UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY LAW LIBRARY OF THE SUPREME COURT. SUGGESTIONS. The Law Library is primarily for the use of the Supreme Court and attorneys practicing before the Court. Do not re-shelve books. _ . As a library of reference, it is open to all and the Librarian or his assistants will cheerfully give any aid desired, consistent with the dis- charge of their other duties. Reasonable care should be exercised in the use of books, l^oldmg down leaves or placing open volumes one on top of the other so as to injure contents or binding, does not come within the meaning of the term reasonable care. The use of ink in copying from the books will not be permitted. Marking hooks either ivith pen or pencil is prohibited. ClG-\RETTE SMOKING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Conversation is incompatible with study ; continued whispering is especially annoying. Any conduct or habit which may reasonably be apprehended to offend or disturb another ought not to be indulged, m a public library. A person causes very great annoyance to others by forgetting these facts. No one wiU be permitted to use the library except as a reference library it must not be used as an office or a study. The reading of text books or the use of the library for the continued examination ot the Ohio or Ohio State Reports exclusively, is not consistent with use as a reference library. ^^^^^ ^_ ^^^^^^ Marshal and Librarian. CATALOGUE OF THE LAW LIBRARY OF THE ^^- SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. BY FRANK N. BEEBB. Fred. J. Heer, State Printer COIvUMBUS, OHIO 1901. Oh . To the Honorable Judges of the Supreme Court of Ohio: The Law Library of the Supreme Court contains twenty thousand volumes, forming a collection of law books that can well be rated among the best Law Libraries in this country. The following pages catalogue alphabetically and under classified heads and subdivisions, all the volumes contained in the library at this date, and it is hoped the same will be useful to your honorable body as well as to the legal profession throughout the State. Very respectfully, Frank N. Beebe, Marshal and Librarian^ Columbus, Ohio, March i, 1901. LIBRARIANS. Richard Riordan 1858 to i860 Herman RuESS i860 to Feb. 11, 1866. James H. Beebe* Feb. ii, 1866, to July 12, 1880. Frank N. Beebe July 13, 1880, to « Died July 12, 1880. ASSISTANT LIBRARIANS. Frank N. Beebe S. A. Decker James M. Bell Geo. a. Bateson Edgar B. Kinkead James L. Hampton Haktzell Caldwell Feb. II, 1866, to July 12, 1880. . July 13, 1880, to Aug. 14, 1881, Aug. is, 1881, to Jan. 14, 1885, . Jan. is, 1885, to March 31, 1888- April I, 1888, to Feb. i, 1892. March i, 1892, to Jan. 14, 1896 Jan. is, 1896, to Charles C. Barrows, Louis McCallister. THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO. Under the constitution of 1802 the Supreme Court of Ohio was to consist of not less than three judges, this number to be increased to four at the discretion of the legislature. The constitution authorized the Governor to fill vacancies which might occur by death or otherwise, during the recess of the general assembly. Three judges were chosen by a joint ballot of both houses of the general assembly, to hold office for the term of seven years, or "so long (within said period) as they well behaved." There were three judges until 1807, when a fourth was chosen by the joint legislature. The fourth judge was omitted in 1810, and a few years later the number four was resumed again and so continued until 185 1. Under the constitution of 185 1, "The Supreme Court shall, until otherwise provided by law, consist of five judges a majority of whom competent to sit, shall be necessary to form a quorum." "The judges of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the electors of the state at large, for such term, not less than five years, as the general assembly may prescribe." On April 15, 1892 (89 O. L., 317), the legislature provided for an additional judge, thus constituting a Supreme Bench of six judges for a term of six years each. RELATING TO CHIEF JUSTICE. "The judge of the Supreme Court having the shortest time to serve, not holding his office by appointment or election to fill a vacancy, shall be the chief justice, and as such shall preside at all terms of the Supreme Court ; and in case of his absence, the judge having in like manner the next shortest time to serve, shall preside in his stead." Under the provision of the statute dividing the court into two divisions, "the two judges of the Supreme Court having the shortest time to serve, not holding their office by appointment or election to fill a vacancy, shall be the chief justices of their respective divisions." Catalogue of Law Library. TERM OF THE SUPREME COURT. The term of the Supreme Court in its early history was governed by Article III, Section lo, of the constitution of 1802, which provided that "the Supreme court shall be held once a year, in each county." On March 11, 1853, ^n act was passed providing "that it shall be the duty of the judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio, to meet an- nually hereafter in the city of Columbus on the first Monday of December, to hold a term of the Supreme Court." This enactment also provided for holding "special sessions at such times and places, etc." Subsequent legislation at different times, "fixing the time for hold- ing courts in Ohio" assigned the Supreme Court to the different counties, naming dates. An act was passed April 7, 1854 (52 O. L., 32), providing "That the Supreme Court, in addition to the terms now provided by law to be held, may hold special or adjourned terms at such times and places as the judges or a majority of them may from time to time determine." Section 410 of the Revised Statutes, 1880, provides that "The judges of the Supreme Court shall meet annually, on Tuesday after the first Monday in January, in the City of Columbus, to hold a term of the Court." Provision is also made for holding special terms. REPORTS. There was no provision made for reporting the decisions of the Supreme Court until 1823 (21 Ohio Laws, 9). TERRITORIAL JUDGES. James M. Varnum, Samuel H. Parsons and John Armstrong, were the first appointed under the Ordinance of 1787. John Armstrong did not accept, and John Cleve Symmes was appointed in his stead. William Barton was appointed in 1787, but declined, and George Turner was appointed. Rufus Putnam was appointed in 1790 to fill the vacancy created by the death of Samuel H. Parsons. Joseph Gill- man was appointed to succeed Rufus Putnam. In 1798 Return Jonathan Meigs was appointed to fill vacancy created by the resignation of John Cleve Symmes. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF 1802. Huntington, Samuel, of Trumbull county, elected April 2, 1803, and resigned when elected Governor in 1808. Meigs, Return Jonathan, of Washington county, elected April 2, 1803, and resigned December, 1804. Was elected an additional judge Feb. 13, 1808, and resigned December 12, 1808. Sprigg, William, of Jefferson county, elected in 1803, resigned April II, 1806; re-elected February 13, 1808; resigned in 1809. ToD, George, of Trumbull county, appointed in 1806, to fill vacancy cre- ated by the resignation of Judge Sprigg, and was elected by the legislature, January i, 1807; term expired 1810. Symmes, Daniel, of Hamilton county, elected in 1804, in place of Judge Meigs, who had resigned, and served until Jan- uary 9, 1808. Scott, Thomas, of Ross county, elected February 17, 1809; re-elected February 10, 1810; and resigned in 181 5. Morris, Thomas, of Clermont county, elected February 17, 1809; dis- placed in 1810 by act of the Legislature reducing the number of Judges from four to three. Judge Morris never took his seat. Irvin, William W., of Fairfield county, elected February 10, 1810, and served until 1816. Brown, Ethan Allen, of Hamilton county, elected February 10, 1810; also January 18, 1817; held ofifice eight years, and resigned in December, 1818, to accept office of Governor. Pease, Calvin, of Trumbull county, elected February 17, 1816; re-elected January 11, 1823; term expired in 1830. McLean, John, of Warren county, elected February 17, 1816, and re- signed in 1822. Couch, Jessup Nash, of Ross county, elected February 17, 1816, and held office until his death in 1821. 7 Catalogu-e of Law Library. Burnet, Jacob, of Hamilton county, appointed in 1821 to fill a vacancy created by the death of Judge Couch ; was elected January 11, 1823, and resigned December 11, 1828. Sherman, Charles R., of Fairfield county, elected January 11, 1823, and died in ofifice in 1829. Hitchcock, Peter, of Geauga county, elected January 30, 1819. Was re-elected in 1826; term expired 1833. He was elected again March 6, 1835, and that term ex- pired in 1842. He was again elected for the fourth term in 1845, to succeed Ebenezer Lane, and served until February 9, 1852, when his term ex- pired. He was chief justice 21 years. Hayward, Elijah, of Hamilton county, elected January 30, 1830. Re- signed November 6, 1830. GooDENOW, John M., of Jefiferson county, elected February i, 1830; re- signed 1 83 1. Swan, Gustavus, of Franklin county, appointed to fill a vacancy in 1830, term expired 1831. Brush, Henry, of Ross county, appointed in 1830, and served until Feb- ruary, 1 83 1. Wood, Reuben, of Cuyahoga county, elected in 1832, and re-elected 1839; term expired in 1846. Wright, John C, of Jefiferson county, was elected December 29, 1830; and resigned in 1835. Collett, Joshua, of Warren county, elected February 6, 1829, term ex- pired 1836. Lane, Ebenezer, of Huron county, elected December 18, 1830; re-elected in 1837; reappointed January 16, 1845, for seven years. He retained his seat during the session in Bank and then resigned, having been on the bench 14 years — as chief justice, 9 years; and resigned in 1845. Grimke, Frederick, of Ross county, elected in 1836, and resigned in 1841. Bicrhard, Matthew, of Trumbull county, was appointed in place of Judge Hitchcock in 1842, term expired 1849. Read, Nathaniel C, of Hamilton county, was appointed in place of Judge Grimke, in 1842, and resigned in 1848. Avery, Edward, of Wayne county, elected 1846, and resigned 185 1. Supreme Court of Ohio. Spalding, Rufus P., of Summit county, elected in 1848, term expired in 1851, on account of the new constitution. Caldwell, William B., of Hamilton county, elected in 1849 ; re-elected under the new constitution in 1851, but resigned the office in 1854. Ranney, Rufus P., of Trumbull county, elected in March, 185 1, to suc- ceed Judge Avery, who had resigned, and under the new constitution was elected in October, 1851, and resigned in 1856. He wes again elected in 1862, and resigned in 1865. UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF 1851. Caldwell, William B, of Hamilton county, elected in 185 1, resigned in 1854, serving from February 9, 1852, to first division, December term, 1854. Bartley, Thomas W., of Richland county, elected in 1851, re-elected 1853. Served from February 9, 1852, to February 9, 1859, a total of seven years. CoRWiN, John A., of Champaign county, elected in 185 1, resigned in 1854. Served from February 9, 1852, to first division, December term, 1854. Thurman, Allen G., of Ross county, elected in 1851. Served from February 9, 1852, to March session, 1856. Ranney, Rufus P., of Trumbull county, elected in 1851, resigned in 1856. He was again elected in 1862, but re- signed in 1865, leaving the bench on February 23, 1865. Judges Caldwell, Bartley, Corwin, Thurman and Ranney took seats on Supreme Bench February 9, 1852. By cast of lot for length of term Judge Caldwell drew one year ; Judge Bartley two years ; Judge Corwin three years; Judge Thurman four years, and Judge Ranney five years. Warden, Robert B., of Franklin county, appointed in 1854, to fill va- cancy created by the resignation of Judge Cor- win. Judge Warden served but a few months when Judge Swan was elected to succeed Judge Corwin. Judge Warden served from first di- vision, December term, 1854, to February 9, 1855. Kennon, William, of Belmont county, appointed in 1854, to fill the unexpired term of Judge Caldwell. Judge Ken- non was elected in October, 1854, to fill the unex- 10 Catalogue of Lazu Library. pired term of Judge Caldwell, and served from first division, December term, 1854, to adjourned session, March, 1856. Swan, Joseph R., of Franklin county, elected in 1854, to succeed Judge CoRwiN, and resigned in November, 1859, having served from February 9, 1854, to November 8, 1859, five years and nine months. Brinkerhoff, Jacob, of Richland county, elected in 1855, re-elected in i860, also in 1865, and served from the March session, 1856, to February 9, 1871, fifteen years and eleven months. CoNVERS, Charles C, of Muskingum county, elected in 1855, and was a judge of the Supreme Court from February 9, 1856, to May 15, 1856, three months and six days. On account of ill health he never took his seat on the bench. BowEN, OziAS, of Marion county, appointed in 1856, also elected in 1856, to fill the unexpired term of Judge Convers, and > served from February 9, 1856, to February 9, 1858, two years. Scott. Joslvh, of Butler county, elected in 1856, re-elected in 1861, re- elected in 1866. Retired in 1872, having served from February 9, 1856, to February 9, 1872, a total of sixteen years. SuTLiFF, Milton, of Trumbull county, elected in 1857, to succeed Judge BowEN. Retired in 1863, having served from . February 9, 1858, to February 9, 1863. five years. Peck, William V., of Scioto county, elected in 1858, to succeed Judge Bartley. Retired in 1864, having served from February 9, 1859, to February 9, 1864, five years. Gholson, William Y., of Hamilton county, was appointed in Novem- ber, 1859, to fill the unexpired term of Chief Jus- tice Swan, resigned. In February, i860. Judge Gholson, having served out the unexpired term of Chief Justice Swan, entered upon a full term of five years for which he had been elected at the previous October election, but resigned in 1863, having served from November 8, 1859, to Decem- ber 12, 1863, four years, one month and four days. Supreme Court of Ohio. 11 Wilder, Horace, of Ashtabula county, was appointed in 1863, in place of Judge Gholson, resigned; was elected in Oc- tober, 1864, for the unexpired term, having served from December 12, 1863, to February 9, 1865. One year, one month and twenty-seven days. Hunter, Hocking, of Fairfield county, was elected in 1863, and resigned, serving only from February 9, 1864, to February 10, 1864, one day. White, William, of Clark county, was appointed February 10, 1864, in place of Judge Hunter, resigned. He was elected in October, 1864, to fill the unexpired term and was re-elected in the years 1868, 1873, 1878, and died in office, having served from February 10, 1864, to March 12, 1883, nineteen years, one month and two days. Day, Luther, of Portage county, elected in October, 1864; re-elected in 1869; retired in 1875, by expiration of term, having served from February 9, 1865, to February 9, 1875, ten years. Welch, John, of Athens county, appointed February, 1865, in the place of Judge Ranney, and in October, 1865, was elected for the unexpired term. Was re-elected in 1867, and again in 1872, and served from Feb- ruary 23, 1865, to February 9, 1878, twelve years and sixteen days. McIlvaine, George W., of Tuscarawas county, was elected in 1870, re- elected in 1875, ^^^ again in 1880, and served from February 9, 1871, to February 9, 1886, fif- teen years. West, William H, of Logan county, elected in 1871, resigned in 1873, having served from February 9, 1872, to February 25, 1873, o^^ y^^'" ^"^ sixteen days. Stone, Walter F., of Erie county, was appointed February 25, 1873, to fill vacancy created by the resignation of Judge West. He was elected in October, 1873, to fill the unexpired term of Judge West, but resigned in 1874, having served from February 25, 1873, to September 10, 1874, one year, six months and fifteen days. 12 CatalogJte of Law Library. Rex, George, of Wayne county, appointed in 1874, to fill vacancy cre- ated by the resignation of Judge Stone, was elected in 1874, to fill unexpired term, and served from September 11, 1874, to February 9, 1877, two years, four months and twenty-eight days. GiLLMORE, William J., of Preble county, elected in 1874, term expired in 1880, having served from February 9, 1875, to February 9, 1880, five years. BoYNTON, W. W., of Lorain county, elected in 1876, term expired in in 1882. resigned in 1881, having served from Feb- ruary 9, 1877, to November 9, 1881, four years and nine months. Okey, John W., of Franklin county, elected in 1877, re-elected in 1882, and died while in office, in 1885, having served from February 9, 1878, to July 25, 1885, seven years, five months and sixteen days. Johnson, William W., of Lawrence county, elected in 1879, re-elected in 1884, and resigned in 1886, having served from February 9, 1880, to November 9, 1886, six years and nine months. LoNGWORTH, Nicholas, of Hamilton county, was appointed by the gov- ernor, November 9, 1881, to serve the unexpired term of Judge Boynton. He was elected in 1881 for a full term, but resigned in 1883, having served from November 9, 1881, to March 9, 1883, one year and four months. Doyle, John H., of Lucas county, was appointed by the governor, March 10, 1883, to fill vacancy created by resig- nation of Judge Longworth. Martin D. Fol- let was elected in November, and qualified De- cember 8, 1883, upon which date Judge Doyle re- tired, having served from March 10, 1883, to De- cember 8, 1883, eight months and twenty-eight days. Upson, Willia.m H., of Summit county, was appointed March 14, 1883, to fill unexpired term of Judge White. Selwyn N. Owen was elected and qualified December 8, 1883, wpon which date Judge Upson retired, hav- ing served from March 14, 1883, to December 8, 1883, eight months and twenty-four days. Supreme Court of Ohio. 13 FoLLETT, Martin D., of Washington county, was elected in November, 1883, and qualified December 8, 1883, to fill the unexpired term of Judge Longworth, and served from December 8, 1883, to February 9, 1887, three years, two months and one day. Owen, Selwyn N., of Williams county, was elected in 1883, and quali- fied December 8, 1883, to serve the unexpired term of William White, and a full term commencing February 9, 1884, and served from December 8, 1883, to February 9, 1889, five years, two months and one day. Through deaths and resignations while Judge Owen was on the bench, he re- mained the senior judge for four years of his term of service and was, therefore, chief justice for that length of time. Atherton^ Gibson, of Licking county, was appointed in August, 1885, to fill vacancy until November election, created by the death of Judge Okey, and served from August 20, 1885, to December 16, 1885, three months and twenty-six days. Spear, William T., of Trumbull county, w^as elected in 1885, to fill the unexpired term of Judge Okey, and qualified De- cember 16, 1885. He was re-elected in 1887 for a full term. Under the act of April 15, 1892, pro- viding for an additional judge of the Supreme Court, two judges were elected; Judge Spear be- ing elected for the long term of six years. He was again elected for a full term in 1898, and is still on the bench. MiNSHALL, Thaddeus A., of Ross county, was elected for a full term in 1885, and took his seat on the bench February 9, 1886. He was re-elected in 1890, and again in 1895, and is still on the bench. DiCKMAN, Franklin J., of Cuyahoga county, was appointed by the gov- ernor, November 10, 1886, to fill vacancy occa- sioned by the resignation of Judge Johnson, until his successor was elected and qualified. Judge , DiCKMAN was elected to fill this unexpired term, and was re-elected in 1889 ^or a full term. He served from November 11, 1886, to February 9, 1895, eight years, two months and twenty-eight days. 14 Catalogue of Law Library. Williams^ Marshall J., of Fayette county, was elected in 1886, for a full term, taking his seat on the bench February 9, 1887. He was re-elected in 1891, and again in 1896, and is still on the bench. Bradbury, Joseph P., of Gallia county, was elected in 1888, and took his seat on the bench February 9, 1889. He was re-elected in 1893, and resigned January 10, 1900, having served from February 9, 1889, to January 10, 1900, ten years, eleven months and one day. BuRKET, Jacob F., of Hlancock county, was elected in 1892, for the short term of five years, and took his seat on the bench February 9, 1893. He was re-elected for the full term of six years in 1897, and is still on the bench. Shauck, John A., of Montgomery county, was elected in 1894, and took his seat upon the bench February 9, 1895. He was re-elected in 1900 for the full term of six years, and is still on the bench. Davis, William Z., of Marion county, was elected in 1899, for a full term commencing February 9, 1900. Owing to res- ignation of Judge Bradbury, Judge Davis was appointed by the governor to fill the unexpired term and took his seat on the bench January 10, 1900, and is still on the bench. SUPREME COURT COMMISSION OF 1876-1879. Scott, Josiah, of Crawford county, was appointed by the governor in 1876, and served from February 2, 1876, to Feb- ruary 2, 1879, three years. Johnson, William W., of Lawrence county, was appointed by the governor in 1876, and served from February 2, 1876, to February 2, 1879, three years. Wright, D. Thew, of Hamilton county, was appointed by the governor in 1876, and served from February 2, 1876, to Feb- ruary 2, 1879, three years. Harrison, Richard A., of Franklin county, was appointed by the gov- ernor in 1876, but declined to serve and never qualified. Whitman, Henry C, of Hamilton county, was appointed by the gov- ernor in February, 1876, and resigned in March, 1876, having served from February 2, 1876, to March 17, 1876, one month and fifteen days. Supreme Court of Ohio. 15 Day, Luther, of Portage county, was appointed by the governor in 1876, and served from February 2, 1876, to Feb- ruary 2, 1879, three years. AsHBURN, Thomas Q., of Clermont county, was appointed by the gover- nor in March, 1876, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Whitman. He served from March 18, 1876, to February 2, 1879, two years, ten months and fourteen days. SUPREME COURT COMMISSION. 1883-1885. Moses M. Granger, of Muskingum county; George K. Nash, of Franklin county; Franklin J. Dickman, of Cuyahoga county; Charles D. Martin, of Fairfield county, and John McCauley, of Seneca county, were appointed by the governor for a term of two years, commencing April 17, 1883, and all served continuously throughout said term which, expired April 16, 1885. SUPREME COURT REPORTERS. Up to the time of the adoption of the Constitution of 185 1, the official reporters of the Supreme Court were appointed by a joint resolu- tion of the general assembly notwithstanding Section 6 of the law enacted by the legislature January 20, 1823, which reads : "That the said Judges (Supreme) shall appoint a reporter, who shall report all decisions made at said sessions in Columbus and such other important decisions as he may be directed by said judges to report, and cause the same to be published as soon as may be conveniently done after such session." (21 O. L., 9). Charles Hammond was the first official reporter of the Supreme Court of Ohio and served from 182 1 to 1840, nineteen years, and re- ported volumes 1-9 of Ohio Reports. P. B. Wilcox was reporter for one year, 1840, and reported volume 10, Ohio Reports. E. M. Stanton was reporter from June i, 1842, to 1844, and reported volumes 11-13, Ohio Reports, three volumes. Hiram Griswold was appointed reporter by the legislature, Decem- ber 26, 1844, for three years, his appointment to take effect from and after June i, 1845. He served until June i, 185 1, having reported vol- umes 14-19, Ohio Reports, six volumes. William Lawrence was appointed reporter of the Supreme Court by the legislature, March 20, 1851, for a term of three years, to take 16 Catalogue of Laiv Library. effect from and after June i, following. He served until the March term, 1852, of the Supreme Court, held under the provision of the Constitu- tion of 1 85 1, and reported volume 20, Ohio Reports. (See Lawrence ex parte, i Ohio St., 431.) George McCook was appointed reporter of the Supreme Court by the Supreme Court, at their March term, 1852, and served until Feb- ruary 14, 1853, having reported the first volume of the new series of Ohio Reports titled Ohio State Reports, Volume i. Robert B. Warden served as reporter of the Supreme Court from February 14, 1853, to first division, December term, 1854, when he was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court to fill a vacancy. Upon his re- tirement from the Supreme Bench, February 9, 1855, he was again appointed reporter and served until December term, 1855, having re- ported volumes 2, 3 and 4, Ohio State Reports. J. H. S.NriTH was appointed reporter of the Supreme Court and served during the time Judge Warden was on the bench, and was asso- ciate reporter in reporting volume 3, Ohio State Reports. Leander J. Critchfield was appointed reporter of the Supreme Court to take effect at the commencement of December term, 1855, and served as reporter until commencement of December term, 1871, having reported volumes 5-21, Ohio State Reports, seventeen volumes. Mt)SE.s M. GkAxXger was reporter of the Supreme Court 1871-1873, and reported volumes 22 and 23, Ohio State Reports. E. L. DeWitt was reporter of the Supreme Court from 1874 to 1885, and reported volumes 24-42, Ohio State Reports, nineteen volumes. GE()K. 1 vol. THOMPSON, R. A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Excliange, Notes and Checks. 18G5. 1 vol. TIEDEMAN. C. G. A Treatise on the Law of Commercial Paper, Includin.f^: all species of Instruments of Indebtedness, whether ' negotiable or assignable, which are issued in the commerce of the world. 1889. 1 vol. TIEDEMAN. C. G. A Treatise on the Law of Pills, Notes and Checks. 1808. 1 vol. BILLS OF EXCEPTIONS — See also Facts; Journal Entries. RAY.AIOND. J. Bill of Exceptions. 1845. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 62. BILLS OF LADING. ] PORTER, W. W. A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Lading. 1891. i 1 vol. BILLS OF SALE. BYRNE, J. P. A Treatise on the Law and Practice respecting Bills of Sale. Second edition. Dublin, 1870. 1 vol. BIOGRAPHY — See also Legal Miscellany; Lawyers. CURTIS, B. R. Life and Writings of. 1879. 2 vols. With some of his professional and miscellaneous writings. CAMPBELL'S LR'ES OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES OF ENG- LAND. 1874. 7 vols. CAMPBELL'S LIVES OF THE LORD CH.AXCELLORS OF ENGLAND. 1878. 19 vols. CAMPBELL, LORD. Life of. 1881. 2 vols. CHOATE, RUFUS. Memoirs of. 1884. 1 vol. FLANDERS, H. Lives of the Chief Justices of the Lhiitcd States. 1875. 2 vols.- JOHNSTON, WM. Arguments and S^Deeches. 1887. 1 vol. RICHARDSON. W. A. Life and Public Service of, by F. W. Hack- ett. 1898. 1 vol. TOWER, C. Biographical Sketch and Tal)le of Colonial Laws 1890. 1 vol. VOORHEES, D. W. Forty Years of Oratory. P.y T. \\. Long. 1898. 2 vols. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 179 BIOGRAPHY— Continued. WALLACE, W. The Reporters, chronolog'ically arrang-ed, with occasional remarks on their respective merits. 1882. I vol. 1855. 1 vol. BLACKSTONE — See Law Elementary. BLOOD STAINS — See Medical Jurisprudence. BOARD OF HEALTH - See Public Health. BOARD OF TRADE — See Produce Exchange. BOARDING HOUSES — See Hotels. BONDS AND SECURITIES — See also Bills, Notes and Checks; Official Bonds; Public Securities. CLEMENS, G. C. Corporate Securities. 1877. 1 vol. COLER, W N. The Law of Municipal Bonds. 187:J. 2 vols. DILLON, J. F. Municipal Bonds. 1870. 1 vol. HAINER, B. T. A Treatise on the Modern Law of -\lunicipal Securities. 1898. 1 vol. HURLSTONE. E. J. Law of Bonds. 1885. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. !). JONES, L. A. A Treatise on the Law of Corporate Bonds and Mortgages. 1890. 1 vol. SHORT, E. L. The Law of Railway Bonds and Mortgages in the United States of America. 1897. 1 vol. SIMONTON, T. C. A Treatise on the Law of Municipal Bonds of the Municipal Corporations of the LTnited States. 189(5. 1 vol. BOUNDARIES — See also Water rights. COX, H. Law of Science and Ancient Lights. London. 1871. 1 vol. HUNT, A. J. Law of [boundaries and Fences. London. 1870. 1 vol. THORNTON, W. W. Railroad Fences and Private Crossings. 1892. 1 vol. TYLER, R. H. The Law of Boundaries and Fences, including the Rights of Property on the Seashore, and in the Lands *f Public Rivers and other Streams, and the Law of Window Lights. 1874. 1 vol. 180 Catalogue of Laiu Library. BOUNTIES — See Pensions. BRIDGES — See Water-rights. BRITISH CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT — See English Con- stitution. BROKERS — See Also Agency. BIDDLE. A. & B. A Treatise on the Law of Stock Brokers. 1882. 1 vol. COOK, W. W. The Law of Stock and Stockholders. 189-i. 2 vols. 1887. 1 vol. 1885). 1 vol. DOS PASSOS, J. R. A Treatise on the Law of Stock Brokers and Stock Exchanges. 1882. 1 vol. EDWARDS, L An Essay on Brokers and Factors, or Commis- sion Merchants, inclndins^ a Commentary on the Factors Act. 1870. 1 vol. LOWELL, A. B. & F. C. Transfer of Stock. 1884. 1 vol. RUSSELL, J. A. Factors and Brokers. 18-15. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. ■48. BUILDINGS — See also Contracts. LLOYD, A. P. The Law of Building and Buildings. 1894. 1 vol. 1888. 1 vol. WAIT, J. C. Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence. 1898. 1 vol. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS — See also Fraternities and Societies. EMDEX, A. Tlic Law Relating to Building, Building Leases and Building Contracts. London. 1885. 1 vol. ENDLICH, G. A. The Law of Building Associations in the United States. 1805. 1 vol. 1882. 1 vol. G.ARLAXD, N. S. A Compilation of the Laws and Amendments thereto, relating to Building Societies, Loan Com])anies and joint Stock Companies (Canadian). 1882. 1 vol. PRATT. W. TIDD. The Law relating to Benefit Building Socie- ties (0 and 7 Will. 4 chap. o2). with Practical Observations on the Act, and all the Cases decided thereon ; together with a Form of Rules for a Permanent Benefit Building Society, and Forms of Mortgages to the Trustees. Second Edition. Lon- \ don. 1805. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 181 BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS — Continued. ROSENTHAL, H. A Manual for Building: and Loan Associations. 1888. 1 vol. SCRATCHLEY, A. and BRABROOK, E. W. The Law of Build- ing and Loan Societies. London. 187."). 1vol. THOMPSON, C. N. A Treatise on the Law of Building- and Loan Associations, with Forms. 1890. 1 vol. 1892. 1 vol. THORNTON, W. W. and BLACKLEDGE, F. H. The Law Re- lating to Building and Loan Associations, with Forms and Sug- gestions. 1898. 1 vol. BURDEN OF PROOF — See Onus Probandi. BURIAL — See Ecclesiastical Law. BAKER. T. Law of Burial. London. 1873. 1 vol. BUSINESS CORPORATIONS — See Corporations. BUSINESS LAW— See also Forms; Bankruptcy; Bills, Notes and Checks; Partnership; Mercantile Law; Notaries. MATHEWS, S. A Summary of the Law of Partnership, for the use of Business Men. 1864. 1 vol. PARSONS, T. Laws of Business for all States of the Union, with Forms and Directions for all Transactions. 1857. 1 vol. SAYLER, J. R. The American Form Book. A Collection of Legal and Business Forms, embracing Deeds, Mortgages. Leases, Bonds, Wills, Contracts, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Checks, Bills of Sale, Receipts and other Legal In- struments, prepared in accordance with the Laws of the sev- eral States. With Instructions for Drawing and Executing the same for the use of Professional and Business Men. 1878. 1 vol. CALENDARS — See Almanac. CANALS — See Corporations ; Railways ; Water-rights ; Carriers. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT — See Criminal Law. CARRIERS— See also General Works Under Bailments; Negli- gence; Railways; Stopp.^ge in Transitu; Telegraphs. 182 Catalogw of Laiu Library. CARRIERS — Continued. ANGELL, J. K. The Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers, by Land and by Water, with an Appendix of Statutes regulat- ing Passenger Vessels and Steamboats, etc. Fifth edition, re- vised, corrected and enlarged, by John Lathrop. 1877. 1 vol. Fourth edition. 18GS. 1 vol. — Second edition. 1851. 1 vol. BONNEY, C. C. The Law for the Carriage and Delivery of Per- sons and Property by Railways. 1864. 1 vol. BROWN. Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers by Land and Water. Notes by H. G. Wood. 1883. 1 vol. CHITTY, T. and TEMPLE, L. The Law of Carriers of Goods and Passengers by Land, Inland Navigation, and in Ships. With an Appendix of Statutes and Forms of Pleadings. With American Notes, by David W. Sellers. 1857. 1 vol. FETTER, N. A Treatise on the Law of Carriers of Passengers. 1897. 2 vols. HUTCHINSON, R. A Treatise on the Law of Carriers. Second edition, by F. R. Mechem. 1801. 1 vol. 1879. 1 vol. LAWSON, J. D. A Treatise on the Contracts of Common Car- riers. 1880. 1 vol. MARSHALL, W. The Duties and Obligations of Railway Com- panies as Carriers of Passengers and Goods. London. 1861. 1 vol. POWELL, E. Law of Inland Carriers. Second edition. London. 1861. 1 vol. RAY, C. A. Negligence of Imposed Duties of Carriers of Passen- gers. 1893. 1 vol. RAY, C. A. Negligence of Impo.sed Duties of Freight Carriers. 1895. 1 vol. REDFIELD, ISAAC F. The Law of Carriers of Goods and Pas- sengers, Private and Public, Inland and Foreign, by Railway, Steamboat, and other Modes of Transportation ; also the Con- struction, Responsibility, and duty of Telegraph Companies ; the Responsibility and Duty of Innkeepers, and the Law of Bailments of every class, embracing Remedies. 1869. 1 vol. SCHOULER, J. A Treatise on the Law of Bailments, including Carriers, Innkeepers, and Pledge. 1897. 1 vol, 1880. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 183 CARRIERS — Continued. 1887. 1 vol. THOMPSON, S. D. Law of Carriers of Passengers, illustrated by Leading Cases and Notes. 1880. 1 vol. WHEELER, E. P. The Modern Law of Carriers, or the Limita- tion of the Common Law Lial)ility of Common Carriers. 1890. 1 vol. CASES — See Leading Cases; Trials; Overruled Cases. CATALOGUES. ANDERSON, W. H. AND CO. Law Books. 1897. 1 vol. BAKER, VOORHIS AND CO. Law Books. 1898. 1 vol. BANKS AND BROS. Law Books. 1895. 1 vol. BOSTON SOCIAL LAW LIBRARY. 1865. 1 vol. BOWEN, MERRILL AND CO. Leading Law Books. 1899. 1 vol. BUTTERWORTH AND CO. Leading Law Books. 1898. 1 vol. CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY. 1886. 1 vol. and Supple- ment. 1893. 1 vol. CALLAGHAN AND CO. Law Books. 1896. 1 vol. CANADA SUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARY. 1897. 1 vol. CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY. 1869. 3 vols. 1873-75. 1» vol. CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO. Law Books. 1890. 1 vol. DAYTON (OHIO), LAW LIBRARY AND OFFICES OF AT- TORNEYS. 1891. 1 vol. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BAR ASSOCIATION. 189L 1 vol. EAST INDIA CO. Catalogue. London. 1845. 1 vol. GEORGIA LAW LIBRARY. 1879. 1 vol. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 1841. 1 vol. INDIANA STATE LAW LIBRARY. 1872. 1 vol. 1889. 1 vol. 1898. 1 vol. LAWYERS REFERENCE MANUAL. Soule. 1883. 1 vol. LIBRARY BUREAU CATALOGUE. 1899. 1 vol. MISSISSIPPI STATE LIBRARY. 1872. 1 vol. 184 Catalogue of Law Library. CATALOGUES — Continued. NEW YORK CITY BAR ASSOCIATION. 1892. 1 vol. NEW YORK LAW INSTITUTE. 1874. 1 vol. NEW YORK STATE LAW LIBRARY. First Supplement, 1865, 1 vol. Subject Index, 1882, 1 vol. Law Subject Index, 1883- 1893, 1 vol. OHIO STATE LIBRARY. 1875 and Supplement of 1882. 2 vols. OHIO SUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARY. 1880. 1 vol. Supplement 1890. 1 vol. 1894. 1 vol. 1899. 1 vol. PENNSYLVANIA STATE LIBRARY. 1859. 1 vol. STEVENS AND SONS. Law Books. 1894. 1 vol. ST. LOUIS LAW LIBRARY. 1895. 1 vol. SWEET AND MAXWELL. Law Books. 1895. 1 vol. WISCONSIN STATE LIBRARY. 1881. 1 vol. Subject Index 1891. 1 vol. CHAMPERTY AND MAINTENANCE — See also CoxXtracts. TAPP, \\\ J. Law of Maintenance and Champerty. 1861. 1 vol. CHANCERY — See also Equity. MADDOCK, H. A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of the Hi,^h Court of Chancery. 1832. 2 vols. CHARGING THE JURY —See Jlrv. CHARITABLE USE5 — See Trusts. A. Practical Treatise on Charities. London. WHITEFORD, F. M. The Law relating to Charities, especially with reference to the validity and construction of Charitable Be- queaths and Conveyances. London. 1878. 1 vol. CHATTEL MORTGAGES — See also Mortgages; Sales. BIDDLE. A. G. Warranties in the sale of Chattels. 1884. 1 vol. COBBEY. J. E. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Chattel Mort- gajfcs as Administered h\ the Courts of the United States. 1893. 2 vols. HERMAN, H. M. Treatise of Chattel Mortgages. 1S77. 1 vol. CHARITIES. BOYLE. W. R 1837. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 185 CHATTEL MORTGAGES — Continued. TONES. L. A. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages of Personal Property. 1894. 1 vol. 1881. 1 vol. 1883. 1 vol. — 1888. 1 vol. KEYES. \y. An Essay on Personal Chattels. 1853. 1 vol. PIERCE, J. O. Mortgages of }^Ierchandise. 1884. 1 vol. PINGREY, D. H. A Treatise on the Law of Chattel Mortgages. 18r)L 1 vol. CHECKS — See Bills, Notes, and Checks; Banks and Banking. CHIEF JUSTICES — See Biography. CHURCHES — See Ecclesiastical Law. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE— See also Evidence ; Trials : Pre- sumptions. BURRILL, A. yi. The Nature, Principles, and Rules of Circum- stantial Evidence, especially that of the Presumptive Kind in Criminal Cases. 1808. 1 vol. 185G. 1 vol. WILL, W. Essay on the Principles of Circumstantial Evidence, illustrated by numerous Cases. 1872. 1 vol. 18.o7. 1 vol. WILL, A. P. A Treatise on the Law of Circumstantial Evidence. Illustrated by numerous Cases. 189(>. 1 vol. CITIES AND VILLAGES — See Municipal Corporations. CITIZENSHIP. MORSE, A. P. A Treatise on Citizenship by Birth and by Natural- ization. 1881. 1 vol. WEBSTER, P. A Treatise on the Law of Citizenship in the United States. Treated historically. 1891. 1 vol. WEBSTER, P. Law of Naturalization in the United States of America and other Countries. 189.'). 1 vol. » CIVIL JURY TRIALS— See Jlrv. CIVIL LAW— See also Ancient Law ; Early English Law. AMOS. S. Roman Civil Law. 1883. 1 vol. 186 Catalogue of Lazv Library. CIVIL LAW — Continued. COOPER, THOS. The Institutes of Justinian, Translated, with Notes. Third edition, with additional Notes and References, by A. S. Garr. 1852. 1 vol. DOM AT, JEAN. The Civil Law in its Natural Order, together with the Public Law, translated into English by William Strahan ; with remarks on some Differences between tlie Civil Law and the Law of England. 1850. 2 vols. GAIUS. Elements of Roman Law by Gaius. With a Translation and Commentary by Edward Poste. London. 1875. 1 vol. GRAPEL, WM. Sources of the Roman Civil Law. An Introduc- tion to the Institutes of Justinian. 1857. 1 vol. See also an edition in Lavv Library Series, vol. J)4. HUMPHREY, C. Compendium of the Common Law in force m Kentucky. 1882. 1 vol. HUNTER, W. A. Roman Civil Law. 1885. 1 vol. KAUFFMAN, P. J. Alodern Civil Law. 1815. 1 vol. LINDLEY, N. Introduction to the Study of Jurisprudence; being a translation of the general part of Thibaut's "System des Pan- dekten Rechts," with Notes and Illustrations. 1855. 1 vol. MACKELDEY, F. Hand-book of the Roman Law. Translated and edited by ^I. A. Dropsie, from the fourteenth German edi- tion. 188:1 2 vols, in L POLLOCK, F. and MAITLAND, F. W. History of the English Law. 1895. 2 vols. PULSZKY, A. The Theory of Law and Civil Society. London. 1888. 1 vol. RUTHERFORTH, T. Institutes of Natural Law. 1832. '1 vol. SAMPSOxN, W. Common Law. 1820. 1 vol. SANDARS, T. C. The Institutes of Justinian. 1876. 1 vol. SAVIGNY, FRED. CARL VON. The Law of Obligations. An Epitome and Analysis of Savigny's Treatise on Obligations in Roman Law, by A. Brown. London. 1872. 1 vol. TAYLOR'S CIVIL LAW. 1755. 1 vol. THORPE. Laws of England. 1840. 2 vols. WOOD. T. Civil Law. 1730. 1 vol. WYATT, J. Practical Register in Chancery. 1800. WYNNE, E. Eunomus or Dialogue on the Laws of England. 1821. 2 vols, in 1. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 1^7 CIVIL LIBERTY. LIEBER, F. Civil Liberty and Self-Government. 1880. 1 vol. CIML SERVICE. Report Civil Service Commission. 14th An- nual Report. 189G-D7. 1 vol. CIVIL PROCEDURE. MARTIN, A. Civil Procedure at Common Law. 181)9. 1 vol. CLAIM AND DELIVERY — See Remedies; Replevin. CLEARING HOUSE — See Banks and Banking. CLERKS AND CONVEYANCES — See Conveyancing. COAL OIL— See Petroleum. CO=TENACY — See Partition. CODE — See Pleading and Practice; Jurisprudence. VAN FLEET, J. M. The Law of Collateral Attack on Judicial Proceedings. 1892. 1 vol. COLLATERAL EVIDENCE — See Evidence. COLLATERAL INHERITANCE TAX — See Inheritance Tax. COLLATERAL SECURITY — See also Usury ; Bailments. COLE BROOK. \\'. A Treatise on the Law of Collateral Securities as applied to Negotiable, Quasi-Negotiable, and Non-Negoti- able Choses in Action. Second edition by George A. Benham. 1898. 1 vol. 188:1. 1 vol. JONES, L. A. A Treatise on the Law of Pledges, including Col- lateral Securities. 188:1. 1 vol. COLLECTOR — See Assessor. COLLIERIES — See Mines. COMBINATIONS. EDDY, A. J. The Law of Combinations embracing Monopolies, * Trusts, etc. 1901. 2 vols. COMMERCIAL LAW — See Mercantile Law ; Business Law. COMMERCIAL PAPER AND COMMERCIAL DECISIONS— See Bills, Notes and Checks. \ 188 Catalogue of Laiv Library. COMMERCIAL AND TRADE CONTRACTS — See also Contracts. JONES, D. A. A Treaties on the Construction or Interpretation of Commercial and Trade Contracts. 1886. 1 vol. COMMISSIONERS — See also Notaries ; Public Officers. WELLS, J. C. The Powers and Duties of County Commissioners in the State of Ohio. 1883. 1 vol. COMMISSION MERCHANTS — See Brokers ; Agency. COMMON CARRIERS — See Carriers. COMMON PLACE BOOK— See Legal ?^Iiscellany. COMMON LAW — See Law Elementary. COMMUNICATIONS. GRAY. AL A Treatise on Communication by Telegraph. 1885. 1 vol. P[AGEaL-\N, J. F. Privileg-ed Comm.unications as a Branch of Le.o-al Evidence. 1889. 1 vol. COMPENSATION — See Eminent Domain. CONCORDANCE — See Dictionary. CONCURRENT JURISDICTION — See Jurisdiction. CONDEMNATION — See Compensation ; Admiralty. CONDITIONAL SALES— See Sale, CONFESSION. JOY, H. H. Confession and Challenges. 1842. See Law Library Series, vol. 40. CONFLICT OF LAWS — See also Extradition; International Law. DICEY, A. V. A Digest of the Law of England with Reference to the Conflict of Laws, with Notes of American Cases, by J. B. Moore. 1890. 1 vol. ' • GARDNER, DANIEL. Institutes of International Law, Public and Private, as settled by the Supreme Court of the LTnited States, and by our Republic, with Reference to Judicial De- cisions. 1800. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 189 CONFLICT OF LAWS— Continued. AilXOR, R. C. Conflict of Laws or Private International Law. IJIOL 1 vol. .'^.W'lGXY, FRED. CARL VON. Private International Law. A Treatise -on the Conflict of Laws and the Limits of their Ope- ration, in rci^pect to Place and Time. Translated, with Notes, hv W. Guthrie. London. Sixth edition. 1880. 1 vol. STOFv-Y, JOSEPII. The Conflict of Laws, Foreign and Domestic, in regard to Contracts, Rights and Remedies, and especially in regard to Marriage, Divorces, Wills, Successions and Judg- m.ents. Seventh edition, revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged. by D. H. Bennett. 1872. 1 vol. 1884. 1 vol. Fourth edition. 1X52. 1 vol. Sixth edition. 18(;5. 1 vol. VvESTLAKE, JOHN. Private International Law; or, the Conflict of Laws, with Principal Reference to its Practice in the English and other Cognate Systems of Jurisprudence, and Numerous References to American Authorities. li:>. 1 vol. LEE, T. Y. Abstracts of Title. 1847. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 58. MARTINDALE, W. P>. A Treatise on the Law of Conveyancing. Second edition by L. S. Metcalfe. 1889. 1 vol. 1882. 1 vol. MOORE, H. Instructions for Preparing Abstracts of Title. 185:1. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 77. OLIVER, B. L. Forms of Conveyancing. 1842. 1 vol. PRESTON, R. A.bstracts of Title. 1828. H vols, in 2. PRESTON, R. Conveyancing. 1819. :; vols. SAYLER, J. R. The American Form Book. A Collection of Legal and Business Forms, embracing Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Bonds, Wills, Contracts, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Checks, Bills of Sale, Receipts, and other Legal Instruments, prepared in accordance with the Laws of the several States. With instructions for Drawing and Executing the same, for the use of Professional and Business ]\Ien. 1878. 1 vol. THORNTON, J. B. Digest of Conveyancing. 1851. 1 vol. WARYELLE, G. W. A Practical Treatise on Abstracts and Exam- inations of Title to Real Property. 1892. 1 vol. WATKINS, C. Conveyances. 18:18. See Law Library Series, vol. 20. 188:i. 1 vol. WHARTON. J. J. S. The Principles of Conveyancing, with Copy- hold Forms and Precedents. 1851. 1 vol. See also Law Li- brary Series, vol. 74. WILLARD, J. Real Estate and Conveyancing. 1885. 1 vol. CO=OPERATIVE SOCIETIES — See Building Societies. COPYRIGHT — See also Trade-marks; Patents. CURTIS, GEO. T. The Law of Copyright, with Leading Cases. 1857. 1 vol. LAW, S. D. Digest of Trade-mark and Copyright Cases. 1877. 1 vol. 198 Catalogue of Laiu Library. COPYRIGHT — Continued. AlORGAN, J. A. The Law of Literature ; Reviewing the Laws of Literary Property in Manuscripts, Books, Lectures, Dramatic and Musical Compositions, Works of Art, Newspapers, Peri- odicals, etc., Copyright Transfers, Copyright and Piracy, etc. With Appendix of z\merican, English, French and German Statutes of Copyright. 2 vols. 1875. WHITAL\N, C. S. Patent, Copyright, and Trade-mark Cases, from 1 Black to 20 Wallace. 1875. 1 vol. CORONER — See also Sheriff. LEE, J. G. Hand-book for Coroners ; Containing a Digest of all the Laws in the Thirty-eight States in the Union. Together with a Historical Resume. 1881. 1 vol. CORPORATE TRUSTS — See Contractual Limitations. CORPORATIONS — See also Bonds; Building Societies; Eccle- siastical Law ; Joint Stock Companies, Municipal Cor- porations; Railways; Scire Facias; Ultra Vires. ABBOTT. B. V. and A. A General Digest of the Law of Corpora- tions. Presenting the American Adjudications upon Public and Private Corporations. With a selection of English cases. 1870. 2 vols. ALGER, A. J\L Promoters and Promotion of Corporations. 1807. I vol. AMERICAN CORPORATION CASES. 1872-1887 and Digest. II vols. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH CORPORATION CASES. 1884- 1895. 48 vols. And Digest, vols. 1 to 40. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH CORPORATION CASES. New Series. 18«fi-ll)00. 12 vols. AMERICAN RAILROAD AND CORPORATION REPORTS. 1800-1806. 12 vols, and Digest. ANGELL, JOSEPH K. and AMES. SAMUEL. The Law of Pri- vate Corporations Aggregate. Eleventh edition, revised, cor- rected, and enlarged, by John Lathrop. 1882. 1 vol. Fourth edition. I8r)2. 1 vol. Eighth edition. 18<)(). 1 vol. Ninth edition. 1S71. 1 vol. Tenth edition. 1875. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 199 CORPORATIONS — Continued. BEACH, C. F. Company Law. Commentaries on the Law of Pub- lic Corporations, Including:!;- Municipal. ISlKi. 2 vols. BEACH, C. F. Company Law. Commentaries on the Law of Pri- vate Corporations, whether with or witliout capital stock, also of Joint Stock Companies. 1801. 2 vols. BEACH'S RAILWAY AND CORPORATION LAW JOUR- NAL. See Railway and Corporation Law Journal. BINIMORE. See American Corporation Cases, all after vol. 4. BOONE, C. T. A Manual of the Law Applicable to Corporations. 1882. 1 vol. BREWER. A. T. and LAUBSCHER, G. A. Ohio Corporations other than Municipal, with Forms. 1900. 1 vol. 1SS4. 1 vol. 1880. 1 vol. 1801. 1 vol. CONYNGTON, T. The Organization and Management of a Busi- ness Corporation. 1!)00. 1 vol. COOK, W. W. Corporations. As created and rec^ulatcd by the Statutes and Constitutions of the various States and Territories. Also of the Federal Government, and of England, Canada, France and Germany. 1880. 1 vol. COOK. ^^^ W. a Treatise on Stock and Stockliolders and General Corporation Law. 1804. 2 vols. 1889. 1 vol. COOK, W. W. A Treatise on the Law of Corporations having a Capital Stock. "The title of this work has been changed to a 'Treatise on Corporation Law' for the reason that the work itself has been expanded from a 'Treatise on Stock and Stock- holders.' " 1808. ;i vols. GUMMING, G. M. Cases on Private Corporations. 1804. 1 vol. CUMAHNG, GILBERT and WOODWARD. The Corporation Laws of all the States, Annotated. 1809. 4 vols. DIGBY, K. E. The Sale and Transfer of Shares in Companies. London. 18(>8. 1 vol. DILL, J. B. The Statutory and Case Law Applicable to Private Companies under the General Corporation Act of New Jersey. 1808. 1 vol. ELLIOTT, C. B. A Treatise on the Law of Private Corpora- tions. 1000. ] vol. 1897. 1 vol. 200 Catalogue of Law Library. CORPORATIONS — Continued. FIELD, G. \y. A Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations. 1877. 1 vol. FOOTE. A. R. and EVERETT, C. E. The Law of Incorporated Companies operating under Municipal Franchises. Economic Legislation of all the States on the Law of Incorporated Com- panies. 1892. 3 vols. GLUCK, J. F. and BECKER, A. The Law of Receivers of Cor- porations, including National Banks. 180(5. 1 vol. 1891. 1 vol. " GRAXT, JA3,IES. The Lav.- of Corporations in General, as well Aggregate as Sole. 1854. 1 vol. See also Law Library Series, vol. 80. HARRIS, G. E. A. Treatise on the Law of Damages by Corpora- tions. 1892. 2 vols. lilRSCHL, A. J. Combination, Consolidation and Succession of Corporations. 1896. 1 vol. JONES. L. A.. ,V Treatise on the Law of Corporate Bonds and Mortgages. 1890. 1 vol. KERR, J. M. The Law of Business Corporations. 1890. 1 vol. KYD, S. A Treatise on the Law of Corporations. 1793. 2 vols. LEWIS. See American Railway and Corporation Reports. MARSHALL, E. J. Ohio Corporations. 1901. 1 vol. MORxA.WETZ, y. A Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations. 1886. 2 vols. 1882. 1 vol. MURFREE, W. L. Law of Foreign Corporations. 1893. 1 vol. PECK, H. D. The Law of Municipal Corporations in the State of Ohio. See under Municipal Corporations. PEN FOLD, C. Law of Rating of Railway, Gas, and other Com- panies. Sixth edition. London. 1870. 1 vol. POTTER, P. Treatise on the Law of Corporations. 1879. 2 vols. PROFFATT, J. Law of Private Corporations under the Civil Code of California, with recent Amendments and Statutes, and with full Annotations of the Supreme Court Reports of California and other States. 1876. 1 vol. RAILWAY AND CORPORATION LAW JOURNAL. 1887- 1892. 12 vols. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 201 CORPORATIONS — Continued. RAPALIE, S. A Digest of all Railroad and Corporation Decisions of the Federal Courts and the Courts of the several States and Territories, together with Important English Decisions. 1892. 1 vol. REID, W. A. A Treatise on the Law Pertaining to Corporate Fi- nance, including the I'inancial Operations and Arrangements of Public and Private Corporations as determined by the Courts and Statutes of the United States and England. 1890. 2 vols. RENO, C. A. Treatise on the Law of Non-Residents and Foreign Corporations as administered in the State and Federal Courts of the United States. 1892. 1 vol. SHIRLEY, J. ^[. Dartmouth College Causes. 1879. 1 vol. S^NTITH. J. E. Delaware Corporations. 1899. 1 vol. SPELLING, T. C. A Treatise on the Law of Private Corpora- tions. Rights, Remedies and Legislation. 1892. 2 vols. STIMSON, F. J. American Statute Law, vol. 2. Devoted to Pri- vate Corporations. 1892. 1 vol. TAYLOR. H. O. A Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations. 1898. 1 vol. 1881. 1 vol. THOMPSON, S. D. A Treatise on the Liability of Stockholders in Corporations. 1879. 1 vol. THOMPSON, S. D. The Liability of Directors and other Officers and Agents of Corporations. Illustrated by Leading Cases and Notes. 1880. 1 vol. THOMPSON, S. D. Commentaries on tl.e Law of Private Corpo- rations. 1895-99. 7 vols. WAIT, F. S. A Practical Treatise on Insolvent- Corporations, in- cluding the Liquidation, Re-Organization, Forfeiture, Dissolu- tion, and Winding-Up of Corporations. 1888. 1 vol. WATERMAN, T. W. A Treatise on the Law of Corporations other than Municipal. 1888. 2 vols. WITHROW. See American Corporation Cases. \'ols. 1, 2, 3 and 4. COSTS. BEAMES, J., on Costs. 1889. 1 vol. See Law Library Series,, vol. 23. BRIGHTLY, F. C. The Law of Costs in Pennsylvania, with Fee Bill and Decisions of the Courts. 1847. 1 vol. 202 Catalogue of Lazu Library. COSTS — Continued. l^\RSONS. F. :\I. The Law of Costs in New York and Ohio, with Notes, etc. 187(i. 1 vol. SAVER. J. Law of Cost. DubHn. 1792. 1 vol. CO=TENANCY -- See Partition. COUNTER=CLAIM — See Set-off. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. WELLS, J. C. The Powers and Duties of County Commissioners in the State of Ohio. 1883. 1 vol. COURT PRACTICE — See Pleading and Practice. COURT AND JURY — See Facts; Jury. COURT MARTIAL — See Military. COURTS — See Jurisdiction. COVENANTS OF TITLES — See also Real Property. PLATT, T. Covenants of Title. 1834. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 3. RAWLE, WILLIAINI .H. The Law of Covenants for Title. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. 1873. 1 vol. — Edition of 1854. 1 vol. COVENANTS IN GENERAL. PLATT, T. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Covenants. 1834. 1 vol. COVERTURE — See Domestic Relations. CREDITORS — See Debtor and Creditor. CRIMINAL LAW — See also Abortion; Bastardy; Homicide; Self- 1)i-:fknse; Trials. For Court-Martial, see under Military. Insanity as a defense, see Insanity. By Corporations, see Quo Warranto. Justices' jurisdiction in, see Justice of the Peace. ABBOTT, A. A Brief for the Trial of Criminal Cases. 1889. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 203 CRIMINAL V^AV^ — Continued. ABBOTT, A. A Brief on the Modes of Proving the Facts Most Frequently in Issue or Collaterally in Question on the Trial of Civil or Criminal Cases. 1889. 1 vol. AMERICAN CRIMINAL REPORTS. \ ols. 1. 2 and :i. by Haw- ley. Vols. 4-10, by Gibbons. 10 vols. AMES, D. T. Law of Forgery. 1800. 1 vol. ARCHBOLD, J. F. Criminal Procedure, Pleading, and Evidence, in Indictable Cases, with ^Minute Directions and Forms for every Criminal Law that can arise. Pomeroy's Notes. 1880.. li vols. Third American from Fifth London. 18:-?o. 1 vol. Seventh edition. 1800. 2 vols. Seventeenth London edition. 1871. 1vol. 1877. 2 vols. BECCARIA, M. Crimes and Punishments. 1872. 1 vol. BENNETT, E. H. and HEARD, F. F. A Selection of Leading Cases in Criminal Law. First edition. 1857. 2 vols. BISHOP, J. P. New Criminal Procedure or New Commentaries on the Law of Pleading and Evidence, and the Practice in Crim- inal Cases. 1800. 2 vols. Second edition. 1872. 2 vols. Third edition. 1880. 2 vols. BISHOP, JOEL P. Commentaries on the Criminal Law. Revised and enlarged. 1802. 2 vols. 1805. 12 vols. 1872. 2 vols. 1877. 2 vols. 1882. 2 vols. BISHOP, JOEL P. Commentaries on the Law of Statutory Crimes, embracing General Principles of Statutory Interpreta- tion ; Particular Principles applicable in Criminal Cases, Lead- ing Doctrines of the Common Law of Crimes, and Discussions of the various Statutory Crimes as respects both the Law and the Procedure. 1883. 1 vol. 1800. 2 vols. 1873. 1 vol. CARRINGTON, F. A. A Supplement to all the Treaties on Criminal Law. London. 1828. 1 vol. 204 Catalogue of Laze Library. CRIMINAL LAW — Coiriaucd. CHAPLIN, H. W. Cases on Criminal Law. 1896. 1 vol. 1891. 1 vol. CHITTY, J. Practical Treatise on the Criminal Law. 1836. 3 vols. CLARK, W. L. Hand-Book of Criminal Law. 1894. 1 vol. CLARKE, S. R. The Criminal Law of Canada. Toronto. 1872. 1 vol. COLE, W. R. The Law and Practice Relating to Criminal Infor- mations and Informations in the Nature of Quo Warranto. 1843. 1 vol. COX, E. W. Reports of Cases in Criminal Law Argued and De- termined in all the Courts of England and Ireland. London. 1843-1895. 17 vols. CRIMINAL DEFENSES. 6 vols. Vol. 1 by Horrigan & Thomp- son ; and vols. 2-6 by J. D. Lawson. CRIMINAL LAW MAGAZINE and CRIMIX.VL LAW MAGA- ZINE AND REPORTER. 1-4 by Rapalje & Lawrence; vols. 5-11 by S. J. Rapalje : vols. 12-15 by G. A. Endlich : vols. 16-18 by J. G. Irwin. CRIMINAL LAW REPORTS. N. St. J. Green. 1874-5. 2 vols. DAVIS, D. Criminal Justice. 1853. 1 vol. DEARSLEY, H. R. Criminal Process. 1854. 1 vol. See Law. Library Series, vol. 81. DESTY. R. A Compendium of American Criminal Law. 1882. 1 vol. EAST, SIR E. H. Pleas of the Crown ; or a General Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Criminal Law. 1803. 2 vols. FISHER, R. A. Digest of the Reported Cases (from 1756-1870 inclusive) relating to Criminal Law, Criminal Information, and Extradition. 1871. 1 vol. GIBBONS. See American Criminal Reports, vols 4-10. GREEN, N. ST. JOFIN. Criminal Law Reports. Being Reports of Cases determined in the Federal and State Courts of the United States, and in the Courts of England, Ireland, Canada, etc. With Notes. 1876. 2 vols. HALE, SIR MATTHEW. The History of the Pleas of the Crown; with References to the English and American Decis- ions, and Notes on the Criminal Law of America. 1778. 2 vols. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 205 CRIMINAL LAW — Coiitiiutcd. HANES, JOHN L. United States Criminal Digest, being Decis- ions in Criminal Cases contained in the Reports of the United States Courts and the several State Courts. 1856. 1 vol. HARRIS, S. F. Principles of Criminal Law. Notes by M. F. Force. 1885. 1 vol. 1880. 1 vol. HAWKINS, WM. The Pleas of the Crown ; or, a System of the Principal Matters relating to the subject, Digested under proper heads. Eighth edition, with the Cases brought down, by J. Curwood. London. 1824. 2 vols. HAWLEY. J. G. See American Criminal Law Reports. \'ols. 1, 2 and 8. HEARD. F. F. The Principles of Criminal Pleading. 1879. 1 vol. HORRIGAN AND THOMPSON. See vol. 1 of Criminal De- fenses. HORRIGAN AND THOMPSON. Select American Cases on the Law of Self-Defense. 1874. 1 vol. JOY, H. H. Admissibility of Confessions in Criminal Cases. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 40. JOY. H. H. Evidence of Accomplices. 1844. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 45. LAWSON, J. D. Criminal Defenses. See Criminal Defenses, vols. 2-6. MAY, J. W. The Law of Crimes. 1881. 1 vol. MAXWELL, S. A Practical Treatise on Criminal Procedure. 1887. 1 vol. McCLAIN, E. A Treatise on the Criminal Law as now Adminis- tered in the United States. 1897. 2 vols. RAPALJE, S. A Treatise on Criminal Procedure. 1889. 1 vol. RAPALJE, S. A Treatise on Larceny and Kindred Offenses. 1893. 1 vol. RICE, F. S. Criminal Evidence. See vol. 3 of Rice on Evidence. 1898. ROE, E. T. Criminal Procedure. 1887. 1 vol. ROSCOE, H. Digest of the Law of Evidence in Criminal Cases. Eighth edition, with Notes and References to American Decis- ions, by George Sharswood, and additional notes by F. L. Wav- land. 1888. 2 vols. 206 Catalogue of Law Library. CRIMINAL LAW — Continued. • Fifth American. 185-4. 1 vol. Sixth edition. 18G0. 1 vol. Seventh edition. 1874. 2 vols. RUSSELL, W'. O. A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors. 1896. 8 vols. First American edition. 1824. 2 vols. Seventh American edition. 1853. 2 vols. Ninth American edition. 1877. 8 vols. STARKIE. T. A Treatise on Criminal Pleading. 1824. 1 vol. STEPHEN, J. F. Digest of Criminal Procedure. 1888. 1 vol. See also an edition of 1840 in Law Library Series, vol. 27. 1877. 1 vol. STEPHEN, J. F. A History of the Criminal Law of England. 1888. 8 vols. THOMPSON, S. D. A Treatise on the Law of Trials in Actions, Civil and Criminal. 1889. 2 vols. TRAIN, C. R. and HEARD, F. F. Precedents of Indictments, Spe- cial Pleas, etc. 18.1.J. 1 vol. UNDERHILL, H. C. A Treatise on the Law of Criminal Evi- dence. 1898. 1 vol. WASHBURN, E. A Manual of Criminal Law. including the Mode of Procedure by which it is enforced. Especially designed for use of Students. Second edition by M. D. Ewell. 1889. 1 vol. WATERMAN. T. W. United States Criminal Digest, A Digest of all the Criminal Cases contained in the United States Re- ports, and the Courts of the Several States. 1877. 1 vol. WHARTON, F. A Treatise on Criminal Law. Tenth edition, re- vised, with large additions by W. D. Lewis. 1896. 2 vols. Third edition. 1855. 1 vol. Sixth edition. 1868. 8 vols. Seventh edition. 1874 8 vols. Eighth edition. 1880. 2 vols. Ninth edition. 1885. 2 vols. WHARTON, F. Criminal Pleading and Practice. Ninth edition. 1889. 1 vol. Eitrhth edition. 1880. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. ^01 CRIMINAL LAW — Continued. WHARTOX. F. Precedents of Indictments and Pleas. 1881. 2 vols. Second edition. IS")!. 1 vol. Third edition. ISTl. WHARTOX. F. A Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Criminal Issues. Xinth edition. 1SS4. 1 vol. 1880. 1 vol. WHEELER, JACOB D. Report of Criminal Law Cases, with Copious Notes and References ; containing: also a View of the Criminal Law of the United States. 182:^.. :'> vols. WILSOX, M. F. The Criminal Code of Ohio, and Forms, with Forms and Precedents for Indictments, Informations, and Afifidavits. Forms for Writs. Docket and Journal Entries, and Digest of Decisions. 