UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LAW LIBRARY J CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR CITY OF NEW YORK 3^ NEW YORK PRINTED FOR THE ASSOCIATION BY J. J. LITTLE & CO. 1892 t--1-^ This Catalogue of the Library of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York has been prepared under the direction of the Library Committee, in accordance with a Reso- lution of the Executive Committee. It is in two parts, in one of which the books are alphabetically indexed by authors' names, and in tiie other by subjects. The Catalogue is substantially the work (^f William J. C. Berry, Esq., the librarian, assisted during the last year by J. Herbert Senter, Esq. ; it embraces nearly 40,000 volumes. The Executive Committee. New York, January, 1892. lent, CATALOOUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR or THE CITY OF NEW YORK ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED Abbott (Austin). Brief for the Trial of Civil Issues before a Jury. 8vo. New York, 1885. Brief for the Trial of Criminal Cases. 8vo. New York, 1S89. Brief on the Modes of Proving the Facts on the Trial of Civil or Criminal Cases. 8vo. New York, 1889. Legal Kemembrancer. 12mo. New York, 1871. New Cases ; Decisions of the Courts, State of New York, 1874-1890. With an Analytical Index to Pomts ot Law and Practice. 26 vols., 8vo. New York, 1877-91. Index-Digest to Abbott's New Cases. Vols. 1-15, 8vo. New York, 1886. New York Court of Appeals Decisions, 1850-1869. 4 vols., 8vo. New York, 1873-1. New York Partnership Laws. 8vo. New York, 1889. Official Report of the Trial of Henry War(i Beecher. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1875. [No more published.] Principles and Forms of Practice. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1887-8. 1 2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA BY OF Abbott (Austin). Ilules of Evidence applicable on the Trial of Civil Actions. Svo. Xew York, 1880. Table of Cases Criticised in the Xew York Reports. Roy. Svo. Xew York, 1SS7. Abbott (Beiij. Vaugliaii ). Dictionary of Terms and Phrases used in American or English Jurisprudence. 2 vols., Svo. Boston. 1879. — — Digest of the Reports and Statutes of Indiana to 1871. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1870-1. Judge and Jury : a Popular Explanation of Leading Topics on the Law of the Land. 12mo. Xew York, 1S80. Patent Laws of all Xations. 2 vols.. Svo. Washing- ton, 1886. Reports, U. S. Circuit and District Courts, 1865-1871. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1S70-1. Travelling Law-School and Famous Trials. First Les- sons in Government and Law. 12mo. Boston, 1884. United States Courts and their Practice. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1869-71. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1877. Year Book of Jurisprudence. Svo. Boston, 1880. (editor). Addison on Contracts. Brodix's Am. and Eng. Patent Cases, vols. 1-3. U. S. Digest, first series. U. S. Digest, new series, vols. 1-9. Abbott (Beiij. Vauglian and Austin). Clerk's and Con- veyancers Assistant. 4th ed. Svo. Xew York, 1872. Collection of Forms of Practice and Pleading. 2 vols,, Svo. Xew York, 1871. [Same.] Supplement, bv A. Abbott. Svo. Xew York, 1877. [Same.] Xew supplement. Svo. Xew York, 1881. Digest of Xew York Statutes and Reports to 1860. 5 vols., ro3^ Svo. Xew York, 1868. [Same.] Vols. 6-8, supplements, to 1870. 3 vols., rov. Svo. Xew York, 1869-70. [Same.] Xew ed., to 1873. 6 vols., roy. Svo. Xew York, 1873- — [Same.] Supplement, 1873-1882. 2 vols., roy. :?vo. Xew York, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 3 Abbott (Beiij. Vaughaii and Austin). Digest of Xew York Statutes and Eeports to 1860. Second supplement, 1882-1889. 2 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1890. [Same.] Annuals, 1882-1889. 7 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1884-90. General Digest of Corporation Cases. 8vo. New York, 1869. [Same.] Supplement, 1868-1878, by B. Y. Abbott. 8vo. New York, 1879. — National Digest ; United States Reports and Statutes to 1868. 4 vols., roy. 8vo. New York, 1867-9. — [Same.] Yols. 5-8, supplements, to 1880. 4 vols., rov. 8vo. New York, 1872-80. — [Same.] New ed., to 1884, by B. Y. Abbott. 4 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1884-5. - [Same.] Supplement, 1884-1888. Eov. Svo. New York, 1889. — Reports of Cases in Admiralty, U. S. District Court, Southern District of New York, 1847-1850. Svo. Bos- ton, 1857. — Reports of Practice Cases in the Courts of the State of New York. 1854-1865. 19 vols., Svo. New York, 1855-65. [Same.] New series, 1865-1875. 16 vols., Svo. New York, 1866-76. Abbott (Charles), Lord Teiiterdeii. Treatise of the Law Relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. Svo. London, 1802. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. London, 1808. [Same.] 2d Am. ed., by J. Story. Svo. Newburyport, 1810. [Same.] 7tli Am. ed., bv J. C. Perkins. Sv^o. Boston, 1854. [Same.] 10th ed., by W. Shee. Svo. London, 1856. [Same.] 12th ed., by S. Prentice. Roy. Svo. Lon- don, 1881. Abbott (Lieut. Joel). Trial of, bv Naval Conrt-Martial. Svo. Boston, 1822. Abdy (John). Historical Sketch of Civil Procedure among the Romans. Svo. Cambridge, 1857. 4 CA TAL G UE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Abcly (John), editor. Kent's Commentary on International Law. Abdy (John T.) and Walker (Bryan). Translation of the Institutes of Justinian, with Xotes. 8vo. Cambridire. 187fi. Translation of the Commentaries of Gaius, and Eules of Ulpian. 2d ed. 8vo, Cambridge, 1876. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Cambridge. 1885. ATSeckett (Gilbei-t A.). The Comic Blackstone. 12mo. London. 1876. [Same,] Kevised and extended by Arthur W. A'Beck- ett, with illustrations bv Harrv Furniss. Svo. London, 1887. A'Beckett iThos. T.i. Law of Administr-ation exemplified in a letter to Lord Brougham and Yaux. 8vo. London, 1849. [Pam., vol. 45.] Abingdon, Chronicon Monasterii de. See Chronicles and ^Memorials of Great Britain, etc. Abrahams (Samuel). The Palace Court, in Constitution and Practice. 8vo. London, 184S. « Abridgement of the Laws in Force in her Majesty's Plantations ; viz.. Virginia. Xew York. Xew England, etc. 8vo. London, 1704. Abridgment of Cases in Equity. See Equity Cases Abridged. Accarias (C). Precis de Droit Romain. 4*" ed. 8vo. Paris, 1SS6. Acherley (Roger). The Britannic Constitution. Folio. London. 1727. Aohilli vs. Xe^vman. Trial for Seduction and Adultery. 8vo. Xew York, 1852. [Pam. Tr., vol. 6.] Acta Canoellarife. See Monro (C). Acton ( Thos. H. ). Reports of Cases before the Lords Commis- sionei's of Apjjeals in Prize Causes. 1809-1811. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1811-12. [Only one part of vol. 2. with appendix, published.] Adair (John). Law of Costs, especially as administered in Courts of Equity. 8vo. Dublin, 1865. (reporter). Judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench, in •• The Queen against Gray." [In Joy. H. H. Peremptory Challenge of Juroi-s. 1844.] THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 5 Adam (William). Treatise and Observations on Trial by Jury in Civil Causes. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836. Adams (Clias. F.). Kailroads : their Origin and Problems. 12nio. New York, 1887. Adams (Chas. H.). Commissioners' and Conveyancers' Manual, for the several States and Territories. 8vo. Saratoga Springs, 1882. Adams (F. M.). Treatise on the Law of Trade-Marks. 8yo. London, 1876. Adams (Francis). The Elementary Education Act, with Analysis, Index, and Appendix. 8vo. London, 1870. Adams (Geo. H.). The United States Tariff, the Free List, and the Bond and Warehouse System. 8vo. New York, 1890. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1890. Adams (Henry). Anglo-Saxon Courts of Law. See Anglo- Saxon Law. Biography of John Randolph. 11th ed. 12mo. Bos- ton, 1888. History of the United States of America, 1801-1809. 4 vols., 12mo. New York, 1889. Adams (Henry C). Juridical Glossary. The most cele- brated Maxims, Aphorisms, Doctrines, etc. Vol. 1, roy. 8vo. Albany, 1886. [Only 1 vol., A to E, published.] Public Debts : an Essay in the Science of Finance. 8vo. New York, 1890. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 2.] Adams (Herbert B.). Germanic Origin of New England Towns. 1882. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] Maryland's Influence upon Land Cessions to the United States. ' 1885. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 3.] Methods of Historical Study. 1884. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 2.] -^ Norman Constables in America. 1883. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] Saxon Tithing-Men in America. 1883. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] Village Communities of Cape Anne and Salem. 1883. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] 6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Adams (Isaac E.). Life of Emery A. Storrs. Svo, Chicago, 1886. Adams (J. B.) and Durham ( W. J.\ Keal Estate Statutes and Decisions of Illinois. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 187-1. Adams (J. M.), reporter. Maine Reports, vols. 41, 42. Adams (John), president. Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. 12mo. London printed, Xew York reprinted, 1TS7. Adams (John). Treatise on the Principles and Practice of the Action of Ejectment ; with Am. Notes by Philo Euggles. Svo. Xew York, 1821. — [Same.] By J. L. Tillinghast ; with annotations by T. "W. Clerke, and additional notes by William Ilogan. Svo. New York, 1S46. — [Same.] AYitli notes bv T. W. Waterman. 4th ed. Svo. New York, 1854. — (editor). Bradby on Distresses. Adams (John, Jr.). Doctrine of Equity. Svo. Philadel- phia. 1850. [L. L., vol. 68.] [Same.] 5th Am. ed. bv G. T. Bispham. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1868. [Same.] Tth Am. ed. by A. I. Phillips. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1881 [Same.] 8th Am. ed. by R. Ralston. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1890. Adams (Moses). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Boston, 1815. Adams (Nathaniel), reporter. New Hampshire Reports, vol. 1. Adams (W. H. D.). Learned in the Law; or, Examples and Encouragements from the Lives of Eminent Lawyers. 12mo. London, 1885. Adamson (Travers), editor. Acts and Ordinances in Force in Victoria. 2 vols., Svo. Melbourne, 1855-6. Acts of the Parliament of Victoria, 1856-1857. Svo. Melbourne, 1857. Addams (Jesse). English Ecclesiastical Reports, 1822-1826. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1823-6. [Only one part, 284 pages, of vol. 3 published.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 7 Aclcling-ton (L.). Digest of the Ee venue Laws of the United States. 12rao. Philadelphia, 1804. Adcliiigtoii (Win.). Abridgment of Penal Statutes. Fourth ed. -tto. London, 1705. Addison (Alexander). Charges to Grand Juries of the Counties of the Fifth Circuit in the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Washington, 1800. Pennsylvania Reports, 1791-1799. 8vo. Washington, 1800. Trial of, on an Impeachment by the House of Repre- sentatives, before the Senate of Pennsylvania. 2d ed. 8vo. Lancaster, 1803. Addison (Charles G.). Treatise on the Law of Contracts. 7th ed., by L. W. Cave. 8vo. New York [London], 1875. [Same.] 3d Am. ed., by J. A. Morgan. 3 vols., 8vo. Xew York, 1876. [Same.] From 8th London ed., with Am. notes bv B. Y. Abbott. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1883. Treatise on the Law of Torts. 3d ed., by F. S. P. Wolferstan. 8vo. New York and London, 1870. [Same.] Abridged. Svo. Boston, 1870. [Same.] With Am. notes by J. M. Dudlev and E. Bay- lies. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1876. [Same.] With Am. notes bv H. G. Wood. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1876. [Same.] 6th ed., by H. Smith, with Am. notes b}^ H. G. Wood. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1887. Address to the Jnrynien of London, bv a Citizen. 12mo. London, 1752. [Pam., vol. 29.] Adler (G. J.). Dictionary of the German and English Lan- guages. Svo. New York, 1878. Admiralty. The Laws, Ordinances and Institutions of the Admiralty of Great Britain, Civil and Military. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1767. Adolphus CJolin L.). See Barnewall (R. V.). Adolphns (John L.) and Ellis (T. F.). Reports of Cases, Court of Queen's Bench, England, 1834-1841. 12 vols., Svo. London, 1835-42. [Same.] New series. See Queen's Bench Re- ports. 8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Advocate (The). A semi-monthh^ Law Journal. 2 vols., -ito. St. Paul, etc., 1888-90. Advocates (Faculty of). Catalogue of the Library, with supplement. 7 vols., -Ato. Edinburgh, 1867-79. Adye (Stephen P.). Treatise on Courts Martial. Fifth ed. 12mo. London, 1799. [Same.] 6th ed. 12mo. London. 1800. Aegidi (Ludwig K.) and Klaiiholtl (Alfred). Frei Schiff unter Feindes Flagge. 8vo. Hamburg, 1866. Africa. See Cape of Good Hope. African Captives. Trial of the Prisoners of the Schooner Amistad. 8vo. Xew York, 1839. Agabeg (A^^et) and Baii'y (Win. F.). Bills of Exchange Act. Eoy. 8vo. London, 1884. Agar (John G.). Eeasons why the Civil Code should be Adopted. Svo. Xew York, 1881. Agne^v (Wni. F.). Law and Practice relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. 8vo. London, 187L Treatise on the Statute of Frauds. 8vo. London, 1876. Agra High Court Reports. See India: Xorthwestern Provinces. Ahrens (H.). Cours de Droit Naturel ou de Philosophic du Droit. 6« ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. Aiken (H.) vs. Beniis (S. C). Patent Case. 8vo. Boston, 1849. Aikens (Asa). Yennont Supreme Court Eeports, 1825-1827. 2 vols., 8vo. Windsor, 1827-8. Aikin (John G.). Digest of the Laws of Alabama. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Tuscaloosa, 1836. [Same.] Supplement, by A. B. Meek. 8vo. Tusca- loosa, 1841. Ainswoii:!! (C), compiler. New Hampshire Compiled Stat- utes. 8vo. Concord, 1853. Aird (David 31.). Civil Laws of France. 8vo. London, 1874. Aitkin (J. S.), editor. ]S[ixon's Forms. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. Alabama : Reports. Minor. 1820-1826. 1 vol. Stewart. 1827-1831. 3 vols. Stewart & Porter. 1831-1834. Porter. 1834-1839. 9 vols. Alabama. 1840-1889. 89 vols. 5 vols. — Digests of Keports. Lignon (Chan.). 1820-1847. 1 vol. Phillips. 1820-1848. 2 vols. Keavis. 1820-1850. 2 vols. Brickell. 1820-1870. 2 vols. — Statvites. Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st Oct., 1819 Nov., 1820 June, 1821 Nov., 1821 1822-3 1823-4 1824-5 1825-6 1826-7 1827-8 1828-9 1829-30 1830-1 1831-2 Nov., 1832 1832-3 1833-4 1834-5 1835-6 1836-7 June, 1837 1837-8 1838-9 1839-40 1840-1 April. 1841 1841-2 1842-3 1843-4 1844-5 1845-6 1847-8 1849-50 3d Biennial 4th Biennial 5th Biennial 6th Biennial 7th Biennial Called 2d Called 1st Regular Called 1851-2 2d 1853-4 Called 3d 1855-6 1857-8 4th 1859-60 5th Jan., 1861 6th ( Oct., 1861 /Nov.. 1861 j Oct., 1862 /Nov., 1862 Aug., 1863 \ Nov., 1863 S Sept., 1864 ]Nov.. 1864 1865-6 7th 8th 9th 2d Regular Called 3d Regular Called 4th Regular Regular Regular 10th nth 12th 13th Extra Regular 1866-7 Regular Regular Extra July. 1868 Sept., 1868 Nov 1868 Called Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular 1869 70 Called 1870 1 Regular Regular 1871-2 1872 3 Regular Nov 1873 Regular 1874-5 Called 1875-6 Regular Biennial 1876-7 Regular 1878-9 Regular Biennial 1880-1 Regular Biennial 1882-3 Regular Biennial 1884-5 1st Biennial Biennial 1886-7 2d Biennial Biennial 1888-9 Digest of Laws (Toulmin). 1823. Digest of Laws (Aikin). 1833. [Same.] 2(1 eel. 1836. [Same.] Supplement (Meek). 1841. 10 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Alabama : Statutes. — Continued. Digest of Laws (Clay). 1S43. Code of Laws (Ormond). 1852. Revised Code of Laws (Walker). 1867. Code of Laws (Keyes tt Wood). 1877. Code of Laws (Brickell, Hamilton, etc.). 2 vols., 1887. Military Code (Crabb S2-5. [Only one number of vol. 4 published.] Alabama Reports. New series. See Alabama Reports, vols. 1-7. Alabama State Bar Association. Address, by John F. Dillon. Svo. St. Louis, ISSS. [Pam., vol. 46.]"^ Reports of Annual Meetings, 1S79-1889. 9 vols., Svo. Albany Bridge Case. Acts, Points. Pleadings, Testimonj^, Opinion, etc. 3 vols., Svo. Albany, 1S5S. Albany (Cit}'- of). Charter, Laws and Ordinances. Small 4to. 1SC>0. [Same.] Svo. 1838. [Same.] Svo. 1856. [Same.] Compiled by Rosendale, Meegan and Dele- hanty. Svo. 1872. Albany La^^' Journal. 43 vols., imp. Svo. Albany, lb7b-91. General Index and Digest, vols. 1-20 and 21-34. 2 vols., imp. Svo. Albany, 18S2-7. Albany La^v School. Union I'niversity, Circular and Cata- logue of. 1SS2-3. [Pam., vol. 18.] [Same.] 1884-5. [Pam., vol. 32.] Albany Street (Xew York City). Pamphlets relating to, as follows : Affidavits and Documents relating to the Burial in the Northerly Part of Trinity Church-vard of Revolutionary Patriots. 1855. Argument and Appeal in behalf of the Remains of the Revolutionary Patriots l:)uried in Trinity Church-vard. By X. Ilaight and J. Alwaise. 1854. THE AS&OCIAriON OF THE BAR. 13 Albany Street (New York City). Argument of C. C. North before the Board of Councilmen. 1855. Argument of Edward Sandford before the Committee of the Board of Aldermen. 1854. Argument of Francis Yinton, D.D., before the Committee of the Common Council. 1858. Argument of Peter Y. Cutler before the Committee of the Board of Aldermen. 1854. Letter from Jas. Boorman. 1855. Objections to the Extension of. 1858. Papers on Ap|)eal to the Supreme Court. 1858. liemarks of Judge Wendell before the Committee of the Board of Aldermen. 1854. Kemarks on the Action of the Yestrv of Trinity Church. 1854. Keport of Committee in Assembly. 1858. Reports of the Committee of the Board of Assistant Alder- men. 1845-7. Reports of the Committee of the Board of Aldermen. 1854. Reports of the Committee of the Board of Councilmen. 1854-8. Sermon on the Sanctity of the Grave. By Rev. S. II. Weston. 1854. Speech of Councilman Wild. 1854. [Above in Pam., vol. 23.] Albert Arbitration. Acts of Parliament and Awards. Foho. 1871-4. Evidence and Proceedings in the House of Commons. Foho. 1871. Evidence and Proceedings in the House of Lords. Folio. 1871. Lord Cairns' Decisions, reported by F. S. Reillv. Yol. 1, parts 1-3. 8vo. London, 1872-5. Minutes of Proceedings before the Arbitrator. 2 vols., folio. 1871-3. Albright (Charles). Argument of. See Mollie Maguire Trials. Alcock (John C). Registry Cases reserved for Considera- tion, and decided by the Twelve Judges of Ireland. 1832- 1841. 8vo. Dubhn, 1837-41. [Only three parts published.] See Cooke (J. R.). Alcock (John C.) and Napier (Joseph). Reports of Cases, Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, 1831-1833. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. 14 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Aleubilla ( 3Iarc'elo 3Iartinez). See Martinez Alcubilla. Allien (^Cyrus). Abridgineut of Law, with Practical Forms. Svo. Boston, 1819. Alcleii (T. J. F.). Index to Reports of U. S. Supreme Court Decisions to 1854. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. Aldeii (T. J. F.) and Van Hoesen (J. A.). Digest of Mississippi Statute Law to 1839. 8vo. Xew York, 1839. Aldersoii (Edward H.). See Barnewall (Pt. Y.). Aldred (Philip F.t. Manual of the Law of Mortgage of Ileal Estate. Vlmo. London, 1883. Questions on the Law of Contracts. 8vo. London, 1882. [Pam.. vol. 24.] Aldrioh (O. AV.i. Revised Laws of Ohio. Yol. 3. Svo. Columbus. lss3. (editor). Anson on Contracts. Aldrioh (P. Emory). Equity Pleadings and Practice in the Courts of Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1885. Alexander (Charles B.). Xotes on the Xew York Law of Life Insurance, ^vo. Xew York, 1887. Alexander (E. Porter). Railway Practice. 12mo. Xew York. 1887. Alexander (Julian J.). British Statutes in Force in Mary- land. Svo. Baltimore, 1870. Alexander (T. T.). Digest of Minnesota Supreme Court Decisions, 1879-1886. 2d ed. Svo. St. Paul, 1886. The Laws Governins: Taxation and Assessments in the State of Minnesota. Svo. Philadelphia, 1887. Alexander (AVin.i. Abridgement of the Acts of the Parlia- ments of Scotland, 1424-1707. Svo. Edinburgh, 1841. " Alexandra " Case. Report of, in the Court of Exchequer and House of Lords. Svo. London, 1863. Aleyn iJohn"). Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, ir.40-l64S.' Folio. London, 1688. Ali (Syed AnieerV Personal Law of the Mahommedans. Svo. London, 1880. Alison (Sir Archibald i, l)art. Practice of the Criminal Law of Scotland. Svo. Edinburo'h, 1833. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 15 Alison (Sir Archibald), bart. Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1832. Allahabad Series of Indian \jx\\ Reports. See India, Northwestern Provinces. Allan (Charles E.). The Law relating to Goodwill. Svo. London, 1889. Allegheny Connty (Pa.) Bar Association. Constitution, By-Laws, etc. 12mo. Pittsburgh, 1885. Address No. 1. The Mutual Rights and Duties of the Bench and Bar, by S. A. McClung. 1885. Address No. 2. The Evils of Case-Law, bv G. H. Christy. 1885. Address No. 3. The Origin and Utilitv of Case-Law, by H. Henderson. 1886. Address No. 4. Courts of Review, by D. F. Patterson. 1886. — Address No. 5. The Relations of Municipal Corpora- tions to the State, by W. S. Pier. 1886. — Address No. 6. Equity Jurisdiction and Administra- tion in the State of Pennsylvania, by M. A. Woodward. 1886. — Address No. T. Our Criminal Courts, by Clarence Bur- leigh. 1887. — Address No. 8. Sketches of Prominent Lawvers of the Allegheny County Bar, by Daniel Agnew. 1888. — Charter, By-Laws, Rules, etc. 12mo. Pittsburgh, 1889. Allen (Chas.). Reports, Supreme Court of Massachusetts, 1861-1867. 14 vols., Svo. Boston, 1865-70. [Mass. Re- ports, vols. 83-96.] Telegraph Cases decided in the Courts of America, Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. New York, 1873. Allen (George B. and Wilfred B.). Forms of Indorse- ments of Writs of Summons, Pleadings, etc., in the Queen's Bench Division. Svo. London, 1883. Allen (J, C), editor. Chipman's New Brunswick Reports. Reports, Supreme Court of New Brunswick. 1848-1866. 6 vols., Svo. St. John, etc., 1850-79. Allen (John). Inquiry into the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in England. New ed. Bv B. Thorpe. Svo. London. 1849. 16 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Allen (John B. ), reporter. Washington Territory Reports, vols. 1, 2. Allen (Otis). Duties and Liabilities of Sheriffs. 8vo. New- York, 1845. Allen (T. C. ), editor. Allen's Xew Brunswick Reports, vols, 5, H. Alley (Leavitt). Trial of, for Murder. Reported by F, F. Heard. 8vo. Boston, 1875. Alleyne (John). Legal Degrees of Marriage. 3d ed. 8vo, London, 1810. Allg:enieine Bibliographie der Staats- nnd Reclits- wissenschaften. 3 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1888-90. AUinson (E. P.) and Penrose (B.). The City Government of Philadelphia. 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. [J.'ll, U. Studies, vol, 5.] Philadelphia, 1681-1887. A History of Muni- cipal Development. 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. [J. H. U. Studies, extra vol. 2.] AUinson (Samuel), compiler. Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey, from 1702 to January, 1776. Folio. Burlington, 1776. Allnatt (Clias. B.). Treatise on the Law of Partition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 183L [L. L., vol. 5.] Allnutt (George S.). Practice of Wills and Administrations. 4th ed. Svo. London, 1860. Aliny (Clias., Jr.) and Fuller (H. W.). Law of Married Women in Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1878, Alton Trials. See Gilman (W. S.). Alves (J.), Dampier (F. E.), and Maxwell (B.). British Guiana Reports, 1856-1873. 2 vols., 8vo. Demerara, 1873-4. Ambler (Clias. ). Reports of Cases, High Court of Chancery, etc., England, 1737-1783. Folio. London, 1790. [Same.] 8vo. Dublin, 1790. [Same.] 2d ed. By J. E. Blunt. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1828. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Vol. 1. Svo. Philadelphia, 1891. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 17 American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowl- eclg:e, 1844-1848, 1850, 185a, 1854. 8 vols., 12mo. Boston. American Almanac and Treasury of Facts. Statistical, Financial, and Political, by A. R. Spofford. 1879, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1888. 5 vols., 12mo. Washington. American and British Mixed Commission. Arguments of II. S. Hale. Nos. 1-478. 2 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1872-3. American and English Corporation Cases. 30 vols., 8vo. North port, 1884-91. Digest, vols. 1-25. By J. H. Merrill (vol. 1) ; E. G. Sammis and II. T. Rowland (vol. 2). 2 vols., 8vo. North- port, 1887-90. American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. Com piled under supervision of J. II. Merrill. Vols. 1-14. 8vo' Northport, 1887-90. American and English Patent Cases. See Brodix's Am. and Eng. Patent Cases. American and English Railroad Cases. 43 vols., 8vo. Northport, 1881-91. Digest, vols. 1-10. 8vo. Northport, 1883. Digest, vols. 11-20. 8vo. Northport, 1886. Digest, vols. 1-35. By W. M. McKinney. 8vo. North- port, 1890. American Archives. 4th series. A Documentary History of the English Colonies in North America. By Peter Force. March 7, 1774- July 4, 1776. 6 vols., folio. Washington, 1837-46. 5th series. July 21, 1776-[Dec., 1776]. 3 vols., folio. Washington, 1848-53. American Bar Association. Annual Reports, 1878-1889. Supplement, 1889, 1890. 14 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia. American Chancery Digest. Decisions of the United States and State Courts. 2d ed., by Jacob D. Wheeler. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1841. American Civil Law Journal. 8vo. New York, 1873. [Only 4 numbers, 112 pages, published.] American Common Law^. Abridgment of American Com- mon Law Cases, by J. D. Wheeler. 8 vols., 8vo. New York, 1833-6. 2 18 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF American Commonwealths. Edited by II. E. Scudder. 13 vols.. 12mo. Xew York, 1SS7-8. American Corporation Cases. 10 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1872-87. Digest, vols. 1-10. By H. Binmore. 8vo. Chicago, 1888. American Criminal Reports. 7 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1878-89. American Cyclop?eclia. A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge, by Geo. Ripley and Chas. A. Dana. 16 vols., 8vo. Xew York. 1873-76. General and Analytical Index, by T. J. and Blandina Conant. With an index to the Supplements, and an index to the Annual Cvclopeedia, 1876-1887. 8vo. Xew York, 1890. ■ '- See also Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia. American Decisions. Containing all the Cases of general value and authority Decided in the Courts of the Several States, from the earliest issue of the State Reports to the year 1869. 100 vols.. 8vo. San Francisco, 1878-88. Digest. By A. C. Freeman (vols. 1-2) ; A. J. Brunner {Yo\. 3). 3 vols., 8vo. San Francisco. 1882-8. Table of Cases, etc. 8vo. San Francisco, 1888. American Digest. A Digested Index to the Reported Decis- ions of the Several Courts of Law in the United States, by John Anthon and Thomas Dav. 2 vols., 8vo. Xew York, 1813-16. American Digest. A Digest of all the Decisions of the Federal Courts and the Courts of Last Resort of all the States and Territories, 1887-1890. 4 vols., roy. 8vo. St. Paul, 1888-91. (Xational Reporter System.) American Geographical Society of Xew York. Trans- actions. 8vo. 1674. American Insolvency Reports. Edited by R. M. Bruno. 1878-1883. 8vo. X^ew York, 1883. American Jnrist and Law Magazine. 18 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1829-38. 1838-1843. 10 vols.. 8vo. Boston, 1843. [For con- tinuation, see Araer. Law Magazine.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 19 American Law Journal. By J. E. Hall. Vols. 1-3. Svo. Philadelphia, 1808-10. • Vols. 4-6. New series. Svo. Philadelphia, 1813-17, — Vol. 7. See Journal of Jurisprudence. Vols. 8-11 ; or New series, vols. 1-4. Edited by an As- sociation of Gentlemen Learned in the Law. 4 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1848-52. [These volumes continue and con- clude the Pennsylvania Law Journal.] American Law Jonrnal. 2 vols., Svo. Columbus, Ohio, 1884-5. American Law Magazine. 6 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1843-6. [Continuation of American Jurist.] American Law Magazine. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1882-3. [Only 2 numbers of vol. 2 pubhshed.] American Law Record. 15 vols., Svo. Cincinnati, 1872-87. American Law Register. 9 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1852-61. New series. 30 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1861-91. Third series. See New series, vols. 27- . Digest, to vol. 14, New series, by B. H. Haines. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877. American Law Review. 25 vols., Svo. Boston, 1866-91. Index, vols. 1 to 13. Svo. Boston, 1879. American Law Times. 6 vols. Vols. 1-2, folio ; vols. 3-6, Svo. Washington, 1868-73. [Only 4 numbers of vol. 6 published.] New series. 4 vols., Svo. New York, 1874-7. American Law Times Reports. 6 vols., Svo. Washing ton, 1868-73. New series. 4 vols., Svo. New York, 1874-7. American Leading Cases. With notes by J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1847-8. [Same.] 4th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. ^ ~ [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. American Mechanical Dictionary. Bv E. H. Knight. 3 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1876. 20 CATALOiiVK OF THE LIBRARY OF American Print Works vs. Cornelius W. Lawrence, Mayor of New York City. Action to recover damages for goods destroyed by gunpowder, exploded by order of the Slayor, for the purpose of stopping the great conflagration of December, 1S35. 8vo. New York, 1852. American Probate Reports. With notes by W. W. Ladd, Jr., and Chas. F. Beach. 6 vols., Svo. New York, 1881-90. American Psychological Journal. 2 vols., Svo. Phila- delphia, 1883-4. [Only 3 numbers of vol. 2 published.] American Railroad and Corporation Reports. Ed- ited and annotated by John Lewis. Vol. 1. 8vo. Chicago, 1890. American Railway Cases. With notes by Chauncey Smith and S. W. Bates. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1856-7. American Railway Reports. By J. H. Truman, J. A. Mal- lorv, H. A. Shipman, W. W. Ladd, Jr., and G. C. Clemens. 21 vols., Svo. New York, 1873-81. American Reports. By I. G. Thompson and Irving Browne. 60 vols., Svo. "^ Albany, 1871-88. Digest, vols. 1-21. By I. G. Thompson. Svo. Albanv, 1879. Index-Digest, vols. 25-36. By Irving Browne. Svo. Albany, 1882. Digest, vols. 25-48. Bv Irving Browne. Svo. Albany, 1885. Index-Digest, vols. 49-60 ; and Table of Cases, vols. 1-60. By Irving Browne. Svo. San Francisco, 1888. American State Papers. State Papers and Publick Docu- ments of the United States, 1789-1815. 2d ed. 10 vols., Svo. Boston, 1817. American State Papers. Documents, Legislative and Ex- ecutive, of the Congress of the United States. Selected and edited bv W. Lowrie and M. St. Clair Clarke, and W. S. Franklin. 1809-1823. 21 vols., folio. Washing- ton, 1832-4. American State Reports. Selected and annotated by A. C. Freeman. 15 vols., Svo. San Francisco, 1888-90. American Statesmen. Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. 23 vols., 12mo. Boston, 1888. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 21 American Themis. 8vo. New York, Jan. and Feb., 1844. [Contains nos. 1 and 2, 90 pages, and American Eeports. 54 pages.] American Trade-Mark Cases. By Eowland Cox. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1871. [Same.] Bv B. Price and A. Steuart. 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. American's Guide. Constitutions of the U. S. and the sev- eral States. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1835. Amerman (Lemuel), reporter. Pennsylvania State Reports, vols. 111-115. Ames (James B.). Selection of Cases on the Law of Bills and Notes. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1881. Selection of Cases on Pleading at Common Law. 8vo. Cambridge, 1875. Select Cases on Torts. 2 parts. 8vo. Cambridge, 1875. Ames (Jolm H.). Local Free Trade. 8vo. Des Moines, 1878. [Pam., vol. 15.] Taxation of Personal Property. 8vo. Des Moines, 1877. [Pam., vol. 15.] Taxation of Real Property and Corporations. 8vo. Des Moines, 1878. [Pam., vol. 15.] Ames (John S.). Abstract of all Conveyances, Leases, etc., made by the Mayor, etc., of the City of New York (to January 1, 1872). 4to. New York, 1872. Sales of Property made by the Commissioners of For- feitures for the Southern District of New York, in pursu- ance of an act of the Legislature passed May 12, 1784. Small 4to. New York, 1885. Ames (M. E.), reporter. Minnesota Reports, vol. 1. Ames (Samuel), reporter. Rhode Island Reports, vols. 4-7. See, also, Angell (J. K.). Ames (Samuel), Knowles (J. P.), and Bradley (C. S.), reporters. Rhode Island Reports, vol. 8. Ames vs. Hazard. Action for Libel. 8vo. Providence, 1862. [Pam. Tr., vol. 7.] Amistad (The Schooner). Trial of the Prisoners of. 8vo. New York, 1839. 22 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Amos (Andrew). The English Constitution in the Eeign of King Chaiies the Second. 8vo. London, 1857. Observations on the Statutes of the Keforraation Parlia- ment, in the reign of Henry YIIl. 8vo. London, 1859. See, also, Phillipps (S. M.). Amos (Andrew) and Ferard (J.). Treatise on the Law of Fixtures. First Am. ed. 8vo. New York, 1830. [Same.] 3d ed. By C. A. Ferard and W. H. Roberts. 8vo. London, 1883. Amos (Sheldon). An Enghsh Code. 8vo. London, 1873. Fiftv Years of the English Constitution, 1830-1880. 8vo. Boston, 1880. History and Principles of the Civil Law of Rome. 8vo. London, 1883. Law as a Science and as an Art. 8vo. London, 1874. [Pam., vol. 24.] Laws as to Yice in England and other Countries. 8vo. London, 1877. Lectures on International Law. 8vo. London, 1874. Primer of the English Constitution and Government. 5th ed. 12mo. London, 1886. ■ ■ The Science of Law. 8vo. New York, 1875. (Inter- nat. Sci. Ser.) Systematic Yiew of the Science of Jurisprudence. 8vo. London, 1872. (editor). Manning s Law of Nations. Amundesliam (J.). Annales. See Chronicles of Great Britain, etc. Anarchist Case. Abstract of Record. 2 vols. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Brief and Argument for Plaintiffs in Error. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Brief on the Facts for Defendants in Error. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Brief on the Law for Defendants in Error. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Ancarola (Antonio G.). Trial of. See Italian Padrone Case. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 23 Anderson (Edninnd). Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1534-1604. 2 parts. Folio. London, 1664-5. Anderson (J. S.). Decisions in the Court of Session from 1800 to 1878, in Cases connected with the Agriculture of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1878. Anderson (James). Appellate Jurisdiction of the House of Lords from the Courts of Scotland. 8vo. Glasgow, 1860. [Pam., vol. 36.] — — - See, also, Deas (Geo.). Anderson (M. B.), D. D. Relations of Christianity to the Common Law. 8vo. Boston, 1879. [Pam., vol. 14.] Anderson (Robert j. Prison Acts of 1877 and 1865. 12mo. London, 1878. Anderson (Thomas C). Trial, for Publishing Forged Elec- tion Returns. Reported by T. W. CoUens. 8vo. New Orleans, 1878. Anderson (Wm. C). Dictionary of Law. Judicial Defini- tions and Explanations of Words, Phrases, and Maxims. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1889. Andre (Major John). Trial of, by Court Martial. 8vo. New York, 1867. Andrews (C. C). Digest of the Opinions of the IJ. S. Attorneys General. 8vo. Washington, 1857. ■ Treatise on the Revenue Laws of the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1858. (editor). Opinions of the U. S. Attorneys General, vols. 6-8. Andrews (Chas. M.). History of the River Towns of Con- necticut. 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. [J, H. U. Studies, vol. 7.] Andrews (Garnett). Reminiscences of an Old Georgia Lawyer. 8vo. Atlanta, 1870. Digest of Mississippi Reports, 1871-1879. 8vo. Madi- son, 1881. Andrews (George). Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1737-1738. 2d ed. By G. W. Vernon. 8vo. Dubhn, 1791. Andrews (George H.). Twelve Letters on the Future of New York. 8vo. New York, 1877. [Pam., vol. 16.] 24 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Andi'ews (George P.). Biographical Sketch of E. Delafield Smith. Svo, Xe\v York, 1871. [Pam., vol. 5.] Andrews ( Heury B.). Criminal Law ; being a Commentary on Bentham on Death Punishment. Svo. London, 1833." Andrews (Horace). Manual of the Laws and Courts of the United States. 8vo. Xew York, 1873. Andrews (James P.) and Briscoe (W. A.). Index-Digest of Connecticut Reports. 8vo. Hartford, 1883. Andrews (John). Precedents of Leases. 2d ed. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. Precedents of Mortgages ; "with Practical Xotes. 12mo. London. 1879. Andrew^s (John W.). Suggestions on the Law of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the United States. 12mo. Columbus, 1883. Andrews (R. E.). Supplement to Wait's Table of Cases of the New York Reports. Svo. Albany, 1880. Andrews (R. W.) and Stoney (A. B.), editors. Supreme Court of Judicature Acts. Svo. London, 1880. Andrews (S. 31.). Trial of, for Murder. Reported by C. G. Davis. Svo. New York, 1869. Andre^ivs (William S.\ Argument for Local Self-Go vern- ment for Cities, before the Assemblv Judiciarv Committee. Svo. Albany, 1881. [Pam., vol. 9.] Angeberg (Comte de), pseud. Le Congres de Yienne et les Traites de 1815, avec une introduction historique par M. Capefigue. -i vols., Svo. Paris, 1864. Angeli vs. Galbraith. Action for libel. Reported by W. R. Furlong. Svo. Dubhn. 1857. Angeli (Joseph K.). Summary of the Law of Assignments. Svo. Boston, 1835. Treatise on Adverse Enjoyment. Svo. Boston, 1827. Treatise on the Law of Carriers. 4th ed. By J. Lath- rop. Svo. Boston, 1868. — [Same.] 5th ed. By J. Lathrop. Svo. Boston, 1877. Treatise on the Law of Fire and Life Insurance. Svo. Boston, 1854. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1855. THE ASSOeiATION OF THE BAR. 25 Aiigell (Joseph K.). Treatise on the Law of Watercourses. 5th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1854. [Same.] 6th ed. By J. C. Perkins. 8vo. Boston, 1869. ■ [Same.] 7th ed. By J. C. Perkins. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Treatise on the Limitations of Actions at Law. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1846. [Same.] 5th ed. By J. W. JMay. 8vo. Boston, 1869. [Same.] 6th ed. By J. W. May. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Treatise on the Right of Property in Tide Waters and in the Soil and Shores thereof. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1847. ■ — (editor). Rhode Island Reports, vol. 1. United States Law Intelligencer. Aiigell (Joseph K.) and Ames (Samuel). Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations Aggregate. 8th ed. By J. Lathrop. 8vo. Boston, 1866. ■ [Same.] 10th ed. By J. Lathrop. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1875. [Same,] 11th ed. By J. Lathrop. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1882. Angell (Joseph K.) and Durfee (Thomas). Treatise on the Law of Highways. 2d ed. Bv Gr. F. Choate. 8vo. Boston, 1868. — [Same.] 3d ed. By G. F. Choate. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1886. Angers (M.), editor. Lower Canada Reports, vol. 1. Seigniorial Questions. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Edited, with a Translation, by Benjamin Thorpe. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1861. Anglo-Saxon Law, Essays in. By H. Adams, H. C. Lodge, E. Young, and J. L. Laughlin. 8vo. Boston, 1876. Angus (Clias.). Trial of, for Murder. Reported by Wm. Jones, Jr. 8vo. Liverpool, 1808. Annales Cambrise. Edited by John Williams. 8vo. Lon- don, 1860. (Chron. and Mem. of Gt. Brit, and Ireland.) Annales de Droit Commercial. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Annales Monastici. Edited by H. R. Luard. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1864-9. (Chron. and Mem. of Gt. Brit, and Ireland.) 26 CATALOGUE OF THE ZIBRAEY OF Annals of Congress, 1789-1824. 42 vols., 8vo. Washing- ton, 1834-56. Annals of Loch Ce. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs from a. d. 1014 to 1590. Edited, with a Translation, by Wm. M. Ilennessy. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1871. (Chron. and Mem. of Gt. Brit, and Ireland.) Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1890. Annaly's Reports. See Cases temp. Hardwicke, by Lee. Annesley (Alexander). Law of Insurance. Am. ed. 8vo. Middietown, 1808. Annesley v. Anglesey. Trial in Ejectment between Camp- bell Craig, lessee of James Annesley, and Kichard, Earl of Anglesey. Folio. London, 1744. [Same.] Historical Account of the Tryal. 8vo. Bristol, 1744. Annnaire de Legislation Etrangere. 18 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1872-90. Annual Register. 104 vols., 8vo. London, 1758-1862. ■ New series. 27 vols., 8vo. London, 1863-90. Annual Register (New). See New Annual Kegister. Anson (Wm. R.). Law and Custom of the Constitution. Part 1, Parliament. 8vo. Oxford, 1886. Principles of the Law of Contract. Am. ed. By O. W. Aldrich. 8vo. Chicago, 1880. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. By J. C. Knowlton. 8vo. Chi- cago, 1887. Anstey (John). Letters of Simkin the Second, Poetic Recorder of all the Proceedings upon the Trial of Warren Hastings. 8vo. London, 1791. Pleader's Guide : a Didactic Poem. By the late John Surrebutter [pseud.]. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1796- 1802. Anstey (Thos. C). Guide to the History of the Laws and Constitutions of England, consisting of six Lectures. 8vo. London, 1845. Notes upon " The Representation of the People Act." Svo. London, 1867. THE A^iiOCIATION OF THE BAR. 37 Aiistey (Thos. C). On Blackstone's Theory of the Omnipo- tence of Parhament. 8vo. London, 1867. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] On Judicial Oaths as administered to Heathen Wit- nesses. 1868. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] On the Competence of Colonial Legislatures to enact Laws in derogation of Common Liability or Common Right. 8vo. London, 1868. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Aiistrutlier (Alexander). Reports, Court of Exchequer, England, 1792-1797. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1796-7. ■ [Same.] 2d ed. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1817. Ante-Belluni Constitutions of the American States. With an Essay on Recent Changes, by W. L. Warren. 8vo. New York, 1880 [?J. Antlion (John). American Precedents of Declarations. 3d ed. 8vo. Brookfield, 1821. Analytical Abridgment of Blackstone's Commentaries. Svo. New York, 1809. The Law Student ; or, Guides to the Study of the Law. Svo. New York, 1850. Letter on the subject of the Costs of Legal Proceedings. Svo. New York, 1840. [Pam., vol. 13.] Proceedings of the New York Law Institute in accept- ing the donation of a Bust of. SVo. New York, 1876. [Pam., vol. 11.] Proceedings of the New York Law Institute, on occasion of the death of. Svo. New York, 1863. [Pam., vol. 22.] Nisi Prius Reports, Supreme Court. New York, 1808- 1816. Svo. New York, 1820. [Same.] 2d ed. 1807-1851. Svo. New York, 1858. [Same.] Svo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Lawyers' co-op. ed. Svo. Newark [Rochester, pHnted], 1881. (editor). American Digest. Booth on Real Actions. Sheppard's Touchstone. Anthon (William H.). Argument in the Case of R. Tomp- kins and J. C. Thompson, charged with Arson. Svo. New York, 1858. [Pam., vol. 12.] Anthony (Elliott). Treatise on the Law of Consolidation of Railroad Companies. Svo. Chicago, 1865. 28 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Anthony (Susan B. ). Trial of. on the Charge of Illegal Vot- ing. Svo. Rochester, 1874. Anti-Draco ; or, Reasons for Abolishing the Punishment of Death in Cases of Forgery, i^d ed. Svo. London, 1830. [Pam., vol. 44.] Antigua. Laws ; consisting of the Acts of the Leeward Islands, 1690-1798 ; and the Acts of Antigua, 1668-1804. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1805. Laws of the Island, 1804-1817. 4to. London, 1818. Antrobus (Rioliarcl) and Inipey (Tliomas). Brevia Selecta ; or, Choice AVrits. 12mo. London, 1675. (editors). Kitchin's Courts Leet. Appeal Cases, LaAv Reports. See Law Reports. Appeal Cases in Bengal. See Marshall (Walker). Appleton (John). Rules of Evidence. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860. [Same.] [L. L., vol. 101.] (reporter). Maine Reports, vol. 19. Appleton (John) and Shepley (John), reporters. Maine Reports, vol. 20. Appletons' Annual Cyclopsetlia, and Register of Import- ant Events, 1876-1889. New Series. 14 vols., Svo. New York, 1877-90. Index. 1876-1887. Svo. New York, 1890. Appletons' Cyclopsedia of American Biography. Ed- ited bv J. G. Wilson and John Fiske. 6 vols., rov. Svo. New York, 1887-9. Arbitration Cases. See Albert Arbitration ; — European Ar- bitration ; — Geneva Arbitration. Arbuthnot (A. J.). Select Reports of Criminal Cases deter- mined in the Court of Foujdaree Udalut of Madras, 1826- 1850. Svo. Madras. 1S5L' Archbold (John F.). Criminal Pleading and Evidence. 4th Am. ed. By J. Jervis. Svo. New York, 1840. — [Sama] 7th Am. ed. Bv T. W. Waterman. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1860. ^ [Same.] 8th Am. ed. Bv J. N. Pomerov. 2 vols., Svo. New York, ] 877. THE ASSOCIATIOX OF THE BAR. 29 Archbold (John F.j. [Same.] 20tli ed. By AV. Bruce. 8vo. London, 1886. Digest of Pleading and Evidence in Civil Actions. 2d Am. ed. 8vo. New York, 1838. Forms and Entries in Practice in King's Bench and Com- mon Pleas, in Personal Actions and Ejectment. 8vo. New York, 1828. Forms of Indictment ; with the Evidence Necessary to Support them. 8vo. New York, 1828. Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer ; with Forms of Commitments, Convictions, Orders, etc. 2d ed. 3 vols., 12mo. London, 1842. Law and Practice in Bankruptcy, 10th ed. By J. Flather. 8vo. London, 1844. Law and Practice of Arbitration and Award. 12mo. London, 1861. Law of Nisi Prius. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. [Same.] [L. L., vols. 49 and 50.] New Practice of Attornies in the Courts of Law at Westminster. 3d ed. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1847. New Practice of the Courts of Common Law at West- minster. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1855. — Parish Officer. 2d ed. By W. C. Glen. 8vo. London, 1855. — Poor Law. 10th ed. 8vo. London, 1860. — Practice of the Court of Quarter Sessions. 3d ed. By C. W. Lovesy. 8vo. London, 1869. — - Practice of the Court of Queen's Bench, etc. 12th ed. By S. Prentice. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1866. [See Chitty's Arch hold's Practice.] — [Same.] 14th ed. By T. W. Chitty and J. St. L. Leslie. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1885. — Practice of the New County Courts. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1850. — Summar}'^ of the Laws of England. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1848-9. — • Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. [L. L., vol. 53.] — [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1855. 30 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Arclil>old (Johu F.), editor. Abridgment of Cases upon Poor Law, 1842-1858. 8vo. London, 1858. Act for Abolishing Imprisonment for Debt ; with notes. 12mo. London, 1838. Christian's Blackstone. 4 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. Consolidated Criminal Statutes of Eno-land and Ireland. 8vo. London, 1861. — Lunacy Laws. 12mo. London, 1854. [Same.] 2d ed. Bv^ W. C. and A. Glen. 8vo. London, 1877. Archer (James) and Hog^iie (D. P.), reporters. Florida Reports, vol, 2. Archer (Onion"). General Index to New York Documents, 1 777-1 8<;5. svo. Albany, 1866. Archibald (W. F. A.). Forms of Summonses and Orders, for use at Judges' Chambers. 8vo. London, 1879. Archiv fiir Biirgerliches Recht. 4 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1S89-90. Archiv flir Offeiitliches Recht. 5 vols., 8vo. Freiburg, 1886-90. Arcliiv ftir Tlieorie uiid Praxis des Allgeineiiieii Deutsche!! Ha!!dels-ii!!d Wechselreclits. 48 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, etc., 1863-88. General-Register zu Band 1-37. 3 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, etc., 1869-78. Arde!! (Henry). See Banning (11. A.). Argei!ti!!a Repiiblica. Codigo Civil. 4to. New York, 1870. Patent Law. (In Abbott, B. Y. Patent Laws, vol. 1, 1886.) Argles (Napoleoi!). Handy Book on the French Law of Bills of Exchange, Cheques, and Negotiable Instruments, 12mo. London, 1878. - — - Treatise upon French Mercantile Law, and the Practice of the Courts; with a Translation of the Code of Commerce. 8vo. London, 1882. — - See Lyon-Caen (Chas,). THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 31 Argus (The). 2 vols., folio. Albany, 1876-7. Arizona : Reports. Dann. 1866-1884. 1 vol. Statutes. Assembly. Date. Assembly. Date. 1st 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1871 1873 1875 9th 1877 2d 10th 1879 3d 11th 1881 4th 12th 1883 5th 13th »1885 6th 14th [in Rev. St.] loth 1887 7th 1889 8th Code of Laws (Howell). 1865. Compiled Laws (Bashford). 1871. Compiled Laws (Hoyt). 1877. Revised Statutes. 1887. [Includes the legislation of 14th Assembly.] Arkansas : Reports. Pike. English. Barber. Cox. Moore. Turner. Mansfield. 1837- 1845 1853- 1867- 1872- 1879- 1886- -1844. -1853. -1867. -1872. -1879. -1886. -1889. 1-5 Ark. 6-13 Ark. 14-24 Ark. 25-27 Ark. 28-34 Ark. 35-48 Ark. 49-52 Ark. 5 vols. 8 vols. 11 vols. 3 vols. 7 vols. 14 vols. 4 vols. Digests of Reports. Brady. Digest-Index. 1837-1878. 1 vol. Hopkins & Morgan. 1837-1886. 2 vols. Ohphint. 1861-1886. 1 vol. Statiiti 3S (Territorial). Session. Date. Session. Date. Oct., 1821 Oct., 1823 Oct., 1825 Oct., 1827 Special Oct., 1828 2d 6th Oct., 1829 3d 7th Oct., 1831 4th 8th Oct., 1833 5th 9th Oct., 1835 3-2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Arkansas : Statutes (State). Compilation of Laws (Steele & McCampbell). 1835. Kevised Statutes (Ball. Roane & Pyke). 1838. Digest of Statutes (English). 1848^ Digest of Statutes (Gould). 1858. Digest of Statutes ( Gantt). 1874. Diofest of Statutes (Mansfield). 1884. — Constitutional Conventions, etc. Journal, Convention of 1836. Ordinances. Convention of 1861. Debates, Convention of 1868. Constitution and Address. 1868. Constitution Annotated (Pomeroy). 1870, 1876. Code of Practice and Amendments. 1869-71. Form Book (Harrell). 1876. Historv, Biographical, etc. (Hallum). 1887. Justices of the Peace (Duffle & Hillj. 1876. Militia Law. 1860. Ai'kansas Law Journal. 4 nos. published.] 8vo. Fort Smith, 1877. [Only Arkansas State Bar Association. Proceedings : with Constitution. By-Laws. etc. 8vo. Little Rock, 1882-9. Arkley CPatricku Scotch Justiciarv Reports. 1846-1848. 8vo. Edinburg-h. 1849. THE ASSOCIATIOX OF THE BAR. 33 Amies (C. H.). Cases summarily disposed of on Motion in the U. S. Supreme Court. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886. Armour (E. D.). Manitoba Reports, during the time of Chief Justice Wood, 1875-1883. 8vo. Toronto, 1881. (editor). Canadian Law Times. Armstrong' (C. W.). Breaches of Privilege of the House, New York State Assembly, 1777-1871. 8vo. Albany, 1871. Contested Elections in the New York State Assembly, 1777-1871. 8vo. Albany, 1871. Armstrong (J.)* Laws of Intestacy in the Dominion of Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1885. Armstrong' (John S.). Manual of the Law at Elections in Ireland. 12mo. Dublin, 1857. Armstrong (R.), Macartneys (J.), and Ogle (J. C). Irish Nisi Prius Reports, 180:0-1842. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. Armstrong (Thomas J.). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1S(U. Arndts (Karl Lndwig). Juristische Encyclopadie und Methodologie. 8vo. Mimchen, 1860. Lehrbuch der Pandekten. 13. Aufl. von L. Pfaff und F. Hofmann. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1886. Die Lehre von den Yermachtnissen. 3 vols., 8vo. Erlangen, 1869-78. [For continuation see Salkowski, Karl.] Arnold (Michael). Law Reform. 8vo. Philadelphia, 188T. [Para., vol. 35.] Arnold (Thomas J.). The Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act, and the Employers and Workmen Act. 8vo. London, 1876. Duties of a Justice of the Peace out of Sessions. Sum- mary Convictions. 8vo. London, 1860. Manual of the Law with regard to Public Meetings and Political Societies. 16mo. London, 1833. Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1838-1839. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1840. [Only two parts of vol. 2 published.] Treatise on the Law of Municipal Corporations in Eng- land and Wales. 2d ed. By S. G. Johnson. 8vo. Lon- don, 1875. 3 34 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Arnold (Thomas J.). [Same.] 3d ed. By S. G. Johnson. 8vo. London, 1883. See, also, Barron (A.). Arnold (Thomas J.) and Hodges (W.). Eeports, Court of Queen's Bench, England, 1840-1841. 8vo. London, 1841. [Only 5 parts, 320 pages, published.] Arnot (Hug^o). Collection and Abridgement of Celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, 1536-1784. 4to. Edinburgh, 1785. Arnould (Sir Joseph). Life of Thomas, First Lord Denman. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874. [Lives of the Chief Jus- tices, vols. 5, 6.] Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and Average. Am. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1849. [Same.] 4tli ed. Bv D. Maclachlan. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1872. [Same.] 6tli ed. By D. Maclachlan. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1887. Ariiovix (William H.). Argument in the Rollwagen Will Case. 8vo. New York, 1874. The Dutch in America : an Historical Argument. 4to. New York, 1890 Aroni (Jnlius). The Validity of Contracts for Futures. 12mo. New Orleans, 1882. Arrillag'a (B. J.). Recopilacion de Leyes, Decretos, Bandos, etc., de la Republica Mexicana, 1829-1837. 8 vols., 8vo. Mexico, 1835-9. Arrowsmith (R. G.). Observations on the Criminal Law. 8vo. London, 1811. [Pam., vol. 38.] Arthur (Chester A.). In Memoriam. Proceedings of N, Y. Senate and Assembly. 8vo. Albany, 1887. ■ Memorial of, by Daniel G. Eollins. 8vo. New York, 1888. Arnndell (Whitton). Treatise on the Law relating to Mines and Mining Companies. 8vo. London, 1862. Asbnry (Henry). Illinois Form Book. 8vo. St. Louis, 1858. Aschehoug (T. H.). Das Staatsrecht der vereinigten Konig- reiclie Schweden und Norwegen. 8vo. Freiburg, 1886. [See Marquardsen (IL).] THE ASSOCIATIOJ^ OF THE BAR. 35 Asclirott (P. F.). Zur Reform des Deutschen Strafen- und Gefiingniswesens. 8vo. Berlin, 1887. Asliburton (Baron). See Baring (Alexander). Ashby vs. White, et al. See Holt (Lord Chief Justice). Asliclowne (J.). Churchwarden's and Overseer's Guide and Director. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1821. Aslier and Adams' Commercial and Statistical Gazetteer of the United States and Canada. Folio. JSTew York, 1873. Statistical and Topographical Atlas of the United States, etc. Folio. New York, 1873. Topographical Map of the State of N"ew York. Folio. New York, 18G9. Asliniaii (Win. N.). Address on William H. Seward, Svo. Philadelphia, 1885. [Pam., vol. 34.] Aslimead (J. W.). Reports, Court of Common Pleas, etc., Pennsylvania, 1808-1841. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871. Speech in the case of The People vs. Jas. Stephens, indicted for Murder. 8vo. New York, 1859. [Pam., vol. 7.] Ashtoii (J. H.), editor. Opinions of Attornevs-General, vols. 9-12. Aspiiiall (Jas. P.). Reports of Cases relating to Maritime Law. New series, 1870-1890. 6 vols., Svo. London, 1873-90. Asplaiid (L. M.). Law of Blasphemy. Svo. London, 1884. [Pam., vol. 33.] Asser (T. M. C.) and Rivier (A.). Elements de Droit Inter- national Prive, ou du Con flit des Lois. Svo. Paris, 18^84. Assessed Taxes. Cases determined by the Judges, 1823- 1858. 3 vols., folio. London. Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Report of Proceedings of First Meeting. 1870. I/' Constitution and Address. 1870. Constitution, By-Laws, Reports, etc. 1871, 1873, 1S76,' 1879', 1882-1891. ^Proposed Amendments to the Code. 1871. Charges and Testimony : Against Justices Geo. G. Barnard and Albert Cardozo. 1872. 36 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Assooiatioii of the Bar of the City of New York. Charges and Testimonj^ : Against Justice J. H. McCunn. 1872. Against Justice Geo. M. Curtis. 1872. Against Eegister F. M. Loew. 1878. Against Sheriff B. Eeilly. 1879. ■ Report of Committee on Extortions. 1872. Address on an Elective Judiciar3\ 1873. "^Report of Library Committee. 1873. ^Reports of Committee on Law Reporting. 1873. " ' ''-^■^ Report of Committee on Litigated Business. 1875. Proceedino's in reo-ard to the Charofes made throuo-h the Press against Charles O'Conor. 1876. Report of Committee on Admissions to the Bar. 1876. ^Report of Committee on the First Thirteen Chapters of the jSTew Revision of the Statutes. 1876. Proceedings for Disbarment of Titus B. Eldridge. 1877-80. Reports of Committee on Amendment of the Law : On the Bill to establish a Federal Court of Appeals. 1878. ^ On the Proposed Civil Code. 1881. "^In Respect to Marriage Licenses. 1886. ^' On the Bills to Improve Land Transfer. 1886. "^In Relation to the Surrogate of Xew York Co. 1889. Arguments of Committee before the Legislature against the Civil Code. 1881. - Report of Committee on Nominations for Judicial Officers. 1881. lleports of Committee to Ui'ge the Rejection of the Civil Code. ^1881,1882,1883,1881:, 1885,1888. "^'Report of Committee on Federal Courts. 1882. Report of Committee on Transfer of Title to Land. 1882. Report of Committee on Disbarment of W. H. Gale. 1883. "^Report of Committee on Grievances. 1883. ^'Reports of Committee on the Penal Code. 1883. "' Report of Committee on a Plan for Improving the Methods of Legislation. 1885. Memorial to the Governor in relation to the Code of Evi- dence. 1886. Report of Committee upon Delays and Uncertainty in Judicial Administration. 1886. /■Majority and Minority Reports of Committee on Land Transfer Reform. 1887. '^ Report of Committee to examine the Act respecting Juris- diction of U. S. Courts. 1888. Report of Committee on Code of Evidence. 1889. ^Report of Committee on Federal Court of Appeals. 1890. • Thoughts on Codification, by Albert Mathews. 1882. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 37 Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Codification of the Common Law, by James C. Carter. 1884. ^he Civil Code in California, by John N. Pomeroy. 1885. ^Damages in the Code, by Arthur G. Sedgwick. 1885. ■^orts under the Code, by George L. Rives. 1885. "^Corporations under the proposed Civil Code, by William B. Hornblower. 1888. "^Trusts under the Civil Code, by George H. Adams. 1888. The Revision and the Revisers, by Wm. Allen Butler. 1889. In Memoriam : Morrison R. Waite, by Chas. C. Beaman. 1890. Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations. Constitution, Bye-Laws, etc. 8vo. London, 1874. [Pam., vol. 6.] Report of the Eighth Annual Conference held at Berne. 8vo. London, 1881. [Pam., vol. 32.] Asso y del Rio (I. J. de) and Manuel y Rodriguez (M.). Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain. Translated with notes, by Lewis F. C. Johnston. 8vo. London, 1825. [Same.] See White (Joseph M.). Aston (James J.). Law of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. 8vo. London, 1883. Law of Pauper Lunacy, and Pauper Lunatic Asylums. 12mo. London, 1849. Aston (R.). Placita Latine Rediviva : a Book of Entries. 3d ed. 4to. London, 1673. Aston (T.). Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1883. 8vo. London, 1884. Astry (Sir James). General Charge to all Grand Juries, and other Juries. With a Discourse of the Antiquity, Power, and Duty of Juries. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1725. Atcheson (Nathaniel). Report of a Case (Havelock v. Rockwood) on the Validity of a Sentence of Condemnation by an Enemy's Consul in a Neutral Port. 8vo. London, 1800. Report of the Case of Fisher v. Ward, respecting the Russian Embargo on English Ships. 8vo. London, 1803. Athenry (Edward), Lord. Ancient Baronage of Ireland. 8vo. London, 1833. [Pam., vol. 36.] 38 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Atherley (Edinoiid G.)' Treatise on the Law of Marriage and other Family Settlements. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. [L. L., vol. 27.] Atkinson (C. M.). See Shirle}^ (W. S.). Atkinson (Geo.). International Morality ; or, The Touch- stone of the Law of Nations. Svo. London, 1851. Treatise on the Office of Sheriff. 6th ed. By E. E. Mels- lieimer, Svo. London, 1878. Atkinson (H. T.), reporter. New Reports. [Eng.] Atkinson (Solomon). Common Forms and Precedents in Conveyancing. 8vo. London, 1830. Essav on Marketable or Doubtful Titles to Real Estate. Svo. Philadelphia, 1838. [L. L., vol. 20.] The Law on the Contract of Sale. Svo. London, 1853. Summary of the Practice of the Court of Chancery. 12mo. London, 1834. Theory and Practice of Convevancing. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1839-41. Atkinson (W. D.). Compilation of the Laws of Alabama. Svo. JVIontgomery, 1890. Atkyns (John T.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, Eng- land, 1736-1754. 3 vols., Svo. Dubhn, 1779. [Same.] 3d ed. By F. W. Sanders. 3 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1794. Atkyns (Robert). Power, Jurisdiction and Priviledge of Parliament, and the Antiquity of the House of Commons asserted. As also a Discourse concerning the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in the Realm of England. Folio. London, 1689. Atlantic Reporter. 21 vols., Svo. St. Paul, 1885-91. (Nat. Rep. Syst.) Digest. Vols. 1-10. Ed. by A. Maconochie and H. E. Randall. Svo. St. Paul, 1888. Attree (W. H.), editor. New York Constitutional Conven- tion. 1846. At water (Isaac), reporter. Minnesota Reports, vol. 1. Atwell (Saninel Y.). Argument in the Case of John and William Gordon, charged with Murder. Svo. Providence, 1844. [Pam., vol. 26.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 39 Atwood (W.). Antiquity and Justice of an Oath of Abjura- tion. Sm. 4to. London, 1694. Aub (Tlieoclore). Real Estate Transactions ; as they are, and as they might be. A plan for the Insurance of Titles and Mortgages. 8vo. New York, 1871. [Pam., vol. 2. | Auber (Peter). China : an Outline of its Government, Laws, and Policy. Svo. London, 1834. Aubry (C.) and Ravi (C). Cours de Droit Civil Fran^ais. 4'' ed. 8 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1869-1883. Aucliterarder Case. Reported by Charles Robertson. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Aucoc (Leon). Conferences sur I'Administration et le Droit Administratis 3*^ ed. [Yol. 3, 2^ ed.] 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1882-6. Aiideiiried (Clias. Y,). See Lindley on Partnership. Auerbacli (Joseph S.). The New York System of Pro- cedure: its Theory, History, and Progress in the United States, England, and India. Svo. New York, 1877. [Pam., vol. 13.] Austin (Alfred). See Barron (Arthur). Austin (Henry). American Farm Law and Game Laws. Svo. Boston, 1886. The Liquor Law in the New England States, Svo. New York, 1890. Austin (John). Province of Jurisprudence Determined. 2d ed.; being the first part of a series of Lectures on Juris- prudence, or the Philosophy of Positive Law. [Ed. by Sarah Austin.] Svo. London, 1861. Yols. II. and III. Lectures on Jurisprudence ; being the sequel to " The Province of Jurisprudence Determined," with I^otes and Fragments. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1863. Lectures on Jurisprudence. 4th ed. By R. Campbell. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1873. — [Same.] 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1875. Austin (Nathaniel J.). Ceylon Appeal Reports, being De- cisions of the Supreme Court on Appeals from the District Court of Kandy, 1833-1859. Svo. Colombo. 1862. Austin (R. C). English County Courts Cases, 1867-1S69. 12mo. London, 1869. 40 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Australasia. Administration of Estates. (Wood.) 1884. Law List, 1886-7. Australia. Reports. See Queensland ; — New South Wales; — Victoria. Australian Ballot System. (Wigmore.) 1889. Australian Law Times. 1881-3. Austria. Gesetzbuch (Biirgerliches). (Civil Code.) Riehl, 4 vols., 1883. Gesetzbuch (Handels-). (Commercial Code.) Schroder, 1880. Vols. 3 and 4. 4to. Melbourne, Austria. — Continued. Patentgesetzgebung. (Patent Law.) Abbott, Eng. Tr., 1886. Staatsrecht. (Political Law.) Ulbrich, 1884. Verw^altung.srecht. (Administrative Law.) Gumplowicz, 1882. Ulbrich, 1884. Ehe. (Marriage.) Wright, Laws and Statis- tics, 1889. Ehescheidung. (Divorce.) Wright, Laws and Statis- tics, 1889. Austro-Hungarian Question. Correspondence between J. G. Hiilsemann and Daniel Webster, 8vo. Washington, 1851. [Pam., vol. 1.] Avery (Rev. E. K.). Narrative of his Apprehension, etc. By Harvey Harnden. 8vo. Providence, 1833. Report of his Examination. 8vo. Providence, 1833. Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Providence, 1833. [Same.] Reported by B. F. Ilallett. 8vo. Boston, 1833. [Same.] Supplementary ed. By B. F. Ilallett. Svo. Boston, 1833. [Same.] Reported by R. Hildreth. 8vo. Boston, 1833. Vindication of the Result of liis Trial. Svo. Boston, 1834. Avery (Edward) and Hobbs (Geo. M.). Bankrupt Law of the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1868. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 41 Ayckbourn (Hubert). Forms of Practical Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery ; with the Orders of Court, Rules and Regulations. 8vo. London, 1873. Jurisdiction and Practice of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1876 Practice in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. 10th ed. By B. F. Lock and C. A. Cook. 8vo. London, 1880. Practice of the High Court of Chancery. 6th ed. 8vo. London, 1858. Ayer (S. H.), compiler. New Hampshire Compiled Statutes. 8vo. 1853. Ayliffe (John). Kew Pandect of Roman Civil Law; with Observations and a preliminary Discourse on its Rise and Progress. Folio. London, 1734. Parergon Juris Canonic! Anglicani ; or, A Commentary, by way of Supplement, to the Canons and Constitutions of the Church of England. Folio. London, 1726. Ayloffe (Joseph), bart. Calendars of the Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scotish Rolls, etc. 4to. London, 1774. Ayrtoii (Edward N.). Suggestions for an Act to give an Indefeasible Title in Land, 8vo. London, 1857. [Pam., vol. 36.] Ayrtoii (Scrope). See Montagu (Basil). Azcutia (Manuel L. de). Derecho Criminal. 8vo. Ma- drid, 1861. Azo y del Rio (\. J. de). See Asso. Azuni (D. A.). Maritime Law of Europe. Translated from the French by Wm. Johnson. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1806. 42 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF B. Babiiigton (Richard). Treatise on the Law of Auctions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838. [L. L., vol. 19.] Treatise on the Law of Set-off and Mutual Credit. 8vo. Philadelphia, 183-1. [L. L., vol. 6.] Babingtoii (Stephen), reporter. Bellasis' Bombay Civil Cases. Babingtoii (Zachary). Advice to Grand Jurors in Cases of Blood. 12mo. London, 1677. Bachofen (J. J.). Das Mutterrecht. Eine Untersuchung liber die Gynaikokratie d. alten Welt. 4to. Stuttgart, 1861. Backus ( Franklin T.). In Memoriam. 8vo. Cleveland, 1870. Backus (Joseph). Digest of Laws relating to the Offices and Duties of Sheriff, Coroner and Constable. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1812. Bacon (A. O.). New Digest of Decisions, Supreme Court of Georgia. 2 vols., 8vo. Macon, 1872. Bacon (I>.). New York Judicial Kepository. 8vo. New York, 1818-19. [Only six numbers published.] Bacon (F. H.). Treatise on the Law of Benefit Societies, and incidentally of Life Insurance. 8vo. St. Louis, 1888. Bacon (Francis), Baron Veiiilam and Viscount St. Albans. Works, with his Life. 10 vols., 8vo. London, 1803. Cases of Treason. 12mo. London, 1641. Elements of the Common Lawes of England, branched into a double tract ; one containing a Collection of some principall Rules and Maximes of the Common LaAV ; the other the Use of the Common Law. Sm. 4to. London,1636. Law Tracts. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1741. Reading upon the Statute of Uses. New ed. By W. H. Rowe. 8vo. London, 1804. Bacon (John). Liber Regis, vel Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesias- ticarum. 4to. London, 1786. Bacon (MattheAv). Compleat Arbitrator ; or, The Law of Awards. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1770. New Abridgment of the Law. 6th ed. By T. Cun- ningham. 5 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1793. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 43 Bacon (Matthew). New Abridgment of the Law. 6th eel. By Henry Gwillim. 7 vols., 8vo. London, 1807. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. By B. Wilson. 7 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1811. [Same.] Am, ed. "With Notes by John Bouvier. 10 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860-76. Treatise on Leases and Terms for Years. 8vo. London, 1798. Bacon (Nathaniel). Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England, from the First Times to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 5th ed. 4to. London, 1760. Bacon (R.). Opera (niaedam hactenus inedita. See Chron- icles, etc., of Great Britain. Bacon (Theodore). Professional Ethics. Svo. Saratoga, 1882. [Pam., vol. 32.] Bacon (Thomas), compiler. Laws of Maryland at Large, now first collected into one complete body. Folio. An- napolis, 1765. Bacon (William J.). The Early Bar of Oneida. Svo. Utica, 1876. [Pam., vol. 32.] Badeley (Edward). Privilege of Religious Confessions in English Courts of Justice. Svo. London, 1865. Bagehot (Walter). The English Constitution, -tth ed. Svo. London, 1885. The Postulates of English Political Economy. With preface by Alfred JVIarshall. 12mo. New York, 1885. Bagley (D. T.), reporter. California Reports. Vols. 16-19. Bagley (William). Practice at Chambers, of the Judges of the Courts of Common Law, in Civil Actions. Svo. Philadelphia, 1837. [L. L., vol. 15.] Bagshawe (H. R.). Legal Education, its Past and Future. Svo. London, 1858. [Pam., voL 36.] Biihr (Otto). Die Anerkennung als Verpflichtungsgrund. 2. Aufl. Svo. Cassel, 1867. Bail Conrt Cases. Reported by J. J. Lowndes and P. B. IVIaxwell. Svo. London, 1852— ±. [Only five parts published.] Baildon ( Wni. P.). See Selden Society Publications. Vol. 3. Bailey (Henry). Cases in Equity, Court of Appeals, South Carolina, 1830-1831. [Appendix, 1833-7.] 2d ed. Svo. Charleston, 1860. 44 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Bailey (Henry). Cases in Law, Court of Appeals, South Car- olina, 1S28-1832. 2 vols., 8vo. Charleston, 1858. Bailey (William H.). Conflict of Judicial Decisions. 8vo. Baltimore, 1888. Digest of North Carolina Reports. Yols. 71 to 79. 8vo. Raleigh, 1879. Onus Probandi, Preparation for Trial, and the Right to Open and Conclude. 8vo. New York, 1886. Baillie (Neil B. E.). Digest of Moohummudan Law on the subjects to which it is usually applied by British Courts of Justice in India. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1869-75. Mohummudan Law of Inheritance according to Aboo Huneefa and his Followers. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1874. Baily (D. E. ) and Hammond (J. D.). General Statutes of Nevada in Force. 8vo. Careon City, 1885. Baily (Francis). Doctrine of Life-Annuities and Assurances, with Tables. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1813. Baily (Laurence R.). General Average, and the Losses and Expenses resulting from General Average Acts. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1856. Perils of the Sea. and their effects on Policies of Insur- ance. 8vo. London, 1860. Bainbridge (William). Treatise on the Law of Mines and Minerals. 3d ed. svo. London. 1867. [Same.] -Ith ed. Bv Archibald Brown. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. Baird (Thomas). Treatise on the Law of Scotland, relative to Master and Servant and Master and Apprentice. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S41. Baird (William R.) and Babcock (F. S.). Guide to the Principles of the Law. 12mo. New York, 188-1. [Same.] 3d ed. 12mo. New York, 1889. Baker (Arthur L.). Annual Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of the State of Pennsylvania, 1883-1881. Roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885. Baker (C. M. ). Revised Statutes of Wisconsin. 8vo. South- port. 1S19. Baker (Charles D. ). Code of Evidence. 32mo. New York, 1885. Baker (Charles E.). Wills ; how to Make, and how to Prove them. 4th ed. 12mo. London, 1881. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 45 Baker (Georg-e E.), editor. Works of William H. Seward. New ed. 5 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1884. Diplomatic History of the War for the Union. See Seward's Works, vol. 5. Baker (John F.). The Federal Constitution. 12mo. New York, 1S8T. Supplement to Riddle's Treatise on the Law and Prac- tice of Supplementary Proceedings. 8vo. New York, 187T. Treatise on the Law of Manufacturing Corporations in the State of ^q\n York. Svo. New York, 1876. Treatise on the Law of Sales of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, as affected by the Statute of Frauds. Svo. Chicago, 1887. Baker (Sherstoii), bart. Laws relating to Quarantine. 8vo. London, 1879. Office of Vice-Admiral of the Coast. Svo. London, 1884. Baker (Thomas). Law of Highways in England and Wales, including Bridges and Locomotives. Svo. Lon- don, 1880. Laws relating to Burials. 4th ed. Svo. London, 1873. [Same.] 5th ed. 12mo. London, 1882. Laws relating to Public Health, Sanitary, Medical, and Protective. Svo. London, 1865. Baker (William). Compendium of the recent Statutes, Cases, and Decisions affecting the Office of Coroner. Svo. London, 1851. Baker's Weekly Digest and Common Pleas Reporter. See Common Pleas Reporter. Balch (F. v.). Report of the Case of the Steamship Meteor. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1861). See Blackwell (R. S.). Balch (Lewis). Review of the Medical Evidence in the Sec- ond Trial of Jesse Billings, Jr. Svo. Syracuse, 1881. [Pam., vol. 17.] Baldwin (Charles N.). Trial for Libel. Svo. New York, 1818. Baldwin (Edward T.). Concise Treatise upon the Law of Bankruptcy. 4th ed. Svo. London, 1884. 46 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Baldwin (Henry). General View of the Origin and Xature of the Constitution and Government of the United States ; ^vith Opinions in the Cases decided at January Term, 1S37, arising on the Restraints on the Powei*s of the States. Svo. Philadelphia, 1837. [Intended as an Appendix to vol. 11, Petei*s" lieports.] Eeports, U. S. Circuit Court, Third Circuit, 1827-1833. 8vo. Pliiladelphia, 1837. Baldwin (Joseph G.). Flush times of Alabama and Missis- sippi; a Series of Sketches. 11th thousand. 8vo. San Francisco, 1876. Baldwin i^R, S.). Argument in the Case of the Africans of theAmistad.' 8vo. New York, 1841. [Pam., vol. 9.] BaldA^in (Simeon E.). Digest of Connecticut Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston. 1871-82. Balfour (G. W.). See Casper (^J. L.). Ball (Farlin Q. )• Law of National Banks. 8vo. Chicago, issi. Ball ( Georg'e AY. I. ). General Railroad and Telegraph Laws of Pennsylvania. 2d ed. By H. S. Drinker. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1884. Ball (James I. Popular Conveyancer, with Concise Prece- dents. 8vo. London, 1877. Ball ( Robert J.). Justices' Justice : a Satire. [Yei'se.] 8vo. London, 1845. Ball (Thomas) and Beatty (Francis). Reports, High Court of Chancerv. Ireland. 1807-1814. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1823. Ball (W. Edmund). Leading Cases on the Law of Torts. Roy. .^vo. London, 1884. Principles of Torts and Contracts. Svo. London, 1880. Ball ( AYalter W. R.). Student's Guide to the Bar. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1884. Ball (AYilliam). Index to the Acts passed in Ireland. 1310- l^Oii. Folio. Dublin. 1804. Ball (William 3IcK.), Roane (S. C.) and Pike (A.). Ar- kansas Revised Statutes. 8vo. Boston, 1838. Ballantine f James\ reporter. Scotch Session Cases. First series, vol. 1. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 47 Ballantiue (William). Treatise on the Statute of Limita- tions. 8vo. ]>fe\v York, 1812. [Same.] Am. ed. By J. L. Tillinghast. 8vo. Albany, 1829. Ballantiue (William), serjeant. Some Experiences of a Barrister's Life. 8vo. New York, 1883. Ballard (Ellis A.). Law of Marriages in Pennsylvania. 2d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1885. [Pam., vol. 35.] Ballard (T. E.) and (E. E.). Annotated Real Estate Stat- utes of Indiana. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1891. Baltimore Bar Association. Reports, Resolutions, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 1881. Baltimore Bar Library. Subject Index Catalogue. By J. H. Converse. 8vo. Baltimore, 1882. Baltimore Contested Election Case. 8vo. Baltimore, 1859. Baltimore Law Record. See Maryland Law Record. Baltimore Law Transcript. 3 vols., folio. Baltimore, 1868-70. [Only 19 nos. of vol. 3 published.] Banbury Peerage Case. See Nicolas (H.). Bancroft (George). A Plea for the Constitution of the U. S. of America, wounded in the House of its Guardians. 12rao. New York, 1886. (Harper's Handy Ser.) Bancroft (Hvibert Howe). Works. 39 vols., Svo. San Francisco, 1886-90. Bancroft's Forms. See Cowdery (J. F.). Bancroft's Practice Act. Civil Practice Act of California, edited by Chas. H. Parker. 8vo. San Francisco, 1863. Bang's (Francis N.). In Memoriam. Meeting of the Bar of New York. 8vo. New York, 1886. Bank Cases. As to Stolen Bonds, arising out of the North- ampton Bank Robbery. 8vo. New York, 1885. Banker and Tradesman, and Massachusetts Law Reporter. Vols. 13-19. 6 vols., 4to. Boston, 1885-91. Banking Law Journal. 4 vols., 8vo. New York, 1889-91. Bankrupt Register. 4 vols, in 3. 4to. New York, 1869-71. 48 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Bankruptcy Gazette. See Gazette of Bankruptcy. Bankruptcy Register. See National Bankruptcy Register. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports. 1853-1855. 2 vols.. 8vo. London, 1855. Bankruptcy. Proceedings of National Bankruptcy Conven- tion, held at Wasliington, D. C, January, 1884. [Pam., vol. 28.] Banks (E. V.), reporter. Kansas Reports. Vols. 1-5. Banks (John). Life, Trial and Confession; executed for the murder of his wife. 8vo. New York, 1806. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.J Bannard (Charles H.). Pennsylvania Supreme Court Digest. 4 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886-90. Banning- (Henry T.). Treatise on the Law of Marriage Set- tlements. 8vo. London, 1884. Treatise on the Statute Law of the Limitation of Actions. 8vo. London, 1877. Banning (Hubert A.) and Arden (H.). Reports of Patent Causes decided in the Circuit Courts of the United States, 1874-1880. 5 vols., 8vo. New York, 1881-3. Bannister (Saxe). See Bridgraan (Orlando). Bar (L. von). Das Internationale Privat-und Strafrecht. 8vo. Hannover, 1862. International Law ; Private and Criminal. Translated, with notes, by G. R. Gillespie. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Recht und Beweis im Geschworenengericht. 8vo. Han- nover, 1865. Bar Association (New York City). See Association of the Bar. Bar Examination Journal. 1871-1888. 8 vols., 8vo. London, 1873-88. Barbadoes : Statutes. Abridgement of the Laws in Force and Use in Her Majesty's Plantations of Virginia, Barbadoes, etc. 8vo. London, 1704. Acts of Assembl}', passed in the Island, 1648-1718. Folio. London, 1721. Acts of Assembly, 1648-1718. Folio. London, 1732. Public Acts in Force, 1762-1800. Compiled by S. Moore. 8vo. London, 1801. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 49 Barber (G. L.), editor. Chicago Law Journal. Barber (L. E.), reporter. Arkansas Reports. Vols. 14-24. Barber (William). Principles of the Law of Insurance adopted in the Civil Code of California. 12mo. San Fran- cisco, 1882. Barberot (Etieniie). Du Monopole des Agents de Change. 8vo. Paris, 1887. Barbeyrac (Jean). See Bynkershoek (C.) ; — Grotius (Hugo) ; — Pufendorf (Samuel von). Barbour (J.). Digest of Kentucky Court of Appeals Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. Louisville, 1878. [Same.] Supplement, 1879-1883. 8vo. Louisville, 1884. Barbour (John M.). In Meraoriam. 8vo. New York, 1882. Barbotir (Oliver L.). Analytical Digest of Equity Cases since 1836. 8vo. Springfield, 1843. Condensed Digest of the Decisions of the Court of Ap- peals, and the Commission of Appeals, of the State of New York. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1877. Digest of Decisions, Supreme Court of New York, as reported in Barbour's Reports. 3 vols., Svo. Albanv, 1880. Summary of the Law of Parties to Actions at Law and Suits in Equity. 8vo. Albany, 1864. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Albany, 1884. Summary of the Law of Payment. 8vo. New York, 1888. Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, New York, 1S45- 1848. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1847-9. [Same.] 2d ed. Annotated by S. Rapalje. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Lawj'ers' Co-op. ed. Annotated by R. Desty. 3 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1889. Reports of Cases, Supreme Court, New York, 1847-1877. 67 vols., 8vo. New York and Albany, 1859-78. — - — Treatise on the Criminal Law, and Criminal Courts, of the State of New York. 2d ed. 8vo. Albany, 1852. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1883. 4 50 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Barbour (Oliver L.i. Treatise on the Law of Set-off. Svo. Albany, 1841. Treatise on the Practice of the Court of Chancer}^ 2 vols., Svo. Albany and Xew York, 1843—4. [Same.] 2d ed. 3 vols.. Svo. Xew York. 1874-5. Treatise on the Rights of Pei*sons and the Rio'hts of Property ; with the Remedies for their Protection and En- forcement. 2 vols., Svo. Rochester, 1890. Barclay (David), Several Trials before the Presbytery of Xew-Brunswick. 12mo. Elizabethtown, 1814. Barclay (Hiig:li). Digest of the Law of Scotland. 3d ed. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S65. Law of Highways in Scotland. 4th ed. Svo. Edin- burgh. 1863. Public Houses Statutes ; with notes, decided cases, and extracts from Commissioners' Report. 2d ed. Svo. Edin- burgh, 1876. • Barclay (J. M.). Digest of Rules, etc.. L". S. House of Rep- resentatives. Svo. Washington, 1S6S. Barclay (Thomas). French Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Xotes, and Cheques. Svo. London, 1884. Law of France, relating to Industrial Property, Patents, Trade Marks, etc. 12mo. London, 1889. Bard (^Alpliouse). Precis de Droit International. Droit penal et prive. Svo. Paris, 1883. (^See Bibl. Jurid. Contemp.. vol. 7.) Bardeeu (C. W.). Common School Law. 4th ed. 12mo. Syracuse, 1878, Barings (Alexander), aftw. Baron Ashburtoii. Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Coun- cil ; and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America. Svo. London, 1808. [Pam., vol. 28.] Barker ( Henry i. Manual on the Registration of Deeds and other Assurances in Yorkshire. Svo. London, 18S4. Barker (Jacob), et al. Lettei's. developing the Conspiracy formed in 1826 for his ruin. Svo. Xew York, 1827. Trial for Conspiracy. Svo. Xew York, 1S27. Second Trial. Svo. Xew York, 1S27. Third Trial. Svo. Xew York, 1827. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 51 Barkow (August F.). Lex Eoraana Burgundionum, ex Jure Romano et Gerinanico illustrata. 8vo. Giyphiswaldige, 1826. Barlow (Francis C). Facts for Mr. David Dudley Field. 8vo. Albany, 1871. [Fam., vol. 8.J Barlow (Theotlore). See Jenkins (David). Barnard (F. £.)• Digest of New York State Reports, Jan. 1. 1881, to July 1, 1889. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. N^ew York, 1888-9. Barnard (George G.). Charges and Testimony of the Bar Association of New York against. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1872. Proceedings in the Court of Impeachment. 3 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1874. Barnard (Henry). National Education in Europe. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1854. Barnardiston (Thomas). Reports, Court of King's Bench, etc., England, 1726-1734. 2 vols., folio. London, 1744. Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1740-1741. Folio. London, 1742. Barnes (Henry). Notes of Cases in Points of Practice, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1732-1760. 2d ed. Svo. Dublin, 1788. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. London, 1790. Barnes (Ralph). Inquiry into Equity Practice, and the Law of Real Property, with a view to Legislative Revision. Svo. London, 1827.' Barnes (W. H.). History of the Thirty -ninth Congress of the United States. Svo. Indianapolis, 1867. The Supreme Court of the United States : a Series of Biographies, with Introduction by S. F. Miller. 4to. Washington, 1877. Barnes (William). Insurance Laws of New York. 9th ed. Svo. Albany, 1880. Barnett (J. D.) and Buckler (Alex.), reporters. Central Criminal Court Reports. Bamewall (Richard V.) and Adolphus (John L.). Re- ports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1830-1834. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1831-5. 52 CATALOGTE OF THE LIBRARY OF Barnewall (Richard V.) and Aldersoii (Edward H.). Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1817-1822. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1818-1822. Barnewall (Ricliard V.) and Cresswell (C.)» Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1822-1830. 10 vols., Svo. London, 1823-32. Baron (J.). Die Condictionen. [Abhandl. aus dem Rom. Civilprozess, 1.] 8vo. Berlin, 1881. Pandekten. 6. Aufl. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. Baron and Feme. A Treatise of Law and Equity concern- ing Husbands and Wives. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1738. Barr (R. M.), reporter. Pennsylvania State Reports. Vols. 1-10. Barrett (Bryant) and Spence (Geo.). Succinct Account of the Civil Regulations comprised in the Jewish Law, Salic Law, etc. [Introductory Discourse to a Translation of the Code Napoleon.] ' 8vo. London, 1812. Barrett-Lennard (Tlios.). See Lennard. Barrin^on (^Daines). Observations upon the Statutes, chieflv the more ancient. 2d ed. [Anon.] 8vo. Dublin, 1767.' [Same.] 5th ed. [Anon.] Folio. London, 1796. Barrington (Sir Jonah). Personal Sketches of his own Times. 3d ed. Bv T. Young. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1871. Barrister (The) ; or. Strictures on the Education proper for the Bar. [By Thomas Ruggles.] 12mo. Dublin, 1792. Barron (Arthnr) and Arnold (T. J.). English Election Cases, 181:3-181:6. 8vo. London, 1816. Barron (Arthnr) and Anstin (Alfred). English Election Cases, 1842. 8vo. London, 1844. Barron (Com. James), et al. Trial of B., by Court IVEartial. 8vo. Washington. 1822. Barron (John A.). Bills of Sale and Chattel IVIortgage Acts of Ontario. 8vo. Toronto, 1880. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Toronto, 1888. Barrows (William ). Oregon : the Struggle for Possession. 5th ed. 12mo. Boston, 1888. (Am. Commonwealth Ser.) THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 53 Barry (Edward). Practice of a Justice of the Peace ; and complete Library of Parish Law. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1Y93-5. Barry (William W.). Forms and Precedents in Convey- ancing, with Introduction and Practical Notes. Svo. Lon- don, 1872. Treatise on the Law and Practice of Benefit Building and Freehold Land Societies. Svo. London, 1S66. Treatise on the Practice of Conveyancing. Svo. Lon- don, 1S65. Treatise on the Statutory Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. Svo. London, 1861. Bartlett (Adelaide). Trial of, for Murder. Edited by Ed- Avard Beal. Svo. London, 1SS6. Bartlett (D. W.). Cases of Contested Elections in Congress, 1834-1865. 8vo. Washington, 1865. Digest of Contested Election Cases, House of Represen- tatives, 1865-lSTO. Svo. Washington, 1870. Bartlett (John Russell). Bibliography of Rhode Island. Catalogue of Books and other Publications relating to Rhode Island ; with Notes. Svo. Providence, 1864. Index to Rhode Island Acts and Resolves, 1758-1850. Svo. Providence, 1856. Records of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations in New England, 1636-1792. 10 vols., Svo. Providence, 1856-65. Bartlett (Thomas). Treatise on British Mining ; with a Digest of the Cost Book System, Stannarie and General Mining Laws. Svo. London, 1850. Bartoii (Charles). Historical Treatise of a Suit in Equity, Svo. Dublin, 1796. [Same.] Ed. by J. P. Holcombe. Svo. Cincinnati, 1847. [Same.] New ed. Bv H. H. Ingersoll. Svo. Cincin- nati, 1884. Modern Precedents in Conveyancing. 2d ed. 6 vols., Svo. London, 1811-14 - - [Same.] 3d ed. 7 vols., Svo. London, 1821 Supplement and Index. By J. B. Bird. Svo. London, 1815. 54 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Barton ( Charles i. Index to same, and to Supplement. Bv S. F. T. Wilde. ' Svo. London. ISIS. [Same.] Supplement by S. F. T. Wilde : with Mercan- tile and Commercial Precedents, etc.. by Charles Barton, Jr. 3 vols.. Svo. London. 1S26. Practical Points or Maxims in Conveyancing : being selections from MSS. of Barton and othei's. By Charles Barton. Jr. Svo. London, 1S31. Barton (G. B.\ Practical Statutes of Xew Zealand. 2 vols., 4to. Dunedin, 1S76-T. (editor). XeAv Zealand Jurist. Xew Series. Barton (James S. ). Digest of the Maxims, or Principles, of the Common Law. as administered and recognized both in Courts of Law and Equity. Svo. Des Moines, ISSl. Barton (Josephs Validity of Deeds altered under Parol Authoritv. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S90. [Law Student's Monthly,' vol. 1.] Barton (R. T."). Pleading and Practice in the Courts of Chancery. 2 vols., Svo. Bichmond, lSSl-3. Practice in the Courts of Law in Civil Cases ; founded on Robinson's Practice. Svo. Richmond, 1S77. Barton (Thomas H.). See Lefroy (ThomasY Barwiek (Walter*. Outline of an Action under the Ontario Judicature Act : an Adaptation of H. E. Boyle's Precis of an Action. Svo. Toronto, ISSl. Bashforcl (Coles). Compiled Laws of Arizona. Svo. Al- bany, 1S71. Bashforcl (Coles) vs. Barstow ( W. A. ». Trial, Quo War ranto, contesting the right to the Office of Governor of Wisconsin. Svo. Madison, ISofi. Bashforcl (Xorhnry) vs. Parker (Chartes), and others. Debt, for sixtv Democratic dinners. Svo. Trenton, 1S35. [Pam. Tr., vol. 6.] Basilicus (pseud.). Ecclesiastical Supremacy of the Crown proved to be the Common Law of England. [By E. L. Swift] Svo. London. L^U. [Pam., vol. 44.] Baskett (John), printer. Acts of Assembly passed in the Province of Xew York, from 1691 to 171S. Folio. Lon- don, 1710. THE ASSOCIATIOlSr OF THE BAB. 55 Bassett (James). Criminal Pleading and Practice ; with Precedents of Indictments and Special Pleas. 2d ed. By Henry Binmore. 8vo. Chicago, 1885. Batbie (A.). Traite Theorique et Pratique de Droit Public et Administratif. 2'' ed. 8 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1885-6. [Same.] Supplement : annee 1885-86. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1886-7. Batchelcler (Samuel, Jr.). Manual of the Laws of Massa- chusetts in relation to Manufacturing Corporations. 12mo. Boston, 1868. Batemaii (Joseph). General Highway Acts, with Notes and Practical Forms. 2d ed. By W. N. Welsby. With Supplement, by C. M, Smith. 8vo. London, 1865. Treatise on the Law of Auctions. 5th ed. By K. Rouse. 8vo. London, 1874. [Same. I 1st Am. ed. By H. K Sheldon. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1883. Batemaii (William O.). General Commercial Law, as recognized in the Jurisprudence of the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860. Political and Constitutional Law of the United States of America. 8vo. St. Louis, 1876. Bates (Clement). Law of Limited Partnership. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1886. Law of Partnership. 2 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1888. Ohio Digest. Supplement, 1875-1882. Yol. 3. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1883. Pleadings, Parties and Forms under the Code, adapted to the Statutes of Ohio, and all States using a Code. 2 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1881-2. (editor). Littleton and Blatchley's Digest of Fire In- surance Decisions. Bates (D. M.), reporter. Delaware Chancerv Reports. Vols. 1, 2. ^ r Bates (Edward). Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 8vo. Washington, 1861. [Pam., vol. 21.] Bates (George H.), reporter. Delaware Chancery Reports. Vols. 3-5 Bates (J. C). Report of the Ilawes Will Case. 8vo. San Francisco, 1872. 56 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Batten (Ediuiind). Specific Performance of Contracts. Svo. Philadelphia, 1859. [L. L., vol. 67.] Batten (John). Stannaries Act, 1869; with Kotes, etc. 12mo. London, 1873. Battershall i J. P. i, editor. Xaquet on Legal Chemistry. Battle (William H.). Digest of Korth Carolina Law and Equity Cases. 4 vols., 8vo. Ealeigh, 1866-74. Revisal of the Public Statutes of North Carolina. Svo. Raleigh, 1873. (editor). Carolina Law Repository. Xorth Carolina Conference Reports. Devereux and Battle's X. C. Reports. Haywood's X. C. Reports. Martin's X. C. Reports. Batty (Espiue). Reports, Court of King's Bench, Ireland, 1825-1826. 8vo. Dublin, 1828. See Smith (T. B. C). Bauke ( Algernon C. ). Vaccination Acts ; with Xotes, etc. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1871. Baiiin . Brief View of the "Writ Xe exeat Regno. Svo. London, 1S12. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. Bv IL "^'. AYarner. Svo. Xew York, 1S21. - [Same.] 2d Am. ed. Bv Henrv Xicoll. Svo. Xew York, 1S41. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 59 Beanies (John). Elements of Pleas in Equity, with Prece- dents of such Pleas. 8vo. London, 1818. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. By W. Halsted, Jr. 8vo. New York, 1824. General Orders of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1815. Translation of Glanville, with Notes. 8vo. London, 1812. ■ Treatise on Costs in Equity. Svo. Philadelphia, 1838. [L. L., vol. 22.] Bearclsley Divorce Case. Svo. New York, 1860. Beasley (Mercer). New Jersey Keports, 1858-1860. 2 vols., Svo. Trenton, 1860-3. Beasley (Thos. J.). Synopsis of Proceedings, Masters in Chancery. Svo. Dublin, 1837. Beasts at Law ; or, Zoologian Jurisprudence : a Poem. By S. Woodworth. 12mo. New York, 1811. Beattie (F. S.). Trial of, for Libel. Svo. Philadelphia, 1829. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Beatty (Francis). Reports, High Court of Chancery, Ire- land, 1813-1830. Svo. Dublin, 1847. See Ball (Thos.). Beaudry ( — ), editor. Lower Canada Reports. Beaumont (G. D. B.). Observations on the Code for Real Propertv, proposed by James Humphreys. Svo. London, 1827. Beaumont (George). Law of Fire and Life Insurance. Svo. London, 1833. Beaumont (Joseph). Law and Practice of Bills of Sale, and Bills of Sale of Ships. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S60. [L. L., vol. 103.] Treatise on Agricultural Holdings and the Law of Dis- tress. Svo. London, 1883 Beauties of the British Senate, taken from the Debates of the Lords and Commons ; prefixed, the Life of Sir Robert Walpole. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1786. Beavan (Charles). Chancery Reports, Rolls Court, England, 1S3S-1S66. 36 vols., Svo. London, 1840-60. 60 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Beavaii i Chariest. Chancery Reports. Rolls Court. England, 1S,3S-1 866. General Index. By C. AY. Chute. 8vo. Lon- don, 1869. Ordines Cancellari£e ; being a selection of General Orders of the High Court of Chancery, 1814-^5. 12mo. London, 1846. Beavan \ Edward ), editor. Chitty's Collection of Statutes. Beavau (Edward) and Walford (Frederick). Parlia- mentary Cases relating to Railways, etc., 1846. 8vo. Lon- don, 1847. [Only two parts published.] Beaver (John). See Ferriere (C. J. de) ; — Fleury (C.V Beawes ( Wyndhaiu i. Lex Mercatoria rediviva. 6th ed. By Thos. Mortimer. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1795. Bebb ( John ), et al. Trial of. on an Extent. 8yo. London, ISli. Becearia (C. B.), marchese di. On Crimes and Punish- ments : translated from the Italian ; with Commentary attributed to Voltaire. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1769. [Same.] Xew ed., corrected. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1793. — [Same.] Xcav ed. Svo. Albany, 1872. Beck (J. L. W."). Corpus Juris Civilis. 2 vols., 4to. Lipsiae, 1829-37. Beck ( Theodric R. and John B. i. Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 12th ed. Bv C. R. Oilman. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. Becker ( H."). Das Staatsrecht des Grossherzogthums Olden- burg. Svo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Bedarride i J. i. Droit Commercial : Commentaire du Code de Commerce. Des Achats et Yentes. 2® ed. 8vo. Paris, 1878. ■ Des Commer9ants. 2*" ed. svo. Paris, 1876. Du Commerce Maritime. 2^ ed. 5 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1879. De la Jurisdiction Conimerciale. 2*^ ed. 8vo. Paris, 1880. De la Lettre de Change, etc. 2^ ed. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1880. — Des Societes. 2*" ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1878. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 61 Beclarricle (J.). Droit Commercial. Brevets d'lnvention. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1875. Des Cherains de Fer. 2 vols.. Svo. Paris, 1876. Les Cheques. 8vo. Paris, 1876. Les Societes en Commandite, etc. 2^ tirage. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1880. Traite des Faillites et Banqueroutes. 5^ ed. 3 vols., 8vo, Paris, 1880. Bedford (Edward H.). Outline of an Action in the Chan- cery Division. 12mo. London, 1878. Bedford (J. C). See Evans (Wm.). Bediiiger (Everett W.). Digest of West Virginia Reports. 8vo. San Francisco, 1884. Bee (Thomas). Reports, U. S. District Court, South Caro- lina, 1792-1809. With Appendix, by Fr. Hopkinson. Svo. Philadelphia, 1810. Beebe (F. N.) and Lincoln (A. W.). Ohio Citations. Roy. Svo. Cincinnati, 1886. Beebe (Welcome R.). In Memoriam. Svo. New York, 1884. Beebee (P. O. )• Analysis of Common Law Practice in Questions ; adapted to Graham's Treatise. Svo. New York, 1837. Beeclier (Edwin), editor, Illinois Reports, vol. 1. Beeclier (Rev. Henry Ward). Official Report of the Trial of ; with Notes and References. By Austin Abbott. Vols. 1 and 2. Svo. New York, 1875. [No more published.] [Same.] Paxon's ed. Svo. New York, 1874. [Same.] Tribune ed. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1875. Beekman vs. The People, et al. Will Case. Svo. New York, 1858-61. Beers (F. W.). Map of 23d Ward, New York Citv. Folio. New York, 1876. Map of 24th Ward, New York City. 2 vols., folio. New York, 1877. Beers (J. B.). Countv Atlas of Westchester, New York. Folio. New York, 1872. 62 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB EAR Y OF Begbie (31. B.j. Partnership en Commandite; or, Limited Liability recognized by the Law of England. 2d ed. 8vo. London, lb52. [Pam., vol. 3(3.] Begg (J. H.j. Treatise on the Law of Scotland relating to Law Agents ; including the Law of Costs as between Agent and Client. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1883. Behrend (J. F.). Lehrbuch des Handelsrechts. 8vo. Ber- lin, 1880-L Beissel (C). Diinisch-Schwedisch-Norwegisches Wechselgesetz von 1880. 8vo. Kopenhagen, 1881. Beitel (Calvin G.). Digest of Titles of Corporations char- tered by tiie Legislature of Pennsylvania between 1700 and 1873. '2ded. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874. Beldam (Joseph). Treatise on Heresy as Cognizable by the Spiritual Courts. 8vo. London, 1792. Belgium. Ancien Droit, etc. (Defacqz). 2 vols. 1873. Code Civil. 18mo. Bruxelles, 1885. Code Xapoleon (Delebecque et Hoffman). 1885. Code de Commerce (Delebecque et Hoffman). 1881. Code Constitutionnel. etc. 18mo. Bruxelles, 1848. Code Forestier, etc. (Delebecque et Hoffman). 1854. Code d'Instruction Criminelle (Delebecque et Hoffman). 1881. Code Penal (Delebecque et Hoffman). 1886. Code de Procedure Civile (Delebecque et Hoffman). 1886. Constitution (Delebecque et Hoffman). 1831. Lois Usuelles (Delebecque et Hoffman). 1791-1884. Marriage and Divorce Laws and Statistics (Wright). 1889. Patent Laws (Abbott). 1886. Beling (William W.). Digest of the Orders of the Supreme Court of Cevlon in Police Court Cases, 1863-1868. 8vo. Colombo. 1869. Beling ( Wm. W.) and Vanderstraaten (J. W.). Digest of the Orders of the Supreme Court of Cevlon in Police Court Cases, 1846-1862. 8vo. Colombo, 1863. Belknap ('W. W.). Trial of, by Impeachment. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1876. Bell (A. B.). See Shaw (Patrick). Bell (Alexander M.). Lectures on Conveyancing. 2d ed. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1882. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 63 Bell (Beiy. R.). Supplement to Hume's Commentaries on the Law of Scotland respecting Crimes. 4to. Edmburgh, 1844. Bell (Charles U.). Digest of the Public Acts of Massachu- setts of 1882, with Decisions. 8vo. Boston, 1882. [Same.] 1882-1883. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Index, or Summary Digest, of the Massachusetts Ee- ports. 8vo. Boston, 1876. [Same.] Supplement. 8vo. Boston, 1885. Bell (Clark). Medico-Legal Studies. 4to. New York, 1889. Rights of the Insane, and their Enforcement. Svo. New York, 1883. [Pam., vol 18.] Valedictory Address, before the New York Medico- Legal Society. 8vo. New York, 1876. [Pam., vol. 11.] Bell (George J.). Commentaries on the Law of Scotland. 7th ed. By John M'Laren. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1870. Commentaries on the Statutes relative to Diligence, or Execution, against the moveable Estate ; Imprisonment ; Cessio Bonorum ; and Sequestration in Mercantile Bank- ruptcy. 4to. Edinburgh, 1840. ■ Inquiries into the Contract of Sale of Goods and Mer- chandise. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. [L. L., vol. 50.] Principles of the Law of Scotland. 6th ed. By Wm. Guthrie. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. Bell (J. S.). Use and Abuse of Expert, Testimony. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. Bell (James) and Dwelly (J. H.). Laws of Excise. Svo. London, 1873. Bell (John). Thoughts on the Proposed Alterations in the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1830. [Pam., vol. 24.] Bell (John M.). Treatise on the Law of Arbitration in Scot- land. 2d ed. Svo. Edinburgh, 1877. Bell (J. M.), Murray (J.), and Donaldson (J.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases. 2d Series, vol. 4. Bell (J. M.), Murray (J.), Donaldson (J.), and Young- (G.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases. 2d Series, vol. 5. Bell (J. M.), Murray (J.), Young (G.), and Tennent (H. L.), reporters. Scotch Session C/ases. 2d Series, vols. 6-8. 64 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Bell (Robert). C'ourt of Session Cases, Scotland, 1790-1702. 8vo. EdiD burgh. 1793. [Same.] 1794-1795. Folio. Edinburgh, 1796. Report of a Case of Legitimacy under a Putative Mar- riage. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1S25. — Treatise on Leases. 4th ed. Bv AVm. Bell. 2 vols., J^vo. Edinburgh, 1S25-6. Bell (Sydney S.). Cases decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1842-1850. 7 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843-52. Dictionarv of Decisions, Court of Session, Scotland, 1808-1833. '2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1841-2. Law of Pro])erty. as arising from the relation of Hus- band and "Wife. Svo. Philadelphia, 1850. [L. L., vol. 67.] Bell ( Thomas ). English Crown Cases Reserved, 1858-1860. Svo. London. 1861. Bellasis (A. F. ). Reports of Civil Cases determined in the Court of Sudder Dewanee Adawlut of Bombay, 1840-1848. 8vo. Bombay, 1850. Reports of Criminal Cases determined in the Court of Sudder Foujdaree Adawlut of Bombav. 1827-1846. 8vo. Bombay, 1849. Bellers (Fettiplaee). Dehneation of Universal Law. 4to. London. 1750. Bellewe (Kiehard). Cases temp. Richard II.. Kings Bench. England, 13 78-1400. Reprinted from the original ed. of 1585. 8vo. London, 1869. Cases temp. Henry Till. See Brooke's Xew Cases. Bellinger (C. B.), reporter. Oregon Reports, vols. 4-8. Bellinghani ( J. ). Trial and Execution for Murder. 8vo.* London. 1812. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Belt (Robert). Supplement to the Reports in Chancery of Francis Yesey, senior, 1746-1756. 8vo. London, 1817. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. Svo. Philadelphia. 1831. Bemis (E. \V.). Local Government in Michigan and the Xorthwest. Svo. Baltimore, 1883. [J. H. L". Studies, vol. 1.] Beniis (George^. American iSTeutrality : its honorable past, its expedient future. Svo. Boston, 1866. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 65 Beiiiis (George). Hasty Recognition of Rebel Belligerency, and our right to complain of it. Svo. Boston, 1865. [Pam., vol. 36.] Mr. Reverdy Johnson : The Alabama Negotiations antl their just repudiation by the Senate of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1869. [Pam., vol., 4.] Official Report of the Trial of John W. Webster, for Murder. Reprint. 8vo. New York, 1879. Bench and Bar. 2 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1869-71. Bench and Bar. New Series. A Quarterly Journal of Legal Information. 3 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1872-4. Bench and Bar Review. See vol. 1, Forum Law Review, Bendh>es or Benloes (Gnlielnie). See Benloe. Benecke (William). Treatise on the Principles of Indem- nity in Marine Insurance, etc. 8vo. London, 1824. See Stevens and Benecke on Average, etc. Benedict (Erastus C). American Admiralty : its Jurisdic- tion and Practice. New ed. Svo. New York, 1870. Benedict (Joseph). Jurisdiction, Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace in the State of New Y^ork. 5th ed. 8vo. Albany, 1875. [Same.] 6th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1878. [Same.] 7th ed. 2 vols., Svo, Albany, 1880. [Same.] 8th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1883, Benedict ( Judson D.). Habeas Corpus Case ; with Opinion of Judge N. K. Hall. Svo. Buffalo, 1863. [Pam,, vol. 21.] Benedict (Robert D. and Benj. L.j. Reports, U. S. Dis- trict Courts, Second District, 1865-1879, 10 vols., Svo. New York, 1869-82. Benedikt (Moriz). Anatomical Studies upon Brains of Criminals. Translated from the German by E. P, Fowler. Svo. New York, 1881, Benet (S. V.). Treatise on Military Law and the Practice of Courts-Martial, 4th ed, Svo, New York, 1864, Bengal. See India. Bengal Law Reports (1868-1 875). 15 vols., Svo. Calcutta, 1869-76, 5 66 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF Benjamin (Jutlali P.). Treatise on the Law of Sale of Per- sonal Property. 8vo. London, 1868. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1873. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 8vo. New York, 1875. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 8vo. New York, 1877. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. By E. H. Bennett. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1881. [Same.] 4tli Am. ed. By C. L. Corbin. 2 vols., 8vo. Jersey City, 1883. [Same.] 4th Am. ed, Bv E. IT. Bennett. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1884. [Same.] 5th Am. ed. By E. H. Bennett, 8vo. Bos- ton, 1888. [Same,] 6th Am. ed. By C. L. Corbin. 2 vols., 8vo. Jersey City, 1889. Beiijaiuiii (J. P.) and Sliclell (T.). Digest of Louisiana Keports. 8vo. New Orleans, 1840. Beiijaiuiii (L. N.). The St. Albans Raid ; or, Investigation into the Charges against Lieut. B. H. Young and Com- mand. 8vo. Montreal, 1865. Beiijainiii (Revibeii M.). General Principles of the Law of Contract in the Form of Rules for the use of Students. 12mo. Bloomington, 1889. Beii,jaiiiin (W. E.). Analytical Index-Digest of the ]\Iinne- sota Reports, vols. 1-35, 8vo, St. Paul, 1888. See Chalmers (M, D.). Benloe (Oulielnie). Reports des divers Resolutions et Judg- ments par les Judges en le Temps del Raigne de Hen. VIIL, Edw, YL, Phil, et ]\Lar. et Elizab., 1535-1628. Eoho. London, 1661. Benloe (Gnlielnie) and Dalison (G.). Reports des divei-s Pleadings et Cases en le Court del Common-bank, 1485- 1579. Folio. London, 1689, [A half-title includes Benloe and Dalison.] Benn (Ricliarcl), Capital Punishment, critically examined by the Scriptures, 8vo. York, 1872. [Pam., vol. 37.] THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 67 Beiinet (William H.). Master's Office in the Court of Chancery. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. [L. L., vol. 37.] On the Hindu and Mahomedan Laws, as administered in India. 8vo. London, 1858. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Practical Treatise on the Appointment, Office and Du- ties of a Receiver, under the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1849. Select Biographical Sketches from the Note-book of a Law Reporter. 8vo. London, 1867. Bennett (D. M.). Trial of, for Depositing Prohibited Matter in the Mail. 12mo. New York, 1879. Bennett (David S.) vs. The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser. Action for Libel. 8vo. Buffalo, 1870. Bennett (Ednivmcl H.). Farm Law: a Treatise on the Legal Rights and Liabilities of Farmers. 12mo. Portland, Me., 1880. Fire Insurance Cases ; with Notes, etc. 5 vols., 8vo. New York, 1872-7. (editor), Benjamin on Sales. Goddard on Easements. Story on Bills. Story on Sales. Bennett (Edmund H.), Gray (R.)» and Swift (H. W.). Digest of Massachusetts Reports, 1804-1879. 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1881. Bennett (Edmund H.) and Heard (F. F.). Leading Criminal Cases, with Notes. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1869. Digest of Massachusetts Reports, 1804-1857. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1862-3. Bennett (Edmund H.) and Holland (H. W.). Digest of Massachusetts Reports, 1857-1869. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Bennett (G. G.), reporter. Dakota Reports, vol. 1. Bennett (John I.). Treatise on the Law of Lis Pendens,, or the effect of Jurisdiction upon Property involved in Suit. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Bennett (M. L.). Vermont Justice: Treatise on the Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace. Svo.. Burlington, 1864. Bennett (Nathaniel), reporter. California Reports, vol. 1.. 68 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Beiiiiett (S. A.), reporter. Missouri Reports, vols. 16-21. Beimy (Philii> B.). Criminal Code of the Jews. 12mo. London, 1880. Benson (John S.). Judicial Record of Chief Justice Chase. Svo. New York, 18S2. [Para., vol. 29.] Benson (L.\ Remarkable Trials and Notorious Characters. 12mo. London, 1872. Bent (James A.). Digest of West Virginia Reports, 1863- 1887. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1888. Benthaui (George). Observations on the Registration Bill. 8vo. London, 1831. [Pam., vol. 25.] Bentliani (Jeremy). "Works. Published under the super- intendence of John Bowring. 11 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1843. Benthamiana ; or. Select Extracts from his "Works. By J. H. Burton. Svo. Philadelphia, 1844. Defence of Usury. 3d ed. "With, 2d ed., A Protest against Law Taxes. 12mo. London, 1816. [Same.] 4th ed. "With, 3d ed., A Protest against Law- Taxes. 12mo. London, 1818. Exposure of the Needlessness and Mischievousness of the Ceremony of an Oath. 8vo. London, 1817. Leading Principles of a Constitutional Code for any State. Svo. London, 1823. [Pam., vol. 36.] Opinions on the Usury Laws. Svo. [Dated] Crichotf, 1787. [Pam., vol. 19.] Rationale of Judicial Evidence. Edited by John S. JVIill. 5 vols., Svo. London, 1827. — Rationale of Reward. Svo. London, 1825. Theory of Legislation. Translated from the French of E. Dumont, by R. Hildreth. 2 vols., 12mo. Boston, 1840. — [Same.] Svo. London, 1876. - Treatise on Judicial Evidence, extracted from the IViSS. of Jeremy Bentham by IVI. Dumont ; translated into Eng- lish. 4to. London, 1825. Bentley (A. J.). Digest of the Official Opinions of the Attornevs-General of the United States. Svo. "Washing- ton, 1885. (editor). Opinions of Attorneys-General, vols. 13-18. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 09 Benton (J. H., Jr.). The Veto Power in the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1888. Benton (Thomas H.). Abridgment of the Debates of Con- gress, 1789-1856 [1850]. 16 vols., 8vo. New York, 1857-61. Historical and Legal Examination of the Dred Scott Case. 8vo. Kew York, 1858. Thirty Years in the United States Senate, 1820-1850. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1854-6. Beqviet (Leon). Repertoire du Droit Admin istratif. Vols. 1-5. 4to. Paris, 1882-6. Bereng^er (A. M. M. T.). Les Novelles de I'Empereur Justinien, traduites en Franpais. 2 vols., 4to. Metz, 1810-11. Berenger (C. R. cle) and others. Trial of, for Conspiracy. See Cochrane (Thos.). Bergen City (N. J.). Charter and Ordinances, 1868. Berlin Arbitration. See Washington, Treaty of. Bermuda, or Snmmer-Island.s. Acts of Assembly, made and enacted, 1690 to 1713-14. Folio. London, 1719. Bernard (Mountagne). Historical Account of the Neutral- ity of Great Britain during the Am. Civil War. 8vo. Lon- don, 1870. Bernard (William Leigh). Irish Ecclesiastical Property Statutes and Leading Cases. 8vo. Dublin, 1876. Bernatzik (Edmnnd). Rechtsprechung und materielle Rechtskraft. Verwaltungsrechtliche Studien. 8vo. Wien, 1886. Berni y Catala (Joseph). Apuntamientos sobre las Leyes de Partida, al tenor de leyes recopiladas, autos acordados, autores Espaiioles, y practica moderna ; con indice general. 7 parts in 3 vols. Folio. Valencia, 1759. Las Siete Partidas del Rey D. Alfonso el Nono. 8 vols., 8vo. Valencia, 1757-8. Berrey (George J.). Recent Statutes relating to Prescrip- tion and Custom ; with Notes. 12mo. London, 1833. Berrian (James). Trial of, for Criminal Conversation. 8vo. New York, 1807. Berry (A. M.), reporter. Missouri Appeal Reports, vols. 1-16. 70 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Berry ( A. 31.) and Mister (_ J. F.), reporters. Missouri Ap- peal Reports, vols. 17-28. Berry ( Jacob i. Trial of, for Keeping a Disorderly House, svo. Xew York, ISTS. Berryinaii i^Johii R.^. Digest of the Law of Insurance. Roy. Svo. Chicago, ISSS. Bert on iG. F. S.). New Brunswick Supreme Court Reports, 1 835-1839. :2d ed., with ]S^otes bv A. A. Stockton. Svo. Toronto, 1882. Xew Brunswick Statutes, 1786-1836. ito. Fredericton, 1838. Besaiit (Annie). Trial of. See Bradlaugh. Beseler (Georg). Die Lehre von den Erbvertriigen. 2 vols, in 3. Svo. Gottingen, 1835-40. System des gemeinen deutschen Privatrechts. 2 vols., Svo. Berlin. 1885. Besson (John C). Xew Jersey Law Precedents. Svo. Trenton. 1875. Best i^William 31.). Codification of the Laws of England. Svo. London, 1856. [Jur. Soc. Papei's, vol. 1.] Common Law of England, and False Principles of Law Reform. Svo. London, 1857. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] On Presumptions of Law and Fact ; with the Theory and Rules of Presumptive or Circumstantial Proof in Crim- inal Cases. Svo. Philadelphia, 1845. [L. L.. vol. 47.] On Trial by Jury. Svo. London, 1859. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Principles of the Law of Evidence. Svo. Philadelphia, 1849. [L. L., vol. 66.] [Same.] 5th ed. Svo. London, 1870. [Same.] 6th ed. By J. A. Russell. Svo. London, 18 < 5. — [Same.] Am. ed. Bv H. G. Wood. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1875-6. — [Same.] Am. ed. Bv J. A. Morgan. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1875-6. — [Same.] Am. ed. By C. F. Chamberlayne. Svo. Bos- ton, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 71 Best (William M.). Right to Begin, and Reply, in Trials by Juiy and other proceedings ; with Annotations by J. J. Crandall. 8vo. Burlington, N. J., 1880. • Unanimity of Juries. 8vo. London, 1855. [Jur, Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Best (W. M.) and Smith (G. J. P.j. Reports of Cases, Court of Queen's Bench, England, 1861-1869. 10 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia and London, 1863-71. Bethmaiiii-Hollweg (M. A, von). Der Civilprozess des genieinen Rechts in geschichtiicher Entwicklung. 6 vols., 8vo. Bonn, 1864-74. 1-3. Der Romische Civilprozess. 4-6. Der Germanisch-Romanische Civilprozess im Mittel- alter. Betts (Clias. D.). Alphabetical List of Applicants for the* Benefit of the Bankrupt Act, within the Southern District of New York. 8vo. New York, 1843. [Pam., vol. 13.] Betts (Samuel R.). Decisions. Vol. 1. See Blatchford and Howlaud's Reports. ■ [Same.] Vol. 2. See Olcott's Reports. Opinions in Prize Cases, District Court of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1863-4. Practice in the Admiralty Courts of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1838. Bevans (William). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Boston, 1816. Beven (Edwin) and Mills (A.). Legal Miscellany : Con- taining Decisions of the Supreme Court of Ceylon, sitting in Appeal. 8vo. Colombo, 1864-7. Beven (Thomas). Law of the Employers' Liability for Neg- ligence of Servants causing Injurv to Fellow Servants. 8vo. London, 1880. . Principles of the Law of Negligence. Roy. 8vo. Lon- don, 1889. Bever (Thomas). History of the Legal Polity of the Roman State ; and of the Rise, Progress and Extent of the Roman Laws. 4to. London, 1781. Bevill (Robert). Treatise on the Law of Homicide, and of Larceny at Common Law. 8vo. London, 1799. 72 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Bewley (E. T.) and Naish (J.). The Common Law Pro- cedure Acts. 8vo. Dublin, 1871. Beytagli (Ed. T. F.). Treatise on the Statutes of Limitation : Land, and Charges on Land. 8vo. Dubhn, 1846. Bibb (George M.). Kentucky Court of Appeals Eeports, 180S-181T. 2d ed. 4 vols., 8vo. Frankfort, 1840. Bible (The) in the Public Schools. Arguments, etc. Svo. Cincinnati, 1870. Bibliotlieca Legviiii Aiiglise. Part 1. Compiled by John Worrall. Part 2. Compiled b}-- Edward Brooke. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1788. Bibliotlieque Internationale et Diplomatique. 20 vols., 8vo. Pans, 1880-8. 1-2. Guide Pratique des Consulats; par A. de Clercq et C. de Vallat. 2 vols. 3-4. Formulaire des Chancelleries Diplomatiques et Consu- laires ; par A. de Clercq et C. de Vallat. 2 vols. 5-6. Traite de Droit Penal International et de I'Extradition ; par P. Fiore. 2 vols. 7-8. Cours de Droit Diplomatique ; par P. Pradier-Fodere. 2 vols. 9-10. Histoire de la Discipline Parlementaire ; par A. Rey- naert. 2 vols. 11-13, l^ouveau Droitjnternational Public; par P. Fiore. 3 vols. 14-17. Traite de Droit International Pubhc Europeen et Americain ; par P. Pradier-Fodere. 4 vols. 18. Droit Public International Maritime ; par Carlos Testa. 19. Droit des Gens. I. Des Droits et des Devoirs des Nations en Temps de Paix ; par Sir T. Twiss. 20. Le Tribunal International ; par le Comte L. Kama- rowsky. Bibliotlieque Jiiridique Contenipqraine. 7 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1881-86. 1-2. Traite des Assurances Maritimes ; par A. Droz. 2 vols. 3-4. Des Courtiers ; par J. Fabre. 2 vols. 5. Traite du Contrat d' Assurance contre I'lncendie, par H. de Lalande ; avec la collaboration de Abel Couturier. 6. Legislation et Jurisprudence des Chemins de Fer et des Tramways ; par E. Yigouroux. 7. Precis de Droit International ; par A. Bard. Droit penal et prive. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 73 Bibliotheque ou Journal du Barreau, et des Ecoles de Droit. 9 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1809-11. Bicknell (C. F.) and Hawley (T. P.), reporters. Nevada Reports, vols. 10-15. Bicknell (George A.). Practice of the Superior Courts of Indiana in Criminal Cases. Revised ed. 8vo, Cincinnati, 1871. Practice of the Supreme and Circuit Courts of Indiana in Civil Cases. Revised ed. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1874. Bidclle (Arthur). Treatise on the Law of Warranties in the Sale of Chattels. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1881:. Biddle (Arthur and George). Treatise on the Law of Stock Brokers. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1882. Bidtlle (George W.). Contribution among Terre-Tenants ; a Lecture. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1863. [Pam., vol. 14.] Lien of the Debts of a Decedent upon his Real Estate in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. [Pam., vol. 28.] Sketch of the Professional and Judicial Character of Chief Justice Sharswood. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. [Pam., vol. 26.] Lecture on U. S. Constitutional History. See Rogers (H. W.). Biddle (George W.) and McMurtrie (R. C). General Index to English Common Law Reports. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. Biddle (John). Table of British Statutes. 8vo. London, 1864. Bidoulac (A. de M.). Orders in Council, Treaties, and Stat- utes, relating to Deserters from Foreign and British Ships, Fugitive Offenders, Extradition, Copyright, Naturalization ; with Notes of Decided Cases. 8vo. London, 18"B7. Bidwell (Marshall S.). In Memoriam : Proceedings of the Meeting of the New York Bar. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Pam., vol. 5.] Memoir, Historical and Biographical. By Edward F. De Lancey. 8vo. New York, 1890. [Pam., vol. 48.] Bigelow (E. B.). Tariff Policy of England and the United States contrasted. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1877. [Pam., vol. 17.] 74 CATALOGUIJ OF THE LIBRARY OF Bigelow (^Joliii), editor. Complete Works of Benjamin FraDklin. 10 vols., 8vo. New York, 1887-8. See Tilden (Samuel J.). Bigelow (L. J.). Bench and Bar. A Digest of the Wit, Humor, Asperities and Amenities of the Law. Svo. New York, 1871. BigeloAV (3Ielville M.\ Elements of Equity. 12mo. Bos- ton, 1879. Elements of the Law of Torts. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston, 1882. [Same.] 3d ed. 12mo. Boston, 1886. ■ History of Procedure in England. 8vo. Boston, 1880. Index of Cases, Overruled, Reversed, etc., by the Courts of America, England and Ireland. 8vo. Boston, 1873. [Same.] Supplement, 1873-1887. Svo. Boston, 1887. Law of Bills, Xotes and Checks, illustrated by Leading Cases. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1880. Law of Fraud, and the Procedure pertaining to the Bedress thereof. 8vo. Boston, 1877. Leading Cases on the Law of Torts ; with Notes. 8vo. Boston, 1875. — Life and Accident Insurance Cases ; with Notes. 5 vols., 8vo. New York, 1871-7. — Placita Anglo- Normannica. Law Cases from William I. to Richard I., 1066-1195. Svo. Boston, 1879. — Treatise on the Law of Estoppel. Svo. Boston, 1872. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1876. — [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Boston, 1882. — [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Boston, 1886. — [Same.] 5th ed. Svo. Boston, 1890. — Treatise on the Law of Fraud on its Civil Side. Svo. Boston, 18SS. — [Same.] Vol. 2. Fraudulent Conveyances, etc. Svo. Boston, 1890. — (editor), Jarman on Wills. Redlield and Bigelow's Cases on Bills, Notes, etc. Story on Contracts. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAIi. 75 Bigcg (James). General Kailway Acts. 12th ed. 12mo. London, 1866. [Same.] 13th ed. 12nio. London, 1875. Reform and Registration Acts. 12mo. Westminster, 1868. ■ Standing Orders of the House of Commons relative to Private Bills. 12mo. Westminster, 1853. • Standing Orders of the Lords and Commons relative to Private Bills. 12mo. Westminster, 1869. Bignell (M. A.). Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1831. [Only one part, 181 pages, published.] Billing (Sidney). Laws relating to Pews in Churches. 8vo. London, 1845. Treatise on the Law of Awards and Arbitrations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. [L. L., vol. 51.] Billing: (Sidney) and Prince (Alex.). Law and Practice of Patents and Registration of Designs. 8vo. London, 1845. Billinghurst (George). The Judges Resolutions upon the several Statutes concerning Bankrupts ; with the like Reso- lutions on the Statutes of 13 Eliz. and 27 Eliz. touching Fraudulent Conveyances. 12mo. London, 1676. Billings (Jesse, Jr.). Trial of, for IMurder. Review of Med- ical Evidence. By Lewis Balch. 8vo. Syracuse, 1881. [Pam., vol. 17.] Argument of IS^. C. IVLoak and Judge's Charge. 8vo. Albany, 1879. Billot (Albert). De I'Arrestation Provisoire en vue d'Extra- dition. 8vo. Paris, 1858. Binding (Karl). Handbuch des Strafrechts. Yol. 1. 8vo. Leipzig, 1885. Bingham (Anson). LaAV of Executory Contracts for the Sale of Real Property. 8vo. Albany,' 1872. Treatise on the Law of Real Property. 8vo. Albany, 1868. — Treatise on the Law of Real Property : Actions and De- fenses. 8vo. Albany, 1880. — Treatise on the Laws of Descent. 8vo. Albany, 1870. 76 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Biiighaiii ^ Aiisoii) and Colviii (Andrew J. ). Treatise on Rents, Covenants and Conditions. Svo. Albany, 1S5T. Bingham (J. A.). Argument on the Trial of the Conspira- tors for the Assassination of President Lincoln. Svo. AYashington, 1865. [Pam. Tr., vol. 1.] Bingham (Peregrine). Digest of the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Svo. London, 1820. Law and Practice of Judgments and Executions. Svo. Philadelphia, 1836. [L. L., vol. 13.] Law of Infancv and Coverture. 1st Am. ed. Svo, Exeter, 1824. Reports, Court of Common Pleas, etc., England, 1822- 1834. 10 vols., Svo. London, 1821-34. — Xew Cases, Court of Common Pleas, etc., England, 1834-1840. 6 vols., Svo. London, 1835-41. See Broderip ("W. J.), Bingham (Rev. Robt. ). Trials of, for sending an Incendiary- Letter, and for setting Fire to his Dwelling House. Svo. London, 1811. Binmore (Henry*. Annotated City and Tillage Laws of the State of Illinois. Svo. Chicago, 1890. Corporator's Manual : Laws of Illinois affecting General Corporations. Svo. Chicago, 1880. Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme and Appellate Courts of lUinois. 1884-1889. Svo. Chicago, 1890. Index-Digest of the Michigan Reports. 12mo. Chicago, 1881. Index of Cases and Citations, and Digest of all Statutes construed in the Iowa Supreme Court Reports. Svo. Chicago, 1887. Instructions for Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables. Svo. ChicasTo, 1882. — ■ Laws and Ordinances governing the City of Chicago. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1890. (editor). American Corjioration Cases, vols. 5-9 ; and Digest. Binney (Capt. Amos). Trial of, by Court Martial. See Militia Reporter. Binney (Horace"). Argument, in Tidal vs. City of Philadel- phia. Svo. Philadelphia, 1844. [Pam., vol. 28.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 77 Biiiiiey (Horace). Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus under the (.Constitution. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] [Same.] 2d part. Svo. Philadelphia, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] Keports, Supreme Court, Pennsylvania, 1799-1814. 6 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809-15. Eulogium on the Life and Character of Binney. By William Strong. Svo. Philadelphia, 1876. [Pam., vol. 16.] Biiiiis (John). • Office and Duties of Aldermen and Justices of the Peace in Pennsylvania. 8th ed. By F. C. Brightly. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. [Same.] 9th ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1886. Bird (James B.). Laws respecting IVIasters and Servants. Svo. London, 1825. Supplement to Barton's Modern Precedents in Convey- ancing. Svo. London, 1815. Bird (W. E.). General Index of the Statute Laws of Alabama, 1833-1837. Svo. Cahawba, 1838. Birdseye (Clarence F.). Chronological Table of ISTew York Statutes, 1777-1887. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1887. Revised Statutes, Codes, and General Laws of the State of New Y'ork. 4 vols., Svo. New York, 1889-90. Biret (A. C. L. M.). Applications au Code Civil des Institutes de Justinien et des Cinquante Livres du Digeste. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1824. Birniingiiam Law Society. Catalogue of the Library, Kules, Lists of the Officers, Committees, etc. 12mo. Birmingham, 1865. Birming-liam Rioters. Report of the Trials. Svo. Bir- mingham, 1791. Bisbee (Lewis H.) and Sinionds (John C). The Board of Trade and the Produce Exchange : their History, IVIethods and Law. Svo. Chicago, 1884. Bischof (Hermann). Grundriss des positiven offentlichen Internationalen Seerechts. Svo. Graz, 1868. Bischoff (James). Marine Insurances : their Rise, Progress, and Decline. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1836. V8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Bishop (^ James L.). Treatise on the Law relating to Insol- vent Debtors, Yoluntary Assignments, and Composition Deeds. 8vo. ]S'ew York, 1878. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. '^q\y York, 1884. [Same.] Supplement. Svo. Xew York, 1888. (editor). Burrill on Assignments. X. Y. General Assignment Act, 1879. Bishoi) (Joel P.). Commentaries on the Criminal Law. oth ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1872. [Same.] 6th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1S77. [Same.] 7th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1882. Commentaries on the Law of Contracts. Svo. Chicago, 1887. Commentaries on the Law of Criminal Procedure. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1872. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1880. Commentaries on the Law of Marriage and Divorce. 4th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1864. [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1873. [Same.] 6th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1881. Commentaries on the Law of Married "Women. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1S73. ■ Commentaries on the Law of Statutory Crimes. Svo. Boston, 1S73. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1883. Commentaries on the IS'on-Contract Law, and especially as to Common Affairs not of Contract, or the Every-Day Eights and Torts. Svo. Chicago, 1889. Commentaries on the Written Laws, and their Inter- pretation. Svo. Boston, 1SS2. Common Law and Codification. Svo. Chicago, 1888. [Pam., vol. 46.] Doctrines of the Law of Contracts. Svo. St. Louis, 1878. First Book of the Law. Svo. Boston, 1868. — Law of Xolle Prosequi in Criminal Causes, and in the great ]S"olle Prosequi Case of Henrv Ward Beecher, Svo. St. Louis, 1876. [Pam.. vol. 11.] — Prosecution and Defence, Practical Directions and Forms for the Grand Jury Eoom, Trial Court, etc., in Criminal Causes. Svo. Boston, 1885. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 79 Bishop (W. G.) and Attree (W. H.). Report of Debates, etc., ]Sr. Y. Constitutional Convention. 8vo. Albany, 1846. Bishops (The Seven). Proceedings and Tryal of. Folio. London, 1689. Bispham (George T.). Law of Contracts in Rem. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874. Principles of Equity. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874, [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1882. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. (editor). Adams' Equity. Hill on Trustees. Kerr on Receivers. Bissell (A. H.). Revised Statutes of Minnesota. 2 vols., 8v^o. Chicago, 1873. Bissell (Josiah H.). Reports, U. S. Circuit and District Courts, Seventh Judicial Circuit, 1851-1883. 11 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1873-83. Bisset (James). Abridgment and Collection of the Acts of Assembly of the Province of Maryland. With a Collection of Precedents in Law and Conveyancing. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1759. Bissett (Andrew). Law of Estates for Life. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1843. [L. L., vol. 42.] Law of Partnership, including the Law relating to Joint Stock Companies. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1847. [Same.] [New L. L., vol. 9.] Bitter (Dr. von). Die Gemeindeverfassungsgesetze fiir die Rheinprovinz. 8vo. Berlin, 1887. See Brauchitsch (M. von). Bittinger (Benj. F.). Manual of Laws and Usages of the Presbyterian Church. 2d ed. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1888. Bittleston (Adam), and Wise (Edward). New Practice Cases, 1844-1847. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1847-8. Bittleston (Adam) Wise (Edward), and Parnell (P.). New Magistrates' and Municipal Corporations' Cases, 1844- 1851. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1846-51. [Only 76 pages of vol. 5 published.] 80 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BAR Y OF Bittleston (Adam H.). Eeports in Chambers, Queen's Bench Division, 1883-1884. 8vo. London, 1884. Black (C. A. H.). Employers' Liability Act. 8vo. London, 1880. [Pam., vol. 33.] Black (Charles C). Proof and Pleadings in Accident Cases. 8vo. Jersey City, 1886. Black (Harry Crawford). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Washington, 1871. Black (Henry C). Essay on the Constitutional Prohibitions against Legislation impairing the Obligation of Contracts, and against Eetroactive and Ex Post Facto Laws. 8vo. Boston, 1887. ■ ■ Treatise on the Law of Judgments, including the Doc- trine of Res Judicata. 2 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1891. Treatise on the Law of Tax Titles. 8vo. St. Louis, 1888. Black (James B.). Digest of Indiana Eeports, 1881-1888. Eoy. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1889. (reporter). Indiana Eeports, vols. 30-53. Black (Jeremiah S.). Essays and Speeches. With a Bio- graphical sketch, by Chauncey F. Black. 8vo. New York, 1885. Letter to Mr. Stoughton in reply to Stoughton's De- fence of the Great Fraud. 8vo. New York, 1877. [Pam., vol. 35.] Eeports, U. S. Supreme Court, 1861-1862. 2 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1862-3. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1884. [Same.] Condensed by S. F. Miller. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1875. Proceedings in the Supreme Court of the United States on his Death. 8vo. Washington, 1883. [Pam., vol. 30.] Black Book of the Admiralty. See Twiss (Sir Travers). Blackburn (Colin), lord. Contract of Sale. 8vo. London, 1845. [Same.] Am. ed. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1847. [Same.] [L. L., vol. 57.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 81 Blackburn (Colin), lord. Contract of Sale. 2d ed. Yj\ J. C. Graham. 8vo. London, 1885. [Same.] Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. Blackburne (Francis). Life of. By his son, Edward Black- burne. 8vo. London, 1874. Blackerby (Samuel). Cases in Law, wherein Justices of Peace have a Jurisdiction. 8vo. London, 1717. The Justice of Peace, his Companion. 21:mo. London, 1749. Blackford (Isaac). Reports, Supreme Court, Indiana, 1817- 1847. 2d ed. 8 vols., 8vo. Indianapolis, 1862-70. Blackham (J.), Dundas (W. J.), and Osborne (R. W.). Reports of Practice and Nisi Prius Cases, Ireland, 1846- 1848. 8vo. Dublin, 1849. Blackstone (Henry). Reports, Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, England, 1788-1796. 2 vols., 8vo. Dubhn, 1792-6. [Same.] 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1827. Blackstone (Sir William). Analysis of the Laws of Eng- land; with an introductory discourse on the Studv of the Law. 5th ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1762. Commentaries on the Laws of England. (Yols. 1-2, 2d ed.; vol. 3, 4th ed.) 4 vols., 4to. Oxford, 1766-70. [Same.] With an Appendix. 5 vols., 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1771-3. [Same.] With Notes by John Williams. 2d Am. ed. 4 vols., 12mo. Boston, 1799. — [Same.] 14th ed. By Edward Christian. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1803. [Same.] Adapted to Virginia, by St. George Tucker. 5 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. • [Same.] With Kotes by J. F. Archbold. Am. ed. 4 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. [Same.] Adapted to Pennsylvania, bv John Reed. 3 vols., 8vo. Carlisle, 1831. [Same.] By John B. Bayly. Svo. London, 1840. [Same.] With Notes, etc., by Joseph Chitty. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1843. 6 82 CATALOGTE OF THE LIBRARY OF Blaekstone (Sir AVilliam ). Commentaries on the Laws of England. With Xotes by John L. AVendell. 4 vols.. Svo. ]S^e\v York, 1S62. [Same.] By H. Broom and E. A. Hadley. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1869. " [Same.] TTith Xotes by George Sharswood. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia. 1S70. [Same.] AVith Xotes by T. M. Cooley. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1S71. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, ISSL [Same.] Am. ed. By Wm. Wait. 2 vols., Svo. Al- bany, IS 75. ■ [Same.] With Xotes, etc., for the use of American students, by Geo. Chase. Svo. Xew York, IS 77. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Xew York. 1SS4. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1S90. [Same.] From the author's Sth ed.. 177S. Edited for American lawyers. 4 vols., 12mo. San Francisco. 1S90. [Same.] Abridgment, b}'' M. E. Dunlap. Svo. St. Louis, 1S76. — -[Same.] Abridged, for students, by M. D. E well. 12mo. Boston, 1SS2. — [Same.] Analysis of. by F. S. Dickson. 4to. Phila- delphia. 1S72. — [Same.] Analytical Abridgment, by John Anthon. Svo. Xew York. 1809. — [Same.] Apphcable to Real Property in Upper Canada. By Alex. Leith. Svo. Toronto, 1864. ' [Same.] Blackstone's Elements of Law. By U. Blick- ensderfer. Svo. Chicago, 1S89. — [Same.] X'otes on. By Edward Christian. [Vol. 5 of any ed.] 12mo. Dubhn, 1797. — [Same.] Xotes on. By St. George Tucker. Svo. Win- chester, 1826. — [Same.] Questions and Answers on. By J. C. Devereux. Svo. Xew York, 1875. [Same.] Translation of the Quotations in. By J. W. Jones. Svo. Philadelphia, 1SS5. — Discoui-se on the Study of the Law. 2d ed. 4to. Ox- ford, 1758. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 83 Blackstone (Sir William). English Keports, 1746-1779. 2 vols., 8vo, Dublin, 1789. [Same.] 2d ed. By C. H. Elsley. 2 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1828. Law Tracts. 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1762. 1. An Essay on Collateral Consanguinity. 2. Considerations on Copyholders. 3. Law of Descents in Fee Simple. 4. The Great Charter, and Charter of the Forest. . [Same.] 8vo. Dublin, 1767. Biographical History of, etc. ; and a Catalogue of all his AVorks, both manuscript and printed [by D. Douglas]. 8vo. London, 1782. Comic Blackstone. By G. A. A'Beckett. 12mo. London, 1876. [Same.] With Illustrations by Harry Furnlss. Svo. London, 1887. Letters to Blackstone : the Palladium of Conscience.. Svo. Philadelphia, 1774. BlackAvell (Robert S.). Treatise on the Power to sell Land for the Non-payment of Taxes. 3d ed. By F. Y. Balch. 8vo. Boston, 1869. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1875. [Same.] 5th ed. By F. Parsons. 2 vols., 8vo. Bos- ton, 1889. (editor). Illinois Statutes. Blackwood's Acts of Parliament affecting Scotland, 1707- 1847. 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876. [Same.] 1847-1885. 39 vols., 8vo. Blaine (D. R.). Laws of Artistic Copyright and their Defects. Svo. London, 1853. Blaine (James G.). Political Discussions : Legislative, Diplo- matic and Popular, 1856-1886. Svo. Norwich, 1887. Twenty Years of Congress ; from Lincoln to Garfiekl ; with a review of the events which led to the Political Revo- lution of 1860. 2 vols., Svo. Norwich, 1884-6. Blair (Lewis H.). Unwise Laws. 12mo. New York, 1886. Blair County (Pa.) Bar Association. Constitution and By-Laws. Svo. Tyrone, 1879. 84 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Blake (D. T.). Historical Treatise on the Practice of the Court of Chancery of New York State. 8vo. Xew York, 1818. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Albany, 1821:. Blake (H. N.), reporter. Montana Reports, vol. 1. Blake (H. N.) and Hedges (C), reporters. Montana Re- ports, vols. 2-3. Blake (J. M.). Argnment in Ames vs. Hazard. (Action for Libel.) 8vo. Providence, 1862. [Pam. Tr., vol. 7.] Argument on the Trial of John and Wm. Gordon, charged with Murder. 8vo. Providence, 1841:. [Pam., vol. 20.] Blancliard (George A.) and Weeks (E. P.). Law of Mines, Minerals and Mining Water Rights. 8vo. San Francisco, 1877. Blaud (Tlieodorick). Maryland Chancery Reports, 1811- 1832. 3 vols., 8vo. Baltimore, 1836-41. Blaiidford (G. F.). Insanity and its Treatment, Medical and Legal ; with a summary of the Laws of the U. S. on the Confinement of the Insane. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871. Blaiidy (Mary). Trial of, for Murder. Folio. London, 1752. Blaiisliard (William). Treatise on the Statutesof, Limita- tion. 8vo. Phdadelphia, 1833. [L. L., vol. 1.] Blateliford (Samuel). Prize Cases, U. S. Circuit and Dis- trict Courts, Southern District of New York, 1861-1865. 8vo. l^^ew York, 1866. - Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, Second Circuit, 1845-1887. 24 vols., 8vo. New York, 1852-88 Blateliford (Samuel) and Howlaud (Francis). Reports, U. S. District Court, Southern District of New York, 1827- 1837. 8vo. New York, 1855. [Cited also as " Betts' De- cisions, vol. 1."] Blateliford (Samuel A.). Rules and Statistics of United States Courts. 8vo. New York, 1884. Blatchley (J. S.). See Littleton (H. A.). Blaxland (George). Codex Legum Anglicanarum ; or, A Digest of Principles of English Law ; arranged in the order of the Code Napoleon. 8vo. London, 1839. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 85 Blayney (Frederick). Practical Treatise on Life Annuities. yvo. London, 1817. Practical Treatise on Life Assurance. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1837. Bleckley (L. E.). Table of Cases, Georgia Eeports. svo. Atlanta, 1868. (reporter). Georgia Reports, vols. 34, 35. Blenkinsop (Mary). Trial of, for Conspiracy. See Stokes (W. II.). Blew (W. C. A.). Law relating to Organs and Organists. 12mo. London, 1878. Blewitt (Reginald J.). The Court of Chancery : a Satiri- cal Poem. 8vo. London, 1827. Blickensderfer (Ulric). Blackstone's Elements of Law, etc. ; with Analytical Charts. Svo. Chicago, 1889. Peview of Legal Studies. 2 vols., 12mo. Chicago, 1877. Blig-li (Richard). Parliamentary Reports, House of Lords, England, 1819-1821. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1823-7. [Only one part, 141 pages, of vol. 4 published.] — New Parliamentary Reports, 1827-1837. 11 vols., 8vo. London, 1829-38. [Only 3 parts, 526 pages, of vol. 11 pub- lished.] See Montagu (B.). Bliss (George, Jr.). Argument for the Government, in the second Star Route Trials. 8vo. Washington, 1883. General Rules of Practice of all the Courts of Record of the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1882. — [Same.] 8vo. New York, 1884. — Law of Life Insurance, etc. Svo. New York, 1872. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1874. — New York Code of Civil Procedure. Annotated, vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1877-80. — [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1883. — [Same.] 3d ed. 3 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1890. Bliss (George), Oliiey (Peter B.) and Whitney (Wil- liam C). Draft of Revision of the Special and Local Laws affecting New York City. Svo. New York, 1881. Special and Local Laws affecting Public Inter- ests in the City of New York. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1880. 86 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB EAR Y OF Bliss (Philemon). Of Sovereignty. Svo. Boston, 1S85. Treatise upon the Law of Pleading under the Codes of Civil Procedure. Svo. St. Louis, 1879. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. St. Louis, 1887. Bliss (AV. R.), editor. Delaware County [Pa.] Reports, vols. 1-3. Block (Maurice). Dictionnaire de I'Administration Fran- caise. 2*^ ed. Roy. Svo. Paris, 1881. [Same.] Supplement. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1S85-6. Bloiideau (J. B. A. H.). Institutes de I'Empereur Justinien, traduites en Fran^ais, avec le Texte en regard ; suivies d'un Choix de Textes Juridiques. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1838. [Same.] 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Paris, 1S39. Bloiidel (E.). IVIonographie Alphabetique de I'Extradition. Svo. Paris, 1S66. Blondel (B.). Reductio Il^ormanniae. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Bloomer (E.) vs. Deiiiiev (C.) et al. Action for Libel. Svo. ^^e\v York, 1834. [Pam. Tr., vol. 7.] Bloomfield (Joseph). Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of New Jersey, relative to the Manumission of Negroes and others holden in Bondage. 2d ed. By Josiah Harrison. Svo. Camden, 1843. (compiler). Laws of the State of New Jersey, ISOO- 1811. Svo. Trenton, ISll. Blount (Thomas). Law Dictionary and Glossary. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1691. [Same.] 3d ed. Bv W. Nelson. Folio. London, 1717. Tenures of Land and Customs of INIanors. New ed. By ^\. C. HazHtt. Svo. London, 1874. Blount (William). Proceedings on the Impeachment of Blount, for High Crimes and Misdemeanoi's. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1799. Blue Book (The). See Sackersdorff (Otto). Blue Laws of Connecticut, etc. 12mo. Hartford, 1838. Blviett (J. C). Advocate's Note Book ; being Notes and IMinutes of Cases heard and determined before the Judicial Tribunals of the Isle of IVIann. Svo. Douglas, 1847. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 87 Blumenstiel (Alex.). Law and Practice in Bankruptcy. Svo. New York, 1878. Blunt (John Elijah). History of the Establishment and Kesidence of the Jews in England, with an Enquiry into their Civil Disabilities. Svo. London, 1830. (editor). Ambler's Chancery Keports. Blunt (John H.), D.D. Book of Church Law. 4th ed. By Sir W. G. F. Phillimore, bart. 12mo. London, 1885. Blunt (Joseph). Merchant's and Shipmaster's Assistant. 8vo. New York, 1822. Shipmaster's Assistant, and Commercial Digest. 8vo. New York, 1837. Speeches, Reviews, Reports, etc. Svo. New York, 1843. Bluntschli (J. K.). Die Neueren Rechtsschulen der Deut- schen Juristen. 2. Autl. Svo. Ziirich, 1862. Theory of the State. Svo. Oxford, 1885. Blydenburgh (J. W.). Treatise on the Law of Usury. Svo. New York, 1844. Blyth (E. E.). Analysis of Snell's Principles of Equity ; witli Notes. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1887. Boardnian (Henry A.). The Federal Judiciary : a Thanks- giving Discourse. Svo. Philadelphia, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] Boas (Felix). Is the Battle for Right an Imperative Duty % Translated by W. H. Rattigan. 12mo. London, 1885. Booking (Eduard). Gai Institutiones Codicis Veronensis Apographum ad Goescheni, IloUwegi, Bluhmii Schedas conpositum scripsit lapidibusque exceptam scripturam pub- licavit. Svo. Lipsias, 1866. Boese (Clifford). Hand-Book on Naturalization. 12mo. New York, 1888. Bogle vs. Eawson. Action for Libel. Edited by W. H. Hughes. Svo. London, 1841. Bohn (Henry G.). The Question of Unreciprocated Foreign Copyright in Great Britain. Svo. London, 1851. Bohun (William). Cursus Cancellariae ; or, The Course of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1723. 88 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Bohiiii (William). Declarations and Pleadings. 8vo. Lon- don, 1733. The English Lawyer, shewing the N^ature and Forms of (Jriginal Writs, etc. 8vo. London, 1732. The Practising Attorney ; or, Lawyers OflBce, compre- hending the Business of an Attorney in all its Branches. 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1732. Boies (John). Trial of, for Murder. 12mo. Dedham, 1829. Boileau (S. J.). Observations on the Passing of Fines and Eecoveries. 8vo. London, 1827. [Pam., vol. 36.] Boletiii Jiiridico - Adniinistrativo. Enero - Diciembre, 1869. 8vo. Madrid, 1869. BoUes (Albert S.). Bank Officers : their Authority, Duty and Liability. 8vo. Xew York, 1890. Financial Historv of the United States, 1771—1789. 2d ed. 8vo. :N'ew York, 1884. [Same.] 1789-1860. 2d ed. 8vo. ^"ew York, 1885. [Same.] 1861-1885. 8vo. Xew York, 1886. Law of the Suspension of the Powder of Alienation in the State of :N'ew York. 8vo. :N'ew York, 1891. Law relating to Banks and their Depositors, and to Bank Collections. 8vo. Xew York, 1887. National Bank Act, and its Judicial Meaning. 8vo- Xew York, 1888. Bolton (Robert). History of the several Towns, Manors, and Patents of the County of Westchester. Edited by C. W. Bolton. 2 vols., 8vo. " New York, 1881. Bombay. See India. Bomers (K,). Das Staatsrecht des Fiirstenthums Schaum- burg-Lippe. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Bonafos (H.). De I'Extradition. 8vo. Lyon, 1866. Bonafons (Louis). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. London, 1850. Bonard Will Case (The). 8vo. New York, 1871. Bond (Lewis H.). Reports, TJ. S. Circuit and District Courts, Southern District of Ohio, 1856-1871. 2 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1872. THE ASSOCIATIOJSr OF THE BAR. 89 Boiiham (John M.). Industrial Liberty. 12mo. New York, 18SS. Railway Secrecy and Trusts. 12mo. New York, 1890. Boiiiierjee (W. C). Reform of the Hindu Marriage Law. svo: London, 1868. [Pam., vol. 36.] Boiiney (Charles C). A Great Lawyer. 8vo. Chicago, 1881. [Para., vol. 32.] Rules of Law for the Carriage and Delivery of Persons and Property by Railway. Svo. Chicago, 1864. Summary of the Law of Marine, Fire and Life Insur- ance. 8vo. Chicago, 1865. Bonnifield (M. S.j and Healy (T. W.). Compiled Laws of Nevada. 2 vols., 8vo. Carson City, 1873. Boiiyiig-e (R. W.) and Ward (E. C). 1,500 Questions pro- pounded to Applicants for Admission to the New York Bar. Answered. Svo. New York, 1887. Book of Allegiance. See South Carolina. Book of Jndgments. See Judgments. Book of Oaths, and the several Forms thereof. 12rao. London, 1715. Booke of Presidents, with additions of divers necessary Instruments. 16mo. London, 1616. Boone (Charles T.). Forms of Pleadings under the Codes. 12mo. San Francisco, 1886. • Law of Mortgages of Real and Personal Property. 12mo. San Francisco, 1881. Manual of the Law Applicable to Corporations. 12mo. San Francisco, 1882. Manual of the Law of Real Property. 12mo. San Francisco, 1883. Pleading under the Codes. 12mo. San Francisco, 1885. Booraeni (H. T.), reporter. California Reports, vols. 6-8. Boorn (Stephen and Jesse). Mvstery Developed ; or, Russell Colvin (supposed to be murdered) in Full Life. Svo. Hartford, 1820. The Prisoner Released : a Sermon delivered by Rev. Lemuel Haynes, on the remarkable interposition of Divine Providence in the deliverance of Stephen and Jesse Boorn. Svo. Hartford, 1820. 90 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Boorii (Stephen and Jesse). Sketch of the Indictment, Trial and Conviction of. By S. P. Waldo. Svo. Hartford, 1819. Trial, Confessions and Conviction of, for the Murder of Russell Colvin. By Leonard Sargeant. Svo. Manchester, 1873. Boot and Shoemakers of Phihidelphia. Trial of, on an Indictment for a Combination and Conspiracy to raise their wages. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1806. Boote (R.)' Historical Treatise of an Action, or Suit, at Law. 3d ed. 12mo. Dublin, 1791. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. London, 1805. Booth (George). Nature and Practice of Real Actions, in their "Writs and Process, both Original and Judicial. Folio. London, 1701. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. BvJ. Anthon. Svo. New York, 1808. Booth (Wni. D,). Rights of Dramatic Authors at Common Law. Svo. New York, 1871. [Para., vol. 2.] Boothby (B.). Synopsis of the Law relating to Indictable Offences. Svo. London, 1842. Border Laws. See Carlile (Wm.). Boringdon vs. Paget. Action for Criminal Conversation. Reported b}^ Mr. Gurney. Svo. London, 1808. Bornier (Philippe). Conferences des Ordonnances de Louis XIY. Nouvelle ed. 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1755. Boroughs (Sir John). The Soveraignty of the British Seas. [See Malynes. Lex Mercatoria.] Borradaile (H.). Reports of Civil Causes adjudged by the Court of Sudur Udalut, for the Presidencv of Bombay, 1800-1824. 2 vols., folio. Bombay, 1825. Bosanqiiet (John B.) and Puller (Christopher). Re- ports, Court of Common Pleas, etc., England, 1796-1804. 3 vols., Svo. (Yol. 1), Dublin, 1800. (Yols. 2 and 3), Phila- delphia, 1805. [Same.] 3d ed. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1826. New Reports, 1804-1807. 2 vols., Svo. Phila- delphia, 1807-9. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1826. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 91 Boscaweii (William). Treatise on Convictions on Penal Statutes. 12mo. Dublin, 1792. Boston (Mass.). Charter and Ordinances. 8vo. 1856. Revised Ordinances. 8vo. 1885. Ordinances. 1885-1888. City Government. (Bugbee.) 1887. Boston Bar Association. Constitution, By-Laws, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1877. [Pam., vol. 17.] [Same.] 8vo. Boston, 1888. Reports of Committees, etc. 1885. Boston Law Reporter. See Law Reporter. Boston Social Law Library. Catalogue. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1849. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1865. Bosworth (Joseph S.). Reports, Superior Court, New York City, 1856-1863. 10 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1859-65. Bott (Edmnncl). Laws relating to the Poor, ith ed. By Francis Const. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1800. [Same.] 6th ed. Bv J. T. Pratt. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1827. Bottcher (F.). Das Staatsrecht des Fiirstenthums Waldeck. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Bovilay-Paty (P. S.). Cours du Droit Commercial Maritime. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1834. Boulnois (Charles). Reports of Cases decided in the Su- preme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, 1856- 1859. 2 vols., 8vo. Calcutta, 1856-60. Bourda Will Case. Report of the Proceedings before the Supreme Court of British Guiana. 8vo. Georgetown, 1866. Bonrdin (Mark A.). Exposition of the Land Tax : its Assess- ment and Collection. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1870. Bourdon-Viane (G.) and Mag'ron (H.). Manuel Jllemen- taire de Droit International Prive. 12mo. Paris, 1883. Bourinot (John G.). Federal Government in Canada. 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 7.] Local Government in Canada. 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 5.] 92 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Boiirinot (John G. i. Manual of the Constitutional History of Canada. 12mo. Montreal, 1888. — Parliamentary Procedure and Practice ; with an intro- ductory account of the Origin and Growth of Parliamentary Institutions in the Dominion of Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1884. Boiirke ( Ricliardu See Jebb (R.). Bourke (Robert). Decisions of Charles Shaw Lefevre, Speaker of the House of Commons, on Points of Order, Eules of Debate and the General Practice of the House. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1857. Bourke (Walter 31. ). Reports of Cases in the High Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, 1864-1865. 8vo. Calcutta, 1867. Bourne (William O. ). History of the Public School Society of the City of Xew York. 8vo. Xew York, 1870. Bousfield (W. R. ). Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Act. .^vo. London, 1884. Boutniy (E. ). ^Etudes de Droit Constitutionnel. — France — Angleterre — Etats-Unis. 12mo. Pans, 1885. Boutwell (Geo. S. ). Reciprocity Treaty with Hawaii. 8vo. Washington. 1ns6. [Pam., vol. 34.] Bou\der (John). Institutes of American Law. jS"ew ed. By D. A. Gleason. 2 vols., 8vo. PhiJadelphia, 1872. Law Dictionary. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843. — [Same.] 14th ed. By D. A. Gleason. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. — [Same.] 15th ed. By Francis Rawle. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. — See Bacon's Abridgment. Bovill Patent (The). See Wynne (W. W.). Bovvclen vs. Gifford. Action for Slander. Reported by J. Lomas. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1834. [Pam. Tr., vol. 7.] BoAvditch (J.). Treatise on the History, Laws, etc., of the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey. 8vo. London, 1836. Bowdler (Charles). On the' Punishment of Death in the Case of Forger3\ 2d ed., 8vo. London, 1819. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 93 Boweii vs. De Large. Contested Election. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1872. [Pam. Tr., vol. S.J Boweii (David H.). Sheriff's Interpleader Act of Pennsyl- vania. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S82. Boweii (Francis). Documents of the Constitution of England and America. Svo. Cambridge, 1854. Boweii (H. S.). Outlines of Specific Performance. 12mo. London, 1886. Bower (George S.) and Webb (Walter). Law relating to Electric Lighting. Svo. London, 1882. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1S89. Bowker (R. R.) and Solberg: (Tliorvald). Copyright : its Law and its Literature. Ito. IS^ew York, 1886. Bowles (Thomas G.). Maritime Warfare. 2d ed, Svo. London, 1878. Bow^ring- (Sir John). See Bentham (Jeremy). Works. Bowyer (George). Commentaries on the Constitutional Law of England. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1846. Commentaries on the Modern Civil Law. Roy. Svo. London, 1848. Commentaries on Universal Public Law. Svo. London, 1854. [Same.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1S54. [L. L., vol. 84.] Dissertation on the Statutes of the Cities of Italy, etc. Svo. London, 1838. Introduction to the Study and Use of the Civil Law. 8vo. London, 1874. Readings delivered before the Society of the Middle Temple in 1850. Svo. London, 1851. Reform of the Law of Real Property. Svo. London, 1869. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Boyce (Augnstns A.). Manual of Practice, U. S. Circuit Courts. Svo. Albany, 1869. Boyd (A. C). Merchant Shipping Laws. Svo. London, 1876. (editor). Wheaton's International Law. Boyd (H. F.) and Pearson (A. B.). Factors' Acts. Svo. London, 1884. 94 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Boyd (James). Trial of, bv Impeachment. [Burlesque.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1874. Boyd (Walter). Law and Practice of the High Court of Admiralty of Ireland; and Merchant Shipping Acts. Svo. Dubhn, lS6b. Boyer (J. A.). Legal Directory of the United States and Canadas. 2 vols.. Svo. Philadelphia, 1SS5-T. Boyle (^Herbert E.). Precis of an Action at Common Law. Svo. London, 1881. Boyle ( W. R. A. i. Practical Treatise on the Law of Charities. Svo. London, 1S37. Suggestions for a General Index of Title to Real and Personal Property. Svo. London, 1855. [Para., vol. 36.] Brabrook (Edward AY.). Law relating to Industrial and Provident Societies. With the Law of France on the same subject, and remarks on Trades Unions. Svo. London, 1869. ■ Law relating to Trades Unions. 12mo. London, 1871. See Scratchley (A.). Brace (GeorgeV Observations on Extension of Protection of Copyright of Designs. Svo. London. 1S42. Braekenridg-e (^H. H.). Law Miscellanies. Svo. Philadel- phia. ISU. Brackenridge (H. 31. i. Essay on Trusts and Trustees. Svo. AVashington, 1S42. Brackett (J. R. ). The Xegro in Maryland : a Study of the Institution of Slavery. Svo. Baltimore, 18S9. Braeton (Heiirious de"). De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angha?. Folio. London, 1569. [Same.] 4to. London. 1640. [Same.] Edited by Sir T. Twiss. 6 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1S7S-S3. (Chron. and Mem. of Gt. Brit, and Ireland.) See Giiterbock (C). Bradby (James). Treatise on the Law of Distresses. 1st Am. ed. ^>vo. Xew York, ISOS. [Same.] 2d ed. By J. Adams. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S33. [L. L., vol. 1.] Bradford ( Aldem. Ilistorv of the Federal Government for Fifty Years, 17S9-1S39. 'Svo. Boston, 1S40. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 95 Bradford (Alexander W.). Address to the Graduates of Columbia College Law School. 8vo. New York, 1862. [Pam., vol. 11.] American Antiquities ; and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8vo. ISTew York, 1841. Argument in the Tax Cases. 8vo. New York, 186-1. Reports of Cases, Surrogate's Court, County of New York, 1849-1857. 4 vols., 8vo. New York, 1851-7. Testimonial of Respect of the Bar of New York to the Memory of. Svo. New York, 1868. Bradford (William ), printer. New York Statutes. Bradlaug:h (Charles) and Besaiit (Annie). Trials of, for publishing an obscene libel. 12rao. London, 1877. Bradley (C. L. ) and Ellis (W. H.). Subject-Index and Table of Cases to the Dakota Decisions. 8vo. Fargo, 1886. Bradley (Edward E.). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Hart- ford, 1857. Bradley (J. P.). Address before the Societies of Rutgers College. 8vo. New Brunswick, 1849. [Pam., vol. s.] Bradstreet (Martha) vs. Cooper (Ai>ollos). Report of their Cause on a Writ of Right. Reported by William Lacv. Svo. Albany, 1834. [Pam. Tr., vol. 10.] Bradwell (J. B.). Reports, Appellate Courts, Illinois. 1877- 1886. 20 vols. Svo. Chicago, 1878-87. Brady (Charles B.). Index to the Arkansas Reports. Svo. St. Louis, 1878. Brady (James T.). In Memoriam. Proceedings of the meeting of the New York Bar. Svo. New York, 1869. [Pam., vol. 5.] Brady (John H.). On the Making of Wills. 4th ed. Svo. London, 1838. Brady (Robert). Historical Treatise of Cities and Burghs, or Boroughs. New ed. Svo. London, 1777. Brainard (>I. D.). Legal Precedents in Land and Mining Cases. 7 vols., Svo. Washington, 1883-9. [Only 6 nos. of vol. 7 published.] Brainerd (Cephas). Argument in N. Y. Court of Appeals, on the Constitutionality of the " Riot Act" of 1855. [Pam., vol. 14.] 96 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Brainerd (Cephas). Aro:ument in the Gross Will Case. Svo. Xew York,' 1886. "[Pam.. vol. 35.] Book-Seizures, Moieties, and Informers Indefensible. 1874. Customs Revenue Laws ; Suggestions for their Amend- ment. 1872. Geneva Award ; Errors in Statements for Insurance Com- panies. . 1878. Observations in favor of the Distribution of the Geneva Award. 1876. Eemarks upon the Public Schools of Xew York. 1868. Rights of Uninsured Owners of Ships destroyed by the Xashville, Tallahassee, etc. 1876. [The above in Pam., vol. 14.] Braitli^vaite (Thomas W. i. Oaths in the Supreme Court of Judicature. 12mo. London. 1876. Record and Writ Practice of the Court of Chancery, etc. Svo. London, 1858. Six Clerks in Chancery. 8vo. London, 1879. [Pam., vol. 29.] Brame (L.) and Alexander (C. H.), reporters. Mississippi Reports, vols. 66, 67. Branch (Joseph), reporter. Florida Reports, vol. 1. Branehe (Thomas). Principia Legis et ^Equitatis ; being a Collection of Maxims, etc. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1811. Brandon ( Woodthorpei. Treatise upon the Customary Law of Foreign Attachment. 8vo. London, 1861. Brandreth fj.) and others. Trial of. for High Treason. ^\ AV. B. Gurney. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1817. Brandt ( Frederick i. Games, Gaming and Gamesters' Law. Xew ed. Svo. London, 1873. Brandt (George W.). Law of Suretyship and Guaranty. Svo. Chicago, 1878. Brandt ( William ). Treatise on the Law, Practice and Pro- cedure of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Svo. London, 1858. Branson (Gerald D.), editor. Xew Zealand Jurist, vol. 1. Branson (R. 31. A.). Digest of Indian Law Reports, 1875- ISSl. 2 vols., Svo. Bombay, 1882-4. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 97 Branson (Spring), reporter. Madras High Court Eeports, vol. 8. Brantly (William T.). Principles of the Law of Personal Property. 12mo. San Francisco, 1891. Braswell (S. N.). Legal Forms for Common Use in Texas. Ke vised ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1885. Branchitscli (M. von). Die neuen Preussischen Verwal- tungsgesetze. Neue Aufl. von Studt und Braunbehrens. 4 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1886-7. - — ■ Ergiinzungsband : Rheinprovinz herausgegeben von Dr. von Bitter. 8vo. Berlin, 188T. Ereranzune-sband : Westfalen hrsg. von O. Braunbehrens. Svo. Berlin, 1887. Gemeindeverfassungsgesetze fiir die Provinz Schleswig- Holstein ; hrsg. von L. Haase. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. Braunbehrens (O.). Die Gemeindeverfassungsgesetze fiir die Provinz Westfalen. 8vo. Berlin, 1887. [See Branch- itscli (U. von).] Bravard-Veyrieres (Paul). Manuel de Droit Commercial. 7*^ ed. Par Ch. Demangeat et A. Bravard. 8vo. Paris, 1868. Bray (Edward). Principles and Practice of Discovery. 8vo. London, 1885. Brayer (F.). Dictionnaire General de Police, Administrative et Judiciaire. 2*^ ed. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Braynian (M.). Revised Statutes of Illinois. 8vo. Spring- field, 1845. Braynard (Selden). Trial of, for Violation of Lottery Laws. 8vo. Boston, 1827. [Pam. Tr., vol. 10.] Brayton (William). Reports, Supreme Court, Vermont, 1815-1819. 2d ed. 8vo. Rutland, 1868. Breckinridg^e (Rev. Robert J.). Trial of, for Libel. Svo. Baltimore, 1840. Brecknock (Timothy). Droit le Roy ; or, The Rights and Prerogatives of the Imperial Crown. By A Member of the Society of Lincoln's Inn. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1764. Breese (Sidney), reporter. Illinois Reports, vol. 1. Brett (Thomas). Bankruptcy Act. 12mo. London, 1884. 98 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Brett (Thomas). Leading Cases in Modern Equity. 8vo. London, 1887. [Same.] Am. ed. By F. S. Dickson. Svo. Philadel- phia. 1888. Brevard (Joseph). Alphabetical Digest of the Public Stat- ute Law of South Carolina. 3 vols., 8vo. Charleston, 1814. South Carolina Reports, 1793-1816. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Charleston, 1857 Brewer (A. T.) and Laubscher (^G. A.). Ohio Corpora- tions other than Municipal. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1884. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1886. BreAA'er (Nicholas, Jr. i, reporter. Maryland Reports, vols. 19-26. Brewster (A. ). Report of Seven Trials at the Clonmel As- sizes of 1829. 8vo. Dublin, 1830. Brewster (Beiyainin H.). Argument in the Star Route Case. ^-vo. AVashington, 1882. [Pam. Tr., vol. 8.] Testimony, etc., regarding the Expenditures of the De- partment of Justice. 8vo. Washington, 1884. [Pam., vol. 30.] Brewster (^F. C. i. Treatise on Practice in the Pennsylvania Courts. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Penns\'lvania, 1856- 1873. 4 vols. 8yo. Philadelphia, 1869-73. ' BreAA'ster (Samuel t. Treatise on the Laws of England, re- lating to War and Rebellion. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1740. Briee (John'). Selection of Laws relative to Commercial Subjects. 8vo. Baltimore, 1814. Briee (SeATardt. Law, Practice and Procedure, relating to Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. 8vo. London, 1885. ■ Law relating to Pubhc Worship. 8yo. London, 1875. Treatise on the Doctrine of Ultra Vires. 8yo. London, 1874. - [Same.] 1st Am. ed. Bv Ashbel Green. 8vo. Xew York, 1875. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London. 1S77. ■ — - — [Same.] 2d Am. ed. By Ashbel Green. Svo. New York, 1880. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 99 Brickdale (Charles F.). Eegistration of Title to Land. Svo. London, 1SS6. Brickdale (M. I. F.). Leases and Sales of Settled Estates Act. Svo. London, 1861. Brickell (R. C.}. Digest of Alabama Supreme Court Decis- ions. 2 vols., Svo. Montgomery, 1872-4. Bridall (^Joliiij. See Brydall (John). Bridge (Charles F.). See Wood (H. G.). Bridgeii (Thomas A.). Office of Surrogate ; and Executor's and Administrator's Guide. Svo. Albany, 1825. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Alban}-, 1830. Bridgmaii (Sir John)c Keports, Court of Common Pleas^ England, 1613-1621. Folio. London, 1659. Bridgmaii (Sir Orlando). Conveyances ; being Select Pre- cedents of Deeds and Instruments concerning the most considerable Estates in England. 4th ed. 2 vols., folio. London, 1710. [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., folio. London, 1725. Eeports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1 66 0-1 66 T. By S. Bannister. Svo. London, 1823. Bridgmaii (Richard W.). Analytical Digested Index of Keported Gases in the Courts of Equity, etc. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1805. [Same.] Supplement. Svo. London, 1807. [Same.] Bv R. O. Bridgman. 1st Am. ed. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1828. [Same.] Yol. 4. By R. O. Bridgman. Svo. New York, 1S29. — Legal Bibliography. Svo. London, 1807. Reflections on the Study of the Law. 12mo. London 1804. — ■ Synthesis of the Rules and Principles of the Law of Nisi Prius. Svo. New York, 1811. — Thesaurus Juridicus ; containing the Decisions of the Courts of Equity, and of the Pligh Court of Parliament, upon Petitions and Appeals. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1799- 1800. — (editor). Duke on Charitable Uses. 100 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Brief ( The). A Journal for Law Students and Others. 8vo. Xew York, 1S87-S. [Only 5 nos., 168 pages, published.] Brig:liaiii (Rev. David i. Trial of. for Falsehood and Du- plicity. 8vo. Lowell, 1S39. [Pam. Tr.. vol. 1<».] Brigliam (William). Compact. Charter and Laws of Xew- Plymouth Colony. 8vo. Boston. 1836. Bright ( Joliii E.). Treatise on the Law of Husband and Wife. Am. ed. By Ralph Lockwood. 2 vols., 8vo. Xew York, 1850. Bright (Gen. 3Iichael) et al. Trial of, for Resisting U. S. Marshal. Reported bv Thos. Llovd. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1809. Brightly (Frank F. i. Digest of the Laws and Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of Pennsylvania, 1877-1889. '2 vols., roy. Svo. Philadelphia, 1890. " Brightly (Frederick C). Analytical Digest of the Laws of the United States, 1789-1857. Rov. >vo. Philadelphia. 1858. [Same.] 1857-1863. Roy. >vo. Philadelphia, 1863. [Same.] 1857-1869. Roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. Bankrupt Law of the L^nited States. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1869. Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of the State of Xew York. 3 vols., roy. 8vo. Xew York, 1875-8J:. Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of the State of Pennsylvania. 3 vols., roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877-83. — Digest of the Decisions of the Federal Courts. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868-73. Leading Cases on the Law of Elections. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1871. Reports of Cases decided by the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in the Court of Xisi Prius at Phila- delphia, and also in the Supreme Court. 1809-1851. Svo. Philadelphia, 1851. Treatise on the Equitable Jurisdiction of the Courts of Pennsylvania, with Xotes of Pleading and Practice in Equity. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1855. Treatise on the Law of Costs in Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia, 1847. THE A.SSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 101 Brightly (Frederick C), editor. Binns' Pa. Justice. Pardon's Digest of Pa. Laws. Troubat and Haly's Pa. Practice. U. S. Supreme Court Reports. Banks [axims. Svo. Philadelphia, 1815. [L. L., vol. 50.] — [Same.] 6th Am. ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S68. — [Same.] 7th Am. ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. — [Same.] Sth Am. ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1882. — ■ [Same.] 6th Eng. ed. By H. F. Manisty and Chas. Cagney. Svo. London, 1884.^ — Philosophy of Law. Svo. J^ew York, 1876. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 105 Broom (Herbert). Philosophy of Law. 3d ed. By J. C. H. Flood. 12mo. London, 1883. Practical Rules for determining Parties to Actions. Svo. Philadelphia, 1847. [L. L., vol. 56.] Broom (Herbert) and Hadley (Edward A.). Commen- taries on the Laws of England. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1869. [Same.] Am. ed. By Wm. Wait. 2 vols., Svo. Al- bany, 1875. Brossard (Noel Math.). Traite de la Juridiction Civile- Judiciaire du Juge de Paix. Svo. Paris, 1824. Brougham (Henry), lord. British Constitution. Svo. Lon- don, 1844. • Inaugural Address on the Establishment of a Law School. Svo. London, 1850. [Pam., vol. 47.] Letters on Law Reform to Sir J. R. G. Graham. 8vo. London, 1843. [Pam., vol. 47.] On the Present State of the Law. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1828. Broviii (Archibald). Reports of Cases before the High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciarv in Scotland, 1842- 1845. 2 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1844-6. Brown CArchibald). Epitome and Analysis of Savigny's Treatise on Obligations in Roman Law. Svo. London, 1872. Law Dictionary. Am. ed. By A. P. Sprague. Svo. Alban}^, 1875. Practice of the Supreme Court under the Judicature Acts. 2d ed. Roy. Svo. London, 1885. Rule of the Law of Fixtures. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1872. — [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. London, 1881. Brown (Charles R.). Michigan Nisi Prius Reports, 1869- 1871. 2 vols., Svo. Kalamazoo, 1870-1. Brown (David Paul). Forensic Speeches. Edited by R. E. Brown. Svo. Philadelphia, 1873. The Forum ; or, Forty Years' full Practice at the Phila- delphia Bar. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1856. — Golden Rules for the Examination of a "Witness. Appendix to Ram on Facts. 106 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Browii (F. >!.% reporter. Missouri Eeports, vols. SO-100. Brown (^George W.). Baltimore and the Xineteenth of April, 1S61. A Study of the AVar. Svo. Baltimore, 1SS7. Bro>vii (Guy A.). Compiled Statutes of Xebraska. Svo. Omaha, ISSl. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Omaha, 1SS5. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Omaha, ISST. [Same.] Jrth ed. By G. A. BroT^'n and H. H. Wheeler. Svo. Lincolo, 1SS9. General Statutes of Xebraska. Roy. Svo. Lincoln, 1S73. Index-Digest to the Xebraska Reports. Svo. Lincoln, 1SS4. Index to the Points Decided and Discussed in the Xe- braska Reports. 12mo. Omaha, 1SS2. (reporter). Xebraska Reports, vols. 4-25. Browii (Henry B. ). Reports, Admiralty and Revenue Cases, U. S. Circuit and District Courts, "Western Lake and River Districts. 1S59-1S75. Svo. Xew York, 1S76. Bro>vn (Henry C), editor. Philadelphia Reports, vols. 11-17. Bro^vn (J. X.') and Hemingway (J. B. H.), reporters. Mississippi Reports, vols. 53-<>,5. BroA^ni (James B.j. Historical Inquiry into the Ancient Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Crown. Vol. 1. Svo. London. 1S15. Brown (Jason B.). Closing Argument in the AVintermute Murder Trial. Svo. Cheyenne, 1S74. [Pani. Tr.. voL 5.] BroA^ii ( John ). Life, Trial and Conviction of ; with a full Account of the attempted Insurrection at Harper's Ferry. Svo. Xew York. 1S59. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Brown (Joseph i. Dark Side of Trial bv Jurv. Svo. Lon- don, 1S59. [Pam., vol. 37.] Evils of the Unlimited Liability for Accidents of Masters and Railway Companies. Svo. London, IS 70. [Pam., vol. 36.] Brown ( Josiah\ Reports, High Court of Parliament, Eng- land, 1 702-1 SOO. 2d ed. By T. E. Tomlins. S vols., Svo. London, 1S03. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 107 Brown (Mviiigo P.). General Synopsis of Decisions, Court of Session, Scotland, 1540-1827. i vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1829. Supplement to Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Session, Scotland, 1620-1768. 5 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1826. — Treatise on the Law of Sale. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1821. — (editor). Hailes' Court of Session Cases. Brown (R. E.). Forensic Speeches of David Paul Brown. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. Brown (William). Book of Entries. Folio. London, 167L Praxis Almae Curias Cancellariae. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1725. Treatise of FinBs and Recoveries. 6th ed. 8vo. Lon- don, 1725. Brown (William), of the Inner Temple. Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1778-1794. 4 vols., Svo. Dubhn, 1786-95. [Same.] 2d ed. 4 vols., folio. London, 1790-4. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. Bv J. C. Perkins. 4 vols,, Svo. Boston, 1844. BroAvn (William), of Gray's Inn. Agency and Trusts for Payment of Debts under Private Arrangement. 12mo. London, 1868. Law of Limitation as to Real Property. Svo. London, 1869. Brown (Col. W. W.). Trial of, by Court Martial. Svo. Providence, 1856. [Pam. Tr., vol.'T.] Brown University. Catalogue of the Library. Svo. Providence, 1843. Browne (Albert G."), reporter. Massachusetts Reports, vols. 97-114. Browne (Arthvir). Compendious View of the Civil Law, and of the Law of the Admiralty. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1840. Browne (Cansten). Treatise on the Construction of the Statute of Frauds. 3d ed. Svo. Boston, 1870. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Boston, 1880. 108 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Browne i^G. Latliomi. Xarratives of State Trials in the Xineteenth Centiirv. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1S82. Parliamentary and Municipal Registration Act. 12mo. London. 1S7S. Treatise on Limited Liability and "Winding-up of Com- panies. Svo. London, 1867 Bro^^iie (G. Lathomi and Stewai*t (C. G. i. Eeports of Trials for Murder by Poisoning. Svo. London, 1SS3. Browne (George). Treatise on the Law and Practice in Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1868. [Same.] -Itli ed. Svo. London, 1880. [Same.] 5th ed. By L. D. Powles. Svo. London, 1889. Treatise on the Principles and Practice of the Court of Probate. Svo. London, 1873. [Same.] Supplement. By L. D. Powles. Svo. Lon- don, 1884. Browne (Henry H. ). Code Index. Table of all Decisions construing, or citing. Sections of the Code of Civil Pro- cedure, collected from the Reports of Xew York State. Svo. ]Srew York. 1885. Code Digest. Digest of N^ew York Civil Procedure Re- ports. Vols. 1-10. Svo. Xew York, 1887.- (reporter I. Civil Procedure Reports, vols. 2-19. Bro^vne ( Irving i. Elements of the Law of Domestic Rela tions, and of Emplover and Emploved. Svo. Boston, 1883. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1890. Humorous Phases of the Law. 12mo. San Francisco, 1876. — Index-Digest of the Xew York Court of Appeals Re- ports. Svo. Albany. 1884. — Judicial Interpretation of Common "Words and Phrases. 12mo. San Francisco, 1883. — Law and Lawyers in Literature. 12mo. Boston, 1883. — National Bank Cases, 1878-1880. Svo. Alban}^ 1880. — [Same.] 1881-1889. Svo. San Francisco, 1889. — Short Studies of Great Lawyers. 12mo. Albany, 1878. — (editor). American Reports, vols. 28-60, and Digest. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 109 Browne (J. H. B.). Law of Usages and Customs. Svo. London, 1875. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. Bv S. S. Clarke. Svo. Jersey City, 1881. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 2d ed. Svo. San Francisco, 1875. On the Compulsory Purchase of the Undertakings of Companies by Corporations. Svo. London, 1876. Practice before the Railway Commissioners. Svo. London, 1876. ■ Principles of the Law of Rating of Hereditaments, in the Occupation of Companies. Svo. London, 1875. Treatise on the Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers by Land and Water. Svo. London, 1873. [Same.] Am. ed. Bv H. G. Wood. Svo. IN'ew York, 1883. Browne (J. H. B.) and Macnamara (W. H.), editors. Railway and Canal Traffic Cases, vols. 4-6. Browne (J. H. B.) and Theobald (H. S.). Law of Rail- way Companies. Svo. London, 1881. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1888. Browne (Peter A.). Reports, Court of Common Pleas, Pennsylvania, 1801-1S14. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1811-15. Browne (Rowland J.). Treatise on Actions at Law. Svo. Philadelphia, 1844. [L. L., vol. 45.] Browne (William Hand). Archives of JVIaryland, 1637- 1664. Roy. Svo. Baltimore, 1883. IMaryland : The History of a Palatinate. 4th ed. 12mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Commonwealth Ser.] Browne (William Hardcastle). Commentary on the Law of Divorce and Alimony. Svo. Philadelphia, 1890. Digest of Statutes, Decisions, and Cases throughout the United States, upon the subjects of Divorce and Alimony. Svo. Philadelphia, 1872. Browne (William Henry). Treatise on the Law of Trade- JMarks. Svo. Boston, 1873. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1885. 110 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB EAR Y OF Browne (William W.). Law of Assessment and Taxation. Svo. liochester, 1887. Browning ( W. Ernst). Exposition of the Laws of Marriage and Divorce. Svo. London, 1872. Practice and Procedure of the Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes. Svo. London, 1862. Browning (W. Ernst) and Lnsliington (Vernon). Re- ])orts, lligli Court of Admiralty, England, 1863-1865. Svo. London, 1868. Brownlow (Richard). Book of Entries. [Latin.] Folio. London, 1693. Previa Judicialia ; or, Collection of Approved Forms of all sorts of Judiciall Writs in the Common Bench. [Latin.] Folio. London, 1662. Declarations and Pleadings. 3d ed. -Ito. London, 1659. Writs Judiciall. 4to. London, 1653. Brownlow (Richard) and Goldsborongh (John). Re- ports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1569-1624. 2 parts, Svo. London, 1675. Bmce (A. C ). See Churchill (Cameron). Bruce (Alexander). Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, Scotland, 1714-1717. Folio. Edinburgh, 1720. Listitutions of Military Law, Ancient and Modern. Svo. Edinburgii, 1717. Bruce (Gainsford). See Williams (R. G.). Bruce (William D.). Account of the Deplorable State of the Ecclesiastical Courts of Record. Svo. London, 1854. [Pam., vol. 45.] Land Transfer Act. Svo. London, 1862. Brunker (Thomas). Digest of Irish Common Law, and Admiralty Rej)orts. Svo. Dublin, 1865. Brunner (Albert). Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Courts of the United States (Collected Cases), 1791-1860. Vol. 1. Svo. San Francisco, 1884. Brunner (Heinrich). Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte. Vol. 1. Svo. Leipzig, 1887. Bruno (Richard M.). American Lisolvency Reports, 1878- 1883. Vol. 1. Svo. ]S"ew York, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. Ill Bruns (Carl G.). Das Recht des Besitzes. 8vo. Tubingen, 1848. Die Besitzklagen ties ROraischen iind heutigen Rechts. 8vo. Weimar, 1874. Das Wesen der bona fides bei der Ersitzung. 8vo. Ber- lin, 1872. Brut y Tywysogion ; or, The Chronicle of the Princes. Ed- ited by John Wilhams. 8vo. London, 1860. (Chron. and Mem. of Gt. Brit, and Ireland.) Bryan (John A.). Digest and Table of Cases on Easements by Implication. Svo. New York, 1884. Bryant (William Cullen). Memorial Meeting of the New York Century Club. 8vo. New York, 1878. [Pam., vol. 16.] Bryant and Stratton's Commercial Law. By Amos Dean. Svo. New York, 1861. Bryant and Stratton's New Counting House Book-keeping. ' Roy. Svo. New York, 1878. Bryce (James). Academical Study of the Civil Law. 8vo. London, 1871. [Pam., vol. 34.] The American Commonwealth. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1889. Trade Marks Registration Acts; with Rules, Notes of Recent Cases, etc. 8vo. London, 1877. Brydall (John). Jus Imaginis apud Anglos ; or, The Law of England relating to the Nobility and Gentry. 12mo. London, 1675. Lex Spuriorum ; or. The Law relating to Bastardy. 12mo. London, 1703. Non Compos Mentis ; or, The Law relating to Natural Fools, Mad-Folks and Lunatick Persons, inquisited and explained for common benelit. 12mo. London, 1700. Speculum Juris Anglicani ; or, A View of the Laws of England as they are divided into Statutes, Common Law, and Customs. i6mo. London, 1673. Bnchan (P. G.\ Treatise on the Mechanic's Lien Law of California. Svo. San Francisco, 1868. Buchanan (E. J.). Cases decided in the Court of Appeal of the Cape of Good Hope, 18S0-1S86. 2 vols., Svo. Cape Town, 1882-8. 112 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Buelianaii (E. J. t. Cases decided in the Eastern Districts' Court of the Cape of Good Hope, 1880-1SS7. 5 vols,, Svo. Cape Town. ISSl-S. Eeports, Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope, 1S73-1S79. 6 vols., Svo. Cape Town, 1S7-1-S1. Bucliaiiaii i James ). Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, 1S6S-1S70. 3 vols., Svo. Cape Town, 1869-71. Buclianau ( O. W. >. Code of Civil Procedure of the State of South Carolina. Annotated. Svo. Raleigh, ISSS. Bucliaiiaii ( William). Eeports of certain Remarkable Cases in the Court of Session, and Trials in the High Court of Justiciarv, Scotland, 1S00-1S13, Svo. Edin- burgh. 1813. Buchere (Ambroisei. Traite Theorique et Pratique des Valeurs Mobilieres et Effets Publics. 2*^ ed. Svo. Paris, ISSl. Buck (EdAvard). Massachusetts Ecclesiastical Law. Svo. Boston, 1S6C. Buck ( Horace R. i. Digest of Montana Reports. Svo. Xew Haven, 1890. (reporter). Montana Reports, vols. 7, 8. Buck I J. W.). Enghsh Bankruptcy Cases, 1S16-1S20. Svo. London, 1S20. Buckale^w ( Charles R.). Examination of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia, 1883. Buckliam iT, R.). Insanity considered in its Medico-Legal Relations. Svo. Philadelphia. ISSo. Buckingham (J. T.). Trial of, for Libel. 12mo. Boston, 1822. ' ' . Buckler (Alexander), reporter. Central Criminal Court Reports. Buckley (Henry B.). Law and Practice under the Com- panies Acts. 4th ed. Roy. Svo. London, 1883. — Liability of the Past Membei^ of a Limited Company in Liquidation. Svo. London, 1873. [Jur. Soc. Papers., vol. 4.] Bucklev (Thomas C. T. ). Memorial of. Svo. Xew York, 1874. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 113 Bvicknill (John C). Habitual Drunkenness and Insane Drunkards. l:2mo. London, 1878. Treatise on Criminal Lunacy. Svo. Philadelphia, 1856. [L. L., vol. 92.] Buckiiill (John C.) and Tuke ( D. H.). Manual of Psycholog- ical Medicine. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1879. Bucknill (T. T.), editor. Cooke's C. P. Keports. Cunningham's Reports. Bnck's Connty (Pa.) Bar Association. Articles of Asso- ciation, etc. 12mo. Doylestown, 1853. Budge (Henry). Review of the Trial of, for Murder. By J. Swinburne. Svo. Albany, 1862. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] Buell (Lieut. D. C). Trial of, by Court-Martial. 8vo. Wash- ington, 181:4. Bugbee (James M.). The City Government of Boston. 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 5.] Building: and Loan Associations for Mutual Benefit ; their History, Principles, etc. 12mo. Charleston, 1852. Bullard (E. F.). See Tiffany (J.). Bullen (Edward). Practical Treatise on the Law of Dis- tress for Rent. 12mo. London, 1842. Bullen (Edward) and Leake (S. M.). Precedents of Plead- ings. 4th ed. Part 1, by T. J. Bullen and C. Dodd. Part 2, bv T. J. Bullen and C. W. Clifford. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don; 1882-8. Buller (Francis). Introduction to the Law relative to Trials at Nisi Prius. 8vo. London, 1793. [Same.] 6th ed. 8vo. New York, 1806. Bulletin de La Societe de Legislation Comparee, 1869-1887. 16 vols., Svo. Paris, 1872-87. ^ Table, 1869-1880. Svo. Paris, 1882. Bulletin de L'Union Internationale de Droit Penal. Svo. Briissel, 1889. Bullingbrooke (Edward). Ecclesiastical Law; or, The Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubricks and Articles of the Church of Ireland. With a Commentary, Historical and Juridical. 2 vols., 4to. Dublin, 1770. Bullitt (J. C). Argument for General Fitz John Porter. Svo. West Point, 1879. [Pam. Tr., vol. 2.] 8 114 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Bullitt (J. F.). Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice of Ken- tucky. 8vo. Frankfort, 1870. Bullitt (J. F.) and Felaud (J.). General Statutes of Ken- tucky. 8vo. Frankfort, 1877. [Same.] 8vo. Frankfort, 1881. Bullock (E. I.) and Johnson (Win.). General Statutes of Kentucky. 8vo. Frankfort, 1873. Bullock (William E.j. General Assignments for Creditors in the State of Kew York. 8vo. New York, 1888. New York Excise Law. 12mo. New York, 1887. Bulmerincq (Aug^ust). Yolkerrecht oder Internationales Recht. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Bulstrocle (Edward). Reports, Court of King's Bench, Eng- land, 1609-1626. Folio. London, 1657. [Same.] 2d ed. 3 parts, folio. London, 1688. Bump (Orlando F.). Composition in Bankruptcy. 8vo. St. Louis, 1877. Federal Procedure. 8vo. Baltimore, 1881. Internal Revenue Laws. 8vo. New York, 1870. Law and Practice in Bankruptcy. 8vo. New York, 1871. [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Same.] 7th ed. 8vo. New York, 1874. [Same.] 8th ed. 8vo. New York, 1875. [Same.] Otli ed. 8vo. New York, 1877. [Same.] 10th ed. 8vo. New York, 1877. LavY of Patents, Trade Marks, Labels and Copy-Rights. Svo. New York, 1877. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. Notes of Constitutional Decisions. 8vo. New York, 1878. Treatise upon Conveyances made by Debtors to Defraud Creditors. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1876. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Baltimore, 1882. (editor). Kerr on Fraud and Mistake. Bunbury (William). Reports, Court of Exchequer, Eng- land.'l 713-1 741. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 115 Bund (J. W. Willis). Law of Compensation for Unex- hausted Agricultural Improvements. 2d. ed. 8vo. London, 1883. Law relating to the Salmon Fisheries of England and Wales. 8vo. London, 1876. Selection of Cases from the State Trials. 2 vols., 12mo. Cambridge, 1879-82. Buiidy (Charles S.). United States Commissioner ; contain- ing Forms, Instructions, etc. 8vo. Saratoga Springs, 1882. Biiiigner (Robert). Zur Theorie und Praxis der Alimenta- tionspflicht. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. Bunyoii (Charles J.). Domestic Law. 8vo. London, 1875. Law of Fire Insurance. 8vo. London, 1867. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1885. Law of Life Assurance. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. [L. L., vol. 79.] [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1868. Life Assurance Companies Act of 1870. 8vo. London,, 1870. Burch (John C). Book of Pleadings, adapted to the Code of Civil Procedure of California. 8vo. San Francisco,, 1885. Burch (Samuel). General Index to the Laws of the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1828. Burch Divorce Case. 8vo. New York, 1860. Burge (William). Commentaries on Colonial and Foreign Laws. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1838. Commentaries on the Law of Suretyship. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Observations on the Supreme Appellate Jurisdiction of Great Britain, as it is now exercised by the Courts of the Queen in Council, and House of Lords. 8vo. London, 1841. Burgess (L. J.), reporter. Ohio State Keports, vol. 46. Burgh (Ptev. Richard) et al. Trial of, for Conspiracy. 8vo. London, 1792. Burgwyn (W. H. S.). Digest of Maryland Eeports, vols. 21-45. 8vo. Baltimore, 1878. 116 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAliY OF Burhaiis (J. A.). Law of Municipal Boiuls ; including a Digest of Statutory Laws relating to their Issue. 12mo. Chicago, 1889. Burke (Edmund). List of Patents for Inventions and De- signs, issued by the United States, from 1790 to 1847. With the Patent Laws and Notes of Decisions. 8vo. Washington, 181:7. Burke (Edmund P.). Historical Essay on the Laws and the Government of Rome ; designed as an introduction to the Study of the Civil Law. 2d ed. 8vo. Cambridge, 1842. Burke (Finley). Treatise on the Law of Public Schools. 12rao. New York, 1880. Burke (J. J.). Letters to a Law Student. 12mo. Toronto, 1887. Burke (Peter). Celebrated Naval and Military Trials. 8vo. London, 1876. Celebrated Trials connected with the Aristocracy in the relations of Private Life. 8vo. London, 1849. — Celebrated Trials connected with the Upper Classes of Society. 8vo. London, 1851. ■ — Compendium of the Patent Law, for protecting Inven- tions. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1857. — Criminal Law and its Sentences, in Treasons, Felonies, and Misdemeanors. 12mo. London, 1844. — Law of International Copyright between England and France. 12mo. London, 1852. — Patent Law. 8vo. London, 1852. Recollections of the Court-Eoom ; or, Narratives, Scenes, and Anecdotes from Courts of Justice, l^mo. New York, 1859. Romance of the Forum ; or. Narratives, Scenes and Anecdotes from Courts of Justice. 12mo. New York, 1853. Burke (William) and M'Dou^^al (Helen). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] Burlamaqui (Jean J.). Principes du Droit de la Nature et des Gens. Nouvelle ed. Par M. Dupin. 5 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1820-21. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAB. 117 Burlamaqui (Jean J.). Principles of IS'atural and Politic Law. Translation by T. Xugent. 4th ed. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Boston, 1792. [Same.] Ttli ed. 2 vols, in 1. bvo. Philadelphia, 1832. Burleig:li (Charles C). Thoughts on the Death Penaltj^ 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Burleigh (Joseph B.). Legislative Guide. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 18(U. Bur man (James). Statute Laws of the Isle of Man, 1849- 1853. Svo. Douglas, 1853. Burn (John I.). Digested Index to the Modern Reports of the Courts of Common Law, previous to the commence- ment of the Term Reports. Svo. London, 1804. Treatise, or Compendium, of the Law of Marine Insur- ance. 12mo. London, 1801. Burn (John S.). History of the Fleet Marriages. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1834. The Star Chamber. 8vo. London, 1870. Burn (Richard). Ecclesiastical Law. 4tli ed. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1781. [Same.] 7th ed. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1809. — [Same.] 9th ed. By R. Phillimore. 4 vols., 8v^o. London, 1842. Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. 15th ed. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1785. ■ [Same.] 17th ed. By John Burn. 4 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1793. [Same.] 23d ed. By G. Chetwynd. 5 vols., Svo. London, 1820. [Same.] Supplement. Svo. London, 1823. [Same.] 30th ed. By J. B. Maule. 5 vols., Svo. London, 1869. Burn (Richard and John). New Law Dictionary, 2 vols., Svo. London, 1792. Burnell (Gl-eorge W.). Supplement to Starr's Digest of the Wisconsin Reports, 1882-1889. Svo. Chicago, 1889. Burnett (John). Treatise on the Criminal Law of Scotland. 4to. Edinburgh, 1811, 118 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Burnett (T. P.). Reports, Supreme Court, Territory of Wis- consin, 1S4:2-1S43. Svo. Madison, ISi-i. Biirnham ^Leavitti. Nebraska Railroad Law. Svo. Lin- coln. 1890. Burns ( Antlionyj. Trial of. Boston Slave Riot. Svo. Bos- ton. 1S54. Biu'us (H.). Index, or Abbreviated Digest, of the Supreme Court Reports of Indiana. Svo. Cincinnati. 1882. Burr ( Aaron"). Examination of. before the Chief Justice of the L'nited States, on Charges of a High Misdemeanor and Treason. [Xo title-page.j Svo. Richmond. ISO". Reports of Trials of, for Treason and for a Misdemeanor. Taken in short hand by David Robertson. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, ISOS. Burr I Sarah). Will Case. Svo. Xew York, 1SS2-3. Burrell (Sir William). Admiralty Cases. 175S-1774. See Marsden (R. G.). Burrill (Alexander 31.). Law Dictionary and Glossary. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1870. Treatise on Circumstantial Evidence, especially that of the Presumptive Kind, in Criminal Cases. Svo. Xew York, 1S56. [Same.] Svo. Xew York. 1S6S. Treatise on the Law and Practice of Voluntary Assign- ments. Svo. Xew York. 1853. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Xew York. 1S5S. [Same.] 3d ed. By J. L. Bishop. Svo. Xew York, 1S77. [Same.] 4th ed. By G. L. Sterling. Svo. Xew York. 18S2. — [Same.] 5th ed. By G. L. Sterling. Svo. Xew York, 1887. — Treatise on the Practice of the Supreme Court of the State of Xew York. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1840. [Same.] With an Appendix of Practical Forms. 2d ed. 3 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1846. Burroughs (J. J.). Trial of, for Murder. Address of John A. Taylor. Svo. Xew York. 1882. Burroughs (Sir John). See Boroughs (Sir John). THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 119 Burroughs (Samuel). History of the Chancery. 12mo. London, 1726. Legal Judicature in Chancery stated. With Remarks on Phihp Yorke's Discourse of the Judicial Authority belong- ing to the Master of the Rolls, etc. 8vo. London, 1727. Burroughs (W. H.). Treatise on the Law of Public Securi- ties in America ; including Bonds issued by Cities, Towns, etc. 8vo. Jersey City, 1881. Treatise on the Law of Taxation. 8vo. ]S'ew York, 1877. [Same.] Supplement. 8vo. New York, 1883. Burrow (Sir James). Decisions, Court of King's Bench, Eng- land, upon Settlement Cases, 1732-1776. 2d ed. Ito. London, 1786. Reports of Cases, Court of King's Bench, England, 1756- 1772. 5 vols.,.8vo. Dublin, 1785. [Same.] 5th ed. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1812. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. 5 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. By J. P. Hall. 5 vols, in 2. 8vo. New York, 1833. Burrows (Silas E.). Trials of, for Seduction. 8vo. New York, 1833-L [Pam. Tr., vol. 7.] Burt (Alfred). Ti-eatise on Life Assurance. 8vo. London, 1840. Burtou (Johu H.). Benthamiana; or, Select Extracts from the Works of Jeremy Bentham. 8vo. Philadelphia, 184-1. Narratives from Criminal Trials in Scotland. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1852. Burtou (Philip). Cases, with Opinions of Eminent Counsel, in Mattel's of Law, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1791-3. Burton (Thomas de). Chronica Monasterii de Melsa. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Burton (W. H.). Treatise on the Law of Real Propertv. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. [L. L., vol. 23.] Busbee (F. H,). Digest of Criminal Cases in the North Carolina Reports. 8vo. Raleigh, 1880. Busbee (Perrin). Reports of Cases at Law, Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1852-1853. 8vo. Raleigh, 1853. Reports of Cases in Equity, Supreme Court of North Carohna, 1852-1853. 8vo. Raleigh, 1854 120 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Biiscli (F. B. ), editor. Archiv fiir Deutsches Handelsrecht. Bush (A. H.). Digest of the Statute Law of Florida. 8vo. Tallahassee, 1872. Bush (W. P. D.). Eeports, Court of Appeals, Kentuck}'-, 1866-1879. 14 vols.', 8vo. Louisville, 1868-79. Bushby (H. J. ). Manual of the Practice of Elections. 4th ed. By H. Hard castle. 12mo. London, 1874. [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1880. Busing (Otto). Das Staatsrecht der Grossherzogthiimer Mecklenburg -Schwerin und Mecklenburg-Strehtz. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Buskirk (Samuel H.). Practice on Appeals to the Supreme Court of Indiana ; on Removal of Causes to the Circuit Court of the United States, etc. ; and a Complete Table of Cases. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1876. Busteed (Richard), judge. Review of the Evidence taken on Charges against ; with Copies of Charges. By Robert H. Smith. 8vo. Mobile, 1869. Buswell (Henry F,). Law of Insanity in its Application to the Civil Rights and Capacities, and Criminal Responsibility of the Citizen. 8vo. Boston, 1885. Statute of Limitations and Adverse Possession. With an Appendix containing the English Acts of Limitation. 8vo. Boston, 1889. Buswell (Henry F.) and Walcott (C. H.). Practice and Pleading in Personal Actions, in the Courts of Massachu- setts. 8vo. Boston, 1875. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Butler (Beiyamin F.). Plan for the Organization of a Law Faculty, and for a System of Instruction in Legal Science, in the I^qw York University. 8vo. ]S^ew York, 1835. [Pam., vol. 11.] ■ Proceedings and Addresses on the occasion of the Death of. 8vo. New York, 1859. [Pam., vol. 16.] Butler (Beiy. F.) and Hoyt (Jessie). Lives and Opinions of. By Wm. L. Mackeinzie. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Butler (Charles). Horae Juridicae Subsecivae. Notes re- specting the History, etc., of the Principal Codes and Origi- nal Documents of the Grecian, Roman, Feudal and Canon Law. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. THE ASSOCIATION- OF THE BAE. 121 Butler (Noble). Lecture on the Constitution of the United States. 8vo. Louisville, 1863. [Pam., vol. 1.] Butler (William Allen). Eelations of Lawyer and Client. 12mo. JN'ew York, 1871. Revision of the Statutes of the State of New York, and the Revisers. 12mo. New York, 1889. Butterfteld (J. W.). Digest of Decisions of the Second Comptroller, U. S. Treasury, 1817-1869. 3d ed. 8vo. Washington, 1869. Butterwortli (A. K.). Practice of the Railway and Canal Commission. Svo. London, 1889. Buttz vs. Mackey. Contested Election. Svo. Washington, 1876. [Pam. tr., vol. 8.] Buxton (Thomas F.). Severity of Punishment. Svo. Lon- don, 1821. Buzzell (J. R.) and others. Trial of, for burning the Charles- town Convent. Svo. Boston, 1870. Byles (Sir John B.). Discourse on the Present State of the Law of England. Svo. London, 1829. [Pam., vol. 36.] Observations on the Usury Laws. 12mo. London, 1845. Treatise on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Bank Notes and Cheques. Svo. Philadelphia, 1837. [L. L., vol. 16.] ■ [Same.] 2d Am. ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. [L. L., vol. 61.] [Same.] 5th Am. ed. By George Sharswood. Svo. Philadelphia, 1867. [Same.] 13th ed. Bv M. B. Byles. Svo. London, 1879. [Same.] 7th Am. ed. Bv George Sharswood. Svo. Philadelphia, 1883. [Same.] 8th Am. ed. By H. G. Wood. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1891. Bynkershoek (Cornelius van). Opera Omnia. Edidit B. Philippus Vicat. 2 vols., folio. Colonite Allobrogum, 1761. Opera IVIinora. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1730. Opuscula Varii Argumenti. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1719. 122 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Bynkershoek i^Coriielius van). Observationum Juris Ko- raani Libri 8. 2 vols.. 4to. Lugduni Batavorura, 1710-33. Quaestionum Juris Privati Libri 4. ito. Lugduni Batavorum, 1744. Quaestionum Juris Publici Libri 2. 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1737. Traite du Juge Competent des Ambassadeurs. Traduit par J, Barbeyrac. 12 mo. La Have, 1723. Treatise on the La\v of War. AVith Notes by P. S. Du Ponceau. Svo. Philadelphia, islO. BjTiie (Ellen). Trial of, for Murder. Reported by Thomas R. Dunckley. 8vo. Dubhn, 1842. Byrne (James P.). Handy Book on the Law of Marriage and Divorce. i2mo. London, 1859. Handy Book on the Law of Patents and Copyrights. 12mo. London. 18.59. Law of Elections and Election Committees. 12mo. Dublin, 1865. Treatise on the Law and Practice respecting Bills of Sale. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1879. BytheTVOod (W. 31.) and JarnianiT.). Selection of Prece- dents, from Modern MS. Collections, and Drafts of Actual Practice ; forming a System of Conveyancing, with Dis- sertations and Xotes. 3d ed. By Geo. Sweet. Vols. 1 to 9, and vol. 11. 10 vols., 8vo. London, 1841-61. [Vol. 10 not published.] [Same.] 4th ed. Bv L. G. G. Ptobbins. 7 vols., roy. Svo. London, 1884-90. ' (editor"). "Wvnne's Eunomus. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 123 c. Cababe (Michael). Interpleader and Attachment of Debts. 12mo. London, 1881. [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1888. Principles of Estoppel. 12mo. London, 1888. Cabab^ (Michael) and Ellis (Charles G.). Keports, Queen's Bench Division, High Court of Justice, England, 1882-1885. 8vo. London, 1885. Cabaiitous (L.) and Liegeois (J.). Repetitions Ecrites sur le Droit Administratif. 0*^ ed. 8vo. Paris, 1881. Cabinet Library of Scarce and Celebrated Tracts. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1835-9. Cadwalader (John L.), Digest of the Published Opinions of the Attorneys-General, and of the Leading Decisions of the Federal Courts, with reference to International Law, Treaties, etc. Poy. 8vo. Washington, 1877. Cadwalader (R. M.). Practical Treatise on the Law of Ground Rents in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. Caicos Islands. See Turks and Caicos Islands. Caines (George). Lex Mercatoria Americana. 8vo. New York, 1802. New York Cases in Error, 1796-1805. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1805-7. [Same.] With Appendix of Forms. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1810. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Lawver's Co-op. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1883. New York Term Reports, Supreme Court, 1803-1805. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1804-6. [Same.] 2d ed. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1813-14. [Same.] 3d ed. With Notes bv W. G. Banks. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1860. [Same.] 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1883. 1883 [Same.] Lawyer's Co-op. ed. 3 vols., Svo. Rochester, 124 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Caiiies vvo. Albany, 1871. Call (Daniel). Cases in the Court of Appeals of Yirginia, 1779-1818. 6 vols., 8vo. Eichmond, 1833-54. Call ( K. 31. 1. Index to the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Florida. 8vo. Jacksonville, 18b0. Callan (J. F.). Military Laws of the United States. 8vo. Baltimore, 1858. Callencler (J. T. i. Trial of, for Sedition, 8vo. Petersburg, lb04. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 127 Callis (Robert). On the Statute of Sewers. 4th ed. By Serjeant Hill. Svo. London, 1810. Caiman (David). Code Time-Table. Alphabetical Arrange- ment of the various Periods of Time required by the Laws of Practice in all Actions and Proceedings in the Courts of the State of New York. 12mo. New York, 1883. Calthrop (Sir Henry). Reports of Special Cases touching several Customs and Liberties of the City of London, 1609- 1618. 12rao. London, 1670. [Same.] 12mo. London, 1872. Calvert (Frederic). Letter upon Certain Laws Affecting Agriculture. 8vo. London, 1849. [Pam., vol. 36.] Treatise on Parties to Suits in Equity. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1837. [L. L., vol. 17.] Calvinus, alias Kalil (Joannes). Lexicon Juridicum Juris Csesarei siraul et Canonici ; Feudalis item, Civilis, Crimi- nalis ; Theoretici ac Practici. 4to. Colonige Allobrogum, 1612. Calvo (Charles). Derecho Internacional, Teorico y Practico, de Europa y America. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1868. Le Droit International. 2*^ ed. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1870-2. [Same.] o*" wl. 4 vols., 8va Paris, 1880-1. [Same.] 4^^ ed. 5 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1887-8. Recueil Complet des Traites, Conventions, Capitulations, Armistices et Autres Actes Diplomatiques, de Tous les Stats de I'Amerique Latine. 11 vols., Svo. Paris, 1862-9. Camden Connty (N. J.) Bar Association. Constitution and By-Laws. 12mo. Camden, 1883. Cameron (Duncan) and Norvt^ood (William). Reports of Cases ruled and determined bv the Court ol" Conference of l^orth Carolina, 1800-1804. Svo. Raleigh, 1805. [Same.] 2d ed. By W. LI. Battle. Svo. Raleigh, 1844. Cameron (John H.). Collection of Legal Opinions. Com- piled by W. A. Orr. Svo. Toronto, 1878. Digest of Cases in the Court of Queen's Bench, Canada. Svo. Toronto, 1840. (reporter). Upper Canada, Q. B. Reports, vols. 1, 2. 128 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Caineroii (^3Ialcolin G.). Ditches and AVatercourses Acts of Ontario. 24mo. Toronto, 1886. Treatise on the Law of Dower. 8vo. Toronto, 1882. Caiiieron (P. H.). Brief Siimniarv of the Law of Joint-Stock Companies. 8vo. Edinburgh, 187-1. Law of Intestate Succession in Scotland. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, ISSl. Campbell (Coliii\ Lord and Lady. Divorce Case. 12mo. London, 1887. Campbell (D. A.% reporter. Nebraska Keports, vok 27. Campbell (Douglas). Historical Fallacies regarding Colo- nial Xew York. 8vo. Xew York, 1879. [Pam., vol. 16.] Cami)bell ^E. L,). Science of Law according to the Ameri- can Theory of Government. 8vo. Jersey City, 1887. Campbell (Gordon'). Compendium of Roman Law. 8vo. London, 187S. Campbell (Major Henry A. ). Trial of, for killing Capt. A. Boyd in a Duel. 8vo. Boston, 1808. [Pam. Tr.. vol. 5.] Campbell (J. A. P.). Revised Code of Mississippi. 8vo. Jackson, 1880. Campbell (James M.). Reports of Cases decided b}^ Chief Justice Tanev, U. S. Circuit Court, District of Maryland, 1836-1861. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871. Campbell (John), Lord. Lives of the Chief Justices of Eng- land. 4 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1873. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England. 5th ed. 10 vols., 8vo. London, 1868. [Same.] Am. ed. By J. A. Mallory. 10 vols., 8vo. IS^ew York, 1871-5. Index to Lives of Lord Chancellors and Chief Justices. 8vo. Kew York, 1876. Reports of Cases determined at Nisi Prius, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, England, 1807-1816. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1809-16. Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements Considered. 8vo. ]S"ew York, 1859. — Speech in the House of Commons, on a General Regis- ter for all Deeds and Instruments affecting Real Property. 8vo. London, 1831. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 129 Campbell (John A.). Tennessee Form Book. 3cl ed. 8vo. Nashville, 18S6. Campbell (John H.). Legal Gazette Keports, 1869-1871. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. Campbell (Malcolm). Argument in the Rolhvagen Will Case. 8vo. New York, 1874. Campbell (Mnng-o). Trial of, for Murder, 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1770. Campbell (Peter). Objections to the System of Administer- ing Justice in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. Campbell (Richard V.). Principles of Mercantile Law in the Subjects of Bankruptcy, Cautionary Obligations, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1881. Campbell (Robert). Law and Practice of Citation and Diligence. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. Law of Negligence. 8vo. London, 1871. Law relating to the Sale of Goods and Commercial Agency. Ro}^ 8vo. London, 1881. (editor). Austin's Jurisprudence. Campbell (William). Digest of Registration Appeal Cases, Scotland, 1868-1882. 12rao. Edinburgh, 1883. Canii>beirs Collection of Pamphlets on Habeas Corpus and Martial Law. 8vo. [Pam., vol. 21.] Camus (A. G.). Profession d'Avocat. (Tom. 2, 5*^ ed.) Par A. M. J. J. Dupin. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1832. Canada (Dominion) : Reports. Duval. Supreme Court. 1875-1890. 17 vols. Cartwright. Cases on British N. A. Act. 1874-1885. 3 vols. Digest of Reports. Cassels. 1875-1886. 1 vol. — Statutes. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations, etc., concernant le Canada, 1627-1756. 8vo. Quebec, 1854. Arrets et Reglements du Conseil Superieur de Quebec, etc., 1663-1758. 8vo. Quebec, 1855. Complement des Ordonnances et Jugements des Gouverneurs et Intendants du Canada, 1540-1754. 8 vols. Quebec, 1856. 130 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBliABY OF Cauacla (Doiuiiiioni : Statutes. — Continued. Consolidated Statutes. Svo. Quebec, 1859. Statutes of the Province from the Union to the Confedera- tion, 1S41-1S66. 2:2 vols.. 4to and >vo. Aiiiiiiiil f^i"!! tutes of the Doiiiiuioii. Parliament. Session. Date. 1st .................. 1st 1867-8. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. i8rs. 1879. 1880. 1880-1. 18S2. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 2 vols. 1st . . 1st . 2d 3d 1st .. 4th 1st ,0th 2d .. 1st 8d .. 1st 3d . . . 2d 2 vols. 3d... 3d... 3d 4th 2 vols. 2 vols. Sd 5th 2 vols. 4th . 1st 2 vols. 4th. 2d 2 vols. 4th 3d 2 vols. 4th 4th 2 vols. 5th.. 1st 2 vols. 5th 2d 2 vols. 5th . - - 3d 2 vols. 5th.. 4th 2 vols. 6th 1st 2 vols 6th.. 2d 2 vols. 6th.. 3d 2 vols. 6th 4th 2 vols. Revised Statutes. 2 vols. 1SS6, Public Acts not repealed bv Revised Statutes. 1887. Index of Statutes. (Dubreuil.) 1867-1887. Compendium of Laws. (Fremont.) 1884. Bankruptcy Act. (Girouard.) 1864. Civil Law. (Doutre k, Lareau,) 1872. Confederation, Debates on, 1865, Constitution. (Doutre.) 1880, [Same,] (Munro.) 1889. Constitutional Historv. (Bourinot.") 1888. [Same.] (Watson.) 'l874. Constitutional Law. (Travis.) 1884. Conveyancing Manual. (O'Sullivan.) 1882, Copyright in Books. (Dawson.) 1882, Criniinal Law. (Clarke.) 1872. Criminal Law Digest. (Foran.~) 1889, Criminal Law Consolidation Acts. (Taschereau.) 1874-5. Criminal Statute Law. (Taschereau. i 18S8. Divorce Laws and Statistics. (Wright.) 1889. Federal Government. (Bourinot.) 1889, THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 131 Canada (Dominion) : Statntes, etc. — Continued. Franchise and Election Laws. iErraatinger.) 1886. Government, Manual of. (O'Sullivan.) 1879. Insolvent Act, (Clarke.) 1877. Insolvent Laws. (Macmahon.) 1875. Intestacy Laws. (Armstrong.) 1885. Joint Stock Companies. (Stephens.) 1881. Justices of the Peace. (Lewis.) 1884. Legal Directory. (Boyer.) 1885. [Same.] (Morgan.) 1878. Local Government. (Bourinot.) 1887. Marriage Laws and Statistics. (Wright.) 1889. Naturalization, etc. (Howell.) 1884. Parliamentary Elections. (Notman.) 1863. Parliaments, Powders of. (Watson.) 1880. Parliamentary Procedure. (Bourinot.) 1884. Patent Act. 1886. Patent Office Rules and Forms. 1888. Probate Law. (Howell.) 1880. Procedure: Supreme Court, etc. (Cassels.) 1877. Railway Law. (Holt.) 1885. Speakers' Decisions. (Bourke.) 