai-zo-nabl-mang, ad. reasonably; agreeably; to reason; passably. Raisoxxe, -f, rai-zo-nai, -e, adj. rational ; analytical. R a isoxxemext.W! -zon n-mang,sm. reasoning. Raisoxxer, rai-zo-vai, va. it. 1 r. to reason ; examine ; argue ; dispute ; discourse ; mur- mur ; reply. Raisoxxecr, -se, rai-zo-nur, -nahze, sm. reason er. Rajah, rah-hjah, sm. rajah, Indian prince. Rajeuxiu, ralt-hjnh-neer, va.n. 2r. to make, grow, look young or younger. Se RAJErxiR, suh-rah-hjuh-rteer, vref. to make one's self younger ; assume the airs of youth. Rajeuxissemext, rah-hjuh-neess-mang, sm. growing young again. Rajustemext, rahhjeusst-mang, sm. setting again in order : reconciliation. Rajcster, rah-hjeuss-tai, ra. 1 r. to set again in order ; reconcile ; mend ; repair. Se rajuster, suh-rahhjeitss-tai, vref. to re- pair, refit one's dress. Rale, Ralemext, raid, rahl-mang, sm. rail, bird ; wheezing ; rattling in the throat. Ralextir, rah-lang teer, va.2r. to relent; slacken ; abate ; diminish ; relax. 315 RAM RAP Se ralentir, sxh-rah -Jang -teer, vref. to slacken ; abate ; diminish ; relent ; relax. Rai.ektissement, 7 ah-latig-teesn-mwng, sm. abatement ; slackness ; relenting ; remiss- ness. Baler, rahdai, va. 1 r. to rattle; have a rattling in the throat. Rallie.uent, rahde-mung, sm. rallying ; re- union. Rallier, rahdyai, to rally troops, &c. Se rallier a, mih-rahdyai-ah, vref. to re- join ; reunite ; draw near ; approach. R allonge, rah-lonffhje, sf. eking-piece. Rallongement, rah-lonhje-mang, sm. eking. Rallonger, rah-long-hjai, va. lr. to eke; lengthen : make longer. Rallumer, ruhdeu-mai, va. 1 r. to rekindle ; set again on fire. Se rallumer, guh-rah-leu-mai, vref. to break out again ; rekindle. Ramadan, rah-mali-dang, sm. Mahometan Lent. Ramage, rah-mahje, sm. warbling ; loppings of trees; branches; bough; flowering. Ramage r, rafi-mah-hjai, vn. 1 /•. to warble; chirp. Ramaigrir, rdtt-may-greer, va. n. 2 r. to make or grow lean again. RamaS, rah-mah, sm. confused collection, heap. Ramasse, rah-mass, sf. sled, sledge, carriage used in snowy mountainous countries. Ramasser, rah-mah-sai, va. 1 /•. to collect ; put together ; reunite ; pick up ; cuff. Ramasser, rah-mah-sai, va. 1 r. to drive in a sledge. Ramasseur, rah-mah-sur, sm. sledge-driver. Ramassis, rah-mahsee, sm. confused collec- tion; loppings; branches; multitude. Rambour, rang-boor, sm. large baking-apple. Rame, rajnm, sf. oar ; prop ; stake ; pole , ream. Rameau, -x, rah- mo, -e, sm. bough, branch. Rameaux (dimanche pes), de-mangsh-dey- rah-moe, sm. Palm-Sunday. Ramexder, rah-mang-dai, va. n. 1 r. to low- er, diminish the price ; repair, mend. Ramener, rah-muh-nai, va. 1 r. to bring back ; reclaim ; reconcile; pacify. R am e Q.I' IN", ram m-hi in;/.- mi. toast and cheese. Ramer, rah-mai, va. n. 1 r. to prop peas, &c; row. Ramereau, -x, ramm-ro, -e, sm. young ring- dove. Rame OR, rah-mur, sm. rower. Rameux, -se, rah-muhe, -ze, adj. branchy; ramous. Ramier, rah-myai, sm. wood-pigeon. Ramification", rah -me -fe - leak - syong, sf. branching out ; division into branches. Ramifier (se), suh-rah-me-fyai, vref. 1 r. to ramify ; spread in branches. Ramingue, rah - maing, adj. m. restiff ; stubborn. Ramoindrir, rah-moo-aing-dreer, va. 2 r. to lessen, decrease, diminish, reduce. Ramoitir, rah-moo-ah-teer, va. 2 ;•. to moist- en, make damp or wet. Ramollir, rah-modeer, va. 2 r. to soften again ; mollify ; enervate; effeminate. Se ramollir, auh-rdh-mo-leer, vref. to grow soft ; effeminate ; relent. Ramollissant, rah-mode-sang, sm. emolli- ents. 316 Ramonage, rah-mo-nahje, sm. sweeping of a chimney. Ramon er, rah-mo-nai, va. 1 r. to sweep a chimney. Ramoneur, rah-mo-nur, sm. chimney- sweeper. Rampant, -e, rang-jmng, -te, aJj. creeping ; cringing ; vile, servile, humble ; dull, in- sipid, fiat ; low. Rampe, rangpe, sf. balustrade ; guard of a staircase; slope; cascade. Rampement, rangpe- mang, sm. creeping, crawling, cringing. Hamper, rang-pai, vn. 1 r. to creep, crawl ; be mean, low ; cringe, fawn. Ramore, rah-iiieur, sf. branches of trees ; antlers. Ranye, rangsse, sm. strong scent or taste, ran- cidness. Ran'Ce, rangsse, adj. rancid, strong-scented. Rancidite, rang-se-de-tai, sf. rancidity. Ranch;, rang-seer, vn. 2 r. to grow rancid. Rancissure, rang-se-seur, sf. rancidness. Rancon, rang-sang, sf. ransom, redemption. Ranqonnement, rang-sonn-mang, sm. ran- soming ; exaction ; extortion. Ranconner, rang-80-nai, va. 1 r. to ransom; exact, extort, demand forcibly. Ranconneur, -se, rang-so-mir, -nuhze, smf. redeemer ; exacter, extortioner. Rancune, rang-kune, sf. rancor, resentment, ill will, grudge. Rancunier, -e, rang-Tcu-nyai, -re, smf. and adj. rancorous, malignant, spiteful person. Rang, rang,sm. rank; order; situation; dig- nity ; degree ; class ; turn ; row ; rate. Be rang, abreast. Se mettre sur les rangs, suh-mettr-seur- ley-ranghe, vref 4 irr. to enter the lists. Rangee, rang-hjaie, sf. range; line; row; rank. Ranger, rang-hjaie, va. 1 r. to range ; rank ; place ; set in order ; subdue ; bring to rea- son. Sanger a la raison, to bring to reason. Se ranger, suh-rang-hjai, vref. to make room ; draw back ; slide with ; embrace. Ranimer, rah-ne-mai, va. 1 r. to reanimate, inspirit, excite afresh. Ranulaire, rahneudayre,arlj. oftheranula. Rancle, rah-neid, sf. soft swelling under the tongue, ranula. R apace, rah -pass, adj. rapacious; covetous. Rapacite, rah-pah-se-tai, sf. rapaciousness. Rapatriage, rah-pah-tre-yahje, sm. recon- ciliation. Rapatrier, rah-pdh-tre-yai, va. 1 r. to recon- cile, make friends again. Rape, rahp, sf. grater ; rasp, rough file. Rape, r'ah-pai, sm. bad wine meliorated by grapes. Raper, r'ah-pai, va. 1 r. to grate, file. rasp. Rapetasser, rapp-tah-sai, va. 1 r. to patch, botch, piece, mend coarsely, bungle, cobble. Rapetasseur, rapp-tahsur, sm. cobbler ; bungler ; butcher. Rapetisser, rapp-te-sai, va. 1 r. to shorten, lessen, diminish, make smaller. RAPlDK,rah-peed,adj. quick, swift; animated. Rapidement, rah-peed-mang, ad. swiftly. R.\piDiTi,rah-pe-de-tai,sr'. velocity, swiftness. Rapiecer, rah-pyai-sai, va. 1 /•. to patch, piece. Rapiecetage, rnh-pyaiss-tahje, sm. patching up ; patch-work. EAS EAT Rapiere, rah-pyayre, sf. rapier; old long sword. Rapixe, rah-peen, sf. plundering, plunder, pillage, robbery ; extortion ; rapine. Rapiner, rah -pe-nai, va. n. 1 r. to extort ; plunder., rdh-pah-ray-yai, va. 1 r. to match again. Rappel, ruh-peJl, sm. recall, recalling. Rappeler, rap-puh-iai, va. 1 r. to recall, re- place; remind ; recover. Se rappeler, suh-rahpuh-lai, vref. to recol- lect, remember. Rapport, rahpor, sm. produce ; revenue ; report; account; conformity; resemblance; affinity ; connection: plur. rising in one's stomach. Terre tie grand rapport, fruitful soil. Par rapport a, par-rah-port-ah, prep, as to; in comparison to ; relatively to. Rapporter, rah-por-tni, va. n. 1 r. to bring back ; yield ; relate ; report ; cite ; allege ; direct ; refer ; tell tales. Se rapporter, suh-rah-por-tai, vref. to agree; suit each other ; refer ; relate ; answer to. S'en rapporter a, s'ang-rah-por-tai-ah, idi. refer to; leave to t lie judgment of. Rapporteur, -se, rah-por-tur, -tuhzc, smf. tell-tale, babbler ; reporter. Rapprendre, rah-prangdr, va. 4 irr. to learn afresh or again. Rapprochement, rahprosh-mang, sm. bring- ing forward ; drawing nearer ; reconcilia- tion. Rapprocher, rah-pro-shai, va. 1 r. to bring nearer or afresh ; examine ; bring together. Se rapprocher, suh-rah-pro-shai, vref. to come or draw nearer ; return towards. Rapsode, rapp-sodd, sm. minstrel ; ballad- singer. Rapsodie, rapp-so-dee, sf. rhapsody; (iron.) unconnected scraps of poetry ; ballads. Rapsodiste. rappso-deesst, &j/i. rhapsodist ; (iron.) writer of ballads, pOTcher of scraps of poetry. Rapt, rapt, sm. rape. Rapure, rah-peur, sf. raspings. Raquetier, rack-tyai, sm. rocket maker or seller. Raqoette, rah-kett, sf. racket, for tennis. Rare, rdhr, adj. rare; scarce; uncommon; precious ; excellent; slow ; thin ; subtle. Rarefactif, -ve, rah-rai-fack-teeff,teev, adj. rarefying ; thinning. Rarefaction, rah-rai-fack-syang, sf. dilata- tion ; expansion ; rarefaction. Rakefiaxt, -e, rah-rai-fyan: to lop off the branches or top of a tree. Recepisse, rui-sai-pe-sai, sm. acknowledg- ment of a deposit ; receipt. Receptacle, rai-sep-tackl, s»i4f-eceptacle ; shelter; nest ; sink. Reception, raisep-syong,, sf. reception; ad- mittance; installation. Recette, ruh-sett, sf. receipt ; receiver's of- fice ; recipe ; means ; expedient. Recevable, ruh-suh-vabl, adj. receivable ; admissible. Receveur, -SE, ruh-suh-cur, -vuhze, smf. re- ceiver. Recevoir, ruh-suh-voo-ar, va. 3 r. to re- ceive ; accept ; admit ; shelter ; entertain. Reciiafauder, rai-shah-foe-dai, va. 1 r. to make a new scaffolding. Rechange, ruh-shanjhe, sm. fresh change. Rechaxger, ruh-shang-hjai, va. 1 r. to re- change. Rechanter, ruh-shang-lai, va. 1 r. to sing again. Rechapper, rai-shah-pai, rn. 1 r. to escape; recover. RECHARGE,r«7i-.«7iar;7(e, «/. fresh load, charge. A LA RECHARGE, ah-lah-ruh-sharhje, ad. exp. afresh ; anew ; again. Recharger, ruh-shar-hjai, va. 1 r. to re- charge, load a^ain. Rechasser, ruh-shahsai, va. 1 r. to repel; drive back ; turn out again. Rechaud, rai-shoe, .sm. chafing-dish. Rechaufface, rai-shoe-fahje, sm. exchange of an old thing for a new one. Rechauffe, rai-shoe-fai, sm. stale dish warmed again and served up. Rechauffe r, raishoe-fai, in. 1 r. to warm again; stir up ; revive ; renew. 319 EEC EEC Rechauffoir, rai-shoefoo-ar, mm. plate- warmer. Rechausser, ruh-shoe sai, va. 1 r. to lay fresh earth or manure about the roots of trees. R£che, reyshe, adj. rough ; harsh ; severe ; hard. Recherche, ruh-shairsshe, sf. search ; quest ; inquiry ; examination ; courtship. Recherche, -E,ruh-shair-shai,-e, adj. scarce, rare ; affected ; stiff ; formal ; far-fetched. Rechercher, ruh-shair-shai, va. 1 r. to seek, search with care ; inquire ; covet ; court. Rechigne, -e, ruh-sheengyai, -e, adj. sour ; crabbed. Rechignement, ruh-sheeng-yith-mang, sm. sour, crabbed, sulky look. Rechigner, rufo-sheeng-yai, vn. 1 r. to look sour, crabbed ; have a disagreeable look. Rechoir, rnh-shoo-ar, vn. 3 irr. (like choir) to fall again. Rechute, ruh-sheidt, sf. relapse. Recidive, rai-se-deev, sf. falling again ; back- sliding ; recidivation. Recidiver, rai-se-de-vai, vn. 1 r. to relapse ; fall back into, commit the same error. Recipe, rai-se-pai, sm. medical prescription. Recipient, rai-se-pe-yang, sm. recipient. Reciprocation, rai-se-pro-khah-syong, sf. alternation ; alternate action. Reciprocity, rai-se-pro-se-tai, sf. mutual re- turn. Reciproqde, rai-se.-prock, adj. and sot. mutu- al, reciprocal. Je nousrendrai le reciproque, I shall make you a return. Reciproquement, rai-se-prock-mang, ad. mutually ; reciprocally. Reciproquer, rai-se-pro-kai, va. 1 r. to re- turn the like ; reciprocate. Recirer, r%hse-rai, va. 1 r. to wax again. Recit, raise, sm. recital ; account ; relation; recitative or recitativo. Recitateur, rai-se-tah -tur, sm. reciter; speaker. Recitatif, rai-se-ta-teeff, sm. recitative ; re- citativo ; chant. Recitation, rai-se-tah-syong, sf. recitation. Reciter, rai-se-tai, va. \ r. to recite ; repeat. Reclamateur, rai-klah-mah-tur, sm. claim- ant. Reclamation, rai-klah-mah-syong, sf. de- mand ; claim ; claiming. Reclame, rai-klamm, sf. catchword ; cue. Reclamer, rai-klah-mai, va. n. 1 r. to beg; claim ; sue ; implore ; oppose ; protest against. Se reclamer DE, suh-rai-klah-mai-duh, vref. to make use of one's name. Recliner, rai-kle-nai, vn. 1 r. to recline. Reclouer, ruh-kloo-ai, va. 1 r. to nail again. Recldre, ruh-kleure, va. 4 irr. to shut up ; confine ; immure ; seclude. Se reclure, suh-ruhkleure, vref. to lead a private life ; seclude one's self. Reclus, -e, ruh-kUii, ze, sin. and adj. re- cluse ; shut up ; retired. Recogner, ruh-ko-ingyai, vn. 1 r. to heat, drive again ; knock in again ; repel ; re- buff. Recoiffer, ruh-koo-ah-fai, va. 1 r. to dress one's head again. Recoin, ruh-koo-aing, sm. nook ; corner ; recess. Recolement, rai-kol-mang, sm. reading of 320 an evidence ; verification ; cross-examina- tion. Recoller, ruh-ko-lai, va. 1 r. to paste, glue again. Recollet, rai-kolay, sm. Franciscan friar. Kecolte, rai-koltt, sf. harvest ; produce. Recolter, rai-kol-tai, va. 1 r. to gather the harvest. Recommandable, ruh-ko-mang -dabl, adj. laudable ; commendable ; estimable. Recommandation, ruh-ko-mattg-dah-syong, sf. recommendation ; protection ; esteem.' RECOMMANDAT0IRE,ri/Jl-/i0-Hia/lj/-c?a/i-(0O-ar, adj. recommendatory. Recommander, ruh-ko-mang -dai, va. 1 r. to recommend ; order ; charge ; enjoin ; in- vite ; exhort. Se recommander a, suh-tvh-ko-mavg-dai- ah, vref. to apply to ; solicit the protection