z F'iUSF ^OFCAIIFO;?^ ^OfCAllF0%. ■^ ■ aan-^^' ^\\^f UNIVERJ/A avIOSANI 1^ I u i %13DNV-S(V: '' -" o = 6vr .> ?3 CD ^ %a3AiNn-3\\v^ %0Jiivjjo-'^ ''y ^1 .^fllRRARY/9/: -v^^llBRARYQc >i ^WfllNIVERi-//, .NlOSAfJI NCElf; mam-i^'^' "''%ojiivdjo>^ ) ^ i>\ i^riLi _^^WEI)NIVFR% ^j% AT LOS ANGELA LIBRARY LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES WITH CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF REPORTS, ETC., CONTAINED IN THE AMERICAN STATE PAPERS AND IN THE CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OP APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEK BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1908 112864 L. C. card, 8-35005 II 7 7/ PREFATORY NOTE This List has been compiled with a view to indicate material com- plementary to that given in the recent list on currency. Some of the proposals for revision of our currency system provide for central banks of issue. These being somewhat analogous to the old Bank of the United States, and the history of that bank there- fore illustrative, the List notes many titles dealing with it ; also con- temporary discussions; but it does not go so far as to include biog- raphies of the chief actors in the controversy regarding it. The American Statesmen Series includes many ef these biographies, and the general index to the Series under the heading " Bank of the United States " Avill guide to the pertinent material. As noted on the title-page, documentary material contained in the American State PajDcrs and in the Congressional documents forms a separate section of the List. The documents cover the period from 1789-1838, and include references to debates as printed in the Annals of Congress. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, April 8, 1908 A LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES [Biographical works are not included] Adams, John Quincy. Speech < suppressed by the previous qiies- tion> on the removal of the public deposits, and its reasons. WasMngto7i: Printed hy Gales and Seaton, 183 J^. 43 pp. 8°. Same. [Boston: 1834.] 32 pp. 8°. {Waterman pamphlets, vol. 80, no. 23.) Caption-title. Allan, Chilton. Speech on the subject of the removal of the depos- its. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, March 27 and 28, 1834. Washington: Printed hy Gales and Seaton, 1834- 30 pp. 8°. {Miscellaneous pamphlets, vol. 1001, no. 11.) Ames, Herman V. State documents on federal relations : the states and the United States. PhiladelpMa : The department of history of the University of Pennsylvania, 1906. 320 pp. 12"". " First bank of the United States." piL 80-103. Baker, Henry F. Banks and banking in the United States. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1853. 56pp. 8°. [Bancroft, George] The Bank of the United States, an article reprinted from the North American review for April, 1831. Boston: HaWs stea?n-2)ower-p7'ess, 1831. 44 PV- ^°- Bank of the United States. Charters. An act to incorporate the subscribers. Philadelphia, hy order of the hoard of directors, 1816. 39 pp. 16°. 3 . 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Bank of the United States. An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States. Philadelphia: Printed hy order of the hoard of directors^ 1816. 55, (1) pp. 16°. "Rules and regulations:" pp. [41]-55. An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States. Washington City: Printed by order of the hoai^d of direct- ors, 1817. 55, (1) pp. 16°. ••Rules and regulations:" pp. [41]-5.5. [Correspondence and documents relating to the transactions between its office at Savannah and the State institutions of that j)lace. n. p. 1820.'] 92, (18) pp. 8°. An exhibit of the losses sustained at the office of discount and deposit, Baltimore, under James A. Buchanan, presi- dent, and James W. M'Culloh, cashier. To which is ap- j)ended a report of the conspiracy cases tried at Harford county court in Maryland. Baltimore: T. Murphy, 1823. 28, xix, {1), 280, 116, (2) pp. Folded charts. 8°. The memorial of directors of the bank. [Philadelphiaf 1833.] 55 pp. 8°. {Miscellaneous pam- phlets, vol. 918, no. 6.) Report [on Mr. Verplanck's letter]. [Washinyton], 1833. 48 pp. 8°. {Miscellaiieous pamphlets, vol. 7U, no. 3.) Report of a committee of directors [Dec. 3, 1833]. [n. p. 1833.] 16 pp. 8°. Report of a committee of directors of the Bank of the United States [on the removal of the deposits, Dec. 3, 1833]. [Philadelphia.^ 1833.] 48 pp. 8°. Report of a connnittee of directors of the Bank of the United States. [Philadelphia, J833.] 'fl pp. 8°. Report of the connnittee of investigation appointed at the meeting of the stockholders of the r>ank of the United States, held January 4, 1841. Made to an adjourned meet- ing, held Apiil 5, 1S41 : also, a report of the Board of di- rectors. \rhdadrlphi„: 18J4.] 79, (1) pp. 8°. FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 5 Bank of the United States. Keport on the condition of the Bank of the United States, by the committee of inspection and investi-410. Washington, 1832. F°.) Same. la Annals of Congress, 4th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 5, cols. 791-794. Recommends loan of $5,000,000 to discharge debt due to Bank of United States. 1796. Bank debt. Report of the board of directors. Communi- cated to the Senate, May 11, 1796. 4th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 1, page 412. Wash- ington, 1832. F°.) Bank remonstrates against receiving United States stock in payment of loans made to United States. FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 21 1796. Bank loans. Report of the Committee of ways and means. Communicated to the House of Representatives, May 3, 1796. 4th Congress, 1st session. (In American state papers. ' Finance, vol. 1, page 412. Wash- ington, 1S32. F°.) Same, hi Annals of Congress, 4th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 5, col. 1295. Banlc declines to continne further the loans to United States. 1796. Sinking fund. Report of the Commissioners of the sinking fund. Communicated to the Senate, December 16, 1796, and January 26, 1797. 