1857. [Same.] (Laperriere.) 1872. Tax Cases. (Powers of Legislatures.) 1885. Titles, Investigation of. (Taylor.) 1873. Canada (Upper), now Ontario : Reports. Error and Appeal Reports. (Grant.) 1846-1866. 3 vols. Appeal Reports. (Tupper.) 1876-1881. 6 vols. Ontario Appeal Reports, vols. 7 to IS. 1881-1890. 12 vols. Grant. Chancery. 1849-1882. 29 vols. Chancery Chambers Reports. 1858-1^72. 4 vols. Taylor. King's Bench. 1823-1827. 1 vol. Draper. King's Bench. 1829-1831. 1 vol. Queen's Bench (Old Series). 1831-1844. 6 vols. Queen's Bench (New Series). 1844-1882. 46 vols. Ontario Reports (Queen's Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas). 1882-1890. 20 vols. Upper Canada Common Pleas. 1850-1882. 32 vols. Patrick. Election Cases. 1824-1849. 1 vol. Hodgins. Election Reports. 1871-1878. 1 vol. Ontario Election Cases. 1883-1888. 1 vol. Harrison and Hodgins' Municipal Courts. 1845-1851. 1 vol. Chamber Reports of Points of Practice. 1848-1853. 2 vols. Practice Court and Chamber Reports. 1850-1881. 8 vols. Ontario Practice Reports, vols. 9-14. 1881-1890. 6 vols. 132 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Canada (Upper), now Ontario: 'Rel^OYtf^,— Continued. Lefroy and Cassel's Kotes on Practice Cases. 1881-1883. 1 vol. Upper Canada Law Journal. 1855-1864. 10 vols. Canada Law Journal. 1865-1891. 27 vols. Local Courts' and Municipal Gazette. 1865-1872. 8 vols. Canadian Law Times. 1881-1891. 11 vols. Cameron's Opinions. 1859-1876. 1 vol. Digests of Reports. Cameron. 1823-1840. 1 vol. Robinson and Harrison. 1823-1851. 1 vol. Harrison and O'Brien. 1851-1860. 1 vol. Robinson and Joseph. 1823-1883. 3 vols. Smith and Joseph. 1884-1887. 1 vol. Cooper's Equity Digest. 1824-1872. 2 vols. Statutes. Compilation of Provincial Statutes, 1792-1840. 2 vols., 4to. Provincial Statutes, Revised, 1792-1819. 4to. Statutes, 1819-1840. 14 vols., 8vo. Compiled Public Statutes, 1858. Consolidated Statutes, 1859. Chronological Table of Statutes, 1856. Index to Statutes in Force. (Wicksteed.) 1856. Annual Statutes of Ontario. Parliament. Session. Date. 1st 1st 2d 3d 4th 1867-8 1st 1868 9 1st 1869 1st 1870-1 2d 1st 1871-2 2d 2d 2d ,Sd 1873. Jan 1874 2d 4th Nov 1874 3d 1st 2d 3d 4th 1st 2d 3d 1875-6 3d 3d 1877. 1878 3d 1879 4th 1880 4th 1881. 4th 1883 4th 4th 1st 2d 3d 1st 2d 3d 4th 1882-3 .'ith 1884 5th 1885 5th 1886 0th 1887 6th 1888 Gth 1889 6th 1890 THE Ati^OaiATION OF THE BAR. 133 Canada (Upper), now Ontario : Statntes, etc. — Cont. Revised Statutes. 2 vols. 1S77. Eevised Statutes. 2 vols. 1887. Index of Statutes. (Ewarts.) 1874, 1878. Index of Statutes. (Lewis.) 1884. Index of Statutes. (Dubreuil.) 1867-1887. Common Law Courts. (McMillan.) 1865. Common Law Procedure. (Harrison.) 1858. Judicature Act : Outline of an Action. (Barwick.) 1881. Landlord and Tenant. (Lorrain.) 1885. Legal Directory. (Hardy.) 1883. Magistrates' Law. (Keele.) 1835. Municipal Law. (Harrison.) 1878. Practice : Supreme Court. (Taylor & Ewart.) 1881. Prescription, Law of. (Jones.) " 1878. Quieting Title. (Turner.) 1867. Eeal Property. (Leith.) 1864. Registration of Titles. (Tiffany.) 1881. Canada (Lower), now Qnebec : Reports. Perrault. Conseil Superieur de Quebec. 1727-1759. 1 vol. Perrault. Prevoste de Quebec. 1727-1759. 1 vol. Pyke. King's Bench. 1810. 1 vol. Stuart. King's Bench, etc. 1810-1835. 1 vol. Stuart. Vice Admiralty. 1836-1874. 2 vols. Cook. Vice Admiralty. 1873-1884. 1 vol. Lower Canada Reports. 1850-1867. 17 vols. Seigniorial Reports. 1854-1856. 2 vols. Ramsay. Appeal Cases. 1873-1886. 1 vol. Quebec Law Reports. 1875-1890. 16 vols. Dorion. Queen's Bench. 1881-1886. 4 vols. Montreal Law Reports, Queen's Bench. 1884-1890. 6 vols. Montreal Law Reports, Superior Court. 1884-1890. 6 vols. Revue de Legislation. 1845-1848. 3 vols. Montreal Condensed Reports. 1854. 1 vol. Lower Canada Jurist. 1856-1890. 34 vols. Lower Canada Law Journal. 1866-1868. 4 vols. Revue Legale. 1869-1890. 20 vols. Revue Critique. 1871-1875. 3 vols. Legal News. 1878-1891. 14 vols. La Themis. 1879-1883. 5 vols. - Digests of Reports. Robertson. 1810-1863. 1 vol. Lusignan. 1863-1871. 1 vol. Stephens. 1810-1885. 3 vols. 134 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Canada ( L.o^Yerj, now Quebec : Statutes. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations, etc.. 1627-1753. 4to. Quebec. 1S03. Ordonnances des lutendants et Arrets, etc., de Quebec, 170S-1T5S. ttto. Quebec, 1806. Ordinances of the Province of Quebec in force in Lower Canada, 1777-1792. ito. Quebec, 1S25. Acts of Great Britain relating to. 1771—1790. 4to. Quebec, 1797. Provincial Statutes. 1791-1S37. 15 vols., 4to. Ordinances of the Administrator of the Government and Special Council, 183S-1S41. 6 vols., ito. Revised Acts and Ordinances, ISIS. Consolidated Statutes. 1861. Tables relative to Acts, etc., 1843. Index to Statutes in Force. (Wicksteed.) 1857. Annual Statutes of Quebec. Parliament. Session. Date. 1st 1st 1867-8. 1st 2d 1869. 1st Isi 3d 4th 1869-70. 1870. 2d 1st 1871. 2d 2d 2d 3d 1872. 1873-4 2d 4th 1874-5. 3d 1st 1875. 3d 2d 1876. 3d 3d 1877-8. 4th 1st 1878. 4th 2d 1879. 4th 3d 1880. 4th 4th 1881. 5th 1st 1882. 5th 2d 1883. 5th 3d 1884. 5th 4th 1885. 5th 5th 1886. 6th 1st 1887. 6th 2d 1888. 6th 3d 1889. 6th 4th 1890. Revised Statutes. 2 ^ols. 1888. Index of Statutes. (Dubreuil.) 1S67-1S87. Civil Code. 1866. Civil Code. (McCord.) 1880. Code Civil. (Lareau.) 1885. Civil Code. (Sharp.) 2 vols. 1889. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 135 Canada (Lower), now Quebec : Statutes, etc. — Cont. Code Civil, Bibliotheque ilu. (I)e Loriraier.) 20 vols. 1871-90. Code Civil : Commentaire. (Loranger.) 2 vols. 1873-9. Code of Civil Procedure, 1867. Code of Civil Procedure. (Foran.) 1879. Dictionnaire de Droit. (Desaulniers.) 1878. Canada Law Journal. 27 vols., 8vo. Toronto, 1865-91. Canadian Law Times. 11 vols., 8vo. Toronto, 1881-91. Cantly (George). Jurisdiction, Process, Practice and Mode of Pleading in Ordinary Actions in the Mayor's Court, London. Svo. London, 1879. Cannings (Thomas). Observations on the Assignment of Contingent, or Eeversionary, Interests in Personal Estates. Svo. London, 1820. [Pam., vol. 36.] Cant-Wall (E.). Ireland under the Land Act. 12mo. Lon- don, 1SS2. Cape Law" Journal. 6 vols., Svo. Grahamstown, 188-1-9. Cape of Good Hope : Reports. Menzies. 1828-1849. 3 vols. Searle. 1850-1860. 3 vols. Eoscoe. 1861-1867. 1 vol. Buchanan (J.). 1868-1870. 3 vols. Eoscoe. 1871-1872. 1 vol. Buchanan (E. J.). 1873-1877 and 1879. 6 vols. Foord. Jan. to Aug., 1880. 1 vol. Juta. 1880-1889. 6 vols. Buchanan. Court of Appeals, 1880-1886. 2 vols. Buchanan. Eastern Districts, 1880-1887. 5 vols. Laurence. Griqualand, 1882-1889. 5 vols. Digests of Reports. Searle. 1850-1885. 1 vol. Searle. Supplement, 1885-1887. 1 vol. Laurence. Index, etc., 1882-1889. 1 vol. Capefigue (J. B. H. R.). See Angeberg (Comte de). Capgrave (John). Chronicle of England. Edited by F. C. Hingeston. [Lat.] 8vo. London, 1858. (Chron.andMem. of Gt. Brit, and Ireland.) Book of the Illustrious Henries. Translated from the Latin by F. C. Hingeston. Svo. London, 1858. (Same.) Caravantes (Jose de Vicente y). See Vicente. 136 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Cardenas (^Francisco cle i. El Derecho Moderno. Vols. 2 and 3. Svo. Madrid, 1845-7. Cardozo (^Albert). Charges and Testimony against. 3 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1ST2. Care (^Henry). English Liberties ; or. The Free-Born Sub- ject's Inheritance. Being a Help to Justices as well as a Guide to Constables. 12mo. London, 1691. Carew (Thomas). Historical Account of the Rights of Elec- tions of Great Britain. Folio. London, 1755. Carey (Charles H. i. Index-Digest of the Oregon and "Wash- ington Reports. Svo. San Francisco, 1888. Carey (H. C. ). Unity of Law. as exhibited in the relations of Physical, Social, Mental and Moral Science. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1872. Carey (James and Francis K. i. Forms and Precedents. Svo. Baltimore, 1885. Carkesse (Charles). The Act of Tonnage and Poundage, and Rates of Merchandize : with the further Subsid}'. etc., and all other Duties relating to His Majesty's Customs. Folio. London, 1726. [Same.] Supplement. Folio. London, 1737. Carleton (H. i. See Moreau-Lislet (L. ). Carleton (John W.). Practical Treatise on the Law of Judgments and Judgment Debts in Ireland. Svo. Dub- lin. 1844. Carlile iWm.\ bishop of. See Xicholson (AVm.\ Carlisle (J. Gc.). Argument in the Extradition Case of the Commonwealth of Kentuckv vs. Smith X. Hawes. Svo. Washington City, 1877. [Pam., vol. 9.] Carlisle ( Nicholas i. Historical Account of the Origin of the Commission appointed to inquire concerning Charities in England and Wales. Svo. London, 1828. Carlton (A. B. ). Law of Homicide : with the Trial for Mur- der of Judge Wilkinson, Dr. Wilkinson and Mr. Murdaugh. Svo. Cincinnati, 1SS2. Camazza-Amari (G.). Traite de Droit Internationa] Public en temps de Paix. Traduit en Francais par Montanari- Revest. Tom. 1. Svo. Paris, ISSO. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 137 Carolina Law Journal. Edited by A. Blanding and D. J. McCord. 8vo. Columbia, 1830-1. [Only 1 vol. pub- lished.] Carolina Law Repository. Containing Biographical Sketches of Eminent Judges, Opinions of American and Foreign Jurists, and Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of j^orth Carolina. 2 vols., 8vo. Raleigh, 1814. -.[Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Raleigh, 1844. Caroline (Queen). Trial of. Edited by J. IN^ightingale. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1820-21. Carpenter (G. J.), reporter. California Reports, vols. 52, 53. Carijenter (M. B.). Mining Code. 2d ed. 8vo. Denver, 1879. Carpenter (Matthew H.). In Memoriam. Proceedings of the Bench and Bar of the IT. S. Supreme Court. 8vo. Washington, 1881. [Pam., vol. 32.] Carpenter (Thomas F.). Argument in the Case of John and William Gordon, charged with the Murder of Amasa Sprague. 8vo. Providence, 1844. [Pam., vol. 26.] Carpenter (William). Chancery Reform ; a Lecture. Svo. London, 1850. Chancery Reform Tracts. Xos. 1-3. 8vo. London, 1850-1. Carpmael (Alfred and Edward). Patent Laws of the AVorld. 8vo. London, 1885. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1889. Carpmael (William). Law of Patents for Inventions. Svo. London, 1832. [Same.] 6th ed. 8vo. London, 1860. Law Reports of Patent Cases. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1843-51. Carr (Sir John) vs. Thos. Hood, et al. Libel Case. Svo. London, 1808. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Carr (Joseph B.). Election Code of the State of IS'ew York. Svo. Albany, 1880. Carr (Lncien). Missouri : a Bone of Contention. 12mo. Boston, 1888. (Amer. Commonwealth Series.) 138 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Carr (William W.). The Suggestion of Insanity in Crimi- nal Cases, and the Trial of the Collateral Issue. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S90. Carrau ( J.^. Keports of Summary Cases in the Presidency Sudder Court of Bengal. 1S34-1S52. Svo. Calcutta, 1S53. Index to the Decisions of the Sudder Dewannv Adaw- lut. 1T92-1S55. Svo. Calcutta, 1S56. Carriiigtou (Frederick A.). Supplement to all the Modern Treatises on the Criminal Law. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1S2:. Carriiigton ( Frederick A.) and Kirwaii (A. V.). English Xisi Prius Reports, 1S43-1S50. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1S45-50. Carringtoii (Frederick A.) and 3Iarshiiiaii (J. R.). English Xisi Prius Eeports, 1S4:0-1S42. Svo. London, 1S43. Carriii^on (Frederick A.) and Payne (J.). English Xisi Prius Eeports, 1S23-1S41. 9 vols., Svo. London, 1S25-41. Carroll (John D.V Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice of Kentucky. Svo. Louisville, 1SS8. Carrow (John 31. \ Hanierton ( J.^i and Allen (T.). English Magistrates' Cases, 1S44-1S51. 4 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1S45-51. Carson (H. L.'i. History of the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Consti- tution of the L'nited States. 2 vols., rov. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1SS9. Law of Criminal Conspiracies and Agreements. See Wright (Tt. S.). Carter (A. G. W. ). The Old Court House. Reminiscences and Anecdotes of the Courts and Bar of Cincinnati. Svo. Cincinnati, 18S0. Carter (H. E.), reporter. Indiana Reports, vols. 1, 2. Carter (James C). The Ideal and the Actual in the Law. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S90. [Pam., vol. 49.] Proposed Codification of our Common Law. Svo. Xew York, 1884. Provinces of the Written and the L^nwritten Law. Svo. Kew York, 1SS9. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 139 Carter (John C). Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act. 8vo. London, 1883. See Rogers on Elections. Carter (Samuel). Law of Executions. 8vo. London, 1706. Lex Custumaria ; or, A Treatise of Copy-hold Estates. 8vo. London, 1606. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1T(>1. Lex Vadiorum. Law of Mortg-ages. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1728. Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1664-1675. Folio. London, 1688. Carthew (Tlionias). Reports, Court of King's Bench, Eng- land, 1686-1700. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1743. Cartwright (John R. ). Cases Decided on the British Xorth America Act of 1867, in the Privy Council, the Supreme Court of Canada, and the Provincial Courts. 3 vols., Svo. Toronto, 1882-7. Caruthers (Abraham), Historv of a Law^suit. 3d ed. 8vo. Nashville, 1879. [Same.] 3d ed., enlarged, annotated and revised. By A. B. Martin. Svo. Cincinnati, 1888. Caruthers (R. L.) and Nicholson (A. O. P.). Compilation of the Statutes of Tennessee ; with References to judicial Decisions in Notes. Svo. Nashville, 1836. Carver (Thomas G.). Treatise on the Law relating to the Carriage of Goods by Sea. Roy. Svo. London, 1885. Cary (Sir Georg*e). Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, England, 1557-1604. Collected out of the labors of Wil- liam Lambert. ISmo. London, 1820. Cary (Henry). Commentary on the Tenures of Littleton. Svo. London, 1829. Treatise on the Law of Partnership. Svo. Philadelphia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 5.] Casares (Jos^ H.), et al. Account of the Trial of, for Piracy and IMurder. Svo. Richmond, 1827. Casas (Jose Gonzalo de las). Tratado General de Nota- riado y de Instrumentos Piiblicos relativos a la Pro])iedad, a la Famiha y a la Sucesion. Nueva ed. Svo. IVIadrid, 1877. 140 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cases and Opinions of Eminent Counsel in matters of Law, Equity and Conveyancing. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1791-3. Cases and Resolution of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, England, concerning Settlements and Remov- als, 1685-1733. 4th ed. Svo. London, 1742. Cases from William I. to Richard I. See Bigelow (M. M.). Cases in Chancery, lf)6(»-1697. 3d ed. 3 ])arts, folio. London, 1730. [Same.] Am. ed. 3 parts, Svo. jS'ew York, 1828. Cases ill Equity. See Equity Cases Abridged. Cases in the Court of Session, Scotland. See Court of Session Cases. Cases of Practice, Court of King's Bench, England, 1655- 1775. 4to. London, 1778. Cases on the Six Circuits in Ireland, 1841-1843. 8vo. Dubhn, 1843. Cases temp. Finch. See Nelson (Wm.). Cases temp. Hardwicke, Court of King's Bench, England, 1733-1738. Folio. Dublin, 1769. [Same.] 2d ed. By Thomas Lee. 8vo. London, 1815. [Cited also as Annaly's Reports.] — See Ridgeway (Wm.). Cases temp. King. See Macnaghten (S.). Cases temp. Macclesfield. See Modern Reports, part 10. Cases temp. Queen Anne. See Modern Reports, part 11. Cases temp. Talbot, Court of Chancery, England. 1730-1737. Folio. London, 1741. [Same.] 3d ed. By J. G. Williams. 8vo. London, 1792. Cases temp. William III. See Modern Rejwrts, part 12. Casey (John S.). Trial of, for Libel. 8vo. Dublin, 1877. Casey (Joseph), reporter. Pennsvlvania State Reports, vols. 2^-36. Casper (J. L. ). Handbook of the Practice of Forensic Medi- cine. Translated from the German by Geo. W. Balfour. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1861-5. THE ASSOCIATION- OF THE BAR. 141 Cassels (Robert). Digest of Cases decided bv the Supreme Court of Canada, 1875-1886. 8vo. Toronto, 1886. Manual of Procedure in the Supreme and Exchequer Comets of Canada. 12mo. Toronto, 1877 Cassidy (Lewis C). Contested Election of. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1857. Castle (Ed^varcl J.). Law of Commerce in time of War. 8vo. London, 1870. Practical Treatise on the Law of Eating. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1886. * Castro (Jacinto Miguel de). Las Siete Partidas del Sabio Key Don Alfonso el Nono, copiadas de la edicion de Sala- manca, 1555, que publico Gregorio Lopez ; corregida por Diego de Morales y Yillamayor, y de Castro. Publicalas Joseph Berni y Catala. 8 vols., 8vo. Valencia, 1757-8. Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, Laws and Jurispru- dence of France. 8vo. London, 1849. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys, in the Offices of the Secre- tary of State, etc., New York. Revised bv D. E. Mix. 8vo. Albany, 1859. Catalogue of the Cottonian Manuscripts. See Record Com- mission. Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts. See Record Com- mission. Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts. See Record Com- mission. Cataneo (Count de). Source, Strength, and True Spirit of Laws, in three parts ; added, Essays on the Natural Origin of Political Governments. 8vo. London, 1753. Catlicart (E.). See Savigny's History of Roman Law. Cattlin (T. M.). Observations on the Administration of Jus- tice. 8vo. London, 1856. [Pam., vol. 36.] Caucliy (Eugene). Droit Maritime International, considere dans ses origines et dans ses rapports avec les progres de la civilisation. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1862. Caurroy (A. M. du). See Du Caurroy (A. M.). Causes Celebres et Interessantes ; avec les Jugemens qui les ont decidees. 16 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1735-40. 142 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Causteii (James H.). Sketch of the Claims of American Citizens on the Government of the United States, for In- demnity for Depredations committed on their Property by the French. 8vo. Baltimore, ls2r;. Caiiston (H. S.). Rights of Heirship ; or, The Doctrine of Descents and Consanguinity. 8vo. London, 1842. Cavaiiagh ('C.\ Law of Money Securities. 8vo. London, 1879. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1885. Principles and Precedents of Miidern Conve3^ancing. 8vo. London, 1882. Cave (X. W.). See Addison (C. G.) ; Leigh (E. C). Ca^vley (William). Laws concerning Jesuites, Seminary Priests, Recusants, etc. Folio. London, 1680. Caxton's Statutes of Henry VIL Facsimile, from the Edition of 1489. Edited with ]S[otes by John Rae. 4to. London, 1869. Cay (Henry B.). Abridgment of the Public Statutes in force from 11th Geo. II. to 1st Geo. III. Folio. London, 1766. Cay (John). Abridgment of the Public Statutes in force and use from Magna Charta to 11th Geo. II. 2 vols., folio. London, 1739. Celebrated Murders, as shown in Remarkable Capital Tri- als. By a Member of the Massachusetts Bar. 12mo. Chicago, 1879. Celebrated Speeches of Chatham, Burke, and Erskine. By a Member of the Philadelphia Bar. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. Celebrated Trials of all Countries ; and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence. Selected by a Member of the Philadelphia Bar. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. Centenary 3Iethodist Episcopal Church Case. 8vo. New York, 1848. Central Criminal Court. ]\[inutes of Evidence by J. D. Barnett and A. Buckler. Vols. 39-45. 8vo. London, 1853-7. Central Law Journal. 32 vols., 4to. St. Louis, 1874-91. Index-Digest of vols. 1-30, by L. S. Metcalfe, Jr. Folio. St. Louis, 1891. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 143 Central Law Monthly. Vol. 1, 4to ; vols. 2-3, 8vo. 3 vols. Chica(>-o, l.ssO-2. [Continued as Chicago Law Journal.] Central Reporter. Containing all Cases determined in the Courts of Last Resort of New York, New Jerse^y, Pennsyl- vania, Delaware, Maryland and District of Columbia. 13 vols., 8vo. Kochester, 1885-8. [Onl\^ 1-1 nos., 496 pages, of vol. 13 published.] Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. 8 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1884-01. Century Dictionary. An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language, prepared under the Superintendence of William D.Whitney. 6 vols., ito. New York, 1889-91. Ceylon : Reports. Mutukisna. 1801-1860. 1 vol. Rama-Nathan. 1820-1833. 1 vol. Marshall. 1833-1836. 1 vol. Austin. 1833-1859. 1 vol. Rama-Nathan, 1843-1855. 1 vol. Nell. 1845-1855. 1 vol. Murray. 1846-1847. 1 vol. Beling & Vanderstraaten. ] 846-1862. 1 vol. Lorenz. 1856-1859. 3 parts. Joseph & Beven, 1859-1860. 1 vol. Rama-Nathan. 1860-1862, 1 vol. Crowther. 1863. 1 vol. Rama-Nathan. 1863-1868. 1 vol. Beling. 1863-1868, 1 vol. Beven . Lectures on the Growth of Criminal Law in Ancient Communities. 8vo. London, 1890. Chesbrough (E. S.). Rules of the several State Courts of Illinois. 8vo. Chicago, 1886. Chester (Rev. John), et al. Trials of, before the Presbytery of Albany. 8vo. Schenectady, 1818. Chester County (Pa.). Reports, 1871-1885. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 'l883-6. [Published as the Chester County Reporter.] Chevers (Norman). Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for India, including the Outhne of a History of Crime against the Person in India. Roy. 8vo. Calcutta, 1870. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 149 Clieves (L. )• South Carolina Equity Reports, Court of Ap- peals, 1839-1840. 2d ed. 8vo. Charleston, 1860. South Carolina Law Reports, Court of Appeals, 1839- 1840. 2d ed. 8vo. Charleston, 1860. Chicago (111.). Laws and Ordinances governing the City. By H. Binmore. 2 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1890. Municipal Code. By E. Jamieson and F. Adams. 8vo. Chicago, 1881. [Same.] Supplement. By C. A. Knight. 8vo. Chi- cago, 1887. Chicag'O Bar Association. Certificate of Organization, and By-Laws, List of Officers, etc. 8vo. 1879. [Pam., vol. 15.] Constitution, By-Laws, etc. 8vo. 1874. [Pam., vol. 11.] [Same.] 8vo. 1888, 1890. Proceedings of Memorial Meetings. 8vo. 1888, 1889. Chicago Law Institute. Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Charter, By-Laws, etc. 8vo. Chicago, 1880. [Pam., vol. 29.] Chicago Law Journal. 2 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1877-8. [Only 192 pages of vol. 2 published.] Chicago Law Journal. Vols. 4-10. 7 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1883-9. [Continuation of Central Law Monthly.] Chicago Law Journal. New series. 2 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1890-1. Chicago Law Times. 3 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1886-9. Chicago Legal Adviser. See Legal Adviser. Chicago Legal News. 23 vols., folio. Chicago, 1869-91. Chickasaw Nation. Constitution, Laws and Treaties. 8vo. Tishomingo Citv, 1860. Constitution, Treaties and Laws. 8vo. Atoka, 1890. Child (David Lee). Trial of, for Libel. Reported by J. W. Whitman. 8vo. Boston, 1829. Child (L. M.). Argument on Petition of the Old South Meeting House Society. 8vo. Boston, 1874. [Pam., vol. 17.] 150 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Chili. Testamentary and Succession Laws. (Grain.) ISSO. Revista Forense Chilena. 6 vols. 1S85-90. China. Civil Regulation. (Barrett and Spence.) 1812. Outline of Government. Laws. etc. ( Auber.) 1S3L Penal Laws. (Staunton.j 1S12. Chipuiaii (Daniel). Essay on the Law of Contracts, for the Payment of Specifick Articles. Svo. Middlebury, 1822. [Same.] With Supplement by D. B. Eaton. Svo. Burlington, 1852. Reports, Supreme Court of Vermont, 1798-1824. 2 vols., Svo. YoL 1, Middleburv, 1824; vol. 2. 2d ed., Rutland, 1860. Chipnian (Xatlianiel). Principles of Government ; a Trea- tise on Free Institutions. Svo. Burlins'ton, 1S33. Reports, Supreme Court of Vermont, 17S9-1791. 12mo. Rutland, 1793. Chipnian (W.V Reports, Supreme Court of Xew Brunswick, 1>25-1S27. With Xotes by J. C. Allen. Svo. Frederic- ton, 1849. [Only 158 pages published.] Chisolni (J. B.) and Hyde (S.^. Index-Digest of the South Carolina Supreme Court Reports. 2 vols., Svo. Charleston, 1882. Chittenden (L. E. i. Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention (1861) for proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the L^nited States. Svo. Xew York, 1864. Chitty (Edward). Index to all the Reported Cases decided in the several Courts of Equity in England and Ireland. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1S31. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. By J. Macaulay. 4 vols., Svo. Boston, 1853. [Same.] 4th ed. By W. F. Jones and H. E. Hirst. 9 vols., Svo. London, 1SS3-9. — Law Manual ; or. Book of General Reference. An Ex- position of the Law of England. 11th ed. By T. G. Western. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1860. — See Deacon (E. E.) ;— Montagu (B.). THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 151 Chitty (Henry). Treatise on the Law of Descents. 8vo. London, 1825. Chitty (Joseph). Collection of the Statutes of Practical Utility. 3d ed. By W. N. Welsby and E. Beavan. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1865. Practice of the Law in all its Departments ; with a view of Rights, Injuries and Remedies. (Yol. 1, 2d Am. ed.) 4 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836-9. — Practice respecting Amendments of Variances pending a Trial. 8vo. London, 1835. [Pam., vol. 36.] Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1770-1822. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1820-3. Treatise on Criminal Law. Am. ed. By Richard Peters, Jr. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. By Thos. Huntington. 3 vols., 8vo. Brookfield, 1832. [Same.] 5th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1847. — Treatise on Medical Jurisprudence. Part 1. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. — Treatise on Pleading and Parties to Actions. 2d Am. ed. By Thos. Day. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1812. — [Same.] 3d Am. ed. By J. A. Dunlap. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819. — [Same.] 5th Am. ed. By J. A. Dunlap and E. D. In- graham. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828. — [Same.] 9th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 3 vols., 8vo. Springfield, 1844. — [Same.] 14th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 3 vols., 8vo. Springfield, 1869. — [Same.] 16th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 2 vols., 8vo. Springfield, 1876. Treatise on the Law of Nations, relative to the Legal Effect of War on the Commerce of Belligerents and Neutrals. 8vo. Boston, 1812. — Treatise on the Law relative to Apprentices and Journey- men, and to Exercising Trades. 8vo. London, 1812. — Treatise on the Laws of Commerce and Manufactures, and the Contracts relating thereto. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1824. — (editor). Blackstone's Commentaries. 152 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Chitty (Joseph) and Hulme (J. AV.). Treatise on Bills of Exchange, Checks on Bankers, Promissory JS^otes, etc. 10th Am. ed. By O. L. Barbom\ 8vo. Springfield, 1842. [Same.] 12th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. Svo. Spring- field, 1854. [Same.] 11th ed. By J. A. Russell. Svo. London, 1878. Chitty (Joseph, Jr.). Precedents in Pleading. 3d ed. By T. Chittv, L. Temple and G. Williams. 2 parts, 8vo. Lon- don, 1867-8. Treatise on the Law of Contracts. 10th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. Svo. Springfield, 1860. [Same.] 11th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1874. [Same.] 11th ed. By J. A. Paissell. Eoy. Svo. Lon- don, 1881. [Same.] 12th ed. By J. M. Lely and X. Geary. Roy. bvo. London, 1890. Treatise on the Law of the Prerogatives of the Crown. Svo. London, 1820. Chitty (Thomas). Chitty's Archbold's Practice of the Court of Queen's Bench, in Personal Actions and Ejectment. 12th ed. By S. Prentice. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1866. [Same.] 14th ed. By T. W. Chitty and J. St.L. Leslie. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1885. Forms of Practical Proceedings in the Courts of Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer. 2d ed. Svo. Lon- don, 1835. [Same.] 6th ed. Svo. London, 1847. ■ [Same.] 10th ed. Svo. London, 1866. [Same.] 11th ed. By T. W. Chitty. Svo. London, 1879. Chitty (Thoiuas W.), editor. Chitty's Forms. Chitty (Tlioinas W.^ and 3Iews (Jolin^. Fisher's Digest of the Reported Decisions in all the Courts, 1870-1880. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1881. Digest of the Reported Decisions of all the Courts for 1880. Svo. London, ISSl. Chitty (Toiin>son) and Temple (Leofric). Treatise on the Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers. Am. ed. By D. W. Sellers. Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 153 Choate (Charles A.). Digest of the Decisions of the Su- preme Court of Florida, vols. 1-24, inclusive. Roy. 8vo. St. Louis, 1889. Choate (George F.), editor. Angell and Durfee on High- ways. Choate (Joseph H.). Argument for General Fitz John Porter. 8vo. West Point, 1879. [Pam. Tr., vol. 2.] ■ Argument for the Kights of the Public to the free and unobstructed Use of the Streets. 8vo. New York, 1877. [Pam., vol. 12.] Choate (Rufus). Memories of. By Joseph Neilson. Svo. Boston, 1884. Choctaw Nation : Statutes. Constitution and Laws. Compiled by J. P. Folsom. 8vo. New York, 1869. Laws passed at the Councils of 1876 and 1877. 8vo. Atoka, 1878. Laws passed at the Council of 1883. 8vo. Sedalia, 1883. Choyce Cases in Chancery, 1557-1606. The Practice of the High Court of Chancery, England. Reprinted from the edition of 1672. 8vo. London, 1870. Cliristian (Edward). Charges delivered to Grand Juries in the Isle of Ely. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1821. Dissertation, shewing that the House of Lords, in Cases of Judicature, are bound by the Same Rules of Evidence that are Observed by All Other Courts. 2d ed. With Ob- servations on the Bill of Pains and Penalties. 8vo. Lon- don, 1820. [Pam., vol. 24.] IS^otes to Blackstone's Commentaries. Svo. Dublin, 1797. — Practical Instructions for Suing out and Prosecuting a Commission of Bankrupt. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1820. — Syllabus, or Heads, of Lectures delivered in the Univer- sity of Cambridge. 8vo. London, 1816. — (editor). Blackstone's Commentaries. Christie (James T.). Concise Precedents of Wills. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1857. Christison (Robert), M.D. Treatise on Poisons, in relation to Medical Jurisprudence, Physiology, and the Practice of Physic. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1832. 154 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Christmas (Rev. Heury). Capital Punishments unsanc- tioned bv the Gospel. Svo. London, 1845. [Pam,, vol. 37.] " Clironiea Johannis de Oxenedes. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain, Chronica Juridicialia ; or, An Abridgment and Continuation of Dugdale's Origines Juridicialia [_sie\. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1739. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Chronicles and 3Ieniorials of Great Britain and Ire- land dnring the 3Iiddle Ages. Published by au- thority of her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. Svo. London. Chronicle of England. By John Capgrave. Edited by F. C. Hingeston. 1S5S. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Edited by J. Steven- son. 2 vols. ISoS. Lives of Edward the Confessor. Edited bv H. R. Luard. 185S. Monumenta Francisoana. Edited bv J. S. Brewer. Vol. 1. 1858. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis AVvclif cumTritico. Edited by W. AV. Shirley. 1S5S. Buik of the Croniclis of Scotland. Bv William Stewart. Edited by W. B. Turnbull. 3 vols. 1S5S. Johannis Capgrave Liber de Illustribus Henricis. Edited by F. C. Hingeston. 185S. The Book of the Illustrious Henries. By John Capgrave. Translated from the Latin by F. C. Hingeston. 1858. Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis. By Thomas of Elmham. Edited by Chas. Hardwick. 1858. Eulogium (Historiarum sive Temporisj. Edited by F. S. Hay don. 3 vols. 1858-63. Memorials of King Henry the Seventh. Edited by James Gairdner. 1858. Memorials of Henrv the Fifth. King of England. Edited by Chas. A. Cole."' 1858. Munimenta Gildhallge Londoniensis. Edited bv Henrv T. Riley. -4 vols. 1S59-62. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. Edited bv Sir Henry Ellis. 1859. Political Poems and Songs relating to English History. Edited by Thomas Wright. 2 vols. 1859-6L Fr. Rogeri Bacon Opera quaedam hactenus inedita. Edited bv J. S. Brewer. 1859. THE ASSOCIATIOJS' OF THE BAE. 155 Chronicles and 3Ieniorials of Great Britain aiitl Ire- land during the Middle Ages. — Continued. Bartholomaei de Cotton, Monachi Norwicensis, Historia Anglicana. Edited by Henry R. Luard. 185'J. Brut y Tywysogion ; or, The Chronicle of the Princes. Edited by Rev. John Williams ab Ithel. 1S60. Royal and Historical Letters during- the Reign of Henry the Fourth. Edited by Rev. F. C. Hingeston. ISOO. The Repressor of over much blaming of the Clergy. By Reginald Pecock, D.D. Edited by C. Babington. 2 vols. 1800. Annales Cambrije. Edited by Rev. John Williams. 1860. Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. Edited by J. S. Brewer and J. F. Dimock. 6 vols. 1861-8. Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the Reign of Henry the Sixth. Edited by Rev. J. Stevenson. 3 vols. 1861-4. The Ano-lo-Saxon Chronicle, accordino^ to the several orio-i- nal authorities. Edited, with a translation, by Benjamin Thorpe. 2 vols. 1861. Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry YII. Edited by James Gairdner. 2 vols. 1861-3. Roberti Grosseteste Episcopi quondam Lincolniensis Epis- tolae. Edited by Henry R. Luard. 1861. Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to the end of the Reign of Henry VII. By Sir T. D. Hardy. 2 vols, in 3. 1862-5. Royal and other Historical Letters Illustrative of the Reign of Henry III. Edited by W. W. Shirley. 2 vols. 1862-6. Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. Edited by H. T. Riley. 1. Thomae Walsingham Historia Anglicana, 1272- 1422. 2 vols. 1863-64. 2. Willelmi Rishanger Chronica et Annales, 1259-1307. 1865. 3. Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blaneforde Chronica et Annales, 1259-1406. 1866. 4. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, regnante Ricardo Secundo, ejusdem Ecclesise Praecentore, compilata, 793-1411. 3 vols. 1867-69. 5. Johannis Amundesham, Monachi Monasterii S. Albani, ut videtur, Annales. 2 vols. 1870-1. Chronicon Abbatiae de Evesham, ad Annum 1418. Edited by W. D. Macray. 1863. Ricardi de Cirencestria Speculum Historiale de Gestis Regum Angliai. Edited by J. E. B. Ma\'or. 2 vols. 1863-9. 156 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Chronicles and 3Ieniorials of Great Britain and Ire- laud during the 31iddle Ages. — Continued. Year Books of the Keign of Echvard the First. Years 20- 21, 21-22. 30-31. 32-33, and 33-35. Edited and Trans- lated by Alfred J. Horwood. 5 vols. 1S03-T9. [Same.] Reign of Edward the Third. Yeare 11-12. 1883. [Same.] Reign of Edward the Thii'd. Years 12- 14. Edited and translated by L. O. Pike. 2 vols. 1885-6. Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Xormandy, 1449-1450. Edited by J. Stevenson. 1863. Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestrise. Edited by ^\. II. Hart. 3 vols. 1863-7. Alexandri Xeckam de Xaturis Rerum Libri duo. Edited by Thos. Wright. 1863. Leechdoms, Wortcunning. and Starcraft of Early England. Edited by O. Cockayne. 3 vols. 1864-6. Annales Monastici. Edited bv H. R. Luard. 5 vols. 1N64-9. Magna Vita S. Hugonis. Episcopi Lincolniensis. Edited by Jas. F. Dimock. 1864. Chronicles and Memorials of the Reign of Richard I. Ed- ited by ^\. Stubbs. 2 vols. 1864-5. Recueil des Croniques et Anchiennes Istories de la Grant Bretaigne. a present nomme Engleterre, par Jehan de AVaurin. Vol. 1. from Albina to 688 ; vol. 2, from 1399 to 1422. Edited by ^\. Hardy. 2 vols. 1864-8. Collection of the Chronicles and Ancient Histories of Great Britain, now called England, by John de Wavrin. Trans- lated by ^\. Hardy. 1>64. Polychronicon Rauulphi Higden Monachi Cestrensis : with Trevisa's translation. Edited bv C. Babington. 2 vols, 1865-9. Le Livere de Reis de Brittanie e Le Livere de Reis de En- gletere. Edited, with translation, bv John Glover. 1865. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa. Auctore Thoma de Burton, Abbate. Edited by E. A. Bond. 3 vols. l>^QiS-^. Matthaei Parisiensis, Monachi Sancti Albani. Historia An- glorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur. Historia Minor. Edited by F. Madden. 3 vols. 1866-9. Liber Monasterii de Hyda. Edited by E. Edwards. 1866. Chronicum Scotorum. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, 1135- 1150. Edited, with a translation, bv W. M. Ilennessy. 1866. Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft. in French Verse. Edited bv Thos. AVricrht. 2 vols. lbm->^. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 157 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ire- land dnring" the Middle Ages. — Continued. War of the Gaedhil with the Gaill ; or, The Invasions of Ireland by the Danes and other ISTorsemen. Edited by J. H. Todd. 1867. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi Benedicti Abbatis. The Chronicle of the Eeigns of Henry II. and Richard I. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vols. 1S67. Munimenta Academica ; or, Documents Illustrative of Academical Life and Studies at Oxford. Edited bv 11. Anstey. 2 vols. 1868. Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene. Edited by W, Stubbs. 4 vols. 1868-71. Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi de Gestis Pontificum Anglorum Libri Quinque. Edited bv N. E. S. A. Ham- ■ ilton. 1870. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, from the Archives of the City of Dublin, etc., 1172-1320. Edited by J. T. Gilbert. 1870. Annals of Loch Ce. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs from 1014 to 1590. Edited, with a translation, by W. M. Hen- nessy. 2 vols. 1871. Monumenta Juridica. The Black Book of the Admiralty ; with Appendices. Edited bv Sir Travers Twiss. 4 vols. 1871-6. Henrici de Bracton de Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. Edited by Sir T. Twiss. 6 vols. 1878-b3. Chronicon Abbatise de Evesham. See Chronicles, etc., of Gt. Britain. Chronicnni Scotorum. See Chronicles of Gt. Britain, etc. Church (R. S.). Digested Index of New York Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1822. Church (William S.). Treatise of the Writ of Habeas Cor- pus, including Jurisdiction, False Imprisonment, Writ of Error, Extradition, Mandamus, Certiorari, Judgments, etc. 8vo. San Francisco, 1884. Churchill (Cameron) and Bruce (A. C). Law of the Office and Duties of the Sheriff. 8vo. London, 1879. Chute (Chaloner W.). Equity under the Judicature Act ; or, The Relation of Equity to Common Law. 8vo. Lon- don, 1874. General Index to Beavan's Reports. 8vo. London, 1869. 158 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cicero (Marcus T.). Two last Pleadings against Caius Verres. Translated by Chas. Kelsall. 8vo. London, 1812. Ciiiciiiiiati (Ohio). Charter and Ordinances. Svo. Cincin- nati, 1850. Cinciiiiiati Bar Association. Constitution and By-Laws. 8vo. 1872. [Para., vol. 6.] Constitution, By-Laws, etc. 12nio. 1883. List of Officers and Members. 12mo. 1888-9. Ciiiciiiuati Law Bulletin. See Weekly Cincinnati Law Bulletin. Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter, 18 70-1873. 2 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1872-3. Cincinnati Superior Court Reports. See Ohio Eeports. Cinque Ports. The Great and Ancient Charter of the Cinque Ports of our Lord the King, and the Members pf the same. 16mo. London, 1682. Citizen's Association of NeAV York. Charges and Testi- mony regarding Election Frauds. Svo. New York, 1868. City Court Reports. Marine or Citv Court, New York, 187tt-1888. 2 vols., Svo. New York," 1883-9. City Hall Recorder, New York City, 1816-1822. Edited by Daniel Eogers. 6 vols., Svo. New York, 1817-22. City of Glasgow Bank Directors. Trial of. Svo. Edin- burgh, 1879. City Record (The). Official Journal. 47 vols., folio. New 'York, 1873-91. Civil Disabilities, on account of Eeligion ; as they exist in England, Scotland and Ireland. Svo. London, 1824. * [Pam., vol. 25.] Civil Law. Dissertation on the Law of Nature, the Law of Nations, and the Civil Law in general. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1726. Civil Polity of the United States, considered in its Theory and Practice. 12mo. New York, 1883. Civil Procedure Reports, containing Cases under the Code of Civil Procedure and the General Civil Practice of the State of New York, 1881-1890. 19 vols., Svo. New York, 1882-91. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 159 Clancy (James). Treatise of the Rights, Duties and Liabil- ities of Husband and Wife. 2d Am. ed. 8vo. New York, 1837. Clapp (R. M.). Law in Patents, and Decisions of the Courts in Patent Cases. Svo. Burlington, 1885. Clapp (William H.). General Index to the Rhode Island Reports. 8vo. Providence, 1877. Index-Digest of the Rhode Island Reports. 8vo. Provi- dence, 1889. Clark (Aaron). Manual of Parliamentary Practice. 2d ed. 12mo. New York, 1826. Clark (Charles). Digested Index of House of Lords Cases. 8vo. London, 1868. ^'— — Law of Nations : Capture of the Southern Commissioners. Svo. London, 1861. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Principles that Ought to Govern the Conduct of Neutrals and Belligerents. Svo. London, 1864. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Summary of Colonial Law. Svo. London, 1834. (reporter). House of Lords Cases. Clark (Charles) and Finnelly (W.). Reports, House of Lords, England, 1831-1846. 12 vols., Svo. London, 1835-47. Clark (Edwin C). Analvsis of Criminal Liabilitv. 12mo. Cambridge, 1880. Early Roman Law : The Regal Period. Svo. London, 1872. Practical Jurisprudence : a Comment on Austin. Svo. Cambridge, 1883. Clark (F. B.), reporter. Alabama Reports, vol. 58. Clark (F. K.\ reporter. Civil Procedure Reports, vol. 1. Clark (Francis W.). Treatise on the Law of Partnership and Joint-Stock Companies. 2 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1866. Clark (Georg-e). Penal Statutes Abridged. 2d ed. By George Wilson. 12mo. London, 1777. Clark (John A.). Pennsylvania Law Journal Reports. 5 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1872-3. 160 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Clark ( Loiigiieville). Eules and Orders of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort "William in Bengal. With Is'otes of Decisions of the Court on Points of Practice. Svo. Calcutta, 1S29. Additional Eules and Orders, and Xotes of Decided Cases. Svo. Calcutta, 1829. [Same.] With an Analytical Digested Index of the Cases reported. Svo. Calcutta, 1834. Clark (P. H.), Cobb (T. R. R.j and Irwin (D.). Code of the State of Georgia. Svo. Atlanta, 1861. [Same.] Svo. Atlanta, 1867. Clark I Samuel). Laws of Chance. Svo. London, 1758. Clark ( Thomas ). Perpetuation or Extinction of the Eccle- siastical Jurisdiction in Temporal Concerns ; being an Analysis of the Eeports of the Ecclesiastical Commission. Svo. London, 1840. Clark (Walter). Code of Civil Procedure of Xorth Carolina ; with Notes and Decisions to 1884. Svo. Ealeigh, 1884. Clark ( Willard). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Xew Haven, 1S55. Clark County (Ohio) Bar Association. Constitution, By- Laws, Catalogue of Law Books, etc. 12mo. Springfield, 1888. Clarke (Charles L.). Eeports of Chancery Cases, Eighth Circuit, Kew York, 1839-1841. 2d ed. ' Svo. Albany, 1869. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1873. [Same.] 4th ed. Annotated bv S. Eapalje. Svo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Lawyer's Co-op. ed. Annotated by E. Desty. Svo. Eochester, 1889. Clarke (Sir Ecl"warcl). Treatise upon the Law of Extradition. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1874. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. London, 1888. Clarke (George R.). Unanimity in Trial by Jury defended. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1859. [Pam.. vol. '37.] Clarke fH. K.), reporter. Michigan Eeports, vols. 19-22. Clarke (John). Bibliotheca Legum, Xew ed. 12mo. Lon- don, 1819. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 161 Clarke (L. H.). Report of Proceedings, etc., N. Y. Constitu- tional Convention. Svo. Xew York, 1821. Clarke (M. S.) and Hall (D. A.). Cases of Contested Elec- tions in Congress, 1789-1834. 8vo. Washington, 1834. Clarke (8. S.). See Browne on Usages and Customs. Clarke (Samuel R.). Insolvent Act of 1875 and Amending Acts. 8vo. Toronto, 1877. — '■ Treatise on Criminal Law as Applicable to the Dominion of Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1872. Treatise on the Law of Bills, Notes, Cheques and I O U's. 8vo. Toronto, 1875. Treatise on the Law of Insurance. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. Clarke (Steplieii -G.), editor. Littleton and Blatcldey's Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions. Clarke (Williaiu H.). Civil Service Law. 12mo. New York,' 1888. Clarke (Williaiu P.), reporter. Iowa Reports, vols. 1-8. Clasou (A. W.). Seven Conventions, 1787-1860. 12mo. New York, 1888. Claveriug^ (Heury). New Complete Parish Officer. -Ith ed. 8vo. London, 1802. Clay (C. C. ). Digest of Alabama Statutes. Svo. Tuscaloosa. 1843. Clay (Heury). Obsequies of. 8vo. New York, 1852. Claydou (Charles B.). Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Svo. London, 1847. Claytou (Jauies S.). Compilation of Georgia Laws, 1800- 1810. 4to. Augusta, 1812. Claytou (Joliu). Reports and Pleas of Assizes at York, Eng- land, held before several Judges in that Circuit, 1631-1650. 12mo. London, 1651. [Same.] 12mo. London, 1741. Claytou (Williaui C). Elements of Conveyancing; with Practical Illustrations and Select Forms. 'Svo. London, 1855. Cleary (A. P.). Law of Registration of Parliamentary Voters in Ireland. 2d ed. 12mo. Dublin, 1868. 11 162 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB RAH Y OF Cleaveland (John). Banking System of the State- of New York ; with Notes and References to Adjudged Cases. 8vc». New York, 1857. Clemens (G. C). Law of Corporate Securities, as decided in the Federal Courts. Svo. St. Louis, 1877. (editor). American Railway Reports, vols. 20-21. Clement (George A.). Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions, 1872-1882. 8vo. New York, 1882. Clerc (Ecloviard). Formulaire Raisonne ; ou, Manuel Theo- rique et Pratique du Notariat. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Clercq (Alex, cle) and Vallat (C. cle). Formulaire des Chancelleries Diplomatiques et Consulaires. 5*^ ed. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1880. (Bibl. Internat. et Diplom., vols. 3-4.) Guide Pratique des Consulats. 3*^ ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1868. [Same.] 4<= ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1880. (Bibl. Internat. et Diplom., vols. 1-2.) Clerk (J. F.) and Lindsell (W. H. B.). Law of Torts. Roy. Svo. London, 1^89. Clerk (John). Law and Practice of Elections, and Election Committees. 8vo. London, 1857. Clerk and Magistrate's Assistant. 12mo. Poughkeepsie, 1814. Clerk Home's Court of Session's Cases. See Home (Alex.). Clerke (A. St. John) and Hnmphry (H. M.). Treatise on the Law relating to Sales of Land. Rov. 8vo. Lon- don, 1885. Clerke (Francis). Praxis Curiae AdmiraUtatis Anglise. [Lat.] 12mo. Londini, 1743. [Same.] Translated, with jSTotes and Additions. See Hall's Admiralty Practice. Clerke (Thomas W.). Digest of JSFew York Reports. 2d ed. 4 vols., 8vo. New York, 1845. Rudiments of American Law and Practice, on the plan of Blackstone. Svo. New York, 1842. Clerk's Assistant. Svo. Poughkeepsie, 1S05. Clerk's Instructor, in the Ecclesiastical Courts. 12mo. Dub- lin, 1766. THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAR. 103 Clerk's Manual of Rules, Forms and Laws for the Regulation of Business in the New York Senate and Assembly. 16mo. Albany, 1887. Cleveland (Grover), Governor of the State of New York. Public Papers, svu. Albany, 1883. Cleveland Law Record. 8vo. Cleveland, 1856-7. [Only 96 pages published.] Cleveland Law Reporter. 2 vols., 4to. Cleveland, 1878-9. Clifford (Frederick). History of Private Bill Legislation. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1885-7. Steam-Boat Powers of Railway Companies, bvo. Lon- don, 1865. [Pam., vol. 38.] Cliff"ord (Frederick) and Rickards (A. G.). Locus Standi Reports. Cases decided by the Court of Referees on Pri- vate Bills in Parliament, 1873-1884. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1877-8.5. Clifford (Frederick) and Stephens (P. S.). Practice of the Court of Referees on Private Bills in Parliament ; with Reports of Cases as to the Locus Standi of Petitioners, 1867-1872. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1870-3. Clifford (Henry). Report of Two Cases of Controverted Elections of the Borough of Southwark, England. 8vo. London, 1797. Clifford (William H.). Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, First Circuit, 1858-1878. 4 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1869-80. Clift (Henry). New Book of Entries. 2d ed. By Sir Chas. Ingleljy. Folio. London, 1719. Clifton (R. W.). Rights and Liabilities of Innkeepers. 12mo, London, 1885. Clinton (George W.). Digest of New York Reports. 3 vols., roy. 8vo. Albany, 1852. [Same.] Supplement. Roy. 8vo. Albany, 1855. [Same.] To 1860. 3 vols., roy. 8vo. Albany, 1860. [Same.] 2d ed. 4 vols., roy. 8vo. Albany, 1868. Clinton (Henry L.). Argument in the Rollwagen Will Case. 8vo. New York, 1874. [Pam., vol. 7.] Speech to the Jurv in IVIillspaugh vs. Adams. Svo. New York, 1865. [Pam., vol. 12.] 164 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Clitherow (James). Biographical Preface to Wm. Black- stone's Eeports. (^Blackstone's Reports, vol. 1, 1828.) Clode (Charles 31.). Administration of Justice under Mili- tary and Martial Law. >vo. London, 1872. Clode (AValteri. Law relating to Tenement Houses and Flats, svo. London, 1889. Clougli (Joel). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Boston, 1833. [Same.] 8vo. Xew York, 1833. Cloustoii (T. C). Clinical Lectures on Mental Diseases. Added, the Statutes of the U. S. and of the several States and Territories relating to the Custody of the Insane. By Chas. F. Folsom. 8v^o. Philadelphia, 1884. Cluiiet (Ed.). Questions de Droit relatives a I'Incident Franco-Allemand de Pagny (Atfaire Schnfebelej. 8vo. Paris, 1887. (editor). Journal du Droit International Prive. Cliiverms (Thoiuas J.). Trial of, for Murder. 12mo. Richmond. Iss5. Cobb (Ho^vell). Analysis of the Statutes of Georgia, in gen- eral use. 8vo. Xew York. lsl:6. Compilation of Georgia Statutes ; with Forms and Pre- cedents. 8vo. Xew York, 1859. Cobb (T. R. R.j. Digest of the Statute Laws of Georgia prior to 1851. Svo. Athens, 1851. Inquiry into the Law of Xegro Slavery in the L^nited States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 185s. (reporter). Georgia Reports, vols. 6-20. Cobbett (James P.). Law of Pawns or Pledges ; and the Rights and Liabilities of Pawnbrokers. 12mo. London, l.s-il. Cobbett (Pitt), Leading Cases and Opinions on International LaAv. 8vo. London, 1885. Cobbett (William). Parliamentary History of England, from the earliest period to 1803. 36 vols., 8vo. London, 1806-20. Trial of, for Libel. 8vo. Xew York, 1831. (editor). Howell's State Trials. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 165 Cobbey (J. E.). Practical Treatise on the Law of Replevin. .svo. Beatrice, Neb., 1890. Cocceji (Samuel), Freiherr von. Introductio ad Henrici L. B. de Cocceii Grotium illustratum, continens Dissertationes prooemiales VI. 4to. Lausannae, 1751. Cochran (F.). Reports, Supreme Court, Nova Scotia, 1859. 8vo. Halifax, 1800. [Only 1 part, 93 pages, published.] Cochran (Wni. C.)o Students' Law Lexicon. 12mo. Cin- cinnati, 1888. Cochrane (George). On the Economy of the Law, especially in relation to the Court of Chancery. 6th ed. 8vo. Lon- don, 1866. [Pam., vol. 36.] Cochrane (Jacob). Trial of, for Adultery and Lewd and Lascivious Conduct. 8vo. Kennebunk, 1819. Cochrane (John). Hindoo Law. Defence of the Daya Bhaga. 8vo. London, 1872. Cochrane (Sir Thomas) and others. Trial of, for Conspiracv. 8vo. London, 1814. Cockburn (A. E.) and Rowe (W. C). English Election Cases. 8vo. London, 1833. Cockburn (Alexander), Lord. Charge to the eJury, in the Tichborne Case. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1874-5. Letters on Pro]wsed Changes in the Judicature of the Country. 8vo. London, 1870. [Pam., vol. 9.] Nationality ; or, The Law relating to Subjects and Aliens, considered with a view to Future Legislation. 8vo. London, 1869. Cockburn (Henry). Memorials of his Time. 8vo. New York, 1865. Cockcroft ( Jas.)o Unabridged Table of Cases, Federal, State and Territorial Courts. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York, 1878. Cocke (N. W.), reporter. Alabama Reports, New Series, vols. 16-18. Cocke (W. A.). Treatise on the Common and Civil Law, as embraced in the Jurisprudence of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1871. (reporter). Florida Reports, vols. 14, 15. Cocker (W. J.). The Government of the United States. 12mo. New York, 1889. 166 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Coclclingtou (Charles E.). Digest of the Law of Trade- marks. 8vo. !N"ew York, 1878. Code Napoleon. French Civil Code. Translated from the edition of 1804. 8vo. NeAV York, 1841. Code Reporter. 3 vols., bvo. Xew York, 1848-51. Code Reports. Xew Series, vol. 1. 8vo. Xew York, 1852. Codification of the Common Law. Letter of Jeremy Ben- tham. and Report of Judges Storv, ]\Ietcalf and others. Edited bv D. D. Field, bvo. Xew York, 1882. [Pam., vol. 27.] " Coe ( AVilliaiu E.). Practice at the Judys' Chambers, Queen's Bench, Common Pleas tt Exchequer Divisions. 8vo. Lon- don, 1876. Cofer (31. H.). Supplemental Digest of Kentucky Court of Appeals Decisions. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1867. Coffin (E. P.). Supplemental Digest of Maine Decisions, 1879-1889. Roy. 8vo. Portland, 1890. Cog-gresliall (W. T.). Index to Ohio Laws, 1845-57. 8vo. Columbus, 1>'58. Coglilan (AVm. M.). Epitome of some Hindu Law Cases. 8vo. London, 1876. Cog'swell (Henry H.). Nova Scotia Statutes at Large, 1805- 1816. 4to. Halifax. 1816. Cohen (J. I.) and Lee (J. F.). Digest of Maryland Reports, vols. 9-20. 8vo. Baltimore, 1866. Colien (31. 31.). Admiralty Jurisdiction, Law and Practice, svo. Boston, 1883. Colin (31orris 31.). Essay on the Growth of Law. 12mo. Chicago, 1882. Coke (Sir Edward"). Book of Entries. 2d ed. Folio. Lon- don, 1671. Compleate Copy-Holder. Discourse of the Antiquity and Xature of Manors and Copy-holds. Small 4to. Lon- don. 1641. First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England ; or, A Commentarv upon Littleton. 12th ed. Folio. London, 1738. [Same.] 14th ed. By Francis Hargrave and Charles Butler. Folio. Dublin, 1791. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 167 Coke (Sir Ertwarcl). First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England ; or, A Commentary upon Littleton. 15th ed. By F. Hargrave and C. Butler. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1794. [Same.] 16th ed. By F. Hargrave and C. Butler. ?> vols., 8vo. London, 1809. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853 — Abridgment of the First Part of Coke's Institutes. 12mo, London, 1714. [Same.] 8th ed. By W. Hawkins. Svo. Dublin, 1792. — Systematic Arrangement of Coke's First Institute of the Laws of England. By J. H. Thomas. 3 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1818. — [Same.] 2d Am. ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. — Second Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, containing the Exposition of many Ancient and other Stat- utes. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1797. — Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, concerning- HitJ^h Treason and other Pleas of the Crown and Criminal Causes. 8vo. London, 1797. — Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts. 8vo. London, 1797. — Beports of Cases, King's Bench, Com. Pleas, etc., Eng- land, 1572-1617, in 13 parts complete ; with ISTotes and References by Geo. Wilson. 7 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1793. — [Same.] New ed., by J. H. Thomas and J. F. Eraser. 6 vols., Svo. London, 1826. — Three Law Tracts. 1. The Compleat Copyholder; 2. A Beading on 27 Edward I., called the Statute de Finibus levatis ; 3. A Treatise on Bail and Mainprize. Added, The Old Tenures, etc. By W. Hawkins. Svo. London, 1764. — Life of. By C. W. Johnson. 2(1 ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1845. Reports in Verse, wherein the name of each case, and the principal points, are contained in two lines. Svo. Lon- don, 1742. Colby (J. H.). Law and Practice regulating the disposition of Surplus Moneys, arising from the Sale of Lands upon Mortgage Foreclosures. Svo. New York, 1S78. 168 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Colby (J. H. ). Xew York liailroad Laws, and Supplement. 2 vols, in 1. >vo. Albany, 18S2-3. Treatise on the Criminal Law and Practice of the State of Xew York. "With an Appendix of Forms. 2 vols., J>vo. Albany. 1868. Coldwell (T. H. ). Eeports. Supreme Court. Tennessee. 1860- 1>7". 7 vols.. 8vo. Xashville, 1>67-71. Cole (H. T. I, editor. Saunders (T. W.) and Cole. Bail Court Reports. Cole (Henry). Documents Illustrative of English History in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Folio. London, 18J4. (Record Coramission.j Cole (Henry W. i. On the Domicil of Enghshraen in France. ■>vo. London, 1^57. Cole (Richard H. i. Law and Practice as to Particulars and Conditions of Sale. 12mo. London. 1879. Cole (Robert). Oaths in Common Law. 12mo. London, 1^59. Cole (W. R.). Law and Practice in Ejectment, ^vo. Lon- don, 1857. Treatise on Criminal Informations, and Informations in the nature of Quo Warranto. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 18'47. [L. L., vols. 56, 57.] Colebrooke (H. T.i. Digest of Hindu Law on Contracts and Successions ; with a Commentary by Jaganmitha Ter- capanchanana. Translated from the Sanscrit. 3 vols., foho. Calcutta, 1798. Treatise on Obliorations and Contracts. Part 1. 8vo. London, 1818. [Xo more pubhshed.] Colebrooke i AVilliani). Treatise on the Law of Collateral Securities as applied to Negotiable. Quasi-Xegotiable, and Xon-Negotiable Choses in Action. 8vo. Chicago, 1888. Coleniau ( Edward i. Trial of. for High Treason. Folio. London. 167^. Coleman ( Wni. i. Cases of Practice, Sui)reme Court, Xew York : with Rules and Ordei-s of Court, 1791-1800. 8vo. Xew York. 1>(»1. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. X^ew York. 1>>3. [Same.] Lawyere' Co-op. ed. 8vo. Rochester, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 169 Coleman (Win.) and Caiiies (Geo.). Keports of Cases of Practice, Supreme Court, Xew Vork, 1794-1805 ; with Rules and Orders of Court. 8vo. New York, 1808. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1883. - [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 8vo. Rochester, 1883. Coleman (Wni. H.). Epitome of Fearne on Remainders. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Coler (Wm. N.). Treatise on the Law of JVIunicipal Bonds. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1873. Colerldg'e (John Dnke), Lord Chief Justice. Law of Blas- phemous Libel. The summing up in the case of Regina vs. Foote, et al. 8vo. London, 1883. [Pam., vol. 21.] Speeches in the Court of Queen's Bench, in the Case of Saurin vs. Starr and another. 8vo. London, 1869. Colfavi'n (J. C). Du Mariage et du Contrat de Mariage, en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis. Legislation Comparee de I'Angleterre, des £tats-Unis et de la France. 8vo. Paris, 1868. [Bound with IVIichaux (Alex.). Des Contrats de ]V[ariage.] Colin (B. H.). Essay on Intestate Successions according to the French Code. 12rao. London, 1876. Collectanea Jnridica. See Hargrave (Francis). Collectanea Maritima. See Robinson (Chr.). Collection of Interrogatories for the Examination of Witnesses in Courts of Equity. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1776. Colles (Richard). Reports, High Court of Parliament. Eng- land, 1697-1713. 8vo. Dublin. 1789. Collett (Charles). IVIanual of the Law of Torts, and of the IVIeasure of Damages. 3d ed. 8vo. JMadras, 1872. Collier (J. R.). See IVIillar (F. C. J.) and Collier. On Bills of Sale. Collier (Nathaniel), l^ecessity of providing another and more Severe Law for the more effectual Suppressing Pro- fane Cursing and Swearing. 8vo. London, 1720. [Pam., vol. 37.] 170 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Collier iR. P. i. Letter on Reform of the Superior Courts of Common Law. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1S52. [Pam., vol. 38.] Treatise on the La\v relatine: to Mines. Svo. Philadel- phia. 1S53. [L. L., vol. 77.] Collier I Robert ). Treatise on the Law of Contributories in the winding-up of Joint Stock Companies. Svo. London, 1S75. Collins (Charles 31. i. History, Law, and Practice of Bank- ins:. Svo. London, 1SS2. Collins ( Georg:e AY. ). Stamp Laws considered Avith a view to their Influence on the Admission of Deeds and other Writings in Evidence. Svo. London, 1S41. Collins (J. P. I. Strictures on the Lives and Characters of the most Eminent Lawyers of the present day, including the Lord Chancellor and the Twelve Judges. Svo. Lon- don. 1790. Collins ( John ). Introduction to Merchants' Accompts. See Malynes ( Gerard i. Collinson (George D.i. Law concerning Idiots, Lunatics and other Persons non compotes mentis. 2 vols.. Svo. Lon- don. 1S12. Collyer (John). Reports, High Court of Chancery, Eng- land. l>-i-l— 1S46. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1845-7. Treatise on the Law of Partnership. 3d Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins, ^vo. Boston. 1><4S. [Same.] ith Am. ed. Bv J. C. Perkins. Svo. Boston, ls53. — [Same.] Am. ed. By H. G. Wood. 2 vols.. Svo. Al- bany, 1S7S. — See Young (Ed.). Colorado : Reports. Hallett. 1S61-1S75. 1-2 Col. 2 vols. France. 1S76-18SS. 3-11 Col. 9 vols. Beck. lSSS-1890. 12-14 Col. 3 vols. Digests of Reports. Morrison. lsf3J-lSsS. 1 vol. Tavlor. 1 864-1 S90. 1 voL THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. Colorado : Statutes (Territorial). 171 Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 2d 1861 1862 1864 1865 1866 1866-7 7th [Revision] 7th [Private] 8th 9th 1867-8 1867-8 3d 1870 4th 1872 5th 10th 1874 6th 11th 1876 — Statutes ( State). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 187G-7 1879 1881 1883 5th 1885 2d 6th 1887 3d 7th 1889 4th 8th 1891 Revised Statutes. 1867-8. General Statutes. 1883. Annotated Statutes. (Mills.) 2 vols. 1891. Code of Civil Procedure. 1877. [Same.] (Dawson.) 1884. Constitution, Ordinances, etc. Convention of 1870. History. See Bancroft's Works, vol. 25. Mining Rights. (Morrison.) 1888. Practice: Laws and Rules. (King.) 1880. Colorado Law Reporter. 4 vols., Svo. Denver, 1880-4. Colorado State Bar Association. Constitution, By-Laws, etc. 8vo. Denver, 1883. Report of Proceedings at First Annual Meeting. Svo. Denver, lSs4. Colqulioun (P.). Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis. 7th ed. 8vo. London, 1806. Treatise on the Commerce and Police of the River Thames. 8vo. London, 1800. Colqulioun (Patrick MacClionibaicli de). Histoiical Review of the Feodal System. 8vo. London, 186L [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Progress of the Roman Civil Law from Justinian to the Fall of the Empire of the East. 8vo. London, 1856. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] 1V2 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Colquhoun (Patrick 3IacClioinbaicli de). Else and Progress of the Eoman Civil Law before Justinian. 8vo. London, 1S56. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Summary of the Roman Civil Law, illustrated by Com- mentaries on and Parallels from the Mosaic, Canon, Mo- hammedan, English, and Foreign Law. 4 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1849-«)0. Ti-aces of the Roman Law in the Barbaric Codes. Svo. London, 1857. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Coltmaii (F. J.). Registration Cases, 1879-1885. Svo. London, 1886. See Hopwood (C. H.) ; Hurlstone (E. T.). Columbia Colleg'e Law School, Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students for 1870-1871, 1873-1884. [Pam., vol. 29.] [Same.] 18S4:-18s5. [Pam., vol. 31.] Address. By A. W. Bradford. 1862. [Pam., vol. 11.] — Address. By C. M. Depew. 1882. [Pam., vol. 29.] Address. By Prof. Dwight. 1877. [Pam., vol. 15.] Address. By L. R. Marsh. 1879. [Pam., vol. 15.] Address. By H. N'icoU. 1869. [Pam., vol. 29.] Address. By Chas. O'Conor. 1877. [Pam., vol. 15.] Address. By C. Parker. 1881. [Pam., vol. 29.] Address. By B. D. Silliman. 1867. [Pam., vol. 29.] Baccalaureate Sermon. Bv Bishop Potter. 1871. [Pam., vol. 16.] Baccalaureate Sermon. Bv Fr. Vinton, D.D. 1860. [Pam., vol. 22.] Lecture on " Education in Law Schools compared with that obtained in Law Offices." Bv Prof. T. W. Dwight. 1876. [Pam., vol. 29.] Sermon before the Graduating Class. By Bishop Potter. 1872. [Pam., vol. 5.] Columbia Jurist. 3 vols., Svo. Kew York, 1885-7. Columbia La^v Times. 4 vols., roy. Svo. ]^ew York, lSST-91. Colviu fA. J.). See Bingham (A.). Comberbacli (Rog^er). Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1685-1698. Folio. London, 1724. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 173 Coiniiieroial Cases, Bengal. See India. Coniinercial Law Reg:ister. A Manual of the Inter- national Law Association. 8vo. JSTew York, 1878. Coniinercial Precedents. Selected from the Column of Replies and Decisions of the New York Journal of Com- merce. Bv^ Chas. Putzel and PI. A. Biihr. 8vo. Hartford, 1881. Commercial Report. Report of the Great Commercial Cause of Minet and Fector vs. Gibson and Johnson. Svo. Dublin, 1791. Commission of Claims, between the United States and Great Britain. Report of Decisions. 8vo. Washington, 1856. Commissioner of Patents. See United States Patent Office. Common Bench Reports, 1845-1856. By J. Manning, T. C. Granger and J. Scott. 18 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846-69. Common Bench Reports, New Series, 1856-1865. By J. Scott. 20 vols. Vols. 1-19, 8vo, Philadelphia, 1857-68 ; vol. 20, with Index by J. Scott, 8vo, London, 1866. Common Law Commission. Proposed Regulations and Forms as to Process, Arrest and Bail. Svo. London, 1829. Common Law Commission. See Reports of Royal Com- missioners. Common Law Reports, 1853-1855. 3 vols, in 5. 8vo. London, 1854-5. [Published by Spottiswoode.] Common Pleas Reporter ; containing Cases decided in the County Courts and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 4 vols.", 8vo. Scranton, 1879-87. Compleat Attorney's Practice. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, 1737. Compleat English Copyholder. Svo. London, 1735. Comiileat Sheriff. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1710. Complete Digest. A Digest of all the Reported American Cases and Selected English Cases. Edited by E. A. Jacob and others. 1887. 2 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1888-9. [Same.] 1889. 2 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1890. 174 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Composition in Bankruptcy. Opinions of the Various Courts upon the Effect of a Composition in Bankruptcy upon Debts Fraudulentlv Contracted. Svo. Xe\v York. 1SS2. [Pam.. vol. 14.] Comstoclv (A. W.). Drunkenness in Extenuation of Murder. Nvo. Philadelphia, 1S9U. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Coiustock (F. G. u Digest of the Law of Executors and Ad- ministrators, G-uardian and "Ward, and Dower. Svo. Hart- ford. 1832. Coinstoek (George F.), reporter. Xew York Reports, vols. 1-4. Coiustock (John 31.). Civil Service in tlie United States. 12mo. Xew York, 1885. Conijii (Robei*t B. u Remarks on the Increased Power and Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace. 8vo. London, 1823. [Pam., vol. 38.] Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Svo. Philadelphia. 1834. [L. L., vol. 6.] Treatise on the Law of Usury. Svo. Philadelphia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 5.] Coniyn ( Samuel ). Treatise on the Law relative to Contracts and Agreements not under Seal. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1807. [Same.] Am. ed. 2 vols., Svo. Flatbush, 1809. [Same.] Am. ed. 2 vols., Svo. Brookfield. Mass., 1819. [Same.] Am. ed. Svo. New York, 1826. Comyns (Sir John). Digest of the Laws of England. 1st Am. ed. Bv Thos. Dav. S vols., Svo. Philadelphia and New York, 1824-6. Reports of Cases, King's Bench, Com. Pleas, etc., England, 1695-1741. 2d ed. By S. Rose. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1792. Comyns (W. H.). On Abstracts of Title. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1878. Conant (A. G.), editor. Edmonds' X. Y. Statutes, vol. 10. Coucanen (George). Report of the Trial of Rowe v. Bren- ton, as to the Right to Minerals in Land. Svo. London, 1830. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 175 Coiidvictor Geiieralis ; or, The Office, Duty and Authority of Justices of tlie Peace, etc. Compiled by James Parker, and now Revised by a Gentleman of the Law. 8vo. Albany, 1794. [Same.] Sv^o. Albany, 1819. Coiidy (J. W. ), editor. Marshall on Insurance. Confederate States : Statutes. Session. Date. Congress. Session. Date. 1st Feb., 1801 Mav, 1861 July, 1861 Nov., 1861 1st 1st 1st 1st Feb., 1863 2d 2d 3d Aug., 1863 Jan 1863 3d 4th 1st 4th Dec 1863 2d 1st May. 1864 Compilation of Statutes. (Matthews.) 1864. Constitutions, Provisional and Permanent. 1861. Digest of Military and Xaval Laws. (Lester.) 1864. Judge Advocate's Vade Mecum. (Lee.) 1864. Right of Recognition. London, 1862. [Pam., vol. 28.] Conference Reports. See Cameron and Norwood's Xorth Carolina Reports. Congress of the U. S.— Library. Catalogue of Law Books. 8vo." AVashington, 1869. Congressional Globe. Containing Sketches of the Debates and Proceedings of Congress. 108 parts, 4to. Washing- ton, 1834-73. Congressional Record. Containing the Proceedings and Debates of Congress. Ill parts, 4to. Washington, 1874-90. Conington (Henry). Election Law and Election Lawless- ness. 8vo. London, 1857. [Pam., vol. 47.] Conkling (Alfred). Admiralty Jurisdiction, Law and Prac- tice, of the Courts of the United States. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1857. Legal Reform. An Address to the Graduating Class of I Law School of the University of Albanv. 8vo. Albanv. [Pam., vol. 35.] the 1856. — Powers of the Executive Department of the Government, and the Political Institutions and Constitutional Law of the United States. 12mo. Albany, 1882. 176 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAEY OF Coiikliii*»" I Alfred). Treatise on the Organization, Jurisdic- tion and Practice of the Courts of the United States. 8vo. Albany, 1631. [Same.] 5th ed. >vo. Albany. ISTo. Coiikliiig" iKoscoe). The Constitution, and Presidential Elections. Svo. Washington. 1S77. [Pam.. vol. 10.] In Memoriam, Proceedings of the Senate and Assembly of the State of Xew York. Mav 9, ISS'S. Pov. Svo. Trov, 1888. [Same.] Svo. Albany, 1889. Memorial Sketch of. Bv W. D. Shipman. svo. Xew York, 1SS9. [Pam., vol. 4S.] Coiilon (John). Summary of the Law of Wills. Svo. Philadelphia. ls9o. [La\v Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Connecticut : Reports. Kirby. 17S5-17S8. 1 vol. Koot. 1764-1797. '2 vols. Day. 1S<*2-1S13. 5 vols. Connecticut. lsl4-lS9<». 58 vols. Digests of Reports. Baldwin. 1776-1>S5. Svo. Albany, 1SS7. Cook (James). Remarks on the Law of Principal and Fac- tor. 8vo. London, 1840. [Pam.. vol. 38.] Cook (John'). Styles of "Writs. Forms of Procedure, and Practice of the Church Courts of Scotland. 4th ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S7<>. Cook (John T. t. Xew York Code of Criminal Procedure. 8vo. Albany, 1890. Xew York Penal Code. Svo. Albany, 1890. See Eastern Reporter. Cook iRobleyD. I. Manual of the Highway Laws of the State of Xew York. svo. Albany, ISTo. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Albany, 1879. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Albany. 1882. [Same.] 0th ed. By G. R. Donnan. 8vo. Albany, 1886. — [Same.] 8th ed. 8vo. Albany, 1889. — See Thompson (I. G.). Cook (William I. Cases determined in the Yice-Admiralty Court at Quebec, 1873-1884. 8vo. Montreal, ls85. Cook (AVilliam AV.). Corporations, as created and regulated by the Statutes and Constitutions of the various States and Territories : also of the Federal Government, and of Eng- land, Canada, France and Germauv. Svo. Xew York, 1889. • — Treatise on Stock and Stockholdei's, and General Corpo- ration Law. Svo. Xew York, 1887. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Chicago, 18S9. Trusts; the recent Combinations in Trade. 12mo. Xew York, 1888. [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. Xew York, 1888. Cooke (C. W. R.\ Agricultural Holdings Act, 1875. Svo. London, 1870. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 183 Cooke (Edward). Inquiry into the State of the Law of Debtor and Creditor in England. 8vo. London, 1829. [Pam., vol. 3s.] Cooke (Sir Greorge). Practical Eegister of the Common Pleas, containing select Cases, or Determinations, in Points of Practice of that Court, 1705-1742. 8vo. London, 1743. Reports and Cases of Practice in the Court of Common Pleas, England, 1700-1747. 3d ed. By T. T. Bucknill. 8vo. London, 1872. Rules, Orders and Notices, in the Court of Common Pleas at AVestminster. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1747. Rules, Orders and Notices in the Court of King's Bench. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1747. Cooke (George W.). Acts for facilitating the Inclosure of Commons, in England and Wales ; with a treatise on the Law of Rights of Commons. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1804. Criminal Trials in England ; their Defects and Remedies. 8vo. London, 1834. Treatise on the Law and Practice of Agricultural Ten- ancies. New ed. By G. P. Goldney and W. R. Griffiths. 8vo. London, 1882. Treatise on the Law of Defamation. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. [L. L., vol. 53.] Cooke (Hugh) and Harwood (R. G.). Charitable Trusts Acts. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1807. Cooke (J. R.) and Alcock (J. C). Reports of Cases, Court of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber in Ireland, 1833- 1834. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. [Only one part, 199 pages, published.] Cooke (John E.). Virginia; a History of the People. 10th ed. 12mo. Boston, 1887. [Amer. Commonwealth Ser.] Cooke (W. W.\ Reports, Supreme Court, Tennessee, 1811- 1814. Edited by W. F. Cooper. 8vo. St. Louis, 1870. Cooke (William). Bankrupt Laws. 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1799. Compendious System of the Bankrupt Laws. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1780. Cookinghaiii (Edward). General Index to Wait's Actions and Defenses. 8vo. Albany, 1882. 184 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cooksey (Richard). Essay on the Life and Character of John Lord Soniers ; also of Phihp, Earl of Hardwicke. 4to. London. 1701. Cooley (E. A.). Digest of Michigan Reports. Svo. Ann Arbor, 1S(30. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Ann Arbor, 1ST2. Cooley (Thomas M.). Cases in which the Master is Liable for Injuries to Servants in his Employ. Svo. St. Louis, 1876. [Pam., vol. 11.] Constitutional Historv as seen in American Law. See Rogers (H. AV.\ General Principles of Constitutional Law in the Lnited States. Svo. Boston, 18S0. Michigan ; a History of Governments. 3d ed. 12mo. Boston, ISSS. [Amer. Commonwealth Ser.] Sources of Inspiration in Legal Pursuits. Svo. Des Moines, 1S75. [Pam., vol. 11.] Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations which rest upon the Legislative Power of the States. 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1S71. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Boston, IS 78. [Same.] 5th ed. Svo. Boston, 1883. [Same.] 0th ed. By A. C. Angell. svo. Boston, 1890. — - Treatise on the Law of Taxation, including the Law of Local Assessments. Svo. Chicago, 1876. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Chicago, 1886. — Treatise on the Law of Torts, or the Wrongs which arise Independent of Contract. Svo. Chicago, 1879. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Chicago, 1888. — (editor). Bhickstone's Commentaries. Michigan Comjiiled Laws. — (reporter). Michigan Reports, vols. ,5-12. Cooley (Thomas 31.) and others. The American Railway. Illustrated. Roy. Svo. New York, 18S9. Cooliclge (^Dr. Y. P.). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Boston, 1848. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Coombs (W. B.). Manual of Solicitors' Bookkeeping. Svo. London, 1868. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 185 Cooper (Charles M.), reporter. Florida Eeports, vols. 21-24. Cooper (Charles P.). Account of the most important Public Records of Great Britain, and the Publications of the Record Commissioners ; with other information. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1832. — Brief Account of some of the most important Proceed- ings in Parliament, relative to the Defects in the Adminis- tration of Justice. 8vo. London, 1828. — Notes respecting Registration and the Extrinsic For- malities of Conveyances. Part 1. 8vo. London, 1831. — Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, England, decided by Lord Cottenham, 1846-18-48. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1846-8. — Reports of some Cases adjudged in the Courts of the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls, and Yice-Chancellor, England, 1837-1838. 8vo. London, 1838-41. — Select Cases decided by Lord Brougham in the Court of Chancery, England, 1833-1834. bvo. London. 1835. [Only .521 pages published.] — See Halfpenny (F. AV.). Cooper (C W.). Digest of Reports, Court of Chancery, etc., Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1868. Supplement to Equity Digest. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. (^reporter). Chancery Chambers Reports, Canada, vols. 2-4. Cooper (E. S.). Proceedings against, for Mal-Practice in the performance of the Cgesarian Operation. Svo. San Fran- cisco, 1859. Cooper (George). Cases in the High Court of Chancery, England, during the time of Lord Eldon, 1815. 8vo. Lon- don, 1815. Treatise of Pleading on the Equity Side of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. Xew York, 1813 Cooper (James Feiiiinore). Review of the Proceedings of the Naval Court-Martial in the Case of Alex. S. Mackenzie. 8vo. New York, 1844. Cooper (Morris). Law and Practice of Referees and Refer- ences. 8vo. New York, 1888. See Derby (John S.). 186 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cooper (^Peter ). Ideas for a Science of Good Government. :>d ed. Svo. Xew York. 1SS3. Cooper ( Thomas). Bankrupt La^ of America, svo. Phil- adelpliia. InoI. Institutes of Justinian : with Xotes. 3d ed. [Lat. and Eng.] Svo. Xew York, 1S52. Opinion on the Effect of a Sentence of a Foreign Court of Admiraltv ; pubhshed bv A. J. Dallas. Svo. Philadel- phia, ISIO. " Tracts on Medical Jurisprudence ; with a Digest of the Law relating to Insanitv and Xuisance. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1819. Treatise on the Law of Libel and the Libertv of the Press. Svo. Xew York, ISoO. — Trial of. for Libel. Svo. Philadelphia, 1800. Cooper (William F.). Removal of Causes from State to Federal Courts. >vo. St. Louis. 1S77. [Pam., vol. 15.] Reports. Tennessee Court of Chancery, 1S72-1878. 3 vols., Svo. St. Louis. 1S75-9. (editor). Daniell's Chancery Practice. Tennessee Reports. Xew ed. Cooperative Index to Periodicals. Edited by AV. I. Fletcher. 5 vols., 4to. Xew York, 1SS5-9. Coote (H. C). Common Form Practice. High Court of Jus- tice, in granting Probates and Administi-ations. Sth ed. Svo. London. 187S. Practice. High Court of Admiralty. England. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1S89. Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts. Svo. London, ls-l:7. Coote (R. H.). Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Svo. London. lS4o. — Treatise on the Law of Mortgage. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S37. [L. L., vol. "IS.] [Same.] 2d Am. ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S50. [Same.] [L. L., vols. 69 and 7<».] [Same.] 4th Eng. ed. By ^\ . W. Mackeson. Svo. London, ISSu. Cope (W. W.\ reporter, California Reports, vols. 03-72. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 187 Copiiiger (Walter A.). Essay on the Abolition of Capital Punishment. $vo. London, 1876. [Pam,, vol. 24.] — Index to Precedents in Conveyancing, and to Common and Commercial Forms. Svo. London, 1872. La\v of Copyright in works of Literature and Art. Svo. London, 1870. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1881. On the Custody and Production of Title Deeds. Svo. London, 1875. Tables of Stamp Duties. Svo. London, 1878. Copiiiger (Walter A.) and Muiiro (J. E. C). Law of Rents, with special reference to the Sale of Land in consid- eration of a Rent Charge or Chief Rent. Svo. London, 1886. Copp (Henry N.). American Mining Code ; embracing the United States, State and Territorial Mining Laws. Svo. "Washington, 1881. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Washington, 1886. ■ American Settler s Guide : a popular exposition of the Public Land System of the United States. 3d ed. Svo. Washington, 1882. Hand-Book of Mining Law. 3d ed. 12mo. AVashing- ton, 1878. ■ Public Land Laws. Svo. Washington, 1875. Public Land Laws ; Decisions, Opinions and Instruc- tions. 2 vols., Svo. Washington, 1882. [Same.] 1882-1800. 2 vols., Svo. Washington, 1890. United States Mineral Lands — Laws governing their Occupancy and Disposal. Svo. Washington, 1881. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Washington, 1882. L^. S. Mining Decisions. Svo. San Francisco, 1874. United States Salarv List and the Civil Service Law ; Rules and Reo^ulations. Sv^o. Washino-ton, 1883. Copp's Land Office Bulletin. 4to. Washington, 1889-90. [Onl}^ 38 numbers published.] Copp's Land Owner. 17 vols., 4to. Washington, 1874-91. [Same.] Index, vols. 1-9, 1874-1883. Svo. Washing- ton, 1884. 188 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAnY OF Coppiiig'er ( J. B. I. Historv of the Usiirv Laws. etc. Svo. New York. 1n41>. [Pam..^ vol. 13.] Coppock (F. 31.). Annotatetl Ohio Municipal Code. 12mo. Cincinnati, l^V»o. Copyholder. The Compleat English Copyholder; or, A (xuide to Lords of Manore. etc. Svo. London. 1735. Corbaux (Francis ). Doctrine of Compound Svo. London. lS:^o. Corbett (^Uveclale) and Dauiell lE. R. i. Englisli Election Cases, 1S19. Svo. London. 1S21. Corbiii (Charles L. ). Eules of the New Jersey Courts. Svo. Jersey City. l^S.5. (editor). Benjamin on Sales. Corbiii (William H.i. Book of Forms of Contracts and Conveyancing, and of Legal Proceedings under the Laws of Xew Jei'sey. Svo. Jersey City, lS"->2. Xew Jersev Corporation Act ; with Xotes and Forms. Svo. Jersey C'ity. Editions of 1S83, 1SS7, 18S9. 1S91. Cord (William H. i. Treatise on the Legal and Equitable Eights of Married AVomen. Svo. Philadelphia, ISOl. [Same.] :2d ed. '1 vols., Svo. Philadelphia. 1SS5. Cordery (^Aii:hur ). Law relating to Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Svo. London, 1S7S. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London. 1SS8. Corey (Henry B. i. Law without Lawyers. A Com]iendium of Business and Domestic Law. l!2mo. New York. 1SS5. Corfield (W. H. i. Digest of Facts relating to the Treatment and L^tilization of Sewage. Svo. London, 1^7" >. Corfield (AVilliamt. Laconic Law Dictionary, with Xotes. Svo. London, 1S5G. [Pam.. vol. 24.] Cornell ( Alonzo B.), Governor of the State of Xew York. Public Papei-s. Svo. Albany, lSS(}-2. Corner (A. B. i. Forms of "Writs and other Proceedings on the Crown Side of the Court of Queen's Bench. Svo. London. 1S14. Cornish (AV. F. I. Essav on Uses. Svo. Philadelphia, ISS-i. [L. L.. vol. 3.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 189 Cornish ( W. F.). On the Doctrine of Kemainders and Execu- tory Limitations. 8vo. London, 1827. Treatise on the Law of Purchase Deeds. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1856. [L. L., vol. 90.] Cornwall (James). Tables to Presidents of Pleadings, Writs, etc., at the Common Law : being a Continuation from Mr. Townsend's Tables. Folio. London, 1705. Cornwell (F. E.). Digest, Xew York Court of Appeals Ke- ports. 8vo. Albany, 1859. Corporal Punishment. Oljservations on the Offensive and Injurious Effect of. 8vo. London, 1827. [Pam., vol. 41:.] Corporations. The Law of. Containing the Laws and Customs of all the Corporations and Inferior Courts of Record in England. 8vo. London, 1702. Corpus Juris Canonici. Indicibus et Notis Pauli Lancel- lotti. Folio. Parisiis, 1618. [Same.] -Ito. Lugduni, 1622. Corpus Juris Civilis Academicum Parisiense. Opera et Cura C. M. Galisset. -Ito. Lutetite Parisiorum, 1867. Corpus Juris Civilis. Cura lo. L. Beck. 2 vols., 4to. Lipsiae, 1829-37. Ed. stereotypa 8^ Yol. 1. : Institutiones recognovit Paulus Krueger ; Digesta recognovit Theodorus Mommsen. Yol. 2. : Codex Justinianus recognovit Krues'er. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Berolini, 1882—4. Correspondence between S. Teackle "VYalhs and John Sher- man, concerning the Arrest of Members of the Maryland Legislature. 8vo. Baltimore, 1863. [Pam., vol. 1.] Corwin (J. H.). Burial Law, with a Note by W. H. Win- ters. 12mo. ISTew York, 1889. Cory (Isaac Preston). Practical Treatise on Accounts. 8vo. London, 1839. Coryton (John). Reports of CVases in the High Court oi Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, 1864-1865. 2 parts, 8vo. Calcutta, 1864-6. Stageright. Compendium of Law relating to Dramatic Authors, Musical Com))osers. etc. 8vo. London, 1873. Treatise on the Law of Letters Patent. 8vo. London, 1855. [Same.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1855. [L. L., vol. 87.] 190 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Coseiitino (Vincenzo). II Codice Penale Italiuno annotato. b^ ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Napoli, 1883. Costs. Hints on Law of ; with Special Forms. By a Bill Clerk. 8vo. London, 1884. [Pam.. vol. 38.] Costs in the Court of Chancery. Svo. Dublin, 1T1»1. Cothraii (^Georg'e W.). Law of Assessors and Collectors in the State of New York ; with Forms. 8vo. New York, 1889. — Law of Supervisors in the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1889. Revised Statutes of Illinois. 8vo. Chicao'O, editions of 1880, 1883, 1887, 1889. Cotton (Bartholonifeus de). Historia Anglicana. See Chronicles of Great Britain, etc. Cottoiiiaii Manuscripts. Catalogue of. See Record Com- mission. Couder (J. R. de). Dictionnaire de Droit Commercial, In- dustriel et Maritime. 3*^ ed. 5 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1877-80. Covidert (Frederic R.). Argument before the Senate Judi- ciary Committee, against tlie Civil Code. 8vo. Albany, 1881. [Pam., vol. 27.] Le Divorce. 8vo. New York, 1880. [Pam., vol. 32.] Coulsou (H. J. W.) and Forbes (U. A.). Law relating to Waters, Sea, Tidal, and Inland. 8vo. London, 1880. Countryiiiaii (Edwin). Ethics of Compensation for Pro- fessional Services. 12mo. Albany, 1882. County Court Cases. See Macrae and Ilertslet's Reports. County Courts Chronicle. 31 vols., 8vo and 4to. London, 1847-89. County Courts Reports and Bankruptcy Cases. New Series. 18 vols. 8vo. London, 1860-8S. Couper (Charles T.). Report of the Trial of the Directors and Manao'ers of the Citv of Glaso-ow Bank. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1879. Report of the Trial of the Dynamitards. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1884. — Reports, High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary, Scotland, 1808-1882. 4 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1871-83. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 191 Courcy (Alfred cle). Questions de Droit Maritime. 4*^ Serie. 8vo. Paris, 1888. Court Journal and District Court Record. 9 vols., folio. New York, 1882-01. Court of Claims Reports. See United States, Reports. Court of Session Cases, Scotland. First Series, 1821-1838. 16 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822-38. ■ Second Series, 1838-1862. 24 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839-62. Third Series, 1862-1873. 11 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863-73. Fourth Series, 1873-1890. 18 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1874-91. Courtenay (William). Observations on the Projected Im- provements in the Court of Chancerv. 8vo. London, 1828. [Pam., vol. 38.] Courvoisier (F. B.). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. London, 1840. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] Couteau (Eiuile). Traite des Assurances sur la Vie. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1881. Coutlee (L. W.). Manual of the Law of Registration of Titles to Real Estate in Manitoba and the Xortliwest Terri- tories. 8vo. Toronto, 1890. Cove (Augustus). The Tocsin Sounded ; or, A Libel Extraor- dinary. 8vo. London, 1813. [Pam., vol. 36.] Coventry (ThomasV Mortgage Precedents. 8vo. London, 1826. [Same.] See Powell on Mortgages, vol. 3. On Conveyancer's Evidence. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. [L. L., vol. 26.] Treatise on the Law of Common Recoveries. 12mo. London. ls2o. Coventry (Thomas) and Hughes (S.). Analytical Digested Index to the Common Law Reports, 1216-1761. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. Covode Investigation, U. S. House of Representatives. 8vo. Washington, 1860. Cowan (Hugh). Land Rights of Scotland. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876. 192 rATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cowan (Hugh i. See Fraser (P.). Cowdery ( Jabez F. i. Citizen's Law Book and Officer's (riiide. >vo. San Francisco, IS^S. La\v of Insolvency in California. >vo. San Francisco, Cowell < Herbert i. Hindu Law : a Treatise on the Law administered exclusively to Hindus by the British Courts in India. Svo. Calcutta. 1S7<». ^Tagore Law Lectures, IS 7<'.] Historv and Constitution of the Courts and Legislative Authorities in India. Svo. Calcutta, 1S72. [Tagore Law Lectures. 1^72.J Indian Digest : a complete Index to the Eeported Cases of the High Courts established in India. i\l ed. >«vo. Calcutta, lS7o." Law Reports : Supplemental Indian Appeals, 1>'72-1S73. Svo. London. Is'^o. (reporter i. Bengal Law Reports. CoAA'ell (John I. Institntiones Juris Anglicani, ad methodum et serieni Institutionum Imperialium composita& et digestae. IHmo. Oxon., lOtU. Institutes of the Lawes of England ; translated by W. G. 12mo. London, ItlSl. The Inter])reter : containing the signification of obscure Words and Terms used either in the Common or Statute Laws. 4to. London. 1637. Law Dictionary ; or. The Interpreter of "Words and Terms, used either in the Common or Statute Laws. etc. Folio. London. 17<;>S. [Same.] Folio. London. 1727. Cowen (Esek). Reports, Sii]>reme Court, etc.. New York, 1>23-I>2;;t. vols.. >vo. Albany. lM>l-3o. [Same.] 2d ed. 9 vols., Svo. Albany. 1S35-9. [Same.] 3d ed. By R. Johnstone. vols., Svo. Xew York, 1S59. [Same.] 9 vols., Svo. Xew York. 1883. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 9 vols., Svo. Rochester, ISSL Digested Index to the nine volumes of Cowen's Reports. Svo. Albany, lb31. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 193 Cowen (Esek). Treatise on the Civil Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace in the State of IS^ew York. 3d ed. By O. L. Barbour. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1S44. [Same.] ith ed. By Wm. Tracy. Svo. Albany, 1854. [Same.] 5th ed. By L. Kingsley. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1S7U. [Same.] 6th ed. By Dudley, Dennison and Dudley. 2 vols., Svo. New York, ISSO. (editor). Phillipps on Evidence. Cowen (P. H.). Digest of Criminal Decisions of the State of New York. Svo. Albany, 1S69. Poor Laws of the State of New York. Svo. Albany, 1887. Reports of Criminal Cases in the Appellate Courts of the State of New York and of other States, and in the Supreme Court of the United States ; with Notes. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1S81-5. Cowen (Sidney J.). Treatise on the Law and Practice re- lating to Warrants and Attachments. Svo. Albany, 1ST4. Cow^larcl (John L.). Essay on the Republication of Devises of Real Estate by Codicil. Svo. London, 1833. [Pam., vol. 45.] Cow^ley (Charles). Famous Divorces of all Ages. 2d ed. 12mo. Lowell, 1878. See Dahlgren (J. A.). CoAvijer (Henry). Reports of Cases, Court of King's Bench, England, 1771-1778. Folio. London, 1783. [Same.] Svo. Dublin, 1788. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. London, 1800. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1809. Cox (Edward W.). The Advocate ; his Training, Practice, Rights and Duties. Svo. London, 1852. Arts of Writing, Reading and Speaking. Letters to a Law Student. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1881. Digest of Cases relating to Magistrates : Parochial, Ecclesiastical, Election, Municipal, and Criminal Law, 1856- 1869. Svo. London, 1870. Law of Joint-Stock Companies and other Associations. 7th ed. By C. J. O'Malley, Svo. London, 1870. 13 194 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Cox (Ecl\Tard W.). Principles of Punishment, as applied in the Administration of the Criminal Law, by Judges and Magistrates. Svo. London, 1877. — Reports of all the Cases decided by all the Superior Courts relating to Magistrates, Municipal and Parochial Law, 1S59-1S79. 11 vols., Svo. London, 1862-8(1. Reports of Cases in Criminal Law, in England and Ire- land, 1843-1890. 17 vols., 8vo. London, 1840-91 Cox (Edward W.) and Atkinson (H. T.). Registration Appeal Cases, England, 1843-1 840. 8vo. London, 1844- 6. [Only two parts, 17u pages, published.] Cox (Edward W.) and Grady (S. G.). Xew Law and Practice of Registration and Elections. 12th ed. 8vo. London, 1874. Cox (Edward W.), Macrae (D. C.) and Hertslet (C. J. B.). Reports of County Courts Cases and Appeals, Eng- land, 1847-1852. 8vo. 'London, 1852. Cox (Edward W.^ and Saunders (Thomas W.). Crimi- nal Law Consolidation Acts ; with Notes of the Cases de- cided on their Construction. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1870. Cox (Honiershani;. Antient Parliamentary Elections. Svo. London, 1868. History of the Reform Bills of 1866 and 186 7. Svo. London, 1868. Institutions of the English Government ; being an account of the Constitution, Powers and Procedure of its Legislative, Judicial, and Administrative Departments. Svo. London, 1863. Law and Science of Ancient Lights. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1871. Orders, Statutes, and Regulations affecting the Practice of the Court of Chancerv ; with Xotes. Svo. London, 1861. Cox (Joseph M.). Practical Observations on Insanitv. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1811. Cox (N. W.), reporter. Arkansas Reports, vols. 25-27. Cox (Rowland). American Trade Mark Cases. Svo. Cin- cinnati, 1871. Manual of Trade-Mark Cases. Svo. Boston, 1881. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 195 Cox (S. S.). Three Decades of Federal Legislation, 1855- 1885. 8vo. Providence, 1885. Cox (Sainviel C). Cases determined in the Courts of Equity, England, 1783-179(5. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1816. (editor). Peere Williams' Peports. Cox (Walter S.). Common Law Practice in Civil Actions. Svo. Washington, 1877. Questions for Law Students. 8vo. Washington, 1881. Coxe (B.). See Guterbock (Carl). Coxe (R. S.). Digest of Decisions, U. S. Courts. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1829. Reports, Supreme Court, New Jersey, 1790-1795. Svo. Purlington, 1816. Coxe (Tench). Examination of the Constitution of the United States of America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1788. [See Ford (Paul L.).] Crabb (G. W.) and Bradford (J. T.). Military Code of the State of Alabama. 8vo. Tuscaloosa, 1838. Crabb (George). Complete Series of Precedents in Convey- ancing and of Common and Commercial Forms. 5th ed. By Leonard Shelf ord. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1859. Digest and Index, with Chronological Tables, of all the Statutes from Magna Charta. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 181:l:-7. — English Synonymes. 12mo. New York, 1887. — History of the English Law. 1st Am. ed. Svo. Bur- hngton, 1831. Law of Real Property. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1846. — [Same.] [L. L., vols. 54, 55.] Crabbe (W. H.). Reports of Cases, U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1836-1846. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1853. Cracroft (Bernard). Trustee's Guide. 12th ed. Svo. London, 1876. Crafts (W. F.). Origin, History, Laws, etc., of Sabbath Observance. 12mo. New York, 1885. 196 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Craig (R. D.). Legal and Equitable Eights and Liabilities as to Trees and Woods. Svo. London, 1S66. See Mylne (J. W.). Craig (R. D.) and Pliillips (T. J.). Reports. High Court of Chancery, England, lSot»-18il. 8vo. London, 1842. Craig [Lat. Cragius] (Sir Thomas). Jus Feudale, tribus libris comprehensum. Folio. Edinburgi, 1655. [Same.] Ed. 3*, Opera Jacobi Baillie. Folio. Edin- burgi, 1732. Craigie (J.), Stewart (J. S.) and Patoii (T. S.), reporters. Paton's Scotch Appeal Cases, vol. 1. Craik (George L.). English Causes Celebres. 12mo. Lon- don, ISIO. Craiicli (AVilliain). Decisions in Cases of Appeal from the Commissioner of Patents, 1841-1847. 8vo. Washington, 1848. Reports, TJ. S. Circuit Court, District of Columbia, 18(»1- 1840. 6 vols., Svo. Boston, 1852-3. Reports, U. S. Supreme Court, 1801-1815. 9 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1804-17. [Same.] 9 vols., 8vo. Xew York and AVashington, 1812-1* — [Same.] 3d ed. Annotated by F. C. Brightly. 9 vols., 8vo. NeAv York, 1882-3. [Same.] Lawyei-s' Co-op. ed. 9 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1882. — Discourse on his Life and Character. Bv M. D. Con- way. 8vo. Washington, 1855. [Pam., vol. 5.] Craiidall (Reuben). Trial of, for Sedition. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1836. Crary (Cliarles). Law and Practice in Special Proceedings, and in Special Cases. 8vo. Xew York, 1858. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1869. [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1877. Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition. Svo. New York, 1872. [Pam., vol. 7.] Craven (Com. T. TX Trial of, by Court Martial. Svo. :Xew York, 1866. [Pam. Tr., vol. '6.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 197 Crawford (F. A.). Marginal Notes to the Laws of Michigan. 8vo. Detroit, 1877. Crawford (Georg^e) and Dix (Edward S.). Abridged Notes of Cases, Courts of Law and Equity, Ireland, 1837- 1838. 8vo. Dublin, 1839. Eeports of Cases argued and ruled on the Circuits in Ireland; with Cases decided at Nisi Prius, 1839-1 846. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1841-7. Crawford-Dilke Divorce Case. 12mo. London, 1887. Crawley (Charles). Law of Life Insurance. 8vo. London, 1882. Creasy (Sir E. S.). First Platform of Internationa] Law. 8vo. London, 1876. Imperial and Colonial Constitutions of the Britannic Em- pire. 8vo. London, 1872. Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. 14th ed. 8vo. London, 1880, Cresp (P. P.). Cours de Droit Maritime ; annote par Auguste Laurin. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1885. Cresswell (C). See Barnew^all (R. Y.). Creswell (R. N.), Cases in the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, England, 1827-1829. 8vo. London, 1830. Criminal Code (The). Letters on. By a Barrister. 8vo. London, 1847. Criminal Defences. 5 vols. 8vo. St. Louis and San Fran- cisco, 1874-86. Vol. 1. Self-Defence. By L. B. Horrigan and S. D. Thompson. Vol. 2. Insanity and Drunkenness. By J. D. Lawson. Vol. 3. Disabilities of Parties, etc. By J. D. Lawson. Vol. 4. Crimes against the Public. By J. D. Lawson. Vol. 5. Crimes against Persons and Property. By J. D. Lawson. Criminal Law Magazine. 13 vols., 8vo. Jersey City, 1880-91. Criminal Law Reporter. 8vo. Austin, 1886. [Only one number published.] Criminal Recorder ; or, Biographical Sketches of Notorious Public Characters. B}^ a Student of the Inner Temple. 4 vols., 16mo. London, 1804-9. 198 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBMARY OF Criuiiiial Recorder (^Wheeler's). Svo. ]Xew York, 1S22-3. [See Wheeler's Criminal Cases, vol. 1.] Criminal Trials. [Edited bv David Jardine.] 2 vols.. lOmo, London. Is;-12. [Libi'ary of Entertaining Knowledge.] Crimp (Capt. George). Trial of, for Piracy. See Whitby (Capt. Henry). Cripps (C. A. ). Treatise on the Law relating to the Church and Clergy, otli ed. Svo. London, 18»)9. [Same.] t)th ed. Koy. Svo. London. 1886. Treatise on the Principles of the Law of Compensation. 2d ed. Svo. London. ISSi. Cripps (H. W.). English Church and Clergy Cases. Svo. London, 1849-50. [Only two parts published.] Crisfielcl (J. W.). Speech in the House of Representatives on the Confiscation of Propertv. Svo. Washington, 1S62. [Pam., vol. 21.] Critehfieltl (L. J. ), reporter. Ohio State Reports, vols. 5-21. (editor). Ohio Statutes. Critiea Juris Iiigeiiiosa ; or. Choice Cases in the Common- Law, never published by any other Author. Digested un- der Alphabetical! Heads. By H. B., Esq. 12mo. London, 1661. Criticisms on the Bar. By Amicus Curi;^. See Hazlitt (Wm.). Crittenden (John J. ). Life, Correspondence and Speeches. Edited by Mrs. C. Coleman. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. Crocker (J. G.). Duties of Sheriffs, Coroners and Consta- bles. Svo. Albany, 1855. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1S71. [Same.] 3ded. ByJ. M. Kerr. Svo. Xew York, 1 890. Crocker (XJ. H.V Xotes on Massachusetts Common Forms. 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1872. Crocker (U. H. and G. G.). Xotes on the General Statutes of Massachusetts. 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1875. Xotes on the Massachusetts Public Statutes. Svo. Bos- ton, 1882. [Same.] 2d ed. With Notes on the Constitution. Svo. Boston, 1891. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 199 Crockford (John), publisher. Maritime Law Reports. First Series. Croke (Sir Alexander). Remarks on Schlegel's Work upon tlie Visitation of Neutral Vessels under Convoy. Svo. London, 1801. — ■ Report of the Case of Horner against Liddiard, upon the Question of what Consent is necessary to the Marriage of Illegitimate Minors ; with an Essay upon the Laws re- latino; to Illegitimate Children. Svo. London, ISOo. Croke (Sir George). Reports, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, England, 1582-1641. 3d ed. 3 vols., folio. London, 16S3. [Same.] -Ith ed. By Thos. Leach. 4 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1790-2. [Same.] Vol. 1, 5th ed.; vols. 2 and 3, 4th ed. By Thos. Leach. 3 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1791-3. Croke (J. Greeiibag-). Lyrics of the Law. 12mo. San Francisco, 1884. Poems of the Law. 12mo. San Francisco, 1885. Croinptoii (Charles) and Jervis (J.). English Exchequer Reports, 1830-1832. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1832-3. [Same.]. Am. ed. By J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wal- lace. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1852. Cromptoii (Charles) and Meesoii (R.). English Exchequer Reports, 1832-1834. Am. ed. By J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1851-2. Cromptoii (Charles), Meesoii (R.) and Roscoe (H.). English Exchequer Reports, 1834-1835. Am. ed. By J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace. 2 vols., Svo. Philadel- phia, 1851. Cromptoii (Georg-e). Practice in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1787. Cromptoii (Richard). L'Authoritie et Jurisdiction des Courts de la Majestie de la Roygne. Svo. London, 1637. Crosby (Dixi), M.D. Trial of, for Mal-Practice. Svo. Woodstock, 1854. Cross (J. A.). See Hunter (W. A.). Cross (John). Law of Lien and Stoppage in Transitu. Svo. Philadelphia, 1841. [L L., vol. 34.] 200 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Cross (K. A.). Pleading in Courts of Ordinary Jurisdiction ; witli Rules of U. S. Circuit and District Courts, Supreme Court of Louisiana, Court of Appeals and Civil District Court of the Parish of Orleans. Svo. New Orleans, 1885. Cross (Major Osborn). Trial of, by Court-Martial. 8vo. Washington, 1860. Cross (P. B.). Yiew of the Practical Benefits and Advan- tages of the Laws and Constitution of England. Svo. London, 1797. Croswell (Harry). Trial of, for Libel on Thos. Jefferson. 8vo. New York, 180L Croswell (S.) and Sutton (K.)* Peport of Debates, etc. N. Y. Constitutional Convention. Svo. Albany, 1846. Cros"well (Simon G.). Collection of Patent Cases, Criticised, Explained, Overruled, or otherwise Limited by subsequent decisions of the Federal Courts. 12rao. Boston, 1888. Treatise on the Law relating to Executors and Adminis- trators. Svo. Boston, 1889. Cr'ounse (L.), reporter. Nebraska Peports, vol. 3. Crown Cases. See England, Reports. Crown Circuit Assistant. By Thos. Dogherty. Svo. Dublin, 1788. Crown Circuit Companion. 4th ed. By W. Stubbs and G. Talmash. Svo. Dublin, 1766. [Same.] 7th ed. Bv Thos. Dogherty. Svo. London, 1799. [Same.] Sth ed. Svo. London, 1811. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. Svo. New York, 1816. Crowtlier (Jonathan). Decisions of the Supreme Court of Ceylon, sitting in Appeal. Svo. Colombo, 1863. Cruden (R. P.). Observations upon the Municipal Bodies in Cities and Towns, incorporated by Royal Charters, within England and Wales. Svo. London, 1826. Cruger vs. Douglas. Pleadings, Proofs and Decrees. Svo. New York, 1850. Cruise (William). Digest of the Laws of England respect- ing Real Propertv. 2d Am. ed. Bv Ed. D. Ingraham. 7 vols., Svo. New York, 1823. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 201 Cruise (William). Digest of the Laws of England respect- ing Real Property. 8d Am. ed. 7 vols,, 8vo. New York, 1827. [Same.] Am. ed. By Simon Greenleaf. 7 vols, in 3. 8vo. Boston, lStl:9-.50. [Same.] 7 vols, in 3. 8vo. Boston, 1856-7. Essay on the Nature and Operation of Fines and Recov- eries. 3d ed. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Dublin, 1788. Essay on Uses. 8vo. London, 1795. Treatise on the Origin and Nature of Dignities or Titles of Honor ; containing all the Cases of Peerage, etc. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1823. Crump (F. O.). English Law of Sale and Pledge by Factors and Agents. 8vo. London, 1868. [Pam., vol. 21.] Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Part 1, Chancery Division, by Frank Evans ; Part 2, Queen's Bench Division, by C. E. Maiden and A. II. Poj^ser. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1881-4. Principles of the Law relating to Marine Insurance and General Average. 8vo. London, 1875. Crumrine (Boyd). Pittsburgh Reports, containing Cases decided by the Federal and State Courts of Pennsylvania, chiefly at the City of Pittsburgh, 1853-1873. Originally published in the Pittsburgh Legal Journal. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872-3. An Omnium Gatherum, or Notes of Cases. 12mo. Washington, Pa., 1878. — (reporter). Penn. State Reports, vols. 116-135. Cuba. See Spain. Cubas (Antonio Garcia). Republic of Mexico in 1876. Translated into English by G. F. Henderson. 8vo. Mex- ico, 1876. Cudclon (James). Treatise on the Copyhold Acts. 8vo. London, 1865. Cujacius [Fr. Ciyas] (Jacobus). Opera, quae de Jure fecit, et edi voluit. 1 vols, in 1. Folio. Francofurti, 1623. Cullen (Archibald). Principles of the Bankrupt Law. Svo. London, 1800. 202 catalogue: of the library of Cumberland ( Richard), bishop. Treatise of the Laws of Nature : made Englisli from the Latin, with Introduction and Appendix by J. Maxwell. 4to. London, 1T2T. Ciunberlaud Bar Association. Eules and Eegulations. bvo. Portland, Me.. 18S2. Cumin (Patrick). Manual of Civil Law, containing a trans- lation of the XII. Tables, the Institutes of Justinian, etc. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1865. Cumming (Eev. Hooper). Trial of. See Chester (Rev. John I. Cummins (John). Reports. Supreme Court. Idaho Territory, IStUj-lSOT. Svo. Boise City, 1868. Cummins i^T. J. i. See Dunphy (Thos.). Cunuingliam i^H. S.). Digest of Hindu Law, as adminis- tered in the Courts of the Madras Presidency. Svo. Madras, 1877. Cunningham (H. S.) and Sheplierd (H. H.j. Indian Con- tract Act. 3d ed. Svo. Calcutta, 187S. Cunningham (John). Law relating to Parliamentary and Municipal Elections and Petitions. 2d ed. Svo. London, 188<>. Cunningham ( Joliu) and 3Iattinson (M. W.). Prece- dents of Pleading. 2d ed. By Mattinson and S. C. Ma- caskie. Svo. London. 1S84. Cunningham (Timotliy ). History and Antiquities of the Four Inns of Court ; and of the Xine Inns of Chancery ; also of Serjeant's Inn and Scroop's Inn, etc. Extracted from Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales. Svo. London, 1780. History and Antiquities relative to the Origin of Gov- ernment, Beginning of Laws, Antiquity of our Laws in England, etc. From Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales. Svo. London, 1780. Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Xotes, Bank- notes and Insurances. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1761. Law of Simon V. Svo. London, 178-1. — Maxims and Rules of Pleading, from the MS. of Sir Robert Heath, ito. London, 1771. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 203 Ciiniiiiig'liain (Timothy). New and Complete Law Diction- ary ; or, General Abridgment of the Law. 2 vols., folio. London, 1764-5. Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1734-1735. 3d ed. By T. T. Bucknill. 8vo. London, 1871. Cuiininghain (W. B.), Law of Forcible Entry and De- tainer, in the State of Illinois. 8vo. Chicago, 1885. Cuiiynghame (Henry). Treatise on the Law of Electric Lighting. 8vo. London, 1883. Curran (J. P.). Speeches. Edited by J. A. L. Whittier. Svo. Chicago, 1872. Life of. Bv W. H. Curran. 12mo. New York, 1855. Current Comment and Legal Miscellany. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889-91. Curry (J. L. M.). Constitutional Government in Spain. 12mo. New York, 1889. Curry (Thomas), reporter. Louisiana Reports, vols. 6-19. Cursoii (Henry). Law concerning Estates Taile and Re- mainders and Reversions expectant thereupon, the Doctrine of Perpetuities and the Nature, 0|)eration, and Use of Fines and Recoveries. 8vo. London, 1703. Curteis (William C). Report of the Case of Mastin vs. Escott, for refusing to Bury an Infant baptized by a Wes- leyan Minister. 8vo. London, 1841. Reports, Ecclesiastical Courts, England, 1834-1844. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1840-4. Curtis (Benj. R."). Digest of TJ. S. Supreme Court Decisions. 8vo. Boston, 1864. Executive Power. Svo. Cambridge, 1862. [Para., vol. 21.] Jurisdiction of the United States Courts. Edited, with Notes, by Geo. T. Curtis and B. R. Curtis. Svo. Boston, 1880. Opinion on Minnesota State Bonds. Svo. New York, 1871. [Pam., vol. 2.] Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, First Circuit, 1851-1856. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1854-7. Memoir of. Edited by his son, B. R. Curtis. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1879. 204 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Curtis (C. J.). Digest of Oregon Reports and Statutes, 1852- 1883. 8vo. Portland, 1883. Cvirtis (F. B.) and Webster (W. H.). Digest of United States Pension Laws. 8vo. Washington, 1885. Curtis (George M.). Trial of, by Impeachment. 8vo. Albany, 1872. Curtis (George T.). American Conveyancer. 2d ed. By M. II. Durgin. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Case of the Virginius, considered with reference to the Law of Self-Defence. 8vo. New York, 1874. [Pam., vol. 31.] Commentaries on the Jurisdiction, Practice and Peculiar Jurisprudence of the U. S. Courts. Vol. 1. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1854. [Only 1 vol. published.] Digest of Admiralty Cases, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1839. — Equity Precedents. 4th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1809. History of the Origin, Formation and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1803. Inquiry into the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad Litigations of 1869, and David Dudley Field's Connection therewith. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1871. [Pam., vol. 8.] Plea for Religious Liberty and the Rights of Conscience. Argument in the U. S. Supreme Court in tiie Case of Lo- renzo Snow V. the United States. 8vo. "Washington, 1886. [Pam., vol. 34.] Treatise on the Law of Copyright. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Treatise on the Law of Patents. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1867. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1873. Treatise on the Rights and Duties of Merchant Seamen. 8vo. Boston, 1841. (editor). United States Digest. Curwen (M. E.). Laws of Ohio in Force. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1854. Manual upon the Searchin^of Records and the Prepara- tion of Abstracts of Title to Real Property. 12mo. Cin- cinnati, 1867. [Same.] Revised ed. By W. II. AVhittaker. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 205 Ciirwen (M. E.). Public Statutes at Large of the State of Ohio. 4 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1853-01. Revisins: Index to the Statute Law of Ohio. Svo. Dayton, IbiO. Ousliiiig' (Caleb). The Treaty of Washington ; its Negotia- tion, Execution and the Discussions relating thereto. Svo. New York, 1873. Cusliiiig (L. S.). Elements of the Law and Practice of Legis- lative Assemblies. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1860. Introduction to the Study of the Roman Law. 12mo. Boston, 1854. Reports of Contested Elections in the House of Repre- sentatives of Mass., 1780-1834. 8vo. Boston, 1834. Reports, Supreme Judicial Court, Mass., 1848-1853. 12 vols., Svo. Boston, 1864-6. Rules of Proceeding; and Debate in DeUberative Assem- blies. 24mo. Boston, 1879. — (editor). Domat's Civil Law. Cushing (L. S.), Storey (C. W.) and Josselyn (L.). Re- ports of Controverted Elections in the House of Represen- tatives of Mass., 1780-1852. Svo. Boston, 1853. Cushing (Col. Thos. H.). Trial of, by Court Martial. Svo. Philadelphia, 1812. Cuslimaii (J. F.), reporter. Mississippi Reports, vols. 23-29. Cussy (Ferd. cle), Baron. Dictionnaire ou Manuel-Lexique du Diplomate et du Consul. 16mo. Leipzig, 1840. Reglements Consulaires des Principaux Etats Maritimes de I'Europe et I'i^merique. Svo. Leipzig, 1851. distance (George). Concise Yiew of the Constitution of England. 3d ed. Svo. London, 18(>S. Custodian Reports. See Conroy (John). Cutler (John). Law of Naturalization. Svo. London, 1870. Cutler (John) and Griffin (E. F.). Analysis of the Indian Penal Code ; with Notes. Svo. London, 1809. Cutler (Joseph). Insolvent Laws of Massachusetts ; with Notes of Decisions. Svo. Cambridge, 1853. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Boston, 1878. 206 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cutler (Peter Y.). Argument in the matter of extending Albany Street to Broadway. 8vo. Xew York, 1S54. [Pam., vol. 23.] Cutting Case. Report on Extraterritorial Crime. 8vo. "Wasliington, 1SS7. Czyhlarz (Karl^. Zur Lehre von der Resolutivbedingung. Svo. Prag, ISTl. Das romische Dotalrecht. Svo. Giessen, 1870. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 207 D. Dabney (W. D.). Public Regulation of Railways. 12mo. New York, 1889. Dafforne (Richard). Tlie Merchant's Mirrour. Folio. London, 1684. (In Malynes (G.). Consuetudo, vel Lex Mercatoria, 1686.) Dagge (Henry). Considerations on Criminal Law. Svo. Dublin, 1772. [Same.] 2d ed. 8 vols., Svo. London, 177L D'Aguilar (George). Practice, etc., of Courts-Martial. 8vo. Dublin, 1858. Dalilgreii (John A.). Maritime International Law. Ed- ited by C. Cowley. Svo. Boston, 1877. Daily Law Record. Vols. 1, 4. -Ito. Boston, 1884-6. Daily Record. 6 vols., folio. Baltimore, 1888-91. Daily Register. 37 vols., folio. New York, 1872-89. Dakota : Reports. Bennett. 1867-1877. 1 vol. Smith. 1878-1884. 2 vols. Tripp. 1888-1889. 1 vol. Bradley & Ellis, Index-Digest. 1867-1886. 1 vol. Statntes. Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 2(1 1862 1862-3 1863-4 1864-5 1865-6 1866-7 1867-8 1868-9 1870-1 10th 11th 1872-3 1874-5 1877 1879 1881 1883 1885 1887 1889 3d 12th 13th 4th 5th 6th 7th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 8th 9th Revised Codes. (Hand.) 1877. Revised Codes. (Levisee.) 2 vols. 1883-4. Changes in Codes. (Desty.) 1885. Compiled Laws. (Caldwell & Price.) 1887. Probate Law. (Herrick . Dalzell (K.). See Leigh (J. IL). Dana (Edward S.). Microscopic Examination of Samples of Commercial Arsenic, and the Practical Results to which it leads. 8vo. Jersey City, 1880. [Pam., vol. 14.] Dana (James G.). Kentuckv Court of Appeals Reports, 1833-1840. 2d ed. V> vols. In ,5. 8vo. Cincinnati. 1851. Dana (Richard H., Jr.), editor. Wheaton's International Law. Danaher (Franklin 31.). Fish and Game La^vs of New York. 8vo. xVlbany, 1887. Dane (Nathan). Abridgment and Digest of American Law ; with Notes and Comments. 9 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1823-9. Dane Law School. Rules and Orders of the Assembly. 8vo. Cambridge, 1855. [Pam., vol. 9.] Danforth (Henry G.). Digest of the United States Supreme Court Reports. 8vo. New York, 1885. Danforth (Henry G. ) and Wickes (Robert B.j. Digest of the New York Court of Appeals Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1884-6. Daniel (Edward M.). Law of Patents, Designs and Trade- Marks. 8vo. London, 1884. Trade-Marks Registration Act, etc. 8vo. London, 1876. Daniel (Henrv). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1845.' Daniel (John W.). Law and Practice of Attachment under the Code of Virginia. 8vo. Lynchburg, 1869. — • Treatise on the Law of Negotiable Instruments. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1876. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1879. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1882. Daniel (W. T. S.). Advocacy as connected w^th the Admin- istration of Justice. Svo. London, 1857. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. l.J THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 211 Daniel (W. T. S.). Change as an Inherent Necessity in Municipal Law. Svo. London, 1856. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] History and Origin of the Law Keports. Roy. JSvo. London, 1884. Daniell (Edmund R.). Pleading and Practice of the High Court of Chancery. 3 vols., Svo. Harrisburg, 181:6. [New L. L., vols. 3, 4, 5.] [Same.] 4th Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1871. [Same.] 5th Am. ed. Bv W. F. Cooper. 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1879. Practice of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. 6th ed. By L. Field, E. C. Dunn, and T. Ribton. 2 vols, in 3. Svo. London, 1SS2-4. Reports of Cases on the Equity side of the Court of Exchequer, England, 1817-1820. Svo. London, 1824. — See Corbett (W.). Daniels (Thomas H.). Life of. Apprehended for Robbery and Murder. 12mo. Boston, 1819. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] ' Danish Laws. Or, The Code of Christian the Fifth. Trans- lated for the use of the English Inhabitants of the Danish Settlements in America. Svo. London, 1756. Dann (F. P.), reporter. Arizona Reports, vol. 1. Danner (J. L. C), reporter. Alabama Reports, New Series, vol. 42. Danson (F. M.) and Lloyd (J. H.). English Mercantile Cases, 1828-1829. Svo. London, 1830. D'Anvers (Knightley). General Abridgment of the Com- mon Law. 3 vols., folio. London, 1705-27. Danz (H. A, Aug.). Die Wirkung der Codificationsformen auf das materielle Recht. 12mo. Leipzig, 1861. Darby (J. G. N.) and Bosanquet (F. A.). Practical Trea- tise on the Statute of Limitations. Svo. London, 1867. Dareste (Rodolphe). La Justice Administrative en France. Svo. Paris, 1862. Dargun (Lothar). Mutterrecht und Raubehe. Svo. Bres- lau, 1883. Darke County (Ohio) Bar Association. Constitution, etc. 12mo. Greenville, 1889. 212 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Darling (Charles J. i. Scintillae Juris. 3d ed. 12mo. Lon- don, 1879. [Same.] 4th ed. 12rao. London, 1889. Darlingr (John). Examination of the Scriptural Grounds on which the Prohibition against Marriage with a Deceased "Wife's Sister is based. 8vo. London, 1849. [Pam., vol. 38.] Treatise on the Administration of Trust Funds under the Trustee Relief Act. 8vo. London. 1855. Validity of a Bequest of Money to be Expended in Erecting Buildings for a Charity, upon a site to be procured from other sources. 8vo. London, 1856. [Pam.. vol. 47.] Darues i W. P.\ Trial of, for Murder. 2d ed. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1S41. Darrach \ Henry i. See Porter ( Jas. B. ). Darras i Alcicle). Du Droit des Auteurs and des Artistes dans les Rapports Internationaux. 8vo. Paris. 1887. Dart (J. Henry). Suggestions in favour of a General Regis- try, by means of a Svstem of Indorsements upon Documents of Title. 8vo. London, 1844. [Pam., vol. 38.] Treatise on the Law and Practice relating to Yendoi's and Purchasers of Real Estate. 8vo. London, 1851. [Same.] 5th ed. By J. TI. Dart and ^\. Barber. 2 vols., 8vo. London. 1876. [Same.] 6th ed. By AV. Barber. R. B. Haldane, and "\r. R. Sheldon. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1888. Dartnioiith College Causes, and the Supreme Court of the United States. Bv J. M. Shirlev. 8vo. St. Louis, 1879. Dasent (John B.\ editor. Spottiswoode's Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports, vol. 2. Spottiswoode's Common Law Reports, vol. 3. Dassler (C. F. W.). Compiled Laws of Kansas. 8vo. St. Louis, editions of 1879, 1881, 1885. Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Court of Kansas. 8vo. Des Moines, 1874. [Same.] 2 vols., 8vo. Des Moines, 1880-5. General Statutes of Kansas. 2 vols.. 8vo. St. Louis, 1876-7. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 213 Daveis (Edward H.). Reports of Cases, U. S. District Court, District of Maine, decided by Judge Ashur Ware, 1839-1849. 8vo. Portland, 1849. [Cited also as Ware's Reports, vol. 2.] [Sarae.J 2d ed. 8vo. Portland, 1873. Davenant (Charles). Discourses on the Publick Revenues, and on the Trade of England. [Anon,] 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1698. Discourse upon Grants and Resumptions. 2d ed. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1700. Essay upon the probable Methods of making a People Gainers*^ in the Ballance of Trade. 2d ed. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1700. Essay upon Ways and Means of Supplying the War. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1695. Essays upon : The Ballance of Power, The Right of making War, etc. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1701. Report to the Commissioners for Putting in Execution the Act for Taking, Examining, etc., the Accounts of the Ivingdom. 8vo. London, 1712. Davidge (J. B. F.) and Kimball (I. G.). Compendium of Internal Revenue Laws. 8vo. Washington, 1871. Davidson (Charles). Precedents and Forms in Conveyanc- ing. 3d ed. (Vols. 3-5, 2d ed.) 5 vols, in 8 parts, 8vo, London, 1860-9. Davidson (James D.). A Curiosity in Chancery, and Rhvme and Prose. Svo. Lexington, Ya,, 1878 ? [Pam,, vol 46.] Davidson (M. G.). Concise Precedents in Conveyancing. Adapted to the Conveyancing Acts of 1881 and 1882, 13th ed, Svo. London, 1883. Davidson (Theo. F.), reporter. North Carolina Reports, vols. 92-106. Davies (Griffith). Treatise on Annuities; with Tables, based on the experience of the Equitable Society and on the Northampton Rate of Mortality. 8vo. London, I860, Davies (Henry) and Laurent (Emile). The Mercantile and Bankrupt Law of France. 8vo. London, 1855. Davies (Henry E.). Compilation of Laws relative to New York City. Svo. New York, 1855. In Memoriam, Svo, New York, 1882. 214 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Davies (Sir John). Reports of Cases and Matters in Law, in the King's Courts in Ireland, 1604-1()12. 8vo. Dublin, 1762. Davies (John). Collection of Important Cases respecting Patents of Invention, 1785-1816. 8vo. London, 1816. Davies (Joliii), M.D. Exposition of the Laws which relate to the Medical Profession in England. 8vo. London, 1814. Davies (Julien T.). Compilation of C'onstitutional Pro- visions, Statutes and Cases relating to the Assessment of Taxes in the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1886. [Same.] Pvevised ed. 8vo. Troy, 1888. Davis (Rev. C. H.). The Enghsh Church Canons ; with His- torical Introduction. 8vo. London, 1869. Davis (C. K.). The Law in Shakespeare. 12mo. St. Paul, 1881. Davis (Daniel). Practical Treatise upon the Authority and Duty of Justices of the Peace in Criminal Prosecutions. 3d ed. By F. F. Heard. 8vo. Boston, 1853. Precedents of Indictments ; with a Treatise upon the Office and Duty of Grand Jurors. Svo. Boston, 1831. Davis (E. A.). Digest of the Indiana Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1875. Supplement to the Indiana Statutes. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1870. General Statutes of Indiana. Revision of 1876. 2 vols., 8vo. Indianapolis, 1877. Davis (George B.). Outlines of International Law. 8vo. New York, 1887. [Same.] 8vo. London, 1888. Davis (Henry F. A.). Law and Practice of Friendly Socie- ties and Trade Unions. Svo. London, 1876. Law of Building and Freehold Land Societies. 8vo. London, 1870. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1874. Manual of the Law relatino- to Industrial and Provident Societies. 8vo. London, 1869. Davis (Horace). American Constitutions. Svo. Baltimore, 1885. [J. II. U. Studies, vol. 3.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 215 Davis (James). Complete Kevisal of all the Acts of Assem- bly in the Province of North Carolina. Folio. Nevvbern, 17T3. Davis (James E.). Criminal Law Consolidation Statutes ; with Notes. 8vo. London, 1861. Labour Laws. 8vo. London, 1875. Manual of the Law of Registration, Parliamentary and Municipal. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1880. Manual of the Practice and Evidence in Actions in the County Courts. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 186-1. Master and Servant Act ; with Notes, etc. 12mo. London, 1868. Prize Essay on the Laws for the Protection of Women. 8vo. London, 1854. (editor). Stamp's Index to the Statute Law of England. Davis (J. C. Bancroft). Appendix to Reports of the De- cisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1879- 1888. With Portraits of the Chief Justices. 8vo. New York, 1889. Treaties and Conventions between the United States and other Powers, 1776-1873. With Notes. 8vo. Washington, 1873. (reporter). U. S. Supreme Court Reports, vols. 109- 138. Davis (John). Opinions of, in the U. S. District Court for the District of Mass., 1818-1832. 8vo. Boston, 1842. [Printed as an Appendix to Oliver's Forms.] Davis (Josepli). Digest of Legislative Enactments relating to the Society of Friends, in England. 8vo. Bristol, 1820. Davis (Matthew L.). Report of the Case between Rev. Cave Jones and the Rector and Inhabitants of the Citv of New York, etc. 8vo. New York, 1813. Speech of, on his Trial for Conspiracy. 8vo. New York, 1827. — Trial of, for Conspiracy. See Jacob Barker's Trial. Davis (Peter S.). Analytical Index of Cases decided in the Supreme Court, etc., of the Colony of Victoria, 1871-1883. 8vo. Melbourne, 1885. Davis (R. G.). Sandwich Island Supreme Court Reports. See Hawaiian Reports, vol. 2. 216 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Davis (W. A.). Compilation of Laws, District of Columbia. 8vo. Washington, 1831. Davison (Henry). See Gale (C. J.) ;— Perry (T. E.). Davison (Henry) and Merivale (Herman). Eeports of Cases, Court of Queen's Bench, England, 1843-1844. 8vo. London, 1844. Davys (Sir John). See Davies (Sir John). Dawes (M.). Introduction to the Knowledge of the Law on Real Estates, and of Remainders therein ; with a View of the Case of Perryn vs. Blake. 8vo. London, 1814. Dawson (Daniel). Trial of, for Poisoning Horses. 8vo. London, 1S12. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] Dawson (Eliza). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Halifax, 1850. [Pam. Tr., vol. 6.] Dawson (Georg^e). Origo Legum ; or, A Treatise of the Origin of Laws and their Obliging Power. P'olio. Lon- don, 1694. Davidson (H. B.). The Foederalist. University ed. 8vo. New York, 1870. Dawson (J. Hooper). Law Tracts : No. 1, Treatise on the Law relative to Attornies, Solicitors, and their Agents ; No. 2, Suggestions as to the Course of Legal Study. 4to. London, 1829. Dawson (James A.). Code of Civil Procedure for the State of Colorado. Small 4to. Denver, 1884. (editor). Colorado Law Reporter. Dawson (S. E.). Copyright in Books. An Inquiry into its Origin, and Account of the Present State of the Law in Canada. 8vo. Montreal, 1882. Dax (Thomas). Practice in the Offices of the Masters, on the Plea Side of the Superior Common Law Courts at Westminster. 8vo. London, 1844. Day (John) vs. Day (Thos.). Trial by Ejectment, Involving a Question of Legitimacy. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1823. Day (John C). Common Law Procedure Acts. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1872. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 217 Day (Tlioiuas). Connecticut Supreme Court Reports, 1802- 1813. 5 vols., Svo. Hartford and New York, 1806-23. (editor). American Digest. Cliitty on Pleading. Comyn's Digest. ■ (reporter). Connecticut Reports, vols. 1-21. Day (William). Inquiry into the Poor Laws. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1833. Dayton (Isaac). Office of Surrogate, Surrogates, Executors, etc., in the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1846. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1855. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. New York, 1861. Deacon (Edward E.). Digest of the Criminal Law of Eng- land. With Supplement by W. M. Llindmarcli. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1836. English Bankruptcy Reports. 1835-1840. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1837-41. • Guide to IVEagistrates out of Sessions, including a Digest of the Poor Laws. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1843. See JMontagu (Basil). Deacon (Edward E.) and Cliitty (E.). English Bank- ruptcy Reports, 1832-1835. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1833-7. Deady (M. P.). Reports, U. S. Circuit and District Courts of Oregon and California. 1861-1869. 8vo. San Francisco, 1872. (compiler). Oregon Statutes. Dean (Amos). The British Constitution. 12mo. Roches- ter, 1SS6. Brvant and Stratton's Commercial Law for Business IVIen. " Svo. New York, 1861. IManual of Law for the use of Business JVIen. Svo. Albany, 1838. Principles of IMedical Jurisprudence. Svo. New York, 1866. Dean (Cyrus B.). Trial of, for IVIurder. .Svo. Burlington, 1808. Deane (H. B.). Law of Blockade ; its Histor3\ present Con- dition, and probable Future. Svo. London, 1870. 218 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Deaiie (Henry C). Epitome of the Law of Corporeal Here- ditaments and Conveyancing. 8vo. Boston, 1875. Principles of Conveyancing. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1883. Deaiie (J. F.), reporter, Yermont Reports, vols. 24-26. Deaiie (James Parker). Effect of War upon the Trade and Property .of Neutrals, and Maritime Capture and Prize. 8vo. London, 1854. Law of Blockade, as contained in the Report of Eight Cases in the High Court of Admiralty on the Blockade of the Coast of Courland, 1854. 8vo. London, 1855. Deane (James Parker) and Swabey (M. C. M.). English Ecclesiastical Reports, 1855-1857. 8vo. London, 1858. Dearsly (Henry R.). Criminal Process. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1854. [L. L., vol. 81.] English Crown Cases Reserved, 1852-1856. 8vo. Lon- don, 1856. Dearsly (Henry K.) and Bell (Thos.). English Crown Cases Reserved, 1856-1858. 8vo. London, 1858. Deas (Francis). Law of Railways applicable to Scotland. Roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. Deas (George) and Anderson (James). Scotch Court of Session Cases, 1829-1833. 5 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829-33. Dease (William). Remarks on Medical Jurisprudence. See Cooper's Tracts on Med. Jurisprudence. Death Pnnishment. Essay on the Punishment of Death in the Case of Forgery ; its Injustice and Impolicy maintained. 8vo. London, 1818. [Pam., vol. 19.] Death Pnnishment. A Selection of Articles from the Morning Herald. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1836. Deavenport (James J.). Revised Statutes of the Territory of New Mexico. 8vo. Santa Fe, 1856. Debates in the Congress of the United States on the Judiciary Bill. 8vo. Albany, 1802. Debates in the Senate of the United States on the Judiciary. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1802. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 219 De Bow (J. D. B.). Statistical View of the United States, eiiibracing its Territory, Population, etc. 8vo, Washing ton, 1854. Debtors' Laws (The). With a Word to their Victims. 8vo. London, 1838. De Burg'li (Willitiiii). Elements of Maritime International Law. 8vo. London, 1868. Decatur County (L3wa) Bar Association. Rules and Regulations. 12nio. Keokuk, 1883. Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents. 20 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1869-88. De Colyar (Henry A.). Reports of Cases in the County Courts, including recent Cases under the Employers' Lia- bility Act, 1867-1882. 8vo. London, 1883. — Treatise on the Law of Guarantees and of Principal and Surety. Am. ed. By J. A. Morgan. 8yo. New York, 1875." — [Same. I 2d ed. 8yo. London, 1885. — [Same.] From the 2d Eng. ed. 8yo. Philadelphia, 1887. — See Pitt-Lewis (G.). Deering: (F. P.). Codes and Statutes of California, Anno- tated. -1 yols., roy. 8vo. San Francisco, 1885. [Same.] Supplement. (Vol. 5.) Roy. 8yo. San Fran- cisco, 1889. Deering; (James H.). Law of Negligence. 12mo. San Francisco, 1886. Defacqz (Eugene). Ancien Droit Belgique ; ou Precis Analytique des Lois et Coutumes observees en Belgique ayant le Code Ciyil. 2 vols., 8vo. Bruxelles, 1873. De Fooz (J. A. A.). See Fooz (J. A. A. de). De Oex (John P.). Reports of English Bankruptcy Cases, 1844-1848. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1852. [Only one part of vol. 2 published.] See Montagu (Basil). De Gex (Jolm P.), Fisher (F.) and Jones (H. C). Re ports. Court of Chancery, England, 1859-1862. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1861-70. 220 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF De Gex (John P.) and Jones (H. C). Reports, Court of Chancery, England, 1S57-1S59. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1858-61.' De Gex (John P.), Jones (H. C.) and Smith (R. H.). Reports, Court of Chancery, England, 1862-18»)5. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1865-73, De Gex (John P.\ Macnag^hten (S.) and Gordon (A.). Reports, Court of Chancery, England, 1851-1857. 8 vols., 8vo. London, 1853-64. De Gex (John P.) and Sniale (J.). Reports. Court of Chancerv, England, 1846-1852. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1849-53! De Gex (John P.) and Smith (R. H.\ Arrangements be- tween Debtors and Creditors under the Bankruptcy Act, 1861. With Supplements to 1869. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1867-9. Degge (Sir Simon). The Parson's Counsellor. 2(1 ed. 12mo. London, 1677. De Hart (William C). Observations on Military Law, Courts Martial, etc. Svo. Xew York, 1863. Dehli Civil Decisions. 4 vols., 8vo. 1848-51. Delafielcl ( Francis ). Hand-Book of Post-Mortem Examina- tions, and of Morbid Anatomy. 8vo. Xew York, 1872. Delafield (Lewis L. ). Argument in the Matter of Titus B. Eldridge, an Attorney. 8vo. Xew York, 1877. [Pam., vol. 10.] Conditions of Admission to the Bar. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1876. [Pam., vol. 11.] Laws of the State of New York, and of the United States, relating to Children. Svo. Xew York, 1876. Remarks in relation to the Action of the Bar Association of Xew York in regard to Salaries for X. Y. County Offi- cers. Svo. Xew York, 1872. [Pam., vol 6.] Delafons (John). Treatise on Xaval Courts Martial. Svo. London, 1805. De Lancey (Edward F.). History of the Town of Mama- I'oneck, in the Countv of Westchester, X'ew York. 4to. Xew York, 1886. Memoir of Marshall S. Bidwell. Svo. Xew York, 1890. [Pam., vol. 48.] THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAR. 221 De Lancey (Edward F.). Origin and History of Manors in the Province of New York, and in the County of West- chester, ttto. New York, 1886. Delaiie (W. F, A.). . Collection of Decisions in the Courts for Revising the Lists of Electors. 2d ed. 12rao. London, 1836. Delaney (Arthur J.) vs. The Trustees of St. Patrick's Cathedral in the City of New York. To restrain the Defendants from disturbing graves. 8vo. New York, 1883. [Pam., vols. 18, 26.] Delano (Charles G.). Outline of the Law of Landlord and Tenant in Massachusetts. 12mo. Boston, 1884. Delaware : Reports. Harrington. Houston. Delaware Chancery. Houston. Criminal. Statutes. 1832-1855. 5 vols 1855-1879. 5 vols. 1814-1886. 5 vols 1856-1879. 1 vol. Laws of the Government of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware. Folio. Philadelphia, 1752. Vols. 1, 2. 8vo. New-Castle, 1797. Vol. 3. 8vo. Wilmington, 1816. Vol. 1. 8vo. Wilmington, 1816. Laws, 1700-1797. Laws, 1798-1805. Laws, 1806-1813. Session Laws. Session. Date. Session. Date. Session. Date. April May Jan Jan Jan 1813 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1829 1830 Jan Jan Jan Jan July Jan Jan ...... Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 1831 1832 1833 1835 1835 1837 1839 1841 1843 1845 1847 1849 1851 1852 1853 1855 1857 1859 Jan Nov Jan Jan June Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 1861 1861 1863 1865 1865 Jan 1866 Jan 1867 Jan 1869 Jan Jan. . , 1871 1873 Jan 1875 Jan 1877 Jan 1879 Jan Jan 18S1 1883 Jan 1885 1887 1889 Jan Jan Revised Laws. 1829. Revised Code of Laws. 1852. Revised Code, as Amended to 1874. 222 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. v. Pennsylvania Coal Co. Pleadings and Testimony. 7 vols., 8vo. New York, 1858. Exhibits. 8vo. New York, 1858. Arguments. 5 vols., 8vo. New York, 1863. Case on Appeal. 8vo. New York, 1871. Delaware County Reports, Supreme Court, etc., of Penn- sylvania, 1881-18S9. Edited by Ward II. Bliss. 3 vols., 8vo. Chester, 1881r-9. Delebecque (A.) and Hoffman (J. B.). Les Codes en vigueuren Belgique ; avec les Modifications introduites de 181-1 a 1884. Edition annotee. Continuee par Leon Eeck- man et Louis Spronck. 5'' ed. 18mo. Bruxelles et Liege. Code de Commerce. 1881. Code de Procedure Civile. 4® ed. 1886. Code d'Instruction Criminelle. 4*^ ed. 1881. Code Forestier et Arrete d'Execution. 1854. Code Napoleon. 4« ed. 1885. Code Penal. 5-^ ed. 1886. Constitution de la Belgique de 1831. Lois Usuelles. 1791-1884. Delhi. See Dehli. De Lolnie (J. L.). The Constitution of England. New ed. 8vo. London, 1816. Deniangeat (Charles). Cours Elementaire de Droit Romain. 2*^ ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1866. Demarest (Theo. F. C). Reports, Surrogate's Courts, N"ew York, 1882-1888. 6 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883-8. Denibitz (Lew^is N.). Kentucky Jurisprudence. 8vo. Louisville, 1890. Denielius (Gustav). Die Rechtsfiktion in ihrer geschicht- lichen und dogmatischen Bedeutung. 8vo. Weimar, 1858. Demurrers. Laws relating to. By R. Gardiner. [Anon.] 12mo. London, 1714. [Instructor Clericalis, vol. 7.] Den (John) vs. Gibbons (Wm.). Action of Ejectment. Reported by Wm. Ilalsted. 8vo. Trenton, 1849'. [Pam. Tr., vol. 1.] Dengler (A.). Descriptive Index of the Maps on Record in the Office of the Register of City and County of New York. 8vo. New York, 1875. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAH. 223 Deiiio (^Hiraiu). Reports, Supreme Court and Court of Errors, New York, 1S45-184S. 5 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1846-50. [Same.] 5 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1863-73. [Same.] 5 vols., Svo. IS'ew York, 1883. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 5 vols., Svo. Rochester, 1885. Denis (Henryj, reporter. Louisiana Annual Reports, vols. 32-41. Denison (Charles M.) and Scott (C. H.). Practice and Procedure of the House of Lords in English, Scotch and Irish Appeal Cases. Svo. London, 1879. Denison (E. B.). Marriage with a Wife's Sister. Svo. London, 1S51. [Pam., vol. 38.] Validity of Marriages with a Wife's Sister, celebrated abroad. Svo. London, 1852. [Pam., vol. 47.^ Denison (Stei>lien C). English Crown Cases Reserved, 1844-1852. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1850-2. Denison (Steplien C.) and Pearce (R. R.). See Denison's Crown Cases, vol. 2. Dennian (George). Extradition of the Fugitive Anderson, by the United States Government under the Ashburton Treaty. Svo. London, 1861. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Dennian (Sir Thomas), Lord Chief Justice. Life of. By Joseph Arnould. [Lives of the Chief Justices of England, vols. 5, 6.] Denmark. Danish Laws ; or, Code of Christian the Fifth. 1756. Danisch, etc., Wechselgesetz von 1880. (Beissel.) 1881. Samling af Love og Anordninger, 1683-1885. 10 vols., 12mo. Kjobenhavn, 1863-86. (Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5, and Hefte 2-5 of vol. 7, 2. Udgave.) [Collection of Danish Laws.] Marriage and Divorce. (Wright.) Laws and Statistics. 1889. Denney (Cliarles), et al. Trial of, for LiV^el. Svo. N"ew York, 1834. [Pam. Tr., vol. 7.] Dennis (William H.). Probate Law of the District of (Co- lumbia. Svo. Washington, 1887. 224 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF DeiisloAv (Vail Bureii). Principles of the Economic Philos- ophy of Society, Government and Industry. Svo. New York, 1888. Denver LaAV Journal. 2 vols., -1-to. Denver, 1883-84. [Onl}'" 272. Edinburgh and Glasgow Bank Directors. Report of Trial of. By J. I. Smith. 4to. Edinburgh, 1861. Edinburgh Annual Register. 10 vols, in 23. Svo. Edin- burgh, lS0"^-2♦'.. Edinburgh Law Journal. 2 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1832-7. Edmonds (John W.). Address on the Constitution and Code of Procedure, and the Modifications of the Law effected therebv. With Notes. Svo. lS"ew York, 1848. [Pam., vol. 9.] ' Xew York Statutes at Large. 11 vols., Svo. Albany, 1869-90. Vols. 1-5. Laws to 1862. 2d ed. Vol. 6. 1863-1866. 2d ed. Yol. 7. 1867-1870. Yol. 8. Index. Yol. 9. 1871-187L Bv J. W. Edmonds and W. H. Field. Yol. 10. 1S75-18SO. Bv A. G-. Conant. Yol. 11. 1881-1888. By J. C. Thomson. Reports of Select Cases in the Courts of Xew York, 1834-1853. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1868-83. Edmunds (Lewis). Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions. Svo. London, 1890. Edmunds (Richard). Practice in the Court of Exchequer. Svo. London, 1794. Edward, the Confessor. Lives of. See Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain, etc. THE A^SISOCIATIOX OF THE BAR. 247 Edwards (Charles). Closing Argument in the Burdell Case. 8vo. New York, 1857. [Pam., vol. 19.] Juryman's Guide throughout tlie State of JN'ew York. 8vo. New York, 1831. Law and Practice of lieferees, under the New York Code. 8vo. Albany, 1860. On Receivers in Equity. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 185Y. Pleasantries about the Courts and Lawyers of the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1807. ^ Reports, Court of Chancery, New York, 1831-1850. 4 vols., 8vo. New York, 1844-51. [Same.] 3d ed. Annotated bv S. Rapalje. 4 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883. — [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. etl. Annotated by R. Desty. 4 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1889. -7- Treatise on Parties to Bills and other Pleadings in Chancery. 8vo. New York, 1832. — Treatise on the Stamp Act. 2d etl. 8vo. New York, 1863. — (editor). JVIitford's Chancery Pleadings. Edwards (Edwin). Abridgment of Cases in the Prerogative Court, under the new Statute of Wills. 12mo. London, 1846. Treatise on the Jurisdiction of the Hiffh Court of Ad- miralty of England. 8vo. London, 1847. Edw^ards (Frederic). Treatise on the Law of Gaming, Horse-Racing and Wagers. 12mo. London, 1839. Edwards (Frederick, Jr.). On Letters Patent for Inven- tions. 8vo. London, 1865. Edwards (George C). Treatise on the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace. 8vo. Ithaca, 1834. Edw^ards (Isaac). Essay on Brokers and Factors, or Com- mission IVTerchants. 12mo. Albany, 1870. — ■ Treatise on Bills of Exchange and Promissorv Notes. 8vo. Albany, 1857. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1863. — [Same.] 3d ed. By Dudley, Dennison and Dudlev 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1882. 248 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Edwards < Isaac;. Treatise on the Law of Bailments, svo. Albany, 1855. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1878. (editor). Pbillipps on Evidence. Edwards (J. C. i, reporter. Missouri Reports, vols. 2, 3. Edwards (John W.) and Hamilton (W. F.). La\v of Husband and "Wife. svo. London, 1883. Edwards i Pierrepont i. Practical Guide for British Shi])- masters to United States Ports. 8vo. London, 1866. Edwards i Tenison). Orders of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1845. Edwards ( Tenison ), Maskelyne ( E, S.) and Dale < C. C. 31. 1. Xotanda Digest, 1862-1872. 4to. London. 1873. Edwards (Thomas). Reports, High Court of Admiralty, England, 1808-1810. Svo. London, 1810. [Same.] Am. reprint. Svo. JS'ew York, 1815. Egan I Charles I. Law of Bills of Sale. 4th ed. By S. But- ler. 12mo. London, 1882. Eger (Georg). Die Einfiihrung eines Internationalen Eisen- bahnfrachtrechts. 8vo. Breslau, 1877. Egrgrleston (William). Treatise on the Law of Damages. ■■»» >vo. Terre Haute, 1880. Egremont (John). Law relating to Highways, Turnpike- roads. Public Bridges and Navigable Rivers. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1830. Egypt. Code Civil. 1S90. Code de Commerce. ISPO. Code de Commerce Maritime. 1S90. Code de Procedure Civile et Commerciale. 1890. Code d' Instruction Criminelle. 1890. Code Penal. 1890. Refflement d'Orcranisation Judiciaire. 1890. [Above in Codes Egyptiens.] Droit International. (Haakman.) 1877. Obligations. (Revillout.) 1S86. Eichhom (Karl F.). Deutsche Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte. 5. Aussr. 4 vols. Svo. Gottingen, ls43-44. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 249 Ejectments. Law and Practice of. By Sir Geoffrey Gil- bert. 2d ed. .Svo. London, 1741. Elchies (Patrick Grraiit), Lord. Annotations on Lord Stair's Institutions of tlie Law of Scotland. 4to. Edinburgh, 1S2L Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Session, Scot- land, 1738-1754. Edited by W. M. Morison. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1813. Eldoii (John Scott), Lord. Public and Private Life of. By Horace Twiss. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1844. Eldridge (Titus B.). Proceedings for the Disbarment of. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1877-80. Election Cases. Decided in the Court of Session, House of Peers, and High Court of Justiciary, Scotland, 1784-1790. 4to. Edinburgh, 1796. Electoral Votes. Proceedings and Debates of Congress relating to Counting" the Electoral Votes for President and Vice-President of the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1877. Eller (H. C). Digest of Decisions, Supreme Court of Minne- sota. 2 vols., Svo. St. Paul, 1880-81. EUero (Pietro). La Riforma Civile. 2" edizione. 8vo. Torino, 1881. Elliot (Arthur D.). Criminal Procedure in England and Scotland. 8vo. London, 1878. Elliot (Jonathan). American Diplomatic Code, embracing a Collection of Treaties and Conventions between the United States and Foreign Powers, 1778-1834. 2 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1834. Debates in Convention on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. 4 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1827-30. [Same.] (Vols. 1-4, 2d ed.) 5 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1866. Elliott (B. K. and W. F.). Work of the Advocate. Svo. Indianapolis, 1888. Treatise on the Law of Poads and Streets. Svo. Indian- apolis, 1890. Elliott (Georg-e). Newspaper Libel and Registration Act. Svo. London, 1884. 250 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBliAEY OF Elliott (William F.j. Supplement to the Indiana Eevised Statutes of 1881. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1889. Ellis (A. L. ). Trustees' Guide to Investments. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1880. Ellis (Charles). Law of Fire and Life Insurance. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 4.] [Same.] 2d Am. ed. Bv W. G. Shaw. 8vo. Burling- ton, 1854. Treatise on the Law of Debtor and Creditor. 8vo. London, 1822. Treatise on the Pleadings in Suits for Tithes in Equity. 8vo. London, 1821. Ellis (Charles T. ). Practical Kemarks, and Precedents of Proceedings in Parliament, relative to the applying for, and passing. Private Bills. 8vo. London, 1802. Ellis (Sir Henry). Introduction and Indexes to the Domes- day-Book. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1833. — See Record Commission. Ellis (Howard). Digest of The Reporter, vols. 1-17, and The American Law Times Reports, vols. 1-4. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1886. Ellis (T. F.). See Adolphus (J. L.). Ellis (T. F.), Best (W. M.) and Smith (G. J. P.). Reports. See Best and Smith's Reports, vol. 1. Ellis (T. F.) and Blackburn (C). Reports, Court of Queen's Bench, England, 1852-1858. 8 vols., 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1862-5. Ellis (T. F.% Blackburn (C.) and Ellis (F.). Reports, Court of Queen's Bench, England, 1858. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1866. Ellis (T. F.) and Ellis (F.). Reports, Court of Queen's Bench, England, 1858-1861. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1864-8. Ellis (William). "Where must we look for the further Preven- tion of Crime ? 8vo. London, 1857. Ellsworth (J. H.). Contested Election Cases in the U. S. House of Representatives, 1876-1880. 8vo. Washington, 1883. [Same.] 1880-1882. 8vo. Washington, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE HAIL 251 Elmer (Joseph). Practice in Lunacy under Commissions and Inquisitions. 6tli ed. 8vo. London, 1877. Elmer (Lvicius Q. C). Constitution and Government of New Jersey ; with Biographical Sketches of the Governors, and Keminiscences of the Bench and Bar. 8vo. Newark, 1872. 1855. Digest of New Jersey Laws. 8vo. Bridgeton, 1838. [Same.] 2d ed. By J. T. Nixon. 8vo. Philadelphia, [Same.] 3d ed. By J. T. Nixon. 8vo. Trenton, 1861. [Same.] Irth ed. By J. T. Nixon. 8vo. Newark, 1868. Elmes (James). Treatise on Architectural Jurisprudence ; in which the Constitutions, Canons, Laws and Customs re- lating to the Art of Building, are collected. 8vo. London, 1827. Treatise on Ecclesiastical and Civil Dilapidations, Re- instatements, Waste, etc. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1829 Elmes (Webster). Executive Departments of the United States at Washington. 8vo. Washington, 1879. Treatise on the Law of the Customs. 8vo. Boston, 1887. Elmliam (Thomas). Historia IVIonasterii S. Augustini. See Chronicles and JVEemorials of Great Britain, etc. Elphiiistone (Howard W.). Introduction to Convey- ancing. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1884. On Settlements of Personal Estate. 8vo. London, 1871. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. •!.] On the Borrowing Powers of Railway Companies. 8vo. London, 1866. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] On the Interpretation of Formal Documents. 8vo. London, 1867. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3. Elphiiistone (Howard W.), Norton (R. F.) and Clark (J. W.). Rules for the Interpretation of Deeds ; with a Glossary, 8vo. London, 1885. [Same.] With Notes and References to American Cases. By H. F. Stitzell. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. Elting (Irving). Dutch Village Communities on the Hudson River. 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. [J. II. U. Studies, vol. 4.] 252 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Elton (Charles I.), Custom and Tenant-Right. 12rao. London, 1882. Observations on the Bill for the Regulation and Im- provement of Commons. 12mo. London, 1876. — Tenures of Kent. Roy. 8vo. London, ISfiT. Treatise on Commons and Waste Lands. 8vo. London, 1868. Treatise on the Law of Copyholds and Customary Tenures of Land. 8vo. London, 1874. Elwell ( John J.). Treatise on Malpractice and Medical Evidence. 3d ed. 8vo. New York, 1871. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. New York, 1881. Ely (R. T.). Past and Present of Political Economv. 8vo. * Baltimore, 1884. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 2.] Recent American Socialism. 8vo. Baltimore, 1885. [J. H. IT. Studies, vol. 3.] Taxation in American States and Cities. 12mo. New York, 1888. Enideii (Alfred). Law relating to Building, Building Leases, and Building Contracts. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1885. Practice and Forms in "Winding-up Companies. 8vo. London, 1883. — [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1889. — Shareholders' Legal Guide. 12mo. London, 1884. Enierigon (Balthazard M.). Traite des Assurances et des Contrats a la Grosse. 2 vols., 4to. Marseille, 1783. Essay on Maritime Loans ; with Notes, etc. Bv John E. Hall. 8vo. Baltimore, 1811. Treatise on Insurances. Translated, with Notes, by Samuel Meredith. 8vo. London, 1850. Emerson (Thomas). Treatise on the Courts of Law of the City of London. 8vo. London, 1794. Emery (George F.), editor. Ware's U. S. District Court Reports, vol. 3. Emmet (Robert). Trial of, for High Treason. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1803. Emott (James). Remarks upon the Bill to provide for the Preparation of a Criminal Code and a Code of Criminal Procedure. 8vo. New York, 1880. [Pam., vol. 18.] THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 253 Encyclopaedia Americana. See Encyclopaedia Britannica, American Supplement. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Otli etl. '25 vols., rov. 8vo. Kew York, 1878-89. [Same.] American Supplement. 4 vols., roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888-9. Endeniann (Willielni). Das Deutsche Handelsrecht. 4. Aufi. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. Handbuch des Deutschen Ilandels-, See- und Wechsel- rechts. 4 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1881-5. Endle (John), editor. D'Aguilar on Courts Martial. Endlich (G. A.). Commentaries on the Interpretation of Statutes. 8vo. Jersey City, 1888. Law of Affidavits of Defence, in Pennsvlvania, 8vo. Jersey City, 1884. Law of Building Associations. 8vo. Jersey City, 1882. (editor). Woodward's Decisions. England. Reports : Honse of Lords. Shower. Colles. Brown, by Tomlins. Dow. Bligh. Bligh. New Series. Dow and Clark. Clark and Finnelly. Maclean and Robinson. West. House of Loi-ds Cases. (Clark.) Law Reports : English and Irish Appeal Cases. Law Reports : Appeal Cases. Privy Conncil. Acton. Prize Causes. Knapp. Moore. Moore. New Series. Moore. The Gorham Case. Law Reports: Privy Council Ap- ]ieals. Law Reports : Ajjpeal Cases. 1694-1699. 1 vol. 1697-1714. 1vol. 1702-1800. 8 vols. 1812-1818. 6 vols. 1819-1821. 4 vols. 1827-1837. 11 vols. 1827-1832. 2 vols. 1831-1846. 12 vols. 1839. 1 voL 1839-1841. 1 vol. 1847-1866. 11 vols.. 1S65-1875. 7 vols. 1876-1890. 15 vols. 1811-1812. 2 vols. 1831-1836. 3 vols. 1836-1861. 15 vols. 1862-1873. 9 vols. 1850. 1 vol. 1865-1875. 6 vols. 1875-1890. 15 vols. 254 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF England. Reports : Privy Council : East Indian Appeals. Moore. Indian Appeals. 1836-1872. 14 vols. Law Reports : Supplemental Indian Appeals. 1872-1873. 1 vol. Law Reports : Indian Appeals. 1873-1890. 17 vols. Chancery. Carv. 1557-1604. 1 vol. Cliovce Cases in Chancer v. 1557-1606. 1 vol. Tothill. 1559-1 6i6. 1 vol. Dickens. 1559-1797. 2 vols. Reports in Chancery. 1625-1710. 1 vol. Kelson. 1625-1693. 1 vol. Cases in Chancery. 1660-1697. 1 vol. Freeman. 1660-1706. 1 vol. Equity Cases Abridged. 1667-174-4. 3 vols. Cases temp. Finch. 1673-1680. 1 vol. Vernon. 1680-1719. 2 vols. Precedents in Chancery. (Finch.) 1689-1722. 1 vol. Peere Williams. 1695-1735. 3 vols. Gilbert. 1705-1726. 1 vol. Select Cases temp. King. 1724-1733. 1 vol. Mosely. 1726-1730. 1 vol. Kelynge, W. 1730-1732. 1 vol. Cases temp. Talbot. 1730-1737. 1 vol. West. 1736-1739. 1 vol. Atkyns. 1736-1754. 3 vols. Ambler. 1737-1783. 2 vols. Barnardiston. 1740-1741. 1 vol. Ridgeway, temp. Hardwicke. 1744-1745. 1 vol. Yesey, Sen., and Belt's Supplement. 1746-1756. 3 vols. Eden. 1757-1766. 2 vols. Brown. 1778-1794. 4 vols. Cox. 1783-1796. 2 vols. Yesey, Jun., and Hovenden's Sup- plement. 1789-1817. 22 vols. Yesey and Beames. 1812-1814. 3 vols. Cooper (G.), temp. Eldon. 1815. 1 vol. Merivale. 1815-1817. 3 vols. Swanston. 1818-1819. 3 vols. Jacob and Walker. 1819-1822. 2 vols. Jacob. 1820-1822. 1 vol. Turner and Russell. 1822-1824. 1 vol. Russell. 1823-1829. 5 vols. Russell and Mylne. 1829-1833. 2 vols. Mylne and Keen. 1832-1835. 3 vols. Mylne and Craig. 1835-1840. 5 vols. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 255 England. Reports : Chancery. — Gontimied. Craig and Phillips. 1839-1841. Phillips. 1841-1849. Macnaghten and Gordon. 1848-1852. De Gex, Macnaghten and Gordon. 1851-1857. De Gex and Jones. 1857-1859. De Gex, Fisher and Jones. 1859-1862. De Gex, Jones and Smith. 1862-1865. Law Reports : Cliancery Appeal Cases. 1865-1875. Law Reports: Chancery Division. 1875-1890. Chancery. Collateral Rorailly's Notes of Cases. Wilson. Cooper, temp. Brougham. Donnelly. Cooper's Practice Cases. Cooper, temp. Cottenham. Hall and T wells. Equity Reports. Rolls Conrt. Tamlyn. Keen. Beavan. Law Reports : Equity Cases. Law Reports : Chancery Division. Jessel's Decisions. (Peter.) Reports. 1767-1787. 1818-1819. 1833-1834. 1836-1837. 1837-1838. 1846-1848. 1849-1850. 1853-1855. 1829-1830. 1836-1838. 1838-1866. 1865-1875. 1875-1890. 1873-1883. 1 vol. 2 vols. 3 vols. 8 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 4 vols. 10 vols. 45 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 36 vols. 20 vols. 45 vols. 1 vol: Vice-Chancellor's Court. Maddock. Simons and Stuart. Simons. Simons. New Series. Drewry. Drewry and Smale. Younge and Collyer. Coll_yer. De Gex and Smale. Smale and Giflfard. Giffard. Hare. Kay. Kay and Johnson. Johnson. Johnson and Hemming. Hemmine: and Miller. temp. Vice-Chan- cellors Plurner, Leach, Hart, Shadwell, Cran- worth, Kinders- ley and Knight Bruce. temp. Vice-Chan- j cellors Knight j Bruce, Parker' and Stuart. r temp. Vice- I Chancellors J Wigram, Tur- ] ner and Wood. | I I 1815- 1822- 1826- 1850- 1852- 1859- 1841- 1844- 1846- 1852- 1857- 1841- 1853- 1854- 1858- 1859- 1862- -1822. -1826. ■1852. ■1852. ■1859. •1865. 1843. 1846. 1852. 1857. 1865. 1853. 1854. 1858. 1860. 1862. 1865. 6 vols. 2 vols. 17 vols. vols, vols, vols, vols, vols, vols. 3 vols. 5 vols. 11 vols. vol. vols. vol. vols. vols. 256 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF England. Reports : Vice-Clianeellor's Coiu*t. — Cont. Law Reports : Equity Cases. 1865-1875. 20 vols. Law Reports : Chancery Division. 1875-1890. 45 vols. Vice-Chancellor's Coiu't. Collateral Re- ports. Holt. 1845. 2 vols. King's Bench and Queen's Bench. Placita Anglo Normannicu. 1066-1195. 1 vol. Rotuli Curife Regis. 1194-1199. 2 vols. Howell's State Tria^ Is. 1163-1820. 34 vols. Year Books. 1307-1537. 11 vols. Year Books. 20-21. 21- -22, 30-31. 32-33 and 33-35, Ed ward I. 1 292-1307. 5 vols. Year Books, 11-12, 12- -13, 13-14, Edward III. 1337-1340. 3 vols. Bellewe. 1378-140U. 1 vol. Keihva\\ 1496-1531. 1 vol. Moore. 1512-1621. 1 vol. Dyer. 1513-1582. 3 vols. Brooke's New Cases. ) March's translation of Brooke, f 1515-1558. 1 vol. Benloe. 1531-1628. 1 vol. Leonard. 1540-1615. 1 vol. Plowden. 1550-1580. 2 vols. Owen. 1556-1615. 1 vol. Nov. 1559-1649. 1 vol. Coke. 1572-1616. 6 vols. God bolt. 1575-1638. 1 vol. Croke. 1582-1641. 4 vols. Gouldsborough. 1586-1602. 1 vol. Popham. 1592-1627. 1 vol. Yelverton. 1603-1613. 1 vol. Hobart. 1603-1625. 1 vol. Davies. (Ireland.) 1604-.1612. 1 vol. Ley. 1608-1629. 1 vol. Calthrop. 1609-161 f<. 1 vol. Bulstrode. 1609-1639. 1 vol. Rolle. 1614-1625. 2 vols. Palmer. 1619-1629. 1 vol. Jones (Sir "Wm.V 1620-1641. 1 vol. Latch. 1625-1628. 1 vol. March's Xew Cases. 1639-1653. 1 vol. Style. 1645-1646. 1 vol. Aleyn. 1646-1649. 1 vol. Siderfin. 1657-1670. 2 vols. Raymond (Sir Thos -)• 1660-1684. 1 vol. Levinz. 1660-1697. 3 vols. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE liAR. 257 England. Keports : King's Bench and Qneen' Bench. — Continued. Keble. lHt)l-16T9. 3 vols. Kelj^ng (John). 1662-1669. 1 vol. Saunders. 1666-1673. 3 vols. Jones (Sir Thos.). 1667-1685. 1 vol. Yentris. 1668-1691. 1 vol. PoUexfen. 1669-1685. 1 vol. Modern. 1669-1732. 12 vols. Freeman. 1670-1704. 1 vol. Shower. 1678-1695. 2 vols. Skinner. 1681-1698. 1 vol. Comber bach. 1685-1699. 1 vol. Carthew. 1686-1701. 1 vol. Holt. 1688-1711. 1 vol. Salkeld. 1689-1712. 3 vols. Raymond (Lord). 1694-1734. 3 vols. Fortescue. 1695-1738. 1 vol. Comyns. 1695-1741. 2 vols. Sessions Cases. 1710-1748. 2 vols. Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity. 1713-1715. 1 vol. Strange. 1716-1749. 2 vols. Barnard iston. 1726-1735. 2 vols. Fitzg-ibbon. 1728-1733. 1 vol. Kelynge (Wm.). 1731-1736. 1 vol. Barnes' Cases of Practice. 1732-1760. 1 vol. liidgeway, temp. Hardwicke. 1733-1737. 1 vol. Lee, temp. Hardwicke. 1733-1738. 1 vol. Cunningham. 1734-1736. 1 vol. Andrews. 1738-1740. 1 vol. Wilson. 1742-1774. 3 vols. Blackstone (Sir Wm.). 1746-1780. 2 vols. Sayer. 1751-1756. 1 vol. Kenyon. 1753-1760. 2 vols. Wilmot's Notes and Oj)inions. 1757-1770. 1 vol. Burrow. 1757-1771. 5 vols. Lofft. • 1772-1774. 1vol. Cowper. 1774-1778. 2 vols. Douglas. 1778-1785. 4 vols. Term Reports. (Durnford and East.) 1785-1800. 8 vols. East. 1800-1812. 16 vols. Maule and Selwyn. 1813-1819. 6 vols. Barnewall and Alderson. 1817-1822. 5 vols. Barnewall and Cresswell. 1822-1830. 10 vols. Barnewall and Adolphus. 1830-1834. 5 vols. Adolphus and Ellis. 1834-1841. 12 vols. Queen's Bench. (Adolphus Ellis. N. S.) and 1841-1852. 18 vols. 17 258 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF England. Reports : King's Bench and Queen'j: Bench. — Contuiued. Ellis and Blackburn. 1852-1858. 8 vols. Ellis, Blackburn and Ellis. 1858. 1 vol. Ellis and Ellis. 1858-1861. 3 vols. Best and Smith. 1861-1869. 10 vols. Law Reports : Queen's Bench. 1865-1875. 10 vols. Law Reports : Queen's Bench Di- vision. 1875-1890. 25 vols. Tk'i-i^rr'c! "Rfkii^li •;*ii<1 f ^neen's Bench. Col- -1.^X11.^ ^ iJK^Jl.v 11 rtll^l V lateral Reports. Dunning. 1753-1 75L 1 vol. Smith (J. P.). 1803-1806. 3 vols. Dowling and Ryland. 1822-1827. 9 vols. Manning and Ryland. 1827-1830. 5 vols. Xevile and Manning. 1832-1836. 6 vols. ISTevile and Perrv. 1836-1838. 3 vols. Perry and Davison. 1838-1841. 4 vols. Gale and Davison. 1841-1843. 3 vols. Davison and Merivale. 1843-1844. 1 vol. Harrison and Wollaston. 1835-1836. 2 vols. AVillmore. AVoUaston and Davison. 1837. 1 vol. AVillmore, AVollaston and Hodges. 1838-1839. 2 vols. Wollaston. 1840-1841. 1 vol. Arnold and Hodges. 184(>-1841. 1 vol. Cababe and Ellis. 1882-1885. 1 vol. ^rkiiiiiirtii T*1o'i'^ Benloe. ) Dalison. f \ 1532-1579. 1 1 vol. \ 1546-1574. \' Anderson. 1534-1604. 2 vols, in 1, Brownlow and Goldesborou^'h. 1569-1624. 2 vols, in 1 Savile. 1580-1594. 1 vol. Hutton. 1612-1638. 1 vol. Bridgman (Sir J.). 1613-1621. 1 vol. AVinch. 1621-1625. 1 A'oi. Littleton. 1626-1632. 1 vol. Hetley. 1627-1631. 1 vol. Bridgman (Sir Orlando). 1660-1667. 1 vol. Carter. 1664-1675. 1 vol. Yaughan. 1665-1674. 1 vol. Lutwyche. 1683-1704. 2 vols. Practical Register. 1705-1742. 1 vol. Cooke. 1706-1747. 1 vol. Barnes' Notes. 1732-1760. 1 vol. Wilson. 1753-1774. 3 vols. Willes. 1737-1758. 1 vol. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 259 England. Keports : Common Pleas. — ContinueJ. Blackstone (Henr}'). 1788-1796. Bosanquet and Puller. 1796-1804. Bosanquet and Puller. Xew Re- ports. 1804-1807. Taunton. 1807-1819. Broderip and Bingham. 1819-1822. Bingham. 1822-1834. Bingham. Ne\v Cases. 1834-1840. Manning and Granger. 1840-1845. Common Bench. 1845-1856. Common Bench. New Series, 1856-1865. Law Reports : Common Pleas. 1865-1875. Law Reports : Common Pleas vision. [Merged, after vol. 5, in the Common Pleas. Marshall. Moore. Moore and Payne. Moore and Scott. Scott. Scott. New Reports. Hodges. Arnold. Drinkwater. Harrison and Rutherfurd. Excheciuer. Di- 1875-1880. Queen's Bench Div Collateral Reports 1813-1816. 1817-1827. 1828-1831. 1831-1834. 1834-1840. 1840-1845. 1835-1837. 1838-1839. 1840-1841. 1865-1866. 1 vol. 3 vols. 2 vols. 8 vols. 3 vols. 10 vols. 6 vols. 7 vols. 18 vols. 19 vols. 10 vols. 5 vols, ision.] 2 vols. 12 vols. 5 vols. 4 vols. 8 vols. 8 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. Jenkins. Lane. Hard res. Bunbury. Parker. Anstruther. Forrest. Wightwick. Price. M'Cleland. M'Cleland and Younge. Younge and Jervis. Crompton and Jervis. Crompton and Meeson. Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe. Meeson and Welsby. Exchequer Reports. (Welsby, Hur] stone and Gordon.) 1220- 1605- 165.5- 1713- 1743- 1792- 1800- 1810- 1815- 1824- 1826- 1830- 1832- 1834- 1836- -1623. -1612. -1669. -1741. -1767. -1797. 1801. 1811. -1824. 1824. 1825. 1830. 1832. 1834. 1835. 1847. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 3 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 13 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 3 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 16 vols. 1S49-1S56. 11 vols. 2(5(1 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Eiiglaiid. —Co7itmued. 1856-1862. 7 vols. 1862-1866. 4 vols. 1865-1875. 10 vols. 1875-1880. 5 vols. [Merged, after vol. 5, in the Queen's Bench Division.] Reports : Exchequer. Ilurlstone and Xorman. Ilurlstone and Coltman. Law lieports : Exchequer. Law Reports : Exchequer Division Exchequer. Collateral Reports. Price's Xotes of Points of Practice. 1830-1831. Tvrwhitt. 1830-1835. TVrwhitt and Granger. 1835-1836. Gale. 1835-1836. Murphy and Hurlstone. ls37. Horn and Hurlstone. 1838-1839. Hurlstone and Walmslev. 1840-1841. Exchequer. Wilson. Daniell. Younge. Younge and Oollyer. Aduiiralty. Equity Side. 1805- 1817- 1830- 1834 Marsden. 1648- Pratt's Cases. Contraband of AVar. 1740- Marriott. 1776- Robinson (Sir C). 1798- Edwards. ' 1808- Dodson. 1811- Haggard. 1822- Robinson (Dr. W.). 1838- Spinks. 1853- Spinks. Prize Cases. 1854- Swabey. 1855- Lushington. 1859- Browning and Lushington. 1863- Xotes of Cases. 1841- Maritinie Cases. (Crockford.) 1860- Maritime Cases. K S. (Aspinall.) 1870- Holt. Cases on Rule of the Road. 1863- Law Reports : Admiralty and Eccle- siastical. 1865- Law Reports : Probate Division. 1875- Arbitratiou Cases. Albert Arbitration. (Reilly.) 1871-1873. European Assurance Arbitration. (Marrack.) 1872-1874. European Arbitration. (Reilly.) 1872. 1817. -1820. 1832. -1842. LS40. 1750. -1779. -1808. 1812. -1822. ■1838. 4852. 4855. 4856. 1859. 4862. 4865. 4850. 4871. -1890. 4867. -1875. 4890. 1 vol. 5 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 4 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 6 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 3 vols. 3 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 7 vols. 3 vols. 6 vols. 1 vol. 4 vols. 15 vols. I vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 261 Eiiglaiid. Reports : Bankruptcy. Eose. Buck. GJyn and Jameson. Montagu and Macarthur. Montagu. Montagu and Bligh. Deacon and Chitty. Montagu and Ayrton. Deacon. Montagu and Chitty. Montagu, Deacon and De Gex. De Gex. Fonblanque. De Gex, Macnaghten and Gordon. De Gex and Jones. De Gex, Fisher and Jones. De Gex, Jones and Smith. Law Reports : Chancery Appeal Cases. Law Reports : Equity Cases. Law Reports : Chancery Division. 1875-1884. V<^ls. 1-27. Law Reports : Queen's Bench Di- vision. 1884-1890. Yols. 12-25. Bankruptcy. Collateral Reports. 1810-1816. 2 vols. 1810-1820. 1 vol. 1819-1828. 2 vols. 1826-1830. 1 vol. 1829-1832. 1 vol. 1832-1833. 1 vol. 1832-1835. 4 vols. 1833-1838. 3 vols. 1835-1840. 4 vols. 1838-1840. 1 vol. 1840-1844. 3 vols. 1844-1848. 1 vol. 1849-1852. 1 vol. 1851-1855. 1 vol. 1857-1859. 1 vol. 1859-1861. 1vol. 1862-1865. 1 vol. 1865-1875. 10 vols. 1865-1875. 20 vols. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Re- ports. " ^ 1853-1855. 2 vols. Gazette of Bankruptcv. 1862-1863. 4 vols. Morrell. ^ 1884-1891. 8 vols. Companies' Acts, Under the. Megone. 1888-1890. 2 vols. County Courts Cases. Cox, Macrae and Hertslet. 1847-1852. 1 vol. Saunders and Macrae. 1852-1857. 2 vols. Austin. 1867-1869. 1 vol. De Colyar. 1867-1882. 1 vol. County Courts Reports. 1860-1888. 18 vols. Crown Cases. Kelyng (Sir J.). 1662-1669. 1 vol. Foster. 1743-1761. 1 vol. Leach. 1730-1814. 2 vols. Russell and Ryan. 1800-1823. 1 vol. Lewin. 1822-1838. 2 vols. Moody. 1824-1844. 2 vols. 262 rA 7\ iLOa UE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF England. Reports: CroAYii C ases. — Cont'in ued Denison. 18-y-lS52. 2 vols. Dearsly. 1S52-1S56. 1 vol. Deai-slv ami Bell. 1S56-1S5S. 1 vol. Bell. 1858-1860. 1 vol. Leigh and Cave. 1861-1865. 1 vol. Temple and Mew. 1848-1851. 1 vol. Cox's Criminal Cases. J 813-1890. 17 vols. Law Eeports : Crown Cases Re- served. 1S65-1875. 2 vols. Law Reports : Queen's Bench Di- vision. 1875-189(1. 25 vols. ~I^#^^>1 ^^t:j-i «-» t?4--i r»<^l Lee. 1752-1758. 2 vols. Haggard. Consistory. 1752-1821. 2 vols. Phillimore. 1809-1821. 3 vols. Addams. 1822-1826. 3 vols. Haggard. 1827-1833. 4 vols. Curteis. 1831-1844. 3 vols. Xotes of Cases. 1841-1850. 7 vols. Robertson. 1844-1853. 2 vols. Spinks. 1853-1855. 2 vols. Deane and Swabey. 1855-1857. 1 vol. Stillingfleet. 1702-1704. 2 vols. Brodrick and Freemantle. 1840-1865. 1 vol. Cripps. Church and Clergy Cases. 1847-1850. 1 vol. Brooke. 1850-1872. 1 vol. Dale. 1871. 1 vol. Phillimore. Ecclesiastical Judg- ments. 1S67-1875. 1 vol. Hale. Precedents in Crimi nal Causes. 1475-1640. 1 vol. Law Reports : Admiralty and Ec- clesiastical. 1865-1875. 4 vols. Law Reports : Probate Division i. 1875-1890. 15 vols. \^'\ ^^^^-4--. ^^-a-fe # 'ncirf^.-' EiUfCllUll \^t Cases of Settlement. 1685-1733. 1 vol. Sessions Cases. 1710-1747. 2 vols. Burrow. 1732-1776. 1 vol. Caldecott. 1776-1785. 1 vol. ^-i-n-i« tf^l-k ^57. Enquiry into the Force and Operation of the Annulling Clauses in the Act to prevent Clandestine Marriages. [By Henry Stebbing.] Svo. London, 1754. [Pam., vol. 46.] Ensor (George). Defects of the English Laws and Tribunals. Svo. London, 1812. Entscheidungen des Koniglichen Oberverwaltungs- geriehts. 1\) vols., ^vo. Berlin, 1877-90. Ilaupt-Register. Svo. Berlin, 1S87. Entscheidungen des Reichs-Oberhandelsgerichts, herausgegeben von den Rathen des Gerichtshofes. Bd. 1-8. 2. Aufl. 25 vols., Svo. Erlangen und Stuttgart, 1873-80. General-Reofister. 4 vols.. Svo. Stuttsfart. 1874-80. Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Civilsachen. 20 vols.. Svo. Leipzig. L^su-yn. General- Register zu Band 1-10 von Gustav Eels ; von 11-20 von F. A'on Specht. 2 vols.. Svo. Leipzig, 1885-9. Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen. 20 vols., Svo. Leipzig. lSSO-90. General-Register zu Band 1-20. 2 vols., Svo. Leipzig, 1SS5-0O. Equitable Life Assurance Society. Catalogue of the Law Library. Svo. New York, ISSO. Equity Cases Abridged. General Abridgment of Cases in Equity, argued and determined in the High Court of Chan- cery, etc., England, 16* 17-1 730. Folio. London. 1732. [Same.] 1067-1744. Vol. 1, 5th ed. Vol. 2. 2d ed. 2 vols., folio. London, 1769-93. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 271 Equity Draftsman. By F. M. Yan Ileythuysen. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. New York, 1819. [Same.] Revised by Edward Hughes. 3d Am. ed. 8vo. New York, 1842. [Same.] 4th Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861. Equity Reports. English, 1853-1855. 3 vols, in 4. 8vo. London, 1854-5. Erben (Henry), et al. Case of. 8vo. New York, 1863. [Para., vol. 22.] Erck (John C). Irish Ecclesiastical Register ; with Appen- dix containing Cases of Quare impetlit. 8vo. Dublin, 1830. Erhardt (Joel B.), et al. Police Commissioners of the City of I^ew York. Trial of, before the IVIayor. Svo. ]S"ew York, 1877. Erichsen (John E.). On Concussion of the Spine, I^ervous Shock, etc. 8vo. London, 1875. Erie Railway Co. (The). Laws of the States of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, specially relating to. Svo. New York, 1863. The People, et al., vs. the Erie R.R. Co. Report of Jas. C. Spencer, referee. 8vo. New York, 1879. Erie (T. W.). Complete Juries Bill. 8vo. London, 1874. Jury Laws. 8vo. London, 1882. Erie (Sir William). Law relating to Trade Unions. Svo. London, 1869. Ermatinger (C. O.). Canadian Franchise and Election Laws. Svo. Toronto, 1886. Erne (Earl of) vs. Porter (J. G. V.). Action for Libel. Svo. Dublin, 1859. Ernst (W.). Treatise of IVIarriage and Divorce. Svo. Lon- don, 1879. Errant (Joseph W.). Law relating to IMercantile Agencies. Svo. Philadelphia, 1889. [Law Student's IVIonthly, vol. 1.] Erskine (John). Institute of the Law of Scotland. New ed. By J. B. Nicolson. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1871. Principles of the Law of Scotland. In the order of Sir George IVIackenzie's Institutions of that Law. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Edinburgh, 1754. 272 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Erskine ( Joliu). Principles of the Law of Scotland. In the order of Sir Ueorge Mackenzie's Institutions of that Law. 11th ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S20. [Same.] With extracts from the Lectures of Geo. Moir. [Bv ]S'orman Macphei*son.] 16th ed. Svo. Edinburgh, 18S1. Erskine ( Thomas), Lord. Speeches. Edited by J. L. High. 4 vols.. Svo. Chicago, 1876. Esclibaeli (L. P. A.). Introduction Generale a I'fitude du Droit. Contenant outre TEncyclopedie Juridique : 1. Un traite elementaire de Droit International. 2. Des institu- tiones litterarite de Droit ancien et moderne. 3. L^n re- sume des legislations Egyptienne, Ilebraique, Hellenique et Hindoue. 3^ ed. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Escriohe ( Joaquin i. Diccionario Razonado de Legislacion y Jurisprudencia. ]Sueva edicion por Jose Yicente y Cara- vantes v Leon Galindo v De Yera. 4 vols., ito. Madrid, 1874-6."^ [Same.] Su])lemento, por Juan M. Biec y Jose \ . Cara- vantes. 4to. Madrid. 1851. Espinasse (Isaac). Digest of the Law of Actions and Trials at Xisi Prius. 3d Am. ed. 2 vols.. 8vo. Walpole, 1808. [Same.] From the 3d London ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Kew York. 1811. Xisi Prius Reports, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. England, 1793-1807. 6 vols.. 8vo. London, 1796- 1811. [Same.] Am. ed. 5 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1805-8. Treatise on the Law of Actions on Penal Statutes. 8vo. Exeter, 1822. Treatise on the Settling of Evidence for Trials at Nisi Prius. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822. Esquirol (J. E. D. ). Observations on the Illusions of the Insane, and on the Medico-legal Question of their Confine- ment. Translated from the French bv AVm. Liddell. 8vo. London, 1833. Estee (Charles F.). Excise Tax Law. 8v(x Xew York. Ls63. Estee (Morris 31.). Code Practice, Pleading and Forms. 3 vols., 8vo. San Francisco. 1><70. [Same.] 2d ed. Bv John Ilavnes. 3 vols., Svo. San Francisco, 1878-9. THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAR. 273 Estee (Morris M.), Code Practice, Tleading and Forms. 3d ed. By C. P. Pomeroy. 3 vols., 8vo. San Francisco, 1885. Ettiiig' (Theodore M.). Admiralty Jurisdiction in America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. Euer (Stiinsoii). Doctrina Placitandi ; or, The Art and Science of Pleading. 4to. London, 1771. [Same.] Svo. Dublin, 1791. Eulogiuiii Historiarvim sive Teiiiporis. See Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain, etc. Eunoniiis ; or, Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England. By Ed. Wynne. 2d ed. 4 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1785. [Same. 1 3d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1791. [Same.] 5th ed. With Bythewood's Course of Reading for Law Students. 2 vols., 12rao. London, 1822. European Assurance Arbitration. Acts, 1872, 1873, 1875. Folio. London. Award and Appendix. Folio. London, 1879. Minutes of Proceeding before the Arbitrator. 4 vols., folio. London, 1872-8. Minutes of Proceedings on Appeal. - Folio. London, 1875-9. Lord Westbury's Decisions. (Reilly.) 1873. AVestbury and Romilly's Decisions. (Marrack.) 1875. Evans (Frank). Practice of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. 8vo. London, 1881, [See Crump's Judicature Practice, part 1.] Evans ( Hugh D.). Maryland Common Law Practice. 8vo. Baltimore, 1839. Pleading in Civil Actions. 2d ed. By W. Miller. 8vo. Chicago, 1879. (editor). Harris' Modern Entries. Evans (James C). Digest of Laws relating to Bribery and Treating at Elections. 12mo. London, 1847. Evans (John) vs. Yarnall (Ellis) and others. Report of the Case of Trespass and Assault and Battery. Including a discussion respecting the discipline of the Religious Society of Friends. Reported bv Joseph R. Hopkins. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1810. 18 274 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Evans (Patrick F.). Solicitors' Remuneration Act. Svo. London, 1883. Evans (R. W. ). Trial of, for the Murder of Louis Reese. 8vo. AVilkes-Barre, 1853. [Para. Tr., vol. 9.] Evans (William ). Treatise upon the Law of Principal and Ao:ent in Contract and Tort. Am. ed. Svo. Chicag'o, 1879. [Same.] Am. ed. By M. I). Ewell. Svo. Chicago, 1879. [Same.] Am. ed. ^\ J. C. Bedford. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. Evans (William D.). Collection of Statutes. 3d ed. By A. Hammond and T. C. Granger. 10 vols., 8vo. London, 183C. Essays on the Action for Money had and received ; on the Law of Insurances ; and of Bills of Exchange and Promis- sory Xotes. Svo. Xewbern, 1802. General Yiew of the Decisions of Lord Mansfield in Civil Causes. 2 vols., 4to. Liverpool, 18o3. (editor), Pothier on Obligations. Evarts (William >!.). Argument in the Hoyt Will Case. 8vo. Xew York, 1885. [Pam., vol. 46.] Eulogv on Chief Justice Chase. 8vo. Hanover, 1874. [Para., vol. 17.] Evats (William), translator. Grotius' Rights of AVar and Peace. Folio. London, 1682. Everest (Lancelot F.). Defence of Insanity in Criminal Cases. 8vo. London, 1887. Everest (Lancelot F.) and Strode (E. i. Law of Estoppel. Svo. London, 1884. Eversley (William P.). Law of the Domestic Relations. Ro3\ Svo. London, 1885. E\valcl (Alex. C). Our Public Records : A Brief Hand-book to the Xational Archives. Svo. London, 1873. Ewart ('John S.). Index of Canada Statutes. 2d ed. Svo. Toronto, 1874. [Same.] 1S74-1878. Svo. Toronto, 1S7S. — Reports, Court of Queen's Bench, Manitoba, 1SS3-1890. 7 vols., Svo. Winnipeg, 1884-91. — (editor). Manitoba Law Journal. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 275 Ewell (Marshall D.). Essentials of the Law. A Eeview of Biackstone's Commentaries for the use of Students. 12mo. Boston, 1882. [Same.] Comprising the essential parts of Stephen on Pleading ; Smith on Contracts ; Adams' Equity. 12mo. Boston, 1883. • [Same.] Comprising the essential parts of Pollock on Torts ; Williams on Real Property ; and Best on Evidence. 12mo. Boston, 188S. Leading and Select Cases on the Disabilities incident to Infancy, Coverture, Idiocy, etc.; with Notes. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1876. Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. 12mo. Boston, 1887. Treatise on the Law of Fixtures. 8vo, Chicago, 1876. (editor). Evans' Law of Principal and Agent. Washburn's Manual of Criminal Law. Ewell (Marshall D.) and Hamilton (A.). Digested Index of the Minnesota Reports. 12mo. Chicago, 1881. Ewiiig" (James). Treatise on the Office of Justice of the Peace, Sheriff, Coroner, Constable, etc. 4th ed. 8vo. New York, 1818. Examiner (The). Ito. New York, 1816. Exchequer Cases. Reports of Cases in the Court of Ex- chequer, Scotland, on Inventory, Legacy and Admission Duties, 1840-1850. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841-56. Exchequer Reports, England. By W. N. Welsby, E. T. Hurlstone and J. Gordon, 1849-1856. 11 vols., 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1852-63. Extraterritoriality. The Judicial Exercise of Extraterri- torial Rights conferred upon the United States. Letter, etc., from Fredk. T. Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State. Roy. 8vo. Washington, 1882. Eyre (E. J.), Governor of Jamaica. Trial of, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Reported by W. F. Finlason. 8vo. London, 1868. 276 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF F. Fabre (Jules). Des Courtiei-s. -2 vols., Svo. Paris. 1883. [Bibliotheque Juridique Contemporaine, vols. 3. 4.] Fabrieius ( FercliiianclV Indices to Huschke's Jurispru- dentice Antejustinianfe. Faculty of Advocates. Reports of Decisions, Court of Ses- sion. Scotland. 1752-1 SOS. 11 vols., folio. Edinburgh. lTGO-1800. — Decisions of the Fii*st and Second Divisions, Court of Session. Scotland. 1S0S-1S25. 2d ed. 7 vols., folio. Edin- burgh. 1S15-2S. Reports of Decisions. Court of Session, Scotland, 1825- isil. 17 vols., Svo. Edinburgh. 1826-41. Faculty of Advocates — Library. Catalogue, with Supple- ment. 7 vols.. 4to. Edinburgh, 1867-79. Fair (Laiu*a D. i. Trial of. for the Murder of A. P. Critten- den. "-VO. San Francisco. 1871. Fairbairu i Patrick i, D.D. Revelation of Law in Scripture. Svo. Xew York, 1869. Fairbanks i Jason i. Trial of. for Murder. Svo. Boston, 1801. [Same.] 3d etl. svo. Boston, 1801. Fairbanks iL. S. i. Laws of Massachusetts relating to Mar- riajje and Divorce. 12nio. Boston, lss2. Fairchild (Rev. Joy H.i. Iniquity Unfolded, bv Fairchild. Svo. Exeter, 1814. Correspondence between Rev. N. Achims and Fairchild; with Xotes. Svo. Boston. 1846. Trial of. before an Ecclesiastical Council at Exeter, for Seduction. Reported by W. B. English. Svo. Boston, 1844. Trial of. before the Municipal Court of Boston, for Adulterv. Reported bv J. E. P. Weeks. Svo. Boston, 1845. [Same.] Mail ed. Svo. Boston. 1845. Truth Revealed ; Statement and Review, bv a Member of the Suffolk Bar, Svo. Boston. 1845. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 277 Fairfield (Joliii), reporter. Maine Keports, vols. 10-12. Fairmaii (diaries G.). General Insurance Statutes of the State of ISTew York. Svo. Albany, editions of 1883, 1886, 1888. Falck (N.). Juristische Encyklopadie ; audi zum Gebrauche bei Akademischen Yorlesungen. 5. Aufl. Svo. Leipzig, 1851. Falconer (David). Reports, Court of Session, Scotland, 1681-1686. 2 vols., folio. Edinburgh, 1746-53. (editor). Gilmour and Falconer's Scotch Decisions. Falconer (Thomas). On Probate Courts. 8vo. London, 1850. Falconer (Thomas) and Fitzherbert (E. H.). Englisli» Election Cases, 1835-1839. Svo. London, 1839. Falkmann (A.). Das Staatsrecht des Fiirstenthums Lippe. Svo. Freiburg, 1884, [See Marquardsen (H.).] Fall (Charles G.). Employers' Liability for Personal Inju- ries to tlieir Employees. Svo. Boston, 1883. Famons Cases on Circnmstantial Evidence. By S. M. Phillips. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1873-S. Fane (C). Bankruptcy Reform ; in Letters to Wm. Hawes. Svo. London, 1S4S. [Pam., vol. 38.] [Same.] In Letters to Sir Robert Peel. Svo. London, 1838. [Pam., vol. 47.] Ministry of Justice ; its Necessity as an Instrument of Law Reform. Svo. London, 1848. [Pam., vol. 47.] Fanning- (Thomas). Trial of, for Bigamy. Svo. Dublin, 1860. Fanton (Aristide). Tables of Roman LaAv. Translated and Edited by C. W. Law. 4to. London, 1869. Faraone (Luciano). II Cod ice di Procedura Civile Italiano Annotato. Svo. Napoli, 1SS2. Farley (Edward). Imprisonment for Debt Unconstitutional and Oppressive, proved from the fundamental principles of the British Constitution, and the Rights of Nature. Svo. London, 178S. Farmer (Daniel D.). Trial of, for Murder. Reported by A. Rogers and II. B. Chase. Svo. Concord, 1821. 21 S CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Fariifield (William H.i. Law of Pilotage on the Eiver Thames. 12iuo. London, 1874. Fariiliani (Robert), pubhsher. Opinions of the Attorneys- General of the L". S. Fan* ( Samuel ). Elements of Medical Jurisprudence. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1814. [Same.] In Cooper's Tracts on Medical Jurisprudence. Farrar ( Timothy i. Manual of the Constitution of the Limited States. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Farreii ( George i. Forms and Eules for Drawing and An- swering an Original Bill in Chancerv. 12mo. Boston, 1845. [Same.] Am. ed. By B. Stone. With Appendix con- taining the Law of Evidence in Equity Cases. By J. J. McKinnon. 8vo. Chicago, 1866. Treatise on Life Assurance. 8vo. London. 1823. Farreii ( George, Jr. i. Hand-book to the Chancery Judges' Opinions of the Peculiarities and Faults of the Various Decisions and Reports. 8vo. London. 1839. Fai*i'er (J. A. >. Crimes and Punishments ; including a Xew Translation of Beccaria's " Dei delitti e delle pene." 8vo. London. 1880. FaiTesley (Thomas), rejwrter. Modern Reports, vol. 7. Farwell (George). Treatise on Powers. 8vo, London, 1874. Faiire (R. Van Boiieval >. Het Burgerlijk Wetboek*. Hand- leiding bij het College. 2. Druk. 2 vols.. 8vo. Leiden, 1883. Favard de Langlade ( G. J. i, Baron. Conference du Code Civil ; avec la discussion particuliere du Conseil d'Etat et du Tribunat avant la redaction definitive de chaque projet. Par I'n jurisconsulte qui a concouru a la confection du Code. [Anon.] 6 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1805. Faiiveett (John H. ). Treatise on the Court of Referees in Parliament : with Reports of Cases. With a Chapter by R. D. M. Littler. 8vo. London, 1866. Faweett ('William M. >. Compendium of the Law of Land- lord and Tenant. 8vo. London, 1871. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 279 Fay (Joseph D.). Digest of Laws, State of New York, com- prising- the Revised Statutes and Statutes of General Inter- est to Jan., 1874. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874-6. Executors', Administrators' and Guardians' Manual. 12mo. New York, 1884. Guide to the Changes in the New York Statute Law, 1858-1872. 8vo. New York, 1873. Opinion of Hon. George Shea in the Case of Clendinin V. Crosson, on the Legal Existence of a Court. 8vo. New York, 1875. [Pam., vol. 35.] Feariie (Charles). Essay on Contingent Remainders and Executory Devises. 4th ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1791. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. from 8th London ed. By Charles Butler. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1826. [Same.] 10th ed. By Josiah W. Smith. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1844. [Same.] By J. W. Smith. 4th Am. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. [Same.] Epitome of. By AY. M. Coleman. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1878. Posthumous Works. By Thos. M. Shadwell. 8vo. London, 1797. Fearon (J. P.), Endowed Charities ; with suggestions for further Legislation regarding them. 8vo. London, 1855. Febrero (Jose). Libreria de Jueces. See Caravantes (J. de Vicente y). Febroiiius ( Justiiius), pseud, of J. N. von Hontheim. Federal Bar Association of Washington, D. C Con- stitution, By-Laws, etc. 12mo. Washington, 1887. Federal Reporter. Cases argued and determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States. 45 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1880-91. Index-Digest, vols. 1-8. 8vo. St. Paul, 1882. Digest, vols. 1-20. By R. Desty. 8vo. St. Paul, 1885. [Same.] Yols. 21-30. By A. E. Wislizenus and M. L. Countryman. 8vo. St. Paul, 1887. Federalist (The). The Foederalist : A collection of Essays, written in favor of the New Constitution as agreed upon by the Foederal Convention. By 11. B. Dawson. 8vo. New York, 1870. 280 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Felaiid (John), editor. Kentucky General Statutes. Felice (¥. B. tie). Le§ons de Droit de la Nature et des Gens. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1830. Fell (Walter W.). Treatise on the Law of Mercantile Guar- antees, and of Principal and Surety in General. 1st Am. ed. By Chas. Walker. Svo. New York, 1825. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. By J. W. Allen. 8vo. Albany, 1859. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. By W. M. Scott. 8vo. Albany, 1872. Fellows (John). Posthumous Works of Junius. Prefixed, an Inquiry respecting the Author; also, A Sketch of the Life of John Ilorne Tooke. [Anon.] 8vo. New York, 1829. Fellows (John R.). Brief for Grand Jurors in the County of New York. 12mo. New York, 1888. Fendall (Pliilii) R.). Argument on the Trial of George A. Gardiner. 8vo. Washington, 1853. Fendall (William Y.). In Memoriam. 8vo. Washington, 1871. Fenton (Hector T.). Law of Patents for Designs. Svo. Philadelphia, 1889. Fenw^ick (Sir John), Bart. Proceedings against, for High Treason. 12mo. London, 1702. Ferard (J.). See Amos (A.) and Ferard's Law of Fixtures. Ferguson (James H.). West Virginia Code of Laws. 8vo. Wheehng, 1868. Ferguson (Jan H.). Manual of International Law, for the use of Navies, Colonies and Consulates. 2 vols., Svo, Lon- don, 1884. Ferguson v. Ferguson. Divorce Case. Svo. New York, 1851. Fergusson (James). Observations on Entails. Svo. Edin- burgh, 1830. Reports, Consistorial Court of Scotland, in Actions of Divorce, 1811-1817. Svo. Edinburgh, 1817. Fergusson (Sir James), of Kilkerran, Baronet. Dictionary of Decisions in the Court of Session, Scotland, 173S-1752. Folio. Edinburgh, 1775. THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAB. 281 Ferrall (S. A.). Exposition of tlie Law of Parliament, as it relates to the Power and Privileges of the Commons' House. With Cases argued and determined in the Courts of West- minster Hall, involving the Jurisdiction of the House, etc. 8vo. London, 1837. Ferreira (Antonio Aiigristo). AnnotagGes ao Codigo do Processo Civil. 3 vols., Svo. Porto, 1881-83. Ferriere (Claude J. de). History of the Roman or Civil Law. Added, Dr. Duck's Treatise of the Use and Au- thority of the Civil Law in England. Translated into Eng- lish by J. Beaver. 12mo. London, 1724. Ferris (Francis). Trial of, for Murder. Opinion of the Court. 8vo. New York, 1866. Fessenden (Thomas G.). Essay on the Law of Patents. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1822. Feuerbacli (A. R.). Narrative of Remarkable Criminal Tri- als. Svo. New York, 1846. Fieife-Lacroix. La Clef des Lois Romaines ; ou Dictionnaire analytique et raisonne de toutes les Matieres contenues dans le Corps de Droit. 2 vols., 4to. Metz. 1809-10. Field (Anson). Habeas Corpus Case. Opinion of Hon. D. A. Smalley. 8vo. Rutland, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] Field (Barron). Analysis of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1821. Field (C. D.). Landholding, and the Relation of Landlord and Tenant in various Countries. 2d ed. 8vo. Calcutta, 1885. Law of Evidence ; with more especial reference to the Courts of British India. Svo. Calcutta, 1867. Field (David Dudley). Address on the Community of Na- tions. Svo. London, 1867. | Pam., vol. 35.] Answer to the Report of the New York City Bar Asso- ciation against the Civil Code. Svo. New York, 1881. [Pam., vol. 27.] Draft Outlines of an International Code. Svo. New York, 1872. Outlines of an International Code. 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1876. 1874 Prime Linee di un Codice Internazionale. Svo. Napoli, 282 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Field (David Dudley"). Speeches, Arguments and Miscel- laneous Papers. Edited by A. P. Sprague and T. M. Coan. :-> vols., ^-vo. Xew York, lSS4:-90. Field ( EdAvin W. ». Economical Considerations on the Au- tocracy of the Bar. and on the S\'stem of Prescribed Tariffs for Legal Wages. Svo. London, 1856. [Pam., vol. 3S.j Observations on Defects in the System of Costs of the Equity Courts. Svo. London, 1840. Field (George W.). Doctrine of Ultra Vires. 8vo. Des Moines, issi. Federal Practice. See Miller (AY. E. ) and Field. Justice's Manual, Town Officer s Guide, and Clerk's Assistant. Svo. Rochester, 1S90. Lawyers' Briefs, consisting of Treatises on everv import- ant Legal Subject, alphabetically arranged. vols., Svo. Xew York, 18S4-(>. Legal Relations of Infants, Parent and Child, and Guardian and Ward. Svo. Rochester, 1888. Medico-Legal Guide for Doctoi-s and Lawyers. 12mo. Xew York, 18S7. Treatise on the Constitution and Jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States, and on Pleading, Practice and Procedure therein. Svo. Philadelphia, 1883. Treatise on the Law of Damages. Svo. Des Moines, 1876. — Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations. Svo. Albany, 1877. [Same.] 2d ed. By II. G. Wood. Svo. Albany, 1883. Field (Rieliard S. ). Provincial Courts of Xew Jersey ; with Sketches of the Bench and Bar. Svo. Xew York, 1S49. Field (Stephen J. u Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in California ; with other Sketches. Svo. San Francisco, 1880. Field ( W. H.), editor. Edmonds' X. Y. Statutes, vol. 9. Fielding (Henry"). Case of Bosavern Penlez, in which the Law regarding Riots, and the Riot Act of George the Fii-st, are considered. Svo. London. 1749. Fiero (J. N.\ Practice in Special Actions in the Courts of Record of the State of Xew York. Svo. Albanv, 1888. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAIL 283 Fiero (J. N.). Practice in Special Proceedings in the Courts of Record of the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, ls8T. rilaiig:ieri (G.). La Scienza della Legislazione. 5 vols., 8vo. Firenze, 1820-1. Finch (G. B.). Selection of Cases on the English Law of Contract. Roy. Svo. London, 1886. Finch (Sir Heneage). Reports, temp. Finch, Court of Chan- cery, England, 1673-1680. Edited by Wm. Nelson. Folio. London, 1725. Fincli (Sir Henry). Law, or a Discourse thereof. 12mo. London, 1678. [Same.] With Notes by D. Pickering. Svo. London, 1759. Finch (Jolin A.). Digest of Insurance Cases for the years 1888, 1889, 1890. 3 vols., 8vo. Indianapolis, 1888-90. Finch (Robert P.). Considerations upon the Use and Abuse of Oaths Judicially taken. 2d ed. 12rao. London, 1789. Finch (Thomas). Precedents in Chancery ; being a Collec- tion of Cases in the Court of Chancery from 1689 to 1722. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1786. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. Finerty (Peter). Trial of, for Libel. Reported by Wm. Ridgeway. Svo. Dublin, 1798. Fines, sive Pedes Fininin. See Record Commission. Finltelnbnrg: (G. A.). Negotiability of Promissory Notes. 8vo. St. Louis, 1888. [Pam., vol. 48.] Finlaison (John). Sketch of the Law relating to Public Rights over Wastes and Common Lands. Svo. London, 1867. [Pam., vol. 2-1.] Finlason (W. F.). Commentaries upon JMartial Law. Svo. London, 1867. Dissertation on the History of Hereditary Dignities. Svo. London, 1869. Essay on the History and Effects of the Laws of IMort- main, and the Laws against Testamentary Dispositions for Pious Purposes. Svo. London, 1853. Essay on the Office of an Advocate, as compared with that of an Attorney, in the course and conduct of a cause. Svo. London, 1860. 284 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Fiiilasoii (W. F.). History of the Jamaica Case. 2d eil. 8vo. London, 1869. History of Law of Tenures of Land in England and Ireland. Svo. London, 1870. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council as a Judi- cial Tribunal, especially in Ecclesiastical Cases. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. The Law as it was; as it is ; and as it ought to be. Svo. London, 1850. [Pam., vol. 38.] Law of Charitable Trusts. 8vo. London, 1860. Leading Cases on Pleading and Parties to Actions. Svo. Harrisburg, 1847. Liabilities of Promoters of Companies. Report of the Case of Twycross vs. Grant. Svo. London, 1877. Our Judicial System and Civil Procedure as reconstructed under the Judicature Acts. Svo. London, 1877. Report of the Case of the Queen vs. Edward John Eyre, on his Prosecution for High Crimes and Misdemeanours alleged to have been committed by him in his ofKce as Governor of Jamaica. Svo. London, 1868. Report of the Queen vs. Gurney, et al. ; with Inti'oduc- tion on the Doctrine of Commercial Fraud. Svo. London, 1870. Review of the Authorities as to the Repression of Riot or Rebellion, with special reference to Criminal or Civil Liability. Svo. London, 1868. ■ Treatise on Martial Law in Time of Rebellion. Svo. London, 1866. (editor). Reeves' History of English Law. See Foster (T. C.) and Finlason. English Nisi Prius Reports. Fiiilay (John ). Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant in Ireland. 2d ed. Svo. Dublin, 1S3.5. Finiielly (William). Law and Practice of Elections. Svo. London, 1830. (reporter). House of Lords Cases, vols. 1, 2. See Clark (C.) and Fin nelly. English House of Lords Reports. Finney (Patrick). Trial of, for High Treason. Reported by Wm. Ridgeway. Svo. Dublin, 1798. THE ASISOCIATIOX OF THE BAIi. 285 Fiore (Pasqutile). Traite de Droit Penal International et de I'Extradition. Traduit par Chas. Antoine. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1880. N^ouveau Droit International Public. Q*^ ed. Traduite par Chas. Antoine. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1885-^). [Biblio- theque Internationale et Diplomatique, vols. 11-13.] Fiore-Goria (F. M,), editor. Rassegna di Diritto Commer- ciale Italiano. First Book of Judgements. See Judgements. First Reformed Presbyterian Cliurch Case. Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. Fiscliel (Eduard). The English Constitution. Translated from the 2d German ed. Bv Richard J. Shee. 8vo. Lon- don, 1863. Fish (Asa I.). General Digest of the Exchequer Reports, 1842-1854. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. Fisli (George T.). American Manual of Parliamentary Law. 12mo. New York, 1884. Guide to the Conduct of Meetings. 12mo. New York, 1888. Fislier (F.). See De Gex (J. P.) and Fisher. English Chan- cery Reports. Fisher (J. H.). Real Property Act of South Australia. AVith notes. 8vo. Adelaide, 1858. Fisher (Redwood). Prize Cases, U. S. District and Circuit Courts of Pennsvlvania, 1812-1813. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1813. Fislier (Richard B.). Treatise on Copyhold Tenure. Svo. London, 1803. Fisher (Robert A.). Digest of the Reported Cases, Courts of Common Law, etc. Founded on the Analytical Digest by Harrison. 5 vols., Svo. London, 1870. [Same.] 1870-1880. By T. W. Chitty and John Mews. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1881." Digest of the Reported English Cases relating to Crimi- nal Law, 1756-1870. Svo. San Francisco, 1871. Digest of the Reported English Cases relating to Pat- ents, Trade Marks and Copyrights. Am. ed. by II. Hooper. Svo. Cincinnati, 1872. 286 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Fisher (Ilobert A.), editor. Grant's Liuv of Banking. See Jacob (E. A.), and Fisher's Analytical Digest of English Reports. Fisher (Samuel S.). Eeports of Patent Cases, U. S, Circuit Courts, 1848-1S73. 6 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1870-4. In Memoriam, 8vo. Cincinnati, 1874. [Pam., vol. 16.] Fisher (Sidney G.). Law of the Territories [relating to Slavery. Anon.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859. Trial of the Constitution. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862. Fisher (William H.), Reports of Patent Cases, U. S. Supreme and Circuit Courts, 1821-1851. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1873. Fisher (William R.). Law of IVIortgage and other Securi- ties upon Property. 8vo. Piiiladelphia, 1857. [L. L., vol. 94.] [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1876. [Same.] -Ith ed. 8vo. London, 1884. Fiske(John). American Political Ideas. 12mo. ISTewYork, 1885. Fitch (Nathan T.}. Law of Real Estate Agency. 12mo, Chicago, 1881. Fithian (Edward W.). Bills of Sale Acts. 2d ed. Svo. London, LSS-t. Fitnam (John C). Practical Treatise on the Code Sum- mons and the JVIode of Serving it. 8vo. Denver, 1883. Fitting (Hermann). Der Reichs-Civilprocess. 0. Aufl. 12mo. Berlin, 1884. Fitzgerald (G. A. R.). The Ballot Act of 1872. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1876. Fitzgerald (J. V. V.). Electric Lighting Act. Svo. Lon- don, 1882. ■ Public Health and Local Government Act. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1881. Fitz-Gerald (John). Canon Law and Canonical Obedience. Svo. London, 1851. Fitzgerald (M. ). Reasons for taking the Oaths to His Pres- ent JMajesty, King George. 12mo. London, 1723. [Pam., vol. 44.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 287 Fitz-Gibbons (J.). Reports, Court of King's Bench, etc., England, 1727-1732. Folio. London, 1732. Fitzhardiiige (G. H.), editor. New South Wales Reports. Fitzherbert (Sir Anthony). La Graunde Abridgement. Folio. London, 1577. New Natura Brevium. 9th ed. With Commentary by Lord Chief Justice Hale. 8vo. Dublin, 1793 Fitzherbert (E. H.). See Falconer (Thos.) and Fitzherbert's English Election Cases. Fitzpatrick (Hugh). Trial of, for Libel. Reported by Wm. Ridgeway. Svo. Dublin, 1813. Fitzi)atrick (Roy). Table of Tennessee Cases. See Marks (A. D.). Fitzsiuimoiids (Joshua). Disquisitions on the Nature and Execution of the Laws of England. Svo. London, 1751. Flach (Jacques). Les Origines de TAncienne France, I. Le Regime Seigneurial. (10^ et 11® siecles). Svo. Paris, 1S86. Flag-g- (Charles E. B.). Digested Index of the Statute Law of South Carolina, 1837-1S57. Svo. Charleston, 1858. Flainmer (Charles A.). The Committing Magistrate. A Treatise on Arrest, Examination, Bailing, etc., of Offenders. Svo. New York, ISSl. Flanagan (S. W.) and Kelly (Chas.j. Reports of Cases in Chancery, Ireland, 1840-42. Svo. Dublin, 1S43. Flanders (Henry). Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1874. [Same.] 4th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1885. Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. Svo. Philadelphia, 1855. [Same.] Revised ed. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1875. Treatise on Maritime Law. Svo. Boston, 1852. Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1871. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1874. 1853 Treatise on the Law of Shipping. Svo. Philadelphia, 288 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF riaxiiian (Arthur J.). Law concerning the Registration of Births and Deaths in England and AYales and at Sea. 8vo. London, 1875. Fleetwood (Everarcl), pseud. Enquir\' into the Customary- Estates and Tenant-Rights of those who hold Lands of Church and other Foundations. [By Samuel Burroughs.] 8vo. London, 1731. Fleiiiins' (Anclrew). Blood Stains in Criminal Trials. 8vo. Pittsburg. ISGl. Fleta ; seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani. Subjungitur Joan. Seldeni Dissertatio historica. Ed. 2*. 4to. Lon- dini, 1685. J. Selden's Dissertation on. Translated by R. Kelham. 8vo. London, 1771. Fletcher (Banister). Light and Air. 12mo. London, 18S6. ■ Treatise on Dilapidations. 12mo. London, 1874. [Same.] 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1883. Fletclier ( Charles). Essav on the Estates of Trustees. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. [L. 1., vol. 10.] Fleury (Claude). History of the Origine of French Laws. Translated from the French. By J. Beaver. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 172-1. Flint (James H.). Law of Trusts and Trustees. 12mo. San Francisco, 1890. (editor). Lewin's Law of Trusts and Trustees. Flintoif (OAven). Introduction to Conveyancing, and the history, nature, incidents and titles of Legal Estates. 8vo. London, 1840. Rise and Proirress of the Laws of En "-land and Wales. 8vo. London, 1840. Flippin (Williani S.). Reports, U. S. Circuit and District Courts, Sixth Judicial Circuit, 1859-1877. 2 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1881-3. Flogging, or Scourging, by Human Law, contrasted with the same Punishment bv Divine Law. 8vo. London, 1846. [Pam., vol. 37.] THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 289 Flood (John C. H.), Elementary Treatise on the Law re- lating to Wills of Personal Property, 8vo. London, 1877. Equitable Doctrine of Election. Svo. London, 1880. [Pam., vol. 33.] Philosophy of Common Law. See Broom (H.). Pitfalls of Testators. A few Hints about the making of Wills. 12mo. London, 1884. Treatise on the Law concerning- Libel and Slander. 8vo. London, 1880. Flores (Antonio). La Naturalizacion en los Estados Unidos. 8vo. Nueva York, 1881. Florida : Reports. Branch. Archer & Hogue. Hogue. Papy. Galbraith. Galbraith & Meek. Drew. Cocke. Eaney. Cooper. Lamar. 1846-1847. 1848-1849. 1850-1852. 1853-1859. 1860-1867. 1867-1869. 1869-1871. 1871-1876. 1876-1884. 1884-1888. 1889. 1 Fla. 2 Fla. 3-4 Fla. 5-8 Fla. 9-11 Fla. 12 Fla. 13 Fla. 14-15 Fla. 16-20 Fla. 21-24 Fla. 25 Fla. 1 vol. 1 vol. 2 vols. 4 vols. 3 vols, vol. vol. vols, vols, vols. 1 vol. — Digests of Reports. Galbraith. Index. Wurts. Index-Digest. Choate. Digest. Call. Index. — Statutes (Territorial). 1846-1866. 1846-1887. 1846-1888. 1864-1882. Compilation of Laws in Force. 1829. Compilation of Public Acts. (Duval.) 19 1839. 1vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. Session. Date. Session. Date, Session. Date. 1st 1823 1833 1824 1825 1826-7 1837-8 1838 1839 9th 10th 11th 13th 13th 14th 15th 16th 1831 1833 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 17th 18th 19th 20th 31st 32d 33d 1839 3d 1840 3d 1841 4th 1842 5th 6th 1843 1844 7th 1845 8th 290 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Florida : Statutes (State). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 1845 1845 1846-7 1847-8 1848-9 1850-1 1852-3 7th Adj'd 8th 9th Adj-d 10th 1854-5 Adid 1855 2d 185G-7 3d 1858-9 4th 1859 5th ... 1860-1 6th nth 1861 Assembly. Session. Date. 12th 1st 1862 12th 2d 1863 13th 1st 1864 14th 1st 1865-6 14th. 2d 1866 Session. Date. Session. Date. l<;t 1868 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1872 1873 1873 7th 1874 2d 8th 9th 1875 Extra 1877 3d 10th 1879 nth 1881 4th 12th 1883 .5th 1,3th 1885 Extra . ... 1st 1887 6th Extra 1889 Extra 2d 1889 Digest of Laws. (Thompson.) 1S47. Digest of Statutes. (Bush.) 1872. Digest of Laws. (McClellan.) 1881. Code of Procedure. 1870. — 3Iiscellaiieous. Journal, Convention of 1861. Journal, Convention of 1885. Land Claims. Private. 1828. Land Laws. 1887. Florida State Bar Association. Proceedings of Firet Annual Meeting : Constitution, By-Laws ; List of OflBcers, Members, etc. 8vo. Ocala, 1888. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 291 rioyer (Philip). Proctor's Practice in the Ecclesiastical Courts. 8vo. London, 1744. Foard (James T.). Treatise on the Law of Merchant Ship- ping and Freight. 8vo. London, 1880. Foelix (J. J. G.). Droit International Prive. 4** ed. Par Ch. Demangeat. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1866. Fogg (G. G.), reporter. jSTew Hampshire Reports, vols. 32- 37. Foley (Robert). Laws Relating to the Poor; with Cases. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1743. Folkard (Henry C). Law of Slander and Libel. Founded upon Starkie's Treatise. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1876. [Same.] American ed. By H. G. Wood. 8vo. New York, 1877. Pawnbrokers', Factors' and Merchants' Guide to the Laws of Loans and Pledges. 8vo. London, 1876. Folkestone Ritnal Case. Ridsdale vs. Clifton and others. 8vo. London, 1878. Follett (Thomas L.). Elements of the Science of Good Government. 8vo. London, 1833. Folsom (Charles F.). Abstract of the Statutes of the United States, and of the several States and Territories, relating to the Custodv of the Insane. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884. Fonblanqne (Albany). Rights and Wrongs : A Manual of Plousehold Law. 12mo. London, 1860. Fonblanqne (J. S. M.). Medical Jurisprudence. See Pari (J. A.). Fonblanqne (J. W. M.). English Bankruptcy Reports, 1849-1852. 8vo. London, 1850-2. [Only four parts pub- lished.] Fonblanqne (John). Treatise of Equity. [Bv Henry Bal- low.] 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1793-5. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1799. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1820. Foord (A. J.). Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, Jan. to Aug., 1880. 8vo. Cape Town, 1887. See Van Leeuwen's Censura Forensis. 292 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Foot (James A.). Highway Acts. Svo, Loudon, 1ST9. Foot (^Samuel A.). Autobiography, Collateral Reminiscences, Arguments, etc. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1873. Foote (Henry L.). Life, Confession and Execution of. Svo. XeAv Haven, l>s50. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Foote (Henry S.). Bench and Bar of the South and South- west. Svo. St. Louis, 1876. Foote (John A.). Treatise on Private International Juris- prudence. Svo. London, 187S. Fooz (J. A. A. de). Fundamental Principles of the Law of Mines. Translated by H. W. Halleck. Svo. San Fran- cisco, 1S60. Foran (Joseph K.). Essav on Obligations. 12mo. To- ronto, 1886. Foran (Thomas P.). Code of Civil Procedure of Lower Canada, bvo. Toronto, 1S79. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Toronto, 1886. Digest of the Criminal Law of Canada. Svo. Toronto, 1889. Forbes (Francis^. Trade Mark Laws of the Ignited States, France, Great Britain, German Empire, Canada, Belgium, Russia and Austria. Svo. Xew York, ISSl. [Pam., vol. 17.] Forbes ( James% et al. Trial of, for Conspiracy and Riot. By R; W. Greene. Svo. Dublin, 1S23. Forbes (U. A.). Law of Savings Banks. 12mo. London, 1884. Law relating to Trustee and Post-Office Savings Banks. Svo. London, 1S78. Law relating to Waters, etc. See Coulson (H. J. W.) and Forbes. Forbes (William). Court of Session Cases. Scotland, 1705- 1713. Folio. Edinburgh, 1711. Institutes of the Law of Scotland. 2 vols., Svo. Edin- burgh, 1722-30. Force ( >I. F.), editor. Harris' Criminal Law. "Walker's Introduction to American Law. THE ASSOCIATION- OF THE BAB. 293 Ford (Charles). On Oaths. 3d ed. 12rao. London, 1879. [Same.] 6th ed. 12mo. London, 1890. Ford (Douglas M.). Matrimonial Law and the Guardianship of Infants. 12mo. London, 1888. -■ Solicitors as Advocates : Practical Suo^o-estions. 12mo. London, 1881. Ford (Paul L.). Bibliography and Reference List of the His- tory and Literature of the United States Constitution, 1787- 1788. [Li next vol.] Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, 1787-1788. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1888. Ford (Wortliiiigton C). American Citizen's Manual. 2 parts. 12mo. New York, 1886. Writings of George Washington. 9 vols., 8vo. Xew York, 1889-91. Forensic Anecdotes ; or. Humour and Curiosities of the Law and of the Men of Law. By Jacob Larwood [/. e. L. P. Sad- ler]. 12mo. London, 1882. Forkel (F,). Das Staatsrecht der Herzogthiiraer Sachsen- Coburg und Gotha. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Mar- quardsen (H.).] Fornian (F.). Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Illi- nois, 1832-1838. 8vo. Yandalia, 1839. Forrest (Edwin). Forrest Divorce Case. 8vo. New York, 1851. Record in the Superior Court, and Opinions ; Statement and Points in Court of Appeals, and Judgment. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. New York, 1863. Forrest (Edwin) vs. Willis (N. P.). Action for Libel. 8vo. New York, 1859. Forrest (Robert). Reports, Court of Exchequer, England, 1800-1801. 8vo. London, 1802. Forrester (Alexander). Cases in Equitv during the time of Lord Chancellor Talbot, 1730-1737. ^ ?A ed. Bv J. G. Williams. 8vo. London, 1792. Forsyth (Charles). Principles and Practice of the Law of Trusts and Trustees in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1844. Forsyth (J. S.). Synopsis of Modern Medical Jurisprudence. 8vo. London, 1829. 294 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Forsyth (William). Cases and Opinions on Constitutional Law. 8vo. London, 1869. Entire Botly of the Statute Law of Scotland, in the form of a Dictionary. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. History of Lawyers, Ancient and Modern. 8vo. New York, 1875. History of Trial by Jury. Am. ed. By J. A. Morgan. 8vo. New York, 1875. Hortensius the Advocate. An Historical Essay on the Office and Duties of an Advocate. 8vo. Jersey City, 1881. — Law relating to Simony. 8vo. London, 1811. [Para., vol. 38.] On Composition with Creditors. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1845. [New L. L., vol. 1.] On the Law relating to the Custody of Infants. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. [L. L., vol. 68.] Fortescue (Cliarle.s). Digest of Licensing Cases. 12mo, London, 1881. Fortescue (Sir John). De Laudibus Legum Anghse. A Treatise in Commendation of the Laws of England. Trans- lation by Francis Gregor, notes by Andrew Amos. [Lat. and Eng.] 8vo. Cincinnati, 1874. The Governance of England. Edited, with notes, by Chas. Plummer. 8vo. Oxford, 1885. Fortescue (John), Lord. Reports of Select Cases in all the Courts of Westminster Hall, 1695-1738. Folio. London, 1748. Forum (The). 