of. Recommencement, ruh - ko - mangsse - many, sm. renewal; fresh beginning; recommence- ment. Recommencer, ruh-ko-mang-sai, ta. 1 r. to begin anew, recommence ; renew. Recompense, roi-kamg-pangsse, sf. reward ; compensation ; requital ; punishment. En recompense, ang-rai-kong pangsse. ad. exp. in return ; to make amends. Recompensek, rai-kong-pang-sai, va. 1 r. to reward ; compensate ; make up ; punish. Se recompenser, tuh-rui-koity-paiig-sui,vrff. to indemnify one's self. Recomposer, ruh-kong-pn-zai, va. 1 r. to re- compose ; settle, form, adjust anew. Recomposition, ruh-kong-po-za-syong, sf. re- composition. Recompter, ruh-kong-tai, va. 1 r. to reckon again. Reconciliable, rai-kong-se-1 yahl , adj. rec- oncilable. Rf.conciliateur, -trice, rai-kong-se-h/ah- tur, -tress, smf. reconciler. Reconciliation, rai-kong-se-Jyah-syong, sf. reconcilement ; renewal of friendship. Reconcilier, rai-kony-sedyui, va. 1 r. to reconcile. Se reconcilier, suli-rai-kong-se-lyai, vref to reconcile one's self to ; be friends again. Recond'JIRE, ruh-kong -deu-eer, va.4irr. (like conduire), to conduct again; reconduct. Reconfirmer, ruh-kong-fter-mai, va. 1 r. to confirm again. Reconfort, rai-kong-for, sm. comfort. Reconforter, rai-kong-fnr-tai, va. 1 r. to comfort ; strengthen ; cheer ; enliven. Reconfrontation, ruh - kong - froag ■ tah- si/ong, sf. confronting again. Reconfronter, ruh-kong-frong-tui, va. 1 r. to confront again. Reconnaissable, ruh-ko-nay-sabl, adj. easy to be known again. Reconnaissance, rich -Jto-way-sangase, sf. recognition ; acknowledgment ; gratitude ; reward ; recognizance. Reconnaissant, -e, nth - ko -nay - sang, -le, adj. grateful ; thankful. Reconnaitre, ruh-ko-neyir, va. 4 irr. (like connaltre), to know again ; acknowledge ; observe ; own. Se reconnaitre, suh-ruh-ko-neytr, vref. to come to one's self, know the place. Reconnc, -e, ridi-ko-neu, -e, adj. acknowl- edged ; authentic ; certain ; constant. EEC EEC Reconqceriu, ruh-kong-kai-reer, va. 2 irr. (like conquerir) to conquer again, reconquer. Reconstruire, t~uh-kanffstreu-eer, in. -i irr. to construct again ; rebuild. Recons oxter, rvh-kotig-seull-iai, va. 1 r. to consult again. Reconter, ruh-kony-iai, va. 1 r. to relate ; tell again. Recopier, ruh-ko-pyai, va. 1 r. to copy again. Recoquillement, ruh-hili , -yuh-mang, sm. shrinking; carling up. Recoquiller, ruh-ko-kee-yai, va. 1 r. to curl up. **E recoquiller, suh-ruh-ko-kct-yai, vref. to shrink, curl up. Recorder, ruh-knr-dni, va. 1 r. to con ; re- cord ; twist, bind, tie up again. vE RECORDER, suh-ruh-kor-dai, vref. to re- member ; repeat to one's self. RECORRIGER, ruh-ko-re-hjai, va. 1 r. to re- vise. Recoks, nih-kor, sm. bum-bailiff's follower. Recoucuer, ruh-koo-shai, va. 1 r. to put to bed again ; throw down again. Se recoucher, suli-ruh-koo-shai, vref. to go to bed again. Recoudre, ruh-koodr, va. iirr. (like coudre), to sew again. Recodpe, rith-koopp, sf. chippings of stones, ing. RECRtJTER, rith-kreu-tai, va. 1 r. to recruit. Recrdteur, ruh-kreu-lur, sm. recruiting olhcer. Recta, reck- tali, ad. directly; straight; punctually. Rectangle, reck-tang-gl, sm. and adj. rect- angle ; rectangular! Rectangulaire, reck -tang - r. to owe again ; remain indebted still. Rediger, rai-de-hjai, va. 1 r. to order me- thodically ; resume. Redimer (se), suh-rai-de-mai, vref. 1 r. to free one's self from. Redingote, ruh- doing -gott, sf. riding or great coat. Redire, nth-deer, va. n. 4 irr. (like dire), to repeat, say over again ; relate ; blab ; tell ; reveal ; blame ; censure. Rediseur, -se, ruh-de-zuhr, -zuhze, smf. tell- tale; blab ; repeater. Redistribuer, ruh-deess-tre-beu-ai, va. 1 r. to distribute again. Redite, ruh-deef, sf. repetition ; repeating. Redondance, rai - dong - dangsse, sf super- fluity of words; redundancy. Redondant, -e, rai-dong-dang, -te, adj. su- perfluous, unnecessary ; redundant. Redonder, rai -dong -dai, vn. 1 r. to be re- dundant ; superfluous ; iinnecessary. Redonner, ruh-do-nai, va. n. \ r. to give back ; return ; restore ; charge again. Redorer, ruh-do-rai, va. 1 r. to gild afresh ; gild over again. Redormir, ruh-dor-meer, vn. 2 irr. (like dor- inir), to sleep again. Redoublement, ruh - doobl - mang, sm. in- crease, augmentation ; paroxysm. Redoubler, ruh-doo-blai, vn. n. 1 r. to new line ; renew; redouble; increase, augment. Redoutable, ruh-doo-tabl, adj. dreadful; formidable ; terrible, redoubtable. Redoute, ruh-dont, sf. redoubt ; public ball. Redoute, -e, ruh-doo-iai, -e, adj. dreaded; formidable. Redouter, ruh-doo-tai, va. 1 r. to dread. RET>fiESSEMEXT,ruh-dress-mang,s»i. straight - ening ; redress. Redresser , ruh-dray-sai, va. 1 r. to straight- en ; raise, set upright ; chastise ; correct ; redress ; cheat. 322 Se redresser, suh -ruh-dray-sai, vref . to grow straight ; rise again ; strut ; grow better. Redresseur, -se, ruh-dray-sur, -suhze, smf. sharper. Reduchble, rai-deuk-teebl, adj reducible. Reductif, -ve, rai - deuk - teeff, -leev, adj. reductive, having the power of reducing. Reduction, rai-deuk-syotig, sf. reduction ; reducing ; diminution. Reduire, rai-deu-eer, va. 4 irr. to reduce ; limit; restrain ; subdue ; compel ; digest ; reform ; confine. Reduire an petit pied, to reduce one to straits. Se reduire, suh-rait, adj. reflexible. Reflexion", rat-Jteck-xyang, sf. reflection; meditation, consideration ; throwing back of the light. Refluek, ruh-fleu-ai, vn. 1 r. to reflow. Reflux, ruh-fleu*, sm. reflux. Refoxder, ruhfong-dai, va. 1 r. to refund ; repay. Refondre, ruh-foii(/dr, va. 4 r. tocast, melt, dissolve again ; correct ; new-form. Refoxte, ruh-fongte, sf. new melting down, coining. Eire en re/onte, to be thoroughly repairing. Reformable, rai-fbr-mabl, adj. that may be reformed ; alterable ; changeable. Reformateur, rai -for- mah-tur, sm. re- former. Reformation, rai-for-mah-syong, sf. refor- mation. Reforme, rat-form, sf. reform; reformation; reduction of troops or expenses. Reforme, -e, raifor-mai, -e, ttmf. and adj. Protestant. Officier reforme, half-pay officer. R6;'ORMER, rai-for-mai, va. 1 r. to reform. Se reformer, suh-rai-for -mai, vref. to grow better ; mend ; improve. Refouetter, ruh-foo-ay-Cai, va. 1 r. to whip again. Refouiller, ruh-fno-yai, to search again. Refouler, ruh-foo-lai, va. n. 1 r. to full, mill again, ram, stamp ; trample again ; ebb ; go against the tide. Refouloir, ruh-foo-loo-ar, sm. rammer. Refourbir, ruh-foor-beer, va. 2r. to furbish again. Refourxir, ruh-foor-neer, va. 2 r. to furnish again. Refractaire, rai-frack-tayre, adj. perverse ; obstinate. Refracter, rai-frack-tai, va. 1 r. to refract. Refractiox, rai-fracJcsyong, st'. refraction. Refrain', ruh-f ruing, sm. burden of a song. Refrains de hi mer, tossing of the sea. Refrangibilite, rai-frang-hje-be-le-tai, sf. refrangibility. Refrangible, rai-frang-hjeebl, adj. refran- gible. Refrapper, ruhfrah-pai, strike again, new stamp. Refrayer, ruh-fray-yai, va. 1 r. to polish; smooth. Refrener, ruh-f rai-nai, ra. 1 r. to refrain; repress ; subdue ; curb ; bridle. Refrigerant, rai-fre-hjai-rang, sm. cooling remedy ; cooler. Refrigerant, -e, rai-fre-hjai-rang, -te, adj. cooling. Refrigeratif, -ve, rai-fre-hjai-rah-leeff, •teev, adj. cooling ; refrigerative ; refriger- atory. Refrigeration, rai-frehjai-rahsyonq, sf. cooling. Refri.ngent, -e, rai-fraing-hjang, -te. adj. refractive. Refrire, ruh-freer, va. iirr. (like /r ire), to fry again. Refrlser, va. It. to dress or curl again. Refrognement, ruh-fro ing-mang, sm. frowning; sour look; knitting of one's brow. Refrogner 'e's self. Refutable, rai-feu-tabl, adj. that may be refuted, proved false, erroneous. Refuter, rai-feu-tai, va. lr. to refute ; prove false ; contradict. Regagner, ruh-ghah-ing-yai, va. 1 r. to re- gain ; retrieve ; recover. Regaillardir, ruh-ghah-yar-dcer, va. 2 r. toeheer up; make merry, cheerful; enliven. Regain, ruk-ghaing, sm. after grass, after- math. Regal, rai glial, sm. feast ; banquet ; great entertainment; savory dish; great pleasure. Regalade, rai-ghahlad, sf. entertainment. Regale, rai-ghal, sf. and adj. right of enjoy- ing the revenues of vacant bishoprics ; re- gale. Regalement, rai-ghnl-mang, sm. levelling ; assessment ; equal division. Regaler, rai-ghah-lai, va. 1 r. to regale ; feast; entertain ; level ; assess. Se regaler, stth-rai-ghah-lai, vref. to eat heartily ; treat one's self with. Regalien, rai-ghaii-lyaing, adj. m. cf the king. Regaliste, rai-ghah-leesst, sm. incumbent of a living, appointed by the king. Regard, run ghar, sm. look ; gaze ; glance ; attention. Au regard de, o - ruh - ghar - dull, prep, in comparison of, with regard to ; as to. Pour mon rec, x\iT>,pooi-mong-ruh-ghar, ad. exp. as for me. Regardant, ruh-gliar-dang, .sot. gazer; look- er on ; beholder ; spectator. Regardant, -e, ruh -ghar -dang, -te, adj. looking on ; saving ; near ; stingy ; nig- gardly. 323 EEG- EEI Regarder, ruh-ghar-dai, va. 1 r. to look at or on ; behold; see; view; consider; exam- ine ; front. Hegarder de pres, to be short- sighted. Eegarnir, nih-ghar-netr, va. 2r. to furnish, trim again. Regayer, ruh-gay-yai, va. 1 r. to comb flax, hemp. REGAYOIR; riih-gay-yoo-ar, sm. flax-comb. Regayure, ruh-gay-yeur, sf. refuse of flax, hemp. RF,GELE,n,ruh-)ijuh-lai, vn.l r. to freeze again. Regence, rai-hjangsse, sf. regency ; school- mastership. Regeneration, rai-hjai-nai-rah-syopg, sf. regeneration ; reproduction ; new birth by grace. Regenerer, rai-hjui-nai-rai, ra. 1 r. to re- generate. Regent, -e, rai-hjang, -te, smf. regent; teacher. Regenter, rai-hjang-tai, va. 1 r. to teach ; rule ; domineer over ; sermonize. Regermer, ruh-hjair-mai, vn. ir. to sprout, sl.oot, bud, germinate again. Regicide, rai-hje-seed, sm. murderer, mur- deress, murder of a king ; regicide. Regie, rai-hjee, sf. administration ; trust. Regimbemest, ruh-hjaingbt-mang, sm. kick- ing. Regimber, rnh-hjuing-bai, pn. 1 r. to kick ; v. ince ; resist ; disobey ; be obstreperous. Regime, rai-hjeemm, sm. diet; regimen; administration ; government. Regiment, rai-hje-mang, sm. regiment; great number ; multitude. Region, rai-hjyong, sf. tract of space; coun- try ; region ; inward part of the body. Regir, rai-hjeer, va. 2 r. to govern ; direct. Regisseur, raihje-sur, sm. trustee ; admin- istrator ; steward ; manager. Registre or Regitre, ruh-hjtestr ot run- hjeetr, sm. register ; record. Registrer or Regitrer, ruh-hjeess-trai or inh-hjee-trai, va. 1 r. to register, record. Regle, regl, sf. ruler ; rule ; maxim ; order; method ; use ; custom ; model ; guide. Regle, -e, rai-glai, -e, adj. ruled ; regular ; fixed ; certain ; wise ; methodical ; exact. Reglement, rai-gluh-mang, sm. regulation; statute ; order ; law. Reglement, rai-glai-matig, ad. regularly. Regler, rai-glai, va. 1 r. to rule ; regulate ; conduct ; govern ; decide ; fix ; settle ; determine ; order ; prescribe. Se regler scr, suh-rai-glai-seur, vref. to imitate, follow the example of; act accord- ingly. Reglet, rai-glay, sm. small metal-ruler; small fillet ; small plane. Eegleur, -SE, rai-glur, -gluhze, smf. paper ruler. Reglisse, rai-gleess, sf. liquorice, sweet root. Regloir, rai-gloo-ar, sm. ruler. Reglure, rtii-gleur, sf. ruling; lines. Regnant, -e, rai-ing-yang, -te, adj. reigning; predominant ; in vogue ; prevalent. Regne, ray-ing, am. re:gn ; power ; empire ; great vogue ; prevalent fashion ; preva- lency. Regner, rai-ing-yai, vn. \r. foreign; gov- ern ; sway; last ; be in vogue or prevalent. Regnicole, raig-ne-kol, sm. native inhabit- ant. 324 Regonflement, ruh-gongfle-mang, sm. over- rise of waters obstructed in their course. Regonfler, ruh-goug-jiai, vn. 1 r. to over- rise. Regorgement, ruh-gorhjc-mang, sm. over- flowing ; refunding. Regorger, ruhgor-hjai, vn. 1 r. to overflow; refund ; abound in. Regouter, ruh - gooe - tai, va. \r. to taste again. Regrat, ruh-grah, sm. retail ; huckstering. Regratter, ruh-grah -tai, va. n. 1 r. to scratch again ; vamp ; retail ; retouch ; de- duct. Regrattier, rvh-grah-tyai, sm. huckster ; broker ; retailer ; scribbler ; compiler. Regreffer, ruh-gray-fai, ca. 1 r. to regraft. Regres, ruh greye, sin. regress ; going back. Regret, ruh-gray, sm. regret ; sorrow ; re- pentance. A regret,' ah-rvh-gray, adv. exp. with re- luctance ; unwillingly ; against the grain. Regrettable, ruh - gray - tail, adj. lament- able. Regretter, ruh-gray-tai, va. 1 r. to regret, be grieved at. Regcinder, ruh-gaing-dai, va. 1 r. to hoist, lift up, raise again. Regclaiuser, rai-gu-lah-ree-zai, va. 1 r. to make regular ; subject, reduce to rules. REGULAR1TE, rai-gu-lah-re-tui, sf. regularity. Regulateur, rai-gu-Iah-tur, sm. regulator. Regulier, rai-gu-lyai, sm. monk ; friar ; re- gular. Regulier, -e, rai-gu-lyai, -re, adj. regular ; well proportioned ; exact ; punctual ; me- thodical. Regulierement, rai-gu-Tyayre-mang, ad. regularly; exactly; punctually. Rehabilitation, rai-ah-bele-tuhsyong, sf. restoration. Rehabihter, rai-ah-be-le-tai, va. 1 r. to re- instate ; restore to ; re-establish. Rehabitcer A (se), suh-rai-ah-be-leu-ai-ah, vref. 1 r. to use, inure one's self again. Rehacher, ruh-ah-shai, va. 1 r. to hash, mince again. Reh.anter, rtih-hang-tai, va. 1 r. to frequent, visit, associate with again. Rehasardek, ruh-ah-zar-dai, va. 1 r. to venture again. Rejiaussement, ruh-oesse-mang, sm. raising up ; increase ; augmentation. Rehacsser, ruh-oe-sai, va. 1 ?