4th Congress, 2d session. (/» American state papers. Finance, vol. 1, pp. 465^70. Washington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 4th Cong. 2d sess., vol. 6, cols. 1523-1524, 1534-1535. A portion of stock of United States in the bank, sold, and pro- ceeds applied to payment of debt due to the bank. 1798. Additional revenues. Report of the Committee of ways and means. Communicated to the House of Representatives, May 1, 1798. 5th Congress, 2d session. (/» American state papers. Finance, vol. 1, pp. 579-587. Washington, 1832. F°.) ■ Same. In Annals of Congress, 5th Cong. 2d sess., vol. 8, cols. 1563-1566. Statement of loans made bs" the bank to the United States up to January, 1706, p. 587. 1800. Estimates for the year 1800. Report of the Committee of ways and means. Communicated to the House of Repre- sentatives, February 21, 1800. 6th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 1, pp. 626-632. Washington, 1832. F°.) Statement of loans made by the bank to the United States up to January, 1800, p. 030. 1802. State of the finances. Communicated to the Senate, Decem- ber 20, 1802. [By Albert Gallatin.] 7th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 5-9. Wash- ington, 1832. F°.) Sale of stock in the Bank of the United States, pp. 6, 9. 27220—08 1 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1808. Bank of the United States. Memorial of the stockholders. Communicated to the Senate, on the 20th of April, 1808. 10th Congress, 1st session. (In Ainericau state papers. Fiuauce, vol. 2, page 301. Wash- ington, 1.S.32. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 10th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 17, cols. 373-374. Soliciting renewal of the charter. 1809. Bank of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Albert Gallatin] on the renewal of the charter. Communicated to the Senate, on the 3d of March, 1809. 10th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 351-353. Washington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 10th Cong. 2d sess., vol. 19, cols. 456-401. 1810. Bank of the United States. Report of the committee to whom was referred the petition of the stockholders of the Bank of the United States [in favor of the renewal of the charter]. Communicated to the House of Representatives, February 19, 1810. 11th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, page 406. Wash- ington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 2d sess., vol. 21, col. 1413. 1810. Bank of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Albert Gallatin] with statements. Communi- cated to the Senate on the 4th of April, 1810. 11th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 417—418. Washington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 20, cols. 638-640; also vol. 21, App. cols. 2207-2209. 1810. Bank of the United States. Memorial of the stockholders. Communicated to the Senate, Dec. 18, 1810. 11th Congress, 3d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 451^52. Washington, 1832. F°.) FIEST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 23 1810. Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 21-25. Soliciting renewal of the charter. 1810. Bank of the United States. Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia. Communicated to the Senate, December 24, 1810. 11th Congress, 3d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 453-454. Washington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 31-36. Soliciting renewal of the charter. 1811. Bank of the United States. Memorial of the president and directors of the Bank of New York. Communicated to the Senate, January 8, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, page 460. Wash- ington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol, 22, cols. 88-89. Solicits renewal of charter. 1811. Bank of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Albert Gallatin]. Communicated to the House of Representatives, January 10, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 46CM61. Washington, 1832. F°.) Same, hi Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 515-516. 1811. Bank of the United States. [Resolutions of the legislature of Pennsylvania.] Communicated to the House of Repre- sentatives, January 22, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, page 467. Wash- ington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 706. Against renewal of the charter. 24 • LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1811. Bank of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Albert Galhitin] with statement. Communi- cated to the House of Representatives, January 24, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. (1)1 American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 408^70. Wasliington, 1S82. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 788-791. 1811. Bank of the United States. [Resolutions of the general as- sembly of Virginia.] Communicated to the House of Rep- sentatives, January 26, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, page 470. Wash- ington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, col. 828. Against renewal of the charter. 1811. Bank of the United States. Memorial of the citizens of Philadelphia. Communicated to the Senate on the 31st of January, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. (//( American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 470-^71. Wash- ington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 112-114. Memorial of 868 citizens of Philadelphia, praying renewal of the charter. 1811. Bank of the United States. Memorial of the inhabitants of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Communicated to the Senate, on the 4th of February, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 479-480. Washington, 1832. F\) Against the renewal of the charter. 1811. Bank of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Albert Gallatin]. Communicated to the Senate, on the 5th of February, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 480-481. Washington, 1S32. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 123-126. FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 25 1811. Bank of the United States. Report of the committee to whom was referred the memorial of the stockholders of the Bank of the United States. Communicated to the Senate, on the 2d of March, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 486-487. Washington, 1832. F°.) Same, hi Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 361-362. Against the renewal of the charter. 1811. Bank of the United States. Report of the committee to whom was referred the memorial of the stockholders of the Bank of the United States. Communicated to the House of Representatives, March 2, 1811. 11th Congress, 3d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, page 487. Wash- ington, 1832. F°.) ' Same. In Annals of Congress, 11th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 22, cols. 1105-1106. Against the renewal of the charter. 1814. Public credit. Report of the Committee of ways and means. Communicated to the House of Representatives, October 18, 1814. 13th Congress, 3d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 866-8G9. Washington, 1832. F°.) The establishment of a Banli of the United States proposed, pp. 867-869. Sa7ne. In Annals of Congress, 13th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 28, cols. 401^10. 1814. Bank of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [A. J. Dallas]. Communicated to the House of Representatives, November 28, 1814. 13th Congress, 3d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 872-873. Washington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 13th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 28, cols. 652-654. 1814. Bank of the United States. Memorial of the banks of the city of New York. Communicated to the Senate on the 5th of December, 1814. 13th Congress, 3d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol 2, pp. 876-877. Washington, 1832. F°.) Against the incorporation of a Bank of the United States. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1815. Bank of the United States. [Act of incorporation and President's disapproval, James Madison.] Communi- cated to the Senate, January 30, 1815. 13th Congress, 3d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 2, pp. 891-895. Wasliington, 1832. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 13th Cong. 3d sess., vol. 28, cols. 189-201. 1815. State of the Finances. Report of the Secretary of the Treas- ury [A. J. Dallas]. Communicated to the Senate, Decem- ber 8, 1815. 14th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 1-19. Wash- ington, 1834. F°.) • Same. In Annals of Congress, 14th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 29, cols. 1601-1645. Recommends tlie establisliment of a national iiank, p. 19. 1816. National bank. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [A, J. Dallas]. Communicated to the House of Repre- sentatives, January 8, 1816. 14th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 57-61. Wash- ington, 1834. F°.) Same, hi Annals of Congress, 14th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 29, cols. 494-514. Ontline of a plan for national bank, pp. 60-61. 1817. Branch of the Bank of the United States in the District of Columbia. Report of the Committee on Finance. Com- municated to the Senate, January 7, 1817. 14th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 149-150. Washington, 1834. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 14th Cong. 2d sess., vol. 30, col. 53. 1817. Bank of the United States. Report from the Committee on the National Currency. Communicated to the House of Representatives, January 10, 1817. 14th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 151-153. Washington, 1834. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 14th Cong. 2d sess., vol. 30, cols. 454-459. FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 27 1817. Public deposites. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Wm. H. Crawford]. Communicated to the Senate, De- cember 12, 1817. 15th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 231-232. Washington, 1834. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 15th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 31, cols. 29-32. Progress of the removal of the public deposits into Bank of the United States. 1818. Hypothecation of public debt to the Bank of the United States. Report from the Committee of ways and means. Communicated to the House of Representatives, March 12, 1818. 15th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance vol. 3, page 261. Wash- ington, 1834. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 15th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 31, cols. 1283-1284. 1818. Proposition to authorize certain officers of the several branches of the Bank of the United States to sign and issue bills. Report of Secretary of the Treasury [Wm. H. Crawford]. Communicated to the Senate, April 9, 1818. 15th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 266-267. Washington, 1834. F°.) .Same. In Annals of Congress, 15th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 31, cols. 351-356. 1818. Amount of funded debt subscribed to the Bank of the United States and the amount sold by the Bank. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Wm. H. Crawford]. Com- municated to the Senate, on the 15th of April, 1818. 15th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 268-270. Washington, 1834. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 15th Cong., 1st sess., vol. 31, cols. 370-376. 1818. Bank of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Wm. H. Crawford]. Communicated to the Senate, December 7, 1818. 15th Congress, 3d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 288-296. Washington, 1834. F°.) 28 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS 1818. Same. In Annals of Congress, loth Cong. 3d sess., vol. 33, cols. 43^7. 1819. Bank of the United States. Report of committee appoi'nted to inspect the books and to examine into the proceedings of the Bank of the United States. Communicated to the House of Representatives, January IG, 1819. 15th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 306-391. Washington, 1834. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 15th Cong. 2d sess., vol. 33, cols. 552-580. 