11 vols., Svo. New York, 1886-91. Forum (The) ; or. Forty Years' Practice at the Philadelphia Bar. By David Paul Brown. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1856. Forum Law Review. 3 vols., 8vo. Baltimore, 1874-5. Forum Romanum. History and Practice of the High Court of Chancery. By Sir Geoffrey Gilbert. 1st Am. ed. By Samuel Tyler. 8vo. Washington, 1874. Foss (Edward). Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England, 1066-1870. 8vo. Boston, 1870. Judges of England ; Avith Sketches of their Lives, etc., 1066-1864. 9 vols., 8yo. London, 1848-64. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 295 Foss (Edward). Memories of Westminster Hall. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874. Tabulae Curiales ; or, Tables of the Superior Courts of Westminster Hall, showing the Judges who sat in them from 1066 to 1864. 8vo. London, 1865. Foster (A.). Digest of Georgia Statutes. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. Foster (Charles J.). Elements of Jurisprudence. 8vo. London, 1853, Foster (E. J.). Law of Joint Ownership and Partition of Keal Estate. 8vo. London, 1878. Foster (G. J.). Doctors' Commons; its Courts and Regis- tries ; with a Treatise on Probate Court Business. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1871. ' Foster (J. J.). See Quaker Trial (The). Foster (John W.). International Awards and National Honor. 8vo. Washington, 1886. [Pam., vol. 31.] Foster (Joseph). Men-at-the-Bar : A Biographical Hand- list of the Members of the various Inns of Court, Judges, etc. Roy. 8vo. London, 1885. Foster (Sir Michael). Report of some Proceedings on the Commission for the Trial of the Rebels in 1746, and of other Crown Cases. To which are added Discourses upon a few branches of the Crown Law. 3d ed. With an Appendix containing New Cases, by M. Dodson. 8vo. London, 1792. [Same.] 8vo. London, 1809. Foster (Roger). Federal Judiciary Acts of 1875 and 1887, annotated. 8vo. New York, 1887. Taxation of the Elevated Railroads in the City of New York. 12mo. New York, 1883. [Pam., vol. 19.] Treatise on Pleading and Practice in Equity in the Courts of the United States. Svo. Boston, 1890. Foster (Sol., Jr.), editor. Legal Chronicle Reports. Foster (Thomas C). Review of the Law relating to Mar- riages within the Prohibited Degrees of Affinity. Svo. London, 1847. Treatise on the Writ of Scire Facias. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1851. [L. L., vol. 73.] 296 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Foster iTliomas C.) and Fiiilasoii (W. F.). English Nisi Prius Eeports, 1856-1867. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1860-7. Foster ( W. E.). Town Government in Ehode Island, 8vo. Baltimore, 1886. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 4.] Foster (W. Li.), reporter. New Hampshire Reports, vols. 19, 21-31. Foster (Williaiii), reporter. Hawaiian Reports, vol. 6. Foucher (Victor). Commentaire sur le Code de Justice Mihtaire. 8vo.' Paris, 1858. Foulkes (Tlioiuas). Hindu Law of Inheritance. [Sanskrit and English.] Svo. London, 1881. Foulkes (AV. D. I. ). Elementary View of the Proceedings in an Action in the Supreme Court. 2d ed. 12mo. Lon- don, 1879. Judicature Acts. See Lely (J. M.\ Fount aiiiliall (John Lauder), Lord. Reports of Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, Scotland, 1678-1712. 2 vols., folio. Edinburgh, 1759-61. Fowler (J. C._). Supplement to New York Revised Statutes. 8vo. Albany, 1888. FoAvler (John C. ). Hand-Book of Law and Leading Cases relating to Collieries and Colliers. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1872. Fo>vler (John C.) and Lei;vis (David). Law of Collieries. 1th ed. 12mo. London, 1881. Fowler (Robert L.). Codification in the State of New York. 8vo. Albany. 1884. — [Same.] 2d ed. With Addenda. 8vo. New York, 1884. I Fowler (William C). Local Law in Massachusetts and Con- necticut, historically considered. 8vo. Albany, 1872. Fox (Charles). Digest of the Law of Partnership. 8vo. New York, 1872. Fox (Edward). Decisions. U. S. District Court. See Has- kell (T. H. ). Fox (Fontaine T., Jr.). Treatise on Warranty in Fire In- surance Contracts. 8vo, Chicago, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 29V Fox (John). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Xew-Erunswick, 1856. Fox (John Scott). English Kegistration Cases, 1886-1890. 8vo. London, 1891. Fox (M. C.) and Smith (T. B. C). Reports of Cases, Court of King's Bench, Ireland, 1822-1825. 8vo. Dublin, 1825. Fox (William). Treatise on Simple Contracts and the Ac- tion of Assumpsit. 8vo. London, 18-12. France: Reports. Journal du Palais [Journal of the Palace], 1791-1890. 101 vols. [Same.] Repertoire General [General Repertory]. 15 vols. 1854-8. Arrets du Conseil d'Etat [Decrees of the Council of State], 1871-1887. 17 vols. [Same.] Table, 1819-1884. 4 vols. Causes Celebres et Interessantes [Noted and Interesting Trials], 1735-1740. 16 vols. Causes Celebres, Repertoire General des [General Repertory of Noted Trials], 1834-1835. 15 vols. Noted Trials. (Fuller.) 1882. Gallick. Reports, Criminal Cases. 1737. Statutes. Lois, et Actes du Gouvernement [Laws and Acts of the Government], 1789-1792. 8 vols. Bulletin des Lois [Bulletin of the Laws], 1793-1889. 346 vols. [Same.] Table Generale, 1789-1814. 4 vols. [Same.] Table Decennale, 1814r-1883. 10 vols. Lois, Decrets, etc., Journal du Palais [Laws, Decrees, etc., Journal of the Palace], 1866-1887. 5 vols. Codes. Codes du Royaume [Codes of the Kingdom]. 12mo. Paris, 1817. Codes, Les Six [The Six Codes]. 12mo. Paris, 1829. Codes, Les Sept [The Seven Codes], par Pailliet. 2 vols. 1837. Codes, Les Dix-huit [The Eighteen Codes]. 16mo. Paris, 1836. Codes des Codes, ou les Vingt-un Codes [Codes of the Codes, or the Twenty-one Codes]. 16mo. Paris, 1837. Codes, Annotes par Teulet et Loiseau. 1839. Codes, Annotes par Tripier. 1879. 298 CA TAL OGUE OF THE LIBRAE T OF France : Codes. — Continued. Codes et Lois Usuelles [Codes and Customary Laws], par Kiviere. IS81. Codes et Lois L'suelles, par Koger et Sorel. IS 77. Codes, Dictionnaire des [Dictionary of the Codes], par Teulet. 1S36. Bibliotheque du Barreau, etc. [Library of the Bar]. 9 yols. 1808-11. Code CiyiJ. 12mo. Paris, 1820. [Same.] Annote par Sirey. 2 yols. 18S6. [Same.] Apphcation au, des Institutes de Justinien [Apph- cation to the Code of the Institutes of Justinian], par Biret. 2 yols. 1S2L [Same.] Conference du [Conference on the], par Baron G. J. Fayard de Langlade. [Anon.] 6 yols., 12mo. Paris, 1805. [Same.] Bepetitions Ecrites sur le [Written Instructions on the], par Mourlou. 3 yols. 1880. [Same.] Code Xapoleon. Eng. Tr. Syo. Xew York, 1841. [Same.] Et le Code Ciyil Italien Compare [Code Xapo- leon and the Italian Ciyil Code compared], par Hue. 2 yols. 1868. Code de Procedure Ciyil, ayec les !Motifs [Code of Ciyil Pro- cedure, with the reasons for it]. ISmo. Paris, 1806. Code de Commerce, Annote par Rogron. 1S27. [Same.] Annote par Dalloz. 1SS2. [Same.] Eng. Tr. by Bodman. ISIL [Same.] Eng. Tr. by Goirand. 18Su. [Same.] Eng. Tr. by Argles. 1882. [Same.] Eng. Tr. bV Mayer. 1887. Code Penal. 12mo.' Paris, 1810. [Same.] Expose des Motifs du [Statement of the reasons for]. 12mo. Paris, 1810. [Same.] Eng. Tr. 8yo. London, 1819. Code de Justice Militaire [Code of Military Law]. Foucher. 1858. Code du Droit Maritime International [Code of Interna- tional Maritime Law]. Weiss. 2 yols. 1858. France : Treatises, etc. Accidents de Transport. (Accidents by Carriers.) Sainctelette, 18S4. Accidents de Travail. (Accidents to Workmen.) Sainctelette, 1886. Treatises, etc. — Continited. Achats et Ventes. (Purchase and Sale.) Bedarride, 1878. Administration. See Droit Administratif. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 299 France: Treatises, etc. — Continued. Agents Consulaires. See Consuls. Agents de Change. (Stock Brokers.) Barberot, 1887. Ambassacleurs. (Ambassadors.) Van Bvnkershoek, 1723. De Cussy, 1846. Yon Martens, 3 v., 1866. De Wicquefort, 2 v., 1680, Arrestatioii. (Arrest.) BilJot, 1868. Arrosement. (Irrigation.) Hall, Eng., 1886. Artistes. (Artists.) Darras, 1887. Assurance centre I'Incendie. (Fire Insurance.) De Lalande, 1886. Assurances Maritimes. (Marine Insurance.) Droz, 2 v., 1881. Emerigon, Eng., 1850. Jacobs, 1885. Assurances sur la Vie. (Life InsurancH.) Couteau, 2 v., 1881. Auteurs. (Authors.) See Propriete Litteraire. Avocat, Profession d'. (The Lawyer's Profession.) Camus, 2 v., 1832. Bail a Rente. (Lease at a rent.) Pothier, 1778. Banqueroutes. (Bankruptcy.) Beclarride, 3 v., 1880. Davies & Laurent, Eng., 1855. Treatises, etc.— Continued. Barreau. (The Bar.) Jones, Eng., 1856. Young, Eng., 1869. Bienfai.sance, Contrats de. (Contract to do a gratuitous benefit.) Pothier, 2 v., 1777. Brevets d'Invention. (Patents.) Abbott, Eng., 1886. Barclay, Eng., 1889. Beclarride, 3 v., 1875. Loosey, Eng., 1849. Perpigna, Eng., 1834. Pouillet, 2 v., 1887. Subject - Matter Index, 1.S83. Chancelleries Diplomatiques. See Diplomatic. Change, Contrat de. See Lettres de Chang-e. Chemins de Fer. (Railroads.) Bedarride, 2 v., 1876. Yigouroux, 1886. Cheptel. ( of Cattle.) Pothier, 1774. Cheques. (Checks.) Argles, Eng., 1878. Bedarride, 1876. Commer9ants. (Traders.) Bedarride, 1876. Commerce Maritime. See Droit Maritime. Communaute. (Possession in Common.) Pothier, 2 v., 1774. Conference Monetaire Inter- nationale. (International Monetary Conference.) Conference, 2 v., 1881. 300 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF France : Treatises, etc. — Continued. Conflit des Lois. (Conflict of Laws.) Asser et Rivier, 1884. Foelix, 2 v.. 1866. Lawrence, 1871. Constitution de 1793. Frost, Eng., Ib9u. Consuls. De Clercq et Yallat, 2 t.. 1680. De Cussy, 1851. Lawrence. 1880. Von Martens, 3 v., 1866. Miltitz, 5 v., 1837-39. Moreail, 1853. Cent rat Aleatoire. (Contingent Contract.) Pothier, 1777. Courtiers. (Brokers.) Fabre, 2 v., 1883. Coutnmes de Normandy. (Cnstoms of Normandy.) De Gruchv. 1881. Terrien, 1574. See also Institutes. Dictionnaire. (Dictionary.) Bavle, Historical and Critical. 5 v.. 1734. Kelham, Xorman or Old French. 1779. Law French, 1718. Diplomatie. (Diplomacy.) Bibliotheqiie Internation- ale et Diplomatique, 21 v.. 1880-8. De Clercq et Yallat, 2 v.. 1880. Yon Martens, 3 v., 1866. Ortolan. 2 v.. 1864. Pradier-Fodere, 2 v., 1881. Treatises, etc. — Continue. ' Discipline Parlementaire. (Parliamentary Practice.) Reynaert, 2 v., 1884, Divorce. Coudert, 1880. Glasson, 1880. Wright, Laws and Statis- tics, 1889. Domicile. (Domicil.) Cole. Eng,, 1857. Donations. Pothier, 1776. Douaire. (Dower.) Pothier, 1776. Droit Adniinistratif. (Administrative Law.) Aucoc, 3 v., 1882-6. Batbie, 10 v., 1885-7. Bequet, 5 v., 1882-6. Block, 2 v., 1881-6. Brayer, 1886. Cabantous, 1881. Dareste. 1862. Ducrocq, 2 v.. 1881. Journal du Palais, 4 v., 1866-85. Laferriere, 2 v., 1860. Maver, Germ., 1886. Yivien, 2 v., 1859. Droit Civil. (Civil Law.) Aird, Eng., 1874. Aubrv et Rau, 8 v., 1869- 83."' Laurent, 4 v., 1881. Pothier, 4 v.. 1781. Terrien, 1574. Toullier et Duvergier, 7 v., 1846^8. Zachariae, 5 v., 1854- 60. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 301 France: Treatises, etc. — Continued. Droit Commercial. (Commercial Law.) Annales cle, 1S86-Y. Argles, Eng., 1882. Bravard-Veyrieres, 1868. DeCouder/5 v., 1877-80. Hoechster et Sacre, 2 v., 18Y6. Masse, 4 v., 1874. Mayer, Code, Eng., 1887. Pardessus, 4 v., 1856-7. Droit Commercial Maritime. (Maritime Commercial Law.) Bedarride, 5 v., 1879. Boulay-Paty, 4 v., 1834. Desjardins, 8 vols., 1878- 89. Droit Constitutionnel. (Constitutional Law.) Boutmy, 1885. Droit Criminel. (Criminal Law.) See Droit Penal. Droit Electorale. (Electoral Law.) Gressier, 1849. Droit des Gens. (International Law.) See Droit International. Droit de la Guerre. (Law of War.) Barbeyrac's Grotius, 2 v., 1768. Funck-Brentano et Sorel, 1877. Morin, 2 v., 1872. Pradier-Fodere's Grotius, 3 v., 1867. Droit Industriel. (Industrial Law,) De Couder, 5 v. 80. 1877- Treatises, etc. — Continued. Droit International. (International Law.) Bard, 1883. Bibliotheque Internation- ale, etc., 21 v., 1880-8. Burlamaqui, 1832. Calvo, 3 v., 1888. Carnazza-Amari, 1880. Clunet, 1887. Fiore, 3 v., 1885-6. Grotius par Barbeyrac, 2 v., 1768. Grotius p a r Pradier- Fodere, 3 v., 1867. Haakraan, 1877. Hautefeuille, 3 v., 1868. Heflfter, 1866. Horoy, 1887. Karaarowsky, 1887. Kliiber, 1861. Yon Martens, 3 v., 1887. Von Neumann, 1886. Ortolan, 2 v., 1864. Pradier-Fodere,3 v., 1885- 7. Pufendorf par Barbevrac, 2 v., 1771. Revue de Droit Interna- tionale,etc.,22 v., 1869-91. Twiss, 1887. Vattel, 3 v., 1863. Droit International Maritime. (Maritime International Law.) Cauchy, 2 v., 1862. Hautefeuille, 1869. Pistoye et Duverdy, 2 v., 1859. Ptevue du, 6 v., 1885-90. Testa, 1886. Weiss, 2 v., 1858. Droit International Prive. (Private International Law.) Asser et Rivier, 1884. Bourdon-YianeetMagron, 1883. Foelix, 2 v., 1866. Journal du, 17 v., 1874-90. 302 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF France : Treatises, etc. — Continued. Droit Maritime. (Maritime Law.) Cresp, 4 v., 1885. De Courcy, 1888. Deslandes, 1743. Dufour, 2 v., 1859. Hautefeuille, 1868. Hoechster et Sacre, 2 v., 1876. Pardessus, 6 v., 1828-45. Pouget, 2 v., 1858. Valroger, 5 v., 1883-6. Droit Mercantile. (Mercantile Law.) Argles, Eng., 1882. Davies & Laurent, Eng., 1855. Droit Municipale. (Municipal Law.) Ducrocq, 1886. Droit de la Nature. (Law of Nature.) Ahrens, 2 v., 1868. Burlamaqiii, 1832. Jouflfroy, 2 v., 1866. Pufendorf, 2 v., 1771. Vattel, 1859. Droit P^nal. (Criminal Law.) Penal C^ode, Eng., 1819. Rossi, 1852. Walter, 1863. Droit Penal International. (International Criminal Law.) Bulletin de TUnion, etc., 1889. Fiore, 2 v., 1880. Droit Politique. (Political Law.) See Droit Public. Droit Public. (Public Law.) Batbie, 10 v., 1885-7. Burlamaqui, 1832. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Laferriere, 2 v., 1860. Lebon, 1886. Mably, 3 v., 1776. Pailliet, 2 v., 1837. Regnard, 1855. Droit Roinain. (Roman Law.) Accarias, 1886. Beck, 2 v., 1829-37. Berenger, 2 v., 1810. Blondeau, 2 v., 1838. Demangeat, 2 v., 1866. Didier-Pailhe, 2 v., 1887. Domenget, 1866. Du Caurroy, 1834. Fieffe-Lacroix, 2 v., 1810. Hugo, 2 v., 1825. Hulot, 1806. Von Ihering, 1880. Mavnz, 3 v., 1876-7. Michel, 1885. Rivier, 1881. Von Savigny,8 v., 1840-51. Terasson, 1750. Tissot, 4 v., 1806-11. Van Wetter, 3 v., 1886. Vernet, 1865. Walter, 1863. See also Pandectes. Eaux. (Waters.) Hall, Eng., 1886. Effets Publics. (Public Stocks.) See Valeurs Mobilieres. Encyclopedic. (Encj'clopiedia of Law.) Merlin, 16 v., 1828-30. fetranger.s en France. (Foreigners in France.) Soloman, 1844. Etude du Droit. (Study of the Law.) Dupin, 2 v., 1832. Eschbach, 1856. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 303 France : Treatises, etc.— Continued. Extradition. Billot, 1868. Blondel, 1866. Bonafos, 1866. Fiore, 2 v., 1880. Lawrence, 1880. Kicci, 1886. Vazelhes, 18Y7. Faillites et Banqiieroutes. (Failure and Bankruptcy.) See Banqueroutes. Formulaire des Chancelleries. (Diplomatic Forms.) See Diplomatie. Histoire du Droit. (History of Law.) Glasson, 2 v., 1887. Lehr, 1875. Lerminier, 1835. Histoire des Institutions. (History of Institutions.) Glasson, 2 v., 1887. Institutes Coutumiferes. (Customary Law.) Loisel, 2 v., 1846. See Coutumes. Judiciaire. (Judiciary.) Regnard, Organisation de la, 1855. Eevue de la Eeforme Judiciaire, 3 v., 1885-7. Juge de Paix. (Justice of Peace.) Brossard, 1824. Jures. (Juries.) Manuel des, 1810. Juridiction Commerciale. (Commercial Jurisdiction.) Bedarride, 1880. Jurisprudence Administrative. (Administrative Law.) See Droit Administratif. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Jurisprudence, Opuscules de. (Collection of Essays ou Law.) Dupin, 1851. Jurisprudence, Repertoire de. (Repertory of Law.) Dalloz, 92 v., 1815-86. Merlin, 36 v., 1825-8. Legislation. Annuaire de,18v., 1872-90. Bulletin de la Societe de, 16 v., 1869-87. Hue, 2 v., 1868. Lerminier, 1836. Revue Bi-Mensuelle de, 8 v., 1877-84. Revue Critique de, 53 v., 1851-87. Revue Generale, etc., 11 v., 1877-87. Revue Internationale, etc., 22 v., 1869-91. Lettres de Change. (Bills of Exchange.) Argles, Eng., 1878. Barclay, Eng., 1884. Bedarride, 2 v., 1880. Jencken, Eng., 1880. Xouguier, 2 v., 1875. Pothier, 1773. Lois Maritimes. See Droit Maritime. Louage, Contrat de. (Contract of Hiring.) Pothier, 1778. Louage Maritime. (Maritime Lease.) Pothier, 1774. Mariage. (Marriage.) Colfavru, 1868. Glasson, 1880. Kelly, Eng., 1885. Lawrence, 1871. Michaux, 1869. Pothier, 2 v., 1771. Wright, Laws and Statis- tics, 1889. 304 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF France: Treatises, etc. — Continued. Marine, drdoiinance de la, 1681. (Marine Ordinance of 1681.) Bornier, 2 v., 1775. Yalin, 1760. Marques de Pabrique. (Trade Marks.) Barclay, Eng., 1889. Pouillet, 1875. Medecine Legale. , (Forensic Medicine.) Orfila, 3 v., 1848. Militaire, Code de Justice. See Code de Justice Mili- taire. Neutralite. (Neutrality.) Gessner, 1865. Hautefeuille, 3 v., 1868. Notaires. CNotaries.) Clerc, 1837. Masse, 3 v., 1821. Obligations. Pothier, 2 v., 1768. Eevillout, 1886. Van Wetter, 3 v., 1886. Yernet, 1865. Origines du Droit. (Origin of Law.) Flach, 1886. rieurv, Eng., 1724. Gentil, 1863. Pandectes de Justinien. (Pandects of Justinian.) Hulot, 7 v., 1805. See also Droit Romain. Parlement. See Discipline. Peine de 3Iort. (Death Penalty.) Haus, 1867. Sellon, 1877. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Pliilosophie du Droit. (Philosophy of Law.) Franck, 1886. Lioy, 1887. Police. Braver, 1886. Possession. Pothier, 1777. Prescription. Pothier, 1777. Presse, Lois de la. (Laws of the Press.) Parant, 1834. Prises. (Prize.) See Droit International Maritime. Propriete, Doniaine de. (Domain of Property.) Pothier, 1776. Propriete ludustrielle. (Industrial Property.) Barclay, Eng., 1889. Darras, 1887. Pouillet, 2 v., 1887. Propriete Litteraire et Artis- tique. (Literary and Artistic Property.) Lyon-Caen et Delalain, 2 v., 1889. Renouard, 2 v., 1838. Rente, Constitution de. (Settlement of an Annuity.) Pothier, 1773. Ret raits. (Repossession.) Pothier, 1781. ' Seigneuries. (Seigniories.) Loyseau, 1608. Societes. (Companies.) Bedarride, 3 v., 1878. Societe, Contrat de. (Partnership Contract.) Pothier, 1774. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 305 France : Treatises, etc- Continiied. Sooietes eii CoiniiiaiKlite. (Limited Liability.) Bedarride, 2 v., 1880. Hamber, Eng., 1852. Societes Etraugferes. (Foreign Companies.) Lyon-Caen, 1870. Societes Industrielles. (Industrial Societies.) Brabrook, Eng., 1869. Succession. (Inheritance.) Colin, Eng., 1876. Rivier, 1878. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Traitds. (Treaties.) D'Angeberg, 1 v., 1864. Calvo, 11 v., 1862-9. De Garden, 14 v., 1849- 51. Tramways. Yigouroux, 1886. Valeiirs Mobiliferes. (Movable Property.) Buchere, 1881. Vente. (Sale.) Bedarride, 1878. Benjamin, Eng., 1888. Pothier, 2 v., 1781. France (L. B.), reporter. Colorado Reports, vols. 3-4. Francillon (James). Lectures on English Law. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1860-61. Francis (Philip). Common Law Procedure, under the Pro- cedure Acts of 1852 and 1854. 8vo. London, 1854. Francis (Richard). Maxims of Equitv, etc. 3d ed. Dublin, 1791. Franck (Ad.). Philosophic du Droit Civil. ISSB. 8vo. 8vo. Paris, 3d ed. 8vo. Frank (Nathan). Bankrupt Law of 1867, St. Louis, 1877. Franklin (Benjamin). Complete Works, edited bv John Bigelow. 10 vols., Svo. Kew York, 1887-8. Benjamin Franklin. By John T. Morse, Jr. 16mo. Boston and New York, 1889. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Franks (David). New York Citv Directory, 1786. Reprint. 12mo. New York, 1874. Franqiiet de Franqneville (Charles), Comte de. Le Gou- vernement et le Parlement Britanniques. 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1887. Fraser (Hng-li). Compendium of the Law of Torts. 12 mo. London, 1888. Law of Libel in its relation to the Press. Svo. Lon- don, 1889. 20 306 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Fraser (^ James u Ilandy-Book of Patent and Copyright Law, English and Foreign. 12ino. London, 1860. Fraser (Patrick). The Conflict of Laws in Cases of Divorce, bvo. Edinburgh, 1860. Treatise on Husband and Wife, according to the Law of Scotland. 2d ed. 2 vols., roy. bvo. Edinburgh, 1876-8. Treatise on the Law of Scotland relative to Master and Servant, and Master and Apprentice. 2d ed. Roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. [Same.] 3d ed. Eoy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1882. Treatise on the Law of Scotland relative to Parent and Child, and Guardian and Ward. 2d ed. By H. Cowan. Svo. Edinburgh, 1866. Fraser (Patrick), 3Iilne (J. S.) and 3IacPlierson (N.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases. 2d Series. Vol. 17. Fraser (Patrick), 3Iiliie (J. S.), MacPherson (N.) and Sliirreff (C. J.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases. 2d Series. Vol. 18. Fraser Patrick^ 3Ioiitgomery (J. F.), 3Iiliie (J. S.) and 3IacPliersoii (N. ), reporters. Scotch Session Cases. 2d Series. A"ol. 16. Fraser (Siiuoii). English Election Cases, 1790-1792. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1791-3. Frauds, Covins and Collusions. A Treatise of. Svo. London. 1710. Frazer (Alexander). Judicial Proceedings before the High Court of Admiralty, etc., in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1814. Frederician Code ; or, A body of Law for the Dominions of the King of Prussia. Translated from the French. 2 vols., Svo. Edinburo-h, 1761. Frederick, Duke of York. Report of the Evidence and Pro- ceedings upon the Charges preferred by G. L. Wardle before the House of Commons. Svo. London, 1809. Free (B. D.). Exercises in the Inns of Court, preparatory to the Study of the Law. 12mo. London, 1781:. Freedley (Ang^elo T. ). General Corporation Law of Penn- sylvania; with Supplement. Svo. Philadelphia, 1882-3. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1890. Limited Partnership Association Laws of Pennsylvania. 12mo. Philadeli)hia, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 307 rreeinan (A. C). Cotenancy and Partition. Treatise on the Law of Co-ownership as it exists Independent of Part- nership Relations between the Co-owners. 8vo. San Francisco, 1874. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. San Francisco, 1886. Digest of the American Decisions, and Index to the Notes thereto in vols. 1-30. 8vo. San Francisco, 1882. Enforcement of Judgments against Bankrupts. 8vo. St. Louis, 1877. Treatise on the Law of Executions in Civil Cases and of Proceedings in Aid and liestraint thereof. 8vo. San Francisco, 1876. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. San Francisco, 1888. Treatise on the Law of Judgments. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1873. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. San Francisco, 1871:. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. San Francisco, 1881. Void Execution, Judicial and Probate Sales. Svo. St, Louis, 1877. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1886, [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1890. (editor). American Decisions, vols. 12-100. American State Reports, vols. 1-16. Freeman (Eclinimd). Laws of the Territory North West of the River Ohio. Small -Ito. ChiUicothe, 1798. [Reprint. Cincinnati, 1890.] Freeman (Edward A.). Growth of the English Constitu- tion. 8vo. London, 1872. History of the Norman Conquest of England. 2d ed. 5 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1870-6. Introduction to American Institutional Historv. 8vo. Baltimore, 1882. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] Freeman (John D.). Cases decided in the Superior Court of Chancery, Mississippi, 1839-1843. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1844. Freeman (Norman L.). Digest of Decisions, Supreme Court of Illinois. 2 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1858. (reporter). Illinois Reports, vols. 31-131. 308 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Freeman (Ricliarcl). Reports, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, England, KmO-ITO-I. 2d ed. By E. Smirks. Svo. London, 1826. Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1060-1706. 2d ed. By J. E. Ilovenden. Svo. London, 1823. Freeman (Samnel). American Clerk's Magazine. 12mo. Boston, 17H4. Freeman (William). Trial of, for the Murder of John G. Van Nest. Reported by B. F. Hall. 8vo. Auburn, 1848. Fremantle (W. H.). Ecclesiastical Cases. See Brodrick (G. C.) and Fremantle. Fremont (J.). Comjiendium of Dominion Laws of Canada, 1867-1883. 8vo. Montreal, 1884. Fremont (Lieut.-Col. John C). Trial of, by Court Martial. 8vo. Washington, 1848. French (A. B.), et al. Trial of, for Conspiracy. Reported by W. B. Gurney. Svo. London, 1819. French (B. B.), reporter. New Hampshire Reports, vol. 6. French (George), reporter. Spottiswoode's Equity Reports, vol. 3. French Spoliation Claims. Statements by Mr. Stewart, 1800-1812, as to average Cost of Shij^s ; average Rate of Freight ; Demurrage on Vessels ; Time for Voyages ; aver- age Insurance Premiums. [Manuscript.] Prices in Holland, 1809. [Manuscript.] K Y. Prices Current, 1811. U. S. Shipping List and Prices Current, 1811. Argument on the questions whether the Loss, arising from an Unlawful Seizure preventing the property from reaching its port Ought to be Allowed, etc. In the Case of the Ship Hunter. Svo. Washington, 1824. Message from the President, transmitting Copies of In- structions to the Ministers of the U. S. to the Government of France, and of the Correspondence with said Govern- ment, having reference to the Spoliations committed by that Power on the Commerce of the U. S., anterior to Sept. 30, 1800, etc. [In the Senate, 19th Congress, 1st Session.] Svo. Washington, 1826. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 309 French Spoliation Claims. Sketch of the Claims of Sun- dry American Citizens on the Government of the United States, for Indemnity for Depredations committed on their Property by the French ])rior to Sept. 3()th, ISOO. By James H. Causten. 8vo. Baltimore, 1826. Additional Report of Spoliations on the Commerce of the United States, transmitted by the Secretarj^ of State to the House of Representatives. [20th Congress, 2d Session.] Svo. Washington, 1827. — Act to carry into effect the Convention between the U. S. and his Majestv, the King of the French, etc., approved July 13, 1832. — Circular directing Claimants to file Memorials, dated Sept. 18, 1832. — Convention between the U. S. of America and the King of the French, concluded July 4, 1831, ratified Feb. 2, 1832. [In French and English.] 8v^o. Washington, 1832. — Act to carry into effect tlie Convention between the U. S. and His Majesty, the King of the Two Sicilies, con- cluded at I^aples, Oct. 14, 1832; approved March 2, 1833. — Circular extending time, dated March 5, 1833. — [Same.] Extending time, dated July 13, 1833. — Letter from the Secretary of State to the Commissioners, July 26, 1833, communicating copies of such of the Arretes of the French Government, prohibiting intercourse with the revolted parts of St. Domingo, as are on file in the Depart- ment of State. — Notice to Claimants under Treaty with Sicily, 1832, dated Sept. 19, 1833. — Opinions of the Commissioners as to Rules by which the amount of damages is to be calculated. [Manuscript.] — " Orders " in manuscript. — Argument of Jas. Bayard in the Case of the Brig Cupid. Svo. Washington, 1833. — Argument of James Bayard in Case of Schooner Francis Lewis. Svo. Washington, 1833. St. Domingo Cases. In the Case of the Brij? Rose. Argument of Charles Chauncey, 1833. — Argument of Richard S. Coxe in the Case of Mr. Ridg- way's claim. Svo. Washington, 1833. 310 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF French Spoliation Claims. Saint Domingo Cases. To the Board of Commissioners appointed under the late Treaty with France. Aro:ument of Caleb Cushino^. Arg^ument of J. M. Delagrange, of Paris, on the Claim of M. Laiile, 1833. Argument of F. C. Gray. Captures after the Signature of the Treaty of Sept. 30, 1800, and before the exchange or satisfaction. 8vo. Washington, 1833. Argument of F. C. Gray : Claims for Salvage. 8vo. Washington, 1833. Argument of F. C. Gray : Ransom and Compromise. 8vo. Washington, 1833. Antwerp Claims — Measure of Damages. By W. B. Law- rence, June 29, 1833. Compromise Cases. The Palinurus, Merrihew, etc. Arg-ument of W. B. Lawrence. 8vo. Washington, 1833. St. Domingo Cases. Argument of David B. Ogden, Xov. 13, 1833. Argument of John Sergeant in the Case of the Claim of the Insurance Co. of Xorth America. 8vo. Washington, 1833. Argument of John Sergeant in the Case of the Ship America. 8vo. Washington, 1833. Argument of John Sergeant in the Case of the Ships Three Sisters, Asia, and Xancy. 8vo. AVashington, 1833. — St. Domingo Cases. Argument of John Sergeant, Oct., 1833. — St. Domingo Cases. Supplemental Argument of John Sergeant. Xov. 12, 1833. — Case of the Ship Amazon. Memorial of B. M. Watson. Svo. Washington, 1833. — Argument by E. E. Bourne in the Case of the Schooner Hannah. 8vo. Washington, 1831. — Proceedings and Discussions in the French Chamber of Deputies, on the subject of the Treatj^ between France and the U. S., 1831. Svo. Washington, 1831. — Report of the Commissioners under the Act to carry into effect the late Treaty with France ; with a Statement of the Claims Examined by them, June 7. 1834. — St. Domingo Claims. Argument of James M. Broom. Svo. Washington, 1831. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 311 French Spoliation Claims. Treaty with France. Message of the President, transmitting Correspondence in relation to the Refusal of France to make Provision for the Execution of the Treaty. 8vo. Washington, 1834. Argument of James Bayard in the matter of the Claims of the Insurance Co. of North America. Svo. "Washing- ton, 1835. In the Case of the Ship Aurora, Dashiell, before the Board of Commissioners. Ai'gument of James Bayard, Feb. 10, 1835. — Report by Mr. Clay on that part of the President's Message which refers to the present state of our Relations with France. Svo. Washington, 1835. — Letter from W. J. Duane, as to the rules by which the Danish Commissioners made up their Accounts, May, 1835. [Manuscript.] — Opinion of James Kent on the Claim of Letitia Mum- ford, 1835. — Argument of F. S. Kev in the Case of the Schooner John, 1835. — Brig Friendship. Argument of J. Mason. Svo. Wash- ington, 1835. — Cadiz Cases. Argument of Daniel Webster. Svo. Washington, 1835. — Cases of Compromise with Captors. Argument of Dan- iel Webster. Svo. Washington, 1835. — In the Case of the Brig Traveller ; under Treaty of July 4, 1831. Argument of Daniel Webster and F. C. Gray. Svo. Washington, 1835. — Lisbon Cases. Argument of Daniel Webster. Svo. Washington, 1835. — " St. Dominofo Cases." Aro^ument of Daniel Webster and F. C. Gray. Svo. Washington, 1835. — Memorial of James H. Causten, to the House of Repre- sentatives, March 26, 1838. — Petition of Convention of Delegates to the House of Representatives, March 12, 1838. — Report from Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Jan. 20, 1838. — Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, to the Senate, April 2, 1838. 312 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF French Spoliation Claims. Eesolutions of the General Assembly of Rhode Ishind. on the subject of Making Indera- nitv for French Spohations prior to 1800. [U. S. Senate, 2Sth Congress, 1st Session.] Svo. "Washington, 1844. ■ Report of Select Committee. House of Representatives, Feb. 5, 1850. ■ Report of Committee on Foreign Relations. Senate, Jan. IT, 1870. — Report from Committee on Claims, in the U. S. Senate, 4Tth Congress, 1st Session. 8vo. "Washington, 1882. Report of Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Rep- resentatives, April 18, 1882. ■ Message from the President, transmitting a Report of the Secretary of State relative to the Claims of Citizens of the United States against France. In the Senate, 4bth Con- gress, 1st Session. 8vo. "Washington, 1884. Report from Committee on Claims, in the U. S. Senate, 4>th Cono-ress. 1st Session. 8vo. "Washincjton, 1884. Report from Committee on Foreign Affairs, in the U. S. House of Representatives, 48th Congress, 1st Session. Svo. Washington, 1884. — Report from Committee on the Judiciarv in the House of Representatives, 48th Congress, 1st Session. 8vo. "Wash- ington, 1884. — Report of Committee on Foreign Affaii-s, House of Rep- resentatives, Jan. 24, 1884. — Act of January 20, 1885. Svo. "Washington, 1885. — List of Vessels, with the Docket numbers of Cases filed in the Court of Claims, under Act of Jan. 20, 1885. — Message from the President of the U. S., transmitting a Report from the Secretary of State concerning the trans- actions of the French and American Claims Commission, House of Representatives, 4Sth Congress, 2d Session. Svo. "Washington, 1885. — Report of the Secretary of State, transmitting an Ac- count of Expenditures. Svo. "Washington, 1885. — Speech of "William R. Cox. in the House of Representa- tives, Jan. 14th, 1885. Svo. "Washington, 1885. — Concluding Argument of B. "Wilson, Assistant Attorney, on a Motion to Re-argue, Dec, 1886. — French Spoliations, Xos. 2, 4, 7. Additional Brief and Requests by Defendants, Sept., 1886. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 313 French Spoliation Claims. Notes on various Questions involved in the French SpoHation Cases, by Counsel for the Government, Oct., 1886. Opinions of the Court, delivered May 17 and May 24, 1886. By Judge John Davis. President's Message to the House of Representatives. With Report of S. P. Tuck relating to ascertained Claims, April 27, 1886. President's Message to the Senate. With Report upon French Claims, Jan. 12, 1886. Questions of Court and Counsel answered by Assistant Attorney B. Wilson. With Specimen Cases showing Ap- peals to'the Court of Cassation, Nov., 1886. Report from the Court of Claims to the House of Repre- sentatives, Dec. 7, 1886. Report of the Secretary of State, transmitted to the Senate, March 17, 1886. Brief of Argument in various French Spoliation Cases, Jan., 1887. Trend (H. T.). Perexigua ; or. Land Transfer, and other Conveyancing on short lines. 12mo. London, 1885. Frencl (H. T.) and Ware (T. H.). Precedents of Instru- ments relating to the Transfer of Land to Railway Com- panies. 2d ed. With a Treatise upon tlie Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts, by D. Sturges and T. L. M. Browne. 8vo. London, 1866. Trend (Williani). Account of the Proceedings in the Uni- versity of Cambridge, for publishing a pamphlet, intitled Peace and Union, etc. 8vo. Cambridge, 1793. Peace and Union, recommended to the Associated Bodies of Republicans and Anti-Republicans. 2d ed. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1793. Frere (W. E.), Spens (A.), Webb (R. T.) and Harrison (W. H.). Reports of Selected Cases decided by the Sudder Dewanee Adawlut, 1820-1840. 8vo. Bombay, 1843. Friery (Bernard). Trial of, for Murder. Opinion of the Court. 8vo. New York, 1866.' Fries (John). Two Trials of, for Treason and Insurrection. 8vo. Philadelphia, 180i>. Frost (Charles). Considerations on Remunerating Wit- nesses. 8vo. London, 1815. 314 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Frost (T. G.). The French Constitution of 1793. Svo. Xew York, 1890. Fruin i J. A.). De Xederlandsche "Wetboeken. 12rao. Utrecht, 1881. For Supplement, 1886, see Pols (M. S.). Fry ( Daiiby P.). The Lunacv Acts. 2d ed. Svo. London, ' 1^77. The Vaccination Acts. 4th ed. Svo. London, 1869. Fry (Edward). Treatise on the Specific Performance of Con- tracts. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S59. [L. L., vol. 100.] [Same.] 2d Am. ed. Bv W. S. Schuvler. Svo. Albany, 1871. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. Bv W. M. Scott. Svo. Albany, 1SS4. Fry (Emilie L. vs. Horace B.). Divorce Case. Before the Legislature of Pennsvlvania. Svo. Philadelphia, 1859. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Fry (^George G. i. Questions and Answers on Municipal Law. 8vo. ^ew York, 1887. Fryer (William J.). Laws relating to Buildings in the City of Xew York. Svo. Xew York, 1SS7. Fuchs (C). Kritische Studien zum Pandektentexte. Svo. Leipzig, 1867. Fiilbeck I WilliainV Direction, or Preparative to the Study of the Law. Revised by T. H. Stirhng. 12rao. London, 1808. The Pandectes of the Law of Xations. Small -Ito. London, 1602. A Parallele or Conference of the Civill Law, the Canon Law, and the Common Law of England. In dialogues. Small 4to. London. 1601-2. Full Bench Rulings. See India, Xorth Western Provinces. Fuller ( H. W. ). Xoted French Trials. Imposters and Ad- venturers. Svo. Boston. 1882. Fuller ( Morris J. ). The Court of Final Appeal : or. The Appellate Jurisdiction of the Crown in Ecclesiastical Cases. Svo. Oxford, 1865. Fuller (T. K. ). Tillage, School and Fence Law of the State of Xew York. Svo. Syracuse, 1880. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 315 Fuller (Williaiu D.), reporter. Michigan Reports, vols. 59-81. Fulton (Forrest). Manual of Constitutional History. 8vo. London, 1875. Fulton (John). Laws of Marriage. 12mo. Xew York, • 1883. Fulton (John W.). Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William, in Bengal, 18.1:2-1844:. 8vo. Calcutta, 1845. Funck-Brentano (Th.) and Sorel (Albert). Precis du Droit des Gens. 8vo. Paris, 18TT. Fuqua (James O.). Civil Code of Louisiana. 8vo. New Orleans, 1867. Code of Practice of Louisiana. 8vo. New Orleans, 1869. Fur, Fin and Feather. Game Laws of the United States and Canada. 8vo. New York, Charles Suvdam, 1874. [Pam., vol. 2.] Furlong (John Smith). Law of Landlord and Tenant as administered in Ireland. 2d ed. By E. R. D. La Touche. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Dublin, 1869. Furlong (W. R.). Report of the Case of Angeli vs. Galbraith. Action for Libel. 8vo. Dublin, 1857. Furnald (Amos). Trial of, for Murder. Reported by R. Ela. 8vo. Concord, 1825. Furneaux (Philip). Letters to Blackstone, etc. See Palla- dium of Conscience. 316 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF G. Gabbett (Joseph). Digested Abridgment, antl Comparative View, of the Statute Law of England and Ireland, to the year 1811. With Supplement to 1817. 4 vols., 8vo. Dub- lin, 1812-18. — Treatise on the Criminal Law. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1835-1:3. Gaelics (Louis). Town Councillors and Burgesses ManuaL A Digest of Municipal and Sanitary Law. 8vo. London, 1875. Gaeclliil (War of the) with the Gaill. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Gael (Samuel H.). Treatise on the Analogy between Legal and General Composition; intended as an Introduction to the Drawing of Legal Instruments. 8vo. London, 1840. Gaiues (M5 ra Clark) vs. Richard Rclf, Beverly Chew, et al. Case on Appeal, U. S. Supreme Court. 8vo. [Wash- ington, 1850.] Gains (or Caius). See Abdy and Walker ; Bocking ; Cumin ; Dernburg ; Domenget ; Gneist ; Harris, S. F. ; Krueger and Studemund ; Mears ; Muirhead ; Poste ; Tedeschi ; Tomkins antl Lemon. Galbraith (John B.). Index to the Decisions of the Su- preme Court of Florida. 8vo. Tallahassee, 1806. • (reporter). Florida Reports, vols. 9-11. Galbraith (John B.) and Meek (A. R.), reporters. Florida Reports, vol. 12. Gale (Charles J.). Term Reports in the Court of Exchequer, England, 1835-1836. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1835-8. Treatise on the Law of Easements. 4th ed. B}'- D. Gib- bons. 8vo. London, 1868. [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1876. [Same.] 6th ed. By G. Cave. 8vo. London, 1888. Gale (Charles J.) and Davison (H.). Reports, Court of Queen's Bench and Exchequer Ciiamber. England, 1841- 1843. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1842-3. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 317 Gale (Charles J.) and Whatley (T. D.). Treatise on the Law of Easements. With American l^otes by E. Ham- mond. 8vo. Isew York, 1840. Gale (Deiiius R.). Requisites of a good Law School Text- Book. Svo. Philadelphia, 1890. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Gale (John B.). Marriage between Affines. Svo. Troy, 1880. [Pam., vol. 34.] Gallagher (Charles J.). Legal and Equitable Theories of the Rights of Mortgagor and Mortgagee. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1890. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Gallatin (Albert). Biography of. By John A. Stevens. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Gallick Reports ; or. An Historical Collection of Criminal Cases adjudged in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in France. 12rao. London, 1737. Gallison (John). Reports, IT. S. Circuit Court, First Circuit, 1812-1815. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1815-17. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, IS-IS. Gamble (Richard W.) and Barlow (William). Index to all the Reported Cases in the several Courts of Equity in Ireland. 2 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1868. Game Laws of the different States of the Union and the Ca- nadian Provinces. Svo. New York, 1874. [Pam., vol. 2.] Game Laws of the State of New York. Svo. Albany, 1879. [Pam., vol. 28.] Gantt (E. W.). Digest of Arkansas Statutes. Svo. Little Rock, 1874. Garde (Ricliard). Analj^sis of the First Principles, or Ele- mentary Rules, of Pleading. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1841. Treatise on the General Principles of the Law of Evi- dence. 12mo. Boston, 1850. Garden (Gnillanme), Comte de. Histoire Generale des Traites de Paix, etc., depuis la Paix de Westphalie. Ouvrage comprenant les Travaux de Koch, Schoell, etc. 14 vols., Svo. Paris, [1849-51]. Gardenhire (J. B.), reporter. Missouri Reports, vols. 14, 15. 318 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Gardiner (George A.). Trial of, for False Swearing. Ar- gument of P. R. Fendall. 8vo. Washington, 1853. Gardiner (R. ), editor. Instructor Clericalis. Gardner (Daniel). Institutes of International Law, Public and Private, as settled by the Supreme Court of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1860. Treatise on International Law ; and a short Explanation of the Jurisdiction and Duty of the Government of the Re- public of the United States. 12mo. Troy, 184-1, Treatise on the Martial Power of the President of the United States, n. p., [1862]. [Pam., vol. 21.] Gareis (Carl). Allgemeines Staatsrecht. 8vo. Freiburg, 1883. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Patentg'esetzg'ebung'. 4 vols., 12mo. Berlin, 1879-85. Das Staatsrecht des Grossherzogthums Hessen. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Garnot (X.). Condition de TEtranger dans le Droit Public Francais. Svo. Paris, 1885. Gary (George). Law and Practice of Courts of Probate under the Statutes and Decisions of the Supreme Courts of Wisconsin and Minnesota. 8vo. Chicago, 1879. Gault (Joseph). Reports of Decisions in Justice's Courts, in the State of Georgia, 1820-1846. [Burlesque.] 12mo. Marietta, 1846. Gavipp (L.). Das Staatsrecht des Konigreichs Wiirttemberg. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Gavin ('J. B.) and Hord ( O. B.). Statutes of the State of Indiana. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Indianapolis, 1870. Gay (Sydney H.i. Biography of James Madison. 12mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer, Commonwealth Series.] Gayarre (Charles), reporter. Louisiana Annual Reports, ' vols. 25-28. Gayer vs. Byrne. Action for Libel. 8vo. Dublin, 1845. Gazette of Bankruptcy. 2 vols., folio. London, 1862. Gazzani (Andley W.). American and English Bankruptcy Digest. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1871. Treatise on the Bankrupt Law. 4th ed. Svo. Albany, 1872. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 319 Gear (H. L.). Analytical Index-Digest to the California Ke- ports. Svo. San Francisco, 1887. Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. 12mo. ISan Francisco, 1888. Geare (Edward A.). Investment of Trust Funds. 12mo. London, 1886. [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1889. Geary (Thomas), editor. Kawlinson's Municipal Corporation Act. Geary (W. X. M.) and Williams (James), Law of Thea- tres and Music-halls. 8vo. London, 1885. Gedye (Nicholas). Observations on Law Reform. 8vo. London, 1867. [Pam., vol. 38.] Geldart (J. W.). Analysis of the Civil Law. See Hallifax (S.). Geldart (T. C), editor. Maddock's Chancery Reports, vol. 6, Geldert (John M.) and Oxley (James M.). Decisions of the Supreme Court of Xova Scotia, 1866-1875. 3 vols., Svo. Halifax, 1880-3. Gem (Harvey). Considerations on Ecclesiastical Courts' Re- form. 8vo. London, 1814. [Pam., vol. 1:5.] General Armstrong (The Brig of War). Case of. Reported by S. C. Reid, Jr. 8vo. New York, 1857. General Digest of the Decisions of the Principal Courts in the United States. 5 vols., roy. 8vo. Rochester, 1886-90. Geneva Arbitration. Epitome of Contest in Congress. Bv J. F. Manning. Svo. New York, 1882. Geneva Award Acts ; with Notes and References to Decis- ions. By F. W. Hackett. Svo. Boston, 1882. Observations, etc., on the Geneva Award. Bv Cephas Brainerd. Svo. New York, 1876. Speech on Distribution of Awards. By Abram S. Hewitt. Svo. "Washington, 1876. See also Alabama Claims. Gengler (H. G.). Das Deutsche Privatrecht. Svo. Erlan- gen, 1859. Gentil (Constant le). See Le Gentil (Constant). Gentili (Alberico). De Jure Belli Libri Tres. Edidit T. E. Holland. 4to. Oxonii, 1877. 320 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Geiitoo Laws, Code of ; or, Ordinations of the Pundits ; from a Persian Translation made from the Shanscrit. Halhed. 8vo. London, 1777. — [Same.] Svo. London, 1781, Bv X. B. George (James Z.i. Digest of Mississippi Reports. Roy. Svo. Philadelphia, IS 72. (reporter), Mississippi Reports, vols. 30-39. * George (John). Treatise on the Offence of Libel. Svo. London, 1812. View of the Law affecting Unincorporated Joint Stock Companies. Svo. Georgia : Reports. Charlton, T. U. P. Charlton, R. M. Dudley. Georgia Decisions. Georgia Reports. London, 1S25. 1S05-1S11. 1811-1837. 1830-1833. 1841-1843. 1846-1SS9. Gault. Justice's Courts. 1 820-1846. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 83 vols. (Burlesque.) 1 vol. — Digests of Reports. Bacon. Harris. Yan Epps. Jackson. Hey ward. — Statutes. New Digest. Index *fe Digest. Index & Digest. Analytical Index. Table of Cases. 1S46-1S70. 1S70-1S78. 1878-1888. 1846-1872. 1846-1879. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. Session. Date. Session. Date. Annual 1799 1800 1801 (June, 1802 ]Nov.. 1802 1803 1804 1805 June, 1806 Nov., 180(5 1807 May, 1808 Nov.. 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 Annual 1814 Annual 1815 Annual Annual 1816 Extra Annual Annual Annual 1817 1818 Annual Annual 1819 Annual Annual 1820 Annual Extra April, 1821 Nov., 1821 Extra. Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual 1822 1823 Extra Annual Extra Annual 1824 Annual May, 1825 Annual Nov.. 1825 Annual Annual 1826 Annual Annual 1827 Annual Annual 1828 Annual Annual 1839 THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. Georgia : Statutes. — Continued. 321 Sessions. Date. Sessions. Annual 1830 1831 18S2 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1845 1847 1849-50 1851-2 1853-4 1855-6 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 (Nov., 1862 1 March, 1863 Annual Extra Annual Annual Annual Annual Extra Annual Annual Annual Adjourned Annual Annual Annual Called Annual Annual Annual Called Annual Regular Annual Called Annual Adjourned Regular Annual Biennial Regular Regular Regular Regular Biennial Biennial Biennial Biennial Biennial Biennial Biennial Biennial Biennial Annual Biennial Annual Biennial Annual Adjourned Biennial Annual Annual Extra Adjourned Biennial Date. Nov., 1863 March, 1864 Nov., 1864 Feb., 1865 Dec, 1865 Jan., 1866 Nov., 1866 July, 1868 Jan., 1869 July, 1S70 Nov., 1871 Jan., 1872 July, 1872 Jan., 1878 Jan., 1874 Jan., 1875 Jan., 1876 Jan., 1877 1878-9 1880-1 1882-3 1884-5 Nov., 1886 July, 1887 Nov., 1888 July, 1889 Nov., 1890 Digest of Laws. (Watkins.) 1800. Digest of Laws to 1800. 4to. Philadelphia, 1801. Digest of Laws. (Marbury & Crawford.) 1802. Compilation of Laws, 1800-1810. (Clayton.) 1812. Compilation of Laws, 1810-1819. (Lamar.) 1821. Digest of Laws. (Prince.) 1822. Digest of English Statutes in Force. (Schley.) 1826. Compilation of Laws. (Dawson.) 1831. Digest of Laws, 1820-1829. (Foster.) 1831. Digest of Laws. (Prince.) 1837. Codification of Statute Law. (Hotchkiss.) 1845. Analysis of the Statutes. (Cobb.) 1846. Codification of Statutes. (Hotchkiss.) 1848. Digest of Statutes. (Cobb.) 1851. Compilation of Laws. (Cobb.) 1859. Waters. Pamphlet Laws. 1864-5. William & Wellborn's Pamphlet Laws. 1866. Code of Laws. (Clark, Cobb & Irwin.) 1861. [Same.] 1867. [Same.] With Supplement. (Harris.) 1873-8. [Same.] (Irwin, Lester & Hill.) 1882. 21 322 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Georgia : Constitutional Conventions. Journal and Ordinances, Convention of 1850. Journal. Convention of 1861. Journal, Convention of 1865. Journal. Convention of 1868. Debates and Proceedings, Convention of 1877. 3Iiseellaneous. Criminal Law. (Reed.) 1873. Executors, etc. (Reese.) 1858. Georgia Decisions. Reports of Cases in the Superior Courts of Georgia, 1841-1843. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Augusta, 1.^43. Georgia Lavr Journal. 8vo. Atlanta, 1884. [Only 3 numbers. 48 pages. pul)lished.] Georgia La^v Reporter. 8vo. Atlanta, 1885-6. [Only one vol. published. J Georgia State Bar Association. Reports of Annual Meetings. 1884-1890. 7 vols., 8vo. Macon, etc., 1885-90. Gerard (James W.). Pi-oceedings and Speeches at the public dinner given by the Bar of ]S"ew York on his retiring from Practice. 8vo. Xew York, 1869. [Pam.. vol. 5.] Proceedings of the Bar of Xew York, in Memory of. ^vo. ;Xew York. 1874. [Pam., vol. 5.] Gerard (James W., Jr.). Digested Treatise and Compen- dium of Law applicable to Titles to Real Estate in the State of Xew York. 8vo. Xew York, 1869. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Xew York. 1873. [Same.] 3d ed. With Xotes, by E. B. Hill and Edgar Loffan. 8vo. Xew York, 1889. London and Xew York : their Crime and Pohce. 8vo. Xew York, 1853. [Pam., vol. 2.] The Old Stadt Huys of Xew Amsterdam, bvo. Xew York, 1875. [Pam., vol. 11.] — Old Streets of Xew York under the Dutch. 8vo. Xew York, 1^74. [Pam., vol. 2.] Treatise on the Title of the Corporation and others to the Streets, Wharves, Piers, Parks. Ferries, and other Lands and Franchises in the City of Xew York. 8vo. Xew York, lb 72. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 323 Gerber (C. F.), editor. Jahrbiicher fiir die Dograatik, etc., vols. 1-6. Gerber (E. F. von). System des Deutschen Privatrechts. 13. x\ufl. 8vo. Jena, 1878. Germany : Keports. Entscheidungen des Koniglichen Oberverwaltungsgerichts [Decisions of the Royal Superior Court of Administra- tion], 1877-90. 19 vols. [Same.] Haupt- Register, 1877-87. 1 vol. Entscheidungen des Reichs-Oberhandelsgerichts [Decisions of the Imperial Superior Court of Commerce], 1873-80. 25 vols. [Same.] General-Register, 1873-80. 4 vols. Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Civilsachen [Decisions of the Imperial Court in Civil Cases], 1880-90. 26 vols. [Same.] Generalregister, 1880-89. 2 vols. Entscheidungen des Reichsgerichts in Strafsachen [De- cisions of the Imperial Court in Criminal Cases], 1880- 90. 20 vols. [Same.] Generalregister, 1880-89. 2 vols. Statntes. Sammlung der fiir die Koniglichen Preussischen Staaten Gesetze [Collection of laws for the Roval Prussian States], 1806-10. 1 vol., 4to. Berlin, 1822. Gesetz-Sammlung fiir die Koniglichen Preussischen Staaten [Collection of laws for the Royal Prussian States], 1810- 90. 81 vols., 4to. Berlin. [Same.] Haupt-Register [General Index], 1806-83. 2 vols., 4to. Berlin, 1885. Bundes-Gesetzblatt des ]S"orddeutschen Bundes [Federate law journal of the North German Confederation], 1867- 70. 4 vols., 4to. Berlin. Reichs-Gesetzblatt [Imperial law journal], 1871-90. 20 vols., 4to. Berlin. [Same.] Haupt-Sachregister [General Subject-index], 1867- 86. 1 vol., 4to. Berlin, 1887. Grotefend. Gesetzsammlung fiir den Preussischen Staat und das Deutsche Reich [Collection of laws for Prussia and the German Empire], 1806-83. 4 vols., 8vo. Diis- seldorf, 1884. [Same.] Register. 8vo. Diisseldorf, 1884. [Same.] Jahrgange [Annuals], 1884-6. 3 vols., 8vo. Diisseldorf. [Same.] Kommentar [Commentar}']. 3 vols., Svo. Diis- seldorf. 1887. 324 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Germany : Statutes. — Continued. Gesetzgebung des Deutschen Reiches mit Erlauterungen [Laws of the German Empire, with notes], hrsg. von Ernst Bezold. 8vo. 14 vols, in 18. Erlangen, 1876-90. I. BiirgerHches Recht [Civil law]. -1 vols, in 7. 1878-85. [Same.] S'^'" Band: Konkursordnung [Bankruptcy]. 2. Aufl. 3 vols. 1885. II. Staatsrecht [Political law.] 3 vols. 1881-90. III. Strafrecht [Criminal law]. vols. 1876-88. Justiz-Gesetze fiir das Deutsche Reich : Les Lois de Justice pour FEmpire d'Allemagne. 8vo. Strassburg, 1879. Verhandlungen der Reichs-Justiz-Kommission und des Reichstags iiber die Entwiarfe der Reichs-Justiz-Gesetze [Transactions of the Imperial Commission on Justice, and of the Reichstag, on the projects of the imperial laws con- cerning justice]. 3 vols., 8vo. Berlin, Fr. Kortkampf, 1878-81. Vol. 1. Strafprozess-Ordnung [The order of criminal procedure]. 1881. Vol. 2. Civilprozess-Ordnung [The order of civil pro- cedure]. 1878. Vol. 3. Gerichts-Verfassung [Constitution of the courts]. 1881. Kritische Ueberschau der Deutschen Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft [Critical Survey of Legislation and Jurisprudence]. 6 vols., 8vo. Mimchen, 1853-9. Kritische Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Gesetzgebung [Critical quar- terly for Legislation]. 32 vols., 8vo. Miinchen, 1859-90. Codes. Biirgerliches Gesetzbuch [Civil Code]. Frederician Code. Eng. Tr. 2 vols. 1761. [Same.] Entwurf eines Einfiihrungsgesetzes zum Biirger- lichen Gesetzbuche [Project of an introductory law to the Civil Code]. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. [Same.] Entwurf eines Biirgerlichen Gesetzbuches [Pro- ject of a Civil Code]. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. [Same.] Motive zu dem Entwurf e [Grounds of the Project]. 5 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1888. [Same.] Motive zu dem Entwurfe. Sachregister [Subject- Index]. 8vo. Berlin, 1888. [Same.] Riehl. 4 vols. 1883. Handelsgesetzbuch [Commercial Code]. Koch. 1868. [Same.] Makower. 1880. [Same.] Schroder. Die handelsrechtlichen Gesetze. 1880. Strafgesetzbuch [Criminal Code]. Drage. Eng. 1885. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 325 Germany : Treatises, etc. Actiengesellschaften. (Joint Stock Companies.) Oechelhaeuser. 1878, Renaud. 1875. Administration. See Verwaltungsrecht. Alimentationspflieht. (Duty of Support.) Buengner. 1879. Alterthiimer. (Legal Antiquities.) Grimm. 1854. Asylrecht. (Right of Asylum.) Lammasch. 1887. Aufsatze. (Essays.) Von Ihering. 1879. 3 V. 1881-6. Von Savigny. 5 v. 1850. Auslieferungspflicht. (Extradition.) Lammasch. 1887. Beneficial wesen. (Benefices.) Eoth. 1850. Besitz. (Possession.) Bruns. 1874. Von Ihering. 1889. Von Savigny. 1865. Beweis. (Proof.) Bar. 1865. ClTilprozess. See Prozess. Civilrecht. (Civil Law.) Archiv fiir. 2 v. 1889. Holzschuher. 3 v. 1863. Lehr. 1875. Rudorfif. 1843. Zachariae. Droit Civil Frangais. 5 v. 1854-60. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Codification. Danz. 1861. Commanditgesellschaften. (Limited Liability.) Renaud. 1881. Compensation. Dernburcr. 1868. Eheschhessung. Condictionen. (Condiction.) Baron. 1881. Consul n. (Consuls.) Von Miltitz. Fr. 3 v. 1837-39. Darlehn. (Loan.) Huschke. 1882. Dotalrecht. (Dower.) Czyhlarz. Romisches. 1870. Ehe. (Marriage.) Gneist. 1869. Sohm. Trauung und Ver- lobung. 1876. Weber. Kanonische Ehe- hindernisse. 1886. Wright. Laws and Statis- tics. 1889. Ehescheidung. (Divorce.) Wright. Laws and Statis- tics. 1889. Eisenbahnfrachtrecht. (Railway Freight.) Eger. 1877. Erbenfolge. (Inheritance.) Beseler. Erbvertrage. 3 v. 1835. Koeppen. Romische. 1862. Schroder. Notherben- recht. 1877. Vering. Romische. 1861. Wasserschleben. 1870. 326 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Germany : Treatises, etc. Treatises, etc. — Continued. — Continued. Xocb. 1S6S. Ersitziing. (Prescription.) See Yerjiihrungslehre. Erworbene Rechte. ( Acquired Rights. ) Lassalle. ' -1 v. 18S0. Except ionen. (Esceptio.j Lenel. 1876. Faniiliengiiterrecht. (Family Estates.) Mandry. 2 v. 1S71-G. Fiktion. (Fiction in Law.) Demelius. 1858. Grefangniswesens, Reform des. (Prison Reform.) Aschrott. 1887. Gerichtsverfahren. (Judicial Procedure.) Justiz-Gesetze. Ger. & Fr. 1879. Planck. 2 v. 1879. Geschichte. (History of Law.) Brunner. 1887. Eichborn. \ v. 1843. Schulte. 1861. Walter. 2 v. 1S57. Zeitschrift fur. 13 v. 1861-78. Gesellschaften. (Partnership.) Renaud. 1885. Geset zgebung. (Legislation.) Von Savignv. 1814. Handelsrecht. (Commercial Law.) Arcbiv fur. 48 v. 1863-88. Bebrend. 1880. Endemann. 4 v. 1881-5. Goldschraidt. 1874. Makower. 1SS<». Scbroder. 1880. Spaing. 1888. Tbol. 2 Y. 1878. Zeitschrift fiir. 1S58-90. 37 V. Irrthiiiii. (Error.) Leonbard. 2 v. 18>2-3. Zitelmann. 1879. Juristische Encyklopadie. (Legal Encyclopaedia.) Arndts. 1860. Falck. 1851. Kampf nni's Recht. (Struggle for Law.) You Ibering. 1886. Kirchen rec h r . (Canonical Law.) Hinscbius, 1869. Walter. 1861. Land-Eigenthum. I Land-Holding.) Ross. Eng. Lexicon. ( Law Lexicon, i Holtzendorff. Menschenhulfe. (Human Help.) Kobler. 1886. 3Iutterrecht. (Mother Law.) Bacbofen Dargun. Xeutralen. (Xeutrals.) Gessner. Obligation. See Verpflicbtung, OflPentliches Recht. (Public Law.) Arcbiv fiir. 2 v. Zeitscbrift fiir. 1874-90. 1883. 3 V. 1880-1. 1861. 1883. Fr. 1865. 1886-7. 17 V. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 327 Germaiiy: Treatises, etc. — Continued. Pandekten. (Pandects.) Arndts. 1886. Baron. 1887. Fuchs. 1867. Lenel. 1885. Puchta. 1877. Windscheid. 3 v. 1887. See also Eomisches Recht. Patentgesetzgebung. (Patent Law.) Abbott. Eng. 1886. Gareis und Werner. 4 v. 1879-85. Pfandrecht, (Pawn or Pledge.) Dernburg. 1864. Hellwig. Verpfandung. 1883. Philosophic des Recht.s. (Philosophy of Law.) Ahrens. Fr. 2 v. 1868. Stahl. 2 V. 1845-7. Privatrecht. (Private Law.) Beseler. 2 v. 1885. Gengler. 1859. Gerber. 1878. Heusler. 2 v. 1885-6. Jahrbiicher fiir. 27 v. 1857-88. Eoth. 3 V. 1880-6. Stobbe. 6 v. 1871-85. Prozess (Civil). (Civil Procedure.) Bethmann-Hollweg. 6 v. 1864-74. Fitting. 1884. Keller. 1883. Wach. 1885. Wetzell. 1865. Prozess (Straf ). (Criminal Procedure.) Glaser. 2 v. 1883-5. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Keclit uiid Beweis. (Law and Proof.) Bar. 1865. Rechts-und Staatslehre. (Theory of Law and the State.) Stahl. 2 V. 1845-7. Rechts-schulen. (Law School.s.) Bluntschli. 1862. Rechtswissenschaft . (Science of Law.) Zeitschrift lur. 8 v. 1878-88. Resolutivbedinguiig. (Condition Subsequent.) Czyblarz. 1871. Romisches Recht. (Roman Law.) Czyhlarz. 1870, Hasse. 1815. Heuraann. 1857. Hugo. Fr. 2 V. 1825. Yon Ihering. 3 v. 1877-80. Ivriiger. 1888. Lenel. 1883. Mackeldey. Fr. 1841. Puchta. 3 V. 1857. Salkowski. 1875. Yon Savigny. Fr. 8 v. 1840-51. Moven Age. 4 v. 1839. Sohm. 1886. Yoigt. 2 V. 1883. Walter. 2 v. 1860-1. Droit criminel. 1863. See also Pandekten. Sachenrecht. (Law of Property.) Platner. 1875. Sachverstandige. (Experts.) Obermeyer. 1880. 328 CATALOG.UE OF THE LIBRARY OF Germany : Treatises, etc. — Continued. Schriften. See Aufsatze. Schuldner. (Debtor.) Kniep. 2 v. 1872. Schulrecht. (Educational Code.) Goldsmid. Eng. 1879. Seerecht, (Maritime Law.) Endemann. 4 v. 1881-5. Lewis. 2 Y. 1877. Wagner. 1884. Wendt. Eng. 1888. Societes Anonymes. I Companies under Trade Names.) RaflFalovich. Ibbi. Staat und Kirche. (State and Church.) Hinschius. 1883. Staatsgeschiehte. (History of the State.) Eichhorn. 4 v. Schulte. 1861. 1843. Staatsrecht. (Political Law.) Laband. 3 v. 1876-80. Meyer. 1878. Yon Konne. Deutsches. 2 V. 1876-7. Von Ronne. Preussisches. 4 V. 1881-4. Schulze. 1884. Stellvertretendeu Negotiorum Gestio. (Representatives.) Zimmermann. 1876. Strafprozess. See Prozess. Strafrecht. (Criminal Law.) Aschrott. Eeform des. 1887. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Binding. 1885. Drage. Code. Eng. Tr. 1885. Zeitschrift fiir. 8 v. 1881-8. Trauuiig. See Ehe. Verfassung. (Constitution.) Hauff. 1864. Hue de Grais. 1888. Morhain. Fr. 1886. Turner. Eng. 1888. A'erjahrungslehre. (Prescription.) Bruns. Ersitzung. 1872. Unterholzner. 2 v. 1858. Vermachtnisse. (Legacies.) Arndts. 3 v. 1869-75. Salkowski. 1889. Verpflichtung. (Obligation.) Bahr. 1867. Hartmann. 1875. Siegel. 1873. Versprechen . (Promise.) Siegel. 1873. Vertrage. (Contract.) Gneist. 1845. Loning. 1876. Schlossman. 1876. Vert rage von 1815. (Treaties of 1815.) Hauff. 1864. Verwaltungsrecht. (Administrative Law.) Bernatzik. 1886. Branch itscb. 6 v. 1886-7. Gumplowicz. 1882. Hue de Grais. 1888. Loning. 1884. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 329 Germany : Treatises, etc. — Contimted. Verwaltungsrecht. — Contmiied. Meyer. 2 v. 1883-5. Morhain. Fr. 1886. Sarwey. 1884 Stengel. 1886. Ulbrich. 1884. Volkerrecht. (International Law.) Bulmerincq. 1884. Heffter. Fr. 1866. Kliiber. Fr. 1861. C. Von Martens. Fr. 5 v. 1858-61. G. F. Von Martens. 2 v. 1864. Von Neumann. Fr. 1886. Schmelzing. 3 v. 1818- 20. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Volkswirthschaftslehre. (Political Economy.) Ran. 2 v. 1854-8. Wechsel. (Bills and Notes.) Archiv fur. 48 v. 1863-88. Endemann. 4 v. 1881-4. Jencken. Eng. 1880. Kuntze. 2 v. 1857. Melsheimer. Eng. 1879. Randolph. Commercial Paper. 3 v. 1886-8. Wachter. 1881. Wiedereinsetzung. (Restitution.) Spaltenstein. 1873. Zweck ill! Recht. (Object in Law.) Von Iherinof. 1877. Gerrald (Joseph). Trial of, for Sedition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1794. Gerry (Elbriclge). Observations on the New Constitution, and on the Federal and State Conventions. 8vo. Boston, 1788. [See Ford (Paul L.).] Gerry (Elbridge T.). Argument in the Mumler " Spirit " Photograph Case. 8vo. New York, 1869. [Pam., vol. 35.] Report of Proceeaings at Supreme Court Chambers, in the Case of Jacob Sharp vs. The Mayor, Aldermen, etc., of New York City. 8vo. New York, 1859. [Pam., vol. 7.] Gesetzgebiing cles Deiitscheii Reiclies niit Erlauter- vingeii ; herausgegeben von Ernst Bezold. Civiljustiz. 4 vols, in 7. 8vo. Erlangen, 1878-85. [Same.] 2®'" Band : Konkursordnung. 2. Aufl. 3 vol. Erlangen, 1885. Staatsrecht. 3 vols., 8vo. Erlangen, 1881-90. Strafjustiz. 6 vols., 8vo. Erlangen, 1876-88. Gessner (L.). Le Droit des Neutres sur Mer. 8vo. Berlin, 1865. Gholson (W. Y.) and Okey (J. W.). Digest of Ohio Re- ports. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1870. 330 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Giauque (Florieu). Election and Xaturalization Laws of the United States; with Xotes of Decisions. 8vo. Cin- cinnati, 18S0. ITanual for ]^otaries Public, General Conveyancei's, Commissioners, Justices, Mayors, Consuls, etc. Svo. Cin- cinnati, 18S8. Eevised Statutes of Ohio. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Cincin- nati, 1889. Giauque (Florien) and 3IcCliire fH. B.). Tables for ascertaining the Present Value of Tested and Contingent Rights of Dower and Curtesy, and of other life estates, based upon the Carlisle Table of Mortality. Svo. Cincin- nati, 1882. Gibbon ( Edward). Survey of the Roman, or Civil Law ; with Xotes by Professor Hugo, translated from the Ger- man by W. Gardiner. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1823. Gibbous (David). Law of Contracts for Works and Services. 12mo. London, 1849-50. Manual of the Law of Fixtures. Svo. Philadelphia, 1836. [L. L., vol. 13.] — ■ Treatise on the Law of Dilapidations and Xuisances. Svo. London, 1838. — Treatise on the Law of Limitation and Prescription. Svo. London, 1835. — (editor). Gale on Easements. Gibbous (H. F.) and Xathau fX.). Equity in the County Court. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1874. Gibbous ( Joliu ), editor. American Criminal Reports, vol. 4. Gibbs (Frederick W.). Extradition Treaties. Svo. Lon- don, 186S. The Foreign Enlistment Act. Svo. London. 1863. Les Hospices de Paris et de Londres. The Case of Lord Henry Sevmour's Will. Svo. London, 1877. Gibbs (George). Judicial Chronicle. Svo. Cambridge, 1834. Gibbs (George C), reporter. Michigan Reports, vols. 2-4. Gibbs (Samuel). Practical Instructions for suffering the most usual Common Recoveries. Svo. London, 1821. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 331 Gibert (Pedro), et al. Trial of, for Piracy on board the Brig Mexican, of Salem. 8vo. Boston, 1834. Gibson (Albert) and McLean (Robert). Student's Prac- tice of the Courts. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 188B. Gibson (Sir Alexander), Lord Durie. Scotch Court of Ses- sion Cases, 1621-1642. Folio. Edinburgh, 1690. Gibson (Edinnnd). Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani ; or, The Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Kubricks and Articles of the Church of England, methodically digested under their proper heads; with a Commentary, historical and juridical. 2d ed. 2 vols., folio. Oxford, 1761. Gibson (James) vs. Stevenson (Dnncan). Action for Libel. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822. Gibson (William S.). Ancient Modes of Trial, especially the Ordeals of Water, Fire, and other JuiUcia Dei. 4to. London, 1848. Memoir of Lord Lyndhurst. 8vo. London, 1869. Gibson's Law Notes. See Law Notes. Gidding-s (Daniel). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo, Hillsboro, 1885. Giffard (Harry S.). Summary and Tutelary Jurisdiction of Magistrates. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1880. GifFard (J. W. D.). Reports, Vice-Chancellor's Court, Eng- land, 1857-1865. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1860-71. See Smale (John) and Giffard's English Chancery Re- ports. Gifford (Archer). Digest of the Statutory and Constitu- tional Constructions, delivered in the Courts of New Jersey. 8vo. Newark, 1852. Gilford (John). English Lawyer; a Summary of the Con- stitution of England ; its Laws and Statutes. 1< »th ed. 8vo. London, 1824. Gilbart (James W.). History and Principles of Bankmg. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1835.' [Same.] 4th Am. ed. 8vo. New York, 1873. Gilbert (F. N.). Forms and Laws for the Organization, etc., of Boards of Trade, Village Im]>rovement Societies, Busi- ness Men's Associations and Chambers of Commerce. 12mo. Albany, 1890. 332 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Gilbert (Frank). Railway Law of Illinois. Svo. Chicago, 1873. Gilbert (Hiram T.). The Railroads and the Courts. Svo. Ottawa. 111.. 1S85. Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey). Cases in Law and Equity, 1714-1715. With Treatises on the Action of Debt, and the Constitution of England. Svo. London, 176u. History and Practice of Civil Actions, particularly in the Court of Common Pleas. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1761. History and Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Svo. London, 175S. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. By Saml. Tyler. Svo. Wash- ington, IS 74. Law and Practice of Ejectments. 2d ed. [Anon.] Svo. London, 1741. [Same.] By Chas. Runnington. Svo. London, 1781. Law of Devises, Last Wills, and Revocations. 3d ed. Svo. London. 1773. Law of Evidence. [Anon.] Svo. London, 1756. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. London, 1777. [Same.] 5th ed. Svo. London. 17S.^. [Same.] Bv Capel Lofft. 4 vols, in 2. Svo. Dublin, 1795-97. Law of Executions ; to which are added the History and Practice of the Court of King's Bench. Svo. London, 1763. Law of Tenures, including the Theory and Practice of Copyholds : with an historical Introduction on the Feudal Svstem bv Chas. Watkins. 5th ed. Bv R. S. Yidal. Svo. London, 1824. — Law of Uses and Trusts : with a Treatise of Dower. [Anon.] Svo. London. 1734. — [Same.] 3d ed. Bv E. B. Sugden. Svo. London, ISll. — Reports of Cases in Equity in the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer: with select Cases in Equity determined in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. 1705-1726. 2d ed. Folio. London. 1742. — Treatise of Equitv in Six Books. 3d ed. Svo. Dublin, 1792. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 333 Gilbert (Sir Jeffrey). Treatise on the Court of Exchequer. Svo. London, 1758. Treatise on the Law of Distresses and Replevins. Svo. London, 1757. — Treatise on the Law of Rents. Svo. Dubhn, 1792. [Same.] Amer. reprint. Svo. Philadelphia, 1838. [L. L., vol. 20.] Gilchrist (J. J.). Digest of N^ew Hampshire Reports. Svo. Concord, 1816. Gildersleeve (Charles H.). Reports of Cases, Supreme Court, Territory of New Mexico, 1852-1883. 2 vols., Svo. San Francisco and Chicago, 1881-3. Giles (John). Trial of, for attempting to Assassinate and Murder John Arnold. Folio. London, 1681. Gill (Richard W.). Reports of Cases, Court of Appeals, Maryland, 1843-1851. 9 vols., Svo. Annapolis, 1846-52. See Harris (Thos.) and Gill's Maryland Reports. (editor). Dorsey on Ejectment. Gill (Richard W.) and Johnson (John). Reports of Cases, Court of Appeals, Maryland, 1829-1S42. 12 vols., Svo. Baltimore and Annapolis, 1830-45. Gillett (John H.). Treatise on Criminal Law and Procedure in Criminal Cases. Svo. Chicago, 1888. Gilman (Charles), reporter. Illinois Reports, vol. 6-10. Gilman (Daniel C). Biography of James Monroe, 1776- 1826. 9th ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Common- wealth Series.] Gilman (W. S.) and others. Trial of, for Riot. 12mo. I^ew York, 1S3S. Gilmer (Francis W.). Reports of Cases, Court of Appeals, Virginia, 1820-1821. Svo. Richmond, 1821. Gilmore (James A.). Practice and Precedents in the Pro- bate Courts of Ohio. 2d ed. Svo. Cincinnati, 1890. Gilmonr (Sir John) and Falconer (Sir David). Collection of Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, Scotland, 1661-1686. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Edinburgh, 1701. 334 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Gilpin (Henry D.> Papers of James Madison, etc. 3 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1S40. Reports of Cases, U. S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, 1S28-1836. svo. Philadelphia, 1S37. (editor). Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the United States. Gioannis Gianquinto (G. cle). Corso di Diritto Pubblico xVmministrativo. 3 vols.. Svo. Firenze, 1ST7-S1. Giralclus Canibrensis. Opera. See Chronicles of Great Britain, etc. Girard (Stephen). Will Case. Arguments of Counsel, etc., in the Case of Vidal vs. Mayor, etc., of Philadelphia. Svo. Philadelphia, 1844. Opinion of the U. S. Supreme Court delivered by Mr. Justice Story. Svo. Philadelphia, 1844. [Pam., vol. 17.] Speech of Daniel Webster. Svo. Xew York, 1844. [Pam., vol. 14.] Girdler (J. S.). Observations on Forestalling, etc. Svo. London, 1800. Girouarcl ( D. i. Etude sur I'Acte concernant la Faillite, 1864. .^vo. Montreal. 1864. Glanville ( Ranulph de ). Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetu- dinibus Pegni Angliae, tempore Regis Henrici Secundi cora- positus. 16mo. London, 1673. [Same.] Translated by John Beames ; with Xotes. Svo. London, 1812. Glanville (Sir John). English Election Cases, 1623-1624. Svo. London, 1775. Glascock (Walter). Miscellaneous Reports of Cases in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, etc., Ireland, 1831- 1832. Svo. Dublin, 1832. Glaser (Julius). Handbuch des Strafprozesses. 2 vols., Svo. Leipzig, 1883-5. Glasgow Cotton Spinners. Trial of, for Murder, Con- spiracies, Committing, and hiring to commit Violence on person and property, etc. Reported by James Marshall. Svo. Edinburgh, 1838. Glass ( Henry). Marine International Law. Svo. Annapolis, 1885. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 385 Glassford (James). Essay on the Principles of Evidence, and their apphcation to subjects of Judicial Inquiry. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820. Glasson (Ernest). Histoire du Droit et des Institutions de la France. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1887-8. Histoire du Droit et des Institutions Politiques, Civiles et Judiciaires de I'Angleterre. 6 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1882-3. Le Mariage Civil et le Divorce. 2^ ed. Svo. Paris, 1880. Gleason (D. A.), editor. Bouviers Institutes. Glen (William). Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Letters of Credit in Scotland. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1821. Glen (William C). Corrupt and Illegal Practices Preven- tion Act. 12mo. London, 1884. Law relating to Public Health and Local Government. 6th ed. 8vo. London, 1872, — Law relating to the Burial of the Dead. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1874. — [Same.] 4th ed. By W. V. and K. C. Glen. 12mo. London, 1881. — Law relating to the Removal of Nuisances injurious to Health. 12mo. London, 1858. 1868. Parliamentary Registration Manual. 12mo. London, Statutes in Force relating tp the Poor, Parochial Unions and Parishes. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1857-66. Treatise on tlie Law of Highways. Svo. London, 1860. (editor), Archbold on Lunacy. Shelford on Railways. Snowden's Police Officers' Guide. Glen (William C. and Alexander). Law relating to High- ways, Bridges and Tramways. Svo. London, 1883. Public Health Act of 1875, and the whole Law relating to Public Health, Local Government and Sanitary Authori- ties. 9th ed. Svo. London, 1878. Glenn (Robert G.). Manual of the Laws affecting Medical Men. Svo. London, 1871. 336 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Glenn (S. F.), reporter. Louisiana Annual Reports, vols. 10-18. Gliclden (Henry A.). General Index to Laws of Xew York, 1871-75. 8vo. Albany, 1876. Gloucester (Eng.). Historia Monasterii S. Petri Gloucestriae. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Glover (William), Lord Brougham's Law Reforms. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1834. Treatise on the Law of Municipal Corporations. 8vo. London, 1841. Glyn (Thomas C.) and Jameson (Robert S.). Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy, 1819-1828. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1824-S. Gneist (Heinricli Rudolf). Die Biirgerliche Eheschliessung. 8vo. Berhn, 1869. Das Englische Verwaltungsrecht der Gegenwart. 3. Aufl. 2 vols., 8vo. Berhn, 1883-4. The English Parliament in its Transformations through a thousand years. Translated by R. J. Shee. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1886. Die formellen Vertrage des neueren romischen Obliga- tionenrechts in Vergleichung mit den Geschaftsformen des griechischen Rechts. 8vo. Berlin, 1845. History of the English Constitution. Translated by P. A. Ashworth. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1886. Institutionum et Regularum Juris Romani Syntao^ma. Svo. Lipsiae, 1858. Godbolt (John). Reports of Cases in the several Courts of Record at Westminster, 1575-1638. 4to. London, 1652. Goddard (John L.). Treatise on the Law of Easements. Svo. London, 1871. [Same.] Am. ed. By E. H. Bennett. Svo. Boston, 1880. Goddard (Judge Luther M.). Trial of, including legislative, quo warranto and disbarment Proceedings. Reported by H. B. Johnson. Svo. Denver, 1S88. Godefroi (Henry). Compensation for Railway Accidents. Svo. London, 1870. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Digest of the Principles of the Law of Trusts and Trus- tees. Svo. London, 1879 THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 387 Godefroi (Henry) and Sliortt (John). Law of Eaihvay Companies. 8vo. London, 1869. Godolphin (John). The Orphan's Legacy ; or, A Testa- mentary Abridgment, in three parts. I. Of Last Wills and Testaments. II. Of Executors and Administrators. III. Of Legacies and Devises. 2d ed. 4to. London, 1677. [Same.] 4th ed. 4to. London, 1701. Hepertorium Canon icum ; or. An Abridgment of the Ecclesiastical Laws. 4to. London, 1678. Yiew of the Admiral Jurisdiction ; whereunto is added an extract of the Ancient Laws of Oleron. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1685. Godson (Richard). Treatise on the Law of Patents for In- ventions and of Copyright. 8vo. London, 1832. Goguet (Antoine Y.). Origin of Laws, Arts and Sciences, and their Progress among the most Ancient Nations. 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1775. Goirand (LeopoUl). The French Code of Commerce, and most usual Commercial Laws. Svo. London, 1880. Goldesboroug'h (John). Eeports. See Gouldsborough (John). Goldschniidt (L.). Handbuch des Handelsrechts. l*"" Band. 2. Aufi. 8vo. Erlangen, 1874. (editor). Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Handelsrecht. Goldsniid (Anna M.). Educational Code of the Prussian Nation. 12mo. London, 1879. Goklsniith (David) and Gntlirie (B. E.), reporters. Mis- souri Appeal Reports, vols. 36-4<>. Goldsniitli (Georg-e). Doctrine and Practice of Equity ; or. Outline of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery. Svo. Philadelphia, 1843. [L. L., vol. 40.] [Same.] 6th ed. 8vo. London, 1871. The English Bar ; or. Guide to the Inns of Court. 12mo. London, 1843. Goklstliclier (Th.). On the Deficiencies in the Present Ad- ministration of Hindu Law. 8vo. London, 1871. [Para., vol. 39.] Gonzalez Hernandez (Paulino). Principios de Derecho Administrativo, 12mo. Madrid, 1886. 338 CATAZOGUU OF THE LIBRARY OF Good Hope. See Cape of Good Hope. Croodale ( Maj.-Gen. E. i. Trial of. by Court Martial. Svo. Cambridge. 1812. [Para. Tr., vol 5.] Goodell (Williani). American Slave Code, in theory and j)i'actice. 2d ed. Svo. Xew York. 1858. Goodeve (Joseph). Law of Evidence as administered in England and applied to India. Xe\v ed. By L. A. Good- eve. Svo. Calcutta, 1871. Goodeve (Louis A.). Exposition of the new Law of Bank- ruptcy. Svo. London, 1884. Indian Evidence Act. Svo. Calcutta, 1872. [^"ith Joseph Goodeve's Evidence.] Modern Law of Pereonal Propertv. Svo. London, 1887. Modern Law of Real Propertv. 2d ed. Roy. Svo. Lon- don, 1885. Questions on the Modern Law of Real Property. Svo. London, ISSo. Railway Passengers and Railway Companies ; their du- ties, rights and liabilities. Svo. London. ISSO. (editor). Bengal Law Reports. Goodeve (Louis A.) and Woodman (J. V. ). Full Bench Rulings of the High Court at Fort "William, Bengal, 1862- 1868. Svo. Calcutta, 1871. Goodeve (T. 31. ). Abstract of Reported Cases relating to Letters Patent for Inventions ; with Appendix. Svo. Lon- don, 1876-77. [Same.] To the end of the year 1883. Svo. London, 1884. — Patent Practice before tlie Comptroller and the Law Officers ; with an Abstract of Reported Cases. 12mo. London, 1889. Goodiiig-e (Thomas). Treatise on the Law against Bank- rupts, yd ed. Svo. London, 1719. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. London, 1726. Goodloe (D. R.j. The Birth of the Republic. 12mo. Xew York, 1889. Goodwin (Frederick i. The XII. Tables. 12mo. London, 1886. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 339 Goodwill (Robert M.), Trial of, on an Indictment of Man- slaughter, for killing James Stoughton. Reported by Wra. Sampson. 8vo. JS'evv York, 18^0. Goodyear (Charles). In the matter of the application of Extension of Patent for Improvement in the Manufacture of India Rubber Fabrics. 8vo. New York, 1858, Goodyear (Charles) vs. Day. Speech of Daniel Webster. svo. New York, 1852. [Pam., vol. 9.] Goold (F,). See Lloyd (B. C.) and rioold's Reports, and Se- lection of Cases. Gordon (Thomas F.). Digest of United States Laws, Treaties witii Foreign Powers, and Judicial Decisions re- lating to the Constitutional and Statutory L;iw. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. Gordon (William E.). Treatise on the Law of Costs. 8vo. London, 1884. Gore (Robert). Trial of, for* Murder. Reported by Wm. Ridge way. 8vo. Dublin, 1707. Gorliam Case. The Rev. G. C. Gorham vs. The Bishop of Exeter. 8vo. London, 1852. Govidsmit (J. E.). The Pandects ; a Treatise on the Roman Law. Translation from the Dutch bv R. D. T. Gould. Svo. London, 1873. Gould (E. R. L.). Local Government in Pennsylvania. Svo. Baltimore, ISsy. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] Gould (James). Treatise on the Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions. 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1836. [Same.] 4th ed. By George Gould. Svo. Albanjr 1861. ■ [Same.] 5th ed. By F. F. Heard. Svo. Albany^ 1887. Gould (John M.). Treatise on the Law of Waters, including Riparian Rights, and public and private rights in waters tidal and inland. Svo. Chicago, 1883. — (editor). Story's Equity Pleadings. Gould (John M.) and Tucker (G. F.). Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States and the Subsequent Legislation of Congress. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1889. 340 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Gould ( Josiali i. Digest of Arkansas Statutes. Svo. Little Rock. 185b. Gould ( R. de Tracy), translator. Goudsmit's Roman Law. Gould (Richard). Trial of, for Murder. 12ino. London, n. d. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] Gould's Auiiual Digest of New York Reports. Compiled by C. T. Boone. 3 vols., Svo. Albany, lSSl-3. Gould's Law Catalogue. Bv X. C. Moak. Vlmo. Albany, IS^l. Gould's Lawyers' Diary, ISTO. 187L 1S76, 1S7S-1S91. 17 vols., 12mo. Xew York. Gould's Steuograpliic Reporter. Vol. 2. Svo. Wash- ington. 1>41. [Contains report of trial of Alex. McLeod.] Gouldsborough < Jolini. Reports of Cases in the Courts at AVestminster, 15S6-lt)()2. With short Xotes. etc.. by AY. S. 4to. London, 1653. See Brownlow (Richard) and Gouldsborough's Reports. Gourick's Wasliiug-tou Digest. A monthly Digest of Decisions and Opinions relating to Public Lands, Patents. Pensions, Trade-marks. Labels. Copyrights. Internal Rev- enue, Customs. Inter-state Commerce, and Claims against the United States. 3 vols., Svo. Washington, 1SS9-91. Gourlie (Johu H., Jr.). General Average : the Laws and Customs of the Ignited States, England. France. Germany, etc. Svo. Philadelphia, ISSl. Gover (^"Williaui H. i. Hints as to Advising on Title. Svo. London, 1SS9. Gow (Xieli. Reports of Xisi Prius Cases, Court of Common Pleas. England, 1S1S-1S20. Svo. London, 1S2S. Treatise on the Law of Partnership. 2d Am. ed. By E. D. Ingraham. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S30. GoAven (F. B.u Argument of, in the Case of the Common- wealth vs. Thomas Munlev [a MoUie Maguire], indicted for Murder. Svo. Pottsville. Pa., 1S76. [Pam.. vol. 35.] Goyeiia (F. G.) and AguiiTe i Joaquin ). See Yicente y Caravantes. Grady (Standisli G.V The Indian Codes. 5th ed. Svo. London, 1S72. THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAR. 341 Grady (Staiidish Gr.). Law of Fixtures ; to which is added the Law of Dilapidations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. [L. L.. vol. 51.] [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. London, 1870. Manual of Hindu Law. 8vo. London, 1871. Manual of the Mahomniedan Law of Inheritance and Contract. Svo. London, 1809. Treatise on the Hindoo Law of Inheritance. 8vo. Lon- don, 1808. Grafton and Coos Counties (X. H.) Bar Association. Constitution, By-Laws and Proceedings, 1882-1890. 5 vols., Svo. Haverhill, etc., 1881-90. Graham (C. H.) and Lane (O. F.). Excise Laws of the State of New York ; inchuling the rights, duties and liabil- ities of Hotel Keepers. Svo. Albany, 1883. ■ [Same.] Supplement. Svo. Albany, 18S7. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Albany, 1890. Graham (David). Treatise on the Organization and Juris- diction of the Courts of Law and Equity in the State of New York. Svo. New York, 1839. Treatise on the Practice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1836. Graham ( David ) and Waterman (Thomas W. ). Treatise on the Principles of Law and Equity which govern Courts in the granting of New Trials. 2d ed. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1855. Graham (John). The Summing up of, to the Jury, on the Trial of Daniel McFarland. Svo. New York, 1870. Graham (John A.). Memoirs of John Home Tooke. Svo. New York, 1828. Speeches, delivered at the N. Y. City-Hall in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, Common Pleas, and General Ses- sions of the Peace. Svo. Nev/ York, 1812. Graham ( Jolm Co). Designs and Trade Marks. Svo. Lon- don, 1889. Grain (William). The Ley Hipotecaria of Spain, or Law on the Inscription of Titles to Immoveable Property, etc. Svo. London, 1867. The Testamentary and Succession Laws of the Republic of Chili. Svo. London, ISSO. 342 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBMAEY OF Grais. See Hue de Grais. Grand Juries. The Security of English-Men's Lives, or the Trust, Power and Duty of the Grand Juries of England. [Bv Lortl Somers. Anon.] 12mo. Dublin, 1727. [Fam., vol. 44:.] Oraiig^er (M. M.), reporter. Ohio State Reports, vols. 22-23. Granger (T. C). See Manning (Jas.) and Granger's Common Pleas Reports ; Tyrwhitt (R. P.) and Granger's Exchequer Reports. Grant (A. A.). Standard American Atlas of the World. Folio. New York, 18S6. Grant (Alexander). Reports of Cases, Chancery Chambers, Upper Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1868. [See Chancery Chamber Reports, vol. 1.] Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, Upper Canada, 1849-1882. 29 vols., 8vo. Toronto, 1861-83. Reports of Cases, Court of Error and Appeal, Upper Canada, 1846-1866. 3 vols., 8vo. Toronto, 1865-6. Grant (Benjamin). Reports, Supreme Court, Pennsylvania, 1814-1863. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859-64. Grant (Harding). Advice to Trustees, and to those who appoint to that office. 8vo. London, 1830. Grant (James), b. 1802, d. 1879. The Bench and the Bar. [Anon.] 2d ed. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1838. Grant (James) M.A. Treatise on the Law of Corporations. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. [L. L., vol. 80.] 1 reatise on the Law relating to Bankers and Banking Companies. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. [L. L., vol. 93.] 1876. [Same.] 3d ed. By R. A. Fisher. 8vo. London, [Same.] 4th ed. By C. C. M. Pluraptre. 8vo. Lon- don, 1882. See Keane (D. D.) and Grant's Registration Cases. Grant (Jolm P.). Summary of the Law relating to the granting ISTew Trials in Civil Suits by Courts of Justice in England. 8vo. London, 1817. Grant (Patrick), Lord Elchies. See Elchies (Patrick Grant), Lord. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 343 Grapel (William). Sources of the Roman Civil Law ; an Introduction to the Institutes of Justinian. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1857. [L. L., vol. 94:.] Translation of the Institutes of Justinjan ; with the Novel as to Successions. 8vo. Cambridge, 1855. Grattaii (Peachy K.). Reports, Supreme Court of Appeals, Virginia, 1844-1880. 33 vols., 8vo. Richmond, 1845-81. Grattaii (Thomas C). England and the Disrupted States of America. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1862. [Pam., vol. 28.] Graviiia (G. V.). Originum Juris Civilis libri tres. Ed. altera. 2 vols., small 4to. Neapoli, 1713. Gray (Francis C). Prison Discipline of America. 8vo. Boston, 1847. Gray (George G.). Right to Lateral Support from Land and Buildings. 8vo. London, 1886. Gray (Horace, Jr. ). Reports, Supreme Court of Massachu- setts, 1854-1860. 16 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1867-71. Gray (John). Country Attorney's Practice. 7th ed. 8vo. London, 1854. Treatise on the Law of Costs in Actions and other Pro- ceedings in the Courts of Common Law at Westminster. 8vo. London, 1853. Gray (John C). Restraints on the Alienation of Propertv. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Rule against Perpetuities. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Select Cases and other Authorities on the Law of Prop- erty. 2 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, 1888-9. (editor). Story on Partnership. Gray (Morris). Treatise on (Communication bv Telegraph. 8vo. Boston, 1885. Graydoii (William). Abridgment of the Laws of the United States. 2 vols., 8vo. Harrisburgh, 1803-13. Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in various Courts and Public Offices. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia. 1831. Gray's Inn. Catalogue of the Library. By W. R. Douth- waite. Roy. 8vo. London, 1888. Notes illustrative of its History and Antiquities. Com- piled by W, R. Douthwaite. 8vo. London, 1876. 344 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Gray's-Inn Journal. 1752-1756. 2 vols., 12mo. London, l7o«). Great and Ancient Charter of the Cinque Ports and of the members of the same. 24mo. London, 1682. Great Speeches by Great La^vyers. Edited by William L. Snyder. 8vo. ISTew York, 1881. Greaves (Charles S.). Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1862. Lord Campbell's Acts for the further Improving the Administration of Criminal Justice, etc. 8vo. London, 1851. Publications of Banns of Matrimonv. 8vo. London, 1867. [Pam., vol. 39.] Review of the Statutes, Rubrics and Canons relating to Clerical A^estraents. 8vo. London, 1867. [Pam., vol. 39.] Greaves (^Charles S.) and Lonsdale ( Jas. J.). Observa- tions on the Criminal Law Bills. 8vo. London, 1854. [Pam., vol. 39.] Green (Arnold), reporter. Rhode Island Reports, vol. 11. Green (Ashbel), editor. Brice on Ultra Vires. Green (C. J.). Trials for High Treason in Scotland. 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1825. Green (Charles E.). Reports, Court of Chancerv, New Jer- sey, 1862-1876. 12 vols., Svo. Trenton, 1867-77. Green (Henry W. >. Reports, Com't of Chancery, Xew Jer- sey, 1834-1845. 3 vols., 8vo. Elizabethtown, 1842-6. Green (James S.). Reports, Supreme Court, New Jersey, 1831-1836. 3 vols., 8vo. Trenton and Woodbury, 1833-8. Green (N. St. John). Criminal Law Reports, determined in the Courts of the United States, England, Ireland, Canada, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874-5. Green (Robert) and others. Trial of, for Murder. Folio. London, 1679. Green (Sanford M.). Crime ; its Nature, Causes, Treat- ment, and Prevention, 12mo. Philadelphia, 1889. — Treatise on the Practice of the Courts of Common Law of the State of Michigan. 2 vols., Svo. Detroit, 1S76-Y. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 345 Green (T. A.). General Treatise on Pleading and Practice in Civil Proceedings at Law and in Equity under the Code System. With Addendum by John F. 'Kelly. 8vo. St. Louis, 1879-80. Green (William), of Culpeper. Essay on Lapse ; Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common, etc. See Appendix to Wythe's Virginia Reports. Green (William), barrister-at-law. Digest of Lish Reports, 1867-1 STT. 8vo. Dublin, 1879. Green (William) and Manders (R.). Digest of Irish Law Reports, 1878-1888. 8vo. Dublin, 1890. Green Bag (The). 3 vols., 4to. Boston, 1889-91. Greene (Daniel A.). Government and the Telegraph. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1890. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Greene (Georg-e). Reports, Supreme Court of Iowa, 1847- 185L 4 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1870. Greene (T. W.). Outlines of Roman Law. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1875. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1884. Greene (William H.). The Code of Procedure ; or, The new and the old modes of proceeding compared, showing the necessity of Restoring the Forms of Actions and Plead- ings in Cases at Common La\v. 8vo. Buffalo, 1867. [Pam., vol. 2.] Greenhood (Elislia). Doctrine of Public Policy in the Law of Contracts. 8vo. Chicago, 1886. Greenhow (W. T.). Shipping Law Manual : Treatise on the Law governing the interests of Shipowners, Merchants, Masters, Seamen, etc. 8vo. London, 1863. Greening (Henry). Collection of Forms of Declarations and other Pleadings. Svo. Harrisburg, 1845. [New L. L., vol. 2.] Greenleaf (Simon). Collection of Cases, overruled, doubted, or limited in their application. Taken from American and English Reports. 4th ed. By John Townshend. Svo, New York, 1856. Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Maine, 1820-1832. 2d ed. 9 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1852. ^ The Testimony of the Evangelists Examined by the Rules of Evidence administered in Courts of Justice. 8vo. New York, 1874. 346 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Greeiileaf i Simon i. Treatise on the Law of Evidence. (Vol. 1. 4th ed.) 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1S46-4S. [Same.] 9th ed. 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1863. [Same.] 12th ed. Bv Isaac F. Redfield. (Vol. 2, loth ed. ; vol. 3. Sth ed.) 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1866-68. [Same.] 13th ed. By John ^\ . May. 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1876. [Same.] 14th ed. Bv S. G. Croswell. 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 18S3. leditor). Cruise's Digest of the Law of Real Property. Greeiileaf (Thomas), printer. Laws of the State of Xew York. 1778-1797. 3 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1792-98. Greeiioiig'li ( Charles P.). Digest of Reported Decisions re- lating to the Rights and Liabilities of Gas Companies. Svo. Boston, 1883. (editor). Story on Agency. Greenwood (G. W.) and Horwoocl i Henry ). Manual of the Practice of Convevancing. 3d ed. ^vo. London, 1865. [Same.] 6th ed. Bv Harrv Greenwood. Svo. Loudon, 1881. Greenwood (Harry). Recent Real Property Statutes. Svo. London, 1878. Greenwood (Henry C.) and Martin iT. C). Magisterial and Police Guide. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1880. Greenwood (James). Handbook of Laws relating to Med- ical Men. 12mo. London, 1882. Greg:^ I W. P.") and Pond (B.>. Railroad Laws and Charters of the Ignited States. 2 vols.. Svo. Boston. \^o\. Grenier (S.). Ceylon Appeal Reports; being Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court sitting in Appeal. For 1873. 3 parts. Svo. Colombo, 1874. Gresley (Richard N.). Treatise on the Law of Evidence in the Courts of Equity. Svo. Philadelphia. 1837. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. [Same.] Svo. Harrisburg, 1S4S. [Xew L. L., vol. 11.] Gressier (E.^i Loi Electorale : avec un Commentaire. 16mo. Paris, 1849. THE ASSISOCIATION OF THE BAR. 347 Grey (Richard). System of English Ecclesiastical Law. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1743. Gridley (H. A. A.), Digest of Patent Law and Cases. 8vo. London, 1884. Griffin (Ralph). Abstract of Cases relating to Letters Patent for Inventions, 1884-1886. 8vo. London, 1887. Griffith (Edward). Cases of Supposed Exemption from Poor Rates. 8vo. London, 1831. Griffith (Gualter C). Digest of Stamp Duties. 9th ed. 12mo. London, 1886. . Griffith (J. R.). Married Women's Property Acts ; their re- lations to the Doctrine of Separate Use. 4th ed. By "W. G. Walker. 8vo. London, 1878. Griffith (William). Annual Law Register of the United States. Vols. 3, 4. 8vo. Burlington, 1822. [Vols. 1 and 2 never published.] Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Proceedings of Justices of the Peace in Civil Suits. 2d ed. 12mo. Newark, IS^. J., 1797. Griffith (William), B.A. Institutes of the Jurisdiction, and of the Equity Jurisprudence and Pleadings, of the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1868. Griffith (William D.). Tlie Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875; with Rules, Orders and Costs there- under. 8V'0. London, 1875. Treatise on Arrancrements with Creditors -under the Bankruptcy Act. 12mo. London, 1865. Griffith (William D.) and Holmes (Charles A.). Law and Practice in Bankruptcy. Founded on Mr. Archbold's Treatise. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1869. Griffiths (Arthur). Chronicles of Newgate. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1884. Griffiths (John L.), reportei'. Indiana Reports, vols. 117- 124. Grim (Charles F.). Essav towards an Improved Register of Deeds. Svo. New York, 1832. Grimke (John F.). Public Laws of South Carolina to 1790. 4to. Philadelphia, 1790. 348 CATALOG UJE OF THE LIBRARY OF Grimm (Jacob). Deutscjie Kechtsalterthiimer. 2. Ausg. Svo. Guttingen, 1854, " . Griiinell (Charles E.). Law of Deceit. Svo. Boston, 1S6<;. Points of LaAv for Lawyers and General Readers, sug- gested bv Guiteau's Case. Svo. Boston, 18S1. [Pam., vol. 17.] ' Griiinell (W. 31. ). Comparative Glance at the French Code Civil and the Proposed XeAv York Civil Code. Svo. Xew York, 1S86. [Pam., vol. 34.] Griqualaiid. Reports of Cases in the High Court, 1882- 1SS1». Reportetl by P. M. Laurence. 6 vols., Svo. Cape Town, 18S4-yu. [Same.] Index and Digest, 1882-1889. By P. M. Laurence. Svo. Cape Town, 1890. — See also Cape of Good Hope. GrisAvolcl ( Hiram ), reporter. Ohio Reports, vols. 14-19. GrisAVold (Stephen B. i. Catalogue of the New York State Library : Subject-index of the Law Library. Svo. Albany, 1883. Griswolcl (W. 31. i. Synopsis of Copyright Decisions, ^vo. Bangor, 1SS3. [Pam., vol. 33.] Gross (Harriet). Will Case. 8vo. New York, 18S7. Gross (AVilliam L.). History of Municipal Law in Illinois. Svo^ Springtield, 18S1. [Pam., vol. 32.] Grosseteste (Robert), Bishop of Lincoln. Epistolae. See Chronicles, etc.. of Great Britain. Grotefend (G. A.). Gesetze und Yerordnungen, nebst den sonstigen Erlassen. fiir den Preussischen Staat und das Deutsche Reich, 1806-1883. 2. Aufl. 4 vols., Svo. Dus- seldorf, 1884. [Same.] Wort- und Sach-Register. 2 Aufl. Svo. Diisseldorf, 1884. [Same.] Jahrgang 1884-1SS6. 3 vols., Svo. Dussel- dorf. — Kommentar zur Preussischen und Deutschen Gesetz- sammlung. 2. Ausg. 3 vols., Svo. Diisseldorf, 1887. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 349 Grotius [Dutch, De GrootJ (Hug-o). Introduction to Dutch Jurispj'udence. Rendered into Enghsh by Charles Herbert. 8vo. London, 18-15. Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence; with Notes by Simon Van Groenewegen Van Der Made. Translated by A. F. S. Maasdorp. Svo. Cape Town, 1878. De Jure Belli ac Pacis libri tres ; cum annotatis auctoris, ejusdemque dissertatione de Mari Libero, etc., necnon J. F. Gronovii notis ; notulas addidit J. Barbeyrac. 8vo. AmsteUedami, 1720. Rights of War and Peace. Translated into English by William Evats. Folio. London, 1682. Le Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix. Nouvelle traduc- tion, par Jean Barbevrac. Ed. nouvelle. 2 vols., ito. Basle, 1Y68. Le Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix. Traduction par P. Pradier-Fodere. 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1867. Samuelis L. B. de Cocceii Introductio ad Henrici L. B. de Cocceii Grotium illustratum ; continens Dissertationes Prooemiales XII. -Ito. Lausannge, 1751. Grotivis (Willeni). Vitte Jurisconsultorura quorum in Pan- dectis extant Nomina. Small 4to. Lugduni Batavorum, 1690. Grounds and Rudiments of Law and Equity, alphabeti- cally digested ; containing a Collection of Rules or Maxims, with the Doctrine upon them, illustrated by various cases extracted from the books and records. Folio. London, 1749. Grucliy (W. L. de). L'Ancienne Coutume de Normandie. 8vo. Jersey, 1881. Grueber (Ervvin). The Roman Law of Damage to Property. Svo. Oxford, 1886. Gubbins (J. P.). Dehli Civil Decisions. 4 vols., Svo. 1848- 51. Guernsey (R. S.). Ecclesiastical Law in Hamlet. 12mo. New York, 1885. [Pam., vol. 34.] Examinations of Titles to Land in England and in the United States. Svo. New York, 1875. [Pam., vol. 48.] History of New York Citv and Vicinitv during the War of 1812-1815. Roy. Svo. New York, 1889. 350 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Guernsey (R. S. ). Human Facility and Power to Transmit and Kecord Language. Svo. New York, 1889. [Pam., vol. 48.] Juries and Physicians on Questions of Insanity. Svo. New York, 1872. [Pam., vol. <6. J Key to Story's Equity Jurisprudence. 8vowder Plot. See Jardine's Criminal Trials, vol. 2. Gurdon (Tliornhagli ). Plistory of the High Court of Par- liament ; its antiquity, preheminence, and authority ; and the History of Court Baron and Court Leet. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1731. Gurney (Henry E.) and others. Trial of, for Commercial Fraud. Reported bv W. F. Finlason. Svo. London, 1870. Guthrie (John). Elementary Principles of the Laws of England. Svo. Dublin, 1842. Guthrie (William). Law of Trade Unions in England and Scotland, under the Trade Union Act, 1871. Svo. Edin- burgh, 1S73. Select Cases decided in the Sheriff Courts of Scotland, 1861-1878. Svo. Edinburgh, 1879. (editor). Savigny's Private International Law. Gutierrez (Josef Marcos). Practica Criminal de Espaha, para complemento del Febrero Reformado. Vols. 1, 3. Madrid, 1804-6. Guy (William A.) and Ferrier (David). Principles of Forensic Medicine. 5th ed. Svo. London, 1881. Gwillini (Sir Henry). Collection of Acts and Records of Parliament ; with Reports of Cases respecting Tithes. 4 vols., Svo, London, 1801. Gwynne (A. E.). Treatise on the law of Sheriff and Coroner. Svo. Cincinnati, 1849. 352 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF H. Haakman (J. A.). Droit International. L'Egypte et les Traites Internationaux sur la Reforme Judiciaire. Svo. Paris. 1S77. Haase (L.'). See Brauchitsch (M. Von ). Habeas Corpus. Presidential Power over Pei-sonal Liberty. A Review of Horace Binne y"s Essay on the AVrit of Habeas Corpus. Svo. Philadelphia. 1>6:^.' [Pam.. vol. 21.] Hackett (Frauk W.). The Geneva Award Acts; with notes and references to Decisions of the Court of Commis- sionei's of Alabama Claims. Svo. Boston. ISS'2. Hackett (^William H. Y.). Memoir of. By Frank W. Hackett. Svo. Portsmouth, IS 79. Haclclau ('Thomas H.). Outlines of the Administrative Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancerv. Svo. London. 1S62. Haclley (Amos), reporter. Xew Hampshire Reports, vols. 45-4"^. Haclley (Artluir T.). Railroad Transportation; its History and Laws. 12mo. Xew York. 1SS6. Haclley (E. A. i. Commentaries on the Laws of England. See Broom ( H.) and Hadley. Haclley (^Jaines). Introduction to Roman Law. Svo. Xew York, IS 73. Hafuer (H.). Das Schweizerische Obligationenrecht. 12mo. Ziirich. l'SS3. Hagaii (Albert), reporter. Utah Reports, vols. 1-2. Hagaii (John >I.), reporter. AYest Virginia Reports, vols. 1-5. Hageman (John F.). Privileged Communications as a liranch of Les:al Evidence. Svo. Somerville. X. J.. 1SS9. Hageriuan (Henry B.). Trial of, for Assault and Battery, with intent to Murder William Coleman, editor of the X. Y. Evening Post. Reported by David Bacon. Svo. Kew York, ISIS. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 353 Hagerty (F. H.). The State of South Dakota; Statistical, Historical and Political Abstract. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1889. Hag'gard (John). Reports, Consistory Court of London, 1752-1821. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1822. — Reports, Ecclesiastical Courts at Doctors' Commons, and High Court of Delegates, England, 1827-1833. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1829-34. Reports, High Court of Admiralty, England, 1822-1838. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1825-40. Hag'iier (A. B.) and Miller (O.), reporters. Maryland Chan- cery Reports, vol. 2. Haig'lit (Nicholas). Argument in behalf of the Remains of the Revolutionary Patriots interred in Trinity Churchyard, and against the opening of Albany Street. 8vo. J^ew York, 1854. [Pam., vol. 23.] Hailes (Sir David Dalryniple), Lord. Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, Scotland, 1766-1791. Se- lected from the Original Mss. by M. P. Brown. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1826. Hakewil (W.). The Manner how Statutes are enacted in Parliament by passing of Bills. 16mo. London, 1641. Hale (J. E.), reporter. California Reports, vols. 33-37. Hale (Capt. L. A.). Suggestions for Improving the Law and Practice of Courts Martial. 8vo. London, 1864. [Pam., vol. 39.] Hale (Sir Matthew). Analysis of the Law ; being a Scheme or Abstract of the several Titles and Partitions of the Law of England, digested into method. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1716. Commentary to Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium. De Jure Maris et Brachiorum ejusdem. 8vo. London, 1875. [Appendix to Hall on the Sea Shore.] History of the Common Law. 4th ed. By Charles Run- nington. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1794. History of the Pleas of the Crown ; with notes by S. Emlyn, 2 vols., folio. London, 1736. [Same.] New ed. By T. Dogherty. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1800. 2S 354 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hale (Sir Matthew). History of the Pleas of the Crown. 1st Am. eel. By W. A. Stokes and E. Ingersoll. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Jurisdiction of the Lords House, or Parliament, consid- ered according to Antient Pecords ; with additions by Francis Hargrave. 4to. London, 179*3. Hale (3Iattliew). System of Bookkeeping for Solicitors. Svo. London, 1884. Hale (William H. ). Essa}^ on the English Ecclesiastical Law, and the Jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical Courts. Svo. Lon- don, 1841. [Pam., vol. 45.] Precedents and Proceedings in Criminal Causes, 1475- 1640. Extracted from the Act-books of Ecclesiastical Courts in the Diocese of London. With introductory essay. Svo. London, 1847. Halfpenny (F. W.). Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, founded on the collection presented by C. P. Cooper to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. Laws and Jurisprudence of France. Svo. London, 1849. Hallied (N. B.j. Code of GentooLaws; or. Ordinations of the Pundits, from a Persian translation made from the original, Avritten in the Shanscrit Language. Svo. Lon- don, 1777. [Same.] Svo. London, 1781. Halkerston (Peter). Collection of Latin Maxims and Rules in Law and Equity, with an English translation. Svo. Edinburgh, 1823. Compendium, or General Abridgement, of the Faculty Collection of Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, Scotland. Folio. Edinburgh, 1819. Diofest on the Law of Scotland relatino: to Marriao:e. Svo. Edinburgh, 1831. Hall (Benjamin F.). Land Owner's IVlanual. Svo. Auburn, 184 — Opinion in the Habeas Corpus matter of Joel McKee. Svo. [Denver?], 1861. [Pam., vol. 21.] (editor). Opinions of U. S. Attorneys-General, vols. 1-5. Hall (Daniel), reporter. New Hampshire Reports, vols. ;)(i— .) ) Hall (David A.). Cases of Contested Elections in Congress. See Clarke (M. S.) and Hall. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 355 Hall (Frederic). Laws of Mexico relating to Real Property, Mines, Water Rights, Personal Rights, Contracts and In- heritances. 8vo. San Francisco, 1S85. Hall (Frederick J. ) and T wells (P.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1849-1850. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1850-1. Hall (John E.). American Law Journal. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808-10. [Same.] New Series. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1813-17. — Essay on Maritime liOans, from the French of B. M, Emerigon ; with Notes and Appendix. 8vo. Baltimore, 1811. — Journal of Jurisprudence ; a New Series of the American Law Journal. Vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. Practice and Jurisdiction of the Court of Admiralty. 8vo. Baltimore, 1809. Hall (John Edward). Treatise on the Law relating to Profits a prendre and Rights of Common. 8vo. London., 1871. Hall (Jona. P.). Reports of Cases, Superior Court, City of New York, 1828-1829. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1831-3. [Same.] 2d ed. By Joel Tiffany. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1866. Hall (Eucian), et al. Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Middle- town, 1844. Hall (Robert G.). Essay on the Rights of the Crown and the Privileges of the Subject in the Sea Shores of the Realm. 2d ed. By R. L, Loveland. With Appendix, con- taining : I. Lord Chief Justice Hale's '' De Jure Maris." II. The Case of Dickens v. Shaw, III. Mr. Serjeant Mere- wether's Speech. IV. Forms in use by the Board of Trade. 8vo. London, 1875. [Same.] 3d ed. See Moore (S. A.) Hall (T. H.). Treatise on the Law relating to Allotments of Land for the Labouring Poor. 12mo. London, 1886. Hall (Thomas B.). Treatise on Patent Estate, comprehend- ing nature, conditions and limitations of interest in Letters Patent. 12mo. Clevehmd, 1888. 356 CA TAL G UE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Hall (AVilliaiii E. i. Rights and Duties of Xeutrals. Svo. London, IST-t. Treatise on International Law. Svo. Oxford. ISSO. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Oxford. 1SS4. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Oxford. 1S90. Hall (AVilliam H. ). Irrigation Development : History. Cus- toms, Laws and Administrative Systems relating to Irriga- tion, Water-courses, and "Waters in France. Italy and Spain. Svo. Sacramento, 18S6. Hall ( Winchester ). Codification : a Eeview of the Paper of Mr. James C. Carter. Svo. Xew York. 1SS6. [Pam., vol. 34.] Hallaiu (Henry). Constitutional History of England. From the Accession of Henry VII. to the Death of George II. 3 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1S72. Corporate Reform. Svo. London. 1S33. [Pam., vol. 47.] Halleek (H. W.). CoDection of Mining Laws of Spain and Mexico. Svo. San Francisco, 1S59. Fundamental Principles of the Law of Mines. By De Fooz. Translated by Halleek. Svo. San Francisco, 1860. International Law ; or. Rules regulating the Intercoui'se of States in Peace and AVar. '*'Vo. Xew York. 1S61. Haller (Maj. Granville O.j. Trial of, by Court Martial. Svo. Paterson, 1S63. Hallett (3Ioses), rejwrter. Colorado Reports, vols. 1, 2. Hallifax (Sanmel), Bishop. Analysis of the Roman Civil Law. 4th ed. Svo. Cambridge, 1795. Analvsis of the Civil Law. Xew ed. Edited bv Jas. TV. Geldart. Svo. Cambridge, 1S3H. Hallilay (Richard). Digest of the Examination Questions in Common Law, Conveyancing and Equity ; with answers. 2d ed. Svo. London, iS59. Proceedings in an Action in the Chancerv and Queen's Bench Divisions. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1SS4. Hallnni (John). Biographical and Pictorial History of Ar- kansas. Svo. Albany, 1SS7. Halpin (William G.). Trial of, for Treason-Felony. Svo. Dubhn, 1S6S. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 357 Halsted (George B.). Reports, Court of Chancery, etc., New Jersey, 1845-1853. 4 vols., 8vo. Elizabeth to Avn and New- ark, 1849-54. Halsted (J. R.). Digest of the Law of Evidence. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1867. Halsted ( William). Digest of New Jersey Reports. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Trenton, 1843. Report of the Case of Den vs. Gibbons. Action of Ejectment. 8vo. Trenton, 1849. [Pam. Tr., vol. 1.] — (editor). Beames' Elements of Pleas in Equity. Halsted (William, Jr.). Reports, Supreme Court of New Jersey, 1796-1831. ,7 vols., 8vo. Trenton, 1823-31. Haly (W. W.). Practice in Civil Actions. See Troubat (F. J.) and Ilaly. Hamber (Frederick M.). The " En Commandite," " Ano- nyme " and '' En Nom Collectif " Partnerships; extracted from the French Code of Commerce and translated into English. 8vo. London, 1852. [Pam., vol. 47.] Hamel (F. H.). International Law in connexion with Munici- pal Statutes, 12mo. London, 1863, Hamel (F. J. de). Laws of the Customs. 12mo. London, 1883. Hamersley (Louis C). Will Case. 8vo, New York, 1883-5, Hamersly (Thomas H. S.). Complete Regular Army Reg- ister of the United States for One Hundred Yearsj 1779- 1879. 8vo. AYashington, 1880. Hamilton (Adelbertj. The Interstate Commerce Law. 8vo. Northport, 1887. Hamilton (Alexander). Works. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. 9 vols., Svo. ' New York, 1885-6. Alexander Hamilton. Bv H. C. Lod^e. 16mo. Bos- ton, 1888. [Amer, Statesmen Series.] — His Genius, Public Life and Opinions ; an address by Fernando Wood. Svo. New York, 1856. [Pam., vol. 16.] — Life and Epoch of. Bv George Shea. 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1880. — See The Fcederalist. Edited bv H. B. Dawson. 358 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hamilton (Allan McLane), M.D. The Case of Guiteau. 8vo. Cambridge, 1882. [Pam., vol. 17.] — Manual of Medical Jurisprudence, with special reference to Diseases and Injuries of the JS^ervous System. 8vo. New York, 1883. — [Same.] With Appendix. 8vo. New York, 1888. Types of Insanity. An Illustrated Guide in the physi- cal diagnosis of Mental Disease. 4to. New York, 1883. Hamilton (Charles). Hedaya ; a Commentary on the Mussulman Laws. Translated. -1 vols., -Ito. London, 170 1. Hamilton (Edward B.). Manual ♦of the Law and Practice of Banking in Australia and ^e\Y Zealand. 12mo. Mel- bourne, 1880. Hamilton (F. A. P.). Law relating to Charities in Ireland. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1881. Hamilton (Frank H.). Treatise on Fractures and Disloca- tions. 5th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. Hamilton (G. B.). Treatise on the Law of Covenants. 8vo. London, 1888. Hamilton (Leonidas). Compilation of Mexican Law. 8vo. San Francisco, 1882. Hamilton (Sophia). Life and Confession of Sophia Hamil- ton, tried, condemned and sentenced to be hung for Mur- der. 8vo. Montreal, 1845. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Hamilton (William G.). Parliamentary Logick. 12mo. London, 1808. Hamilton's Juryman's Guide ; or, The Englishman's Right. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1794. Hamlin (Charles). Insolvent Law of Maine ; with Notes of Decisions. 8vo. Portland, 1878. Hammett vs. the City of Philadelphia. Opinion of John M. Read, in favor of the Constitutionality of the Act authorizing the improvement of Broad Street. Svo. Philadelphia, 1869. Hammick (James T.). Marriage Law of England. 12mo. London, 1873. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 359 Haiiiiuond (Anthony). Analysis of the Principles of Plead- ing; or, Idea of a Study of that Science. 8vo. London, 1819. Criminal Code : Forgery. 8vo. London, 1823. — Criminal Code : Simple Larceny, etc. Yol. 1. [Anon.] Folio. London, 1828. Digest of Reports in Equity. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. New York, 1822. Treatise on Parties to Actions and Proceedings Civil and Criminal. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. Exeter, 1822. Treatise on the Law of Nisi Prius. 1st Am. ed. 8vo. Exeter, 1823. Hammond (Charles), reporter. Ohio Reports, vols. 1-9. Hammond (Elisha). Law of Principal and Agent. [In Theobald (Wm.). Principal and Surety. 1836.] Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance, and Insurance on Inland Waters. 8vo. New York, 1840. Hammond (N. J.), reporter. Georgia Reports, vols. 3«i-41:. Hammond (N. J.) and Jackson (Henryj, reporters. Georgia Reports, vol. 45. Hammond (William A.), M.D. Insanity in its Medico- legal Relations. Opinion relative to the testamentary capacity of the late Jas. C. Johnston. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1867. Treatise on Diseases of the Nervous System, 6tli ed. 8vo. New York, 1876. — Treatise on Insanity. 8vo. New York, 1883. — (editor). Psychological Journal. Hammond (William G.). Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. From the author's 8th ed., 1778. Edited for American law vers. 4 vols., 12mo. San Fran- cisco, 1890. (editor). Lieber's Legal and Political Hermeneutics. Sandars' Institutes of Justinian. Hampden (Rev. R. D.). Report of Case of, in the Ecclesi- astical Courts. By R. Jebb. 8vo. London, 1849. Hampson (George F.), Bart. Treatise on the Liabilities of Trustees, and the Protection and Indemnity afforded them by Courts of Equity. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1830. 360 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Haiibidge (H.), et al. Trials of. for Conspiracy and Riot. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1823. Hanbury (Lionel). Long Judicial Error in the Law of Patents for Inventions : The erroneous construction put by the Courts on the Statute of Monopolies, and its conse- quences. 8vo. London, 18G8. [Pam., vol. 24.] Hancock (^John AV. ). Synoptical Index of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada and Upper Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1805. Hancock (^Thomas). Specifications of Fourteen Patents for the treatment and application of India Rubber. 8vo. London. 1853. Hand (Samuel i, reporter. Xew York Reports, vols. 40-45. Hands ^AVillianii. Law and Practice relating to Patents for Inventions. 8vo. London, 1808. The Solicitor's Assistant in the Court of Chancery. Svo. London, l^o•♦. Treatise on Fines and Recoveries in the Court of Com- mon Pleas. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1825. Handy (R. D. and J. H. ). Reports, Superior Court of Cin- cinnati. 1854-1855. A^ol. 1. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1855. [Same.] 1851—1856. Revised and edited by L. E. Mills. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1877. Hanes i^Jolm L. i. Ignited States Digest of Decisions in Criminal Cases. 8vo. Xew York, 1856, Hanhart (Nicholas). Treatise on the Law relating to the Propertv of Married Women. ^vo. London, 1872. [Pam., Vol. 24.] Hanifeea Code of Jurisprudence. See Baillie (X. B. E.). Diirest of Mooluimmudan Law. Hannay i^Cliarles J. J.). Maritime Rights and Obligations of Belligerents. 12mo. London, 1862. Hannay (James ). Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Xew Brunswick, lb67-1871. 2 vols. 8vo. St. John, 1878. Hannay (Robert). Defence of the Usury Laws. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1823. Hanover (31. D. i. Practical Treatise on the Law of Horses. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1872. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 361 Hansard (George). Treatise on the Law relating to Aliens, and Denization and Naturalization. 8vo. London, 1844. Hansard (John). Book of Entries ; of Declarations and other Pleadings. Folio. London, 1685. Hansard (T. €.). Parliamentary Debates, 1803-1820. 41 vols., 8vo. London, 1812-20. [Same.] New Series. 1820-1830. 25 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1830. [Same.] Third Series, 1830-1889. 34(» vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1831-89. [Same.] General Indexes. Sessions 1863-89. Hansbrougli (George W.), reporter. A^irginia Eeports, vol. 7<». Hanson (Alfred). Acts relating to Probate, Legac\' and Succession Duties. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1876. Revenue Acts relating to the new Death Duties. 8vo. London, 1883. Hanson (Alexander C). Compilation of the Laws of Maryland, 1765-1784. Folio. Annapolis, 1787. Remarks on the proposed Plan of a Federal Government. 8vo. Annapolis, 1788. [See Ford (Paul L.).] Hanway (Castner). Trial of, for Treason. Reported by Jas. J. Robbins. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1852. Harcarse (Sir Roger Hog), Lord. Decisions of the Court of Session, Scotland, 1681-1691. Foho. Edinburgh, 1792. Hardcastle (Daniel). Banks and Bankers. 8vo. London, 1842. Hardcastle (Henry). Law and Practice of Election Peti- tions. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1885. Treatise on the Rules which govern the Construction and Effect of Statutory Law. 8vo. London, 1879. - (editor). Bushby's Practice of Elections ; O'Mallev (E. L.) and Hardcastle's Election Reports. Harden (Jacob S.). Life and Confession of Harden, Exe- cuted for Murder. 8vo. Ilackettstown, N. J., 1860. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Hardin (Martin D.). Re]:)orts, Court of Appeals, Kentucky, 18(15-1808. 8vo. Frankfort, 1810. 362 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Harding ( George R.). Handy Book of Ecclesiastical Law. 12mo. London. 1S60. Harcliiighaui (George G. M.i. Trade Marks. Xotes on the British and Colonial Laws relating thereto. Svo. London, 1881. Hardres (Sir Thomas). Eeports. Court of Exchequer, Eng- land. lt;55-1069. Folio. London, 1693. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Dublin, 1792. Hardwlcke (Philip Yorkei, Lord Chancellor. Life of, by George Harris. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1S47. Sketches of an Essay on the Life and Character of. By Richard Cooksey. Svo. TTorcester. Eng., 1791. See Cases temp. Hardwicke : Ridgeway ( Wm. i : and West (M. J.\ Hardy (H. R.j. Ontario. Manitoba and Xorth-West Legal Directory : with Lists of Judicial and Municipal Officials. Svo. Toronto. 1SS3. Hardy i Thomas), and others. Ti-ials of, for High Treason, bvo. London. 1794. Hardy (Sir Thomas D. i. Descriptive Catalogue of Mate- rials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1862-5. Hare (J. I. C). American Constitutional Law. 2 vols., Svo. Boston. 1SS9. Law of Contracts. Svo. Boston, 1SS7. Hare (J. I. C.) and Wallace (H. B. i, editoi-s. American Leading Cases. Smith's Leading Cases. White and Tudor's Leading Cases. Hare (Joseph T. i, and others. Trial of. for Robbing the Mail. Reported by E. J. Coale. Svo. Baltimore, ISIS. Hare (Thomas). Election of Representatives. Parliamentary and Municipal. 4th ed. Svo. London, 1873. Reports. High Court of Chancery. England. 1 ■^41-1853. 11 vols.. Svo. London. 1S43-5S. Treatise on Discovery of Evidence by Bill and Answer in Equity. 1st Am. ed. Svo. Xew York, 1836. [Same.] 2d ed. Bv Sherl(x;k Hare. Svo. London, 1S77. (editor). English Railway and Canal Cases. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 363 Harford County (Md.) Court. Report of Conspiracy Cases. By R. C Harper. Svo. Baltimore, 1S23. Hargrave (Francis). Collectanea Juridica, consisting of Tracts relative to the Law and Constitution of England. [Anon.] 2 vols., Svo. London, 1791-2. Collection of Tracts relative to the Law of England, from MSS. now first edited. Vol. 1. Svo. Dublin, 17S7. — Complete Collection of State Trials, and Proceedings for High Treason, etc. 4th ed. 11 vols. Folio. London, 1776-81. — Juridical Arguments and Collections. 2 vols., Irto. London, 1797-9. — Jurisconsult Exercitations. 3 vols, in 1. 4to. London, 1811-13. — (^editor). Hale's Jurisdiction of Parliament. Hargrave (John F.). Treatise on the Thellusson Act ; with observations upon Trusts for Accumulation. Svo. London, 1842. Harg:rove (T. L.), reporter. North Carolina Re])orts. vols. 68-75. Harlaeiii Coinmoiis. Title to, and Abstract of the Title of Dudley Selden. Svo. New York, 1872. [Pam., vol. 2. J Harleiaii Manuscripts. Catalogue of. By H. Wanley, D. Casley and others. 4 vols., folio. London, 1808-12. Harlem, N. Y. History of. Bv James Riker. Svo. New York, 1881. Harlem Patents. By J. W. Pirsson. Svo. New York, 1889. Harlow (W. S.). Duties of Sheriffs and Constables, as de- fined b}^ the Laws, and interpreted by the Supreme Court of California. Svo, San Francisco, 1884. Harnian (George F.), reporter. Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports, vols. 23-32. Harmon (Henry C). Manual of the Pension Laws of the United States. Svo, Washington, 1867. Harmon (John B.), reporter. California Reports, vols. IS- IS. Harper (J. C). Law of Inter-State Commerce. Svo. Cin- cinnati, 1887. 364 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Harper (Robert G.) Report of the Conspiracy Cases tried at the Harford Countv Court, Marvlantl. Svo. Baltimore, Harper (Saniviel). Practical Hints for Abstracting Title Deeds! 2d ed. Svo. London, 1818. Harper (William). Equit}- Eeports, Court of Appeals, South Carolina, 1824. 2d ed. Svo. Charleston, 1S60. Reports, Constitutional Court of South Carolina, 1823- 1826. 3d ed. Svo. Charleston, 1860. Harper's Latin Dictionary. Andrews's Freund, revised by Lewis and Short. 4to. New York, 1879. Harrell (John M.). Arkansas Form Book. 12mo. Little Rock, 1876. Harrington (E. B. ). Reports, Court of Chancery, Michigan, I88fs-ls42. Svo. Detroit, 184.5. Harrington (Edward P.). Respondeat Superior. Svo. Philadelphia, 189<». [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Harrington (James"). The Commonwealth of Oceana. FoHo. London. 1 »)."><;. Harrington iSamnel M.). Reports, Superior Court and Court of Errors antl Appeals, Delaware, 1832-1855. 5 vols., Svo. Dover, 1837-56. Harrington (Samnel M.) and Bates (D. 31.). Revised Statutes of Delaware. Svo. Dover, 1852. Harris (Beiyamin G.). Trial of, by Court Martial. Svo. Washington. 1866. Harris (George), LL.D. Translation of the Four Books of Justinian's Institutions. 2d ed. 4to. London, 1761, [Same.] 3d ed. 4to. Oxford, Isll, Harris (George), F, S, A. Life of Lord Chancellor Hard- wicke, 3 vols,, Svo. London, 1847. Principia Prima Legum ; or. An Enunciation and Analysis of the Elementary Principles of Law. Part 1. Svo. London, 1865, Harris (George E.). Treatise on the Law of Contracts by Married Women, Svo, New York, 1887, Treatise on the Law of Subrogation, Legal, Equitable and Conventional, Svo. Xew York, 1889. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE HAIL 865 Harris (Georg-e E.) and Simrall (G. H.), reporters. Mis- sissippi Reports, vols. 49-52. Harris (Georg-e W.), reporter. Pennsylvania State Reports, vols. 13-24. Harris (Mary). Trial of, for the Murder of A. J. Burroughs. Reported by Jas. O. Clephane. 8vo. Washington, 1S65. Harris (N. E.). Analytical Index and Digest of Georgia Reports, vols. 41-61. Svo. Macon, 1882. Harris (Richard). Before and at Trial. What should be done by Counsel, Solicitor and Client. 1st Am. ed. Bv Jas. M. Kerr. 8vo. Northport, L. I., 1889. Hints on Advocacy. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 18s0. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. Bv W. L. Murfree. 8vo. St. Louis, 1881. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. Illustrations in Advocacy. 12mo. London, 1884. Mr. Bumpkin's Lawsuit ; or, How to win your Oppo- nent's Case. 12mo. London, 1883. Harris (Seymour F.). Elements of Roman Law summarized ; A Concise Digest of the Matter contained in the Institutes of Gains and Justinian. 8vo. London, 1875. Principles of Criminal Law. Am. ed. By M. F. Force. Svo. Cincinnati, 1880. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1885. [Same.] 5th ed. By A. Agabeg. Svo. London, 1889. Harris (Tlionias). Modern Entries. Newly arranged, Avith additions, by H. D. Evans. 2 vols., Svo. Baltimore, 1831. Harris (Thomas) and Gill (R. W.). Reports, Court of Appeals, Marvland, 1X20-1829. 2 vols., Svo. Annapolis, 1828-9. Harris (Thomas) and Joliiisoii (Reverdy). Reports of Cases in the General Court and Court of Appeals of Marv- land, 1800-1820. 7 vols., Svo. Annapolis, 1821-7. Harris (Thomas, Jr.) and McHeiiry ( Jolin). Reports of Cases in the Provincial Court and Court of Appeals of the Province of Maryland from 1709 to the Revolution, and in the General Court and Court of Appeals of the State from 1780 to 1799. 4 vols., Svo. New York and Annapolis, 1809-18. 366 CATALOGUi: OF THE LIBRARY OF Harris (W. A.). Titles to Mines in the United States ; with the Statutes, and Decisions of the Courts. 8vo. London, ISTT. Harris (W. 31.) and Clarksoii (Thomas). Conveyancing and Law of Property Act. 8vo. London, 1882. Harrison (Benjamin), reporter. Indiana Keports, vols. 15-17 and 23-2ii. Harrison (E.). Complete English Lawyer ; a Summary of the Laws of England. 21st ed. 8vo. London, 1838. Harrison (Georg-e L.). Legislation on Insanity. A Collec- tion of all the Lunacy Laws of the States and Territories of the United States to 1883 inclusive; also the Laws of Eng- land, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884. [Privately printed.] Harrison (J. Carter). Epitome of the Criminal Law. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1885. Epitome of the Laws of Probate and Divorce. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1883. Harrison (Joseph). Practice of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 171:1. [Same.] 8th ed. Bv J. G. Williams. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1791. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. By AV. Parker. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807, Harrison (Josiah). Compilation of the Public Laws of New Jersey. 8vo. Camden, 1833. Reports, Supreme Court of Xew Jersey, 1837-1842. 4 vols., 8vo. Camden, 1839-43. Harrison (Octavian B. C.) and Rntherfnrd (Henry). Reports, Court of Common Pleas ami E.xchequer Chamber, England, 1865-1866. 8vo. London, 1868. Harrison (Robert A.). Common Law and County Courts Procedure Acts of Upper Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1858. Municipal Manual of Ontario. 4th ed. B\' F. J. Joseph. svo. Toronto, 1878. Harrison (Robert A.) and Hodgins (Thomas). Upper Canada Municipal Reports, 1845-1 S51. Vol. 1. Svo. To- ronto, 1863. Harrison (Robert A.) and O'Brien (H.). Digest of Upper Canada Reports. Svo. Toronto, 1863. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 367 Harrison (Samuel B.). Analytical Digest of Common Law Reports, etc. 2d Am. ed. 7 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846-53. — Evidence ; forming a Title of the Code of Legal Pro- ceedings, according to the plan proposed by Crofton Uni- acke. 12mo. London, 1825. — See also Fisher's Digest of Common Law Reports. Harrison (Samuel B.) and Edwards (Frederic). Prac- tical Abridgement of the Law of Nisi Prius. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1838. Harrison (Samuel B.) and Wollaston (F. L.j. Reports, Court of King's Bench and Bail Court, England, 1835-1836. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1836-7. Harrison (W. H.), reporter. Bombay Selected Cases. Harrison (William). Law relating to Chief Rents and other Rentcharges. 12mo. London, 1884. Harrison, et al. vs. St. Mark's Church. Action to restrain the Ringing of Bells. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877. Harston (E. F. B.). Practice, Pleading and Evidence in the Courts of the State of California, in General Civil Suits and Proceedings. 8vo. San Francisco, 1877. Hart (Albert). Mining Statutes of the United States, Cali- fornia and Nevada. 8vo. San Francisco, 1877. Hart (H. W.) and Eiloart (Ernest). Interrogatories. Rules relating to the Law of Discovery antl Inspection. 8vo. London, 1879. Hart (J. B.). Treatise on the Practice of the Courts of the State of California. 8vo. New York, 1853. Hartford Convention. History of. By Theo. Dwight. 8vo. New York, 1833. Hartley (Oliver C). Digest of the Laws of Texas. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850^ (reporter). Texas Reports, vols. 4-10. Hartley (Oliver C. ami K. K.), reporters. Texas Reports, vols. 11-21. Hartley (W. M. B.). Monev and Usury. Svo. New York, 1869. [Pam., vol. 2.] Hartmann (Gustav). Die Obligation, svo. Erlangen, 1875. 368 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hartog (L. de). Das Staatsrecht des Konigreichs der Nieder- lande. 8vo. Freiburg, 1886. [See Marquardsen (H.V] Hartshorne (Charles H.). Index-digest of IS'ew Jersey Reports. Roy. 8vo. Jersey City, 1885. Hartwell House Law Library. Catalogue of. By W. H, McAlpine. 8vo. London, 18«)5. Harvard Club of New York City. Constitution, By-laws, etc. 12ino. New York, 1886. Harvard Law RevieAv. 4 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, 1887-91. Harvard University. Catalogue of the Law Library. -Ith ed. 8vo. Cambridge, 1846. Catalogue of the Library. 2 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, 1830. Harvey (D. W.). Letter to Lord John Russell on the Bench- ers and the Bar. 8vo. London, 1852. [Pam., vol. 47.] Harvey (John). English Game Laws considered and com- pared with the Game Laws of other Countries. Svo. Lon- don, 1872. [Pam., vol. 39.] Harvey (Peter). Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Daniel Webster, .svo. Boston, 1882. Harvey (Wallace). Judicial Practice of the House of Lords, with reference to Appeals from the Scottish Supreme Courts. Svo. London, 1850. [Pam., vol. 39.] HarAvood (A. A.). Law and Practice of United States Naval Courts-Martial. 8vo. New York, 1867. Harwood (R. G.). See Cooke and Harwood's Charitable Trusts Acts. Haskell (Thomas H.). Reports of Judgments of Hon. Ed- ward Fox, L^. S. District Judge for Maine District, First Circuit, 186«i-1881. 2 vols., 8vo. Portland, 1887-8. Haslani (John). Medical Jurisprudence as it relates to Insan- itv, according to the Law of England. 8vo. London, 1817. Sound Mind ; or. Contributions to the Natural History and Physiology of the Human Intellect. Svo. London, 1819. Hasse (J. C). Die Culpa des Romischen Rechts. Svo. Kiel, 1815. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 369 Hassler (Charles W,). Powers of Consolidated Railway Companies. 8vo. New York, 1879. Hastie (W.). Outlines of the Science of Jurisprudence. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1887. Hastings (Major D. H.). Trial of, by Court Martial. 8vo. Washington, 1865. Hastings (David R.), reporter. Maine Eeports, vols. 69-70. Hastings (Louis M.). Minnesota Citations. 8vo. St. Paul, 1887. Hastings (Sidney). Treatise on the Law of Fraud and Mis- representation. 8vo. London, 1888. Treatise on Torts. 8vo. London, 188.5. Hastings (Warren). Letters of Simkin the Second, poetic recorder of all the Proceedings upon the Trial of. [By John Anstey.] 8vo. London, 1791. Trial of, by Impeachment. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1794. [Same.] 8vo. London, 1796. Haswell (John H.). Treaties and Conventions between the United States and other Powers, 1776-1887. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1889. Haszard (Francis L.) and Warburton (A. B.). Prince Edward Island Reports, 1850-1882. 2 vols., 8vo. Char- lottetown, 1885-6. Hat sell (John). Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons ; with observations. 3 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1786. [Same.] 3d ed. 4 vols., 4to. London, 1796. Hatton (Sir Christopher), Lord Chancellor. Memoirs of, by Sir H. l^icolas. 8vo. London, 1847. Hauff (Ludwig). Die Yertrage von 1815, und die G-rund- lagen der Verfass'ung Deutschlands. Svo. Bamberg, 1864. Havighton (G. C). Manava-Dherma-Sastra ; or. The Insti- tutes of Menu. [See Jones (Sir William). Institutes of Hindu Law.] Haus (J. J.). La Peine de Mort, son passe, son present, son avenir. Svo. Gand, 1867. Hautefeuille (L. B.). Des Droits et des Devoirs des l^ations l^eutres en temps de Guerre Maritime. 3*^ ed. 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1868. 24 STO CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Haiitefeuille (L. B.). Ilistoire des Origines, des Progres et des Variations du Droit Maritime International. 2® ed. 8vo. Paris, 1869. Questions de Droit Maritime International. Svo. Paris, 1868. Hauteville (P. D. G. G. d'). Report of the D'Hauteville Case. Habeas Corpus for the Custody of an Infant Child. Svo. Philadelphia, 1840. Havens (Henry H.). General Index, Laws of New York, 1777-1865. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1866. Havilancl (C. T.). Treatise on the Law of Corporations hav- ing Capital Stock, including Manufacturing and Business Corporations. 8vo. New York, 1890. Havilancl (E. W.). Table of Cases Affirmed, Reversed, Modified, Overruled, etc., in the New York Reports from 1880 to 1887. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Rochester, 1887. Havilancl (T. H.). Prince Edward Island Reports. See Peters (James H.). Hawaii : Reports. Judgments and Decisions of the Courts of Record, 1856- 1889. 7 vols., 8vo. Honolulu, 1857-90. Statntes. Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha III. 2 vols., Svo. Honolulu, 1846-7. Compiled Laws of the Kingdom. 8vo. Honolulu, 1884, Miscellaneons. Biennial Report of the Chief Justice. 8vo. Honolulu, 1886. [Pam., vol. 33.] History of Land Titles. 8vo. Honolulu, 1882. [Pam., vol. 35.] Patent Laws. (Abbott.) 1886. Reciprocity Treaty with the U. S. (Boutwell.) 1886. [Pam., vol. 34.] Hawes (Granville P.). Law relating to General Voluntary Assignments for the Benefit of Creditors. 8vo. New York, 1876. Hawes (Horace), I. 1813, d. 1871. Will Case, Reported by J. C. Bates. 8vo. San Francisco, 1872. Hawes (Horace). Law relating to the subject of Jurisdiction of Courts. 12mo. San Francisco, 1886. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 371 Hawes (Horace). Law respecting Parties to Actions, Legal and Equitable. 12mo. San Francisco, 1884. Hawke (Miehaer). Grounds of the Lawes of England ; ex- tracted from the fountaines of all other learning, and digested methodically into Cases. 12mo. London, 1657. Hawkins (E. D.). Eights of Minority Stockholders, and what legislation is needed for their protection. 8vo. Al- bany, 1890. [Pam., vol. 49.] Hawkins (Francis V.). Digests and Codes with reference to Law Reform. 8vo. London, 1865. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] On the Principles of Legal Interpretation, with refer- ence especially to the Interpretation of Wills. 8vo. Lon- don, 1860. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Treatise on the Construction of Wills. Am. ed. by J. Sword. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. by F. M. Leonard. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1885. Hawkins (Henry). Treatise on Warrants of Attorney,. Cognovits, and Judges' Orders for Judgment. 12mo. London, 1844. Hawkins (J.), reporter. Louisiana Annual Reports, vols.. 19-24. Hawkins (Rusli C). Statement regarding the Legislature and Legislation of JSTew York for 1871-1872. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Pam., vol. 8.] Hawkins (William). Abridgement of the First Part of Coke's Institutes. 8th ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. Summary of the Crown Law. 8vo. London, 1770. Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown. 6th ed. B}^ Thos. Leach. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1788. [Same.] 7th ed. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1795. Hawks (Francis L.). Reports, Supreme Court of ISTorth Carolina, 1820-1826. 4 vols., 8vo. Raleigh, 1823-8. Hawles (Sir John). The Englishman's Right. A Dialogue between a Barrister at Law and a Juryman on Juries. 12mo. London, 1752. [Same.] Am. reprint. Edited by Daniel Rollins. 12mo. Boston, 1883 372 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BAR Y OF Hawley (John G.). American Criminal Reports. 3 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1878-81. Inter-State Extradition. 12mo. Detroit, 1890. Law of Arrest on Criminal Charges, as it has been ad- judged by the Federal and State Courts. 16mo. Detroit, 1889. Hawley (Thomas P.). Digest of Nevada Reports, and Saw- yer's Circuit Court Reports. 8vo. San Francisco, 18T8. (reporter). Nevada Reports, vols. 10-20. Hawthorne (J. M.). What Instruments are Negotiable. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. Hay (George). Treatise on Expatriation. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1814. Hay (Georg-e) and Marriott (James). Reports, High Court of Admiralty, England, 1776-1779. Svo. London, 1801. Hay (William). Decisions of the Supreme Courts of England and Scotland, on Liability for Reparation of Injuries aris- ing from Accidents and Negligence. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1860. Decisions on the Poor Law of Scotland. Svo. Edin- burgh, 1865. Hayden (Chester). Analytical Digest of the Code of Pro- cedure of New York. Svo. Albany, 1848., Hayden (F. V.). Field Report of the U. S. Geological Sur- vey of Colorado and New Mexico. Svo. Washington, 1869. Haydn (Joseph). Dictionary of Dates and Universal Infor- mation relating to all Ages and Nations, containing the History of the World. 18th ed. By Benj. Vincent. Roy. Svo. New York, 1888. Hayes (Edmnnd). Crimes and Punishments ; or, A Digest of the Criminal Statute Law of Ireland. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Dubhn, 1842. Reports, Court of Exchequer, Ireland, 1830-1832. Svo. Dublin, 1837. Hayes (Edmund) and Jones (Thomas). Reports, Court of Exchequer, Ireland, 1832-1834. Svo. Dublin, 1843. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 373 Hayes (William). Doctrine of Equity as to Separate Estate and Restraint upon Anticipation. 8vo. London, 1836. [Para., vol. 39.] Introduction to Conveyancing, and the new Statutes concerning Real Property. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1837. Treatise on Dispositions of Real Estate. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1835. [L. L., vol. 7.] yiew of the Law of Real Property ; with application of its principles to a General Register. 8v^o. London, 1831. Hayes (William) and Jarmaii (Thomas). Concise Forms of Wills ; with Practical Notes. 7th ed. By J. W. Dun- ning. 8vo. London, 18(59. [Same.] 9th ed. 8vo. London, 1883. Hayne (Robert Y.). Treatise on New Trial and Appeal, and other Proceedings for review in Civil Cases. 2 vols., 8vo. San Francisco, 1884. Hayiies (Freeman O.). Outlines of Equity. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1858. [L. L., vol. 98.] [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1880. Hayiies (John), editor. Estee's Practice. Haynes (John F.). Practice of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. 8vo. London, 1879. Hay ward (A.). Juridical Tracts. Svo. London, 1856. (translator). Savigny (F. C. von). Vocation of our Age for Legislation. Haywarcl (John). New-England and New-York Law Reg- ister. 12rao. Boston, 1835. Haywarcl (John A.). Reports of Cases, Circuit Court, Dis- trict of Columbia, 1840-181:1:. Svo. Washington, 1883. [Only 4 nos., 193 pages, published.] Haywood (John). Manual of the Laws of North Carolina. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Raleigh, 1808. - [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Raleigh, 1814. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Raleigh, 1819. Reports, Highest Courts of Law and Equitv, Tennessee, 1816-1818. New ed. By W. F. Cooper. 3 vols., Svo. St. Louis, 1870. 374 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Haywood (John). Reports, Superior Courts of Law and 'Equity, :S^orth Carolina, 1789-1806. 2 vols., 8vo. Halifax and Raleigh, 1799-1806. [Same.] 2d ed. Bv Wm. H. Battle. 2 vols., 8vo. Raleigh, 1832-43. [Vol. 2, bound with Martin's X. C. Re- ports.] Revisal of Public Acts of Xorth Carolina and of the State of Tennessee. 8vo. Xashville, 1809. Haywood (John) and Cobbs (R. L. l Statute Laws of the State of Tennessee. 2 vols., 8vo. Knoxville, 1S31. Hazard (Samnel). Pennsylvania Register. 16 vols., rov. Svo. Philadelphia, 1828-36. Hazlehurst (Isaac). Memoir of Chancellor Peter McCall. Svo. Philadelphia, 1881. [See Philadelphia Law Associa- tion.] Hazlitt (W. Carew), editor. Blount's Tenures of Land. Hazlitt (William). Criticisms on the Bar ; including Strict- ures on the Principal Counsel. [Anon.] 12mo. London, 1819. Hazlitt ("William) and Roche (H. P.). Manual of the Law of Maritime Warfare. Svo. London, 1854. Head (Edmund). Report on the Law of Bastardy, and on a cheap Civil Remedy for Seduction. 8vo. London, 1840. [Pam., vol. 47.] Head (J. W.). Reports, Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1858- 1859. 3 vols., Svo. Xashville, 1860-6. Headfort (Marquis of). See Massey v. Headfort. Headlam (Thomas E.). Supplement to Daniel's Chancery Practice. 8vo. London, 1851. Headley (Russel). Xew York Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code ; with Notes. 8vo. Albany, 1887. [Same.] Svo. Albany, 1890. Xew York Criminal Justice. Svo. Xew York, 1890. Heales (Alfred), History and Law of Church Seats, or Pews. Svo. London, 1872. Healey (C E. H. C). Treatise on the Law of Joint Stock Companies. Svo. London, 1875. [Same.] 2d ed. By P. F. Wheeler and C. E. E. Jenkins. Roy. Svo. London, 1886. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAB. 375 Heamaii (Peter), et al. Trial of, for Piracy and Murder. Reported by Alex. Stuart. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1821. Heard (Franklin F.). Curiosities of the Law Reporters. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston, 1881. Oddities of the Law. 12mo. Boston, 1881. Precedents of Equity Pleadings. 8vo. Boston, 1884. — Precedents of Pleadings in Personal Actions in the Su- perior Courts of Common Law. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Principles of Criminal Pleading. 8vo. Boston, 1879. Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions. 8vo. Boston, 1880. Shakespeare as a Lawyer. 12mo, Boston, 1883. Treatise on the Authority and Duties of Trial Justices, District, Pohce and Municipal Courts, in Criminal Cases. 8vo. Boston, 1879. Treatise on the Law of Libel and Slander. 8vo. Lowell, 1860. Treatise on the Principles of Equity Pleading ; with Precedents. 8vo. Boston, 1882. ■ (editor). Bennett & Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. Metcalf on Contracts. Shortt on Informations, etc. Star Chamber Cases. Stephen on Pleading. Storer & Heard on Criminal Abortion. Train & Heard's Precedents of Indictments. Wallace's Reporters. Hearn (William E.). Theory of Legal Duties and Rights. 8vo. London, 1883. Heath (Sir Robert). Maxims and Rules of Pleading. See Cunningham (T.). Heath (Roscoe B.). Virginia Reports. See Patton (J. M., Jr.) and Heath. Heath (Solynian), reporter. Maine Reports, vols. 36-40. Heathfield (Richard). Thoughts on the Liquidation of the Public Debt. 8vo. London, [1829]. [Pam., vol. 25.] Hecker (G. W.). Reports of Cases in England and the United States, on Warranty on the Sale of Personal Prop- erty. 8vo. Meadville, 1874. 3V6 CA2AL0GUE OF THE LIBBAEY OF Hedges (Cornelius), reporter. Montana Reports, vols. 4-6, HelFter (A. W.). Das Europaische Yolkerrecht der Gegen- wart. 7. Ausg. Von F. H. Geffcken. 8vo. Berlin, 1881. — Le Droit International Public de TEurope. Traduit par Jules Bergson. Xouvelle ed. 8vo. Berlin et Paris, lSr)6. Heidelberg (Daniel W.). Digest of Mississippi Eeports, vols. 45-64, 1871-1887. 8vo. Albany, 1888. Heineke [Lat. Heineccius] (Jo. Gottlieb). Opera ad Universam Jurisprudentiam, Philosophiam, et Litteras Hu- maniores pertinentia. 9 vols., 4to. Genevae, 1744-49. Elementa Juris Civilis secundum Ordinem Pandectarum. Ed. novissima. 2 vols., 12mo. Vienna, 1779. Elementa Juris Xaturae et Gentium. Editio 4. 8vo. ilaiae, 1758. Methodical System of Universal Law ; or, The Laws of Xature and Xations deduced from certain Principles, and applied to proper Cases. Translated, with Notes, etc., by George Turnbull. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1741. Historia Juris Civilis Romani ac German ici. Editio emendata, Observationibusque aucta studio J. D. Ritteri. 2 vols., 8vo. Argentorati, 1751. (editor). Vinnius (A.). In quatuor libros Institutionum Commentarius. Heiskell (Joseph P.). Reports, Supreme Court of Tennes- see. 1870-1874. 12 vols., Svo. Nashville, 1870-8. Hellwig (Konrad). Die Verpfiindung und Pfiindung von Forderungen. Svo. Leipzig, 1883. Helm (Alfred), reporter. Xevada Reports, vols. 2-4. Helm (Alfred) and Hittell (T. H.t, reporters. Nevada Reports, vols. 5-9. Hemingvray (J. B. H.), reporter. Mississippi Reports, vols. 53-59. Hemming (George W.) and Miller (Alex. E.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1862-1865. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1864-6. [Same.] 1859-62. See Johnson (H. R. Y.) and Hem- mmof. Hempstead (S. H.). Reports, U. S. Courts, District of Ar- kansas, 1820-1855. 8vo. Boston, 1856. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 377 Henderson (A. E.), Gillespie (D.) and Johnston (H.). Analytical Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scotland, and on Appeal by the House of Lords, 1867- 1877. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1878." Henclrickson (John, Jr.). Trial of, for the Murder of his Wife, by poisoning with Aconite. 8vo. Albany, 1853. Hendry (John). Manual of Conveyancing. 2d ed. By J. T. Mowbray. 8vo. Edinburgh, 18r)7. Styles of Scotch Deeds and Instruments. 3d ed. By J. T. Mowbray. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1878. Hendry (William). Life Annuity Tables. 8vo. London, 1825. Hening (William W.). Maxims in Law and Equity, com- prising Noy's Maxims, Francis's Maxims and Branch's Principia Legis et yEquitatis ; with Translation. 8vo. liichmond, 1824. Hening (William W.) and Mnnford (William), Keports of Cases, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, etc., 1806- 1810. 4 vols., 8vo. J^ew York, 1809-11. Henley (Robert), Earl of i^orthington. Memoir of the Life of. By his grandson, Robert, Lord Henlev. 12mo. Lon- don, 1831. Hennell (Charles). Forms of Affidavits, Declarations, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 3.] [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1837. Hennen (William D.). Digest of the reported Decisions of the Courts of Louisiana. 2 vols., 8vo. Cambridge, 1861. Hennessy (William M. ). Annals of Loch Ce. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1871. [Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain.] Henry II. of England. Chronicle of the Eeign of. Edited by W. Stubbs. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1867. [Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain.] Henry IV. Royal and Historical Letters of. Edited by F. C. Hingeston. 8vo. London, 1860. [Same.] Henry V. Memorials of. Edited Ijy Chas. A. Cole. 8vo. London, 1858. [Same.] Henry VII. Memorials of. Edited by James Gairdner. 8vo. London, 1858. [Same.] 378 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Henry (Alexander). Jurisprudence ; or, The Science of Law ; its Objects and Methods. 12mo. London, 1884. [Pam.. vol. 33.] Henry (Jabez). Foreign Law. Judgment of the Court of Demerara in the Case of Odwin v. Forbes. AVith Appendix on Domicile, etc. Svo. London, 1823. Henry (^3Iorton P.). Jurisdiction and Procedure of the Admiralty Courts of the United States in Civil Causes. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885. Henry (^Patrick). Patrick Henry. By M. C. Tyler. 16mo. Boston and Xew York, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Henshaw (Robert"). Trial of, before the Kecorder of Bom- bay, for Corruption in Office and Receiving Presents. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1807. Hensnian (Alfred P."). Handbook of the Constitution. 12mo. London, 18H'>. Hensman (BosAvell). Usury in three months' Bills. 12rao. London, 1837. [Pam., vol. 47.] Hensnian ( John"). The Oath and the Accused ; or, The Eight of every Man to give Evidence in Courts of Justice. 8vo. London, 1862. [Pam., vol. 37.] Hepburn (H. P."), reporter. California Reports, vols. 2-4. Hepburn ( Janiesi, reporter. Pennsvlvania State Reports, vol. 13. Heraud (J. A.)o Digest of the Stamp Laws and Complete Stamp Table. 8vo. London, 1801. Herbert (Charles). The Dutch Executors Guide. 12rao. British Guiana, 1842. ; — Translation of the Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence of Hugo Grotius. Svo. London, 1845. Herbert (Thomas'). Law of Adulteration. 12mo. London, 1884. Herbert (William). Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancerv. "With a concise History of the Enghsh Law. Illustrated. Svo. London, 1804. Herman (Henry M.). Commentaries on Mortgages and Vendors' Liens. Svo. Xew York, 1879. Commentaries on the Law of Estoppel and Res Judicata. i vols., Svo. Jersey City, ISSG. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 379 Herman (Henry M.). Law of Estoppel. 8vo. Albany, 1871. Treatise on Chattel Mortgages. Svo. New York, 1877. Treatise on the Law of Executions. 8vo. Xew York, 1875. Herndon (W. A.). History and Personal Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 3 vols., 12nio. Chicago, 1889. Heme (John). Law of Charitable Uses. 16mo. London, 1660. [Same.] 2d ed. 16mo. London, 1663. The Pleader ; containing Presidents and Formes of Declarations, Pleadings, Issues, Judgments and Proceedings in all kinds of Actions. Folio. London, 1657. Heron (Denis C). Introduction to the History of Jurispru- dence. 8vo. London, 1860. Principles of Jurisprudence. Svo. London, 1873. Herrick (M. W.) and Doxsee (J. W.). Probate Law and Practice of Iowa and Dakota. 8vo. Chicago, 1881. Herrick (William A.). Powers, Duties and Liabihties of Town and Parish Officers in Massachusetts. Svo. Boston, 1S70. (editor). Kerr on Injunctions. Herron (W. W.). Texas Citations. Table of Cases cited in the Opinions of the Supreme Court and the Court of Ap- peals of Texas. Svo. St. Louis, 1881. Herschel (Clemens). On the best manner of making use of the services of Experts in the Conduct of Judicial In- quiries. Svo. Boston, 1886. [Pam., vol. 33.] Hersey (George C). Trial of, for Murder. Re]iorted bv J. M. W. Yerrington. Svo. Boston, 1862. Hersliey (Scott F.). The Science of National Life. Svo. Burlington, Iowa, 1884. Hertslet (C. J. B.). Bankrupt Law Consolidation Act. Svo. London, 1852. Reports of Cases relating to Insolvency. See Macrae (D. C.) and Hertslet. Hertslet (Lewis). Complete Collection of Treaties and Con- ventions between Great Britain and Foreign Powers so far as they relate to Commerce and Navigation, the Slave Trade, etc. 11 vols., Svo. London, 1811-61. [Same.] Vol. 12. By Edward Hertslet ; with Index of Subjects to the entire Series. Svo. London, 1871. 380 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Herttell (^Thomasj. Argument in the X. Y. Assembly, on the Married AVomen's Property Act. Svo. New York, 1839. [Pam., vol. 12.] The Demurrer ; or, Proofs of Error in the Decision of ilie Supreme Court of the State of Xew York, requiring Faith in particular Doctrines as a legal qualitication of Wit- nesses. 8vo. New York, 1828. Herty (Thomas). Digest of the Laws of Maryland to 1798. 8vo. Baltimore, 1799. [Same.] 1798-1803. 8vo. Washington, 1801. Digest of the Laws of the United States. 8vo. Balti- more,°1800. Hertz (Henry). Trial of, for Enlisting Men in the British Legion, for the Crimea. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. [Pam. Tr., vol. 1.] Hetley (Sir Thoiuas). Eeports, Court of Common Pleas, Eno-land, 1627-1631. Folio. London, 1657. Hetzel (A. R. ). Military Laws of the United States, includ- ing Bounty Lands and Pensions. 3d ed. Svo. Washing- ton, 1816. Heiiniaiin (H. G.). Handlexicon zu den Quellen des Komi- schen Rechts. 3. Aufl. 8vo. Jena, 1857. Hevisler (Andreas). Institutionen des Deutschen Privat- rechts. 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1885-6. [Binding (K.). Syst. Handbuch d. Deutsch. Pechtswissenschaft, 2, ii., 1-2.] Hevey (John) vs. Sirr (Chas. H.). Action for Assault and False Imprisonment. 8vo. Dublin, 1802. Hewitt (Abrani S.). Speech on the Distribution of the Geneva Award. 8vo. AVashington, 1876. [Pam., vol. 10.] Hew^lett (William O.). Jurisdiction on Scottish Peerage Claims. Svo. London, 1883. Hewley (Lady Sarah). Charities : Report of the Hearing in the House of Lords, ^^vo. London, 1839. Heyl (Lewis). United States Duties on Imports. Svo. Washington, editions of 1874, 1877. 1879, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1886. Heyw^arcl (W. I.). Table of Cases, cited and compared in the Georgia Reports. 16mo. Jersey City, 1881. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 881 Hey wood (James). Translation of Oxford University Statutes. 2 vols., Svo. London, 18J:5-51. Heywood (Samuel). Digest of the Law respecting Borough Elections. Svo. London, 1797. Dissertation upon the Distinctions in Society, and Ranks of the People, under the Anglo-Saxon Governments. Svo. London, 1818. Hickcox (John H.). Monthly Catalogue of United States Government Publications. 7 vols., Svo. Washington, 1885-91. Hickey (William), Constitution of the United States of America, etc. Revised ed. By Alex. Cumraings. 12mo. Baltimore, 1878. Hickman (William). Treatise on the Law and Practice of Naval Courts-Martial. Svo. London, 1851. Hicks (Albert W.). Trial of, for Piracy. Svo. New York, 1860. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Hig^gins (Clement). Concise Treatise on the Law and Practice of Patents. Svo. London, 1881. Digest of the reported Cases relating to the Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions. Svo. London, 1875. [Same.] Appendix, 1S75-1SS0. Svo. London, 1880. Treatise on the Law relating to the Pollution and Ob- struction of Watercourses. Svo. London, 1877. Higgins (Clement) and Edwards (E. W. W.). Electric Lighting Act. Svo. London, 1883. Higgins (J. N.). Interference of the State with Public Property. Svo. London, 1856. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Higgins vs. Higgins. Action for Forgery. Reported by John Hatchell. Svo. Dubhn, 1813. High (James L.). Treatise on Extraordinary Legal Remedies, embracing Mandamus, Quo Warranto and Prohibition. Svo. Chicago, 1874. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Chicago, 1881. Treatise on the Law of Injunctions as administered in the Courts of the United States and England. Svo. Chicago, 1873. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, ISSO. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1890. 382 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF High ( Jaiues L.). Treatise on the Law of Receivers. 8vo. Chicago, IS 76. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1886. (editor). Erskine's Speeches. High Court Reports. Xorthwestern Provinces. See India. Highinore (Anthony). Digest of the Doctrine of Bail in Civil and Criminal Cases. 8vo. London, 1783. Treatise on the Law of Idiocv and Lunacv. 8vo. Lon- don, 1807. — [Same.] Am. ed. Svo. Exeter, 1822. Yiew of the History of Mortmain, and the Statutes relative to Charitable Uses. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1809. Highniore (N. J.). Summary Proceedings in Inland Revenue Cases in England and Wales. 12mo. London, 1882. Hight (B. W.), reporter. Iowa Reports, vols. 57, 58. Hildreth (Richard). History of the United States of America, 1497-1789. 3 vols."^, Svo. Xew York, 1874^5. ■ [Same.] 2d Series. 1788-1821. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 187-1-5. (translator). Bentham's Theory of Legislation. Hiklyard (Francis). Treatise on the Principles of the Law of Marine Insurances. Svo. Harrisburg, 1817. [New L. L., vol. 7.] Hill (Alexander S.). Manual of the Practice of the Court of Probate. Svo. London, 1859. Hill (David B.i, Governor of the State of New York. Pub- lic Papers, l vols., Svo. Albany, 1885-8. Hill (Edward J.). Chancery Jurisdiction and Practice, ac- cording to Statutes and Decisions in Illinois. Svo. Chicago, 1873. • Common Law Jurisdiction and Practice in Illinois. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1872. ■ Digest of Illinois Reports. 5 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1879 -83. Law of Commission. Svo. Chicago, 1S79. Hill (Edward J. and R. W.). Digest of Illinois Reports, 1883-1887. Svo. Chicago, 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 883 Hill (Frederick P.). Trial of, on a Charge of Embezzling the Funds of the Philadelphia and Reading R.R. 8vo. Chicago, 1864. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Hill (James). Treatise on the Law relating to Trustees. 4th Am. ed. By G. T. Bispham. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1867. Hill (John W.). Manual of the Law of Fixtures. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1871. Hill (M. D.). Draft Report on the Principles of Punishment. 8vo. London, 1847. [Pam., vol. 37.] Hill (Nicholas, Jr.). Reports, Supreme Court and Court of Errors of New York, 1841-1844. 7 vols., 8vo. New York, 1859. [Same.] 7 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 7 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1884. — Memoir of. Proceedings of the New York Bar. 8vo. New York, 1859. [Pam., vol. 5.] Hill (Nicholas, Jr.) and Deiiio (Hiram). Reports. See Lalor's Supplement to Hill's and Denio's Reports. Hill (W. R.). Cases at Law, Court of Appeals of South Carolina, 1833-1837. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Charleston, 1857. Cases in Chancery, Court of Appeals of South Carolina, 1833-1837. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Charleston, 1858. Hill (Walter B.). The Bar ; its Ethics and Characteristics. 1881. [Pam;, vol. 32.] Hill (William) and Bliss (W. B.). Nova Scotia Statutes at large, 1817-1826. 4to. Halifax, 1827. Hilliarcl (Francis). American Law : A comprehensive Sum- mary of the Law in its various Departments. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1877-8. American Law of Real Property. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. [Same.] 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1869. Elements of Law ; being a comprehensive Summary of American Jurisprudence. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1848. Law of Contracts. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. = Law of Injunctions. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. ■ [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874. 384 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hilliaril (Frtiiicisj. Law of Mortgages of Keal and Per- sonal Property. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1858. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1856. [Same.] Irth ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1872. Law of New Trials and other Rehearings, including "Writs of Error, Appeals, etc. 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1872. Law of Remedies for Torts, or Private Wrongs. Svo. Boston, 1867. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1873. Law of Sales of Personal Property, 3d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1869. Law of Taxation. Svo. Boston, 1875. — Law of Torts or Private Wrongs. 2 vols., Svo. Bos- ton, 1859. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1866. [Same.] 4th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1874. Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Real Property. 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1868. Treatise on the Law of Bankruptc}^ and Insolvency. Svo. Philadelphia, 1863. Hillyer (Curtis J.), reporter. California Reports, vols. 20-22. Hilton (Henry). Reports, Court of Common Pleas, City and County of New York, 1855-1860. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1859-60. Hincle (Robert). IVEodern Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Svo. Dubhn, 1786. Hindenbiirg (E. E.), translator. Mackeldey (F.). -Systema Juris Roman i, Hindniarch (W. M.). Observations on the defects of the Patent Laws; with suggestions for reform. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1851. [L. L., vol. 73.] Suggestions for an Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. Svo. Lon- don, 1864. Supplement to Deacon's Criminal Law Digest. Svo. London, 1836. Treatise on the Law relative to Patent Privileges for the sole use of Inventions, and the Practice of obtaining Letters Patent for Inventions. Svo. Harrisburg, 1847. [ISTew L. L., vol. 8.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 385 Hine (C. C). Insurance Statutes of the United States and Canada. 8vo. New York, 1876. Hine (C C.) and Nichols (W. S.). Law of Assignments of Life Policies. Svo. New York, 1881. New Digest of Insurance Decisions; Fire and Marine. 8vo. New York, 1882. Hines (Edward W.), reporter. Kentucky Reports, vols. 83-87. Hiiikley (Edwartl O.). Testamentary Law ; and Law of Inheritance and Apprentices in Maryland. 8vo. Baltimore, 1878. Hiiischius (Paul). Allgemeine Darstellung der Yerhaltnisse von Staat und Kirche. 8vo. Freiburg, 1883. [See Mar- quardsen (H.).] System des Katholischen Kirchenrechts, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Deutschland. 1^"" Band. Svo. Berlin, 1869. Hillsdale (John W.), editor. Winston's North Carolina Reports. Hirsh (Hugo). Tabulated Digest of the Divorce Laws of the United States. Svo. New York, 1888. Treatise on Juries ; their Powers, Duties, etc. Svo. New York, 1879. Hirschl (A. J.). Law of Fraternities and Societies. Svo. St. Louis, 1883. Historical Law Tracts. [By Henry Home, Lord Kames.] 2 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1758. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Edinburgh, 1761. Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History and Biography of America. [Second Series.] 1867-1871. 10 vols., Svo. Morrisania, N. Y. [Only 2 nos. of vol. 10 published.] [Third Series.] 1872-1875. 3 vols., Svo. Morrisania, N. Y. [Only 4 nos. and 5 Extras of vol. 3 published.] Historicus. Letters on some questions of International Law. [By Sir Wm. Yernon Harcourt.] Svo. London, 1863. History of the most Remarkable Tryals in Great Britain and Ireland in Capital Cases. 12mo. London, 1715. Hitchcock (Alpheus). Trial of, for the Murder of his Wife by Poison. Svo. Utica, 1807. 35 386 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hitchcock (Charles). Memoir of. 4to. Chicago, 1881, Hitchcock (Henry). American State Constitutions ; a Study of their Growth. 12mo. New York, 188T. Constitutional History as seen in American Law. [See Rogers (H. AV.).] Hitchcock (L, E.). Powers and Duties of Sheriffs, Consta- bles, Tax Collectors, and other Officers in the New England States. Svo. Boston, 1889. Hittell (T. H.). Codes and Statutes of California. 3 vols., 8vo. San Francisco, 1876-80. General Laws of California. 2d ed. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. San Francisco, 1870. — Nevada Reports. See Helm (A.) and Hittell. Hoadley (Charles J.). Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, 1G89-1776. 12 vols. 8vo. Hartford, 1868-90. Records of the Colony and Plantation of New Haven, 1638-1649. 8vo. Hartford, 1857. Records of the Colony or Jurisdiction of New Haven, from 1653 to the Union. With the New Haven Code of 1656. 8vo. Hartford, 1858. Hobart (Sir Henry), Bart. Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1603-1625. 3d ed. Folio. London, 1671. • [Same.] -Ith ed. Folio. London, 1678. [Same.] 1st Am. ed. Bv J. M. Williams. 8vo. Bos- ton. 1829. Hobart (Vere Henry), Lord. On Capital Punishment for Murder. 8vo. London, 1861. [Pam., vol. 37.] Hobbs (G. M.). Bankrupt Law of the U. S. See Avery (E.) and Hobbs. Hobby (Edwin). Treatise on Texas Land Law. 8v^o. St. Louis, 1883. Hochheinier (Lewis). Manual of Criminal Law as estab- lished in Maryland. 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. Treatise on the Law relating to the Custody of Infants. 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. Hodge (Arthur). Trial of, for the Murder of his slave Pros- per. Reported by A. M. Belisario. 12mo. Middletown, 1812. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 387 Hodges (Sir William). Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1835-1837. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1835-9. — Treatise on the Law of Railways, Railway Companies and Railway Investments. 5th ed. Bv Chas. M. Smith, 8vo. London, 18G9. — [Same.] 7th ed. By J. M. Lely. 2 vols., 8yo. Lon- don, 1888. See Arnold (T. J.) and Hodges' Queen's Bench Reports ; — Willmore (G.) and Hodges' King's Bench Reports. Hodg'iiis (Thomas). Reports of the Decisions of the Judges for the Trial of Election Petitions in Ontario. 8vo. To- ronto, 1883. Hodgkin (John). Observations on the proposed establish- ment of a General Register. 8vo. London, 1829. [Pam., vol. 25.] Hoechster (E. G.) and Sacre (Auguste). Manuel de Droit Commercial Fran§ais et Etranger : Droit Maritime. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1876. Hoffman (David). Course of Legal Study. 2d ed. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. London, 1836. Legal Outlines ; being the substance of the First Title of a Course of Lectures delivered in the University of Mary- land. 8vo. London, 1836. Hoffman (Mnrray). Digest of the Charters, Statutes, and Ordinances of and relating to the Corporation of the City of New York. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1869. Ecclesiastical Law in the State of New York. Svo, New York, 1868, Law and Practice as to References, and the Powers and Duties of Referees, Svo, New York, 1875. Office and Duties of Masters in Chancery, and Practice in the Master's office. 8vo. New York, 1824. Practice of the Court of Chancery ; with Appendix of Forms. 3 vols., 8vo. Ncav York, 1834-40. Provisional Remedies of the Code of Procedure. 8vo. New York, 1862. Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, New York, 1839- 1840. Svo. New York, 1841, [Same.] 2d ed. By T. AY. Waterman. Svo, New York. 1853, 388 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hotfniaii (Murray). Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, New York, 1839-1840. 3d ed. 8vo. New York, 1874. [Same.] 4tli ed. Annotated bv S. Rapalje. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1883. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. Annotated b}^ R. Desty. 8vo. Rochester, 1889. Ritual Law of the Church. 8vo. New York, 1872. Treatise on the Law of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. 8vo. New Y^ork, 1850. — ■ Treatise upon the Estate and Rights of the Corporation of the City of New York, as Proprietors. Svo. New York, 1853. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1862. Hoflfinan (Ogrteii). Reports of Land Cases, U. S. District Court of California, 1853-1858. Edited by N. Hubert. 8vo. San Francisco, 1862. Hog (Sir Roger), Lord Harcarse. See Harcarse. Hogan (Eclniuud). Pennsylvania State Trials. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1794. Hogaii (William). Reports, Rolls Court, Ireland, 1816- 1834. 2 vols., Svo. Dubhn, 1828-38. Hogg: (John W.). Compilation of Laws relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, etc. Svo. AVashington, 1883. Hogue (D. P.), reporter. Florida Reports, vols. 3-4. See Archer (J. T.) and Hogue's Florida Reports. Holbrook (Epliraini). Will Case. Pleadings, Proofs, Briefs, Findings, Opinion, Judgment, etc. Svo. New York, 1875-7. Holcoinb (William P.). Pennsylvania Boroughs. Svo, Baltimore, 1886. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 4.] Holcombe (James P.). Digest of Decisions of the U. S. Supreme Court. Svo. New York, 1848. Introduction to Equity Jurisprudence. Svo. Cincinnati, 1846. Law of Debtor and Creditor in the United States and Canada. Svo. New York, 1848. Selection of Leading Cases upon Commercial Law. Svo. New York, 1847. — (editor). Barton's Suit in Equity. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 389 Holcombe (W. P.). International Copyright. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1890. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Holcroft (Thomas). JN'arrative of Facts relating to his Prosecution for High Treason. 8vo. London, 1795. Holclswortli (W. A.). Law of Master and Servant. 12mo. London, 1876. Holland : Codes. Wetboeken [Codes]. (Fruin.) 2 vols. 1881-6. [Same.] French. (Tripels.) 1886. Burgerlijk Wetboek [Civil Code]. (Faure.) 1883. Wetboek van het Strafregt en Strafvordering [Code of Crim- inal Law and Criminal Procedure]. (Pols.) 1886. Wetboek van Koophandel [Code of Commerce]. French. La Haye, 1874. [Same.] English. Eotterdam, 1880. Treatises, etc. Treatises, etc. — Continued. Ambassadeiiren. (Ambassadors.) Bynkershoek. Fr. 1723 Echtscheiding. (Divorce.) Wright. Laws and Statis- tics. 1889. Execiiteureii. (Executors.) Herbert. Eni 1.S42. HuAvelijk. (Marriage.) Wright. Laws and Statis- tics. 1889. Internationaal Recht. (International Law.) Bjmkershoek. Lat. 1737. Grotius. De Jure ac Pacis. 1720. 1730, Belli Octrooieii. (Patents.) Abbott. Eno-. 1886. (Holland- Holland (Thomas Erskine). 8vo. Oxford, 1880. Rech tsgeleerd h e i d sche). (Dutch Jurisprudence.) B3mkershoek. Latin. 1744. Grotius, by Herbert, 1845. Grotius, by Maasdorp. 1878. Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn. Van der Keessel. Eng. 1868. Van Der Linden. Eng. 1884. Rooni-sch-Hollandscli Regt. (Roman Dutch Law.) Van Leeuwen. Eng. 2 vols. 1881-6. Staatsregt. (Political Law.) De Hartog. Ger. 1886. Elements of Jurisprudence. — [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1882. — Essay upon Composition Deeds, and other Modes of Arrangement with Creditors. 12mo. London, 1864. 390 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Holland (^Thomas Erskine). Essays upon the Form of the Law. bvo. London, IS 70. Institutes of Justinian ; Edited as a Recension of the Institutes of Gaius. 2d ed. 12mo. Oxford, ISSl. — (editor). GentiU (A.). De Jure BeUi. Holland i Thoiuas Erskinei and Sliadwell ( C. L.). Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian. Svo. Oxford, ISSl. Holland Society of New York. Constitution and By-laws. 12mo. Xew York. 1SS6. Proceedings, First Annual Dinner. Svo. Xew York, 1S86. Hollinshead (Willianit, reporter, Minnesota Reports, vol. 1. Holmes i Charles A.\ Law of Bankruptcy. See Griffith (W. D.) and Holmes. Holmes (J.) and Disbrow (W. F.). Practice in the Su- preme Court of the State of Xew York in Common Law Actions upon Contracts. Svo. Xew York, 18.59. Holmes i Jabez S.). Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, Fii-st Cir- cuit, 1^7M-ls7.3. Svo. Boston, 1S77. Holmes (O. AV.;. Mechanism in Thought and Morals. 12mo. Boston, 1871. Holmes (O. AV., Jr.). The Common Law. Svo. Boston, ISsl. Holmes (William i, et al. Account of the Piracy and Mur- der ; with Sketch of the Trial. 12mo. Boston,' lS'2t;i. Trial of, for Murder on the Hiffh Seas. Svo. Boston, 1820. Holroyd (Edward). Treatise on the Law of Patents for In- ventions. Svo. London, 1830. Hoist (H. von). Biography of John C. Calhoun. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Constitutional and Political History of the I"^nited States, 1750-1859. Ti'anslated from the German by John J. Lalor ; [also, vol. 1, by A. B. Mason, vol. 3, by Paul Shorey]. 6 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1S76-S9. Das Staatsrecht der Yereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Svo. Freiburg, 1885. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Constitutional Law of the L^uited States of America. Translated bv A. B. Mason. Svo. Chicago, 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 391 Holt (Charles 31.). Principles of Canadian Railway Law. 8vo. Montreal, 1885. Holt (Edward H.). The Land Transfer Act, 1875 : Handy- book on the liegistratiou of Title and Transfer of Land. 8vo. London, 1876. Holt (Francis L..). Law of Libel. 1st Am. ed. By A. Bleecker. Svo. ISTew York, 1818. Reports of Cases at Nisi Prius in the Court of Common Pleas, and on the Northern Circuit, England, 1815-1817. 8vo. London, 1818. System of the Shipping and Navigation Laws of Great Britain. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1820. Holt (George C). Concurrent Jurisdiction of the Federal and State Courts. 8vo. New York, 1888. Holt (Sir John). Judgments in the Case of Ashby v. White and others, and in the Case of John Paty and others. 8vo. London, 1837. Life and Character of ; with Arguments, Points of Law resolved, etc. By J. R. 8vo. London, 1764. Reports of Cases determined by Sir John Holt from 1688 to 1710 ; taken from an original MS. of Thomas Far- resley ; also, several Cases in Chancery and the Exchequer Chamber. Folio. London, 1738. Holt (William). Admiralty Court Cases on the Rule of the Road, 1863-1867. Svo. London, 1867. Equity Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1845. Holthouse (Henry J.). New Law Dictionary; with out- line of an Action at Law and of a Suit in Equity. Am. ed. By H. Penington. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1847. Holtzendorff (Franz Von). Rechtslexicon. 3. Aufl. 3 vols, in 4. 8vo. Leipzig, 1880-1. Holzschuher (Rudolph), Freiherr von. Theorie und Casuistik des Gemeinen Civilrechts. 3. Aufl. von J. E. Kuntze. 3 vols., Svo. Leipzig, 1863-4. Honians (I. S.). Law Manual for Notaries Public and Bankers. See Wedgwood (W. B.). Laws relating to National Banks, 1864-1878. Svo. New York, 1878. Home (Alex.), Clerk of Session. Decisions of the Court of Session, Scotland, 1735-1744. Folio. Edinburgh, 1701. 392 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Home (^Heiiry). See Karnes (Lord). Hone (William). First Trial of, for Seditious Libel. 10th ed. Svo. London. 1S17. Second Trial. Svo. London, 1S17. Third Trial. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1S18. Hoiieymaii (A. \, D.). Abridgment of the Revised Stat- utes of Xew Jei'sey. 12mo. Somerville, 1S7S. Directory of the Members of the Bar in Practice in Xe^ Jersey ; also of the Justices of the Peace and State Officers. Svo. Somerville, ISSS. Practice and Precedents in the Courts for the Trial of Small Causes in Xew Jersey. Svo. Somerville, 18S2. Honeymaii (A. \. T>.) and Herr (H. B. i. Treatise on the Jurisdiction, etc., of the Small Cause Court, Xew Jei'sey. ^vo. Somerville, 1876. Hoiitheim < J. N. voii\ Justini Febronii de Statu Ecclesife et legitima Potestate Romani Pontilicis. etc. Liber sin- gularis. Editio tertia. 4to. Bullioni. 1768. Hood (H. J.t and Challis (H. W.i. Conveyancing Acts, and the Settled Land Act. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1SS4. Hood (Joliii^. Index to Laws of Xew Jei-sey, 1663-1877. Svo. Trenton, 1S77. Index to Titles of Corporations of the State of Xew Jersey, Svo. Trenton, 1S71. Hood ( W. Charles^ Suggestions for the Future Provision of Criminal Lunatics. Svo. London, 1S54. Hooker (John\ reporter. Connecticut Reports, vols. 25-58. Hooker (Rev. Richard). Certayne Divine Tractates, and other Godly Sermons. Folio. London, 161S. Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politic. Eight Books. Folio. London, 1617. [Same.] Folio. London. 1676. Hooper (Henry). Digest of English Cases on Patents, etc. See Fisher (R. A.). Law applicable to !N'egligence. See Saunders (T. W.). Hope (Alex. J. B.\ Report of Her Majesty's Commission on the Laws of Marriage, relative to Marriage with a De- ceased "life's Sister. 3d ed. Svo. London. 1849. Hopkins (X.\ Digest of Court of Claims Reports. See !N'ott [C. C.) and Hopkins. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 393 Hopkins (G. M.). Detailed Estate and Old Farm Line Atlas of the City of Brooklyn. Yol. 1, comprising "Wards 23, 24 and 25." Folio. Philadelphia, 1880. Hopkins (Georg'e C). Digest of Decisions, Supreme Judi- cial Court of Maine. 8vo. Portland, 1879. Hopkins (Harvey L.). Law and Facts on Patents and In- ventions. 12mo. Chicago, 1887. Hopkins (J. C). Code of Procedure of the State of Wiscon- sin. 8vo. Madison, 1856. Hopkins (Manley). Hand-book of Average and Arbitration. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 18G8. [Same.] -Ith ed. Svo. London, 1884. Manual of Marine Insurance. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1867. Hopkins (R. H.) and Morg-an (E. R.). Digest of the Arkansas Supreme Court Reports. 2 vols., Svo. Des Moines, 1886. Hopkins (Samuel M.). Reports of Cases, Court of Chancery, New York, 1823-1826. Svo. New York, 1827. [Same.] Svo. Albany, 1839. [Same.] 2d ed. By A. Lansing. Svo. New York, 1867. — [Same.] 3d ed. Annotated by S. Rapalje. Svo. New York, 1883. — [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. Annotated hj R. Desty. Hopkinson (Francis). Judgments in the Admiralty Court of Pennsylvania, 1785-1786. Svo. Philadelphia, 1792. Appendix to Bee's Reports. See Bee (Thomas). Hopkinson (Francis) and Nicliolson (John). Trial of, by Impeachment. See Pennsylvania State Trials. Hopwood (Charles H.). Martial Law. What, if any, is allowed by the Law of England, and what is the Responsi- bility of those who execute it. Svo. London, 1866. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] On the Law relating to Confessions in Criminal Cases. Svo, London, 1865. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Present System of Special Pleading in Civil Actions, an Obstacle to Law Reform. Svo. London, 1868. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hopwood (Charles H.) and Coltmaii (F. J.). English Registration Cases, Court of Common Pleas, 1868-187S. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1873-9. Hopwood (Charles H.) and Philbrick (F. A.). English Registration Cases, Court of Common Pleas, 1863-1867. 8vo. London, 1868. Horn (Adam). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Baltimore, 1843. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Horn (Henry) and Hurlstone (Edwin T.). Reports, Court of Exchequer, England, 1838-1839. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1840. Hornblower (William B.), Corporations under the pro- posed Civil Code. 8vo. New York, 1888. [Pam., vol. 46.] Home (Andrew). The Mirrour of Justices. Translated into English by Wm. Hughes. 8vo. London, 1768. [Same.] 32mo. Manchester, 1840. Home (Thomas H.). Compendium of the Statute Laws and Regulations of the Court of Admiralty relative to Ships of War, Prizes, etc. 12mo. London, 1803. On Diplomacy. 8v^o. Philadelphia, 1853. [L. L., vol. 78.] Horner (H. C). Treatise on the Probate Jurisdiction and Practice of the County Courts of the State of Illinois. 8vo. Chicago, 1881. Horner vs. Liddiard. Case of Mai-riage of Illegitimate Minors. Reported bv Alexander Croke. 8vo. London, 1800. Horoy (C. A.). Droit International et Droit des Gens Public d'apros le Decretum de Gratien. 12mo. Paris, 1887. Horr (N. T.) and Bemis (A. A.). Treatise on the Power to Enact, Passage, Validity and Enforcement of Municipal Police Ordinances. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1887. Horrigan (L. B.) and Thompson (S. D.). Select Ameri- can Cases on the Law of Self-defence. 8vo. St. Louis, 1874. Horseman (Gilbert). Notes and Observations on the Fun- damental Laws of England ; with some account of their Origin and Present Establishment. 12mo. London, 1753. Horsey (George). Probate and Administration. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1858. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 395 Horwoocl (Alfred J.), editor. Year Books. Hosack (John), Eights of British and Neutral Commerce as affected b}^ recent Itoyal Declarations and Orders in Coun- cil. 12mo. London, 185-t. Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations. 8vo. London, 1882. Treatise on the Conflict of Laws of Enoland and Scot- 's land. Part 1. 8vo. London and Edinburgh, 1847. Hoskins (G. A.). What shall we do with our Criminals? 8vo. London, 1853. [Pam,, vol. 37.] Hoskyiis (lieig'li). Voet, Commentarius ad Pandectas. Trans- lated. Part II. : Servitudes, Book YIII. 8vo. London, 1878. Hosiner (Jas. K.). Biography of Samuel Adams. 7th ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Samuel Adams ; the JNIan of the Town-]VIeeting. 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 2.] Hotclikiss (William A.). Codification of the Statute Law of Georgia ; including the English Statutes of Force, and a Collection of State Papers. 8vo. Savannah, 1845. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Augusta, 1848. Hotteii (John C). Literary Copyright. Seven Letters to the Earl Stanhope. 12mo. London, 1871. Houck (Louis). Treatise on the Law of ISTavigable Eivers. 8vo. Boston, 1868. Treatise on the IMechanics' Lien Law in the United States. 8vo. Chicago, 1867. Hough (Franklin B.). American Constitutions. AYith ]^otes, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1871-2. Annotated Constitution of ]^ew York. 4to. Albanv, 1867. Gazetteer of the State of IS'ew York. 8vo. Albanv, 1873. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates from several of the New England States, held at Boston, August, 1780, to advise on affairs necessary to promote the most vigorous prosecution of the War, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1867. Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, ap- pointed by law for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. 2 vols., 4to. Albanv, 1861. 396 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hough (William) and Long (George). Practice of Courts- Martial, etc, 2(1 ed. 8vo. London, 1825. House of Lords Cases, 1847-1866. Yols. 1 and 2 by C. Clark and W. Finnelly ; vols. 3-11 by C. Clark. 11 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1870. Digested Index, b}'^ C. Clark. 8vo. London, 1868. Houston (John). Principles of the Law of Stoppage in Transitu, Retention and Delivery. 8vo. London, 1866. Houston (John W.). Reports, Court of Oyer and Terminer, etc., of Delaware, 1856-1879. 8vo. Wilmington, 1880. Reports, Superior Court, etc., of Delaware, 1855-1879. 5 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia and Wilmington, 1866-75 Hoveden (Roger de). Chronica. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Hovenden (John E.). Supplement to Vesey, Jr.'s, English Chancery Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828. Treatise on the Principles and Practice by which Courts of Equity are guided as to the Prevention, or remedial cor- rection, of Fraud. 1st Am. ed. Bv Thomas Huntington. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1832. (editor). Freeman's English Chancery Reports. Howard (Benjamin C). Reports, IT. S. Supreme Court, 1843-1860. 24 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia and Washington, 1843-61. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 24 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1883-4. — [Same.] 2d ed. Yols. 1-17. Annotated by F. C. Brightly. 8vo. New York, 1883-5. [Same.] Yols. 18-24. Condensed by S. F. Miller. 4 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1874-5. Howard (F. K.). Fourteen Months in American Bastiles. 8vo. Baltimore, 1863. [Pam., vol. 1.] Howard (George E.). Introduction to the Local Constitu- tional History of the United States. 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. Howard (Gorges E.). Several Special Cases on the Laws against the further growth of Poperv in Ireland, 1720-1773. 8vo. Dublin, 1775. Supplement to the Rules and Practice of the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1774. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 897 Howard (Gorg-es E.). Treatise on the Eules and Practice of the Equity side of the Exchequer in Ireland. 2d ed. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Dubhn, 1792-3. Treatise on the Eules and Practice of the Pleas side of the Exchequer in Ireland. 2d ed. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Dubhn, 1792-3. Howard ( Jaiues). The Tenant Farmer : Land Laws and Landlords. See Practical Politics. Howard (John H.). Duties of Solicitors in Sales by Auc- tion, or Private Contract, or under Extents, or Decrees of Courts of Equity, etc. Svo. London, 1S27. Laws of the British Colonies in the West Indies and other parts of America concerning Real and Personal Prop- erty, etc. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1827. Howard (Marg-aret). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Cincin- nati, 1S1:9. Howard (Nathan, Jr.). Cases in the Court of Appeals of New York, 1S47-1S4S. Svo. New York, 1S6S. Code of Procedure of Pleadings and Practice of tlie State of New York. Svo. Albany, 1859. Practice Reports of New York, 1814-1870. 51 vols., Svo. Albany, lS60-7<3. [Same.] Vols. 52-67, 1875-1881. Edited by R. M. Stover. 16 vols., Svo. Albany, 1877-Sl. - — —[Same.] New Series, 1884-1 886. 3 vols., Svo. Albany, 1885-6. Unabridged Code of Procedure, State of New York. Vol. 1. Svo. New York, 1867. [No more published.] Howard (Volnev E.), reporter. Mississippi Reports, vols. 2-8. Howard (Volney E.) and Hutchinson (A.). Compilation of Statutes of Mississippi. Svo. New Orleans, 1840. Howe (Daniel W.). Laws and Courts of Northwest and In- diana Territories. 12mo. Indianapolis, 1886. [Pam., vol. 33.] Howe (Samuel). Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings at Law in Massachusetts. Svo. Boston, 1834. Howe (Capt. Thomas). Trial of, by Court Martial. See Militia Reporter. 398 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Howe (William W.). Munici]ial History of Xe\\' Orleans. Svo. Baltimore, 18S9. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 7.] Howell (Alfred). Law and Practice as to Probate. Admin- istration, and (-ruardianship in the Surrogate Courts. Svo. Toronto. 1880. Xaturalization and Xationality in Canada : Expatriation and Re])atriation of British Subjects. Svo. Toronto, 1S84. Howell (Aiiclre>v). Compilation of Michigan Statutes. 2 vols.. Svo. Chicago, 18S2-3. Howell (Charles B. ». ]\[ichigan Xisi Prius Cases : Avith brief biographical Sketches of the Judges, Law Anecdotes and Eeminiscences. Svo. Detroit, ISSL Howell I Geor§fet. Handy-book of the Labour Laws. :2d etl. ^vo. London, 1S7<'>. Howell TTlioiuas B. antl Thomas J.). Complete Collec- tion of State Trials, and Proceedings for High Treason and other crimes and misdemeanoi*s, from the earliest period to the present time. 33 vols.. Svo. London, 1809-26. [Yol. l-lo are Cobbett's Complete Collection.] [Same.] General Index, by David Jardine. Svo. Lon- don, 1S2S. Ho>Yell (William T.\ Code of Laws, Arizona Territory. ^vo. Prescott. 1S6.5. Howisoii (Rohei*t R.\ Reports of Criminal Trials in the Circuit, State and United States Courts held in Richmond, Va. Svo. Richmond, 18.51. Howlaiid (Francis ). See Blatchford ( Samuel) and Howland's U. S. District Court Reports. Howson ( H. ). Reissued Patents : a AVarning to Inventors. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1SS2. Howson (H. and C). Brief Inquiry into the Principles, Effect, and present State of the American Patent System ; with the Laws relating to Patents. Trade-marks and Copy- right. 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia. 1ST2. Hoyt (James T.). Treatise on the Law of Mechrjiics' Liens. Svo. XeAv York, 1881. Hoyt (Jesse). YTill Case. 4 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1884-5. Hoj-f (John P.). Compiled Laws of Arizona Territory. Svo. Detroit, 1S77. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 399 Hoyt (William S.) vs. Sprague (Ainasa), et als. U. S. Circuit Court, Rhode Island District. Pleadings, Testi- mony, etc. 8vo. New York and Providence, 1875-7. Hubback (John). Treatise on Evidence of Succession to Real and Personal Property and Peerages. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1845. [Same.] [L. L., vols. 47, 48.] Hubbard (Wales), reporter, JVIaine Reports, vols. 45-51. Hubbell (J. H.). Legal Directory for Lawyers and Business Men. 20 vols., 8vo. New York, 1870-90. Huber (Ulricli). Praelectiones Juris Civilis. Edito 3^. 3 vols., small 4to. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1711. Huc^ (Th'j* -L® Code Civil Italien et le Code Napoleon. Etudes de Legislation Comparee. 2^ ed. Par J. Orsier. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1868. Hvidson (Corrie). Guide to making and proving Wills and obtaining Grants of Letters of Administration. 4th ed. By A. T. Layton and H. AV. Hart. 8vo. London, 1882. Hvidson (James F.). The Railways and the Republic. Svo. New York, 1887. Hudson (William E.) and Brooke (John). Reports, Court of King's Bench, Ireland, 1827-1831. 2 vols.^ 8vo. Dublin, 1829-46. Hvulson County (N. J.). Laws relating to the Board of Chosen Freeholders, etc. Svo. Jersey City, 1877. Land Titles. (Winfield.) 1872. Map of. (Spielman & Brush.) 1881. Hue de Grais (Robert), Graf. Handbuch der Yerfassung und Verwaltung in Preussen und dera Deutschen Reiche. 6 Aufl. Svo. Berlin, 1888. Hughes (David). Treatise on the Law relating to Insurance, Marine, Life and Fire. 1st Am. ed. Svo. I^ew York, 1833. Hughes (E. J.). Patent Laws of all IS'ations, and the Acts for the Registration of Designs. Svo. Manchester, 1854. Hughes (Edward), editor. Yan Heythuysen's Equity Draftsman. 400 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Huglies ( James). Eeports, Supreme Court of Kentucky, ITdo-lSOl. 2cl ed. Bv H. Mvers, etc. Svo. Cincinnati. 1869. Hughes i^Johii W.). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Cleve- land, 1866. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Hughes (Capt. R. 31. i. Duties of Judge Advocates. 12mo. London, 1815. Hughes (Robert 31.), editor. Morrison's Transcript of U. S. Supreme Court Decisions. Hughes (^Robert W. t. Eeports, U. S. Circuit and District Courts, Fourth Circuit, 1792-1883. 5 vols., Svo. Wash- ington and Xew York, 1877-83. Hughes (Samuel). See Coventry (T.) and Hughes' Digest. Hughes ( T. B. i. Report of the Case of the King against Bebb and others, on an Extent, with Cases in Extents which have not been before printed. Svo. London, 1811. Hughes (William), of Gray's Inn. Grand Abridgment of Law, 1558-1600. 3 vols., 'small Ito. London, 1660-2. Hughes (AVilliaDi), Barrister-at-Law. Practice of Convey- ancing. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1856-7. Practice of Mortofas^es of Peal and Personal Estate. 2 "Co vols., 12mo. London, 1848-9. Practice of Sales of Real Property, with an Appendix of Precedents. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1846-7. Hugo, Saint. Bishop of Lincoln. Magna Yita. See Chroni- cles, etc., of Great Britain. Hugo (Gustav), Ritter von. Histoire du Droit Romain ; traduite de I'Allemand par Jourdan : revue par F. Poncelet. 2 vols.. Svo. Paris, 1825. Hulburd (C. T.). Report on the Custom House Frauds in Xew York. Svo. "Washington, 1867. Hull (Amos G.). Treatise on the Powers and Duties, other than Judicial, of Town and County Officers in the State of Xew York. Svo. Albany, 1855. Hull ('3Ioii*is N. B.). Confession and Execution. See Hut- ton (Peregrine). Hull (Brig.-Gen. William). Trial of, bv Court Martial. Svo. Nevsr York, 1814. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 401 HuUock (John). Law of Costs. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1810. Hvilme (J. W.). On Bills. See Chitty (Jos.) and Hulme. Hulot (H.). Les Institutes de I'Empereur Justinian, traduites en Frangais. 4to. Metz, 1806. Hvilot (H.) and Bertlielot (J. F.). Les Cinquante Livres du Digeste, ou des Pandectes de I'Empereur Justinien, traduits en Fran9ais. 7 vols., 4to. Metz, 1804-5. Hviltoii (William A.), Treatise on the Law of Convictions. 8vo. London, 1835. Hume (Davicl). Commentaries on the Law of Scotland re- specting Crimes. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1844. [Same.] Supplement, by Benj. R. Bell. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1844. Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Session, Scotland, 1781-1822. 4to. Edinburgh, 1839. Hume (Robert M.). Chancery Delays, and their Remedy. 8vo. London, 1830. [Pam., vol. 39.] Humphrey (Charles). Collection of Practical Forms in Suits at Law ; also Precedents of Contracts, Conveyances, Wills, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1845. Humphrey (George H.). Law of the Protestant Episcopal Church and other Ecclesiastical Bodies. A IVIanual for Church Officers with Forms. 3d ed. 12mo. IS'ew^ York, 1891. Huinijhreys (Alexander). Trial of, for Forgery. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. Humphreys (E. R.). Manual of Civil Law. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1860. Humi)hreys (James). Observations on the actual State of the English Laws of Real Property. 2d ed. 8vo. Lon- don, 1827. Humphreys (W. C). Observations on the Inutility of Grand Juries and Suggestions for their Abolition. Svo. London, 1857. Humphreys (W. H.). Reports, Supreme Court, Tennessee, 1839-1851. 11 vols., 8vo. Nashville, 1841-51. Humphry (Hugh M.). Common Precedents in Convey- ancing. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1882. 26 402 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Humphry (W. W.). Contributory Remarks on a General Registry ; with Appendix containing the Questions and Plan of the Real Property Commissioners. Svo. London, 1830. [Pam., vol. 25.] Hun (3Iarcus T.). Reports, Supreme Court of New York, 1874-1891. 58 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874-91. ■ Rules of all the Courts of Record of the State of New York. 8vo. New Y'ork, editions of 1881, 1888. Hungary. Marriage and Divorce. (AV right.) 1889. Patent Law. (Abbott.) 1886. Austro-IIungarian Question, 1851. [Pam., vol. 1.] Hunt (Arthur J.). Law relating to Boundaries and Fences, and to the Rights of Property on the Sea Shore, in the Beds of Public Rivers, etc. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1870, [Same.] 3d ed. By A. Brown. 8vo. London, 1884. Law relating to Fraudulent Conveyances. 8vo. Lon- don, 1872. Hunt (Bristow). Treatise on the Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Act. 8vo. London, 1884. Hunt (E. B.). Union Foundations : A Study of American Nationalitv as a Fact of Science. 8vo, New York, 1863. [Pam., vof. 21.] Hunt (Sandforcl). Laws relating to Religious Corporations. 12mo. New York, 1876. Hunt (William), of Lincoln's Inn. Collection of Cases on the Annuity Act ; with Epitome of the Practice relative to the Enrolment of Memorials. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1796. Hunt (William). Digest of Pension and Bounty Land Laws of the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1851. [Pam., vol. 9.] Hunter (Beiyamin) and Myer (William G.). Index to Tennessee Reports. 12mo. St. Louis, 1875. Hunter (John W.). Trial of, for Forgery. Record of Ex- amination before U. S. Commissioner Kenneth G. White. 8vo. New Y'ork, 1864. [Pam. Tr., vol. 6.] Hunter (Robert). Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. 4th ed. By William Guthrie. 2 vols., 8vo. Edin- burcrh, 1876. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 403 Hunter (S. J.). Elementary View of the Proceedings in a Suit in Equity. Svo. Philadelphia, 1860. [L. L., vol. 104.] Hunter (Thomas), et al. Trial of. See Glasgow Cotton Spinners. Hunter (William A.). Introduction to Roman Law. 12mo. London, 1885. Railway and Canal Traffic Act. 8vo. London, 1889. Systematic and Historical Exposition of Roman Law, in the order of a Code ; embodying the Institutes of Gains and Justinian. Translated into English by J. A. Cross. Svo. London, 1876. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1885. Huntington (Charles B.). Trial of, for Forgery. Principal Defence: Insanit}^ Svo. New York, 1857. Huntington (S. H.). U. S. Court of Claims Reports. See Nott (C. C.) and Huntington. Huntington (Thomasj, editor. Chitty's Criminal Law. Hurcl (H. B.). Revised Statutes of Illinois. Svo. Spring- field, 1874. [Same.] Svo. Chicago, 1877. [Same.] Svo. Chicago, 1880. Hurcl (John C). Law of Freedom and Bondage in the United States. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1858-62. Theory of our National Existence, as shown by the Action of the Government of the United States since 1861. Svo. Boston, 1881. Topics of Jurisprudence connected with Conditions of Freedom and Bondage. Svo. New York, 1856. [Pam., vol. 4.] Hurcl (Rollin C). Treatise on the Right of Personal Liberty, and on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. With a View of the Law of Extradition of Fugitives. Svo. Albany, 1858. [Same.] 2d ed. By F. H. Hurd. Svo. Albany, 1876. Hurlstone (Edwin T.). Treatise on the Law of Bonds. Svo. Philadelphia, 1838. [L. L., vol. 9.] Exchequer Reports. See Horn (H.) ; — Murphy (F. S.) ; — Welsby (W. N.). Hurlstone (Edwin T.) and Coltman (F. J.). English Exchequer Reports, 1862-1866. 4 vols., Svo. Vols. 1-3, Philadelphia, 1S65-9 ; Vol. 4, London, 1868. 404 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Hiu'lstoiie (Edwin T.) and Gordon (J.), reporters. Eng- lish Exchequer Keports, vols. 10, 11. Hurlstone (Edwin T.^ and Norman (J. P.). English Ex- cliequer Reports, 1856-1862. 7 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1860-4. Hnrlstone (Edwin T.) and AValmsley (T.V English Ex- chequer Eeports, 1840-1841. 8vo. London, 1841. Hnrrell (Henry) and Hyde (C. G.). Law of Directors and Officers of Joint Stock Companies. 8vo. London, 1884. — Treatise on the Law of Joint Stock Companies. 8vo. London, 1883. Hnsband (H. A.). Hand-book of Forensic Medicine and Medical Police. ' 4th ed. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1883. Husbands (Clement 31.). Law of Married Women in Pennsylvania. With a View of the Law of Trusts in that State.' 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Hvisclike (Ph. Eduard). Jurisprudentiae Antejustinianae quje supersunt. 12nio. LipsiiB, 1861. [Same.] Editio 4^ 12mo. Lipsise, 1879. [Same.] Indices confecit Ferd. Fabricius. 12mo. Lip- siae, 1868. — Die Lehre des Eomischen Reclits vom Darlelin. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1882. Hussey (Charles). Argument for the Innocence of ; Avith remarks upon the danger of giving too much credit to Pre- sumptive Evidence. 8vo, London, n. d. [Pam., vol. 19.] Huston (Charles). History and Xature of Original Titles to Land in Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia, 1849. Huston (L. D.). Trial of, for Seduction. 8vo. Baltimore, 1872. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Hutcheson (W. G.), reporter. Alabama Reports, vol. 81. Hutchins (James B.). Sanitary Powers and Duties of Ves- tries as Sewer Authorities. 8vo. London, 1869. [Pam., vol. 39.] Hutchinson fA.), Code of Mississippi ; being an Analytical Compilation of the Public and General Statutes, 1798-1848. 8vo. Jackson, 1848. Hutchinson (John A.). Land Titles in Virginia and West Virginia. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 405 Hutchinson (Robert). Treatise on the Law of Carriers. 8vo. Chicago, 1879. Hutchison (Jolm). Practice of Banking. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1881-3. Huth (Alfred H.). Marriage of Near Kin, considered with respect to the Laws of Nations, the results of experience, and the teachings of biology. Svo. London, 1875. Hvitton (Henry D.). Commercial Courts. 8vo. Dublin, 1857. [Pam., vol. 39.] Private Conveyancing reformed ; or, Dealings with Land rendered secure, simple and easv, bv Registration of Title. Svo. Belfast, 1864. [Pam.. vol 39^] Hutton (Peregrine). Life, Confession and Execution of. With the confession, last words and execution of Morris N. B. Hull. Svo. Baltimore, 1820. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Hutton (Sir Richard). 'Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1612-1«)3S. Foho. London, 1656. Hutton (W.). Courts of Requests ; their nature, utility and powers described. With a variety of Cases determined in that of Birmingham. Svo. Birmingham, 1806. Huxley (George). Second Book of Judgements. [Latin.] Corrected by George Townesend. Small 4to. London, 1674. Hyda, Liber Monasterii de. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Hyde (Edgar). Reports of Cases, High Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, 1862-1864. 2 vols., Svo. Cal- cutta, 1864-5. Hyde (Fanny). Trial of, for the Murder of Geo. W. Watson. Reported by Wm. Hemstreet. Svo. J^ew York, 1872. 406 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF I. Idaho : Reports. Cummins. 1866-1867. Prickett. 1866-1880. Statutes. 1 Idaho. 1 Idaho, N. S. 1 vol. 1 vol. Assembly. Date. Assembly. Date. 1st 1863^ 1864 1865-6 1866-7 1868-9 1870-1 1872-3 1874-5 9th 1876-7 2d 10th 1879 3d 11th 1880-1 4th 12th 1882-3 5th 13th 1884-5 6th 14th [In Revision] 15th' 1886-7 7th 1888-9 8th [In Revision] . . Compiled and Revised Laws. 18T5. [Includes the General Acts of the 8th Assembly. — The Private Acts of the 8th are printed with the Laws of the 9th Assembly.] Revised Statutes. 1887. [Includes the General Acts of the 11th Assembly.] Compilation of Local and Special Laws. 1863-1887. [In- cludes the Private Acts of the 11th Assembly.] Civil Code. 1887. See Revised Statutes. 1887. Code of Civil Procedure. 1881. See Acts of 1880-1. [Same.] 1887. See Revised Statutes. 1887. Penal Code. 1887. See Revised Statutes. 1887. Political Code. 1887. See Revised Statutes. 1887. Iheriiig (Rudolf von). Der Besitzwille, zugleich eine Kritik der herrschenden juristischen Methode. 8vo. Jena, 1889. • Etudes Complementaires de FEsprit du Droit Romain : De la Faute en Droit Prive. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Geist des Romischen Rechts. I.-III. 1. Th. (2. Th., 4. Aufl.; 3. Th., 3. Aufl.) 3 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1877-83. Gesammelte Aufsiitze. 3 vols., 8vo. Jena, 1881-6. Der Kampf urn's Recht. 8. Aufl. 8vo. Wien, 1886. The Struggle for Law. Translated from the German by J. J. Lalor. 8vo. Chicago, 1879. Battle for Right ; an answer. See Boas (F.). THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 407 Iheriiig" (Rudolf von). Ueber den Grund des Besitzes- schutzes. 2. Aufl. 8vo. Jena, 1869. Vermischte Schriften Juristischen Inhalts. Svo. Leip- zig, 1879. Der Zweck im Recht. 2 vols., Svo. Leipzig, 1877-83. (editor). Jahrbiicher fiir die Dogmatik des heutigen Romischen und Deutschen Privatrechts. Ilbert (C. P.). Tlie Merchant Siiipping Act. Svo. London, 1876. Supreme Court of Judicature (OiRcers) Act. Rules and Forms. 12mo. London, ISSO. Illiiig'wortli (William). Inquiry into the Laws, Antient and Modern, respecting Forestalling, Regrating and In- grossing. Svo. London, 1800. Illinois: Reports. Breese. Supreme Ct. 1819-1831. Scammon. 1832-1843. Oilman. 1841-181:8. Peck. 1849-1863. Freeman. 1863-1890. Forman. 1832-1838. Bradwell. Appellate Ct. 1877-1886. Smith. 1885-1890. Digests of Reports. Freeman. Wood & Long. Hill. Hill. Binmore. Rogers' Citations. Myer's Index-Digest. Long's Index-Digest. 1 111. 1 vol. 2-5 111. 4 vols. 6-10 111. 5 vols. 11-30 111. 20 vols. 31-131 111. 101 vols. 1 vol. 1-20 111. App. 20 vols. 21-34 111. App. 14 vols. 1819-18,54. 1819-1873. 1819-1883. 1883-1887. 1884-1889. 1819-1879. 1819-1881. 1819-1884. vols. vols. vols. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. — statutes (Territorial). 4th Session. Legislative Council. 1815-16. 5th Session. Legislative Council. 1816-17. 6th Session. Legislative Council. 1817-18. Revision of Laws of Indiana Territory, including Illinois Territory. (Jones & Johnson.) 1807. 408 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Illinois : Statutes (State). Assembly. Session. Date. Character of Laws. 1st 1st Oct., 1818 Jan., 1819 Dec, 1820 Dec, 1822 Nov., 1824 Jan., 1826 Dec, 1826 Dec, 1826 Dec, 1828 Dec, 1830 Dec, 1832 Dec, 1832 Dec, 1834 Dec, 1835 Dec, 1836 Dec. 1836 July, 1837 Dec., 1838 Dec, 1839 Dec, 1840-1 Dec, 1842-3 Dec, 1844-5 Dec, 1846-7 Dec, 1846-7 Jan., 1819 Jan., 1849 Oct., 1849 Jan., 1851 Jan., 1851 June, 1852 Jan., 1853 Jan., 1853 Feb., 1854 Jan., 1855 Jan., 1855 Jan., 1857 Jan., 1857 Jan., 1859 Jan., 1859 Jan., 1861 Jan., 1861 April, 1861 Jan., 1863 Jan., 1863 Jan., 1865 Jan., 1865 Jan., 1867 Jan.. 1867 June, 1867 Jan., 1869 Jan., 1869 r.Tan.,1871 J Mav, 1871 1 Oct., 1871 [Nov., 1871 [No laws enacted.] Public and Private 1st 2d 2d 1st 1st Public and Private. 3d Public and Private. 4th 1st Public and Private. 4th 2d Public and Private. 5th 1st Public. Revised. 5th 1st Private. 6th 1st Public. Revised. 7th 1st Public and Private. 8th 1st Public. Revised. 8th 1st Private. 9th 1st Public a!id Private. 9th 2d Public and Private. 10th 1st Public. 10th 1st Private 10th Special Public and Private. 11th 1 st Public 11th Special Public and Private. 12th 1st Public and Private. 13th 1st Public and Private. 14th 1st Public and Private. 15tb 1st Public 1.5th 1st Private. 16th 1st Public. 16th 1st Private. 16th 2d Public and Private. 17th 1st . . . 1st Public 17th Private. 17th 2d Public and Private. 18th 1st Public 18th 1st Private. 18th 2d Public and Private. 19th 1st Public. 19th 1st Private. 2nth 1st Public 20th 1st Private. 2 vols. 21st 1st Public. 21st 1st Private. 22d 1st Public 22d 1st Private. 22d Extra Public and Private. 23d 1st Public. 23d 1st Private. 24th 1st Public. 24th 1st Private. 2 vols. 25th 1st Public. 25th 1st Private. 3 vols. 25th Special 1st 1st Regular Special 1st Adjourned 2d Adjourned Public and Private. 26th Public. 26th Private. 4 vols. 27th Public. 27th Public. 27th Public. 27th Public. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 409 Illinois: Statutes (State). — Continued. Assembly. Session. Date. Character of Laws. 28th Regular Adjourned 1st (Jan., 1873 "(Jan., 1874 Jan., 1875 Jan., 1877 Jan., 1879 Jan., 1881 March, 1883 Jan., 1883 Jan., 1885 Jan., 1887 Jan., 1889 Public 28th Public 29th Public 30th 1st Public 31st 1st Public 32d 1st Public. 32d 2d Public 33d 1st Public. 34th 1st Public 35th 1st Public 36th 1st Public Kevised Laws, 1819, 1827, 1829, 1833. 4 vols. Compilation of Laws to 1837. (Gale.) 1839. Revised Statutes. (Brayman.) 18-15. Compiled Laws. (Purple.) 2 vols. 1856. Compiled Statutes. (Treat, Scates, etc.) 3 vols. 1858-66. (Gross.) (Hurd.) 3 vols. 1874. 1869-74. 1878. 2 vols. 1885. Digest of Statutes Revised Statutes [Same.] 1877. Construed Statutes. (Underwood.) Revised Statutes. (Hurd.) 1880. Revised Statutes. (Cothran.) 1880. [Same.] 1883. Annotated Statutes. (Starr & Curtis.) [Same.] Supplement. 1885-1887. Revised Statutes. (Cothran.) 1887. [Same.] 1889. Index to Statutes. (Gross.) 1869. — Constitutional Conventions. Journal, Convention of 1847. Journal, Convention of 1862. Debates and Proceedings, Convention of 1870. Journal, Convention of 1870. - Miscellaneous. Chancery Jurisdiction and Practice. (Hill.) 1873. Chancery Pleading and Practice. (Puterbaugh.) 1888. City Laws. (Binmore.) 1890. Common Law Jurisdiction and Practice. (Hill, i 2 vols. 1872. Common Law Pleading and Practice. (Puterbaugh.) 1888. Constables. (Moore.) 1889. Corporation Law. (Root.) 1890. 2 vols. 410 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Illinois : 31iscellaiieous, — Continued. Corporator's Manual. (Bimnore.) 1880. Court Rules. (Chesbrough.) 1886. Criminal Law and Procedure. (Moore.) 1890. Forcible Entry and Detainer. (Cunningham.) 1885. Form Book. (Asbury.) 1858. Justices of the Peace. (Moore.) 1889. Limitations. (Wells.) 1870. Municipal Law, History of. (Gross.) 1881. Probate Law. (Horner.) 1881. Probate Practice. (Xorth.) 18T3. Eailwav Law. (Gilbert.) 1873. Real Estate Laws. (Purple.) 1849. Real Estate Statutes. (Adams & Durham.) 2 vols. 1874. Village Laws. (Binmore.) 1890. niiiiois La\v Record. 2 vols., Ito. Chicago, 1880. [Only 2 nos. of vol. 2 published.] niiuois State Bar Association. Annual Report of Pro- ceedings, etc. 8vo. Springfield, 1877-90. Inipey (John). Modern Pleader, containing the several Forms of Declarations in all Actions. 8vo. Dublin, 1795. New Instructor Clericalis, stating the Authority, Juris- diction and Modern Practice of the Court of Common Pleas. 7th ed. 8vo. London, 1826. Xew Instructor Clericalis, stating the Authority, Juris- diction and Practice of the Court of King's Bench. 2d ed. 2 vols., bvo. Dublin, 1785. [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1791. Treatise on the Office of Sheriff, also the Office and Duty of Coroner. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1800. [Same.] 6th ed. By H. Jeremy. 8vo. London, 1835. Inipey (Thomas). See Antrobus (R.) and Impey's Brevia Selecta. Inipey (Walter J.). Treatise on the Law and Practice of the Writ of Mandamus. 8vo. London, 1826. Important English Statntes. By E. L. Baylies and others. 8vo. Boston, 1881. Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Calendar and Law Directory. 12mo. Dublin. 1890. Incorporated Law Society of the United Kingdom. Calendar and Law Director v. 6 vols., 12mo. London, 1881-6. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 411 Iiiderinaur (John). Epitome of Leading Common Law Cases. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1877. [Same.] Am. ed. by C. A. Bucknam and B. Hall. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Epitome of Leading Conveyancing and Equity Cases. 4:tli ed. 8vo. London, 1881. Manual of the Principles of Equity. 2d ed. 8vo. Lon- don, 1890. Principles of the Common Law. Am. ed. by E. H. Ben- nett. 8vo. San Francisco, 1878. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1885. Treatise on the Law of Bills of Sale. 12mo. London, 1882. Inderwick (F. A.). Divorce and JVIatrimonial Causes Acts; with the Rules and Orders. 8vo. London, 1862. Law of Wills as Administered in the Court of Probate in England. 8vo. London, 1866. Index Reporter. An Index-Digest of Current Decisions, decided in the Courts of the Unii 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Albany, 1882-8 decided in the Courts of the United States and England. India : Reports. Privy Council : England. Knapp. Priv}^ Council Cases. 1829-1835. 3 vols. ]VIoore. Indian Appeals. 1836-1872. 14 vols. Law Reports : Indian Appeals, Sup- plemental. 1872-1873. 1 vol. Law Reports : Indian Appeals. 1873-1890. 17 vols. Sutherland. Privy Council Ap- peals. 1831-1880. 3 vols. "R^^-i-* ni'dl • TTirfIt /^^rf^^^-»»- t. 1862-1863. ]V[arshall. 1 vol. Hyde. 1862-1864. 2 vols. Sutherland. Full Bench Rulings. 1862-1864. 1 vol. Sevestre. 1863. 1 vol. Cory ton. 1864. 2 parts. Sutherland. 1864. 1 vol. Bourke. 1864-1865. 1 vol. Goodeve & Woodman. 1862-1868. 1 vol. Bengal Law Reports. 1868-1875. 15 vols. Indian Law Reports : Calcutta Series. 1875-1888. 15 vols. 412 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF India : Reports. Bengal : Supreme Conrt. Smoult Notes of Decisions. 1774-1798. 1 vol. Morton. 177.1-1841. 1 vol. Montriou. 1810-1840. 1 vol. East. 1813-1821. 1 vol. Clark. Notes of Decisions. 1828-1834. 3 vols. Bignell. 1830-1831. 1 vol. Perry. 1832-1847. 1 vol. Fulton. 1842-1844. 1 vol. Tavlor. 1847-1848. 1 vol. Tavlor & Bell. 1849-1853. 3 vols. Boulnois. 1856-1859. 2 vols. Bengal : Sutlder Courts. Macnaghten. (Dewann)^ Adawlut.) 1791-1848. 7 vols. Decisions. (Dewanny Adawlut.) 1845-1855. 11 vols. Macnaghten. (Nizamut Adawlut.) 1805-1850. 5 vols. Decisions. (Xizaraut Adawlut.) 1851-1854. 8 vols. Reports of Summary Cases. 1834-1840. 1 vol. Carrau. Summary Cases. 1834-1852. 1 vol. Summary Decisions. 1834-1855. 1 vol. Bengal : Small Cause Courts, etc. Reports of Commercial Cases. 1851-1860. 1 vol. Revenue, Judicial and Police Jour- nal. 1863-1865. 5 vols. Revenue, Civil and Criminal Re- porter. 1866-1868. 4 vols. AVeekly Reporter. (Sutherland.) 1864-1876. 25 vols. Bombay and Sind. Borradaile. (Sudur Udalut.) 1800-1824. 2 vols. Selected Cases. 1820-1840. 1 vol. Bellasis. Criminal Cases. 1827-1846. 1 vol. Bellasis. Civil Cases. 1840-1848. 1 vol. Perry. Oriental Cases. 1842-1852. 1 vol. Morris. Selected Decisions. (Sud- der Dewanee Adawlut.) 1847-1862. 7 vols. Morris. (Sudder Foujdaree Adaw- lut.) 1854-1855. 3 vols. Leg^ett. (Sind Sudder Court.) 1872. 1 vol. Indian Law Reports. Bombav Series. " is 75-1 888. 12 vols. Delhi. Dehli Civil Decisions. 1848-1851. 4 vols. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 413 India: Reports. Madras. Strange. Xotes of Cases, Court of the Recorder and Supreme Court. 1798-1816. 3 vols. Strange. IS'otes of Cases, Prize Court. 1808-1814. 2 vols. Arbuthnot. Criminal Cases. 1826-1850. 1 vol. Decisions of Zillah Courts. 1853-1857. 27 parts. Madras High Court Eeports. 1862-1875. 8 vols. Indian Law Reports. (Madras Series.) 1875-1888. 11 vols. Indian Jurist. 1877-1883. 7 vols. North Western Provinces and Ovidh. Decisions, Sudder Dewanny Adaw- lut. Agra. High Court Reports. Full Bench Rulings. High Court Reports. Indian Law Reports. (Allahabad Series.) 1846-1854. 1866-1868. 1866-1867. 1869. 9 vols. 5 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1875-1888. 10 vols. — Digests of Reports. Morley. 1774-1850. 