•. to raise higher; enhance; increase; setoff; heighten. Rehacts, ruh - oe, snip, lightest pails, in painting. Reheurter, ruh-ur-tai, va. 1 r. to knock, hit again. Reimposer, rai-aing po-zai, va. \r. to assess again. Reimposition, rai-aing po-ze-syong, sf. lay- ing on of another tax. Reimpression, rai-aing-pray-syong, sf. sec- ond impression ; reimpression. Reimprimer, rai-aing-pre-mai, va. 1 r. to reprint ; print a second edition. Rein, raing, sm. reins ; kidney. Reine, rayne, sf. queen, wife or widow of a king. Reine-Clacde, rayne - Mode, sf. green-gage, plum. Reinfecter, rai-aing-feck-lai, va. 1 r. to in- fect again. EEL EEL Rei.nst.w.lek, rai-aiiHj-atu/t-hii, va. 1 r. to reinstall. Reinte, -e, rtting-tai, -c, aty. strong-backed. RAlNTEGRANDE, rai-ainy-tai-t/ninf/d, sf. put- ting again in possession of a living-. Reinte grer, rai-aing-tai-graf, va. 1 r. to reintegrate ; put again in possession of. Reinterrogek, rai-aing-tai-ro-hjai, va. 1 r. to question again ; interrogate a second time. Reinyiter, rai-aing-ve-tai, va. 1 r. to invite again. Reis-kkfkndt, rens-ag-faing-de, em. chan- cellor of the Turkish empire. Reiteratif, -ye, rai-e-tai nth -teeff, -teev, adj. reiterating ; repealing again and again. Reiteration, rai-e-tai-rult-tyony, sf. repe- tition. Reiterer, rai-e-tax-rai, va. 1 r. to say, tell, do, repeat again and again ; reiterate. Reitre, reytr, sm. cunning, sharp fellow. Rejaillir, ruh-hjah-yeer, on. 2 r. to spurt up ; fly back ; reflect ; emanate ; rebound. Rejaillissement, ruh-hjah-geeas-mang, sm. rebound ; resilition ; reflection ; surf. Rejaunir, ruh-hjoe-neer, va. n. 2 r. to make or grow yellow again. Rejet, ruh - hjay, sm. rejection ; setting aside; new shoot ; reassessment ; reference. Rejetable, ruh-hjuh-labl, adj. fit to be re- jected. Rejeter, ruh-hjuhtai, va. 1 r. to throw back again, aside, or out ; reject ; cast off; refuse; rebuke; scorn; despise; blame; condemn ; dismiss. Rejetek, ruh-hjuh-tai, va. n. 1 r. to shoot again, spring ; vomit ; be averse to ; lay upon. Rejetox, ruhj - tone/, sm. sucker ; young shoot ; offspring ; descendant. Rejoindre, ruh-hjoo-dingdr, va. 4 irr. (like joindre), to rejoin; join again ; meet again ; overtake. Se rejoindre, sxJi-rvh-hjoo-aingdr, vref. to reunite ; assemble, meet again together. Rejouer, ruh-hjoo-ai, va. ji. 1 r. to play again. Rejoci, -v.. rai-hjoo-e, -e, sm/. jovial, merry man, woman. Rejouir, rai-hjoo-eer, ra. 2 r. to rejoice ; gladden, please ; delight ; divert ; amuse. Se rejouir, suh-raihjoo-eer, vref. to re- joice ; be glad ; make, be merry ; amuse, divert one's self. Rejouissance, rai-hjoo-e-sangsse, sf. rejoi- cing. Rejoi'ISSANT, -E, rai-hjno-e-sanrj, -te, >i<{j. amusing ; pleasant ; jovial ; rejoicing ; com- fortable. Relaciie, ruh-lahsh, sm. intermission ; re- mission ; relaxation; rest; quiet; abate- ment. une relacke de dix jours a Gibralter, we stayed ten days at Gi- braltar. Relaciie, ruh-lahxli, sf. harbor; road ; bay. Relaciiement, ruh-lah.ih-mang, sm. relaxa- tion ; abatement ; slackness ; remissness ; release ; refreshment. Relaciier, ruh-lahshai, va. 1 r. to unbend ; slacken ; release ; relent ; diminish ; remit. Relaciier, ruh-lah-shai, vn. 1 r. to put into. Se relaciier, suh-ruh-lah-shai, vref. to re- lax ; slackeu ; loosen ; abate ; grow remiss; unbend, refresh, amuse one's self. RELAIS, ruh-leye, sm. relay. Ktre de relais, to stand idle. Relancer, ruh-lang-sat, va. 1 r. to rouse again; pursue without rest ; fetch out ; give a sharp or pert reply ; return like For like ; outdo. Relafsh, -e, ruh-lapsse, tmf. and adj. apos- tate ; fallen again into heresy, vice, er- ror, &c. Relargir, rai-lar -hjeer, va. 2 r. to make wider. Relater, ruh - lah - tai, va. 1 r. to relate ; mention. Relatif, ruh-lah-teeff, sm. relative pronoun. Relatif, -ye, ruh-lah-teeff, -v, adj. relative. Relation, ruh-lah-syong, sf. relation; affin- ity; connection ; intercourse; account ; nar- rative. Relativement, ruh-lah-teev-mang, sm. rela- tively. Relatter, ruh-laJi-tai, va. 1 r. to new-lath. Relates, ruhlah-vai, va. 1 r. to wash again. Relaxation, ruh-lacksah-syong, sf. relaxa- tion ; release ; abatement ; remission. Relaxer, ruh-lack-sai, va. 1 r. to release, relax. Relayer, ruh-lay-yai, va. n. 1 r. to relieve ; take fresh horses, &c. Se relayer, suh-ruh-lay-yai, vref. to relieve one another by turns. Relegation, ruh-lai-ghaJi-syong, sf. exile; banishment; transportation. Releguer, ruh-lai-gai, va. 1 r. to banish. Se releglter a, suh-ruh-lni-yaie-ah, vref. to retire into ; shut one's self up. Relent, ruh-lang, sm. musty smell. Releyailles, rull-vah-yuh, sfp. churching of a woman. Releye, rull-rai, sm. extract of articles; shifting of a horse's shoe ; rising. Releye, -e, rull-vai, -e, adj. high ; noble ; sublime. Releyee, ridl-vaie, sf. afternoon. Releyement, ruh-levmang, sm. raising up ; correct statement ; highest parts of a ship. Releye-quartier, ruh -lev -khar -tyai, sm. shoeing-horn. Releyer, ruh-hdt-vai, va. 1 r. to raise up ; set upright ; tuck up ; take away; rebuild ; set off; renew; point; note; praise; re- lieve. Relever un appel, to give an appeal. Se faire r el ever de ses vozux, to get one's vows annulled. Relever une ruine, to re- pair. Se relever, suh-ruh-luh-vai, vref. to raise up again ; recover ; retrieve one's self. Reliage, ruh-lyahje, sm. hooping. Relief, ruh-lyeff, sm. relief; relievo; lustre; splendor ; renown ; fee of entrance : plur. offals, fragments of meat, &c. Relie, -e, ruh-lyai, -e, adj. bound up. \ Relier, ruh-lyai, va. 1 r. to tie again ; bind books or casks. Relieur, ruh-lyur, sm. bookbinder. Religieuse, ruh-le-hjyuhze, sf. nun. Religieusement, ruh-le-hjuze-mang, ad. re- ligiously ; faithfully ; punctually. Religieux, ruli-le-hjyuhe, sm. monk ; friar. Religieux, -se, ruh-le-hjyuhe, -ze, adj. reli- gious ; pious ; exact ; punctual ; monastic. Religion, rnh-le-hjyong, sf. religion ; belief; piety ; godliness ; monastic life. Religionnaire, ruh - le • hjyo ■ nayre, smf. Protestant. 325 REM EEM Relimer, ruh-le-mai, va. 1 r. to file again ; retouch ; polish again ; revise ; correct. Reliquaire, ruh-le-kayre, sm. shrine for relics. Reliquat, ruh-le-khah, sm. remainder. Reliquataire, ruh-le-khah-tuyre, smf. and adj. one in arrears ; owing a remainder. Relique, ruh-leek, sf. relic. Relire, ruh-leer, va. iirr. (like lire), to read again. Reliore, rufi-h/ure, sf. binding. Reloger, ruhlo-hjai, va. n. 1 r. to lodge again. Relouer, rnh-ho-ai, va. 1 r. to let, hire again. Reluire, ruh-leu-eer, vn. i irr. (like luire), to shine ; glitter ; glisten. Reluisant, -e, ruJi-leu-e-sang, -te, adj. shi- ning ; brilliant ; sparkling ; glittering. Relu^uer, ruh-leu-hai, va. 1 r. to leer upon ; look sideways ; ogle. Relustrer, ruh-leuss-trai, va. 1 r. to give a new gloss, lustre. Remacher, ruh-mah-shai, va. 1 r. to chew again ; revolve in one's mind. Remaconner, ruh-mah-so-nai, va. 1 r. to repair the masonry. Remander, rah-mang-dai, va. 1 r. to send word back ; remand ; send for back. Remanger, ruh-mang-hjai, va. n. 1 r. to eat again. Remaniement, ruh-mah-nee-mang, sm. hand- ling again ; overrunning. Remanier, ruh-mah-nyai, va. 1 r. to handle again, do over again. Remarchander, ruh-mar-shang-dai,va. 1 r. to cheapen, bate again. Rema'rcher, ruh-mar-shai, vn. 1 r. to walk again. Remarier, ruh-mah-ryai, va. 1 r. to marry again. Ss remarier, suh-rvh-mah-ryai ', vref. to marry again ; re-enter into the conjugal state. Remarquable, ruh-mar-kliabl, adj. remark- able. Remarquablement, ruh - mar - lcahbl - mang, ad. remarkably ; in an observable manner. Remarque, ruh-mark, sf. observation; note. Remarquer, ruh-mar -kai, va. n. 1 r. to mark again ; remark ; observe ; note ; dis- tinguish ; point out ; mark. Remasquer (se), suh-ruh-7nass-7cai, vref. lr. to put on one's mask again. Remballer, rang bahlai, va. 1 r. to pack up again. Rembarquement, rang-barl;-mang, sm. re- embarking ; re-embarkation. Rembarquer, rang-bar-kui, va. 1 r. to em- bark again ; re-embark. Se rembarquer, suh-rang-bar-kai, vref. to go to sea again ; retake shipping ; engage in again. Rembarrer, rang-bah-rai, va. 1 r. to repel ; repulse; reject with firmness; reply sharply. Remblai, rang -blag, sm. labor of filling, raising, levelling a causeway ; rubbish. Remblaver, rang -blah- oai, va. 1 r. to sow again with corn". Remboitement, rang-boo-att-mang, sm. set- ting into joint again. Rembotter, rang-boo-ah-tai, va. 1 r. to set into joint again. Rembourrage or Rembohrrement, rang- boo-rahje, rang -boor -mang, sm. stuffing up. 326 Rembourrer, rang-boo-rai, va. 1 r. to stuff up. Remboorsable, rang-boor-sabl, adj. may or must be reimbursed, repaid, paid off. Remboursement, rang-boorsse-mang, sm. re- imbursement. Rembourser, rang -boor -sai, va. 1 r. to re- imburse. Rembraser, rang-brah-zai, va. 1 r. to re- kindle. Rembrasser, rang-bruh-sai, va. 1 r. to em- brace again. Rembrocher, rang-broshai, va. lr. to put on the spit again. Rembruni, -e, rang-breu-ne, -e, adj. grown dark, darker ; obscure ; sad ; melancholy. Rf.mbrunir, rang-breu-neer, va. 2r. to make darker, or browner ; make one sad. Rembrunissement, rang - breu - neesi - mang, sm. dark, brown color ; brownness. RembOchement, rang -beueshe -mang, sm. running, driving into the lair. Rembucher (se), suh-rang-beu-shai. vref. 1 r. to skulk; hide one's self; run into the w ood. Remede, ruh-med, sm. remedy. Remedier a, ruh-mai-dyai-ah, vn. 1 r. to remedy. Remkler, ruh-mey-lai, va. 1 r. to shuffle, mix again. Rememoratif, -te, rnh-mtii-mo-ruh-teej/, -teev, adj. reminding ; putting in mind. Rememorer, ruh-mai-mo-rai, va. 1 r. to re- mind ; put in mind. Se rememorer, suh-ruh-mui-mo-rai, vref. to recollect ; remember. Remener, ruh-muh-nai, va. lr. to take, lead, conduct, carry back. Remercie, -e, ruh-mair-syai, -e, adj. dis- charged ; deposed ; dismissed. Remercier, ruh-mair-syai, va. 1 r. to thank, return thanks ; refuse civilly ; dismiss, dis- charge. Remerciment, rvh-mair -see. -mang, sm. thanks, acknowledgment. Remere, rai-mai-rai, sm. power of redemp- tion. Remesurer, ruh-muh-zeu-rai, va. 1 r. to measure a.uain. Remettre, i uh-mettr, va. 4 irr. (like me(tre), to put again; replace; restore ; recover; set again ; give up ; remit ; delay ; recollect ; deliver ; intrust ; send ; give. Remettre den troupes sur pied, to raise new forces. Se remettre bien avec, to be reconciled to. Se remettre, suh-ruh-mettr, vref. to recover; compose, come to one's self again ; recol- lect ; refer to ; set to. Remeubler, ruh-muh-blai, va. 1 r. to new furnish a house. Reminiscence, rai-me-ne-sangssp, sf. recol- lection ; recovery of ideas ; reminiscence. Remis, -e, ruh-mee, -se, adj. calm, unruffled ; restored ; replaced ; forgiven. Remise, ruh-meeze, sm. glass-coach. Remise, ruh-meeze, sf. delay ; remittance ; remission ; bill of exchange ; discount ; coach-house ; thicket. Remiser, ruh-mee-zai, va. 1 r. to put in or under the coach-house, a coach, kc. Remissible, rai-me-seebl, adj. pardonable ; remissible ; excusable. Remission, rai-me-syong, sf. remission. Remissionaire, rai-me-syo-nayre, smf. one who has obtained pardon. REM REN Remittent, -e, rai-mee-Uxnff,-te, adj. abating. Kemmaillutek, iunj/'inah-i/o-Uii, va. 1 ;•. to swaddle again. Rkmmancker, rang-mangs)iai, va. 1 r. to baft again, set in a new halt. Rcmme.ner, ra»!jinuh)it(i, ia. 1 r. to lead, conduct, take, carry back. Rkmolade, rai- mo- lad, tf, sauce piquante (pron. sose-pckhangte), sauce made of chives and mustard. Remonte, ruh-moiigte, sf. new horses, to re- mount troopers, iv.e. Re.ihi.vter, ruh-mongtai, va. n. 1 r. to mount again, remount ; go up ; wind up ; set, lift up again. Remo.ntu a nce, ruh-mo>tg-t>ang.sse,sf. remon- strance ; lesson ; reprimand. Remoxtiiek, ruh-mong-trai, va. 1 r. to remon- strate ; represent ; counsel, advise ; show ; teach again. Rrmora, rui-mo-rah, sm. delay; obstacle; >■ a-lamprey, Remordue, ruh-mordr, va. n. 4 r. to bite again. Remords, rvh-mor, sm. remorse. Re.moro.ue. ruh-mitrrk, sf. towing of a ship. Rbhobqdeb, ruh-mor-kai, va. 1 r. to tow a ship. Remoucher, ruh-moo-shai, va. 1 r. to snuff again the candle ; repulse; rebuff. Se remouciier, suh-ruh-moo-shai, vref. to blow one's nose