18S0. Banks and the circulating medium in District of Columbia. Report of the Committee of the District of Columbia. Communicated to the House of Representatives, February 2, 1820. 16th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, page 470. Wash- ington. 1834. F°.) 1820. Bank of the United States and other banks and the currency. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Wm. H. Craw- ford]. Communicated to the House of Representatives, February 24, 1820. 16th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 494-514. Washington, 1834. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, 16th Cong. 1st sess., vol. 36, App. cols. 2366-2405. 1820. Bank of the United States. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury [Wm. H. Crawford]. Communicated to the House of Representatives, December 9, 1820. 16th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 567-570. Washington, 1834, F°.) 1821. Amendments to the charter of the United States bank. Memorial of the president and directors of the Bank of the United States. Communicated to the Senate, January 12, 1821. 16th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 586-594. Washington, 1834. F°.) FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES. 29 1821. 1822. 1822. Same. In Annals of Congress, 16th Cong. 2d sess., vol. 37, App. cols. 1534-1553. Bank of the United States. Keport of the Secretary of the Treasury [Wm. H. Crawford]. Communicated to the House of Representatives, February 2, 1822. ITth Congi^ess, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 3, pp. 701-711. Washington, 1S34. F°.) Bank of the United States. Report of the committee on the memorial of the Bank of the United States. Communi- cated to the House of Representatives, March 7, 1822. 17th Congress, 1st session. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1824. Finance, vol. page 783. (In American state papers. Washington, 1834. F°.) Same. In Annals of Congress, I7th Congress, 1st session, vol. 38, cols. 123G-1237. Bank of the United States. Report from the select commit- tee to whom were referred the memorial from several ■ banking institutions ... in the State of South Carolina . . . February 27, 1823. 17th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 4, pp. Washington, 1858. F°.) 285-288. Public deposits in banks and transfers and unavailable funds in the Treasury. Communicated to the House of Repre- sentatives, March 1, 1823 [by W. H. Crawford, Secretary of the treasury]. 17th Congress, 2d session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 4, pp. 302-364. Washington, 1858. F°.) Interest on public debt, bank dividends, duties paid, and direct taxes still due. Communicated to the Senate, De- cember 5, 1823 [by W. H. Crawford, Secretary of the treasury]. 18th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 4, pp. 368-371. Washington, 1858. F°.) Bank of the United States. Report from the Secretary of the treasury on the affairs of *he Bank of the United States on the 30th day of December of the years 1822 and 1823. February 20, 1821. 18th Congress, 1st session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 4. pp. 476-481. Washington, 1858. F°.) 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1824. Correspondence between the Treasury of the United States and Bank of the ITnited States and other banks relative to the public deposits, &c. March 22, 1824. 18th Congress, 1st session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 4, pp. 495-1077. Washington, 1858. F°.) 1824. Seven millions loan by the Bank of the United States. [Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, W. H. Craw- ford.] Communicated to the House of Representatives, December 15, 1824. 18th Congress, 2d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 5, pp. 146-147. Washington, 1859. F°.) 1825. Stock under the Act of May 24, 1824, for a loan of five millions of dollars. Message from the President, trans- mitting report from the Secretary of the treasury [W. H. Crawford]. Communicated to the House of Representa- tives, January 17, 1825. 18th Congress, 2d session. (In American state jiapers. Finance, vol./ 5, pp. 179-180. Washington, 1859. F°.) 1825. Transactions of the Bank of the United States. Report from the Secretary of the treasury [W. H. Crawford]. Communicated to the House of Representatives, January 21, 1825. 18th Congress, 2d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 5, pp. 183-219. Washington, 1859. F°.) 1826. Affairs of the Bank of the United States. Communicated to the House of Representatives, February 24, 1826 [by Richard Rush]. 19th Congress, 1st session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 5, pp. 321-357. Washington, 1859. F°.) 1827. Affairs of the Bank of the United States. Communicated to the House of Representatives, January 9, 1827 [by Rich- ard Rush]. 19th Congress, 2d session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 5, pp. 548-584. Washington, 1859. F°.) FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 81 1828. Monthly statements of Bank of the United States for 1827. Communicated to the House of Eepresentatives, March 6, 1828 [by Richard Rush]. 20th Congress, 1st session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 5, pp. 902-938. Wasliington, 1859. F°.) 1828. Average annual amount of public moneys in the Bank of the United States and its branches. Communicated to the Senate, March 24, 1828 [by Richard Rush, Secretary of the treasury]. 20th Congress, 1st session. {In American state papers. Finance, vol. 5, p. 985. Wash- ington, 1859. F°.) 1828. Average annual amount of public moneys in the Bank of the United States from 1817 to 1827. Communicated to the Senate, May 13, 1828 [by Richard Rush, Secretary of the treasury]. 20th Congress, 1st session. (In American state papers. Finance, vol. 5, pp. 1045-1048. Wasliington, 1S59. F°.) FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES: DEBATES IN CONGRESS 1791. Debate in the House of Representatives on the bill to incor- porate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States. Feb. 1-5, 7-8, 1T91. (In Annals of Congress, 1st Congress, 3d session, vol. 2, cols. 1801-lOGO.) 1796. Debate in the House of Representatives on bill providing for payment, in part, of the debt due to the Bank of the United States. April 11, 12, 1796. (In Annals of Congress, 4th Congress, 1st session, vol. 5, cols. 914-938.) 