3 vols. Carrau. Sudder Dewanny Adawlut. 1792-1855. 1 vol. Index to Nizamut Ada wlut Reports. 1805-1834. 1vol. Woodman. 1836-1886. 5 vols. Cowell. 1862-1872. 1 vol. Sutherland. 1862-1876. 1 vol. Branson. 1875-1881. 2 vols. Normandy. 1875-1887. 1 vol. Statutes. (Theobald.) 1834-1867. Compilation of Legislative Acts 5 vols., 8vo. Unrepealed General Acts. 1834-1876. 3 vols. Session Acts. 1834-1839; with Index. 4to. [Same.] 1840-1849 ; with Index. 4to. [Same.] 1854-1888. 33 vols., 4to and 8vo. 8vo. Codes. Ajmer and Merwara. Anglo-Indian Codes. [Same.] (Stokes.) 3 Bombay. 1880. British 'Burma. 1877. Central Provinces. 1881. Civil Procedure. (Lewis.) 1879. (Gradv.) 1872. vols. "1887-9. 187L 414 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF India: Codes. — Continued. Coorg. 18S0. Lower Provinces. 2 vols, IS 78-9. [Same.] Supplement. 1882. Madras. 1888. Xorth-Western Provinces. 1880. Oudh. 1886. Penal Code. (Cutler 6z Griffin.) 1869. [Same.] (Lewis.) 1870. [Same.] Eeports of Commissioners. 1846-7. Punjab. 1888. Treatises, etc. Administration of Justice. Duncan. 1785. Civil Regulations, etc. Barrett cV: Spence. 1812. Codifying Bills. Stokes. 1879. Contract Act. Cunnino'ham 6z Shepherd. 1>78." Crime against the Person. Chevers. 1870. Evidence. Field. 1867. Goodeve. 1871. Stephen. 1^72. Gentoo Laws. Code of. (Halhed.) 1777. [Same.] 1781. Hanifeea Code. See Baillie's Digest. Hedaya. See Hamilton's Mussul- man Laws. Hindu LaAv. Bennet. 1858. Bonnerjee. Marriage. 1868. Cochrane. 1872. Treatises, etc. — Con. Coghlau. 1876. Colebrooke. Contracts. 3 V. 1798. Cowell. In British Courts. 1870. Cunningham. 1877. F o u 1 k e s . Inheritance. 188L Goldstiicker. 1871. Grady . Inheritance. 1868. Gradv. Manual of. 1871. Jones -91. Irish Reports (The). Reports of Cases in the Superior Courts in Ireland. 1867-1878. Common Law Series. 11 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1868-78. [Same.] Equity Series, 1867-1878. 11 vols., Svo. Dub- lin, 1868-78. Irish Reports. Registry Appeals in the Court of Exchequer Chamber, and Appeals in the Court for Land Cases Re- served, 1868-1876. Svo. Dublin, 1886. Irish State Trials ; or. The Queen vs. Daniel O'Connell and others. >vo. Xew York, 1844. Irish State Trials. Shaw's Authenticated Report. Svo. Dublin. ISi-t. Irish Term Reports. Reports of Cases in the Kind's Courts, Dublin. 17l»3-1795. By Wm. Ridge way, ^Vm. Lapp, and John Schoales. Svo. Dublin. 1796. See Smith and Batty's Reports. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 427 Irons (James C). Manual of Police Law and Practice. Revised by E. Erskine Harper. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. Manual of the Law relating to Public Houses. Revised by E. E. Harper. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876. Irvine (Alexander F.). Report of the Trial of Madeleine Smith for alleged Poisoning. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1857. Reports of Cases in the Courts of Justiciary in Scotland, 18.52-1867. 5 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855-68. Irvine (Patriclt). Considerations on the Inexpediency of the Law of Marriage in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. Considerations on the Law of Entail in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. Irving (David). Introduction to the Study of the Civil Law. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1837. Isaaksz (D. C). Country Laws of Ceylon : A description of the established customs according to which civil cases are decided among the Malabar inhabitants. 8vo. Jaffna, 1841. [Pam., vol. 26.] Isham (Cliarles). The Fishery Question. 12mo. New York, 1887. Isle of Man : Reports. Advocate's Note Book ; being Notes and Minutes of Cases heard and determined before the Judicial Tribunals, 1720- 1846. 8vo. Douglas, 1847. Statutes. Ancient Ordinances and Statute Law. P>y M. A. Mills. Svo. Douglas, 1821. Statute Laws, 1849-1853. By James Burman. 8vo. Doug- las, 1853. Isle of Wight. Proceedings in Courts of Revision before James Manning. 12mo. London, 1836. Italian Padrone Case. The United States vs. Antonio Giovanni Ancarola. Trial, Conviction and Sentence. Svo. New York, 1880. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Italy : Codes. Codice Civile Commentato [Civil Code Commentated] da Paciflci-Mazzoni. 15 vols. 1874-87. Le Code Civil et le Code Napoleon [The Civil Code and the Code Napoleon] par Hue. 2 vols. 1868. 428 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Italy : Codes. — Contimied. Codice di Commercio [Code of Commerce]. 1S65. Svo. Milan, II Codice di Procedura Civile [Code of Civil Procedure] aunotato da Faraone. 1SS2. Codice Penale [Criminal Code] annotato per Cosentino. 2 vols. 1SS3. Treatises, etc. Acque. (Waters.) Hall. Ens. 1SS6. Atti Fraudolenti. (Fraadulent Acts.) Serafini. 18S7. Brevetti d'Inveuzioni. (Patents.) Abbott. Patent Laws. 1886. Index of Patents (Subject- Matter). 1848 - 1882. AVashington. 1885. Cambiale. (Bills of Exchange.) Margbieri. 1886. Yidari. 1885. Gitta. (Cities.) Bowver. Statutes of. 1838. Contratto. (Contract.) Karsten. Yertraff. 1882. Dirltto Amministrativo. (Administrative Law.) De Gioannis Gianquinto. 3 V. 1877-81. Eiberi. 2 vols. 1884. Diritto Commerciale. (Commercial Law.) Easseo:na di. 3 v. 1883-6. Diritto Internazionale. (International Law.) Carnazza-Amari. Frencb. 1880. Fiore. Frencb. 3 vols. 1885-6. Treatises, etc. — Coni- tinued. Diritto Koniano. (Roman Law.) Padelletti. Storia del [History of]. 1886. Divorzio. (Divorce.) Wrigbt. tistics. Laws and Sta- 1889. Fallinienti. (Bankruptcy.) Yidari. 2 v. 1886. Ferrovie. (Railways.) AYallis. Eng. 1880. Irrigazione. (Irrigation.) Hall. Eno:. 1886. Legislazione. (Legislation.) Filano-ieri. o V. 1820-1. Matrimonio. (Marriage.) Mansella. Lat. 1881. Wrigbt. Laws and Statis- tics. 1889. Riforma Civile. iCiWl Reform.) Ellero. 1881. Scienze Giiiridiche e Sociali. (Legal and Social Sciences.) Rivista Critica [Critical Review]. 3 v. 1883-5. Eivista Italiana [Italian Review]. 7 v. 1886-9. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 429 Ivatts (E. B.). Carriers' Law, relating to Goods and Pas- senger Traffic on Eaihvays, Canals, and Steam Ships ; with Cases. 8vo. London, 1883. Ives (Rolliii A.). Treatise on Military Law and the Juris- diction, Constitution, and Procedure of Military Courts. 8vo. New York, 1879. Iviiis (William M.). Is the Common Law a proper Subject for Codification? 8vo. Albany, 1880. [Pam., vol. 27.J Ivory (Thomas). Pauperism and the Poor Laws. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1870. Ivory (William). Catalogue of the Law Books in the Li- brary of the Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet in Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1856. 430 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF J. Jackson (A. 31.), reporter. Texas Keports, vols. 26, 27. Jackson (A. 31. and A. 31., Jr.), reporters. Texas Court of Appeals Reports, vols. 1-27. Jackson (A. 31., Jr.), reporter. Texas Court of Appeals Reports, vol. 2s. Jackson (Andrew). Biography of, by ^Y. G. Sumuer. 12th ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Jackson (Charles). Treatise on the Pleadings and Practice in Real Actions; with Precedents of Pleadings. Svo. Boston. 1828. Jackson (Charles), surveyor. Practical Arbitrator. Svo. London. 1879. Jackson { Henry "i. Analytical Index to the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Georgia. Svo. Macon, 1872. (reporter). Georgia Reports, vols. 45-58. Jackson (Henry) and Lumpkin (J. H.), reporters. Georgia Reports, vols. 59-0<>. Jackson (TatloAv). Guardian and Ward in Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia, 1885. Jackson (Tatlow) and Gross (J. P.). Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant in Pennsylvania : with a Discus- sion of Ejectment and Replevin. Svo. Philadelphia, 1882. Jackson (Rev. AVilliaiui. Trial of, for Higli Treason. Svo. London, 1795. Jacob (Edward). Reports of Cases. High Court of Chan- cery. England. 1820-1822. Svo. London. 1828. Jacob (Edward) and Walker (John). Reports of Cases, High Court of Chancery. England, 1S19-1S22. 2 vols., Svo. London. 1821-3. Jacob (Ephraini A.). Analytical Digest of the Reported Cases. Courts of Common Law, etc. Founded on the Digests of Harrison and Fisher. 11 vols., Svo. Kew Yo^k. 1879-86. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 431 Jacob (Giles). The Accomplished Conveyancer. 2d ed. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1736. Complete Court-Keeper ; or, Land- Steward's Assistant. 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1752. Introduction to the Common, Civil, and Canon Law. 8vo. London, 1721. — Law Dictionary. Corrected and enlarged by T. E. Tomlins. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1809. — [Same.] 1st Am. ed. 6 vols., 8vo. New York, 1811. — Law Grammar, or Rudiments of the Law. 4th ed. 12mo. London, 1767. — [Same.] 6th ed. 12mo. London, 1817. — [Same.] 7th ed. 12mo. London, 1822. — Lex Constitutionis ; or, The Gentleman's Law. 8vo. London, 1719. Lex Mercatoria ; or. The JMerchant's Companion. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1729. The Statute Law Common-plac'd ; or, Second General Table to the Statutes. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1730. Jacobs (Albert P.) and Clianey (Henry A.). Digest of Michigan Reports, 1837-1888. 2 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1889. Jacobs (Edward). City Court Reports, 1874-1888. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883-9. Jacobs (M. W.). Treatise on the Law of Domicil. Svo. Boston, 1887. Jacobs (Victor). Etude sur les Assurances JVIaritimes. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1885. [Pam., vol. 35.] Jacobs (Victor) and Ouwerx (L.). La Loi Espagnole rela- tive au Commerce ]VIaritime. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1886. Jacobsen (F. J.). Laws of the Sea, with reference to IMari- time Commerce during Peace and "War. From the German by Wm. Frick. Svo. Baltimore, 1818. Jahrbviclier fiir die Dogniatik des heutigen Romischen und Deutschen Privatrechts. 29 vols., Svo. Jena, 1857-90. Jamaica : Statutes. Laws passed by the Assemblv, and confirmed bv His IMa- jesty in Council, Feb. 23,*1682. 12rao. London, 1683. 432 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Jamaica : Statutes. — Continued. Abridgement of the Laws in Force and Use in Her Ma- jesty's Plantations of Virginia. Jamaica, etc. 8vo. London. 1704. Laws passed by the Governours. Council and Assembly in the Island, and confirmed by the Crown. Svo. London, 1716. Laws passed bv the Governours. etc. 2d ed. Svo. Lon- don, 1719. Acts of Assembly. 16S1-1737. Folio. London. 173S. Acts of Assembly, 16S1-1754. Folio. London, 1756. Acts of Assembly, 1770-1783. -Ito. Kingston, 1786. Patent Law, Act of 1857. (Abbott.) 1886. Jamaica Case. History of, by W. F. Finlason. Svo. London, 1869. James (Alexander). Eeports of Cases, Supreme Court, Xova Scotia. 1853-1855. Svo. Halifax, 1855. James i Charles). Collection of the Charges, Opinions, and Sentences of General Courts Martial, 1795-1820. Svo. London, 1820. James (Charles P.j. The Power of Congress to punish Contempts and Breaches of Privilege. Svo. Washington, 1879. James (Croake). Curiosities of Law and Lawvers. Svo. jS'ew York. 1883. James i Edwin ). Bankrupt Law of the United States ; with Xotes and Decisions upon the Principles and Practice. Svo. Xew York, 1867. James (James H. ). Treatise on Life and Fire Assurance, Annuities and Reversionarv Pavments. Svo. London, 1851. Treatise on the Right and Cost of Redeeming Pro])erty Mortgaged to Benefit Building Societies, and Freehold Land Societies. Svo. London, 1S54. James ('John H., Jr.). Mihtary Commissions for the Trial of Citizens ; a Letter to the Attorney General of the United States. Svo. Cincinnati, 1869. [Pam., vol. 35.] James (Thomas H.j. Handy-Book on the Law of Merchant Shipping. 12mo. London, 1866. Handv-Book on the Law of Salvage. 12mo. London, 1867. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAB. 433 Jameson (John A.). The Constitutional Convention ; its History, Powers and Modes of Proceeding. 8vo. New York, 1867. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Chicago, 1887. In Memoriam. B}^ F. N. Thorpe. Svo. Philadelpliia, 1890. [Pam., vol. 49.] Jameson (R. S.). See Glyn (T. C.) and Jameson's English Bankruptcy Reports. Japan. Intercourse between the United States and Japan. (JSTitobe.) 1891. Patent Law. (Abbott.) 1886. Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure. (]VIaver.) 1883. United States Courts in Japan. (Scidmore.) 1887. Jardine (David). Criminal Trials, supplying illustrations of English History during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James I. ; to which is added a Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1832-5. Genera] Index to Howell's Collection of State Trials. Svo. London, 1828. Reading on the Use of Torture in the Criminal Law of England previously to the Commonwealth. Svo. London, 1837. Jarman (Henry). New Practice of the High Court of Chan- eery. Svo. London, 1853. Jarman (Thomas). Treatise on "Wills. 1st Am. ed. By J. C. Perkins. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1845. [Same.] 4th Am. ed. Bv J. C. Perkins. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1859. [Same.] 5th Am. ed. Bv ]VI. IVI. Bigelow. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1881. [Same.] 5th Am. ed. By J. F. Randolph and W. Tal- cott. 3 vols., Svo. Jersey City, 1880-1. — [Same.] General Index. Svo. Jersev City, 1886. Jarnagin (M. P.). See Scott (W. L.) and Jarnagin's LaAV of Telegraphs. Jarvis Divorce Case. Svo. Hartford, 1839. History of the Trial. Svo. IS'ew York, 1839. 28 434 CA TAL G UE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Jay (CjTais). The La^v ; what I have seen, what I have heard, and what I have known. 8vo. London, 1868. Jay (John), I. 1745, d. 1829. Address to the People of the State of Xew York, on the subject of the Constitution. 8vo. Xew York, 1788. [See Ford (Paul L.).] Correspondence and Public Papers, 1763-1825. Edited by H. P. Johnston. Vols. 1, 2. Svo. Xew York, 1890-1. Life of. By Geo. Pellew. lOmo. Boston, 1890. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Jav (John I, Ij. 1817. The Peace Negotiations of 1782 and 1783. Svo. Xew York, 1884. [Pam., vol. 30.] Jeaftreson (John Corclyj. A Book about Lawyers. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1867. Jeannette Inquiry. Before the Committee on xs'aval Af- fairs of the U. S. House of Representatives.- 8vo. Wash- ington, 1884. Jebb (Richard). Act to Amend the Law relating to Pro- bates and Letters of Administration in England. Pules and Orders, etc. 8vo. London, 1858. Report of the Case of the Right Rev. R. D. Hampden. 8vo. London. 1840. Jebb (Robeii:). Cases, chiefly relating to the Criminal and Presentment Law. reserved for consideration and decided bv the Twelve Judges of Ireland, 1822-1840. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1841. Jebb (Robert) and Bonrke (Richard). Reports ©f Cases, Court of Queen's Bench. Ireland, 1N41-1842. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. Jebb ( Robert) and Synies (A. R.). Reports of Cases, Courts of Queens Bench and Exchequer Chamber. Ireland, 1838-1841. 2 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1840-2. Jeflf Davis (Thei. Trial of the Crew of, for Piracv. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1861. [Pam. Tr.. vol. 1.] Jefferds (Charles 31.). Trial of. for Murder. Reported by Chas. E. Wilbour. 8vo. New York. 1862. Jeffers (William > vs. Tyson (J. i. Action for Criminal Con- versation. Svo. Xew York. isOS. [Pam. Tr.. vol. 7.] Jefferson (Thomas). Manual of Parliamentary Law. See Smith (H. H.J. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 435 Jefferson (^Tlioiiias). Reports of Cases determined in the General Court of Virginia, 1730-1772. 8vo. Charlottes- ville, 1829. Thomas Jefferson. By John T. Morse, Jr. 13th ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Jeffreys (George), Lord Chancellor. Memoirs of. By H. W. Woolrych. 8vo. London, 1827. Jellett (J. H.). Pacific Coast Collection Laws. 8vo. San Francisco, 1876. Jemmett (W. T.). Administration of Law in Courts of Equity. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 183G. Jencken (H. D.) Compendium of the Laws on Bills of Ex- change, Promissory Notes, Cheques, etc., of England, Ger- many and France. 8vo. London, 1880. Manual of the Laws on ]S"egotiable Securities. 8vo. London, 1880. See Tomkins (F. J.) and Jencken's Roman Law. Jeniclien (Gottlob August), editor. Lipen's Bibliotheca Realis Juridica. Jenkins (David). Eight Centuries of Reports; or. Eight Hundred Cases solemnly adjudged in the Exchequer Cham- ber, England, or upon Writs of Error, 1220-1623. 2d ed. Foho. London, 1734. [Same.] 3d ed. Translated by Theo. Barlow. Folio. London, 1777 Jenkins (Edward) and Raymond (John). On Buildino- Contracts. A Legal Handbook for Architects, Builders', and Building-Owners. 12mo. London, 1873. Jenkins (Elislia) vs. Van Rensselaer (S.). Action for Assault and Battery. 8vo. Albany 1808. fPam Tr vol. 5.] Jenkins (J. S.). New Clerk's Assistant ; or. Book of Prac- tical Forms. 5th ed. 8vo. Albany, 1875. [Same.] 6th ed. 8vo. Albaay, 1884. Jenkins (T. A.). Rule of the Road at Sea and in Inland Waters ; or. Steering and Sailing Rules, Collisions, and Law of the Port Helm. 8vo. Washington, 1869. 436 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF Jeiikiiison (diaries). Discourse on the Conduct of the Government of Great Britain in respect to Xeutral Xations. Svo. London, ISOl. [Same.] Svo. Edinburgh, 1837. [See International Law Tracts.] Jeiiks (Ed\varcl A.), re])orter, Kew Hampshire Ee])orts, vol. 58. Jeiikyiis (Henry). See Ludlow (H.) and Jenkvns on Trade- :\farks. Jeuiiing's (G. H.). Anecdotal History of the British Parha- ment from the earliest period. New ed. Svo. London, 1S83. Jeniiison (William). Treatise on the Pleading and Prac- tice of the Court of Chancery. Svo. Detroit, 1SS2. ■ (reporter). Michigan Reports, vols. Itt-lS. Jepsoii (Arthur). Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts ; with Decisions, Forms, and Table of Costs. Svo. London, 1880. Jeremy (George). Treatise on the Equity Jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancerv. 2d Am. ed. Svo. Xew York, 1840. (editor). Mitford's Pleadings. Jeremy (Henry). Law of Carriers, Inn-keepers, Warehouse- men, and other Depositories of Goods for Hire. Svo. Lon- don, printed ; Xew York, reprinted. 1S16. Jerrold (Sidney). Enghsh and Foreign Cop3^right. 12mo. London, ISSl. Jersey (Island of). History, Laws, etc. 1836. Laws, Customs, etc. 1839. By J. Bowditch. Svo. London, By A. J. LeCras. 12mo. London, Jersey City (N. J.). Charter and Acts. 1814. Charter of 1851 ; with Amendments to 1862. Charter. 1S61. • Charter and Acts. 1863. [Same.] 1868. Charter and Supplement. 1871. [Same] to 1877. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 437 Jersey City (N. J.). — Continued. Ordinances, 1844. [Same] to 1847. [Same.] 1851. [Same.] 1851-1862. [Same.] 1866. Board of Public Works. Laws. 1878. [Same.] Eeport. 1872. Mayor's Message. 1870. Water Commissioners. Reports. 1851-1860. [Same.] Manual. 1869-70. Water Supply and Sewerage Acts. 1864. Jervis (Sir John). Office and Duties of Coroners ; with Forms and Precedents. 4th ed. By R. E, Melsheimer. 8vo. London, 1880. [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1888. English Exchequer Reports. See Crompton (Chas.) and Jervis ; — Young (Ed.) and Jervis Jerwoocl (James). Dissertation on the Rights to the Sea Shores, and to the Soil and Beds of Tidal Harbours and Nav- igable Rivers. 8vo. London, 1850. Jessel (Sir George"). Decisions. Analysis and Digest of. By A. P. Peter. 8vo. London. 1883. "^ Jevons (Thomas). Remarks on Criminal Law. 8vo. Lon- don, 1834. Jickling (Henry). Treatise on the Analogy between Legal and Equitable Estates and Modes of Alienation. 8vo. Lon- don, 1829. Joel (L.). Consul's Manual and Shipowner's and Shipmas- ter's Practical Guide in their transactions abroad. 8vo. London, 1879. Johnes (Ai'thur J.). Suggestions for a Reform of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1834. Johns Hopkins University. Studies in Historical and Political Science. 8 vols., 8vo. Baltimore, 1883-90. - [Same.] Extra volume, 1-4, 6-8. 7 vols., 8vo. Balti- more, 1886-91. Johnson (A. J.). New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World. Folio. New York, 1874. 438 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Joliusoii (Andrew). Trial of, by Impeachment. 3 vols., 8vo. AYashington, 1868. [Same.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1868. [Same.] Ito. Washington, 1868. Joliusoii (Bradley T.). Keports of Cases decided by Chief- Justice Chase, U. S. Circuit Court, Fourth Circuit, 1865- 1869. 8yo. K■e^v York, 1876. Johnson (Cvithbert W.). Acts for Promoting the Public Health. 8vo. London, 1852. Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory JSTotes, Checks, etc. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1839. Life of Sir Edward Coke. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1815. Johnson (Edward M.). General Index of the Laws of New York, 18T6-1S7T. 8vo. Albany, 1878. Johnson (G. J A Books on Law and Jurisprudence ; a lec- ture. 8vo. London, 1881. [Pam., vol. 18.] Johnson (Henry R. V.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1858-1860. 8vo. London, "l860. See Kay (E. E.) and Johnson's Chancery Reports. Johnson (Henry R. Y.) and Hemming (G. W.). Re- ports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1859-1862. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1861-3. Johnson (James). Trial of, for the Murder of Lewis Rob- inson. Also Trial of John Sinclair for the Murder of David Hill. Reported by Wm. Sampson. 8vo. Xew York, 1811. Johnson (James and J. H.). Patentee's Manual, being a Treatise on the Law and Practice of Letters Patent. 1th ed. 8vo. London, 1879. Johnson (John). Maryland Chancery Decisions. 1847- 1851. 1 vols., 8vo. Baltimore, 1851-1. See Gill (R. W.) and Johnson's Maryland Reports. Johnson (John, Jr.). Old Marvland Manors. 8vo. Balti- more, 1883. [J. II. IT. Studies,' vol. 1.] Johnson (Ovid F.). Law of Mechanics' Liens in Pennsyl- vania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1881. Johnson (R. M.), reporter. New Mexico Reports, vols. 3-4. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 439 Johnson (Reverdy). Reply to Judge Advocate General Holt ; and Vindication of General Fitz John Porter. 8vo. Baltimore, 1863. ^ Reply to Speech of Sir Roundell Palmer on the Wash- ington Treaty and the Alabama Claims. Svo. Baltimore, 1871. [Pam., vol. 4] — See Harris (Thos.) and Johnson's Maryland Reports. Johnson (S. G.), editor. Arnold's Municipal Corporations. Johnson (Samnel). History and Defence of Magna Charta ; and an Essay on Parliaments. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1772. Johnson (W. F.). Essay on the Science of Law. Svo. Dubhn, 1874. Johnson (William). Cases, Supreme Court, and Court of Errors, New York, 1799-1803. 2d ed. Bv L. B. Shepard. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 181:6-9. [Same.] 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Lawvers' Co-op. ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1883. Digest of New York Reports, 1799-1813. Svo. Al- bany, 1815. [Same.] 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1825. Reports, Court of Chancerv, New York, 1814—1823. 2d ed. 7 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1836. [Same.] 2d ed. 7 vols., Svo. New York, 1858-73. [Same.] 3d ed. Annotated bv S. Rapalje. 7 vols., Svo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Law3'ers' Co-op. ed. Annotated by R. Desty. 7 vols., Svo. Rochester, 1888. Reports, Supreme Court, and Court of Errors, New York, 1806-1823. 20 vols., Svo. New York, 1807-23. — [Same.] 2d ed. 20 vols., Svo. New York, 1823-6. — [Same.] 20 vols., Svo. New York, 1860-4. — [Same.] 20 vols., Svo. New York, 1883. — [Same.] Lawvers' Co-op. ed. 2 vols., Svo. Rochester, 1883. — See Azuni (D. A.). Maritime Law. 440 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Johnston (^Alexander). Connecticut ; a Study of Common- wealth-Democracy. 12mo. Boston, li>S7. [Amer. Com- monwealth Series.] Genesis of a Xew England State (Connecticut). 8vo. Baltimore. 1SS3. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] Johnston (Alexander J.i. Eeports of Cases determined by the Court of Appeal of Xew Zealand. Vol. 1, 1S67-1871. Svo. Wellington, 1872. Johnston \ Lieut.-Col. George). Trial of. by Court Martial, on a charge of Mutiny. >vo. London, 1811. Johnston i^Henry i, 3Iaconoehie (C. C. ), and Fraser (H. J. E. I. Analytical Digest of Scotch Reports, 1877-1885. Roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886. Johnston (Henry P.), editor. Correspondence, etc., of John Jay. Johnston (Le^s F. C). Translation of the Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain, b}'^ I. J. de Asso y del Rio and M. de Manuel y Rodriguez. Svo. London. 1825. Johnston ( W.) and Jones i^J. R.). Revision of Laws of Indiana Territorv, including Illinois Territory. 8vo. Yin- cennes. 18u7. Johnston ( William i. Arguments to Courts and Juries, 1846-187J:. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1887. Johnstone (H. A. 31. B.\ Handbook of Maritime Rights ; and the Declaration of Paris considered. 12mo. London, 1876. Johnstone ( Silas). Digest of South Carolina Equity Re- ports, 1S50-1><')S. Svo. Columbia, 1877. Jolly (Julius ). Xaradiya Dharmasastra ; or, The Institutes of Xarada. 12mo. London, 1876. Jones (Rev. Cavei vs. Rector, etc.. of the City of New York. By M. L. Davis. >vo. Xew York, lbl3. Jones (David I. On the Yalue of Annuities and Reversionary Payments : with Tables. Also a Treatise on Probability, by ^Y. Lubbock and J. E. D. Bethune. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don. 1844. Jones (Da^^d S.). Memorial of: with Appendix, containing Xotices of the Jones Familv, of Queen's Countv. 12mo. Xew York, 1849. THE ASSOCIATIOJSr OF THE BAR. 441 Jones (Dwiglit A.). Treatise on the Construction, or Inter- pretation, of Commercial and Trade Contracts. 8vo. JSTew York, 1S86. Jones (Edward C), reporter. Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports, vols. 1-14. Jones (Edward K.). Rules and Practice of the Circuit Court of the United States, for the I^orthern, Southern, and Eastern Districts of New York. 8vo. l^ew York, 1885. Rules of Federal Practice. 8vo. I^ew York, 1884. Jones (Edwyn). Law of Salvage, as administered in the High Court of Admiralty, and the County Courts ; with the Principal English and American Authorities. 8vo. London, isiu. Jones (George F.). Treatise on the Law concerning the Liabilities and Rights of Common Carriers. 8vo. London, 1827. Jones (H. Cadnian). See De Gex (J. P.) and Jones' English Chancery Reports. Jones (Hamilton C). Reports of Cases at Law, Supreme Court of Xorth Carolina, 1853-1S62. 8 vols., 8vo. Raleigh and Salisbury, 1854-62. Reports of Cases in Equity, Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1853-1863. 6 vols., 8vo. Raleigh and Salisbury, 1855-63. Jones (Herbert C). On Prescription ; a Treatise on the Real Property Limitation Act of Ontario ; with a Compen- dium of the Law of Easements. 8vo. Toronto, 1878. The " Torrens System " of Transfer of Land. 8vo. Toronto, 1886. Jones (Horatio M.), reporter. Missouri Reports, vols. 22-31. Jones (J. Pringle), reporter. Pennsylvania State Reports, voL 11. Jones (J. Pringle) and McMnrtrie (R. C), reporters. Pennsylvania State Reports, vol. 12. Jones (J. W.). Translation of all the Greek, Latin, Italian, and French Quotations, which occur in Blackstone's Com- mentaries on the Laws of England. 8vo. London, 1823. [Same.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885. 442 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAEY OF Jones (James A.), editor. Tomlins' Digested Index to Crown Law. Jones (Joel). S^^labus of the Law of Land Office Titles in Pennsylvania. Svo. Philadelphia, 1850. Jones (John). Law of Libels. Svo. London, 1812. Jones (John H.). Trial of, for Piracy. Svo. Philadelphia, 1818. Jones (Leonard A.). Forms in Conveyancing and General Legal Forms. Svo. Boston, 1886. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1891. Index to Legal Periodical Literature. Rov. Svo. Bos- ton, 1888. Le2:al ^Nature of the Rollino^-stock of Railroads. Svo. St. Louis, 1878. [Pam., vol. 32.] — Treatise on the Law of Corporate Bonds and Mortgages ; being the 2d ed. of "Railroad Securities," revised. Svo. Boston, 1890. — Treatise on the Law of Liens. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1888. — Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Personal Property. Svo. Boston, 1881. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1883. — [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Boston, 1888. Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Real Property. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1878. — [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1879. — [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1882. — [Same.] -Ith ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1889. - Treatise on the Law of Pledges, including Collateral Securities. Svo. Boston, 1883. Treatise on the Law of Railroad and other Securities, including Municipal Aid Bonds. Svo. Boston, 1879. Jones (Robert). History of the French Bar, Ancient and Modern ; comprising a Notice of the French Courts, their Officers, Practitioners, etc., and of the System of Legal Ed- ucation in France. Svo. Philadelphia, 1856. [Same.] [L. L., vol. 90.] Jones (Sanmel) and Spencer (James C). Reports, Su- perior Court, City of Xew York, 1871-1890. 25 vols., Svo. Kew York, 1873-90. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 443 Jones f Samuel) and Yarick (Richard ). Laws of the State of New York, 1 778-1789. 2 vols., folio. 1789. Jones (Silas). Introduction to Legal Science ; with Diction- ary of Law Terms and Phrases. 8vo. New York, 1842. Jones (Sir Thomas). Reports of several Special Cases, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, England, 1667-1684. 2d ed. Folio. London, 1729. Jones (Thomas), Judge, h. 1731, d. 1792. History of New York during the Eevolutionar}'- War, and of the leading events in the other Colonies at that period. EcUted by Ed- Avard F. De Lancey. 2 vols., 8vo. ]^ew York, 1879.' Jones (^Thomas), Barrister-at-Law. Reports, Court of Ex- chequer, Ireland, 1834-1838. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1838-47. See Hayes (Edm.) and Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports. Jones (Thomas) and Carey (H.). Reports, Court of Ex- cliequer, Ireland, 1838-1839. 8vo. Dublin, 1839. Jones (Thomas) and La Touche (E. D. u Reports, High Court of Chancery, Ireland, during the time of Lord Chan- cellor Sugden, 1844-1846. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1846-9. Jones (Thomas G.\ reporter. Alabama Reports, vols. 43-62. Jones (Sir William), h. 1566, d. 1640. Les Reports de divers Special Cases cy bien in le Court de Banck Le Roy, come le Common-Banck in Angleterre, 1620-1640. Folio. Lon- don, 1675. Jones (Sir William), h. 1746, d. 1794. Essay on the Law of Bailments. 2d ed. By J. Balmanno. 8vo. London, 1804. [Same.] Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. Inquiry into the Legal Mode of Suppressing Riots. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1782. [Same.] Svo. London, 1819. Institutes of Hindu Law ; or, The Ordinances of Menu. New ed. Bv G. C. Haughton, [Sanscrit and Eng.] 2 vols., 4to. London, 1825. The Mahomedan Law of Succession to the Property of Intestates, [Arabic and Eng.] 4to. London, 1782. Jones (William H.). Law of Uses. 8vo. London, 1862. Jopp (James). Historical Reflections on the Constitution and Representative System of England. 8vo. London, 1812. 444 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Jordan (H. F.). Index to Ohio Statute Law, showing the Amendments, Supplements, Repeals, etc. Roy. Svo. Cin- cinnati, 1881. Jordan (James R.). Questions and Answers to Anson on Contracts. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1890. Jordan (Richard). Instructions for the Formation and Management of Joint-Stock Companies. 6th ed. 12mo. London, 1878. [Same.] 9th ed. 12mo. London, 1885. Jordan (W. L.). The Standard of Value. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1885. JoHepli (A, O.) and Beven (E.). Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Ceylon, delivered in 1859. Svo. Colombo, 186. Jonrnal du Droit Internatiohal Prive. 17 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1874-90. Jonrnal dn Palais. Recueil le plus ancien et le plus com- plet de la Jurisprudence Francaise, 1791-1890. 101 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1841-91. Jurisprudence Administrative. Tome 15-18. 8vo. Paris, 1866-85. — Lois, Decrets, Reglements et Instructions d'interet gen- eral, suivis d'annotations. Tome 11-15. 5 vols., Svo. Paris, 1866-87. — Repertoire General. 15 vols., Svo. Paris, 1854-8. Journal of Banking Law. A Quarterly Magazine, devoted to reporting Legal Decisions upon Banking and Financial Cases. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1882-3. [Only 143 pages of vol. 3 published.] Journal of Jurisprudence. A New Series of the Amer- ican Law Journal. By John E. Ilall. Yol. 1. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1821. [Also cited as Amer. Law Journal, vol. 7.] Journal of Jurisprudence and Scottish Law Magazine. 35 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1857-91. Journal of Law. Conducted by an Association of Members of the Bar. Svo. Philadelphia, 1831. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 445 Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jvirisprvidence. See Psychological Journal. Journal of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology. Edited by Forbes Winslow. 13 vols., 8vo. London, 1848-60. Journal of the La\r School and of the Moot Court at- tached to it ; at Needham, in Yirginia. By Creed Taylor. Yol. 1. 8vo. Eichraond, 1822. [No more published.] Journeymen Cordwainers of the City of New York, Trial of, for a Conspiracy to Raise their Wages. Reported by William Sampson. 8vo. New York, 1810. [Same.] See Yates' Select Cases. Journeymen Tailors. Trial of, before the Mayor's Court of Philadelphia, for Conspiracy. Reported by M. T. C. Gould. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. Joy (Henry), Baron. On the Evidence of Accomplices. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841:. [L. L., vol. 45.] Joy (Henry H.). On Peremptory Challenge of Jurors. With the Judgment of the Queen's Bench in The Queen vs. Gray. 8vo. Dublin, 1844. On the Admissibility of Confessions, and Challenge of Jurors in Criminal Cases. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1843. [L. L., vol. 40.] Joyce (William). Doctrine and Principles of the Law of Injunctions. 8vo. London, 1877. Law and Practice of Injunctions in Equity and at Com- mon Law. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1872. Joynes (William T.). Essay upon the Statute of Limitations in Yirginia. 8vo, Richmond, 1844. Joynt vs. Jackson. Action for Crim. Con. 8vo. Dublin, 1880. [Pam. Tr., vol. 10.] Judgements, as they were upon Solemne Arguments given in the Upper-Bench and Common-Pleas, upon the most diffi- cult Points in all manner of Actions. 8vo. London, 1655. [Cited as " First Book of Judgments."] Judgements, Second Book of, in Real, Personal and Mixt Actions, and upon the Statute. Being the collection of George Huxley, out of choice manuscripts of Mr. Brown- lowe, Mr. Movie, and Mr. Smythier. Corrected by George Townesend. Small 4to. London, 1674, [Cited as" Second Book of Judgments."] 446 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF Judicial Antieipiitioii ; or. Candidates for the new Judge- ships. 8vo, London, 1812. [Pam., vol. 39.] Judicial Chrouicle ; being a List of the Judges and of the Contemporaiy Eeports in England and America, from the earliest period. ]iv George Gibbs. .'Svo. Cambridge, 1S3L Judicial Conduct and Deportment. Judge Davis and Six Gentlemen of the Xew York Bar. By a Member of the Profession. Svo. Xe\v York, ls74. [Pam., vol. 9.] Judicial Repository. See Xew York Judicial Repository. Junius, pseud. Posthumous TYorks. Prefixed, an Inquiry respecting the Author ; also a Sketch of the Life of John Home Tooke. [Compiled bv John Fellows.] Svo. ^qw York, 1829. Junkin (D. X.L The Oath : a Divine Ordinance and an ele- ment of the social constitution. 12mo. Xew York, 1845. Jura Anglorum. The Rights of Englishmen. By Francis Plowden. Svo. Dublin, 1792. Juridical Ile\dew*. 3 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1889-91. Juridical Society. Papers, 1S55-1S74. 4 vols., Svo. Lon- don, l>>5>'-74. [Only 5 parts, 100 pages, of vol. 4 pub- lished.] Juries. Observations on the Duty and Power of Jm-ies as established bv the Laws of England. 5th ed. ISmo. Lon- don, 1800. [Pam., vol. 44.] o Jurisprudent (The). 4to. Boston. 1S30-31. [Only 52 num- bers published.] Jurist (The). A Journal for Law Students and the Profes- sion. 4 vols.. 4to. London, 1SS7-90. Jurist (Thej, containing Reports of Cases determined in Law and Equity. 18 vols, in 31. Svo. London, 1838-55. Kew Series. 12 vols, in 24. Svo. London, 1856-67. Digest of all the Reported Cases. 7 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1837-67. [For 1S54 by R. T. Harrison ; 1855-67 by R. A. Fisher.] Jurist (The) ; or, Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence and Legis- lation. 4 vols., Svo. 'London, 1^27-33. [Only 1 number of vol. 4 published.] THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 447 Juristische Wocheiisclirift ; Organ ties Deutschen Anwalt- Vereins. 14 vols., 4to. Berlin, 1872-85. Inhalts-Uebersicht, 1872-1883. Justice (Alexander). General Treatise of the Dominion and Laws of the Sea. Containing the Ancient Laws of the Rhodians and Romans, and of OJeron, etc. 4to. London, 1705. Justice and Jurisprudence. An Inquiry concerning the Constitutional Limitations of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. Justice of tlie Peace, and County, Borough, Poor Law Union, and Parish Law Recorder. 53 vols., 4to. London, 1837-89. Digest of Cases. 1862-1887. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1887-9. Justinian. See Subject-Index : Roman or Civil Law. Justiz-Gesetze fiir das Deutsche Reich. [German and French.] 12mo. Strassburg, 1879. Juta (Henry). Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, 1880-1889. 6 vols., 8vo. Cape Town, 1882-90. 448 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF K. Kaclienovsky (Diuitry lAaiiovicli). Biographical N^otice of tlie late* Prof. Wiirm. Svo. London, 1859. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] - On the Present State of International Jurisprudence. 8vo. London, 1858. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Prize Law ; particularly with reference to the Duties and Obligations of Belligerents and Keutrals. Translated from the Kussian by Fred. T. Pratt. 8vo. London, 1867. Kahl (Joannes). See Calviuus. Kaiii (George J.). Solicitors' Book-keeping. 10th ed. 13mo. London, 1884. Kain (W. C). Tennessee Justice and Legal Adviser. Svo. Kashville, 1889. Kalloch (Eev. I. S.). Trial of, for Adultery. 8vo. Boston, 1857. Kaltscliniidt (J. H.). jSTeues Vollstiindiges "Worterbuch der Franzosischen und Deutschen Sprache. 2. Aufl. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Leipzig, 1837. Kaniarowsky (L.)j Comte. Le Tribunal International. Traduit par S. de Westman. 8vo. Paris, 1887. [Biblio- theque Internat. et Diplom., vol. 21.] Karnes (Henry Home), Lord. Essaj^s upon several subjects concerning British Antiquities ; viz., I. Introduction of the Feudal Law into Scotland. II. Constitution of Parliament. III. Honour ; Dignity. IV. Succession or Descent. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1749. Historical Law Tracts. 2 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1758. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Edinburgh, 1761. Principles of Equity. 2d ed. Folio. Edinburgh, 1767. — [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Edinburgh, 1800. Remarkable Decisions of the Court of Session, Scotland, 1716-1728. Foho. Edinburgh, 1728. [Same.] 2d ed. Folio. Edinburgh, 1790. [Same.] 1730-1752. Folio. Edinburgh, 176(>. Select Decisions of the Court of Session, Scotland, 1752- 1768. Folio. Edinburgh, 1780. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 449 Karnes (Henry Home), Lord, and Tytler (A. Fraser-), Lord Woodhouselee. Decisions of the Court of Session, Scotland, from its institution till 1764; with several De- cisions since that period. Arranged in the form of a Dic- tionary. [Anon.] 5 vols., 12mo. London, 1774. Kansas : Reports. McCahon. 1858-1861. 1 vol. Banks. 1862-1870. 1-5 Kan. 5 vols. Webb. 1870-1878. 0-20 Kan. 15 vols. Kandolph. 1878-189U. 21-43 Kan. 23 vols. — Digests of Reports. Dassler. Taylor. Chaney. Index-Digest. Taylor. Brief Digest. 1858-1884. 1885-1890. 1858-1882. 1858-1884. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. — Statutes (Territorial). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 1855. Revised, 1857 1857-8 1858. General. 1858. Private. 1859. General. 5th 1850. Private. 2d 1st Special 2d Special 2d Special January 1860 3d 1860. General. 4th 1860. Private. 4th 1861. General 5th January 1861. Private. Statutes (State). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st r... 2d 1861 1862. General. 1868 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868. Revised. 1868. Special. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 14th 14th Jan., 1874 Sept., 1874 1875 1876 1877 1879 1881 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1889 3d 4th 15th 16th 5th 17th 6th 18th 7th 19th 8th 20th 8th Special 9th 21st 10th Special . . nth 22d 12th 23d 13th Revised Laws. 1855. Compiled Laws, 1862. 29 450 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Kansas : Statutes (State), — Continued. General Statutes, Annotated. 1868. General Statutes. (Dassler.) 2 vols. isTO. Compiled Laws. (Dassler.) 1879. [Same.] (Dassler.) 1881. [Same.] (Dassler.) 1885. C'ompiled Laws. (Taylor.) 2 vols. 1889. Index to Laws. (Sliafer.) ls7T. Miscellaiieoiis. Banking Laws. 1889. Cor])oration Laws. 1889. Criminal Procedure. (Maxwell.) 18S7. Insurance Law^s. 1889. Pleading and Practice. (Taylor.) ls88. Prohibitory Liquor Law. 1885, [Pam., vol. 32.] Kansas City (Mo.) Bar Association. The True Lawyer ; address by Geo. W. McCrary. 8v<). Kansas City, 1886. Kansas City Law Rei^orter. nvo. Kansas City, 1888. [Only 7 nos., 68 pages, published.] Kansas Law Journal. 5 vols., 8vo. Topeka, 1885-7. [Only 2 nos., 32 pages, issued of vol. 5.] Kansas State Bar Association. Reports of Third and Fifth Annual Meetings. Svo. Topeka, 1886-8. Kant (Imnianiiel). Philosophy of Law. Translated from the German by W. Ilastie. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1887. Karsten (C). Die Lehre vom Vertrage bei den Italienischen Juristen des Mittelalters. Svo. Rostock, 1882. Katchenovsky (Demetrius). See Kachenovsky. Kaufmann (Pliilii) I.), editor. Mackeldey's Compendium of Modern Civil Law. Kay (Edward E.). Reports, High Court of C'hancery, Eng- land, 1S53-1854. 8vo. London, 1854. Kay (Edward E.) and Johnson (H. R. V.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1854-1858. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1855-9. Kay (Joseph). Law relating to Shipmasters and Seamen. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1875. Keane (David D.). ]S^uisances Removal, Diseases Preven- tion, and Sewage Utilization Acts. 6th ed. By W. C. Glen. 12mo. London, 1870. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 451 Keaiie (David D.) and Grant (James). Registration Cases. Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, on Appeal from the Decisions of the Revising Barristers. Svo. London, 1863. Kearny (S. W.). Code of Laws of the Territory of New Mexico. Svo. Santa Fe, 1846. [Same.] Reprinted. Svo. Santa Fe, 1852. Keatinge (Thomas). Short Treatise on Famil}^ Settlements and Devises. Svo. London, ISIO. Keble (Joseph). Explanation of the Laws against Recusants, etc. Abridged. 12mo. London, 16S1. Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1661-1679. 3 vols., folio. London, 1685. Statutes at Large, in Paragraphs and Sections from Magna Charta until this time. Folio. London, 1684. Keele (W. E.). Provincial Justice or Magistrate's Manual, for the use of the Magistracy of Upper Canada. Svo. Toronto, 1835. Keen (Benjamin). Reports of Cases in Chancery, Rolls Court, England, 1836-1838. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1837-9. See Mylne (J. W.) and Keen's English Chancery Re- ports. Keenan (Michael). Trial of, for Administering an Unlaw- ful Oath. Svo. Dublin, 1822. Keene (Thomas P.). Annihilation of Past Titles considered as the only effectual Amelioration of Present Titles. Svo. London, 1854. [Pam., vol. 46.] Keener (William A.). Selection of Cases on the Law of Quasi-Contracts. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Cambridge, 1888-9. Kees (J. G.). Commentarius ad Justinian! Institutionum Ln- perialium lY. Libros, tertia hac Editione revisus. 4to. Ingolstadii, 1726. Keeson (A.). Monts de Piete and Pawnbroking. 12mo. London, 1854. Keessel (D. G. van der). Select Theses on the Laws of Holland and Zeeland ; being a Commentary on Hugo Grotius' Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence. Translated bv C. A. Lorenz. 2d ed. 12mo. Cape Town and London, 1868. 452 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Kelioe (J. J.). Treatise on the Law of Clioses in Action. Svo. Toronto, 1881. Kehoe (John), et al. Trial of, for Assault, with intent to Kill, Wm. M. Thomas. Reported by E. A. West. Svo. Pottsville, 18 76. Keiley (William S.). Law and Practice of Insolvent As- signments in the State of Kew York. 8vo. New York, 1876. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1877. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1879. Keilwey (Robert). Reports d'Ascuns Cases, Qui ont evenus aux temps du Roy Henr}^ le Septieme, etc., du Roy Henry le Huitiesme, et ne sont comprises deins les livres des terms et ans demesmes les roys. Seliges hors des papieres de Keilwey, par Jean Croke. S'' ed. Folio. London, 1688. Kekewicli (George). Digested Index to the earlier Chan- cery Reports. Svo. London, 1804. Kelhani (Robert). Dictionary of the Xorman, or Old French, Language ; to which are added the Laws of Wil- liam the Conqueror. Svo. London, 1779. Kelleii (William V.). Digest of Massachusetts Reports. Supplement, 1879-1887. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1SS7. Index-Digest of IVIassachusetts Reports. Svo. Boston, 1886. (reporter). ]Vrassachusetts Reports, vols. 146-151. Keller (F. L. von). Der Romische Civilprocess und die Actionen in summarischer Darstellung. 3 Ausg. 12rao. Leipzig, 1863. [Same.] 6. Ausg. von Adolf Wach. 12mo. Leipzig, 1883. Keiley (Henry S.). Treatise on the Law relating to the Powers, etc., of Justices of the Peace and Constables in Missouri. 3d ed. Svo. St. Louis, 1890. Kellogg (Edward). Labor and other Capital. Svo. JS^ew York, 1849. Kellogg (William Pitt). Trial of, charged with Receiving a Bribe while a United States Senator. Svo. Washington, 1884. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 453 Kells (John). General Index to the Modern Keporters, 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1827. Kelly (Arthur). Essay on the Elective Franchise, with reference to the Original and Common Law Right in Residents. Svo. London, 1821. Kelly (Charles). See Flanagan (S. W.) and Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports. Kelly (Edmoiid). French Law of Marriage, and the Conflict of Law that arises therefrom. Svo. New York, 1885. Kelly (Edniuiid M.). Treatise on the Law and Practice of Scire Facias, on Judgments, Crown Bonds, and Recog- nizances. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1849. Kelly (George T.). Ultra Vires. Svo. Philadelphia, 1890. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Kelly (J. H.). Convevancing Draftsman. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1881. Kelly (James B.). Summary of the History and Law of Usury. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853. [Same.] [L. L., vol. 75.] — Treatise on the Law of Life Annuities. Svo. London, 1835. Kelly (James M.), reporter. Georgia Reports, vols. 1-3. Kelly (James M.) and Cobb (T. R. R.), reporters. Georgia Reports, vols. 4-5. Kelly (John F.). General Statutes of Minnesota. 2 vols., Svo. St. Paul, 1891. Ohio Addendum to Green's Pleading: and Practice under the Code. Svo. St. Louis, 1880. ■ — Revised Statutes of "West Virginia. 2 vols., Svo. St. Louis, 1878-9. — Treatise on the Law of Contracts of Married Women. Svo. Jersey City, 1882. Kelly (Richard J.). Law of Newspaper Libel, r2mo. London, 1889. Kelsall (Charles). Translation of the two last Pleadings of Marcus Tullius Cicero against Caius Verres. Svo. Lon- don, 1812. 454 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Kelsey (H. M.), Shall we Simplify our Titles? [Anon.] bvo. London, 1858, [Para., vol. 48.] Keltic (J. S.). Statesman's Year-Book. 12mo. London, 1886. Kelyng (Sir John). Report of Divers Cases in Pleas of the Crown, 1662-1669; with Directions for Justices of the Peace and others. Folio. London, 1708. [Same.] With additional Xotes by G. J. Browne. 8vo. Dublin, 1789. [Same.] 3d ed. With a Treatise upon the Law and Proceedings in Cases of High Treason. Edited by R. L. Loveland. 8vo. London, 1873. Kelynge i^Williain^. Reports, Courts of Chancerv, King's Bench, etc., England, 1730-1732. Folio. London, 1764. [Same.] Xew ed. 8vo. London, 1873. Kenan (Thomas S.\ reporter. North Carolina Reports, vols. 76-91. Kendall (E. A.). Right of an Appellee of Murder to insist on Trial by Battle. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1818. Kennedy (O. G.) and Sandars (J. S.). Law of Land Drainage and Sewers. 8vo. London, 1884. Kennedy (James). Law and Practice of Juries, including Coroner's Inquest, etc. 8vo. London, 1826. Kennedy (John). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Dublin, 1832. [Pani'. Tr.. vol. 5.] Kennedy (Thomas). Genei'al Orders of the High Court of Chancery. 12mo. London, 1850. [Pam., vol. 47.] Kennedy (Major Vans). Remai'ks on the Proceedings of General Courts Martial. 8vo. London, 1825. Kenniston (Levi and Labaii). Trial of, for Robbery. 8vo. Salem, 1817. Kenny (Courtney S.). History of the Law of England as to the Effects of Marriage on Property, and on the Wife's Legal Capacity. 8vo. London, 1879. True Principles of Legislation with regard to Property given for Charitable or other Public Uses. 8vo. London, 1880. THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAE. 455 Kenny (Covirtney S.) and Laurence (P. 31.). Two Essays on the LaAv of Primogeniture. 8vo. London, 1878. Kent (Charles A.). Constitutional History as seen in Amer- ican Law. See Rogers (H, W. ). Kent (George E.). Fish and Game Laws of the State of New York ; also Laws for the Preservation of the Forests. 8vo. Troy, 1888. Kent (James). Address, before the Law Association of the City of New York. 8vo. New York, 183r». [Pam., voL T.] Charter of the City of New York ; with a Treatise on the powers and duties of the Ma^'^or, Aldermen and Assist- ant Aldermen. 8vo. New York, 188r.. [Same.] 8vo. New York, 1851. [Same.] 8vo. New York, 1854. Commentaries on American Law. 4 vols., svo. New York, 1826-30. [Same.] 4th ed. 4 vols., 8vo. ^ York, 184<). [Same.] 10th ed. 4 vols., Svo. Boston, 18f>0. [Same.] 11th ed. Bv C4. F. Comstock. 4 vols., Svo. Boston, 1867. [Same.] 12th ed. By O. ^X . Holmes, Jr. 4 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1873. [Same.] 13th ed. By C. M. Barnes. 4 vols., ^vo. Boston, 1884. [Same.] New ed. Bv W. M. Lacv. 4 vols., svo. Philadelphia, 1889. Commentary on International Law. Edited bv J. T. Abd}'. 2d ed. Svo. Cambridge and London. 1878. See Devereux (J. C-. ). Questions and Answers : — Dickson (F. S.). Analysis. Kent (James) and Radcliff (Jacob). Revised Laws of the State of New York. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1802. Kent (William). Addresses and Proceedings at a Meeting of the Bar of New York, on occasion of his Death. Svo. New York, 1861. [Pam., vol. 5.] 456 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Keiituoky : Reports. Hughes. 1785-1801. IKy. 1 vol. Kentucky Decisions. 1801-1805. 2KV. 1 vol. Hardin. 1805-1808. 3 Ky. 1 vol. Bibb. 1808-1817. 4-7 K'y. 4 vols. Marshall (A. K.). 1817-1821. 8-10 Ky. 3 vols. Littell. 1822-1824. 11-15 Ky. 5 vols. Littell's Select Cases . 1795-1821. 16 Ky. 1 vol. Monroe (T. B.). 1824-1828. 17-23 Ky. 7 vols. Marshall (J. J.). 1829-1832. 24-30 Kv. 7 vols. Dana. 1833-1840. 31-39 Kv. 9 vols. Monroe (Ben.). 1840-1857. 40-57 Ky. 18 vols. Metcalfe. 1858-1863. 58-61 Ky. 4 vols. Duvall. 1863-1866. 62-63 Ky. 2 vols Bush. 1866-1879. 64-77 Ky. 14 vols. Rodman. 1879-1885. 78-82 Ky. 5 vols Hines. 1885-1888. 83-87 Ky. 5 vols Digests of Reports. Pirtle. 1792-1832. 2 vols Monroe & Harlan. 1792-1853. 2 vols Cofer. 1853-1867. 1 vol. Stanton. 1792-1876. 2 vols Barbour. 1792-1878. 2 vols Barbour. 1879-1883. 1 vol. Statutes. Assembly. Date. Assembly. Date. 8th 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1805 1808-9 1809-10 1810-11 1811-12 1812-13 1813-14 1814-15 1815-16 1816-17 1817-18 1818-19 1819-20 29th 1820 9th 30th Oct 1821 10th 30th May, 1822 1822 11th 31st 1 2th 32d 1823-4 14th 33d 1824-5 17th 34th 1825 18th 35th 1826-7 19th 36th 1827-8 20th 37th 1828-9 21st 38th 1829 30 22d J39th 1830-1 23d 40th 1831 24th 41st 1832-3 25th 42d 1833-4 26th 43d 1834-5 27th 44th 1835-6 28th THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. Kentucky : Statutes. — Continued. 457 Session. Regular Regular Regular Regular Called. . Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Called.. Called . . Date. 1836-7 1837-8 1838-9 1839-40 iAug., ]840 } Dec , 1840 1841-2 1842-3 1843-4 1844-5 1845-6 1846-7 1847-8 1848-9 1849-50 1850-1. 2 vols 1851-2 1853-4. 2 vols, 1855-6. 1857-8. 1859-60 Jan., May, 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 1861 18G1 Session. Regular. . . Adjourned Adjourned Called.... Adjourned Regular. . . Adjourned Regular. . . Adjourned Regular. . . Adjourned Regular.. . Adjourned. Regular. . . Adjourned. Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular . . Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular. . . Date. r Sept., 1861 Nov., 1861 \ Feb., 1862 I Aug.. 1862 l^Jan., 1868 1863-4 Jan., 1865. 2 vols 1865-6 Jan. , 1867. 2 vols 1867-8. 2 vols. Jan.. 1869. 2 vols 1869-70. 2 vols Jan., 1871. 2 vols 1871-2. 2 vols. Jan., 1873. 2 vols 1873-4 1875-6. 2 vols. 1877-8. 2 vols. 1879-80. 1881-2. 1883-4. 1885-6. 1887-8. 1889-90. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 3 vols. 3 vols. Compilation of Laws in Force. Printed by J. & F. Brad- ford. 3 vols.. 8vo. Lexington. Vol. 1, 1799 ; Vol. 2, 1807 ; Vol. 3, 1817. Compilation of Acts. (Toulmin.) 1802. Compilation of Laws. (Littell.) 5 vols. 1809-19. Digest of Statutes. (Littell & Swigert.) 2 vols. 1822. Digest of Statutes. (Morehead & Brown. ) 2 vols. 1 ^^34. Digest of Laws. (Loughborough.) 1842. (Wickliffe, Turner & Nichols.) 1852. (Stanton.) 2 vols. 1860. (Myers.) 1859-1865. Revised Statutes. (Stanton.) 2 vols. 1867. General Statutes. (Bullock & Johnson.) 1873. [Same.] (Bullitt & Feland.) 1877. [Same.] 1881. [Same.] 1887. Revised Statutes. Revised Statutes, Digest of Laws. — Miscellaneous. Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice. (Bullitt.) 1876. [Same.] (Carroll.) 1888. Debates and Proceedings, Convention of 1849. Journal, Convention of 1849. Jurisprudence, (Dembitz.) 1890. 458 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Kentucky Bar Association. Reports of Second and Third Annual Meetings, 1883-1884. 2 vols., 8vo. Louisville, 1883-5. Kentucky Decisions, Court of Appeals, 1801-1805. 2d ed. By H. Myers. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1869. Kentucky Law Journal. 2 vols., 4to. Louisville, 1881-3. [Only 7 numbers of vol. 2 published.] Kentucky Law Reporter. 12 vols., svo. Frankfort, 1880-91. Kenyon (Lloyd), Lord. Chancery Reports. See Kenyon's Notes of Cases, vol. 2. — Xotes of Cases, Court of King's Bench, etc., England, 1753-1754. Edited bv J. W. Hanmer. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1819-25. — Life of. Bv G. T. Kenyon. 8vo. London, 1873. Keppel ( Augrustus), Admiral of the Blue Squadron. Trial of, by Court Martial. Reported by Thos. Blandemor. 8vo. Portsmouth, 1779. Ker (H. B.). The Question of Registry or Xo Registry con- sidered : with the Plan of a Register proposed by the Com- missioners for inquiring into the Laws of Real Property. 8vo. London, 1830. [Pam., vol. 25.] Ker ( W. C. A. l Digest of the Law relating to the Sale of Goods. Svo. London, 1888. Kern (John \V. », reporter. Indiana Reports, vols. 100-116. Kernan (Francis), reporter. Xew York Court of Appeals Reports, vols. 11-14. Kernan (Randall). Report of Trials for Riot, Murder, etc., at Ederney and Innishmore. 8vo. Dublin, 1824. Kerr (D. S.). Reports. Supreme Court of New Brunswick, 1838-1845. 2 vols.. 8vo. Saint John. 1843-6. Kerr (James M.). Law of Business Corporations, embracing the New York Manufacturing Act. etc., and the New Jer- sey and West Virginia Acts. 8vo. New York, 1890. Treatise on the Law of Homicide. Svo. New York, 1891. Kerr (James 31. ) and 3IcKiniiey (W. M.), editors, Amer- ican and English Railroad Cases, vols. 34-36. THE AmOCIATION' OF THE BAIL 459 Kerr (M. C), reporter. Indiana Keports, vols. 18-22. Kerr (Robert). On Ancient Lights, and the Evidence of Sur- veyors thereon ; with Tables for Measurement of Obstruc- tions. 8vo. London, 1865, Kerr (Robert M.). An Action at Law ; being an Outline of the Jurisdiction of the Superior Courts of Common Law, of the Proceedings in Personal Actions, and in Ejectment. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. [L. L., vol. 81.] [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1857. Common Law Procedure Act. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1852. • Kerr (William W.). On the Equitable Doctrine as to Mis- take. 8vo. London, 1866. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Principles and Rules of Neutrality — The Foreign Enlist- ment Act — The Alabama. 8vo. London, 1863. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Treatise on the Law and Practice as to Receivers ap- pointed by the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1869. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1882. [Same.] Am. ed. Bv G. T. Bispham. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1872. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877. Treatise on the Law and Practice of Injunctions in Equity. Am. ed. By W, A. Herrick. 8vo. Boston, 1871. ■ [Same.] 2d Am. ed. 8vo. Boston, 1880. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. By F. S. Dickson. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1889. — Treatise on the Law of Discovery. 8vo. London, 1870. Treatise on the Law of Fraud and Mistake. Am. ed. By O. F. P>ump. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1883. Kessler (Abraham). Abstract of a Report of the Trial of, for Poisoning his Wife. [See Cooper (Thos.). Tracts on Medical Jurisprudence.] Keyes (Emerson W.). New York Code of Public Instruc- tion. 8vo. Albany, 1879. Reports, Court of Appeals, New York, 1863-1868. ■! vols., 8vo. Albany, 1867-9. 460 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Iveyes (^AVacle). Essay on the Learning of Future Interests in Real Property. Svo. Montgomer}'^, 1S53, Essay on tlie Learning of Partial, and of Future Interests in Chattels Personal. Svo. Montgomery, 1S53. Essay on the Learning of Remainders. Svo. Mont- gomery, 1S52. (editor). Alabama Revised Code. Keyes (Wade) and Wood (F. 31.). Code of Alabama. 8vo. Montgomery, 1S77. Keyser (Henry). Law relating to Transactions on the Stock Exchange. Svo. London. 1850. Kilfoyle i William). Trial of, for Murder. Reported by James Mongan. Svo. Dublin. 1832. Kilkerraii (Sir James rerg:ussoii ), Baronet. See Fer- gusson. Kilty (AA^illiam). Laws of Marvland, ir>91-lT99. 2 vols., 4to. Annapolis, 1799-1800. Report of the English Statutes in ^Maryland, ito. An- napolis, 1811. Kilty (AVilliam), Harris (T.) and AVatkiiis (J. N.). Laws of Marvland. IsoO-lSlS. 5 vols., svo. Annapolis, 1820. Kimball (J. G.). See Davidge (J. B. V.) and Kimball's Internal Revenue Laws. Kiiialian (^Daiiiel). Office and Dutv of Church-Warden. .svo. Dublin, 1835. [Pam.. vol. 39.] King (Henry C.\ Digest of the Judicial Decisions of the State of Tennessee. 2d ed. 3 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1880. [Same.] Supplement. 1880-1888. Svo. Chicago, 1888. King (John Q. A.). Laws and Rules of Practice in Col- orado. With the Mining Laws of the United States and Colorado. Svo. Denver, 1880. King >vo. Edinburgh. 1886. Kii*tland (Dorance). Treatise on the Practice in Surro- gates' Courts in the State of Xew York. Svo. Albany, 18.35. Kir^vall i^A. V.). See Carrington (F. A.j and Kirwan's EngHsh Nisi Prius Reports. Kit chin (John). Jurisdictions: or. The Lawful Authority of Courts Leet. etc. 5th ed. By R. Antrobus and T. Impey. 12mo. London, 1675. Klinghanimer (K.i. Das Staatsrecht des Fui*stenthums Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. Svo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Kliiber iJohann Lndwigi. Droit des Gens Moderne de I'Europe. 2 vols.. >vo. Paris, 1831. [Same.] Xouvelle ed. par A. Ott. Svo. Paris, 1861. Krvptograpliik : Lehrbuch der Geheimschreibekunst, Chiffrir- und Dechiflrirkunst. in Staats- und Privatge- schaften. Svo. Tubingen, 1809. Kliigniann (K.i. Das Staatsrecht der freien und Hansestadt Lubeck. svo. Freiburg. 1884. [See Marquardsen (IL).] Knapp I Andrew) and Baldwin (Wm.). The Xewgate Calendar. 4 vols., svo. London. 1S24-S. Knapp (Clark D. i. Treatise on the Law of Partition of Real and Pei-sonal Property. Svo. Xew York. 1887. Treatise on the Laws of Xew York relating to the Poor, Insane. Idiots and Habitual Drunkards. Svo. Rochester, 1887. Knapp (Jerome W."). Reports. Privy Council. England, 182y-l>36. 3 vols., 8vo. London. 1831-6. See Perry (H. J.) and Knapp's Election Cases. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 463 Kiiapp (Jerome W.) and Moore (E. F.). See Knapp's Re- ports of Cases in the Priv^y Council, vol. 3. Kiiapp (Jerome W.) and Ombler (Edward). English Election Cases, 1S3-1-35. 8vo. London, 1837. Kiiapp (John F.). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Boston, 1 S80. [Same.] 8vo. Salem, 183(>. Second Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Salem, 1830. [Same.] Svo. Boston, 1830. Kiiapp (Samuel L.). Biographical Sketches of eminent Law- yers, Statesmen, etc. 8v^o. Boston, 1821. Kueelaiid (Abiier). Review of the Prosecution of. Svo. Boston, 1835. Speech of Andrew Dunlap, in Defence of. Svo. Boston, 183-1. [Pam. Tr., vol. 10.] Trial of, for Blasj)hemy. Report of the Arguments for the ('Ommon wealth. Svo. Boston, 1834. Kneelaud (S. F.). Commercial Law Register. 8v<). Albany, 1873. Treatise on the Law oi Attachments in Civil Ceases. Svo. New York, ISS-t. — Treatise upon the Principles governing the Acquisition and Enforcement of Mechanics' Liens. Svo. New York, 1876. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1882. Kiiiep (K. F. F.). Die Mora des Schuldners. 2 vols., Svo. Rostock, 1871-2. Knight (Charles). Complete AYorks of Shakespeare. 3 vols., 4to. New York, 185-1-0. Knight (Edward H.). American Mechanical Dictionary. 3 vols., roy. Svo. New York, 1876. Knight's Annotated Model Byelaws of the Local Govern- ment Board. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1885. Knobloch (A. F. ). Digest of the Reported Decisions in Crim- inal Cases contained in the Louisiana Reports. Svo. New Orleans, 1887. Knowles (John P.), reporter. Rhode Island Reports, vol. 3. 464 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Knox (^John Jay). United States Xotes. A History of the various issues of Paper Money by the Government of the United States ; with Appendix containing the recent Decis- ion of the U. S. Supreme Court. '!& ed. Svo. Xew York, 1S85. Koch (C. F.u Allgemeines Deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch. 2. Ausij:. Svo. Berhn, 1S6S. Kohler ( J. ). Menschenhiilfe im Privatrecht. Svo. Jena. 1886. Kookogey (William P.). Patent Law in Brief. Svo. New York. ISSJr. Koppeii iC. F. A.). System des heutigen Eomischen Erbrechts. Svo. Jena, lSOi\ Kortkanipf ( Fr. ). Yerhandhmgen der Reichs-Justiz-Kommis- sion und des Reichstags iiber die Entwiirfe der Reichs- Justiz-Gesetze. 3 vols., Svo. Berhn. 1S7S-SI. 1. Strafprozess-Ordnung. Neue Ausg. ISSl. 2. Civilprozess-Ordnung. 1S7S. 3. Gerichts-Yerfassung. Xeue Ausg. 1881. Kotze yJ. G. ). Cases decided in the High Court of the Trans- vaal Province, 1ST7-1SS1. Svo. Pretoria. 1SS5. Kritiselie Ueberscliau der Deutsclieii Gesetzgebung und Reclitswissenscliaft. (i vols., Svo. Miinchen, 1S53-9. Ki'itiselie Vierteljalirsschrift fiir Gesetzgebuiig iiiid Reclitswissenscliaft. 32 vols.. Svo. Miinchen. etc., 1S59-90. Register. Band l-ll*. 2 vols.. Svo. Munchen, 1868-7S. Ki'iiger (Paul). Geschichte der Quellen und Litteratur des Romischen Rechts. Svo. Leipzig, ISSS. Kritische Yei'suche im Gebiete des Romischen Rechts. Svo. Berlin, 1870. Kiniger (Paul) and Studeinund i AYilhelni ). Gai Institu- tiones iterum ediderunt. Svo. Berolini, 1SS4. Ku Klux Trials ; in the U. S. Circuit Court at Columbia, South Carohna. Svo. Columbia. 1S72. Kulp (George B.\ editor. Luzerne Legal Register Reports. Kuiitze (J. E.). Die Lehre von den Inhaberpapieren. Svo. Leipzig. 1857. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 465 Kyd (Stewart). Treatise on the Law of Awards. Svo. Dub- lin, 1791. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1799. Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange and Promis- sory Notes. Svo. Dublin, 1T91. ■ [Same.] 2d Amer. ed. 12mo. Albany, 1800. Treatise on the Law of Corporations. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1793-4. Kynett (A. J.) and Cotton (W. W.). Laws and Forms relating to Churches and other Religious Societies ; being the Laws of the several States and Territories. Svo. New York, 1S87. Kyimersley (T. C. S.). Law relating to Juvenile Offenders, Eeformatory and Industrial Schools. 12mo. London, 1862. 30 466 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF L. Labaiid (P.). Das Staatsrecht des Deutschen Reiches. 3 vols., 8vo. Tubingen, lSTf)-S2. [Same.] Svo. Freiburg, 1883. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Labatt (Henry J. ). Digest of California Reports. 2 vols., rov. Svo. San Francisco, 1861. Practice Act of California. Svo. San Francisco, 1856. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. San Francisco, 1858. Reports, District Courts of California. Vol. 1. Svo. San Francisco, 1857. Lacey (John F.). Digest of Railway Decisions. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1875-84. Lackawanna Bar. Svo. Scranton, 1878. [Only 9 num- bers. 117 pages, published.] LackaAvanna Legal Record. Svo. Scranton, Pa. 1878-9. Laconibe (^E. H.) and Masten (A. H.V Table of Cases, involving Questions of Law peculiar to the City and County of Xew York. Svo. Xe\v York, 1882. Laconibe ( Paul ). Memoire sur Tetablissement d\m Tribunal International et la redaction d'un Code International. Svo. London, 1876. [See Marcoartu, Arturo de.] Lacy (AVilliani 31.), editor. Kent's Commentaries on Amer- ican Law. Ladd (William S. ), reporter. Xew Hampshire Reports, vols. 59-64. Ladd (William AV., Jr.), editor. American Probate Reports, vols. 1-4. American Railway Reports, vols. l9 vols, in 179. 4to. London, 1832-90. — Analytical Digest. 12 vols.. 4to. London, 1831-86. — Statutes. 33 vols.. 4to. London, 182.1r-90. Law Journal. Edited by J. Morgan. T. W. "Williams and others. 2 vols.. Svo. London, 1803-4. Law Journal. Edited bv J. P. Smith. 3 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1805-7. Law Journal Law Tracts. A Collection of Law Tracts pubhshed in the years 1825 and 1826, 1828 and 1829, in the Law Journal. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1826-30. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 473 Law Journal (Lower Canada). See Lower Canada Law Journal. Law Journal (Upper Canada). See Upper Canada Law Journal. Law Library. Edited by Thomas Sargeant, John C. Lowber and others. 104 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833-60. 1. Theobald on Principal and Surety. Blanshard on Limitations. Wilkinson on Limitations. Brad by on Distresses. 2. Shelford on Lunacy. 3. Piatt on Covenants. Sugden on Sales of Estates. Hennell's Forms of Declarations. Cornish on Uses. 4. Woolrych on Ways. Ellis on Insurance and Annuities. Perpigna on Patents. 5. Leigh and Dalzell on Conversion. Allnatt on Partition. Cary on Partnership. Comyn on Usury. 6. Comyn on Landlord and Tenant. Babington on Set-off. Wilkinson on Replevin. 7. Watson's Office of Sheriff. Hayes on Estates for Life. 8. Ram on Assets. Ram on Devises. 9. Hurlestone's Law of Bonds. Ram on Legal Judgments. Dwarris on Statutes. Matthews' Guide to Executors. 10. Petersdorff on Bail. Willis on Trustees. Fletcher on Estates of Trustees. 11. Watson on Arbitration and Awards. Park on Dower. Wilson on Springing Uses. 12. Ross on Sales of Personal Property. Robertson on Personal Succession. 13. Bingham on Judgments and Exe- cutions. Wigram's Law of Discovery. Poynter on Marriage and Divorce. Gibbon's Law of Fixtures. 14. Willcock on Municipal Corpora- tions. Warren on Law Studies. 15. Bagley's Practice at Chambers. Sugden on Powers. Vol. 1. 16. Sugden on Powers. Vol. 3. Byles on Bills of Exchange. 17. Calvert on Parties to Suits in Equity. Smith's Mercantile Law. 18. Coote's Law of Mortgage. Ward on Legacies. 19. Smith's Leading Cases. Vol. 1. Babington's Law of Auctions. 20. Atkinson on Marketable Titles to Real Estate. Watkins on Conveyancing (by Pres- ton). Gilbert on Rents. 21. Powell on Devises (by Jarman). Vol. 1. 22. Powell on Devises (by Jarman). Vol. 2. Beames on Costs in Equity. 23. Burton on Real Property. Smith's Leading Cases. Vol. 2, part 1. 24. Lewin on Trusts and Trustees. Schultes on Aquatic Rights. 25. Lovelass on Wills. Stock on the Law of Non-Compotes Mentis. 26. Mansel on Demurrer. Coventry on Conveyancer's Evi- dence. 27. Atherley on Marriage Settlements. Stephen's Criminal Law. 28. Paley's Principal and Agent. Roscoe on Real Actions. Vol. 1. 29. 30. Roscoe on Real Actions. Vol. 2. Willcock's Office of Constable. Worthington's Power of Juries. Smith's Leading Cases part 2. Sheppard's Touchstone. Vol, Vol. 2, 1. 474 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Law Library. — Continued. 31. Sheppard's Touchstone. Vol. 2. | Roper on Husband and Wife. Vol. 1. part 1. 3"2. Roper on Husband and Wife. Vol. 1, part 2. and vol. 2. 33. Shelford on Marriage and Divorce. 34. Cross' Law of Lien. Eden's Bankrupt Law. Part 1. 35. Eden's Bankrupt Law. Part 2. Willis' Pleading.v 3G. Drewry on Injunctions. Shelford on Mortmain. Part 1. 37. Shelford on Mortmain. Part 2. Bennet's Master's Practice. 38. Wooddeson's Lectures on the Law of England. Vols. 1 and 2. 39. Wooddeson's Lectures on the Law of England. Vol. 3. Wordsworth on Joint Stock Com- panies. Part 1. 40. Wordsworth on Joint Stock Com- panies. Part 2. Joy on Admissibility of Confessions in Criminal Cases, and on Chal- lenge of Juries. froldsmith's Practice in Equity. Pitman on Principal and Surety. 41. Macpherson on Infancy. Wills on Evidence. 42. Bissett on Estates for Life. Preston on Estates. Vol. 3: Mer- ger. Winslow on the Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases. 43. Smith's Leading Cases. 2d ed. Vol. 1. 44. Smith's Leading Cases. 2d ed. Vol. 2. 45. Browne on Actions at Law. Joy on the Evidence of Accom- plices. 46. Se well's Law of Sheriff. 48. 49. 50. 53. 54. 56. Best on the Presumptions of Law and Fact. Miller's Law of Equitable Mort- srases. Evidence of Succession. 58. 59. 60. Gl. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. Law of Real Projierty. Hubback Hubback's Evidence of Succession. Russell on Factors and Brokers. Archbold's Nisi Prius. Vol. 1 and vol. 2. part 1. Archbold's Nisi Prius. Vol. 2, part 2. Bell on Contract of Sale. Broom's Legal Maxims. Tamlyn's Law of Evidence. Billings' Law of Awards. Grady's Law of Fixtures. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity. Notes of Recent Leading Cases. Archbold's Law of Landlord and Tenant. Cooke on Defamation. Crabb s Law of Real Property. Vol. 1. Crabb"; Vol. Smith's Law of Contracts. Broom on Parties to Actions. Cole on Criminal Informations, etc. Part 1. Cole on Criminal Informations, etc. Part 2. Pulling on Mercantile Accounts. Blackburn on Contract of Sale. Phillimore's Law of Domicil. Lee on Abstracts of Title. Oliphant on the Law of Horses, Haciug, etc. Watson on Arbitration and Awards. Macqueen on Husband and Wife. Part 1. Smith on Actions at Law. Worthington on Wills. Long's Discourses. Coode on Legislative Expression. Byles on Bills of Exchange. Williams on Personal Property. Raymond on Bill of Exceptions. Notes of Recent Leading Cases. Whitworth's Equity Precedents. Russell's Arbitrator. Sugden's Law of Property. Vol. 1. White and Tudor's Leading Cases. By Hare and Wallace. Vol. 1. Macqueen on Husband and Wife. Part 2. Lewis' Law of Perpetuity. Best on the Principles of Evidence. Supplement. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE JBAE. 475 Law Library. — Continned. 67. Batten on Contracts. Bell on the Law of Property as to Husband and Wife. 68. Adams' Doctrine of Equity. Forsyth on the Law of the Custody of Infants. Wildman's Institutes of Interna- tional Law. Vol. 1. 69. Coote's Law of Mortgage. Part 1. 70. Coote's Law of Mortgage. Part 3. Wildman's Institutes of Interna- tional Law. Vol. 2. 71. White and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. By Hare and Wal- lace. Vol. 2, part 1. 73. White and Tudor's Leading Cases. Vol. 3, part 3. 73. Foster on the Writ of Scire Facias. Lund on the Substantive Law relat- ing to Letters Patent for Inven- tions. Hindmarch on the Defects of the Patent Law of England. 74. Wharton's Principles of Convey- ancing. Cases temp. King. 3d ed. By Macnaghten. 75. Smith's Master and Servant. Kelly oa Usury. 76. Tapping's Law and Practice of Mandamus. 93 77. Norman's Law and Practice in Let- ters Patent for Inventions. Collier's Treatise on Law of Mines. Moore's Instruction for Preparing Abstracts of Title. Pollock's Treatise on the Power of the Courts of Common Law to compel the Production of Docu- ments for inspection. 78. Woolrych on the Law of Waters. Poison's Principles of the Law of Nations. Home on Diplomacy. 79. Bunyon's Law of Life Assurance. Locke on Foreign Attachment in the Lord Mayor's Court. Drewry's Law and Practice of In- junctions. Supplement. 80. Grant on Corporations. 81. Kerr on an Action at Law. Dearsly on Criminal Process. 83. Ross' Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Vol. 1. 83. Phillimore's Commentaries upon International Law. Vol. 1. Pothier on the Contract of Part- nership. By 0. D. Tudor. 84. Bowyer on Universal Public Law. Levi on Mercantile Law. 85. Ross' Leading Cases on Commer- cial Law. Vol. 3. 86. Lindley on the Study of Juris- prudence. Parsons on Wills. 87. Coryton on Letters Patent. Macnamara on Nullities and Irreg- ularities. 88. Phillimore on International Law. Vol. 3. 89. Smith on Real and Personal Prop- erty. 90. Cornish on Purchase Deeds. Jones' History of the French Bar. 91. Broom's Commentaries on the Com- mon Law. 93. Mayne on the Law of Damages. Bucknill on Criminal Lunacy. Grant on Bankers and Banking. 94. Fisher on Mortgages. Grapel's Sources of the Roman Civil Law. 95. Phillimore on International Law. Vol. 3. 96. Roberts on Principles of Equity. Powell's Practice of the Law of Evidence. 97. Lewin on Trusts and I'rustees. Part 1. 98. Lewin on Trusts and Trustees. Part 2. Haynes on Equity. 99. Ross' Leading Cases on Commer- cial Law. Vol. 3. 100. Fry on Specific Performance. Phear on Rights of Water. 476 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF LaAV Library. — Continxied. 101. Westlake on Conflict of Laws. Appleton's Kules of Evidence. 103. Lindley on Partnership. Vol. 2. Beaumont on Bills of Sale. 104. Tower on Debtor and Creditor. Hunter on Suits in Equity. 102. Lindley on Partnership. Vol. 1. Law Library (New). See jS"evv^ Law Library. Law List (The). 14 vols., 12mo. London, 1872, 1878-90. Law Magazine ; or. Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence. 31 vols., 8vo. London, 1828-4-1. [Same.] New Series. 24 vols., 8vo. London, 1844-56. [Same.] Second Series. 32 vols., 8vo. London, 1856-72. [Same.] Third Series. 4 vols.> 8vo. London, 1872-5. [Same.] Fourth Series. 16 vols., 8vo. London, 1875-91. Law^ Notes. A Monthly JVIagazine for Law Students and Practitioners. 6 vols., small 4to. London, 1882-7. LaAV of Claims against Governments; including the ]\lode of Adjusting them and the Procedure adopted in their Investigation. 8vo. AVashington, 1875. [43d Cong., 2d Sess. House Eeport. no. 134.] Law of Corporations ; containing the Laws and Customs of all the Corporations, and Inferior Courts of Record in Eng- land. 8vo. London, 1702. Law of Nations. Controversy concerning the Law of Na- tions, specially relative to Prussia's Attachment of British Funds, by wa}^ of Reprisal for English Captures. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837. [See International Law Tracts.] Law Qnarterly Review. 7 vols., 8vo. London, 1885-91. Law Quibbles ; or, A Treatise of the Evasions, Tricks, Turns and Quibbles, commonly used in the Profession of the Law. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1726. Law Recorder (Irish). 4 vols., 4to. Dublin, 1828-31. New Series. 6 vols., 4to. Dublin, 1833-8. Third Series. See Irish Equity Reports. Law Reform Hnmbng Unmasked. By a Lawver. Svo. London, 1S32. |Pam., vol. 44.] Law Reform Tracts. 4 nos., 8vo. New York, 1852-5. [Pam., vol. 8.] 1. The Administration of the Code. 2. Evidence on the Operation of the Code. 3. Codification of the Common Law. 4. Competency of Parties as Witnesses for themselves. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 477 Law Reform Tracts. By a Member of the Ohio Bar. 8vo. Columbus, 1849. Law Reform. Transfer of Land. Svo. London, 1852. Law Reporter. 10 vols., Svo. Boston, 1839-48. ■ New Series. 17 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1849-60. [Only 7 numbers of vol. 17 published.] Law Reporter. See Law Times Reports, New Series, vols. 1-8. Law Reports (The). Published under the direction of the Council of Law reporting. Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1867-75. Appeal Cases. 15 vols., Svo. London, 1876-90. Chancer}' Appeal Cases. 10 vols., Svo. London, 1866-75. Chancery Division. 45 vols., Svo. London, 1876-90. Common Pleas Cases. 10 vols., Svo. London, 1866-75. Common Pleas Division. 5 vols., Svo. London, 1876-80. Crown Cases Reserved. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1872-5. English and Irish Appeals. 7 vols., Svo. London, 1866-75. Equity Cases. 20 vols., Svo. London, 1866-75. Exchequer Cases. 10 vols., Svo. London, 1866-75. Exchequer Division. 5 vols., Svo. London, 1876-80. Indian Appeals. 17 vols., Svo. London, 1874-90. Indian Appeals (Supplemental), 1872-1873. Svo. Lon- don, 1880. Privy Council Appeals. 6 vols., Svo. London, 1867-75. Probate and Divorce. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1869-75. Probate Division. 15 vols., Svo. London, 1876-90. Queen's Bench Cases. 10 vols., Svo. London, 1866-75. Queen's Bench Division. 25 vols., Svo. London, 1876-90. Registration Cases, determined by the Court of Common Pleas. Svo. London, 1868-71. [Only 3 nos., 367 pages, published.] Scotch and Divorce Appeals. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1869- 75. Digest of Cases, 1865-1880. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1882. [Same.] 1881-1885. Svo. London, 1886. Public General Statutes. 27 vols., Svo. London, 1866- 90. See Weekly Notes. Law Reports (Ireland). 26 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1879-91. Law Review. See American Law Review. 478 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Law Re^^ew and Quarterly Journal of British and Foreign Jurisprudence. 23 vols.. Svo. London, 1844-56. [Only 4»'.S pages of vol. 23 published.] Law Society of the United Kingdom. Catalogue of the Library. Svo. London, 1851, [Same.] 8vo. London, 1869. Law Students' Journal. 8 vols., small 4to. London, 1879-^6. Law Students' 3Ioiitlily. A Periodical containing Prize Essays from the various Law Schools. Edited by Geo. W. Pepper. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. Law Times. 90 vols. Folio. London, 1843-91. Law Times. Xew Series. See Luzerne Law Times. La^v Times. Old Series. See Luzerne Law Times. Law Times Reports. New Series. 63 vols., 8vo. London, 1860-91. Lawes (Edward). Suggestions for Alterations of the Law. Svo. London, 1827. [Pam., vol. 39.] Treatise on Charter-Parties of Affreig-htment, Bills of Lading, and Stoppage in Transitu. Svo. London, 1813. Treatise on Pleading in Assumpsit. Am. ed. By J. Story. Svo. Boston, 1811. Lawranee (George W. i. Precedents of Deeds of Arrange- ment between Debtors and Creditors. 2d ed. Svo. Lon- don, 1886. LaAvrence (Abraham R. i. Tax Laws of the City of Xew York. Svo. Xew York, 1859. [Same.] 2<1 ed. >vo. ^'ew York, 1863. Lawrence (Basil E. ). History of the Laws affecting the Propertv of Married "Women in England. Svo. London, 1S84. LawTence (Frederick). The Circuit System ; its influence on the Aihninistration of Justice, etc. Svo. London, 1863. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Lawrence (Nathaniel T.i. Facts and Suggestions as to the Law of Keal Property. Svo. London, 1880. [Pam., vol. 39.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 479 Lawrence (Philip H.). Compulsory Sale of Real Estate under the powers of the Partition Act. 8vo. London, 1877. Liawreiice (T. J.). Essays on Modern International Law. 2d ed. 12nio. Cambridge, 1885. Hand Book of Public International Law. 12mo. Cambridge, 1885. Lawrence (William). Decisions of the First Comptroller, U. S. Treasury Department. 2d ed. vols., 8vo. Wash- ington, 1880-5. — (reporter), Ohio Reports, vol. 20. Law^rence (William Beach). Belligerent and Sovereign Rights as regards Neutrals during the War of Secession. Argument before the Mixed Commission on British and American Claims. 8vo. Boston, 1873. [Pam., vol. 4.] Disabilities of American Women Married Abroad. Foreign Treaties of the United States in conflict with State Laws, relative to the transmission of Real Estate to Aliens. 8vo. New York, 1871. Etude de Legislation Comparee et de Droit Interna- tional sur le Mariage. 8vo. Gand, 1870. Etudes sur la Juridiction Consulaire en pays Chretiens et en pays non Chretiens, et sur I'Extradition. 8vo. Leipzig, 1880. [See Wheaton's Droit International par Laurence, vol. 4-.] Indirect Claims of the United States under the Treaty of Washington. 8vo. Providence, 1872. [Pam., vol. 11.] Letter to John Westlake on an International Code. 8vo. Newport, 1866. [Pam., vol. 21.] The Treaty of Washington. 8vo. Pr-ovidence, ls71. I Pam., vol. 1. j — Visitation and Search ; or, An Historical Sketch of the British Claim to Exercise a Maritime Police over the Vessels of all Nations, in Peace as well as in War. Svo. Boston, 1858. — (editor). Wheaton's Elements of International Law. Lawrence (William Beach) vs. Dana (Richard H.). Copyright Case. 8vo. Boston, 1866. [Pam., vol. 12.] Laws Concerning Travelling, etc. 12mo. London, 1718. 480 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB E ART OF Lawsou ^^ James A.). On the Practicability of Codifying English Law ; with a Specimen Code of the Law of Evidence. 8vo. Dubhn. 1S72. [Paui., vol. 39.] » On the Present State of the Law and Practice in Ireland Tvith respect to AVills. Svo. Dublin, 1852. [Pam., vol. 45.] ■ See Connor (H.) and Lawson's Irish Chancery Reports. Lawsoii (John D.). Adjudged Cases on Insanity as a Defeuce to Crime ; with Xotes. Svo. St. Louis, lSS-1. Civil Remedy for Injuries arising from the Sale or Gift of Intoxicating Liquors. Svo. St. Louis, ISTT. [Pam., vol. 32.] Concordance of "Words and Phrases construed in the Judicial Reports, and of Legal Definitions contained therein. Svo. St. Louis, 1883. Disabilities of Parties in Defences to Crime. Svo. San Francisco, 1SS5. Index-Digest to the Central Law Journal. 12mo. St. Louis, 1881. Law of Expert and Opinion Evidence reduced to Rules. Svo. St. Louis, 1883. Law of Presumptive Evidence. Svo. San Francisco, 1885. Law of Usages and Customs ; with illustrative Cases. Svo. St. Louis, ISSl. Leading Cases Simplified : a Collection of the Leading Cases of the Common Law. Svo. St. Louis, 1882. [Same.] A Collection of the Leading Cases in Equity, and Constitutional Law. Svo. St. Louis, 1883. [Same.] A Collection of the Leading Cases in Criminal Law. Svo. St. Louis, 1884. Rights, Remedies and Practice at Law, in Equit}", and under the Codes. A Treatise on American Law in Civil Causes : with a Digest of illustrative Cases. 7 vols., Svo. San Francisco, 1889-90. — [Same.] Index-Digest. Svo. San Francisco, 1891. — Special Defences to Crimes against Persons and Prop- erty. Svo. San Francisco, 1SS5. — Special Defences to Crimes against the Public. Svo. San Francisco, 1SS5. — Treatise on the Contracts of Common Carrier. Svo. St. Louis, 1880. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 481 Lawsoii (William N.). Law and Practice as to Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks. 8vo. London, 18Si. [Same.] 2(1 ed. 8vo. London, 1889. Lawyer's and Magistrate's Magazine. ?> vols., Svo. Dublin, 1792-L Lawyer's and Magistrate's Magazine. t'> vols., Svo. London, 1790-4. Lawyers' Club (New York City). By-laws, KoU of Mem- bers, etc. 3 vols., 12mo. New York, 1888-91. Lawyers' Reports, Annotated. 10 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1888-91. Lawyers' Title Insurance Company. By-Laws, etc. 8vo. New York, 1887-8. [Para., vol. 18.] Layton (Alfred T. ). Models of Bills of Costs. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1881. Laji^on (Alfred T.) and Hart (H. W.). Guide to Making and Proving Wills. [See Hudson (Corrie).] Lea (Benjamin J.). Reports, Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1878-1886. 16 vols., Svo. Nashville, 1879-86. Lea (H. C). Superstition and Force ; Essays on the Wager of Law, etc. 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1870. Lea (James), et al. Trials of, for Arson. Svo. London, 1832. Leach (Arthur F.). Club Cases; with reference to the Liabilities and Expulsion of Members. 2d ed. ; with the Labouchere Case. Svo. London, 1879. Leach (Thomas). English Crown Cases, 1730-1814. 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, ISoO. [Same.] Ith ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1815. (editor). Croke's Reports. Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown. Modern Reports. Shower's Reports. Leading Cases in Equity. See White (F. T.) and Tudor (O. D.). Leading Ecclesiastical Cases, decided in the Court of Session, Scotland, 1849-1871. Reprinted from the Court of Session Reports. Svo. Edinburgh, 1878. 31 482 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Leake (John G.). Will Case. Opinion of the Surrogate. Svo. Xew York, 1828. [Pam., vol. 12.] Leake (Stephen M.). Digest of the Law of Uses and Profits of Land. 8yo. London, 1888. Elementary Digest of the Law of Contracts. Yol. 1. Svo. London, 1878. Elementary Digest of the Law of Property in Land. bvo. London, 1874. Some Points in the Theory of the Law of Property. Svo. London. 1857. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] The Statute of Frauds as it affects the Law of Contracts. Svo. London, 1856. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Taxation of Suitors. Svo. London, ISHO. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] ■ See BuUen (Ed.) and Leake's Precedents of Pleadings. Learning (Aaron) and Spicer (^Jacob). Grants, Conces- sions, and original Constitutions of the Province of Xew Jersey ; Acts passed during the Proprietary Governments, etc., 1664-1702. Folio. Philadelphia, 1752. [Same.] Reprint. Svo. Somerville, X. J., 1881. Leapingwell (George). Manual of the Roman Civil Law. Svo. Cambridge, 1859. Leavitt (John B.]. Letter to George W. Green on Mr. Field's Code. Svo. Xew York, 1887. [Pam., vol. 35.] Open Letter to D. D. Field upon the subject of the Adoption of his Civil Code. Svo. Xew York, 1886. [Pam. vol. 33.] Le Blanc (Antoine). Trial of, for Murder. 2d ed. Svo. Morriston, X. Y.. 1833. Lebon (Andrei. Das Staatsrecht der Franzosischen Republik. Svo. Freiburg, 1886. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Le Cras (Abraham J.). Laws. Customs, and Privileges, and their Administration, in the Island of Jersey ; with Xotices of Guernsey. 12mo. London, 1839. Lee (C. H. ). The Judge Advocate's Yade Mecum. 2d ed. 8vo. Richmond, 1864. Lee (Maj.-Gen. Charles'). Trial of by Court-Martial at Bruns- wick, X. J.. Julv 4, 1778. Reprinted. Svo. Xew York, 1864. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 483 Lee (Sir George). English Ecclesiastical Keports, 1752- 1758. Edited by Joseph Phillimore. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1832-3. Lee (Harvey), reporter. California Reports, vols. 9-12. Lee (James F.). See Cohen (J. I.) and Lee's Digest of Maryland Eeports. Lee (John D.). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Salt Lake City, 1875. Lee (John G.). Hand-Book for Coroners, and Guide to the Physician in Post-Mortem Examinations. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1881. Lee (John Y.). Treatise on the Evidence of Abstracts of Title to Real Property. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. [L, L., vol. 58.] Lee (Mrs. R. F. A.). Essay on Government. Svo. London, 1809. Lee (Richard). Treatise of Captures in War. svo. Lon- don, 1759. Lee (Richard H.). Observations on the System of Govern- ment proposed by the Federal Convention. 8vo. Xew York, 1787. [See Ford (Paul L.).] Lee (Samnel) vs. Rainey (Joseph H.). Contestetl Elec- tion. Svo. Washington, 1876. [Pam. Tr., vol. 8.] Lee (Thomas), editor. Cases temp. Hardwicke. Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Lees (Dr.). The British Constitution. By a Doctor of Laws. [Anon.] 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1811. Lees (James). Laws of Shipping and Insurance. 5th ed. 8vo. Liverpool, 1852. Leese (Walter A.), reporter. Nebraska Reports, vol. 26. Leeuwen (Simon van). Censura Forensis. Translated into English. 3 vols., Svo. Cape Town, 1883-5. Part I. Book 1. Law of Persons. By W. P. Schreiner. Part I. Book 2. Law of Things. By A. J. Foord. Part I. Book 3. Testamentary and Intestate Succession. By A. J. Foord. Commentaries on Roman-Dutch Law. Revised and edited, with Notes. By C. W. Decker. Translated from the original Dutch bv J. G. Kotze. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1881-6. 484 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Leeward Islands : Statutes. Acts of Assembl}', passed in the Cliaribbee Leeward Isl- ands, 1690-1705. Folio. London, 1710. Acts of Assembly, 1690-1730. Folio. London, 1731:. [Same.] Folio. London, 1740. See Antigua ; — Montserrat ; — Nevis ; — St. Ciiristopher. Letevre (G. S.). Freedom of Land. See Practical Politics. Lefroy (A. H. F.) and Cassels (R. S.). Notes of Practice Cases, illustrative of the Ontario Judicature Act and Orders, 1881-1883. 12mo. Toronto, 1883. Lefroy (Thomas). Analysis of the Criminal Law of Ireland. 2d ed. By Thomas H. Barton. 8vo. Dublin, 1862. See Schoales (John) and Lefroy's Irish Chancery Ee- ports. Legal Adviser. 12 vols., folio. Chicago, 1880-91. Legral and Financial Register (Sloan's). 21 vols., 8vo. New York, 1878-90. Legal and Insurance Reporter. Vols. 1-5. Folio. Philadelphia, 1860-3. Legal Chronicle Reports. Cases decided in the Supreme Court, etc., of Pennsylvania, 1873-1875. Edited by Sol. Foster, Jr. 3 vols., 8vo. Pottsville, 1874-7. [Only 60 pages of vol. 3 published.] Legal Examiner. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1831-2. Legal Examiner and Law Chronicle. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1833-5. Legal Gazette. 8 vols., folio. Philadelphia, 1869-76. [Only 168 pages of vol. 8 published.] Legal Gazette Reports of Cases. Originally reported in the Legal Gazette, 1869-72. Edited by John H. Campbell. Vol. 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. [No more published.] Legal Guide. 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1838-41. Legal Intelligencer. Vols. 10-48. Folio. Philadelphia, 1853-91. Legal Intelligencer. Condensed. See Philadelphia Re- ports. Legal News. 14 vols., 8vo. Montreal, 1878-91. Legal News (Chicago). See Chicago Legal News. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 485 JLegal Observer ; or, Journal of Jurisprudence. 52 vols., Svo, London, 1831-56. Legal Record Reports ; containing chiefly Decisions in the Courts of Common Pleas of Pennsylvania, 1879-1882. Reported by A. J. Pilgram and L. B. Walker. 2 vols., Svo. Potts ville, 1882-3. Legal Reporter. Original and Miscellaneous Matter. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1840-3. [Only 26 numbers of vol. 3 published.] Reports. 3 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1840-3. [Only 198 pages of vol. 3 published.] Legal Reporter (Nashville). See Tennessee Legal Reporter. Legal Review. From Nov. 1812 to July 1813. 8vo. Lon- don, 1813. Legal Tender Acts. Their Constitutionality considered, by S. T. Spear. 8vo. New York, 1875. [Pam., vol. 1.] Legal Tender Cases. Svo. New York, 1863. [Same.] Svo. New York, 1872. Le Gentil (Constant). Origines du Droit. Essai Historique sur les Preuves sous les Legislations Juive, Egyptienne, Indienne, Grecques et Romaine ; avec quelques Notes touchant les Lois Barbares et le Vieux Droit Fran9ais. 4to. Paris, 1863. Legge (Thomas). Law of Outlawry ; and Practice in Civil Actions. 12mo. London, 1779. Leggett (Eugene). Reports of Cases decided in the Suddur Court of Sind, by R. West, C. S., during 1872. Svo. Kur- rachee, IS 73. Treatise on the Law of Bills of Lading. Svo, London, 1880. Legislative Record, State of New York. 2 vols., 4to. Albany, 1888-9. Lehigh Valley Law Reporter. 2 vols., Svo. Easton, Pa., 1S85-7. Lehmann (Karl). Die elterliche Gewalt im Yermogens- rechte des heutigen Europa. [In Kohler (J.). Menschen- hiilfe. 1886.] Lehniayer (Martin). Should Juries in Criminal Cases be Judges of the Law and Fact ? Svo. Baltimore, 1886. 486 catalogue: of the library of Lielir (^Ernest). Elements de Droit Civil Germanique. 8vo. Paris, 1875. Leigh (^Beiijainin W.). Beports, Court of Appeals, etc., Virginia, 1829-1842. I'l vols., 8vo. Richmond, 1830-41:. Leigh (E. Chaiiclos) and Cave (L. W.). English Crown Cases, 18Hl-18t)5. 8vo. London, 1806. Leigh (E. Cliandos) and Le Marchaiit (Sir H. D.). Guide to Election Law, etc. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1874. Leigh (J. H.) and Dalzel (R. ). Treatise on the Equitable Doctrine of the Conversion of Property. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 5.] Leigh (P. B.). Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius. American ed., bv Geo. Sharswood. 2 vols., 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1838. Leith (Alexander). Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England applicable to Real Property ; adapted to the Law of Upper Canada. 8vo. Toronto, 1861. Lelievre (S.) and Angers (F. R.). Lower Canada Reports. Seigniorial Questions. 2 vols., 8vo. Quebec and Mont- real, 1856. Leiy (J. M.). Law of Municipal Corporations. 8vo. Lon- Vlon, 1882. Regulation of Railways Act. 8vo. London, 1873. (editor). Woodf all's Landlord and Tenant. Lely (J. M.) and Foulkes (AV. D. I.). The Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875, etc. ; with Notes ; forming a Practice of the Supreme Court. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1881. Licensing Acts ; with Notes and Forms. 8v(). London, 1874. Lely (J. M.) and Pearce (E. 11,). Agricultural Holdings. 8vo. London, 1883. Lely (J. M.) and Peck (W. A.}. Precedents of Leases for Years, and other Contracts of Tenancy, and Contracts relating thereto. 8vo. London, 1889. Le Marohant (Sir H. D. ), Bart. See Leigh (E. C.) and Le ]\[archant's Election Law. Leinmon Slave Case. Points and Arguments of Counsel on both sides, and Opinions of all the judges. 8vo. New York, 1860. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 487 Leiiehan (John J.). Laws relating to the Health De})art- ment of the City of New York. 12mo. New York, 18s7. Leiiel (Otto). Das Edictum Perpetuum. 8vo. Leipzig, 1883. Grundriss zu Yorlesuntren iiber Pandekten. 8vo. Marburg, 1885. Tiber Ursprung iind Wirkung der Exceptionen. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1876. Leniiard (T. Barrett-). Position in Law of Women. Svo. London, 1883. Leonard (John E.). Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in Louisiana Cases. 8vo. New Orleans, 1875. Leonard (P. M.). Precedents of Pleadings in Equity, in the County Courts. 8vo. London, 1869, Leonard (William). Reports and Cases of Law in the Courts at Westminster, 1540-1615. 2d ed. Four parts, folio. London, 1687. Leonhard (Rudolf). Der Irrthum bei nichtigen Yertragen. 2 vols., Svo. Berlin, 1882-3. Leoni (A.). Das Staatsrecht der Reichslande Elsass-Loth- ringen. Svo. Freiburg, 1883. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Leotade (Frere). Trial of, for Murder. See Bonafous (Louis). Leovy (H. J.). Laws and Ordinances of New Orleans. Svo. New Orleans, 1866. Leovy (H. J.) and Liizenherg- (C. H.). Laws and Or- dinances of New Orleans. Svo. New Orleans, 1870. Lerininier (Eugene). Cours d'Histoire des Legislations Com- parees. Svo. Paris, [1837]. Introduction Generale a I'Histoire du Droit. 2^ ed. Svo. Paris, 1835. Leslie (John) vs. Blackwood (William). Action for Libel. Reported by AYm. Bennet. Svo. Edinburgh, 1822. Lester (George N.), reporter. Georgia Reports, vols. 31-33 ; and vol. 33 : Supplement. Lester (George N.), Rowell (C.) and Hill (W. B.). Code of the State of Georgia. 4th ed. Roy. Svo. At- lanta, 1SS2. 488 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Lester ( W. W.). Decisions of the Interior Department in Public Land Cases ; and Land Laws passed by tlae Congress of tlie United States. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1860- 70. Lester (W. W.) and Bromwell (W. J.). Digest of the Military and Naval Laws of the Confederate States. Svo. Columbia, 1864. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry YII. See Chronicles of Great Britain, etc. Letters, in answer to Inquiries of Mr. Dorman B. Eaton on behalf of the American Social Science Association, touching the organization and character of the Courts of Law, and the Bar, of France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Greece, Netherlands and Mexico. Folio. [Man- uscripts. 1876.] Letters to Blackstoiie. The Palladium of Conscience ; or, The Foundation of Religious Liberty displayed, asserted, and established. Svo. Philadelphia, 1774. [Appendix vol. to Blackstone's Commentaries.] Leuthold (C. E.). Das Staatsrecht des Konigreichs Sachsen. Svo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Leverinore (Charles H. i. The Republic of New Haven. A History of Municipal Evolution. Svo. Baltimore, 1886. [J. H. U. Studies, extra vol., 1.] Leversoii (Moiita^ie K.). Copyright and Patents ; or, Property in Thought. 12mo. London, 1854. Levi (Leone). International Commercial Law ; being the Principles of Mercantile Law of the World. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1863. International Law ; wnth Materials for a Code of Inter- national Law. 12mo. New York, 1888. Introductorv Lecture on International Maritime Law. Svo. London,*'l865. [Pam., vol. 40.] Law of Nature and Nations as affected by Divine Law. Svo. London, 1855. Manual of the Mercantile Law of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S54. [L. L., vol. 84.] — See Brooke (R.). Office of a Notary. THE ASSOCIATION- OF THE BAB. 489 Levinz (Sir Creswell). Collection of Select and Modern Entries of Declarations, Pleadings, etc., referring to the Cases in C. Levinz's Reports. Folio, London, 1702. Les Reports, 1660-1696, en trois parts. 2 vols., folio. London, 1702. Reports, Court of Common Pleas at Westminster, 1660- 1696. Translated into English bv Sergeant Salkeld. 3d ed. 3 vols., Svo. Dubhn, 1793-7!^ Levisee (A. B. and L.). Annotated Revised Codes of the Territory of Dakota. 2 vols., Svo. Saint Paul, 1883-4. Levy (Matthias). Shorthand Notes, and the Practice relating to them ; being a collection of Cases decided in Courts of Justice. 12mo. London, 1886. Lewiii (Fred. A.). Law of Apportionment. Svo. London, 1869. Lewiii (Sir Gregory A.). English Crown Cases, 1822-1838. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1834-9. Lewiii (Thomas). Treatise on the Law of Trusts and Trus- tees. Svo. Philadelphia, 1839. [L. L., vol. 24.] [Same.] 2d Amer. ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1858. [Same.] 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1858. [L. L., vols. 97-98.] [Same.] 5th ed. Svo. London, 1867. [Same.] 8th ed. By F. A. Lewin. Roy. Svo. Lon- don, 1885. [Same.] With American Notes, and also a Supple- mentary Chapter on Trusts for Accumulation. Bv W. C. Scott. \3 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, ISSS. [Same.] Amer. ed. By J. H. Flint. 2 vols., Svo. Phil- adelphia, 1889. Lewis (A. H.). Critical History of Sunday Legislation, from 321 to 1888 A. D. 12mo. New York, 18S8. Lewis (Aiigelo J.j. Indian Code of Civil Procedure. Svo. London, 187L Indian Penal Code. Svo. London, 1870. Lewis (E. A.) and Guthrie (B. E.), reporters. Missouri Appeal Reports, vols. 33-35. Leivis (E. A.) and Mister (J. F.), reporters. Missouri Ap- peal Reports, vols. 29-32. 490 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB EAR T OF Lewis ( Edward D. i. Draft Code of Criminal La\v and Pro- cedure. 8vo. London. 1879. Le\vi.s (Edward X.). Manual for Justices of the Peace, Cor- oners. Constables, etc. Svo. Toronto. 1SS4. Ontario Statute Index. Svo. Toronto. 1884. Lewis (Ellis I. Abridgment of the Criminal La^v of tiie United States. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1^^~. Lewis (Francis A.). Law relating to Stocks. Bonds, and other Securities in the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1881. Lewis (Sir George C. i, Bart. On Foreign Jurisdiction and the Extradition of Criminals. 8vo. London. 1859. Lewis ( Hubert ). Ancient Laws of AVales. Edited by J. E. Lloyd. Svo. London. 1SS9. Principles of Equity Drafting. Svo. London, 186.5. Lewis en [Lat. Lipenius] ( 3Iartin). Bibliotheca Realis Juridica, post Frederic! Gottlieb Struvii et Gottlob Augusti Jeni- chenii Cuj'as emendata, multis Accessionibus aucta et locu- pletata. 2 vols., folio. Lipsiee, 1757. Bibliothecae Pealis Juridicae Supplementa ac Emenda- tiones. Colleo^it et dio^essit Auo^ustus Fridericus Schott. o o o Folio. Lipsiae, 1775. Bibliothecae Pealis Juridicae Supplementorum ac Emen- dationum Yolumen secundum. CoUegit et digessit Renatus Carolus S. R. I. L. B. de Senkenberg. Folio. Lipsiae, 1789. Bibliothecae Realis Juridicae Supplementorum ac Emen- dationum volumen tertium et volumen quartum, auctore Lud. God. Madihn. 2 vols., folio. Yratislaviae, 1816- 23. Madihnii Bibhothecae Juridicae Realis Xovioris Yol. primum. Folio. Yratislaviae. 1823. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary, of the World. Ito. Philadelphia, 1882. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 495 Lippitt (Francis J.). Criminal Law as administered in Mas- sachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1879. Liset (Abraham). The Accountant's Closet. See Malynes (Gerard). s Lislet (Li. Moreau-). See Moreau-Lislet. Lister (Daniel). Digest of the Law of Elections in England. Ireland and Scotland. Svo. London, 1828. Littell (William). Reports, Court of Appeals, Kentucky, 1822-1824. 2d ed. 5 vols, in 3. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. Select Cases, Court of Appeals, Kentucky, 1795-1821. 2d ed. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1848. Statute Laws of Kentucky ; with Notes, etc. 5 vols., 8vo. Frankfort, 1809-19. Littell (William) and Swigert (Jacob). Digest of the Statute Laws of Kentucky. 2 vols., 8vo. Frankfort, 1822. Little (James B.). Law of Burial. Svo. London, 1888. Little (William T.), Pitman (L. G.) and Barker (R. J.). Compiled Statutes of Oklahoma. Rov. 8vo. Guthrie, 1891. Littlejolin (De Witt C.) vs. Oreeley (Horace). Libel (^ase. Svo. New York, LSm. [Pam*. Tr., vol. 5.] Little Rock (Ark.). Laws and Ordinances. Digested by G. E. Dodge and P. C. Dooley. Svo. Little Rock, 1871. [Same.] Digested by John IL Cherry. Svo. Little Rock, 1882. Littleton (Edward), Baron. Reports en le Courts del Com- mon Banck et Exchequer, 1626-1632. Folio. London, 1683. Littleton (H. A.) and Blatchley (J. S.). Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions. 2d ed. By Stephen G. Clarke. Svo. mw York, 1868. — [Same.] 3d ed. By C. Bates. Svo. New York, 1873. [Same.] Supplement, by Geo. A. Clement. Svo. New York, 1882. 496 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Littleton (Sir Thomas de). Commentary on the Tenures of. Edited by Henry Gary. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1829. Treatise of Tenures. In French and Enghsh. Xew ed. ; with the Ancient Treatise of the Old Tenures and the Customs of Kent. Bv T. E. ToniHns. Svo. London, 1841. See Coke's Commentary. Liverinore (Alplieiis) et al. Trial of. for Murder. Svo. Boston, 1813. Liverinore (Rufus P.). Manual for the use of Trustees, Executors, Administrators, etc. 8yo. Xew York, 1881. [Same.] 2d ed.- 8yo. New York, 1885. Liverinore (Samuel). Treatise on the Law of Principal and Agent ; and of Sales by Auction. 2 vols., 8vo. Balti- more, 1818. Treatise on the Law relative to Principals, Agents, Factors. Auctioneers, and Brokers. 8vo. Boston, 1811. Livei'ijool (Earl of). See Jenkinson (Charles). Liverpool La^v Society. Articles of Association, Proceed- ings of 42d Annual Meeting, etc. 8vo. Liverpool, 1868-9. Livingston (EdAvarcl). Complete Works on Criminal Ju- risprudence ; with an Introduction by Salmon P. Chase. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1873. ■ Introductory Report to the Code of Prison Disciplinje. 8vo. London,'^1827. [Pam., vol. 40.] Judicial Opinions, delivered in the Mayor's Court of the City of Xew York. 8vo. Xew York, 1803. Report, to the Assembly of Louisiana, on the Plan of a Penal Code. 8vo. New Orleans, 1822. [Para., vol. 13.] System of Penal Law, prepared for the State of Louis- iana. Folio. New Orleans, 1824. [Same.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. Livingston (John). Official Directory and Law Register for the United States. 8vo. Xew York, 1866. (editor). Ignited States Monthly Law Magazine. Livingston f3Iaturin^ vs. Cheetham (James). Libel Case. 8vo. Xew York, 1807. [Pam. Tr., vol. 6.] Livingston (William^ and Smith (William). Laws of New York, 1691-1762. 2 vols., folio. New York, 1752-62. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 497 Livingston's Monthly Law Magazine. Edited by John Livingston, -i vols., 8vo. New York, 1853-6. [Only one no., 96 pages, of vol. 4 published.] Lizars (W. H.). Exchequer Cases : Legacv Duties. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1840-52. Llamas y Molina (Sancho). Comentario Critico, Juridico, Literal, a las ochenta y tres Leyes de Toro. Z^ ed. Por J. Vicente y Caravantes. 2 vols., 8vo. Madrid, 1853. Lloyd (A. P.). Treatise on the Law of Building and Build- ings. 8vo. Boston, 1888. Treatise on the Law of Divorce. 12rao. Boston, 1887. Lloyd (Bartholomew C.) and Goold (Francis). Ke- ports, High Court of Chancery, Ireland, temp. Sugden, 1835. 8vo. Dubhn, 1836. Selection of Cases, High Court of Chancery, Ire- land, temp. Plunket, 1834-1839. 8vo. Dublin, 1839. Lloyd (Edward). Law of Trade Marks ; with some account of its History and Development in the Decisions of the Courts of Law and Equity. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1865. Lloyd (Eyre). Law of Compensation under the Lands Clauses, and Railway Clauses, Consolidation Acts, etc. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 18T0. Succession Laws of Christian Countries ; with special reference to the Law of Primogeniture as it exists in . England. 8vo. London, 1877. Lloyd (Horatio). Statutes of Practical Utility, 1865-1880. In continuation of Chitty's Statutes. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1872-81. Lloyd (J. H.). See Danson (F. M.) and Lloyd's English Mercantile Cases. Lloyd (J. H.) and Welsby (W. N.). Cases relating to Commerce, Manufactures, etc., determined in the Courts of Common Law. 8vo. London, 1829-30. [Only 368 pages published.] Lloyd (Morgan). Law and Practice of the County Courts. 7th ed. 8vo. London, 1857. Treatise on the Law of Prohibition. 12mo. London, 1849. Lloyd's Bonds ; their Nature and Uses. By H. J. Tarrant. Svo. London, 1867. [Pam., vol. 24.] 32 498 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Lol)e (Guillauiue). Guide aux Droits Civils et Commerciaux des £trangei*s en Espagne. 2^ ed. 8vo. Paris, 1837. Local Courts and Municipal Gazette. S vols., 8vo. Toronto. l>«65-72. Locli Ce. Annals of. See Chronicles of Great Britain, etc. Locke (John). Law and Practice of Foreign Attachment in the Lord Mavor's Court. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. [L. L., vol. 79.] Treatise on the Game Laws. 5th ed. By G. Evans. 8vo. London, 1866. LockT\'00(l (Ralph). Revei'sed Cases, Court of Errors, Xew York. 1799-181:7. 8vo. Xew York, 1848. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 8vo. Rochester, 1884. (editor). Bright (J. E.). Law of Husband and "Wife. Lodge (H. Cabot). Alexander Hamilton. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [American Statesmen Series.] Anglo-Saxon Land-Law. See Anglo-Saxon Law. Daniel "Webster. liJth ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] George Washington. 2 vols., 16mo. Xew York, 1889. [Same.] Works of Alexander Hamilton. 9 vols., 8vo. Xew York. 1885-6. Lofft (Capel). Maxims and Pules of the Laws of England, and Principles of Equity. [Appended to Lofft's Reports.] Reports. Court of King's Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas, England. 1763-1774. 8vo. Dublin. 1790. — - See Gilbert on Evidence. Loftus (W. R.). Innkeepers' Laws and Regulations. Re- vised ed. ^vo. London, 1882 {. Logan I Janies). Compendium of the Laws of England, Scotland, and Ancient Rome. Part I. Of Marriages. [Anon.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. Logan (John A. i. The Great Conspiracy ; its Origin and History. >>vo. Xew York. 1886. Lehman (Caroline), alias Madame Restell. Trial of, for Manslaughter. 8vo. Xew York, 1847. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 499 Loisel (Aiitoine). Institutes Coutumieres ; avec les notes d' Eusebe de Lauriere. Nouvelle ed,, augraentee par M. Dupin et M. Edouard Laboulaye. 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, isle. Loiuax (John T.). Digest of the Laws respecting Real Prop- erty, generally in use in the United States; embracing, more especially, the Law of Real Property in Virginia. 2d ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Richmond, 1855. Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators ; adapted more particularly to the Practice of Virginia. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Richmond, 1857. Liondon (Eng.). City of London Corporation Inquiry. By Alex. Pulling. 8vo. London, 1851. [Pam., vol. 41.] Commentaries on the History, Constitution and Chartered Franchises of the City of London, l>y Geo. Norton. 8vo. London, 1829. Courts of Law of the City of London. Treatise on, by Thomas Emerson, 8vo. London, 1794. Laws and Customs, Rights, Liberties and Privileges, of the City of London. 12mo. London, 1765. LaAvs, Customs and Regulations, of the City of London. By Alex. Pulling. 8vo, London, 1842. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1844. Pleadings, Arguments, and other Proceedings in the Court of King's-Bench upon the Quo Warranto, touching the Charter of the City of London ; with the judgement entered thereupon. Folio. London, 1696. Royal Charter of Confirmation granted by King Charles II. to the City of London. Wherein are recited, ver- batim, all the Charters to the said City, granted by his Majestic' s Predecessors. Taken out of the Records, and exactly translated into English. By S. G. 12mo. Lon- don, [1680]. Loiitloii, Cliathain and Dover Railway. Arbitration. First and Second Awards. Folio. London, 1870. London Sanitary Commission. Re])ort, reprinted from the London edition by order of the New York Common Council. 8vo. New York, 1852. Long (Benj. F.). Law Lectures of Chief -Justice Richmond M. Pearson. 8vo. Raleigh, 1879. Long (George). Treatise on the Law relative to Sales of Per- sonal Property. 2d Am. ed. Bv Benj. Rand. 8vo. Bos- ton. 18.39. 600 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Long (George;. Two Discourses, delivered in the Middle Temple Hall. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. [L. L., vol. 60.j Long (John T,). Index-Digest of the Illinois Reports. 8vo. Chicago, 1885. Long Island. Sketch of the First Settlement. By S. "Wood. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1865. Longfield (Robert). La^y of Distress and Replevin in Ire- land. 8vo. Dublin, 1841. Treatise on the Action of Ejectment in the Superior Courts of Ireland. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1846. Longfield (Robert) and Townsend fJ. F.). Reports, Court of Exchequer, Ireland, 1841-1842. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. ♦ Longley (John). Observations on the Trial by Jury ; par- ticularly on the Unanimity required in the Verdict. 8vo. London, 1812. [Pam., vol. 37.] Longniore (T.). Treatise on Gunshot Wounds. 8vo. Phil- adelphia, 1863. Loning (Edgar). Lehrbuch des Deutschen Yerwaltungs- rechts. 8vo. Leipzig, 1884. Loning (Richard). Der Yertragsbruch im Deutschen Recht. Svo. Strassburg, 1876. Lonsdale (James J.). Statute Criminal Law of England, as regards Indictable Offences. 8vo. London, 1839. Looniis (Arphaxed). Historical Sketch of the Xew York Svstem of Law Reform in Practice and Pleadings. 8vo. Little Falls, 1879. [Pam., vol. 16.] Loosey (Charles F.). Collection of the Laws of Patent Priv- ileges of all the Countries of Europe, the L'nited States of jS^orth America, and the Dutch West-Indies. 8vo. Yienna, 1849. Lorain Connty (Ohio) Bar Association. Address by Stevenson Burke on the Centennial of the I". S. Supreme Court. 8vo. Elyria, 1890. Constitution, Bv-Law^s and List of Members. 8vo. Elyria, 1889. Loranger (T. J. J.j. Commentaire sur le Code Civil du Bas Canada. 2 vols., Svo. Montreal, 1873-9. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 501 Lord Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. See Ray- mond (Robert). Lords' Protests. A Complete Collection of the Lords' Pro- tests, from the first upon record in the reign of Henry III. to the present time. With an Historical Essay on the Leg- islative Power of England. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1767. Loreiiz (C. A.). Ceylon Appeal Reports ; being Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Cey- lon sitting in Appeal, 1856-1859. 3 vols., 8vo. Colombo, 1860-71. Lorimer (James). Handbook of the Law of Scotland. 5th ed. By R. Bell. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1885. Institutes of Law ; a Treatise of the Principles of Juris- prudence as determined bv Nature. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1872. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1880. Institutes of the Law of Nations. 2 vols., 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1883-4. Lorimer (John C). Outline of the Law of Joint-Stock Com- panies. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1884. Lorimier (Charles C. de) and Vilbon (Charles A.). La Bibliotheque du Code Civil de la Province de Quebec. 21 vols., 8vo. Montreal, 1871-00. Loring: (Charles G.). Neutral Relations of England and the United States. 8vo. Boston, 1863. Loring (Capt. Joseph). Trial of, by Court Martial See Militia Reporter. Lorrain (Leon). Code des Locateurs et Locataires. 8vo. Montreal, 1885. Los Angeles (Cal.) Bar Association. Constitution and By-Laws. 16mo. Los Angeles, 1888. Lothian (Manrice). Law, Practice and Styles peculiar to the Consistorial Actions transferred to the Court of Session. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. Lotmar (Philipp). IJber Causa im Romischen Recht. 8vo. Miinchen, 1875. Longhborongh (P. S.). Digest of the Statute Laws of Ken- tucky. 8vo. Frankfort, 1842. 502 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Louisiana : Reports. Martin. Martin. Xe\v Series. Louisiana. Robinson. Louisiana. Annual. Manning's Unreported Cases. McGloin. Courts of Appeal. Digests of Reports. Benjamin k. Slidell. Deslix. Hennen. Louque. Taylor. Knobloch. Criminal. Leonard. Federal. — Statutes (Territorial). Legislative Council. 1st Session. Legislative Council. 2d Session. 1809-1823. 12 vols 1823-1830. 8 vols 1830-1841. 19 vols 1841-1816. 12 vols 1846-1890. 42 vols 1877-1880. 1 vol. 1880. 1 vol. 1809-1839. 1vol. 1809-1843. 1 vol. 1809-1860. 2 vols 1860-1878. 1 vol. 1878-1888. 1 vol. 1809-1886. 1vol. 1830-1873. 1 vol. 1801-5. 1805. Statutes (State). Legislature. Session. Date. Legislature. Session. Date. 1st 1st 2d 3d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1812 1812-13 1814 1814^15 1816 1816-17 1818 1819 1820 1820-1 1822 1823 1824 1824-5 1826 1827 1828 9th 9th 10th 10th 10th nth nth 12th 12th 13th 13th 14th 14th 15th loth 16th 16th 1st 2d 1st Extra 3d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1828-9 1st 1830 1st 1831 2d 1S31-2 2d 3d 1832 1833 3d 4th 1833-4 1835 4th 1836 oth 1837 5th 1837-8 6th 1839 6th 1840 7th 7th 1841 1841-2 8th 1843 8th 1844 THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 503 Ijouisiaiia : Statutes (State). — Continued. Legislature. Session. Date. Legislature. Session. Date. 17th 1st 1st 2d 1st Extra Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular. . . 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st Extra 1st 1st & 2d. . . Extra 1st 2d Extra 1845 1846 1847 1848 1848 1850 1853 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1861-3 1863 1864 1864-5 1865 1866 1867 1867 1st 1st 2d 3d Extra 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st Extra 2d 1st Extra 2d Extra 1st Regular. . . Extra 2d Extra . Kegular. . . Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular . . . 1868 1st 1st 1869 1st 1st 1870 2d ... 1st 1870 2d 2d 1871 3d 3d 1873 4th 3d 1873 1st 3d 1874 2d 4th 1875 2d 4th 1875 3d 4th 1876 3d 5th 5th 1877 4th 1877 4th 5th 1878 5th 5th 1878 5th 6th 1879 6th 1880 6th 7th 1881 1881 1st 1883 1st 1884 2d 1886 2d 1888 2d 1890 Compilation of LaAvs in Force. 1808. Digest of Laws. (Martin.) 3 vols. 1816. Digest of Laws. (Lislet.) 2 vols. 1828. 1812. Digest of Statutes. Revised Statutes. Digest of Statutes. Revised Statutes. Revised Statutes. [Same.] 1881. Annotated Index of Acts. (Marr.) 1870-1888. Digest of Civil Laws in Force. 1808. Partidas ; or, The Laws of Spain in Force. (Moreau-Lislet and Carleton.) 2 vols. 1820. (Bullard & Curry.) (Phillips.) 1856. (Ray.) 2 vols. 1870. 1870. (Voorhies.) 1870. — Codes. Code Civil. Additions et Amendemens. Civil Code. (Morgan.) 1861. [Same.] (Fuqua.) 1867. [Same.] Revised. 1870. Code of Practice. (Upton.) 1839. [Same.] (Greiner.) 1841. [Same.] (Morgan.) 1861. [Same.] 1870. Folio. 1823. 604 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Louisiana : Constitutional Conventions. Journal and Debates. Convention of 1S45. 2 vols. Journal and Proceedings. Convention of 1861. Journal and Debates. Convention of 1864. 2 vols. 3Iiseellaneous. Court Fades. (Cross.) 1885. Criminal Jurisprudence. (Voorhies.) 1860. Land Claims. 1843. Penal Law. (Livingston.) Editions of 1824, 1833, 1873. Pleading. (Cross.) 1885. Tax Law. (Saundei-s.) 1887. Louisiana Law Journal. Devoted to the Theory and Practice of the Law. Edited by Gustavus Schmidt. Vol. 1. 8vo. Kew Orleans, 1841. Louisiana La>v Journal. Vol. 1. 4to. New Orleans, 1875-6. [Only 6 nos. published.] Louisiana Term Keports. See Martin's Louisiana Ee- ports. Louque (Charles). Digest of Decisions, Supreme Court, etc., of Louisiana. 8vo. Xew Orleans, 1878. Lovelancl (R. L.\ Treatise upon the Law and Proceedings in Cases of High Treason, svo. London, 1873. [With Kelyng's Reports.] (editor). Hall's Rights to the Sea Shore. Shower's Cases in Parliament. Lovelass (Peter). Law concerning Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, etc. 8vo. London, 1789. — [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1791. Law's Disposal of a Person's Estate. 6th ed. 8vo. London, 179u. [Same.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. [L. L., vol. 25.] Lovesy (C. W.). Law of Arbitrations between IVIasters and Workmen. 12mo. London, 1867. Law of House Invasion and Defence. 12mo. London, 1879. Lowe {\VX Tabular Yiew of the Limitation of Actions, Suits, and other Proceedings. 8vo. London, 1851. [Pam., vol. 40.] Lowell (A. L. and F. Q.\ Transfer of Stock in Private Corporations, bvo. Boston, 1884. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 505 Lowell (James 31.). Trial of, for the Murder of bis Wife. Svo. Portland, 1875. Lowell (John). Judgments delivered in the Courts of the United States for the District of Massachusetts, 1865-1877. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1872-7. Loweiisteiii (Eniil). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Albany, 1874. Low^er Canada. See Canada (Lower). Lower Canada Jurist. 34 vols., Svo. Montreal, 1857-90. Low^er Canada Law Journal. 4 vols., 8vo. Montreal, 1866-8. Lower Provinces Code (Bengal). See India. Low^ery (Woodbury). Interference Proceedings in the IT. S. Patent Office. Rules of Practice, including Interfering Proceedings under Caveats, and the Rules of Practice in Trade-Mark Interference Cases, 1869-1891. 8vo. New York, 1891. (editor). Brodix's American and English Patent Cases, vols. 4-17. Lowndes (John J.). Historical Sketch of the Law of Copy- right. 8vo. London, 1840. See Dowling (A.) and Lowndes' English Practice Cases. Lowndes (John J.) and Maxwell (P. B.). English Bail Court Cases. 8vo. London, 1852-4. [Only five parts, 222 pages, published.] Lowndes (John J.), Maxwell (P. B.), and Pollock (Chas. E.). Reports of Cases in the Queen's Bench Prac- tice Court ; with Points of Practice and Pleading decided in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer, 1850-1851. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1851-2. Lowndes (Richard). Admiralty Law of Collisions at Sea. 8vo. London, 1867. Insurable Interest and Valuations. 8vo. London, 1884. Law of General Average, English and Foreign. 8vo. London, 1873. [Same,] 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1888. 506 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Lowndes (Richard). Treatise on the Law of Marine Insu- rance. 8vo. London, 1881. [Same.] 2cl ed. Svo. London, 1885. Lowiides (William). Treatise on the Law of Legacies. 8vo. London, 1824. Lo\\Tey (Grosveiior P.). The Commander-in-Chief; a Defence upon legal grounds of the Proclamation of Eman- cipation ; and an Answer to ex-Judge Curtis' Pamphlet, entitled '* Executive Power." 8vo. New York, 1862, [Pam., vol. 21.] English Neutrality. Is the Alabama a British Pirate i Svo. Philadelphia, 1863. [Pam., vol. 40.] Loyseaii (Charles). Traite des Seigneuries. Small 4to. Paris, 1608. Loysel (Aiitoiiie). See Loisel. Lubbock (Sir Williaiu), Bart., and Bethune (J. E. D.). Treatise on Probability. 8vo. London, 1844. [With Jones on Annuities.] Lube (D. G.). Analysis of the Principles of Equity Plead- ing ; containing a Compendium of the Practice of the High Court of Chancer3^ 1st Amer. ed. Bv J. D. Wheeler. Svo. New York, 1840. [Same.] 2d Amer. ed. By J. D. Wheeler. Svo. New York, 1846. — [Same.] 16mo. San Francisco, 1882. Lucas (Robert), reporter. Modern Reports, vol. 10. Ludden (Timothy), reporter. Maine Reports, vols. 43-44. Luders (Alexander). English Election Cases, 1785-1787. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1785-90. Thouo-lits on the Law of Forfeiture, and Parliamentarv Attainder for High Treason. [Anon.] Svo. Dublin, 1798. [Pam., vol. 43.] Ludlow (Henry) and Jenkyns (Henry). Treatise on the Law of Trade-Marks and Trade-Names ; including Foreign Laws applicable to British Trade-Marks. Svo. London, 1873. [Same.] Supplement. By James Brvce. Svo. Lon- don, 1877. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 507 Ludlow (John M.). On Stock, Share, and Land Kegist&rs. 8vo. London, 1859. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] On . the Mercantile Notion of '' The Firm," and the need of its Legal Recognition. Svo. London, 1857. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Liiinley (Williaiii G.). Abridgment of the Cases upon the subject of the Poor Law. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 181:0-8. Essay on By Laws ; with Appendix containing Model By Laws issued by the Board of Trade, etc. 8vo. London, 18T7. Law of Parochial Assessments. 6th ed. 8vo. London, 1872. New Lunacy Acts ; with the Statutes relating to Insane Criminals and Prisoners, and a statement of the different forms of Insanity. Svo. London, 1845. New Sanitary Laws. 8vo. London, 1859. Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Acts. 12mo. London, 1855. Parish Constables' Act. 12mo. London, 1842. Treatise upon the Law of Annuities and Rent Charges. Svo. London, 1833. Luinley (William G. and E.). Public Health Act. Svo. London, 1876. — Sanitary Laws. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1871. Lumpkin (J. H.),^ See Jackson (H.) and Lumpkin's Georgia Reports. Lund. (Henry). Treatise on the Substantive Law relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. Svo. Philadelphia, 1851. [L. L., vol. 73.] Lunt (E. C). Economic Science. 12mo. New York, 1888. Luptoii (Frederick). Law relating to Dogs. Svo. Lon- don, 1888. Lush (Montagrue). Law of Husband and Wife. Svo. Lon- don, 1884. Married Women's Rig-hts and Liabilities in relation to Contracts, Torts, and Trusts. 12mo. London, 1887. Lushington ( Godfrey V Manual of Naval Prize Law. Svo. London, 18«>t). 508 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Lushiiigton (Vernon). Case of Tiernan and others, de- manded of Great Britain by the United States Government, to be surrendered as Pirates under the Extradition Treaty of "Washington. Svo. London, 1864. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Enghsh Admiralty Reports, 1S59-1S62. Svo. London, 186L See Browning (E.) and Lushington's English Admiralty Peports. Lusigiiaii (Alplionse). Index Analytique des Decisions Judiciaires rapportees de 1864-1871. Svo. Montreal, 1872. L.ut^vyclle (Alfred J. P.). Peports, Court of Common Pleas, England, on Appeal from the decisions of the Revis- ing Barristers, 1S43-1S53. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1847-54. liUtwyclie (Sir Ed^vard). Un Livre des Entries ; con tenant auxi un Report des Resolutions del Court sur diverse Excep- tions prises as Pleadings, et sur auters Matters en Ley, 1683-1704. 2 vols., folio. London, 1704. Reports and Entries. The several Cases therein are truly stated upon the respective Pleadings and Entries in English. By W. Xelson. Foho. London, 1718. Luzerne Law Journal. Svo. Scranton, 1871. [Only one number published.] Luzerne Law Times. Old Series. Vol. 6. Svo. Scranton, 1878. [Only 34 numbers, 93 pages, of vol. 6 published.] Luzerne Law Times. Xew Series. 7 tols., Svo. Scranton, 1S79-S5. [Only S numbers, 40 pages, of vol. 7 published.] Luzerne Legal Observer. 4 vols., folio. Scranton, 1860-4. Luzerne Legal Register. 14 vols., Svo. Wilkes-Barre, 1872-86. Luzerne Legal Register Reports ; containing Cases decided in the Courts of Pennsylvania, originally reported in the Luzerne Legal Register. Edited by Geo. B. Kulp. 5 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1882-9t». Lycoming County (Pa.) Court Rules. Svo. AVilliams- port, 1SS4. Lying. A Short Discourse on the Heinous Kature and Guilt of Lving. Bv Philalethes. 24mo. London, 1766. [Pam., vol. 44.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 509 Lyman (Theodore). Trial of, for an alleged Libel on Daniel Webster. Reported by J. W. Whitman. 8vo. Boston, 1828. Lynch (H. F.). Redress b}^ Arbitration : A Digest of the Law relating to Arbitrations and Awards. 8vo. London, 1888. Lynch (J. D.). The Bench and Bar of Mississippi. 8vo. New York, 1881. Lynch (William). Yiew of the Legal Institutions, Honorary Hereditary Offices, and Feudal Baronies, in Ireland. 8vo. London, 1830. Lynch (William R.). Manual of the Law of Real Estate Brokers. 8vo. New York, 1876. • The Notary Public : A Manual of the Appointment, Powers and Duties of Notaries of the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1876. Lyndhurst (John Singleton Copley), Lord. Life of. By Sir Theodore Martin. 8vo. London, 1883. Memoir of. By Wm. S. Gibson. Newed. 8vo. London, 1869. Lyne (James). Statute Law of Ecclesiastical Leases in Ire- land, and Purchases of Perpetuities. 8vo. Dublin, 1838. Treatise on Leases for Lives, renewable forever, 8vo. Dublin, 1837. Lyon (George E.). Hand-Book of the Law of Bills of Sale. 8vo. London, 1873. Lyon (George E.) and Redman (J. H.). Law of Bills of Sale. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1881. Lyon (James B.). Compilation of Statutes relating to the Tax- ation of Corporations by the State of New York, for State Purposes. 8vo. Albany, 1889. Lyon (Patrick) vs. Fox (Saninel M.) et al. Trial for False Imprisonment. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. Lyon-Caen (Charles). De la Condition Legale des Socie- tes Etrangeres en France. 8vo. Paris, 1870. Table of the Foreign Mercantile Laws and Codes in force in the principal States of Europe and America. Trans- lated by N. Argles. 8vo. London, 1876. [Pam., vol. 34.] 510 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Lyon-Caeii (Charles) and Delalaiii (Paul). Lois Fran- 9aises et Etrangeres sur la Propriete Litteraire et Artistique. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1S89. Lyons (Kev. J. P. ) vs. Biiighaiu (Major) et al. Action for Libel. Keported by Walter Glascock. Svo. Dublin, 1834. Lyrics of the Law. Songs and Yerees selected from various sources. By J. Greenbag Croke. 12rao. San Fran- cisco, 1884. Lj-ttletoii (Sir Thoiuas cle). See Littleton. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAM. 511 M. Mabee (J. P.). Law Lectures, nos. 1-3. Svo. Toronto, 1882. Mably (Gabriel B. cle), I'Abbe. Le Droit Public^ tie I'Eu- rope, fonde sur les Traites. 3 vols., 12mo. Geneve, 1776. McAdaiii (David). Act to Abolish Imprisonment for Debt, and to punish Fraudulent Debtors, commonly called " the Stilwell Act." 12mo. Xew York, 1880. Law Days ; or. Dies Juridici, commonly called " Terms of Court." 8vo. New York, 1874. [Pam., vol. 2.] The Marine Court of the City of New York; its Or- ganization, Jurisdiction, and Practice. 8vo. New York, 1868. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Same.] Supplements. Svo. New York, 1877. Rights, Remedies and Liabilities of Landlord and Ten- ant, including the Law and Practice on Summary Proceed- ings. Svo. New York, 1876. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1882. Macallan (Alexander). Pocket Lawyer; a Digest of the Law of Scotland, and its Forms. 3d ed. 12mo. Edin- burgh, 1834. [Same.] 5th ed. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1854. McAllister (Cntler). Reports of Cases, U. S. Circuit Court, Districts of California, 1855-1859. Svo. New York, 1859. Macalpin (Daniel R.). Law relating to Money-Lenders and Borrowers ; being a Treatise on Bills of Sale, Personal Security, and Monetary Dealings with "• Expectant Heirs." Svo. London, 1880. McAlpine (William H.). Catalogue of the Law Library at Hartwell House, Buckinghamshire. Svo. London, 1865. MacArtlmr (Arthur). Reports, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, 1873-1879. 3 vols., Svo. Washington, 1875-81. 512 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF MacArthiir (Arthur) and 3Iackey (F. H.). Eeports, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, 1ST9-1S80. Svo. Baltimore, 1884. McArthiir (Charles). Contract of Marine Insurance. Svo. London. 1885. MacAi'thur (Frank). Patent Cases, determined in the Cir- cuit and Supreme (jourts of the District of Columbia. Svo. AVashington, 1885. Mc Arthur (John), Principles and Practice of Xaval and Militarv Courts Martial. 4th ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1813. See Montagu (B.) and McArtbur's English Bankruptcy Eeports. Macaskie (Stuart C). Law relating to Bills of Sale. Svo. London, 1882. Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administratoi-s, and of the Administration of the Estates of Deceased Per- sons. Svo. London, 1881. Macassey (L. L.). Private Bill Legislation and Provisional Orders. Svo. London, 1887. McBride (P. H.), editor. Missom-i Reports, vol. 1. McCahon (James). Kansas Supreme Court Reports, 1858- 1861. Svo. Chicago, 1870. McCall (Henry S.). Clerk's Assistant ; containing Legal Forms and Instruments. Svo. Albany, 1860. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Albany, 1879. [Same.] 4th ed. Albany, 1884. Constable's Guide in the State of Xew York. 3d ed. 12mo. Albany, 1875. ■ [Same.] 4th ed. 12mo. Albany, 1S82. Law of Real Property ; with Appendix of Forms of Conveyancing adapted to the Law of Xew York, etc. Svo. Albany, 1883. New York Civil and Criminal Justice : a Treatise on the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace in the State of N'ew York. 5th ed. Svo. Albany, 1873. [Same.] 6th ed. Svo. Albany, ISSO. [Same.] 7th ed. Svo. Albany, 1885. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 513 McCall (Henry S.). Preced-ents, or Practical Forms, in Ac- tions at Law in the State of Xew York. Svo. Albany, 1S52. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. New York, ISTl. McCall (Peter). Memoir of, by Isaac Ilazlehurst. Svo. Philadelphia, ISSl. [Philadelphia Law Association.] (editor). Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports, vol. 5. McCarter (Thomas N.). Reports, Court of Chancery, New Jersey, 1861-1862. 2 vols., Svo. Trenton, 1865-7. McCarty (George D.), reporter. Civil Procedure Reports, New York, vols. 1-2. McClalii (Enillii). Annotated Code and Statutes of Iowa. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1S8S. Annotated Statutes of Iowa. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1880. - [Same.] Supplement. Svo. Chicago, 1884. Digest of Iowa Reports, 1S39-1SST. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Chicago, 1SS7. M'Clelaiicl (Thomas). English Exchequer Reports, 1824. Svo. London, 1825. M*Clelaiid (Thomas) and Younge (Edward). English Exchequer Reports, 1824-1825. American ed. By J. I. C. Hare. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853. M'Clellan (George) vs. Beattie (Francis S.). Action for Libel. Svo. Philadelphia, 1829. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] McClellan (James F.). Digest of the Laws of Florida. Svo. Tallahassee, 1881. McClellan (Robert H.). Executor's Guide. A Complete Manual for Executors, Administrators and Guardians. 2d ed. Svo. Albany, 1873. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Albany, 1882. [Same.] Revised ed. Svo. Albany, 1890. Practice in Surrogate's Courts ; comprising also the Law of Wills, Executors, etc. Svo. Albany, 1875. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Albany, 1880. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo, Albany, 1888. McClelland (Milo A.). Civil Malpractice. A Report pre- sented to the Military Tract Medical Society. Svo. Chi- cago, 1873. 83 514 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAEY OF 3IeClelland (3Iilo A.). Civil Malpractice. A Treatise on Surgical Jurisprudence ; M'ith Chapters on Skill in Diagnosis and Treatment, Prognosis in Fractures, and on Xegligence. Svo. Xew York, 1877. 3IcCliu'e (A. K.") vs. Gray (Henry AV.\ Contested Election Case. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1S72. 3IaeColla (C. J.). Breach of Promise ; its History, etc. 12mo, London, 1870. 3IcCoiinell (George W.). Treatise on Trustee Process. Svo. Boston, 1886. 3IcCook (George AV.\ reporter. Ohio State Reports, vol. 1. 31cCorcl (D. J. ). Chancery Cases, Court of Appeals of South Carolina, 1825-1827. 2Vols. in 1. 8vo. Charleston, 1857. Reports, Constitutional Court, etc., of South Carolina, 1821-1828. J: vols, in 2. 8vo. Charleston, 1853. See jS^ott (H. J.) and McCord's South Carolina Reports. 3IcCord (Tlionias). Civil Code of Lower Canada. 3d ed. By A. D. Xicolls. 12mo. Montreal, 188<>. 3IcCorkle (J. 31. i, reporter. Xortli Carolina Reports, vol. 65. 3IeCrady (EdAA'ard). Inquiry into the Territorial Limits and Jurisdiction of the Circuit and District Courts of the L'nited States. [Appendix to Hughes' U. S. Reports, vol. 3, 1880.] 3IcCrary (George W.). Reports, Tj. S. Circuit Court, Eighth Judicial Circuit, 1877-1883. 5 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1881-4. Treatise on the American Law of Elections. Svo. Keokuk, 1875. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Keokuk, 1880. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. The True Lawver. svo. Kansas Citv, 1886. [Para., vol. 46.] 3IcCulloch (J. R.i. Dictionary of Commerce and Com- mercial Navigation. Edited by Henry Yethake. 2 vols., svo. Philadelphia. 1847. Treatise on the Succession to Property vacant by Death. Svo. London, 1848. 3IcCiiiiii f John H.\ Charges of the Bar Association against, and Testimony taken before the Judiciary Committee. 8vo. Xew York, 1872. Proceedings in the Senate on the Investigation of the Charges against. 8vo. Albany, 1874. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 515 McDerinot (George). Land Acts and Kules of Ireland. 2d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1881. McDerniott (W. C). Criminal Code for Ireland. 8v^o. Dublin, 1829. Macdevitt (E. O.). Land Cases. Keportsof Decisions under the Irish Land Acts. 8vo. Dublin, 1884. Macdoiiald (Alexander). Handy-book of the Law relative to Masters, "Workmen, Servants, and Apprentices, in all trades and occupations. 8vo. London, 1868. Macdoiiald (J. H. A.). Treatise on the Criminal Law of Scotland. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1877. McDonald (Joseph E.). Speech in the Senate, on the Bill for the Relief of General Fitz John Porter. 8vo. "Washing- ton, 1880. Macdonell (John). Law of Master and Servant. 8vo. London, 1883. Reports of State Trials, New Series, 1S2(»-18;31. 2 vols., Svo. London, 188S-9. MacDoniiell (Kandal). Plan for the Registration of Titles to Land. 8vo. London, 1854. McDougall (J. E. ). Law Lectures. See Mabee (J. P.). McDowall (Rev. John R.). Trial of, by the Third Presby- tery of New York. 8vo. New York, 1830, [Pam. Tr., vol 10.] McFarland (Daniel). Trial of, for the Murder of A. D. Richardson. Svo. New York, 1870. Summing up of John Graham on the part of the De- fence. 8vo. New York, 1870. MacFarland (W. W.), Sources of our Jurisprudence. 8vo. Ithaca, 1890. [Pam., vol. 49.] MacFarlane (Robert). Reports of Jurv Trials, Court of Session, Scotland, 1838-1839. Svo. Edinburgh, 1841. Macfie (R. A.). C-opyright and Patents for Inventions. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879-83. McGibbon (R. D.). The Great Pew Case : Johnston vs. the Minister and Trustees of St. Andrew's Church. Montreal. 8vo. Montreal, 1877. M'Glashan (John'). Law^ and Practice in Actions of Ali- ment. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1837. 516 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF McGloiii (Frank). Reports, Courts of Appeal, Louisiana, 1880. 8vo. New Orleans. 1881. McGratli ('Robert H.^. Doctrine of Cy Pres as applied to Charities. Svo. Philadelphia. 1SS7. 3I'Gregor (James, Duncan and Roberta Trials of the three sons of Rob Roy, for Abduction, etc. 12mo. Edin- burgh. ISIS. 3Iacgregor (John). Language of Specifications of Letters Patent for Liventions. Svo. London, 1S56. 3I'Henry (John). See Harris (Thos.. Jr.) and M'Henry's Maryland Reports. Mcintosh (Kenneth). Xotes on the Constitutional History of the United States. 12mo. Pittsburgh, 1S77. Mackay ( H. W.). Treatise on the Law of Property. Svo. London. 18S2. 3Iackcoull (James). Trial of. for Robberv. Svo. Edin- burgh. 1S22. McKean (Alexander). Exposition of the Practical Life Tables : with Rules and Formulae for the Solution of all Cases of Dower, Interests, Annuities, Reversions, etc. ; with chart. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1S76. 31cKean (^Thomas). Life of, by R. Buchanan. Svo. Lan- caster, 1890. McKee (T. H.). U. S. Tariff Law. Svo. Washington, 1SS3. Mackeinzie (^William L.). See Mackenzie. Mackehley (Ferdinand). Manuel de Droit Romain, con- tenant la Theorie des Institutes, precedee d'une introduc- tion a I'etude du Droit Romain. Traduit par Jules Beving. 2« ed. Svo. Bruxelles, 1841. ■ Compendium of Modern Civil Law. Edited by P. I. Kaufmann, from the 12th German ed. Vol. 1. Svo. Xew York, 1845. [No more published,] Handbook of the Roman Law. Translated and edited bv Moses A. Dropsie, from the 14th German ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1883. Systema Juris Romani hodie usitati. Xunc primum Latine interpretatus est E. E. Hindenburg. Svo. Lipsiae, 1847. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 517 Mackell (John) vs. Hanson (Jolm). Action for Libel. Reported by Joseph Gurney. Svo. London, 1799. McKelvey (J. J.). Principles of Common Law Pleading. Svo. Boston, 18S6. Mackenzie (Alexander S.). Trial of, by Naval Court Martial ; with a Review bv James Fenimore Cooper. 8vo. New York, 1844. Mackenzie (Mrs. Colin). On Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. 8vo. London, 1865. [Pam., vol. 40.] Mackenzie (Sir George). Institutions of the Law of Scot- land. 12mo. London, 1694. Laws and Customs of Scotland in matters Criminal. With a treatise of Mutilation and Demembration. By Sir Alexander Seton. 2d ed. Folio. Edinburgh, 1699. Mackenzie (M. M.). Hand Book of the Law relating to Bills of Lading. 12mo. London, 1881. Mackenzie (R. S.). Life of John Philpot Curran. 8vo. New York, 1855. Mackenzie (Thomas), Lord. Studies in Roman Law ; with comparative Views of the Laws of France, England, and Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. Mackenzie (William L.). Lives and Opinions of Benja- min F. Butler and Jesse Hoyt. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Trial of, for Violation of the Neutrality Laws. 16mo. New York, 1840. [Pam. Tr., vol. 6.] McKeon (John). The Administration Reviewed. 8vo. New York, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] Peace and Union — War and Disunion. 8vo. New York, 1863. [Pam., vol. 21.] Mackeson ( W. W.), editor. Coote's Law of Mortgage'. Mackey (E. W. M.). Ordinances of the City of Charleston. Revised and Codified. 8vo. Charleston, 1875. Mackey (E. W. M.) vs. O'Connor (M. P.). Contested Election. Second Congressional District of South Carolina. 8vo. Washington, 1878. [Pam., vol. 8.] 3Iackey (F. H.). ^Practice and Procedure of the Supreme Cour1 - - - - 1888. Court of the District of Columbia. 8vo. Washington, 518 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Mackey (F. H,). Reports of Cases, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, 1863-1868. 8vo. Washington, 1889. [Same.] 1880-1888. 6 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1883-8. Rules of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. 8vo. Washington, 1879. M'Kiuley (Andrew), et al. Trial of, for Administering Un- lawful Oaths. Reported bv John Do\v. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1818. McKinney (Williain M.). Digest of the Cases reported in the American and English Railroad Cases, vols. 1-35. 8vo. Northport, 1890. Treatise on the Law of Fellow-Servants ; with Appendix relating to Employees' Insurance Societies. 8vo. North- port, 1890. (editor). American and English R, R. Cases, vols. 32-44. M'Kiniion (Daniel). Philosoph}^ of Evidence. 8vo. Lon- don, 1812. McKinnon (John J.). American Law of Evidence in Equity Cases. 8vo. Chicago, 1866. [Appendix to Far- ren's Bill in Chancery.] Mackintosh (Sir James). Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations ; with a sketch of the Author's Life, etc. B}^ J. G. Marvin. Syo. Boston, 1843. McKnig-ht (David A.). Electoral System of the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Maclachlan (David). Treatise on the Law of Merchant Shipping. 2d ed. 8yo. London, 1875. [Same.] 3d ed. Roy. 8vo. London, 1880. (editor). Arnould on Marine Insurance. M'Laren (Alexander) and Baird (Thomas). Trial of, for Sedition. Reported by John Dow. 8yo. Edinburgh, 1817. McLaren (John). Law of Scotland in relation to Wills and Succession. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1868. Treatise on the Law of Trusts and Trust Settlements, 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863. (editor). Bell's Commentaries on the Law of Scotland. More's Lectures on the Law of Scotland. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 519 McLaug-hliu (Andrew C). Life of Lewis Cass. IBmo, Boston, 18HL [Amer. Statesmen Series.] MaclJiurin (John), Lord Dregliorii. Arguments and De- cisions in remarkable Cases before the High Court of Jus- ticiar3% and other Supreme Courts in Scotland, 167U-17T3. ■ito. Edinburgh, 1774. Maclean (C. H.) and Robinson (G.). Keports, House of Lords, on Appeals and Writs of Error (chiefly from Scot- land), 1839. 8vo. London, 1810. See Shaw (P.) and Maclean's Scotch Appeal Cases. McLean (John). Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, Seventh Cir- cuit, 1829-1855. 6 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1810-5H. M'Lellan (Archibald). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Mon- treal, LS19. [With De Reinhard's Trial.] McLeod (Alexander). Trial of, for the Murder of Amos Durfee. 8vo. New York, 1841. [Same.] Reported bv M. T. C. Gould. 8vo. New York, 1841. Macleod (Allan). Proceedings against, for two Political Libels. 8vo. London, 1802. Macleod (H. D.). Theory and Practice of Banking. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, i'6. Treatise on the Registration of Deeds, Conveyances, and Judgment-Mortgages. 12mo. Dublin, 1868. Maddoek ( Henry ). Account of the Life and Writings of Lord Chancellor Somers. 4to. London, 1812. Reports of Cases in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England, 1815-1821. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1817-22. Treatise on the Principles and Practice of the High Court of Chancery. 2 vols., 8vo. Kew York. 1817. [Same.] 4th American ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. Maddoek (Henry) and Geldart (T. C). Reports of Cases in the Court of the Vice Chancellor of England. 1821-1822. 8vo. London, 1829. 3Iaddox (F."), reporter. Montana Reports, vol. 9. Made (Simon van G. van der^. See Grotius' Dutch Ju- risprudence. Madihn (Lnd. God.). Lipenii Bibliothecae Realis Juridicae Supplementorum vol. 3-4. 2 vols., folio. Yratislaviae, 1816-23. Bibliothecae Juridicae Realis Xovioris. vol. 1. Folio. Yratislaviae, 1823. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 523 Madison (James). Papers of James Madison. Edited by H. D. Gilpin. 3 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1S40. James Madison. By S. H. Gay. 6th thousand. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Maclox (Tlionias). Baronia Anglica. An History of Land- Honors and Baronies, and of Tenure in Capite, verified by Records. Folio. London, 1711. Firma Burgi ; or, An Historical Essay concerning the Cities, Towns and Buroughs of England. Folio. London, 1726. Formulare Anglicanura ; or, A Collection of Ancient Charters and Instruments of divers kinds, taken from the originals, placed under several heads, and deduced from the IS^orman Conquest to the end of the reign of Henry YIII. Folio. London, 1702. History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England, from the iS^orman Conquest to the end of the reign of Edward II. 2d ed. 2 vols., Ito. London, 1769. Madras. See India. Maffitt (Rev. John N.). Exposure of the Misrepresentations in the Report of his Trial, before a Council of Ministers. 8vo. Boston, 1823. [Pam. Tr., vol. 10.] Magee (John). Trial of, for Libel. 8vo. Dublin, 1790. Magens (Nicolas). Essay on Insurances. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1755. Magistrate (The) and Municipal and Parochial Law- yer. Edited by A. Bittleston and E. W. Cox. 5 vols., ro3\ 8vo. London, 1848-53. [Only 60 pages of vol. 5 pubhshed.] Magistrates and Quarter Sessions' Hand-Book. A Col- lection, Digest, and Review of Magistrates, Municipal, and Parish Law. Roy. 8vo. London, 1855. Magrath (A. G., Jr.). Digest of South Carolina Law Re- ports, 1851-1868. 8vo. Charleston, 1871. Magruder (A. C), reporter. Maryland Reports, vols. 1-2. Magruder (Allan B. ). Biography of John Marshall. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Mahan (Rev. J. B.). Trial of, for Felonv. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1838. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] 524 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iaiue : Reports. Greenleaf. 1S20-1832. 1- 9 Me. 9 vols. Fairfield. 1S33-1S35. 10-12 Me. 3 vols Sheplev. 1&36-1.S41. 13-18 Me. 6 vols Appleton. 1.S41. 19 Me. 1vol. Appleton & Sheplev. 1S41. 20 Me. 1 vol. Sheplev. 1S42-1S49. 21-30 Me. 10 vols Eedington. 1S49-1S53. 31-35 Me. 5 vols Heath. 1853-1855. 36-40 Me. 5 vols Adams. 1856. 41-42 Me. 2 vols Ludden. 1857-1858. 43-44 Me. 2 vols Hubbard. 1858-1865. 45-51 Me. 7 vols Virgin. 1860-1872. 52-60 Me. 9 vols Smith. 1867-1875. 61-64 Me. 4 vols Piilsifer. 1874-1878. 65-68 Me. 4 vols Hastings. 1878-1880. 69-70 Me. 2 vols Spaulding. 1879-1888. 71-80 Me. 10 vols. Hamlin. 1888-1890. 81-82 Me. 2 vols Digests of Reports. Eastman. 1820-1847. 1 vol. Virgin. 1847-1869. 2 vols Hopkins. 1869-1878. 1 vol. Plaisted ct Appleton. 1820-1879. 1 vol. Coffin. 1879-1889. 1 vol. Private and Special Laws. Date. Volume. Date. Volume. 1820-1824 1, part 1. 1, part 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1847-1852 1853-1856 1857-1860 1861-1865 1866-1868 1869-1871 6. 1825-1828 7. 1S29-1835 .. ... 8. 1836-1 839 9. 1840-1841 184o_i846 10. 11. Resolves. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. Maine : Public Laws. 525 1 Legislature. Date. Legislature. Date. 1st May, 1820 26th May, 1846 May, 1847 May, 1848 May, 1849 May. 1850 May, 1851 Jan., 1852 1st i Jan.. 1821 FRev.l 27th 2d Jan., 1822 Jan., 1823 Jan., 1824 Jan., 1825 Jan., 1826 Jan., 1827 Jan., 1828 Jan., 1829 Jan., 1830 Jan., 1831 Jan., 1832 Jan., 1833 Jan., 1834 Jan., 1835 Jan., 1836 Jan., 1837 Jan., 1838 Jan., 1839 Jan., 1840 Sept., 1840 Jan., 1841 Jan., 1842 May, 1842 Jan., 1843 Jan., 1844 Jan., 1845 5i8th 3d 29th 30th 4th ... 5th 6th 31st 31st 7th 32d Jan., 1853 8th 32d. . Sept., 1853 Jan , 1854 9th 33d 10th 34th Jan. 1855 11th 35th Jan., 1856 13th 36th Jan., 1857 13th 37th Jan., 1858 14th 38th Jan., 1859 15th 39th Jan., 1860 16th 40th Jan., 1861 17th 40th April, 1861 Jan., 1862 18th 41st 19th 42d.... Jan., 1863 20th 43d 44th 45th Jan , 1864 20th Jan., 1865 21st Jan., 1866 22d 46th 47th 48th 49th Jan., 1867 22d Jan , 1868 23d Jan., 1869 24th Jan , 1870 25th 50th Jan., 1871 Acts and Resolves. Legislatuke. Date. Legislature. Date. 51st Jan., 1872 Jan., 1873 Jan., 1874 Jan 1875 59th Jan , 1880 52d 60th Jan. 1881 53d 61st Jan , 1883 54th 62d Jan . 1885 55th .Tan 1876 63d Jan., 1887 56th Jan.i 1877 64th Jan 1889 57th ' .Ian.. 1878 65th Jan., 1891 58th Jan., 1879 Eevised Laws. 2 vols., 8vo. Brunswick, 1821, Revised Laws of 1821. 8vo. Hallo well, 1830. Compiled Laws, 1822-1831. 8vo. Portland, 1831. Compiled Laws, 1822-1833. 8vo. Hallowell, 1834. Compiled Laws. (Smith.) 2 vols., 8vo. Portland, 1831:. Eevised Statutes. Roy. 8vo. Augusta, 184-1. [Same.] 2d ed. Roy. 8vo. Hallowell, 1847. 526 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iaine : Statvites. — Continued. Public Laws, 1842-1851 ; Avith General Index. 8vo. Hal- lo well, 1852. Revised Statutes. Hoy. 8vo. Bangor, 1857. [Same.] Roy. 8vo. Portland, 1871. [Same.] Roy. 8vo. Portland, 1884. — Constitutional Convention. Journal. 1819-1820. Debates, etc. 1819-20. Miscellaneous. Common Law Practice. (Mason.) 1880. [Same.] (Spaulding.) 1881. Constables. (Hitchcock.) 1889. Corporation Laws. (Dyer.) 1884. Insolvent Law. (Hamlin.) 1878. Railroad Laws. (Gregg and Pond.) 2 vols. 1851. [Same.] (Webb.) 1875. Sheriffs. (Hitchcock.) 1889. York Deeds. 1642-1703. 6 vols. Wills. 1640-1760. (Sargent.) 1887. Maine (Sir Henry S.j. Ancient Law ; its connection with the earh' history of society, and its relation to modern ideas. 1st American ed. By Theodore W. D wight. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Same.] 11th English ed. 8vo. London, 1887. The Conception of Sovereignty and its Importance in International Law. Svo. London, 1855. [Jur. Soc. Pa- pers, vol. 1.] Dissertations on Early Law and Custom. 8vo. New York, 1883. International Law\ Svo. New York, 1888. Lectures on the Earlv Historv of Institutions. Svo. New York, 1875. Popular Government. Svo. London, 1885. Village-Communities in the East and West. Six Lec- tures delivered at Oxford. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1876. 3Iaitlancl (F. W. ). Pleas of the Crown for the County of Gloucester before the Abbot of Reading and his Fellows Justices Itinerant, in the year 1221. Svo. London, 1884. (editor). Selden Society Publications, vols. 1, 2. Major (Alfred B.). Legal Sketches. Svo. Montreal, 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 527 Makovver (H.j. Das Allgemeine Deutsche Handelsgesetz- buch. Mit Kommentar. 8. Aufl, 8vo. Berlin, ISbO. Maiden (C. E.) and Poyser (A. H.). Digest of tlie Practice of the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice. 8vo. London, 1884. [See Crump's Judicature Practice, part 2.] Male (Arthur). Treatise on the Law and Practice of Elec- tions. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1820. Male (Georg:e E.). Epitome of Juridical or Forensic Medi- cine. See Cooper's Tracts on Medical Jurisprudence. Malkiii (B. H.). See Moody (Wm.) and Malkin's Nisi Prius Reports. Malley (James), et al. Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. New York, 1881. Mallory (John). Modern Entries in English ; being a Select Collection of Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, Com- mon Pleas and Exchequer ; and also all kinds of Writs. [Anon.] 2 vols., folio. London, 1734-5. [Same.] 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1791. Quare Impedit, in two parts. Part I, containing an Abridgment of the Law concerning the Patronages of Churches, etc. Part II, containing Precedents of Plead- ings. Folio. London, 1737. [Forming the third volume of Modern Entries.] Mallory (John A.), editor. American Railway Reports, vols. 2-5. Malone (J. C), editor. Ileiskell's Tennessee Reports, vol. 9. Malone (Thomas H.), editor. Ileiskell's Tennessee Reports, vols. 6, 10. Malone (William H.). Criminal Briefs, Svo. Baltimore, 1886. Treatise on Real Property Trials. Svo. Washington, 1883. Maltby (Anson). Argument for General Fitz John Porter. 8vo. West Point, 1879. [Pam. Tr., vol. 2.] Maltby (Isaac). Treatise on Courts Martial and Military Law. 8vo. Boston, 1813. 528 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Malynes (G erard ). Consuetudo vel Lex Mercatoria ; or, The Aucient Law-Merchant, in three parts. 3d ed. W hereunto are annexed : The Collection of Sea Laws ; Advice concerning Bills of Exchange, by John Marius ; the Merchant's Mirrour, by R. Dafforne ; An Introduction to Merchant's Accompts, by John Collins [1697] ; The Accountant's Closet, by Abra- ham Liset ; the Jurisdiction of the Admiralty asserted, by E. Zouch ; the Ancient Sea Laws of Oleron, Wisby, and the Hanse Towns, by G. Miege ; and the Sovereignty of the British Seas, by John Buroughs. Foho. London, 1686. Maiiby (Robert). Law and Practice of Fines and Recov- eries. Svo. London, 1738. Maiiby (Tlioinas). Statutes. See Pulton (F.). Maiidry (Giistav). Das gemeine Familiengiiterrecht mit Ausschluss des ehelichen Giiterrechtes. 2 vols., Svo. Tii- bingen, 1871-6. Manitoba : Reii ►orts. Armour. 1875-1883. 1vol. Ewart. 1883-1890. 1-6 Man. 6 vols Davis. 1890-1891. 7 Man. 1vol. Western Law Times ; !N"otes of Decisions. 1888-1891. 1 vol. Parliament. 1st 1st 1st 1st 2d. 2d. 2d. 2d. 3d. 4th 4th 4th 5th 5th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 7th Session. 1st. 2d.. 3d.. 4th. 1st . 2d.. 3d.. 4th, 1st . 2d.. 3d.. 4th 1st . 2d.. 3d.. 4th 1st, 2d., 1st, 2d. 3d. Date. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1873-4. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. Jan.. 1888. (Aug., 1888. I Jan.. 1889. 1890. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. 2 vols. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 529 Manitoba : Statutes. — Continued. Consolidated Statutes. 1880. Index of Statutes. (Dubreuil.) 1888. Kegistration of Titles. (Coutlee.) 1890. Manitoba Law Journal. Edited by John S. Ewart. 2 vols., 8vo. Winnipeg, 1884-5. Manitoba Legal Directory. By II. R. Hardy. 8vo. To- ronto, 1883. Mann (E. C). Manual of Psychological Medicine and Allied Nervous Diseases. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. Mann (William B.) vs. Cassidy (Lewis C). Contested Election Case. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. Manning: (J. F.). Epitome of the Geneva Award Contest in the Congress of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1882. Manning (James). Digest of the Nisi Prius Reports ; with Notes and References. 1st American ed. 8vo. Exeter, 1823. Report of Proceedings in relation to a Warrant for the suppression of the Antient Privileges of the Serjeants at La^v. 8vo. London, 1840. Manning (James) and Granger (T. C). Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1840-1845. 7 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1841-6. Manning (James), Granger (T. C) and Scott (J.). See Common Bench Reports. Manning (James) and Ryland (A.). English Magistrates' Cases, Court of King's Bench, 1827-1830. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1829-32. [Only 1 part, 144 pages, of vol. 3 pub- lished.] Manning (James) and Ryland (A.). Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1827-1830. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1828-37. Manning (James) and Scott (J.). See Common Bench Reports, vol. 9. Manning (Randolph), reporter. Michigan Reports, vol. 1. Manning (Thomas C). Unreported Cases heard and de- termined by the Supreme Court of Louisiana, 1877-1880. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. 34 530 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iaiiiiiiig (AVilliain 31.). Proceedings in Courts of Revision in the Isle of AVight before James Manning ; added. Cases decided in South Hants in 1S35. etc. 12mo. London, 1S36. ■ ■ See Xevile (S.") and Manning's Enghsh King's Bench Reports. Claiming (AVilliaiii Oke). Commentaries on the Law of Xations. Xe\v ed. By Sheldon Amos. Svo. London, IS 75. 3Iaiiresa y Navarro (^J. 31.) and Reus y Garcia (J.). Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, comentada y esplicada. 5 vols., Svo. Madrid, 1850-61. Apendice. Svo. 3Iadrid. 1S69. 3Iaiisel (G. B. ). La\r and Practice as to Costs. 12mo. Lon- don, 1840. Treatise on the Law and Practice of Demurrer to Plead- ings and Evidence : of Bills of Exceptions, Wager of Law, etc. Svo. Philadelphia, 1839. [L. L., vol. 26.] Treatise on the Law of Limitation. Svo. London, 1839. 3Iaiisella (Giuseppe). De Impedimentis Matrimonium Dirimentibus ac de Processu Judiciali. Svo. Romae, 1881. 3Ianslielcl (W. AV.). Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas. Roy. Svo. Little Rock, 1884. 3Iansfiel(l (William 3Iurray), Lord. General Yiew of the Decisions of Lord Mansfield in Civil Causes. By Wm. D. Evans. 2 vols., ito. Liverpool, 1803. 3Iaiiual for Law Studeuts, exhibiting Courses for the Study of Conveyancing, of Equity, and of Common Law. Svo. ' Harrisburg, 1845. [X. L. L., vol. 1.] 3Iaiiuel des Jures. 12nio. Paris, 1810. . 3Iaiiuel y Rodriguez (3Iiguel deV Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain. See Asso y Del Rio. 3Iaiiwood (John). Treatise of the Forest Laws : with all the variety of Cases relating to Forests. Chases, Parks, and AVarrens. "^ 4th ed. By Wm. Xelson. Svo. London. 1717. 3Iaiix Law. See Isle of Man. 3Iarbury (Horatio) and Crawford (W. H.). Digest of the Laws of Georgia, 1755-1800. 4to. Savannah, 1802. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 531 March (John). Actions for Slander, and Arbitrements. Reviewed and enlarged by W. B. 12mo. London, 1674. Reports of Cases taken in the 15th, 16th, ITth and ISth years of Charles I. ; with divers Judgments and Reso- lutions. 2d ed. Small 4to. London, 1675. Some Xew Cases of the time of King Hen. 8, Edw. 6, and Qu. Mary. By Sir Robert Brook ; translated. Small 8vo. London, 1651. Brooke's !New Cases ; with March's Translation. Svo. London, 1873. Marcoartu (Arturo de). Internationalism ; and Prize Es- says on International Law, by A. P. Sprague and Paul Lacombe. 8vo. London, 1876. Marg'arot (Maurice). Trial of, for Seditious Practices. Reported by Mr. Ramsey. 8vo. Ncav York, 1794. Marghieri (Alberto). La Cambiale. V ed. 8vo. Napoli, 1886. 3Iarie Antoinette (Queen of France). Trial of, before the Revolutionary Tribunal at Paris. 8vo. London, 1798. Maritime Law Reports. Cases decided by the Court of Admiralty, etc. First Series, 1860-1871. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1864-71. New Series. Edited by Jas. P. Aspinall, 1870-1890. 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1873-90. Maritime Notes and Queries. A Record of Shipping Law and Usage. <'> vols., 4to. London, 1873-84. Marius (John). Advice concerning Bills of Exchange. See Malynes (Gerard). Markby (William). Elements of Law considered with refer- ence to Principles of General Jurisprudence. 2d ed., with Supplement. 8vo. Oxford, 1874-5. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Oxford, 1885. Markham (Thomas H.). Common Law Procedure. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1864. Marks (A. D.). Index-Digest of Tennessee Reports ; with a Table of all Tennessee Cases by Roy Fitzpatrick. Svo. Nashville, 1889. Marlow (Charles ). Trial of, for the Murder of Wm. Bach- mann. Svo. Jamestown, 1872. I. 1. 1. 2. 2. 11. 1. 1. 2. 2. 532 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iarqiiarclseii ( Heiiiricli u Handbuch des Oeffentlichen Reclits der Gegenwart in Monographien. 4 vols., roy. Svo. Freiburg, 1S84-7. Allgemeines Staatsrecbt. (Gareis.) Staat und Kircbe. ( Hinscbius.) Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecbt. (Von Sarwey.) Yolkerrecbt. (Bulmerincq.) Staatsrecbt des Deutscben Eeicbes. (Laband.) Staatsrecbt der Reicbslande Elsass-Lotbringen. (Leoni.) Staatsrecbt des Konigreicbs Preussen. (Scbulze.) Staatsrecbt des Konigreicbs Sacbsen. (^Leut- hold.) III. 1, 1. Staatsrecbt des Konigreicbs Bayern. (Seydel.) 1, 2. Staatsrecbt des Konigreicbs TTurttemberor. ( Gaupp.) 1, 3. Staatsrecbt des Grossberzogtbums Baden. (Scben- kel.) 1, 3. Staatsrecbt des Grossberzogtbums Hessen. ( Ga- reis.) III. '1. 1. Staatsrecbt der Grossberzoo-tbumer Mecklenburs:- Scbwerin und Mecklenburg - Strelitz. (Bu- sing.") 2, 1. Staatsrecbt des Grossberzogtbums Oldenburg. ( Becker.) 2, 1. Staatsrecbt des Herzoo^tbums Braunschweior. (Otto.) 2, 1. Staatsrecbt des Herzogtbums Anbalt. (Piet- scber.) 2, 1. Staatsrecbt des Fiirstentbums Waldeck. (Bott- cber.) 2, 1. Staatsrecbt des Fui-stentbums Scbaumburg- Lippe. (Bomers.) 2, 1. Staatsrecbt des Fui'stentbums Lippe. (Falk- mann.) III. 2, 2. Staatsrecbt des Grossberzogtbums Sacbsen- Weimar-Eisenacb. ( Meyer. ) 2, 2. Staatsrecbt des Herzogtbums Sacbsen-Meiningen. (Kircber.) 2,2. Staatsrecbt des Herzogtbums Sacbsen - Alten- burg. (Sonnenkalb.) 2, 2. Staatsrecbt der Herzogtbiimer Sacbsen-Coburg und Gotba. (Forkel.) 2, 2. Staatsrecbt des Fiirstentbums Scbwarzburg-Ru- dolstadt. (Kliugbammer.) THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 533 Marquarclsen (Heiiirich). — Continued. 2, 2. Staatsrecht des Fiirstenthums Schwarzburg- Sondershausen. (Schambach.) 2, 2. Staatsrecht des Fiirstenthums Keuss alterer Linie. (Liebmann.) 2, 2. Staatsrecht des Fiirstenthums Reuss jiingerer Linie. (Miiller.) III. 2, 3. Staatsrecht der freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. (Wolffson.) 2, 3. Staatsreclit der freien und Hansestadt Liibeck. (Kliigmann.) 2, 3. Staatsrecht der freien Hansestadt Bremen. (Sievers.) - IV. 1, 1. Staatsrecht der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Mon- archic. (Ulbrich.) 1, 2. Staatsrecht der Schweizerischen Eidgenossen- schaft. (Von Orelh.) 1, 3. Staatsrecht der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. (Von Hoist.) 1, 4. Staatsrecht des Konigreichs der Niederlande. (De Hartog.) 1, 6, Staatsrecht der Franzosischen Repubhk. (Lebon.) 1, T. Staatsrecht des Konigreichs Itahen, (Von Brusa.) IV. 2, 1, 1. Staatsrecht des Kaiserthums Russland. (En- gelmann.) 2, 1, 2. Staatsrecht des Grossfiirstenthums Finland. (Mechelin.) 2, 2. Staatsrecht der vereinigten Konigreiche Schwe- den und Norwegen. (Aschehoug.) 2, 3. Staatsrecht des Konigreichs Danemark. (Goos und Hansen.) Marr (Robert H.). Annotated Index of the Acts of the Louisiana Legislature, 1.S70-1888. 8vo. New Orleans, 1890. Marrack (R.). European Assurance Arbitration ; Decisions of Lords Westbury and Romilly. Roy. 8vo. London, 1875. Marriott (Sir James). Decisions in the High Court of Ad- miralty. See Hay and Marriott's Admiralty Decisions. Formulare Instrumentorum ; or, A Formulary of Au- thentic Instruments, Writs, and Standing Orders used in the High Courts of Admiralty of Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1802. 534 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Marriott (William). The Country Gentleman's Lawyer; and the Farmer's Complete Law Library. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1801. Marsden (R. G.). Admiralty Cases, 1648-1840. 8vo. Lon- don, 1885. Rule against Perpetuities. A Treatise on Remoteness in Limitations. 8vo. London, 1883. Treatise on tlie Law of Collisions at Sea. 8vo. London, 1880. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1885. Marsh (A. H.). History of the Court of Chancery and of the Rise and Development of the Doctrines of Equity. 8vo. Toronto, 1890. Marsh (A. J.). Debates and Proceedings, Nevada Consti- tutional Convention, 1864. 8vo. San Francisco, 1866. Marsh (Luther R.). Address before the Graduating Class of Columbia College Law School. 8vo. New York, 187t>. [Pam., vol. 15.] Marshall (Alexander K.). Decisions, Court of Appeals, Kentucky, 1817-1821. 2d ed. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Cincin- nati, 1848. Marshall (Charles). Judgments and other Decisions and Directions of the Supreme Court of the Island of Ce3don, 1833-1836. 8vo. Paris, 1839. • Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1813-1816. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1815-17. Marshall (J. A.) and Zane (J. M.), reporters. Utah Re- ports, vol. 4. Marshall (J. J.). Reports, Court of Appeals, Kentucky, 1829-1832. 2d ed. 7 vols in 4. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1851. Marshall (James). Report of the Trial of the Glasgow Cotton Spinners. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Marshall (John), Chief Justice. Decisions, Circuit Court of the U. S. for Virginia and North Carolina. See Brocken- brough's Reports. — Opinion in the Case of Garnett, Executor of Brooke, v. Macon et al. Reported by Joseph Tate. 8vo. Richmond, 1827. Writings upon the Federal Constitution. 8vo. Boston, 1839. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAIL 535 Marshall (Joliii), Chief Justice. Exercises at the Ceremony of UnveiUng the Statue of. 8vo. Washington, 1884. John Marshall. By A. E. Magruder. 5th thousand. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Marshall (Samuel). Treatise on the Law of Insurance, Marine, Life and Fire. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1802. [Same.] 1st Amer. ed. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Boston, 1805. ■ [Same.] 2d Amer, ed. By J. W. Condv. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. ■ Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance, Bottomry, and Respondentia. 5th ed. Bv Wm. Shee. 8vo. London, 1865. Marshall (T. A.). See Smedes (W. C.) ami Marshall's Missis- sippi Reports. Marshall (Thomas). Organization of the Profession. 8vo. Leeds, 1873. [Pam., vol. 40.] Marshall (Walker). Common Law Courts and Equitable Jurisdiction. 8vo. London, 1860. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Copyright in the Fine Arts. 8vo. London, 1863. [Jur, Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Is a Judicial Tribunal bound by the Principles laid down by itself on Previous Occasions? 8vo. London, 1860. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] On Codification. 8vo. London, ISHI. [Jur. Soc. Pa- pers, vol. 2.] Reports of Cases on Appeal to the High Court of Judi- cature at Fort William in Bengal, 1862-1863. A^ol. 1. 8vo. Calcutta, 1864. . Treatise on the Law of Costs. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1862. Treatise on the Law relating to the Duties of Railway Companies as Carriers of Passengers and Goods. 12mo, London, 1862. Marshmaii (J. K.). See Carrington (F. A.) and Marshman's Nisi Prius Reports. Marston (E.). Copyright, National and International ; with Remarks on the position of Authors and Publishers, 8vo. London, 1887. 536 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF 3Iarteii i^A. G.). On the Judicial Constitution of the Court of Chancery, and its Methods of Procedure in Court and in Chambers. 8vo. London, 1867. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3. J 3Iarteiis (^Charles von), Baron. Causes Celebres du Droit des Gens. 2^ ed. 5 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1858-61, Le Guide Diplomatique : precis des droits et des fonc- tions des agents diplomatiques et consulaires. 5^ ed., entiere- ment refondue. Par F. H. Gelfcken. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Leipzig, 1866. Martens (F. de). Traite de Droit International, traduit du Kusse par A. Leo. 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1883-7. Martens (G. F. von). Essay on Privateers, Captures, and particularly on Recaptures ; with a Discourse on the rights and duties of Xeutral Powers. Translated, with Notes, by Thos. H. Home. 8vo. London, 1801. Precis du Droit des Gens Moderne de I'Europe, aug- mente des ISTotes de Pinheiro-Ferreira ; precede d'une introduction par Ch. Verge. 2'^ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1864. Summary of the Law of Nations, founded on the Trea- ties and Customs of the Modern Nations of Europe. Translated from the French by Wm. Cobbett. 8vo. Phil- adelphia, 1795. Martin (A. N.), reporter. Indiana Reports, vols. 54-70. 3Iartin (B. Y.), reporter. Georgia Reports, vols. 21-30. Martin (F. X.). Digest of Louisiana Laws. 3 vols., 8vo. New Orleans, 1816. - Public Acts of the General Assembly of North Carolina* 1715-1803. 2 vols., 4to. Newbern, 1804. Reports of Cases, Superior Courts of North Carolina, 1778-1797. 2d ed. By Wm. H. Battle. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Raleigh, 1843. Reports of Cases. Supreme Court of the Territorv of Orleans, and of the State of Louisiana, 1809-1830 (Old and New Series). Edited by Thomas G. Morgan. 20 vols, in 10. Svo. New Orleans. 1846-52. Translation of Latch's King's Bench Reports. Svo. Newbern, 1793. Martin (John H.). Bench and Bar of Philadelphia. Svo. Philadelphia, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 537 3Iartin (John H.) and Yerger (G. S.). Reports, Supreme Court, Tennessee, 1825-1828. 8vo. Nashville, 1832. Martin (Michael). Life of. 3d ed. Svo. Boston, 1822. Trial of, for Highway Robbery. 8vo. Boston, 1821. Martin (T. C). Law of Maintenance and Desertion, and the Order of Justices thereon. 8vo. London, 1886. See Greenwood (H. C.) and Martin's Magisterial and Police Guide. Martin (Sir Theodore). Life of Lord Lyndhurst. Svo. Lon- don, 1883. Martin (W. B.). Index to the Virginia Reports. From Jef- ferson to 33d Grattan. 8vo. Richmond, 1881. [Same.] 1881-1888. Svo. Richmond, 1889. Martinclale (James B.). American Law Directory. Bien- nial. 3 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1885-90. Unclaimed Money, Lands and Estates Manual. Svo. Chicago, 1886. United States Law Director3^ Svo. Indianapolis, 1874. — [Same.] Svo. New York, 1876. Martinclale (W. B.). Treatise on Abstracts of Titles. Svo. St. Louis, 1885. [Same.] 2d ed. Bv L. S. Metcalfe, Jr. Svo. St. Louis, 1890. Treatise on the Law of Conveyancing. Svo. St. Louis, 1882. [Same.] 2d ed. By L. S. Metcalfe, Jr. Svo. St. Louis, 1889. Martine (Randolph B.). Brief for Grand Jurors in the County of New York. 12mo. New York, 1887. Martinez Alcnbilla (Marcelo). Boletin Juridico-Admin- istrativo del Diccionario de la Administracion Espanola. Svo. Madrid, 1869. Codigos Antiguos de Espaiia. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Madrid, 1885. Diccionario de la Administracion Espanola. 4* edicion. S vols., roy. Svo. Madrid, 1886-7. 5-38 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Marvin (J. G.). Legal Bibliograph}" ; oi\ A Thesaurus of American, English, Irish and Scotch Law Books. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. Sketch of the Life of Sir James Mackintosh. See Mackintosh (Sir James). Supplement to Selwvn's Law of Xisi Prius. See Selw^m (Wm.) Marviu (William). System of General Average, adopted by the International Congress held at York, in England, 1864. 8vo. New York, 1866. Treatise on the Law of Wreck and Salvaofe. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1858. Maryland : Reports. — Law. Harris cV: McHenry. 1658-1799. 4 vols. Harris & Johnson. 1800-1826. 7 vols. Harris & Gill. 1826-1829. 2 vols. Gill v Reporter. 7 vols., 4to. Boston, 1.S77-84. See Banker and Tradesman, and Massachusetts Law Re- ])orter. 3Iasse (A. J.). Le Parfait Xotaire ; ou La Science des No- taires. 5* ed. 3 vols.. 4to. Paris, 1821. Masse (Gabriel). Le Droit Commercial dans ses Rapports avec le Droit des Gens, et le Droit Civil. 3*^ ed. 4 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1874. Massey ( C. C). On the true Xature and Functions of the Rules which regulate the Relations between Belligerents and Xeu- tral States. Svo. London, I8«i4. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol, 3,] Responsibility of Candidates at Parliamentary Elections for the L'nauthorized Acts of their Agents, 8vo, London, 1S69. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Massey (William'). Common Sense versus Coniinon Law. Svo. London. 18.")0. Massy vs. Headfort. Action for Criminal Conversation. Svo. New York, 1804. 3Iata (Pedro ). Tratado de Medicina y Cirugia Legal. 2* ed. 2 vols., 12mo. Madrid, 184H. 3Iathei* (John C. ). Impeachment of. Reported by R. Sut- ton. Svo. Albany, 1853. 3Iathew (J. M.). Law of Landlord and Tenant in Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 1841. 3Iatliews (Albert). A Bundle of Papers. By Paul Sieg- volk [pseud.]. 12mo. Xew York, 1879. Chartered Rights, Privileges, etc., of the ISTorth River Savings Bank. Svo. Xew York, 1870. [Pam., vol. 6.] Incidental Protection, a Solecism. Svo. Xew York, 1879, Thoughts on Codification of the Common Law. 8vo, Xew York, 1882. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 547 Mathews (Henry 3I.j, reporter. West Virginia Reports, vols. 6-9. Mathews (John H.). Treatise on the Doctrine of Presump- tion and Presumptive Evidence, as affecting the Title to Real and Personal Property. American ed. By Benj. Rand. 8vo. New York, 1830. Treatise on the Law of Portions, and Provisions for Children of the nature of Portions. 8vo. London, 1829. Matson (William N.i, i-eporter. Connecticut Reports, vols. 22-24. Matthews (James M.). Digest of the Laws of Virginia of a Criminal Nature, illustrated by Judicial Decisions. 2d ed. 8vo. Richmond, 1871. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Richmond, 1890. Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, Feb. 8, 18r)l-Feb. 18, 1862; with the Constitution, etc. 8vo. Richmond, 1861. (reporter). Virginia Reports, vol. 75. Matthews (Richard). Digest of the Law relating to Of- fences punisliable by Indictment. 12mo. London, 1833. Guide to Executors and Administrators. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1835. [L. L., vol. 9.] Matthews (Stanley). Summary of the Law of Partnership, for the use of Business men. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1864. Matthews (William B.). Guide to Settlei's, etc., upon the Public Lands of the United States. 8vo. Washington, 1889. Matthews (William B.) and Conway (W. O.). Digest of Decisions of the Department of the Interior, and the Gen- eral Land Office, in Cases relating to the Public Lands, 1881-1887. 8vo. AVashington, 1888. Mattinson (Miles W.) and Macaskie (S. C). Law relat- ing to Corrupt and Illegal Practices at Elections. 2d ed. .^vo. London, 1884. Mande (Frederic P.) and Pollock (C. E.), Compendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping. 4th ed. By the Hon. Baron Pollock and G. Bruce. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1881. Maudsley (Henry). Phvsiology of Mind. 8vo. London, 1876. Responsibility in Mental Disease. 12mo. New York, 1883. 548 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF 3Iaughain i Robert). Treatise on the Law of Attornies, Solicitors and Agents. Svo. London, 1825. Treatise on the Laws of Literary Property, inckiding the Piracy and Transfer of Copyright. Svo. London, 1828. Maiile (George) and Selwyu i AVilliani). Ee^wrts, Court of King's Bench, England, 1813-1819. 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1811-29. Maurice (Rev. F. Denisoii). Moral Distinction betvreen Law and Equitv. Svo. London. 1S57. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] On the ]\Ieans of checking Bribery and Corruption in the Election of Meuibei^s of the House of Commons. Svo. London, 1866. [Jur, Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Ought any Pei*son to be excluded from giving Evidence on the Ground of Religious Unbelief? Svo. London, 1864. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Mauritius Decisious. See Piston ( A.\ Maury (W. A.). The late Civil "War : its Effect on Jurisdic- tion, and on Civil Remedies generally. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1875. [Pam., vol. 11.] Maxcy (Virgil). Laws of Maryland ; with Charter, etc.. 1692-1809. 3 vols., Svo. Baltimore, 1811. Max^vell (John), editor. Cumberland's Laws of N"ature. 3IaxAvell (John I.). Pocket Dictionary of the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Xotes, Bank Xotes, Checks, etc. 12mo. Philadelphia, lSt;>8. The Spirit of Marine Law. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1808. ('editor'). Paul's Law of Landlord and Tenant. Maxwell (Sir Peter B. i. On the Interpretation of Statutes. Svo. London. 1875. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London. 1883. [Same.] American ed. By G. A. Endlich. Svo. Jersey City, 1888. See Lowndes (J. J. ), Maxwell and Pollock's Practice Cases. Maxwell (Samuel^. Digest of Decisions, Supreme Court of Nebraska. Svo. Des Moines. 1877. Treatise on Criminal Procedure. Svo. Chicago, 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 549 Maxwell Brothers. The Rights and Obligations of Mar- riage. 12mo. New York, 1886. 3Iay (Henry). Speeches delivered in the House of Repre- sentatives. 8vo. Baltimore, 1863. [Pam., vol. 4.] 3Iay (Henry W.). Treatise on the Statutes of Elizabeth against Fraudulent Conve3'^ances, etc. 8vo. London, 1871. [Same.] 2d ed. By S. W. Worthington. Roy. 8vo. London, 1887. — [Same.] American ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 188" May (John AV.). Law of Crimes. 12mo. Boston, 1881. Law of Insurance as applied to Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee, and other Non-Maritime Risks. 8vo. Boston, 1873. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1882. [Same.] 3d ed. By Frank Parsons. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1891. (editor). Angell on Limitations. Greenleaf on Evidence. Stephen's Digest of Evidence. 3Iay (Sir Thomas Ersklne). Constitutional History of England. 1760-1860. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874. Treatise on the Law, Privileges, Proceedings and L^sage of Parliament. 8th ed. 8vo. London, 1879. 3Iayer (Charles). Institutions of Law and Forms ; with a Compendium of Political Economy. Roy. 8vo. Mil- waukee, 1886. Mayer (Lewis). Digest of the Decisions Construing the Statutes of Maryland. 8vo. Baltimore, 1866, Mayer (Lewds), Fischer (L. C), and Cross (E. J. D.). Mar3'land Revised Code of Laws. 8vo. Baltimore, 1879. 3Iayer (Otto). Theorie des Franzosischen Verwaltungsrechts. Svo. Strassburg, 1886. Mayer (Sylvain). The French Code of Commerce, rendered into English. 8vo. London, 1887. Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure in Japan. 8vo. Vienna, 1883. Vade Mecum to the Bills of Exchange, Bankruptcy, and Bills of Sale Acts. 8vo. London. 1888. 550 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Mayliew (Charles J.j. Law of Merger, as it affects Estate in Land, and also Charges \\\>o\\ Land. Svo. London, 1S61. Mayhew (^Heuryi. On Capital Punisliment. Svo. London, 'lS56. [Pam., vol. 44.] 31ayiiard (Sir John), Serjeant. Reports temp. Edward IL See Year Book, part 1. Mayne ( John D. ). Treatise on Hindu Law and L^'sage. 2d ed. Svo. London. ISSo. Treatise on the Law of Damages. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S56. [L. L.. vol. 92.] [Same.] 2d ed. By Lmnley Smith. Svo. London, 1872. [Same.] Adapted to the American Law. Bv H. G. Wood. Svo. Albany, ISSO. [Same.] 4th ed. By J. I). Mayne and Lumley Smith. Svo. London, 1SS4. 3Iaynz i Charles). Cours de Droit Romain. 4'' ed. 3 vols., . roy. Svo. Bruxelles, 1S76-7. Mayo ( Robert ) and 3Ioulton ( F. ). Army and Xavy Pen- sion Laws, and Bounty Land Laws of the United States. Svo. Washington, 1S52. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Baltimore, 1854. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Washington, 1861. Mayo CThomas). Medical Testimony and Evidence in Cases of Lunacy. 12mo. London, ls5-|-. Mead vs. Dauhnev. Action for Slander. Svo. London, 17t»2. Meade (Judge N. B. i. Livestigation of Charges against. Svo. Richmond, 1SS4. Mears i T. L. ), Analysis of Ortolan's Institutes of Justinian ; including the History and Generalization of Roman Law. 12mo. London, 1S76. Institutes of Gains and Justinian. Svo. London, 1882. Measor iC. P. ). The Convict Service. Svo. London, 1861. [Pam.. vol. 37.] Mecheni TFloyd R."). Treatise on the Law of Agency, including special Chapters on Attorneys, Auctioneers, Brokers and Factoi's. Svo. Chicao^o. 1SS9. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAIL obi Mecheiu (Floyd K.j. Treatise oii the Law of Tublic Oftices and Officers. 8vo. Chicago, 1890. Meclary (S.). The New Constitution ; a Magazine devoted to Constitutional Matters, Eeform of Court Practice, etc. 4to. Columbus, Ohio, 1849. [Only 26 nos. publislied.J Meddaiigii (E. W.), reporter. Michigan Keports, vol. 13. Medical Critic and Psychological Journal. Edited by Forbes Winslow. ;> vols., 8vo. London, 1861-3. Medical Jurisprudence of Inebriety. 8vo. New York, 1888. Medical Register of New York, ^ew Jersey and Connec- ticut. Edited bv Win. T. White. 11 vols., 12nio. New York, 1879-91. Medico-Legal Journal. Pubhshed under the auspices of the Medico- Legal Societv of New York. 8 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883-90. Medico-Legal Papers. Papers read befoi-e the Medico- Legal Society of New York, from its organization. First Series. Revised ed. 8vo. New York, 1874. [Same.] 3d Illustrated ed. Eoy. 8vo. New York, 1889. Second Series. Revised ed. 8vo. New York, 1882. Third Series. Revised ed. 8vo. New York, 1886. Medico-Legal Society of the City of New York. List of Officers, etc., for 1872-3. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Pam., vol. 6.] Yaledictorv Address. By Clark Bell. 8vo. ^e\x York, 1876. [Pam.; vol. 11.] See Medico-Legal Journal ; — Medico- Legal Papers. Medland (W. 31.) and Weobly (Charles). Collection of Remarkable and Interesting Criminal Trials, Actions at Law, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1808. Meech (Levi W.). System and Tables of Life Insurance. Revised ed. Roy. 8vo. Norwich, Conn., 1886. Meek (A. B.). Supplement to Aikin's Digest of Alabama Statute Law. 8vo. Tuscaloosa, 1841. Meek (A. R.), reporter. Florida Reports, vol. 12. Meesoii (R.). See Crompton (C.) and Meeson's Exchequer Reports. 552 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Meesoii (K.) aiul Welsby (W. N.). p]nglish Exchequer Re- ports, 1836-1847. American ed. Bv J. I. C. Hare and il. B. Wallace. 16 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817-52. Meggisoii (Holker). Treatise of the Administration of Assets in Equity. 8vo. London, 1832. Megoiie (W. B.). Reports of Cases under the Companies Acts decided by the High Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal, and the House of Lords, 1888-1890. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1890-1. Meigs (Return J.). Digest of Decisions of the Courts of Tennessee. 2d ed. By W. A. Milliken. 3 vols., 8vo. Clarksville, 1881-2. ■ Reports, Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1838-1839. 8vo. Nashville, 1839. Meisel (E. F.). History of his Life, Villainy, etc. 8vo. New York, 1851. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] Melbourne Public Library. Catalogue. 3 vols., roy. 8vo. Melbourne, 1861-73. Report of Trustees. 8vo. Melbourne, 1871. Melslieinier (R. E.). Law of Bills of Exchange ; an Eng- lish Version of the German Code. Svo. London, 1879. [Pam., vol. 19.] (editor). Atkinson on Sheriff. Jervis on Coroners. Melslieinier (R. E.) and Laurence (W.). Law and Cus- toms of the Stock Exchange. 8vo. London, 1879. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1881. Melville (Henry), Lord. Trial of, by Impeachment, for Hio-h Crimes and Misdemeanors. 8vo. London, 1806. Memoirs of the Pillory. Being a Consolator}^ Epistle to Dr. Shebbeare. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1759. [Pam., vol. 37.] Memphis Law Journal. 2 vols., 8vo. Memphis, 1879-80. Mence (Richard). Law of Libel. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 182L Mendelsohn (S.). (^riminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews. 8vo. Baltimore, 1891. Menzies (William). Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, 1828-1849. Edited by James Buchanan. 3 vols., 8vo. Cape Town, 1 869-71. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 553 Mercantile Agency. Slander and Libel Cases. 8vo. New York, 1873. Mercantile Law Journal. 4to. New York, 1884. [Only 5 nos. published.] Meredith (M. M.) and Tate (H. D.). Formation and Regu- lation of Corporations under the Laws of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884. [Same.] Supplement. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. [Same.] 2d ed. By M. M. Meredith. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1890. Meredith (Samuel), editor. Emerigon on Insurances. Mere wether (H. A.) and Stephens (A. J.). History of the Boroughs and Municipal Corporations of the United Kingdom. 3 vols., roy. 8vo. London, 1835. Meriton (George). An Exact Abridgment of all the Publick Printed Irish Statutes now in Force. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1724. Land-lords Law ; a Treatise very lit for the perusal of most men. 3d ed. 16mo. London, 1669. Merivale (Herman). See Davison (II.) and Merivale's Queen's Bench Reports. Merivale (J. H.). On the Chancery Commission. 8vo. London, 1827. Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1815- 1817. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1817-19. Merlin (Philippe Antoine), Comte. Recueil Alphabetique des Questions de Droit qui se presentent le plus frequem- ment dans les Tribunaux. 3*^ ed. 6 vols., 4to. Paris, 1819-20. [Same.] 4« ed. 16 vols, in 8. 8vo. Bruxelles, LS28- 30. — Repertoire Universel et Raisonne de Jurisprudence. 4« ed. Tome 2-5, 7-13. 11 vols., 4to. Paris, 1812-15. [Vols. 1, 6, and 14 wanting. Yol. 7, no title-page.] [Same.] Tome 15'^: Additions. 4'^ ed. 4to. Paris, 1815. - - [Same.] 4« ed. Tome 16<'-17'' : Additions. (Tome 17% 3« ed.) 2 vols., 4to. Paris, 1824-25. — [Same.] 5'' ed. 36 vols, in 18. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1825-8. 554 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Merrifield (John). Law of Attornies; also the Law of Costs. 8vo. London, 1830. Merrill (C. A.). Supplement to Massachusetts Statutes, 1S82-1888. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1890. Merrill (Georg-e). Essays; Political Legal, and Miscella- neous. 12mo. Cambridge, 1886. ■ Studies in Comparative Jurisprudence, and the Conflict of Laws. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Merrill (John H.). American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. 14 vols., Svo. Is^orthport, 1887-9(». (editor). American and English Railroad Cases, Yols. 30-31. Merrill (Rev. S. M.). Digest of Methodist Law. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1888. Merrill (Samuel). Newspaper Libel. 12m<). Boston, 18S8. Merritt (H. W.). Trial of, for Misconduct in Office. 8vo. New York, 1840. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] Merrynian (John), Ex-parte. Writ of Habeas Corpus. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861. [Pam., vol. 9.] Merwin (Henry Childs). Patentability of Inventions. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Messenger (Peter), and others. Trial of, for High Treason. 12mo. London, 1668. Metcalf (Edwin), reporter. Rhode Island Reports, vol. 3. Metcalf (Theron). Principles of the Law of Contracts, as applied by Courts of Law. 8vo. ISTew York, 1868. [Same.] 2d ed. Bv F. F. Heard. 8vo. Boston, 1888. Reports of Contested Elections in the House of Repre- sentatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 8vo. Dedham, 1814. Reports, Supreme Court of Massachusetts, 1840-1847. 13 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1863-6. (editor). Yelverton's Reports. Metcalfe (J. P.). Reports, Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1858-1863. 4vols., 8vo. Frankfort, 1859-71. Metcalfe (Lyne S., Jr.). Index-Digest of the Central Law Journal, vols. 1-30. Roy. 8vo. St. Louis, 1891. THE ASSOCIATIOJSr OF THE BAR. 555 Meteor. Report of the Case of the Steamship Meteor, hbelled for alleged violation of the Neutralitv Act. Edited hv F. Y. Balch. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1869. Method of Pleading- by Rule and President ; with par- ticular Cases, etc. Svo. London, 1697. Methodist Church Property Case. Bascom vs. Lane. Reported by R. Sutton. Svo. Richmond, 1851. Mew (Georg-e). See Temple (L.) and Mew's Crown Cases. Mews (John). Annual Digests of the English Reports. (*> vols., 8vo. London, 1884-9. Digest of English Law and Equity Reports, 1884-1888. Svo. London, 1889 Digest of Reported Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, etc. From 1750 to 1883, inclusive. Founded on Fisher's Digest. 7 vols., roy. Svo. London, 1884. Mexico : Statutes. Coleccion de los Decretos y Ordenes de las Cortes de Espana [Collection of decrees and ordinances of the Cortes of Spain], 1811-1821. Small 4to. Mexico, 1829. Decretos del Congreso C(mstituyente [Decrees of the Con- stituent Congress], 1824-1830. Tomo 1. Svo. Tlalpam, 1830. Coleccion de Decretos y Ordenes del Congreso Constitu- cional [Collection of decrees and ordinances of the Con- stitutional Congress], 1827-1835. 11 vols., Svo. Toluca, y Tlalpam, 1828-35. [Vols. 9-11 are collections of de- crees, without title-pages.] Recopilacion de Leyes, Decretos, etc. [Recompilation of laws, decrees, etc.]. For B. J. Arrillaga. 1829, 1830, 1831, 1833, 1835, 1836, 1837. 8 vols., Svo. Mexico, 1835- 39. Legislacion Mexicana; 6 Coleccion Completa de las Dis- posiciones Legislativas [Mexican legislation ; or. Com- plete collection of legislative enactments], 1687-1887; por Dublan v Lozano. Edicion oficial. 18 vols., folio. Mexico, 1876-87. — Codes. Codigo Civil del Distrito Federal y Territorio de la Baja Cali- fornia [Civil Code of the Federal District and Territory of Lower California]. Svo. Mexico, 1884. Codigo de Comercio [Code of Commerce]. Svo. Mexico, ^1884. Codigo de Mineria [Mining Code]. Svo. Mexico, 1884. 556 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Mexico : Codes. — Continued. Codigo de Procedimientos Civiles del Distrito Federal y Territorio de la Baja California [Code of civil procedure of the Federal District and Territory of Lower Califor- nia]. 8vo. Mexico, 1884. Codigo de Procedimientos Penales [Code of criminal pro- cedure]. 8vo. Mexico, 1880. Codigo Penal [Criminal Code]. Por De Medina y Or- maechea. 2 vols., 8vo. Mexico, 1880. Codigo Postal [Postal Code]. 8vo. Mexico, 1884. — Treatises. Aniparo. (Writ of Protection.) Yallarta. 1881. Conipeinlio del Derecho. (Compendium of Law.) Hall. Eng. 1885. Hamilton. Eng. 1882. Sala. 1843. AVhite. Eng. 2 vols. 1839. Constitucion Federal. (Federal Constitution.) Chavez. 1886. Cuestiones Coiistitucionales. (Constitutional Questions.) Vallarta. 2 vols. 1881. Derecho Civil. (Civil Law.) Schmidt. 1861. Legislacion. (Legislation.) Observador Judicial, etc. 3 vols. 1842-3. 3Iinas. (Mines.) Diputaciones de Mineria [Commissions on Mines]. 1884. Hall. Eng. 1885. Halleck. Eng. 1859. Hamilton. Enff. 1882. Pockwell. Thomson. Pateiites. (Patents.) Abbott. Eng. Eno-. 1851. 1825. Eno:. 1886. Tarifa. Tariff Laws. Washington. 1885. des Deutschen Staatsrechtes. 2 vols., Habeas Corpus. See Araparo. Meyer (Creorg). Lehrbuch Nvo. Leipzig, 1878. Lehrbuch des Deutschen Yerwaltungsrechtes. 8vo. Leipzig, 1883-85. Das Staatsrecht des Grossherzogthums Sach sen- Wei mar- Eisenach. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [See Marquardsen (H.).] Michael (W. H.). The Sanitary Acts. 8vo. London, 1867. 3Iicliael (AY. H.) and Will (J. S.). Law of Gas and Water Supply. 8vo. London. 1872. 3Iichaux ( Alexandre). Traite Pratique des Contrats de Mari- age, et des actes qui en sont la suite ou la consequence. 8vo. Paris, 1869. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 557 Michel (N. Henry). Du Droit de Cite Roraaine : Etudes d'Epigraphie Juridique. V serie. 8vo. Paris, 18S5. Michigan : Reports. — Law. Douglas. 1843-18^7. 2 vols. Manning. 1847-1850. 1 Mich. 1 vol. Gibbs. 1851-1857. 2- 4 Mich. 3 vols. Cooley. 1858-1864. 5-12 Mich. 8 vols. Meddaugh. 1864-1865. 13 Mich. 1 vol. Jennison. 1865-1869. 14-18 Mich. 5 vols. Clarke. 1869-1871. 19-22 Mich. 4 vols. Post. 1871-1877. 23-36 Mich. 14 vols. Chaney. 1877-1886. 37-58 Mich. 22 vols. Fuller. 1886-1890. 59-82 Mich. 24 vols. r^ii n 11 poi'v Harrington. 1838 -1842. 1 vol. Walker. 1842- -1845. 1 vol. IVlKl Pl'lllK Brown. 1869- 1871. 2 vols. Howell. 1868- -1884. 1vol. Digests of Reports. Jacobs and Chaney. 1837-1888. 2 vols. Cooley. 1838-1872. 1 vol. Chaney. 1838-1876. 1vol. Binmore. Index-Digest. 1838-1880. 1vol. Talbot. Table of Cases. 1837-1878. 1 vol. — statutes (Territorial). Laws of Michigan. Vol. 1. 8vo. City of Washington, 1806. [Known as the Woodward Code.] Some of the Acts of the Territory of Michigan ; with the Titles and a Digest of all the Acts of the said Territory, now in Force, March 20th, 1816. Small 4to. Detroit, 1816. [Known as the Cass Code.] Laws ; with Marginal N"otes and an Index. 8vo. Detroit, 1820. Laws adopted by the Legislative Board, 1821-1823. 8vo. Detroit, 1824. 1st Session, 1st Legislative Council. Detroit, 1824. 2d Session, 1st Legislative Council. Detroit, 1825. Revision, embracing Laws of 2d Legislative Council. 8vo. Detroit, 1827. 1st Session, 3d Legislative Council. Detroit, 1828. 2d Session, 3d Legislative Council. Detroit, 1829. 1st Session, 4th Legislative Council. Pontiac, 1830. 558 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iicliig:aii : Statutes (Territorial). — Continued. 2d Session, 4th Legislative Council. Detroit, 1831. 1st Session, 5th Legislative Council. Detroit, 1832. Revision. 8vo. Detroit, 1833. Private and Incorporation Laws, 2d Session, 5th Legislative Council. Detroit, 1833. 1st Session, fitli Legislative Council. Detroit, 183-1. Extra, and Second Session, Otli Legislative Council. De- troit, 1835. Special Session, 6th Legislative Council. Detroit, 1835. Reprint of Territorial Laws, 1805-1835. 4 vols., 8vo. Lan- sing, 1871-84. statutes (State). Session. Date. Session. Date. First i Nov. , 1835 ■/ Feb. & July, 1836 Uan., 1837 '/June, 1837 ) Nov., 1837 \ Jan., 1838 Jan., 1839 Jan., 1840 Jan., 1841 Jan., 1842 Jan., 1843 Jan., 1844 Jan., 1845 Jan , 1846 Jan., 1847 Jan., 1848 Jan , 1849 Jan , 1850 1, Feb. , 1851 '( June, 1851 Jan., 1853 Jan., 1855 Jan., 1857 Jan., 1858 Biennial Regular Extra Jan., \ Jan., ( May, Jan. , Jan., Feb. Jan., Jan., Jan., July, Jan.. Marc Jan., Marc Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Marc Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., 1859 Extra 1861 1861 Extra 1862 Adjourned Regular Annual Regular Extra Regular Biennial Biennial Extra 1863 1864 1865 Annual 1867. 3 vols. Annual 1869. 3 vols. 1870 Annual Regular Extra Regular Extra Regular Biennial Biennial Biennial Extra 1871. 3 vols. Annual h,1872 Annual Annual Annual 1873. 3 vols. h,1874 1875. 2 vols. Annual 1877. 2 vols. Annual 1879. 2 vols. Annual 1881. 2 vols. Regular Extra h,1882 Regular Biennial Biennial Biennial 1883. 2 vols. Biennial Biennial Biennial Extra 1885. 2 vols. 1887. 2 vols. 1889. 2 vols. 185: 1882. Revised Statutes. 1838. Revised Statutes. 1846. Compiled Laws. (Cooley.) 2 vols. Compiled Laws. (Dewey.) 2 vols. 18^ Annotated Statutes. (Howell.) 2 vols. Marginal Notes. (Crawford.) 1877. Index to Laws. 1872-1877. Index, 1882-1887. [With Acts of 1887.] — Coustitutioual Couveutions. Journal. Convention of 1835. Journal. Convention of 183(;. [With Acts of 1835.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 559 3Iicliigan : Constitutional Conventions. — Continued. Debates and Proceedings. Convention of 1850. Debates and Proceedings. Convention of 1867. 2 vols. Journal. Convention of 1807. Journal. Commission of 1873. Miscellaneous. Chancery Pleading and Practice. (Jennison.) 1882. [Same.]"" (Puterbauo-h.) 1890. Common Law Practice. (Green.) 2 vols. 1877. Court Kules. (Post.) 1884. Criminal Law. (Tiffany.) 1889. History. (Cooley.) 1888. Local Government. (Bemis.) 1883. Railroad Laws. (Ransom.) 1886. Supreme Court Practice. (Powers.) 1884. [Same.] (Puterbaugh.) 1890. Michigan Circuit Court Reporter. 8vo. Marquette, 1889-90. Michigan Lawyer. A Quarterly Magazine. 4 vols., 8vo. Detroit, 1875-9. Michigan Legal News. 8vo. Detroit, 1886. [Only 1 number published.] Michigan Railroad. Conspiracy Case, State of Michigan vs. Abel F. Fitch and others. 8vo. Detroit, 1851. Michigan State Bar Association. Constitutions, By- Laws, Proceedings, etc. 8vo. Detroit, 1890. Middle Temple Library. Catalogue. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1845. ^ [Same.] 8vo. London, 1S80. Middleton (Conyers). History of the Life of Marcus TuUius Cicero. 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1742. Middleton (James W.). Statutes relating to Settled Es- tates. 3(1 ed. 8vo. London, 1882. Middleton Divorce Case. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1850. [Pam. Tr., vol. 10.] Miege (Guy). Ancient Sea-Laws of Oleron, AVisby, and the Hanse-Towns. See Malynes (Gerard). 3Iielziner (Rev. M.). Jewish Law of Marriage and Divorce in ancient and modern times, and its relation to the Law of the State. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1884. 560 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iiliills (L. K.). Summary of the Commercial Law of the United States ; with Business Forms and Practical Sugges- tions. 8vo. Des Moines, 1889. Miles (Col. D. S.). Trial of, by Court Martial. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1861. Miles (John). Reports, District Court, City and County of Philadelphia, 1825-1842. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836-1:2. Militia Reporter; containing Trials by Court Martial. 8vo. Boston, 1810. Mill (John), editor. Constitutional Reports of South Carolina. Mill (John Stuart). On Liberty. 12mo. Boston, 1863. Millar (A. H.). Black Kalendar of Scotland. Records of Is^otable Scottish Trials. Small 4to. Dundee, 1884. Millar (F. C. J.) and Collier (J. R.). Treatise on Bills of Sale. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1860. Millar (John). Elements of the Law relating to Insurances. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1T87. Historical Yiew of the English Government, from the Settlement of the Saxons in Britain to the Accession of the House of Stewart. 8vo. Dublin, 1789. Miller (A. E.). See Hemming (G. W.) and Miller's Yice- Chancery Reports. Miller (B. W. ), reporter. Louisiana Reports, vols. 1-5. Miller (Charles R.). Treatise on the Law of Conditional Sales of Personal Property. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1888. Miller (George). Judgment in the Consistorial Court, in- volving the question of the Law of Marriage in Ireland. 8vo. Armagh, 1840. [Pam., vol. 40.] Miller (J. Bleecker). Destruction of our Natural Law by Codification. 8vo.' New York, 1882. [Pam., vol. 17.] Das Englische Recht und das Romische Recht, als Erzeugnisse Indo-Germanischer YOlker. 8vo. New York, 1882. [Pam., vol. 18.] ■ Letter to the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Com- mittee on Eighteen Sections of the Proposed Civil Code. 8vo. New York, 1883. [Pam., vol. 28.] Universal Suffrage in Cities. 8vo. New York, 1885. [Pam., vol. 33.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 561 Miller (Rev. John). Description of the Province and City of New York ; with Plans of the City and several Forts as they existed in 1695. New ed. By J. G. Shea. 8vo. New York, 1862. [Gowans' Bibliotheca Americana, 3.] Miller (John), of Lincoln's Inn. Inquiry into the present state of the Civil Law of England. 8vo. London, 1825. Inquir}^ into the present state of the Statute and Crim- inal Law of England. 8vo. London, 1822. Observations upon the Power exercised by the Court of Chancery of Depriving a Father of the Custody of his Children. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1828. [Pam., vol. 43.] Miller (N. Dubois). Competency of Witnesses in Civil Causes in Pennsylvania, as affected by Legislation. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1881. Miller (Oliver), reporter. Maryland Chancery Reports, vols. 3—1; — Maryland Reports, vols. 3-18. Miller (Samuel). Essay on Equitable Mortgages by Deposit of Deeds. 8vo. London, 1842. Laws relating to the Land Tax. 8vo, London, 1849. Treatise on the Law of Equitable Mortgages. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. [L. L., vol. 47.] Miller (Samuel, Jr.). Report of the Presbyterian Church Case. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839. Miller (Samuel F.). The Constitution of the United States. Three Lectures before the University Law School of Wash- ington. 8vo. Washington, 1880. [Pam., vol. 19.] Decisions, U. S. Supreme Court, 1855-1862. Condensed. Howard, vol. 18, to Black, vol. 2. 4 vols., 8vo. Washing- ton, 1874-5. JJ. S. Circuit Court Decisions, 1863-1869. Reported by J. M. Woolworth. 8vo. Chicago, 1870. United States Supreme Court Reporter. Reports of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, Octo- ber Term, 1881. 2 vols., 8vo. Des Moines, 1882. Miller (Silvanus) vs. Noah (Morclecai M.). Action for Libel. 8vo. New York, 1823. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Miller (Stephen F.). Bench and Bar of Georgia ; Memoirs and Sketches. With Appendix containing a Court Roll from 1790 to 1857. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1858. Miller (William), editor. Evans' Civil Pleading. 36 662 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Miller (William E.). Probate La^Y and Practice of Iowa. 8vo. Des Moines, 1890. Revised Annotated Code of Iowa. 2 vols., Svo, Des Moines, 1880. [Same.] Roy. 8vo. Des Moines, 1888. [Same.] Supplement. Roy. Svo. Des Moines, 1890. Treatise on Pleading and Practice in the Courts of Iowa, under the Code. Revised ed. Svo. Des Moines, 1875. Miller (William E.) and Field (George W.). Federal Practice. Svo. Des Moines, 1881. Miller (William G.)» Lectures on the Philosophy of Law. Svo. London, 1884. Millikeii (W. A.). See Meigs" Digest of Tennessee De- cisions. Milliken (W. A.) and Vertrees (J. J.). Code of Tennessee Statute Laws. Roy. Svo. Nashville, 1884. Mills (Charles H.). Condensed Digest of the New York Court of Appeals Reports, vols. 63 to 85, inclusive. Svo. Albany, 1882. Supplement to Thompson's Treatise on the Law of High- ways. Svo. Albany, 1879. — (editor). Thompson on the Law of Highways. Mills (Henry E.). Treatise upon the Law of Eminent Do- main. Svo. St. Louis, 1879. [Same.] 2d ed. By H. E. Mills and A. L. Abbott. Svo. St. Louis, 1888. Mills (J. M. C), reporter. Madras High Court Reports, vol. 7. Mills (J. W.). Annotated Statutes of the State of Colorado. 2 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1891. Constitutional Annotations. Svo. Chicago, 1890. Mills (L. E.), editor. Ilandy's Cincinnati Superior Court Reports. Mills (M. A.). Ancient Ordinances and Statute Laws of the Isle of Man. Svo. Douglas, 1821. Mills (Zeehariali). Index to Ohio Laws and Resolutions. Svo. Columbus, 1846. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 563 Milne (J. S.), MacPliersou (N.) and Shirreff (C. J.)» re- porters. Scotch Session Cases, Second Sei'ies, vols. 19-20. Millie (J. S.), MacPliersou (N.), Shirreff (C. J.) and Lee (R.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases, Second Series, vols. 21-23. Milne (Joshua). Treatise on the Valuation of Annuities and Assurances on Lives and Survivorships ; on the Construc- tion of Tables of Mortality ; and on the Probabilities and Expectations of Life. 2 vols., Sv^o. London, 1815. Miltitz (Alex. cle). Manuel des Consuls. 3 vols, in 5, 8vo. Londres et Berlin, 1837-39. Milton (John). Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. Also the Judgement of Martin Bucer ; Tetrachordon ; and an Abridgement of Colasterion. 8vo. London, 1820. Milwarcl (C. R.). Keports of Cases in the Court of Preroga- tive in Ireland, and in the Consistorv t^ourt of Dublin, 1819-1842. 8vo. Dublin, 1847. Milwaukee Bar Association. Constitution, By-Laws, etc. 12mo. Milwaukee, 1883. Mina (Lucretia Espos y). Trial for Murder. See Chap- man (L.). Minet and Fector vs. Gibson and Johnson. Great Com- mercial Cause. 8vo. Dublin, 1791. Mining Reports. Edited by K. S. Morrison. 15 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1883-9. Minneapolis Bar Association. Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. 12mo. 1883. Minnesota : Reports. Officer. 1851-1864. 1-9 Minn. 9 vols, Spencer. 1865-1874. loung. 1874-1890. 10-20 Minn. 11 vols. 21-44 Minn. 24 vols, Digests of Reports. Searles. 1851-1872. 1 vol. Eller. 1851-1879. 2 vols. Alexander. 1879-1886. 1 vol. Benjamin. Index-Digest. 1851-1887". 1 vol. Ewell & Hamilton. Index. 1851-1880. 1 vol. Hastings. Citations. 1851-1886. 1 vol. 564 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iiiiiiesota : Statutes (Territorial). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 2d Sept., 1849 Jan., 1851 Jan., 1852 Jan., 1853 Jan., 1854 6th Jan., 1855 7th Jan., 1856 3d 8th Jan., 1857 4th Extra April, 1857 5th Statutes (State). Session. 1st . . . 2d .., 3d.... 4th.., Extra 5th... 6th... 7th.. 8th... 9th.. 10th. . 11th... 12th.. 13th.. Date. Dec, 1857. Gen. & Sp, Dec, 1859. Jan., 1861. Jan., 1862. Sept., 1862. Jan., 1863. Jan., 1864. Jan., 1865. Jan., 1866. Jan., 1867. Jan.. 1868. Jan., 1869. Jan., 1870. Jan., 1871. Session. Date. 14th Jan. 15th [ Jan. 16th Jan. 17th Jan. 18th ! Jan. 19th [ Jan. 20th ' Jan. 21st Jan. 22d Jan. Extra Oct. 23d Jan. 24th Jan. 25th Jan. 26th Jan. 1872. Gen. &Sp. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1881. 1881. 1883. 1885. 1887. 1889 Eevised Statutes. (Wilkinson.) 1851. Collated Statutes and Decisions. 1853. Compiled Statutes. (Sherburne vfe Hollinshead.) General Statutes. Commissioners' Copy. Folio. Eevised Statutes. (Palmer.) 1866. Compiled Statutes. (Bissell.) 2 vols. 1873. General Statutes, Eevised. (Young.) 1879. pleraents. 1883. General Statutes in Force, Jan., 1889. 2 vols. General Statutes in Force, Jan., 1891. (Kelly.) 1859. 1865. With Sui> 2 vols. 1876. Analytical Index to Statutes. (Shaw & West.) Hand-Book to General Statutes of 1866. (Teeple.) 1877. Changes in the General Statutes. 1881. Penal Code. 1888. [With General Statutes.] — Constitutional Conventions. Debates and Proceedings, Democratic, Convention of 18.57. Debates and Proceedings, Eepublican, Convention of 1857. Journal. Convention of 1857. Constitution, Ordinances and Eesolutions. 1865. — Miscellaneous. Opinions of Attorneys-General. 1858-188-1. Eailroad Laws. (Edgerton.) 1872. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 565 Minnesota : Miscellaneons. — Continued. State Bonds ; Opinions by B. R. Curtis. 1871. [Pam., vol. 2.] Taxation and Assessment. (Alexander.) 1887. Minnesota (Seventh Judicial District) Bar Association. Constitution and By-Laws. 12mo. St. Cloud, 1885. Minor (Henry). Reports, Supreme Court of Alabama, 182o- 182(). 8vo. New York, 1829. Minor (John B.). Institutes of Common and Statute Law. 2d ed. Vols. 1-2, and vol. 4, parts 1-2. (Vols. 1-2, 2d ed.) 4 vols., 8vo. Eichmond, 1876-9. Minor (John D.), et al., vs. Board of Edncation. The Bible in the Public Schools. Svo. Cincinnati, 1870. Minot (Georg^e), editor. English Admiralty Reports. U. S. Statutes at Large. See Woodbury (C. L.) and Minot's U. S. Circuit Court Reports. Miranda (Gen. Francisco). Miranda's Expedition ; includ- ing the Trial of his officers and men for Piracy, etc. 8vo. New York, 180s. Mirehonse (Jolin). Treatise on the Law of Advowsons. 8vo. London, 1824. Treatise on the Law of Tithes. 2ded. ^ivo. London, 1822. Mississippi : Reports. — Law. Walker. 1818-1832. 1 Miss. 1 vol. Howard. 1834-1843. 2-8 Miss. 7 vols. Smedes & Marshall. 1843-1850. 9-22 Miss. 14 vols. Cushman. 1851-1855. 23-29 Miss. 7 vols. George. 1855-1863. 30-39 Miss. 10 vols. Revnolds. 1864-1869. 40-42 Miss. 3 vols Morris. 1870-1873. 43-48 Miss. 6 vols. Harris & Simrall. 1873-1876. 49-52 Miss. 4 vols. Brown & Hemingway. 1876-1888. 53-65 Miss. 13 vols. Brame & Alexander. 1888-1890. 66-67 Miss. 2 vols. Cliancery. Freeman. 1839-1843. 1 vol. Smedes & Marshall. 1840-1843. 1 vol. Criminal. Morris. ' 1818-1872. 2 vols. — Digests of Reports. George. 1818-1871. 1 vol. Andrews. 1872-1880. 1 vol. Heidelberg. 1871-1887. 1 vol. 566 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF 3Iississippi : Statutes (Territorial). Acts of Governors and Judges, June-Dec, 1799, 8vo. [Washington], 1801. Acts of 3d Assembly, Extra Session, July, 1805. 8vo. Katchez, 1805. Acts of 9tli Assembly, First Session, Xov., 1815. 8vo. Natchez, 1815. ■ Statutes (State). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 2d 4th 5th. Adjourned 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th Biennial Adjourned Called Biennial Adjourned. Biennial Adjourned Biennial Called Biennial Biennial Regular Regular Called Regular CaUed Regular Regular Adjourned Oct., Jan., Jan., June, Dec, Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Nov., Nov., Jan., Nov., Jan., Jan., Apr., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., July. Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Nov., Jan., Oct., Jan., Jan., Dec, 1817 1819 1821 1822 1823 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1830 1831 1833 1833 1836 1837 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1846 1848 1850 1850 1852 1852 1854 1856 1856 Regular. . Called.... Regular . Called . . , Called .. Called. . . Regular. . Called . . . Regular . Called . . . Called . . . Called . . . Regular . Called . . . Called . . . Regular . Regular . Regular . Regular . Called . . . Regular . Called... Regular . Called . . . Regular . Regular . Regular . Biennial. Biennial. Biennial. Biennial. Biennial . Biennial. Nov., Nov., Nov., Nov., Jan., July. Nov., Dec, Nov., Mar. . Aug., Feb.. Oct., Oct., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Oct., Jan., Dec, Jan., July, Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., 857 858 859 860 861 861 861 862 863 864 864 865 865 866 867 870 871 872 873 873 874 874 875 875 876 877 878 880 883 884 886 888 890 Ee vised Statutes. (Toulmin.) 1807. Digest of Territorial Statutes. 1816. Kevised Code of Laws. (Poindexter.) 1823. Laws of a Public Xature. 1824-1838. Digest of Laws. (Alden & Van Hoesen.) 1839. Compilation of Statutes. (Howard tfc Hutchinson.) Code of Laws. (Hutchinson.) 1848. Ee vised Code of Laws. 1857. [Same.] 1871. [Same.] 1880. 1840. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR, 567 Mississippi : Constitutional Conventions. Journal, Ordinances and Resolutions. Jan., 1861. Journal, Ordinances and Resolutions. March, 1861. Journal, Proceedings and Debates. 1865. Missouri : Reports. — Supreme Court. McBride. 1821-1828. 1 Mo. 1vol. Edwards. 1829-1834. 2-3 Mo. 2 vols, Napton. 1835-1837. 4 Mo. 1vol. Bay. 1837-1811. 5-8 Mo. 4 vols. Stringfellow. 1845-1818. 9-11 Mo. 3 vols. Robards. 1848-1850. 12-13 Mo. 2 vols. Gardenhire. 1851-1852. 11^15 Mo. 2 vols. Bennett. 1852-1855. 16-21 Mo. 6 vols. Jones. 1855-1860. 22-30 Mo. 9 vols. Jones, Barclay & Whittelsey. 1860-1862. 31 Mo. 1 vol. Whittelsey. 1862-1867. 32-41 Mo. 10 vols. Post. 1867-1877. 42-64 Mo. 23 vols. Skinker. 1877-1883. 65-79 Mo. 15 vols. Brown. 1883-1890. f Appeal. 80-101 Mo. 22 vols. V^vf U.X iJO \J Berry. 1876-1885. 1-16 Mo. App. 16 vols. Berry & Mister. 1885-1888. 17-28 Mo. App. 12 vols. Lewis & Mister. 1888. 29-32 Mo. App. 4 vols. Lewis & Guthrie. 1888-1889. 33-35 Mo. App. 3 vols. Goldsmith & Guthrie. . 1889-1890. 36-41 Mo. App. 6 vols. Digests of Reports. Pattison. 1821-1878. 3 vols. Stark. 1872-1886. 3 vols. McQuillin. 1886-1890. 1 vol. — statutes (District of Louisiana). Laws passed by the Governor and Judges of Indiana Ter- ritory at Vincennes, Oct., 1804. — Statutes (Territory of Louisiana). Laws in Force, 1804-1808. Laws passed by the Governor and Judges, Oct., 1810. — Statutes (Territory of Missouri). Acts of General Assembly, July and Aug., 1813. Acts of General Assembly, Dec. and Jan., 1813-14. Acts of General Assembly, Dec. and Jan., 1814-15. Acts of General Assembly, Dec. and Jan., 1815-16. Acts of General Assembly, Dec. and Jan., 1816-17. Acts of General Assembly, Oct., Nov., Dec, 1818. 