again. Remoudre, rvh-moodr, va. 4irr. (like moic- dre), to grind again. Remouiller, ridi-moo-yai, va. 1 r. to wet, dip again ; drop the anchor, moor again. Remoulade, ruh-moo-lad, sf. sauce piquante (pron. soesse-pe-lchangte), vid. remolade. Remoulage, ruh-moo-lahje, sm. coarse bran. Remouleur, rai-moo-hir, sm. knife, scissors grinder. Remous, ruh-mnoe, sm. whirl ; eddy ; track left behind a ship. Re Mi* .ullage, rang-pali-yahje, sm. stuffing; mending of chairs. Rempailler, rang-pah-yai, va. 1 r. to stuff, mend chairs, &c. Rempailleur, -se, rang-pah-yur, -yuhze, sm. chair-mender. Rempaquement, rang-pack-mang, sm. bar- relling of salt herrings. Rempaqueter, rang-pack-tai, va. 1 r. to pack up again. Remparement, rang-par-mang, sm. rampart; terrace ; intrenchment. Remparer, ramg-pah-rai, va. 1 r. to fortify ; raise a rampart ; intrench. Se remparer, suh-rang pah-rai, vref. to fence, intrench one's self; invade again. Rempart, rang-par, sm. rampart; bulwark. Rcmplacement, rang-plass-mang, sm. repla- cing. Remplacer, rang-pldk-sai, va. 1 r. to re- place ; succeed ; fill the place of; be instead of. Se remplacer, suh-rang-plaJi-sai, vref. to re- lieve, succeed one another. Remplage, rang-plahje, tun. filling up; li- quor of the same sort, to fill tip a ferment- ing fluid. Rempli, rang-ple, sm. plait, fold, doublemade in a stuff to make it narrower or shorter. Remplier, rang-ple-yai, va. \r. to plait, fold, take, turn in. Rekpltr, rang-pleer, va. 2 r. to Gil again or up; fill; complete; occupy; fulfil; answer. Se rkmplir de, Buh-rang-pleer-duh, vref. to grow full; glut ; satiate. Remplissage, rang-ple-sahje, sm. fitting tip ; leakage ; small rugged stones for the inside ot walls. REMPLissEDSE,ra7ig[-j9^-«uAse,8/*.lace-mender, Remploi, rang-ploo-ah, sm. new laying out of the public money ; replacing of embez- zled money. R employer, ranff-ploo-ah-yai, va. 1 r. to cm- ploy, use again or afresh. Ri.MPLUMER, rang-pleu-mai, va. 1 r. to new- feather ; benefit ; enrich. Se rempi.umer, siih-ravg-pleu-mai, vref. te get on new feathers ; grow stout ; retrieve one's losses. Rempociier, rang po-shai, va. If. to pocket again. REMPOISSO>">"EMENT,mn7-;joo-a7i-.«onn-»(a?!r/, sm. fresh stocking of a pond with fish. REMPOISSONNER, riiiifi-poo-ah-sn-nai, va. 1 r. to new stock, with fish, a pond, &c. Remporter, rang.-por-tai, va. 1 r. to carry back ; take away ; obtain ; acquire : get. Remprisonner, rang-prc-zo-nai, va. 1 r. to imprison, confine again. Rempkunter, raiiyprung-iai, va. 1 r. to bor- row again. Remuable, rxih-meudbl, adj. susceptible of sensibility, affection, motion. Rehuage, ruft-meu-ahje, em. removal ; mo- ving ; stirring up. Remuast, -e, ruh-meu-ang, -te, adj. stirring : brisk ; lively ; active ; factious. Remue-menage, ruh-meue-mai-nahje, sm. change; trouble; disorder; confusion; noise. Remuement, rvh-meue-mung, sm. stirring; motion ; removing ; disturbance ; commo- tions • troubles. Remuer, ruh-meu-ai, va. 1 r. to remove; stir; disturb ; agitate ; move ; affect ; rouse. Se remuer, suh-ruh-meu-ai, vref. to stir ; move; bestir one's self : labor strenuously. Remugle, ruh-meugl, sm. musty smell. Remunerateur, rai-meu-tiai-rah-tur, sm. rewarder. Remuneration, rai-meu-nai-raJi-syong, sf. reward ; recompense ; requital. Remunerer, rai-meu-nai-rai, va. 1 r. to re- ward ; recompense ; requite. Renacler, rvh-nah-klai, vn. 1 r. to sniff; snuffle ; snort ; hesitate ; refuse to do. Renaissance, rvh-nay-savgsse, sf. revival ; regeneration ; new birth. Renaissant, -e, ridi-nay-sang, -te, adj. revi- ving ; strengthening ; growing. Renaitre, ruh-ntytr, vn. 4 irr. (like rtailre), revive; rise again; bud; pullulate; be born again. I Renal, -e, rai-nal, adj. of the reins, loins. Renard, ruh-nar, sm. fox; crafty, cautious man. Renardeau, -x, ruh-nar-do, -e, sm. young fox. Renardier, rvh-nar-dyai, sm. fox -catcher. Renardiere, ruh-nar- dyayre, sf. foxhole. Rencaisser, rang-kay-sai, va. 1 r. to put in a chest again. Renchainer, rang-shey-nai, va. 1 r. to chain again. Rencheri, -E, rang-sJiai-re, -e, adj. captious, disdainful ; prim ; coy ; reserved ; over- 327 BEN KEN nice ; higher in price. Eire renclieri, to be reserved. Rexcherir, rang-sJiai-reer, va. n. 2 r. to raise the price ; grow dearer ; outdo ; excel. REXCHERissE3iEN"T,ra»?-.s7tc. Rexferme,-e, rang-fai r-mai ,-e, srnf. and adj. shut up ; retired; recluse; confined. Rexfer.mer, rang-fai r-mai, ra. 1 /\ to shut up ; imprison ; comprehend ; contain; limit. Se rexfermer, euh-rang-fair-mai, vref. to shut one's self up ; behave with propriety ; adhere to. Resfiler. rang-fr.-Jai.ra. 1 r. to thread again. Renflammer, rangjiah-mai, va. 1 r. to re- kindle. Rexfi.emext, rangjluh-jnang, sm. gradual swelling of a pillar. 32S Rexfler, rang-fai, rn. 1 r. to swell again or more ; puff up ; rise. Rexfoxcement, rang -fongsse -mang, sm. depth ; recess ; distance ; background. Renfoxcer, rang-fong-sai, va. 1 r. to sink again or deeper ; new bottom a cask. Ren FORCE, e, rang-for-mi, -e, adj. strength- ened ; substantial ; strong ; thickset ; rich. Rexforce.ment, rang -forsse-mang, sm. strengthening; fresh supply; reinforcement. Rexforcer, rang-for-mi, va. 1 r. to strength- en; make stronger; fortify; raise; reinforce. Se rexforcer, s/uh-rang-for-sai, vref. to grow stronger ; gather strength. Rexformer, rang-for-mai, va. 1 r. to stretch gloves, •. to fat- ten again ; benefit ; restore ; recover. Se rexgraisser, suh-rang-gray-sai, vref. to grow fat again ; recover one's losses. Rexgregemext, rang-grailije-mang , sm. in- crease of a disease, pain, ", suh-raipangdr-ang, vref. to break out in ; run into ; dilate. Repaxdu, -e, rai-pang-den, -e, adj. spilt ; prevalent ; of great acquaintance. Reparable, rai-pah-rabl, adj. reparable ; retrievable. Reparaitre, ruh-pah-reytr, vn. 4 irr. to appear again ; show one's self again. Reparateur, rai-pah-rah-tur, sm. repairer ; restorer. Reparation, rai-pah-rah-syong, sf. repara- tion ; satisfaction ; amends. Reparer, ruh-pah-rai, va. 1 r. to deck ; set off again. Reparer, rai-pah-rai, va. 1 r. to repair ; re- store ; compensate ; indemnify ; give satis- faction ; make amends ; recover. Reparer Vhonneur, to make reparation. Reparler, ruh-par-lai, vn. 1 r. to speak • again. Repartie, ruh-par-tee, sf. smart reply; rep- artee. 329 EEP EEP Refartir, ruh-par-teer, vn. 2 irr. (like par- tir), to set out again ; go back ; return. Repartir, ruh-par-teer, va. 2 irr. to reply. Refartir, ruh-par-teer, va. 2 r. to divide ; assess ; distribute. Repartition, rai-par-te.-syong, ef. division. Repas, ruh-pah, sm. repast ; meal, banquet ; feast. Repasser, rvh-pah-sai, va. 1?\ to pass, cross again ; re-examine ; repeat to one's self; beat ; criticise ; iron ; revise ; polish. Re- passer du linge, to iron. Repasser, ruh-pahsai, vn. to go back ; re- pass. ~REPASSEVR,r uh-pah-sur,sm. pointer; grinder. Repasseuse, tuh-pah-suhze, sf. linen-dresser. Repaver, ruhpah-vai, vaA r. to pave again. Repecher, ruh-pey-shai, va. 1 r. to fish up again. Repeigner, ruh - pay - ing - yai, va. 1 r. to comb again. Refeindre, ruh-paingdr, va. 4 irr. (like peindre), to paint again. Rependre, ruh-pangdr, va. 4 r. to hang up again. Refers (je me), hjuh-muh-ruh-pang, pres. ind. of se repentir, repenting. Repen'ser, ruh-pang-sai, vn. 1 r. to think of again. Repentance, ruh pang-tangsse, sf. repent- ance. Repentant (se), suh-ruh-pang-tang, pres. part, of se repentir, repenting. Repentant, -e, ruh- pang tang, -te, adj. re- pentant. Repentir, ruh-pang-teer, ml. repentance. Repentir (se), suh-rvh-pang-teer, vref. 2 irr. to repent ; be sorry for ; remember with sorrow. Repercer, ruh-pair-sai, va. 1 r. to pierce again. Repercussif, -te, rai-pair-Jcu-seeff, -seev, adj. repellent; rebounding, driven back. Repercussion, rai-pair-lcu-syong, sf. re- bound. Reperccter, rai-pair-lu-tai, va. 1 r. to strike in ; beat, drive back ; repercuss. Referdre, ruh-pairdr, va. 4r. to lose again; lose one's gain, profit. Repere, ruh-payre, sm. sign ; mark. Repertoire, rai-pair-too-ar, sm. repertory; magazine; table; index; collection. Repeser, ruh puh-zai, va.l r. to weigh again. Repetailler, raipai-tah-yai, va. n. 1 r. to repeat over and over ; tire with repetitions. Repeter, rai-pai -tai, va. n. 1 r. to repeal ; tell again ; recite ; rehearse ; double ; be- gin again. Se repeter, suh-rai-pai-tai, vref. to say the same thing over and over again. Repetiteur, rai-pai -te-tur, sm. private tutor. Repetition, rai-pai-te-sybr.g, sf. repetition ; rehearsal ; recovery ; repeating. Repetrir, ruh-pai-treer, va. 2 r. to knead again. Repeuplement, ruh-pupl-mang, sm. re- , peopling. Repeupler, rvh-puh-plai, va. 1 r. to re- people. Repic, ruh -peel;, sm. repic or repeek, at piquet. t Repiler, ruh-pe-lai, va. 1 r. to pound again. Refit, rai-pe, sin. delay ; respite ; rest ; re- prieve. •330 Replacer, ruh-plah-sai, va. 1 r. to replace ; put in a new place. Replaider, ruh-play-dai, va. 1 r. to plead, go to law again. Replancheyer, ruh-plang-shay-yai, va. 1 r. to new-floor ; make a new floor. Replantek, ruh-plaug-tai, va. 1 r. to re- plant. Replatrage, rvh-plhh-trahje, sm. new plastering ; coarse patching ; awkward ex- cuse. Refi.atrer, ruh-pldh-trai, va. 1 jr. to new plaster ; make an awkward excuse. Reflet, -te, ruhplay, -te, adj. replete ; full ; very fat. Repletion, ruh-plaisyong, sf. over-fulness. Repleurer, ruh-pluh-rai, vn. 1 /'. to weep again ; shed fresh tears. Refleuvoir, iiih-pluh-voo-ar, mono}), v. 3 irr. (like pleuvoir), to rain again. Repli, ruh-ple, sm. fold ; crease ; wrinkle ; recess ; turning, winding. Replier, ruh-ple-yai, va. 1 r. to fold again ; plait ; turn in. Se reflier, euh-rvh-ple-yai, vref. to wrig- gle ; fall back ; take fresh measures. Replique, ruh-pleelc, sf. reply, answer. Kf.pliquer, rai-ple-kai, va.u. 1 r. to reply. Replisser, ruh-ple-sai, ra.\ r. to plait again. ReplONGER, ruh-plonghjai, vn. n. 1 r. to dip, dive, plunge, involve again, Refolir, rvh-po-leer, va.2r. to polish again. Kepondant, rai pong -dang, sm. respondent; bail ; surety ; bondsman. Repondre, rvhpongdr, va. n. 4 r. to lay eggs again. Repondre, rai-pongdr, va. n. 4 r. to answer, reply ; repeat ; fulfil ; be equal to ; suit ; agree ; correspond ; lead to ; communicate. Hepondr e pour quelqu'uti, to bail one. Repons, rai-pong, sm. response (at church). Reponse, rui-pongsse, sf. answer ; letter ; refutation ; reply. Reporter, ruh-por-tai, ro.l r. to carry back. Se reporter, suh-ruh-poi -tai, vref. to re- turn ; go back ; revisit in fancy ; recollect. Repos, ruh-poe, sin. repose ; rest ; sleep ; quiet ; pause. Rkfosee, ruh-po-zaie,sf. lair, couch of a wild beast. Reposer, rvh-po-zni, va. v. 1 r. to set down again ; rest ; lull ; assuage ; quiet ; sleep ; slumber ; be at rest ; subside. Ctla repose le teint, that gives a fresh complexion. Se reposer, suh-rvh-po-zai, vref. to rest ; sleep ; lie fallow ; settle ; rely upon. Reposoir, rvhpo-zoo-ar, sm. temporary al- tar ; resting-place ; vat. Reposseder, ruh-po-sai-dai, va. 1 r. to re- possess. Repoussant, -f.. ruh-pon-sang, -te. adj. dis- gusting ; hateful ; repulsive ; forbidding. Repoussement, ruh-poosse-mar-g, sm. recoil- ing ; repelling ; repulsing. Repousser, ruh-poo-sai, va. n. 1 r. to repel; repulse ; drive, beat back ; reject ; refute ; recoil ; grow, shoot again. Repoussoir, ruh -poo- soo-ar, sm. driver ; chisel ; drove ; puncheon. Reprehensible, rai - prai - ang - seebl ', adj. blamable. Reprehension, rai-prai-ang-syong, sf. re- proof. Reprendre, ruh -prangdr, va. 4 irr. ('ike EEP EES prendre), to retake ; resume ; blame ; re- prove ; reply ; seize again ; return ; mend, take up. Beprendre ea parole, to recall one's word or promise. Beprendre une route, to go the same way again. Reprendrb, ruh-prangdr, vn. to recover; take root, begin again. Se beprendre, siih-ruh-prangdr, vref. to close up again ; correct one's self. REPRESAILLES, ruh-prai-zdh-yuh, s/p. repri- sals. RbpRESENTAHT, ruh-prai-zang-tang, sm. rep- resentative ; proxy ; substitute. RePBESENTATIF,-VB, ru/t-praizangtahlceff, -leer, adj. representative. Representation, ruh-prai-zang-tdh-ayong, sf. representation; likeness; acting ; ob- jection ; respectful declaration; exhibition. Representee, ruhrprai-tsang-tai, va. ><. l r. to represent ; exhibit ; paint ; describe; re- monstrate ; act ; personate. Bepresenter Lien, to have a fine presence. Se refrese.xter, euh-ruh-prai-zang-tai, on •'. to appear again ; fancy ; call to one's mind. REFRESSIF, -ve, rai-pray-seeff, -seev, adj. re- pressive. Repression, rai-praisyong, sf. repressing. REPRETER, ruh-prty -lai, va. I r. to lend again. Reprimable, rai - pre - mabl , adj. restrain- able. REPRIMANDS, rai-pre-mangde, sf. reproof. REprimander, rai-pre- mattg-dai, va. 1 r. to chide ; reprove ; reprimand. REPRIHER, rai-pre-mai, vn. 