1810. Debate in the House of Representatives on the bill for con- tinuing the charter of the Bank of the United States. Apr. 13, 20, 21, 1810. (In Annals of Congress, 11th Congress, 2d session, vol. 21, cols. 1795-1 SI 7, 1934-1944.) 1811. Debate in the Senate on the bill "An act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States." Feb., 1811. (In Annals of Congress, 11th Congress, 3d session, vol 22, cols. 132-150, 152-172, 17.5-347.) 1811. Debate in the House of Representatives on the bill to renew the charter of the Bank of the United States. Jan., 1811. (In Annals of Congress, 11th Congress, .^d session, vol. 22, cols. 580-595, 000-025, 027-040, 051-820.) 1814. Debate in the House of Representatives on the bill to incor- porate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States of America, Nov.-Dec, 1814. (In Annals of Congress, 13th Congress, 3d session, vol. 28, cols. 501-018, 020-035, 042-044, 051-088, 970-1032.) 1816. Debate in Senate on the bill from tlie House of Representa- tives to incorporate the subscribers to tlie Bank of the Unhed States. Mar., 18ir,. (In Annals of Congress, 1 Uli Congress, 1st session, vol 29, cols. 235-281.) 32 FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 33 1816. Debate in the House of liei)reseiitative.s on the bill establish- ing a national bank. Feb.-Apr., 181(). (In Annals of Conj^ress, 14th Congress, 1st session, vol. 29, cols. lOGO-1089, 1091-1122, 1139-1158, 1200-1219, 1.337-134.3.) 1818. Debate in the House of Representatives on the bill supple- mentary to the act incorporating the Bank of the United States.' Apr. 16, 1818. (In Annals of Congress, 15th Congress, 1st session, vol. 32, cols. 1740-1763.) 1818. Debate in the House of Representatives on the resolution that a committee be appointed to inspect the books and examine into the proceedings of the Bank of the United States. Nov. 25. 30, 1818. (In Annals of Congx-ess. 15th Congress, 2d session, vol. 33, cols. 317-319, 325-335.) 1819. Memorial of William Jones, late president of the Bank of the United States. Laid before the House, Feb. 8, 1819. (//) Annals of Congress, 15th Congress, 2d session, vol. 33, cols. 1102-1103.) 1819. Debate in the House of Representatives on the affairs of the Bank of the United States. Feb., 1819. (In Annals of Congress, 15th Congress, 2d session, vol. 34, cols. 1240-1271. 12S3-1415.) 1827. Debate in the House of Representatives on a resolution that the Comm. on w^ays & means be instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law for the sale of that portion of the stock of the Bank of the United States which is held by the government, Dec. 13, 20, 21, 1827. (In Congressional debates, 20th Congress, 1st session, vol. 5. cols. 815-818, 827-858.) 1832. ^Memorial from the president, directors, and company of the Bank of the United States. Presented to the Senate, January 9, 1832. (In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 1st session, vol. 11, cols. 53-55.) 1832. Debate in the Senate on "A joint resolution declaratory of the meaning of the charter of the Bank of the United States on the subject of the paper currency to be issued by the bank." Jan. 20, 1832. (In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 1st session, vol. 11, cols. 113-154.) 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1832. Debate in the Senate on a bill to renew the charter of the Bank of the United States. Mar. 13, 1832. {In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 1st session, aoL 11, cols. 530-558.) 1832. Debate in the Senate on the bill to modify and continue the* act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States. May 23-June 11, 1832. {In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 1st session, vol. 11, cols. 943-1073.) 1832. Debate in the Senate on the bill for renewing and modifying the charter of the Bank of the United States, July 11, 12, 1832. {In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 1st session, vol. 11, cols. 1221-1274.) 1832. Debate in the House of Representatives on the affairs of the Bank of the United States. Jan. 9, Feb. 27, 28. Mar. 1, 7-9, 12-15, 1832. {In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 1st session, vol. 12, cols. 1502-1529. 1832-1917, 194.3-1995, 203G-2164.) 1832. Debate in the House of Representatives on the bill to renew and modify the charter of the Bank of the United States. . June 30, July 2, 1832. {In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 1st session, vol. 13, cols. 3835^850.) 1832. Message of the President [Andrew Jackson], returning the bank bill to the Senate, with his objections July 10, 1832. {In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 1st session, vol. 13, Appendix, pp. 73-79.) 1833. Debate in the House of Representatives on Act authorizing the sale of the bank stock of the United States, etc., Feb. 13, Mar. 1, 2, 1833. {In Congressional debates, 22d Congress, 2d session, vol. 15, 1707-1722. 1898-1902, 1922-1936.) 1833-1834. Debate in Congress on the removal of the deposits from the Bank of the United States. Dec. 2, 1833, to June 30. 1831. {In Congressional debates, 23d Congress, 1st session, vols. 16-19.) 1833-1835. Debate in Congress on the removal of the deposits from the Bank of the United States. {In Congressional Globe. 23d Congress, 1st and 2d session, 2 vols, in 1. Washington, 1834. F°.) LIST OF CONGRESSIONAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, 1817-1836 [Note. — The heavy-face numerals at the end of the titles are the serial num- bers used in the Check list of documents, published by the Superintendent of documents.] 1818. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting sun- dry statements from the Bank of the United States, of its concerns and transactions. December T, 1818. 10 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 15th Congress^ 2d session. Senate document no. 3Jf. 14 1819. Report of the Committee appointed on the 30th of Nevember, 1818, to inspect the books and examine into the proceed- ings of the Bank of the United States. January 16, 1819. 