668 catalogue: of the librae y of Missoiu'i : Statutes (State). Assembly. 1st .. 1st .. 1st . 2d... 3d.., 3d... 3d.., 4th . , 5th., 6th.. 7th.. 8th . . 8th.. 9th.. 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th 13th . 14th. 15th. 16th. 17th. 18th. 18th. 18th. 19th. 19th. 20th 20th 20th 21st. 21st . 22d.. 23d.. 23d. . 23d.. 24th . 24th. 25th . 25th . 26th . 26th 27th. 27th . 28th . 29th . 30th 31st . 31st . 32d. . 33d.. 34th . 34th 35th . Session. 1st Special. . . . 2d 1st 1st 1st 2d 1st 1st 1st .1 1st . 1st . 1st . 1st ,1 1st . i 1st .! 1st . ' 1st . 1st , 1st . 1st , 1st 1st and 2d , 1st . Adjourned , ' Adjourned 1st Adjourned , 1st Adjourned Called.... Regular. . . ' Called.... I Regular. . . j Adjourned ' Regular . . . Adjourned 1st Adjourned Regular. . . Adjourned Regular. . . Adjourned Regular. . . Adjourned Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular. . . Regular . . Extra Regular. . . Regular . . Regular. . . Extra.. .. Regular. . . Date. 1820 1821 1821-2 1822 1824. Revised. 1824. Private. 1826 / 1826-7 )■ 1828-9 1830-1 1832-3 1834-5 Revised. 1834-5. Private & Local. 1836-7 1838-9 1840-1 1842-3 1844-5. Revised. 1814-5. Private & Local. 1846-7 1848-9 1S50-1 1852-3 1854-5 1855. Revised. 1855. Private & Local. 1856-7 1857 1858-9 1859-60 1860 1860-1 1861 1862-3 1863^ 1864-5 1865-6 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1871-2 1873 1874 1875 1877 1879 1881 1882 1883 1885 1887 May, 1887 1889 THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 569 Missouri: Statutes (State). — Continued. Digest of Territory Laws. (Geyer.) 1818. Kevised and Digested Laws. 2' vols. 1825. Revised Statutes. 1835. [Same.] 2d ed. 1840. [Same.] 3d ed. 181-1. Laws of Louisiana and Missouri. 2 vols. 181:2. Revised Statutes. (Casselberry.) 1845. Revised Statutes. (Jones.) 1845. Revised Statutes. (Hardin.) 2 vols. 1855. Revised Statutes. (Denny.) 1866. Compiled Statutes ; with Notes, References, and an Index. (Wagner.) 2 vols. 1872. [Same.] With Supplement. (Myers.) 1877. Revised Statutes. 2 vols. 1879. [Same.] 2 vols. 1889. Index to Statutes. (Garland.) 1868. Code of Procedure, Annotated. (Winslow.) 1879. Constitutional Conventions. Journal and Proceedings. March, 1861. Journal and Proceedings. July, 1861. Journal and Proceedings. Oct., 1861. Journal. June, 1862. Proceedings. June, 1862. Journal. June, 1863. Proceedings. June, 1863, Journal. 1865. Journal of the Senate, Extra Session of the Legislature, held at Neosho, Oct., 1861. — Miscellaneous. Bench and Bar. (Bay.) 1878. Constables. (Kelley.) 1890. Corporation Laws. (Watts.) 1890. Forms for Pleading. (Pattison.) 1891. History. (Carr.) 1888. Justices of the Peace. (Kelley.) 1890. Railroad Laws. 1859. Supreme Court Rules. 1889. [In Mo. Repts., vol. 99.] Missouri Bar. A AVeekly Law Journal. 8vo. Jefferson City, 1879. [Only 15 nos. published.] Missouri Bar Association. Reports of Annual Meetings. 8 vols., 8vo. St. Louis, etc., 1881-8. Mitchell (E. C). Law of Real Estate and Conveyancing in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelpiiia, 1890. 570 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Mitchell (E. C). Separate Use in Pennsylvania, with respect to Restraint on Alienation. Svo. Philadelphia, 1875. [Pam., vol. 32.] Mitchell (James T.). Motions and Rules at Common Law, according to the Practice of the Courts of Philadelphi-a. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. Mitchell (Major). Trial of, for Felonious Assault and Maim- ing. Svo. Portland, 1834. • Mitchell (William), editor. Maritime Notes and Queries. Mitforcl (John), Lord Redesdale. Treatise on the Plead- ings in Suits in the Court of Chancery by English Bill. 4th ed. By G. Jeremy. 8vo. London, 1827. [Same.] Amer. ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1812. [Same.] 3d Amer. ed. Bv Chas. Edwards. Svo. New York, 1833. [Same.] 5th Amer. ed. By Chas. Edwards. Svo. Xew York, 1844. [Same.] Amer. ed. Bv S. Tyler. Svo. New York, 1876. Mitteiluiig^eii cler Interiiatioiialen Kriminalistischeii Vereiiiig^ung : Bulletin de TUnion Internationale de Droit Penal. 2 vols., Svo. Berlin, 1889-91. Mittermaier (C. J. A.). On the effect of Drunkenness upon Criminal Responsibility, and the Application of Pun- ishment. Svo. Edinburgh, 1841. [Pam., vol. 34.] Mix (David E. E.). Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the Offices of the Secretary of State, etc. New York. Svo. Albany, 1859. Moak (Nathaniel C). Address to the Jury in the Case of the People vs. Thos. C. Piatt. Svo. Albanv, 1888. [Pam., vol. 46.] Closing Argument in the Case of People vs. Jesse Bill- ings, Jr. Svo. Albany, 1879. — Digest of Moak's English Reports, vols. 1-15. Svo. Albany, 1878. Experts and Expert Testimony. Svo. Albany, 188L [Pam., vol. 14.] Reply to D. D. Field, relative to the Code of Evidence and Codification of Common Law. Svo. Albany, 1886. [Pam., vol. 33.] THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 5 VI Moak (Nathaniel C). Eeports of Cases decided by the English Courts ; with Notes and References to kindred Cases and Authorities. 38 vols., 8vo. Albany, 18Y2-89. Subject-Index of Elementary Law Books. Svo. Al- bany, 1880. Value of Expert Evidence generally. 8vo. Albany, 1887. [Pam., vol. 35.] Value of Expert Testimony, on Authority, as to Hand- writing. 8vo. Albany, 1887. (editor). Gould's Law Catalogue. Underhil] on Torts. Van Santvoord's Pleadings. Mobley (W. H.). Digest of Contested Election Cases, U. S. House of Representatives, 1882-1889. 8vo. Washington, 1889. Modern Cases. By Thomas Farresley. See Modern Reports, vol. 7. Modern Cases in Law and Eqnity. In two parts. Part I, Reports of Special Cases in the Court of King's Bench, 1721-1726. Part II, Cases in the High Court of Chancery, and some Special Cases on Appeals, 1712-1721. Folio. London, 1730. [Same.] See Modern Reports, vols. 8, 9. Modern Cases in Queen's Bench. 1703-1704. See Modern Reports, vol. 6. Modern Entries, in English ; being a Select Collection of Pleadings in the Courts of King's Bench, etc. By John Mallory. 3 vols., folio. London, 1734-7. [Vols, 1, 2, are Anon. ; vol. 3 is Quare Impedit.] [Same.] 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1791, Modern Probate of Wills ; containing an Analysis of the Modern Law of Probate in England and America. 8vo. Boston, 1846. . Modern Reports ; or, Select Cases adjudged in the Courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, 1st ed. Vols. 1-6, Folio. London, 1682-1713. Modern Reports. 1669-1732. 5th ed. By Thos. Leach. 12 vols., 8vo. London, 1793-6, Moile (Nicholas T.). State Trials; specimen of a New Edition, in Verse, 8vo, London, 1838. 572 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Moleswortli (Robert i. Essay upon the Law regarding the Eegistration of Deeds and Conveyances in Ireland. Svo. Dubhn. 1838. Mollie 3Iag:iiires. Arguments of Chas. Albright and F. W. Huofhes. Svo. Pottsville, 1876. Trial of. See Kehoe (John). Molloy (B. A. I. Analysis of the Eeport on the Operation of the Laws of Mortmain. 8vo. Dublin. 1SJ:5. [Para., vol. -15.] 3Iolloy (Charles). De Jure Maritimo et Xavali ; or, A Treatise of Affaii's Maritime, and of Commerce. 5th ed. Svo. London. 1701. [Same.] 9th ed. 2 vols.. Svo. London, 1769. 3Iolloy (Philip"^. Reports, High Court of Chancerv, Ire- land, 1827-1831. 3 vols., 8vo. Dubhn. 1832-3. 3Ioloiiey (31.). Law of ^Mercantile Agents ; or. The Factoi-s Act.'lSSy. 12mo. London. 1890. 3Iombert (J. 1. 1. History of Charles the Great (Charle- magne). Svo. Xew York. 1888. 3Ioiuinsen (TheodoD. Corpus Juris Civilis. Editio stereotypa o^. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Berolini. 1882-1. [Institutiones et Codex Jus'tinianus recognovit Pauliis Krueo:er ; Dig-esta recognovit Mommsen.l 3Ioiiagliaii ( Jaiiie.s), reporter. Chester County Eeports. 3Ioiialiaii (James H.V Method of Law ; an Essay on the Statement and Arrangement of the Legal Standard of Conduct. Svo. London. 1878. 3IoncreifF (F. C). Liability of Innkeepers. 12mo. Lon- don. 1S7L 3Ioiicreiff (Henry J.). Treatise on the Law of Review in Criminal Cases by the High Court and Circuit Court of Justiciary. Svo. Edinburgh. 1877. 3Ionell (Claudius L.). Treatise on the Practice of the Suj^reme Court of the State of Xew York ; adapted to the Code of Procedure. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1853-4. 3Ioiiro (Cecil). Acta Caucellaria? ; or, Selections from the Records of the Court of Chancerv, etc. Svo. London, 1817. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 573 Monroe (Ben.). Heports, Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1840-1857. 2d ed. IS vols., 8vo. Cincinnati and Frank- fort, 1854-8. Monroe (Ben.) and Harlan (J.). Digest of Kentucky Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. Frankfort, 1853. Monroe (James), President. James Monroe, 1776-1826. By Daniel C. Gilman. 9tli ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Monroe (James). Standard Decisions on Questions in Law and Equity relating to Banks, Banking and Commerce. 8vo. Xew York, 1879. Monroe (Thomas B.). Reports, Court of Appeals of Ken- tucky, 1824-1828. 2d ed. 7 vols, in 3. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1850. Montagu (Basil), Abolition of the Punishment of Death in Cases of Bankruptcy. 8vo. London, 1821. Digest of Pleading in Equity ; with Notes of Cases. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1824. Digest of the Law of Partnership. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols.. 8vo. New York, 1824. English Bankruptcy (-ases, 1829-1832. 8vo. London, 1832. — Letter upon the Emancipation of the Jews. 8vo. Lon- don, 1834. [Pam., vol. 25.] — Letters [2] on the Bankrupt Laws to Edward B. Sugden, 8vo. London, 1829. [Pam., vol. 24.] — Letters to Sir Edward Sugden, on the Court of Com- missioners and Court of Review. 8vo. London, 1834. [Pam., vol. 24.] — Opinions of different Authors upon the Punishment of Death. 2d ed. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1812-16. — Some Inquiries respecting the Punishment of Death for Crimes without Violence. 8vo. London, 1818. [Pam., vol. 19.] — Summarv of the Law of Composition with Creditors. 8vo. London, 1823. — Summary of the Law of Lien. 8vo. London, 1821. — [Same.] 1st Am. ed. 8vo. Exeter, 1822. — Summary of the Law of Set-off. 8vo. London, 1801. — [Same.] Am. ed. 8vo. New York, 1806. 574 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB B ART OF 3Ioiitag:ii (Basil) and Ayrtoii (Scrope;. English Bank- ruptcy Reports, 1S33-1838. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1834^9. Law and Practice in Bankruptc}-. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1837. Moiita^i (Basil) and Bligh (R.). English Bankruptcy Reports, ls32-183o. 8vo. London. 1835. Montagu (Basil) and Cliitty (Edward). English Bank- ruptcy Reports, 1838-1840. 8vo. London, 1840. Montagu (Basil), Deacon (E. E.), and DeGex (J.). English Bankruptcy Reports, 1840-1844. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1842-5. Montagu (Basil) and Macarthur (John). English Bank- ruptcy Reports, 1820-1830. 8vo. London, 1830. Montana : Reports. 1868-1873. 1873-1880. 1881-1887. 1887-1889. 1889-1890. Blake. Blake & Hedges. Hedges. Buck. Maddox. 1 Mont. 1 vol. 2-3 Mont. 2 vols. 4-6 Mont. 3 vols. 7-8 Mont. 2 vols. 9 Mont. 1 vol. - Digest of Reports. Buck. 1868-1889. — Statutes (Territorial). 1 vol. Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st Dec, 1864 Mar., 1866 Nov., 1866 Nov., 1867 Dec, 1867 Dec, 1868 Dec, 1869 Dec, 1871 Apr.. 1873 Jan., 1874 9th Jan 1876 2d 10th nth Jan.. 1877 Jan., 1879 Julv. 1879 3d 4th Extra Extra 5th 12th Jan., 1881 13th Jan., 1883 6th 14th Jan., 1885 7th loth. [In Compilation.] Jan., 1887 Extra Aug., 1887 16th Jan.. 1889 Extra 8th Codified Statutes. 1872. Revised Statutes. 1881. Compiled Statutes. 1887. Laws of 15th Session.] — Statutes (State). Jan. Session. 1891. [Containing General and Special THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 575 Montefiore (Joshua). Commercial and Notarial Pre- cedents. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. [Same.] 2d Am. ed. By C. C. Piddle. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1822. Law of Copyright. Svo. London, 1802. Synopsis of Mercantile Laws. New ed. Svo. New York, 1830. Montesquieu (Charles de Secondat), Baron de. The Spirit of Laws. Translated from the French. By Thomas Nugent. 7th ed. 2 vols., 12mo. Edinburgh, 1778. [Same.] New ed. 2 vols., Svo. Cincinnati, 1873. Montgomery (David). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. New York, 1873. Montgomery (Lt.-Col. Wm. R.). Trial of, by Court Mar- tial. Svo. Philadelphia, 1858. Montgomery County (Pa.) Bar Association. Constitu- tion and By-Laws. n. d. Montgomery County Law Reporter. 7 vols., Svo. Nor- ristown, 1885-91. Monthly Index to the Reporters. Svo. St. Paul, 1886. Monthly Journal of Law. January to May, 1881. Svo, "Washington, 1881. [Only 7 nos., 45 pages'^ published.^ Bound with Morrison's Transcript, vol. 5.] Monthly Jurist. 2 vols., Svo. Bloomington, 111. 1878-9. Monthly Law Bulletin. See N. Y. Monthly Law Bul- letin. Monthly Law Magazine and Political Review. 9 vols., Svo. London, 1838-41. Monthly Law Magazine. Reuben Vose's New Lawyer; or. Law for the People. Svo. New York, 1858. [Vol. 1, no. 1.] Monthly Law Reporter. See Law Reporter, New Series. Monthly Legal Examiner. Edited by John Livingston. Svo. New York, 1850. [Only 2 nos. published.] Monthly Western Jurist, 3 vols., Svo. Bloomington, 111. 1875-7. Montreal Condensed Reports. Edited by T. K. Ramsay and L. S. Morin. 2d ed. Svo. Montreal,'^18S4. 576 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Montreal Law Reports. Court of Queen's Bench. 6 vols., 8vo. Montreal, 1884-90. 3Ioiitreal Law Reports. Superior Court. 6 vols., 8vo. Montreal, 1884-90. 3Ioiitreal Legal New^s. See Legal Xews. 3Ioiitrioii (W. A.). Cases of Hindu Law, Bengal Supreme Court of Judicature, 1810-1840. 8vo. Calcutta, 1861. [Supplement to 2d ed. of Morton's Bengal Reports.] Institutes of Jurisprudence. 8vo. Calcutta, 1866. Montserrat. Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island of Montserrat, 1668- 1740. Folio. " London, 1740. 3Ioiiuineiita Fraiiciscaiia. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Monumenta Historica Britannica. See Record Com- mission. 3Ioiiiiiiieiita Jiiriclica. Black Book of the Admiralty. See Twiss (Sir Travers). Moody (WilliaiuV English Crown Cases, 1824-1844. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1837-44. See Ryan (Ed.) and Moody's Nisi Prius Reports. Moody (William) and 3Ialkiii (B. H.). English Nisi Prius Reports, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, 1826- 1830. 8vo. London, 1831. Moody (William) and Robinson (F. ). English Xisi Prius Reports, 1830-1844. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1837-44. Moon (Clinton A.). Digest of Fees of Town and County Officers in the State of New York. 4th ed. 12mo. Rochester, 1881. [Same.] 5th ed. 12mo. Rochester, 1884. Moore (A). Reports. See Bosanquet and Puller's Reports, vol. 1. Moore (Arthnr). Hand-Book of Railway Law. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1860. Moore (C. W.) and Sevey (E.) vs. Greene (S. D.). Libel Case. 8vo. Boston, 1833. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 577 Moore (Edmund F.). Eeport of the Gorham Case. 8vo. London, 1852. - Reports of Cases in the Privy Council, on Appeal from the Supreme Court, etc., in the East Indies, 1836-1872. 14 vols., 8vo. London, 1837-72. Reports, Privy Council, England, 1836-1862. 15 vols., Svo. London, 1837-62. [Same.] New Series, 1862-1873. 9 vols., svo. Lon- don, 1864-73. (reporter). Knapp's Privy Council Reports, vol. 3. Moore (Sir Francis). Reading upon the Statute concerning Charitable Uses. See Duke (George). Reports, Court of King's Bench, England, 1512-1621. 2d ed. By Sir G. Palmer. Folio. London, 1688. Moore (George F.), reporter. Alabama Reports, vol. 67. Moore (George F.) and Walker (R. S.), reporters. Texas Reports, vols. 22-24. Moore (George H.). Notes on Tithing-Men and the Ballot in Massachusetts. 8vo. Worcester, 1884. [Pam., vol. 26.] Supplementary ]^otes on Witchcraft in IVIassachusetts. A critical examination of the alleged law of 1711 for re- versing the attainders of the witches of 1692. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1884. [Pam., vol. 26.] Moore (Henry). Instructions for preparing Abstracts of Titles. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853. [L. L., vol. 77.] [Same.] 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1873. [Same.] 4th ed. By R. JMerivale and N. Pearson, 12mo. London, 1886. Practical Forms of Agreements. 8vo. London, 1884. Moore (Ira M.). Criminal Law and Procedure in Illinois. 2d ed. Svo. Chicago, 1890. Jurisdiction and Practice of Justices of the Peace and Constables in Ilhnois. 3d ed. Svo. Chicago, 1889. Moore (Jacob B.). Laws of Trade in the United States. 12mo. ]^ew York, 1840. Moore (John Bassett). Report on Extradition. Svo. Washington, 1889. Treatise on Extradition and Interstate Rendition. 2 vols.. Svo. Boston, 1891. 37 578 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Moore (John Bayly). Digested Index to the Term Eeports. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1819. Reports, Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Cham- ber, England. 1817-1827. 12 vols., 8vo. London, 1818-31. Moore (John Bayly) and Payne (Joseph). Reports, Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, England, 1828-1831. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1828-32. Moore (John Bayly) and Scott (John). Reports, Courts of Common Pleas. Exchequer Chamber, etc., England, 1831- 1834. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1833-4. Moore (John M.), reporter. Arkansas Reports, vols. 28-34. Moore (Stuart A. i. History of the Foreshore and the Law relating thereto; with a hitherto unpublished treatise by Lord Hale : " De Jure Maris " ; and Hall's Essay on the Rights of the Crown in the Sea-shore. 3d ed. 8vo Lon- don, 1888. Moore (William E.). Presbvterian Digest of 188f). 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886. Moorman (Thos. S.). Manual on Limitations of Estates in South Carolina. 8vo. Columbia, 1889. Moragas y Droz (R.) and Pardo (J. M.i. Legislacion Organica del Xotariado y del Poder Judicial en las Islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico comentada. 12mo. Madrid, 1873. . Ko^^sima Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil y Mercan- til anotada. 6* ed. 'l2mo. Madrid, 1875. [Biblioteca Juridica.] Mora wet z (Victor). Treatise on the Law of Private Cor- porations, other than Charitable. 8vo. Boston, 1882. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1886. Mordannt (Sir Charles), Bart. Divorce Case. Official Report. 8vo. London, 1S7U. [Pam. Tr., vol. 1.] More (E. S.). Village Laws of the State of New York. 8vo. Rochester, 1888. More (John S.). Lectures on the Law of Scotland. Edited by John McLaren. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1864. More (Sir Thomas). Life of. By his Great Grandson, Thomas More. 8vo. London, 1726. Moreau-Lislet (Li.) and Carleton (H.). The Laws of Las Siete I*artidas, which are still in force in Louisiana. Translated from the Spanish. 2 vols., 8vo. New Orleans, 1820. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 579 Moreliead (C. S.) and Brown (Mason). Digest of Ken- tucky Laws. 2 vols., 8vo. Frankfort, 1834. Morehouse (George C). Supervisors' Manual. Svo. Albany, 1886. Moreuil (L. J. A. cle). Manuel des Agents Consulalres Franyais et Strangers. Ed. auginentee. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Morey (AVilliani C). Outlines of Koman Law. 12mo. New York, 188-lr. Morg-an (Charles F.). Code of Civil Procedure, Justices' Act, and all other Acts relating merely to Practice, of the State of Ohio. 8vo. Albany, 1874. Morgan (George O.) and Chute (C. W.). Statutes, Gen- eral Orders, and Rules of Court, of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Chancery Division. 5th ed. Svo. London, 1876. Morgan (George O.) and Wurtzburg (E. A.). Chancery Acts, Rules and Orders. 0th ed. Roy. 8vo. London, 1885. Morgan (Hector D.). Doctrine and Law of Marriage, Adultery, and Divorce. 2 vols., Svo. Oxford, 1826. Morgan (Henry J.). Canadian Legal Directorv. Svo. Toronto, 1878. Morgan (James A.). English Version of Legal Maxims ; with the original forms alphabetically arranged. Svo. Cincinnati, 1878. Law of Literature. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1875. Personal Identity ; paper read before the New York Medico-Legal Society. Svo. New York, 1876. [Pam., vol. 8.] (editor). Addison on Contracts ; Best on Evidence ; De Colyar on Guaranties. Morgan (John). Attorney's Vade Mecum, and Client's In- structor. 3 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1787-8. Essays upon the Law of Evidence, New Trials, Special Verdicts, Trials at Bar and Repleaders. 3 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1789. Morgan (John) and Williams (T. W.). Law Journal. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1803-4. 580 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iorgaii (Samuel T. ). Digest of the United States Tariff and Customs Laws ; an Alphabetical Schedule of Rates of Duties, etc. 6th ed. Sv^o. Baltimore, 1883. [Same.] Tth ed. 8vo. Baltimore, 1891. 3Iorgan (Thomas G.). Civil Code of the State of Louisiana. 8vo. Xew Orleans, 1861. Code of Practice in Civil Cases for the State of Louisi- ana. 8vo. !Ne\v Orleans, 1861. — (editor). Louisiana Reports. 3Iorhaiii (C). De TEmpire Allemand, sa Constitution, son Administration. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 3Ioriarty (A.). On Personation and Disputed Identity, and their Tests. Svo. London, 1873. [Pam., vol. 11.] Moriii (Acliille). Les Lois relatives a la Guerre, selon le Droit des Gens Moderne, le Droit Public, et le Droit Crim- inel des Pays Civilises. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1872. 3Iorisoii (John H.), D.D. Life of the Hon. Jeremiah Smith. 8vo. Boston, 1845. Morisoii (William M.). Dictionary of Decisions of the Court of Session, Scotland. 38 vols, in 19. 4to. Edin- burgh, 1801-7. - [Same.] Supplemental Volume, 4to. Edinburgh, 1815. ^ [Same.] Synopsis and Index. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1804. Index to Morison's Dictionarv of Decisions. B}'^ Wm. Tait. [Anon.] 4to. Edinburgh, 1823. Indexes of the Dictionary of Decisions. 4to. Edin- burgh, 1816. Scotch Election Cases, 1687-1803. 4to. Edinburgh, 1806. [See Wight (Alex.).] Morley (William H.). Analytical Digest of the Reported Cases in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in India, etc. ; with Introduction, Notes, and Appendix. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1849-50. [Same.] New Series, vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1852. Mormon Trials at Salt Lake City. See Townsend (Geo. A.). THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 581 Moriiac [Lat. Moriiacius] (Aiitoiiie). Observationes in quin- quaginta libros Digestoruin ; — Observationes in duodecim libros Codicis ; — Recueil d' Arrests du Parlement de Paris, depuis 1588 jusqu en 162<». Nova editio auctior. -1 vols., folio. Lutetiae Parisioruni, 1721. Moriiiii§f Herald. Articles on Punishment of Death. With Notes. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1836-T. Morrell (Charles F.). Digest of English I>ankruptc\" Cases. 1884-1887. 8vo. London, 1888. English Bankruptcy Cases. 1881-1891. 8 vols., 8vo. London, 1881-Ul. Hand-Book on the Law of Insurance, Fire, Life, Acci- dent, and Marine. 12mo. London, 1883. Handy Book of the Law of Horses. 12ni(). London, 1881. Popular Statement of the Law of Wills. 12rao. Bir- mingham, 1882. Morrill (William W.). Competency and Privilege of Wit- nesses, and their Testimony, under the Nqw York Codes. 8vo. New York, 1880. Law and Practice in Actions against Municipal Corpora- tions for Negligence in the care of Highways. 8vo. New York, 1887. Morris (Eastiii). Reports, Supreme Court, Iowa, 1839- 1816. 2d ed. By W. E. Miller. 8vo. Davenport, 1870. Morris (J. S.). Mississippi State Cases ; being Criminal Cases decided in the High Court of Errors and Appeals, and in the Supreme Court. 1818-1872. 2 vols., 8vo. Jackson, 1872. (reporter). Mississippi Reports, vols. 43-48. Morris (James). Cases disposed of by the Sudder Foujdaree Adawlut of Bombay. 1854-1855. 3 vols., 8vo. Bombay, 1854-5. Selected Decisions of the Court of Sudder Dewanee Adawlut of Bomba}'-. 1847-1857. 4 parts, 8vo. Bombay, 1852-60. Morris (P. P.). Treatise on the Law of Replevin' in the United States. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. 582 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Morris (Ricliiircl). Analytical Digest of Selected Practice Cases decided in the Common Law Courts to 1847. 8vo. London, 1847. 3Iorris (Robert). Precedents in Conveyancing, in relation to Letters Patent for Inventions. 8vo. London, 1887. 3Iorris (Robert H.), Recorder of Xew York City. Opinion of the Attorney-General, on the Legality of his Conduct, 8vo. Albany, 1841. [Pam., vol. 8.] Morris (Thomas). Discourse upon Dilapidations, Ecclesiasti- cal and General. 12nio. London, 1871. Railway and other Compensation for Property and Per- son ; Compulsory Sale under Special Acts, etc. 12mo. London, 1870. 3Iorris (William). Solicitors' Fees and Court Fees. 12mo. London, 1876. 3Iorris (William G.), reporter. California Reports, vol. 5. Morris (William O.). Analytical Summary of the Law of Easements. 12mo. Dublin, 1869. Morrison (Charles R. ). Digest of New Hampshire Re- ports. 8vo. Concord, 1868. Morrison (R. S.). Colorado Digest, comprising the Decisions of the Supreme and Federal Courts of the State. 8vo. Denver, 1888. Digest of the Law of Mines and Minerals, and of all Controversies incident to the subject-matter of Mining. 8vo. San Francisco, 1878. Mining Reports. 15 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1883-9. Mining Rights in Colorado. 3d ed. 12mo. Denver, 1879. — [Same.] 4th ed. 12mo. Denver, 1880. — [Same.] 6th ed. 12mo. Denver, 1888. Morrison's Transcript of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. 5 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1881-3. Morrissett (E. P.), reporter. Alabama Reports, vol. 80. 3Iorse (Alexander P.). Treatise on Citizenship, by Birth and Naturalization. 8vo. Boston, 1881. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 583 Morse (John T., Jr.). Biography of Benjamin Franklin. 16mo. j^ew York, 1889. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Biography of John Adams. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Same.] Biography of John Quincy Adams. 12th ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Same.] Biography of Thomas Jefferson. 13th ed. IBmo. Boston, 1888. [Same.] Famous Trials. 8vo. Boston, 1874. Law of Arbitration and Award. 8vo. Boston, 1872. Treatise on the Law of Banks and Banking. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1870. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1879. [Same.] 3d ed. By F. Parsons. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1888. — (editor). American Statesmen. Mortimer (^Thomas), editor. Beawes' Lex Mercatoria Rediviva. Morton (T. C). Decisions of the Supreme Court of Judica- ture at Fort William in Bengal. 8vo. Calcutta, 1841. — Treatise of the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Chattels Personal. 8vo. London, 1837. Moseley (Joseph). What is Contraband of War, and what is not. 12mo. London, 1861. Mosely (M. S.). Practical Handy book of Elementary Law. 2d ed. By E. II. Bedford. 8vo. London, 1878. 3Iosely (William). Reports. High Court of Chancery, England, 1726-1730. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. Moses (Bernard). Establishment of Municipal Government in San Francisco. 8vo. Baltimore, 1889. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 7.] Moses (Halsey H.). Law of Mandamus, and the Practice con- nected with it. 8v^o. Albany, 1872. Moses (Raphael J., Jr.). Bank Cases, decided in the Courts of the United States and Canada, in 1878. 8vo. New York, 1879. — State Insolvent Laws, United States and Canada. 8vo. New York, 1879. 584 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Moses (Raphael J., Jr.) and Shiiin (W. A.). National Bankruptcy Register Digest. 8vo. Xew York, 1875. Motte (Staiiclish). Outline of a System of Legislation for securing protection to the Aboriginal Inhabitants of all Countries Colonized by Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1840. [Pam., vol. 40.] Moulton (Ferdinand). See Mayo (R.) and Moulton's Pen- sion Laws. Moulton (Joseph W.). Analysis of American Law, pre- sented in a Chart, with explanatory Comments. 8vo. IS^ew York, 1859. - Chancery Practice of New York. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1829-32. Mourlon (Frederic). Repetitions ficrites sur le Code Civil ; contenant I'Expose des principes generaux, leurs motifs et la solution des questions theoriques. 11'' ed. Par Ch. De- mangeat. (Tome 3^ 10*^ ed.) 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1878-81. Mowbray (John T.), editor. Hendry's Styles of Scotch Deeds. Moyle (J. B.). Imperatoris Justiniani Institutionum libri quattuor ; with Introductions, Commentary, Excursus and Translation. 2 vols., 8vo. Oxford, 1883. Moyle (Robert). An exact Book of Entries, of the most select Judiciall Writs used in the Common Law ; translated from the originall Manuscript, bv J. H. 4to. London, 1658. Mozley (H. N.) and Whiteley (G. C). Concise Law Dic- tionary. 8vo. London, 1876. Mozley (Lionel B.). Trade Marks Registration. 12mo. London, 1877. Muchall (William), editor. St. Germain's Doctor and Stu- dent. Muir (Thomas). Trial of, for Sedition. 8vo. New York, 1794. Muirhead (James). Historical Introduction to the Private Law of Rome. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886. Translation of the Institutes of Gains and Rules of Ulpian. [Latin and English.] Svo. Edinburgh, 1880. Mulhall (M. G.). Dictionary of Statistics. 12mo. London, 1884. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 585 Mullaly (John). The JS'ew Parks beyond the Ilarlein. Illus- trated. 12mo. New York, 1887. ' Miiller (R.). Das Staatsrecht des Furstentlmms Reuss jiing- erer Linie. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [Marquardseii (II.). Handbuch, iii. Band, 2-.] Munforcl (George W.). Code of Virginia. 3d ed. 8vo. Richmond, 1873. Munford (William). General Index to the Virginia Re- ports. 8vo. Richmond, 1819. Reports, Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1810- 1820. 6 vols., 8vo. N"e\v York, etc., 1812-21. See Hening (AV. W.) and Munford's Virginia Reports. Muiiger (Georg-e G.). Treatise on the Application of Pay- ments by Debtor and Creditor. 8vo. New York, 1879. ' Municipal Reports. Edited by R. A. Harrison and T. Hodgins. Vol. 1. 8vo. Toronto, 1863. Muninienta Gildliallse Londoiiiensis. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Mvmro (J. E. C). Constitution of Canada. 8vo. Cam- l)ridge, 1889. Patents, Designs, and Trade Mark Act. 8vo. London, 1884. Murel (John A.), the Great Western Land Pirate. History of the Detection and Conviction of. 8v"o. Cincinnati, 1834. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Miirfree (W. L.). Law and Practice of Justices of the Peace. 8vo. St. Louis, 1886. Treatise on the Law of Official Bonds and other Penal Bonds. 8vo. St. Louis, 1885. Treatise on the Law of Sheriffs and other Ministerial Officers. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. - - [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1890. — (editor). Harris' Hints on Advocacy. Murlin (E. L.). ISTew York Ballot Reform Law, and the City and Rural Registry Law. 12mo. Albany, 1890. Murphey (A. D.). Reports, Supreme Court of North Caro- lina, 1804-1819. 3 vols., Svo. Raleigh, 1821-2. Murphy (Francis S.) and Hurlstone (E. T.). Reports, Court of Exchequer, England, 1837. 8vo. London, 1838. 586 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF 3Iiirpliy (Henry C). Remarks, delivered in the New York Senate, relating to Arbitrary Arrests. 8vo. Albany, 1863. [Pam.. vol. L>1.] 3Iurpliy (AValteri. Remainders to Children as a Class. Svo. Philadelphia. 1884. 3Iiirray (Alexander). Cases heard and determined in Ap- peal by the Supreme Court of the Island of Ceylon, 1816- 1847. " 8vo. Colombo, 1848. 3Iurray (Francis P.). Table of Cases, Affirmed, Reversed, Cited and Overruled, in the United States Courts. 8vo. Albany, 1873. Mnrray (J. B. C.\ History of Usury, '^vo. Philadelphia, 1866. 3Iurray (James A.). Treatise on Proceedings in the United States Courts. Svo. Albany, 1869. 3Inrray ( Johnt, Yonng (G.), Tennent (H. L.) and Fraser (P. i, reporters, Scotch Session Cases, Second Series, vols. 9, 1(». 3Inrray (Joseph). Reports, Jury Court at Edinburgh, etc., 1S15-1S30. 5 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1S18-38. 3Inrtoii (^Walter j. Wreck Inquiries : Law and Practice re- latino^ to Formal Investigations before Xaval Courts into Shipping Casualties. 8vo. London, 1884. 3Iuscutt (EcUvarcl). History and Power of Ecclesiastical Courts. 8vo. London, 184.5. History of Church Laws in Englantl. svo. London, 1851. Mvishet (R. S. j. Law relating to Trade Marks. 1 2mo. Lon- don, 1885. 3Iiiskogee Nation. Constitution and Laws. 8vo. St. Louis, 1880. [Same.] Compiled by L. C. Perryman. 8vo. ^lusko- gee, 1890. 3Intnkisna (Henry F. i. The Thesawaleme ; or. Laws and Customs on Jaffna ; with the Decisions of the various Courts, etc., of Ceylon. 1801-1860. [Tamil and English.] 8vo. Colombo, 1862. 3Iver (Isaac). Presidential Power over Personal Liberty. [Anon.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862. [Para., vol. 21.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. bSI Myer (William G.). Digest of the Texas Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. St. Louis, 1881. Federal Decisions ; with Index and Table of Cases. 30 vols., 8vo. St. Louis, 1884-9. Index to the Illinois Reports. 2d ed. 12mo. St. Louis, 1878. • [Same.] Yol. 2. 8vo. St. Louis, 1882. Index to the IT. S. Supreme Court Reports, 8vo. St. Louis, 1878. Supplement to the Revised Statutes of Missouri. 8vo. St. Louis, 1877. Vested Rights : Selected Cases and Notes on Retrospec- tive and Arbitrary Legislation affecting Vested Rights of Property. 8vo. St. Louis, 1891. See Hunter and Myer's Index to the Tennessee Reports. Myers (Harvey). Digest of the General Laws of Kentucky. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1866. Myers (William R.), et al. Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. New York, 1846. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Mylne (James W.) and Craig: (R. D.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1835-1840. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1837-48. Mylne (James W.) and Keen (Beiij.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1832-1835. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1834-7. See Russell (Jas.) and Mylne's English Chancery Re- ports. Myrick (Milton H.). Reports, Probate Court, City and County of San Francisco, 1872-1879. Edited by T. H. Rearden. 8vo. San Francisco, 1880. Mysteries of Crime, as shown in Remarkable Capital Trials. 8vo. Boston, 1870. 588 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Naar (M. D.), Ltiw of Suffrage and Elections. 8vo. Tren- ton, 18S0. Naisli (John). See Bewley lE. T. ) and Naish's Common Law Procedure Acts. Nalsoii (J. ). Trial of Charles the First, King of England, for High Treason. 12mo. London, 1740. Napier (Sir Charles J.). Eemarks on Military La\v. Svo. London, 1837. Napier (Joseph). Manual of Improved Precedents, contain- ing Forms of Declarations on Bills of Exchange and Prom- issory Notes, etc. I'imo. Dublin, 1831. ■ See Alcock (J. C.) and Napiers Irish Reports. Napier (3Iai'k). Commentaries on the Law of Prescription in Scotland. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839-54. (reporter). Scotch Session Cases, First Series, vol. 9. Napier (^T. B. ). Practice of the Queen's Bench and Chancery Divisions, and of the Court of Appeal. 8vo. London, 1884. Napton (W. B. ), reporter. Missouri Reports, vol. 4. Naquet ( A. ). Legal Chemistry. A Guide to the Detection of Poisons. Examination of Stains, etc., as applied to Chem- ical Jurisprudence. Translated by J. P. Battershall. 12mo. New York, 1870. Narada. Institutes. See Jolly (J.). Nares (Joliii). Summary of the Law on Penal Convictions. Svo. London. 1814. Nash (Nathaniel C). The Sunday Law Unconstitutional and Unscriptural. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1808. Nash (Simeon). Pleading and Practice under the Codes of Ohio, New York, Kansas and Nebraska. 4th ed. 2 vols.. Svo. Cincinnati, 1874. Nash (W. C). Railway Carrying and Carriei*s' Law. [Anon.] Svo. London, 1840. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 589 Nasiuith (David). Institutes of English Adjective Law : Pro- cedure in Court. 12mo. London, 1879. Institutes of English Private Law, embracing an outline of the substantive branch of the Law of Persons and Things. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. London, 1875. Institutes of English Public Law, embracing (xeneral Jurisprudence, etc. 8vo. London, 1873. Nasinitli (James). Examination of Statutes relating to As- size of Bread. 8vo. Wisbech, 1800. National Bankruptcy Register Reports ; containing all the important Bankruptcy Decisions in the United States, 1867-1880. 19 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874-82. [Only 11 numbers, 528 pages, of vol. 19 published.] Digest of vols. 1-10. Edited by K. J. Moses and W. A. Shinn. 8vo. N^ew York, 1875. National Bar Association of the United States. Preliminary Statement, List of Delegates, Proceedings of Convention, and Constitution and By-Laws. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1888. Proceedings of First-Third Annual Meeting. 8vo. AVashington, 1888-90. National Law Record. Edited by Wm. A. Mitchener. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. National Law Reporter. Vol. 1, no. 1. Ito. New York, 1857. National Law Review. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. [Only 11 numbers, 566 pages, published.] National Reporter System. Keports in full of all the current Decisions of the Supreme, Circuit and District Courts of the LTnited States, and the Courts of Last Resort of all the States and Territories, as follows : Atlantic Reporter. Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, 21 vols., " 8vo. St. Paul, 1885-91. Federal Reporter. All the U. S. Circuit and District Courts. -15 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1880-91. New York Supplement. Intermediate and Lower Courts of Record of New York State. 14 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1888-91. 590 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF National Reporter System. — Contimied. Northeastern Reporter. Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Indiana, and Ilhnois. 27 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1885-91. Northwestern Reporter. Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, North JJakota, and South Da- kota. 48 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, isTD-Ol. Pacilic Reporter. California, Oregon, Kansas, Colorado, Nevada, Montana, Washington, Wyoming, Idaho, Ari- zona, Utah, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. "I'o vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1884-91. Southeastern Reporter. Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Soutli Carolina, and Georgia. 13 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1887-91. Southern Reporter. Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. 9 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1887-91. Southwestern Reporter. Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas. 16 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1887-91. Supreme Court Reporter. The Supreme Court of the United States. 11 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1883-91. American Digest. 4 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1888-91. Naval Trade and Commerce. General Treatise of, as founded on the Laws and Statutes of this Realm. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1738-9. Navarro-Amandi (Mario). Codigo Civil de Espaiia. 2 vols., 4to. Madrid, 1880. Neale (Edward V.). Registration of Title to Land. 8vo. London, 1849. Neate (Charles). Remarks on a late Decision of the Judges as Visitors of the Inns of Court. 8vo. London, 1848. [Pam., vol. 40.] Nebraska : Reports. Woolworth. 1860-1872. Crounse. 1873-1874. Brown. 1875-1889. Leese. 1889. Campbell. 1889. Digests of Reports. Maxwell. Brown. Index. Brown. Index-Digest. Chaney. Citations. 1- 2 Neb. 2 vols, 3 Neb. 1 vol. 4-25 Neb. 22 vols, 26 Neb. 1 vol. 27 Neb. 1 vol. 1871-1877. 1vol. 1871-1882. 1 vol. 1871-1884. 1 vol. 1871-1887. 1 vol. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. Nebraska : Statutes (Territorial). 591 Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 1855 1855-6 1857 1857-8 1858 1859-60 7th 1860-1 2d 8th 1861-2 3d 9th 1864 4th 10th 1865 5th llth [Revision]. . . 12th 1866 6th 1867 Statutes (State). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 2d, 3d 1867 1868-9 1870 1871 1873 1873 1873 1875 Not Printed. 13th [Appropriation Bill] 14th 15th Not Printed. 4th, 5th 1877 6th, 7th 1879 8th 16th 17th [Extra] . . 1881 8th, Adjourned 1882 9th. 10th 1 Gen., Revised] 9th, 10th [Local & Priv.j llth i8th.^ !:.:.:.::.:. 1883 19th 1885 30th 1887 12th [Counting Elec. Vote] 21st 1889 Revised Statutes. 1866. General Statutes. 1ST3. Compiled Statutes. (Brown.) 1881. [Same.] Appendix. 1883. Compiled Statutes. (Brown.) 1885. [Same.] (Brown.) 1887. [Same.] (Brown & Wheeler.) 1889. [Same.] (Brown & Wheeler.) 1891. — Miscellaneous. Criminal Procedure. (Maxwell.) 1887. Railroad Law. (Burnham.) 1890, Nebraska Law 1890-1. Journal. Yol. 1. 8vo, Lincoln, Nebraska State Bar Association. Address of E. Wake- ley. 8vo. Lincoln, 1879. [Pam., vol. 15.] Address of J. M. Woolworth. [Pam., vol. 15.] Constitution, By-Laws, etc. [Pam., vol. 11.] 8vo. Omaha, 1877. 8vo. Lincoln, 1876. 692 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Neckliain (Alexander). De Naturis Rerum. See Chroni- cles, etc., of Great Britain. NegTete (M. C). Instituta Criminal Teorico-Practica. 8vo. Habana, 1838. jVeilsoii (Joseph). Memories of Ruf us Choate. 8vo. Bos- ton, 1884. Neisli (William). Defects and Suggested Reforms in the Procedure of the Court of Session and other Courts in Scotland. 8vo. London, 1869. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Nell (Louis). Courts of Requests of Ceylon ; their Constitu- tion and Mode of Procedure ; including Decisions of the Supreme Court on Reviews and Appeals, 1845-1855. 8vo. Colombo, 1858. ■ Mohammedan Laws of Ceylon, showing the Principles and Rules of the Distribution of Inheritance, and the Special Laws relating to Inheritance and Matrimony. 8vo. Colombo, 1 873. [Pam., vol. 26.] Nelson (Homer A.). Poor Laws of the State of IS'ew York. 8vo. Albany, 1871. Nelson (Horace). Selected Cases, Statutes and Orders, illustrative of the Principles of Private International Law as administered in England. With a Commentarv. 8vo. London, 1889. Nelson (William). Abridgment of the Common Law. 3 vols., folio. London, 1725-6. Lex Maneriorum ; or, The Law and Customs of England relating to Manors, Copyhold Estates, Court-Leet, etc. Folio. London, 1726. Lex Testamentaria ; or, A Compendious System of the Laws of England concerning Last Wills and Testaments. Svo. London, 1714. Office and Authority of a Justice of Peace. 10th ed. Svo. London, 1729. — Reports of Special Cases argued and decreed in the Court of Chancery, in the Reigns of King Charles I., Charles II. and William III., 1625-1693. Svo. London, 1717. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 593 Nelson (William), editor. Finch's English Chancery Eeports. Lutwyche's EngHsh Common Pleas Eeports. Modern Eeports, part 5. Neuiiiaiin (Leopold von). Elements du Droit des Gens Moderne Europeen. Traduit de I'Allemand par A. de Eiedmatten. 8vo. Paris, 1SS6. Neutrality. The United States against Henry Hertz. A Letter to Caleb Cushing by a Lawyer. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. [Pam., vol. 19.] Nevada: Reports. By the Judges. 1865. Helm. 1866-1868. Helm & Hittell. 1869-1874. Bicknell & Ilawley. 1874-1890. Digest of Reports. Hawley. — Statutes (Territorial). 1st Session. Oct., 1861. 2d Session. Nov., 1862. 3d Session. Jan., 1864. 1 Nev. 2-4 Nev. 5-9 Nev. 10-20 Nev. 1865-187( 1 vol. 3 vols. 5 vols. 11 vols. 1 vol. — Statutes (State). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 1864-5 1866 1867 1869 1871 1873 1875 1877 9th 1879 2d 10th 1881 3(1 nth 1883 4th 12th 1885 5th 13th 1887 6th 14th 1889 7th 15th 1891 8th Compiled Laws. (Bonnifield & Healy.) 2 vols. 1873. General Statutes. (Baily & Hammond.) 1885. — Miscellaneous. Court Eules. See Nevada Eeports, vol. 20. Debates and Proceedings, Constitutional Convention of 1864. History, 1540-1888. See Bancroft's Works, vol. 25. 594 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB EAR Y OF Nevile i Saiidford ) and 3Iaiiiiiiig ( AV. 31,). English Mag- istrates' Cases, 1S32-1S36. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1834-8. Reports, Court of King's Bench. England, 1832- 1836. G vols., Svo. London, 1831-9. Revile i^Sandforcl ) and Perry ( T. E. i. English Magistrates' Cases, 1830-1837. 8vo. London, 1837. [Onl}' 2 parts, 398 pages, published.] Eeports, Court of King's Bench and Exchequer Chamber, England, 1836-1838. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1837-8. Nevill (Saiuviel). Acts of the General Assembly of the Prov- ince of Xew Jersey, 1703-1761. [With Appendix, 176»».] 2 vols., foho. Vol. 1 [Philadelphia], printed by Wm. Brad- ford ; Yol. 2, AVoodbridge, printed bv James Parker. 1752-61. Neville (Ralph) and Maeiiaiiiara (W, H.), reporters. Railway and Canal Traffic Cases, vols. 1-3. Neville (Reginald J. X. i. Law relating to Strikes and other Oflfences occurring during Disputes between Employ- ers and Employed. 12mo. London, 1890. Nevis. See Leeward Islands. Nevisoii (William), Highwayman. History of the Life of, etc. 21:rao. Xottingham. n. d. [Pam., vol. 19.] New Annual Register, 17SO-1825. 16 vols.. Svo. London, 1793-1826. New Benloe. English King's Bench Reports. See Benloe (Guhelme). New Brunswick : Reports. Chipman. 1825-1827. 1 vol. Berton. 1835-1839. 1 vol. Kerr. 1839-1845. 2 vols. Allen. 1848-1866. 6 vols. Hannay. 1867-1871. 2 vols. Pugslev. 1872-1876. 3 vols. Pugslev k Burbidge. 1877-1881. 4 vols. :N^ew Brunswick Reports. 1881-1889. Vols. 21-28. Digests. Stevens. 1825-1879. 1 vol. Stevens. 1879-1886. 1 vol. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 595 New Brunswick : Statutes. Acts of the General Assembly of the Province, 1786- 1836. By Geo. F. S. Berton. Ito. Fredericton, 1838. Session Acts. -Ito. Assembly. Session. Date. Assembly. Session. Date. 11th 4th 1835-6 1837-8 1839 1839 1840 1841 1843 1844 13th 13th 14th 14th 15th 15th 15th 3d 1845 12th 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 1st 4th 1846 12th 3d 1849 12th 4th 1850 12th 1st 1851 12th 2d 1852 13th 3d 1852-3 13th 2d Session Acts. Svo. Assembly. Session. Date. Assembly. Session. Date. 16th 1st 1854 1855 1856 1856 1857 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 22d 22d 22d 22d 23d 23d 23d 23d 24th 24th 24th 25th 25th.... 25th 25th 25th 26th 26th 26th 27th 2d. 1871 16th 2d 3d 4th .. . . 1872 16th 3d 1873 17th 1st 5th 1874 17th 2d 1st 1875 18th 1st 2d . . 1876 18th 2d 3d ... 1877 18th 3d 4th . . 1878 18th 4th 1st 2d 8d ,... 1st 1879 18th 5th 1880 19th 1st 1881 19th 2d 1882 19th 3d 2d 1883 20th 1st 3d .. 1884 20th 2d 4th 5th 188.f» 21st 1st 1886 21st 2d 1st 1887 21st 3d 2d . 1888 21st 4th 3d 1889 22d 1st 1st 1890 Consolidated Statutes. 1877. Index of Statutes. (Dubreuil.) 1867-1887. Supreme Court Kules. (Stevens.) 1880. New Constitution (The). tional Matters, etc. Edited by bus, Ohio, 1849. [Only 26 nos. published."^] A Magazine devoted to Constitu- S. Medarv. 4to. Colum- 596 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAET OF New England Reporter ; containing all Cases determined in the Courts of Last Resort of Maine. Xew Hampshire, Ver- mont. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut. 7 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1885-8. [Only 4 numbers. 176 pages, of vol. 7 published.] New Haini>shire : Reports. Smith. 179t;-isiP.. 1vol. Adams. 1S16-1819. 1 X. H. 1 vol. Richardson ct "Woodburv . 1S19-1S23. 2X. H. 1 vol. New Hampshire. 1823-181:8. 3-18 N. H. 16 vols. Foster. 181:8-1849. 19 X. H. 1 vol. Chandler. 1845-1850. 20 X. H. 1 vol. Foster. 1850-1855. 21-31 X. H. 11 vols. Fogg. 1855-1859. 32-37 X. H. 6 vols. Chandler. 1859-1863. 38-44 X. H. 7 vols. Hadley. 1863-1869. 45-48 X. H. 4 vols. Shirley. 1869-1875. 49-55 X. H. 7 vols. Hall. 1875-1876. 56-57 X. H. 2 vols. Jenks. 1876-1879. 58 X. H. 1 vol. Ladd. 1879-1888. 59-64 X. H. 6 vols. . T^io^i=ktti~tt of* T^tkiiovi :s. JL^xgtrJai.^ \wt. mXX^Y'Vwl t Gilchrist. 1816-1842. 1 vol. Morrison. 1816-1865. 1 vol. Statntes. Acts and Laws, passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesties Province of Xew-Hampshire in Xew- England. 1696-1725. Folio. Portsmouth, 1726, [Re- print.] Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Province of Xew Hamp- shire in Xew England ; with sundry Acts of Parliament. Bv order of the Governor. Council and Assemblv. pass'd October 16th. 1759. Folio. Portsmouth. 176i. [Re- print.] Temporary Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Province of Xew Hampshire in Xeu' England. By order of the Gov- ernor, Council and Assemi^ly, pass'd October 16th, 1759. Folio. Portsmouth, 1761. [Reprint.] Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Province of Xew-Harap)- shire in Xew-England : with sundry Acts of Parliament. By order of the General Assembly. To which is prefix'd the Commissions of President John Cuttss, Esq., and His Excellencv John 'Went worth, Esq. Folio. Portsmouth, 1771. [With Temporary Laws. 1736-1771.] Perpetual Laws of the State. 1776-1789. 8vo. Portsmouth 1789. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. New Hampshire : Session Laws. 597 Session. Date. Session. Date. June Dec 1789 1793 1793 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1837 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 June, Nov June 1840 June 1841 June June, Nov June 1842 June, Nov 1S43 June, Dec June, Nov June June 1844 June, Dec 1845 June, Nov 1846 J une June June, Nov June June 1847 June 1848 June, Nov 1849 June Nov 1850 June, Dec June 1851 June June June, Nov June 1852 1853 Nov June 1854 June June 1855 June June 1856 June, Nov June 1857 June, Oct June 1858 June June June June June 1859 1860 June Nov 1861 June June 1862 June June 1863 June June, Aug June June 1864 June, Nov June 1865 1866 June June 1867 June June 1868 June, Nov June. 1869 June June 1870 June June June 1871 June 1872 June, Nov June June 1873 J une 1874 June June June J une 1875 1876 June, Nov June 1877 June June 1878 June June 1879 June June 1881 June, Nov June 1883 June June 1885 June June 1887 June June 1889 Compiled Laws. 1792. Compiled Laws. 1797. Compiled Laws. 1805. Compilation of Laws. 1805-1810. Compiled Laws. 1815. Compilation of Laws. 1815-1824. Compiled Laws. 1830. 598 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF New Hampshire. Statutes. — Conthiued. Compilation of Laws. 181:2-1847. Revised Statutes. 1813. Compiled Statutes. 1853. Revised Statutes. 18(37. Revised Statutes. 1878. Index to Manuscript Laws. IH 79-1 888. Index to Laws. 1867-1871. 3Iiseellaiieous. Common Law Practice. (Mason.) 1880. Constables. (Hitchcock.) 18svo. Soraerville, 1878-91. ' New Library of La^v and Equity. Edited by F. J. Trou- bat. E. Lewis, and AV. MX'andless. 15 vols, in 14. Svo. Harrisburo;. 1845-9. Vol. 1. Forsyth on Composition with Credi- tors. Manual for Law Students. Broom's Legal Maxims. Roscoe's Pleading the General Is- sue. Vol. 6. Welford on Equity Pleading. 7. Hildyard on Marine Insurance. 8. Hindmarch on Patents. 9. Bisset's Law of Partnership. nT-i\- T * T> 1 r> 1. I 1(^*- Finlason's Leading Cases on Plead vVilliams Law of Real Property. I ^^„ " Wigram on Wills. , „, i Blackburn on Contract of Sale. Greening s Declarations and Plead- ings. 11. Gresley's Law of Evidence 3. Daniell's Chancery Practice, vol. 1 4. Danieirs Chancerv Practice, vol. 2 5. Daniell's Chancerv Practice, vols. 2 and 3. 12 ) JO r Pritchard's Admiralty Digest. 14. Wharton's Law Lexicon. 15. Wharton's Law Lexicon. New London County (Conn.) Bar Association. Con- stitution. By-Laws. Rules, etc. Is77. New 3Iag:istrates and 3Iunieipal Corporations' Cases. By A. Bittleston, E. Wise and P. Parnell. 1844-1851. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1846-51. [Only 76 pages of vol. 5 published.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 603 New Mexico : Reports. Gildersleeve. 1852-18S3. Johnson. 1883-1889. Statutes. 1-2 X. Mex. 3-4 K. Mex. 2 vols. 2 vols. Assembly. Date. Assembly. Date. 1st. [In Code.].... 3d 1851-2 1853-3 1853-4 1854-5 1855-6 1856-7 1857-8 1858-9 1859-60 1860-1 1861-3 1863-3 1863-4 1864-5 1865-6 16th 1866 7 17th 1867 8 3d 18th 1868 9 4th 19th 1869 70 5th 30th 1871 3 6th 31st 1873-4 7th 23d 1875 6 8th 33d 34th 1878 9th 1880 10th 35th 1883 nth 12tli 36th 37th. 1884 1886-7 13th 28th 1888 9 14th. [In Revision.] 39th 1890-1 15th [The laws are in English and Spanish, except for the 33d, 27th, and 28th sessions, which are in English only. There are two editions, one in English and one in Spanish, for the 18th, 30th, 21st, 23d and 36th sessions.] Leyes del Territorio de Nuevo Mejico. 8vo. Santa Fe, 1846. [In Spanish and English. — Known as Kearny's Code of Laws.] Kearny's Code of Laws, 1846. Keprinted ; with an Ap]3en- dix containing the Laws of 1847. 8vo. Santa Fe, 1852. [This volume contains also the Acts of the First Assem- bly, First antl Second Sessions, June and December, 1851.] Revised Statutes. (Davenport.) 1856. Eevised Statutes and Laws in force. 1865. [With an Appen- dix containing Laws passed at Session of 1864-5.] Compiled Laws. (Prince.) 1880. Compiled Laws. 1884. — Miscellaneous. Testamentos, Practica de. (Yelarde.) 18 — . New Mexico Bar Association. Minutes, Constitution and By-Laws. 12mo. Santa Fe, 1886. New Netlierlaiid. History of. By E. B. O'Callaghan. 2 vols., 8vo. N Y 1855. Laws and Ordinances, 1638-1674. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. 8vo. Albany, 1868. 604 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF New Newg-ate Calendar. By Camden Pelhara. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1841. New Orleans. Laws and Ordinances. By H. J. LeoY\\ Svo. New Orleans, 1866. Laws and General Ordinances. Revised and digested by H. J. Leovv and C. H. Luzenberg. 8vo. New Orleans, 1870. Municipal History of. (Howe.) 1889. New Orleans Batture Cases. See Hall's American Law Journal, vol. 5. New^ Practice Cases. Together with Cases in Evidence, Stamps, and the Law of Attorneys and Solicitors. By A. Bittleston and E. Wise. 18-14-1847. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1847-8. New^ Reports ; containing Cases decided in the Courts of Equity and Common Law. 1862-1865. 6 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1863-5. New Keports. See Bosanquet (J. B.) and Puller (C). New Sessions Cases ; containing Reports of Cases relating to the Duties and Liabilities of Magistrates. By J. M. Carrow, J. Hamerton. and T. xlllen. 1844-18.51. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1845-51. New Sovitli Wales. Law List. See Australasia. Law List. Law Reports, 1880-1890. 11 vols., Svo. Sydney, 1881-91. Ne^iv Term Reports. See Arnold ; — Arnold vfe Hodges ; — Drinkwater ; — Gale ; — Harrison & Wollaston ; etc. New^ York : City and County. Abstract of Convevances, etc., bv the Mavor. (Ames.) 4to. 1872. Abstracts of Farm Titles. (Tuttle.) 3 vols. 1877-81. Abstracts of Title : A Collection of Searches of Titles to Real Estate, greater part in the City and County of New York. In Manuscript. With Maps, many of them neatly executed by hand. 17 vols., folio. Dated 1826-1864. [From the Library of the late Francis Tillou.] Affidavits before the Recorder relative to Abuses in the City Government. 1854. Aqueduct Commission Reports. 4to. 1883-7. Atlases. See Subject-Index : Atlases. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 605 New York : City and County. — Continued. Blue Book. See Subject-Index : Maps. — N. Y, Board of Aldermen. Approved Papers, 1871-1889. 19 vols. Documents, 1872-1879. 18 vols. — Proceedings, 1872-1890. 74 vols. Board of Assistant Aldermen. Proceedings, 1872-1874. 12 vols. Board of Commissioners, Department of Public Parks. Reports, 1871-1873. 3 vols. Board of Commissioners of Central Park. Reports, 1857- 1870. 14 vols. Board of Councilmen. Proceedings, 1858-1863. 18 vols. Board of Education. Annual Reports, 1854-1856, 1859- 1865, 1867-1889. 33 vols. Directories, 1880-1890. 11 vols. Documents, 1855, 1859, 1861, 1863, 1865, 1866- 1868. 8 vols. Journals. 1854, 1855, 1859-1862, 1864-1868, 1871- 1889. 30 vols. Manuals. 1854, 1857, 1861, 1862, 1864-1868, 1870, 1871-2, 1874, 1876, 1878-1890. 26 vols. Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Argument against its Constitutionality. Bn^ J. J. Townsend. 1878. Board of Health. Laws relating to. (Lenehan.) 1887. Reports, 1866-1875. 9 vols. Sanitary Code. 1878, 1889. Board of Police Justices. Annual Reports, is 74-1 890. 17 vols. Board of Supervisors. Documents, 1864-1866. 4 vols. Financial Documents, 1873-1874. 1 vol. Proceedings, 1809-1850, 1860-1867, 1872-1873. 22 vols. Broadway R. R. Investigation by Senate Committee. '1886. Building Laws. 1880. [Pam., vol. 30.] [Same.] (Fryer.) 1885. Charters (Royal). Folio. Edition of 1774. [Same.] See Bliss, Olnev & Whitney's Laws, vol. 1. 1880. Charter. Edition of 1793, 1801. [Same.] With Acts of Legislature. 1805. [Same.] Edition of 1819. [Same.] With Kent's Notes. 1836. [Same.] Amendments. 1846. [Pam., vol. 13.] [Same.] Edition of 1851. Charter, proposed by the Committee of Seventy. Folio. 1872. Charter (Reform). Arguments of H. L. Clinton and A. R. Lawrence, Jr. 1872. [Pam., vol. 2.] 606 catalogue: of the library of New York: City and County. — Continued. Charter passed 18T3 ; witli Acts to 1875. [Same.] With Acts to 1876. City Court. See Subject-Index : City Court. Copartnership and Corporation Directory. 1879, 1884, 1886, 1888-91. Corporation Counsel. Annual Reports. 5 vols. 1885-1889. Opinions, 1849-1859. C'Orporation Laws and Ordinances. Folio. 1774. [Same.] Editions of 1793, 1805, 1808, 1812, 1817, 1821, 1823, 1827, 1834. Svo. Corporation Ordinances. Revised. 1839, 1845, 1856. [Same. ] Revised by Valentine. 185fc, 1866. [Same.] Revised by Shepard & Shafer. 1880. Department of Public Works. Annual Report, 1870-1. Investigation of. 1884. Directory, 1786. Reprint. 1874. [Same.] 1835-1890. 57 vols. District Courts. See Subject-Index : District Courts. — N.Y. Dutch in America. (Arnoux.) 1890. Dutch Grants. (Pirsson.) 1889. Election and Registry Law. 1886. Election Districts. 1886. Election Frauds. Charges, etc. By the Citizens' Associa- tion. 1868. Election IVIanual for Inspectors. 1886. Estate and Rights of the Corporation. (Hoffman.) 2 vols. 1862. Farm Titles. (Tuttle.) 3 vols. 1877-81. Ferry Leases and Railroad Grants. (Valentine.) 1866. Fire Department. Laws, Ordinances, etc. 1855. [Same.] 1859. Forfeited Estates. (Ames.) 4to. 1885. Gas Light Companies. Laws and Ordinances relating to. (Van Vorst.) 1871. Harlaem Commons. Title to, and Abstract of the Title of Dudley Selden. 1872. [Pam., vol. 2.] Harlem Patents. (Pirsson.) 1889. Health Department. See Board of Health. History. See Subject-Index : History. — N. Y. City. Index to Conveyances in the Register's Office to 1856. Grantors. 26 vols, in 11. Folio. [Same.] Grantors. (Corporations.) Folio. [Same.] Grantors. (IVCasters in Chancery and Sheriffs.) Folio. [Same.] Grantees. 24 vols, in 9. Folio. Index to Equity Notices. 8 vols. Folio. THE ASSOCIATION' OF HIE BAE. 607 Kew York : City and County. — Continued. Index to Insolvent Assignments. Folio, Index to Sheriff Sales. Folio. Land Map. Vols. 1, 2. Folio. 1891. Laws of the State relating to the City. 1827. [Same.] Edition of 1883. I Same.] Compiled by IL E. Davies. 1855. [Same.] Passed at Session of 1860. [Same.] Compiled by D. T. Valentine. 1862. [Same.] Digest of Charters, Statutes and Ordinances. By Murray Hoffman. 8 vols. 1869. Laws of the State affecting the City and County, passed at Sessions of 1871-1875. Laws affecting the City, compiled by Bliss, Olney and Whitney. 2 vols. 1880. Consolidation Act of 1882; with Supplementarv Act of 1883. [Same.] Report of Commissioners and Draft. 1881. [Same.] As proposed. 1882. Laws of the State affecting the City passed at Sessions of 1881-1883. Lien Laws. See Subject-Index : Mechanics' Liens. — N. Y. List of Departments, Employees, etc. (Beatty.) 1884. Manual of the Corporation. 1841-1870. 28 vols. [No volume ])ublished for 1867.] Maps. See Subject-Index : IVCaps. — N. Y. Marine Court. See Subject-Index : City Court. Mayor. Powers and Duties of. (Kent.) 1851. Mayor's Message, 1871. Metropolitan Police Act. 1864. [Pam., vol. 13.] Ordinance organizing the Departments. 1849. Ordinances. See Corporation Ordinances. Park Department. See Board of Commissioners, etc. Parks, New, beyond the Harlem. (Mullaly.) 1887. Plans of the City. See Subject-Index : Maps. — N. Y. Police Department. Manual. Rules and Regulations. 1877. Police Justices. See Board of Police Justices. Public Documents, 1868. 10 vols. Rapid Transit Commissioners. Proceedings, 1883-1884. Real Estate belonging to the City ; with Maps. (William- son.) 4to. 1838. Report of Citizens' Committee on Nuisances. 1878. [Pam., vol. 16.] Sanitary Code. See Board of Health. Streets, Old. (Gerard.) 1874. [Same.] (Post.) 1882. Streets. Title to. (Gerard.) 1872. Tax Laws. See Subject-Index : Tax Laws — N. Y. City. 608 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BAR Y OF New York : City and County. — Continued. Tidal Creeks. (Pirsson.) 1889. Tweed Ring Frauds. Report of Special Committee, Board of Aldermen. 1878. [Same.] Peculation Triumphant. 1875. [Pam., vol. 10.] "Water Rights at Lake Mahopac, etc. 3 vols. 1878-1881. "Water Supply. Abstract of the Title to certain Mines and Minerals affected by the Construction of Reservoir •' I '' in Putnam Countv. 1883. New York : Colony and State. —Reports — Chancery. Johnson. 1814-1823. 7 vols. Hopkins. 1823-1826. 1 vol. Lansing. 1824-1826. 1 vol. Paige. 1828-1845. 11 vols. Barbour. 1845-1848. 3 vols. Chancery Sentinel. 1841-1847. 6 vols, ~\^\ f»f-f ^li 1 w r*oi*v Edwards. 1831-1850. 4 vols. Hoffman. 1839-1840. 1 vol. Clarke. 1839-1841. 1 vol. Sandford. 1843-1847. 4 vols. Cmn*t of* \i>i>pals Comstock. 1847-1851. 1- - 4 X. Y. 4 vols. Selden. 1851-1854. 5- - 10 X. Y. 6 vols. Kernan. 1854-1856. 11- - 14 N. Y. 4 vols. Smith. 1857-1863. 15- - 27 K Y. 13 vols. Tiffany. 1863-l86s. 28- - 39 X. Y. 12 vols. Hand. 1869-1871. 40- - 45 X. Y. 6 vols. Sickels. 1871-1891. 46- -125 X. Y. 80 vols. Howard. 1847-1848. 1 vol. Abbott. 1850-1869. 4 vols. Selden's Notes, 1852-1854. 1 vol. Keyes. 1863-1868. 4 vols. Transcript Appeals. 1867-1868. 7 vols. Silvernail. 1886-1888. 1 vol. Kiiiii'oitio f^rtin*t iTid '^^"^'■••^ '^tf" Tr"-i»i rors. Coleman. 1794-1800. 1 vol. Coleman tfe Caines. 179J-1S05. 1vol. Jolinson's Cases. 1799-1803. 3 vols. Caines' Reports. 1803-1805. 3 vols. Caines' Cases. 1804-1805. 2 vols. Johnson's Reports. 1806-1823. 20 vols. Cowen. 1823-1829. 9 vols. Wendell. 1828-1841. 26 vols. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 609 New York : Colony and State. — Reports — Supreuie Court and Court of Errors. — Continued. Hill. 1841-1844. T vols. Denio. 1845-1848. 5 vols. Lalor's Supplement. 1842-1844. 1 vol. — Supreme Court. Barbour. 1847-1877. 67 vols. Lansing. 1869-1873. 1- 7 N. Y. Supr. Ct. 7 vols. Hun. 1874-1891. 'i-m N. Y. Supr. Ct. 59 vols. Thompson & Cook. 1873-1875. 6 vols. Silvernail. 1889. 1 vol. Superior Court of the City of New York. Hall. 1828-1829. 1- 2 N. Y. Super. Ct. 2 vols. Sandford. 1847-1852. 3- 7 JN". Y. Super. Ct. 5 vols. Duer. 1852-1857. 8-13 N. Y. Super. Ct. 6 vols. Bosworth. 1856-1863. 14-23 N. Y. Super. Ct. 10 vols. Robertson. 1863-1868. 24-30 N. Y. Super. Ct. 7 vols. Sweeny. 1869-1870. 31-32 N. Y. Super. Ct. 2 vols. Jones & Spencer. 1871-1890. 33-58 K Y. Super. Ct. 26 vols. — Sviperior Court of Buffalo. Sheldon. 1854-1875. 1 vol. Coniinon Pleas. (City and County of New York.) Smith (E. D.). 1850-1858. 4 vols. Hilton. 1855-1860. 2 vols. Daly. 1860-1890. 15 vols. Marine now City Court. City Court Reports. (Jacobs.) 1874-1888. 2 vols. Surrogates' Courts. Bradford. 1849-1857. 4 vols. Redfield. 1857-1882. 5 vols. Tucker. 1864-1869. 1 vol. Demarest. 1882-1888. 6 vols. Connoly. 1888-1889. 1 vol. — Criminal. Wheeler. Criminal Cases. 1791-1825. 3 vols. Rogers. City Hall Recorder. 1816-1822. 6 vols. N. Y. Judicial Repository. 1818-1819. 1vol. Parker. 1823-1868. 6 vols. Connoly & Yilas. 1881-1887. 1-5 N. Y. Crim. 5 vols. Connoly. 1888-1891. 6-8 N. Y. Crim. 3 vols. 39 610 CATALOGUE OF TJIE LIBRARY OF New York: Colony and State. — Reports — Practice, Code and Miscellaneous. Abbott. Practice. Abbott. Practice. New Series. Abbott. New Cases. Howard. Practice. Howard. Practice. New Series. Civil Procedure Reports. Code Reporter. Code Reports. New Series. Armstrong. Election Cases. Sickels. Opinions of Attorneys- General. Lockwood. Reversed Cases. Anthon. Nisi Prius Cases. Yates. Select Cases. Skillraan. Police Reports. Edmonds. Select Cases. New York Condensed Reports. N. Y. Monthly Law Bulletin. N. Y. State Reporter. N. Y. Supplement. N. Y. Weekly Digest. Report of Attorney-General. — Cases and Points. Court of Errors, 1842-1846. 16 vols. Court of Appeals, 1852, 1863-1890. 1064 vols. [Same.] 2d Division, 1889-1890. 7<) vols. Commission of Appeals, 1870-1875. 60 vols. Supreme Court, 1st Department. General Term, 1849-1854, 1858-1890. 674 vols. Superior Court, City of New York. General Term, 1871-1890. 177 vols. Calendars of Courts. Court of Appeals, 1871-1891. 25 vols. Commission of Appeals, 1871-1874. 4 vols. Supreme Court, Circuit, 1st Dist., 1889. 1 vol. — Digests of Reports. Abbott. Abbott. Sup [element. Abbott. 2d Supplement. Abbott. Annuals. Brightly, Church. Clerke. 1854-1865. 19 vols. 1865-1875. 16 vols, 1874-1891. 26 vols. 184^1884. 67 vols. 1884-1886. 3 vols. 18S1-1S91. 20 vols. 1848-1851. 3 vols. 1850-1852. 1 vol. 1777-1871. 1 vol. 1796-1871. 1 vol. 1799-1847. 1 vol. 1807-1851. 1 vol. 1809. 1 vol. 1828-1829. 1 vol. 1834-1853. 2 vols. 1881-1883. 2 vols. 1878-1883. 5 vols. 1886-1891. 37 vols. 1888-1891. 14 vols. 1876-1888. 28 vols. 1888-1889. 1vol. 1794-1873. 6» vols. 1873-1882. 2 vols. 1882-1889. 2 vols. 1882-1890. 8 vols. 1794-1884. 3 vols. 1794-1821. 2 vols. 1794-1845. 2 vols, in 4, THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 611 New York : Digests of Reports.— Continued. Clinton. 1794-18»tO. -t vols. Johnson. 1794-1S23. 2 vols. Eapalje. Reference. 1794-1880. 2 vols. Rapalje. Annual. 1881. 1 vol. Wait. 1860-1881. 6 vols. Gould. Annuals. 1881-1883. 3 vols. Barnard. Annuals. 1888-1890. 3 vols. Digests. — Court of Appeals. Cornwell. 1847-1859. 1 vol. Tiffany. Condensed. 1 847-1 8(>3. 1 vol. Barbour. Condensed. 1863-1875. 2 vols. Mills. Condensed. 1875-1881. 1 vol. Stone. Analytical Index. 184Y-1868. 1 vol. Brown. Index. 1847-1884. 1 vol. Danforth 91. Folio. Printed bv William Bradford. New York, 1713. [With additional Session Laws to and including 1716.] Laws of his Majesties Colony of New York, as they were enacted by the Governour, Council and General Assem- bly for the time being, in divers Sessions, the first of which began April 9th, 1691. Folio. Printed by Wil- liam Bradford. New York, 1719. Acts of Assembly passed in the Province of New York, from 1691 to 171S. Folio. London, printed bv John Baskett, 1719. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Province in November, 1720. Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Province, and published the 27th day of July, 1721. Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Province, in July, 1722. " Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Province at a Session begun the 8th day of May, 1723, and continued to the 6th day of July following. Folio. Printed by William Bradford. New York, 1723. Acts of Assembly passed in the Province of New York, from 1691 to 1725. Folio. Printed by William Brad- ford. 1726. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Province at the Thirteenth Sessions of the Second Assembly, in the 12th year of His Majesty, King George. Folio, Acts passed at a Sessions of the General Assembly for the Province begun tlie 5th of April, 1726, and continued to the 17th of June following. Folio. Printed by William Bradford. New York, 1726. Acts passed at a Sessions of the General Assembly for the Province begun the 27th of September, 1726, and con- THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 613 New York: Statutes. — Continued. tinned to the 11th of November following. Folio. Printed by William Bradford. New York, 172(5. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colony in November, 1727, and in the First year of the Keign of His Majesty, George II. Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colony in the Second Year of His Majesty, George II. Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colony in the Third Year of His Majesty's Reign Annoq ; Domini, 1729. Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colony in October, 1730. Foho. Printed bv William Bradford. New York, 1730. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colony in September, 1731. Folio. Acts passed at a Session of General Assembly begun, and holding at the City of New York, the Ninth Day of August, 1732, and from thence continued to the 14:th Day of October, then next following. Folio. Printed by 'William Bradford. 1 732. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the (^olony in the 7th vear of His Majestv's Reign, Anno Dom., 1733. Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly oi the Colony in the 8th year of His Majestv's Reign. Anno Dom., 1734. Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colon}^ in the 8th year of His Majesty's Reign, Nov., 173-1:. Folio. Acts passed by the General Assembly of the Colony in November, 1735. Folio. Laws of New York, 1691-1762. By Wm. Livingston and Wra. Smith. 2 vols., folio. Vol 1, from 1691 to 1751 inclusive. Jas. Parker, printer. New York, 1752 ; vol. 2, from Nov. 11, 1752, to May 22, 1762. Wm. Weyman, printer. New York, 1762. Laws of New York from 1691 to 1773. By Peter Van Schaack. 2 vols., l^olio. New York, 1774. Laws of the Colony, passed in the years 1774 and 1775, Fourteenth and Fifteenth George til. Republished un- der direction of Frederick Cook, Secretary of State. Svo. Albany, 1888. Laws of the State, commencing with the First Session of the Senate and Assembly, after the Declaration of Inde- pendency, and the Organization of the New Government of the State, Anno 1777. Folio. Printed by John Holt, Poughkeepsie, 1782. [This volume includes the following :] 614 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF NeMT York : Statute.s. — Continued. I Session, l Meeting. Date. 1st 1st I Sept., 1777 2d 1 1st i Oct., 1778 2d I 2d Feb., -1779 3d \ 1st Aug., 1779 3d I 2d Feb., 1780 3d I 3d June, 1780 4th 1st Aug., 1780 Session. Meeting. Date. 4th 4th 2d 3d 5th 1st oth 6th 2d 1st 6th 2d Feb., 1781 June, 1781 Aug., 1781 Mar., 1782 July, 1783 Feb., 1783 Laws passed by the Legislature at their 7th Session, Feb., 1TS4. and 8th Session, 1st Meeting, Oct., 1784. 2 vols., folio. Elizabeth Holt, Printer to the State. New York, 1784. Laws passed l)v the Legislature at their 8th Session, 2d meeting, Feb., 1785. Folio. Printed by Samuel Loudon. Xew York, 1785. Laws passed bv the Legislature at their 9th Session, Jan., 1786: 10th Session. Jan.. 1787; 11th Session, Feb., 1788; 12th Session. Jan., 1789. 4 vols., folio. Printed by Samuel antl John Loudon. Xew York, 1780-9. Laws passed by the Legislature at their 13th Session, 1st Meeting, Julv, 1789; 13th Session, 2d Meeting, Jan., 1790 ; 14th Session, Jan., 1791 ; 15th Session, Jan., 1792 ; IBth Session, Xov.. 1792; 17th Session. Jan., 1794. 5 vols., folio. Printed bv Francis Childs and John Swainc. IS'ew York, 1790-4. Laws ])assed by the Legislature at their 18th Session, Jan., 1795. Folio. Printed bv Francis Childs. iS'ew York, 1795. Law^s of the State, 1777-18(»1. (Keprinted.) 5 vols.. 8vo. Albany, lS8fi-7. - Session Ijai;vs. nvo. Session. Meeting. Date. Session. Meeting. Date. 30th 21st 1st, 2d 1st 1797 1798 1798-9 1800 1800-1 1802 1803 1804 1804-5 1806 1807 31st 31st 32d 32d 33d 33d 34th 35th 36th 37th 38th 1st. Pub.... 1st. Priv... 1st, 2d. Pub. 1st. 2d. Priv. 1st. Pub.... 1st. Priv. . . 1st 1808 1808 22d 23d 1st, 2d 1st 1808-9 1808-9 24th 25th 26th 1st, 2d 1st 1st 1st 1st, 2d 1st 1810 1810 1811 27th 1st 1812 28th 29th 1st, 2d 1st 1st, 3d 1812-13 1814 30th 1st 1814-15 THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAlt. New York : Session Laws. 8vo. — Continued. 615 Session. Meeting. [ Date. 1 Session. Meeting. [ Date. 39th 1st 1816 1816-17 1818 1819 1830 1830-1 1833 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1853 1853 77th 78th 79th 80th 81st . . . . 82d 83d 84th S5th 86th 87th 88th 89th 90th 91st 92d 93d 94th 95th 96th 97th 98th 99th 100th.... 101st.... 102d 103d 104th.... 105th.... 106th.... 107th.... 108th ... 109th.... 110th.... 111th.... llJth... 113th 114th.... 1st 1854 40th 1st, 3d 1st 1st 1855 41st 1st 1856 43d. 1st 1st 1857. 2 vols. 43d . ... 1st 1st.. 1st 1st 1858 44th 45th 1st, 3d 1st 1st lst-3d 1st 1st 1st, 3d 1st, 3d 1st 1st 1859 1860 46th 1st 1861 47th 48th 1st 1st 1862 1863 49th 1st 1864 50th 1st 1865 51st 1st 1866 2 vols 53d 53d 1st 1st 1st 1867. 2 vols. 1868 3 vols 54th 1st 1869 2 vols 55th 1st, 3d 1st 1st 1870 2 vols 56th 1st 1871 2 vols 57th 1st 1st 1st 1872. 2 vols 58th.. .. 1st 1873 59th 1st 1st 1st 1874 60th 1st 1875 61st 63d 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st, 3d 1st 1st 1st 1st 1876. 2 vols. 1877 2 vols 63d 1st 1878 64th 1st 1879 65th 66th 1st 1st 1880. 2 vols. 1881 3 vols 67th .... 1st 1883 2 vols 68th 1st 1st 1883 69 th . . . 1st 1st 1884 70th 71st 1st. 3d 1st 1st, 2d 1st 1885 1886 73d 1st 1st 1st, 2d 1st 1887 73d 1st 1888 74th 1st, 3d 1st 1889 75th 1st 1890 76th 1st, Sd 1st 1891 General Index to Documents and Laws. General Index to Laws. 1777-1S5U. 1777-1841. [Same.] [Same.] [Same.] [Same.] [Same.] Chronological 2 vols. Laws of the State, (Havens.) (Calkins.) (Glidden.) (Johnson.) (Cook.) Table 1777- 1866- 1871- 1876- 1876- -1865. -1870. 1875. -1877. 1885. of Statutes. Yols. 1, 2. Yol. 3. Yol. 4. Yol. 5. Yol. 6. (Birdsej'^e.) 1777-1887. the Constitution and the Revolution, from the the comprising Acts of the Legislature since 1st to the 12th Session inclusive, 1778-1789. By Samuel Jones and Richard Yarick. 2 vols,, folio. ]^ew York, 1789. 616 CATALOGTE OF THE LIBRARY OF New York: Statutes. — Continued. Laws of the State, from the 1st to the 20th Session, 177S- 1797. 3 vols., Svo. Printed bv Thomas Greenleaf. Xew York. 1792-S. Laws of the State. By James Kent and Jacob Radclitf. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1S02. [Revision of ISOl.] Laws of the State, 17b3-l>'12. Yols. 1 and 2 being Kent and Eadcliff's Revision of ISOl ; Yol. 3,LaAvs, 1802-1 S04 Yol. 4, Laws, 1805-1806; Yol. 5, Laws, 1807-1809; Yol 6. Laws, 1810-1812. 6 vols., Svo. Albany, 1802-12 ["Webster and Skinner's edition.] Laws of the State. By AYm. P. Yan Xess and John Wood Avorth. 2 vols.. Svo. Albanv, 1813. [Revision of 1813 Also, Session Laws, Yol. 3!; 1812-1S15 ; Yol. 4, 1816- 1818; Yol. 5. 1819-1821; Yol. 6, 1S22-1823 ; and Jan and Xov. Sessions. 1824.] Revised Statutes. By John Duer, Benj. F. Butler and John C. Spencer. Revisers. 3 vols., Svo. Albany, 1829. [Same.] 2d ed. 3 vols., Svo. Albany, 1836!! [Same.] 3d ed. 3 vols., Svo. Albany, 1846-8. Revised Statutes. 4th ed. By Hiram Denio and AVm. Tracy. 2 vols.. Svo. Alban\\ 1852. Revised Statutes. 5th ed. By A. J. Parker, G. Wolford and E. Wade. 3 vols.. Svo. Albany. 1859. [Same.] Yol. 4. Supplement. By Isaac Edwards. Sag. Albany, 1863. Revised Statutes. 6th ed. By Geo. Cothran. 3 vols.. Svo. Albany. 1875. Revised Statutes. 7th ed. By M. H. Throop. 4 vols., Svo. Albany, 1SS2. [Same.] Supplement. By J. C. Fowler. Svo. Albany, 1888. Revised Statutes. Sth ed. Bv M. H. Throop. 4 vols., Svo. Albany, 1SS9. [Same.] Supplement. Svo. Albany. 1889. Revised Statutes. Codes and General Laws. By C. F. Birdseye. 4 vols.. Svo. Xew York, 1889-90. Statutes at Large. 2d ed. By J. W. Edmonds. 5 vols., Svo. Albany, 1869. [Same.] Yols. 6-11 ; Supplements. 6 vols.. Svo. Al- bany, 1869-90. Public and General Statutes. 1829-1851. By Samuel Blatchford. Svo. Auburn, 1852. Digest of Statute Law. Bv J. D. Fa v. 3 vols., Svo. Xew York. 1874. [Same.] Diossy's ed. 3 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1881. Guide to Changes in the Statute Law. 1858-1872. By J. D. Fay. Svo. Xew York, 1873. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 617 New York : Statutes. — Continued. Remarks on the Projected Revision of the Laws. 8vo. iNew York, 1S25. [Pam., vol. 13.] Revised Statutes. First Part, passed at the Second Meeting of the Fiftieth Session, September, 1827. 8vo. Albany, 1827. [Same.] Original Reports as presented to the Legislature by the Revisers. 6 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1827-8. [Same.] The original Text, prepared by John Duer, Benj. Y. Butler, and John C. Spencer. 2 vols., folio. Albany, 1828. [Same.] Notes by John C. Spencer, etc., pointing out the principal Alterations made by them in the Common and Statute Law. 8vo. Albany, 1830. [Same.] Abstract of the most important Alterations. 8vo. Canandaigua, 1830. General Laws. Report of the Commissioners of Statutory Revision for 1889. Parts 1-3. 8vo. Albany, 1890. [Same] for 1890. Parts 1-2. 8vo. Albany, 1891. Codes. Civil Code. Reported complete b}' the Commissioners. 8vo. Albany, 1805. Civil Code as Proposed. Roy. 8vo. Albany, 1886. Code of Procedure, as Amended bv the Legislature. 8vo. Albany, 1819. Code of Procedure and Supplementary Act. Voorhies' ed. 8vo. Xew York, 1849. Code of Procedure. 8vo. Albany, 1859. Code of Procedure. Bv N, Howard, Jr. 8vo. Kew York, 1859. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Xew York, I860. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. New York, 1862. [Same.] Unabridged. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York, 1867. [No more published.] Code of Procedure. Voorhies' ed. ; with Notes by John Townshend. 8vo. New York. Editions of 1851. 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1864, 1868, 1870. Code of Procedure ; with Notes by Wm. Wait. 8vo. Al- bany, 1871. Report of the Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings, in answer to a Resolution of the Assembly, of September 18, 1847. 8vo. Albany, 1847. Code of Procedure. First Report of the Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings. 8vo. Albany, 1848. Amendments to the Code of Procedure. 8vo.' Albany, 1848. Report of Commissioners : Supplement to Code of Pro- cedure. Temporary Act. 8vo. Albany, 1848. 618 CATALOGUE OF THE LTBRAnY OF New York : Codes. — Continued. Answer of the C'oinmissionei's on Practice and Pleadings to a Resolution of the Senate. 8vo. Albany. ls4<>. Report of Judiciary Committee on the Bill to continue in office the Commissioners on Practice anil Pleadings. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Minority Report of Committee on Judiciary, on the Bill providing for the continuance in office of the Commis- sionere on Practice and Pleadings. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Second Report of Commissioners. Code of Procedure. 8vo. Albany. Is49. Third Report of Commissioners. Code of Procedure, 8vo. Albany, 1849. Fourth Report of Commissioners. Code of Criminal Pro- cedure. 8vo. Albany, 1849. Code of Civil Procedure, reported complete by the Com- missionei's. 8vo. Albany. 1850. Code of Criminal Procedure, reported complete by the Commissionei*s. 8vo. Albany, 185i.>. Special Acts, reported in connection with the Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure. By the Commissioners on Practice and Pleadino-s. 8vo. Albanv, 185(>. [Pam., vol. 13.] Dissent of Mr. Graham, one of the Commissioners, from certain portions of the Code of Civil Procedure. 8vo. Albany, 1850. [Pam., vol. 13.] Code of Civil Procedure, Banks vfe Bros'. Annotated ed. 8vo. Xew York. 1877. 1879, 1880, 1883, 1884. 1888, 1889. Code of Civil Procedure ; with Xotes by Geo. Bliss. 2 vols., rov. 8vo. Xew York, 1877-8<>. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Xew York, 1883. [Same.] 3d ed. 3 vols., roy. 8vo. Xew York, 1890. Code of Civil Procedure, Diossy's ed. By Morris Cooper. 12mo. New York, 1891. Code of Civil Procedure. Parsons' Annotated Pocket ed. 16mo. Albanv, 1877, 1881, 1882, 1883. 1884, 1885, 188H, 1887, 1888. 1889. 1890, 1891. Code of Civil Procedure. Bv C. D. Rust. 12mo. Kew York. Editions of 1885, 1886, 1887. 1888, 1889, 189(>. Code of Civil Procedure ; Avith Xotes bv M. H. Throop. 8vo. Albanv. Editions of 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1887, i88\ 1889, 1890. Code of Civil Procedure ; with Xotes by AVm. 'Wait. 8vf>. Albany. 1877. Code of ' Civil Procedure. Ward A: Peloubet's ed. 12m«>. Xew York, 1877. Code of Civil Procedure. Part 2. Svo. Albany, 1880. THE ASSOCIATIOX OF THE BAE. 619 New York : Codes. — Continued. Code of Civil Procedure. Index to Decisions. By H. H. Browne. 8vo. New York, 1885. Code of Civil Procedure. Ward cfe Peloubet's Eeady Bef- erence Index. 8vo. New York. 1887. Code of Civil Procedure. Tirae-Table. Bv I). Caiman. 12mo. New York, 188:3. Code of Civil Procedure. Annotations. By 11. Dudlev. 8vo. Bochester, 1885. Revision of the Statutes. Minority Report of the Commis- sioners. 8vo. Albany, 1872. [Pam., vol. 6.] [Same.] Revised Statutes. Part 3, Chai:)ters 1-14. Com- missioners' First Draft. 8vo. Albany, 1873. [Same.] Revised Statutes. Part 3, Chapters 15-21 : with a Supplemental Act relating to Wills, etc. Commis- sioners' First Draft. 8vo. Allmn}', 1875. [Same.] Table of Contents and Specimen Chapters of a Bill to be submitted to the Legislature by the Commis- sioners. 8vo. Albany, 1875. [Pam., vol. 31.] [Same.] Report of the Commissioners, with Draft of a, Temporarv Act. 8vo. Albanv, 1876. [Pam., vol. 13.] Revision of the Statutes. Remedial Justice. Chapters 1-13. Report of the Commissioners. 8vo. Albany, 1876. [Same.] Code of Remedial Justice. Chapters 1-13, sub- mitted bv the Commissioners. With Explanatorv Notes, by IM. II. Throop. 8vo. Albany, 1376. [Same.] Code of Remedial Justice. Chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17, as prepared by the Commissioners. 8vo. Al- bany, 1876. [Pam., vol. 31.] [Same.] Code of Remedial Justice. Chapter 18. Surro- gates' Courts. As prepared by the Commissioners. 8vo. Albany, 1876. [Pam., vol. 13.] [Same. I Remedial Justice. Chapters 14-22. Report of the Commissioners. 8vo. Albany, 1877. [Same.] Report of the Commissioners, and Draft of an Act to Amend the Code of Remedial Justice. Svo. Albany, 1877. [Pam., vol. 13.] [Same.] Code of C-ivil Procedure as amended and com- pleted by the Commissioners. Folio. Albany, 1877. [Same.] Report of the Commissioners. 8vo. Albanv, 1878. [Pam., vol. 16.] [Same.] Report of the Commissioners. Part 2 : Propertv, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1878. [Same.] Civil Procedure, Chapters 14-22. Report of the Commissioners. 8vo. Albany. 1878. [Same.] Civil Procedure, ( 'hai)ters 15-22. Report of the Senate Committee. 8vo. Albanv, 1S79. 620 CA TAL G VE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF 'Sew York : Codes. — Continued. Revision of the Statutes. Civil Rights. Report of the Senate Committee. Svo. Albany, 1879. Changes and Improvements introduced by the Code of Civil Procedure. Svo. New York, 1878. [Pam., vol. 16.] Code of Civil Procedure. The Xew Code. Answer to a Circular issued at New York, Sept. 2, 1878. [Pam., vol. 16.] Opinions of the Bench and the Bar upon the question whether the Xew Code should be retained, and com- pleted bv the enactment of the nine concluding Chapters. 8vo. Xew York, 1878. [Para., vol. 16.] The Bench and Bar of the State of Xew York on the Xew Code. Petition of Judges and Lawvers in its favor. Svo. Xew York, 1879. [Pam., vol. 16.] Code of Criminal Procedure. Svo. Albany, 1881. Code of Criminal Procedure. Banks tfe Bros.' edition. 16mo. Xew York, 1881, 1882, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1S90. Code of Criminal Procedure, annotated by J. T. Cook. Svo. Albany, 1890. Code of Criminal Procedure, annotated by Geo. R. Don- nan. Svo. Albanv. Editions of 1882, 1883, 1881, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. Code of Criminal Procedure, annotated bv R. Headley. Svo. Albany. Editions of 1882, 1890. Code of Criminal Procedure, bv C. D. Rust. 12mo. Xew York. Editions of 18S7, 1889, 1890. Code of Criminal Procedure. Reported complete by the Commissioners. Svo. Albany, 1850. Criminal Code. Report of the Commissioners. Svo. Al- bany, 1878. Penal Code. Svo. Albany, 1881. Penal Code. Banks & Bros.' ed. 16rao. Xew York, 1881, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890. Penal Code, annotated bv J. T. Cook. Svo. Albany, 1890. Penal Code, annotated bv G. R. Donnan. Svo. Albany. Editions of 1882. 1883, 1884. 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. Penal Code, annotated bv R. Headlev. Svo. Albany. Editions of 1887, 1890. Penal Code. By C. D. Rust. 12mo. Xew York. Edi- tions of 1886, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1891. Penal Code, Draft of. Svo. Albany, 1861. Penal Code, re])orted complete by the Commissioners. Svo. Albany, 1865. Penal Code. Report of the Commissioners. Svo. Albany, 1878. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 621 New York : Codes. — Continued. Penal Code. Report of the Special Senate (committee. 8vo. Albany, 1879. Political Code, reported complete by the Commissioners. 8vo. Albany, 1860. Constitutional Conventions. Debates and Proceedings. Clonvention of 1821. (Carter & Stone.) [Same.] (Clarke.) Debates and Proceedings. Convention of 1846. (Bishop & Attree.) [Same.] (Croswell & Sutton.) Documents. Convention of 1846. 2 vols. Journal. Convention of 1846. Manual. Convention of 1846. Debates and Proceedings. Convention of 1867-8. 5 vols. Documents. Convention of 1867-8. 5 vols. Journal. Convention of 1867-8. Revision Documents. Convention of 1867-8. Journal and Documents. Commission of 1872-3. Journal and Documents. Commission of 1890, Miscellaneous. Assembly Bills. 1846, 1876-1891. 36 vols., folio. Assemblv Documents. 1845, 1846, 1866-1890. 278 vols. Assembly Journals. 1784-1789, 1792, 1793, 1798, 1800, 1806-1808, 1812, 1813, 1816-1821. 19 vols., folio. [Same.] 1845, 1846, 1866-1890. 50 vols., 8vo. Assessments. See Subject-Index : Assessment Laws. — N. Y. Assessors and Collectors. See Subject-Index : Assessors. — ]S^. Y. Attorney-General. Report. 1890. Ballot Reform Law. (Murlin.) 1890. Banking Laws. See Subject-Index : Banks and Banking. [Same.] Report of Commissioners on Revision of Statutes, 1881. Canal Board. Digest of Claims. (Terwilliger.) 1865. Canal Frauds. Report of Committee. 1846. Canal Investigating Commission. Report. 2 vols. 1877. Canal Laws. (Chapman.) 1873. Capital Punishnient. Report of Investigating Commission. 1888. Census for 1875. 4to. Civil List. 1867-1891. 12 vols. Civil Service Commission. Rules, Regulations, Statutes, etc. 1884. Reports. 1884-1889. 6 vols. 622 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF ISew York : 3Iiscellaiieous.— 6'wi^mw€^. Clerk's Manual for Senate and Assembly. 1887. Constitutions. (Ehvood.) 18-1:6. [Pam.. vol. 31.] [Same.] (Hough.) 18^)7. [Same.] Proposed Amendments. 1874. [Pam., vol. 6.] [Same.] As Amended. 1S74. [Pam.. vol. 31.] [Same.] Annotated. 1890. [Same.] Collection of. See Poore's Federal and State Constitutions. Corporation Laws. See Subject-Index : Corporations, Busi- ness, etc. — X. Y. Court Rules. See Subject-Index : Court Rules. — X. Y. Documentary History. (O'Callaghan.) ^ vols., 4to. 1850-1. Documents relating to Colonial History. 13 vols., 4to. 1853-81. Documents. General Index. 1777-1841. [Same.] (Archer.) 1777-1865. Election Code. (Carr.) 1880, 1885. [Same.] (Donnan.) 1890. Election Law. (Murlin.) 1890. Electoral College. Proceedings of. iss-t. [Pam., vol. 30.] Emigration Commissionei's. Annual Reports. 1847-1860. 1 vol. Laws relating to. 1871. Excise Laws. (Saxton.) 1881. [Same.] (Graham . Treatise on Contracts within the Jurisdiction of Courts of Equity. Farrand's ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1808. !N"eAvlaiids (Frauds G.). Argument of, in the Sharon Di- vorce Case. 8vo. San Francisco. 1884. [Pam., vol. 31.] Newiuark (Xathaui. Law of Sales of Personal Property. 12mo, San Francisco, 1887. Law relating to Bank Deposits. Svo. St. Louis, 1888. Newuaiu ( Williaui ). Complete Conveyancer : or. The Theory and Practice of Conveyancing in all its branches. 3 vols, in 6. 8vo. Dublin. 178o-(). Newson (Harrj''). Digest of the Law of Shipping and of Marine Insurance. 12mo. London, 1879. Law of Bills of Sale. 12mo. London, 1882. Law of Salvage, Towa2:e. and Pilotage. 8vo. London, 1886. Newton (A. V.). Analysis of the Patent and Copyright Laws. 8vo. London, 1884.' Patent Law and Practice. Enlarged ed. 12mo. Lon- don, 1879. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 629 Niblack (William C). Law of Voluntary Societies and Mutual Benefit Insurance. 8vo. Chicago,'l888. Nicholas (S. S.). Habeas Corpus. A response to Mr. Bin- ney. Svo. Louisville, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] Habeas Corpus, the Law of War, and Confiscation. An- other response to Mr. Binney. [Anon.] [Pam., vol. 21.] Martial Law. [Anon.] No date. [Pam., vol. 21.] Review^ of the Argument of President Lincoln and At- torney General Bates, in favor of Presidential Power to suspend the privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 8vo. Louisville, 1861. [Pam., vol. 21.] Niclioll (H. I.), Hare (Thos.) and Carrow (J. M.). Rail- way and Canal Cases, 1835-1854. 7 vols., Svo. London, 1840-55. Nicliolls (Sir George). History of the English Poor Law. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1854. History of the Irish Poor Law. Svo. London, 1856. ■ History of the Scotch Poor Law, Svo. London, 1856. Nichols (Francis M.). Britton ; the French text revised ; with an English Translation, Introduction and Notes. 2 vols., Svo. Oxford, 1865. On the Rules which oufi-ht to govern the Admission of Extrinsic Evidence in the Interpretation of Wills. Svo. London, 1860. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Nicholson (A. O. P.). Statute Laws of a Public Nature of the State of Tennessee. Svo. Nashville, 1846. Nicholson (John). Catalogue of Lincoln's Inn Library. Supplementary volume. 1859-1890. Svo. London, 1890. Nicholson (William). Income Tax Act, epitomized and simplified. Svo. London, 1842. [Pam., vol. 47.] Nicolas (Sir Harris). Grants of Precedency in Patents of Peerage, pp. cci-ccxlvi. No title-page. [Pam., vol. 40.] Memoirs of Lord Chancellor Hatton. Svo. London, 1847. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, 1386-1547. 7 vols., roy. Svo. London, 1834-7. [Record Commission.] Treatise on the Law of Adulterine Bastardv ; with a report of the Banbury Case, etc. Svo. London, 1836. 630 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Nicoll (Alexander C) and Flaxinan (Arthur J.). Law of Parliainentarv and Municipal Registration. 2d ed. 12mo. London. l^Ts. Nicoll (Henry). Address before Columbia College Law School. 8vo. Xew York, 1869. [Pam., vol. 29.] (editor). Beames' Wri't of Xe Exeat Regno. Nicolson (James B.). Treatise on the Law of Parliamen- tary Elections and Registration in Scotland. 2d ed. Svo. Edinburgh. 1879. ^icolson (William ), Bishop of Carlisle. The English, Scotch and Irish Historical Libraries ; with an account of Records, Law-Books, etc. Xew ed. 4to. London, 1776. Leges Marchiarum ; or. Border Laws. Svo. London, 1705. IS'igliting-ale (J.). Trial of Queen Caroline. 3 vols., Svo. London. 1821. Nig'liting-ale vs. Stoekdale. Action for Libel. Reported by J. Bartrum. Svo. London, 1809. Nisbet (Sir John), Lortl Dirleton. Doubts and Questions ; with Reports of the Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, Scotland, 1665-1677. Folio. Edinburgh, 1698. Nitobe (Inazo Ota-). Intercourse between the L'^nited States and Japan. Svo. Baltimore, 1891. [J. H. U. Studies, extra vol. 8.] IVixon (John T.). Digest of New Jersey Laws. See Elmer, L. Q. C. Forms of Proceedings under the Laws of Xew Jersey. 8d ed. By J. S. Aitken. Svo. Trenton, 1874. Noah (M. 31.). Trial of. for an alleged Libel on Silvanus Miller. Svo. Xew York, 1823. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Noble (Charles). Compendium and Comparative Yiew of the thirtv-eig-ht State Laws of Marriage and Divorce in the United States ; the conflict and the remedv. Svo. rsew York, 1882. Nolan (Michael). Reports of Cases relating to the Duty and Ofhce of a Justice of the Peace, 1791-1793. Svo. London, 1793. (editor). Strange's Reports. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 631 Noiiarum Iiiquisitioiies. See Eecord Commission. Noodt (Geraarcl). Opera Omnia, recognita, aucta, emen- data multis in locis, atque in duos tomos distributa. Ac- cessit Joannis Barbeyracii historica Vitse Auctoris Nar- ratio. Editio novissima. 2 vols, in 1,- Folio. Lugduni Batavorum, 1767. Norma Curiaruiii Inferioriiin ; or, A Rule to Keep In- feriour Courts within their just Bounds. I2mo. London, 1673. [AVith Praxis Utriusque Banci.] Norman (John P.). Law and Practice of the Copyright, Registration and Provisional Registration, of Designs, and the Copyright and Registration of Sculpture. 12mo. Lon- don, 1851. Law and Practice relating- to Letters Patent for Inven- tions. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. [L. L., vol. 77.] See Hurlstone (E. T.) and Norman's English Exchequer Reports. Normandy (Frank). Digest of Cases contained in the High Court Reports, India, 1875-1887. 2d ed. 8vo. Madras, 1887. Norris (A. W.), reporter. Pennsylvaniji State Reports, vols. 82-96. Norris (James) vs. The City of Boston. Opinions of the Judges of the U. S. Supreme Court. 8vo. Washington, 181:9. [Pam., vol. 28.] Norris ( Josepli P.), editor. Peake's Law of Evidence. Norris (W. H.), Brown (George W.), and Brune (F. W.), Jr. Digest of JVIaryland Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. Baltimore, 1847. North (Levi). Treatise on the Practice in Probate Courts in the State of Illinois. 8vo. Chicago, 1873. Nortli (Roger). Discourse on the Study of the Laws. 8vo. London, 182L Lives of Francis North, Sir Dudley North, and John North. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1826. North American Bountlary. Correspondence relating to the Boundary between the British Possessions in North America and the United States of America, under the Treaty of 1783. 2 parts, folio. London, 1840. 632 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRABY OF North Carolina : Law Reports. Martin. 1778-1797. Ha V wood. 1 789-1806. Taylor. 1798-1802. Conference, bv Cameron 2. [Reprint in fac-simile. ] Laws of the Territory adopted and published hy the Gov- ernor and Judo^es from Julv to December, 1792. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1794. [Reprint in fac-simile.] Laws adopted and published by the Governor and Judges from May to August, 1795. [In Chase's Collection of Ohio Statutes, vol. 1, pp. 138-204.--Known as the Max- well Code.] Laws of the Territory, adopted and published at a Session of the Let!:islature begun in the Town of Cincinnati, County of Hamilton and Territory aforesaid, upon the 23d day of April in the Year of our Lord 1798, and con- tinued by adjournments to the seventh day of May, in the same year. Small 4to. Cincinnati, 1798. [Known as the Freeman Code. — Reprint in fac-simile.] Laws passed at the First Session of the General Assembly begun and held at Cincinnati on Monday, the lOtli day of September, 1799. Also, certain Laws enacted by the Governor and Judges of the Territory fi'om the com- mencement of the Government to December, 1792. With an Appendix, containing Resolutions, the Ordinance of Congress for the government of the Territory, etc. Yol. 1. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1800. 686 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF North- West Territory (United States): Statutes.— ^'ow. Laws passed at the Second Session of the First General Assembly, begun and holden at Chillicothe on Monday, the 3d dav of Xovember, 1800. With an Appendix of Resolutions. Vol. 2. 8vo. ChilUcothe, 1801. Laws passed at the First Session of the Second General Assembly, begun and holden at Chillicothe on Monday, the 23d day of November, 1801. Also, an Appendix containing certain Acts and Resolutions. Vol. 3. 8vo. Chillicothe, 1802. Miscellaneous. Laws and Courts of North-West and Indiana Territories. Bv D. W. Howe. 12mo. Indianapolis, 1886. [Pam., vol. 33.] Northampton County Reporter. 3 vols., 8vo. Easton. Pa., 1887-91. Northeastern Reporter. 27 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1885-91. Digest, vols. l-lo. 8vo. St. Paul, 1887. Northiiigton (Earl of). See Henley (Robert). NortliAvesterii Law Journal, and Real Estate Reporter. ■Ito. Portland, Oregon, 1881. [Only 27 nos. published.] Northwestern Reporter. 4 vols., -Ito. St. Paul, 1877-9. Northwestern Reporter. New Series. 48 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1879-91. Digest, vols. 1-30. 2 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1886-7. Northwestern Reporter. Illinois Supplement. 2 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 188(». [Only 83 pages of vol. 2 published.] North w^estern Reporter. Indiana Supplement. 8vo. St. Paul, 1880. [Only (U pages published.] Norton (George). Commentaries on the History, Constitu- tion, and Chartered Franchises of the City of London. 8vo. London, 1829. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. London, 1869. Norton (John Bruce). Selection of Leading Cases on the Hindu Law of Inheritance ; with Notes. 2 vols., 8vo. Madras, 1870-1. Norway. Marriage and Divorce. (Wright.) 1889. Staatsrecht. (Aschehoug.) issi;. Patent Law. (Abbott.) 18S6. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 637 Norwood (Will.). See Cameron (D.) and Korwoocrs Xorth Carolina Court of Conference Reports. Notaiida Dig-est. With Synoptical Index of the Decisions in the House of Lords and the Priv}^ Council, and in the Courts of Law, Equity, etc., in England and Ireland. Bv T. Edwards, E. S. Maskelvne, and C. C. M. Dale. 1862- 1887. 3 vols., Jrto. London. Notaries and CJommissioners' Hand-Book. 8vo. Kew York,187T. Notaries' Journal (The). 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1877-9. Notcutt (George J.). Law relating to Factories and Work- shops. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1879. Notes of Cases at Madras. Bv T. A. Strange. 3 vols., 8vo. Madras, 1816-27. Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts, Eno-land, 181:1-1850. 7 vols., Svo. London, 181:3-50. Notes of Railway and Corporation Cases. ♦*) vols., roy. Svo. Northport, L. I.. 1886-91. Notes of Recent Leading" Cases. From the London Law Magazine. 2 vols., Svo. Phila., 1846-8. [L. L., vols. 52, 62.] Notinan (John). Law and Practice concerning Contro- verted Parliamentary Elections in the Province of Canada. Svo. Quebec, 1863. Nott (Charles C). Treatise on the Mechanics' Lien Laws of the State of New York. Svo. Albany, 1856. Nott (Charles C.) and Hopkins (A.). Digest of the Court of Claims Reports. Svo. Washington, 1876. (re])orters). U. S. Court of Claims Reports, vols. 8-17 and 19-24. Nott (Charles C.) and Huntington (S. H.), reporters. U. S. Court of Claims Reports, vols. 1-7. Nott (H. J.) and McCord (D. J.). Reports of Cases, Con- stitutional Court of South Carolina, 1817-1820. 3d ed. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Charleston, 1860. Nouguier (Louis). Des Lettres de Change et des Effets de Commerce. -1® ed. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1875. Nouyelle Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etranger. 1^-11*= annee. 11 vols., Svo. Paris, 1877-87. Nova Scotia : Reports. Law Reports. (Thomson.) 1834-1851. 1 vol. James. 1853-1855. 1 vol. Thomson. 1856-1859. 1 vol. 638 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Nova Scotia: Reports. — Continued. Cochran. 1859. 1 vol. Oklright. 1860-1867. 2 vols. Nova IScotia Decisions. 1866-1875. 3 vols. Paissell & Cheslev. 1875-1879. 3 vols. Russell ct Geldert. 1879-1889. 9 vols. Russell ifc Cheslev. Equit}-. 1873-1882. 1 vol. Stewart. Vice-Admiralty. 1803-1813. 1 vol. Young. Admiralty. " 1865-1880. 1 vol. Statutes. Statutes at Large. 1758-1801. 4to. Halifax, 1805. Statutes at Large. 1805-1 S16. 4to. Halifax, 1816. Statutes at Large. 1817-1826. Bliss. 4to. Halifax, 1827. Statutes at Large. 1827-1835. By John AVhidden and Jas F. Gray. ito. Halifax, 1835. " ■ Session Acts. 4to. By Richard J. Uniacke. By Henry II. Cogswell. By Wm. Hill and \\\ B. Assembly. Sessios. Date. Assembly. Session. Date. 16th 2d 1838 1841 1842 1843 1844 18th 3d 1845 17th 1st 18th 18th 4th 1846 17th 2d 3d 5th 1847 17th 19th 8d 1850 18th 1st 19th 4th 1851 GrkCiC ion Acts. 8vo. Assembly. Session. Date. Assembly. Session. Date. 20th 1st, 2d 4th 1851-2 1854 1854-5 1856 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 25th 2d 1873 20th 25th 3d 1874 20th 5th 26th 1st 1875 21st 1st 26th 26th 2d 1876 21st . . . . 3d 3d 1877 2]st 4th 26th 4th 1878 22d . . 1st 27th 1st 1879 22d 2d 27th 2d 1880 22d 8d 27th 3d 1881 22d 4th 27th 4th 1882 23d 1st 28th 1st 1883 23d 2d 28th 2d 1884 23d 3d 28th 3d 4th 1885 23d 4th 28th 1886 24th 1st 29th 29th 29th 29th 1st 1887 24th 2d 2d 3d 4th 1868 24th 3d 1889 24th 4th 1st 1890 25th THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 639 Nova Scotia : Statutes. — Contimted. ■ Revised Statutes. 1873. Revised Statutes. ISS-t. Index of Statutes. (Dubreuil.) 1867-1887. Noy (William). Grounds and Maxims ; and also an Anal^^sis of the English Laws. 0th ed. By Chas. Barton. 12mo. London, 1794. [Same.] From the 7th London ed. 12mo. Middle- town, 1808. [Same.] 2d American ed. By W. W. Hening. 8vo. Richmond, 1824. — [Same.] With biographical sketch by C. S. Sims. 12mo. Albany, 1870. — Reports and Cases, Court of King's Bench, England, 1559-1649. Folio. London, 1656. — [Same.] 2d ed. Folio. London, 1669. Noyes (William Curtis). Address before the Graduating Class of the Law Department of Hamilton College. 8vo. New York, 1856. [Pam., vol. 35.] Argument in behalf of the Trustees of the Sailor's Snug Harbor, in the Gridiron R. R, Case. 8vo. New York, 1860. [Pam. Tr., vol. 2.] — Argument in Sharp vs. The Mayor, etc., of NeAV York. 8vo. New York, 1860. [Pam., vol. 7.] Argument in The Mechanics Bank of N. Y. vs. The N. Y. and New Llaven R. R. Co. 8vo. New Haven, 1863. [Pam., vol. 7.] Argument on the Trial of F. A. Tallmadge, Superin- tendent of Police, for Neglect of Duty. 8vo. New York, 1858. [P9-m. Tr., vol. 7.] Law of Alluvion ; Argument before the U. S. Supreme Court in Bates vs. Illinois Central R. R. Co. Svo. New York, 1862. [Pam., vol. 7.] — Law of Charitable Uses. Aro-ument before the Court of Appeals in the Case of Beekman vs. The People, et al. Svo. New York, 1861. Nugent (F. F.). Synopsis of the Acts of Parliament and De- cisions of the English Courts relating to Fidelitv Insurance. Svo. New York, 1888. [Pam., vol. 46.] Nugent (Thomas), translator. Burlamaqui's Droit de la Nature et des Gens. Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws. 6-tO CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF 0. Oakley iT. W. H. i. Divorce Practice. 2d ed. Svo. Lon- don, 1886. Oaths. Book of Oaths, and the several Forms thereof, both Ancient and Modern, 12mo, London, 1715. A Church of Eno^Umd-Man's Reasons for takino' the Oaths to his present Majesty, King George. [By M. Fitz- gerald.] 12mo. London, 1723. — The Episcopal Oath of Allegiance to the Pope, in the Church of Pome. By Catholicus [/. e.. Rev. Joseph Mend- ham], Svo. London and Birmingham, [1822], [Pam., vol. 44.] — Essay on the Xature of Oaths, and Judicial Evidence. By a Gentleman of the Inner-Temple. 12mo. London, no date. [Pam., vol. 44.] — The Juggler ; containing a proposition for the Abolition of all Oaths. Svo. London, 1849, [Pam., vol. 44,] — Letter to Her Most Gracious Majesty, Victoria, on the Irreligion of Oaths. 12mo. London, 1838. [Pam., vol. 44.] — Letter to the Episcopal Members of the late Ecclesiastical Commission of Inquirv on the subject of Oaths. Svo. Lon- don, 1838. [Pam., vol, 44.] — Oaths of the Roman Catholic Bishops and of the Jesuits. Svo. London, no date. [Pam., vol. 44.] Oaths, L^nchristian. Immoral, and Impolitic : a Plea for relieving Conscientious Objectors from Compulsory Oatlis. 16mcr. London, 1849. [Pam., vol. 44.] — Perjurv the Xational Sin. Small 4to. London, 1690, [Pam., vol. 38.] — The Scripture Doctrine, History and Laws relating to Oaths and Tows, Leagues and Covenants. Svo. London, 1T61. — Strictures on the Form of Swearing by Kissing the Gos- pels. [Bv Rev. Archibald Bruce.] Svo. London, 1782. [Pam,, vol. 44.] — Unlawfulness of Oaths for Christians. Svo. London, 1833, [Pam,, vol. 44.] THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 641 Oaths. Wickedness of a Disregard to Oaths. 12mo. London, 1 723. I Tarn., vol. 44.] Oberiiieyer (Moritz). Die Lehre von den Sacliverstiindigen im Civilprocess. Svo. Miinchen, 1880. O'Brien (Denis). Treaties to which the Cayuga Nation has been a party. Supplement to Brief. 8vo. Albany, 1885. O'Brien (Edward). The Lawyer ; his Character and Rule of Holy Life. 12mo. London,''l842. O'Brien (Henry), reportei*. Canada Practice Reports, vols. 4-6. O'Brien (John). Treatise on American Military Laws, and the Practice of Courts Martial. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. Observador Jndicial y de Legislacion. Tomo 2-4. 3 vols., 8vo. Mexico, 1842-4. Observations upon tlie Statutes, chiefly the more ancient. 2d ed. [By Daines Barrington.] 8vo. Dublin, 1767. [Same.] .5th ed. 4to. London, 1796. O'Callaghan (E. B.). Documentary History of the State of New York. 4 vols., 4to. Albany, 1850-L ■ Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, procured in Holland, England and France, by John R. Brodhead. 11 vols., 4to. Albany, 1853-61. General Index to the Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York. 4to. Albany, 1861. History of New Netherland ; or, New York under the Dutch. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1855. Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-1674. Svo. Albany, 1868. O'Callaglian ( Jereniiali). Usury, Funds, and Banks ; also Forestalling Traffick, and Monopoly ; likewise Pew Rent, and Grave Tax ; together with Burking and Dissecting ; as well as the Galilean Liberties. 12mo. Burlington, 1834. O'Connell (Daniel), and others. Trial of, for Conspiracy, etc. See Irish State Trials. O'Connor (Artliur), et al. Trial of, for High Treason. 8vo. London, 1798. O'Connor (Feargus). Trial of, for Seditious Libel. Svo. No place, 1840. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] 41 642 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF O'Coiior (Charles I. Address before the Graduating Class of Columbia College Law School. 8vo. Xew York, 1877. [Pam., vol. 15.] — Address to the Bar Association regarding Charges made against him throusfh the Press. Svo. Xew York. lS7fi. [Pam., vol. 20.] Opinion as to the Bonds of the State of Tennessee being First Mortgage Liens on Railroads of that State. Svo. Xew York. 1879. [Para., vol. 15.] In Memoriam. Report of a Meeting of the !Xe\v York Bar. 8vo. Xew York, 1884. [Pam., vol. 30.] In Memoriam. Report of a Meeting of the Xew York Law Institute. 8vo. Xew York, 1881. [Pam., vol. 30.] Proceedinofs of the Bar Association in relation to the Charges against. Svo. Xew York, 1876. [Pam., vol. 20.] O'Dea (Jaiues J. ). Rights, etc., of Medical Experts. Svo. Xew York, 1871. [Medico-Legal Papers, First Series.] O'Dedy (U.). Letters to Thomas Lord Ei^kine on the Law of Principal and Accessary : with an examination of the Rule affecting Principals in the Second Degree, or Abettors present at Murder, etc. Svo. London, 1811. Vindication of the Law of England ; showing that Mesne Lords, etc., have no right to Levy Distress. Svo. London, 1812. Ocleiieal (T. B.i, reporter. Oregon Reports, vols. 9-11. Odgers (W. B.). Digest of the Law of Libel and Slander. 1st American ed. Svo. Boston, ISSl. [Same.] 2d English ed. Roy. Svo. London, 18ST. [Same.] Amer. reprint. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S87. O'Doniiell (Matthew) and Brady (Francis). Analytical Digest of Irish Equitv Reports, 1766-1838. Svo. Dublin, 1840. O'Dowd (James). Xew Practice of the Court of Chancery. 2d ed. 12aio. London, 18.53. Oechelhaeuser (Wilhelni). Die Xachtheile des Aktien- wesens, und die Reform der Aktiengesetzgebung. Svo. Berlin. 187>^. OTerrall ('John P.). Execution of Trusts by the Statute of t^ses in Maryland. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 643 Officer (Harvey). Reports, Supreme Court, Territory of Minnesota. Vol. 1 : containing also the Reports of Wm. Hollinshead, Isaac Atwater, John B. Brisbin, and Michael E. Ames. 8vo. Chicago, 1858. (reporter). Minnesota Reports, vols. 2-0. Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office. 55 vols., rov. 8vo. Washington, 1872-91. ■ — General Index. It) vols., roy. 8vo. "Washington, 1872-90. Official Register of the United States ; containing a list of the Officers and Employes in the Civil, Military and Naval Service. Roy. 8vo. Washington, 1877. [Same.] 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Washington, 1879. [Same.] 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Washington, 1881. [Same.] 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Washington, 1887. [Same.] 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Washington, 1889. Officiiiin Clerici Pacis. A Book of Indictments, Informa- tions, etc. 8d ed. 8vo. London, 172G. OTlaiiagaii (J. R.). The Irish Bar ; comprising Anecdotes, Bon-Mots, and Biographical Sketches of the Bench and Bar of Ireland. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1879. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of Ireland. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1870. Ogcleii (A. N.), reporter. Louisiana Annual Reports, vols. 12-15. Ogtleii (David B.). Opinions of D. B. Ogden and George Wood as to the Validity of the Debts intended to be se- cured by Five Trusts, created by the officers of the North American Trust and Banking Co. 8vo. New York, 1845. [Pam., vol. 7.] Ogilvie (John). Imperial Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. New ed. Revised by Chas. Annandale. 4 vols., roy. 8vo. London, 1883. Ogilvy (Thomas). Statistical Evidence affecting the ques- tion of the Navigation Laws, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1819. [Pam., vol. 40.] Ogle (Sir Chaloiier). Trial of, for Assaulting the Governor of Jamaica. 8vo. No place, 1742. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Ogle (J. C). See Armstrong (R.), Macartney, and Ogle's Irish Reports. 644 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF O'Grady (Waller). Report of the Proceedings upon an Information in the Nature of a Quo- Warranto. 8vo. Dublin, islH. Og:stoii (Francis). Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence. Edited by Francis Ogston, Jr. Svo. Philadelphia, 1878. O'Hara (John P.i. Treatise on the Interpretation of Wills, showing the points of resemblance and contrast between the American and English Rules of Testamentary Construc- tion. Svo. New York, 1872. (editor). Wigram on Extrinsic Evidence in aid of the Interpretation of Wills. Ohio : Reports. Hammond. 1821-1839. AVilcox. 1S40-1841. Stanton. 1841-1844. Griswold. 1846-1850. Lawrence. 1851. McCook. 1852-1853. AVarden. 1853-1855. C^ritchfield. 1855-1871. Granger. 1871-1873. DeWitt. 1873-1885. Okey. 1885-1888. Burgess. 1888-1889. Tappan. Common Pleas. AVright. Nisi Prius. Disne}^ Cincinnati Superior Ct. Handy. Cincinnati Superior Ct Cincinnati Superior Ct. Reporter, Ohio Circuit Court Reports. Digests of Reports. Gholson & Okey. AlcVey, Walker . Rochester, 1885. Ottoman Penal Code. Translated from the French text, by C. G. Walpole. 12mo. London, 1888. Oudh Code. See India. Oug'hton (Thomas). Ordo Judiciorum in Foro Ecclesiastico- Civili Britannico et Hibernico. -Ito. Londini, 1738. ^ — Forms of Ecclesiastical Law ; translation of the First Part of Ordo Judiciorum. By James T. Law. 2d ed. Svo, London, 1844. Oulton (Andre^v N.). Lawfe of Ireland, analogous to the Laws of England treated of in Blackstone's Commentaries. Svo. Dublin, 1838. THE A^SOCIATIOX OF THE BAR. 655 Oviterbritlge (Albert A.). Pennsylvania Supreme Court Eules. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1882. (reporter). Pennsylvania State Reports, vols. 97-110. Overton (D. Y.). Annotated Code of Civil Practice for Wis- consin and Iowa. Roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1875. Treatise on the Law of Liens ; at Common Law, Equit}^ ; Statutory and Maritime. 8vo. New York, 1883. Overton (John). Tennessee Reports ; or, Cases ruled and adjudged in the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, and Federal Courts, for the State of Tennessee. Yol. 1. 8vo. Knoxville, 1813. - [Same.] 1791-1817. New ed. By AY. F. Cooper. 2 vols., 8vo. St. Louis, 1870. Owen (Aneurin). Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales, with an English Translation of the Welsh text. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. London, 18-11. [Record Commission.] Owen (Douglas). Declaration of War ; a survey of the position of Belligerents and ISTeutrals. 8vo. London, 1889. ]\Iarine Insurance ]S"otes and Clauses. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1884. Owen (Hug'li). Elementarj^ Education Acts. 16th ed. 8vo. London, 188L TVfunicipal Corporations Act. 8vo. London, 1883. Owen (Robert). Institutes of Canon Law. 8vo. London, 1884. Owen (Samuel). Treatise on the Law and Practice of Bank- ru})tcy. 8vo. ]^ew York, 1842. (editor). I^ew York Legal Observer. Oct., 1842 to Dec, 1854. Yol. 1-12. 12 vols., 8vo. New York, 1843-54. Owen (Thomas). Reports of Cases, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1556-1615. Folio. London, 1656. Owens (J, W.). Key to the IVIaryland Code, and the Acts of Assembly of 1890. 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. Oxford University. IVIunimenta Academica. See Chron- icles, etc., of Great Britain. Statutes. Translated by G. R. M. Ward. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1845-51. Oxley (James M.), editor. Young's Nova Scotia Admiralty Decisions. 656 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF P. Paelieco (J. F.). El Codigo Penal concordado y comentado. 2* ed. 3 vols., Svo. Madrid, ls5«x Pacific Coast Law Journal. 12 vols., svo. San Fran- cisco, 1878-84. Pacific Law Magazine. 8vo. San Francisco, 18^7. [Only numbers published.] Pacific Railroad Laws. Bv John F. Dillon. Svo. Xew York, 1890. Pacific Railway Coniiuissioii. See United States. Pacific Reporter. 26 vols., 8vo. St. Paul, 1884-91. [Xa- tional Eeporter System.] Digest, vols. 1-10. 8vo. St. Paul, 1886. Pacifici-3Iazzoni (Eniidio). Codice Civile Italiano cora- mentato. 15 vols., 8vo. Firenze, 1874-87. 1. Delia Distinzione dei Beni, della Proprieta, e delle Servitu Personali. Usufrutto, Uso e Abitazione. 4* ed. Per cura di F. Anau. 1882. 2. Delle Servitu Legal i. 3* ed. 1874. 3. Delle Servitu Prediali stabilite per fatto dell' uomo. 3*^ ed. Per F. Anau. 1887. 4. Delle Locazioni. 3^ ed. 1877. 5-11. Delle Successioni, 2* ed. 7 vols. 1876-84. 12-13. Della Yendita. 2* ed. 2 vols. 1882. 14-15. Dei Privilegi e delle Ipoteclie. (Yol. 1. 2* ed.) 2 vols. 1885-6. Padelletti ( Guiilo). Storia del Diritto Romano ; con note di Pietro Cogliolo. 2* ed. 8vo. Firenze, 1886. Pagan (J. 31."). Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 8vo. London, 1840. Page (Henry F.). Yiew of the Law relative to Divorce in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. 8vo. Columbus, 1850. Paget (John). Judicial Puzzles, gathered from the State Trials. 12mo. San Francisco, 1876. [Legal Recreations, vol. 3.] Report of the Judgment in the case of Talbot v. Talbot ; with observations on the Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts. Svo. London, 1854. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAIL 65V Paige (Aloiizo C). Reports, Court of Chancery, New York, 1828-1845. 11 vols., 8vo. New York, 1830-48. — [Same.] 2d ed. By R. Johnstone and T. W. Water- man. 11 vols., 8vo. New York, 1863. [Same.] 2d ed. Annotated by S. Rapalje. 1 1 vols., 8vo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. Annotated b}^ R. Desty. 11 vols., 8vo. Rochester, 1888-9. Paillie (E.). See Didier-Pailhe. Pailliet (J. B. J.). Manuel de Droit Fran§ais. 9" ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1837. Paine (Elijah) and Duer (William). Practice in Civil Actions, and Proceedings at Law, iij the Supreme Court of New York, etc. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1830. Paine (Elijah, Jr.). Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, Second Circuit, 1810-1840. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1827-56. Paine (^Halbert E.). Treatise on the Law of Elections. 8vo. Washington, 1888. Paine (^Thomas). Trial of, for Libel. 8vo. London, 1792. [Same.] 2(1 ed. 8vo. London, 1793. Paine (Willis S.). Laws of the State of New York relating to Banks, Banking and Trust Companies ; with a Historical Sketch of Banking ]VIethods. 8vo. Albany, 1885. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. New York, 1889. Laws of the State of New York relating to Building' and Loan Associations. 8vo. New York, 1889. Painter (U. H.). Interstate Commerce. Debates in Forty- ninth Congress. 2 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1887. Pakenhani (R.). An Appeal to JVIagna Charta and the Com- mon Law of England, upon the subject of Inheritance to the Lands of Intestates bv Descent. [Anon.] 4to. Lon- don, 1766. Paley (William). Law and Practice of Summary Convic- tions by Justices of the Peace. 5th ed. By H. T. J. IVIac- namara. 8vo. London, 1866. Treatise on the Law of Principal and Agent. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. [L. L., vol. 28.] [Same.] 3d American ed. By J. A. Dunlap. 8vo. New York, 1847. [Same.] 4th American etl. By T. W. Waterman. 8vo. New York, 1856. 42 658 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Palgrave (Sir Francis). Essay upon the original Authority of the King's Council. Svo. London, 1834. [Kecord Commission.] Parliamentary Writs, etc. 2 vols, in 4, foho. London, 1827-34. [Same.] Eotuli Curi« Regis, 1195-99. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1835. [Same.] Palgrave (R. F. D.). The House of Commons ; lectures on its History and Practice. 12mo. London, 1869. Palladiuin of Conscience (The) ; containing : Furneaux's Letters to Blackstone ; Priestley's Remarks on Blackstone ; Blackstone's Reply to Priestley ; Blackstone's Case of the Middlesex Election ; and other curious Tracts. Svo. Philadelphia, 1773. [Appendix vol. to Blackstone's Commentaries.] Palmer (Edwin F.), reporter. Vermont Reports, vols. 53-60. Palmer (Eleanor) vs. Barnard (Benjamin). Trial for Breach of Promise of Marriage. Svo. London, 1792. Palmer (Francis B.). Companv Precedents. 3d ed. Rov. Svo. London, 1884. Forms relating to the Winding-up of Companies. Svo. London, 1885. Private Companies ; their Formation and Advantages. 5th ed. 12mo. London, 1884. [Same.] 8th ed. 12mo. London, 1890. Shareholders' and Directors' Legal Companion. 5th ed. 12mo. London, 1885. [Same.] 10th ed. 12mo. London, 1890. Palmer (Sir Gefrey). Reports, Court of King's Bench, Eng- land, 1619-1629. Folio. London, 1678. (editor). Moore's English King's Bench Reports. Palmer (William), Barrister. Law of Wreck, Salvage, etc. Svo. London, 1843. [Pam., vol. 24.] Palmer (William), Surgeon. Trial of, for the Murder of John P. Cook. Svo. London, 1856. Pampero. Case of the Vessel Pampei'o, seized under the Foreign Enlistment Act. Svo. Edinburgh, 1864. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 659 Pamphlet Trials. Collection of. 10 vols., Svo. Pamphlets. Collection of. 49 vols., Svo. Paiiclectse. See Corpus Juris Civilis ; and Justinian. Paiilnird (N.), Hallays-Dabot (A.), and Gerard (P.). Recueil des Arrets du Conseil d'Etat. (Collection Macarel & Lebon.) Tome 41^-57^. 2® serie. 16 vols., Svo. Paris, 1S71-S7. [Same.] Table, 1S49-1SS4. 4 vols., Svo. Paris, 1S76-S7. Paiijab Code. See India. Paiitoja (Jose M.). Repertorio de la Jurisprudencia Civil Espanola, 1838-1866. 2*^ ed. Svo. Madrid, 1873. [Same.] Primer Apendice, 1867-1868. Svo. Madrid, 1869. 1871. [Same.] Segundo Apendice, 1869-1870. Svo. Madrid, 1873. [Same.] Apendice Tercero, 1871-1872. Svo. Madrid, 1875. [Same.] Apendice Cuarto, 1873-1874. Svo. Madrid, — Repertorio de la Jurisprudencia Criminal Espanola. Svo. Madrid, 1875. [Same.] Apendice Primero, 1875-1876. Svo. Madrid, 1877. [Same.] Apendice Segundo, 1877-1878. Svo. Madrid, 1880. [Same.] Apendice Tercero, 1879-1880. Svo. Madrid, 1881. Papy (M. D.), reporter. Florida Reports, vols. 5-8. Paraiit (N.). Lois de la Presse en 1834; ou. Legislation actuelle sur I'lmprimerie et la Librairie, et sur les delits et contraventions commis par toutes les voies de publication. Svo. Paris, 1834. Pardessvis (Jean ]\I.). Collection de Lois Maritimes an- terieures au IS*" siecle. 6 vols., 4to. Paris, 1828-45. Cours de Droit Commercial. 6*^ ed. 4 vols., Svo. Paris, 1856-7 Paris (John A.) and Fonblanqne (J. S. M.). Medical Jurisprudence. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1823. 660 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBMABY OF Parish (Henry i. Medical Opinions upon the Mental Com- petency of Mr. Parish. Svo. Xeu- York, 1857. Statement and Points of Respondents in Court of Ap- peals. Chas. O'Conor, of Counsel, svo. Xew York, 1800. Statement of Facts, etc., in Court (jf Appeals. 8vo. Albany. 1860. [Pam., vol. 10.] "Will Case. Testimony and Exhibits. 8 vols., 8vo, Xew York, 18.5t>-7. Parisieiisis i^31attli?eus). Historia Minor. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Park ( Sir James A. ). System of the Law of Marine Insur- ances, etc. 3d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. [Same.] 2d American ed. Svo. Boston, 1799. [Same.] 3d American ed. 8vo. Boston, 1800. [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1802. Park (John J.). Systems of Registi-ation and Conveyancing ; a lecture. 8vo. London, 1833. [Pam., vol. 47.] Treatise on the Law of Dower. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S3H. [L. L., vol. 11.] What are Courts of Equity ? A lecture. Svo. Lon- don, 1S32. [Pam., vol. 47.] Parke (John G/). Extracts from U. S. Supreme Court Decisions concerning Navigable TTaters, Biparian Proprie- tors, Bridges. Boundaries between States. Eminent Domain, etc. Svo. "Washington, 1882. Parker ( Amasa J. u Reports of Decisions in Criminal Cases made at Term, at Chambers, and in the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, of the State of New York, 1823-1868. 6 vols., Svo. Albany, 1860-8. Parker (Charles H.). Digest of California Reports and Statutes. 2 vols.. Svo. San Francisco. 1869. Parker ( Cortlanclt ). Suggestions to Young Lawyei-s ; an address before the Law School of Columbia College. Svo. Xew York. 1881. [Pam., vol. 29.] Parker (Frank R.). Powers, Duties and Liabihties of an Election Agent, and of a Returning Officer. Svo. London, 1885. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAIL 661 Parker (Joel). Daniel Webster as a Jurist, svo. Cam- bridge, 185-3. [Pam., vol. 1>.J — Habeas Corpus and Martial Law. A Review of the Opinion of Chief Justice Taney, in the Case of John Merrv- man. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] — International Law. Case of the Trent; Capture and Surrender of Mason and Slidell. 8vo. Cambridge, 1862. [Para., vol. •!.] — Personal Liberty Laws and Slaverv in tlie Territories. 8vo. Boston, 1861. [Para., vol. 1.] — (editor). New Hampshire Reports, vols. 10-18. Parker (John). Notes on the Law of Arbitration, including Judicial References, etc. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845. Parker (Moses), et al. Trial of, for Murder. Reported by Ogden Edwards. 8vo. New York, 1825. Parker (Reginald A.). Observations on the Remuneration of Attornevs and Solicitors. 8vo. London, 1858. [Pam., vol. 40.] Parker (Rev. Theodore). Trial of, for a Misdemeanor, 8vo. Boston, 1855. Parker (Sir Thomas). Laws of Shipping and Insurance. 4to. London, 1775. Reports of Revenue Cases, Court of Exchequer, Eng- land, 1743-1767. 8vo. London, 1800. Parker (Wilniot). Analysis of the Practice of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1794. Parkes (Joseph). History of the Court of Chancery, 8vo. London, 1828. Statutes and Orders of the Court of Chancery, and the Statute Law of Real Property of the State of New York. 8vo. London, 1830. Parks (James). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Akron, Ohio, 1854. Parks (William). Compleat Collection of the Laws of Maryland. Folio. Annapolis, 1727. Parliament. Rotuli Parliamentorum, ut et Petitiones et Pla- cita in Parliamento, temp. Edw. I.— 19. Hen. VII., 1278- 1503. 6 vols., folio. London, no date. 662 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Parliaiuent. Index to the Kolls of Parliament, comprising the Petitions. Pleas, and Proceedings of Parliament from 6 Edw. I. to 19 Hen. VII. Edited by J. Strachey, J. Pridden and E. Upham. Foho. London, 1S32. Parliamentary Debates. See Hansard (T. C). Parliamentary "Writs, and AVrits of Militarj'^ Summons ; together with the Records and Muniments relating to the suit and service due and performed to the King's High Court of Parliament, and the Councils of the Realm. Col- lected and edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 2 vols, in 4. Folio. London, 1S27-34. [Record Commission.] See. also. Record Commission. Parriiig:toii (Henry J.i. Code of Contract Law. 8vo. Lontlon. 1883. Parry (John H/). Lord Campbell's Libel Act. 12mo. Lon- don. 1S44. Parsons (Anson V.). Select Cases in Equity, in the Court of Common Pleas of the First Judicial District of Penn- sylvania. 1841-1851. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 18.51. Parsons (Ai'tlini*). Treatise on the Law of "Wills. Svo. Philadelphia, 1855. [L. L.. vol. SQ.] Parsons (F. 31. ). Treatise on the Law of Costs, as settled in the State of Xew York, and adapted to the Code of Ohio. Svo. Xew York. 1ST6. Parsons (H. B.i, publisher. Complete Annotated Pocket Code of Civil Procedure. IBmo. Albany-. Editions of 1877, 1881-90. Parsons i James i. Essays on Legal Topics. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1876. [Pam., Vol. 11.] Exposition of the Principles of Partnership. Svo. Bos- ton, 1SS9. Parsons (Tlieopliilns), Chief Justice. Commentaries on American Law. Svo. Xew York, 1836. Decisions. See preceding title. Memoir of ; with Notices of some of his Contemporaries. By his son, Theophilus Parsons. 12mo. Boston, 1859. Parsons (Theophiliis). Elements of Mercantile Law. 2d ed, Svo. Boston. 1862. Law of Contracts. 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1857. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 663 Parsons (Theophilvis). Law of Contracts. 5th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1866. [Same.] 6th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1873. [Same.] 7th ed. By W. V. Kellen. 3 vols., svo. Boston, 1883. Laws of Business. 8vo. Hartford, 1876. [Same.] Svo. Hartford, 1879. [Same.] 8vo. Hartford, 1890. Lecture on Constitutional Law, delivered before the Harvard Law School. 8vo. Boston, 1861. [Pam., vol. 1.] Personal and Property Rights of a Citizen of the United States ; how to exercise" and how to preserve them. 8vo. Hartford, 1876. Treatise on Maritime Law ; including the Law of Ship- ping, Marine Insurance, and the Law and Practice of Admiralty. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1859. Treatise on the Law of ]Vrarine Insurance and General Average. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1S6S. Treatise on the Law of Partnership. 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1870. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Boston, 1878. Treatise on the Law of Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1875. Treatise on the Law of Shipping, and the Law and Practice of Admiralty. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1869. Partidas, Las Siete. Laws of, which are still in force in Louisiana. See Moreau-Lislet and Carleton. Paschal (George W.). Constitution of the United States, defined and annotated. 12mo. Washington, 1868. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Washington, 1876. Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Court of Texas, and of the United States upon Texas Law. 3 vols., Svo. Houston, 1872-5. Digest of the Laws of Texas. Svo. Galveston, 1866. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Washington, 1873. (reporter). Texas Reports, vol. 25 : Supplement ; and vols. 28-31. Passaic County (N. J.) Bar Association. Constitution and By-Laws. 12mo. Paterson, 1889. 664 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Patch (John). Treatise on the Law of Mortgages. 8vo. London, 1821. Patch (Richard). Trial of, for Murder. Eeported by J. Gurney. 8vo. London, 1806. [Same.] Fairburn's 3d ed. "6x0. London, 1806. Patent and Court Record. 3 vols., ito. Washington, 1880-8. Patent Law Review. Edited by C. S. Whitman. Folio. Washington, 1879-80. [Only 5 numbers, TO pages, pub- lished.] Patent Office Gazette. See Official Gazette, U. S. Patent Office. Paterson (James). Commentaries on the Liberty of the Subject, and the Laws of England relating to the Security of the Person. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 18TT. Compendium of English and Scotch Law, stating their ditferences. 2d ed. Roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1865. Game Laws of the United Kinodom. 12mo. London, 1861. — • Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act. 8v(). London, 1872. — Liberty of the Press, Speech, and Public Worshij) ; being Commentaries on the Liberty of the Subject and the Laws of England. 8vo. London, 1880. — Notes on the Law of Master and Servant. 8vo. Lon- don, 1885. — Reports of Scotch Appeals in the House of Lords, 1851- 1873. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879: Treatise on the Fishery Laws of the United Kingdom. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1873. Paterson (Noel H.). Manual of the Usages of the Stock Exchange, and of the Law affecting the same. 12mo. London, 187<». Paterson (William). Revised Laws of New Jersey. Folio. New Brunswick, 1800. Paton (Thomas S.). Compendium of the Law of Insurance, Marine, Fire, and Life, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1862. — Reports, House of Lords, u])on Appeal from Scotland, 1726-1822. 6 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1849-56. Treatise on the Law of Stoppage in Transitu. Svo. Edinburo^h, 1859. THE A. SIS O CI ATI ON^ OF THE BAR. 665 Patrick (Alfred). Digest of " Precedents, or Decisions," by Select Committees appointed to tr}' the merits of Upper Canada Contested Elections, 1 824-1 8-Jr!>. 2d ed. 8vo. Toronto, 1851. Patterson (Christopher S.). Railway Accident Law ; the Liability of Railways for Injuries to the Person. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886. The United States, and the States under the Constitu- tion. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. Pattison (Everett W.). Digest of the JVlissoiu-i Reports. 8 vols., 8vo. St. Louis, 1873-9. Forms for Missouri Pleading. 8vo. St. Louis, 1S91. Pattoii (John M., Jr.), and Heatli (R. B.). Index to Grattan's Virginia Reports. 8vo. Richmond, 1856. Reports, Special Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1855- 1857. 2 vols., 8vo. Richmond, 1856-7. Paty (John), and others. Case of. See Holt (Sir John). Paul (G. L. d'A. C). Codigo Civil Portuguez annotado. 8vo. Porto, 1879. Paul (John). Laws relative to Landlords, Tenants, and Lodgers. 10th ed. Bv John I. Maxwell. 8vo. London, 1808. Pavitt (A.). Le Droit Anglais Codifie. 8vo. Paris, 1885. Paxton (William), et al. Trial of, for Conspiracv. 8vo. New York, 1859. Payne (Abraham). Reminiscences of the Rhode Island P>ar. 12mo. Providence, 1885. Payne (Joseph). See Carrington (F. A.) and Payne's Nisi Prius Reports; — Moore (J. B.) and Payne's Common Pleas Reports. Payne (William). Treatise on Municipal Rights. 8vo. London, 1813. Pea Patch Island Case. Boundary between New Jersey and Delaware. See Wallace, Jr.'s, Reports, vol. 1. Peahody (Charles A.). The United States Provisional Court for the State of Louisiana ; a Reminiscence of the late Civil War. 8vo. New York, 1878. | Pam., vol. 16.] Peace (Maskell W.). Coal Mines Regulation Act. 8vo. London, 1888. 666 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Peachey (James P.). Treatise on the Law of Marriage and other Family Settlements. 8vo. London, 1800. Peake (Thomas). Compendium of the Law of Evidence. 8vo. London, 1801. — [Same.] 2d American ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1800. [Same.] American ed. Bv J. Randall. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1812. [Same.] American ed. Bv J. P. Xorris. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 182L English Nisi Prius Reports, Court of King's Bench, 1790-1795. 8vo. Dublin, 1795. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1820. Additional Cases ; being a Continuation of Cases at ]S^isi Prius, before Lord Kenyon, etc., 1795-1812. 8vo. London, 1829. Peakiii (William) vs. 31ayor of Dublin. Trial for the Illegal Seizure and Detention of a quantity of Meat. 8vo. Dublin, 1808. Pearce (Robert R.). Guide to the Inns of Court and Chan- cery. 8vo. London, 1855. (reporter). Dearsly's Crown Cases. Denison's Crown Cases, vol. 2. Pearson (Richiuoiicl M.). Law Lectures, compiled by Benj. F. Long. 8vo. Raleigh, 1879. Pearson ( William). Decisions of Hon. J. J. Pearson, Court of Common Pleas of Pennsvlvania. 1850-1880. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879-80. " Practice in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 188L Pearson-Gee (Arthur B.). The ^STew Factors Act, Anno- tated. Svo. London, 1890. Peck (Ebenezer), reporter. Illinois Reports, vols. 11-30. Peek (Hiram D.). Law of Municipal Corporations in the State of Ohio. Svo. Cincinnati, 1875. Peck (Jacob). Reports, Supreme Court of Errors and Ap- peals of Tennessee, 1822-1824. New ed. By W. F. Cooper. 8vo. St. Louis, 1871. Peck (James H.V Trial of. by Impeachment. Reported by A.J. Stansbury. 8vo. Boston, 1833. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 667 Peck (Pieter). In titt. Dig. & Cod. ad Rem Nauticam per- tinentes Commentarii. Accedunt Notse Arnoldi Vinnii. Item Leges navales Rhodiorum Gr. Lat. Edidit Johannes Laurentius. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1668. Peckham (Rufus W.). Memorial of. Roy. 8vo. Albany, 1874. Peckham (Wheeler H.). Review of the Arguments of Counsel in the N. Y. Court of Appeals, on the Constitu- tionality of the Law making IT. S. Treasury Notes a Legal Tender in payment of Private Debts. 8vo. New York, 1864. [Pam., vol. 35.] Peckwell (Robert H.). English Election Cases, 1802-1805. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1805-6. Pecock (ReginaUl), Bishop. The Repressor of over much Blaming of the Clergy. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Peel (Sir Robert), Bart. Peel's Acts, Lord Lansdowne's Act, etc., relating to the better administration of Criminal Jus- tice. 2d eel. [By J. F. Archbold. Anon.] 12mo. Lon- don, 1830. Peel (Sydney). Practice and Procedure in Chancery Actions. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1883. Peeler (A. J.). Treatise on Law and Equity as distinguished and enforced in the Courts of the United States. 8vo. Austin, 1883. Peeples (H. C), reporter. Georgia Reports, vols. 78-79. Peeples (H. C.) and Stevens (G. W.), reporters. Georgia Reports, vols. 80-88. Peere Williams (Wm.). Reports of Cases, High Court of Chancery and Court of King's Bench, England, 1695-1735. 4th ed. Edited by S. C. Cox. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1790. [Same.] 5th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1793. [Same.] 6th ed. Edited by J. B. Monro, W. L. Lowndes and J. Randall. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1826. Peggs (James). Capital Punishment ; the importance of its Abolition. 12mo. London, 1839. Peile (Clarence J.). Law and Practice of Discovery. Svo. London, 1883. Pelham (Camden). Chronicles of Crime; or. The New Newgate Calendar, 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1841. Pell (John). Punishment of Death proved to be Unlawful. 12mo. London, 1835. [Pam., vol. 47.] 668 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Pell Records. Issues of the Exchequer; being- })ayments made out of His Majesty's Revenue, during the reign of K. James I. Extractetl from the original records belonging to the ancient Pell Office. By F. Devon. 8vo. London, ls;3r>. Pellew (Georg'e). John Jay. 16mo. Boston, 1890. [Amer. Statesmen ISeries.] Woman and the Commonwealth; or, A Question of Ex- ])ediency. 8vo. Boston, 18SS. Peloubet (S. S.). Collection of Legal Maxims in Law and Equity; with English translations. 12mo. New York, 18S0. Peltier (John). Trial of, for a Libel against Napoleon Buona- parte, ^vo. London, 1803. Peltzer (Leon). Trial of, for the Murder of M. Tavocat Ber- nays. Boy. Svo. Bruxelles, 1882. Penibertoii (Loftiis L.). Judgments and Orders of the Court of Appeal and High (yourt of Justice. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 187<>. Practice in Equity, by way of Tlevivor and Supplement. 8vo. London, 1867. Penal Code of France. Translated into English. 8vo. London, lsl9. Penlez (Bosaverni. Case of. for Riot in the Strand. 8vo. London, 1749. Penning'ton (William S. ). Reports, Supreme Court of Ju- dicature of New Jersev, l>S(t(i-1813. 2 vols., 8vo. Newark, 1808-12. [Same.] 2d ed. By eL Harrison. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Camden, 1835. Pennsylvania : Reports. — Supreme Court. Dailas. Addison. Yeates. Binney. Sergeant ife Rawle. Rawle. Penrose & Watts. AYatts. Wharton. Watts & Sergeant. Barr. 1S45-1849. Jones. 1849. Jones & McMurtrie. 1849. Harris. 1S49-1855. 1754-1800. 4 vols. 1791-1799. 1 vol. 1791-1808. 4 vols. 1799-1814. fi vols. 1814-1828. 17 vols. 1828-1835. 5 vols. 1829-1832. 3 vols. 1832-1840. 10 vols. 1835-1841. vols. 1841-1845. 9 vols. 1-10 Pa. St. 10 vols. 11 Pa. St. 1 vol. 12 Pa. St. 1 vol. 13-24 Pa. St. 12 vols. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 669 Pennsylvania : Reports.— Supreme Court. — Continued. Casey. 1855-1860. 25-36 Pa. St. 12 vols. Wright. 1860-1865. 37-50 Pa. St. 14 vols. Smith. 1865-1876. 51-81^ Pa. St. 32 vols. Norris. 1876-1880. 82-96 Pa. St. 15 vols. Outerbridge. 1880-1885. 97-110 Pa. St. 14 vols. Amerman. 1885-1887. 111-115 Pa. St. 5 vols. Crumrine. 1887-1891. 116-141 Pa. St. 26 vols. Grant's Cases. 1814-1863. 3 vols. Pennypacker. 1881-1884. 4 vols. Walker. 1853-1885. 2 vols. Various Courts. Hopkinson's Judgments. 1785-1786. 1 vol. Browne. 1801-1814. 2 vols. Ashmead. 1808-1841. 2 vols. Brightly. 1809-1851. 1 vol. Miles. 1825-1842. 2 vols. Vaux. Recorder's Decisions. 1841-1845. 1 vol. Parsons' Select Equity Cases. 1841-1851. 2 vols. Penn. Law Journal Reports. 1842-1861. 5 vols. Pearson. 1850-1880. 2 vols. Philadelphia Reports. 1850-1885. 17 vols. Pittsburgh Reports. 1853-1873. 3 vols. Brewster. 1856-1873. 4 vols. Woodward's Decisions. 1861-1874. 2 vols. Legal Gazette Reports. 1869-1871. 1 vol. Legal Chronicle Reports. 1873-1875. 2 vols. Luzerne Legal Register Reports. 1872-1891. 6 vols. Weeklv Notes of Cases. 1874-1891. 28 vols. Legal Record Reports. 1879-1882. 2 vols. Chester County Reports. 1879-1885. 2 vols. Common Pleas Reporter. 1879-1887. 4 vols. Delaware County Reports. 1881-1889. 3 vols. Lehigh Valley Reporter. 1885-1887. 2 vols. Pennsvlvania" Count v Ct. Reports. 1885-1891. 9 vols. Penn.Supr.Ct. Digest. (Bannard.) 1886-1889. 4 vols. Northampton County Reporter. 1887-1891. 3 vols. Wilcox. ' 1888-1889. 1 vol. Digests of Keports. Brightly (F. C). 1754-1882. 2 vols. Brightly (F. F.). 1877-1891. 2 vols, in 3. Baker's Annual. 1883-1884. 1vol. Wright's Index. 1754-1882. 2 vols. Statutes. Duke of York's Laws in force, 1676-1682. Also Charter to William Penn, and Laws of the Province, 1682-1700. Edited by John B. Linn. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1879. 670 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Pennsylvania : Statutes. — Continued. Laws of the Province of Pennsilvania. Collected into one volunin, by order of the (rovernour and Assembly of the said Province. Folio. Printed l)v Andr. Bradford. Philadelphia, 1714. Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania now in force. Col- lected into one volumn. Published by order of the Gen- eral Assembly. Folio. Printed by A. Bradford. Phila- delphia. 1728. Collection of Charters and other Publick Acts relatinof to the Province of Pennsylvania. Folio. Printed by B. Franklin. Philadelphia, 1740. Charters of the Province of Pennsylvania and City of Phila- delphia. Folio. Printed by B. Franldin. Philadelphia, 1742. Collection of all the Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania now in force. Published by order of Assembly. Printed by B. Franklin. Folio. Philadelphia, 1742. Chartei's and Acts of the Province of Pennsylvania. (The Laws to 1759 inclusive.) Printed by Peter Miller wn as •• Big Peter Miller.''] [Same.] 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia. 17* 12. [Known as " Lit- tle Peter Miller."] Acts of Assembly of the Province, compared with the originals. (Containing the Laws to 1775 inclusive.) Pub- lished by order of the Assembly. Folio. Philadelphia, 1775. Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth from 1776 to 17S1 ; with an Appendix of the Laws now in force passed between Sept. 3U, 1775, and the Revolution. By authority. Thomas McKean, reviser. Folio. Phila- delphia, 17S2. Laws of Pennsylvania from 1700-1801. Pe-published un- der authority of the Legislature, by Alexander J. Dal- las. 4 vols., folio. Philadelphia, 1795-1801. Session Laws. Folio. Year of isdepen"dence. Date. Year of IXBEPEN-DEJfCE. Date. 6th 1781-2 1782-3 1783-4 1784-5 1785-6 1786-7 1787-8 1788-9 1789-90 1790-1 16th 1791-2 7th nth 18th 1792-3 8th 1793-4 9th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th 25th 1794-5 10th 1795-6 11th 1796-7 12th 1797-8 liith 1798-9 14th 1799-1800 15th 1800-1 THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 671 Pennsylvania : Session Laws. 8\ o. Year of Independence. Date. Year of Independence. Date. 26th 1801-2 1802-3 1803-4 1804-5 1805-6 1806-7 1807-8 1808-9 1809-10 1810-11 1811-12 1812-13 1813-14 1814-15 1815-16 1816-17 1817-18 1818-19 1819-20 1820-1 1821-2 1822-3 1823-4 1824-5 1825 6 1826-7 1827-8 1828-9 1829-30 1830-1 1831-2 1832-3 1833-4 1834-5 1835-6 1836-7 1837-8 1838-9 1840 1841 1842 1843 68th 69th 1844 27th 1845 28th 70th 1846 29th 71st 1847 30th 72d 1848 31st 73d 1849 32d 74th 1850 83d 75th 1851 34th 76th 1852 35th 77th 1853 36th 78th 1854 37th 79th 80th 1855 38th 1856 39th 81st 1857 40th 82d. 1858 41st 83d 1859 42d 84th 1860 43d 85th 1861 44th 86th 1862 45th 87th 1863 46th 88th 1864 47th 89th 1865 48th 90th 1866 49th 91st 1867 50th 92d 1868 51st 93d 1869 52d 94th 95th 1870 53d 1871 54th 96th 1872 55th 97th 1873 56th 98th 1874 57th 99th 1875 58th 100th. . . 1876 59th 101st . . . 1877 60th 102d 103d 1878 61st 1879 62d 105th 1881 63d 107th 107th 1883. Regular. 1883 Extra 64th 65th 109th 1885 66th 111th 1887 67th 113th . 1889 (Carey & Bioren.) 8 vols. Laws of the Commonwealth, 1700-1808. Abridgment of Laws. (Bead.) 2 vols. 1801-4 Abridgment of Laws. (Purdon.) 1811. British Statutes in force. (Roberts.) 1847. Revised Statutes. (Derickson & Hall.) 1871. Digest of Laws. (Stroud & Brightly's Purdon.) Digest of Laws. (Brightly's Purdon.) 1861. [Same.] Supplement. 1862-1870. Digest of Laws. (Brightly's Purdon.) 2 vols. 1853. 1873. 672 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Pennsylvania : Statutes. — Continued. Digest of Laws. Supplement. 1873-1876. Digest of Laws. (Brightly's Purdon.) 2 vols. 1885. [Same.] Supplement. 1885-1887. Constitutional Conventions. Proceedings of Constitutional Conventions of 1776 and 1790. 8vo. Ilarrisburg, 1825. Minutes of Convention held Xov,, 1787, to consider the Con- stitution framed by the Federal Convention. Folio. Philadelphia, 1787.' Penns^^lvania and the Federal Constitution, 1787-1788. (McMaster & Stone.) 1888. Minutes of the Convention held Xov., 1789, for the purpose of altering and amending the Constitution of the State. Folio. Phila., 1789. Minutes of the Grand Committee of the Constitutional Con- vention held Nov., 1789. Folio. Phila., 1789. Minutes of the Second Session of the Convention hekl Aug., 1790. Folio. Phila., 1790. Journal. Convention of 1837-8. 2 vols. Proceedings and Debates. Convention of 1837-8. 14 vols. Journal. Convention of 1872-3. 2 vols. Debates. Convention of 1872-3. 9 vols. Miscellaneous. Aldermen. (Binns.) 1886. Archives, 1664-1790. (Hazard.) 12 vols. 1852-6. Assignments. (Trickett.) 1888. Attorney General. Report. 1887, 188s. Boroughs. (Ilolcomb.) 1886. Colonial Records. Minutes of the Provincial Council, 1683- 1790. 16 vols., 8vo. 1852-3. Competency of Witnesses. (Miller.) 18Sl. Constitution. (Buckalew.) 1883. I Same.] (Wallace . Profitable Book, treating of the Laws of England, prin- cipally as they relate to Conveyancing. 15th ed, B}^ R. J. Greening. 12mo. London, 1827. Perpigna (A.). French Law and Practice of Patents for In- ventions, Improvements and Importations. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 4.] Perranlt (Joseph P.). Extraits ou Precedents des Arrests tires des Registres du Conseil Superieur de Quebec. Svo. Quebec, 1824. Extraits ou Precedents, tires des Registres de la Prevoste de Quebec. Svo. Quebec, 1824. Perry (Sir Erskine). Cases illustrative of Oriental Life, and the Application of English Law to India, decided in H. M. Supreme Court at Bombay. Svo. London, 1853. jSTotes of Cases decided in the Recorder's Court, and in the Supreme Court of Judicature at Bombay. See Morley's Digest, vol. 2. Reforms in the Common Law. Svo. London, 1850. [Pam., vol. 40.] — (editor). Savigny on Possession. Perry (Henry J.) and Knapp (Jerome W.). English Election Cases, 1S33. Svo. London, 1833. Perry (Jairns W.). Treatise on the Law of Trusts and Trustees. Svo. Boston, 1872. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1874. [Same.] 3d ed. With liotes bv G. F. Choate. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1882. [Same.] 4th ed. With Notes by F. Parsons. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1889. (editor). Story's Equity Jurisprudence. 676 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Perry (Thomas E.). See ]Sevile (S.) and Perry's Engiisfi King's Bench Keports ; — Nevile (S.) and Perry's English Magistrates' Cases. Perry (Thomas E.) and Davison (Henry). Eeports, Court of Queen's Bench and Exchequer Chamber, England, 183S- 1841. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1839-42. Perryman (L, C). Constitution and Laws of the Muskogee Xation. Svo. Muskogee, 1890. Pershad (M. H. and L. L. ). Reports of the High Court of Judicature for the Xorthwestern Provinces of India. 5 vols., 8vo. Agra, 1866-8. Peter (Apsley P.). Analysis and Digest of the Decisions of Sir George Jessel. Svo. London, 1883. Peters (James H.). Reports, Supreme Court, etc., of Prince Edward Island, 1850-1872. Edited by T. H. Haviland. Nvo. Charlottetown, 1ST2. Peters (Richard). Admiralty Decisions, U. S. District Court, Pennsylvania District, etc., 1780-1807. With an Appendix, containing the Marine Ordinances of Louis XVI., etc. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1807. Peters (Richartl, Jr.).. Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia, in the U. S. Supreme Court. Svo. Philadelphia, 1831. Condensed Reports, LT. S. Supreme Court, 1791-1827. 6 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1830-4. [Same.] 2d ed. vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1841. [Same.] 3d ed. 6 vols., Svo. New York and Phila- delphia, 1851-4. — Dio;est of Cases decided in the United States Courts. 3 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1838-9. — [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1854. — Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, Third Circuit, 1803-1818. Svo. Philadelphia, 1819. — Reports, U. S. Supreme Court, 1828-1842. 17 vols., Svo. Philadelphia and Boston, 1843-54. — [Same.] 3d ed. Annotated by F. C. Brightlv. 10 vols., Svo. A^ew York, 1883-5. — [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 16 vols., Svo. Rochester, 1882-3. — [Same.] Appendix to vol. 11. See Baldwin (H.). THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 677 Peters (Richard, Jr.), editor. Chitty's Criminal Law. U. S. Statutes at Large. Washington's U. S. Circuit Court Keports. Petersdorff (Charles). Abridgment of Cases, Courts of King's Bencli, Common Pleas, Exchequer and Nisi Prius. 15 vols., 8vo. New York, 1829-32. [Same.] Supplement by E. Hammond. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1835. Compendium of tlie Law of Master and Servant in general, and especially of Employers and Workmen under the Acts of 1875. 12mo. London, 1870. General Index to the Precedents in Civil and Criminal Pleading. 8vo. London, 1822. Precedents in Pleading, svo. London, 1835. Treatise on the Law of Bail in Civil and Criminal Pro- ceedings. Svo. Philadelphia, 1835. [L. L., vol. 10.] PetgTave (E. Cj. Manual of the Law of Principal and Agent. 12rao. London, 1857. Petherain (William Cj. Law and Practice relating to the Discovery by Interrogatories under the Common Law Pro- cedure Act, 1851-. 12nio. London, 1864. Peticolas (A. B.). Index-Digest and Notes to all Civil Cases contained in the Texas Reports to 1891. 8vo. St. Louis, 1891. Petig^ru (James L..). Memorial of. Proceedings of the Bar of Charleston, S. C. Svo. New York, 1806. Pettiiigal (John). Enquir}^ into the Use and Practice of Juries among the Greeks and Romans. 4to. London, 1769. Pettingill (S. M.). Newspaper Directory ; comprising a complete List of Newspapers and other Periodicals pub- lished in the United States, etc. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1877-8. Petyt (George). Lex Parliamentaria ; or, A Treatise of the Law and Custom of Parliaments. 2d ed. [Anon.] Svo. London, [17 — ]. Petyt (William). The Antient Right of the Commons of England asserted. 12mo. London, 1680. Peugnet (Eug-eiie). Nature of Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen, and their Treatment. Svo. New York, 1874. 678 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Phair (John P.). Trial of, for the Murder of Ann E. Freeze, svo. Boston, 1879. Phaleu 1^ Albert). Criminal Cases, upon the subjects of Em- bezzlement, False Pretenses, Larceny, Robbery, etc. Vol. 1. 8vo. Chicago, 1885. Pliear (J. B.). Treatise on Rights of AVater, including Public and Private Rights to the Sea and Sea-shore. Svo. Philadelphia, 1859. [L. L., vol. lUU.] Phelps (Beiij. K.). Brief for Grand Juroi-s in the County of Xew York. 12mo. Xew York, 1879. Speech in the " Shepherd's Fold " Case. 8vo. New York, 1880. [Pam., vol. 14.] Phelps (E. J.^. Annual Address before the American Bar Association. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1881. [Pam., vol. 17.] Chief Justice Marshall, and the Constitutional Law of his time. Address before the American Bar Association. Svo. Philadelphia, 1879. [Pam., vol. 17.] Philadelphia (Pa.). City Government. (AUinson & Penrose.) 1887. Digest of Laws and Ordinances. CSVest.) 1853. [Same.] (Brightly.) 1887. Legal Directory. ' (Winship.^ 189(X Municipal Development. (Ailinson Oc Penrose.) 1887. Municipal Law. (McMichael.) 1887. Philadelphia La^v Association. Charter and By-Laws, Articles of Association, etc. Svo. Philadelphia. 1880. Memoir of the late Chancellor Peter McCall. By Isaac Hazlehui'st. Svo. Philadelphia, 1881. Report of Committee on Delays to Suitors in the I". S. Supreme Court. Svo. Philadelphia, 1883. [Pam., vol. 18.] [Same.] Argument of Committee. Svo. Philadelphia, 1884. [Same.] (^ral Argument of Special Committee. Svo. Philadelphia, 1884. Sketch of the Professional and Judicial Character of the late George Sharswood. By George AY. Biddle. Svo. Philadelphia, 1883. Philadelphia Reports ; containing the Decisions published in the Legal Intelligencer. 17 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1870-88. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 679 Philbrick (F. A.). See Ilopwood (C. IT.) and Philbrick's English Reo'istration Cases. Philipps (Fabian). The Keforming Kegistry ; or, A Repre- sentation of the Mischeifs of Registries proposed to be erected in England and AVales. Svo. London, 1671. Philipps (John). English Election Cases, 1780-1781. Svo. London, 1782. Philips (Joseph). Popular Letters on Special Pleading. Svo. London, 1848. [Pam., vol. 41.] Philliniore (John G.). The Divorce Court ; its Evils and the Remedy. Svo. London, 1859. [Para., vol. 41.] History and Principles of the Law of Evidence, as illus- tratinc): our Social Progress. Svo. London, 1850. Inaugural Lecture on Jurisprudence ; and a Lecture on Canon Law. Svo. London. 1851. Introduction to the Study and Historv of the Roman Law. Svo. London, 1848. Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the Reform of the Law. Svo. London, 1846. [Pam., vol. 41.] Private Law among the Romans, from the Pandects. Svo. London and Cambridge, 1863. Principles and Maxims of Jurisprudence. Svo. Lon- don. 1856. Philliniore (Joseph ). English Ecclesiastical Reports ; Judg- ments of Sir Geo. Lee, 1752-1758. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1832-3. English Ecclesiastical Reports, 1809-1821. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1818-27. Speech in the House of Commons on the Marriage Act. Svo. London, 1822. [Pam., vol. 47.] Philliniore (Sir Kobert), Bart. Commentaries upon Inter- national Law. 3 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1854—7. [Same.] [L. L., vols. 83, 88, 95.] [Same.] 2d ed. Yols. 2, 3, 4. Svo. London, 1871-4. [Same.] 3d ed. 4 vols., Svo. London, 1879-89. Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of Eno-land. 2 vols.. Svo. London, 1873. — [Same.] Supplement. Svo. London, 1876. 680 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Philliiiiore (Sir Kobert), Bart. Law of Domicil. Svo. Philadelphia. 1>'47. [L. L., vol. 57.] Letter to Lord Ashburton on Questions of International Law raised in the Message of the American President. Svo. London. 1842. [Pam., vol. 46.] Practice and Courts of Civil and Ecclesiastical Law. Svo. London. 1S4S. Principal Ecclesiastical Judgments delivered in the Court of Arches. 1S6T-1S75. Svo. London, 1S76. Philliiiiore (Walter G. F. *. Judgment delivered by Hon. Pobert Phillimore. in the Cases of Martin v. Mackonochie et al. Svo. London, 1S6S. Phillipps (Charles S. 31. >. Jurisprudence. Svo. London, 1 S6:5. Phillipp.s (S. 3Iarch). State Trials prior to the Revolution of 16SS. 2 vols., Svo. London. 1S26. Treatise on the Law of Evidence. From the Sth Lon- don ed.. by Phillipps and Andrew Amos. 2 vols., Svo. Vol. 1. Boston : vol. 2. ^ew York, 1S39. [Printed in "Worcester, Mass. — Vol. 2. Sth Amer. ed.] [Same.] 4th Amer., from 7th and Sth London ed. With Notes bv Esek Cowen and Nicholas Hill, Jr. 2 vols, in 4. Svo. Xew York. 1S39. [Same.] Sth Amer. ed. By Cowen and Hill. 2d ed. 4 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1S43. [Same.] 6th Amer.. from 9th London ed. By J. M. Van Cott. 3d ed. 5 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1849-50. [Same.] 10th English ed.. by Phillipps and T. J. Arnold. 4th Amer. ed., with Cowen and Hill's Notes, and also ad- ditional Notes by J. M. Van Cott. By Isaac Edwards. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1SS9. [Same.] 10th Enghsh ed. Sth Amer. ed., with Cowen and Hill's Notes, and also additional Notes and References to the present time, bv Isaac Edwards. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1S6S. Phillips (Charles). Speech, delivered at the Court of King's Bench in an action between Sharpe against Parson Vialls, to recover damages for a Malicious Prosecution for Stealing Beef and Bread, value Two-Pence. Svo. New York, 1S22. [Pam., vol. 19.] Phillips (Charles), A.B. Vacation Thoughts on Capital Punishments. 4th ed. Svo. London. 1S5S. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 681 Phillips (Charles P.}. Law concerning Lunatics, Idiots, and Persons of Unsound Mind. 8vo. London, 1858. Law of Copyright in works of Literature and Art, and in the appHcation of Designs. 8vo. London, 1863. Phillips (Jacob). Letter from a Grandfather to his Grand- son (an Articled Clerk) on the Study of the Law. 12mo, London, 1818. Phillips (James J.). Trial and Conviction of, for the Mur- der of his Wife, liimo. Richmond, 180s. Phillips (Josiah). Trial of, for Libel. 8vo. London, 1833. [Pam., vol. T.] Phillips (P.)' Digest of Cases decided by the Supreme Court of Alabama. 2 vols., 8vo. Mobile, 1840-49. Statutory Jurisdiction and Practice of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2d ed. 8vo. Washington, 1872. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Washington, 1876. [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. Washington, 1878. [Same.] 5th ed. Bv W. H. Phillips. 8vo. Xew York, 1887. Phillips (Richard). Powers and Duties of Juries. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1813. Phillips (S. F.). Eeports of Cases at Law, Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1866-1868. Svo. Raleigh, 1868. Reports of Cases in Equity, Supreme Court of North Carolina, 1866-1868. 8vo. Raleigh, 1868. — (reporter). North Carolina Reports, vols. 63-64. Philliiis (S. M.). Famous Cases of Circumstantial Evidence ; with an introduction on the Theory of Presumptive Proof. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1873-8. Phillil>s (Samuel L.). Treatise on the Law of Mechanics' Liens on Real and Personal Property. Svo. Boston, 1874. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1883. Phillips (Thomas J.). Reports, High Court of Chancerv, England, 1841-1849. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1847-9. See Craig (R. D.) and Phillips' English Chancery Re- ports. Phillips (U. B.). Revised Statutes of Louisiana. Svo. New Orleans, 1856. 682 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Phillips (^W, H.j. Manual of the Cases decided in the United States Supreme Court, and cited in other Cases in the same Court. 8vo. Washington, 1882. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1885. Phillips (Willard). Law of Patents for Inventions ; includ- ing the Remedies and Legal Proceedings in relation to Patent Rights. 8vo. Boston, 1837. Treatise on the Law of Insurance. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1840. [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1867. — - — - (editor). Stevens (R.) and Benecke on Average and Insurance. Phillips (AVilliain). Directions for the Study of the Law. lOnio. London, 1675. Phinehas ; or. The Duty of Magistrates to be Zealous and Active in the Execution of Laws against Scandalous Sins and Debaucher}' ; and of that in particular against Pro- phane Cursing and Swearing. Small -Ito. London, 1695. [Pam., vol. 36.] Phiiiii (Thomas), On the Law and Procedure for the Sup- pression of Corru])t Practices at Elections. 8vo. London, I860. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Phiiiney (Rev. Barnabas). Statement of the Case of, charged with Adultery and Seduction. 8vo. West- borough, 1836. [Pam., vol. 10.] Pickering (Danby). Statutes at Large, from Magna Charta to 1865. 105 vols., Svo. Cambridge and London, 1762- 1865. (editor). Finch's Discourse on Law. Pickerings (Octavins). Reports, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, 1822-1840. 24 vols.. Svo. Boston, 1862-6. Pickering (Percival A.). Remarks on Treating and other matters relating to the Election of ]\Iembers of Parliament. Svo. London, 1849. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. London. 1868. Pickle (George W.), reporter. Tennessee Reports, vols. 85-88. Pierce (Aratus F.). Trial of, for the Murder of Wm. Bul- lock. Svo. Lockport, 1871. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 683 Pierce (Edward L.). Treatise on American Railroad Law. 8vo. New York, 1857. [Same.] 8vo. Boston, 1881. Pierce (James O.). Fraudulent Mortgages of Merchandise ; a Commentary on the American phases of Twyne's Case. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. Pietsclier (A.), Das Staatsrecht des Herzogthums Anhalt. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [Marquardsen (H.). Handbuch, iii. Band, 2\] Pigrgott (Francis T.). Law and Practice relating to Foreign Judgments and Parties out of the Jurisdiction. 8vo. Lon- don, 1879. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1884. Principles of the Law of Torts. 8vo. London, 1885. Pigot (Mary) vs. Hastie (William). Action for Libel. 8vo. Calcutta, 1884. Pigott (Gillery) and Rodwell (Hunter). Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, on Appeal from the Decisions of the Revising Barristers, 1843-1845. 8vo. London, 1846. Pigott (Nathaniel). Treatise of Common Recoveries, their IS'ature and Use. 3d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. Pike (Albert), reporter. Arkansas Reports, vols. 1-5. Pike (Luke O.). History of Crime in England ; illustrating the Changes of the Laws in the progress of Civilization. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1873-6. (editor). Year Books. Edward III. Pilg-ram (A. J.) and Walker (L. B.). Legal Record Re- ports. 2 vols., 8vo. Pottsville, 1882-3. Pilling (William). Order from Chaos ; a Treatise on Land Tenure. 8vo. London, 1886. Pillow (Maj.-Gen. G. J.). Trial of, by Court Martial. 8vo. Washington, 1848. Pirn (Bedford). Essav on Feudal Tenures. 8vo. London, 1871. Pincoffs (Adolphe L.). Criticisms on the Civil Code. 8vo. mw York, 1888. [Pam., vol. 49.] 684 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Piiigrey (Darius H.). Treatise on the Law of Chattel Mortii-as'es. bvo. Jersev Citv. 1891. Pinkuey (Williaiiii. Life, Writings and Speeches. By Henry Wheaton. Svo. Xew York, 1826. Piiiney (Charles). Trial of, for Xeglect of Dnty, as Mayor of Bristol, during the Riots. Svo. Bristol. 1833. Piimey (S. U.). Reports, Supreme Court. Wisconsin, 1839- 1852. 3 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1872-6. (reporter). Wisconsin Reports, vol. 16. Pipe Rolls. See Record Commission. Piper (Thomas W,"). Full Account of the Crimes of: with Confession. 16mo. [Philadelphia, 1876. Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Pipon (J. K. ) and Collier (J. F.). ^Manual of Military Law. 3d ed. 12nio. London, 1863. Pirssoii (John W.). The Dutch Grants, Harlem Patents and Tidal Creeks. 8vo. Xew Yoi'k, 1889. Pirtle (Henry). Digest of Decisions, Court of Appeals of Kentucky. 2 vols., Svo. Louisville, 1832. Piston (Adrien). Decisions of the Supreme Court. Yice- Admiraltv Court, and Bankruptcv Court of Mauritius. 2d ed. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1863-66. Pistoye (A. de) and Duverdy (Ch.). Traite des Prises Maritimes, dans lequel on a refondu en partie le Traite de Yalin, en Tajipropriant a la legislation nouvelle. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1859. Pitayal (Francois Gayot de). Causes celebres et interes- santes. 16 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1735-40. Piteairn (David). On the Winding-up of Life Insurance Companies. Svo. London, 1871. [Jur. Soc. Papei-s, vol. 4.] Piteairn (Robert). Criminal Trials in Scotland, 1488-1624. 3 vols, in 4. 4to. Edinburo-h. 1833. Pitkin (C. H.), Huse (H. A.), and Willard (A. R.). Re vised Laws of Vermont. Roy. Svo. Rutland, 1881. Pitman (Benn). The Assassination of President Lincoln ; and the Trial of the Conspirators. Svo. Cincinnati, 1865. Pitman (Edward D. ). Treatise on the Law of Principal and Surety. Svo. Philadelphia. 1843. [L. L., vol. 40.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 685 Pitt-Lewis (Georg-e). Complete Practice of the County Courts. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1880. Pittsburgh Legal Journal. 17 vols, in 18. Folio, and Svo. Pittsburgh, 1853-70. New Series. 21 vols., folio and quarto. Pittsburgh, 1870-91. Pittsburgh Reports. Edited by Boyd Crumrine. 3 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1872-3. Pixley (Francis W.). Auditors ; their Duties and Responsi- bilities. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1881. Placita Aiiglo-Nornianniea. Law Cases from William I. to Richai'd L By M. M. Bigelow. Svo. Boston, 1S79. Placita de Quo Warranto. See Record Commission. Placita Generalia et Specialia ; in an Exact Collection of Presidents of Declarations, Plaints, Demurrers, etc. ; with the Styles and Forms of Entring Pleadings, etc. Svo. London, 1674. Placita Latine Recliviva. A Book of Entries. By R. A[ston. Anon.]. 3d ed. 4to. London, 1673. Placita Parlianientaria. See Ryley (William). Placitorum Abbreviatio. See Record Commission. Plaistecl (Harris M.) and Appleton (Frederick H.). Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. Roy. Svo. Portland, 1880. Planck (J. W.). Das Deutsche Gerichtsverfahren im Mit- telalter. 2 vols., Svo. Braunschvreig, 1879. Platner (Viktor). Sachenrecht mit besonderer Riicksicht auf das friihere Kurfiirstenthum Hessen. Svo. Marbure:, 1875. Piatt (Horace G.). Law as to the Property Rights of Mar- ried Women. Svo. San Francisco, 1885. Piatt (Thomas). Treatise on the Law of Covenants. Svo. Philadelphia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 3.] Treatise on the Law of Leases ; with Forms and Prec- edents. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1847. Pleader's Assistant ; containing a select Collection of Prec- edents of Modern Pleadings, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, etc. Svo. Dublin, 1786. 686 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Pleader's Guide (The); a Didactic Poem, in two Books, containing- the Conduct of a Suit at Law. By John Surre- butter [i. e., John Anstey]. Svo. London, 1796-1802. Pliiit ( Thomas). Crime in England ; its relation, character, and extent, as developed from 1801 to 1848. 8vo. Lon- don, 1851. Plowdeii (Edmund). Les Commentaries ou Reports de divers Cases esteant matters en Ley, en les temps des Raigns Edw. YL, Mary ct Elizabeth, 1550-1580. Folio. London, 1684. Commentaries, or Reports, containing divers Cases upon matters of Law. 2 vols.. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. — [Same.] 2 vols., Svo. London, 1816. Plowden (Francis). Jura Anglorum : the Rights of Eng- hshmen. Svo. Dublin, 1792. Treatise upon the Law of Usury and Annuities. Svo. London, 1797. Plumptre (C. C 31.). Summar}^ of the Principles of the Law of Simple Contracts. Svo. London, 1879. Pocket Conveyancer ; or, Attorney's useful Companion. 3d ed. 2 vols., 12mo. Dublin, 1783. Pocock (William A.). Principles of the Law of Costs under the Judicature Acts. Svo. London, 1881. Poe (^John P.). Code of Maryland Public General Laws. 2 vols., Svo. Baltimore, 1888"! Code of Maryland Public Local Laws. 2 vols., Svo. Baltimore, 1888. Poindexter (George). Revised Code of the Laws of Mis- sissippi. Svo. Natchez, 1824. Poindexter (John E.). Trials of, for the Murder of Charles C. Curtis. Svo. Richmond, 1879. Points in Law and Equity, selected for the information, caution and direction of all persons concerned in Trade and Commerce. 12mo. Dublin, 1793. Poland (Harry B.). Trade Marks. The Merchandise Marks Act, 1862 ; with Notes. 12mo. London, 1862. Poland (Lieut.-Col. J. S.). Digest of the Military Laws of the United States. Svo. Boston, 1868. THE ASiiOCIATIOX OF THE BAR. G87 Political Poems tiiid Soiig-s, relating to Englisli Ilistorv, 1338-1483. Edited by Thos. Wright. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1859-01. [Chronicles of Great Britain and Ireland.] Political Science Quarterly. 6 vols., 8vo. New York, 1886-91. Pollard (H. R.). Assassination of. Argument of J. II. Gilmer for the Prosecution. 8vo. Lynchburg, 1869. [Pam. Tr., vol. 7.] PoUexfeii (Henry). Arguments and Reports in some special Cases by him argued during the time of his practice at the Bar ; with divers Decrees in the High Court of Chancery upon Limitations of Trusts for Terms of Years, 1660-1685. Folio. London, 1702. Pollock (Charles E.). Practice of the County Courts. 4th ed. By C. E. Pollock and II. Nicol. 8vo. ^ London, 1859. Treatise on the Power of the Courts of Common Law to compel the production of Documents for Inspection. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. [L. L., vol. 77.] Pollock (Frederick). Digest of the Law of Partnership. 12mo. St. Louis, 1878. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1884. Essays in Jurisprudence and Ethics. 8vo. London, 1882. The Land Laws. 12mo. London, 1883. — Principles of Contract at Law and in Equity. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1878. — [Same.] 1st American ed. By G. H. Wald. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1881. — [Same.] 2d American ed. By G. H. Wald. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1885. — [Same.] 4th ed. With Notes and American Cases. By F. S. Dickson. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. — Treatise on the Law of Torts. 8vo. London, 1887. Pollock (Frederick) and Wright (R. S.). Essay on Pos- session in the Common Law. 8vo. Oxford, 1888. Pols (M. S.). De Wetboeken van Strafvordering en Straf- recht ; voorafgegaan door de Wet op de Regterlijke Or- ganisatie. 12mo. Utrecht, 1886. [Supplement to Fruin.] 688 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Poison (Archer I. Law and Lawyers ; or. Sketches and Illus- trations of Legal History and Biography. [Anon.] 2 vols., Nvo. London, 1S40. Principles of the Law of Xations : with Essays on the Law of Blockade and of Contraband of "War. To which is added Diplomacy, bv Thos. H. Home. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S53. [L. L., vol. 7*S.] Pomeroy (C. P.), editor. Smith's Mercantile Law. ( reporter'i. California Reports, vols. 73-87. Pomeroy ( Jauies 31.). Constitution of the State of Ar- kansas ; with Xotes, Documentary History, etc. Svo. Little Rock, IS 70. [Same.] Svo. Little Rock, lS7ti. Pomeroy i^Jolin X.). The Civil Code in California. Svo. Xew York, 1SS5. [Pam.. vol. 32.J — Code of Remedial Justice, reviewed and criticised. Svo. Albany, 1S77. [Pam., vol. 13.] Introduction to Municipal Law. ^vo. Xew York, 1S65. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. San Francisco, 1SS3. Introduction to the Constitutional Law of the fnited States. 3d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1>>75. [Same.] 9th ed. Bv E. H. Bennett. Svo. Boston, 18S6. Lectures on International Law in Time of Peace. Ed- ited by T. S. Woolsey. Svo. Boston, 18S6. Remedies and Remedial Rights by the Civil Action, according; to the reformed American Procedure. Svo. Boston, IS 76. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1SS3. Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence as administered in the Ignited States. 3 vols., Svo. San Francisco, 1881-3. — Treatise on the Law of Riparian Rights. Revised by H. C. Black. Svo. St. Paul. 1SS7. — Treatise on the Specific Performance of Contracts, as it is enforced by Courts of Equitable Jurisdiction in the United States.' Svo. Xew York. 1S79. — (editor). Archbold's Criminal Pleading. Sedsrwick's Statutory Law. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 689 Poole (William F.). Index to Periodical Literature. 3d ed. 4to. Boston, 1882. Poor (Henry V. ). Directory of Kailwaj Officials and Eail- way Directors. 8vo. New York, 1886. Manual of the Railroads of the United States. 23 vols., 8vo. New York, 1868-90. Poor (Walter S.). Act for the formation of Corporations for Manufacturing, Mining, Mechanical and Chemical Pur- poses. 12mo. New York, 1884. . [Same.] 3d ed. 12mo. New York, 1886. ■ Law of Referees under the Code and Statutes of New York. 8vo. Ncav York, 1888. Poor Law Magazine for Scotland. 9 vols., 8vo. Glasgow, 1859-67. Poor Law Magazine and Journal of Public Health. New Series. 5 vols., 8vo. Glasgow, 1868-72. Poor Law Magazine and Parochial Journal. New Series. 8 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873-80. Poore (Ben: Perley). Descriptive Catalogue of the Govern- ment Publications of the United States, 1774-1881. 4to. AYashington, 1885. ■ Federal and State Constitutions ; Colonial Charters, and other Organic Laws of the United States. 2 vols., 4to. AYashington, 1877. Pope (H. M. R.). Treatise on the Law and Practice of Lunacy. 8vo. London, 1877. Pophani (Sir John). Reports and Cases, written in French, and now translated into English. Added, some remarkable Cases reported by other learned pens, 1592-1627. Folio. London, 1656. [Same.] 2d ed. Folio. London, 1682. Pornain (Lieut. E.). Sea Terms and Phrases in English and French. 8vo. Portsmouth, Eng., 1881. Porter (Albert G.), reporter, Indiana Reports, vols. 3-7. Porter (Beiyaniin F.). Reports, Supreme Court of Ala- bama, 1834-1839. 9 vols., 8vo. Tuscaloosa, 1835-40. See Stewart (G. N.) and Porter's Alabama Reports. Porter (Com. David). Trial of, by Court Martial. 8vo. Washington, 1825. 44 690 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Porter (Maj.-Gen. Fitz Joliii). Trial of, by Court Martial, ^vo. Washington, l>i68. — Repl.y to the Review of Judge Advocate-General Holt, and Vindication of Gen. Porter. By Reverdy Johnson. 8vo. Baltimore, lb63. — Proceedings and Report of the Board of Army Officers convened April 12, 1878; together with the Proceedings in the original Trial and papers relating thereto. 3 vols., Svo. AV'ashington, 1879. — Argument of Anson Maltbv. 8vo. [Philadelphia,] 1879. [Pam. Tr.. vol. 2.] — Argument of John C. Bullitt. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. [Para. Tr., vol. 2.] — - Hearing before the Advisory Board of Officers at West Point. Argument of Joseph H. Choate. 8vo. [New York? 1879. Pam. Tr.. vol. 2.] — Speech of Hon. Joseph E. McDonald in the Senate on the Bill for the relief of Fitz John Porter. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1880. Opinion of the Attorney-General on the Act for his relief. 8vo. AVashington, 1884. [Pam., vol. 30.] Porter (James B.). Laws of Insurance, Fire, Life, Accident and Guarantee. 8vo. London, 1884. [Same.] From the 2d English ed. With Xotes and American Cases. By Henry Darrach. svo. Philadel- phia, 1889. Porter (John A.). The City of Washington ; its Origin and Administration. 8vo. Baltimore, 1885. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 3.] Porter (Robert). Trial of, l)v Impeachment. 8vo. Easton, 1827. Porto Rico. See Spain. PortvigaL Annota9oes ao Codigo do Processo Civil. (Ferreira.) 3 vols., Svo. Porto, 1881-3. Codigo Civil Portuguez. (Paul.) Svo. Porto, 1879. Codigo Commercial Portuguez. Svo. Porto, 1884. Novo Codigo Penal; [with Indice por J. L. d' Almeida Didier]. 8vo. n. p., 1886. Patent Law. (Abbott.) 1886. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR, 691 Posey (S. A.). Texas Civil Digest. Koy. Svo. St. Louis, 1887. Texas Criminal Digest. Roy. Svo. St. Louis, 1886. Post (^Hoyt). Michigan Court Eules. 4th revised ed. Svo. Detroit, 1884. (reporter"). Michigan Reports, vols. 23-36. Post (John J.). Old Streets, Roads, Lanes, Piers and Wharves of New York. Svo. New York, 1882. Post (Triiiuaii A.), reporter. Missouri Reports, vols. 42-64. Poste (Edward). Institutionum Juris Civilis Commentarii quatuor ; or. Elements of Roman Law by Gains ; with a Translation and Commentary. 2d ed. Svo. Oxford. 1875. [Same.] 3d revised ed. Svo. Oxford, ls9(>. Pothier (Robert J.). (Euvres Posthumes. 8 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1776-86. — Pandectae Justinianeje in novum Ordinem digestas ; cum Legibus Codicis, et Novellis. Nova editio. 3 vols., folio. Lugduni, 1782. — • [Same.] 5 vols., 4to. Paris, 1818-20. — Traite de la Communaute. 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1774. — Traite des Cheptels. 12mo. Paris, 1774. — Traite des Contrats de Louage Maritime. 12mo. Paris, 1774. — - Treatise on Maritime Contracts, or Letting to hiro. Translated, with Notes, by Caleb Cushing. Svo. Boston, 1821. — - Traite des Obligations. Nouvelle ed. 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1768. — Treatise on Obligations, considered in a Moral and Legal View. Translated from the French [by Francois Xavier Martin]. 2 vols., Svo. Newbern, 1802. "^ [Same.] Translated by Wm. D. Evans. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1806. 1853. [Same.] 3d American ed. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, — Traite des Retraits. Nouvelle ed. 12mo. Paris, 1781. [Appendice, ou tome 3®, du Traite du Contrat de Yente.] 602 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Pothier (Robert J.). Traite du Contrat de Bail a Rente. 12mo. Paris, 1778. [In Contrat de Louage.] Traite du Contrat de Change. 12mo. Paris, 1773. [Published with Constitution de Rente as tome 2*^.] Traite du Contrat de Constitution de Rente. 12nio. Paris, 1773. [Published with Contrat de Change, as tome l^'".] Traite du Contrat de Louage. Xouvelle ed. 12mo. Paris, 1778. Traite du Contrat de Mariage. 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1771. Traite du Contrat de Societe. 12mo. Paris, 1774. Treatise on the Contract of Partnership ; with the Civil Code and Code of Commerce relating to that subject. Translated, with JS'otes, by Owen D. Tudor. 8vo. London, 1854. [Same.] [L. L., vol. 83.] Traite du Contrat de A'ente. Kouvelle ed. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1781. Treatise on the Contract of Sale. Translated from tlie French by L. S. Cushing. 8vo. Boston, 1839. Traite du Douaire. 12mo. Paris, 1776. Traite du Droit de Domaine de Propriete. 12mo. Paris, 1776. [Published with Droit de Possession, as tome l^^] — Traites de la Possession et de la Prescription. 12mo. Paris, 1777. [Published with Droit de Domaine, as tome 2^] — Traites des Contrats Aleatoires. Kouvelle ed. 12mo. Paris, 1777. — Traites des Contrats de Bienfaisance. Kouvelle ed. 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1777. — Traites du Droit d'Habitation, des Donations, et du Don Mutuel. 12mo. Paris, 1776. Traites sur differentes matieres de Droit Civil, appliquees a I'Usage du Barreau ; et de Jurisprudence Frangoise. 2^ ed. 4 vols., 4to. Paris, 1781. Pott (John F.)« Observations on Matters of Prize, and the Practice of the Admiraltv Prize Courts. 8vo. London, 1810. Potter (B. W.). The Road and the Roadside. 12mo. Bos- ton, 1886. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 693 Potter (Clarksoii N."). Life and Services of Roger B. Taney. 8vo. Philadelphia/ 1881. [Pam., vol. 14.] In Memoriam, An Address before the American Bar Association. By Everett P. Wheeler. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. [Pam., vol. 18.] Potter (Edniuiicl). Opinions against Partnership with Lim- ited Liability. 8vo. London, 1855. [Pam., vol. 41.] Potter (John). Treatise on the Law of Elections. 8vo. Guildford, 1790. [Pam., vol. 47.] Potter (Piatt). Treatise on the Law of Corporations : gen- eral and local, public and private, aggregate and sole. 2 vols., Svo. NeAv York, 1879. (editor). Dwarris on Statutes. Willard's Equity Jurisprudence. Potter (^Rupert). Observations upon tlie Bill to facilitate the Proof of Title to, and the Conveyance of Real Estate. Svo. London, 1862. [Pam., vol. 41.] Potts (S. G.). Precedents and I^otes of Practice in the Court of Chancery of ISlew Jersey. Revised by Potts and Linn. 8vo. IS'ew York, 1872. Potts (Thomas). Compendious Law Dictionary, containing both an Explanation of the Terms and the Law itself. ISTew ed. 8vo. London, 1818. Poug-et (Louis). Principes de Droit JVIaritime. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1858. Poiighkeepsie (J^. Y.). Charter, Ordinances, etc. Svo. Poughkeepsie, 18H5. Pouillet (Eugene). Dictionnaire de la Propriete Industrielle Artistique et Litteraire, par Pouillet, St. Leon et Pataille. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1887. Traite des JVIarques de Fabrique et de la Concurrence Deloyale. Svo. Paris, 1875. Traite theorique et pratique des Brevets d'Invention et de la Contrefagon. 2^ ed. 8vo. Paris, 1879 Poultney (Evan). Trial of, for Felony. Svo. Baltimore, 1836. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Powars (Michael). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Boston, 1 S20. 094 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Powel (Robert). Treatise of the Antiquity, Authority, Uses and Jurisdiction of the Ancient Courts of Leet. or View of Franck-Pledge. etc. Small 4to. London, 166S. Powell (Arthur I. Law affecting Printers, Publishers, and Xewspaper Pi-oprietoi-s. 2d issue. Svo. London, 1SS9. Powell (Eclinund). Principles and Practice of the Law of Evidence. Svo. London, 1858. [Same.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1S5S. [L. L., vol. 96.] [Same.] 4th ed. By J. Cutler and E. F. Griffin. Svo. London, IS 75. ■ [Same.] 5th ed. >V(>. Londun, 1885. ■ Treatise on the Law of Inland Carriei*s. 2d etl. Svo. London, 1861. Powell (John J.). Essay on the Learning respecting the Creation and Execution of Powers. J>vo. London, 17S7. Essay upon the Law of Contracts and Agreements. 5th American ed. 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Exeter, 1822-3. Essay upon the Learning of Devises, from their incep- tion bv writing to their consummation bv the death of the Devisor. Svo. London, 1788. [Same.] 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1838. [L. L., vols. 21, 22.] Treatise on the Law of Morttjages. From 6th English ed., bv Thos. Coventr}'. American ed., bv B. Rand. 3 vols', Svo. Boston, 182S. Powell (Thomas W.). Analysis of American Law. Svo. Philadelphia, lS7o. Law of Appellate Proceedings in relation to Review, Error, Appeal, and other reliefs upon final judgments. Svo. Philadelphia. 1872. Power (David), Rod well (Hunter) and Dew (Edward L'Estrange). English Election Cases, 184-8-1856. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1853-7. Power (David) and Wolferstan i F. S. P. ). Law of Bank- ruptcy. See Selwyn's Xisi Prius : Supplement. Powers (O. W.). Practice of the Supreme Court of the State of Michigan. Svo. Detroit. 18^4. Powles (L. D.). Supplement to Browne on Probate, and Browne on Divorce. Svo. London, 1884. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 695 Powiiall (Thomas). Administration of the Colonies ; where- in their Rights and Constitution are discussed and stated. (Vol. 1, 4th ed.) 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1768-74. Poyiiter (Thomas). Concise View of the Doctrine and Practice of the Ecclesiastical Courts in Doctors' Commons, on various points relative to the subject of Marriage and Divorce. 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1836. [L. L., vol. 13.] Pozl (J.), editor. Kritische Vierteljahrsschrift. Practical Politics. I. The Tenant Farmer, bv James Howard. II. Foreign Policy, by M. E. Grant Duff. III. Freedom of Land, by G. S. Lefevre. IV. British Colonial Policy, by Sir D. Wedderburn. 8vo. London, 1881. Practical Register in Chancery. 8vo. London, 1714. Practical Register of the Common Pleas ; containing select Cases or Determinations in points of Practice of that Court. 8vo. London, 1743. Practitioner (The). A Weekly Journal of Jurisprudence. Folio. Baltimore, 1890. [Only 18 numbers published.] Praclier-Fodere(P.). Cours de Droit Diplomatique. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1881. (Bibliotheque Internationale et Diplo- matique, vols. 7-8.) La Question de TAlabama et le Droit des Gens. Svo. Paris, 1872. [Pam., vol. 4.] Traite de Droit International Public Europeen et Ameri- cain. 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1885-7. [Bibliotheque Interna- tionale et Di])lomatique, vols. 14-17.] (translator). Grotius. Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix. Prater (Henry). Cases illustrative of the Conflict between the Laws of Eng'land and Scotland with regard to Mar- riage. Divorce and Legitimacy. Svo. London, 1835. Essay upon the Law respecting Husband and Wife. Svo. London, 1834. — • [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1836. Pratt (A. S.). Digest of the National Bank Act. Svo. Washington. Editions of 1887, 1888, 1890. Manual of Banking Law. 8vo. Washington, 1888. Pratt (E. A.). See Beach (Chas. F., Jr.). Manual of the Law of Wills. 696 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Pratt (Frederic T. ). Essay on the Use of Lights by Sea- going Vessels ; and the Rule of the Road at Sea.' 8vo. London, 1857. • Law of Contraband of War ; with a selection of Cases from the papers of Hon. Sir Geo. Lee. Svo. London, 1856. (editor). Story (Jos.) on Prize Courts. (translator). Kachenovsky's Prize Law. Pratt ^Joliii T.). Abstract of all the Printed Acts of Parlia- ment for the establishment of Courts of Requests in Eng- land and Wales; with the Cases decided thereon. Svo. London, 1824. Law of Highways. 10th ed. By T. C. S. Kynnersley 8vo. London, 1865. Laws relating to the Poor. See Bott (Edmund). Summary of the Savings Banks in England, Scotland, "Wales, and Ireland. Svo. London, 1846. Pratt (W. T.). Laws of Friendly Societies, and Industrial and Provident Societies. 10th ed. By E. W. Brabrook. 12mo. London, 1881. Praxis Alnite Curiae Caiicellarise ; being a Collection of Precedents by Bill and Answer. Plea and Demurrer, in the High Court of Chancery ; with a Complete Collection of Writs concerning the same. [By Wm. Brown.] 4th ed. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1725. [Also ascribed to Sir Robert Heath.] Pi'axis Alinte Curiae Caneellari?e. Third Part. Collec- tion of Precedents. Svo. London, 1702. Praxis Curite Adniiralitatis. See Clerke (Francis). Praxis Utriusque Bauci. The Antient and Modern Prac- tice of the two Superior Courts at Westminster. To which is added the Practice of the Sheriff's Court, London ; as also Xorma Curiarum inferiorum ; or, A Rule to keep Inferior Courts within their just bounds. 12mo. London, 1674. Preble (W. P., Jr.). Collisions in United States Waters. Svo. Boston, 1886. Patent Case Index, containing lists of all the Cases, as reported in the State and Federal Reports, etc. 12mo. Boston, 1880. [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. Boston, 1SS4. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 697 Precedents in Chancery. By Thos. Finch. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1786. Prentice (Samuel). Procedure and Evidence relating to Indictable Offences. Svo. London, 1882. — Proceedings in an Action in the Queen's Bench, Com- mon Pleas, and Exchequer Divisions of the High Court of Justice. Svo. London, 1877. — (editor). Chitty's Archbold's Practice. Presbyterian Cliurcli Case. Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania vs. Ashbel Green et al. Reported by Samuel Miller, Jr. Svo. Philadelphia, 1839. Prescott (Abraliani). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Man- chester, 1869. [Pam., vol. L] Prescott (Judge James). Trial of, by Impeachment, before the Senate of Massachusetts. Svo. Boston, 1821. Present State of the Practice and Practisers of the Law. A dialogue between Philalethes and Philonomous. 2d ed. 12mo. London, no date. [Pam., vol. 43.] Presidential Power over Personal Liberty. [By Isaac Myer.] Svo. No place, 1862. [Para., vol. 21.] Preston (Howard W.). Documents illustrative of Ameri- can History, 1606-1863. Svo. New York, 1886. Preston (Richard). Essay in a Coui'se of Lectures on Ab- stracts of Title. 3 vols., Svo. New York, 1828. Essay on the Quantity and Quality of Estates, with more immediate reference to the Law of Merger. Svo. o^ Philadelphia, 1843. [L. L., vol. 42.] — Law Tracts. Svo, London, 1797. — Succinct View of the Rule in Shelley's Case. Svo. Lon- don, 1794. — Treatise on Conveyancing, with a view to its Applica- tion to Practice. 3d ed. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1819-29. — (editor). Sheppard's Touchstone. Preston (William S.). Treatise on the Law of Legacies. Svo. New York, 1827. Price (Benjamin) and Steiiart (Arthur). American Trade-Mark Cases, 1879-1 887. Svo. Baltimore, 1887. 698 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Price (Georg'e). Notes of Practice Cases, Court of Ex- chequer, England, ls:30-l 831. 8vo. London, 1831. jOnly 1 part, 184 pages, published.] Reports, Court of Exchequer, England, 1815-1824. 13 vols., 8vo. London, 1816-28. Price (liichard). Observations on Reversionary Payments, etc. Tth ed. Bv William Morgan. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1812. Pricharcl (Iltudus T.) and Nasinitli (David), translators. Historv of Roman Law from the text of Ortolan's Histoire de la Legislation Romaine, etc. 8vo. London, 1871. Pricliard (James C). On the different Forms of Insanity in relation to Jurisprudence. 12mo. London, 18-12. Prickett (H. E.). Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Idaho. 1866-188(1. New Series, vol. 1. 8vo. San Fran- cisco, 1882. Prideaux (Charles G.). Guide to the Duties of Church- Avardens. 15th ed. 12mo. London, 1886. Prideaux (Frederick). Law of Judgments and Crown Debts, as they affect Real Property. 4th ed. 12mo. London, 1854. Prideaux (Frederick) and Wliitconibe (John). Prece- dents in ConveA^ancmg ; with Dissertations on its Law and Practice. 5th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1866. Priestley (Rev. Joseph). Letters to Blackstone, etc. See Palladium of Conscience. Prince (Alexander). Record of Patent Inventions; Law Reports of Patent Cases, etc. Yol. 1. 8vo. London. 1843. See Billings (S.) and Prince's Law of Patents and De- signs. Prince (L. Bradford). General Laws of New Mexico. 8vo. Alban}', 1880. Proposed Amendments of the Constitution of the State of Xew York ; their history, nature and advantages. 8vo. New York, 1874. [Pam., vol. 6.] Prince (Oliver H.). Digest of the Laws of Georgia. 8vo. Milledgeville, 1822. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Athens, 1837. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 699 Prince Edward Island : Reports. Haviland. (Peters, Judge.) 1850-1872. 1 vol. 2 vols. Haszard & Warburton. " 1850-1882. — Statutes. Acts of the General Assembly (Revised Statutes), 1T73- 18t)2. 2 vols., 8vo. Charlottetown, 18e»2. [Same.] 1863-1868. 8vo. Charlottetown, 1868. — Session Laws. Assembly. Session. Date. Assembly. bESSION. Date. 23d 3d 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 28th 1st 2d 3d 4th 1st 2d 3d 1st 1st 1879 23d 4th 1st 28th 1880 24th 28th 1881 25th 1st 1st 2d 28th 1882 26th 29th 1883 26th 29th 1884 26th 3d 29th 1885 26th 4th 30th 1886 27th 1st 2d 31st 1887 27th Index of Statutes. (Dubreuil.) 1867-1887. Priudle (Horace G.). Trial of. by Impeachment. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1871. Priiig (Ratcliffe). Statutes in Force in the Colony of Queens- land. 8 vols., 8vo. Brisbane, 1862-1. Printed Decisions, Kentucky. Decisions. See Sneed's Iventuckv Printed Opinions, Illinois. See Forman's Illinois Reports. Prior (John V.). Treatise on the Construction of Limita tions in which the words " Issue " and " Child " occur. 12mo. London, 1839. Pritchard (E. W.). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1865. Pritcliard (Robert A. and William T.). Digest of the Law and Practice of the Court for Divorce and Matrimo- nial Causes. 2d ed. Royal 8vo. London. 1861. Pritchard (William). Reform of the Ecclesiastical Courts and Testamentary Jurisdiction. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1854. [Ram., vol. 45.] TOO CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAET OF Pritchard ( AA'illiaiii T.). Analytical Digest of Cases in the High Court of Admiralty of England. Svo. Harrisburg, 1S4S. — [Same.] [Xew L. L., vols. 12, 13.] — [Same.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1S5-1. — [Same.] 2d ed. By Robt. A. and AVilliam T. Pritch- ard. 2 vols., Svo. London. 1S65. [Same.] 3d ed. Bv J. C. Hannen and W. T. Pritch- ard. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1SS7. Probert (William). Ancient Laws of Cambria. Translated from the Welsh. Svo. London, 1S23. Probst (Antoii). Trial of. for Murder. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S66. Proctor ( L. B. ). Bench and Bar of Xew York : Biographical Sketches, etc. Svo. Xew York, IS TO. Lawyer and CUent ; or, The Trials and Triumphs of the Bar. illustrated bv Scenes in the Court-Room. etc. 12mo. New York, 1SS2.'' William H. Seward as a Lawyer. 12mo. Albany, ISST. [Pam., vol. 35.] ProfFatt ( John"). Curiosities and Law of Wills. 12mo. San Francisco, 1S76. [Legal Recreations, vol. 2.] Law of Private Corporations. Svo. San Francisco, 1S76. Treatise on the Law relating to the ofUce and duties of Xotaries Public throughout the United States. Svo. San Francisco, 1ST7. Treatise on Trial bv Jurv. including Questions of Law and Fact. Svo, San Francisco. 1^77. — Woman before the Law. 12mo. Xew York. 1S74. — (editor). American Decisions, vols. 1-11. Property La^vj'er (The). Jan., 1S26 to Dec. 1S29. Monthly. 12 vols., ^vo. London. 1S20-9. [Same.] Xew Series, Jan.-Dec. 1S30. 3 vols.. Svo. London, 1830. Proiity (Q. A.\ reporter. Vermont Reports, vol. 61. Providence Bar Club. Constitution, etc. 12mo. Provi- dence, 1SS4. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 701 Prussia: Reports. Entscheidunofen des KoniHichen Oberverwaltungstrerichts [Decisions of the Royal Superior Court of Administra- tion]. 1877-90. 19 vols. [Same.] Haupt-Register, Bd. 1-14. 1 vol. 1887. Statutes. Sammluno' der fiir die Konig'lichen Preussischen Staaten Gesetze [Collection of laws for the Roval Prussian States], 1806-10. 1 vol., Irto. Berlin, 1822. Gesetz-Sammlung fiir die Koniglichen Preussischen Staaten [Collection of laws], 1810-90. 81 vols., ito. Berlin. [Same.] Haupt-Register. 1800-83. 2 vols., ttto. Berhn. Grotefend. Gesetzsammlung fiir den Preussischen Staat und das Deutsche Reich [Collection of laws], 1806-83. 4 vols., 8vo. Diisseldorf, 1884. [Same.] Register. 8vo. Diisseldorf, 1884. [Same.] Jahrgange [Annuals], 1884-6. 3 vols., 8vo. Diisseldorf. [Same.] Kommentar [C'Ommentary]. 3 vols., 8vo. Diisseldorf, 1887. Brauchitsch (M. von). Die neuen Preussischen A^erwalt- ungsgesetze. 4 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1886-7. — Codes. Educational Code. Translated by Anna M. Goldsmid. 12mo. London, 1879. Frederician Code. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1761. See also Germany. Psycliolojj^ieal Journal ; edited bv Wm. A. Hammond. Vols. 2, 4, 6. 8vo. New York, 1868-72. [Same.] New Series. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874-6. [Only 3 numbers of vol. 3 published.] Puclita (Georg- Friedrich). Cursus der Institutionen. (1-2 Bd., 0. Aufl. ; 3. Bd., 4. Aufl., von A. Rudorfif.) 3 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1856-7. [Vol. 1 has also the title : Geschichte des Rechts bei dem Romischen Volk ; mit einer Einleitung in die Rechtswissenschaft.] Outlines of the Science of Jurisprudence. Translated and edited from the Juristic Encyclopaedias of Puchta, Friedlander, Falck and Ahrens. By W. Hastie. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887. [Translates Puchta's Einleitung.] Pandekten. 12 Aufi., von Th. Schirraer. 8vo. Leip- zig, 1877, Puerto-Rico. See Spain. 702 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Piifeiidorf( Samuel). De Jure Xaturae et Gentium. Editio ultima. 4to. Amsteltedami, 169S. Law of Xature and Xations. Translated into English [by Basil Kennett and others]. Folio. Oxford. 1703. Law of Xature and Xations ; abridg'd from the original, in which the author's entire Treatise De Officio Hominis tfe Civis is taken. By J. Spa van. In two vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 171B. [This vol. is a translation of the first three books only.] Le Droit de la Xature et des Gens, traduit du Latin par Jean Barbej^rac. 2'' ed. 2 vols., 4to. Amsterdam, 1712. [Same.] 2 vols., 4to. Basle. 1771. Pugh ( EclAvard F. i. Forms of Procedure in the Courts of Admiralty of the United States. Svo. Philadelphia, 1890. Pugsley ( AVilliain ). Reports, Supreme Court of Xew Bruns- wick, 1872-1S76. o vols., 8vo. Saint John, 1875-7. Pugsley (William) and Burbiclge (G. W.). Reports, Supreme Court of Xew Brunswick, 1877-1881. 4 vols., 8vo. Toronto, 1879-81. — (reporter). Xew Brunswick Reports, vol. 21. Pugsley ( Williaiu ) and Trueman (A. I.), reporters. Xew Brunswick Reports, vol. 22. Piilbrook (Anthony). The Companies Acts, 1862-80; Stannaries Act. 1869 : Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870, etc. 6th ed. 12mo. London. 1882. Handy Book on the Law and Practice of Joint Stock Companies. 12mo. London, 1882. Puller (Christopher'). See Bosanquet (J. B.) and Puller's English Common Pleas Reports. Pulling (Alexander). C'ity of London Corporation Inquiry. 8vo. London, 1854. [Pam.. vol. 41.] Compendium of the Law and Usage of Mercantile Ac- counts, and of Law affecting them. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. [L. L.. vol. 57.] Consolidated Current Index of Cases reported in the Law Reports anil in the Weekly Xotes, 1886-1888. 8vo. London, 1889. Current Index of same, 1889, 1890. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don. 1.S90-91. — The Order of the Coif. Rov. 8vo. London, 1884. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 703 Pulling (Alexander). Our Law-E,e porting System ; cannot its Evils be prevented i Svo. London, 1863. [Pam., vol. 41.] — Proposal for Amending the I^aw affecting Juries and Jurymen. Svo. London, 1865. [Pam., vol. 37.] Summary of the Law and Practice relating to Attorneys, general and special. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1862. Treatise on the Laws, Customs, and Regulations of the City and Port of London. Svo. London, 1842. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1844. Pulsifer (Josiah D.), reporter. Maine Reports, vols. 65-68. Pulton (Fertlinando). Collection of sundry Statutes fre- quent in use ; with Notes and References. Folio. London, 1636. [Same.] Edited by Thos. Manby. Folio. London, 1670. De Pace Regis et Reo;ni ; viz. : a Treatise declarino- 111 O ^ O which be the great and generall Offences of the Realme, as Menaces, Assaults, Treasons, Homicides, etc. Folio. Lon- don, 1609. Pump Court. The Temple Newspaper and Review. 11 vols., 4to. London, 1883-91. Punishment of Death. A selection of Articles fr;om the Morning Herald ; Avith Notes. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1836-7. • Statistical Argument, reprinted from the Eclectic Re- view. 12mo. London, 1848. [Pam., vol. 44.] Purday (Charles H,). Copyright; a sketch of its rise and progress. 12mo. London, 1877. Purdon (John). Digest of the Laws of Pennsvlvania. Sth ed. By F. C. Brightly. Roy. Svo. Philadelphia, 1853. ■ [Same.] 9th ed. By F. C. Brightly. Roy. Svo. Phil- adelphia, 1862. [Same.] lOtli ed. Bv Brightly. 2 vols., rov. Svo, Philadelphia, 1873. — [Same.] Annual Digest, 1873-1876. By Brightly. Svo. Philadelphia, 1876. [Same.] 11th ed. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Philadelphia, 1885. — [Same.] Supplement, 1885-1887. Roy. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1887. T04 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Purple (N. H.). Keal Estate Statutes of Illinois. 8vo. Quincy, 1849. Puterbaugh (S. D.). Chancery Pleading and Practice in Illinois, etc. 3d ed. Svo. Chicago, 1888. Chancery Pleadings and Practice in Michigan, and Practice in the Supreme Court. 2d ed. Svo. Chicago, 1890. Common Law Pleading and Practice in Illinois, etc. 2d ed. 8vo. Chicago, 186T. — -■ [Same.] 5th ed. Svo. Peoria, 1880. — [Same.] 6th ed. Svo. Chicago, 1888. Putnam (John P.), editor. United States Equity Digest. Putt (Cliarles). Essay on Civil Policy, or the Science of Legislation. Svo. London, 1S30. Putzel (Cliarles). See Olmsted (E. K.) and Putzel's Prec- edents. Putzel (Cliarles) and Balir ( H. A.). Commercial Prece- dents, selected from the column of Replies and Decisions of the New York Journal of Commerce. Svo. Hartford, 188L Pye (Henry J.). Notes on the conflicting Claims to the Property of a Debtor. 12mo. London, 1S80. Pyke (George). Reports of Cases, Court of King's Bench, District of Quebec, 1810. Svo. Toronto, 1811. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 705 Quaker Laws. Digest of Legislative Enactments relating to the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in Eng- land, By Joseph Davis. Svo. Bristol, 1S20. Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts ; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, etc. [By K. E. Hinman.] 12mo. Hartford, 1838. [In Blue Laws of New Haven Colony.] Quaker Trial (The). Shotwell vs. Hendrickson, et al. Ke- ported by J. J, Foster. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. ■ [Same.] Arguments of the Counsel of Joseph Hen- drickson. Svo. Philadelphia, 1833. Quakers (The). Trial of, for Heresv. See Chandler's Crim- inal Trials, vol. 1. Quarles (James M.). Criminal Code, and Digest of Crim- inal Cases decided by the Supreme Court of Tennessee. 8vo. Nashville, 1871. Quarterly Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. See Psychological Journal. Quarterly Law Journal. Edited by A. B. Guigon. 4 vols., 8vo. Richmond, 1856-59. Quarterly Law Review. Edited by A. H. Sands. 2 vols., 8vo. Richmond, 1860-1. [Only 80 pages of vol. 2 pub- lished.] Quebec Law Reports. Published by the Bar of the Prov- ince of Quebec, Section of the District of Quebec. 16 vols., Svo. Quebec, 1877-91. Quebec. — Library of the Bar. Catalogue : Livres Fran- ^ais. Svo. Quebec, 1876. Quebec Statutes. See Canada (Lower). Queen's Bench Reports, Quebec. See Canada (Lower). Queen's Bench Reports. Reports of Cases, Court of Queen's Bench, England. 1841-1852. Bv J. L. Adolphus and T. F. Ellis. 18 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1864. Queen's Bench Reports, Upper Canada. See Canada (Upper). 45 706 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Queens County (X. Y.) Bar Association. Minutes of Proceedings, etc. 1880. [Pam., vol. 17. J Queensland : Reports. Queensland Law Journal Reports, 1879-1891. 4 vols., 4to. Brisbane, 1882-91. Statutes. Compilation of Statutes in force. Edited by R. Pring. 3 vols., Svo. Brisbane, 1862-4. Miscellaneous. Law List of Australasia. 1886. Patent Law. (Abbott.) 1886. Quin (3Iicliael J.). Proposed Abolition of the Local Courts of Testamentary Jurisdiction. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1834. [Pam., vol. 45.] Trade of Bankinu in England ; with a Summary of the Law. 8vo. London, 1833. Quincy ( Josiali). Speeches in Congress, 1805-1813. Edited by Edmund Quincy. Svo. Boston, 1874. Quincy (Josiah, Jr.). Reports, Superior Court of Judica- ture, Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1761-1772 ; with an Appendix upon the Writs of Assistance. 8vo. Boston, 186.5. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 707 R. Rae (George). The Country Banker; with an American Preface by Brayton Ives. 12mo. New York, 1886. Rae (Joliii), editor. Caxton's Statutes of Henry VII. Raff (George W.). Manual of Pensions, Bounty and Pay. 2d ed. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1864. War Claimant's Guide. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1866. Ralfalovich (Arthur). La Nouvelle Loi sur les Societes Anonyraes en AUemagne. Svo. Paris, 1884. [Pam., vol. 33.] Railway and Canal Cases in the Courts of Law and Equity, England, 1835-1854. Keported by H. I. Nicholl, Thos. Hare and others. 7 vols., Svo. London, 1840-55. Railway and Canal Traffic Cases, decided by the Kailway Commissioners, 1855-1887. Keported by R. Xeville, W. H. Macnamara and others. 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1874- 89. Railway and Corporation Law Journal. 9 vols., rov. 8vo. New York, 1887-91. Raines (John) and Spinney (G. F.). Investigation of, before the New York Senate. Svo. Albany, 1886. Raines (William). Observations on a Bill for the Establish- ment of Local Courts. Svo. London, 1833. [Pam., vol. 48.] Raithby (John). Index to the Statutes at Large, from Magna Carta to the Forty Ninth Year of George III. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1S14. — Study and Practice of the Law, considered in their various relations to Society ; in a series of Letters. [Anon,] Svo. London, 1798. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, ISlt;. — [Same.] 1st American ed. [Anon.] Svo. Portland, 1806. — • (editor). Vernon's English Chancery Reports. Raleigh (Sir Walter). Life, and Tryal at Winchester. Svo. London, 1677. 70S CATALOGUE OF THE ZIBHAIiY OF Ralston (Robert). Principles of Sale ; their application to Sale of an Undivided Part. 8vo. Pliiladelphia, 1865. Principles of the Law relating to the Discharge of Con- tracts. Svo. Philadelphia, 1886. (editor)o Adams' Equity. Ram (James). Outline of the Law of Tenure and Tenancy, containing the First Principles of the Law of Real Prop- erty. Svo. London, 1825. Science of Legal Judgment. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. [L. L., vol. 9.] [Same.] With extensive additions by John Townshend. Svo. New York, 1871. Treatise of Assets. Debts, and Incumbrances. Svo. Philadelphia, 1835. [L. L., vol. 8.] Treatise on Devises. See Ram on Wills of Landed Property. Treatise on Facts as Subjects of Inquiry by a Jury. 2d American ed. Bv John Townshend. Svo. New York, 1870. [Same.] 4:th American ed. By Chas. F. Beach, Jr. Svo. New York, 1890. Treatise on the Exposition of Wills of Lantled Property Svo. Philadelphia, 1835. [L. L., vol. 8.] Ramage (B. J.). Local Government, etc., of South Carolina. Svo. Baltimore, 1883. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] Rama Nathan (P.). Judgments of the Supreme Court of Judicature, and of the High Court of Appeal of the Island of Ceylon, 1820-1833. Svo. Colombo, 1877. Reports of Important Cases heard and determined by the Supreme Court of Cevlon, 1843-1855. Svo. Colombo, 1SS4. [Same.] 1860-1862. With Appendix containing Cases decided during that period by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, on Appeal from the Supreme Court of Ceylon. Svo. Colombo, 1880. [Same.] 1863-1868. Svo. Colombo, 1881. [Same.] 1872, 1875 and 1876. Svo. Colombo, 1890. Reports of Cases heard and determined by the Supreme Court of Cevlon, sitting in Appeal, in 1877. Svo. Co- lombo, 1878. " (editor). Supreme Court Circular : Ceylon. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 709 Kamsay (David). Address to the Freemen of South Caro- lina on the Federal Constitution, 1787. See Ford (Paul L.). Ramsay (Thomas K.). Appeal Cases, 1873-1886; with JSTotes and Dehnitions of the Civil and Criminal Law of the Province of Quebec. Edited by Clias. H. Stephens. 8vo. Montreal, 1887. Ramsay (Thomas K.) and Moriii (L. S.). ]V[ontreal Con- densed Keports. 2d ed. 8vo. Montreal, 1884. Rand (Beiijamiii), editor. Long on Sales. Randall (Josiah), editor. Peake's Law of Evidence. Raiidell (Henry). Essay on the Law of Perpetuity, and on Trusts of Accumulation ; with Introduction containing the History of Alienation. 8vo. London, 1822. Randolph (A. M. F.), re])orter. Kansas Reports, vols. 21-43. Randolph (Edmund). Letter on the Federal Constitution. Svo. Richmond, 1787. See Ford (Paul L.). Randolph (Joseph F.). Treatise on Commercial Paper. 3 vols., 8vo. Jersey City, 1886-8. Randolph (Joseph F.) and Talcott (William), editors. Jarman on AVills. 5th Amer. ed. Randolph (Peyton). Reports, Court of Appeals of Vir- ginia, 1821-1828. 6 vols., Svo. Richmond, 1823-32. Randolph (W. M.), reporter. Louisiana Annual Reports, vols. 7-11. Raney (Georg-e P.), reporter. Florida Reports, vols. 16-20. Rankine (John). Law of Land-Ownership in Scotland. 2d ed. Roy. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1884. Treatise on the Law of Leases in Scotland. Roy. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887. Ransom (W. C). Railroad Laws of Michigan ; and Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Coui-t in Railway Cases. 8vo. Lansing, 1886. (Ste^wart). Annual Digest of New York Decisions for 1881. Vol.1. 8vo. Jersey City, 1882. Digest of Federal Decisions and Statutes. Svo. Jersey City, 1880 710 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB It ART OF Kapalje (Stewart). Notes to United States Supreme Court Keports, vols. 42-58. Reference Digest of New York Decisions. 2 vols., 8vo. Jersey City, 1879-81. — Treatise on Contempt, including Civil and Criminal Contempts. 8vo. New York, 1884. Treatise on Criminal Procedure. 12mo. San Fran- cisco, 1889. Treatise on tlie Law of Witnesses. 8vo. New Y^'ork, 1887. Rapaye (Stewart) and Lawrence (Robert L.). Diction- ary of American and English Law ; with definitions of the technical terms of the Canon and Civil Laws, a full collec- tion of Latin Maxims, and citations of upwards of forty thousand reported Cases, in which wprds and phrases have been judicialh'^ defined or construed. 2 vols., 8vo. Jersey City, 1888. Judicial Criticisms and Citations, American and Enghsh. Yol. 1. Annual for 1881. 8vo. Jersey Cit}^ 1882. Rapp (S. A.). Complete Digest of Laws in relation to Bounty. 8vo. Washington, 1872. Rassegna di Diritto Commerciale Italiano e Straniero. 3 vols., 8vo. Torino, 1883-6. Rastall (John). See Rastell (John). Rastall (William). See Rastell (William). Rastell (John). Termes de la Lev ; or, Certain diflBcult and obscure Words and Terms of the Common Laws and Statutes of this Realm now in use, expounded and ex- plained. [Anon.] 12mo. London, 1685. [Same.] 1st American ed. 8vo. Portland, 1812. Rastell (William). Collection of Entrees of Declarations, Barres, Replications, Rejoinders, etc. Folio. London, 1596. Collection of all the Statutes from the beginning of Magna Carta to 1557. 4to. London, 1559. Collection of Statutes in English from Magna Charta to 1593. Foho. London, 1594. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. Til Rattigaii (William H.). Jural Relations ; being a transla- tion of the Second Book of Savigny's System of Modern Roman Law. 8vo. London, 1884. — Select Cases in Hindu Law. decided by Her Majesty's Privy Council, and the Superior Courts in India. With Notes. 2 vols., 8vo. Lahore, 1869-71. Treatise on the Roman Law of Persons. 8vo. London, 187; Ratzkv (Ig'iiatz). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Albany, 1868. Kau (K. H.). Lehrbuch der Politischen Oekonomie. 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1854-8. 1. Grundsatzeder Volkswirthschaftslehre. 6. Ausg., 1855. 2. Grundsatze der Volkswiithschaftspolitik. 4. Ausg., 1854-8. Ravenel (H. E.) and McHug-h (C. A.). Digest of South Carolina Reports, 1868-1879. 8vo. Charleston, 1880. liawle (Francis). Car Trust Securities. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1885. [Pam., vol. 33.) (editor). Bouvier's Law Dictionary. 15th ed. Rawle (William). View of the Constitution of the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1825. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1829. Kawle (William, Jr.). Reports, Supreme C'ourt of Pennsyl- vania, 1828-1835. Edited by W. W. Wister, Jr. 5 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. See Penrose and Watts' Pa. Reports, vol. 1 ; — Sergeant (Thos.) and Rawle's Pa. Reports Rawle (William H.). Equit}^ in Pennsylvania; a lecture before the Law Academy of Philadelphia. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1868. Oration at the Unveiling of the Statue of Chief Justice Marshall. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884. [Pam., vol. 26.] Treatise on the Law of Covenants for Title. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1860. — [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1873. — [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1 887. — (editor). Williams on Real Property. 712 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Rawliiisoii (Sir Christ oplieri. Municipal Corporation Act ; Avith Xotes and References to the Cases thereon. 5th ed. By Thomas Geary. 8vo. London, 1868. [Same.] 6th ed. Svo. London, 1S74. Rawliiisoii (James). Guide to Solicitors on taking Instruc- tions for AVills. 8vo. London, 1874. Xotes on the Mortmain Acts, shewing their operation on Gifts, Devises and Bequests for Charitable Uses. 8vo. London, 1877. Rawsoii (Henry G.). Pocket Law-Lexicon. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1884. Ray (Isaac), :\r.D. The Angell Will Case. 8vo. Utica, 1863. [Pam., vol. 26.] Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 8vo. Boston, 1838. — [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1871. Ray (John). Digest of the Statute Law of Louisiana. 2 vols., 8vo. ]S^ew Orleans, 1870. Raymond (James). Digested Chancery Cases, contained in the Court of Appeals Reports of Maryland. 8vo. Balti- more, 1839. Raymond (John). The Bill of Exceptions ; being a short account of its origin and nature. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. [L. L., vol. 62.] Raymond (Robert), Lord. Entries or Pleadings, collected and translated into Eng-iish bv George Wilson. Svo. Dublin, 1767. Reports, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, England, 1694-1732. 4th ed. By J. Bayley. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1790. [Same.] 4th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1792. Raymond (Sir Thomas). Reports, Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, England. 1660-1682. Folio. London. 1696. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. Rayner (John). Cases at large concerning Tithes. 3 vols., Svo. London. 1783. Readings on Statutes ; chiefly those passed in the Reign of Geortje the Second. 4to. London, 1775. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. TIS Rayiies (Samuel). Guide to the Practice of the Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. 8vo. Sherborne, 1821. Read (Colliiisou). Abridgment of the Laws of Pennsyl- vania, 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1801-4. Reade (Charles B.). Manual, Eules, etc., of the United States Senate. 8vo. Washington, 1885. Real Estate Record and Builders' Guide. Vols. 17-47. Folio. New York, 1876-91. Real Estate World. 4to. New York, 1887. [Only 4 nos. published.] Rearden (T. H.), editor. Myrick's Probate Reports. Reardoii (Georjj^e E.). Forms of Acknowledgments for Deeds and other Instruments used in the States and Terri- tories of the United States. 8vo. Baltimore, 1882. Reavls (T.). Digest of Alabama Reports. 