1807. 1 vol. 1878. 1 vol. ISiii). 1 vol. 1894. 1 vol. CURTESY — See Dower. CUSTOM — See Usage. CYCLOP/^DIA.— See Encyclop^di.\. DAMAGES— Compensation by corporations for land, see Compensa^ TION. EGGLESTOX. W. a Treatise on the Law of Damages. 1880. 1 vol. ERICHSOX, J. E. Xervous Injuries. 1807. 1 vol. FIELD, GEORGE W. The Law of Damages. 1878. 1 vol. MAYNE, J. D. The Law of Damages. Comprising their Meas- ure, the Mode in which they are Assessed and Reviewed, the Practice of Granting New Trials, and the Law of Set-ofT. Wood's Notes. 1880. 1 vol. 1,S5(;. 1 vol. See also Law Library Series, vol. 92. SEDGWICK. A. G. Elements of Damages. A Hand-Book for the use of Students and Practitioners. 1896. 1 vol. SEDGWICK. H. D. Leading Cases on the Measure of Damages, with Notes. 1878. 1 vol. 208 Catalogue of Laz^^ Library. DAMAGES — Continued. SEDGWICK, THEODORE. A Treatise on the Measure of Dam- ages ; or An Inquiry into the Principles which govern the Amount of Pecuniary Compensation awarded by Courts of Jus- tice. Eighth edition, revised and annotated. Sedgwick and Beale. 1891. '\ vols. P^ourth edition. 1808. 1 vol. Sixth edition. 1874. 1 vol. Seventh edition. 1880. 1 vol. SHIRLEY, M. Darmouth College Cases. 1879. 1 vol. SUTHERLAND, J. G. A Treatise on the Law of Damages, Em- bracing an Elementary Exposition of the Law and also its ap- plication to Particular Subjects of Contract and Tort. 1893. 3 vols. DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA. WEEKS, E. P. The Doctrine of Damnum Absque Injuria, Con- sidered in its Relation to the Law of Torts. 1879. 1 vol. DEATH BY WRONGFUL ACT. TIFFANY, F. B. A Treatise on the Law Peculiar to Actions for Injuries Resulting in Death. 1893. 1 vol. DEBTOR AND CREDITOR — See also Assignment for Creditors; Bankruptcy; Fr.\udulent Conveyance; Partnership. SMITH, J. W. The Equitable Remedies of Creditor in Relation to Fraudulent Conveyances, Transfers, Mortgages, Judgments and Assignments. 1899. 1 vol. WAPLES, R. The Law of Debtor and Creditor relative to the Situs of Debt. 1898. ] vol. DECEDENTS ESTATES — See Estates. DEEDS — See Conveyancing; Vendor and Purchaser. DEFAMATION — See Slander and Libel. DEFENSES — See Actions and Defenses. DEFINITION — See Dictionary. DENTAL JURISPRUDENCE — See Medical Jurisprudence. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 209 DEPOSITIONS. WEEKS, E. P. A Treatise on the Law of Depositions comprising also Abstracts of the Statutory Law Pertaining thereto. 1880. 1 vol. DESCENTS — See also Executors; Wills. ABBOTT, N. Descent, Wills and Administration. 1894. 1 vol. BINGHAM. The Law of Descents. 1870. 1 vol. REEVES, T. A Treatise on the Law of Descent. 1825. 1 vol. DEVISES — See Wills. POWELL, J. J. An Essay upon the Learning of Devises from their Inception by Writing to their Consummation by the Death of the Devisor. 1806. 1 vol. (This volume is bound as a "filler" with the "Cleveland Law Record." 1 vol.) Powell on Devises by Jarman. 1838. See Law Library Series, vols. 21 and 22. 2 vols. DICTIONARIES — See also Encyclopedia; Directories. ABBOTT, B. V. A Dictionary of Terms and Phrases used in American or EngHsh Jurisprudence. 1879. 2 vols. ADAMS, H. C. A Judicial Glossary. (A to E) being an Ex- haustive Compilation of the most celebrated Maxims, Aphor- isms, Doctrines, Principles, Technical Phrases and Terms. 1886. 1 vol. ANDERSON, W. C. A Dictionary of Law, consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases, and Maxims, and an Exposition of the Principles of Law. 1889. 1 vol. ANDREWS, E. A. A Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexi- con. 1859. 1 vol. BARTLETT, J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. 1877. 1 vol. BLACK, H. C. A Dictionary of Law, containing Definitions of the Terms and Phrases of American and English Jurisprudence, Ancient and Modern. 1891. 1 vol. BOUVIER, JOHN. A Law Dictionary. Thoroughly Revised and brought up to Date by Francis Rawle. 1897. 2 vols. 1876. 2 vols. 1883. 1 vol. BROWN, A. A New Law Dictionary and Institute of the Whole Law. Second edition. 1880. 1 vol. 1874. 1 vol. 14 LL 210 Catalogue of Law Library. DICTIONARIES — Continued. BROWN, G. The Grammar of English Grammars with an intro- duction, Historical and Critical ; the whole methodically ar- ranged and amply illustrated. 1875. 1 vol. BROWN, I. The Judicial Interpretation of Common Words and Phrases. 1883. 1 vol. BURRILL, ALEXANDER M. A Law Dictionary and Glossary, containing full Definitions of the Principal Terms of the Com- mon and Civil Law, together with translations and explanations of the Technical Phrases in Different Languages, occurring in the Ancient and Modern Reports and Standard Treatise ; em- bracing also the Principal Common and Civil Law Maxims. Second edition. 1860. 2 vols. CENTURY DICTIONARY. 1891. 6 vols. CENTURY DICTIONARY CYCLOPEDIA OF NAMES. 1894. 1 vol. CENTURY DICTIONARY ATLAS. 1897. 1 vol. COCHRAN, W. C. Student's Law Lexicon. 1888. 1 vol. COWELL'S LAW DICTIONARY. 1727. 1 vol. CRABB, G. English Synonyms Explained in Alphabetical Order. 1879. 1 vol. FERNALD, J. C. English Synonyms. 1897. 1 vol. FUNK & WAGNALLS' DICTIONARY. 1895. 2 vols. GRIEB, C. F. A Dictionary of the English and German Lan- guages with a synopsis of English Words Differently Pro- nounced by Different Orthoepists, with Supplement by J. C. Oehlschlager. 1885. 2 vols. HUBBELL, J. H. Legal Directory for Lawyers and Business Men. 1898. 1 vol. 1882, 1884, 1887, 1892, 1895. IMPERIAL DICTIONARY. New Edition, Carefully Revised and Greatly Augmented, by Charles Annandale. 1883. 4 vols. HUGHES, W. T. The Technology of Law. A Condensus of Maxims, Leading Cases and Elements of Law. 1893. 1 vol. JACOB, G. Law Dictionary. 1811. 6 vols. KELHAM, R. Dictionary of the Norman or old French Lan- guage. 1779. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 211 DICTIONARIES — Contmued. KINNEY, J. K. A Law Dictionary and Glossary. 1893. 1 vol. KNIGHT, E. H. American Mechanical Dictionary. 1882. 3 vols. LATHAM, R. G. A Dictionary of the English Language, founded on that of Dr. Samuel Johnson, as edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd ; numerous emendations and additions. London. 1872. 2 vols. LAWSON, J. D. A Concordance of Words and Phrases construed in the Judicial Reports and of Legal Definitions contained therein. 1883. 1 vol. LIDDELL & SCOTT. Greek and English Lexicon. Based on the German Work of Francis Passon. 1872. 1 vol. 1846. 1 vol. LIPPINCOTT'S PRONOUNCING BIOGRAPHICAL DIC- TIONARY. Biography and Mythology by Joseph Thomas. 1886. 1 vol. LIPPINCOTT'S GAZETTEER OF THE WORLD. A Com- plete Pronouncing Gazetteer or Geographical Dictionary of the World. 1886. 1 vol. 1855. 1 vol. MARTINDALE, J. B. Martindale's American Law Dictionary. A Complete Directory of the Lawyers of the United State? and Dominion of Canada; with Ratings, except in large cities. 1896. 1 vol. 1885. 1 vol. 1892-93. 1 vol. 1894-95. 1 vol. MARVIN'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1847. 1 vol. MURRAY, J. A. H. English Dictionary. Five parts of vol. 1. RAPALJE & LAWRENCE. Law Directory. 1883. 2 vols. RAPALJE & LAWRENCE. Judicial Criticisms and Citations. 1882. 1 vol. ROGET, J. L. Thesaurus of English Words. 1879. 1 vol. SOULE, R A Dictionary of English Synonyms and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions. 1882, 1 vol. 1871. 1 vol. 212 Catalogue of Law Library. DICTIONARIES — Continued. SOULE, C. C. The Lawyer's Reference Manual of Law Books and Citations. 1883. 1 vol. SPIER & SURENNE'S French and English Pronouncing Dic- tionary. 1879. 1 vol. TAYLER, THOMAS. Law Glossary, being a selection of the Greek, Latin, Saxon, French, Norman and Italian Sentences, Phrases and Maxims, found in the Leading English and Amer- ican Reports and Elementary Works. Ninth edition. 1877. 1 vol. Eighth edition. 1869. 1 vol. TOMLINS, T. E. Law Dictionary, explaining the rise, progress and present state of the British Law, defining or interpreting the terms or words of Art. London. 1820. 2 vols. TRAYNER, J. Latin Maxims and Phrases with Translations and Illustrations. 187G. 1 vol. TROW, J. F. Legal Directory and Lawyers' Record of the United States. 1875. 1 vol. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. Revised and enlarged under the supervision of Noah Porter. 1881. 1 vol. 1883. 1 vol. WHARTON, F. Law Lexicon. 1883. 1 vol. WINFIELD, C. H. Adjudged Words and Phrases. Being a col- lection of Adjudicated Definitions of Terms used in the Law with reference to authorities. 1882. ' 1 vol. WORCESTER, J. E. A Dictionary of the English Language. 1860. 1 vol. DILAPIDATIONS. FISHER, R. A. Ecclesiastical Dilapidations. 1872. 1 vol. DIPLOMACY. HORNE, T. H. Diplomacy. 1853. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 78. DIRECTORIES — See also Dictionaries. COLUMBUS CITY DIRECTORY. 1900. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 213 DIRECTORIES — Continued. HUBBELL, J. H. Legal Directory. 1901. 1 vol. 1878. 1 vol. 1890. 1 vol. • 1892. 1 vol. 1895. 1 vol. 1898. 1 vol. MARTI ND ALE, W. B. American Law Directory. 1896. 1 vol. MARVIN'S LEGAL BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1847. 1 vol. LIVINGSTONE, J. United States Law Register. 186G. 1 vol. 1856. 1 vol. 1859. 1 vol. U. S. OFFICIAL POSTAL GUIDE. 1901. 1 vol. WILLIAMS, OHIO DIRECTORY. 1896-7. 1 vol. 1892-93. DISCOVERY — See Equity; Evidence. HARE, THOMAS. The Discovery of Evidence in the High Court of Justice. Third American edition. 1850. 1 vol. WIGRAM, JAMES. Points in the Law of Discovery. 1842. 1 vol. See also an edition of 1836, in Law Library Series, vol. 13. DISPUTED HANDWRITING -See Handwriting. DISTRESS. BRADBY, J. Distress. 1833. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 1. DITCHES, DRAINS AND WATER COURSES — See also Water- rights. GIAUOUE, F. The Laws Relating to Roads and Ditches, Bridge and Water Courses in the State of Ohio. 1886. 1 vol. GIAUOUE, F. Ohio Drainage Laws. 1896. 1 vol. DIVORCE AND ALIMONY ~ See also Marriage and Divorce. BISHOP, JOEL P. The Law of Marriage, Divorce, and Separa- tion. Embracing also Pleading, Practice, Evidence, and Forms. 1891. 2 vols. Fourth edition. 1864. 2 vols. 1873. 2 vols. 18S1. 2 vols. 214 Catalogue of Law Library. DIVORCE AND ALIMONY— Continued. BROWNE, WM. H. A Digest of the Statutes, Decisions and Cases throughout the United States, upon the subjects of Di- vorce and Ahmony. 1872. 1 vol. BROWNING, E. The Laws of Marriage and Divorce, as Admin- istered in the Courts for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes, with the Method of Procedure in each kind of Suit. London. 1872. 1 vol. GEM MILL, J. A. The Practice of the Parliament of Canada upon Bills of Divorce. 1889. 1 vol. MACOUEEN, J. F. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Marriage, Divorce and Legitimacy. London. 1860. 1 vol. NELSON, W. T. A Treatise on the Law of Divorce and Annul- ment of Marriage. 1895. 2 vols. PAGE, H. F. Law of Divorce. 1850. 1 vol. POYNTER, J. Marriage and Divorce. 1836. See Law Library Series, vol. 13. SHELFORD, L. Marriage and Divorce. 1841. See Law Library Series, vol. 33. DOCUMENTS — Inspection of — See Inspection of Documents. DOMESTIC RELATIONS — See also Guardian and Ward ; Husband AND Wife ; Master and Servant. BROWNE, I. Elements of the Law of Domestic Relations and of Employer and Employed. 1890. 1 vol. 1883. 1 vol. EVERSLEY, W. P. The Law of Domestic Relations, Including: Husband and Wife ; Parent and Child ; Guardian and Ward. Infant and Master and Servant. London. 1885. 1 vol. EWELL, M. D. Leading and Select Cases on the Disability inci- dent to Infancy, Coverture, Idiocy, etc. FRASER, P. A Treatise on the Law of Scotland Relative to Parent and Child, and Guardian and Ward. Edinburg. 1866. 1 vol. REEVE, T. The Law of Husband and Wife, of Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Master and Servant, Revised and Anno- tated by J. W. Eaton. 1888. 1 vol. 1846. 1 vol. 1862. 1 vol. RODGERS, W. C. A Treatise on the Law of Domestic Relations. 1899. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 215 DOMESTIC RELATIONS — Continued. SCHOULER, J. The Law of the Domestic Relations. Embracing Husband and Wife, Guardian and Ward, Parent and Child, Infancy, and Master and Servant. 1895. 1 vol. 1870. 1 vol. 1874. 1 vol. 1882. 1 vol. 1889. 1 vol. TYLER, H. The Lavi' of Infancy, including Guardianship and Cus- tody of Infants, and the Law of Coverture, embracing Dower, Marriage and Divorce, and the Statutory Policy of the several States in respect to Husband and Wife. 1886. 1 vol. DOMICILE — See also Conflict of Laws. PHILLIMORE'S LAW OF DOMICILE. See Law Library Series, vol. 57. DOWER — See also Real Property; Husband and Wife. GIAUQUE, F., McCLURE, H. B. Tables for ascertaining the Present Value of Vested and Contingent Rights of Dower and Curtesy. 1882. 1 vol. LAMBERT, ELI. Treatise on Dower. 1834. 1 vol. PARK, J. J. Treatise on Dower. 1836. See Law Library Series, vol. 11. SCRIBNER, C. H. The Law of Dower. Embracing the Com- mon Law and the Statutory Provisions and Judicial Decisions of England and the several United States Courts upon that sub- ject. 1883. 2 vols. 1864. 2 vols. DRAINS — See Ditches, Drains and Watercourses; Water- rights. DUE PROCESS — See Judicial Proceedings. EARLY ENGLISH LAW — See also Civil Law. BRACTON, and his Relation to the Roman Law. A Contribution to the History of Roman Law in the Middle Ages. By Sir T. Twiss. 1879. 1 vol. 1866. By Guterbock. 1 vol. \ 216 Catalogue of Law Library. EARLY ENGLISH LAW — Continued. BROOKE, SIR R. New Cases, in the Time of Henry VIII, Ed- ward VI, and Queen Mary, together with March's Translation of Brooke's New Cases. 1 vol. POLLOCK, F. and MAITLAND, F. W. History of the English Law. 1895. 2 vols. YEAR-BOOKS OF THE REIGN OF EDWARD THE FIRST. Years 20, 21, 30, 31, 32 and 33. Edited and translated by A. J. Harwood. London. 1863. 3 vols. EASEMENTS — See also Boundaries; Lights; Water-rights. GALE, C. J. The Law of Easements, with Notes of W. H. Willes. Fourth edition, by David Gibbons. London. 1868. 1 vol. . 1840. 1 vol. GODDARD, J. L. The Law of Easements. 1881. 1 vol. Edition of 1877. 1 vol. 1880. 1 vol. JONES, L. A. A Treatise on the Law of Easements in continua- tion of the Author's Treatise on the Law of Real Property. 1898. 1 vol. WASHBURN, EMORY. The American Law of Easements and Servitudes. Fourth edition. 1885. 1 vol. ■ 1863. 1 vol. 1867. 1vol. 1873. 1 vol. ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. BURNS, R. Ecclesiastical Law. 1809. 4 vols. FISHER, R. A. Ecclesiastical Dilapidations. London. 1872. 1 vol. SHELFORD, L. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Mortmain. 1842. 1 vol. TYLER, R. H. American Ecclesiastical Law, the Law of Religious Societies, Church Government and Creeds, Disturbing Religious Meetings, and the Law of Burial Grounds in the United States, with Practical Forms. 1866. 1 vol. EDUCATIONAL — Sec Law, Elementary. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 217 EJECTMENT — See also Landlord and Tenant; Pleading and Pr.\ctice ; Real Property. ADAMS, JOHN. Treatise on Principles and Practice of Ejectment. Fourth edition. 1854. 1 vol. Tillinghast's Edition. 1830. 1 vol. NEWELL, M. L. A Treatise on the Action of Ejectment and Con- current Remedies for the Recovery of the Possession of Real Property. 1892. 1 vol. TYLER, Rx\NSOM H. The Remedy of Ejectment, and the Law of Adverse Enjoyment in the United States, embracing in full the Statutory Policy of the several States in respect to the Ac- tion for the Recovery of Real Property. 1870. 1 vol. ELECTIONS. ALDRICH, O. W. Law of Elections. See vol. 6. American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. First Edition. AUSTRALIAN BALLOT LAW. See Wigmore. BARTLETT, W. Cases on Contested Elections in Congress. 1834- 1865. 1 vol. BRIGHTLY, F. C. A Collection of Leading Cases on the Law of Elections in the United States. 1871. 1 vol. CLARKE, M. S. and HALL, D. A. Cases on Contested Elections in Congress. 1789-1834. 1 vol. CONTESTED ELECTIONS IN CONGRESS. 1789-1834. See Clarke and Hall. 1834-1865. See Bartlett. GUSHING, L. S. Reports of Controverted Elections in the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of ^Massachusetts. 1780-1852. 1 vol. Gushing, Storey and Josselyn appear as Compilers, and this volume is sometimes cited as C, S. & J. Election Cases. GIAUQUE, F. The Laws of Elections in Ohio, being a compila- tion of all the Laws of the United States and of the State. 1880. 1vol. LORING, E. P. and RUSSEL, T. Reports of Controverted Elec- tions in the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts. 1853-1885. 1 vol. MALLON, GUY W. The Ohio Election Law. A Manual for the Guidance of Electors and Election Officers. Applicable to the Australian Ballot. 1892. 1 vol. t 218 Catalogue of Law Library. ELECTIONS — Continued. McCRxA-RY, G. W. A Treatise on the American Law of Elections. 1897. 1 vol. 1875. 1 vol. 1880. 1 vol. 1887. 1vol. PAINE, H. E. A Treatise on the Law of Elections to Public Of- fices. 1888. 1 vol. WIGMORE, J. H. The Australian Ballot System as Embodied in the Legislation of various Countries with an Historical Intro- duction. 1889. 1 vol. ELECTRICITY — See also Telegraph. AMERICAN ELECTRICAL CASES. A Collection of all Im- portant Cases Relating to Telegraph, Telephone, Light, Power and other Practical Uses of Electricity. 1873-1897. 6 vols. CROSWELL, S. G. A Treatise on the Law relating to Electricity. 1895. 1 vol. JOYCE, J. A. and H. C. A Treatise on Electric Law covering the Law governing all Electric Corporations, Uses and Appliances, also all Relative Public and Private Rights. 1900. 1 vol. KEASBEY, E. Q. The Law of Electric Wires in Streets and High- ways. 1900. 1 vol. 1892. 1 vol. THOMPSON, S. D. The Law of Electricity. A Treatise on the Rules of Law Relating to Telegraphs, Telephones, Electric Lights, Electric Railways and Other Electric Appliances. 189L 1 vol. ELEMENTARY LAW - See Law, Elementary. ELEVATED RAILROADS. DEMAREST, T. F. C. The Rise and Growth of Elevated Railroad Law. 1894. 1 vol. ELEVATORS. WEBB, J. A. The Law of Passenger and Freight Elevators. 1896, 1 vol. EMINENT DOMAIN — See also Public Lands. LEWIS, J. A Treatise on the Law of Eminent Domain in the United States. 1900. 2 vols. 1888. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 219" EMINENT DOMAIN — Continued. LLOYD, E. The Law of Compensation, with a Full Collection of Forms and Precedents. London. 1870. 1 vol. MILLS,.H. E. The Law of Eminent Domain. Second Edition, by Mills and Abbott. 1888. 1 vol. 1879. 1 vol. RANDOLPH, C. F. The Law of Eminent Domain in the United States. 1891. 1 vol. EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYEE — See Master and Servant. ENCYCLOP/EDIAS — See also Dictionaries. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW.. 1887-1896. 31 vols. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW. New Series. (Second Edition.) 17 vols. ENCYCLOP/EDIA BRITANNICA and Supplement. 29 vols, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PLEADING AND PRACTICE. 19 vols.. NEW AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA. 1861. 16 vols. SPOFFORD'S CABINET CYCLOPEDIA. 1900. 9 vols. UNIVERSAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LAW. 1885. 2 vols. ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL JURISPRUDENCE. WAIT. J. C. Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence. 1898. 1vol. WAIT, J. C. The Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in Engineering and Architecture. 1900. 1 vol. ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT— See also Civil Law, AT^IOS, S. A Primer of the English Constitution and Government. London. 1857. 1 vol. BIGELOW, M. M. History of Procedure in England. 1880. 1 vol. BLAXLAND. G. E. Principles of English Law. London. 1839. 1 vol. BOWYER, G. Commentaries on the Constitutional Law of Eng- land. Second edition. London. 1846. 1 vol. CHALMERS, G. Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on Various Points of English Jurisprudence, chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fish- eries and C ommerce of Great Britain. 1858. 1 vol. 220 Catalogue of Law Library. ENGLISH CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT — Continued. CREASY, E. A. The Rise and Progress of the Enghsh Constitu- tion. 1877. 1 vol. De LOLME, J. L. The Constitution of England ; or on Account of the English Government, in which it is compared both with the Republican Form of Government and the other Monarchies in Europe. New edition, with Life and Notes, by John Mc- Gregor. London. 1853. 1 vol. FORSYTH, W]\L Cases and Opinions on Constitutional Law, and various Points of English Jurisprudence, Collected and Digested from Official Documents and other Sources, with Notes. Lon- don. 1869. 1 vol. GNEIST, R. History of the English Parliament. 1886. 1 vol. GNEIST, R. History of the English Constitution. 1886. 2 vols. HARGRAVE'S LAW TRACTS. 1787. 1 vol. LANGMEAD, T. English Constitutional History from the Teu- tonic Conquest to the Present Time. 1880. 1 vol. POLLOCK, F. and MAITLAND, F. W. History of the English Law. 1895. 2 vols. SHELDON ON THE LAWS OF ENGLAND. 1760. 1 vol. ' SULLIVAN, F. S. Lectures on the Constitution and Laws of England. 1805. 2 vols. TAYLOR, H. The Origin and Growth of the English Constitu- tion. An Historical Treatise. 2 parts in 1 vol. 1890.. 1 vol. WOODESON, R. Lectures on the Law of England, 1792. '3 vols. For an edition of 1842. See Law Library Series, vol. 38. EQUITABLE REMEDIES OF CREDITORS — See Debtor and Creditor. EQUITY — See also Discovery ; Pleading and Practice ; Fraud AND Mistake; Injunction; Receivers; Referees; Spe- cific Performance; Subrog-vtion ; Trusts. ADAMS, JOHN, Jr. The Doctrine of Equity, being a Commen- tary on the Law as administered by the Court of Chancery. Eighth American edition by Robert Ralston. 1890. 1 vol. See also an edition of 1850 in Law Library Series, vol. 68; also Sixth Am. Ed. 1879. 1 vol. AMERICAN CHANCERY DIGEST. Notes by J. D. Wheeler. Second edition. 1841. 2 vols. Notes by Waterman. 1851. 3 vols. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 221 E.Q\}\T\— Continued. BEACH, C. F. A Treatise on the Modern Practice in Equity. 1894. 2 vols. BEACH, C. F. Modern Equity. Commentaries on Modern Equity Jurisprudence as Determined by the Courts and Statutes of England and the United States. 1892. 2 vols. BIGELOW, M. ^I. Elements of Equity. 1870. 1 vol. BISPHAM, G. T. The Principles of Equity. A Treatise on the System of Justice Administered in Courts of Chancery, 1893. 1 vol. 1874. 1 vol. 1878. 1 vol. 1887. 1 vol. BRIGHTLY, F. E. Equity Jurisprudence. 1855. 1 vol. CONOVER, J. F. Digested Index. 1834. 1 vol. COOPER, G. A Treatise of Pleading on the Equity Side. 1813. 1 vol. EDWARDS, C. Parties in Chancery. 1832. 1 vol. FONBLANQUE, J. A Treatise on Equity. 1831. 1 vol. GOLDSMITH, GEO. The Doctrine and Practice of Equity, or a Concise Outline of Proceedings in the High Court of Chancery ; designed principally for the use of students. Fifth edition. London. 1862. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 40. , GRESLEY, R. M. Equity Evidence. Second edition. 1848. 1 vol. HAYNES, F. O. Equity. 1858. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 98. HEARD, F. F. Precedents of Equity Pleading. 1884. 1 vol. HOLCOMB, J. P. Introduction to Equity Jurisprudence, on the basis of Story's Commentaries, with Notes and References to English and American Cases, adapted to the use of Students. 1846. 1 vol. HUNTER, S. J. Proceedings in a Suit of Equity. 1871. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 104. JEREMY, G. The Equity Jurisprudence of the Court of Chancery.. Second American edition. 1840. 1 vol. First American edition. 1830. 1 vol. "222 Catalogue of Law Library. EQUITY — Continued. LAXGDELL, C. C. Cases in Equity, Pleading, Selected with special reference to the subject of Discovery. 1878. 1 vol. LANGDELL, C. C. Cases on Equity Jurisdiction. Has neither Date, Title Page nor Index. 1 vol. LANGDELL, C. C. A Summary of Equity Pleadings. 1877. 1 vol. LEADING CASES. See White and Tudor's Leading Cases. MERWIN, E. The Principles of Equity and Equity Pleading. 1895. 1 vol. POMEROY, J. N. A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence, as admin- istered in the United States of America. 1892. 3 vols. 1881-83. 3 vols. ROBERTS, T. A. Principles of Equity. See Law Library Series, vols. 95 and 96. SANDS SUIT IN EQUITY. 1882. 1 vol. SEATON, H. W. Forms of Decrees in Equity. 1831. 1 vol. SMITH, J. W. A Manual of Equity Jurisprudence. Founded on the Works of Story, Spence, and other Writers, and on subse- quent cases. Comprising the fundamental Principles and the points of Equity usually occurring in General Practice, with American Notes. 1871. 1 vol. SNELL, E. H. T. The Principles of Equity. Intended for the use of Students and the Profession. 1884. 1 vol. 1880. 1 vol. SPENCE, G. Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery, comprising its Rise, Progress, and Final Establishment. 1846. 2 vols. STORY, J. Equity Jurisprudence, as administered in England and America. 1886. 2 vols. 1836. 1 vol. 1870. 2 vols. 1877. 2 vols. TIEDEMAN, C. G. A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence. 1893. 1 vol. THE UAW REPORTS — Equity — Series — Chancery Appeal Cases. Equity Cases. English Law Reports, Digest. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 223 EQUITY — Contmued. UNITED STATES EQUITY DIGEST. A Digest of all the Re- ports in Equity, decided in the United States Courts of the sev- eral States, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, by John P. Putnam. 1846. 2 vols. fWILLARD, J. A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence. Second edition. 1875. 1 vol. 1855. 1 vol. WHITE, F. T. and TUDOR, O. D. A Selection of Leading Cases in Equity, with Notes by O. D. Tudor. Sixth edition. Lon- don. 1886. 2 vols. Hare & Wallace. Notes. 1852. 2 vols. Third American edition. 1859. 4 vols. Fourth American edition. 1876. 4 vols. WHITWORTH, J. Equity Precedents. 1845. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol 62. EQUITY JURISPRUDENCE — See Jurisprudence. EQUITY PLEADING AND PRACTICE — See Pleading and Prac- tice; Equity. ERROR — See Appeals and Appellate Proceedings. ESSAYS. JOHNSON'S PRIZE ESSAYS. Edited by G. W. Pepper. 1890. 1 vol. ESTATES — See also Real Property. BISSET, A. Estates for life. 1842. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 42. GIAUQUE, F. The Settlement of Estates of Deceased Persons. 1901. 1 vol. 1893. 1 vol. 1894. 1 vol. 1897. 1 vol. HAYES, W. Estates for Life. 1835. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 7. INWOOD, W. Tables for the Purchasing of Estates. 1870. 1 vol. 224 Catalogue of Law Library. ESTATES — Continued. PRESTON, R. An Elementary Treatise on Estates. 1827. 2 vols. PRESTON, R. Estates. Particularly Merger. 1843. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 42. BRICKDALE, M. T. F. Leases and Sales of Settled Estate's Act. London. 1861. 1 vol. RANDALL, H. Perpetuity. 1822. 1 vol. ESTOPPEL — See also Judgments. BIGELOW, M. M. The Law of Estoppel ; its Principles and Ap- plications, as Determined by the best Authorities, American and English. 1890. 1 vol. 1872. 1 vol. 1876. 1 vol. 1882. 1 vol 1886. 1 vol. CHAND, HUKM. A Treatise on the Law of Res Judicata: In- cluding the Doctrines of Jurisdiction, Bar by Suit, and Lis Pendens. 1894. 1 vol. EWART, J. S. An Exposition of the Principles of Estoppel by Misrepresentation. 1900. 1 vol. HERMAN, H. M. The Law of Estoppel. 1886. 2 vols. 1871. 1 vol. VAN FLEET, J. M. A Treatise on the Law of Former Adjudica- tion. 1895. 2 vols. WELLS, J. C. Res Adjudicata. 1879. 1 vol. ETHICS — See Jurisprudence; Lawyer and Client. EVIDENCE — See also Criminal Evidence; Circumstantial Evi- dence; Facts; Presumption. ABBOTT, A. Rules of Evidence of Civil Actions. 1880. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 101. ABBOTT, A. Select Cases on Evidence. 1895. 1 vol. APPLETON, J. The Rules of Evidence Stated and Discussed. 1860. 1 vol. BENTHAM, J. Rationale of Judicial Evidence, specially applied to English Practice. London. 1827. 5 vols. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 225 EVIDENCE — Continued. BEST, W. M. Treatise on the Principles of Evidence, with Prac- tice as to Proofs in Courts of Common Law, with Elementary Rules for Conducting the Examination and Cross-examination of Witnessses. First American from the Fifth English Edition, with Notes of American Cases, by H. G. Wood. 1875. 2 vols. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 66. BRADNER, G. W. Rules of Evidence as prescribed by the Com- mon Law for the Trial of Actions and Proceedings. 1895. 1 vol. BROWN, L A. Treatise on the Admissibility of Parol Evidence in respect to Written Instruments. 1893. 1 vol. CUNNINGHAM, S. Ohio Decisions on some Important Topics of Evidence. 1893. 1 vol. 1894. 1 vol. ESPINASSE, J. Practical Treatise on Evidence, Trials, at Nisi Prius. 1822. 1 vol. GILLETT, J. H. A Treatise on the Law of Indirect and Collateral Evidence. 1897. 1 vol. GREENLEAF, SIMON. A Treatise on the Law of Evidence. Revised, Enlarged and Annotated. Vol. 1. By J. H. Wig- more. Vols. 2 and 3. By E. A. Harriman. 1899. 3 vols. 1842. 1 vol. 1868. 3 vols. 1876. 3 vols. 1892, 3 vols. HARRIS, G. E. Treatise on the Law of Identification. 1892. 1 vol. HALSTEAD, J. R. Digest of the Law of Evidence, embracing the Rules established by Writers of acknowledged authority, and affirmed by the Decisions of the Federal Courts, and the Courts of all the States down to the Present Time, with copious refer- ences to English Adjudications. 1859. 2 vols. JONES, B. W. The Law of Evidence in Civil Cases. 1896. 3 vols. JOY, H. H. Evidence of Accomplices. 1844. 1 vol. See Law Li- brary Series, vol. 45. LAWSON, J. D. The Law of Presumptive Evidence. 1899. 1 vol. MACNALLY, L. Rules of Evidence. 1804. 1 vol. 15 L L 226 Catalogue of Law Library. EVIDENCE — Continued. PEAT, T. A Compendium of the Law of Evidence. 1824. 1 vol. 1804. 1 vol. PHILLIPS, S. M. and AMOS A. A Compendium of the Law of Evidence. 1839. 2 vols. PHILLIPS, S. M. Famous Cases of Circumstantial Evidence, with Introduction on the Theory of Presumptive Proof. 1878. 1 vol. PHILLIPS, S. M. The Law of Evidence, with Notes by E. Cowen and N. Hill, and additional Notes and References to English and American Cases, by Isaac Edwards. Fifth American edition. 1868. 3 vols. Fourth American. 1859. 3 vols. Third American. 1823. 2 vols. POWELL, E. The Principles and Practice of the Law of Evi- dence. By John Cutler and E. F. Griffin. 1875. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 96. 1858. 1 vol. REYNOLDS, W. The Theory of the Law of Evidence as Estab- lished in the United States and of the Conduct of the Examina- tion of Witnesses. 1883. 1 vol. RICE, F. S. The General Principles of the Law of Evidence with their Application to the Trial of Civil Actions at Common Law, in Equity and under the Codes of Civil Procedure of the several States. 1892. 2 vols. Vol. 3. 1893. Criminal. ROSCOE, H. A Digest of the Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius. Fifteenth edition, by M. Powell. Lon- don. 1884. 2 vols. 1879. 1 vol. STARKIE, THOMAS. The Law of Evidence. Tenth American from the last London edition, by G. M. Dowdeswell and J. G. Malcolm. With Notes and References to American Cases, by Geo. Sharswood, together with Notes to former American edi- tions, by T. Metcalfe, E. D. Ingraham, and B. Gerhard. 1876. 1 vol. 1826. 3 vols. Seventh American. 1842. 1 vol. Eighth American. 1860. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 227 EVIDENCE —Continued. STEPHEN, J. F. A Digest of the Law of Evidence. G. Chase. 1898. 1 vol. 1876. 1 vol. 1877. 1 vol. 1885. 1 vol. TAYLOR, J. P. Treatise on the Law of Evidence. With Notes as to American Law by G. P. Lewis and C. F. Chamberlayne. 1897. 3 vols. 1868. 2 vols. 1885. 2 vols. TAMLYN, J. Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 1846. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 51. THAYER, J. B. Select Cases on Evidence at the Common Law with Notes. 1892. 1 vol. UNDERHILL, H. C. A Treatise on the Law of Evidence. 1894. 1 vol. WHARTON, F. A Commentary on the Law of Evidence in Civil Issues. 1888. 2 vols. 1877. 2 vols. 1879. 2 vols. WHITTAKER, W. H. Code of Evidence, Ohio. 1896. 1 vol. WILL, W. The Law of Evidence. 1843. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol 41. WOODS, H. G. Practice Evidence for Ready Use in the Trial of Causes. 1886. 1 vol. EXCEPTIONS — See Facts. EXECUTIONS — See also Judgments ; Homestead. BINGHAM, P. Judgments and Executions. 1836. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 13. EXECUTION LAW by "S. C." Illustrated and Explained in Sub- divisions by our Book Cases, Reports and Precedents. 1706. 1 vol. FREEMAN, A. C. On Void Judicial Sales. 1890. 1 vol. 228 Catalogue of Law Library. EXECUTIONS — Continued. FREEMAN, A. C. A Treatise on The Law of Executions in Civil Cases, and of Proceedings in Aid and Restraint thereof. 1900. 3 vols. 1876. 1 vol. 1888. 2 vols. HERMAN, HENRY M. The Law of Executions. 1875. 1 vol. KLEBER, J. C. Void Judicial and Executive Sales. 1899. 1 vol. RORER, DAVID. The Law of Judicial and Execution Sales, as administered in the American Courts. 1878. 1 vol. 1873. 1 vol. EXECUTIVE POWERS — See Constitutional Law of the United States. EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS — See also Probate; Will; Descents; Estates. ABBOTT, N. Descent, Wills and Administration. 1894. 1 vol. CROSWELL, S. G. A Treatise on the Law Relating to Executors and Administrators. 1889. 1 vol. GIAUQUE, F. Settlement of Estates of Deceased Persons, includ- ing the subjects of Wills, Executors, Administrators, Testa- mentary Trustees, Dower and Partition, etc. 1901. 1 vol. HOLDSWORTH, W. A. Law of Wills, Executors, Administra- tors. London. 1858. 1 vol. LOMAX, T. Executors and Administrators. 1841. 2 vols. MATHEWS, R. Guide to Executors. 1835. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 9. McCLELLAN, R. H. The Executor's Guide; a Complete Manual for Executors, Administrators and Guardians. 1891. 1 vol. RAFF, G. W. A Guide to Executors and Administrators in the Settlement of Estates of Deceased Persons, within the State of Ohio, to which are prefixed the Provisions of Law relating to Wills, with Notes and Decisions and Practical Suggestions. Sixth edition, by F. Giauque. 1880. 1 vol. 1864. 1 vol. 1S71. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 229 EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS — Continued. SCHOULER, J. A Treatise on the Law of Executors and Admin- istrators. 1889. 1 vol. 1883. 'l vol. TOLLER, S. Laws of Executors and Administrators. Third American edition. 1829. 1 vol. WENTWORTH, T. The Office and Duty of Executors. 1832. 1 vol. WILLARD, J. The Law of Executors, Administrators, and Guard- ians, and of the Remedies by and against them, in Surrogates' Courts in the State of New York. Together with an Account of the Jurisdiction and Practice of those Courts in the Admeas- urement of Dower. 1859. 1 vol. WILLIAMS, E. V. A Treatise on the Law of Executors and Ad- ministrators. Seventh American edition by Randolph and Tal- cott. 1895. 3 vols. 1841. Second American. 2 vols. 1854. Fourth American. 2 vols. 1877. Sixth American. 3 vols. WOERNER, J. G. A Treatise on the American Law of Adminis- tration. 1899. 2 vols. 1889.. 2 vols. EXECUTORY DEVISES — See Re^iainders. EXECUTORY INTERESTS. SMITH, J. W. An Original View of Executory Interests in Real and Personal Property, comprising the Points deducible from the Cases stated in the Treatise of Fearne, and so connected with the Text of Fearne as to form a body of Notes thereto. 1845. 1 vol. EXEMPTIONS — See Homestead. WAPLES. R. Homesteads and Exemptions. 1893. 1 vol. EXPERT. JAMES, F. B. The Ohio Law of Opinion. Evidence Expert and Non-Expert. 1889. 1 vol. LAWSON, I. D. The Law of Expert and Opinion Evidence, with Illustrations from Adjudged Cases. 1883. 1 vol. ROGERS, H. W. The Law of Expert Testimony. 1891. 1 vol. 1883. 1 vol. 280 Catalogue of Laiu Library. EXTRADITION — See also Habeas Corpus; Conflict of Laws. CLARKE, E. The Law of Extradition, with the Conventions upon the Subject between England and Foreign Nations, and the Cases decided thereon. Second Edition. London. 1874. 1 vol. HAWLEY, J. G. Inter-State Extradition. 1890. 1 vol. MOORE, J. B. A Treatise on Extradition and Inter-State Rendi- tion. 1891. 2 vols. SPEAR, S. T. The Law of Extradition, International and Inter- State. 1884. 1 vol. 1879. 1 vol. EXTRAORDINARY REMEDIES— See Remedies. EXTRINSIC EVIDENCE — See Wills; Evidence. FACTORS — See Brokers. FACTS — See also Evidence. HARPER'S BOOK OF FACTS. 1895. 1 vol. RAM, JAMES. "A Treatise on Facts," as Subjects of Inquiry by a Jury. Fourth American from the last London edition ; with notes by John Townshend, and additional notes by C. F. Beach. 1890. 1 vol. 1872. 1 vol. WELLS, J. C. Questions of Law and Fact, Instructions to Juries, and Bills of Exceptions. 1876. 1 vol. FEDERAL RESTRAINTS — See Constitutional Law. FEDERAL PROCEDURE ; FEDERAL COURTS — See United States Reports, Digests, etc. FELLOW SERVANTS — See also Master and Servant. AlcKlXNEY, W. M. A Treatise on the Law of Fellow Servants. 1890. 1 vol. FENCES — See Boundaries. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 231 FIXTURES. AMOS, A. and FERRARD, J. The Law of Fixtures and other Prop- erty. Comprising- the Law relative to Annexations to Free- holds in General ; as also Emblements, Charters, Heir-looms, etc., with an Appendix containing Practical Rules and Direc- tions respecting the Removal, Purchase, Valuation, etc., of Fix- tures between Landlord and Tenant, and between incoming and outgoing Tenants. Second edition. 1855. 1 vol. First American edition. 1880. 1 vol. BROWN, ARCHIBALD. Law of Fixtures in the Principal Rela- tion of Landlord and Tenant. London. 1881. 1 vol. 1872. 1 vol. EWELL, M. D. The Law of Fixtures. 1876. 1 vol. GIBBONS, D. The Law of Fixtures. 1836. See Law Library Series, vol. 13. GRADY, S. G. . Law of Fixtures. 1846. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 51. HILL, J. W. A Manual of the Law of Fixtures. Second edition. 1871. 1 vol. TYLER, R. H. The Law of Fixtures, embracing the Leading De- cisions upon the Subject, both American and English, bringing the Law down to the Present Time. 1877. 1 vol. FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER— See Landlord and Tenant. FOREIGN CORPORATIONS — See Corporations. FOREIGN LAW — See also Criminal Law; French Law; Indian Law; Scotland. FOOT'S FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LAW. London. 1878. 1vol. FORGERY — See also Criminal Law. AMES, D. T. Law of Forgery. Its Detection and Illustration. 1899. 1 vol. FORMER ADJUDICATION — See Estoppel; Res Judicata. FORMS — See also Conveyancing ; Pleading and Practice. ABBOTT, A. Forms of Pleading in Actions for Legal and Equit- able Relief, by C. C. Alden. 1898-99. 2 vols. 232 Catalogue of Law Library. FORMS — Continued. ABBOTT, A. The Principles and Forms of Practice in Civil Ac- tions in Courts of Record under the Codes of Procedure. Adapted also to the Common Law and Equity Practice. 1887- 88. 2 vols. ABBOTT, B. V. and A. A Collection of Forms for Conveyancing, Contracts, and Legal Proceedings. For the use of the Legal Profession, Business Men and Public Officers in the L^nited States, with copious instructions, explanations and authorities. 1870. 1 vol. COBB, H. Analysis of Georgia Statutes. 1846. 1 vol. HENNEL, C. Forms of Declarations. See Law Library Series, vol. 3. 1834. 1 vol. HUMPHREY, CHARLES. Precedents. A Collection of Practical Forms in Suits at Law ; also. Precedents of Contracts, Convey- ances, Wills, etc. 1845. 2 vols. JONES' Forms in Conveyancing. See under Conveyancing. LANSING, W. Lawyers' and Clerks' Assistant. 1893. 1 vol. LOVELAND, F. O. Forms of Federal Proceedings in the Courts of the United States. 1894. 1 vol. OLIVER, B. L. Forms of Conveyancing. 1853. 1 vol. Third edition. 1836. 1 vol. PAGIN, O. E. Federal Precedents and Forms, Civil and Criminal. 1894. 1 vol. SANDS, A. H. Practical Forms. Bound with vols. 5 and 6, Law Journal, Va. SAYLER, J. R. The American Form-book. A Collection of Legal and Business Forms, embracing Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Bonds, Wills, Contracts, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Checks, Bills of Sale, Receipts, and other Legal Instru- ments, prepared in accordance with the Laws of the Several States ; with Instructions for Drawing and Executing the same. For use of Professional and Business Men. 1878. 1 vol. SETON, H. W. Forms of Decrees, Judgments and Orders with Practical Notes. First American from Fourth English Edition. 1884. 1 vol. WHITTAKER, W. H. Forms of Pleading under the Codes of Civil Procedure. 1900. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 233 FORMS — Continued. WILD, E. N. Journal Entries under the Codes of Civil and Crim- inal Procedure of the State of Ohio, and the Acts Supple- mentary thereto ; also, under the several statutes regulating the more Common Proceedings. With Notes of the Decisions of the Courts of Ohio, and of some other States, touching Journal Entries. 1876. 1 vol. FRATERNITIES AND SOCIETIES — See also Building Societies. BACON, F. H. A Treatise on the Law of Benefit Societies and In- cidentally of Life Insurance. 1894. 2 vols. 1888. 1 vol. HIRSCHL, A. J. The Law of Fraternities and Societies. 1883. 1 vol. NIBLAC, W. C. The Law of Voluntary Societies and ^lutual Benefit Insurance. 1895. 1 vol. 1888. 1 vol. FRAUD. BIGELOW, M. M. The Law of Fraud, both as a Ground of Ac- tion and as a Defense in Law and Equity. Vol. 1, 1888; vol. 2, 1890. 2 vols. 1877. 1 vol. HOVENDEN, J. E. A General Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Fraud. 1832. 1 vol. FRAUD AND MISTAKE — See also general works under Equity. KERR, W. W. The Law of Fraud and Mistake, as administered in the Courts of Equity, with Notes of American Decisions. 1872. 1 vol. FRAUDS, STATUTES OF — See also Guaranty. BROWNE, C. A Treatise on the Construction of the Statute of Frauds, as in force in England and the United States. Fifth edition by James A. Bailey. 1895. 1 vol. Second edition. 1863. 1 vol. Third edition. 1870. 1 vol. REED, H. A Treatise on the Law of the Statute of Frauds and of other Like Enactments in force in the United States of America and the British Empire. 1884. 3 vols. ROBERTS, WM. Statute of Frauds. 1833. 1 vol. X 234 Catalogue of Law Library. FRAUDS, STATUTES OF— Continued. THROOP, M. H. The validity of Verbal Agreements, as affected by the Legislative Enactments in England and the United States, commonly called the Statute of Frauds. 1870. 1 vol. WOOD, H. G. A Treatise on the Statute of Frauds. 1884. 1 vol. FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCES. BUMP, O. F. Fraudulent Conveyances. A Treatise on Convey- ances made by Debtors to Defraud Creditors. Containing Ref- erences to all the Cases, both EngHsh and American. By J. M. Gray. 1896. 1 vol. 1872. 1 vol. 1876. 1 vol. 1882. 1 vol. MAY, H. W. The Statute of Elizabeth against Fraudulent Con- veyances, the Bills of Sale, Registration Acts, and the Law of Voluntary Dispositions of Property generally. London. 1871. 1 vol. WAIT, F. S. A Treatise on Fraudulent Conveyances and Cred- itors' Bills. 1897. 1 vol. 1884. 1 vol. 1889. 1 vol. FRENCH LAW — See also Contracts. CODE NAPOLEON. The French Civil Code. 1825. 1 vol. JONES, R. A History of the French Bar, Ancient and Modern ; comprisin'^ a notice of the French Courts, their Officers, Prac- titioners, etc., and of the System of Legal Education in France. London. 1855. 1 vol. LES CINOUANTE CODES. French. 1846. 1 vol. GAMING — See Horses. GARNISHMENT — See Attachment. GENTOO LAWS — See Indian Laws. GIFTS — See Advancements. GLOSSARIES — See Dictionaries. GOOD WILL— See Unfair Trade. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 235 GRAMMAR — See also Dictionaries. GOOLD BROWN'S GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH GRAMMARS. 1875. 1 vol. GUARANTY AND SURETYSHIP. BAYLIES, E. A Treatise on the Rights, Remedies and Liabilities of Sureties and Guarantors. 1881. 1 vol. BRANT, G. W. The Law of Suretyship and Guaranty. 1891. 2 vols. 1878. 1 vol. BURGE, WM. Law of Guaranty and Suretyship. 1847. 1 vol. DE COLYAR, H. A. The Law of Guaranties and of Principal and Surety. First American edition. 1875. 1 vol. FELL, W. W. The Law of Mercantile Guaranties, and of Prin- cipal and Surety in General. Third American edition, with Notes and References to American Decisions, by Wm. M. Scott. 1872. 1 vol. Second edition. 1859. 1 vol. PINGREY, D. FT. A Treatise on the Law of Suretyship and Guar- anty. 1901. 1 vol. PITMAN, ON PRINCIPAL AND SURETY. See Law Library Series, vol. 40. THEOBALD, W. Practical Treatise on the Law of Principal and Surety. 1833. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 1. GUARANTEE INSURANCE— See Insurance. GUARDIAN AND WARD — See also Adoption; Domestic Rela- tions ; Executors ; Trusts and Trustees. FIELD, G. W. The Legal Relations of Infants, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, and a Particular Consideration of Guar- dianship in the State of New York. 1888. 1 vol. FRAZIER, P. Guardian and Ward, Parent and Child. 1866. 1 vol. GALE, J. T. Guide for Guardians and Trustees in the State of Ohio, containing instructions and forms. 1890. 1 vol. 236 Catalogue of Laiv Library. GUARDIAN AND WARD —Continued. GIAUQUE, F. A Manual for Guardians and Trustees of Minors, Insane Person, Imbeciles, etc, affected by the Laws of Ohio, with Forms, Notes, Decisions, and Practical Suggestions. 1897. 1 vol. 1881. 1 vol 1894. 1vol. MATHEWS, F. J. A Guide with Forms for Guardians of Minors and Probate Courts in Ohio. 1859. 1 vol. WOERNER, J. G. A Treatise on the American Law of Guardian- ship of Minors and Persons of Unsound Mind. 1897. 1 vol. HABEAS CORPUS — See Remedies. HANDWRITING. HAG AN, W. E. Disputed Handwriting. 1894. 1 vol. HEALTH — See Public Health. HERMENEUTICS — See also Statutes ; Wills. LEIRER, F. Legal and Political. Hermeneutics. 1880. 1 vol. HIGH TREASON— See Trials. HIGHWAYS — See also Water-rights. ANGELL, J. K. and DURFEE, T. The Law of Highways. Sec- ond edition, with Notes and References to the later Cases, by George F. Choate. 1868. 1 vol. 1857. 1 vol. COOK, R. S. Manual of Highway Laws. 1870. ~ 1 vol. ELLIOTT, P). K. and W. F. A Treatise on the Law of Roads and Streets. 1900. 1 vol. 1890. 1 vol. GIALTQUE, F. The Law Relating to Roads and Ditches, Bridges and Water Courses in the State of Ohio. 1880. 1 vol. GIAUQUE, F. The Road and Bridge Law of Ohio and the Com- mon Law of Roads, Ways and Highways. 1895. 1 vol. MORRILL, W. W. The Law and Practice in Actions against Municipal Corporations for Negligence in the Care of High- wavs. 1887. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 237 HIGHWAYS — Continued. RAFF G W. The Law Relating to Roads and Highways in the State of Ohio, showing how State, County, and Township Roads, and Streets and Alleys are established, opened, altered, improved and vacated ; with the Duties of County, Township, and Corporation Officers, Common Pleas and Probate Judges, Surveyors, Viewers, Jurors, and others, in relation thereto, and numerous Forms, etc. Second edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 1871. 1 vol. 1864. 1 vol. ROGERS, R. V. The Law of the Road. 1876. 1 vol. THOMPSON, L G. The Law of Highways, with an Appendix of Forms. Fourth edition with supplement by C. H. Mills. 1891. 1 vol. 1868. 1 vol. 1890. 1 vol. WOOLRYCH, H. W. The Law of Ways. Second edition. Lon- don. 1847. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 4. HISTORY OF LAW — See also Ancient Law ; Constitutional Law ; English Constitution; Early English Law; Jurispru- dence; Jury; Usury. CRABB, GEO. A History of the English Law ; the Rise, Progress, and Successive Changes of the Common Law. 1831. 1 vol. HALE, SIR M. The History of the Pleas of the Crown. 1778 2 vols. HALE, SIR M. The History of the Common Law. 1829. 1 vol. REEVES, J. History of the English Law, from the Time of the Romans to the end of the Reign of Elizabeth. 1880. London. 5 vols. 1787. 4 vols. HOMESTEAD — See also Exemption. THOMPSON, S. D. The Law of Homestead and Exemptions. 1878. 1 vol. SMYTH, J. H. The Law of Homesteads and Exemptions. 1875. 1 vol. WAPLES, R. A. Treatise on Homesteads and Exemptions. 1893. 1 vol. 2-38 Catalogue of Law Library. HOMICIDE — See also Criminal Law. KERR, J. M. A Treatise on the Law of Homicide. 1891. 1 vol. WHARTON, F. Law of Homicide in the United States, with a series of Leading Cases. 1875. 1 vol. 1855. 1 vol. HORSES — See also Animals. EDWARDS, F. Gaming, Horses, Wagons, etc., London. 1839. 1vol. HANOVER, M. D. The Law of Horses, including the Law of Livery Stable Keepers, Veterinary Surgeons, Racing, etc., and the Law of Warranty in the sale of Horses and other Live Stock. 1872. 1 vol. OLIPHANT, W. H. H. The Law of Horses, Racing and Gaming. 1847. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 58. HOTELS. ROGERS, R. V. The Law of Hotel Life, or the Wrongs and Rights of Host and Guest. 1879. 1 vol. SCHOULER, J. A Treatise on the Law of Bailment, including Carriers, Innkeepers and Pledges. 1887. 1 vol. ■ 1880. 1 vol. WANDELL, S. H. The Law of Inns, Hotels and Boarding Houses. A Treatise upon the relation of Host and Guest. 1888. 1 vol. HUMOR OF THE LAW— See Legal Miscellany. HUSBAND AND WIFE — See also Divorce; Dower; General Works UNDER Domestic Relations. BELL, S. S. The Law of Property as to Husband and Wife. 1850. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 67. BISHOP, J. P. The Law of Married Women under the Statutes of the Several States, and at Common Law, and in Equity. 1871. 2 vols. BRIGHT, J. E. The Law of Husband and Wife as respects Prop- erty, with American notes and references. 1850. 2 vols. CLANCY, J. A Treatise on the Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Husband and Wife. 1837. 1 vol. CORD, W. H. The Legal and Equitable Rights of Married Wo- men ; as well in respect to their Property and Person as to their Children. With an Appendix of the recent American Statutes and Decisions under them. 18B1. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 239 HUSBAND AND "WIPE— Continued. FORSYTH, W. The Law relating to the Custody of Infants in Cases of Difference between Parents and Guardians. London. 1850. 1 vol. MACQUEEN, J. F. Rights and Liabilities of Husband and Wife. Second edition, by S. Hastings and J. D. Davenport. London. 1872. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vols. 39 and 66. PEACHY, J. P. Marriage and other Family Settlements, with a Selection of Precedents. London. 1860. 1 vol. ROPER, R. S. D. Treatise on Law of Property between Husband and Wife. 1841. 1 vol. See an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 32. Second edition. 1826. 2 vols. SCHOULER, J. A Treatise on the Law of Husband and Wife. 1882. 1 vol. STEWART, D. Law of Husband and Wife. 1885. 1 vol. WELLS, J. C. A Treatise on the Separate Property of Married Women under the recent enabling Statutes. 1878. 1 vol. WOMEN'S RIGHTS. The Laws and Resolutions of Women's Rights or the Laws Provision for Women. London. 1632. 1 vol. IDENTIFICATION. HARRIS, G. E. A Treatise on the Law of Identification. 1892. 1 vol. IDIOCY — See Insanity. IMPLIED CONTRACTS — See also Contracts. KEENER, W. A. A Treatise on the Law of Quasi Contracts. 1893. 1 vol. KEENER, W. A. A Selection of Cases on the Law of Quasi Con- tracts. 1888. 2 vols. IMPOSED DUTIES — See Negligence. INCOME TAX — See Taxation. INCUMBRANCES — See Mortgages. 240 Catalogue of Law Library. INDIAN LAW — See also Ancient Law. BAHAMAN LAWS. Statutes of all Acts of the General Assembly of the Bahaman Islands. 1850. 1 vol. CODE OF THE GENTOO LAWS ; or Ordinances of the Pundits, from a Persian Translation, made from the original, written in the Sanskrit Lang-uage, by N. B. Halhed. London. 1776. 1 vol. LAWS OF THE CHEROKEE NATION. 1875. 1 vol. INDICTMENT — See Criminal Law. INFANCY — See also Divorce ; Guardian and Ward ; Parent and Child. BINGHAM, P. The Law of Infancy and Coverture. Second American edition. 1849. 1 vol. First American edition. 1824. 1 vol. FIELD, G. W. The Legal Relations of Infants, Parents and Child, Guardian and Ward. 1888. 1 vol. FORSYTHE, W. The Law of Custody of Infants. 1850. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 68. HOCKHEIMER, L. The Custody of Infants. 1887. 1 vol. MACPHERSON, W. Law of Infancy. 1843. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 41. SIMPSON, A. H. The Law and Practice relating to Infants. London. 1875. 1 vol. TYLER, R. H. The Law of Infancy and Coverture. 1882. 1 vol. 1873. 1 vol. INHERITANCE TAX. DOS PASSOS, B. F. The Law of Collateral and Direct Inherit- ance, Legacy and Succession Taxes. Second edition. 1895. 1 vol. 1890. 1 vol. INJUNCTIONS — See also Remedies. BEACH, C. F. Commentaries on the Law of Injunctions as deter- mined by the Courts and Statutes of England and the United States. 1895. 2 vols. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 241 INJUNCTIONS — Continued. DREWRY, C. S. Treatise on Injunction. See Law Library Series, vols. 36 and 79. EDEN, R. H. The Law and Practice of Injunction, and Inter- locutory Orders in the Nature of Injunction, with reference to American and English Decisions, etc. By T. M. Watterman. Third edition. 1852. 2 vols. HIGH, J. L. The Law of Injunctions, as administered in the Courts of the United States and England. 1890. 2 vols. 1873. 1 vol. 1880. 2 vols. HILLIARD, F. The Law of Injunctions. Third edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 1874. 1 vol. 1865. 1 vol. Second edition. 1869. 1 vol. JOYCE, WM. The Law and Practice of Injunctions. Embracing all the Subjects in which Courts of Equity and Common Law have Jurisdiction. 1875. 1 vol. American edition of 1873. 2 vols. KERR, W. W. A Treatise on the Law and Practice of Injunctions with Notes and references to American Cases, by W. A. Her- rick. 1880. 1 vol. 1871. 1 vol. INN KEEPERS — See Hotels ; Bailments ; Horses. IN REM — See Proceedings in Rem. INSANITY — See also Medical Jurisprudence. BROWN, J. H. B. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 1875. 1 vol. 1871. 1 vol. BUCKNILL, J. C. Criminal Lunacy. 1856. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 92. BUSWELL, H. F. The Law of Insanity in its Application to the Civil Rights and Capacities and Criminal Responsibility of the Citizen. 1885. 1 vol. CARR, W. W. The Suggestion of Insanity in Criminal Cases and the Trial of the Collateral Issue. 1890. 1 vol. 16 L L 242 Catalogue of Law Library. INSANITY — Continued. CLEVENGER, S. V. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity or Foren- sic Psychiatry. With Judicial Decisions by F. H. Bowlby. 1898. 2 vols. HAMMOND, W. A. Insanity in its Medico-Legal Relations. An Opinion relative to the testamentary Capacity of the late James C. Johnson. 1867. 1 vol. LAWSON, J. D. The Adjudged Cases on Insanity as a Defense to Crime. 1884. 1 vol. MANN, E. C. A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insan- ity. 1893. 1 vol. MAUDSLEY, H. Responsibility in Mental Diseases. 1884. 1 vol. RAY, Dr. I. Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. Fifth edition, much enlarged. 1871. 1 vol. Third edition. 1853. 1 vol. Fourth edition. 1860. 1 vol. SHELFORD, L. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Lunacy, etc. London. Second edition. 1847. 1 vol. See also an edition of 1833 in Law Library Series, vol. 2. STOCK, J. S. The Law of Non-Compos Mentis. 1839. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 25. TAYLOR, J. A. Exonerative Insanity. Addresses delivered by John A. Taylor in the Cases of Burroughs and Fuchs. 1882, 1 vol. WINSLOW, F. The Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases. 1843. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 42. INSOLVENCY — See Assignment for Creditors; Debtor and Creditor ; Bankruptcy ; Fraudulent Conveyances. MOSES, R. J. State Insolvent Laws. 1879. 1 vol. INSOLVENCY CORPORATIONS — See Corporations. INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS. POLLOCK, C. E. A. Treatise on the Power of Courts of Common Law to Compel the Production of Documents for Inspection. 1853. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 77. INSTANCE — See Admiralty. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 243 INSTITUTES— See Law Elementary; Civil Law. ERSKINE'S INSTITUTES OF SCOTLAND. 1871. 2 vols. INSTRUCTION AND ENTRIES — See Jury. INSURANCE— See also Building Societies; Fraternities and Societies. ALEXANDER, C. B. Notes on the New York Law of Life Insur- ance. 1887. 1 vol. ANGEL, J. K. Fire and Life Insurance. Second edition. 1855. 1 vol. 1854. 1 vol. ARNOULD, J. The Law of Marine Insurance and Average, Ref- erence to American Cases, and later Continental Authorities. Fifth edition. London. 1877. 2 vols. Edition of 1850. 2 vols. BACON, F. H. A Treatise on the Law of Benefit Societies and Incidentally of Life Insurance. 1888. 1 vol. BARBER, W. Principles of the Law of Insurance adopted in the Civil Code of the State of California. 1882. 1 vol. BATES, C. Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions. 1873. 1 vol. BEACH, C. F. Commentaries on the Law of Insurance including Life, Fire, Marine, Accident and Casualty, and Guaranty Insur- ance in every Form. 1895. 2 vols. BENNETT, E. H. Fire Insurance Cases. Being a Collection of all the Reported Cases on Fire Insurance in England, Ireland, Scotland and America, from the earliest period to the present time, chi-onologically arranged. With notes and references. 1872-1876. 5 vols. BERRYMAN, J. R. A Digest of the Law of Insurance, being an analysis of Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Cases. 1888. 1 vol. BIDDLE, A. A Treatise on the Law of Insurance, including Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee and other Non-Marine Risks. 1893. 2 vols. BIGELOW, M. M. Reports of all the Published Life and Accident Insurance Cases, American and English. 1871-187G. 5 vols. BLISS, GEO. The Law of Life Insurance. With chapters upon Accident and Guarantee Insurance. 1872. 1 vol. 244 Catalogue of Law Library. INSURANCE— Continued. BONNEY, C. C. Treatise on Marine, Fire and Life Insurance. 1865. 1 vol. BUNYAN, J. C. The Law of Life Insurance, with an Appendix of Precedents, Notes, Cases, etc. 1854. 1 vol. See also an edi- tion in Law Library Series, vol. 79. CARLISLE TABLES. See Scribner on Dower, and Milne's An- nuities. CLEMENT, G. A. Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions. Supple- ment. 1872-1882. 1 vol. CLEMENT, G. A. Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions. 1893. 1 vol. COOKE, F. H. The Law of Life Insurance, including Accident In- surance and Insurance by Mutual Benefit Societies. 1891. 1 vol. DIGEST OF FIRE INSURANCE DECISIONS. (Has neither title page nor compiler's name.) 1862. 1 vol. DUER, JOHN. The Law and Practice of Marine Insurance, de- duced from a Critical Examination of the Adjudged Cases, the Nature and Analogies of the Subject, and the General Usage of Commercial Nations. 1845. 2 vols. ELLIS, CHARLES. The Law of Fire and Life Insurance, with Additions, Notes and References, by Wm. G. Shaw. 1854. 1 vol. See also an edition in Law Library Series, vol. 4. EMiERIGON, B. M. Insurance. Trai^slated from the French, with an introduction and Notes, by S. Meredith. London. 1850. 1 vol. FLANDERS, HENRY. The Law of Fire Insurance. Second edition. 1874. 1 vol. FINCH, J. A. Digest of Insurance Cases. 1889. 1 vol. FOX, F. T. A Treatise on Warranty in Fire Insurance Contracts. 1883. 1 vol. GUENTHER, W. G. Ohio Insurance Law. 1900. 1 vol. HAMMOND, E. Fire Insurance. 1840. 1 vol. HINE, C. C. and NICHOLS, W. S. New Digest of Insurance Decisions, Fire and Marine, together with an Abstract of the Law. 1882. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 245 INSURANCE— Continued. HOPKINS, MANLY. Manual of Marine Insurance. 1867. 1 vol. HUGHES, D. Insurance. First American edition. 1833. 1 vol. INSURANCE LAW JOURNAL. 1872-1900. 29 vols. JOYCE, J. A. A Treatise on Marine, Fire, Life, Accident and all other Insurances. 1897. 4 vols. This work has no table of cited cases. LITTLETON, H. A. and BLATCHLEY, J. S. Digest of Fire In- surance Decisions in the Courts of Great Britain and North America, from the earliest period to the present time. Third edition, revised and enlarged by Clement Bates. 1873. 1 vol. 1862. 1 vol. 1868. Second edition. 1 vol. MAY, JOHN W. The Law of Insurance as Applied to Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee and Non-Maritime Risks. Revised, analyzed and greatly enlarged. By John M. Gould. 1900. 2 vols. 1873. 1 vol. 1882. 1 vol. - 1891. 2 vols. MILNE, J. Annuities. London. 1815. 2 vols. NIBLAC, W. C. The Law of Voluntary Societies and Mutual Benefit Insurance. 1888. 1 vol. OSTRANDER, D. The Law of Fire Insurance with an Analyti- cal Discussion of Recent Cases. 1892. 1 vol. PARK, J. A. Marine Insurance. 1800. 1 vol. PARSONS, T. The Law of Marine Insurance and General Aver- age. 1868. 2 vols. PHILLIPS, W. The Law of Insurance. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 1867. 1823. 1 vol. Fourth edition. 1854. 2 vols. PORTER, J. B. The Laws of Insurance, Fire, Life, Accident and Guarantee. 1884. 1 vol. T^EYNOLDS, D. A Treatise on the Law of Life Insurance. 1853. 1 vol. 246 Catalggice of Law Library. IJ^SVRANCE— .Continued. RICHARDS, G. A Treatise on the Law or Insurance. 1893. vol. 1892. 