493 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 15th Congress.) 2d session. House document no. 92. 21 1820. Report of the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting state- ments in relation to the condition of the Bank of the United States and its offices; also, statements in relation to the situation of the different chartered banks in the different States, and the District of Columbia, etc. Feb- ruary 24, 1820. 41 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 16th Congress., 1st session. House document no. 86. 36 • Same. Reprinted January 14, 1834. 23d Congress., 1st session. House document no. 51. 255 1820. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting statements showing the state of the Bank of the ITnited States on the 25th February, the 2Tth of May, and 29th No- vember last. March 7, 1820. 2 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 16th Congress, 1st sessioti. House document no. 92. 36 1820. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the latest return made to that department of the state of the Bank of the United States and of its several offices of dis- count and deposite. December 9, 1820. 2 pp. Folded sheet. 8°. 16th Congress, 2d session. House document no. 19. 48 35 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1821. Memorial of the Bank of the United States and accompany- ing documents. January 17, 1821. 23 pp. 8°. IGth Congress^ 2d session. Senate document no. 1^5. 43 1822. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, accompanied with sundry statements in relation to the transactions of the Bank of the United States for the year 1821. February 2, 1822. 2 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 17tli Congress.^ 1st sessi'ion. House document no. 52. 65^ 1823. Report of the Select committee, to which was referred the memorials of several banking institutions and insurance companies in the state of South Carolina, and a memorial of the Bank of the United States in relation to an amend- ment of their charter, etc. February 27, 1823. 8 pp. 8°. 17th Congress., 2d session. House report no. 101. 87 1824. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting statements of the situation of the Bank of the LTnited States on the 8th Jan. 1823, and 10th Jan. 1821. February 20, 1824. 3 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 18th Congress^ 1st session. House document no. 78. 97 1824. Letter from the Treasury Department, accompanied with all the correspondence between the Secretary and the banks in which the public moneys were deposited between the 1st of January, 1817, and the 8th of May, 1822, not heretofore communicated to the House of Representatives. March 22,1824. 572 pp. 8°. 18th Congress., 1st session. House dooument no. IJ^O. 100 1824. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the information in relation to a continuance of the loan of seven millions of dollars by the Bank of the United States. December 15, 1824. 18th Congress^ 2d session. House document no. 10. 114 1825. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting statements showing the transactions of the Bank of the United States during the year 1824. January 21, 1825. 3 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 18th Congress., 2d session. House document no. 59. 116 1826. Letter from the Secretar}^ of the treasury, transmitting the monthly statements of the concerns of the Bank of the United States for the year 1825. February 24, 1826. 2 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 19th Congress., 1st session. House document no. 105. 135 FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 37 1827. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the monthly statements of the Bank of the United States for 1826. January 9, 1827. 2 pp. Fokled sheets. 8^ 19th Congress^ 2d session. House document no. 52. 150 1828. Report of the Secretary of the treasury, showing the aver- age annual amount of moneys in the Bank of the United States and its branches for the years 1817 to 1827, inclu- sive. March 21, 1828. 4 pp. 8^ 20th Congress., 1st session. Senate document no. loJi-. 166 1828. Report from the Committee on finance on the average de- posits of the Treasury in the bank of the United States from 1817 to 1827. May 13, 1828. 10 pp. 8°. 20th Co7ig7'ess, 1st session. Senate document 7io. 195. 167 1828. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the monthl}^ statements of the affairs of the Bank of the United States for the year 1827. March 6, 1828. 3 pp. Folded sheets. 8°. 20th Congress., 1st session. House docu7n^nt no. 100. 171 1829. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting monthly statements of the affairs of the Bank of the United States for the year 1828. January 26, 1829. 1 page. Folded sheets. 8°. 20th Congress., 2d session. House docume7it no. 93. 186 1829. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the monthly statements of the Bank of the United States for the year 1829. December 28, 1829. 67 pp. 8°. 2l8t Congi'ess., 1st session. House document no. 13. 195 1830. Report from the Committee on finance, U. S. Senate, on the expediency of establishing an uniform national cur- rency for the United States. Mar. 29, 1830. 8 pp. 8°. 21st Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 10 1^. 193 1830. Report from the Committee of ways and means, to whom was referred so much of the message of the President as relates to the Bank of the United States. April 13, 1830. 42 pp. 8°. 21st Congress., 1st session. House 7'eiJort no. 358. 201 1831. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the monthly statements of the Bank of the United States for the year 1830. Jan. 22, 1831. 79 pp. 8°. 21st Congress., 2d session. House document no. 63. 208 li;dbd4 38 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1832. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, with the monthly statements of the Bank of the United States, for the year 1831. Jan. 13, 1832. 73 pp. 8°. 22d Congress^ 1st session. Senate document no. 27. 212 1832. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting certain information relative to the Bank of the United States. Jan. 23, 1832. 