2 vols., Svo. Tuskaloosa, 1850. Reelitsgeleerd Mag'azyii. Y-'o" Jaargang. 6 vols., 8vo. Haarlem, 1882-7. Record Coiiiinissioii. Publications of the Commissioners on the Public Records of Great Britain and Ireland. Acts of the Parliament of Scotland, from 1124 to 1707. Edited by T. Thomson and C. Innes. 11 vols., folio. London, 1824-44. Calendarium Inquisitionum ])ost Mortem, sive Esc^etarum, temp. Reg. Hen. III. ad Ric. III. Edited by J. Caley and J. Bayley. 4 vols., folio. London, 1806-28. Calendarium Rotulorum Chartarum et Inquisitionum ad C|uod Damnum, temp. Reg. Joan, ad Hen. VI. Edited by J. Caley. Folio. London, 1803. Calendarium Rotulorum Patentium in Turri Londinensi ; Avith Indexes by S. Ayscough. Folio. London, 1802. Calendars of the Proceedings in Chancery in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, from the originals in the Tower. Edited by J. Bayley. 3 vols., folio. 1827-32. Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum. By Joseph Planta. Folio. London, 1802. Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum ; with Indexes of persons, places and matters. Edited by H. Wanley, D. Casley and others. 4 vols., folio. London, 1808-12. 714 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAnY OF Record Coiniuission. — Ccrntin ved. Catalogue of the Lansdowne Manuscripts in the British Museum ; with Indexes, and Preface by Sir Henr^' EUis. 2 parts, folio. London. 1S12-19. ' Documents illustrative of English History in the 13th and 14th Centuries, selected from the Records of the Department of the Queen's Remembrancer of the Ex- chequer: and edited bv Henry Cole. Eolio. London. 1S4L Domesday Book ; sen. Liber Censualis AVilhelmi primi Regis Anglic, inter archivos regni in domo capitulari Westmonasterii asservatus. Edited by A. Farley. 2 vols., folio. London. 17>o. Libri Censualis Vocati Domesday-Book Additamenta ex codic. antiquiss. Exon' Domesday. Inquisitio Eliensis, Liber AVinton'. Boldon Book. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. Folio. London. 181»i. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book Indices. Accessit Dissertatio generalis de ratione hujusce Libri. Bv Sir H. Ellis. Folio. London. 181B. Ducatus Lancastri^e pars 1 : Calendarium Inquisitionum post Mortem, etc.. temp. Regum Edw. I. atl Car. I. — Partes 2-4 : Calendar to the Pleadings. Depositions, etc.. from the Reign of Henry VII. to the end of the reign of Q. Elizabeth. Edited ijy R. J. Harper, J. Calev and AV. Minchin. 4 parts in 3 vols., folio. Lon- don, 'ls23-34. ElUs (Sir Henry). General Introduction to Domesday Book : accompanied by Indexes of the Tenants in Chief, and Under Tenants, at the time of the Survey; as Avell as of the Holders of Lands mentioned in Domesday anterior to the formation of that record; with an abstract of the population of England at the close of the reign of AVilliam the Conqueror, so far as the same is actually entered ; illustrated bv numerous notes and comments. 2 vols., Svo. London. 1833. Fines, sive Pedes Finium. sive Finales Concordife in Curia Domini Regis. 7 Ric. I.— 16 Joh.. A.D. 1195- 1214 ; edente Jos. Hunter. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. Lon- don. 1835-44. Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis retornatarum. qute in publicis Archivis Scotise adhuc servantur, Ab- breviatio. 1546-1700. Edited by T. H. Thomson. 3 vols., folio. London. 1811-16. Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorura Cancellariae Hiber- nige asservatarum Repertorium. Edited by James Hardiman. 2 vols., folio. London. 1826-29. Liber Munerum Publicorum Hibernia?. ab an. 1152 usque THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 715 Record Conimissioii. — Continued. ad 1827 ; or, Tlie Establishments of Ireland from the 19th of King Stephen to the 7th of George lY., during a period of six hundred and seventy-five years ; being the Eeport of Ilowlev Lascelles. With Preface bv F. S. Thomas. 2 vols.", folio. Dublin, 1852. Monumenta Historica Britannica ; or, Materials for the History of Britain from the earliest period. By H. Petrie, J. Sharpe and T. D. Hardy. Folio. London, 1848. Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii temp. Regis Edwardi III. Edited by G. Yanderzee. Folio. Lon- don, 1807. Palgrave (Sir Francis). Essay upon the original Author- ity of the King's Council. 8vo. London, 1834. Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Military Summons; too'ether with the Records and Muniments relating to the suit and service due and performed to the King's High Court of Parliament and the Councils of the Realm, or affording evidence of attendance given at Parliaments and Councils. Edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 2 vols, in 4, folio. London, 1827-34. Pipe Rolls. The Great Roll of the Pipe for the first year of the Reign of King Richard I., 1189-111)0. Edited by J. Hunter. 8vo. London, 1844. Placita de Quo Wai-ranto temp. Edw. I., II., and III. in Curia Recepta3 Scaccarii Westm. assei'vata. Edited by W. Illingworth. Folio. London, 1818. Placitorum in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asser- vatorum Abbreviatio, temp, regum Ric. I. — Edw. II. Edited by W. Illingworth. Folio. London, 1811. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privv Council of England. 10 Rich. II.— 33 Henry YHL, 1386-1542. Edited bv Sir Harris Nicolas. 7 vols., 8vo. London, 1834-37."' Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Archivis publicis asservatum, 1306-1424. Edited by T. Thom- son. Folio. London, 1814. Registrum vulgariter nuncupatum " The Record of Caer- narvon ; " e Codice MS. Ilarleiano 696 descriptum. Edited by Sir II. Ellis. Folio. London, 1838. Rotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati ; accu- rante T. D. Hardy. Yol. 1, pars 1, ab anno 1199 ad annum 1216. Folio. London, 1837. Rotuli Curiae Regis. Rolls and Records of the Court held before the King's Justiciars or Justices from 6 Rich. I. to 1 John. Edited by Sir Francis Palgrave. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1835. V16 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Record Coininissioii. — Continued. Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Pnestitis, regnante Johanne ; ciira T. D. Hardy. 8vo. London, 1844. Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Hen. IIL et Edw. I. in Turr' Lond' et in C'uria Receptae Scaccarii Westm. as- servati. Edited by W. Illingworth. 2 vols., folio. London, 1812-18. Rotuli Litterarum Clausaruni in Turri Londinensi asser- vati ; ab anno 1204 ad annum 1227 ; accurante T. D, Hardy. 2 vols., folio. London, 1833-44. Rotuli Littei-arum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asser- vati ; ab anno 1201 ad annum 1216 ; accurante T. D. Hardy. Vol. 1, pars 1. Folio. London, 1835. Rotuli Scotias in Turri Londinensi et in Domo Capitu- lar i AVestmonasteriensi asservati, temp, regum Angliae Edw. I. — Hen. YIII. Edited by D. Macpherson and others. 2 vols., folio. London, 1814-19. Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio, temp, regum Hen. III. — Edw. III. Edited by Play ford. 2 vols., folio. London, 1805-10. Rotulorum Patentium et Clausorum Cancellarias Hiber- niae Calendarium. Vol. 1, pars. 1. Hen. II. — Hen. \ll. Folio. Dublin, 1828. Rvmer (Thomas). Fosdera, Conventiones, etc., 1066- "^1377. Eilited by A. Clarke, F. Holbrooke, and J. Calev. Vols. 1-3 in 6 parts. 6 vols., folio. London, 1816-30. Statutes of the Realm, [from Magna Carta to the end of the Reign of Queen Anne]. Edited by A. Luders, T. E. Tomlins and others. 9 vols., folio. London, 1810- 28. Alphabetical Index. Folio. London, 1824, Chronological Index. Folio. London, 1828. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Wallias, 1291. Edited bv T. Astle, S. Avscough, and J. Caley. Folio. Lon- don, 1802. Testa de iS^evill ; sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii temp. Hen. III. et Edw. I. Edited by J. Caley and W. Ilhngworth. Folio. London, 1807. Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Hen. VIII. , auctoritate regia institutus [A.D. 1535] ; cum Appendice et Indicibus. Edited by Joseph Hunter. 6 vols., folio. London, 1810-34. Reports [First and Second] from the Commissioners ap- pointed by His Majesty to execute the measures recom- mended by a Select Committee of the House of Commons respecting the Public Records of the Kingdom, etc., 1800-1819. With appendixes. Folio. London, 1820. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 717 Record Coinniission. — Continued. Reports. Appendix containing engraved Fac-Similes in- serted in the various works printed under the Commis- sion ; with the explanations. FoHo. London, 1820. Description of the contents, objects, and uses of the various works printed by authority of the Record Com- mission for the Advancement of Historical and Anti- quarian Knowledge. Svo. London, 1831. Re-port of the Committee appointed to inquire into the Circumstances connected with Mi\ Bayley's publication of the Chancery Calendars. Svo. London, 1883. General Report to the King in Council from the Board of Commissioners on the Public Records, appointed by His Majesty King WiUiam lY. AVith appendix and index. Folio. London, 1837. Recorder's Decisions : Reports of some of the Criminal Cases on primary hearing before Richard Vaux, Recorder of the City of Philadelphia ; with remarks on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Svo. Philadelphia, 1846. Rector (Thomas). Trial of, for Murder. Svo. Albany, 1838. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Reddie (James). Historical Yiew of the Law of Maritime Commerce. Svo. Edinburgh, 1841. Inquiries in International Law. Svo. Edinburgh, 1842. Inquiries in the Science of Law. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1847. Researches, Historical and Critical, in Maritime Inter- national Law. 2 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1844-5. Reddie (Joliii). Historical Notices of the Roman Law, and of the recent progress of its study in Germany. Svo. Edinburgh, 1826. Letter to the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, on the Expediency of the proposal to form a new Civil Code for England. Svo. London, 1828. Redfield (Amasa A.). Hand-Book of the U. S. Tax Law\ 2d ed. 12mo. New York, 1863. Law and Practice of Surrogates' Courts. Svo. New York, 1875. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1881. — [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. New York, 1884. — [Same.] 4th ed. Svo. New York, 1890. 718 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Redfleld (Aiiiasii A.). Reports of Cases, Surrogates' Courts, Xew York, 1857-1882. 5 vols., Svo. New York, 1864-82. See Shearman (Thos. G.) and Redfield's Law of Negli- gence. Kedfield (Isaac F.). Law of Carriers of Goods and Passen- ;^ers, Telegraph Companies, Innkeepers ; and the Law of Bailments. 8vo. Cambridge, 1869. Law of Railways, embracing Corporations, Eminent Domain, etc. 4th ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1869. [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1873. [Same.] 6tli ed. By J. K. Kinney. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1888. — Law of Wills, embracing the Jurisprudence of Insanity, the making and construction of Wills, etc. 3d ed. (Vols. 2-3, 2d ed.) 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1869-70. [Same.] 4th ed. (Vols. 2-3, 3d ed.) 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1876-7. Leading American Cases, and Notes, upon the Law of Wills ; a Supplement to the work on Wills. Svo. Boston, 1874. — Leading American Railwav Cases. 2 vols., Svo. Bos- ton, 1870-2. Opinion in regard to the power of the Legislature to modify the Charter of Trinitv Church. Svo. Boston, 1858. [Pam., vol. 23.] Redfleld (Isaac F.) and Bigelow (M. M.). Leading and Select American Cases in the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and Checks. Svo. Boston, 1871. Redingtou (Asa), reporter, Maine Reports, vols. 31-35. Redman (Joseph H.). Concise Treatise on the Law of Ar- bitrations and Awards; with appendix. Svo. London, 1872. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1884. Concise View of the Law of Husband and Wife. 12mo. London, 1883. Treatise on the Law affecting Railway Companies as Carriers of Goods and Live Stock. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1880. Redman (Joseph H.) and Lyon (George E.). Concise View of the Law of Landlord and Tenant ; including the Practice in Ejectment. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1879. — See Lyon (G. E.) and Redman's Law of Bills of Sale. THE ASSOC FA TI ON OF THE BAH. 719 Keed (Henry). Treatise on the Law of the Statute of Frauds, and of other hke enactments in force in the United States of America, and in the British Empire. 3 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1884. Reed (Herbert). Bills of Sale Acts. 5th ed. Svo. London, 1883. Keed (John). Pennsylvania Blackstone. 3 vols., Svo. Car- lisle, 1831. Keed (John C). American Law Studies ; or, Self-prepara- tion for Practice in the United States. Svo. Boston, 1882. — Handbook of Georgia Criminal Law and Procedure. Svo. Macon, 1873. Practical Suggestions for the Management of Law-Suits, and conduct of Litigation both in and out of Court. Svo. Xew York, 1875. Conduct of Lawsuits out of and in Court ; being a new edition of " Practical Suggestions." Svo. Boston, 1885. Keed (P. MeCobb). The Bench and Bar of Wisconsin. History and Biography ; with portrait illustrations. Svo. Milwaukee, 1882. Keese (John J.), M.D. Text-Book of Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology. Svo. Philadelphia, 1884. ■ (editor). Taylor's Medical Jurisprudence. Reese (W. B.j, editor. Heiskell's Tennessee Ileports. vols. 5 and 11. Reese (William M.). Manual for Ordinaries, Executors, Administrators and Guardians in the State of Georgia. Svo. Philadelphia, 1858. Reeve (Tapping-). Law of Baron and Femme, of Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Master and Servant. Svo. New Haven, 1816. ■ [Same.] 3d ed. By A. J. Parker and Chas. E. Bald- win. Svo. Albany, 1867. [Same.] Law of Husband and Wife, etc. 4th ed. Bv James W. Eaton, Jr. Svo. Albany, 1888. Treatise on the Law of Descents, in the several States. Svo. New York, 1825. Reeves (John). Considerations on the Coronation Oath. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1801. [Pam., vol. 41.] 120 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Reeves i^Joliu). History of the English Law, from the time of the Romans to the end of the Reign of Ehzabeth. Kew ed. B}^ W. F. Finlason. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1869. [Same.] American ed. 5 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1880. History of the Law of Shipping and Navigation. Svo. London, i71*2. Reeves (R. W. C). Remarks on the Irish Fishery Acts. Svo. Dublin. 1863. [Pam., vol. 41.] Reflections on the Law, Law vers, etc. Svo. London, 1759. [Pam.. vol. 44.] Regiaiii 3Iajestatem. See Skene (Sir John). Regicides (The Twenty-nine). Indictment, Arraignment, Tryal, and Judgment at large, of the Murtherers of His Most Sacred Majesty King Charles the First. Svo. Lon- don, 1724. Register of Debates in Congress (Gales & Seaton), 1824r-1833. 15 vols., Svo. Washington. Registers. Extracts from the Register Bill; with Xotes, explanatorv of the Mode of Registration. Svo. London, 1831. [Pam., vol. 25.] Letter to a Member of Parliament on the proposed Register Bill. Svo. London, 1831. [Pam., vol. 25.] Reasons against County Registers. Small 4to. Lon- don, 1653. [Pam., vol. 35.] Reasons for a Registrv [of Purchases and Mortgages of Lands]. Small 4to. London, 1678. [Pam.. vol. 35.] Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. See Record Commission. Registriiin omnium Brevium, tam Originalium, quam Judi- cialium, correctum et emendatum ad vetus exemplar manu- scriptum. Folio. Londini, 1595. [Same.] Editio 4'*. Cum libro Simonis Theloall : Le Digest des Briefs. Folio. London, 16S7. Regiiarcl (Edouard). De TOrganisation Judiciaire et de la Procedure Civile en France. Svo. Paris, 1S55. Regula Placitandi. See Tremaine (J.). Reid (S. C, Jr.). Report of the Case of the Brig "Gen. Armstrong." Svo. Xew York, 1857. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 721 Reilly (Sheriff Bernard). Proceedings against, before the Grovernor; Charges, Testimony, etc. 8vo. New York, 1879. Reilly (Francis S.). Albert Arbitration. Lord Cairns' Decisions. Svo. London, 1872-5. European Assurance Arbitration. Lord AVestbury's Decisions. 8vo. London, 1873. Judicial Oaths. 8vo. London, 1857. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Provisions of the Foreign Enlistment Act relating to Ships. 8vo. London, 1863. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Reinliard (Charles de). Trial of, for Murder committed in the Indian Territories. Reported by Wm. S. Simpson. Svo. Montreal, 1819. Remarkable Trials and Notorious Characters. By Capt. L. Benson. 12ino. London, [1873]. Remarkable Trials of all Countries ; with Notes, Speeches of Counsel, etc. Vol. 1, compiled by Thos. Dunphy and T. J. Cummins. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1867-82. Remarks on Criminal Law, with a Plan for an improved System, etc. Svo. London, 1834. Remsen (Daniel S.). Intestate Succession in the State of New York. 12mo. New York, 1886. [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. New York, 1890. Renautl (Achilles). Das Becht der Actiengesellschaften. 2. Ausg. Svo. Leipzig, 1875. Das Becht der Command itgesellschaf ten. Svo. Leip- zig, 1881. Das Becht der Stillen Gesellschaften, herausgegeben von Paul Laband. Svo. Heidelberg, 1885. Renouard (Augnstin C). Traite des Droits d'Auteurs dans la Litterature, les Sciences et les Beaux-Arts. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1838-9. Repertoire General des Causes Celebres, anciennes et modernes, par De B. Saint-Edme. 1*" Serie. 4 vols., Svo. Paris, 1S34-5. [Same.] 2*^ Serie. 5 vols., Svo. Paris, 1834-5. [Same.] 3« Serie. 4 vols., Svo. Paris, 1S34-5. [Same.] Livraisons coraplementaires. 2 vols., Svo. Paris, 1835. 46 722 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Repertoriuin Juridicum. General Index to all the Cases in Law and Equity, etc. Bv T. E. Tomlins. 8vo. Lon- don, 17S8. Repertory of Patent Inventions. 12 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1843-8. Report of the Commission for the Settlement of Claims be- tween the United States and Great Britain under the Con- vention of 1853. 8vo. Washington, 1856. Report of the Committee on Public Expenditures upon the Xew York Custom-House ; with Testimony. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1867. [39th Cong., 2d Sess. House. Kept., no. 3<>.] Reporter (The). Conducted by R. Sutton and other Re- porters of the United States Senate. 4 vols., roy. 8vo. Washington, 1865-7. Reporter (The). Yols. 5-25; being a continuation of the Law anil Equity Reporter, vols. 1-4, and the American Law Times Reports, New Series, vols. 1-4. 21 vols., 8vo. Boston and Xew York, 1878-88. [Only 19 numbers, 608 pages, of vol. 25 published.] Digest, vols. 1-17; and of the American Law Times Re- ports, vols. 1-4. By Howard Ellis. 8vo. Boston, 1886. Reporters (The), arranged and characterized ; with inci- dental remarks. By John W. Wallace. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. [Same.] 4th ed. By F. F. Heard. Svo. Boston, 1882. Reports and Cases of Practice in the Court of Common Pleas. Folio. London, 1742. Reports of Cases in the several Courts of Law and Equity, in England, during the year 1839. Jurist edition. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1840. Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery, England, 1625- 1710. 3d ed. 3 vols, in 1, folio. London, 1736. Reports temp. Hardwicke. See Hardwicke. Repp (TliorL Oudm.). Historical Treatise on Trial by Jury, AVager of Law, etc., formerly in use in Scandinavia and in Iceland. Svo. Edinburgh, 1832. Restell (Madame). Trial of, for Manslaughter. See Loh- man (Caroline). Reus y Garcia (Jose). Codigo de Comercio Comentado. 2 vols., 8vo. Madrid, 1886. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 723 Kevemie, Civil, and Criminal Reporter, Bengal. 4 vols., Svo. Calcutta, 1860-8. Revenue, Judicial, and Police Journal. .") vols., Svo. Cal- cutta, 1863-5. Revievr of the Laws of the Uniteil States, the British Prov- inces, and West Indies, etc. Svo. London, 1790, Revillout (Eug-ene). Les Obligations en Droit Egyptien; suivies d'un Appendice sur le Droit de la Chaldee, par Victor et Eugene Eevillout. Roy. Svo. Paris, 1886. Revista Forense Cliileiia. Tomo l^-O". fi vols., Svo. Santiago de Chile, 1885-90. Revolutionary Claims. Laws, etc., relating to Pay, Bounty Lands, and other promises made by Congress. Svo. Washington, 1838, Revue Bi-Mensuelle de Legislation, de Jurisprudence, etc. 8 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1877-84. Revue Critique de Legislation et de Jurisprudence ; l''-20^ annee. 37 vols., Svo. Paris, 1851-70. Nouvelle Serie. 2l'-36'^ annee. 1«) vols., Svo. Paris, 1871-87. Table Analytique, 1S51-1859. Svo. Paris, 1860. Tables Decennales, 1860-1881. 2 vols,, Svo, Paris, Revue Critique de Legislation et de Jurisprudence du Can- ada. Tome 1-3. 3 vols,, Svo, Montreal, 1871-5. Revue de Droit International et de Legislation Com- parer Tome 1-22, 22 vols,, Svo, Paris, Gand et Bru- xelles, 1869-91. Revue de la Reforine Judiciaire. Y-^" annee, 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1885-7, Revue de Legislation et de Jurisprudence, Par S, Leli- evre et F, R, Angers. l'^''-3*' vol. 3 vols,, Svo. Mon- treal, 1845-8. Revue Generale du Droit, de la Legislation et de la Juris- prudence. 11 vols., Svo. Paris, 1877-87. Revue Generale du Droit et des Sciences Politiques. Svo. Bucarest, 1886-7. Revue Internationale du Droit Maritime, 6 vols., Svo. Paris, 1885-90. V24 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Keviie Legale. Ilecueil de Jurisprudence et d' Arrets. Vol. 1-20. 20 vols., 12mo. Montreal, 1869-90. Reynaert (Aiiguste). Histoire de la Discipline Parlemen- taire. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1884. [Bibliotheque Interna- tionale et Diplomatique, vols. 9-10.] Reynoltls (Dexter). Treatise on the Law of Life Assurance. 8vo. Albany, 1853. Reynolds (R. O.), reporter. Mississippi Reports, vols. 40-42. Reynolds (William). Digest of the Law of Evidence as established in the LTnited States, adapted from the Enghsh work of James Fitzjames Stephen. Ifimo. Chicago, 1879. — [Same.] 2d ed. 16ino. Chicago, 1888. Theor}^ of the Law of Evidence as established in the United States, and of the Conduct of the Examination of Witnesses. 12mo. Chicago, 1883. ■ [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. C^iicago, 1890. Rhees (William J.). Manual of Public Libraries, Institu- tions, and Societies, in the United States, and British Prov- inces of Korth America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1859. Rhode Island : Reports. Angell & Durfee. 1828-1851. 1 R. I. 1 vol. Durfee. 1850-1853. 2 R. I. 1 vol. Knowles. 1853-1856. 3 R. I. 1 vol. Ames. 1854-1863. 4-7 R. I. 4 vols. Ames, Knowles & Bradley. 1861-1867. 8 R. I. 1 vol. Tobey. 1868-1874. 9-10 R. I. 2 vols. Green. 1868-1890. 11-16 R. L 6 vols. Index to Decisions. 1874-1890. 34 parts. Digests. Clapp. Index. 1828-1877. 1 vol. Clapp. Index-Digest 1828-1887. 1 vol. Statutes. Proceedings of the First General Assembly of " the Incor- poration of Providence Plantations," and the Code of Laws adopted by that Assembly in 1647 ; with Notes, historical and explanatory, by William R. Staples. 8vo. Providence, 1847. Acts and Laws of His Majestie's Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations in America ; with the Char- ter granted by His Majesty King Charles II. Folio. Boston, 1719. [Imperfect.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 725 Rhode Island : Statutes. — Continued. Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations in America, 1663-1729. [With Charter.] Folio. Printed by James Franklin. Newport, 1730. [With additional Session Laws of 1730 and 1731.] Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence- Plantations in I^ew-England in America, 1663-1745. [With Charter.] Folio. Newport, printed by the Widow Franklin, 17-1:4. Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, from 1745 to Anno 1752. Folio. Printed by J. Franklin. Newport, 1752. Acts and Laws of the English Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence-Plantations. [Revision.] Folio. Printed by Samuel Hall. Newport, 1767. Acts and Laws of the English Colony of Rhode-Island and Providence-Plantations, made and passed since the Re- vision in June, 1767. Folio. Printed by Solomon South- wick. Newport, 1772. Acts called Schedules. Folio. Session. May, June, Sept. , Oct May, June, Aug., Oct May, Aug. , Oct. , Dec May, Aug., Oct. May, June, Aug Oct., Dec April, May, June (3) Aug. , Oct Jan., Feb., March May, June, July Aug., Sept., Oct Nov., Dec. (2) Feb., March (3), April May (3), June, July , Aug., Sept.. Oct., Dec. (2).. Feb., March, May (3) June, Sept., Oct., Dec... . Jan. , Feb. , May, June Aug., Sept., Oct., Dec Feb., March, May, June . . . July (3), Sept., Oct., Nov.. . Jan., Feb., March, May (2) July, Aug., Oct., Dec. .' Jan., Feb., May, June , Aug., Oct. , Nov Feb., May, June Oct., Dec Feb., May, June , Date. 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1774 1775 1775 1776 1776 1776 1776 1777 1777 1777 1778 1778 1779 1779 1780 1780 1781 1781 1783 1783 1783 1783 1784 Session. Aug., Oct Feb. , May, June Aug., Oct Feb., March, May, June Aug., Oct. (2), Dec March, May, June Sept., Oct Feb , March. May June, Oct. , Dec March, May, June Sept., Oct. (3) Jan., May, June Sept., Oct Feb., May, June, Oct. . . Feb., May, June Aug., Oct Feb., May, June, Oct... Feb.. March, May, Oct.. Jan., May, June, Oct . . . Feb., May, June, Oct. .. Feb. , May, June Oct., Dec Jan., May, June, Oct. . . Feb. , May, June, Oct. . . Feb. , May, June, Oct. . . Feb., May, June, Oct Feb., May, June, Oct. . . Feb. , May (3), Oct Date. 1784 1785 1785 1786 1786 1787 1787 1788 1788 1789 1789 1790 1790 1791 1792 1793 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1803 1803 726 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Rhode Island : Acts called Schedules. Folio.— Continued. Session. Date. Skssiox. Date. Feb., May, June, Oct 1804 Feb Mav June Oct 1805 Feb., May, June July, Oct" 1812 1812 Feb.', Mav! June! Oct 1806 Feb., MaV, June, Oct 1807 J\'b., May, June, Oct 1808 Feb., March, Mav 1809 June, Oct ■. 1809 Feb., May, June, Oct 1810 Feb., May, June, Oct 1811 Feb., May, June, Oct Feb., May, June Sept., Oct Feb., May, June, Oct Feb., May, June, Oct Feb., Juue 1813 1814 1814 1815 1816 1817 Acts called Schedules. 8vo. Session. Datk. Session. Date. 1818 1821 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1830 1837 May, June, Oct 1838 Oct May, June 1839 Jan May June Oct May, June Oct 1844 Jan., May (2), Oct Jan., May . . Jan May Oct 1845 Jan., May, June, Oct Jan., May, June, Oct Jan., May, June, Oct May, Oct Jan. , May, Oct 1846 May, June 1847 Jan., May, June, Oct Jan., May, June, Oct 1848 1849 Acts and Resolves. Session. Date. Session. Date. Jan., May, Aug., Oct Jan. , May, June, Oct Jan., May, June, Oct Jan., May, June Sept., Oct Jan., May, June, Oct Jan., May Jan., May Jan., May Jan., May Jan., May Jan., May Jan., April, May, Aug Jau. , May, Aug Jan May June ... 1850 1851 1852 1853 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 18G3 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 Jan , May 1870 Jan, Mav 1871 Jan . . May 1872 Jan., May 1873 Jan., May Jan., May Jan., May, Dec Jan., May Jan., April, May, June Jan May Nov 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 Jan., May, June 1880 Jan., May Jan., May Jan May 1881 1882 1883 Jan., May 1884 Jan May Jan . , May 1885 Jan.. Mav, June 1886 Jan., May Jan , Mav Jan., May Jan., May Jan. , May, July Jan., May June 1887 1888 Jan., May Jan., May 1889 1890 THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 721 Rhode Island : Public Laws. Date. Date. Date. Date. 1798-1813 1844-1846 1873-1878 Jan., 1885 1814-1817 1846-1848 Jan., 1879 May, 1885 1817-1819 1848-1851 May, 1879 Jan., 1886 1819-1821 1851-1853 Jan., 1880 May, 1886 1822-1835 1853-1855 May, 1880 Jan., 1887 1825-1827 1855-1857 June, 1880 May, 1887 1827-1829 1857-1859 Jan., 1881 Jan., 1888 1829-1831 1859-1861 Mav, 1881 May, 1888 1831-1833 1861-1863 Jan., 1882 Jan., 1889 1833-1835 1863-1865 May, 1882 May, 1889 1835-1837 1865-1867 Jan., 1883 July. 1889 1837-1839 1867-1869 May, 1883 Jan., 1890 •1839-1840 1869-1871 Jan., 1884 May, 1890 1840-1842 1871-1872 Mav, 1884 June, 1890 1885. Public Laws. Revised, 1798. [Same.] Supplement. 1810. Public Laws. Revised. 1822. Public Laws. Revised. 1844. Public Statutes. Revised. 1857. Public Statutes. Revised. 1872. Public Statutes. Revised. 1882. Index to Laws, 1758-1873. 3 vols. Miscellaneous. Bar. Memoirs of. (Updike.) 1842. [Same.] Reminiscences of. (Payne.) Bibliography. (Bartlett.) 1864. Common Law Practice. (IMason.) 188o. Constables. (Hitchcock.) 1889. Journal of Constitutional Convention. 1842. Records of the Colony. (Bartlett.) 1636-1792. 10 vols. Rhode Island in the Continental Congress. (Staples.) 1870. Sheriffs. (Hitchcock.) 1889. Town Government. (Foster.) 1886. Rliodes (A. L.). Digest of California Reports. 2 vols., Svo. San Francisco, 1882. Rhone (D. L.). Practice and Process in the Orphans' Courts of Pennsylvania. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883, Riberi (Luigi). Dizionario di Amministrazione Italiana. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Torino, 1884. Ribton (William). New Trials in Criminal Cases. London, 1853. [Pam., vol. 37.] 8vo. 728 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Ricardo (^Johu L.j. Anatomy of the Navigation Laws, svo. London, 184t. KicarcUis de Cirencestria. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Ricci (Feriiand). Des Eflfets de I'Extradition. 8vo. Paris, 1880. Rice (Clinton). Manual of the United States Bankruptcy Act. 8vo. Washington, 1867. U. S. Bankrupt Law, arranged. Svo. New York, 1867. Rice (David H. and Lepine C). Digest of Decisions of Law and Practice in the Patent Office, 1869-1880. 8vo. Boston, 1880. Rice (William). Digest of South Carolina Reports. 2 vols., 8vo. Charleston, 183S. Digested Index of the Statute Law of South Carolina. Svo. Charleston, 1838. Reports of Cases at Law, Court of Appeals and CJourt of Errors of South Carolina, 1838-1839. Svo. Charleston, 1839. Reports of Cases in Chancery, Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, 1838-1839. Svo. Charleston, 1839. Richard of Cirencester. See Chronicles, etc.. of Great Britain. Richards (Franklin S.). Plea for Religious Liberty and the Rights of (Conscience. Argument in the U. S. Supreme Court in tlie Case of Lorenzo Snow v. The United States, Svo. Washington, 1886. [Pam., vol. 34.] Richardson (Charles A.) and Hook (Alfred J.). Amer- ican Street-Raihvav Decisions, 1841-1860. Svo. Brooklvn, 1890. Ricliardson (J. S. G.). Reports of Cases at Law, Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, 1844-1868. 15 vols., Svo. Columbia and Charleston, 1845-69. Reports of Cases in Chancery, Court of Appeals of South Carolina, 1831-1832. Svo. Charleston, 1853. Reports of Cases in Equitv, Court of Appeals and Court of Errors of South Carolina, 1844-1868. 14 vols., Svo. Columbia and Charleston, 1 845-69. ■ Reports, Supreme Court of South Carolina, 1S6S-187S. 10 vols., Svo. Columbia, 1871-9. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 729 Richardson (Robert). Attorney's Practice in the Court of King's Bench. 5th ed. 2 vols', 8vo. London, 1769. [Same.] 6th ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1776. Law of Testaments and Last Wills. 2d ed. Svo. Lon- don, 1769. Richardson (Robert H.). Treatise on Solicitors' Book- keeping by Double Entry. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1885. Richardson (William A.), Information concerning the Public Debt of the United States; with the National Bank- ing Laws. Svo. Washington, 1872. (editor). U. S. Kevised Statutes. Supplement. (reporter). U. S. Court of Claims Reports, vol. 18. Richardson (^William M.) and Woodbury (Levi), report- ers. Xew Plampsliire Reports, vol. 2. Richey (Alexander G.). The Irish Land Laws. 12mo. London, 1880. Richland County (Ohio) Bar Association. Constitution, By-Laws and Fee Bill. 12nio. Mansfield, 1888. Richmond (Ya.) Bar Association. Annual Reports, Char- ter, Constitution, etc. Svo. Richmond, 1888. Rickards (A. G.). See Clifford and Rickards' Locus Standi Reports. Rickards (A. G.) and Michael (M. J.). Locus Standi Re- ports. Cases decided by the Court of Referees on Private Bills in Parliament, 1885-1889. Svo. London, 1891. Rickards (Georg*e K.), editor. Pickering's English Statutes at Large, vols. 99-109. Riddell (John). Tracts, Legal and Historical, chiefly rela- tive to Scotland. Svo. Edinburgh, 1835. Riddle (Daniel S.~). Law and Practice in Proceedings Sup- plementary to Execution under the New York Code. Svo. New York, 1876. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1882. [Same.] 3d ed. Bv D. S. Riddle and E. F. Bullard. Svo. New York, 1886.' See Baker (J. F.). Supplement to Riddle's Treatise. 1877. 7ao CATALOG Z^E OF THE LIBRARY OF Ridge way (William). Report of Proceedings in Cases of High Treason at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, August and Sept., ISOo. Svo. Dublin, 1803. Report of Proceedings in Cases of High Treason at Dub- hn. Svo. Dubhn, 1796. Reports, Courts of King's J^ench and Chancery. Eng- land, temp. Hardwicke, 1733-174.5. Svo. Dublin, 1794. ■ Reports of Cases upon Ap})eals and Writs of Error, High Court of Parliament, Ireland, 1784-1796. 3 vols., Svo. Dubhn, 1795-8. Ridgeway (William), Lapp (William) and Schoales (Joliii). Irish Term Reports; or. Reports of Cases in tlu' King's Courts, Dublin, 1793-1795. Svo. Dublin, 1796. Ridley iSir Thomas). View of the Civile and Ecclesiasticall Law. i>d ed. Small 4to. Oxford, 1634. Rielil ( Anton ). Das Allgemeine Biirgerliche Gesetzbucli erlautert. 2. Auflage. 4 vols., Svo. AVien, 1SS3. Riel (Louis ). Trial of. for High Treason. Svo. Ottawa, iss»;. Rig'g'e (John). Observations on the Statutes for Registering Deeds ; Avith a Collection of Cases upon tiie operation and intent of those Statutes. Svo. London, 1798. Riker (James). Harlem (City of Xew York); its Origin and Early Annals; Sketches of Numerous Families, etc. ; and the recovered Historv of the Land-Titles. Svo. Xew York, 1881. Riley (William). Reports, Court of Appeals of South Caro- lina, 1836-1837. ± vols, in 1. Svo. Charleston, 1860. Riner (J. A.), reporter. Wyoming Reports, vol. 2. Ringgold (James T.). Index to Maryland Decisions, 1658- 1885. Svo. Baltimore, 1886. Ripley (W. R. ). Law of Tithes. Svo. London, 1846. Ripley (War\vick H. ). Analytical Digest and Index of In- diana Decisions. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Indianapolis, 1883. Rishanger (W.). Chronica et Annales. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Ritchie (John W.). Nova Scotia Equity Decisions, 1873- 18S2. Edited bv Benj. Russell and S.'A. Chesley. Svo. Halifax, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAB. 731 Ritchie (Thomas, Jr.). Trial of, for Killing John H. Pleas- ants in a Duel. 8vo. New York, 18i6. Ritso (Frederick). Introduction to the Science of the Law. 8vo. London, 1815. Ritsoii (Josepli). Jurisdiction of the Court Leet. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1810. Practical Points, or Maxims, in Conveyancing. By a late eminent Conveyancer. Added, Critical Observations on a T>eQ(\, by Ritson. od ed. 8vo, London, 1826. Rives i^Georg-e L.). Torts under the Code. 8vo. New Vork, 1885. [Pam., vol. 31.| Rivier (Alplioiise). Introduction llistorique au Droit Ko- main. Nouvelle ed. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1881. Traite Elementaire des Successions a Cause de Mort en Droit Romain. Svo. Bruxelles, 1878. Riviere (H. F.). Codes Francais et Lois Usuelles. 7" ed. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1881. Rivista Critica delle Scienze Giuridiche e SociaH. Anno 1-3. 3 vols., Svo. Roma, 1883-5. Rivista Italiaiia par le Scienze Giuridiche. Vol. l-l(i. lo vols., 8vo. Roma, 1886-90. Rob Roy (The). Admiralty Proceedings before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. 8vo. Hartford. 18(;o. Robards (Cliarles L. ). Synopses of Decisions of the Su- preme Court of the State of Texas, rendered upon applica- tions for Writs of Habeas Corpus, original and on appeal, arising from restraints by conscript and other militar}^ au- thorities, during the Terms in 1862-64, and the Galveston Term, 1865. Svo. Austin, 1865. Robards (Cliarles L.) and Jackson (A. M.), reporters. Texas Reports, vols. 26-27. Robards (Williain A.), reporter. Missouri Rei)orts, vols. 12-13. Robb (James B.). Collection of Patent Cases decided in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States to 1850. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1854. Robbiiis (Leopold G. G.). Settled Land Statutes. Svo. London, 1882. 732 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Robert (Henry 31.). Manual of Rules of Order for Delib- erative Assemblies. 12mo. Chicago, 1S90. Roberts (Daniel). Digest of Vermont Reports, 1789-1876. 8vo. Burlington, 1878. [Same.] Supplement, 1876-1888. 8vo. Burlington, 1889. Roberts (David). Treatise on Admiralty and Prize. ^\o. Xew York, 1869. Roberts (Ellis H. ). Xew York; the planting and the growth of the Empire State. 2 vols.. 12mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Commonwealths.] Roberts ( Percy i, reporter. Louisiana Annual Reports, vols. 29-31. Roberts (Samuel). Digest of Select British Statutes, in force in Pennsylvania. 2d ed. By Robt. E. Wright. 8vo. Philadelphia. 18^7. Roberts (Thomas A.). Principles of the High Court of Chancerv ; and the Powers and Duties of its Judges. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1858. [L. L.. vol. 96.] [Same.] Principles of Equity, od ed. 8vo. London, 1877. Roberts (Walworth H. ) and AA allaee (George). Duty and Liabihty of Employers. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1885. Roberts (AA^illiam). Treatise on the Construction of the Statutes relating to Voluntary and Fraudulent Conveyances. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807. [Same.] 3d Am. ed. 8vo. Burlington, 1845. Treatise on the Law of Wills and Codicils. 1st Amer- ican ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Exeter. 1823. Treatise on the Statute of Frauds. 8vo. London, 1805. [Same.] 2d American ed. Svo. Hartford. 1823. Robertson (Alexander). Lectures on the Government, Constitution, and Laws of Scotland. Svo. London. 1878. Robertson (Andrew). Digest of all the Reports published in Lower Canada to ls63. 8vo. Montreal, 1864. Robertson ('Anthony L.). Reports, Superior Court. City of New York, 1863-1868. 7 vols., svo. Albany, 1867-9. THE ASSOCIATIOX OF THE BAR. 733 Robertson (Charles). Report of the Auchterarder Case; the Earl of Kinnoul and the Rev. R. Young vs. The Pres- bytery of Auchterarder. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1838. Robertson (Daniel T.), reporter. City Court Reports, vol. 1. Robertson (David). Debates in the Virginia C-onvention, 1788. 2d ed. 8vo. Richmond, 1805. Robertson (David), of the Middle Temple. Reports of Cases on Appeal from Scotland, decided in the House of Peers, 1707-1727. 8vo. London, 1807. Treatise on the Rules of the Law of Personal Succession. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. — [Same.] [L. L., vol. 12.] Robertson (Erasnms). Law of Legitimation by subsequent Marriage. 8vo. London, 1829. Robertson (George M.). Sandwich Island Reports. See Hawaiian Reports, vol. 1. Robertson (Henry). Handbook of Bankers' Law. ith ed. By ^N. D. Thorburn. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1881. Robertson (John B.). Trial of, for attempting to Poison his Wife. 8vo. Rochester, 1858. [Pam. Tr., vol. 5.] Robertson (John E. P.). Enghsh Ecclesiastical Reports, 1844-1853. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1850-3. [Only 3 parts, 648 pages, of vol. 2 published.] Robinson (Benjamin C). Law of Warrants of Attorney, Cognovits, and Consents to Judges' Orders for Judgment. 12mo. London, 1844. Robinson (Sir Christopher). Collectanea Maritima; be- ing a Collection of Public Instruments, etc., tending to illustrate the History and Practice of Prize Law. 8vo. London, 1801. Reports, High Court of Admiralty, England, 1798-1808. 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1806-8 [Same.] American reprint. 6 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia and Kew York, 1800-10. Robinson (Christopher), reporter. Upper Canada Prac- tice Reports, vols. 2, 3. Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports, Old Series, vol. 6. Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports, New Series, vols. 14-46. 734 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Robinson i Christ oplier) and Joseph (F. J. i. Digest of Ontario Repoi'ts. 2 vols., Svo. Toronto, 1880. . [Same.] Supplement. 8vo. Toronto, 1884. Robinson ( Conway i. History of the High Court of Chan- cery and other Institutions of England. Vol. 1. 8vo. Richmond, 1882. ■ Principles and Practice of Courts of Justice in England and the United States. 7 vols., 8vo. Richmond. 185-1-74. Reports, Supreme Court of Appeals, etc., of Virginia, 1842-1844. 2 vols., 8vo. Richmond, 1843-4. — See also Barton (R. T.i. Practice. 1877, Robinson (EclAvard I.t, editor. Xevada Reports, vol. 1. Robinson (Elijah). Atlas of the City of Brooklyn. Folio. Xew York. 1886. Atlas of the Citv of New Yoik. 4 vols., folio. Xew York, 1883-84. ■ Atlas of the City of Xew Yoi'k. Folio. 1885. Atlas of the City of Xew York lying South of Four- teenth St. Folio. Xew York, 1881. ' ■ Atlas of the City of Yonkei^s. Folio. Xew York, 1889. Atlas of the 12th "SVard, City of Xew York. Folio. Xew York. 1880. Atlas of the 16tli. l^th. 20th and 21st Wards, City of Xew York. Folio. Xew York, 1880. Atlas of the 22d "Ward. City of XeAv York. Folio. Xew York, 1889. -Atlas of the 23d Ward, City of Xew York. l\1 ed. Foho. Xew York, 1887. Atlas of the 24th Ward, City of Xew York. 2d ed. P'olio. Xew York, 1888. Certified Copies of Important Maps of AYards 8. 17, 18, 21-2.5, of the Citv of Brooklyn, on file in the Register's ( )ffice. Folio. Xew York, 1889. — Important Maps, 23d and 24th Wards, Xew York City, filed in the Registers Office at White Plains. Folio. Xew York. 1>>><8. — Real Estate Atlas of Part of 1 2th Ward, City of Xew York, between 86th and llltli Streets. Folio. Xew York, 1889. — [Same.] Between 114th and 138th Streets. Folio. Xew York, 1890. THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAR. 735 RobiiDson (Frederic). See Mood}^ (W.) and Robinson's English Nisi Prius Reports. Robinson (George). Reports, House of Lords, on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1840-1841. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1840-2. See Maclean (C. H.j and Robinson's Scotch Appeal ( 'ases. Robinson (H. L.). Negotiable Paper in West Virginia, svo. Philadelphia, 1890. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Robinson (Henrietta). Life and Trial of. By D. Wilson. 12mo. New York, 1855. Robinson (James L.). Reports of Points of Practice, etc., determined in Chambers, Courts of Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, Canada, 1848-1853. 2 vols., 12nio. To- ronto, 1851-3. (reporter). Upper Canada Practice Reports, vol. 1. Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports, Old Series, vols. 1-5. Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports, New Series, vols. 3-13. Robinson (James L.) and Harrison (R. A.). Digest of Upper Canada Reports. 8vo. Toronto, 1852. Robinson (John). Dictionary of Law and other Terms, commonly employed in the Courts of Bengal. In English and Bengalee. sVo. Calcutta, 1860. Robinson (Lelia J.). Law made Easv. 8vo. Chicago, 1886. Law of Husband and Wife. 12mo. Boston, 1890. Robinson (M. S.). Treatise on the Law of Marriage and Divorce. 12mo. Chicago, 1884. Robinson (Merritt M.). Reports, Supreme Court of Louisi- ana, 1841-1846. 12 vols.. Svo. New Orleans, 1842-6. (reporter). Louisiana Annual Reports, vols. 1-4. Robinson (Peter). Trial of, for Murder. Sv<>. New York, 1841. Robinson (R.). Anticipations under the Commonwealth of Changes in the Law. 8vo. London, 1869. [Jur. Soc, Papers, vol. 3.] 736 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF Robinson (Sarah Jane). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Bos- ton. ISSS. Robinson (Sir Thomas), Bart. Book of Special Entries. Folio. London, 16S4. Robinson (Thomas), of Lincoln's Inn. Common-Law of Kent ; or. The Customs of Gavelkind. 3d ed. By J. Wil- son. 8vo. London, 1822. Robinson (Todi, reporter. California Reports, vol. 38. Robinson ( William i. Reports. High Court of Admiralty, Eno-land. l^o^-lSoo. 3 vols.. Svo. London, 1S44-5U. Robinson (^AVilliam C). Elementar}' Law. 12mo. Bos- ton, 1882. Law of Patents. 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1890. Robinson (William G. ). Concise View of the Law relating to the Priority of Incumbrances, and of other Rights in Property. Svo. London. 1873. Robson (George Y. i. Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy. 2d ed. Svo. London. IS 72. Treatise on the Law of Private Arrangements with Creditoi-s. Svo. London, 1SS8. Roby (Henry J. i. Introduction to the Study of Justinian's IJigest ; with a full Commentary on one title : De Usu- fructu. Svo. Cambridge, ISSl. De L^sufructu : Justiniani Digestorum lib. vii., tit. 1 ; edited with a legal and philological Commentary. Svo, Cambridge, 1886. Rocei ( Francesco ). ^lanual of Maritime Law. Translated from the Latin of Roccus, with Xotes bv J. R. IngereoU. Svo. Philadelphia, 1809. Roche (H. P.). Marine Jurisdiction in time of Peace. Svo. London, 1S5S. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Roche ( W. 31. ), editor. Oliver's Shipping Law Manual. Rochester (X. Y.). Proceedings to acquire Water Right by the City of Rochester. 2 vols., Svo. 1885. Rockwell (John A.). Compilation of Spanish and Mexican Law in relation to Mines, and Titles to Real Estate, in force in California, Texas and Xew Mexico. Yol. 1. Svo. Xew York, 1S51. THE ASSOCIATION- OF THE BAB. 737 Koduiau (Joliiij. Commercial Code of France. 8vo. [New York], 1814. Kodinaii (John), reporter. Kentucky Reports, vols. 78-82. Rod well (H.)* See Pigott (G.) and Rod well's Registration Appeals Cases. Roe (Edward T.). Criminal Procedure of United States Courts. 8vo. Chicago, 1887. Treatise on Preliminary Proceedings in the Courts of the United States ; a Manual for U. S. Commissioners. 8v^o. Springfield, 1874. Roe ( William T.). Treatise on the Law of Elections, relat- ing to England, Scotland and Ireland. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1818. Roger ( Avigustiii) and Sorel (Alexandre ). C'odes et Lois Usuelles. Royal 8vo. Paris, 1877. Rogers (Abiier, Jr.). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Rogers (Ainiiii). Trial of, for Procuring an Abortion. 8v^o. New London, 1820. Rogers (Arundel). Law relating to Mines, Minerals, and Quarries. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1870. Rogers (Daniel). New York City Hall Recorder ; contain- ing Reports of the most interesting Trials and Decisions in the various Courts of Judicature for the Trial of Jury Causes in the Hall. 6 vols., 8vo. New York, 1817-22. Rogers (Francis N.). Law and Practice of Elections, Elec- tion Committees, and Registration. 9th ed. By Rogers and F. S. P. Wolferstan. 8vo. London, 1859. [Same.] 13th ed. By J. C. Carter. 8vo. London, 1880. Practical Arrangement of Ecclesiastical Law. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1849. Rogers (Henry W.). Constitutional History of United States as seen in the development of American Law ; being a Course of Lectures, by T. M. Cooley, H. Hitchcock, G. W. Biddle, Chas. A. Keiit, and D. H. Chamberlain. Intro- duction by Rogers. 8vo. New York, 1889. — Illinois Citations : An Alphabetical Table of English and American Cases cited in the Illinois Reports. 8vo. Chi- cago, 1881. 47 738 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Rogers (Henry W.). Law of Expert Testimony. Svo. St. Louis, 1883. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1891. On the Rebellion. 8vo. Butfalo, 1861. [Pam., vol. 21.] Rogers (J. E. T.). Manual of Political Econom3\ 3d ed. 12mo. Oxford. 1876. Rogers (R. V., Jr.j. Drinks, Drinkers and Drinking ; or, The Law and History of Intoxicating Liquors. 12mo. Albany, 1881. The Law and Medical Men. 8vo. Toronto, 1884. Law of Hotel Life ; or, The Wrongs and Rights of Host and Guest. 12mo. San Francisco, 1879. [Legal Recrea- tions.] Wrongs and Rights of a Traveller. [Anon.] 8vo. Toi'onto, 1875. Rogers (Stephen). Can Chloroform be used to facilitate Robbery i 8vo. New York, 1871. [Pam., a^oI. 8.] Rogers (William). Changes of the Law effected by Lord St. Leonard's Act. 8vo. London, 1860. [Pam., vol. 41.] Roget (Peter M.V Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Xew ed. By J. L. Roget. 8vo. New York, 1879. Rogron (J. A.). Code de Commerce explique par ses motifs et par des exemples. 3^ ed. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1827. Rolle (Henrj'). Un Abridgment des plusieurs Cases et Reso- lutions del Common Lev. [With Preface bv Sir Matthew Hale.] 2 vols, in 1. Folio. London, 1668."^ Les Reports de divers Cases en le Court del' Banke le Roy, 161^1625. 2 vols., folio. London, 1675-6. Rollwagen (Frederick). AVill Case. Papers, Testimony, Proceedings on Ti-ial, Arguments, etc. 4 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874. Romilly (Henry). The Punishment of Death. 8vo. Lon- don,' 1886. Public Responsibility and Vote by Ballot. 8vo. Lon- don, 1867. [With Romilly on Punishment of Death.] Romilly (Sir Samnel). Life of, written by himself ; with a selection from his Correspondence. Edited by his Sons. 3d ed. 2vols., 12mo. London, 1842. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR, 739 Rouiilly (Sir Samviel). jS'otes of Cases, from the manu- scripts of Sir Samuel Romilly, 1767-1787 ; with ISTotes by Edward Eomill3^ 8vo. London, 1872. Observations on the Criminal Law of England, as it relates to Capital Punishments. 8vo. London, 1810. [Pam., vol. 37.] Roiiiie (Ludwig- voii). Das Staatsrecht der Preussischen Monarchie. \. Aufi. 4 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1881-4. Das Staats-Recht des Deutschen Reiches. 2. Aufl. 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1876-7. Roosevelt (Nicholas I.) vs. Cutting" (William), et al. Action for an Annuity against executors of Robert Fulton. 8vo. Kew York, 1823. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Roosevelt (Theodore). Gouverneur Morris. 16mo. Bos- ton, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] — Thomas Hart Benton. 3d ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Same.] (chairman). [Roosevelt Investigation.] State of Xew York. Report of Special Committee appointed to investi- gate the City and County of New York. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1884. [Assembly documents, nos. 125 and 153.] Root (James P.). Law of Corporations in the State of Illi- nois. 12mo. Chicago, 1872. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1888. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Cliicago, 1890. Root (Jesse). Rejjorts of Cases, Superior Court and Supreme Court of Errors, of Connecticut, 1789-1798. 2 vols., 8vo. Hartford, 1798-1802. Roper (R. S. D.). Treatise on the Law of Legacies. 2d American, from the 4tli London ed. By R. S. D. Roper and Henry H. White. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1848. Treatise on the Law of Property arising from the rela- tion between Husband and Wife. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1824. [Same.] By E. Jacob. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1841. ■ [Same.] [L. L., vols. 31, 32.] Treatise on the Revocation and Republication of Wills and Testaments; with Tracts on the Law of Baron and Feme. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. 740 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Rorer (^David). American Inter-Stute Law. Edited bv Levy Mayer. 6vo. Chicago. 187U. Treatise on the Law of Judicial and Execution Sales. Svo. Chicago, 1873. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Chicago, 1878. Treatise on the Law of Railwavs. 2 vols., Svo. Chi- cago, 1S81:. Ros Biosca (Jose M.). Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil, ano- tada. Svo. Valencia, 1876. Roscoe (Edward S.). Admiralty Eorms and Precedents. 12mo. London, 1S84. Cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Cape of Good Hope, 1861-67, 1871-72, 1877-78. 3 vols., Svo. Cape Town, 1885. Dio-est of Cases relatino' to the Construction of Build- ings. Liability and Rights of Architects, etc. 12mo. Lon- don, 1879. Digest of the Law of Light. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1886. Outlines of Civil Procedure. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1880. Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Practice of the Ad- miraltv Division of the High Court of Justice. 2d ed. Svo. Xondon, 1882. Roscoe (Henry). Digest of the Law of Evidence in Crim- inal Cases. 7th ed. B\' Jas. Fitzjaraes Stephen. Svo. London, 1868. [Same.] 10th ed. By H. Smith. Svo. London, 1S8L [Same.] 6th American ed. Bv Geo. Sharswood. Svo. Philadelphia, 1866. [Same.] 7th American ed. By Geo. Sharswood. Svo. Philadelphia, 1871. [Same.] Stli American ed. Bv Geo. Sharswood and F. L. Wayland. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, ISSS. Digest of the Law of Evidence on the trial of Actions at Nisi Prius. 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1834. [Same.] 13th ed. By J. C. Day and M. Powell. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1875. [Same.] 15th ed. By M. Powell. 2 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1884. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. V41 Roscoe (Henry). Digest of the Law relating to Bills of Ex- change, Promissory Notes and Bankers' Checks. 12mo, London, 1829. Digest of the Law relating to Offences against the Coin. 12mo. London, 1832. ■ Lives of Eminent British Lawyers. 2 vols., 12mo. Phila- delphia, 1841. Of Pleading the General Issue under the new Rules of the Courts of Westminster. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1845. [New L. L., vol. 1.] Treatise on the Law of Actions relating to Real Prop- erty. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. [Same.] [L. L., vols. 28, 29.] See Crompton (Chas.), Meeson (R.) and Roscoe's Eng- lish Exchequer Reports. Roscoe (William). Observations on Penal Jurisprudence, and the Reformation of Criminals. 8vo. London, 1819. Rose (George), of the Inner Temple. English Bankruptcy Cases, 1810-1816. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1821. Rose (George), Secretary of the Treasury vs. Williams (Wm.), et al. Action for a Libel. 8vo.' London, 1792. Rose (John). Will Case. See Dwight (Theo. W.). Rose (Samuel), editor. Comyns' English Reports. Rosenzweig (Jacob). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1871. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Ross (Denman W.). Early History of Land-Holding among the Germans. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Ross (George). Leading Cases in the Commercial Law of England and Scotland. Yol. 1 : Bills and Notes. — Vol. 2 : Contract of Sale. — Vol. 3 : Suretvship, Agency, Partner- ship and Insurance. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854-8. [L. L., vols. 82, 85, 99.] Treatise on the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Per- sonal Property. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. [L. L., vol. 12.] Rossi (P.). Traite de Droit Penal. Nouvelle ed. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1852. 742 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB E AMY OF Roth (Paul von). Geschichte des Beneficial wesens. 8vo. Erlangen, 1850. System des Deutschen Privatrechts. 3 vols., 8vo. Tu- bingen, 1880-6. Rothery (H. C). Judgments in Shipping Casualties, 1876- 80. By T. F. Squarey. 8vo. London, 1882. Ships' Lights, and the Hule of the Road. 8vo. Loudon, 1857. [Pam., vol. 42.] Kothwell (Andrew). Laws of the Corporation of the City of Washington. 8vo. Washington, 1833. Rotuli Chartaruni ; — Litterarum Clausarum et Patentium ; — Hundredorum ; — Scotise ; — Hibernise ; etc. See Record Commission. Rotuli Curiae Reg-is. 1195-99. Edited by Sir Francis Pal- grave. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1835. [Record Commission.] Rotuli Parlianientoruni. See Parliament. Rough Notes. A jVlonthly Journal of Insurance, etc. Yols. 12, 13. 4to. Kew York, 1889-91. Roulstone (George). Laws of the State of Tennessee, 1792- 1801. 8vo. Knoxville, 1803. Rouniania. ]\Iarriage and Divorce. (Wright.) 1889. Revue Generale de Droit et des Sciences Poli- tiques. 1886-7. Round (Oliver S.). Right to Light and Air ; being a sum- mary of the Law relating to Ancient Windows. 12rao. London, 1868. Summary of the Law of Lien. 12mo. London, 1863. Treatise on the English Law of Domicil. 12mo. Lon- don, 1861. Roupell (William). Trial of, for Forgery. 8vo. London, 1862. Rouse (John W.). Manual of the County Courts Equitable Jurisdiction. 12mo. London, 1865. Rouse (Rolla). Copyhold Enfranchisement Manual. 3d ed. svo. London, 1866. Precedents of Mortgages, Transfers of Mortgages, and Ql^JgV^O, ^.^.l.^^V^.^ V^^ ^.^.^^ VjjVV-V Conveyances of Mortgaged Property. 12mo. London, 1844. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 743 Rouse (Rolla). Remarks on Copyhold Enfranchisement. 8vo. London, 1839. [Pam., vol. ll.] (editor). Bateman's Law of Auctions. Roiith (Martin). La^y of Artistic Copyright. 12mo. Lon- don. 1881. Rowan (Archibald H.). Trial of, for Seditious Libel. 8yo. Dublin, 1T94. Rowe (Joshvia) ys. Brenton (William). Right to Min- erals in the Assessional Lands of the Duchy of Cornwall. Report of the Trial at Bar. By George Concanen. 8yo. London, 1830. Rowe (Richard R.). Reports of interesting Cases in the King's Law Courts of England and L'eland, the Houses of Parliament and Military Courts ; with a Treatise on Mar- tial Law. 8yo. Dublin, 182-4. Rowe (W. C). See Cockburn (A. E.) and Rowe's English Election Cases. Rowe (W. H.). Obseryations on tlie Rules of Descent. 8yo. London, 1803. (editor). Bacon's Reading upon the Statute of Uses. Rowell (Edward N.). Trial of, for the Murder of J. L; Lynch. 8yo. New York, 1884. Rowell (John W.), reporter. Vermont Reports, vols. 45-52. Rowlantl (David). Manual of the English Constitution. 8yo. London, 1859. Rowlett (John). Tables of Discount or Interest. 4to. Philadelphia, 1802. Royal British Bank. Trial of the Directors. Lea's un- abridged ed. 8yo. London, 1857. Royal Marriag-e-Act. Observations on, by a Barrister. 8yo. London, 1831. Royall (William L.). Digest of Virginia Decisions, con- tained in Grattan's Reports. 8vo. New York, 1873. Royce (Josiah). California ; from the Conquest in 1846 to the Second Vigilance Committee in San Francisco. A Study of American Character. 12mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Commonwealths.] 744 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Royle (William I. Laws relating to English and Foreign Funds, Shares, and Securities. The Stock Excliange ; its LTsaffes, etc. 8vo. London. IS 75. Riibensteiii ( Pasacli X. i. Trial of. for Murder. 8vo. New York. 1S7<'|. Riulorff (,A. A. F. i. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen uber das Geraeine Civilrecht. 2. Ausg. >vo. Berlin. 1S43. Kuegg (Alfred H. i. Student's '• Auxihum " to the Institutes of Justinian. 12mo. London. 1879. Treatise upon the Employers* Liability Act. 12mo. London, 1882. Kufflieacl lOweni. Statutes at Large from Magna Charta to 1789. 15 vols.. 4to. London. 1769-89. Riiiiin ( Thomas i, reporter. Hawks' Xorth Carolina Re- ])orts. vol. 1. Rufi'neri Jo.seplii. Tax Titles in Indiana, bvo. Richmond, 1880. ' Riiggles (Samuel B.i. Law of Burial: Report to the Supreme Court as Referee, in respect to compensation to owners of vaults in Cemeteries, and to relatives of indi- viduals buried in graves, disturbed by legal proceedings. 8vo. Albany. 1858. [Pam., vol. 23.] " Ruggles (Thomas I. The Barrister; or. Strictures on the Education proper for the Bar. [Anon.] 12mo. Dublin, 1792. [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1818. Kuiz Gomez i J. E. i. 2s ovisima Legislacion organica del Xotariado de las Islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico. 8vo. Malaga. 1874. Ruiz y Rodriguez iH. 31. i. Compilacion Reformada de las Dis-posiciones vigentes sobre el Enjuiciamiento Criminal. 8vo. Madrid, 1881. Tratado General de Procedimientos Criminales. 2 vols.. Svo. Madrid. 1877-8. Rule in Minot's Case. See Sargent (John O.). Rules aud Orders of the High Court of Chancery. 4th ed. 12mo. London. 1739. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 745 Rules of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Folio. London, 1883. Rules, Orders and Notices in the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster. Folio. London, 1742. Rules, Orders and Notices in the Court of King's Bench. Folio. London, 1742. RulofF (Edward H. ). Trial, and Execution of, for Murder. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871. Rumball (J. Q.). Letter to the Lord Chancellor, upon In- sanity. 2d eel. 8vo. London, 1843. [Pam., vol. 42.] Rumsey (Horace M.), editor. Shirley's Criminal Cases. Stephen on Malicious Prose- cution. Rumsey (William). Practice in Actions and Special Pro- ceedings in the Courts of Record of the State of New York, under the Code of Civil Procedure. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1887-90. Runnells (John S.), reporter. Iowa Reports, vols. 38-56. Runnington (Charles). English Statutes at Large. See Ruff head (Owen). History and Practice of the legal remedy by Ejectment, and the resulting action for Mesne Profits. 8vo. New o York, 1806. — (editor). Gilbert on Ejectment. Rush (Benjamin), M.D. Medical Inquiries and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind. 3d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. Rush (James B.). Trial of, for Murder, 8vo. London, 1849. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] Russell (Beiyamin) and Chesley (S. A.). Equity Deci- sions of Judge J. W. Ritchie, Province of Nova Scotia, 1873-1882. 8vo. Halifax, 1883. Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1875-1879. 3 vols., 8vo. Halifax, 1876-80. Russell (Benjamin) and Geldert (J. M., Jr.). Reports, Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 1879-1889. 9 vols., 8vo. Halifax, 1881-90. 746 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Russell (Francis). Treatise on the Power and Duty of an Arbitrator, and the Law of Submissions and Awards. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S49. [Same.] [L. L.. vol. 63.] [Same.] -ith ed. isvo. London, 1870. [Same.] fith ed. Ptoy. Svo. London, 1882. Russell (Jaiues). Reports of Cases. High Court of Chan- cery, England, 1823-1 s29. 5 vols., Svo. London, 1827-30. See Turner (Geo.) and Russell's English Chancery Re- ports. Russell (James) and Mylne (J. W.). Reports of Cases, High Court of Chancery. England, 1829-1833. 2 vols., Svo. London. 1832-7. Russell (John A. i. Treatise on Mercantile Agency. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1873. Treatise on the Laws relating to Factors and Brokers. Svo. Philadelphia. 1845. [L. L.. vol. IS.] (editor). Best on Evidence. Chitty on Contracts. Russell (Sir William O. ). Treatise on Crimes and Misde- meanors. By Russell, edited by C. S. Greaves. 5th Ameri- can ed. Bv Geo. Sharswood. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1845. [Same.] sth Amer. ed. 2 vols.. Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. [Same.] 9th Amer. ed. 3 vols.. Svo. Philadelphia, 18 I i Russell (Sir William O. i and Ryan (Edward). Crown Cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the Twelve Judges of England. 1800-1823. Svo. London, 1825. Russia. Code. Commissioners' Instructions. (TatischeflF.) 1768. Handelsgesetzbuch. (Von Schultz. ) 1851. International Jurisprudence. (Kachenovsky.) 1858. Marriage and Divorce. (Wright.) 1889. Patent Law. ('Abbott.) 1886. Prize Law. ('Kachenovsky.) 1867. Russian Embargo Case. See Atcheson (N.). Staatsrecht. (Engdmann.) 1889. Tribunal International. (Kamarowskv. ) 1887. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 747 Rust (C. D.). Xew York Code of Civil Procedure. 12rao, New York. Editions of 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890. New York Code of Criminal Procedure. 12mo. New York. Editions of 1887, 1889, 1890. New York Penal Code. 12mo. New York. Editions of 1886, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1891. Rutgers (Elizabeth) vs. Waddington (Joshua). Action of Trespass. Arguments, and Judgment of the Mayor's Court of the City of New York. 1794. Eeprinted, with an historical introduction, by Henry B. Dawson. 8vo. Morrisania, 1806. Rutherforth (Thomas). Institutes of Natural Law ; being the Substance of a course of Lectures on (Irotius De Jure Belli et Pacis. 2d American ed. 8vo. Baltimore, 1832. Rutherfurd (Henry). See Harrison (O. B. C) and Euther- furd's English Reports. Riittiniann (J.). Der Englische Civil Process mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Verfahrens der Westminster Rechts- hofe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1851. Ryan (E. H.). Questions on Roman Law. 12mo. London, 1884. Ryan (Edward). See Russell (Sir W. O.) and Ryan's Crown Cases Reserved. Ryan (Edward) and Moody (William). English Nisi Prius Reports, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, 1823-1826. 8vo. London, 1827. Ryan (George). Trial of, for Highway Robber3\ 8vo. Keene, 1811. Ryan (Michael), M.D. Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. 1st American ed. Bv R. E. Griffith. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. Ryan (Capt. Richard), et al. Trial of, by Court Martial, for fighting a Duel. Svo. London, 1811. Ryde (Edward and A. L.). Reports of Appeals heard before the "Court of General Assessment Sessions, 1871-1885. 4th ed. By W. C. Ryde. Svo. London, 1885. 748 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAEY OF Rylaiid (Archer). See Dowlin^ (Jas.) and Eyland's Eng- lish Magistrates' Cases ; — Mannino- (Jas.) and Eyland's Eng- lish Magistrates' Cases; — Manning (Jas.) and Eyland's King's Bench Eeports. Ryley (William). Pleadings in Parliament ; with the Judge- ments thereon, in the Eeigns of Edward I. and II. Folio. London, 1661. Rymer (Thomas). Foedera, Conventiones. etc.. 1101-16.53. 20 vols., folio. London, ITO-i-SS. See also Eecord Commission. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 749 s. Sabbeii (James T.) and Browne (J. H. B.). Handbook of Law and Lunacy, svo. London, 1ST2. Sacheverell (Rev. Henry j. Trial of, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Folio. London, 1710. Impartial Account of what passed most remarkable in Parliament ; Speeches of the Bishops of Salisbury and Oxford ; Speeches of the Bishops of Lincoln and Norwich ; Impartial Examination of the Speeches of the Bishops of Salisbury, Oxford, Lincoln, and Norwich ; Names of the Peers who protested against the Proceedings ; Collection of the Addresses presented to the Queen. Folio. London, ITIO. Sackersdorff (Otto). Map of the City of New York, show- ing the Streets, Avenues, Roads, Public Squares and Places laid out by the Board of Commissioners of Central Park. Folio. New York, 1872. Maps of Farms, commonly called the Blue Book, 1815. Drawn from the original on file in the Street Commis- sioner's Office in the City of New York ; with lines of Streets and Avenues laid out by John Randel, Jr., 1819- 1820. Re-published by E. Robinson. Folio. New York, 1887. Sackett (Frederick). Instructions and Requests for In- structions in Jurv Trials. 8vo. Chicago, 1881. [Same.] 2d ed. Revised by M. L. Newell. 8vo. Chicago, 1888 Sadler (L. R.). Forensic Anecdotes. By Jacob Larwood, [pseud.]. 12mo. London, 1882. Sainctelette (Charles). Accidents de Travail. Projet d'une Proposition de Loi. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1886. De la Responsabilite et de la Garantie. (Accidents de Transport et de Travail.) 8vo. Paris, 1884. Saint (John J. H.). Voters and their Registration. 12mo. London, 1885. Saint Albans Raid. Investigation into the Charges against Lieut. B. H. Young and Command. Compiled by L. N. Benjamin. 8vo. Montreal, 1865. 750 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Saint Aiiiaiid (George). Historical Essay on the Legisla- tive Power of England. 8vo. London, 1725. Saint Cliristopliei'o Acts of Assembly, passed in the Island, 1711-1735. Folio. London. 1739. " Saint Clair (Henry). United States Criminal Calendar. Svo. Boston, 1S35. Saint Clement's Church Case. To restrain the Yestry from dismissing- the Rector without a Trial. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1871. Saint-Germain (Christopher). Doctor and Student. 18th ed. By W. Muchall. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. [Same.] American ed. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1874. Saint Leonards (Lord). See Sugden (Sir Edward B.). Saint LiOuis (Mo. ). City Government of. (Snow.) 1887. Saint Louis Bar Association. Charter, Constitution, By- Laws, etc. 8vo. Saint Louis, 1888. Saint Louis La^v Library Association. Catalogue of Books. 8vo. St. Louis. 1870. [Same.] 8vo. St. Louis, 1881. Constitution and By-Laws. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. [Pam., vol. 32.] Saint Nicholas Club. Constitution, By-Laws, etc. 12rao. New York, 1881, 1882. [Pam., vol. 24.] — [Same.] 1886-7. 12mo. New Yoi'k, 1887. Saint Nicholas Society. Charter. Constitution and By- Laws. 12mo. New York, 1875. [Pam., vol. 24.] [Same.] 1881. 12mo. New York, 1881. Saint Paul (Minn.) Bar Association. Proceedings upon occasion of the Opening of the New Court House. 8vo. 1889. Saint Vincent. Laws of the Island and its Dependencies, from the first establishment of a Legislature to 18U9. Folio. Bridg- north, 1811. Laws, 1784-1878. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1884. Colonial Practice. (Shephard.) 1822. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 751 Sainte Croix (Felix R. de), translator. Staunton's Ta- Tsing-Leu-Lee, ou Code Penal de la Chine. 8ala (Jvian). El Litigante instruido, 6 El Derecho puesto al alcance de todos. 12mo. Mexico, 1843. Salainan (Joseph 8.). Treatise on Liquidation by Arrange- ment and Composition with Creditors. Svo. London, 18S2. Salkeld (William). Reports, Court of King's Bench, etc., England, 1689-1712. f>th ed. By L. MacXallv. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1791. [Same.] 6th ed. By W. D. Evans. 3 vols.. 8vo. London, 1795. Salkowski (Carl). Lehrbuch der Institutionen. 2. Auil. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875. Institutes and History of Roman Private Law. Trans- lated and edited by E. E. Whitfield. 8vo. London, 1886. Salmon (Thomas). Xew Abridgement and Critical Review of the State Trials. 2 vols, in 1. Folio. Dublin, 1737. Salt Lake City Bar Association. Articles of Incorpora- tion and By-Laws. 12mo. Salt Lake City, 1884. Saltern (George). Of the Antient Lawes of Great Britaine. Small Irto. London, 1605. Salvador (F. G.). Trial of, for Murdei'. Appeal Papers. 8vo. Xew York, 1866. Sampson (>I. B.). Criminal Jurisprudence considered in relation to Cerebral Organization. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1S43. [Same.] From the 2d London ed. With Notes and Illustrations by E. W. Farnham. 12mo. T^ew York, 1846. Sampson (William). Catholic Question in America : AV'hether a Roman Catholic Clergyman can be compelled to disclose the Secrets of Auricular Confession. Decided at the Court of General Sessions in the Citv of jSTew York, svo. ]^ew York, 1813. Discourse before the New York Histoi-ical Society on the Common Law ; and Correspondence upon the History of the Law ; with several essays, tracts, and documents, relating to the subject. Compiled by Pishey Thompson. Svo. Washington City, 1826. 752 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Sampson against the Philistines ; or. The Reformation of Lawsuits ; agi-eeably to the ])rinciples of the Ancient Trial by Jury, before the same was innovated by Judges and Lawyers. [Bv Wm. Duane.l 2d ed. 8yo. Phila- delphia, 1805. [Para., vol. 18.] San Francisco (Cal. I. Municipal Government in. (Moses.) 1889. San Francisco Bar Association. Constitution and By- Laws. 8vo. 1880. San Francisco La\v Jonrnal. Vol. 1. 8vo. San Fran- cisco. isTT-^. Sanborn (A. L.) and Berrynian (J. R.j. Annotated Statutes of Wisconsin. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Chicago, 1889. Supplement to the Revised Statutes of Wisconsin. 8vo. Chicago. 1883. Sanchez (Toniasj. De Sancto Matrimonii Sacramento Dis- putationum tomi tres. 3 vols, in 1. Folio. Lugduni, 1625. Sandars (Thomas C. ). Institutes of Justinian ; with Eng- lish Introduction, Translation and Xotes. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1869. [Same.] 1st American ed. By AV. G, Hammond. Svo. Chicago. 1876. Sanders (Francis W.). Essay on Uses and Trusts, and on the Nature and Operation of Conveyances at Common Law. 1st American ed. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. [Same.] 5th ed. By G. W. Sanders and J. Warner. 2 vols., Svo. London, 184-4. — (editor). Atkyns* English Chancery Reports. Sanders (George W.). Orders of the High Court of Chan- cery, and Statutes of the Realm relating to Chancery. Yol. 1, part 1-2. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1845. [No more published.] Sandford (Edward). Argument in the Matter of Extend- ing Albanv Street to Broadwav. Svo. New York, 1854. [Pam., vol 23.] Sandford (Erskine D.). Treatise on the History and Law of Entails in Scotland. Svo. Edinburgh, 1822. Treatise on the Law of Heritable Succession in Scotland. 2 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1830. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. lo'i Sandford (Lewis H.). Opinion in Bogarclus v. Trinity Ciiurch. Svo. New York, IS-iT. [Pam., vol. 12.] Keports, Court of Chancery, New York, 1843-1847. 4 vols., 8vo. New Y^ork, 1846-50. [Same.] 2d ed. By D. Ketclium. 4 vols., Svo. New York, 18T1. [Same.] 2d ed. Annotated bv S. Rapalje. 4 vols., Svo. New York, 1883. - [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. Annotated by R. Desty. 4 vols., Svo. Rochester, 1889. Reports of Cases, Superior Court, City of New York, 1847-1852. 5 vols., Svo. New York, 1849-53. [Same.] 2d ed. Bv T. W. Waterman. 5 vols., Svo. New York, 1853-9. Sands (Alexander H.). History of a Suit in Equity, as prosecuted and defended in the Virginia Courts. 2d ed. Svo. Richmond, 1882. Quarterly Law Review. 2 vols., Svo. Richmond, 1860-1. Sandwich Islands. See Hawaiian Islands. Sanford (Charles F.). In Memoriam. Svo. New York, 1882. Sanford (David). Statement of Facts concerning the Prosecution of, for Murder. Svo. New Haven, ISOT. [Pam. Tr., vol. 9.] Sanford (H. S.). Different Systems of Penal Codes in Europe ; also, a Report on the Administrative Changes in France since the Revolution of 1848. Svo. Washington, 1854. [33d Cong., 1st Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc, no. QS.'] Sanford (J. W. A.), reporter. Alabama Reports, vol. 59. Sanger (George P.), editor. U. S. Statutes at Large. Sangston (Lawrence). Bastiles of the North. Svo. Balti- more, 1S63. [Pam., vol. 1.] Sansum (Oliver B.). Digest of the Law of Insurance. Svo. Chicago, 1876. Sapey (C. A.). Les Etrangers en France sous I'ancien et le nouveau Droit. Svo. Paris, 1843. 48 754 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Saratoga Chancery Sentinel ; containing an Abstract of the Decisions of the Cliancellor. (*> vols, in 1. 8vo. Sara- toga, 1841-7. [Same. 1 Lawyers' Co-op. ed. Annotated by R. Desty. «• vols, in 1. Svo. Rochester, 1889. Sargent (John O.). Common Sense versus Judicial Legisla- tion ; being the Review of a Law recently enacted by the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. By a Layman. [Anon.] Svo. New York, 1871. The Rule in Minot's Case again, as restated with varia- tions by the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. [Anon.] 8vo. New York, 1871. A Third Chapter on the Rule in ]\rinot's Case. [Anon.] 8vo. New York, 1871:. Sarg-ent (Richard). Principles of the Laws of England, in the form of Question and Answer. 2d ed, 2 vols., Svo. London, 1S12-3. Sargent (^William 31.). Maine AVills, 1040-1760. Svo. Portland, 1887. (editor). York Deeds, vol. 5-0. Sargent (Wintlirop). History of an Expedition a^inst Fort Du Quesne in 1755, under Maj.-Gen. Edward Prad- dock. Svo. Philadelphia, 1850). [Memoirs of the Hist. Soc. of Penn., vol. 5.] Sarvvey (O. von). Allgemeines Yerwaltungsrecht. Svo. Fre'iburg, 1884. [Marquardsen (H.). Handbuch, Allge- meiner Theil, 2. Halbband.] Das Offentliche Recht und die Yerwaltungsrechtspflege. Svo. Tubingen, 1880. Sato (Shosuke). History of the Land Question in the United States. 8vo! Baltimore, 1880. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 4.] Saulsbury (Willard), reportei*. Delaware Chancery Re- ports, vol. 5. Sannders (A. W., Jr.). Index to the Amendments to the N'irgiiiia Code of 1873. 12mo. Lynchburg, 1883. Sannders (C. T.). Amalgamation of the Two Branches of the Legal Profession. Svo. London, 1870. [Pam., vol. 4L] The Inns of Court and Legal Education. Svo. Lon- don, 1875. [Pam., vol. 35.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. V55 Saunders (E. D.). Law of Taxation in Louisiana. Svo. New Orleans, ISST. Saunders (Sir Edmund). Keports des divers Pleadings et Cases en le Court del Bank le Eoy, 1666-1672. 2 vols., folio. London, 1686. • Reports of several Pleadings and Cases, Court of King's Bench, England. 3d ed. By J, Williams. 2 vols, in 3. Svo. London, 1799-1802. [Same.] 6th ed. By E. V. Williams. Amer. reprint. 2 vols, in 3. Svo. New York, 1846. Kotes to Saunders' Reports. By Sir E. Y. Williams. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1871. Saunders (Frederick). Washington Centennial Souvenir. Svo. New York, 1SS9. Saunders (John S.). Law of Pleading and Evidence in Civil Actions. 3d American ed. 2 vols., Svo. Philadel- phia, 1837. • [Same.] 2d ed. By Robert Lush. 5th American ed. 2 vols, in 3. Svo. Philadelphia, 1851. Saunders (Reginald C). Consolidated Index of Cases de- cided by the Court of Referees, and contained in the Locus Standi Reports, 1867-1890. Svo. London, 1891. Saunders (Thomas W.). Administration of Justice Acts, and the Act to Protect Justices from Vexatious Actions. 12mo. London, 1848. Law and Practice of IVIunicipal Registration and Elec- tions. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1873. Law and Practice of Orders of Affiliation, and Proceed- ings in Bastardy. 7th ed. 12mo. London, 1878. [Same.] Sth ed. Bv T. W. and W. E. Saunders. • ]2mo. London, 1884. [Same.] 9th ed. 12mo. London, 1888. ]\Iilitia Acts, and IVIilitia Regulations. 4th ed, Svo. London, 1855. — — Practice of IVIagistrates' Courts. 4th ed. 12mo. Lon- don, 1873. - — - — [Same.] Including the Practice under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, etc. 5th ed. Bv Jas. A. Foot. Svo. London, 1882. Precedents of Indictments. Svo. London, 1872. ^56 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Saunders (Thomas W.t. Public Health Act, 1S48. 12rao. Lomloii. Is4>>. Treatise on the Law of A^^arranties and Representations upon the Sale of Personal Chattels. Svo. London, 1S74. Treatise upon the Law Applicable to Xegligence. Svo. London, 1S71. [Same.] American ed. By H. Hooper, svo. Cincin- nati, 1872. (reporter). Bail Court. See Xew Practice Cases, vol. 1. Saunders (Thomas W. and AVm. E. )• Municipal Corpora- tions Act ; Ballot Act ; Parliamentarv and Municipal Reg- istration Act.. &c. 8vo. London, 1882. Saunders (Thomas W.i and Cole (^Henry T.). English Bail Court Reports, 1846-1848. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1847-9. Saunders (Thomas W. i and 3Iacrae (D. C. i. Reports of County Courts Cases and Appeals : also Reports of Cases relating to Insolvency. 1852-8. Vol. 2-3. 8vo. London, 1853-8. [Only 236 pages of vol. 3 published. — For vol. 1 see Cox (E. M.), Macrae and Hertslet.] Saunders (Thorndikei. Bankruptcy Practice under the Law of the Lnited States of 1867. 8vo. Xew York, 1868. Saurin (Susanna 3Iary i v. Star, and another. Action by a Sister of Mercy against her Superior for an alleged Con- spiracy to cause her Expulsion. 8vo. London, 1869. Sausse ( 3Iatthew R. i and Scully (Vincent i. Reports of Cases in Chancerv. argued and determined in the Rolls Court, Ireland, 1837-1840. Svo. Dublin, 1841. Savannah. Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Privateer Savannah, for Piracy. Svo. Xew York. 1862. Savlgny iFriedrich Carl voni. History of the Roman Law during the Middle Ages ; translated from the German by E. Cathcart. Vol. 1. Svo. Edinburgh. 1829. Histoire du Droit Romain au Moyen-Age. Traduite de TAllemand sur la derniere ed. par Charles Guenoux. 4 vols, in 3. Svo. Paris. 1839. Das Obliofationenrecht als Theil des heutigen Romischen Rechts. 2 vols., Svo. Berlin. 1851-53. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 757 Savigny (Friedricli Carl von). Epitome and Analysis of Treatise on Obligations in Koman Law ; with Notes by A. Brown. 8vo. London, 1872. Das Recht des Besitzes. 7. Aufl. von Adolf F. Rudorff. 8vo. Wien, 18f;5. Treatise on Possession, or the Jus Possessionis of the Civil Law. (3th ed. Translated from the German by Sir Erskine Perry. 8vo. London, 1848. Analysis of Savigny's Treatise on the Law of Possession. By L. A. Warnkonig. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1839. [Cabinet Library of Tracts, vol. 2.] System des heutigen Romischen Rechts. 8 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1840-9. [Same.] Sachen- und Quellen-Register. By O. L. Heufer. 8vo. Berlin, 1851. — Traite de Droit Romain ; traduit de T Allemand par Ch. Guenoux. 8 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1840-51. [Translation of the System.] — Jural Relations ; being a Translation of the 2d book of Savigny's System of Modern Roman Law. By W. H. Rat- tigan. 8vo. London, 1884. — Private International Law. A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, and the limits of their operations in respect of place and time ; [being the 8th volume of the System]. Trans- lated with Notes by Wm. Guthrie. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1880. Vermischte Schriften. 5 vols., 8vo. Berlin, 1850. Vom Beruf unsrer Zeit fiir Gesetzgebung und Rechts- wissenschaft. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1814. The Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jurispru- dence. Translated from the German by A. Hayward. 8vo. London, 1831. Savile (Sir John). Reports de divers Special Cases cybien en le Court de Common Bank, come I'Exchequer, 1580-1594. Folio. London, 1688. Saville (Ernest). Debtors and Creditors. 8vo. London, 1889. Sawyer (L. S. B.). Reports, U. S. Circuit and District Courts, Ninth Circuit, 1870-1891. 14 vols. 8vo. San Francisco, 1873-91. 768 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Sa xe- Alt eiiburg. Staatsrecht. (Sonnenkalb.) 1884. Saxe-Meiiiingen. Staatsrecht. (Kircber.) 18S4. Saxe-Weimar-Eiseiiacli. Staatsrecht. (Meyer.) 18^4. Saxony. Staatsrecht. (Leuthold.) 1884. Saxtoii (N.). Reports, Court of Chancery, New Jersey, 1830- 1832. 8vo. Ehzabethtown, 1836. Saxton (William W.). Excise Law of the State of Kew York; with Civil Damage Act, etc. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1880, 1881. Laws of the State of New York relating to the Assess- ment and Collection of Taxes. 8vo. New York, 1880. ■ • [Same.] With Supplement. 8vo. New York, 1881. Sayer (Joseph). Law of Costs. 3d ed. 12mo. Dublin, 1792. Law of Damages. 12mo. Dublin, 1Y92. Reports. Court of King's Bench, England, 1751-175f). 8vo. Dublin, 1790. Sayer (Joseph R. j and Savill (Stanley). Labour Disputes before Magistrates. 8vo. London, 1888. Sayler (John R.). American Form Book. 8vo. Cincin- nati, 1878. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1886. Statutes of Ohio. 4 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1876. Sayles (John). Constitutions of the State of Texas. Anno- tated. 2d ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. ■ [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. St. Louis, 1888. Sayles (John and Henry). Early Laws of Texas, 1731-1876. 3 vols. 8vo. St. Louis, 1888. Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. 2 vols., 8vo. St. Louis, 1888. Revised Statutes of Texas, relating to the District and County Courts ; with Notes. 8vo. St. Louis, 1886. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 759 Sayles (John and Henry). Treatise on the Laws of Texas relating to Real Estate, and Actions to tr\' Title, and for Possession of Lands and Tenements. 2 vols., 8vo. St. Louis, 1890. Sayles (John ) and Bassett (B. H.). Rules of Pleading and Practice in the Courts of Record of the State of Texas. 3d ed. Svo. St. Louis, 1882. Sayles (L. C). Law of Racing. 12mo. London, 1877. Sayre (Francis). Laws relative to the Marine and District Courts in the City of New York. 8vo. New York, 185-t. Scaninion (J. Y.), reporter. Illinois Reports, vols. 2-5. Scenes and Sketches in Legal Life. By a member of the College of Justice [\Yilliam Spink]. 12mo. London, 1876. Schanihach (C). Das Staatsrecht des Fiirstenthums Schwarz- burg-Sondershausen. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [Marquardsen (H.). Handbuch, iii. Bd., 21] Schaunihnrg- (Lieut. J. W.). Trial of, by Court Martial. Svo. Washington, 1845. [Pam. Tr., vol." 4.] Schenkel (Karl). Das Staatsrecht des Grosslierzogthums Baden. Svo. Freiburg, 1884. [Marquardsen (PL). Hand- buch, iii. Bd., 1'.] Schiefer (John F.). Explanation of the Practice of Law ; • containing the Elements of Special Pleading, reduced to the comprehension of every one. Svo. London, 1792. Schlegel (J. F. W.). Neutral Rights; or, An impartial ex- amination of the right of search of neutral vessels under convoy, and of a Judgment pronounced by the English Court of Admiralt}^ in the Case of the Swedish Convoy. Translated from the French. Svo. Philadelphia, 1801. [Same.] Translated from the Danish by De Juge. Svo. London, 1801. Schlossmann (Siegmund). Der Yertrag. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. Schnielzing (Jnlius). Systematischer Grundriss des prak- tischen Europiiischen Yolker-Rechtes. 3 vols., Svo. Ru- dolstadt, lSlS-20. Schmidt (Anton). Thesaurus Juris Ecclesiastici potissimum Germanici. 7 vols., 4to. Heidelbergae, 1772-9. 760 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Seliinidt (Gustavus). Civil Law of Spain and Mexico. Svo. New Orleans, 1S51. Louisiana Law Journal. Vol. 1. Svo. Xew Orleans, 1S41. Sehoales (John) and Lefroy (Thomas). Reports, High Court of Chancerv, Ireland. 1SU2-1S09. 2 vols.. Svo. Lon- don, 1S06-21. Schoeppe ( Paul^. Analysis of Evidence, in the Case of. By 8. Rogers and othere. [In Medico-Legal Society Papers, vol. 1.] ■ Trial of, for the Murder of Maria M. Stennecke, by Roison. Svo. Carlisle, 1S69. Sehoiuberg: (Alexander C). Historical and Chronological View of Roman Law. Svo. Oxford, 1TS5. Treatise on the Maritime Laws of Rhodes. Svo. Ox- ford, 1TS6. School Officers and Teachers ; their Power and Authority, as determined by the Courts of the several States. By a member of the Massachusetts Bar. 12mo. Xew York, 1S85. Schott (August Friedrich^ editor. Lipen's Bibliotheca Realis Juridica. Schoiiler ( Jaines). History of the L'nited States of America under the Constitution, 1783-1847. 4 vols., 12mo. Wash- ington, 1S80-9. Treatise on the Law of Bailments, including Carriers, Innkeepers and Pledge. Svo. Boston, 1880. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1SS7. Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators. Svo. Boston, 1SS3. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 18S9. Treatise on the Law of Husband and Wife. Svo. Bos- ton, 1SS2. Treatise on the Law of Personal Propertv. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1873-6. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1884. Treatise on the Law of the Domestic Relations, embrac- ing Husband and AVife, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Infancy, and Master and Servant. Svo. Boston, 1870. ■ THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. ^61 Scliouler (James). Treatise on the Law of the Domestic Relations, embracing Husband and Wife, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Infancy, and Master and Servant. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1874. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Boston, 1882. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1889. Treatise on the Law of Wills. Svo. Boston, 1887. (editor). Story on Bailments. Sclireiner (W P.), translator. Van Leeuwen's Censura Forensis. Schroder (Franz). Das Notherbenrecht. 1. Abtheilung: Das Recht vor der Novelle 115. Svo. Heidelberg, 1877. Schroder (Herman). Treatise on the Law of Bail in an Action at Common Law. 12mo. London, 1824. Schroder (Richard). Corpus Juris Civilis fiir das Deutsche Reich und Oesterreich. Erster Theil. Die handelsrecht- lichen Gesetze. 2. Ausgabe. 12mo. Bonn, 1880. Schuckers (J. W.). Life and Public Services of Salmon P. Chase. Svo. New York, 1874. Scjiulte (J. F.). Lehrbuch der Deutschen Reiclis- und Rechts- o^eschichte. Svo. Stutto^art, 1861. Schultes (Henry). Essay on Aquatic Rights ; intended as an illustration of the Law relative to Fishing, and to the Propriety of Ground or Soil produced by Alluvion and Dereliction of the Sea and Rivers. Svo. London, isll. [Same.] Svo. . Philadelphia, 1839. [L. L., vol. 24.] Schultz (F. von). Das Handelsgesetzbuch des Russischen Reiches. Aus dem Russischen ijbersetzt. Svo. Riga und Leipzig, 1851. Schulze (Hernianiij. Lehrbuch des Deutschen Staatsrechtes. 2 vols., Svo. Leipzig, 1881-6. Das Staatsrecht des Konigreichs Preussen. Svo. Frei- burg, 1884. [Marquardsen (IT.). Handbuch, ii. Bd. 2.] Schnrz (Carl). Life of Henry Clay. (Vol. 2. 6th ed.). 2 vols., 16mo. Boston, 1888". [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Schnyler (W. S.), editor. Fry on Specific Performance of Contracts. 762 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OL' Schuylkill County (Pa.) Bar Association. Constitution and By-Laws. 12mo. Pottsville, 1887. Schuylkill Legal Record. See Legal Record Reports. Sciibiiore (G. H. ). Outline Lectures on the History, Organi- zation, Jurisdiction, and Practice of the Ministerial and Consular Courts of the United States in Japan. 12mo. Tokio, 1887. Scobell (Henry). Collection of Acts and Ordinances of Parliament, 1640-1656. 2 parts in 1 vol. Folio. London, 165Y-8. Scotland. Reports : Hovise of Lords. Robertson. Craigie, Stewart and Paton. Shaw. Wilson and Shaw. Shaw and Maclean. Maclean and Robinson. Robinson. Bell. Macqueen. Paterson. Law Reports : Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases. Law Reports : Appeal Cases. Court of Session. Durie. English Judges. Gilmour. \ Falconer. \ Stair. Dirleton. Fountainhall. liarcarse. Ualrymple. Forbes. Bruce. Kames. Karnes. Edgar. Elchies. Clerk Home Kilkerran. Falconer, Hailes, Remarkable. Select. 1707-1727. 1 vol. 1726-1822. 6 vols. 1821-1824. 2 vols. 1825-1834. 7 vols. 1835-1838. 3 vols. 1839. 1 vol. 1840-1841. 2 vols. 1842-1850. 7 vols. 1851-1865, 4 vols. 1851-1873. 2 vols. 1865-1875. 2 vols. 1875-1890. 15 vols. 1621-1642. 1 vol. 1655-1661, 1 vol. 1661-1666. ) 1681-1686. j 1 vol. 1661-1681. 2 vols. 1665-1677. 1 vol. 1678-1712. 2 vols. 1681-1691. 1 vol. 1698-1718, 1 vol. 1705-1713. 1 vol. 1714-1717. 1 vol. 1716-1768. 2 vols. 1752-1768. 1 vol. 1724-1725, 1 vol. 1733-1754. 2 vols. 1735-1744. 1 vol. 1738-1752, 1 vol. 1744-1751, 2 vols. 1766-1791. 2 vols. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. Scotland. Reports: C'ourt of Session. — Continued. Bell. 8vo. 1790-1792. 1 vol. Bell. Folio. 1794-1795. 1 vol. Hume. 1781-1822. 1 vol. Faculty Collection. Folio. 1752-1825. 21 vols, Faculty Collection. Svo. 1825-1841. 16 vols, Court of Session Cases. 1821-1838. 16 vols, Court of Session Cases. Second Series. 1838-1862. 24 vols. Court of Session Cases. Third Series. 1862-1873. 11 vols. Court of Session Cases. Fourth Series. 1873-1891. 18 vols. Karnes and Woodhouslee's Dic- tionary. 1540-1774. 5 vols. Morison's Dictionary of Decisions. 1540-1808. 22 vols. Brown's Supplement to Morison. 1620-1768. 5 vols. BelFs Dictionary of Decisions. 1808-1833. 2 vols. Brown's Synopsis. 1540-1827. 4 vols. Morison's Sjmopsis. 1808-1816. 2 vols. Halkerston's Compendium. 1752-1818. 1vol. Deas and Anderson. 1829-1833. 5 vols. Stuart, Milne and Peddie. 1851-1853. 2 vols. Tm tj-^i ^•i oi.^r f^rtat^ei tJ lUSLXt^lcl'X ^> Vycijol^»3o Shaw (Patrick). 1819-1831. 1 vol. Syme. 1826-1829. 1 vol. Swinton. 1835-1841. 2 vols. Broun. 1842-1845. 2 vols. Arkley. 1846-1848. 1 vol. Shaw (John). 1848-1852. 1 vol. Irvine. • 1852-1867. 5 vols. Couper. 1868-1882. 4 vols. \ t\ »vi 1 i*o 1 i"^" xX%.I.IIft-lX (Xll^ . Fraser. Judicial Proceedings. 1814. 1 vol. ^^^^-l-ktlil LJi-^^k-l-'^ 4S 1 /^^rf^ll-B.-^ Fergusson. 181L-1817. 1 vol. 1488-1624. 3 vols. Arnot. Celebrated Criminal Trials. 1536-1784. 1 vol. Maclaurin. Kemarkable Cases. 1670-1773. 1 vol. Buchanan. Remarkable Cases. 1800-1813. 1 vol. Green. Trials for Tligh Treason. 1820. 3 vols. 764 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Scotland. Reports ; Ecclesiastical. Leading Ecclesiastical Cases. 1 849-1 >^ 74. Election Cases. Morison. Election Cases. Exclieqner. Lizars. Legacy Duties. Jury Court. Murray. Mac Farlane. Sheriff Courts. (xuthrie. Select Cases. Teincl Court. Shaw. Various Courts. Scottish Jurist. Scottish Law Journal and Sheriff Court Eecord. Scottish Law Magazine and Sheriff Court Reporter. Scottish Law Reporter. — Digests of Reports. Ivinnear. Appeals. Tait. Index : Ct. of Session. Bell. Dictionary of Decisions.* Campbell. Registration Appeals. Shaw. Supreme Ct. Henderson. Gillespie 03. 1784-1796. 1840-1852. 1815-1830. 1888-1839. lSf»l-1878. 1821-1831. 1829-1873. 1858-186L Ls61-1.^67. 1865-1891. 1709-1864. 1540-1808. 1808-1833. 1868-1882. 1726-1868. 1867-1877. 1877-1885. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 5 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 46 vols. 3 vols. 6 vols. 28 vols. vol. vol. vols. vol. vols. vol. vol. By John Skene. and Constitutions. Folio. Edinburgh. 1609. Acts of the Parliaments. 1124-1707. Edited by T. Thom- son and C. Innes. 11 vols., folio. London, 1824-44. [Record Commission.] Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King James the First, and his Royal Successors, Kings and Queens of Scotland. 1424-1681. Collected by Sir Thos. Murray. 2 parts. 12mo. Edinburgh. 1682-3. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAIL 7G5 Scotland : Statutes. — Conimued. Laws and Acts made in the First Parliament of James YII. — [Parliament of Anne], 1685-1707. C^ollected by George, Viscount of Tarbet [and others]. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1685-1707. Abridgement of Acts of Parliament, 1424-1707. By Wm. Alexander. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841. Index, or Abridgement, of the Acts of Parliament and Con- vention. By Sir James Stewart. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1702. Public General Statutes affecting Scotland, 1707-1847. 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1876. [Blackwood's edi- tion.] [Same.] 1847-1885. m vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1848-85. Miscellaneous. Agricultural Law. (Anderson.) 1878. Antiquarian Tracts. (Riddell.) 1835. Bills and Notes. See Subject-Index : Bills and Notes. Buik of the Croniclis of Scotland. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Burghs. Ancient Laws and Customs of. 1124-1424. (Innes.) Burghs (Boval). Records of C-onvention. 1677-1738. 2 vols. Church Courts. (Cook.) 1870. Constitution. (Robertson.) 1878. Constitutional Law. (Stuart.) 1779. Criminal Law. See Subject-Index : Criminal Law. Deeds, etc., Styles of. (Hendry.) 1878. Edinburgh, Burgh of. Records, 1403-1589. 4 vols. Entail. (Irvine.) 1830. Evidence. See Subject-Index : Evidence. Feudal Law. (Kames.) 1749. Government. (Robertson.) 1878. Heritable Succession. (Sandford.) 2 vols. 1830. Juries in Criminal Trials. (Steele.) 1833. Land Rights. (Cowan.) 1876. Legal Antiquities. (Innes.) 1872. Lord Advocates. (Omond.) 2 vols, 1883. Marriage Laws. See Subject-Index : Marriage. Poor Law. See Subject-Index : Poor Law. Prescription. (Napier.) 2 vols. 1839-54. Public Law. (Stuart.) 1779. Royal Commissioners. Reports of, on Courts of Law. 3 vols. 1816-20. Statute Law, Dictionar}^ of. (Forsyth.) 2 vols. 1839. 766 CATALOGUE OF THE ZIBEAnY OF Sfott (Rev. Andrew) vs. 3I'Gavin (William). Action for Libel, svo. (Glasgow, 1821. Scott (Austin ). Tlie Influence of the Proprietors in founding the State of Xew Jersey. 8vo. Baltimore, 1885. [J, H. XL Studies, vol. 3.] Scott (Charles H.). See Denison ((". 'M.) and Scott's Appeal Practice. Scott ( Eben G. ). Commentaries upon the Intestate System of Pennsylvania, and the Powers and Jurisdiction of the Orphans' Court. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871. Scott (Edward). Laws of Tennessee. 17L>-1820. 3 vols, in 2. 8vo. Knoxville, 1821. Scott (J. W.). Letter on the Constitutional Organization of the IS'ew Jersev Legislative Council of 184L 12mo. Trenton, 1842. [Pam., vol. 12.] Scott (John). Costs in the High Court of Justice and other Courts. Irth ed. 8vo. London, 1880. — Index to Common Bench Reports. 8vo. London, 1866. Reports, Court of Common Pleas and Exchequer Cham- ber, England, 1834^1840. 8 vols., Svo. London, 1835-41. Xew Reports, 1840-1845. S vols., 8vo. London, 1841-5. (reporter^. Common Bench Reports, Xew Series. See Moore (J. B.) and Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Scott (John B.). Appeal to the People from the Decision of the Senate in the Case of the Removal of the Justices of the Marine Court. Svo. Xew York, 1840. [Pam., vol. 13.] Scott (Robert) and Duiilap i James ). Trials of, for Rob- bing the Northampton National Bank. 8vo. Xorthamp- ton, 1877. Scott (Robert N.). Analytical Digest of the Military Laws of the United States. Svo. Philadelphia, 1873. Scott (Maj.-Gen. Winfield) and Gaines (Maj.-Gen. E. P.). Proceedings of Military Court of Inquiry in the Case of. Svo. Washington, 1837. [24th Cong., 2d Sess. Sen. Doc, no. 224.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. V67 Scott (Sir Williaiii). Judgment pronounced in the Con- sistory Court of London, in the Case of Dalr\'mple v. Dal- rymple. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836. [Cabinet Library of Tracts, voL 1.] • Judgment pronounced in the High Court of Admiralty, in the Cases of the Maria, and The Gratitudine. 8vo. Edinburgh, LS3(). [C-abinet Library of Tracts, voL 1.] Scott (William C). Trusts for Accumulation. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1888. [Lewin on Trusts, Blackstone ed.. vol. 3.] Scott (William L. ) and Jarnagin (M. P.). Treatise upon the Law of Telegraphs. 8vo. Boston, 18<)8. Scottish Burgh Records Society. Ancient Laws and Customs of the Burghs of Scotland. 4to. Edinburgh, 1868. Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1589. 4 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1869-82. Miscellany. 4to. Edinburgh, 1881. Scottish Jurist. 46 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1829-73. [Only 5 parts, 80 pages, of vol. 4r» published.] Scottish Law Ameiidiueut Society. Transactions, 1868- 72. Svo. Edinburgh, 1870-2. Scottish Law Journal and Sheriff Court Record. 3 vols., roy. 8vo. Glasgow, 1859-61. Scottish Law List and Legal Directory. 2 vols., 12mo. Edinburgh, 1886-90. Scottish Law Magazine and Sheriff Court Reporter. 6 vols., roy. Svo. Glasgow, 1862-7. Scottish Law Magazine. See Journal of Jurisprudence. Scottish Law Reporter. 28 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1865-91. Scottish Law Review. 7 vols., Svo. Glasgow, 1885-91. Scranton Law Times. See Law Times. Scratchley (Arthur). Decisions in Life Assurance Law. Revised ed. Svo. London, 1878. Further Treatise on Building Societies. New ed. Svo. London, 1883. — Handy-Book on Life Assurance Law. svo. London, 1864. Law of Land Societies. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1881. 768 CATALOGUE OF THE LTBBABY OF Scratcliley i Arthur) ami Brabrook (E. W.i. Law of Building Societies. 2tl ed. 12mo. London, 1SS2. Scribiier (Charles H.). Treatise on the Law of Dower. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1867. [Same.] With Notes by A. I. PhiUips. 2d eil. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia. 1883. Seribiier-Bhiok (publishei-s). Atlas of the World. Folio. New York, 1890. Seriveii i J. B.t. See Yernon (G. W.) and Scriven's Irish Eeports. Scriven (Joliii). Treatise on Copyhold. Customary Free- hold, and Ancient Demesne Tenure ; with the Jurisdiction of Courts Baron and Courts Leet. 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1833-4. [Same.] 6th ed. By A. Brown. 8vo. London, 1882. Scrosrars ( Sir AVilliaiui. Practice of Courts-Leet, and Courts- '»» Baron. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1714. Scriitton (Thomas E.). Contract of Affreightment as expressed in Charter Parties and Bills of Lading. 8vo. London. 1886. Influence of the Roman Law on the Law of England. ^vo. Cambridge, 1885. Land in Fettere ; or. The History and Policy of the Laws restraining the Alienation and Settlement of Land in England. Svo. Cambridge. 1886. Laws of Copyright. 8vo. London, 1883. Scudder (Horace E.), editor. American Commonwealths. 13 vols., 12mo. Boston, 1887-8. Scully (Yiuceuti. See Sausse (M. R.) and Scully's Irish Reports. Sea Laws. A General Treatise of the Dominion of the Sea. and a compleat Body of the Sea-Laws : containing the Antient Laws of the Rhodians and Romans ; those of Oleron, Wisby, and other Countries : as also that excellent Body of Sea Laws lately publish'd in France ; with several Discourses about the Jurisdiction and manner of Proceeding in the Admiralty of England, etc. 3d ed. 4to. Lon- don, [17 — . Originally by Alex. Justice]. Sea Laws. Collection of. By Guy Miege. See Malynes (Gerard). THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 769 Seaborne (Henry). Manual of the Law relating to Vendors and Purchasers of Keal Property. 2d ed. 8vo. London, lS7i>. Seager (J. R.). Handbook of the Law of Parliamentary Registration. 12nio. London, 1881. Searle (M. W.). Digest of Reported Cases in the Courts of the Cape of Good Hope, from 1850. 8vo. Cape Town, 1885. [Same.] Supplement to the end of 1887. 8vo. Cape Town, 1889. Reports, Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope, 1850- 1860. 3 vols., 8vo. Cape Town, 1884-8. Searle (Richard) and Smith (J. €.)• Reports, Court of Probate, and Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, England, 1859-1860. 8vo. London, 1860. [Only 2 parts, 160 pages, published,] Searles (J. N.). Digest of Minnesota Reports. 'Royal 8vo. Chicago, 1872. Seaton (C. W.j. Census of the State of N«w York for 1875. 4to. Albany, 1877. Seaton (Henry W.). Forms of Decrees in Equit}^ and of Orders connected with them. Svo. ]^ew York, 1831. Sebastian (Lewis B.). Digest of Cases of Trade Mark, Trade JS^ame, Trade Secret, Goodwill, etc. Svo. London, 1879. Law of Trade Marks and their Registration, and matters connected therewith; including a Chapter on Goodwill. 8vo. London, 1878. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1884. Second Book of Judgements. Being the Collection of Geo. Huxle}'. Edited by Geo. Townesend. Small 4to. London, 1674. Secondary Punishment. Report from the Select Com- mittee. Svo. London, 1833. Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of Congress, 1775-1 7SS. 4 vols., Svo. Boston, 1820-21. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention As- sembled at Philadelphia. 1787, for the purpose of forming the Constitution of the United States of America. From ]S[otes taken by Robert Yates, Chief Justice of JSTew York. 8vo. Albany, 1821. 49 770 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Sedg^vick (Arthur G.i. Damages in the Code. Svo. Xew York, 1S85. [Pam., vol. 31.] (editor). Sedgwick on Damages. Sedgwick (Arthur G.) and Wait (Frederick S."). Treatise on the Principles and Practice governing the Trial ^f Title to Land: including Ejectment. Trespass to try Title, etc. Svo. Xew York, 1882. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1886. SedgAvick ( Henry D. i. Relation and Duty of the Lawyer to the State. 8vo. Xew York, 187:2. [Pam., vol. 8.] • Selection of American and English Cases on the Measure of Damages, arranged by Subjects : Avith Xotes. Svo. Xew York. IS 78. Sedgwick ( Theodore I. Treatise on the Measure of Dam- ages : or, An Inquiry into the Principles which govern the amount of Pecuniary Compensation awarded by Courts of Justice. 5th ed. Bv Arthur G. Sedgwick. Svo. Xew York, 1869. [Same.] 6tli ed. Bv Henrv D. Sedgwick. Svo. Xew York, 1874. [Same.] 7tli ed. By Arthur G. Sedgwick and G. W. Yan Xest. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1880. [Same.] 8th ed. B}" Arthur G. Sedgwick and Joseph H. Beale. Jr. 3 vols., Svo. Xew York. 1891. — Treatise on the Rules which govern the Interpretation and Application of Statutory and Constitutional Law. Svo. Xew York, 1857. [Same.] 2d ed. By John X. Pomeroy. Svo. Xew York. 1874. Seigniorial Reports. Lower Canada, 1851—1856. 2 vols., 8vo. Quebec and Montreal, 1856. Selden (Henrj* R.). Xotes of Cases, Court of Appeals of Xew York. 2d ed. Svo. Albany, 1878. ■ (reporter). Xew York Reports, vols. 5-10. Selden (Johm. Opera Omnia, tam edita quam inedita. CoUegit ac recensuit. Yitam Auctoris. Prtefationes. et Indices adjecit David Wilkins. 3 vols, in 6. Folio. Londini, 1726. Dissertation annexed to Fleta. Translated. Avith Xotes. Bv Robert Kelham. 8\'o. London. 1771. THE AHSOaiATIOK OF THE BAR. 771 Seidell (John). Mare Clausum, seu de Dominio Maris. Folio. Londini, 1635. Mare Clausum : The Right and Dominion of the Sea, in Two Books. Formerly translated into English ; and now perfected by J. H. [With Additional Evidences con- cerning the Right of Soveraignty and Dominion of the Kings of Great Brittain in the Sea.] Folio. London, 1663. Of the Judicature in Parliaments, a posthumous Trea- tise ; wherein the controversies and precedents belonging to that title are methodically handled. 16mo. London, [16-]. The Reverse or Back-face of the English Janus ; to wit, All that is met with in Story concerning the Common and Statute- Law of English Britanny. Translated by R. West- cot. Folio. London, 1682. ■ Titles of Honor. 3d ed. Folio. London, 1672. Tracts : I. English Janus, translated into English by R. Westcot. II. England's Epinomis. III. Of the Orig- inal of Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions of Testaments. lY. Of the Disposition or Administration of Intestates' Goods. Folio. London, 1683. See Fleta. Seidell Society. Publications. 3 vols., 4to. London, 1888-90. Vol. 1. Select Pleas of the Crown, 1200-1225. Edited by F. W. Maitland. 4to. London, 1888. Vol. 2. Select Pleas in Manorial and other Seignorial Courts. Reigns of Henry HI. and Edward I. Edited bv F. W. Maitland. ito. London, 1889. Vol 3. Select Civil Pleas. Vol. 1. 1200-1203. Edited by W. P. Baildon. Ito. London, 1890. Select Cases, adjudged in the Courts of the State of New York ; containing the Case of John Y. IN". Yates, and the Case of the Journeymen Cordwainers of the City of New York. 8vo. New York, 1811. Select Cases in Chancery. See Cases in Chancery, part 3. Select Cases in Chancery, temp. King, 1724-1733. Folio. London, 1740. [Same.] 2d ed. By S. Macnaghten. 8vo. London, 1850. [Same.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. [L. L., vol. 74.] 772 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Selfriclge (Thomas O.). Correct Statement of the Contro- versy between Selfridge and Benj. Austin, 8vo. Charles- town, 1807. Trial of. for Jklurder. Svo. Boston. 1806. Selloii (Baker J.). Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas. Originally compiled by Geo. Cromp- ton. With a Practical Treatise on Fines and Recoveries. 1st Amer. ed. 2 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1813. Selloii (Valentine cle). La Peine de Mort au Vingtieme ISiecle. 8vo. Paris, 1877. Selwyn (William). Abridgment of the Law of Nisi Prius. American ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1807-8. [Same.] 6th Amer. ed. By H. "Wheaton and others ; with a Supplement by J. G. Marvin. 2 vols., 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1853. [Same.] 7th Amer. ed. By A. I. Fish. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 18.57. Law of Bankruptcy ; being an Adaptation of the Chap- ter on Bankruptcy in the 12th ed. of Selwyn. By D. Power and F. S. P. Wolferstan. 8vo. London, 1861. See Maule (G.) and Selwyn's English King's Bench Reports. Selwyn (William) and Baruevvall (R. V.). Reports. See Barnewall and Alderson's Reports, vol. 1. Semple (H. C), editor. Alabama Code. Senckenbnrg (Renatns Car.), Freiherr von. See Lipen's Bibhotheca Realis Juridica. Seneca Indians, in the State of Xew York. Case of. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1810. Seoane (Mateo). Neuman and Barretti's Spanish Pronounc- ing Dictionary in two Parts. By M. Velazquez de la Cadena. Royal Svo. Xew York, 1878. Serafini (Enrico). Delia Revoca degli Atti Fraudolenti compiuti dal debitore secondo il Diritto Romano. Vol. 1. Svo. Pisa, 1887. Sergeant (Henry J.). See Watts (Fr.) and Sergeant's Pennsylvania Reports. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. V73 Sergeant (Thomas). Constitutional Law; being a view of the Practice and Jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States, and of Constitutional Points decided. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1830. Treatise on the Law of Pennsylvania relative to Foreign Attachment. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1811. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. Sergeant (Thomas) and Rawle (William, Jr.). Reports, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1811—1828. 2d ed. IT vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1844-7. Serjeants' Case (The). See Manning (James). Serna (Pedro Gomez tie la). Motivos de la Lej/ de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Svo. Madrid, 1857. Serna (Pedro Gomez de la) and Rens y Garcia (J.). Codigo de Comercio concordado y anotado. 4** ed. Svo. Madrid, 1863. — [Same.] 7* ed. Svo. Madrid, 1878-79. Session Cases. See Court of Session Cases. Session Cases. Adjudged in the Court of King's Bench, England, chiefly touching Settlements, 1710-1747. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 17(!0. Seton (Alexander). Treatise on Mutilation and Demembra- tion. See Mackenzie (Sir Geo.). Seton (Sir Henry W.). Forms of Decrees, Judgments, and Orders in the High Court of Justice and Courts of Appeal, having especial reference to the Chancery Division. With Practical Xotes. Fourth ed. By R. H. Leach and others. 2 vols, in 3 parts. Svo. - London, 1877-9. [Same.] 1st Amer. ed. By F. F. Heard. Svo. Bos- ton, 1884. Settlement Cases. Cases and Resolutions of Cases adjudg'd in the Court of King's Bench, England, concerning Settle- ments and Removals, temp. Parker and Holt, 1685-1733. 4th ed. Svo. London, 1742. Seven Bishops (The). See Bishops. Sevestre (A. A.). Reports of Cases on Appeal from the Lower Courts in Bengal to the High Court of Judicature at Calcutta, during the year 1863. Svo. Calcutta, 1868, [In continuation of Marshall, and called vol. 2.] 774 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Seward (William H.). Argument in defence of William Freeman, charoecl with Murder. 4th ed. 8vo. Auburn, 1846. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] — Diplomatic History of the War for the Union. See Seward's AVorks. vol. 5. Works. Edited by George E. Baker. 5 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1884. Address on. Bv W. N. Ashman. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885. [Pam., vol. 34.] Sewards (Samuel D.). Registration of Written Instruments affecting Title to Real Estate. 8vo. New York, 1872. [Pam., vol. 32.] SeAvell (Richard C). Treatise on the Law of Coroner. 8vo. London, 1843. Treatise on the Law of Sheriff. 8vo. London, 1842. [Same.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. [Same.] [L. L., vol. 46.] Sewell (Roberta. Argument in the Case of the Metropolitan Elevated Railway Co. against the Manhattan and the N. Y. Elevated Railway Companies. 8vo. New York, 1884. [Pam., vol. 28.] Practice in the Executive Departments of the Govern- ment under the Pension, Bounty and Prize Laws of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1864. Title to the Beds of Lakes and Ponds in the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1882. [Para., vol. 18.] Sewing Machine Cases. Orlando B. Potter and Nathl. Wheeler vs. Geo. B. Sloat et al, and Same vs. Jas. G. Wilson et al. 3 vols., 8vo. NeAv York, 1859. Sewing Machine Patents. Granted to Allen B. Wilson and others. 8vo. New York, 1860-3. Seydel (Max). Das Staatsrecht des Konigreichs Bayern. 8vo. Freiburg, 1888. [Marquardsen (H.). Handbuch, iii. Bd., 1'.] Seymour (Aug. S.V Digest of North Carolina Reports, vols. 80-100. 2 vols., 8vo. Raleigh, 1885-9. Seymour (Lord Henry). Will Case. Reported by F. W. Gibbs. 8vo. London, 1877. THE AS^SOCIATION^ OF THE BAR. 775 Seymour (Horatio). Governor's Message. 8vo. Albany, * 1863. [Pam., vol'. 21.] ■ ■ Lecture on the Topography and History of New-York. 8vo. Utica, 1856. [Pam., vol. 16.] In Memoriam. Proceedings of the New York Senate and Assembly. 8vo. Alban}'-, 1886. Seys (Rev. J.). Trial of, for Assault and Battery. 8vo. New- York, 1847. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Shadwell (Charles L.). See Holland (T. E.) and Shadwell's Select Titles from the Digest of Justinian. Shadwell (Thomas M.). Posthumous Works of Charles Fearne. 8vo. London, 1797. Shafer (J. D.). Lidex to the Laws of Kansas. 8vo. Leav- enworth, 1877. Shakespeare (William). Complete AVorks. Edited by Charles Knight. 3 vols., 4to. New York, 1856. Was Shakespeare a Lawyer ? Bv H. T. 8vo. London, 1871. Slialer (N. S.). Kentucky ; a Pioneer Commonwealth. 4th ed. 12mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Commonwealth Series.] Shallow (J.). The Templars' Trials. 8vo. London, 1888. Shaud (Robert W.), reporter. South Carolina Reports, vols. 11-33. Shaukland (James H.). Public Statutes of Tennessee since 1858 ; being a Supplement to the Code. 8vo. Nashville, 1871. Sharon (Sarah A.) vs. Sharon (Wm.). Argument of Francis G. Newlands. 8vo. San Francisco, 1884. [Pam., vol. 31.] Sharp (Granville). Account of the Constitutional English Polity of Congregational Courts ; and more particularly of the great annual Court of the People called the Yiew of Frankpledge. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1786. Remarks on the Opinions of Writers on Crown Law respecting the due distinction between Manslaughter and Murder. 8vo. London, 1773. Sharp (Gnstavns), pseud. Confessions of an Attorney. Added, several Papers on English Law and Lawyers, by Charles Dickens. 12mo. New York, 1852. [Ascribed to Samuel Warren.] 776 CATALOGVE OF THE LIBRARY OF Sharp (Isaac S.) and Allemaii (S. H.). Law\'ers and Bankers' Directorv of tlie United States and Canada. 8vo, Philadelphia, 1SS9. Sharp (William P.). Civil Code of Lower Canada. 2 vols., Svo. Montreal, 1889. Sharpstein (John R.). Digest of the American, English, Scotch, and Irish Reports of Life and Accident Insurance Cases. Svo. San Francisco, 1872. Sharswood ( George ). Essay on Professional Ethics. 4th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1876. ■ [Same.] 5th ed. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1884. Lectures introductory to the Study of the Law. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1870. Lectures on Commercial Law. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1856. — Sketch of his Judicial Character. Bv Geo. AV. Biddle. Svo. Philadelphia, 1883. [Pam.. vol. 26.] (editor). Blackstone's Commentaries. Russell on Crimes. Story's United States Statutes. Sharswood (George) and Budd (Henry). Leading Cases in the Law of Real Propertv. 4 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1883-9. Sharswood (George, Jr.). Table of Cases in the Reports of the State of Connecticut, cited, explained, etc. Svo. Philadelphia, 1878. Shaw (Albert). Local Government in Illinois. Svo. Balti- more, 1883.' [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 1.] Shaw (Benjamin), et al. Trial of. for Riot. svo. Salem, 1822. Shaw (Daniel). The Banker's Code; a Compilation of Laws of the State of Xew York. Svo. Albany, 1875, ShaAV (G. B.), reporter. Vermont Reports, vols. 10-11. Shaw (George J.). Treatise on the Law of Bankers' Cheques, Letters of Credit, and Drafts. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1871. Shaw (Henry). Shaw's Authenticated Report of the Irish State Trials. Svo. Dublin, 1844. Shaw (J. C.) and West (J. B.u Index to the Laws of Minnesota. Svo. St. Paul, 1876. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. Ill Shaw (John). Eeports of Cases before the High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciary in Scotland, 1848-1852. Svo. Edinburgh, 1853. Shaw (Patrick). Cases decided in the House of Lords, on Appeal fi'om the Courts of Scotland, 1821-1824. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826-8. Decisions of the Court of Justiciary, Scotland, from 1819 to 1831. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831. Digest of Cases decided in the Supreme Courts of Scot- land, and, on Appeal, by the House of Lords. Revised edition, by A. B. Bell and Wm. Lamond. 3 vols., royal 8vo. Edinburgh, 1869. Principles of the Law of Scotland contained in Lord Stair's Institutions ; with notes and references as to Modern Law. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1863. See Wilson (Jas.) and Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases. Shaw (Patrick) and Ballantiue (J.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases, First Series, vol. 1. Shaw (Patrick) and Duiilop (A.% reporters. Scotch Ses- sion Cases, First Series, vols. 2-T. Shaw (Patrick), Duiilop (A.) and Bell (J. M.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases, First Series, vols. 8, 10-12. Shaw (Patrick), Duiilop (A.), Bell (J. M.) and Murray (J.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases, First Series, vol. 13. Shaw (Patrick), Dimlop (A.), Napier (M.) and Bell (J. M.). Cases decided in the Court of Teincls, Scotland, 1821-1831. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1831. (reporters). Scotch Session Cases, First Series, vol. 9. Shaw (Patrick) and Maclean (Charles H.). Cases de- cided in the House of Lords on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1835-1838. 3 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1836-9. Shaw (William G.), editor. Ellis on Insurance. (reporter). Vermont Reports, vols. 30-35. Shea (Georg-e). Life and Epoch of Alexander Hamilton. 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1880. Sheahan (James W.). Corporation Laws of the City of Washino;ton. 8vo. Washing-ton, 1853. [Same.] 8vo. Washington, 1860. VV8 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Shearman (Thomas G.). See Tillinghast ( J. L.) and Shear- man's Practice. Shearman (Thomas G.) and Redfield (A. A.). Treatise on the Law of Xeghgence. 2d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1870. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1874. — [Same.] 3d ed. : with Addenda. Svo. Xew York, 1880. [Same.] 4th ed. 2 vols.. Svo. New York, 1888. Shearwood (Joseph A. ). Abridgment of the Law of Per- sonal Property. Svo. London, 1SS2. Abridgment of the Law of Real Projierty. 3d ed. Svo. London, ISSo. Introduction to the Principles of Equity. B\^ Shear- wood, assisted by C. S. Moore. Svo. London, 1SS5. Selected Digest of the Questions asked at the Bar and Solicitor' Pass and Honor Examinations, 1869-1884. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1SS4. Sketch of the Law of Tort. 12mo. London, 1886. Student's Guide to the Bar. Svo. London, 1879. Shee (AVilliami, editor. Abbott on Shipping. Marshall on Insurance. Shell I Richard L. u Sketches of the Irish Bar ; with Memoir and Xotes by R. S. Mackenzie. 2 vols., 12mo. Xew York, 1S54. Sheldon (Henry N.\ Law of Subrogation. Svo. Boston, 1SS2. (editor^. Bateman's Law of Auctions. Sheldon (James). Reports, Superior Court of Buffalo, N. Y., 1S54-1S75. Svo. New York, 1S7S. Shelford (Leonard"). Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvencv. 3d ed. Svo. London. 1862. Law of Highways in England and "Wales. 3d ed. By C. Manley Smith. 'Svo. London. 1S65. Law of Joint Stock Companies. 2d ed. By D. Pit- cairn and F. L. Latham. Svo. London, 1870. Law of Railwavs. in England, Scotland and Ireland. 4th ed. Bv AV. C. Glen. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1869. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 779 Shelford (Leonard). Law relating to the Probate, Legacy and Succession Duties in England, Ireland and Scotland. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 186L ■ Eeal Property Statutes ; with Notes. 8th ed. By T. H. Carson. 8vo. London, 1874. Treatise on the Law concerning Lunatics, Idiots, and Persons of Unsound Mind. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833. [L. L., vol. 2.] • Treatise on the Law of Marriage and Divorce. Svo. Philadelphia, 1841. [Same.] [L. L., vol. 33.] Treatise on the Law of Mortmain, and Charitable Uses and Trusts. Svo. Philadelphia, 1842. [Same.] [L. L., vols. 36, 37.] Treatise on the Law of Wills. 12mo. London, 1838. Sliepard (Charles E. and Tlioiuas K.). Digest of Wis- consin Reports. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1883-4. Shepard (Edward M.). Biography of Martin Van Buren. KJmo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Shepard (Elliott F.) antl Shafer (E. B.). Ordinances of New York Citv, in Force January 1, 1881. Svo. New York, 1881. " Shephard (Charles). Colonial Practice of Saint Vincent. Svo. London, 1822. Shephard (H. H.). Capture of Private Property at Sea. Svo. London, 1870. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Shepherd (John W.), reporter. Alabama Reports, vols. 24-89. Shepley (John), reporter. Maine Reports, vols. 13-18, 21-30. Sheppard (William). Actions upon the Case. 2d ed. Svo, London, 1675. Epitome of all the Common and Statute Laws in Force. Folio. London, 1656. The Faithful Councellor ; or. The Marrow of the Law in English. 4to. London, 1651. General Abridgment of the Common and Statute Law of England. 4 parts, bd. in 2 vols. Quarto. London, 1675. 780 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Sheppard (William). Precedent of Precedents; or, One general Precedent for Common Assurances by Deeds. Adapted to the present practice of Conveyancing, by Thos. W. Williams. 8vo. London, 1825. The Touch-stone of Common Assurances ; or, A plain and familiar Treatise, opening the Learning of the Common Assurances, or Conveyances of tiie Kingdom, ito. Lon- don, 1051. [Same.] fith ed. By Edward TTilliard. 8vo. Dublin, 1785. [Same.] 1st Amer. ed. AVith an appendix containing the Laws of the several States in the Union regulating Com- mon Recoveries, etc., by John Anthon. 3 vols., 8vo. ISTew York, 1808-10. [Same.] With additions by R. Preston. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840-1. [Same.] [L. L., vols. 30, 31.] See Small (Wm.). Choice Declarations. 1653. Sheridan (Edward). Trial of, for Misdemeanor. 8vo. Dub- lin, 1811. Sheridan (John). Practice of the Court of King's Bench. 8vo. Dublin, 1792. Sheriff (The (^om pleat). 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1710. Sherlock (Thomas), Bishop of London. Trial of the Wit- nesses of the Resurrection of Jesus ; with the Sequel of the Trial. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1843. Sherman (Henry). Analytical Digest of the Law of IMarine Insurance. 8vo. ISfew York, 1841, Governmental History of the United States of America, from the Earliest Settlement to the adoption of the ])resent Federal Constitution. 8vo. Hartford, 1860. Shields (Isaac H.V Penal Code of Pennsylvania. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadeli)hia, 1883. Shinn (Charles H.). Land Laws of IMining Districts. 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 2.] IVIining Camps. A Stud}' in American Frontier Govern- ment. 12mo. New York, 1885. Shipley (Rev. William D.). Trial of, for Libel. Reported by W. Blanchard. 8vo. Dublin, 1784. THE A^^OiJIATION OF THE BAR. 781 Sliipiuaii (Herbert A.j, editor. American Railway Reports, vols. 6-9. Shipinaii (K.). Law and Practice relating to Landlords and Tenants. 2d ed. Nvo. London, 1841. Shipinaii (William D.j. Argument before the Senate Judiciary Committee against the Civil Code. Svo. Albany, 1881. [Pam., vol. 27.] Sliipp (W. M.), reporter. Korth Carolina Reports, vols. 66-67. Sliippeii (Edward) and others, Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Trial and Acquittal of, on an Impeach- ment. Svo. Lancaster, 1805. Sliiras (Oliver P.). Equity Practice in the United States Circuit Courts. 12mo. Chicago, 1889. Shirley (John M.). The Dartmouth C^ollege Causes. 8vo. St. Louis, 1879. (reporter). New Hampshire Reports, vols. 49-55. Shirley (W. E.). Practical Training of Solicitors. Svo. London, 1S75. [Pam., vol. 24.] Shirley (W. S.). Elementary Treatise on Magisterial Law. 12mo. London, 1881. Selection of Leading Cases in the Common Law ; with Notes. Svo. London, 1880. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1883. [Same.] American reprint from the 8d English ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1888. Selection of Leading Cases in the Criminal Law, American ed., with Notes, bv H. IVT. Rumsey. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1889. — ■ ■ Sketch of the Criminal Law. By Shirley, assisted by C. M. Atkinson. Svo. London, ISSO. [Same.] 2d ed. By C. S. Hunter. Svo. London, 1889. Shirley (W. W.). Royal Letters of the Reign of Henry III. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Shortt (John). Informations (Criminal and Quo Warranto), Mandamus and Prohibition. Svo. Philadelphia, 1888. [Same.] American ed. Bv F. F. Heard. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1889. 782 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Sliortt (Joliiij. Law relating to AVorks of Literature and Art, embracing the Law of Copyright, the Law relating to Newspapers, tlie Law relating to Contracts between Authors, Publishers, Printers, etc., and the Law of Libel. 8vo. London, 1871. ^- [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1884. See Godefroi (H.) and Shortt's Law of Railway Com- panies. Shotwell (Thomas L.) vs. Hendrickson (Joseph), et al. See Quaker Trial (The). Sho'wer (Sir Bartholomew^). Cases in Parliament resolved and adjudged upon Petitions and Writs of Error, 1694- 1699. Folio. London, 1698. [Same.] 3d ed. Folio. London, 1740. [Same.] 4th ed. Bv P. L. Loveland. Svo. London, 1876. Reports, Court of King s Bench, England, 1678-1694, 2d ed. By Thos. Leach. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1794. Shracly (William). Law in reference to Suicide and Intem- perance in Life Insurance. Svo. ISTew York, 1S69. [Pam., vol. 26.] Sichel (Walter 8.). Practice relating to Witnesses. 12mo. London, 1887. Sicliel (Walter S.) and Chance (W.). Law relating to In- terrogatories, Production, Inspection of Documents and Discovery. Svo. London, 1883. Sickels (Hiram E.). Opinions of the Attorneys-General of the State of I^ew York. Svo. Albany, 1872. (reporter). Is^ew York Reports, vols. 46-125, Sickles (D. K.). United States IMining Laws, and the Deci- sions of the Commissioner of the General Land Ofl&ce, and the Secretary of the Interior, thereunder. Svo, San Francisco, 1881. Sickles (Daniel E.). Argument in the New York Senate on the Trinity Church Bill. Svo. Albanv, 1857. [Pam., vol. 3.] Speech in the Llouse of Representatives on the JS^eu- trality Laws. Svo, Washington, 1858, [Pam., vol. 10.] Trial of, for IVIurder. Svo. J^ew York, 1859. [Pam, Tr., vol. 3.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. V83 Siderfiii (^Thomas). Reports des divers Special Cases en le Court del Bank Le Roy, et auxy en le Co. Ba. et 1' Ex- chequer, 1657-1670. 2® ed., corrigee par R. Dobyns, etc. 2 vols, in 1. Folio. London, 1714. Sidney (Algernon). Discourses concerning Government. Folio. London, 1698. Siegel (Heinricli). Das Versprechen als Verpflichtungs- grund. 8vo. Berlin, 1873. Siegvolk (Paul), pseud. See Mathews (Albert). Sievers (Heinricli). Das Staatsrecht der freien Hansestadt Bremen. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [Marquardsen (H.). Handbuch, iii. Bd., 2\] Silliman (Benjamin D.). Address before the Law School of Columbia College. 8vo. New York, 1867. [Pam., vol. 29.] Sills (George). Treatise on Composition Deeds. 12mo. London, 1868. Silvernail (W. H.). Reports of Cases, New York Court of Appeals, not reported in the official series. 1886-1888. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York, 1891. — Reports of Cases, New York Supreme Court, not reported in the official series. 1889. Vol. 1. 8vo. New York, 1891. (editor). Barnard's Annual Digest of New York Reports. 1890. Simeon (John). Treatise on the Law of Elections, in all its branches. 8vo. Dublin, 1790. Simmons (James), Digest of Moak's English Reports, volumes 1 to 80. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1875-83. Digest of Wisconsin Reports, 1839-1879. 3 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1868-79. [Same.] 1839-1885. 8vo. Albany, 1886. Supplements to "Wait's Digest of New York Reports. 3 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1873-82. Simmons (Thomas F.). Remarks on the Constitution and Practice of Courts Martial. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1852. [Same.] 5th ed. 8vo. London, 1863. 784 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OE Simon (Henry A.). Law relating to Railway Accidents: including an outline of the Liabilities of Railway Com- panies as Carriers generally. 12nio. London, 1862. Treatise on the Law of Interpleader. 2d ed. 8vo, London, 1S50. Simonds (William E.). Digest of Patent Cases ; Federal and State Courts, 1789-1888. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1888. Digest of Patent Office Decisions, 1869-1879. 8vo. Washington, 1880. — Law of Design Patents. 8vo. Ne\v York, 1874. — Manual of Patent Law ; with an appendix upon the Sale of Patents. 8vo. Hartford, 1871:. Summary of the Law of Patents. 12mo. New York, 1883. Simons (Nicholas). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1826-1850. 17 vols., 8vo. London, 1829-54. [Same.] New Series, 1850-1852. 2 vols., 8vo. Lon- don, 1851-2. Simons (Nicholas) and Stuart (John). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1822-1826. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1824-7. Simonton (Charles H.) and Conner (James). Digest of South Carolina Equity Reports. 8vo. Charleston, 1857. Simpson (Archibaltl H.). Treatise on the Law and Prac- tice relating to Infants. 8vo. London, 1875. [Same.] 2d ed. Bv E. J. Elgood. 8vo. London, 1890. Simpson (Joseph). Reflections on the Natural and Ac- quired Endowments requisite for the Study of the Law. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1765. [Pam., vol. 41.] Simpson (Palgrave). Practice of the High Court of Chancery as altered bv the Orders of 1845. 8vo. Lon- don, 1845. [Pam., vol." 42.] Simrall (G. H.), reporter. IMississippi Reports, vols. 49-52. Sinclair (Sir John), Bart. Inclosure of Commons. Reports from Select Committees of the House of Commons in 1795, 1797 and 1800. 8vo. London, 1866. [Pam., voL 42.] Sinclair (John), Trial of, for IVIurder. See Johnson (James). THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 785 Sirey (J. B.). Les Codes annotes. Continues par P. Gil- bert. 3® ed. Par Jean Sire3^ Code Civil. 2 vols., rov. 8vo. Paris, 1882-6. Six Circuits. Cases on the Six Circuits in Ireland, 1841- 1843. 8vo. Dublin, 1843. Six Militia Men (The). Trial of, by Court Martial, and the Orders of General Jackson for Shooting, 8vo. Albany, 1828. Skene (Sir John). De Verborum Significatione, The Expo- sition of the Termes and difficill AVordes, conteined in the foure Buikes of Regiam Majestatem, etc. Folio. Edin- burgh, 1597. Regiam Majestatem. The Auld Lawes and Constitu- tions of Scotland. With Twa Treatises, the ane anent the Order of Proces observed before the Lords of Counsell and Session ; the other of Crimes, and Judges in Criminall Causes. Folio. Edinburgh, 1609. Skidniore (Walter A.). Revised Statutes of the United States relating to Mineral Lands and Mining Resources. 8vo. San Francisco, 1875. Skillman (John B.). New York Police Reports. 8vo. New York, 1830. [Burlesque.] Skinker (Thomas K.), reporter. Missouri Reports, vols. 65-79. Skinner (Peter). Tables of Interest. 12mo. New York, 1884. Skinner (Robert). Reports, Court of King's Bench, Eng- land ; witli some Arguments in Special Cases, 1681-1697. Folio. London, 1728. Skinner (Roger S.). New York State Register. 12mo. New York, 1831. Skirving (William). Trial of, for Sedition. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1794. Slacle (William, Jr.), Laws of Vermont of a Publick and Permanent Nature to 1824. 8vo. Windsor, 1825. ^ (reporter). Vermont Reports, vol. 15. Slander and Libel. Reports of the Four Leading Cases against the Mercantile Agency. 8vo. New York, 1873. 50 V86 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Slater (John H.). Guide to the Legal Profession. 8vo. London, 1884. Law relating to Copyright and Trade Marks. 8vo. London, 1884. Slater (Josluia). Law of Arbitration and Awards. 2d ed. 12nio. London, 1886. Principles of Mercantile Law. 12rao. London, 1884. Sleig^li (W. C.)' The Grand Jury System subversive of the Moral Interests of Societv. 8vo. London, 1852. [Para., vol. 37.] Handy Book on Criminal Law, applicable chiefly to Commercial Transactions. 12mo. London, 1858. Personal Wrongs and Legal Remedies, 12mo. Lon- don, 1860. Sloan's Legal and Financial Register. See Legal and Finan- cial Register. Sloane (Charles W.). Landlords and Tenants ; a summary view of their Legal Rights and Duties. 12mo. New York, 1878. Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. 8vo. New York, 1884. Sniale (Sir John) and Giffarcl (J. W. D.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1852-1857. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1855-8. See De Gex (J. P.) and Smale's English Chancery Reports. Sniale (John J.). See Drewry (C. S.) and Smale's English Chancery Reports. Small (William). Collection of Choice Declarations, Avith Pleas, etc. By W. S. Translated into English. [Anon.] 4to. London, 1653. Smart (Benjamin). Narrative of Transactions as they relate to a Post Bill of Fifty Pounds, detained at the Bank of England. 8vo. London, 1818. [Pam., vol. 19.] Smedes (W. C.) and Marshall (T. A.). Reports, High Court of Errors and Appeals, Mississippi, 1843-1850. 14 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1844—51. Reports, Superior Court of Chancery, Mississippi, 1840-1843. 8vo. Boston, 1844. THE ASSOCIATION- OF THE BAR. 787 Siuee (John). Complete Collection of Abstracts of Acts of Parliament, and Cases with Opinions of the Judges, upon Taxes. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1797. Sinirke (Edward), editor. Freeman's King's Bench Eeports. Smith (Abram D.j, reporter. Wisconsin Reports, vols. 1-11. Smith (Borden D.). Powers, Duties and Liabilities of Sheriffs, Coroners and Constables. 8vo. Albany, 1883. Smith (Cliarles), editor. Yeates' Pennsylvania Reports. Smitli (Charles J.). Synonyms Discriminated. A Diction- arv of Synonymous Words in the English Language. Edited by Rev. H. P. Smith. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1890. Smith (Charles Manley). Treatise on the Law of Master and Servant ; including therein Masters and Workmen in every description of trade and occupation. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1852. [L. L., voh 75.] [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1870. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886. (editor). Hodges' Law of Railways, Smith (Charles S.). Trial of, for Bastardv. 8vo. Otego, N. Y., 1874. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Smith (Chauncey). Digest of English Law and Equity Reports. 8vo. Boston, 1857. (editor). English Law and Equity Reports. Smith (Chavmcey) and Bates (S. W.). Cases relating to the Law of Railways, decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, and in the Courts of the several States. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1856-7. Smith (Dix W.). Treatise upon the Law of Chattel Mort- gages in the State of New York. 8vo. Albany, 1889. Smith (E. A.). Collection Compendium, compiled for the use of Lawyers and Business JVIen. 8vo. St. Louis, 1875. Smith (E. Delafleld). Argument in the Case of the Prize Steamer Peterhoff. Svo. New York, 1863. [Pam., vol. 4.] Justice to the President ; a speech delivered at Cooper Institute. 8vo. New York, 1869. [Pam., vol. 1.] Reports, Court of Common Pleas, City and County of New York, 1850-1858. 4 vols., 8vo. New York, 1855-67. Biographical Sketch of. By George P. Andrews. Svo. New York, 1871. [Pam., vol. 5.] 788 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Siuitli (E. Fitcli). Commentaries on Statute and Constitu- tional Law. and Statutory and Constitutional Construction. 8vo. Albany, 1S4S. Smith (E. Pesliiiie), reporter. New York Reports, vols. 15-27. Smith (Ebenezer). Will Case. Arguments. 8vo. Hallo- well. 1879. [Pam.. vol. li.] Smith (Eclmvuid). Elementar}' View of the Practice of Conveyancing in Solicitors' Offices. 8vo. London, 1863. Smith (Edwin). Map of Xew York City, from Batter}^ to 29th Street, showing Farm lines, etc. ito. Xew York, 1891. [Folded.] Smith (Ed^viii B.), reporter. Maine Reports, vols. 61-64. Smith (^Edwiii Biirritt), reporter. Illinois Appellate Courts Reports, vols. 21-36. Smith (Ellison G.i, reporter. Dakota Reports, vols. 2-3. Smith (^Francis O. J. i. Laws of the State of Maine, 1821- 1834. 2 vols., 8vo. Portland, 1834. Smith (Fred. Dumont). Privilege of Witnesses. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1890. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Smith (^George H.). Elements of Right and of the Law. 2d ed. 12mo. Chicago, 1887. ^ (reporter). California Reports, vols. 54-62. Smith (Georg:e J. P.V See Pest (W. M.) and Smith's Queen's Bench Reports. Smith (George P.). Law of Field-Sports. 12mo. JS'ew York, 1886. Smith (George W.). Argument of Henry Smith, in behalf of. 8vo. Albany, 1867. Journal of Proceedings of the Senate in the Matter of. 8vo. Albany, 1866. Smith (H. Arthnr). Principles of Equitv. 8vo. London, 1882. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Loudon, 1888. Smith ( Henry). See Tiffany (Joel) and Smith's New York Practice. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 789 Smith (Henry H.). Constitution of the United States ; and Manual, Rules, etc., of the House of Representatives. 8vo. Washington. Editions of 1877, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1890. Smith (Horace). Treatise on the Law of Negligence. Svo. London, 1880. ■ — [Same.] 1st American ed. By "W. H. Whittaker. Svo. St. Louis, 1886. [Same.] From 2d Enghsh ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1887. (editor). Roscoe's Digest of Criminal Evidence. Smitli (Horace) and Sodeii (Thomas S.). Manual of the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Edited by L. W, Cave. 8vo. London, 1871. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1878. Smith (J. H.), reporter. Ohio State Reports, vol. 3. Smith (J. M.). Cases of Contested Elections in the U. S. House of Representatives, 1871-1876. Svo. Washington, 1878. Smith (J. Orton). The Lawyer and his Profession ; a series of letters to a Solicitor commencing business. 12mo. London, 1860. Smith (James F.) and Joseph (F. J.). Digest of Ontario Reports, 1881-1887. Svo. Toronto, 1887. Smitli (James W.). Handy Book on the Law of Bills, Cheques, Notes, and I O U's. 12mo, London, 1884. Smith (Jeremiah). Decisions of the Superior and Supreme Courts of New' Hampshire, 1802-9, 1813-16. Selected from the Manuscript Reports of Judge Smith ; with Ex- tracts on Probate Law, etc. Svo. Boston, 1879. Life of, by John H. Morison. Svo. Boston, 1845. Smith (Rev. Joliii). Trial of, under Martial Law, for aiding a Rebellion of Negro Slaves. Svo. London, 1824. Smith (Joliii G.). Hints for the Examination of Medical Witnesses. 12mo. London, 1829. Smitli (John Guthrie). Treatise on the Law of Repara- tion. Svo. Edinburgh, 1864. — — — Law of Damages ; a Treatise on the Reparation of Injuries as administered in Scotland. 2d ed. Svo. Edin- burgh, 1889. TOO CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAllY OF Smith (John P.). Reports, Court of King's Bench, etc., England. 1803-1806. 3 vols., Svo. London, 180-J— 7. — Review of the Law for the Surrender of the Effects, and for the Personal Libei'ation, of Prisoners for Debt. 8vo. London, 1814. [Para., vol. 42.] — (editor). Law Journal. Smith (John Sidney > Hand-Book of Practice of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1848. Practice of the Court of Chancer v. 2d American ed. By D. Graham, Jr. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1842. Sniitli (John W. ). Compendium of Mercantile Law. Svo. Philadelphia, 1837. [L. L., vol. 17.] [Same.] American ed. Bv J. P. Ilolcorabe and AV. Y. Gholson. Svo. Xew York, 1847. [Same.] 3d American ed. Svo. Xew York, 1871. [Same.] American ed. By C. P. Pomeroy. 12mo. San Francisco, 1887. Elementar}' View of the Proceedings in an Action at Law. From the 3d English ed., bv D. B. Ring. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. • [Same.] [L. L., vol. 60.] Epitome of the Law relating to Patents for Inventions. 12mo. London, 1836. Law of Contracts. Svo. Philadelphia, 1847. [L. L., vol. 56.] ■ — [Same.] oth American ed. from 4th London, by J. G. Malcolm ; with Xotes by AY. H. Rawle and Geo. Shars- wood. Svo. Philadelphia. 1869. [Same.] 6th American ed. from 6th London, by Y. T. Thompson. Svo. Philadelphia, 1878. [Same.] 7tli American ed. With additional Notes by J. D. Brown, Jr. Svo. Philadelphia, 18S5. Law of Landlord and Tenant. "With Xotes bv F. P. Maude. 1st American ed. By P. P. Morris. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1856. [Same.] 3d ed. Bv Y. T. Thompson. Svo. London, 1882. Selection of Leading Cases on various Branches of the Law ; with Notes. 3 vols.. Svo. Philadelohia, 1838-40. [L. L., vols. 19, 23, 30.] THE ASSOCIAriON' OF THE BAR. 791 Smith (John W.). Selection of Leading Cases on various Branches of the Law ; with Notes. Hare and Wallace's ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, L844. [L. L., vols. 43, 44.] [Same.] 3(1 American ed. Bj Hare and AVallace. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1847. • [Same,] 6th American ed. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1866. [Same.] Yth American ed. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1872-3. — [Same.] 8th od. By R. H. Collins and E. G. Arbuth- not. 2 vols., 8v(). London, 1879. — [Same.] 8th American ed. 2 vols, in 4. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1885. [Same.] 9th American from the 9th English ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. Smith ( Josiah W.). Compendimn of the Law of Peal and Personal Propertv, connected with Conveyancing. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. [Same.] [L. L., vol. 89.] [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1877. Manual of Common Law. 2d American ed. By E. C. Ingersoll. 8vo. Washington, 1881. [Same.] 10th ed. Bv J. Trustram. 12mo. London, 1887. Manual of Equity Jurisprudence. 6tli ed. 12mo. London, 1861. — [Same.] 2d American ed. Bv E. C. Ingersoll. 8vo. Washington, 1878. • [Same.] 14th ed. By J. Trustram. 12mo. London, 1889. Orio^inal View of Executory Interests in Real and Per- sonal Property. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. Succinct View of the Operation of Fines and Recoveries. 12mo. London, 1846. Smith (Lewis L.). Transfer of Negotiable Paper as Col- lateral Security. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. Smith (Liimley), editor. Mayne on Damages. Smith (Madeleine ). Trial of, for Murder by Poisoning. Reported by Alex. F. Irvine. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1857. 792 CATALOGUi: OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Smith (Mary E. i vs. Earl Ferrers. Action for Breach of Promise of Marriage. Svo. London, 1846. Smith (^3Ielaiietlioii I. Address to the People of the State of Xew York, on the subject of the Constitution. Svo. New York, ITSS. See Ford (^Paul L.). Smith (3Iortimer J.i. Trial of, on an Indictment for Libel on Miss Emma Wilhams. Svo. Albany, 1S4T. Smith ( O. H.). Early Indiana Trials and Sketches ; Eemi- niscences. Svo. Cincinnati, 1S5S. Smith (Oliver). AYill Case; with Arguments of Messrs. Choate and Webster. Eeported bv J. W. Bovden. Svo. Amhei-st. 1847. [Pam. Tr., vol. 10.] Smitli (P. Frazer). Complete Collection of Forms of Pro- cedure in the several Courts of Pennsvlvania. 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1872. Smith ( Pliilip Austiei. Ancient Legal Education in the Inns of Court. Svo. London, 1850. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] History of Education for the English Bar ; with sugges- tions as to Subjects and Methods of Studv. Svo. London, 1860. Seizure of the Southern Commissioners, considered with reference to International Law. Svo. London. 1862. [Pam.. vol. 28.] Smith (Pliilip Veriioii\ On the Effect of the contemplated Fusion of Law and Equity on the English Law of Contract. Svo. London, 1871. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 4.] ■ On the LaAv of Forfeiture for Treason and Felony. Svo. London, 1870. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Smitli (Pliny F.i, reporter. Pennsylvania State Reports, vols. 51-81. Smith (R. Hortoii^. See De Gex (J. P.\ Jones and Smith's English Chancery Reports. Smith (R. McPhail), editor. Heiskell's Tennessee Reports, vols. 7. 12. Smith ('Richardj and Carson (Ann^. Trials of, for the ]\[urder of John Carson. Svo. Philadelphia. 1816. Smith (Robert H. i. Law List of Australasia. 12mo. Mel- bourne, 1886. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 793 Smith (Rufus B.) and Benedict (Alfred B.). Yerified Revised Statutes of Ohio. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1890. Sinitli (Rev. S. B.). Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, adapted to the Discipline of the [Roman Cathohc] Church in the United States. (Vol. 1, 5th ed.) 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1882-3. [Same.] (Yol. 1, 6th ed. ; vol. 2, 3d ed.) 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1887-9. New Procedure in Criminal and Disciplinary Causes of Ecclesiastics in the United States. 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1888. Smith (Sydney K.). Theory and Principles of Law. Svo. Columbia, Mo., 1884. Smitli (T. Eustace). Practical Guide to Patentees. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1886. Summary of the Law and Practice in Admiralty. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1885. Summary of the Law and Practice in the Ecclesiastical Courts. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1883, Summary of the Law of Companies. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1885. Smith (Thomas B. C). See Fox (M. V.) and Smith's Irish Reports. Smitli (Thomas Court of Kinj 18-30. Smith (Thomas L.). Elements of the Laws ; or. Outlines of the System of Civil and Criminal Laws in Force in the United States. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1853. Reports, Supreme Court of Indiana, 1848-1849. 8vo. ►mas B. C.) and Batty (Espine). Reports, King's Bench, Ireland, 1824-1825. 8vo. Dublin, New Albany, 1850. Smith (Toulmin). Local Government Act; with Notes. 12mo. London, 1858. Proceedings for the Removal of Nuisances to Health and Safety. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1867. Smith (William), A.M. History of the Province of New York. 8vo. London, 1776. Smith (Captain William). Trial of, before the Recorder of Bombay, for Criminal Conversation with Mrs. Marj^ Bond. Svo. London, 1805. 794 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Smith (William), Esq. Treatise on the Duties and OflBce of Receiver under the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. 3d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1830. Smith (William). Trial of, for Piracy, as one of the Crew of the Confederate Privateer, The Jeff. Davis. Svo. Pliiladelphia, 1861. [Pam. Tr., vol. 1.] Smith (William and Peter). Trial of, for Conspiracy. Reported by Jacob D. Wheeler. 8vo. Xew York, 1824. Smith (Sir W^illiam C. ), Bart. Charges of Baron Smith : also. Addresses presented to him and his Answers. With a report of the two Debates in the House of Commons upon his Case. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. Short Inquiry as to the Competency of Witnesses, with reference to their Rehgious Opinions ; added. Tracts on Legal and other subjects. 8vo. London, 1838. Smith (AVilliam L.), LL.D. Comparative View of the Con- stitutions of the several States with each other, and with that of the United States. Revised by E. S. Davis. 8vo. Washington, 1832. Siuith (William L.). Practice in Proceedings in the Pro- bate Courts. 3d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1876. [Same.] 4th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1884. Smith (William R.). History and Debates, Alabama Con- vention. January, 1861. 8vo. Montgomery, 1861. Smith (William S.j and Ogdeii (Saml. G.). Trials of, for Misdemeanours. 8vo. New York, 1807. Smith (William W.). Treatise on Private Corporations. Svo. Pliiladelphia, 1889. Smoult (W. H.). Collection of Oi-ders made and passed by the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Ben- gal ; with Notes, including Decisions of the Court, 1774- 1798. 12mo. Calcutta, 1834. Smucker (Samuel M.), D.D. Blue Laws of Connecticut ; a collection of the earliest Statutes and Judicial Proceed- ings of that Colony. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1861. Smyth (John F.). Proceedings in the Senate of N. Y. on Charges arainst. Svo. Albanv, 1878. Smyth (John H.i. Law of Homestead and Exemptions. 8vo. San Francisco, 1875. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 795 Sinytlie (Hamilton). Law of Landlord and Tenant in Ire- land. 8vo. Dublin, 1842. Reports, Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, Ireland, 1839-1840. 8vo. Dublin, 1840. Siiagg: (R.)» publisher. Collection of Kemarkable and Inter- esting State Trials. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1775-6. Sneecl (John L. T.). Reports, Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1853-1859. 5 vols., 8vo. Nashville, 1855-9. See Kentucky Decisions. Snell (Edmund H. T.). Principles of Equit}'. 3d ed. By J. R. Griffith. 8vo. London, 1874. [Same.] 1st American ed. Bv J. D. Lawson. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. [Same.] 9th ed. By A. Brown. 8vo. London, 1889. Snetlien (Worthinp^ton G.). Black Code of the District of Columbia, in Force September 1st, 1848. 8vo. New York, 1848. Snow (Marshall S.). City Government of Saint Louis. 8vo. Baltimore, 1887. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 5.] Sno\i^ (Thomas) and Winstanley (Hubert). Principal Statutes, Consolidated and General Orders, and Rules of Court, of the Court of Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster. 8vo. London, 1880. Snow (Zera), reporter. Utah Reports, vol. 3. Snowden (Ralph L.). Police Officers and Constables' Guide and Magistrates' Assistant. 7th ed. By W. C. Glen. 8vo. London, 1875. Snyder (William L.). Geography of Marriage ; or, Legal Perplexities of Wedlock in the United States. 12mo. New York, 1889. Great Opinions by Great Judges. A Collection of im- portant Judicial Opinions by Eminent Judges ; with an In- troduction, Notes, Analyses, etc. 8vo. New York, 1883. Great Speeches by Great Lawyers. Collection of Argu- ments and Speeches before Courts and J uries by Eminent Lawyers. 8vo. New York, 1881. Laws authorizing the Incorporation of Clubs, Societies and Associations. 12mo. New York, 1889. Laws of New York relating to Religious Corporations, Charitable Societies, Burial Grounds and Cemeteries. 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1887. 796 CA TAL G UE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Snyder (AVilliaiii L. i. Laws relating to Mechanics' Liens, also Liens of Boarding-House Keepers and Livery-Stable Keepers. 12mo. Xew York. 1S82. [Pam., vol. 30.] Mechanics' Lien Law of the State of Xew York. 8vo. Xew York, 1891. Notaries' and Commissioners' Manual. Svo. Xew York. Editions of 1881, 1884, 1889. Society for the Diffusion of Knowledge. Third Report respecting the Punishment of Death. 8vo. London. 1816. [Para., vol. 44.] Soden i Thomas S. ). See Smith (H.) and Soden on Landlord and Tenant. Sohiu (Rudolph I. Institutionen des Romischen Rechts. 2. Auli. >vo. Leipzig, 1886. Trauung und Yerlobung. 8vo. Weimar, 1876. Solberg i Thorvald i. See Bowker (R. R.) on Copyright. Solicitors' Benevolent Association. Rules. Regulations, Proceedings of Meetings, etc. bvo. London, 1869. [Pam., vol. 6.] Solicitors' Journal and Reporter. 35 vols., imp. Svo. London. 1857-91. Soloman (Eugene). Essai sur la Condition Juridique des Etrangers dans les Legislations Anciennes et le Droit Moderne. Svo. Paris. 1844. Solomon (AVilliami. Yoet. C'ommentarius ad Pandectas translated into English. The Contract of Letting and Hir- ing, book 19. tit. 2. 8vo. London, 1879. Somers ( Jolini, Lord. Judgment of Whole Kingdoms and Xations, concerning the Rights, Power, and Prerogative of Kings, and the Rights, Priviledges. and Properties of the People. 10th ed. 8vo. London, 1771. Security of English-men's Lives ; or. The Trust, Power, and Duty of the Grand- Juries of England explained accord- ing to the Fundamentals of the English Government. [Anon.] 8vo. Dublin. 1727. [Pam.. vol. 44.] — [Same.] New ed. Svo. London. 1771. [Pam., vol. 19.] Life and Writings of, bv Henry Maddock. 4to. Lon- don, 1812. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. •97 Somerset Gazette. Law Supplement. Folio. Somerville, N. J., 1877. [Onh^ 117 pages published.] Soniiier (Williain). Treatise of Gavelkind ; with a Life of the Author bv the Lord Bishop of Peterborough [White Kennett]. 2d ed. 4to. London, 1726. Sonneiikalb (K. Th.j. Das Staatsrecht des Herzogthums Sachsen-Altenburg. 8vo. Freiburg, 188-1. [Marquardsen (H.). Handbuch, iii. Bd., 21] Soiile (Charles C). Lawyer's Reference JVEanual of Law Books and Citations. 2d thousand. 8vo. Boston, 1884. Soule (liicliard). Dictionary of English Synonymes, and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions. 8vo. Boston, 1876. South Carolina : Reports — Law. Bay. 1783-18(11. 2 vols. Brevard. 1793-1816. 3 vols. Treadway. Constitutional Reports. 1812-1816. 2 vols. ]V[ill. Constitutional Reports. 1817-1818. 2 vols. Nott & McCord. 1817-1820. 2 vols. JVIcCord. 1821-1828. 4 vols. Harper. 1823-1826. 1 vol. Bailey. 1828-1832. 2 vols. Hill. 1833-1837. 3 vols. Riley. 1836-1837. 1 vol. Dudley. 1837-1838. 1 vol. Rice. 1838-1839. 1 vol. Cheves. 1839-1840. 1 vol. MclVIullen. 1840-1842. 2 vols. Speers. 1842-1844. 2 vols. Richardson. 1844-1868. 15 vols. Strobhart. 1846-1850. 5 vols. Equity. Desaussure. 1784-1816. 4 vols. Harper. 1824. 1vol. McCord. 1825-1827. 2 vols. Bailey. 1830-1831. 1 vol. Richardson's Equitv < Uases. 1831-1832. 1 vol. Hill. 1833-1837. 2 vols. Riley. 1836-1837. 1 vol. Dudley. 1837-1838. 1vol. Rice. 1838-1839. 1 vol. Cheves. 1839-1840. 1 vol. McMuUen. 1840-1842. 1 vol. Speers. 1842-1844. 1vol. Richardson. 1844-1868. 14 vols. Strobhart. 1846-1850. 4 vols. 798 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF South Carolina Reports— Supreme Court. Kicluirdson. 1S08-1S7S. 1-10 s. c. 10 vols Shand. 187Y-1890. 11-13 S. C. 23 vols. Digests of Reports. Kice. Law. 1783-1838. 2 vols Conner. Law. 1835-1854. 1 vol. Magrath. Law. 1854-1868. 1 vol. Simonton & Conner. Equitv. 1784-1856. 1 vol. Johnstone. Equitv. 1856-1868. 1 vol. Ravenel & McHugh. 1868-1879. 1 vol. Thomas. 1877-1885. 1 vol. Chisolm & Hyde. Index-Digest. 1783-1882. 2 vols Statutes. Session. Date. Session. Date. January March, August. . . . March March March March Feb., Oct.. and Nov. March 1783 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 18f'4 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 December December December December December December December December December Jan., December. . . December December December Oct., December. . . December December December December December June, December . . December December December December December December December December December December December December December December December December December 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 February Feb., December . . December 1827 1828 1829 December April, December. . . Nov., December. . . December December 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 December 1835 December 1836 December 1837 December 1838 December 1839 December 1840 May. December. . . December 1841 1842 December 1843 December 1844 June, December. . . December December 1845 1846 1847 December 1848 December Sept., December. . . December 1849 1850 1851 December 1853 December 1853 March, December. . December 1854 1855 THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 799 South Carolina : Statutes. — Continued. Session. Date. Session. Date. December 1856 Oct., November. . . 1873 December 1857 1858 November November 1874 December 1875 December 1859 November 1876 Nov., December . . . 1860 April, November. . 1877 Jan., December. . . . 1861 November 1878 December 1863 November 1879 February, April . . 1863 Feb., November. . 1880 Sept., December. . . 1863 November 1881 December 1864 June, November 1883 December 1865 November 1883 September 1866 December 1884 December 1866 December 1885 July, November . . . 1868 December 1886 November 1869 November 1887 November 1S70 November 1888 November 1871 November 1889 November 1873 November 1890 Statutes at Large, 1682-1875. 15 vols. 8vo. Public Laws of the State, 1682-1T90. By John F. Grimke. 4to. Philadelphia, 1790. Acts of the General Assembly, 1791-1804. Printed by D. 37. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 825 Sullivan (Francis S.). Historical Treatise on the Feudal Law, and the Constitution and Laws of England. Svo. Dublin, 1772. Lectures on the Constitution and Laws of England ; with a Commentary on Magna Charta. 2d ed. By Gil- bert Stuart, -ito. London, 1776. [Same.] 1st American ed. 2 vols., Svo. Portland, 1805. Sullivan (James). History of Land Titles in Massachusetts. 8vo. Boston, 1801. Summary Decisions of the Sudder DeAvanee Adawlut, Calcutta; alphabetically arranged, 1834 to 1855. 12mo. Calcutta, 1855. Sumner (Charles). The Crime against Kansas. Speech in the U. S. Senate. 8vo. Boston, 1856. [Pam., vol. 12.] The Promises of the Declaration of Independence : Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. 8vo. Boston, 1865. [Pam., vol. 5.] Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, First Circuit, 1829-1839. 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1836-41. [Same.] 2d ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1848-51. (editor). Yesey (F., Jr.). English Chancer}^ Reports. Sumner (William G.). Andrew Jackson. 12th ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Supreme Court Circular ; containing Reports of Cases decided, and of Orders and Minutes issued, by the Supreme Court of Ceylon, 1878-1889. 8 vols., 4to. Colombo, 1879-89. Supreme Court Reporter ; containing the Decisions of the U. S. Supreme Court. 11 vols., 8vo. Saint Paul, 1883*-91. [National Reporter System.] Surratt (John H.). Trial of, for the Murder of Abraham Lincoln. 2 vols., Svo. "Washington, 1867. Surratt (Mary E.), et al. Trial of, for the Murder of Abra- ham Lincoln. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1865. Surrogate (The). A Magazine for Lawyers, Executors, etc. 4to. New York, 1891. Surrogates : Treatise on the Office, Functions and Dignity of. Svo. London, 183*'). [Pam., vol. 45.] Surtees (William E.). Sketch of the Lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon. Svo. London, 1846. 826 CATALOGUE OF THE LTBRABY OF Susquohaiiiia Lej»al Chronicle. 8vo. Montrose, Pa., 1S7S-1>. L^^i^ly 1- \\o^., ^>i piiges, published.] Sutherland (David). Digest of Indian Law Heports, 1S62- 1876. Koy. 8vo. Calcutta, ISTT. Full Bench Rulings of the Appellate High Court of Bengal, 18G2-1SG4. 8vo.. Calcutta, 1867. Judgments of the Privy Council on Appeals from India, 18:31-1880. 3 vols., 8vo. Calcutta, l8(;7-80. Reports of Decisions of the Appellate High Court, from January to July, 18 vols., 8vo. Chicago, 1882-3. Sutherland (T. J.). Report of the Proceedings on the Trial of AVm. L. Mackenzie for an alleged Violation of the Neu- trality Laws of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1840. [Para. Tr., vol. 6.] Sutton (Charles). The New York Tombs ; its Secrets and Mysteries. 8vo. New York, 1874. Sutton (Henry). Tramway Acts of the United Kingdom ; with Notes on the Law and Practice. 2d ed. 8vo. Lon- don, 1883. Sutton (R.). The Methodist Church Property Case. Bascom (H. B.) vs. Lane (Geo.). Svo. Richmond, 1851. Swabey (M. C. M.). Law relating to Divorce and Matri- monial Causes. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1859. — Reports, High Court of Admiralty, England, and on Appeal to the Privy Council, 1850-1859. 8vo. ♦London, 1S60. See Deane (J. P.) and Swabey 's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Swabey (M. C. M.) and Tristram (T. H.). Reports, Court of Probate, and Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, Eno-land, 185S-1865. 1- vols., 8vo. London, 18(50-71. Swan (Joseph R.). Statutes of the State of Ohio. Svo. Cincinnati, 1854. — Treatise on the Law relating to the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace and Constables in the State of Ohio. 3d ed. Svo. Columbus, 1841. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 827 Swan (Joseph R.) and Critclifleld (L. J.). Revised Statutes of Ohio. 2 vols., 8vo. Cincinnuti, 187i>. Swan (Joseph R.) and Sayler (Milton). Supplement to the Revised Statutes of Ohio. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1868. Swan (William G.). Reports, Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1851-185;^ 2 vols., Svo. Nashville, 1853-4. Swann (John). An Investor's Notes on American Railroads. 12mo. New York, 1886. Swann (Samuel). Collection of Public Laws of North Carolina. Folio. Newbern. 1752. Swanston (Clement T.). On the Schools of Legislation. Svo. London, 1860. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1S18-1819. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1821-7. Swartwout (Samuel). Message of the President of the United States in relation to the Default of Swartwout, late Collector of the Customs for the Port of NeAV York. Svo. Washington, 1838-9. [25th Cong., 3d Sess. House. Doc, nos. 13, 51, 69.] Reports of Majoritv and Minority. Svo. Washington, 1839. [25th Cong., 3d Sess. House. Rep., no. 313.] Swayne (Wager). Address before the Graduating Class of the University Law School. Svo. New York, 1884. [Para., vol. 29.] S^veden. A^estgota lagbok. [The oldest Swedish book, containing the early provincial laws from 1281 to 1290. Edited b}'' Algernon Bortzell and Harald Wieselgren.] Photo- graphic facsimile. Small Irto. Stockholm, 1889. Marriage and Divorce. (Wright.) 1889. Patent Law. (Abbott.) 1886. Staatsrecht. (Aschehoug.) 1886. Sweeny (James M.). Reports, Superior Court, City of New York, 1869-1870. 2 vols., 8vd. New York, 1871. Sweet (Charles). Dictionary of English Law. Roy. Svo. London, 1882. Sweet (Georgre). Cases on a Wife's Separate Estate, and Equity to a Settlement, out of her Equitable Property. Svo. London, 1840. Concise Precedents in Conveyancing. 4th ed. By C. C. Tucker and G. Cave. Roy. Svo. London, 1886. 828 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Sweet (^George;. Expediency of Digesting the Precedents of the Common Law. and "Regulating the Publication of Reports. 8vo. London, 1S62. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Impediments to the Transfer of Land. 8vo. London, 1S73. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 4.J Law of Wills. 12mo. London, 1838. (editor). Bythewood and Jarman's Precedents of Con- veyancing. Swett (Jane 31. i. Trial of, for Homicide. Svo. Biddeford, Me., 1867. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] S^vift ( Eclniuiid Lentlial i. See Basilicus. SATift (Zepliaiiiahi. Digest of the Law of Evidence in Civil and Criminal Cases ; and a Treatise on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Xotes. 8vo. Hartford, 1810. Digest of the Laws of Connecticut. 2 vols., 8vo. New Haven, 1822-3. Svstem of the Laws of the State of Connecticut. 2 vols. Svo. Windham, 1795-6. Vindication of the calling of the Special Superior Court for the Trial of Peter Lung : with observations on the Con- stitutional Power of the Legislature to interfere with the Judiciarv in the Administration of Justice. Svo. Wind- ham. 1816. [Pam.. vol. 9.] Swinburne (Henry t. Treatise of Spousals, or Matrimonial Contracts. 4to. London, 1686. ■ — Treatise of Testaments and Last Wills. .■)th ed. Folio. London, 1728. — [Same.] 6th ed. Folio. London. 1743. [Same.] 7th ed. 2 vols, in 1. "^vo. Dublin. 1793. [Same.] 7th ed. By J. J. Powell. 3 vols., Svo. Lon- don. 1803. Swinburne (Tlioniasi. Doctrine of Descents. Svo. Lon- don, 1S25. — English Law of Inheritance. Svo. London, 1827. [Pam., vol. 45.] Swing (Rev. David). Trial of. before the Presbytery of Chicago. Svo. Chicago, 1874. Swinton (Archibald). Reports, High Court and Circuit Courts of Justiciarv. Scotland, 1835-1841. 2 vols., Svo. Edinburgh, 1838-42^. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 829 Switzerland. Marriage and Divorce. (Wright.) 1SS9. Obligationenrecht. (Hafner.) 1883. Staatsrecht. (Yon Orelli.) 1885. Sword (John), editor. Hawkins on Wills. Wharton's Pennsylvania Reports. Syllabi (The). 8vo. St. Paul, 1876-7. [Only 26 nos., 208 pages, published.] Synie (David). Reports, High Court of Justiciary, Scotland, 1826-1829. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. Symes (Arthur R.). See Jebb (R.) and Symes' Irish Re- ports. Symonds (Arthur). Mechanics of Law-Making. 16mo. London, 1835. Synions (Jelinger C). Railway Liabilities as they affect Subscribers, Committees, etc. 8vo. London, 184-6. Syms (Frederick R.). A Code of English Law ; Principles and Practice. 8vo. London, 1870. Syracuse Company. Partition Suit ; for a division of the Property of "The Syracuse Company." 8vo. Albany, 1841-6.' System of Pleading ; including a Translation of Euer's Doctrina Placitandi ; or, The Art and Science of Pleading. 4to. London, 1771. [Same.] 8vo. Dublin, 1791. 830 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF T. Tack Brothers et al. Trial of, for Conspiracy. Eeported bv Will. H. Fisher, Jr. svo. Philadelphia, 1868. Taft (Charles P.) and Storer (BeUaiiiy, Jr.), editors. Cin- cinnati Superior Court Reporter. Taft (George S.). Compilation of Senate Election Cases, 1789-1885. 8vo. Washington, 1885. [49th Cong., 1st Sess. Sen. Mis. Doc, no. 47.] Tait (George). Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Scotland. 3d ed. By Adam Urquhart. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834. Tait (William). Index to Decisions, Court of Session, Scot- land, contained in all the original Collections, and in Mor- rison's Dictionary of Decisions. 4to. Edinburgh, 1823. Talbot (Charles), Lord Chancellor. See Cases temp. Tal- bot. Talbot (John) vs. Talbot (Mary A.). Divorce Case. Re- port of Judgment, etc., bv John Paget. 8vo. London, 1854. Talbot (John A.). Table of Cases cited, affirmed, etc., of the Michigan Reports. Svo. Kew York, 1878. Talbott (Albert P.), et al. Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Mary- ville, Mo., 1881. Talcott (Brig.-Gen. George). Review of Testimony before the General Court Martial upon the Trial of Talcott. By a Counsellor at Law. Appended, a copy of the Record of the Trial. 8vo. Albany, 1851. Talfoiird (T. N.), editor. Dickinson's Guide to the Quarter Sessions. Tallack (William). Practical Results of the Abolition of Capital Punishment in various Countries. 8vo. London, 1866. [Pam., vol. 37.] Tallmadge (Frederick A.). Argument of Wm. Curtis Koyes, on the Trial of. Svo. ]S^ew York, 1858. [Pam., vol. 7.] Trial of. for Xeglect of Dutv as Superintendent of Police. Reported by E. T. Gerry.' Svo. Xew York, 1858. [Pam. Tr., vol. 1.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 831 Taliiiage (Rev. T. DeWitt). Argument of Rev. S. T. Spear before the Brooklyn Presbytery. 8vo. New York, 1879. Record of the Proceedings of the Presbytery of Brook- lyn in the Case of. 8vo. Brooklyn? 1879. Taiiilyn (John). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1829-1830. 8vo. London, 1831. Treatise on the Disposition and Conveyance of Lands Entailed. 8vo. London, 1835. Treatise on the Law of Evidence, principally with refer- ence to the Practice of the Court of Chancery, and in the Masters' Offices. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1846. [L. L., vol. 51.] Tancretl (Henry W.). Treatise on Informations in the nature of a Quo Warranto. 8vo. London, 1830. Tandy (James N.). Trial of, for Challenging John Toler to fight a Duel. 8vo. Dubhn, 1792. Taney (Roger B.). Decisions. See Campbell (Jas. M.). Memoir of. By Samuel Tyler. 8vo. Baltimore, 1872. Roger Brooke Taney ; Address before the American Bar Association by Clarkson X. Potter. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1881. [Pam., vol. 14.] Tanner (Gordon), reporter. Indiana Reports, vols. 8-14. Tapp (William J.). Inquiry into the present State of the Law of Maintenance and Champerty, principally as affect- ing Contracts. 12mo. London, 1861. Tappan (Benjamin). Reports, Courts of Common Pleas of Ohio, 1816-1819. 8vo. Steuben ville, 1831. Tapping (Thomas). Law and Practice of the High Pre- rogative Writ of Mandamus. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. [L. L., vol. 76.] Suggestions for the Amendment of the Law. 8vo. Londoi?, 1868. [Pam., vol. 42.] Tarbnck (Edward L.). Handbook of House Property. 12mo. London, 1875. Tarrant (Henry J.). Lloyd's Bonds ; their nature and uses. 8vo. London, 1867. [Pam., vol. 24.] 832 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Tarring iCharles J.). Analytical Tables of the Law of Real Property. Svo. London, 1SS2. British Consular Jurisdiction in the East. Svo. Lon- don, ISST. Law relatins: to the Colonies. Svo. London. 1SS2. Taschereau ( Henri E.). Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment Acts of 1S69 ; with Xotes, Commentaries, Precedents of Indictments, etc. 2 vols.. Svo. Montreal, 1S74-5. Criminal Statute Law of tlie Dominion of Canada. 2d ed. Svo. Toronto. ISSs. Taswell-Langniead i Thomas P. ). English Constitutional History, from the Teutonic Conquest to the present time. 2d ed.' Svo. London, ISSO. Tate (Joseph). Digest of the Laws of Virginia, illustrated by Judicial Decisions. Svo. Richmond, 1S23. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Richmond, 1S41. Opinion of Chief Justice Marehall in the Case of Gar- nett. Executor of Brooke, v. Macon. Svo. Richmond, 1S27. TatisehefF(3Iichael). Grand Instructions to the Commis- siouei-s appointed to frame a new Code of Laws for the Russian Empire. Translated from the Russian. 4to. Lon- don. 17*3S. Taunton (William P.). Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1S07-1S19. S vols., Svo. London, lSlO-23. [Same.] S vols., Svo. London, lSlJ-23. Taussig (F. W/^. History of the present Tariff, 1S60-1883. 12mo. Xew York, 1SS5. Tax Law Reporter. Svo. Bay City, Mich., ISSi-a. [Only 12 nos., 20S pages, pubhshed.] Taxatio Ecclesiastiea. See Record Commission. Tayler (Thomas i. Law Glossary, of Greek. Latin, Saxon, French. Xorraan and Italian Sentences, Phrases, and Maxims found in the leading Reports, etc. Svo. Albany, 1S33. — — [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Xew York, 1845. Precedents of TYills. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1842-8. [Same.] Svo. Xew York, 1S43. THE AIStiOCIATION OF THE BAR. 833 Tayler (William J.). Treatise on the differences between tlie Laws of England and Scotland relating to Contracts, including Marriage. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1849. Taylor (Alfred S.). Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. 7th American ed. By J. J. Keese. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. On Poisons in relation to Medical Jurisprudence and Medicine. 3d American ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. Principles and Practice of Medical Jurisprudence. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. Taylor (David). Eevised Statutes of Wisconsin. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1872. Taylor (Etlg-ar). The Book of Eights; or. Constitutional Acts and Parliamentary Proceedings affecting Civil and Keligious Liberty in England, from Magna Charta to the present time. 8vo. London, 1833. Taylor (George). Eeports of Cases, Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, 1847-184:8. 8vo. Calcutta, 1851. Treatise on the Act for the Kegistration, etc., of Joint Stock Companies. 8vo. London, 1847. Taylor (George) and Bell (J. D.). Reports of Cases, Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, 1849-1853. 3 vols., 8vo. Calcutta, 1853. [Only 2 parts, 104 pages, of vol. 3 published.] Taylor (Haiinis). Origin and Growth of the English Con- stitution ; an historical treatise. Part 1. 8vo. Boston, 1889. Taylor (Henry O.). Treatise on the Law of Private Corpo- ' rations having Capital Stock. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. Taylor (Irwin). Brief Digest of Colorado Reports. 8vo. ' Topeka, 1891. Brief-Digest of Kansas Reports. 8vo. Topeka, 1885. New Digest of Kansas Reports. 8vo. Topeka, 1890. General Statutes of Kansas. 2 vols., rov. 8vo. Topeka, 1890. ■ ■ Kansas Pleadinij- and Practice under the C/ode of Civil Procedure. 8vo. Topeka, 1888. 53 834 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Taylor (James F.). Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, 1S7S-1S88. Rov. Svo. Xew Orleans, issy. Taylor (John), LL.D. Elements of the Civil LaAv. 4th ed. 8vo. London, 1828. Summary of the Roman Law, taken from Dr. Taylor's Elements of the Civil Law ; with a Dissertation on Obliga- tion. 8vo. London, 1772. Taylor (John), A.M. View of the Law of Scotland in Intestate Succession. Svo. Newcastle and Edinburgh, 1887. [Pam., vol. 48.] Taylor (John) vs. Delavan (Edward C). Action for ' Liljel. 8vo. Albany, 1840. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Taylor (John A.). The Defense of Insanity ; opening address in the Case of J. J. Burroughs, indicted for Mur- der. 8vo. Xew York, 1876. [Pam., vol. 10.] Exonerative Insanity ; addresses delivered in the Case of Burroughs and Fuchs. 8vo. Xew York. 1882. Taylor (John L.). Xorth Carolina Term Reports, 1816- 1818. 2d ed. By W. H. Battle. 8vo. Raleigh, 1844. Reports, Superior Courts of Law and Equity, Xorth Carolina, 1799-1802. Svo. Xewbern, 1802. [Same.] 2d ed. By W. H. Battle. Svo. Raleigh, 1844. Revisal of the Laws of Xorth Carolina, 1821-1825. Svo. Raleigh, 1827. ■ (editor). Carolina Law Repository. Taylor (John X.). Treatise on the American Law of Land- lord and Tenant. 5th ed. Svo. Boston, 1869. [Same.] 6th ed. Svo. Boston, 1873. [Same.] 7th ed. By J. Willard. Svo. Boston, 1879. [Same.] Sth ed. Bv H. F. Buswell. 2 vols., Svo. Boston, 1887. Taylor (John Pitt). Treatise on the Law of Evidence. ^ 6th ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1872. [Same.] Sth ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1885. [Same.] 2 vols, in 4 parts. Svo. Philadelphia, 1887. Taylor (Joseph S. ). ^Manual on the Winding up of Com- panies ijy the Court of Ciiancery. Svo. London. 1865. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 835 Taylor (Lytton). Index-Digest of the Tennessee Keports. 8vo. Nashville, 1888. Taylor (Thomas). Keports, Court of King's Bench, Upper Canada, 1823-1827. 2d ed. 8vo. Toronto, 1862. Taylor (Thomas W.). Commentaries on Equity Juris- prudence. 8vo. Toronto, 1875. Investigation of Titles to Estates in Fee Simple. 2d ed. 8vo. Toronto, 1873. Taylor (Thomas W.) and Ewart (John S.). Practice of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. Svo. Toronto, 1881. Taylor (Tom). Local Government Act ; and the Public Health Act. 8vo. London, 1858. Taylor (William), et al. Trial of, for Conspiracy, for being concerned in a Strike for higher Wages. 8vo. Hartford, 1836. Tebbs (H. V.). Essay on the Scripture Doctrines of Adultery and Divorce, and on the Criminal Character and Punish- ment of Adultery by the Ancient Laws of England and other Countries. Svo. London, 1822. Tecleschi (A. G.). Instituzioni di Gajus Commentarj Quattro ; Testo, Versione e Note. 2 vols., 8vo. Yerona, 1857. Tegg (William). Wills of their own ; curious, eccentric and benevolent. 12mo. London, 1876. Telegraphs. Laws of the United States and the several States and Canada, relating to. Compiled for the Balti- more and Ohio Telegraph Co. Poy. 8vo. New York, 1884. Addenda. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1884. Legal Rights of Telegraph Companies in the Erection of Poles, etc. Opinions of E. D. Smith and W. C. Whitney, of Counsel to the Corporation of New York City. 8vo. New York, 1880. [Pam., vol. 28.] Telephone Appeals. In the U. S. Supreme Court. General Brief and Arguments — Oral Arguments. Oct. Term, 1886. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1887. [Same.] Oct. Terms, 1887 and 1888. Briefs, Oral Arguments, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1887-8. Templar (The) ; or. Monthly Register of Legal and Constitu- tional Knowledge. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1789. 886 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Templars' Trials (The). ISSS. By J. Shallow. 8vo. London, Temple (Leofric). Law and Practice of Attachment of Debts. 12mo. London, 1855. (editor). Chitty's Precedents in Pleading. See Chitty (T.) and Temple's Law of Carriers. Temple (Leofric) and Mew (George). Eeports, Court of Criminal Appeal, England, 18J:8-1S51. 8vo. London, 1852. Temple Bar. The City Golgotha. A Narrative of the his- torical Occurrences of a Criminal Character associated with the present Bar, by a Member of the Inner Temple. Small 4to. London, 1853. Templer (Frederic G.). Summarv Jurisdiction Act ; with Notes. 8vo. London, 1880. Tenneiit (H. L.), Fraser (P.) and Murray (W. H.), reporters. Scotch Session Cases, Second Series, vol. 13. Teniient (H. L..), Fraser (P.), Murray (W. H.) and Montgomery (J. F. ), reporters. Scotch Session Cases, Second Series, vols. 14-15. Teimeiit (J. Emerson). Designs for Printed Fabrics Tennessee : Reports. Overton, Cooke. Haywood. Yerger. Peck. Martin & Yerger. Meigs. Humphreys. Swan. Sneed. Head. Coldwell. Heiskell. Baxter. • Lea. Pickle. Tennessee Chancery. Co()j)er's Decisions. Thompson. Unreported Cases. Treatise on the Copyright of 8vo. London, 1841. 1701-1817. 2 vols. 1811-1814. 1 vol. 1816-1818. 3 vols. 1818-1837. 10 vols. 1822-1824. 1 vol. 1825-1828. 1 vol. 1838-1839. 1 vol. 1839-1851. 11 vols. 1851-1853. 2 vols. 1853-1858. 5 vols. 1858-1859. 3 vols. 1860-1870. 7 vols. 1870-1874. 12 vols. 1872-1878. 9 vols. 1878-1886. 16 vols. 1886-1890. 4 vols. 1872-1878. 3 vols. 1847-1869. 1 vol. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 837 Tennessee : Digests of Reports. King. King. Meigs. Taylor. Marks. 1T96- 1880- 1796- 1796- 1881- 1796- 1796- ■1880. -1888. ■1880. ■1887. 1889. 1889. 1871. 3 vols. 1 vol. 3 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. Index-Digest. Index-Digest. Fitzpatrick. Table of Cases. Quarles. Criminal Digest. — Statutes (Territorial). Acts and Ordinances of the Governor and Judges, 1792-3. 1st Session, Territorial Assembly, Aug., 1791. 2d Session, Territorial Assembly, June, 1795. Statutes (S tate). Assembly. Session. Date. 1st 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 1st March, 1796 1st July, 1796 Sept., 1797 Dec, 1798 Sept , 1799 Sept., 1801 2d 2d 8d 4th [The above reprinted by George Roulstone. ville, 1803.] — Session Laws. 8vo. Knox- Assembly. Session. Date. 6th 7th 2d 1st 1806 1807 7th 2d 1st 1809 8th 1809 !)th 1st 1811 9th 2d 1812 10th 1st 1813 11th 1st 1815 13th 13th 1st 1st 1819. General. 1819. Local. 13th 2d 1820 General ] 3th 2d 1820. Local 14th 1st 1821 14th 2d 1822 15th 1st 1823 15th 2d 1824 16th 1st 1825 16th Extra 18-26 17th 18th Stated Stated 1827 1829-30 Public 838 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB EAR Y OF Tennessee : Session Laws. — Continued. Session. Date. Assembly. Stated 1st . . . 1st . . . Called Called 1st . . . 18th 19th 19th 19th 19th 20th 20th 21st 32d 23d 24th 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 3!st 32d 33d 33d 33d 34th ;i4th 34th 34th 34th 35th 35th 35th 3(ith ;5r>th 36th 37th 37th 38th 39th -lOth 41st 41st 42d 42d 42d 43d 44th 44th Extra 45th j 1st... 46th I 1st... 46th 2d... 47th I 1st. . 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2d 1st 1st . . 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Extra Extra 1st 1st 2d Extra 2d. Adjourned 1st Extra 2d 1st 2d 3d 1st Called 1st 1st 1st 1st Called 1st Extra Extra 1st. 2d. 1st 1st 1829-30. Private, 1831. Public. Private. Public. Private. Public. Private. Public. 1831. 1832. Ib32. 1833. 183:1 1835-6. 1837-8 1839-40 1841-2 1842 1843-4 1845-6 1847-8 1849-50 ISO 1-2 1853-4 1855-6 1857-8 1859-60 Jan , 1861 April, 1^61 1861-2 1865 1865-6 1866 1866-7 1867-8 1868 1868-9 1869-70 1870 1870-1 1871 1872 1873 1875 1877 Jan., 1879 Dec, 1879 Jan., 1881 Dec, 1881 1882 1883 Jan., 1885 May, 1885 1887 1889 1890 1891 Revisal of North Carolina and Tennessee Acts. (Hay- wood.) 1809. Compilation of Laws in Force. (Scott.) 2 vols. 1821. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 839 Tennessee : Sttitntes. — Continued. Compiled Statute Laws. (Havwood & Cobbs.) 2 vols. 1831. Compiled Statutes. (Caruthers & Nicholson.) 1836. Compiled Statutes. (Nicholson.) 184(1. Code of Laws. (Meigs & Cooper.) 1858. Public Statutes. (Shankland.) 1858-1871. Compiled Statutes. (Thompson & Steger.) 3 vols. 1871-2, Code of Laws. (Milliken & Vertrees.) 1884. Constitntional Conventions. Journal. Convention of 1796. Journal. Convention of 1870. Miscellaneons. Constitution adopted by the Convention of 1870. Criminal Code and Digest. (Quarles.) 1874. Form Book. (Campbell.) 1886. History of a Lawsuit. (Caruthers.) 1888. House of Representatives. Journal Aug., 1794. [Same.] June, 1705. [Same.] JVIarch, 1796. [Same.] July, 1796. Justice and Legal Adviser. (Kain.) 1889. Legislative Council. Journal, Aug., 1794. [Same.] June, 1795. Senate. Journal, IVIarch, 179<). [Same.] July, 1796. Suit in Equity. (Barton.) 1884. Tennessee Bar Association. Constitution ; Annual Re- ports, etc. 5 vols., 8vo. Nashville, 1882-6. Tennessee Legal Reporter. New Series. Edited by Jere Baxter. 3 vols., 8vo. Nashville, 1877-9. [Vols. 2-3 are The Legal Reporter.] Tennessee State Bonds. Opinion of Charles O' Conor. 8vo. New York, 1879. Tenney (R. A.). Pensions. Who are entitled to them, and how they mav be obtained. 8vo. Chicago, 1886. Term Reports. Court of King's Bench, England, 1785-1800. By Charles Durnford and E. H. East. New ed. 8 vols., 8vo. London, 1817. [Same.] 2d American ed. 8 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1827. Term Reports, New. See New Term Reports. 840 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Termes de la Ley ; or, Certain difficult and obscure Words and Terms of the Common Laws and Statutes of this Realm, expounded and explained. [By John Rastell.] Svo. Lon- don, 1085. ■ [Same.] 1st American ed. Svo. Portland, 1812. Terrasson (Aiitoiiie). Histoire de la Jurisprudence Romaine. Folio. Paris, 1750. Terrell (Alexander W.), reporter, Texas Reports, vols. 52-71. Terrell (Alexander W.) and Walker (A. S.)> reporters. Texas Reports, vols. 38-51. Terrell (Thomas). Law and Practice relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. 8vo. London, 1884. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1889. Terrieii (Guillauine). Commentaires du Droict Civil tant ])ublic que prive, observe au Pays et Duche de l^ormandie. P^olio. Paris, 1574. Terry (Henry T.). Some Leading Principles of Anglo-Amer- ican Law exjiounded, with a view to its arrangement and codification. Svo. Philadelphia, 1884. Terwillig'er (James). Digest of Claims, ISTew York Canal Board, 1860-65. 8vo. Albany, 1865. Testa (Carlos). Droit Public International IMaritime. Tra- duction du Portugais par A. Boutiron. 8vo. Paris, 1886. [Bibliotheque Internationale et Diplomatique, vol. 18.] Testa de Nevill. See Record Commission. Teiilet (A. F.). Dictionnaire des Codes Franeais. ou IVIanuel du Droit. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Teulet (A. F.) and Loiseau (U.). Les Codes Contenant une nouvelle correlation des ; Svo. Paris, 1839. Texas : Reports— Snpreme Court. Dallam's Decisions. 1 840-1 84L Webb & Duval. 1846-1848. Ilartlev. 1849-1858. Moore & Walker. 1S5S-1S60. Walker. 1S60. Paschal. 1860. Robards & Jackson. 1861-1865. Paschal. 1866-1869. 3les entre eux. 2^ tirage. rt. 1 vol. 1- 3 Tex. 3 vols. ^21 Tex. 18 vols. 22-24 Tex. 3 vols. 25 Tex. 1 vol. 25 Tex. Sup. 1 vol. 26-27 Tex. 2 vols. 28-31 Tex. 4 vols. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 841 Texas: Reports — Supreme Covirt. — Continued. Wheelock. 1869-1873. 32-37 Tex. Terrell & Walker. 1873-1879. 38-51 Tex. Terrell. 1879-1888. 52-71 Tex. Walker. 1888-1890. 72-78 Tex. King. Conflicting Cases. 1840-1890. Eobard. Conscript Cases. 1862-1865. Court of Appeals. Civil. White & Willson. Willson. 1876-1883. 1 Tex. Ct. App. Civil. 1883-1889. 2-3 Tex. Ct. App. Civil. Jackson & Jackson. Jackson. Court of Appeals. Criminal. 1876-1889. 1-27 Tex. Ct. App. Cr. 1889-1890. 28 Tex. Ct. App. Cr. Digests of Reports. Paschal. Meyer. Herron. Webb. Posey. Posey. Peticolas Citations. Criminal Digest. Criminal Digest. Civil Digest. Index-Digest, Civil. 1840-1872. 1840-1880. 1840-1883. 1840-1880. 1840-188(). 1879-1886. 1840-1891. 6 vols. 14 vols. 20 vols. 7 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 2 vols. 27 vols. 1 vol. 3 vols. 2 vols. vol. vol. vol. vol. vols. statutes (Coahuila and Texas). Laws and Decrees, in Spanish and English, 1824-1835. Houston, 1839. 8vo. — Statvites (Provisional Government). Ordinances and Decrees, 1835-1836. 8vo. — Statutes (Republic). 1838. Congress. Session. Date. 1st 1st 1836-7 2d 2d ?A 1st 2d 1st 1837 1838 1838-9 4th 1st 1839-40 5th 1st 1840-1 (>th 1st 1 84 1 -3 6th Special 1842 7th 1st 1842 3 8th 1st 1st Extra 1843 4 9th 9th 1844-5 1845 842 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Texas : Statvites (State). Date. Legislatubb. 1st. 3d.. 2d.. 8d... M. . . 3d.. 3d .. 4th., 4th. 4th. 5th. 5th. 6th. 6th 6th. 6th. 7th. 7th. 8th. 8th. 8th. 8th. 9th. 9th. 9th. 9th 10th. 10th. loth. 10th. 11th. 11th. 12th. 12th. 12th. 12th 12th. 12th. 1 th 18th. 14th. 14th. 14th. 14th. 15th. loth . ICth. 16th. 16th 17th. 17th 17th 18th. 18th. 18th Session. Regular Hegiilar Regular 1st 1st 2d 3d Regular Regular Extra Reguiax" Regular Regular Regular Adjourned Adjourfted . . . Regular Regular Regular Regular Extra Extra Regular Regular Extra Extra Regular Regular Called 3d Extra Regular Regular Called Called 1st 1st 2d 2d Regular Regular 1st' 1st 2d 2d Regular ' 1876 Regular j 1876 Regular 1879 Regular : 1879 Special I 1879 Regular ! 1881 Regular ' 1881 Called 1883 Regular I 1883 Regular 1883 Special | 185J4 1846 ... . 1847-8.... 1847-8.... 1849-50. . . 1849-50. . . Aug. 1850. Nov. 1850 1851-2.... 1851-2. . . . 1853 1853-4. . . . 1853-4.... 1855-6.... 1855-6. . . . 1856 1856 1857-8. . . . 1857-8. . . . 1859-60 . 1859-60... 1861 1861 1861-2.... 1861-2. . . . 1863 1863 1863-4.... 1863-i .. 1864 1864 1866 . . 1866 1870 1870 1871 1871 1871 1871 .. . 1873 1873 1874 .... 1874 .... 1875 .... 1875 Character of Laws. General. Special. General. Special. General & Special. General & Special. General. Special. General. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Genei'al. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. Ueneml. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. Special. General. General. Special. General. General. Special. General. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 843 Texas : Statutes. — Continued. Leqislatuee. Session. Date. Character of Laws. 19th Regular 1885 1885 1887 1887 1888 1889 1889 1891 General 19th 20th 20th 20th Regular Regular Regular Special Regular Special. General. Special. 21st General 21st Regular Regular Special. General. 22d Early Laws. Compiled Public Statutes, 1731-1876. (Sayles & Sayles.) 3 vols. 1888. Digest of Laws. (Hartley.) 1850. [Same.] (Oldham & White.) 1859. [Same.] (Paschal.) 1866. [Same.] (Paschal.) 2 vols. 1873. ' , Revised Statutes. 1879. Eevised Civil Statutes. (Sayles.) 2 vols. 1888. Index to Laws, 1836-40. — Coiistitiitional Conventions. Constitution and Ordinances. Convention of 1861. Constitution and Ordinances. Convention of 1866. Journal. Convention of 1866. Ordinances. Convention of 1868. Miscellaneous. 1857. Code of Criminal Procedure. [Same.] 1888. Constitution. 1869. [Same.] 1876. [Same.] Annotated. (Sayles.) 1884. [Same.] 1888. Court Rules. See Revised Civil Statutes. 1888. Journals of the Consultation, held at San Felipe de Austin, October 16, 1835. 8vo. Houston. 1838. Journal of the Proceedings of the General Council of the Republic of Texas, held at San Felipe de Austin, JS^ovem- ber 14, 1835. 8vo. Houston, 1839. Land Laws. (White.) 2 vols. 1839. [Same.] (Dallam.) 1845. [Same.] (Hobby.) 1883. Legal Forms. (Braswell.) 1885. Penal Code. 1857. [Same.] 1888. Pleading and Practice. (Sayles & Bassett.) 1882. Real Estate Laws. (Sayles.) 2 vols. 1890. 844 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Texas Court Reporter. Vol. 1. ^vo. Austin, 1SS5-0, [Xo more published.] Texas Law Journal. 5 vols., folio. Tyler, 1ST7-S2. Texas Law Reporter. 3 vols., Svo. Austin, lSS2-o. [Only 9 nos.. 575 pages, of vol. 3 published.] Texas La^v Review. vols.. Svo. Austin, afterwards Gal- veston. lSs3-t'>. Thaclier (Peter O.i. Reports of Criminal Cases in the Municipal Court of the City of Boston. Edited by H. AVoodman. Svo. Boston. 1S45. Thatcher (Erastus). Digest of Statutes. Admiralty Eules, and Decisions, upon the Jurisdiction, Pleadings, and Prac- tice of the District Courts of the United States. Svo. Boston, 1SS4. Digest of Statutes, Equity Rules, and Decisions, upon the Jurisdiction. Pleadings, and Practice of the Circuit Courts of the United States. Svo. Boston, 1SS3. Digest of Statutes, Rules, and Decisions relative to the Jurisdiction and Practice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Svo. Boston. 1SS2. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Boston. 1SS3. Thayer (Israel, Jr.), et al. Trial of. for Murder. Reported by James Sheldon. Svo. Buffalo. 1S25. Thayer (31. Russell). The Law. considered as a Progressive Science : address before the Law Academy of Philadelphia. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S70. [Pam., vol. 3d.] Thayer ('W. W. *, reporter. Oregon Reports, vols. lS-19. Theloall ( Simon i. Le Digest des Briefs originals et des choses concernants eux. Folio. Lond( n. 1687. [In Registrum Brevium.] Thelwall (John) vs. Yelverton (^Williani C. ). Marriage Case. Svo. London. 1S (Johiij. Historical Law Tracts. Svo. London, 1843. , Thriistoii Mudge Buckner). Investigation of Charges of Official Misconduct afjainst. Svo. Washing-ton, 1837. Thiicydides. Speeches of Cleon and Diodotus upon Capital Punishment, awarded against the People of Mitylene. 2d ed. Svo. London ? 1865. [Pam., vol. 44.] Thurloe (John). Collection of State Papers : containing authentic Memorials of the English Affairs from 1638 to 1660. Published from the originals, with the Life of Mr. Thurloe, by Thomas Birch. 7 vols., folio. London, 1742. Thurston (Robert H.). Report of the U. S. Commissioners to the International Exhibition, held at Vienna in 1873. 4 vols., Svo. "Washington, 1876. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 851 Thurtell (John), et al. Trials of, for the Murder of Wm. Weare. Reported by Geo. H. Jones. 8vo. London, 1824. Tichborne (Sir Roger C D.) vs. Lushiiigton (Frank- lin). Report of the Proceedings in an Action of Eject- ment. 2d etl. 12mo. Manchester, 1871. Tichborne (Sir Roger C. D.). Trial of Thomas Castro, alias Orton, alias Tichborne, for Perjury. Charge of Lord Chief Justice Cockburn. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1871—5. See Morse (John T., Jr.). Famous Trials. Tidcl (William). Law of Costs in Civil Actions. 12mo. Dublin, 1793. — New Practice of the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer of Pleas, in Personal Actions and Ejectment. 8vo. London, 1837. — Practical Forms. 8vo. London, printed ; Albany, re- printed, 1803. — [Same.] Adapted to the N. Y. Supreme Court. By George Caines. 8vo. New York, 1808. — Practice of the Court of King's Bench in Personal Actions ; with references to Cases of Practice in the Court of Common Pleas. 1st Amer. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1807. — [Same.] 2d Amer. ed. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1807. [Same.] 3d American ed. By F. J. Troubat. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1840. [Same.] 4th American ed. By A. I. Fish. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. Tidswell (Richard T.) and Littler (R. D. M.). Practice and Evidence in Cases of Divorce and other Matrimonial Causes. 12mo. London, 1860. Tidy (Charles M.). Legal Medicine. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1882-4. See Woodman (W. B.) and Tidy's Forensic Medicine. Tiedenian (Christopher G.). Elementary Treatise on the American Law of Real Property. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. Treatise on the Law of Commercial Paper. 8vo. St. Louis, 1889 852 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Tiedeinaii (Christopher G.). Treatise on the Law of Sales of Personal Property, including the Law of Chattel Mort- gages. 8vo. St. Louis, 1891. Treatise on the Limitations of Police Power in the United States. Svo. St. Louis, 1886. Unwritten Constitution of the United States. 12mo. New York, 1890. Tiifany (Alexander l^.V Treatise on the Criminal Law of the State of Michigan. -Ith ed. 3d ed., as revised and enlarged by Andrew Howell. Svo. Detroit, 1889. Tiffany (Edward H.). Law of Kegistration of Titles in Ontario. Svo. Toronto, 1881. Tiffany (Joel). Condensed Digest of the New York Court of Appeals Reports, vols. 1-27. Svo. Albany, 1866. Treatise on Government, and Constitutional Law. Svo. Albany, 1867. (editor). Hall's New York Superior Court Reports. ■ (reporter). New York Court of Appeals Reports, vols. 28-39. Tiffany (Joel) and Bullard (E. F.). Law of Trusts and Trustees, as administered in England and America. Svo. Albany, 1862. Tiffany (Joel) and Smith (Henry). Treatise upon Practice and Pleadings in Actions and Special Proceedings in the Courts of New York. 2d ed. By H. G. Wood. 2 vols., Svo. Albany, 1S79. Tilden (8aninel J.). Writings and Speeches. Edited by John Bigelow. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1885. Tilling'hast (John L.). General Collection of Forms and Precedents, for Process, Entries, and Pleadings, in Civil Actions at Law. Svo. Albany, 1830. (editor). Adams on Ejectment. Tillinghast (John L.) and Shearman (Thomas G.). Practice, Pleadings, and Forms in Civil Actions in the Courts of New York. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1861-5. [Same.] (Vol. 1, 2d ed.) 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1870, 1865. Tillinghast (John L.) and Yates (J. V. N.). Treatise on the Principles and Practice in Cases of Writs of Error, Appeals, etc. Vol. 1. Svo. Albany, 1S40. [No more published.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR, 853 Tillman (G. D.) vs. Smalls (Robert). Contested Election Case. Svo. Washington, 1878. [Pam. Tr., vol. 8.] Tillman (John P.), reporter. Alabama Reports, vols. 69, 71, 73, 75. Tillou (Francis). Collection of Searches of Titles to Real Estate (greater part in the City and County of New York). In Manuscript. 17 vols., folio. Dated 1826-1864. Tilsley (Hngii). Treatise on the Stamp Laws of Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. London, 18-17. Tilton (Theodore) vs. Beecher (Henry Ward). Action for Crim. Con. 3 vols., 8vo. New York, 1875. [Tribune ed.] [Same.] Edited by Austin Abbott. 2 vols., Svo. New- York, 1875. [No more published.] Tioga County (Pa.) Bar Association. By-Laws. 12mo. Wellsboro,*1883. Tissot (P. A.). Code et Novelles de Justinien ; Novelles de I'Empereur Leon ; Fragmens de Gaius, d'Ulpien et de Paul. [Latin and French.] -1 vols., 4to. Metz, 1806-10. Le Tresor de I'ancienne Jurisprudence Romaine ; ou, Collection des Fragmens du Droit Romain anterieur a Jus- tinien, traduits en Frangais. [Latin and French.] 4to. Metz, 1811. Tithes. Laws respecting Tithes ; comprising all the Cases and Statutes on the subject. 5th ed. Svo. London, 1818. Tobago. Acts of the Legislature of the Island, in Force August, 1800. Folio. Tobago, 1800. Tobey (John F.), reporter. Rhode Island Reports, vols. 9-10. Tobey (John F.), Addeman (J. M.), and Carpenter (Gr. M., Jr.). Public Statutes of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. 8vo. Providence, 1882. Tocker (Mary A.). Trial of, for Libel. Svo. London, 1818. Todd (Alphens). Parliamentary Government in England; its origin, development, and practical operation. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1867-9. — Parliamentary Government in the British Colonies. Svo. Boston, 1880. Practice and Privileges of the Two Houses of Parlia- ment. Svo. Toronto, 1840. 854 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Toller (Sir Samuel). Law of Executors and Administrators. Svo. London, ISOO. [Same.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1S03. [Same.] With Additions by Francis "Whitmarsh. 3d American ed. Bv E. I). Ingraham. ^vo. Philadelphia. 1829. Treatise on the Law of Tithes. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1822. Tomkius fFrederiek'). Institutes of the Poman Law. Part 1, containing an account of the Sources of the Roman Law. Roy. Svo. London, 1S6T. [JSTo more published.] Toinkins ( Frederick i and Jencken 3. Trials per Pais ; or. The Law of England concerning Juries by Nisi Prius, etc. 8th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1766. [Same.] 9th ed. 2 vols, in 1. 8vo. Dublin, 1793. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 859 Trickett (Williaiii). Law in Pennsylvania of Voluntary Assignments in trust for the benefit of creditors. 8vo. Jersey City, 1888. Law of Liens in Pennsylvania. 2 vols., 8vo. Jersey City, 1882. Law of Limitations of Actions in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Jersey City, 1888. Trimble (William W.). Digest of Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, 1866-1876. 8vo. Covington, 1876. Trinidad. Laws, 1832-1879. Ee vised ed. Bv G. L. Garcia. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1883-4. Trinity Church Corporation (New York City). Anneke Jans, and Trinity Church : the Title, Parish Rights and Property of; from Appendix to Bishop De Lancey's 20th Conventional Address. Utica, 1857. Argument of Daniel E. Sickles in the Senate. Albany, 1857. Arguments of tlie Counsel, before the Senate Committee. Albany, 1857. Charter, Laws and Proceedings relating to. Albany, 1846. Charter of the Cor])oration defended against the attacks of a late pamphlet, believed to be by Bishop Hobart. Re- printed. New York, 1840. Communication from John A. Dix, to the Select Senate Committee. New York, 1857. Communication of the Vestry to the Senate, in reply to Resolutions of April 13, 1855. Albany, 1856. Debates on the Trinity Church Bill in the Senate. Albany, 1857. Exposure of Millers Letter, with Documents, etc., addressed to the late Commissioners of the Land Office. Albany, 1856. Facts against Fancy ; or, A true and just View of Trinity Church. By Rev. Wm. Berrian. New York, 1856. Letter from D. D. Barnard to Senator Brooks on the pro- ceedings pending in the Senate. Albany, 1857. Remonstrance of the Corporation against Repeal or Modifi- cation of the Act of 1814. Albany, 1847. Report and Testimony taken before Ihe Senate Committee. Albany, 1857. Report in Senate of Mr. Clark, from the Committee on Charitable and Religious Societies. Albany, 1846. Report of a Special Committee of Corporators of Trinity Parish. New York, 1861. 860 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Trinity Church Corporation (New York Citv). — Continued. Keport of the Assembly Judiciary Committee against Repeal or Modification of the Act of 1814. Albany, 1847. Review of the Grounds upon which certain persons in the City of New York apply for Legislative Interference. Albany, 1846. [The above IT pamphlets, Svo., in Pam., vol. 3.] Brief Statement, touching the Rev. Dr. Schroeder's late Publication. New York, 1839. Communication of the Rector, Church-Wardens, and Ves- trymen to the Senate. Albany, 1846. Indenture concerning St. John's Park. New York, 1827. A Layman's Answer to a Pamphlet written by J. H. Hop- kins, Jr. New York, 1859. Memorial, with accompanying Documents of Inhabitants of City of New York, praying the Repeal or Amendment of an Act to alter the Name of the Corporation, etc. New York, 1846. Opinion in regard to the Power of the Legislature to Modify the Charter. By I. F. Redfield. Boston, 1858. Poor Trinity. Report of a Committee on the Condition of the Finances, examined by J. H. Hopkins, Jr. New York, 1859. Remarks on the Trinity Church Bill before the Council of Revision. By Robert Troup. New York, 1813. Reply to the Report of the Select Committee of the Senate. By a Citizen of New York. 1857. Report of a Committee, John A. Dix, and others, on the Condition of the Finances. 1859. Report of Mr. Emmons, from the Senate Committee. Albany, 1846. Report of the Commissioners of tiie Land Office on the Trinity Church Title. New York, 1846. Report to the Vestry on tlie State of the Parish. By Wm. Berrian. New York, 1856. Review of the Reports, Evidence and Arguments, as pre- sented in the Case. 1857. Rich Trinity. A Layman's Answer to " Poor Trinity," examined by J. LI, Hopkins, Jr. New York, 1859. A Word for Trinity Church. New York, 1857. [The above 16 pamphlets, 8vo., in Pam., vol. 23.] Opinion of Hon. L. H. Sandford. in the Case of Bogardus vs. Trinity Church. New York, 1847. [Pam., vol. 12.] Speech of Mr. Wadsworth in the N. Y. Senate, in the Matter of Trinity Church. 1857. [Pam., vol. 10.] See also Albany Street. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 861 Tripels (Gustave). Les Codes Neerlandais. 8vo. Maes- tricht, 1886. Tripp (Riclicird S.). Forms and Precedents of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1858. Tripp (Robert B.), reporter. Dakota Reports, vol. 5. Tristram (Thoiiias H.). Contentious Practice of the Pro- bate Division of the High Court of Justice. 8vo. London, 1881. See Swabey (M. C. M.) and Tristram's Enghsh Probate and Divorce Keports. TroUope (Thomas A.). Treatise on the Mortgage of Ships as affected by the Registry Acts. 8vo. London, 1823. Trotter (John G.). Appeals from the Convictions and Orders of Justices. 8vo. London, 188-1. Troubat (Francis J.). Law of Commandatary and Limited Partnership in the United States. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1858. Troubat (Francis J.) and Haly (W. W.). Practice in Civil Actions and Proceedings in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, etc. 5th ed. By F. C. Brightlv. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880. Troubat (Francis J.), Lewis (E.) and M'Candless (W.). New Library of Law and Equity. 15 vols., 8vo. Harris- burg, 1815-9. Troup (Robert). Remarks on Trinity Church Bill before the Council of Revision. 8vo. New York, 1813. Reprinted, 1846. [Pam., vol. 23.] Trow (John F.), publisher. Trow's Legal Directory and Lawyers' Record of the United States. By H. Charles Ulman. 8vo. New York, 1875. Trow City Directory Co.'s Copartnership and Corporation Directory of New York City, 1886, 1888-91. 5 vols., 8vo. New York, 1886-91. [See Wilson's New- York City Copart- nership Directory.] Trower (Charles F.). Law of Debtor and Creditor. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1861. [L. L., vol. 104.] — Law of the Building of Churches, etc. Svo. London, 1874. ]V[anual of the Prevalence of Equity under the Judica- ture Act. Svo. London, 1876. 862 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Trow's New York City Directory. 39 vols., 8vo. New York, 1852-91. [Earlier volumes compiled by IT. Wilson.] Troy (N. Y.). Laws and Ordinances. Compiled b}' John H. Colby. 8vo. Troy, 1870. Triieinaii (Arthur I.), reporter. New Brunswick Keports, vols. 2:3-28. Truman (J. Heiiry\ editor. American Railway Reports, vol. 1. Dicey on Parties to Actions, Trumbull (J. Hammond). Historical Notes on the Con- stitutions of Connecticut and on the Constitutional Conven- tion of 1818. 8vo. Hartford, 1873. Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, 1636- 1689. 3 vols., 8vo. Hartford, 1850-9. True-Blue Laws of Connecticut and New Haven ; and the False Blue- Laws invented bv Rev. Samuel Peters. 8vo. Hartford, 1876. Trumbull (M. M.). Trial of the Judgment ; a Review of the Anarchist Case. 8vo. Chicago, 1888. [Pam., vol. 46.] Tryals. See Trials. Tucker (George F.). Manual relating to Mercantile and Manufacturing Corporations ; A book of Massachusetts Law. 8vo. Boston, 1888. Manual relating to the Preparation of Wills. 8vo. Boston, 1884. — The Monroe Doctrine ; a concise history of its origin and growth. 12mo. Boston, 1885. Tucker (Gideon J.). Letter, refuting Calumnies contained in Speeches of Daniel E. Sickles. 8vo. New York, 1858. [Pam., vol. 12.] Reports, Surrogate's Court, County of New York, 1864- 1869. 8vo. New York, 1870. Tucker (Henry St. George). Blackstone's Commentaries ; with Notes of references to the Constitution and Laws of the Federal Government of the United States, and of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 5 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1803. Lectures on Constitutional Law. 12mo. Richmond, 1843. Notes on Blackstone's Commentaries, for the use of Students. [Anon.] 8vo. Winchester, Va., 1826. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 863 Tucker (Mark). Trial of. See Chester (Rev. John). Tucker (R. A.). Select Cases from the Records of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, 1817-1828. 8vo. St. John's, 1829. Tudor (Owen D.). Law of Charitable Trusts. 2d ed. 12ino. London, 1871. Law of Charities and Mortmain ; being a 3d ed. of Tudor's Charitable Trusts. By L. S. Bristowe and W. I. Cook. 8vo. London, 1889. Selection of Leading Cases on Mercantile and Maritime Law ; with Notes. American ed. By George Sharswood. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1884. Selection of Leading Cases on Real Property, Convey- ancing, and the Construction of Wills and Deeds; with Notes. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1863. See White (F. T.) and Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. Tulley (Samuel). Life of. Executed at Boston for Piracy. Svo. Boston, 1812. [Pam. Tr., vol. 10.] Tulley (Samuel) and Daltoii (John). Trial of, for Piracy. 2d ed. Svo. Boston, 1812. Tunstall (James). Vindication of the Power of States to prohibit Clandestine Marriages under the pain of Absolute Nulhty. 8vo. London, 1755. [Pam., vol. 46.] Tupper (J. Stewart), reporter. Ontario Appeal Reports, vols. 1-6. Turkey. The Ottoman Penal Code. Translated from the French Text, by C. G. Walpole. 12mo. London, 1888. Turks and Caicos Islands. Laws in Force. By A. J. Dun- combe. 8vo. London, 1862. Tiirnbull (CHeorge). Discourse upon the Nature and Origine of Moral and Civil Laws. Svo. London, 1740. [In Heineccius' Universal Law, vol. 2, 1741.] (translator). Heineccius' Universal Law. TurnbuU (P.). Cursory View of the ancient and present state of the Fieffs, or Tenures, in Great Britain. 8vo. London, 1 17—]. Turnbull (Stephen H.). Practice of the District Courts of the City of New York. ,2d ed. 12mo. New York, 1866. 864 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Turner (B. D.), reporter. Arkansas Reports, vols. 35-48. Turner (Edward F.V Duties of Solicitor to Client as to Partnership Agreements, Leases, Settlements, and Wills. 8vo. London, 1884. Duties of Solicitor to Client, as to Sales, Purchases, and ]Morto:ac!:es of Land. Svo. London, 1883. Oro'anization of a Solicitor's Office. 2d ed. Svo. Lon- don, 1886. Turner (Edinond R.). Treatise on the Emplovers' Liability- Act. 12mo. London, 1882. Turner (Francis). The Contract of Pawn, as it exists at Common Law, and as modified by the Pawnbrokers' Acts, the Factors' Acts, and other Statutes. 12mo. London, 1866. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1883. Turner (George) and Rvissell (James). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1822-1824. Svo. London, 1832. Turner (John). Registration of Titles. Svo. London, 1859. [Pam., vol. 43.] Turner (Robert J.). Treatise on Quieting Titles to Real Estate in Upper Canada. 12mo. Toronto, 1867. Turner (S. E.). Sketch of the Germanic Constitution, from early times to the Dissolution of the Empire, [1806]. 12mo. Xew York, 1888. Tvirner (Samuel). Practice and Costs in the High Court of Chancery. 3d ed. B}' R. H. Yenables. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1804. [Same.] 5th ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, ISIY. Turner (Thomas). Law of Patents and Registration of In- vention and Design in Manufacture. Svo. London, 1851. On Cojwright in Design, in Art and Manufactures. Svo. London, 1849. Popular Lecture on Law ; its origin and results. 12mo. London, 1850. Turner (William). Trial of, for High Treason. See Brandreth (J.). Turner (William R.). Proceedings of the Assembly of California on the Petition of Citizens for his Impeachment. Svo. San Francisco, 1S7S. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 865 Tuscany. Edict of the Grand Duke, for the Reform of Crim- inal Law in his Dominions. [Itahan and English.] 8vo. Warrington, 1789. Tuttle (Charles A.), reporter. California Reports, vols. 23-32, and 41-51. Tuttle (Charles A.) and Carpenter (G. J.), reporters. California Reports, vol. 52. Tuttle (H. Croswell). Abstracts of Farm Titles in the City of New York, between 39th and 75th Streets, East of the Common Lands. With Maps. 8vo. New York, 1877. [Same.] East Side, between 75th and 120th Streets. With Maps. 8vo. New York, 1878. [Same] between 39th and 73d Streets, West of the Com- mon Lands, excepting the Glass House Farm. With Maps. 8vo. New York, 1881. Tweed (William M.). Error Book: Vol. 1, Indictment, Record, etc. — Bill of Exceptions : Vol. 2. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1874. Tweed Ring Frauds. Report of the Special Committee of the Board of Aldermen ; with the Testimonv, etc. 8vo. New York, 1878. Twells (Philip). See Hall (F. J.) and Twells' English Chan- cery Reports. Twiss (Horace). Enquiry into the means of Consolidating and Digesting the Laws of England. 8vo. London, 1826. [Pam., vol. 43.] Public and Private Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon ; with selections from his Correspondence. 2 vols., 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1844. Twiss (Sir Travers). Belligerent Right on the High Seas since the Declaration of Paris, 1856. 8vo. London, 1884. [Pam., vol. 33.] Law of Nations considered as Independent Political Communities. The Right and Duties of Nations in time of Peace. 8vo. Oxford, 1861. [Same.] Revised ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1884. Le Droit des Gens ou des Nations. I. Des Droits et des Devoirs des Nations en temps de Paix. Nouvelle ed. 8vo. Paris, 1887. [Bibliotheque Internationale et Diplo- matique, vol. 19.] 55 866 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF TAviss (Sir Travers). Law of Nations considered as Inde- pendent Political Communities. The Rights and Duties of Nations in time of War. 8vo. London, 1863. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Oxford, 1875. Monumenta Juridica. The Black Book of the Admi- ralt3^ 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1871-6. [Chronicles of Great Britain and Ireland.] The Oregon Question Examined, in respect to Facts and the Law of Nations. 8vo. London, 1846. Two Introductory Lectures on the Science of Inter- national Law. Svo. London, 1856, (editor). Bracton's De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Anglia3. Twitchell (George S., Jr.). Confession of. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1869. [Pam. Tr., vol 4.] ■ Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Tyler (James E. ). Oaths ; their origin, nature, and history. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1835. Tyler (Moses C). Patrick Henry. 16rao. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Tyler (Ransom H.). American Ecclesiastical Law. The Law of Religious Societies, Church Government and Creeds ; and the Law of Burial Grounds in the United States. Svo. Albany, 1866. ■ — Commentaries on the Law of Infancy, including Guar- dianship and Custody of Infants ; and the Law of Coverture, embracing Dower, Marriage and Divorce. Svo. Albany, 1868. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Albany, 1882. • Treatise on the Law of Boundaries and Fences ; includ- ing the Rights of Property on the Sea-Shore and in the Lands of Public Rivers and other Streams ; and the Law of Window Lights. Svo. Albany, 1874. — ■ Treatise on the Law of Fixtures, embracing the leading American and English Decisions. Svo. Albany, 1877. Treatise on the Law of Usury, Pawns or Pledges, and Maritime Loans. Svo. Albany, 1873. Treatise on the Remedy by Ejectment and the Law of Adverse Enjoyment. Svo. Albany, 1871. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 867 Tyler (Royall). Reports, Supreme Court of Vermont, 1800- 1803. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1809-10. Tyler (Sainviel). Commentary on the Law of Partnership ; with appendix of Forms. 12mo. Washington, 1877. Memoir of Eoger B. Taney. 8vo. Baltimore, 1872. (editor). Gilbert's History of the Court of Chancery. Mitford's Chancery Pleadings. Tyng (Dudley A.), reporter. Massachusetts Reports, vols. 2-17. Tyiig (Rev. Stephen H., Jr.). Trial of, before the Board of Presbyters. 