1 vol. SANSUM, OLIVER B. Digest of the Law of Insurance: Being an Analysis of Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Cases, adjudicated in the Courts of England, Ireland, Scotland, the United States of America and Canada, commencing with the Earliest Reported Adjudications, and continued to the present time. 1876. 1 vol. SHARPSTEIN, J. R. A Digest of the American, English, Scotch and Irish ^Reports of Life and Accidenjt Insurance Cases. 1872. 1 vol. SHERMAN, H. Marine Insurance. 1841. 1 vol. WOLFORD, G. Insurance Statutes of the United States. 1870. 1 vol. WOOD, H. G. A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance. 1886. 2 vols. 1878. 1 vol. INTEREST — See Usury ; Interest Tables, see Tables. INTERNATIONAL REVENUE— See Revenue. INTERNATIONAL LAW — See also Extradition ; Admiralty ; Con- flict OF Laws. BAKER, S. First Steps in International Law. 1899. 1 vol. BAR, L. International Law. Private and Criminal. Translated with notes by G. R. Gillespie. 1883. 1 vol. GROTIUS, HUGO. De Jure Belli et Pacis. Translated by Dr. Whetwell. London. 1853. 3 vols. HALLECK, H. W. International Law ; or. Rules Regulating the Intercourse of States in Peace and War. 1861. 1 vol. MINOR, R. C. Conflict of Laws on Private International Law. 1901. 1 vol. PHILLIMORE, ROBERT. Commentaries upon International Law. 3 vols, in 2. London. 1854. See also Law Library Series, vols. 83, 88 and 95. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged.. 247 INTERNATIONAL LAW — Continued. POLSON, A. Principles of the Law of Nations. 1853. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 78. POMEROY, J. N. Lectures on International Law in Time of Peace. 1886. 1 vol. PUFFENDORF, S. Law of Nature and Nations. Translated from the best edition. Folio. London. 1703. 1 vol. TWISS, SIR T. The Law of Nations, considered as Independent Political Communities. London. 1863. 1 vol. VATTEL. The Law of Nations, or Principles of the Law of Na- ture applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sover- eigns. 1854. 1 vol. 1817. .Ivol. WHARTON, F. A Digest of the International Law of the United States. 1886. 3 vols. WHEATON, H. Elements of International Law. Eighth edition, revised, annotated and brought down to the present time with Notes by R. H. Dana. Jr. 1866. 1 vol. 1836. 1 vol. 1845. 1 vol. W. B. Lawrence's second edition. (Seventh edition of Wheaton). 1863. 1 vol. WILDMAN, R. Institutes of International Law. 1850. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 69. WOOLSEY, T. D. Introduction to the Study of International Law. Second edition, revised and enlarged. 1864. 1 vol. INTERPRETATION — See Statutes, Construction of. INTER=STATE— See also Extradition. RORER, D. Inter-State Law. 1879. 1 vol. WENTWORTH, J. T. Inter-State Commerce Law, Annotated. 1891. 1 vol. INTER-STATE COMMERCE COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. 1887-1893. 5 vols. INTER-STATE COMMERCE COMMISSION REPORTS. 3d to 12th Annual. 1889-1898. 10 vols. 248 Catalogue of Law Library. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. BLACK, H. C. A Treatise on the Laws regulating the manufact- ure and sale of Intoxicating Liquors. 1892. 1 vol. LAWSON, J. D. The Civil Remedy for Injuries Arising from the Sale or Gift of Intoxicating Liquors. Pamphlet. 1877. INTRODUCTORY WORKS — See Law, Elementary. IRRIGATION — See Water-rights. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES— See also Corporations; Partner- ship ; Ultra Vires. SHELF0RD,L. Law of Joint Stock Companies. London. 1863. 1 vol. WORDSWORTH, C. F. F. Joint Stock Company Law. Tenth edition, London. 1865. 1 vol. See ajso ,Law Library Series, vol. 39. JOURNAL ENTRIES. KINKEAD, E. B. Instructions and Entries. 1897. 1 vol. WILD, E. N. Journal Entries under the Code of Civil and Crim- inal Procedure of the State of Ohio, and the Acts Supple- mentary thereto ; also, under the several Statutes regulating the more common Proceedings. With Notes of the Decisions of the Courts of Ohio, and some of New York, touching Journal Entries. 1883. 1 vol. 1876. 1 vol. WINCH, L. and HINMAN, M. S. Journal Entries adapted to the Practice in the States having Code Practice similar to Ohio. 1898. 1 vol. JUDGE AND JURY — See Jury. JUDGMENTS — See also Estoppel; Scire Facias; Jurisprudence. BINGHAM, P. Judgment and Executions. 1836. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 13. BLACK, H. A. A Treatise on the Law of Judgments, including the Doctrine of Res Judicata. 1891. 2 vols. FREEMAN, A. C. A Treatise on the Law of Judgments. In- cluding all Final Determinations of the Rights of Parties in Ac- tions or Proceedings at Law or in Equity. 1892. 2 vols. 1873. 1 vol. " 1874. 1 vol. 1881. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 249 JUDGMENTS — Continued. PEMBERTON, L. L. Judgments and Orders of the Court of Ap- peals and High Court of Justice. London. 1876. 1 vol. PIGGOTT, F. T. Foreign Judgments. 1884. 1 vol. RAM, J. The Science of Legal Judgments. A Treatise Designed to show the Materials whereof and the Process by which Courts Construct their Judgments. 1871. 1 vol. See also an edition of 1835, in Law Library Series, vol. 9. 1835. 1 vol. JUDICIAL CRITICISMS AND CITATIONS— See also Dictionaries. RAPALJE, S. J. and LAWRENCE, R. L. Judicial Criticisms and Citations. 1882. 1 vol. JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS. ALDERSON, W. A. A Practical Treatise upon the Law of Judicial Writs and Process in Civil and Criminal Cases. 1895. 1 vol. VAN FLEET, J. M. The Law of Collateral Attack on Judicial Proceedings. 1892. 1 vol. JUDICIAL SALES — See also Executions. RORER, D. A Treatise on the Law of Judicial and Execution Sales. 1878. 1 vol. KLEBER, J. C. Void Judicial and Execution Sales. 1899. 1 vol. JURISDICTION. BAILEY, W. F. The Law of Jurisdiction, Including Impeachment of Judgments, Liability for Judicial Acts and Special Remedies, etc. 1899. 2 vols. BROWN, T. Commentaries on the Jurisdiction of Courts. 1891. 1 vol. CARTER, H. M. The Jurisdiction of Federal Courts. 1899. 1 vol. GRAHAM, D. Jurisdiction of New York Courts. 1839. 1 vol. HA WES, H. The Law Relating to the Subject of Jurisdiction of Courts. 1886. 1 vol. HOLT, G. C. The Concurrent Jurisdiction of the Federal and State Courts. 1888. 1 vol. JEREMY, G. Equity Jurisdiction. 1840. 1 vol. JOHNSTON, W. Arguments to Courts and Juries. 1887. 1 vol. 250 Catalogue of Law Library. JURISDICTION — Continued. LANGDELL, C. C. Cases on Equity Jurisdiction. Has neither Date, Title Page nor Index. 1 vol. POLLOCK, C. E. The Power of Cowrts to Compel Production of Documents. 1853. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 77. WELLS, J. C. A Treatise on the Jurisdiction of Courts. 1880. 1 vol. • WORKS, J. D. Courts and their Jurisdiction. 1894. 1 vol. JURISPRUDENCE — See also Law Elementary ; Ancient Law. ABBOTT, B. V. Year Book of Jurisprudence. 1880. 1 vol. AMOS, SHELDON. A Systematic View of the Science of Juris- prudence. London. 1872. 1 vol. . AUSTIN, J. Lectures on Jurisprudence ; or, the Philosophy of Positive Law. London. 1861. 3 vols. BEACH, C. F. Modern Equity. Commentaries on Modern Equity Jurisprudence as determined by the Courts and Statutes of Eng- land and the United States. 1892. 2 vols. BEAUCHAMP, J. J.. The Jurisprudence of the Privy Council. Canada. 1891. 1 vol. BROOM, HERBERT. The Philosophy of Law. Being Notes of Lectures delivered during Twenty-three Years (1852-1875) in the Inner Temple Hall. 1876. 1 vol. BURLAMAQUI, J. J. Principles of Natural and Political Law. Translated into English by Mr. Nugent. 1867. 1 vol. CLARK, E. C. Practical Jurisprudence. Comments on Austin. 1883L" 1 vol. DILLON, J. F. The Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America. 1894. 1 vol. HALL, J. E. Journal of Jurisprudence. 1821. 1 vol. HERON, D. C. The Principles of Jurisprudence. London. 1860. 1 vol. HILLIARD, F. The Elements of the Law of Jurisprudence. Sec- ond edition. 1848. 1 vol. HOLLAND, T. E. The Elements of Jurisprudence. 1886. 1 vol. 1880. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 251 JURISPRUDENCE— Continued. LINDLEY, N. The Study of Jurisprudence. 1855. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 86. LIEBER, F. Manual of Political Ethics. 1876. 2 vols. LORIMER, JAMES. The Institutes of Law. The Principles of Jurisprudence, as determined by Nature. London. 1872. 1 vol. MONTESQUIEU'S SPIRIT OF LAWS. The Spirit of Laws. By M. De Secondat, Baron De Montesquieu. Translated from the French by Thomas Nugent. A new edition, carefully revised and compared with the best Paris edition. To which are pre- fixed a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Author, and an Analysis of the Work, by M. D'Alemb>srt. 1873. 2 vols. POLLOCK, F. Essay in Jurisprudence and Ethics. 1882. 1 vol. POMEROY, J. N. A Treatise on Equity Jurisprudence as admin- istered in the United States of America. 1892. 3 vols. 1881-83. 3 vols. ROBINSON, W. C. Elements of American Jurisprudence, 1900. 1 vol. ROSCOE, W. Penal Jurisprudence. London. 1819. 1 vol. SHARSWOOD, G. An Essay on Professional Ethics. 1860. 1 vol. JURY. ABBOTT, A. A Brief for the Trial of Civil Issues before a Jury. 1900. 1 vol. 1885. 1 vol. ABBOTT, B. V. Judge and Jury. 1880. 1 vol. DONOVAN, J. W. Modern Jury Trials and Advocates. 1882. 1 vol. , , . EDWARDS, C. Juryman's Guide. 1831. 1vol. FORSYTH, WM. History of Trial by Jury. Edited by James A. Morgan. 1852. 1 vol. JOHNSTON, W. Arguments and Speeches to Courts and Juries. 1887. 1 vol. JOY, H. H. Challenge of Juries. See Law Library Series, vol. 40. KINKEAD, E. B. " Forms of Instructions to Juries an. 1 vol. 1872. 1 vol. HINKLEY, E. O. Testamentary Law of Maryland. 1878. vol. JARMAN, T. Treatise on Wills, with a Copious Dissertation on the Construction of Devises. With Notes and References to American Law. Sixth edition, notes by Bigelow. 1893. 2 vols. Second American edition. 1859. 2 vols. Fifth edition. 1880. 2 vols. LOVELASS, P. On Wills. 1839. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 25. PAGE, W. H. A concise Treatise on the Law of Wills. 1901. 1 vol. 330 Catalogue of Law Library. WILLS — Continued. PARSONS, A. The Law of Wills, embodying the latest Decisions relating thereto. 1855. 1 vol. See also Law Library Series, vol. 80, POWELL, J. J. An Essay upon the Learning of Devises from their Inception by Writing to their Consummation by the Death of the Devisor. 1806. 1 vol. (This volume is bound as a "filler" with the "Cleveland Law Record." 1 vol.) Powell on Devises by Jarman. 1838. See Law Library Series, vols. 21 and 22. 2 vols. PROFFATT, J. Curiosities of the Law of Wills. 1876. 1 vol. RAM, J. On Devises. 1835. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 8. RAM, J. A Practical Treatise of Assets, Debts, and Incumbrances. 1835. 1 vol. REDFIELD, I. F. The Law of Wills. Part I. Embracing the Jurisprudence of Insanity ; the Making and Construction of Wills, and the effect of Intrinsic Evidence upon such Construc- tion ; with Forms and Instructions for Preparing Wills. Third edition. Parts II and III. Embracing Devises, Legacies, Char- itable Trusts, and the Duties of Executors and Administrators, and other Testamentary Trustees, etc. Fourth edition. 1876. 3 vols. Third edition. 1869. 2 vols. REDFIELD, I. F. Leading American Cases, and Notes upon the Law of Wills. With Notes and References. 1871. 1 vol. ROPER, R. S. D. The Law of Legacies. Second American edition, with References to American Cases. 1848. 2 vols. SCHOULER, J. A Treatise on the Law of Wills. 1000. 1 vol. 1887. 1 vol. 1892. 1 vol. TAYLOR, THOMAS. Precedents of Wills. With Practical Notes on the Construction or Elucidation of the various Clauses in a Complicated Will. 1813. 1 vol. THOMAS, E. B. A Treatise on the Law of E.states created by Will. 1898. 2 vols. THORNTON, W. W. The Law of Lost Wills. 1890. 1 vol. THORNTON, W. W. Gifts and Advancements. 1893. 1 vol. Subjects, Alphabetically Arranged. 331 WILLS — Continued. UNDERHILL, H. C. A Treatise on the Law of Wills. 1900. 2 vols. WARD, W. On Legacies. 1837. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. 18. WIGRAM, JAMES. Examination of the Rules of Law, respecting the Admission of Intrinsic Evidence in aid of the Interpretation of Wills. From the Fourth London edition, with Notes, by John P. O'Harra. 1872. 1 vol. 1858. 1 vol. WORTHINGTON, G. The Law of Wills. 1845. 1 vol. See Law Library Series, vol. GO. WINDOW LIGHTS — See Boundaries. WITNESSES. RAPALJE, S. A Treatise on the Law of Witnesses. 1887. 1 vol.. WOMAN — See Husband and Wife. WORDS AND PHRASES —See Dictionaries. WRITS — See Judicial Proceedings. WRITTEN LAWS — See Statute Law. WRONGS — See Torts. THIRD DIVISION. American Reports, Statutes and Digests. AMERICAN REPORTS, STATUTES, AND DIGESTS. UNITED STATES. STATUTES. Period. Vols. Public Statutes at Large (1-5) 1789-1845 5 Private Statutes (6) 1789-1845 1 Treaties with the Indian Tribes (7) 1778-1842 1 Treaties with Foreign Powers, with General Index to Vols. 1-8 (8) 1778-1845 1 Public Statutes at Large (9-17) 1845-1873 9 c Statutes at Large (18) 1873-1875 1 c Statutes at Large (19) 1875-1876 1 c Statutes at Large (20) 1877-1878 1 c Statutes at Large (21) 1879-1880 1 c Statutes at Large (22) 1881-1883 1 c Statutes at Large (23) 1883-1885 1 c Statutes at Large (24) 1885-1887 1 c Statutes at Large (25) 1887-1889 1 c Statutes at Large (26) 1889-1891 1 c Statutes at Large (27) 1891-1893 1 c Statutes at Large (28) 1893-1895 1 c Statutes at Large (29) 1895-1897 1 c Statutes at Large (30) 1897-1899 1 Statutes. 1st Sess. 55th Congress 1897 1 Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Publ Synoptical Index to Vols. 1-10 1789-1851 1 Revised Statutes l^'^^ ^ Revised Statutes, second edition 1878 1 Revised Statutes, supplement 1879-1891 1 Revised Statutes, supplement 1892-1897 1 Revised Statutes, supplement 1897-1899 1 Gould and Tucker's Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States. John M. Gould and George F. Tucker to 1897 2 o'ii Catalogue of Law Library. DIGESTS, ETC. Period. Vols United States Digest. Digest of the Decisions of Courts of Common Law and Admiralty in the United States to 1870 29 United States Equity Digest. By J. P. Putnam to 1847 2 United States Digest. First Series. Digest of Decis- ions of the various Courts within the United States. Comprising all the Decisions digested in thirty-one volumes of the United States Digest to 1870 14 United States Digest. New Series. Annual Digest for 1870 to 1888. By B. V. Abbott 1870-1888 19 United States Digest. Co-operative Publishing Co. . . . 1889 2 United States Digest. Co-operative Publishing Co. Supplemental volume 1895 1 United States Digest. Co-operative Publishing Co. Supplemental volume 1899 1 Abbott's National Digest 1789-1888 5 Abbott's National Digest 1789-1877 7 Abbott's United States Practice. B. V. Abbott 1880 2 Alden's Index to Supreme Court Decisions. From Dallas to 14 Howard, inclusive 1 Amies' Cases on Motion United States Supreme Court. C. H. Armes 1886 1 Baker, A. J. Annotated Constitution of the United States 1891 1 Baldwin's Constitutional Views. Henry Baldwin.... 1837 1 Baylie's Digest Index 1814 3 Blatchford's Rules and Statistics of United States Courts. S. A. Blatchford 1884 1 Brannon. The Fourteenth Amendment 1901 1 Brightley's Digest of Federal Decisions 1789-1873 2 Brightley's Digest of Federal Decisions 1789-18(19 2 Bump's Federal Procedure. O. F. Bump 1882 1 Carson's History of the Supreme Court of the United States. H.L.Carson 1891 1 Carter, H. M. Jurisdiction of Federal Courts 1899 1 Civil Service Commission 1898-1899 1 Clarke's Hand Book of United States Supreme Court Decisions. H.D.Clarke 1892 1 Cocke's Practice in United States Courts 1871 1 Comptroller of the Treasury Decisions 1893-1900 6 American Reports, Etc. 335 Period. Vols. Conkling's Organization, Jurisdiction and Practice .... 1856 1 Curtis's Jurisdiction and Practice 1854 1 Curtis's Admiralty Digest 1839 1 Curtis's Digest of the United States Supreme Court Reports to 1854 1 Danforth's Supreme Court Digest. H. G. Danforth. . . 1891 2 Desty's Removal Causes. R. Desty 1893 1 Desty's Federal Procedure. R. Desty 1899 4 Desty's Federal Citations 1878 1 Digest of United States Treasury Decisions 1882 1 Dillon on Removal of Causes. J. F. Dillon 1887 1 Dunlop's Digest of the Laws of the United States 1789-1856 1 Equity Digest. By Barbour and Harrington 1837 3 Federal Reporter 1880-1900 104 Federal Reporter Digest 1900 4 Field and Miller's Federal Practice 1881 1 Foster's Federal Practice. Roger Foster 1892 2 Garland and Ralston. Federal Practice 1898 2 Gordon's Digest of the Laws 1829 1 Hane's United States Criminal Digest to 1856 1 Heyl's United States Commercial Digest. Relating to Revenue, Commerce, Navigation, and the Cur- rency 1868 1 History of the Public Domain. Thomas Donaldson . . . 1884 1 Holt on Concurrent Jurisdiction. Federal and State Courts. G. C. Holt 1888 1 Ingersoll's Digest of Laws. With Notes of Decisions. . 1825 1 Internal Revenue Laws 1900 1 Inter State Commerce Commission Reports to 1900 11 Kinney's Supreme Court Digest. J. K. Kinney 1886 2 Lauk and Clark's Table of United States Supreme Court Cases 1882 1 Law, S. D. Jurisdiction and Powers United States Courts 1852 1 Loveland, F. O. Forms of Federal Procedure 1894 1 Local and General Land Laws of the United States. . . . 1884 3 May's United States Supreme Court Practice 1899 1 Myer's Federal Decisions. Supreme, Circuit and Dis- trict Courts. William G. Myer 1889 30 Murray's Table of Cases 1873 1 National Bank Acts 1885 1 New York Journal of the Convention 1788 1 336 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Notes on United States Reports. W. M. Rose ( 2 Dall. to 115 U. S.) 10 Opinions of Attorneys General and Digest. Ex. Doc. and Official — See list following United States Reports Pagin's Federal Precedents and Forms 1894 1 Patterson's Federal Restraints on State Actions. C. S. Patterson 1888 1 Peter's Digest ; . . . 1839 3 Phillips' United States Supreme Court Practice. W. H. Phillips 1887 1 Phillips' United States Supreme Court Manual. W. H Phillips 1885 1 Rapalje's Federal Reference Digest. Stewart J. Ra- palje 1880 1 Richardson, H. P. Journal of the Federal Convention of 1787 Analyzed 1899 1 Roe's Criminal Procedure United States Courts. E. T. Roe 1887 1 Rose's Notes — see Notes on United States Reports. Rules of the United States Courts 1875 1 Russell & Winslow's Syllabus Digest (vol. 1) 1900 1 Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1787 1838 1 Shiras' Equity Practice, United States Circuit Courts. O. P. Shiras ' 1898 1 Speer on the Removal of Causes. Emory Speer. . . . 1888 1 Spear on the Law of the Federal Judiciary. S. T. Spear 1883 1 Supreme Court Reporter 1883-1900 21 Thatcher's Practice. Circuit and District Courts. E. Thatcher 1884 2 Thatcher's Digest Supreme Court United States Juris- diction and Practice 1882 1 Thorpe's Constitutional History 1901 3 Waterman's United States Criminal Digest 1878 1 Wells on Jurisdiction 1880 1 Wheaton's Digest 1821 1 Work's Removal of Causes. John D. Work 1887 1 American Reports, Etc. 337 UNITED STATES REPORTS. Supreme Court. Period. Vols. Miller's Decisions. By Woolworth (see Woolworth, C. C. Reports) 1863-1869 1 Dallas, A. J. (1-4) 1790-1800 4 The first volume of Dallas's Reports contains cases in the courts of Pennsylvania only; the second, third and fourth, decisions of the 1 United States Courts, as well as Pennsylvania cases. Cranch, W. (5-13) 1800-1815 9 Wheaton, H, (14-25) 1816-1827 12 Peters, R. (26-41) 1827-1842 17 Volume 17, Peters Reports, not included in series count. In rear of Vol. 16, Peters, will be found table of U. S. cases to 1844. Howard, B. C. (42-65) 1843-1860 24 Black, J. S. (66-67) 1861-1862 2 Wallace, J. W. (68-90) 1863-1875 23 Otto, W. T. (91-107) 1875-1882 18 Davis, J. C. B. (108-178) 1882-1900 70 Circuit Court of Appeals. Blatchford, S. A. United States Appeal Reports 1891-1899 63 Circuit Court. The Circuits, as originally organized, were as follozvs: — 1. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hamphsire and Rhode Island. 2. New York, Connecticut and Vermont. 3. Pennsylvania and New Jer- sey. 4. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. 5. Alabama and Louisi- ana. 6. North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. 7. Ohio, In- diana, Illinois and Michigan. 8. Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri. 9. Mississippi and Arkansas. As reorganized by Act of July i>j, i866: — 1. Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. 2. New York, Connecticut and Vermont. 3. Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. 4. Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina. 5. Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Missis- sippi and Texas. 6. Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee. 7. Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. 8. Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kan- sas, Arkansas, Nebraska and Colorado. 9. California, Oregon and Ne- vada. 22 L L 338 Catalogue of Law Library. FIRST CIRCUIT. Period. Vols. Gallison, J 1812-1815 2 Mason, W. P. ._. 1816-1830 5 Sumner, C. . . . 1830-1839 3 Story. W. W 1839-1845 3 Woodbury, C. L. & Minot, G 1845-1847 3 Curtis, B. R 1851-1850 2 Clifford, W. H 1858-1880 4 Holmes, J. S 1870-1875 1 SECOND CIRCUIT. Paine, E , 1810-1840 2 Blatchford, S 1845-1888 24 THIRD CIRCUIT (oLD). Dallas' Reports, 2d, 3d and 4tli vols, contain cases de- cided in this court 1781-1806 4 Wallace, J. B 1801 1 Peters, R 1803-1818 1 Washin^on, B 1803-1827 4 Baldwin, H 1828-1833 1 Wallace, J. W., Jr 1842-1862 3 FOURTH CIRCUIT (OLD). Call's Va. Reports (Vol. 6, pp. 241-376) 1793-1825 Marshall's Decisions, by Brockenborough, J. W 1802-1833 2 Taney, R. B. Decisions, by Campbell, J. M 1836-1861 1 Chase, S. P. Decisions 1865-1869 1 Hughes, R. W 1792-1883 5 FIFTH CIRCUIT (nEW). Wood, W. B 1870-1883 4 SIXTH CIRCUIT (new). Bond, L. H 1865-1871 2 Flippin, W. S 1859-1880 2 SEVENTH CIRCUIT (oLD). McLean, J 1829-1854 6 SEVENTH CIRCUIT (NEW). Bissau, J. H 1851-1883 U American Reports, Etc. 339 EIGHTH CIRCUIT (nEW). Period. Vols Miller's Decisions, by Woolwortli 18G3-1869 1 Dillon, J. F 1870-1879 5 NINTH CIRCUIT (OLD). Hempstead, S. H 1839-185G 1 NINTH CIRCUIT (NEW). McAllister, C 1855-1859 1 Deady, M. P 1861-1869 1 Sawyer, L. S. B 1870-1891 14 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Cranch, W 1801-1841 6 Circuit and District Court. Abbott, B. V 1863-1871 2 District Court. district of MAINE. Ware, A 1822-1865 3 Daveis, E. H 1839-1849 1 Daveis is the second volume of Ware's Reports. DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS. Sprague, P. Decisions 1841-1864 2 Lowell, J. Decisions 1865-1877 2 DISTRICT OF VERMONT. Reported in Vermont Reports, Vols. 20 to 25. DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. Van Ness, W. P. Prize Cases 1814 1 Blatchford, S. and Rowland, F 1827-1837 1 Olcott, E. R 1843-1850 1 Abbott Brothers 1847-1850 1 Blatchford, S.. Prize Cases 1861-1865 1 Benedict. R. D 1865-1882 10 340 Catalogite of Law Library. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. Period. Vols. Peters, R. Admiralty Decisions Containing Hopkin-, son, F. Admiralty Decisions 1792-1807 2 EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. Gilpin, H. D 1828-1836 1 Crabbe, W. H 1836-1846 1 DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Bee, T. Admiralty Reports 1792-1805 1 DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS. Hempstead, S. H. Reports 1820-1856 1 DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN, NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO, WEST- ERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, WESTERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS, DIS- TRICT OF MISSOURI, AND EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA. Period. Vols. Newberry, J. S. Admiralty Reports 1842-1857 1 Bond, L. H 1856-1871 2 Brown, H. B. Admiralty Reports 1859-1874 1 DISTRICT OF C.\LIFORNIA AND OREGON. Hoffman. O. Land Cases 1853-1858 1 Deady, M. P 1861-1869 1 Sawyer, L. S. B 1870-1801 14 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. See under alphabetical arrangement of States. "District of Columbia." Opinions of Attorneys General. Executive Documents 1780-1838 2 Hall, B. F. ( 1-5) 1701-1853 5 Andrews, C. C. (6-8) 1853-1857 3 Ashton, J. H. (0-12 ) 1857-1860 4 Bentley, A. J. (13-10) 1869-1801 7 Hibbard, E. A. (20) 1802-1805 1 Brandenburg. E. C. (21) 1804-1808 1 Digest, Revised Edition 1877 1 American Reports, Etc. 341 Court of Claims. Period. Vols. Devereux, J. C 185G 1 Nott, C. C. and Huntington, S. H. (1-7). Court of Claims Reports 1863-187:^ 7 Richardson, W. A. (18). Court of Claim Reports 1882-1883 1 Nott, C. C. and Hopkins, A. (8-35). Court of Claims Reports (excepting vol. 18) 1873-1900 29 Nott, C. C. and Hopkins, A. Digest 1863-1875 1 Interior Department Decisions. Pensions 1887-1892 5 Public Lands 1881-1891 12 Public Lands Digest, vols. 1-10 1 Comptrollers Decisions. Lawrence, W 1880-1885 6 Bowler, R. B 1893-1894 1 Bowler, R. B., Bowers, E. A 1895-1897 2-3 Tracewell, Bowers and Mitchell 1898 4 Tracewell and Mitchell 1898-1900 6 CUBA, PORTO RICO AND THE PHILIPPINES. pamphlets. Administration of Justice 1891 Civil Administration and Government, Porto Rico 1899 Civil Code 1899 Civil Service 1900 Code of Commerce 1899 Constitution Establishing Self-government, Cuba and Porto Rico. 1897 Electoral Law, Cuba and Porto Rico 1899 Electoral Law, Porto Rico 1899 Mining Law, Cuba 1884 Mining Law. Philippines 1900 Mortgage Law 1893 Mortgage Law, Execution of 1893 Notarial Laws, Cuba and Porto Rico 1888 Notarial Laws, Philippines 1899 Penal Code, Philippines 1900 Penal Code, Cuba and Porto Rico 1900 Ports, Cuba 1900 Provincial and Municipal Laws, Porto Rico 1890 342 Catalogue of Law Library. Public Documents 1893 Public Works, Cuba 1891 Public Works, Porto Rico 1899 Railroads, Cuba. 1895 Railroads, Porto Rico 1899 Railroad Laws, Philippines 1900 Railroad Police Law, Cuba 1899 Railroad Police Law, Porto Rico 1899 Translation of the Law of Civil Procedure. Cuba and Porto Rico 1901 Waters, Cuba 1900. STATE REPORTS, DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. ALABAMA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Minor, H 1820-182G 1 Stewart. G. N 1827-18;U 3 Stewart, G. N. S and Porter, B. F. P 1831-18:U 5 Porter. P.. F. Reports 1834-18:^0 Alabama Reports. (1-11.) New Series By the Judges 1810-184.7 11 Ormond, J. J. (12-15) 1847-1849 4 Cocke, X. W. (10-18) 1849-1851 3 Shepherd, J. W. (19-21) 1852 3 By the Judges (22-23) 1853 2 Shepherd, J. W. (24-41) 1853-1808 18 Danner, J. L. C. (42) < 18«8 1 Jones, T. G. (43-48) 1869-1872 G Shepherd, J. W. (49-51) 1873-1874 3 Jones, T. G. (52-57) 1875-1877 6 Clark, F. B., Jr. (58) 1877 1 Sanford, J. W. A (59) 1877 1 Shepherd, J. W. (GO) 1877 1 Jones, T. G. (61-62) 1878 2 Shepherd, J. W. (63-66) 1879-1880 4 Moore, G. F. (67) 1880 1 Shepherd, J. W. and Tillman, J. P. (68) 1880-1881 1 Tillman. T. P. (69) 1881 1 Shepherd, T- W. (70) 1881 1 Tillman, J. P. (71) 1881-1882 1 Shepherd, J. W. (72) 1882 1 Tillman, J. P. (73) 1882-1883 1 Shepherd, J. W. (74) 1883 ] Tillman, J. P. (75) 1883-1884 1 344 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Shepherd, J. W. (76-79) 1884-1885 4 Morissett, E. P. (80) 1885 1 Hutcheson, W. G. (81) 1886 1 Shepherd, J. W. («2-83) 1886-1887 2 Hutcheson, W. G. (84) 1887-1888 1 Shepherd, J. W. (85-95) 1887-1892 11 Walker, R. W. (96) 1891-1892 1 Houghton, W. R. (97) 1892-1893 1 Morrissett, E. P. (98) 1892-1893 1 Thorington, W. S. (100 and 107) 1895-1896 2 Marks and Sayre (108) 1895-1896 1 Walker, R. W. (109) 1895-1896 1 Bouldin, V. (119) 1898-1899 1 Cobb, J. E. (121) 1898-1899 1 Coleman, P. (99, 101-106. 110-120, 122) 1893-1898 18 . . ; „ , DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. I >*""■■ Brickell's Digest of Reports 1820-1889 3 Statute Compilation. Laws in force 1823 1 Statute Compilation. Laws in force 1833 1 Statute Compilation. Laws in force 1836 1 Statute Compilation. Laws in force 1843 1 Statute Compilation. Laws in force 1852 1 Statute Compilation. Laws in force 1867 1 Statute Compilation. Laws in force 1876 1 Statute Compilation. Laws in force 1887 2 Penal Code 1866 1 Civil and Criminal Code 1896 2 Acts of November 1821, 1822-23, 1823-24, 1824-25, 1825-26, 1826-27, 1827-28, 1828-29, 1829-30, 1830-31, 1831-32, November 1832, 1832^ 33, 1833-34, 1834-35, 1835-36, 1836-37, June 1837, 1837-38, 1838-39, 1839-40, 1840-41, April 1841, 1841-42, 1842-43, 1843-44, 1844-45, 1845-46, 1847-48, 1849-50, 1851-52, 1853-54, 1855-56, 1857-58, ' 1859-60, January 1861, October and November 1861, October and November 1862, August and November 1863, September and No- vember 1864, 1865-66, 1866-67, July, September and November 1868, 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73, November 1873, 1874-75, 1875-76, 1876-77, 1878-79, 1880-81, 1882-83, 1884-85. 1886-87, 1888-89, 1890-91, 1892-93, 1894-95, 1896-97. 1898-99, Genl. and Loc. American Reports, Etc. 345 ALASKA. Period. Vols. The Laws of Alaska, including Codes, Treatise and Acts relating- to the District. T.H.Carter 1900 1 ARIZONA. REPORTS. Dann, F. P 1866-1884 1 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Statute Compilations. Howell's Code 1865 1 Statute Compilations. C. Bashford 1864-1871 1 Statute Compilations. J. P. Hoyt 1864-1877 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes * 1887 1 Journal Ninth Assembly 1877 1 Acts of 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, (1887 in Revised Statutes), 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897. I ARKANSAS. REPORTS. Pike, A. (1-5) 1837-1844 5 English, E. H. (6-13) 1845-1853 8 Barber, L. E. (14-24) 1853-1867 11 Cox, N. W. (25-27) 1867-1872 3 Moore, J. M. (28-34) 1872-1879 7 Turner, B. D. (35-48) 1879-1888 14 Mansfield, W. W. (49-52) 1888-1891 4 Crawford, T. D. (53-67) 1891-1900 15 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digested Index to Reports. C. B. Brady 1878 1 Digest of Reports. T. J. Oliphant 1886 1 346 Catalogue of Lazv Library. Period. Vols. Statute Compilation. Steele and McCampbell 1835 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes. By W. i\IcK. Ball and S. C. Roane 1838 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of Statutes. E. H. English 1848 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of Statutes. Josiah Gould 1858 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of Statutes. E. W. Garritt .-1874 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of Statutes. W. W. Mansfield 1884 1 Constitution of Arkansas 1874 1 Acts of November 1840, 1842-43, 1844-45, November 1846, 1848-49, 1850-51, 1852-53, 1854-55, 1856-57, 1858-59, 1860-61, March 1862, November 1862, April 1864, September 1864, 1864-65 April 1865, 1866-67, April 1868, 1868-69, 1871, 1873, May 1874, 1874-75, No- vember 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. CALIFORNIA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Bennett. N. (1) 1850-1851 1 Hepburn, H. P. (2-4) 1852-1854 3 Morris, W. G. (5) 1855 1 Booraem, H. T. (6-8) 1856-1857 3 Lee, H. (9-12) 1858-1859 4 Harmon, J. B. (13-15) 1859-1860 3 Bagley, D. T. ( 16-19) 1860-1862 4 Hillyer, C. J. (20-22) 1862-1863 3 Tuttle. C. A. (23-32) 1863-1867 10 Hale. J. E. (33-37) 1867-1869 5 Robinson, T. (38) 1869 1 Thompson. R. A. (39-40) 1870-1871 2 Tuttle, C. A. (41-51) 1871-1877 11 Tuttle, C. A. and Carpenter, G. J. (52) 1877-1878 1 Carpenter. G. J. (53) 1878-1879 1 Smith, G. H. (54-62) 1879-1882 9 Cope, W. W. (63-72) 1883-1887 10 Pomeroy, C. P. (73-128) 1887-1900 54 American Reports, Etc. 347 Probate Court. Period. Vols. Myrick, M. H IS'^^-mS 1 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Lavatt l^^l ^ Digest of Reports. Index Digest. L. Rhodes 1882 2 Digest of Reports. Index Digest. H. L. Gear 1887 1 Digest of Reports. Index Digest. M. Whitmore. . . . 1880 1 Citations. R. Desty ^^'^^ ^ Statute Compilations. Hittel's General Laws (2 in 1) . 1850-1864 1 Statute Compilations. Garfield & Snyder . 185:^ 1 Statute Compilations. Wood's Digest of Laws 1857 1 Statute Compilations. T. H. Hittell 18^0 1 Statute Compilations. C. H. Parker 18'71 1 Statute Compilations. Civil Code 1^^^ 1 Statute Compilations. Penal Code 18^2 1 Statute Compilations. Political Code 1 8^1 - Statute Compilations. T. H. Hittel 18T<*> 2 Statute Compilations. T. H. Hittel, Supplement 1877-1880 1 Statute Compilations. E. P. Deering 1880 5 Statute Compilations. R. A. Ballinger 189'J' 2 1 SSfi 1 Catalogue Law Library ^"^" ^ Catalogue Supplement T 1 . T 1850-1893 1 Index to Laws Acts of 1841)-5(). 1851, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860. 1861, 1862, 186:^, 1863-4, 1865-6, 1867-8, 1869-70, 1871-2, 1873-74, Amendments to Codes, 1873-74, Statutes, 1875-6, Amend- ments to Codes, 1875-6. Statutes. 1877-8, Amendments to Codes, 1877-8 Statutes and Amendments to the Codes, 1880. Statutes and Amendments to the Codes. 1881; April 1881. Statutes and Amend- ments to the Codes, 1883 ; March 1884, Statutes and Amendments to the Codes, 1885; July, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. COLORADO. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Halktt, M. (1-2) lS6*-lf5 2 France. L. B. (S-U) 1875-1887 9 348 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Beck, W. E. (12-16) 1888-1891 5 Robinson. T. M. (17-23) 1893-1896 8 Gordon. J. A. (24-26) 1896-1900 3 Court of Appeals. Beck, W. E. (1) 1891-1892 1 Robinson, T. M. (2-11) 1891-1898 9 Gordon. J. A. (10-13) 1897-1899 4 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. I. Taylor 1891 1 Digest of Reports 1888 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1868 1 Statute Compilations. General Laws 1877 1 Statute Compilations. Civil Code 1877 1 Statute Compilations. General Statutes 1883 1 Statute Compilations. Mills Revised 1891 2 Statute Compilations. Mills, Supplement 1896 1 Fitnam. J. C. Colorado Practice 1893 1 School Law 1899 1 Bar Association Reports 1897-1898 1 Bar Association Reports 1899 1 Bar Association Reports 1900 1 Acts of 1861, 1862, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1866-67, 1867-68, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1876-77, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1897. CONNECTICUT. REPORTS. Kirby, E. (1) 1785-1788 1 Root, J. (1-2) 1789-1797 2 Day, T. (1-5) 1802-1813 5 Day, T. (1-21). Connecticut Reports 1814-1852 21 Matson. W. N. (22-24) 1852-1856 3 Hooker. J. (25-62) 1856-1893 38 Andrews. J. P. (63-72) 1893-1900 10 American Reports, Etc. 349 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Period. Vols. Digest of Reports. Dutton 1833 1 Digest of Reports 1^^^ ^ Digest of Reports. S. E. Baldwin 1871-1882 - Index Digest. Andrews & Fowler 1896 1 Table of Cases. G. Sharswood 1878 1 Rules of Court 18^^^ 1 Blue Laws. Smucker's Edition 1861 1 The Supreme Court of Connecticut. C. Bell 1899 1 Statute Compilation 1'^^^ ^ Statute Compilation 18^8 1 -1091 1 Statute Compilation ^^"^ Statute Compilation 18^5 1 Statute Compilation 18^8 1 Statute Compilation 18^^' Statute Compilation 18^^ 1 Statute Compilation 18^6 1 Statute Compilation 18'^^ ^ Statute Compilation 1888 1 Index to General Statutes 1875-1882 1 Index to General Statutes 1889-1893 1 Blue Laws of Connecticut 18^1 1 Private Laws. Vols. 1 and 2, 1789 to 1836 ; Vol. 3, 1836-1856 ; Vol. 4, 1830-1856; Vol. 5, 1857-1865; Vol. 6, 1866-1870; Vol. 7, 1871- 1875 ; \'ol. 8, 1876-1880. Laws of Connecticut. Mav an^ Oct., 1796; May and Oct.,1797; May and Oct.. 1798 ; May and Oct., 1799 ; May and Oct., 1800 ; May and Oct.. 1801; Mav and Oct., 1802; May and Oct., 1803; May and Oct., 1804 ;" May and Oct., 1805 ; Oct., 1808 ; May and Oct., 1809 ; May' and Oct., 1810; May and Oct., 1811; May, August and Octo- l)cr' 1812; May and Oct., 1813; May and Oct., 1814 ; January, May and October, 1815; May and Oct., 1816; May and Oct.. 1817; May and Oct., 1818; Mav 1822, May 1823, May 1824, May 1825, May 1826, May 1827, May 1829, May 1830, May 1831, May 1833, May I834', May I835', May and Dec, 1836; Pub. and Priv., May 1837; (with errata for Publ'ic Statutes, 1835); Pub. and Priv.. May 1838; Pub. and Priv., May 1839; Pub. and Priv., May 1840; Pub. and Priv., May 1841; Pub. and Priv., May and Oct.. 1842; Election Laws. 1842; Pub. and Priv., May 1843; Pub. and Priv., May 1844; Pub. and Priv., May 1845; Pub. and Priv., May 1846; Pub. and Priv., Mav 1847; Pub. and Priv., May 1848; Pub. and Priv. May 350 Catalogue of Law Library. 1849 ; Pub. and Priv., May 1850 ; Public and Priv., May 1851 ; Pub. and Priv., May 1852; Pub. and Priv., May 1853; Pub. and Priv., May 1851; Pub. May 1855; Pub. and Priv., May 185(5; Pub. and Priv., May 1857 ; Pub. and Priv., May 1858 ; Pub. and Priv., May 1859 ; Pub. and Priv., May 18G0 ; Pub. and Priv., May and Oct., 1861; Pub. and Priv., May and Dec, 18G2 ; Pub. and Priv., May and Nov., 1803; Pub. and Priv., Jan. and May, 1864; Pub. and Priv., May 18G5; Pub. and Priv.. May 1866; Pub. and Priv., May 1867; (Public Acts re-printed for the years 1860, 1867 and 1868) ; Pub. and Priv., Alay 18(>8; Pub. and Priv., May 1869; Pub. and Priv., May 1870 Pub. and Special, 1871 ; Pub. and Spec, 1872 ; Pub. and Spec, 1873 Pub. and Spec, 1874 ; Pub. and Spec, 1875 ; Pub. and Spec, 1876 Pub. and Spec, 1877 ; Pub. and Spec, 1878 ; Pub. and Spec, 1879 Pub. and Spec, 1880 ; Pub. and Spec, 1881 ; Pub. and Spec, 1882 Pub. and Spec, 1883 ; Pub. and Spec, 1884 ; Pub. and Spec, 1885 Pub. and Spec, 1886; Pub. and Spec, 1887; Pub. and Spec, 1889 Pub. and Spec, 1891 ; Pub. and Spec, 1893 ; Pub. and Spec, 1895 Pub. and Spec. 1897; Pub. and Spec, 1899. CUBA. See following United States Reports. DAKOTA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Bennett, G. G. (1) 1867-1877 1 Smith. E. G. (2-4) 1878-1887 3 Tripp, R. B. (5-6) 1888-1889 2 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. House and Council Journal 1863 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1877 1 Statute Compilations. Compiled Laws 1887 1 Laws of 1862. 1862-63. 1863-64. 1864-65, 1865-66, 1866-67, 1867-8, 1868-69, 1870-71, 1872-73. 1874-5, 1877 in Revised Code, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889. American Reports, Etc. 351 DELAWARE. REPORTS, Period. Vols. Harrin^on, S. M. Law (1-5) 1X82-185.") 5 Houston, J. W. Law (1-9) 1855-1SU5 9 Bates, D. M. Chancery (1-2) 1814-1808 2 Bates, G. H. Chancery (1-4) 18<;(;-187:^ 4 Saulsbury. W. Chancery (5-6) 1874-1895 2 Wolcott.' J. L. (7) ' 1892-1895 1 Houston, J. W. Criminal Cases (1) 185()-1879 1 Marvel, D. T. Reports all Courts 1898-1899 2 Pennewill, J. Reports all Courts 1897-1899 1 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Ridgeley's Digest 1894 1 Smith's Delaware Corporations 1899 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statute 1829 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statute 1852 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1874 1 Statute Compilations. Laws of Delaware 1700-1816 4 Statute Compilations. Revised Code of 1852. as amended 1898 1 Laws of April 1813, May 1813, Jan. 1814, 1815, 1816, Index to Laws 1813-1814-1815-1816, Jan. 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1829, 1830. 1831, 1832, 1833, 1835, 1837, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1847, 1849. 1851, 1855, 1859, Jan. and Nov., 1861, Jan. and June, 1863, Jan. and June. 1865, Jan. 1866, 1867, 1809. 1871, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881. 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895. 1897, 1898-99. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. REPORTS. Hayward, J. A. and Hazelton, G. C 1840-1863 2 Mac Arthur, F. (Patent Cases) 1841-1859 1 Cranch, W. United States Circuit Court for District of Columbia (1-5) 1801-1841 6 Vol. 6 of Cranch is a Digest 352 Catalogue of Laiu Library. Period. Vols. \lackey, F. H. (6-7) 1863-1872 2 MacArthur, A. (8-10) 1873-1879 3 MacArthur, A. and Mackey, F. H. (11) 1879-1880 1 Mackey, F. H.. (12-20) 1880-1893 9 Tucker, C. C. and Clephane, W. C. (21) 1892-1893 1 Court of Appeals. Tucker, C. C 1893-1900 16 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Revised Statutes of United Stated relating to the Dis- trict of Columbia 1875 1 Compiled Statutes, by Albert & Lovejoy 1894 1 FLORIDA. REPORTS. Branch, J. (1) 1846-1847 1 Archer, J. T. and Hogue, D. P. (2) 1848-1849 1 Hogue, D. P. (3-4) 1850-1852 2 Popy, M. D. (5-8) 1853-1859 4 Galbraith, J. B. (9-11) 1860-1867 3 Galbraith, J. B. and Meek, A. R. (12) 1867-1869 1 Drew, J. B. C. (13) 1869-1871 1 Cocke, W. A. (14-15) 1871-1876 2 Raney, G. P. (16-20) 1876-1884 5 Cooper, C. M. (21-24) 1884-1888 4 Lamar, W. B. (25-40) 1888-1900 16 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest Reports (1-24) 1889 1 Journal Constitutional Convention 1885 1 Journal Legislative Council 1835 1 United States Laws, Relating to Territory 1838 1 Statute Compilations. J. P. Duval. Territorial 1840 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of Laws 1847 1 Statute Compilations. Code of Procedure 1870 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of Laws 1872 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of Laws 1881 1 American Reports, Etc. 353 Laws of 1824, 1827-28, 1831, 1834, 1835; Journal Legislative Council Proceedings, 1835 ; 1836, 1838, United States Laws 1838, 1839, 1843, 1844, Jan. 1845, June 1845, Nov. 1845, 1846-47, 1847-48, 1848-49, 1850-51, 1852-53, 1854-55, Nov. 1855, 1856-57, 1858-59, Nov. 1859, 1860-61, Nov. 1861, Nov. 1862, 1864, 1865-66, Nov. 1866, 1868, 1869, June 1869, 1870, May 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, Feb. 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1879, Extra and Regular Sessions; 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897. GEORGIA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Charlton, T. U. P. (1) 1805-1811 1 Charlton, R. M. (1) 1811-1837 1 Dudley, G. M. (1) 1830-1833 1 Georgia Decisions (1) 1842-1844 1 Kelly, J. M. (1-3) 1846-1847 3 Kelly, J. M. and Cobb, T. R. R. (4-5) 1848 2 Cobb, T. R. R. (6-20) 1849-1856 15 Martin, B. Y. (21-30) 1857-1860 10 Lester, G. N. (31-33) 1860-1863 3 Lester, G. N. A supplemental Vol. 33 1864 1 Bleckley, L. E. (34-35) 1864-1866 2 Hammond, N. J. (36-44) 1867-1872 9 Hammond, N. J. and Jackson, H. (45) 1872 1 Jackson, H. (46-58) 1872-1877 13 Jackson, H, and Lumpkin, J. H. (59-66) 1877-1881 8 Lumpkin, J. H. (67-76) 1881-1886 10 Lumpkin, J. H. and Peeples, H. C. (77) 1886 1 Peeples, H. C. (78-79) 1886-1887 2 Peeples, H. C. and Stevens, G. W. (80-97) 1888-1896 18 Stevens, G. W. and Graham, J. M. (98-111) 1897-1900 14 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Bacon (1-40) 1872 2 Digest of Reports. Van Epp's (62-81) 1890 1 Digest of Reports 1867 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1820 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1831 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1837 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1845 1 23 LIv 354: Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1851 1 Statute Compilations of Laws 1801-1810 1 Statute Compilations of Laws 1811-1819 1 Statute Compilations of Laws 1819-1829 1 Statute Compilations. Analysis of Statutes 1846 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1868 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1873 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1895 3 Laws of 1811, 1812, Nov. 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1845, 1847, 1849-50, 1851-52, 1853-54, 1855-56, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, Nov. 1862, March 1863, Nov. 1863, March 1864, Nov. 1864, Feb. 1865, Dec. 1865, Jan. 1866, Nov. 1866, July 1868, Jan. 1869, July 1870, omitted Laws of 1870, Nov. 1871, Jan. 1872, July 1872, Jan. 1873, Jan. 1874, Jan. 1875, Jan. 1876 Jan. 1877, 1878-79, 1880-81, 1882-83, 1884-85, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890-91, 2 parts; 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899. IDAHO. REPORTS. Prickett, H. E. (1). N. S 1866-1880 1 Idaho Reports (2). N. S 1881-1892 1 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1887 1 Laws of 1863-64, 1864, 1865-66, 1866-67, 1872-73, 1874-75, 1876-77, 1879, 1880-81, 1882-83, 1884-85, 1886-87 in Revision, 1888-89, 1890-91, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. ILLINOIS. REPORTS. Breese, S. (1) 1819-1831 1 Scammon, J. Y. (2-5) 1832-1843 4 Oilman, C. (6-10) 1844-1849 5 Peck, E. (11-30) 1849-1803 20 Freeman, N. L. (31-151) 1863-1895 118 Phillips, L N. (152-187) 1895-1900 35 American Reports, Etc. 355 Appellate Court. Period. Vols. Bradwell, J. B. (1-20) 1877-1887 20 Smith, E. B. (21-47) 1888-1893 26 Newell, M. L. (48-90) 1893-1900 43 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Wood & Long 1819-1874 3 Digest of Reports. Wood & Long 1867 2 Digest of Reports. Freeman 1856 2 Digest of Reports. Oilman (111. and Ind.) 1844 1 Digest of Reports. Henry & Read 1865 1 Digest of Reports. Anthony 1855 1 Digest of Reports. Wendling's Index 1873 1 Digest of Reports 1881 4 Digest of Reports. H. Binmore 1890 2 Digest of Reports. Kinney, J. K 1892 3 Citations. H. W. Rogers 1881 1 Citations. L. Evans 1899 1 Statute Compilations. Gross Digest Laws 1818-1873 3 Statute Compilations. Real Estate Laws 1849 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1833 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1839 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1845 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1856 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1858 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1869 1 Statute Compilations. Statutes Construed 1873 2 Statute Compilations. Revised 1872-3-4 3 Statute Compilations. Revised 1877 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1880 1 Statute Compilations. Revised. Starr & Curtis 1892 3 Constitution 1878 1 Laws of 1815-16, 1816-17, 1817-18, Jan. 1819, 1820-21, 1822-23, 1824-25, 1826-27, 1828-29 (including Laws ordered reprinted), 1830-31, 1833 Pub. in Revised Statutes, 1834-35, 1835-36. 1836-37. July 1837, 1838-39, 1839-40. 1840-41, 1842-43, 1844-45, 1846-47, Jan. 1849, Oct. 1849, 1851 Pub. and Priv. ; June 1852, Pub. and Priv. ; 1853 Pub. and Priv. ; 1854 Pub. and Priv. ; 1855 Pub. and Priv. : 1857, 2 vols.. Pub. and Priv. ; 1859, 2 vols., Pub. and Priv. ; Jan. and April, 1861, Pub. and Priv. ; 1863 Pub. and Priv. ; 1865, 3 vols. Pub. and Priv. ; Jan. and June, 1867, 4 vols.. Pub. and Priv. ; 1869, 5 vols.. Pub. 356 Catalogue of Law Library. and Priv. ; Jan., May, Oct., Nov., 1871 ; Jan. 1873, Jan. 1874, Jan. 1875, Jan. 1877, Constitution of 1870, as amended 1877; Jan. 1879, Jan. 1881; March 1882, Jan. 1883, Jan. 1885, Jan. 1887, Jan. 1889, Jan. 1891, Jan. 1893, Jan. and June, 1895; Jan. 1897, 1897-98, 1898 Extra Session; 1899. INDIANA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Blackford, I. (1-8) 1817-1847 8 Smith, T. L. (1) 1848-1849 1 Carter, H. E. (1-2) 1847-1851 2 Porter, A. G. (3-7) 1851-1856 5 Tanner, G. (8-14) 1856-1860 7 Harrison, B. (15-17) 1860-1861 3 Kerr, M. C. (18-22) 1862-1864 5 Harrison, B. (23-29) , 1864-1868 7 Black, J. B. (30-53) 1868-1876 24 Martin, A. N. (54-70) 1876-1880 17 Dice, F. M. (71-99) 1880-1884 29 Kern, J. W. (100-116) 1884-1888 17 Griffiths. J. L. (117-132) 1888-1893 16 Moon, S. R. (133-144) 1893-1897 12 Remy, C. F. (145-154) 1897-1900 10 Donaker, J. W. (154) 1900 1 } '■ Appellate Court. Griffiths, J. L. (1-5) 1890-1893 5 Moon, S. R. (6-14) 1892-1897 9 Remy, C. F. (15-23) 1897-1900 9 Superior Court. Wilson, O. M. (1) 1875 1 digests, statutes, etc. Digest of Reports. Davis 1817-1870 2 Digest of Reports. Ripley 1883 2 Digest of Reports. Black 1881-1888 1 Digest of Reports. Burns' Index 1878 1 Digest of Reports. Burns' Appendix 1881 1 American Reports, Etc. 357 Period. Vols. Digest of Reports. Burns' Index 1891 1 Digest of Reports. Woollen 189G 2 Citations. Thompson 1884 1 Citations. Thompson. Supplement 1890 1 Citations. Thompson. Supplement 1889-1893 1 Citations. Thompson 1895 1 Woollen's Topical Annotations 1893 1 Overruled Cases. Davidson 1877 1 Insurance and Taxation Laws 1899 1 Thornton's Statutory Construction 1887 1 Thornton's Statutory Construction 1890 1 Thornton's Practice Forms 1893 2 Thornton's Practice Code 1893 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1824 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1831 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1838 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1843 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1852 2 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1862 2 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1870 3 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 187G 2 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1881 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1888 2 Statute Compilations. Annotated Code 1889 1 Statute Compilations. Burns' Revised 1894 3 Statute Compilations. Burns' Supplement 1897 1 Burns' General Index to Indiana Statutes 1897 1 Laws of 1817-18, 1820-21, 1822-23, 1824 (Enacted and Revised), 1825, 1825-26, 1826-27, 1827-28, 1828-29, 1829-30, 1830-31 (Enacted and Revised), 1831 special; 1831-32, 1832-33, 1833-34, 1834-35 Gen'l. and Local ; 1835-36 Gen'l. and Local ; 1836-37 Gen'l. ; 1837-38 (En- acted and Revised), 1838-39 Gen'l. and Local; 1839-40 Gen'l. and Local ; 1840-41 Gen'l. and Local ; 1841-42 Gen'l. and Local ; 1842-43 Gen'l. and Local ; 1843-44 Gen'l. and Local ; 1844-45 Gen'l. and Lo- cal ; 1845-46 Gen'l. and Local ; 1846-47 Gen'l. and Local ; 1848 Gen'l. and Local ; 1849 Gen'l. and Local ; 1850 Gen'l. and Local ; 1851 Gen'l. and Local ; 1852 Spec, and Local ; 1853, 1855, 1857, Nov. 1858, 1859, Jan. 1861, April 1861, 1863, Jan. 1865, Nov. 1865, 1867, Jan. 1869, April 1869, 1871, Nov. 1872, 1873 ; Jan. 1875, March 1875, Jan. 1877, March 1877, Jan. 1879, March 1879, Jan. 1881, March 1881, 1883, Jan. 1885, March 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. 358 Catalogue of Law Library. IOWA. REPORTS. ~- Period. Vols. Morris. E. (1) 1839-1846 1 Green, G. (1-4) 1847-1854 4 Clarke, W. P. (1-8) 1855-1850 8 Withrow, T. F. (9-21) 1859-1866 13 Stiles, E. H. (22-37) 1866-1873 16 Runnells, J. S. (38-56) 1873-1881 19 Hight, B. W. (57-58) 1881-1882 2 Ebersole, E. C. (59-80) 1882-1890 22 Raymond, N. B. (81-89) 1890-1895 9 Salinger, B. J. (90-108) 1895-1900 19 DIGESTS, STATUTES,, ETC. Digest of Reports 1866 2 Digest of Reports. Withrow & Stiles 1872 2 Digest of Reports. Supplement 1879 1 Digest of Reports. Supplement 1883 1 Digest of Reports. E. McClain 1891 2 Binmore's Iowa Cases 1887 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1843 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1850-51 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1860 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1873 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1880 1 Statute Compilations. Miller's Revised Code 1888 1 Statute Compilations. Annotated Code 1897 1 Laws of 1838-39, 1841-42, 1842-43, 1843-44, June 1844, May 1845, 1845- 46, 1846-47, 1848, 1848-49, 1850-51, 1852-53, 1854-55, July 1856, 1856-57, 1858; 1860 Local (General Printed with Revised Statutes) ; 1861, Jan. 1862, Sept. 1862 ; 1864 ; 1866, 1868, 1870, 1872 Gen'l. and Priv. ; 1873, 1874 Pub. and Priv. ; 1876. 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897 Extra Session ; 1898, 1900. KANSAS. REPORTS. McCahon, J. (1) 1858-1868 1 Banks, E. V. (1-5) 1862-1870 5 American Reports, Etc. 359 Period. Vols Webb, W. C. (6-20) 1870-1878 15 Randolph, A. M. F. (21-56) 1878-1897 36 Clemens, C. C. (57-59) 1897-1898 Dewey, T. E. (60-01) 1898-1900 3 Court of Appeals. Randolph, A. M. F. (1-2) 1895-1896 2 Dewey, T. E. (3-4) 1896-1897 2 Clemens, C. C. (5-6) 1^9'^ 2 Dewey, T. E. (7-9) 1898-1900 3 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Dassler 1876 1 Digest of Reports 1880 1 Digest of Reports. Taylors 1885 1 Digest of Reports. Supplement 1890 1 Statute Compilations. Territorial 1855 1 Statute Compilations. Compiled Laws 1862 1 Statute Compilations. General Statutes 1868 1 Statute Compilations. General Statutes 1870 1 Statute Compilations. Annotated Statutes 1876 2 Statute Compilations. Compiled Laws 1879 1 Statute Compilations. General Statutes 1889 2 Statute Compilations. General Statutes 1897 2 Statute Compilations. Dassler 1899 1 Bar Association Reports 1887-1888; 1891 (62 pages). 3 Laws of 1855, in Revised Statutes ; 1857-8, Private, 1858, 1859 Gen'l. and Private; 1860 Gen'l. and Spec; 1860 Private; March 1861, Gen'l. 1862, in Revised Statutes; 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, Special ; 1868 Gen'l., in Revised Statutes ; 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, Jan. 1874, Sept. 1874 (bound in vol. for 1875), 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898 Special Session ; 1899. KENTUCKY. REPORTS. 1 Hughes, J. (1) 1785-1801 Sneed's Decisions (2) 1801-1805 1 Hardin, M. D. (3) 1805-1808 1 360 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Bibb, G. M. (4-7) 1808-1817 4 Marshall, A. K. (8-10) 1817-1821 3 Littell,W. (11-15). (5 vols, in 3) 1822-1824 5 Littell, W. Select Cases (16). Bound with vol. 5, (Littell) 1795-1821 1 Monroe, T. B. (17-23) 1824-182B 7 Marshall, J. J. (24-30) 1829-1832 7 Dana, J. G. (31-39) 1833-1840 9 Monroe, Ben. (40-57) 1840-1857 18 Metcalfe, J. P. (58-61) 1858-1863 4 Duvall, A. (62-63) 1863-1866 2 Bush, W. P. D. (64-77) 1866-1869 14 Rodman, J. (78-82) 1879-1885 5 Hines, E. W. (83-98) 1886-1897 16 Turner, C. C. (99-101) 1896-1900 3 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Pirtle 1832 2 Digest of Reports. Monroe & Harlan 1853 2 Digest of Reports. Coffer 1867 1 Digest of Reports. Trimble 1876 1 Digest of Reports. Stanton 1877 2 Digest of Reports. Barbour 1878-1896 2 Statute Compilations. Littell 1809-1819 5 Statute Compilations. Digest Laws 1822 2 Statute Compilations. Digest Laws 1834 2 Statute Compilations. Supplement 1842 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1851 1 Statute Compilations. Practice Code 1854 1 Statute Compilations. Practice Code 1859 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1852 1 Statute Compilations. Stanton's Revised Statutes... 1860 2 Statute Compilations. Meyers' Supplement 1866 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1867 2 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1873 1 Statute Compilations. Bullitt's Code 1876 1 Statute Compilations. Bullitt & Feland 1888 1 Statute Compilations. Barbour & Carroll 1894 1 Statute Compilations. Supplement. F. P. Caldwell . 1899 1 Constitutional Debates 1849 1 Kentucky Law Reporter 1881-1900 21 Bar Association Reports (78 pages) 1884 1 American Reports, Etc. 361 Laws of 1808-09, 1809-10, 1810-11, 1811-12, 1812-13, 1813-14, 1814-15, 1815-16, 1816-17, 1817-18, 1818-19, 1819-20, 1820, Oct. 1821, May 1822, 1823-24, 1824-25, 1825, 1826-27, 1827-28, 1828-29, 1829-30, 1830-31, 1831, 1832-33, 1833-34, 1834-35, 1835-36, 1836-37, 1837- 38, 1838-39, 1839-40, Aug. 1840, Dec. 1840, 1841-42, 1842-3, 1843- 44, 1844-45, 1845-46, 1846-47, 1847-48, 1848-49, 1849-50, 1850-51, 1851-52, 1853-54, 2 vols. ; 1855-56, 2 vols. ; 1857-58, 2 vols. ; 1859- 60, 2 vols. ; Jan. 1861, May 1861, Sept. 1861, Nov. lS61, Feb. 1862, Aug. 1862, Jan. 1863, 1863-64, 1865, 2 vols. ; 1865-66, 1867, 2 vols.; 1867-68, 2 vols.; 1869, 2 vols. ; 1869-70, 2 vols. ; 1871, 2 vols. ; 1871- 72, 2 vols. ; 1873, 2 vols ; 1873-74 ; 1875-76, 2 vols. ; 1877-78, 2 vols. ; 1879-80, 2 vols. ; 1881-82, 2 vols. ; 1883-84, 2 vols. ; 1885-86, 2 vols. ; 1887-88, 4 vols.; 1889-90, 4 vols.; 1891-92-93, 1894, 1896, 1897, Special Session ; 1898, 1900. LOUISIANA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Martin, F. X. (1-12) 1809-1823 12 Martin, F. X. (1-8). N. S. Bound in 10 volumes. . 1823-1830 8 Miller, B. W. (1-5). La 1830-1833 5 Curry, T. (6-19). La 1833-1841 14 Robinson, M. M. (1-12) 1841-1846 12 Robinson, M. M. (1-4). La. Annual 1846-1849 4 King, W. W. (5-6). La. Annual 1850-1851 2 Rudolph, (7-11). La. Annual 1852-1856 5 Ogden, A. N. (12-15). La. Annual 1857-1860 4 Glenn, S. F. (16-18). La. Annual 1861-1866 3 Hawkins, J. (19-24). La. Annual 1867-1872 6 Gayarre, C. (25-28). La. Annual 1873-1876 4 Roberts, P. (29-31). La. Annual 1877-1879 3 Denis, H. (32-46). La Annual 1880-1894 15 Rogers, W. H. (47-51). La. Annual 1897-1899 5 Thorpe, T. H. (52) 1900 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Manning, T. C. Unreported Cases 1877-1880 1 McGloin's Court of Appeals Reports 1880 1 362 Catalogue of Law Library. DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Period. Vols, Digest of Reports. Martin 1816 3 Digest of Reports. Slidell 1840 1 Digest of Reports 1841 1 Digest of Reports. Deslix Index 1843 1 Digest of Reports. Hennen 1860 2 Digest of Reports. Walker 1869 1 Digest of Reports 1878 1 Digest of Reports. Taylor 1889 1 Digest of Reports. Criminal Digest 1887 1 Statute Compilations. Code of Practice in English and French. No date 1 Statute Compilations. Livingston's Penal System . . . 1824 1 Statute Compilations. Civil Code 1825 1 Statute Compilations. Civil Code 1838 1 Statute Compilations. Civil Code 1853 1 Statute Compilations. Civil Code 1867 1 Statute Compilations. Civil Code 1874 1 Statute Compilations. Practice Code 1844 1 Statute Compilations. Practice Code 1867 1 Statute Compilations. Practice Code 1869 1 Statute Compilations. Practice Code 1870 1 Statute Compilations. Livingston's Criminal Code . . 1820 1 Statute Compilations. Livingston's Criminal Code. . 1832 1 Statute Compilations. Martin's Digest Laws 1816 3 Statute Compilations. Martin's Digest Laws 1828 2 Statute Compilations. Martin's Digest Laws 1841 1 Statute Compilations. Martin's Digest Laws 1842 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1856 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1870 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1884 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes — Wolff. . . . 1897 1 Moreau and Carleton's Partidas 1820 2 The Legislative Treasure 1825 1 Voorhie's Criminal Jurisprudence 1860 1 Laws of 1816-17, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1820-21, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1824-25, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1828-29, 1830, Jan.1831, Nov. 1831, 1832, 1833, 1833- 34, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1837-38, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1841-42, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, Jan. 1848, Dec. 1848-1850, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, Jan. 1861. 1861-62, 1863, 1864-65, 1865, 1866, Jan. 1867, June to July 1867, 1868, 1869, Jan. 1870, March American Reports, Etc. 363^ 1870, 1871, Jan. 1872, Dec. 1872, Jan. 1873, 1874, Jan. 1875, April 1875, 1876, Jan. 1877, March 1877, Jan. 1878, March 1878, 1879, 1880,, with Constitution of 1879, Dec. 5th, 1881; Dec. 26th 1881,. 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900. MAINE. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Greenleaf, S. (1-9) 1820-1832 9 Farifield, J. (10-12) 1833-1835 3 Shepley, J. (13-18) 1830-1841 6 Appleton, J. (19) .■■ 1841 1 Appleton, J. and Shepley, J. (20) 1841 1 Shepley, J. (21-30) 1842-1849 10 Redington, A. (31-35) 1849-1853 5 Heath. S. (36-40) 1853-1855 5 Adams, J. M. (41-42) 1856 2 Ludden, T. (43-44) 1857-1858 2 Hubbard, W. (45-51) 1858-1865 7 Virgin, W. W. (52-60) 1860-1872 9 Smkh, E. B. (61-64) 1867-1875 4 Pulsifer, J. D. (65-68) 1874-1878 4 Hastings, D. R. (69-70) 1878-1880 2 Spaulding, J. W. (71-80) 1879-1888 10 Hamlin, C. (81-93) 1889-1899 13 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Virgin 1859 1 Digest of Reports. Virgin 1870 1 Digest of Reports 1880 1 Digest of Reports. Coffin's Supplement 1891 1 Statute Compilations. Compiled Laws 1821 2 Statute Compilations. Compiled Laws (vol. 3.) 1831 1 Statute Compilations. Smith's Compiled Laws 1834 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1841 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1857 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1871 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1883 1 Statute Compilations. Freeman's Supplement 1885-1895 1 Laws of June 1820, Jan. 1821, Private ; 1822, Public ; 1823, Public ; 1824,. Public; 1825, Public; 1826, Public; 1827, Public; 1828, Public;: 564 Catalogue of Law Library. 1829, Public, Private and Resolves ; 1830, Public and Private ; 1831, Public, Private and Resolves ; 1832, Public, Private and Resolves ; 1833, Public, Private and Resolves; 1831, Public, Private and Re- solves ; 1835, ""Public, Private and Resolves ; 1836, Public, Private and Resolves ; 1837, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1838, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1839, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1840, Public, Private and Resolves, Jan. Session; 1840, Acts and Resolves, Adjourned Session, Sept. ; 1841 Public, Special and Resolves ; 1842, Public, Special and Resolves, Jan. ; 1842, Public, Special and Re- solves, May; 1843, Public, Special and Resolves; 1844, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1845, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1846, Public, Special and Resolves; 1847, Public, Special and' Resolves ; 1848, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1849, Public, Special and Re- solves ; 1850, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1851, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1852, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1853, Public, Special and Resolves, Jan. ; 1855, Public, Special and Resolves; 1856, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1857, Public, Special and Re- solves ; 1859, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1860, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1861, Public, Special and Resolves, Jan. and April ; 1862, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1863, Public, Special and Re- solves ; 1864, Public, Special and Resolves; 1865, Public, Special and Resolves; 1866, Public, Special and Resolves; 1867, Public, Special and Resolves; 1868, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1869, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1870, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1871, Public, Special and Resolves ; 1872, Acts and Resolves ; 1873, Acts and Resolves ; 1874, Acts and Resolves ; 1875, Acts and Resolves ; 1876, Acts and Resolves ; 1877, Acts and Resolves ; 1878, Acts and Resolves ; 1879, Acts and Resolves ; 1881, Acts and Resolves; 1883, Acts and Resolves ; 1885, Acts and Resolves ; 1887, Acts and Re- solves ; 1889, Acts and Resolves; 1891, Acts and Resolves; 1893, Acts and Resolves; 1895, Acts and Resolves; 1897, Acts and Re- solves ; 1899, Acts and Resolves. MARYLAND. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Harris. T., and McHenry, J. (1-4) 1658-1799 4 Harris, T. and Johnson.R. (1-7) 1800-1826 7 Harris, T. and Gill, R. W. (1-2) 1826-1829 2 •Gill, R. W. and Johnson, J. (1-12) 1829-1842 12 365 American Reports, Etc. Period. Vols. . 1843-1851 9 Gill, R. w. (1-9) •■■.'■■■;*' v ■ Q* ■ 'h Q Miller, O. Assisted in the completion of vols. 8 and 9. ™- , ^ ,1 9x Md 1851-1852 2 Magruder, A. C. (1-2) . Md 1852-1862 16 Miller, O. (3-18) 1862-1866 S Brewer, N. (19-26) .^ 1885-1894 53 Stockett, J. S. (27-<9) 1894-1900 11 Brantly, W. T. (80-90) Chancery. ,, ^x 1811-1832 3 Bland, T. Chancery i^'^^) • ' ■ y '■• ' ' ;:J' \., ^h Johnson,}. Md.Ch. Decisions (1-4). (The Md. Ch. ^^^^_^^^^ ^ Court was abolished) DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. 1839 1 Digest of Reports. Raymond Ch ^^^^ ^ Digest of Reports. Raymond Ch ^^^^ ^ Digest of Reports. Raymond Ch ^^^^ ^ Digest of Reports .j^g^g -^ Digest of Reports. Burgoyne ^^^^ ^ Digest of Reports. Index 1692-1799 2 Statute Compilations. Kilty 1765-1820 7 Statute Compilations ^g^^ -,^ Statute Compilations (3) Maxey 1832-1837 1 Statute Compilations. Index ^^^^ 2 Statute Compilations. Dorsey's Laws ^^^^ ^ Statute Compilations. Public General 1867-1868-1870 3 Statute Compilations. Supplements . . .^ 1867 1868 1«^^ ^ Statute Compilations. Alexander s British . ._. • • • • ^ Statute Compilations. Kilty's Report of English ^^^^ ^ Statutes '"'":'r"A 1878 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code ^^^^ ^ Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1890-1900 1 Public General Laws. (Supplement) ^^^^ ^ Debates Constitutional Convention 864-1867 2 Proceedings Maryland State Convention 1864 i^^^ ^ Constitution of Maryland ni Nov 1^12 May 1813, Dec. 1813, Dec. 1814, Dec. 1815, Dec. 1816 Dec 517 Dec. 1818, Dec. 1819, Dec. 1821, Dec. 1822. Dec. 1«23 Dec 18^4 Dec 1825 Dec. 1826, Dec. 1827, Dec. 1828, Dec. 1829 Dec 1^30, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 566 Catalogue of Law Library. 1839, 1840, Dec. 1841, March 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1849, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1858, 1860, April 1861, Dec. 1861, Jan. 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900. MASSACHUSETTS. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Quincy, J. (1) 1761-1772 1 Williams, E. (1) 1804-1805 1 Tyng, D. A. (2-17) 1806-1822 16 Pickering, O. (18^1) 1822-1840 24 Aletcalf, T. (42-54) 1840-1847 13 Cushington, L. S. (55-66) 1848-1853 12 Gray, H. (67-82) 1854-1860 16 Allen, C. (83-96) 1861-1867 14 Browne, A. G. (97-109) 1867-1872 13 Browne, A. G. and Gray, H. (110-111) 1872-1873 2 Browne, A. G. (112-114) 1873-1874 3 Lathrop, J. (115-145) 1874-1888 31 Kellem, W. V. (146-155) 1888-1892 10 Tucker, G. F. (156-175) 1892-1900 20 Miscellaneous. Thatcher. P. O. Thatcher's Criminal Cases 1823-1842 1 Gushing, L. S. Contested Election Cases 1780-1852 1 Storey, C. W. and Josselyn, L. Assistant Compilers Cushing's Contested Election Cases. Loring, E. P. and Russell, C. T. Election Cases 1853-1885 1 Digest of Reports. Bigelow 1830 2 Digest of Reports. Minot 1844 1 Digest of Reports. Supplement 1852 1 Digest of Reports. Bennett & Heard 1872 3 Digest of Reports. Bell's Index 1877 1 Digest of Reports. Bennett, Gray & Swift 1881 3 Digest of Reports. Kellem's Supplement 1887 1 Digest of Reports. Throop 1887 2 Digest of Reports. Throop's Supplement (vol. 3) . . . • 18!)7 1 Digest of Reports. Williams, Supplement 1891 1 Digest of Reports. Harris 1895 1 Citations. Williams 1878 1 American Reports, Etc. 367 Period. Vols. Citations. Supplement. ( Supplement bound with Wil- liams) 1884 1 Statute Compilations. Acts and Resolves of Mass- achusetts Bay. (\'ols (5, 7 and 8 are an appendix). 1692-1780 8 Statute Compilations. Perpetual Laws from Establish- ment of Constitution 1788 1 Statute Compilations. Perpetual Laws from Establish- ment of Constitution 1798 * 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Laws 1807 3 Statute Compilations. Royal Edition 1780-1816 4 Statute Compilations. General Laws 1823 2 Statute Compilations. Charters and General Laws. . . . 1814 1 Statute Compilations. Special Laws 1780-1897 17 Statute Compilations. Laws and Resolves. 1780-81 ; 1782-83; 1784-85; 1786-87; 1788-89; 1790-91; 1792-93; 1794-95; 1796-97; 1798-99; 1800-01; 1802-03 ; 1804-05 4 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1836 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1860 1 Statute Compilations. Supplement. 1860-1872 1 Statute Compilations. Public Statutes 1882 1 Statute Compilations. Supplement 1882-1888 1 Statute Compilations. Supplement 1889-1895 1 Statute Compilations. Index 1882-1887 1 Statutes relating to the city of Boston 1897 1 Revised Ordinances of the City of Boston 1898 1 Manual for the General Court 1900 1 Address of Governor Banks 1859 1 Massachusetts Practice 1851 1 Laws — Alay 1806, Jan. 1807, May 1807, Jan. 1808, May 1808. Nov. 1808, Jan. 1809, May 1809, Jan. 1810, May 1810. Jan. 1811, May 1811, Jan. 1812, May 1812, Oct. 1812, Jan. 1813, June 1813, Jan. 1814, May 1814, Jan. 1815 ; Public and General Laws, 1807 to Feb- ruary 1816 (see v. 4, Royal Edition) ; May 1815, Jan. 1816, May 1816, Nov. 1816, May 1817, Jan. 1818, May 1818, Jan. 1819. May 1819, Jan. 1820, May 1820, Jan. 1821, May 1821, Jan. 1822, June 1822, Jan. 1823, June 1823, Jan. 1824, May 1824, Jan. 1825. May 1825. Jan. 1826. May 1826. Jan. 1827. May 1827. Jan. 1828. May 1828, Jan. 1829, May 1829, Jan. 1830, May 1830, Tan. 1831, May 1831, Jan. 1832, and Laws passed at several Sessions from May 31, and ending IS.-^B ; Jan. 1834, Jan. 1835. Sept. 1835. Jan. 1836,' Jan. 1837, Jan. 1838. 368 Catalogtie of Law Library. Resolves of May 1806, Jan. 1807, May 1807, Jan. 1808, May 1808, Jan. 1809, May 1809, Jan. 1810, May 1810, June 1811, Jan. 1812, May and June 1812, Oct. 1812, Jan. 1813, June 1813, Jan. 1814, May 1814, Oct. 1814,-Jan. 1815, May 1815, Jan. 1816, May 1816, Nov. and Dec. 1816, May 1817, Jan. 1818, May 1818, Jan. 1819, May 1819, Jan. 1820, Jan. 1821, May 1821, Jan. 1822, May 1822, Jan. 1823, May 1823, Jan. 1824, May 1824, Jan. 1825, May 1825, Jan. 1826, May 1826, Jan. 1827, May 1827, Jan. 1828, June 1828, Jan. 1829, June 1829, Jan. 1830, May 1830, Jan. 1831, June 1831, Jan. 1832, Jan. 1833, Jan. 1834, Jan. 1835, Sept. 1835, Jan. 1836, Jan. 1837, Jan. 1838. Acts and Resolves — 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842 (2 Sessions), 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1872, Special Session; 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1881, Special Session; 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. MICHIGAN. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Harrington, E. B. Chancery (1) 1838-1842 . 1 Walker, H. N. Chancery (1) 1842-1845 1 Brown, C. R. Nisi Prius (1-2) 1869-1871 2 Howell, C. B. Nisi Prius (3) 1868-1884 1 Douglass, S. T. (1-2) 1843-1847 2 Manning, R. (1) 1847-1850 1 Gibbs, G. C. (2-4) 1851-1857 3 Cooley, T. M. (5-12) 1858-1864 8 Meddaugh, E. W. (13) 1864-1865 1 Jennison, W. (14-18) 1865-1869 5 Clarke, H. K. (19-22) 1869-1871 4 Post, H. (23-36) 1871-1877 14 Chaney, H. A. (37-58) 1877-1886 22 Fuller, W. D. (59-105) 1886-1897 47 Brooks, J. A. (106-119) 1897-1900 14 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Cooley 1866 1 Digest of Reports. Chaney's Supplement 1876 1 Digest of Reports. Jacob's Reference 1885 2 American Reports, Etc. 369 Period. Vols. Digest of Reports 1889 1 Digest of Reports. Jacobs and Chaney 1890 2 Talbot's Table of Cases 1878 1 Statute Compilations. Laws Revised 1820 1 Statute Compilations. Laws Revised 1827 1 Statute Compilations. Laws Revised 1838 1 Statute Compilations. Laws Revised 1846 1 Statute Compilations. Dewey's Compiled 1857 1 Statute Compilations. Howell's Annotated Statutes. . 1882 2 Statute Compilations. Howell's Supplement 1890 1 Territorial Laws 1871-1874 4 Election Laws. Pamphlets 1900 1 Highways and Bridges. Pamphlets 1900 1 Orchards and Vineyards. Pamphlets 1900 1 Sanitary Laws. Pamphlets 1900 1 Births, Deaths and Marriages. Pamphlets 1900 1 General School Laws. Pamphlets 1899 1 Game, Fish, etc. Pamphlets 1899 1 Drains, Construction of. Pamphlets 1900 1 Poof Laws. Pamphlets 1900 1 Public Health. Pamphlets 1900 1 Laws of June 1824, Jan. 1825, 1826 and 1827 in Revised Statutes, May 1828, Sept. 1829, 1832, 1833, 1834-35, Jan. 1837, June 1837, Nov. 1837, Jan. 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841. 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, Feb. 1851. June 1851, Jan. 1853, 1855, 1857, 1858, 1859, Jan. 1861, May 1861, Jan. 1862. Jan. 1863, Feb, 1864, Jan. 1865, Jan. 1867, 2 vols.; July 1870, Jan. 1871, 3 vols.; March 1872, Jan. 1873, 3 vols. ; March 1874, Jan. 1875, 2 vols. ; Jan. 1877, 2 vols.; Jan. 1879, 2 vols.; Jan. 1881, 2 vols.: March 1882, Jan. 1883, 2 vols.; 1885, 2 vols.; 1S87, 2 vols.; 1889, 3 vols.; 1891, 2 vols. ; 1893, 2 vols. ; 1895, 2 vols. ; 1897, 2 vols. ; 1898, Extra Session ; 1899, 2 vols. ; 1899-1900 Extra Session. MINNESOTA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Office, H. (1-9) 1851-1864 9 Spencer, W. A. (10-20) 1865-1874 11 Young, G. B. (21-47) 1874-1891 27 Willson, C. C. (48-59) 1892-1896 12 Wenzell, H. B. (60-78) 1896-1900 19 24 L L 370 Catalogue of Law Library. DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Period. Vols. Digest of Reports. Searle 1872 1 Digest of Reports. Eller 1880 2 Digest of Reports. Benjamin's Index 1888 1 Citations. Hastings 1888 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Territorial 1851 1 Statute Compilations. Collated Statutes and Reports. 1853 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1858 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1866 1 Statute Compilations. Bissell 1873 2 Statute Compilations. Young 1883 1 Statute Compilations 1894 2 Laws of 1849, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1856, Jan. 1857, April 1857 ; 1857- 58, 1859-60, 1861, 1862, General, Special and Extra Session; 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, Jan. 1881, Oct. 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. MISSISSIPPI. REPORTS. Freeman, J. D. Chancery (1) 1839-1843 1 Smedes, W. C. and Marshall, T. A. Chancery (1) ... . 1840-1843 1 Morris, J. S. State Cases (2) 1818-1872 2 Walker, R. J. (1) 1818-1832 1 Howard, V. E. (2-8) 1834-1843 7 Smedes, W. C. and Marshall, T. A. (9-22) 1843-1850 14 Cushman, J. F. (23-29) 1851-1855 7 George, J. Z. (30-39) 1855-1863 10 Reynolds, R. O. (40-42) 1864-1869 3 Morris, J. S. (43-48) 1870-1873 6 Harris, G. E. and Simrall, G. H. (49-52) 1873-1876 4 Brown, J. A. and Heminway, J. B. H. (53-65) 1876-1888 13 Brame, L. and Alexander, C. H. (66-72) 1888-1896 7 McWillie, T. A. (73-76) 1896-1898 4 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Smede 1847 1 Digest of Reports. George 1870 1 Digest of Reports. Heidelberg 1888 1 American Reports, Etc. 371 Period. Vols. Digest of Reports. Brame & Alexander 1899 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of Statutes 1816 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1824 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1838 1 Statute Compilations. Digest of the Laws 1839 1 Statute Compilations. Howard & Hutchinson 1840 1 Statute Compilations. Hutchinson's Code 1848 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1857 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1871 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1880 1 Statute Compilations. Annotated Code 1892 1 Journal of Convention 1851 1 Laws of Oct. 1817, Jan. 1819, Jan. 1827, Jan. 1828, Nov. 1830, Nov. 1831, Jan. 1833, Nov. 1833, Jan. 1836, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1846, 1848, 1850, Jan. 1852, Oct. 1852, 1854, Jan. 1856, Dec. 1856, Nov. 1857, Nov. 1858, Nov. 1859, Jan. 1861, July 1861, Nov. 1861, Dec. 1862, Nov. 1863, March 1864, Aug. 1864, Feb. 1865, Oct. 1865, Oct. 1866, Jan. 1867, 1870, 1871, 1872, Jan. 1873, Oct. 1873, Jan. 1874, Dec. 1874, Jan. 1875, July 1875, Jan. 1876, 18T7, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1900. MISSOURI. REPORTS. McBride, P. H. (1) 1821-1828 1 Edwards, J. C. (2-3) 1829-1834 2 Napton, W. B. (4) 1835-1837 1 Bay, S. M. (5-8) 1837-1844 4 Stringfellow, B. F. (9-11) 1845-1848 3 Robards, W. A. (12-13) 1848-1850 2 Gardenhire, J. B. (14-15) 1851-1852 2 Bennett, S. A. (16-21) 1852-1855 6 Jones, H. M. (22-30) 1855-1860 \) Jones, H. M., Barclay, D. R. and Whittelsey, C. C. (31) 1860-1862 1 Whittelsey, C. C. (32-41) 1862-1867 10 Post. T. A. (42-64) 1867-1877 23 Skinkcr, T. K. (65-79) 1877-1883 15 Brown, F. M. (80-136) 1883-1897 57 Brown, F. M. and Rader, P. S. (137) 1897 1 Rader, P. S. (138-156) 1897-1900 19 372 Catalogue of Law Library. Appeal Reports. Period. Vols., Berrv, A. M. (1-16) 187G-1885 1(5 Berry, A. J\I. and Mister, J. F. (17-28) 1885-1888 12 Lewis, E. A. and Mister, J. F. (29-32) 1888 * Lewis, E. A. and Guthrie, B. E. (33-35) 1888-1889 3 Goldsmith, D. and Guthrie, B. E. (36-67) 1889-1897 32 North, J. W. and Guthrie, B. E. (68-80) 1897-1899 13 Smith, AL R. and Guthrie, B. E. (81-83) 1899-1900 3 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC Digest of Reports Digest of Reports. Pattison Digest of Reports. Stark (3 vols, in 2) Digest of Reports. McQuillin Digest of Reports. Pattison 1898- Digest of Reports. Pattison Supplement vol. 5 Statute Compilations. Revised Statute Compilations. Revised Statute Compilations. Revised Statute Compilations. Revised Statute Compilations. Revised Statute Compilations. Wagner Statute Compilations. Myers' Supplement Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes Burns, H. Annotated Practice Code Territorial Laws up to 1836 1859 1 1873 o 1889 o • ) 1891 1 189!) 4 1900 1 1825 2 1835 1 1^45 1 1856 2 1866 1 1872 2 1877 1 1879 f> 1889 o 1899 2 1896 1 1842 2 Laws of Sept. 1820, June 1821, Nov. 1824, Private; 1824, Revised, 2 vols. ; Jan. 1826, 1826-27, 1828-29, 1830-31, 1832-.'!3, 18:U-35, Pri- vate and Local ; 1834-35, Revised ; 1836-37, 1838-39, 1840-41, 1842- 43, 1844-45, 1846-47, 1848-49, 1850-51, 1852-53, 1854-55, Nov. 1855, 1856-57, Oct. 1857, 1858-59, 1859-60, Feb. 1860, 1860-61, May 1861, 1862-63, 1863-64, 1864-65, 1865-66. 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1871-72, 1873, 1874. 1875. 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, Jan. 1887, May 1887, 1889, 1891, Feb. to March 1892, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. American Reports, Etc. o MONTANA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Blake, H. N. (1) 18G8-1873 1 Blake, H. N. and Hedges, C. (2-3) 1873-1880 2 Hedges, C. (4-6) 1881-1887 3 Buck, H. R. (7-8) 1888-1889 2 Maddox, F. (9-18) 1889-1897 9 Maddox, F. andBach, T. C. (19) 1897 1 Bach, T. C. (20-21) 18^)8 2 Crane, O. T. (22) 1898-1899 1 Official Report (23) 1899-1900 1 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. E. L. Bishop 1899 1 Statute of Compilations. Codified Statute 1872 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statute 1879 1 Statute Compilations. Codes Annotated 1895 Laws of 1864-5, March 1866, Nov. 18C6, 1868-69, 1869-70, 1871-72, Codification; 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877, Jan. 1879, July 1879, in Re- vised Statutes; Jan. 1881, in Revised Statutes; 1883, 1885, Aug. 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. NEBRASKA. REPORTS. Woolworth. J. M. (1-2) 1873-1874 2 Crounse, L. (3) 1873-1874 1 Brown, G. A. (4-25) 1875-1889 22 Leese, W. A. (26) 1889 1 Campbell. D. A. (27-58) 1889-1900 32 DIGESTS, ST.\TUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports 1855-1877 1 Digest of Reports. Index 1882 1 Digest of Reports. Index 1884 1 Digest of Reports. Index 1887 1 Digest of Reports. Index 1889 1 Digest of Reports. Nelson 1892 1 374 Catalogue of Lazv Library. Period. Vols. Statute Compilations. Revised 1866 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1873 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1881 1 Statute Compilations. ' Cobbeys 1891 1 Laws of 1855, 1855-56, 1857, 1857-58, 1858, 1859-60, 1860-61, 1861-62, 1864, 1865, 1866, Revised ; Jan. 1867, June 1867, 1860, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, Revised : 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. NEVADA. REPORTS. Nevada Reports. By the Judges (1) 1865 1 Helm, A. (2-4) 1866-1868 3 Helm, A. and Hittel, T. H. (5-9) 1869-1874 5 Bicknell, C. F. and Hawley, T. P. (10-20) 1874-1890 11 Josephs, J. and Summerfield, S. (21) 1890-1893 1 Howell, E. and Beatty, R. M. (22) 1896-1897 1 Howell, E. and Norcross, F. H. (23-24) 1897-1899 2 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports 1878 1 Statute Compilations 1873 2 Statute Compilations. Baily and Hammond 1885 1 Statute Compilations. Compiled Laws 1900 1 Laws of 1861, 1862, 1864, 1864-65, 1866, 1867, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. NEW HAMPSHIRE. REPORTS. Smith T (1) (1802-1809 Adams, N. (1) 1816-1819 1 Richardson, W. M. and Woodbury, L. (2) 1819-1823 1 New Hampshire (3-18) 1823-1848 16 Foster, W. L. (19) 1848-1849 1 Chandler, W. E. (20) 1850 1 American Reports, Etc. 375 Period. Vols. 11 6 Foster, W. L. (21-31) 1850-1855 Fogg, G. G. (32-37) 1855-1859 Chandler, W. E. (38-44) 1859-1863 7 Haclley, A. (45-48) 1863-1869 Shirley, J. M. (49-55) 1869-1875 Hall, D. (56-57) 1875-1876 Jenks, E. A. (58) 1876-1879 Ladd, W. S. (59-64) 1879-1888 Parsons, F. N. (65-66) 1888-1891 Hibbard, C. B. (67) 1891-1893 1 Riedell, J. H. (68-69) 1894-1899 2 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Gilchrist 1846 1 Digest of Reports. Bell 1858 1 Digest of Reports. Morrison 1865 1 Digest of Reports. Morrison 1891 1 Citations. Ray and Walker 1891 1 Statute Compilations. Index to Laws 1679-1883 1 Statute Compilations 1815 1 Statute Compilations 1824 1 Statute Compilations 1830 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1842 1 Statute Compilations. Compiled 1853 1 Statute Compilations. Public General 1867 1 Statute Compilations. Public General 1878 1 Statute Compilations. Public General 1891 1 Laws of Nov. 1808, 1811, June 1812, Nov. 1812, June 1813, Oct. 1813, 1814, 1815, June 1816, Nov. 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, June 1820, Nov. 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, June 1824, Nov. 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, June 1828, Nov. 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, June 1832, Nov. 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, June 1836, Nov. 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, June 1840, Nov. 1840, 1841, June 1842, Nov. 1842, 1843, June 1844, Nov. 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, June 1848, Nov. 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, June 1852, Nov. 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, June 1864, Aug. 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. 876 Catalogue of Law Library. NEW JERSEY. REPORTS. Period. Voli Coxe, R. S. (1) 1790-1795 1 Pennington, W. S. (2-3) 1806-1813 2 Southard, S. L. (4-5) 1816-1820 2 Halstead, W. (6-12) {l821-183l} ^ Green, J. S. (13-15) 1831-1836 3 Harrison, J. (16-19) 1837-1842 4 Spencer, R. D. (20) 1842-1846 1 Zabriskie, A. O. (21-24) 1845-1855 4 Dutcher, A. (25-29) 1855-1862 5 Vroom, P. D. (30-35) 1862-1872 6 Vroom, G. D. W. (36-63) ; 1872-1900 28 EQUITY. Saxton, N. (1) 1830-1832 1 Green, H. W. (2-4) 1834-1845 3 Halstead, G. B. (5-8) 1845-1853 4 Stockton, J. P. (9-11) 1852-1858 3 Beasley, M. (12-13) 1858-1861 2 McCarter, T. N. (14-15) 1854-1862 2 Greene, C. E. (16-27) 1862-1876 12 Stewart, J. H. (28-45) 1877-1889 18 Dickinson, S. M. (46-58) 1889-1900 13 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Hartshorn 1885 1 Digest of Reports. Stewart 1887 3 Statute Compilations. Patterson ISOO 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1821 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1831 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1847 1 Statute Compilations. Nixon 1855 1 Statute Compilations. Nixon 1861 1 Statute Compilations. Nixon 1868 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1874 1 Statute Compilations. Hood's Index 1877 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1877 1 Statute Compilations. Supplement 1886 1 American Reports, Etc. 377 Period. Vols. Statute Compilations 1709-1895 3 Jeffrey, O. Precedents and Notes of Practice 1892 1 Banks and Trust Companies. Pamphlet 1899 Decisions in Atlantic Reporter. Pamphlet 1900 Corporations and Banking- Companies. 2 Pamphlets. 1899 Laws of Oct. 1818, Public ; Oct. 1819, Public and Private ; May 1820, Public ; Oct. 1820, Public ; Oct. 1821, Public and Private ; 1822, Pub- lic and Private ; 1823. Public and Private ; 1824, 1825, 1820, 1827-28, 1828-29, 1829-30, 1830-31, 1831-32, 1832-33, 1833-34, 1834-35, 1835- 36, 1836-37, 1837-38, 1838-39, 1839-40, 1840-41, 1841-42, 1842-43, 1843-44. 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1849, Railway and Canal Acts ; 1850, 1851, 1852. 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1800, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872. 1873, parts 1 and 2, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. NEW MEXICO. REPORTS. Gildersleeve, C. H. (1-8) 1852-1896 8 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Statute Compilations 1865 1 Statute Compilations 1884 1 Statute Compilations 1897 1 Laws of 1855-56, 1856-57, 1857-58, 1858-59, 1859-60, 1860-61, 1861-62, 1862-63, 1863-64, 1864-65, Revised; 1869-70, 1871-72, 1873-74, 1875-76. 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886-87, 1890-91, 1892-93, 1894- 95, 1897, 1899. NEW YORK. REPORTS. Court of Appeals. Howard, N. Appeal Cases 1847-1848 1 Selden, H. R. Notes 1852-1854 1 Keyes, E. W 1863-1868 4 Abbott, A. Appeal Decisions 1850-1869 4 Silvernail, W. H. (Unreported Cases) 1886-1893 4 378 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Comstock, G. F. (1-4). Regular Series 1847-1851 4 Seidell, H. R. (5-10) 1851-1854 6 Kernan, F. (11-14) _. 1854-1856 4 Smith, E. P. (15-27) 1857-1863 13 Tiffany, J. (28-39) 1863-1868 12 Hand, S. (40-45) 1869-1871 6 Sickels, H. E. (46-146) 1871-1895 101 Smith, E. H. (147-162) 1895-1900 16 Bedell, E. A. (163) 1900 1 Supreme Court and Court of Errors. Coleman, W. Cases 1794-1800 1 Johnson, W. Cases 1799-1803 3 Caines, G. (2 vols in 1). Cases 1796-1805 2 Coleman, W. and Caines, G 1794-1805 1 Caines, G. Reports 1803-1805 3 Johnson, W 1806-1823 20 Cowen, E 1823-1829 9 Wendell, J. L 1828-1841 26 Hill, N 1841-1844 7 Denio, H 1845-1848 5 Lalor, T. M. (Supplement to Hill & Denio) 1842-1844 1 Chancery. chancellors' decisions. Johnson, W 1814-1823 7 Hopkins, S. M 1823-1826 1 Paige, A. C 1828-1845 11 Barbour, O. L 1845-1848 3 vice-chancellors decisions. Edwards, C 1831-1850 4 Hoffman, M 1839-1840 1 Clarke, C. L 1839-1841 1 Sandford, L. H 1843-1847 4 American Reports. Etc. 379' Supreme Court. Period. Vols. Barbour, O. L 1847-1877 67 Lansing, A. (1-7) 1869-1873 7 Thompson, I. G. and Cook, R. D. (8-13) 1873-1875 6 Hun, M. T. (8-99) 1873-1895 92 Silvernail, W. H. (Unreported Cases) 1890 5 . Appellate Division Supreme Court. Hun, M. T. (1-53) 1895-1900 :>> KO Superior Court of the City of New York. Hall, J. P. (1-2) 1828-1829 2 Sandford, L. H. (3-7) 1847-1852 5 Duer, J. (8-13) 1852-1857 6 Bosworth, J. S. (14-23) 1856-1863 ]0 Robertson, A. L. (24-30) 1863-1868 7 Sweeny. J. M. (31-32) 1869-1870 2 Jones, S. and Spencer, J. C. (33-61) 1871-1893 29 Superior Court of Buffalo. Sheldon, J 1854-1875 1 Common Pleas, City and County New York. Smith, E. D 1850-1854 4 Hilton, H 1855-1860 2 Daly. C. P 1860-1892 16 Surrogate. Bradford, A. W 1849-1857 4 Redfield, A. A 1857-1882 5 Tucker, G. F 1864-1869 1 Demarest. T. F. C , 1879-1888 6 Connoly, T 1890-1892 2 380 Catalogue of Lazv Library. Practice and Code. Period. Vols. Coleman, W. Cases 1794-1800 1 Coleman, W. and Caines,!^. Cases 1794-1805 1 Howard, N. Practice 1844-1884 67 Howard's Practice (New Series) and Stover, R. M. . . 1884-1886 3 Code Reporter. (Old Series, 3 vols, bound in 2) 1848-1851 3 Code Reporter. (New Series) 1852 1 Abbott, B. V. & A. Practice 1854-1865 19 Abbott, B. V. & A. Practice. New Series 1865-1875 16 Abbott, A. New Cases 1874-1896 32 McCarty, G. D. (1). Civil Procedure Reports 1881-1882 1 Browne, H. H. (2-23). Civil Procedure Reports 1883-1893 22 Scott, R. L. (24-26). Civil Procedure Reports 1893-1896 3 Kerr, J. M. (27-20). Civil Procedure Reports 1898-1899 3 Menken, P. S. (30) 1900 1 Criminal Reports and Cases. Wheeler, J. D. Criminal Cases 1791-1825 3 Rogers, D. City Hall Recorder 1816-1821 6 Parker, A. J. Criminal Cases 1823-1868 6 Cowen, P. H. Criminal Reports 1860-1868 2 Connoly, T. and Vilas, H. L. (1-5). New York Crim- inal Reports 1883-1888 5 Connoly, I. (6-8). New York Criminal Reports 1889-1892 3 Silvernail (9-14) 1892-1900 6 Miscellaneous. Yates, J. V. N. Select Cases 1811 1 Lockwood, R. Reversed Cases 1799-1847 1 Edmonds, J. W. Select Cases 1834-1883 2 Anthon, J. Nisi Prius 1808-1818 1 Antlion, J. Nisi Prius (2d ed.) 1808-1851 1 Maiuial for the use of the Legislature. Palmer 1897 1 New York Supplement 1888-1900 66 Robertson, D. T. Marine Court, New York City 1883 1 Delehanty, F. B. Miscellaneous Reports (1-21) 1892-1898 21 Benjamin, W. E. New York Annotated Cases 1895-1899 6 Greene, J. G. New York Annotated Cases. Vol. 7. 1900 1 Scherer. R. G. Miscellaneous Reports (vols 22-32). . . 1898-190!) 11 American Reports, Etc. 381 4 4 1 2 1 G DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. ^^^.^^ ^^^^ 1825 1 Digest of Reports. Johnson • ^^^^ o Digest of Reports ^g^^j^ Digest of Reports ^^r,o Digest of Reports _ ; ^^-^ Digest of Reports. Commercial Digest ^^^^^. Digest of Repor,ts. Court of Appeals ^^^^^ Digest of Reports. Cowen Crimmal ^^^'^ Digest of Reports. Abbott ^^^^ Digest of Reports. Brightly _^^ Digest of Reports. Rapalje's Reference ^^_^ Digest of Reports. Brightly Di-est of Reports. Brightly's Supplement ^^^_^ Digest of Reports. Court of Appeals ^^^.^ Digest of Reports. F. F. Brightly - • • ' Digest of Reports. Abbott's Annuals ^»- ' ^'^.^ Wait's Table of Cases ^gg^ Waifs Table of Cases. Supplement ^^^^ Citations. Connoly ^gg- Citations. Connoly. Supplement ^^^^ Citations. Silvernail, W. H ^^^^ Howard's Practice Reports Digest 1004-1775 Colonial Laws— reprint 1777-1801 Laws of New York— reprint ^^^^^ Statute Compilations. Revised •;•••••••••, ^ ' '^y. Statute Compilations. Revised. Vols. 1 and 2, 1813 ^^^^ and vol. 3 1829 Statute Compilations. Revised ^'^^^j. Statute Compilations. Revised ■•■■■■■••-•:• i," ' .040 Statute Compilations. (Revisors 3d ed.) Revised . . 1840 Statute Compilations. Revised ^^^^ Statute Compilations. Revised • • • ••• ^ slale Compilations. Statutes at Large. Edmunds.. 1869 Statute Compilations. Edmunds . ^^_,, Statute Compilations. Edmunds Index ^^^^ Statute Compilations. Revised ^ •••••.•• y " ;. " /g-,. Statute Compilations. Code of Remedial Justice . . • ^^ Statute Compilations. Revised ^^^^.^ Statute Compilations. Revised . . .^ • • '^'JJ Statute Compilations. Revised. Birdseye 1^ -^^^^ Code of Procedure ; • •. ., «. , g Code of Procedure. Report of Commissiones 7 1 3 1 3 4 1 1 ^82 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Code of Procedure. Criminal Code 1850 1 Code of Procedure .' 1851 1 Code of Procedure. Voorhies' 2d ed 1852 1 Code of Procedure. Voorhies' 3d ed 1852 1 Code of Procedure. Voorhies' 4th ed 1855 1 Code of Procedure. Voorhies' 5th ed 1857 1 •Code of Procedure. Voohies' 6th ed 1859 1 Code of Procedure. Howard • 1859 1 Code of Procedure. Wait's Annotated 1871 1 Code of Procedure. Wait's Annotated 1873 1 Code of Procedure 1875 1 Code of Procedure. Throop 1876 1 Code of Procedure. Wait's 1877 1 Code of Procedure. Penal Code 1881 1 Code of Procedure. Amendments to Codes 1881 1 Code of Procedure. Criminal Procedure 1881 1 Code of Procedure. Annotated 1882 1 Code of Procedure. Annotated 1883 1 Code of Procedure. Annotated 1885 1 Code of Procedure. Annotated. (Pocket) 1886 1 Code of Procedure. Field's Proposed 1886 1 Code of Procedure. Stover 1892-1893 3 New York Practice. Tiffany & Smith 1864 3 New York Practice. Wait, W 1875 6 Journal of the Convention of the State of New York. . 1788 1 Trend of Legislation in U. S. (Pamphlet) 1900 Constitutional Convention 1821 1 Constitutional Convention 1846 1 Constitutional Convention 1867-1868 1 Rules of Practice in New York Courts 1881 1 Bar Association Reports (2) 1879 1 Bar Association Reports (16) 1893 1 Legal Observer 1830-1854 12 Digest of Laws 1777-1858 1 Index to Laws 1886-1896 1 Laws of 1774-75, 1810, Private ; 1810, Public ; 1811, 1812, 1812-13, Jan. 1814, Jan. 1816, Nov. 1816, Jan, 1818, 1820, 1820-21, 1822, 1823, 1825. 1826, Jan. 1827, Sept. 1827, Jan. 1828, Sept. 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, Jan. 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, Jan. 1847, Sept. 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, Jan. 1851, June 1851, 1852, Jan. 1853, April 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 2 Vols. ; 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, American Reports, Etc. 383 2 Vols.; 1867, 2 Vols. 1868, 2 Vols.; 1869, 2 Vols.; 1870, 2 Vols.; 1871, 2 Vols.; 1872 2 Vols. ; 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 2 Vols.; 1877, 2 Vols ; 1878, 1879, 1880, 2 Vols.; 1881, 3 Vols. ; 1882, 2 Vols. ; 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 2 Vols. ; 1893^ 2 Vols. ; 1894, 2 Vols. ; 1895, 3 Vols. ; 1896, 2 Vols. ; 1897, 3 Vols'. ; 1898, 2 Vols. ; 1899, 2 Vols. ; 1900, 2 Vols. NORTH CAROLINA. REPORTS. Law. Period. Vols. Martin, F. X 1778-1797 1 Havvvood, J .(continued in Tennessee) 1789-1806 2 Ta;ior,J.L 1798-1802 1 Conference Reports 1800-1804 1 Murphey, A. D. (Law and Equity) 1804-1819 3 Carolina Law Repository 1813-1816 2 Tavlor, J. L. and Term Reports (3 in 1) 1816-1818 3 Ruffin, T. and Hawks, F. L. (Hawks v. 1, Law and Equity) 1820-1821 1 Hawks, F. L. (Hawks 2-3-4, Law and Equity) 1822-1826 3 Devereux, T. P 1826-1834 4 Devereux, T. P. and Battle, W. H. (4 in 3) 1834-1839 4 Iredell, J 1840-1852 13 Busbee, P 1852-1853 1 Jones.H.C 1853-1862 8 Winston, P. H 1863-1864 2 Phillips, S. F 1866-1868 1 EQU'TV. Devereux, T. P 1826-1834 2 Devereux. T. P. and Battle, W. H 1834-1839 2 Iredell. J 1840-1852 8 Busbee. P 1852-1853 1 Jones, H. C 1853-1863 6 Winston, P. H 1^64 1 Phillips. S. F 1866^1868 1 (The distinction of Law and Equity has been abolished, see vol. 63, North Carolina Reports.) 384 Catalogue of Law Library. SERIALLY. Period. Vols. Repository and Taylor's Term (1) 1787-1797 1 Haywood. Vol. 1 (2) ., 1791-1797 1 Martin and Haywood. Law and Equity (3) 1778-1806 2 Taylor's Conference. Law and Equity (4) 1798-1804 2 Murphey (5-7) 1804-1819 3 Hawks Law and Equity (8-11) 1820-1826 4 Devereux's Law (12-15) 1826-1834 4 Devereux's 'Equity (1(6-17) 1826^1834 2 Devereux and Battle's Law. Vols. 1 and 2, (18-19) . . 1834-1837 2 Devereux and Battle's Law. VqIs. 3 and 4, (20) 1837-1839 2 Devereux and Battle's Equity (21-22) 1834-1839 2 Iredell's Law (23-35) 1840-1852 13 Iredell's Equity (36-43) 1840-1852 8 Busbee's Law (44) 1852-1853 1 Busbee's Equity (45) 1852-1853 1 Jones's Law (46-53) 1853-1862 8 Jones's Equity (54-59) 1853-1863 6 Winston's Law and Equity (60) 1863-1864 2 Phillips's Law (61) 1866-1868 2 Phillips's Equity (62) 1866-1868 1 Phillips, S. F. F. (63-64) 1868-1870 2 McCorkle, J. M. (65) 1871 1 Shipp, W. M. (66-67) 1872 2 Hargrove, T. L. (68-75) 1873-1876 8 Kenan, T. S. (76-91) 1877-1884 16 Davidson, T. F. (92-111) 1885-1893 20 Gray, R. T. (112-122) 1893-1898 11 Buxton, R. P. (123-126) 1898-1900 4 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Battle , Digest of Reports (Sixth). Seymour Digest of Cited Cases. Tourgee Statute Compilations. Revised Statute Compilations. Revised Statute Compilations. Revised Code Statute Compilations. Battle's Revisal Statute Compilations. Code Public Acts. 1715-1790 and 1791-1803. (1-2) 1879 5 1885 1 1878 1 1821 2 1837 2 1855 1 1873 1 1883 2 2 American Reports, Etc. 385 Laws of 1808-09-10-11-12-13-14-15, in 1 folio vol; 1817, Nov. 1819, Nov. 1820, Nov. 1821, Nov. 1822, Nov. 1824, 1826-27, 1827-28, 1828- 29, 1829-30, 1830-31, 1831-32, 1832-33, 1833-34, 1834-35, 1835-36, 1836-37, 1844-45. 1846-47, 1848-49, 1850-51, 1852, 1854-55, Pub. and Priv. ; 1856-57, Pub. and Priv. ; 1858-59, Pub. and Priv. ; 1859- 61-62-63-64, Pub.; 1865, Pub. and Priv.; 1866, Pub. and Priv.; 1866-67, Pub. and Priv.; 1868-69, Pub.; 1869-70, Pub.; 1870-71, Pub.; 1871-72, Pub.; 1872-73, 1873-74, 1874-75, 1876-77, 1879, March, 1880, 1881, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, Pub. and Priv.; 1895, Pub. and Priv. ; 1897, Pub. and Priv. ; 1899, Pub. and Priv. ; 1900, adjourned session. NORTH DAKOTA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Camp, E. W. (1) 1891 1 Hoskins, R. D. (2) 1891-1SI)2 1 Cochrane, J. M. (3-7) 1892-1898 5 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Revised Code 1895 1 Revised Code 1899 1 Laws of 1890, 1891, 1892, Special; 1893, 1895, 1897. . 1899 OHIO. REPORTS. Supreme Court. Wright, J. C 1831-1834 1 Hammond. C. ( 1-9) . Ohio Reports 1821-1839 9 Wilcox, P. B. (10). Ohio Reports 1840-1841 1 Stanton, E. M. (11-13). Ohio Reports 1841-1844 3 Griswold, H. (14-19). Ohio Reports 1846-1850 6 Lawrence, W. (20). Ohio Reports 1851 1 McCook, G. W. (1). Ohio State Reports 1852-1853 1 Warden, R. B. (2). Ohio State Reports 1853 1 Warden, R. B. and Smith. J. H. (3). Ohio State Reports 1853-1854 1 25 L L 386 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Warden, R. B. (4). Ohio State Reports 1854-1855 1 Critchfield, L. J. (5-21). Ohio State Reports 1855-1871 17 Granger, M. M. (22-23). Ohio State Reports 1871-1873 2 DeWitt, E. L. (24-42). Ohio State Reports 1873-1885 19 Okey, G. B. (43-45). Ohio State Reports 1885-1888 3 Burgess, L. J. (46-51). Ohio State Reports 1888-1894 6 Randall, E. O. (52-62). Ohio State Reports 1894-1900 11 Cincinnati Superior Court, Handy, R. D. & J. H 1854-1856 2 Disney, W 1854-1859 2 Superior Court Reporter 1870-1873 2 Circuit Court and Miscellaneous Reports. Tappan, B. (Common Pleas) 1816-1819 1 Circuit Court Reports (Jahn) 1885-1900 20 Ohio Nisi Prius Reports. Common PleaS), Probate and Superior Court of Cincinnati 1894-1900 7 Ohio Decisions. Courts of Record Inferior to Supreme and Circuit Courts 1894-1900 10 Ohio Decisions, Reprint. Ohio Cases. Vol. 1, West- ern Law Journal ; vol. 2, Western Law Monthly ; vol. 3, Weekly Law Gazette, American Law Reg- ister and Ohio Law Journal ; vol. 4, Cleveland Law Record and Cleveland Reporter ; vols. 5 and 6, American Law Record, 15 vols. ; vols. 7-11, Weekly Law Bulletin, vols. 1-30, to 1899 11 Ohio Circuit Court Decisions, to 1900 10 Ohio Federal Decisions, to 1900 10 Ohio Legal News, 1894-1899 Ohio Decisions, Dayton 1865-1873 1 Weekly Law Bulletin 1876-1900 44 digests, statutes, etc. Digest of Reports. Original MSS. from which Nash's Digest of Ohio Reports was printed in 1H44 1 Digest of Reports. Nash 1853 1 Digest of Reports. Chittenden 1859 1 Digest of Reports. Nash 1860 1 American Reports, Etc. 387 Period. Vols. Digest of Reports. Gholson & Okey 1867 1 Digest of Reports. Hunter & Myers' Index 1«^4 i Digest of Reports. McVey 1»^^ Digest of Reports. McVey |»°^ Digest of Reports. Walker & Bates 1»^^ ^ Digest of Reports. Walker & Bates (3) 1«»^ | Digest of Reports. Bates (4) 1«^1 1 Digest of Reports. Bates |°^^ Digest of Reports. Vol.3 ^11 . Digest of Reports. Welch |°°| ^ Digest of Reports. Welch. (Supplement) l»yi ^ Digest of Reports. Welch 1°99 1 Ohio Citations. Beebe & Lincoln 1°°^ Ohio Citations. Thompson 1^^^ Statute Compilations. Chase |°^^ Statute Compilations. Swan's Revision 1°^1 i Statute Compilations. Curwen's Revising Index.... • 1849 1 Statute Compilations. Swan's Revision, Derby Edition 1^54 1 Statute Compilations. Curwen ie«n o Statute Compilations. Swan & Critchfield 1»^U z Statute Compilations. Swan & Sayler 1868 1 Statute Compilations. Sayler's Statutes 1861-187o Revised Statutes. Edited and Annotated by M. A. Daugherty, John S. Brasee and George B. Okey, Commissioners to revise and consolidate the e, , ^ 1880 2 Statutes Revised Statutes. Aldrich's Supplement 1884 1 Revised Statutes. Williams' Edition 1886 3 Revised Statutes. Smith and Benedict 1890 3 Revised Statutes. Giauque 18^^ ^ Revised Statutes. Bates 189^ -i Revised Statutes. Bates 189^ ^ Revised Statutes. Bates l^^OO 3 Revised Statutes. Bates 19^- -^ Jordan's Repeals and Supplement 1880 1 Debates Ohio Convention (Journal of Conventions) . . 1802 1 Debates Ohio Convention 1850-1851 2 Aldrich O. Supplement to Revised Statutes 1884 1 American Law Journal 1884-1885 2 American Law Record 1872-1877 15 Bar Association Reports 1879-1900 21 Barber. G. M. Guide for Notaries 1887 1 Bates, C. Pleading and Practice 1882 2 388 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Beebe, F. N. and Lincoln, A. W. Ohio Citations 1886 1 Beebe, F. N. Errors in Citations in Ohio Reports .... 1885 1 Bloom, S. S. Laws of Ohio Made Easy 1 Brewer, A. T. and Laubscher, G. AT Ohio Corpora- tions with Forms 1900 1 Canal Laws 1834 1 Cincinnati Laws and Ordinances 1850-1887 6 Cincinnati Bulletin. See Weekly Law Bulletin. Cincinnati Municipal Decisions 1875 1 Civil Government Rudiments. Laning 1893 1 Cleveland Law Record 1856 1 Cleveland Law Reporter 1878-1879 2 Code 1853 1 Code Report of Commission 1853 1 Coggeshall, W. T. Index to Laws 1845-1857 1 Columbus Ordinances 1895 1 Coppock, F. M. Municipal Code 1894 1 Councilmen and Other Municipal Officers. Laning. . 1895 1 Cunningham, S. Ohio Evidence Decisions 1893 1 Curwen, M. E. Titles 1865 1 Giauque, F. Notaries and Conveyancers' Manual. . . . 1888 1 Giauque, F. and McClure, H. C. Dower and Curtesy Tables 1882 1 Giauque, F. Appendix to Ohio Statutes 1887 1 Giauque, F. Election Laws 1880 1 Giauque,F. Executors and Administrators. See Raff's Guide. Giauque, F. Manual for Assignees 1897 1 Giauque, F. Settlement of Decedent's Estates 1901 1 Giauque, F. Guide for Notaries 1897 1 Giauque, F. Roads, Ditches, Drains, Etc 1885 1 Giauque, F. Manual for Guardians and Trustees 1897 1 Giauque, F. Road and Bridge Laws 1895 1 Giauque, F. Notaries and Conveyancers 1897 1 Gilmore, J. A. Probate Practice 1884 1 Goebel, H. P. Probate Reports 1890 1 Green, A. Supreme Court Practice 1880 1 Guenther, W. G. Ohio Insurance Law 1900 1 Horr, N. T. and Bemis, A. A. Municipal Police Or- dinances 1887 1 Hunter and Myer. Index to Ohio Reports 1874 1 Index to General Laws in Force 1876 1 American Reports, Etc. Index to Laws of Ohio, Mills and Coggeshall 1802-1857 1 Period. Vols. James, F. B. Law of Experts 1889 1 Jordan, H. F. Repeals and Supplements 1881 1 Kinkead, E. B.y Black, S. L. Examination Questions and Answers 1893 1 Kinkead, E. B. Code Pleading 1898 2 Kinkead, E. B. Instructions and Entries 1897 1 Kinkead, E. B. Practice Court Procedure 1900 1 Kinkead, E. B. Trial Practice 1900 1 Kinkead, E. B. Common Law Pleading 1900 1 Law Journal, Ohio 1880-1884 6 Land Laws of Ohio (called Swan's Land Laws) 1825 1 Laning, J. F., Ohio Decisions, see under Circuit Court and Miscellaneous Reports. Laning, J. F. Ohio School Officers' Manual 1895 1 Laning, J. F. Manual for Councilmen and other Municipal Officers 1895 1 Laning, J. F. Rudiments of Civil Government 1893 1 Laning, J. F. Ohio Law of Appellate Procedure 1899 1 Leavitt, H. H. Officer's Guide 1834 1 Mallon, G., Election Laws 1892 1 Marshall, E. J. Ohio Corporations 1901 1 Mathews, F. J. Guardian's Guide 1859 1 Mills, Z. Index to Laws and Resolutions to 1845 1 Morgan, C. F. Manual of Ohio Practice 1874 1 Nash, S. Pleadings and Practice 1859 1 Nash, S. Pleadings and Practice 1874 1 Ohio Decisions, see under Circuit Court and Miscellane- ous Reports. Ohio Law Journal 1880-1884 6 Ohio Legal News 1894-1900 7 Ohio University Legal History. Pamphlet 1881 Okey, G. B. Civil Code As It Is 1879 1 Okey, J. W. and Miller, S. A. Municipal Code 1869 1 Okey, G. B. and Morton, J. H. Constitutions 180^1851 1 Paige, H. F. Virginia Military Titles 1850 1 Peck, H. D. Municipal Corporation Laws 1897 1 Peck, H. D. Township Officers' Guide 1886 1 Raff, G. W. Road Laws 1871 1 Raff, G. W. Executors' and Administrators' Guide. . . 1880 1 Railway Reports, Charters, Etc 1870 2 Randall, E. O. Ohio Law of Negotiable Paper 1899 1 390 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Robinson, J. S. Railroad Laws 1880 1 Rockel, W. M. Township Officers' Guide 1891 1 Rockel, W. M. Complete Guide for Township Officers. 1899 1 Rockel, W. M. and White, C. R. Mechanics and Sub- Contractors' Lien Law 1892 1 Seney, G. E. Code 1874 1 Spaulding-, H. M. Treatise 1885 1 Springfield Revised Ordinances 1897 1 School Laws 1852 1 School Laws. Officers' Manual. Laning 1895 1 Swan, J. R. Manual (Executors and Administrators') 1843 1 Swan, J. R. Manual (Fourth Edition) 1854 1 Swan, J. R. Pleading Under the Code 1860 1 Swan, J. R. Practice and Precedents 1845 2 Swan, J. R. Treatise for Justices 1898 1 Thompson, J. W. Ohio Citations 1900 1 Toledo Legal News 1894 1 Walker, J. B. Municipal Law 1871 1 Warren, M. Criminal Law 1870 1 Weekly Law Bulletin (first four volumes called Cincin- nati Law Bulletin) 1876-1900 44 Weekly Law Gazette (2-3-4) . Vol. 1 of this series was titled Weekly Law and Bank Bulletin and is not in the Law Library except as a reprint in "Ohio De- cisions Reprint," vol. 3 1858-1859 3 Wells, J. C. County Commissioners 1883 1 Western Law Journal 1843-1853 10 Western Law Monthly 1859-1863 5 Whittaker, W. H. Annotated Probate Code 1894 1 Whittaker, W. H. Annotated Civil Code 1894 1 Whittaker, W. H. Code of Evidence 1896 1 Whittaker, W. H. Ohio Justices Code 1898 1 Whittaker, W. H. Code Forms 1900 1 Wilcox, J. A. Railroad Laws 1874 1 Wilcox, P. B. Ohio Form and Practice 1848 1 Wild, E. N. Journal Entries 1883 1 Williams' Ohio Directory 1896-1897 1 Wilson, M. F. Criminal Code 1897 1 Yaple, Alfred. Code Practice and Pleading 1887 2 American Reports, Etc. 391 Laws. Period. Vols. Laws of Territory Northwest of the River Ohio. By the Governor and Judges, from the commencement of the Government to the 31st of December 1791 1 Same. Governor and Judges. July to December. . . . 1792 1 Same. Governor and Judges. Frequently recognized as the Maxwell Code, May to August 1795 1 Same. Governor and Judges. Frequently recognized as the Freeman Code, April and May 1798 1 This closes what is known as the first series by the Governor and Judges. Laws of Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, Passed at the First Session of the General Assembly (Ter- ritorial) September 1799 1 Same. Second Session, November 1800 1 Same. Third Session, November 1801 1 This closes the Territorial Series. Laws. Vol. 1, 1803; vol. 2, 1803-4; Vol. 3, 1804-5; Vol. 4, 1805-6; vol. 5, 1806-7 ; vol. 6, 1807-8 ; vol. 7, 1808-9 ; vol. 8, 1809-10, Part 1— Acts, Part 2— Laws Ordered Reprinted ; vol. 9, 1810-11 ; vol. 10, 1811-12; vol. 11, 1812-13; vol. 12, 1813-14; vol. 13, 1814-15; vol. 14, 1815-16, Part 1, Acts, Part 2, Laws Ordered Reprinted; vol. 15, 1816-17 ; vol. 16, 1817-1818 ; An Act for Disciplining the Militia, Jan. 27, 1818 ; vol. 17, 1818-19 ; vol. 18, 1819-20, Part 1— Acts of General Nature, Part 2 — Acts of Local Nature, Part 3 — Acts Ordered Re- printed ; vol. 19, 1820-21 ; vol. 20, 1821-22, Part 1— Acts of a Gen- eral Nature, Part 2— Local, Part 3, Special Session ; vol. 21, 1822-23, General and Local ; vol. 22, 1823-24, General and Local ; vol. 23, 1824-25, General and Local; vol. 24, 1825-26, General and Local; vol. 25, 1826-27, General and Local ; vol. 26. 1827-28, General and Local ; vol. 27, 1828-29, General and Local ; vol. 28, 1829-30, General and Local; vol. 29, 1830-31, General and Local; vol. 30, 1831-32, General and Local and Special Sessions; vol. 31, 1832-33, General and Local; vol. 32. 1833-34; General and Local; vol. 33, 1834-35, General, Local and Special Session ; vol. 34, 1835-36, General and Local; vol. 35, 836-37, General and Local; vol. 36, 1837-38, General and Local; vol. 37, 1838-39, General and Local; vol. 38, 1839-40, General and Local ; vol. 39, 1840-41, General and Local ; vol. 40, 1841-42, General, Local and Adjourned Session; vol. 41, 1842-43, 392 Catalogue of Law Library. General and Local ; vol. 42, 1843-44, General and Local ; vol. 43, 1844-45, General and Local ; vol. 44, 1845-46, General and Local ; vol. 45, 1846-47, General and Local ; vol. 46, 1847-48, General and Local ; vol. 47, 1848-49, Genera] and Local ; vol. 48, 1848-50, Gen- eral and Local; vol. 49, 1850-51, General and Local; vol. 50, 1852; vol. 51, 1852-53; vol. 52, 1854; vol. 53, 1856; vol. 54, 1857; vol. 55, 1858 ; vol. 56, 1859 ; vol. 57, 1860 ; vol. 58, 1861 ; vol. 59, 1862 ; vol. 60, 1863 ; vol. 61, 1864 ; vol. 62, 1865 ; vol. 63, 1866 ; vol. 64, 1867, vol. 65, 1868 ; vol. 66, 1868-69 ; vol. 67, 1870 ; vol. 68, 1871 ; vol. 69, 1872 ; vol. 70, 1873 ; vol. 71, 1874 ; vol. 72, 1875 ; vol. 73, 1876 ; vol. 74, 1877 ; vol. 75, 1878 ; vol. 76, 1879 ; vol. 77, 1880 ; vol. 78, 1881 ; vol. 79, 1882 ; vol. 80, 1883 ; vol. 81, 1884 ; vol. 82, 1885 ; vol. 83, 1886 ; vol. 84, 1887 ; vol. 85, 1888 ; vol. 86, 1889 ; vol. 87, 1890 ; vol. 88, 1891 ; vol. 89, 1892 ; vol. 90, 1893, General ; vol. 90, 1893, Local ; vol. 91, 1894 ; vol. 92, 1896 ; vol. 93, 1898 ; vol. 94, 1900. OKLAHOMA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Green, E. B. (1) 1893 1 Dale, F. (2-4) 1893-1896 3 Burford, J. H. (6-9) 1896-1899 4 Laws of 1895, 1897, 1899. OREGON. REPORTS. Wilson, J. G. (1-3) 1853-1870 3 Bellinger, C. B. (4-8) 1869-1880 5 Odeneal, T. B. (9-11) 1880-1884 3 Stratton, J. A. (12-14) 1884-1887 3 Holmes, W. H. (15-17) 1887-1889 3 Thayer, W. W. (18) 1889-1890 1 Strahan, R. S. (19) 1890 1 Burnett, G. D. (20-22) 1890-1892 3 Morrow, R. G. (23-36) 1893-1900 14 American Reports, Etc. 393r DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Period. Vols. Digest of Reports (including Washington) 1888 1 Statute Compilations 1843-1872 1 Statute Compilations 1855 1 Statute Compilations 1864 1 Statute Compilations. Annotated 1887 2 Civil Code 1862 1 Laws of 1854-55, in Revised Statutes ; 1855-56, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1856- 57, Gen'l. and Spec; 1857-58, Gen'l. and Spec; May-June, 1859, Gen'l. and Spec; 1860, 1862, Gen'l. in Civil Code; 1864, Gen'l. (in Revised Statutes); (1864 and 1865, Laws omitted in regular volumes appear as Appendix to 1866 laws) ; 1866, 1868, Gen'l., Spec, and Amendments ; 1870, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1872, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1874, Gen'l. and Spec; 1876, Gen'l. and Spec; 1878, Gen'l. and Spec; 1880, Gen'l. and Spec ; 1882, Gen'l. and Spec ; 1885, Gen'l. and Spec. ; Nov. 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1898, 1899. PENNSYLVANIA. REPORTS. Dallas, A. J. Will be found with the United States Reports. Addison, A 1791-1799 1 Yeates, J 1791-1808 4 Binnev, H 1799-1814 6 Brightly, F. C 1809-1851 1 Sergeant, T. and Rawle, W 1814-1828 17 Rawle, W 1828-1835 5 Penrose, C. B. and Watts, W 1829-1832 3 Watts, F 1832-1840 10 Wharton, T. 1 1835-1841 6 Watts, F. and Sergeant, H. J 1841-1845 9 Grant, B. Cases 1852-1863 3 Pennypacker, S. W. Unreported Cases 1881-1S83 3 Barr, R. M. (1-10). Pennsylvania State 1845-1849 10 Jones, J. P. (11). Pennsylvania State 1849 1 Jones, J. P., and McMurtie, R. C. (12). Pennsylvania State 1849 1 394 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Harris, G. W. (13-24). Pennsylvania State 1849-1855 12 Casey, J. (25-36) . Pennsylvania State 1855-1860 12 Wright, R. E. (37-50). Pennsylvania State 1860-1865 14 Smith, P. F. (51-81^). Pennsylvania State 1865-1876 32 Norris, A. W. (82-96). Pennsylvania State 1876-1880 15 Outerbridge, A. A. (97-110). Pennsylvania State 1880-1885 14 Amerman, L. (111-115). Pennsylvania State 1886-1887 5 Crumrine, B. (116-146). Pennsylvania State 1887-1892 31 Monaghan, J. (147-165). Pennsylvania State 1892-1895 19 Kress, W. C. (166-191) 1895-1899 26 Nisi Prius. Brightly, F. C 1809-1851 1 Common Pleas. Browne, P. A 1801-1814 2 Ashmead, J. W 1808-1841 2 Parsons, A. V. Selected Equity Cases 1841-1851 2 Pearson, J. J. (Reported by Pearson, W.) 1851-1880 2 District Court. Miles, J. City and County of Philadelphia 1825-1842 2 District Reports. E. P. Allinson 1892-1899 8 Superior Court. Kress, W. C. and Allison, E. P. (1-9) 1896-1899 9 miscellaneous. Pennypacker, S. W. Colonial Cases 1892 1 Bliss, W. R. Delaware County Reports (vol. 2) 1883-1886 1 Kulp, G. B. Luzerne Legal Register Reports 1882-1899 9 Clark, J. A. Pennsylvania Law Journal 1842-1852 5 Wallace, H. E. (1-10). Philadelphia Reports 1850-1875 10 Brown, H. C. (11-19). Philadelphia Reports 1875-1899 9 Weekly Notes of Cases 1874-1899 44 Crumrine, B. Pittsburg Reports 1853-1873 3 Brewster, F. C 1856-1873 4 Hopkinson, F. Admiralty Decisions. See Peters' United States Admiraltv Decisions. American Reports, Etc. 395 Period. Vols. Index to Pennsylvania Decisions in Atlantic Reporter (pamphlet) 1900 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Wharton 1843 2 Digest of Reports. Wharton 1853 2 Digest of Reports. Wharton 1877 2 Digest of Reports. Brightly 1854-1877 2 Digest of Reports. Brightly 1877-1889 2 Digest of Reports. Brightly 1889-1891 1 Linn's Index and Overruled Cases and Landis' Supple- ment 1857-1873 2 Statutes at Large (vols. 2, 3, 4, 5) 1700-1759 4 Statute Compilations. Purdon 1837 1 Statute Compilations. Dunlop 1846 1 Statute Compilations. Purdon 1858 1 Statute Compilations. Purdon 1861 1 Statute Compilations. Brightly's Purdon 1872 2 Statute Compilations. Supplement Brightly Purdon. . 1873-1878 1 Statute Compilations. Brightly's Purdon 1883 2 Statute Compilations. Brightly's Purdon 1894 2 Coal Mining Laws. (Pamphlet) 1895 Laws Republished by Authority (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-10) . . 1700-1829 9 Laws Republished by Authority (1-2-3-4-5-6-7) 1700-1805 7 ;Laws of 1806-07, 1807-08, 1817-18, 1818-19, 1819-20, 1820-21, 1821- 22; Laws from 1700 republished in 1822, Vols. 6 and 7; 1822-23, 1823-24, 1824-25, 1825-26, 1826-27, 1828-29, 1829-30, 1830-31, 1831-32, 1832-33, 1833-34, 1834-35, 1835-36, 1836-37, 1837-38, 1838-39, 1840, 1841, 1842 (Laws from 1700). Republished in 1842. Vol. 8), 1843, 1844, (Laws from 1700. Republished in 1844. Vol. 10), 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1883, Extra Session follows 1885 Laws, as an Appendix ; 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. PHILIPPINES. See Following United States Reports. PORTO RICO. See following United States Reports. 396 Catalogue of Law Library. RHODE ISLAND. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Angell, J. K. and Durfee, T. (1) 1828-1851 1 Diirfee, T. (2) 1850-1853 1 Knowles, J. P. and Metcalf, E. (3) 1853-1856 1 Ames, S. (4-7) 1854-1863 4 Ames, S., Knowles, J. P. and Bradley, C. S. (8) 1861-1867 1 Tobey, J. F. (9-10) 1868-1874 2 Green, A. (11-17) 1874-1890 7 Barrows, G. B. (18) 1890-1895 1 Barnfield, T. P. (19) 1897 1 Barnfield, T. P. and Stiness, E. C. (20) 1897-1898 1 Stiness, E. C. (21) 1898-1899 1 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Index Digest 1877 1 Digest of Reports. Clapp 1889 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1822 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1844 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1857 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1872 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1882 1 Statute Compilations. Commission 1896 1896 1 Statutes at Large (7) 1838-1840 1 Index to Acts and Resolves 1758-1850 1 Index to Acts and Resolves 1863-1873 1 Public Laws— 1814-1831, 1831-1842 ; Jan. 1840, Militia Law ; 1844-46, 1846-48, 1848-51, 1851-53, 1853-55, 1857-67, 1859-61, 1867-69, 1873-78, 1882-85, 1886-87, 1896-97, 1898-99. Acts and Resolves — May, Aug., Oct., 1850 ; Jan., May, June, Oct., 1851 ; Jan., May, June, Oct., 1852; Jan., May, June, Sept., Oct., 1853; Jan., May, June, Oct., 1854; Jan., May, 1855; Jan. May, 1856; Jan. May, 1857; Jan., May, 1858; Jan., May, 1859 ; Jan., May, 1860 ; Jan. April, May, Aug., 1861; Jan. May, Aug., 1862; Jan., May, June, 1863 ; Jan., May, 1864 ; Jan. May, 1865 ; Jan., May, 1866 ; Jan., May, 1867 ; Jan., May, 1868 ; Jan., May, 1869 ; Jan., May, 1870; Jan. May, 1871 ; Jan., May, 1872 ; Jan., May, 1873 ; Jan., May, 1874 ; Jan., May, 1875; Jan., May, Dec, 1876; Jan., May, 1877; Jan., April, May, June, American Reports, Etc. 39/ 1878; Jan. May, Nov., 1879; Jan., May, June, 1880; Jan., May, Sept., 1881 ; Jan., May, 1882 ; Jan., May, 1883; Jan., May, 1884 ; Jan., May, 1885 '; Jan., May, June, 188G ; Jan., May, 1887 ; Jan., May, 1888 ; Jan., Mav, July, 1889; Jan., May, June, 1890; Jan., May, 1891; Jan., April, May, Oct., 1892; Jan., May, 1893; Jan., May, 1894; Jan., May, 189u; Jan., May, Sept., 189G; Jan., May, 1897; Jan., May, Nov., 1898; Jan., 1899. SOUTH CAROLINA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. O Bay, E. H "83-1804 Bre^rd, J "93-18« » Treaclway, W. R. H. Constitutional Report 1812-1816 - Mill, J. Constitutional Report (2 vols, in 1) 1817-1818 2 The series by Treadway and Mill are also respect- ively known as the Old Series and the New Series of the South Carolina Constitutional Court Reports. Nott H. J. and McCord, D.J 1817-1820 McCord, D. J 1821-1828 Harper, W 1823-1830 1 Bailey, H 1828-1832 " HillW.R 1832-1837 Dudley C W. Law and Equity Bound Together . . 1837-1838 1 Rice,"w 1838-1839 1 Cheves, L. Law and Equity Bound Together 1839-1840 1 McMullan, J. J 1835-1842 2 Speers, R. H 1842-1844 Strobhart, J. A 1846-1850 Richardson, J. S. G 1844-1868 Vol. 12, Rich. Eq. is bound with vol. 13 Rich. Law. 5 15 EQUITY. Desaussure, H. W 1784-1816 Harper, W ^^--^ ^ McCord, D.J 1825-1827 Bailev,H 1830-1831 1 Richardson, J. S. G. Equity Cases 1831-1832 Hill, W. R 1833-1837 Riley, W 1836-1837 1 Dudley C W. Law and Equity bound together . . . 1837-1838 1 Rice, W.' 1838-1839 ^ 398 Catalogue of Law Library^. Period. Vols. Cheves, L. Law and Equity bound together 1839-1840 1 McMuIlan, J. J 1840-1842 1 Speers, R. H 1842-1844 1 Strobhart, J. A _ 1846-1850 14 Richardson, J. S. G {Utt^m}^'^ Vol. 13 Rich. Law is bound with vol. 12 Rich Eq. The distinction of Law and Equity has been abolished. New Series. Richardson, J. S. G. (1-10). South Carolina 1868-1878 10 Shand, R. W. (11-44) 1877-1896 33 Efird, C. M. (45-56) 1896-1900 12 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Acts. Published 1808. (1) 1791-1794 1 Acts. Published 1808. (2) 1795-1804 1 Digest of Reports. Index Digest 1882 2 Statute Compilations. Brevard's Digest 1814 3 Cooper and McCord. Statutes at Large 1682-1840 10 Revised Statutes 1893 2 Laws— 1802, 1805, 1806, 1807, Dec. 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, Dec. 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, March 1817, Dec. 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, Jan. 1828, Dec. 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, Oct. 1832, Dec. 1832, 1833, 1834, (Appendix to 1834, contains Acts of Oct. 1832), 1836, 1837, Dec. 1838, 1839, 1839-40, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, Nov. 1852 (Acts contained in House and Senate Journal), Dec. 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, Nov. to Dec. 1860, Jan. 1861, Dec. 1861, Dec. 1862, Feb., April 1863, 1864-65, Sept. 1866, Dec. 1866, July 1868, Nov. 1868, 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-72, Oct. 1873, Nov. 1873^ 1874-75, 1875-76, April 1877, Nov. 1877, 1877-78, Nov. 1879, Feb. 1880, Nov. 1880, 1881-82, Nov. 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888, 1889, 1890, ISPri, lg92, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. SOUTH DAKOTA. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Stewart ,R. W. (1-10) 1891-1898 10 Horner, H. R. (11-12) 1898-1900 2 American Reports, Etc. 399 DIGESTSj STATUTES, ETC. Laws — 1890, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. TENNESSEE. REPORTS. Law. Period. Vols. Overton, J. (1-2). Tennessee Reports 1791-1817 2 Cooke, W. W. (3). Tennessee Reports 1811-1814 1 Haywood, J. (3-4-5). (4-6). Tennessee Reports 1816-1818 3 Vols. 1 and 2 Haywood are North Carolina Reports. Peck, J. (7) . Tennessee Reports 1821-1824 1 Martin, J. H. and Yerger, G. S. (8). Tennessee Re- ports 1825-1828 1 Yerger, G. S. (9-18) 1818-1837 10 1 11 o Meigs, R. J. (19) 1838-1839 Humphreys, W. H. (20-30) 1839-1851 Swan, W. G. (31-32) 1851-1853 Sneed, J. L. T. (33-37) 1853-1858 5 Head. J. W. (38-40) 1858-1859 3 Coldwell T. H. (41-47) 1860-1870 7 Heiskell. J. B. (48-59) 1870-1874 12 Reese, W. B., Reporter (5-11). Heiskell. Malone, T. H., Reporter (6-10). Heiskell. Smith, R. McP., Reporter (7-12). Heiskell. Malone, J. C. Reporter (9). Heiskell.. Baxter, J. (60-68) 1872-1878 Lea, B. J. (69-84) 1878-1886 16 Pickle, G. W. (85-103) 1886-1900 19 9 Miscellaneous. Cooper, W. F. Chancery 1872-1878 3 Thompson, S. D. Unreported Cases 1847-1869 1 Whitney. H. D. Land Laws of Tennessee 1893 1 Shannon, R. T. Tennessee Cases 1898 3 400 Catalogue of Law Library. DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Period. Vols. Digest of Reports. Meigs 1881 3 Digest of Reports. Supplement 1881-1889 1 Digest of Reports. Taylor's Index -. 1888 1 Statute Compilations. Laws Revised 1813 1 Statute Compilations. Laws Revised 1821 2 Statute Compilations. Laws Revised 1831 2 Statute Compilations. Carothers and Nicholson 1836 1 Statute Compilations. Supplement 1836-1841 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1858 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1871 3 Statute Compilations. Code 1884 1 Laws — 1815, 1817, 1819, Pub. and Priv. ; 1820, Pub. and Priv. ; 1821, Pub. and Priv. ; 1822, Pub. and Priv. ; 1823, Pub. and Priv. ; 1824, Pub. and Priv. ; 1825, Pub. and Priv. ; 1826, Pub. and Priv. ; 1827, Pub. and Priv. ; 1829-30, Pub. and Priv. ; 1831, Pub. ; 1832, Pub. ; 1833, Pub.; 1835-36, Pub.; 1837-38, 1839-40, 1841-42, Oct., 1842; 1843-44, 1845-46, 1847-48, 1849-50, 1851-52, 1853-54, 1855-56, 1857-58, 1859-60, Jan., 1861; April, 1861; 1861-62; April, 1865; 1865-66 ; July, 1866 ; 1866-67, 1867-68 ; July, 1868 ; 1868-69, 1869- 70; May, 1870; 1870-71, 1872, 1873, 1875, 1877; Jan., 1879; Dec, 1879; Jan., 1881; Dec, 1881; 1882, 1883; Jan., 1885; May, 1885; 1887, 1889, 1890; Jan., 1891; Aug., 1891; 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, Extra Session; 1899. TEXAS. REPORTS. Supreme Court. Dallam, J. W 1840-1844 1 Webb, J. and Duval, T. H. (1-3) . Texas 1846-1848 3 Hartley, O. C. (4-10) 1849-1853 7 Hartley, O. C. and Hartley, R. K. (11-21) 1853-1858 11 Moore, G. F. and Walker, R. S. (22-24) 1858-1860 3 Paschal, G. W., Supplement to, (25) 1860 1 Robards, C. L. and Jackson, A. M. (26-27) 1861-1865 2 Walker, R. S. (25) 1860 1 Paschal, G. W. (28-31) 1868-1869 4 Wheelock, E. M. (32-37) 1869-1873 6 American Reports, Etc. 401 Period. Vols. Terrell, A. W. and Walker, A. S. (38-51) 1873-1879 14 Terrell, A. W. (52-71) 1879-1888 20 Walker, A. S. (72-88) 1888-1895 17 Wilkinson, A. E. (89-93) 1896-1899 5 Court of Appeals. ^ Jackson, A. M., Sr. and Jr., (1-27). Texas Appeals. . 1876-1889 27 Jackson, A. M., Jr. (28). Texas Appeals 1889-1890 1 Jackson, A. M., Jr. and Willson, S. A. (29). Texas Appeals 1890-1891 1 Willson, S. A. and White, J. P. (30) 1891-1892 1 Texas Criminal Reports. White, J. P. (31-40) 1892-1900 11 With vol. 31 the title was changed to Texas Criminal Reports. Court of Appeals. Civil Cases. White, J. P. and Willson, S. A. (1-2) 1887-1885 2 Willson, S. A. (3-4) 1885-1892 2 Civil Appeals. Walker, A. S. (1-10) 1892-1895 10 Webb, B. R. (11-18) 1896-1899 8 Wilkinson, A. E. (12-18) 1896-1899 7 Wilkinson, A. E. and Webb, B. R. (19-22) 1898-1900 4 Unreported Cases. Posey, J. W. Texas Unreported Cases 1879-1884 2 DIGESTS, statutes, ETC. Digest of Reports 1854 1 Digest of Reports. Oldham and Waite 1859 1 Digest of Reports. Paschal 1846-1875 3 Digest of Reports 1881 2 Digest of Reports. Peticolas 1891 2 Statute Compilations. Hartley 1850 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1857 1 26 L L 402 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Statute Compilations. Oldham and Waite 1859 1 Statute Compilations. Paschal 1866 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1875 2 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes., 1879 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1895 1 Laws — 1824-1830, Laws and' Decrees. 1835-30, Ordinances and De- crees. 