101 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 31. 212 1832. Report from the Secretary of the treasury relative to the public debt 3 per cent stock, public money in Bank of the United States, etc. January 25, 1832. 3 pp. 8°. Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 36. 212 1832. Report from the Committee on finance, U. S. Senate, Feb- ruary 7, 1832. 27 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 50. 212 1832. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, with monthly statements of the Bank of the United States for January and February, 1832. March 5, 1832. 13 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 96. 213 1832. Documents from N. Biddle, President of the Bank of the United States, to Hon. G. M. Dallas, Chairman of the Select Committee of the Senate on the memorial of the Bank of the United States. March 12, 1832. 50 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 98. 213 1832. Report from tlie Secretary of the treasury, with monthly statements of the Bank of the United States for March, April, and May, 1832. June 4, 1832. 19 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 156. 214 1832. Message from the President returning the bank bill, with his objections, etc. July 10, 1832. 13 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 180. 214 1832. Bank of the United States. The act incorporating the Bank of the United States, the act amendatory thereto, the charter of the old Bank of the United States. February 20, 1832. 26 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. House document no. 128. 219 1832. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, in relation to the Bank of the United States. March 1, 1832. 6G pp. 8°. Congress, 1st session. House document no. lJi.7. 219 FIRST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 39 183S. Message from the President, returning the bank bill, with his objections, etc. July 16, 1832. U pp. 8°. 22d Congress^ 1st session. House ex. document no. 300. 221 1832. Renew charter Bank United States. Report froni the Com- mittee of ways and means. February 9, 1832. TO pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. House report no. 283. 225 Views of the majority, pp. 1-4 ; Report of the Committee of ways and means, April 13, 1S30, pp. 5-iG; Views of the minority, pp. 4f>-66; Official opinion of Thomas Jefferson in 1791 upon tlie establishment of a National bank, pp. 67-70. 1832. Bank of the United States. Report from the select commit- tee appointed to inspect the books and examine into the proceedings of the Bank of the United States. April 30, 1832. 572 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 1st session. House report no. 460. 227 1832. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, with statements from the agent appointed to inspect the accounts and books of the Bank of the United States. December 10, 1832. 33 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 4. 230 1832. Report from the Secretary, transmitting the monthly state- ments of the Bank of the United States from^ June to No- vember, inclusively. December 11, 1832. 37 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 6. 230 1833. Report from the Secretary, with the monthly statement of the Bank of the United States for December, 1832. Jan- uary 21, 1833. 38 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 38. 230 1833 Report from the Secretary of the treasury, with informa- tion concerning the Bank of the United States. March 1,1833. 4 pp. 8°. Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 82. 230 1832. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting a report of the agent employed to inspect the accounts of the Bank of the United States, etc., etc. Dec. 11, 1832. 33 pp. 8°. 22d Congress, 2d session. House document no. 8. 233 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1832. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting the correspondence with the Bank of the United States upon the subject of the postponement of the payment of the three per cent stock of the United States, etc., etc. Decem- ber 13, 1832. 13 pp. 8°. Congress^ 2d session. House document no. 9. 233 1833. Bank of the United States. Keport from the Committee of ways and means. March 1, 1833. 184 pp. 8°. 22d Congress^ 2d session. House refort no. 121. 236 1834. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, with monthly returns of the Bank of the United States for the months of January and February, 1834. March 1, 1834. 13 pp. 8°. 23d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 137. 239 1834. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, with statements of the affairs of the Bank of the United States and of the State banks in which the public money has been deposited. May IG, 1834. 24G pp. 8°. 23d Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 373. 242 1834. Monthly statements of the affairs of the Bank of the United States from January, 1831, to June, 1834. June 28, 1834. - 247 pp. 8°. 23d Congress, 1st session. House document no. 523. 259 1834. Report from the Committee appointed to investigate the affairs of the Bank of the United States. May 22, 1834. 93 pp. 8°. 23d Congress, 1st session. House report no. 1^81. 263 1834. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, with monthly statements of the affairs of the Bank of the United States and of those State banks selected as depositories of the public money. December 9, 1834. 609 pp. 8°. 23d Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 8. 266 1834. Report from the Committee on finance, who were instructed to investigate the affairs and conduct of the Bank of the United States. December 18, 1834. 340, 9 pp. 8°. 23d Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 17. 267 1836. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, with returns of the Bank of the United States and the deposite banks. January 14, 1836. 757 pp. 8°. 21i.th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. 312. 282 FIKST AND SECOND BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES 41 1837. Memorial of the president and directors of the Bank of the United States, praying a settlement of the accounts of the said bank with the United States. February 24, 1837. 