8vo. New York, 1868. Tyrwliltt (Robert P.). English Exchequer Reports, 1830- 1835. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1832-7. Summary of the Law of Modern Pleading. 12mo. London, 1846. Tyrwhitt (Robert P.) and Granger (T. C). English Ex- chequer Reports, 1835-1836. 8vo. London, 1837. Tyssen (Amherst D.). Law of Charitable Bequests, 8vo. London, 1888. Tytler (Alexander Fraser), Lord Woodhoiiselee. Es- say on Military Law, and the Practice of Courts-Martial. 3d ed. By Charles James. 8vo. London, 1814. , 868 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF u. Udderzook (William E. > Trial of, for the Murder of W. S. Goss. 8vo. Baltimore, 1S73. Udiiy (George). Harmon^' of Lau's; or, Analysis of the Principles common to the Laws of Civilised iS^ations. 8vo. London, 1858. TJlbricli ( Josef j. Grundzuge des Osterreichischen Yerwal- tungsrechtes. 12mo. Prag und Leipzig, 1884. [Hand- bibliothek des Osterreichischen Rechtes.] Das Staatsrecht der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Mon- archic. 8vo. Freiburg. 188L [Marquardsen (H.). Hand- buch, iv. Bd., 1\] Uliuan (H. C). Lawyers' Eecord and Official Register of ted States. 8vo. New York, 1872. the United Trow's Legal Directory and Lawyei-s' Record of the United States. 8vo. Xew York, 1875. Underdown (E. M.). Registration of Titles and Deposit of Deeds. 8vo. London, 1885. [Pam., vol. 46.] Underhill (Arthur). Manual of Chancery Procedure. 8vo. London, 1881. Manual of the Law relating to Private Trusts and Trustees. 12mo. London, 1878. [Same.] 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1889. Xew Convevancing Acts. 3d ed. By Underhill and H. L. Manby. ' 12rao. London, 1882. Settled Land Acts. By Underhill and R. H. Deane. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1885. Summary of the Law of Torts. 5th ed. 12mo. Lon- don. 1889. Underliill (Aitliur) and Plumptre (C. C. M.). Principles of the Law of Torts. 1st American ed. By X. C. Moak. 8vo. Albany. 1881. Uniacke (Croftou). Xecessitv and Practicability of fonning a Code of the Laws of England. 8vo. London, 1825. [Para., vol. 43.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 869 Uniacke (Richard J.). Kova Scotia Statutes at Large, 1758-1804. [With Abridgment.] 4to. Halifax, 1805. Union League Club. Annual Eeports, etc. 12mo. New York, 1872. [Pam., vol. 6.] Lk-ia/Hi^^.J -Ll^l^J, J.>_JW»^, JLVJV^ 1 5 J-'JVJ'^, J-WV^.^^J J._-T_/v_.. United States : Reports— Supreme Court. Dallas. 1-4 U. S. 1790-1800. 4 vols. Cranch. 6-13 U. S. 1801-1815. 9 vols. Wheaton. 14-25 U. s. 1816-1827. 12 vols. Peters. 26-41 U. s. 1828-1842. 17 vols. Howard. 42-65 U. s. 1843-1860. 24 vols. Black. 66-67 U. s. 1861-1862. 2 vols. Wallace. 68-90 U. s. 1863-1874. 23 vols. Otto. 91-107 U. s. 1875-1882. 17 vols. Davis. 108-141 U. s. 1882-1891. 34 vols. Armes. Motion Cases. 1791-1885. 1vol. Baldwin. Supplement to Peters, vol. 11. 1837. 1 vol. Davis. Appendix, 1879-1888. 1 vol. Miller. Decisions. 1855-1862. 4 vols. Morrison. Transcript. 1880-1882. 5 vols. Myer. Federal Decisions. 1791-1884. 30 vols. Peters. Condensed. 1791-1827. 6 vols. Supreme Court Reporter. 1882-1891. 11 vols. U. S. Eeports. Banks & Bros 5.' ed. 1790-1855. 58 vols. U. S. Reports. Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 1790-1891. 141 vols. U. S. Supreme Court Reporter. (Miller.) 1881. 2 vols. Ti^i'Mtt'i" i^^ivrf*iiifi Gallison. 1812-1815. 2 vols. Mason. 1816-1830. 5 vols. Sumner. 1829-1839. 3 vols. Story. 1839-1845. 3 vols. Woodbury and Minot. 1845-1847. 3 vols. Curtis. 1851-1856. 2 vols. Clifford. 1858-1878. 4 vols. Holmes. 1870-1875. 1 vol. ^or»r»ii*l Oivonifi Paine. 1810-1840. 2 vols. Blatchford. 1845-1887. 24 vols. 870 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF United States : Reports — Third Circuit. Wallace. Petei*s. "Washington. Cooper's Opinion. Baldwin. Wallace. Jr. Fourth Circuit. Hughes. Brockenbrough . Taney. Chase. Woods. Bond. Flippin. Fifth Circuit. Sixth Circuit. Seventh Circuit. McLean. Bissell. Eiffhtli Circuit. Hempstead. Woolworth. Dillon. M'Crary. Ninth Circuit. McAllister. Deady. Sawver. All the Circuits. Brunner. Mver. Federal Decisions. Abbott. Federal Reporter. District of Columbia. 1801. 1803-1818. 1803-1827. 1808. 1§27-1S33. 1842-1862. 1vol. 1 vol. 4 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 3 vols. 1792-1883. 1802-1836. 1836-1861. 1865-1869. 5 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1870-1883. 4 vols. 1856-1871. 1859-1881. 2 vols. 2 vols. 1829-1855. 1851-1883. 6 vols. 11 vols. 1839-1855. 1863-1869. 1870-1879. 1877-1883. 1 vol. 1 vol. 5 vols. 5 vols. 1855-1859. 1861-1869. 1870-1889. 1 vol. 1vol. 13 vols. 1791-1860. 1791-1884. 1865-1871. 1879-1891. 1 vol. 30 vols. 2 vols. 45 vols. Cranch. 1801-1840. 6 vols. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 871 United States : Reports — District of Maine. Ware. Haskell. 1822-1860. 1806-1881. District of Massaclinsetts. Davis. Sprgigue. Lowell. 1818-1832. 1841-1864. 1865-1877. District of New York. Van Ness. Prize Cases. Blatchfortl and Howland. Olcott. Admiralty. Abbott. Admiralty. Blatchford. Prize Cases. Benedict. 1814. 1827-1837. 1843-1847. 1847-1850. 1861-1865. 1865-1879. District of Pennsylvania. Hopkinson. Admiralty. Peters. Admiralty. Fisher. Prize. Gilpin. Crabbe. 1779-1788. 1780-1807. 1812-1813. 1828-1836. 1836-1846. Bee. Hoffman. Deady. Sawver. District of South Carolina. 1792-1809. Pacific States Districts. Land Cases. Western Districts. Hempstead. Newberry. Admiralty, Bissell. Bond. Brown. Admiralty. Flippin. All the Districts. Myer. Federal Decisions. Abbott. Federal Reporter. 3 vols. 2 vols. 1 vol. 2 vols. 2 vols. vol. vol. vol. vol. vol. 10 vols. 1 vol 2 vols. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1853-1858. 1 vol 1861-1869. 1 vol. 1870-1889. 13 vols, 1820-1849. 1 vol. 1842-1857. 1 vol. 1851-1883. 11 vols. 1856-1871. 2 vols. 1859-1875. 1vol. 1859-1877. 2 vols. 1791-1884. 30 vols. 1865-1871. 2 vols. 1879-1891. 45 vols. 872 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF United States : Reports — Attorneys-General. Opinions of the Attxirneys- General. 17S9-1890. 19 vols. Bankruptcy. Xational Bankruptcy Register Re- ports. ' 1867-1882. 19 vols. Court of Claims. Devereux. 1855-1856. 1 vol. Xott & Huntington. 1863-1871. 1- 7 Ct. CI. 7 vols. ISTott ct Hopkins. 1872-1881. 8-17 Ct. CI. 9 vols. Richardson. 1882-1883. 18 Ct. CI. 1 vol. Kott ^ Hopkins. 1883-1890. 19-25 Ct. CI. 7 vols. Patent Decisions. Robb. 1789-1850. 2 vols. Whitman. 1810-1874. 2 vols. Fisher. Reports. 1821-1851. 1 vol. Fisher. Cases. 1848-1873. 6 vols. Banning k, Arden. 1874-1880. 5 vols. — Cases and Points. Supreme Court. 1873, 1881-1888. 311 vols. — Digests of Reports : Supreme Court. Holcombe. 1 789-1 ^48. 1 vol. Curtis. 1789-1854. 1 vol. Kinney. 1789-1884. 2 vols. Danforth. 1789-1885. 1 vol. Lawyers' Co-op. Indexed Digest. 1789-1888. 3 vols, Alden. Index. 1789-1853. 3 vols, Mver. Index. 1789-1878. 1 vol. Phillips. Cases Cited. 1789-1885. 1vol. Desty. Federal Citations. 1789-1878. 1 vol. Lauck (fe Clarke. Table of Cases, 1789-1880. 1 vol. Digests of Reports : All the Courts. Coxe. 1789-1829. 1 vol. Peters. 1789-1847. 2 vols. Brightly. 1789-1873. 2 vols. Abbott! 1789-1888. 5 vols. Murray. Table of Cases. 1789-1873. 1 vol. Rapalje. Reference Digest. 1789-1880. 1 vol. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAM. 873 United States : Digests of Reports : Miscellaneous. Andrews. Attorneys-General. Bentley. [Same.] Cadwalader. [Same.] Law. Patent Cases. Preble. Index, Patent Cases, Nott & Hopkins. Court of Claims. National Bankruptcy Register. ^ — Dockets of Courts. 1789-1856. 1 vol. 1789-1881. 1 vol 1789-1876. 1 vol. 1789-1862. 1 vol 1789-1884. 1 vol 1855-1876. 1 vol 1867-1874. 1 vol Supreme Court. 1880, 1883, 1889, 1890. 4 vols. — Statutes. Laws, 1789-1793. 2 vols., 8vo. Yol 1, New York, printed by Childs and Swaine; vol. 2, Philadelphia, printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine. No date. Acts passed at the Third Congress, 1794-1795. 8vo. Philadelphia, printed by Francis Childs, 1795. Laws. 1789-1797. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, printed by Richard Folwell, 1796. [Same. J Yols. 4-6. 1797-1803. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadel- phia, printed for Mathew Carey, 1803-4. [Same.] Yol 5. 8vo. Washington City, 1801. [Same.] Yols. 7-10. 1803-1811. 4 vols., 8vo. Washing- ton City, 1806-11. Acts of Congress. 1811-1815. 3 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1813-15. Acts passed at the First, [Second and Third] Session of the 13th Congress. 1813-15. 3 vols, in 1. 8vo. Yol. 3: Washington, 1815. Public and General Statutes, 1789-1847. By Joseph Story, Edited by Geo. Sharswood. (Yol. 1-3, 2d ed.) 5 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837-48. Public Statutes at Large, 1789-1845. Edited by Richard Peters. (Yols. 1-5 : Public Statutes. Yol. 6 : Private Statutes. Yol. 7 : Indian Treaties. Yol. 8 : Foreign Treaties.) 8 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1848-61. Statutes at Large and Treaties. Yols. 9-17. 1846-1873. (Yols. 9-10, edited by Geo. Minot; vol 11, by Geo. Minot and Geo. P. Sanger; vols. 12-17, by Geo. P. Sanger.) 9 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1851-73. [Same.] Yols. 18-26. 1873-1891. Edited, printed, and published by authority of Congress, under direction of the Secretary of State. 9 vols., roy. 8vo. Washington, 1874-91. [Same, published annually in 20 vols.] 874 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF United States : Statutes. — Continued. Revised Statutes, passed at the 1st Session of the 43d Congress, 1S73-4. Roy. Svo. Washington. 1875. [Same.] 2d ed. Roy. Svo. Washington, 1S7S. [Same.] Supplement. Vol. 1. 1S74-1SS1. By Wm. A. Richardson. Roy. Svo. Washington, ISSl. Revised Statutes relating to Post Roads, passed 1S73— 4. Roy. Svo. Washington, 1875. Revised Statutes relating to the District of Columbia. Roy. Svo. Washington, 1S75. Abridgment of the Laws. By William (xraydon. 2 vols., Svo. Harrisburgh, 1S< 13-13. Abridgment of the Acts of Congress now in Force : with Xotes of Decisions. By Eilward Ingersoll. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1S25. Digest of the Laws of the L'^nited States of America, 1789- 1799. By Thomas Herty. Svo. Baltimore, ISOO. Dio:est of L'nited States Laws, Treaties with Foreion Powere, and Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitu- tional and Statutory Law. By Thomas F. Gordon. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S4S.' Digest of the General Laws : with References to the Acts repealed, supplied or modified ; and Notes of Decisions. By James Dunlop. Svo. Philadelphia. 1S56. Analvtical Digest of the Laws of the United States, 17S9- ISoT. By Frederick C. Brightly. Roy. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1858. [Same.] 1S57-1863. Rov. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S63. [Same.] Vol. 2. 1857-1869. Rov. Svo. Philadelphia, 1869. General Index to the Laws, 1789-1827. By Samuel Burch. Svo. Washington City, 1S2S. Kotes on the Revised Statutes, and the Subsequent Legisla- tion of Congress. By J. M. Gould and G. F. Tucker. Roy. Svo. Boston, l.vS9. Reference Index to the Revised Statutes : from Statutes to Sections. By Darius Lyman. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1875. Synoptical Index to the Laws and Treaties, 1789-1851. Prepared under direction of the Secretary of the Senate. Roy. Svo. Boston, 1S52. Miscellaneovis. Alabama Claims Commission. See page 10. Army Register. (Ilamerely.) 1880. Atlases. See Subject-Index : Atlases. Attorneys-General. Annual Reports, 1884-7. Construction of Public Laws. 1841. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE UAH. 875 United States : Miscellaneous. — Continued. Attorneys-General. Opinions, lTS9-lS5^>(i. l\) vols. Digest of Opinions. (^Andrews.) 1857. [Same.] (Cadwalader.) 1877. [Same.] (Bentley.) 1885. Banking Laws. See Subject-Index. Bankruptcy Law. See Subject-Index. Blue Book. See Register of Officers and Employees. Bond and Warehouse System. (Adams.) 189o. Bounty Laws. See Subject-Index. Census. 8th ; 1874, 1884. Decisions of the First Comptroller. 1880-1885. ♦'. vols. Digest of Decisions of the Second Comptroller. 1^17-1884. 2 vols. Digest of Decisions. 1872-1882. Report. On State Banks. 1841-1846. Synopsis of Decisions. 1857-1891. 26 vols. Treaties and Conventions. 1778-1834. See Elliot's Dip- lomatic Code. [Same.] 1789-1845. See U. S. Statutes at Large, vol. 8. [Same.] 1776-1873. 4to. 1875. [Same.] 1776-1873. (Davis.) 8vo. 1873. [Same.] 1870-1876. (Cadwalader.) 1876. [Same.] 1776-1887. (Haswell.) 1889. THE ASSOCIATIO]^ OF THE BAR. 879 United States : Miscellaneous. — Continued. Treaties, Indian. See page 418. Vienna International Exhibition. Reports of Commis- sioners. -I vols. 1873. War. Rules and Articles of. 1812. United States Criminal Calendar. An Account of the most Horrid Murders, Piracies, Highway Robberies, etc. Com- piled by Henry St. Clair. 8vo. Boston, 1885. United States Digest. Digest of Decisions in the Courts of Equity in the United States. By John P. Putnam. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1851. [Same.] 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1866. Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of Common Law and Admiralty in the United States. By Theron Metcalf, J. C. Perkins and George T. Curtis. 3 vols., rov. 8vo. Boston, 1846-8. [Same.] 3 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1863-5. [Same.] Supplement. By John P. Putnam. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1847. [Same.] 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1861-5. [Same.] Table of Cases. By George P. Sanger. Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1849. [Same.] Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1864. — Digest of Decisions of the Courts of Common Law, Equity and Admiralty in the United States. Annuals. 23 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1865-71. — Digest of Decisions of the various Courts within the United States. By B. V. Abbott. First Series to 1870. 14 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1874-6. — [Same.] Table of Cases in the 14 volumes. [Anon.] Roy. 8vo. Boston, 1878. — [Same.] New Series. Annual, 1870-1888. 19 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1872-89. — [Same.] Third Series. See American Digest. United States Digest of Decisions in Criminal Cases. By John L. Hanes. Roy. 8vo. New York, 1866. United States Jurist. Edited by James Schouler. Yds. 1-3. 3 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1871-3. 880 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF United States Law Intelligencer and Review. Edited by J. K. Angell. Vols. 1-3. 3 vols., 8vo. Providence, after- wards Philadelphia, 1829-31. United States Law Journal and Civilian's Magazine. Vol. 1. 8vo. Xew Haven, 1822-3. United States Monthly Law Magazine. Edited by John Livingston. Vols. 1-4. 1 vols.. 8vo. ]S"ew York, 1850-1. United States Xotes. By J. J. Knox. 8vo. New York, 1885. United States Official Postal Guide. 12mo. "Washington, 1887-91. United States Snpreiue Court (The). A Series of Biogra- phies ; with an introduction by Hon. Samuel F. Miller. Ito. Washington, 1877. United States Supreme Court Reporter. Reports of Decisions, Oct. Term, l>i81. By Samuel F. Miller. 2 vols., Svo. Des Moines, 1882. United States Year Book. Compiled by Perley and Spencer. Svo. Xew York, 1885. Universal Cyclopaedia of Law. Edited by "W. "\V. Thornton, bvo. Xorthport, 1883. [Same.] 2d revised ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Xorthport, 1885. University Club. Charter, Constitution, etc. 12mo. Xew York. 18S0. University of Albany. Legal Reform ; address before the graduating class of the Law School by Alfred Conkling. Svo. Albany, 1856. [Pam.. vol. 35.] University of Michigan. Law Department. Annual An- nouncement, 1890-91. 8vo. Ann Arbor, 1889. [Pam., vol. 48.] University of the City of Xew York. Annual Announce- ment of Lectures in Law Department. 8vo. Xew York, 1858. [Pam., vol. 11.] Catalogue and Circular of the Law School. 8vo. Xew York, 1887. [Pam., vol. 35.] Plan for the organization of a Law School. By B. F. Butler. Svo. Xew York, 1835. [Pam.. vol. 11.] Unterholzner (K. A. D.). Verjahrungslehre. 2. Auflage bearbeitet von T. Schirraer. 2 vols., 8vo. Leipzig, 1858. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 881 Updike (Wilkiiis). Memoirs of the Ehode-Island Bar. Svo. Boston, 1842. Upper Canada. See Canada (Upper), Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports, 1850-1882. 32 vols., 8vo. Toronto, 1852-1883. Upper Canada Jurist. 1844-8. 2 •vols., 8vo. Toronto, 1845-8. [See U. C. King's Bench Reports. Old Series.] Upper Canada Law Journal, and Local Courts Gazette. 10 vols., 4to. Barrie, ' after wards Toronto, 1855-64. Upi^er Canada Law Journal. New Series. See Canada Law Journal, vols. 1-3. Upper Canada Law Society. Catalogue of the Librarv. By G. M. Adam.. 8vo. Toronto, 1886. [Same.] Supplement. By J. J. Daley. 8vo. Toronto, 1888. — Rules, Roll of Members, etc. 8vo. York, 1833. Upton (Francis H.). Law of IS'ations affecting Commerce during War; with a review of the Jurisdiction, Practice and Proceedings of Prize Courts. 8vo. New York, 1862. Treatise on the Law of Trade Marks ; with a digest and review of the English and American Authorities. 8vo. Albany, 1860. Upton (J. K.). Money in Politics. With an Introduction by Edward Atkinson. 12mo. Boston, 1884. Upton (W. W.). Digest of Decisions of the Second Comp- troller of the Treasury. Vol. 2. 1869-1884. Compiled by Robert J. Mitchell. 8vo. Washington, 1885. Ure (Andrew) vs. Ure (Catharine). Case of Divorce. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. [Pam. Tr., vol. 4.] Urlin (R. Denny). Legal Guide for the Clergv. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1881. Manual of the Law relating to the Office of Trustee. 12mo. Dublin, 1857. — [Same.] 3d ed. 12mo. London, 1868. Urling (R. W.). Laws of Patents in Foreign Countries. 8vo. London, 1845. Uslier (Edward P.). Law pertaining to the Sale of Personal Property. 8vo. Boston, 1886. 56 882 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Usury Laws. Practices and Experiences under the Xew York Law of 1837. Signed " B." 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1855. [Pam., vol. 19.] Remarks upon, by a New Y^ork Merchant. With an Appendix from the writings of Prof. McVicar, Edward Everett, and others. Svo. New York, 1852. [Pam., vol. 13.] Report of the Judiciary Committee of the New Y'ork Assembly, on the Petitions for a Repeal or Modification of. Svo. New Y'ork, 1855. [Pam., vol. 19.] Report of the Usury Law Reform Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Svo. New Y^ork, 1856. [Pam., vol. 19.] Report upon the Usury Laws. By the New Y^ork Chamber of Commerce. 8vo. New Y^ork, 1854. [Pam., vol. 19.] Second Reply to John Whip})le upon Stringent Usury ivs. By a I^ew York Merchant. 8vo. New Y^ork, [Pam., vol. 19.] Law 1856 Utah : Reports. Hagan. Snow. Marshall & Zane. Zane. Statutes. 1871-1880. j 1881-1884. ( 1861-1877. 1884-1886. 1886-1888. 1-2 Utah. 3 Utah. ( Appendix. \ 4 Utah. 5 Utah. 2 vols. 1vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 1 Special ) " ' 2d \ Adjourned f 3d 1851-2 1852-3 1853-4 1854-5. [In Compilation.] 185.5-6 1856-7 1857-8. [Not Printed.] 1858-9 1859-60 1860-1 1861-2 1862-3 1863-4 1864-5 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22d 23d 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 1866. [In Compilation.] 1867 1868 1869 1870 4th 1872 5lh 1874 6th 7th 1876. [In Compilation.] 1878 8th 1880 9th 1882 10th nth 12th 13th 14th 1884 1886 1888 1890 THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 883 Utah : Statutes. — Continued. Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, passed at the several Annual Sessions of the Legislative Assembly. 1855. [Same.] 1866. Compiled Laws. 1876. [Same.] 2 vols. 1888. Miscellaneous. Histor3\ 1540-1866. [Bancroft's Works, vol. 26.] Uttley (T. F.). Hints on Criminal Law. 12mo. London, 1888. 884 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF V. Yaillant ( John i, translator. Dyer's English King's Bench Eeports. Vair ( G. B. ), and others. Trial of. for sending a Challenge to fio-ht a Duel. Svo. Edinburgh, 1823. Taizey (John S.j. Law relating to the Investment of Trust Money. Svo. London, 1S90. Treatise on the Law of Settlements of Propertv made upon Marriage and other occasions. '2 vols.. Svo. Lon- don. 1887. Valentine (Da\'lcl T.). Compilation of Laws relating par- ticularly to Xew York City. Svo. New York, 1862. Compilation of the existing Ferry Leases and Eailroad Grants made by the Corporation of the City of Xew York ; with the Grants from the Legislature of the State to use the Streets of the Citv for Railroad Purposes, etc. Svo. IS^ew York, 1866. Historv of the Citv of Xew Yoi'k. Svo. Xew York, 1853. ■ (compiler). Manual of the Corporation of the Citv of ]S'ew York. 181:2-66. 25 vols.. 12rao. Valin (R. J. i. Xouveau Commentaire sur TOrdonnance de la Marine du mois d'Aoiit 16S1. Tome 1". -Ito. La RocheUe, 1760. Vallandigliani (Clement L..). Trial of. by a ]\rilitary Commission ; and Habeas Corpus Proceedings. Svo. Cin- cinnati, 1863. Tallarta fl. L.). Cuestiones Constitucionales. Tomo 2-4". 3 vols., Svo. Mexico, lSSl-3. El Juicio de Amparo y el Writ of Habeas Corpus. Ensayo critico-comparativo sobre esos recursos constitu- cionales. Svo. Mexico. 1881. Vallat (C. de). Formulaire des Chancelleries Diplomatiques, etc. See Clercq (Alex, de) and Yallat. Valmaer, Cpseud). Lawver's Code of Ethics ; a Satire. 12mo. St. Louis, 1887. Valor Eccleslasticus. See Record Commission. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 885 Valroger (Lvicien -2'. — [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Albany, 1874. — Treatise on the Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions under the Xew York Code of Procedure. 8vo. Albanv, 1852. — [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Albany, 1855. [Same.] Xew ed. P)y X. C. Moak. 8vo. Albany, 1873. Van Schaack (Peter). Laws of Xew York from 1691 to 1773. 2 vols., folio. Xew York, 1774. - Life, Correspondence and other "Writings. Edited by Henry C. Van Schaack. 8vo. Xew York, 1842. Van Siclen (Georg-e W.). Guide to Buvers and Seller of Pteal Estate. 8vo. Xew York, 1885. '[Pam., vol. 33.] Van Vorst (Hooper C). Laws and Ordinances relating to Gas Light Companies in Xew York Citv. [Anon.] 8vo. Xew York, 1871. [Pam.. vol. 0.] Van Wetter (Poljniice\ See "Wetter (Polynice van). THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 887 Van Winkle (Eclffar S.). Argument in the Case of The People ex rel. The Phenix Bank vs. The Tax Commis- sioners. 8vo. Xew York, 1863. [Pam., vol. 22.] Vance (Joseph H.). Jurisdiction ; its exercise in commenc- ing an Action at Law. 12mo. Ann Arbor, 1890. Vancouver Island. See British Columbia. Vanderpool (George). Trial of, for Murder. 8vo. Detroit, 1870. Vanderstraaten (J. W.). Decisions of the Supreme Court of Ceylon sitting in Appeal, 1869-71. 2 parts, 8vo. Co- lombo, 1874. Handy Book of Police Courts. See Beling (W. W.) and Vanderstraaten Vanness (Edward). Digest of the Laws of Xew York and the New Englantl States on the Solemnization of Marriage ; Wife, when entitled to Dower ; Divorces, for what causes allowed, etc. 8vo. Hartford, 1877. Vanston (Georg-e T. B.). Grand Jury Laws of Ireland. Svo. Dublin, lss3. Vattel (Emmerich de). Le Droit des Gens ; ou, Principes de la Loi Naturelle appliques a la conduite et aux affaires des Nations et des Souverains. Nouvelle ed. Par P. Pradier-Fodere. 3 vols., Svo. Paris, 1863. — Law of Nations ; or. Principles of the Law of Nature applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sover- eigns. Translated from the French. 8vo, Dublin, 1792. [Same.] With Notes by J. Chitty and E. D. Ingraham. Svo. Philadelphia, 1859. Vaucher (J.). Guide to Marine Insurances ; containing the Policies of the princijial Commercial Towns in the World. Svo. London, 1831:. Vaughan (Sir John). Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 166.5-1674. Folio. London, 1677. Vaux (Richard). See Recorder's Decisions. Vazelhes (Etieiine de). Etude sur TExtradition ; suivie du texte ties Traites Franco-Beige de 1874 et Franco-Anglais de 1843 et 1876. Svo. Paris, 1877. Veal (John). Record and Writ Practice of the Court of Chancery. Svo. London, 1842. [Pam., vol. 43.] 888 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Veazey (W. G.)> reporter. Yermont Keports, vols. 36-44. Velarde (P. M.^i. Practica de Testamentos. 8vo. Santa Fe, Xew Mexico. [IS — ]. Veutris (Sir Peyton i. Eeports, Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, England, 1669-1 . Journal. Convention of 1843. Journal. Convention of 1850. Journal. Convention of 1857. — 3Iiseellaneous. Biography of the Bar. (Baldwin.) 1886. Common Law Practice. (Mason.) 1880. Constables. (Hitchcock.) 1889. Justices of the Peace. (Bennett.) 1864. Sheriffs. (^Hitchcock.) 1889. State Papers and Laws. (Slade.) 1S23. Vermont and Canada R. K. Co. vs. Vermont Central K. R. Co., antl others. Appeal in Chancery, Franklin County. 8vo. Montpelier, 1877. [Pam. Tr.,"'vol. 2.] Vermont Bar Association. Act of Incorporation, Consti- tution, Members, and Papers and Addresses read, 1878- 1881. ' 8vo. Montpelier, 1882. [Pam., vol. 18.] Vernet (Prosper). Textes Choisis sur la Theorie des Obli- gations en Droit Romain. 8vo. Paris. 1865. Vernon (George W.), editor. Andrews' King's Bench Reports. Vernon (George AV.) and Scriven (J. B.). Reports of Cases determined in the King's Courts, Dublin : with select Cases in the House of Lords of Ireland. A'ol. 1. 1786-1788. Svo. Dublin, 1790. Vernon (Thomas). Cases, High Court of Chancerv, Eng- land, 16S0-1719. 3d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Dubhn, 1793. [Same.] 3d ed. Bv J. Raithbv. 2 vols., Svo. Lon- don, 1828. ■ — [Same.] 1st American ed. 2 vols., Svo. Brookfield, 1829. THE ASSOCIATIOJS^ OF THE BAIL 891 Verplanck (Gulian C). Essa}^ on the Doctrine of Con- tracts ; being an inquiry how contracts are affected in law and morals by concealment, error, or inadequate price. 8vo. New York, 1825. Proceedings of the Century Association in honor of his Memory. 8vo. New York, 1870. [Pam., vol. 5.] Vesey or Vezey (Francis, Sen.). Cases, argued and deter- mined in the High Court of Chancery, in the time of Lord Chancellor Ilardwicke, 17-16-55. "With Tables, Notes, and References. Vol. 1 [to 1750]. Folio. London, 1771. [Same.] 1746-55. 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1788. [Same.] Supplement. By Robert Belt. 8v^o. Lon- don, 1817. [Same.] 1st American ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1831. Vesey (Francis, Jr.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1789-1817. American ed. Bv Charles Sum- ner. 20 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1844-5. " [Yol. 5, 7-10, 12, edited by J. C. Perkins; vol. 11, by C. B. Good- rich.] [Same.] Supplement. By J. E. Hovenden. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1828. Vesey (Francis, Jr.) and Beanies (John). Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1812-1814. 2d ed. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1818. [Same.] 1st American ed. Bv E. D. Ingraham. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1822. Viada y Vilaseca (S.). Codigo Penal Reformado de 1870, concordado v comentado. 2 vols., 8vo. Barcelona, 1874. Sui)lemento al Codigo Penal Reformado de 1870. 2^ ed. 8vo. Madrid, 1881. Cuadros Sinopticos que comprenden la graduacion com- pleta de las distintas combinaciones de penas en el Codigo Penal Reformado de 1870, y en el de 1879 ; mandado pub- licar y observar en las Islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico. 3* ed. 8vo. Madrid, 1881. 892 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Vicente y Caravantes (Jose tie). Febrero o Libreria de Jueces, Abogados y Escribanos. comprensiva de los Codigos Civil, Criminal y Administrativo. Por F. G. Goyena y Joaquin Aguirre. Aumentada por Aguirre y J. M. Mon- talban. 4* ed., por Vicente. 6 vols., 8vo. Madrid, 1852. See Llamas y Molina (S.). Viekers (R. H.V Powers and Duties of Police Officers and Coroners. 12mo. Chicago, 1SS9. Victoria : Reports. Law Eeports. 18 75-1 89 L 16 vols. Dig"est of Reports. Davis. 1871-1883. 1 vol. Statutes. Acts and Ordinances in Force. 1855-6. 2 vols. Acts of Parliament. 1856-1857. 1 vol. Public General Statutes to 1874. Vols. 1, 2. — Miscellaneous. Law List of Australasia. 1886. Vidari (Ercole). La Cambiale ; gli Ordini in Derrate, e i'Assegno Bancario (Cheque). 8vo. Milano, 1885. I Fallimenti. 2 vols., 8vo. Milano, 1886. Vidian (Andrew). The Exact Pleader : A Book of Entries of Choice, Select, and Special Pleadings in the Court of King's Bench. Folio. London, 1684. Viele (E. L.). Topographical Atlas of the City of New York ; including the Annexed Territory ; showing original water courses and made land. Folio. New York, 1874. Viele (S. T.). Is the Common Law a proper subject for Codi- fication I Svo. Albany, 1880. [Pam., vol. 27.] Vigouroux (E.). Legislation et Jurisprudence des Chemins de Fer et des Tramwavs. 8vo. Paris, 1886. [Bibliotheque Juridique Contemporaine, vol. (^] Vincent (C. E. Howard). Law of Criticism and Libel ; a Handbook for Journalists, Authors, and the Libelled. 12mo. London, 1876. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 893. Vincent (C. E. Howard). Police Code, and Manual of the Criminal Law. 8vo. London, 1881. Vincent (John M.). State and Federal Government in Switzerland. 8vo. Baltimore, 1891. [J. II. U. Studies, extra vol. 9.] Vine (J. R. Soniers). English Municipal Institutions; their growth and development from 1835 to 1879, statistically illustrated. 8vo. London, 1879. Viner (Charles). General Abridgment of Law and Equity, alphabetically digested under proper titles ; with notes and references to the whole. 2(1 ed. 24 vols., 8vo. London, 1791-4. [Same.] Supplement ; by Several Gentlemen in the respective branches of the Law. 6 vols., 8vo. London, 1799-1806. Vinnen [Lat. Vinnins] (Arnold). In quatuor libros Insti- tutionum Imperialium Commentarius. Jo. G. Ileineccius recensuit. Editio novissima, cui accedunt Vinnii Quaestiones Juris selectae. 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Lugduni, 1747. [Same.] 2 vols, in 1. 4to. Lugduni, 1755. — [Same.] Yol. 1. Lugduni, 1767. Justiniani Institutionum sive Elementorum libri quatuor, Notis illustrati. Editio 2**. 24mo. Arastelodami, 1652. — — Petri Peckii in titt. Dig-. Cod. ad Rem Nauticam pertinentes Commentarii. Quibus nunc accedunt Notae Arnoldi Vinnii, etc. Edidit Jo. Laurentius. Small 8vo. Amstelodami, 1668. Vinton (Francis), S.T.D. Manual Commentary on the General Canon Law and the Constitution of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1870. Virchow (Rndolph). description and Explanation of the Method of Performing Post-Mortem Examinations ; with especial reference to Medico-Legal Practice. Translated from the 2d German ed., by T. P. Smith. 12mo. London, 1880. Virgin (William AV.). Digest of vol. 27-43 of Maine Re- ports. 8vo. Ilallowell, 1859. [Same.] Supplemental Digest ; vol. 44-56. 8vo. Port- land, 1870. 894 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Virgin (William W.), reporter. Maine Reports, vols. Virginia: Keports. Jefferson. 1730-1772. 1 vol. AVasliington. 1790-1796. 2 vols, Call. 1797-1818. 6 vols. Hening 5-ls,s(i. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1882. AA are (Martin), Hutchins (P. B. ), and Baker (Sir G. S.), Bart. [Same.] 1881-5. Svo. London, 1886. AA^arner (H. AV.). Discourse on Legal Science. Svo. New York, 1833. (editor). Beames' Writ of Ne exeat Regno. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 909 Warner (Henry E.j. Law of Evidence under the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York. Svo. Albany, 1887. Questions on the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York. 8vo. New York, 1888. Service of Papers under the New York Code of Civil Procedure and Statutes. 8vo. New York, 1890 Warner (Warren). Experiences of a Barrister. 12mo. New York, 1852. Warnkonig' (Leopold A.). Institutiones luris Komani Privati. Editio 4^ 8vo. Bonnae, 1860. Philosophiae Juris Dehneatio. Editio altera. 8vo. Tubingae, 1855. Warnkonig (L. A.) and Stein (L.). Franzosische Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte. 3 vols., 8vo. Basel, 1846-8. [Yol. 2, Rechtsgeschichte, is by L. A. and Th. A. Warnkonig and L. Stein.] Warren (John). Trial of, for Treason-Felony. Reported by W . G. Chamney. 8vo. Dublin, 1867. Warren (Robert R.). See Drury (W. B.) and "Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. Warren (Samuel). Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice. 12mo. Chicago, 1872. — Confessions of an Attorney. By Gustavus Sharp [pseud, of Warren ?]. Added, Papers on English Law and Lawyers, by Charles Dickens. 12mo. New York, 1852. — [Same.] 12mo. Ncav York, 1853. — Law and Practice of Election Committees. Svo. Lon- don, 1857. Manual of Parliamentary Election Law. 8vo. London, 1857. — ■ Moral, Social, and Professional Duties of Attorneys and Solicitors. With Notes, additional Cases, etc. 12mo. Albany, 1870. — Popular and Practical Introduction to Law Studies. 12mo. New York, 1837. — [Same.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1836. [L. L., vol. 14.] — ■ [Same.] Edited, with Alterations and Additions, by I. G. Thompson. 4to. Albany, 1870. 910 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Wartli (John A. ). Amended Code of West Virginia. Svo. Charleston, lbS4, Warvelle (^George W.j. Treatise on Abstracts and Exam- inations of Title to Keal Property, svo. Chicago, 1883. Treatise on the American Law of Vendor and Purchaser of Real Property. -1 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1890. Was it a Pistol? A Xut for Lawyers. [Verse.] 12mo. Washington, 1890. "Washburn (Emory). Lectures on the Study and Practice of the Law. ith ed. 12mo. Boston. 1871:. Manual of Criminal Law. Edited, with Xotes, by M. D. Ewell. 12mo. Chicago, 1878. [Same.] 2d ed. 12mo. Chicago, 1889. Professional Training as an element of success and con- servative influence ; a lecture before the Harvard Law School. 8vo. Boston, 1861. [Pam., vol. 9.] Treatise on the American Law of Easements and Servi- tudes. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1867. — [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1873. — [Same.] 4th ed. Bv S. G. Croswell. Svo. Boston, 1885. — Treatise on the American Law of Real Property. 3d ed. 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1868. — [Same.] 4th ed. 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1876. — [Same.] 5th ed. By J. Willard and S. G. Croswell. 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1887. Washburn (Peter T.). Digest of Vermont Reports. 2 vols. Svo. Woodstock, 1845-52. (reporter). Vermont Reports, vols. 16-23. Washington (BushrodV Reports, Court of Appeals of Virginia, 1790-1796. 2 vols., Svo. Richmond, 1798-9. Reports, U. S. Circuit Court. Third Circuit, 1803-1827. Edited bv Richard Peters, Jr. 2d ed. 4 vols., Svo. Phila- delphia, 1852-3. Washington (George). Writings: collected and edited bv AV. C. Ford. 11 vols., Svo. New York, 1889-91. George Washington. By Henry Cabot Lodge. 2 vols., 16mo. New York, 1889. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 911 Washington Law Exchange. 2 vols., 4to. Washington, 1890-91. Washington Law Reporter. A Journal of Legal Intel- ligence. 19 vols., 4to and roy. 8vo. Washington, 1874-91. Washington (Territory) : Keports. Opinions of Supreme Court. Allen. Struve. Digest of Reports. 1854-1864. 1 vol. 1854-1885. 2 vols. 1887-1888. 1 vol. Carey. 1854-1885. 1 vol. — Statutes. Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st 1854 1854-5 1855-6 1856-7 1857-8 1858-9 1859-60 1860-1 1861-3 1862-3 1863-4 1864-5 1865-6 14th 1st Biennial 2d Biennial 3d Biennial 4th Biennial 5th Biennial 6th Biennial 7th Biennial 8th Biennial 8th Special 9th Biennial lOth Biennial 11th Biennial 1866 7 2d 1867 8 3d 1869 4th 1871 5th 1878 6th 1875 7th 1877 8th 1879 9th J1881 11881 1883 10th 11th 12tli 1885-0 13th 1887-8 Code. 1881. Laws [not included in the Code]. (Judson ct Evans.) 1881. Index to Code and Laws. 1888. Washington (State) : Reports. Kreider. 1889-1890. 1 vol. Statutes. 1st Legislature. 1st Session. 1889-90. Constitution. Woods. 18.S9. Washington, Treaty of. Papers relating to. (> vols., 8vo. Washington, 1872-4. 1-4. Geneva Arbitration. 1872—3. 912 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF AVashiugtoii, Treaty of. — Continued. 5. Berlin Arbitration. 1ST2. 6. AVasbington Arbitration and General Appendix. 1874. Indirect Claims. By W. B. Lawrence. 8vo. Provi- dence, 1872. The Treatv. Bv W. B. Lawrence. 8vo. Providence, 1871. [Pam.'. vol. 1.] The Treaty ; its Negotiation, etc. Bv Caleb Gushing. 6vo. Xew York, 1873. See also Alabama Claims : — Geneva Arbitration. Wasserschlebeii (H.). Das Prinzip der Erbenfolge nach den alteren deutschen und verwandten Rechteu. 8vo. Leipzig, 187U. Water (J. van cle). Justiniani Institutionum, sive Elemen- torura. libri quatuor ex editione Jac. Cujacii. In eosdem Jani a Costa Commentarius. etc. Curante Joanne vande "Water. 4to. Trajecti Batavorum, 1714. Waterman (Thomas G.). Justice's Manual ; or, A Sum- mary of the Powers and Duties of a Justice of the Peace in the State of Xew York. 2d ed. 8vo. Albany, 1829. Waterman (Thomas W. i. Digest of Decisions in Criminal Cases contained in the Reports of the Federal Courts and the Courts of the several States. Rov. Svo. Xew York, 1877. Treatise on Civil Jurisdiction of Xew York Justices of the Peace. 8vo. Xew York, 184y. Treatise on the Law of Corporations other than Munici- pal. 2 vols.. Svo. New York, 1S8S. — Treatise on the Law of Set-off. Recoupment, and Coun- ter Claim. 2d ed. 8vo. Xew York, 1872. — Treatise on the Law of Trespass in the twofold aspect of the "Wrong and the Remedv. 2 vols., 8vo. Xcav York, 1875. — Treatise on the Law relating to the Specific Perform- ance of Contracts. 8vo. New York, 1881. — (editor). Eden on Injunctions. Paley on Principal and Agent. — See Graham and "Waterman on Xew Trials. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 913 Watkiiis (Charles). Essay on the Law of Descents. 8vo. London, 1793. [Same.] 8vo. Dublin, 1794. Historical Introduction on the Feudal System. See Gilbert on Tenures. 1824. Principles of Conveyancing. Svo. Philadelphia, 1838, [L. L., vol. 20.] Treatise on Copyholds. 2d ed. By li. S, Yidal. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1816. Watkiiis (Oliver). Life, Trial, and Execution of. 12mo. Norwich, 1831. Trial of, for Murder ; with a Sketch of his Life. 8vo. Providence, 1830. Watkiiis (Robert and George). Digest of the Laws of Georgia. Ito. Philadelphia, 1800. Watkiiis (Tobias). Trial of, for various Frauds upon the United States. 8vo. Washing-ton, 1829. Watson (Alexander), M.D. Medico-Legal Treatise on Homicide by External Violence. 2d ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1842. Watson (James), Surgeon. Trial of, for High Treason. By W. B. Gurney. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1817. Watson (James), Advocate. Treatise on the Law of Scot- land respecting Succession, as depending on Deeds of Set- tlement. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1826. Watson (Capt. Samuel), and others. Trials of, by Court Martial. 8vo. Worcester, 1811. Watson (Samuel J.). Constitutional History of Canada. Vol. 1. 12mo. Toronto, 1874. [No more published.] Powers of Canadian Parliaments. 12mo. Toronto, 1880. Watson (Warren). Manual for Commissioners of the Cir- cuit Courts of the United States. 2d ed. 12mo. Chicago 1881. Watson (William), of Lincoln's Inn. Treatise on the Law of Partnership. 8vo. London, 1794. [Same.] 8vo. Albanv, 1795. 58 914 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF AVatson ( William i, LL.D. Clergy-man's Law; or. The Complete Incumbent, collected from the 39 Articles, Can- ons, Decrees in Chancery, etc.. relating to the Church and Clergy of England. 8d ed. Folio. London, 1725. Watfsioii (William H.j. Treatise on the Law of Arbitration and Awards. Svc Philadelphia, 183f;. [L. L.. vol. 11.] [Same.] 3d ed. svo. Philadelphia, 184S. [L. L., vol. 59.] Treatise on the Law relatincr to the Office and Dutv of Sheritf. Svo. Philadelphia, 1834. [L. L.. vol. 7.] — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1S4S. Watson (William W'.'). Practical Compendium of Equity. 2 vols., Svo. London. 1873. [Same,] 2d ed. By Watson and B. P. IS^euman. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1888. W^att (Robert) and Dowiiie (David). Trials of, for High Treason, at Edinburgh. 12mo. New York, 1791. Watts (Cornelius C. ), reporter. West Virginia Reports, vols. l«;-24. Watts (Frederick). Reports, Supreme Court of Pennsvl- vania, 1S32-1S40. 2d ed. 10 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1848-52. See Penrose (C. B.) and Watts' Pennsylvania Reports. W^atts (Frederick) and Sergeant (H. J.j. Reports, Su- ])reme Court of Pennsylvania, 1841-1845. 9 vols., Svo. Philadelphia. 1866-7. Watts (31illard F.). Laws of Missouri relating to Business and Manufacturing Corporations. Svo. St. Louis, 1883. Laws of Missouri relating to Private Corporations, other than Railroad and Insurance ; with Forms. Svo. St. Louis, 189U. Watts (Newman). Law of Promoters of Public Companies. >^vo. London, isso. WavTin (John de). Chronicles, etc. See Chronicles, etc., of Great Britain. Waynesbnrg ( Pa. ) La^v Association. ]>v-Laws, etc. Svo. Waynesburg, ls77. Weaver (Charles^. Collection of Concise Precedents of Wills. 12mo. London, 1882. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR, 915 Webb (Britain R.). Digest of Decisions on the Criminal Law of Texas; with a Treatise on the Texas Codes and Practice, as compared with the Common Law. 8vo. St. Louis, 1880. Treatise on the Law of Record of Title of Real and Per- sonal Property. 8vo. St. Louis, 1890. Webb (Edinuiicl F.). Railroad Laws of Maine ; with refer- ences to Decisions of Supreme Judicial Court, etc. 8vo. Portland, 1875. Webb (James) and Duval (Thos. H.), reporters. Texas Reports, vols. 1-3. Webb (W. C), reporter. Kansas Reports, vols. ('»-20, Webb (William B.). Laws of the Corporation of the City of Washington, digested. 8vo. Washington, 18r)8. Weber (J.). Die Kanonischen Ehehindernisse ; samrat Ehe- scheidung und Eheprozess. 4. Auflage. Svo. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1886. Webster (Daniel). Great Speeches and Orations. Edited by E. P. Whipple. Svo. Boston, 1879. Defence of the Christian Religion, etc. : Speech in the Girard Will Case. Svo. New York, 1844. [Pam., vol. 14.] The Rhode-Island Question; Argument in the Case of Martin Luther vs. Luther M. Borden and others, in the U. S. Supreme Court. Svo. Providence, 1848. [Pam., vol. 26.] Speech at the Celebration of the N. Y. New England Society. Svo. Washington, 1851. [Pam., vol. 7.] Speech in the great India Rubber Suit of Goodvear vs. Day. Svo. New York, 1852. [Pam., vol. 9.] Speech to the Young Men of Albany. Svo. Albany, 1851. [Pam., vol. 7. Daniel Webster. By H. Cabot Lodge. 10th ed. 16mo. Boston, 1888. [Amer. Statesmen Series.] Reminiscences and Anecdotes of. By Peter Harvey. Svo. Boston, 1882. Webster (Edward). (3n Promotion at the English Bar; its effect on the Barrister, etc. 8vo. London, 1861. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Remarks on Capital Punishment in Cases of Murder. Svo. London, 1856. [Pam., vol. 44.] 916 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Webster (Prof. John W.). Trial of, for the Murder of Dr. George Parkman. Boston Daily Mail ed. 8vo. Boston, 1850. [Pam. Tr., vol. 3.] [Same.] Boston Herald ed. 8vo. Boston, 1850. [Same.] Reported by Dr. James W. Stone. 8vo. Boston, 1850. [Same.] Official Report of George Bemis ; witli Notes to subsequent ('ases involving questions of Circumstantial Evidence and the Corpus Delicti. By a ^Member of the Xew York Bar. 8vo. New York, 1879. Webster (Noah). American Dictionary of the English Lan- guage. Revised by Chauncey A. Goodrich and Noah Porter. New edition. 4to. Springfield, 1887. Examination into the leading Principles of the Federal Constitution. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1787. [See Ford (Paul L.).] International Dictionary of the English Language ; revised and enlarged under supervision of Noah Porter. 4to. Springfield, 1890. Webster (Pelatiah). Remarks on the Constitution proposed by the Federal Convention. 12mo. Philadel})hia, 1787. [See Ford (Paul L.).] Webster (Prentiss). Treatise on the Law of Citizenship in the United States. 8vo. Albany, 1891. Webster (Robert G.). Law relating to Canals ; comprising a Treatise on Navigable Rivers and Canals. 8vo. Lon- don, 1885. Webster (Sidney). Duties of Neutrality. The United States vs. The Steamship 'Meteor,' etc. Closing Argument in behalf of the United States. 8vo. New York, 1866. [Pam., vol. 35.] Webster (Thomas). Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions. 8vo. London, 1841. On the Subject-Matter of Letters Patent for Inventions. 8vo. London, 1841. [Pam., vol. 48.] Re]3orts and Notes of Cases, on Letters Patent for Inventions. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1844-55. [Only 1 part, 320 pp., of vol. 2 published.] Webster (Wedderburn) vs. Baldwin (Charles). Trial for Libel, charging Adultery between the Duke of Welling- ton and Lady Webster. 8vo. London, 1816. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 917 Webster (William), editor. WoodfalPs Law of Landlord and Tenant. Wedgwood (Williaiii B.). Government and Laws of the United States ; comprising a comprehensive view of the rise, progress, and present organization of the State and National Governments. 8vo. New York, 1S67. Wedgwood (William B.) and Homaiis (I. Smith). Law Manual for Notaries Public and Bankers. 8vo. New York, 18(>9. Wedderburii (David). British Colonial Policy. See Prac- tical Politics. Weed (Tlivirlow). Trial of, for Libel. See Opdyke vs. Weed. Weetleii (William B.). Indian Money as a factor in New England Civilization. 8vo. Baltimore, 1884. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 2.] Weekly Cincinnati Law Bvilletin. (Vol. 1-2, reprint, 1885.) 20 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1876-91. [Vols. 10-12 are the Weekly Law Bulletin ; vols. 13-26, Weekly Law Bulletin and Ohio Law Journal.] Weekly Digest. See New York Weekly Digest. Weekly Jurist. O. W. Aldrich, editor. 2 vols., 8vo. Bloomington, 111., 1880-1. Weekly Law^ Review. 8vo. San Francisco, 1855. [Only 3 nos. published.] Weekly Notes. 20 vols., 4to. London, 1866-85. - — - — [Same.] 10 parts, Ito. London, 1886-90. ■ Digest of Cases, 1866-1879, not reported in the Law Reports. Compiled by G. M. White. 8vo. London, 1880. Weekly Notes of Cases. 28 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875-91. Weekly Reporter. 39 vols., imp. 8vo. London, 1852-91. Weekly Reporter. Appellate High Court. Edited by D. Sutherland. 25 vols., 8vo. Calcutta, 1861-76. [Same.] Supplement. January to July, 1864. 8vo. Calcutta, 1867. Weekly Transcript. 8vo. New York, 1861. [Only 11 nos. published.] 918 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Weeks (Edward P.). Couimentaiy on the Mining- Legisla- tion of Congress; with a prehniinary Review of tlie repealed Sections of the Mining Act of 1866. 8vo. San Francisco, 1877. - — ■ Doctrine of Damnum absque Injuria, considered in its relation to the Law of Torts. 8vo. San Francisco, 1879. Treatise on Attorneys and Counsellors at Law ; com- prising the Rules and Legal Rrinciples applicable to the Vocation of the Lawyer, and those governing the relation of Attorney and Client. 8vo. San Francisco, 1878. Treatise on the Law of Depositions ; comprising also Abstracts of the Statutory Law pertaining thereto. 8vo. San Francisco, 1880. See Blanchard (G. A.) and Weeks' Leading Cases on Mines and Minerals. Weigiitmaii (Hugh). Law of Marriage and Legitimacy. 8vo. London, 1871. Medical Practitioners' Legal Guide ; or. The Laws relat- ing to the Medical Profession. 8vo. London, 1870. Weinzoepflen (Roinaiii). Ti'ial of, on a Charge of Rape. Reported by A. E. Drapier. 12mo. Louisville, 1844. Weiss (Siegfried). Code du Droit Maritime International. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1858. Welch (John). Index-Digest to Ohio Reports, 1816-1886. Svo. Cincinnati, 1887. Welford (Richard G.). Treatise on Equity Pleadings. 8vo. Harrisburg, 1846. [New L. L., vol. 6.]"^ Wellheloved (Rohert). Treatise on the Law relating to Highways. 8vo. London, 1829. Wellesley (William L.). View of the Court of Chancery. 8vo. London, 1830. Wells (H. W.). Treatise on the Law of Replevin, as admin- istered in the Courts of the United States and England. 8vo. Chicago, 1880. Wells (J. C). Delineation of the Law of Limitations in the State of Illinois. 8vo. Jacksonville, 1870. Magna Charta; oi\ The Rise and Progress of Constitu- tional Civil Liberty in England and America. 8vo. Des Moines, 1880. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 919 Wells (J. C.j. Treatise on Questions of Law and Fact, Instructions to Juries and Bills of Exceptions. 8vo, New York, 1876. [Same.] Revised ed. 8vo. Des Moines, 1ST8. — Treatise on the Doctrines of Res Adjudicata and Stare Decisis. 8vo. Des Moines, 1878. Treatise on the Jurisdiction of Courts. WA. 1. nvo. St. Paul, 1880. • Treatise on the Separate Property of Married Women, under the recent enabling statutes. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1878. • [Same.] Appendix. 8. [Same.] 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1888. Wendt (H. L.)' Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Ceylon, sitting in Appeal, 1882-83. 8vo. Colombo, 1884. WentAvortli (Alonzo B.), editor. Lindley on Partnership. Wentwortli (John"). Complete System of Pleading. 10 vols., 8vo. London, 1797-99. [Same.] 10 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1799. [Same.] Complete Index. 8vo. New York, 1822. Wentwortli (Thomas). Office and Duty of Executors; witli a Supplement by H. Curson. 8vo. London, 1728. [Same.] By a Gentleman of the Inner Temple. Vol. 2. 16mo. Dublin, 1772. [Same.] American ed. By E. D. Ingraham. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1832. Wentz (Samnel). Trial of, before the Presbytery of Phila- delphia, on a charge of Adultery. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1820. Werner (Edgar A.). Banking Laws of the State of ]^e\v York. 8vo. Albany, 1888. Wertheinier (John). Law relating to Clubs. 12mo. Lon- don, 1885. [Same.] 2d ed. By A. W. Chaster. 12mo. London, 1889. Weskett (John). • Complete Digest of the Theory, Laws, and Practice of Insurance. 3d ed. 8vo. Dublin, 1794. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 921 West (Edwardjo Treatise of the Law ^nd Practice of Extents, in Chief and in Aid. 8vo. London, 181Y. West (Martin J.). Reports, High Court of Chancery, Eng- land, 1736-1739; from the original Manuscripts of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, etc. Vol. 1. Svo. London, 1827. Reports of Cases in the House of Lords, on Appeals from the Courts of Equity, and on Writs of Error in Eng- land and Ireland; and of Questions of Peerage, 1839-1841. Svo. London, 18-42. West (William), The first part of Siraboleography, which may be termed the Art, or Description, of Instruments and Presidents. Newly augmented. 4to. London, 1622. [Same.] 4to. London, 1647. The second part of Symboleography. Xewly corrected. 4to. London, 1618. — [Same.] 4to. London, 1641. West (William N.). Digest of the Laws and Ordinances governing the City of Philadelphia. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. West Coast Reporter. 10 vols., Svo. San Francisco, 1SS4-6. [Edited, vols. 1-4, by John Norton Pomeroy and Carter P. Pomeroy ; vols. 5-10, by C. P. Pomeroy.] West Indies. Substance of the Three Reports of the Com- missioner of Inquiry [Fortunatus Dwarris] into the Admin- istration of Civil and Criminal Justice in the West Indies. Svo. London, 1827. See Charibbee Leeward Islands. West Side Association (IS'ew York). Proceedings, 1870- 1871. Svo. — [Same.] 1872-1 S73, and 1873-1874. svo. [Pam., vol. 6.] West Virginia : Reports. Hagans. 1863-1872. 1-5 W. Va. 5 vols. Mathews. 1873-1876. 6-9 W. Ya. 4 vols. AVhite. 1877-1879. 10-15 W. Ya. 6 vols. Watts. 1879-1884. 16-24 W. Ya. 9 vols. Caldwell. 1884-1890. 25-33 W. Ya. 9 vols. Digests of Reports. Bedinger. 1863-1882. 1 vol. Bent. 1 863-1 S87. 1 vol. Converse. Index. 1863-18S0. 1 vol. 922 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY West Vii'giuia : Statutes. OF Session-. Date. Session-. Date. Julv 1861 1861 1862 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1868 1869 1870 1871 10th 11th 1872 December 1872-3 May December 1st 12th 13th 14th 15th Adjourned 16th 17th 18th Extra 19th / 1875 1877 1879 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Extra 7th 1881 1882 1883 1885 1887 1887 1889 8th Extra s 1890 9th Revised Statutes. (Kelly.) 2 vols. l>«7^-y. Code, comprising Legislation to 1870. Amended Code. (Waith.j 1884. Code. 2d ed. 1>87. 3Iiscellaiieous. Constitution. 18*^8— t. Constitutional Convention of 1872. Journal. Convention of June. 1861. Ordinances. Corporation Laws. 1887. Land Titles. (Hutchinson.) 1887. Negotiable Paper. (Robinson.)^ 1890. Practice, Chancery. (Barton.) 2 vols. l^>l-3. Practice. Law. (Barton.) 1^77. West Yirarinia Bar Association. Constitution, Bv-Laws, and Proceedings of Annual Meetings, gantown, etc., 1886-90. 5 vols., 8vo. Mor- Westplialia. Braunbehrens. Yerfassunsfsgesetze. Berlin. 1887. Westbrook (Judge Theodoric R.). Matter of Charges against. See Ward (H.) and "Westbrook. Western i Thomas G.). Cases relating to the Tithes of the City of London, 1535-1822. 8vo. London. 1823. — Commentaries on the Constitution and Laws of England ; incorporated with the Political Text of J. L. De Lolme. 8vo. London, 1838. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 923 Western (Thomas Cx. ). Commentary upon the Act for Abol- ishing Arrest on Mesne Process. " 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1838. [Pum., vol. 43.] Exposition of the Act to Simplify the Transfer of Property. Svo. London, 1845. [Pam., vol. 43.] Western Jurist. IT vols., 8vo. Des Moines, 18(^7-83. Western Law JournaL 10 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1843- 53. [Edited by Timothy Walker, and others.— Vols. 6-10, IS'ew Series.] Western Law Monthly. 5 vols., Svo. Cleveland, 1859- 03. [Only 224 pages of vol. 5 published.] Western Law Times. Vol. 1. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1890-1. Notes of Recent Decisions. Vol. 1. 8vo. Winnipeg, 1890-1. Western Legal News. 8vo. Lincoln, Neb., 1887. [Only 4 nos. published.] Western Legal Observer. Svo. Quincy, 111., 1849. [Only 12 nos. published.] Western Reporter. All Cases determined in the Courts of Last Resort of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Mis- souri. 15 vols., Svo. Rochester, 1885-8. [Onl}^ 14 num- bers, 560 pages, of vol. 15, pubhshed.] Westlake (John). On Commercial Blockades. Svo. Lon- don, 1863. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] On Legal Reporting. Svo. London, 1863. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] Relation between Public and Private International Law. Svo. London, 1856. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Treatise on Private International Law. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1859. [L. L., vol. 101.] — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. London, 1880. Westminster Hall Chronicle, and Legal Examiner. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1835-6. Westmoreland (Pa.) Law Association. Constitution and By-Laws. Svo. Greensburg, Pa., 1886. Weston (Rev. S. H.). Sermon on tiie Sanctity of the Grave. Svo. New York, 1854. [Pam., vol. 23.] Weston fWilliam), reporter. Vermont Reports, vols. 12-14. 924 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Wetliey (H. C. W.), reporter. Upper Canada Queen's Bench lleports, vols. 33-42. Wetter (Polynice van). Les Obligations en Droit Roraain. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1883-6. Wetzell (Georg" W.). System des Ordentlichen Civilpro- cesses. 2. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865. Wharton (Charles H. M.). LaAv relating to Innkeepers, Licensed Victuallers, and other Licence Holders. 12mo. London, 1876. Wharton (Elizabeth G.). Trial of, for Poisoning Gen. W. S. Ketchura. 8vo. Baltimore, 1872. Wharton (Francis). Commentaries on Law. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1884. — - — Commentary on the Law of Agency and Agents. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1876. Commentary on the Law of Contracts. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1882. Commentary on the Law of Evidence in Civil Issues. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. [Same.] 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1888. Digest of the International Law of the United States. 3 vols., 8vo. Washington, 1886. — Law of Domicil, considered with special reference to the Commercial Relations, Taxes, Succession to Estates. 8vo, St. Louis, 1877. [Pam., vol. 26.] — Liability of Railway Companies for Remote Fires ; proximate and remote Cause. Svo. St. Louis, 1876. [Pam., vol. 11.] — Precedents of Indictments and Pleas. 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1871. — I Same.] 4th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1881. — State Trials of the United States during the Administra- tions of Washington and Adams. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. — Treatise on Criminal Pleading and Practice. 8th ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1880. — [Same.] 9th ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1889. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 9l'5 Wharton (Francis). Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, or Private International Law ; including a Comparative Yiew of Anglo-American, Roman, German, and French Juris- }3rudence. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1881. Treatise on the Criminal Law of the United States. 6th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1870. ■ [Same.] 7th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1874. [Same.] 8th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880. [Same.] 9th ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1885. Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Criminal Issues. 8th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880. [Same.] 9th ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884. Treatise on the Law of Homicide in the United States. [2d ed.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. Treatise on the Law of ISTegligence. Svo. Philadel- phia, 1874. ^ • [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. Wharton (Francis) and Stille (M.). JVIedical Jurispru- dence. 3d ed. 2 vols, in 3. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. [Same.] 4th ed. 3 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1882-4. [Yol. 2 edited by Robert Amory and E. S. Wood.] Wharton (G. M. ). Remarks on IMr. Binney's Treatise on the Writ of Habeas Corpus. 2d ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] Answer to IVIr. Binney's Reply to " Remarks " on his Treatise on the Habeas Corpus. Svo. Philadelphia, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] Wharton (George F,). Legal Maxims ; with Observations and Cases. American ed. Svo. l^ew York, 1878. Wharton (J. J. S.)* Law Lexicon ; or, Dictionary of Juris- prudence ; explaining all the Technical Words and Phrases employed in the English Law, also the Legal Terms used in Commercial Transactions ; with a Translation of Latin ]\iaxiras. 2 vols., Svo. Harrisburg, 1849. [JN'ew L. L., vols. 14, 15.] [Same.] 4th ed. Roy. Svo. London, 1867. [Same.] 7th ed. By J. M. Lely. Svo. Boston, 1883. [Same.] Sth ed. Svo. London, 1889. 926 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF AVhartoii (J. J. S.). Principles of Convevancing. 8vo. Phiiaclelphia, 1S51. [L. L., vol. 74.] Wharton (^Thomas I.). Eeports, Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania, Eastern District, 1835-1841 ; with References to Cases in subsequent Reports, by J. Sword. 6 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 18 TO. (editor). Law Library. AVheatoii (Henry^. Digest of the Law of Maritime Captures and Prizes, ^vo. Xew York, 1815. Elements of International Law ; with a sketch of the History of the Science. Svo. Philadelphia, 1836. [Same.] 2d ed. Edited with Xotes, by AV. B. Law- rence. Svo. Boston, 1863. [Same.] 8th ed. Edited, with Xotes, by R. H. Dana, Jr. bvo. Boston, 1866. [Same.] English ed. Edited, with Xotes, by A. C. Boyd. 8vo. London, 1878. [Same.] 3d English ed. By A. C. Boyd. 8vo. Lon- don, 1889. Enquiry into the Yalidity of the British Claim to a Right of Visitation and Search of American Vessels, sus- pected to be engaged in the African Slave-Ti'ade. Svo. Philadelphia, 1842. — History of the Law of Xations in Europe and America ; from the earliest period to the Treaty of Washington, 1842. Svo. Xew York, 1845. Commentaire sur les Elements du Droit International, et sur L'Histoire des Progres du Droit des Gens. Precede d'une notice sur la carriere diplomatique de M. Wheaton, par W. B. Lawrence. 4 vols., Svo. Leipzig, 1868-80. [Vol. 4 is: Etudes sur la Juridiction Consulaire en Pays Chretiens et en Pays non Chretiens et sur TExtradition, par Lawrence.] — Life, Writings, and Speeches of "William Pinkney. Svo. Xew York, 1826. — Reports, IT. S. Supreme Court, 1816-1827. 12 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, afterwards Xew York, 1816-27. — [Same.] 4th ed. Annotated by F. C. Brightly. 12 vols., Svo. Xew York, 1SS3. — [Same.] Law vers' Co-op. ed. 12 vols., Svo. Roches- ter, 1882. — (editor). Selwyn's Xisi Prius. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 927 Wlieaton (Henry) vs. Peters (Richartl). Copyright Case, in tlie United States Supreme Court, 8vo. New York, 1834. Wheeler (Everett P.). AEodern Law of Carriers. 8vo. New York, 1890. In Memoriam, Clarkson N. Potter ; address before the American Bar Association. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. [Pam., vol. 18.] Wheeler (Jacob D.). Abridgment of American Common Law Cases. 8 vols., 8vo. New York, 1833-6. American Chancery Digest. 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1841. Introductory Lecture upon C'riminal Jurisprudence. Svo. New York, 1827. Reports of Criminal Law Cases decided at the City Hall of the City of New York, 1791-1825. 3 vols., 8vo. ' New York, 1851-60. [Vols. 2-3 are Reports of Criminal Law Cases. — Vol. 2, 2d ed., with Notes by T, W. Waterman.] Treatise on the Law of Slavery, Svo. New York, 1837. (editor). Lube's Equity Pleadings. Wheelhouse (Sir Williain). Corrupt Practices Prevention Act. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1885. Wheeling: Briclg^e Case. Order of Reference of the Su- preme Court of the United States in the Case of the State of Pennsylvania against the Wheeling & Belmont Bridge Company ; with the Proofs taken before R. H. Walworth, Commissioner. Together with his Report, and the Report of the Engineer, etc. Svo. Saratoga Springs, 1851. Wheelock (E. M.), reporter. Texas Reports, vols. 32-37. Whidden (John) and Gray (James F.). Statutes of Nova Scotia. Vol. 4: 1827-1835. 4to. Halifax, 1835. Whipple (Edwin P.). Great Speeches and Orations of Daniel AVebster. svo. Boston, 1S79. Whipple (John). The Rhode-Island Question : arguments of Messrs. Whipple and Webster in the Case of Martin Luther vs. Luther M. Borden and others, in the U. S. Supreme Court. Svo. Providence, 1848. [Pam., vol. 26.] Whishaw (James). New Law Dictionary. Svo. London, 1829, 928 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Whistelo t^Alexander). Commissioners of the Alms-House vs. Whistelo ; being a Case of Bastardy. Svo. Xew York, 1808. AVhistou (Rev. Robert). Cathedral Trusts and their Fulfil- ment. 5th ed. Svo. Rochester, 1S50. Whitaker (Joseph). Almanack. 21 vols., 12mo. London, 1871-91. Whitaker (Richard). Treatise of the Law relative to the Rights of Lien and Stoppage in Transitu. Svo. London, 1816. Whitby (Capt. Henry). Trial of, for Murder. Also, the Trial of Capt. George Crimp for Piracv. Svo. New York, 1812. Wliite (Clinton L.) and George (AVilbur F.). Criminal Law, Pleading and Practice in the Courts of California. Svo. San Francisco, 1881. White (Frank). New Corporation Laws of the State of New York. Annotations and References by White and E. J. Graham. Svo. Albany. 1890. — [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Albany, 1891. White (Frederick T.) and Tndor (O. D.). Selection of Leading Cases in Equity ; with Notes. Ith ed. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1872. • [Same.] 6th ed. 2 vols., Svo. London, 1886. [Same.] American ed. By J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace. 3 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1849-51. [Same. L. L., vols. 65, 71, 72.] [Same.] 3d American ed. With additional Notes by J. I. C. Hare. 3 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1859. [Same.] Itli American ed. 2 vols, in 4. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1876-7. — [Same.] American ed. B}' F. S. Dickson. From the 6th ed. 2 vols, in 4. Svo. Philadelphia, 1888-9. [Text- Book Series.] Wliite (G. Meryon). The Weekly Notes. Digest of Cases not reported in the Law Reports. Svo. London, 1880. Wliite (George Towry). Treatise on Proceedings in Equity \)\ way of Supplement and Revivor. Svo. London, 1843. White (John Duncan) and Curtis (Winslow). Trial of, for Murder on the Hig-h Seas. Svo. Boston, 1827. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 929 White (John P.) and Willson (S. A.). Condensed Re- ports of Decisions in Civil Causes in the Court of Appeals of Texas, 1876-1883. 8vo. St. Louis, 1883. White (John W.). Ecclesiastical Law. The Constitutions of Otho [translated] ; with Notes. 8vo. London, 1844. [Pam., vol. 43.] White (Rev. Joseph Blanco). Law of Anti-Religious Libel, reconsidered. 8vo. Dublin, 1834. White (Josepli M.). A new Collection of Laws and Local Ordinances of Great Britain, France and Spain, relating to the Concessions of Land in their respective Colonies ; with the Laws of IVIexico and Texas on the same subject. Pre- fixed, Judge Johnson's Translation of Azo and JVEanuel's Institutes of the Civil Law of Spain. 2 vols., 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1839. [Lettered on the back : New Recopilacion.] White (Robert), reporter. West Virginia Reports, vols. 10-15. Wliite (Tliomas), and others. Trial of, for High Treason. Folio. London, 16Y9. White (William C). Compendium and Digest of the Laws of JMassaclmsetts. 4 vols, in 7 parts. 8vo. Boston, 1809-11. Wliite (William T.), IVI.D. Medical Register of New York, JN'ew Jersey and Connecticut, vols. 17-28. 12 vols., 12mo. New York, 1879-90. Whiteford (Ferdinand M.). Law relating to Charities ; especially with reference to the Validity and Construction of Charitable Bequests and Conveyances. 8vo. London, 1878. Whitehead (William A.). East Jersey under the Pro- prietary Governments. 8vo. [New York, printed], 1846. [New Jersey Historical Society. Collections, vol. 1.] Whiteley (George C). Law relating to Weights, IVIeasures, and Weiffhinff Machines. 12mo. London, 1879. Whitelocke (Sir Bnlstrode). Notes upon the King's Writt for choosing Members of Parlement, 13 Car. IL ; being Disquisitions on the Government of England by King, Lords and Commons. Published by Charles Morton. 2 vols., 4to. London, 1766. Whitelocke (Lieut.-Gen. John). Trial of, by Court Martial. 8vo. London, 1808. 59 930 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Whiteside (James). Introductory Lecture on the Law of Xisi Prius, delivered before the Dublin Law Institute. 8vo. Dublin, 1S4(». [Pam., vol. 43.] Wliiteway (A. K.). Hints on Practice. 2d ed. 8vo. Lon- don, 1883. Hints to Solicitors. 8vo. London, 1883. Wliitiiig (James), and others. Trial of, for Libel. Reported by Mr. Gurney. 8vo. Buckingham, 1804. Whiting (William). AYar Powers of the President, and the Legislative Powers of Congress, in relation to Rebellion, Treason and Slavery. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, 1862. [Pam., vol. 21.] "War Powers under the Constitution of the United States. 10th ed. 8vo. Boston, 1864. Whitman (Charles S.). Patent Cases determined in the Supreme Court of the United States, including Copyright and Trade-Mark Cases, 1810-1874. 2 vols., 8vo. Wash- ington, 1875-8. ■ Patent Law Review. Folio. Washington, 1879. [Only 5 nos. published.] Patent Laws, and Practice of obtaining Letters Patent for Inventions in the United States and Foreign Countries; including Copy-Right and Trade-Mark Laws. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1871. Whitmore (Welles). Index to the California Reports. 12mo. San Francisco, 188(>. Whitmore (William H.). Bib]iogra]->hical Sketch of the Laws of the Massachusetts Colony, 1<)30-1686 ; in which are included the Bodv of Liberties of 1«)4I. and the Records of the Court of Assistants, 1641-1644. Folio. Boston, 1890. Law of Adoption in the United States, and especially in Massachusetts. 8vo. Albany, 1876. ■ — (editor^. Colonial Laws of Massachusetts ; reprinted from the edition of 1660, and 1672. Whittaker (Henry). Practice and Pleading under the Codes; with appendix of Forms. 8vo. Xew York, 1852. [Same.] Practice and Pleading under the Code. 2d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. Xew York, 1854. [Same.] Practice and Pleading in Actions in the Courts of Record in the State of New York, under the Code of Procedure, etc. 3d ed. 2 vols., 8vo. New York, 1869. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 031 Whittaker (W. H.). Annotated Ohio Code of Civil Pro- cedure. 12rao. Cincinnati, 1887. Annotated Probate Code of Ohio. 12nio. Cincinnati, 1889. — (editor). Smith on Negligence. Wliittelsey (Charles C), reporter. Missouri Reports, vols. 31-41. Whittier (J. A. L.). Speeches of J. P. Curran. 8vo. Chicago, 1872. (editor). Bench and Bar. New Series. Whittle (Charles F.). Caveat Emptor. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1890. [Law Student's Monthly, vol. 1.] Whltworth (John). Equity Precedents. 8vo. Philadel- phia, 1848. [L. L., vol. 62.] Wichita (Kansas) Bar Association. Constitution, By- Law^s, and Roll of Members. 12mo. Wichita, 1888. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting ; and Roll of Members. 12mo. Wichita, 1890 Wickes (Stephen). Sepulture ; its history, methods and sanitary requisites. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1884. Wicquefort (A. van). L'Ambassadeur et ses fonctions. 2 vols., 4to. La Have, 1680-1. Wight (Alexander). Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of Parliament, chiefly in Scotland ; and a complete System of the Law concerning the Elections of Representatives from Scotland to the Parliament of the United Kingdom, New ed. ; with a Supplement including the Cases at Large. Arranged by W. M. Morison. 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1806. Wightwick (John). Reports, Court of Exchequer, England, lsiO-1811. 8vo. London, 1819. Wiglittle (Judge A.), pseud. Ten Years a Police Court Judge. 12mo. New York, 1884. Wigniore (John H.). Australian Ballot System, as em- bodied in the Legislation of various Countries. With an historical introduction, 8vo. Boston, 1889. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo, Boston, 1889. 932 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Wigram (Sir James). Points in the Law of Discovery. Svo. Philadelphia, 1836. [L. L., vol. 13.] [Same.] 1st x\merican ed. Svo. Boston, 1842. Treatise on Extrinsic Evidence in aid of the Interpreta- tion of Wills. Svo. Harrisburg, 18-15. [Xew L. L., vol. 2.] [Same.] 2d American ed. ; [including a Treatise on Interpretation of Wills,] bv J. P. O'Hara. Svo. New York, 1872. Wilberfbrce (Edward). Statute Law : the Principles which o^overn the Construction and Operation of Statutes. Svo. London, 1881. Wilcox (James A.). General Railroad Laws of Ohio. Svo. Cincinnati, 18 7-1. Wilcox (P. B,), reporter. Ohio Reports, vol. 10. Wilcox (William A.). Reports of Cases decided in the Supreme Court and County Courts of Pennsylvania ; with Xotes and References. 1867-89. Svo. Scranton, 1889. Wild (EdAvard X.). Journal Entries under the Codes of Civil, Probate, and Criminal Procedure of the State of Ohio. 2d ed. Svo. Cincinnati, 18S3. Wilde (^Joliii). Preliminary Lecture to the Course of Lec- tures on the Institutions of Justinian. Svo. Edinburgh, 1794. Wilde (S. F. T.). Supplement to Barton's Precedents in Conveyancing. 3d ed. By Charles Barton, Jun. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1826. Wildman (Richards. Institutes of International Law, 2 vols, in 1. Svo. Philadelphia, 1850. [Same.] [L. L., vols. 68, 70.] Plain Directions for Naval Officers as to the Law of Search, Capture and Prize. Svo. London, 1854, — Right of Tithes, and its Consequences, considered. Svo. London. 1S31. [Pam., vol. 42.] Wiley (William). A Plea for Testators. Part 1. The Rule in Shellev's Case ; its mischief, and a remedv suggested. Svo. Dublin, 1869. Willielm (Lewis W.). Local Institutions of Maryland. Svo. Baltimore, 1885. [J. H. U. Studies, vol. 3.] THE ASiiOCIATION OF THE BAR. 083 Wilkes (John). Account of the Proceedings against, for Seditious Libel. 8vo. London, printed ; Boston, re- printed, 1763. Wilkins (David). Leges Anglo- Saxonicae Ecclesiastics et Civiles. Accedunt Leges Edvardi Latinae, Gulielmi Con- questoris Gallo-Normannicae, et Henrici L Latinae. Sub- jungitur H. Spelraanni Codex Legum Veterum Statutorura Regni Anglige, etc. Folio. Londini, 1721. Wilkinson (Judge Edward C), and others. Trial of, for Murder. See Carlton (A. B.). Wilkinson (James J.). Law of Shipping, as it relates to the building, registry, sale, transfer and mortgage of British Ships. Svo. London, lS-43. ' Law relating to the Public Funds. 12nio. London, 1839. Practice in the Action of Replevin. Svo. London, 1825. [Same.] Svo. Philadelphia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 6.] Treatise on the Limitation of Actions, as affecting Mer- cantile and other Contracts. Svo. Philadeluhia, 1833. [L. L., vol. 1.] Wilkinson (Robert). Law of Prisons in England and Wales. 12mo. London, 1878. Wilkinson (Thomas). Precedents in Conveyancing. 3d ed. Svo. London, 1881. Wilkinson (William I.). Letters to a Landowner on the Disposition of Estates by Settlement and Will. Svo. Lon- don, 1831. Wilks (John), Jun. Four Letters to Lord Lyndhurst, on the Chancerv Question. Svo. London, 1827. [Pam., vol. 42.] Willard (A. J.). Examination of the Law of Personal Rights, to discover the Principles of the Law. Svo. ]S[ew York, 1882. Willard (John). Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence. Svo. ]^ew York, 1863. [Same.] Corrected and enlarged. By Piatt Potter. Svo. ]^ew York, 1875. Treatise on the Law of Executors, Administrators and Guardians. Svo. Albany, 1859. 934 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Willarcl (John). Treatise on the Law of Real Estate, and of the Mode of Alienation thereof ; with appendix of Forms of Conveyancing, and Notes, adapted to the Law of the State of Xew York. Svo. Albany. 1S69. [Same.] 2d ed. By a Member of the Albany Bar. Svo. Albany. 1SS5. Willard (Joseph). Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County. Massachusetts. Svo. Lancaster, 1830. AVilleock (J. AV.). Law of Municipal Corjiorations : with a brief sketch of their History, and a Treatise on Mandamus and Quo Warranto. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S36. [L. L., vol. 14.] Laws* relating to Inns. Hotels, Alehouses, etc. 12mo. London, 1S29. Laws relating to the Medical Profession. Svo. Lon- don. 1S30. The Office of Constable. Svo. Philadelphia, 1840. [L. L.. vol 20.] Willcoek (J. W. and A.). The Ocean, the River, and the Shore. Part 1 : Xavigation. Svo. London, 1S63. AVilles (,Sir John). Reports, Court of Common Pleas. Eng- land, 1 737-1 75S. Edited with Xotes by C. Durnford. Svo. Dublin. ISOO. Williams (B. W.), and othei*s. Trial of, for Libel. Svo. Taunton. Mass., 1S4<>. Williams ( C. H. S. i. Index to the Decisions in the Massa- chusetts Reports. 1S60-1S77, on the Constitution. General Statutes, and Acts and Resolves. Svo. Boston. 1378. Williams (Cliarles F.i. Tariff Laws of the f nited States ; with Xotes. Decisions, etc. Svo. Boston. lSs3. Williams (Charles L.). Compiled Statutes of Vermont. Svo. Montpelier, 1851. ('reporter). Vermont Reports, vols. 27-20. Williams (Sir Edward V.t. Xotes to Saunders' Reports. 2 vols.. Svo. London, 1S71. Treatise on the Law of Executore and Administrators. 5th American ed. Bv Asa I. Fish. 2 vols., Svo. Phila- delphia, 1S59. [Same.] 7th ed. By Sir E. \. Williams and W. V. V. Williams. 2 vols., Svo. London, IS 73. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 935 Williiims (Sir Edwartl V.). Treatise on tlie Law of Exec- utors and Administrators. 6th American ed. By J. C Perkins. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877. Williams (Edwin). New York Annual Register. 7 vols., 12U10. l^ew York, 1832-7, 1840. Williiiins (Ephraiiii), reporter-. Massachusetts Reports, vol. 1. Williams ( F. S.). Improvement of the Jurisdiction of Equitv. 8vo. London, 1852. [Pam., vol. 42.] Williaius (George F.). Massachusetts Citations. A Table of Cases, Overruled, Denied, Doubted, Criticised, Approv'^ed. and Cited bv the Supreme Judicial Court. 8vo. Boston, 1878. [Same.] Supplement. 8vo. Boston, 1884. Williams (George W.). Trial of, for Stealing $12,00f» from the Providence Steam Boat. Reported bv John Lomas. 8vo. New York, 1834? Williams (Gorliam D.). Massachusetts Peace Officer. I2rao. Boston, 1891. Williams (J. E.). Short Road to Sj)ecie-Currencv. 8vo. New York, 1874. [Pam., vol. 2.] Williams (J. W. H.) and Vine (J. R. S.j. English Munici- pal Code. 8v(). London, 1882. Williams (James). Institutes of Justinian illustrated by English Law. 12mo. London, 1883. Williams (James M.). Revised Statutes of Ohio. Edited and annotated by M. A. Daugherty, J. S. Brasee and G. B. Okey. 4th ed., revised. 2 vols., rov. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1886. [Same.] Supplement: Vol. 3. By J. M. Williams. Roy. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1886. Williams (John), and others, Mariners. Trial of, for Mur- der on the High Seas. 8vo. Boston, 1819. Williams (John), of the Inner Temple. Treatise on the Study and Practice of the Law ; with directions for a Course of Law Studies. 8vo. London, 1823. Williams (John Ambrose). Trial of, for Libel. 3d ed. 8vo. Durham, 1831. Williams (John Griffith), editor. Cases temp. Talbot. 936 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF AVillianis (Joshua). Essay on Real Assets ; or, The Pay- ment of the Debts of a deceased person out of his Real Estate. Svo. London, 1861. History of Settlements of Real Estate. Svo. London, 1855. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Letters to John Bull, Esq., on Lawyers and Law Reform. lOmo. London, 1857. On the true Remedies for the Evils which affect the Transfer of Land. Svo. London, 1862. [Pam., vol. 29.] On the Union of the Mark Svstem with Associated Labour in the Management of Criminals. Svo. London, 1855. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] — Power of an Executor to Sell Real Estate under a Charge of Debts. Svo. London, 1857. [Pam., vol. 42.] — Principles of the Law of Personal Propertv. Svo. Philadelphia, 1848. [L. L., vol. 62.] — [Same.] 3d American ed. Bv S. Wetherill. Svo. Philadelphia, 1866. — [Same.] 11th ed. Svo. London, 1881. — Principles of the Law of Real Property. Svo. Harris- burg, 1845. [New L. L., vol. 2.] — [Same.] 3d American ed. Bv W. H. Rawle : and additional Kotes by J. T. Mitchell. Svo. Philadelphia, 1866. — (Same.] 5th American ed. By W. H. Rawle and J. T. Mitchell: and additional Notes bv E. C. Mitchell. Svo. Philadelphia, 1879. — [Same.] 13th ed. Svo. London, 1880. — [Same.] 6th American ed. Bv W. H. Rawle and J. T. Mitchell ; and additional Notes bv E. C. Mitchell. Svo. Philadelphia, 1886. Rights of Common and other Prescriptive Rights. Svo. London, 1880. — The Seisin of the Freehold ; twelve lectures. 8vo. Lon- don, 1878. Settlement of Real Estates ; twenty-four lectures. Svo. London, 1879. Williams (R. G.) and Bruce (Gaiusford"). Jurisdiction and Practice of the High Court of Admiralty. [With Sup- plement.] Svo. London, 1869. [Same.] Jurisdiction and Practice of the English Courts in Admiralty Actions and Appeals. 2d ed. By G. Bruce and C. F. Jemmett. Svo. London, 1886. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 937 Williams (Sydney E,). Forensic Facts and Fallacies ; a popular Consideration oi some Legal Points and Principles. 12ino. London, 1885. Law and Practice relating to Petitions in Chancery and Lunacy. 8vo. London, 1880. Williams (Thomas W.). Abridgment of Cases in the Courts of Law, during the Keign of King George III. 5 vols., 8vo. London, 1798-1808. Law Dictionary, elucidating the terms, and general prin- ciples of Law and Equity. 8vo. London, 1816. Whole Law relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the Peace. 3d fed. By H. N. Tomlins. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1812. Williams (William Peere). See Peere Williams (Wm.). Williams ab Itliel (Rev. John), editor. Annales Cambriae. Williamson (Edward H.). The Book of Deeds ; containing Forms of Deed for each State and Territory. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1881. — Handbook of the Law of Protest. 24mo. Philadelphia, 1889. Synopsis of the Testamentary Laws of all the States and Territories. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1881. Willis (Ben.jamin A.). The Geneva Award. Honest Faith the Nation's Supreme Need ; speech in the House of Repre- sentatives. 8vo. Washington, 1876. [Pam., vol. 10.] Willis (John W. ). Digest of the Rules and Practice as to Interrogatories for the Examination of Witnesses, in Courts of Equity and Common Law ; with Precedents. 8vo. London, 1816. Pleadings in Equity. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1842. [L. L., vol. 35.] Treatise on the Duties and Responsibilities of Trustees. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1835. [L. L., vol. 10.] Willis (William). History of the Law, the Courts, and the Lawyers of Maine, to the early part of the })resent century. 8vo.' Portland, 1863. Willis-Bund (J. W.). See Bund (J. W. Willis-). Willmore (Graham), Confusion Worse Confounded ; or. The Statutes at Large in 1852. 8vo. London, 1852. [Pam., vol. 42.] 938 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBllABY OF Willmore ( Graliaiuj. Is Trial by Jury worth keeping ? 3d ed. >vo. London. 1850. [Pam.. vol. 37.] Williuore (Graham), Wollastoii (F. L.j, and Davison (H.). Reports. Court of King's Bench, etc.. England, 1837. 8vo. London, 1S39. Willmore (Graham i, Wollastoii (F. L.j, and Hodges (W. ). Reports, Court of Queen's Bench, etc.. England, 1S38-1S39. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 181:0. [Only 2 parts of vol. 2 published.] Willoug^hhy i W. W.). The Supreme Court of the United States; its history and influence in our Constitutional Sys- tem. 8vo. Baltimore, 1890. [J'. H. U. Studies, extra vol., 7.] Wills (William). Essay on the Rationale of Circumstantial Evidence : illustrated bv numerous Cases. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1843. [L. L.. vol.^ 41.] Wills. Laws respecting Wills. Testaments, and Codicils. 3d ed. By the author of the Laws respecting Landlords and Tenants [James Barry Bird]. 8vo. London, 1801. ■ Of last "Wills and Testaments ; a Common-Law Treatise, containing several Rules for the Construction of last Wills, and the Diversities between Limitations and Conditions in a AVill. etc. 8vo. London, 1703. Willsoii (Samuel A.). Revised Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure, and Penal Laws of Texas. 2 vols., roy. '^vo. St. Louis, 188S. (compiler). Texas Court of Appeals Reports, Civil Causes, vols. 2, 3. Wiliiiot (Edward Coke). Succinct View of the Law of Morto-affes. 8vo. London, 1798. I Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1819. Wilmot (Sir John Eardleyi. Xotes of Opinions and Judg- ments delivered in different Courts. 4to. London, 1802. Memoirs of the Life of. Bv John Wilmot. 2d ed. 8vo. Loudon, 1811. AVilmot (Sir John E. Eardley-), Bart. Digest of the Law of Burglary. 8vo. London. 1851. Wilson (Alexander). Mercantile Handbook of the Liabili- ties of Merchant, Shipowner and Underwi-iter on Ship- ments by general Vessels. 12mo. London, 1883. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 939 Wilson (Arthur). Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and 1875. Schedule of Rules and Forms, etc. 8vo. Lon- don, 1875. Wilson (Charles S.). Manual of the Mining Laws of the United States, Colorado, Ncav Mexico, and Arizona. 2d ed. B\^ Wilson, with assistance of S. W. Carpenter. 12mo. Denver, 188L Wilson (George), Sei'jeant at Law. Entries, or Pleadings, in many of the Cases reported b}^ Robert, Lord Raymond. 8vo. Dublin, 17t)7. — [Same.] 8vo. London, 171K). [Raymond's Reports, vol. 3.] Reports of Cases in the King's Courts at Westminster, 1753-1774. 3d ed. 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1799. [Same.] 4th ed. 3 vols., 8vo. Dublin, 1792. Treatise on Fines and Recoveries. 4th ed. 8vo. Dul)- lin, 1792. Wilson (Rev. H. B.). Observations on the Law and Practice of Sequestration of Ecclesiastical Benefices. 8vo. London, 1836. [Pam., vol. 42.] Wilson (Henn), compiler. Trow's New York Citv Directory. 25 vols., 8vo. New York, 1853-78. Wilson (Hugh B.). Tiie American Juror. 12mo. Phila- tlelphia, 18HS. Wilson (James). Speech on the Federal Constitution. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1787. [See Ford (Paul L.).] Works ; published under direction of Bird Wilson. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1804. Wilson (James) and Shaw (Patrick). (Jases in tlie House of Lords on Appeal from the Courts of Scotland, 1825- 1834. 7 vols., 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829-39. Wilson (James O.). Memorials of Andrew Kirkpatrick, and his wife, Jane Bavard. 8vo. New York, 1870. [Pam., vol. 5.] Wilson (John), of the Yorkshire Law Society. Short Treatise on the Law relative to Arbitration. 12mo. Dub- lin, 1793. Wilson (John), of Gray's Inn. Treatise on the Statutes for Registering Deeds in the Counties of Middlesex and York. 8vo. London, 1819. 940 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Wilson (John), of Lincoln's Inn. Treatise on Springing Uses, and otlier Limitations by Deed corresponding with Executory Devises, according to Mr. Fearne's Essay. 8vo. Philadelphia, 183f>. [L. L., yol. 11.] (editor). Robinson's Customs of Gavelkind. Wilson (John), of the Middle Temple. Reports, Court of Exchequer, England, 1805-1817. 8vo. London, 1817. [xso title-page. — Only 1 part, 133 pages, published.] Reports, High Court of Chancery, England, 1817-1819. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1818-19. [Xo title-page. — Only 3 parts of vol. 1, and 1 part of vol. 2, published.] AVilson (Joseph G.), reporter. Oregon Reports, vols. 1-3. AVilson ( 3Ioses F.). Criminal Code of Ohio. 8vo. Cincin- nati, 1878. [Same.] 2d ed. 8yo. Cincinnati, 1883. Wilson (Oliver M.). Digest of Parharaentary Law; also, Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives: with the Constitution of the United States, the Amendments thereto, and their history. 2d ed. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1869. Reports, Superior Court at Indianapolis, 1871-1874. svo. Indianapolis, 1875. AVilson (Peter). Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Xew Jersey. Folio. Trenton, 1784. Wilson (Robert). Registration of Title t(j Land. 8vo. London, 1863. Wilson (Sir Roland K.), Bart. History of ^Modern English Law. 12mo. London, 1875. Yoet, Commentarius ad Pandectas. Translated into English. Part 1 : The Contract of Sale, book 18. 8yo. London, 1S76. AVilson ('Wooclrow\ Congressional Government ; a Study in American Politics. 2d ed. 12mo. Boston, 1885. AAMlson's Business Directory of Xew York City. Yds. 36, 39, 40. 3 vols., 12mo. ^Xew York, 1883, 1886-7. [A^ols. 39-40 are the Trow City Directory Co.'s Business Direc- tory.] Wilson's Copaitnership and Corporation Directory of Xew Yoi'k Ciiy. 2 vols., 8vo. Xew York, 1879, 1884. AA'iltsie (Charles H.\ Parties to Mortgage Foreclosures, and their Rig-hts and Liabilities. 8vo. Rochester, 1885. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 941 Wiltsie (Charles H.). Treatise on the Law and Practice of Foreclosing Mortgages on Ileal Property, and of Remedies collateral thereto ; with Forms. Svo. Rochester, 1889. [Supersedes preceding work.] Winch (Sir Humphrey). Le Beau-Pledeur. A Book of Entries, containing Declarations, Informations, and other select and approved Pleadings. Folio. London, 1680. — Reports, Court of Common Pleas, England, 1621-1625. Translated out of a French C!opie. Folio. London, 1657. Windham (William F.). Lunacy Case. 8vo. London, 1862. Winclscheid (Bernhard). Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts. 6. Auflage. 3 vols., Svo. Frankfurt a. M., 1887. Windward Islands. See Barbadoes; — St. Vincent; — To- bago. Wines (E. C), D.D. Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews. 5th ed. Svo. Philadelphia, 1861. Winfield (Charles H.). Adjudged Words and Phrases ; being a Collection of adjudicated Definitions of Terms used in the Law ; with references to authorities. Svo. Jersey City, 1882. History of the Land Titles in Hudson County, ISTew Jersey, 1609-1871 ; with Maps. 2 vols., rov. 8vo"^ ISTew York, 1872. Wingate (Edmond). Exact Abridgment of all the Statutes in Force and Use from the beginning of Magna Charta ; begun bv Wingate, and continued to 1689. Svo. London, 1708. Maximes of Reason ; or, The Reason of the Common Law of England. Folio. London, 165S. — (editor). Britton's Ancient Pleas of the Crown. Winn (Henry). Property in Land ; an Essay on the New Crusade. 12mo. New York, 1888. [Questions of the Day, no. 46.] Winship (R. C). Directory of Members of the Philadelphia Bar. 48mo. Philadelphia, 1890. Winslow (Forbes). Legal Doctrine of Responsibility in Cases of Insanity connected with alleged Criminal Acts. 8vo. London, 1857. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 1.] Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases. Svo. Philadelphia, 1843 — [Same.] [L. L., vol. 42.] 942 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF AViiislow ( Lyttleton S. ). Manual of Lunacy ; \\itli Preface by Forbes AVinslow. :^vo. London, 1874. Wiiislow (Reginald). Law of Artistic Copyright. 8vo. Lontlon, 1889. Law of Private Arranoements between Debtoi-s and Creditors ; with precedents of Assignments and Composi- tion Deeds. 8vo. London, 1885. Wiiisori Justin). Narrative and Critical History of America. 8 vols., roy. 8vo. Boston, 1886-89. Winston (P. H."). Eeports of Cases at Law in the Supreme Court of ^^orth Carolina. 1863-1864. 8vo. [Xo title- page.] Eeports of Cases in Equity, Supreme Court of Xorth Carolina, 1864. 8vo. [Xo title-page.] [Same.] 2d ed. Bv John W. Hinsdale. 8vo. Ealeigh, 1878. [This edition includes and corrects the two preced- ing volumes.] AVinterninte (Peter P.). Trial of, for Murder. Closing Argument of J. B. Brown. Svo. Cheyenne, 1874. [Pam. Tr.. vol. 5.] Winters ( AVilliani H. ). Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Xew York Law Institute. 8vo. Xew York, 1874. Law Literature of Burial-Grounds, Burials, etc. [With Cor win's Burial Law. 1889.] Wintlu'op (Lieut.-Col. Grenville T.). Trial of, by Court- Martial. 8vo. Boston, 1832. AVinthrop (Lieut.-Col. William). Digest of Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Army. 3d ed. Svo. Washington, 1868. ■ [Same.] 8vo. Washington, 1880. Military Law. 2 vols.. 8vo. Washington, 1886. Wirz (Capt. Henry i. Trial of, for Murder ; with a history of Andersonville Prison. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1865. Wisconsin : Reports. Pinnev. 1839-1852. Burnett. 1842-1843. Chandler. 1849-1852. Smith. 1853-1860. Spooner. 1860-1862. Conover (O. M.). 1862-1883. Conover (F. K.). 1883-1890. 3 vols. 1 vol. 4 vols. 1-11 Wis. 11 vols. 12-15 Wis. 4 vols. 16-58 Wis. 42 vols. 59-77 Wis. 19 vols. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 043 Wisconsin : Digests of Reports. Shepard, 1836-1883. 2 vols Simmons. 1839-1879. 3 vols. Simmons. 1841-1886. 1 vol. Starr. Index-Digest. 1836-1882. 1 vol. Burnell. Reference Digest, 1882-1889. 1 vol. Session. Date. Session. Date. October 1836. 1837. 1838. 1838. Revised. 1838. Local. 1839. 1840. 1840. December March 1841 December 1843 June November December January 1843 1845 November January January 1846 December 1847 August October 1847 December February 1848 Statutes (State). Session. June . . January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January 1853. 1853. 1854. 1854. 1855. 1855. 1856. 1856. 1857. 1857. 1858. 1858. 1859. 1859. 1860. 1860. January 1861. January 1881. January 1862. January 1863. September 1863. January 1863. January 1863. January 1864. January 1864. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1853. General. Private. General. Private. General. Private. General. Private. General. Private. General. Private. General. Private. General. Private. General. Private. General. Private. General. General. Private. General. Private. Session. January January. January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January January Biennial. Biennial. Biennial. Biennial. Biennial. Date. 1866. 1866. 1865. General. 1865. Private. General. Private. 1867. General. 1867. Private. 1868. General. 1868. Private. 1869. General. 1869. Private. 1870. General. 1870. Private. 1871. General. 1871. Private. 1873. General. 1872. Private. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 3 vols. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1883. 1883. 2 vols. 1885. 2 vols. 1887. 3 vols. 1889. 3 vols. 1891. 2 vols. 944 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Wisconsin : Statutes. — Continued. IStatutes of the Territory. 1839. Kevised Statutes. 1849. Revised Statutes. 1858. Digest of Laws. 1858-1868. (Spencer.) Revised Statutes. (Taylor.) 2 vols. 1871. Revised Statutes. (Vilas and Carpenter.) 1878. [Same.] Supplement. 1879-1883. (Sanborn and Berry- man.) Annotated Statutes. (Sanborn and Berryman.) 2 vols. 1889. Synoptical Index to Laws. 1873. Index to Laws. 1879-83. [Same.] 1879-1885. I Same.] 1879-1887. [Same.] 1879-1891. Bill to Revise the Statutes. 1878. Report and Notes of the Revisers of the Statutes. 1878. Report of Joint Special Committee on Revision of the Statutes. 1878. Constitutional Conventions. Journal. Convention of 1846. Journal. Convention of 1848. — Miscellaneous. Bench and Bar. (Reed.) 1882. Code of Civil Practice. (Overton.) 1875. Code of Procedure. (Hopkins.) 1856. [Same.] (Jones & Hunt.) 1857. [Same.] (Carter.) 1859. Court Rules. See Annotated Statutes, 1889. Governor's Message. 1870. Local Government. (Spencer.) 1890. Township Laws. 1841. Wisconsin Legal News. 6 vols., 4to. Milwaukee, 1878-84. Wisconsin State Bar Association. Report of Proceed- ings of Meeting for Organization, Jan., 1878. 8vo. Mad- ison, 1881. Report of Proceedings of the Meeting held June, 1881. "With Biographical Sketches of the Life and Character of Deceased Members of the Bench and Bar of Wisconsin. Compiled by Moses M. Strong. 8vo. Madison, 1883. Report of the Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, Feb., 1885. 8vo. Madison, 1885. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 945 Wisconsin State Historical Society. Catalogue of the Library. By Daniel S. Durrie and Isabel Durrie. 2 vols., 8vo. Madison, 1873. Wise (B. R.). Outlines of Jurisprudence. 12mo. Oxford, 1881. Wise (Edward). Law relating to Kiots and Unlawful Assemblies. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1848. Witlirow (Thomas F.), editor. American Corporation Cases, vols. 1—1. • (reporter). Iowa Reports, vols. 9-21. Witlirow (Thomas F.) and Stiles (Edward H.). Digest of Decisions of the Supreme Court of Iowa. 2 vols., roy. 8vo. Chicago, 1874-5. Woerner (J. G.). Treatise on the American Law of Admin- istration. 2 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1889. Wolf^'stan (F. S. P.). Law and Practice of Election Peti- tions ; a Supplement to the 11th ed. of Rogers on Elections. l2mo. London, 1869. (editor). Addison on Torts. Wolferstan (F. S. P.) and Bristowe (S. B.). English Election Cases, 1859-1864. 12mo. London, 1865. Wolferstan (F. S. P.) and Dew (E. L.). English Election Cases, 1857-1858. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1859. WolfFson (J.). Das Staatsrecht der freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. 8vo. Freiburg, 1884. [Marquardsen (H.). Handbuch, iii. Bd., 2\] Wolford (George). General and Public Statute Laws of the several States of the United States relating to Insurance Corporations, etc. 8vo. Albany, 1870. [Same.] Supplement. 8vo. Albany, 1872. WoUaston (Frederick L.). Reports, Bail Court, and Prac- tice Cases, England, 1840-1841. 8vo. London, 1841. [Only 5 parts, 208 pages, published.] See Harrison (S. B.) and Wollaston's English King's Bench Reports. Wolstenliolme (Edward P.). Simplification of Title to Land. 8vo. London, 1862. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 2.] 60 946 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Wolsteiiholme (Edward P.) and Turner (R. O.). Con- vevancing Acts, 1S81, 18S2 ; and the Vendor and Purchaser Act, 187-1; with Notes; and the Married Women's Prop- erty Act, 1882. 4th ed, Svo. London, 1885. Women. Laws respecting "Women, as they regard their IS'atural Eights, or their Connections and Conduct. Svo. London, 1777. AVood (Arthur B.). Kegulations prescribed for the use of the Consular Service of the United States. Svo. Wash- ington, 1881. Wood (Charles H.) and Long (Joseph D.). Digest of the Ilhnois Eeports. 2 vols., roy. Svo. Chicago, 1872. [Same.] Supplement. Poy. Svo. Chicago, 1876. Wood (Edward). Complete Body of Conveyancing, in Theorv and Practice. 6th ed. Bv J. J. Powell. 6 vols., Svo. Dublin, 1792-3. Wood (George). Opinion. See Ogden (David B.). AVood (George) and Williamson (Isaac H.). Arguments in the Quaker Trial. Svo. Philadelphia, 1833. Wood (Horace G.). Practice Evidence ; for read}' use in the Trial of Causes. Svo. Albany and New York, 1886. Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance, adapted to the present state of the Law, English and American. Svo. :N^ew York, 1878. [Same. 2d ed.] Svo. Xew York, 1SS6. Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Svo. New York, ISSl. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. New York, 1888. Treatise on the Law of Master and Servant, covering the Relation, Duties, and Liabilities of Employers and Em- ployees. Svo. Albany, 1877. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Albany, 1886. Treatise on the. Law of Nuisances in their various forms, including Remedies therefor at Law and in Equity. Svo. Albany, 1875. [Same.] 2d ed. Svo. Albany, 1883. — Treatise on the Law of Railroads. 3 vols., Svo. Bos- ton, 1885. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 947 Wood (Horace G.). Treatise on the Legal Remedies of Man- tlamus and Prohibition, Habeas Corpus, Certiorari and Quo Warranto. 8vo. Albany, [Same.] 2d ed. By Chas. F. Bridge. 8vo. Albany, 1891. Treatise on the Limitation of Actions at Law and in Equity ; with an appendix containing the English and American Statutes of Limitations. 8vo. Boston, 1883. Treatise on the Statute of Frauds. 8vo. New York, 1884. • (editor). Addison on Torts. Best on Evidence. Browne on Carriers. Byles on Bills and Xotes. Collyer on Partnership. Field on Corporations. Folkard's Starkie on Slander and Libel. Mayne on Damages. Wood (Hutton). Collection of Decrees by the Court of Exchequer in Tithe-Causes, from the Usurpation to the present time, 1650-1798. -4 vols., 8vo. London, 1798-9. Wood (J. Biglaiid). Law of Trade Marks. 8vo. London, 1876. Wood (James G.). Laws of the Dean Forest and Hundred of Saint Briavels ; with Notes ; and descriptions of all the Gales of Coal and Iron confirmed by awards of 1841, etc. 8vo. London, 1878. Wood (John D.). Interpretation of Mercantile Agreements. Roy. 8vo. London, 1886. Laws of the Australasian Colonies as to the Administra- tion and Distribution of the Estate of Deceased Persons. 8vo. London, 1884. Wood (Silas). Sketch of the First Settlement of the several Towns on Long Island ; with their Political Condition to the end of the American Revolution. With a Biographical Memoir, and additions, by A. J. Spooner. 8vo. Brooklyn, 1865. Wood (Thomas). An Institute of the Laws of England ; or, The Laws of England in their Natural Order, according to Common Use. 9th ed. Folio. London, 1763. New Institute of the Imperial or Civil Law. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1712. 948 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Wood (Thomas). Thoughts concerning the Study of the Laws of England, particularly in the Two Universities. 2tl ed. 8vo. London, 1727. [Pam., vol. 37.] Treatise of the First Principles of Laws in general ; of their Nature and Design, and of the Interpretation of them. Translated out of French [of Jean Domat]. Being a proper Introduction to the New Institute of the Imperial or Civil Law. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1705. Wood (W. P.). Letter to the lieal Property Commissioners in answer to Objections advanced against a General Regis- ter. 8vo. London, 1829. [Pam., vol. 25.] Wood (Williani H. R.). Digest of the Laws of California. Svo. San Francisco, 1857. [Same.] With Supplement. Svo. San Francisco, 1861. Woodall (Williani O.). Collection of Reports of Cele- brated Trials, Civil and Criminal. Yol. 1. 8vo. London, 1873. Woodbury (Charles L.) and Miuot (George). Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, First Circuit, 1845-1847. 3 vols., 8vo. Boston, 1847-52. Woodbury (Levi). Writings, Political, Judicial and Lite- rary. [Edited bv Nahum Capen.] 3 vols., Svo. Boston, 1852. (reporter). New Hampshire Reports, vol. 2. Woodcroft (Bennet). Patents for Inventions, Abridgments of Specifications relating to Printing, 14S3-1S5T. Svo. London, 1859. Wooddeson (Richard). Elements of Jurisprudence. [Anon.] 4to. London, 1783. [Same.] Svo. Dubhn, 1792. Systematical View of the Laws of England. 3 vols,, Svo.*^ Dublin, 1792-4. [Yinerian Lectures.] [Same.] 2d ed. By W. R. Williams. 3 vols., Svo. London, 1834. - [Same.] 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1842-3. [L. L., vols. 3S, 39.] Woodfall (Robert). New Law and Practice of Railway and Canal Traffic. Svo. London, 1889. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 949 Woodfall (William). Law of Landlord and Tenant. Svo. Loudon, 1802. [Same.] 1st American, from the 4th London ed. Svo. New York, 1816. [Same.] 10th ed. By W. R. Cole. 8vo. London, 1871. - — [Same.] 11th ed. By J. M. Lely. 8vo. London, 1877. — [Same.] 13th ed. Roy. Svo. London, 1886. [Same.] 1st American, from the 13th English ed. By Wm. Webster. 2 vols., Svo. New York and Albany, 1890. Woodford (Orrin). Trial of, for Murder of his Wife. Svo. Hartford, 1846! Woodman (Joseph V.). Digest of Indian Law Cases ; con- taining High Court Reports, 1862-1886 ; and Privy Coun- cil Reports of Appeals from India, 1836-1886. 5 vols., Svo. Calcutta, 1887-8. Woodman (W. B.) and Tidy (Chas. M.). Forensic Medi- cine and Toxicology. Svo. Philadelphia, 1877. Woodruff (Lewis B.). Proceedings of the Bar of New York on the occasion of his Death. Svo. New York, 1875. [Pam., vol. 17.] Woods (Andrew). Constitution of the State of "Washington. Svo. Seattle, iSSO. Woods (William B.). Reports, U. S. Circuit Courts, Fifth Circuit, 1870-1882. 4 vols., Svo. Chicago, 1875-83. Woodw^ard (A. B.). Laws of the Territory of Michigan, adopted bv the Governor and Judges, 1805. Svo. City of Washington, 1806. Woodward (Warren J.). Reports of Cases, Twenty-third Judicial District in Pennsylvania, comprising the County of Berks. Edited by G. A. Endlicb. 2 vols., Svo. Jersey City, 1885. Woodw^ortli (Samuel). Beasts at Law ; or, Zoologian Ju- risprudence ; a Poem translated from the Arabic of Samp- lilius Philoerin. 12mo. New York, 1811. [Pam., vol. 19.] Wool (Brig.-Gen. John E.i. Trial of, by Court Martial. Svo. Washington, 1837. [25th Cong.," 1st Sess. House Doc, no. 46.] 950 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB EAR Y OF Wooler (Thomas J.). Appeal to the Citizens of London iigainst the alledged Lawful Mode of Packing Special Juries. 8vo. London, 1S17. [Pam., vol. 37.] Trials of, for Libel. 8vo. London, 1817. Woolf (Sidney). Law of Adulterations, l^mo. London, 1 874. Woolf (Sidney) and Middleton (J. W.). Law and Prac- tice of Compensation for Taking or Injuriously Affecting Lands. 8vo. London, 1884. Woolrych (Humphry W.). C-rirainal Law, as amended by the Statutes of 18()1. 8vo. London, 1802. Game Laws. 12mo. London, 1858. — Law of Party Walls and Fences. 8vo. London, 1845. Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law of the English Bar. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 18()9. Memoirs of the Life of Judge Jeffreys, Lord High Chan- cellor of England. 8vo. London, 1827. Treatise of Legal Time, with its Computations and Eeckonings. 8vo. London, 1851. Treatise of the Law of Ancient and Modern Window Lights. 12mo. London, 1864. Treatise of the Law of Waters; including the Law relating to Rights in the Sea, and Rights concerning Rivers, Canals, Dock Companies, Fisheries, Mills. Water- courses, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1853. [L. L., vol. 78.] — Treatise on the Commercial and Mercantile Law of England. 8vo. London, 1829. — Treatise on the Law of Certificates. 8vo. London, 1826. — Treatise on the Law of Rights of Common. 8vo. Lon- don, 1824. Treatise on the Law of Sewers, including the Drainage Acts. 3d ed. 8vo. London, 1864. ■ Treatise on the Law of Ways ; including Highways, Turnpike Roads and Tolls, Private Rights of Way, Bridges, and Ferries. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1834. [L. L., vol. 4.] Woolsey (Rohert). Doctrine and Practice of Attachment in the Mayor's Court, London. 8vo. London, 1816. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 951 Woolsey (Theodore D.). Essay on Divorce unci Divorce Legislation. 12mo. New York, 1869. Introduction to the Study of International Law. -tth ed. 8vo. New York, 1876. [Same.] Otli ed. By Theo. S. Woolsey. 8vo. New York, 1891. Woolvvortli (James M.). Dignit}^ Service, and Prospects of the Profession of Law; address before the Nebraska State Bar Association. 8vo. Omalia, 1877. [Pam., vol. 11.] English Law as a Social Science ; address before tlie Iowa Slate Bar Association. 8vo. Omaha, 1881. [Pam., vol. 35.] Eeports, U. S. Circuit Court, Eighth Circuit, 1863-1869. 8vo. Chicago, 1870. — (reporter). Nebraska Reports, vols. 1, 2. Worcester (Josei>li E.). Dictionar\^ of the English Lan- guage, ttto. Boston, 1870. Wordsworth (Charles F. F.). Digest of Election Reports. Svo. London, 183L — — — Law of Compensations by Jury and by Arbitration, under the Lands and Railways Clauses Acts. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1867. Law of Joint Stock Companies. 2 vols., 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1843. [L. L., vols. 39, 40.] [Same.] 10th ed. 8vo. London, 1865. Law of Railway, Canal, Water, Dock, Gas, and other Companies. 6th ed. Roy. 8vo. London, 1851. Limited Liability Act ; with Notes. 8vo. London, 1855. [Pam., vol. 42.] New Joint Stock Company Law. 8vo. London, 1859. Summary of the Law of Patents for Inventions, and of Extension of Patents. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1857. Work (Alaiisoii), and others. Narrative of their Arrest, Trial, Conviction, etc., for attempting to aid Slaves to Liberty. 12mo. Hartford, 1854. Works (John D.). Removal of Causes from State Courts to Federal Courts. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1887. World (The) Almanac. 5 vols., 12mo. New York, 1886, i888-91. 952 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Wormley (Theodore G."). Micro-Chemistry of Poisons ; including their Physiological, Pathological, and Legal Relations. Svo. Xew York, 1869. Worrall (Joliii^ compiler. Bibliotheca Legum Angliae. Part 1. AVorsley (Francis). On the Extent of Civil Remedies for Military Offences, Contracts and AYrongs. Svo. London, 1S63. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Wortliiiigtou (George). A General Precedent for Wills ; with Xotes. Svo. Philadelphia. IS-tS. [L. L., vol. 60.] Inquiry into the Power of Juries to decide incidentally on Questions of Law. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S40. [L. L., vol. 29.] Wortliiiigton (S. W.), editor. May's Fraudulent Convey- ances. 2d ed. AVriglit (Andrew). Court-Hand Restored ; or. The Student's Assistant in reading Old Deeds, Charters, Records, etc. Engraved on twenty-three copper-plates, describing the Old Law Hands, with their Contractions and Abbrevia- tions. 8th ed. 4to. London, 1846, [Same.] 9th ed. By Chas. T. Martin. 4to. London, is 79. Wright (Carroll D.). Report to Congress on Marriage and Divorce in the United States, 1S67-1SS6 ; including an appendix relating to Marriage and Divorce in certain Coun- tries in Europe. Svo, Washington, 1SS9. Wright (David). Executors, Administrators and Guardian's Guide. 3d ed. 12mo. Auburn, 1852. Wright (J. S.) and Agnew (J. H.). Citizenship Sover- eignty. Svo. Chicago, 1863. [Pam.. vol. 12.] AVright (John C). Reports. Supreme Court of Ohio. 1S31- ls3-lr. Svo. Columbus, 1835. Wright (Sir 3Iartin). Introduction to the Law of Tenures. 2d ed. Svo. London, 1734. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Dublin, 1792. Wright (R. S.). Law of Criminal Conspiracies and Agree- ments. Svo. London, 1873. [Same.] American ed. By H. L. Carson. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1887. [Text-Book Series.] THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 953 Wright (R. S.) and Hobhouse (Henry). Local Govern- ment and Local Taxation in England and Wales, excluding the Metropolis. 8vo. London, 1884. Wright (Robert E.). Alphabetical and Analytical Index to the Pennsylvania Reports. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1874-77. [Same.] 2d ed. 2 vols., Svo. Philadelphia, 1884-5. (reporter). Pennsylvania State Reports, vols. 37-50. Wriglit (William). Advice on the Study and Practice of the Law. 2d ed. 8vo. London, 1815. Wrongs and Rights of a Traveller, by Boat — by Stage — by Rail. [By R. Y. Rogers, Jr.] Svo. Toronto, 1S75. Wui'ts (John). Index-Digest of Florida Reports. Svo. Jack- sonville, 1889. Wiirtteinberg. Staatsrecht. (Gaupp.) 1884. Wyatt (John). Practical Register in Chancery. Svo. Lon- ' don, 1800. Wyche (William). Essay on the Theory and Practice of Fines ; with Precedents. Svo. i^ew York, 1794. Treatise on the Practice of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of the State of I^ew York in Civil Actions. 2d ed. Svo. New York, 1794. Wynkoop (Richard). Vessels and Voyages, as regulated by Federal Statutes, and Treasury Instructions and Decis- ions. Svo. New York, 1886. Wynne (Edw^arcl). Eunomus ; or. Dialogues concerning the Law and Constitution of England ; with an Essay on Dialogue. 2d ed. 4 vols,, Svo. London, 1785. [Same.] 3d ed. Svo. Dubhn, 1791. [Same.] 5th ed. "With a Course of Reading. By W. ]VI. Bythewood. 2 vols., 12mo. London, 1822. JMiscellany, containing several Law Tracts. [Anon.] Svo. [London], 1765. Wynne (W. W.). The Bovill Patent. A Collection of the Summings-up and Judgments. Svo. London, 1873. Wyoming : Reports. Thomas. 1870-1878. 1 Wy. 1 vol. Riner. 1878-1882. 2 Wy. 1 vol. 954 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Wyoiniii^ : Statutes (Territorial). Session. Date. Session. Date. 1st Oct., 1869 Nov.. 1871 Nov.. 1873 Nov., 1875 Nov., 1877 Nov., 1879 7th 8th Jan., 1882 2d Jan., 1884 3cl 9th Jan., 1886 4th. [IiiComp.]... 5th 10th Jan., 1888 11th Jan., 1890 6th statutes (State). 1st Legislature. Nov., 1890. Compiled Laws. (Whitehead.) 1875. [Includes Acts of 1th Session.] Revised Statutes. (Blake, Yan Devanter, Caldwell.) 1887. Constitution, Ordinances and Address. 1889. History. 1540-1888. [Bancroft's Works, vol. 25.] Fades of Supreme Court. [With Acts of 1890.] Wythe (George). Decisions of Cases in Virginia by the High Court of Chancery ; with Remarks upon Decrees by the Court of Appeals, reversing some of those Decisions, 1788-1799. 2d ed. With a Memoir of the Author, etc., by B. B. Minor. And with an appendix containing refer- ences to Cases in pari materia, and an Essay on Lapse ; Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common, etc. By Wm. Green. 8vo. Richmond, 18,52. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 955 Y. Yale (Gregory). Legal Titles to Mining Claims and Water Rights in California, under the Mining Law of Congress of July, 1866. 8vo. San Francisco, 1867. Yaple (Alfred). Code Practice and Precedents, embracing all Actions and Special Proceedings under the Civil Code of Ohio, and applicable to the Practice in all Code States. 2 vols., 8vo. Cincinnati, 1887. Yates (John V. N.). (Collection of Pleadings and Practical Precedents; with Notes thereon. 8vo. Albany, 1837. Select Cases ; adjudged in the Courts of the State of New York. Vol. 1, containing the Case of John Y. K. Yates, and the Case of the Journevmen Cordwainers. Svo. New York, 1811. [Same.] 2d ed. 8vo. New York, 1883. [Same.] Lawyers' Co-op. ed. 8vo. Rochester, 1884. Yates (Robert). Convention at Philadelphia, 1787. See Secret Proceedings. Yeamaii (George H.). Observations on the Alabama Ques- tion. Svo. Copenhagen, 1867. [Pam., vol. 4.] ■ The Study of Government. Svo. Boston, 1871. Year Books. Les Reports des Cases, argue & adjudge in le temps del' Roy Edward IL et auxy Memoranda del' Exchequer en temps le Roy Edward I. — Henry VIII. [Anno xxvii.]. 11 vols., foho. London, 1678-80. [Vol. 5 is : Le Livre des Assises, etc.. en temps du Roy Edward III. — Vol. 7 is : La premiere Part des Ans du Roy Ilenrv VI.] Year Books of the Reign of King Edward the First. Years 20 and 21. Edited and translated by Alfred J. Hor- wood. Svo. London, 1866. [Chronicles of Great Britain, etc.] [Same.] Years 21 and 22. Svo. London, 1873. [Same.] Years 30 and 31. Svo. London, 1863. [Same.] Years 32 and 33. Svo. London, 1864. [Same.] Years 33-35. Svo. London, 1879. 956 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Year Books. Year Books of the Reign of King Edward the Third. Years 11 and 12. Edited and translated by A. J. Horwood. "With preface and index by L. O. Pike. 8vo. London, 1883. [Chronicles of Great Britain, etc.] [Same.] Years 12 and 13. Edited and translated by L. O. Pike. 8vo. London, 1885. [Same.] Years 13 and 1-1. Svo. London, 1886. Yeates (Jasper). Reports, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ; with some select Cases at Xisi Prius, and in the Circuit Courts, 1791-1808. i vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1817-19. Yeatman ( John P.). Exposure of the ]VIis-managenieiit of the Public Record Office. 2d ed. 8vo. Boston, Eng., 1883. [Pam., vol. 26.] Handy Book on the Law of Registration of Trade Marks. 16mo. London, 1876. The JVIayor's Court of London Procedure Act. 2d ed. 12mo. London, 1878. Yelverton (Sir Henry). Les Reports de divers speciall Cases en le Court del Bank le Rov, 1603-1613. Public par S' WiUiam Wylde, Bar*. Folio.*' London, 1661. Reports of divers special Cases in the Court of King's Bench, 1603-1613. 3d ed. Translated into Enghsh. Folio. London, 1735. [Same.] 1st American ed. ; with Xotes by T. Metcalf. 8vo. Andover, 1820. Yelverton ]\Iarriage Case. See Thelwall vs. Yelverton. Yerger (George S.V Reports, Supreme Court of Tennessee, 1818-1837. 10 vols., 8vo. Nashville, 1832-8. See IVIartin (J. H.) and Yerger's Tennessee Reports. Yerrington (James M. W.). Report of the Trial of George C. Hersev, for ]\Iurder. 8vo. Boston, 1862. Yonkers (IS". Y.). Atlas. (Robinson.) Folio. Xew York, 1889. Charter. 8vo. New York, 1887. Yool (Georg'e V.). Essay on Waste, Nuisance, and Tres- pass ; treating of the Law of Timber, Mines, Lights, Water, Support, etc. 8vo. London, 1863. York County (Eng.). Report of Proceedings under Commis' sions of Oyer and Terminer at the Castle of York. From short-hand notes of Mr. Gurnev. 8vo. London, 1813. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 957 York County (Maine). York Deeds. Book 1-6. [1642- 1703. Edited, books 1-4, by H. W. Kichardson ; books 5-6, by W. M. Sargent.] 6 vols., Svo. Portland, 1S87-0. York Legal Record. S. C. Frey, editor. Vol.1. Svo. York, Pa., 1880-1. Yorke (Charles). Considerations on the Law of Forfeitures for High Treason. 4th ed. [Anon.] Svo. London, 1775. [Same.] 4th ed. [Anon.] 12mo. Edinburgh, 177S. Young (A.). Digest of Maritime Law Cases, 1837-1860. Svo. London, 1865. [Same.] Appendix : General and particular Average, 1860-1S6S. Young- (Andrew W.). Introduction to the Science of Gov- ernment; with a brief Treatise on Political Econom}''. 3d ed. 12mo. Albany, 1839. Young (Archibald). Historical Sketch of the French Bar ; with Biographical Notices of some of the ])rincipal Advo- cates of the Nineteenth Century. Svo. Edinburgh, 1869. Young (Lieut. B. H.). The St. Albans Kaid ; or, Investiga- tion into the Charges against Lieut. Young and Command, for their Acts at St. Albans, 19 Oct., 1864. Compiled by L. N. Benjamin. Svo. Montreal, 1865. Young (Edward). Special Eeport on the Customs-Tariff Legislation of the United States. Svo. Washington, 1874. Young (Ernest). Anglo-Saxon Family Law. [In Anglo- Saxon Law. 1876.] Young (George). The Proper Object and Constitution of a Legal University, or Council of Legal Education. Svo. London, 1870. [Jur. Soc. Papers, vol. 3.] Young (George), Tennent (H. L.) and Eraser (P.), editors. Scotch Session Cases, Second Series, vol. 11. Young (George), Tennent (H. L.), Eraser (P.) and Murray (W. H.), editors. Scotch Session Cases, Second Series, vol. 12. Young (George B.). General Statutes of Minnesota. Svo. Saint Paul, 1879.' [Same.] With Supplements to end of Session of 1883. 4th ed. Svo. Saint Paul, 1883. (reporter). Minnesota Eeports, vols. 21-45. 958 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Yoiiiig' (Towiisend), editor. Barrington's Sketches of his own Times. 3d ed. Young* (Sir William). [Nova Scotia] Admiralty Decisions, 1865-1880. Edited by J. M. Oxley. 8vo. Toronto, 1882. Youiig and Minns, printers. Defence before the House of Representatives [of an article published in the Palladium]. 8vo. Boston, 1805. [Pam. Tr., vol. lO.l Yoiing Clerk's Magazine ; or, English Law-Repository. 5th ed. 12nio. London, printed; Philadelphia, reprinted, 1774. Young Clerk's Yade Mecura ; or, Compleat Law-Tutor. Added, a Collection of English Precedents relating to the office of a Justice of Peace. 12mo. Belfast, printed ; New York, reprinted, 1776. Younge (Edward). Reports, Court of Exchequer in Equity, England, 1830-1832. 8vo. London, 1833. See Eagle (F. K.) and Younge's Tithe Cases ; — McCleland (Thos.) and Younge's Exchequer Reports. Y^'ounge (Edward) and Colly er (John). Reports, Court of Exchequer in Equity, England, 1834-1842. 4 vols., 8vo. London, 1836-46. Reports of Cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, 1841-1843, by Sir J. L. Knight Bruce. 2 vols., 8vo. London, 1843-4. Younge (Edward) and Jervis (John), English Exchequer Reports. 1826-1830. American ed. Bv J. I. C. Hare and H. B. Wallace. 3 vols., 8vo. Philadelphia, 1852-3. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 959 z. Z., R. See Zouch (Richard). Zabriskie (A. O.). Reports, Supreme Court, and Court of Ei-rors and Apj^eals, New Jersey, 1847-1855. 4 vols., 8vo. New Brunswick, etc., 1850-6. Zabriskie (J. C.)- Public Land Laws of the United States ; with Listructions and Decisions appertaining thereto. 8vo. San Francisco, 1877. Zachari?e (Karl Saloiuo). Le Droit Civil Frangais, traduit de I'Allemand sur la cinquieme edition ; annote et retabli suivant I'ordre du Code Napoleon par G. Masse et Ch. Verge. 5 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1854—60. Zamora y Coroiiado (Jose M.), Biblioteca de Legislacion Ultramarina en forma de Diccionario Alfabetico. 6 vols., roy. 8vo. Madrid, 1841:-6. Primer Suplemento. Roy. 8vo. Madrid, 1849. Zaiiiorano (R. X.). Tratado Legal sobre las Letras de Cam- bio. 8vo. Madrid, 1845. Zaiie (John M. ), reporter. Utah Reports, vols. 4, 5. Zeitsclirift der Savigny-Stiftung fiir Rechtsgeschichte. I.-IO. Band. 10 vols., 8vo. Weimar, 1880-9. Zeitsclirift fiir das gesammte Handelsrecht, herausgegeben von L. (Toldschmidt. 1.-37. Band. 37 vols., 8vo. Erlangen, afterwards Stuttgart, 1858-90. — Beilageheft zu Band 4, 6, 7, 12, 19, 21, 23, 28, 29, 33, 35. 11 vols., 8vo. Systematisches General-Register, Band 1-25, von Her- mann Gabriel. Svo. Stuttgart, 1881. Zeitsclirift fiir das Privat- und Offentliche Recht der Gegen- wart, herausgegeben von C. S. Griinhut. 1.-18. Band. 18 vols., 8vo. Wien, 1874-91. Zeitsclirift fiir die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. I.-IO. Band. 10 vols., 8vo. Berlin und Leipzig, 1881-90. Zeitsclirift fiir Rechtsgeschichte. 1.-13. Band. 13 vols., 8vo. Weimar, 1861-78. Namen- und Sach-Register, Band 1-13. 8vo. Weimar, 1880. 960 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY. Zeitsclirift fiir Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft. 1.-9. Band. vols.. Svo. Stuttgart, 1S7S-91. Zeuas, the Lawj^er. Baccalaureate Sermon before the Colum- bia College Law School. B}' Rev. Henrv C. Potter, D.D. ^ Svo. Xew York. 1872. [Pam., vol. 16.]' Zeiiger ( Johu Peter). Trial of. for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government. 12mo, London, 1752. Ziiiinieriuanii (Ernst). Die Lehre von der Stellvertre- teuden Xegotiorum Gestio. Svo. Strassburg, 1876, Ziiiii (Peter). Leading and Select Cases on Trusts ; with Xotes. Also, a full Report of the Case of the Covington and Lexino-ton R. R. Co. aoainst Robert B. Bowlers Heirs and othere. Svo. Cincinnati, IS 73. Ziteliuanii i Ernst). Irrtum und Rechtsgeschiift, eine psycho- logisch-juristische L^ntersuchung. Svo. Leipzig, 1879. Zonch (Richard). Cases and Questions resolved in the Civil-Law. 16mo. Oxford. 1652. Juris et Judicii Fecialis. sive Juris inter Gentes. et Quaestionum de eodem Explicatio, opera R. Z. ISmo. Hagae Comitis, 1659. Jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England asserted, against Sr. Edward Coke's Articuli Admiralitatis. 12mo. London, 1663. Ziiiiiga ( M. O. cle). Elementos de Practica Eorense. 3* ed. 2 vols., Svo. Madrid, 1S51-2. INDEX OF SUBJECTS \ INDEX OF SUBJECTS A. Abbreviations of Reports, etc. Soule. Reference Manual. 1884, Abortion. Storer and Heard. Bost. 1868. Abridgments: American Law. See American Law. English Law. See England, Law of. French Law. See France. Jurisprudence, Re- pertoire de. Abstracts of Title. Stevens. 1851. Tillou. 17 V. Tuttle. 3 V. Lands in Eastchester, N. Y. Real Estate in New York. 1826-64. MS. Farm Titles in N. Y. City. 1877-81. Preparation of, etc. Comvns. Lond. 1878. Curwen. Cin. 1883. Gerard. N. Y. 1873. Gover. Lond. 1889. Harper. Lond. 1818. Lee. Evidence of. Phil. 1847. Martindale. St. L. 1890. Moore. Lond. 1886. Preston. 3 v. N. Y. 1828. Warvelle. Chic. 1883. See also Conveyanciug, Accessary. O'Dedy. Lond. 1811. Accident Insurance. See Insurance. Accidents. Black. Proof and Pleadings. Jer. City, 1886. Brown. Unlimited Liability. Lond. 1870. Hay. Decisions. Edin. 1860. Patterson. Railway. Phil. 1886. Sainctelette. De transport. Par. 1884. De travail. Par. 1886. Simon. Railway. Lond. 1862. See also Employers' Liability ; — Master and Servant; — Negli- gence. Acconiidices. Joy. Evidence of. Phil. 1844. Accord and Satisfaction. See Debtor and Creditor. Accounts. Collins. Introduction to Merchants' Accompts. Lond. 1686. Cory. Lond. 1839. Daiforne. Merchant's Mirrour. Lond. 1686. Gilbart. Banking. N. Y. 1873. Liset. The Accountant's Closet. Lond. 1686. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 1. Pulling. Mercantile. Phil. 1847. Accretion. See Aquatic Rights; — Waters. Accumulation, Trusts for. Hargrave. Lond. 1842. Randell. Lond. 1822. Scott. Phil. 1888. See also Perpetuity. 904 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRA BY OF Ackiiowle(lj»nit'iit. Bahr. Cassel. 1867. Forms of. Reardon. Bait. 1882. Acquired Rights. Lassalle. v. Leip. 1880. Actions : in Rem. Waples. Chic. 1882. Personal. Boote. Dubl. 1791. Browne. Phil. 1844. Gilbert. Loud. 1760. Heard. Pleading. Best. 1886. Kerr. Lond. 1857. Morgan. 3 v. Dubl. 1787-8. Oliver. Precedents. Portl. 1874. Sheppard. Lond. 1675. Smith (John W.). Phil. 1848. Vance. - Jurisdiction. Ann Arbor, 1890. Real. Bingham. Alb. 1880. Booth. N. Y. 1808. Jackson. Bost. 1828. Oliver. Precedents, Portl. 1874. Roscoe. 2 V. Phil. 1840. Stearns. Bost. 1824. Roman. Von Keller. Leip. 1883. Special. Fiero. Alb. 1888. Actions and Defences. Wait. 8 V. Alb. 1877-82. See also Admiralty : — Chancery ; — Lis Pendens ; — Pleading ; — Practice : etc. Adjective Law, English. Nasmith. Procedure in Court. 1879. Ad.) udged Words and Phrases. Anderson. Chic. 1889. Browne. San Fran. 1883. Lawson. St. L. 1883. Winfield. Jer. City, 1882. "Wood. In Mercantile Agreements. Lond. 1886. See also Law Dictionaries. Administration of E s - tates. See Executors and Administra- tors. Administrative Law. Gumplowicz. Innsbr. 1883. Von Sarwey. Freib. 1884. Austria. See page 40. England. Bagehot. 1885. Cox. 1863. Gneist. 2 v. 1883-4. See also Constitutional Law : — Government. France. See page 300. Germany. See page 328. Italy. See page 428. Spain. See page 801. United States. See Constitutional Law ; — Gov- ernment. Administrators. See Executors and Administra- tors. Admiralty. Admiralty of Great Britain. 2 v. Lond. 1767. Baker. Office of Vice-Admiral of the Coast. Lond. 1884. Cooper. Sentence of a Foreign Court. Phil. 1810. Pardessus. Lois Maritimes. 6 v. Par. 1828-45. Selden. Mare Clausura. 1063. Twiss. Black Book of the Admi- ralty. 4 V. Lond. 1871-6. Van Santvoord. Liability of Ship- owners. N. Y. 1887. See also Collisions at Sea ; — Commercial Law ; — Maritime Law ; — Merchant Seamen ; — Navigation Laws ; — Prize : — Rule of the Road : — Sea Laws ; — Shipping ; — Wreck and Sal- vage. Digests of Decisions. Curtis. Bost. 1839. Pritehard. 2 v. Lond. 1887. Young. Lond. 1865. Forms. Marriott. Lond. 1802. Oliver. Bost. 1842. Pugh. Forms of Procedure, etc. Phil. 1890. Roscoe. Lond. 1884. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 965 Admiralty. — Con tlmied. Jurisdiction, Practice, etc. Benedict. N. Y. 1870. Betts. N. Y. 1838. Boroughs. Lend. 108(3. Boyd. Diibl. 1868. Browne. 2 v. N. Y. 1840. Gierke. Bait. 1809. Cohen. Bost. 1883. Conkling. 2 v. Alb. 1857. Coote. Lond. 1869. Destv. San Fran. 1879. Dunlap. X. Y. 1850. Edwards. Lond. 1847. Etting. Phil. 1879. Frazer. Edin. 1814. Godolphin. Lond, 1685. Hall. Bait. 1809. Henry. Phil. 1885. Parsons. 2 v. Bost. 1869. Roberts. N. Y. 1869. Roseoe. Lond. 1882. Smith (T. E.). Lond. 1885. Williams and Brnce. Lond. 1886. Zoueh. Lond. 1686. Lieadinff Cases. Tudor. Lond. 1884. Admission to the Bar. Ball. Student's Guide. Lond. 1884. Delafield. Remarks on. N. Y. 1875. Harvev. Benchers and the Bar. Lond. 1852. - N. Y. City Bar Assoc. Report. 1876. N. Y. Court of Appeals. Rides. 1882. Webster. Promotion at the Bar. Lond. 1861. Adoption. Delafield. N. Y. 1876. Whitmore. Alb. 1876. See also Parent and Child. Adulteration. Herbert. Lond. 1884. Woolf. Lond. 1874. See also Health Laws. Adulterine Bastardy. Nicolas. Lond. 1836. See also Legitimacy. Adultery. Morgan. 2 v. Oxf. 1826. Tebbs. Lond. 1822. See also Criminal Law; — Di- vorce ; — Trials. Adverse Possession. A. & E. Encvc, v. 1. Angell. Bost. 1827. Buswell. Bost. 1889. Tyler. Alb. 1871. See also Limitations: — Posses- sion. Advocates and Advocacy. Camus. 2 v. Par. 1832. Cox. Lond. 1852. Daniel. Lond. 1857. Donovan. St. L. 1883. Dupin. Par. 1851. Elliott. Indianap. 1888. Finlason. Lond. 1860. Ford. Lond. 1881. Forsyth. Jer. City, 1881. Harris. Before and at Trial. North- port, 1889. ■ Hints on. St. L. 1884. niustrations in. Lond. 1884. •Jones. French Bar. Phil. 1856. Reed. Bost. 1885. Young. French Bar. Lond. 1869. See also Attorneys and Solicitors. Ad vo Vinson s. Mirehouse. Lond. 1824. See also Ecclesiastical Law. Affidavits. Endlich. Of Defence. Jer. City, 1884. Hennell. Forms of. Lond. 1837. Affiliation. Saunders. Lond. 1888. See also Bastardy. Affreightment. See Freight. Africa. See Cape of Good Hope ; — Trans- vaal Province. Agency. A. & E. Encyc, v. 1. Begg. Law Agents. Edin. 1883. Brown. For Payment of Debts. Lond. 1868. Campbell. Commercial. Lond. 1881. Cook. Lond. 1840. Crump. Lond. 1868. Evans. 2 v. PhU. 1888. Fitch. Real Estate. Chic. 1881. 966 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Agency. — Cant in ued. Livtimore. 2 v. Bait. isiy. Mauiihain. Lond. 1825. Mechein. Chic. 1889. Mi)loiiey. Mercantile. Lond. 1890, Mvers Fed. Deeis.. s-. 1. Paley. N. Y. 18o(i. Petsrrave. Lond. 1857. lioss. Leading Cases. 1858. [L. L., V. 99.] Russell. ^lercaniile. Lond. 1873. Storv. Bost. 1882. Theobald and Hammond. X. Y. 1836. Thompson. Airents of Corporations. St. L. 1880. " Wharton. PhU. 1876. 'Ziiumermann. Strassb. 1870. Agreements. See Conspiracy : — Contracts ; — Verbal Agreements. Forms of. Moore. LoiuL 1884. Agricultural Law. Anderson. Edin. 1878. Beaumont. Lond. 1883. Bund. Improvements. Lond. 1883. Calvert. Lond. 1849. Cooke (C. W. R.). Loud. 1876. Cooke (G. W.). Tenancies. Lond. 1882. Lelv and Pearce. Lond. 1883. Marriott. Lond. 1801. Spencer. Lond. 1883. See also Farm Law. Air. Fletcher. Lond. 1886. Round. Lond. 1868. See also Easements. Alabama. See page 9. Alabama Claims. See page 10. Albany. See page 12. Aldermen, Powers and Duties of. Binns. In Pennsylvania. 1886. Kent. In New York. 1854. Alienation. BoUes. Suspension of the Power of in N. Y. 1891. Grav. Restraints on. Bost. 1883. Jick'ling. Modes of. Lond. 1829. Mitchell. In Pennsvlvania. 1875. Randell. History of. Lond. 1822. Stalman. Words restrictive of. Lond. 1836. See also Conveyancing. Aliens. Forsvth. Cases and Opinions. Lond. 1869. Hansard. Treatise. Lond. 1844. Lawrence. American Women Mar- ried abroad. 1871. Myer's Fed. Decis.. v. 5. Report of Roval Commissioners. Lond. 1869. Sapev, Par. 1843. Soloraan. Par. 1844. See also Citizenship: — National- ity ; — Naturalization. Aliment. Biingner. Lpz. 1879. McGkshan. Edin. 1837. Alimony. A. (S: E. Encvc. v. 1. Browne. Pliil. 1890. See also Marriage and Divorce. Allegiance. See Citizenship. Allotments of Land for the Poor. Hall. Lond. 1886. Allu\^on. Noyes. N. Y. 1862. See also Aquatic Rights ; — Waters. Almanacs. American. 8 v. Bost. 1844-o4. American. (Spofford.) 5 v. Wash. 1879-88. Tribune. 5 v. N. Y. 1887-91. Whitaker. 21 v. Lond. 1871-91. World. 5 v. N. Y. 1886-91. Alsace-Lorraine. Leoni. Staatsrecht. Freib. 1883. Ambassadors. Van Bynkershoek. La Have, 1725. De Cussy. Lpz. 1846. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 967 Ambassadors. — Continued. Voii Martens. 2 v. Lpz. 1866. Vail Wieqiiefort. 2 v. 1680-1. See also Diplomacy. La Haye, Aiiieiidineiits of V a r i - aiices. C'hilty. Lond. 1835. American Antiquities. P, N. V. 1«41. American Law. liarbour. Rights and Remedies. 3 v. 1890. Bouvier. Institutes. 2 v. 1872. Gierke. Rudiments. 1842. Dane. Abridgnient. 9 v. 1823-9. Dickson. Analysis of Kent. 1875. Dillon. A Century. 1888. Milliard. Summary. 2 v. 1877. Kent. Commentaries. 4 v. 1889. Lawson. Rights, Remedies and Practice. 7 v. 1889-90. Minor. Institutes. 4 v. 1876-9. ]\Ioulton. Analysis. 1859. Parsons. Commentaries. 183sit. A. &E. Encyc, v. 1. Fox. Actioii of. Lond. 1842. Lawes. Pleadmg in. Bost. 1811. Assurance. See Insurance. Assurances, common. Sheppard's Touchstone. 2 v. Phil. 1840. See also Conveyancing. Asylum, Right of. Lammasch. Lpz. 1887. Atlases : General. Grant. 1886. Johnson. 1874. Scribner-Black. 1890. Brooklyn. Bromley. 1880. Dripps. Flatbush, etc. 1877. Hopkins. Estates and Farms. 1880, Robinson. 1886. New York City. Blue Book. Maps of Farms. 1815. Bromley. 1891. Bromlev and Robinson. 1879. Robinson. 1885. 970 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Atlases: \. y. city. — Con. South of 14th Street. (Robinson.) 18S1. Topotrniphical. (Viele.) IS 14. l-2th \Vai-a. (Robinson.) 1880. 12th Ward, between 86th and 114th Streets. (Robinson.) 1889. 12th Ward, 114th to 138th Streets. (Robinson.) 1890. 10th, 18th, 20tli and 21st Wards. (Robinson.) 1880. 19th and 22d Wards. (Bronilev.) 1890. 22d Ward, (Robinson.) 1889. 23d Ward. (Bromlev.) 1882. 23d Ward. (Robinson.) 1887. 24th Ward. (Bromlev.) 1882. 24th Ward. (Robinson.) 1888. New York State. Asher and Adams. Topographical. 1869. Beers. Westchester Co. 1872. Bromley. Westchester Co. 1881. Robinson. City of Yonkers. 1889. 1891. U. S. Statistical, etc. Asher and Adams. 1873. Cram. American Railwav. Walker. 1874. Attachment. A. & E. Enevc, v. 1. Cababe. OfDebt.^*. Lond. 1881. Cowen. Alb. 1874. Daniel. In Va. and West Va. 1869. Drake. Bost. 1885. Kneeland. N. Y. 1884. Temple. Lond. 1855. Wade. 2 v. San Fran. 1886. Waples. Chic. 1885. Woolsev. Mayor's Court. Lond. 1816." See also Foreign Attachment. Attorneys and Solicitors. A. & E. Encyc, v. 1. Bohun. The Practising Attorney. 2 V. Lond. 1732. Cordery. Lond. 1888. Dawson. Tracts. Lond. 1829. Field. Autocracy of the Bar. Lond. 1856. Ford. Solicitors as Advocates. Lond. 1881. Hill. Ethics. 1881. Letters to Dorman B. Eaton. 1876. MSS. License of Counsel in Criminal Pro- cedure. Lond. 1841. McCrarv. True Lawyer. Kansas City, "1888. Marshall. Organization of the Pro- fession. Jjeeds. 1873. Maugiiam. Lond. 1825. Merrifield. Lond. 1830. Myer's Fed, Decis.. v. 2. New Practice Cases. Lond. 1847-8. O'Brien. The Lawyer. Loud. 1842. Pulling. Lond. 1862. Reflections on Law, Lawyers, etc. Lond. 1759. Saunders. Amalgamation of the Pro- fession. Lond. 1870. Shirley. Practical Training. Lond. 187o. Smith (.J. 0.). The Lawyer and liis Profession. Lond. 1860. Turner. Duties of. Lond. 1883. Orcanization of a Solicitor's Office. ^Lond. 1886. Warren. Duties of. AIli. 1S70. Weeks. San Fran. 187s. Whitewav. Hints to Solicitors. Lond. 1883, See also Advocates: — Bench and Bar: — Strictures; and Jones' Index. Attorneys - (xeneral, opin- ions of. See 3Iinnesota: — New York: — Pennsylvania : — United States. Auctions and Auction- eers. A, & E. Encvc, v. 1, Babington, Phil. 1838. Bateman. Bost. 1883. Howard. Lond. 1827. Livermore. 2 v. Bait. 1818. Mechem. Chic. 1889. Squibbs. Lond. 1879, See also Jones' Index. Auditors. A, & E. Encvc, v, 1. Pixley, Loud, 1881, Australasia. See page 40, Australia. See page 40, Austria. See page 40, THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 971 Authors. See Copyright: — Literature and Art. Average. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. Arnould. 2 v. Lond, 1872. Baily. Lond. 1856. Crump. Lond. 187;"). Dixon. N. Y. 18(30. Gourlie. Phil. 1881. Hoplvins. Lond. 1884. Lowndes, Lond. 1888. Marvin. N. Y. 1866. Parsons. 2 v. Bost. 1868. Stevens. Phil. 1817. Stevens and Eenecke. Bost. 1833. Wendt. 1888. Award. See Arbitration and Award. B. Baden. Schonkel. Staatsroclit. Freib. 1884. Bail. A. & E. Encyc, v. 2. Coke. Tracts. Lond. 1764. Highniore. Lond. 1783. Petersdorff. Phil. 1835. Sclii-oder. Lond. 1824. See also Suretyship ; and Jones' Index. Bailments. A. & E. Encyc, v. 2. Edwards. N. Y. 1878. Jones. Phil. 1836. Redfield. Camb. 1869. Schouler. Bost. 1887 Story. Bost. 1878. See also Carriers ; — Innkeepers ; etc. Ballot. Moore. In Mass. 1884. See also Suffrage. Ballot Reform. Murlin. New York Law. 1890. Romilly. Lond. 1867. Wigmore. Bost. 1889. Baltimore (Md.). See i)age 47. Banc, Court in. ^'izard. Practice. Lond. 1880. Bankruptcy Convention, U. S. National. Proceedings. Wash. 1884. Bankrui)tcy : Law, etc.— Can- ada. Girouard. ISOI. Kuglaiid. Archbold. 1844 Baldwin. 1884. Billinghurst. 1676. Brett. 1884. Christian. 1820. Cooke. 2 V. 1799. Cullen. 1800. Eden. 2 v. 1833. Gazette of Bankruptcy. Gazzain. Digest. 2 v. Goodeve. 18S4. Goodinge. 1726. Griffith and Holmes. 2 v. Hertslet. 1852. Mayer. 1888. Montagu and Ayrton. 2 \ Morrell. Digest. 1884-7. Power and Wolferstan. 1861. Robson. 1872. Shelford. 1862. France. Bedarride. 3 v. 1880. Da vies and Laurent. Lond. 1S5 Italy. 2 V. 1862 1871. isi;!). 1837. Yidari. 2 v. 1886. United State.s. Avery and IIol)bs. 1868. Blumenstiel. 1878. Brightlv. 1869. Bump. ' 1877. Chandler. 1842. Cooper. 1801. Frank. 1877. Freeman. Enforcement of Judg- ments. 1877. Gazzam. 1872. Digest. 2 V. 1871. Hilliard. 1863. James. 1867. Mungor. Ajjplication of Payments. 1879. National Bankruptcy Register. 19 v. 1867-80. 972 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Bankruptcy : united states. — Coiitin lied. National Bankruptcy Digest. 1867-74. Owen. 1842. Rice. 1867. Saunders. 1868. See also Composition. List of Applicants. Betts. .Southern District of Xew York. 1843. Banks and Banking. Bank Cases. Northampton Bank Robbery. N. Y. 1885. Banker and Tradesman. 7 v. Bost. 18^5-91. Banking Law Journal. 4 v. X. Y. 1889-91. Bolles. X. Y. 1887. Bank Officers. X. Y. 1890. Cleaveland. Xew York Law. 1857. Collins. Lond. 1882. Domett. History of Bank of Xew York. 1884. Gilbart. X. Y. 1873. Grant. Lond. 1882. Hamilton. Australian Law. 1880. Hardcastle. Loud. 1842. Hutchison. 2 v. Lond. 1881-3. Journal of Banking Law. 3 v. X. Y. 1882-;S. Macleod. 2 v. Lond. 1883-6. Monroe. Decisions. X. Y. 1879. Morse. 2 v. Bost. 1888. Moses. Cases. X'^. Y. 1879. Mvers Fed. Decis., v. 8. Xewraark. Deposits. St. L. 1888. Paine. Xew York Law. 1889. Pratt. Wash. 1888. Quin. Lond. 1833. Rae. The Country Banker. X. Y. 1886. Robertson. Edin. 1881. Shaw. Xew York Law. 1875. Walker. Lond. 1885. Wedgwood and Homans. X. Y. 1869. ] Werner. Xew York Law. 1888. | See also Checks : — Xational , Banks : — Savings Banks. Bar. See Admission to the Bar : — Biography : — Law .Schools : — Legal Education ; etc. Bar Associations : By-Laws, Constitutions, Reports, etc. i Alabama. Allegheny County, Pa. American. I Arkansas. Association for Reform of the Law of Xations. Baltimore. Blair County, Pa. Boston. Bucks County, Pa. California. Camden County, X. J. Chicago. Cincinnati. Clark County, Ohio. Colorado. Cumberland County, Me. Darke County. Ohio. Decatur County, Iowa. Des Moines. District of Columbia. Federal, of Washington, D. C. Florida. Georgia. Grafton and Coos Counties, X. H. Illinois. I Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Incorporated Law Society of the ' United Kingdom. Indianapolis. Iowa. t Jacksonville, Fla. Kausjis. Kansas City, Mo. Kentucky. Lawyers"' Club, X. Y. City. Liverpool Law Society. Lorain County. Ohio. Los Angeles. Cal. Michigan. Milwaukee. Minneapolis. Minnesota. Seventh Judicial Dis- trict. Missouri. Montgomery County, Pa. Xational. Nebraska. New London County, Conn. Xew 3Iexico. Xew York City. Xew York State. Ohio. Ohio County. W. Va. Omaha. Passaic County. X. .J. Philadelj)hia Law Association. Providence Bar Club. (Queens County. X. Y. Richland County, Ohio. Riclnnond. Ya. .Saint Louis. Saint Paul. .Salt Lake City. San Francisco. Schuylkill County, Pa. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 973 Bar Associations : By-Laws, Constitutions, Reports, etc. — Continued, Scottish Law Amendment Society. Solicitors' Benevolent Assoc, Lon- don. South Carolina. Southwestern Kentucky. Stearns County. Minn. Tennessee. Tioga County, Pa. Upper Canada Law Society. Vermont. Virginia. Waynesburg, Pa. West Virginia. Westmoreland, Pa. Wichita, Kansas. Wisconsin. Barbadoes. See page 48. Barbaric Codes. Roman Law in. Lond. Par. Colquhoun. 1857. Le Gentil. Essai historique. 1863. Baronage. Athenry. Of L-eland. Lond. 1833. Lynch. In Ireland. Lond. 1830. Madox. Baronia Anglica. Lond. 1741. See also Peers and Peerages; — Titles of Honor. Bastardy. Brydall. Lond. 1703. Head. Lond. 1840. Nicolas. Lond. 1836. Saunders. Lond. 1888. See also Legitimacy, Battle, Trial by. See Trial by Battle, Bavaria. Seydel. Staatsrecht. Freib. 1888. Belgium. See page 62. Belligerents. Bemis. Bost. 1865. Hannay. Lond. 1862. Massey. Lond. 1864. Owen. Declaration of War. Lond. 1889. Twiss. Lond. 1884. Ward. Lond. 1801. See also luteruational Law. Bells. Harrison vs. Phil. 1877. St. Mark's Church. Bench and Bar. See Advocacy : — Attorneys and Solicitors ; — Biography ; — Eth- ics: — Humor; etc. Benefit. Pothier. Contrats de Bienfaisance. Par. 1777. Benefit Societies. See Societies. Bengal. See India. Bequests. t'ee Devises : — Legacies ; — Wills. Bergen City (n. j.). tee page 69. Bermuda. See page 69. Betting. See Gaming. Bible (The). Bible in Public Schools of Cincinnati. 1870. Fairbairn. Revelation of Law in Scripture. N. Y. 1869. Greeuleaf. Testimony of the Evan- gelists. X. Y. 1874. Sherlock. Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus. Phil. 1843. Bibliography. AUgemeine Bibliographic, 3 v. 1888-90. Bartlett. Rhode Island. 1864. Centralblatt fUr Bibliothekswesen. 8 y. 1884-91. Douglas. Blackstone. 1783. 974 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF ^WA\o^'A\>\\^ .— Continued. Eaton. Public Libraries. 1876. Halfpenny. France. 1849. Nicolson." Historical. 1776. Poore. r. S. Govt. Publications. 1885. Rhees. Public Libraries. 1859.^ Tompkins. .Jeffersoniana. 1887. See also Catalogues :— Legal Bib- liography. Bill in Chancery. Farren. Chic. 1866. See also Chancery. Bills and Notes. — American and English Cases. Ames. 'I V. 1881. Bigelow. 1880. Redfield and Bigelow. 1871. Ross. 1854. American Law. A. & E. Encyc. v. 2. Chalmers, by Benjamin. 1889. Daniel. Negotiable Instruments. 2 v. 1891. Edwards. 2 v. 1882. Knox. U. S. Notes. X. Y. 1885. Mvers Fed. Decis.. v. 3. Parsons. 2 v. 1875. Randolph. Commercial Paper, o v. 1886-8. Storv. Bills. 1860. '— Notes. 1878. Swift. 1810. Tiedeman. Commercial Paper. 1889. Wedgwood and Homans. 1869. Williamson. Protest. 1889. See also Commercial Paper:— Negotiable Instruments ; and •lones" Index. Marius. 1686. Maxwell. Am. Mayer. 1888. Napier. 1831. Roscoe. 1829. Shaw. 1871. Smith (J. W.). ed. 1808. 1884. Canadian. Clarke. 1875. Danish. Beissel. Wechselgesetz von 1880. English. Agabeg and Barrr. 1884. Bavlev. 1822. Bvies." Am. ed. 1891. Chalmers. Am. ed. 1889. Chittv. 1878. Chitty and Hulme. Am. ed. 1854. Cunningham. 1761. Evans. 1802. Jencken. 1880. Johnson. 18:39. Kyd. Am. ed. 1800. Lovelass. Am. ed. 1791. French. See page 303. German. See page 329. Italian. See page 428. Scotch. Glen. 1824. Ross. Leading Cases. 1854. Thomson. 1865. Thorburn. 1882. Spanish. See jiage 802. Bills of Costs. See Costs. Bills of Exceptions. A. & E. Encvc. v. 2. Mansel. Phil. 18:39. Ravmond. Phil. 1848. Wells. Pes Moines. 1878. See also Appellate Law. Bills of Exchange. See Bills and Notes. Bills of Lading. A. & E. Encyc. v. 2. Lawes. Lend. 1813. Leggett. Lond. 1880. Mackenzie. Lond. 1881. Scrutton. Lond. 1886. See also Mercantile Agreements: — Negotiable Instruments; and Jones" Index. Bills of Sale. Barron. Toronto. 1888. Beaumont. Phil. 1860. Bvrne. Dubl. 1879. Egan. Lond. 1882. Fithian. Lond. 1884. Hunt. Fraudulent. Lond. 1872. Indermaur. Lond. 1882. Lyon. Lond. 1873. Lvon and Redman. Lond. 1881. Macalpin. Lond. 1880. Macaskie. Lond. 1882. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 975 Bills of Sale. — Continued. Mayer, Lond. 1888. Mil'lar and Collier. Lond. 18G0. Xewson. Lond. 1882. Reed. Lond. 1883. See also Jones' Index Biography : collective. Adams. Learned in the Law. Lond. 1885. Appletons' Cvelopaedia of Ainer. Bioj^raphy. "6 v. 1887-9. Baldwin. Bar of Orleans Coiintv, Vt. 188(5. Bar (The). Sketches of .Judges, etc. Lond. 182«. Barnes. Thirty-ninth U. S. Con- gress. 1867. U. S. Supreme Court. 1877. Bennet. Biographical Sketches. Lond. 1867. Brown. The Forum. 2 v. Phil. 1856. Browne. Short Studies of Great Lawyers. Alb. 1878. Campbell. Chief Justices of ETig- land. 4v. 1873. Lord Chancellors of Englaml. 10 V. 1874-5. Criminal Recorder. 4 v. Lcmd. 1804-9. Donovan. Trial Practice and Law- yers. St. L. 1883. Elmer. Xew Jersey Bench and Bar. 1872. Field . New Jersey Provincial Courts. 1849. Flanders. Chief Justices of the C S. 2 V. 1875. Foote. Bench and Bar of the South. 1876. Foss. Biographical Dictionarv, Judges of England. 1870. Judges of England. 9 v. 1848-64. Foster. Men-at-the-Bar. Lond. 1885. Grant. Bench and Bar. 2 v. Lonti. 1838. Grotius. In Pandectis Nomina. Lugd. Bat. 1690. Ilallum. Biographical History of Arkansas. 1887. Howell. Michigan Nisi Prius Cases. 1884. Jones (Robert). The French Bar. 1856. Knapp. Biographical Sketches of Lawyers. Bost. 1821. Knapp and Baldwin. Newgate Cal- endar. 4 V. Lond. 1824-8. Lanman. Biographical Annals U. S. Civil Government. 1887. Lynch. Bench and Bar of Missis- sippi. 1881. Martin. Bench and Bar of Philadel- l)hia. 1883. Miller (Saml. F.). U. S. Supreme Ct. See Barnes. Miller (Steph. F.). Bench and Bar of Georgia. 2 v. 1858. O'Flanagan. The Irish Bar. 1879. Lord Chancellors of Ireland. 2 V. 1870. Omond. Lord Advocates of Scot- land. 2 V. 1883. O'Neall. Bench and Bar of South Carolina. 2 v. 1859. Payne. The Rhode Island Bar. 1885. Poison. Law and Lawyers. 2 v. Lond. 1840. Proctor. Bench and Bar of New York. 1870. Lawyer and Client. N. Y. 1882. Reed. Bench and Bar of Wisconsin, 1882. Roscoe. Eminent British Lawvers. 2 v. 1841. Shell. Sketches of the Irish Bar. 2 V. 1854. Stevens. N, Y. Chamber of Com- merce. N. Y. 1867. Stewart (Sir J.). Life of a Lawyer. Lond. 1830. Street. N. Y. Council of Revision. 1859. Townsend. Lives of Twelve Emi- nent Judges. 2 V. Lond. 1846. Updike. The Rhode Island Bar. 1842. Van Santvoord. Chief Justices of .the U. S. 1854. Wallace. The Reporters. Bost. 1882. Welsby. Eminent English Judges. 1846. Willis. Courts and Lawvers of Maine, 1863. Woolrych. Eminent Sergeants-at- Law. 2v. 1869. Yotmg. The French Bar. 1869. Biog^rapliies : individual. Adams (John), by Morse. 1888. Adams (John Quincv), by Morse. 1888. Adams (Samuel), by Hosraer. 1888. Benton (Thos. IL), by Roosevelt.- 1888. Bid well (Marshall S.), by De Lancey. _ 1890. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Biographies : imiividuai. — Ojiitinuecl. \\ Black (Jere. S.), by Black. 1885. ' '■ Blackbui-ne (Francis), by Edward Blackburne. 1874. ' Blackstone(Wm.),bv Douglas. 1782. ' Butler (B. F.). by Mackenzie. 1845. 1 Calhoun (John C), bv Von Hoist. 1888. I Cass (Lewis), by McLaughlin. 1891. , Charles the Great (Charlemagne), bv "- Mombert. 1888. U Chase (Salmon P.), by Benson. 1882. L, by Schuckers. 1874. L Choate (Rufus), bv Xeilson. 1884. , Cicero (Marcus Tullius), bv Middle- ton. 2 V. 1742. t Clay (Henry), by Schurz. 2 v. 1888. > Coke (.Sir Edward), bv Johnson. 3 v. 1845. I. Crittenden (J. J.), bv Coleman. 2 v. 1871. \^ Curran (J. P.). bv Mackenzie. 1855. , Curtis (B. E.), " bv Curtis, 3 v. 1879. l^Denman (Sir Thos.). bv Anion id. , 2 V. 1874. *- Eldon (Lord Chan.). bvSurtees. 1840. H bv 2 V. 1844. Foot(SamI. A.), bvFoot. 2 v. 1873. Franklin (Benj.), bv Morse. 1889. Gallatin (Albert), bv Stevens. 1888. u Hackett (W. H. H.), by F. W. Hackett. 1879. " Hamilton (Alex.), by Lodge. 1888. V- by Shea. 1880. Hardwicke (Lord Chan.), bv Cooksev. " 1791. p by Harris. 3 v. 1847. . Hatton (Lord Chan.), bv Xieolas. ^ 1847. '- Henlev (Robert), bvR. Henlev. 1831. Henrv (Patrick), bv Tyler. 1888. _ Holt (Sir John), by J. R. 1764. Hoyt (Jesse), by Mackenzie. 1845. V. Jackson (Andrew), bv Sumner. 1888. \^ Jav (John), by Pellew. 1890. V Jefferson (Thos.), hy Morse. 1888. ' Jeffreys (Lord), by Woolryeh. 1827. '. Kenyon (Lord), by Kenyon. 1873. ^ Lincoln (Abraham), bv Herndon. 3 y. 1889. . Lvndhurst (Lord), bv Gibson. 1869. ^^ — by Martin. 1883. v-Madison (James), bv Gav. 1888. H Marshall (John), bv Magruder. 1888. UMcKean(Thos.), by Buchanan. 1890. V Monroe (James), bv Gilman. 1888. UMore (Sir Thos.), "bv Thos. More. 1726. ^Morris (Gouvemeur), bv Roosevelt. 1888. North (Rt. Hon. Francis), bv R. Xorth. 1826. Papinian, by Otto. Lugd. Bat. 1718. Parsons (Theophilus), by Parsons. 1859. Pinknev (Wm.), bv Wheaton. 1826. Randolph (John), "by Adams. 1888. Romillv (Sir Saral.). bv his Sons. 2 V. ■ 1842. Sharswood (Geo.), bv Biddle 1883. Smith (E. D.). bv G. P. Andrews. 1871. Smith (Jeremiah), by Morison. 1845. , Somers (Lord Chan.), by Cooksev. ' 1791. >_ by Maddock. 1812. v^^ Storrs (Emerv A.), bv Adams. 1886. V. Story (Joseph), by Story. 2 v. 1851. >!, Stowell (Lord), bV Surtees. 1846. vTanev (Roger B.j. bv Potter. 1881. V ^ by Tyler. 1872. VVan Buren (Martin), bv Shepard. 1888. , ^Van Schaaek (Peter), bv Van Schaack. 1842. ,^ Washington (George), bv Lodge. 2 v. 1889. V^Webster (Daniel), by Harvev. 1882. r, by Lodge. 1888. . Wilmot (Sir John E.). Vjv Wilmot. 1811. , ^Wurm (Prof.), bv Kachenovskv. - 1859. See also Bibliography; and Me- morials. Blackstoiie's Comuieiittv- I ries. See page 81. 1 Blasphemous Libel. ! Coleridge. Lond. 1883. Lewis. Lond. 1859. j See also Libel and Slander. Blasphemy. I Aspland. Lond. 1884. Collier. Lond. 1720. Phinehas. Lond. 1695. See also Jones' Index. Blockade. Deane (H. B.). Law. Lond. 1870. Deane (J. P.). Cases. Lond. 1855. Macqueen. Lond. 1862. Poison. Phil. 1853. Westlake. Lond. 1863. Blood Stains. Fleminc Naquet. Pittsb. 1861. N. Y. 1876. THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAH. 977 Blue Laws. Laws of Connecticut, etc. (Hinman.) Hartf. 1838. Srauekei-. Phil. 18G1. Trumbull. Hartf. 187(). Boarding- Houses. Wan.lell. Roch. 1888. See also Inns. Boards of Trade : History and Law of. Bisbee and vSiraonds. Chic. 1884. Gilbert. Alb. 1890. See also Jones' Index. Bombay. See Indiii. Bona Fides. Bruns. Bei der Ersitzung. Ber. 1873. Bondage. See Slavery. Bonds : Law of. A. & E. Encyc, v. 2. Hurlstone. Phil. 1838. Jones. Corporate. Bost. 1890. Lewis. Phil. 1881. See also Securities. Lloytl'.s. Tarrant. Lond. 1887. Municipal. Burhan.s Chic. 1889. Coler. 3 v. N. Y. 1873. Dillon. St. L, 1876. Jones. Raih'oad Aid. Bost. 1879. Minnesota. Opinions of Curtis, etc. 1871. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 4. Tennessee. Opinion of Chas. O'Conor. 1877. See also Securities. Official and Penal. Murfree. St. L. 1885. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 4. United States. Richardson. 1872. Book-keeping. Brvant and Stratton. X. Y. 1878. — — Solicitor'-s. Coombs. Lond. 1868. Hale. Lond. 1884. 63 Kain. Lond. 1884. Richardson. Lond. 1885. Books : Seizure of. Brainerd. Observations. N. Y. 1874. Eaton. Constitutionality of. N, Y. 1874. Border Law s. Nieolson. Lond. 1705. Boroughs : History of. etc. Brady. Lond. 1777. Caches. Burgesses' Manual. Lond. 1875. Holcomb. Pennsylvania. 1886. Madox. Lond. 1726. Merewether and Stephens. 3 v. Lond. 1835. See also Scotland : BurL!:s. Boston. See pa^ ■ 91. Bottomry. See^ A. & E. Encyc, v. 2;— Ma- rine Insurance ; — Maritime Loans. Boundaries. A. & E. Enevc. v. 2. Hunt. Lond. 1884. Parke. Between States. Wash. 1883. Tyler. Alb. 1874. Woolrych. Lond. 1845. Bounty Laws, etc. — U. S. Harmon. 1867. Hetzel. 1846. Hunt. 1851. Mayo. 1861. Raff. 1866. Rapp. 1873. Revolutionary Claims. Laws, etc. 1838. Sewell. 1864. Walker. 1881. Breacli of Promise of Marriage. MacCoUa. Lond. 1879. See also Contracts. Breaclies of Privilege. Armstrong. Cases in N. Y. Assem- bly. 1871. James. Power of Congress to Pun- ish. 1879. 978 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Bread Laws. Xasmith. Lond. 1800. Bremen. Sievers. Staatsrecht. Freib. 1884. Bribery at Elections. Evans, Lond. 1847. Maurice. Lond. 1866. Wakefield. Lond. 1854. See also Election Law. Bridge Cases. Albany. 3 v. 1858. Charles River. 1837. International. 1881. Wheeling. 1851. Bridges : Law of. A. & E. Encvc. v. 3. Baker. Lond. 1800. Chambers. Lond. 1878. Egremont. 2 v. Lond. 1830. Glen. Lond. 1883. Parke. Wash. 1883. Thompson (I. G.). Alb, 1881. Briefs. See Lawyers' Briefs. British Burma. See India. British Colonies. Charters of, in America. Lond. 1750. Earnshaw. Laws of Shipping, etc. Lond. 1819. Howard. Laws of Real Propertv, etc. 2 V. Lond. 1827. Todd. Parliamentary Government in. Bost. 1880. Wedderburn. Colonial Policy. Lond. 1881. See also Colonial Law. British Columbia. See page 101. British Guiana. See page 102. British North America Act. Cartwright. Cases. 2 v. 1882-3. Travis. Powers of Parliament. 1884. Brokers. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 2. Aroni. Contracts for Futures. X. 0. 1882. Barberot. Par. 1887. Biddle. Phil. 1882. Dewev. Contracts for Futures. N. Y. 188(3. Dos Passos. X. Y. 1882, Edwards. Alb. 1870. Fabre. 2 v. Par. 1883. Lynch. Real Estate. X. Y, 1876. Meehem. Chic. 1889. Russell. Phil. 1845. See also Agency; — Stocks; etc. Brooklyn. See page 104. Building and Buildings: Laws, etc. Elmes. Lond Emden. Fryer. Jenkins Lond. Lloyd. Roscoe. 1879. Trower. Loud. Architectural Jurisprudence. 1827. Treatise. Lond. 1885. Xew York City Laws. 1887, and Raymond, Contracts. 1873, Contracts, etc. Bost. 1888. Digest of Cases. Lond. Building 1874. of Churches. Building Societies. A. & E. Encvc. v. 2. Barry. Lond. 1866. Davis. Lond. 1874. Dexter. X. Y. 1889. Endlich. Jer. City. 1882. Jenkins and Raymond. Lond. 1873. Paine. Xew York Law. 1889. Scratchley and Brabrook. Lond. 1883. Stone. Lond. 1851. See also Societies. Burden of Proof. See Onus Probandi. Burgesses. See Boroughs. Burglary. A. & E. Encyc, v. 2. Wilmot. Digest of Law. Lond, 1851. See also Criminal Law. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 9V9 Biirgs of Scotland. See Scotland. Burgundy. Earkow. Lex Roraana Burgundio- num. Gryphisw. 1826. Burial. Baker. Lond. 1883. Corwin. N. Y. 1889. Delaney vs. Trustees, etc. N. Y. 1883. Dodd. Lond. 1881. Glen. Lond. 1881. Little. Lond. 1888. Oliphant. Lond. 1850. Ruggles. Allx 1858. Snj^der. Religious Corporations. i^. Y. 1887. Tyler. Alb. 1866. Weston. Sanctity of the Grave. N. Y. 1854. Wiekes. Phil. 1884. Winters. Law Literature. N. Y. 1889. Burking, O'Callaghan. 1834. Usury, etc. Burling. Business Cori>orations. See Corporations, Business. Business Directory, N. Y. City. Wilson. 1883, 1886-1887. Business : i^aws of. Corey. N. Y. 1885. Parsons. Hartf. 1890. Robinson. Chic. 1886. Spalding. Forms and Precedents. N. Y. 1883. Wells. N. Y. 1886. See also Commercial Law. By-Laws. A. & E. Encyc, v. 2. Lumley. Lond. 1877. See also Corporations. c. Caicos Islands. See page 123. Calendars. See Record Commission. California. See page 124. Cambria. See Wales. Canada, Dominion of. See page 129. Canada (Lower), now Que- bec. See page 133. Canada (Upper), now On- tario. See page 131. Canals. Chapman. N. Y. Canal Laws. 1873. English Commissioners. Practice. (Butterworth.) 1889. English Railway and Canal Cases. 7 V. 1840-55. English Traffic Act. (Hunter.) 1889. Erie and Champlain Canal Laws. 2 V. 1825. N. Y. Livestigating Commission. Report. 2 v. 1877. N. Y. Select Committee on Frauds. Report. 1846. Railway and Canal Traffic Cases. (Neville and Macnamara.) 6 v. 1874-89. Terwilliger. Digest of Claims, N. Y. Canal Board. 1865. Webster. Treatise. Lond. 1885. Woodfall. Traffic. Lond. 1889. Wordsworth. Treatise. Lond. 1851. See also Highways ; — Waters. Canon Law. Ayliflfe. Parergon. Lond. 1726. Bullingbrooke. Church of Ireland. 2 V. 1770. Butler. Hora^ 'Juridica? Subsecivfe. Phil. 1808. Calvinus. Lexicon Juridicum. 1612. 980 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Canon Law. — Continued. Corpus Juris Canonici. (Lancelot.) 1G22. Davis. English. 1869. Dodd. History of. 1884. Fitz-Gerald. Lond. 1851. Fulbeck. Lond. 1601-2. Jacob. Introduction. Lond. 1721. Owen. Institutes. Lond. 1884. Protestant Episcoj)al Church. X. Y. 1890. Sanchez. Matrinionium. 3 v. Lui^d. 162o. Vinton. Protestant Episcopal. X. Y. 1870. Voet. Compendium Juris. Lugd. Bat. 1720. Weber. Ehehindernisse. Freib. 1886. See also Ecclesiastical Law. Cape of Good Hope. See page 135. Capital Punishment. See Death Penalty ; — Punish- ments : and Jones' Index. Capture in War. Lee. Lond. 1759. Von Martens. Lond. 1801. Shephard. Lond. 1870. Wheaton. N. Y. 1815. Wildman. Lond. 1854. See also Prize. Car Trusts. Rawlf. Phil. 1885. Carlisle Tables. McKean. Lond. 1876. Carriers. A. & E. Encvc, V. 2. Angell. Bost. 1877. Bedarride. 2 v. Par. 1876. Bonney. Chic. 1864. Browne. X. Y. 1883. Carver. By Sea. Lond. 1885. Chitty and Temple. Phil. 1857. Goodeve. Lond. 1880. Hutchinson. Chic. 1879. Ivatts. Lond. 1883. Jeremy. Lond. 1816. Jones. Lond. 1827. Lawson. Contracts. St. L. 1880. Macnamara. Lond. 1888. Macpherson. Calcutta, 1880. .^larshall. Lond. 1862. Mver's Fed. Decis., v. 5. Xash. Lond. 1846. Powell. Inland. Lond. 1861. Redfield. Canib. 1869. Kedman. Lond. 1880. Rogers. Tor. 1875. Sainctelette. Accidents. Par. 1884. Schouler. Bost. 1887. Simon. Railwav Companies. Lond. 1862. Stimson. History of Express Busi- ness. X. Y. 1881. Thompson. St. L. 1880. Wheeler. Modern Law. X. Y. 1890. See also Accidents : — Xegli- gence; — Railways; and Jones' Index. Cases. See Reports, under the various countries and states; also the diiTerent subjects. Catalogues. Advocates' Library, Edinburgh. 7 v. 1867-79. Baltimore Bar Library. Subject. 1882. Birmingham Law Society. 1865. Boston Social Law Liln-ary. 1865. Brown University. 1843. California State Library. 2 v. 1870-1. Chicago Law Institute. 1887. Cottonian Manuscripts. 1802. Equitable Life Assur. Co. Law Li- brary. 1880. Gray's' Inn. 1888. Hardy. Materials for History of Gt." Britain, etc. 3 v. 1862-5. Harleian Manuscripts. 4 v. 1808-12. Hartwell House Law Library. 1865. Harvard University. 2 v. "1830. Law Library. 1846. Indiana State Library. 1872. Law Library." 1889. Lansdowne Manuscripts. 2 v. 1812- 19. Law Society of the United Kingdom. 1869. Lincoln's Inn Library. 2 v. 1859-90. Massachusetts State Library. 1880. Supplements, 1880-1890. Melbourne Public Library. 3 v. 1861-73. Middle Temple Library. 2 v. 1845. 1880. Nevada State Library. 1890. N. Y. Historical Society. 1859. N. Y. Law Institute. 1874. X. Y. Secretary of State's Office. Maps, etc. 1859. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 981 Catalogues. — Continued. N. Y. Society Library. 1850. N. Y. State Library. GeneraL 3 v. 1855-73. Law. 3 V. 1855-83. Maps, Manuscripts, etc, 1857. Ohio State Library. ly75. Pennsylvania State Library. 1859. Quebec Library of tlie Bar. French. 1876. St. Louis Law Library. 1881. Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet. 185G. Tower (Charlemagne). Collection. 1890. U. S. Congressional Library. Law. 1869. U. S. Dept. of State. Law of Na- tions. 1881. U. S. Government Publications. (Hickeox.) 7 v. 1885-91. (Poore.) 1885. Upper Canada Law Society. 1886-8. Wisconsin Historical Society. 2 v. 1873. See also Bibliography. Cathedral Trusts. Whiston. Roch. 1850. Catholic Law. See Ecclesiastical Law. Cattle, Lease of. Pothier. Par. 1774. Cause. Lotmar. Im Romischen Recht. Miinch. 1875. Causes, Removal of. See Removal of Causes. Caveat Emptor. Whittle. Phil. 1890. See also Vendors and Purcliasers. Cayuga Nation. O'Brien. Treaties. Alb. 1885. Cemeteries. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. See also Burial ; — Ecclesiastical Law. Census Statistics. See New York ; — United States. Certificates. Woolrych. Lond. 1836. Certiorari. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Wood. Alb. 1891. See also Appellate Proceedings; — Extraordinary Remedies. Ceylon. See page 143. Chaldsea. Revillout. Le Droit de. Par. 1886. Challenge of Jurors. See Juries. Chambers' Practice. Archibald. Forms. Lond. 1879. Bagley. Phil. 1837. Coe. Lond. 1876. Champerty. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 5. Tapp. Lond. 1861. See also Jones' Index. Chance : Laws of. See Gaming. Chancellors, Lord. See Lord Chancellors. Chancery : costs. See Costs. Decrees. Seton. 2 v. Lond. 1877-9. ' Digests of Decisions. See Equity Jurisprudence. — — Forms and Precedents. Ayckbourn. Lond. 1873. Dickinson. New Jersey. 1879. Drewrv. Lond. 1876. Farreii. Chic. 1866. Hands. Lond. 1809. Oliver. Bost. 1843. Potts. New Jersey. 1873. Praxis. Lond. 1703-25. Seton. 2 v. Lond. 1877-9. Tripp. Lond. 1858. See also Equity Forms and Prece- dents. 982 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Chancery: Histoiy. Braithwaite. Six Clerks in. Lond. 1879. Burroughs. Lond. 172(1. Gilbert. Wasii. 1874. Marsh. Tor. 1890. Parkes. Lond. 1828. Robinson (C). Richm. 1882. Jurisdiction. Barry. Statutory. Lond. 1861. Burroughs. Lond. 1727. Chambers. Over Infants. Lond. 1842. Iladdan. Administrative. Lond. 1862. Jeremy. X. Y. 1840. Miller. Custodv of Children. Lond. 1828. Spence. Equitable. 2 v. Phil. 1846-50. See also Equity. Masters in. See Masters in Chancery. Orders. Ayckbourn. Lond. 1873. Beames. Lond. 1815. Beavan. Lond. 1846. Cox. Lond. 1861. Edwards. Lond. 1845. Kennedy. Lond. 1850. Morgan and Wurtzburg. Lond. 1885. Parkes. Lond. 1830. Practical Register. Lond. 1714. Rules and Orders. Lond. 1739. Sanders. 2 v. Lond. 1845. Seton. 2 v. Lond. 1877-9. Petitions. Williams. Lond. 1880. Pleadings. Barton. 2 v. Richm. 1881-3. Cooper. X. Y. 1813. Daniell. 3 v. Lond. 1882-4. Dickinson. XewJersev. 1879. Farren. Chic. 1866. Jennison. Detr., 1882. Mitford. bv Jeremv. Lond. 1827. bv Tvler. X. Y. 1876. Puterbavigh! Chic. 1888. Practice. Atkinson. Lond. 1834. Ayckbourn. Lond. 1880. Barbour. 3 v. X. Y. 1874-5. Barton. 2 v. Richm. 1881-3. Bedford. Lond. 1878. Blake. Alb. 1824. Bohun. Lond. 1723. Braithwaite. Lond. 1858. Daniell. 2 v. Lond. 1882-4. Drewrv. Lond. 1856. Evans." Lond. 1881. Gilbert. Wash. 1874. Hallilav. Lond. 1884. Harrison. 2 v. Phil. 1807. Havnes. Lond. 1879. HeiuUam. Lond. 1851. Kill. Illinois. 1873. Ilinde. Dubl. 1786. Hoffman. 3 v. X. Y. 1834-40. Howard. Dul)l. 1774. Jarman. Lond. 1853. Jennison. Detr. 1882. Macnevin. Dubl. 1S52. 3Iaddock. 2 v. Phil. 1832. Moulton. 3 V. X. Y. 1829-132. Xapier. Lond. 1884. Xewland. 2 v. X. Y. 1826. O'Dowd. Lond. 1853. Parker. Lond. 1794. Peel. Lond. 1883. Puterbaugh. Chic. 1888. Simjjson. Lond. 1845. Smith (John S.). 2 v. Phil. 1842. Lond. 1848. Snow and Winstanlev. Lond. 1880. Turner. 2 v. Lond! 1817. Underhill. Lond. 1881. Yeal. Lond. 1842. Wyatt. Lond. 1800. See also Equity Practice. Proceedings. Calendars of. 3 v. Lond. 1827-32. Records. Monro. Lond. 1847. See also Record Commission. Reform. See Law Reform : Chancery. Rules. See Court Rules. Si.v Clerks. Braithwaite. Lond. 1879. See also Sanders' Orders in Chan- cery: and Vesey's Reports, v. 3. pp. 590-003." Statutes. Cox. Lond. 1861. Morgan and Wurtzburg. Lond. 1885. Parkes. Lond. 1830. Change of Yenne. A. & E. Encyc. v. 3. Charitable Societies : in- corporation of. Snyder. X. Y. 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 983 Charitable Trusts Acts. C!ooke and Harwood. Loud. 18fi7. Tudor. Lond. 1871. Uses and Charitable Trusts. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Beekman vs. The People, et al. N. Y. 1858-61. Boyle. Lond. 1837. Carlisle. Historical Account. Lond. 1828. C'ooke and Harwood. Lond. 1807. Darling. Lond. 1856. Duke. Lond. 1805. Dwight. N. Y. 1863. Fearon. Lond. 1855. Finlason. Lond. 1860. Hamilton. Dubl. 1881. Heme. Lond. 1663. Hewley. Lond. 1839. Highmore. Lond. 1809. Kennv. Lond. 1880. Myer's Fed. Decis.. v. 38. Noyes. N. Y. 1861. Shelford. 2 v. Phil. 1843. Tudor. Lond. 1889. Tvssen. Lond. 1888. Whiteford. Lond. 1878. See also C'y Pres Doctrine; — Mortmain; and Jones' Index. Charleston. See page 140. Charter Parties. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Lawes. Lond. 1813. Scrutton. Lond. 1886. "Wood. Mercantile Agreements. Lond. 1886. Charter Rolls. See Record Commission. Charters. Ayloffe. Calendars of Ancient Char- ters. Lond. 1774. Blackstone. Tracts. Dubl. 1767. British Colonies in America. Lond. 1750. Cinque Ports. Ancient Charter. Lond. 1683. Madox. Ancient Charters. Lond. 1703. New York Citv. Kent. 1854. Stubbs. Select Charters. Oxf. 1884. Thomson. Magna Charta, etc. Lond. 1839. Chattel Mortgages. A. & E. Encvc, v. 3. Barron. Tor. 1888. Herman. N. Y. 1877. Jones. Bost. 1883. Pierce. Fraudulent. St. L. 1884. Pingrev. Jer. Citv. 1891. Smith (D. W.). Alb. 1889. Thomas. N. Y. 1889. Tiedeman. St. L. 1891. See also Mortgages; and Jones' Index. Checks. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Argles. Prance. Lond. 1878. Barclay. France. Lond. 1884. Bedarride. Par. 1876. Chalmers, by Benjamin. Chic 1889. Jencken. England, France and Germany. Lond. 1880. Roseoe. Lond. 1839. Shaw. Lond. 1871. Smith (James W.). Lond. 1884. Storv. Bost. 1878. Vidari. Milano, 1885. See also Banks and Banking : — Bills and Notes ; — Negotiable Instruments. Chemistry. Natiuet. Legal. N. Y. 1876. Cherokee Nation. See page 148. Chicago. See i)age 149. Chickasaw Nation. See page 149. Chief Justices. See Biography. Children. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Delafield. N. Y. 1876. N. Y. Societv for Prevention of Crueltv. Manual. 1888. Whitmore. Adoption. Alb. 1876. See also Domestic Relations: — Infancy; — Parent and Child; and Jones' Index. Chili. See page 150. 984 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BART OF Chiua. See page 150. Clilorofonu. Rogers. In Robbery. N. Y. 1871. Choctaw Nation. See page 153. Choses in Action. Kehoe. Tor. 1881. See also Xegotiable Instruments. Christianity and the Com- mon La^v. Anderson. Relations of. Best. 1879. Christmas. Capital Punishments. Lond, 1845. Jefferson's Virginia Reports. Ap- pendix. Webster. Girard Will Case. X. Y. 1844. See also Jones' Index : and Lib- erty. Chronicles and 31emori- als of Great Britain and Ireland. Set page 154. Chiu'cli and Clergy. Baum. Rectors' Rights and Duties. PhU. 1879. Blew. Organs and Organists. Lond. 1878. Blunt. Church Law. Lond. 1885. Briee. Public Worship. Lond. 1875. Brooke. Churchwarden's Guide. Lond. 1881. Burroughs. Customarv Estates. Lond. 1731. Cawlev. Jesuites, Priests, etc. Lond. 1680. Cripps (C. A.). Treatise. Lond. 1886. Cripps (H. W.). Cases. Lond. 1849-50. Cunningham. Simonv. Lond. 1784. Dale (J. M.). Legal Ritual. Lond. 1871. Dale ^J. M. and C. C. M.). Clergy- man's Legal Handbook, Lond. 1875. Degge. The Parson's Counsellor. Lond. 1677. Dodd. Burial and Church Fees. Lond. 1881. I Doderidge. Compleat Parson. Lond. 1641. Erck. Irish Ecclesiastical Register. Dubl. 1830. Greaves. Clerical Vestments. Lond. 1867. Hoffman. Episcopal. X. Y. 1850. Ritual Law. X. Y. 1872. Humphrey. Manual: with Forms. X. Y. 1891. Hunt. Religious Corporations. X. Y. 1876. Innes. Creeds in Scotland. Edin. 1867. Kinahan. Churchwardens. Dubl. 1835. IvAMiett and Cotton. Law? and Forms. X. Y. 1887. Merrill. Methodist Law. Cin. 1888. Mirehouse. Advowsons. Lond. 1824. Muscutt. History of Church Laws. Lond. 1851. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 5. Prideaux. Churchwardens. Lond. 1886. Protestant Episcopal Church. Digest of Canons. X. Y. 1890. Snyder. Religious Corporations. js\ Y. 1879. Stephens. Laws relating to the Clergy. 2 y. Lond. 1848. Strong." X. Y. 1875. Trower. Building of Churches. Lond. 1874. Urlin. Legal Guide for the Clergy. Lond. 1881. Walters. Power to Grant Leases. Lond. 1828. Watson. Clergyman's Law. Lond. 1725. Whist on. Cathedral Trusts. Lond. 1850. See also Burial: — Canon Law ; — Ecclesiastical Law ; and Jones' Index. Chnrch and State. Hinschius. Freib. 1883. Chnrch Seats. See Pews. Cincinnati. See page 158. Cinque Ports. Ancient Charier. Lond. 1774. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 985 Circumstantial Evidence. Best. Presumptions. Phil. 1845. Burrill, Treatise. N. Y. 1868. Donellan (John). Case of; with Ob- servations. Lond. 1781. Phillips. Famous Cases. 2 v. N. Y. 1873-8. Wills. Treatise. Phil. 1843. Citation. Campbell. Citation and Diligence. Edin. x863. Citations. See Overruled Cases; — the vari- ous Countries, States, etc. Of Authorities. Soule. Lawyer's Reference Manual. 1884. Cities. Binmore. Illinois Law. 1890. Bowyer. Of Italy. Lond. 1838. Brady. Historical Treatise. Lond. 1777. Madox. Of England. Lond. 1720. Merewether and Stephens. Of the United Kingdom. 3 v. Lond. 1835. Michel. Droit de Cite Roraaine. Par. 1885. See also Municipal Corporations. Citizenship. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Morse. Bost. 1881. Myer's Fed. Decis.. v. 5. Parsons. Hartf. 1876. Webster. Alb. 1891. Wright. Chic. 1863. See also Expatriation ; — Nation- ality : — Naturalization ; and Jones' Index, City Court, N. Y. City, for- merly Marine Court. City Court Reports. 1874-1888. 2 v. McAdam. Practice. 1877. Sayre. Laws relative to. 1854. Scott. Removal of the Justices. 1840. Statutes relating to Assistant Jus- tices. 1830. [Pam., v. 13.] Civil Damage Act. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Civil Law. See Roman or Civil Law. Civil Malpractice. See Malpractice. Civil Procedure. See Actions ; — Codes ; — Pleading ; — Practice ; etc. Civil Regulations of the Ancients. Barrett and Spence. Lond. 1812. Civil Rights. Justice and Jurisprudence. Phil, 1889. See also Constitutional Law; and Jones' Index. Civil Service. Clarke. N. Y, Comstock. N. Y. 1885. Copp. Wash. 1883. Eaton. In Great Britain. N. 1880. Commissioners. • See England ; — New York ; — United States. Claims against Govern- ments. Alabama. See page 10, Commission between U. S. and Gt. Brit. Wash. 1856. French Spoliation. See page 308. Law of. Mode of Adjusting, etc. Wash. 1875. Revolutionary. Wash. 1838. Virginius. Indemnitv from Spain. 1875. [Pam., v. 4.] Sec also Arbitration. Clandestine Marriages. Burn. Fleet Marriages. Lond. 1834. Enquiry into Act Annulling. Lond. 1754. Stebbing. Lond. 1755. Tunstall. Lond. 1755. Clergy. See Canon Law ; — Church Clergy ; — Ecclesiastical Law. and 9SG CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAEY OF Clerk's Assistant. Abbott. X. Y. 187-2. Clerk's Assistant. Poughk. 1805. Field. Roeh. 1890. Freeman. Bost. 1794. Jenkins. Alb. 1884. MeCall. Alb. 1884. See also Forms ; — Precedents. Clubs: Constitutions, By-Laws, etc. Harvard, Holland Society. Lawyers* Club. St. Nicholas Club. St. Nicholas Society. Union League. University. See also Bar Associations. ^Law of, etc. Daly. Lond. 1889. Leach. Cases. Lond. 1879. New York Corporation Code. 1884. Snvder. New York Law. 1889. Wertheimer. Lond. 1889. See also Jones' Index, Coaluiila. See Texas. Coal Mines. See Mines. Code Pleading, Practice, etc. Abbott. Forms. 2 v. N. Y. 1887-8. Bates. 2 v. Cin. 1881-2. Bavlies. \Vith Forms, Roch, 1890. Bliss. St. L. 1887. Boone, 2 v. San Fran, 1885-6, Burch. California. 1885. Estee. 3 v. San Fran. 1885. Green and Kellv. St. L. 1879-80. Hayden. Alb. 1848. Lawson. Rights. Remedies, etc. 7 v, San Fran. 1889-90. Miller. Iowa. 1875. Morgan. Ohio. 1874. Nash. 3 V. Cin. 1874. Overton. Wis. and Iowa. 1875. Pomerov. Remedies, etc. Bost. 1883. Taylor." Kansas. 1888. Townshend. N. Y. 1848. Warner. Questions on Code of Civil Procedure. N. Y. 1888. Service of Papers. N. Y. 1890. Yaple. 2 v. Cin. 1887. Time Table. Caiman. N. Y, 1883. Codes. See the various States. Codicils. A. & E. Encvc See also Will V. 3. Codification: Anglo-American Law. Terry. Phil. 1884. California. Pomeroy. N. Y. 1885. Canada. Loranger. Bas-Canada. 2 v. 1873-9. Lorimier. Province de Quebec. 21 v. 1871-90. England. Amos. 1873. Beaumont. Real Property. 1827. Bentham. Constitutional Code. 1823. Best. 1850. Blaxland. 1839. Criminal Code. Letters on. 1847. Dixon. Real Property. 1827. Harrison. Evidence. 1825. Hawkins. 1865. Lawson. 1872. Marshall. 1861. Pavitt. Par. 1885. Reddie. 1828. Svms. 1870. Lfniacke. 1825. — Germany. Danz. 1861. ' India. Penal Code. Commissioners' Reports. 1846-7. Stokes. 1879. International Law. Association for Reform, etc. Reports. Lond. 1874-81. Field. N. Y. 1876. Lacombe. Lond. 1876. Lawrence. Newport. 1866. Levi. N. Y. 1888. Marcoartu. Lond. 1876. Sprague. Lond. 1876. Summons. Fitnam. Denver, 1883. New York, etc. Adams. 1888. Agar. 1881. Auerbach. 1877. Bishop. 1888. Carter. 1884. Chamberlain. 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 987 Cotlificatioil : New Yoit, etc. — Continued. Codification of Common Law. 1882. Coudert. 1881. Dougherty. 1880. D wight. '1882. Edmonds. 1848. Emott. 1880. Field. 1881. Fowler. 1884. Greene. 1867. Griiinell. 1880. Hall. 1886. Hornblower. 1888. Ivins. 1880. Law Reform Tracts. 1853-5. Leavitt. 1886-7. Mathews. 1881. Miller. 1882-8. Moak. 1886. N. Y. Bar Assoc. Reports. PincoflEs. 1888. Pomeroy. 1877. Rives. 1885. Sampson. 1826. Sedgwick. 1885. Shipman. 1881. Strong. 1883. Throop. 1877. Van Cott. 1885. Viele. 1880. See also New York State, pp. 617-621; and Jones' Index. Russia. Tatischeif. Lond. 1768. Cog^iiovit. Hawkins. Lond. 1844. Roljinson. Lond. 1844. Collateral Consanguinity. Blaekstone. Tracts. Dubl. 1767. Wynne. Tracts. Lond. 1765. Collateral Inheritance Tax. Dos Passos. N. Y. 1890. Collateral Securities. Colebrookc. Chic. 1883. Jones. Bost. 1883. Smith (Lewis L.). Transfer of Nego- tiable Paper. Phil. 1889. See also Pledges; — Securities. Collected Works. See Works, Collected. Collection Laws. Andrews. N. Y. 1873. Hubbell. N. Y. 1870-90. Jellett. San Fran. 1876. Smith (E. A.). St. L. 1875. Trow. N. Y. 1875. Ulman. N. Y. 1875. See also Commercial Law. Collectors' Manual. Cothran. N. Y. 1889. Hitchcock. New England States. 1889. Thompson. Alb. 1886. Collieries. Fowler and Lewis. See also Mines. Lond. 1884. Collisions at Sea. Lowndes. Lond. 1867. Marsden. Lond. 1885. Preble. Bost. 1886. See also Admiralty; — Rule of the Road. Colonial Constitutions, British. Creasy. Stokes. Lond. 1872. Lond. 1783. Colonial Law. Anstey. Competence of Legislatures. Lond. 1868. Burge. Commentaries. 4 v. Lond. 1838. Chalmers. Opinions. Burling. 1858. Clark. Summary. Lond. 1834. Forsyth. Cases and Opinions. Lond. 1869. Howard. Laws of British Colonies. 2 V. Lond. 1827. Motte. Protection to Aboriginal Inhaljitants. Lond. 1840. Pownall. Administration of the Colonies. 2 v. Lond. 1768-74. Tarring. Law relating to the Colo- nies. Lond. 1882. Todd. Parliamentary Government. Bost. 1880. Wedderburn. British Colonial Pol- icy. Lond. 1881. White. Concessions ot Land. 2 v. Phil. 1839. Colonial Records. Connecticut. Massachusetts 1636-1776. 15 v. , 1628-1686. 5 v. 988 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Colonial Records. — Co7i. Xew Haven. 1638-16Gr). 2 v. New York. (O'Callajjlian, etc.) 13 v. Xew York Chamber of Commerce. (Stevens.) 1768-1784. Pennsvlvania. 1688-1790. 16 v. Kliode Island. (Bartlett.) 1636- 1792. 10 V. Colorado Territory. See page 170. Coiiiiuaiidatary Partner- ship. See Limited Partnership. Commentaries. See American Law, etc. Commerce. Castle. Law of. in time of War. Lond. 1870. McCniloch. Dictionai-y of. 3 v. Phil. 1847. Molloy. 2 V. Lond. 1769. Naval Trade and Commerce. 2 v. Lond. 1738-9. Upton. During War. N. Y. 1862. Ward. Speeches. N. Y. 1877. See also Commercial Law; — 3Iantime Law ; etc. Commercial Agency. Campbell. Lond. 1881. Commercial Codes. See the various Countries. Commercial Courts. TIntton. Dubl. 1857. Commercial Forms. See Forms, Commercial Lai^V: American. Bateman. Phil. 1860. Blunt. N. Y. 1837. Brice. Bait. 1814. Bryant and Stratton. N. Y. 1861. Chamberlain. Hartf. 1871. Commercial Law Register. N. Y. 1878. Commercial Precedents. Hartf. 1881. Corev. Law without Lawyers. N. Y. 1885. Dean. Alb. 1838. Desty. San Fran. 1880. Holcombe. Leading Cases. N. Y. 1847. jMihills. Summarv. Des Moines, 1889. Oliver. Law Summarv. Hallowell, 1833. Olmsted and Putzel. Precedents. Hartf. 1889. Parsons. Laws of Business. Hartf. 1890. Putzel and Biihr. Precedents. Hartf. 1881. Robinson. Law made easy. Chic. 1886. Sharswood. Lectures. Phil. 1856. Spalding. Forms and Precedents. N. Y. 1883. Spencer. Hints from a ' Lawyer, N. Y. 1888. Tracy. N. Y. 1871. See also Mercantile Law. Enelish. Chittv. 4 V. Lond. 1824. Earnshaw. Lond. 1819. Levi. International. 2 v. Lond. 1863. Minet vs. Gibson. Dubl. 1791. Montefiore. Precedents. Phil. 1822. Okev. Par. 1842. Points in Law. Dubl. 1793. Ross. Leading Cases. 3 v. Phil. 1854-8. Sleigh. Criminal I^aw applicalile to. Lond. 1858. Smith's Leading Cases. 2 v. Phil. 1885. Woolrych. Lond. 1829. See also Mercantile Law. France. See i)age 301. Germany. See page 326. Holland. See page 389. Italy. See page 428. Russia. See page 746. Spain. .^e page 801. Commercial Legislation. Wendt. Maritime. Lond. 1868. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 989 Coniiiiercial Paper. Randolph. 3 v. Jer. City, 1886-8. Tiedeman. St. L. 1889. See also Bills and Notes ; — Ne- gotiable Instruments ; etc. Coininission. Hill. Chic. 1879. Coniniissioii Merchants. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. See also Factors and Brokers. Coniiiiissioners of Deeds. Adams. Saratoga Springs, 1882. Giauque. Cin. 1888. Notaries', etc., Hand-Book. N. Y. 1877. Snyder. N. Y. 1889. Comiiiissioners, United States. See U. S. Commissioners. Common Assurances. See Assurances, Common. Common Carriers. See Carriers. Common Law. Ames. Cases on Pleading. Camb. 1875. Anderson. Relations of Christianity to. Bost. 1879. Bacon. Elements. Lond. 1636. Broom. Commentaries. Lond. 1884. Philosophy. Lond. 1883. Crabb. History." Burling. 1831. Dugdale. Origines Juridiciales. Lond. 1680. Francis. Procedure Acts. Lond. 1854. Hale. History. Lond. 1794. Holmes. Lectures. Bost. 1881. Indermaur. Epitome of Leading Cases. Lond. 1877. Principles. Lond. 1885. Jacob. Introduction. Lond. 1731. Lawson. Leading Cases simplified. St. L. 1882. McKelvey. Pleading. Bost. 1886. Minor. Institutes. 4 v. Richm. 1876-9. Perry. Reforms. Lond. 1850. Present State. Lond., no date. Puterbaugh. Illinois, etc. 1888. Reeves. History. 5 v. Phil. 1880. Sampson. Discourse. N. Y. 1826. Selden. English Janus. Lond. 1682. Shirley. Leading Cases made easy. Lond. 1888. Smith (Jos. W.). Manual. Lond. 1887. Walker. Theory. Bost. 1852. Walpole. Rubric. Lond. 1880. Wheeler. Abridgment of Amer. Cases. 8 y. N. Y. 1833-6. Wingate. Reason of the Common Law. Lond. 1658. See also Suljject-Index : Eng- land, Law of. Practice. Archbold. Lond, 1855. Beebee. Analysis. N. Y. 1837. Bewley and Naish. Dubl. 1871. Boyle. Precis of an Action. Lond. 1881. Cocke. U. S. Jurisprudence. N. Y. 1871. Cox. Wash. 1877. Day. Lond. 1872. Francis. Lond. 1854. Hill. Illinois. 2 y. 1872. Kerr. Lond. 1852. Markham. Lond. 1864. Puterbaugh. Illinois, etc. 1888. Spaulding. Maine. 1881. Tidd. 2>. Phil. 1807. Common Pleas, Court of — England. Archbold. Forms and Entries. 1828. Bohun. Practising Attorney. 2 y. 1732. Chitty. Forms. 1866. Compleat Attorney's Practice. 1737. Cooke. Practical Register. 1743. Rules, Orders and Notices. 1747. Crompton. Practice. 2 v. 1787. Gilbert. History, etc. 1761. Impey. Practice. 1826. Instructor Clericalis. 7 v. 1713-22. Praxis Utriusque Banci. 1674. Reports of Cases. See page 259. Rules, Orders and Notices. 1742. Sellon. Practice. 2 y. 1813. Common Recoveries. Coventry. Lond. 1820. Gibbs. 'Lond. 1821. Pigott. Dubl. 1792. See also Fines and Recoveries. 990 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB B ART OF Comiuons and AVaste Lands. Chambers. Lond. 1877. Cooke. Lond. 1864. Elton. Lond. 1868. Commons' Bill. Loud. 1876. Finlaison. Lond. 1867. Hall. Profits V. Par. 1774. Companies : Law. Practice, etc. Bedarride. 3 v. Par. 1878. Browne. Lond. 1867. Buckley. Lond. 1883. LiabilitT of Members. Lond. 1873. Eraden. Lond. 1883. Finlason. Liability of Promoters. Lond. 1877. Palmer. Lond. 1890. Pulbrook. Lond. 1882. Smith (T. E. ). Lond. 1885. Watts. Promoters. Lond. 1880. See also Joint-Stook Co.'s ; — Shares : — Winding up of Co.'s, Precedents. Palmer. Lond. 1884. Conipendinins. See the various subjects. Co nipensation. Dernburg. Ileidelb. 1868. For Agricultural Improve- lueiits. Bund. Lond. 188;j. For Lauds taken by Rail- ways. Ingram. Lond. 1869. Lloyd. Lond. 1870. Morris. Lond. 1870. Wordsworth. Lond. 1867. For Legal Services. Countryman. All). 1882. For Railway Accidents. Godefroi. Lond. 1870. For taking Lands. Composition : Legal and Gen- eral. Gael. Lond. 1840. Composition ^vitll Credit- ors. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Bishop. Insolvent Debtoi-s. X. Y. 1884-8. Bump. In Bankruptcy. St. L. 1877. Composition in Bankruptcv. X. Y. 1882. Forsvth. Harrisb. 184-5. Holland. Lond. 1864. Lawrance. Deeds of Arrangement. Lond. 1886. Montagu. Lond. 1823. Salaman. Lond. 1882. Sills. Lond. 1868. See also Assignments : — Bank- ruptcy : — Debtor and Creditor. Condemnation. See Eminent Domain. Condictio. Baron. Ber. 1881. Condition Snbsequent. Czvhlarz. Resolutivbedingung. Prag, i871. Conditional Sales. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Miller. Cin. 1888. Thomas. N. Y. 1889. Conditions. Bingham and Colvin. Alb. 1857. Confederate States. See page 175. Confessions. A. & E. Encyc. v. 3. Badeley. Religious. Lond. 1865. Hopwood. In Criminal Cases. Lond. 1865. .Joy. Admissibility of. Phil. 1843. See also Jones' Index. Cripps. Loml. 1884. Woolf and Middleton. Lond. 1884. See also Eminent Domain. Christian. See Ecclesiastical Law. Confidential Commnnica- tions. See Privileged Communications. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 001 Conflict of Judicial De- cisions. Bailey. Bait. 188S. Pepper. Phil. 1889. Conflict of Laws. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Asser and Rivier. Par. 1884. Burge. 4 v. Lond. 1838. Foelix, 2 V. Par. 1860. Fraser. In Divorce Cases. Edin. 1860. Hosack. Of England and Scotland. 1847. Kelly. French Marriage Law. N. Y. 1885. Lawrence. Anier. Women Man-ied abroad. 1871.^ Lyon-Oaen. Societes i&trangeres. Par. "1870. Merrill. Studies in. Bost. 1886. Okey. England and France, Par. 1843. Prater. In Marriage, Divorce, etc. Lond. 1835. Rorer. Araer. Inter - State Law. Chic. 1879. Savigny. Edin. 1880. Story. Bost. 1883. Wharton. Phil. 1881. See also Domicil ; — Foreign Judgments ; — Private Inter- national Law ; etc. Congregational Courts. Sharp. Lond. 1786. Congress of the United States. Abridgment of Debates, 1789-1850. (Benton.) 16 v. Annals, 1789-1824. 42 v. Congressional Globe, 1834-1873. 108 parts. Congressional Record, 1874-1891. 116 parts. Counting Electoral Votes. 1877. Election Cases. See pages 876 and 878 History of the 39th. (Barnes.) 1867. Power of, to Punish. 1879. Register of Debates, 1824-1833. 15 v. Twenty Years of. (Blaine.) 2 v. 1884-6. Connecticut. See page 176. Consanguinity. Blackstone. Tracts. 2 v. Oxf. 1762. Causton. Lond. 1842. Wynne. Tracts. Lond. 1765. See also Descent, Consistorial Court. Lothian. Law, Practice, etc. Edin. 1830. See also Scotland: Reports. Conspiracy. Arnold. In Trade Disputes, Lond. 1876. liogan. The Great Conspiracy. N. Y. 1886. Wright. Criminal. Phil. 1887. See also Trials; and Jones' Index, Constables. Adams. Norman in America. 1883. Backus. 2 v. N. Y. 1812. Binmore. Chic. 1882. Care. Lond. 1691. Constable's Guide. Lond. 1771. Crocker. N. Y. 1890. Ewing. New Jersey Law. 1848. Harlow. San Fran. 1884. Hitchcock. New England States. 1889. Kelley. Missouri Law. 1890. Lambard. Lond. 1614. Lumlev. Lond. 1842. McCali. Alb. 1882. Smith (B. D.). Alb. 1883. Snowden. Lond. 1875. Swan. Ohio Law. 1841. Willcock. Phil. 1840. See also Justices of the Peace. Constitution : England. Aeherley. Britannic Constitution. 1727. ' Amos (A.). In Reign of Charles II. 1857. Amos (S.). Fifty Years. 1830-1880. ■ Primer. 1886. Anson. Law and Custom. 1886. Anstey. Guide to History. 1845. Bagehot. Sketch. 1885." Bowen, Documents. 1854, Creasy. Imperial and Colonial. 1872. Custance. Concise View. 1808. Dean. Sketch. 1886. De Lolme, Lond, 1816. [With Western. 1838.] Fischel, translated by Shee. 1863. 002 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF Coiistitvition Continued. Kiijtfland. 1881 1812. Franquet de Franqueville. 3 v. Freeman. Growth. 1872. Gifford. Smninarv. 1824. Glassoii. G V. Par. 1882-3. Hensnian. Handbook. 1860. Jacob. 1719. Jopp. Historical Reflections. Lees. Analysis. 2 v. 1811. Rowland. Manual. 1859. Stubbs. Select Charters. 1884. Sullivan. Lectures. 2 v. 1805. Taylor. Origin and Growth. 1889. Western. Commentaries. 1838, Germany. Hauff. 1864. Hue de Grais. 1888. Morhain. • 1886. Turner. 1888. United States. Adams. Defence of. 1787. Baker. Essay. 1887. Baldwin. General View. 1837. Bancroft. Plea for. 1886. Bayard. Brief Exposition. 1845. Bowen. Documents. 1854. Butler. Lectures. 1863. Carson. 100th Anniversary. 2 v. 1889. Chambrun. Pouvoir Executif . 1873. Curtis. History. 3 v. 1863. Desty. Annotated. 1887. Du Ponceau. Brief View. 1834. Farrar. Manual. 1872. Federalist (The). Essays. 1870. Fisher. Trial of. 1862. Flanders. Exposition. 1885. Ford. Pamphlets. 1787-9. Hickey. Manual. 1878. McMaster and Stone. Pennsylvania and the Constitution. 1888. Marshall. Writings. 1839. Miller. Lectures. 1880. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 6-7. Paschal. Annotated. 1876. Rawle. View of. 1829. Story. Commentaries. 2 v. 1873. Towle. History and Analysis. 1873. See also Jones' Index. Journal, Acts and Proceedings at Philadelphia, 1787. Bost. 1819. IMadison Papers. Debates, etc.. 1776- 87. 3 V. New Jersey. Minutes. 1787. Secret Proceedings, etc., at Philadel- phia. 1787, (Yates.) State. See the several States. Coiistitutioiial History ; Canada. Bourinot. 1888. Watson. 1874. — England. Constitutional tions. Conven- Jameson. 1887. Federal. Chittenden. Secret Sessions. 1861. Clason. Seven Conventions. 1888. Elliot. Debates, etc., 1787-8. 5 v. Anstev. Guide. 1845. Brodie. 3 v. 1866. Brougham. 1844. Creasv. 1880. Fulton. Manual. 1875. Gneist. 2 v. 1886. Hallam. 3 v. 1872. Jopp. Historical Reflections. 1812. Mav. 2 V. 1874. Stubbs. 3 V. 1878-83. Taswell-Langniead. 1880. Taylor. 1889. United States. Biddlo. Lecture. 1889. Chamberlain. Ijecture. 1889. Cooley. Lecture. 1889. Curtis. 2 V. 1863. Hitchcock. Lecture. 1889. Von Hoist. 1750-1859. 6 vols. Howard. Local. 1889. Kent. Lecture. 1889. Landon. Lectures. Mcintosh. Notes. Rosfers. As seen 1889. Sterne. 1888. Willoughbv. The Court. 1890. 1889. 18-; Amer. I^aw. U. S. Supreme Constitutional Lraw. Gareis. Allgemeines Staatsrecht. Freib. 1883.' Bibliogfrapliy Allgemeine Bibliographic. 3 v. Bar. 1888-90. Canada. Munro. 1889. O'Sullivan. 1879. Travis. 1884. Watson. 1880. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 993 Constitutional Law : Eng- land. Bowyer. 1846. Broom. 1885. Chalmers. Cases and Opinions. 1858. Collectanea Juridica. 3 v. 1791-2. De Lohne. 1816. [With Western. 1838.] Dicey. Lectures. 1886. Forsyth. Cases and Opinions. 1869. Thomas. Leading Cases. 1885. France, Warnkonig and Stein. Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte. 3 v. Basel, 1846-8. See also page 301, Germany. See page 328. Mexico. Vallarta. 2 v. 1881-3. Prussia, Von Eonne. 4 v. 1881-4. United States. A. & E. Encyc, v. 3. Bateman. 1876. Black. Prohibitions. 1887. Bliss. Sovereignty. 1885. Boutmy. Par. 1885. Bump. Notes of Decisions. 1878. Conkling. 1883. Cooley, Limitations. 1890. Principles. 1880. Duer. Lectures. 1856. Hare. 2 v. 1889. Von Hoist. 1887. Justice and Jurisprudence. 1889. Lawson. Leading Cases. 1883. Mills. Constitutional Annotations. 1890. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 6-7. Ordronaux. Legislation. 1891. Parsons. Lecture. 1861. Patterson. Federal Restraints. 1888. Pomeroy. 1886. Potter. Limitations. 1871. Sedgwick. Construction. 1874. Sergeant. 1830. Smith (E. F.). Construction. 1848. Swift. Power of Legislatures. 1816. Tiedeman. Unwritten Constitution. 1890. Tiffany. Tucker, Webster. 1848. Whiting. 1867. Lectures. 1843. Rhode Island Question. War Powers. 1864. Ste also Jones' Index, Constitutions : state and Federal, American's Guide. 1835, Ante-Bellum. 1880. Davis. Historic Sketch. 1885. Hitchcock. Growth. 1887. Hough, 2 V. 1871-2. Mills. Constitutional Annotations. 1890. Poore. Federal and State. 2v. 1877. Smith (W. L.). Comparative View. 1832. See also the several States. Construction and Inter- pretation of Statutes. Bishop. Written Laws. Bost. 1882, Bow^'er. Lond, 1851. Dwarris. Alb. 1871. Endlich. ,Jer. City, 1888. Giit'ord. New Jersey Courts. 1853. Hardcastle. Lond. 1879. Maxwell. Lond. 1883. Sedgwick. N. Y. 1874. Smith (E. F.). Alb. 1848. Sutherland. Chic. 1891. Thornton. Indiana Courts. 1890. Wade. Retroactive Laws. 1880. Wilberforce. Lond, 1881. See also Blackwell on Tax Titles, V. 2 ;— Edmonds' N. Y. Statutes at Large, v. 1. Construction : of constitu- tional Law. See Constitutional Law. Of Contracts. Greenhood. Public Policy in the Law. Chic. 1886. Jones. Commercial and Trade. N. Y. 1886. Of Wills. See Wills. Of Words "Child. Prior. Lond. 1839, Issue and Consvils. A, & E, Encyc, v. 3. De Clercq and De Vallat. 2 v. Par, 1880. Formulaire. 2 v. Par. 1880. De Cussv. Lpz. 1851. De Miltitz. 8 y. Lond, 1837-9, Inglis, Lond. 1879. Joel. Lond. 1879. Lawrence. Lpz. 1880. Von Martens. Lpz. 1866, 994 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Cousuls. — Continued, De Moreuil. Par. 1853. flyer's Fed. Dec-is., v. 7. Scidmore. Tokio, 1887. Tarring. Lond. 1887. U. S. Kegulations. Wash. 1856. U. S. Reports. Wash. 1880-91. Warden. Par. 1813. Wood. U, S. Regulations. Wash. 1881. Contempt. A. & E. Encvc, v. 3. James. Wa'sh. 1879. Xorth Carolina. Bench and Bar. 1869. Rapalje. N. Y. 1884. See also Jones' Index. Coiitiugeut Contracts. Pothier. Par. 1777. Contingent Interests, As- signment of. Canning. Lond. 182U. Contingent Remainders. See Remainders. Continuance. A. & E. Encvc. v. 3. Contraband of AVar. Moselev. Lond. 1861. Poison." Phil. 1853. Pratt. Lond. 1856. See. also Belligerents: — Neutral- ity. Contract. A. & E. Encvc. v. 3. Addison. 2 'v. Bost. 1883, Aldred. Questions. Lond. 1882. Anson. Chic 1887. Aroni. Futures. X. 0. 1882. Ball. Lond. 1880. Benjamin. Principles of, for Stu- dents. Blooming. 1889. Bingham. Executory. Alb. 1872. Chic 1887. Bispham. In Rem. Phil. 1874. Black. Constitutional Prohibitions. Bost. 1887. Carev. Forms and Precedents. Bait, 1885. Chipman. Burling. 1852. Chitty. Lond. 1890. Colebrooke. Lond. 1818. Coiuyn. X. Y. 1826. Cunuingham and Shepherd. Indian Act. 1878. Dewey. For Futures. X. Y. 188G. Finch. Select Cases. Lond. 1886. Fox. Simple. Lond. 1842. Giljbons. For Works and Services. Lond. 1849. Gneist. Ber. 1845. Gradv. Mahommedan Law. Lond. 1869. Greenhood. Public Policv in the Law. Chic. 1886. Hare. Bost. 1887. Hilliard. 2 v. Phil. 1872. Humphrey. Precedents. 2 v. Alb. 1845. Jones. Commercial and Trade. X. Y. 1886. Jordan. Questions and Answers. Cin. 1890. Karsten. Middle Age Italian. Ros- tock, 1882. Langdell. Select Cases. 2 v. Bost. 1879. Summary of the Law. Bost, 1880: Leake. Lond. 1878. Leonhard, Irrthum. 2 v. Ber. 1882-3. Loning. Strass. 1876. Metcalf. Bost. 1888. Moore. Forms of Agreements. Lond. 1884. Mver's Fed. Decis., y. 8. Xewland. Eciuitv. Phil.il808. Parsons. 3 y. Bost. 1883. Plumptre. Simple. Lond. 1879. Pollock. Phil. 1888. Pothier. Aleatoires. Par. 1777. Maritime. Bost. 1821. Powell. Exeter, 1822-:3. Ralston. Discharge. Phil. 1886. Schlossmann. Lpz. 1876. Smith (.John W.). Phil. 1885. Storv. 2 y. Bost. 1874. Tavler. Edin. 1849. Verplanck. X. Y. 1825. Wharton. 2 v. Phil. 1882. See also Building : — Carriers : — Married Women ; — Obliga- tions ; — PawnVirokei-s : — Quasi- Contracts : — Specific Perform- ance ; — Theatres ; — Y e r 1j a 1 Agreements ; and Jones" In- dex. Contract of Sale. Atkinson. Lond. 1853. Bell. Phil. 1845. Bingham. Alb. 1872. Blackburn. Phil. 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 995 Contract of Sale. — Con. Brown. Edin. 1821. Parrington. Lond. 1883. Pothier. Bost. 1839. Ross. Leading Cases. Phil. 1855. Voet. Lond. 1876. Coiitribvitioii. X. & E. Eneyc, v. 4. Coiitributories in Joint Stock Co.'s. Collier. Lond. 1875. See also Joint Stock Co.'s Contributory Negligence. A. & E. Encyc, v. 4. Beach. N. Y. 1885. 8ee also Negligence. Conventions, constitutional. See Constitutional Conventions. Conversion of Property. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 4. Leigh and Dalzell. Equity Doctrine. Phil. 1834. See also Torts. Conveyancer's Evidence. Coventry. Phil. 1839. Conveyances, Fraudulent. See Fraudulent Conveyances. Conveyancing : Acts. Davidson. Lond. 1883. Harris and Clarkson. Lond. 1882. Hood and Challis. Lond. 1884. Humphry. Lond. 1882. Underhill. Lond. 1882. Wolstenholrae and Turner. Lond. 1885. Forms. Abbott. N. Y. 1872. Adams. Saratoga Springs, 1882. Atkinson. Lond. 1830. Barry. Lond. 1872. Clayton. Lond. 1855. Curtis. Bost. 1871. Dunlap. Phil. 188(5. Frend. Lond. 1885. Gray don. 2 v. Phil. 1831. Greenwood. Lond. 1881. Jones. Bost. 1891. Kelly. Lond. 1881. Oliver. Portl. 1881. O'Sullivan. Tor. 1882. Spalding. N. Y. 1883. Stewart. 3 v. Lond. 1832. Thornton. Bost. 1854. Willard. Alb. 1885. Leadinjar Cases. Indermaur. Lond. 1881. Tudor. Lond. 1863. Precedents. Atkinson. Lond. 1830. Ball. Lond. 1877. Barrv. Lond. 1872. Barton. 10 v. Lond. 1821-6. Bohun. Practising Attorney. 3 v. Lond. 1732. Bridgman. 2 v. Lond. 1725. Bvthewood and Jarman. 7 v. Lond. '1884-90. Carey. Bait. 1885. Cavanagh. Lond. 1882. Copinger. Lond. 1872. Crabb. 2 v. Lond. 1859. Davidson. 5 v. Lond. 1860-9. Greenwood. Lond. 1881. Haves. Lond. 1837. Humphrey. 2 v. Alb. 1845. Humphry. Lond. 1882. Jacob. .3 V. Lond. 1736. Kelly. Lond. 1881. Lilly. Lond. 1742. Newnam. Dubl. 1785-6. O'Sullivan. Tor. 1882. Pocket Conveyancer. 2 v. Dubl. 1783. Preston. 3 v. Lond. 1819-29. Prideaux and Whitcombe. 2 v. Lond. 1866. Sheppard. Lond. 1825. Spalding. N. Y. 1883. Stewart. 3 v. Lond. 1829-33. Sweet. Lond. 1886. Underhill. Lond. 1885. Wilkinson. Lond. 1881. Wood. 6 V. Dubl. 1792-3. Railway Precedents. Frend and Ware. Lond. 1866. Treatises, etc. A. & E. Encyc, v. 4. Adams. Saratoga Springs. 1882. Atkinson. 2 v. Lond. 1839-41. Ball. Lond. 1877. BaiTy. Lond. 1865. Barton. Lond. 1831. Bell. 2 V. Edin. 1883. Cavanagh. Lond. 1882. Clayton. Lond. 1855. Cornish. Phil. 1856. Deane. Lond. 1883. Elphinstone. Lond. 1884. 996 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Conveyaiicing : Treatises, etc. — Continued. Flintoflf, Lond. 1840. Greenwood. Lond. 1881. Hayes. Lond. 18^7. Hendry. Edin. 18()7. Hughes. 2 V, Lond. 1856-7. Lilly. Lond. 1742. Mai'tindale. St. L. 1889. Mitchell. Pennsylvania Law. 1890. Mver's Fed. Decis., v. 9. Newnam. 3 v. in 6. Dubl. 1785-6. O'Sullivan. Tor. 1882. Perkins. Lond. 1827. Preston. 3 v. Lond. 1819-29. Prideaux and Whitcombe. 2 v. Lond. 1866. Ritson. Lond. 1826. Sheppard. 2 v. Phil. 1840-1. Smith (E.). Lond. 1863. Stewart. 3 v. Lond. 1829-32. Thornton. Bost. 1854. Watkins. Phil. 1838. Wharton. Phil. 1851. Willard. Alb. 1885. Wood. 6 V. Dubl. 1792-3. See also Abstracts of Title; — Alienation ; — Real Property ; and Jones' Lidex. Convictions. A. & E. Encyc, v. 4. Arehbold. 3 v. Lond. 1842. Arnold. Lond. 1860. Boscawen. Dubl. 1792. Hulton. Lond. 1835. Nares. Lond. 1814. Oke. Lond. 1857. Paley. Lond. 1866. Stevens. Tor. 1880. See also Criminal Law; and Jones' Index. Co - operative Associa- tions. Dexter. N. Y. 1889. See also Societies. Copyhold. Blackstone. Tracts. Dubl. 1767. ■Carter. Lond. 1701. Coke. Lond. 1641 ; 1764. Compleat English Copvholder. Lond. 1735. Cuddon. Lond. 1865. Elton. Lond. 1874. English Copvholder. Lond. 1735. Fisher. Lond. 1803. Gilbert. Lond. 1824. Nelson. Lond. 1726. Rouse. Lond. 1866. Scriven. Lond. 1882. Stalman. Lond. 1837. Watkins. 2 v. Lond. 1816. See also Real Property; — Ten- ures ; and Jones' Index. Copyright. Lyon-Caen and Delalain. 2 v. Par. "1889. Canada. Dawson. 1882. France. See page 304. Great Britain. Bidoulac. 1887. Blaine. Artistic. 1853. Bohn. Unreciprocated Foreign. 1851. Brace. Designs. 1842. Byrne. 1859. Chappell and Shoard. 1863. Copinger. 1881. Coryton. Stageright, etc. 1873. Fisher. Digest of Cases. 1872. Eraser. 1860. Godson. 1832. Hotten. 1871. Jerrold. 1881. Lawson. 1889. Leverson. Propertv in Thought. 1854. Lowndes. Historical Sketch. 1840. Macfie. 2 v. 1879-83. Marshall. Fine Arts. 1863. Marston. National and International. 1887. Maugham. 1828. Montefiore. 1802. Newton. Analysis of the Laws. 1884. Norman. Designs and Sculpture. 1851. Phillips. 1863. Purday. Rise and Progress of. 1877. Routh. Artistic. 1881. Scrutton. 1883. Shortt. 1884. Slater. 1884. Tennent. Designs. 1841. Turner. Art, etc. 1849. Winslow. Artistic. 1889. International. Burke. England and France. 1853. Darras. Par. 1887. Holcombe. Phil. 1890. Marston. Lond. 1887. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR, 997 Minerals in. Copyright : united states. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 4. Bowker and Solberg. 1886. Bump. 1884. Carey. Forms and Precedents. 1885. Curtis. 1847. Drone. 1879. Gourick's Digest of Decisions. 1889- 91. Griswold. Synopsis of Decisions. 1883. Howson. 1872. Law. 1870. Digest. 1877. Lawrence vs. Dana. 1866. Morgan. Law of Litei'ature. 2 v. 1875. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 25. Spalding. 1878. Wheaton vs. Peters. 1834. Whitman. Cases, 1810-74. 2 v. U. S. and Foreign. 1871. Hee also Designs ; and Jones' Index. Cornwall (Eng.). Rowe vs. Brenton. Lond. 1830. Coroner. A. & E. Encyc, v. 4. Backus. 2 v. N. Y. 1812. Baker. Lond. 1851. Binmore. Chic. 1882. Compleat Sheriff, etc. Lond. 1710. Crocker. N. Y. 1890. Ewing. N. Y. 1848. Gwynne. Cin. 1849. Impey. Lond. 1835. Jervis. Lond. 1888. Lee. Phil. 1881. Sewell. Lond. 1843. Smith (B. D.). Alb. 1883. Vickers. Chic. 1889. See also Jones' Index. Corporate Securities. Jones. Bost. 1890. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 4. See also Securities. Corporations, Business, etc.: Statutes — Connecticut. Beach. 1891. Illinois. Binmore. 1880. Root. 1890. Kansas. Corporation Laws. 1889. Maine. Dyer. 1884. Massachusetts. Batchelder. 1868. Tucker. 1888. Missouri. Watts. 1890. Nevr Jersey. Corbin. 1891. Kerr. 1890. New York. Baker. 1876. General Statutes. Banks and Bros.* ed. 1890. Guernsey. 1884. Haviland. 1890. Kerr. 1890. Lyon. Tax Laws. McMaster. 1890. Poor. 1886. Soiith worth and Jones. White. 1891. 1889. 1890. Ohio. Brewer and Laubscher. 1886. Pennsylvania. Preedley. 1890. Meredith. 1890. West Virginia. Corporation Laws, Kerr. 1890. 1887. Corporations : Municipal. See Municipal Corporations. Private : Cases, etc. Abbott. Digest. 2 v. N. Y. 1869- 79. American and English Corporation Cases. 30 v. 1884-91. Digest, V. 1-25. (Merrill, etc.) 2 V. 1887-90. American Corporation Cases. 10 v. 1872-87. Digest, V. 1888. 1-10. (Binmore.) American Railroad and Corporation Reports, v. 1. 1890. Dartmouth College Causes. (Shirley.) 1879. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 10. Notes of Railwav and Corporation Cases. 6 v. Northport. 1886-91. Railway and Corporation Law Jour- nal. 9 V. N. Y. 1887-91. 998 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Corporations : Law. A. & E. Encvc, v. 4. Angcll and Ames. Bost. 1882. Boone. San Fran. 1882. Brice. Ultra Vires. N. Y. 1880. Browne. Compulsory Purchase of Undertakings. Lond. 1870. Cook. Statutes of the various States, etc., and England, Canada, France and Grermany. 1889. Stock and Stockholders. Chic. 1889. Field. Alb. 188:J. French Law. See France: Societes. German Law. See Germany : Ge- sellschaften. etc. Grant. Phil. 1868. Kyd. 2 V. Lond. 1793-4. Law of Corporations. Lond. 1702. Lindley. Criminal and Civil Ke- sponsibilities. Lond. 1857. Lowell. Transfei- of Stock. Bost. 1884. Morawetz. 2 v. Bost. 188U. Mver's Fed. Decis., v. 10. Potter. 2 V. N. Y. 1879. Proffatt. San Fran. 1876. Smith (W. W.). Police Power of a State. Phil. 188!). Taylor. Phil. 1888. Thompson. Liabilitv of Ofldeers. St. L. 1880. Liabilitv of Stockholders. St. L. 1879. Wait. Insolvent Corporations. X. Y. 1888 Waterman. 2 v. X. Y\ 1888. Watts. Promoters. Lond. 1880. Hee, also Companies. Corporations, Titles of. New Jersey. (Hood.) 1871. Pennsylvania. (Beitel.) 1874. Corrupt Practices at Elec- tions. Carter. Lond. 1888. Glen. Lond. 1884. Mattinson and Macaskie. Lond. 1884. Phinn. Lond. 1860. Wheelhouse. Lond. 1885. tiee also Election Law. Costs. A. & E. Encvc, v. 4. Adair. Dub'l. 1865. Anthon. Of Legal Proceedings. X. Y. 1840. Beames. In Equity. Phil. 1838. Begg. Between Agent and Client. Edin. 1883. Brightly. In Penn. Phil. 1847. Costs. Hints on Law Costs. Lonil. 1884. Costs in Chancery. Dubl. 1791. Field. Defects of Costs in Equitv. Lond. 1840. Gordon. Lond. 1884. Gray. Lond. 1853. Hullock. Lond. 1810. Layton. Models of Bills of Costs. Lond. 1884. Mansel. Lond. 1840. Marshall. Lond. 1862. Merrifield. Attornies and Costs. Lond. 1830. Parker. Remuneration of Attorneys. Lond. 1853. Parsons. X. Y. 1876. Pocock. Under Judicature Acts. Lond. 1881. Saver. Dubl. 1792. Scott. Lond. 1880. Tidd. Dubl. 1793. Turner. Chancery. 2 v. Lond. 1817. Wadlinger. In Penn. 1888. tSee also Jones' Index. Co-Tenancy. Foster. Lond. 1878. Freeman. San Fran. 1886. Green. Richm. 1852. 8ee also Partition: — Real Prop- erty. Council of Revision. Xew York. History. (Street.) 1859. Counsellors at Law. 8ee Advocates and Advocacy; — Attorneys and Solicitors. Counter-Claini. Derbv. Roch. 1888. Waterman. X. X, 1872. Counterfeits. i>ec Patents. Counties. A. & E. Encyc, v. 4. Country Laws. Marriott. Lond. 1801. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 999 County Courts : England.— Jurisdiction. Gibbons and Nathan. Equitable. Loud. 1874. House. Equitable. Lond. 18G5. Thompson. Admiralty. Lond. 1869. iSee also Jones' Index. Practice. Archbold. Lond. 1850. Davis. Lond. 1864. Lloyd. Lond. 1857. Pitt-Lewis. 2 v. Lond. 1880. Pollock. Lond, 1859. ■ New York. Wait. 3 V. Alb. 1883-8. Coupons. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 4. Daniel. Negotiable Instruments. 3 V. N. Y. 1883. Court Hand. Wright. Lond. 187!). Court Rules : Connecticut. Supreme Court, etc. 1890. [Conn. Reports, v. 58.] District of Columbia. Supreme Court. (Mackey.) 1879. England. All the Courts. (Charnock.) 18.36. Appeal. (Vizard.) 1880. Chancery. Rides and Orders. 1739. (Ayckbourn.) 1873. (Morgan and Wurtzburg.) 1885. Civil Process. (Riittinumn.) Lpz. 1851. Common Pleas. (Cooke.) 1747. Rules, Orders, etc. 1743. In Banc. Vizard. 1880. King's Bench. (Cooke.) 1747, Rules. Orders, etc. 1742. Supreme Court of Judicature. 1883. (Griffith.) 1875. (Morgan and Chute.) 1876. Foreign. Letters to Dorinan \^. Eaton. 1876. MSS. Illinois. Chesln-ough. 1886. low^a. Supreme Court. 1888. [In Code of Laws, 1888.] Court Rules : Ireland. Court of Chancery. (Howard.) 1774. Supreme Court of Judicature. (Dil- lon.) 1879. Louisiana. Cross. 1885. Massachusetts. Supei'ior Court. 1886-8, Supreme Court. 1884^6, Michigan. Post. 1884. Missouri. Supreme Court. 1889, [Mo. Repts., V. 99.] Nevada, Supreme and District Courts, 1890. [Nevada Repts., v. 20.] New Brunswick. Supreme Court. (Stevens.) 1880. New Jersey. Chancery. 1853, 1866, 1868-71. Corbin. 1885. Potts. 1873. Supreme Court. 1844. 1868. New York. Common Pleas. 1858. Court of Appeals : Admission of At- torneys, etc. 1883. [Pam., v. 19.] Court of Chancerv. ISUti, 1815, 1839, 1834, 1837. 1839. 1844. Courts of Record. 1871, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1878, 1881, 1884, 1888. Mayor's Court. 1815. Superior Court. 1851, 1858. Supreme Court. 1813, 1818, 1847, 1849. 1853, 1854, 1858. Ohio. Supreme Court. 1S90. [Ohio St. Repts., V. 46.] Pennsylvania. Lycoming Co. Courts. 1884. Outerbridge. 1883, Walker. 1853. Rhode Island. Supreme Court, etc. 1886. [R. I. Repts., V. 15.] Texas. All the Courts. 1888. [Revised Civil Statutes. 1888,] United States. Bankruptcy. 1843. 1872, Blatchford. 1884. Circuit and District Courts in Equity and Admiralty. 1890. 1000 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Court Rules : united States. — Continued. Circuit Court, N. Y. Districts. (Jones.) I880. Circuit Court of Appeals, Second Cir- cuit. 1891. Circuit Court, So. Dist. of X. Y. 1873. 18T9, 1884. Court of Claims. 1885. District Court, So, Dist. of N. Y. 1875, 1879. Jones. 1884. Supreme Court. 1852, 1874, 1878. 1881, 1883, 1890, T\'isconsiii. All the Courts. [Annotated Statutes. 1889.] Wyoining. Supreme Court, of 1890.] [With Session Acts Courts Baron. Bohun. Practising Attorner. 2 v. Lend. 1732. Gurdon. History. 3 t. Lond. 1781. Jacob. Complete Court-Keeper. Lond. 1752. Scriven. Jurisdiction. Lond. 1882. Scroggs. Practice. Lond. 1714. Courts : inferior. Norma Curiarum Inferiorum. Lond. 1673. Courts Leet. Bohun. Practising Attorney. 2 v. Lond. 1732. Gurdon. History. 2 v. Lond. 1731. Jacob. Complete Court-Keeper. Lond. 1752. Kitchin. Jurisdictions. Lond. 1675. Nelson. Lex Maneriorum. Lond. 1720. Powel. Treatise. Lond. 1668. Ritson. Jurisdiction. Lond. 1816. Scriven. Jurisdiction. Lond. 1882. Scroggs. Polity of Congregational Coiirts. Lond. 1714. Sharp. Lond. 1786. Courts : Local. Raines. Bill for. Lond. 1833. Coui*ts 31artial. Adve. Lond. 1800. Benet. N. Y. 1864. D'Aguilar. Dubl. 1858. De Hart. N. Y. 1863. Hale. Suggestions for Improving the Law. Lond. 1864. Hough and Long. Lond. 1825. James. Lond. 1820. Kennedy. Lond. 1825. McArthur. 2 v. Lond. 1813. Macomb. N. Y. 1840. Maltby. Bost. 1813. O'Brien. Phil. 1846. Simmons. Lond. 1863. Tytler. Lond. 1814. iStee also Military Law ; — Trials. Xaval. Delafons. Lond. 1805. Harwood. N. Y. 1867. Hickman. Lond. 1851. McArthur. 2 v. Lond. 1818. Courts of Requests : ceyion. Nell. Colombo. l>^o8. England and "Wales. Pratt. Lond. 1824. Covenants. A. & E. Encyc. v. 4. Bingham and Colvin. Alb. 1857. \ Hamilton. Lond. 1888. Piatt. Phil. 1834. Rawle. Bost. 1887, See also Implied Covenants; — Real Property ; and Jones' Index. Coverture. Bingham. Exeter, 1824. Powell. Leading Cases. Bost. 1876. : Tyler. Alb. 1882. i See also Domestic Relations ; — I Husband and Wife : — Mar- I riage and Divorce ; — Married Women. Creditor. See Debtor and Creditor ; — Sub- rogation : etc. Creditors' Bills. A. & E. Encyc. v. 4. Wait. Fraudulent Conveyances, etc. N. Y. 1889. Crime and Criminals. N.Y. Benedikt. Brains of Criminals 1881. Clark. Criminal Liability. Camb. 1880. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 1001 Crime and Criminals. — Continued. Ellis. Prevention of Crime. Lond. 1857. Gerard. Crime and Police. N. Y. 1853. Green. Crime : its Nature, Preven- tion, etc. Phil. 1889. Hoskins. What shall we do with Criminals ? Lond. 1853. Kingsmill. Present Aspect of Crime. Lond. 185G. Measor. The Convict Service. Lond. 1861. Pike. History of Crime in England. 2 V. 1873-6. Plint. Crime in England. Lond. 1851. Stephen. Classification, etc., of Crime. Lond. 1856. Temple Bar. The City Golgotha. Lond. 1853. Williams. Management of Crimi- nals. Lond. 1855. See also Police ; — Prisons ; and Jones' Index. Crimes and Punishments. Beccaria. Alb. 1872. [In Farrer.] Lond. 1880. Cherry. Lond. 1890. Farrer. Lond. 1880. Hayes. 2 v. Dubl. 1842. Stephen. St. L. 1877. See also Punishments. Crimes : statutory. Bishop. Best. 1883. See also Criminal Law. Criminal Abortion. Storer and Heard. Bost. 1868. Criminal Agreements. See Criminal Conspiracies. Criminal Briefs. Abbott. N. Y. 1889. Field. N. Y. 1884. ■ Malone. Bait. 1886. Criminal Cases. American Criminal Reports. 7 v. 1878-89. Bennett and Heard. Leading Cases. 2 V. Bost. 1869. Cowen. Criminal Reports. 2 v. Alb. 1884-5. Green. Criminal Law Reports. 2 v. N. Y. 1874-5. Horrigan and Thompson. Self-De- fence. St. L. 1874. Lawson. Defences to Crime. 4 v. San Fran. 1884-5. Leading Cases simplified. St. L. 1884. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 12. Phalen. Embezzlement, etc. Chic. 1885. Shirley. Leading Cases. Phil. 1889. See also the various States ; — England, etc. Criminal Codes. Benny. Jews. Lond. 1880. Criminal Code, Letters on. Lond. 1847. Hammond. Forgery. Lond. 1823. Larceny. Lond. 1828. Lewis. Draft Code. Lond. 1879. McDermott. Ireland. 1829. Stephen. Draft Code. 1879. See also the various States and Countries; and Penal Codes. CriminalConspiraciesantl Agreements. A. & E. Encyc, v. 4. Wright, ed. Carson. Phil. 1887. See also Conspiracy. Criminal Defences. Horrigan and Thompson. St. L. 1874. Lawson. 4 v. San Fran. 1884-5. See also Criminal Law. Criminal Evidence. Archbold. Lond. 1886. Fleming. Bloodstains. Pittsb. 1861. Joy. Of Accomplices. Phil. 1844. MacNally. Phil. 1811. Roscoe. 2 v. Phil. 1888. Swift. Hartf. 1810. Wharton. Phil. 1884. See also Circumstantial Evidence ; — Confessions; etc. Criminal Information. Cole. 2 V. Phil. 1847. Short! . Phil. 1888. Criminal Insanity. Benedikt. Brains of Criminals. N. Y. 1881. Bucknill. Criminal Lunacy. Phil. 1856. 1002 CA TAL G UE OF THE ZIBIiAIi T OF Criuiiiial Insanity. — Co)i. Can-. Suggestion of Insanity. Phil. lS$)n. Everest. Defence of Insanitv. Lend. issr. Hood. Pro\ision of Criminal Luna- tics. Lond. 1854. Lawson. Insanitv as a Defence. St. L. 1884. Ordronaus. Disposal of Insane Criminals. Jer. City, 1881. Rumball. Insanity. Lond. 1843. Sampson. Cerebral Organization. X. Y. 1846. Spitzka. Brains of Criminals. X. Y. 1882. Stephen. Criminal Responsibility. Lond. 1855. Tavlor. Exonerative Insanitv. X. Y. 1882. Winslow. Plea of Insanitv. Phil. 1843. Responsibility for Criminal Acts. Loud. 1857. See also Trials for Forgery, Mur- der, etc. Criminal Jurisprudence of the Hebrews. Mendelsohn. Bait. 1891. Criminal Law. Rossi. Droit Penal. Brux. 1852. Practice, etc.: Canada. See page 130. England. Archbold. 1886. Burke. 1844. Carrington. 1827. Chitty. Am. ed. 3 v. 1832. Crown Circuit Assistant. 1788. Crown Circuit Companion. 1811. Deacon. Digest. 3 v. 1836. Dearslv. 1854. Elliot." Procedure. 1878. Foster. 1809. Hale. Pleas of the Crown. 2 v. Phil. 1847. Harris. 1889. Hawkins. 1770. Himlmarch. Digest. 1836. Penruddocke. 1842. Pulton. 1609. Remarks. Lond. 1834. Russell. Am. ed. 3 v. 1877. Shirley. Sketch of. 1889. Sleigh. 1858. Staunford. Plees del Coron. 1567. Stephen (H. J.). Summary. 1840. Stephen (J. F.). General View. 1863. History. 3 v. 1883. Stephen (J. F. and H.). Digest of Procedure. 1883. Thring and Gifford. Of the Xavv. 1877. Tomlins. Digested Index. 1823. Trotter. Appeals from Justices' Con- victions. 1884. Uttlev. Hints on. 1888. Vincent. 1881. Woolrych. 1862. See also Burglary : — Convictions ; — Homicide : — Indictments: — Larceny: — Law Reform: — 3Iagistrates : — Pleas of the Crown : — Principal and Acces- sary ; — Summary Jurisdiction. France. See page 302. Germany. See page 328. International. See Internat. Law, Criminal. Ireland. Gabbett. 2 v. 1835-43. Haves. 2 v. 1842. Lefrov. 18(52. O'Leary. Right of Appeal. 1864. Roman. Walter. Histoire. Par. 1863. Scotland. Alison. Practice. 1833. Principles. 1832. Burnett. 1811. Elliot. Procedure. 1878. Hume. 3 v. 1844. Kames. Historical Tracts. 1761. Macdonald. 1877. Mackenzie. 1699. Moucreiff, Law of Review. 1877 Spain. See page 801. United States. A. & E. Encvc. v. 4. Abbott. Criminal Brief. 1889. Barbour. Xew York Law. 2 v. 1883. Bassett. Practice, etc. 1885. Bishop. 2 V. 1882. Procedure. 2 v. 1880. Prosecution and Defence. 1885. Colby. Xew York Law: with Forms. 2 v. 1868. Destv. 1882. Gillett. 1888. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1003 Criiiiiiial Law: initcd states. — Continued. Hanes. Digest of Decisions. 1789- 1856. Headley. N. Y. Justiee. 1890. Lewis. * 1847. Livingston. 2 v. N. Y. 1873. Maxwell. Procedure. 1887. May. Law of Crimes. 1881. Rapalje. Procedure. 1889. Roe. Procedure, U. S. Courts. 1887. Washburn. Manual. 1889. Waterman. Digest of Decisions. 1789-1876. Wharton. 2 v. 1885. Wheeler. Introduetorv Lecture. N. Y. 1837. See also the several States; — Homicide; — Indictments; — Justices of the Peace; — Lar- ceny ; — Nolle Prosequi ; and Jones' Index. Criminal Lunacy. See Criminal Insanity. Criminal Pleading-. Archbold. Lond. 1886. Bassett. Chic. 1885. Heard. Bost. 1879. Starkie. Exeter, 1824. Wharton. Indictments and Pleas. 3 V. Phil. 1881. Treatise. 1889. Criminal Procedure. See Criminal Law, Pi*actice, etc. Criminal Statutes : Eng- land. Addington. 1795. Archbold. 18(51. Campbell's Acts. (Greaves.) 1851. Clark. 1777. Cox and Saunders. 1870. Davis. 1861. Greaves. 1862. Miller. 1822. Peel's Acts. etc. (Archbold.) 1830. Criminal Trials. See Trials. Criticism. Yincent. Lond. 1876. See also Libel. Crown Law. See Criminal Law. Crown of Great Britain. Brecknock. Lond. 1764. Brown (J. B.). Ecclesiastical Juris- diction. 1815. Chitty (J., Jr.). Lond. 1820. Staunford. Kinges Prerogative. 1568 and 1577. Culpa. See Fault. Curators Bonis. Thorns. Edin. 1881. Curia Regis. See Record Commission. Curtesy. A. & E. Encyc, v. 4. See also Husband and Wife. Curtesy Tables. Giauque and ]\IcCluro. Cin. 1882. Customary Freehold. Elton. Lond. 1874. Scriven. Lond. 1883. Customs. Berrey. Prescription, etc. Lond. 1833. Blount. Of Manors. Lond. 1874. Elton. Tenant-Right, etc. Lond. 1882. Inues. Burghs of Scotland. Edin. 1868. Maine. Early Law, etc. N. Y. 1883. See also Usages and Customs ; and France, p. 300. Customs Laws : England. Carkesse. 1726-37. Hamel. 1883. Walford. 1846. United States. See Tariff. Cyclop?edias. American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. (Merrill.) 16 v. 1887-91. American Cyclopa?dia. 16 v. 1873-6. Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia. 15 v. 1877-91. American Biographv. 6 v. 1887-9. Arndts. Juristische Encyclopadie. 1860. 1004 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Cyclopsedias. — Continued. Cvclop;eclia of Political Science, etc. ■(Lalor.) 3v. 1881^. Encvolopjedia Britannica. 25 v. 1878-89. American Supplement. 4 v. 188:3-9. Von Holtzendorff. Rechtslexicon. 3 V. Lpz. 1880-1. Puchta. Encyclopedia, trans, bv Hastie. 1887. Universal Cyclopaedia of Law. (Thornton.)" 2 v. 1885. Cy PreS, Doctrine of. McGrath. Phil. 1887. See also Charities. D. Dakota. See page 207. Damages : Leading cases. Mver's Fed. Decis., v. 13. Sedgwick (H. D.j. X. Y. 1878. Treatises. A. & E. Encyc. y. 5. Collett. Madras, 1872. Eggleston. Terre Haute, 1880. Field. Des Moines, 1876. Mayne, by Smith. Lond. 1884. '- — by Wood. Alb. 1880. Sayer. Dubl. 1792. Sedgwick (A. G.). In X. Y. Code. 1885. Sedgwick (T.). 3 y. X. Y. 1891. Smith (J. G.). Reparation. Edin. 1889. Sutherland. 3 y. Chic. 1882-3. See also Jones' Index. Dainiiuiu absque Injuria. Weeks. San. Fran. 1879. Dartmouth College Causes. Shirley. 1879. Walker. 1886. See also Jones' Index. Dates, Dictionary of. Haydn. X. Y. 1888. Day. A. & E. Encyc. y. 5. See also Legal Time. Dean Forest. Wood. Lond. 1878. Death Penalty. Andrews. Lond. 1833. Anti-Draco. Lond. 1830. Benn. X. Y. 1872. Bowdler. Lond. 1819. Burleigh. Phil. 1845. Cheeyer. X. Y'. 1846. Christmas. Lond. 1845. Copinger. Lond. 1870. Death Punishment for Forgery. Lond'. 1818. Dymond. Lond. 1856. Haus. Gand. 1867. Hobart. Lond. 1861. Lewis. X. Y. 1846. Mayhew. Lond. 1856. Montagu. Abolition of. Lond. 1821. Inquiries. Lond. 1818. • Opinions. 3 y. Lond. 1812- 16. Morning Herald Articles. 2 y, Lond. 1836-7. N. Y. State Commission. Report. 1888 Peggs." Lond. 1839. Pell. Lond. 1835. Phillips. Lond. 1858. Punishment of Death. Lond. 1848. Romilly (H.). Lond. 1886. Romilly (S.). Lond. 1810. SeUon." Par. 1877. Society for Diffusion of Knowledge. Report. Lond. 1816. Spear. Bost. 1844. Straton. Madras, 1847. Tallack. Lond. 1866. Thucydides. Speeches of Cleon, etc. Lond. 1865. Wakefield. Lond. 1832. Webster. Lond. 1856. See also Punishment. Debates : congressional. Annals of Congress. 1789-1824. 42 v. Register of Debates. 1824-1833. 15 y. Congressional Globe. 1S34-1873.. 108 parts. Congressional Record. 1874-1891. ] 16 parts. Benton. Abridgment. 1789-1856 [1850]. 16 y. On Judiciary Bill. 1802. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1005 Debates : constitutional Con- ventions. See the various States. Federal Constitution. Elliot. 5 V. 1860. Madison Papers. .3 v. 1840. Massachusetts. 1788. Pennsylvania. 1787. Secret' Debates. 1787. Virginia. 