1836-37, 1837, 1839-40, 1840-41, 1841-42, 1842-43, 1843-44, 1846, Gen.; 1847-48. Gen'l. ; 1849-50, Gen'l. ; Aug., 1850, Special; 4 Nov., 1850; 1851-52. Gen'l. and Spec; Jan. 1853, 1853-54, Gen'l. and Spec. ; Nov., 1855, Gen'l. and Spec. ; July, 1856, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1857-58, Gen'l. and Spec; 1859-60, Gen'!, and Spec; Jan. 1861, Gen'l. ; 1861, Spec, Extra Session ; 1861-62, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1863, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1863-64, Gen'l. and Spec. ; May 1864, Gen'l. and Spec. ; Oct. and Nov. 1864, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1866, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1870, Gen'l. and Spec; Jan. 1871, Gen'l; Sept., 1871, Gen'l.; 1873. Gen'l.; 1874, Gen'l.; 1875, Gen'l.; 1876, Gen'l.; Jan., 1879. Gen'l.; June, 1879, Gen'l. ; 1881, Gen'l, and Spec. ; April, 1882, Gen'l. ; Jan., \ ,1883, Gen'l. and Spec; 1884, Gen'l.; Jan. 1885. Gen'l. and Spec; 1887, Gen'l. and Spec; April, 1888, Gen'l; Jan.. 1889, Gen'l. and Spec. ; 1891, Gen'l. and Spec. ; March, 1892, Gen'l ; Jan. 1893, Gen'l. and Spec. ; Jan., 1895, Gen'l. and Spec. ; Oct., 1895 ; Jan., 1897. Gen'l. \ and Spec ; May, 1897 ; 1899, Gen'l. and Spec ; 1900, Gen'l and Spec UTAH. REPORTS. Hagan, A. (1-2) 1850-1880 2 Snow, Z. (3). (1861-1877) 1881-1884 1 Marshall, J. A. and Zane, J. M. (4) 1884-1886 1 Zane, J. M. (5-9) 1886-1893 5 Williams, J. A. (10-12) 1893-1896 3 Tanner, J. M. (13-17) 1896-1898 5 Nye, G. L. (18-20) 1898-1900 3 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Acts and Resolutions (Bull's Compilation) 1851-1870 1 Revised Statutes, Commission 1898 1 Statute Compilations 1 876 1 Statute Compilations 1888 2 Statute Compilations 1898 1 American Reports, Etc. 403 Laws — 1851-1870, in force in 1S70, in compilation; 1851-52, 1852-1853. 1853-54. 1854-55, in compilation ; 1850-(')0 ; I8r»0-(>1 ; 18(U-(J2 ; 1802- 63; 1804-05, 1805, 1800, in compilation; 1807. 1808. 180J), 1870 (last four years in compilation of 1851-1870) ; 1872, 1874, 1870. in com- pilation. 1878. 1880, 1882, 1884. 1880. 1888. 1890, 18<)2, 1894, 1890, 1897 (included in revision of 1898), 1899. VERMONT. REPORTS. Period. Vols. Chipman. N 1789-1 7t)l 1 Chipman, D 1789-1824 2 Tyler, R 1800-1803 2 Brayton 1815-1819 1 Aikens, A 1825-1827 2 Reported by the judges (1-9) 1820-1837 9 Shaw, G. B. ( 10) . 1830-1838 1 Shaw, G. B. and Weston, W. (11) 1838-1839 1 Weston. W. (12-14) 1840-1842 3 Slade. W. (15 ) 1843 1 Washburn. P. T. ( 10-23) 1844-1851 8 Deane, J. F. (24-20) •. 185(1-1854 3 Williams, C. L. (27-29) 1854-1857 3 Shaw, W. G. (30-35) 1850-1803 Veazey, W. G. (:50-44) 1803-1872 9 Rowell, J. W. (45-52) 1872-1880 8 Palmer, E. F. (53-00) 1880-1887 8 Prouty, C. A. (61-68) 1888-1890 8 Staflford, W. P. (09-71 ) 1897-1899 3 DICKSrS, STATLTES. ETC. Digest of Reports. Washburn 1789-184:1 1 Digest of Reports. Supplement 1844-1850 1 Digest of Reports. Roberts 1878 1 Digest of Reports. Roberts 1889 1 Digest of Reports. Supplement 1890 1 Statute Compilations. Laws Revised (2 vols, bound in 1) 1>;<>8 2 Statute Compilations. Supplement 1816 1 404 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols^ Statute Compilations. Revised 1823 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1825 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1840 1 Statute Compilations. Revised ^ 1851 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1863 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1870 1 Statute Compilations. Revised 1894 1 Constitutional Convention 1822-1857 1 Vermont State Papers 1823 1 Laws as to Intoxicating Liquors 1895 1 Laws as to Taxation 1895 1 Laws as to Public Instruction 1895 1 Laws as to Naturalization and Election • 1895 1 Laws as to Railroads 1895 1 Laws as to Fish and Game 1895 1 Laws as to Banks 1895 1 Laws as to Private Corporations 1895 1 Laws as to Itinerant Vendors 1895 1 Laws as to Insurance 1895 1 Laws as to Highways 1895 1 Laws — 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786 (foregoing eight years contained in Slade's reprint) ; 1793, 1799, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856; Oct., 1857; Feb., 1857; 1858, 1859, 1860, April 1861; Oct., 1861; 1862, 1863, 1864; March, 1865; Oct., 1865; 1866; March, 1867; Oct., 1867; 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890 ; Aug., 1891 ; 1892 ; 1894 ; 1896 ;. 1898; May, 1898; 1900. VIRGINIA. REPORTS. Washinoton, l'.. ( 1-2) 1790-1796 2 Hening, W. W. and Munfbrd, W. (:',-6) 1806-1810 4 Munford, W. (7-12 ) 1810-1820 6 Virginia Cases (Criminal Cases). Brockenbrougb and Holmes (13-14) 1789-1826 2 American Reports, Etc. ^"^ Period. Vols. 1779-1818 6 Call. D- (15-20) •• ;•; ,820-1821 1 Gilmer, F. W. (21) 1821-1828 6 Randolph, P. (22-27) i qoq 1 84.2 12 Lei.h. B. W (28-.,9) •••• ^^^^^ 'I S:r>'R.^(4"ii)::::::::::::::::--.-.-- is.™ s3 Matthews,;. M. (75). Virginia Reports ,o«o,s95 17 Hansbrough.G.W. (76-90). Virginia Reports l^^tjl 5 Burks, M. P. (91-97) 1896-1900 5 Miscellaneous. Paton, Jr., J. M. and Heath, R. B., Special Court of ^^^^_^^_ ^ Appeals •• 17S0-1792 1 Jefferson, Thos., Manuscript Cases 1788-1799 1 Wvthe, G. Equity DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. Royall's Digest of Grattan ^^^^"Ifl [ ^ --.... 3 ois 75_84 1889 1 _^2 1897-1899 3 Digest of Reports. Martin, W. B., vols. 75-84 .-- 1889 Bar Association Reports, vols. 10- " " Statute Compilations. Henning's Bar Association Reports, vols. 10-12 i ai q_i too 13 Statute Compilations. Henning's Statutes 1^ J i < ^- -^ Statute Compilations. Collection of Acts ^^^^ ^ Statute Compilations. Revised Code (1) '^ ^ Statute Compilations. Revised Code (2) ^ Statute Compilations. Supplement (3) ^^^ ^ Statute Compilations. Revised Code ^^^^ ^ Statute Compilations. Revised Code ^^^^ ^ Statute Compilations ^^^.^ ^ Statute Compilations ^^^^ ^ Statute Compilations. Revised Code Statute Compilations. Code Supplement 1829-1830 1 Virginia Convention " ' ^ Governor's Message Laws of 1807-8, 1808-9, 1809-10, 1810-lt l^lViV'fsT^ ^0'' 'mo'^l 181<;-67, 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-72, 1872-73, 1874, 1874-75, 1875-76, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1878-79, 1879- 80, 1881-82; March, 1882; 1883-84, 1884, 1885-86, 1887, 1887-88, 1889-90, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1897-98, 1899-1900. WASHINGTON. REPORTS. Period. VolSr Territorial Report 1864 1 Allen, J. B. Territorial Reports 1854-1885 2 Struve, H. G. Territorial Reports 1887-1888 1 Kreider, E. G. (1-21). Washington Reports 1889-1899 21 DIGEST.S, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports. (Bound with Oregon Digest) .... 1888 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1854 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1869 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Code 1881 1 Index to Code and Laws 1853-1888 1 Annotated Statutes and Code 1891 2 Laws of 1854, 1854-55, 1856-57, 1857-58, 1858-59, 1859-60, 1860-61, 1861-()2, 1862-63, 1863-64, 1865-66, 1866-67, 1867-68, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. WEST VIRGINIA. REPORTS. Hagans, J. M. (1-5) 1863-1872 5 Mathews, H. M. (6-9) . 1873-1876 4 White, R. (10-15) 1877-1879 6 Watts, C. C. (16-24) 1879-1884 9 Caldwell, A. (25-36) 1884-1892 12 Riley, T. S. (37-42) 1892-1897 6 Rucicer, E. P. (43-46) 1896-1900 1 American Reports, Etc. 407 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Period. Vols. Digest of Reports 1884 1 Constitution and Statutes 1861-1866 1 Code 1868 1 Code 1891 1 Code 1899 1 Laws of (Ordinances of Convention, June, 1861) ; July, 1861, Dec, 1861; May, 1862; Dec, 1862, Constitution; June, 1863; Jan., 1864; 1865, 1866, 18(57; Jan., 18()8; June and Nov., 186S: 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1872-73, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885; Jan., 1887; March, 1887; 1889, 1890, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. WISCONSIN. REPORTS. Burnett, T. P 1842-1843 1 Chandler, D. H 1849-1852 4 Pinney, S. U. Pin'ney's Reports contain all the cases in Burnett's and Chandler's Reports, and in addi- tion the cases decided between 1842 and 1849 1839-1852 3 Smith, A. D. (1-11). Wisconsin 1853-1860 11 Spooner, P. L. (12-15). Wisconsin 1860-1862 4 Conover, O. M. (16-58). Wisconsin 1862-1883 42 Conover,F.K. and Lamb, C. F. (103) 1899 1 Lamb, C. F. and Conover, F. K. ( 105) 1899 1 Simmons, J. (95-6-7-99). Wisconsin 1897-1898 4 Conover, F. K. (59-106). Wisconsin 1883-1900 48 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Digest of Reports 1865 1 Digest of Reports. Simmons 1874 2 Digest of Reports. Shepard 1884 2 Digest of Reports. Starr ) 1883 1 Digest of Reports. Burnell Supplement 1889 1 Table of Cases 1876 1 Tax Commission Report 1898 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1849 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1857 1 408 Catalogue of Law Library. Period. Vols. Statute Compilations. Code 1858 1 Statute Compilations. Code 1871 2 Statute Compilations. Code 1878 1 Statute Compilations. Sanborn & Berryman 1889 2 Statute Compilations. Sanborn & Berryman 1898 2 Laws of Oct., 1836 ; 1837-38 ; June, 1838 ; Nov. 1838 and Jan. 1839, Gen'l. and Local ; 1839-40 ; Aug., 1840 ; 1840-41 ; Town Laws, 1841 ; 1841- 42 ; March, 1843 ; 1843-44 ; Jan., 1845 ; Jan., 1846 ; Jan. 1847 ; Oct. 1847; Feb., 1848; June, 1848; 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861; Jan., 1862; Sept. 1862; 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867. 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889-90 ; Sept. 1890 ; 1891 ; June, 1892 ; Oct., 1892 ; 1893 ; 1895 ; 1897 ; 1899. WYOMING. REPORTS. Thomas, E. A. (1) 1870-1878 1 Riner, J. A. (2) 1871-1882 1 Wyoming Reports (3) 1883-1892 1 Potter, C. N. (4-7) 1893-1899 4 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Statute Compilations. Compiled Laws 1876 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1887 1 Statute Compilations. Revised Statutes 1899 1 Council Journal 1882 1 Election and Registration Laws. (Pamphlet) 1891 1 Laws of 1869, 1871, 1873, 1877, 1879, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1890, 1890- 91, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. FOURTH DIVISION. Foreign Reports Chronologically Arranged. BRITISH LAW REPORTS. CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. ENGLISH. HOUSE OF LORDS. Period. Vols. Shower 1694-1699 1 Colles 1697-1714 1 Brown 1701-1799 8 Dow 1812-1818 6 Bligh 1819-1821 3 And Part 1 of Vol. IV. Bligh, New Series 1827-1837 10 And Parts 1, 2, and 3 of Vol. XL Dow and Clark 1827-1832 2 Clark and Finnelly 1831-1846 12 Maclean and Robinson 1839 1 West 1839-1841 1 House of Lords Cases. Vols. 1 and 2, Clark and Fin- nelly ; Vols. 3-11, Charles Clark 1847-1866 11 The Law Reports From 1865 PRIVY COUNCIL. Acton 1809-1811 1 Knapp 1829-1836 3 Moore 1836-1861 15 Moore, New Series 1862-1873 9 Moore. The Gorham Case 1850 1 Moore. East India Appeals 1836-1873 15 The Law Reports From 1865 410 Catalogue of Law Library. CHANCERY. Period. Vol\ Gary 1557-1604 1 Choyce Cases in Chancery 1557-1606 1 Tothill ' 1559-1646 1 Dickens 1559-1798 2 Reports in Chancery 1615-1712 1 Nelson 1625-1693 1 Equity Cases Abridged 1(!(;7-1744 H Cases in Chancery 1660-1688 1 Freeman 1600-1706 1 Finch (Sir H.) 1673-1681 1 Vernon 1681-1720 2 Finch's Precedents 1689-1723 1 Peere Williams 1695-1736 3 Gilbert 1705-1727 1 Select Cases Temp. King 1724-1734 1 Mosely 1726-1731 1 Kelynge, W 1731-1736 1 Talbot, Cases Temp 1734-1738 1 West 1736-1739 1 Atkyns 1736-1755 3 Ambler 1737-1784 2 Barnardiston 1740-1741 1 Ridgway, Temp. Hardwicke 1744-1746 1 Vesey, Sen., and Belt's Sup 1747-1756 3 Eden 1757-1767 2 Brown, by Eden 1778-1794 4 Romilly's Notes of Cases 1779-1794 1 Cox 1784-1796 2 Vesey, Jun., with Index and Hovenden's Sup 1789-1816 22 Vesey and Beams 1812-1814 3 Cooper, Temp. Elden 1815 1 Merivale 1815-1817 3 Swanston 1818-1819 3 Wilson, 4 Parts 1818-1819 1 Jacob and Walker 1819-1821 2 Jacob 1821-1822 1 Turner and Russell 1822-1824 1 Russell 1826-1829 5 Only two parts of the fifth volume were published. Russell and Mylne 1829-1831 2 Mylne and Keen 1833-1835 3 British Law Reports. 411 Period. Cooper, Temp. Brougham 1833-1884 Mylne and Craig 1836-1848 Craig and Phillips 1841 Donnelly (2 vols, in 1) 1837 Cooper's Practice Cases 1837-1838 Phillips 1841-184!) Hall and Twells 1848-1850 Macnaghten and Gordon 184M-1S51 DeGex, Macnaghten and Gordon 1851-1857 DcGex and Jones 1857-1859 DeGex, Fisher and Jones 1851)-1SG2 DeGex, Jones and Smith 1802-18(35 Wyatt's Practical Register in Chancery 1800 The Law Reports From 18G5 Vols. 1 5 1 1 1 2 2 3 8 4 4 4 1 ROLLS COURT. Tamlvn 182J)-1830 Keen 1830-1838 Beavan 1838-1800 Jessel's Decisions 1883 The Law Reports From 1865 1 2 36 1 VICE-CHANCELLOR S COURT. Maddock Simons and Stuart. . Simons Simons, New Series. Drewry Drewry and Smale. Young and Collyer . . CoUyer De Gex and Smale . . Smale and Giffard. . . Gififard Hare Kay Kay and Johnson . . . Johnson Johnson and Hemming Hemming and Miller. The Law Reports . . . . temp. V. C.'s Kinderslev Shadwell and temp. V. C.'s Knight, Bruce, Parker and Stuart. temp.V.C.'s Wigram, Turner and Wood. 1815-1822 1822-1826 1820-1849 1850-1852 1852-1859 1800-1865 1841-1843 1844-1845 1846-1852 1852-1857 1857-1865 1841-1853 1853-1854 1854-1858 1859 1860-1802 1862-1865 From 1805 6 o 17 5 3 5 11 1 4 1 2 2 412 Catalogue of Law Library. KING S BENCH AND OUEEN S BENCH. Period. Vols. Cases from William I. to Richard I. "Placita Anglo- Normannica" 1066-1195 1 State Trials, with Index 7. . . 1163-1820 34 State Trials, New Series 1820-1858 8 Year Book of Edward I 1292-1307 5 Year Books 1307-1422 7 Year Book (16th, Edward III., reprint) 2 Bellewe 1378-1400 1 Keilway 1496-1531 1 Moore 1512-1621 1 Dyer 1513-1582 8 Brooke's New Cases and March's translation of Brooke 1515-1558 1 ^Benloe 1531-1628 1 Leonard 1540-1615 1 Plowden 1550-1580 2 Owen 1556-1615 1 Noy 1559-1649 1 Coke 1572-1616 6 Godbolt 1575-1638 1 Croke 1582-1641 3 Goldesborough 1586-1602 1 Popham 1592-1627 1 Yelverton 1603-1613 1 Hobart 1603-1625 1 Davies (Ireland) 1604-1612 1 Ley 1608-1629 1 Calthrop 1609-1618 1 Bulstrode 1609-1639 1 Rolle 1614-1625 2 Palmer 1619-1629 1 Jones. W 1620-1641 1 Latch 1625-1628 1 March, New Cases 1639-1653 1 Style 1645-1646 1 Aleyn 1646-1649 1 Siderfin 1657-1670 1 Raymond, Sir T 1660-1684 1 Levinz 1660-1697 1 Keble 1661-1679 3 Kelyng, J 1662-1669 1 British Law Reports. -113 1 Period. Vols. Jones, T IGCT-KiSS 1 Saunders 1666-1673 3 Vends 1668^1691 1 Pollexfen ' 1669-1685 1 Modern 1669-1732 12 Freeman 1670-1704 1 Shower 1678-1695 2 Skinner 1681-1698 1 Comberbach 1685-1699 1 Carthew 1686-1701 1 Holt 1688-1711 1 Salkeld V.'.'. 1689-1712 3 Raymond (Lord) 1694-1734 3 Fortescue 1695-1738 1 Comyns 1695-1741 2 Sessions Cases 1710-1748 2 Gilbert's Cases in Law and Equity 1713-1715 1 Strange 1716-1749 2 Barnardiston 1726-1735 Fitzgibbon 1728-1733 Barnes' Cases of Practice 1732-1760 1 Kelynge, W 1731-1736 1 Ridgwav, temp. Hardwicke 1733-1737 1 Lee, temp. Hardwicke 1733-1738 1 Cunningham, temp. Hardwicke 1734-1736 1 Andrews 1738-1740 1 Wilson 1742-1774 3 Blackstone (W.) 1746-1780 2 Sayer 1751-1756 1 Kenyon ^''''^"^!!!^^ Wilmot's Notes and Opinions 1757-1771 Burrow 1757-1771 5 Lofft 1772-1774 1 Cowper 1774-1778 2 Douglas 1778-1784 4 Durnford and East (Term Reports) 1785-1800 8 East 1801-1812 16 Smith '(J. P.) 1803-1806 3 Maule and Selwyn 1813-1817 6 Barnewall and Alderson 1817-1822 5 Barnewall and Creswell 1822-1830 10 Barnewall and Adolphus 1830-1834 5 Adolphus and Ellis 1834-1840 o 12 414 Catalogue of Lazv Library. Period. Vols Queen's Bench (Adolphus and Ellis, New Series) 1841-1852 18 Ellis and Blackburn 1852-1858 8 Ellis, Blackburn and Ellis 1858 1 Ellis and Ellis ^. . . . 1858-1860 3 Best and Smith '. . . . 1861-1870 10 Bowling and Ryland 1821-1827 9 Manning and Ryland 1827-1880 4 Nevile and Manning 1831-1836 6 Nevile and Perry 1836-1838 3 Perry and Davison 1838-1841 4 Gale' and Davison 1841-1843 3 Davison and Merivale 1843-1844 1 Harrison and Wollaston 1835-1836 2 Willmore, Wollaston and Davison 1837 1 Willmore, Wollaston and Hodges 1838-1839 2 The Law Reports From 1865 BAIL COURT. Chitty 181I)-182I) 2 Dowling 18:50-1840 9 Dowling (New Series) 1841-1842 2 Dowling and Lowndes 1846-1849 7 Saunders and Cole 1842-1848 2 Lowndes, Maxwell, and Pollock 1850-1851 2 Lowndes and Maxwell 1852 1 Wollaston 1840-1841 1 New Practice Cases (only two parts of vol. 3 ever pub- lished) ' 1841-1848 3 Willmore, Wollaston, and Davison 1 King's Bench and f 1837 1 Willmore, Wollaston, and Hodges j Bail Court. 1 1838-1839 2 Bittleston's Practice Cases 1875-1876 1 COMMON PLEAS. Bcnloe and Dallison 14H()-1580 1 Anderson 1531-1605 1 Brownlow and Goldesborough 1569-1624 1 Saville 1580-1594 1 Hutton 1612-1639 1 Bridgman, Sir J 1613-1621 1 Littleton 1626-1632 1 Hetley 1627-1632 1 Bridgman, Sir Orlando 1660-1667 1 415 British Laiv Reports. Period. Vols. i()a4-ir>76 1 Carter " |(5(;5-1674 1 Vaughan ''"\'n"T> 1()()<>-1<)'.M) 1 Ventris. King's Bench and L. t^ •••••• ^(.^._._;i7^4 t> Lutwyche " ' ' " 1700-1747 1 Cooke 17:'>2-17C»l> 1 Barnes. Notes '"n'x^ 175:^-1774 1 Wilson. King's Bench and C. F • • • • • ^>.,__^-,-^ ^ Willes y^ 17S8-171M; 1 Blackstone, H 1TI)C)-1S(»7 ' Bosanquet and Puller lS',iS-lsi;» ^ Taunton -j v CIRCUIT CASES. Period. Vols. Crawford and Dix, Abridged Cases 18.37-1838 1 Crawford and Dix 1839-1846 3 Cases on the Six Circuits 1841-1843 1 REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS. Glascock 1831-1832 t Law Recorder (10 vols, in 9) 1828-1837 10 Irish Law Reports 1838-1850 13' Irish Equity Reports 1838-1850 13 Irish Common Law Reports 1850-1866 17' Irish Chancery Reports 1850-1866 17 Irish Reports, Common Law Series 1866-1878 11 Irish Reports, Equity Series 1866-1878 11 Davis, Sir J 1604-1612 1 I. Common Lazv Series, embracing Court of Queen's Bench, Court of Common Pleas, Court of Exchequer, Court of Exchequer Chamber,. Court for Crown Cases Reserved, Consolidated Chamber and Reg- istry Appeals. 11 vols. 1866-1878. Commencing with Michael- mas Term, 1866. II. Equity Series, embracing Courts of Chancery and Appeal in Chan- cery, Roll Court, Vice-Chancellor's Court, Landed Estates Court, Court of Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Court of Admiralty, Court of Probate and Ecclesiastical Courts. 11 vols. 1866-1878. Com- mencing with Michaelmas Term, 1866. The Law Reports, Ireland 1878-1900 46: DIGEST OF REPORTS. O'Donnell and Brady's Digest 1766-1838 1 Gamble and Barlow's Equity Digest 1838-1867 2 Common Law Digest 1865 1 Green's Digest 1867-1877 1: REPORTS IN THE SCOTCH COURTS. HOUSE OF LORDS. Period. Vols. Robertson 1707-1727 1 Paton 1726-1822 6 (Paton is frequently cited as Cragie, Stewart and Paton.) Shaw 1821-1824 2 Wilson and Shaw 1825-1834 7 (Wilson and Shaw is sometimes referred to as Shaw, Wilson and Courtney.) Shaw and Maclean 1835-1838 3 Maclean and Robinson 1839 1 Robinson 1840-1841 2 Bell 1842-1850 7 Macqueen 1851-1865 4 Paterson 1851-1873 2 The Law Reports 1865-1900 COURT OF SESSION CASES. Durie 1621-1642 1 English Judges 1655-1661 1 Gilmour 1661-1666 Falconer 1681-1685 Stair 1661-1681 2 Dirleton 1665-1677 1 Fountainhall 1678-1712 2 Harcase 1681-1691 1 Dalrymple 1698-1720 1 Forbes 1705-1713 1 Bruce 1714-1717 1 Karnes (remarkable) 1716-1752 2 Kames (select) 1752-1768 1 Edgar 1724-1725 1 Reports in Scotch Courts. 427 Period. Vols. Elchies Dictionary and Notes 1733-1754 2 Clerk Home 1735-1744 1 Kilkerran 1738-1752 1 Falconer (2 in 1) 1744-1751 1 Hailes 17GG-1791 2 Bell 1790-1792 1 Bell 1794-1795 1 Hume 1781-1822 1 Faculty of Advocates 1752-1841 37 Court of Session Cases 1821-1838 16 Court of Session Cases, 2d Series 1838-1862 24 Court of Session Cases, 3d Series 1862-1873 11 Court of Session Cases, 4th Series 1873-1891 18 Deas and Anderson 1829-1833 5 Stuart, Milne and Peddie 1851-1853 2 Scottish Jurist 1829-1873 46 Morison's Dictionary of Decisions, with Supplement, Synopsis and Indices 1540-1808 42 Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, including House of Lords Appeals 1540-1827 2 Brown's Supplement, containing the unpublished De- cisions 1622-1794 2 Bell's Dictionary of Decisions 1808-1833 2 JUSTICIARY CASES. Shaw 1819-1831 1 Syme 1826-1830 1 Swinton 1835-1841 2 Broun 1842-1845 2 Arkley 1846-1848 1 Shaw 1848-1852 1 Irvine 1851-1867 5 Couper 1868-1883 4 Buchanan 1813 1 CONSISTORIAL COURT. Fergusson 1811-1817 1 JURY COURT, Murray 1815-1830 5 Macfarlane 1838-1839 1 428 Catalogue of Law Library. COURT OF TEINDS. Shaw 1821-1831 1 ADMIRALTY. Frazer's Admiralty Cases 1814 1 REPORTS IN ALL THE COURTS. Scottish Law Reporter 1865-1892 28 Guthrie Select Cases 1861-1878 1 Erskine's Institutes 1871 2 Arnot's Criminal Trials 1536-1784 1 Green's Trials 1825 3 Maclaurin Criminal Trials 1670-1773 1 Pitcairn's Remarkable Trials 1488-1624 7 Sheriff's Court Reporter (9 vols, in 3) 1858-1867 9 DIGEST OF REPORTS. Kinnear's Digest of Scottish Appeals 1709-1864 1 Shaw's Digest and Supplement 1720-1877 4 Public General Statutes 1887 1 STATUTE LAW. Acts of Parliament and Index 1124-1707 13 BRITISH COLONIAL REPORTS,ETC. UPPER CANADA — ONTARIO. REPORTS, ETC. Period. Vols. Taylor's King's Bench Reports ;^o- Draper's King's Bench Reports ---••.••;• i «S4 1844 6 Upper Canada King's Bench Reports (Old Senes).. 18^^1844 6 Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports (New 1844-1882 46 Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports ]T^''\^l 4 Upper Canada Chambers Reports •••••••-••• " ; ' |°^j. '^ ^ Upper Canada Practice Court and Chamber Reports. 18-,0-18^^^^ ^^ Upper Canada Chancery Reports ^s^^-isel 3 Error and Appeal Reports 1857-1878 2 Chancery Chambers Reports 1876-1809 26 Ontario Appeal Reports 1882-1898 29 Ontario Reports 1884-1891 1 Ontario Election Cases ^^^^ 2 Revised Statutes of Ontario • • • • • • • • • • " Statutes of Upper Canada to the Time of the Union.. ^^^^J43 ^1 Statutes of Ontario, Canada •••••••• , ^.. 2 Consolidated Statutes for Upper Canada l^-^-^ ^^^^ ^ Statutes Relating to the City of Toronto - ^ ^ Municipal Assessment Acts, Ontario LOWER CANADA— QUEBEC. 1810 1 Pyke ...... ^.._..--^ 1851-1867 17 Lower Canada Reports 1857-1892 35 Lower Canada Jurist 1881-1884 4 Dorion ' " ^^^^^ ^ Quebec Law Digest (4) ' 18(>8-1900 28 Statutes of Quebec ^^^^ ^ Sharpe's Civil Code • • • • • '^'_ Revised Acts and Ordinances of Lower Canada .... i^^;*-^ ^ Municipal Code of Quebec 1875-189'^ 17 Quebec Law Reports iqooiqoq 1 Quebec Official Law Reports. Index 1^-^ -- ^^ ' Quebec Official Law Reports. Queen s Bench 18^--189^ 8 Quebec Official Law Reports. Superior Court .... 189--18.).> 15 430 Catalogue of Law Library. DOMINION OF CANADA. Period. Vols. Supreme Court Reports 1877-1899 29 MISCELLANEOUS. Canada Law Journal (16-28) 13 Law Reporter and Montreal Condensed Reports .... 1854 1 Local Courts and Municipal Gazette 1865-1871 8 Beauchamp's Jurisprudence of the Privy Council.... 1891 1 Taschereau's Canada Criminal Acts 1890 1 Civil Law of Canada 1492-1791 1 Parliamentary Debates 1865 1 Statutes of the Province of Canada 1856 1 Journal of Legislative Assembly (19) 1885 1 Journal of Legislative Council (19) 1885 1 Sessional Papers (17-18) 1883-1885 2 Bar Association. Preliminary Conference. Pamphlet of 15 pages. NEW BRUNSWICK. Chipman's MSS., by Allen 1835-1837 1 Berton 1835-1839 1 Kerr's Reports 1840-1848 3 Allen's Reports 1848-1867 6 Hannay 1867-1871 2 Pugsley's Reports 1874-1877 3 Pugsley & Burbridge 1878-1879 4 New Brunswick Reports (21-33) 1880-1898 13 New Brunswick Equity Cases. Trueman 1876-1893 1 New Brunswick Equity Reports. Trueman 1894-1899 1 NOVA SCOTIA. Thomson's Collection of Decisions 1834-1852 1 James' Supreme Court Reports 1853-1855 1 Thomson's Supreme Court Reports 1856-1859 1 Cochran's Supreme Court Reports (Part 1) 1859 1 Oldright's Supreme Court Reports. Vol. 2. Part I, all published 1860-1866 2 British Colonial Reports, Etc. 431 Period. Vols. Geldert & Oxley (Nova Scotia Decisions) 1867-1875 3 Russell & Chesley 187G-1879 3 Nova Scotia Equity Decisions 1873-1882 1 Nova Scotia Reports (13-31) 1883-1899 18 NEW ZEALAND. The Statutes of New Zealand 1892 1 MANITOBA. Statutes of Manitoba. 48 Vict 1885 1 Revised Statutes of Manitoba 1891 2 Statutes of Manitoba 1892-93-1900 3 CHEROKEE NATION. Revised Laws 1875 1 CHICKASAW NATION. Compiled Laws I860 1 ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Civil Code 1870 1 MEXICO. Hall's Mexican Law. F. Hall 1885 1 BAHAMAS. Laws of the Bahamas 1850 1 CHILE. 2 4 Chile Boletin De Las Leyes 1891-1894 | -432 Catalogue of Law Library. FRANCE. Period. Vols. Code Napoleon. French Civil Code 1825 1 Commercial Code of France 1814 1 Les Cinquante Codes 1846 1 Jones, R., History of the French Bar. See Law Li- brary Series, vol. 90 1856 1 HAWAII. REPORTS. Robertson, G. M. (1) 1846-1856 1 Davis, R. G. (2) 1857-1865 1 Associate Justices. (3) 1866-1877 1 Judd, A. F. (4) 1877-1883 1 Foster, W. (5-6) 1883-1889 2 Justices Supreme Court. (7) 1887-1889 1 Foster, W. (8) 1889-1892 1 Justices. (9-12) . 1893-1900 4 DIGESTS, STATUTES, ETC. Compiled Laws 1884 1 Compiled Laws — Civil and Penal 1897 1 Laws— 1884, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1898. British Colonial Reports, Etc. 433 A TABLE OF BRITISH REGNAL YEARS. For Convenience of Reference to the Statutes and Law Rei^orts. Sovereigns. William I William II Henry I Stephen Henrv II Richard I John Henry III Edward I Edward II Edward III Richard II Henry IV Henry V Henry VI Edward IV Edward V Richard III Henrv VII Henrv VIII Edward VI iSIary Elizabeth James I Charles I The Commonwealth. Charles II Coiiimencement of reign. October 14, 106G... September 20. 1087. August 5, 1100 December 26, 1135. December 19, 1154. September 23, 1189. May 27, 1199 October 28. 121(;... November 20. 1272. July 8, 1307 January 25, 1326... June 22, 1377 September 30, 1399. March 21. 1413. ... September 1, 1422. . March 4. 1461 April 9. 1483 June 26, 148:? August 22. 1485 April 22, 1509 lanuary 28. 1547. . . July 6, 155:; November 17. 1558. March 24. 1603... March 27. 1625. .. January 30, 1649.. May 29, 1660 Leng[th of reign. 21 13 36 19 35 10 18 57 35 20 51 23 14 10 39 23 3 24 38 7 6 45 23 24 11 37 the twelfth of his reign. James II ! February 6. 1(585. William and Marv ,! February i:'>. 1689 Anne ' i ^^^rch s. 1702... George I ! August George II I J""^ ^^ George III October George IV January William IV J""c 26. __ Victoria June 20. 18:.. Edward Vn Jan. 22. 1901 1. 1714.. 1727.... 25. 1760. 29. 1820, \th of November. By the Act 1 and 2 William IV., cap 'A it was further provided, "That in case the Day of the Month on which any Term according to the Act aforesaid is to end shall fall to be on a Sunday, then the Monday next after such Day shall be deemed and taken to be the last Day of the Term ; and, that in case any of the Days between the Thursday before and the Wednesday next after Easter shall fall within Easter Term, then such Days shall be deemed and taken to be a part of such Term, although there shall be no sittings in Bank on any of such intervening Days." The Long Vacation extends from the 10th of August to the 24th of October. The first Law Term is called, from St. Hilary, "Hilary Term." be- cause it used to commence on his festival (January 13). The Law Terms were originally regulated by the Canonical Constitution of the Church, which, by exempting certain seasons, namely, Christmas. Easter, Pente- cost, and the harvest season, from forensic litigation, divided the year into four periods, or terms, called from the festivals immediately preceding their commencement, Hilary, Easter, Trinity, and Michaelmas terms. In Scotland, the Law Terms are differently arranged. The Court of Session sits from 12th of November to 20th March, and from 12th May to 20th July. But there, as in England and Ireland, the Judges are employed in other business during the intervals. CORONATION , OF THE KINGS AND QUEENS OF ENGLAND. WITH PERIOD OF THE REIGN OF EACH. 1. William I., Conq^r- —Monday, Dec. 25, 1066, 2. William II.— Sunday, Sept. 26, 1087, 3. Henry I. — Sunday, Aug. 5, 1100, 4. Stephen — Thursday, Dec. 26, 1135, 5. Henry II.— Sunday, Dec. 19, 1154, 6. Richard I.— Sunday, Sept. 3, 1189, 7. John — Thursday, May 27, 1199, ■8. Henry HI.- Saturday, Oct. 28, 1216, 9. Edward I. — Sunday, Nov. 20, 1272, 10. Edward II. — Saturday, July 8, 1307, 11. Edward HI.— Sun., Jan. 25, 1327 (N.S.) 12. Richard H.— Monday, June 22, 1377, 13. Henry IV.— Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1399, 14. Henry V.— Tuesday, March 21, 1413. 15. Henry VI.— Tuesday, Sept. 1, 1422. 16. Edward IV.— Wednesday, Mar. 4 1461, 17. Edward V. — Wednesday. Apr. 9, 1483, 18. Richard III.— Thursday, June 26, 1483, 19. Henry VII.— Monday, Aug. 22, 1485, 20. Henry VIII.— Sunday, April 22, 1509, 21. Edward VI. — Friday, Jan. 28, 1547, 22. Mary — Thursday, July 6, 1553, 23. Elizabeth — Thursday, Nov. 17, 1558, 24. James I. — Thursday, Mar. 24, 1603. 25. Charles I. — Sunday, Mar. 27, 1625, 56. Cromwell (Commonwealth) — to Thu., Sep. 9, 1087 to Thu., Aug. 2, 1100 to Sun., Dec. 1, 1135 to Mon., Oct. 25, 1154 to Thu., July 6, 1189 to Tues., Apr. 6. 1199 to Wed., Oct. 19, 1216 toWed.,Nov. 12, 1272 to Fri., July 7, 1307 to Tues., Jan. 20, 1327 to Sun., June 21, 1377 to Mon., Sep. 29, 1399 to Mon., Mar. 20, 1413 to Mon.. Aug. 31, 1422 to Wed., Mar. 4, 1461 to Wed., Apr. 9, 1483 to Sun., June 22, 1483 to Mon.,Aug.22.14S5 to Sat., Apr. 21. 1509 to Fri.. Jan. 28, 1547 to Thu., July 6, 1553 to Thu., Nov. 17, 1558 to Thu., Mar. 24, 1603 to Sun., Mar. 27, 1625 to Tues., Jan. 30, 1649 to Fri., Sep. 3-13, 1658 Period of Reign. 37 27. Charles II. rest'd - —Tuesday, May 29, 1660, to Fri., Feb. 6, 1685 28. James II. — Friday, Feb. 6, 1685, to Sat., Dec. 11. 1688 29. William III.— Wed. , Feb. 13, 1689, to Mon. ., Mar. 8, 1702 30. Anne — Monday, Mar. 8, 1702, to Sun. , Aug. 1, 1714 31. George 1. — Sunday, Aug. 1, 1714, to Sat., June 11, 1727 32. George II. — Saturday, June 11, 1727, to Sat., Oct. 25, 1760 33. George III. — Saturday, Oct. 25, 1760, to Sat. Jan. 29, 1820 34. George IV. — Saturday, Jan. 29, 1820, to Sat., June 26, 1830 35. William IV.— Saturday, June 26, 1830, to Tues ., June 20, , 1837 36. Victoria — Tuesday, June 20, 1837, to Tues .. Jan. 22, 1901 37. Edward VII.— Tuesday, Jan. 22, 1901, 1751. Annus CoNFUSiONis. Until 1752 the English reckoned their year according to the Julian Calendar, the new year beginning on March *25. Parliament in changing to the Gregorian Calendar, the new year to begin Jan. 1, 1752, gave only 282 days to the year 1751. 1752. To change from old style to new, 1752 began Jan. 1, and in that year ten nominal days were dropped. The day following Oct. 4, 1752, was made Oct. 15, 1752. NoN Leap Years. Even centuries not divisible by 400 without a remainder are not leap years ; by 400 even centuries are, but A. D. 2000 will be a leap year. There are not 365^ sidereal days in a sidereal year, the Gregorian error being less than one day in 3000 years. 28th AND 29th of February are legally but one day, the 28th. Year. There is no year in our reckoning. The year before A. D. 1 is B. C. 1. 46 B. C. When the Julian Calendar was adopted was the B. C. "year of confusion," containing 445 days. The foregoing table of the "Coronation of the Kings and Queens of England" and the information under the head of and following "Annus Confusionis" was kindly furnished for this volume by Judge Alfred Yaple, of Cincinnati. FIFTH DIVISION. ABBREVIATIONS, LAW BOOK ABBREVIATIONS. The following pages present a table in alphabetical arrangement, of all available abbreviations used in referring to legal publications. The growth in the publication of law books in the last few years has been so great, and the varied tastes in manner of abbreviating so many, that much is necessarily printed which would not pass the blue pencil of an expert. It is a fact, that the abbreviations exist, and are used, and as a rule are not generally understood. TABLE OF LEGAL ABBREVIA- TIONS. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. A. (a) B. (b) A A. B A. B. R A'B. R. J. N. S. W. A'B. R. J. P. P. ... A'Beck. Judge. Vict. A. C A. C. L. J. A. C. C. . . A. C. R. . A. D A. E. C. . A. G. Dec. A. G. Op. A. Ins. R. A. J A. K. Marsh A. L. C. . . A. L. J. . . . A. L. J. N. S. A. front, B. back of leaf. American ; — Article ; — Queen Anne ; — Anony- mous ; — Approved ; — Alabama ; — Arkansas ;. Abbott (see Abb.) ; — Annuals (Louisana). Anonymous Reports at the end of Bendloe. American Bankruptcy Reports. A'Beckett's Reserved (Equity) Judgments, New South Wales. A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Philip. A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments of Victoria. Appellate Court ; — Case on Appeal ; — Appeal Cases. A. C. followed by year, as, A. C. 1891, refers to English Law Reports, Appeal Cases for 1891. , American Civil Law Journal, New York. American Corporation Cases (Withrow's). , American Criminal Reports. , Anno Domini, — in the year of our Lord ; — American Decisions ; — Appellate Division. American Electrical Cases. Attorney General's Decisions. Attorney General's Opinions. , American Insolvency Reports. American Jurist ; — Australian Jurist. , A. K. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. American Leading Cases. • Albany Law Journal; — American Law Journal , (Hall's Philadelphia) ; — American Law Jour- nal, Ohio. . American Law Journal, New Series, Philadel- phia. Ahhreviaiions. 441 A. L. M. . A. L. Rec. A. L. Reg. A. L. Rep. A. L. Rev. . A. L. T. . . A. L. T. Bankr A. L. T. R. . A. L. T. R. N. A. M. & O. . A. Moo A. N.' C. A. N. R. A. P. B. A. R. ... A. R. C. A. R. R. A. Rep. . A. S. R. A. V. Ch, A. & E. A. & E. Corp. Ca A. & E. Ency A. & E. N. S.' A. & E. R. C. A. &H A. & N. ... Ab Ab. Eq. Cas. Abb Abb. Adm Abb. App. Dec. Abb. Beech. Tr. . American Law Magazine, Philadelphia. . American Law Record, Cincinnati. . American Law Register, Philadelphia. .American Law Reporter, Davenport, Iowa; Argus Law Reports, Victoria. . American Law Review, Boston. . American Law Times. . American Law Times Bankruptcy Reports. . American Law Times Reports. . American Law Times Reports, New Series. . Armstrong, Macartney & Ogle's Irish Nisi Prius Reports. . A. Moore's Reports, in 1 Bosanquet & Puller. . Abbott's New Cases, New York ; — American Negligence Cases. . .American Negligence Reports, Current Series. . .Ashurst's Paper Books (Mss. in Lincoln's Inn Library. . Anno Regni, — in the year of the reign ; — Amer- ican Reports ; — Atlantic Reporter. . American Railway Cases. . American Railway Reports. . American Reports. . American State Reports. . Assistant Mce-Chancellor. . Adolphus »& Ellis' English Queen's Bench Re- ports ; — Admiralty and Ecclesiastical. . American and English Corporation Cases. . American and English Encyclopaedia of Law. . .Adolphus & Ellis' English Queen's Bench Re- ports, New Series. . American & English Railway Cases. . .\rnold & Hodges' English Queen's Bench Re- ports. . Alcock & Napier's Irish King's Bench Reports. . Abridgement ; — .\bbott (see Abb.). . Equity Cases Abridged (English). . Abl>ott's United States Circuit and District Court Report ; — Abbott's Practice, New York. . .-Xbbott's .Admiralty Reports. . Abbott's New York Court of Appeals Decisions. . Abbott's New Cases, New York. 442 Catalogue of Law Library. Abb. Ct. App Abbott's New York Court of Appeals Decisions. Abb. C. C Abbott's Circuit Court, United States. Abb. Dec Abbott's New York Court of Appeals Decisions. Abb. Dig Abbott's Digest, New York. Abb. Dig, Corp Abbott's Digest Law of Corporations. Abb. Mo. Ind Abbott's Monthly Index. Abb. Nat. Dig Abbott's National Digest. Abb. N. C Abbott's New Cases, New York. Abb. N. S Abbott's Practice, New Series. Abb. N. Y. App Abott's New York Court of Appeals Decisions. Abb. N. Y. Dig Abbott's New York Digest. Abb. Pr Abbott's New York Practice Reports. Abb. Tr. Ev Abbott's Trial Evidence. Abb. Pr. N. S Abbott's New York Practice Reports, New • Series. Abb. U. S Abbott's United States Circuit Court Reports. Abb. Y. Bk Abbott's Year Book of Jurisprudence. Abr Abridgment ; — Abridged. Abr. Case Crawford & Dix's Abridged Cases, Ireland. Abr. Cas. Eq Equity Cases Abridged (English). Abs Absolute. Ace Accord, — agrees. Act. Can Acta Cancellariae, by Monro. Act. Pr. C Acton's English Privy Council Reports. Act. Reg Acta Regia. Ad Adams (see Adams) ; — Addison (see Add.). Ad. fin Ad finem, — near the end. Ad. & E.(or Ad.& Ell.) . Adolphus & Ellis' English King's Bench Re- ports. Ad. & Ell. N. S Adolphus & Ellis' Reports, New Series ;— Eng- lish Queen's Bench, comonly cited Q. B. Adams Adams' Reports (41, 42 Maine ; — Adams' Re- ports (1 N. H.). Add Addison's Reports, Pennsylvania; — Addams' Englisli Ecclesiastical Reports. Add. Ecc Addams' Ecclesiastical Reports. Addams Addams' Ecclesiastical Reports, English. Addis Addison, (Pennsylvania). Adj Adjudged ; — Adjourned. Adm .\dmiralty ; Admitted. Adm & Ecc Admiralty and Ecclesiastical ; English Law Re- ports, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical. Admr Administrator. Ahbrci'iatwns. **> A jj^x Administratrix. Adolph &'e. Adolphus & Ellis' English Kings Bench Re- ports. Adolph & E. N. S. . . Adolphus & Ellis', New Series (usually cited as Queen's Bench). ^(1 s Ad sectam.— at suit of. Adv Advocate. ^ Agrees ;— Agreement ;— Agamst. ^„^ Agrees ;— Agreement. Agi-a ii. C Agra High Court Reports (India). Ajw Aiken's Vermont Reports. Ai ; ; ; ; ; ''^^^''. Aleyn's select Cases, King's Bench ;-Alabama ; —Allen (see All.). Ai Tel Ca Allen's Telegraph Cases. Ai. & Nap.' ■.■.". Alcock & Napier's Irish King's Bench Reports. ^a Alabama. Ala l"j Alabama Law Journal. Ala si Bar Assn Alabama State Bar Association. Ala N S • • • Alabama Reports, New Series. Ala Sel. Cas Alabama Select Cases, by Shepherd. Alaska Co Alaska Codes, Carter. Alb Arb! '..'.'.'. Albert Arbitration (Lord Cairns' Decisions). Alb L. J Albany Law Journal. Alb L S Jour Albany Law School Journal. Alp' ' ' ... Alcocic's Irish Registry Cases. A ; & Nap '.'..... Alcock & Napier's Irish King's Bench Reports. AiH ' ' Alden's Condensed Reports, Pennsylvania. Alex " Cas." '. '. '. " ' ".'.'.•• Report of the Alexandria Case by Dudley. Alexander Vols. ()6-72 Mississippi. f'^T . .'.'.'. Aleyn's Select Cases, English King's Bench. All Allen. All N B • • Allen's New Brunswick Reports. All' Ser • Allahabad Series, Indian Law Reports. AUeg Co ' Bar Assn. . Alleghany County Bar Association. AH Tel Cas Allen's Telegraph Cases. , „ • o aL Allen's Massachusetts Reports;- Allen s Re- ^''^ ", ports. New Brunswick : - Allen's Reports, Washington. Allen Tel Ca Allen's Telegraph Cases. Allin . . AUinson. Pennsylvania Superior and District Court. .. American —Amended ;— Amendment. Am. Acad. Pol." ::::... American Academy of Political and Social Science. 444 Catalogtic of Lmv Library. Am. Ban. R American Bankruptcy Reports. Am. Banker American Banker (New York City). Am. Bar Asso American Bar Association. Am. C. L. J American Civil Law Journal, New York. Am. Ch. Dig American Chancery Digest. Am. Civ. L. J American Civil Law Journal. Am. Corp. Cas American Corporation Cases (Withrow's). Am. Cr. Rep American Criminal Reports. Am. Cr. Tr Chandler's American Criminal Trials. Am. Dec American Decisions. Am. Dig American Digest. Am. Dig. Cent. Ed. . . American Digest (Century Edition). Am. Econ American Economic Association. Am. Elec. Ca American Electrical Cases. Am. Hist. Rev American Historical Review. Am. Insol. Rep American Insolvency Reports. Am. Jour. Pol American Journal of Politics. Am. Jour. Soc American Journal of Sociology. Am. Jur American Jurist, Boston. Am. L. C. R. P Sharswood and Budd's Leading Cases on Real Property. Am. L. Cas American Leading Cases. Am. L. J American Law Journal (Hall's), Philadelphia. Am. L. J. N. S American Law Journal, New Series, Philadel- phia. Am. L. J. (O.) American Law Journal, Ohio. Am. L. Mag American Law Magazine, Philadelphia. Am. L. Rec American Law Record, Cincinnati. Am. L. Reg American Law Register, Philadelphia. Am. L. Rep American Law Reporter, Davenport, Iowa. American Law Reports. Am. L. Rev American Law Review, Boston. Am. L. T American Law Times, Washington and New York. Am. L. T. Bankr American Law Times Bankruptcy Reports. Am. L. T. R American Law Times Reports. Am. L. T. R. N. S American Law Times Reports, New Series. Am. Law Jour American Law Journal (Hall). Am. Law Mag American Law Magazine. Am. Law Reg American Law Register. Am. Law Reg & Rev. American Law Register and Review. Am. Law Rev American Law Review. Am. Lawy American Lawyer (New York City). Abbreviations. ^^ Am. Lead Cas American Leading Cases (Hare & Wallace's). Am. Mag. Civ \merican Magazine of Civics. Am. Xeg. Ca \merican Negligence Cases. Am. Neg. Rep American Negligence Reports. Am. Prob. Rep \merican Probate Reports. Am. Psych. J American Psychological Journal. Am. R. & C. Rep \merican Railroad and Corporation Reports. Am. R. R. Cas \merican Railway Cases (Smith & P>ates'). Am. R. R. Rep American Railway Reports. New York. Am. Rep American Reports (Selected Cases). Albany. Am. Rv. Ca .\merican Railway Cases. Am. Ry. Rep American Railway Reports. Am. St. Rep American State Reports. Am. Statis. Asso American Statistical Association. Am. Them American Themis, New York. Am. Tr.-M. Cas American Trade-Mark Cases (Cox's). Am. & Eng.Corp.Cas.. American and English Corporation Cases. Am.& Eq. American and English Decisions m Equity. Am.& Eng.Ency. Law. American and English Encyclopjedia of Law. Am. & Eng. Pat. Ca.. American and English Patent Cases. Am. & Eng. Ry. Ca \merican and English Railway Cases. Am & Eng. R. R. Ca . . American and English Railroad Cases. Amb. (or Ambl.) \mbler's English Chancery Reports. Anid \mended. Anier . \merican ; Amerman Vols. 111-11.". Pennsyl- vania. Amer Law Vmerican Lawyer. New York. Ames. "ernes' Reports (4-8 Rhode Island);— Ames' I Reports (1 Minn.). Ames Cas. B. & N Vmes' Cases on Bills and Notes. Ames Cas. Par Vmes" Cases on Partnership. Ames Cas. PI 'flics' Cases on Pleading. Ames Cas. Trusts Vmes' Cases on Trusts. Ames Cas Sur .\mes' Cases on Suretyship. Ames. K. & B Ames. Knowles & Bradley's Reports (>> Rhode • Lsland). An Anonymous. And .\ndrews' English King's Bench Reports— An- derson's English Common Pleas Reports ; Andrews' Connecticut Reports. \'ols. (>8-72. Andr Andrews' English King's Bench Reports ;— see also And. Ang. & Dur .\ngell & Durfee's Reports (1 Rhode Island). 446 Catalogue of Law Library. Ann Queen Anne (see Anne) ; Annual. Ann. Reg Annual Register, London. Annaly Annaly's edition of Lee temp. Hardwicke. Anne Queen Anne (thus 1 x\nne, denotes the first year of the reign of Queen Anne). Anon Anonymous. Anst Anstruther's English Exchequer Reports. Anth. (or Anth. N. P.).Anthon"s New York Nisi Prius Reports; An- thony's Illinois Digest. Anth. Shep Anthony's edition of Shephard's Touchstone. Ap. Justin Apud Justinianum ; In Justinians Institutes. App Appeal ; — Appendix ; — Apposition ; — Apple- ton's Reports (19, 20 Maine). Appe. Bre Appendix to Breese's Reports. 'App. Cas Appeal Cases, English Law Reports ; Appeal Cases, United States ; Appeal Cases of the dif- ferent States ; Appeal Cases, District of Co- lumbia. App. Cas. Beng Sevestre and Marshall's Bengal Reports. App. Ct. Rep Bradwell's Illinois Appeal Court Reports. App. D. C Appeals, District of Columbia. App. N. Z Appeal Reports, New Zealand. App. Rep. Ont Appeal Reports, Ontario. Appleton Appleton's Reports (19, 20 Maine). Appx Appendix. Apud In ; — contained in ; — quoted in. Ar Arrete. Ar. Rep Argus Reports. Victoria. Arabin Decisions of Sergeant Arabin. Arbuth Arbuthnot's Select Criminal Cases, Madras. Arch Court of Arches, England. Arch, P. L. Cas Archbold's Abridgment of Poor Law Cases. Archer Archers's Reports (vol. 2 Florida). Archer & Hogue Archer & Hogue's Reports (vol. 2 Florida). Arg Arguendo, — in arguing ; — Arguments. Arg. Rep Reports printed in Melbourne Argus, Australia. Argus The Argus, Albany. Ariz Arizona. Ark Arkansas Reports ; — Arkley's Scotch Justiciary Reports. Ark. Bar. Asso Arkansas Bar Association Reports. Ark L J Arkansas Law Journal, Fort Smith, Arkl Arkley's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Abbreviations. 447 Arms. Con. Elec Armstrong's New York Contested Elections. Arms. Elect. Cas Armstrong's Cases of Contested Elections, New York. Arms. M. & O Armstrong's, Macartney, & Ogle's Irish Nisi Prius Reports. Arms. Tr Armstrong's Limerick Trials, Ireland. Arn Arnold's English Common Pleas Reports ; — Ar- not's Criminal Trials, Scotland. Arn El. Cas Arnold's Election Cases, English. Arn & Hod Arnold and Hodges' English Queen's Bench Re- ports. Arn. & Hod. B. C Arnold & Hodges' English Bail Court Reports. Arn & Hod. Pr. Cas. . .Arnold & Hodges' Practice Cases, English. Arnold Arnold's Common Pleas Reports, English. Arnot Cr. C Arnot's Criminal Cases, Scotland. Art Article. Ashe Ashe's Tables to the Year Books (or to Coke's Reports; or to Dyer's Reports). Ashm Ashmead's Pennsylvania Reports. Ashton Ashton's (vols. 9-12) Opinions of the United States Attorneys-General. Ashurst MS Ashurst's Paper Books, Lincoln's Inn Library ; — Ashurst's Manuscript Reports, printed in 2 Chitty. Asp Cas. (or Rep.). ... English Maritime Law Cases, new series, by Aspinall. Asp Aspinall, English Admiralty. Asp. M. C Aspinall Maritime Cases. Ass Liber Assissarum, — Book of Assizes. Ass. Terus A.ssizes of Jerusalem. Ast. Ent Aston's Entries. Atch Atchison's English Navigation and Trade Re- ports Atk Atkyn's English Chancery Reports. Atk. P. T Vtkyn's Parliamentary Tracts. Atl. Mo Atlantic Monthly. Atl. Reptr \tlantic Reporter. Ats At suit of. Attv -\ttorney. Attv. Gen Attorney-General. Atty. Gen. Op Attorney-General's Opinions, United States. Atty. Gen. Op. N. Y Attorney-General's Opinions, New York. Atwater Vtwater's Reports (1 Minnesota). 448 Catalogue of Law Library. Audi Auchinleck's Manuscript Cases, Scotch Court of Session. Auct. Reg. & J^. Chron. Auction Register and Law Chronicle. Aust Austin's EngHsh County Court Cases ; — Aus- traha. Aust. Jur Austin's Lectures on ^Jurisprudence ; — Australian Jurist. Aust. Jur. Abr Austin's Lectures on Jurisprudence, abridged. Aust. L. T Australian Law Times. Austin C. C Austin's English County Court Reports. Austin (Ceylon) Austin's Ceylon Reports. Austra. Jur Australian Jurist. Aust. L. T Australian Law Times. Auth Authentica ; Authentic. ^ B Bancus ; — Bench ; — the Common Bench ; — Book; Beavan; Bulletin. B. A Bachelor of Arts. B. B Bail Bond. B. Bar Bench and Bar, Chicago. B. C Bail Court ; — Bankruptcy Cases. ' B. C. C Brown's Chancery Cases; — Bail Court Cases (Lowndes & Maxwell). B. C. C Bail Court Reports (Saunders & Cole) (or Lowndes & Maxwell). B. C. R Saunders & Cole's Bail Court Reports, English. B. Ch Barbour's Chancery Reports, New York. B. D. & O Blackham, Dundas & Osborne's Nisi Prius Re- ports, Ireland. B. E Baron of the Exchequer. B. F Bonum Factum (approval indorsed on the decrees). B. L Bachelor of Laws. B. L. R Bengal Law Reports. B. L. T Baltimore Law Transcript, Baltimore, Md. B. M Burrow's Reports temp. Mansfield. B. M. or B. Moore. . . . Moore's Reports, English. B. Mon Ben Monroe's Reports, Kentucky. B. N. C Bingham's New Cases, English Common Pleas ; — Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench ; — Busbee's N. C. Law Reports. B N. P Buller's Nisi Prius. Abbreviations. 449 B. P. B Buller's Paper Book, Lincoln's Inn Library. B. P. C Brown's Cases in Parliament. B. P. L. Cas Bolt's Poor Law Cases. B. P. N. R Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports, English Common Pleas. B. P. R Brown's Parliamentary Reports. B. R Bancus Regis, or King's Bench ; — Bankruptcy Reports ; — Bankruptcy Register, New York. B. R. H Cases in King's Bench temp. Hardwicke. B. Reg Bankruptcy Register, New York. B. S Bancus Superior, or Upper Bench. B. Tr Bishop's Trial. B. & A Barnewall & Adolphus' English King's Bench Reports ; — Barnewall & Alderson's English King's Bench Reports ; — Baron & Arnold's English Election Cases ; — Baron & Austin's English Election Cases ; — Banning & Arden's Patent Reports. B. & A. D. or Adol Barnewall & Adolphus' English King's Bench Reports. B. & Aid Barnewall & Alderson's English King's Bench Reports. B. & Arn Barron & Arnold's Election Cases. B. & Aust Barron & Austin's English Election Cases. B. &B Broderip & Bingham's English Common Pleas Reports ; — Ball & Beatty's Irish Chancery Re- ports ; — Bench and Bar (periodical) ; Bowler & Bowers, vol. 3, United States Comptroller's Decision. B. & Bar Bench and Bar, Chicago. B. & C Barnewall & Cresswell's English King's Bench Reports. B. & D Benloe & Dalison, English. B. & F Broderip & Fremantle's English Ecclesiastical Reports. B. & H Blatchford & Rowland's United States District Court Reports. B. & H. Dig Bennett & Heard's Massachusetts Digest. B. & H. Lead Cas Bennett & Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. B. & I Bankruptcy and Insolvency Cases. B. & L Browning & Lushington's English Admiralty Re- ports. B. & M Browne & Macnamara, English. 29 LL 450 Catalogue of Law Library. B. & P Bosanquet & Puller's English Common Pleas Reports. B. & P. N. R Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports. B. & S . . Best & Smith's English Queen's Bench Reports. B. & V Beling & Vanderstraaten's Reports, Ceylon. Ba. & Be Ball & Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports. Bac. Abr Bacon's Abridgment. Bac. Ca Bacon's Case of Treason, 1641. Bac. Dig Bacon's Georgia Digest. Bach Bach, vols. 19-21 Montana. Bagl Bagley's Reports (16-19 California). Bail Bailey's Law Reports, South Carolina. Bail Dig Bailey's North Carolina Digest. , Bail Eq Bailey's Equity Reports, South Carolina. Bail Ct. Cas Lowndes & Maxwell's English Bail Court Cases. Bail Ct. Rep Saunders & Cole's English Bail Court Reports ; — Lowndes & Maxwell's English Bail Court Cases. Bailey Bailey's Law Reports, South Carolina Court of Appeals. Bailey Eq Bailey's Equity Reports, South Carolina Court of Appeals. Baill. Dig Baillie's Digest of Mohammedan Law. Bald Baldwin's United States Circuit Court Reports ; — Baldus (Commentator on the Code) ; — Bal- dasseroni (on Maritime Law). Bald. App. llPet Baldwin's Appendix to 11 Peters. Baldw Baldwin. Baldw. Dig Baldwin's Connecticut Digest. Ball & B Ball & Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports. Bait. L. Trans Baltimore Law Transcript. Banc. Sup Bancus Superior, or Upper Bench. Bank Bankruptcy ; — Bankruptcy Court. Bank. Ct. Rep Bankrupt Court Reports, New York ; The Amer- ican Law Times Reports are sometimes thus cited. Bank. Gaz Bankruptcy Gazette. Bank. L. J Banking Law Journal, New York. Bank. Mag Banker's Magazine, New York or London. Bank. Reg Bankruptcy Register. Bank. Rep Am.erican Law Times Bankruptcy Reports. Bank, and Ins. R Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports, English. Bank Banks' Reports (1-5 Kansas). Bank. & Ins Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports, English. Abbreviations. 451 Bank. & T Banker and Tradesman. Bank. Mag Bankers Magazine, (London). Bank. L. J Banking Law Journal, New York City. Bann Bannister's Reports, English Common Pleas. Bann. Br Bannister's edition of O. Bridgman's English C. P. Reports. Bann. & A. Pat. Ca. . . . Banning & Arden's Patent Cases. Bar Barnardistons' English King's Bench Reports ; — Barnardistons' Chancery ; — Bar Reports in all the Courts, English ; — Barbour ; — Barrows, Rhode Island Reports, vol. 18. Bar. Ch Barnardiston's English Chancery Reports. Bar. Ex. Jour Bar Examination Journal. Bar. Mag Barrington's Magna Charta. Bar. N Barnes' Notes, English Common Pleas Reports. Bar. & Ad Barnewall & Alderson's English King's Bench Reports. Bar. & Al Barnewall & Adolphus', English King's Bench Reports. Bar. & Arn Barron & Arnold's English Election Cases. Bar. & Aust Barron & Austin's English Election Cases. Bar. & Cr Barnewall & Cresswell's English King's Bench Reports. Barb Barbour's Supreme Court Reports, New York ; — Barber's Reports (14-24 Arkansas). Barb. Abs Barbour's Abstracts of Chancellor's Decisions, (New York). Barb. CArk) Barber's Reports (14-26 Arkansas Supreme Court). Barb. App. Dig Barber's Digest, New York. Bar]). Dig Barber's Digest of Kentucky. Barb. Ch Barbour's New York Chancery Reports. Barb. S. C 1 harbour's Reports, Supreme Court, New York. Barber Barber's Reports (14-24 Arkansas). Bare. Dig Barclay's Missouri Digest. Barn Barnes' English Common Pleas Reports. Barn Barnardiston's English King's Bench Reports ; — Barnes' English Common Pleas Reports : Barnfield, Rhode Island. Reports, vols. 19-20. Barn. Ch Barnardiston's English Chancery Reports. Barn. No P)arnes' Notes of Cases, English Common Pleas. Barn. & Ad Barnewall & Adolphus' English King's Bench Reports. 462 Catalogue of Law Library. Barn. & Aid Barnewall & Alderson's English King's Bench , Reports. Barn. & Cr Barnewall & Cresswell's English King's Bench Reports. Barnes, N. C Barnes' Notes of Cases in Common Pleas. Barnet Barnet's English Central Criminal Courts Re- ports, vols. 27-92. Barnf. & S Barnfield and Stiness' Rhode Island Reports, vol. 20. Barnw. Dig Barnwall's Digest of the Year Books. Barr Barr's Reports (1-10 Pennsylvania State) ; Bar- rows' Rhode Island Reports, vol. 18. Barr & Arn Barron & Arnold's English Election Cases. Barr & Aus Barron & Austin's English Election Cases. Barrister The Barrister, Canada. Barrows Rhode Island Reports, vol. 18. Barron Barron's Mirror of Parliament. Bart. El. Cas Bartlett's Congressional Election Cases. Bat. Dig Battle's Digest, North Carolina. Bates Bates' Delaware Chancery Reports. Bates' Dig Bates' Digest, Ohio. Batty Batty's Irish King's Bench Reports. Baxt Baxter's Reports, Tennessee. Bay Bay's South Carolina Reports ; — Bay's Reports (1-3 and 5-8 Missouri). Bay St. Mo Bay State Monthly. Bea Beavan. Beas Beasley's New Jersey Chancery Reports. Beatty Beatty's Irish Chancery Reports. Beav Beavan's English Rolls Court Reports. Beav. R. & C. Cas English Railway and Canal Cases, by Beavan and others. Beav. & Wal. Ry. Cas. . Beavan & Walford's Railway and Canal Cases, England. Bee Bee's United States District Court Reports. Bee Adm Bee's Admiralty. An Appendix to Bee's District Court Reports. Bee C. C. R Bee's Crown Cases Reserved, English. Beebe Cit Beebe's Ohio Citations. Beck Vols. 12-16 Colorado, also vol. 1 Colorado Court of Appeals. Bedell New York Reports, vol. 163. Abbreviations. 453 Bel Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports ; — Bel- lasis' Bombay Reports ; Beling's Ceylon Re- ports ; Bellinger vols. 4-8, Oregon. Bel. Ca Bellewe's Cases (Brook's New Cases). Beling Beling's Ceylon Reports. Beling & Van Beling & Vanderstraaten's Ceylon Reports. Bell Bell's English Crown Cases Reserved ; Bell's Scotch Appeal Cases ; — Bell's Scotch Session Cases; — Bell's Calcutta Reports (India); — Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports ; Brooke's New Cases, by Bellewe ; — Bellinger's Reports (4-8 Oregon) ; — Bellasis' Bombay Re- ports. Bell App. Cas Bell's Scotch House of Lords (Appeal) Cases. Bell C. C Bell's English Crown Cases Reserved ; — Bellasis' Civil Cases, Bombay ; — Bellasis' Criminal Cases, Bombay. Bell C. H. C Bell's Reports, Calcutta High Court. Bell Cas Bell's Cases, Scotch Court of Session. Bell Cas. t. H. VHI Brooke's New Cases (collected by Bellewe). Bell Cas. t. R. H Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports (time of Richard H). Bell Cr. C Bell's English Crown Cases ; Beller's Criminal Cases, Bombay. Bell Diet. Dec Bell's Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Session, Scotland. Bell fol Bell's folio Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Bell H. C Bell's Reports, High Court of Calcutta. Bell H. L Bell's House of Lord's Cases, Scotch Appeals. Bell Med. L. J Bell's Medico Legal Journal. Bell Oct (or 8vo) Bell's octavo Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Bell P. C Bell's Cases in Parliainent, Scotch Appeals. Bell Put. Mar Bell's Putative Marriage Case, Scotland. Bell's Sc. Dig Bell's Scottish Digest. Bell. Sc. App Bell's Appeals to House of Lords from Scotland. Bell. Ses. Cas Bell's Cases in the Scotch Court of Session. Bell's Ap. Ca Bell's Scotch Appeals. Bell's C. C Bell's Crown Cases, England. Bellas Bellasis' Criminal (or Civil) Cases, Bombay. Bellewe Bellewe's English King's Bench Reports. Bellewe f. H. VHL . . . Brook's New Cases (collected by Bellewe). Bellinger \'ols. 4-8, Oregon. Bellingh. Tr Report of Bellingham's Trial. 454 Catalogue of Lazu Library. Belt Bro Belt's edition of Brown's Chancery Reports. Belt Sup Belt's Supplement to Vesey Senior's English Chancery Reports. Belt Ves. Sen Belt's edition of Vesey Senior's English Chancery Reports. Ben Benedict's United States District Court Reports. Ben. F. I. Cas Bennett's Fire Insurance Cases. Ben. Mon Ben Monroe, Kentucky. Ben. & Dal Benloe & Dalison's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Ben. & H. L. C Bennett & Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. Bench & B Bench and Bar (periodical), Chicago. Bendl Bendloe (see Benl.). Bened Benedict's United States District Court Reports. Ben. & S. Dig Benjamin & Slidell's Louisiana Digest. Beng. L. R Bengal Law Reports, India. Beng. S. D. A Bengal Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports. Benj Benjamin. New York Annotated Cases, 6 vols. Benl Benloe's or Bendloe's English King's Bench Re- ports. Benl. in Ashe Benloe at the end of Ashe's Tables. Benl. in Keil Benloe or Bendloe in Keilway's Reports. Benl. New Benloe's Reports, English King's Bench. Benl. Old Benloe of Benloe & Dalison, English Common Pleas Reports. Benl. & Dal Benloe & Dalison's Common Pleas Reports. Benn See Bennett. Benn Cal Bennett's Reports (1 California Supreme Court). Benn. F. I. Cas Bennett's Fire Insurance Cases. Benn. & H. Cr. Cas. . . . Bennett & Heard's Leading Criminal Cases. Benn. & H. Dig Bennett & Heard's Massachusetts Digest. Benne Reporter of vol. 7, Modern Reports. Bennett Bennett's Reports (1 California) ; Bennett's Re- ports (1 Dakota) ; — Bennett's Reports (16-21 Missouri). Bent Bentley's Reports, Irish Chancery. Bentl. Att.-Gen Bentley, vols. 13-19 Attorneys-General's Opin- ions. Beor Queensland Law Reports. Ber Berton's New Brunswick Reports. Berm Bermuda. Bern Bernard's Church Cases, Ireland. Abbreviations. 455 Berry Berry's Reports (1-28 Missouri Court of Ap- peals). Bert Berton's New Brunswick Reports. Best & Sm Best & Smith's English Queen's Bench Reports. Betts' Dec Blatchford and Rowland's United States Dis- trict Court Reports ; — Olcott's United States District Court Reports. Bev. & M Bevin & Mill's Reports, Ceylon. Bev. Pat Bevill's Patent Cases, English. Beven Beven's Ceylon Reports. Bibb Bibb's Reports, Kentucky. Bick Nevada Reports, vols. 10-20 ; Bicknell's Reports, L..:.:.. Bick & Hawl Bicknell & Hawley. Nevada Reports, vols. 10-20. Big Bignell's Reports, India. Big. B. & N Bigelow's Cases on Bills and Notes. Big. Cas Bigelow's Cases, William 1. to Richard I. Big. Cas. B. & N Bigelow's Cases on Bills and Notes. Big. Hist. Pr Bigelow's History of Procedure in England. Big. L. I. C^s Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases. Big. L. & A. Ins. Cas. . Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Cases. Big Lead. Cas Bigelow's Leading Cases on Bills and Notes; Torts ; or Wills. Big. Ov. Cas Bigelow's Overruled Cases. Big. Plac Bigelow's Placita Anglo-Normannica. Bign Bignell's Indian Reports. Bin Binney's Pennsylvania Reports. Bin. Dig Binmore's Digest, Michigan. Bing Bingham's English Common Pleas Reports. Bing. N. C Bingham's New Cases, English Common Pleas. Binn Binney's Pennsylvania Reports. Birds. St r>irdseye's Statutes, New York. Bishop Dig Bishop's Digest, Montana. Biss Bissel's United States Circuit Court Reports. Bitt, Chamb. Rep Bittleson's Chamber Reports, England. Bitt. Pr. Cas Bittleson's Practice Cases, English. Bitt. W & P Bittleson, Wise & Parnell's Reports (2, 3 New Practice Cases). Bk Book ; — Black's United States Supreme Court Reports ; Bankruptcy. Bk. Judg Book of Judgments, Townsend. Bkg. L. J Banking Law Journal. 466 Catalogue of Law Library. Bky For Bankruptcy see Bank. Bl Black's United States Supreme Court Reports ; — Blatchford's United States Circuit Court Re- ports ; — Blackford's Indiana Reports ; — Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Reports; — W. Blackstone's English King's Bench Re- ports ; Blackstone. Bl. C. C Blatchford's United States Circuit Court Re- ports. Bl. Com Blackstone's Commentaries. Bl. D. & O Blackham, Dundas & Osborne's Irish Nisi Prius Reports. Bl. H Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Bl. Law Tr Blackstone's Law Tracts. Bl. Pr. Cas Blatchford's Prize Cases. Bl. R. (or Bl. W) Sir William Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports. Bl. & H Blatchford & Howland's United States District Court Reports ; Blake and Hedges, vols 2-3, Montana. Bl. W Blackstone, William, English. Bl. & W. Mines Blanchard & Weeks' Leading Cases on Mines. Bla. Ch Bland's Maryland Chancery Reports. Bla. Com Blackstone's Commentaries. Bla. H Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Bla. W Sir William Blackstone's Reports English King's Bench. Black Black's United States Supreme Court Reports ; — Black's Reports (30-53 Indiana) ;— H. Black- stone's English Common Pleas Reports ; — W. Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports ; — Blackford's Indiana Reports. Black. Cond. Rep Blackwell's Condensed Illinois Reports. Black. D. & O Blackham, Dundas & Osborne's Irish Nisi Prius Reports. Black. H Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Black, R Black's United States Supreme Court Reports ; — W. Blackstone's English King's Bench Re- ports. Black. Jus Blackerby's Justices' Cases. Abbreviations. 457 Black Ship Ca Black's Decisions in Shipping Cases. Black, W VV. Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports. Blackf Blackford's Indiana Reports. Blackw. Cond Blackwell's Condensed Reports, Illinois. Blake Blake's Reports (1-3 Montana). Blake & H Blake and Hedges. Vol. '2-:i. Montana. Blanc. & W. L. C Blanchard & Weeks' Leading Cases on Mines, etc. Bland Bland's Maryland Chancery Reports. Bland's Ch See Bland. Blatchf Blatchford's United States Circuit Court Reports ; — United States Appeals. Blatchf. Pr. Cas Blatchford's Prize Cases. Blatchf. & H Blatchford & Rowland's United States District Court Reports. Bleckley Bleckley's Reports (34, 35 Georgia). Bliss Delaware County Reports, Pennsylvania. Bligh Bligh's English House of Lord's Reports. Bligh N S Bligh's English House of Lords Reports, New Series. Bliss N. Y. Co Bliss's New York Code. Bloom Man. (or Neg.) Cas Bloomfield's Manumission (or Negro) Cases (New Jersey). Blount Tr Blount's Impeachment Trial. Bomb. H. Ct Bombay High Court Reports. Bomb. L. R Bombay Law Reporter. Bomb. Sel. Cas Bombay Select Cases. Bomb. Ser Bombay Series, Indian Law Reports. Bond Bond's United States Circuit Reports, Book Judg Hook of Judgments, English. Booraem P.ooraem's Reports (6-8 Cahfomia). Borr Borradaile's Reports, Bombay. Bos Bosworth's New York Superior Court Reports. Bos. & Pul Bosanquet & Puller's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Bos. & Pul. N. R Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports, English Common Pleas. Bost. Law Rep Boston Law Reporter. Bost. L. S. Mag Boston Law School Magazine. Bost. Pol. Rep Boston Police Court Reports. Bosw Bosworth's New York Superior Court Reports. Bott P. L. Cas Bott's Poor Law Cases. 458 Catalogue of Law Library. Bott P. L. Const Const's Edition of Bott's Poor Law Cases. Bott Set. Cas Bott's Poor Law (Settlement) Cases. Bould Bouldin. Alabama Reports, vol. 119. Bouln Boulnois' Reports, Bengal. Bourke Bourke's Reports, Calcutta High Court. Bouv. Die Bouvier's Law Dictionary. Bov. Pat. Ca Bovill's Patent Cases. Bow Bowler & Bower's United States Comptroller's Decisions. Br Bracton ; — Bradford ; — Bradwell ; — Brayton ; — Breese ; — Brevard ; — Brewster ; — Bridg- man ; — Brightly ; — British ; — Britton ; — Brockenbrough ; — Brooke ; — Broom ; — Brown ; — Brownlow ; — Bruce ; — see below, especially under Bro. Br. Abr Brooks' Abridgment, Br. Bur British Burmah. Br. C. C British (or English) Crown Cases (American re- print) ; — Brown's Chancery Cases, England. Br. Col British Columbia. Br. Cr. Ca British (or English) Crown Cases. Br. Fed. Dig Brightley's Federal Digest. Br. Leg. Max Broom's Legal Maxims. Br. N. C Brook's New Cases, English King's Bench. Br. P. C Brown's English Parliamentary Cases. Br. Reg Braithwaite's Register. Br. Sup Brown's Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary, Session Cases, Scotland. Br. Syn Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions. Br. & B Broderip & Bingham, English, Br. & Fr Broderick & Fremantle's Ecclesiastical Cases, English. Br. & Gold Brownlow & Goldsborough's English Common Pleas Reports. Br. & L Brownlow & Lushington's English Admiralty Reports. Br. & R Brown & Rader, Missouri Reports. Brae Bracton de Legibus, etc. Angliae, Brad Bradford's Surrogate Reports, New York ; — Bradford's Iowa Reports ; — Bradwell's Illi- nois Appeal Reports ; Bradley, Rhode Island. Bradf Bradford's New York Surrogate Reports; — Bradford's Reports, Iowa. Abb rcvia lion s. 459^ Bradw Bradwell's Appellate Reports, Illinois. Brady Ind Brady's Index, Arkansas Reports. Brame Vols. 66-72, Mississippi. Branch Branch's Reports (1 Florida). Brand Brandenburg, vol. 21, Opinions Attorneys-Gen- eral. Brant Brantly, Maryland Reports, vols. 80-90. Brans. Dig Branson's Digest, Bombay. Brayt Brayton's Vermont Reports. Breese Breese's Reports (1 Illinois). Brett Ca. Eq Brett's Cases in Modern Equity. Brev Brevard's South Carolina Reports. Brev. Dig Brevard's Digest. Brev. Ju Brevia Judicialia (Judicial Writs). Brew Brewer's Reports (19-26 Maryland). Brewst Brewster's Pennsylvania Reports. Brick. Dig Brickell's Digest, Alabama. Bridg. J Sir J. Bridgman's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Bridg. Dig. Ind Bridgman's Digested Index. Bridg. O Sir Orlando Bridgman's English Common Pleas Reports — (sometimes cited as Carter). Brief The Brief, London ; The Brief. New York City. Bright, (Pa) Brightly's Pennsylvania Supreme Court Reports. Bright. Dig Brightly's Digest. New York ; Brightly's Digest, Pennsylvania ; Brightly's Digest, United States. Bright. Elec. Cas Brightly's Leading Election Cases. Bright, N. P Brightly's Pennsylvania Nisi Prius Reports. Bright. Purd Brightly's Purdons Digest Laws of Pennsylvania.. Brisbin Brisbin's Reports (1 Minnesota). Brit Britton's Ancient Pleas of the Crown. Brit. Burm British Burmah. Brit. Cr. Cas British (or English) Crown Cases. Brit. Col British Columbia. Brit. Gui British Guiana. Brit. Hond British Honduras. Brit. Q British Quarterly Review. Bro See also Brown and Browne. Browne's Penn- svlvania Reports ; — Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports; — Brown's English Chancery Reports: — Brown's Parliamentary Cases; — Brown, vols. 53-65, Mississippi ; — Brown, vols. 80-187, Missouri. 460 Catalogice of Law Library. Bro. A. & R Brown's United States District Court Reports (Admiralty and Revenue Cases). Bro. Abr. in Eq Browne's New Abridgment of Cases in Equity. Bro. Adm Brown's United States Admiralty Reports. Bro. C. C Brown's English Chancery Cases, or Reports. Bro. Ch Brown's English Chancery Reports. Bro. Ecc Brooke's Six Judgments in Ecclesiastical Cases (English). Bro. Ent Brown's Entries. Bro. For Brown's The Forum ; — Brown on Forestalling, Regrating, and Monopolizing, with Cases. Bro. N. B. Cas Brown's National Bank Cases. Bro. N. C Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench. Bro. N. P Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports ; Brown's Nisi Prius Cases, English. Bro. P. C Brown's English Parliamentary Cases. Bro. (Pa.) Browne's Pennsylvania Reports. Bro. Supp Brown's Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary of the Court of Session, Scotland. Bro. Syn Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Bro. & Fr Broderick & Fremantle's English Ecclesiastical Cases. Bro. & G Brownlow & Goldesborough's English Common Pleas Reports. Bro. & Lush Browning & Lushington's English Admiralty Reports. Brock Brockenbrough's Marshall's Decisions, U. S. Cir- cuit Court. Brock. Cas Brockenbrough's Virginia Cases. Brock. & Hoi Brockenbrough's & Holmes' "Virginia Cases." Brod. Stair Brodie's Notes to Stair's Institutes, Scotch. Brod. & Bing Broderip & Bingham's English Common Pleas Reports. Brod & Fr Broderick & Fremantle's Ecclesiastical Cases. Brooke Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench. Brooke Eccl. Judg. . . . Brooke's Six Ecclesiastical Judgments. Brooke N. C Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench Re- ports. (Bellewe's Cases temp. Henry VHL). Brooke (Petit) Brooke's New Cases. Brooke Six Judg Brooke's Six Ecclesiastical Judgments (or Re- ports). Brookl. Rec Brooklyn Daily Record, Brooklyn, New York. Ahhreviations. 461 Brcx)ks Michigan Reports, vols. 106-119. Broom Max Broom's Legal Maxims. Broun Broun's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Brown Brown — vols. 53-65 Mississippi ; — Brown's Eng- lish Parliamentary Cases; — Brown's English Chancery Reports; — Brown's Scotch Reports; — Brown's United States District Court Re- ports ; — Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports ; Brown's Reports (4-25 Nebraska; — Brown- low (& Goldesborough's) English C. P. Re- ports ; — Brown, Missouri Reports vols. 80-137 ; — see also Bro. and Browne. Brown A. & R Brown's United States District Court Reports (Admiralty and Revenue Cases). Brown Ch. Cas Brown's Chancery Cases, English Chancery. Brown Ecc Brown's Ecclesiastical Reports, English. Brown N. P Brown's Michigan Nisi Prius Reports. Brown N. P. Cas Brown's Nisi Prius Cases, English. Brown P. C Brown's Parliamentary Cases, English House of Lords. Brown Sup. Dec Brown's Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary^ Session Cases, Scotland. Brown Syn Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Scotch. Brown & Gold Brownlow & Goldesborough's English Common Pleas Reports. Brown & H Brown & Hemin way's Reports (53-58 Missis- sippi). Brown & Lush Browning & Lushington's English Admiralty Re- ports. Browne Browne's Pennsylvania Reports ; — Browne's Re- ports (97-114 Massachusetts) ; — Browne, N. Y. Civil Procedure ; — see also Bro. and Brown. Browne N. B. C Browne's National Bank Cases. Browne & Gray Browne & Gray's Reports (110-111 Massachu- setts). Browne & Macn Browne & Macnamara's English Railway and Canal Cases. Brownl. & Gold Brownlow & Goldesborough, English Common Pleas Reports. Bru. (or Bruce) Bruce's Scotch Court of Session Reports. Brunk Ir. Dig Brunker's Irish Common Law Digest. Brunner Sel. Cas Brunner's Selected Cases United States Circuit Courts. -462 Catalogue of Law Library. Bt Benedict's United States District Court Reports. Buch Buchanan's (Eben J. or James) Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buch. Cas. (or Tr.). ... Buchanan's Remarkable Criminal Cases, Scot- land. Buch. Ct. Ap.Cape G.H.. Buchanan's Court of Appeals Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buch. E. Cape G. H. . . E. Buchanan's Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buch. E. D. Cape G. H. Buchanan's Eastern District Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buch. J. Cape G. H. . . . J. Buchanan's Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Buck Buck's English Cases in Bankruptcy ; — Buck, vols. 7-8, Montana. Buck. Cooke Bucknill's Cooke's Cases of Practice, Common Pleas. Buck. Dec Buckner's Decisions (in Freeman's Mississippi Chancery Reports). Buff. Super. Ct Sheldon's Buffalo (N. Y.) Superior Court Re- ports. Bull Weekly Law Bulletin (Ohio) ; Bulletin Wiscon- sin University. Bull. & C. Dig BuUard & Curry's Louisiana Digest. Buller Mss J. Buller's Paper Books, Lincoln's Inn Library. Bull N P Buller's Nisi Prius. Bulst Bulstrode's English King's Bench Reports. Bump N. C Bump's Notes on Constitutional Decisions. Bunb Bunbury's English Exchequer Reports. Bur Burrows' English King's Bench Reports ; — Bur- nett's Wisconsin Reports. Bur. M Burrows' Reports ievip. Mansfield. Burf Burford, vols. 0-0 Oklahoma Reports. Burgess Vols. 46-49 Ohio State. Burg Burgwyn's Digest Maryland Reports. Burks Virginia Reports, vols. 91-07. Burke Tr Burke's Celebrated Trials. Burlesque Reps Skillman's New York Police Reports. Burm. L. R Burmah Law Reports. Burn Burnett's Wisconsin Reports. Burnet Burnet's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Burnett Burnett's Wisconsin Reports; — Burnett, vols. 20-22, Oregon. Burr Burrows' English King's Bench Reports. ACiO Abbrcz'iations. '*"'* Burr. S. C.(or Sett. Cas.) Burrows' English Settlement Cases. Burr Tr Rob Burr's Trial, reported by Robertson. gyj.^ Cas Burton's Collection of Cases and Opinions. Burt Sc Tr Burton's Scotch Trials. g^sb' ' Busbee's Law Reports,- North Carolina. Busb Eq Busbee's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Busb. Cr. Dig Busby's Criminal Digest, North Carolina. Bush "^ Bush's Kentucky Reports. Butt's" Sh Butt's edition of Shower's English King's Bench Reports. Buxton North Carolina Reports, vols. 123-126. C Case ; — Chapter ; — Cited ; — Criticised ; — Chancery ; — Code ; — Codex ; — Court ; — Lord Chancellor; — Corpus; — Centum; — Cowen (New York) ; — Connecticut ; — Cali- fornia ; — Colorado ; — Canada. C. A Court of Appeal ;-Court of Arches ;-Chancery Appeals. C B Common Bench ; — Common Bench Reports (Manning, Granger & Scott) ; — Chief Baron. Q B N S Common Bench Reports, New Series. c' B R " * Cour de Banc de la Reine. Quebec. r r Circuit Court ;— Crown Cases ;— Chancery Cases ; —County Court;— City Court;— Civil Code; Cepi Corpus ;— Coleman's Cases (New York) ; —Cases in Chancery; — Causes Celebres; Cir- cuit Court Reports. Ohio. C. c. A County Court Appeals ;— United States Circuit Court of Appeals. Q Q Q Choice Cases in Chancery. c" C chr . Chancery Cases Chronicle, Ontario. C. C.E. '.'.'. Caines' Cases in Error, N. Y. ;— Cases of Con- tested Elections. r C F • • Code of Civil Procedure. r C R • • Crown Cases Reserved ;— City Court Reports ; County Court Reports ; Circuit Court Reports. C c Supp Citv Court Reports. Supplement, N. Y. c' c u S . Circuit Court of the United States. CD .'.".'.' Commissioner's Decisions, United States Patent Office ; Century Digest ; Circuit Decisions. C E Or C. E. Greene's New Jersey Equity Reports. C H Rec. . . ^ City Hall Recorder (Rogers'). 464 Catalogue of Law Library. C. H. Rep C. H. & A. C. J.... C.J. B.. C.J. C. C. J. Can C. J. Civ C. J. C. P C. J. K. B C. J. Q. B C. J. U. B C. L C. L. B. C.L.J. C. L. J. N. S C. L. M . . . . C. L. N.... C. L R.... CM. &R. C. N C. N. Conf. C. N. P.... C. N. P. C, CO C. of C. E.. C. P C. P. O. (or Coop.) C. P. C. t.Br C. P. C. /. Cott C. P. Div C. P. Rept C. P. U. C .City Hall Recorder (Lomas'). . Carrow, Hamerton & Allen's New Sessions Cases, English. . Chief Justice ; — Chief Judge. . Chief Judge in Bankruptcy. . Couper's Judiciary Cases, Scotland. . Corpus Juris Canonici. . Corpus Juris Civilis. . Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. . Chief Justice of the King's Bench. . Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, . Chief Justice of Common (Upper) Bench. . Common Law ; — Civil Law. . Cincinnati Law Bulletin. . Central Law Journal, St. Louis ; — Chicago Law Journal ; — Canada Law Journal, Toronto. . Canada Law Journal, New Series. . Criminal Law Magazine. . Chicago Legal News. , Common Law Reports, printed by Spottiswoods ; — "English Common Law Reports" ; — Cleve- land Law Record, Cleveland, Ohio. . Crompton, Meeson, & Roscoe's English Ex- chequer Reports. . Code Napoleon. . Cameron & Norwood's North Carolina Confer- ence Reports. . Cases at Nisi Prius. . Campbell's Nisi Prius Cases. . Common Orders. . Cases of Contested Elections, United States. . Common Pleas ; — Crown Pleas ; — Code of Pro- cedure ; — Code of Practice ; — Code Penal ; Civil Procedure Reports (Brown) N. Y. . C. P. Cooper's English Chancery Practice Cases ; Code de Procedure Divile. . C. P. Cooper's English Chancery Reports temp. Brougham. . C. P. Cooper's English Chancery Reports temp.^ Cottenham. . Common Pleas Division, English Law Reports. . Common Pleas Reporter, Scranton, Pa. . Common Pleas Reports, Upper Canada. Abbreviations. 465 C. R Chancery Reports — Code Reporter, New York. C. R. N. S Code Reports, New Series, New York. C. Rob C. Robinson, Englisli Admr. & Ecc. C. S Court of Session, Scotland. C. S. C Canada Supreme Court. C. S. C. R Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter. C. S. L. L Consolidated Statutes, Lower Canada. C. S. & J Election Cases, see vol, 1 Cushing's Election Cases, Massachusetts. C S. & P (Craigie, Stewart &) Panton's Scotch Appeal Cases. C. Sa Capias ad satisfaciendum. C. t. K Cases temp. King ( Macnaughten's Select Chan- cery Cases, English). C. t. N Cases temp. Northington (Eden's English Chan- cery Reports). C. t. T Cases temp. Talbot, English Chancery. C. W. Dud C. W. Dudley's Law or Equity Reports, South Carolina. C. & A Cooke & Alcock's Irish King's Bench Reports. C. & C Coleman & Caine's Cases, New York. C. & D Corbett & Daniel's English Election Cases — Crawford & Dix's Irish Circuit Cases. C. & D. A. C Crawford & Dix's Abridged Cases, Irish. C. & D. C. C Crawford & Dix's Irish Circuit Cases. C. & E Cababee & Ellis, English, 1 vol. C. & F Clark & Finnelly's English House of Lord's Re- port. C. & H. Dig Coventry & Hughes' Digest. C. & J Crompton & Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. C. & K Carrington & Kirwin's English Nisi Prius Re- ports. C. & L Connor & Lawsons' Irish Chancery Reports. C. & L. Dig Cohen & Lee's Maryland Digest. C. & L. C. C Cane & Leigh's Crown Cases. C. & M Crompton's & Meeson's English Exchequer Re- ports — Carrington & Marshman's English Nisi Prius Reports. C. & N Cameron & Norwood's North Carolina Confer- ence Reports. C. & O. R. Cas English Railway & Canal Cases, by Carrow & Oliver et al. 30 L L ^QQ Catalogue of Law Library. C. & P Carrington & Payne's English and Nisi Prius Re- ports — Craig & Phillips' Chancery Reports. C & R Cockburn & Rowe's English Election Cases. C & S. Dig Connor & Simonton's South CaroHna Digest. Ca Case or Placitum — Cases ( see Cas. ) . Ca. resp Capias ad respondendum. Ca. t. Hard Cases temp. Hardwicke. Ca, sa Capias ad satisfaciendum. 'Ca. t. K Cases temp. King ; Cases temp. King, Chancery. ^ Ca. /. Talb Cases in Equity, temp. Talbot; Cases temp. Tal- bot, Chancery. ""Ca. temp. F Cases temp. Finch. Ca. temp. H Cases temp. Hardwicke, King's Bench. ' Ca. temp. Holt Cases temp. Holt, King's Bench. Cab.' &i El Cababe and Ellis, English. - Cadw. Dig Cadwalader's Digest of Attorney-General's Opin- ions. *^Cai Caines' New York Term Reports. KTai. Cas. (or Cas. Err) Caines' New York Cases in Error. Cai. T. R Caines' (Term) Reports, New York. Cain Caines. New York. Cairn's Dec Cairn's Decisions in the Albert Arbitration. Cal California Reports ; — Calcutta ; — Calthrop's En- glish King's Bench Reports ; — Caldecott's En- glish Settlement Cases ; — Calandse. Cal. L.J California Law Journal San Francisco. CaL Leg. Adv Calcutta Legal Adviser, India. Cal. Leg. Obs Calcutta Legal Observer. Cal. Leg. Rec California Legal Record, San Francisco. Cal. Rep California Reports — Calthrop's English King's Bench Reports. Cal. S. D. A Calcutta Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports. Cal. Ser Calcutta Series Indian Law Reports. Cal. L. O Calcutta Legal Observer. Cal. W. R Calcutta Weekly Reporter, India. Calc Calcutta (see Cal.). Cald Caldwell, vols 25-36, West Virginia. Cald. (or Cald. J. P. or Set. Cas.) Caldecott's English Magistrate's (Justice of the Peace) and Settlement Cases. Call Call's Virginia Reports. •iCalth Calthrop's English King's Bench Reports. Abbreviations. 467 Cam Cameron's Reports, Upper Canada, Queen's Bench. Cam. Due Camera Ducata (Duchy Chamber). Cam. Op Cameron's Legal Opinions, Toronto. Cam. Scac Camera Scaccaria (Exchequer Chamber). Cam. Stell Camera Stellata (Star Chamber). Cam. & Nor Cameron & Norwood's North Carohna Confer- ence Reports. Camp Camp. vol. 1, North Dakota ; — Campbell's English Nisi Prius Reports ; — Campbell Ne- braska Reports — see also Campbell. Camp. Dec Campbell's Decisions. Camp. N. P Campbell's English Nisi Prius Reports. Campbell Campbell's English Nisi Prius Reports ; — Camp- bell's Reports of Taney's United States Circuit Court Decisions; — Campbell's Legal Gazette Reports, Pennsylvania; — Campbell's Nebraska Reports, vols. 27-58. Can Canada ; — Canon. Can. Exch Canada Exchequer Reports. Can. Jur Canada Jurist. Can. L. J. (L. C) Canada Law Journal, Toronto; — (Lower) Can- ada Law Journal, Montreal. Can. L. J. N. S Canada Law Journal, New Series. Can. L. T Canadian Law Times. Can. A'lo Canadian Monthly. Can. Mun. Jour Canadian Municipal Journal. Can. Pat. Off. Rec Canadian Patent Office Record. Can. S. C. Rep Canada Supreme Court Reports. Cane & L Cane & Leigh's Crown Cases Reserved, Cap Capitulo ; — Chapter. Cape L. J Cape Law Journal. Cape of Good Hope. Car Carolus ; — Carolina. Car.. H. & A Carrow, Hamerton and Allen's New Sessions Cases. English. Car. L. J Carolina Law Journal. Charleston, S. C. Car. L. Rep Carolina Law Repository, Raleigh, N. C. Car. O. & B English Railway and Canal Cases, by Carrow, Oliver, Bevan, etc. Car. & Kir Carrington & Kirwan's English Nisi Prius Re^ ports. Car. & Mar Carrington & Marshman's English Nisi Prius [ Reports. 468 Catalogue of Law Library. Car. & 01 English Railway and Canal Cases, by Carrow, Oliver, etc. Car. & P Carrington's & Payne's English Nisi Prius Re- ports. Carl Carleton New Brunswick. Carp. P. C Carpmael's English Patent Cases. Carpenter Carpenter's Reports (52-53 California). Carr Carrington. Carr. Cas Carran's Summary Cases, India. Carr., Ham & Al Carrow, Hamerton & Allen's New Sessions Cases, English. Carr. K Carrington & Kirwen. Carrau Carrau's edition of "Summary Cases," Bengal. Carter Carter's English Common Pleas Reports, same as Orlando Bridgman; — Carter's Reports (1 & 2, • Indiana). Carth Carthew's English King's Bench Reports. Cary Cary's English Chancery Reports. Cas Cases ; — Casey's Reports (25-36, Pennsylvania State). Cas. App Cases of Appeal to the House of Lords. Cas. Arg. & Dec Cases Argued and Decreed in Chancery, English. Cas. B. R Cases Banco Regis temp. William III. (12 Mod- ern Reports). Cas. B. R. Holt Cases and Resolutions (of settlements ; not Holt's King's Bench Reports). Cas. C. L Cases in Crown Law. Cas. Ch Cases in Chancery, English ; — Select Cases in Chancery ; — Cases in Chancery (9 Modem Re- ports). Cas. Eq Cases in Equity, Gilbert's Reports ; — Cases and Opinions in Law, Equity, and Conveyancing, Cas. Eq. Abr Cases in Equity, Abridged, English. Cas. F. T Cases temp. Talbot, by Forrester, English Chan- cery. Cas. H. L Cases in the House of Lords. Cas. in C Cases in Chancery ; — Select Cases in Chancery. Cas. K. B Cases in King's Bench (8 Modern Reports). Cas. K. B. /. H Cases feutp. Hardwicke (W. Kelynge's EngUsh King's Bench Reports). Cas. L. & Eq Cases in Law and Equity (10 Modern Reports ;) — (Gilbert's) Cases in Law and Equity, Eng- lish. Abbreviations. 469 Cas. P. (or Pari.) Cases in Parliament. Cas. Pr Cases of Practice, English King's Bench. Cas. Pr. C. P Cases of Practice, English Common Pleas (Cooke's Reports). Cas. Pr. K. B Cases of Practice in the King's Bench. Cas. R Casey's Reports (25-36 Pennsylvania State). Cas. S. C. (Cape G. H.) . Cases in the Supreme Court, Cape of Good Hope. Cas. Self Def Horrigan & Thompson's Cases on Self-Defense. Cas. Sett Cases of Settlement, King's Bench. Cas. Six Cir Cases on the Six Circuits, Ireland. Cas t. Ch. II Cases temp. Charles II., in vol. 3 of Reports in Chancery. Cas. t.F Cases temp. Finch, English Chancery. Cas. t. Geo, I Cases temp. George I., English Chancery (8, 9 Modern Reports). Cas. t. H Cases temp. Hardwicke, English King's Bench (Ridgway, Lee, or Annaly) ; — Cases temp. Holt, English King's Bench (Holt's Reports) ; —West's Chancery Reports, temp. Hardwicke. Cas. t. Holt Cases temp. Holt, EngUsh King's Bench ;— Holt's Reports. Cas. ^. K Select Cases temp. King, English Chancery (edited by Macnaghten) ;—Moseley's Chancery Reports, temp. King. Cas. L Lee (Phillimore's) Cases temp. Lee, English Ecclesi- astical. Cas. t. Mac Cases temp. Macclesfield (10 Modern Reports). Cas. t. Nap Cases temp. Napier, by Drury, Irish Chancery. Cas. t. North Cases temp. Northington (Eden's English Chan- cery Reports). Cas. t. Plunk Cases temp. Plunkett, by Lloyd & Gould, Irish Chancery. Cas. t.Q. A Cases temp. Queen Anne (11 Modern Reports). Cas. t. Sugd Cases temp. Sugden, Irish Chancery. Cas. t. Tal Cases temp. Talbot, English Chancery. Cas. t. Wm. HI Cases temp. William HI., (12 Modern Reports). Cas. Tak. & Adj Cases Taken and Adjudged (first edition of Re- ports in Chancery). Cas. w. Op Cases, with Opinions, by Eminent Counsel. Cas. Wm. I Bigelow's Cases, William I. to Richard I. Cas. & Op Cases, with Opinions, by Eminent Counsel. Case & Com Case and Comment (Rochester, N. Y.). Casey Casey's Reports (25-36 Pennsylvania State) . 470 Catalogue of Law Library. Cass. Dig Cassel's Digest, Canada. Cel. Tr Celebrated Trials ;— Burke's Celebrated Trials, Cent. Crim. Ct Central Criminal Court. Cent. Die Century Dictionary. Cent. Dig Century Digest. Cent. L. J Central Law Journal, St. Louis, Mo. Cent. L. M Central Law Monthly. Cent. Rep Central Reporter. Centr. Cr. Ct. R Central Criminal Court Sessions Papers, London. Ceyl. Leg. Misc Ceylon Legal Miscellany. Ch King Charles ; — Chancellor ; — Chancery ; — Cham- bers; Chalmers' Colonial Opinions; — Chicago;. Chancery Cases, English. Ch. App. Cas Chancery Appeal Cases, English Law Reports. Ch. B. Ex Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Ch. Cas Cases in Chancery. Ch. Cas. Ch Choyce Cases in Chancery. Ch. Cham Chancery Chambers' Reports, Ontario. Ch. Col. Op Chalmer's Colonial Opinions. Ch. C. P Chief Justice, Court of Common Pleas. Ch. Dig Chaney's Digest, Michigan Reports. Ch. Div Chancery Division, English Law Reports. Ch. J Chief Justice ; — Chief Judge. Ch. Prec Precedents in Chancery. Ch. Q. B Chief Justice, Court of Queen's Bench. Ch. Rep Reports in Chancery ; — Irish Chancery Reports. Ch. Rep. Ir Irish Chancery Reports. Ch. R. M R. M. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Ch. Sent Chancery Sentinel, Saratoga, New York, Ch. T. U. P T. U. P. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Ch. & CI. Cas Cripp's Church and Clergy Cases, Chal, Op Chalmers' Colonial Opinions. Cham Chamber's Reports, Upper Canada. Chamb. Dig. P. H. C. .Chamber's Digest of Pubhc Health Cases, Chamb. Rep Chancery Chambers Reports, Ontario. Chan Chaney's Reports (37-58 Michigan) ; — Chancel- lor; — Chancery (see Ch.). Chan. Sen Chancery Sentinel, New York. Chanc Chancery (see Ch.) . Chand Chandler's Reports, Wisconsin ; — Chandler's Re- ports (20 and 38-44 New Hampshire). Chand. Cr. Tr Chandler's American Criminal Trials. Chaney Chaney's Reports (37-44 Michigan). ■ Abbreviations. 471 Charl. Pr. Cas Charley's English Practice Cases. Charlt. R. M R. M. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Charlt. T. U. P T. U. P. Charlton's Georgia Reports. Chase Chase's U. S. C. C. Decisions ; Chase's Ohio Statutes. Chase, or Johnston B.T.. Chase's United States Circuit Court Reports. Re- ported by Johnston. Chase, Tr .'..Chase's Trial (Impeachment) by the United States Senate. Cher. Ca Cherokee Case. Ches. Ca Report of the Chesapeake Case, New Brunswick. Chest. Ca Case of the City of Chester, on Quo Warranto. Chest. Co. Rep Chester County Reporter. Chev Cheves' South Carolina Law Reports. Chev. Ch. (or Eq) Cheves' South Carolina Equity Reports. Chic. L. B Chicago Law Bulletin, Illinois. Chic. L. J Chicago Law Journal, Illinois. Chic. L. R Chicago Law Record, Illinois. Chic. Leg. N Chicago Legal News, Illinois. Chic. L. T Chicago Law Times. Chip Chipman's Reports, New Brunswick. Chip. D D. Chipman's Vermont Reports. Chip. MS Reports printed from Chipman's Manuscript, New Brunswick. Chip N N. Chipman's Vermont Reports. Chip. W Chipman's New Brunswick Reports. Chit, or Chitt Chitty's English Bail Court Reports. Chit. Bl Chitty's Blackstone. Cho. Ca. Ch Choyce Cases in Chancery. Chr. Rep Chambers Reports, Upper Canada. Chr. Rob Christopher Robinson's English Admiralty Re- ports. Cin. Law Bui Cincinnati Law Bulletin, Cincinnati, Ohio. Con- tinued by Weekly Law Bulletin, Columbus, Ohio. Cin. Mun. Dec Cincinnati Municipal Decisions. Cin. S. C. Rep Cincinnati Superior Court Reporter. Cir. (or Circ.) Circuit. Cir. D Circuit Decisions. Circ. Ct Circuit Court. Circ. Ct. in Eq Circuit Court in Equity. Circ. Dec Circuit Decisions, Ohio. City Ct. Rep City Court Reports, New York City. City H. Rec Citv Hall Recorder (Rogers') , New York. 472 Catalogue of Law Library. City H. Rep Lomas' City Hall Reporter, New York. City Rec City Record, New York. Civ. Proc. Rep Civil Procedure Reports, New York. CI. App Clark's Appeal Cases, House of Lords. CI. Ch Clarke's Chancery Reports, New York. CI. Home Clerk Home, Scotch Session Cases. CI. & Fin Clark & Finnelly's House of Lords Cases. CI. & Fin. N. S House of Lords Cases, by Clark. CI. & H Clarke & Hall's Contested Elections in Congress. Clark English House of Lords Cases, by Clark ; — Penn- sylvania Law Journal Reports, edited by Clark ; —Clark's Reports (vol. 58 Alabama) ; — see also Clarke. Clark Dig Clark's Digest House of Lords Reports. Clark & Fin Clark & Finnelly's House of Lords Reports. Clark & Fin. N. S Clark & Finnelly's Reports, New Series. Clarke Clarke's New York Chancery Reports ; — Clarke's edition of 1-8 Iowa; — Clarke's Reports (19-22 Michigan) ; — Clarke's Notes of Cases, Bengal; — see also Clark. Clarke Ch Clarke's New York Chancery Reports. Clarke Not. (or R. & O.) Clarke's Notes of Cases, in his "Rules and Or- ders," Bengal. Clarke & H. Elec. Cas. . Clarke & Hall's Cases of Contested Elections in Congress. Clayt Clayton's English Reports, York Assizes. Clem Clemens, Kansas Reports, vols. 57-59. Clerk Home Clerk Home's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Clev. L. Rec Cleveland Law Record (Ohio). Clev. L. Rep Cleveland Law Reporter (Ohio). Clif Clifford's United States Circuit Court Reports. Clif. (South.) El. Cas. . . Clifford's Southwick Election Cases. Clif. & Rick Clifford & Rickard's English Locus Standi Re- ports. Clif & St Clifford & Stephen's English Locus Standi Re- ports. Clin. Dig Clinton's Digest, New York. Clk. Mag Clerks' Magazine, London ; — Rhode Island Clerks' Magazine. Conr Conroy's Custodian Reports. Clow L. C. on Torts . . . Clow's Leading Cases on Torts. Co County ; — ■ Company ; — Coke's English King's Bench Reports. Abbreviations. 473 Co. Ct. Ca County Court Cases, England. Co. Ct. Chr County Courts Chronicle, London. Co. Ct. Rep County Court Reports, English. Co. G Reports and Cases of Practice in C. P. temp. Anne, Geo. I., and Geo. II., by Sir G. Coke. (Same as Cooke's Practice Reports). Co. Inst Coke's Institutes. Co. Litt The First Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, or a Commentary on Littleton, by Sir Edward Coke. Co. P. C Coke's Reports, English King's Bench. Co. PI Coke's Pleadings (sometimes pubhshed sep- arately). Co. R. (N. Y.) Code Reporter, New York. Co. R. N. S Code Reporter, New Series. Co. Rep Coke's Reports, King's Bench. Cobb Cobb's Reports (4-20 Georgia) ; Alabama, vol. 121. Cobb. St. Tr Cobbett's (afterwards Howell's) State Trials. Cochr Cochran's Nova Scotia Reports; Cochrane's North Dakota Reports, vols. 3-7. Cock. Tich. Ca Cockburn's Charge in the Tichborne Case. Cock. & Rowe Cockburn & Rowe's Election Cases. Cocke Cocke's Reports (16-18) Alabama); — Cocke's Reports (14, 15 Florida). Cod Codex Justiniani. Cod, Jur. Civ Codex Juris Civilis ; Justinian's Code. Code Civ. Pro Code of Civil Procedure. Code Cr. Pro Code of Criminal Procedure. Code La Civil Code of Louisiana. Code N., or Nap Code Napoleon, French Civil Code. Code Pro Code of Procedure. Code R. N. S Code Reports, New Series, Code Rep New York Code Reporter. Code Rep. N. S New York Code Reports, New Series. Cof. Dig Gofer's Digest, Kentucky. Coffey Prob. Dec Coffey's Probate Decisions. Gogh. Epit Coglan's Epitome of Hindu Law Cases. Coke Coke's English King's Bench Reports (Cited by parts and not by volume). Coke Inst Coke's Institutes. Coke Lit Coke on Littleton. 474 Catalogue of Law Library. Col Colorado ; — Colorado Reports ; — Columna (in such a column ) ; — Column ; — Colonial ; — Columbia ; Coleman, Alabama Reports, 99-118. Col. App Colorado Appeals. Col. Bar. Assn Colorado Bar Association. Col. C. C Collyer's English Chancery Cases. Col. Cas Coleman's Cases (of Practice), New York. Col. L. J. N. Z Colonial Law Journal, New Zealand. Col. L. Rep Colorado Law Reporter. Col. L. T Columbia Law Times, New York. Col. Univ. Stu Columbia L^niversity Studies. Col. & Cai Coleman & Caines' Cases, New York. Cold, (or Coldw.) Coldwell's Tennessee Reports. Cole Cole's edition of Iowa Reports ; Coleman, Ala- bama Reports, vols. 91), 101-106, 110, 111-120, 122. Cole. Cas. Pr Coleman's Cases, New York. Coll Collyer's English Chancery Cases ; — CoUes' Par- liamentary Cases. Coll. P. C Colles' English Parliamentary (House of Lords) Cases. Coll. & E. Bank Collier and Eaton's American Bankruptcy Re- ports. Collector Collector and Commercial Lawyer, Detroit, Colles Colles' English Parliamentary Cases. Colly Collyer's English Vice Chancellors' Reports. Colo Colorado ; — Colorado Reports. Colo. L. Rep Colorado Law Reporter. Colon. L. J Colonial Law Journal. Colq Colquit's Reports (1 Modern). Colt. Reg. Ca Coltman's Registration Cases. Colum. Jur Columbian Jurist. Colum. L. T Columbia Law Times. Colvil Colvil's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Com Comyn's Reports, English King's Bench ; — Comberbach's English King's Bench Reports ; — Comstock's Reports (1-4 New York Court of Appeals) ; — Common ; — Commissioner ; — Commentary ; — Commerce ; — Commercial ; — Communes (or Extra vagantes Communes). Com. App Commissioner of Appeals. Abbrcviatio>is. 47& Com. B Common Bench ;— (English) Common Bench Reports (Manning, Granger, and Scott). Com. B. N. S (Enghsh) Common Bench Reports, New Series. Com. Cas Commercial Cases. England. Com. Dig Comyns' Digest. Com. Jour Journals of the House of Commons. Com. L. R English Common Law Reports. Com Law Common Law ;— Commercial Law. Com' 'Law L Commercial Law League (Detroit). Com. Law Rep English Common Law Reports ;— Common Law ■ Reports, published by Spottiswoode. Com. Pat Commissioner of Patents. Com. PI Common Pleas, English Law Reports. Com PI Div Common Pleas Division, English Law Reports. Com PI Reptr Common Pleas Reporter, Scranton, Pennsylvania. Com & Leg. Rep Commercial and Legal Reporter, Nashville, Tenn. Comb Comberbach's English King's Bench Reports. Comm Commentaries. Comp Dec Comptroller's Decisions. Comst Comstock's Reports (1-4 New York Court of Appeals). Comyns Comyns' English King's Bench Reports. Comvns. Dig Comyns' Digest, EngUsh. Con ' Contra ;— Contracts ;— Conover's Reports^ (Ib- 103 Wisconsin) ;— Continuation of Rolle's Re- ports (2 Rolle) -—Connolly, New York Crim- inal. Con Cus Conrov's Custodian Reports. Con. & Law Connor & Lawson's Irish Chancery Reports. Cond. Ch. R. (or Eng. Ch.) Condensed English Chancery Reports. Cond Eccl Condensed Ecclesiastical Reports. Cond Ex R Condensed Exchequer Reports. Cond Rep U. S Peter's Condensed United States Reports. Conf Conference Reports (by Cameron and Norwood), North Carolina. Cong. El. Cas Congressional Election Cases. Cong. Gl Congressional Globe, Washington. Conff Rec • • • • Congressional Record, Washington. Conn Connecticut ;— Connolly, New York, Surrogate. Conover ". ". Conover Wisconsin Reports. Vols. 16-106. Conr Conroy's Custodian Reports. Consist Consistory Court. 476 Catalogue of Law Library. Consist. Rep English Consistorial Reports, by Haggard. Const Constitution ; — Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, by Mills ; — Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, by Treadway; — Constitutional Reports, vol. 1, South Carolina, by Harper. Const. N. S Constitutional Reports (Mill), South Carolina, New Series. Const. Oth Constitutiones Othoni (found at the end of Lyne- wood's Provinciale). Const. Rep See Const. Const. S. C Constitutional Reports, South Carolina, printed by Treadway. Const. S. C. N. S South Carolina Constitutional Reports, New Series, printed by Mills. Const. U. S Constitution of the United States. Cont Contract ; — Contra ; — Continental ; — Con- tinued by. Coo. & Al Cooke & Alcock's Irish King's Bench Reports. Cook V. Adm Cook's Vice- Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Cooke Cooke's Cases of Practice, English Common Pleas ; — Cooke's Reports, Tennessee. Cooke Pr. Cas Cooke's Practice Reports, English Common Pleas. Cooke Pr. Reg Cooke's Practical Register of the Common Pleas. Cooke & Al Cooke & Alcock's Reports, Irish King's Bench. Cooley Cooley's Reports (5-12 Michigan). Coop Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports ; — Cooper, vols. 21-24, Florida ; — Cooper's English Chan- cery Reports temp. Eldon; — Cooper's EngHsh Chancery Reports temp. Cottenham ;-Cooper's English Chancery Reports temp. Brougham. Cooper's English Practice Cases, Chancery. Coop. C. C. (or Cas) . . . Cooper's Chancery Cases temp. Cottenham. Coop. C. & P. R Cooper's Chancery and Practice Reporter, Upper Canada. Coop. Ch Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports. Coop. Pr. Cas Cooper's Practice Cases, English Chancery. Coop. Sel. Cas Cooper's Select Cases temp. Eldon, English Chancery. Coop. t. Br Cooper's Cases temp. Brougham. Coop. t. Cott Cooper's Cases temp. Cottenham, English Chan- cery. Coop. Dig Cooperative Digest, United States Reports. Coop. t. Eld Cooper's Cases temp. Eldon, English Chancery. Abbreviatio>is. 477 Coop. Tenn. Ch Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports. C. P. Cooper Cooper's English Chancery. G. Cooper Cooper's EngHsh Chancery. Cooper Cooper's (see Coop.). (3ope Cope, vols. 68-72, California. Copp Min. Dec Copp's United States Mining Decisions. Copp. Land Copp's Land Office Decisions. Copp. Land Own Copp's Land Owner. Copp. L. L Copp's Public Land Laws. Co. R. N. S Code Reporter, New Series. Cor Coram ;— Coryton's Bengal Reports. Corb. & Dan Corbett & Daniel's English Election Cases. Corn. L. J Cornell Law Journal. Corp. Jur. Can Corpus Juris Canonici. Corp. Jur. Civ Corpus Juris Civilis. Cory Coryton's Reports, Calcutta. Cos Consul. Coss Consules. Cot Court. Cou Couper's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Couns The Counselor, New York. Count. Ct. Ca County Court Cases. England. Count. Cts. Ch County Courts Chronicle. London. Count. Ct. Rep County Court Reports. England. Coup, (or Coup. Just.) . . Couper's Justiciary Reports, Scotland. Court CI Court of Claims, United States. Court Sess. Ca Court of Sessions Cases, Scotch. Court & Macl Courtnay & Maclean's Scotch Appeals (6 and 7 Wilson & Shaw). Cout de N Coutumes de Normandie. Cout de P Coutumes de Paris. Cow Cowen's New York Reports ;— Cowper's English K. B. Reports. Cow. Cr. Rep Cowen's Criminal Reports, New York. Cow. Cr. Dig Cowen's Criminal Digest Cow. Dig Cowell's East India Digest. Cow. N. Y Cowen's New York Reports. Cowp Cowper's English King's Bench Reports. Cowp. Cas Cowper's Cases (in the third volume of Reports in Chancery). Cox Cox's English Chancery Reports ;— Cox's Eng- lish Criminal Cases ; — Cox's Reports (25-27 Arkansas). 478 Catalogue of Law Library. Cox Am. T. M. Cas . . . Cox's American Trade-Mark Cases. Cox C. C Cox's English Criminal Cases ; Cox's Crown Cases; Cox County Court Cases. Cox Ch Cox's English Chancery Cases. Cox Cr. Cas Cox's English Criminal Cases. Cox Cr. Dig Cox's Criminal Law Digest. Cox J. S. Cas Cox's Joint Stock Cases. Cox. Mag. Ca Cox's Magistrate Cases. Cox Man. Tr. M Cox's Manual of Trade-Mark Cases. Cox Mc. tSi H Cox, McCrae & Hertslet's English County Court Reports. Cox Tr. M Cox's Manual of Trade-Mark Cases. Cox Tr. M. Cas Cox's American Trade-Mark Cases. Cox & Atk Cox & Atkinson, English Registration Appeal Reports. Coxe Coxe's Reports, New Jersey. Cr Cranch's Reports, United States Supreme Court ; — Cranch's United States Circuit Court Re- ports ; — Criticised ; — Crown. Cr. C. C Cranch's United States Circuit Court Cases (Re- ports). Cr. Cas. Res Crown Cases Reserved. Cr. L. Mag Criminal Law Magazine. Cr. L. Rec Criminal Law Record. Cr. M. & R Crompton, Meeson & Roscoe's English Ex- chequer Reports. Cr. Pat. Dec Cranch's Decisions on Patent Appeals. Cr. S. & P Craigie, Stewart & Paton's Scotch Appeal Cases — same as Paton. Cr. & Dix Crawford & Dix's Irish Circuit Court Cases. Cr. & Dix Ab. Cas Crawford & Dix's (Irish) Abridged Cases. Cr. & J Crompton & Jervis. Cr. & M Crompton & Meeson's English Exchequer Re- ports. Cr. & Ph Craig & Phillips' English Chancery Reports. Crabbe Crabbe's United States District Court Reports. Craig & Ph Craig and Phillips' English Chancery Reports. Craig & St Craigie, Stewart & Paton's Scotch Appeals Cases. — same as Paton. Craik C. C Craik's English Causes Celebres. Cranch Cranch's United States Supreme Court Reports. Cranch C. C. (or D. C.) Cranch's U. S Circuit Court Reports, District of Columbia. Abbreviations. 479 Cranch Pat. Dec Cranch's Patent Decisions. Crane Montana Reports, vol. 22. Craw Crawford, vols. 53-07, Arkansas Reports. Craw & D Crawford & Dix's Circuit Court Cases, Ireland. Craw. &D. Ab. Cas Crawford & Dix's Abridged Cases, Ireland. Creasy Creasy's Ceylon Reports. Cress. Ins. Cas Cresswell's English Insolvency Cases. Crim. L. Mag Criminal Law Magazine, Jersey City, N. J. Crim. Rec Criminal Recorder, Philadelphia; — Criminal Re- corder, London; — Criminal Recorder (1 Wheeler's New York Criminal Reports). Crim. L. Rep Criminal Law Reporter. Cripp's Ch. Cas Cripp's Church and Clergy Cases. Critch Critchfield's Reports (5-21 Ohio State). Cro Croke's English King's Bench Reports ; — Keil- way's English King's Bench Reports. Cro. Car Croke's English King's Bench Reports temp. Charles I. (3 Cro.). Cro. Eliz Croke's English King's Bench Reports temp. Elizabeth (1 Cro.). Cro. Jac Croke's English King's Bench Reports temp. James (Jacobus) I. (2 Cro.). Crockford English Maritime Law Reports, published by Crockford. Croke See Cro. Cromp Star Chamber Cases, by Crompton. Cromp. Exch. R Crompton's Exchequer Reports, English. Cromp., M. & R Crompton, Meeson and Roscoe's English Ex- chequer Reports. Cromp. R. & C. Pr Crompton's Rules and Cases of Practice. Cromp. & Jerv Crompton & Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. Cromp. & Mees Crompton & Meeson's English Exchequer Re- ports. Crosw. Pat. Ca Croswell's Patent Cases. Crounse Crounse's Reports (3 Nebraska). Crowther Crowther's Ceylon Reports. Crumrine Vols. 116-146, Pennsylvania. Cruise Dig Cruise's Digest Law of Real Property. Ct Court ; — Circuit. Ct. App Court of Appeals. Ct. App. N. Z Court of Appeals Reports, New Zealand. Ct. CI Court of Claims, United States. Ct. Err Court of Error. 480 Catalogue of Law Library. Ct. Gen. Ses Court of General Sessions. Ct. Rev Court of Review. Ct. Sess Court of Sessions, Scotch. Ct. Spec. Sess Court of Special Sessions. Cty County, see Co. Cuba Co Cuba Code. Cul Culpabiiis (guilty) . Cum. & Dun. Rem. Tr. .Cummins & Dunphy's Remarkable Trials. Cummins Cummins' Idaho Reports. Cun. (or Cunn.) Cunningham's English King's Bench Reports. Cur Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports ; Curia. Cur. Com Current Comment and Legal Miscellany. Cur. Dec Curtis' Decisions, United States Supreme Court. Cur. Ov. Ca Curwen's Overruled Cases, Ohio. Curry Curry's Report (6-19 Louisiana). Curs. Can Cursus Cancellarise. Curt Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports ; — Curteis' English Ecclesiastical Reports. Curt. Adm. Dig Curtis' Admiralty Digest. Curt. C. C Curtis' United States Circuit Court Decisions. Curt. Cond Curtis' (Condensed) Decisions, United States Supreme Court. Curt. Dec Curtis' United States Supreme Court Decisions. Curt. Dig Curtis' Digest, United States. Curt. Ecc Curteis' English Ecclesiastical Reports. Curtis Curtis' United States Circuit Court Reports. Curw Curwen's Over. Cases ; Curwen's Stat., Ohio. Curw. L. O Curwens Laws of Ohio 1854, 1 vol. Curw. R. S Curwen's Revised Statutes of Ohio. Cush Cushing's Massachusetts Reports ; — Cushman's Mississippi Reports. Cush. Elec. Cas Cushing's Election Cases in Massachusetts. Cush. Man Cushing's Manual. Gushing Cushing's Massachusetts Reports. Cushm. (or Cushman). Cushman, (vols. 23-29), Mississippi Reports. Cust. Rep Custer's Ecclesiastical Reports. Abbreviations. 481 D Denied ; — Doubted ; — Decimus ; — Decree ; — Decret; — Dictum or Dicta; — Dictionary (particularly Morrison's Dictionary of Scotch Session Cases ; — Delaware ; — Dallas' United States and Pennsylvania Reports; — Denio's Reports, New York ; — Dunlop, Bell & Mur- ray's Reports, Scotch Session Cases (Second Series) ;— Digest of Justinian, 50 books, never been translated into English. Disney; Di- visional Court; Dowling, English. D'An D'Anvers Abridgments. D. (N. S.) Dowling's Practice Cases, New Series, English. D. B Domesday Book. DC District Court; — District of Columbia. D. C. A. Divisional Court of Appeal, England. D c. L Doctor of the Civil Law. D. Chip D. Chipman's Reports, Vermont. D. D Dono Dedit ; Doctor of Divinity. D. Dec Dix's School Law Decisions, New York. D. G. F. & J De Gex, Fisher, & Jones' English Chancery Re- ports. D. G. F. & J. B De Gex, Fisher, & Jones' English Bankruptcy Reports. D. G De Gex; — De Gex's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. D. G. J. & S De Gex, Jones, & Smith's English Chancery Re- ports. D. G. J. & S. B De Gex, Jones, & Smith's English Bankruptcy Reports. D. G. M. & G De Gex, Macnaghten, & Gordon's English Chan- cery Reports. D. G. M. & G. B De Gex, Macnaghten, & Gordon's EngHsh Bank- ruptcy Reports. D. N. S Dowling's Reports, New Series, English Bail Court ;— Dow, New Series (Dow & Clark, Eng- lish House of Lords Cases). D. P. B Dampier Paper Book. DP c Dowling's English Practice Cases. D. & B Dearsly & Bell's English Crown Cases. D. & C Dow & Clark's English House of Lords (Parlia- mentary) Cases. D. & Ch Deacon & Chitty's English Bankruptcy Reports. 31 L L 482 Catalogue of Law Library. D. &E Durnford & East's (Term) Reports, English King's Bench. D. & J De Gex & Jones' EngHsh Chancery Reports. D. & J. B De Gex & Jones' EngHsh Bankruptcy Reports. D. & L DowHng & Lowndes' EngHsh Bail Court Reports. D. & M Davison & Merivale's English Queen's Bench Reports. D. & P Denison & Pearce, English. D. & R DowHng & Ryland's EngHsh King's Bench Re- ports. D. & R. M. C DowHng & Ryland's English Magistrates' Cases. D. & R. M. P DowHng & Ryland's EngHsh Nisi Prius Cases. D. & S Drury & Smale's Chancery Reports ; Doctor and Student ; Deane and Swabey. D. & W Drury & Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports ; — Drury & Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. D. & War Drury & Warren's Reports, Irish Chancery. Da Dakota ; — Dakota Territory Reports. Daily Bal. Rec Daily Baltimore Record, Baltimore. Dai. Reg New York Daily Register. Dak Dakota ; — Dakota Territory Reports. Dal Dallas' United States Reports ; — Dalison's Eng- lish Common Pleas Reports (bound with Ben- loe) ; — Dalrymple's Scotch Session Cases. Dal. Coop Dallas' Report of Cooper's Opinion on the Sen- tence of a Foreign Court of Admiralty. Dale Dale, Oklahoma Reports, vols. 2-3. Dale Ecc Dale's Ecclesiastical Reports, English. Dale Leg. Rit Dale's Legal Ritual (Ecclesiastical) Reports. Dalison Dalison's English Common Pleas Reports (bound with Benloe). Dall Dallas' Pennsylvania and United States Reports. Dall. Dec. (or Dall. Dig.) Dallam's Texas Decisions, printed originally in Dallam's Digest. Dall. in Keil Dallison in Keilway's Reports, English King's Bench. Dall. S. C Dallas' United States Supreme Court Reports. Dallas Dallas' Pennsylvania and United States Reports. Dalr Dalry'mple's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session ; — (Dalrymple of) Stair's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session; — (Dalrymple of) Haile's Scotch Session Cases. Abbreviations. 483 Dalrymple (Sir Hew) Dalrymple's Scotch Session Cases; (Sir David Dalrymple of) Haile's Scotch Ses- sion Cases; — (Sir James Dalrymple of) Stair's Scotch Session Cases : — see also Dal. 13alv Daly's New York Common Pleas Reports. Dampier Mss Dampier's Paper Book, Lincoln's Inn Library. Han Daniell's Exchequer and Equity Reports ; — Dana's Kentucky Reports; — Danner's Re- ports, (42 Alabama). Dan. & LI Danson & Lloyd's Mercantile Cases. Dana Dana's Kentucky Reports. Dane Abr Dane's Abridgment. Dann Dann's Arizona Reports ; Danner's Reports (42 Alabama) ; Dann's California Reports. Dans. & L Danson & Lloyd's English Mercantile Cases. Dart. Col. Ca Dartmouth College Case (4 Wheat. 518). Das Dasent's Bankruptcy and Insolvency Reports ; — also Common Law Reports, vol 3. Dass. Dig Dassler's Kansas Digest. Dauph. Co. Rep Dauphin County Reporter (Penn.). Dav Daveis' United States District Court Reports (now re-published as 2 Ware) ; — Davy's or Davies Irish King's Bench and Exchequer Re- ports ; — Davies' Enghsh Patent Cases: — Davies' Reports (Abridgment of Sir Ed. Coke's Reports) ; — Davis', vol. 2, Hawaiian Reports; —Davis' U. S. Supreme Court, vo!:^. 108-176. Dav. Coke Davis' Abridgment of Coke's Reports. Dav. Dig Davis' Indiana Digest. Dav. Ir Davies' Irish Reports. Dav. Pat. Cas Davies' English Patent Cases. Dav. & Mer Davison & Merivale's Reports, Queen's Bench. Daveis Daveis' United States District Court Reports (Ware, vol. 2). Davies Davies' (or Davis' or Davys') Irish King's Bench Reports. Davidson Vols. 92-111, North Carolina. Davis Davis' Hawaiian Reports ; — Davies' (or Davys') Irish King's Bench Reports ; — Davis' U. S. Reports, vols. 108-176. Davis (J. C. B.) Davis' United States Supreme Court Reports. Day Day's Connecticut Reports ; — Connecticut Re- ports, proper, reported by Day. 484 Catalogue of Law Library. Dayt Ohio Decisions, Dayton. Dayt. Term Rep Dayton Term Reports, Dayton, O. Dea Deady's United States District Court Reports. Dea. & Chit Deacon & Chitty's English Bankruptcy Reports. Dea. & Sw Deane & Swabey's Reports, Probate and Divorce. Deac Deacon's English Bankruptcy Reports. Deady Deady's United States Circuit Court Reports. Deane Deane (& Swabey's) English Probate and Di- vorce Reports ; — Deane's Reports (24-26 Ver- mont). Deane Ecc. Rep Deane & Swabey's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Deane & Sw Deane & Swabey's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Dears. C. C Dearsly's English Crown Cases. Dears. & B. C. C Dearsly & Bell's English Crown Cases. Deas & And Deas & Anderson's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Dec Decision ; — Decree ; — Decretal ; — Ohio Decis- ions ; — Dec. as used in Lloyd on Buildings, refers to part 2 of first edition, a Digest of Lead- ing Decisions on Building Contracts. Dec. Com. Pat Decisions of the Commissioner of Patents. Dec. Jt. Com Decisions of Joint Commission. Dec. t. H. & M Decisions of Admiralty temp. Hay and Marriott. Dec. O Ohio Decisions. Dec. Re Ohio Decisions Reprint. Deft Defendant. De G. F. & J De Gex. Fisher, & Jones' English Chancery Re- ports. De G. F. & J. By De Gex, Fisher, & Jones' English Bankruptcy Appeals. De G. J. & S De Gex, Jones, & Smith's English Chancery Re- ports. De G. J. & S. By De Gex, Jones, & Smith's English Bankruptcy Appeals. De G. M. & G De Gex, Macnaghten, & Gordon's English Chan- cery Reports. De G. M. & G. By De Gex, Macnaghten, & Gordon's English Bank- ruptcy Appeals. De G. & J De Gex & Jones' English Chancery Reports. De G. & J. By De Gex & Jones' English Bankruptcy Appeals. De G. & Sm De Gex & Smale's English Chancery Reports. De Gex De Gex's English Bankruptcy Reports. Del Delaware Reports ; — Delane's English Revision Cases. Abbreviations. ^^^ j)qI ch Delaware Chancery Reports, by Bates. D^l Co Delaware County Reports. Pa. Del Cr. Cas Delaware Criminal Cases, by Houston. Del. El. Cas Delane's English Election (Revision) Cases DqIqo- Court of Delegates. Delehanty Miscellaneous Reports, New York. Dem. Surr Demarest's Surrogate Reports, City of New York. j3en Denio's New York Reports ;— Denis' Reports (32 Louisiana Annual). Den C C Denison's EngHsh Crown Cases. I)en' & p' Denison & Pearce's English Crown Cases (2 Denison). X)enio Denio's New York Reports. X)enis Louisiana Reports, vols. 32-46. 33ens Denslow Notes to second edition, vols. 1, 2 and 3, Michigan Reports. Denv. L. J Denver Law Journal. Den. Leg Denver Legal News. _ J3g5 Desty ;— Desaussure's South Carolina Equity Re- ports. Desaus. Eq Desaussere's South Carolina Equity Reports. Dest Cal Dig Desty's California Digest. j)g^ ■ Devereux's North Carolina Law Reports ; Deve- reux's Reports United States Court of Claims. ]3ev. C. C Devereux's Reports, United States Court of Claims. j3ev Eq Devereux's North Carolina Equity. j^^^' L ' " ' Devereux's North Carolina Law Reports. Dev' & Bat. ..".'. Devereux & Battle's North Carolina Law Re- ports. Dev. & Bat. Eq Devereux & Battle's North Carolina Equity Re- ports. X)e^ Dewey, Kansas Reports, vols. 60-61 and Court of Appeals. PeWitt De Witt's Reports (24-42 Ohio State) . X)i (or Dy.) Dyer's English Reports, King's Bench. Pice Dice's Reports (71-99 Indiana). pj^^l, '. Dickens' English Chancery Reports : Dickinson, vols. 46-58, New Jersey Equity Reports. -£){ci Dictionary. p- ■ ' ' ■ * '/. Digest. Digest of Justinian. 50 books. Never been translated into English. 486 Catalogue of Law Library. Dill Dillon's United States Circuit Court Reports. Dirl Dirleton's Decisions, Court of Session. Disn Disney's Ohio Superior Court Reports. Dist. Atty District Attorney. Dist. Col District of Columbia, Dist. Ct District Court. Dist. Rep District Reports. Div Division. Div. & Mat. Ct Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Court. Doc Docket i^San Antonio). Dod. (or Dods.) Dodson's English Admiralty Reports. Dom Dominus. Dom. Boc Domesday Book. Domes Domesday Book. Donaker Indiana Reports, vol. 154. Donn Donnelly's Reports, English Chancery ; — Don- nelly's Irish Land Cases. Dorion Dorion's Quebec Queen's Bench Reports. Doug Douglas' Michigan Reports ; — Douglas' English King's Bench Reports ; — Douglas' English Election Cases. Doug. El. Ca Douglas' English Election Cases. Doug. (Mich.) Michigan, Douglas' Law Reports. Dow (or Dow P. C). . . Dow's House of Lords (Parliamentary) Cases, same as Dow's Reports ; — Dowling's English Practice Cases. Dow & C Dow & Clark's English House of Lords Cases. Dow. & L Dowling & Lowndes' English Bail Court Reports. Dow. & Ry Dowling & Ryland's English King's Bench Re- ports ; Dowling & Ryland's English Nisi Prius Cases. Dow. & Ry. M. C Dowling & Ryland's English Magistrate's Cases. Dow. & Ry. N. P Dowling & Ryland's English Nisi Prius Cases. (Often bound at end of vol I, Dowl. & Ryl. K. B. Rep.). Dow. N. S Dow & Clark's English House of Lords Cases. Dow. P. C Dow's Parliamentary Cases. Dowl. (or Dowl. P. C). Dowling's English Bail Court (Practice) Cases. Dowl. N. S Dowling's English Bail Court Reports, New Series. Dowl. Pr. C. N. S Dowling's Reports, New Series, English Practice Cases. Dowl. & Lownd Dowling & Lowndes' English Practice Cases. Abbreviations. 487 Dowl. & Ryl Dowling & Ryland's English King's Bench Re- ports. Dowl. & Ryl M. C. . . . Dowling & Ryland's EngHsh Magistrate's Cases. Dowl. & Ryl. N. P. . . . Dowling & Ryland's English Nisi Prius Cases. Down. & Liid Downton & Lnder's English Election Cases. Dr Drewry's English Vice Chancellor's Reports ; — Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sugden; Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Napier. Dr. & Sm Drewry & Smale's English Vice Chancellor's Re- ports. Dr. Si Wal Driiry & Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports. Dr. & War Drury & Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. Draper Draper'? T ^pper Canada King's Bench Reports. Dred Scott C Dred Scott Case (19 How. 393). Drew Drewry's English Vice Chancellor's Reports ; — Drew's Reports (13 Florida). Drew. & Sm Drewr)^ & Smale's English Vice Chancellor's Reports. Drink Drinkwater's English Common Pleas Reports. Dru Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sugden. Dru. t. Nap Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Napier. Drury /. Sug Drury's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sugden. Dru. & Wal Drury & Walsh's Irish Chancery Reports. Dru. & War Drury & Warren's Irish Chancery Reports. Dub Dubitatur ; — Dubitante. Dub. Rev Dublin Review, Dublin, Ir. Dud. (Ga.) Dudley's Georgia Reports. Dud. Ch. (or Eq.) Dudley's South Carolina Equity Reports. Dud. L. (or S. C.) Dudley's South Carolina Law Reports. Duer Duer's New York Superior Court Reports. Dun Duncan (see Dune.) ; — Dunlap (see Dunl.) Dun. & Cum Dunphy & Cummins' Remarkable Trials. Dune. Ent. Cas Duncan's Scotch Entail Cases. Dune. N. P Duncombe's Nisi Prius. Dunl. Abr Dunlap's Abridgment of Coke's Reports. Dunlop (Dunl. B. & M.)Dunlop, Bell & Murray's Reports, Second Series, Scotch Session Cases. Dunn Dunning's English King's Bench Reports. Durf Durfee's Reports (12 Rhode Island). Durie Durie's Scottish Court of Session Cases. Durn. & E Durnford & East's English King's Bench Re- ports (Term Reports). Dutch Dutcher's New Jersey Reports. 488 Catalogue of Law Library. Duv Duvall's Kentucky Reports ; — Duval, Canada Supreme Court. Dy Dyer's English King's Bench Reports. E East's Reports — Equity ; — Exchequer ; — Eng- lish ; — Explained ; — Easter Term ; — King Edward ; — eodem (in the same place or under the same title). E. B. & E Ellis, Blackburn & Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. E. B. & S (Ellis) Best & Smith's Enghsh Queen's Bench Reports. E. C English Cases ; — English Chancery ; English Chancery Reports. E. G L English Common Law Reports. E. D. C Easter District Court, South Africa. E. D. S E. D. Smith's New 'York Common Pleas Reports. E. E Equity Exchequer ; — English Exchequer Reports. E. E. R English Ecclesiastical Reports. E. I East Indies. E. I. C East India Company. E. L. & Q English Law and Equity Reports. E. of Cov Trial of the Earl of Coventry. E. P. C East's Pleas of the Crown. E. R East's King's Bench Reports ; — Election Reports. E. R. C English Ruling Cases. E. T Easter Term. E. & A Ecclesiastical and Admiralty ; — Error and Ap- peal ; — Spink's Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports. E. & A. R Error and Appeal Reports, Ontario. E. & A. W. C Grant's Error and Appeal Reports, Ontario. E. & B Ellis & Blackburn's Queen's Bench Reports. E. & E Ellis & Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. E. & Y Eagle & Younge's English Tithe Cases. Ea East's English King's Bench Reports. Eag. & Yo Eagle & Younge's English Tithe Cases. East East's King's Bench Reports ; — East's Notes of Cases in IViorley's Indian Digest ; — Eastern Reporter. East N. of C East's Notes of Cases (in Morley's East Indian Digest). 489 Abbreviations. East PI. Cr East's Pleas of the Crown. East Rep Eastern Reporter. Ebersole Vols. 59-80, Iowa. Vr ror EccH Ecclesiastical. ^ . , , -r- i • Eccl & Ad Ecclesiastical and Admiralty ;-Spink's Ecclesi- astical and Admiralty Reports. £^,^1 R English Ecclesiastical Reports. Eccl* Stat Ecclesiastical Statutes. Econ. Rev. Economic Review (London) T7H Edition ; - Edited ; — Editor ; - Edward Edinburgh ; - Eden's English Chancery Re- ports. _, Ed. Bro Eden's edition of Brown's English Chancery Re- ports. £d Cr Edward's New York Chancery Reports. £d' L " y' " Edinburgh Law Journal. E(j' Rev " " " Edinburgh Review, Edinburgh, Scot. T7den Eden's English Chancery Reports. E^g , ;;;;;;; Edgar's Reports, Court of Session, Scotland. E(jict Edicts of Justinian. Edinb L J Edinburgh Law Journal. Fdm "Sel Cas Edmond's New York Select Cases. Edm. Sel. Cas . . . ^^^^^^^ ._Edwards' New York Chancery ^^^ Reports ;-Edwards' English Admiralty Re- ports ;— Edwards' Reports (2, 3 Missouri). Edw. Abr Edwards' Abridgment of Prerogative Court Edw Adm Edwards' Enghsh Admiralty Reports. yZ' Ch ■ ■ " Edwards' New York Chancery Reports. Edw Lead. Dec'. Edwards' Leading Decisions in Admiralty (Ed- wards' Admiralty Reports). Edw. Pr. Cas Edwards' Prize Cases (English Admiralty Re- ports). . Edw. Pr. Ct. Cas Edwards' Abridgment of Prer<^at,ve Court Cases Edw. (Tho.) Edwards' Enghsh Admiralty Reports. T,.,d South Carolina Reports, vols. 45-56. El ; ; ; ; ; ;;;;;; Queen Ehzabeth ; - Elchies' Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. E T & Ea English Law and Equity. , -o u I B, & 1^ : : : Elhs, Blackbum, & Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. El Cas Election Cases. 490 Catalogue of Law Library. El. Diet Elchies' Dictionary of Decisions, Court of Ses- sion, Scotland. El. & Bl Ellis & Blackburn's English Queen's Bench Re- ports. El. & El Ellis & Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. Elchies' Diet Elchies' (Dictionary of) Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Elee. Cas. N. Y New York Election Cases (Armstrong's). Eliz Elizabeth. Ell. Bl. & Ell Ellis, Blackburn, & Ellis' English Queen's Bench- Reports. Ell. Dig Eller's Digest, Minnesota. Ell. & Bl Ellis & Blackburn's EngHsh Queen's Bench Re- ports, Ell. & Ell Ellis & Ellis' English Queen's Bench Reports. Elm. Dig Elmer's Digest, New Jersey. Els. W. Bl Elsley's edition of Wm. Blackstone's English K.. B. Reports. Enc. Forms Encyclopaedia of Forms. Enc. PI. & Pr Encyclopaedia Pleading and Practice. Eng English ; — English's Reports (6-13 Arkansas) ; — English Reports by N. C. Moak. Eng. Ad English Admiralty ; — English Admiralty Reports. Eng. C. C. (or Cr. Cas.) English Crown Cases. Eng. Ch English Chancery ; — "English Chancery Re- ports." Eng. C. L English Common Law Reports. Eng. Feel English Ecclesiastical Reports. Eng. Exch English Exchequer Reports. Eng. Ir. App Law Reports. English and Irish Appeal Cases. Eng. Judg Scotch Court of Session Cases, decided by the ■'English Judges." Eng. L. & Eq English Law and Equity Reports. Eng. R. & C. Cas English Railway and Canal Cases. Eng. Rep Moak's English Reports ; — English Reports (6-13 Arkansas) ; — English Reports. Eng. Ru. Ca English Ruling Cases. Eng. Ry. & C. Cas English Railway and Canal Cases. Eng. Sc. Ecc English and Scotch Ecclesiastical Reports. Eng. & Ir. App Law Reports, English and Irish Appeal Cases. English English's Reports (0-13 Arkansas). Ent Coke's Entries ; — Rastell's Entries. Entries, Ancient Rastell's Entries (cited in Rolle Abr.). Abbreviations. "^91 Eod Eodem. Eq Equity. Eq. Cas Equity Cases in 9 Modern Reports. Eq. Cas. Abr Equity Cases Abridged (English). Eq. Judg Equity Judgments (by A'Beckett) New South Wales. Eq. Rep Equity Reports ; — Gilbert's Equity Reports ;— Harper's South Carolina Equity Reports ; — The Equity Reports, published by Spottis- woode. Err & App Error and Appeals Reports, Upper Canada. Ersk. Dec Erskine's U. S. Circuit Court, etc., Decisions, in 35 Georgia. Ersk Inst Erskine's Institutes. Esp Espinasse's English Nisi Prius Reports. Et. al Et alii (and others). Ev Evidence. Ev. Tr Evans' Trial. Ewell L. C Ewell's Leading Cases on Infancy, etc. Ex Executor ; — Exchequer (see Erch.) . Ex. D. (or Ex. Div.). .Exchequer Division, English Law Reports. Ex. Rel Ex relatione. Exch Exchequer ;— Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurl- stone, & Gordon) ; — English Law Reports, Ex- chequer; — English Exchequer Reports. Exch. Can Exchequer Reports, Canada. Exch. Cas Exchequer Cases (Legacy Duties, etc.), Scotland. Exch. Cham Exchequer Chamber. Exch. Div Exchequer Division, English Law Reports. Exch. Rep Exchequer Reports. Exec Executor ; — Execution ; — Executive. Exp Expired ; — Ex parte ; — Explained. Exr Executor. Ext Extended. Eyre Eyre's Reports, English. F Followed ; — Finalis ; — Consuetudines Feudorum ; — Faculty Collection of Court of Sessions De- cisions ; — Fitzherbert's Abridgment, octavo edi- tion. Fitzherbert's Abridgment is commonly referred to by the older law writers by the title and number of the placita only, e. g., coron., .30. 