3 pp. 8°. 2Jfth Congress^ 2d session. Senate doctcment 7io. 201. 298 1838. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, transmitting returns of the Bank of the United States. January 15, 1838. 221 pp. 8°. 25th Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 128. 315 AUTHOK INDEX Page 3 3 3 3 5 6, IG 6,38 6 6 6 Adams, John Quincy— Allan, Cliilton Ames, Herman V Caker, Henry F Bancroft, (ieorge Beardsley, Samuel Benton, Thomas Hart Biddle, Nicholas isrothers, Thomas Buchanan, James Bullock, Charles J— Calhoun, John C ^^ Carey, Mathew ^ Catterall, Ralph Charles Henry- T Clarke, Matthew St. Clair 7 Clay, Henry ^ Cobbett, William 1*^ Conant, Charles Arthur _ § Crawford, William H 27-30 Cushing, Caleb Dallas, Alexander James Dawes, Charles G Dewey, Davis Rich Dillon, John M Duane, William J Dunbar, Charles Franklin 8,9 Duncombe, Charles ^ Gallatin, Albert 9,14,21-24 Gilbart, James William Giles, William Branch, Gouge, William M Grundy, Felix Hall, D. A Hamilton, Alexander- - Page Ingersoll, Charles Jared H Jacksou, Andrew 15,16,34,39 Jefferson, Thomas ^-^ Johnson, Joseph French 12 Jones, Seaborn ^2 Knox, John Jay Lodge, Henry Cabot H ir 26 12 12 Penrose, Charles Bingham 13 13 13 13 McPherson, Edward- Madison, James Marshall, John :siayo, Robert 8 8, 25, 26 8 8 12 8 9 10 __. 10 10 10 7 10. 11. 16, lS-20 Haskell, Louise Porter 11 Hepburn, Alonzo Barton H Hildreth, Richard H Polk, James Knox I'rager, Max Raffalovich, Arthur Raguet, Condy— ^^ Rhodes, B ^- Root, L. Carroll 14 Rush, Richard 30,31 Scott, William A 1^ Sergeant, John 1* Sprague, O. M. W Sumner, W^illiam Graham 14 Tallmadge, Nathaniel Pitcher__ 14 T'nited States: Congress ^'^ Laics, statutes, ete 15 rresident 15- 16 Treasury Dept Van Buren, Martin Webster, Daniel Weightman, Roger Chew 1*^ White, Horace Williams. Henry Wolcott. Oliver Youugmau, E. H 16 16 16 11 17 20 43 SUBJECT INDEX Page Bank of North America : Clarke, M. St. C. and I). A. Hall 7 Hamilton, A 11 Bank of the United States, First (1791-1811) : Ames, H. V 3 Clarke, M. St. C. and 1). A. Hall 7 Giles. W. B 10 Johnson, J. F 12 Root, L. C 14 Bank of the United States, Second (1816-1836) 3-.5 Bancroft, G 3 Brief review 6 Catterall, R. C. H 7 Clarke, M. St. C. and D. A. Hall 7 Tlie First [second] bank___ 9 Haskell, L. P 11 Johnson, J. F 12 Observations on 12 Raffalovich, A 13 Root, U. C 14 Van Buren, M 16 White, H 17 Banking, Theory and history : Dunbar, C. F S, 9 Banking system. United States : Dawes, C. G 8 Gallatin, A 9 Gilbart, J. AV 10 GoiLue, W. M 10 Hildreth, R 11 Knox, J. J 12 Sumner, W. G 14 Banks. Index of bills relating to : U. S. .'i3d Congress, 2d sc>t- sioii 1*^ Banks and banking : Baker, H. F 3 Williams, H 17 Pa^o Charter, First Bank: Cong. docs. — 1832 38 Renewal of — Carey, M 7 Clay, H 8 U. S. President 15 Amer. state papers — 1808-1811 22-2.5 Debates in Congress. 1810, 1811 32 Charter. Second bank. Amend- ments to : Amer. State papers — 1821 28 Cong. docs. — 1823 36 Renewal of — Biddle. N 6 Brothers. T 6 Calhoun, J. C 7 Penrose. C. B 13 Talluiadge, N. P 14 U. S. I'rcsident 15 AVebster, D 16 Debates in Congress. 1832 34 Cong. docs. — 1832 39 Veto message (Jackson) — General .lackson vet«>ed 9 Review of the veto 13 U. S. President 15, 16 Webster. D. Si)eech on 16 Cong. docs. — 1832 38. 39 Currency. Unitetl States: Hepburn, A. B 11 Raguet, C 13 Scott, W. A 14 Sunnier. W. G 14 Debt. I'ublic. .Sec Loans from Bank of U. S. 45 46 SUBJECT INDEX Deposits, Bill regulating the de- posits of public moneys in local banks: Polk, J. K 13 Deposits, Public in Bank of U. S.: Cong. (Iocs. — 1828 37 Removal of ttie — Adams, J. Q 3 Allan, C 3 Bank of the United States_ 4 Beardsley, S •"> Callioun, J. C 7 Duane, W. J 8 Jones, S 1- Mayo, R 12 Polk, J. K 13 Union committee, X. Y 14 U. S. Congress 15 Webster, D 10 Amcr. state papers — 1817 27 Det)ates in Congress — 1833-1835 34 Restoration of — Penrose, C. B 13 Polk, J. K 13 Financial History of United States : Dewey, D. R 8 First Bank 'OF the United States. See Bank of the United States, First. Free banking : Dunconibe, C !• Hildretli R 11 Incorporate the Subscribers, Act to, First Bank : Debates in Congress — 1791,1811 32 Second Bank — Bank of the United States. _ 3-4 Buchanan, J <> Amer. state papers — 1814 25 1815 20 Debates in Congress — 1814, 1816 32 1818 33 1832 34 Page Incorporate the Subscribers, Act to, Second Bank : Cong. docs. — 1832 38 Investigations, reports, etc.: Bank of the United States 4, 5 U. S. Congress 15 Amer. stale papers — 1819 28 Cong. (Iocs. — 1819 , 35 1832 39 1834 40 Laws of United States relating to currency and banking: Dunbar, C. F 9 Digest of — U. S. Laws, statutes, etc 15 Loans : Amer. state papers — 1792, 1793 19 1794, 1796 20, 21 1798, 1800 21 1818 27 1824, 1825 - 30 Debates in Congress — 1796 32 Cong. docs. — 1824 30 1832 40 1837 41 Money and banking : White, H 17 National bank : Brief outline 6 Dallas, A. J 8 Hamilton, A 10, 11 Union committee, N. Y 14 U. S. Treasury dept 16 Webster, D 16 Williams, H 17 Amer. state papers — 1790 18 1815. 1816 26 Debates in Congress — 1816 33 Cong. does. — 1832 39 Paper monei' : (Jouge, W. M 10 Hildreth, R 11 SUBJECT INDEX 47 Page Paper money : Debates in Congress — 1832 33 Sale of stock, U. S. : Amer. state papers — 1792 18 1796, 1802 21 Debates in Congress — 1827 33 1833 34 Page Se-cond Bank of the United States. .SVc Bank of the United States, Second State Banks as depositories: Cong. docs. — 1834 Veto Message (Jackson). See Charter, Second Bank 40 o \ ) N iVERSiT Y of CAIiFO^Ai^ AT LOS ANGELA TiBRARY jNMIBRARYO^ o^t•llBRARYQ^ y)7i iyi7 y Vl =c tOF-CAllFORj^ ^OF-CAUF0% ,5MMNIVER5/A o .^WE•llNlVER5'/A < * . ■ TZ jN. -lOS-ANCEll %a3AINn-31 ^t•UBKARY(9/• ^^ 11/ — ^ ^ ^ '^ # y. ;0FCAIIF0/?^ ^OFCAIIFO% 4i: '■i:;i3DKvso; ^WE•u^'!v: vKlOS-ANCElfj '>^. J Jo '■ '■^<:/ojii\o-j(i ^OrCALIFO/?^ ^OF- \WEUNIVERJ'//^ \MEllNIVER5y^. ^^-lOSAMCElfj-^, ^ii30NVsoi^ "^/^aaAiNn-jwv^ .x\lllBRARYQr ^lllBRARYOc iijf;! ,^,(>F-CAIIF0% ,-vOF-CAI I F0%^ '^- \ CXI > %h%m J ^ ^ '^C?13DNVS01^ "^/^a^AINO-]^ ^5,MEUNIVERy/^ ^lOSANCEli -ri CD J^ c.tiDriA ov/ n.' I iir f T /- UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 166 463 8 •^vV ^Jl :^<;^:■;■:■■ ^r,;