1 r. to repress. Reprise, ruh-preese, sf. resumption, resum- ing ; retaking; darning; return ; burden of a song; renewing; reviving. Reprises, ruli-pree-zai, va. 1 r. to appraise again. Reprobation, rai-pro-bahsyong, sf. eternal destruction ; reprobation. REPROCHARLE, ruh-proshabl, adj. reprorch- able; culpable; censurable; exceptionable. ReproCHB, ruk-proeh, sm. reproach; censure; infamy ; disgrace ; exception. Reprocher, ruh-pro-shai, va. 1 r. to up- braid. Reprocher des temoins, to except against. Se reprocher, suh-ruh-pro-shai, vref. to repent. REPRODUCTION, ruh-pro-deuk-syong, sf. re- production. Reproduire, ruh-pro-dew-eer, va. Airr. (like produirt), to produce anew ; reproduce. Se ueproduire, mih-ruh-pro-deureer, vref. to show one's self, appear again ; be repro- duced. Repromettre, ruh-pm-mettr, va. ± irr. (like promettre), to promise again. Reprouve, -e, rai-proo-vai, -e, emf. and adj. reprobate; lost to grace, virtue; abandoned. Reprouver, rai-proo-vai, va. 1 r. to repro- bate ; reject ; disallow ; condemn. Reptile, rep-teeU, sm. reptile; creeping animal. Reptile, rep-teeU, adj. reptile ; creeping. REPUBLICAIN, -E, rui-pt a-'Ae-kaini;, -lectin, smf. and adj. republican. Re;'l - blio.ue, rai-peu-bieek, sf. common- wealth ; republic. Repudiation, rai-peu-de-yah-ayong, sf. di- vorce ; rejection ; repudiation. , Repudier, rai-pett-de-yai, va. 1 r. to divorce; put away ; repudiate. Repugnance, rai-peu-ing-yangese, sf. reluct- ance, unwillingness; repugnance; disgust. Rei'i o.n am, -e, rai-peu-ing-yang, -te, adj. reluctant ; contrary ; averse ; repugnant. RfiPUGNER, rai-peu-ing-yai, vn. 1 /•. to be re- pugnant, contrary, averse ; resist ; oppose. llKi'i'i.t.ui.i'.u, ruh-peull-heu-lai, vn. 1 r. to bud again; repullulate ; sprout forth anew, Refclsif, -ye, rai-peull-aeeff, -seev, adj. re- pulsive; driving off; beating back ; repel- ling. REPULSION, rai-pe.uJl-syong, sf. repulsion. RefurGER, ruh-peur-hjai, va. i r. to cleanse again ; defecate ; purify. Reputation^ rai-peu-tah-syong, sf. reputa- tion ; name ; credit ; fame. Repute, -e, rai -pen- tai, -e, adj. reputed; accounted ; Bupposed ; putative. REPUTER, rai-peu-tai, va. 1 r. to account ; hold' repute; reckon; think: look upon as. Requerable, ruh-kai-rabl, adj. requirable. Requerant, -E, ruh-kai-rang, -te, smf. peti- tioner ; plaintiff; suitor. Requerant, -e, ruh-kai-rang, -te, adj. re- quiring ; petitioning ; suing ; demanding. Reqiterir, r.uh-Jtai-reer, va. 2 irr. (likeitc- querir), to require ; ask; demand; request; need ; fetch again. Requete, ruh-keyte, sf. request ; petition. Etre de requite, to be in request. Requetbr, ruh-key-tai, va. 1 r. to hunt again. Requiem, ruh-ku-e-yemm, sm. Latin prayer for the dead, beginning with that word, im- ploring rest ; peace ; quiet. Requin, ruh-kaing, sm. shark, fish. Requinquee, ruh kaing-kaic, sf. gaudy old woman. Requinquer (se), Buh-ruh-kaing-Jcai, vref. 1 r. to dress gaudily ; trick one's self up. Requiper, rai-ke-pai, va. 1 r. to fit out anew. Requis, -B, rnh-ke.e, -ze, adj. suitable ; fit ; necessary ; requisite ; required. Req.uisitiu.s", rai-Jee-ze-syang, sf. requiring. REQU1SIT0IBE, rai-ke-ze-too-ar, sm. judiciary request ; petition, suit. Resacrer, ruh-sah-krai, va. 1 r. to recon- secrate ; consecrate anew. Resaluer, ruh-sah-leu-ui, va. lr. to resalute; return the salute. Resakcler, ruh -sar-klni,va.\r. to weed again. R;:sceller, ruh-say-lai, sa. lr. to sea! again. Resci-N"da>"t, ray -saing -dang, sm. petition to obtain a recission. ReSCINDer, ray -saing -dai, va. 1 r. to rescind; abrogate; cutoff; annul. IIescisiox, ray-te-zyemy, sf. rescission ; cut- ting off; abrogation. Rescisoire, rai-se-zoo-ar, adj. rescissory. RESCRIT, ress-kre, sm. rescript; edict; man- date. Reseau, -X, rai-zo, -e, sm. small net ; purse ; lie' work. Reseda, rai-zai-dah, sm. mignonette ; sweet b dm. Reseller, ruh-say-lai, va. 1 r. to saddle again. K bsemelleE, ruh-smay-lai, va.l put new soles. Resemer, ruh-suh-mai, va. 1 r. to sow again. Reservation, rai-sair-vah-syong, sf. reser- vation. 331 RES RES Reserve, rai-zairve, sf. reserve; discretion; caution; circumspection; modesty. Temps de reserve, spare time. A la reserve, ah-lah-rai-zairve, ad. exp. except ; but ; with the exception of. En reserve, ang -rai-zairve,ad.exp. in store. Mettre en reserve, to lay up. Sans reserve, sang - rai - zairve, ad. exp. without exception. Reserve, -e, raizair-vai, -e, adj. reserved ; prudent; circumspect; discreet; cautious. Reserve!!, rai-zair-vai, va. 1 r. to reserve ; save ; keep in store ; lay up or by. Se RESEnvr.ii, ruh-rai-zair-rai, vref. to re- serve, spare one's self; be cautious, upon one's guard. Reservoir, rai-znir-voo-ar, sm. fishpond ; reservoir ; warehouse ; magazine. Rksidant, -e, rui-ze-dang, -te, adj. resident, dwelling. Residence, rai-ze-dangsse, sf. residence ; dwelling; place of abode; residue. Resident, rai-ze-dang, sm. resident; agent. Resider, rai-ze-dai, vn. 1 r. to reside ; live ; stay. Residu, rai-ze-deu, sm. residue. Resignant, rai-zeeng-yang, sm. resigner. Resignataire, rai-zeeng-yah-layi e, sm. re- si gnee. Resignation, rai-zeeng-yah-syong, sf. resig- nation ; submission ; resignment. Resigner, rai-zeeng-yai, va. 1 /•. to resign; yield, give up ; submit to Providence. Se resigner, suh-rai-zeeng-yai, sub- mit ; resign one's self to Providence. Resiliation, rai-zete-yah-syong, sf. annul- ling ; cassation, making void. Resiliee, rai-ze-lyai, va. 1 r. to annul ; can- cel. Resine, rai-zeen, sf. rosin, resin. Resin Etrx, -se, rai-ze-nuTie, -ze, adj. resinous. Resipiscence, rai-ze-pe-sangsse, sf. acknowl- edgment, reparation of a fault; repentance. Resistance, rui-zeess-tangsse, sf. opposition. Resister a, rai-zeess-tai-ah, vn. 1 r. to op- pose ; resist. Resolu, -e, rai-zo-leu, -e, adj. and p. part, of resoudre, settled ; iixed ; bold; resolute; determined ; stout. Resoluble, rai-zo-leubl, adj. resolvable; may be resolved. Resolument, rai-zo-leue-mang, ad. resolute- ly, with courage ; boldly. Resolus, rai -zo- leu, pret. def. of resoudre, resolved. Resolutif, rai-zoleu-teeff, sm. resolvent. Resolutif, -te, rui-zo ■ leu-tee ff, -teec, adj. resolutive. Resolution, rai-sso-len-syong, sf. determina- tion ; firmness ; boldness ; courage; resolu- tion ; rescission. Resolvant, 7-ai-zol-vang, pres. part, of re- soudre, resolving. Resolvant, -e, rai-zol-vang, -te, sm. and adj. resolvent. Resonnant, -e, rai-zonang, -te, adj. sono- rous ; resounding ; sounding ; resonant. EESOSSEME:;T,cai-joii«-wa/i.'/,siii. resonance. Resonner, ruh-so-nai, va. n. 1 r. to ring again. Resonner, rai-zo-nai, vn. 1 r. to resound ; echo. Resoudre, rai-zoodr, va. 4 irr. to resolve ; determine ; solve ; decide ; dissolve ; can- 332 eel ; annul. Je ne saurais iiiy resoudre, I cannot find in my heart to do it. Resoudre, rai-zoodr, vn. to resolve; determ- ine ; melt. Se 1 resoudre, suh- rai-zoodr, vref. to resolve; determine ; melt ; be dissolved. Resous, rai -zoo, pres. ind. of rSsaudre, re- solve. Resous, rai -zoo, p. part, of resoudre, re- solved. Respect, ress-peck, sm. respect ; regard. Au respect DE, o-ress-peck-duh , ad. exp. in respect to ; in comparison of. Respectable, ress-pecjfctabl, adj. respectable. Kespectablement, resspeck-tabl-mang, ad. in a respectable manner. » Respecter, ress-pecb-tai, va. 1 r. to respect. Se respecter, suh-ress-prrk-fai, vref. to act With propriety; have regard to one's age or station. Respectif, -ve, ress-peck-teeff, -teev, adj. res- pective. Respectivement, ress-peck-teev-mang, adj. respectively. Respectueusement, ress -peck - tcu - idize- mang, ad. respectfully. Respectueux, -se, resspeckteu-uJie, -ze, adj. respectful. Respirable, ress-pe-rabl, adj. that may be breathed. Respiration, ress-pe-rahsyong, sf. breath- ing. Respirer, ress-pe-rai, va. n. 1 r. to breathe; mark ; express ; live ; respire ; take rest. Resplendir. i ess -plan g - deer, in. 2 r. to shine; glitter; be resplendent; sparkle with lustre. Resplendissant, -e, ress-plang-desang, -te, adj. shining, glittering; brilliant; resplen- dent. RESPLENDISSEMENT, r ess-plan g-deess-mang, sin. resplendence ; lustre ; splendor ; radi- ancy. Responsabilite, ress-pong-suli-be-le-tai, sf. responsibility. Respons able, ress-pong-snld. adj. responsible. RESPONSIF, -VE, rcss-pong-stejf, -Mec, adj. responsive. Ressac, ruh-sack, sm. breaking of the waves. Ressaut, rvh-soe, sm. jutting out; projective. Ressauter, rvhsoe-tai, vn. 1 r. to leap again. Ressemblance, ruh-sang-blangsse, sf. like- ness. Ressemblant, -e, ruli-sangblang, -te, adj. resembling. Ressembler a, ruhsang-blai-ah, vn. 1 r. to resemble. Resse.meler, ruh-scmm-lui, va. 1 r. to put new soles. Ressentiment, ruh-sang-te-mang, sm. slight return of a disease, pain ; resentment. Ressentir, ruh-sang-lter, va. 2 irr. (like sen- tir), to feel. Se ressentir de, suh - ruh ■ sang -teer-duh, vref. to feel ; be affected by; share; resent. Resserre, -e, ruh-say-rai, -e, adj. close ; costive ;. bound. Resserrp::\!hn"t, ruhrsayr-mang, sm. oppres- sion ; dejection ; obstruction ; stricture ; stoppage. Resserrer, ruh-say-rai, va. 1 r. to tie, bind fast ; put, lay up again ; contract ; bind. Ressort, rnh-sor, sm. spring; active power; • means; machine; competence; jurisdiction. EE3 EET Ressortir, ruh-sor-lcer, on. 2 irr. to go out again. ReSSOKTIR, ruh-sor-ieer, vn. 2 r. to be un- der the jurisdiction of; resort t,o. Ressortissant, -e, ray-aor-ttrxang, -te, adj. lying under the jurisdiction of; resorting to. Ressouder, ndi-soo-dai, va. 1 ?•. to Bolder again. Ressourok, rvJisoortae, sf. resource; means. Ressouvenir, ruh-sooo-neer, sm. remem- brance; memory; slight return of a disease, pain, &o. ReSSOOVENIR DE (se), suJi-ruJi-soo-ruh inn diih, ore/. '2i>r. (like sesouveiiir), to remem- ber ; consider ; reflect. FAIRE RESSOOVKHIR, fayre-rith-snnv-necr, r. 4 irr. to put one in mind ; remind. Ressuace, ruhseu-ahje, sm. liquation; melt- ing, separating of silver from copper. Ressuer, ruh-scu-ai, en. to separate silver from cop]>er ; sweat again. Resstti, rai-seu-e, sm. lair of a wild beast. Ressusciter, ray-seu-se-tai, va. n. 1 r. to re- suscitate ; revive ; recover ; renew ; bring or come to life again. RESSDTER, ray-seu-e-yai, va. 1 r. to wipe again ; dry. Restant, ress-tang, sm. remainder ; residue. Restaurant, -e, ress-to-rany, -te, sm. and adj. restorative. Restaurateur, ressto-raJi-tur, sm. restorer; genteel eating-house keeper. Restaur ation, ress-to-rah-syong, sf. restora- tion ; recovery. Restaurer, ress-to-rai, va. 1 r. to restore; recover ; repair ; comfort. Reste, rest, sin. remainder ; rest ; what re- mains : plur. remains ; relics. Eire en reste, to be in arrears. II y va de nofre reste, all we have is at stake. J'en ai de reste, I have more than enough. Au reste or Du reste, o-rest or deu-rest, ad. exp. as for the rest ; besides. De reste, dun -rest, ad. exp. more than enough. Restbr, ress-tm, on. 1 r. to remain ; stay ; stop. II me reste a vous dire, I have still to tell you. ReSter SDR LA place, ress - (ai - seur -lali- plass, ili. exp. v. to be killed on the spot or dangerously wounded. Restituable, ress-te-teu-abl, adj. restorable. Restituer, ress-te-te.u-ai, va. 1 r. to give back ; restore ; replace ; reinstate. Restituteur, ress-te-teu-tur, sm. restorer of passages in books. Restitution, ress-teteu-synng, sf. restitution. Restreindre, ress-traingdr, ra. 4 irr. (like astreindre), to bind ; restrain ; limit ; re- strict ; confine ; keep in. Se restreindre, suh-ress-traingdr, vref. to confine, limit one's self to. Restueinte, resa-traingle, sf. restraint; bind- ing. RESTRICT!?, -te, ress-trrek-teeff, -teeo, adj. re- strictive; astringent; confining; limiting. Restriction, ress-treeh-syong, sf. limitation. Restringent, -e, ress-traing-hjang, -te. sm, and adj. restringent ; astringent ; binding. Resultant, -e, rai-zeul-teng, -te, adj. result- ing. Result AT, rai-zetd-tah, sm. result, conse- quence ; effect. Resulter, rai-zeul-Uii, on. 1 r. to result. Resume, rai-zeu-niai, sm. summary. Eesumer, rai-zeu-mai, va. 1 ;■. to abridge; sum up ; recapitulate. Resurrection, rai-zeu-reck-syong, sf. resur- rection ; revival ; surprising recovery. Retable, rai-tabl, em. altar table or back. Retablir, rai-tah-bleer, va. 2 ;-. to re-estab- lish ; repair ; relit ; restore ; reinstate. Retablissement, rai-tah-bh ess-mang, sm. re- establishment ; repairing ; restoration; re- covery. Retaille, ruh-tah-yuh, sf. fresh cut; shreds; parings. Retailler, ruh-tah-yai, va. l'r. tonewshape, cut out again or afresh. Retaper, ruh-tuh-pai, va. 1 r. to cock a hat; frizzle the hair. Retard, ruh-tar, sm. delay ; stop ; hinder- ance. Retardation, ruh-tar-dah-syong, sf. delay- ing; obstruction; retardation. Retardement, ruh-tardd-mang, sm. hinder- ance. Retarder, ridi-tar-dai, va. n. 