1788. See also Constitutional Conven- tions. Parliamentary. Cobbett. 1066-1803. 36 v. Hansard. 1803-1889. 406 v. Peace Convention, U. S. Chittenden. 1861. Rules. See Parliamentary Law. Debt : Action of. Gilbert. Lend. 1760. — Imprisonment for. See Imprisonment for Debt. Public. See Public Debt. Debtor and Creditor. A. & E. Encyc, v. 5. Barbour. Law of Payment. N. Y. 1888. Bishop. Insolvent Debtors. 2 v. N. Y. 1884-S. Brown. Agency and Trusts. Lond. 1868. Cooke. Lond. 1829. ' De Gex and Smith. 3 v. Lond. 1867-9. Debtors' Laws. Lond. 1838. Droop. Lond. 1866. Ellis. Lond. 1823. Griffith. Lond. 1865. Holcorabe. N. Y. 1848. Kelly. Crown Bonds. Lond. 1849. Kniep. Mora des Schuldners. 2 v. Rostock, 1871-2. Lawrance. Deeds of Arrangement. Lond. 1886. Macalpin. Money - lenders, etc. Lond. 1880. Munger. Application of Payments. N. Y. 1879. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 13. Prideaux, Crown Debts. Lond. 1854. Pye. Conflicting Claims. Lond. 1880. Ram. Assets, etc. Phil. 1835. Robson. Private Arrangements. Lond. 1888. Saville. Lond. 1889. Smith (J. P.). Lond. 1814. Trower. Phil. 1861. Winslow. Private Arrangements. Lond. 1885. See also Assignments; — Compo- sition; etc. Debts of Decedents. A. & E. Encyc, v. 5. Wandell. Roch. 1889. Deceit. A. & E. Encyc, v. 5. Grinnell. Bost. 1886. See also Fraud. Decipliering. See Handwriting. Decisions. See Judgments; — Legal Judg- ment. Declarations. Anthon. Precedents. N. Y. 1821. Bohun. Lond. 1733. Brownlow. Lond. 1659. Greening. Forms. Harrisb. 1845. Hansard. Entries. Lond. 1685. Hennell. Forms. Lond. 1837. Impey. Dubl. 1795. Instructor Clericalis. 7 v. Lond. 1713-22. Levinz. Entries. Lond. 1702. Placita Generalia et Specialia. Lond. 1674. Rastell. Entries. Lond. 1596. Small. Lond. 1653. Decrees. "■ Seton. Forms, Bost. 1884. See also Judgments. Dedication. A. & E. Encyc, v. 5, Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 4. See also Easements ; — Highways. Deeds. Barton. Altered under Parol Au- thority. Phil. 1890. Bridgman. Precedents. 2 v. Lond. 1725. Copinger. Title. Lond. 1875. Cornish. Purchase. Phil. 1856. 1006 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Deeds. — Continued. Devlin. Treatise. 2 v. San Fran. 1887. Dixon. Title. 2 v. Lond. 182G. Duff. Affecting Moveables. Edin. 1840. Feudal Right<. Edin. 1838. Elphinstone. Interpretation. Phil. 1889. Hendrv. Scotch. Edin. 1878. Okev. " Forms. England and France. 18;]o. Tudor. Consti-iiction. Lond. 1863. Williamson. Forms in U. S. 1881. York Deeds. York Co.. Maine. 1642- 1703. 6 V. See also Conveyancing; — Nota- ries : — Real Property ; — Regis- tration; and Jones' Index. Defamation. Cooke. Phil. 1846. Newell. Chic. 1890. See also Libel and Slander. Default. A. & E. Encyc, v. 5. Defences. See Actions and Defences. Defences to Crime. See Criminal Defences. Delaware. See page 221. Demand. A. iV E. Encyc. v. 5. Demurrage. See, Shipping. Demurrer. A. \- E. Encyc. v. 5. Instructor Clericalis, v. 7. Lond. 1714. Mansel. Phil. 18:^9. See also Pleading; — Practice, Denization. See Naturalization. Denmark. See page 223. Deposit. See Bailments : — Banks and Banking. Depositions. A. ic E. Encvc, v. 5. Weeks. Saii Fran. 1880. Descent. Bingham. Alb. 1870. Blaekstone. Tracts. Dubl. 1767. Causton. Lond. 1842. Cliitty (H.). Lond. 1825. Karnes. Lond. 1749. Pakenham. Lond. 1766. Reeve. N. Y. 1825. Rowe. Lond. 1803. Swinburne. Lond. 1825. Watkins. Dubl. 1794. See also Consanguinity: — Entail; — Estates: — Intestate Law; — Succession*. Deserters. Bidoulac. Lond. 1887. See also Military Law. Designs : copyright of. etc. Aston. Lond. 1S^4. Billing and Prince. Lond. 1845. Bousfield. Lond. 1884. Brace. Lond. 1842. Brice. Lond. 1885. Daniel. Lond. 1884. Fenton. Phil. 1889. Graham. Lond. 1889. Hunt. Lond. 1884. Lawson. Lond. 1889. Munro. Lond. 1884. Norman. Lond. 1851. Simonds. N. Y. 1874. Tennent. Lond. 1841. Turner. Lond. 1851. Wallace. Lond. 1884. See also Artistic Copyright; — Copyright ; — Patents. Detroit. See page 226. Devises. A. & E. Encvc. v. 13. Cowlard. 1833. Fearne. 1845. Gilbert. Powell. Republication. Lond. Executory. 2 Lond. 1773. 2 v. Phil. 1S;38. Phil. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1007 Devises. — Contimied. Ram. Wills of Landed Property. Phil. 1835. See also Legacies ;— Wills ; and Jones' Index. Dialogue : Essay on. Wynne. Lend. 1822. Dialog'ues. Pulbeck, Parallele of Civill Law. etc. Lond. 1601-3. llawles. The Englishman's Right. Bost. 1883. St, Germain. Doctor and Student. Cin. 1874. Wynne. Eunomus, 3 v. Lond. 1822. Dictionaries. Biographical. Judges of England. (Foss.) 1870. Canon Law. (Calvinus.) 1612. Commercial. (McCulloch.) 2 v. 1847. Dates. Haydn. 1888. Geographical. (Lippincott.) 1882. Historique et Critique. (Bayle.) 5 v. 1734. Law. See Law Dictionaries. jMeclianical. (Kniglit.) 3 v. 1876. Scotch Statutory Words and Terms. (Skene.) 1597. Scottish Law Terms. (Kinnear.) 1805. Sea Terms. (Pornain.) 1881. Statistics. (Mulhall.) 1884. Synonvmes. English. (Crabb.) 1887. ' (Smith, C. J.) 1890. — — (Soule.) 1876. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. (Roget.) 1879. See also Cyclopaedias. Of Languages. English. (Century.) 6 v. 1889-91. (Ogilvie.) 4v. 1883. ■ (Stormonth.) 1885. (Webster.) 1890. (Worcester.) 1870. French and English. (Spiers and Surennc.) 1879. French and German. (Kaltsehmidt.) 1837. German and English. (Adler.) 1878. Latin-English. (Harper.) 1879. Law-French and Law-Latin. 1718. Norman French. (Kelham.) 1779. Spanish and English. (Seoane.) 1878. Dies Juriclici. See Law Days. Digest, or Pandects. .s'ee Roman Law: Justinian. Digests. See the various subjects. Digests of Reports. American Decisions and Reports. (Rapalje.) 1700-1887. 3 v. American Digest. (Anthon and Day.) 2 V. 1813-16. American Digest. Complete Digest. General Digest. United State 1754-1869. 1887-1890. 4 V, 1887, 1889. 4 v. 1886-1890. 5 V. Digest. First Series. 14 V. New Series. 1870-1888. 19 v. See also the various Counti'ies and States. Dignities. Cruise. Origin and Nature of. Lond. 1833. Dugdale. Origines Juridiciales. Lond. 1680. Continuation. Lond. 1739. Finlason. Hereditary. Lond. 1869. Heywood. Anglo-Saxon Distinctions in Society. Lond. 1818. Kames. Essay on. Lond. 1749. Loyseau. Traite des Seigneuries. Par. 1608. Lynch. Hereditary OflRces in Ire- 1830. Baronia Anglica. Loud. land. Madox. 1741. Selden. 1673. See Titles of Honor. Lond. also Baronage; — Peers and Peerages. Dilapidations. Elmes. Lond. 1829. Fletcher. Lond. 1883. Gibbons. Lond. 1838. Gradv. Lond. 1876. Morris. Lond. 1871. Yool. Loud. 1863. Diligence. Campbell. Edin. 1863. 1008 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Diplomacy. Bibliotheque Internationale, etc. 20 V. Par. 1880-^. De Clereq and De Vallat. 2 v. Par. 1880. De Cussy. Lpz. 1846. Elliot. Am. Diplomatic Code. 2 v. 1834. Home. Phil. 18o3. Von Martens. 2 v. Lpz. 1866. Ortolan. 2 v. Par. 1864. Pradier-Fodere. 2 v. Par. 1881. Set also Ambassadors : — Inter- national Law: — Treaties. Correspond- Diplomatic eiioe. British and Foreign State Papers. 1812-60. 50 v. Sparks. American Revolution. 12 v. 1829-30. State Papers: English Affairs. 1638- 60. (Thurloe.) 7 v. L'nited States. 1783-1789. 7 v. 1833-4. Directories. Brooklyn. 1855-90. Xew York Citv. 1786. 183.5-90. Business. (Wilson.) 1883, 1886-7 Copartnership. (Wilson: Trow.) 1879, 18-84, 1886. 1888-91. Medical. (White.) 1879-91. Xew York State Register. (Williams.) 1832-7. 1.840. Newark. 1836-7. Newspaper. (Pettingill.) 1877-8. r. S. Armv. (Hamerslv.) 1880. U. S. Official Register. ' 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889. See also Legal Directories, Directors. Hurrell and Hvde. Joint Stock Co.'s. Lond. 1884." Palmer. Legal Companion. Lond. 1890. Thompson. Liability. St. L. 1880. See also Corporations. Discount. See Interest. Discovery. A. &: E. Encvc, v. 2. Bray. With Forms. Lond. 1885. Hare. Lond. 1877. Hart and Eiloart. Lond. 1879. Kerr. Lond. 1870. Lanffdell. Cases in Equitv Pleading. Camb. 1878. Peile. Lond. 1883. Petheram. Lond. 1864. Pollock. Phil. 1853. Sichel and Chance. Lond. 1883. Wisram. Bost. 1842. Willie. Lond. 1816. Distress. A. ic E. Encvc. v. 5. Bradbv. Phil. 1833. Bullen. Lond. 1842. Gilbert. Lond. 1757. Longfield. Dubl. 1841. O'Dedv. Lond. 1812. Oldham and Foster. Lend. 1889, Distribution. Mascall. Lond. 1818. Townsend. X. Y. Statute. 1887. See also Descents: — Executors and Administrators: — Succes- sion. District Courts : x. v. city. Langbein. 1880. Savre. 1854. 1857. Turnbull. 1866. District of Columbia. See page 230. Dividends. Sargent. Rule in Minot's Case. N. Y. 1871-4. Divorce : English. Brandt. 1858. , Browne. 1889. i Browning. 1872. Bvrne. 1859. Dewv. 1872. Dixon. 1883. Ernst. 1879. Harrison. 1883. Inderwick. 1862. Macqueen. 1860. Milton. 1820. Morgan. 2 v. 1826. Oaklev. 1886. Povnter. Am. ed. 1836. Pritchard. 1864. Shelford. Am. ed. 1.841. Swabev. 1859. Tebbs." 1822. Tidswell and Littler. 1860. Waddilove. 1864. Wright. Laws and Statistics. 1889. See also Conflict of Laws. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1009 Divorce : united states. Bishop. 1881. Browne. 1890. Convers. 1889. Lloyd. 1887. Stewart. 1884. Tyler. 1882. Woolsev. Divorce and Divorce Leg- islation. 18G9. — Various States. Fairbanks. Mass. 1882. Hirsh. 1888. Lloyd. 1887. Noble. 1882. Page. Ohio, Indiana, Michigan. 1850. Robinson. 1884. Yaiiness. New York and New Eng- land. 1877. Wright. Laws and Statistics. 1867- 86. Cases. See, Trials, Digests of Decisions. Browne. Phil. 1872. Powles. Lond. 1884. Pritchard. Lond. 1864. Dock Companies. Wordsworth. Law. Lond. 1851. See also .Joint Stock Co.'s. Doctors' Coininons. Conyngham. Lond. 1854. Foster. Lond. 1871. Poynter. Lond. 1836. Dogs. Lupton. Lond. 1888. See also Animals; and Jones' Index. Domain. See Eminent Domain. Domesday-Book. Domesday Book. 4 v. Lond. 1783- 1816. Ellis. Introduction and Indexes. 2 V. Lond. 1833. See also Record Commission. Domestic Relations. Bachofen. Mutterreeht. Stut. 1861. Browne. Bost. 1890. Biingner. Lpz. 1879. 64 Bunvon. Lond. 1875. Corey. N. Y. 1885. Dargun. Mutterreeht. Breslau, 1883. Eversley. Lond. 1885. Mandry. Familiengiiterrecht. 2 v. Tub." 1871-6. Myers Fed. Decis., v. 14. Reeve. Alb. 1888. Schouler. Bost. 1889. See also Guardian and Ward : — Husband and Wife: — Master and Servant ; — Parent and Child. Domicil. A. & E. Bncyc, v. 5, Cole. Lond. 1857. Dicey. Lond. 1879. Henry. Lond. 1823. .Jacobs. Bost. 1887. Phillimore. Phil. 1847. Pothier. Par. 1776. Round. Lond. 1861. Wharton. St. L. 1877. See also Conflict of Laws; and Jones' Index. Donations. Pothier. Par. 1776. See also Charities; — Gifts; — Leg- acies. Dower. A. & E. Encvc, v. 5. Cameron. Tor. 1882. Comstock. Hartf. 1832. Czyhlarz. Romisehes Dotalrecht. 1870. Draper. Tor. 1863. Lambert. N. Y. 1834. Park. Phil. 1836. Pothier. Par. 1776. Scribner. 2 v. Phil. 1883. Tyler. Alb. 1882. See also Jones' Index. Tables. Giauque and McClure. Cin. 1882. Stearns. Utica, 1888. Drafts. See Bills and Notes ; — Negotiable Instruments. Drainage. See Sewers. Dramas : Judicial. Spicer. Lond. 1872. 1010 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Dramatic Authors. Booth. X. Y. 1871. Coryton. Lond. 1S73. " See also Copyright. Drugs. A. & E. Encvc, v. 6. Ordronaux. " Phil. 1809. See also Medical Jurisprudence. Druukenuess. See Intemperance; and Jones' Index. Duelliug". See Trials ; and Jones" Index. Duress. A. & E. Encyc. v. G. Dutch Grauts : n. y. city. Pirsson. 1889. Dutch iu America. Arnoux. N. Y. 1890. Dutch Jurisprudence. See Holland. Dutch Village Communi- ties on the Hudson. Elting. Bait. 1886. Duties. See Revenue Laws ; — Tariff Laws ; etc. Dying Declarations. A. & E, Encyc, v. G. E. Early Law and Custom. Maine. N. Y. 1883. Easements. A. & E. Encvc. v. 0. Brvan. Bv Implication. X. Y. 1884. Gale. Lond. 1888. Gale and Whatlev. N. Y. 1840. Goddard. Bost. "1880. Gray. Lateral Support. Lond. 1886. Hoskyns. Lond. 1878. Innes. Lond. 1880. Jones (H. C). Tor. 1878. Morris. Dubl. 18G9. Washburn. Bost. 1885. East Indies. See India. Ecclesiastical sion. Clark. Lond. 1840. Comniis- Ecclesiastical Courts. Clerk's Instructor. Dubl. 17GG. Cook. Edin. 1870. Coote. Lond. 1847. Dibdin. Lond. 1882. Flover. Lond. 1744. Hale. Lond. 1841. Muscutt. Lond. 1845. Ougliton. Ordo Judiciorum. Lond. 1844. Phillimore. Lond. 1848. Stepliens. Lond. 1853. Walker. Lond. 1828. See also Jones' Index. Ecclesiastical Dilapida- tions. Elmes. Lond. 1829. Gradv. Lond. 1876. Morris. Lond. 1871. Ecclesiastical Jurisdic- tion of the Crown. Atkyns. Lond. 1689. Brown. Lond. 1815. Chamberlain. Lond. 1859. Clark. Lond. 1840. Fuller. Appellate. Oxf. 1865. Swift. Loud. 1814. Ecclesiastical Law. Yon Hontlieim. De Statu Eeclesise. BuUioni. 1768. Schmidt. 7 v. Heidelb. 1772-9. Walter. AUe Christlichen Confes- sionen. Bonn, 18G1, Kngrland. Aylifle. Parergon. 1720. Bacon. Liber Regis. 1780. Badclev. Religious Confessions, 1805." Beldam. Heresv. 1792. Burn. 4 v. 1842. Civil Disabilities on account of Re- ligion. Lond. 1824. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 1011 Ecclesiastical La\v : laud. — Contin lied. pjiiff- Cunningham. Simony. 1784. Ecclesiastical Legal Guide. 1839. Gibson. Codex Juris Anglicani. 3 v. 1761. Godolphin. Repertorium Canoni- cum. 1678. Grey. System of English Law, 1743. Hale. Essay on. 1841. Precedents, etc., in Criminal Cases. 1847. Harding. Handy Book. 1860. Law. Forms. 1844. Muscutt. History of Church Laws. 1851. Oughton. Ordo Judiciorum. 1844. Phillimore. Ecclesiastical Law. 3 v. 1873-6. Ridley. View of. 1634. Rogers. Practical Arrangement. 1849. Smith (T. E.). Summary of Law and Practice. 1883. Stephens. Statutes. 3 v. 1845. Western. Tithe Cases, City of Lon- don. 1535-1833. White. Constitutions of Otho. 1844. Wilson. Seciuestration of Benefices. 1836. See also Canon Law ; — Church and Clergy ; — England : Re- ports and Digests ; — Law Re- form ; — Trials. Germany. Hinschius. Katholisches Kirchen- recht. 1869. Schmidt. 7 v. 1773-9. Walter. 1861. Ireland. Bernard. Property Statutes and Cases. 1876. Bullingbrooke. 3 v. 1770. Erck. Register. 1830. Lyne. Leases. 1838. See also Ireland : Reports. Scotland. Innes. 1867. See also Scotland : Reports. United States. Andrews. Episcopal. 1883. Bittinger. Presbyterian. 1888. Buck. Massachusetts. 1866. Guernsey. In Hamlet. 1885, Hoffman. New York. 1868. Humphrey. Episcopal, etc, 1891, ! Merrill. Methodist. 1888, i Moore. Presbyterian. 1886, Sampson. Secrecy of Confession, 1813. Smitli (S. B.). Criminal Procedure. Roman Catholic. 3 v. 1887-9. Tyler. Treatise. 1866. Vinton. Episcopal. 1870. See also Canon Law ; — Church and Clergy ; — Trials. Ecclesiastical Polity. Hooker, Strong-, Lond. 1617. N. Y. 1875. Economic Philosophy. See Political Economy. Education. /See Inns of Court; — Legal Edu- cation; — School Laws. Effects. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 6, See also "Personal Property, Egypt. Esehbach. Legislation Egyptienne. Par, 1856. See also page 248. Ejectment. A. & E. Encyc, y. 6. Adams. N. Y. 1854. Archbold. Forms and Entries. N. Y. 1838. Cole. Lond. 1857. Cove. Tocsin Sounded. Lond. 1813. Dorsey. In Maryland, 1841. Gilbert. Lond. 1781. Jackson and Gross. In Pennsyl- vania, 1883. Kerr. Action at Law. Lond. 1857. Longfield. Dubl. 1846. Redman and Lyon. Lond. 1879. Runnington. N. X. 1806. Sedgwick and Wait. N. V. 1886. Tidd. Practice. 3 v. Phil. 1856. Tyler. Alb. 1871. See also Lanillord and Tenant ; — Real Property ; — Trial of Title to Land ; — Trials ; and Jones' Index. Election and Satisfaction. A. & E. Encyc, v. 6. Flood. Lond. 1880. Stalman. Lond. 1827. 1012 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Election Cases : individual. Elections : France. See Trials. Gressier. 1849. Reports. See Canada ; — England ; — Ire- land ; — Massachusetts ; — New York; — Scotland: — United States; etc. Elections : Australia. Wigmore. 1889. Canada. Ermatinger. 1886. Xotnian. 1863. England. 1868. Anstev. 1867. Bushby. 1880. Carew. 1755. Carter. 1883. Chambers. 1837. Clerk. 1857. Gonington. 1857. Conybeare. 1884. Cox. Antient Parliamentary. Reform Bills. 1868. Cox and Grady. 1874. Cunningham. 1880. Disnev. 1813. Evans. 1847. Finnellv. 1830. Fitzgerald. 1876. Glen. 1884. Hardcastle. Petitions. 1885. Hare. 1873. Hevwood. 1797. Keily. 1821. Leigh and Le Marchant. 1874. Lister. 1828. Male. 1820. Massey. Acts of Agents. 1869. Mattinson and Macaskie. 1884. Maurice. 1866. Orme. 1796. Parker. 1885. Phinn. 1860. Pickering. 1868. Potter. 1790. Roe. 2 V. 1818. Rogers. 1880. Saunders. 1873. Simeon. 1790. Wakefield. 1854. Warren. Committees. 1857. Parliamentary. 1857. Wheelhouse. 1885. Wolferstan. Petitions. 1869. See also Registration for Elec- tions. Ireland. Armstrong. 1857. Bvrne. 1865. Gumlev. 1832. Lister." 1828. Scotland. Connell. 1827, Lister. 1828. Nicolson. 1879. Wight. 2 V. 1806. United States. A. & E. Encyc. v. 6. Brightly. Leading Cases. 1871. Dovle. Disqualified Candidates. 1876. Giauque. U. S. Laws. 1880. McCrary. 1887. Murlin.' X. Y. Law. 1890. Naar. 1880. N. Y. Election Code. 1890. Paine. 1888. Elective Judiciary* Eaton. N. Y. 1873. See also Jones' Index. Electoral College, n. y. Proceeding's. 1884. Electoral Commission. Counting Black. N. Y. 1877. United States Congress, the Electoral Votes. 1871 Electoral System, u. s. McKnight. 1878. O'Neil. 1887. Electric Lighting. Bower and Webb. Lond. 1889. Cunvnghame. Lond. 1883. Fitzgerald. Lond. 1882. Higgins and Edwards. Lond. 1883. Eleemosynary Institu- tions. See Charitable Uses and Trusts, Elements of Law. Bacon. Elements of Common Law. Lond. 1686. Baird and Babcock. Guide to Prin- ciples. N. Y. 1889. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1013 Elements of Law. — Con. Blickensderfer. Blackstone's Ele- ments of Law. Chic. 1889. Guthrie. Elementary Principles. Dubl. 1842. Harris. Principia Prima Legura. Lond. 1865. Hilliard. Elements of Law, N. Y. 1848. Hoffman. Legal Outlines. Bait. 1836. Jacob. Law Grammar. Lond. 1822. Markby. Elements of Law. Lond. 1885. Mosely. Elementary Law. Lond. 1878. Robinson. Elementary Law. Bost. 1882. Smith (G. H.). Elements of Right and Law. Chic. 1887. Smith (T. L.). Elements of Law, Phil. 1853. Eiuaiicipatioii Froclaina- tioii. Curtis, Executive Power. 1862. Fisher. Trial of the Constitution. Phil. 1862. Kirkland. Review of Curtis' Pam- phlet. 1862. Lowrey. Defence of, upon Legal Grounds. 1802. See also Executive Power ; — President. Enibezzleiiieiit. A. & E. Encyc, v. 6. Phalen. Criminal Cases. Chic. 1885. See also Criminal Law. Emblements. See Fixtures. Emigration Laws, n, y. See New York. Eminent Domain. A. & E. Encyc. v. 6. Lewis, Chic. 1888. Mills. St. L. 1888. Parke. Decisions. Wash. 1882. See also Compensation; — Lands Clauses Consolidation Acts. Employees' Insurance So- cieties. McKinney. Northport, 1890. Employer and Workman. See Master and Servant. Employers' Liability. Beven. Lond. 1880. Black. Lond. 1880. Cooley. St. L. 1876. Fall. Bost. 1883. McKinnev. Fellow-Servants. North- port, 1890. Roberts and Wallace. Lond. 1885. Ruegg. Lond. 1882. Sainctelette. Accidents de travail. Brux. 1886. Spens and Younger. Glasg. 1887, Turner. Lond. 1882. See also Accidents ;^Master and Servant ; and Jones' Index. Encyclopaedia. See Cyclopaedia. Encyclopaedia, Legal. American and English Encvclopa3dia of Law. v. 1-16. 1887-91. Puchta. Lpz. 3 v. 1856-7. Edin. 1887. England. See page 253 ; — also Chronicles and Memorials : — Codifica- tion ; — Common Law ; — Con- stitution ; — Government ; — History ; — Magna Charta ; — Parliament ; — Record Com- mission, etc. England : LaAv of, Amos, An English Code, 1873, Anstey, Guide to Historv. 1845. Arehbold. Summarv. 2 'v. 1848-9. Bacon (F.). Elements. 1636. Bacon (M.). Abridgment. 10 v. 1860-76. Bacon (N.). Discourse. 1760. Bayly. Commentaries on. 1840. Bigelow. History of Procedure. 1880, Placita Anglo-Normannica. 1879. Blackstone. Analysis. 1762. Commentaries. See page 81. Blaxland. Codex Legum. 1839. Bracton. De Legibus. 6 v. 1878-83. Britton. Ancient Pleas of the Crown. 2 V. 1865. Brooke, Abridgment. 1576. Broom. Commentaries. 1884. Philosophy. 1883. 101 4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF England: i^aw of. — Con. Broom and Hadlev. ComnuMitaries. 2v. 1875. Brydall. Speculum. IGT-J. Care. English Liberties. 1091. i Chittv. Manual. 3 v. 1860. Coke." Institutes. G v. 1794-7. Collectanea Juridica. 2 v. 1791-2. Coravns. Digest. 8 v. 1824-6. Cowell. Institutes. 1651, 1664. Crabb. History. 1831. | Critica Juris. Lond. 1661. | Cross. Benefits. 1797. ' D'Anvers. Abridgment. 3 v. 170.'5- 27. Doderidge. The English Lawyer, 1631. Dugdale. Origines Juridiciales. 1680. Ensor. Defects. 1812. Evans. View of Mansfield"s Decis- ions. 2v. 1803. Fearne. Posthumous Works. 1797. Finch. Discourse. 1759. Fitzherbert. Abridgement. 1577. Fitzsimmonds. Nature, etc. 1751. Fleta ; sen ComTuentarius. 1685. Flintoff. Rise and Progress. 1840. Fortescue. De Laudibus. etc. 1874. Francillon. Lectures. 2 v. 1860-1. Fulbeck. Dialogues. 1601-2. GifiEord. English Lawyer. 1824. Grlanville. De Legibus, etc. 1812. Glasson. Histoire. 6 v. 1882-3. Guthrie. Principles. 1842. Hale. Analysis. 1716. History. 2 v. 1794. Hargrave. Collectanea .Juridica. 2 V. 1791-2. Harrison. Complete English T^aw- yer. 1838. Hawke. Grotmds. 1657. Holmes. Lectures. 1881. Home. Mirrour of .Justices. 1840. Horseman. Fundamental I^aws. 1753. Hughes. Abridgment. 3 v. l()60-2. Kames. Antiquities. 1749. Lambard. Archaionomia. 1644. Archion. 1635. Law Grammar. 1791. Lillv. Practical Register. 2 v. 1745. Littleton. Tenures. Madox. Formulare 1702. ^larriott. Country Gentleman's Law- yer. 1801. Xasmith. Institutes. 3 v. 1873-9. Nelson. Abridgment. 3 v. 1725-6. Paterson. Compendium. 1865. 1841. Anglicanum. Petersdorff. Abridgment. 17 v. 1829-35. Plowden. Jura Anglorum. 1792. Pulton. De Pace Regis et Regni. 1609. Reeves. History. 5 v. 1880. Rolle. Abridgment. 2 v. 1668. St. Germain. Doctor and Student. 1874. Saltern. Antient Lawes. 1605. Sampson. Discourse. 1826. Sargent. Principles. 2 v. 1842-3. Scrutton. Influence of Roman Law, Camb. 1885. Selden. Dissertation. 1771. English Janus, 1682. Sheppard. Abridgment. 4 parts. 1(575. P^^itome. 1656. Faithful Councellor. 1651. Spence. Origin. 1826. Statham. Abridgment. 1470. Stearns. Germs and Developments. 1889. Stephen. Commentaries. 4 v, 1874. Style. Practical Register. 1707. Sullivan. Lectures. 2 v. 1805. Syms. Code. 1870. Thomas. Arrangement of Coke. 3 v. 1818. Thorpe. Ancient Laws. 2 v. 1840. Yiner. Abridgment. 30 v. 1791- 1806. Western. Commentaries. 1838. Wilkins. Leges Anglo-Saxonica'. 1721. Williams. Abridgment of Cases. 5 y. 1798-1803. Wilson. History. 1875. Wood. Institute. 1763. Wooddeson. Lectures. 3 y. 1834. Woolwortlr. A Social Science. 1881. Wynne. Eunonius. 2 v. 1822. Young Clerk's Magazine. Phil. 1774. Young Clerk's Vade Mecum. X. Y. 1776. English Bar. See Advocates ; — Attorneys : — Biography ; — Inns of Court ; and Jones' Index. Entail. Fergusson. Edin. 1830. Irvine. Edin. 1830. Sandford. Edin. 1822. [ Tamlyn. Lond. 1835. I See also Descent. Entries. Aston. Brown. Lond. 1673. Lond. 1671. THE AS^SOCIATION OF THE BAE. 1015 Entries. — Continued. Brownlow. Lond. 16!):!. Clift. Lond. 1719. Coke. Lond. 1671. Hansard. Lond. 1085. Harris. Modern. 3 v. Bait. 1831. Levinz. Lond. 1702. Liber Intrationum. Lond. 1540. Liber Placitandi. Lond. 1074. Lilly. 2 V. Dubl. 17!»2. Ijutwyche. 2 v. Lond. 1704. Mallory. 2 v. Dubl. 1791. Moyle. Writs. Lond. 1658. Rastell. Declarations, etc. Lond. 1596. Raymond. Pleadings. Dubl. 1767. [Same.] Lond. 1790. Register Brevium. Writs. Lond, 1687. Robinson (T.). Special Entries. Lond. 1684. Thesaurus Brevium, Lond. 1687. Thompson's Entries. See Liber Placitandi. Vidian. Exact Pleader. Lond. 1084. Winch. Beau-Pledeur. Lond. 1080. See also Forms : — Precedents; — Writs. Entry : Forcible. See Forcible Entry. Equitable Conversion. A. & E. Encvc, v. 6. Leigh and Dalzel. Phil. 1834. Equitable Estate. See Estates. Equitable Mortgage. A. & E. Encyc, v. 6. Miller. Phil, 1845. See also Mortgage : — Trusts. Equity : Digests of Decisions. American Chancery Digest. (Wheel- er.) 2 V. N. Y; 1841. Barbour. Springf. 1843. U. S. Equity Digest. (Putnam.) 2 V. Bost. 1860. See also Caiuida: — England; — Ireland; — the various States; etc. Evidence. Greslev. Harrisb. 1848. McKinnon. Chic. 1866. Tamlyn. Phil. 1846. Equity: Forms and Precedents. Curtis. Bost. 1869. Dickinson. New Jersev. 1879. Heard. Bost. 1884. Leonard. Lond. 1869. Lewis. Lond. 1865. Seton. Bost. 1884. Van Heythuysen. Phil. 1801. Whitworth. ' Phil. 1848. Jurisdiction. Brightly. In Pennsylvania. 1855. Gibbons. County Courts. Lond. 1874. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 15. Rouse. County Courts. Lond. 1805. Williams. Improvement in. Lond. 1852. Leading Cases. Brett. Phil. 1888. Indermaur. Epitome. Lond. 1881. Langdell. In Pleading. Camb, 1878, Lawson. Simplified, St. L. 1883. Mver's Fed. Decis., v. 15, White and Tudor, 3 v, Phil, 1888-9. Pleadings. A, & E. Encyc, v. 6. Aldrich. Massachusetts. 1885. Beaines. N. Y. 1824. Drewrv. Lond. 1858. Ellis. ■ Lond. 1821. Foster. U, S, Courts, 1890, Heard, Bost. 1882. Langdell. Camb. 1883. Cases. Camb. 1878. Leonard. Lond. 1869. Lube. N. Y. 1846. Montagu. 3 v. Lond. 1824. Story. Bost. 1879. Welford. Harrisb. 1846. Willis. Phil. 1842. See also Chancery. Practice. Aldrich. Massachusetts. 1885. Barnes. Lond. 1827. Barton. Cin. 1884. Bohun. Practising Attorney. 3 v. Lond. 1733. Chute. Under Judicature Act. 1874. Foster. Federal Courts. 1890. Goldsmith. Lond. 1871. Howard. 2 v. Dubl. 1792-3. Hunter. Phil, 1800. Sands. Richm. 1882. Shiras. U. S. Circuit Courts, 1889. Trower. Under Judicature Act. 1876. Van Santvoord. Under N. Y. Code. 2 V, 1874. 1016 CATALOGUJE OF THE LIBRARY OF Equity : Practice. — Continued. Wait. New York. 7 v. See also Chancery. Treatises, etc. 1872-80. A. & E. Enevc, v. 6. Adams. Phil. 1890. Bigelow. Best. 1879. Bisphain. Phil. 1887. Blyth. Lond. 1887. Fonblanque. 2 v. Phil. 1820. Gilbert. Diibl. 1792. Griffith. Lond. 1808. Guernsey. Key to Story. N. Y. 1876. ■ Hayes. Lond. 1836. Haynes. Lond. 1880. Holcombe. Cin. 1846. Indermaur. Principles. Lond. 1890. Jemmett. Lond. 1836. Jeremv. X. Y. 1840. Karnes. Edin. 1800. Marsh. Rise and Development. Tor. 1890. Park. Courts of Equity. Lond. 1882. Pomerov. 3 v. San Fran. 1881-3. Rawle. ■ Phil. 1868. Roberts. Phil. 1877. Shearwood. Lond. 1885. Smith (H. A.). Principles. Lond. 1888. Smith (Jos. W.). Manual. Lond. 1889. Snell. Lond. 1889. Spence. 2 v. Phil. 1846-50. Story. 2 v. Bost. 1886. Taylor. Tor. 1875. Wait. 8 V. Alb. 1877-88. Watson. 2 v. Lond. 1888. White. Supplement and Revivor. Lond. 1843. Willard. X. Y. 1875. See also Assets ; — Chancery ; — Costs ; — Evidence ; — Maxims ; — Parties ; — Revivor ; and Jones' Index. Error. Leonhard. Bei nichtigen Vertragen. 2 v. Ber. 1882-3. Zitelmann. Irrtura. Lpz. 1879. Writ of. A. & E. Encyc, v. 6. See also Appellate Proceedings. Escrow. A. & E. Encyc, v. 6. Essays. See Ethics : — Humor ; — Law Tracts ;— Tracts. Estates. A. & E. Encyc. v. 6. Bissett. Life. Phil. 1843. Carter. Copyhold. Lond. 1701. Chambers. Lond. 1824. Curson. Estates Tail. Lond. 1708. Dawes. Real. Lond. 1814. Fletcher. Trustees. Phil. 1885. Flintoff. Lond. 1840. Hayes. Dispositions. Phil. 1885. Inwood. Tables for Purchasing. Lond. 1884. Jickling. Legal and Equitable. Lond. 1829. Moorman. Limitation of, in South Carolina. 1889. Myers Fed. Decis., v. 16. Preston. Merger. Phil. 1843. Shelley's Case. Lond. 1794. Prior. Limitations. Lond. 1839. Sugden. Phil. 1834. Wiley. Shelley's Case. Lond. 1869. Wilkinson. Disposition. Lond. 1831. Williams. Seisin of the Freehold. Lond. 1878. See also Perpetuity : — Real Prop- erty : — Remainders ; — Tenures ; and Jones' Index. Estoppel. A. & E. Encvc, v. 7. Bigelow. Bost. 1890. Cababe. Lond. 1888. Everest and Strode. Lond. 1884. Herman. 2 v. Jer. City, 1886. Ethics. Bacon. Professional Ethics. Sara- toga, 1882. Butler. Lawyer and Client. N. Y. 1871. Countryman. Compensation for Pro- fessional Services. Alb, 1882. Eaton. Public Relations and Duties of the Legal Profession. New Haven, 1882. Hearn. Legal Duties and Rights. Lond. 1888. Hill. The Bar; its Ethics, etc. 1881. Hoffman. Fifty Resolutions. See his Legal Studies, v. 2. Judicial Conduct and Deportment. N. Y. 1874. Lieber. Political Ethics. 2 v. Phil. 1875. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 1017 Ethics. — Continued. Pollock. Essays in Jurisprudence and Ethics. Lond. 1882. Sedgwick. Relation and Duty of the Lawyer to the State. N. Y. 1872. Sharswood. Professional Ethics. Phil. 1884. Valraaer. Lawyer's Code of Ethics ; a satire. St. L. 1887. Warden. Man and Law. Columbus, 1860. Warren. Professional Duties, etc. N. Y. 1870. See also Jones' Index. Evidence : England. Archbold. Am. ed. 1838. Bentham. 5 v. 1827. Best. Am. ed. 1883. Garde. General Principles. 1850. Gilbert. 4 v. 1795-7. Glassford. 1820. Harrison. Proposed Code. 1825. Lawson. Specimen Code. 1872. M'Kinnon. Philosophy. 1812. Morgan. 3 v. 1789. Peake. Am. ed. 1824. Phillimore. History, etc. 1850. Phillipps. Am. ed. 3 v. 1868. Powell. 1885. Saunders. Am. ed. 2 v. 1851. Starkie. Am. ed. 1876. Stephen. Am. ed. 1888. Strickland. 1830. Tamlyn. Phil. 1846. Taylor. 2 v. 1885. Trials per Pais. 2 v. 1766. Germany. Von Bar. Reeht und Beweis im Geschworenengericht. Hannover, 1865. India. Field. 1867. Goodeve (Jos.). 1871. Goodeve (L. A.). Evidence Act. 1872. Stephen. 1872. Scotland. Kirkpatrick. 1886. Tait. 1834. United States. A. & E. Encyc, v. 7. Appleton. Rules. 1860. Bailey. Onus Proband). N. 1886. Baker. Proposed Code. 1885. Bayard. Digest of Cases. 1810. Greenleaf. 3 v. 1883. Halsted. 2 v. 1867. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 17. Reynolds. 1890. Swift. 1810. Warner. Under N. Y. Code. 1887. Wharton. 2 v. 1888. Wood. Practice Evidence. Alb. 1886. See also Circumstantial Evi- dence ; — Confessions ; — Con- veyancer's Evidence ; — Crim- inal Evidence ; — Discovery ; — Equity Evidence ; — Expert Testimony ; — Extrinsic Evi- dence; — Juries ; — Marine Evi- dence ; — Medical Evidence ; — Nisi Prius Evidence ; — Pre- sumptive Evidence ; — Privi- 1 e g e d Commiinications ; — Trial Evidence ; — Witnesses ; and Jones' Index. Evidence : of Abstracts of Title. Lee. Phil. 1847. Of Accomplices. See Criminal Evidence. Of Succession to Property. Hubback. Phil. 1845. Ex Parte Waring*. Eddis. Lond. 1876. Ex Post Facto Laws. Black. Bost. 1887. See also Constitutional Law. Examination of Titles. See Abstracts of Title. Examination Qnestions and Ansv^ers. See Study of the Law. Exceptio. Lenel. Exceptionen. Heidelb. 1876. Exceptions. See Appellate Proceedings ; — Bills of Exceptions. Exclieqner, Court of. Bohun. 2 V. Lond. 1732. Chitty. Forms. Lond. 1879. Edmunds. Lond. 1794. Gilbert. Lond. 1758. Howard. 2 v. Dubl. 1792-3. Madox. 2 V. Lond. 1769. 1U18 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Excise Laws : England. Bell and D welly. 187;i. Fortescue. 1881. Lolv and Foulkes. 187-4. Patorson. 1872. Wharton. 187G. Xew York. Bullock. 1887. Graham and Lane. 1890. Saxton. 1881. United States. Estee. 1863. See also Internal Revenue Laws. Executions. A. & E. Encve.. v. 7. Bingham. Phil. 1836. Carter. Lond. 1706. Freeman. San Fran. 1888. Void. St. L. 1890. Gilbert. Lond. 1763. Herman. X. Y. 1875. Mver's Fed. Decis.. v. 20. Rorer. Sales. Chic. 1878. See also Supplementary Pro- ceedings. Executive Po^ver. Chambrun. Rouse's Point, 1873. Chaster. Lond. 1886. Conkling. Alb. 1882. Curtis. Carab. 1862. Elmes. Wash. 1879. Lowrev. Commander in Chief. X. Y. 1862. See also President. Executors and Adminis- trators. A. &E. Encyc, v. 7. A'Beckett. Lond. 1849. Allnutt. Lond. 1860. Atkinson. Alabama Law. 1890. Comstoek. Hartf. 1832. Croswell. Bost. 1889. Dixon. Lond. 1885. Fay. Manual. X. Y. 1884. Godolphin. Lond. 1701. Herbert. Britisli Guiana. 1842. Livermore. Manual. X. Y. 1885. Lomax. 2 v. Riehm. 1857. Macalpin. Expectant Heirs. Lond. 1880. Maeaskie. Lond. 1881. McClellan. Alb. 1890. Matthews. Phil. 1835. Mver's Fed. Decis.. v. 16. Schouler. Bost. 1889. Toller. Pliil. 1829. Walker. Loml. 1888. Walker and Elgood. Lond. 1883. Wentworth. Phil. 1832. Willard. Alb. 1859. Williams (E. V. ). 3 v. Phil. 1877. Williams ( Power to Sell. Lond. 1857. Woerner. Administration. 2 v. Bost. 1889. Wood. Australasian Colonies. Lond. 1884. Wright. Auburn, 1852. See also Probate Law; — Surro- gates:— Wills. Executory Contracts. Bingliam. Sale of Real Property. 1872. Executory Devises. Fearne. 2 v. Phil. 1845. Smith (Jos. W.). Phil. 1845. See also Wills. Exemplary Damages. A. & E. Encyc, v. 7. See also Damages. Exemptions. See Executions : — Homesteads. Expatriation. Hay. Treatise. Wash. 1814. Opinions. V. S. Executive Dept. 1873. See also International Law; — X'aturalization : and Jones' Index. Expectant Heirs. Macalpin. Lond. 1880. Expert Testimony. A. & E. Encvc. v. 7. Bell. Phil. i879. Herschel. Bost. 1886. Lawson. St. L. 1883. Moak. Alb. 1881. Handwriting. Alb. 1887. Value. Alb. 1887. Obermever. Miin. 1880. O'Dea. ■ Medical. X. Y. 1871. Rogers. St. L. 1891. Smith (John G.). Medical. Lond. 1829. Spitzka. Insanitv of Criminals, etc. 1882. Stephen. Lond. 1859. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 1019 Express Coini>aiiies. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 7. Stimson. History. N. Y. 1881. See also Carriers. Expropriation. See Damages ; — Eminent Do- Exteiits. Bingham. Phil. 1836. Hughes. Cases. Lond. 1811. Tidd. 2 V. Phil. 1856. West. Lond. 1817. See also Executions. Extortion. A. & E. Encyc, v. 7. Report of Bar Assoc, of N. Y. Com- mittee. 1873. Extradition. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 7. Bidoulac. Lond. 1887. Billot. Par. 1858. Blondel. Par. 1866. Bonafos. Lyon, 1866. Carlisle. Argument. Wash. 1877. Clarke. Lond. 1888. Denman. Lond. 1861. Fiore. 2 v. Par. 1880. Forsyth. Cases and Opinions. Lond. 1869. Gib})s. Lond. 1868. Hawlev. Inter-State. Detr. 1890. Hurd.' Alb. 1876. Kirchner. Lond. 1883. Fugitives. Lond. 1882. Lammasch. Lpz. 1887. Lawrence. Lpz. 1880. Lewis. Lond. 1859. Lushington. Lond. 1864. Moore. Report on. Wash. 1889. Treatise. 2 v. Bost. 1891. Myers Fed. Decis., v. 12. Eicci. Par. 1886. Spear. Alb. 1884. U. S. Correspondence. 1876. Vazelhes. Par. 1877. See also Jones' Index. Extraordinary Remedies. High. Chic. 1884. Shortt, by Heard. Phil. 1889. Wood. Alb. 1880. See also Special Proceedings. Extraterritoriality. Clunet. L'Incident de Pagny. Par. 1887. Cutting Case. Extraterritorial Crime. Wash. 1887. Frelinghuysen. Judicial Exercise of Rights. ' Wash. 1882. Extrinsic Evidence. Nichols. Lond. 1860. Wigram. N. Y. 1872. F. Factories. Digest. Laws of various Countries. [U. S. Census, 1880, v. 2, page 592.] Notcutt. Lond. 1879. Factors and Brokers. Boyd and Pearson. Lond. 1884. Crump. Lond. 1868. Edwards. Alb. 1870. Folkard. Lond. 1876. Livermore. Bost. 1811. Mechem. Chic. 1889. Moloney. Lond. 1890. Pearson-Gee. Lond. 1890. Russell. Phil. 1845. Thoms. Judicial. Edin. 1881. See also Agency ; — Brokers. Facts. Ram. N. Y. 1890. Wells. Questions of. Des Moines, 1878. See also Juries. False Imprisonment. A. & E. Encyc. v. 7. False Pretences. A. & E. Encyc, v. 7. Family Law. See Domestic Relations. Family Settlements. Atherley. Phil. 1840. Keatinge. Lond. 1810. Peachey. Lond. 1860. Farm Law. Austin. Bost. 1886. Bennett. Portl. 1880. 1020 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Farm Law. — Continiied. Dale. Davton. 1884. Dixon. Lond. 1879. Howard. Lond. 1881. Marriott. Lond. 1801. Thompson. San Fran. 1876. See also Agricultural Law. Fault. Hasse. Culpa. Kiel. 1815. Federal Constitution. See Constitution. United States. Federal Judiciary Acts. See Removal of Causes. Federal Practice. See United States Courts. Federal Restraints on State Action. Patterson. Phil. 1888. Fees. Evans. Solicitors' Remuneration Act. Lond. 1881. Field. Prescribed Tariffs for Legal Wages. Lond. 1856. Moon. X. Y. Town and County Officers. 1884. Morris. Solicitors and Court. Lond. 1876. Mvers Fed. Decis.. v. 18. New York. Fee Bill. 1813. Index of Fees. 1844. Ordinance for Regulating. 1710. Parker. Remuneration of Attorneys. Lond. 185;J. See also Practice. Fellow Servants. A. & E. Encvc. v. 7. McKinney. "Xorthport, 1890. See also Employers' Liability; — Master and Servant. Felony. See Criminal Law. Fences. A. & E. Encvc, v. 7. Fuller. X. Y. 1880. Hunt. Lond. 1884. Tyler. Alb. 1874. Woolrvch. Lond. 1845. Ferries. A. & E. Encyc, v. 7. See also Highways ; — "Waters. Ferry Leases, n. y. city. Valentine. 1866. Feudal Law. Butler. Hont Juridicfe Subsecivse. Phil. 1808. Colquhoun. Historical Review. Loud. 1861. Craig. Jus Feudale. Edin. 1732. Dalrvmple. Feudal Propertv. Lond. 17o9. Duff. Deeds and Forms. Edin. 1838. Gilbert. Tenures, Copvholds, etc. Lond. 1824. Kames. Introduction into Scotland. Lond. 1749. Pim. Tenures. Lond. 1871. Sullivan. Historical Treatise. Dubl. 1772. Wallace. Tenures. Edin. 1783. Watkins. Historical Introduction. Lond. 1824. Fiction in Law. Demelius. Weimar. 1858. Lewis. Lond. 1856. Fieffs. See Feudal Law; — Tenures. Finance. See Money. Finder of Property. A. & E. Encyc. v. 7. See also Jones' Index. Fines and Recoveries. Bayley. Lond. 1828. Boileau. Lond. 1827. Brown. Lond. 1725. Coke. Tracts. Lond. 1764. Coventrv. Lond. 1820. Cruise. " 2 v. Dubl. 1788. Curson. Lond. 1703. Gibbs. Lond. 1821. Hands. Lond. 1825. Manbv. Lond. 1738. Pigott. Dubl. 1792. Sellon. 2 v. X. Y. 1813. Smith (Jos. W.). Lond. 1846. Wilson. Dubl. 1792. Wyche. N. Y. 1794. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 1021 Fire Insurance. See Insurance: Fire. Firm. Ludlow. Load. 1857. See also Partnership. Fishery Laws. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. Bund. Lond. 1876. Chalmers. Colonial Opinions. 1858. Isham. The Fishery Question. N. Y. 1887. Kent. New York Laws. 1888. Oke. Lond. 1884. Paterson. Lond. 1873. Reeves. DuIjI. 1863. Schultes. Phil. 1839. See also Waters. Fixtures. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. Amos and Ferard. Lond. 1883. Brown. Lond. 1881. Ewell. Chic. 1876. Gibbons. Phil. 1836. Gradv. Lond. 1876. Hill.' N. Y. 1871. Tyler. Alb, 1877. Flats. Clode. Lond. 1889. Fleet Marriages. Burn. Lond. 1834. See also Clandestine Marriages. Florida. See page 289. Forcible Entry and De- tainer. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. Cunningham. Illinois Law. 1885. Foreclosure of Mortgage. A. &E. Encyc, v. 8. See also Mortgage. Foreign Attachment. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. Brandon. Lond. 1861. Locke. Mayor's Court, London. Phil. 1854. ' Sergeant. In Pennsylvania. 1840. Foreign Corporations. A. & E. Encyc, y. 8. See also Corporations, Private. Foreign Enlistment. Alexandra Case. Lond. 1863. Gibbs. Lond. 1863. Reilly. Lond. 1863. Foreign Judgments. Henry. Court of Demerara. 1833. Piggott. Lond. 1884. See also Judgments. Foreign Laws. Burge. Commentaries. 4 v. Lond. 1838. See also Colonial Law; — Conflict of Laws. Foreigners. See Aliens. Forensic Medicine. See Medical Jurisprudence. Foreshore. Moore. Lond. 1888. See also Waters. Forest Laws. Blackstone. Tracts. Dubl. 1767. Craig. Lond. 1866. Kent. N. Y. 1888. Manwood. Lond. 1717. Wood. Lond. 1878. Forestalling. Girdler. Lond. 1800. Illingworth. Lond. 1800. Forfeiture Commission- ers, N. Y. Ames. Sales by. 1885. Forfeiture for High Treason. Luders. Dubl. 1798. Smith (P. v.). Lond. 1870. Yorke. Edin. 1778. Forgery. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. Hammond. Code. Lond. 1833. See also Criminal Law; — Trials. 1022 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Form of the Law. Holland. Lond. 1870. Forms. Clerk's xVssistant. X. Y, Abbott. 1872. Booke of Presidents. Lond. 1610. Braswell. Texas. 1885. Campbell. Tennessee. 1886. Carev. Bait. 1885. Chaiiiberlin. Ilartf. 1871. Clerk's Assistant. Poughk. 1805. Connnei'cial Precedents. Hartf. 1S81. Copinger. Lond. 1873. Corbin. New Jersey. 1882. Cowdery. San Fran. 1883. Crabb. " 2 v. Lond. 1859. Curtis. Best. 1871. Dunlap. Phil. 1886. Freeman. Bost. 1794. Humphrey. 2 v. N. Y. 1845. Jenkins. Clerk's Assistant. All). 1884. Jones. Bost. 1891. McCall. Clerk's Assistant. Alb. 1884. ^lihills. Des Moines, 1889. Montefiore. N. Y. 1830. Nixon. New Jersey. 1874. Olmsted and Putzel. Hartf. 1889. Parsons. Laws of Business. Hartf. 1890. Sayler. Cin. 1886. Sp"alding. N. Y. 1883. Tidd. N. Y. 1808. Tillinghast. Alb. 1830. Wells. N. Y. 1886. West. Simboleography. 2 v. Lond. 1641-7. Young Clerk's 'Yade Mecum. N. Y. 1776. See also Legal Directories; and the diiferent subjects. France. See iiage 297. Franchises. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. See also Corporations, Private. Frank-Pledge. Powel. Lond. 1668. Shai-p. Lond. 1786. See also Courts Leet, Fraternities. Hirschl. St. L, 1883. See also Societies. Fraud. A. & E. Encvc, v. 8, Bigelow. 2 V. Bost. 1888-90. Finlason. Commercial. Lond. 1870. Frauds, Covins, etc. Lond. 1710. Grinnell. Deceit. Bost. 1886. Hastings. Lond. 1888. Hovenden. 2 v. N. Y. 1832. Kerr. Lond. 1883. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 18. Pierce. ^Mortgages. St. L. 1884. Serafini. Revoca degli Atti. Pisa, 1887. Fravids, statute of. Agnew. Lond. 1876. Browne. Bost. 1880. Leake. Lond. 1856. Reed. 3 v. Phil. 1884. Roberts. Hartf. 1823. Throop. Alb. 1870. Wood. N. Y. 1884. Fraudulent Conveyances. A. & E. Encyc. v. 8. Bigelow. Law of Fraud, v. 2. Bost. 1890. Billinghurst. Lond. 1676. Bump. Bait. 1882. Hunt. Lond. 1872. May. Lond. 1887. Mye.r's Fed. Decis., v. 18. Roberts. Burling. 1845. Wait. N. Y. 1889. Free Trade. Ames. Des Moines, 1878. See also Political Economy. Freedom and Bondage. Hurd. 2 V. Bost. 1858-62. See also Slavery. Freight. A. & E. Encvc, v. 8. Foard. Lond. 1880. Lawes. Lond. 1813, Rocci, by Ligersoll. Phil Wendt. 1888. See also Shipping. 1809. French Bar. 1832. Camus. 2 v. Par. Dupin. Par. 1851. Jones. Phil. 1856. Young. Edin. 1869. See also Jones' Index. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1023 French Law. Pailliet. ^Manuel. 3 v. Par. 1837. Voet. Les Pandectes et les Cinq Codes Fran^ais. Par. 1841. Warnkonig and Stein. Staats- und Rechtsgeschichte. 8 v. Basel, 1846-8. See also France, page 297. French Spoliation Claims. See page 308. Friendly Societies. Dalv. Lond. 1889. Davis. Lond. 1870. Pratt. Lond. 1881. See also Societies. Fngitive Offenders. Bidoulac. Lond. 1887. Kirchner. Lond. 1882. See also Extradition. Funds, Public. See Stocks. Future Interests. Keyes. Montgomery, 1853. See also Execntory Interests; — Real Property ; — Remainders. Futures, contract s for. Aroni. N. 0. 1882. Dewey. K Y. 1886. Stntfield. Lond. 1886. See also Brokers, G. Gales of Coal and Iron. Wood. Lond. 1878. Game. Anstin. Bost. 1880. Fur, Fin and Feather. U. S. and Canada. 1874. Harvev. Lond. 1872. Kent. ' New York Laws. 1888. Locke. Lond. 1800. Oke. Lond. 1881. Paterson. Lond. 1801. Smith (Geo. P.). N. Y. 1886. Suffield. Lond. 1825. Woolrych. Lond. 1858. j Gaming-. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. Brandt. Loiid. 1873. Clark. Lond. 1758. Dewey. Commorcial. N. X. 1886. Disnev. Lond. 1806. Edwards. Lond. 1839. Mver's Fed. Decis.. v. 18. Oliphant. Lond. 1882. Savles. Lond. 1877. Stutfield. Lond. 1880. See also Criminal Law, Garnishment. Wade. 2 v. San Fran. 1886. Waples. Chic. 1885. See also Attachment. Gas Light Companies. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8. Greenough. ' Bost. 1883. Michael and Will. Lond. 1872. Van Vorst. Of New York City. 1871. Wordsworth. Lond. 1851. Gavelkind. Elton. Lond. 1867. Robinson. Lond. 1822. Somner. Lond. 1726. Gazetteers. Asher and Adams. Commercial and Statistical. United States and Canada. 1873. Hough. New York State. 1873. Lippincott. The World. 1882. General Average. See Average. General Issue. Roscoe. Harrisb. 1845. Geneva Arbitration. Willis. Speech. Wash. 1876. See also page 319. Gentoo Laws. See Lidia. Georgia. Andrews. Reminiscences. Atlanta, 1870. Gault. Burlesque Decisions. Mari- etta, 1846. Miller (S. F.). Bench and Bar. 2 v. Phil. 1858. See also page 320, 1024 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBABY OF Germany. See page 323. Gifts. A. & E. Encyc, v. 8, See also Charitable Uses and Trusts ; — Legacies. Glossaries. See Dictionaries : — Maxims. Good-Will. A. & E. Encvc, V. 8. Allan. Lond. 1889. Gotha. wieh, 1886. Milne. Valuation. 2 v. 1815. Morrell. Lond. 1888. Pitcairn. Winding up. Lond. 1871. Porter. Phil. 1889. Reynolds. Alb. 1858. Seratchley. Lond. 1864. Shrady. Suicide and Intemperance. N. Y. 1869. See also Insurance : In General. Nor- Lond, Cases. Bigelow. 5 y. N. Y. 1871-7. Myer's Fed. Decis., y. 19. Seratchley. Lond. 1878. Digests of Decisions. Sharpstein. San Fran. 1872. Sansum. To 1876. Berryuuiu. 1876-1887. Insurance : Marine. Arnould. 2 y. Lond. 1887. Baily. Lond. 1860. Benecke. Lond. 1824. Bischoff. Lond. 1886. Burn. Lond. 1801. Crump. Lond. 1875. Dick. Lectures. LiA^erp. 1884. Dixon. N. Y. 1866. Droz. 2 y. Par. 1881. puer. 2 y. N. Y. 1845-6. Bmerigon. Lond. 1850. Hildyard. Harrisb. 1847. Hopkins. Phil. 1867. Jacobs. Brux. 1885. Lees. Liyerp. 1852. Lowndes. Lond. 1885. McArthur. Lond. 1885. Marshall. Lond. 1865. Morrell. Lond. 1883. IMyer's Fed. Decis., y. 19. Newson. Lond. 1879. Owen. Lond. 1884. Park. Lond. 1802. Parker. Lond. 1775. Parsons. 2 y. Bost. 1868. Shernum. N. Y. 1841. Vaucher. Lond. 1834. See also Insurance: In General. Digests of Decisions. Sansum. To 1876. Berryman. 1876-1887. Hine and Nichols. N. Y. Mutual. Bacon. St. L. 1888. McKinney. Employees. 1890. Niblack. Chic. 1888. 1881. Northport, Titles antl Mortgages. Aub. N. Y. 1871. Lawyers' Title Ins. Co. By-Laws, etc. N. Y. 1887-8.- Intemperance. Bufknill, Habitual and Insane Drunkards. Lond. 1878. Comstock. In Extenuation of Mur- der. Phil. 1890. Knapp. Habitual Drunkards. Roch. 1887. Medical Jurisprudence of Inebriety. N. Y. 1888. Mittermaier. Criminal Responsi- bility. Edin. 1841. Shrady. In Life Insurance. N. Y. 1869. See also Intoxicating Liipiors. 1036 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Interest. A. & E. EncTC. V. 11. See also Dividends: — Usury; and Jones' Index. Tables. Corbaux. Lond Invrood. Rowlett. Skinner. 1825, Lond. 1884. Phil. 1802. X. Y. 1884. Iiiteriiieiit. See Burial. Internal Revenue Laws: United States. Bump. 1870. Davidge and Kimball. 1871. Dresser. 1865. Gourick. Digest of Decisions. 3 v. 1889-91. Internal Revenue Frauds. 1867. Internal Revenue Laws. 1881. Internal Revenue Manual. 1879. Internal Revenue Record. 37 v. 1865-91. Redfield. 1863. International A^vards. Foster. Weil and La Abra Cases. Wash. 1886. See also Arbitration. International LaAv. Westlake. Relation between Public and Private. Lond. 1856. International Law: Codifi- cation. Field. X. Y. 1876. Laconibe. Lond. 1876. Lawrence. Xewport. 1866. Levi. X. Y. 1888. Marcoartu. Lond. 1876. Sprague. Lond. 1876. See also Jones' Index to Legal Periodicals. Criminal. Von Bar. Bost. 1883. Bard. Par. 1883. Bulletin de L'Union Internationale de Droit Penal. 2 v. Ber. 1889- 91. Fiore. 2 v. Par. 1880. Leading Cases and Opin- Lond. 1885. •'Virginius" Case. X. Y. Cases. "Alabama" Claims. See page 10. "Alexandra." Lond. 1863. Clark. Southern Commissioners. Lond. 1861. Clunet. Affaire Schnsebele. Par. 1887. Cobbett. ions. Curtis. 1874. "General Armstrong." X. Y. 1857. "Meteor." (Baleh.) 2 v. Bost. 1869. "Pampero." Edin. 18(>4. Russian Embargo Case. (Atcheson.) Lond. 1800-3. Smith (P. A.). Southern Commis- sioners. Lond. 1862. Trent Case. Lond. 1862. Capture and Surrender. (Parker.) Camb. 1862. See also Xeutrality; — Trials: Piracy. 1869. Maritime. Aegidi and Klanhold. Hamb. 1866. Bischof. Graz, 1868. Cauchy. 2 v. Par. 1862. Dahlgren. Bost. 1877. De Burgh. Lond. 1868. Ferguson. 2 v. Lond. 1884. Gessner. Ber. 1865. Glass. Annap. 1885. Hautefeiiille. Histoire. Par. Questions. Par. 1868. Johnstone. Lond. 1876. Levi. 2 V. Lond. 1863. Lecture. Lond. 1865. Ortolan. 2 v. Par. 1864. Reddie. 2 v. Edin. 1844-5. Revue Internationale. 6 v. 1885-90. Testa. Par. 1886. Upton. X. Y. 1862. Ward. Loud. 1801. Weiss. 2 v. Par. 18-58. Private. Amos. Lond. 1874. Asser and Rivier. Par. 1884. Von Bar. Bost. 1883. Bard. Par. 1883. Bourdon-Viane and Magron. Par. 1883. Cole. Lond. 1857. Fei-guson. 2 v. Lond. 1884. Fceiix. 2 v. Par. 1866. Foote. Lond. 1878. Gardner. X. Y. 1860. Garnot. Par. 1885. Henrv. Court of Demerara. Lond. 1823. Journal Prive. Xelson. International 1874-90. du Droit 17 V. Par Lond. 1889. Phillimore. v. 4. Lond. 1889, Sapey. Par. 1843. Von Savignv. Edin. 1880. Westlake. Lond. 1880. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 1037 Interiiatioiial Law: I'rivate. — Continued. Wharton. Phil. 1881. See also Conflict of Laws. Public. A. &E. Encyc, v. 11. Amos. Lond. 1874. Atkinson. Lond. 1851. Bard. Par. 1883. Bibliotheque Internationale. 20 v. 1880-8. Bulletin de la Societe de Legislation Comparee. IG v. 1872-87. Bnlinerincq. Freib. 1884. Burlaniaqui. 5 v. Par. 1820-21. 2 V. Phil. 1832. Bvnkershoek. Jus Publicum. Lugd. 'Bat. 1737. - — — Laws of War. Phil. 1810. Cabinet Library of Tracts. Edin. 1835-41. Cadwalader. Digest of Opinions. Wash. 1877. Calvo. 5 V. Par. 1887-8. Carnazza-Amari. Par. 1880, Chitty. Bost. 1812. Creasy. Lond. 1870. Davis. N. Y. 1887. Eschbach. Par. 1856. Felice. 2 v. Par. 1830. Ferguson. 2 v. Lond. 1884. Fiore. 3 v. Par. 1885-6. Fulbeck. Lond. 1602. Gardner. N. Y. 1800. Haakman. Par. 1877. Hall. Oxf. 1890. Halleck. X. Y. 1861. Hamel. Lond. 1863. Hautefeuille. 3 v. Par. 1868, Heffter. Ber. 1881. Par. 1866. Heineke. Halse, 1758. 2 V. Lond. 1741. Historieus. Lond. 1863. Iloroy. Par. 1887. Hosack. Lond. 1882. Kachenovsky. Lond. 1858. Kamarowsky. Par. 1887. Kent, by Abdy. Camb. 1878. Kliiber. Par. 1861. Lawrence (T. J.). Camb. 1885. Levi. Lond. 1855. Lorimer. 2 v. Edin. 1883-4. Mablv. 3 V. Geneve. 1776. Mackintosh. Bost. 1843. Maine. N. Y. 1888. Manning. Lond. 1875. C. von Martens. Causes Celfebres. 5 V. Par. 1858-61. F. de Martens. 3 v. Par. 1883-7. G. F. von Martens. Phil. 1795. 2 v. Par. 1864. Von Neumann. Par. 1886. Phillimore. 4 v. Lond. 1879-89. Letter to Lord Ashburton. Lond. 1842. Poison. Phil. 1853. Pomeroy. Bost. 1886. Pradier-Fodere. 3 v. Par. 1885-7. Pufendorf. 2 v. Basle, 1771. Reddie. Edin. 1842. Revue de Droit International. 22 v. 1869-91. Schmelzing. 3 v. Rudolst. 1818-20. Selden. Juxta Disciplinara Ebra»- (Op. om., V. 1.) Lond. orum. 1726. Stephen Tucker. Twiss. Lond. 1884. Monroe Doctrine. ! V. Lond. 1875-84. 1885. The Oregon Question. Lond. 1846. De Vattel. Dubl. 1792. Phil. 1859. 3 V. Par. 1863. Wallace. Oregon Question. Lond. 1846. Ward. 2 Wharton. Wheaton. V. 80. Lond. 1795. 3 V. Wash. 1886. Elements. Phil. 1836. by Boyd. Lond. 1889. by Dana. Bost. 1866. bv Lawrence. Bost. 1863. In French. 4 v. Lpz. 1868- History. 1845. Wildman. 2 v. Phil. 1850. Woolsey. N. Y. 1891. Zouch. Hagae Com. 1659. See also Alabama Claims ; — Am- bassadors ; — Arbitration Cases ; — Belligerents ; — Blockade ; — Consuls ; — Contraband of War; — Diplomacy : — Extradition ; — Foreign Enlistment ; — Mari- time Warfare; — Natural Law; Neutrality ; — Prize ; — Public Law : — Right of Searcli ; — Treaties; — Univei-sal Law;^ War ; — Washington, Treaty of. Interiiatioiial Conference. Marine Protocol of Proceedings. 2 v. 1890. Reports of Committees. 1890. International Tribunal. Kamarowsky. Par. 1887. Laeombe. JFrench. Lond. 1876. Stoiber. N. Y. 1881. 1038 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Interpleader. A. & R. Encvc, V. 11. Bowen. Phil. 1883. C'abahe. Loud. 1888. Simon. Loud. 1850. Wardc. Slieriffs. Lond. 1887. Interi)ret{itioii : of Deeds. See Deeds. Of Formal Dociiineiits. Elphinstono. Lond. 1867. Of Statutes. See Construction and Interpreta- tion. Of AVords. See Adjudged Words and Phrases. Interrogatories. A. & E. Encvc. v. 11. Collection oi. Lond. 1776. Hart and Eiloart. Lond. 1879. Petherani. Discovery by. Lond. 1864. Siehel and Chance. Lond. 1883. Willis. For Examination of Wit- nesses. Lond. 1816. Commerce Inter - State Act. A. & E. Encvc. V. 11. Dos Passos. ' 1887. Hamilton. 1887. Harper. 1887. I'ainter. Debates in Congress, 2 v. 1887. Senate Committee. Report. 2 v. 1886. Inter - State Commerce Commission. See United States, page 876. Inter-State Extradition. Hawley. Detr. 1800. 3Ioore. 2 v. Bost. 1891. Proceedings of Conference. Alb. 1887. Inter-State Law. Rorer. Chic. 1879. See also Conflict of Laws; — Pri- vate-International Law. Intestate Law. See Descent ; — Executors and Ad- ministrators; — Succession. Intoxicating- Liquors. A. & E. Encyc, v. 11. Austin. Law in New England States. ^1890. Kansas. Prohibitory Law. 1885. Lawson. Civil Remedv for Injuries. St. L. 1877. Ohio. Liquor Laws, Constitutional- ity. 1884. Paterson. Licensing Act. Lond. 1872. Rogers. Law and History. Alb. 1881. See also Excise Law; — Intemper- ance; and Jones' Index. Invention. A. & E. Encyc, v. 11. See also "Patent Law. Investigations. See Trials. Investment. A. & E. Encyc, v. 11. Vaizey. Lond. 1890. Ward. Lond. 1852. Iowa. See page 421. Ireland. See page 422. Irregularities in Law. Macnamara. Phil. 1855. Irrigation. A. & E. Encyc, v. 11. Hall. Sacramento, 1886. Isle of Man. See jiage 427. Isle of Wight. See page 427. Issue. A. & E. Encyc, v. 11. Prior. Lond. 1839. Italy. See page 427. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 1039 J. Jaffna. Miitukisna. Laws and Customs. Colombo, 1863. Jaiiiaica. See page 431. Japan. See page 433. Jersey, island of. See page 436. Jersey City (n. j.). See page 436. Jesnits. Cawley. Loml. KiHO. Jettison. A. & E. Encye., v. 11. See also Average ; — Shipping. Jews. See Hebrew Law; and Jones" Index. Joinder. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 11. Joint Ownership. Foster. Real Estate. Lond. 1S78. See also Partition. Joint Stock Companies. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 11. Cameron, Edin. 1874. Canadian Act. (Stephens.) 1881. Clark. 2 v. Edin. 1866. Collier. Ijond. 187o. Connecticut Act. (Beach.) 1891. Cos. Lond. 1870. George. Lond. 1825. Healey. Lond. 1886. Hurrell and Hyde. Lond. 1883. Jordan. Lond. 1885. Lindley. Lond. 1861. Lorimer. Edin. 1884. New York Corporation Code. 1884. Oechelhaeuser. Nachtheile. Ber. 1878. Pulbrook. Lond. 1882. Raffalovich. Societes Anonymes. Par. 1884. Shelf ord. Lond. 1870. Tavlor. Lond. 1847. Thring. Lond. 1889. Wordsworth. Lond. 1865. See also Companies: — Corpora- tions ; — Partnership. Joint Tenancy. A. & E. Eneyc, v. It. Foster. Lond. 1878. Freeman. San Fran. 1874. Green. Richm. 1852. Jndge Advocates. Hughes. Duties. Lond. 1845. Lee. Vade Mecum. Richm. 1864. Winthrop. Digest of Opinions. Wash. 1880. See also Courts-Martial; — Mili- tary Law. Jndges. Ball. Justices' Justice. Lond. 1845. Bayard. Judges of Inferior Courts. N. Y. 1804. Dugdale. Origines Juridiciales. Lond. 1680; 1739. Judicial Anticipation. Lond. 1812. Judicial Chronicle. (Gibbs.) Camb. 1834. Judicial Conduct. N. Y. 1874. See also Biography; — Humor; etc Jvidgnients. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 12. Bernatzik. Rechtsprechung. Wien, 1886. Bingham. Phil. 1836. Black. 2 V. St. P. 1891. Carleton. Dubl. 1844. Freeman. San Fran. 1881. • Against Bankrupts. St. L. 1877. Kelly. Lond. 1849. Myer's Fed. Decis.. v. 20. Pemberton. Lond. 1876. Piggott. Foreign. Lond. 1884. Prideaux. Lond. 1854. Ram. Science of Legal. N. Y. 1871. Walker. Lond. 1879. See also Debtor and Creditor; — Res Judicata. Books of. First Book of Judgements. Lond. 1655. Second Book of Judgements. Lond. 1674. 1040 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Judicature Acts, Rules, etc. : England. Andrews ami Stonev. 1880. Griffith. With Rules. Orders and 1875. With Rules and Forms. Cost: Ilbert. 1880. Lelv and Foulkes. With Notes. 1881. Tomlinson. Acts and Rules. 1883. Wilson. With Rules and Forms. 1875. Ireland. Dillon. 1879. Ontario. Barwick. 1881. Judicature, Supreme Court of: England.— Prac- tice, etc. Avckbourn. 1876. Brown (Arch.). 1885. Charlev. Pleading. 1877. Chittv." Forms. 1879. Crump. 2 v. 1881-4. Foulkes. 1879. Gibson and McLean. Student's Practice. 188(i. Xapier. 1884. Prentice. Proceedings in an Action. 1877. Roscoe. Outlines of Procedure. 1880. Rules. 1883. Trower. Prevalence of Equity. 1876. Vizard. Practice of the Court in Banc. 1880. Whitewav. Hints on Practice. 1883. Judicial Defiuitious. See Adjudged Words and Phrases. Judicial Factors. Thorns. Edin. 1881. Judicial Notice. A. & E. Encvc. v. 12. Wade. Chic. 1886. Judicial Sale. A. & E. Encvc, v. 12. Freeman. St. L. 1800. Mver's Fed. Decis.. v. 27. Rorer. Chic. 1878. See also Jones' Index. Judicial Systems. See Jones* Index. Judicial Writs. Brownlow. Lond. 1653. Jural Relations. Yon Savignv. Trans, by Rattigan. Lond. 1884. Juries. A. & E. Encvc. v. 12. Abbott. Judge and Jurv. X. Y. 1880. Adair. Pereniptorv Challenge. Lond. 1844. Address to Jurymen of London. 1752. Astrv. Antiquitv and Dutv. Lond. 1725. Yon Bar. Recht und Beweis. Hann. 18G5. Best. Right to Begin and Replv. Burling. 1880. Unanimity. Lond. 1855. Doctrine of Libels and Duty of Juries. (Grange.) Lond. 1752. Edwards. Jurvman's Guide. X. Y. 1831. Erie. Complete Juries Bill. Lond. 1874. ■ Jury Laws. Lond. 1882. Guernsev. Questions of Insanitv. X. Y."1872. Hamilton. Jurvman's Guide. Lond. 1794. Hawles. The Englishman's Right. Lond. 1752. Hirsh. Treatise. X. Y. 1879. Joy. Challenge. Phil. 1843. — '- Peremptorv Challenge. Dubl. 1844. Juries, Observation^ on. Lond. 1800. Kennedv. Law and Practice. Lond. 1826. " Lehraayer. Criminal Cases. Bait. 1886. Manuel des Jures. Par. 1810. Newell. Inquest Jurvmen. Lond. 1825. Pettingal. Greek and Roman. Lond. 1769"^. Phillips. Powers and Duties. Lond. 1813. Pulling. Amending the Law. Lond. 1865. Ram. On Facts. N. Y. 1890. Repp. Scandinavia and Iceland. Edin. 1832. Sackett. Instructions from tlw Court. Chic. 1888. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1041 Juries. — Continued. Stanhope. Rights of Juries defended. Lond. 1793. Steele. In Scotland. 1833. Stephen. Juryman's Guide. Lond. 1844. Thompson (S. D.). Charging the Jury. St. L. 1880. '- Instructions. 2 v. Chic. 1889. Thompson (S. D.) and Merriam. Treatise. St. L. 1883. Thornton. Instructions. Indianap. Towers. Rights and Duty. Dubl. 1785. Trials per Pais. Dubl. 1793. "Wells. Questions of Law and Fact. Des Moines, 1878. Wilson. American Juror. Phil. 1868. Wooler. Packing Special Juries. Lond. 1817. Worthington. Questions of Law. Phil. 1840. See also Grand .Juries; — Trial by Jury; and Jones' Index. Jurisdiction. Action at Law. (Vance.) 1890. Admiralty. See Admiralty Jurisdic- tion. American Courts. (Hawes.) 1886. (Wells.) 1880. Chancery. 8ee Chancery Jurisdic- Its Effect on. (Maury.) See Ecclesiastical (Spens.) tion Civil War, 1875. Ecclesiastical. Jurisdiction. English and Scotch Courts, 1884. English Courts. Coke's Institutes, part 4. 17S>7. ■ (Crompton.) 1637. Appellate. (Burge.) 1841. Foreign, and Extradition. (Lewis.) Lond. 1859. Lis Pendens. (Bennett.) Chic. 1887. Marine, in time of Peace. (Roche.) Lond. 1858. New Jersey Small Cause Courts. (Honeyman and Ilerr.) 1876. New York Courts. (Graham.) 1839. New York Surrogate's Courts. (Dalv.) 1863. Parliament. (Hale.) 1796. Parties out of. (Piggott.) Lond. 1884. Supreme Court of Judicature. (Ayck- bourn.) 1876. 66 Hora? Juridicffi. Phil. 1808. Source of Laws. Lond. and Value. Camb. 1883. First Principles. United States Courts. See L". S. Courts. See also the various subjects. Jurisprudence. Allgemeiue Bibliographic. 3 v. Ber. 1888-90. Amos. Science. Lond. 1872. Austin. Lectures. 3 v. N. Y. 1875. Butler. De Cataneo. 1753. Chan-Toon. Nature Lond. 1889. Clark. Practical. Domat, by Wood. Lond. 1705. Foster. Elements. Lond. 1853. Hastie. Science. Edin. 1887. Hearn. Theory of Legal Duties and Rights. Loiid. 1883. Heineke. 9 v. Geneva^ 1744-49. Henry. Science. Lond. 1884. Heron. History. Lond. 1860. Principles. Lond. 1873. Hilliard. American. N. Y. 1848. Holland. Elements. Oxf. 1882. Von Ihering. The Struggle for Law. Chic. 1879. Johnson. Science of Law. Dubl. 1874. Law Grammar. Dubl. 1791. Lightwood. Nature of Positive Law. Lond. 1883. Long. Discourses. Phil. 1848. Lorimer. Institutes of Law. Edin. 1880. MacFarland. Sources. Ithaca, 1890. Markby. Elements of Law. Lond. 1885'. Merlin. Repertoire L^niversel. 36 v. 1825-8. Merrill. Comparative. Bost. 1886. De Montesquieu. Spirit of Laws. 2 v. Cin. 1873. Montriou. Institutes. Calcutta, 1866. Phillimore. Lecture. Lond. 1851. Principles. Lond. 1856. Phillipps. Treatise. Lond. 1863. Pollock. Essays. Lond. 1882. Von Savigny. Vocation of our Age. Lond. 1831. Smith (G. IL). Right and Law. Chic. 1887. Smith (S. K.). Theory and Princi- ples of Law. Columbia, Mo., 1884. Thibaut. Introduction, trans, by Lindley. Phil. 1855. Thomas. Universal. Lond. 1829, 1042 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Jurisprudence. — Con, Udny. Hai'inoiiv of Laws. Loiul. 18b8. Warden. Man and I^aw. Coliunl)us. 1860. Wise. Outlines. Oxf. 1881. Wooddeson. Elements. Dubl. 1792. See also Law : — Philosophy of Law : — Science of Law ; — Universal Law ; and Jones' Index. Jury System. See Juries: — Jones' Index. Justice of the Peace. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 12. Archbold. 3 v. Lond. 1842. Arnold. Lond. 18G0. Asbury. Illinois Form Book. 1858. Barrv. 4 v. Lond. 1793-5. Bavard. N. Y. 1804. Benedict. 2 v. Alb. 1883. Bennett. Vermont. 1864. Binns. Pennsylvania. 1886. Blackerbv. Lond. 1749. Brossard." Par. 1824. Burn. Lond. 1869. Care. Lond. 1691. Comyn. Lond. 1823. Conductor Generalis. Alb. 1819. Cowen. 2 v. N. Y. 1880. Dalton. Lond. 1661. Davis. Bost. 1853. Dickinson. Lond. 1841. Duffie and Hill. Arkansas. 1876. Edwards. Ithaca, 1834. Ewing. New Jersey. 1848. Field. Roch. 1890." Giauque. Cin. 1888. Griffith. New Jersey. 1797. Headlev. New York Criminal. 1890. Kelley." Missouri. 1890. Lambard. Eirenarcha. Lond. 1614. McCall. New York. 1885. Moore. Illinois. 1889. Murfree. St. L. 1886. Nelson. Lond. 1729. Saunders. Lond. 1848. Stone. Lond. 1878. Swan. Ohio. 1841. Throop. New York. 1890. Trotter. Lond. 1884. Wait. 3 V. Alb. 1882-3. Waterman (T. G.). Alb. 1829. Waterman (T. W.). Civil Jurisdic- tion. N. Y. 1849. Williams. 4 v. Lond. 1812. Young Clerk's Vade Mecum. N. Y. 1776. See also Magistrates. Justinian's Institutes, See Roman, or Civil. Law. Juvenile Offenders. Kvnnerslev. Lond. 1862. Lascelles. ' Lond. 1870. K. Kansas. See jjage 449. Kent ', Common Ija\v of. Elton. Lond. 1867. Robinson. Lond. 1822. Somner. Lond. 1726. Kentucliy. See page 456. King's Bench, Court of: Practice, etc. Archbold. Forms and Entries. 1828. Bohun. Practising Attorney. 2 v. 1732. Compleat Attorney's Practice. 1737. Crompton. 2 v. 1787. Gilbert. 1763. Impey. 1791. Instructor Clericalis. (Gardiner.) 7 v. 1713-22. Praxis Utriusque Banci. 1674. Richardson. 2 v. 1776. Sellon. 2 v. 1813. Sheridan. 1792. Tidd. 2 v. 1856. Forms. 1803. See also Court Rules ; — Queen's Bench. King's Council. See Record Commission. Kingston (n. y.). See page 461. L. Labels. Gourick. Digest of Decisions. 3 v. Wash. 1889-91. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1043 Labor. Kellogg. Labor and other Capital. N. Y. 1849. Sayer and Savill. Labour Disputes. Lond. 1888. See also Political Economy. Labor Laws. Davis. Lond. 1875. Howell. Lond. 1876. See also Master and Servant. Lakes and Ponds. A. & E. Encyc. v. 12. Sewell. Title to Beds in. See also Waters. N.Y. 1882. Lancaster : county and Duchy. See page 468. Land Cases. Brainard. Legal Precedents. 7 v. Wash. 1883-9. Dillon and Kehoe. Ireland. 1881-2. Donnell. Ireland. 1871-6. Hoffman. California. 1862. Lester. Decisions, Interior Dept., U. S. 2 V. 1860-70. Maedevitt. Ireland. 1884. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 21. U. S. Land Office. Decisions. 1881- 1890. 11 V. Digest. 1881-1887. Land Claims : Louisiana. Land Claims. Wash. 1842. Land Commissioners. New York. Proceedings. 4 v. 1885-8. United States. Report. 1880. Land Drainage. Kennedy and Sandars. Lond. 1884. Land Holding among the Grermans. Ross. 1883. Land Laws: England. .Jacob. 1752. Pollock. 1883. Scrutton. Land in Fetters. Camb. 1886. Tamlyn. Lands Entailed. 1835. White. 2 V. 1839. See also Settled Land Statutes. Land Laws : France. White. 2 V. 1839. Ireland. Beytagh. Charges on Land. Cant-Wall. 1882. Edge. Forms. 1884. McDermot. 1881. Richey. 1880. Scotland. 1846. Copp. Rankine. Land Ownership. 1884. Leases. 1887. United States. Amer. Settler's Guide. 1882. Laws, Decisions, etc. 2 v. 1890. Copp's Land Office Bulletin. 1889-90. . Land Owner. 17 v. 1874-91. Donaldson. Public Domain. 1884. Gouriek's Digest of Decisions. 3 v. 1889-91. Lester. Decisions, Laws, etc. 2 v. 1860-70. Lewis. Leading Cases. 1879. Matthews. Settlers' Guide. 1889. Matthews and Conway. Digest of Decisions. 1881-87. Public Land Laws. 1810. 2 V. 1828-36. 2 V. 1838. 4 V. 1881. 4 V. 1884. Shinn. Mining Districts. 1884. Spaulding. Treatise. 1884. Tyler. Lands of Public Rivers. Alb. 1874. Zabriskie. Laws, etc., 1877. Land Papers, N. Y. Calendar, 1643-1803. 1864. Land Rights. Cowan. Edin. 1876. Donnell. Dubl. 1873. Kinnear. Lond. 1880. Lefevre. Lond. 1881. Sato. Bait. 1886. Winn. N. \\ 1888. Land Societies. Barry. Lond. 1866. Davis. Lond. 1874. Scratchley. Lond. 1881. (See also Societies. Land Steward. Jacob. Lond. 1752. 1044 CATALOaUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Land Tax. Bourdin. Lond. 1870. Land Tax. Redemptiou Act. Lond. 1799. Miller. Lond. 1849. Land Tennres. >fe Tenures. Land Titles. Hawaiian Kingdom. 1882. Hudson Co., N. J. (Winfield.) 2 a". 1872. Massachusetts. (Sullivan.) 1801. Pennsylvania. (Huston.) 1849. -" (Jones.) 1850. Virginia. (Hutchinson.) 1887. West Virginia. (Hutchinson.) 1887. See also Land Laws ; — Real Prop- erty: etc. Land Transfer. See Registration of Deeds; and Jones' Index. Landlord and Tenant. A. ic E. Eneyc. v. 12. Archbold. Lond. 1855. Bingham. Lond. 1820. Chambers. Lond. 1828. Clavdon. Lond. 1847. Comyn. Phil. 1834. Coote. Lond. 1840. Delano. Massachusetts Law. 1884. Dun. Irish Law. 1881. Dvett. Summary Proceedings. N. "Y. 1848. Fawcett. Lond. 1871. Field. Calcutta. 1885. Finlav. Dubl. 1835. Furlong. 2 v. Dubl. 1869. Gear. San Fran. 1888. Hunter. 2 v. Edin. 1876. Jackson and Gross. Penn. Law. 1882. Landlords" Law. Lond. 1727. McAdam. X. Y. 1882. Mathew. Dubl. 1841. Meriton. Lond. 1669. Paul. Lond. 1808. Redman and Lyon. Lond. 1879. Shipman. Lond. 1841. Sloane. X. Y. 1884. Smith (Horace) and Soden. Lond. 1878. Smith (John W.). Lond. 1882. Smvthe. Dubl. 1842. Taylor. 2 v. Bost. 1887. Townshend. Summary Proceedings. X. Y. 1873. Walker. Guide for Xew York. 1885. Wood. 2 v. X. Y. 18.S8. Woodfall. Lond. 1886: and X. Y. 1890. See also Distress: — Ejectment: — Fixtures ; — Leases. Lands Clanses Consolida- tion Acts. Frend and Ware. Lond. 1866. Godefroi and Shortt. Lond. 1869. Jepson. Lond. 1880. Lloyd. Lond. 1870. Sturges and Browne. Lond. 1866. See also Compensation ; — Rail- ways. LansdoATiie 3Ianuscrii)ts. Catalogue. See Record Commission. Lapse. Green. Essay. Richm. 1852. Larceny. BcAill. Lond. 1799. Hammond. Lond. 1828. Phalen. Cases. Chic. 1885. See also Criminal Law. Lateral Support. Gray. Lond. 1886. See Easements : — Injunctions ; — Party AValls. Latin Law Phrases. See Law Phrases. Law. See Elements of Law: — Juris- prudence: — Origin of Law: — Philosophy of Law: — Science of Law : — Study of Law : — Universal Law. Law and Facts. See Facts. Law Cyclopaedias. See Cyclopjpdias. Law Days. A. & E. Encvc. v. 5. McAdam. X. Y. 1874. Spelman. Lond. 1684. See Legal Time. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1045 Law Dictionaries. Abbott. 2 V. Bost. 1879. Adams. Alb. 1886. Anderson. Chic. 1889. Blount. Lond. 1717. Bouvier. 3 v. Phil. 1883. Brown. Alb. 1875. Burn. 2 v. Lond. 1792. Burrill. Calvinus. Cocliran. Corfield. C'owell. 2 V. N. Colon. Y. 1870. Allob. 1612. Cin. 1888. Lond. 1856. Lond. 1764-5. Students Laconic. Lond. 172 Cunningham. 2 v. Dupin. Par. 1851. Holthouse. Phil. 1847. Yon Holtzendorff. 3 v. Lpz. 1880-1. Jacob. 6 V. N. Y. 1811. Law-French and Law-Latin. Lond. 1718. Mozley and Whiteley. Lond. 1870. Peloubet. N. Y. 1880. Potts. Lond. 1813. Kapalje and Lawrence. 2 v. Jer. City, 1883. Rastell. Lond. 1685. Portl. 1812. ■Rawson. Lond. 1884. Robinson. Calcutta, 1880. Skene. Edin. 1597. Spelman. Lond. 1G87. Stimson. Bost. 1881. Sweet. Lond. 1882. Tavlcr. N. Y. 1845. Tolnlins. 3 v. Phil. 1836. Wharton. Lond. 1889. Wliishaw. Lond. 1829. Williams. Lond. 1816. See also Maxims. Law, English. See England, Law of. LaW^ : History. Law Miscellanies. Brackenridge. Phil. 1814. Bynkershoek. 2 v. Colon. Allob. 1761. Hargrave. Juridical Arguments. 2 V. Lond. 1797-9. Jurisconsult Exercitations. 3 V. Lond. 1811-13. Von Ihering. 3 v. Jciui. 1881-6. Lpz. 1879. Von Savigny. 5 v. Bei-. 1850. See also Essays; — Works, Col- lected. Law, Naval. See Naval Law. Law of Nations. See International Law. Lai;v of Nature. See Natural Law. Law : Origin. See Origin of Law. Law Periodicals. See Periodicals. Law : Philosophy. See Philosophy of Law. Law Phrases. Jones. In Blackstone. Phil. 1885. Kinne. N. Y. 1853. Stimson. Bost. 1881. Tayler. N. Y. 1845. Trayner. Edin. 1876. See also Adjudged Words and Phrases. Nouvelle Revue Ilistorique. 11 v. ; LaW Refomi. Par. 1877-87. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung 10 V. Weimar, 1880-9. Zeitschrift filr Rechtsgeschichte 13 V. Weimar, 1861-78. See also Common Law; — JuriS' prudence ; — Origin of Law and the different Countries. Law Lists. See Legal Directories. Law Merchant. See Commercial Law. Arnold. Phil. 1887. Aschrott. Ber. 1887. Brougham. Lond. 1828-48. Byles. Lond. 1829. Cattlin. Lond. 1856. Cockburn. Lond. 1870. Conkling. Alb. 1856. Cooper. Lond. 1828. Dodd. Lond. 1828. Ensor. Lond. 1812. Finlason. Lond. 1850-77. Gedve. Lond. 1867. Glover. Lond. 1834. Hawkins. Lond. 1865. Holland. Lond. 1870. 104G CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Law Reform. — Continued. Law Reform Uuinbug Unmasked. Loiul. 18:«. Law Reform Tracts. Columbus, 0., 184!». Law Reform Tracts. N. Y. 1852-5. Lawes. Lond. Vti'll. Loomis. N. Y. 1879. Phillimore. Lond. 1846. Present State of Practice. Lond. 17—. Raines. Lond. 188:5. Revue de la Reforme Judiciaire. 3 V. Par. 1885-7. Robinson. Commonwealth. Lond. 1869. Sampson against the Philistines. (Duane.) Phil. 1805. Strickland. Lond. 1833. Tapping. Lond. 1868. Torrey. St. L. 1883. Twiss". Lond. 1826. Williams. Letters to John Bull. Lond. 1857. Willmore. Lond. 1852. See also Bar ^Associations; — Cod- ification ; — Criminal Law ; — Real Property ; — Registration of Deeds; and Jones' Index. Appellate System. Stebbins. Lond. 1867. Bankruptcy. Fane. Lond. 1848. Montagu. Lond. 1829. Chancery. Bell. Lond. 1830. Blewitt. Lond. 1827. Carpenter. Lond. 1850-1. Challinor. Lond. 1849. Cochrane. Lond. 1866. Courtenav. Lond. 1828. Hume. "Lond. 1830. Johnes. Lond. 1834. Merivale. Lond. 1827. Sugden. Lond. 1835. Wellesley. Lond. 1830. Wilks. "Lond. 1827. Common LaAV. Best. Lond. 1857. Collier. Lond. 1852. Massey. Lond. 1850. Perrv. Lond. 1850. Corporate Reform. Hallam. Lond. 1833. Criminal Law. Arrowsmith. Lond. 1811. Baylev. Lond. 1857. Cooke. Lond. 1834. Dagge. 3 v. Lond. 1774. Greaves and Lonsdale. Lond. 1854. Jevons. Lond. 1834. Osborn. Lond. 1847. Remarks on Criminal Law. Lond. 1834. Ribton. Lond. 1853. Tuscanv. Edict of the Grand Duke. 1789.' Divorce Courts. Phillimore. Lond. 1859. Ecclesiastical Courts. Bruce. Lond. 1854. Dodd. Oxf. 1853. Gem. Lond. 1844. Pritchard. Lond. 1854. Equity. Field. Costs. Lond. 1840. Williams. Jurisdiction. Lond. 1852. Pleadings. Guernsey. N. Y. 1873. Hopwood. Lond. 1868. Real Property. Barnes. Lond. 1827. Beaumont. Lond. 1827. Bowver. Lond. 1869. Dixon. Lond. 1827. Humphreys. Lond. 1827. Lawrence. Lond. 1880. Sugden. Lond. 1827. Walters. Loud. 1829. Scotland. Campbell. Edin. 1830. Neish. Lond. 1869. Scottish Law Amend. Soc. Trans. 1868-72. Stuart. Edin. 1853. Taylor. Edin. 1837. Testamentary Jurisdiction, etc. Lawson. Dubl. 1852. Pritchard. Lond. 1854. Quin. Lond. 1834. Spinks. Lond. 1851. Law Registers. See Legal Directories. Law Reporters. Heard. Curiosities of. Bost. 1871. Wallace. Reporters Characterized. Host. 1882. See also Legal Bibliography. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1047 LaTV Reporting-, etc. Daniel. History of " Tiie Law Re- ports." Lond. 1884. N. Y. City Bar Assoc. Reports of Committee. Pulling. Lond. 18G3. Sweet. Lond. 1863. Westlake. Ijoud. 1863. Se,6 also Jones' Index. Lijiw Schools. Albany. Catalogue, etc. 1883-4. Bluntschli. Rechtsschulen der Deutschen Juristen. Ziirich, 1863. Brougham. Establishment. Lond. 1850. Columbia College. Catalogues, etc. 1870-84. Dane. Rules, Orders, etc. 1855. Needham. Va. Journal. 1833. University of Michigan. Announce- ment, 1890-91. " University of N. Y. Catalogue, etc. 1887. See also Lins of Court; — Lect- ui'es; and Jones' Index. Law Studies. See Study of the Law; and Jones' Index. Law Terms. tiee liaw Days. Law Tracts. Bacon. Lond. 1741. Blackstone. Dubl. 1767. Brackenridge. Phil. 1815. Cabinet Library. Edin. 18o5-41. Coke. Lond. 1764. Dawson. Lond. 1839. Dupin. Par. 1851. Fearne. Lond. 1797. Hargrave. Collectanea Juridica. 3 V. Lond. 1791-3. Collection of Tracts. Dubl. 1787. Hayward. Lond. 1856. Johns Hopkins University Studies. 8 V. Bait. 1883-90. Juridical Society. Papers. 4 v. Lond. 1858-74. Kames. Edin. 1761. Law Journal. 3 v. Lond. 1836-30. Law Reform. Columbus, 1849. N. Y. 1853-5. Malynes. Lond. 1686. Merrill. Camb. 1886. Oliver. Hallowell, 1833. Parsons. Phil. 1876. Preston. Lond. 1797. Priestley. Phil. 1773. Riddell. Edin. 1835. Robinson. Lond. 1801. Roper. Phil. 1803. Seidell. Lond. 1683. Thrupi.. Lond. 1843. Wynne. Lond. 1765. 8ee also Law Miscellanies; — Works, Collected. Law^yer and Client. See Ethics ; — Legal Profession ; and Jones' Index. Lawyers. Sec Advocates: — Attorneys and Solicitors ; — Humor ; and Jones' Index. Lawyers' Briefs. Abbott. Criminal. 1889. Proving the Facts. 1889. Trial. 1885. Field. 6 v. N. Y. 1884-6. Malone. Criminal. Bait. 1886. Lawyers' Diaries. New Jersev. 1875-6. New York; (Gould.) 1870-91. (Watson.) 1874. Leading- Cases. American. Hare and Wallace. 2 v. 1871. English. J. W. Smith. 3 v. 1889. Shirley. Criminal Law. Phil. 1889. For cases on special subjects see those subjects. Leases. A. & E. Encyc. v. 13. Andrews. Precedents. Lond. 1878. Bacon. Lond. 1798. Bell. 3 V. Edin. 1835-6. Brickdale. Of Settled Estates. Lond. 1861. Chambers. Lond. 1819. Edge. Forms. Dubl. 1884. Lely and Peck. Precedents. Lond. 1889. Lorrain. Montreal, 1885. Lyne. Ecclesiastical. Dubl. 1838. For Lives. Dubl. 1837. Piatt. 3 V. Lond. 1847. Pothier. Par. 1778. Rankine. Scotch Law. 1887. Walters. Power of Rectors, etc. Lond. 1838. See also Jones' Index. 1048 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Lectures. Bowver. Pleadings before the Mid- dle Temple Society. 1851. Christian. Syllabus of Lectures. Load. 1816." Long. General Jurisprudence. Phil. 1848. McDougall. Law Lectures. Tor. 1882. Pearson. Law Lectures. Raleigh. 18T9. Sullivan. Constitution and Laws of England. 2 v. 1805. Turner. Law; its Origin, etc. Lond. 1850. Wheeler. Criminal Jurisprudence. N. Y. 1827. Wilson. Law Lectures. 3 v. Phil. 1804. Wooddeson. Laws of England. 3 v. 1834. For special subjects see those subjects. Leeward Islands. See page 4.S4. Legacies. A. & E. EncYC, V. 13. Arndts. 3 v. Erlang. 1869-78. Godolphin. Lond. 1701. Lowndes. Lond. 1824. Preston. X. Y. 1827. Roper. 2 v. Phil. 1848. Salkowski. Erlang. 1889. Ward. Phil. 1837. See also Devises ; — Wills ; and Jones' Index. Legacy Duties. Dos Passos. X. Y. 1890. Griffith. Lond. 1886. Hanson. Lond. 1876. Shelford. Lond. 1861. Trevor. Lond. 1881. Legal Anecdotes. Set Humor. Legal Antiquities. See Antiquities of the Law. Legal Bibliograpliy. Eschbach. Par. 1856. Halfpenny. France. 1849. Lipen. 7 v. 1757-1823. Marvin. 1847. Moak. 1880. Soule. 1884. Tower. Colonial Laws. 1890. Wallace. 1882. Whitmore. Mass. Colonial Laws. 1890. Worrall. 1788. See also Catalogues. Legal Chemistry. Xaquet. X. Y. 1870. Legal Composition. See Composition. Legal Directories : Austral- asia. Law List. 1886-7. Bridgman. 1807. Brooke. 1788. Camus, par Dupin. Clarke. 1819. Dupin. 1851. 1832. Canada. Bover. 1885-7. Hardv. 1883. Hubbell. 1870-90. Kneeland. 1873. Martin dale. 1874-90. Morgan. 1878. Sharp and Alleman. 1889. Storv. 1887-91. England and Wales. Licorporated Law Society's Calendar. 1881-6. Law List. 14 v. 1872, 1878-90. Ireland. Incorporated Law Society's Calendar. 1890. Irish Law List. 1885. Scotland. Scottish Law List. 1886, 1890. United States. Andrews. 1873. Boyer. 188-5-7. Brooklyn. See Gould's Diarv. Griffith. 1822. Havward. Xew England and Xew York. 1835. Hubbell. 1870-90. Kneeland. 1873. Lisingston. 1866. Martindalc. 1874-90. Xew Jersey. (Honeyman.) 1888. Xew York City. See Gould's Diary. Philadelphia.' (Winship.) 1890. Sharp and Alleman. 1889. Story. 1887-91. Trow. 1875. Ulman. 1872. See also Lawyers' Diaries. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 1049 Legal Education. Anthon. Law Student. N. Y. 1850, Bagshawe. Its Past and Future. Lond. 1858. Camus. Profession d'Avocat. 2 v. Par. 1832. Dicev. J^nglish Law at the Univer- sities. Lond. 1888. Dupin. l&tude du Droit. Par. 1851. Dwight. Education in Law Schools. N. y. 1876. Jones. History of the French Bar. Phil. 1856. Pearce. Inns of Court. Lond. 1855. Ruggles. The Barrister. Lond. 1818. Saunders. Inns of Court. Lond. 1875. Shirley. Practical Training of Solic- itors. Lond. 1875. Smith (P. A.). Ancient, in the Inns of Court. Lond. 1856. ■ History. Lond. 1860. Young. Object of a Legal Univer- sity. Lond. 1870. See also Inns of Court ; — Study of the Law; and Jones' Index. Legal Encyclopaedia. See EncyclopiBdia. Legal Essays. See Humor: — Law ^fiscellanies; — Law Tracts. Legal Ethics. See Ethics: and -Tones' Index. Legal Fictions. Demelius. Weimar, 1858. Lewis. Lond. 1856. See also Jones' Index. Legal Instruments. Gael. Drawing of. Lond. 1840. Legal Jvidgment. Bernatzik. Rechtsprechung. Wien, 1880. Ram. Science of. N. Y. 1871. Legal Maxims. See Maxims. Legal Medicine. See Medical Jurisprudence. Legal Miscellanies. See Miscellanies. Legal Outlines. See Elements of the Law ; — Study of the Law. Legal Pamphlets. Collection. 48 v. Legal Poetry. See Poetry. Legal Profession. Butler. Lawyer and Client. N. Y. 1871. Camus. Profession d'Avocat. 2 v. Par. 1832. Countryman. Compensation. Alb. 1882." Dupin. Profession d'Avocat. Par. 1851. Eaton. Public Relations and Duties. N. Y. 1882. Forsyth. Hortensius; the Advocate. 1881. O'Brien. The Lawyer. Lond. 1842. Ruggles. The Barrister. Lond. 1818. Sedgwick. Relation to the State. 1872. Shirley. Practical Training. Lond. 1875. • Warren. Professional Duties. N. Y. 1870. Washburn. Prijfessional Training. 1861. Webster. Promotion at the English Bar. 1861. Williams. Forensic Facts. Lond. 1885. Wool worth. Dignity and Prospects. 1877. See also Advocacy: — Attorneys; — Ethics; — Inns of Court: — Legal Education ; — Strictures ; and Jones' Index. Legal Recreations. See Humor. Legal Remembrancer. Abbott. X. Y. 1871. Legal Science. See Science of Ijaw. 1050 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Legal Tender. Knox. r. S. Notes. X. Y. 1885. Lesal Tender Cases. X. Y. 1863. — X. Y. 1872. Peckham. Review of Arguments. X. Y. 1864. Spear. Constitutionality of Acts. X. Y. 1875. See also Money; and Jones" Index. Legal Time. Woolrych. Lond. 1851. See Law Days. Legislation. Annuaire de Legislation Etrangere. 18 V. Par. 1872-90. Anstev. Colonial. Lond. 1868. Bentham. Theory. Lond. 1876. Black. Constitutional Prohibitions. 1887. Coolev. Constitutional Limitations. 1890. Cox. Three Decades of Federal. 1885. 5 V. Fir. 1820-1. Filangieri. La France 1877-84. Hue. 2 V. Lerminier. Judiciaire. 8 v. Par. 1891. Phil. of Par. 1868. Par. 1837. Myer. Vested Rights. St. L Ordronaux. Constitutional. 1891. Putt. Science. Lond. 1830. St. Amand. Legislative Power England. 1725. Von Savignv. Vocation of our Age. Lond. 1831. Sterne. Corrupt Legislation. 1885. Defective Legishition. 1884. English Methods, etc. 1879. Our Methods, etc. 1879. Swanton. Schools of Legislation. 1860. Svmonds. Mechanics of Law Mak- " ing. 1835. "Wendt. Maritime Legislation. 1888. Woolsey. Divorce Legislation. 1869. See also Government: — Parlia- mentary Law: — Private Bill Legislation ; and Jones' Index. Comparative. • Bulletin de la Societe de Legislation Comparee. 16 v. Par. 1872-87. Colfavru. Mariage. Par. 1868. Hue. Code Civil Italien et Code Napoleon, 2 v. Par. 1808. Lawrence. Mariage. Gand. 1870. Lerminier. Cours d'Histoire. Par, 1837. Revue de Di-oit International et de Lesislation Comparee. 22 v. Par. 1869-91. Legislative Expression. Coode. Phil. 1848. Legitimacy and Illegiti- macy. Bell. Under a Putative Marriage. Edin. 1825. Douglas. Legitimacv Case. Lond. 1767. Horner vs. Liddiard. Lond. 1800. Macqueen. Lond. 1860. Prater. Conflict of Laws. Lond. 1835. Robertson. Subsequent Marriage. Lond. 1829. Weightman. Lond. 1871, See also Bastardy; and Jones' Index. Letters of Credit, A, & E, Encyc, v. 13. Glen. Edin. 1824. Shaw. Lond. 1871. See also Bills and Xotes, Letters Patent. See Patents. Lexicons. See Dictionaries. Libel. A. & E. Encyc. v. 13. Coleridge. Blasphemous. Lond, 1883. Cooke. Phil. 1846. Cooper. X. Y. 1830. Doctrine of Libels, etc. (Grange.) Lond. 1752. Elliott. Newspaper. Lond. 1884. Flood. Lond. 1880. Folkard. N. Y. 1877. Eraser. Newspaper. Lond. 1889. George. Lond. 1812. Heard. Lowell, 1860. Holt, N. Y, 1818, Jones. Lond. 1812. Kelly. Xewspaper. Lond. 1889. Lewis. Blasphemous. Lond. 1859. Libels. Almon Letters, etc. Lond. 1770-1. March. Lond. 1674. Mence. 2 v. Lond. 1824. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 1051 Libel. — Contimied. Men-ill. Newspaper. Bost. 1888. Newell. Chic. 1890. Odgers. Lond. 1887. Parry. Lond. 1844. Paterson. Lond. 1880. Shortt. Lond. 1884. Starkie. N. Y. 1877. Towers. Dubl. 1785. Townshend. N. Y. 1890. Vincent. Lond. 1876. White. Anti-Religious. Dubl. 1834. See also Trials ; and Jones' Index. md", Liberia. Maryland in Liberia. Liberty. Bonham. Industrial. N. Y. 1888. Cooper. Of the Press. N. Y. 1830. Curtis. Plea for Religious. Wash. 1886. Hurd. Personal. Alb. 1876. Lieber. Phil. 1874. Mill. Bost. 1863. Parker. Bost. 1861. Paterson. Of the Press, etc. Lond. 1880. Of the Subject, etc. 2 v. Lond. 1877. Richards. Religious. Wash. 1886. Taylor. Book of Rights. Lond. 1833. Thorp. Of the Subject. Lond. 1840. Wells. Magna Charta. etc. 1880. See also Libel ; — Slander. Libraries. Chambers. Law relating to. Lond. 1889. Eaton. Public, in the U. S. Wash. 1876. Tiibrarv Journal. 15 v. N, Y. 1877- 90. Nicolson. Historical. Lond. 1776. Rhees. Manual. Phil. 1859. See also Bibliography ; — Cata- logues. Licensing^ Acts. See Excise Law; and Jones' In- dex. Liens. A. & E. Eneyc. v. 13. Cross. Phil. 1841. Jones. 2 v. Bost. 1888. Montagu. Lond. 1821. Overton. N. Y. 1883. Round. Lond. 1863. Stokes. Attornies. Lond. I860. Trickett. Penn. Law. 3 v. 1882-91. Whitaker. Lond. 1816. See also Mechanics' Liens; and Jones' Index. Life Annuities. See Annuities. Life Estates. Bissett. Phil. 1843. Giauque and McClure. Tables. 1882. Inwood. Tallies. Lond. 1884. McKean. Life Tables. 2 v. Lond. 1876. Stearns. Utica, 1888. See also Real Property. Life Insurance. See Insurance. Ligflit. Fletcher, Lond. 1886. Roscoe. Lond. 1886. Round. Lond. 1868. See also Ancient Lights; Jones' Index. Liglits of Vessels. Pratt. Lond. 1857. *See also Rule of the Road. Limitations : By Deed. Wilson. Phil. 1836. — ■ — Constitutional. See Constitutional Law. Of Actions. A. & E. Encvc. v. 13. Angell. Bost. 1876. Ballantine. Alb. 1829. Banning. Lond. 1877. Beytagh. Dubl. 1846. Blanshard. Phil. 1833. Brooke. Lond. 1647. Brown. As to Real Property. IjoiuI. 1869. Buswell. Bost. 1889. Darby and Bosanquet. Lond. 1867. Gibbons. Lond. 1835. Joynes. Richm. 1844. Lowe. Lond. 1851. Mansel. Lond. 1839. Myer's Fed. Decis., y. 22. Trickett. Penn. Law. 1888. Walter. Lond. 1883. Wells. Illinois Law. 1870. Wilkinson. Phil. 1833. 1052 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF LfiinitatioilS : or Actions. — Continued. Wood. Bost. 1883. See also Adverse Possession; — Prescription; and Jones' In- dex. Of Estates. See Estates. Limited Liability. Browne. Lond. 1867. Lindsay and Cobden. Lond. 1856. Wordsworth. Lond. 1855. See also Joint Stock Companies: etc. Limited Partnership. A. & E. Encvc. v. 13. Abbott. New York Law. 1889. Bates. Bost. 1886. Bedarride. 2 v. Par. 1880. Begbie. Lond. 1852. Freedlev. Penn. Law. 1883. Potter. ■ Lond. 1855. Troubat. Phil. 1853. Lincoln's Inn. Catalogue of the Library. 1859-90. Spilsbury. History. 1873. See also Inns of Court : and Jones' Index. Lipije. Falkmann. 1884. Staatsrecht. Freib. Liqnor Law. See Intoxicating Liquors; and .Tones' Index. Lis Pendens. A. & E. Encvc, v. 13. Bennett. Chic. 1887. Literatnre. Darras. Par. 1887. Lvon-Caen and Delalain. 2 v. Par. "1889. Maugham. Lond. 1828. Morgan. 2 v. N. Y. 1875. Eenouard. 2 v. Par. 1838-9. Shortt. Lond. 1884. See also Copyright; — Newspaper Libel ; and Jones' Index. Liveries. Lev. Wards and Liveries. Lond. 1659. Lives. See Biography. Lloyd's Bonds. Tarrant. Lond. 1867. Loan Societies. Dexter. X. Y. 1889. Paine. X. Y. 1889. Thompson. Lond. 1844. See also Societies. Loans. ]&merigon. Maritime. Bait. 1811. Folkard. Lond. 1876. Buschke. Stut. 1882. Tyler. Alb. 1873. See also Pawnbrokers : — Pledge. Local Government. Bazalgette and Humphreys. Lond. 1885. Bemis. In Michigan, etc. 1883. Bristowe. Lond. 1858. Chambers. Lond. 1881. Fitzgerald. Lond. 1881. Gould. In Pennsylvania. 1883. Knight. Model Bvelaws. l^ond. 1885. Ramage. In South Carolina. 1883. Shaw. In Illinois. 1883. Smith (T.). Lond. 1858. . Spencer. In Wisconsin. 1890. Tavlor. Lond. 1858. Wright and Hobhouse. Lond. 1884. See also Jones' Index. Local LaAv. Fowler. Conn, aud Mass. 1872. Locomotives. Baker. Lond. 1880. See also Highways. Locus Standi Reports. Clifford and Rickards. 3 v. Lond. 1877-85. Clifford and Stephens. 2 v. Loud. 1870-3. Saunders. Consolidated Index. Lond. 1891. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 1053 Lodgers. See Landlord and Tenant. London. Practice of Sheriff's Court. [In Praxis Utriusque Banci. 1674.] Western. Cases relating to Tithes. 1535-1823. See also page 499; and Jones' Index. Long Island. See page 500. Lord Chancellors. See Biography; and Jones' Index. Lost Papers. A. & E. Eneyc, v. 13. See also Evidence. Lost Wills. Thornton. Chic. 1890. Lonisiana. See page 503. Lower Canada. See page 133. Liibeck. Klugmann. 1884. Staatsrecht. Freib. Lunacy. See Insanity ; and Jones' Index. Lunacy Acts : England. Archbold. 1877. Aston. 1849. Fry. 1877. Lumley. 1845. Lynch Law. See Tribunals, Popular. M. Madras. See India, page 413. Magazines. See Periodicals. Magistrates. Deacon. 2 v. Lond. 1843. Flammer. N. Y. 1881. Giffard. Lond, 1880. Greenwood and jMartin. Lond. 1880. Keele. Tor. 1835. Magistrate's Hand-Book. Lond. 1855. Oke. Lond. 1857. Phinehas. Jjond. 1G95. Saunders. Lond. 1882. Shirley. Lond. 1881. Snowden. Lond. 1875. See also Constables; — Justice of the Peace ; — Sheriff. Magna Charta. Blackstone. Law Tracts. Dubl. 1767. Care. English Liberties. Lond. 1691. Coke's Institutes. Second Part. Lond. 1797. Johnson. Lond. 1772. Stubbs. Select Charters. Oxf. 1884. Sullivan. Lectures. 2 v. Portl. 1805. Thomson. Lond. 1829. Wells. Des Moines, 1880. See also Constitutional History; and Jones' Index. Mahoniniedan Law. See India, page 415. Maine. See page 524. Maintenance and Cham- perty. Tapp. Lond. 1861. See also Attorneys and Solici- tors; — Champerty; and Jones" Index. Maintenance and Deser- tion. Martin. Lond. 1886. See also Aliment ; — Husband and Wife. Malicious Prosecution. A. & E. Encyc, v. 14. Stephen. Phil. 1889. Townshend. N. Y. 1890. See also Jones' Index. lUo4 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB BABY OF ^lalpraotice. A. is: E. Encyc. v. 14. Cot)per. C'ii^sarian Operation. San Fran. 1859. Elwell. X. Y. 1881. McClelland. N. Y. 1877. See also Medical Jurisprudence. Maiiclaiiius. A. & E. Encvc, v. 14, Crarv. N. Y. 1873. High. Chic. 1884. Impev. Lond. 1826. Moses. Alb. 1873. Shortt. Phil. 1889. Tapping. Phil. 1853. Willcock. Phil. 1836. Wood. Alb. 1891. See also Special Proceedings; and Jones' Index. 3Iandate. Voet, trans, by Innes. Lond. 1879. 3Iaiiitoba. See page 528. 3Iaiiorial Covirts. Selden Society. Publications. 1889. 3Iaiiors. De Lancey. New York Manors. 1S8I>. Johnson. Maryland. 1883. Nelson. Lex Maneriorum. Lond. 1736. Manslaughter. Sharp. Lond. 1773. See also Criminal Law. 3Iaiiuals. See the different subjects. Maiiufactiiriiig Corpora- tions. ' Maps : New Jersey. Bromley. Topographical. 1883. Winfield. Hudson County. 3 v. 1873. XcAV York City. Original Grants of Village Lots from the Dutch West India Co. in 1730, by Draught of New York 3Iark Tiddeman. Plan of the City in 1728. Plan of the City in 1738, by James Lyne. Plan of the City in 1775, by John Montresor. Plan of the Citv in 1782, by John Hills. Plan of the Citv in 1789. Plan of the City in 1797. Map of the City in 1807, by Wm. Bridges. Map of Farms. (Blue Book.) 1815. Plan of the City in 1817, by Thos. H. Poppleton. Map of Streets, etc.. laid out by the Park Commissioners. (Sackers- dorff.) 1873. Map of 33d Ward. (Beers.) 1876. Map of 34th Ward. (Beers.) 2 v. 1877. Maps on file in the Register's Office. (Spiehnann and Brush.) 1881. Maps nf 3:ia and 34th Wards filed at White Plains. (Robinson.) 1888. Land Map. 2 v. Folio. 1891. Map [Folded] of the City from Bat- tery to 29th Street ; sliowing Farm Lines. Compiled by Edwin Smith, 1834-1840. N. Y. 1891. Index of Maps on file in the Regis- ter's Office. (Dengler.) 1875. See also Atlases. New York State. Asher and Adams. Topographical. 1869. Mix. Catalogue. 1859. See also Atlases. United States. See Atlases. See Corporations, Manufactur- 1 Marclliarum, Leges. ing. Maps : Brooklyn. Maps of Wards 8, 17, 18, 21-25. (Robinson.) N. Y. 1889. See also Atlases. Connecticut. Mounted Map. 1889. Nicolson. Lond. 1705. Marine Conference. See International Marine Con- ference. Marine Court, n. y. See City Court. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 1055 Marine Evidence. Van Heythuysen. Lond. 1810. Marine Insurance. See Insurance, Marine. Marine Ordinances. Bornier. 2 v. Par. 1755. Justice. Sea Laws. Lond. 1705. Pardessus. Lois Maritimes. (5 v. Pai-. 1828-45. Peters. Admiralty Decisions, Ap- pendix. 1807. Twiss. Black Book of the Admiralty. 4 V. Lond. 1871-6. Valiu. La Rochelle, 1700, Maritime Commerce. Bedarride. 5 v. Par. 1879. Boulav-Patv. 4 v. Par. 1834. Desjardins." 8 v. Par. 1878-89. Desty. San Fran. 1880. Jacobs and Ouwerx. Brux. 188(5. Reddie. Edin. 1841. See also Maritime Law. Maritime Contracts. Pothier. Bost. 1821. International Maritime Law. .s'ee International Law, Maritime. Maritime Law. Azuni. Ens-. Tr. 2 v. N. Y. 1800. Dixon. Norfolk, 1858. Douglas. Lond. 1888. Flanders. Bost. 1852. Johnstone. Lond. 1870. Maritime Notes and Queries. v. Lond. 1873-84. Molloy. 2 V. Lond. 1709. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 23. Parsons. 2 v. Bost. 1859. Rocei. Phil. 1809. Tudor. Leading Cases. Lond. 1884. See also Admiralty: — Commer- cial Law; — Sea Laws; — Ship- ping; and Jones' Index. France. See page 302. Germany. See page 328. Roman. Peck. Arast. 1008. Maritime Legislation. Wendt. Lond. 1888. Maritime Loans. :&merigon, by Hall. Bait. 1811. Tyler. Alb. 1873. Maritime Warfare. Bowles. Lond. 1878. Hannay. Lond. 1802. Hazlitt and Roche. Lond. 1854. Home. Lond. 1803. Upton. N. Y. 1802. Wheaton. N. Y. 1815. See also Belligerents;— Interna- tional Law. Marketable Titles, Atkinson. Phil. 1838. 3Iarriage. Dargun. By Robbery. Bres. 1883. Mansella. De Impedimentis. Rom«, 1881. Sanchez. 3 v. Lugd. 1625. Contract.s. Colfavru. Par. 1808. Michaux. Par. 1809. Pothier. 2 v. Par. 1771. Swinburne. Lond. 1080. Tayler. Edin. 1849. 1873. Law : Ceylon. Nell. Mohammedan Laws. England. Browne. 1880. Browning. 1872. Burn. Fleet Marriages. 1834. Byrne. 1859. Colfavru. 1808. Ernst. 1879. Ford. 1888. Greaves. Publication of Banns. 1807. Hammick. 1873. Inderwick. 1802. Kenny. Effect of, on Property. 1879. Logan. 1839. Macqueen. 1800. Morgan. 2 v. 1826. Peachey. 1800. Povnter. 1836. Prater. 1836. Pritchard. 1864. Royal Marriage Act. 1831. Shelf ord. 1841. 1056 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Marriasre : England. — Con. Lond. 1755. 1860. Stebbin; E. Encyc, v. 7. See also Evidence. Snyder. Collection. N. Y. ISaS. United States. Attornevs-General. 19 V. 1853-91. Digest. (Andrews.) 1857. Opinions. New York. (Sickles.) Attorneys 187-2. General. — (Cadwalader.) 1877. See also the various subjects. Oratory : Legal. La France Judiciaire. 8 v. Par. 1877-84. See also Speeches ; and the dif- ferent authors. Ordeal. See Torture. Order of the Coil. Pulling. Lond. 1884. Orders : in chancery, etc. Archibald. Lond. 1879. Ayckbourn. Lond. 1873. Beames. Lond. 1815. Beavan. Lond. 1846. Butler. Phil. 1808. Cox. Loud. 1861. Edwards. Lond. 1845. Hawkins. Lond. 1844. Pemberton. Lond. 1876. Sanders. 2 v. Lond. 1845. Seton. 2 v. Loud. 1877-9. In Council. Bi. Watson. Alb. 1795. See also France; — Germany; — Good Will ; — Joint Stock Com- panies; and Jones' Index. Limited. See Limited Partnership. Party Walls. Woolrych. Lond. 1845. *S'ee also Boundaries; and Jones" Index. Passengers. See Bailments ; — Carriers ; and Jones' Index. Patent Cases : Great Britain. Brodix. 1602-1843. 3 v. Carpmael. 1G02-1842. 2 v. Davies. 1785-181«. Goodeve. 1776-1883. Griffin. 1884-1886. Macrory. 1841-1856. Prince. 1842-1843. Webster. 1601-1855. 2 v. Wynne. The Bovill Patent. 1873. United States. Aiken vs. Bemis. 1849. Banning and Arden. 1874-1880. 5 V. Brodix. 1754-1883. 11 v. Cranch. 1841-1847. Fisher (S. S.). 1848-1873. 6 v. Fisher (W. H.). 1821-1851. Goodyear (Chas.). Rubber Fabrics. 1858. MacArthur. 1841-1859. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 25. Robb. 1789-1850. 2 v. Sewing Machine Cases. 3 v. 1859. Patents. 1860-3. Telephone Appeals. 3 v. 1887-8. U. S. Patent Office. Decisions of Commissioner. 1869-1889. 21 v. Reports. 1837-1871. 66 v. Official Gazette. 1872-1891. 55 V, Whitman. 1810-1874. Patent LaAA^ : compilations. Abbott. All Nations. 2 v. 1886. Canada. Patent Act. 1886. Carpmael. Of the World. 1889. Gareis. 4 v. 1879-85. Hughes. All Nations. 1854. Loosey. Europe, U. S., etc. 1849. New South Wales. See Official Ga- zette, V. 45, p. 128. Switzerland. See Official Gazette, V. 45, pp. 233-234. Thompson. All Countries. 1889. Urling. England and Foreign Coun- tries. 1845. United States Laws. 1885. Whitman. U. S. and Foreign Coun- tries. 1871. France. Abbott. Wash. 1886. Barclay. Lond. 1889. Bedarride. 3 v. Par. 1875. Loosey. Vienna. 1849. Perpigna. Phil. 1834. Pouillet. Par. 1887. Renouard. 2 v. Par. 1838-9. Subject-Index. Wash. 1883. Germany. Abbott. Wash. 1886. Gareis. 4 v. Ber. 1879-85. Great Britain. Agnew. 1874. Aston. Act of 1883. Billing and Prince. 1845. Bousfield. 1884. Brice. 1885. Burke. Amendment Act. 1853. ■ 1857. Byrne. 1859. Carpmael. 1860. Corvton. 1855. Daniel. Act of 1883. Dircks. Policy. 1869. Drewry. Amendment Act. 1838. Edmunds. 1890. Edwards. Okservations. 1865. Eraser. 1860. Godson. 1832. Goodeve. 1889. rianbury. Judicial Error in the Law. 1868. Hancock. Specifications ; India Rub- ber. 1853. Hands. 1808. Higgins. 1884. Hindmarch. 1847. Defects of the Law. 1851. — Suggested Amendments. 1864. Holroyd. 1830. Hunt. 1884. Johnson. 1879. 10^ CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEARY OF Patent Law: Groat liiitain. Continued. Lawson. 1889. Leversoii. Property in Thoviglit. 1854. Lund. 1851. Mac-lie. 2 v. 1879-1888. Macgregor. Language of Specifica- tions. 185(5. Morris. Convcvanciiig. 1887. Munro. Act of 188:3. Newton. Analysis of the Law. 1884. Xornian. 1858. Smith (John W.). Epitome of the Law. 18>}(). Smith (T. E.). 188G. Spence. Essay. Specification. Terrell. 1889. Turner. Patents in 1851. Waggett. Prolongation. Wallace. Act of 1888. Webster. 1841. Subject-Matter. 1841. Wordswortli. Summary of the Law. 1857. See also Jones' Index. Gridley. 1884. Iliirsrins. 1880. Uiiit«'«I States. Practical Guide. 1851. 1841 Manufacture. 1887. United States. Bump. 1884. Carey. Forms and Precedents. 1885. Clapp. 1885. Curtis. 1878. Duryee. Assignments. 1886. Fenton. Design Patents. 1889. Fessenden. 1822. Hall. Patent Estate. 1888. Hopkins. Law and Facts. 1887. Howson (H.). Reissued Patents. 1882. Howson (H. and C). Amer. Patent System. 1872. Kookogey. 1884. Law. 1870. Lovyery. Interference Rules, etc. 1891". Merwin. Patentability of Inyentions. 1888. Phillips. 1837. Robinson. 3 y. 1890. Sewing Machine Patents. 1860-8. Siraonds. Design Patents. 1874. Sale of Patents. 1874. Summary of the Law. 1883. Walker. 1889. See also Jones' Index. Beach. 1880-1890. Croswell. Cases Oyerruled, etc., to 1888. Law. 1789-1862. Preble. Index of Cases, to 1884. Rice. 1869-1880. Simonds. Federal and State Courts. 1789-1888. Patent Office. 1869-1879. Patent Olfice : Canada. See Canada. United States. See United States. Patent Rolls. See Record Commission. Patents : indexes. France. Siibject-Matter Index. 1791-1876. Great Britain. Record of Inyentions. 1843-1843. (Prince.) Index of Printing Patents. 1488-1857. (Woodcroft.) Italy. Subject-Matter Index. 1848- 1882. United States. Index of Patents, etc. 1872-1890. 19 y. List of Patents, etc. 1790- 1836. List of Patents. 1790-1847. (Burke. ) Subject-Matter Index. 1790- 1873. 8 y. Periodicals. 3 y. Digests of Decisions : Great Britain. Fisher, by Hooper. 1872. Gourick's Washington Digest. Wash. 1889-91. Patent and Court Record. 3 y. Wash. 1886-8. Patent Law Review. Wash. 1879-80. Repertory of Patent Inyentions. 12 y. 'Lond. 1843-8.. U. S. Patent Office Official Gazette. 55 y. 1872-91. Paternal Power. Lehmann. Im Vermogensrechte. Jena, 1886. See also Domestic Relations. Paternity. See Bastardy : — Legitimacy. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 10T3 Patronage. Mallory. Lond. 1787. See also Church and Clergy ; — Ecclesiastical Law. Pauper Lunacy. Aston. Lond. 1849. See also Insanity. Paupers. See Poor Laws dex. and Jones' In- Pawns and Pawnbrokers. Cobl)ett. Lond. 1841. Dernburg. 2 v. Lpz. 1860-4. Folkard. Lond, 1870. Keeson. Lond. 1854. Turner. Lond. 1883. Tyler. Alb. 1878. See also Bailments ; — Pledge. Payment. Barbour. N. Y. 1888. Munger. Application. N. Y. 1879. See also Debtor and Creditor ; — Reversionary Payment ; and Jones' Index. Peace. See War. Peel's Acts. Alphabetical Arrangement. (Arch- bold.) Lond. 1830. Peers and Peerages. Banbury Peerage Case. (Nicolas.) Loud". 1836. Cruise. Treatise, etc. Lond. 1823. Douglas (Arch.). Legitimacy Case. (Boswell.) Lond. 1767. Hewlett. Scottish Peerage Claims. Lond. 1883. Ileywood. Distinctions in Society, Anglo-Saxon. Lond. 1818. Hubback. Evidence of Succession. 2 V. Phil'. 1845. Lauderdale Peerage Claim. Edin. 1885. Lewis. Peerages for Life. Lond. 1855. Macqueen. Appellate Jurisdiction. Lond. 1857. Nicolas. Grants of Precedency. Lond. 18—. Stuart. Letters to Mansfield [on the Douglas and Anglesea Cases]. Lond. 1773. 68 Wallace. Descent of Scottish Peer- ages. 1783. See also Baronage ; — Dignities ; — Record Commission ; and Jones' Index, Penal Bonds. Murfree. St. L. 1885. See also Bonds. Penal Codes. Livingston. Systems for the United States, 2 v. * 1873, For Louisiana. 1833. Sanford. Systems in Europe. 1854. See also the different States and Countries. Penal Law. Eden. Principles. Lond. 1775. Guernsey. Relating to Suicide. N. Y. 1883. Roscoe. Observations. Lond. 1819. See also Criminal Law. Penal Statutes. Espinasse. 1822. Actions on. Exeter, Pennsylvania. See page 668. Pensioners, u. s. List of. 5 v. 1883. Pensions : U. S. Law.s and Regulations. Curtis and Webster. 1885. Eckstein. History and Summary. 1890. Gourick's Digest of Decisions. 3 v. 1889-91. Harmon. 1867. Hetzel. 1846. Hunt. 1851. Mayo. 1861. Raff. 1866. Rapp. 1872. Sewell. 1864. Tenney. 1886. U. S. Decisions, etc. 4 v. 1887-91. Laws, Rules, etc. 1886 : 1890. Walker. 1881. Periodicals. Advocate (The). 1888-90. St. Paul, 1074 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBllARY OF Periodicals. — L ontlnued. Alabama Law Journal. 4 v. Montg. 1882-5. Albany Law Journal. 4:1 v. Alb. 1870-91. Allgemt'ine Bibliographie der Staats- und Rechtswissenschaften. 3 v. Ber. 1888-90. American Civil Law Journal. X. Y. 1873. Amo'ican Digest of the Reporters. 4 V. St. Paul, 1888-91. American Jurist and Law Magazine. 18 V. Bost. 1829-38. New Series. 10 v. Bost. 1838-43. American Law Journal. (Hall.) 3 v. Phil. 1808-10. New Series, v. 4-6. 3 v. Pliil. 1813-17. V. 7. See Journal of Juris- prudence. American Law Journal. New Series. 4 V. Phil. 1849-52. [Continua- tion of Penn. Law Journal.] American Law Journal. 2 v. Co- luml)us, 1884-5. American Law Magazine. 6 v. Phil. 1843-0. American Law Magazine. 2 v. Chic. 1882-;3. American Law Record. 15 v. Cin. 1872-87. American Law Register. 9 v. Phil. 1852-61. New Series. 30 1861-91. 3d Series. Phil. See New Series. American Law Review. 25 v. Bost. and St. L. 1866-91. American Law Times. 6 v. Wash. 1868-73. New Series. 4 v. N. Y. 1874-7. American Law Times Reports. 6 v. Wash. 1868-73. New Series. 4 v. N. Y. 1874-7. American Psvchologieal Journal. 2 V. Phil. 1883-4. American Themis. N. Y. 1844. Annales de Droit Commercial. Par. 1887. Annals of the Amer. Academv of Po- litical and Social Science. Phil. 1890. Annuaire de Legislation Etrangere. 18 V. Par. 1872-90. Annual Register. 104 v. Lond. 1758-1862. New Series. 27 v. Lond. 1863-90. Annual Register (New). See New Annual Register. Archiv fiir Biirgerliches Recht. 4 v. Ber. 1889-90. Archiv fiir Handels- und Wechsel- recht. 48 v. Ljjz., etc. 1863-88. Arcliiv fiir Offentliches Recht. 5 v. Freib. 1886-90. Arkansas Law Journal. Furt Smitli, 1877. Atlantic Reporter. 21 v. St. Paul, 1885-91. Australian Law Times. v. 3-4. Melb. 1881-3. Baker's Weekly Digest and Common Pleas Reporter. See Common Pleas Reporter. Baltimore Law Record. See Mary- land Law Record. Baltimore Law Transcript. 3 v. Bait. 1868-70. Banker and Tradesman, and Massa- chusetts Law Reporter, v. 13-19. Bost. 1885-91. Banking Law Journal. 4 v. N. Y. 1889-91. Bar Examination Journal. 8 v. Lond. 1873-88. Bench and Bar. 2 v. Chic. 1869-7L New Series. 3 v. Chic. 1872-4. Bench and Bar Review. See Forum Law Review, v. 1. Bibliothfique Internationale et Diplo- matique. 20 V. Par. 1880-8. Bibliotheque Juridique Contemjio- raine. 7 v. Par. 1881-6. Bibliotheque ou Journal du Barreau et des Ecoles de Droit. 9 v. Par. 1809-11. Boletin Juridico - Administrativo. Madrid. 1869. Brainard's Legal Precedents. 7 v. Wash. 1883-9. Brief (The). N. Y.^ 1887-8.^ Bulletin de la Societe de Legislation Coniparee. 16 v. Par. 1872-87. Bulletin de I'Union Internationale de Droit Penal. 2 v. Ber. 1889- 91. Cabinet Library of Scarce and Cele- brated Tracts. 2 v. Edin. 1835- 41. California Law Journal. 2 v. San Fran. 1862-3. California Legal Record. 2 v. San Fran. 1878-9. Canada Law Journal. 27 v. Tor. 1865-91. Canadian Law Times. 11 v. Tor. 1881-91. Cape Law Journal. 6 v. Grahams- town, 1884-9. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAM. 1075 Periodicals. — Contln tied. Carolina Law Journal. Cohinibia, 1830-1. Carolina Law Repository. 2 v. Ra- leigh, 1814. Central Law Journal. 32 v. St. L. 1874-91. Central Law Monthly. 3 y. Chic. 1880-2. Central Re2)orter. 13 y. Roch. 1885-8. Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. 8 y. Lpz. 1884-91. Ceylon Legal Miscellanj'. (Beven and Mills.) Colombo, i864-7. Chancery Sentinel. v. Saratoga, 1841-7. Chester County Reporter. 2 y. Phil. 1883-6. < 'hicago Law Journal. 2 y. Chic. 1877-8. ('hicago Law Journal. 7 y. Chic. 1883-9. Chicago Law Times. 3 y. Chic. 1886-9. Chicago Legal Adyiser. See Legal Adyiser, Chicago Ijegal News. 23 v. Chic. 1869-91. Cincinnati Law Bulletin. See Weekly Cincinnati Law Bulletin. City Hall Recorder. (Rogers.) 6 y. N. Y. 1817-22. City Record. 47 v. N. Y. 1873- 91. Cleyeland Law Record. Cly. 1856-7. Cleyeland Law Reporter. 2 v. Cly. 1878-9. Code Reporter. 3 y. X. Y. 1848-51. New Series. N. Y. 1852. Colorado Law Reporter. 4 y. Dny. 1880-4. Columbia Jurist. 3 v, N, Y. 1885-7. Columliia Ijaw Times. 4 v. N. Y. 1887-91. Common Pleas Repoi'ter. 4 y. Scranton. 1879-87. Copp's Land Olfice Bulletin. Wash. 1889-90. Copp's Land Ownei*. 17 v. Wash. 1874-91. Counsellor (The). N. Y. 1891. County Courts Chronicle, 31 v. Lond. 1847-89. Court Journal and District Court Record. 9 y. N. Y. 1882-91. Criminal Law Magazine. 13 v. Jer. City, 1880-91. Criminal Law Reporter. Austin. 1886. Criminal Recorder. 4 y. Lond. 1804-0. Criminal Recorder. (Wheeler.) N. Y. 1822-3. Current Comment and Legal Miscel- lany. 3 V. Phil. 1889-91, Daily Law Record, v. 1, 4. Best. 1884-6. Daily Record. 6 y. Bait. 1888-91. Daily Register. 37 y. N. Y. 1872- 89. Denyer Law Journal. 2 y. Dnv. 1883-4. Denyer Legal News. 2 y. Dnv. 1887-9. District Court Record. See Court Journal. Eastern Reporter. 11 y. Alb. 1885-7. Edinburgh Annual Register. 19 v. in 23. Edin. 1808-26. Edinburgh Law Journal. 2 y. Edin. 1832-7. Entscheidungen des Konigliclien Oberyerwaltungsgerichts. 19 y. Ber. 1877-90. Entscheidungen des Reiehsgerichts in Ciyilsachen. 26 v. Lpz. 1880- 90. Entscheidungen des Reiehsgerichts in Strafsaclien. 20 y. Li)Z. 1880- 90. Entscheidungen des Reichs-Ober- handelsgerichts. 25 y. Erlang. 1873-80. Examiner (The). N. Y. 1846. Federal Reporter. 45 v. St. Paul, 1880-91. Forum (The). 11 y. N. Y. 1886-91. Forum Law Review. 3 v. Balt^ 1874-5. France Judiciaire (La). 8 y. Par. 1877-84. Gazette of Bankruptcy. 2 v. Lond. 1862. Georgia Law Journal. Atlanta, 1884. Georgia Law Reporter. Atlanta, 1885-6. GibsoTi's Law Notes. See Law Notes. Gould's Stenographic Reporter, v. 2. Wash. 1841. Gourick's Washington Digest. 3 v. Wash. 1889-91. Gray's-Inn Journal. 2 y. Lond. 1752-6. Green Bag (The). 3 y. Bost. 1889- 91. Griffith's Law R'^gister, y. 3-4. Bur- ling. 1822. Guigoa's Quarterly Law Journal. See Quarterly Law Journal. Hall's Law Journal. See American Law Journal. Harvard Law Review. 4 v. Camli. 1887-91. 1076 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEAEY OF Periodicals. — Continued. Law Resrister. Ilayward's 1835. Hazard. Pennsylvania 10 V. Phil. 1828-36. Historical Magazine, ^nd Sex-ies V. Morrisania. 18o7-71. 3d Series. 3 v Bost. Register. 10 Morrisania, t V. Chic. 1872-5. Illinois Law Record. 2 1880. Index Reporter. 2 v. Alb. 1882-3. Indian .Jurist. 7 v. in 13. Madras. 1877-83. Indiana Law Magazine. 5 v. In- dianap. 1883-5. Indiana Law Reporter. 2 v. In- dianap. 1881. Insurance Law Journal. 20 v. X. Y. 1871-91. Insurance Reporter. See Legal and Insurance Reporter. Internal Revenue Record and Cus- toms Journal. 37 V. X. Y. 1865-91. Irish Jurist. 7 v. Dubl. 1849-55. 11 V, Dubl. New Series 1856-66. Irish Law Recorder. -4 v. Dubl. 1828-31. New Series. 6 Dubl. 1833-8. 3d Series. See Irish Equity Reports. | Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Jour- i nal. 24 v. Dubl. 1868-91. j Jahrbiicher fiir die Dogmatik des j Heutigen Romischen und Deutsch- ' en Privatrechts. 29 v. Jena, | 1857-90. Journal dn Droit International Prive. 17 v. Par. 1874-90. ^ ^ \ Journal of Banking Law. 3 v. N. Y. 1882-3. I Journal of Jurisprudence, (Hall.) Phil. 1821. Journal of Jurisprudence, and Scot- tish Law Magazine. 35 v. Edin. 1857-91. Journal of Law. Phil. 1831. , Journal of Psychological Medicine. See Psychological journal. j Journal "of Psychological Medicine ; and Mental Patholosjv. (\Vinslow.) \ 13 v. Lond. 1848-60. Journal of the Law School at Need- ham, in Virginia. Richra. 1822. Judicial Repository. (Bacon.) See\ N. Y. Judicial Repository. Juridical Review. 3 v. Edin, 1889- 91. Juridical Society. Papers. 4 v. Lond. 1858-74." Jurispiiident (The). Jurist (The). 18 v 1838-55. New Series. Bost. 1830-1. in 31. Lond. 12 v. in 24. 14 V. Lond. Kansas Topeka, Louisv. 12 V. Lond. 1856-67. Jurist (The): a Journal for Law Students. 4 v. Lond. 1887-90. Jurist : or. Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence, etc. 4 v. Lond. 1827-33. Juristische ^Vochenschrift. Ber. 1872-85. Justice of the Peace. 53 v. 1837-89. Kansas City Law Reporter. City, 1888. Kansas Law Journal . 5 v. 188.5-7. Kentucky Law Journal. 2 v. 1881-3". Kentucky Law Reporter. Frankf. 1880-91. Kritisehe Ueberschau der Deutschen Gesetzgebung. 6 v. Miln. 1853-9. Kritisehe Vierteljahrssehrift fiir Ge- setzgebung. 32 V. Miin. 1859- 90. Lackawanna Bar. Scranton, 1878. Lackawanna Legal Record. Scran- ton. 1878-9. Lancaster Bar. v. 9-15. Lane 1878-83. Lancaster Law Review. 8 v. Lane. 1884-91. Law (The). 2 v. Lond. 1874-5. Law (The). 2 v. Chic. 1889-90. Law and Equity Reporter. 4 v. N. Y. 1876-8. Law Central. \Vash, 1881. Law Chronicle. 5 v. Lond. 1854-8. Law Chronicle : or. Journal of Juris- prudence. 4 V, Edin, 1829-32, See Deas and Anderson. Law Examination Journal, and Law Students' Magazine. 4 v. Lond. 1869-85. Law Intelligencer. Intelligencer. Law Journal. 9 v. New Series. Lond. 1832-90. Law Tracts. 2 v. Lond. 1826-30. Law Journal. (3Iorgan and ^'il- liams.) 2 v. Lond. 180:3-4. Law Journal. (J. P. Smith.) 3 v. Lond. 1805-7. Law Journal. (^Veeklv.) 25 v. in 45. Lond. 1866-91. " Law Journal (Canada). See Canada Law Journal. I^aw Journal (Lower Canada), See Lower Canada Law Journal. See Y. S. Law Lond. 1823-31. 59 v. in 179. THE Ati^iOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1077 Periodicals.— C/fM^my^tf*^/. See Law Journal (Upper Canada). Upper Canada Ijaw Journal. Law Library. 104 v. Phil. 18i53-00. Law Library (New). See New Library of Law. Law Magazine ; or. Quarterly lie- view. 31 V. Lond. 1828-44. New Series. 34 1844-56. 2d Series. Loud. Lond. 1872-5. Lond. Lond. Lond. 32 V. 1856-72. 3d Series. 4 v, Lond. 4th Series. 16 v. 1875-91. Law Notes. (Monthly.) 6 v. 1882-7. Law Quarterly Review. 7 v. 1885-91. Law Recorder. See L-ish Law Re- corder. Law Reporter. 10 v. Bost. 1839-48. New Series. 17 v, Bost. 1849-66. Law Reporter (The). Bei; Law Times Reports. New Series, v. 1-8. Law Review. See American Law Review. Law Review and Quarterly Journal. 23 V. Lond. 1844-56. Law Students' Journal. 8 v. Lond. 1879-86. Law Students' Monthlv. Phil. 1889. Law Times. 90 v. Lond. 1843-91. Law Times Reports. New Series. 03 V. Lond. 1860-91. Law Times. New Series. Sec Lu- zerne Law Times. ■ Old Series. See lAizerne Law Times. Lawyer's and Magistrate's Magazine. 6 V. Lond. 1790-4. Lawver's and Magistrate's Magazine. 3 V. Dubl. 1792-4. Legal Adviser. 12 v. Chic. 1880-91. Legal and Financial Register. (Sloan.) 24 v. N. Y. 1878-90. Legal and Insurance Reporter. 5 v. Pliil. 1860-3. Legal Chronicle. Reports. 3 v. Pottsville, 1874-7. Legal Examiner. 2 v. Lond. 1831-2. Legal Examiner and Law Chronicle. 5 V. Lond. 1833-5. Legal Gazette. 8 v. Pliil. 1869-76. Legal Guide. 6 v. Lond. 1838-41. Legal Intelligencer 1853-91. Legal News. 14 v. Legal News (Chicago). Leofai News. Legal Observer. 52 v. Lond. 1831-56 V. 10-48. Phil. Montr. 1878-91. See Chicago Legal Record Reports. 2 v. Potts- ville, 1882-3. Legal Reporter. 3 v. Dubl. 1840-3. — Reports. 3 v. Dubl. 184()-3. Legal Reporter. (Nashville.) See Tennessee Legal Reporter. Legal Review. Lond. 1812-13. Legislative Record. 2 v. Alii. 1888-9. Lehigii Valley Law Repoi-ter, 2 v. Easton, 1885-7. Library Journal. 15 v. N. Y. 1877-90. Livingston's Monthly Law Magazine. 4 V. N. Y. 1853-6. Local Courts and INIunicipal Gazette. 8 V. Tor. 1805-72. Louisiana Law Journal. (Schmidt.) N. 0. 1841. Louisiana Law Journal. N. 0. 1875-6. Lower Canada Jurist. 34 v. Montr. 1857-90. Lower Canada Law .Joixrnal. 4 v. Montr. 1866-8. Luzerne Law Journal. Scranton, 1871. Luzerne Law Times. Old Series, v. 6. Scranton, 1878. Luzerne Law Times. New Series. 7 V. Scranton, 1879-85. Luzerne Legal Observer. 4 v. Scranton, 1860-4. Luzerne Legal Register. 14 v. Wilkesb. 1872-86. Magistrate and JMunicipal and Paro- chial Lawyer. 5 v. Lond. 1848- 53. Magistrates and Quarter Sessions' Hand-Book. Lond. 1855. Manitoba Law Journal. 2 v. Win- nipeg, 1884-5. Maritime Notes and Queries. 6 v. Lond. 1873-84. Maryland Convention Register. 4 y. Annap. 1851. Maryland Law Journal. See Mary- land Law Record. Maryland Law Record. 19 v. ]5alt. 1876-89. Maryland Law Transcript. See Bal- timore Law Transcript. Massacluisetts Law Reporter. 7 v. Bost. 1877-84. See Banker and Tradesman. Medical Critic and Psycholdgical Journal. (Winslow.) 3 v. Lond. 1861-3. Medico-Legal Journal. 8 v. N. Y. 1883-90. Memphis Law Journal. 2 v. Mem- phis, 1879-80. Mercantile Law Journal. N. Y. 1884. 1078 CATALOGUE OF THE LIB 11 All Y OF Periodicals. — L ont'm >/cJ. Michigan Circuit Court lieporter. Marquette, 1889-90. ^lichigan Lawyer. -1 v. Detr. 1875-9. Michigan Legal News. Detr. 188U. Militia Reporter. Bost, 1810. Minnesota Court Reporter. Min- neap. 1888. Missouri Bar. Jeff. City. 1879. Mitteilungen der Internationalen Kriminalistischen Vereinigung. 2 V. Ber. 1889-91. Montgomery County Law Reporter. 7 V. Xorristown, 1885-91. Monthly Index to tiie Reporters. Sr. Paul, 1886. Monthly Journal of Law. Wash. 1881." Monthly Jurist. 2 y. Blooming. 1878^9. Monthly Law Bulletin. See N. Y, Monthly Law Bulletin. Monthly Law Magazine and Political Reyiew. 9 y. Lond. 1838-41. Monthly Law Magazine. (R. Vose.) N. Y'. 1858. Monthly Law Reporter. See Law Reporter. Xew Series. Monthly Legal Examiner 1850." Monthly Western Jurist, ing. i875-7. Montreal Jyegal News News. Morrison's Transcript. 1881-:3. National Bankruptcy Register. 19 y. N. Y. 1874-82. National Law Record. Phil. 1875. National Law Reporter. N. Y. 1857. National Law Reyiew. Phil. 1888. Nebraska Law Journal. Lincoln, 1890-1. New Annual Register. 46 y. Lond. 1793-1826. New Constitution (The). Columbus, 0. 1849. New England and New York Law Register. (Hayward.) Bost. 1835. New England Reporter. 7 v. Roch. ^ 1885-8. New Jersey Law Journal. 14 v. ^Somery. 1878-91. New Library of Law and Equity. 15 V. Harrisb. 184r)-9. New York Daily Transcript. 22 y. N. Y. 1850-7i. New York Examiner. See Examiner. New York Judicial Repository. (Bacon.) X. Y. 1818-19. New York Law Journal. 4 v. in 6. N. Y. 1888-91. 3y. N. Y. I Bloom - See Legal ' 5 y. Wash. New York Legal obseryer. 12 y. N. Y. 1843-54. New York Monthly Law JiuUctin. 5 V. N. Y. 1879-83. New York Municipal (iazctte. N. Y. ^ 1841-50. New York State Reporter. 37 y. Alb. 1886-91. New York Supplement. 14 y. St. Paul, 1888-91. New York Weekly Digest. 2S v. ^N. Y. 1876-88. New Zealand Jurist. 2 y. Dunedin. 1874-6. New Series. 4 y. Dunedin, 1876-9. Northampton County Reporter. 3 y. f:aston, 1887-91. Northeastern Reporter. 27 y. St. Paul, 1885-91. Northwest Law Journal. Seattle, 1891. Northwestern Law Journal. Portl. 1881. Northwestern Reporter. 4 y. St. Paul, 1877-9. New Series. 48 y. St. Paid, 1879-91. Illinois Supplement. 2 y. St. Paul, 1880. Indiana Supplement. St. Lond. 1862-87. 3 y. N. Y. Paul, 1880. Notanda Digest. 3 y Notaries' Journal. ^ 1877-9. Notes of Railway and Corporation Cases. 6 y. Northport, 1886-91. Nouyelle Reyue Historique de Droit Fran("ais et fitranger. 11 y. Par. 1877-87. Obseryador Judicial y de Legislacion. 3 y. Mexico. 1842-4. Official Gazette, U. S. Patent Office. 55 y. Wash. 1872-91. Ohio Law Journal. 6 y. Columlius, 1881-4. Old New Yoi-k. 2 y. N. Y. 1889-91. Pacific Coast Law Journal. 12 y. San Fran. 1878-84. Pacific Law Magazine. San Fran. 1867. Pacific Reporter, 26 v. St. Paul, 1884-91. Patent and Court Record. 3 y. Wash. 1886-8. Patent Law Reyiew. Wash. 1879-80. Patent Office Gazette. See Official Gazette. Pennsylyania Law .Tournal. 7 y. Phil. 1842-8. y. H-1 1. See Am. Law Journal. Pennsylyania Law Record. 3 y. Phil. 1879-80. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 1079 Periodicals. — Con tinned. Pennsylvania Supreme Court Digest. 4 V. Phil. 18H6-90. Pittsburgh Legal Journal. 17 v. in 18. Pittsb. 185:5-70. New Series. 21 v. Pittsb. 1870-91. Political Science Quarterly, (i v. N. Y. 1886 91. Poor Law ^Magazine for Scotland. 9 V. Glasg. i859-67. New Series. 5 v. Glasg. 1868-72. Poor Law Magazine antl Parocliial Journal. 8 v. Ediu. 187;J-80. Practitioner (The). Bait. 1890. Property Lawyer. 12 v. Lond. 1826-9. New Series, o v. Lond. 18o0. Psychological Journal. v. 2, 4, 6. N. Y. 1868-72. New Series. -J \. N. Y. 1874-6. Pump Court. 11 v. Lond. 1883-91. Quarterly Journal of Psychological Medicine. See Psychological Jour- nal. Quarterly Law Journal. (Guigon's.) 4 V. Richin. 1856-9. Quarterly Law Review. (Sands.) 2 V. Richni. 1860-1. Queensland Law Journal. 4 v. Bris- bane, 1882-91. Railway and Corj)oration Law Jour- nal. 9 V. N. Y. 1887-91. Rassegna di Diritto Commerciale Italiano e Straniero. ;> v. Tor. 1883-6. Real Estate Rec-ord. v. 17-47. N. Y. 1876-91. Real Estate World. N. Y. 1887. Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn. 6 v. Haar- lem, 1882-7. Repertory of Patent Inventions. 12 V. Lond. 1843-8. Reporter (The). 4 v. Wash. 1865-7. Reporter (The). 21 v. Bost. and N. Y. 1878-88. Revenue, Civil and Criminal Re- portei-. 4 v. Calcutta, 1866-8. Revenue, Judicial, and Police Jour- nal. 5 v. Calcutta, 1863-5. Revista Forense Chilena. 6 v. San- tiago, 1885-90. Revue Bi-Mensuelle de Ijegislation, de Jurisprudence, etc. 8 v. Par. 1877-84. Revue Critique. 3 v. Montr. 1871-5. Revue Critique de Legislation et de Jurisprudence. 37 v. Par. 1851-70. Nouvelle Serie. 16 v. Par. 1871-87. Revue de Droit International et de Legislation Comparee. 22 v. Par. 1809-91. Revue de la Reforme Judiciaire. 3 \. Par. 1885-7. Revue de Legislation et de Juris- prudence. 3 v. Montr. 1845-8. Revue Generale du Droit, de la Le- gislation et de la Jurisprudence. 11 V. Par. 1877-87. Revue Generale du Droit et des Sciences Politiques. Bucarest, 1886-7. Revue Internationale du Droit Mari- time. V. Par. 1885-90. Revue Legale. 20 v. Montr. 1869-90. Ivivista C'ritica delle Scienze Giuri- diche e Sociali. 3 v. Roma. 1883-5. liivista Italiana per le Scienze Giuri- diche. 10 v. Roma, 1886-90. Uough Notes ; a Montidv Journal of Insurance, v. 12-13. "X. Y. 1889- 91. San Francisco Law Journal. San Fran. 1877-8. Sands' Quarterly Law Review. See Quarterly Law Review. Saratoga Chancery Sentinel. See Chancery Sentinel. Schmidt's Louisiana Law Journal. See Ijouisiana Law Journal. Schuylkill Legal Record. See Legal Record Reports. Scottish Jurist. 46 v. Edin. 1829-73. Scottish Law Journal, and Sheriff Court Record. 3 v. Glasg. 1859- 61. Scottish Law Magazine, and Sheriff Court Reporter. v. Glasg. 1862-7. Scottish Law Magazine. See Journal of Jurisprudence. Scottish Law Reporter. 28 v. Edin. 1865-91. Scottish Law Review. 7 v. Glasg. 1885-91. Scranton Law Times. See Law Times. Sloan's Legal and Financial Register. See Legal and Financial Register. Solicitors' Journal and Reporter. 35 V. Lond. 1857-91. Somerset Gazette. Law Supplement. Somerv. 1877. South Carolina Law Journal. See Carolina Law Journal. Southeastern Reporter. 13 v. St. Paul, 1887-91. Southern Law Journal. 2 v. Tus- caloosa, 1878-9. Southern Law Journal and Reporter. 2 V. Nash v. 1880-1. lOSO CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Periodicals. — Contin ued. Southern Law Review. 3 v. Xashv. 1872-4. New Series. 8 v. St. L. 1875-88. Southern Law Times. 2 v. Nashv. 1885-6. Southern Reporter. !» v. St. Paul, 1887-91. Southwestern Reporter. 16 v. St. Paul, 1887-91. Students' Law Exchange. See Wash- ington Law Exchange. Supreme Court Circular. 8 v. Co- lombo, 1879-89. Supreme Court Reporter. (Destv.) 11 V. St. Paul. 1888-91. Surrogate (The). X. Y. 1891. Susquehanna Legal Chronicle. Mont- rose, 1878-9. Svllabi (The). St. Paul, 1876-7. Tax Law Reporter. Bay Citv, 1884-5. Templar (The). 2 v. Lond. 1789. Tennessee Legal Reporter. New Series. 3 v. Nashv. 1877-9. Texas Court Reporter. Austin. 1885-6. Texas Law Journal. 5 v. Tvler, 1877-82. Texas Law Reporter. 3 v. Austin, 1882-5. Texas Law Review. 6 v. Austin, etc. 1883-6. Themis (La). Re^'ue de Legislation, etc. 5 V. Montr. 1879-83. Trade Mark Record. 10 v. N. Y. 1886-91. Transcript (The). See N. Y. Daily Transcript. United States Jurist. 3 v. Wash. 1871-8. United States Law Intelligencer and Review. (Angell.) 3 v. Prov. and Phil. 1829-31. United States Law Journal and Civilian's Magazine. New Haven. 1822-3. United States Monthly Law Maga- zine. (Livingston.) 4 v. N. Y. 1850-1. United States Postal Guide. Wash. 1887-91. United States Supreme Court Re- porter. (Miller.) 2 v. Des Moines, 1882. Upper Canada Jurist. 2 v. Tor. 1845-8. See U. C. K. B. Reports. Upper Canada Law Journal and Local Courts Gazette. 10 v. Tor. 1855-64. Upper Canada Law Journal. New Series. See Canada Law Journal. Yictoria Law Times and Legal Ol)- server. 2 v. Melb. 1856-7. Virginia Law Journal. 15 v. Richm. 1877-91. Washington Law Exchange. 2 v. Wash. 1890-1. Washington Law Reporter. 19 v. Wash. 1874-91. Weekly Cincinnati Law Bulletin. 26 X. Cin. 1876-91. Weekly Digest. See N. Y. Weekly Digest. Weeklv Jurist. 2 v. Blooming. 1880-1. Weeklv Law Review. San Fran. 1855. Weeklv Notes. 30 v. Lond. 1866-90. Weeklv Notes of Cases. 28 v. Phil. 1875-91. Weeklv Reporter. 39 v. Lond. 1852-91. AVeeklv Reporter. (Sutherland.) 25 V. Calcutta. 1864-76. Weekly Transcript. N. Y. 1861. West Coast Reporter. 10 v. San Fran. 1884-6. Western Jurist. 17 v. Des Moines, 1867-83. Western Law Journal. 5 v. Cin. 1848-8. New Series. 5 v. Cin. 1849-53. Western Law ^lonthlv. 5 v. Civ. 1859-63. Western Law Times. Winnipeg, 1890-1. Western Legal News. Lincoln, 1887. Western Legal Observer. Quincy, 1849. Western Reporter. 15 v. Roch. 188.5-8. Westminster Hall Chronicle, and Legal Examiner. 2 \. Lond. 1835-6. Wisconsin Legal News. 6 v. ]Mlwk. 1878-84. Yale Law Journal. New Haven, 1891. York Legal Record. York. 1880-1. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftu ng fiir Rechtsgesehiehte. 10 v. Weimar, 1880-9. Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte Han- delsrecht. 37 v. Erlang. 1858-90. Zeitschrift fiir das Privat-und Offent- liche Recht der Gegenwart. 18 v. Wien, 1874-91. Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Straf- rechtswissenschaft. 10 v. Ber. 1881-90. Zeitschrift fiir Rechtsgesehiehte. 13 V. Weimar. 1861-78. Zeitschrift fiir Vergleichende Rechts- wissenschaft. 9 v. Stut. 1878-91. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAR. 1081 Periodicals : indexes. Cooperative Index. 5 v. N. Y. 1885-9. Jones. Legal. Bost. 1888. N. Y. State Law Library. Catalogue. Subject-Index. 1883. Poole. General. Bost. 1882. St. Louis Law Library. Catalogue. 1881. Perjury. Lying. Short Discourse. Lond. "1766. Oaths. Perjury the National Sin. Lond. 1690. Perjury. A Disswasive from. Lond. 1731. Wake. On Swearing. Lond. 1696. See also Criminal Law; — Oaths; and Jones' Index. Perpetuity. Curson. Doctrine. Lond. 1703. Gray. Rule against. Bost. 1886. iiargrave. The Thellusson Act. Lond. 1842. Lewis. 2 V. Phil. 1846-9. Marsden. Rule against. Lond. 1883. Randell. Lond. 1822. See also Jones' Index. Personal Actions. ^ee Actions. Personal. Personal Identity. See Identity. Personal. Personal Liberty Laws. See Slavery. Personal Property. Brantly. San Fran. 1891. Buchere. Par. 1881. Goodeve. Lond. 1887. Keves. Partial and Future Interests. ilontg. 1853. Saunders. Lond. 1874. Schouler. 3 v. Bost. 1884. Shearwood. Abridgment. Lond. 1882. Smith (Jos. W.). 2 v. Lond. 1877. Story. Sales. Bost. 1871. Tiedeman. Sales. St. L. 1891. Usher. Sale. Bost. 1886. Ward. Bequests. Phil. 1837. Williams. Lond. 1881. See also Sales. Personal Wrongs. See Wrongs. Persons. Rattigan. Roman Law. Lond. 1873. Willard. N. Y. 1882. Petty Sessions. stone. Practice. Lond. 1861. Pews. Billing. Lond. 1845. English. Lond. 1826. Heales. Lond. 1872. McGibbon. Pew Case. Montr. 1877. Oliphant. Lond. 1850. See also Church and Clergy : and Jones' Index. Philadelphia (Pa.). Journal, Acts and Proceedings of the Convention assembled May 14, 1787, whicli formed the Con- stitution of the U. S. Bost. 1819. Martin. Bench and Bar. Phil. 1883. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention. (Yates.) Alb. 1821. See also page 678. Philosophy of Evidence. M'Kinnon. Lond. 1812. Philosophy of Law^. Ahrens. French. Lpz. 1868. Broom. N. Y. 1876. Carey. Unity. Phil. 1872. Fairbairn. Revelation of Law in Scripture. N. Y. 1869. Franck. Par. 1886. Von Ihering. Zweck im Rechr. 2 v. Lpz. 1877-83. Kant. Edin. 1887. Lioy. Par. 1887. Macnamara. Nullities. Phil. Miller. Lond. 1884. Monahan. Method of Law. Lond. 1878. Smith (S. K.). Theory. Columbia. 1884. Stahl. Heidelb. 1845-7. Stirling. Lond. 1873. Udny. Harmony of Laws. Lond. ■1858. Warnkonig. Tub. 1855. Zimmermann. Schweben derReehts- verhaltnisse. Strassb. 1876. See also Jurisprudence; and Jones' Index. 1082 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Photojifraphy. See Artistic Copyright : and Jones' Index. PleaclillJ? : criminal. See Criminal Pleading: — Pleas of the Crown. Phrases. See Adjudged Words and Phrases ; — Law Phrases ; — Maxims. Physicians. See Forensic Medicine ; — Medical Profession : — Medical Trea- tises: and Jones" Index. Pilotaare. Farnfield. Newson. Piracy. Lond. 1874. Lond. 188(5. and jSee Criminal Law: — Trials; Jones' Index. Plank Roads. See Highways. Plantation Law. Abridgement. Va.. X. Y.. Xew Eng- land, etc., 1704. See British Colonies : — Colonial Law. Pleading : chancery. Edwards. N. Y. 1832. See also Chancery Pleading. Civil. Abbott. Forms. X. Y Arehbold. N. Y. 1838. Caruthers. Cin. 1888. Chitty Euer. Evans Gould. Heard issi. Springf. 1876. Dubl. 1791, Chic. 1879. Alb. 1887. Bost. 1880. Saunders. 2 v. Phil. 18ol. Stephen. Phil. 18(57. Storv. Salem. 1805. Tiffany and Smith. 2 y. Alb. 1879. Tremaine. 2 v. Dubl. 1793-4. Tyrwhitt. Lond. 184(3. Yan Santyoord. Alb. 1873. See also the various States. Code. See Code Pleading. Common Law. See Common Law. Equity. See Equity Pleading. For Alternative Relief. Langlev. Lond. 1881. In Assumpsit. Lawes. Bost. 1811. In Personal Actions. See Actions. Leading Cases. Ames. Common Law. 1875. Finlason. 1847. Langdell. Equity. 1878. Myer"s Fed. Decis., v. 34. Manorial Courts. Maitland. Lond. 1889. Maxims and Rules. Cunningham. Lond. 1771. Regula Placitandi. (Tremaine.) Lond. 1G94. Precedents and Forms. Abbott. 2 v. X. Y. 1887->!. Anthon. X. Y. 1821. Bohun. Lond. 1733. Brownlow. Lond. 1(559. Bullen and Leake. 2 y. 1882-8. Carey. Bait. 1885. Lond. Chittv. Lond. 1867-8. Cornwall. Lond. 1705. Cunningham and Mattinson. Lond. 1884. "^ English Pleader. Dubl. 1783. Greening. Lond. 1845. Heard. Bost. 1886. Heme. Lond. 1(357. Impey. Dubl. 1795. Liber Placitandi. Lond. 1674. Mallorv. 3 v. Lond. 1734-7. Method of Pleading. Lond. 1697. Pattison. Missouri. St. L. 1891. Petersdorff. Lond. 1835. Placita Generalia. etc. Lond. 1674. Pleader's Assistant. Dubl. 178(5. SnuiU. Declarations. Lond. 1653. Townesend. Tallies. 2 v. Lond. 1667-1705. Tremaine. 2 v. Dubl. 1793-4. Yan Santvoord. Alb. 1858. Yidian. Lond. 1684. Wentworth. 10 v. Lond. 1797-9. Yates. Alb. 18:37. See also Entries. THE ASSOCIATION^ OF THE BAH. 1083 Pleading-: special. Hopwood. Loud. 1.SG8. Liber Placitaiidi. Lond. 1674. Schiefer. Lond. 1702. Train and Hoard. Bost. 1855. The General Issue. Roscoe. liarrisb. 1845. Pleadings : in Parllanien i . Ryley. Lond. 1G61. Of Cicero. Kelsall. Lond. 1813. Pleas of the Crown. Britton. 3 v. Oxf. 18()5. Coke. Third Institute. Lond. 1707. East. 2 V. Lond. 180:5. Hale. 2 v. Phil. 1847. Hawkins. 4 v. Jjond. 1795. Maitland. Pleas, 1300-35. Lond. 1888. Pleas, 1221. Lond. 1884. Selden Society Publications. Lond. 1887. Staunford. Lond. 1567. Tremaine. 2 v. Dubl. 17!):J-4. See also Criminal Pleading. Pledge. Cobbett. Lond. 1841. Colebrooke. Chic. 1883. Crump. Lond. 1868. Folkard. Lond. 1876. Hellwig. Lpz. 1883. Jones. Bost. 1883. Schouler. Bost. 1887. Turner. Lond. 1866. Tyler. Alb. 1873. See also Bailments ; — Mortgage; and Jones' Index. Poetry. Anstev. Pleader's Guide. 1796-1802. Warren Hasting-s Lond. Trial, a satire. Lond. Lond. 1791. Ball. Justices' Justic Lond. 1845. Blewitt. Court of Chancerv 1827. Coke. Reports. Lond. 1743. Croke. Lyrics of the Law. San Fran. 1884. Poems of the Law. San Fran. 1885. Davidson. A Curiosity in Chancery. Lexington, 1878. Hamilton. Parliamentary Logick. Lond. 1808. Moile. State Trials. Lond. 1838. Opdyke vs. Weed. Libel Suit. N. V. 1865. Was it a Pistol ? Wash. 1890. Woodworth. Beasts at Law. X. Y. 1811. Poisoning : Trials for. Browne and Stewart. Lond. 1883. See also Trials : Murder. Poisons. Christison. Edin. 1832. Dana. Jer. City, 1880. Naquet. X. Y."l876. Orfila. 3 v. Par. 1848. Taylor. Phil. 1875. Wormley. X". Y. 18()9. See also Medical Jurisprudence; and Jones' Index. Police : London. Colquhoun. 1806. Gerard. 1853. See also Jones' Index. New York City. Gerard. 1853. Manual of Rules, etc. 1877. Skillman. Reports. IBurlesque.! N. Y. 1830. The River Thames. Colquhoun. 1800. Police Magistrates. Flaramer. N. Y. 1881. Greenwood and Martin. Lond. ls^0 Irons. Edin. 1876. N. Y. Board. Annual Reports. 1874-90. Skillman. Reports of Cases. [Bur- lesque.] N. Y. 1830. Wiglittle. Ten Years a Jud-v. X. Y. 1884. See also Justice of the Peace. Police Officer's Gnide. Greenwood and Martin. Lond. 1880. Snowden. Lond. 1875. Vickers. Chic. 1889. Vincent. Lond. 1881. Police Ordinances. Horr and Bemis. ^Municipal. Cin. 1887. Police Power. Smith (W. W.). Private Corpora- tions. Phil. 1889. Tiedeman. Limitations. St. L. 1886. 1084 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Policies : insurance. See Insurance. Political Codes. See the various States, Political Economy. Bagehot. N. Y. 1885. Denslow. N. Y. 1888. Elv. Bait. 1884. Hershey. Burling. 1884. Kellogg. Labor and other Capital. X. Y. 1849. Lalor. Cvclopa3flia. 3 v. Chic. iasi-4. Lunt. N. Y. 1888. Rau. 2 V. Lpz. 1854-^. Rogers. Oxf. 1876. Young. Alb. 1839. Political Ethics. Lieber. 2 v. Phil. 1875. Political History. De Cataneo. Political Governments. Lond. 1753. Von Hoist. United States. 1750- 1859. fi V. -Junius. Works. N. Y. 1829. Lalor. Cvclopaedia. 3 v. Chic. 1881-4. McPherson. U. S. during the Rebel- lion. 1864. See also Historv. Political Law. 3 Allgemeine Bibliographic. Ber. 1888-90. Bateman. St. L. 1876. Burlamaqui. Phil. 1832. See also Constitutional Law: — Government, Political Science. Annals of the American Academv. Phil. 1890. Bluntschli. Theorv of the State. Oxf. 1885. Fiske. Amer. Political Ideas. 1885. Lalor. Cvclopa-dia. 3 v. Chic. 1881-4. Political Science Quarterly. 6 v. N. Y. 1886-91. Practical Politics. Lond. 1881. ReA'ue Generale du Droit, etc. Bu- carest, 1886-7. LTpton. Money in Politics, Bost, 1884. Wilson. Congressional Government. 1885. See also Constitutional Law: — Government. Pollntion of Water- courses. Higgins. Lond. 1877. Ponds. Sewell. Title to Beds. X. Y. 1882. Poor Laws : England. Archbold. 1860. Cases. 1858. Bott. 2 V. 1827. Day. 1833. Deacon. 2 v. 1843. Dudgeon. 1838. Duff. Dwellings. 1884. Foley. 1743. Glen. 2 v. 1857-66. Lumlev. Cases. 2 v. 1840-3. Nicholis. Historv, 2 v. 1854. Theobald. 1836. "^ See also Jones' Index. Ireland. Xicholls. Historv. 1856. New York. Cowen. 1887. Knapp. 1887. Xelson. 1871. Wade. 1870. Scotland. Hav. Decisions. 1865. Ivory. 1870. Xicholls. Historv, 1856, Poor Law Magazine. 22 v. 1859-80. Popery Law^s. Howard. Cases. Dubl. 1774. Popular Tribunals. See Tribunals, Popular, Portions. Mathews. Lond. 1829, See also Marriage Settlements. Portugal. Testa. Droit Public International .Maritime. Par. 1886. See also page 690. Positive Eaw^. LightwoofL Lond. 1883. THE ASSOCIATIOJSr OF THE BAE. 1085 Possession. Bruiis. Das Recht des Besitzes. Tiib. 1874. Die Besitzklagen. Weimar, 1874. Daliiiau y rte Olivart. La Posesion. Barcelona, 1884. Von Ihering. Der Besitzschutz. Jena, 1869. Der Besitzwille. Jena, 1889. Pollock and Wright. Oxf. 1888. Pothier. La Possession. Par. 1777. Von Savignv. Das Recht des Besitzes, Wien, 1865. by Perry. Lond. 1848. by Warnkonig. Edin. 1839. See also Adverse Possession; and Jones' Index. Examiiia- Post-Mortem tioiis. Delafield. N. Y. 1873. Lee. P^il. 1881. Virchow. Lond. 1880. See also Coroners ; — Criminal In- sanity. Postal Laws : Mexico. Codigo Postal. 1884. United States. Laws and Regulations. 1887. Official Guide. 1887-91. Revised Statutes relating to Post Roads. 1875. See also Jones' Index. Postal Savings Banks. Forbes. Lond. 1878. Poughkeepsie. See page 693. Powers. Chance. 2 v. Lond. 1841. Farvvell. Lond. 1874. Powell. Lond. 1787. Sugden. 2 v. Phil. 1856. See also Jones' Index. Of Attorney. Stokes. Lond. 1861. Practice : Canada. Barwiek. Judicature Act. 1881. Bourinot. Parliamentary. 1884. Cassels. Supreme Court." etc. 1877. Harrison. Common Law. 1858. Taylor and Ewart. Supreme Court. 1881. See also Canada Codes. England. See Admiralty; — Appellate Pro- ceedings ; — Cham bers' Prac- tice ; — Chancery ; — Common Law; — Common Pleas;- — County Courts; — Courts Leet and Baron ; — Divorce Law and Practice ; — Ecclesiastical Courts; — Equity; — Excheq- uer; — High Court of Justice: — House of Lords; — King's and Queen's Bench; — Mayor's Court : — Privy Council ;— Prize Courts ; — Supreme Court of Judicature; etc. France. See page 298. General. Chitty. 4 V. 1836-9. Robinson. 7 v. 1854-74. Germany. See pages 326 and 327. Holland. See page 389. Ireland. See Chancery; — Common Pleas; — Exchequer, etc. New York City : City Court. McAdam. 1877. District Court. Langbein. 1880. Turnbull. 1866. Marine Court. See City Court. New York State : Chancery. Barbour. 3 v. 1874-5. Blake. 1824. Hoffman. 3 v. 1834-40. Moulton. 3 V. 1829-32. Code, Abbott. Principles and Forms. 3 V. 1887-8. Holmes and Disbrow. 1859. Lansing. Forms. 3 v. 1885-8. McCall. Forms. 1871. Monell. 2 v. 1853-4. Rumsey. 3 v. 1887-90. Tiffany and Smith. 2 v. 1879. Tillinghast and Shearman. 2 v. 1865-70. Van Santvoord. Equity. 2 v. 1874. Wait. 7 V. 1872-80. " Whittaker. 2 v. 1869. 10S6 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBARY OF Practice : New York State : Su- preme Court. Burrill. With Appendix of Form^J. 8 V. 1846. ("aines. Forms. 1808. Dunlap. 3 v. 1821-3. Graham, 1836. Holmes and Disbrow. 1859. Monell. 2 v. 1858-4. Paine and Duer. 2 v. 1880. Tillinojhast. Forms. 1830. Wyche. 1794. See also New York Codes: — Justice of the Peace: — Pro- visional Remedies : — Referees : — Special Actions : — Special Proceedings : — Summary Pro- ceedings : — Supplementary Proceedings ; — Surrogates' Practice: — Trial Practice; etc. Scotland. Prerogative Court. Edwards. Cases. Loud. 1846. Of Canterbury. Stair. Institutions. Edin. 1863. Spain. Zuniga. 2 v. Madrid, 1851-2. United States. See U. S. Courts: Jurisdiction and Practice: — The several States ; — Actions : — Admiral- ty : — Appellate Proceedings : — C'hancery: — Code Practice : — Equitv :— Mver"s Fed. Decis.. V. 26": — New Trials;— Reme- dies: — Special Proceedings; — Trial Practice ; etc. Practice Evidence. See P>vidence. Precedents. Besson. Xew Jersey. 1875. Booke of Presidents. Lond. 1616. Carev. Bait. 1885. Olmsted and Putzel. Hartf. 1889. Putzel and Bahr. Hartf. 1881. Spalding. Statutory. X. Y. 1883. Townesend. Tables. 2 v. Lond. 1667-1705. Tremaine. 2 v. Dubl. 1793-4. West. Simboleographv. 2 v. Lond. 1641-7. Young Clerk's Vade Mecum. X. Y. 1776. See also Forms, and the various subjects. Preparation for Trial. See Trial. Preparation for. Walker. Exposition. Lond. 1828. Prerogatives of the Crown. Allen. Lond. 1849. ^ Brecknock. Lond. 1764. Chitty. Lond. 1820. Somers. Lond. 1771. Staunford. Lond. 1568 and 1577. See also Crown of Great Britain. Presbyterian Cliurch. See Ecclesiastical Law. Prescription. Berrev. Lond. 1833. Brmis. Ber. 1872. Gibbons. Lond. 1835. Jones. Tor. 1878. Napier. 2 v. Edin. 1839-54. Pothier. Par. 1777. Unterholzner. 2 v. Lpz. 1858. See also Limitations; and Jones' Index. President. Myer. Power over Personal Liberty. Phil. 1862. Xicholas. Habeas Corpus. Louisv. 1861-2. Whiting. War Powers. Bost. 1864. See also Administrative Law : — Emancipation Proclamation ; — Executive ; — Habeas Corpus. Press. Parant. Par. 1884. Paterson. Lond. 1880. Powell. Lond. 1889. Woodcroft. Specifications relating to Printing. Lond. 1859. See also Libel : and Jones' In- dex. Presumptive Evidence. Best. Pliil. 1845. Burrill. X. Y. 1868. Lawson. San Fran. 1885. Mathews. N. Y. 1830. See also Circumstantial Evi- dence: and Jones' Index. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1087 Primogeniture. Kennv and Laurence. Lond. 1878. Lloyd. Lond. 1877. See also Descent; — Inheritance; — Succession ; — and Jones' In- dex. Prince Edward Island. See page 699. Principal and Accessary. 0"Dedy. Lond. 1811. See also Criminal liavv. Principal and Agent. See Agency. Principal and Surety. See Guaranty and Suretyship; and Jones' Index. Printers. Powell. Lond. 1889. Priority of Incum- brances. Kobinson. Lond. 1873. Prisons. Anderson. Prison Acts. Lond. 1878. Gray. Prison Discipline in Amer- ica. 1847. Grifliths. Chronicles of Newgate. 2 V. 1884. Howard. American Bastiles. Bait. 1863. Livingston. Prison Discipline. Lond. 1827. MeXeil. New York Laws. 1864. Old Bailey Experience. Lond. 1833. Sangston. Bastiles of the North. Bait. 1863. Sutton. The N. Y. Tombs. 1874. Wilkinson. Prison Law of England and Wales. 1878. See also Jones' Index. Private Bill Legislation. Bigg. Westm. 1869. Bristowe. Lond. 1859. Clifford. 2 v. Lond. 1885-7. Ellis. Lond. 1802. Macassey. Lond. 1887. Private International Law. See International Law, Private. Private Law : England. Nasmith. Persons and Things. 2 v. Lond. 1875. See also Admiralty; — Contracts; — Husband and Wife; — Torts ; etc. Germany. Zeitschriftfiirdas Privat und Offent- liche Recht der Gegenwart. 18 v. Wien, 1874-91. See also Germany, page 327. Private Property at Sea. ^-Egidi and Klauhold. Hamb. 1866. Shephard. Lond. 1870. See also Neutrality. Privateers. Home. Lond. 1803. Von Martens. Lond. 1801. See also Captures ; — Prize Law : and Jones' Index. Privileged Communica- tions. Hageman. Somerv. 1889. See also Evidence. Privy Council. Finlason. Judicial Committee. 1878. Lattey. Practice. 1869. Nicolas. Proceedings and Ordi- nances. 1386-1547. Palgrave. Original Authority. 1834. See also Record Commission ; and Jones' Index. Prize Cases. Acton. 2 v. Lond. 1811-12. Ateheson. Lond. 1800. Betts. N. Y. 1863-4. Blatchford. N. Y. 1866. Fisher. Phil. 1813. Spinks. Lond. 1856. Springbok Case. Lond. 1864. Van Ness. N. Y. 1814. See also International Law : Cases. Prize Courts. Betts. Practice. N. Y. 1838. Marriott. Forms, etc. Lond. 1802. Story. Practice. Lond. 1854. Upton. Jurisdiction, Practice, etc. N. Y. 1862. See also Admiralty. 1088 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Prize Fighting. See JoiR's" Index. Prize Law. Home. Lond. 1803. Kachenovsky. Lond. 1867. Lee. Lond. 1759. Lushington. Lond. 1866. Von Martens. Lond. 1801. Pistove and Duverdv. 2 v. Par. 18o9. Pott. Lond. 1810. Roberts. N. Y. 1869. Robinson. Lond. 1801. Sewell. N. Y. 1864. Shephard. Lond. 1870. Upton. N. Y. 1862. Valin. [In Pistoye and Duverdv.] 2 V. Par. 1859. Wheaton. N. Y. 1815. Wildman. Lond. 1854. Probability. Lubbock and Bethune. Lond. 1844. Milne. Of Lite. 2 v. Lond. 1815. See also Annuity Tables. Probate Duties. Shelf ord. Lond. 1861. Trevor. Lond. 1881. Probate Law and Prac- tice : England. Browne. 1884. Coote. 1878. Dixon. 1885. Falconer. 1850. Hanson. 1876. Harrison. 1883. Hill. 1859. Horsey. 1858, Hudson. 1882. Jebb. 1858. Tristram. 1881. "Wood. Australasian Colonies. 1884. United States. American Probate Reports. 6 v. 1881-90. Dennis. District of Columbia. 1887. Dickinson. New Jersey. 1884. Garv. Wisconsin and Minnesota. 1879. Herrick and Doxsee. Iowa and Dakota. 1884. Horner. Illinois. 1881. Miller. Iowa. 1890. North. Hlinois. 1873. Reese. Georgia. 1858. Smith (W. L.). Bost. 1884. Whittaker. Ohio. 1889. See also Executors ; — Surro- gates. Probate Sales. Freeman. Void. St. L. 1890. Procedure. See Actions ; — Codes ; — Plead- ings ; — Practice ; etc. Proceedings in Rem. Waples. Chic. 1882. Prodvice Exchange. Bisbee and Simonds. Chic. 1884. See also Brokers ; — Contracts ; — Futures. Production of Docu- ments. Pollock. Phil. 1853. Sichel and Chance. Lond. 1883. See also Discovery ; — Evidence. Profanity. See Blasphemy. Profession, Legal. See Legal Profession. Professional Ethics. See Ethics ; and Jones' Index. Profits a Prendre. Hall. Lond. 1871. Prohibition. Crary. N. Y. 1872. High. Chic. 1884. Lloyd. Lond. 1849. Oliphant. Lond. 1850. Shortt. Phil. 1889. Wood. Alb. 1891. See also Special Proceedings. Prohibitions, constitutional. Black. Bost. 1887. See also Constitutional Law. Promise. Siegel. Ber. 1873. THE ASSOCIATION' OF THE BAE. 1089 Promissory Notes. See Bills and Notes ; — Negotiable Instruments; and Jones' In- dex. Promoters of Public Com- panies. See Companies. Proof. Le Gentil. Essai historique. Par. 1868. »See also Evidence. Property. Phil. Bell. Husband and Wife 1850. Gray. Restraints on Alienation, Bost. 1888. Select Cases. 2 v. Camb. 1888-9. Lehraann. Elterliche Gewalt. Jena, 1886. Maekay. Lond. 1883. Platner. Saehenrecht. Marb. 1875. Pothier. Par. 1776. Sugden. Lond. 1858. See also Personal Property; — Real Property; and Jones' Index. Protest. Williamson, Phil. 1889, See also Bills and Notes. Protestant Church. Episcopal Andrews. Columbus, 1883, Hoffman, N, Y. 1850. Humphrey. N. Y. 1891. Vinton. N. Y. 1870. See also Ecclesiastical Law, Provident Societies. Brabrook. Lond. 1869. Davis. Lond. 1869. Pratt. Lond. 1881. See also Societies, Provisional Remedies. Derby and Luques, N. Y. 1886. Hoffman. N. Y. 1862. Thompson. Alb. 1867. Prussia. Von Ronne, Staatsrecht. 4 v. Lpz. 1881-4. Schulze. Staatsrecht, Freib. 1884. See also page 701 ; and Germany, Psychological Medicine. Bucknill and Tuke. Lond. 1879. Journal of Psychological Medicine. 13 V. Lond. 1848-60. Mann. Phil. 1883. Psychological Journal, 6 v. N. Y. i868-76. See also Medical Jurisprudence. Public Debt. Adams. Essay. N. Y. 1890. Heathfield. England. Lond, 1829, Richardson, United States. Wash. 1872. Public Funds. See Stocks. Public Health. See Health Laws. Public Houses. See Inns and Innkeepers. Public Lands, u. s. See Land Laws, U, S, Public Law. Archiv fiir Offentliches Recht. 5 v. Freib. 1886-90. Bowyer. Lond. 1854. Marquardsen. 4 v. Freib. 1884-7. Nasmith. Lond. 1873. Von Sarwey. Tiib. 1880. Zeitschrift fiir das Privat- und 6f- fentliche Recht der Gegenwart, 18 V, Wien, 1874-91, See also Administrative Law ; — Constitutional Law ; — Inter- national Law ; and France, page 302. Public Libraries. See Libraries. Pviblic Meetings. Arnold. Lond. 1833, 1090 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Public Offices and Offi- cers. Mechem. Chic. 1890. Public Policy. Greenhood. In Law of Contracts. Chic. 1886. Public Record Office. Cooper. 2 v. Lond. 1833. Thomas. Lond. 1853. Yeatman. Bost., Eng., 1883. Public Schools, See School Laws; and Jones' Index. Public Securities. Burroughs. Jer. City, 1881. See also Bonds ; — Securities ; — Stocks. Public Worship. Brice. Lond. 1875. See also Church and Clergy. Pul>lisliers. See Press. Puiiisliiiient. Beccaria. Alb. 1872. Trans, by Farrer. Lond. 1880. Buxton. Severity. Lond. 1821. Corporal Punishment. Lond. 1827. Cox. Lond. 1877. I)u Cane. Penal Servitude. Lond. 1872. Eden. Lond. 1775. Farrer. Lond. 1880. Flogging or Scourging. Lond. 1840. i Haves. 2 v. Dubl. 1842. | Hill. Lond. 1847. ! .Tardine. V>>q of Torture. Lond. i 1837. ' Laurie. Separate Confinement. I Lond. 1846. ]\Iemoirs of the Pillory. Lond. 1750. Punishment, Secondarv. Report Lond. 1833. Koscoe. Penal Jurisprudence. Lciul. 1819. Sampson. Criminal Jurisprudence. Lond. 1843. Sanford. Penal Codes in Europe. Wash. 1854. See also Death Penalty; and Jones' Index. Purchase aud Sale. Bedarride. Par. 1878. See also Sale: — Vendors and Purchasers. Purchase Deeds. Cornish. Phil. 1856. See also Conveyancing. Q. Quakers. Davis. Society of Friends in Eng- land. 1820.' Quaker Laws of Plvmouth and Mass. (Hinman.) 1838. Quaker Trial. Shotwell vs. Hen- drickson. 2 v. 1831. Quarantine Laws. Baker. Lond. 1879. Quare Inipedit. Erck. Dubl. 1830. Mallory. Lond. 1737. Quarries. MacSwinney. Lond. 1884. See also Mines. Quarter Sessions. Archbold. Lond. 1869. Dickinson. Lond. 1841. Raynes. Sherborne. 1821. See also Justice of the Peace. Quasi-Contracts. Keener. Cases. 2 v. Camb. 1888-9. Quebec. See i)age 133. Queen's Bench, Court of. Allen. Forms. 1883. Archbold. Practice. 2 v. 1885. Chitty. Forms. 1879. Grav. Countrv Attorney's Practice. 1854. Maiden and Povser. Digest of Prac- tice. 1884. Napier. Practice. 1884. .See also King's Bench : — Judica- ture, Supreme Court of. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1091 Queensland. See page 706. Questions and Answers (for Students). Aldred. Contracts. Lond. 1883. Baylies. Alb. 1888. Beebee. Com. Law Practice. N. Y. 1887. Bonynge and Ward. N. Y. 1887. Cox. Wash. 1881. Devereux's Kinne's Blackstone. N. Y. 1875. Kent. N. Y Fry. Municipal Law. N Real Property. 1860. Y. 1887. Lond. Story's Equity Jurispru- N. Y. "1876. Lond. 1859. Criminal Law. Lond. Goodeve, 1883. Gueinisey, dence. Hallilay. Harrison. 1885. Hendry. Conveyancing. Edin. 1867. Jordan. Contracts. Cin. 1890. Kinne. Law Compendium. 11 v. N. Y. 1852-5. Sargent. Laws of England. Lond. 1842-3. Warner. N. Y. Code of Civil Pro- cedure Railway Cases : England. American and English R.R. Cases. 43 V. 1881-91. Digest. V. 1-35. 1890. American Railroad and Corporation Reports. 1890. Beavan and Walford. Parliamen- tary. 1846. English Railway and Canal Cases. 7 V. 1835-54. English Railway and Canal Traffic Cases. 6 v. 1855-89. Digest of Decisions. (Lacev.) 3 v. To 1884. Digest of Decisions and Statutes. (Beach.) 1889-90. United States. Questions of Law and Fact. Wells. Des Moines, 1878. See also Juries. Quieting Titles. See Title to Real Estate of Title to Land. -Trial Quo Warranto. Cole. 3 V. Phil. 1847. High. Chic. 1884. Shortt. Phil. 1889. Tancred. Lond. 1830, Willcock. Phil. 1836. Wood. Alb. 1891. See also Special Proceedings ;- Trials. R. Racina:. Oliphant. Lond. 1882. Sayles. Lond. 1877. -6^6 also Gaming. Amei-ican and English R.R, Cases. 43 V. 1881-91. Digest. V. 1-35. 1890. American Railway Reports. 31 v. 1873-81. Broadway Railroad Investigation. 1886. Erie Railway Co., The People, etc., vs. 1879. Michigan R.R. Conspiracy Case. 1851. Notes of Railway and Corporation Cases. 6 v. 1886-91. Railway and Corporation Law Jour- nal. 9 V. 1887-91. Redfield. Leading American Cases. 2 V. 1870-2. Richardson and Hook. American Street-Railwavs. 1841-60. Smith (C.) and "Bates. Cases, U. S. Courts, and the States. 2 v. Best. 1856-7. Digest of Decisions. (Lacev.) 2 v. To 1884. Digest of Decisions and Statutes. (Beach.) 1889-90. Railway Commissioners. England. Practice. (Browne.) 1876. (Butterworth.) 1889. New York : City. Rapid Transit. Proceedings. 1883-4. New York : State. Reports. 1883-90. U. S. Pacific R.R. Testimony and Reports. 10 v. 1887. Railway Law : Canada. Holt. 1885. England. Beach. 2 v. 1890. Bigg. 1875. 1092 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRABY OF Railway Law : Continued. England. — RaiUvay Securities. Browne and Theobald. 1888. Chambers and Peterson. 1848. Godofroi and Shortt. 1869. Hodi!:o.'<. 1888. Lely": 1878. Moore. 1860. Shelford. 2 v. 1869. Sutton. 1883. Walford. 1850. Woodfall. Traffic. 1889. Wordsworth. 1851. See also Accidents : — Carriers; — Compensation : — LandsClaiises Consolidation Acts. France. Bedarride. 2 v. 1876. Visrouronx. 1886. Germany. Eger. 1877. — — India. Macpherson. 1880. Italy. Wallis. 1880. New York. Colbv. 2 V. 1882-3. McMaster. 1872. Valentine. N. Y. City Streets. 1866. Scotland. Deas. 1873. Shelford. 2 v. 1869. United States. Beach. 2 v. 1890. Pierce. 1881. Redfield. 2 v. 1888. Rorer. 2 v. 1884. Wood. 3 V. 1885. See also Accidents: — Carriers: — Securities: and Jones' Index. .Jones. Bost. 1890. See also Securities Index. and Jee also Ecclesiastical Law. Rivers. Egremont. 3 v. Lond. 18o0. Houck. Bost. 1868. Jervvood. Rights to Soil, etc. Lond. 1850. Parke. Decisions. Wash. 1882. Tyler. Boundaries, etc. Alb. 1874. Webster. Lond. 1885. See also Navigation;— Waters. Roads. See Highways ; — Turnpikes. Robbery. Rogers. Chloroform in. N. Y. 1871. " See also Criminal Law. Rochester (n. y.). See page 736. Rolls. Avloffe. Calendars of Welch and 'Scotish. 1774. British. See Record Commission. Irish. See Record Commission. Scotch. See Record Commission. Roman, or Civil, Law: Analysis. Hallifax. Camb. 1795. Mears. Lond. 1876. Ante-Justinian. Cumin. XII. Tables. Lond. 1865. Gneist. Lps. 1858. Goodwin. XII. Tables. Lond. 1886. Huschke. Lps. 1879. Mears. Twelve Tables. Lond. 1882. Tissot. Metz, 1811. Voigt. XII Tafeln. 2 v. Lpz. 1883. Bibliography. Camus, par Dupin. 2 v. Par. 1832. Lipen. 7 v. Lps. 1757-1823. Mackeldey. Phil. 1883. — Cases and Questions Re- solved. Zouch. Oxf. 1652. • Comparison with Common Law. Bowver. Lond. 1874. Browne. 3 v. N. Y. 1840. Cocke. N. Y. 1871. Colquhoun. 4 v. Lond. 1849-60. Duck. Lond. 1724. Fulbeck. Lond. 1601-2. Giiterbock. Bracton. Phil. 1866. Hallifax. Camb. 1836. Jacob. Lond. 1721. Long. Phil. 1848. Mackenzie. Edin. 1862. Miller (J. B.). N. Y. 1882. Miller (John). Lond. 1835. Scrutton. Camb. 1885. Williams. Lond. 1883. Dictionaries. Calvinus. Colon. Allob. 1612. Fieffe-Lacroix. 2 v. Metz. 1809-10. Heumann. Jena, 1857. Edictum Perpetuum. Lend. Lpz. 1883. Gains : Institutes ; with Com- mentaries and Translations. Abdy and Walker. Camb. 1885. Bocking. Lps. 1866. Cumin. Lond. 1865. Dernburg. Halle, 1869. Domenget. Par. 1866. Gneist. Lps. 1858. Harris. Lond. 1875. Holland. Oxf. 1881. Hunter. Lta Italiana. 10 y. Roma, 1886-90. Thayer. Phil. 1870. Wavwv. X. Y. 1833. ^Voolworth. Omaha, 1881. See also Jurisprudence. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1103 Scientific Evidence. Speiice. Patentable Invention. Lond. 1851. See also Evidence. Scintillse Juris, Darling. Lond. 1889. Scire Facias. Foster. Phil. 1851. Kelly. Lond. 1849. Scotland : Law. Barclay. Digest. 1865. Bell (B. R.). Law of CYimes. 1844. Bell (G. J.). Commentaries. 3 v. 1870. Principles. 1872. Erskine. Institutes. 2 v. 1871. — — Principles. 1881. Forbes. Institutes. 2 v. 1722-30. Lorimer. Handbook. 1885. Macallan. Pocket Lawyer. 1854. ^Mackenzie. Institutions. 1694. 3Iore. Lectures. 2 v. 1864. Robertson. Lectures. 1878. Shaw. Principles. 1863. Skene. Regiam Majestatem. Edin. 1609. Stair. Institutions. 3 v. 1836-7. Stuart. Observations. 1779. See also page 763, Sculpture : Kej^istration. Norman. Copyright, etc. Lond. 1851. See also Artistic Co])yright. Sea Law^s. Boroughs. Soveraignty of tlie British Seas. Lond. 1686. " Dominium Maris. Lond. 1663. Hale. De -Jure Maris. Lond. 1875. Jacobsen. Bait. 1818. Jenkins. Rule of the Road. Wash. 1869. Justice. Lond. 1705. Miege. Lond. 1686. Pardessus. 6 v. Par. 1838-45. Peters. Laws of Oleron, etc. 3 v. Phil. 1807. Sea Laws. (Justice.) Lond. 17 — . Selden. Mare Clausum. Lond. 1663. Twiss. Black Book of the Admi- ralty. 4 V. Lond. 1871-6. See also Admiralty ; — Maritime Law ; — Waters ; etc. Sea Lights. Pratt. Lond. 1857. See also Rule of the Road. Sea Shore. Hall. Lond. 1875. Hunt. Lond. 1870. .lerwood. Lond. 1850. Moore. Foreshore. Lond. 1888. Phear. Phil. 1859. Tyler. Alb. 1874. See also Waters. Sea Terms and Phrases. Pornain. Portsm. 1881. Seamen and Seamanship. Abbott. Lond. 1881. Curtis. Bost. 1841. Kay. 3 v. Lond. 1875. See also Admiralty ; — Maritime Law ; — Shipping ; and Jones' Index. Search. See Right of Search. Of Titles. See Abstracts of Title ;— Con- veyancing. Secret Writing. See Handwriting. Securities. Burroughs. Public. Jer. City. 1881. Cavanagh. Money. Lond. 1885. Clemens. Corporate. St. L. 1877. Colebrooke. Collateral. Chic. 1883. Coler. Municipal Bonds. 3 v. N. Y. 1873. Dillon. Municipal Bonds. St. L. 1876. .lencken. Megotiable Securities. Lond. 1880. Jones. Corporate. Bost. 1890. Pledges, and Collateral. Bost. 1883. Lewis. Stocks, Bonds, etc. Phil. 1881. Rawle. Car Trust. Phil. 1885. Rovle. English and Foreign. Lond. 1875. See also Bonds ; — Shares in Com- panies ; — Stocks. Security of the Person. Paterson. 2 v. Lond. 1877. Set also Liberty. 1 1 04 CA TAL OGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Sederunt, Acts of. Stair. 2 v. Ediii. 1683-7. Sedition. See Criraintil Law; — Trials. Seigniorial Covirts. Seidell Society. Publications. 1889. Seigniories. Flaeh. Par. 1886. Lelievre and Angers. Quebec, 1856. Loyseau. Seigneuries. Par. 1608. Seisin. Williams. Lond. 1878, See also Real Property. Seizure of Books. See Books, Seizure of. Self-Defence. Horrigan and Thompson, Amer. Cases. 1874, See also Criminal Law ; and Jones' Index, Seneca Indians. See Indians, Separate Estate. Haves. 1886. Equity Doctrine, Lond, Separate Use. GrilTith. Lond. 1878. Mitchell. In Pennsylvania. Phil. 1875. Stalman. Words of. Lond. 1836. Sepulture. See Burial. Sequestration. Bell. In Bankruptcy. Edin. 1840. Wilson. Of Ecclesiastical Benefices. Loud. 1836, Serjeants at Law. Manning. Antient Privileges. Lond. 1840. Woolrych. Lives. 2 v. Lond. 1869. Wynne. Antiquity and Dignitv. Lond. 1765. See also Jones' Index. Sermons. Boorn. Prisoner Released, Hartf. 1820, Hooker. Lond, 1618, Weston. Sanctity of the Grave. N. Y. 1854. Stillingfleet. Lond. 1735. Servants. See Domestic Relations; — Master and Servant. Service of Papers. Warner. X. Y. 1890. Servitudes. See Easements. Session, Court of. Skene. Proces before. Edin. 1609, See also Scotland, page 763. Set-Off. Babington. Phil. 1834, Barbour, Alb, 1841. Montagu. X. Y. 1806. Waterman. N. Y. 1873. See also Jones' Index. Settled Land Statutes. Hood and Challis. Lond. 1884. Middleton. Lond. 1882. Robbins. Lond. 1883. Underbill. Lond. 1885. Williams. Lond. 1879. Settlements. Atherley. Phil, 1840, Banning. Marriage. Lond. 1884. Edwards and Hamilton. Marriage, Lond. 1883. Elphinstone. Personal Estate. Lond. 1871. Keatinge. Family. Lond. 1810. McLaren, Trust." 2 v. Edin. 1863. Peachey. Marriage. Lond. 1860. Vaizev. Of Property. 3 v, Lond. 1887. Wilkinson. Lond. 1831. Williams. Real Estates. Lond. 1879. See also Jones' Index. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 1105 Settlers. See Land Laws, U. S. Sewers. A. & E. Encyc, v. 6. Callis. Lond. 1810. Corfield. Lond. 1870. Hutchins. Lond. 1869. Keane. Lond. 1870. Kennedy and Sandars. Lond. 1884. Woolrych. Lond. 1864. See also Jones' Index. Shakespeare. Campbell. Legal Acquirements. N. Y. 1859. Davis. Law in. St. Paul, 1884. Guernsey. Ecclesiastical Law in Hamlet. N. Y. 1885. Heard. As a Lawyer. Bost. 1883. Knight. Complete Works. 3 v. N. Y. 1854-6. Was Shakespeare a Lawyer ? By H. T. Lond. 1871. See also Jones" Index. Shares in Companies. Digbv. Sale and Transfer. Lond. 1868. Emden. Shareholders' Legal Guide. Lond. 1884. Palmer. Shareholders' Legal Com- panion. Lond. 1890. See also Corporations; — Negoti- able Instruments ; — Securities ; — Stocks; etc. Shelley's Case. Hargrave. Tracts. Dubl. 1787. Preston. Lond. 1794. Wiley. Lond. 1869. See also Estates. Sheriff. Allen. N. Y. 1845. Atkinson. Lond. 1878. Backus. 2 v. N. Y. 1813. Binmore. Chic. 1882. Bowen. Sheriff's Interpleader. Phil. 1882. Churchill and Bruce. Lond. 1879. Compleat Sheriff. Lond. 1710. Crocker. N. Y. 1890. Dalton. Lond. 1682. Ewing. N. Y. 1848. Gwvnne. Cin. 1849. Harlow. San Fran. 1884. Hitchcock. New England States. 1889. 70 Impey. Lond. 1835. Lancaster. Sales in Penn. 1884. Lovesy. House Invasion. Lond. 1879. Murfree. St. L. 1890. Sewell. Phil. 1845. Smith (B. D.). Alb. 1883. Thorp. Freedom of the Sheriff. Lond. 1840. Warde. Interpleader. Lond. 1887. Watson. Lond, 1848. See also Jones' Index. Sheriff's Court, London. Praxis Utriusque Banci. Lond. 1674. See also London, page 499. Shipmaster's Assistant. Blunt. N. Y. 1837. Dixon. N. Y. 1873. Edwards. Lond. 1866. Joel. Lond. 1879. Kay. 2 v. Lond. 1875. Shipping. Abbott. Lond. 1881. Bovd. Lond. 1876. Destv. San Fran. 1879. Dixon. N. Y. 1873. Earnshaw. Lond. 1819. Flanders. Phil. 1853. Foard. Lond. 1880. Greenhow. Lond. 1863. Holt. 2 V. Lond. 1820. Ilbert. Lond. 1876. James. Lond. 1866. Lees. Liverp. 1852. Maclachlan. Lond. 1880. Maude and Polloc-k. 2 v. 1881. Lond. 1879. Lond. 1879. Edin. 1877. Lond. 1775. 2 V. Bost. 1859. Lond. 1792. Affreightment. Lond. Lond. Stowage, etc. Lond. 1878. Mortgage of Ships. Lond. Newson. Oliver. Omond. Pai'ker. Parsons. Reeves. Scrutton. 1886. Stevens. Trollope. 1823. Van Santvoord. Liability of Ship- owners. N. Y. 1887. Wilkinson. Lond. 1843. Wynkoop. Vessels and Voyages. N. Y. 1886. See also Admiralty; — Bills of Lading; — Charter Parties; — Freight ; — Maritime Law : — Navigation Laws ; — Seamen ; — Wi-eck ; and Jones' Index. 1106 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Shore. See Sea Shore. Shorthand Notes. Levy. Cases. Loud. 1886. Simony. Cunningham. Lond. 1784. Forsyth. Lond. 1844. See also Ecclesiastical Law. Six Clerks in Chancery. Braithwaite. Lond. 1879. Slander. A. &E. Eneyc, v. 13. Cooke. Phil. 1846. Flood. Lond. 1880. Folkard. N. Y. 1877. Heard. Lowell, 1860. March. Lond. 1074. Newell. Chic. 18!)0. Odgers. Lond. 1887. Parry. Lond. 1844. Starkie. N. Y. 1877. Townsiiend. N. Y. 1890. See also Libel; — Trials; and Jones' Index. Slavery. Benton. Dred Scott Case. N. Y. 1858. Bloomfield. New Jersey Manumis- sion Cases. 1843. Brackett. Negro in Maryland. 1889. Brooks. Speech in Lenunon Slave Case. Wash. 1855. Cobb. Inquiry into the Law. Phil. 1858. Donnell. Slavery and Protection. N. Y. 1882. Dred Scott Case. N. Y. 1857. Earnshaw. Slave Trade. Lond. 1819. Fisher. Law of the Territoi-ies. Phil. 1859. Goodell. Amer. Slave Code. N. Y. 1853. Ilertslet. Treaties. 12 v. Lond. 1835-71. Heywood. Distinctions in Society, Anglo-Saxon. Lond. 1818. Hurd. Freedom and Bondage. 2 v. Bost. 1858-62. Lemmon Slave Case. N. Y. 1800. Parker. Personal Liberty Laws, and Slavery in the Territories. Bost. 1861. Snethen. Black Code, Dist. of Columbia. N. Y. 1848. Spooner. Unconstitutionality. Bost, 1800. Stroud. Sketch of the Laws in the several States. Phil. 1827. Wlieeler. Treatise. N. Y. 1837. Whiting. War Powers of the Presi- dent. Bost. 1862. See also Emancipation Procla- mation; — Liberty; and Jones' Index. Social Science. Rivista Critica. 3 v. Roma, 1883-5. Societies : Benefit, Industrial, etc. Arnold. Lond. 1833. Bacon. St. L. 1888. Barry. Lond. 1866. Brabrook. Lond. 1869. Cox. Lond. 1870. Davis. Building. Lond. 1874. Friendly. Lond. 1876, Industrial. Lond, 1869. Dexter. N. Y. 1889. Endlich. Jer. City, 1882. Erie. Lond. 1869. Gilbert. Boards of Trade, etc. Alb. 1890. Guthrie. Edin, 1873. Hirschl. St. L, 1883. James. Lond. 1854. Niblack, Chic. 1888. Paine, New York Law. 1889. Pratt. Lond. 1881. Scratchley. Lond. 1881. Scratchley and Brabrook. Lond. 1882. Snyder. N. Y. 1889. Stone. Lond. 1851. Thompson. Loan. Lond. 1844. Ste also Clubs ; — Corporations. Solicitors. See Attorneys and Solicitors; — Fees; and Jones' Index. Sontli and Sonthwest. Foote. Bencli and Bar. 1876. Sonth Carolina, O'Neall. Bench and Bar. 2 v. 1859. See also j)age 797. South Dakota. See page 800. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1107 Sovereignty. Bliss. Bost. 1885. Maine. Lond. 1855. Webster. Rhode Island Question. Prov. 1848. Wright. Chic. 1863. See also Constitutional Law; — Government; and Jones' In- dex, Spain. ^'eepage 801. Special Actions, Fiero. Alb. 1888. Special Entries. See Entries. Special Pleadings. See Pleading. Special Proceedings. Crarv. 2 v. Alb. 1877. Fiero. Alb. 1887. Lansing. Forms. N. Y. 1888. Rumsey. 3 v. N. Y. 1887-90. Tiffany and Smith. 2 v. Alb. 1879. See also Extraordinary Reme- dies; — Mandamus; — Prohibi- tion ; — Quo Warranto. Special Verdicts, :\Iorgan. 3 v. Dubl. 1789. See also Juries. Specie Cnrrency. See Legal Tender; — Money. Specific Performance. Batten. Phil. 1850. Bowen. Lond. 1886. Fry. Alb. 1884. Poineroy. N. Y. 1879. Waterman. N. Y. 1881. See also Contracts ; — Equity ; and Jones' Index. Speeches : collections. Black (Jere. S.). 1885. Blaine (Jas. G.). 1887. Blunt (Jos.). 1843. Brown (D. P.). 1873. Chatham, Burke, and Erskine. 1886. Crittenden (J. J.). 2 v. 1871. Curran (J. P.). 1872. Erskine (Thos.). 4 v. 1876. Field (D. D.). 3 v. 1884-90. Graham (J. A.). 1812. Hargrave (Francis). Juridical Argu- ments. 2 V. 1797-9. Pinkney (Wm.). 1826. Quincy (Josiah). 1874. Snvder. Great Speeches. 1881. Tilden (S. J.). 2 v. 1885. Ward (Elijah). 1877. Webster (Daniel). 1879. Spirit of Laws. De Cataneo. Lond. 1753. Maxwell. Marine. 2 v. Lond. 1808. De Montesquieu. 2 v. Cin. 1873. See also Government ; — Juris- prudence ; — Philosophy of Law ; etc. Sponsals. Swinbui'ue. Lond. 1686. See also Marriage. Springing Uses. Wilson. Phil. 1836. See also Trusts; etc. Stage Kiglits. Coryton. Lond. 1873. See also Copyright. Stains. See Poisons. Stamp Laws. Collins. Lond. 1841. Copinger. Lond. 1878. Edwards. N. Y. 1868. GriiHth. Lond. 1886, Heraud. Lond. 1801. Tilsley. Lond. 1847. See also Internal Revenue Laws. Stannaries Act. Batten. Lond. 1878. See also Mines ; — Mining: etc. Star Chamber. Burn. Lond. 1870. Star Chamber Cases. (Heard.) Bost. 1881. Star Chamber Court, etc. Lond. 1768. Star Route Trials. See page 808. 1108 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Stare Decisis. j Chamberlain. N. Y. 1885. Wells. Des Moines. 1878. See also Jones' Index. State Action. Patterson. Federal Restraints. Phil. 1888. Smith (W. W.). Private Corpora- tions. Phil. 1889. See also Constitutional Law. State Papers. American. 10 v. Bost. 1817. American. (Lowrie and Clarke.) 21 V. Wash. 1832-4. British and Foreign, 1812-1860. 50 v. Lond. 18-11-67. Thurloe. Collection. 1638-1660. 7 v. Lond. 1743. State Trials : collections.— American. Hogan. Pennsylvania. 1794. Wharton. 1849. . British. Browne. 1801-1830. 2 v. Bund. 1327-1678. 2 v. Hargrave. 1388-1765. 11 v. Howell. 1163-1820. 34 v. Macdonell. 1820-1831. 2 v. Moile. In verse. 1838. Phillipps. 1554-1688. 2 v. Salmon. 1388-1736. 2 v. Snagg. 1535-1776. 2 v. Townsend. 1820-1850. 2 v. French. See page 297. Irish. Ridgeway. 1 796. Shaw. 1844. Scottish. Green. Treason. 3 v. 1825. — Individual. See Trials : Impeachment ; — Treason ; etc. Statistics. American Register ; or. Blue Book. 1876. Annual Register. 104 v. Lond. 1758-1862. New Series. 27 v. Lond. 1863-90. Mulhall. Dictionarv of Statistics. Lond. 1884. Statesman's Year Book. Lond. 1886. Vine. English Municipal Institu- tions. 1879. See also Almanacs : — Census Statistics ; — Gazetteers; etc. Statute : of Distribution, V. Y. Townsend. 1887. Of Frauds. See Frauds, Statute of : and Jones" Index. Of Tjimitations. See Limitations. Statute Forms and Prec- edents. Spalding. X. Y. 1883. Statute Law : American. Stimson. 2 v. 1886-8. See also the various States, and United States. Statutes : British. — Observa- tions on, etc. Amos. Reformation Parliament. 1859. Barrington. 1796. Bavlies, Bolles and Parker. Law of Property. 1881. Coke. Institutes. 1797. Dyer. Wills. 1648. Ravner. 1775. Thiselton. Assessed Tax. Lond. 1824. Thomas. 1878. Willmore. Lond. 1852. See also England. Statutory Crimes. Bishop. Bost. 1883. See also Criminal Law. Statutory Law. See Construction and Interpreta- tion. Steamboat Inspectors,u.s. Manual of Laws. Wash. 1884. Stilwell Act. McAdam. N. Y. 1880. See also Imprisonment for Debt. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1109 Stock. BiichSre. Par. 1881. Cook. X. Y. 1889. Lewis. Phil. 1881. Lowell. Transfer. Post. 1884. Royle. Lond. 1875. Wilkinson. Public Funds. Lond. 1839. See also Jones' Index. Stock-Brokers. Barberot. Par. 1887. Biddle. Phil. 1882. Dos Passos. N. Y. 1882. Stock Exchange. Dos Passos. X. Y. 1882. Keyser. Lond. 1850. Lewis. Phil. 1881. Melsheimer and Laurence. Lond. 1884. Paterson. Lond. 1870. Royle. Lond. 1875. Stockholders. Cook. N. Y. 1889. Emden. Lond. 1884. Hawkins. Rights of Minority. N. Y. 1890. Thompson. Liability. St. L, 1879. See also Corporations. Stoppage ill Transitu. Cross. Phil. 1841. Houston. Lond. 1800. Lawes. Lond. 1813. Paton. Edin. 1859. Whitaker. Lond. 1816. See also Jones' Index, Stowage of Sliips. Stevens. Lond. 1878. See also Shipping. Street-Railways. Richardson and Hook. Amer. De- cisions. 1841-1800. Streets. Elliott. Indianap. 1890. See also Highways. City. Of N. Y. Gerard. Old. 1874. Title to. 1872. Post. Old. 1882. Strictures on the Bench, Bar, etc. Barlow. Facts for D. D. Field. 1871. Barrister, The. (Ruggles.) Dubl. 1792. Bayley. Lond. 1852. Collins. Lond. 1790. Hazlitt. Lond. 1819. Judicial Conduct and Deportment. N. Y. 1874. Ste also Biography. Strikes and Strikers. Neville. Lond. 1890. See also Conspiracy ; and Jones' Index. Study of the Law. Abbott. Travelling Law-School. Bost. 1884. Anthon. Law Student. N. Y. 1850. Bacon. Use of the Law. [In Dode- ridge.] Baird and Babcock. Guide to Prin- ciples of Law. N. Y. 1889. Ball. Student's Guide to the Bar. Lond. 1884. Bar Examination Journal. 8 v. Lond. 1871-88. Bavlies. Questions and Answers. Alb. 1888. Bishop. First Book of the Law. Bost. 1808. Blackstone. Introductor\- Discourse. Oxf. 1762. Blickensderfer. Review Book 2 v. Chic. 1877. Bonvnge and Ward. 1,500 Questions Aiiswered. N. Y. 1887. Bowyer. Civil Law. Lond. 1874. Brackenridge. Law Miscellanies. Phil. 1814. Bridgman. Reflections. Lond. 1804. Burke. Letters to a Law Student. Tor. 1887. Caruthers. History of a Lawsuit. Nashv. 1879. Cox. Arts of Writing. Reading and Speaking. Lond. 1881. Cushing. Study of Roman Law. Bost. 1854. Dawson. Course of Legal Study. Lond. 1829. Doderidge. English Lawver. Lond. 1631. Lawyers' Light. IjoikI. 1629. Dowley. Law in a Nut-shell. N Y 1878. 1110 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBBAEY OF Study of the Law. — Con. Dunlai). Abritlgment of Elementary Law. St. L. 187(5. Eschbach. Introauction Generale. Par. 185(5. Ewell. Essentials of the Law. 3 v. Bost. 1882-8. Field. Analysis of Blackstone. Loud. 1821. ' Free. Exercises in the Inns of Court. Lond. 1784. Fulbeck. Direction, or Preparative. Lond. 1808. Gale. Requisites of a Law School Text-Book. Phil. 1890. Gifi-de. First Principles of Pleading. Lond. 1841. Gibson and McLean. Student's Practice. Lond. 1886. Guernsey. Key to Story's Equity Jurisprudence. N. Y. 1876. Hallilay. Digest of Examination Questions. Lond. 1859. Hammond. Principles of Pleading. Lond. 1819. Harris. Elementary Principles. Lond. 1865. Harrison. Criminal Law. Lond. 1885. Hoffman. Course of Legal Studv. Lond. 1836. Legal Outlines. Lond. 1836. Indermaur. Epitome of Common Law Cases. Bost. 1883. ■ Epitome of Equity Cases. Lond. 1881. Irving. Study of Civil Law. Lond. 1837. Jurist (The). Journal for Law Stu- dents. 4 v. Lond. 1887-90. Law Notes. Magazine for Law Stu- dents. 6 V. Lond. 1882-7. Law Students' Journal. 8 v. Lond. 1879-86. Law Students' Monthly. Phil. 1889. Mackintosh. Study of Law of Na- ture. Bost. 1843. Manual for Law Students. Harrisb. 1845. North. Discourse. Lond. 1824. Philips. Letters on Special Plead- ing. Lond. 1848. Phillips (J.). Letter to an Articled Clerk. Lond. 1818. Phillips (W.). Directions. Lond. 1675. Raithby. Study and Practice of the Law. Lond. 1816. Reddie. Roman Law in Germany. Edin. 1826. Reed. Amer. Law Studies. Bost. 1882. Reed. Practical Suggestions. N. Y. 1875. Ritso. Introduction to Science of Law. Lond. 1815. Sharswood. Lectures. Phil. 1870. Shearwood. Abridgment. Law of Personal Property. Lond. 1882. Abridgment, Law of Real Property. "Lond. 1885. Digest of Examination Ques- tions. Lond. 1884. Law of Tort. Lond. 1886. Student's Guide to the Bar. Lond. 1879. Simpson. Requisite Endowments. Lond. 1765. Slater. Guide to the Legal Profes- sion. Lond. 1884. Smith (P. A.). Subjects and Meth- ods. Lond. I860.' Warren. Introduction. Alb. 1870. Washburn. Lectures. Bost. 1874. Professional Training. Bost. 1861. Williams. Studv and Practice of the Law. Lorid. 1823. Wood. Thoughts. Lond. 1727. Wright. Advice. Lond. 1815. Wynne. Eunomus. 2 v. Lond. 1822. See also Elements of Law: — Legal Education : — Questions and Answers; and Jones' In- dex. Subrogation. Dixon. Phil. 1862. Harris. N. Y. 1889. Sheldon. Bost. 1882. See also Jones' Index. Succession Duties. Dos Passes. N. Y. 1890. Hanson. Lond. 1876. Shelford. Lond. 1861. Trevor. Lond. 1881. Succession to Property. Cameron. Scotland. 1884. Colin. France. 1876. Grain. Chili. 1880. Hubback. British. 2 v. 1845. Jones. Mahomedan Law. 1782. Kames. Essay. Lond. 1749. King. Injustice of the Law. Lond. 1855. Lloyd. Christian Countries. 1877. Lovelass. Disposal of Estate. Phil. 1839. McCuUoch. Different Coimtries. 1848. McLaren. Scotland. 2 v. 1868. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1111 Succession to Property. — Continued. Mascall. Distribution of Estates. Lond. 1818. Pakenham. Intestates. Lond. 1766. Remsen. New York. 1890. Rivier. Droit Roniain. 1878. Robertson (D.). British. 1836. Robertson (E.). England and Scot- land. 1829. Sandford. Scotland. 3 v. 1830. Schroder. Notherbenrecht. Heidelb. 1877. Scott. Intestate System of Penn. 1871. Selden. Intestates. 1683. Taylor. Scotland. 1837. Wasserschleben. Germany. 1870. Watson. Scotland. 1826. SvifFrage. Miller. X. Y. 1885. Naar. Trenton, 1880. Sterne. N. Y. 1878. See also Ballot: — Elections; and Jones' Index. Suicide. Guernsey. Penal Laws. N. Y. 1883. Shrady. In Life Insurance. N. Y. • 1869. See also Jones' Index. Suit-at-Law. Boote. Historical Treatise. Lond. 1805. History of a Suit. Charleston, 1857. See also Actions. Suits in Equity. See Equity. Summary Convictions. See Convictions ; — Magistrates. Summary Jurisdiction Acts. Saunders. Lond. 1882. Templer. Lond. 1880. Summary Proceedings. Dyett. N. Y. 1848. McAdam. N. Y. 1882. Townshend. N. Y. 1873. See also Landlord and Tenant. I Summons : Code. i Fitnam. Denver, 1883. Writ. Allen. Forms. Lond. 1883. Summonses and Orders. Archibald. Forms. Lond. 1879. Sunday Laws. Crafts. N. Y. 1885. Lewis. N. Y. 1888. Nash. Bost. 1868. See also Jones' Index. Superstition and Force. Lea. Phil. 1870. Supervisors. Cothran. N. Y. 1889. Morehouse. Alb. 1886. New York Board. Proceedings, 1809-1873. 22 v. Thompson. Alb. 1882. Supplement and Kevivor. Pemberton, Lond. 1867. White. Lond. 1843. Supplementary Proceed- ings. Riddle and Bullard. N. Y. 1886. Support. Biingner. Lpz. 1879. See also Aliment. Supreme Court of Judi- cature. See Judicature, Supreme Court of. Supreme Court of the United States. See United States Courts; and Jones' Index. Suretyship. Baylies. N. Y. 1881. Brandt. Chic. 1878. Burge. Bost. 1847. De Colvar. Phil. 1887. Pell. Alb. 1872. Pitman. Phil. 1843. Ross. Leading Cases. Phil. 1858. Theobald. Phil. 1833. See also Jones' Index. 1112 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Surrogates. Bridgen. Alb. 1830. Daly. Jurisdiction. N. Y. 1863. Dayton. N. Y. 1861. Howell. Tor. 1880. Kirtland. Alb. 1835. McClellan. Alb. 1888. Redfield. N. Y. 1890. Rhone. Orphans' Court. 3 v. Phil. 1883. Surrogate (The); Magazine. N. Y. 1891. Surrogates. Office, Functions, etc. Lond. 1836. Wandell. Disposition of Decedent's Real Estate. N. Y. 1889. See also Executors; — Probate; — Wills. Survivorship. Milne. Valuation. 2 v. Lond. 1815. See also Annuities; and Jones' Index. Swearing. Phinehas. Lond. 1695. Wake. Lond. 1696. See also Oaths. Sweden. See page 827. Switzerland. Vincent. State and Federal Govern- ment. 1891. See also page 829. Symboleography. West. Lond. 1641-T. See also Forms. Synonyms. Crabb. N. Y. 1887. Smith (C. J.). Lond. 1890. Soule. Bost. 1876. See also Dictionaries. T. Tables : Annuity, etc. See Annuity ; — Interest ; etc. Tables of Cases. See Overruled Cases, and the various Countries and States. Tacking. Droop. Lond. 1864. See also Equity Jurisprudence ; — Mortgages. Tariff. Mexico. Mexican Tariff Laws. Wash. 1885. United States. Adams. 1890. Bigelow. England and the U. S. Bost. 1877. Blair. Unwise Laws. 1886. Elmes. 1887. General Customs Regulations. 1884. Gourick. Digest of Decisions. 3 v. 1889-91. Heyl. 1886. Internal Revenue Record and Cus- toms Journal. 37 v. 1865-91. McKee. 1883. Morgan. 1883 ; 1891. Report on Customs-Tariff Legisla- tion. (Young.) 1874. Taussig. History, 1860-1883. X. Y. 1885. U. S. Tariff Commission. Report. 2 V. 1882. U. S. Treasury Department. Decis- ions. 26 V. 1857-91. Williams. 1883. See also Customs Laws ; — In- ternal Revenue Laws. Tax Laws. Liouisiaua. Saunders. 1887. 3Iinnesota. Alexander. 1887. New England. Hitchcock. Collectors. Bost. 1889. New York City. Bradford. Argument. 1864. Lawrence. 1863. New York State. Browne. 1887. Davies. 1888. Lyon. Taxation of Corporations. "1889. Saxton. 1881. See also Excise Laws. United States. Redfield. 1863. See also Customs ; — Internal Revenue Laws ; — Tariff. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAE. 1113 Tax Titles. Black. St. L. 1888. Blackwell. Non-Payment. 1889. RufEner. In Indiana. 1880. Bost. Inner and Mid- Taxation. History. Adams. In the United States, 1789- 1816. Dowell. In England. 4 v. 1884. Elv. In Amer. States and Cities. 1888. Law. — Canada. Canada Tax Cases. 1885. England. Assessed Tax Cases. 3 v. 1833-58. Bourdin. Land Tax. 1870. Leake. Of Suitors. 1860. Miller. Land Tax. 1849. Nicholson. Income Tax Act. 1842. Smee. Acts of Parliament and Cases. 3 V. 1797. Tx'evor. On Succession. 1881. Wriarht and Hobhouse. Local. 1884. United States. Ames. Personal Property. 1877. Real Property and Corpora- tions. 1878. Browne. 1887. Burroughs. 1883. Cooley. 1886. Desty. 3 v. 1884. Poster. Elevated Railroads. 1883. Hilliard. 1875. See also Jones' Index. Telegraph. Allen. Cases. N. Y. 1873. Ball. Penn. Law. 1884. Grav. Communication by Tele- graph. Bost. 1885. Greene. Government and the Tele- graph. Phil. 1890. Redfleld. Carriers, etc. Camb. 1869. Scott and Jarnagiii. Treatise. Bost. 1868. Telegraphs. Erection of Poles. N. Y. 1880. Laws of U. S. and Canada. 1884. See also Jones' Index. Telephone. Telephone Appeals. Briefs, Argu- ments, etc. 1887-8. See also Jones' Index. Temple, die. See Inns of Court. Tenijile Bar. Narrative. Lond. 1853. Tenant Farmer. Howard. Lond. 1881. Tenants. Biddle. Terre-tenants. Phil. 1863. Freeman. Co-Tenancy, etc. San Fran. 1874. Green, Tenants in Common, etc. Richm. 1853. See also Landlord and Tenant ; and Jones' Index. Tenement Houses. Clode. Lond. 1889. See also Building; — Houses. Tennessee. See page 836. Tenures. Copyhold. See Copyhold. Feudal. Pim. Lond. 1871. Wallace. Edin. 1783. Watkins. Feudal System. 1834. Lond. Of Kent. See Kent. Of Land. Blount. Lond. 1874. Carv (ed.). Commentarv on Little- ton. Lond. 1829. Chambers. Lond. 1834. Coke. Lond. 1764. Finlason. Lond. 1870. Gilbert. Lond. 1834. Littleton. Lond. 1841. Pilling. Lond. 1886. Ram. Lond. 1825. Scriven. Ancient Demesne. Lond. Lond. 1883. Tamlyn. Land entailed 1835. TurnbuU. Lond. 17—. Wright. Dubl. 1 793. Terms for Years. See Leases. 1114 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Terms of Court. Fay. Legality. N. Y. 1875. McAdam. Law Days. X. Y. 1874. Spelman. Lond. 1G84. See Law Days. Terre-tenants. Riddle. Phil. 18G;l Testaments. See WiUs. Testimony of the Evan- gelists. Greenleaf. N. Y. 1874. See also Bible ; — Christianity and the Common Law. Texas. See page 840. Thames (River). See Police. Theatres. Geary. Contracts, etc. Lond. 1885. See also Jones' Index. Theft. Dias. I)e Furtis. Camb. 1884. Tliellussoii Act. Hargrave. Loud. 1842. See also Pt-rjietuilies. Tlieory of Law. See Philosophy of Law. Tide Waters. Angell. Bost. 1847. Pirsson. llarlem Patents and Tidal Creeks. N. Y. 1889. See also Waters. Timber. See Waste, etc. Time. See Law Days ; — Legal Time : also Jones" Index. Time Contracts. See Futures. Tithes. Deggc. Parson's Counsellor. Lond, 1677. Eagle. Lond. 1830. Ellis. Pleadings in Suits. Lond. 1821. Mirehouse. Lond. 1822. Ripley. Lond. 1846. Tithes. Laws respecting. Lond. 1818. Toller. Lond. 1822. Western. Cases relating to London, 1535-1822. Wildman. Lond. 1831. See also Ecclesiastical Law ; and Jones' Index. Cases. See England : Reports. Tithing-Men. Adams. Saxon, in America. 1882 Lambard. Lond. 1614. Moore. In Massachusetts. 1884. Title-Deeds. Copinger. Dixon. 2 Lond. 1875. :. Lond. 1826. Title to Real Estate. Atkinson. Marketable. Phil. 1838. Aub. Insurance. N. Y. 1871. Gerard. Corporation of X. Y., to Streets, etc. 1872. Law of, in New York. 1889. Guernsey. Examination of, in Eng- land, etc. 1875. Harlaem Commons. Title to. X. Y'. 1872. Hough. Indian Titles in X. Y. 1861. Sewell. To Beds of Lakes and Ponds. N. Y. 1882. Taylor. Investigation of, in Canada. 1873. Tillou. Searches, Citv and Countv of X. Y. 1826-64. Turner. Quieting in L'pper Canada. 1867. Wolstenholme. Simplification. Lond. 1862. See also Abstracts of Title ; — Covenants ; — Land Titles ; — Registration of Title; — Tax Titles ;— Trial of Title ; and Jones' Index. Titles. or Corporations. See Corporations. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1115 Titles. Of Honor. Cruise. Origin, etc. Lond. 1838. Hargrave. Jurisconsult Exercita- tions. Lond. 1811-13. Selden. Lond. 1672. See also Baronage ; — Dignities ; — Peers and Peerages. Tobago. See page 853. Tolls. Gunning. Lond. 1833. Tontine Building Com- panies. See Building Societies. Torts. Addison. 2 v. N. Y. 1887. Ball. Lond. 1880. Bigelow. Bost. 1886. Bishop. Non-Contract Law. Chic. 1889. Clerk and Lindsell. Lond. 1889. CoUett. Madras, 1872. Cooley. Chic. 1888. Fraser. Compendium. Lond. 1888. Hastings. Lond. 1885. Billiard. Bost. 1874. Remedies. Bost. 1873. Piggott. Lond. 1885. Pollock. Lond. 1887. Shearwood. Lond. 1886. Sleigh. Lond. 1860. Underhill. Lond. 1889. by Moak. Alb. 1881. Town OflBcers, etc. See also Damnum absque juria ; and Jones' Index. In- Leading Cases. Ames. 2 v. Camb. 1875. Ball. Lond. 1884. Bigelow. Bost. 1875. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 28. Under N. Y. Code. Rives. 1885. Torture. Jardine. In Criminal Law. Lond. 1837. Lea. Superstition and Force. Phil. 1870. Towage. Newson. Lond. 1886. See also Shipping. Bait. 1884. Town Meetins:. Bost. Channing. De Wolf. 1890. Field. Roch. 1890. Gaches. Lond. 1875. Herrick. Bost. 1870. Hosmer. Bait. 1884. Hull. Alb. 1855. Lanning. Jer. City, 1885. Thompson. Alb. i886. See also Magistrates ;— Officers. Toxicology. See Medical Jurisi^rudence ; — Poisons. Tracts. Kames. British Antiquities. Lond. 1749. Merrill. Political, etc. Camb. 1886. Riddell. Historical, etc., of Scot- land. 1835. State Tracts. English Government. 1689. See also Law Tracts. Trade Marks. Compilations of Jjaws. Brazil. See Official Gazette, v. 45, pp. 235-238. Denmark. 1890. /See Official Gazette, V. 54. Forbes. U. S., France, Great Britain, etc. 1881. Hardingham. Europe, America, etc. 1881. Whitman. U. S.. etc. 1871. France. Barclay. Lond. 1889. Coddington. 1878. Pouillet. 1875. Great Britain. Adams. 1876. Aston. 1884. Bousfield. 1884. Brice. 1885. Daniel. 1884. Drewry. 1878. Fisher. Digest. 1872. Graham. 1889. Hardingham. 1881. Hunt. 1884. Lawson. 1889. Lloyd. 1865. Ludlow and Jenkvns. 1873. Munro. 1884. Mushet. 1885. Poland. 1862. 1116 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Trade 3Iarks. Great Britain. — Continued. Sebastian. 1884. Disost of Cases. 1879. Slater. 1884. Wallace. 1884. Wood. 1876. See also Good Will ; and Jones' Index. United States. Browne. 1885. Bump. 1884. Carey. Forms, etc. 1885. Codfiington. Digest. 1878. Cox. Cases. 1871. Manual. 1881. 3 Gourick's Washington Digest. 1889-91. Law. Digest. 1877. Lowerv. Interference Rules, etc. 1891'. Myer's Fed. Decis., v. 25. Price and Steuart. Cases. 1879-87. Trade Mark Record. 10 v. 1886-91. U. S. Statutes and Rules. 1885. [Pam., V. 34.] Upton. 1860. See also Jones' Index. Trade Marks tioii Act. Registra- Great Britain. Bryce. 1877. Daniel. 1876. Mozley. 1877. Yeatnian. 1876. Trade-Unions. Brabrook. Lend. 1871. Davis. Lond. 1876. Erie. Lond. 1869. Guthrie. Edin. 1873. See also Societies ; Index. and Jones' Travelling. Laws concerning. Lond. 1718. Rogers. Wrongs and Rights of a Traveller. Tor. 1875. See also Carriers; — Highways. Treason. Bacon. Cases. Lond. 1641. Burke. Criminal Law. Lond. 1844. Coke. Institute. Part Third. Lond. 1797. Loveland. Treatise. Lond. 1873. Smith (P. v.). Forfeiture. Lond. 1870. Whiting. War Powers. Bost. 1864. Yorke. Forfeiture. Edin. 1778. Sea also Criminal Law ; — Trials ; and Jones' Index. Treaties. De Angeberg. 4 v. Par. 1864. Avioffe. Lond. 1774. Bidoulac. Lond. 1887. Cadwalader. Digest of (Opinions. Wash. 187.7, Calvo. 11 V. Par. 1862-9. Chalmers.' 2 v. Lond. 1790. Elliot. 2 V. Wash. 1834. Garden. 14 v. Par. 1849-.51. Gibbs. Extradition. Lond. 1868. Haswell. Wash. 1889. Hauff. Bamberg. 1864. Hertslet. 12 v. Lond. 1835-71. Rymer. 20 v. Lond. 1704-35. U. S. and Indian Tribes. 1873. U. S. and otlier Powers. 1889. See also Extradition ; and Jones' Index. Treating- at Elections. Evans. Lond. 1847. Pickering. Lond. 1868. See also Elections. Treaty of Washington. See page 911. Traders. See Commercial Law; — Mer- Trees and Woods. cantile Law. Tramways. See Railways. Transfer of Land. Registra- See Real Property ;- tion of Deeds. Transvaal Province. See page 857. Craig. Lond. 1866. See also Forest Laws. Trespass. Sedgwick and Wait. To trv Title. X. Y. 1886. Waterman. 2 v. N. Y. 1875. Yool. Lond. 1863. See also Torts ; — Trials ; and Jones' Index. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1117 Trial, Preparation for. Bailey. N. Y. 1886. Reed. Bost. 1885. Trial Brief. Abbott. Civil Issues. N. Y. 1885. Criminal Causes. N. Y. 1889. On the Pacts. N. Y. 1889. See Lawyers' Briefs. Trial by Battle, etc. Gibson. Load. 1848. Kendall. Lond. 1818. Lea. Phil. 1870. Trial by Jury. Adam. Edin. 1836. Best. Lond. 1859. Bishop. Bost. 1885. Brown (Jos.). Lond. 1859. Chamberlain. Bost. 1887. Clarke. Lond. 1859. Donovan. St. L. 1883. Duncombe. 2 v. Dubl. 1793. Forsyth. History. N. Y. 1875. Longley. Lond. 1813. Osborn. Lond. 1847. Proffatt. San Fran. 1877. Spooner. Bost. 1852. Starkie. Bost. 1880. Stephen. Lond. 1859. Thompson. 2 v. Chic. 1889. Willmore. I^ond. 1850. See also Jones' Index. Trial Evidence. See Nisi Prius Evidence. Trial of Title to Land. Malone. Wash. 1883. Sayles. Texas Law. 2 v. Sedgwick and Wait. N. Y, Trial Practice. Bavlies. Roch. 1884. Donovan. St. L. 1883. Elliott. Indiajiap. 1888. Trials. 1890. 1886. — — Collectioii.s. Arnot. Scotch Criminal. Edin. 1785. Benson. Remarkable. Lond. 1872. Bloomfield. Manumission. Camden, 1843. Brewster. Report. Clonmel As- sizes. Dubl. 1830. Browne. Narratives of State. 2 v. Bost. 1882. Browne and Stewart. Murder by Poisoning. Lond. 1883. Bund. Selection from State. 2 v. Camb. 1879-82. Burke. Aristocracy. Lond. 1849. Naval and Militarv. Lond. 1876. Upper Classes. Lond. 1851. Burton. Scotch. 2 v. Edin. 1852. Causes Celebres et Interessantes. (Gayot de Pitaval.) 16 v. Par. 1735-40.^ Causes Celebres, Repertoire General des. (Saint Edme.) 15 v. Par. 1834-5. Celebrated Murders. Chic. 1879. Celebrated Trials of all Countries. Phil. 1837. Central Criminal Court. Minutes of Evidence. 7 v. Lond. 1853-7. Chandler. American Criminal. 2 v. Bost. 1841-4. Cowley. Famous Divorces. Lowell, 1878. Craik. English Causes Celebres. Lond. 1840. Criminal Recorder. 4 v. Lond. 1804-9. Criminal Trials. (Jardine.) 2 v. Lond. 1832-5. Donovan. Modern Jurv. N. Y. 1881. Dunphy and Cummins. Remark- able. N. Y. 1807. Election Cases, United States. See House of Representatives, page 876, and Senate, page 878. Peuerbach. Narrative of Remark- able Criminal. N. Y. 1846. Fuller. Noted French. Bost. 1882. Gallick Reports. French Criminal. Lond. 1737. Green. High Treason in Scotland. 3 V. Edin. 1825. Griffiths. Chronicles of Newgate. 2 V. Lond. 1884. Hargrave. State. 11 v. Ijond. 1776-81. History of Remarkable. Lond. 1715. Hogan. Pennsylvania State. Phil. 1794. Howard. Poperv. Dubl. 1775. Howell. State. 34 v. Lond. 1809-28. Howison. Criminal. Richm. 1851. Irish State. N. Y. 1844. James. Collection of Courts Mar- tial Opinions, etc. Lond. 1820. Jardine. Criminal. 2 v. Lond. 1832-5. Kernan. Report, Riot, Murder, etc. Dubl. 1824. 1118 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF -Contuiued. New Series. 2 Criminal. 2 Slander and Trials. Collect ions. - Macdonell. State Lond. 1888-9. Medland and Weoblv. Loud. 1808. Mercantile Agencv. Libel. X. Y. 1873. Millar. Black Kalendar of Scotland. Dundee, 1884. Moile. State. Lond. 1838. Morse. Famous. Bost. 1874. Mysteries of Crime, as shown in Capital. Bost. 1870. Newgate Calendar. 4 v. Loud. 1824-8. New Newgate Calendar. 2 v. Lond. 1841. Old Bailev. Report of Proceedings. 10 V. 1753-86. Paget. Judicial Puzzles. San Fran. 1876. Pelham. Chronicles of Crime. See New Newgate Calendar. Pennsvlvania State. (Hogau.) Phil. 1794'. State. 2 y. Lond. 1826. Famous Cases of Circum- Eyidence. 2 v. N. Y. Edin. Phillipps. Phillips, stantial 1873-8. Pitcairn. in Scotland. Criminal 3 y. Edin. 1833. Remarkable. (Benson.) Lond. 1873 Remarkable. (Dunphy and Cum mins.) 2 y. N. Y. 1867-82. Ridgeway. Treason. Dubl. 1796. Rowe. Interesting Cases. Dubl 1824. Saint Clair. U. S. Criminal Calen dar. Bost. 1835. Salmon. Abridgement of State. 2 y Dubl. 1737. Shaw's Irish State. Skill man. N. Y. N. Y. 1830. Smith (0. H.). Early Indiana. Cin 1858. Snagg. Collection of State. 2 y Lond. 1775-6. Sutton. New Y'ork Tombs, 1874. Temple Bar. Lond. 1853. Townsend. Modern State. Lond. 1850. Tryals. Exact Abridgment. i703. Wharton. State, of tlie States. Phil. 1849. ^Voodall. Collection of Celebrated Lond. 1873. York Assizes. Report of Proceed ings. Lond. 1813. Dxibl. 1844. Police Reports. N. Y, 2 T. Lond. United Abduction. McGregor. Rob Roy's Sons. 1818. AVakelield (E. G.) and others. Lond. 1827. — — Abortion. Rogers (Ammi). New Lond. 1820. Unlawful Administering Oath. Keenan (Michael). Dubl. 1822. M'Kinley (Andrew) et al. Edin. 1818. ■ Adultery. Caroline (Queen). 3y. Lond. 1820-21. Cochrane (Jacob). Kennebunk, 1819. Fairchild (Rey. J. H.). Bost. 1845. Kalloch (Rey. Isaac S.). Bost. 1857. Phinney (Rey. B.). Weslborough, 1836." Wentz (Samuel). Phil. 1820. Anarchist Case. See Murder. and ^Vife. N. Y Phil. Arson. Bingham (Robt.). Lond. 1811. Buzzell (J. R.) and others. Bost. 1870. Lea (Jas.) et al. Lond. 1832. Assault. Broad (Amos) 1809. Dunn (Jas.). N. Y, Eyans (John) ys. 1810. Hagerman (H. B.). Ileyey (John) ys. Sirr. Dubl. 1802. Jenkins (Elisha) vs. Van Rensselaer. Alb. 1808. Kehoe (John) et al. Pottsville, 1870. Mitchell (Major). Portl. 1834. MoUie Maguires. See Kehoe (John). Ogle (Sir Chaloner). Lond. 1743. Seys (Rey. John). N. Y. 1847. Van Rensselaer (Sol.) ys. Tayler and others. Alb. 1808. 1809. Yarnall. N. Y. 1818. Bank Cases. Bank Cases, arising out of Northamp- ton Bank Robbery. 1885. City of Glasgow Bank. Directors. Edin. 1879. Trustee Test Case. Edin. 1878. Bastardy. Banbury Case. (Nicolas.) Lond. 1836. " Smith (Chas. S.). Otsego, 1874. Whistelo (Alex.). N. Y. 1808. THE ASSOCIATION- OF THE BAE. 1119 Trials. — — Bible in Schools. Minor (J. D.) vs. Board of Educa- tion. Cin. 1870. Bigamy. Fanning (Thos.). Dubl. 1866. Millis and Carroll, (The Queen) vs. Dubl. 1842. Blasphemy. Kneeland (Abner). Bost. 1834-5. Breach of Promise of Mar- riage. Palmer (Eleanor) vs. Barnard. 1792. Smith (Mary E.) vs. Ferrers. 1846. Lond. Lond. Bribery. Kellogg (Wm. Pitt). Bridge Cases. Wash. 1884. Albany Bridge Case. 3 v. Alb. 1858. Charles River Bridge Case. Bost. 1837. International Bridge Case. Buffalo, 1881. Wheeling Bridge Case. Saratoga Springs, 1851. Challenging to Fight Duel. Ryan (Capt. R.) and others. Lond. 1811. Stanly (Lieut. Fabius). Wash. 1853. Tandy (Jas. N.). Dubl. 1792. Vair (G. B.) and others. Edin. 1823. Commercial Cause. Minet vs. Gibson. Dubl. 1791. Conjugal Rights. Dalrvmple vs. Dairy raple. 1811. Lond. Conspiracy. Barker (Jacob). N. Y. 1827. Blenkinsop (Mary). See Stokes Philadel- (W. H.) Boot and Shoemaker.' phia. 1806. Burgh (Rev. R.) et al. Lond. 1792. Cochrane (Sir Thos.) and others. Lond. 1814. Davis (M. L.). See Barker (Jacob). Despard (Col. E. M.) and others. N. Y. 1803. Dorsey (J. W.) and others. Star Route Trials. 3 v. Wash. 1882. Second Trial. 4 v. Wash. 1883. Dunn (Jas.) and Cartv (P.). Dubl. 1797. Eberle (F.) and others. Phil. 1817. Forbes (Jas.) and others. Dubl. 1823. French (A. B.) and others. Lond. 1819. Ilanbidge (II.) and others. Dubl. 1823. Harford County (Md.) Cases. Bait. 1823. Journeymen Cordwainers of New York. N. Y. 1810. Journevmen Tailors of Philadelphia. Phil.' 1827. Ku Klux Trials. Columljia, 1872. Michigan Railroad Case. Detr. 1851. O'Connell (Daniel) and others. See Irish State Trials. Paxton (Wm.) and others. N. Y. 1859. Royal British Bank. Directors. Lond. 1857. Saurin (Susanna M.) vs. Star and another. Ijond. 1869. Smith (Wm. and Peter). X. Y. 1824. Star Route Trials. See Dorsey (J. W.). Stokes (Wm. H.) and another. Bait. 1866. Tack Brothers and others. Phil. 1868. Taylor (Wm.) and others. Hartf. 1836. Wakefield (Ed. G.) and others. Lond. 1827. Walker (Thos.) and others. Lond. 1794. Contracts, Obligation of. Dartmouth College Causes. (Shirley.) St. L. 1879. See also page 1004, — — Copyright. Lawrence (W. B.) vs. Dana. Bost. 1866. Wheaton (Henry) vs. Peters. N. Y. 1834. Corruption in Oifice. Frederick, Duke of York. Lond. 1809. Henshaw (Robt.). Edin. 1807. Merritt (H. W.). N. Y. 1840. Court Martial. Abbott (Lieut. Joel). Bost. 1822. Andre (Maj. John). N. Y. 1867. Barron (Com. Jas.) et al. Wash. 1822. Binnev (Capt. A.). Bost. 1810. Browii (Col. W. W.). Prov. 1856. Buell (Lieut. D. C). Wash. 1844. Craven (Com. T. T.). N. Y. 1866. Cross (Maj. O.). Wash. 1860. Cushing (Col. Thos. H.). Phil. 1812. 1120 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBEABY OF Trials. Court 3Iartial.- — Continued. J, C). Wash. Fremont (Lieut. -Col, 1848. Goodale (Ma j. -Gen. E.). Camb. 181->. Haller (Maj. G. 0.). Paterson, 186:1 Harris (Benj. G.). Wash. 1866. Hastings (Maj. D. H.). Wash. 186."). Howe (Capt. thos.). Bost. 1810, Hull (Brig. -Gen. Wm.). X. Y. 1814. Johnston (Lieut. -Col. Geo.). Loud. 1811. Keppel (Adm. A.). Portsm. 1779. Lee (Maj. -Gen. Chas.). 1778. X. Y. 1864. Mackenzie (Alex. S.). Xaval. X. Y. 1844 Miles (Col. D. S.). Wash. 1861. Militia Men (Six). Alb. 18'28. Militia Reporter. Bost. 1810. Montgomery (Col. W. R.). Phil. 1858. Pillow (Maj.-Gen. G. J.). Wash. 1848. Porter (Com. David). Wash. 1835. Porter (Maj.-Gen. Fitz John). Wash. 1863. Wash. 1879. Rvan (Capt. R.) and others. Lond. "1811. Schauraburg (Lieut. J. W.). Wash. 1845. Scott (Maj. - Gen. Winfield) and Gaines (Maj.-Gen. E. P.). Wash. 1837. Smith (Rev. J.). Lond. 1824. Spencer (Capt. B. W.). X. Y. 1872. Stanlv (Lieut. Fabius). Wash. 1853. Talcott (Brig.-Gen. Geo.). Wash. 1851. Watson (Capt. Samuel) and others. Wore. 1811. Whitelocke (Lieut. - Gen. Jolin). Lond. 1808. Winthrop (Col. G. T.). Bost. 1832. Wool (Brig.-Gen. J. E.). Wash. 1837. Crim. Cou. Beecher (Rev. H. W.). 3 a-. 1875. Berrian (Jas.). X. Y. 1807. Boringdon vs. Paset. Lond. (Wm.) Tvson. X. Y. 1808. X. Y, Jeffers 1808. Jovnt vs. Jackson. Dubl. 1880. M4ssv vs, Headfort. N. Y. 1804. Smith (Wm.). Lond. 1805. Debt. Bashford (Xorbury) vs. Parker. Trenton, 1835. Trials. Depositing Prohibited Mail 3Iatter. Bennett (D. M.). X. Y. 1879. Disbarment. Eldrid^e (Titus B.). 2 v. 1877^0. Goddard (L. M.). Dnv. 1888. Divorce. X. Y. Beardslev. X. Y. 1860. Burch. "X. Y. 1860. Campbell. Lond. 1887. Caroline (Queen). 3 t. Lond. 1820. Cowlev. Famous Divorces. Lowell, 1878. Crawford-Dilke. Lond. 1887, Ferguson. X. Y. 1851. Forrest. X. Y. 1851. Fry. Phil. 1859. Jai-vis. Hartf. 1839. Middleton. Phil. 1850. Mordaunt. Lond. 1870. Talbot vs. Talbot. Lond. 1854. Ure. PhU. 1821. Wallack. X. Y. 1834. Duelling. ^ee Challenging. Dynamitards. McDermott (T.) and others, er's Report.) Edin. 1884, (Coop- Ecclesiastical. Auchterarder Case. 3 v. Edin. 1838. Barclay (Rev. David). Elizabeth- town. 1814. Baseom vs. Lane. Methodist Church Property. Richm. 1851. Centenary ^Methodist Episcopal Church Case. X. Y. 1848. Cheney (Rev. Chas. E.). Chic. 1869. Chester (Kev. John) and others. Schenec. 1818. Delanev (A. J.) vs. Trustees of St. Patrick's Cathedral. N. Y. 1883. Ebaugh (Rev. J. S.). X. Y. 1853. Fii-st Reformed Presbyterian Church Case. Phil. 1871. Folkestone Ritual Case. Lond. 1878. Gorham vs. Bishop of Exeter. Lond, 1852. Great PeAv Case. (McGibbon.) Montr. 1877. Hampden (Rev. R. D.). Lond. 1849. Huston (Rev. L. D.). Bait. 1872. Jones (Rev. Cave) vs. Rector of X. Y. 1813. McDowall (Rev. J. R.). X. Y. 1836. ]Maffitt (Rev. John X.). Bost. 1823. Martin vs. Mackcnochie and others. (Phillimore.) Lond. 1868. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1121 Trials. Ecclesiastical. — Continued. Mastin vs. Escott. Lond. 1841. Methodist Church Property Case. Richra. 1851. Onderdonk (Rev. Beiij. T.). X. Y. 1845. Presbyterian Church Case. Phil. 1839. St. Clement's Church Case. Phil. 1871. Sampson (Wm.). Catholic Question in America. N. Y. 1813. Sheppard vs. Bennett. Lond. 1872. Sherlock (Rev. Thos.). Trial of the Witnesses. Phil. 1843. Swing (Rev. David). Chic. 1874. Talmage (Rev. T. De Witt). Brook- Ivn. 1879. Teinplars. (Shallow.) Lond. 1888. Tvng (Rev. Stephen H., Jr.). N. Y. "1868. Ejectment. Annesley vs. Anglesey. Lond. 1744. Historical Account. Bristol, 1744. Day vs. Day. Lond. 1828. Den vs. Gibbons. Trenton, 1849. Rowe vs. Brenton. Lond. 1830. Tichborne vs. Lushington. Manch. 1871. Election Cases. Baltimore Contested ElflCtiOtt Case. 1859. Bowen vs. De Large. Wash. 1872. Buttz vs. Mackey. Wash. 1876. Lee vs. Rainey. Wash. 1876. McClure vs. Grav. Phil. 1872. Mackey vs. O'Connor. Wash. 1878. Mann Vs. Cassidy. Phil. 1857. New York Election Frauds. 1868. Tillman vs. Smalls. Wash. 1878. See also United States : House of Representatives, and Sen- ate. Embezzlement. City of Glasgow Bank. Directors. Edin. 1879. Hill (Fred. P.). Chic. 1864. — — Extent. Bebb (John) and others. Lond. 1811. Extradition. Young (Lieut. B. H.). St. Albans Case. Montr. 1865. False Imprisonment. Hevey vs. Sirr. Dubl. 1802. Lyon vs. Fox et al. Phil. 1808. 71 Trials. False Representations. Dobbie vs. Johnston and Russell. Edin. 1861. Falsehood and Duplicity. Brigham (Rev. David). Lowell, 1839. Felony. Mahan (Rev. J. B.). Cin. 188 Poultney (Evan). Bait. 1836. Foreign Enlistment. Hertz (Henrv). Phil. 1855. Pampero (The). Edin. 1864. Forgery. Anderson (T. C). Forging Elec- tion Returns. N. 0. 1878. Dodd (Rev. Wm.). Dubl. 1777. Higgins vs. Higgins. Dubl. 1813. Humphreys (Alex.). Edin. 1839. Hunter (John W.). N. Y. 1864. Huntington (Chas. B.). N. Y. 1857. Roupell (Wm.). Lond. 1862. Fraud. Gurney (H. E.) and others. Lond. 1870. Spitzeder (Adele) and others. Miln. 1873. Watkins (Tobias). Wash. 1829. Habeas Corpus. African Captives. N. Y. 1839. Benedict (J. D.). Buffalo, 1863. Bishops (The Seven). Lond. 1689. Field (Anson). Rutland, 1862. D'Hauteville Case. Phil. 1840. Merryman (John). Phil. 1861. Robards. Texas Decisions. 1862-5, Vallandigham (C. L.). Cin. 1863. Vaux. Recorder's Decisions. Phil. 1846. Yates (J. V. N.). See Yates. Select Cases. Heresy. Templars. (Shallow.) Lond. 1888. High Treason. See Treason. Highway Robbery. See Robbery. Illegal Seizure of Meat. Peakin vs. Mayor of Dublin. 1868, Illegal Voting. Anthony (Susan B.). Roch. 1874. Immoral Conduct. Barclay (Rev. David). Elizabeth, 1814. Huston (Rev. L. D.). Bait. 1872. Onderdonk (Rev. Beni. T.). N. Y. 1845. 1122 CA TAL OGUE OF THE LIBRAE Y OF Trials. Impeachment. Addison (Alex.). Lane. 1808. Barnard (Geo. G.). 8 v. Alb. 1874. Belknap (VV. W.). Wash. 187(i. Blount (Wm.). Phil. 179'J. Bovd (Jas.). Burlescjue. Phil. 1874. Canlozo (Albert). N. Y. 1872. ('aniline (Queen). 3 v. Lond. 1830-21. Chase (Samuel). 2 v. Wash. 1805. Curtis (Geo. M.). Alb. 1872. Dorn (Robt. C). Alb. 1868. Hastings (Warren). 2 v. Lond. 1794. Hopkinson (Francis). Phil. 1794. Johnson (Andrew). 8 v. Wash. 18(J8. McCunn (John II.). Alb. 1874. Mather (John C). Alb. 1858. Melville (Lord Ilenrv). Lond. 1806. Peck (Jas. 11.). Bost. 1833. Porter (Robert). Easton, 1827. Prescott (James). Bost. 1821. Prindle (Horace G.). 2 v. Alb. 1874. Sacheverell (Henry). Lond. 1710. Shippen (Edwai-d)and others. Lane. 1805. Smith (George W.). Alb. 1866. Turner (Wm. R.). San Fran. 1878. Indians. Cherokee Nation vs. State of Georsjia. Phil. 1831. Seneca Indians. Phil. 1840. Insurrection and Rebellion, Brown (John). Of Slaves. X. Y. 1859. Smith (Rev. J.). Of Slaves. Lond. 1824. International Law. See International Law: Cases. Investigations, etc. Bnsteed (Judge Richard). Mobile. 1869. Covode Investigation. Wash. 1860. Jeannette Inquiry. Wash. 1844. Meade (Judge N. B.). Richm. 1884. New York: Citv. Abuses in GoT-crn- ment. N. Y'. 1854. Broadway Railroad. Alb. 1886. 1867. 1884. 1877. Custom House Frauds. Wash. 'Dept. of PuJ)lic Works. Alb. 'Election Frauds. N. Y. 1868. Police Commissionei's. N. Y. *Ring Frauds. N. Y. 1878. New York : Citv and Count v. (Roose- velt.) 2v. '1884. New York: State. Canal Frauds. Alb. 1847. Canal Investigation. 2 v. Alb. 1876. Railroad Investigation. 5 v. Alb. 1879. Paraguayan Investigation. Wash. 1870. Raines and Spinney. N. Y. Senate. Alb. 1886. Reilly (Bernard), Sheriff of N. Y. All). 1879. Smith (Sir Wm. C). Dubl. 1834. Smyth (John F.). Alb. 1878. Swf'irtwout (Samuel). Wash. 1838. Thruston (Judge B.). Wash. 1887. Tweed Ring Frauds. Report of Com- mittee of Aldermen. N. Y. 1878. U. S. Internal Revenue Frauds. Wash. 1867. Van Ness (W. W.). Proceedings of Assembly Committee. N. Y. 1820. Ward and Westbrook Investigation. 2 V. Alb. 1882. Young and Minns. Bost. 1805. Keeping Disorderly House. Berry (Jacob). N. Y. 1878. Legitimacy. Day vs. Day. Lond. 1823. Douglas (Ak'h.). Lond. 1767. Horner vs. Liddiai'd. Marriage of Illegitimate Minoi-s. Lond. 1800. See also Stuart (And.). Libel. Almon Letters, Lond. 1770-71. Ames vs. Hazard. Prov. 1862. Angeli vs. Galbraith. Dubl. 1857. Baldwin (C. N.). N. Y. 1818. Beattie (F. S.). Phil. 1829. Bennett (D. S.) vs. Commercial Ad- vertiser. Buffalo, 1870. Bennett (Geo. C). Brooklyn, 1866. Bogle vs. Lawson. Lond. 1841. Bolton (John). Dubl. 1875. Bradlangli (Chas.) and Besant (An- nie). Obscene Libel, Lond. 1877. Breckinridge (Rev. Robt. J.). Bait. 1840. Buckingham (Rev. J. T.). Bost. 1822. (!arr vs. Hood and Sharpe. Lond. 1808. Casey (John S.). Dubl. 1877. Cheetham (Jas.). N. Y. 1807. Child (1). L.). Bost. 1829. Cobbett (Wm.). N. Y. 1881. Cooi)er (Thos.). Phil. 1800. Croswell (H.). N. Y. 1804. Delavan (Ed. C). Alb, 1840, THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1123 Trials. Libel. — Continued. Denney (Chas,) and others. X. Y. 1834. Dorrance vs. Fenner. Prov. 1802. Erne vs. Porter. Dubl. 1859. Fenner (A.). Prov. 1803. Finerty (Peter). Dubl. 1798. Fitzpatrick (H.). Dubl. 1813. Forrest vs. Willis. N. Y. 1859. Gayer vs. Byrne. Dubl. 1845. Gibson vs. Stevenson. Edin. 1832. Hazard (Thos. R.). Prov. 1803. Hone(Wra.). Seditious Libel. Lend. 1817-18. Lambert (Lady Eliz.) vs. Tattei-sall. Lond. 1792. ' Lambert (John) and others. Lond. 1794. Leslie vs. Blackwood. Edin. 1822. Littlejohn vs. Greeley. N. Y. 18G1. Livingston vs. Cheetham. N. Y. 1807. Lyman (Theodore). Bost. 1828. Lyons vs. Bingham and others. Dubl. 1834. M'Clellan vs. Beattie. Phil. 1829. Mackell vs. Hanson. Lond. 1799. Macleod (Allan). Lond. 1802. Magee (John). Dubl. 1790. Mercantile Agency Cases. N. Y. 1873. Moore and Sevey vs. Greene. Bost. 1833. Stockdal Nightingale vs 1809. Xoah (M. M.). O'Connor (F.). Lond. 1840. O'Keeffe vs. Cullen Opdyke vs. Weed. Osborne vs. Bolton Paine (Thos.) Peltier (John) N. Y. 1823. Seditious Loud. Libel. Lond. 1874. X. Y. 1S()5. Dubl. 1875. Lond. 1793. Lond. 1803. Phillips (Josiah). Lond. 1833. Pigot vs. Ilastie. Calcutta, 1884. Rose vs. Williams and others. Lond. 1792. Rowan (A. H.). Seditious Libel. Dubl. 1794. Scott vs. M'Gavin. Glasg. 1821. Seven Bishops. Seditious Libel. Lond. 1689. Shipley (Rev. W. D.). Dubl. 1784. Smith (M. J.). Alb. 1847. Stockdale (John). Lond. 1790. Stockdale (John J.) vs. Hansard. Lond. 1840. Stow vs. Converse. Xew Haven, 1822. Strong vs. Bennett. Brooklyn. 1860. Taylor vs. Delavan. Alb. 1840. Thompson (Samuel). Bost. 1839. Tocker (Mary A.). Lond. 1818. Yought (J. G.) and others. X. Y. 1831. Walker vs. Roberts. Manch. 1791. Webster vs. Baldwin. Lond. 1810. Weed (Thurlow). X. Y. 1865. Whiting (Jas.) and others. Buck- ingham, 1804. Wilkes (John). Bost. 1763. Williams (B. W.) and others. Taun- ton, 1846. Williams (J. A.). Durham. 1831. Wooler (T. J.). Lond. 1817. Zenger (J. P.). Lond. 1752. Lottery Laws, Violation of. Braynard (S.). Bost. 1827. Lunacy. Daly. Matter of Colali. N. Y. 1871. Windham. Lunacy Case. Lond. 1862. Maladministration. Cicero. Pleadings against Yerres. Lond. 1812. Malicious Prosecution. Stearns vs. Ripley. Spring!. 1851. Mal-Practice. Cooper (E. S.). San Fran. 1859. Crosby (Dixi). Woodstock, 1854. Walsli vs. Sayre. N. Y. 1870. Marriage Case. Dalrymple. (Scott.) Lond. 1811. Yelvertou. Loud. 1861. Misdemeanors. Eyre, Queen vs. Lond. 1868. Parker (Theodore). Bost. 1855. St. Albans Raid. 31ontr. 1865. Sheridan (Edward). Dubl. 1811. Smith (W. S.) and Ogden (S. G.). N. Y. 1807. Mormon. Townsend. Mormon Trials. X. Y, 1871. 3Iurder. Adams (Moses). Bost. 1815. Alley (Leavitt). Bost. 1875. Anarchist Case. Chic. 1887. Andrews (S. M.). X. Y. 1869. Angus (Chas.). Liverp. 1808. Armstrong (Thos. J.). Phil. 1861. Avery (ReV. E. K.). Bost. 1833. Banks (John). X. Y. 1806. Bartlett (Adelaide). Lond. 1886. Bellingham (J.). Lond. 1812. Bevans(Wm.). Bost. 1816. Black (H. C). Wash. 1871. Blandv (Mary). Lond. 1753. 1124 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Trials. 3iiirder. — Continued. Boies (John). Dedhara, 1829. Bonafous (L.). Lond. 1850. Boorn (S. and J.). Manch. 1873. Bradlev (Ed. E.). Hartf. 1857. British Soldiers, 29th Regt. Bost. 1824. Budtce (Ilenrv). Review. Alb. 1862. Burke (Win.)". Edin. 1829. Bvrne (Ellen). Dubl. 1842. Campbell (MaJ. H. A.). Bost. 1808. Campbell (Mungo). Lond. 1770. Casares (J. II.) et al. Riehm. 1837. Celebrated Murders. Chic. 1879. Chand (:Muluk). Lond. 1888. Chapman (Lueretia). Phil. 1832. Clark (Willard). New Haven, 1855. Clough (Joel). Bost. 1833. Cluverius (Thos. J.). Riehm. 1885. Conspirators, for Murder of Lincoln. Cin. 1865. Coolidge (Dr. V. P.). Bost. 1848. Courvoisier (F. B.). Lond. 1840. Daley (Dominie) et al. Xorthamp. 1806. Daniel (Henrv). Cin. 1845. Darnes(W. P.). Bost. 1841. Dawson (Eliza). Halifax, 1850. Dean (C. B.). Burling. 1808. Donellan (John). Review. Lond. 1781. Donnelly (Jas. P.). Freehold, N. J., 1857. Dukes (N. L.). Phil. 1883. Earls (John). Williamsport, 1836. Evans (R. W.). Wilkes-Barre, 1853. Fair (Laura D.). San Fran. 1871. Fairbanks (Jason). Bost. 1801. Farmer (D. D.). Concord, 1821. Ferris (Francis). Opinion of the Court. N. Y. 1866. Foote (H. L.). New Haven, 1850. Fox (John). New Bruns.. N. J., 1856. Freeman (Wm.). Auburn, 1848. Frierv (B.). Opinion of the Court. N. "Y. 1866. Furnald (Amos). Concord, 1825, Glasgow Cotton Spinners, Edin, 1838. Giddings (Danl,). Hillsb. 1885. Giles (John). Lond. 1681. Goodwin (Robt. M.). N. Y. 1820. Oore (Robt.). Dubl. 1797. Gould (Richard). Lond. n.d. Grant (James). Murder of Pollard. Lynchb. 1869. Green (Robt.) and others. Lond. 1769. Guiteau (Chas. J,), 3 v. Wash, 1883, Hall (Luoian) et al, Middletown, 1844. Hamilton (Sophia). Montr. 1845. Harden (Jacob S.). Haekettstown. 1860. Harris (Marv). Wash. 1865. Heainan (Peter) et al. Edin. 1821. Ilendrickson (John, Jr.). Alb. 1853. Hersey (George C). Bost. 1802. Hitchcock (Alpheus). Utica, 1807, Hodge (Arthur). Middletown, 1812. Holmes (Wm.) et al. Bost. 1820. Horn (Adam). Bait. 1843. Howard (Margaret). Cin. 1849. Hughes (J. W.). Civ. 1866. Hull (M. N. B.). Bait. 1820. Hutton (P.). Bait. 1820. Hyde (Fanny). N, Y. 1872. Jefferds (Chas, ^l.). N. X. 1862. Johnson (Jas.). N. Y'. 1811. Joseph (Henry) et al. Bost. 1834. Kennedv (John). Dubl. 1832. Kilfoyle (Wm.). Dubl. 1832. Kinney (Hannah). Bost. 1840. Knapp (J. F.). Bost. 1830. Lamb (Robt.). Opinion of the Court. N. Y. 1866. Landale (David). Perth, 1826. Laros (A. C). Easton, 1877. Lee (John D.). Salt Lake City, 1875. Lindsay (Owen). Syracuse, 1875. Livermore (Alpheus) et al. Bost. 1813. Lohman (Caroline). N. Y, 1847, Lowell (Jas, M.). Portl. 1875, Lowenstein (Emil). Alb, 1874. McFarland (Danl.), N, Y. 1870, M'Lellan (Archibald). Montr. 1819. McLeod (Alex). N. Y. 1841. Malley (Jas.) et al. N. Y. 1881, Marlow (Chas,). Jamestown, 1872. Montgomery (David). N. Y^. 1873. Myers (Wm, R,) et al, N, Y, 1846, Palmer (Wm.). Lond. 1856. Parker (Moses) et al. N. Y. 1825. Parks (Jas.). Akron, 1854. Patch (Richard). Lond. 1806. Peltzer (Leon). Brux. 1882. Phair (J(jhn P.). Bost. 1879. Phillips (Jas. J.). Riehm. 1868. Pierce (A. F.). Lockport, 1871. Piper (Thos. W.). Phil. 1876, Poindexter (John E,). Riehm. 1879. Powars (Michael). Bost. 1820. Preseott (Abraham). Manch,, N, H,, 1809. Pritchard (E, W,), Edin. 1865. Probst (Anton). Phil. 1866. Ratzky (Ignatz). Alb. 1868. Rector (Thos.). Alb. 1838. Regicides, Murder of Charles I, Lond. 1724. Reinhard (Chas. de). Montr. 1819, THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1125 Trials. Murder, ■ Co7itint(,ed. See Lohinan Restell (Madame), (Caroline). Ritchie (Thos., Jr.). N. Y. 184(3. Robinson (Henrietta). N. Y. 1855. Robinson (Peter). N. Y. 1841. Robinson (Sarali Jane). Bost. 1888. Rogers (Abner, Jr.). Bost. 1844. Rosenzweig (Jacob). Phil. 1871. Rowell (E. N.). N. Y. 1884. Rubenstein (P. N.). N. Y. 1870. Ruloff (Ed. H.). Phil. 1871. Rush (Jas. B.). Loud. 1849. Salvador (F, G.). Appeal Papers. N. Y. 1866. Sanford (David). New Haven, 1807. Schoeppe (Paul). Carlisle. Pa.. 1809. Selfridge (Thos. 0.). Bost. 1807. Sickles (Danl. E.). N. Y. 1859. Sinclair (John). N. Y. 1811. Smith (Madeleine). Edin. 1857. Smith (Richard) and Carson (Ann). Phil. 1816. Spollen (Jas.). Dobl. 1857. Spring (Arthur). Phil. 1853. Starkweather (A. L.). Hartf. 1866. Stokes (Ed.). Phil. 1873. Strang (Jesse). Alb. 1827. Stuart (Jas.). Edin. 1822. Stuart (John) et al. Edin. 1829. Sturtivant (Wni. E.). Plymouth, 1874. Surratt (John H.). 2 v. Wash. 1867. Surratt (Mary E.) et al. Phil. 1865. Swett (Jane M.). Biddeford, Me., 1867. Talbott (A. P.X et al. jMarvville. 1881. Thaver (Israel, Jr.) et al. Buffalo, 1825. Thomson (J.). Edin. 1858. Thurtell (John) et al. Loud. 1824. Traupmann (J. B.). N. Y. 1870. Twitchell (Geo. S.. Jr.). Phil. 1869. Udderzook (Wm. E.). Bait. 1873. Van Patten (John F.). N. Y. 1825. Vanderpool (Geo.). Detr. 1870. Vosburgh (Rev. Geo. B.). Jer. City, 1878. Wagner (L. H. F.). Saeo, Me., 1874. Walworth (Prank H.). N. Y. 1873. Ward (John). Windsor, 1869. Ward (Matt. F.). Louisv. 1854. Ware (John). Phil. 1871. Watkins (Oliver). Norwich. 1831. Webster (Prof. J. W.). Bost. 1850. — ^ — N. Y. 1879. Wharton (Elizabeth G.). Bait. 1872. Whitby (Capt. Henry). N. Y. 1812. White '(J. D.) et al. Bost. 1827. Wilkinson (E. C.) and others. (Carl- ton.) Cin. 1882. Williams (John) and others. Bost. 1819. Wirz (Ciapt. Henry). Phil, 1865. Woodford (Orrin). Hartf. 1846. Neglect of Duty. Erhardt (Joel B.) et al. Police Com- missioners. N. Y. 1877, Pinnev (Chas.). As Mayor during Riots. Bristol, 1833. Tallmadge (F. A.). Superintendeut of Police. N. Y. 1858. Neutrality. See Violation of Neutrality Laws. Nuisance. Harrison et al. Ringing Church Bells. Phil. 1877. Padrones. Italian Padrone Case. N. Y. 1880. - — — Partition. Svracuse Companv. Partition Suit. "Alb. 1846. ■ Patent Cases. See Patents. — — Peerage Claim. Douglas. Lond. 1767. Lauderdale. Edin. 1885. Perjury. Gardiner (Geo. A.). Wash, 1853, Tichborne (Sir R. C. D.). Lond. 1874-5. Piracy, Casares (J. H.) et al, Richm. 1827, Crimp (Capt. George). N, Y. 1812. Gibert (Pedro) et al. Bost. 1834. Heaman (Peter) et al. Edin, 1821. Hicks (A. W.). N. Y. 1860, Jeff. Davis Crew. See Smith (Wm.). Jones (John 11.). Phil. 1818, Miranda (Gen. Fran.). Expedition. N. Y. 1808, Murel (J. A.), Land Pirate, Cin. 1834, Savannah (Privateer), Officers and Crew. N. Y. 1862. Smith (Wm.) et al. Phil. 1861. Spanish Pirates. See Gibert (Pedro). Tulley (Samuel) and Dalton (Jolin), Bost. 1812. Poisoning. Angus (Chas.). Liverp. 1808, Bartlett (Adelaide). Lond. 1886. Browne and Stewart. Reports. Lond. 1883. 1126 CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF Trials. Poisoniug. — Continued. Dawson (D.). Poisoning Horses. Lond. 1812. Kessler (Abraham). Wife Poisoning. See Coopei"'s Tracrs. Kinney (Hannah). Bust. 1840. Robertson (John B. ). Wife Poison- ing. Roch. isr)8. Vosburgh (George B.). Wife Poison- ing. Jer. City, 1878. Prize Cases. See Prize Law. Publishing Obscene Litera- ture. Bradkugh (Chas.) and Besant (An- nie). Lond. 1877. Quo Warranto. Bashford vs. Barstow. Madison, 1856. Goddard (L. M.). Dnv. 1888. 0"Grady (Waller). Dubl. 1816. Rape. Beale (S. T.). Phil. 1855. Wakely (Chas.). X. Y. 1810. Weinzoepflen (Roniain). Louisv. 1844. Refusing Paper Money. Trevett vs. Weeden. Prov. 1787. Resisting U. S. Marshal. Bright (Gen. M.) et al. Phil. 1809. Riot. I Alton Trials. X. Y. 1838. Birmingham Rioters. 1791. i Burns (A.). Slave Riot. Bost. 1854. Buzzell (J. R.) et al. Burning Con- , vent. Bost. 1870. Finlason. Jamaica Riot. Lond. 1869. Hanbidge (H.) and others. Dubl. 1823. Penlez (B.). Lond. 1749. Pinney (Chas.). Xeglect of Duty as Mavor. during Riots. Bristol, 1833. Shaw (Benj.) et al. Salem, 1822. Robbery. Daniels (Thos. H.). Bost. 1819. Hare (J. T.) and others. Robbing the Mail. Bait. 1818. Kenniston (L. and L.). Salem. 1817. Mackcoull (Jas.). Edin. 1822. ^lartin (Michael). Bost. 1821. Phalen. Criminal Cases. Chic. 1885. Ryan (Geo.). Keene, 1811. Scott (Robt.) and Dunlap (James). Bank Robberv. Xorthamp. 1877. Williams (G. W.). X. Y. 1834. and Destroying Scuttling Vessels. Tower (Capt. W. H.). Saint John, 1880. Wallace (P. M. S. and :\r. S. S.). Lond. 1841. Sedition. Bishops (Seven). Seditious Libel. Lond. 1689. Callender (J. T.). Petersburg. 1804. Crandall (Reuben). Wash. 1836. Douglas (Rev. Niel). Edin. 1817. Gerrald (Joseph i. Edin. 1794. Hone(Wm.). Seditious Libel. Lond. 1817-18. :\rLaren (Alex.) et al. Edin. 1817. Margarot (Maurice). X. Y. 1794. Muir (Thos.). X. Y. 1794. O'Connor (Feargus). Seditious LibeL Lond. 1840. Rowan (A. H.). Seditious Libel. Dubl. 1794. Skirving (Wm.). Edin. 1794. Seduction. Achilli vs. Xewman. X. Y. 1852. Burrows (Silas E.). X. Y. 1833-:34. Fairchild (Rev. J. H.). Bost. 1844. Huston (Rev. L. D.). Bait. 1872. Slander. i Bowden vs. Gifford. X. Y. 1834. Mead vs. Daubney. Lond. 1792. • Mercantile Agencv Cases. X. Y. 1873. Slave Cases, .etc. Bloomfield. Xew Jersey Manumis- sion Cases. Camden. 1843. Brown (John). Insurrection of Slaves. X. Y. 1859. Burns (Anthonv). Bost. 1854. Dred Scott Case. X. Y. 1857. Lemraon Slave Case. X. Y. 1860. Smith (Rev. J.). Aiding Rebellion of Slaves. Lond. 1824. Work (Alanson). Aiding Slaves to Libertv. Hartf. 1854. Specific Performance. Garnett vs. Macon. (Tate.) Richm. 1827. Spy and Guerrillero. Beall (J. Y.). X. Y. 1865. Star Route. 8ee Conspiracy Trials. Templars. Shallow (J.). Lond. 1888. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAB. 1127 Trials. ■ Treason. Brandretli (J.) and others. 2 Loud. 1817. Burr (Aaron). 2 v. Pliil. 1808. Charles the First. Lond. 1740. Coleman (Ed.). Lond. 1G78. Despard (Col N. V. 1803. Dorr (Thos. W.). Downie (David). Ennnet (Robert). Fenwick (John). Finney (Patrick). Fries (John) Green (C.J.) E. M.) and others- Bost. 1844. See Watt (Kobt.). Dubl. 180:J. Lond. 1702. Dubl. 1798. Phil. 1800. Treason Trials in Scot- land. 3 V. Edin. 1825. Halpin (W. G.). Dubl. 1868. Hanway (Castner). Pliil. 1852. Hardy (Thos.) and others. Lond. 1794. Holcrolt (Thos.). Lond, 1795. Ireland (Wm.) and others. Lond. 1678. Jackson (Rev. Wm.). Lond. 1795. Langhorn (Richard). Loud. 1679. Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Lond. 1793. Messenger (Peter) and others. Loud. 1668. O'Connor (Arthur) et al. Lond. 1798. Raleigh (Sir Walter). Loud. 1677. Ridge way (Wm.). Treason Trials. Dubl. 1796. Dubl. 1803. Riel (Louis). Ottawa, 1886. Stafford (Wm.). Lond. 1680. Stayley (Wm.). ■ Lond. 1678. Thistlewood (A.) et al. 2 v, Lond. 1820. Tooke(J. IL). Turner (Wm.). Wakeman (Sir Lond. 1679. Warren (John). Watson (Jas.). Watt (Robt.) and another. 1794. White (Thos.) and others. Lond. 1679. Willis-Bund. Selection from State Trials. 2 v. Camb. 1879-82. Trespass. 2 v. Lond. 1795. See Brandreth (J.). Geo.) and others. Dubl. 1867 1 V. Lond. 1817. N. Y. Evans vs. Yarnall. Phil. 1810. Rutgers vs. Waddington. Morrisa. 1794. Violation of Nentrality Laws. Alexandra Case. Lond. 1863. Hertz. Phil. 1855. Mackenzie (Wm. L.). N. Y. 1840. Meteor Case. (Balch.) Bost. 1.S69. Writ of Right. Bradstreet vs. Cooper. Alb. 1834. See also the authors for argu- ments at different trials. Trials. History. See Trial bv Jurv. 1887. — Law. Thompson. 2 v. Chic. 1889. See also Jones' Index. New. See New Trials. Tribunals, Popular. Bancroft. Works, v. 36-37. Trinidad. See page 859. Trinity Church. See pages 12 and 859. Trover. See Torts. Troy. See page 862. Trust Companies. Paine. N. Y. Law. 1889. Trustee and Post Office Savings Banks. Forbes. Lond. 1878. Trustee Process. McConnell. Bost. 1886. See also Attachment. Trusts and Trustees. England. Brown. 1868. Cracroft. 1876. Darling. 1855. Ellis. 1889. Fletcher. 1835. Geare. 1889. Gilbert. 1811. Godefroi. 1879. Grant. 1830. Hampson. 1830. 1128 CA TAX G UE OF THE LIB RAB Y OF Trusts and Trustees. England. — Cont'ui lied. Hill. Araer. ed. 1867. Langley. 1861. Lewin. Araer. ed. 3 v. 1888. Pollexfen. 1702. Sanders. 2 v. 1844. Underbill. 1889. Urlin. 1868. Vaizev. Investment of Money. 1890. Whiston. Cathedral. 1850. Willis. 1835. Zinn. Leading Cases. 1873. See also Charitable Trusts : and Jones" Index. Scotland. Forsyth. 1844. Innes. 1878. McLaren. 2 v. 1863. Tuscany. See page 865. United States. Braekenridge. 1842. Flint. 1890. Husbands. Penn. 1878. Livermore. 1885. O'Ferrall. Maryland. 1889. Perrv. 2 v. 1889. Tiffany and Bullard. 1862. Zinn. Leading Cases. 1873. See also Car Trusts : — Charitable Trusts; and Jones' Index. Trusts for Accumulation. See Accumulation, Trusts for. Trusts, or Combinations, in Trade. Beach. X. Y. 1889. Bonham. Railway Secrecv and Trusts. X. Y. 1890. Cook. X\ Y. 1888. X. Y. Senate Investigation. Repoit. 1888. Turlvey. See page S(;3. Turks and Caicos Islands. See page 863. Turnpike Roads. Egremont. 2 v. Lond. 1830. Oke. Lond. 1861. Thompson. Alb. 1890. Woolryeh. Phil. 1834. See also Highways ; and Jones' Index. u. Ultra Vires. Brice. Lond. 1877. , by Green. X. Y. 1880. Field. Ties Moines. 1881. Kelly. Essay. Phil. 1890. See also Corporations : and Jones' Index. Uncertainty. Zimmermann. Schweben der Reehts- verhaltnisse. Strassb. 1876. Underwi'iting. See Fire Insurance. United States. See page 8aije 942. Witchcraft. Moore. In Mass. Witnesses. Camb. 1884. Golden Rules. Brown (D. P.). X. Y. 1890. Cox. The Advocate. Lond. 1852. Elliott. Examination. Indianap. 1888. Frost. Remunerating. Lond. 1815. Ram. Treatise on Facts. X. Y. 1890. Rapalje. Treatise. X. Y. 1887. Revnolds. Examination. Chic. 1890. Sichel. Practice. Lond. 1887. Smith (.1. G.). Medical. Lond. 1829. Willis. Examination. Lond. 1816. See also Confessions ; — Evidence ; and Jones' Index. Jay. V 1-2. X. Y. 1890-1. Junius. (Fellows.) X. Y. 1829. Selden. 6 V. Lond 1726. Seward. 5 A-. Bost. 1884. Shakespeare. 3 V. X. Y. 1856. Storv. Bost. 1835. Tilden. 2 V. X. Y 1885. Washin gton. 11 V. X. Y . 1889-91 Wilson. 3v Phil. 1804. Woodburv. 3 V. Bost. 1852. Competency and Privilege. Law Reform Tracts. X. Y. 1855. Miller. Phil. 1881. Morrill. X. Y. 1886. Smith (F.D.). Phil. 1890. Religious Faith, etc. Herttell. X. Y. 1828. Maurice. Lond. 1864. Smith (Wm. C). Lond. 1838. Women. Davis. Laws for Protection. Lond. 1854. Laws resf)eeting. Lond. 1777. Lennard. Position in Law. Lond. 1883. Pellew. Women and the Common- wealth. Bost. 1888. Proffatt. Before the Law. X. Y. 1874. Stalman. Gifts to Unmarried. Lond. 1836. See also Married Women; and Jones' Index. Woods. See Forest Laws. Worlfshop. Xotcutt. Lond. 1879. Wreck. Marvin. Bost. 1858. Murton. Lond. 1884. Palmer. Lond. 1843. Rotherv. Judgments. Lond. 1882. See also Maritime vage ; — Shipping Index. (Squarey.) Law ; — Sal- and Jones' Writing. Sec Composition : — Handvrriting. Writs. General. Antrobus and Impey. Lond. 1675. Bohun. 2 V. Lond. 1732. Brownlow. Lond. 1662. Corner. Forms. Lond. 1844. Cornwall. Lond. 1705. Fitzherbert. Dubl. 1793. Mallorv. 3 v. Lond. 1734-7. Movie." Lond. 1658. Myers Fed.,Decis.. v. 29. Registrum Brevium. Lond. 1687. Theloall. Lond. 1687. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE BAR. 1135 Writs. General. — Continued. Thesaurus Brevium. Lond. 1687. Townesend. Tables. 2 v. Lcjud. 1G67-1705. /See also Entries; — Record Cuui- mission; and Jones' Index. ■ Of Error. F