492 Catalogue of Law Library. F. B. C Fonblanque's Bankruptcy Cases. F. B. R Full Bench Rulings, Bengal. F. B. R. N. W. P Full Bench Rulings, Northwest Provinces, India. F. C Faculty Collection of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session, folio edition. F. Diet Kams & Woodhouselee's (folio) Dictionary, Scotch Court of Session Cases. F. N. B Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium. F. R Federal Reporter. F. & F Foster & Finlason's English Nisi Prius Reports. F. & Fitz Falconer & Fitzherbert's English Election Cases. F. & J. Bank. De Gex. . Fisher & Jones' English Bankruptcy Reports. F. & S Fox & Smith's Irish King's Bench Reports. Fac. Coll. (or Fac. Dec.) Faculty Collection of Decisions, Court of Sessions. Fairfield Fairfield's Reports (10-12 Maine). Falc Falconer's Scotch Court of Session Cases. Falc. Co. Cts Falconer on County Courts. Fac. Coll. fol Faculty Collection of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session, folio edition. Falc. & Fitz Falconer & Fitzherbert's English Election Cases. Fam. Cas. Cir. Ev Famous Cases of Circumstantial Evidence, by Phillips. Far. (or Farr.) Farresley (see Farresley). Farresley Farresley's Reports (7 Modern Reports) ; — Far- resley's Cases in Holt's King's Bench Reports. Fed Federal ; Federalist. Fed. Ca Federal Cases. Fed. Dec Federal Decisions. Ohio. Fed. Rep Federal Reporter. Fent. Imp. Judg Fenton's Important Judgments, New Zealand. Fent. N. Z Fent's New Zealand Reports. Ferg. Cons Fergusson's (Scotch) Consistorial Reports. Fergusson (Fergusson of) Kilgerran's Scotch Session Cases. Fern. Dec Decretos del Fernando, Mexico. Ff Pandectc-e (Juris Civilis). Fi. fa Fieri facias. Fin Finch's English Chancery Reports ; — Finlason (see Finl.). Finch English Chancery Reports temp. Finch. Finch. Ins. Dig Finch's Insurance Digest. Finch, L. C Finch's Land Cases. Finl. L. C Finlason's Leading Cases on Pleading. Finl. Rep Finlason's Report of the Gumey Case. Abbreviations. 493- First pt. Edw. Ill Part II of the Year Books. First pt. H. VI Part VII of the Year Books. Fish Fisher's U. S. Patent Cases ;— Fisher's U. S. Prize Cases. Fish. Cas Fisher's Cases, United States District Courts. Fish. Pat. Cas Fisher's United States Patent Cases. Fish. Pat. Rep Fisher's United States Patent Reports. Fish. Pr. Cas Fisher's United States Prize Cases. Fitz Fitzherbert's Abridgment, see F. Fitzg Fitzgibbon's Enghsh King's Bench Reports. Fitzh. N. B Fitzherbert's New Natura Brevium. Fl Fleta ; — Flanders (see Fland.). Fl. & K. (or Fl. & Kel.) Flanagan & Kelly's Irish Rolls Court Reports.. Fla Florida ; — Florida Reports. Fla. St. Bar Assn Florida State Bar Association. Flan. & Kel Flanagan & Kelley's Irish Rolls Court Reports. Flip Flippin's United States Circuit Court Reports. Flor Florida ; — Florida Reports. Fogg Fogg's Reports (82-37 New Hampshire). Fol Foho. Fol. Diet Karnes & Woodhouselee's Folio Dictionary,. Scotch Court of Session. Fol. P. L. Cas Foley's Poor Law Cases. Fonb. Eq Fonblanque's Equity. Fonbl. R Fonblanque's English Cases (or New Reports) in Bankruptcy. For Forrest's Exchequer Reports ; — Forrester's Chan- cery Reports (Cases temp. Talbot). For. Cas. & Op Forsyth's Cases and Opinions. For. de Laud Fortesque's de Landibus Legum Anglise. Forb Forbes' Decisions in the Scotch Court of Session. Forman Forman's Reports, Illinois. Forr Forrest's English Exchequer Reports ; — Forres- ter's English Chancery Cases (commonly cited,. Cases temp. Talbot). Forrest Forrest's Reports, English Exchequer. Fors. Cas. & Op Forsyth's Cases and Opinions on Constitutional' Law. Fort Fortesque's English King's Bench, etc., Reports.. Fort. Rev Fortnightly Review (London). Forum Forum (periodical), Baltimore and New York. Eos Foster (see Fost). 494 Catalogue of Law Library. Fost Foster's English Crown Law or Crown Cases ; — Foster's N. H. Reports ; — Foster's Legal Chronicle Reports, Pennsylvania; Foster, Ha- waiian Reports, vols. 5, 6 and 8. Post. Tr. Rep Trial of Rebels, etc. (Foster's Crown Cases). Fost. & Fin Foster & Finlason's English Nisi Prius Reports. Foster Foster's English Crown Law ; — Legal Chronicle Reports (Pa.), edited by Foster; — Foster's N. H. Reports. Fount Foiintainhall's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Fowl. L. Cas Fowler's Leading Cases on Collieries. Fox Fox's Reports, English. Fox. Reg. Ca Fox's Registration Cases. Fox & Sm Fox & Smith's Irish King's Bench Reports. Fr Freeman's English King's Bench and Chancery Reports ; Fragment. Fr. E. C Eraser's Election Cases. Fr. Ch Freeman's English Chancery Reports ; — Free- man's Mississippi Chancery Reports. Fr. E. C Eraser's Election Cases. Franc. Judg Francillon's Judgments, County Courts. France France's Reports (3-11 Colorado). Eras. Elec. Cas Eraser's English Election Cases. Eraser Eraser's English Cases of Controverted Elections. Fraz. (or Fraz. Adm.) . . Frazer's Admiralty Cases, etc., Scotland. Free Freeman's English King's Bench Reports (1 Free., Freeman's King's " Bench Reports ; — 2 Free., Freeman's Chancery Reports) ; — see also Freem. Free. Ch Freeman's English Chancery Reports ; — Free- man's Mississippi Chancery Reports. Freem. C. C Freeman's English Chancery Cases. Freem. Ch See Free. Ch. Freem. (111.) Freeman's Reports (Illinois). Freem. K. B Freeman's English King's Bench Reports. French French's Reports (6 New Hampshire). Fries Tr Trial of John Fries (Treason). Frith Opinion Attorneys-General, pt. 2, vol. 21. Full B. R Full Bench Rulings, Bengal (or Northwestern Provinces). Fuller Vols. 59-105, Michigan. Fulton Fulton's Reports, Bengal. Abbreviations. 495 G King George ; — Georgia ; — Gale's English Ex- chequer Reports. G. B Great Britain. G. Gr G. Green's Iowa Reports. G. M. Dudl G. M. Dudley's Georgia Reports. G. & D Gale & Davison's English Queen's Bench Re- ports. G. & G Goldsmith & Guthrie, Missouri. G. & J Gill & Johnson's Maryland Reports ; — Glyn & Jameson's English Bankruptcy Reports. G. & T Gould & Tucker's Notes on Revised Statutes of United States. Ga Georgia ; — Georgia Reports. Ga. Bar Assn Georgia Bar Association. Ga. Dec Georgia Decisions. Ga. L. J Georgia Law Journal. Ga. L. Rep Georgia Law Reporter. Ga. Supp Lester's Supplement (33 Georgia). Galbraith Galbraith's Reports (9-12 Florida). Galb. & M Galbraith & Meek's Reports (12 Florida). Gale Gale's English Exchequer Reports. Gale & Day Gale & Davison's Queen's Bench. Gall Gallison's Reports, United States Circuit Courts. Gall. Cr. Cas Gallick Reports (French Criminal Cases). Gamb. & Barl Gamble & Barlow's Digest, Irish. Gantt. Dig Gantt's Digest Statutes, Arkansas. Gard. N. Y. Rept Gardenier's New York Reporter. Gardenhire Gardenhire's Reports (11, 15 Missouri). Gardn. P. C Gardner Peerage Case, reported by Le Marchant. Caspar Caspar's Small Cause Court Reports, Bengal. Gayarre Gayarre's Reports (25-28 Louisiana Annual). Gaz Gazette; Weekly Law Gazette. Gaz. Bank Gazette of Bankruptcy, London. Gaz. Dig Gazzam's Digest of Bankruptcy Decisions. G. Coop G. Cooper's English Chancery. Gaz. & B. C. Rep Gazette & Bankrupt Court Reporter, New York. Geld. & M Nova Scotia Reports (Russell & Geldert). Geldert Geldert & Maddock (vol. 6 Maddock's Reports). Geld & Ox Nova Scotia Decisions, by Geldert & Oxley. Geld. & R Geldert & Russell, Nova Scotia. Gen. Abr. Cas. Eq General Adridgment of Cases in Equity (Equity Cases Abridged). Gen. Arb Geneva Arbitration. Gen. Dig General Digest American and English Reports. 496 Catalogue of Law Library. Gen. Ord General Orders. Gen. Ord. Ch General Orders of the High Court of Chancery. Gen. Sess General Sessions. Gen. T General Term. Genl. Dig General Digest. Gent. Mag Gentleman's Alagazine (London). Geo Georgia ; — Georgia Reports ; — King George. Geo. Coop George Cooper's English Chancery Cases, time of Eldon. Geo. Dec Georgia Decisions. Geo. Dig George's Digest, Mississippi. Georg Georgia. George George's Reports (30-39 Mississippi). Gib. Dec Gibson's Scottish Decisions. Gibb Gibbons (see Gib.). Gibts Gibb's Reports (2-4 Michigan) . Gibbs' Jud. Chr Gibb's Judicial Chronicle. Gibson (Gibson of) Durie's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Gif. (or GifiF .) Gififard's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Giff & H Giffard and Hemming's Reports, English Chan- cery. Gil Oilman's Reports (6-10 Illinois) :— Gilmer's Vir- ginia Reports ; — Gilbert's English Chancery Reports ; — Gilbert's English Cases in Law and Equity. Gil. & Fal Gilmour & Falconer's Scotch Session Cases. Gilb Gilbert's Reports, English Chancery. Gilb. Cas Gilbert's English Cases in Law and Equity. Gilb. Ch Gilbert's English Chancery Reports. Gilb. Eq Gilbert's English Equity or Chancery Reports. Gilb. Rep Gilbert's English Chancery Reports. Gild Gildersleeve's Reports (1-8 New Mexico). Gilfillan Gilfillan's edition of Minnesota Reports. Gill Gill's Maryland Reports. Gill Pol. Rep Gill's PoHce Court Reports, Boston, Massa- chusetts. Gill & Johns Gill & Johnson's Maryland Reports. Gilm Oilman's Reports (6-10 Illinois) ; — Gilmer's Re- ports, Virginia; — Gilmour's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Gilm. Dig Oilman's Digest, Illinois and Indiana. Abbreviations. 497 Gilm. & Falc Gilmour & Falconer's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. ■Gilp Gilpin's United States District Court Reports. Gilp. Opin Gilpin's Opinions of the United States Attorneys- General. Gir. W. C Report of the Girard Will Case. Gl. & J Glyn & Jameson's English Bankruptcy Reports. Glanv. El. Cas Glanville's English Election Cases. Glas Glascock's Reports in all the Courts of Ireland. Glenn Glenn's Reports (16-18 Louisiana Annual). Glyn & Jam Glyn & Jameson's Reports, English Bankruptcy. . Godb Godbolt's English King's Bench Reports. Goeb Goehel's Probate Court Cases. Gold, (or Goldes) Goldesborough's or Gouldsborough's English K. B. Reports. Gold & G Goldsmith & Guthrie, vols. 36-67 Missouri Ap- ])eals. Good. Pat Goodeve's Abstract of Patent Cases. Good. & Wood Full Bench Rulings, Bengal, edited by Goodeve & Woodman. Gordon Colorado Reports, vols. 24-26 and Colorado Appeals, vols. 10-1:5. Gord. Tr Gordon's Treason Trials. Gosf Gosford's Manuscript Reports. Scotch Court of Session. Gould Gouldsborough's English King's Bench Reports. Gould & T Gould & Tucker's Notes on Revised Statutes of United States. Gow (or Gow N. P.). . Gow's English Nisi Prius Cases. Gr Grant's Cases, Pennsylvania ; — Green's New Jersey Reports ; — Greenleaf 's Maine Reports ; Grant's Cases, Canada. Gr. Ca Grant's Cases. Gr. Eq. (or Ch.) (H. W.) Green's New Jersey Equity Reports; — Gresley's Equity Evidence. Gra Grant (see Grant): Graham, vols. OS-107 Georgia. Graf. & Coo's Grafton & Coo's Bar Association Reports (Hav- erhill). Granger Granger's Report (22, 23, Ohio State). 32 L L ■198 Catalogue of Law Library. Grant Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports ; — Grant's Pennsylvania Cases; — (Grant of) Elchies' Scotch Session Cases ; — Grant Ja- maica Reports. Grant Cas Grant's Pennsylvania Cases. Grant Ch Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports. Grant E. & A Grant's Error and Appeal Reports, Ontario. Grant, Jamaica Grant's Jamaica Reports. Grant Pa Grant's Pennsylvania Cases. Grant U. C Grant's Upper Canada Chancery Reports. Grat. (or Gratt.) Grattan's Virginia Reports. Gray Gray's Massachusetts Reports ; Gray, North Car- olina. Vols. 112-122. Green Green's New Jersey Law or Equity Reports ; — . Green's Reports (11-17 Rhode Island) ; — G. Green's Iowa Report; — Greenleaf's Reports, first 9 vols, of Maine Reports; Green, vol. 1 Oklahoma Reports. Green (C. E.) C. E. Green's Chancery Reports, New Jersey. Green Bag Green Bag, Boston. Green Ch H. W. Green's New Jersey Chancery Reports. (vols. 2-4 N. J. Eq.). Green Cr. L. Rep Green's Criminal Law Reports. Green, G Green's Iowa Reports. Green L. (or N. J.).... J. S. Green's Law Reports (13-15 New Jersey Law). Green. Ov. Cas Greenleaf's Overruled Cases. Green Sc. Tr Green's Scottish Trials for Treason. Greene G. Greene's Iowa Reports ; — C. E. Greene's N. J. E(|uity Reports (10-27 N. J. Eq.) : Greene, vol. 7, New York Annotated Cases. Greenl Greenleaf's Reports (1-9 Maine). Greenl. Ov. Cas Greenleaf's Overruled Cases. Gren Grener's Ceylon Reports. Grif. L. Reg Griffith's Law Register, Burlington, N. J. Grif. P. R. Cas Griffith's English Poor Rate Cases. Griffith Vols. 1-5 Indiana Appeals, and vols. 117-132 In- diana Reports. Grisw Griswold's Reports (vols. 14-19 Ohio Reports). Gro Grotin's De Jure Belli et Pacis. Guigon Law Journal, Virginia. Gundry Gundry Manuscript, Lincoln's Inn Library. Gunt. Mag Gunton's Magazine (New York). Abbreviations. 499 Guthrie \'ols. :VA-S'\ Missouri Appeals. Guth. Sh. Cas Guthrie's Sheriff Court Cases, Scotland. Gwil. Ti. Cas Gwillan's Tithe Cases. H Hie — here, in the same paragraph ; — King Henry ; — Hilary Term ; — Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports ; — Hill's New York Reports ; — Handy. H. A Hoc Anno. H. Bl Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Re- ports. H. C House of Commons. H. C. R High Court Reports, India. H. C. R. N. W. P High Court Reports, Northwest Provinces, India. H. L. (or H. L. Cas.) . . House of Lords' Cases. H. L. Rep English House of Lords' Reports. H. P. C Hale's Pleas of the Crown ; Hawkin's Pleas of the Crown. H. T Hilary Term ; — hoc titulo. H. V Hoc verbo or his verbis. H. W. Gr H. W. Green's New Jersey Equity Reports. H. & B Hudson & Brooke's Irish King's Bench Reports. H. & C Hurlstone & Coltman's English Exchequer Re- ports. H. & D Lalor's Supplement to Hill & Denio's New York Reports. H. & G Harris & Gill's Maryland Reports ; Hurlstone & Gordon. H. & H Horn & Hurlstone's English Exchequer Reports ; — Harrison & Hodgin's Municipal Reports, Upper Canada. H. & J Harris & Johnson's Maryland Reports ; — Hayes & Jones' Exchequer Reports, Ireland. H. & M Hening & Munford's Virginia Reports ; — Hem- ming & Miller's English Vice-Chancellors' Re- ports. H. & M. Ch Hemming & Miller's Chancery Reports, English. H. & McH Harris & McHenry's Maryland Reports. H. & N Hurlstone & Norman's English Exchequer Re- ports. H. & P Hopwood & Philbrick's English Election Cases. H. & R Harrison & Rutherford's English Common Pleas Reports. •500 Catalogue of Law Library. H. & S Harris & Simrall, Mississippi. H. & T Hall & Twell's English Chancery Reports. H. & T. Self-Def Horrigan & Thompson's Cases on the Law of Self-Defense. H. & W Harrison & Wollaston's English King's Bench , ,,^ ., Reports ; — Hurlstone & Walmsley's English Exchequer Reports. Ha Hare's Chancery Reports ; Hall ; Haggard. Ha. & Tw Hall & Twell's English Chancery Reports. Hab. Corp Habeas Corpus. Had Haddington ; Hadley N. H. Reports. Haddington Haddington's Manuscript Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Hadley (or Hadl.) Hadley's Reports (45-48 New Hampshire). Hag, (or Hagg.) Adm. Haggard's English Admiralty Reports. Hag. (or Hagg.) Con. .Haggard's English Consistory Reports. Hag. (or Hagg.) Ecc . . Haggard's English Ecclesiastical Reports. IHagan Hagan's Utah Reports. Vols. 1-2. Hagans Hagans' Reports (1-5 West Virginia). Hagn. & Mill Hagner & Miller's Reports (2 Maryland Chancery). Hailes Hailes' Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Hal. Law Halsted's New Jersey Law Reports. Hale. Min. Cas Halcomb's Mining Cases, London, 1826. Hale Hale's Reports (38-37 California). Hale Prec Hale's Precedents in (Ecclesiastical) Criminal Cases. Hale P. C Hale's Pleas of the Crown. Hale Ecc Hale's Ecclesiastical, English. Hale C. L Hale's History of the Common Law. Halk. Comp Halkerston's Compendium of Scotch Faculty De- cisions. Hall Hall's New York Superior Court Reports ; — Hall's Reports (56, 57 New Hampshire) ; Hal- lett (1 and 2 Colorado). Hall Am. L. J Hall's American Law Journal. Hall Jour. Jur Journal of Jurisprudence (Hall's). Hall & Tw Hall & Twell's Reports, English Chancery. Hallett Hallett's Reports (1, 2 Colorado). Hals Halsted's New Jersey Law Reports. Hals. Ch. (or Eq.) Halsted's New Jersey Equity Reports. Ham. A. & O Hammerton, Allen & Otter, English Magistrates' Cases. Vol. 3 New Sessions Cases. Abbreviations. Nisi Prius; Hammond's Reports, Y[2im Hammond's vols. 1-1) Ohio Reports. Ham Fed Hamilton's Federalist. Hamilton ' .... (Hamilton erf) Haddington's Manuscript Cases, "^""^ Scotch Court of Session ; Hamilton, American Negligence Cases. TTomlin Vols. 81-93, Maine. Hammond' ". '. Hammond's Reports (1-9 Ohio) ;_Hammond s Reports (36-45 Georgia). Hammond & Jackson. . Hammond & Jackson's Reports (45 Georgia). ... Hannay's Reports, New Brunswick. Hand "'".'.'.".'.'.'.'. Hand's Reports (40-45 New York) . jjandy Handy's Ohio Reports. TT^^e^ ' Hanes' English Chancery. Hanrle'r" '■■■■''. Lord Kenyon's Notes (English King s Bench Re- ports), edited by Hanmer. Tjan (N B) Hannay's New Brunswick Reports. ■^ ■ . Hannav's New Brunswick Reports. Hansb '. Hansbrough, vols. 76-90, Virginia. !;'"'^ Harmonized -.-Harrison (see Harr.) ; Harring- ton's Chancery Reports, Michigan. Har (Del ) Harrington's Delaware Reports (1-5). TT„ ■ St Tr Hargrave's State Trials. TT,; g, 'Gill" .... Harris & Gill's Maryland Reports. Har & Tohn' ' ' ' '. Harris & Johnson's Maryland Reports. Ha ■ & McH ■ ' ■ Harris & M'Henry's Maryland Reports. Har. t Ruth' '. '. Harrison & Rutherford's English Common Pleas Reports. . , -r, u „,,. & Won Harrison & Wollaston's English Kmg s Bench Reports. . Hare Harcarse's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. TT^rrl /or' Hardin) Hardin's Kentucky Reports. Hard or Hardres) . . . Hardres' English Exchequer Reports. Sardw ••••C-- ^--P- Hardwicke, by Ridgway ;- Cases temp. Hardwicke, by Lee. Hare Hare's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports^ H:::&'wal.'L.C American Leading Cases, edited by Hare & Wallace. XX Hargrave's State Trials ; - Hargrove s Reports ^^'^ (68-75 N. C). XT Cf Tr Hargrave's State Trials. Harlrove . ! '. '. ! '. ' '. ' ' Hargrove's Reports (68-75 North Carohna) . 502 Catalogue of Law Library. Harm Harmon's Reports (13-15 California) ; — Har- mon's Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports. Harp Harper's South Carolina Law Reports. Harp. Con. Cas Harper's Conspiracy Cases, Maryland. Harp. Eq Harper's Equity Reports, South Carolina. Harp. L. (or S. C.) Harper's South Carolina Law Reports. Harr Harrison's Reports, New Jersey ; Harrington's Reports, Delaware; — Harrington's Chancery Reports, Michigan; — Harris' Reports (13-24 Pennsylvania State) ; — Harrison's Reports (15- 17 and 23-29 Indiana). Harr. Con. La. R Harrison's Condensed Louisiana Reports. Harr. Dig Harrison's Digest, English. Harr. (Mich.) Harrington's (Michigan) Chancery Reports. Harr. (N. J.) Harrison's New Jersey Law Reports (16-19). Harr & G Harris & Gill's Maryland Reports. Harr. & Hodg Harrison & Hodgin's Upper Canada Municipal Reports. Harr. & J Harris & Johnson's Maryland Reports. Harr. & McH Harris & McHenry's Maryland Reports. Harr. & Ruth Harrison & Rutherford's English Common Pleas Reports. Harr. & Sim Harris & Simrall's Reports (49-52 Mississippi). Harr. & WoU Harrison & Wollaston's EngHsh King's Bench Reports. Harring Harrington's Delaware Reports ; — Harrington's Michigan Chancery Reports. Harris Harris' Pennsylvania Reports (13-24 Pennsyl- vania State). Harris Dig Harris' Digest, Georgia Reports. Harris & Simrall Harris & Simrall's Reports (49-52 Mississippi). Harrison Harrison's Reports (15-17 and 23-29 Indiana). Hart Hartley's Reports 4-10 Texas ; Hartley's Digest of Texas Laws. Hartley Hartley's Reports (4-10 Texas). Hartley & Hartley Hartley & Hartley's Reports (11-21 Texas). Harv. Hist. Stu Harvard Historical Studies. Harv. Law Rev Harvard Law Review, Cambridge, Mass. Hast Hasting's Reports (09-70 Maine). Hast. Tr Trial of Warren Hastings. Hav. Ch. Rep Haviland's Chancery Reports, Prince Edward Island. Abbreviations. 503 Hav. P.E.I Haviland's Ref>orts, Prince Edward Island. Haw Hawkins (see Hawk.) ; — Hawaiian Reports ; Hawley, vols. 10-20, Nevada. Hawaiian Rep Hawaiian Reports. Haw. Cr. Rep Hawley's American Criminal Reports. Haw. W. C Hawes Will Case. Hawk. Co. Litt Hawkins' Coke upon Littleton. Hawk PI. Cr Hawkins' Pleas of the Crown. Hawkins Hawkins' Reports (19-24 Louisiana Annual). Hawks Hawks' North Carolina Reports. Hawley Nevada Reports, vols. 10-20. Hawl. Cr. R Hawley's American Criminal Reports. Hay Haywood's North Carolina Reports ; — Hay- wood's Tennessee Reports ; — Haywood's Re- ports are sometimes referred to as though numbered consecutively from North Carolina through Tennessee. Hayes' Irish Exchequer Reports ; — see also Hayes ; Hayes' Reports, Calcutta ; Hay's Scotch Decisions. Hay Ace. (or Dec). . . . Hay's Decisions on Accidents and Negligence. Hay. & Haz Hayward & Hazleton, Circuit Court, District of Columbia. Hay Exch Hayes' Irish Exchequer Reports. Hay P. L Hay's Poor Law Decisions. Hay & J Hayes & Jones, Irish. Hay & M. (or Marr.) . . Hay & Marriott's Admiralty Reports (usually cited. Marriott's Reports). Hayes Exch Hayes' Irish Exchequer Reports. Hayes & Jo Hayes & Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports. Hayn. Lead. Cas Haynes' Student's Leading Cases. Hayw Haywood's North Carolina Reports ; — Haywood's Tennessee Reports (see Hay). Hayw. & H Hayward & Hazleton. Circuit Court Report. Hayw. L. R Hayward's Law Register, Boston. Haz. Pa. Reg Hazard's Pennsylvania Register. Haz. U. S. Reg Hazard's United States Register. H. Bl Henry Blackstone, English. Head Head's Tennessee Reports. Heath Heath's Reports (36-40 Maine) . Heck Cas Hecker's Cases on Warranty. Hedges Montana Reports, vols. 2-6. Heisk Heiskell's Tennessee Reports. Helm Helm's Reports (2-9 Nevada). 504 Catalogue of Lazv Library. Hem Hempsted, United States ; Hemmingway, Missis- sippi. Hem. & M Hemming & Miller's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Hemp, (or Hempst) . . . Hempstead's United States Circuit Court Re- ports. Hen K^iiig Henry. Hen. Bl Henry Blackstone's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Hen. Man. Cas Henry Manumission Cases. Hen. & Mun Henning & Munford's Virginia Reports. Hepb Hepburn's Reports (3, 4 California) ; Hepburn (vol. 13, Pennsylvania State Reports). Het. (or Hetl.) Hetley's English Common Pleas Reports. Heyw. Ca Heywood's Table of Cases, Georgia. Hibb Hibbard, Opinions Attorneys-General, vol. 20 ; Hibbard, vol. 67 New Hampshire Reports. High Ct High Court Reports, Northwest Provinces of India. Aight Iowa Reports, vols. 57-58. Hil See Hill ;— Hilary. Hil. T Hilary Term. Hil. Vac Hilary Vacation. Hill Hill's N. Y. Reports ;— Hill's Law Reports, South Carolina. Hill Eq. (or Ch.) Hill's Equity South Carolina Reports. Hill N. Y Hill's New York Reports. Hill S. C Hill's South Carolina Reports (Law or Equity). Hill & Den Hill & Denio, New York. Hill & Den. Supp Lalor's Supplement to Hill & Denio's Reports,. New York. Hillyer Hillyer's Reports (20-22 California). Hilt Hilton's New York Common Pleas Reports. Hines Vols. 83-96 Kentucky. Ho. Lords Cas House of Lords' Cases (Clark's). Hob Hobart's English King's Bench Reports. Hodg Hodges' English Common Pleas Reports. Hodg. Can. Elec. Cas. . Hodgin's Canada Election Cases. Hoff Hoffman's Land Cases, United States District Court ; — Hoffman's New York Chancery Re- ports. Hoff. Ch Hoffman's New York Chancery Reports. Hoff. L. C Hoffman's Land Cases. Abbreviations. 505 Hoff. Lead. Cas Hoffman's Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Hoff. N. Y Hoffman's New York Chancery Reports. Hoffm. Ch Hoffman's New York Chancery Reports. Hog Hogan's Irish Rolls Court Reports ; (Hogan of) Harcarse's Scotch Session Cases. Hog. St. Tr Hogan's State Trials, Pennsylvania. Hogue Hogue's Reports (1-4 Florida). Hole. L. Cas Holcombe's Leading Cases on Commercial Law. Hollinshead Hollinshead's Minnesota Reports, (vol. 1, Min- nesota Reports). Holm, (or Holmes.). ... Holmes' United States Circuit Court Reports; Hohnes. Vols. 15-17 Oregon. Holt Holt's English King's Bench Reports ;— Holt's English Nisi Prius Reports; — Holt's English Equity Reports. Holt Adm. Cas Holt's English Admiralty Cases (Rule of the Road). Holt. Eq Holt's English Equity Reports. Holt. K. B Holt's English King's Bench Reports. Holt N. P Holt's English Nisi Prius Reports. Holt R. of R Holt's Rule of the Road Cases. Home Home's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session ; — see also Karnes. Home (CI.) Clerk Home, Scotch Session Cases. Home, H. Dec Home's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Hooker Hooker's Reports (25-62 Connecticut). Hoon Hoonahan's Sind Reports, India. Hop Hopkins (see Hopk. ). Hop. & C Hopwood & Coltman's English Registration Cases. Hop. & Ph Hopwood & Philbrick's English Registration Cases. Hope Hope (of Kerse) Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Hopk. Adm. (or Judg.). Plopkinson's Pennsylvania Admiralty Judgments. Hopk. Adm. Dec Admiralty Decisions of Hopkinson in Gilpin's Reports. Hopk. Ch Hopkins' New York Chancery Reports. Hopw. & Colt Hopwood & Coltman's English Registration Ap- peal Cases. Hopw. & Phil Hopwood & Philbrick's English Registration Appeal Cases. 506 Catalogue of Law Library. Hor. & Th. Cas Horrigan & Thompson's Cases on Self-Defense. Horn & H Horn & Hiirlstone's English Exchequer Reports. Home, M. J Home's Mirror of Justice. Horr & Th Horrigan & Thompson's Cases on Self-Defense. Horner South Dakota Reports, vols. 11-13. Horw. Y. B (Horwood's) Year Books of Edward I. Hoskins Vol. 2, North Dakota. Hough C.-M. Cas Hough's Court-Martial Case Book, London, 1821. Houghton Vol. 97, Alabama Reports. Hous Houston (see Houst.). House of L House of Lords ; — House of Lords Cases. Houst Houston's Delaware Reports. Houst. Cr. Cas Houston's Delaware Criminal Cases. Hov. Sup Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey, Jr.'s English , Chancery Reports. How Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports ; — Howard's Mississippi Reports ; — Howard's N. Y. Practice Reports ; Howell, Nevada. How. App Howard's New York Court of Appeals Cases. How. Cas Howard's Nev^ York Court of Appeals Cases ; — Howard's Popery Cases. How. Cr. Tr Howison's Criminal Trials (Virginia). How. (Miss.) Howard's Mississippi Law Reports. How, N. S Howard's Practice Reports ; New Series. N. Y. How. Po. Cas Howard's Popery Cases (Ireland). How. Pr Howard's New York Practice Reports. How. Pr. N. S Howard's New York Practice Reports, New Series. How. S. C. (or U. S.) . . Howard's United States Supreme Court Reports. How. St. Tr Howell's English State Trials. How. & Beat Howell & Beatty, Nevada Reports, vol. 22. How. & Nor Howell & Norcross. Nevada Reports, vols. 23-24. Howell N. P Howell's Nisi Prius Reports, Michigan. Hu Hughes (see Hugh.) . Hubbard Hubbard's Reports (45-51 Maine). Hub. Leg. Direc Hubbell's Legal Directory. Hud. & Br Hudson's & Brooke's Irish King's Bench Reports. Hugh Hughes' LTnited States Circuit Court Reports ; — Hughes' Kentucky Reports. Hugh. (Ky.) Hughes' Kentucky Reports. Hughes Hughes' United States Circuit Court Reports. Hum Humphrey's Tennessee Reports. Hume Hume's Scotch Session Cases. Abbreviations. '^"' Humph Humphrey's Tennessee Reports. Hun Hun's New York Supreme Court Reports, also Appellate Division Supreme Court, New York. Hunt Cas Hunt's Annuity Cases. Hunt. Mer. Mag Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, New York. Hunt. Tr Huntingdon's Trial (for Forgery) . Hur Hurlstone (see Hurl.). Hurl & Colt Hurlstone & Coltman's English Exchequer Re- ports. Hurl. & Gord Hurlstone & Gordon's Reports (10, 11 Exchequer Reports, English. Hurl. & Nor Hurlstone & Norman's English Exchequer Re- ports. Hurl. & Walm Hurlstone & Walmsley's English Exchequer Re- ports. Hut. (or Hutt.) Hutton's English Common Pleas Reports. Hutch Hutcheson, vols. 81, 84 Alabama. Hvde Hyde's Reports, Bengal. J Idaho ; — Illinois ; — Indiana ; — Iowa ; — Irish (see Ir.). J Q Q Interstate Commerce Commission. J Q L R Irish Common Law Reports. I c R. . ' " Irish Chancery Reports ;— Irish Circuit Reports. I E. R Irish Equity Reports. I J Irish Jurist, Dublin. I J (3as Irvine's Justiciary Cases, Scotland. I J N. S Irish Jurist, New Series. I L T Irish Law Times, Dublin. I R Irish Reports. I R. C. L Irish Reports, Common Law Series. I R Eq Irish Reports, Equity Series. l' R R International Revenue Record, New York City. j" -p. R. Irish Term Reports, by Ridgway, Lapp, & Schoales. la, Iowa Reports. l\y Ibidem, the same. l^ Idem, the same ; — Idaho. Ida Idaho. Idaho Idaho Reports. Ill Illinois. Ill App Illinois Appeal Reports. 508 Catalogue of Law Library. 111. St. Bar Assn Illinois State Bar Association. Imp. Fed Imperial Federation (London). Ind Indiana ; — India ; — (East) Indian. Ind. App Law Reports, Indian Appeals ; Indiana Appeals. Ind. App. Supp Supplemental Indian Appeals, Law Reports. Ind. Jur Indian Jurist, Calcutta ; Indian Jurist, Madras. Ind. L. C. Com. Law . . Indermaur's Epitome of Leading Common Law Cases. Ind. L. C. Eq Indermaur's Leading Cases in Conveyancing and Equity. Ind. L. J Indiana Law Journal. Ind. L. Mag Indiana Law Magazine. Ind. L. R (East) Indian Law Reports. Ind. L. R. Alia Indian Law Reports, Allahabad. Ind. L. R. Bomb Indian Law Reports, Bombay Series. Ind.' L. R. Calc Indian Law Reports, Calcutta Series. Ind. L. R. Mad Indian Law Reports, Madras Series. Ind. L. Reg Indiana Legal Register, Lafayette. Ind. Law Rep Indiana Law Reporter. Ind. L. Stu Indiana Law Student. » Ind. Rep Indiana Reports ; Index Reporter. Ind. St. Bar Assn Indiana State Bar Association. Ind. Super Indiana Superior Court Reports (Wilson's). Ind. T Indian Territory. Inf Infra, beneath or below ; — In fine, at the end of a paragraph or title ; — Inferior. Ing. Ves Ingraham's Edition of Vesey, Jun. In. pr In prmcipio. In the beginning, and before the first paragraph of a law. Ins Insurance ; — Insolvency. Ins. L. J Insurance Law Journal, New York and St. Louis. Ins. Law Rep Insurance Law Reporter. Ins. Mon Insurance Monitor, New York. Ins. Rep Insurance Reporter, Philadelphia. Ins. Y. B Insurance Year Book. Insolv Insolvency ; — Insolvent Debtors' Courts. 1, 2, Inst (1, 2) Coke's Inst. Inst., 1, 2, 3 Justinian's Inst. lib. 1, tit. 2, sec. 3. Inst. 1, 2, 31 Justinian's Institutes, lib. 1, tit. 2, sec. 31. The Institutes of Justinian are divided into four books, — each book is divided into titles, and each title into paragraphs, of which the first, described by the letters pr., or princip., is not numbered. The old method of citing the Institutes was to give the commencing words of Abbreviations. 509 the paragraph and of the title; c. g., § si adversus, Inst, de Nuptiis. Sometimes the number of the paragraph was introduced, e. g., § 12, Si adversus, Inst, de Nuptiis. The modern way is to give the number of the book, title, and paragraph, Inst. I. 10, 12 ; i. e., Inst., Lib. I. tit. 10, § 12. Inst. Com. Com (or Rep.) Interstate Commerce Commission. Int Introduction. Int. Cas Rowe's Interesting Cases (Enghsh and Irish). Int. Jour. Eth International Journal of Ethics. Int. Law. Tr International Law Tracts. Int. Rev. Rec Internal Revenue Record, New York. Int. Rev. Laws Internal Revenue Laws. Int. St. C. C. R Inter State Commerce Commission Reports. Interc. L. J Intercollegiate Law Journal. Iowa Iowa Reports. Iowa L. B Law Bulletin, Iowa University, Iowa City, Iowa. Iowa St. Bar Assn.... Iowa State Bar Association. Ir Irish ; — Ireland ; — Iredell's N. C. Law or Equity Reports. Ir. C. L Irish Common Law Reports. Ir. Ch Irish Chancery Reports. Ir. Cir Irish Circuit Reports. Ir. Eccl Irish Ecclesiastical Reports, by Milward. Ir. Eq Irish Equity Reports. Ir. Jur Irish Jurist, Dublin. Ir. L Irish Law Reports. Ir. L. N. S Irish Common Law Reports. Ir. L. R Irish Law Reports ; — The Law Reports, Ireland, now cited by the year. Ir. L. Rec. N. S Irish Law Recorder, New Series. Ir. L. T Irish Law Times, Dublin. Ir. L. T. Rep Irish Law Times Reports. Ir. L. T. W. N Irish Law Times. Weekly Notes. Ir. Law Rec Irish Law Recorder. Ir. Law Rep Irish Law Reports. Ir. Law Rep. N. S Irish Common Law Reports. Ir. Law & Ch Irish Common Law and Chancery Reports ( New Series). Ir. Law & Eq Irish Law and Equity Reports (Old Series). Ir. R. C. L Irish Reports, Common Law Series. Ir. R. 1894 Irish Law Reports for year 1S94. Ir. R. Eq Irish Reports. Equity Series. 510 Catalogue of Law Library. Ir. R. Reg. App Irish Reports, Registration Apj)eals. Ir. R. Reg. & L Irish Reports, Registry and Land Cases. Ir. St. Tr Irish State Trials (Ridgeway's). Ir. T. R Irish Term Reports (by Ridgway, Lapp & Schoales). Ired Iredell's North Carolina Law Reports. Ired. Eq Iredell's North Carolina Equity Reports. Irv Irvine's Scotch Justiciary Reports. J Scottish Jurist, Edinburgh ; — King James ; — Johnson's Xew York Reports ; Judge ; Justice. J. A Judicature Acts of England. J. Adv. Gen J'^if'ge Advocate General. J, C Johnson's Cases, New York Supreme Court. J. C. P Justice, of the Common Pleas. J. Ch. (or J. C. R.) Johnson's New York Chancery Reports. J. D'Ol Les Jugemens d'Oleron. J. H Journal of the House. J. H. Stud John Hopkins University Studies. JJ Justices. J. J. Mar J. J. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. J. K. B Justice of the King's Bench. J. Kel Sir John Kelyng's English Crown Cases. J. P .' Justice of the Peace. J. P. Sm J. P. Smith's English King's Bench Reports. J. Q. B Justice of the Queen's Bench. J. R Johnson's New York Reports. J, S. Gr J. S. Green's New Jersey Reports. J. Scott Reporter Eng. Com. Bench. J. U. B Justice of the Upper Bench. J. & H Johnson & Hemming's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. I. & La. T Jones & La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports. J. & L Jones & Latouche, Ireland. J. & S Jones and Spencer's New York Superior Court Reporfe. J. & S. Jam Judah & Swan's Jamaica Reports. I. & W Jacob & Walker's English Chancery Reports. Jac Jacobus (King James) ; — Jacob's English Chan- cery Reports ; Jacob's Law Dictionary. Jac. & Walk Jacob & Walker's English Chancery Reports. Abbreviations. 511 Jackson Jackson's Reports (43-66 Georgia). Vols. 1-29. Texas Court of Appeals. Jackson & Lumpkin . . Jackson & Lumpkin's Georgia Reports, Jahn Weekly Law Bulletin ; Ohio Nisi Prius and Cir- cuit Court Reports. James James' Nova Scotia Reports ; — King James. James (N. Sc.) James' Reports, Nova Scotia. James Sel. Cases James' Select Cases, Nova Scotia. James & Mont Jameson & Montagu's English Bankruptcy Re- ports (in 2 Glyn & Jameson). Jar. Wills Jarman on Wills. Jar. Cr. Tr Jardine's Criminal Trials. Jebb (or Jebb C. C.) . . . . Jebb Irish Crown Cases. Jebb & B Jebb & Bourke's Irish Queen's Bench Reports. jebb & S Jebb & Symes' Irish Queen's Bench Reports. Jeff Jefferson's Virginia Reports. Jeff. Man Jefferson's Manual of Parliamentary Law. Jenk. (or Jenk. Cent.) . . Jenkins' Eight Centuries of Reports, English Ex- chequer. Jenks New Hanmshire Reports, vol. 58. Jenn Jennison's Reports (14-18 Michigan). Jo Jones (see Jon. and Jones). Jo. Jur Journal of Jurisprudence. Jo. & La. T Jones & La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports. Jo. T Sir T. Jones' Reports. John, (or Johns.) Johnson's New York Reports ; — Johnson's Re- ports of Chase's Decisions ; — Johnson's Re- ports, Chancery, Maryland; — Johnson's Eng- lish Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Johns. Gas Johnson's New York Cases. Johns. Ch Johnson's New York Chancery Reports ; — John- son's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports; — Johnson's Maryland Chancery Decisions; Johnston, New Zealand. Johns. Ct. Err Johnson's Reports, New York Court of Errors. Johns. Dec Johnson's Maryland Chancery Decisions. Johns. Eng. Ch Johnson's English Chancery. Johns. H. R. V Johnson's Reports, English Chancery, 1 vol. Johns. Rep Johnson's Reports, New York Supreme Court. Johns. Tr Johnson's Impeachment Trial. Johns. U. S Johnson's Reports of Chase's U. S. Circuit Court Decisions. Johns. V. C Johnson, English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. 512 Catalogue of Lazv Library. Johns. & Hem Johnson & Hemming's English Chancery Re- ports. Johnst. (N. Z.) Johnston's Reports, New Zealand. Jon . . . : Jones (see Jones) . Jon. Exch Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports. Jon. Ir. Exch Jones' Reports, Irish Exchequer. Jon. & Car Jones & Carey's Irish Exchequer Reports. Jones 1 Sir William Jones' English King's Bench Re- ports. Jones 2 Sir Thomas Jones, English King's Bench Re- ports. Jones Jones' Reports (4-3-48, 52-57, 61, 62, Alabama) ; Jones' Reports (11, 12 Pennsylvania State) ; — Jones' Reports (22-31 Missouri) ; — Jones' Law , or Equity Reports, North Carolina; — Jones' Irish Exchequer Reports; — Jones' Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports ; — Jones & Spencer New York Superior Court ; Jones, Sir T., English ; Jones, Sir W., English. Jones, Barclay & Whit- tlesey Jones. Barclay, & Whittlesey's Reports (31 Mis- souri ) . Jones Eq Jones' North Carolina Equity Reports. Jones Ir Jones' Irish Exchequer. Jones Law Jones' Law, North Carolina. Jones N. C Jones' North Carolina Law Reports. Jones (Pa.) Jones' Reports (11, 12 Pennsylvania State). Tones T Sir Thomas Jones' English King's Bench Re- ports. Jones LI. C Jones' Reports, Upper Canada. Jones W Sir William Jones' English King's Bench Re- ports. Jones & C Jones & Cary's Irish Exchequer Reports. Jones & La. T Jones & La Touche's Irish Chancery Reports. Jones & McM (Pa.). . .Jones & McMurtie's Pennsylvania Supreme Court Reports. Jones & Spen Jones and Spencer's New York Superior Court Reports. Josephs Nevada Reports, vol. 21. Jour. Bank. L Journal of Banking Law. Jour. Jur Journal of Jurisprudence (Hall's). Jour. Jur. (Sc.) Journal of Jurisprudence and Scottish Law Mag- azine. Edinburgh. Abbreviations. 513 Jour. Law Journal of Law, Philadelphia. Jour. Pol. Econ Journal Political Economy. Jour. Ps. Med Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. Jour. Soc. Comp .Journal Society Comparative Legislation. Jour. Statis Journal Statistical Society. Jud Judgments ; — Judicial ; — Judicature ; — Book of Judgments. Jud. Chr Judicial Chronicle. Jud. Rep Judicial Repository, New York. Jud. & Sw Judah & Swan's Reports, Jamaica. Judd Hawaiian Reports, vol. 4. Judg. U. B Judgments in the Upper Bench and Common Pleas. Jur Jurist, London, 1854, [or, the Jurist or Quarterly Journal of Jurisprudence, 1827 ; — or the Jurist, Washington; — or the Jurist, New York.] .Jurist, New Series. London. .Jurist or Law and Equity Reporter, New York. . Roscoe's Jurist, London. .The Scottish Jurist, Edinburgh. .Jurist, Washington, D. C. .Juridicial Review, London. .Jurisprudence. .Jurisprudent, Boston. .Jurist (see Jur.) .Digest of Justinian, 50 books. Never translated into English. .The Justice of the Peace, London (periodical). .Justinian's Institutes, see note following Inst. 1, , 2, 31. .Juta's Cape of Good Hope Reports. Jur. N. S. Jur. N. Y. Jur. Ros . Jur. (Sc.) Jur. Wash. Jurid. Rev Juris Jurispr . . Jurist .... Just. Dig. Just Just p... Inst. Juta D C K King ; Keyes' New York Court of Appeals Re- ports ; — Kenyon's English King's Bench Re- ports. K. B King's Bench. K. B. U. C King's Bench, Upper Canada. K. C King's Council. K. C. R Reports in the time of Chancellor King. K. S King's Sergeant. K. & F. N. S. W. . . : . . .Knox & Fitzhardinge's New South Wales Re- port. 33 L L 514 Catalogue of Law Library. K. & G. R. C Keanc & Grant's English Registration Appeal Cases. K. & J Kay & Johnson's EngHsh Vice Chancellors' Re- ports. K. & O Knapp & Ombler's English Election Cases. Kam Karnes' Decisions of the Scottish Court of Ses- sion. Kam. Rem. Dec Karnes' Remarkable Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Kam. Sel. Dec Karnes' Select Decisions, Scotch Court of Ses- sion. Kan. (or Kans.) Kansas ; — Kansas Reports. Kans. App Kansas Appeal. Kans. L. Rep Kansas City Law Reporter. Kans. L. J Kansas Law Journal. Kans. St. Bar Assn .... Kansas State Bar Association. Kans. Univ. L Kansas University Lawyer. Kas Kansas. Kay Kay's English Vice-Chancellors' Reports. Kay & Johns Kay & Johnson, English. Ke Keen's English Rolls Court Reports. Keane & Gr Keane & Grant's English Registration Appeal Cases. Keb Keble's English Bench Reports. Keen Keen's English Rolls Court Reports. Keil. (or Keilw.) Keilway's English King's Bench Reports. Kel. 1 Sir John Kelynge's English Crown Cases. Kel. 2 William Kelynge's English Chancery Reports. Kel. Ga Kelly's Georgia Reports (1-3 Georgia). Kel. J Sir John Kelynge's English Chancery Reports. Kel. W Wm. Kelyng's English Chancery Reports. Kellen Massachusetts Reports, vols. 146-155. Kelly Kelly's Reports (1-3 Georgia). Kelly & Cobb Kelly & Cobb's Reports (4, 5 Georgia). Kelyng, J Kelyng's English King's Bench Reports. Kelynge, W Kelynge's Reports, English Chancery. Ken Kentucky (see Ky.) ; Kenyon, English King's Bench. Ken. Dec Kentucky Decisions, by Sneed. Ken. L. Rep Kentucky Law Reporter. Kenan Kenan's Reports (76-91 North Carolina). Kent Kentucky (see Ky) . Kent. Com Kent's Commentaries. Abbreviations. 515 Keny Kenyon's English King's Bench Reports. Keny. C. H. (or 3 Keny.) Chancery Reports at the end of 2 Kenyon. Kern Kern. vols. 100-116, Indiana ; — Kernan's Re- ports (11-14 New York Court of Appeals). Kerr Kerr's New Brunswick Reports ; — Kerr's Re- ports; Kerr, J. M., New York Civil Procedure, vols. 27-29. Kerr (N. B.) Kerr's Reports, New Brunswick. Kerse Kerse's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Key. (or Keyes) Keyes' New York Court of Appeals Reports. Keyl Keilwey's (or Keylway's) English King's Bench Reports. Kilk Kilkerran's Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. King King's Reports (5, 6 Louisiana Annual) . King. Cas. temp Select Cases temp. King, English Chancery. King's Conf. Ca King's Conflicting Cases. Kir. (or Kirb. ;or Kirby) Kirby's Connecticut Reports. Kn. (or Kn. A. C.) . . . .Knapp's Appeal Cases (English Privy Council). Kn. N. S. W Knox, New South Wales Reports. Knapp Knapp's Privy Council Reports, England. Kn. & Moo Knapp & Moore's Reports (3 Knapp's Privy Council Reports). Kn. & O Knapp & Ombler's English Election Reports. Knowles Knowles' Reports (3 Rhode Island). Knox New South Wales Reports. Knox & Fitz Knox & Fitzhardinge, New South Wales. Kolze Transvaal Reports by Kolze. Kreider Washington Reports, vols. 1-21. Kress Pennsylvania Reports, vols. 166-191, also Penn- sylvania Superior Court. Kulp Luzerne Legal Register Reports. Pennsylvania. Ky Kentucky ; — Kentucky Reports. Ky. Dec Sneed's Kentucky Decisions. Ky. L. R Kentucky Law Reporter. Ky. L. J Kentucky Law Journal. L Liber ; — Law ; — Loi ; — Limited ; — Lansing's Su- preme Court Reports, New York. 516 Catalogue of Law Library. L. A Lawyers' Reports Annotated ; used also by West Publishing Company to locate place where de- cision is from, as "L. A. 62," Los Angeles, Case No. 62 on Docket. L. C Lord Chancellor ; Lower Canada ; — Leading Cases. L. C. B Lord Chief Baron. L. C. Eq L. C G. . L. C J.. L. C. Jur L. C. L. J L. C. R. L. D. (or L. 'E.... L. H. C. L. I L.J Dec .White & Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. .Lower Courts Gazette, Toronto. . Lord Chief Justice ; — Lower Canada Jurist, Montreal. .Lower Canada Jurist. .Lower Canada Law Journal, Montreal. . Lower Canada Reports. .Land Office Decisions, United States. .Lanneeston Examiner, Tasmania. • Lord High Chancellor. .Legal Intelligencer, Philadelphia. .The Law Journal, London; — Law Journal (see Hall); Lord Justices' Court; — Law Journal (Ohio). L. J. Adm Law Journal, New Series, Admiralty. L. J. App Law Journal, New Series, Appeals. L. J. Bank Law Journal, New Series, Bankruptcy. L. J. C. C. R Law Journal, New Series, Crown Cases Re- served. L. J. C. P Law Journal, New Series, Common Pleas. L. J. Can Law Journal, Canada. L. J. Ch Law Journal, New Series, Chancery. L. J. Ch. (O. S.) Law Journal, Old Series, 1822, 183L L. J. Bk Law Journal Bankruptcy. L. J. C. P Law Journal, Common Pleas. L. J. C. P. D Law Journal, New Series, Common Pleas De- cisions. L. J. D. & M Law Journal, New Series, Divorce and Matri- monial. L. J. Ecc Law Journal, New Series, Ecclesiastical Cases. L. J. Ex. D Law Journal, New Series, Exchequer Division. L. J. Exch Law Journal, New Series, Exchequer. L. J. H. L Law Journal, New Series, House of Lords. L. JJ Lord Justices. L. J. K. B Law Journal, King's Bench. L. J. L. C Law Journal, Lower Canada. Abbreviations. ^^' L. J. L. T Law Journal, Law Tracts. L. J. M. C Law Journal, New Series, Magistrates' Cases. L. J. M. P. A Law Journal, Matrimonial, Probate and Admi- ralty. L. J. M. & W Morgan & Williams' Law Journal, London. L. J. M. C Law Journal, New Series, Divorce and Matri- monial ; Law Journal, Magistrates' Cases. L. J. N. C Law Journal, Notes of Cases. L. J. N. S The Law Journal, New Series, London. L. J. O. S The Law Journal, Old Series, London. L. J. P. (or P. C.) Law Journal, New Series, Privy Council; Law Journal, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty. L. J. P. D. & A Law Journal, New Series, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty. L. J. Prob. & Mat Law Journal, New Series, Probate and Matri- monial. L. J. P. & M Law Journal, Probate and Matrimonial. L. J. Q. B Law Journal, New Series, Queen's Bench. L. J. Q. B. D Law Journal, New Series, Queen's Bench Di- vision. L. J. Rep Law Journal Reports. L. J. Rep. N. S Law Journal Reports, New Series. L. J. Sm Smith's Law Journal, London. L. J. U. C Law Journal, Upper Canada. ■Ly L. ' Laws ; — Law Latin ; — Local Laws ; — Law Li- j brary (Philadelphia) ; Law List. LL. B Bachelor of Laws. LL. D Doctor of Laws. L. L. J Louisana Law Journal. L. L. N. S Law Library, New Series, Philadelphia. L. L. R Luzerne Legal Register, Pennsylvania. L. M. (or Mag.) Law Magazine, London. L. M. (or Mag.) &L.R.Law Magazine and Law Review, London. L. M. & P Lowndes, Maxwell & Pollock's English Bail Court Reports. L. Mag. & Rev Law Magazine and Review, London. L. N Liber Niger, or the Black Book ; Legal News, Ohio ; Law News ; Law Notes.. L. O Law Orders ; — Legal Observer, London. L. P. C Lords of the Privy Council. L. P. R Lill's Practical Register. L. Q. R Law Quarterly Review. 518 Catalogue of Law Library. L. R Law Reports ; — Law Reporter (Law Times Re- ports, N. S.) ; — Law RcAaew ; — (Irish) Law Recorder ; — Louisiana Reports. L. R. A Lawyers' Reports, Annotated. L. R. A. & E English Law Reports, Admiralty and Ecclesias- tical. L. R. App English Law Reports, Appeal Cases, House of Lords. L. R. Burm Law Reports, British Burmah. L. R. C. C English Law Reports, Crown Cases Reserved. L. R. C. P English Law Reports, Common Pleas. L. R. C. P. D English Law Reports, Common Pleas Division. L. R, Ch English Law Reports, Chancery, Appeal Cases. L. R. Ch. D English Law Reports, Chancery Division. L. 'R. E. & L App. . . English Reports, English and Irish Appeals. L. R. Eq English Law Reports, Equity. L. R. Ex English Law Reports, Exchequer. L. R. Ex. Div English Law Reports, Exchequer Division. L. R. H. L English Law Reports, House of Lords, English and Irish Appeal Cases. L. R. H. L. Sc English Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Ap- peal Cases. L. R. Ind. App English Law Reports, Indian Appeals. L. R. Ir Law Reports, Ireland. L. R. Misc. D Law Reports, Miscellaneous Division. L. R. N. S Irish Law Recorder, New Series. L. R. N. S. W Law Reports, New South Wales. L. R. P. C English J^aw Reports, Privy Council, Appeal Cases. L. R. P. Div English Law Reports, Probate, Divorce and Ad- miralty Division. L. R. P. & D English Law Reports, Probate and Divorce. L. R. P. & M Law Reports, Probate and Matrimonial. L. R. Q. B English Lav/ Reports, Queen's Bench. L. R. Q. B. Div English Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division. L. R. S. A Law Reports, South Australia. L. R. Sc. & D English Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Cases, before the House of Lords. L. R. Sess. Cas English Law Reports, Sessions Cases. L. R. Stat English Law Reports, Statutes. L, \Rec\, Law Recorder. L. Rep Law Repository ; Law Reports ; Law Reporter. L. Rev Law Review. Abbreviations. 519 L. Rev. & Quart. L. J. . Law Review and Quarterly Law Journal. L- S Locus .Sigilli — Place for a Seal. L- Sal Salic Law. L. Stu. Mag Law Students' Magazine. ^•^ Law Times Journal, London ;— Law Times, Scranton, Pa. L- ^- ^ Law Times Bankruptcy Reports (American Law Times Reports). L- T. J Law Times Journal. L. T. N. S. (or L. T. R. ■^'- S-) Law Times (New Series) Reports, London, (also American Law Times Reports). L. T. O. S Law Times, Old Series. ^- ^- ^ 'The Law Times Reports (English) ; American Law Times Reports. L. & A. Ins. Cas Life and Accident Insurance Cases. L. & B. Bull Law and Bank Bulletin. ^- ^ C Leigh & Cave's English Crown Cases Reserved. L. & C. C. C Leigh & Cave's Crown Cases. ^- ^ ^ English Law and Equity Reports. L. & E. Rep Law and Equity Reporter, New York. L. & G. t. Plunk Lloyd & Gould's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Plunkett. L. & G. ^. Sug Lloyd & Gould's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sugden. L- & M Lowndes & Maxwell's English Practice Cases. ^- ^ 'L Longfield & Townsend's Irish Exchequer Re- ports. L- <^ W Lloyd & Welsby's English Mercantile Cases. ^^ Louisiana ; — Lane's English Exchequer Reports. La- An Louisiana Annual Reports ; Lawyers' Reports, Annotated. La. L. J Louisiana Law Journal, New Orleans ; — Louis- iana Law Journal (Schmidt's), New Orleans. La. Rev. Leg Law Review Legale, Montreal, Canada. La. Rev. de Jur Law Review de Jurisprudence, Montreal, Can- ada. La. T. R Louisiana Term Reports (3-12 Martin Louisiana). La. Them. L. C La themis (Periodical), Lower Canada. Lab Labbatt's California District Court Reports. Lacey Dig Lacey's Digest Railway Decisions. Lack. Bar Lackawanna Bar. Lack. Jur Lackawanna Jurist. 520 Catalogue of Laiv Library. Lack. Leg. R Lackawanna Legal Record (Scranton, Pa.) ; — Lackavvana Law Review. Ladd Vols. 59-64 New Hampshire. Lalor Lalor's Supplement to Hill & Denio's New York Reports. Lamar Florida Reports, vols. 25-40. Lamb Wisconsin Reports, vols. 103-105. Lane. Bar The Lancaster Bar (periodical). Lan Laning, Ohio Decisions. Lane. L. Rev Lancaster Law Review. Land Com. Rep Land Commissioners Reports (Ireland). Land. Est. C Landed Estates Courts. Lane Lane's English Exchequer Reports. Lang. Ca. or L. C. Cont Langdell's Cases on the Law of Contracts. Lang. Ca. or L. C. Sales Langdell's Cases on the Law of Sales. Lang. Coi;t Langdell's Cases on Contracts. Lang. Eq. PI Langdell's Cases in Equity Pleading. Lang Sales Langdell's Cases on the Law of Sales. Lans Lansing's New York Supreme Court Reports. Lans. Ch Lansing's Chancery Decisions, New York. Lap. Dec Laperriere's Speaker's Decisions, Canada. Lat Latitat ; — Latch. Latch Latch's English King's Bench Reports. Lath Lathrop's Reports (115-145 Massachusetts). Lauder (Lauder of) Fountainhall's Scotch Sesions Cases.. Laur. H. C. Ca Lauren's High Court Cases (Kimberly). Law The Law, London (periodical) ; Lawrence (Ohio Reports). L>aw Aim Law Almanac, New York. Law Am. Jour Law Amendment Journal. Law Book N Law Book News. Law Bull Law Bulletin, San Francisco ; Law Bulletin^ Ohio ; Law Bulletin, Iowa. Law Cas. Wm. I Law Cases, William I. to Richard I. Law Cen Law Central. Law Chr Law Chronicle, London (or Edinburgh). Law Chr. & Jour. Jur. . Law Chronicle and Journal of Jurisprudence.. Lawi 'Dig.V Law Digest, London (periodical). Law Dig. Pat Law's D'gest of Patents. Law Ex. J Law Examination Journal, London. Law Int Law Intcliiofencer. Abbreviations. 521 Law Jour Law Journal (see abbreviations under L. J.). Law Jour. (M. & W.). Morgan & Williams' Law Journal, London. Law Jour. (Smith's) ... J. P. Smith's Law Journal, London. Law Jour. Adm Law Journal, Admiralty. Law Jour. Bank Law Journal. Bankruptcy. Law Jour. C. P Law Journal, Common Pleas. Law Jour. Ch Law Journal, Chancery. Law Jour. Ecc Law Journal, Ecclestiastical. Law Jour. Ex Law Journal, Exchequer. Law Lib Law Library, Philadelphia. Law Lib. (N. S.) Law Library, New Series, Philadelphia. Law Mag Law Magazine, London. Law Mag. & Rev Law Magazine and Review. Law Nv Law News, St. Louis ; — Law Notes, London ; — Law Notes, Northport, N. Y. Law Quart. Rev Law Quarterly Review, London. Law Rec Law Recorder, Dublin. Law 'Reg American Law Register, Philadelphia. iLaw Rep Law Reports ; — Law Reporter, Boston [or Lon- don ; — or Toronto ; — or Montreal; ] Lawyers'^ Reports Annotated. Law Rep. A. & E Law Reports, Admiralty and Ecclesiastical. Law Rep. App. Cas. . . Law Reports, Appeal Cases. Law Rep. C. C Law Reports, Crown Cases. Law Rep. C. P Law Reports, Common Pleas. Law Rep. C. P. D. . . Law Reports, Common Pleas Division. Law Rep. Ch Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases. Law Rep. Ch. D Law Reports Chancery Division. Law Rep. Eq Law Reports, Equity Cases. Law Rep. Ex Law Reports, Exchequer. Law Rep. Ex. D Law Reports, Exchequer Division. Law Rep. H. L Law Reports, Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases,. House of Lords. Law Rep. H. L. Sc. : . . Law Reports, House of Lords, English and Irish Appeal Cases. Law Rep. Ind. App . . . Law Reports, Indian Appeals. Law Rep. Ir Law Reports, Irish. Law Rep. Misc. D Law Reports, Miscellaneous Division. Law Rep. N. S Monthly Law Reporter, Boston. Law Rep. P. C Law Reports, Privy Council Appeal Cases. Law Rep. P. & D Law Reports, Probate and Divorce Cases. Law Rep. Q. B Law Reports, Queen's Bench. Law Rep. Q. B. D Law Reports, Queen's Bench Division. 522 Catalogue of Law Library. Law Repos Carolina Law Repository, North Carolina. Law Rev Law Review, London ; American Law Review, Boston. Law Rev. Q Law Review, Quarterly, Albany, N. Y. Law Rev. & Q. J Law Review and Quarterly Journal, London. Law St. -Help Law Students' Helper, Detroit. Law Stu. Jour Law Students' Journal. Law Stu. Mag Lav\^ Students' Magazine, London. Law Stu. Mo Law Students Monthly (Philadelphia). Law T Law Times, Lindon ; — Law Times, Scranton, Pa. Law T. Rep. N. S Law Times Reports, New Series. Law Tr Law Tracts. Law W Law Weekly, New York. Law & Eq. Rep Law and Equity Reporter, New York. Law & I\Iag. Mag Lavvyers' and Magistrates' Magazine, London. Lawrence Lawrence Reports (vol. 20 Ohio Reports). Lawrence Comp. Dec. .Lawrence's First Comptroller's Decisions. Lawrence J Lawrence Paper Book, in Lincoln's Library. Lawy. Mag Lawyers' Magazine. Ld. Ken Lord Kenyon's English King's Bench Reports. Ld. Raym Lord Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. Le Mar Le Marchant's Gardner Peerage Case. Lea Lea's Tennessee Reports ; — Leach. Leach Leach's English Crown Cases. Leach CI. Cas Leach's Club Cases, London. Lead. Cas. Am American Leading Cases, by Hare & Wallace. Lead. Cas. Eq Leading Cases in Equity, by White & Tudor. Lect Lecture. Lee Lee's English Ecclesiastical Reports ; — Lee's Re- ports (9-12 California). Lee G Sir George Lee's English Ecclesiastical Reports. Lee t. Hard Lee's Cases temp. Hardwicke, English K. B. and Ch. Leese Nebraska Reports, vol. 20. Lef. Dec Lefevre's Parliamentary Decisions, reported by Bourke. Lefroy English Railroad and Canal Cases. Leg Legis ; — Legibus. Leg. Adv Lecral Adviser, Chicago, 111. ; Legal Adviser (Denver). Leg. Bibl Legal Bibliography, by J. G. Marvin. Leg. Chron Legal Chronicle, Pottsville, Pa. Leg. Chron. Rep Legal Chronicle Reports, Pennsylvania. Abbreviations. 523 Leg. Coun Legal Counselor (Chicago). Leg. Exam Legal Examiner, London (or New York). Leg. Exam. N. S Legal Examiner, New Series, London. Leg. Exam. W. R Legal Examiner, Weekly Reporter, London. Leg. Exam. & L. C . . . . Legal Examiner and Law Chronicle, London. Leg. Exam. & Med. J. . Legal Examiner and Medical Jurist, London. Legal Exch Legal Exchange, Des Moines, Iowa, Leg. G Legal Guide, London. Leg. Gaz Legal Gazette, Philadelphia. Leg. Gaz. Rep Legal Gazette Reports. Leg. Guide Legal Guide (London). Leg. Inq Legal Inquirer, London. Leg. Int Legal Intelligencer, Philadelphia. Leg. News Legal News, Chicago ; — Legal News, Montreal. Leg. Obs Legal Observer, English ; Legal Observer, N. Y. Leg. Op Legal Opinions, Harrisburg, Pa. Leg. Rec Legal Record (Ohio). Leg. Rem Legal Remembrancer, Calcutta. Leg. Rep Legal Reporter, Dublin ; — Legal Reporter, Nash- ville, Tenn. Leg. Rev Legal Review, London. Leg. Y. B Legal Year Book, London. Leg. News The Legal News, Lower Canada. Leg. & Fi. Reg Legal and Financial Register, Leg. & Ins. Rept Legal and Insurance Reporter, Philadelphia. Legg Leggett's Reports, Sind, India. Legge Legge's Supreme Court Cases, New South Wales. Lehigh Val. L. R Lehigh Valley Law Reporter, Leigh Leigh's Virginia Reports, Leigh & C Leigh & Cave's English Crown Cases. Leo. for Leon.) Leonard's English King's Bench Reports. Leon. La. Dig Leonard's Louisiana Digest. Lest. P. L Lester's Decisions in Public Land Cases. Lester Lester's Reports (81-33 Georgia). Lester Supp. or Lest. & But Lester & Butler's Supplement to Lester's Georgia Reports. Lev Levinz's English King's Bench Reports, Lew Lewin's English Crown Cases Reserved ; Lewis (Mo.) ; Lewis (Nev.). Lew, C. C Lewin's English Crown Cases. Lew. C. L Lewis' Criminal Law. 524 Catalogue of Law Library. Lew. L. Cas Lewis' Leading Cases on Public Land Law. Lewis Missouri Appeals, Reports, vols. 29-35; Lewis' Reports (1 Nevada); Lewis' Kentucky Law Reporter. Ley Ley's English King's Bench Reports. Lib Liber (book) ; — Library. Lib. Ass Liber Assisarum (Year Books, Part V). Lib. L. & Eq Library of Law and Equity. Lib. Reg Register Books. Life and Ace. Ins. R. . . Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Reports. Lil Lilly's English Assize Reports. Lil. Abr Lilly's Abridgment or Practical Register. Lil. Reg Lilly's Practical Register. Linn. Ind Linn's Index of Pennsylvania Reports. Lit. (or Litt.) Littell's Kentucky Reports ; — Littleton's English Common Pleas Reports. Lit. (or Litt.) Sel. Ca.. Littell's Select Kentucky Cases. Lit. & Bl. Dig Littleton & Blatchley's Insurance Digest. Littell Littell's Kentucky Reports. Liv Livingston's Mayor's Court Reports, New York. Liv. Jud. Op. (or Cas.) . Livingston's Judicial Opinions, New York. Liv. L. Mag Livingston's Law Magazine, New York. Liv. L. Reg Livingston's Law Register, New York. Liz. Sc. Exch Lizar's Exchequer Cases, Scotch. LI Leges (Laws) ; — Lloyd. LI. & G. /. P Lloyd & Goold's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Plunkett. LI. & G. t. S Lloyd & Goold's Irish Chancery Reports temp. Sugden. LI. & W. (or Lloyd & W.) Lloyd & Welsby's English Mercantile Cases. Loc. cit Loco citato (in the place cited). Loc. Ct. Gaz Local Courts and Municipal Gazette, Toronto. Lock. Rev. Ca Lockwood's New York Reversed Cases. Locus Standi Locus Standi Reports, English. Lofft Lofift's English King's Bench Reports. Lofft. Max Maxims Appended to Lofft's Reports. Lom. C. H. Rep Lomas' City Hall Reporter, New York. Lom. Dig Lomax Digest Real Property. Lond. Jur London Jurist. Lond. L. Mag London Law Magazine. Long Q Long Quinto (Year Books, Part X) ; London Quarterly Review. Longf. & T./. Longfield & Townsend's Irish Ex. Reports. Abbreviations. 525 Lords Jour House of Lords Journal. Lorenz Lorenz's Ceylon Reports. Loring & Russell Massachusetts Election Cases. Lou. (or Louis.) Louisiana (see La.). Low. (or Low Die.) . . . Lowell's United States District Court Reports. Low. Can. Jur Lower Canada Jurist, Montreal. Low. Can. L. J Lower Canada Law Journal. Low. Can. R Lower Canada Reports. Low. Can. Seign Lower Canada Seignorial Reports. Low. D Ohio Decisions Lower Court. Lown. M. & P Lowndes, Maxwell, & Pollock's English Bail Court Reports. Lown. & M Lowndes & Maxwell's English Bail Court Re- ports. L. T Law Times. Luc. (or Lucas j Lucas' Reports (Modern Reports, Part X). Lud. El. Cas Luder's English Election Cases. Ludden Ludden's Reports (43, 44 Maine). Lum. P. L. Cas Lumley's Poor Law Cases. Lumpkin Vols. 59-77, Georgia. Lush, (or Lush. Adm.) . Lushington's English Admiralty Reports. Lut. (or Lutw. E.) . . . . Lutw3^che's English Common Pleas Reports. Lut. Elec. Cas Lutwyche's Election Cases, England. Lut. R. C Luz. L.J Luz. L. T. . . . Luz. Leg. Obs .... Lutwyche's English Registration Appeal Cases. .... Luzerne Law Journal. .... Luzerne Law Times. .... Luzerne Legal Observer, Carbondale, Pennsyl- vania. Luz. Leg. Reg Luzerne Legal Register, Wilkesbarre, Pennsyl- vania. Luz. Leg. Reg. Rep. . .Luzerne Legal Register Reports. Lyne (Wal.) Lyne's Irish Chancery Cases, from Wallis' Notes. M Queen Mary ; — Michaelmas Term ; — Maritime ; — Mortgage ; — Modified ; — Miles Pennsyl- vania Reports ; — Massachusetts ; — Maryland ; — Maine; — Michigan; — Minnesota; — Mississippi ; — Missouri ; — Montana ; — Mor- ison's Dictionary of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session ; — Session Cases, 3d Series, Scot- land (Macpherson, etc.). M' See Mac and Mc. M. A Missouri Appeals. 