1 r. to retard; hinder; obstruct; delay; put off; Stay back ; go too slow ; come later. Retater, ruh-tah-tai, va. n. 1 r. to feel, sound, try, taste, revise again. Retaxer, ruh-tack-sai, va. I r. to tax anew. Reteindre, ridi-taingdr, va.Hrr. (like tein- drc), to dye again. Reteindre, rai-taingdr, va. 4 irr. to extin- guish, put out the lire or light again. Retendre, ruh-tanydr, ra. 4 r. to stretch, again. Retenir, ruh-luh-nter, va. n. 2 irr. (like tenir), to retain ; keep ; hinder, stop, de- tain ; moderate ; reserve ; restrain ; re- member. Se retenir, suh-ruh-tuli-neer, vref. to con- tain, moderate one's self; refrain from. Retenter, ruh-tang-tai, va. 1 r. to try again. Retentif, -ve, ruh-tany-teeff, -teec, adj. re- tentive. Retention, rvh-tang-syong, sf. retention. Retentir, ruh-tang-teer, vn. i r. to resound. Reten'TISSANT, -E, ruh-tauyle-sany, -te, adj. resounding. Retentissement, ruh-tang-teess-mang , sm. resounding; peal; loud sound ; re-echoing. Retentum, rai-taing-tomm, sm. secret clause. Ketenu, -e, rett-neu, adj. discreet ; circum- spect ; modest ; reserved ; moderate. Retenue, rett-neue, sf. moderation; modesty; discretion ; self-command. Reticence, rai-te-sangsse, sf. voluntary omis- sion ; reticence ; concealment. Reticulaire, rai-leku -lay re, adj. reticular; like a net. Reticule, rai-te-ltule, sm. small net ; reticle; reticule, lady's work-bag. Retif, -ve, rai-teeff, -teev, adj. restiff. un- traceable. Retiforme, rai-teformm, adj. having the form of a net ; retiform ; reticular., rai-teen, sf. retina, optic nerve. Retire, -e, ruh-te-rai, -c, adj. retired ; soli- tary. RETIREMENT, ruh-leer-mang, sm. contraction. Retirer. ruh-te-rai, ra. u. 1 r. to draw back or again; take away; receive; gather; harbor ; recall ; withdraw ; redeem ; ex- tract. Retires vous d' id, get you gone hence. EET REV Se RETIRER, svh-ruh-te-rai,vref to withdraw from ; leave ; retire ; quit ; shrink ; con- tract. Retoiser, ruh-too-ah-zai, va. 1 r. to measure again (with a measure of six feet). Retombee, ruk-long-baie. ef, beginning of an arch. Rr.TOMBER, ruh tong-bai, vn. 1 r. to fall again; relapse ; reflect. Retondre, ruh - long dr, va. 4 r. to shear again, Retor DEMENT, ridi-tordd-mang, sm. twist- ing. Retordeur, ruh-lor-diir, sm. twister. RetoRDOIR, rvh-tor-doq-ar, sm. twisting ma- chine. Retordue, ruh-tordr, va. 4 r. to twist again. Retorqo iR, rai-tor-kai, va. 1 r. to retort. Retors, -e, nth-tor, -torsse, adj. twisted; crafty. Retorsion, ruh-tor-xyong, sf. retorting. Retorte, nth-tortt, sf. retort. Retouche, ruh-tuoshe, sf. retouching ; new touch. Retoucher, ruh-too-shai, vn. lr. to retouch. Retodr, ruh-toor, sm. return; coming; re- verse ; decline : gratitude : compensation ; cunning. Retour de courant, eddy of a stream. Retourne, ruh-toornn, sf. turned-up card. Retourner, ruh-toor-nai, va. n. 1 r. to re- turn ; turn, go back: plough; turn up. Y retourner, to commit some fault. Retuacer, rvh-trah-sai, va. 1 r. to retrace ; call again to mind ; trace back ; recollect. Retractation, rui ■■ trade - tnh ■ syong, sf. change of opinion ; recantation ; recalling. Retracter, rai-track-tai, va. 1 r. to retract. Se retracter, suh-rai-trach-tai, vref. to re- tract ; uusay ; recall ; recant what one has said. Retraction, raitrack-syong, sf. contraction. Retraire, ruhtrayre,va. 4 irr. (like Iraire), to redeem. Retrait, nth-tray, sm. privy; redeeming. Retraite, ruh-trett, sf. retreat; retirement; solitude: pension: beating of a drum. Don- ner retraite, to shelter. Retraiter, ruh -tray -tai, va. 1 r. to treat afresh. Retranchement, ruh -trangshe -mang, sm. retrenchment ; lopping away ; intrench- ment. Retuanciier, ruh-trang-shai, ra. 1 r. to cut off; lop; pare away ; retrench; suppress; intrench. Se Ret;;anciier, suh-ruh-trang -shai, vref. to retrench ; diminish one's expense ; fortify one's self. Retkavailler, ruh-trah-vah-yni, va. n. 1 r. to work asrain ; set about again. Retrata.nt, -e, ruh-tray-yang. -te, smf. and adj. one who redeems an estate ; redeem- ing. Retheci, -e, rai-trai-se. -e, adj. straitened; limited; narrow; confined. Retrecir, rai -twister, va. 2 r. to straiten ; contract ; confine ; cramp ; narrow. Se retrecir, suh-rai-trai-Si < r, vref. to shrink up ; contract ; j^row narrow. RETRECISSEMENT, rui - trai-seess - mang, sm. contraction ; shrinking. Retreindre, rai-traingdr, ra. 4 irr. (like restreindre), to hammer out, raise metal. 334 Retreinte, rai-traingte, sf. raising of metal. Retremper, ruh-trang-pai, ra. 1 ;•. to tem- per again, metals ; soak again. Retresser, ruh-lraysui, va. 1 r. to weave again. Retribuer, rai-tre-beu-ai, to retribute ; pay back ; recompense ; requite ; make repay- ment of. Retribution, rai-ireben-syong, sf retribu- tion ; repayment ; requital ; reward ; fee. Retriller, raitre-yai, va. 1 r.tocurrv again. Retroactif, -ve, raitro-arkteeff, -ttec, adj. acting upon the past ; retroactive. Retroceder, rai-tro-sai-dai. vn. 1 r. to re- turn, give back what had been given up. Retrocession, rai-tro-say -syong, sf. restora- tion of what had been made over. Retrogradation, rai-tro grah-dah-syong,sf. going backward ; retrogradation. Retrograde, rai-tro-grddd, adj. retrograde; going backwards : contrary. Rktrograder, rai-tro-grah-dai, vn. 1 r. to go backwards. Retrousse, -e, ruh-troo-sai, -e, adj. tucked, cocked up. Retrousskment, ruh-troosse-mang, sm. turn- ing, cocking, tucking up. Retrousser, ruh-troo sai, va. 1 r. to tuck, turn, cock up. Retroussis, rith-troo-see, sm. cock of a hat. Retrouver, ruh -troo -vai, va. 1 r. to find again. Rets, rat, sm. fish or bird net ; snare ; se- duction. Retudier, rai-teu-dyai, va. n. 1 r. to study again. Reunion, rai-eu-nyong, sf. reunion ; recon- ciliation ; assembly ; collection. Reunir, rai-eu-neer, va. 2 r. to reunite; join; collect ; bring together ; reconcile. Se reunir, suh-rai-eu-neer, vref to join to- gether ; cohere again ; coalesce ; concur ; confederate. Reussir, rai-eu-seer, vn. 2 r. to succeed. Reussite, rai-eu-seett, sf. success ; issue. Revaloir, ruh-vah-loo-ar, va. 3 irr. (like valoir), to be even with ; requite ; repay ; retaliate. Revanche, ruh-vangshe, sf. revenge. Eh REVANCHE, ang-ridi-vangshe, ad. exp. to make amends ; in return ; in retaliation. Revancher, ruh-vang-.i:-ciiAussEE,ra£e-cZs7io-sa?'e, sm. ground- floor. Ruabillage, rah-be-yahje, sm. mending. 335 EOS RUO Rompu, -e, ronif-peu, -e, adj. broken ; shat- tered ; wracked ; excessively tired ; used to. Ronce, rongsse, sf. brier ; bramble : plur. dif- ficulties ; obstacles ; unpleasant things. Ronceraie, rongsse-raie, sf. briery ground ; hedge. Rond, rong, sm. circle ; round ; revolution. Rond, -E, rong, -de, adj. round; circular; spherical ; plump ; plain ; candid ; open ; even. Rondache, rong-dash, sf. round shield or buckler. Ronde, rongde, sf. round hand ; semibreve ; drinking, round ; patrol. A la ronde, ah-lah-rongde, ad. exp. round about, biz milles a la ronde, ten miles round. Rondeau, -x, rong-do, -e, sm. rondeau (short poem); peel, of a baker ; bottom, of a sieve. Rondf.let, -te, rang-dlay, -It, adj. rather too fat ; common ; coarse. Rondelle, rong-dell, sf. small round shield ; target. Rondkment, rongde - many ', ad. roundly; frankly. Rondeur, rong-dur, sf. roundness; rotundity. Rondin, rong-daing, sm. round log of wood ; cudgel. Rondiner, rong-de-nai, va. 1 r. to cudgel. Ronflant, -e, rong -Jiang, -te, adj. high- sounding. Ronflement, rongfl-mang, sm. snoring; roar- ing. Ronfler, rong-flai, vn. 1 r. to snore ; roar ; snort ; rumble. Ronfleur, -se, rong-flur, -fluhze, smf. snorer. Rongement, ronhje-mang, am. gnawing ; eat- ing away. Ronger, rong-hjai, va. 1 r. to gnaw ; eat away ; undermine ; waste away ; consume. Rongeur (vers), vair-ro)ig-hjur, sm. remorse of conscience ; never-dying worm. Roquer, ro-kai, vn. 1 r. to castle (at chess). Roquet, ro-kay, sm. short cloak ; very small dog ; little despicable man. Roquette, ro-kett, sf. rocket, plant. Roquille, roke-yuh, sf gill (measure) : plur. orange-peel comfits. Rosaire, ro-zayre, sm. rosary; string of beads. Rosat, ro-zah, adj. of roses ; made of roses. Rosbif, rotss-be.eff, sm. roast beef. Rose, roze, sf. rose; young, handsome, and blooming girl : plur. fine complexion. Rose, roze, sm. and adj. rose-color ; rosy. Rose, -e, ro-zai, -e, adj. rosed , crimsoned ; roseate. Roseau, -x, ro-zo, -c, adj. reed. Rosee, ro-zaie, sf. dew. Roseraie, roze-raie, sf. bed of rose-trees. Rosette, ro-zftt, sf. small rose ; red ink ; molten copper ; ornament in the form of a rose. Rosier, ro-zyai, sm. rose-tree. Rosiere, ro-zyayre, sf. beautiful country girl crowned with a wreath of roses to reward her virtue. Rosse, ross, sf. sorry horse ; jade. Rosser, ro-sai, va. 1 r. to thrash ; bang ; maul ; beat. RossifiNOL, ro-seeng-yol, sm. nightingale. Rossignol d'Arcadie, ro-setmg-yol-dar- kiiah-dff, sm. ass. 335 Rossignoler, ro-seeng-yo-lai, vn. 1 r. to sing, warble like a nightingale. RossiNANTE,?-o-.<;e-«a;?^(e,.'./.sorry horse; jade. Rossons, roso-lee, sm. pleasant liquor made of brandy, sugar, cinnamon, &c. Rostrale, ross-tr'al, adj.f. rostrated ; adorn- ed with beaks or prows of ships. Rostre, roslr, sm. beak ; pulpit ; rostrum ; bar. Rot, ro, sm. eructation ; belching. Rot, roe, roast-meat. Rotation, ro-tah-syong, sf. rotation, revolu- tion. Rote, rot, sf. jurisdiction of twelve doctors at Rome, rota ; round guitar. Roter, ro-tai, ra. ;i. 1 r. to tie with pack- thread ; eruct ; break wind from the stom- ach. Roti, roe-te, sm. roast meat. Roti, -e, roe-te, -e, adj. roasted ; toasted ; broiled ; dried up. Rotie, roe-tee, sf. toast. Rotir, roe-teer, va. n. 2 r. to roast ; toast; broil ; dry up ; parch ; burn. Rotisserie, roe-teess-ree, sf. cook-shop. Rotisseur, -se, rou-te-sur, -suhze, smf. roast- meat ; shopkeeper. Rotissoire, roe-te- soo-ar, sf. roasting or Dutch oven. Rotonde, ro-longde, sf. rotunda ; pantheon. Rotondite, r o-tong -de-tax , sf. roundness ; plumpness ; fatness ; rotundity. Rotule, ro-teull, sf. knee-pan. Roture, ro-teur, sf. yeomanry; feudal estate; middle order ; rank between the nobility and common people. Rotuuier, -e, ru-tcu-ryai, -re, smf. and adj. gentleman ; commoner ; yeoman; ge. .tie- woman. Roturierement, ro-teu-ryayre-mang, ad. in a feudal manner ; like a commoner. Rouage, roo-ahje, sm. wheel-work ; wheels. Rouan, roo-ang, adj. m. roan. Rouanne, roo-an, sf. marking compasses, for casks. Rouanner, roo-a7t-nai, va.l r. to mark casks. Rouble, roobl, sm. ruble, Russian coin. Rouoiie, roosh, sf. hull of a ship in the dock. Roucoule.ment, roo-lcooil-mang, sm. cooing. Roucouler, roo-koo-lai, vn. 1 r. to coo ; trill, quaver. Roue, root, sf. wheel. Pousser a la roue, to promote. Roue, roo-ai, sm. rake ; profligate man ; lib- ertine. Rouelle, roo-ell, sf. round slice; fillet of veal. Rouer, roo-ai, va. 1 r. to break upon the wheel , maul. Rouet, roo-ay, sm. spinning-wheel. Rouette, roo-ett, sf. long osier-twig ; wicker. Rouge, roohje, sm. red ; blush ; rouge ; red- ness ; ruddock. Rouge, roohje, adj. red. Rougeatre, roo-hjahtf, adj. reddish ; some- what red. Rougeaud, -E, roo-hjoe, -de, adj. red -faced ; of a ruddy complexion. Rouge-gorge, ruohje-gorhje, sm. robin, red- breast. Rougeole, rao-hjol, sf. measles, disease. Rouge queue, roohje-kuhe, sm. red-tail. ROUGET, roo-hjag, sm. roach ; rocket. Rougeur, roo-hjwr, sf. redness; red; blush: plur. freckles ; red pimples. KOU IiUG RouGiR, roo-hjee, va. n. 2 r. to make, grew red; redden; blush; color; be ashamed. Rocgissure, roo-hje-seur, sf. red ; copper- color. Roui, roo-e,s7ii. strong rancid taste ; soaking. ROUI, -E, roo-e, -e, adj. soaked; steeped; macerated (speaking of flax oi hemp). Rouili.e, rooe-yuh,sf. rust; ignorance; rude- ness ; blast ; mildew. Rouili.e, -e, rooe-yai, -e, adj. rusty ; out of practice. RO0IU.BR, roo-yai, to rust ; disqualify. Se rouiller, suh-roo-yai, vttf. to grow rusty, out of practice ; lose one's activity. Rodillore, roo-yeur, sf. rustiness. RouiR, roo-ter, va. 2 r. to soak; macerate; steep. Roulade, roo-lad, sf. colling ; trill, quaver. Roclage, roo-lahje, em. rolling; wrapping round ; carriage ; wagon-office. Roulant, -k, roo-weng, -te, adj. rolling ; easy; convenient, running; voluble. Rouleau, -x, roo-lo, -e, sm. roll ; roller ; roll- ing-pin. Roulement, rool-mang, sm. rolling ; trilling. Rouxer, ruo-lai, in. n. 1 r. to roll ; revolve ; turn ; pass ; circulate ; reel ; rove ; shuffle; go on. Holder sa vie, to rub through the world. Roc let, roo-lay, sm. roller. Roulette, roo-lett, sf. small wheel ; caster ; go-cart ; truckle-bed ; invalid's or child's carriage. Rouleur, roo-lur, sm. brickmaker's man ; weevil. ROULIEK, roo-lyai, sm. carrier; -wagoner. Roulis, roo-lee, sm. heeling, rolling of a ship. R0UL0iR,roo-?oo-ar, sm. rolling-board; roller. Roulon, roo-long, sm. rundle ; round ; balus- ter. Roupie, roo-pee, sf. running of the nose ; snivel ; snot. Roupie, roo-pee, sf. rupee, East Indian coin worth about 2 shillings and 3 pence English. Roupiller, roo-pe-yai, vn, 1 r. to doze ; slum- ber ; be half asleep. Roupilleur, -SE, roo-pe-yur, -yulize, smf. sluggard ; drone; one who dozes continu- ally." RooSSATRE, roo-sahtr, adj. reddish ; some- what red. ROUSSEAU, -x, roo-so, -e, sm. carroty man or boy ; red-tail ; crab. Rousselet, rooss-lay, sm. russeting, pear. Roussette, roo-sett, sf. wood-lark ; sea-dog. Rousseur, roo-sur, sf. redness: phir. freckles. Roussi, roo-se, sm. burnt smell; Russia- leather. Roussik, roo-saing, sm. stone-horse. RoussiR, roo-seer, va. n. 2 r. to make, grow red ; scorch ; to make, get, be brown. Route, root, sf. road ; way ; means. A vau de ROUTE, ah-voed-rout, ad. cxp. in disorder. Routier, roo-iyai, sm. shrewd, crafty fellow; guide ; pilot ; book of roads. Routine, roo-teenn, sf. practice; custom; habit. Routine, -e, roo-te-nai, -e, adj. accustomed ; used to. Routiner, roo-te-nai, va. 1 r. to rote ; repeat by rote ; accustom, use to. RO0TINiEB,roo"er, say-ing-y'ai, va. n. 1 r. to bleed ; drain. Saigneur, say-ing-iptr, sm. blood-letter. Saigxeux, -se, say-ing-yuhn, -zc. adj. bloody. Saillant, -e, sah-yang, -In. adj. jutting out ; brisk, lively; striking; sublime. Saillie. sah-y", sf. jntting out ; sally; heat; passion ; flight ; flash of wit., sah - yeer, va. n. 2 irr. to jut out ; project., sali-yw, vn. 2 r. to gush, spout out ; leap, jump. Sain, -e, sain;/, -senn-, adj. sound; wholesome. Rain r>;:i'x, saing-dooe, sun. hog'B lard. Sainement, senn-martff, ad. soundly, health- ily ; judiciously, rationally. Sainfoin, eaing-foo-aing, mi. sainfoin, herb. Saint, -e, saiiig, -te, smf. and adj. saint ; holy, sacred. Sainte barbe, saingte -barbb, sf. powder- room. Sainte.ment, saingte-ma7ig,ad.holilj, piously. Saintete, mingte-tai, sf. sanctity, holiness. SaIqtje, sah-eek, sf. saik, Turkish merchant- man. Sais, say, pres. ind. of savoir, know. Saisi, sai-ge, sm. one distrained for debt ; debtor. SAISIE, sad-zee, sf. distraint, seizure, distress. Saisihe, sai-zeen, sf. seizin in fact; possession. Saisir, sai-zeer, va. 2/-. to Beize; lay hold on; arrest; distrain; attack; comprehend; feel: astonish ; profit by. Se saisir de, suh-sui-zeer-duh, rrrf. to appre- hend ; arrest ; lay hold of; seize upon. Saisissant, -e, sai-se-eang, -te, sm. and adj. distrainer ; nipping ; pinching ; striking. Saisissement, sai - zeess - many, sm. violent shock; sudden oppression; seizure; qualms. Saison, sai-zong, sf. season ; lit time. HORS de SAISON, or-duh-sai-zong, ad. exp. unseasonably. Salade, sqh-lad, sf. salad ; helmet. Saladier, sah-lah-dyai, sm. salad dish. Salage, sah-lahje, sm. salting; saltness. Sai.aire, sah-layre, sm. salary ; wages ; re- ward. Salaisox, sahhti-zanrj. sf. salting; salt pro- visions : salting season, Salamalec, sah-lah-mahrleck, sm. profound bow. Salamandre, sah-lah-mangdr, sf. salaman- der. SALANT (MARA18 or PCITS), mah-rry or peu- ee-sah-lang, sm. salt marsh or pit. Salaries?, sahdah-ryai, va. 1 r. to give a sal- ary ; reward. Salatjd, -e, sah-Joe, -de, smf. andadj. sloven; slut ; dirty. Sale, sal, adj. dirty ; filthy ; nasty ; foul ; indecent. Sale, sah-lui, sm. salt-pork ; salt-meat. Sale, -e, sah-lai, -c, adj. salt ; salted ; corn- ed ; pickled. Saleme.nt, sal-many, ad. dirtily; filthily; grossly. Saler, saJt-lai, va. 1 r. to salt ; corn ; over- charge; ask too much; pinch; prick; strike. Saleron, sal-rong, sm. inside of the salt-cel- lar. Salete. sal-tai, sf. dirt ; filth ; mistiness ; srnnttiness. Saleur, sah-lur, sm. salter ; fish-curer. Salicoqtje, sahdf i)cJc, sf. prawn. Saliere, sah-lyayre, sf. salt-cellar ; hollow. Saligaud, -e, sah-le-yue, -de, smf. and adj. sloven ; slut ; sluttish ; slovenly. Saligxox, sahdeengyoiirj, sm. salt-loaf. Sali.v, sak-laing, sm. potash ; salt-tub. Salin, -e, sah-laing, -leen, adj. saline; briny; salt, Saline, sah-leen, sf. salt meat or fish ; salt- pit. Saliqce (loi), lon-ah-sahlrcl;, if. Salic law, exclusion of a female from the French throne. Salir, sah-lrer, va. 2 r. to dirty ; soil ; tarn- ish ; taint ; stain ; corrupt ; sully ; defile. Se, suli - nah - leer, v <■>■/. to dirty one's self; get dirty ; fade ; vilify, disgrace one's self. Salisson, sahde-sonq.sf. little dirty slut., sah-le-seur, sf. dirt ; soil ; spot ; filth ; stain. Salivaire, sah-le-vayre, adj. salivary ; sali- vous. Salivation, sahde-vahsyonq, sf. salivation. 341 SAN SAP Salive, sah-leev, sf. saliva ; spittle. Saliver, sah-le-vai, va. 1 r. to spit much. Salle, sal, sf. parlor ; hall ; room ; bower ; ward. Salmi, sal-me, sm. hash of cold game. Salmigondis, sal -me -gong -de, sm. hotch- potch ; olio ; salmagundi ; mixture of fish and flesh. Saloir, sahdoo-ar, sm. salting-tub. Salon, sah-long, sm. dining-room; great hall. Salope, sah - lop, sf. and adj. slut ; dirty ; slovenly. Salopement, sahdop-mang, ad. sluttishly ; dirtily. Saloperie, T.ih-lop-ree, sf. sluttishness. Salorge, sah-lorhje. sm. heap, pile of salt. Salpetre, sal-peytr, sm. saltpetre ; nitre ; fiery person or animal. Salpetrier, sal-pai-tre-yai, sm. saltpetre- maker. Salpetriere, sal-pai-tre-yayre, sf. saltpetre- manufactory ; sort of prison in Paris. Salsepareille. salsse-pah-ray-yuh, sf. sar- saparilla, medicinal root. Salsifis, sal-se-fe, sm. goat-beard, esculent root. Salsugineux, -se, sal-seu-hje-nnhe, -ze, adj. saltish; salsuginous ; somewhat salt. Saltimbanque, sal-taingd/angke, sm. quack; mountebank ; vile speaker, orator. Saluade, sah leu-ad, sf. bow ; courtesy. S alto re, sah-leubr, adj. wholesome; health- ful ; salutary ; salubrious. Salubrite, sah-leu-bre-tai, sf. healthfulness ; wholesomeness ; salubrity. Saluer, sah-leu-ai, va. n. 1 r. to salute; hail; greet ; bow to ; proclaim ; kiss. Salure, saJi-lew, sf. saltness ; brine. Salut, sah-leu, dm. bow ; salute ; safety ; re- covery ; salvation; evening-prayers. Salutaire, sah ■ leu - tayre, adj. salutary ; wholesome ; useful ; advantageous. Salutairement, sah-leu-tayre-mang, ad. use- fully ; advantageously ; profitably. Salutation, sah-leu-tah-syong, sf. saluting ; greeting ; bow ; courtesy. Salvage, sal-vahje, sm. salvage-money. Salvations, sal-vah-sybnghe, sfp. reply; pleading; bill in answer to an action in law. Salve, sale, sf. volley, discharge of cannons, etc. Sambleu ! (par la) par-lah-sang •-bluh, int. zounds ! Saiiedi, sani-di, sm. Saturday. Sakequin, smn-kaing, sm. Turkish merchant- man. San benito, sang-bai-ne-to, sm. yellow vest- ment of the Inquisition's victims at the ex- ecution. Sancir, sang-seer, vn. 1 r. to run low ; ebb. Sanctifiant, -e, sangke-te-fyang, -te, adj. sanctifying. Sanctificateur, sangke-te-fe-khah-fur t sjh. and adj. sanctifier ; sanctifying. Sanctification, sangJee-te-fe-khah-syong, sf. sanctification ; celebration ; keeping holy. Sanctifif.r, sangke-te-fyai, va. 1 r. to sanct- ify ; hallow; consecrate; keep, make holy. Sanction, sangke-syong, sf. sanction; appro- bation ; confirmation ; power ; force. Sanctionner, sangJce-si/o-nai, va. lr. to con- linn ; ratify ; approve ; give sanction to. SanCTCaire, sangke-teu-ayre, sm. sanctuary; church; holy, venerable place. 342 Sandal, sang-dal, sm. sandal-wood. Sandale, sang-dal, sf. slipper; sandal; loose shoe. Sandalier, sang-dah-lyai, sm. sandal-maker. Sandaraque, sang-dah-tack, sf. sandarae, gum of the juniper-tree ; red orpiment. Sang, sang, sm. blood ; temper ; life ; race ; lineage ; offspring ; murder ; slaughter. Le bapleme de sang, martyrdom. Sang de dragon, sang-duh-draTi-gang, sm. dragon's blood, resinous and medicinal gum. Sang-froid, sarig-froo-ah, sm. coolness; pre- sence of mind ;' unconcern. De sang-froid, duh-sang-froo-ah, ad. exp. coolly ; deliberately ; unconcernedly. Sangiac, sang.-hjyack, sm. sangiac, Turkish governor of a city or province. Sanglade, gang-glad, sf. sound lashing. Sanglant, -e, sang-ghiiig, -te, adj. bloody; stained with blood ; offensive ; outrageous. Sangle, sang-gl, sf. girth., sang-glai, va. 1 r. to girth ; lash ; whip. Sanglier, sang-glc-yai ', sm. wild-boar. Sanglot, sang-glo, sm. sob, sobbing. Sangloter, sang-glo-tai, va. 1 r. to sob. Sajjgsue, sang-seue, sf. leech ; exacter. Sanguification, sang-ghe-fe-khah-syong, sf. production, making of blood. Sanguin, -e, sang-ghaing, -giieen, adj. san- guine. S a NG tin aire, sang-ghe-nayre.sf. blood-wort. Sahguinaire, sang'-ghe-nayre, adj. sanguin- ary ; cruel ; bloody ; murderous ; blood- thirsty. Sanguine, sang-gheen, sf. blood-stone ; red- lead. Sanguinolent, -E, sang-ghe-nodang, de, adj. stained, mixed with blood. Sanhedrin, sang nai-draing, sm. sanhedrim, great council of seventy Jew elders presi- ded over by the high-priest. SAKlCL.E,sah-neekl,ff. sanicle; self-heal, piant. Same, sah-nte, sf. thin matter ; sanies. Sanieux, -se, sah-ne-yuhe, -ze, adj. sanious ; purulent. Sans-, sang, prep, without; besides ; before. S ins y penser, without thinking of it. Sans plus, sang-p'tu, ad. exp. alone. Sans que, sang-kuh, conj. (governing the subj. mood), without. Sans dessus dessous, sang-dseue-dsooe, ad. exji. topsy-turvy ; upside down. Sans devant deruiere, sang - dvang - day- ryayre, ad. exp. in the wrung side or way. Sans cceur, sang-kur, sm. coward, poltroon. Sanscrit, sang-skre, sm. Arabic language. Sansonnet, sang-so-nay, sm. starling, bird. Sante, sang -taii sf. health ; toast. Santon, sdng-tong, sm. Mahometan friar. Saoul, sooe, sm. and <"?j. belly-full ; drunk; glutted ; sick ; tired ; cloyed. Sapa, sah- pah, sm. confection, comfit of grapes. Sapajou, sah-pah-hjoo, sm. marmoset, small ape. Safe, sapp, sf. mining; undermining ; dig- ging. Safer, sah-pai, va. lr. to sap; mine; under- mine. Sapeur, sah-pur, sm. miner ; underminer. Saphique, sah-ftel; adj. Sapphic ; of 11 syl- lables. Sapiiir, sah-feer,sm. sapphire, precious rione. SAT SAU Sapience, sah-pyangsse, sf. wisdom; knowl- edge. Pays pe sapience, pai-ye-duTisah-pyangnse, idi. exp. sf. Normandy; Yorkshire; people proverbially knowu for wisdom and shrewdness. Sapientiacx (litres), leevr-suh-pe-yang- syoe, smp. books of wisdom, proverbs, ec- clesiastes, &c. Satin, sah-paing, sm. fir, pine, deal; fir-tree. Sapiniere, sah-pe-nyayrei sf. fir-plantation. Sapon ace, -e, sah-po-nah-sui, -e, adj. soapy. Saponification, sah-po-ne-fe-Tcfiah-fiyong, sf. making, formation of soap. Saponifies, 8ah-po*ne-fyai, va. 1 r. to change, turn into soap. SAPORrFIQUE, sah-po-re-feck, adj. savory; saporific. Sapropyre, sah-pro-pcer, sf. putrid fever. SaqueBuTE, sank-beut, sf. sackbut, musical instrument ; trombone. Sarabande, sah - rah - bangde, sf. Spanish dance. Sarbacane, sar-bah-Jdtann, sf. long; hollow tube to blow peas, «- tisfaire, may satisfy. Satisferai, sah-teessfuh-rai, fut. of satis- faire, will satisfy. Satisferais, sah-teess-fnh-ray, cond. of satis- faire, would satisfy. Satisfis, sah-teess-fee, pret. def. of satisfaire, satisfied. Satrape, sah-lrap, sm. Persian governor ; rich voluptuous man. Satrapie, sah-trahpee, sf. dignity, office of a satrap. Satteau, -X, saJi-to, -e, sm. coral fishing-boat. Saturation, sah-teu-rah-syong, sf. satnrity ; repletion ; fulness. Sature, -e, sah-teu-rai, -e, adj. saturated ; impregnated to the full. Saturkr, sah-teu-rai, va. 1 r. to saturate ; impregnate to the full. Saturnales, sah-teur-nal, sfp. rites of Saturn; noisy licentious revels. Satcrne, sah- teurn, sm. Saturn, remotest planet of the solar system ; lead. Satcrnien", -ne, san-teur-nyaing, ,-nyenn, adj. saturnine, gloomy, melancholy. Satyre, sah-teer, sm. satyr, sylvan god. Sauce, soesse, sf. sauce, seasoning, condiment. Sauce, -e, soe-sai, -e, adj. djpped in the sauce; wet through ; sharply reproved ; scolded. Saucer, soe-sai, ra. 1 r. to dip in the sauce ; reprove, scold, reprimand sharply. Sadciere, socsyayre, sf. saucer ; sauce-boat. SAUCISSE, soe-seess, sf. sausage. Saucissier, -e, soe-se-syai, -re, smf. sausage maker or seller. Saucisson, soe-se-song, sm. short thick sau- sage ; fusee ; fagot of large branches. Salt, sofe, prep, save, except, but, provided ; without prejudice ; with deference to. Sauf, -ve, sofe, sove, adj. safe ; unhurt ; out of danger. Sauf-conduit, sofe-kong-deu-e, sm. safe-con- duct ; pass ; letter of license. 343 SAU SAX Sauge, sohje, sf. sage, aromatic plant. SAUGKFM:::..'.