526 Catalogue of Lazv Library. M. C Magistrate Cases ; — Mayor's Court ; — Munici- pal Code. M. C. C Moody's English Crown Cases, Reserved. M. D. & D. (or DeG.). . Montagu, Deacon, & DeGex's English Bank- ruptcy Reports. M. G. & S Manning, Granger, & Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. M. L. B Monthly Law Bulletin, N. Y. M. L. J Memphis Law Journal, Tennessee; — Medico Legal Journal. M. L. Mag Monthly Law Magazine. M. L. P Medico Legal Papers. M. L. R Maryland Law Record, Baltimore ; Montreal Law Reports. M. M. R Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. M. P, C Moore's English Privy Council Cases. M. R Master of the Rolls. M. T Michgelmas Term. M. & A Montagu & Ayrton's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. M. & B Montagu & Bligh's English Bankruptcy Reports. M. & C Mylne & Craig's English Chancery Reports; — Montagu *& Chitty's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. M. & Chit. Bankr Montagu & Chitty's Bankruptcy Reports, Eng- lish. M. & G Manning & Granger's English Common Pleas Reports ; — Maddock & Geldart's English Chan- cery Reports. M. & Gel Maddock & Geldart's English Chancery Reports (6 Maddock). M. & Gord Macnaghten & Gordon's English Chancery Re- ports. M. & H Murphy & Hurlstone's English Exchequer Re- ports. M. & K Mylne & Keen's English Chancery Reports. M. & M Moody & Malkin's English Nisi Prius Reports. M. & M'A Montagu & M'Arthur's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. M, & P Moore & Payne's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Abbreviations. 527 M. & R Manning & Ryland's English King's Bench Re- ports ; — Aloody & Robinson's EngHsh Nisi Prius Reports ; — Maclean & Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. M. & R. M. C Manning & Ryland's English Magistrate Cases. M. & S Maiile & Selvvyn's English King's Bench Re- ports ; — Moore & Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. M. & W Meeson & Welsby's English Exchequer Reports. M. & Y Martin & Yerger's Tennessee Reports. Mac See Mc. Mac. & G Macnaghten & Gordon's Chancery Reports. Mac. N. Z Macassey's New Zealand Reports. Mac. Pat. Cas Macrory's Patent Cases. Mac. & Rob Maclean & Robinson's Appeal Cases, (Scotch).. (EngHsh). Mac. & Stew Macnaghten & Stewart's English Chancery Re- ports, vol. 13. MacAr. Pat. Cas MacArthur's Patent Cases. Macarth MacArthur's District of Columbia Reports. MacAr. & M MacArthur & Mackey, District of Columbia. Macas Macassey's Reports, New Zealand. Mace. Cas IMaccala's Breach of Promise Cases. Mace! Macclesfield's Reports (Modern Reports, Part X). Maccl. Tr Macclesfield's Trial (Impeachment), London, 1725. Macd. Jam Macdougall's Jamaica Reports. Macf . (or Macfar) Macfarlane's Reports, Jury Courts, Scotland. Mackey Mackey's Reports, District of Columbia. Macl McLean's United States Circuit Court Reports ; — Maclaurin's Scotch Criminal Decisions. Macl. Dec ]\Iaclaurin's Decisions, Scotch Courts. Alacl. & R Maclean & Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. Macn Macnaghten's Select Cases in Chancery temp. King; — W. H. Macnaghten's Reports, India. Macn. (Fr.) Sir Francis Alacnaghten's Bengal Reports. Macn. N. A. Beng Macnaghten's Nizamut Adawlut Reports, Bengal. Macn. S. D. A. Beng. . (W. H.) Macnaghten's Sudder Dewanny Adaw- lut Reports, Bengal. Macn. Sel. Cas Select Cases in Chancery temp. King, edited by Macnaghten. •528 Catalogue of Lazv Library. Macn. & G Macnaghten & Gordon's English Chancery Re- ports. Macph Macpherson, Lee, & Bell's (Third Series) Scotch Court of Session Cases. Macq Macqueen's Scotch Appeal Cases. Macq. H. L. Cas Macqueen's Scotch Appeal Cases (House of Lords). Macr. P. Cas Macrory's Patent Cases. ]\Iacr. & H Macrae & Hertslet's Insolvency Cases. Mad Maddock's English Chancery Reports ; — Madras ; — Maddox vols. 9-19 Montana. Mad. H. C Madras High Court Reports. Mad. Jur Madras Jurist, India. I\Iad. L. J Madras Law Journal. Mad. S. D. A. R Madras Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports. Mad. -Sel. Dec Madras Select Decrees. Mad. Ser Madras Series, (East) India Law Reports. Mad. & B Maddox & Bach, vol. 19 Montana. Mad. & Gel Maddock & Geklert's English Chancery Reports (6 Maddock). Madd Maddock's Reports, English Chancery ; Maddox, vols. 9-19 Montana. Made p Made perpetual. Madr Madras (see Mad). Mag Magistrate, London ; Magruder (Maryland). Mag. Am. Hist Magazine American History. Mag. West. Hist }vlac^azinc Western History. Mag. Cas Magistrates' Cases especially the series edited by Bittleston, Wise, & Parnell). Mag. Char Magna Carta or Charta (see Barrington; Re- vised Statutes of England, 1870, vol.. 1. p. 84 ; Coke's Second Institute, vol. 1, first 78 pages). Mag. Dig Magrath's South Carolina Digest. Mag. & M. & P. L Magistrate and Municipal and Parochial Lawyer. Mag. Rot Magus Rotulus (the great Roll of the Ex- chequer). Magruder Magruder's Reports (1, 2 Maryland). Mai Maine ; — Maine Reports. Mai. Anc. L Maine's Ancient Laws. Maine St. Bar Assn. . Maine State Bar Association. Maitland Maitland's Manuscript Scotch Session Cases. Malloy Malloy's Irish Chancery Reports. Abbreviations. ^29 Malone Editor, vols, (i, U and 10. Heiskell's Tennessee Reports. Man Manning's Reports (English Court of Revision) ; — Manitoba; — Manning's Reports (1 Michi- gan) ;— Manuscript ; — Manson English Bank- ruptcy and Company Cases. Man. Cas Manumission Cases in New Jersey, by Bloomfield. Man. El. Cas Manning's English Election Cases (Court of Re- vision). Man. Gr. & S Manning, Granger, & Scott, English Common Pleas Reports. Man. L. J Manitoba Law Journal. Man. & G Manning & Granger's English Common Pleas Reports. Man. & Ry Manning & Ryland's English King's Bench Re- ports. Man. & Ry. Mag. Cas . . Manning & Ryland's English Magistrates' Cases. Man. & S Manning & Scott (vol. 9 Common Bench). Manb. Coke Manby's Abridgment of Coke's Reports. Manitoba Armour's Queen's Bench and County Court Re- ports temp. Wood, Manitoba; Manitoba Law Reports. Mann See Man. Manning Manning's Reports (1 Michigan). Manning La Unreported Louisiana Reports. Mans Mansfield (vols. 49-52 Arkansas) ; Manson, Eng- lish. Manum. Cases Manumission Cases, New Jersey (Bloomfield's). Mar Maritime ;— March's English King's Bench Re- ports ;— Marshall's United States Circuit Court Reports; — Marshall's Kentucky Reports; — Martin's Louisiana Reports ;— Martin's North Carolina Reports ;— Marshall's Reports, Ben- gal : Maryland. Mar. Br March's Translation of Brooke's New Cases. Mar. L. C English Maritime Law Cases (Crockford). Mar. L. C. N. S English Maritime Law Cases, New Series (Aspinall). Mar. La Martin's Louisiana Reports. Mar. N. C Martin's North Carolina Reports. Mar. N. S Martin's Louisiana Reports. New Series. Mar. R English Maritime Law Reports. ^ar. Reg Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. 34 L L 530 Catalogue of Law Library. March March's Translation of Brooke's New Cases, King's Bench. March N. C March's New Cases, Enghsh King's Bench, Marine Ct. R Marine Court Reporter (McAdam's) New York. Marks & Sayre Alabama Reports, vol. 108. Marr Marriott's English Admiralty Decisions ; — Mar- rack's European Assurance Cases. Marr. Adm Marriott's Reports, English Admiralty. Mars Marsden's English Admiralty Reports. Marsh Marshall's United States Circuit Court Decisions ; — Marshall's English Common Pleas Reports; Marshall's Bengal Reports; — Marshall, Ken- tucky; — Marshall (vol. 4, Utah). Marsh. (A. K.) A. K. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. Marsh. C. P Marshall's English Common Pleas Reports. Marsh. Beng. (or Calc). Marshall's Reports, Bengal. Marsh. Ceylon Marshall's Ceylon Reports. Marsh. Dec Marshall's United States Circuit Court Decisions- (Brockenbrough) (or Marshall on the Federal Constitution). Marsh. (J. J.) J. J. Marshall's Kentucky Reports. Marsh. Op Marshall's Constitutional Opinions. Mart Martin (see Martin). Mart. Cond. La Martin's Condensed Louisiana Reports. Mart. Dec United States Decisions in Martin's North Caro- lina Reports. Mart. (La.) Martin's Louisiana Reports. Mart. (N. C.) Martin's North Carolina Reports. Mart. N. S Martin's Louisiana Reports, New Series. Mart. LT. S. C. C Martin's United States Circuit Court Reports. Mart. & Yerg Martin & Yerger's Tennessee Reports. Martin Martin's Louisiana Reports ; — Martin's North Carolina Reports; — Martin's Reports (21-30 Georgia) : — ^Martin's Reports (54-70 Indiana). Martin Index Martin's Index to Virginia Reports. Marv Marvel. Delaware. 2 vols. Mary Maryland. Mas Mason's United States Circuit Court Reports. Mass Massachusetts. Mass. Elec. Ca Massachusetts Election Cases. Mass. Hist. Soc Massachusetts Historical Society. Mass. Med. Leg. Soc. . Massachusetts Medico Legal Society. Mass. L. R Massachusetts Law Reporter, Boston. ' Abbreviations. 531 Massey v. Headf ord . . . An Irish Crim. Con. Case, 1804. Originally printed in Ireland and re-printed both in New York and Philadelphia. Mast Master's Canada Supreme Court Report, vols. 25-28. Mat Mathews ; Matrimonial. Mathews Mathews' Reports (vols. 0-9 West Virginia); Matliews. vol. 75, Virginia. Mats, (or Matson) Matson's Reports (22-24 Connecticut). Maul. & Sel Maule & Selwyn^s English King's Bench Reports. Maur. Dec Mauritius Decisions. j Max Maxim. ^'^^ Max. Dig Maxwell's Nebraska Digest. Mayn Maynard's Reports, Edward II. (Year Books, Part I). Mc See also Mac. McAll McAllister's United States Circuit Court Reports. McAr McArthur's District of Columbia Reports. Mc Ar. & M MacAruthur & Mackey, District of Columbia. McBride McBride's Reports (1 Missouri). McCah McCahon's Kansas Reports and U. S. District of Kansas. McCar McCarter's New Jersey Equity Reports; Mc- Carty (Civ. Procedure) ; N. Y. McCl McClelland's English Exchequer Reports. McCl. & Y McClelland & Younge's English Exchequer Re- ports. McCook McCook's Reports (1 Ohio State). ' McCord McCord's South Carolina Law Reports. McCord Eq. (or Ch.) . . McCord's South Carolina Equity Reports. McCorkle McCorkle's Reports (65 North Carolina). McCr. (or McCrary) . . . McCrary's United States Circuit Court Reports. McDevitt McDevitt's Land Comr. Reports (Ireland). McFar McFarlane's Reports (Scotch Jury Court). McGill McGill's Manuscript Scotch Session Cases. McGl. (or McGloin) . . . McGloin's Louisiana Reports. McL. (or McLean) McLean's United States Circuit Court Reports. McL. & R McLean & Robinson's Scotch Appeal Cases. McM. Com. Dec McMaster's Commercial Decisions. McMul McMuUan's South Carolina Law Reports. McMul. Eq McMullan's South Carolina Equity Reports. McNao-h McNaghten (see Macn.). 532 Catalogue of Law Library. McPherson McPherson, Lee, & Bell's (Third Series) Scotch Session Cases. McQ MacQueen's Scotch Appeal (House of Lords) Cases. McWillie Mississippi Reports, vols. 78-76. Md Maryland ; — Maryland Reports ; — Harris & Mc- Henry's Maryland Reports. Md. Ch Maryland Chancery Reports. Md. L. J Maryland Law Journal. Md. L. Rec Maryland Law Record, Baltimore. Md. L. Rep Maryland Law Reporter, Baltimore. Md. L. Rev Maryland Law Review. Md. St. Bar Assn .... Maryland State Bar Association. Me Maine ; — Maine Reports. " Means Means' Kansas Reports. Med.'L. J Medico Legal Journal, New York. Med. L. N Medico Legal News, New York. • Med. L. P Medico Legal Papers, New York. Medd Meddaugh's Reports (13 Michigan). Mees. & Ros Meeson & Roscoe's English Exchequer Reports. Mees. & Wels Meeson & Welsby's English Exchequer Reports. Meg Megone Company Case. Meigs Meigs' Tennessee Reports. Melv. Tr Melville's Trial (Impeachment), London. Mem. L. J Memphis Law Journal, Tennessee. Menken New York Civil Procedure, vol. 80. Menz Menzies' Reports, Cape of Good Hope. Merc. Ca Mercantile Cases. Mer. L. J Mercantile Law Journal. Merch Mag Merchants Magazine (New York). Meriv Merivale's English Chancery Reports. Met. (or Mete.) Metcalf 's Mass. Reports ; Metcalfe's Kentucky Reports ; Metcalf, Rhode Island, vol. 3. Mete. Ky Metcalfe's Kentucky Reports. Meth. Ch. Ca Report of Methodist Church Case. Mich Michigan ; Michaelmas. Mich. C. C. R Michigan Circuit Court Reporter, Marquette. Mich. L Michigan Lawyer, Detroit. Mich. L. J Michigan Law Journal, Grand Rapids. Mich. L. N Michigan Legal News, Detroit (only one number ever published). Mich. N. P Michigan Nisi Prius Reports. Mich. Pol. See Michigan Political Science Association. Abbreviations. 533 Mich. T Michaelmas Terms. Mickey Waite's Actions and Defenses, vol. 9. Mitch. Vac Michaelmas Vacation. Middx. Sit Sittings for Middlesex at Nisi Prius. Mil Miles' Pennsylvania Reports ; — Miller (see Mill.). Mil. Rep Militia Reporter, Boston. Miles Miles' District Court Reports, City and County of Philadelphia, Pa. Mill Mill's South Carolina Constitutional Reports ; — Miller's Reports (1-5 Louisiana) ; Miller's Re- ports (3-18 Maryland) ; Miller's Decisions, United States. Mill. Dec Miller's Decisions (Woolworth's Reports) United States Circuit Court. Mill. Dec Miller's Decisions United States Supreme Court. Mill. La Miller's Reports (1-5 Louisiana). Mill. Md Miller's Reports (3-18 Maryland). Miller Miller's Reports (1-5 La.) ;— Miller's Reports (3- 18 Md.). Milw Milward's Irish Ecclesiastical Reports. Min Minutes ; — Minor ; — Minor's Alabama Reports. Min. Inst Minor's Institutes Statute Law. Min. Repts Mining Reports. Minn Minnesota Reports. Minn. C. R Minnesota Court Reporter. Minn. L. J Minnesota Law Journal, Minneapolis. Minn. St. Bar Assn . . Minnestota State Bar Association. Minor Minor's Reports, Alabama ; Minor's Institutes. Miscel Miscellaneous Reports, New York. Miss Mississippi ; — Mississippi Reports ; — (Mis- souri). Miss. St. Bar Assn . . Mississippi State Bar Association. Miss. St. Ca Mississippi State Cases. Mister Vols. 17-32. Missouri. Mitch. M. R Mitchell's Maritime Register, London. MM Manuscripts. M'Mul McMullan, South Carolina. Mo Missouri ; — Missouri Reports ; Moore's English King's Bench Reports ; — Moore's English Common Pleas Reports ; — Moore's English Privy Council Reports; — Modern Reports, English ; — English King's Bench, etc., (see Mod.); — Monthly; — Moore's India App. Ca. 534 Catalogue of Law Library. Mo. App Missouri Appeals Reports. Mo. App. Rep Missouri Appellate Reporter. Mo. Bar Assn Missouri Bar Association. Mo. Bar Missouri Bar, Jeflferson City. Mo. (F.) Sir Francis Moore's English King's Bench Re- ports. Mo. I. A. k Moore's Indian Appeals. Mo. (J. B.) J. B. Moore's English Common Pleas Reports. Mo. Jur Monthly Jurist. Blooming^on, 111. Mo. L. Dig. & Rep. . . Monthly Law Digest and Reporter (Montreal). Mo. L. Mag Monthly Law Magazine, London. Mo. L. R Monthly Law Reporter. Mo. L. N Monthly Legal News. Mo. Leg. Exam Monthly Legal Examiner, New York. Mo. P. C Moore's English Privy Council Reports. Mo. W. Jur Monthly Western Jurist, Bloomington, 111. Mo. & P Moore & Payne's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Mo. & R Moody & Robinson's English Nisi Prius Re- ports. Mo. & S Moore & Scott's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Moak. Eng. Rep Moak's English Reports. Mob Mobley's Election Cases. Mod Modern Reports, English King's Bench, etc. Mod. Cas Modern Cases (6th Modern Reports). Mod. Cas. L. & Eq. . . . Modern Cases at Law and Equity (8 and 9 Mod- ern Reports). Mod. Cas. per. Far. (or t. Holt) Modern Cases temp. Holt, by Farresby (7 Mod- ern Reports). Mod. Rep The Modern Reports, English King's Bench, etc. ; — Modern Reports by Style (Style's King's Bench Reports). Mol. (or Moll.) Molloy's Irish Chancery Reports. Moly Molyneau's Reports, English Courts. Mon Montana ; — T. B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports ; — Monthly ; — B. Monroe Kentucky Reports. Mon. (B.) B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports. Mon. (T. B.) T. B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports. Mon. Law. Mag Monthly Law Magazine. Mon. T Montana Territory. Monaghan Pennsylvania Reports, 147-165. Abbreviations. 535 Monr Monroe (see Mon.). Mont Montana ; — Montana Reports ; — Montagu's Eng- lish Bankruptcy Reports ; — Montriou's Bengal Reports. Mont. Bank. Rep Montagu's Bankruptcy Reports. Mont. Cond. Rep Montreal Condensed Reports. Mont. D. & DeG Montagu, Deacon, & DeGex's English Bank- ruptcy Reports. Mont. L. N Montreal Legal News. Mont. L. R. Q. B Montreal Law Reporter, Queen's Bench. Mont. L. R. S. C Montreal Law Reporter, Superior Court. Mont. L. R Montreal Law Reporter. Mont. & Ayr Montagu & Ayrton's English Bankruptcy Re- ports. Mont. & Bl Montagu & Bligh's English Bankruptcy Reports. Mont. & C Montagu & Chitty's English Bankruptcy Reports. Mont. & MacA Montagu's & MacArthur's English Bankruptcy Reports. Mont. Co. L. R Montgomery County Law BLeporter. Mont. Ind Monthly Index to Reporters (St. Paul). ,Mon'tg Montgomery County Law Reporter, Pennsyl- vania. Month. J. L Monthly Journal of Law, Washington. Month. Jur Monthly Jurist, Illinois. Month. L. M Monthly Law Magazine, London. Mont. Cond. Rep Montreal Condensed Reports. Mont. L. N Montreal Legal News, Montreal. Mont. L. R Montreal Law Reports. Month. Law Rep Law Reporter, Boston. Month. Leg. Ex Legal Examiner, New York. Month. West. Jur Monthly Western Jurist. Montr Montriou's Reports, Bengal ; — Montriou's Sup- plement to Morton's Reports. Moo Francis Moore's English King's Bench Reports ; — J. M. Moore's English Common Pleas Re- ports ; — Moody's English Crown Cases. Moo. A Moore's Reports (1 Bosanquet & Puller, after page 470). Moo. C. C Moody's English Crown Cases Reserved. Moo. Cr. C Moody's Crown Cases, English Courts. Moo. C. P Moore's English Common Pleas Reports. Moo. G. C ..Moore: The Gorham Case, English Privy Council. 636 Catalogue of Law Library. Moo. Ind. App Moore's Reports, Privy Council, Indian Appeals. Moo. J. B Moore's English Common Pleas. Moo. K. B Moore's English King's Bench. Moo. P. C Moore's Privy Council Cases, Old and New Series. Moo. Tr Moore's Divorce Trials. Moo. & Mai Moody & Malkin's English Nisi Prius Reports. Moo. & Pay Moore & Payne's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Moo. & Rob Moody & Robinson's English Nisi Prius Reports, Moo. & Sc Moore & Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Mood, (or Moody). ... Moody's English Crown Cases Reserved. Mood. & Malk Moodys & Malkin's English Nisi Prius Reports. Mood. & Rob Moody & Robinson, English, Moon Indiana Reports, vol. 133-144 ; also Indiana Ap- pellate Court, vols. 6-14. Moore Moore's English King's Bench Reports; — Moore's English Common Pleas Reports; — Moore's English Privy Council Reports; — Moore's Reports (28-.'U Arkansas). — Moore, vol. 67, Alabama. Moore's Reports (22-24 Texas). Moore (A.) Moore's Reports in 1 Bosanquet & Puller, after page 470. Moore C. P Moore's English Common Pleas. Moore E. I Moore's East Indian Appeals. Moore G. C Moore's Gorham Case (English Privy Council). Moore J. B Moore, English King's Bench. Moore K. B Sir F. Moore's English King's Bench Reports. Moore P. C Moore's Privy Council Reports. Moore P. C. N. S Moore's Privy Council Reports, England, New- Series. Moore & P Moore & Payne's English Common Pleas Re- ports. Moore & S Moore & Scott's English Common Pleas Reports. Moore & Walker Moore & Walker's Reports (22-24 Texas). Mor Morison's Dictionary of Decisions in the Court of Session, Scotland; — Morris (see Morr.), Mor. Die Morison's Dictionary of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Mor. la Morris' Iowa Reports. Mor. Min. Rep Morrison's Mining Reports. Abbreviations. 537 Mor. St. Cas Morris' Mississippi State Cases. Mor' Supp Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary, Scotch Court of Session. Mor. Syn Morrison's Synopsis, Scotch Session Cases. Mor' Tran Morrison's Transcript of United States Supreme Court Decisions. Morg. & W. L. J Morgan & WilHams' Law Journal, London. Mori. Dig Morley's East Indian Digest. Morr Morris' Reports, Iowa;— see also Morris, and Mor. ; Morrow, vols. 23-86, Oregon Reports ; Morrell, English Bankruptcy Reports. Morr. Dict.(orM. Diet.) Morrison's Dictionary of Decisions, Scotch Court of Session. Morr. Jam Morris' Jamaica Reports. Morr. M. R Morrison's Mining Reports, Chicago. Morr. St. Cas Morris' State Cases, Mississippi. Morr. Supp Supplement to Morrison's Dictionary, Scotch Court of Session. Morr. Trans Morrison's Transcript, United States Supreme Court. Morris Morris' Iowa Reports ;— Morris' Reports (5 Cali- fornia) ;— Morris' Reports (43-48 Missis- sippi ^ ;_Morris' Jamaica Reports ;— Morris' Bombay Reports ;— Morrissett, vols. 80 and 98, Alabama. Morris & Har Morris & Harrington's S. D. A. Reports, Bom- bay. Morr. Die Morrison's Dictionary, Scotch Decisions and Sup- plement. Morr. Trans Morrison's Transcript U. S. Decisions.. Morse Tr Morse's Famous Trials. Morton Morton's Reports, Bengal. Mos Moseley's English Chancery Reports. Moult. Ch. P Moulton's Chancery Practice, New York. Ms. or Mss Manuscript. Mu. Corp. Ca Withrow's Corporations, vol. 2. Mum. Jam Mumford's Jamaica Reports. Mumf Mumford's Jamaica Reports. Mun Municipal ;— Munford's Virginia Reports. Munic. Af Municipal Affairs (New York). Munic. Code Municipal Code (New York). Munf Munford's Virginia Reports. 538 Catalogue of Law Library. Mur Murphy's North Carolina Reports ; — Murray's Jury Court Reports (Scotland) ; — Murray's Ceylon Reports ; — Murray's New South Wales Reports. Mur. U. S. Ct Murray's Proceedings in the United States Courts. Mur. & Hurl Murphy & Hurlstone's English Exchequer Re- ports. Murph Murphy's North Carolina Reports, Murr Murray's Scotch Jury Trials ; — Murray's Cey- lon Reports ; — Murray's New South Wales Reports. Murray Murray's Scotch Jury Court Reports. Murray (Ceylon) Murray's Ceylon Reports. Mutukisna Mutukisna's Ceylon Reports. Myd: Maryland. Myers Dig Myer's Texas Digest. Myers Fed. Dec Myer's Federal Decisions. Myl. & Cr Mylne & Craig's English Chancery Reports. Myl. & K Mylne & Keen's English Chancery Reports. Myr Myrick's California Probate Court Reports. N Note ; — Novellae ; — Nebraska ; — Nevada ; — New. N. A Non allocatur. 'N. 'A. Rev North American Review. N. B Nulla bona ; — nota bene ; — New Brunswick ; Na- tura Brevium. N. B. R National Bankruptcy Register, New York ; — New Brunswick Reports. N. B. Rep New Brunswick Reports. N. Benl New Benloe, English King's Bench Reports. N. Bruns New Brunswick. N. B. Eq. Ca New Burnswick Equity Cases. N. B. Eq. Rep New Brunswick Equity Reports. N. B. N. R National Bankruptcy News and Reports. N. C North Carolina Reports ; — Notes of Cases (Eng- lish Ecclesiastical and Maritime). New Cases (Bingham's New Cases). N. C. C New Chancery Cases (Younge & CoUyer). N. C. Conf North Carolina Conference Reports. Abbreviations. 539 N. C. Ecc Notes of Cases in the Ecclesiastical and Maritime Courts. N. C. L. Rep North Carolina Law Repository. N. C. Str Notes of Cases, by Strange, Madras. N. C. T. Rep North Carolina Term Reports. N. Car North Carolina. N. Chip X. Chipman's Vermont Reports. N. D No date ; North Dakota. N. E New England ; — New edition ; — North Eastern Reporter. N. E. I Non est inventus. N. E. Mag New England Magazine and Bay State Monthly. N. B. V. Ad New Brunswick Vice Admiralty Rep^orts. N. E. R Northeastern Reporter ; New England Reporter. N. F Newfoundland ; — Newfoundland Reports. N. H New Hampshire ; — New Hampshire Reports. N. H. R New Hampshire Reports. N. H. & C English Railway and Canal Cases, by Nichol, Hare. Carrow, etc. N. J New Jersey ; — New Jersey Reports. N. J. Eq. (or Ch.) New Jersey Equity Reports. N. J. Law New Jersey Law Reports. N. J. L. J New Jersey Law Journal. N. L Nelson's Lutwyche, English Common Pleas Re- ports. N. L. L New Library of Law and Equity, English. N. M New Mexico ; — New Mexico Reports. N. M. St. Bar Assn . . New Mexico State Bar Association. N. Mag. Ca New Magistrates' Cases. N. of Cas Notes of Cases, English Ecclesiastical and Mari- time Courts ; — Notes of Cases at Madras (by Strange). N. of Cas. Madras. . . . Notes of Cases at Madras. N. P Xisi Prius ; Notary Public ; Ohio Nisi Prius Re- ports. N. P. C Nisi Prius Cases. N. P. R Nisi Prius Reports. N. R New Reports (English) ; — Bosanquet & Puller's New Reports ; — Not Reported. N. R. B. P New Reports of Bosanquet & Puller. N. S New Series ; — Nova Scotia. N. S. Dec Nova Scotia Decisions. N. S. L. R Nova Scotia Law Reports. 540 Catalogue of Law Library. N. S. W New South Wales Reports. Old and New- Series. N. S. W. L. R New South Wales Law Reports. N. S. W. Eq. Rep New South Wales Equity Reports. N. Sc. Dec Nova Scotia Decisions. N. W. Law Rev Northwestern Law Review, Chicago. N. W. R Northwestern Reporter. N. W. P Northvv^est Provinces, India. N. W. P. H. C Northwest Provinces, High Court Reports, India. N. W. Rep Northwestern Reporter, St. Paul, Minn ; North- western Reports, Victoria. N. W. Rep. 111. Supp. . . Illinois Supplement to Northwestern Reporter. Ind. Supp. . Indiana Supplement. N. Y New York ; — New York Court of Appeals Re- ports. N. Y. Ann. Ca New York Annotated Cases. N. Y. App. Dec New^ York Court of Appeals Decisions. N. Y. Cas. Erf New York Cases in Error (Caines' Cases). N. Y. Ch. Sent New York Chancery Sentinel. N. Y. City Bar .... New York City Bar Association. N. Y. City H. Rec New York City Hall Recorder. N. Y. Civ. Pr. Rep .... New York Civil Procedure Reports. N. Y. Code Report. . . . New York Code Reporter. N. Y. Code Rep. N. S. . New York Code Reports, New Series. N. Y. Cond New York Condensed Reports. N. Y. Cr. Rep New York Criminal Reports, N. Y. Ct. App New York Court of Appeals. N. Y. El. Cas New York Contested Election Cases. N. Y. Jud. Rep New York Judicial Repository (Bacon's). N. Y. Jur New York Jurist. N. Y. Law Bull New York Law Bulletin. N. Y. Law Gaz New York Law Gazette. N. Y. Law Jour New York Law Journal, New York. N. Y. Law Rev New York Law Review. Ithaca. N. Y. Leg. N New York Legal News. N. Y. Leg. Obs New York Legal Observer (Owen's). N. Y. Leg. Reg New York Legal Register. N. Y. Mo. Law Bui New York Monthly Law Bulletin. N. Y. Mo. L. R New York Monthly Law Reports. N. Y. Mun. Gaz New York Municipal Gazette. N. Y. Op. Att.-Gen . . . Sickel's Opinions of the Attorney-General of New York. N. Y. P. R New York Practice Reports. 541 Abbreviations. N Y. Rec New York Record. N Y Reg" ' New York Daily Register. xr' V Ren • • • • New York Court of Appeals Reports. N Y. S '.'.'.'.'.'.'• New York Supplement ; New York State ; New York State Reporter. N Y. Reptr New York Reporter (Gardenier's) . N Y Spec. Term R. . . Howard's Practice Reports. N Y St Bar Assn. .New York State Bar Association. N. Y. Super. Ct New York Superior Court Reports. N Y Supp New York Supplement. j^' Y Supr New York Supreme Court Reports. j^' Y^ T. R New York Term Reports (Caines' Reports). N Y Them ; New York Themis. n' y' Trans New York Transcript, New York City N.Y.' Trans. N. S New York Transcript, New Series, New York City. ;f^ 2 New Zealand. jsj z Jur New Zealand Jurist. N Z Tur N S New Zealand Jurist, New Series. n' Z Rep ... New Zealand Reports, Court of Appeals. N. & H. or Hop Nott & Huntington's Reports, U. S. Court of Claims Reports. N. & M Neville & Manning's English King's Bench Re- ports. , N & M Mag Neville & Manning's English Magistrates Cases. n' it Mc ... Nott & McCord's South Carolina Reports. N & P . . Neville & Perry's English King's Bench Reports. n' & P 'Mag Neville & Perry's English Magistrates' Cases. 2, Utah. So. Aus. L. R South Australian Law Reports. So. Car South Carolina ; — South Carolina Reports. So. Car. Const South Carolina Constitutional Reports (by Tread- way, by Mill, or by Harper). So. Car. L. J South Carolina Law Journal, Columbia. So. East Rep Southeastern Reporter. So. L. J Southern Law Journal and Reporter, Nashville, Tenn. So L.. R Southern Law Review. Nashville. Tenn. So. L. R. N. S Southern Law Review, New Series, St. Louis, Mo. So. N. H. Bar Southern New Hampshire Bar Association. So. Rep Southern Reporter. So. West L. J Southwestern Law Journal. Nashville, Tenn. So. East Rep Southeastern Reporter. So. West. Rep Southwestern Reporter. Soc. Econ Social Economist. Sol. J Solicitors' Journal. London. 570 Catalogue of Law Library. Sol. J. & R Solicitors' Law Journal and Reporter, London. South Aus. L. R South Australian Law Reports. South Car South Carolina. South. Law J Southern Law Journal, Tuscaloosa. South. Law J. & Rep. . . Southern Law Journal and Reporter, Nashville. South. Law Rev Southern Law Review, St. Louis. South. Law T Southern Law Times. Southard Southard's New Jersey Reports. Southw. L. J Southwestern Law Journal and Reporter. Sp Spink's English Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports ; — Spear's South Carolina Law Re- ports. Sp. A Special Appeal. Sp. Eq. (or Ch.) Spear's South Carolina Equity Reports. Sp. Pr. Cas Spink's Prize Cases. Sp. T. Special Term. Sp. & Sel. Cas Special and Selected Law Cases. Sparks Sparks' Reports, British Burmah. Spaulding Spaulding's Reports (71-80 Maine). Spear (or Speer) Spear's (or Speer's) South Carolina Law Re- ports. Spear (or Speer) Eq. . .Spear's (or Speer's) South Carolina Equity Re- ports. Speer See Spear. Spel. Rep Spelman's Reports, Manuscript English King's Bench. Spencer Spencer's New Jersey Reports ; — Spencer's Re^ ports (10-20 Minnesota). Spinks Spinks' English Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports. Spinks P. C Spink's English Prize Cases. Spooner Spooner's Reports (12-15 Wisconsin). Spottis Sir R. Spottiswoode's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Spottis. C. L. & Eq. Rep Common Law and Equity Reports, published by Spottiswoode. Spr. (or Sprag^e) Sprague's United States District Court (Admi- ralty) Decisions. S S Scire. Scilicet. To-wit ; namely ; to be aware of ; to know. St State ; — Story's United States Circuit Court Reports (see Sto.) ; — Stair's Scotch Court of Session Reports; — Stuart (Milne & Peddie) Scotch Session Cases ; — Statutes. Abbreviations. ^71 St. Cas Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases, English. St. Ch. Cas Star Chamber Cases. St. Clem St. Clement's Church Case, Philadelphia. St. Eccl. Cas Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases. St. Mark St. Mark's Church Case Philadelphia. St. M & P Stuart, Milne & Peddie, Scotch. St. P State Papers. St. Rep State Reports ;— State Reporter. Sm. Eq Smith's (J. W.) Manual of Equity ;— Smith's Principles of Equity. St. Tr The State Trials (English). Stafford Vermont Reports vols. 69-71. Stair Stair's Reports, Scotch Court of Session. Stanton Stanton's Reports (11-13 Ohio) . Star Starkie's English Nisi Prius Reports. Star Ch. Ca Star Chamber Cases. Stark, N. P Starkie's English Nisi Prius Reports. Stat. An Statistical Annals. Stat, at L United States Statutes at Large. State Tr State Trials, English. Stevens & G Stevens & Graham. Vols. 80-111. Georgia Re- ports. Stew Stewart's Alabama Reports ; — Stewart's N. J. Equity Reports ;— Stewart, R. W., South Da- kota, vols. 1-10. Stew. Adm. (or V. A).. Stewart's Vice-Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Stew. Eq Stewart's Reports (28-45 New Jersey Equity). Stew. (N. J.) Stewart's New Jersey Equity Reports. Stew. N. Sc Stewart's Admiralty Reports, Nova Scotia. Stew. & P Stewart & Porter's Alabama Reports. Stiles Stiles' Reports (22-29 Iowa). Still. Eccl. Cas Stillingfleet's Ecclesiastical Cases. Stiness Rhode Island Reports, vols. 20-21. Sto. (or Sto. C. C.) Story's United States Circuit Court Reports. Stock Stockton's New Jersey Equity Reports; Stock- ton New Brunswick, same as Berton's Re- ports. Stockett Stockett's Reports (27-79 Maryland). Stockt. Ch Stockton's New Jersey Chancery Reports. Story Story's U. S. Circuit Court Reports ; — see also Sto. Str Strange English King's Bench Reports. 572 Catalogue of Law Library. Str. Cas. Ev. (or Star. 8vo.) Strange Cases of Evidence ("Octavo Strange"). Str. N. C Sir T. Strange's Notes of Cases, Madras. Stra Strange. Strahan Oregon Reports, vol. 19. Stran Strange. Strange, Madras Strange's Notes of Cases, Madras. Stratton . Oregon Reports, vols. 12-14. Stringfellow Stringfellow's Reports (9-11 Missouri). Strob Strobhart's South Carolina Law Reports. Strob. Eq. (or Ch.) . . . Strobhart's South Carolina Equity Reports. Struve Washington Ter. Rep., vol. 3, Stu. Adm. (or O. A.). . Stuart's Vice-Admiralty Reports Lower Canada. Stu. Ap Stuart's Appeal Cases (Lower Canada King's Bench Reports). Stu. K.-B. (or L. C). . . Stuart's Lower Canada Reports. Stu. Mil. & Fed Stuart, Milne & Peddie's Scotch Court of Ses- sion Reports. Stuart Stuart's Lower Canada Reports ; — Stuart's Vice- Admiralty Reports ; Stuart, Milne & Peddie's Scotch Session Cases. Stuart L. C. K. B Stuart's Lower Canada King's Bench Reports. Stuart L. C. Va Stuart's Lower Canada Vice-Admiralty Reports. Stud. Hist Studies in History, Economics and Public Law. Sty Style's English King's Bench Reports. Sty. Pr. Reg Style's Practical Register. Sud. Dew. Ad Sudder Dewanny Adawlut, Reports, India. Sud. Dew. Rep Sudder Dewanny's Reports, N. W. Provinces, India. Sum Sumner's L^nited States Circuit Court Reports. Summ. Dec Summary Decisions, Bengal. Summerfield, S Nevada Reports, vol. 21. Sumn Sumner's United States Circuit Court Reports. Sumn. Ves. (or Sum. Ves.) Sumner's Edition of Vesey's Reports. Sup Superior ; — Supreme ; — Superseded ; — Supple- ment. Sup. Ct. Reptr Supreme Court Reporter of Decisions of U. S. Supreme Court. Super Superior. Supp Ves. Jun Supplement to Vesey, Jr.'s Reports. Supr Supreme ; Superior Court Reports. Surr Surrogate ; — The Surrogate (periodical). Abbreviations. 573 Susq. L. C Susquehanna Leading Chronicle. gujl-i Sutherland's Reports. Suth. Bengal Sutherland's High Court Reports, Bengal. Suth. F. B. R Sutherland's Full Bench Rulings, Bengal. Suth. P. C. J. (or A.) . . Sutherland's Privy Council Judgments or Ap- peals. Suth. W. R Sutherland's W^^ekly Reporter, Calcutta. S^ Swanston's English Chancery Reports ;— Swa- bey's English Admiralty Reports ;— Sweeney's New York Superior Court Reports ;— Swan's Tennessee Reports ;—Swinton's Scotch Jus- ticiary Cases ; — Swan ; — Sweet : — Swift. Sw .(or Swab.) & Tr...Swabey & Tristram's English Probate and Di- vorce Reports. Swab, (or Swab. & Admr.) Swabey's English Admiralty Reports. S^an Swan's Tennessee Reports ;— Swanston's English Chancery Reports. Swan. Ch Swanston's English Chancery Reports. Swan Tr Swan's Treatise, Ohio. Swan 41 Swan's Revised Statutes of Ohio, 1841. Swan 54 Swan's Revised Statutes of Ohio, 1854. Swans, (or Swanst.) . . . Swanston's English Chancery Reports. Sween Sweeney's New York Superior Court Reports. Sweet M. Sett. Cas Sweet's Marriage Settlement Cases. Swin Swinton's Scotch Judiciary Reports. Swin. Jus. Cas Swinton's Justiciary Cases, Scotland. Swin. Reg. App Swinton's Scotch Registration Appeal Cases. Swint Swinton. Syme Svme's Scotch Judiciary Reports. Syn. Ser Synopsis Series of the United States Treasury Decisions. T Tempore (in the time of) -.—Territory ;— Title ; — Trinity Term. T. B. Mon T. B. Monroe's Kentucky Reports. T. B. & M Tracewell. Bowers & Mitchell, U. S. Comptrol- ler's Decisions, 1898, vol. 4. T. Jones (or 2 Jones) . .T. Jones' English King's Bench Reports. X. L. N . • Toledo Legal News (The fore part of vol. 1, Ohio Legal News). T. L. R Times Law Reports. 'p j^ Term Reports Durnford & East) ;— Teste Rege ; Dayton Term Reports. 574 Catalogue of Law Library. T. R. N. S Term Reports, New Series (East Reports). T. R. (N. Y.) Caine's (Term) Reports, New York. T. R. E. (or T. E. R.) . . Tempore Regis Edwardi. T. Raym Sir T. Raymond's English King's Bench Reports. T. T Trinity Term. T. T. R Tarl Town Reports, New South Wales. T. U. P. Charlt T. U. P. Charlton's Reports, Georgia. T. & C Thompson & Cook's New York Supreme Court Reports. T. & G Tyrwhitt & Granger's English Exchequer Re- ports. T. & M Temple & Mew's Crown Cases, English. T. & P Turner & Phillip's Reports, English Chancery. T. & R Turner & Russell's English Chancery Reports. Tait Tait's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Session Cases. Tal. (or Talb.) Cases tempore Talbot, English Chancery. Tarn Tamlyn's English Rolls Court Reports. Tan Taney's United States Circuit Court Reports. Tanner Tanner's Reports (8-14 Indiana); — Tanner, Utah Reports, 13-17. Tap Tappan's Ohio Reports. Tarl. Term R Tarleton's Term Reports. New South Wales. Taun. (or Taunt.) Taunton's English Common Pleas Reports. Tax Law Rep Tax Law Reporter. Tay Taylor (See Taylor). Tay. (J. L.) J. L. Taylor's North Carolina Reports. Tay. N. C Taylor's North Carolina Reports. Tay. U. C Taylor's Upper Canada Reports. Tay. & B Taylor & Bell's Bengal Reports. Taylor Taylor's North Carolina Reports ; — Taylor's Up- per Canada Reports ; — Taylor's Bengal Re- ports. Taylor U. C Taylor's King's Bench Reports, Upper Canada (now Ontario). Tel Telegram, London. Temp Tempore (in the time of). Temp. Geo. II Cases in Chancery tempore George II. Temp. & M Temple & Mew's English Crown Cases. Tenn Tennessee ; — Tennessee Reports (Overton's). Tenn. Cas Thompson's Unreported Cases, Tennessee; — Shannon's Cases, Tennessee. Tenn. Ch Cooper's Tennessee Chancery Reports. Abbreviations. 575 Tenn. Leg. Rep Tennessee Legal Reporter, Nashville. Ter Territory. Term Term Reports. King's Bench (Durnford & East's Reports). Term N. C Term Reports, North Carolina, by Taylor. Terr Territory ; — Terrell, vols. 38-71 Texas Reports. Terr. & Walk Terrell & Walker's Reports (38-51 Texas). Tex Texas ; — Texas Reports. Tex. App Texas Court of Appeals Reports (Criminal Cases) ; — Texas Appeals Civil Cases. Tex. Bar Assn Texas Bar Association. Tex. Civ. Rep Texas Civil Reports. Tex. Crim. Rep Texas Criminal Reports. Tex. Ct. Rep Texas Court Reporter. Tex. L. J Texas Law Journal, Tyler, Texas. Tex. L. Rep Texas Law Reporter. Tex. L. Rev Texas Law Review. Tex. Supp Supplement to 25 Texas Reports. Th Thomas (see Thom.) — Thomson (see Thorn.) ; Thompson (see Thomp.). Th. C. C Thatcher's Criminal Cases, Massachusetts. Th. C. Const. Law . . . Thomas' Leading Cases in Constitutional Law. Th. & C Thompson & Cooke's New York Supreme Court Reports. Thac. Cr. Cas Thatcher's Massachusetts Criminal Cases. Thayer Oregon Reports, vol. 18. Them LaThemis, Montreal, Quebec ; — The American Themis, N. Y. The Rep The Reporter; — The Reports. (Coke's Reports). Tho Thomas (see Thom. ; — Thomson (see Thom) ; — Thompson (see Thomp.). Thom Thomson's Reports, Nova Scotia ; — Thomas Wy- oming Reports vol. 1. Thom. Const. L. (or L. C.) Thomas' Leading Cases on Constitutional Law. Thom. Dec 1 Thomson. Nova Scotia Reports. Thom. Rep 2 Thompson. Nova Scotia Reports. Thom. Sel. Dec Thomson's Select Decisions. Nova^^tia. Thom. & Fr Thomas & Franklin's Reports fl Maryland Chancery). Thomas Thomas' Reports, Wyoming Territory. Thomp. Cal Thompson's Reports (39. 40 California). Thomp. Cit Thompson's Citations, Ohio ; Indiana. 576 Catalogue of Law Library. Thomp. N. B. Cas Thompson's National Bank Cases. Thomp. Tenn. Cas Thompson's "Unreported Tennessee" Cases. Thomp. & C Thompson & Cooke's N. Y. Supreme Court Re- ports. Thompson California Reports, vols. 39, 40; Thompson's No- va Scotia Reports. Thor Thorington, Alabama Reports, vol. 107. Thorn Thornton's Notes of Cases, Ecclesiastical and Maritime. Thorpe Louisiana Reports, vol. 52. Thos Thomas (see Thom.). Tich. Tr Report of the Tichborn Trial, London. Tidd. Pr Tidd's Practice. Tiflfany (or Tiff) Tiffany's Reports (28-39 New York Court of Appeals). Tillman Vols. 68, 69, 71, 73, 75, Alabama. Till. 8f Yates App Tillinghast & Yates on Appeals. Times L. R Times Law Report. Tinw Tinwald's Reports, Scotch Court of Sessions. Tit Title ;— Tithe. To. Jo Sir Thomas Jones' English King's Bench Re- ports. Tobey Tobey's Reports (9-10 Rhode Island) . Toml. (Cas) Tomlin's Election Evidence Cases. Toml. Supp. Br Tomlin's Supplement to Brown's Parliamentary Cases. Tot. (or Toth.) Tothill's English Chancery Reports. Touch Sheppard's Touchstone. Town. St. Tr Townsend's Modern State Trials. Town Townsend (see Town) . Tr Trial ; — Treatise ; — Transcript ; — Translated ; — Translation ; — Translator. Tr. App New York Transcript Appeals. Tr. Ch Transactions of the High Court of Chancery. (Tothill's Reports). Trace & M Tracewell and Mitchell. U. S. Comptroller's De- cisions. Trans. App Transcript Appeals, New York. Tread Treadway's South Carolina Constitutional Re- ports. Tred Tredgold's Reports, Cape Colony. Tri. Bish Trial of the Seven Bishops. Tri. E. of Cov Trial of the Earl of Coventry. Abbreviations. 577 Tri. per P Trial per pais. Trin Trinity Term. Tripp Vols. 5-6, Dakota. Tristram Tristram's Supplement to 4 Swabey & Tristram. Tru. Railw. Rep Truman's American Railway Reports. True Trueman's New Brunswick Reports and Equity Cases. Tuck Tucker's New York Surrogate Reports ; — Tuck- er's Select Cases, Newfoundland; — Tucker, vols. 156-175 Mass. Reports; — Tucker, Dis- trict, Columbia Appeal Reports. Tuck. Sel. Cas Tucker's Select Cases, Newfoundland. Tuck. Surr Tucker's Surrogate Reports, City of New York. Tud. Cas. Merc. Law. . . Tudor's Leading Cases on Mercantile Law. Tud. Cas. R. P Tudor's Leading Cases on Real Property. Tupper Tupper's Reports, Ontario Appeals ; — Tupper's Upper Canada Practice Reports. Tur. (or Turn .& Rus.) . Turner & Russell's English Chancery Reports. Turn Turner, Kentucky Reports vol. 99-101 ; Turner Reports, (35-48 Arkansas). Turn. & Ph Turner & Phillips' Reports, English Chancery. Turn. & Russ Turner & Russell, English. Tuttle Tuttle's Reports (23-32 and 41-52 California). Tuttle & Carpenter Tuttle & Carpenter's Reports (52 California). Ty Territory ; — Tyler. Tyl. (or Tyler) Tyler's Vermont Reports. Tyng Tyng's Reports (2-17 Massachusetts) . Tyr. (or Tyrw) Tyrwhitt & Granger's English Exchequer Re- ports. Tyr. & Gr Tyrwhitt & Granger's English Exchequer Re- ports. U Utah ; — Utah Reports. U. B Upper Bench. U. B. Pr Upper Bench Precedents temp. Car, L U. C Upper Canada. U. C. App Upper Canada Appeals. U. C. C. P Upper Canada Common Pleas Reports. U. C. Ch Upper Canada Chancery Reports. U. C. Cham Upper Canada Chamber Reports. U. C. E. & A Upper Canada Error and Appeal Reports. U. C. Jur Upper Canada Jurist. U. C. K. B Upper Canada King's Bench Reports, Old Series. *37 I.L 578 Catalogue of Law Library. U. C. L. J Upper Canada Law Journal, Toronto. U. C. L. J. O. S Upper Canada Law Journal, Old Series. U. C. O. S Upper Canada King's Bench Reports, Old Series. U. C. Pr. (or P. R.) .... Upper Canada Practice Reports. U. C. Q. B Upper Canada Queen's Bench Reports. U. C. Q. B. O. S Upper Canada Queen's (King's) Bench Reports, Old Series. U. C. Rep Upper Canada Reports. U. K United Kingdom. U. S United States ; — United States Reports. U. S. App United States Appeal Reports. U. S. C. C United States Circuit Court ;— United States Court of Claims. U. S. Ct. CI Reports of the United States Court of Claims. U. S. C. S United States Civil Service Commission. U. S. .D. C United States District Court; United States Dis- trict of Columbia. U. S. Dig United States Digest. U S. Jur United States Jurist, Washington, D. C. U. S. Law Int United States Law Intelligencer and Review, Providence and Philadelphia. U. S. Law Jour United States Law Journal, New Haven and New York. U. S. Law Mag United States Law Magazine, New York. U. S. Reg United States Register, Philadelphia. U. S. R. S United States Revised Statutes. U. S. St. at L. . . , . . United States Statutes at Large. U. S. S. C United States Supreme Court. U. S. S. C. Rep United States Supreme Court Reports. U. S. St. Tr United States State Trials (Wharton's). Ulm. L. Rec Ulman's Law Record, New York. Univ. L. R University Law Review, New York. Up. Ben. Pre Upper Bench Precedents, temp. Car. I. Up. Can Upper Canada (see U. C.) . Utah Utah Reports. Utah Bar Assn Utah Bar Association. V Versus (against) ; — Vesey (see Ves.) ; — Ver- mont ; — Voce ; — Victoria ; — Victorian. V. A Vice-Admiralty. V. C Vice-Chancellor ; — Vice Chancellor's Court. V. C. C Vice-Chancellor's Court. V. D Various Dates. Abbreviations. 579 "^^ L. R .Victorian Law Reports, Australia. For Victor- ian see Vict. V. N Van Ness' Prize Cases. V. R Vermont Reports. V- ^ B Vesey & Beams' English Chancery Reports. ^- ^ S Vernon & Scriven's Irish King's Bench Reports. ^^ Virginia ;— Virginia Reports ;— Gilmer's Virginia Reports. Va. Bar Assn Virginia State Bar Association. ^^' C^s Virginia Cases (by Brockenbrough & Holmes). Va. Ch. Dec Chancery Decisions, Virginia. ^^- L. J Virginia Law Journal, Richmond. V^- L. R Virginia Law Register. ^^- ^ Virginia Reports ;— Gilmer's Virginia Reports. Vanderstr Vanderstraaten's Ceylon Reports. ^^"- I^ Van Koughnet's Reports (15-21 Upper Canada C. P.). Van. L Vander Linden's Practice, Cape Colony. Van N Van Ness' Prize Cases. Vatt Vattell's Law of Nations. Vaug. (or Vaugh.) .... Vaughn's English Common Pleas Reports. Vaux Vaux's Recorder's Decisions, Philadelphia. Ve. (or Vea.) Vesey (see Ves). Ve. (or Vea.) & B Vesey & Beames' English Chancery Reports. Veazey Veazey's Reports (.36-46 Vermont). Vent Ventris' English Common Pleas Reports. Ver. (or Verm.) Vermont Reports. Vern Vernon's English Chancery Reports. Vern. & Scr Vernon & Scriven's Irish King's Bench Reports. Ves Vesey, English Chancery Reports. Ves. ]r Vesey, Junior's English Chancery Reports. Ves. Jun. Supp Supplement to Vesey, Jr's Reports, by Hoven- den. Ves. Sen Vesey, Senior's Chancery Reports. Ves. & Bea Vesey & Beames' English Chancery Reports. Vez Vezey's ( Vesey 's) English Chancery Reports (see Ves.). Vict. L. R Victorian Law Reports, Australia. Vict. L. T Victorian Law Times, Melbourne. Vict. Rep Victorian Reports. Vict. Rev Victorian Review. Vict. St. Tr Victorian State Trials. Vilas New York Criminal Reports. 580 Catalogtce of Law Library. Vil. & Br Vilas & Bryant's edition of the Wisconsin Re- ports. Vin. Abr Viner's Abridgment. Virg- Virginia (see Va.) ; — Virginia. Virgin Virgin's Reports (52-60 Maine) — Virginia (see Va.) Viz Videlicet — (that is to say). Vo Verbo. Vr Vroom's New Jersey Reports. Vroom (G. D. W.) . . . . G. D. W. Vroom's New Jersey Law Reports (86-63). Vroom (P. D.) P. D. Vroom's New Jersey Law Reports (30, 35). Vs Versus — (against). Vt Vermont ; — Vermont Reports. W King William ; — Wheaton's United States Su- preme Court Reports ; — Wendell's New York Reports ; — Watt's Reports, Pennsylvania ; — Weekly ; — Wisconsin ; — Wyoming. W. A Western Australia. W. Bl Sir William Blackstone's English King's Bench Reports. W. C. C Washington's United States Circuit Court Re- ports. W. C. Rep West Coast Reporter. W. Dig Weekly Digest. W. H. Chron Westminster Hall Chronicle, London. W. H. & G Welsby, Hurlstone & Gordon's English Ex- ' chequer Reports. W, J Western Jurist, Des Moines, Iowa. W. Jo Sir William Jones' English King's Bench Re- ports. W. Kel William Kelynge's English Chancery Reports. W. L. B Weekly Law Bulletin, Columbus, Ohio. W. L. Gaz Weekly Law Gazette, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. L. Jour Western Law Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. L. M Western Law Monthly, Cleveland, Ohio ; Weekly Law Magazine (London). W. L. R Washington Law Reporter, Washington, D. C. ; Weekly Law Reporter, London. W. N Weekly Notes, London. W. N. C Weekly Notes of Cases, Philadelphia ; Weekly Notes of Cases, London. Abbreviations. 581 W. P. Cas Wollaston's English Bail Court (Practice) Cases. W. R Weekly Reporter, London ; — Weekly Reporter, Bengal; — Wendell's Reports; — Wisconsin Re- ports; — West's Reports (English Chancery). W. R. Calc Sutherland's Weekly Reporter, Calcutta. W. R. L. J Western Reserve Law Journal (Cleveland). W. Rep West's Reports temp. Hardwicke, English Chan- cery. W. Rob W. Robinson's English Admiralty Reports. W. T. R Weekly Transcript Reports, New York. W. Ty. R Washington Territory Reports. W. Va West Virginia Reports. W. Va. Bar West Virginia Bar (Morgantown). W. Va. Bar Assn West Virginia Bar Association. W. W. & A'B. Vict.. .Wyatt, Webb, & A'Beckett's Reports, Victoria. W. W. & D Willmore, Wollaston & Davison. W. W. & H Willmore, Wollaston, & Hodges' English O. B. Reports. W. & B. Dig Walker & Bates, Digest Ohio. W. & C Wilson & Courtenay's Scotch Appeal Cases (see Wilson & Shaw). W. & L. Dig Wood & Long's Digest, Illinois. W. & M Woodbury & Minot's United States Circuit Court Reports ; — W^illiam & Mary. W. & S Watts & Sergeant's Pennsylvania Reports ; — Wilson & Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases. W. & S. App Wilson & Shaw's Scotch Appeals, English House of Lords. W. & T. Eq. Ca. (or L. C.) White & Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. W. & W White & Willson. Texas Ct. App. Civil Cases. W. & W. Vict Wyatt & Webb's Victorian Reports. Wa Watt's Reports, Pennsylvania ; — Wales. Wait Dig Wait's Digest New York. Wait St. Pap Wait's State Papers of the United States. Wal Wallace (see Wall). Wal. by L Wallis' Irish Reports, by Lyne. Walk Walker (see Walker) . Walk Ch Walker's Michigan Chancery Reports. Walk. Mich Walker's Michigan Chancery Reports. Walk. Miss Walker's Mississippi Reports. 582 Catalogue of Law Library. Walker Walker's Mississippi Reports ; — Walker's Michi- gan Chancery Reports ; — Walker's Reports ; — 25, 72-88, Texas) ;— Walker's Texas Civil Ap- peals Reports, vols. 1-10 ; — Walker, Alabama Reports, Vols. 90 and 109. Wall Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports ; — Wallace (Senior), United States Circuit Court Reports ; — (Wallace's) Philadelphia Re- ports; — Wallis' Irish Chancery Reports. Wall. C. C Wallace's Reports, U. S. Circuit Court, 3d Cir- cuit. Wall, Jr Wallace's (J. W.) United States Circuit Court Reports. Wall. Rep. Wallace on the Reporters ; — Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports. Wall. S. C Wallace's United States Supreme Court Reports. Wall. Sen Wallace's (J. B.) United States Circuit Court Reports. Wallis Wallis' Irish Chancery Reports. Wallis by L Wallis' Irish Chancery Reports, by Lyne. Walsh Walsh's Registry Cases, Ireland. Ward Warden's Reports (see Warden). Ward. W. L. G Warden's Weekly Law Gazette. Warden Warden's Reports (2, 4 Ohio State). Warden & Smith Warden & Smith's Reports (3 Ohio State). Ware Ware's United States District Court Reports. Warth Code West Virginia Code. 1899. Wash Washington ; — Washington's United States Cir- cuit Court Reports ; — Washington's Virginia , Reports; — Washburn's Reports (16-23 Ver- mont). Wash. Bar Assn Washington State Bar Association. Wash. C. C Washington's United States Circuit Court Re- ports. Wash. Dig Washburn's Digest, Vermont. Wash. Jur Washington Jurist. Wash. L. Ex Washington Law Exchange. Wash. L. Rep Washington Law Reporter, Washington, D. C. Wash. Ter Washington Territory Reports. Wash. Ter. N. S Allen's Washington Territory Reports. New Series. Wash. Va Washington's Virginia Reports. Washburn Washburn's Reports (16-23 Vermont). Abbreviations. 583 Wash. & Haz. P. E. L. Washburton & Hazard's Reports, Prince Edward Island. Wat Watkins ; — Watson. Wat. Cr. Di^ Waterman's Criminal Digest U. S. Wat. C. G. H Watermeyer's Cape of Good Hope Reports. Watermeyer Watermeyer's Cape of Good Hope Reports. Watts Watts' Penn. Reports ;— Watts' Reports (16-24 West Virginia. Watts & Serg Watts & Sergeants' Pennsylvania Reports. We West ; — West's English House of Lords Cases ; West's Chancery Reports. Web. Pat. Cas Webster's Patent Cases. Web. Tr The Trial of Professor Webster for Murder. Webb Webb's Reports (6-20 Kansas) ;— Texas Civil Appeals vol. 11-20. Webb, A'B & W Webb, A'Beckett, & Williams' Victorian Re- ports, Australian. Webb, A'B. & W. Eq. . . Webb, A'Becket, & Williams' Equity Reports, Victoria. Webb, A'B. & W. I. P. & M Webb, A'Beckett, & Williams' Insolvency, Pro- bate, and Matrimonial Reports, Victoria. Webb, A'B. & W. Min.Webb, A'Beckett, & Williams' Mining Cases, Victoria. Webb & Duval Webb & Duval's Reports (1-3 Texas). Webs Webster. Week. L .B Weekly Law Bulletin (Cincinnati and Colum- bus). Week, Dig Weekly Digest, New York. Week, Jur Weekly Jurist, Bloomington, 111. Week. L. Gaz Weekly Law Gazette, Cincinnati, Week. L. Mag Weekly Law Magazine. Week. L. Rec Weekly Law Record. Week. L. Rev Weekly Law Review, San Francisco, Cal. Week. No Weekly Notes of Cases, London. Week. No. Cas Weekly Notes of Cases, Philadelphia ; — Weekly Notes of Cases, London. Week. Reptr Weekly Reporter, London ; — Weekly Reporter, Bengal. Week. Trans. Repts. . . Weekly Transcript Reports, New York. Weight. Med. Leg. Gaz.Weightman's Medico-Legal Gazette, London. Wei Welsh's Irish Registry Cases. Welch Dig Welch's Digest, Ohio. 584 Catalogue of Law Library. Welsh. H. & G Welsby, Hurlstone, & Gordon, English Ex- chequer Reports. Welsh Welsh's Registry Cases, Ireland ; — Welsh's Irish Cases at Sligo ; — Welsh's (Irish) Case of James Feighny, 1838. Welsh. Reg. Cas Welsh's Irish Registry Cases. Wend Wendell's New York Reports. Wenz Wenzell, Minnesota Reports vols. 60-78. West West's Reports, English House of Lords ; — i West's Reports, English Chancery ; — West- ern Tithe Cases; — Weston's Reports (11-14 Vermont) ; — Western Reporter. West. Aus Western Australia. West. Co. Rep West Coast Reporter. West. Ch West's English Chancery Cases. West. t. H West's English Chancery Reports temp. Hard- wicke. West. H. L West's Reports, English House of Lords. West. Jur Western Jurist, Des Moines, Iowa. West. L. J Western Law Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio. West. L. Mo Western Law Monthly, Cleveland, Ohio. West. L. N Western Legal News. West. Leg. Obs Western Legal Observer, Quincy, Illinois. West. L. T Western Law Times (Winnipeg). West. Rep Western Reporter. West. Res. L. J Western Reserve Law Journal (Cleveland). West. Ti. Cas Western Tithe Cases. West. Va West Virginia ; — West Virginia Reports. Westm. Rev Westminster Review. Weston Weston's Reports (11-14 Vermont) . Weth Wethey's Reports, Canada. Wh Wheaton's United States Supreme Court Re- ports ; — Wharton's Pennsylvania Reports ; — Wheeler's New York Criminal Reports. Wh. Cr. Cas Wheeler's New York Criminal Cases. Wh. & T. L. C White & Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. Whar Wharton's Pennsylvania Reports. Whar. Dig Wharton's Digest, Pennsylvania. Whar. St. Tr Wharton's United States State Trials. Whart Wharton. Wheat Wheaton's United States Supreme Court Re?- ports. Abbreviations. ^^^ ^heel Wheeler's New York Criminal Cases ;— Wheel- ock's Reports (32-37 Texas). Wheel. Br. Cas Wheeling Bridge Case. Wheel Cr. C Wheeler's New York Criminal Cases. Wheel. Cr. Rec Wheeler's Criminal Recorder, New York (1 Wheeler's Criminal Cases). Whit Pat Cas Whitman's Patent Cases, United States. White White's Reports (10-15 West Virginia). Vols. 30-40 Texas Court of Appeals ;— White, Scotch Justiciary Reports. White & T. L. Cas White & Tudor's Leading Cases in Equity. Whitm. Lib. Cas Whitman's Massachusetts Libel Cases. Whitm Pat. Cas Whitman's Patent Cases. Whitm. Pat. Lew. Rev. .Whitman's Patent Law Review, Washmgton, D. C. "Whitney Land Laws, Tennessee. Whitt Whittlesey's Reports (31-41 Missouri). Whitt. Co Whittaker's Codes, Ohio. Wight Eh Cas Wight's Election Cases (Scotch). Wight (or Wightw.)...Wightwick's English Exchequer Reports. Wil Williams (see Will.) ;— Wilson (see Wils.). Wilcox .'.*.'.".". Wilcox's Reports (10 Ohio) ; Wilcox, Pennsyl- vania. Wilcox Cond Wilcox. Condensed Ohio Reports. Wilk Wilkinson, Texas Court of Appeals and Civil ' Appeals; Wilkinson, Australia. Wilk. & Ow. or Wilk.& , Pat.; or Wilk & Mur. Wilkinson, Owen, Patterson & Murray s New South Wales Reports." Will ...Willes English Common Pleas Reports ;— Will- son's Texas Appeals, vols. 29-30, see also Williams. Will. Ann. Reg Williams' Annual Register, New York. Will -Bund. St. Tr. ... Willis-Bund's Cases from State Trials. Will Mass Williams' Reports (1 Massachusetts). Will p Peere Williams' English Chancery Reports. Will Saund Williams's Notes to Saunder's Reports. Will. Woll. & Dav Willmore, Wollaston & Davison's English O. B. Reports. Will. Woll & Hodg. ..Willmore. Wolloston & Hodges, English Q. B. Reports. Will Vt Williams' Reports (27-29 Vermont) . Willes Willes' English Common Pleas Reports. 586 Catalogue of Law Library. Williams .Williams' (Peere) English Chancery Reports ; — Williams' Reports (27-29 Vermont) ;— Wil- liams' Reports (1 Mass.) ; — Williams, Utah Reports vols 10-12. Williams P Peere Williams English Chancery Reports. Willm. W. & D Willmore, Wollaston & Davison's English Q. B. Reports. Willm. W. & D Willmore, Woolaston & Hodges' English Q. B. Reports. Willson Willson's Texas Court of Appeals, vols. 29-30, also Tex. Ct. App. Civil Cases; Willson, vols. 48-59, Minnesota. Wilm ' Wilmot's Notes of Opinions, English King's Bench. Wilm. Op. (or Judg.) . . Wilmot's Notes of Opinions. Wils. . . * Wilson's English Common Pleas Reports. Wils. Ch Wilson's English Chancery Reports. Wils. Ent Wilson's Entries and Pleadings (same as 3 Lord Raymond). Wils. Exch Wilson's English Exchequer Reports. Wils. (Ind.) Wilson's Indiana Superior Court Reports. Wils. K. B Sergeant Wilson's English King's Bench Re- ports. Wils. & Court Wilson & Courtenay's Scotch Appeals Cases (see Wilson & Shaw). Wils. & Sh Wilson & Shaw's Scotch Appeals Cases (Shaw, Wilson & Courtenay). Wilson Wilson's English Common Pleas Reports ; — Wil- son's English Chancery Reports; — Wilson's ' English Exchequer Equity Reports; — Wil- son's Indiana Superior Court Reports; — Wil- son's Reports (1, 3 Oregon). Win Winston's Law Reports, North Carolina ; — Winch's English Common Pleas Reports. Win. Eq Winston's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Winch Winch's English Common Pleas Reports. Wins. Eq Winston's Equity Reports, North Carolina. Winst. (or Winst. Eq.) Winston's Law or Equity Reports, North Caro- lina. Wis Wisconsin ; — Wisconsin Reports. Wis. Bar Assn Wisconsin State Bar Association. Wis. Leg. N Wisconsin Legal News, Milwaukee. With. Corp. Cas Withrow's American Corporation Cases. Abbreviations. 587 Withrow Withrow's Reports (9-21 Iowa). Wkly. L. B Weekly Law Bulletin, Ohio. Wm. Bl V.'i'liair. Blackstone's English King's Bench Re- ports. Wm. Rob William Robinson's English Admiralty Re- ports. Wms Williams (see Will.). Wms. Ann. Reg Williams' Annual Register, New York. Wms. Mass Williams' Report (1 Massachusetts). Wms. Notes Williams' Notes to Saunders' Reports. Wms. Peere Peere' Williams, English Chancery Reports. Wms. Saund Williams' Notes to Saunders' Reports. Wms. Vt Williams' Reports (27-29 Verriiont). Wol Wollaston's English Bail Court Reports ; — Wol- cott, Delaware Chancery Reports vol. 7. Wolf. & B Wolferstan & Bristow's English Election Cases. Wolf. & D. . .* Wolferstan & Dew, English. Woll. (or Wool. P. C.) . Wollaston's English Bail Court Reports (Prac- tice Cases). Wood Wood's United States Circuit Court Reports ; — Wood's English Tithe Cases. Wood Deer Wood's (Decrees in) Tithe Cases. Wood H Hutton Wood's Decrees in Tithe Cases, Wood Ti. Cas Wood's Tithe Cases. Wood & M. (or Woodb. & M.) Woodbury & Minot's United States Circuit Court Reports. Woodf. Cel. Tr Woodfall's Celebrated Trials. Woodm. Cr. Cas Woodman's Reports of Thatcher's Criminal Cases, Massachusetts. Woods (or Woods C. C.) Wood's United States Circuit Court Reports. Woodw. Dec. Pa Woodward's Common Pleas Decisions, Pennsyl- vania. Wool Woolworth's United States Circuit Court Re- ports ; — Woolrych. Wool C. C Woolworth's Reports, U. S. Circuit Courts, 8th Circuit (Fuller's Opinions). Woolw Woolworth's United States Circuit Court Re- ports; — Woolworth's Reports (1 Nebraska), Words. Elect. Cas Wordsworth Election Cases. Wr Wright (see Wright). -588 ' Catalogue of Law Library. Wr. (or Wr. Pa.) Wright's Reports, Pennsylvania State Reports, vols. 37-50. Wr. Ch. or Wr. Ohio. .Wright's Reports, Ohio. Wright Wright's Reports (37-50 Pennsylvania State ; — Wright's Ohio Report. Wright N. P Wright's Nisi Prius Reports, Ohio. Wy Wyoming ; — Wyoming Reports ; — Wythe's Vir- ginia Chancery Reports. Wy. C. L. B Weekly Law Bulletin (Cincinnati and Colum- bus). Wy. Die Wyatt's Dickens' Chancery Reports. Wy. Jur Weekly Jurist. Wy. L. Gaz Weekly Law Gazette. Wyatt W. & A'B Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Reports, Victoria. Wyatt W. & A'B. Eq. . Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Equity Reports, Victoria. Wyatt W. & A'B. L P. & M Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Insolvency, Probate and Matrimonial Reports, Victoria. Wyatt W. & A'B. Min. .Wyatt, Webb & A'Beckett's Mining Cases, Vic- toria. Wyatt & Webb Wyatt and Webb's Reports, Victoria. Wyatt & W. Eq Wyatt & Webb's Equity Reports, Victoria. Wyatt & W. L P. & M . Wyatt & Webb's Insolvency, Probate, and Matri- monial Reports, Victoria. Wyatt & W. Min Wyatt & Webb's Mining Cases, Victoria. Wyman Wyman's Reports, India. Wynne Bov Wynne's Bovill's Patent Cases. Wyo. T Wyoming Territory. Wythe Wythe's Virginia Chancery Reports. Y Year ; — Yeates' Pennsylvania Reports. Y. B Year Book, English King's Bench, etc. Y. B. Ed. I Year Books of Edward I. Y. B. S. C Year Books, Selected Cases, 1. Y. & C Younge & Collyer's English Chancery Reports and Exchequer. Y. &: J Younge & Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. Y. L. R York Legal Record. Yale L. J Yale Law Journal, New Haven, Conn. Yale Rev Yale Review. Yates Sel. Cas Yates' New York Select Cases. Abbreviations. 589 Yea, (or Yeates) Yeates Pennsylvania Reports. Yelv Yelverton, English. Yerg Yerger's Tennessee Reports. Yo Young (see You.) . Yorke Ass Clayton's Reports (Yorke Assises). York Leg. Rec York Legal Record. You Younge's English Exchequer Equity Reports. You. & Coll. Ch Younge & Collyer's English Chancery Reports. You. & Coll. Ex Younge & Collyer's English Exchequer Equity Reports. You. & Jerv Younge & Jervis' English Exchequer Reports. Young Young's Reports. 31-47 Minnesota. Young Adm Young's Nova Scotia Admiralty Cases. Young M. L. Cas.... Young's Maritime Law Cases. Younge Younge's English Exchequer Equity Reports. Younge & Coll. Ch. ... Younge & Collyer's English Chancery Cases. Younge & Coll. Ex. . . Younge & Collyer's English Exchequer Equity Reports. Younge & J Younge & Jervis, English. Young Adm. Dec Young's Admiralty Sessions. Zab Zabriskie's New Jersey Reports. Zane Utah Reports, vols. 4-9. Zinn. Ca. Tr Zinn's Select Cases in the Law of Trusts. UC SOUTHERrj REGIONAL LIBR-aRY FACILITY