>'-'/y»/(-/(aie, sf. stewing of peas. &C, with a little water, salt, and pot-herbs. \ Sacgbenu, -e, soe-gruh-neu, -e, adj". imper- tinent ; ridiculous, absurd, foolish. Sadle, «ote, swi. willow. Sacmatre, soe-mdhtr, adj. saltish, brinish. Saumon, soe-mong, sm. salmon ; pig of lead. Saomonneau, -x, soe-mo-no, -e, sm. samlet. Saumoxxee (trutte), treu-eet-soe-mo-naie, sf. salmon-trout, fresh-water fish. Saumure, soe-nvnir, sf. brine. Saunage, soe-iiahje, sm. •• It-trade. Faux-sauxage, foe-soe-nahje, sm. smuggling of salt. Sauner, soc-vai, in. 1 r. to make salt. Sauxeeie, sone-ree, sf. saltern : salt-work-. Saunter, soe-,iyai, sm. salt-maker ; salter. Faux saunier, foe-soe-nyai, sm. smuggler of salt. SAUNIERE, soe-nyayre, sf. salt-box. SagfiQUET, soe-pe-lay, sm. high-seasoned sauce. Sactocdrer, soe-poo-drai, va. 1 r. to sprinkle with salt, flour, &c; give a slight appear- ance of. S.vUR (hareng), ah-rang-sor. sm. red-herring. Saurat, soe-rai, fnt. of sacoir, will know. Saurais, soe-ray, condit. of savoir, would know. i Saure (Cheval), shuh-val-sore, sm. sorrel horse. Saurer, soe-rai, va. 1 r. to smoke, dry in the smoke. Sacrin, soe-raing, sm. soft-roed red-herring lately smoked. Saossaie, soe-saie, sf. willow plantation. Saut, soe, sm. leap, jump ; fall ; waterfall. Said de la carpe, somerset. Sa uter, soe-tai, va. n. 1 r. to leap, jump, skip ; omit ; pass by ; rush ; digress. Cela aaui aux y ".c, it is plain enough. Sautereau, -x, sote-ro, -e. sm. jack of a harp- sichord, Ac; small piece of ordnance. Sauterelle, sote-rell, sf. grasshopper, insect. Sauteur, -SE, soe-tur, -tuhze, srnf. jumper, leaper, tumbler, vanlter. Sautillemext, soe-te-yuh-mang, sm. skip- ping. Sattiller, sne-te-yai, vn. 1 r. to skip, frisk ; digress all at ouce and often from one sub- ject in speaking or writing. Sai/toir, >-oe too-ar, sm. small neck-handker- chief ; St. Andrew's cross ; catch. Saevage, soe-vahje, sm. salvage, saving of goods from a wreck. Sauyage, soe-valije, smf. savage, barbarian. Sauvage, soe-vahje, adj. wild, uncivilized, savage ; unsociable, uncouth ; austere, rig- orous ; incult ; ferocious. Sauyageox, sbe-vah-hjong, sm. wild stock; young fruit-tree not grafted. Sawagix, soe-vah-hjaing, sm. rammish, wild, fishy taste or smell. Sadvaginb, soe-vah-hjeen, sf. undressed skins of wild animals ; wild fowls. Sauve-gaude, sove-ghard, sf. safeguard ; pro- tection ; defence ; security ; pass. Salter, soe-rai, va. 1 r. to save ; preserve; parry ; avoid ; escape ; keep ; disguise ; pal- liate ; justify ; excuse. Se SAUVER, suhsoe-rai, vrrf. to make one's escape ; fly, run away ; secure, indemnify one's self. ■Hi pi. pres. ind. of sa- tin, sabine ; savin, Sauyeuk. soe-vw, sm. Saviour, Redeemer. Savais, sah-rey, imperf. ind. of sacoir, was knowing, knew. Savamment, sali-rah-mang, ad. learnedly. Savaxxe, sali-vawn, sf. forest of fir-trees in Canada ; commons ; meadows in the West Indies. SAVANT, sah-vang. sm. learned man, scholar. Savaxt, -e, sah-vang, -te, adj. learned, well- informed, erudite. Savaxtas or SavantasSe, sdh-vang-tass, sm. pedant, sciolist. Sayaxtissime, sah-vang-te-seem, adj. very or most learned. Savate, sah-vatt, sf. old worn-out shoe; bun- gler ; country post-oliice-keeper. Savext, sahvv, 3 pers. pi. pres. ind. of sa- voir, know. Saveter, sah-vuh-tai, va. 1 r. to cobble; bungle. Saveterie, sali-velt-ree, sf. old shoe-shop. Savetier, savv-tyai, sm. cobbler; botcher. Savecr, nah- cur, sf. savor; taste; smell; odor. Sayez, sah-vai, 2 pers. voir, know. Savixier, sah-ve-nyai, plant. Savoir, sah-roo-ar, vn. 3 irr. to be learned, informed ; know. .-avoir, eah-voo-ar, va. ?, irr. to know ; un- derstand ; hear ; be informed of; be able ; remember. Savoir gee, sah-roo-ar-grai, rdi.exp. v. 3 irr. to take it kindly or well of. Sacoir ban gre a quelqu' un d' une chosi>, to take a thing kindly of one. Cest a savoir si, the ques- tion is whether. Personne que je sache, nobody that I know of. Savoir, sah-vob-ar, sm. learning; knowl- edge ; education ; erudition. Savoir-faire, sah-voo-ar-fayre, sm. ability ; industry ; skill ; assiduity. Savoir-vivre, sah-coo-ar-ceevr, sm. knowl- edge of the world ; good manners. C'EST a SAVOIR, sey-tah-sah-voo-ar, ad. exp. namely ; that is ; that is to say. A savoir, tih-sah-vbo-ar, ad. exp. namely ; to wit ; that is ; that is to say. Savox, sah-coiig, sm. soap ; sharp reprimand. Savoxxage, sah-vo-nahje, sm. washing with soap. Savox xer, sah-vo-7iai, va. 1 r. to wash with soap ; lather ; reprove sharply. Savoxxerie, sah-vonn-ree, sf. soap-manu- factory ; soap-boiling. Savoxette, sah-vo-nttt , sf. wash-ball. Savoxxeux, -se, sah-vo-nulte, -ze, adj. soapy. Savoxxier, sah-vp-nyai, sm. soap-boiler. Savoxxiere, sah-vo-nyayre, sf. soap-wort. Savons, sah-vang, 1 pers. pi. pres. ind. of savoir, know. Savocrer, xah-coo-rai, va. 1 r. to savor; taste with pleasure ; relish, enjoy. Savouret, suh-coo-ray, sm. large marrow- bone. Sayoureusement, saJi-voo-ruhze-mang, ad. with gust ; relishingly ; with appetite. Savourecx, -se, sah-voo-ruhe, -ze, adj. sa- vory. Saxatiee, sack-sah-teet, adj. living, growing in or upon rocks, stones, &c. Saxifrage, saelc-se-frahje, sf. stone-break, plant. sen SCR Sayon, sai-yong, sm. coarse dress. Sbire, sbeer, sm. bailiff; police-officer. Scai'.kli.on", skah-bay-long, sm. pedestal. Scabieose, skah-ie^yuhze, sf. scabious, plant. SCABIEOX, -se, ska'h-be-yuhe, -ze, adj. scab- by ; itchy. Scabrecx, -SB, skah-bruhe, -ee, adj. rugged, rough ; difficult, puzzling ; hazardous, dan- gerous. Scalene, skhah-layne, adj. m. scalene; un- equal. Scalpel, slhal-peU, nn. scalpel, surgeon's knife. Scammonee, skhah-mo-naie, sf. scammony. Scan dale, skhang-daL am. scandal ; offence. Scandaleusement, skltang-duh-luhzc-maug, thl. scandalously, shamefully. Scanpai.f.i'.x., se, skhang-dah-luhe, ze, adj. ECandalous, disgraceful, shameful, vile. Scandalised, sk/iang-dah-Ue-zai, va. 1 r. to scandalize, give offence to. Se sc a n daliser, suh -akhang-dah-lee-aa i, ore/. to be offended, scandalized at. Slander, skhang-dai, va. 1 r. to scan verses. ScAPnAN'DRE, Bkhah-fcmgdr, sm. cork jacket ; water-buckler ; swimming bladders. Scapclaire, slhnh-peu-layre, sm. scapulary part of some monk's dress. Scarabee, skhah-rah-baie, sm. beetle, scarab. Scaramouche, xkhah-rah-moosh, xm. buffoon. Scarificateuk, skhah-re-fe khah-tur, sm. scarificator, scarifier. Scarification", skhah-re-fe-khah-syong, sf. scarification, incision with a lancet. Scarifier, skhah-re-fyai, va. 1 r. to scarify. Scarlatine (fievre), fyevr-skhar-lah-teen, sf. scarlet fever. ScEAU, -x, so, -e, sm. seal ; inviolable secrecy. Scel, sell, sin. seal (law expression). Scelerat, E, sailai-rah, -tt, smf. and adj. wicked wretch ; villanous, atrocious, abom- inable. Sceleratesse, sai-Tai-rah-tess, sf. villany ; wicked action ; atroeiousness, baseness, depravity. Scelle, saydai, sm. (in law) seal of a judge. Scellement, sell-mavg, sm. fixing, fastening with plaster, cement, &c. Sceller, say-lad, va. 1 r. to seal ; fix, fasten ; lute ; confirm ; strengthen ; bind ; cement. Scelleue, say-lur, sm. sealer, law officer. Scene, seyne, sf. scene ; stage ; dramatic writing ; occurrence ; quarrel, uproar. Scenique, sai-ncek, adj. theatrical, dramatic. Scenographie, sai-no-grah-fee, sf. art of perspective ; scenograpby. Sce.vographique, saino-grah-fnk, adj. drawn in perspective ; BcenographicaL SCENOGRAPHIQUKMEHT, sai - no - r/iall -feek- many, ad. in perspective ; scenographi- cally. Scefticisxie, sep -te -seessm, sm. universal doubt. Sceftique, sep-teek, smf, and adj. doubter of reality; skeptic; skeptical, doubtful. Sceptre, eeptr, sm. sceptre; royally: empire. Shakot, shah-ko, sm. coarse cap of soldiers. Schai.l, shahl, em. shawl ; fillet tied round the head by the Eastern nations. Schelxjng, skuh-laing or shlaing, sm. shil- ling, now worth twelve pence. Schismatique, sheess-mah-teek, smf. and adj. dissenter from the true church; schismau- cal. (15«) SCH1SHE, theessm, sm. separation, dissent from the primitive communion ; schism. SciAGE, se-yalije, sm. sawing of wood, 4c. SCIATERE, sfyah-tayre, sf. gnomon; sun- dial's hand. SciATEKiQUE, se-ydh-tai-reek, sm. sun-dial. Sciatique, se-yah-teek, sf. and adj. hip-gout; sciatic; afflicting the hip ; sciatica!. SciE, see, sf. saw ; toil, labor ; weariness.' Sciemment, se-yan-mang, ad. knowingly. SCIENCE, se-yangsse, sf. knowledge, learning 1 . Scientifique, sey/ang-te-feek, adj. scientific. SCIBNTIFIQUEMENT, Se yang-tt -ff ek-uiahfj, ad. scientifically ; in a learned manner. SCIEK, se-yai, va. 1 r. to saw; reap; cut clown. Sciecr, se-yur, sm. sawyer ; reaper. Scintilla.nt, -e, saing-tiel) -lanij, -te, adj. sparkling; emitting sparks ; twinkling. Scintillation, saing-teell-Tah-syong, sf. emis- sion of sparks ; sparkling ; scintillation. Scintiller, saing-teell-lai, en. 1 r. to sparkle, emit sparks, scintillate, twinkle. Sciomancie, se-yo-maiig-see, sf. conjuration of the dead ; incantation. Scion, se-yong, sm. scion ; small twig ; sprig. Sciotte, seyolt, sf. hand-saw. Scissile, se-stell, adj. scissile ; divisible; partable. Scission, se syong, sf. scission ; division of votes. Scissure, se-seur, sf. crack, fissure. Sciup.e, se-ynre, sf. sawdust. Scolastiqu'e, sko-lass-teek, sm. and adj. schoolman ; theologr.e ; scholastic. Scolastique, sko-lass-teek, sf. theology, divinity. Scolastiquement, skoAass-teck-mang, ad. in a scholastic manner. Scoliaste, sko-le-yast, sm. writer of explana- tory notes ; commentator; scholiast Scolie, sko-lee, sf. explanatory note ; scho- lium. Scolofendre, sko-lo-pangdr, sf. milliped ; wood-louse. Scoebct, skor-leii, sm. scurvy. Scoebutique, skorbeu-teeJ:, adj. scorbutic ; of the scurvy. Scordjum, skor-de-yomm, sm. water-ger- mander. Scorie, sko-ree, sf. scoria ; dross ; lava. Scorification, sko-re-fe-khah-symig, sf. re- ducing to dross or a scoria. Scof.ificatoire, sko-re-fe-khdh-too-ar, sf. crucible ; cupel ; test ; chemist's vessel. Scorifiek, tko-re-fyui, xa. 1 r. to reduce to dross. Scorpion, skor-pyong, sin. scorpion ; scorpio. Scorsonere, skor-RO-nayre, sf. snake-weed. Scotomie, sko-to-mee, sf. dizziness or swim- ming in the head, causing dimness of sight. Scribe, skreeb, sm. scribe, writer, copier. Scriptecr, skreep-lur, sm. amanuensis of the pope. Scrofules, skro-feul, sfp. scrofula. ScROFULEtTX, -se, skro-feu-lvhe, -ze, adj. scrofulous ; afflicted with the scrofula. Scrdpule, skreu-peutt, sm. scruple; great exactness; tenderness of conscience. Scuupuleusement, skrev -peu - luhze - man g ■, ad. scrupulously, exactly. SCBTJPULEUX, -SE, siren peu-hihe, -ze, smf. and adj. scrupulous; niinutious; very exact. SCRTJTATEUR, skreu-tahtur, sm. scrutator; searcher ; examiner ; observer. 345 SEC SED Scruter, skreu-tai, va. 1 r. to search, dive into ; scrutinize ; examine. Scrutin, skreutaing, sin. secret ballotation ; secret vote or suffrage. Sculpter, skule-tai, va. 1 r. to carve ; sculp- ture ; engrave : cut out. Sculpteur, skule-tur, sm. sculptor ; carver. Sculpture, skule-teur, sf. sculpture. Scqtiforme, sku-te-form, adj. shaped like a shield ; scutiforrn. Scytale, se-tal, sf. secret writing ; private mark. Se, suh, preconjunctive pron. inf. himself, herself, itself,' one's self, each other, one another, themselves, &c. Seance, sai-anqsse, sf. sitting ; session. Seant, -e, sai-'ang, -te, adj. sitting; decent; becoming. Seant, sai-ang, sm. sitting. £tre sur son sea. xt, ti/tr-seur-song -sai-ang, v. aux. to be sitting in his or her bed. Seat/, -x, so, -e, sm. bucket; pail. Sesile, sai-beel, sm. wooden bowl. Sec, seek, sm. drought ; dryness. Sec, Seche, sec/.:, sesh, adj. dry ; arid ; dried; lean; ungracious; jejune; barren; un- adorned. Argent sec, ar-Jijang-secIc, sm. ready money. Compliment sec, ko7ig-ple-mang-seck, sm. sharp reproof. IIomme-seC, omm-seck, sm. rough man. FEMME-SECHE,/a»i»i-sesA, sf. tart, ungracious woman. Sec, seek, ad. dryly ; without water ; much. Parler sec, to speak bluntly. A sec, ah-seclc, ad. exp. without water or money. Tout sV.c, too-sech, ad. exp. alone ; only ; without any addition ; by itself. Secable, sai'-l-Jiahl, adj. scissible, divisible. Secance, sai-kkangsse, sf. sequence. Szcante, sai-khangte, sf. secant. Seche, s&th, sf. small sand-bank; shelf; cuttle-fish ; petrified cuttle-fish-bone. Sechement, sesh-mang, ad. dryly ; in a dry place ; roughly ; abruptly ; tartly. Seciiek, sai-shai, va. n. 1 r. to dry ; wipe. Seuiieresse, saish-ress, sf. dryness, drought; acrimony ; barrenness ; aridity. Secherie, saish-ree, sf. drying-ground. Seohoir, sni shoo-ar, sm. clothes' horse; dry- ing board or place. Second, -e, suh-gong, -de, smf. and adj. (or- din.) second ; inferior. Secondaire, e#h-gong-dayre, adj. secondary. Seconde, suh-gongde, sf. second, COth part of a minute ; second part or class. Secondement, suh-gongde-mang, ad. second- ly. Seconder, suhgong-dai, va. 1 r. to second; assist ; support ; favor ; be seeon*!. Secouement, mtk-kooe-mang, sm. slinking. Secoueu, suh-kooe-ai, va. 1 r. to shake, rouse; shake off; reprimand : handle roughly. Se secouer, suh-mth-koo-ai, vref. to shake one's self ; take exercise to divert,